pi rsnt. Duke University Libraries Message of the Conf Pam #437 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Dec. 8, 1864.— Referred to Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. [By the Chair,] MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., Dec. 7, 1864. To the Senate and House of Ueprestntatives : I herewith transmit, for your consideration, a communication from the Secretary of War, covering an estimate " of funds required to meet our treaty obligations to the Indian Nations, for the period end- ing June 30th, 1865." JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF WAR. Confederate States of America, War Dfpartn Richmond, December America, ^ tment, \ 7, 1864. ) To the Presider.t of the Confederate States : Sir : I have the honor to submit herewith an estimate, prepared by the Comoiissioner of Indian Affairs, of funds required to meet our treaty obligations to the Indian Nations, for the period ending June SUth,* isri5. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATIONS required to comply with 2'reaty Stipuhtio?is entered into hdwsen tho Confederate States and cer- tain Indians Tribes : Creek Treaty, July 10th, 1861. For perpetual annijities from July 1, 180-1, to June 30, 1S65, under article 4 1 , to be paid to the treasurers of the nation, $24,o0(^ DO For interest from July 1, 1864, to June 30, !865, under article 41, on the sum of $2i!(),()()l) in the treasury of the United Siatea, and -which should have been in- vested for educational purposes, to be paid to tlie treas- urers of the nation, 10,000 00 For annual provision for education from July 1, 1864, to June 30, 1865, under article 41, to be paid to tho treasurers of the nation, 1,0'^0 00 For annual provision, under article 4 1 , for wagon makers, blacksmiths, shops, iron, steel and agricultural pur- poses, from July 1, 1864, to June 30, 1865, to be paid to the treasurers of the nation, 5,430 00 $40,920 00 Choctaw and Chickasaw Treaty, July 12th, 1861. For permanent annuities for the Choctaws and other amounts, pay- ments and allowances, from July I, 1864, to June 30, 1885, under article 53', to be paid to the treasurer of the nation, $10,520 00 For interest from July I, 186-1, to June 30, 1865, on tho sum of $500,000, under article 53, held in trust for the Choctaws, under treaty of June 22, 1855, to be paid to the treasurer of the nation, 25,000 00 For permanent annuity, under article 56, payable to the Chickasaws, and interest on the investments and funds of the Chickasaws in tlie treasury of the United States, from July 1, 1864, to June 30, 1865, to be paid to the treasurer of the nation, 25,606 89 S61,1 26 89 Cherokee Treaty, October 7th, 1861. For interest from July 1, 1864, to June 30, 1865, under article AS, on $5,000 of the Cherokee orphan fund uninvested by the United States, and on stocks amounting to $10,561.39 of the tlnited States and States not of this Confederacy, forming parts of Cherokee national and school funds, to be paid to the treasurer of the nation, $893 68 Osage Treaty, October 2d, 1861. For annual purchase of clothing and other articles to be distributed to the Osages, during the year 1865, under article 39, SU),000 00 Reserve Indian Treaty, August 12th, 18G1. For rations of provisions to be furnished the Wichitaa and other re- serve Indians, UQder contract from December 1, 1864, to June 30, 1865, $75,000 00 To meet the incidental expenses of the public service within the Indian tribes, from December 31, 1864, to June 30, 1865, $75,000 00 Kecapitulation. On account of the Creeks, $40,920 00 On account of the Choctaws and Chickasaws, 61,126 89 On account of the Cherokees, 893 C8 On account of the Osages, 10,0110 00 On account of the Reserve Indians, 75,000 00 <)n account of the contingencies, 75,000 00 $262,940 57 Confederate Statf.s of America, War Department, ^ Office, of Indian Jffnirs, > Richmond, Va , December 5, lc'i64. ) Hon. James A, Seddon, Secretary of War : Sir: I have been unable to submit theso papers at an earlier day^ as 1 have but recently returned to ilichmond from the Indian country. Very respeclfully, your obedient servant, S. S.- SCOTT, Commissioner y dc. peRmalife* pH8.5