°[ 1 4- . ^ "m 4* \ 4* If Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/broadsidesballad01ford ■ JflaSsiacfmgette ^tsitortcal i^orietp Founded 1791 COLLECTIONS VOLUME 75 Committee of Publication HENRY CABOT LODGE WORTHINGTON CHAUNCEY FORD iCJcipK •* M aum t U lyifu 1 ) 1 ^ i.tltnf hi drflw^ rffealtaU , quc ic dcbc .» la r iB*idpinOl»l,T corporal, 1“ Hp*lIftJo»icrolo»ori*cioit #»!•' MoWunia qrtc lantocelcbr.' cl tmArfdo f crto t«w. dcfvl 1 i retard#. .0* i v media at lo# tic. » ‘tonucRro Woe, Icoofu# litoolmw , >• oracionc# I^RConcedidoeQa IgiUlmd^fiijuicnct.v- _ . .... „ „* • ■ geiWncv, cRtte#,? fcabitaree en «llo#, f elaS.^t/Catbolicafucrcnn !uiofla per- il^ jdeiraiKtrdtoH'ion « pclcar cowta la# !&>£ rcrcito, j*r w~'~ : i Mo cn et boMftcl te C t< c5irira«J(lc coroion.y UvcifcPurcR tort (fi ffS ww* 1 c ' » *L> (VndMcr &£'■ |Hhffi).antw del fm M » 1 >«a#icicf'idaJ Icfinm nMgf c.cnviinci) or*x*-x I ii ftSt '* dicj.T OOF-f:-- lU.fodo^ trw.oqoatrj. pJad.idicv perfon i*. *1. i'Jdo |W^BBS X iWiobrcvcn^.»,fc parCicrcndel ) ' Ofla , cn dl M forma. Q.nc f. c ! q af#i cnvtttv foci « C pudifdo tUtoo.a lo mono# quarto.^ lx# otro# fcrfa|Jj|j4«J -jodni . aviar nn lold.i 1o>.o;irnb:ry#do cfl-la Onofeg .mi lodr'lo# fal.v'iCnbiid.TUJonafl.cncmri p»fo!J«d:lcftrt\v TJonart.u Armoriopamcolar.fcrtaUdA. f dimad- P li'inirrcrtciaj-dr fiw r ami liar redbirel S3. S ’ficujjlS^W i»n > j cilo. q fe qm : .V cc q la » vccc* 4 b-i Vierc dc ufiudc icf„/iac6rjaWcl W.eoccdc.t cnticpodccntrcd.cpopucdiCcffcpMUadjfcBJ HMtfCfl nO nUii, dmitc .fin did? tfftrcdn a.icqpucdan Jr cftfcw dfMWI i*aeljB£l?onci>o,r4ar. iimriiiopucdQ Uorcimciifu«l«dxiae**Tfcae^»3,»jiCj o.fltoMKtorl afuoo.v cncile aW j!r.\dc co ncr |?ucv>ox.f --ofMlL: c-i jla'cA.in Jc la#Sccpl.lvn>ClcfiuOr-JJ l 'f f cr. iinajitoaloaSiw d< liiillt^I.vunox.r lo» Ofro# i odra :om r l;ncr^,r cola# dc Ic. be afailv^d*^ \ lflUKi>anrimar< Vi- luntauainfe pdcvocjO endi# q oStumdteptea x loo piincip ctpril).; I’mo ptid>crf afinar (< nlgu le^idmo iinpcdWiU«sprfnaW tt.^rAati mifcrlcordfpUinKM .mcc anox.f quince quarftcna#dc p.rdo dc*Ui»p vUitHuoi»«,y riound - I.udc.l3i-f»unu i *tydn a laCtScdc la i^nlly inCcna ^tn.erccpioeicaH ’'»• loPpucdn nJ wWc' I o j 1. 6 f c (T urm .o pcnitfcia f’ludiiwl, foiUiBit uptrj^Tnbcd. hfSTIj'jlfliMlc .r fax bcrcJcrw>»aiOtro#porcllo#. Vk HCilcrylBjMtg ^a^)i#CKi-Ti^'gBbda.tr. ■J'tol.vdc faftid. v4kdiaiA.fi n r> (ynjllfmci ff +m* • nuc'i# CffTrlt^a, f alncmpo niflituido b ’• J^lcWI n#eil|^i r MKE4, fu, ‘ ■ U C'^°* b UapiKJ4d«^alC6(fc« 09r» deta *% pcdio on . z Otroft concede la mi line irkduKenoa a a^lloo^'jc.aun , n» jgrtfaCsmrc^Mpo.tfiji/ dcd-;f .»R>lu<,tDarai<#^ CAdc.cnvic duiipj b» bre# AjAIbUJU^m.o £ lcri fioa.cn ci < uno cl fuvo,fl »ucrcn U.: podrca.d n* Wl»Wf .«fUw4Uu>ildondc U# $,1 dm# f IX> »n*'.d« aelifilof.o U,diaicraa.aun4rcflOdcJ t acaBado^nfutabilco.conful ia mifma mduU.la qual aianmnno ccic^uiril«a_gw prcdicart U paUora cfdDJO# cn cl diefco cicrcito.o ere rcnar^oird# mJnimr* DmifTldi ij> (niilc* idonco#,no fivdo £ura*,o d ; carijo dc alrnax.\Mbu< LMrUcflafanuobracola limoiinn mfrafcripfa.d trite '4 #efkio#pfih? pcrfoiiax.fi fucrif iprcooyf.o MjcrloalcIcOrJP *~ l d‘aa | ~f >af ‘V 1 “ ' n 0 .llcv no afifidocaufaalciuradjcbOfW « 0ra4tsi#Wt.4i»< ielaTanofidch# ' ^loa^oicrwrc.^rUiiad.anobu^lMfp m o», onofocri^j caviar, ft citubo.'«,yj*rtKl.ici dc loi' w ^Llioplof idola areda de tfnev C la actonli\6rm yitf ely 1 iNffu.ia la unit s cajtf| oirriodc fuCWcffor.o Cora,iodiw qnCmo vccea U p; licr# durateda diepa j&rv J 1 c.fV-lfc rMctw.r cnqoalquicr naflcm dctnd<9,( a fc* participltc# dc toda# laaorac i i»o*^ liutafK.TcncadsiMo ie fu# imcor v »#fcbai<. Jir.coccdca lox4endja«d i&iMr«XMA -oOfKoHliai ^fillrtcltKortceogpAf jlcf^junaifar.TaUi tpiiicrf or#ci6 dcvo«a^ BSta #rfirt lMj4kf.de la CltKft4dcB»ooi4,vcoru.iijf.dclU,i.oin.>'U#dannria.S per^ 4flcdcfa5aiMid.atodo«loefiifo|^lMpaad*dcaJr p Conf.aqaatq. (Pro*b yfero. ipcacci^c.q C&p apKftr 1 ■bMf fux . uc'po# fc Ud pocdll dyfltp! faM^ldfoimrfKfla^aliadoo vke*c( (»rK' adoo^nm.-ncx.r c;. v(To-wfW ftr qpd* ffu S*j r i d . c>A • F*rt la^Mn* ®M .CmvndCfdrmd# qtkna.cn tWo»»W^; p . 1 Vl *ATc «<•(!•*# e n erto# Vxctfcot JI*flBToroedf«un V m - ttdA» dk <7j •evade rod! tl&cald jerovid if» ra fclK - 3 o-.rm conr... bnf cUa , que (e ^jdc p«* Oiaolis hcregiu lonm i on#«Jri»av f ox .mi>oiranti(#imacof«,par« Hlcaiyarvlsionat tI#4c(^co,mfnion<»doadclla#,vJmi»Cloowa4U-i on,y .mu, )udco laafucrwadcl rmicnre.v fanro Capita* «n:ra lOoBniwk .aa. tftox ] * , w *A lei, cwntacorc n.ipmrunlco fu*o# . rara quc por 1ft. ^rnuK f*»n reocids# lo# Ocroic# , en favor dc elhl fa?ia cmprefia , > - lla. v Umanda pAblimr «.0M3. I^.Cluncnic ©nowcum P ,\irvKr«incotc,fu s.anticlad C&Ctdc a codo# '•# ^iclo# £b. alov^coclloa ViVicrV.o cn cllo# fc ballaic ' V ^movidooj (bnalricnt c a fcrvir a to querrt en cl fireiM to, • con la ^ rate <>0,0 loa ocro# ^nfirlca.o bacer oiro qualquicrt u«"i, . o,«|f fndefta i^cdicaaoo.la plerana indulqciH.v remj/won d**T dc bocmv no pudienJo c«mfefTar lo defcaren dc carijon) ^ Icf cl ano del 3ubl!«0;y de«lara,q la tal mdaticftti cW jan alaiio al etcrctcc.Oco cl miimo crercifo.f n4ucllo#i4 P U Abfoluaon , ^ una vcz cn la vida . y otra cn el ar acuio dc 1 .rui .ft^ni pot a>u».et cet Jftor antborid.de 0io# todo podctofo.v de lo» B tod* er fora dc dxonuium.nwr o men.fulpffion.oentwdic.a lorc.vti ab b omi rff .ics4 ft cR* t< « conccd.v rcDituvotc a la union,? c omimic dc lo# J . lr - 2 ••ilce,qlnaofoluiionddlo#alaSHL ? dc lax p^na '.quc p >t cllo#crai#A l«doa padi ^.iU?irt*;«>londc f. bnicr. I, piiMirttioM prt41c.d.S ||b.erp«ciBlmtc «tl conted^r ■ ™ (om.MdL dc roda»la#ccnfur.f p. .adbx.t) ftqunlcfq. tnufa aval iiicumd.aun,cRSlArdro3Jfiivculaindikq.plctt. 'gc'tedlafeia.aun aminiJ. ,jS irjatono*.' /taes nt S anaRnUu .ndulqenc.plenar. tune#, enlo* q j#tro Corona l v mini ’..plert. tdlcdiaic faca an 3m made u*K.enStb:dromd.pk.i. find til. plfe KOCO.cn S.Lor cut. tfOanil'pcma miol q.plc. 3 irv.cn S-3'lve l.y cn S.'Oir.cnlo# t#lka,cn loo Sx.Hp*Rolc#indJlq.pleii. (Jterneo.-n S-feifcbioindili-plciiaria. |Oo, cn ‘3. IJAcdro iilluU.oUnana. S 1011!,', cn S. .iluola# m .Circcre iniufcj.pl«^ H.«n3.3>*noicftaviecla l vcnS.l)*r. 0"i.c. cn5. p: Jro miul (jnc.olcniria. -► SafOriftdalqcnciaplcmirla. L m.-#, cn S Cbrif.*?ono md jl i.plcnari*. •nS.Cl^nentcmdulqcik plcnaria. lDtrrw.cn S.t&uirccinduljcaciaplen. mS.fjaIvirw indulq.pL-nana. ID'creolw, cn S- DtrcdoindaU.plcn. •.enS.CcctUalndata.picnar, Tucvw.cn S 3. ’olinarindulq.pkiianaa * ■ S.®* m CVillOtt mdul i.plen. *ii. I^ciroindulq.pleaar. Qlvi#,cn S. Ifftaneracio md iU.plen. & 'lav.en lo# Sa^ 'iiviria tf' feRftCtonc# dcfpuc* dc iPafqua. * t* nxbe dc IR ivid id.en S.®«n«« l fc mum )f«#.clo eken l#» ficR.dc cn la C'»t*ilU id i^cfcbre indolq. pb S jjwoxaS. ipcdroindHl;.plcn. finlafcq.® ’ Jciai^eo S-StwRif.! fel’diadfUl^fu B " £n laxtctaman r fe .Ta ari.dcipct.cn S.l'ii ^ tet ipfli.de i0cnt.cn S. tfbedro mniil ; o 1 fi’Jiii ,.vicn. O'* " • 1 m gm — a nS.llbedroinJnlq.pl. feliitdc Mavi Jad.a la tcrceraSiff.en fl *£.t3)daii>idulq.plciwna. Z cRcdiafcfucaun Snimad’c ijo in-.iiro*^- ^jnc#. en S- l^tdro ... ~ " > nn iod fefacaun 3«4maie tfburqatono. plcaariaaiS-Suandclxtran i.X8rco#,inaul$.plenaria- tune#. cnS ijbraccdiiind.ilq.plcnar. • S. Atmcuina mdtiU.fttcn. ISitrw, cn 5. .Ib'ifca indal 1 ncia ’icnarl # c iS.Slptoindnlg.plcnaria. ®icrier fel dia de la fe oi ,’bania. en S. ^edrol« 0fii.ln Scnt.er. S-Vorm?. c rfwimir. I - V cRt J. • fvTac a un 3n i ma dc-V £>• 1. 1-1 Sera;, en S- (babloiivltn f a ®ir.Tflljb*t-'lnd.plc. Dni. in Aumqua3.cn S. |0«dfO indtj BROADSIDES, BALLADS &c. PRINTED IN MASSACHUSETTS I 639 - I 800 The Massachusetts Historical Society 1922 7 0, s. vo Five hundred copies of this volume have been printed from type and the type distributed. INTRODUCTORY NOTE 1 1 1 ) a , j C' Cf • Lo Mr Jf The following list grew out of small beginnings. When in the Public Library of the City of Boston I amused myself in noting any broadside issued in Massachusetts between the years 1774 and 1783, on a half-formed scheme of utilizing the items in a study of the civil aspects of the War for Independence. The list was not completed and later, in the Library of Con- gress, was added to only as occasion offered, on no systematic plan. The growing interest in broadside material has sug- gested a full check-list, which would be a better guide were it extended to include all broadsides issued in Massachusetts from the earliest introduction of printing into the colony to the year 1800. On consulting Evans’ American Bibliography I estimated that double the number there recorded would be ample, but I was soon obliged to alter my opinion, and the result in numbers speaks for itself. In England the broadside served many purposes in the sixteenth century. From a proclamation by the King, or an act of Parliament, to a notice of a town by-law, authority used it to inform officials and the people of duties and regulations. In controversy, political or personal, the broadside served as a weapon of offence and defence, costing little and lending it- self readily to a quiet circulation, difficult to counter or to trace to its source. The news-sheet, out of which came the newspaper of to-day, was probably suggested by the broadside, and soon supplanted the broadside on mere matters of news, but by no means deprived it of a wide field of service. Poets put out ballads which, if popular, proved profitable to printer and hawker; satires, directly or indirectly levelled against abuses, wrongs or individuals, if spiced with wit or humor — - the broader the better — gave an opportunity to start a re- form, gratify revenge, retort to impudence or smother an opponent in ridicule. The newspaper “extra” of to-day was foreshadowed in the leaflet announcing a battle on land or sea, the death of a royal personage, a voting list on a measure of wide importance, a brutal murder or a dying confession. The 7 0, A 7 (d VI INTRODUCTORY NOTE collections in the Chetham Library, Manchester, in the Society of Antiquaries of London and in Lord Crawford’s library, indicate frequent and effective resort to this form of issue and the various forms it assumed. 1 The earliest examples of English broadsides that have sur- vived were associated with church and papal authority. The first known printed royal proclamation, issued in the year 1486, contained the papal Bull in favor of Henry VII, known only by an imperfect copy in the Society of Antiquaries of London. There exist a number of plenary indulgences issued under directions of the pope in the opening years of the six- teenth century, but not until 1640 was the earliest known political sheet printed — -“A Balade agaynst malycyous Sclaunderers ” — which was a defence of the memory of Thomas Cromwell. From that time the use of the broadside becomes increasingly common, and covered a large number of purposes. Massachusetts did not take kindly to the broadside, though the first issues of its press were in that form of official regula- tions. It was long before a broadside other than of govern- ment or of college was used for personal or mortuary ends. The earliest known issue of the press set up in Cambridge was in the form of a broadside — the “freeman’s oath” (1639) — and twenty years passed before the first known sheet of “verses” appeared in 1659. Nearly the same time elapsed before the broadside on smallpox was issued, probably by the aid or direc- tion of government, and that is one reason for doubting “ Inno- cency’s Complaint” (1677) as an issue of the New England press. If a genuine issue it stands as the first political broad- side in New England, not to be repeated until the coming from England of Benjamin Harris, whose experience at home had given him a thorough knowledge of the use and abuse of broad- side literature, an experience he was to repeat in Massachu- setts. As the idea of a Massachusetts news-sheet came from him, it is more than probable that he introduced the broadside other than official or mortuary. For nearly a century this form of publication enjoyed a somewhat uncertain existence, if what has survived offers any test of use and popularity. Government adopted it and in time of war extended its availability, partly because of the quick and ready printing and dispersion of the sheets, partly because of the saving they made in the preparation of reports and returns, both civil and military. Even in this last de- 1 Catalogues of these three collections of broadsides have been printed. INTRODUCTORY NOTE Vll scription of document recognition of its convenience was slow. The ship’s paper issued by Randolph in 1688 is the earliest instance, and suggests a foreign usage introduced by the King’s commissioner. Law blanks are found about the same time, and merchants used printed bills of lading in 1683. The funeral verses, which were pinned to the pall covering the coffin, represent the earliest personal employ- ment of the broadside, and those on Mrs. Minot (1667) were the first to show the roughly engraved border with its cut suggestive of mortality, for many years in favor. Sewall, for a time censor of the press, was fond of indulging his turn for verse printed on a single leaf, but his example does not appear to have been followed by others. The eighteenth century (1704) had come before the first account of behavior and dying speeches of criminals is found, unadorned with any cut or even with the heavy mourning borders. The development of illustration by woodcut was not rapid. The colony seal, the work of John Foster, appeared in 1676, and the royal arms on a proclamation issued by Andros and printed by Richard Pierce in 1688, again a direct importation of usage and perhaps of the engraved block itself by a royal representative. But after a single use of the royal arms the colony seal resumed its place on government papers, not to be again displaced until 1692, when Benjamin Harris, the most enterprising printer Boston ever had, brought in the royal arms. Not until 1718 was a cut intended as a true illustration employed, and the experiment could hardly have been profit- able, as the second instance is found in 1732, in connection with an execution on Boston Neck. By that time the populace were content to have its palate and eye thus morbidly tickled and each printer had his execution block which could be modi- fied to suit a single or a double hanging. Whether poverty of design, absence of taste or expense of cutting the block re- tarded the use of engraving in printing is a question not to be answered here; it was long before Hurd, Turner, Pelham, and Revere showed what could be done in that direction. The list points to Thomas Hancock, a bookseller, as the first to use a store-card, and the later one (1748) of Joseph and Daniel Waldo, engraved by James Turner, is on an unexpectedly elaborate scale. To indicate the beginnings and growth of the woodcut designs a few of them are reproduced. The use of the same cut a number of times and at wide intervals of time, even by different printers in different places, offers a Vlll INTRODUCTORY NOTE curious field for investigation which could only be glanced at in these pages. It would be impossible more than to indicate some of the double uses, without tracing cuts to almanac, primer and chap-book. Certain subjects of discussion encouraged the issue of leaflets, like the aspirations of Boston for a market, or the conditions following the experiments in bills of credit in the first half of the eighteenth century. But the institution of royal customs commissioners, the stamp act and resulting measures, con- tributory causes of the War for Independence, produced the greatest activity, still chiefly on the part of government. After the first years of the revolution the need of such an agency of publicity was less and the use rapidly declined. The news- paper improved as a medium of communication, and deprived the broadside of its principal excuse. Proposals of publication came in and apart from official issues represent the most in- teresting feature. The taste for executions and concomitant scenes died out in Boston but persisted in Worcester and other places. Ezekiel Russell of Salem developed a touch of the sensational in the general make-up of his impressions, intended to be hawked through the country by pedlars and tradesmen. It may be said, however, that the broadside practically ceases to have historical interest after 1800. The subject of Massachusetts almanacs has been exhaus- tively treated by Dr. Charles L. Nichols. 1 It is not a little strange that the broadside almanac, found in Pennsylvania at the end of the seventeenth century, was not more generally used in Massachusetts, for there was an undoubted conven- ience in that form. The earliest instance is the almanac of 1725 and while the sheet almanac is mentioned in advertise- ments occasionally, it is at the end of the eighteenth century that they become a regular issue, and then by that enterpris- ing printer and Dublisher, Isaiah Thomas, who was the nearest approach to Benjamin Franklin in ability to measure a market for his publications. 2 But the broadside almanac was prac- tically destroyed by the use to which it was put, and the few known examples are generally in a condition eloquent on the difficulty of preserving them. It is also possible that the use was more general than the few surviving examples would indicate. 1 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings, xxn. 15. 2 Dr. Nichols, in a volume printed by the Club of Odd Volumes, has dealt with Isaiah Thomas and the products of his press in a manner leaving nothing to be added. INTRODUCTORY NOTE IX One branch of future study will be the ballads circulated in the colony and province. The production of native poetry was not large, nor did it possess a high quality either in theme or in form. The atmosphere of early Massachusetts was not favorable to the cultivation of any of the muses, least of all that of poetry. The Bay Psalm Book (1640) illustrates at once the defect of imagination and the want of appreciation of a proper vehicle for poetic fancy. For generations the form and spirit of that kind of poetry affected the verse-makers, and the wealth of English poetry was almost a sealed book to the colonists. The broadside offers many examples of attempts at versification, and it is entirely of domestic manufacture. The ballad did not come into popular use until after the War for Independence, and never, indeed, attained the popularity it enjoyed in England. James Franklin, the Fleets of Boston and Ezekiel Russell of Salem were early exploiters of the oc- casional ballad, and later Nathaniel Coverly and his son, of Chelmsford and Boston, issued a large number of ballads, both American and foreign, appealing to a growing market for such products. In the list of ballads, appended to the list of broadsides, wide latitude has been taken and little regard given to time of issue. One excuse for this lies in the fact that the ballad may originally have been of early date and was reprinted for its supposed interest or novelty. Paper and print are most uncertain guides in determining the period of issue and to undertake to lay down arbitrary limits would end in greater confusion than to print a list of everything found. Complete- ness is not claimed for this ballad series, and much time, spent to little purpose, would be required to study origin, likeness and variation. The list is offered as tentative, to be developed by some student of that form of sheet literature. It is not a little remarkable, however, that Boston appears to have been the chief centre of production well into the nineteenth century. No other colony or state can show the same number of issues or so catholic a selection. The difficulty of dealing with this kind of printed material is that the items were printed in small editions, were sold at a low price or given away, and were difficult to preserve. It is doubtful if they were considered at the time of more than passing interest or worth the keeping. Nor have they been deemed worthy of separate mention in a sale catalogue of books until recent years, and I well remember how they were X INTRODUCTORY NOTE bundled in “lots” and sold for a song. A few collectors of autographs — like Thomas Addis Emmet and Gordon Lester Ford — gathered them to illustrate their letters, but that interest rested with such as were of historical importance. Within ten years the values in the market have steadily risen until they sell for prices out of all proportion to their intrinsic interest, but hardly yet proportioned to their rarity. Nor does any single collection yet exist of such size as to permit an appreciation of their political bearing or literary quality and position in colonial letters. Unquestionably the collection of Massachusetts Historical Society approaches the needs of such an appreciation, for effort has been made to bring to it reproductions of such issues of interest as were not to be found in the libraries of Boston and vicinity. Of 2949 items listed below in the first part of the volume, 1711 are to be found in our cabinet in the original or in a photographed form, or about fifty-eight per cent of the whole. The Society has in addition a number in facsimile form as issued in various publications, and it is within bounds to say that in Boston libraries can be found about everything of importance in this check list. This material is not easy to locate, for few libraries have separated or catalogued their broadsides as such, and the sheets were more apt to be used as wrappers or to be folded and bound in a volume of pamphlets than to be kept as sep- arate items. To ask a librarian for the broadsides in his keep- ing was to touch upon an almost unknown subject and it would be hopeless to go through the card catalogue of a library of even moderate size in search of leaflets, as the result would not justify the time required for such a search and much would be overlooked because not included or adequately described in the catalogue. In a “Catalogue of English and American Chap-Books and Broadside Ballads in Harvard College Library” Mr. Lane has shown the great variety and yet well defined classes of such issues. The only disappointment given by this catalogue of nearly twenty-five hundred items is the small number of American issues. If any library in the land might be expected to have stored on its shelves the curious and the occasional, that of Harvard College should stand first. It is actually first in scholarly collections — the English Chap-Books are an example — but it is either without a corresponding lot of American broadsides, or they are there in a form and in a location where they cannot be reached for examination. Pro- INTRODUCTORY NOTE XI fessor George L. Kittredge kindly placed at my disposal a collection of broadside ballads which has been gathered under his direction, and has thus done what was possible to unlock the undefined extent of such treasures in that library. I cannot but feel that my list is more incomplete than could be wished, merely because Harvard College supplied so little outside of its own commencement papers, notices and forms of business. Apart from that possible source, I believe I have covered the most important collections, and am quite willing to leave the supplement to my successor. 1 Such a list can never be complete, for the earlier issues of the press have so largely disappeared as to leave a gap of un- known extent. This is shown by the bills for printing for the colony submitted in 1689 and 1690 by Green, in which are named a number of items of which the larger part have not been located in any collection. There is no reason also to deny the separate appearance of some, if not all, of the elegiac verses found embodied in chapters of contemporary, or nearly con- temporary, history. Morton, in his New Englands Memoriall (1669), for example, prints Peter Bulkley’s “Lamentation” for the death of Rev. Thomas Hooker, 1647, two poems by Edward Bulkley, one “A Threnodia” on the death of Rev. Samuel Stone, 1663, and another on the death of Jonathan Mitchill, 1668, and a number of others. While it is possible that these verses circulated in manuscript, yet there is little internal evidence that Morton dealt in manuscript material other than that of Bradford. It is possible, even probable, that these elegies were printed and reached Plymouth in that form. I have listed them on the probability. I do not, how- ever, list those in Mather’s sermons and histories, because he was a collector of manuscripts, was in Boston, and therefore in a position to possess or have access to the manuscript. It is impossible even to conjecture the years of printing for the ballad literature. The imprint like the “Heart and Crown” or “In Cornhill” could apply to a long term of years and only indicates the printer. Where no contemporary record assists in determining the year or period, these ballads will be given alphabetically at the end of the list. If the date of an English issue has been found, it is adopted for the undated American leaflet, to place it in about its period of production, thus sug- 1 I have used auction, catalogues sparingly. They are very inaccurate in dates and in description, and claim more than can be conceded without a care- ful examination of the broadside and comparison with like issues. XU INTRODUCTORY NOTE gesting its place in a sequence. Such a practice is arbitrary, but may be justified in default of any other plan. An example of the problems raised is afforded by the sale by auction of what was believed to be our No. 142, the state- ment issued on the surrender of Edmund Andros. The copy of the broadside went into the library of Mr. William Gwinn Mather, and on his courteously sending a photostat repro- duction it was found to be the same text as No. 142 but entirely different in type, being in black letter. With such difficulties to overcome it is certain that this list cannot be considered as free from criticism. Some limitations were imposed at the beginning. Maps, or engravings or legal blanks have been excluded, except in a few instances and for special reasons. Maps are not proper subjects for such a list and are better dealt with in lists prepared by specialists in maps. A few engravings have been admitted, either because of their interest, like the card on spermaceti candles (208) engraved by Hurd, the unlocated “caricatura” (1344) by the same hand, or because they were pertinent, like the store-card of Hancock, the bookseller, or engraved commissions, like those under Bernard and Hutchinson. Law blanks came late into general use but rapidly increased in number and variety, few printers not printing what would be in steady demand and a source of small yet continuing profits. A careful study of the various changes in language and form might possibly sug- gest something of value to the historian of legal practice, but of no interest to any but the antiquary. The earliest occur- rence of a form is noted, with occasional mention of later varieties. Where the name of the printer is found it is given, for thus a clue with which to identify other issues of the same press may be suggested. One exception has been made in the “Oaths of Allegiance.” Being without date as a rule, those that bear a year — the year in which the signers took the oath — will serve to place in its proper time a like undated one. What appeared regularly at stated intervals are only occasionally listed. The annual law apportioning taxes throughout the colony and state, precepts to elect representa- tives, tickets to balls and assemblies and lottery tickets, are examples of what are either not listed at all, or given when found, or only once to establish the form. Proclamations appointing days of fasting or thanksgiving rest upon another basis, often giving historical information of the special occasion. The selection of items has not been entirely consistent, but INTRODUCTORY NOTE XUI the proper rule of inclusion would be difficult to frame and more difficult to apply. The definition of a broadside is not fixed, though Mr. Evans in the introduction to his fifth volume 1 has undertaken to discriminate. In the present instance the word has been broadly used, intended to apply to almost any issue of the press which has not a proper title page, whether printed on a single leaf or on a number of leaves, whether carrying page numbers and signature-marks or without such usual indica- tions of a pamphlet or volume. It is more serviceable to note this stray and fleeting product of the press, often unrecorded elsewhere, in too great fulness, for in that way the labors of other bibliographers are supplemented. Further, the list in its original intention and final performance is tinged with personal motives, serving as an aid in special undertakings now in process of completion. If too much has been included much has undoubtedly been omitted, and one of the leading objects of the publication is to call out from their hiding places the unknown or at least the undiscovered issues of a like character. The frontispiece to this volume is made up of two fragments of a papal indulgence printed at Madrid, February 2, 1738, and bearing the (printed) signature of Cardinal Gaspar de Molina y Oviedo. These fragments had been used as covers to two manuscript sermons by a New England clergyman. The history of this indulgence is told under No. 875 on page 121 of this volume. The ballad there mentioned is printed on the lower half of the indulgence and the text for that portion is complete. I have not located a complete text of the upper half and the reproduction is made in the hope that at some time a full example of this document, spoils of war, may be found. I acknowledge my indebtedness to the late Nathaniel Paine, of Worcester, and to Charles Evans, compiler of the American Bibliography , 2 Pioneers in this field, they did not go far in covering it. Intensive cultivation was needed to obtain the best results. I have received many favors from libraries, the custodians of which have thrown open their stores freely and with every privilege and courtesy. The list is practically that of the libraries named in the “Key” on page 2, and my sense of obligation is as great to the small as to the large libraries. 1 American Bibliography , v. xiv. 2 See also the list of “Early American Poetry to 1820” in the New York Public Library, made by Mr. John C. Frank and printed in the Bulletin of that Library, xxi. 517. XIV INTRODUCTORY NOTE An essential factor has been the photostat, which has enabled a closer examination of widely separated items to be made, developing hitherto undiscovered differences and adding materially to the number of issues known. Instances of this multiplication may be seen in the issues of Father Abdy’s Will (1730), broadsides issued on the death of George Whitefield (1770) and those on Levi Ames (1773). This comparison has also permitted printers to be identified, and under a more ex- tended application, will throw some light upon the history of printing in Massachusetts. Mr. F. W. Coar, of New York, has courteously permitted me to use blocks of some broadsides which have passed through his hands — the inserts in this volume. The illustrations in the text are copied from the originals and tend to prove the slow advance in wood engraving in the century covered by the list. Worthington Chauncey Ford. Boston, June, 1922. ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Spanish Indulgence, 1738 Frontispiece Colonial Seal 12, 24 Proclamation, 1686 18 The Little-Compton Scourge. 1721 19 Royal Arms, 1688, 19; 1696, 30; 1699, 33; 1705, 40; 1707,43; 1715, 56; 1733, 89; 1739, 101; 1759, 161; 1761, 170; 1763, 176; 1771, 214; 1773, 230 Conventional Mortuary Border, 1708 44 Mortuary Border, 1710 48 From an English Illustration, 1718 62 Dwarf, 1732 84 Father Abbey (?), 1732 85 Richard Wilson, 1732 86 Julian’s Execution, 1733 87, 89 Ormsby’s Execution, 1733 93 Admiral Vernon at Carthagena, 1741 107 Earthquake, 1744 110 Proclamation, 1745 114 Proclamation, 1746 115 Taking of Louisburg, 1745 117 Dying Speech of Old Tenor, 1750 128 Wieer’s Execution, 1754 138 Earthquake, 1755 140 Proclamations, 1755 144 Proclamation, 1756 148 Proclamation, 1757 149 Death of General Wolfe, 1759 159 Proclamation, 1759 164 A Brief, 1760 165 Fire at Harvard College, 1764 178 Liberty, Property and No Excise, 1765 179 Sherman’s Execution, 1764 180 XVI ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Independent Advertiser’s Emblem 187, 197 Vox Populi, 1766 187 Magnus Mode in Pillory, 1767 189 Boston Post-Boy, 1768 196 Pope-Night, 1768 198 The Tom-Cod Catcher 203 George Whitefield, 1770 209 Whitefield in the Pulpit, 1771 215 Ebenezer Richardson, 1772 221 Sheehan’s Execution, 1772 222 Ames’ Execution, 1773 223-226 Duckett’s Execution, 1774 237 Proclamation, 1774 242 Address of the City of London, 1775 243 A Circumstantial Account, 1775 248 In Provincial Congress, 1775 254 Bunker’s Hill, 1775 265 Boston Light House, 1775 266 Proclamation, 1776 272 Portrait (?), 1776 282 Oppression, 1777 292, 293 Daughters of Liberty, 1779 299, 300, 369 Young’s Execution, 1779 308 Huggins’ Execution, 1783 325 The Hermit, 1785 332 A School-Mistress, 1786 334 Arms of Commonwealth, 1787 340 Boston Fire, 1788 345 Lewis Capet, 1793 368 Adams and Liberty, 1798 388 Children in the Woods 405, 406 The Contented Wife 407 Dialogue between Death and the Lady 410 The Miser’s Daughter 431 Miss Mack Coy 436 Two Lovers 445 CHECK-LIST OF MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES, ETC. Key to Locations a as = American Antiquarian Society, Worcester. ba = Boston Athenaeum. bod = Bodleian Library, Oxford. bpl = Boston Public Library. bu = Brown University, Providence, R. I. CHS = Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. cong = Congregational Library, Boston. dh = Dedham Historical Society. ei = Essex Institute, Salem. hc = Harvard College. jcb = John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I . lc = Library of Congress, Washington. lcp = Library Company of Philadelphia. MeHS = Maine Historical Society, Portland, Me. ma = Massachusetts Archives. mhs = Massachusetts Historical Society. NHaSL = New Hampshire State Library. nyhs = New York Historical Society. nypl = New York Public Library. pc = Private Collection. phs = Pennsylvania Historical Society. pro = Public Record Office, London. ug = University of Glasgow (Hunterian Museum). whs = Wisconsin Historical Society. Y = Yale University, New Haven. CHECK LIST OF MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES, ETC. 1639 Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 1. Freeman’s Oath. [Cambridge, Stephen Daye.] Known only by Winthrop’s record and John Child’s New Englands Jonas Cast up at London (1647). Evans, 1. Pierce, William. 2. Almanac. [Cambridge, Stephen Daye, 1639.] Known only by Winthrop’s record. Evans, 2. 1642 Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 3 . [Capital Laws.] Known by a broadside in the British Museum, evidently an attempt to imitate typographically a Cambridge issue. It reads: The Capitall Lawes of New-England, as they stand | now in force in the Common-Wealth. | By the Court, | In the Years 1641-1642. Colophon: Printed first in New- England, and re-printed in London | for Ben. Allen in Popes-head Alley. 1643. It was reproduced in Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Proceedings, xvn. 116. Evans, 10. 1643 Harvard College. 4 . Theses. [Cambridge: Printed by Stephen Daye, 1643.] UG. MHS 2 Proceedings, ix. 413. Evans, 12. 1646 Harvard College. 5 . Theses. ug 1647 Bulkley, Peter. 6. A Lamentation for the Death of that Precious and Worthy Minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. Thomas Hooker, who died July 4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1653 7, 1647, as the Sun was Setting: the same hour of the day died blessed Calvin, that glorious Light. Signed, “P. B.” In Morton, New Englands Memoriall, 127. Cotton, John. 7. On my Reverend and dear Brother, Mr. Thomas Hooker, Late Pastor of the Church at Hartford on Conecticot. [1647.] Signed, “ J. C.” In Morton, New Englands Memoriall, 125. Harvard College. 8. Theses. [Cambridge: Printed by Stephen Daye, 1647.] UG. MHS 2 Proceedings, ix. 414. Evans, 22. Norton, John. 9. A Funeral Elegie upon the death of the truely Reverend Mr. John Cotton, late Teacher of the Church of Christ at Bos- ton in New England. [1652] Signed, “J. N.” In Morton, New Englands Memoriall, 136. WOODBRIDGE, BENJAMIN. 10 . Upon the Tomb of the most Reverend Mr. John Cotton, late Teacher of the Church of Boston in New-England. [1652] Signed, “B. W.” In Morton, New Englands Memoriall, 137. 1653 Harvard College. 11 . Quaestiones. f ug 12 . Theses. f ug There are two issues of the Theses for 1653, dated August 9 and 10 respectively. They are reproduced in Am. Antiq. Soc., Proceedings, October, 1914. 1655 Harvard College. HC 13 . Quaestiones. Evans, 41. 1656 Gookin, Daniel. 14 . To all Persons whom those may concern, in the Several | Townes, and Plantations of the United Colonies | in New- England. Dated this 25 of March 1656. f bod lib. Inviting colonists to remove from New England to Jamaica, Gookin acting under power granted by the Lord Protector. In Gookin, Daniel Gookin, 98. A few copies in facsimile were printed by the Oxford University Press in 1921. Harvard College. 15 . Quaestiones. hc i66o] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 5 1658 Harvard College. 16. Quaestiones. t UG Wilson, John. 17. A Copy of Verses | Made by that Reverend Man of God Mr. John Wilson, Pastor to the | first church in Boston; On the sudden Death of | Mr. Joseph Brisco, | Who was translated from Earth to Heaven Jan. 1. 1657. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green.] mhs Evans, 48. 1659 Harvard College. 18. An Humble Proposal for the Inlargement of University of Learning in | New England. By the Trustees hereafter named, to whom the Manage- J ment of this Affair is committed. [Cam- bridge: Printed by Samuel Green, 1659.] t MA Archives, lviii. 38. Evans, 55. 19. Quaestiones. hc Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 20. A I Declaration | of the | General Court | of the | Massachu- sets | Holden at Boston in New-England, October 18. 1659. Concerning | The execution of two Quakers. Printed by their order in New-England. Reprinted in London, 1659. f bm Evans, 51. No copy of the Massachusetts imprint is known. The London reprint is taken for the above title. It is reproduced in Proceed- ings, xlii. 203. A second issue is noted in 1660, infra. 1660 Eliot, John. 21. Christiane OOnoowae Sampoowaonk. | A Christian Cove- nanting Confession; [Cambridge, Printed by Samuel Green, 166-.] The only known copy is in the library of the University of Edinburgh. It is reproduced in Eliot’s Indian Primer of 1669, issued by Dr. John Small in 1880, and in Pilling, Bibliography of the Algonquian Languages, 132. Evans, 58. See under 1670, infra. Harvard College. 22. Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green, 1660.] hc Evans, 59. 23. A true Relation of the Proceedings against certain | Quakers, at the generall Court of the Massachusets holden 6 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1663 at Boston in New- | England October. 18. 1659. London Printed by A. W. t bh After the year has been added in ms., March 7, 1659, the day of publi- cation. A. W. could be either Mrs. Alice Warren or Anthony Williamson. 1663 Harvard College. 24 . Quaestiones. hc Bulkley, Edward. 25. A Threnodia upon our Churches second dark Eclipse, happening July 20. 1663. by Deaths Interposition between us and that Great Light and Divine Plant, Mr. Samuel Stone;, late of Hartford in New-England. Signed, “E. B.” In Morton, New Englands Memoriall, 168. S., T. 26 . An Elegie on the Death of that Eminent Minister of the Gospel, Mr. John Norton, the Reverend Teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston, who exchanged this life for a better April 5, 1663. Signed, “T. S.” In Morton, New Englands Memoriall, 166. 1664 Harvard College. 27 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge, Printed by Samuel Green, 1664. ] hc Evans, 92. 1665 28 . The | Conditions for New-Planters | in the Territories of His Royal Hignes | the | Duke of York. [Cambridge, Samuel Green.] mhs Signed, R. Nicolls. 2 Proceedings, rx. 423. Evans, 98. Harvard College. 29 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge, Printed by Samuel Green, 1665. ] hc Evans, 102. 1666 Harvard College. 30 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge, Printed by S. Green, 1666.] ilc Evans, 108. 1667 Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 31 . Boston in New-England August 9th, 1667. | The | Gover- nour, Deputy Governour | and Sundry of the | Magistrates, | i668] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 7 being assembled, do judge meet to commend to their beloved Brethren and Neighbours | the Inhabitants of this Colony this following Proposal (to contribute to the supply of his Majesties Fleet). [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green, 1667.] f ma Archives, c. 111. Evans, 115. Mitchel, Jonathan. 32 . Upon the Death of that Reverend, Aged, Ever-honoured, and gracious Servant of Christ, Mr. John Wilson, Pastor of a Church in Boston: Interred August 8, 1667. Signed, “ J. M.” In Morton, New Englands Memoriall, 185. 33 . [WoodCut.] Upon the Death of the Virtuous and Religious | Mrs. Lydia Minot, | (The wife of Mr. John Minot of Dor- chester;) j The Mother of Five children, who Died in child- Bed of the Sixth; and together therewith was | Interred January 27, 1667. [Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1667.] f pc 1668 Bulkley, Edward. 34 . Upon the Death of that truely Godly, Reverend, and Faithful Servant of Christ, Mr. Jonathan Mitchell, Pastor of the Church at Cambridge, who deceased July 9, 1668. Signed, “E. B.” In Morton, New Englands Memoriall, 192. Harvard College. 35 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green, 1668.] hc Evans, 123. Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 36 . To the Elders and Ministers of every Town within the Jurisdiction | of the Massachusets in New-England: | The Governour and Council sendeth greeting. [Cambridge : Printed by Marmaduke Johnson?] hhs On catechizing and instructing all the people in sound and orthodox principles of Christian religion. 2 Proceedings, ix, 424. Evans, 126. 37 . Whereas the Lawes Published by the Honoured General Court, Lib. 1. Pag. 76, Sect. 3, Do Require all Townes from time to time to dispose of Single Persons and inmates within their Towns to Service, or otherwise. t ma Notice to Constables to acquaint the Select Men that the Court expects the laws to be attended to. It is endorsed “Law about Youth.” Archives, xx. 48. 8 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1669 1669 Harvard College. 38. Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green, 1669. ] hc Evans, 140. Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 39. At a Council held at Boston, March 10, 1668[-69.] A Proclamation (appointing March 25 to be a day of Fasting and Prayer.) nypl Evans, 141. 1670 Eliot, John. 40. Christiane Oonoowae Sampoowaonk. | A Christian Cov- enanting Confession. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green, 1670. ] CONG. Reproduced in Pilling’s Bibliography of the Algonquian Languages , 132. Evans, 147. See under 1660, supra. Harvard College. 41. Theses. [Cambridge, Samuel Green and Marmaduke John- son, M.DC.LXX.] mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 428. Evans, 148. Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 42. At a Council held at Boston | Septemb. 8, 1670 (appoint- ing September 22 to be a day of publick Humiliation.) ma It is reproduced as the frontispiece to Love, Fast and Thanksgiving Days of New England. Evans, 149. 1672 Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 43. [An Order to prevent Indians from stealing swine.] Ordered to be printed in the Indian language by the General Court, May 15, 1672. No copy has been located. Evans, 170. 1673 Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 44. Boston, March 22, 1672, 3. (An Order of the Deputy- Governor and Magistrates, recommending a free Contribution for rebuilding the Castle, destroyed by fire.) f ma Archives, lxvii. 126. Evans, 176. 1674 Harvard College. 45. Catalogus. pro 2 Proceedings, xvn. 68. Evans, 188. 1676] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 9 46 . Quaestiones. hc Evans, 189. Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 47 . Orders, | made at A | General Court | held at Boston, January the 6th, 1673. | And Printed by their Order. ba Evans, 178. It is reproduced by Whitmore in his reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 213. 1675 Harvard College. 48 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green, 1675. ] hc Evans, 199. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 49 . [Colony seal.] At a | Council | held in Boston August the thirtieth, 1675. (An Order confining Indians faithful to the English to their Plantations during Hostilities with the French.) BA Evans, 205. Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 223, where he considers it as p. 23 of the supplement. [Winthrop, Wait.] 50 . Some Meditations | concerning our Honourable | Gentle- men and Fellow-Souldiers, | In Pursuit of those | Barbarous Natives in the Narragansit-Country; | and their Service there. [ Committed with Plain Verse for the Benefit of those that Read it. By an Unfeigned Friend. Reprinted at N. London, April 4, 1721. HHS Dated December 28, 1675, and signed “W. W.” I insert this Connecti- cut reprint in the hope that it may bring to light a copy of the original issue, which must have been printed in Boston or Cambridge if made before 1700. 1676 51 . A | Funeral El egy | Vpon the Death of that Excellent and most worthy Gentleman | John Winthrop Esq. | Late Governor of his Majestyes Colony of Conecticot: | who de- ceased April, 1676. pc Perhaps by Stephen Chester. Green, John Foster, r 25 . Harvard College. 52 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green, 1676. ] hc Evans, 213. 53 . Lamentations | Vpon the never enough bewailed Death of the Reverend | Mr. John Reiner, | Pastor of the Church of Christ IO MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1677 at Dover who was gathered to his Fathers | December, 21. 1676. I ba Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 54. [Colony seal.] At a | Council | Held at Boston April the 4th. 1676. (Ordering Select Men of Towns to inform them- selves about Persons settling among them.) ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 337. Evans, 215. 55. [Colony seal.] At a | General Court | Held at Boston the 3d of May | 1676. [Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1676.] Levying ten single country rates to defray the charges of the war. The original is in the Court House, Salem, Mass. Fifty copies were issued in facsimile by the Essex Institute. 56. [Colony seal.] General Court | Held at Boston the 3d of May | 1676. (Empowering the Committee of Militia to exact Penalty for non-appearance when ordered for Duty.) ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 343. Evans, 218. 57. [Colony Seal.] At A | Council, | Held at Charlestown, June the 20th, 1676. (Appointing June 29 to be a day of solemn Thanksgiving.) mhs It is reproduced in Love, Fast and Thanksgiving Days of New England, 200. Evans, 216. 58. At A | General Court | held at Boston May the 3d, 1676. | For the Preventing of Injustice and Inequality in | the dis- charge, and Payment of Disbursements | made by any partic- ular Persons, or Towns for | the carrying on this present VVarr. BA Evans, 217. Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 248a. Tompson, Benjamin. 59. A | Funeral Tribute | to the Honourable Dust of that most charitable Christian, vnbiassed Politician, | and inimitable Pyrotechnist | John Winthrope esq; | A Member of the Royal Society, | Governour of Connecticut Colony in | New-Eng- land. | who expired in his Countrys Service April 6th 1676. pc See Green, John Foster, 128. Evans, 224. 1677 Joy, George. 60. Innocency’s Complaint | against | Tyrannical Court Faction in Newengland. pc. mhs 1678] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. II 2 Proceedings, ix. 440, but I believe it to be an English broadside. The date occurs after the name signed at the foot — “George Joy, Mariner, 1677. ” Evans, 232. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 61 . [Colony seal.] Sundry Laws | Made by the General Court Wherein the Du- | ty of Tything Men is expressed. [Cam- bridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1677.] hhs pp. 3. Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 339. Evans, 237. 62 . [Colony seal.] At a Court | held at Boston in | Nevv- England | the 29th of March, 1677. (Forbidding the Buying and Keeping of Indians without Authority.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1677.] ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 345. Evans, 233. 63 . [Colony Seal.] At A Council | held at Boston the 9th. of April, 1677. (An Order against Horse-racing.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1677.] ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 347. Evans, 234. 1678 64 . An Advertisement. Whereas, the lands of Narragansett, and Niantick countryes, and parts adjacent. . .Dated, Boston, July 30, 1678, and signed by Simon Bradstreet, John Safiin and Elisha Hutchinson. pro Harvard College. 65 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1678. ] hc Evans, 248. 66. Theses. ug. hhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 444. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 67 . [Colony seal.] At a | Council | Held at Boston, March 28. 1678. (An order against shooting off guns in towns.) [Cam- bridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1678.] ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 349. Evans, 249. 68. [Colony seal.] At a ( Council ■ Held at Boston the 22d. of August 1678. [Boston, John Foster.] hhs Accounting for money raised for the redemption and provision of captives taken by the Indians at Hatfield, September 19, 1677, and carried to Canada. 12 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1678 Engraved by John Foster 69. [Colony seal.] At A | General Court | Held at Boston May 8. 1678. (Appointing June 6, as a day of Humiliation and Prayer.) mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 445. Evans, 252. 70. [Colony seal.] At a second Sessions of the | General Court | held at | Boston in New-England, October 2d. 1678. (Order requiring the Oath of allegiance to be taken by all above sixteen years of age.) mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 445. The order provided that a “convenient number of printed copies of the said Oath of Allegiance ... be sent forth unto every Magistrate and justice of Peace, and to the Constable of every Town within this jurisdiction.” No copy of this form has been found. Evans, 25 1 . The form of oath and this order may be found in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 261. 71. [Colony seal.] At a General Court held at Boston in New- England the second Day of October 1678. A Proclamation (appointing November 21 to be a day of Fasting and Prayer.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1678.] f nypl Evans, 250. Thacher, Thomas. 72. A | Brief Rule | To guide the Common-People of | New- England | How to order themselves and theirs in the | Small Pocks, or Measels. Boston, Printed and sold by John Foster, 1677. mhs i68i] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 13 2 Proceedings, ix. 439. The letter is dated 21. 11 [February], 1677-78. Evans, 242. 1679 Harvard College. 73. Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1679.] ' hc Evans, 270. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 74. A Proclamation (appointing December 11, 1679, for a reformation Fast.) Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1679. chs Evans, 273. 1680 Harvard College. 75. Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1680. ] hc Evans, 285. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 76. [Colony seal.] A Proclamation (appointing April 15, 1680, to be a day of publick Fast.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1680.] aas Evans, 287. 77. [Colony seal.] Several | Laws and Orders | Made at the first Sessions of the | General Court | for | Elections | Held at Boston, May 19th, 1680. | And published by their Order, ba pp. 2. Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 278. Evans, 290. 78. Reasons for the Indictment of the D. of York, presented to the Grand Jury of Middlesex, Saturday, June 26, 80. By the Persons hereunder named. [Boston. Printed by John Foster. 1680.] mhs Reprinted in 1 Proceedings, xm. 108. Although this was noted by Dr. Green as “probably” a Boston imprint (2 Proceedings, ix. 450) and was not included in his Foster bibliography, Evans, 294, adopts it as a Foster imprint. It is, however, an English issue and a copy is listed in Biblio- theca Lindensiana, English Broadsides, 1505-1897, 156. 1681 Capen, Joseph. 79. A Funeral Elegy | Upon the much to be Lamented Death and most | Deplorable Expiration of the Pious, Learned, In- genious, | and Eminently usefull Servant of God | Mr. John Foster | who Expired and Breathed out his Soul quietly into MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 14 [1682 the Arms of His Blessed Redeemer | at Dorchester, Sept. 9th Anno Dom. 1681 | 2Etatis Anno 33. “Advertisement. There are suitable Verses Dedicated to the Memory of the Ingenious Mathematician and Printer Mr. John Foster. Price 2d. a single Paper, both together 3d.” [Sold by John Usher.] From Brattle’s Ephemeris, 1682. The second sheet is under Tileston, infra. Harvard College. 80 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1681. ] hc Evans, 303. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 81 . [Colony seal.] At a Sessions of the | General Court | Held at Boston the 4th of March | 1680[— 81 .] (Against selling arms and ammunition to Indians.) ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 285. Evans, 288. 82 . [Colony seal.] At a | General Court | Held at Boston the 16th of March 1680-1. (Appointing April 21 as a day of Fast- ing and Prayer.) aas Evans, 304. Tileston, Thomas. 83 . Funeral Elegy | Dedicated to the Memory of His Worthy Friend | The Learned & Religious | Mr. John Foster who De- ceased in Dorchester the 9 of Sep br 1681. See note under Capen, supra. The two titles are taken from Green’s John Foster, 36, who derived them from Simond’s History of South Boston. 1682 Harvard College. 84 . Catalogus. hc 85 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1682. ] hc Evans, 315. Maine, Province. 86. By Thomas Danforth Esq; | President of the Province of Mayne, | with the Consent of the Council Assem- | bled at York; Octob. 1682. (Appointing November 23 as a day of Thanksgiving.) pc A fragment only is known, reproduced in Mass. Col. Soc., Transactions, x.108. It must have been printed at Boston. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 87 . [Colony seal.] At a General Court held at Boston; May 1683] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 15 24th, 1682. (Order that good Spanish Silver shall pass as current money in New-England.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1682.] ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws arid Liberties, 1672, 292a. Evans, 316. 88. [Colony seal.] An | Order | for regulating Constables Payments, | and for the Rating of Unimproved Lands; and Relating to | Troopers, Made at the second Session of the | General Court | Held at Boston, Octob. 11, 1682. Dated October 11, 1682. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1682.] ba pp. 2. Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liber- ties, 1672, 296a. Evans, 317. 1683 89 . Bill of Lading. f ma Archives, xxxix. 787. Many issues of this form may be found between 1683 and 1769. The mhs has a volume of printed forms, used by Judge Samuel Sewall, the first of which is dated July, 1686. Harvard College. 90 . Catalogus. [Cambridge: Printed by S. Green. 1683.] Evans, 343. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 91 . [Colony seal.] At a | General Court | Held at Boston May. 16. 1683. (Rating the price of cattle.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1683.] ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 301. Evans, 346. 92 . [Colony seal.] At a special | General Court | Held at Boston Novemb. 7. 1683. (An Order regulating the con- struction of new buildings.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1683.] ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1762, 307. Evans, 347. Royal Commissioners. 93 . By His Majesties | Commissioners, | For Examining and Enquiring into the Claims and Titles to the | Kings Province j or | Narraganset Countrey. mhs Signed in ms. by William Wharton, Regr. 2 Proceedings, ix. 459. Evans, 348. i6 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1684 1684 94. Advertisement [of a runaway servant, the property of Hannah Bosworth, of Hull.] 1683. Matthew Jones, Dated March 6, MHS Harvard College. 95. Quaestiones. hc Evans, 361. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 96. [Colony seal.] At a | General Court | on Adjournment, held at Boston | Feb. 13 1683/4. (An order for encouraging buildings of brick and stone.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1684.) ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 309. Evans, 365. 1685 97. Bond. ha Archives, XL. 529. The varieties of this form are too many to be noted. The earliest example of a bond or recognizance in the files of the Su- preme Judicial Court is dated 1688. Harvard College. 98. Catalogus. No copy has been located. — Lane. 99. The London Gazette: | Published by Authority. | From Thursday February 5th to Monday February 9 1684 (On the death of Charles II.) Colophon: Printed by Thomas New- comb in the Savoy, 1684. And Reprinted at Boston in New- England, by Samuel Green, 1685. mhs The text is reprinted in 1 Proceedings, xm. 105. Evans, 388. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 100. [Colony seal.] At a | General Court | Held at Boston, January 28, 1684. (Amending the law for building with brick and stone.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1684.] ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 327. Evans, 364. 101. [Colony seal.] The Governovr and Company | of the Mas- sachusetts Bay in New-England. | At a | General Court | Held at Boston, by Adjournment from the 28th of January | to the 18th of March, 1684. bpl An explanation of the Law about Conveyances. 2 Proceedings, xvn. 33. Whitmore did not know of this broadside and he prints the text in his reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 353, in a form of two pages which he believed to be necessary to complete the supplement. 1686] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 17 102 . [Colony seal.] By the | Governour and Council | Assem- bled at Boston the 2d. of April, 1685. (Forbidding intercourse with a vessel cruising in the neighborhood, believed to have been taken by pirates.) [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1685. ba Reproduced in Whitmore’s reprint of the General Laws and Liberties, 1672, 355. Evans, 391. 1686 103 . Advertisement | Forasmuch as by His Majesty’s Gracious Care, His imme- | diate Goverment is now Settled, and such Regulations [ like to be speedily made in the Narraganset Countrey or | Kings-Province . . . (Calling a meeting of proprietors.) Dated, Boston, June 9, 1686. mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 469. Harvard College. 104 . Theses. hc Evans, 406. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 105 . [Colony seal.] A Proclamation By the President and Council of his Majestiy’s Territory and Dominion of New- England in America whereas we have received from His most Excellent Majesty our Sovereign Lord James the Second . . . The Exemplification of a Judgment in His High Court of Chancery . . . against the Governour and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England . . . Dated, May 25, 1686. [Boston: Printed by Richard Pierce, 1686.] 106 . [Colony seal.] A | Proclamation | By the President and Council of His Majestiys Territory and Dominion of New- England in America. Dated, May 28, 1686. (Announcing that a President and Council had been constituted over New- England and the appointment of Joseph Dudley, governor.) Boston, in N. E. Printed by Richard Pierce, Printer to the Honourable his Majesties President and Council of this Gov- ernment. MHS 2 Proceedings, ix. 471. Evans, 409. 107 . [Colony seal.] A | Proclamation | by the | President and Council | for the Orderly Solemnization of Marriage. Dated, May 29, 1686. Boston. Printed by Richard Pierce, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty’s | President & Council of this His Majesties Teritory & Dominion of N-England. mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 472. Evans, 411. l8 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1687 108 . By the President and Council of his Majesties Territory and Dominion of New-England in America. (Notice of a court in the Narragansett Country.) Dated, June 8, 1686. Boston. Printed by Richard Pierce, Printer to the Honourable His Ma- | jesty’s President & Council in this His Territory and Do- | minion of New-England. mhs The text is given in 5 Collections, ix. 152. Evans, 410. 109 . The General Courts Answer to | Joseph Dudley Esqr &c. | This was pass’d by the whole Court, nemine non consentiente. (Refusing assent to his commission as governor.) [Boston: Printed by Richard Pierce. 1686.] f ma Archives, ccxlii. 334. Evans, 412. Tompson, Edward. 110 . An | Elegiack Tribute to the Sacred Dust of the Reverend and Worthy | Mr. Seaborn Cotton | Pastour of the Church of Christ at Hampton in New-England: who was discharged | from his Work and Office, to be admitted into Heaven, April 20th 1686. [Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 470. Evans, 420. 1687 Cotton, John. 111 . Upon the Death of that Aged, Pious, Sincere-hearted Christian, | John Alden Esq: | Late Magistrate of New-Plim- outh Colony, who dyed Sept. 12th, 1687, | being about eighty nine years of age. ba. mhs It may have been printed in 1714 {Proceedings, xli. 208) and it was reprinted, in 1806, by Timothy Alden, Jun. Evans, 426. Harvard College. 112 . Quaestiones. [Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] hc Evans, 428. 113 . Theses. hc 2 Proceedings, xvn. 58. They are reproduced in Am. Antiq. Soc., Proceedings, October, 1914, 282. Walter, Nehemiah. 114 . An Elegiack verse, on the Death of the Pious and Pro- found Grammarian and Rhetorician, Mr. Elijah Corlet, School- master of Cambridge, who Deceased Anno Aetatis 77 , Feb. 24 , 1687 . hc A PROCLAMATION ■^r The PRESIDENT and CQVNClLotti'u Majeftiy's Territory 5c Dominion of NEW-ENSLAND in AMERICA': W HEK£^SHis~MollExcel!entMaieftyoiirS bc-His Majefties Council in the faid Colony and Territories. The Prcftdent & Council therefore being convened and having according to the Direction Sc Form of the faid Commiffion, taken their Oathesand Entered the GOVERNMENT aforefaid j and Ending it needful, that fpeedy Sc effectual Care be taken for the Obfervati- on of His Majefties Commands, and particularly for the Regulation and good Government of the Narraganfet Countrey or Kings- Pro- vince, which hath hitherto been unfa tied. They the faid Prepdent Sr Council have rcfolved fpeedily to erett and fettle a conftant Court of Record upon the place •, and that the Prefdtnt, ■ Deputy-Frefdcnt , or fome others of the Members of His Majefties Council fhall be prefent to give all ncccffiary Power and Directions for E fab lifting His Majefties Government there, and Adminiftration of Juftice to All His Maj«fties Subjects within the faid Narraganfet Counirey -or Kings -Province, and all the I finds. Rights , and Members thereof. And the faid Prepdent Sc Council have in the interim affigned Richard Smith Efq •• fames Pendleton, and John Foxes Gentlemen, Juftcci to keep the Peace of our Soveraign Lord the KING and allHis Subjects: And alfo given Commiffion to the faid Richard Smith to be Sergeant Major, and Chief Commander of His Majefties Militia, both of Horfe St Foot within the Narraganfet Countrey or Province , and all the lllands Rights and Members thereof. THEREFORE the faid Prepdent & Council -doe hereby in His Majefties Name and by virtue of His faid Commiffiion ft riCtly Require Sc Command all other nerfons being or coming upon the place, to forbear the Excer- cifeofall manner of Jurisdiction, Authority, and Power, and to ceafe all further Proceedings for the Allotments or Divi liens of Land, or making any Strip or Wafe upon any part of the faid Province, favc only on each roan’s fated Propriety, except by Licence obtained from the faid Court, or the Prepdent & Council, until there fhall be fuch effectual Regulation and Government eftablilhed as is directed by His Majefty. And the faid Prepdent Sc Council doe hereby henceforth dtfeharge all His Majefties Subjects within the faid Narraganfet Countrty or Kings Province and all the Iflands, Rights & Members thereof from the Government of the Govtrnoxr & Com- J any of ConneSlicnt Sc Rhode- If and and Providence Plantation, Sc all others pretending any Power or Jurisdiction. Hereby Charging fic Commanding all His Majefties Subjects to yeild ready Sc due Obedience to the faid Jufitces of the Peace, the Sergeant Major or Cheif Com- mander of His Majefties Militia. And George Weight man , Thomas Etdridge, Thomas Monford and William Chaplin are hereby appointed & authorized prefent Conftables-: and Liberty given to the aforefaid Juftices to appoint fo many more as they t fhall fee needful to them, and to-adminifter Oathes unto the aforefaid Conftables St fuch as are to be Ordeined. And all other perfons are to be aiding & ajfift- *”£ unto them the faid Juftices and Conftables in the Execution and Difcharge of their refpcCtive Offices, Charges and Trufts, as they jvill anfwer the contrary at their utmoft Peril. Given from the Council-houfe w Boftoii tj)is 2 %th Day of May Anno Domini itf8d. Armoep: Regni Regis Jacobi Secundi fecur.de. By the PreGdent and Council, Edward Randolph SecrV BOSTON , in N. E. GOD SAVE THE KING Printed by Richard Pierce, Printer to the Honourable His Majcftcs PreGdent and Council of this Government. No. 106. THE Little-Compton Sco, ti-Coiirant __ _ „ juelt °^1Ml l k Hrim- - } .- - qutlfflffira'ritppily diftrfbutcd a- mong tM Sfpic7cj,Q3 the IntelleRual Talent. Tot Diftribution Is univer- fally well-liked of; you never hear any Man murmur and repine at the Fates, for his own fcanty Allowance. Every Man blefTcs hinifelf that he is no Fool, and thanks his Stars, that he docs nor want Wit. So that this one Inftance mud forever ftand as a grand Exception to the general Maxim, No Man ii content with bn own Condition. Sclf-conceit fupplies the "Want of Senfe ; and fancied Wit yields a Man as full Confolationas a true coofiioufnefs of real and extra- ordinary Underftandmg. It is well, This is the Cafe of the miferable and dull Couranto, who, had he a true fight of himfelf, and what a wretched Figure he tnakes In writing, would quarrel with all Mankind for having more Wit than himfelf. Wit! what is that? Pray, from whence C.imt it? Vint Age may it be of ? Was it bred at College, or in fin Apothecary t Shop, Sit. Pray, Sit' don’t be an- gry at thefe Enquiries; for it is none of yours or your Families Pedigree or Education we are enquiring for. You have no acquaintance with it yet ; you onuft live near twice twenty and three Years more, e’er you can court fo mortal an Enemy into your favour, and win fo delicate and coy a Gucft into your zude and mortal Embraces. But yet that you may know the Stranger when you have ( if it be poffible, which I much doubt ) a chance light of her, Let me tell you in the Name of an Apothecary, ihe is cloathed in a Latin Drcfs, and that Ihe is much for a pertinent and nice Patching tier unfortunately uttered Cloaths, with the belt and Lrlghteft Pieces from your true Homan Authors. As for Example, Barba non Pacit Philofophum . £ua gtnut aut fitxum variant , qwteunque novato, & C. Propria qua Martins tribuvntur MASCULA dicai . And further, if ever it Ibouldbe your good, though doubtful Fate to have a glance View of her, obferve kei Gate, watch her Motions, till flit is out of Sight, ten to one She’ll tread in Metre, ( for Ihe is a pretty Antick Dame too ) and you fhall find pieces of Hexa- meters and Pentameters beat out in lime. Both of •hern; Pox praurcaque mbit, and. Pox ct pratcrca Asfoon as ever you haveanived at fo much Know- ledge of b»r, if Ihe flies from you after all, hallow out for your Life, and tell her that you know Mr. ojcf.tr- jt */( for you are a Man ufed toil andmiUt md a Lie ) and that he was a pure Cbjiniog WW|Thac you tried to come into the World juft as wdf®; and fhould you perfwade her you are as much like him as Lackey andUnk Boy to Mr. Gentleman, you are well off. Bur, Sir, what did you fay your Age vras ? Sowcoid Tear,, and a few Dayi nnder twite t+inty three pood Sir, your writing betrays you in fomc Odd Year or your Age. Others will more Teadfly think, by your Raw Scribbling, that Tears had not much to do here, and that Days better became your Reckoning. You are confident of Readers and good Succefs with ibem. Never a 7ad without a Jill. To your com- fort you have a dull Parity of Readers ready to your J an ^‘ b Homo uinui Ncgotii. Sjtarc, Whether the Term [ Extra fundamental J may be allowed. The yoahger Scetligtr is of Opini- on, Extragrounded , is ^ wordof better Import. Take Notice, the candid Coxcomliui , and the celebrated ScornfcAfut do not lcruple to declare that both the former Criticifms arc EXTRAQROUN D L ES S. B 0 Cion : Pinned aid Sold i>j y.funH/s. ovat »|»taa M', iiiafa Ssiwol iaQu«a-Sii«t. ' '£■- - - Pji« j i. No. 469. i688] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. J 9 1688 115 . Custome House, Boston | in New England. | These may Certifie (clearance paper, signed by Ed. Randolph.) f ma Archives, cxxix. 308. Harvard College. 116 . Quaestiones. [Cambridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1688.] ' hc Evans, 443. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 117 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | A | Proclamation. | (On advice from England of a great and sudden invasion from Holland, enjoining care and vigilance to ward off any landing or invasion.) Dated at Fort Charles, Pemaquid, January 10, 1688. Printed at Boston in New-England by R. P. mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 475. Signed, E. Andros. Evans, 449. No. 117 . Royal arms, believed to have been brought over by Sir Edmund Andros 118 . Summons. bpl 119 . The Plain Case stated | Of Old — but especially of New- England, in an Address to His Highness | The Prince of Orange. Boston, Printed for and Sold by | Benjamin Harris at the Lon- don-Cofiee-house. mhs Evans, 453. 20 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1689 Bull, Jonathan. 120 . A Relation | of | CaptainBull, | Concerning the | Mohawks | at Fort-Albany. May, 1689. mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 480. Evans, 460. 121 . The | Declaration, | Of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and the | Countrey Adjacent. April 18th. 1689. (On the Revolution.) Boston Printed by Samuel Green, and Sold by Benjamin Harris | at the London Coffee- House. 1689. f pc. ma pp. 4. Archives, ccxlii. 363. 122 . Declaration | of the Nobility, Gentry, and Commonality at the Rendezvous at Nottingham. | November 22, 1688. Re- printed and Sold by Samuel Green of Boston, 1689. mhs 2 pp. On joining with the Prince of Orange. On page 2 is: “The Declara- tion of the Lords | Spiritual and Temporal, | in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, Assembled at | Guildhall, 11th. Decemb. 1688.” Evans, 465. Harvard College. 123 . Quaestiones. hc Evans, 470. Jeffreys, George. 124 . To His Highness | William Henrick, | Prince of Orange, | the Most Humble Petition of George Lord Chancellor Jefferies. Boston, Printed by S. G. for Samuel Phillips at the West end of the | Town-House, 1689. mhs Evans, 471. Massachusetts-Bay, Colony. 125 . [Order to the Constables, April 26. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. Evans, 481. 126 . [An Act to send 2 men of every Town to the Council. May. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. Evans, 477. 127 . [An Act for a fast. May. (Appointing May 16.) Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. Evans, 483. 128. [An Act of the Council for the Representatives. May. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 137. Evans, 478. 1689] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 21 129. [2 Acts of the Council about the Militia, etc. June. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 137. Evans, 479. 130. At the Convention of the | Governour and Council, and Representatives of the Massachusets Colony. (Declaration that laws in force on May 12, 1686, were still in force and en- joining obedience.) Dated, June 22, 1689. f ma Archives, evil. 94b; ccxin. 372. This may be one of the acts noted in the previous item. 131. [3 Acts of the Council. July. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lvih. 137. 132. An Act of half a Sheet about the Militia. July. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 137. 133. [An Act of the Council about a Humiliation day. July (Appointing July 25.) Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 137. Evans, 484. 134. [An Act of the Council half a sheet, about a loan for money. September. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. Evans, 480. 135. [A broadside for Subscriptions. September. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. 136. A sheet of Laws both sides. September. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 137. 137. [Warrant for the Treasurer. September. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. 138. At the | Convention | Of the Governour and Council, and Representatives of the | Massachusets Colony. Dated, Boston, September 7, 1689. (Appointing September 19 to be a day of Humiliation, with Fasting and Prayer.) f ma Archives, ccxlii. 379. It is on B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. Evans, 482. 139. [A Warrant for 6 Rates together. November, Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lvui. 137. 22 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1690 140 . [A warrant for a Rate & half. December. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. 141 . [An Order for a Thanks-giving half a sheet. December. (Appointing December 19.) Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lvii. 137. Evans, 485. 142 . At the Town-House in | Boston: | April 18th, 1689. Boston Printed by S[amuel] Green. 1689. f pc. ma. mhs On the surrender of Edmund Andros. Two issues, one in black-letter. 2 Proceedings, ix. 478. Archives, ccxlii. 365. Evans, 458. N., N. 143 . From a Gentleman of | Boston | To a Friend in the Coun- try. [Boston: Printed by Samuel Green. 1689.] f ma Archives, ccxlu. 333. On the election of magistrates and deputies. The text is in 1 Proceedings, xn. 118. Evans, 493. 144 . The Present State of the | New-English Affairs. | This is Published to prevent False Reports. t pc. ma pp. 2. Archives, xxxv. 83. See Albert Matthews in Mass. Col. Soc. Transactions, x. 310. Evans, 492. William III. 145 . His Highness the | Prince of Orange, | His Letter to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal | Assembled at Westminster, | in this present Convention. Boston, Printed by S. G. for S. Phillips at the Town-House 1689. mhs 2 pp. On page 2 is: “The | Address | of the Lords Spiritual, and Tem- poral, and Commons. | . . . | Jan. 22, 1688-89,” and the Answer of the Prince, Jan. 23. 1688-89. Evans, 501. 146 . His Majesty’s | most gracious | Letter | To His Govern- ment of the Massathusets Colony in New England. August 12, 1689. Printed at Boston in New-England, by Richard Pierce for Benjamin Harris. Anno Domini MDCLXXXIX. f nypl Authority to continue in administration of the government. 1690 Great Britain. 147 . [Letter of the King to Henry Compton, Bishop of London.] “There [Boston] I caused 700 copies of his Majesties Letter to the Bishop of London to be printed and disperst them all along according to order.” Cuthbert Potter’s “Journal,” 1690. Gay Transcripts. No copy has been located. 1690] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 23 Harvard College. 148 . Quaestiones. hc Evans, 511. Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 149 . [An order for a Contribution for Capt. Peas half sheet. January. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. Evans, 527. 150 . [An Act about Settling the Government half sheet. January. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. Evans, 522. 151 . [An Act about Souldiers Debentors half sheet. January. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lvih. 137. Evans, 523. 152 . At A | General Court | Held at Charlstown by Adjourn- ment. | Feb. 12th 1689/90. (Appointing March 6 to be a day of Publick Prayer and Fasting.) [Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] hhs Evans, 529, Described in B. Green’s bill as “an Act for a fast printing twice over 00-10-00.” Archives, Lvin. 137. 153 . [An Act of the General Court to Constibles to bring the Rates. February. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lvui. 137. Evans, 524. 154 . [A Sheet of Laws about voting for Election etc. February. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lvui. 137. Evans, 525. 155 . [2 orders of Court for the Treasurer. February. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 137. Evans, 528. 156 . [Commissions of foot Companies 100 a peace, 3 of them. March.] 157 . [4 Commissions for Troopers, for the Commission officers. March] 158 . [3 Commissions for Captains, Lieutenants & Ensigns for the present war. April, May and July. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lvui. 137. 159 . [Colony seal.] By the | Governour & | General Court | Of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, | In New-England. [Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] mhs 24 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1690 A re-engraved cut of the seal after John Foster, No. 69, supra. For enforcing the laws of the Colony against Vice. 2 pp. DatedMarch 13, 1689-90. 2 Proceedings, ix. 486. Evans, 530. Described in B. Green’s bill as “one sheet of Laus for Reformation. 01-10-00. ” Archives, lvih. 137. 160 . Anno Regni Regis & j Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Secundo. | By the | Governour, & Council. Whereas the Hon- ourable Sir William Phipps Knight is appointed to take the Command of such Forces ... in the present Expedition against the French at Nova Scotia, and L’Accadie . . . Boston; March 24, 1689-90 [Printed by Samuel Green.] mhs Three articles of encouragement are in print, and a fourth in ms. 2 Proceedings, ix. 484. Evans, 519. In B. Green’s bill it is described as “a half Sheet about Sr: William to go General 00-10-00.” Archives, Lvm. 137. 161 . [A warrant for ten Rates. April. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. 162 . At a Session | of the General Court | of the Massachu- sets Colony, in Boston, 28th of May, 1690. Whereas the Hon- ourable Sir William Phipps, Knight, is appointed to take the Chief Command, and Major John Walley to be second unto him [on expedition intended for Canada.] mhs With list of Muster-Masters. 2 Proceedings, ix. 485. Evans, 520. De- scribed in B. Green’s bill as “a Proclamation for Souldiers to go against Canada, 00-10-00.” Archives, lviii. 137. 1690] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 25 163 . [A half sheet for a fast. June. (Appointing July 10.) Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 137. Evans, 531. 164 . [2 Acts of Court on half a sheet of paper 100 of them. July. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 137. 165 . [Warrants for 2 Rates a Large one, July. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 137. 166 . [Warrant for Rates. August. Boston: Printed by Bar- tholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. 167 . [An Order for a Fast a Large one. August. (Appointing August 28.) Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. Evans, 532. 168 . [An Order about Heads of Families. August. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 137. Evans, 526. 169 . By the | Governour & Council. aas. mhs Order dated September 29, 1690, suppressing a pamphlet entitled Publick Occurrences. 2 Proceedings, ix. 484; 2 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings, xi. 457. Evans, 533. 170 . [Colony seal.] At the | General Court | of Their Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New- | England, Sitting in Boston by Adjournment. December. | 10th. 1690. Cam- bridge: Printed by Samuel Green. 1690. f ma Archives, ccxlii. 402. On issuing bills of credit. Plymouth, Massachusetts. 171 . An Address | Presented to the King, August 7th. 1689. Re-printed at Boston by S[amuel] G[reen] for Benjamin Harris, at the London Coffee-House. 1690. mhs Address and petition from New Plymouth. 2 Proceedings, ix. 482. Evans, 543. 172 . Numb. 1 , | Publick | Occurrences | Both Forreign and Domestick. | Boston, Thursday Sept. 25th. 1690. Colophon: Boston, Printed by R. Pierce, for Benjamin Harris, at the London-Coffee-House. 1690. f pro 3 pp. Evans, 546. 26 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1691 1691 173 . Advertisement. | Whereas at the Instance and Request of divers Gentlemen | and Merchants, The Governor and Council, with the con- | sent of the General Court, have . . . accepted the Propositions of the said particular Gentlemen . . . to Settle and Maintain an Officer and Garrison at Port- Royal . . . Dated, Boston, June 5th, 1691. f ma Archives, xxxvi. 111. Harvard College. 174 . Theses. hc Massachusetts Bay, Colony. 175 . [An order of the Court for Soldiers to come in to the Committee within three months. April. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lym. 139. Evans, 555. 176 . [An order of a fast (appointing May 7.) April. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, Lvm. 139. Evans, 557. 177 . [An order of the Court for the Treasurer to send warrants to the Constibles to get their Raits, A Large half sheet of the small Letter, about 100. June. Boston: Printed by Bartholo- mew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lvih. 139. Evans 556. 178 . [A Large warrant, about 100. June. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 139. 179 . [A warrant. July. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 139. 180 . [A warrant for Commissioners. July. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 139. 181 . [An Advertisement about 300. August. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 139. Possibly the “Adver- tisement, supra, about the garrison at Port Royal. 182 . [A Large warrant for Deputies. September. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 139. 1692] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 27 183 . [A Large warrant to quicken Constibles to get in there Raits. October. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviii. 139. 184 . [An Order for a Thanksgiving (appointing November 7.) October. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lvhi. 139. Evans, 558. 185 . [Tickets about 800. October. Boston: Printed by Bar- tholomew Green.] Known by B. Green’s bill, Archives, lviu. 139. 186 . [Colony Seal.] At a | General Court | For Their Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in [ New-England, Sitting at Boston, upon Adjournment, | December 22th. 1691. (On duties on imports to defend seas against pirates, and prohibit- ing Frenchmen from residing or exercising any manual trade in the Colony.) ma. mhs pp. 2. 2 Proceedings, ix. 490. Archives, xxxvii. 342. Evans, 554. 187 . Writ of execution. ma Archives, xxxvii. 165. The varieties are too numerous to mention, being one almost for each two years. 1692 Harvard College. 188 . Quaestiones. hc Evans, 596. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 189 . By His Excellency the Governour. A Proclamation. (On orderly behavior of soldiers and seamen, and the enforcement of laws against vice.) Boston: Printed by Benjamin Harris. Printer to his Excellency, the Governour and Council. 1692. MHS Evans, 619. 190 . By the | Governour, Council, | and Representatives, | Convened in a Great and General Court, or Assembly of | Their Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay: Held at Boston the 8th of June, 1692. (Appointing July 14 as a day of Thanksgiving.) mhs Evans, 620. 191 . [Royal arms.] By His | Excellency | the | Governour. | Whereas it hath been of absolute Necessity, that a certain Number | of men should be Impressed, for the Service of Their Majesties, in | Defence of this their Province, both at Sea and 28 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1693 Land, . . . Dated, July 27, 1692. Printed by Benjamin Harris, Printer to his Excellency, the Governour and Council. | 1692. mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 494. 192. Province of the Mas- | sachusetts-Bay. ss. | By Virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of this Their | Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. Intituled an Act for | the Granting unto Their Majesties, An Assessment upon Polls | and Estate; Passed the 24th of June, 1692. Dated, November [18], 1692. ei This is the earliest treasurer’s or tax warrant found, although No. 164 in 1691 may have been one. 193. [Seal in wax.] Naval Office at | Boston, | In Their Ma- jesties Province of Massachusets- Bay, in | New-England. | These are to Certifie all whom it doth Con- | cern (clearance paper) . | pc. ma Archives, lxi. 330. Russell, Edward, Earl of Oxford. 194. Admiral Russel’s | Letter | to the | Earl of Nottingham: | Containing an Exact and Particular Relation of | the Late Happy | Victory and Success | against | The French Fleet. Boston Printed and Sold by Benjamin Harris, at the London- Coffee-House. 1692. f hc 4 pp. Reproduced in Green’s Ten Facsimile Reproductions. 2 Proceed- ings, xvn. 60. Evans, 629. 195. A Table of the Courts. bpl 2 Proceedings, xvn. 39. 1693 Bosworth, Benjamin. 196. Signs of Apostasy lamented. bu pp. 4. Signed at end: “Benjamin Bosworth of New-England. In the 81st year of my age, 1693.” 197. [Elegy?] | upon the J Death of that Reverend and Aged Man of God, | Mr. Samuel Arnold, | Pastor of the Church at Marshfield, who deceased in the 71st Year of | his Age, and of his Ministry the 36th, September 1, 1693. f lc On the same sheet are: “Samuel Arnold. | Anagram, | Leave old Arm’s,” signed Ichabod Wiswell; and “Mr | Samuel Arnold, | The late faithful Preacher of | the Gospel at Marshfield, who left earth for Heaven, Septem- ber 1, 1693. | his last Farewell to the World. Written by himself not long before his Death. ’ ’ MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 2 9 1695] Harvard College. 198 . Quaestiones hc 199 . Theses. nypl Evans, 638. 200 . A true Copy | of the | Oaths | that are appointed by Act of Parliament, made in the | First Year of Their present Majes- ties Reign; to be | Taken instead of the Oaths of Supremacy and Alle- | giance, and the Declaration appointed to be made, | Repeated and Subscribed. [Endorsed, May: 1693.] f ma Archives, xlviii. 212. As this is the earliest form of the Oaths that of 1764 is the latest found. See note to No. 70, supra. Mather, Cotton. 201 . Rules for the Society of Negroes, 1693. Eight of the nine “Rules” are entered in Mather’s Diary for 1693 ( 1 . 176), but he does not say that they were printed at the time. Evans, 653, gives the broadside of 1714 under 1693, not noticing the presence of the ninth Rule. See No. 371 under 1714, infra. 1694 Harvard College. 202. Quaestiones hc 203 . [Seal in wax.] These are Certifie all whom it doth Con- cern | (clearance paper). t MA Archives, Lxn. 69. 204 . To the Constable of | You are Required in Their Majesties Names forthwith to Assemble | the Freeholders of your Town and others ... to choose good and lawful men ... to Serve on the Jury of Tryals at the | next Superiour Court of Judicature . . . mhs 205 . [Another issue] For the Court of Common Pleas. mhs A series of such notices is in the Otis papers, dated 1697, 1709, 1719, 1746, 1749, 1757, 1763, 1765 and 1768. 206 . Bill of lading. bpl 1695 Corlet, Elijah. 207 . Epitaphium Thomas Hooker. [1695.] In C. Mather, Johannes in Eremo, 44. Harvard College. 208 . Quaestiones. hc 3° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1696 209. The | Earthquake | Naples; September, 21, 1694. Boston, N. E. Reprinted by B. Green. February 21. 1694, 5. mhs Evans, 715. Sewall, Samuel. 210. Mrs. Judith Hull, | of Boston, in N. E. Daughter of | Mr. Edmund Quincey; late Wife of | John Hvll Esq. de- ceased. . . . BPL 211. [Another issue.] aas She died June 22, 1695. The second issue, with lighter ruling, is found with Increase Mather’s “The Answer of several ministers in and near Boston.” 2 Proceedings, xvn. 44. Evans, 738. 212. Writ of attachment. bpl 1696 Great Britain. 213. [Royal arms.] Anno Regni | Gulielmi III. Regis. | . . . J At a Parliament begun at Westminster the Two and twentieth Day of | November, Anno Dom. 1695. . . . London, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, | deceas’d; Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Re- printed at | Boston in New England by Bartholomew Green & John Allen, [ Printers to the Governour & Council. 1696. aas. mhs pp. 8. Contains: An Act for Preventing Frauds, and Regulating | Abuses in the Plantation Trade. Evans, 741. Harvard College. 214. Quaestiones. hc 1697] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 31 Massachusetts Bay, Province. 215 . Province of | the Massachu- | setts-Bay. [Royal arms] By the Honorable, the Lieutenant | Governour, &c. | . . . | For better Encouragement to Prosecute the French and In- dian Enemy, &c. [Boston; Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen.] t Bp L A facsimile is in the Bulletin of Ihe Public Library of Boston, October, 1893. Evans, 751. 216 . William Stoughton Esq. | Lieutenant Governour & Commander in Chief, | . . .Military commission. Dated in ms. August 5, 1696. MeHS 1697 Great Britain. 217 . Copy of the orders for Repealing of several Acts. At the Court of Whitehall. The 22d Day of August 1695. Present their Excellencies the Lords Justices in Council. Colophon: Boston in New-England. Printed by order of the Honorable the Lieutenant Governour and Council; by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen. 1697. | pro. nypl. aas pp. 3 [1], Evans, 781. Harvard College. 218 . Catalogus. 219 . Quaestiones. hc Evans, 783. No copy of the Catalogus has been located. — Lane. 220 . London Septemb. 27. | Yesterday morning arrived three Holland Mails, | which bring the following Advices. (De- spatches from Vienna, Cracow and The Hague, September 16-29.) London, Printed by J. Dawks, Reprinted at Boston in N. E. by B. Green and J. Allen. 1697. f bpl It is reproduced in the Bulletin of the Public Library of Boston, October, 1893. Evans, 787. Massachusetts Bay, Province. 221 . Anno 1697. [Election of Councillors.] f ma Archives, ccxlii. 426. 1698 Harvard College. 222. Quaestiones. hc 223 . The Turkish Fast, | Out of the Monthly Mercury, for December, 1697. Boston, in N. E. Re-printed by B. Green, and J. Allen. May, 13. 1698. f bpl 3 2 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1699 1699 224. An Abstract | of a [ Letter | From a Person of Eminency and worth in | Caledonia to a Friend at Boston | in New- England. | jcb. aas pp. 2. 2 Proceedings, xvn. 67. 225. Caledonia. | The | Declaration | of the | Council | Consti- tuted by the Indian and African Com- | pany of Scotland; for the Government, | and direction of their Colonies, and | Settlements in the Indies. Colophon: Boston, Printed May, 15th. 1699. t jcb. AAS pp. 4. Great Britain. 226. Order of their Excellencies the Lords | Justices in council, confirming several | Acts and Laws of the Province of the | Mas- sachusetts-Bay, made in the years, | 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697. | At the | Council Chamber | at Whitehall, the 24. of November, 1698. Colophon: Boston in New-England, Printed by Bar- tholomew Green, and | John Allen, Printers to the Governour and Council | 1699. mhs pp. 4. Evans, 864. Harvard College. 227. Quaestiones. hc 228. A | Manifesto | or | Declaration, | Set forth by the Un- dertakers of the | New Church | Now, Erected in Boston in New-England, November, 17th. 1699. [Boston: Printed by B. Green and J. Allen, 1699.] ba. hc. mhs pp. 3. 2 Proceedings, xvii. 62. Evans, 859. Massachusetts Bay, Province. 229. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England. [Royal arms.] By the Honorable, | William Stoughton Esq. | ... | A Proclamation [for the arrest of Joseph Bradish and associates for an act of piracy and felony.] April 1, 1699. Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen, Printers to the Governour & Council. 1699. mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 518. Evans, 871. 230. [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Richard, Earl of Bellomont | . . . | A Proclamation (continuing in office all officers, civil and military, within the Province.) Dated, May 26, 1699. Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to His Excellency the Governour, and Council, 1699. t pc 1699] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 33 Royal arms, William III. 231 . To His Excellency, | Richard, ( Earl of Bellomont, Baron of Coloony, in | the Kingdom of Ireland, Governour | and Commander in Chief of the Provinces | of the Massachusetts- Bay, New-York and | New-Hampshire. | The address of the Ministers met at Boston in | New England, May 31st. 1699. Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen, Printers | to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1699. MHS 2 pp. 2 Proceedings, ix. 518. Evans, 872. 232 . His Excellency, | The Earl of Bellomont’s | Speech | to the | Honorable the Council and House of | Representatives, Conven’d in General | Assembly, at Boston, in His Majesties | Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in j New-England, on Fryday the 2d. of June 1699. [At end.] By order of the House of Representatives, | I do Appoint Bartholomew Green and John Allen, to Print His Excellency’s | Speech, | James Con- verse, Speaker. f pro pp. 3. 233 . The Address | of the Honorable the Lieutenant Governour | Stoughton, | In the Name of Himself and of His Majesties | Council of the Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, unto His Excellency | the Earl of Bellomont, immediate- | ly after His Lordship’s having made His Speech unto the General Assembly of | said Province, at His first meeting of | them, on the Second day of June, 1699. Colophon: Boston, Printed by Bartholo- 34 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1699 mew Green, and John Allen, | Printers to His Excellency the Governour and Council. | Sold at the Printing-House. 1699. pp. 4. f PRO 234 . A Congratulatory Address | of the House of Representa- tives of His Ma- | jesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, | in New-England, delivered by the Speaker | and whole House, in the Council Cham- | ber in Boston, on Tuesday the 6th. of j June, Anno Domini. 1699. Colophon: Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers | to His Excel- lency the Governour and Council. 1699. f pro pp. 2. 235 . The Answer | of the House of Representatives, to His | Excellency the Earl of Bellomont’s | Speech, to the Honorable the Council, | and House of Representatives, delivered | by the Speaker and the whole House in | the Council chamber in Boston, on Tues- | day the 6th. of June, 1699. Colophon: Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, | Printers to His Excellency the Governour and Council. | Sold at the Printing-House. 1699. f pro pp. 2. 236 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. [Royal arms.] By his Excellency, | Richard, Earl of Bellomont, | . . . | A Proclamation, [for the observance of the Lords Day.] June 21, 1699. Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers . . . 1699. mhs 2 Proceedings, rx. 517. Evans, 870. 237 . Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the | Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. | And Declaration. [Dated in Ms. November 6, 1699.] t ma 2 leaves, on the second of which is the “Association.” Archives, cvi. 458. Onpp. 462 and 467, and in xlviii. 315, 317 and 318, are the same forms, dated 1700. 238 . A | Watch | for a [ Wise Man’s Observation, | In Two Parts. | First, A Divine Poem, | on the | Three Persons in the Holy Trinity, . . . | The | Second Part, Containing, | A Prep- aration for Death. Boston, Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Michael Perry, and are to be Sold at his Shop over against the Town House. 1699. mhs 2 Proceedings, ix. 519. Evans, 898. A broadside, with this title, was printed in London in 1650, and a copy is in the British Museum. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 35 1701] 1700 Harvard College. 239 . Catalogus. hc 240 . Quaestiones. hc Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 241 . His Excellency, | The Earl of Bellomont’s | Speech | to the | Honorable the Council ... 29. of May, 1700. [Boston, Printed by B. Green and J. Allen, 1700.] mhs 2 pp. 2 Proceedings, ix. 522. , Probate Court. 242 . Letters of administration. ma Archives, xvn. 76. Forms in mhs may be noted as follows: 1717 (Otis), 1724 (015.2.107), 1732 (013.20) and 1747 (015.2). Sewall, Samuel. 243 . The Selling | of | Joseph | A Memorial. Colophon: Boston of the Massachusetts; | Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, June, 24th. 1700. mhs pp. 3. Evans, 951. 244 . Upon Mr. Samuel Willard, his first | coming into the Assembly, and Praying, | after a long and dangerous Fit of | Sickness; November 21. 1700. at | 3. in the Afternoon, being a Day of | Publick Thanksgiving. [Boston: B. Green and J. Allen, 1700.] mhs 2 Proceedings, n. 41; ix. 525. Evans, 952. It was reissued in 1720. 1701 Great Britain. 245 . Order of His Majesty in Council, confirming several Acts and Laws of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay [1697— 1700.] Boston in New-England: Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen. 1701. f pro. nypl pp. 4. Evans, 988. 246 . Order of His Majesty in Council, Confirm- | ing several Acts & Laws of the Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, | past by the General Assembly, held the | 29th of May 1700. . . . Published at Boston, September 25, 1701. Boston in New-England. | Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to His | Majesties Council of the Massa- chusetts-Bay. | 1701. MHS pp. 2. 36 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1702 Harvard College. 247. Quaestiones. hc. mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 248. Province of the Mas- | sachusetts-Bay in | New-England. [Royal Arms.] By the Honorable, | William Stoughton Esq. Lieutenant Governour . . . [ A Proclamation. Dated, March 20, 1700, 1. Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to the | Governour and Council, 1701. f bpl Enjoining strict execution of the Act, “For Regulating of the Militia.” 2 Proceedings, xvn. 53. Evans, 987. 249. Province | of the | Massachusetts- | Bay. | By the Hon- orable the | Council | Of said Province. | A Proclamation for a general Fast, (“under the sense of the late awful repeated breach made upon the Government, by the Death of the truly Honourable William Stoughton,” etc.) Dated, August 23, 1701. EI. MHS pp. 2. Sewall, Samuel. 250. Wednesday | January 1. 1701. | A little before Break-a- day at Boston of the | Massachusetts. mhs Three stanzas. 2 Proceedings, ix. 527. Evans, 1023. 251. Wednesday, January 1. 1701. | A little before Break- a-Day, at Boston of the Massachusets. bpl. aas Six stanzas. 2 Am. Ant. Soc., Proceedings, xi. 458. 1702 Great Britain. 252. [Royal arms.] Her Majesties most Gracious Declaration | For the Incouragement of her Ships of War and Privateers. Dated June 1, 1702. Boston in New-England: Reprinted by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen. Sept. 24th, 1702. mhs Harvard College. 253. Quaestiones. hc Massachusetts-Bay Province. 254. Copie of the Election [for Councillors] made May 27, 1702. f ma Archives, xlviii. 378. The printed form is as above, but it was used in the election of May 29, 1706, with names and date in ms. 255. His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley Esq. | ... | his 1703] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 37 Speech | to the Council . . . 16th of June, 1702. Boston. Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen, 1702. aas. mhs 3 pp. Evans, 1062. 256 . The | Answer | of the | House of Representatives to His Excellency | Joseph Dudley Esq. | His Speech to the Honour- able the | Council, and House of Representa- | tives, delivered by the Speaker and the | whole House, in the Council Chamber | in Boston, on Wednesday, June 17, 1702. Colophon: Boston. | Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to His | Excellency the Governour and Council. Sold by | Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop near the Town-House. 1702. f aas pp. 2. Evans, 1063, but the entry has given a wrong date and confused two separate items. 257 . To his Excellency, | Joseph Dudley Esq. ] Governour of the Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay in New-England &c. The Address | Of Divers Ministers of said Province. Boston. Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to His | Excellency the Governour and Council. 1702. f aas 1703 258 . The Answer | of the | House of Representatives, | To His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley, Esq. | His Speech to the Honor- able the Council and House | of Representatives, Delivered by the Speaker and the whole House, at | the Council Chamber in Boston, on the 19th. of March, 1702[— 03.] Boston: Printed for and Sold by Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop, 1702, 3. f aas pp. 2. Great Britain. 259 . [Royal arms.] Anno Regni | Gulielmi III | . . . | At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Four and twentieth Day | of August, 1698. . . . And from thence Continued by several Prorogations to the Sixth Day of December, 1698. London, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas ] New- comb, deceas’d; Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. M DC XC IX. Reprinted at Boston, N. E. for Benj. Eliot, | at his Shop under the West End of the Town House. 1703. MHS pp. 8. Contains: An Act to prevent the Exportation of Wooll | out of the Kingdoms of Ireland & England | into Foreign parts; and for the Encou- 1 ragement of the Woollen Manufactures | in the Kingdom of England. Harvard College. 260 . Catalogus. 38 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1704 261. Quaestiones. hc No copy of the Catalogus has been located. — Lane. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 262. [Royal arms.] Province of the Massachusetts Bay. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. | . . . | A Declaration against the Pennicooke and Eastern Indians. Dated, August 18, 1703. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1703. AAS Evans, 1106. 263. July 14th. 1703. [ Prices of Goods | Supplyed to the Eastern Indians, [ By the several Truckmasters; and of Peltry received | by the Truckmasters of the said Indians. f ma Archives, cxix. 214. 264. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [ September 23.] Dated, September 7, 1703. Jrihs 1704 265. An Account of the Behaviour and last Dying | Speeches | Of the Six Pirates, | that were Executed on Charles River, Boston side, on Fryday June 30th. 1704. Viz. | Capt. John Quelch, John Lambert, Christopher Scudamore, | John Miller, Erasmus Peterson and Peter Roach. Printed for and Sold by Nicholas Boone, at his Shop near the Old Meeting-House in Boston. 1704. nyhs. mhs 2 pp. Harvard College. 266. Quaestiones. hc Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 267. [Royal arms.] Province of the Massachuset-Bay in New- England. By his Excellency, The Governour, Council and Assembly of the said Province. A Declaration, Against Pro- phaneness and Immoralities, etc. Dated, March 24, 1703. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green, Printer to His Ex- cellency the Governour and Council, 1704. aas Evans, 1170. Col. John Evans, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania issued a like Proclamation “Against Immorality and Prophaneness,” October 9, 1704. It is printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 6, 1704. 268. By His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [May 18.] Dated, April 27, 1704. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, May 8, 1704. 1704] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 39 269 . By His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (assuring good treatment to all who should voluntarily enter themselves on Her Majesty’s ship Jersey, Capt. George Rogers, commander.) Dated, May 12, 1704. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, May 15, 1704. 270 . [Royal arms] By the Honorable. | Thomas Povey, Esq; | Lieutenant Governour and Commander in Chief, for the time being, | . . . | A Proclamation (against Quelch and other pi- rates.) Dated, May 24, 1704. Boston: Printed by Bartholo- mew Green, 1704. mhs 271 . By His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation. (A further proclamation against Quelch and others.) Dated, May 29, 1704. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, June 5, 1704. 272 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation, For Permitting a Trade to the Spanish West Indies. Dated, July 3, 1704. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 10, 1704. 273 . By His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq; mation (against a counterfeit twenty shilling note). July 24, 1704. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 31, 1704. 274 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; mation For the Apprehending of Thomas Odell. 8, 1704. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 14, 1704. 275 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; . . mation for a General Thanksgiving [November Dated, November 8, 1704. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 13, 1704. 276 . [Proclamation for proroguing the General Court to December 27. Dated, November 28, 1704.] Mentioned in the Boston News-Letter, December 4, 1704. 277 . [Proclamation, directing all masters of ships sailing from Massachusetts or New Hampshire during the continuance of the war to have a letter bag, with a sufficient weight therein to sink in case of danger from the enemy. No Frenchman to send letters without first presenting them to the Governor for his perusal.] Summarized in the Boston News-Letter, December 4, 1704. A Procla- Dated, . . . A Procla- Dated, August . A Procla- 23, 1704.] 40 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [l7°S 1705 Harvard College. 278. Quaestiones. hc Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 279. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [March l.J Dated, January 22, 1704[— 05]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 5, 1705. 280. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation (on current rates of foreign coins in the Province.) Dated, March 3, l704[-05]. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green, Printer to His Excellency the | Gov- ernour and Council. 1705. ma. mhs Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 12, 1705. The English Procla- mation, dated June 18, 1704, on which this was based, was printed London, f ‘by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas’d; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty. 1704.” A copy is in the nyhs. The text of the English Proclamation is in the Boston News-Letter, December 11, 1704. Archives, xl. 849; ci. 290. Royal arms, Anne. 281. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving. [April 12.] Dated, March 8, 1704[-05]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 19, 1705. 282. [Proclamation referring to navigation. Master and one moiety of crew must be English.] Dated, March 8, l704[-05]. Summarized in the Boston News-Letter, March 19, 1704. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 41 1705 ] 283. By the Governor and Council. Adding for causes of thanksgiving the safe return of the forces sent to Norridge- wock, who had found the enemy fled, and the wonderful preservation of his Excellency from shipwreck. Dated, March 19, 1704[-05]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 26, 1705, 284. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a Publick Thanksgiving. [October 18.] Dated, September 20, 1705. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 1, 1705. 285. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation For an Embargo on Ships and Vessels bound to Bar- bados, and the Careeby Leeward Islands. Dated, October 30, 1705. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 5, 1705. 286. By the Governour and Council. (For apprehending deserters from Castle William.) Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 12, 1705. 287. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; . . . A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving. [January 24.] Dated, December 27, 1705. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, December 31, 1705. Sewall, Samuel. 288. The | Athenian Oracle, | The Second Edition, Printed at London. 1704. | Vol. 1. P. 545-548. j Quest. Whether Trading for Negros i. e. carrying them out of | their own Country into perpetual Slavery, be in it self | Unlawful, and especially con- trary to the great Law of | Christianity? Boston of the Mas- sachusetts; December 5. 1705. | Printed by Bartholomew Green, and are to be Sold by Samuel Phillips | at the Brick Shop above the Town-House. lc. mhs pp. 4. “Capt. Sewall sent the following question over to the Athenian Society.” ms. note. Evans, 1199. 289. There is this day Printed and to be Sold at the Post- Office, half a Sheet, containing several solid Arguments offered to the Inhabitants of New-England, and the other Neighbour- ing Provinces in the Northern Parts of America, to Encourage the Sowing of Hemp. . . . Advertisement in the Boston News-Letter, July 9, 1705. 42 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1706 1706 Bellingham, Richard. 290. A Copy of the Last Will and Testament of | Richard Bellingham Esqr. | . . . | Published by the Reverend Mr. James Allen, one of the Executors in said will named. f nyhs 2 pp. Sewall has noted: “ Given me by Mr. S. Stoddard, Augt. 6. 1706.” Harvard College. 291. Catalogus. No copy has been located. — Lane. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 292. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [April 18.] Dated, April 2, 1706. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, April 8, 1706. 293. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Brief (on the insult and ravage of the island of St. Christopher by the French, and asking for contributions.) Dated, April 17, 1706. Printed in the Boston News Letter, April 22, 1706. 294. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation against false and illegal Traders, (with the French and Indian Rebels and Enemies, in and about Nova Scotia, and other Parts and Places Eastward.) Dated, June 21, 1706. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, June 24, 1706. 295. Boston, August 14th. 1706. [Order to muster the Mil- itary Company and discover Indian Enemy and Rebels.] f p C Signed by Joseph Dudley. 296. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving. [October 17.] Dated, September 19, 1706. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, September 23, 1706. 297. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation | For the better Regulation of Seamen and Marines. Dated November 1, 1706. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green, Printer to His Excellency the | Governour and Council. 1706. mhs Printed in the Boston News Letter, November 4, 1706. 298. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. James Taylor, Treasurer. (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 17, 1706. 1707] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 43 Royal arms, Anne. 1707 Bridger, John. 299 . Informations | and | Directions | For the making of Tar, and choice of Trees | for the same, as in Finland, &c. Boston in New England. Printed by B. Green, July, 1707. f nyhs 2 pp. Danforth, John. 300 . [Cut.] A Pindarick Elegy Upon the Renowned, | Mr. Samuel Willard, | Late Reverend Teacher of the South Church in Boston, and | Vice-President of Harvard College in Cam- bridge; | who Deceased September the 12th. 1707. 2Etatis Anno 68. t nyhs Harvard College. 301 . Quaestiones. hc Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 302 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley Esq. ... A Procla- mation for Proroguing the General Assembly [to February 12.] Dated, January 31, 1706[— 07]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 3, 1 706[— 07]. 303 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [April 16, 1707.] Dated, March 22, 1706-07. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 31, 1707. 304 . [Proclamation offering a reward for the discovery of the burglars who robbed the warehouse of Thomas Palmer.] An outline is printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 18, 1707, but not 44 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1708 in the form of a proclamation. It is possible, therefore, it was not issued as a broadside. 305. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation for further Proroguing the General Assembly to October 29, 1707. Dated, October 10, 1707. Announced in the Boston News-Letter, October 13, 1707. 306. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving. [December 11, 1707.] Dated, November 24, 1707. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, December 1, 1707. Noyes, Nicholas. 307. May 28th, 1706. | To my Worthy Friend, | Mr. James Bayley, | Living (if Living) in Roxbury. A Poem, f nyhs. bpl Sewall has noted that it was “Printed, July 30, 1707.” Sewall, Samuel. 308. Tuesday, November, 25. 1707. | The Reasons of my with- drawing my Vote from what was Pass’d in Council, | upon Saturday, November the First, relating to an Address offered to Her Majesty, | Sign’d Nath. Higginson, &c. Boston N. E. Printed December 10, 1707. t nyhs Evans, 1332. The ms. is in Archives, xx. 111. 1708 Boston, Town. 309. The Names of the Streets, Lanes & Alleys, | Within the Town of Boston in New England. Boston: Printed by Barthol- omew Green, in Newbury Street: Sold by the Booksellers. 1708. Price 3d. bpl. mhs Evans, 1342. No. 310. Conventional mortuary border. 310. [Wood-cut.] Carmen Miserabile. | A Solemn Lacryma- tory for the Grave of | Jonathan Marsh, | Junior-sophister: who Deceas’d at Harvard College in Cambridge: June the 10th. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 45 1708] 1708. | Born at Hingham: Aged Eighteen Years and Ten Months. f ba 311 . Divine Examples of God’s Severe Judgments | upon | Sabbath Breakers. | In their unlawful Sports, Collected out of several Divine Subjects, | viz. | Mr. H. B. Mr. Beard, and the Practice of Piety: A fit Monument for our present Times, etc. [Cuts.] Boston in New-England: Re-Printed and Sold in New- bury-Street. See Green, John Foster , 13, where it is reproduced. Harvard College. 312 . Quaestiones. 313 . Theses. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 314 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. . . mation for a General Fast. [April 15.] Dated, 1707 [-08]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 29, 1708. 315 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. . . mation for a General Thanksgiving. [November 25.] Dated, November 3, 1708. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 15, 1708. 316 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation Referring to Marines and Seamen. Dated, December 16, 1708. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, December 27, 1708. Narragansett Country Proprietors. 317 . To the Honourable the | Committee | Appointed to Re- ceive claims of such as have Right | and Propriety in the Nar- raganset Country, or | Kings Province, in New-England. | The Declaration of Claim in the Name and behalf of the Proprietors. Boston: Printed by B. Green, in Newbury Street. 1708. mhs pp. 2. Tompson, Benjamin. 318 . The Grammarians Funeral, | or, | An Elegy composed upon the Death of Mr. John Woodmancy, | formerly a School- Master in Boston: But now Published upon [ the Death of the Venerable | Mr. Ezekiel Chevers, | The late and famous School- Master of Boston in New-England; who Departed this Life the | HC. MHS MHS . A Procla- March 18, . A Procla- 46 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1709 Twenty-first of August 1708. Early in the Morning. In the Ninety-fourth year of his Age. mhs Evans, 1376. Turner, Thomas. 319 . Meditations on the uncertainty of Mans Life: | of the Torments of Hell, and of the Joys of Heaven. | Occasioned by the sudden Death’s of sundry Persons in the County of Plym- outh. | To which is added, An Alphabet of Verses, every One containing an intire Sentence: Composed for Instruction of Young Persons; | Suited to be Set in Copies. Boston in New England; Printed by Bartholomew Green. 1708. mhs It also contains an “Acrostick” on the name Thomas Turner, the author? 1709 Harvard College. 320 . Quaestiones. hc 321 . Catalogus. No copy of the Catalogus has been located. — Lane. Hatfield, Mass. 322 . A Covenant for Reformation. | Assented to in Hatfield, September 12th, 1709. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green, Newberry Street. 1709. f bpl The date in caption has been altered by pen to 1705. Evans, 1390. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 323 . By the Honourable | Col. Francis Nicholson, and Col. Samuel Vetch. | A Proclamation (encouragements to enlist in the present Expedition.) [At foot:] By His Excellency, The aforegoing Proclamation is agreeable to Her Majesty’s In- structions; To Her Majesties Commands to my self, and for Her Service, Let it be made Publick. J. Dudley. f ma Archives, lxxi. 502. 324 . Midweek, May, 25. 1709. [Election for Council.] ma Archives, xlviii. 412. 325 . [Sheet of Bills of credit.] ma Archives, ci. 361. 1710 Danforth, John. 326 . [Cut.] Profit and Loss: An Elegy Upon the Decease of | Mrs. Mary Gerrish, | Late Vertuous Wife of Mr. Samuel Ger- rish, and Daughter of the Honourable Judge Sewall, | Who on Novemb. 17. 1710. the Night after Publick Thanksgiving, En- MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 47 1710] tred on the Celebration of | Triumphant Hallelujahs, to her Profit, and our Loss. Aged 19. Years & 20. Days. Signed “J. D.” f BA. BPL Harvard College. 327 . Quaestiones. hc Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 328 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [June 15.] Dated, June 2, 1710. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, June 12, 1710. 329 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation For an Embargo. Dated, July 15, 1710. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Gov. and Council. 1710. f ma Archives, LXin. 161. 330 . A Muster Roll of the Company in Her Majesties | Serv- ice under the Command of Captain, Viz. ei. ma Archives, Lxm. 190. Used as a portledge bill of the ship Dispatch, in the expedition to Port Royal. 331 . I master of the called the | Do Acknowledge to have Received of Andrew Belcher, Esq. . . . Provisions, Slop-Clothing, and Stores. aas 332 . Noverint Universi per presentes . . . (Ship’s bond to land enumerated commodities only in other of her Majesty’s plantations, or in some port of Great Britain.) mhs Noyes, Nicholas. 333 . Upon the Much Lamented Death, | of that Pious and Hopeful Young Gentlewoman, | Wife of Mr. Samuel Gerrish, the Daughter of the Honourable | Samuel Sewall Esqr. Who Departed this Life November 17th. 1710. | Being the Night after Publick Thanksgiving. f bpl Tompson, Benjamin. 334 . [in an engraved border] A Neighbour’s Tears | Sprinkled on the Dust of the Amiable Virgin, | Mrs. Rebekah Sewall, | who was born December 30. 1704. and dyed | suddenly, Au- gust 3. 1710. 3Etatis 6. bpl. mhs Signed B. T. Evans, 1489. 335 . A Vindicating Testimonial, | Of Mr. Hugh Adams (the First and Late Pastor of the South Church in Brantry:) . . . Dated August 21, 1710. f bpl 48 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1710 No. 334. Mortuary border. I 7 II. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 49 1711 Harvard College. 336. Quaestiones. hc. mhs 337. Theses. mhs Hill, John. 338. De Par son Excellence M. Jean Hill, General & Com- mandant en Chef les Troupes de sa Majeste Britannique En Amerique. A Boston: Chez B. Green. 1711. Evans, 1498. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 339. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation For a General Fast. [April 12.] Dated, March 23, 1710 [-11]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, April 2, 1711. 340. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (proroguing the General Court to April 25). Dated, April 10, 1711. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, April 23, 1711. 341. [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation | For a General Embargo. Dated, June 9, 1711. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Gov. & Council. 1711. mhs 342. In the House of Representatives. | June 12th. 1711. [Resolve on service against the French and Indians.] [Royal arms.] By His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation. (Reciting inducements to inlist.) Dated, June 12, 1711. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1711. f bpl 343. By His Excellency | the | Governour. | I Hereby Com- mand the Colonel or Chief Military Officer of the Respective Regiments within this Province to cause this Act to be pub- lished . . . (Act on deserters.) Dated July 20, 1711. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency | the Governour and Council. 1711. bpl The order is accompanied by the act on two pages, without colophon. 344. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [July 26.] Dated, July 16, 1711. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 23, 1711. 5o MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1712 345 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a Publick Thanksgiving. [November 29.] Dated, November 5, 1711. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 19, 1711. 346 . Anno Regni Annae Reginae Decimo. | Massachusetts- | Bay. [Royal arms.] At a Great and General | Court or As- sembly, | Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the 30th. | of May, 1711. (On enticing away sailors, marines and soldiers in her Majesty’s service.) Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Gov. & Council. 1711. Archives, lxxi. 784. f MA 347 . To the honoured Commanders of — Right trusty and expert Commanders, we come to tell you of our Dangers. Reprinted in the Boston Evening-Post, January 8, 1739, where it is stated that the Lines were “published here in the Year 1714.” They did not appear in the Boston News-Letter of that year, which suggests a broadside issue. 348 . To the Right Honourable, | Mr. Harley, | Wounded by Guiscard. Boston, N. England : Printed by B. Green, June 12th. 1711. f BA 1712 Harvard College. 349 . Catalogus. No copy of the Catalogus has been located. — Lane. 350 . Quaestiones. hc. mhs Hobart, Nehemiah. 351 . Martij 27. 1712. | Judicis officium peragens, peregreque profectus | (Exigit hoc mensis Martis) Sewallius, inde . . . (With two lines in Latin by Samuel Sewall, who printed the sheet.) mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 352 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [March 13.] Dated, February 11, 171 1[— 12 ]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 25, 17 11[— 12]. 353 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | For the Apprehending of William Hilton. Dated, May 1, 1712. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. 1712. f BPL 1713] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 5 1 354 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation For Proroguing the General Assembly [to September 24]. Dated, September 3, 1712. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, September 8, 1712. 355 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a Publick Thanksgiving. [November 20.] Dated, October 31, 1712. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 10, 1712. 356 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (to prevent laxness and neglect in the due observance of the act of Parliament for ascertaining the Rates and Value of foreign Coins within her Majesties Plantations in America.) Dated, November 12, 1712. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 17, 1712. 1713 357 . B n, Dec. 8. 1713. | To the honourable the Society for propogating the Gospel in foreign Parts. | The Representa- tion and Request of the Ministers, Church Wardens and Vestry of the | church of England in B n. mhs With names of signers filled out in ms. Danforth, John. 358 . Honour and Vertue | Elegized: | in a | Poem, | Upon an Honourable, Aged, and Gracious Mother in our Israel, | Madam Elizabeth Hutchinson, | Late Vertuous Consort of our Hon. Judge, Col. Elisha Hutchinson, Esq. in Boston. | She Entred into the Joyes of Paradise, Feb. 2. 1712, 13. zEtatis Suae 71. • t BA The date has been changed by pen to Feb. 3. Danforth, Samuel. 359 . [Cut] An Elegy in Memory of the Worshipful | Major Thomas Leonard Esq. | of Taunton in New-England: Who departed this Life on the 24th. Day of November, ( Anno Domini 1713. In the 73d. Year of his Age. f ba Evans, 1605. Great Britain. 360 . Her Majesties | most gracious | Speech | To both Houses of Parliament, | on Thursday the Sixteenth Day of July, 1713. Boston in New England: | Reprinted by B. Green, by Order of the Honourable Francis Nicholson Esqr. | 1713. f aas pp. 2. Evans, 1607. The Speech was printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 19, 1713. 52 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i7i4 Harvard College. 361. Quaestiones. hc 362. Theses. [Stiles] 363. A Letter | About a Good Management under the Dis- temper of the Measles, at | this time Spreading in the Country. Here Published for the Benefit of | the Poor, and such as may want the help of Able Physicians. aas pp. 4. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 364. By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [April 16.] Dated, March 21, 1712[— 13]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 30, 1713. 365. By his Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a Publick Thanksgiving. [November 12.] Dated, October 24, 1713. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 2, 1713. 366. [Anno] Regni Annae Reginae Decimo. [Royal arms.] Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | An Act, | Made and Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her Majesty’s Province of the Massachusetts- | Bay in New-Eng- land, Held at Boston the 17th | Day of October, 1711. (An Act to Reverse the Attainders of George Burroughs and others for witchcraft.) Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency [ the Governour and Council. 1713. pp. 2. See 1 Proceedings, xx. 284. Evans, 1504. 1714 367. Advertisement (postponing meeting of Subscribers in the Partnership for circulating bills or notes founded on land- security.) Dated, Boston, October 16, 1714. f ba Danforth, John. 368. A Poem, Upon the much Honoured and very Exemp- larily Gracious | Mrs. Maria Mather, | Late Consort of the very Reverend Increase Mather, Dr. of Divinity | and Teacher of a Church in Boston in New-England. | She exchanged this Life for a better, April 4, Anno Domini 1714. TEtatis suae 73. Evans, 1673. HC 369. A Dialogue | Between a Boston Man and a Country Man. Printed for a Publick Good. 1714. t ba 1714] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 53 pp. 2. Found in a file of the Boston News-Letter, between the issues of February 14 and 21, 1 714[— 15.] The text is printed in Mass. Col. Soc., Transactions, x. 345. Mr. Matthews believes it to have been printed between September, 1714, and March, 1715. See also No. 373, infra. Harvard College. 370 . Quaestiones. hc [Mather, Cotton.] 371 . Rules | For the Society of | Negroes. 1693. | nypl. aas The ninth Rule mentions Mather’s Negro Christianized, which was not published until 1706. Diary, 1 . I76n. On the copy in the American Anti- quarian Society is written by Samuel Sewall: “Left at my house for me, when I was not at home, by Spaniard Dr. Mather’s Negro; March 23, 1713-14.” This probably fixes the year of printing. See No. 201, supra. 372 . Two Lines of Un-accountable Characters, | found on the perpendicular side of a Large ) Rock, that stands on the Brink of a Tideing | River, (part in and part out of the River,) | near the Town of Taunton, in New-England. [Cut.] y It is the inscription on Dighton Rock. Two issues of this leaflet were made, the history of which is related by Prof. Edmund Burke Delabarre in Mass. Col. Soc., Transactions, xvm. 257, and a reproduction is given at page 254. 373 . My son, fear thou the Lord, | and the King: and meddle not with them that are given to change, Proverbs Chap. 24. Verse 21, Signed “Finis.” f ba pp. 2. Found in the same place as “A Dialogue” No. 369, supra, and also printed in Mass. Col. Soc., Transactions, x. 348. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 374 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; . . . A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [January 14.] Dated, December 22, 1713. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, January 11, 1 713[— 14], 375 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (on trade with the Indians). Dated. March 10,1 7 13[— 14.] Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 22, 1 7 13[— 14]. 376 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation For Dissolving the Present General Assembly. Dated, April 6, 1714. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, April 12, 1714. 377 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [May 13.] Dated, April 20, 1714. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, May 3, 1714. 54 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [l7H 378 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley Esq. |. . . | A Proclamation. (On seven muster rolls of New England Troops at Annapolis Royal.) Dated, August 16, 1714. Bos- ton: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Gov- ernour & Council. 1714. aas 2 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings , xi. 459. 379 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [September 2.] Dated, August 20, 1714. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 30, 1714. 380 . A Muster Roll of Capt. David Pigeons | Company of New-England Troops, During its being at Annapolis Royal, in Her | Majesties Service, from the 10th, of October 1710. to the 10th. of October 1711. ma Archives, xci. 2. 381 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation | Requiring all Persons being in Office of Authority or Government at the [Death] | of the late Queen, to proceed in the Execution of their respective 0[ffices.] Dated October 27, 1714. f ba 382 . [Proclamation for apprehending Thomas Odell, escaped from his Majesty’s Goal in Boston, where he stood committed for counterfeiting Bills of Credit. Dated, October 29, 1714.] Outlined in the Boston News-Letter, November 8, 1714. 383 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving. [November 25.] Dated, November 1, 1714. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 22, 1714. 384 . Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | At a Session of the Great and General Court, | Held at Boston, October 14, 1713 (on townships in York County.) Also a resolution on a town near Casco, passed February 10th, 17 13[— 14]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Gov. & Council. 1713. f BA 385 . Recognizance. mhs Forms in the mhs are dated, 1723 (Fr.), 1733, 1738, 1742, 1745 (two varieties) 1764, 1766 and 1769, in various collections. 386 . Taken from | The London Gazette, | which is Published by Authority, | From Saturday July 31. to Tuesday August 3. 1714 (on death of Queen Anne). Boston: Reprinted and Sold 1715] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 55 by B. Green, in Newbury Street. Sept. 221714. ba. bpl. mhs pp. 2. 387 . From | The London Gazette. | . . . I From Tuesday No- vember 23. to Saturday November 27. 1/14. | By the King, | A Proclamation. | Declaring His Majesty’s Pleasure for Con- tinuing the Officers in His Majesty’s Plan- | tations, till His Majesty’s Pleasure shall be further Declared. Dated, Novem- ber 22, 1714. Re-printed at Boston, by Thomas Fleet and Thomas Crump, by Order of His Excellency the Governour. Great Britain. 388 . His Majesty’s | Most gracious | Speech | To both Houses of | Parliament, | On Monday, March the 21st. 1714-15. Bos- ton: Re-printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump, in Pudding-Lane. Sold by | Nicholas Buttolph and Samuel Gerrish. 1715. Price Two Pence. t AAS Evans, 1742, says Reprinted by B. Green. 389 . The Humble Address of the House of Lords | to the King, March 23. 1714-15. | With His Majesty’s most Gracious Answer. Boston; Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump; Sold by Nicholas Buttolph and Samuel Gerrish. | (Price Two Pence.) t AAS 390 . Copy | Of the Fifth & Sixth ARTICLES of the Treaty of Neutrality | in America, between England and France, in the Year 1686. | late sent in Orders to His Majesty’s Frigots at- tending The | Government of this Province, to be put in Exe- cution to | Effect. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Gov. & Council. 1715. t ba See Nos. 423 and 594. Harvard College. 391 . Catalogus. ba 392 . Quaestiones. hc 393 . In Luctuosissimum obitum | Doctissimi Reverendis- simique Magistri | Thomae Bridge, | Ecclesiae de Bostonia Pastoris fidelissimi, pie ac placide | in domino defuncti, 26 Septrs 1715. 3Etatis 59. f ba London. City. 394 . Instructions by the Citizens of London, to their | Repre- sentatives for the Ensuing Parliament. Boston: Re-printed by 56 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i7i5 Thomas Fleet and Thomas Crump, in Pudding- | Lane, near the Town-House. Sold by Samuel Gerrish. 1715. Price Two Pence. f ba. bpl The original was printed in London “ for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in Cheapside near the Poultrey. 1715.” A copy is in the Bibli- otheca Lindensiana. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 395 - By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation Against a Commerce and Trade with the French of Canada, Cape Breton, &c. Dated, January 3, 17 14[— 15]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, January 17, 1714[— 15]. 396 . By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation, (dissolving the General Court, which had been pro- rogued to January 19.) Dated, January 12, 17 14[— 15]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, January 17, 17 14[— 15]. 397 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable the | Council | Of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. | A Proclamation. (Continuing in office all qualified officers civil and military.) Dated February 4, 1714. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to the Honourable the Council. 1714[— 15]. BA. MHS Reproduced in 2 Proceedings, xv. 345. 398 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable the | Council | of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. | A Proclamation for a general Fast. Dated, March 2, 17 14[— 15]. DILI' FT MON DROIT Royal arms, George I. 1715] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 57 Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to the Honourable the Council. 1714. ba 399 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable the | Council | of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New- England. | A Declaration. Dated, March 18, 1714. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to the Honourable the Council. 1714[-15]. BA. MHS A reply to “The Case of His Excellency the Governour and Council of the Province . . . truly stated,” No. 404, infra. Reproduced in 2 Proceedings, xv. 351. 400 . [Royal Arms] By His Excellency, | Joseph Dudley Esq. | ... | A Proclamation Against a Commerce & Trade with the French of Canada, Cape Breton, &c. Dated, March 29, 1715. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1715. f ba 401 . [Proclamation proroguing the General Court to October 26. Dated, September 22, 1715.] Mentioned in the Boston News-Letter,. September 26, 1715. 402 . By the Honourable, William Tailer, Esq; ... A Procla- mation, Requiring all Persons being now in Office of Authority or Government to Continue and Proceed in the Execution of their Respective Trusts and offices. Dated, November 9, 1715. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 14, 1715. 403 . William Tailer Esq; Lieutenant Governour | . . . Military commission. Dated in ms. January 21, 1715. MeHS 404 . The | Case | of His Excellency the Governour and Coun- cil | of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, truly Stated. [Boston: Thomas Fleet, 1715.] mhs pp. 4. Another copy in the Boston Athenaeum has endorsed upon it in the writing of Samuel Sewall: “This was Printed by Thomas Fleet at Boston, March 14th. 1714-15.” The reply is No. 399, supra. 11 Boston, On Friday last [18] the Honourable the Council Issued forth a Declaration against a Printed Sheet, Sign’d by no Body, containing Reflections on the Government.” Boston News-Letter, March 21, 1714 [-15.] “In the Last Weeks News-Letter there was Notice taken of a Decla- ration against an Anonymous Paper &c. and these are to Certify, that there was no Order of Council for Inserting the same.” Ib., March 28, 1715. “ Whereas sometime on or about Tuesday the 15th of March Instant, a Printed Sheet of Paper, Called the Case Stated &c. was Clandestinely taken out of Mr. Samuel Tyleys office in Boston near the Town-House, and afterwards with an ill Design, dropt in the Street, whereby the same was Published here in Boston which was never designed so to be. These 58 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1716 are therefore to give Notice that if any one will Discover the Person that was Guilty of that Crime, so as he may be Convicted thereof shall be well rewarded.” Ib. Noyes, Nicholas. 405. A Poem on the Death of Joseph Green, of Salem. 1715. Wegelin, 1. 41 . Sewall, Samuel. 406. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in | New-England; December, 12, 1715. | Samuel Sewall Esq; Judge for the | Probate of Wills, and Granting | Letters of Administration, within | the County of Suffolk; Purposes, | God willing, to wait upon that Busi- | ness, at his dwelling house in Boston, . . . El 1716 407. Flying Post. [Boston: Thomas Fleet, 1716.] “The Lieutenant Governor asked the Council’s Advice about a Para- graph taken out of the Flying Post printed by Fleet,” Sewall, Diary, hi. 84. Harvard College. 408. Quaestiones. hc. mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 409. By the Honourable William Tailer, Esq; ... A Procla- mation. (Ordering the Reprinting of His Majesties Proclama- tion, “publishing his most Pious Resolution, to discountenance and punish all Vice, Immorality and Prophaneness, and to En- courage and Reward Virtue in all Persons from the Highest to the Lowest Degree.”) Dated, March 2, 17 15[— 16]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter , March 12, 17 15[— 16]. The royal proclamation was dated January 5, 1 7 14[— 15]. A copy is in the British Museum. 410. By the Honourable, William Tailer, Esq; . . . A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [March 22.] Dated, March 2, 1715[-16]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 19, 1715. 411. By the Honourable William Tailer, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving. [August 23.] Dated, August 3, 1716. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 13, 1716. 412. By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (continuing in office all officers, civil and military within the Province). Dated, October 5, 1716. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 8, 1716. 1717] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 59 413 . His Excellency, | Samuel Shute, Esq; | . . . | His | Speech | to the | Honourable Council and House of Representatives . . . on Wednesday the Seventh of November, 1716. Boston: | Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour | and Council. Sold at the Booksellers Shops. 1716. j aas pp. 2. Evans, 1818. 414 . By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving. [December 6.] Dated, November 13, 1716. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, December 3, 1716. 1717 Charmion, John. 415 . AvM’S' | Eximij Pietate, Eruditione, Prudentia’ Viri | D. Ebenezrae Pembertoni, | Apud Bostonienses Americanos Prasdicatoris vere Evangelici. | Epitaphium. [At end] Posuit Jo. Charmion in literas, etc. mhs No such name as Charmion can be found in any record of Boston or of the Old South Church, over which Mr. Pemberton was minister. 416 . John Charmion’s Latin Epitaph from his ardent Love to Learning and Learned Men, on Mr. [Ebenezer] Pemberton, who dyed at Boston, the | 13th of February, 1716, 7. in the 45th year of his Age, translated | into English. mhs Evans, 1871, who gives Boston: “Sold by S. Gerrish, 1717” as a colophon. “John Charmion’s Latin Epitaph on the Reverend Mr. Eben- ezer Pemberton, Translated into English, to be Sold by Mr. Samuel Gerrish Bookseller at his Shop in Cornhill next the Brick Meeting-House, Boston. Boston News-Letter, May 27, 1717. Danforth, John. 417 . [Cut.] Greatness & Goodness Elegized, | In a Poem, upon the much Lamented Decease of the Honourable & Vertuous | Madam Hannah Sewall, | Late Consort of the Honourable Judge Sewall, in Boston, in New-England. | She Exchanged this Life for a Better, October, 19th. Anno Dom. 1717. Hftatis Suae. 60. Signed, “John Danforth, V. D. M. Dorcestriae.” NYPL. BPL Harvard College. 418 . Quaestiones. hc. mhs 419 . Theses. mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 420. By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 6o [1718 mation for a General Fast. [April 4.] Dated, March 12, 1716[— 17]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 25, 1717. 421. By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (against a pirate ship commanded by Samuel Bellame). Dated, May 4, 1717. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, May 13, 1717. 422. By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a Publick Fast. [July 11.] Dated, June 22, 1717. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 8, 1717. 423. By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; . . . (re-print- ing the Vth and Vlth Articles of the Treaty of Peace and Neu- trality between Great Britain and France, concluded the 6-16 Day of November, 1686.) Dated, August 31, 1717. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, September 9, 1717. See Nos. 390 and 594. 424. By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a Publick Thanksgiving. [November 28.] Dated, November 5, 1717. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 25, 1717. 425. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | Samuel Shute, Esqr; Captain General . . . (Military commission.) Dated, [September 4,] 171 [7.] ei 426. Province and County Tax and Town Rate. Form of bill with notice of assessors, signed George Shore, Constable, mhs Mather, Cotton. 427. A | Speech | Made unto His Excellency, [ Samuel Shute, Esq; | . . . | By the Reverend, | Dr. Cotton Mather. | Attended with the Ministers of the Massachusetts-Province, | New-Eng- land, May 30. 1717. Boston: Printed and sold by B. Green in Newbury-Street. 1717. t ba pp. 2. It is reprinted in Journals of the Bouse of Representatives of Massachusetts (Dowse), 1 . 175. Evans, 1906. 1718 Harvard College. 428. Catalogus. 429. Quaestiones. No copy of the Catalogus has been located HC — Lane. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 6l 1718] Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 430 . By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [February 27.] Dated, February 8, 1717[— 18]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 24, 1718. 431 . By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation For the Encouragement of Piety and Virtue, and for the Preventing and Punishing of Vice and Prophaneness and Immorality. Dated, June 24, 1718. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 7, 1718. 432 . By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation For Calling in Province Bills of Credit of Former Plates, Signed with Three Hands only, and for detecting the Makers and Forgers of certain Counterfeit Bills. Dated, July 15, 1718. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 21, 1718. 433 . By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (publishing the offer of mercy to surrendering pirates, contained in the King’s Proclamation of September 5, 1718.) Dated, October 25, 1718. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 3, 1718. 434 . By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Proclama- tion for a General Thanksgiving. [December 11.] Dated, November 18, 1718. Printed in the Boston News Letter, December 1, 1718. 435 . [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency, | Samuel Shute, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (against entertaining escaped felons: John Simonds, Thomas Story, Thomas Cross, John Tailer, William Wight, James Barret and Richard Webb.) Dated, November 25, 1718. t chs The imprint is wanting. Reproduced in Journals of the House of Rep- resentatives of Massachusetts (Dowse), 11 . 436 . Brief of the Governor and Council, for Collections for propagating the Gospel. Boston: Printed by B. Green. 1718. Evans, 1970. 437 . William Tailer Esq; Lieutenant Governor . . . Military commission. Dated, [January 17,] 1717-18.] ei Pitcher, Nathaniel. 438 . Words of Consolation to [ Mr. Robert Stetson & Mrs. Mary Stetson, his Wife, | On the Death of their Son Isaac 62 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1719 No. 438. Probably copied from some English illustration. Stetson, Who Perished in the Mighty Waters, | November 7th. 1718. Aged 22. Signed, Nathaniel Pitcher. Also on the same sheet: [Wood-cut.] A Sorrowful Poem upon that Desirable Youth | Isaac Stetson of Scituate, who was | Cast-away in a Sloop near the Mouth of the | North-River in Scituate, the 7th day of No- | vember. 1718. Anno ALtatis Suae 22. Signed, By a Friend. f ei 439. A Satyrical Description of Commencement, Calculated to the Meridian of Cambridge in New-England. See the same title in 1740, No. 739, infra. 1719 Franklin, Benjamin. 440. The Lighthouse Tragedy. “I now took a fancy to poetry, and made some little pieces; my brother, thinking it might turn to account, encouraged me and put me on com- posing occasional ballads. One was called The Lighthouse Tragedy, and contained an account of the drowning of Captain Worthilake, with his two daughters: the other was a sailor’s song, on the taking of Teach (or Blackbeard) the pirate.” Franklin’s Autobiography (Smyth, 1 . 239.) George Worthilake was drowned November 3, 1718. See Ford, Bibliography of Franklin , 1. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 1720] 63 441 . [Ballad on the taking of Teach, or Blackbeard.] See note to No. 440. Harvard College. 442 . Quaestiones. aas. hc 443 . Theses. hhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 444 . By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [April 2.] Dated, March 14, 1719. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 23, 1719. 445 . By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving [October 29.] Dated, October 17, 1719. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 26, 1719. 446 . Number 422. Taken from the | Flying-Post; | or, | Post- master. | From Thursday, May 14, to Saturday May 16. 1719. t HC. CHS A letter of Cotton Mather, dated Boston, New England, Nov. 4, 1718. Evans, 2042. 447 . A | Testimony | against | Evil Customs. | Given by Several Ministers of the Gospel. Boston: in N. E. Printed by Samuel Kneeland, for Samuel Gerrish, | and Sold at his Shop in Corn- Hill, near the Old Meeting-House. MDCCXIX. mhs pp. 4. Evans, 2051. 1720 Boston News-Letter. 448 . Such as have a mind to pleasure their Friends with it per Post may have it every Monday a whole Sheet, one half with the News, the other half good Paper to Write their Letter on, (which will fully obviate that insinuation of People’s being prevented having it that live remote from hence) by only pay- ing single Postage, for both the News and their Letter every Post. Advertisement in the Boston News-Letter, January 4, 1720. I have not found an example of such an issue of the sheet. In the next number of the newspaper Campbell added that the plan proposed was also “for the advantage of the Post-Office.” Franklin, James. 449 . The Printer hereof, having dispers’d Advertisements of his Printing Callicoes, &c. a certain person in Charlstown to rob him of the Benefit of said Advertisements and impose upon Strangers, calls himself by the Name of Franklin, having 64 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1720 agreed with one in Queen Street Boston to take in his work. These are to desire him to be satisfyed with his proper Name, or he will be proceeded against according to Law. Boston Gazette, May 9, 1720. While it is possible that Franklin may have referred to the Advertise- ment in the Gazette, yet the word “dispers’d” suggests a circular. Burt, Jonathan. 450. A Lamentation | Occasion’d by the | Great Sickness & Lamented Deaths of divers Eminent Persons in Springfield. | Composed by Mr. Jonathan Burt, (an Old Disciple,) in his Fourscore & Fifth Year, | (Since Deceased,) Left as a Dying Legacy to his Children, and Surviving Friends. Writ, April, 1712. Printed in the Year, 1720. hhs Boston. 451. Some Reasons and Arguments offered to the People of Boston, and adjacent Places for setting up of Markets in Boston. To be Sold by Samuel Gerrish and John Edwards Booksellers, near the Town House in Boston. Price 4d. single, or 3s. a Dozen. Advertisement in Boston News-Letter, March 7, 1720. Harvard College. 452. Quaestiones. hc. mhs 453. Theses. aas. hc. mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 454. By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast (March 31.) Dated March 3, 1719[— 20]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 14, 1720. 455. By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for Proroguing the General Assembly (to April 13). Dated, March 7, l7l9[-20]. Printed in the Boston Gazette, March 14, 17 19[— 20]. 456. By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation For Detecting the Writer of a certain Paper called, An Order of Our Soveraign Lord the People. Dated, April 28, 1720. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, May 2, 1720. The Proclamation leaves the impression that the “Order” was circulated only in a manu- script form, for it offers pardon to any person “concerned in Transcribing or Scattering the said Papers ” who shall inform against the writer. Sewall’s Diary (in. 250) settles the question of printing. “The Govr. in Council said he had met with a Libel; producing it; it appeared to be [Colman’s] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 65 1720] the distressed estate of Boston: I had not seen it before. Council order’d the Sessions to inquire after the Author and printers and to do with them according to Law.” 457 . By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (offering a reward for the apprehension of John Bishop of Guilford, a supposed counterfeiter.) Dated, September 5, 1720 . Printed in the Boston News-Letter, September 12, 1720. 458 . By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving [October 27.] Dated, October 4, 1720. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 10, 1720. 459 . “Whereas His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; . . . has Issued forth a Proclamation for Apprehending of Deserters from His Majesty’s Ship the Rose, Captain Thomas Whitney Com- mander . . .” In Boston Gazette, November 14, 1720. 460 . The Case of the | Muster Rolls | of his | Majesty’s Castle William, | The Honourable William Dummer, Esq; Com- mander, | Which was lately enquired into by a Committee of the Honourable | House of Representatives, as it appears to His Majesty’s Council. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour | and Council. 1720. f ba pp. 3. It is reprinted in the Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts (Dowse), n. 355. 461. The | Mercies | Of the Year, | commemorated: | A Song for | Little children | in New-England. | December 13th 1720. [And] Psalm CVII — last Part. | Translated | by the Reverend | Mr. Isaac Watts | And by him Intitled, | A Psalm for New- England. f JCB The “Mercies of the Year” was reprinted in December, 1910, by George Parker Winship, and both poems were reproduced in 1911 for the Club for Colonial Reprints, Providence, R. I. Sew all, Samuel. 462. Upon Mr. Samuel Willard, his first | coming into the Assembly ( same as No. 244, supra.) [also] N. The 106 — 127, & 166 Pages | of this Book, do more especially treat | of the calling of the Jews. Dated Fifth-Day; May 12th, 1720. mhs The 2 pages are on same side of leaf. The verses on Mr. Willard are those of 1700, but reset. The second page applies to Willard’s The Fountain Opened, printed in 1700, with which it is found in the mhs. 66 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1721 Sewall was paying court to Madame Winthrop at the time and the sec- ond page is an amusing approach in his suit. The text is in 2 Proceed- ings, 11 . 42. Valentine, John. 463. The Postscript. Dated Deadham, 1720. f aas. lc pp. 3. On Colman and his “Distressed State of the Town of Boston.” Reprinted in Davis, Colonial Currency reprints, 1 . 445. 1721 Boston, Town. 464. At A Publick Town Meeting of the Freeholders & other | Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, Legally Warned | and Met, at the Town-House in Boston on Wednesday, | August Second, and Continued by Adjournment to | Fryday the Eleventh of said Month. Anno 1721. (Instructions to John Clarke and others.) Boston: Printed for Benjamin Gray, at his Shop in Corn-Hill. 1721. t HC - BA Evans, 2201. 465. At a | Town-Meeting | The 11th day of August to give Instructions to their | Representatives, a Discourse happened pro and | con, upon the reading the 3d Article, to wit, And | preserving the just and laudable usages and Customs | of re- serving Allowances and Grants until the Acts | and Elections, &c. be fully compleated and sign’d by | his Excellency. With some Reflections on the pre- | sent Assembly, as far as is come to our Knowledge, and some Account of the manner of chusing them. f hc pp. 2. 466. Decree of Judgment. ma Archives, cclxxxii. 42. Harvard College. 467. Catalogus. hc 468. Theses. mhs 469. The | Little-Compton Scourge: | or, | The Anti-Courant. Dated, Little-Compton, August 10, 1721. Boston: Printed and sold by J. Franklin over against Mr. Sheaf’s School in Queen Street. Price 3d. t Signed, Zechariah Touchstone. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 470. By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 1721] 67 mation for a General Fast. [April 20.] Dated, March 20, [1720-21.] Printed in the Boston News-Letter, April 3, 1721. 471 . By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (for apprehending Benjamin Norton of Newport, Rhode Island, for corresponding with pirates.) Dated, May 6, 1721. Printed in Boston News-Letter, May 15, 1721. 472 . By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [July 13.] Dated, June 27, 1721. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 3, 1721. 473 . By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (imposing a quarantine on ships coming from France or the Mediterranean because of the prevalent plague in those parts.) Dated, August 4, 1721. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 14, 1721. 474 . By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (directing the return of all fit to bear arms who had deserted the Eastern settlements.) Dated August 4, 1721. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 14, 1721. 475 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency, | Samuel Shute, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a General | Thanksgiving [October 26.] Dated, September 18, 1721. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1721. Evans, 2240. BA. RIHS. MHS 476 . By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (for discovering the unknown villain who threw into the house of the Rev. Cotton Mather a Granado-shell, loaded with combustible matter.) Dated, November 16, 1721. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 20, 1721. See Mather, Diary, H. 657. 477 . Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | Samuel Shute, Esqr; Captain General | . . . (Military commission.) Dated, [March 31,] 172[1]. El Mather, Increase. 478 . Several Reasons | Proving that Inoculating or Trans- planting the Small Pox is a | Lawful Practice, and that it has been blessed by God | for the Saving of many a Life. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland for J. Edwards at his Shop in King- Street. 1721. f BM. PC. JCB pp. 2. Evans, 2258. 68 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1722 Sewall, Samuel. 479 . A Memorial relating to the Kennebeck Indians. [Boston: September 8th, 1721.] mhs pp. 3. The text is given in Maine Historical Society, Collections , 111. 351. Evans, 2292. 480 . Upon the drying up of that Ancient River, | the River | Merrymak. Dated, January 15, 1719-20, and signed S. S. [And] Connecticut’s Flood, | on Merrymak’s Ebb. Dated, March 10, 1720-21, and signed Anthropos. mhs 2 poems on the same sheet. Thacher, Peter, John Danforth and Joseph Belcher. 481 . To the Reverend Minister | of the Glorious Gospel of Christ in j in New-England; We wish Grace, Mercy & Peace, | thro’ Our Lord Jesus Christ. Dated at Dedham, October 9, 1721. f hc pp. 2. Sending a Formulary of a Preamble for Private Subscriptions, or Publick Contributions, for erecting a small meeting-house at Providence, R. I. 1722 Calef, John. 482 . A | Poem, | on the | much-lamented Death | of | Mr. Ed- mund Titcomb, | Who Died May 26, 1722, in the 41st year of his Age. f nyhs G., W. 483 . A Brief Narrative, or Poem, giving an Account of the Hostile Actions of some Pagan Indians towards Lieutenant Jacob Tilton, and his brother Daniel Tilton, both of Ipswich, . . . See under 1774, infra. Harvard College. 484 . Quaestiones. ba. hc 485 . Theses. t BA Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 486 . By His Excellency, Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Fast. [August 9.] Dated, July 12, 1722. Printed in the Boston Gazette, July 23, 1722. 487 . By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq. Captain General and Gouvernour in Chief, ... A Declaration against the Eastern Indians. Dated July 25, 1722. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1722. NHaHS The text is printed in the Boston Gazette, July 30, 1722. 172 3 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 69 488 . By His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esq; ... A Procla- mation for a General Thanksgiving. [November 8.] Dated, October 20, 1722. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 29, 1722. 489 . A Muster-Roll of the Company in His Majesty’s | Serv- ice under the Command of Captain, Viz. ma Archives, xci. 35. Until 1724 the third column was “Whether Servants or Sons under Age.” 1723 Beebee, S. 490 . A | Three fold Cord. | Or Trebble Obligation, to love the Lord Jesus Christ. | Set forth under an Allegory: | Or that Tragical, and Typical Transaction of Joseph, and his Brethren. nyhs. mhs A Samuel Beebe was one of the original members of the church in Milford, Conn. Boston, Town. 491 . Voted, | That whosoever shall keep any Cow, going at large within the Neck of Boston . . . (orders of the Selectmen to John Marion, for impounding cows not properly ticketed.) mhs Evans, 2412. 492 . [Cut.] A Funeral Elegy | Upon the much Lamented Death of j Daniel Rogers Esq; | who travelling from Hamp- ton to Ipswich on Saturday, Decemb.-l. 1722. | (’tis thought) mistook the Road, and going down to Salisbury-Beach, was | there benighted, and lost his Life; his Body was found the 14th of January | following, in a deep Cove, and was decently In- terr’d at Ipswich the 16th, in the | 56 Year of his Age. Signed, “J. P.” and dated December 10th, 1722. f bpl Harvard College. 493 . Catalogus Librorum. Evans, 2432. See Mass. Col. Soc., Transactions, in. 402. 494 . Quaestiones. ba. hc 495 . Theses. t ba Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 496 . In the House of Representatives. | Whereas a Difference has arisen about the Resolve for the Supply of the | Treasury between the Honourable Board and the House, Resolved, . . . Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green and | Samuel Knee- 7° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1724 land, Printers to the Honourable House | of Representatives. 1723. HC MHS pp. 4. 497 . By the Honourable, William Dummer, Esq; ... A Proclamation for a General Fast. [March 14.] Dated, Feb- ruary 22, 1722[— 23]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 28, 1723. 498. By His Excellency, William Dummer, Esq; ... A Proclamation (on detection of authors of fires, of recent oc- currence in Boston, “which Fires have been designedly and industriously kindled by some villanous & desperate Negroes, or other dissolute People.”) Dated, April 15, 1723. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, April 18, 1723. 499 . By the Honourable, William Dummer, Esq; ... A Proclamation (on detecting forgers of the Bills of Credit of Massachusetts-Bay and of the neighboring governments.) Dated, August 9, 1723. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 15, 1723. 500 . By the Honourable, William Dummer, Esq; ... A Proclamation for a General Fast. [October 17.] Dated, Sep- tember 26, 1723. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 3, 1723. 501 . By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; ... A Proclamation for a General Thanksgiving. [November 28.] Dated, November 6, 1723. plym 1724 Boston, Fire Society. 502 . These Presents Witness, | That We the Subscribers, as Neighbours and Friends, do mutually agree to | the following Articles, viz. (forming a Fire Society.) mhs See No. 770, infra, for a reissue, revised. D[anforth], J[ohn]. 503 . [Cut.] The Divine Name Humbly Celebrated, | On Oc- casion of the Translation to Heaven of the Bright Soul | of the Pious and Vertuous, | Madam Susanna Thacher | Late Con- sort of the Reverend Mr. Peter Thacher, Pastor of the Church | of Christ in Milton. September 4. Anno Domini 1724. Aitatis Suae 59. mhs 504 . Deed. Many forms may be found, too numerous to describe. MHS 1724] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 71 Hale, Sir Matthew. 505 . A New-Year’s Gift. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight Late Lord Chief Justice of England. Written with his own hand. The Sum of Religion. He that fears the Lord of Heaven & Earth, walks humbly before him . . . whether he is an Episco- parian, or Presbyterian, or Independent or Antibaptist; whether he wears a Surplice, or wears none whether he hears Organs, or hears none . . . Reprinted and sold in Newbury Street at Boston in N. E. January 1st. 1724. Harvard College. 506 . Catalogus. 507 . Quaestiones. HC No copy of the Catalogus has been located. — Lane. Massachusetts-Bay Province. 508 . By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; ... A Proclamation for a General Fast. [March 26.] Dated, Feb- ruary 20, 1723[-24.] Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 27, 1724. 509 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable, | William Dummer, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a General | Thanksgiving [November 5.] Dated, October 17, 1724. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Governour and Council. 1724. ba 510 . Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | William Dum- mer, Esq; ... (A commission.) bpl The last words of lines are as follows: Commission to Majesty’s Province especial Trust Instructions, as or Other and Discipline, 511 . A Muster-Roll (like the form of 1722.) ma Archives, xci, 140. The third column is “Names of Fathers and Masters, of Sons under Age and Servants.” This form was also used in 1742-1745. 512 . Province of the | Massachusetts- | Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Jeremiah Allen, Esq; | Treasurer. .. (Tax warrant.) Dated, June 24, 1724. ei 513 . The New England Diary, or Almanack for the Year of our Lord, 1725. By a Native of New-England. Printed and sold by J. Franklin, at his Shop in Union-Street, near the Green Dragon, where may be had (on Wednesday next) the same Almanack neatly printed on a Broadside, wherein all the Twelve Months are presented to the View at once, and MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 72 [l72S may serve as well for Ornament as Service to House-Keepers in Town and Country. [By Nathan Bowen.] Advertisement in The New England Courant, November 23, 1724. Ode. 514. Tomorrow [October 20] will be publish’d, and sold by James Franklin in Union Street, King George’s Health. A Sacred Ode. On the Anniversary of his Majesty’s Coronation, Octob. 20, 1724. Price 4d. Advertisement in The New England Courant , October 19, 1724. The price would indicate a pamphlet, but no copy has been found. 515. [Cut.] The Rebels | Rewards | or, | English Courage Displayed. | Being a full and true Account of the | Victory obtained over the Indians | at Norridgiwock, on the Twelfth | of August last, by the English | Forces under Command of Capt. | Johnson Harmon. | To the Tune of, All you that love Good Fellows, &c. | Boston: Printed and Sold by J. Franklin, in Union Street. 1724. Wegelin,n. 77. It was published September 2, 1724, and was advertised in the New England Courant, August 31, 1724. 1725 Harvard College. 516 . Quaestiones. ba. hc 517 . Theses. t BA Massachusetts Bay, Province. 518 . By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation for a General Fast. [April 1.] Dated, March 6, 1724 [-25]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 11, 1725. 519 . By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; ... A Proclamation (for discovering and apprehending those who had rescued Isaac Brown and Hugh Didson from Newbury Goal). Dated, September 7, 1725. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, September 9, 1725. 520 . By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for a Publick Thanksgiving. [October 28.] Dated, October 9, 1725. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 14, 1725. 521 . At a Great and | General Court or | Assembly | For His Majesty’s Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New- England, begun & held | at Boston, upon Wednesday, May 1727] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 73 26th. 1725. (On support of the ministry and depreciation of the Bills of credit.) bpl Reproduced in the Mass. Col. Soc., Transactions, vm. 130. Sturgeon, Robert. 522. A Trespass-Offering, | Humbly presented unto the Churches of New-England, | By Robert Sturgeon. Boston in New-England: | Printed by B. Green. 1725. t hc pp. 4. Evans, 2704. 523. Just Publish’d and sold by J. Franklin in Union-Street, The Voluntier’s March; being a full and true Account of the bloody Fight which happen’d between Capt. Lovewell’s Com- pany and the Indians at Pigwoket. An excellent new Song. Advertisement in The New-England Courant, May 31, 1725. Harvard College. 524. Quaestiones. 525. Theses. 1726 f BA f BA Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 526. By the Honourable, William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for a Publick Fast. [March 24.] Dated, March 5, 1725 [-26], Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 10, 1726. 527. By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (on treaty with the Penobscot and other tribes of Eastern Indians, and enjoining observance.) Dated, August 17, 1726. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 25, 1726. 528. By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for a General Thanksgiving. [November 10.] Dated, October 13, 1726. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 20, 1726. 529. Military commission [Dummer]. BPL Commission to | officers and I Majesty’s Province | Obey you I especial Trust | Instructions as | 1727 Danforth, John. 530. A Poem on the Death of Peter Thacher of Milton and Samuel Danforth of Taunton. Thacher died December 17, 1727 and Danforth, November 14, 1727. Wegelin, 1 . 21, who conjectures 1724. 74 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1727 Deed. 531 . Province of the | Massachusetts | Bay. | This Indenture . . . A blanket folio. Archives, xlii. 327. f MA Harvard College. 532 . Catalogus. HC Evans, 2878. 533 . Quaestiones. ba. hc 534 . Theses. f aas. ba. hc 535 . London, June 15, 1727: Colophon: London Printed: Re- printed and Sold in Queen-Street Boston, MDCCXXVII. f lc pp. 2. On the death of George I. Printed by Samuel Kneeland. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 536 . [Royal Arms.] By the Honourable | William Dummer, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation | For Apprehending John Pittman (suspected of murdering Capt. James Cornwall). Dated, Feb- ruary 24, 1726[— 27]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Hon. the Lieut. Gov. & Council, l726[-27]. f mhs 537 . By the Honourable, William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for a Publick Fast. [March 30.] Dated, March 9, 1726 [— 27 ]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 16, 1727. 538 . By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (on treaty with the Eastern Indians and its obser- vance). Dated, August 3, 1727. Printed in the Boston News Letter, August 10, 1727. 539 . By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for a Publick Fast. [December 21.] Dated, Decem- ber 9, 1727. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, December 14, 1727. 540 . [Royal Arms.] Jeremiah Allen, Esq; | Treasurer, etc. Dated, December 5, 1727, (Province tax warrant.) t nyhs 541 . On a Day of Publick Fasting and Prayer | (December 21, 1727.) Occasioned by a Terrible | Earthquake, on Lord’s-Day- Night, October | 29th. 1727. t AAS pp. 4. Evans, 2896. Sewall, Samuel. 542 . In Remembrance of | Mr. Samuel Hirst, [ The Eldest, and only Surviving Son of | Grove Hirst, Esq; Merchant, & Elizabeth | Sewall his Wife . . . was born at | Boston, Octo- 1728] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 75 ber 23, 1705. And died | very suddenly, when he was in his way | upon the Long Wharff, at two in the Afternoon, January, 14. 1726, 7. mhs 1728 543 . Advertisement. | These may Certify whom it may | con- cern, That the General Assem- | bly of this Province at their Session | begun and held the 29th of May 1728, | Pass’d a Resolve for granting lands to soldiers in the Narraganset war. Archives, lxxii. 367. t MA Boston. 544 . Boston, sc. A Purpose of Marriage between hath stood Entred with me for the space of Fifteen Days: And due Publication of such their Intention or Purpose . . . Signed in ms., Samuel Checkley, Town clerk. mhs 545 . A Covenant for Reformation. | Assented to in Long- Meadow, in Springfield, August 22d 1728. f lc See note under No. 655, infra. Harvard College. 546 . Quaestiones. ba. hc Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 547 . By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for a General Fast. [March 21.] Dated, February 22, l727[-28]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Governour & Council. 1728. bpl 548 . By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for Apprehending Henry Phillips. Dated, July 4, 1728. Printed in the Boston News-Letter , July 11, 1728. 549 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Burnet, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for a General Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 7.] Dated, October 15, 1728. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. 1728. ba 550 . By His Excellency, William Burnet, Esq; . . . A Procla- mation (on the change of names in all the Prayers, Litanies and Collects for the Royal Family). Dated, October 28, 1728. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 31, 1728. 551 . Military Commission [William Burnet, Captain General & Governour in Chief.] ei. mhs 76 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1729 Nash, Joseph. 552 . An Elegy | occasioned by the Death of the much la- mented | Doct. Thomas Hastings, | Of Hatfield, who died April 14th, 1728, Aged 48 years. j bpl A modern imprint, modelled on an old form, which may have been contemporaneous with the event. Pelham, Peter. 553 . Receipt signed by Peter Pelham, March 19, 1727/8, for subscription to his print of Cotton Mather. mhs The “Proposals” are printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 29, 1728. 554 . A Poem presented to His Excellency William Burnet, Esq; on his Arrival at Boston. bpl Evans, 3092. 555 . The Projection for Raising and Emitting One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Pounds, in Bills of Credit, for a Medium of Trade, Exchanging the Present Bills of Credit on this Prov- ince, and Returning the Value thereof; is lodg’d in Mr. Joseph Marion’s office, on the North side of the Town-House in Bos- ton, for all such as are inclined to be Undertakers or Borrow- ers in that Affair to subscribe to. Boston, • April 3, 1728. Advertisement in the Boston Gazette, April 8, 1728. I assume there was a circular or like notice on the “Projection.” A like undertaking in an Assurance office is advertised in the same paper, November 25, 1728. 556 . Salus Populi (on government). f whs Found in a file of the Boston Gazette, 1728, in the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 1729 557 . An Account of the Life and Death of Mercy Paddock (of Yarmouth), who died in the ninth Year of her Age. Evans, 3126. Colman, Benjamin. 558 . The character | Of His Excellency | William Burnet, Esq; | Late Governour of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, &c. | Boston, Sept. 8. 1729. Boston, Printed and Sold by T. Fleet in Pudding Lane, near the Town-House, 1729. f BPL. AAS. MHS The copy in the American Antiquarian Society is signed in ms. “ Benj. Colman.” Evans, 3147. Harvard College. 559 . Quaestiones. hc 1729] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 77 Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 560 . By His Excellency, William Burnet, Esq; . . . A Procla- mation for Proroguing the General Assembly [to March 5]. Dated, January 21, 1728[— 29]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, January 23, 1729. 561 . By His Excellency, William Burnet, Esq; . . . A Procla- mation for a Publick Fast. [March 20.] Dated, February 20, 1728 [-29]. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 6, 1729. 562. [Proclamation, dated February 20, to prevent the De- struction and Spoil of His Majesties Woods.] Mentioned in Boston News-Letter, February 27, 1729. 563. By the Honourable William Dummer, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for a Publick Thanksgiving. [November 13.] Dated, October 9, 1729. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 16, 1729. 564. Postscript | To the Boston | Weekly News-Letter. | Numb. | 118. | Thursday April 3d, 1729. | The Speech of His Excellency | William Burnet Esq; | ... To the Great and General Court or Assembly . . . met at Salem, Wednesday April 2d. 1729. Boston: Printed and Sold by B. Green, in Newbury Street, 1729. mhs A true broadside in form and type. 565. William Burnet Esq; | Captain General . . . Military commission. Dated in ms., June 2, 1729. MeHS 566. William Dummer, Esq; Lieutenant | Governour . . . Mil- itary commission. Dated in ms., December 18, 1729. MeHS Nash, Joseph. 567. An Elegy | Upon the much Lamented Decease of the Reverend & Excellent | Mr. Solomon Stoddard, | Late faithful Pastor of the Church of Christ in North-Hampton, N. E. Qui obiit, February | 11th Anno Dom. 1729. /Etat, Suae, 86. t BPL A modern imprint, modelled on an old form, which may have been contemporaneous with the event. Prince, Thomas. 568. Boston, April 10. 1729. | Reverend Sir, | The New Eng- land Chronology ... f nyhs Circular letter asking for facts. 78 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1730 569 . Question: | Are we obliged in this Government of the Massachusetts, by Charter, | to Settle a Salary upon the Gov- ernor? Dated, March 22, 1728, 9. f nypl. ba pp. 2. In ms., “Printed off the first of April, 1729.” Evans, 3209. 570 . A Letter | From One in the Country, | to his | Friend in Boston. | ba pp. 4. Announced in the Boston News-Letter, February 20, 1729, as to be sold by Daniel Henchman, price, 4 pence. 571 . A | Second Letter | From One in the Country, | to his | Friend in Boston. Dated, H , March 19, 1728, 9. f ba Announced in the Boston News-Letter September 4, 1729, by D. Hench- man. In ms., “This sheet came out about 26 or 27th Day of March, 1729.” Evans, 3214 and 3215, has confused this series. 572 . A Letter | From One in Boston, | to his | Friend in the Country. t BA pp. 2. In ms., “This half sheet came out March 31st, 1729.” It is in reply to the “Second Letter from One in the Country.” 573 . A Word or two more from the | Obscure and Remote Per- son; | To the late Letter-writer in Boston. Dated H April 7th, 1729. f ba pp. 2. In ms., “Given me April 16th.” 574 . Some Theological Conclusions drop’d from the Mouth of | the Venerable Solomon Stoddard, Gather’d up by an | hearer of them, and upon the desire of many that have | heard or seen them, are here transmitted for their use. [Boston?] f aas 575 . [Cut.] An | Elegy | Upon His Excellency | William Bur- net, Esq; | Who departed this Life Sept. 7th. 1729. 2Etat. 42. Boston: Printed and Sold by T. Fleet in Pudding-Lane, near the Town-House, where may be had His Excellency’s character. Evans, 3278. t NYPL 1730 Great Britain. 576 . The Lords Protest | On the Treaty of Peace, Union and | Friendship, between Great-Britain, France | and Spain; con- cluded at Seville on the j 9th of November last. Colophon: Boston Printed: And Sold by B. Eliot, in King- | street, and T. Fleet, in Pudding-Lane. 1730. t AAS pp. 4. Evans, 3285. Hancock, Thomas. 577 . [Cut.] Thomas Hancock | Book-seller | At the Bible & 1730] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 79 Three crowns in Draw- [ bridge Street near the Town Dock | Boston [England.] mhs Hancock was in Drawbridge (later known as Ann) Street from 1730- 1742. Harvard College. 578. Catalogus. hc Evans, 3286. 579. Quaestiones. ba. hc 580. Theses. ba. hc Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 581. Extract from the Journal of the Honourable House | of Representatives. | 18 April, 1729. ba A separate reprint of pp. 26-30 of the Journal. 582. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable William Dummer Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation for Proroguing the General Assembly, [to April 15.] Dated, February 25, 1729[— 30.] Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Governour and Council. 1729[— 30.] f aas 583. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | William Dummer Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [April 2.] Dated, February 25, 1729[— 30.] Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Governour and Council. 1729[— 30.] aas Evans, 3309. 584. By the Honourable William Tailer, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (continuing in office all officers, civil and military, within the said Province.) Dated, June 11, 1730. Printed in the Weekly News-Letter, June 18, 1730. 585. By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (continuing in office all officers, civil and military, in the Province). Dated, August 10, 1730. Printed in the Weekly News-Letter, August 13, 1730. 586. By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For the Encouragement of Piety and Virtue, and for the Preventing and Punishing of Vice, Prophaneness and Im- morality. Dated, September 22, 1730. Printed in the Weekly News-Letter, October 1, 1730. 587. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a Publick | Thanksgiving. [Novem- 8o MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [l73I ber 12.] Dated, October 14, 1730. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1730. Mather, Samuel. 588. A Country Treat | Upon the Second Paragraph in His Excellency’s | Speech, Decemb. 17. 1730. f nyhs Signed “S. M,” — Samuel Mather. It concerns Jonathan Belcher. Watts, Isaac 589. A Poem inscribed to His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq; in London, appointed by His Majesty King George II. To the Government of New-England: By the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. Printed for J. Phillips and T. Hancock. Book- sellers in Boston, near the Town-Dock. Advertisement in the Weekly News-Letter, June 18, 1730. Evans, 3428. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 592. By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for a General Fast. [March 25.] Dated, March 9, 1731. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 18, 1731. 593. [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation (on piracy). Dated, April 6, 1731. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. 1731. f lc 594. On Tuesday last [August 10] His Excellency our Govern- our was pleased, with the Advice of His Majesty’s Council, to Issue out a Proclamation, wherein are published the Vth and Vlth Articles of the Treaty of Peace and Neutrality in America, between the two Crowns of Great-Britain and France, con- cluded the 6/ 16th Day of November 1686; And also an Act or Law of this Province, Made and Pass’d in the Fourth Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, Entitled, An Act for the preventing of Danger, by the French residing within this Province. . . . Notice in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, August 12, 1731. A re-issue of No. 423, supra. 1731 Harvard College. 590. Quaestiones. 591. Theses. aas. hc f AAS 1732] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 595. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher Esq; | ... | A Proclamation for a general j Thanksgiving [Octo- ber^. ] Dated, October 5, 1731. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. 1731. AAS. BA 596. [Cut.] A | Token for Children. | That they may know to avoid the Evil, | and chuse the Good. Boston: Printed and Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. f aas 1732 Boston: 597. To all People, to whom these Presents | shall come, Greet- ing. | Whereas His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; by his | Deed or Instrument of Conveyance, under his Hand and Seal . . . Dated (in ms.) June 16, 1732. mhs Right to a pew in church and a proportion of cost of the church, in this case as £49 is to £2200. 598. The | Catholic Remedy. | An Excellent New Ballad. | To the Tune of, To all you Ladies now at Land, &c. America, Printed in the year 1732. f nyhs H., C. 599. Boston, Feb. 17th. 1730. Whereas a laudable Custom hath of long Standing prevail’d in this Province of recommend- ing, in the Publick Papers, the Virtuous Actions, blameless Lives, and Christian Deportment of Deceas’d Persons, to the worthy Imitation of the Sorrowful Living; and as the same, (we hope) has been attended with a Wish’d for Success, to the Instruction, and Edification of the Surviving Generation. Now in Order to render the same more extensively Effectual; and to soften the Labours of these pious Gentlemen who have hitherto Employ’d their Pens & precious Moments to so Excellent a Purpose; It is humbly propos’d That the Endeavours of a Person, lately Arrived from Great Britain may merit Encour- agement, The said Person having with the utmost Care, and best Assistances prepar’d a Set of characters, suited to both Sexes, Engraven on Copper Plates, by the most skilful Hands, with Void Spaces for Name, Age, Distinction, and Profession, or such Particular and Eminent Qualities, as do not properly fall under the Notice of general Description. P. S. Such as desire further Information may Receive the same by lodging a Letter to Mr. C. H. at the Crown Coffee House. 82 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1732 Advertisement in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, February 18, 1732. This has sometimes been interpreted as a satire, but the mhs has an English plate, with inset printed from type, used as a notice of the fu- neral of Jeremiah Dummer, at Plaistow, Co. Essex, in May, 1739. No example of use in Massachusetts has been found. Harvard College. 600. Quaestiones. hc 601. Theses. aas. hc Evans, 3548. 602. Lex et Libertas. f nyhs pp. 3. On Bills of Credit. Dated January 31, 1731-2. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 603. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [April 6.] Dated, March 3, 1731 [—32.] Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. 1732. MHS Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 30, 1732. Evans, 3567. 604. On Friday last [March 31], His Excellency our Governour was pleased, by Proclamation, to Dissolve the Great and Gen- eral Court or Assembly of this Province. From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, April 7, 1732. 605. His Excellency therefore on Thursday last [April 13], with the Advice of His Majesty’s Council, Issued a Proclama- tion, further to Inform all those that are concerned therein, That by the several Acts of Parliament made for the Preser- vation of His Majesty’s Woods, all Persons are strictly forbidden . . . From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, April 20, 1732. 606. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick | Thanksgiving. [October 26.] Dated September 26, 1732. Boston: Printed by B. Green, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1732. ba Evans, 3568. 607. Military Commission, [Jonathan Belcher, Captain Gen- eral &c Governour in Chief]. ei. MeHS. mhs Commission to Province of the Trust and J 73 2 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 83 Seccombe, John, and John Hubbard. 608. [Cut.] Father Abbey’s Will. | To which is added, A Letter of Courtship to his virtuous & amiable widow. | Cam- bridge, December, 1731 . . . New-Haven, January 1731-2. Our Sweeper having lately buried his Spouse, and accidentally hearing of the Death and Will of his deceas’d Cambridge Brother, has conceiv’d a violent Passion for the Relict. . . . f PHS Matthew Abbey had for a great number of years served Harvard College in quality of bedmaker and sweeper. “The will is said to have been written by John Seccombe, afterwards a settled minister at Harvard, and the letter of courtship by Col. John Hubbard of New Haven.” 2 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings, xi. 460. The “Will” first appeared in The Weekly Re- hearsal, (Boston,) January 3, 1732, and the New Haven verses were printed in the same journal, February 7, 1732. J. Langdon Sibley printed the poems with some historical and biographi- cal notes in the Cambridge Chronicle, November 18, 1854, and reprinted his contribution in a pamphlet, in an edition of fifty copies for private distri- bution. He produces evidence that John Seccomb (1708-1792) of the class of 1728, was the author. Matthew Abdy, the proper spelling of the name, was born about 1650, and became bedmaker and sweeper in 1718. His third wife was named Ruth, and she died in 1762. The poem appeared in the Gentleman’s Magazine, 11 . 770 (May, 1732), without the last four fines, beginning, “Thus Father Abbey left his Spouse.” It also appeared in the London Magazine. Of the author of the letter of courtship Mr. Sibley appears to have had no knowledge. That poem also crossed the ocean and appeared in the Gentleman’s Magazine, n. 821 (June 1732), and, with an interpolated verse, in the London Magazine, August, 1732. Both poems were printed in the Massachusetts Magazine, November, 1794. “Father Abbey’s Will” was in recent times set to music, dedicated to the Graduates of Harvard University and published by Oliver Ditson. The fines of introduction are dated 1730. I add the known issues of the “Will,” but there are no means of determining the years of imprint. 609. [Cut.] Father Abbey’s Will. | To which is now added, A Letter of Courtship to his virtuous & amiable Widow, j Cambridge, December, 1731. Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill, Boston. | hc. bpl Evans, 3474. The cut is the same in those two items, which were printed by T. and J. Fleet, after 1780. 610. Father Ab — y’s Will. [ To which is now addded, A Letter of Courtship to his Virtuous and Amiable Widow. f aas 611. Cambridge, December 1731. | Some Time since died here Mr. Mathew Abbey, in a very ad- | vanced Age: He had for a great Number of Years serv’d the | College in Quality of Bed- maker and Sweeper: Having no Child, | his Wife inherits his 8 4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [ I 73 2 whole Estate, which he bequeath’d to her by | his last Will and Testament, as follows, viz. | jcb Printed on blue paper, in three columns. 612. Father Abbey’s Will. | To which is now added, A Letter of Courtship to his virtuous and amiable Widow. Sold at the Printing-Office in Salem. f aas Printed on bluish paper. 613. [Two cuts.] Father Abbey’s Will. | Cambridge, Decem- ber, 1730. | “Some time since died here, Mr. Matthew Abbey in a Ve- | . . . Boston: Printed at Rus- | sell’s Office, near Lib- erty | Pole. f BPL. MHS Two copies of this issue have been found, neither perfect. That in the Society has only a portion of one of the cuts, that in the bpl is without the imprint. It was printed late in the eighteenth century. No. 613. This block is on the title of Ames’ Astronomical Diary, 1772 ; and represents a Dwarf who had lately made her appearance in Boston. This approximately fixes the year of the broadside. 1732] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 85 614 . [Two cuts.] Father Abdy’s | Will. | “Cambridge, De- cember, 1730. | Some time since . . . [Also] Epitaph on M. Abdy. hc Without the New Haven poem. No. 613. Probably about 1772 . 615 . [Cut.] Father Abbey’s | Will. | Cambridge, Dec. 1731. | Some time since died here, Mr. Matthew Abbey, in a | very advanced ... hc These two issues probably came from the same press, as one cut is used on both. The second includes the New Haven poem. 616 . Father | Abdy’s Will. | To which is added a Letter of Courtship to his amiable widow. A modern reprint, with names of authors. 617 . [Three cuts.] Father Abbey’s will. | aas 618 . [Cut.] Old Timothy Jobson. f aas This is “Father Abdy’s Will,” but many lines have been changed. It bears a MS. note as follows: “The following was wrote by a Mr. John Seccombe of Medford in the County of Middlesex Massachusetts Bay in New England on Father Abdy Bedmaker with his wife & Sweeper of Massachusetts Colledge, commonly called New College in the Autumn of the year 1731, all of whom S. Curwen personally knew. Bot in a street in 86 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i733 L[ondo]n August 1, 1782.” Samuel Curwen (1715-1802), loyalist, was a member of the class of 1735. The item is inserted as an interesting in- stance of international exchange in ballad verses. 619. [Cut.] TheWagesof Sin; | or, | Robbery justly Rewarded: | A | Poem | Occasioned by the untimely Death of | Richard Wilson, | Who was Executed on Boston Neck, for Burglary, | On Thursday the 19th of October, 1732. Boston: Printed and Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. f nyhs The same cut is used on “Friend & Pitcher,” among the Ballads, infra. 1733 Boston, Town. 620. At a publick Town-Meeting in Boston, May 9th 1733, and continued | by Adjournment to May 11th, (on setting up and regulating markets.) t lc. bpl At the meeting of May 11 it was voted that the “said Scheme [of markets], as amended, be forthwith Printed. . . . Pursuant to the above Vote of the Town, The said Scheme has been Printed, and Copies thereof dispersed among the Inhabitants.” Boston Weekly News-Letter, May 17, 1733. The paper of May 24 announced: “ There is now ready for the Press, and To-morrow Morning will be Published, some Arguments against the setting up of a Market in this Town, with a brief Answer to the Reasons that are offer’d in behalf of it.” 621. Some | Considerations | Against the setting up of a | Mar- 1733] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 87 ket in this Town. | With a brief Answer to the Reasons that are offer’d in behalf of it. f bpl 622 . [Another issue.] t bpl pp. 4. The two issues are in the bpl, identical in print and text, but one is without date and the other is dated “Boston, May 25th, 1733.” Chamblit, Rebecca. 623 . The Declaration, Dying Warning and Advice of | Re- bekah Chamblit, | A Young woman aged near Twenty-seven Years, Executed at Boston September 27th. 1733, . . . being then found Guilty of Felony, in concealing the Birth of her spurious | Male infant . . . Boston: Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, in Queen Street. f aas Evans, 3639. Foxcroft delivered a sermon to which this “Declaration” is appended. Advertised in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, September 27, 1733, as published that afternoon. See Evans, 3655. 624 . [Cut.] An | Elegy | Occasioned by the sudden and awful Death | of | Mr. Nathanael Baker | of Dedham: | A Young Man just upon the point of Marriage. | And Son to Lieutenant John Baker. | He fell from his Horse on Monday Night the 7th of May, 1733: and Died | the Wednesday following. 2Etat. 27. f DH Harvard College. 625 . Catalogus. f bod. hc 626 . Quaestiones. aas. hc 627 . Theses. hc Evans, 3665. . Pf«l. LI. 14. Delhi » me from Blood-Guiltinefi O Cod, tlon God 1 [ of my Sahntim: and tnj Tongue /bad fag aloud of thy Righteoufneft.l J If*. I, 1 8 Come now and let ui Realm eegethet, faith the Lord A ttlnugh yout fat be atfcatlel, they /ball be tu white at /now: though \thej be ted like etimfm, they /ball be at wnU. No. 628 . 88 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1733 Julian. 628 . [Cut.] The last Speech and dying Advice of | poor Julian, | Who was Executed the 22d of March, 1733. for the Murder of Mr. John Rogers of Pembroke. Written with his own Hand, and delivered to the Publisher the Day before his Execution. Printed and Sold by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. f bpl 629 . [Cut.] Poor Julleyoun’s Warnings | To children and Serv- ants | To shun the ways of Sin, and those particularly which | hath brought him to his doleful End. Published at his Desire, in Presence of two Witnesses. | Boston: Printed for B. Gray and A. Butler. t bpl 630 . [Cut.] Advice from the Dead to the Living; | or, a | Solemn Warning to the World. | Occasioned by the untimely Death of | poor Julian, | Who was Executed on Boston Neck, on Thursday | the 22d of March, 1733. for the Murder of Mr. | John Rogers of Pembroke, the 12th of September, | 1732. Boston: Printed and Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. t BPL After the colophon: “Note. There being a foolish Paper printed, called Julian’’ s Advice to Children and Servants, said to be published at his Desire; this may certify, that the said Paper is false and spurious, and disowned by the said Julian in the presence of three persons.” Evans, 13791 (1775). Massachusetts-Bay Province. 631 . [Royal arms.] By his Excellency | Jonathan Belcher Esq; | A Proclamation. (Queen’s Privy Council on lands between the Penobscot and St. Croix Rivers.) Dated, February 16, l732[-33]. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Ex- cellency the Governour & Council. 1732 [-33]. f bpl. lc 632 . By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for a General Fast. [March 29.] Dated, February 16, l732[-33]. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 22, 1733. 633. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency ] Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick | Thanksgiving. [November 22.] Dated, October 30, 1733. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1733. ba Evans, 3684. 1733] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 89 No. 629. No. 630. Royal arms, George II. 9 o MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i733 634. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for Apprehending Gyles du Lake Tidmarsh. Dated, November 9, 1733. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1733. bpl “To be sold by Gyles Dulake Tidmarsh at No. 4 on the Long Wharff, Womens Silk and Braded Shoes, Boxes of Pickels, Castle Sope, Loaf Sugar, Cocoa, and very good Spanish Snuff in half pound Pots.” Boston Gazette, February 19, 1721[— 22.] 635. Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths of | Allegiance & Supremacy: And Declaration. Dated in ms. February 7, l732[-33.] Jma 2 leaves. Archives, xlviii. 498; Lxxn. 411. 636. A Poem | In Memory of that Pious Servant and Faith- ful Minister of | Jesus Christ, Mr. Isaac Cushman ... f bpl 637. A Poem | Upon the Deaths, and in Memory of Two Eminent and Faithful Stewards and Servants | of Christ, viz. the Reverend Mr. Isaac Cushman, | . . . | And | Dr. Caleb Loring ... f bpl Isaac Cushman was first pastor of the Church in Plympton, died, October 21, 1732, and Dr. Loring was physician of the same town, died, December 22, 1732. 638. Portsmouth New Hampshire, Decern. 27, 1733. Whereas Paul Gerrish, Esq. being imployed and licensed to cut White Pine Trees for Masts, Yards and Bowsprits for the Use of His Majesty’s Navy. [Boston: 1733.] A copy of the King’s license to Ralph Gulston. Evans, 3715, attributes this to Boston. T., M. 639. Some Consolatory Reflections and Lamentations, | Oc- casioned by the premature Deaths of three of the Children of | Capt. Joseph and Mrs. Mary Hinckley, of Barnstable: (1732— 1733.) bpl Signed M. T. Vaux, G. 640. Advertisement. | Whereas an Advertisement was Yester- day dispers’d about this Town, in order to prejudice Mr. Cox in his Business of Bookselling here, signed by D. Henchman and | T. Hancock, Bookbinders in Boston . . . Dated, March 31, 1733. bpl 1734] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 9 1 1734 641 . Bond given by a Settler in a New Town [Paquoag]. ma Archives, cxiv. 99. Cushing, Matthew. 642 . The Declaration & Confession | of Matthew Cushing, A Young Man aged about Twenty two Years, who was Try’d | for Burglary . . . which he deliver’d to us on Tuesday Sept. 24 and confirm’d the | same before credible Witnesses the Day of his Execution, to be published for the benefit of | Mankind. Printed with “A few Lines,” see under Ormsby, No. 652, infra, f BPL Harvard College. 643 . Quaestiones. aas. hc 644 . Theses. hc Evans, 3780. Hutchinson, Thomas. 645 . Proposals | Offered to Consideration, | Wherein | The Good of this Province is aimed at. Dated, Boston, March 1, l733[-34.] bpl. mhs pp. 4. Evans, 3717. The copy in bpl is endorsed in ms.: “The Honble. Thomas Hutchinson Esqr. Scheme.” Massachusetts-Bay Province. 646 . The Report of the Committee of the General Court re- lating to the Settlement of North- | Yarmouth, with the Order of Court for accepting the same in their sitting begun Jan. 29. l733[-34]. ma. mhs pp. 3. Archives, xvn. 693. 647 . By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for apprehending Jonathan Sprague [of Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island]. Dated, February 23, l733[-34]. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, February 28, 1734. 648 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; j . . . | A Proclamation for a pub lick | Thanksgiving. [November 7.] Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1734. ba Evans, 3793. 649 . A list of the Polls, and of the Estates, Real and Per- sonal of the several Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Town of in the County of (taken pursuant to | an Act of the General Court of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, 92 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1735 intitled, An Act for inquiring into the Rateable Estates of this Province, passed in the Eighth Year of his present Majesty’s Reign, by the Subscribers, Assessors in said Town, duly elected and sworn, Viz. aas The act was passed in the session of May 1734. Monis, Judah. 650. Proposals for printing by Subscription, a Hebrew Gram- mar. [Boston: Printed by Jonas Green. 1734.] bpl Evans, 3798. Reproduced in Publications of the American Jewish His- torical Society, No. 22, frontispiece. Ormsby, John. 651. The Last Speech and Dying Words of | John Ormsby, | Who was appointed to be Executed on Boston Neck, the 17th of October, 1734. | Written with his own Hand, the Day before he was to suffer. . . . Boston, Printed and sold by Thomas Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. 1734. f bpl 652. A few Lines | Upon the awful Execution of | John Ormesby & Matth. Cushing, | October 17th. 1734. | One for Murder, the other for Burglary. [Cut.] Printed and Sold at the Printing House in Queen-street, over against the Prison, f bpl See note to No. 642, supra. 653. A Mournful Poem on the Death of John Ormsby and Matthew Cushing, | who were appointed to be executed on Boston Neck, the 17th of October, 1734. [Cut.] Sold at the Heart and Crown in Boston. t BpL Waldo, Samuel. 654. Advertisement of intention to settle two towns on the western side of St. George’s River, in the Eastern parts of this Province. Dated Boston, March 3, 1734. f lc Waldo, Samuel, and others. 655. Whereas it is industriously Reported (as I imagine with design at this Juncture, to Prejudice the Honourable Elisha Cooke, Esq; in the good Opinion of the Freeholders and Voters of this Town . . . Dated May 7, 1734. f lc. bpl Affidavits on his having drank the health of Colonel Dunbar. Issued by the same printer as printed the “Covenant for Reformation,” 1728, No. 545, supra. 1735 Harvard College. 656. Quaestiones. hc MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 93 1735] No. 652. The same cut as on No. 679, Henderson. No. 653. 94 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i736 657 . Theses. hc Evans, 3914. 658 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (on “Bills or Votes of Hand emitted by a Society or Number of Persons in the Province of New-Hampshire.”) Dated, April 18, 1735. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. mhs 659 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick | Thanksgiving. [November 13.] Dated, October 8, 1735. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. AAS. BA Evans, 3926. Waldo, Samuel. 660 . Boston, May 22d. 1735. | Whereas since my Return from St. George’s River in the Eastern Parts of this | Province, where I have been . . . 1736 Bond. 661 . Bond given by settler in the “Line of Towns” so called (between Merrimack and Connecticut River.) ma Archives, cxiv. 153. Boston, Town. 662 . Tax notice. mhs Boston Presbyterian Society. 663 . The | Articles | for the | Boston Presbiterian Society, | erected September 21st 1736, for that laudable Design of building a | Meeting-House in Long-Lane, upon that land which is the sole and | proper Right of the Presbyterian Congregation, who have for | these several Years past met there, for the pub- lick Worship of God. [Boston: 1736.] t nypl pp. [2], Evans, 3989. 664 . [Cut.] An | Elegy ] Upon the much lamented Deaths of two desireable Brothers, the two eldest Sons of | Capt. Joshua and Mrs. Comfort Weeks, | of Greenland; | Who departed this Life in February 1735, 6. the youngest whose Name was Ichabod, died the 3d Day, in | the 22d year of his Age, and the eldest whose Name was Joshua, deceased the 10th Day, in the 24th Year of his Age, ... t NHaHS. lc 1736] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 95 Grant, Samuel. 665. [Cut.] Mr. Bought of | Samuel Grant | At the Crown and Cushion in Union | Street near the Town Dock | Boston. mhs An engraved card. Harvard College. 666. Catalogus. HC 667. Theses. HC Evans, 4024, 4025. 668. Letter or Attorney. MA Archives, xli. 382. Forms in mhs are 1737 (013.14.26), 1744 (015.3.15), 1754 (Shaw), 1757, 1762 and 1764 (Dolb.). Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 669 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives. Jovis 9, Die Decembris, A. D. 1736. [Bos- ton: Printed by Samuel Kneeland, 1736.] hc pp. 3. A report on that part of the Governor’s Speech which related to the Bills of public credit, signed, John Stoddart. See Journals of the House of Representatives, December 9, 1736. The report is in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, December 16, 1736. Evans, 4042. 670 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . .|A Proclamation for a general Fast. [April 1.] Dated February 26, l735[-36]. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council, f aas 671 . [Last Saturday [August 21] His Excellency our Governour was pleas’d to issue a Proclamation for Proroguing the Great & General Court or Assembly of this Province, which stood prorogu’d to the 8th of September next, to Wednesday the Twentieth Day of October next.] From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, August 26, 1736. 672 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General As- sembly (to November 24.) Dated, October 4, 1736. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. bpl 673 . [Proclamation, dated October 16, appointing November 11 to be a day of Thanksgiving.] Boston Weekly News-Letter, October 21, 1736. 96 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [ 1 737 674 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer. (Tax warrant.) [Boston: Printed by John Draper. 1736. ] ei Evans, 4039. 1737 675 . [Cut]. An Endeavour. phs See No. 1045, where it is more correctly entered. Harvard College. 676 . Quaestiones. aas. hc 677 . Theses. aas. hc Evans, 4143. Henchman, Daniel. 678 . Boston, March 12. 1736, 7. (Circular letter asking for number who have died from the distemper of the throat.) f phs Henderson, Hugh. 679 . The Confession and Dying Warning of | Hugh Hen- derson, | Who was Executed at Worcester, in the County of Worcester, Nov. 26. 1737. [Also] A Poem | Occasioned by the untimely | Death of Hugh Henderson, | alias John Hamilton, who was | Hanged at Worcester for House- | Breaking, Nov. 24. 1737. [Cut.] Boston: Printed and Sold at the Printing House in Queen Street over against the Prison. f aas 2 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings, xi. 46b Evans, 4144. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 680 . Massachusetts-Bay, ss, In the House of Representatives; January 11, l736[-37]. A report on the Bills of Credit. Signed, Thomas Hutchinson. Boston: Printed by Samuel Kneeland. 1737. hc pp. 3. Evans, 4165. The report is printed in the Boston Weekly News- Letter, January 13, 1737. 681 . By the Honourable Spencer Phips, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (for apprehending those concerned in a riot in Boston, on March 24.) Dated March 25, 1737. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, April 1, 1737. 682 . [By Command of His Excellency our Governour, A Proc- . lamation is issued for Dissolving the Great and General Court or Assembly of this Province.] From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, April 1, 1737. 683 . By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (against certain profane and seditious papers, posted 1737] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 97 on the Town-House and “drop’d in the Town of Boston,” and offering a reward for discovering the author or authors) . Dated, April 14, 1737. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter , April 21, 1737. 684 . [On Thursday the 18th Inst. [October] His Excellency our governour, with the Advice of His Majesty’s Council, at Salis- bury, was pleas’d to issue a Proclamation appointing Thursday the 17th Day of November next to be observed as a Day of publick Thanksgiving throughout this Province.] From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, October 27, 1737. The proclama- tion may have been printed in New Hampshire. 685 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher Esq ; |. . . | A Proclamation for a publick | Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 17.] Dated, October 18, 1737. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. Evans, 4160. BA 686. Oaths appointed to be taken instead of | the Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy: | And Declaration. mhs pp. 2. 687 . Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | Jonathan Bel- cher Esq; . . . (Military commission.) Dated, [March 10,] 173 [6-37.] ei Commission to | Province of the | especial Trust and [ 688. Province of the | Massachusetts-] Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, November 18, 1737. ei 689 . A Poem upon the Death of Mrs. Martha Chandler, of North Yarmouth. A very hopeful young Woman; who de- parted this Life, August 4th. 1737. [Boston: 1737.] Evans, 4187. 690 . Printed Certificates for Surveyors of Hemp and Flax, and Notifications for Surveyors of High-Ways, are to be sold by Thomas Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. Advertisement in the Boston Evening-Post, April n, 1737. 691 . To be sold by the Publisher of this Paper, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston, Blank Bills of Sale for Vessels suited either for disposing of the whole and entire Hull, &c. or any Part or Share thereof; whether they be upon the Stocks, MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 98 [i738 in Port, or at Sea: Being a much better Form than that hereto- fore made Use of in such Cases. An advertisement in Fleet’s Boston Evening-Post, March 21, 1737. 1738 [Eliot, Joseph.] 692 . Copy of a Letter | Found in the Study of the Reverend | Mr. Joseph Belcher, | Late of Dedham, since his Decease. In Answer to this Question, How to live in this World, | so as to live in Heaven? Printed and sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. [1738?] mhs See 2 Proceedings, xvffl. 467. Evans, 4242, gives a 16mo. of 4 pages, described as the “ Second Edition,” but does not list a first edition, which is No. 472a, supra. Thomas Fleet was at the sign of the Heart and Crown, 1731-1759. 693 . Copy of a Letter found in the Study of the | Reverend Mr. Joseph Belcher, formerly of Dedham, after his Decease. In Answer etc. Printed and sold at the Bible and Heart in Corn- hill, Boston. mhs Evans does not name such a printing office until 1780, when it be- longed to T. & J. Fleet. Harvard College. 694 . Quaestiones. aas. hc. mhs 695 . Theses. aas. hc. mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 696 . Anno Regni Regis Georgij Secundi &c. undecimo. | The following Order passed the Great and General | Court relating to the Bill for the Emission of Sixty | Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit, to be redeemed by | Silver and Gold, viz. | Veneris 6. Die Januarij, A. D. 1737. (With the Bill.) Colophon: Bos- ton: Printed by Samuel Kneeland, Printer | to the Honourable House of Representatives. 1737. f ma. hc. mhs pp. 5. Archives, ci. 564. “On a Motion made and seconded by divers Members, Ordered, That the Bill for the Emission of sixty thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit of a new Form and Tenor, ... be printed as soon as may be, one for each Member of the Court, and one for each Town in the Province.” Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, January 6, 1 737[— 38.] Evans, 4270. 697 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. | On a settlement of the Island of Sables by Andrew Le Mercier. Dated September 4, 1738. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. mhs 1739] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 99 698 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general | Thanksgiving. [No- vember 23.] Dated, October 28, 1738. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. Evans, 4269. BA 699 . Military Commission. [Jonathan Belcher, Captain Gen- eral and Governour in Chief.] mhs Commission to me Massachusetts- in your 700 . Province of the | Massachusetts- 1 Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 20, 1738. ei 701 . To be sold by Thomas Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston, the following useful Blanks, viz. Bills of Sale for Vessels, Deeds of Sale for Land, Bonds for Money, Common Bonds, Sheriffs and Constables Bail Bonds, Powers of Attorney, both long and short, Indentures, Bills of Lading, Probate Blanks of all sorts, Court Blanks, Justices Blanks, Complaints to the Superiour Court, both long and short, &c. Advertisement in the Boston Evening-Post , April 24, 1738. 702 . To be sold by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Corn- hill, Boston, Blanks for Shipping of Sailors, or Contracts be- tween Masters of Vessels and their Men, in a short, plain and easy Method, which is now in Use in the Port of London, and the other Sea-Ports of Great Britain. Advertisement in the Boston Evening-Post, May 29, 1738. 1739 703 . Advertisement. (Notice of a meeting of the Proprietors of Narragansett Township No. 5.) Dated, Boston, January 3, 1738/9. NHaHS 704 . Also Bonds, Counter Bonds, Sheriff’s and Constable’s Bonds, Deeds of Sale either for Vessels or Land, Indentures either for Apprentices or Covenant Servants, Powers of Attor- ney long and short, Complaints, Short Notes of Hand, Bills for Shipping Sailors, all sorts of Court Blanks, Probate Blanks, and Blanks for justices of the Peace, Bills of Lading &c. Fleet’s Advertisement in his Boston Evening-Post, July 2, 1739. 705 . Boston New England, Nov. 1739. | In order to Redress the distressing Circumstances | which the Trade of this Province IOO MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i739 is under for want | of a Medium ; other methods having failed, it is | proposed to set up a Bank of Credit on Land Secu- | rity; as follows. f jcb First issue, containing eleven articles. See No. 734, infra. Boston, Church Green Meeting-House. 706. To all People unto whom these Presents | shall come, [We] The Committee for managing the prudential Affairs of the | Meeting-House scituate on Church-Green (so-called) in Boston, | . . . (Sale of pew.) bpl The date is in ms. Commission. 707. Commission of Justice of the Peace. [George the Second.] MHS assigned and constituted, appoint, our Harvard College. 708. Catalogus. 709. Quaestiones. f ei. aas 710. Theses. aas. hc Evans, 4367, 4369. No copy of the Catalogus has been located. — Lane. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 711. Anno Regni Georgii Secundi, Regis, Duodecimo. | An Act | Passed by the Great and General Court ... [at session] continued by Prorogation unto Wednesday the 29th day of November following [1738] | an act for erecting a Township in the county of York | by the Name of Brunswick. Boston: | Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Gov- ernour | and council. MeHS The act was published January 27, 1738-39. 712. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (on equipping private ships of war against Spanish vessels and Effects.) Dated, April 10, 1739. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. bpl 713. By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on issue of letters of marque and reprisal against the Vessels and goods of Spanish subjects). Dated, August 10, 1739. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, August 23, 1739. 1739] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. IOI Royal arms, George II. 714 . By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for apprehending Peter Knox and Samuel Cockrain (for killing of Thomas Brown). Dated, November 19, 1739. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, November 22, 1739. 715 . Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths of | Allegiance & Supremacy: And Declaration. mhs 716. Province of the | Massachusetts- j Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 20, 1739. ei 717 . [Royal Arms.] William Foye, Esq; Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, November 12, 1739. lc Probate Court. 718 . Appointment of Guardian. MA Archives, xvn. 833. Forms are also in xviii. 186 (1739), and ib. 36 (1740). In the mhs are forms dated 1757 (015.4.8), 1764 (Dolb.) and 1769 (013.20). Summons. 719 . ss. To | You are hereby in His Majesty’s Name, Required to make your | Appearance before the Justices of Our Lord the King, at the next | Superiour Court of Judicature . . . A number of varieties of this form have been found. MHS 720 . There is now printed, and may be had of the Publisher of this Paper, that Paragraph of the Province Law for regu- lating the Militia, which directs how every inlisted Foot Sol- 102 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1740 dier should be provided with Fire Arms, Ammunition, &c. very proper for Commission officers to distribute among their Sol- diers, that none may plead Ignorance in this Time of Danger. Advertisement in the Boston Evening-Post, August 20, 1739. 721. To the Printer. | Sir, | This Minute came to my Hands the Postscript to the Boston Gazette . . . The Design of print- ing the New York Paper, &c. called an Amusement | in the said Postscript, was not in the least to weaken the Hands of those in Power . . . Dated, May 2d, 1739. mhs 1740 Harvard College. 722. Bond to pay Edward Hutchinson, Samuel Welles, etc. a certain number of ounces in Coined Silver of Sterling Alloy or of Coined Standard Gold. Dated, [August 1,] 1740. aas 723. Quaestiones. aas. hc 724. Theses. aas. hc Evans, 4525. Insurance, Marine. 725. Boston in | New England. (Insurance policy on ship.) Dated Boston, (November 17, 1740.] ei 726. The Manufactory Scheme. | In Consequence of the Scheme which is inserted in the Book | of Records of the Manu- factory Company, proposing a | Medium of Trade and Business by an Emission of Notes | of Hand, or Bills on Land Security, Redeemable by the Manu- | factures or Produce of the Province of the Massachusetts- | Bay; the Directors (chosen by the sub- cribers thereto on July | 30th last) have unanimously this Day agreed on the following | Articles, including and expressing the Meaning and Intention | of that scheme, and for the Prosecu- tion of it, which are to | be esteemed Fundamental, f ei. lc 4 pp. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 727. [Proclamation appointing March 27 as a day of Fasting and Humiliation. Dated, March 6, 1740.] Mentioned in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 13, 1740. 728. By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (giving the report of the Committee and vote of the General Court against Colman and others’ notes). Dated, April 4, 1740. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, April 10, 1740. 1740] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. IO3 729 . By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on the northern boundary of the Province and peace- able conduct there). Dated, June 30, 1740. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, July 3, 1740. 730 . By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on war with Spain and encouragement to inlist). Dated, June 30, 1740. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, July 3, 1740. 731 . By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. | [Cut.] Whereas a Scheme for emit- | ting Bills or Notes by John Colman . . . (warning against receiving or passing the said notes). Dated, July 17, 1740. t aas Not in the regular form of a proclamation, but reprinted from a news- paper. It is printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, September 18, 1740. 2 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings, xi. 462. 732 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . A Proclamation for a publick | Thanksgiving. [No- vember 13.] Dated, October 20, 1740. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. Evans, 4553. BA 733 . By His Excellency, Jonathan Belcher, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (warning officers of trust under this Government from signing, or giving any countenance or encouragement to the passing of Colman’s notes). Dated, November 5, 1740. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, November 14, 1740. 734 . By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (warning officers in the militia from signing or giving any countenance or encouragement to the passing of Colman’s notes). Dated, November 6, 1740. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, November 14, 1740. 735 . Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, j In order to Redress the distressing circumstances which the Trade of this | Province labours under for want of a Medium, other Methods having | failed, it is proposed to set up a Bank on Land Security, no Person to | be admitted but such as dwell in this Province, and hath a Real Estate | therein. Dated, Boston, March 10th. 1739, 40. f ma. ei. jcb Archives, cn. 28. The second issue. See No. 705, supra. 736 . Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths of | Al- legiance & Supremacy: And Declaration. Dated in ms. August, 1740. j ma 104 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1741 2 leaves. The first line of the third paragraph ends with the words “GOD, Profess, Testify,” while the form of 1633 ends “Profess, Testify and.” Archives, lxxu. 516. 737 . Oath of the Master of a [Plantation] built Ship. ma Archives, lxiii. 616. 738 . Port of Boston. | These are to Certify all whom it doth Concern, | That . . . Hath Entered and Cleared at the Custom- House in | Boston in New England, according to Law. aas 739 . A Satyrical Description | of | Commencement | Calculated to the Meridian of Cambridge in New-England. [First printed in the Year 1718.] Boston: Printed and Sold at the Heart & Crown in Cornhill. See No. 439, supra. Reprinted by Thomas Fleet, who printed at the place named from 1731-1757, or by his son, Thomas Fleet, Jr., who con- tinued there from 1757-1776. The text is in The Magazine of History with Notes and Queries, Extra No. 69, where 1740 is assigned as the date of the second impression. 740 . This Indenture made the Second Day of August, Anno Dom. 1 1740. (Loan). aas 1741 Bedford Proprietors. 741 . Bond. The Condition is that he “shall build and finish a Dwelling | House, of Seven Feet Studd, and eighteen Feet Square at the least, on a Lot or | Parcel of Land ... in Bed- ford, Hampshire County. mhs Harvard College. 742 . Quaestiones. lc. aas. hc. mhs 743 . Theses. ei. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 4726. 744 . A Lamentation | On Account of Disorders and Confusions j In Two Letters to a Friend. mhs Against Private Banks. A ms. note says: “Came forth May 20th 1741.” Manufactory Company. 745 . This Indenture . . . mhs A form of agreement for “undertaking” the bills of the Manufactory Company. A ms. note says: “Printed off March 23d 1740-41. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 746 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [February 26.] Dated, January 31, 1740[— 41 .] Boston: Printed by J. Draper, MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. I74l] !°5 Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1740[-41.] Evans, 4554 (under 1740). MHS 747 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher, Esq; j . . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [April 23.] Dated, March 27, 1741. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour, and Council. 1741. ba. mhs Evans, 4746. 748 . Province of the | Massachusetts- | Bay, [Royal arms] By His Excellency the Governor, | A Brief. (On aid for Charles- ton, South Carolina, which had suffered by a dreadful fire.) Dated, April 30, 1741. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1741. mhs 749 . [Royal arms.] A List of Men Deserted from His Majes- ty’s Ship Astrea, Captain James Scott, Commander, | between the 26th Day of April, and the 30th Day of May, 1741. mhs 750 . [Royal arms..] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher Esq ; | ... | A Proclamation. (On the deserters from the ship Astrea.) Dated June 8, 1741. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to the Governour and Council. 1741. mhs 751 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Jonathan Belcher Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. Whereas his Majesty’s Ship the Astraea Capt. James Scott commander, is sent to this Port, by Order of the Honourable Admiral Vernon . . . (against tumults and Disorders). Dated, June 9, 1741. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to his Excellency the Governour and Council. 1741. mhs 752 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. [Continuing officers in their respec- tive offices.] Dated, August 14, 1741. Boston; Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. MHS 753 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation for a general | Thanksgiving [Novem- ber 12.] Dated, October 14, 1741. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1741. BA. MHS Evans, 4747. 754 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On enlisting troops for the expedition against the Spaniards in the West Indies.) Dated, October 16, io6 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1742 1741. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to his Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs 755. By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation (on apprehension of those concerned in the disorders and attack upon Anthony Stoddard and Edward Winslow when seeking to arrest a ringleader of the tumult). Dated, Novem- ber 2 1741. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, November 5, 1741. 756. Military Commission [Belcher] Commission to Massachusetts- in your BPL officers and obey you as as you 757. On the | Reverend Mr. Gilbert Tennent’s | Powerful and successful Preaching in Boston, and other neigh- | bouring Towns. With a few Words of Advice to awaken’d | Souls. And of Warning to the Dispisers of the Gospel | Offers of Salvation. MHS 758. A Poem | Occasion’d by the late | powerful and awaken- ing Preaching | of the Reverend | Mr. Gilbert Tennent | By some young Lads much affected therewith. mhs 759. [Cut.] Some Excellent Verses | on Admiral Vernon’s tak- ing the Forts and Castles of Carthagena, | in the Month of March last. [Boston :] Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. [1741.] f nypl Evans, 4810. 1742 Harvard College. 760. Catalogus. 761. Quaestiones. aas. hc 762. Theses. bpl. aas. hc Evans, 4967, 4968. No copy of the Catalogus has been located. — Lane. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 763. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency [ William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 11.] Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excel- lency the Governour and Council, 1742. ba Evans, 5005. 764. [Last Monday [October 18] His Excellency our Governour was pleased to issue a Proclamation further to prorogue the 1742] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 107 No. 759. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 108 [i743 Great and General Court or Assembly of this Province to Thurs- day the Eighteenth Day of November next.] Noted in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, October 21, 1742. 765 . Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths of | Allegiance & Supremacy: And Declaration. Dated in ms. Sep- tember, 1742. f ma 2 leaves. The ninth line from the foot of the Declaration reads at the end “ Rights and Liberties of the ” instead of “Rights and Liberties of ” as in the form of 1733. Archives, xm. 130. 766 . Military Commission [William Shirley, Captain-General and Governour in Chief.] aas. mhs Commission to Me Reign of His Majesty | King Massachusetts- Confidence in your 767 . Suffolk, ss. George the Second . . . (Writ used in the Land Bank cases.) Original in the Files of the Superior Court. Reproduced in Mass. Col. Soc., Transactions, vm. 117. 1743 Ashley, Jonathan. 768 . A | Letter | From the Reverend | Mr. Jonathan Ashley, | To the Reverend | Mr. William Cooper. | In Answer to his Objections to Mr. Ashley’s | Sermon; as publish’d in the Bos- ton Gazette, | January nth. 1743. Sold by S. Eliot in Corn- hil. 1743. aas pp. 7. Boston. Episcopal Charitable Society. 769 . The Articles and Rules | Of the Episcopal | Charitable Society in Boston. [Boston: 1743.] hc Evans, 5137. Boston, Fire Society. 770. These Presents Witness, | That we the Subscribers as Neighbours and Friends do promise to each | other as follows, . . . Dated, “in Boston, June 2, 1724. Revised and amended, Dec. 7th, 1743.” mhs See No. 502, supra. 771 . [Cut] An Elegy, Occasion’d by the Death of | Mrs. Ruth Edson, | Wife to Mr. Josiah Edson, junr. of Bridgewater; who deceas’d May 31st, 1743, in the 34th Year of her Age; and sent to him upon this sorrowful Dispensation | of Providence, — By a friend. Boston 1743. t BPL 1743] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 109 Harvard College. 772 . Quaestiones. aas. hc. mhs 773 . Theses. t AA s Evans, 5204. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 774 . [On Thursday last [February 24] His Excellency our Governour, with the Advice of His Majesty’s Council, was pleased to issue a Proclamation appointing Thursday the 24th of March current, to be observed as a Day of publick Fasting and Prayer throughout this Province.] From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 3, 1743. 775 . By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (against currency of bills of credit of the neighboring governments not redeemable in lawful money upon good secur- ity). Dated, September 19, 1743. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, November 10, 1743. 776 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for a general Thanksgiving [October 13.] Dated, September 29, 1743. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1743. BA. BPL. MHS Evans, 5245. 777 . [Last Thursday [December 22] his Excellency our Gover- nour was pleased to issue a Proclamation further to Prorogue the Great and General Court of this Province, to Thursday the 20th of January next.] From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, December 29, 1743. 778 . Commission of Justice of the Peace. [George the Second.] MHS and constituted and appoint 779 . Province of the | Massachusetts- | Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated. July 12, 1743. ei 780 . A Bill Intitled, | an Act in Explanation of Sundry Acts of | this Province relating to the Payment of | private Debts con- tracted before the thirty | first Day of October, One thousand seven Hundred and forty one. ei pp. 3. Contains bill and Governor Shirley’s Speech, April 23, 1743, dissolving the General Court. IIO MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [l744 Prince, Thomas. 781. It being earnestly desired by many pious and judicious People, that | particular Accounts of the Revival of Religion in every Town, in this | remarkable Day of Grace, may be taken and published in The | Christian History, . . . Signed and dated in ms., April 18, 1743. aas 1744 Boston, Christ Church. 782. Received of Mr. | Pounds, in full of his Subscrip- tion towards a | Ring of Bells to be erected in the Steeple of | Christ Church in Boston, . . . bpl 783. Earthquakes, | Tokens of God’s Power and Wrath. The Dissolution | of the present World; and the approaching Con- No. 784. Compare with No. 1007. flagra- | tion, when all Things shall be burnt up. With [torn] \ Description of the drowning the old World, and Christ’s | com- ing to Judgment. Being a Warning to Sinners | and Comfort to the Children of God . . . [cut.] Boston: 1744. Evans, 5383. 784. [The Same.] The second edition. Boston: 1744. Evans, 5384. t NYPL Great Britain. 785. A Copy of the Declaration of War of the King of Great | 1744 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. Ill Britain, against the French King. Boston, printed and sold by T. Fleet, at the Heart & Crown in Cornhill. bpl. hc. aas Harvard College. 786 . Quaestiones. aas. hc 787 . Theses. aas. hc Evans, 5408. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 788 . [Last Friday [January 13] His Excellency our Governour was pleased to issue a Proclamation further to prorogue the Great and General Court or Assembly to Wednesday the Eighth Day of February next.] From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, January 19, 1744. 789 . [On Friday last [March 9] His Excellency our Governour, with the Advice of His Majesty’s Council, was pleased to issue a Proclamation, appointing Thursday the Twelfth Day of April next, to be observed as a Day of general Fasting and Prayer throughout this Province.] From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 15, 1744. 790 . By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (against supplying the French King’s Subjects in America with any kind of Provision or Ammunition from the Province). Dated May 28, 1744. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, May 31, 1744. 791 . By His Excellency, William Shirley, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on raising two independent companies of volunteers to reinforce the Garrison of Annapolis-Royal.) Dated, June 13, 1744. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, June 14, 1744. 792 . [Yesterday [September 5] His Excellency our Governour was pleas’d to issue a Proclamation further to prorogue the Great and General Court or Assembly of this Province unto Wednesday the Third Day of October next.] From the Boston Weekly News-Letter, September 6, 1744. 793 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Assembly. Dated, September 19, 1744. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour | and Council. 1744. MHS 794 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation; (On an heinous riot at Bristol, Septem- 1 1 2 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. IT 744 ber 25, and calling for arrest of leaders.) Dated, October 18, 1744. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excel- lency the Governour and Council. bpl. mhs 795. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Declaration of War against the Cap-Sable’s and St. John’s Indians. Dated, October 19, 1744. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. bpl 796. [Royal arms.] De la Part de Son Excellence | Guillaume Shirley, Ecuyer, | Capitaine-General & Gouverneur en Chef . . . | Declaration | De Guerre contre les Indiens du Cap Sable et de Saint Jean. Dated, October 19, 1744. [Boston: J. Draper, 1744.] mhs 797. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . [ A Proclamation | For a general Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 22.] Dated, October 20, 1744. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. Evans, 5435. MHS 798. [Royal arms.] De la Part de Son Excellence | Guil- laume Shirley, Ecuyer, | . . . | Proclamation | Pour encourager tous Volontaires a faire la Guerre contres les Indiens | de Saint Jean et du Cap Sable. Dated, November 2, 1744. [Boston: J. Draper, 1744.] mhs 799. William Shirley, Esq; | Captain-General . . . Military Commission. Dated in ms. May 21, 1744. MeHS 800. Province of the | Massachusetts- 1 Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 10, 1744. ei 801. Massachusetts Government | Lottery. ba 802. Paper for Tobacconists or Shopkeepers, either printed or plain, to be sold by the Publisher of this Paper at the Heart & Crown in Cornhill, by the Ream, or a smaller Quantity. Advertisement in Fleet’s Boston Evening-Post, April 16, 1744. 803. **.j.That Paragraph of the Province-Law for regulating the Militia, relating to Fire-Arms, &c. so necessary to be known by every Soldier in this Time of War, may be had ready printed, of Thomas Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. Advertisement in the Boston Evening-Post, July 30, 1744. 804. Beating orders. Dated February 5 1744. bpl. mhs 1745 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 113 805. I Do acknowledge to have | voluntarily inlisted my self as a private Soldier to serve | . . . | in an Expedition against the French Settlements at Cape- [ Breton, and the Islands adjacent. aas 1745 Boston: Brick Meeting House. 806. Receipt for Pew in the South Brick Meeting-House in Marlborough Street, Boston. mhs 807. Constitute of Boston, Gentleman, my Attorney | in all Causes moved and to be moved for me, or against me, in my name to Ap- | pear, Plead and Pursue to final Judgment and Execution (cum facultate Substituendi.) mhs 808. The | English Soldier | Encouraged. Rouse Heroes, Arm, brave Captains take the Field, Great George commands, Arm with your Spear and Shield. t EI G., L. 809. Brief Journal | Of the Taking of | Cape-Breton, | Put in Metre, by L. G. one of the Soldiers in the Expedition, f nyhs The writer was in the regiment from New London, Connecticut, and the issue may have come from a Connecticut press. Evans, 5601. Harvard College. 810. Catalogus. hc 811. Quaestiones. f aas 812. Theses. aas. hc Evans, 5606, 5607. 813. Insurance Policy. pc Jeffrey. 814. The Declaration and Confession of Jeffrey, Negro, who was executed at Worcester, October 17, 1745, for the Murder of his Mistress, Tabitha Sanford, at Mendon, the 12th of Sep- tember preceeding. Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. Advertisement in the Boston Evening-Post, October 28, 1745. Evans, 5571. It was a topic usually printed in a broadside. 815. A Letter from a Gentleman in Salem, to his Friend in Boston. [On settlement of Dudley Leavit over the First Church.] Dated, Salem, October 25, 1745. mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 816. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 114 [i745 | . . . | A Proclamation. | Whereas the Great and General Court or Assembly of this Province . . . (on inlisting soldiers to serve against the French settlements upon the Island of Cape- Breton). Dated, January 26, l744[-45.] Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs 817. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Benning Wentworth, Esq; | Captain-General and Governour in Chief, in and over His Majesty’s | Province of New-Hampshire, in New-England. | A Proclamation. (On the expedition against Cape-Breton.) Dated, February 2, 1744[-45], [Boston.] f lc 818. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a publick Fast. [February 28.] Dated, February 18, l744[-45.] Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. Evans, 5434. MHS 819. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [April 4.] Dated, March 25, 1745. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1745. mhs Evans, 5633. 820. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (on inlisting reinforcements for the Louisburg expedition). Dated, June 1, 1745. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, June 6, 1745. 821. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (on seamen for manning a captured French man of war, the Vigilant, under Peter Warren.) Dated, June 4, 1745. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. aas. mhs 822. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Thanksgiving. [July 18.] Dated, July 8, 1745. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1745. Evans, 5634. BA 823. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Declaration of War against the Eastern and Can- ada Indians. Dated, August 23, 1745. Boston: Printed by By His Excellency WILLIAM S H I R L E r, Efq; Captain-General and Governour in Chief, in and over His Majefty’s Province of the MaJJ achuJetts-Bay in Nezv-England. A PROCLAMATION for a general F yl ST. ORASMUCH as this Government has with great Expence and Labour raifed and fitted out a large Body of Troops, and equipped a confiderable Naval Force for an Expedition again ft the French ztCape-Breton, j F which Forces are now, thro’ the Favour of Divine Providence, embarked, and have taken theirDeparture r . *.1 • tii . a . j c r 1. ,11 — E • a:, : * -t?.,.. -■ l**. l: i i from thisPlace ; And forafmuch as all our Hopes of Succefs in this important Enterprize ought to be placed t ^ ie gracious Prefence of Almighty GOD, to giveWifdom andCondudt to our Officers, and Refolution an d Courage both to Officers and Soldiers, to preferve our Forces from Sicknefs and other Difafters, and to govern all Accidents and Occurrences fo as to- render them favourable to our Defigns ; And as it is our indifpenfible Duty by Prayer and Supplication with penitent Confeffion of our Sins earneftly to implore the gracious Interposition of divine Providence, that it would pleafe GOD to be on our Side and fight our Battles, and grant us Succefs and Victory ; I talic tljcrcfoic thought fit VtottI) tilt abbicc of Ip's C$ajcfty’s Council, to appoint Thurfday tljc Fourth Day of April nept, to be obferbeo throughout tips jArobmcc as a Day of -.fading ano grayer, hereby railing upon flSInifters ano people, as ibcll in tljcit* pribatc Dcbotions, ns in tljeir public!? affcmbiics, lbith a truly Humble ano contrite Spirit to confcfs ano bcibail tljc many ano great Offences of tins people, lbhcrcby ©FDD may be in lily probobcb to blaft all our Dcfigns in tips enterprise, ano bring upon us the moil Ijcaby attO lbafting Calamities ; ano to cry mightily to Dim, that pc iboulD in IPS abunDant QJcrcy through CHRIST, foigibc all our Hrcfpaffcs anomaut us a religious ano refonneo people, ano thereby prepare us for all temporal profperity : 2lnB more cfpcctaUy, that they Oo utiocr a Cecp Scnfc of the utnPerfal probiocntc of Almighty lbhercby he goberns all Caufes ano cbcuts accoioing to Ipsolbn Wife ano fobereign ptca= fure, Vbith humble ano importunate prayers bcfccch him to beep Sun, t!jc accurfco Hhing that probob.es his ittH InOignation, out of the Camp ano fleet ; ano that he lbouio graciotifiy oiocr all tl;e Circumltances of tip's enterprise in ©erry to tips people ; ano that he lbouio profper ano fucccco it foi the future Safety ano profperity of Hips ano the other Kritifl) iProbinces ano Colo^ niCS, for His is [he Power, the Glory, and the Victory - anO after all, Ijuntbly a Dutifully to ftlblUit tlJIS great affair to lps Wife ano fobereign Determination, that fo in all IXcfpctts this may be fitch a fall as ©FDFD has renuirco, ano a Day of atonement ano not of further iprobocation ; anD that it lbotiioalfo pleafe ©FDD to gibeSucccfs to the arms of lps ©aicfcyanD hisailies in tljc FDpcrattotis of tljc enfuing Sutinmcr ; ano that Peace may be reftojeo both in Europe anD in America , attD tljat tlje tmibcrfai Stingoom of our HorD ano S>abiour JESUS CHRIST, the Prince of Peace, may prcbail in the iHIlOtlD, ano the whole Earth be filled with His Glory. anO all fctbilc JUbOItr anD Kccrcationsarc lltictly forbioocit on tljc faiD Day. Given at the Council-Chamber in Boston, the Twenty-fifth Day of March, 1745. In the Eighteenth Year of die Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE die Second, by the Grace of GOD, of Great- Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, fife. By His Excellency s Command , with the Advice of the Council, J. Willard, Seer. GOD fave the KING. Shirley. BOSTON : Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Counue. 1745 No. 819. By His Excellency WILLIAM SHIR LET, Efq; Captain-General and Governour in Chief, in and over His Majefty’s Province of the Maffachifctts-Bay in Ncv>EngIand. A PROCLAMATION I > JD/-/- ' 7 'P ’ H F R E AS IIis M.ijclty lias been gracioufly plctfc.l to order i Number of Troops, under the ' 2 : V / i Command ol the Honourable Liciitcqpot-Ccucral .SV. , to proceed from Grcat-Brit'nin to W 'i I vwjbourg, with a fuHicicnt Convoy of Men of Wnr. and with diem a great Parted H , Ma* • \>> ' , - I js-rty V T roops now in Gnrrifon at Lalijhcurg, and alf(< with Inch 'I ;<« | , .is fhnll be levied Tor that Purpofe 1.: His M.ijcfty’s Colonics in North-. !r:a ;c /, t«. t tempt the immediate Rc.'udion of Canada ; r.nd has (igmlicd His Royal Plcafuu. to Me. . . Iiutothc Gmcrmiur: • t ... ..'cr.’.l Provinces and Colonies of / 'irgiria, 'Mar y/and, Penfharda, AW-jer/cy, Ne^-Tori, C:vRiu: \ R’.c.L- IJtard and Ncas-Hampfldre , by Letters diip.itch'd from his Grr.ee the Duke of /V,-„ -C.:flU, I .t the n. uhny Difpofitions Ihould Ik forthwith made for t he railing as many Men u ithin this and the abcve-mcmioiKil Go- vernments as the Shortnefs ol the Time w ill admit, for proceeding on the tud Expedition ; AND whereas the Great and General Court of this Province hnvc, with the wtmoft Chearfiilncf* and Una nimitv, voted to give all ncceflary- and pro|vr Encouragement for Three Tbcufaml Voluntien. that (liall cn! I! into His Majefly’s Service in this Expedition ; In Obedience therefore to His Majefysfaid Commands ; I lube thought fit, ttuth (hr 3 obitc of his CRatefrp's Couiinl, to ifTue tine piorlamn- rion in o:bcr to malic hnottm his CBaicfrp s gracious ^tcntions anb Declarations fo? fh. encouragement of all able bobico effcrtibc C] 3 nt that arc fnrlmcbrocnhft tljcinfclbcc. into his 'S'crbiff m flic faio CrpcDition Jogethrr nut!) the furthcttSntouragcmcnt lbljlch is offer eti bp tins iSouermncnr, -J - . Hhat tfle faiD Goluuticvs ibill be tinber fuel) Officers as ^ fliall appoint , Hhar thep null be immcDiafelvxiifitlcD to his ti 3 aicAp '5 i&ap, the £>f firers from the Himr tljep null engage in his ij0afnty'0 Scrbirc, and the 3 >oUi 1 ccg from tljc rcfpcctibc Daps on whirl) thrp fliall lie ciiliflcb ; Hhat if idrobiQon cannot be mabc of Tltms ano Cioathmg foz them, bp rcafon of the S>l)oKncfs of the dme; a'reafoitablc allowance null be maor them m Cpoucp foi the fame , Hljat thep flrail.br rtititlcD to a Sdurc pf the 23 ootp that fliall be fallen from the dump, anb fliall be fent back to their fcbcral habitari ous, ibhcu this firrbicc fliall be ober, unlefs nnpof them Ihallbcfirc to fettle clfclbhcrc. si ND for the further Encouragement of all I 'oh: riders that frail engage tr: tbisServicc, It is providod, H flat thep fliall rcreibc Thirty Pounds m »Misof Credit ofrhcolD^nto:, ns a i 3 ountp ; as alfofoz each Cftan a gooD fcManlict, anb a »cd foz eberptwo tiBen the faib Boutitp to be paib upon their diliftmcnt, anb the isianhcts anb 2£cds at the Hunt of their embarkation, 02 pro^ erebmg on the faib erpeditton : 3 lnd rhat all furh tHolunticrs as fliall proceed on this Cppc* bition, fliall be c, tempted from all ^mprcflcsjoz two gears after their asetant.- Given 01 ihe Council-Clumber in Borrow, the Second Djv d[_ Jw 1746. Iff the J^inetctnili Year of live Reign of Our Sovcieijn Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Groce ol GOD of G/teliBrnc;*, Front and Irtlosi, KING, Defender ol iL; Faith, By Order of His Excellency the Governour , _ • r „ . . . with the Advice of the Council, rr' • fJf E 1C y, ' " GO D Save the KING. ■ 4 — BOSTON : Printed by John Draper, Printer : to His Excellency the Gc-veknolr and Council. No. 844 MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 1745 ] 115 John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, August 29, 1745. 824 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation for Encouragement to Volunteers to | prosecute the War against the Indian Enemy. Dated, August 23, 1745. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the governour and Council. mhs Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, August 29, 1745. Evans, 5635. 825 . [Royal arms.] By the Honorable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [September 19.] Dated, September 6, 1745. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. Evans, 5636. LC. MHS 826 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On despatching to Cape Breton those who had inlisted and received the bounty.) Dated, October 11, 1745. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excel- lency the Governour and Council. mhs Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, October 17, 1745. 827 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On disorders created by officers and seamen from British ships.) Dated, November 22, 1745. Bos- ton: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, November 28, 1745. 828 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general | Thanksgiving. [Decem- ber 5.] Dated, November 25, 1745. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. Evans, 5637. BA. MHS 829 . The following is a perfect List of the Establishment of Officers and Men in the Expedition against | Louisburg, pass’d the Great and General Court, | in their Session in March 1744. [Also] The following further Resolve pass’d the Great and | General Court or Assembly, Sept. 26, 1745. bpl. mhs 830 . Boston, February 3. 1745, | Sir, | Having received a Commission from Her Majesty for raising a Regiment | forth- with for the Defence and Service of Cape-Breton, . . . aas n6 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1746 831 . Instructions For Masters of Transports, Captains and commanding Officers of military Companies and Commissaries, that are or shall be employed in His Majesty’s Service in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. Dated, March 13, 1744[— 45.] From an auction catalogue. 832 . [Royal arms.] Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, ss. William Foye, Esq. Treasurer, etc. (Tax warrant.) Dated July 12, 1745. EI. BPL. AAS 833 . New England Bravery. [Cut.] Being a full and true Ac- count of the taking of the City of Louisbourg, by | the New- England Forces under the Command of the gallant General | Peppered, on the 17th of June, 1745. Tune of, chivey chase. Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. f pc The same cut is used on “Two favorite Songs made on the Evacuation of the Town of Boston, by the British Troops, on the 1 7 th of March, 1776.” 834 . Waste Paper, printed or plain, to be sold by the Ream or Quire, by the Publisher of this Paper. Advertisement in Fleet’s Boston Evening-Post, October 21, 1745. 1746 Boston, Town. 835 . Boston ss. | At a Meeting of the Select-Men February 21, 1746. (On the small-pox, and republishing the act of the gen- eral Court published January 17, 1742, “to prevent the spread- ing of the Small-Pox and other infectious Sickness, and to prevent the concealing of the same.” mhs 836 . Tax notice. mhs Harvard College. 837 . Quaestiones. t AAS 838 . Theses. t aas Evans, 5786. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 839 . An Act | Passed by the Great and General Court . . . | An Act more effectually to prevent profane Cursing and Swear- ing. (Published, February 13, 1745.) Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green, by Order of the Governour, Council and House of Representatives. 1746. mhs 840 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; [ . . . | A Proclamation. On deserters from Castle William. 1746] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 117 No. 833. Il8 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1746 Dated, February 10, 1745. Boston: Printed by J. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council mhs 841. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; |. . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [March 13.] Dated, February 26, l745[-46]. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Evans, 5632. 842. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On deserters from Lieutenant Gen- eral Phillips’ regiment.) Dated, April 26, 1746. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Gover- nour and Council. mhs 843. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On arms and ammunition for the militia.) Dated, May 14, 1746. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. MHS 844. By His Excellency William Shirley Esq; ... A Procla- mation (on encouragement to inlist in the expedition for the immediate reduction of Canada). Dated, June 2, 1746. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, June 5, 1746. 845. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for a publick Fast. [July 10.] Dated, June 17, 1746. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Evans, 5806. 846. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On apprehending all Vagrant and suspected seamen.) Dated, July 12, 1746. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, July 17, 1746. 847. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a publick Thanksgiving. [August 14.] Dated, July 23, 1746. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Evans, 5807. 848. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation. (On apprehending sailors deserting from Louisburg expedition.) Dated, September 16, 1746. 1746 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. II 9 Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. hhs 849. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; . . . A Proclamation (appointing October 16 to be a Pub- lick Fast.) Dated, October 6, 1746. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and Council. MHS 850. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency [ William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general | Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 27.] Dated, November 7, 1746. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. Evans, 5809. BA. MHS 851. Military Commission [William Shirley, Captain-General and Governour in Chief.] ei. mhs Commission to me| Massachusetts-] in your| Line for line same as that of 1742, supra, but the arrangement differs, showing a new printing. 852. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, November 4, 1746. MeHS. ei 853. A Muster-Roll of the Company in His Majesty’s Serv- ice | under the Command of Captain, Viz. mhs 854. A Muster-Roll of the Company in His Majesty’s | Serv- ice under the Command of Captain, viz. mhs New Hampshire. 855. [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Benning Wentworth Esq; Captain General and Governour in Chief, in and over His Majesty’s Pro- | vince of New-Hampshire, in New England. | A Proclamation. (On the Canada expedition.) Dated, June 5, 1746. Boston, Printed by Thomas Fleet. f lc 856. A Short History of the Grand Rebellion in Scotland, or, a brief Account of the Rise and Progress of Charles Stuart, the Young Pretender, and his Associates; and his Seasonable Defeat by his Majesty’s Forces under the Command of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland . . . [Boston:] Sold by B. Gray, near the Market, [1746.] nypl Evans, 5866. 857. Warrant to show cause. ma Archives, xvm. 597. 120 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. L 1 747 1747 Boston. 858. Tax notice. mhs Harvard College. 859. Quaestiones. aas. hc 860. Theses. aas. hc Evans, 5963. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 861. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [April 9.] Dated, March 21, 1746[— 47.] Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Evans, 5805. 862. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On meeting of the Great and Gen- eral Court on August 12.) Dated, July 22, 1747. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Gover- nour and Council. mhs 863. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for a publick Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 26.] Dated, November 4, 1747. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. Evans, 6001. MHS 864. By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (requiring the attendance of Every Member of both Houses on November 17, to which day the General Court stood adjourned). Dated, November 7, 1747. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, November 12, 1747. 865. By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (on a “notorious and dangerous Insurrection in the Town of Boston, of a great Number of Seamen and other lewd and profligate Persons.”) Dated, November 21, 1747. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, November 27, 1747. 866. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency [ William Shirley, Esq; j . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [January 28.] Dated, December 28, 1747. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs 867. A Muster-Roll of the Company in His Majesty’s Service [ under the Command of Captain, Viz. mhs Differs from 1746, which was all italics. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. I 2 I 1748] 868. [Royal arms.] Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, ss. William Foye, Esq. Treasurer, etc. (Province Tax.) Dated, November 10, 1747. ei. aas 869 . A plain and serious Address to the Inhabitants of the | Massachusetts Province, relating to the Choice of their | Repre- sentatives. MHS Signed “Philo Patriae.” 870 . Receipt of Receiver for the Port of Salem of dues for the use of Greenwich-Hospital, being Six-Pence a Month from each person belonging to the ship. Dated, [May 28,] 17 [47.] ei 871 . Some brief | Remarks j upon the | Result of a Council, | Published at Woburn, Jan. 9. 1746. aas pp. 4. The Postscript is dated, Woburn, April 6, 1747. 1748 Great Britain. 872 . [Proclamation of the King, dated February 19, 1747[— 48], against any correspondence and communications with subjects of the French King.] Ordered by the Governor to be published. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, May 5, 1748. 873 . [Proclamation of the King, dated May 5, 1748, Declar- ing the Cessation of Arms as well by Sea as Land, agreed upon between His Majesty; the Most Christian King and the States General of the United Provinces.] Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, July 28, 1748, where it is stated that the Proclamation was “published in King-street in the usual Form, the Lieut. Governour and Council, the officers of Militia and other Gentlemen attending.” 874 . [By the Lords Justices, a Proclamation, dated August 4, 1748, (including the most Serene Republic of Genoa in the Preliminaries for a General Peace.)] Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, October 6, 1748. Published by order of Government. 875 . The great Honor of a valiant | London Prentice, | Being an Account of his matchless Manhood and brave | Adventures done in Turkey, and how he came to marry the King’s Daugh- ter, &c. | To the Tune of. All you that love good fellows, &c. Printed and sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. | NYHS Of a worthy London Prentice my purpose is to speak, Printed on the back of a Spanish indulgence. “In 1748, during the 122 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1748 war between England and Spain, a Spanish ship, captured by an English cruiser, was sent into Boston. Among other articles in the captured ves- sel, were several bales of Bulls or Indulgences, issued by the Pope, and printed on one side of a small sheet. Fleet purchased a large quantity of them at a low price, and printed songs and ballads on the back of them. In the Evening Post he advertised them as follows: — ‘Choice Pennsyl- vania Tobacco Paper to be sold by the Publisher of this Paper, at the Heart and Crown [in Cornhill, Boston ] ; where may also be had the BULLS or Indulgencies of the present Pope Urban VIII. either by the single Bull, Quire, or Ream, at a much cheaper Rate than they can be purchased of the French or Spanish Priests, and yet will be warranted to be of the same Advantage to the Possessors.” Buckingham, Reminiscences, 1 . 142. This is the only example I have found. The advertisement will be found in the Boston Evening-Post, November 7, 1748. Harvard College. 876 . Catalogus. aas. hc 877 . Quaestiones. 878 . Theses. aas. hc Evans, 6155, 6156. 879 . Hopkins’ deed. ma Archives, lvhi. 341. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 880 . At a Great and General Court or Assemby for the Prov- ince | of the Massachusetts-Bay, begun and held at Boston the |27th Day of May 1747 . . . March 2d. 1747[— 48.] On pro- vision by churches for their ministers. f bpl. aas 881 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, Extract of two Clauses or Paragraphs from An Act passed by the Great and General Court . . . entitled, An Act for drawing in the Bills of Credit . . . still outstanding, and for ascertaining the Rate of coin’d Silver in this Province for the Future. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to his Excellency the Gover- nour and Council. [1748.] phs. ma pp. 4. Evans, 6189. May have been printed in 1749. 882 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [April 28.] Dated, March 25, 1748. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. ma. mhs Evans, 6186. 883 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Fast. [June 9.] Dated, 1748] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 123 June 1, 1748. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. ma. mhs Evans, 6187. 884 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for Proroguing the General Assembly [to October 5.] Dated, August 31, 1748. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the | Governour and Council, 1748. mhs 885 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for proroguing the | General Assembly [to October 26.] Dated, September 21, 1748. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the | Governour and Council. mhs 886. By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq. ... A Procla- mation (on the attacks made on the house of John Steel, one of his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace within the Town of Boston). Dated, October 14, 1748. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, October 20, 1748. 887 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 24.] Dated, October 29, 1748. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. Evans, 6188. BA. MHS 888. Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths | of Allegiance and Supremacy: And Declaration. Dated in ms. May, 1748. t ma 2 leaves. Archives, xlii. 667. Used in 1749. Ib., 901 ; 1753, xliii. 696. 889 . Military Commission [William Shirley, Captain-General and Governour in Chief.] mhs Commission to of the Massa- Confidence 890 . A Muster-Roll of the Company in His Majesty’s Serv- ice j under the Command of Captain, Viz. mhs Differs from that of 1747 in having “of the,” “in His” and “Service” in italics. 891 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. [Royal arms.] Wil- liam Foye, Esq; Treasurer. [Tax warrant.] Dated, July 20, 1748. ei The same form was used in 1749, the last figure “8” being changed to “9” with the pen. 124 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i749 Waldo, Joseph and Daniel. 892. Imported from London & sold by Wholesale or Retail at the cheapest Rates | By Joseph and Daniel Waldo | At the Sign of the Elephant opposite to the South east Corner of the ] Town House in King street | Boston New England. j pc An engraved advertisement by James Turner. 1749 Harvard College. 893. Quaestiones. aas. hc 894. Theses. aas. hc Evans, 6330. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 895. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; |. . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [March 23.] Dated, March 7, l748[-49]. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Evans, 6185. 896. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On counterfeit bills of credit made in Connecticut.) Dated, March 15, l748[-49.] Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs 897. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | For a publick Fast. [June 15.] Dated, June 2, 1749. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. mhs Evans, 6358. 898. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a General Thanksgiving. [August 24.] Dated August 8, 1749. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council Evans, 6359. BA. BPL. MHS 899. By the Honourable Spencer Phips, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (on peace with the Penobscot and other Tribes, by a treaty signed October 16, at Falmouth, in Casco Bay). Dated, October 27, 1749. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, November 2, 1749. 900. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general | Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 16.] Dated, October 20, 1749. Boston: Printed by John MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 125 I75o] Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Governour and Council. AAS. BA. MHS Evans, 6360. 901 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On the recapture of Samuel Ball and Benjamin Ledyke, apprehended for the murder of an Indian and rescued from the officer.) Dated, December 28, 1749. MHS 902 . A List of the Estate Real and Personal of the several Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Town of in the County of | taken (pursuant to an Act of the General Court of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, Intitled An Act for inquiring into the | Rateable Estate of the Province, passed in the twenty-second Year of his present Majesty’s Reign) Dated in ms. May 25, 1749. aas 903 . Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, November 4, 1749. ei 904 . A Muster-Roll of the Company in His Majesty’s Service | under the Command of Captain, viz. ma. mhs Archives, xcn. 177. Same form was used in 1750. 905 . Monsieur Ragoo; or, a Squib for the late F-RE W-RKS; in humorous Verse. Advertised by Fleet in the Boston Evening-Post, September 4, 1749. 906 . A Table for turning any old tenor sum into lawful money. Boston: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street. 1749. Evans, 6422. For a second edition see Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 22, 1750. 1750 Advertisement. 907 . Advertisement, Whereas the Plymouth Proprietors (so called) have impowered John North, Lieut, of Pemaquid Fort, and Samuel Goodwin (to survey land at the eastern parts of the Province, and defending title.) aas. mhs 2 Am. Ant. Soc., Proceedings, xi. 463. Boston. 908 . Tax bill. mhs Exact Table. 909 . An exact Table to bring Old Tenor into Lawful Money. Also a Table to know the | Value of Pistoles, Guineas, Johannes, 126 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1750 and double Johannes, Moyodores, English Crowns, | Half- Crowns, Shillings, and Copper Half-Pence, at the Rate of Dollars at Six Shillings a | Piece, at which invariable Value they are fixed by a late Act of this Government. The | Act to be in Force from and after the 31st of March, 1750. Boston, Printed and Sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street. 1750. It is dated Jan. 1, 1749, 50. Evans, 6495. BPL. MHS A publication in book form (price two shillings old Tenor) was announced in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, January 4, 1750, and January 25 a rival publication, to be sold by Samuel Kneeland and Timothy Green, Jr., was announced, with what was apparently a leaflet: “With an Example, and its operation, . . . fitted to the meanest capacities, in a small Page for the Pocket, or the Pocket Book.” This may, however, refer to the size of the volume — a 16mo. In the same issue of the News-Letter Rogers and Fowle repeated their announcement and added: “N. B. The said Table is printed in such a Manner as is convenient to paste up in People’s Houses, for their constant use.” A critic pointed out in the Boston Evening Post, January 29, 1750, some errors, which led the Rogers and Fowle to explain in the News-Letter of February 1 and add to the reply the follow- ing: “ fiST 1 The true and plain Table (which has been published by Rogers and Fowle, on one side of a Sheet for conveniency of pasting up in Houses, Shops and Warehouses for constant Use) in a few Days will likewise be printed in a small Fold, convenient for the Pocket-Book.” March 1, 1750, the News-Letter announced the publication by Rogers and Fowle of “A Correct minute Table to bring old Tenor into lawful Money, . . . and is a Supplement to the Table already published by said Rogers and Fowle.” The price was two shillings old Tenor, one too high for a broad- side, and I believe this to be the following item. 910 . A Correct Table from one Penny to twenty Shillings Old Tenor: which may serve as a Supplement to the above Table, and be further useful to Shopkeepers in new marking the Prizes of their Goods. Boston: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street next to the Prison. 1750. Evans, 6469, where is the following note: “In an advertisement in Green’s ‘Entertainment for a Winter’s evening’ it is stated that ‘the Table (which hitherto has been published on one side of a sheet for con- veniency of pasteing up, in houses, shops, and warehouses for constant use) in a few days will be printed in a small fold convenient for the pocket- book.” 911 . A | Table, | Shewing how Provisions ought to be sold when the Dollars pass | for Six Shillings a-piece, as they must do, according to the Act | of the General Court. Boston: Printed and sold by Thomas Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. | Price Three Half Pence, Lawful Money. f nyhs An exact Table, shewing how Provisions ought to be sold when the Dollars pass for Six Shillings a-piece, which they must do, according to the Act of the General Court. Note, This Table is so plain and easy, [MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 127 t75°] that a child may inderstand it, and will be of singular Use both to Buyers and Sellers. (Price Three Half-Pence.) — Advertisement of T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, in the Boston Evening Post, January 29, 1750. The Countryman’s Table convenient for pasting up in Houses. Advertisement of Samuel Kneeland in the Boston Weekly News- Letter, April 12, 1750. 912 . The Dying Speech of Old Tenor, J on the 31st of March 1750; being the Day appointed for his Execution. | With a word of Comfort to his disconsolate Mourners. Sold next to the Prison in Queen-Street. t ei 913 . Boston, April 2, 1750. | A Song | On the Remarkable Resurrection of above One Hundred and Fifty Thousand [ Pounds Sterling in Dollars and English Copper-Half-Pence, which have | lain bury’d for many Months, attended with a strong Guard of Watchmen. | To the Tune of Jack the Piper, or any other that suits. t EI At foot is Rogers & Fowle’s announcement of their “Exact Table,” and also: “Now in the Press, and to Morrow will be Published and Sold at the above Place, a TABLE to know the Value of this Province Bills in lawful Money which will be passing One Year amongst us.” Goddard, Edward. 914 . A brief Account of the Formation and | Settlement of the 2nd church and Con- | gregation in Framingham. Dated, December 14, 1750. t ma. mhs pp. 4. Archives, xm. 352. Green, Joseph. 915 . A | Mournful Lamentation | for the sad and deplorable Death of | Mr. Old Tenor, | A Native of New-England, who, after a long Confinement, by a deep and mortal Wound | which he received above Twelve Months before, expired on the 31st Day of March, 1750. Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston; Price Three Half Pence, ei. bpl. mhs Proceedings, xliu. 256. Evans, 6512. Advertised in the Boston Eve- ning Post, April 2, 1750, “This Day is Published, And sold by T. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill.” See No. 938, infra. Harvard College. 916 . Quaestiones. t aas 917 . Theses. Evans, 6514. AAS. HC 128 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [l7SO , The Dying Speech of Old Tenor, O.n the 3 > ft of March 175O; being the Day appointed for his With a Word of Comfort to his dfconfolate Mourners. 3 > Execution: Kind Reader, j 7\:i am 01 bt infcnfi'jle hi to 1 fane been vft3,ani in mbal Manr.tr for three Wccht pa/!, ar.3 wt.ir ilffm lit Sentiment! fine ■ rr.e entertain'd concerning me, calling me Bomaree, Old Scuff, and many other hard and epprohhus Names in she Puhlick prints \ but I 'arts handled in. fo rough a Manner , !a[t IVcdnefday, Thursday and Friday, being the three hfl Days before wy Execution, that 1 catch'd a prodigious Cold, and en Friday Night was oblig'd to retire, .having the IJcad-ach to a great D.-er;* ; hut confident! g bow fbort my Time was, and the great Dijlrefs of fame of my left Friends, who appeared to me ° r> . i ...j a «—/'r /It'nnifD *A tn b nit * t hpfii the fnllnwin a Irtrnrv. for thrir man nrrnfnl nrJ thri* Children cry from of the Town and Province to another in a mofl violent Manner, fo that by One o'clock, / could fcarccly fetch mv Breath : After Dinner {having had a vety poor Appetite, knowing the doleful Scene was nit far of}') even fome of my bejl Friends began to be (by of me, threading to flout vp their Shops, becaufe 1 was thrown in upon them fo ftjl. About half an Hour before Sun-fet, thnfe who were very fond of he. ONCE, ran about Town as if they were diffracted, for fear / fpould die in their Hands, and were as g’ad to get rid of me as if I had been a Rattle-fnake ; which brought to my Mind . the Table , of an aged Hound being in purjuit if his Came, caught it, but could not hold it, becaufe his Teeth were w;rn out ,* for which bis Majlcr torrefied him very fwercly— -The Dog begged that he might not be puaifbed, allcdging that he was c/i; The Moral 'of which is. Many People arc fo ungrateful as to take no Notice of the Ninety -nine good Turns , which they baft received, if the Hundredth is denied them. doleful Cries are thefethat fright my Senfe! g>vV^ Sad as the Groans of dying Innocence. ^§55^5 The killing Accents now more near 'approach, /\nd decs moff Hearts with Grief and Wonder touch. It makes a mighty great and doleful Sound Spread far and wide, enlarges all around. I My Name Old Tenor is, ’cis true, I own, I And bv that Name have many Years been koown. j but wh.il alas ! is all this Stir and Noife ! '.Have J rut been quite jujl unto your Caufe '? Indeed Iv’e help'd the Poor Man in Diffrtfs, And eas’d the Widow and the Fat her left. I*ve built you Houfes, for to keep you warm, And bought von Cattle for to plow your Land. When in Diffrefs, a helping Hand I've been. And purchas’d Things to carry you to your End. When you’ve been lick, I’ve done the belt I cou’d To eafe your Mind, and da jnff as you wou’d ; When you’ve been parch’d with l evers violent, I to the Doctors for you have been fent. When your Guts grumbl'd and your 1 leads have ak’d II then ffood ready for to eafe your Pate. When you no Breeches had, or Coat to wear, You conffantly did unto me repair ,* I bought you Caps, 1 bought you Shoes like wife, And many a Time no Doubt have fav'd your Lives. When Wars arofe, and En’mies you purfu’J, To me you ran for (belter from your Foes. I bought you Guns, and Drums, and Swords indeed, And ev’r’y Thing that Mortals ffood in need. When Prenchmen unto you were coming in, I then ffood ready for to be your Friend. When your Hearts fail’d, I purchas’d you good Cheer, Which made you bold, and on the Span'ards fneer. When all your Trade was in Stagnation lain, 1 then rous’d up, which was not quite in vain. , 1 rais’d an Army, to Cape-Brcton 9 fent, r Who took that Place, which made you all content; , Rejoicings great you then was pleas’d to make, 5 Altho’ it made the Frenchmen’s Hearts to ake. ; In (bore, great Things 1 always have been doing, 1 And conffantly for me you have been wooing, f Should I recount the good Deeds I have done, 5 The World perhaps could find not fuch a one. ? But after all, what ffrangc Reward muff have, I Among fome Men, unwilling 1 (hould live 'j Or anv more among you for to breathe. This Day my Execution’s to commence And I’m to be for ever bauifh’d hence. Ah ! cruel Fate, ’(is hard indeed to tell . The Crowds of Men, of my unhappy end, ‘ Mourners I have in Numbers great and fmaU, Who gladly ray Deatb-lVarrant would recall : Sold next to the Prifon But ah! poor Souls ! 1 pity you from my Ilcarr, But thar, alas ! won't cafe you of the Smart. I have been hug'd, I have been tore in two. And ferv'd the worff of Mortals, it is true ; But then Compallion on me you have had. And damp'd me new, which made my lleaft quite gLJ. How nice and carefully have 1 been tuck'd. Where little pretty Infants \k anj luck. But wbat comes next to that ; I'm plainly tolJ I am to be exchang'd for heavy Cold. The DOLLARS arc on Monday next to rife. And thcrfl doubt not fome will !->ofe their LycJ. Thcfe pretty Baubles you will turn and twiff And then fccurclv lay them in jour Chcff. But I, alafs, after you’ve had yourGamys, Muff be thrown up in Heaps and put in 1 lames. PART II. A H’ord of Comfit . But come my Friends, your Fate is hard, *tis true, j One Word of Comfort 1 will fay to you : : After my Name by fome is wholly loll, I (ball be hov'ring all around the Coeff. If in Diffrefs by Ibme you ibould be brought. Come unto me in Hampton with your Lot. Bring up your Goods unto Connecticut, And there I'll make you grow quite plump and fat. | If thefe (hould fail, to Provideu.e Repair, And there my Friends you all (ball have your llnre. Three Goverments I've in PollciTion now, • They all me mind, and great Rcfpeft do Ihow. My LaDd is good, my Cedars large and tall, k And thofe who come to me (hall never fall. } All thofe who have my Fn'mies been indeed, Will be convinc’d that 1 have them reliev'd. Their Thoughts are high, their Looks are mighty great \ And do feem pleas’d at my imagin’d Fate. k . Shortly they’ll ’fee how 1 in Triumph vie, £ And then with Sorrow they’ll look dull and cry. I Rejoice my Friends, rejoice once more 1 fay, * t " Altho’ this is my Execution Day. After I’m dead, take Care of my Remains, And when I rife, will pay you for your Pains ; ’ Keep up your Hearts, tho’ Scoffers do rejoice ; And in a little Time you'll hear my Voice. M s ,7 Altho’ this Day looks dark, and Hearts arc fad, ' •••• Mind not the Frowns of wicked Men who’re gladY-^ Shortly they’ll fay, Old Tenor come again, ^ But then alas I ’(will be too late for them. Dated in Boston, whkb has been the chief Place e>f my’ " Peftdence for many Tears , which I believe will be very fen- ,f 0 * ftble of my Departure , this Thirty-firff of March 1750. 7; ^ueen-Streec. No. 912. By courtesy of the Essex Institute. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 129 i7SoJ Insurance Policy. 918. Marine Insurance policy. Insurance-Office kept in King- Street near the Long Wharffe by Joseph Dowse. mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 919. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; |. . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [March 15.] Dated, February 16, 1749[-50]. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Governour and Council, mhs Evans, 6361. 920. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Assembly [to September 26, 1750.] Dated, August 13, 1750. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant- Governour and Council. 1750. mhs 921. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | For a publick Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 1.] Dated, October 10, 1750. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. BA. MHS Evans, 6543. 922. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Assembly [to December 19, 1750.] Dated, November 16, 1750. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant- Governour and Council. 1750. mhs 923. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For proroguing the General Assembly [to January 9, 1751.] Dated, December 7, 1750. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant- | Governour and Council. 1750. mhs 924. An Act for suppressing of Riots, Routs and unlawful As- semblies. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green. 1750. Evans, 6541. BPL. MA. A AS. 925. Province of the | Massachusetts- | Bay in New- | England. | In pursuance of an Act of Parliament | made and passed in the 7th and 8th Years | of the Reign of King William the | Third, intitled, An Act for preventing Fraud, | and regulating Abuses in the Plantation Trade. | Jurat. mhs 926. Be it Rembered, that on the Day of in | the 130 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i75i Year of His Majesty’s Reign, | was convicted before | me, One of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace . . . profane . . . MHS 927 . 175- | Received of | the several Species of Pro- visions, | Ammunition & Slop-cloathing as | mentioned in these Columns. mhs 928 . Shewing the Harmony of the | Divine Attributes, | In the Way of Man’s Salvation. mhs The date is conjectural. 1751 Advertisement. 929 . Advertisement. Whereas by some late Advertisements, it may be | understood that Lieutenant John North, and Mr. Samuel | Goodwin, in their late Survey, have exceeded the Limits, etc. Dated, May 1, 1751. aas 2 Am. Ant. Soc. Procceedings, xi. 464. Boston. 930 . Tax bill. mhs Brunswick, Proprietors of the Township of. 931 . Advertisement. | At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Township of Brunswick in the County of York ... on May 15th 1751; the following Vote was passed. | Whereas in Order to open the Eyes of People, and to undeceive those Persons that have been unwarily led to | take up under the Plymouth Com- pany’s Claim, to Lands in Kenebeck River ... ei. mhs Great Britain. 932 . A Bill | To Regulate and Restrain Paper Bills of Credit in the British colonies and Plantations in America, and to pre- vent | the same being legal Tenders in Payment for Money; and for the better enforcing his Majesty’s Orders and In- | structions throughout the said Colonies and Plantations. Boston, New-England, Re-printed and sold by Thomas Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. bpl pp. 2. In ms. the date of taking effect is September 29, 1751. An edition of the law was printed in 1751 by Timothy Green, New London, Conn. Harvard College. 933 . Catalogus. bpl. hc. mhs 934 . Quaestiones. Y. aas. hc 935 . Theses. Evans, 6690. AAS. HC MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. I75i] I3 1 Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 936. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | The following Order passed the General Court the last Session, viz. | In Coun- cil, June 22, 1751. Whereas it has been the Practice of the Assessors of many I of the Towns in the Province, to neglect or delay settling the | Proportion of the respective Inhabitants to the Province Tax ... El 937. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; |. . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [March 21.] Dated, February 27, 1750[— 51]. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. Evans, 6542- MHS 938. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Offering a reward for the apprehen- sion of Robert Howland and Fobes Little, for publishing and dispersing “A sad and deplorable Lamentation,” etc.) Dated, April 18, 1751. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. | 1751. Archives, cn. 598. See No. 915, supra. MA. MHS 939. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Prohibiting the revenge of injuries offered by the Penobscot tribe of Indians.) Dated, September 3, 1751. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Hon- our the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. | 1751. mhs 940. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Publick Thanksgiving. [No- vember 7.] Dated, October 10, 1751. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor and Council. | 1751. aas. ba. bpl. mhs Evans, 6712. 941. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for Proroguing the General Assembly [to December 26.] Dated, November 19, 1751. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant- | Governour and Council. 1751. mhs 942. Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the | Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy: And | Declaration. Dated in ms. July, 1751 f ma 2 leaves. Archives, xmi, 471; xlix. 325. 943. [Another form.] f MA The ninth line from the foot of the Declaration reads at the end “ better Securing the Rights” lb., xlix. 317. 132 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1752 944. Military commission [Spencer Phips, Lieutenant-Gover- nour and Commander in Chief]. mhs Commission to Province of the Absence of the 945. [Royal arms.] William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant). Dated, July 12, 1751. mhs Sewall, Stephen 946. From the Boston Weekly News-Letter. Feb. 7. 1751. | Roxbury, February 2d 1750, 1. [Boston: Printed by John Draper.] mhs Notice of the death of Paul Dudley. Evans, 6779. [Weld, Edmund.] 947. [Cut.] A Funeral Elegy, | By Way of Dialogue; | be- tween | Death, Soul, Body, World, and Jesus Christ. f phs The earliest issue of this poem, and was probably printed early in the eighteenth century. No author’s name is suggested. 948. A | Funeral Elegy | By Way of | Dialogue; | Between Death, | Soul, | Body and Jesus Christ Composed by Edmund Weld, formerly of Harvard College, who moving hence into Ireland, became a | Preacher of the Gospel at Inniskean there; who [torn] the Meditation and Apprehension of his own | Death (which was soon after the second Day of March, 1668) made the following Poem, which | was sent hither in a Letter from his Wife, there living, to his Relations here. ^Etatis suae An. 59. Boston: Reprinted and Sold by S. Kneeland, in Queen Street. f nyhs Kneeland printed in Queen Street from 1751 to 1765. Weld was a member of the class of 1650. 1752 Advertisement. 949. Advertisement. | Boston, January 15. 1752. (For the encouragement of the raising and well-curing and dressing of Flax.) t lc 950. Advertisement. (Meeting of Kennebeck Proprietors at House of Robert Stone, at the Royal Exchange Tavern in Kingstreet, Boston, on October 17.) Dated, Charlestown, September 1, 1752. aas 951. Constables Pocket-Books and Bail-Bonds, with all other sorts of Blanks, to be sold by the Publisher of this Paper. Advertisement in the Boston Evening-Post, March 16, 1752. 1752] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 133 Fellowship Club. 952 . Rules and Orders | To be observed by a loving and friendly Society, | called, | The Fellowship Club; | Began at Boston in New-England, June 1. 1742. Boston, May 5, 1752. Archives, lxiv. 521. f MA Harvard College. 953 . Theses. Evans, 6852. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 954 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; |. . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [March 26.] Dated, February 25, 1752. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council, j 1752. Evans, 6881- MHS 955 . By the Honourable Spencer Phips, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (adjourned General Court to meet at Harvard College, Cambridge, because of the small pox.) Dated, March 17, 1752. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 19, 1752. 956 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On attempt to communicate the small-pox to the family of Benjamin Lynde of Salem.) Dated, May 28, 1752. Boston, Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Governour & Council. 1752. mhs 957 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Fast. [July 2.] Dated, June 5, 1752. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Governour & Council. 1752. mhs Evans, 6882. 958 . By the Honourable Spencer Phips, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (offering a reward for the apprehension of divers fish- ermen of the Province, murderers of two Indian Girls and an Indian Boy at Port-Reservay, near Cape-Sables.) Dated, August 13, 1752. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, August 20, 1752. 959 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for Proroguing the General Assembly [to November 22.] Dated, August 28, 1752. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant- | Gov- ernour and Council. 1752. mhs 134 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1753 960. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 16.] Dated, October 13, 1752. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieut. Governour & Council. 1752. BPL. BA. MHS Evans, 6883. 961. Province of the [ Massachusetts-Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] William Foye, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, November 27, 1752. El 962. A Muster-Roll of the Company in His Majesty’s Service, | Under the Command of Captain, Viz. mhs “Majesty” is in full capitals. The same form was used in 1754. New Hampshire, Province. 963. Province of New-Hampshire. The Message of His Ex- cellency Benning Wentworth, Esq; to the Representatives con- vened by the King’s Writ to sit in General Assembly January the 3d. 1748. At the Dissolution of the General Assembly January 4th, 1752. [Boston: Printed by John Draper? 1752.] Evans, 7071. NHSL 1753 964. At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Kenebeck pur- chase from the late Colony of New Plymouth, on the 12th of Jan., 1753, unanimously voted, that the following votes be printed. hc 965. A Conspectus or clear View of the Laws in any way af- fecting the Titles and Conveyances of Lands in the Eastern Part of the Province, which have occasioned Controversies and Disputes, being claimed by Virtue of Ancient Grants from the Native Indians. [Boston?] 1753. pp. 4. Evans, 6983. This may be the same as No. 968, infra. Brunswick, Proprietors of the Township of. 966. At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Township of Brunswick in the County of York . . . on January 4, 1753; the following Vote was passed. (A reissue of the Vote of 1751, supra, with Thomas Johnson’s map attached.) mhs Deed. 967. Deed of obligation. mhs 968. Forasmuch as there have been many Disputes and Con- troversies for a long Time, concerning the Titles to a great Part of the lands in the eastern Parts of this Province; . . . 1753] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 135 and since the Acts and Laws of the several Governments | of the late Colonies of New-Plymouth, the Massachusetts-Bay, and | of this Province, relating to such Grants and Convey- ances, are in the Hands of but few People . . . AAS. MHS pp. 4. Harvard College. 969. Quaestiones. AAS. HC 970. Theses. AAS. HC. MHS Evans, 7021. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 971. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [April 19.] Dated, March 7, 1753. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. 1753. Evans, 7056. BPL. MHS 972. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Prohibiting hunting of beaver or other furs on the eastward of Saco River.) Dated, April 13, 1753. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. 1753. mhs 973. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (General Court to meet September 5, as appointed.) Dated, August 10, 1753. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour | and Council. 1753. mhs 974. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for Proroguing the General Assembly [to November 6.] Dated, October 5, 1753. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1753. mhs 975. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Thanksgiving. [No- vember 1.] Dated, October 9, 1753. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1753. BA. MHS Evans, 7057. 976. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley , Esq ; | . . . | A Proclamation | for Proroguing the General Assembly [to December 4.] Dated, October 18, 1753. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour j and Council. 1753. mhs 136 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1754 977. A Bill | For Ascertaining the Descent of Real Estates | within the Province. mhs Evans, 7055. May have been made necessary by the act of parliament of 1751, which was reprinted in Connecticut in 1753. Evans, 7010. 978. Oaths appointed to be taken instead of | the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy: | And Declaration. Dated in ms September, 1753. f ma 2 leaves. Archives, xlix. 356. The same form was used in 1754, lb. xun. 844; 1755, xliv. 101. 979. Military commission [Spencer Phips, Lieutenant-Gover- nour and Commander in Chief.] mhs Royal Commission Province of Absence of 980. [Another form] aas Royal Commission to | Province of the | Absence of the | 981. Military commission [William Shirley, Captain-General and Governour in Chief.] aas. ei. mhs Royal Commission Province of the Trust and 982. Province of the | Massachusetts- 1 Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 7, 1753. ei Winthrop, John. 983. Letters | Relating to the Transit of Mercury over the | Sun, which is to happen May 6, 1753. mhs pp. 4, with a ms. plan showing the situation of the planet “at his going out of the Sun at Quebec.” Evans, 7038. 1754 Advertisement. 984. Advertisement. | Whereas the Proprietor of the Kenne- beck Purchase | from the late Colony of Plymouth, have made and are making divers settlements on Kennebeck-River, par- | ticularly at Frankfort near Richmond. . . . Signed by Robert Temple, Sylvester Gardiner, Benjamin Hallowed, William Bow- doin and James Bowdoin. Dated Boston, Jan. 2. 1754. JCB. AAS. MHS 1754 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. I 37 Boston. 985. Tax bill. mhs Boston, Marine Society. 986. Laws | Of the Marine Society, at Boston in New-England, | Incorporated by the Government, as by Charter, | February 2, 1754. [On verso:] List of the Members Names, and the Time of Entrance. mhs pp. 2. Eliot, Joseph. 987. A copy of a Letter, Found in the Study of the | Reverend Mr. Joseph Belcher, | Late of Dedham, since his Decease. An Answer to this Question, How to live in this World, so | as to live in Heaven? [Boston] Printed and Sold at the Printing- Office in Back-Street, [by Zachariah Fowle.] J phs Back Street, dating from 1708, forms part of Salem Street. Zachariah Fowle printed there from 1751 to 1754, when he removed to Middle Street (part of Hanover Street) in 1755. Harvard College. 988. Catalogus. f CHS 989. Quaestiones. AAS. HC. MHS 990. Theses. Y. AAS. HC Evans, 7208. 991. A Letter | from a Gentleman to his Friend, | Upon the Excise-Bill now under Consideration. Dated, Boston, 7 th June, 1754. AAS. MHS pp. 3. Evans, 7227. 992. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [April 4.] Dated, March 16, 1754. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Govepnour and Council. 1754. bpl. mhs Evans, 7251. 993. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On raising a force for defence of the Eastern frontiers.) Dated, April 19, 1754. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and | Council. 1754. mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 994. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On assembling and reviewing regi- ments of the militia.) Dated, June 21, 1754. Boston: Printed MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 138 [i754 by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. | 1754. mhs 995 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for a publick Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 28.] Dated, November 2, 1754, Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. 1754. BA. BPL. MHS Evans, 7252. 996 . Anno Regni Regis Georgii Secundi Vicesimo Septimo. | A Bill | For further ascertaining the Descent of Real Estates | of Persons dying Intestate without Issue. f ma Archives, xix. 76. 997 . Province of the | Massachusetts- | Bay. ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer. (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 3, 1754. ei. bpl 998 . Precept to elect representatives to the General Court. Archives, xlix. 391. t 999 . To the Select-Men or Assessors of the Town of (Order of Justices of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace to assess Province Charges.) ei 1000 . A Poem, | On the joyful News of the Rev. Mr. Whit- field’s visit to Boston. | Dedicated to all the true Friends, etc. Boston, Printed Oct. 1754. f jcb No. 1003 . Apparently the cut used on No. 652 , with one of the figures cut out. Suffolk County. 1001 . Summons from Grand Inquest for the Body of Suffolk. MHS MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 139 I7SS] Wadsworth, Ebenezer, and others. 1002 . To His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | The Representation and Petition of Ebenezer Wadsworth of Grafton, | and Samuel Robinson of Hardwick, in the County of Worcester, | and Richard Seaver of Roxbury, in the County of Suffolk, ... f MA It was dated in print for the General Court of May, 1754, but was changed by pen to October 17, 1754. Archives, xm. 518. 1003 . [Cut.] A Warning to Young & old : | In the Execution of William Wieer, | at Boston, the 21st of November, | 1754, for the Murder of William | Chism, on the 6th of April last, f jcb Welch, William. 1004 . The last Speech & Dying Words of | William Welch, 23 Years of Age, | Who was Executed at Boston in New-England, on the 11th Day of April, 1754, for the Murder | of Darby O’Brian, on the Evening of the 19th Day of November, 1753. Evans, 7333. MHS 1755 1005 . Articles of apprenticeship. ma Archives, lxxix. 770. 1006 . An | Elogy | On the death of Mr. Nathaniel Burt, Deacon of the Church of | Christ at Longmeadow, and Lieutenant in his Majesty’s service; who | was killed in the memorable battle at Lake George, Sept. 8, 1755, | in the 45th year of his age. f pc 1007 . Earthquakes | Improved: | Or solemn Warning to the World; by the | tremendous Earthquake which | happen’d on Tuesday Morning the 18th | of November 1755, between four and | five o’clock. [Cut.] Sold by J. Green, opposite Mr. Church’s | Vendue House. f bpl Evans, 7518, but he has confused it with Newland’s verses, No. 1042, infra. 1008 . A few Lines | On Occasion of the untimely End of | Mark and Phillis, [ Who were Executed at Cambridge, | Sep- tember 18th for Poysoning their | Master, Capt. John Codman of | Charlestown. [Cut of gallows.] f nyhs Evans, 7415. Harvard College. 1009 . Quaestiones aas. hc 1010 . Theses. Evans, 7429. AAS. HC 140 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i7S5 No. 1007. Compare with No. 783. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. I75Sl 141 1011. The Lawer’s Pedigree, | Tune, Our Polly is a sad Slut. Boston: Printed and Sold below the Mill-Bridge. 1755. f AAS Printed from type set by Isaiah Thomas, aetatis 6. 2 Am. Ant. Soc., Proceedings, xi. 465. Evans, 7446. 1012. Lines made after the great Earthquake, in 1755. [Bos- ton: 1755.] Evans, 7450, who describes it as containing thirty-six verses in three columns. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1013. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Embargo on vessels, outward bound.) Dated, February 22, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council, bpl. mhs 1014. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [March 20.] Dated February 27, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1755. ba. bpl 1015. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (On stamp duties upon vellum, parch- ment and paper.) Dated, March 14, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. BPL. MHS Evans, 7476. 1016. [Royal arms.] By his Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Publishing articles of the expedition against the French.) Dated, March 26, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1755. mhs 1017. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Pay and allowances given on the expedition against Crown Point.) Dated, March 29, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour | and Council. 1755. mhs 1018. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Further encouragement to inlist on Crown Point expedition.) Dated, April 25, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printar to His Honour the Lieuten- ant- | Governour and Council. 1755. mhs 1019. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [July 3.] Dated, 142 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [l7S5 June 9, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, & Council. mhs Evans, 7477. 1020. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Declaring the Indians of the Nor- ridgewock, Arresaguntacook, Weweenock and St. John’s tribes to be enemies.) Dated, June 12, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and the Honourable His Majesty’s Council. 1755. mhs 1021. [Royalarms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; |. . . | A Proclamation. (Publishing encouragements offered to such as should penetrate into the Indian country in order to captivate and kill the enemy Indians.) Dated, June 18, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and the Honourable His Majesty’s Council. 1755. MHS 1022. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; |. . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [August 28.] Dated, August 13, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. 1755. On defeat of General Braddock. Evans, 7478. MHS 1023. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for Proroguing the General Assembly [to September 24.] Dated, August 22, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant- | Gover- nour and Council. 1755. mhs 1024. [RoyalSeal.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; |. . .| A Proclamation | for Convening the Great and General Court or | Assembly [September 5.] Dated, September 1, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant- 1 Governour and Council. 1755. MeHS. 1025. [Royalarms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Encouragements to inlist in expedi- tion against Crown Point.) Dated, September 9, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant- Governour | and Council. 1755. bpl. mhs 1026. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; j . . . | A Proclamation. (Requiring all who received the bounty or were impressed for the expedition against Crown Point to repair to the army.) Dated, October 29, 1755. Bos- MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 143 I7SS] ton: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieu- tenant- | Governour and Council. 1755. mhs 1027. [Royal arms.] By His Honour Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. Whereas the Tribe of Penobscot In- dians have repeatedly in a perfidious Manner acted contrary to their solemn Submission unto his Majesty (offering a bounty for captured Indians or for the scalps of killed Indians). Dated, November 3, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. 1755. 2 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings, XI. 465. AAS. MH S 1028. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | for a publick Thanksgiving. [Decem- ber, 4.] Dated, November 4, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. 1755. ba. mhs Evans, 7479. 1029. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation. (On reward for captives or scalps of Penobscot Indians.) Dated, November 13, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant- Governour and Council. 1755. mhs 1030. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Embargo on export of provisions or warlike stores.) Dated, November 28, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Gover- nour and Council. 1755. mhs 1031. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation (appointing January 8 as a day of public humiliation and Prayer.) Dated, December 24, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. 1755. bpl. mhs Evans, 7480. 1032. By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | To | Sir, . . . (Directions for beating-orders.) BPL. LC. MHS A copy in the lc. is dated in ms. April 17, 1755, and contains additions in ms. That in the mhs. is a printer’s proof. 1033. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | By His Excel- lency the Governour. Power to administer to officers in ex- pedition against Crown Point, the ‘‘Oaths appointed by Act 144 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1756 of Parliament to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy.” Dated, 1755, and in ms. June 12. mhs 1034. Oaths appointed to be taken instead of | the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy: | And Declaration. mhs 1035. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Honour | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | Whereas the Great and General Court or Assembly | of said Province have agreed and voted (for reinforcing | the Army destined to Crown-Point). Dated, September [8], 1755. mhs 1036. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Honour the Lieutenant Governour. | To Greeting. | Whereas the Great and General Court or Assembly of | said Province, have by their Vote of the 8th Instant, desired | me to give Orders to impress a sufficient Number of Men . . . Dated, September 19, 1755. bpl 1037. Provinceof the | Massachusetts-|Bay,ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, September 12, [1755.] ei 1038. Military commission [William Shirley] aas Commission to | of the Massa-| and Confidence! 1039. I do acknowledge to have | voluntarily inlisted myself as a Private Soldier, to serve his Majesty King in . . . with certificate. mhs 1040. Received of | the several Species of Pro- visions, | Ammunition & Slop-Cloathing as | mentioned in the Columns. aas 1041. [Oath of the Master of a built Ship.] ma Archives, lxiv. 129. Different from the form of 1740. Newland, Jeremiah. 1042. Verses | Occasioned by the Earthquakes in the Month of November, 1755. | By Jeremiah Newland. mhs See note to No. 1007, supra. 1756 1043. The Assize of Bread. t MA Archives, cxx. 132. 1044. Boston, May 13, 1756. To be seen (for a short Time) at the House of Mr. William Fletcher, Merchant, New-Boston; By His EXCELLENCY fP I L L I A M SHIR L E T, Efq; Captain-General and Governour in Chief, in and over his Majefty’s Province of the Ma foe hufetts-Bay in Nsw-EngfanJ. A PROCLAMATION fora general FAST. tOtOtT being our incumbent Duty to acknowledge GOD in all our Ways, and to commit all our Aflairs, both pnblick and private, to -i- I his gracious Direction ; and being bound, in a fpccial Manner, to implore the Divine Bklltng when we arc engaged in Concerns t°v®t of great Importance ; I lyavc thcrefo:c thought fir, With the 3lbVicc of f>ts ^aj'cdy’S Council, nnb at H'c Dtfirr of the 3ffcmblp, fo appoint Thurfday the Twentieth of March next, tO bC ObftrVCb throughout this prcVlUCC, flS <1 Dap Of Filling and Prayer , $crcbp calling upon Raiders ano people rehgiouOv fo folcmntse tljc fame, bp penitent £onfc(fion of tlicir dins, ant) beep Dumtltation foi the growing PcpraVitp anb Dtffolntfon of fanners amongft us,tturlj earned Supplications to Almighty god, that lie Woulb be plcafcD to grant us the free parbon of our &ms, anb that a general Smcnbinent anb Btfojmation map prevail in all Ojbccs of *Bcn , anb that Ijc Woulb remote the prefent Cohens anb <£ffcas of his righteous DifplcaCurc againd us, anb prevent thofe inojc fetrre 3)uDgmcnrs, Which our -bins hate beferteb, anb wh'ch in the 3fpcas of DfVmc proVibcncc ltc arc itarneb to prepare fo: , anb alfo, that it Woulb plcafe our merciful god to confer upon ns all necbful Blcffings ; Particularly, that he lbonlb long continue the precious 2life of our Sovereign Eo:b the KING, anb Direct anb profper thcCounfcls anb 3bmimdrations of his Government, fo: the general profpcritr of the Bingboms anb Dominions unber his happv Suit; anb particularly, fo; maintaining the fuft Bights of his ■Crown, anb the properties anb poffcflions of Ins goob S'hbiccts, agamd the JntaOons of fozeign powers, anb alfo fo: continuing anb drengthening a general peace among rhr Rations ; Hhat GOD Woulb graciouflp preferte anb blefs thCtr Royal HighneiTe* the Pp.nce of JRales, the Princess Dowager of JVales^ the Duke, and the other Branches of the Royal Family ; 3Il)at 1 )C ltOUlb bC favourable fO OUrtLanb,anb gibe his gracious influence anb tSnibancc to the oovcrnmenr of this anb fns <©aicdp’s other Colonies in North- America, that thep map be leb into furl) iBcafurcs t mole efpcnallp at this Coniundurc as map be effectual fo; tljcrr mutual S>ccuntp anb Defence; "Chat GODWoulbin great UcrcpprcferVc peace upon our S-ra •Toads anb ^nlarib frontiers, anb frndrarc all Defigns to bidurb anb violate the fame, fo that no CQcapoit fojnieD againd us map profper Dhat he woulb redozc Health Where it is Wantcb, anb continue tr Where it is cniopcb £hat he Won lb grant us luitablc Scafons in cVcrp part of the Pear fo: procuring a plentiful Jlncrrafc of the ’.fruits of the earth ; Dhat he Woulb protect ano fneceeb the Navigation, Trade anb Fifltcry of tins province, anb gibe his 28 1 effing to the ilOozKs of our Ranbs ; anb that he Woulb commifetatc the £afc of our Captives anb rcdo:c their juberrr 2UlD, above all, Dibit l)C WOUtb Dcffnb flltb fprcab rhe Holy Religion of Olir Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, anb that the Power of God lined map CtCCP U litre prevail, and the whole Earth be filled with his Glory ; 2JnD all fcrVlIt EabOUC anb Bccccatious arc fozbtbbcn on the faib Dap. Given at the Council-Chamber in BoJIon theTwenty-feventb Day of February 1755, in the Twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of our So- vereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace ol GOD , of Greae-Britar j, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith &c. By Order of the Governour , tr itb the Advice and Conjent of the Council , 5. CCIlllarO, Sccr’y. GOD Save the KING. VV. Shirley. BOSTON: Fruited by John Draper, Printer to His E.xcdlency the Go vemour and Council 1-55. No. 1014. By His EXCELLENCY WILLIAM S H I R L E r, Efq; Captain -General and Governor in Chief, in and over His Majefty’s Province of the MaJJachuJetts-Bay, in New- England^ and Vice-Admiral of the fame, and Major-General in His Majefty’s Army. A PROCLAMATION- wm. S'* HERE AS the Indians of Norridgevuock, Arrefagun aook , TVeweenock and St. Johns Tribes, and the Indians of the other Tribes inhabiting in the Eaftern and Northern Parts of His Majefty’s Territories of New-England , the Penobfcot Tribe only excepted, have, contrary to their folemn Submiflion unto His Majefly long fince made and frequently renewed, been guilty of the mod perfidious, barbarous and inhuman Murders of divers of his Majefty s Englijh Subjects ; and have abftained from all Commerce and Correfpondence witli His Majefty’s faid Subjefls lor many Months pall j and the faid Indians have fully difeovered an inimical, traiterious and rebellious Inten- tion And Difpohtion ; fell ltd I II ill) c tlirrcfoic thought fit to tfTtic tire ^reclamation, ant) to 3">ctlarc tlic linblans of the Nomdgc- wock, Airelaguntacook, Wcweenock ant) St. John’s HribCS. ant) tilt ^I'bianS Of the OtllCC 3EtlbCS ncll) ft late inhabiting in the ffaftern ano jB 02 tl)rrn J9arts of UBS ®a|C(ry's 'Ecrritcmcs of Ntw-England,anb in Sll'ante anD j. No. 1020. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 145 U56] That Elaborate and Matchless Pile of Art, Called, The Micro- cosm, or the World in Miniature: [Printed by Edes and Gill in Queen Street.] aas 2 Am. Ant. Soc., Proceedings, xi. 465. 1045. [Cut.] An Endeavour to animate and incourage our | Soldiers, for the present Expedition [against Canada.] Signed M. B [Mather Byles?] Boston: Printed and Sold by Green and Russell, in Queen-street. f phs Harvard College. 1046. Quaestiones. aas. hc 1047. Theses. aas. hc Evans, 7681. Kennebeck, Proprietors. 1048. Deed. mhs pp. 2. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1049. [Royal arms.] An Act | For the better recruiting His Majesty’s | Forces on the Continent of America; and for the better | Regulation of the Army, and preventing of Desertion therein. Boston; New-England: Reprinted by John Draper, Printer to | His Excellency the Governour and Council. pp. 4. Evans, 7677. AAS. MHS 1050. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Representatives, February 26, 1756. | Voted, That the follow- ing Establishment of Wages be made for | the Officers and Soldiers going in the intended Expedition to Crown-Point, f lc 2 pp. 1051. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable Spencer Phips Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (prohibiting the exportation of pro- visions and warlike stores out of the Province). Dated Jan- uary 20, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Go vernour and Council. 1756. AAS 1052. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq ; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On deserters from the Fiftieth Regiment.) Dated, February 12, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour. 1756. MHS 1053. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Encouragements to inlist in service 146 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i756 against the French.) Dated, February 18, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Gov- ernour and Council, 1756. bpl. mhs 1054. By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; . . . A Procla- mation (on reinlisting Battoemen for other Services.) Dated, March 23, 1756. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 25, 1756. 1055. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [April 29.] Dated, April 9, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1756. hc. mhs Evans, 7710. 1056. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable j Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (prohibiting the exportation of pro- visions or warlike stores from the Province until after Septem- ber 20.) Dated, June 9, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and | Council. 1756. f aas 1057. By the Honourable Spencer Phips, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (royal grant of lands to soldiers serving against the French.) Dated, July 5, 1752. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, July 8, 1756. 1058. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable [ Spencer Phips, Esq; ] . . . | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [July 22.] Dated, July 10, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. mhs Evans, 7712. 1059. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation, | For a Publick Thanksgiving. [No- vember 25.] Dated, November 5, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. ba. mhs Evans, 7713. 1060. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | a Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to January 6, 1757.] Dated, December 6, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the | Lieutenant-General and Council. mhs 1061. By his Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | Whereas a Number of Battoe-men will be wanted . . . Dated, January 19, 1756. mhs MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. I 47 1756 ] 1062. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | William Shirley, Esq; [ ... | You are hereby required, in His Majesty’s Name, immedi- | ately to cause the Enlistments of Soldiers in the several | Companies, . . . Dated in ms., April 15. bpl 1063. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Honour the Lieut. Governour- | You are hereby required to cause all the military Com- | panies in the Regiment ... to be mustered on the Third Wednesday of June next. Dated, May 28, 1756. BPL. MHS 1064. [Royal arms.] Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | Whereas not- withstanding the repeated Orders issued to the several | Colonels in the Province, there is a Deficiency in the whole Number | of Men ordered to be raised for the Service of the Crown-Point Expedi- | tion. Dated, July 8, 1756. lc. mhs Evans, 7711. 1065. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Excel- lency | William Shirley, Esq; | . . . | Whereas the Quota of Men for this Province in the Expedition | against Crown-Point, was . . . determined to | be Three Thousand Five Hundred Men. Dated, August [23]. 1756. mhs 1066. Oaths appointed to be taken instead of | the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy: | And Declaration. [Dated in ms. September, 1756.] f ma 2 leaves. Archives, xliv. 309. The last words on the ninth line from foot of Declaration reads “of the Crown,” instead of “of theCrown,” 1067. Military Commission, [William Shirley, Captain-General and Governour in Chief], for the expedition against French at Crown Point and Lake Iroquois (Champlain). El. mhs 1068. I do acknowledge to have | voluntarily inlisted myself as a private Soldier, to serve ... for the Reduction of Crown-Point. (With certificate.) ma Archives, Lxxvm. 205. 1069. Precept to elect representatives to General Court. (On verso is the return made.) MA Archives, cxvii. 137. 1070. A Portledge-Bill of Master | and Sailors in His Majesty’s Service [in the Expedition against Crown Point.] Archives, lxv. 230; ccxci. 42. MA 148 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [ 1 7 57 1071 . Province of the | Massachusetts- 1 Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 1, 1756. ei 1072 . Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (tax warrant). Dated November 2, 1756. mils Peck, Abiezer. 1073 . On the Valiant | New-England | General. Dated, Reho- both, April 5, 1756. jcb. mhs The General is John Winslow (1702-1774). 1757 1074 . The | Award and final Determination | Of the Referees respecting the Claims of the Proprietors of the Kenebeck | Purchase from the late Colony of New-Plymouth, and the Company holding | under Clark and Lake, relative to the Lands on each Side Kenebeck River. [August Term, 1757.] Evans, 7837. AAS. MHS Germantown Lottery. 1075 . First Class of the Germantown Lottery. (Granted April, 1757, for the encouragement of Manufactures in Ger- mantown.) MHS Great Britain. 1076 . [Cut.] Extract of Articles | From the Treaty-Marine | with Holland, concluded at | London the first Day of Decem- ber | 1674, O. S. [On p. 3:] Extracts from the Articles of Peace, Commerce | and Alliance between the Crowns of Great-Britain and Spain, concluded | in a Treaty at Madrid, the 13/23 Day of May 1667. Boston, New-England: Reprinted by John Draper, 1757. mhs pp. 3. Evans, 7906. Harrington, John. 1077 . The | Last Words and Dying | Speech | Of John Harring- ton, Aged 43 Years. | Who was executed at Cambridge, March 17, 1757, for the Murder of Paul Learned. Sold next to the Prison, in Queen-Street, 1757. mhs 1078 . [Cut.] The Agonies of a Soul departing out of Time | into Eternity. | A few Lines occasioned by the untimely End of John Harrington, | Who is to be Executed at Cambridge this Day, being the 17th of March, 1757, for the | Murder of Paul Learnard, the 1st of September last. mhs By the Honourable SPENCER PH I PS, Efq; Licutenant-Governour and Commander in Chief in and over. His Majc fly’s Province cf the Majfachufetts-Bt# in Itfeiz -England . A PROCLAMATION for a publick FAST. W HEREAS Almighty GOD is'.pleafed Hill to chaftize-ps with the. grievous. Judgment of War, and to permit the uivjuft Invafions of the Britijh Territories in North- America, as wejl as in other Parts of the World, by the French, who have employed the Indians in thefe Parts, as Inflruments of their Cruelty in fhedding the Blood of Multitudes of Women arid children, as well as Men, upon the Frontiers ot tiieJe Colonies, with fuch Cii- cumftances of Barbarity as arc moft abhorrent not only to the trueSpirit of Chriflianity, but even toHumanity itfelf • And whereas. the Preparations now made and making againft-iis by our French a ni. Indian Enetny. loudly admonifli us of our Danger as alfo of our Duty, to'acknowlcdge the righteous Hand of G on in thefe Difpenfations of his Provi- dence, and to feek a Ipcedy Reconciliation to Him-; and tlie Time of AAion of the Forces raifed by this and the neighbouring Governments for recovering their juft Rights out cl the Hands of their Enemies being probably very near, the Voice of Providence doth evidently call upon us to leek to God for his BlefTmg upon our important Un- dertakings, without which we have no Ground to hope for St.cccfs ; I Dane tliercfQie thought fit, nut!) tljc Sblhcc of Ilfs S0ajeftp'S Comtffl pint) at tlie ©elite of tljc 3KTcmbIp, to appoint Thurfday tilt Twenty-fccond Of tlJIS JllRaut. Jaly \Q bC ObfCthCb tllfO'DItC this ibrobmrc as a 3>ap of pubUck Fafling an' Prayer; ijcrebp railing upon tpmfecrs ana people bcboutip to foleumnc the fame bp tljc bccpcR Humiliations for our I)ctnons0ffcnrcs, bp lUlnch lb't'habc lnghlp fitrcnfcb tljc ©(bine fHafcRp againrt us, nub Ijabc caufcb jpm to hibc jjfs Jrare from ns, anb to punifl) us ib;t!) tlie fo:c Calamines of Cellar anb alfo to tmploit ms Commiffctatfon otf us, fit oucpicfcnt ©ifirclTrs, anb ilteccifullp Direct m tlie forming anb cr- editing of our militarp enterprises, anb tliercbp to neither ns out tljc Ijaubs of onr enemies, anb enable us to tccobcr our Higijts anb properties, bp tljtm iiniuftlp inpibtb ; tljat Ije lboulb beep all “Din out of our Camps, as ibclt as from the mijolc Communlrp, ant) inane us a penitent anb rtfoimcb ibcoplc ; tljat He Wonlb infpire ottr Officers Ibitij Conbuct ana IXcfolution, anb out SolDtcrs lbitlj jfaltljfulnefs anb Coinage ; ana tljat, as tljc Captain of our Salbation, l>c lbonlb lean tljcm on to fimcccfs anb dictorp ; -©hat !)c Ibcmlb graclouflp preferbe tljc important 3LtfC Of OUt SObCVCigrt ILOttt tlje KING lUfttt ah tlje Branches of I)IS Roval Houfe ; anb Direct ins Cemnfcls anfl prefper Ijls juft 3lrms for reffor .j anb prefcrbmg tlie Peace of Europe ; anb that tlje SJlblnc ibromifes anb ibrcbictions of tljelSnitocrfal anb 3>piritual Ucign- of cur HorO ana sDahiCfur Jesus Christ, tljc $nncc of peace, map bt foccbilp acromplilhrD. 21 uD all ferbtlc JLabont anb Bccrcations arc ftnrtnbbcii on tljc faib a ap. Givo: at the Council Chamber in Boflon, the Tenth Day cf July 1756, in the 'Thirtieth Tear of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord. GEORGE the Second f by the Grace of GOD of Grcat-Bricain, France and f Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, See. By.Order of His fjonour the Lieutenant Govcrnoury with the Advice of the Councilj 3. GUllUtb, Sccr'y. GOD fave the KING. S. Phips. BOSTON: Ptimcel by John Draper, Printer to* His Honour the Lieutenant-Gotcrnonr mid Council. No. 1058. By the Honourable His MAJESTT s COUNCIL , , For the Province of the Maffachufetti-Bay in New- England. A PROCLAMATION HE RE AS the General Affembly have in their prefent Seflion palled an AS to prohibit the Departure of all Sltips and Veffels from any Port or Place within the Province ; and of all •d) Filhing-Veflels, fuch only excepted as are not ufually abfent more than four Days at aTime, until the Twentieth Day of April Inftant, without fpecial Permifllon from His Majefty’a Council, or the major Part of them, on Penalty of forfeiting One Hundred Pounds , to be paid by the Mafter ; and the like Penalty of One Hundred Pounds to be paid by the Owner or Owners of every fuch Ship or Veffcl departing as aforelaid : AND WHERE AS Provifion is made in Paid Aft, that His Majcfty’s Council, or the major Part of them, fhall, if they fee fit, lengthen out the faid Embatgo-et? the Firfi Day of June next : "e oabc ttjetefojc thought fit, fit Connell, to fffue this proclamation ? hereby gibing pubusu Notice of tljje afotefalD an oftBobcrnment ; ana flrlcily fotbiDNng all bailees 02 SDtbners of any Ships otHUcfTcis njrtflfn the problntc to fuffer any fuch 3>l)ips 02 SUffels, Without fptdal 0 tt= imfljoit front l?ts spajdfy’s Council or dje major part of them, to Depart out of the fame, 02 to prOCCCD to an?> of the f tflirngvlBanltS until tlje TwentiethDay of April Inllant. J 3ttr?3D lbe Do hereby fojbiD all ‘JDfFicerS conccrneD (n the Clearing of ^JcCHrls to gibe Certificates 02 Clearances fof any £>h Offence. GWEN at the Council-Chamber in Boston the Seventh Day oj April 1757, in the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD, of Great- Britain, France and Ireland, KING , Defender of the Faith, &c. By Order of His Majejly s Council, 21. CUibcr, Sec”’ A. Oliver W ffl Pepperrell J. Osborne Jofeph Pynchon Jacob Wendell John Ori9 Benja. Lynde Tho. Hutchinfon S. Dan forth Benja. Lincoln Sam 1 - Watts John Erving George Leonard Rich d - Cutt John Hill W“- Brattle. James Minot GOD Save the KING. BOSTON: Printed by John Drapery Printer to the Honourable His Majelty’s Council 1757. No. 1086. 1757] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 149 Harvard College. 1079. Theses. Evans, 7910. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1080. In the House of Representatives, January 27, 1757. | Voted, That the Arms and Accoutrements belonging to this Pro- | vince ... be returned into the Commissary General’s Office. bpl 1081. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On sending provisions to the French by way of the West Indies.) Dated January 11, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the Lieu- tenant-Governour and Council. mhs 1082. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Encouragement to inlist in expedi- tion under the Earl of Loudoun.) Dated, February 25, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the Lieut. Governour and Council. bpl. mhs 1083. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation, (Embargo on vessels until April 10.) Dated, March 9, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the Lieut. Governour and Council. MHS 1084. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [April 21.] Dated, March 18, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. 1757. BPL. MHS Evans, 7950. 1085. Province of the | Massachusetts- | Bay, [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty’s Council, | For the Province aforesaid. | A Proclamation. (Establishing and confirming all military commissions not heretofore revoked or superceded. | Dated, April 5, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty’s Council. 1757. mhs 1086. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable j His Majesty’s Coun- cil, | For the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-Eng- land. | A Proclamation. (Embargo on ships until April 20.) Dated, April 7, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1757. mhs MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ISO [l757 1 087. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty’s Coun- cil, | for the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. | A Proclamation, (embargo on fishing vessels until May 10. Dated, April 18, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty’s Council. 1757. 2 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings, XI. 466. BPL. AAS. MHS. 1088. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty’s Coun- cil, | . . . | A Proclamation. (Embargo on ships until May 20.) Dated, May 9, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1757. mhs 1089. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty’s Coun- cil, | . . . | A Proclamation | For a publick Fast. [June 30.] Dated, June 17, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1757. bpl. mhs Evans, 7951. 1090. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty’s Coun- cil, | . . . | A Proclamation | for Proroguing the General Court [to July 21.] Dated, June 28, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty’s | Council, 1757. mhs 1091. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty’s Coun- cil, | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to August 4, 1757.] Dated, July 12, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty’s | Coun- cil, 1757. bpl. mhs 1092. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty’s Coun- cil, | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to August 16.] Dated, July 26, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty’s [ Coun- cil, 1757. mhs 1093. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Continuing officers in the exercise of their trusts.) Dated, August 3, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and the Hon- ourable His Majesty’s | Council, 1757. mhs 1094. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to October 5.] Dated, September 10, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour | and the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1757. mhs 1757 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 151 1095. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty’s Coun- cil, | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to October 19.] Dated, September 26 , 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour | and the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1757. mhs 1096. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to November 2.] Dated, October 8, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour | and the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1757. mhs 1097. [Royalarms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to November 23.] Dated, October 20, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour | and the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1757. ms 1098. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Public Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 17.] Dated, October 27, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Hon- orable His Majesty’s Council. | 1757. ba. mhs Evans, 7952. 1099. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Embargo on exportation of provisions or warlike-stores.) Dated, November 19, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Gover- nour and Council. mhs 1 100. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq ; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Mutiny on the ship George.) Dated, December 5, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to his Excellency the | Governor, and the Honorable his Maj- esty’s Council, 1757. mhs 1101. By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | . . . | Whereas by a late Act of Assembly, now in Force, Eighteen Hun- | dred Men, inclusive of officers, are to be raised out of the several | Regiments in this Province (to serve under the Earl of Lou- don). Dated February 21, 1757. mhs 1102. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | By His Excellency the Governour, | To . . . Having received certain Intelligence, that a | large Body of the French and Indian Enemy | have in- vested Fort William-Henry near Lake-George. . . . Dated August 8, 1757. BPL. MHS 152 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i757 1103. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | By His Excellency the Governour, | To . . . Having received certain Intelligence, That a | very large Body of the French and Indian Ene- | my have made themselves Masters of Fort William- | Henry . . . Dated, August 13, 1757. mhs 1104. Military commission [Spencer Phips, Lieutenant-Gover- nour and Commander in Chief]. MeHS. mhs Commission to Province of the Massa- of the Captain — 1105. His Majesty’s Council, | for the Province of the Mas- sachusetts-Bay in | New-England. . . . Military commission. Dated, [April 19,] 1757. MeHS 1106. Province of the | Massachusetts-1 Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 1, 1757. aas. ei 1107. Commission of Commissary of Musters. mhs 1 108. A Return of Men inlisted for His Majesty’s Service in the Regiment of | Militia whereof Esq; is Colonel, on the intended Expedition against Canada. mhs 1109. The Muster-Roll of the Company in His Majesty’s Service under the Command | of Captain, Viz. Dated, [Feb- ruary 23, 1757.] aas 1110. A Muster-Roll of the Company in His Maj- esty’s Service under the | Command of Dated, [November, 1757.] aas 1111. Pay Warrant (Council). ma. mhs Archives, xxm. 384(2). 1112. Warrant of distress under an Act in Addition to the several Laws already in Being for the more speedy finishing the Land Bank or Manufactory Scheme. t MA Archives, cm. 515. 1113. A List of the Estate Real and Personal of the several Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Town of in the County of | taken (pursuant to an Act of the General Court of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, intitled, An Act for enquiring . . . passed in the Thirtieth Year of His | present Majesty’s Reign.) ... ei 1758] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. *53 1114 . To be sold by the Publisher of this Paper. . . . Bonds for Money, Counter-Bonds, Sheriff’s Bonds, Powers of Attor- ney, Bills of Lading, Deeds of Sale for Land, Bills of Sale for Vessels, Shipping Bills, Policies, &c. also all Sorts of Court, Probate and Justices Blanks, by Wholesale or Retail. Fleet’s advertisement in the Boston Evening-Post, September 26, 1757. 1758 Harvard College. 1115 . Catalogus. CHS. HC. MHS 1116 . Quaestiones. AAS. HC 1117 . Theses. El. AAS. HC Evans, 8147, 8148. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1118. [Royal arms.] An Act | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly . . . Colophon: Boston: Printed by Order of the Governour, Council and j House of Representatives. And Sold by S. Kneeland in Queen-Street. mhs pp. 2. An Act for the speedy Levying of Soldiers for an intended Expedition. 1119. [Royal arms.] An Act | Passed by the Great and Gen- eral Court or Assembly of His Majesty’s Province of the Mas- sachusetts-Bay . . . Colophon: Boston, N. E. | Printed by Samuel Kneeland, by Order of His Excellency | the Governour, Council, and House of Representa- | tives. 1758. mhs pp. 2. An Act in Addition to an Act made and passed this present Year, Intitled An Act for the speedy Levying of Soldiers for an intended Expedition. 1120. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For the Encouragement of Piety and Virtue, and for | Punishing and suppressing Vice, Profane- ness and Immorality. Dated, February 14, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Gover- nor and the Honorable His | Majesty’s Council. 1758. mhs 1121. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a General Fast. [April 6.] Dated, March 2, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable | His Majesty’s Council, m,dcc,lviii. aas. mhs Evans, 8185. i54 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i758 1122. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (declaring King’s granting of equal rank to officers in the American forces to that of the British, seniority excepted, and of encouragements to inlist.) Dated March 23, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable | His Maj- esty’s Council, m,dcc,lviii. ei. mhs 1123. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Encouragements for men to inlist for a general invasion of Canada.) Dated, April 22, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excel- lency the Governor and the Honorable | His Majesty’s Council, M,DCC,LVIII. MHS 1124. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to August 16.] Dated, July 15, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and | the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1758. mhs 1125. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On deserters, and giving “Ex- tracts of an Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for the better Recruiting His Majesty’s Forces on the Continent of America; and for the better Regulation of the Army, and preventing of Desertion therein.”) Dated, July 25, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1758. mhs 1126. By His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for Proroguing the General Court (to August 30.) Dated, August 1, 1758. Printed in the Boston News-Letter , August 10, 1758. 1127. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of public Prayer and Thanksgiving. [September 14.] Dated, August 29, 1758. Bos- ton: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s | Council. 1758. Evans, 8186. AAS. BA. MHS 1128. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to September 20.] Dated, August 29, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Gover- nor, | and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1758. mhs MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 155 1758] 1129. By His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to October 4.) Dated, September 7, 1758. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, September 15, 1758. 1130. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | For a Public Thanksgiving. [November 23.] Dated, November 4, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. aas. ba. lc. mhs Evans, 8187. 1131. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to December 13.] Dated, November 18, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the | Gover- nor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1758. mhs 1132. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On quartering the King’s troops in the towns and districts.) Dated, December 5, 1758. Boston : Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Gover- nor, and the | Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1758. mhs 1133. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to December 29,] Dated, December 5, 1758. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the | Gover- nor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1758. mhs 1134. Oaths appointed to be taken instead of | the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy: | And Declaration. [Dated in ms. June, 1758.] f ma 2 leaves. Archives, l. 81. The last words on the ninth line of the Declaration are “ further Limitation of” instead of “ Limitation of the Crown,” as in 1756. 1135. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | Establishment of the Forces on the intended Expedition against Canada. Dated, March 17. 1758. mhs 1136. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Excel- lency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | To Colonel . . . In His Majesty’s Name, You are hereby Required, to do | in said Regiment what in you lies for the speedy In- | listment of able-bodied effective Men for His Majesty’s | Service in the in- tended Expedition for the Invasion of Canada. March 25, 1758. mhs 156 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1758 1137. A Return of the Men inlisted and impressed for His Majesty’s Service, | in the intended Expedition against Canada, April 1758. mhs 1 138. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Excellency the Governor. (Beating orders.) Dated in ms., April 10, 1758, and signed by T. Pownall. aas. lc. mhs 1139. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | By His Excel- lency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | In His Majesty’s Name you are hereby Required without Loss of Time | to use your utmost Endeavours that . . . (for the expedition against Can- ada.) Dated, April 22, 1758. mhs 1140. Province of the | Massachusetts- 1 Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer. . .[Tax warrant.] Dated, July 3, 1758. ei 1141. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, November 2, 1758. ei 1 142. Military commission [Thomas Pownall, Captain-General and Governor in Chief.] mhs Royal Commission to Province of the Massa- Confidence 1143. Military commission. [Thomas Pownall, Captain Gen- eral and Governor in Chief.] Engraved. ei. mhs A second copy, printed on parchment. 1144. Commission of Justice of the Peace. [George the Second.] mhs and con- these Pre- Our Trusty 1145. I do acknowledge to have | voluntarily enlisted my self as a private Soldier to serve His Majesty | King George the Second, in a Company of Foot to be raised for | a general Invasion of Canada. | With a certificate. ma. mhs 1146. A Muster-Roll of a Company of Foot in His Majesty’s Service, | under the Command of Captain in a Regi- ment raised by the Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, for the Reduction of Canada, whereof Esq; is Colonel, Viz. MHS MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 1758 ] 157 1147. Camp at 1758. | Sir, | Please to deliver to of my Company, in Col. Regiment to the Value of Lawful Money, which I promise to stop out of his Pay on the Rolls for you: for which this shall be your Voucher. mhs 1148. Bond [that the vessel shall not carry away “any Person or Persons who have been inlisted or impressed into His Maj- esty’s Service for a general Invasion of Canada.”] f ma Archives, lxv. 450. Each bond has endorsed upon it the names of master and seamen of the ship. 1149. George the Second, by the Grace of God, ... To our trusty and well-beloved . . . [Commission in bankruptcy.] ba 1150. Massachusetts-Lottery, (No. One. | May 1758. (Lot- tery ticket.) ma Archives, Lxxxvm. 61. 1151. On the Landing of the Troops in Boston, 1758, Septem- ber 13th. Their March out Sept. 16th. And the Reduction | of Frontenac, August 28. To which is added, The present | State of Europe. Sold at the Printing-office in Newbury- street. f aas Printed by John Draper. Petition in Bankruptcy. 1152. To His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; (Petition of creditor under the Bankrupt Law.) f hc. ma Archives, cxx. 220. The hc copy is in 3 pp. [Pownall, Thomas.] 1153. As it has never been in the Power of the Province to pay the Soldiers raised | by the Province their current Weekly Pay . . . [On verso:] The Benefit and Method of | a Current Weekly Pay for | the Province Troops. mhs pp. 2. Endorsed in ms.: “Governor Pownall’s concerning [The Benefit, etc.] 1758. N. B. This was not adopted.” [James Bowdoin.] Evans, 8185. Trainband Notice. 1 154. Mr. | You being a Training Soldier in the Com- pany of Militia, | under the Command of | are hereby Required in His Majesty’s Name, to appear at | your Colours upon Tuesday the 2d of May next . . . Dated April 27, 1758. It is signed in ms. by William Harris, Corporal. f AAS MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 158 [i759 1759 1155. Blazing-Stars | Messengers of God’s Wrath: | In a few serious and solemn Meditations upon | the wonderful | Comet: | which now appears in our Horizon, April, 1759: Together with a solemn | Call to Sinners, and Counsel to Saints; how to be- have themselves when | God is in this wise speaking to them from Heaven. [Cut.] Boston. Printed and Sold by R. Draper in Newbury-Street; and by Fowle & Draper in Marlborough- Street. 1759. | NYHS Evans, 8301. See No. 1479, infra. 1156. The Death of General Wolf. | A Song. In a sad mouldering cave, a wretched retreat, Britannia sat wasted with care: AAS 1157. [Cut.] The Death of | Gen. Wolfe. | MHS Cut is the second in 1 x 60 . The above poem stands second in order, the first poem, without a caption, beginning: Cheer up your hearts young men let nothing fright you, Be of a gallant mind, let that delight you; 1158. [Cut.] The Death of | the brave | General Wolf, bpl Come all you young men all, let nothing fright you, Nor your objection make, nor let it de- light you, . . . 1159. [Cut.] The Death of | Brave Wolf. ei Come all you young men all, let nothing fright you, Nor your objection make, nor let it delight you 1160. [Cuts.] The Death of the Brave | General Wolf [And] The Death of General Wolf. | A song. t p c The first poem is that of 1159, and the second In a mould’ring cave, a wretched retreat, Britannia sat wasted with care; The second poem is by Thomas Paine and has been reprinted many times. Conway states that it was written in 1759 and is said to have been sung at the Headstrong Club, Lewes, England, but its first appearance in print was in the Pennsylvania Magazine, March, 1775, with music. It is noted here because of the event it commemorates, but other issues will be found in the Ballad list, infra. Adapted to the death of General Warren, it was printed in the Independent Chronicle, October 9, 1777. Greenwood, Isaac. 1161. Isaac Greenwood, | Dentist, No. 49 Marlborough-Street, [Cut.] Acquaints the publick . . . bpl Harvard College. 1162. Quaestiones. EI. AAS. HC MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 159 I750] No. 1160 (first cut). A cut frequently used and probably of a late origin — after 1775. No. 1160 (second cut). Also of late origin — after 1775. i6o MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. L 1 7 59 1163. Theses. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 8365. 1164. Bond given to Harvard College to pay Student charges of [Timothy Pickering, Jr.] mhs Jones, Daniel. 1165. To all who intend to engage in this | Year’s Expedition against Canada, Notice | is hereby given, That | Treasurer’s Bounty-Notes | Will be taken without Discount, ... by Daniel Jones, | At the Hat and Helmet in Newbury-Street, South-End, | Boston: March, 1759. [Cut.] bpl It is endorsed “To Raynham Tavern Keeper.” Love, Christopher. 1166. The Strange and Wonderful | Predictions | of | Mr. Christopher Love, | Minister of the Gospel at Lawrence-Jury, London; who was beheaded on Tower- | Hill in the Time of Oliver Cromwell’s Government of England: Giving an Account of Babylon’s | Fall . . . Printed and Sold by Fowle and Draper, at their Printing office in Marlborough- | street. 1759 t bpl. AAS Evans, 8499. A sketch of Love is in the Dictionary of National Biog- raphy, xxxiv. 155. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1167. [Royal arms.] An Act | Passed by the Great and Gen- eral Court or Assembly . . . Colophon: Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, by Order of the | Governour, Council and House of Representatives, 1759. mhs pp. 4. An Act for the Speedy Levying of Soldiers, for an intended Expedition against Canada. 1168. In the House of Representatives, March | 23d. 1759. | Voted, That the following Establishment be made for the Officers etc. f aas 1169. A Resolve | Of the Honorable His Majesty’s Council of the Province | of the Massachusetts-Bay, relating to the Dis- orders on the | Days of Ordination of Ministers; — with the Proceedings | of the Convention of Ministers thereupon. Date of Resolve, January 18, 1759; of the Ministers, May 31, 1759. pp. 4. Evans, 8414. El. MHS 1170. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Public Fast. [April 5.] Dated, March 12, 1759. Boston: Printed by John Draper, 1759 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 161 Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the | Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1759. bpl. mhs Evans, 8406. 1171 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (On rank and pay of American forces to be raised against the French.) Dated, March 17, 1759. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Ex- cellency the Governor and the Honorable | His Majesty’s Coun- cil, 1759. EI. MHS 1172 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation. (Inducements to Enter into the sea service.) Dated, March 29, 1759. Boston: Printed by Green & Russell, by Order of his Excellency the Governor j and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. mhs pp. 2. On verso is the form for signing up. 1173 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. | For a Public Fast. [June 28.] Dated June 9, 1759. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Maj- esty’s Council, 1759. aas. ba. mhs Evans, 8407. Royal arms, George II. 1174 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to August 1.] Dated, July 6, 1759. Boston: Printed 162 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1759 by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency | the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1759. mhs 1175. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to August 15.] Dated, July 20, 1759. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency | the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1759. mhs 1176. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to August 29.] Dated, August 4, 1759. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency | the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1759. mhs 1177. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to September 19.] Dated, August 18, 1759. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency | the Gov- ernor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1759. mhs 1178. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation [ For Proroguing the General Court [to October 3.] Dated, September 3, 1759. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency | the Gov- ernor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1759. mhs 1179. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (Appointing October 25 as a day of Thanksgiving.) Dated, October 13, 1759. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Gov- ernor and the | Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1759. Evans, 8408. BA. MHS 1180. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation [For a general Thanksgiving. [November 29.] Dated, November 10, 1759. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, | 1759. MeHS. ba. mhs Evans, 8409. 1181. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, | By His Excel- lency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | To Colonel . . . In His Majesty’s Name You are hereby required, without Loss of Time, to | use your utmost Endeavours that able- bodied | effective Men be inlisted out of said Regiment, for His Majesty’s Service in the | intended Expedition against Canada. Dated, March 16, 1759. mhs MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 163 I7S9] 1182 . Province of Massachusetts-Bay, 1759. | By His Excel- lency the Governor, j This doth Certify, That the Bearer | was by my Order Enlisted | in the Province to serve as a Seaman on board | His Majesty’s Ships of War in North-America, until | the First of November next, . . . hhs 1183 . Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | To Colonel of a Regiment of Militia, | Greeting. | The Adjutant- General, by my Orders, has sent you your Proportion, which is | the Number of Men to be raised in your Regiment. . . . Dated, March 19, 1759. mhs 1184 . Province of the [ Massachusets- j Bay ss. | [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 3, 1759. aas 1185 . To Captain of the Military Foot Company in . Greeting. (Order from Governor Pownall to raise men for the expedition against Canada.) Dated, March 19, 1759. t lc 1186 . To Col. | Sir, | Inclosed you receive the Bounty Notes to the Value of | | being in Proportion to your Quota of the Levies. Dated, April 2, 1759. mhs 1187 . Received of Thomas Hubbard, | Esq; | Commissary- General, the | several Articles mentioned in | the several Col- umns, . . . MHS 1188 . Return of the Men inlisted or impressed for his Maj- esty’s Service within the | Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in the Regiment whereof Esq; is Colonel, | to be put under the immediate Command of His Excellency Jefery Amherst, Esq; General and Commander in Chief of His | Majesty’s Forces in North-America, for the Invasion of Canada. mhs 1189 . (Form printed in red ink, for return of supernumer- aries on his Majesty’s ships). Dated, [September 30, 1759.] aas May be an English imprint. 1190 . [Wood cut.] The | Memorable Year 1759. aas Come my brave jolly Britons, no longer complain, Britannia, Britannia, once more rules the Main: Nova Scotia. 1191 . Province of [Royal arms.] Nova-Scotia | By His Excel- lency, | Charles Laurence, Esq; j . . . | A Proclamation. (On 164 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1760 granting vacated lands in the Province. | Dated, January 11, 1759. Boston in New-England: Printed by John Draper, 1759. MHS 1 192 . To the Publick. | The Booksellers of the Town of Boston, | Unwilling to impose on the Publick . . . (on Nathaniel Ames’ Almanacs.) Dated, Boston, Dec. 21st. 1759. Boston: Printed for the Booksellers, of whom any Person may have it gratis. Evans, 8288. PHS. MHS 1760 Amherst, Jeffrey. 1193 . Copy of a Letter | From His Excellency | General Am- herst, | To His Excellency | Governor Wentworth. | Camp at Montreal, September 9, 1760. [Boston?] bpl Draper, John 1194 . Receipt for Boston News-Letter, &c. mhs F., A. 1195 . A Poem | on the Rebuke of God’s Hand | in the awful Desolation made by | Fire | in the Town of | Boston; | on the 20th Day of March, 1760, . . . To which is added, some brief hints, | on the great Conflagration . . . Consummation of all Things. [Boston:] Printed and Sold at Fowle & Draper’s Print- ing | Office in Marlborough Street. 1760. Evans, 8595. Harvard College. 1196 . Quaestiones. aas. hc 1197 . Theses. aas. hc Evans, 8615. 1198 . Insurance Policy. Insurance-Office Kept by Ezekiel Price, Notary-Public in Boston. mhs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1199 . By His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (for discovering the author of a letter found in the Pulpit of the Meeting-House of the South-Parish in Malden, directed to Mr. Eliakim Willis, the Minister of the Town.) Dated, February 12, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 14, 1760. 1200 . By His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for Proroguing the General Court (to March 11.) Dated, February 19, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 21, 1760. By His EXCELLENCY T HO MAS PO FFNAL L, Efq; Captain-General and Governor in Chief, in and over His Majefty’s Province of the Mafj achufet t s 'B aj in A England, and Vice-Admiral of the lame. A PROCLAMATION ;T having pleated Almighty GOD to give the moft: remarkable Succefs to His Majefly’s | Arms this Year in America, more particularly in the Reduftion of S^uebeck {die Capital ! of Canada ) and the adjacent Cquntry ; I HAVE therefore thoughtfir, with the Advice of Histvfcjefty’s Council, to iiTue this Proclama- tion, appointing Thurfday the Twenty-fifth Day of Oftober Inflant,- to be cbferved as a Day of Public Thankfgiving throughout, this Province, to commemorate thele diftinguifhing Inftances of the Divine Goodnefs Hereby recommending it to Miniflers and People to ■unite in their refpedtive Churches and Congtegations, in .rendering to Almighty GOD their grateful Praifes for thefe undelerved Favours ; and in prefenting their humble Prayers and Supplications for His moft gracious Majefty King GEORGE, the Prince of IPales, and the reft of the Royal Family ; and for the Continuance of the Divine Bleffing upon His Majefty ’s Government, and upon His Arms. GIVEN at the Council-Chamber in Bolton the Thirteenth Day of October, 1759* in the 1 hirty- third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD, of Great- Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. By Hit Excellency s Command, A. Oliver, Secr'y. T Pownall. GOD Save the KING, BOS TON: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majefty’s Council, 1759. No. 1179. By His EXCELLENCY THOMAS P O TV 'NALL, Efq; Captain-General and Governor in Chief, in and over His Majeflys Province of the AUJfacbufctts-'BAj in New England, and Vice Admiral of the lame. A BRIEF I T having plcafed Almighty GOD to permit a Fin to break. out in the Town of Boflon, on the 20th .Infbnt, .ini rage in luch manner as to elude all Means (or lupprcffmg the fame, until it had in a few Hours deflroye'd (according to the bcfl Informution that can be obtained In the prclcnt Confufion ) One Hundred and feventy-iour Dwclling-Houfes, and ns many Warehoufes, Shops and other Buildings ; the Loft whereof, with the Furniture and Goods therein, amount, at a moderate Computation, to One Hundred Then fund Bounds Srcrling ; and Two Hundred and Twenty Families arc turned out of Door*, the greateft Part of whom nrc by this MiiiwOrie fo reduct*! at to be reiwlercd incapable of fubfiflingtlicmfclvcs, and fbnd m nccU of im- mediate Relief : The two Hovifes having, upon my Recommendation, taken thclc calamitous Circumftances into Confidcration, and judging the DiftTefs to be fo great aod extenGve as to require the Charity of all well difpofed Perfons to miti- . gate and relieve the fame, have defired .me to fend BRIEFS throughout the Province, fttongly recommending the \inliappy Calc of thefc poor People to die Inhabitants, and calling upon them for a general Contribution for their Relief : I DO hereby therefore mod enrncflly recommend it to all, to evprefi their ChtidlanBencvolencc on this Occafion, by contributing in Proportion to the Means with which GOD has bluffed them, and to the Difircflcs of thefc worthy Objects ol their Charity j and do further delire, That what may be collected on this Occafion may be remitted to the Scled-Men and Overfeers ol the Poor of the Tosva of Doji on , to be by them difitibulcd among the Sufferers, as they in their Diferction fliall judge proper. And I do require the Miniflcrs of the fevcral Churches and Pariflics within this Province to read or caufc to lac read this Brief to their refpeftive Congregation®, on the Firft Lord's- Day after they receive the fame, or on the Day appointed for a General Fast the Third of slpril next, as they fliall judge molt convenient. C IP E IV a! the Council-Chamber in Bnfton the twenty- fourth Day of March, 1760, in tlx Thirty-third Year of tlx Reign oj cur Sovereign Lord GFORGE the Second , by the Grace of GO D, of Great-Brirnin, , France' and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Baith, See. By Hit Excellency t Command, A. Oliver, Sccr'y. T. PownalL BOSTON : Printed by John Draper , Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majefiy's Council, 1760. No. 1212. 1760] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 165 1201. By His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to March 19.) Dated, March 1, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 6, 1760. 1202. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Fast. [April 3.] Dated, March 6, 1760. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His | Majesty’s Council, 1760. bpl 1203. By the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; ... A Proclamation (authorising and requiring officers with expiring commissions to continue in their powers and trusts.) Dated, June 4, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, June 5, 1760. 1204. By the Honourable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; ... A Proclamation for Proroguing the General Court (to August 13.) Dated, July 12, 1780. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 17, 1760. 1205. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (continuing officers in their trusts reposed in them by their respective commissions.) Dated, August 2, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 7, 1760. 1206. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation. (For a day of Thanksgiving, October 9.) Dated, September 27, 1760. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable His | Majesty’s Council, 1760. ba Evans, 8658. 1207. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation for Proroguing the General Court (to November 12.) Dated, October 2, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 10, 1760. 1208. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation for Proroguing the General Court (to November 26.) Dated, October 31, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 6, 1760. 1209. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Thanksgiving. [November 27.] Dated, November 7, 1760. Boston: Printed i66 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1760 by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. nypl. aas. ba. mhs Evans, 8659. 1210 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for Proroguing the General Court (to December 17). Dated, November 15, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 20, 1760. 1211 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (on the death of George the Second.) Dated, Decem- ber 30, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, January 1, 1761. 1212 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; | . . . | A Brief (on the Boston fire.) Dated March 24, 1760. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excel- lency the governor and the Honorable His | Majesty’s Council, 1760. BPL. MHS 1213 . Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | By His | Excel- lency the Governor, To (Beating orders.) lc. mhs Dated in ms. March 14, 1760, and signed T. Pownall. 1214 . Sir, | It having become necessary at this Time to have a large Body | of Troops in these Parts of His Majesty’s Do- minions . . . (Enjoining performance under act for better re- cruiting, etc.). Signed, [T. Pownall.] El The year is conjectural. 1215 . Thomas Pownall, Esq; | Captain General . . . Military commission. Dated in ms. March 10, 1760. MeHS Engraved by Thomas Johnston. 1216 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, . . . 1760. | I Do hereby Inlist | myself a Soldier in His Majesty’s Provincial Service the ensuing Campaign, | (for the total Reduction of Canada) . . . and that I have received of Five Dollars, part of the Bounty-money. (With certificate attached.) Archives, lxxix. 644. AAS. MA 1217 . [Pay Warrant.] Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | By His Excellency the Governor, ... ma Archives, lxxx. 36. 1218 . Commission to Justice of the Peace. mhs 1219 . Precept to elect representatives to the General Court. Archives, l. 133. On 134 is a Return of a representative. f MA 1761] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 167 1220 . A List of the Polls and of the Estates Real and Personal of the several Proprietors and Inhabitants of | the Town of in the County of taken (pursuant to an Act of the General Court of the Province of the Massachusetts- Bay, intitled, An Act for enquiring into the Rateable | Estates of the Province, passed in the First Year of His present Maj- esty’s Reign, . . . bpl. aas. ma Archives, cxxx. 1. 1221 . Warrant to Sheriff to levy execution for violation of law concerning duties on wine, rum and distilled spirits. Dated, Boston, 17 . mhs 1222 . Jurat under 7 & 8 Will. III. (see under 1750). mhs 1223 . Province of the | Massachusetts- | Bay. | [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . [Tax warrant.] Dated, July 2 , 1760. ei. bpl 1224 . To the Select-men or Assessors of the Town | of . . . (Order to assess Province Charges.) Dated, [August 16, 1760.] ei 1225 . [Cuts.] A New Th [ ] Song | Revised, Enlarged and Adapted [to] | The Glorious Conquest of Canada. | Fitted to a Live Tune, called the Grenadiers March, proper for the Fifes and Drums. [Sold at the New Printing-Office, near the Town-House, in Boston.] t AAS 1761 1226 . All you that come this curious Art to see, From Handling any Thing must cautious be: Lest by a slight Touch e’er you are aware, That Mischief may be done you can’t Repair, Lo! this Advice we give to every Stranger, Look on, and welcom, but to touch ther’s Danger; And if this Art be pleasing to your eye, Then let the Artists find your Generosity. Boston, June 5, 1761. f phs 1227 . Bill of sale. Printed and Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. Boston. mhs Boston, Town. 1228 . Boston, April 13. 1761. Whereas an Act was pass’d by the Great and | General Court of this Province in January MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1761 168 1761 , for | enquiring into the Rateable Estate of the said Prov- ince; | The Assessors of the Town of Boston, in conformity . . . MHS Gardiner, Sylvester. 1229. To the Freeholders and other | Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting | assembled, March 1761. (On inoculating for the small-pox and offer to build a hospital.) mhs Evans, 8862. Harvard College. 1230. Catalogus. nyhs. hc 1231. Quaestiones. ei. aas. hc 1232. Theses. aas. hc Evans, 8875, 8876. Kennebeck, Proprietors. 1233. Advertisement. | The Proprietors of the Kennebeck Purchase from the late | Colony of New-Plymouth, hereby in- form the Publick, That | besides the twelve Townships . . . Dated, Boston, 20th February, 1761 . f aas Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1234. Anno Regni Regis Georgii, III. Primo. | Valuation. | An Act, | Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly . . . (An Act for Enquiring into the Rateable Estates of this Province.) f aas pp. 2. 1235. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For the Encouragement of Piety and Virtue, and the Preventing of Vice, Prophaneness and Immorality. Dated, January 26 , 1761 . Printed in the Boston News-Letter, January 29, 1761. 1236. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to March 4). Dated, February 7 , 1761 . Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 12, 1761. 1237. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to March 25). Dated, March 7, 1761. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 12, 1761. 1238. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (for raising 3000 men to be under the i 7 6i] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 169 command of General Amherst. Dated, April 21, 1761. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Govern- our and the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1761. f aas 1239 . By the Honourable Jonathan Belcher, Esq; ... A Proclamation for a General Fast (June 9). Dated May 16, 1761. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, June 18, 1761. 1240 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (on discovering rioters in several Towns of the Prov- ince.) Dated, July 7, 1761. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 9, 1761. 1241 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For a Day of Publick Prayer (September 3). Dated, August 20, 1761. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 27, 1761. 1242 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to October 14). Dated, August 29, 1761. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, September 4, 1761. 1243 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to November 11). Dated, September 25, 1761. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 1, 1761. 1244 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (continuing in office such as hold commissions, etc.) Dated, October 16, 1761. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 22, 1761. 1245 . [Royal Arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Thanksgiving [December 3.] Dated, November 7, 1761. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable | His Majesty’s Council, 1761. ba. bpl Evans, 8919. 1246 . Precept for election to the General Court. mhs 1247 . Commission of Justice of the Peace. [George the Third.] MHS and con- Presents and well MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [!76 i 170 Royal arms, George III. 1248 . Commission of Justice of the Peace [George the Third.] EI. MHS assigned and con- these Pre- Our Trusty and 1249 . Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . Military commission. En- graved. Dated, [September 2,] 1762. ei 1250 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant). Dated, July 15, 1762. aas. July 20, 1761. pc. bpl 1251 . ss. To the Select-Men or Assessors of the Town of | in the County of . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, [No- vember 3,] 1 7 [62.] aas 1252 . Province of Massachusetts-Bay. By His Excellency the Governor. (Beating orders). f aas Evans, 8920. 1253 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | I Do hereby Inlist | myself to serve His Majesty as a Soldier in one of the Regiments raised in | this Province, to provide for the full and entire Security of His Majesty’s | Dominions in North- America. With certificate. Dated, 1761, and in ms. May. aas. mhs 1254 . Province of Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Excellency the Captain-General. (Returns to be made of enlistments within 1 762] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 171 three weeks after Beating orders are received.) Dated. April 21, 1761. f AAS 2 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings, xi. 468. 1255. I Do hereby Certify that has paid the Province Bounty to . . . Soldiers who were inlisted in his Dis- trict . . . MA Archives, cclxxiv. 45. 1256. Return of Men inlisted for His Majesty’s Service for the Protection and | Security of His Majesty’s Dominions and Conquests in North-America, 1761. aas. mhs 1257. Boston, . . . Sir, | This Certifys, That . . . has re- turn’d his [Gun] into the Commissary’s Office. ma Archives, lxxix. 789. Newbury, Mass., Fire Society. 1258. These Presents Witness, | That we the Subscribers, as Neighbours and Friends, do mutually agree to the following Articles, viz. (Fire Society.) Dated, December 8, 1761, at Newbury. ei 1259. A New-Years Present from the Lad that | Carries the Boston News-Letter, to all | Generous Customers, January 1, 1761. [Printed by John Draper.] f phs 1260. [Cut.] A | New Years Wish, | from the Lad, who car- ries | The Post-Boy & Advertiser. Boston, January 1, 1761. [Boston: Printed by Green & Russell, 1761.] f phs The year was printed 1760, but is changed by pen to 1761. 1762 Boston. 1261. Tax notice. mhs 1262. Rules for a Fire Club. Evans, 9074. 1263. Charter party. mhs Draper, Richard. 1264. To His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | The Petition of Richard Draper, Printer, (to be appointed Public Printer). Dated, December 1, 1762. t MA Archives, lviii, 475. 1265. An Elegy. | On the Death of that worthy Friend Priscilla Coleman, deceased, Widow of j John Coleman, late of Sher- 172 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1762 burne, on the Island of Nantucket; who departed | this Life on the 14th Day of the Third Month. 1762. Boston: Printed by Zechariah Fowle& Samuel Draper, at their Pri- | nting-0[ffice in Marlboro] ’-street. 1762. f bpl Harvard College. 1266. Quaestiones. y. bpl. aas. mhs 1267. Theses. aas. hc. mhs Hudson, Seth. 1268. [Engraved plate with portrait of Hudson in centre.] H-ds-n’s Speech from the Pillory. Sold by N. Hurd, near the Exchange, and at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. pc. bpl The engraving is by Nathaniel Hurd and is in fine detail, suggesting the use of an English design or plate, with the profile of Hudson and motto in- serted. The plate is usually colored. It is reproduced in black and white in Dunlap, History of the Arts of Design (Bayley-Goodspeed), 1 , 176. Evans, 9144. 1269. The Humble Confession of that | notorious Cheat, | Doctor Seth Hudson. | 1762. | phs Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1270. Province of Massachusetts-Bay. | An Act | for rendering more effectual the Laws already made relating to Shingles, and for regulating the | Assize of Staves, Hoops, and Clapboards. Passed June, 1762. t aas 1271. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq ; ... A Proclamation (inviting inlistments in the service under Sir Jeffry Amherst.) Dated, March 4, 1762. Printed in the Boston News Letter, March 11, 1762. 1272. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court (to April 14). Dated, March 20, 1762. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 25, 1762. 1273. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation for a General Fast (April 22). Dated, March 24, 1762. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 25, 1762. A copy was sold by auction in January, 1921. 1274. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (continuing officers in authority until new commissions or further orders be issued.) Dated, April 25, 1762. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, May 5, 1762. 1762] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. x 73 1275 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proclamation (against supplying the King’s enemies with provisions or ammunition.) Dated, April 26, 1762. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, May 5, 1762. 1276 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Prayer. [July 29.] Dated, July 9, 1762. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Hon- orable | His Majesty’s Council, 1762. aas Evans, 9181. 1277 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to August 25). Dated, July 23, 1762. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 29, 1762. 1278 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to September 8). Dated, August 14, 1762. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 19, 1762. 1279 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to November 17), Dated, September 23, 1762. Printed in the Boston News Letter, October 8, 1762. 1280 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Public Thanksgiving. [October 7.] Dated, September 23, 1762. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty’s | Council, 1762. bpl. ba. aas. mhs Evans, 9182. 1281 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to December 15). Dated, October 30, 1762. Printed in the Boston News Letter, November 4, 1762. 1282 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a General Thanksgiving. [December 9.] Dated, November 11, 1762. Boston: | Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1762. aas. ba Evans, 9183. 1283 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 174 ^763 lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to January 12, 1763 ). Dated, November 25 , 1762 . Printed in the Boston News-Letter, December 2, 1762. 1284. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on the forms for praying for the Royal family to be used in all prayers, Litanies and Collects.) Dated, December 15 , 1762 . Printed in the Boston News-Letter, December 23, 1762. 1285. Province of Massachusetts-Bay, | I Aged | Years, do voluntarily Inlist myself, to serve His Majesty as a Soldier in one | of the Regiments raised in this Province, to provide for the full and entire | Security of His Majesty’s Dominions in North-America. Dated 1762 , and in ms. April 1 . With certificate and receipt for bounty. mhs 1286. Province of Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Excellency the Captain-General. | It is Ordered that every Captain of the Forces now to be raised, shall make Return . . . within three weeks from his receiving j Beating Orders. With appointment to pay the bounty and to be Muster-Master. mhs 1287. Return of Men inlisted for His Majesty’s Service for the Protection and | Security of His Majesty’s Dominions and Con- quests in North-America, 1762 . aas. mhs 1288 . [Cut.] A | New Year’s Wish, | from the Carrier of the Post-Boy & Advertiser. Boston, January 1 , 1762 . [Boston: Printed by Green & Russell. 1762 .] f phs 1763 Boston, Town. 1289. The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, qualified as the Law directs, are hereby notified to meet at Faneuil-Hall, on Wednesday the Twenty-first Instant (to consider a bill on rates and taxes). Dated, September 8, 1763 . mhs Evans, 9350. 1290. This is to Certify, That a of Hay weigh’d this Day . . . mhs Edes & Gill. 1291. Receipt for Gazette, &c. mhs Harvard College. 1292. Quaestiones. Typis Richardi & Samuelis Draper, aas 1763] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 175 1293. Theses. [Same Colophon.] nyhs. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 9402. Kennebeck, Proprietors. 1294. Advertisement. The Proprietors of the Kennebeck Purchase from the late Colony of New-Plymouth (in regard to townships and land on Kennebeck River). Dated, May 18, 1763, and Signed, David Jeffries, Proprietors Clerk, f phs. aas Land Bank. 1295. Order to levy for an unpaid assessment. bpl. mhs 1296. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | for a general Fast. [April 14.] Dated, March 19, 1763. Boston: | Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1763. bpl. aas. mhs Evans, 9434. 1297. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation for Dissolving the General Court. Dated April 7, 1763. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, April 7, 1763. By a vote of the Council, March 31, it was “Advised and Ordered, That for the future all Orders which shall be made by His Excellency the Governor, with the Advice of the Council, and which it shall be thought fit to publish, be publish’d in the Thursday’s News-Paper, printed by Richard Draper, Printer to the Governor and Council.” 1298. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on preventing the Destruction of the Woods in the Province.) Dated, July 9, 1763. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, July 14, 1763. 1299. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Thanksgiving. [August 11.] Dated July 27, 1763. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to his Excellency the Governor and the | Honorable his Majesty’s Council. 1763. ba. aas. mhs Evans, 9435. 1300. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to October 26). Dated, August 20, 1763. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 25, 1763. 1301. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court (to November 23). Dated, September 10, 1763. Bos- 176 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1763 ton: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to his Excellency | the Governor and the Honorable his Majesty’s Council. 1763. EI Royal arms, George III. 1302 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a public Thanksgiving. [De- cember 8.] Dated, November 3, 1763. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to his Excellency the Governor and the Honorable his | Majesty’s Council. 1763. aas Evans, 9436. 1303 . Pay warrant, issued by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Council. mhs 1304 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. [Royal arms.] The Honourable Harrison Gray, Esq ; T reasurer . (T ax warrant) . Dated, November 21, 1763. ei 1305 . Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . Military commission, engraved. Dated, [March 3.] 176 [3.] aas 1306 . Omnibus Christi Fidelibus ad quos Literae Praesentes | pervenerunt. (Ship’s papers.) mhs 1307 . (No. 5.) To | Your Province Tax. | Lawful Money. || Your Town and County Rate. | Lawful Money. Dated, 1763. pc 1764] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 177 Savage, Samuel Phillips. 1308. [I] Promise to pay unto Samuel Phillips Savage, or Bearer ... on Demand, being for Value received by a Pre- mium of Insurance . . . mhs 1309. A Valedicion, | For New-Year’s Day. 1763. Signed “Philanthropes.” f phs This may not be a Boston issue, though the typographical ornaments would show it to be more than probably one. 1764 1310. Buy the | Truth, | and | sell it not. [Cut.] mhs An issue of the poem was made in 1764 in Providence, by William Goddard, “by particular Request of a worthy honest old Gentleman, who is zealous for the Cause of Truth, and anxious for the Welfare of his Fellow-Creatures.” A copy is in the John Carter Brown Library. Dorchester. 1311. Tax bill. mhs Harvard College. 1312. Catalogus. hc 1313. Theses. Evans, 9689, 9690. Great Britain. 1314. Two | Acts of Parliament, | One passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of | King George the Second: | For Encour- aging the Trade of the British Sugar | Colonies. | The other, passed in the Fourth Year of the Reign | of King George the Third: | For Granting certain Duties in the British Colonies. [Royal arms.] London: Printed by the King’s Printer. | Bos- ton, N. E. Re-printed by Richard Draper, Prin- | ter to His Ex- cellency the Governor and the Honorable | His Majesty’s Coun- cil of the Province of Massachusetts | Bay. M.DCC.LXIV. |aas pp. 459-477. Two editions of these pages of the Acts and Laws (1759 and additions) were issued, one without a title and the other as cited above. They also differ “ in the captions on pages 459, 464, in the Royal arms on pages 459, 464, and in the arrangement of lines; and in one edi- tion the W in ‘ Whereas,’ the first word of the Act beginning on page 459, is a plain four-line letter, while in the other edition it is an ornamental initial letter.” There are also variations in paging. In some copies pages 460, 461, and 462 are correctly given, in others they are 160, 161, 162, or 160, 161, 164; also pages 464-479 are in some correctly numbered, in others, they are misnumbered 469 to 477, and in others pages 470, 473, 474 appear as 670, 463, 674. See Ford-Matthews, Bibliography of the Laws of Massachusetts-Bay, 454. Evans, 9682. i 7 8 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1764 1315 . An Account of the Fire at Harvard-College, | in Cam- bridge; with the Loss sustained thereby. Dated, January 25, 1764. Boston: Printed by R. and S. Draper. | 1764. bpl. mhs Kennebeck Proprietors. 1316 . Deed. mhs pp. 2. Massachusetts-Bay Province. 1317 . A Bill, | Now pending in the House of Representatives, and published by | their Order, for the Consideration of the several Towns in | this Province. | A Bill intituled, An Act for regulating the Whale Fishery. mhs pp. 3. See Journal of the House of Representatives , November 3, 1764. 1318 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to April 18). Dated, March 10, 1764. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 15, 1764. 1319 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | ... | A Proclamation for a General Fast, (April 12.) Dated, March 14, 1764. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to his Excellency the Governor and the Honorable his | Majesty’s Council. 1764. ba. aas Evans, 9729. 1320 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation For proroguing the General Court (to April 25). Dated, March 31, 1764. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, April 5, 1764. 1321 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to September 5). Dated, July 9, 1764. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, July 12, 1764. 1322 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to October 10). Dated, August 15, 1764. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 16, 1764. 1323 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on enforcing law on trading with the Indians.) Dated, August 16, 1764. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 23, 1764. 1324 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- An Account of the Fire at Harvard-College , in Cambridge ; with the Lofs fuftained thereby. CAMBRIDGE, Jan. 25. 176+. AST night HARVARD COLLEGE, buffered the moft ruinous lofs it ever met , with fince its foundation. In the middle of a vc ry tempeftuous night, a fevere cold ftorm of fnow attended with high wind, we were awaked by the alarm' erf fit'e. Harvard Hall, the’ only one of our ancient buildings which ftill re- mained,* and the repofitory of our moft valuable treafures, the public Library and Philofophical Apparatus, was been in flames. As it was a time of vacation, in which the ftudents were all difperfed, not a Angle perfon was left in any of the College^, except two or three in that part of Majfacbufclls moft diftaot from Harvard , where the fire could not be perceived till the whole lur- rounding air began to be illuminated by it : When it was difeovered from the town, it had rifen to a degree of violence that defied all oppofltion. It is conjeflured to have begun in a beam under the hearth in the library, where a fire had been kept for the ufe of the General Court, now redding and fitting here, by reafon of the Small- Pox at Bofton : from thence it burft out into the Libra- ry. The books enfily fubmitted to the fury of the flame, which with a rapid and irrefiftable pro- gress made its way intc the Apparatus-Chamber, and fpread thro’ the whole building. In a very fhort time, this venerable Monument of the Piety 0/ our Anceftors was turn’d into an heap of ruins. The other Colleges, St flight on - Hall and Majfa- cbufells- Hall, were in the utrnoft hazard of fha- ring the fame fate. The wind driving the flaming! cinders dircftly upon their roofs, they blazed oucl- ■fever;*’! units 11T diffi}rcnt'’pi 3 ces' f nor'could they] have been faved by all the help the Town could* .ifFurd, had it not been for the alTiftaoce of the Gentlemen of the General Court, among whom his Excellency the Governor was very a^live ; who, notwithftanding the extreme rigor -of the feafon, exerted thcmfelves in fupplying the town Engine with water, which they were obliged to fetch at laft from a diftance, two of the College pumps being then rendered ufclefs. Even the new and beautiful Hollis- Hall, chough it was on the windward fide, hardly cfcaped. It flood fo* near to Harvard, that the flames actually feized ir, and ,if they had not been immediately fupprefled, mu ft have carried it. But by the Blefling of GotVon the vigorous efforts of the aftiftants, the ruin was confined to Harvard-V\z \\ ; ar.d there, befidcs the deftruclion of the private property of chofe who had chambers in ir, the public lofs is very great ; perhaps, irre- parable. Tlie Library and the Apparatus, which for many years had been growing, and were now judged to be the beft fuiniflied in America, are annihilated. But to give the public a more dif- tinft idea of the lofs, we (hall exhibit a fummary view of the general contents of each, as far as we can, on a Hidden, recolledl them. Of tin L IBRARY. IT contained — The Holy Scriptures in almoft all languages, with the moft valuable ExpoGtors and Commentators, ancient and modern : — The whole Library of the late learned Dr. Light foot, which at his death he bequeathed to this College! and contained the Targums, Talmuds, Rabbins, Polygot, and other valuable trafts relative to ori- ental literature, -which is taught here : The libra- ry of the late eminent Dr. Thcophilus Gale : — * Harvard- Hall, 42 feet Lroid, 97 long, and four Ho- lies bigb, was founded A. D. 1673. — All the Fathers, Greek and Latin, in their beft editions. — A great number of trafts in defence of revealed religion, wrote by the moft mafterly hands, in the laft and prefent century — Sermons of the moft celebrated Englifh divines, ■both of the eftabliflicrj national church and pro- teftant diflenters : — T rafts upon all the branches of polemic divinity fJ^The "donation of the vene- rable Society fur propagating the Gofpel in foreign parts, confiding of a great many volumes of trafts againft Popery, publifned in the Reigns of Charles II. and James If. thejBoylean lefturcs, and other the moft efteemed Engliftr ferrhons A valua- b’e collection of modern theological treatifes, pre- ferred by che Right Rev. Dr. Sherlock, late Lord Bifhop of London, the Rev. Dr. Hales, F. R. S. and Dr. Wilfo.n of Lpndon : — A vaft number of philological trafts, containing the rudiments of al- moft all languages, ancient and modern : — The Hebrew, Greek and .Roman antiquities. — The Greek and Roman ClafTics, prefenred by the late excellent and catholic-fpirited Bifhop Berkeley •, moft of them the beft editions : — A large Collec- tion ofHiftory and biographical trafts, ancient and modern.. — Diflertation^on variousPolitical lubjefts — The Tranfiftions or the Royal Society, Aca- demy of Sciences in France, Acta Erudicorum, Mifcellanea curiofa, the works of Boyle and New- ton, with a great variety of other mathematical and philofophical treatifes. — A collcftion of the moft approved Medical Authors, chiefly prefented. by Mr. James, of che ifjarid of Jamaica ; to which Dr. Mead and other! Gentlemen made very confiderable additions) : Alfc Anatomical cuts and two compjeac SkfJ^tons .of xfifferent-fexes. 1 his colleftion wouldjhave begjn Very’ Serviceable to a Proftflur of Phyflc and Anatomy, when the revenues of the Collegf fhould have been fufrici- ent to fubfift a gentleman in tftfs charafter. — A few ancient and valuable Manufcripts in different languages. — A pair of excellent new Globes of the largeft fize, prefented by Andrew Oliver, jun. Elq; — A variety of Curiofities natural and ariifi- cial, both of American and foreign produce. — A font of Greek types (which, as we had not yet a printing-office, was repofited in the library) pre- fented by our great benefaftor the late worthy Thomas Hollis Efq; of London •, whofe pifture, as large as the tile, and inftituiions for two Pro- feflorfhips and ten Scholarfhips, perifhed in the flames. Some of the moft confiderable addi- tions that had been made of late years to the libra- ry, came from other branches of this generous Family. 1 he library contained above five thoufand vo- lumes, all which were coofumed, except a lew books in the hands of the members of the houfe ; and two donations, one made by our late honora- ble Lieutenant Governor Dummer, to the value of 50 1. fterling ; the other of 56 volumes, by the prefent worthy Thomas Hollis, Efq-, F. R.S. of I .ondun, to whom ay, a curious Tc- lefcope, with a complete apparatus for taking che difference of Level ; lately prefented by Chrilto- pher Kilby, Efq; Many very valuable additions have of late years been made to this apparatus by feveral generous benefaftors, whom it would be ingratitude n it to commemorate here, as no veftiges of their dona- tions lemain. We are under obligation to men- tion particularly, the late Sir Peter Warren, Knt. Sir Henry Frankland, Bart. Hon. Jonathan Bel- cher, Efq, Lr. Governor of Nova- Scotia Tho- mas Hancock, Efq; James Bowdoin, Efq-, Eze- kiel Goldchwriit, Efq-, John Hancock, A. M. of Bofton, and Mr. Gilbert Harrifon of London, Merchant. From thefe Gentlemen we received fine reflecting Telefcopes of different magnifying powers ; and adapted to different obfervations ; Microfcopes of che feveral forts now in ufe ; Had- ley’s Quadrant fitted in a new mariner ; a nice Variation Com pais, and Dipping needle ; with inftruments for the feveral magnetical and eleftri- cal experiments — all ja?\v, and of excellent work- manfhip. All destroyed I Cambridge , 'Jan. 2 6 . 1764. As the General Affcmbly have cliis day chcarfully and unanimouf- ly voted to rebuild Harvard- Hall, it encourages us to hope, that theLiBRARY and Apparatus will alfo be repaired by the private munificence of thole who will* well to America, have a regard forNcw- F.ngland, and know tlie importance of literature to the Church and Star" !x ; s' ;>co Thcfe fens of Mari their courage would confound, A conqueft gain and Ibll maintain their ground. netf ♦ftohP e’er dtvib b* compel) ’d »o own t_> .» Oar Gavercign fives and God fupports his threw : Thus blaft ms foes in cv’ry bale defign All-gracious heaven, and blefs the royal line. O give us favor in our monarch’s eyes Defend our rights remove the late EXCISE i Lee truth prevail and fierce oppreflion ceafe. And bid oof Prophet fpcak the words of peace. Lo ! here he comes, foftly he feems to tread. Mow rolh his eyes, now bows his rev’tend head : He like a God appears in form divine, ■ Whole very afpcCt fpeaks feme deep defign i Hither lie comes, on porpofc to relate Each facred truth and tell fomt hidden fate, . “ Bcfitn, (he cries) your woes are at an end, . «■ your foe fhaj) fall and times (ball quickly mend t “ With fhanie ofcrwhclm’d he foon Dull hide his face, «* Then hark wliilc 1 precfi&thc time and place. « The day now dawns, the gloomy night is fpeot, - «« And focn your eyes lhall lee tire grand cvcnp «i Sec fair Aurcr^fjlb her couch anfc, « Whole cbcurfuTOdhcv paints the meaning (Vies t “ The lhades arc dik'd, the ling 'ring liars are tied, '• And yonder TArto lifts his golden bead : •> (TMn cries the Prophet j I mull haftc away, “ The Gods command and mortals mutt obey.” No more I heard from out his (acred mouth, He took his leave and went towards the Satlh i Then I beheld amazing wonders there, .Saw. human ifcapes and roocfkrs in the tur. A (lately elm appeaPiTbeTSft tny eyB,--— — - Wholc lofty branches kern’d to touch the tkstt \ . It’s limbs were bent whh more than pomroen fruit. It bore the Devil, 0~ — v, and B~Jt. Well then, faid 1, my doubts are wholly fled, I find ibe truth of what the father faki ; But while I t lucid to gaza upon the tree. Another and another come to key \ Each moment 1 beheld a din rent face. For on they {tfdl ’till thou lands fill’d nve place, v i. V ^Here fends • child and looks with wond’ring eyes, / And there a champion of gigantic fee j r Yonder a maid at bumbler ddtonce Hands, , [nrva.jih with lifted eyes and hands. Vi ■ .. i r o u 77 i s / i / ' xt <>(. y r This plrafmg profpeft entertains die throng, Allium as ooe, and thus begin their long, v "'l> fateful joy, Q Befit, n, rip* behold BR “ Utoiie trutlis fulfill'd, which lately wri^ ftadtolrf | V,'" “ Wuh tiiankful beans now fee the villains fr'ing, ’• Who bate their country, and would fell ticking . 4 “ Behold the man, wbf/c hear / was fet on gai; jD 1 ” And vn-w the v.rctch, who wilh’d fomc tyrant » rejrn. £ Thus 1 oblerv’d they entertain'd the day, j X In lungs and < hat they paft the hourt away j ' *f 4 Now Sal retitet, atuljauroies down the Well, , £ And weary nature terns in fable dreft. s\ , I And now a hero lifts his voice aloud, ’ J Stretches hu Jiand, and fpeaks to ’ll the crbwtL . v “ htear me, (be cries; and be not too levcre, “ Ltitd be the man that leaves the bodies here -Lsijais'd to aH the dangers of the night, i h-ii bear them hence with every fun'ral right.” lhus having (puke, they all with willing hands lkgan to execute their clncFs commands : Wuh rapid haftc lotnc to tlte tree repair, /laid on ilieir Ihoulders bear a ladder there. P One uraws his knlk, and running to their aid, " Auends die limbs, thaz bear each lifelefs Ihade^ i run cuu the nspts in prefcnee of them all. And m be cuts the glialUy cljefli fall. Down on tl«r cartli in horrid form they lie j A lnghtful fight to each beholding eye : What now, (laid 1) b all compalTion fled f •Con none be found, that will relieve the dead } 1 heir chief ftp!y’d fc “ Go place them on the bier; ** Prepare yourtclves and quickly bnng them here.” •p ” L 5 : «*ry mat refort • In (utfriah ortfer''itTh r‘,r carpi \r,^nn.‘ ‘ ) ’ " March then, (Csid he) ijx One united throng, “ And as you march, be 1 his the fun’ral Lug. “ 0 rial -Jove Strut , ft tbtft minds nuj! ; " •• o-trii ,0 tank, ami «T A M P 'rm m tU Then th- -, the words arc fuijg by all, Down-fcsjtftc ,.irl and thro' the pompoms hull . dfer this atulc a'gnuid debate, (Such oft* . attend the fun’rals of the great) 7 And Orihl tliloi'der feizes all the band ; Forth tome advance, while others make a fend, ■One bids them halt, another “ ft ill march forth' ” And vdit all the regirn of die X.-.k “ A third pcoclaims, *• Let theft be firfl convc/d “ In peaceful fftencc to the dreary fhade.” 'Tben-fp||^ siu-ir head, (the regent of die nighti) “ Alas I «r(!r hoft is in a fhamctul plight : " I* this the way to get a hero’-, name ' - “ div: road to hontfr and immortal fame ? u C«alca (NothinJT -except a llntcly EDIFICE ”, ' This flobfTlirir courfc, but loon they tiown with . ’ Low in Srduft. they made the llru&urc tM, 1 hen ST A MPT use bricks, and Ipsre the wood i*ay, r Mow frwn the ruins cv’ry one reiitj^ . • Uo to the gaunt and rule the ftinval fire. • Saypofid to V* * sT:R!P-C?f 1C£. ' ; w'/.v l ■ ,/ / * ol Q'/' ty/et/JP v / S. C No. 1348. 1764] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. x 79 lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to October 18). Dated, September 29, 1764. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, October 4, 1764. 1325 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Thanksgiving. [November 29.] Dated, November 7, 1764. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to the Governor and Council. 1764. Evans, 9730. AAS. BA 1326 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to January 9). Dated, November 24, 1764. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, November 30, 1764. 1327 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (prohibiting the carriage of any of the late inhabitants of Acadie or Nova Scotia to the French West Indies.) Dated, November 28, 1764. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, November 30, 1764. 1328 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (on cessation of hostilities with Indian nations.) Dated, December 19, 1764. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, December 27, 1764. 1329 . Oaths appointed to be taken instead of | the Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy: | And Declaration. (Endorsed, May, 1764 .) ma 2 leaves. Archives, l. 195. The last words in the second line from the foot of the first leaf are “with or annul the” 1330 . Commission as Justice of Inferior Court of Common Pleas. bpl 1331 . Collector’s receipts for Excise. mhs 1332 . [Cut.] The | News-Boy’s | Christmas and New-Year’s Verses. | Humbly Address’d | To the Gentlemen and Ladies to whom he carries the Boston Evening- | Post, published by T. & J. Fleet. December 31. 1764. f phs 1333 . A New Year’s Wish, | A Happy Year to my generous Customers. Boston, January 1, 1764. f phs Savage, Samuel Phillips. 1334 . In the Name of God, Amen. Policy of marine insurance. Insurance-Office kept in King-Street, Boston, by Samuel Phil- lips Savage. mhs l8o MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1765 Sherman, John. 1335 . [Cut.] The last Words and Dying Speech of | John Sherman, | Executed at Newport, Rhode-Island, on Friday the Sixteenth Day of | November, 1764, for Burglary. Boston: Printed and Sold at R. and S. Draper’s Printing-office in New- bury-street, and at Green and Russell’s in Queen- | street. 1764. f phs Suffolk County. 1336 . Suffolk, ss. Anno Regni Regis Georgii Tertii, Magnae Britanniae, | ... | At an Inferiour Court of Common Pleas . . . (Form for copy of record.) mhs Wolves, Bounty on. 1337 . [Warrant on Treasurer from Select Men of Towns for payment of bounty on Wolves.] t ma Archives, I. 401. The same form was used in 1765 together with a new impression, the differences being shown in the termination of the first line: 1764 1765 paid out | out of the | 1765 1338 . An Address to the True-born Sons of Liberty in the Government of the Massachusetts-Bay. Signed a Country- man. Printed in three columns. From an auction catalogue. See No. 1605. Amory, Jonathan and John. 1339 . Jonathan & John Amory, | In King-Street, Boston, and | At Salem, | in the House where the Hon. Timothy Lin- MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 181 1765] dall, | Esq; deceas’d, lately dwelt, near the Friends-Meeting; ... EI Timothy Lindall died in 1765. Barclay, Andrew. 1340 . A Catalogue of Books, | Lately imported from Britain; | And to be Sold by A. Barclay. | Second Door North of the three King’s | Corn-hill Boston. Andrew Barclay was in this location 1765-1773. 1341 . Bond. mhs Boston. 1342 . Faneuil-Hall Lottery, No. Five. Dated, June, 1765. BPL 1343 . Articles | agreed upon | by the | Charitable Irish So- ciety, in Boston New-England, | for the Better Management of their Charity. Boston: printed by W. M’alpine and J. Fleeming. M,DD,LXV. mhs 1344 . A Caricatura, being a Representation of the Tree of Liberty, and the Distresses of the present Day. Sold by N. Hurd near the Exchange. From the Massachusetts Gazette, October 31, 1765. 1345 . The Conversation of two Persons under a Window on Monday [ Evening the 23d of March. mhs Endorsed in ms. “R. Tyler who was a Councillor. A conversation about him.” Harvard College. 1346 . Quaestiones. bpl. ei. aas. hc. mhs 1347 . Theses. ei. aas. hc Evans, 9999. 1348. [Cut.] Liberty, Property, and no Excise. | A Poem, | Compos’d on occasion of the Sight seen on the Great Trees (so called) in | Boston, New-England, on the 14th of August, 1765. bpl Evans, 10040, describes an issue in 8 pages, 8vo. Lightly, Joseph. 1349 . The Last Words and Dying | Speech ( Of Joseph Lightly, | Who was executed at Cambridge, November 21, 1765. [ For the Murder of Elizabeth Post, at a Place called Ware. mhs 1350. Maker or Shippers Affidavit for Rum, Spirits, Sugars and Molasses agreeable to the 4th of Geo. III. cap. 15. f ma Archives, ccxci. 103. 182 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [ x 7<5 S Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1351. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Fast. [April 18.] Dated, March 13, 1765. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable j His Majesty’s Council. 1765. aas. mhs Evans, 10060. 1352. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Dissolving the General Court. Dated, April 6, 1765. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, April 11, 1765. 1353. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proclamation (for discovering those concerned in tak- ing the sloop Polly from the Collector of Customs at Newport.) Dated, April 13, 1765. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, April 19, 1765. 1354. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Proroguing the General Court (to August 14). Dated, July 25, 1765. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 1, 1765. 1355. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proclamation (on discovering those engaged in the riotous attack on the house of the Secretary of the Province on August 14.) Dated, August 15, 1765. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 15, 1765. 1356. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (for discovering those concerned in the attack on the house of William Story, Deputy-Register of the Court of Ad- miralty.) Dated, August 28, 1765. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 29, 1765. 1357. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (for the meeting of the General Court on September 25.) Dated, September 6, 1765. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, September 12, 1765. 1358. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; j . . . | A Proclamation | For a general Thanksgiving. [December 5.] Dated, November 13, 1765. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the | Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1765. ba. aas Evans, 10061. 1765] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 183 1359 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (for discovering John alias Jones and Young charged with the murder of Anthony Denoyer of Louisiana.) Dated, December 18, 1765. Substance printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, December 19, 1765. 1360 . Francis Bernard, Esq; | Captain General . . . Military commission. Dated in ms. April 27, 1765. Engraved on the same plan as Johnston’s plate of 1760, but unsigned. 1361 . Advertisement. | In the House of Representatives, Feb. 21, 1765. (Appointing a Committee to prepare an alphabeti- cal list of all military officers and soldiers who had served in the several expeditions since the first expedition to Louisburg in 1745.) Dated, March 1, 1765. bpl 1362 . Martis, 29 Die Octobris, A. D. 1765. | In the House of Representatives. | According to the Order of the Day (resolu- tions on taxation and inalienable rights under the British con- stitution.) AAS. MHS pp. 2. Endorsed: “Resolves of the Boston Assemblies.” Evans, 10065 1363 . [Royal arms.] Province of | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Honourable | Harrison Gray, Esq; [ Treasurer. (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 8, 1765. ei 1364 . [Royal arms.] Province of | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Honourable | Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer (Tax warrant). Dated October 28, 1765. aas 1365 . A New-Year’s | Address, | To the Customers, of the Boston Gazette, &c. [ For January 1765. t phs Signed “J. T.” 1366 . [Royal arms.] A New-Year’s | Address, | Which the Car- rier of the | Boston News-Letter, &c. | humbly Presents to all his | Generous Customer’s. | January, 1765. f phs 1367 . A New Year’s Wish. 1765. f phs Europa still partakes the joys of Peace: How long (God knows) while Gallia’s envious Race . . . 1368 . The True Sons of Liberty. Boston, Dec. 18. 1765. (Letter of the Sons of Liberty to Andrew Oliver, demanding his resignation, with the subsequent proceedings of December 17 and a note to Messrs. Draper requesting the printing of the same.) t nypl pp. 2. 184 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1766 Wolves, Bounty on. 1369. [Warrant on Treasurer from Select Men of Towns for payment of bounty on wolves.] t MA See note to No. 1337, supra. 1766 Boston. 1370. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town | of Boston ... in Publick Town-Meeting, |. . . on Monday the 21st Day of April . . . 1766. Dated, May 16, 1766. mhs Celebration of repeal of Stamp Act. Evans, 10245. 1371. Glorious News. | Boston, Friday 11 o’clock, 16th May 1766. | This Instant arrived here the Brig Harrison, belong- ing | to John Hancock, Esq; Captain Shubael Coffin . . . Printed for the Benefit of the Public, by | Drapers, Edes & Gill, Green & Russell, and Fleets. | The Customers to the Boston-Papers may have the above gratis at the respective | Offices. BPL. AAS. MHS Announcing the repeal of the Stamp Act. Evans, 10317. 1372. The following Thoughts came from a Youth | scarce 15. [And] The following Lines (wrote by a Youth 2Et. 16.) | were designed for the Consolation of the | late Rev. Dr. May- hew’s Spouse. [Boston: Draper.] f lc The first poem, on Jonathan Mayhew, is dated July 11, 1766. Great Britain. 1373. [Royal arms.] An Act of Parliament | Passed in the Sixth year of the Reign of His Majesty | King George the Third. 1766. Colophon: Boston: | Printed by Richard and Samuel Draper, and Green and Russell, | Printers to the government. 1766. MA. BPL. HC. PHS. LC. AAS pp. 507-518. Repealing the Stamp Act. Harvard College. 1374. Quaestiones. Typis Richardi et Samuelis Draper. HC. MHS 1375. Theses. ei. aas. hc Evans, 10329. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1376. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on the rescue of a schooner from the customs officer at Newburyport.) Dated, March 15, 1766. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 20, 1766. 1766] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 185 1377. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [April 24.] Dated, April 5, 1766. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour, and | the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1766. aas. hc. bpl Evans, 10379. 1378. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation For Dissolving the General Court. Dated, April 5, 1766. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, April 10, 1766. 1379. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (for the discovery of the mur- derers of Noodogawwerret and his wife of the Norridgewock Tribe.) Dated, April 30, 1766. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour, and | the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1766. | ma Archives, xxxm. 379. 1380. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation j For a Day of public Thanksgiv- ing. [July 24.] Dated, July 4, 1766. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour, and | the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1766. Evans, 10380. BPL. BA. AAS. MHS 1381. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation for proroguing the General Court (to September 3.) Dated, July 26, 1766. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, July 31, 1766. 1382. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (for discovering those concerned in the rescue of seized sugar and rum at Falmouth.) Dated, August 18, 1766. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 21, 1766. 1383. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation for proroguing the General Court (to September 24.) Dated, August 20, 1766. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 21, 1766. 1384. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation for proroguing the General Court (to October 29). Dated September 11, 1766. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, September 11, 1766. i86 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1766 1385 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a General Thanksgiving [November 27.] Dated, November 6, 1766. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour, and the | Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1766. Evans, 10381. f NYHS. BPL. BA. AAS 1386 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (for the apprehension of Joseph Andrews alias Saun- ders, charged with being concerned in the murder of Captain Dorria, of the sloop Polly.) Dated, December 2, 1766. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, December, 11, 1766. 1387 . Extract | from the | Votes | of the | Hon. House of Rep- resentatives | of the | Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | Veneris, 17 Die Januarii, A. D. 1766. mhs pp. 3. Answer to the Governor’s speech. 1388 . Boston, January 23, 1766. | Tuesday last a Committee of the Honorable House of Repre- | sentatives waited on His Excellency the Governour, with | the following Message, in answer to his Excellency’s Speech | at the opening of the present Session. mhs 1389 . The Proceedings of the Governor, Council, and House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, con- cerning an Indemnification for the Sufferers by the Rioters in Boston, from August 27, 1765 to June 28. 1766. pp. 4. From an auction catalogue. It may be the next item. 1390 . The following Bill now pending in the House of Repre- senta- | fives, is published by their Order, for the Considera- tion of | the Several Towns in this Province. | A Bill inti- tuled, An Act for granting Compensation to the | Sufferers, and of free and general Pardon, Indemnity and | Oblivion to the Offenders in the late Times. Boston: Printed by Green and Russell, Printers to the | Honorable House of Represent- atives. 1766. AAS. NYPL. BPL. MHS pp. 4. With letters from H. S. Conway and Dennys De Berdt. Evans, 10382. 1391 . Province of | Massachusetts-Bay. [Royal arms.] The Honorable Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, November 4, 1766. pc 1392 . A New and | True Relation, | of a little Girl in the County of Hartford, at Salmon-Brook in | Simsbury who acted in a Strange Manner, supposed to be be- | witch’d, in March 1766] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 187 1763. Boston, Printed and Sold at the Head of Milk-Street, 1766. f phs Printed by John Kneeland. No. 1393. A modification of the ornament in title of the “Independent Advertiser,” Rogers & Fowled 1393. January 1766. [Cut.] The Carrier of the Boston- | Gazette, to his Customers. | A New-Year’s Wish. [Boston: Printed by Edes & Gill, 1766.] t phs 1394. New-Year’s Wish | From the Carrier of the Boston Post-Boy, &c. [Boston: Printed by Green & Russell. 1766.] "fPHS Liberty, And Property, No Stamps. No. 1395. Printer’s device of T. & J. Fleet — the Heart and Crown. 1395. Vox Populi. | Liberty, Property, | And No Stamps. [Cut.] The News-Boy | Who carries the Boston Evening- Post, with the | greatest Submission begs Leave to present the | following Lines to the Gentlemen and Ladies to | whom 1 Thomas thus explains it: “Britannia liberating a bird, confined by a cord to the arms of France. Britannia is represented sitting; the arms of France lying on the ground before her; the bird is on the wing, but being impeded by the cord, one end of which is fastened to the arms of France and the other to the bird, Britannia is in the act of cutting the cord with a pair of shears, that the bird may escape.” i88 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1767 he carries the News. [Boston: Printed by T. & J. Fleet. 1766?] f phs 1396. A New-Years Wish. Once more my Friends I do appear, With Liberty from the Press, And all my grateful Wishes now To you I shall address. f phs 1397. [Two cuts.] This is unto all GENTLEMEN who shoes here, I wish you a merry Christmas, a happy New-Year: For shoeing your Horses, and trimming their Locks, Please to remember my New-Years BOX. f phs With leaflets chiefly of Massachusetts origin. 1398. Table of the Kings and Queens, | from | The Conquest of the Heptarchy, A. D. 821. (which was United in 828) by Egbert, | King of the West-Saxons, and first Monarch of all England. Boston: Printed by Mein and Fleeming; and sold by J. Mein, at the London Book-Store, North-side of King- street. f LC. AAS Winthrop, John (1714-1779). 1399. From the public News-Papers. | Boston, July 14. & 17. 1766. (Account of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew.) mhs pp. 3. A T 1767 Allen, Jolley. 1400. Just imported from London, by | Jolley Allen, | At his Shop about Midway between the | Governor’s and the Town- House, and almost | Opposite the Heart and Crown in Corn- hill, Boston. bpl It bears an endorsement of a transaction in tea dated January 3, 1767. Boston. 1401. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the | Town of Boston, ... at Faneuil-Hall, on Tuesday | the 31st Day of March, A. D. 1767 (on Shutting up a part of the Town’s land adjoining Faneuil-Hall Market.) bpl 1402. Notification. The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Tovvm of Boston, [to meet May 2, to elect representatives to the General Court.] Evans, 10563. 1403. A a Meeting of the Freeholders and other | Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, le- | gaily assembled at Faneuil-Hall, MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 1767] 189 on Wed- | nesday the 28th of October, 1767. (On measures to promote Industry, Economy and Manufactures.) Evans, 10564. BPL. AAS. MHS 1404 . Boston, October 31, 1767. | Gentlemen. [ In Compliance with the Orders of the Town it is our Honour to serve, We inclose you their Votes past the 28th Instant: . . . aas. bpl 1405 . Faneuil-Hall Lottery, Number Eight. Dated, April, 1767. bpl 1406 . Faneuil-Hall Lottery, Number Nine. Dated, May, 1767. bpl 1407 . [Cut.] A few Lines on | Magnus Mode, Richard Hodges & J. Newington Clark. [ Who are Sentenc’d to stand one Hour in the | Pillory at Charlestown; | To have one of their Ears cut off, and to be Whipped 20 Stripes at the public whipping- post, for making | and passing Counterfeit Dollars, &c. [Bos- ton: Printed by Zachariah Fowle. 1767.] t PHS See Boston Gazette, May 4, 1767. The same cut is used in Cooke’s “Speech from the Pillory,” No. 1514, infra. The cut appears to be signed. 1408 . Rules and Orders, | Agreed to be observed, by the Friendship-Society, instituted at Boston, the twenty-fifth Day | of May, a.d. 1767. | We the Subscribers for the more speedy and effectual Assistance of each other in securing our Substance when in Danger | of Fire. bpl Great Britain. 1409 . George the Third, by the Grace | of God, ... To our trusty and well-beloved Henry Hulton, j John Temple, William Burch, Charles | Paxton and John Robinson, Esqs. Greeting. (Instructions as Commissioners of the Treasury.) Dated, September 14, 1767. aas. mhs pp. 7. Harvard College. 1410 . Catalogus. nyhs. hc 1411 . Quaestiones. ei. hc 1412 . Theses. Typis Richardi Draper, ei. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 10638, 10639. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1413 . Anno Regni Regis Georgii Tertii, Septimo. | Province of Massachusetts-Bay. | June 23. 1767. The following Bill is MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1767 I90 No. 1407 MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 1767 J IQI printed by Order of the two Houses, | and the Consideration of it referred to the next Winter | Session. | An Act incorporat- ing a Society for relieving the Widows | and Orphans of the Ministers of the Congregational Chur- | ches in this Province. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to the | Governor and Council. mhs pp. 3. 1414. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Brief (aid for sufferers at Nobletown.) Dated, March 18, 1767. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour, and j the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1767. | aas. MA Archives, cxvm. 258. 1415. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [April 9.] Dated, March 17, 1767. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour, and | the Honourable His Majesty’s Council, 1767. aas. bpl Evans, 10681. 1416. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation (for discovering the murderers offour Indians of the tribe of Arasigunticook, at Sabago Pond.) Dated, September 10, 1767. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the [ Governor and, the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1767. f ma Archives, xxxm. 441. 1417. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Public Thanksgiving. [December 3.] Dated, November 4, 1767. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable | His Majesty’s Council, 1767. aas. mhs Evans, 10682. Mein, John and John Fleeming. 1418. Boston, October 22d, 1767. | Proposals | for | Printing a New Weekly Paper, called | The Boston Chronicle. | Con- ditions. | ... | Subscriptions are taken in by John Mein at the London Book-Store, North Side of King-street. | Printed by Mein and Fleeming. aas. mhs pp. 2 . Newburyport, Mass. 1419. These Presents witnesseth; That we the Subscribers, 192 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1768 as Neighbours and Friends, do mutually agree to the following | Articles. Dated, Newburyport, February 23, 1767. f aas 1420 . [Cut.] The Boy who carries the Boston Evening-Post, | Presents his Compliments of Joy \ On the Commencement of the Year 1767. [Boston: Printed by T. & J. Fleet. 1767.] f phs 1421 . A New-Years | Address, which your obedient | servant the young Shaver | humbly presents to all his Ge- | nerous Customers. f phs 1422 . A | New Year’s Wish | from the Carrier of the | Post- Boy & Advertiser. Suffer my Muse with soft address, In humble Rhime, To point the Time Which crown’d America’s happiness: [Boston: Printed by Green & Russell. 1767.] f phs Rome, George. 1423 . Copy of a Letter returned with those sign’d Tho. Hutchinson, And Oliver, &c from England. mhs Dated, Narraganset, 22d December, 1767. Tisdale, Joseph. 1424 . The | Speech | Of Joseph T-sd-le, Esq; | In the House of Representatives, June 1767, against the Bill then before the House, | for preventing Stage Plays, and other Theatrical En- tertainments. MHS Joseph Tisdale was the representative of Taunton. 1425 . Whereas this Province labours under a heavy Debt, incurred in the Course of the late War; | and the Inhabitants by this Means must be for some Time subject to my burthen- some Taxes . . . We the Subscribers . . . Do promise and en- gage . . . that we will encourage the Use and Consumption of all Articles manufactured in any of the British American Colonies, and more especially in this Province . . . that we will not from and after the 31st of December next ensuing, purchase any of the following articles imported from abroad. Dated, Boston, 28 October, 1767. t aas 1768 Arthur. 1426. The Life, and dying Speech of Arthur, a Negro Man; | who was Executed at Worcester, October 20th 1768. For a 1768] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 193 Rape committed on the Body of one Deborah Metcalfe. Bos- ton: Printed and Sold in Milk-Street. 1768. f nyhs. aas Evans, 10822. Barret, John, and others. 1427. Proposals for carrying on a Manufacture in the Town | of Boston, for Employing the Poor of said Town. Dated, March 1st. 1768. f bm. bpl. aas pp. 2. Though endorsed by the Select-Men of Boston the proposals for subscriptions were issued by private undertakers. Evans, 10828. Boston, Town. 1428. The following Laws and Extracts of Laws are Published by Order of the | Select-Men, that the Inhabitants and all concerned may conform them- | selves accordingly; or expect to be prosecuted for any Breaches thereof. [An Act establish- ing a Watch, etc.] bpl Evans, 10839. 1429. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Boston, legally qualified and | warn’d in public Town-Meet- ing assembled, at Faneuil-Hall, on Monday the 12th of Sep- tember, a.d. 1768. (On a report that three regiments of British soldiers were to garrison the Town.) [Boston: 1768.] bpl 1430. Boston, September 14, 1768. | Gentlemen, | You are al- ready too well acquainted with the melancholly and very alarming Circum- | stances . . . (on taxation by England, and calling a convention.) bpl. mhs A circular letter from the Select-Men of Boston. 1431. Indenture of Overseers of the Poor of Boston for ap- prenticing. MHS 1432. Faneuil-Hall Lottery. Boston, January, 1768. mhs 1433. Boston, December, 1768. [ Proposals | For printing by Subscription, | the | Miser: | or the | Soldier’s Humour. | A | Comedy | of three Acts, | As it is acted by his Majesty’s Serv- ants. | By William Clarke, | Soldier in His Majesty’s XXIXth Regiment. ... t p c Dickinson, John. 1434. The Liberty Song. In Freedom we’re born [with music]. [Boston: Printed and Sold by Mein and Fleeming, September, 1768.] Evans, 10881. 194 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1768 1435 . Directions | For sailing in and out of Plymouth Har- bour; taken by Moses | Bennet, William Rhodes, Thomas Allen, and Nathaniel Green, | . . . | in July 1768. f aas Evans, 10882. It was reprinted by the Commonwealth in 1785, a copy being in bpl. Draper, Richard. 1436 . Receipt for Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News- Letter. MHS 1437 . The following was unanimously agreed upon as the Result | of the Conference and Consultation of the Committees chosen by a Num | ber of Towns and Districts, viz. Ninety- six Towns and Eight Districts, | conven’d at Boston the Twenty- second Day of September, 1768. Boston: Printed and Sold by Edes & Gill, in Queen-Street, 1768. f bpl. aas Evans, 10840. Harvard College. 1438 . Quaestiones. Typis Richardi Draper. In Papyrum Miltoni in Nov-Anglia confectam. y. ei. hc. mhs 1439 . Theses. [Same colophon.] ei. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 10922. Mein and Fleeming. 1440 . Boston New-England. | Specimen | of | Mein and Fleeming’s Printing Types. t pc Mein and Fleeming were partners 1765 to 1769. 1441 . A Letter to the Right Honorable the Marquis of Rock- ingham from the Province of Massachusetts-Bay. [Boston: January 12, 1768.] mhs Evans, 10969. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1442 . The following Resolves pass’d the Hon. House of Repre- | sentatives on Friday last. | In the House of Represen- tatives February 26, 1768. | Whereas the Happiness and Well- being of civil Communi- 1 ties depend upon Industry, Oeconomy and good Morals. aas 1443 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a General Fast. [April 14.] Dated, March 3, 1768. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honourable His Majesty’s | Council, 1768. aas. bpl Evans, 10963. 1768] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. *95 1444 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (commanding and requiring aid to the Customs Commissioners for the due and legal Execution of the Laws of Trade and Navigation.) Dated, March 16, 1768. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 17, 1768. 1445 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proclamation For Dissolving the General Court. Dated, March 30,1768. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 31, 1768. 1446 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | Boston, June 30. 1768. | On Tuesday the 21st Instant His Excellency the | Governor sent the following Message to the | Honorable House of Representatives, viz. bpl 1447 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proclamation For Dissolving the General Court. Dated, July 1, 1768. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, July 7, 1768. 1448 . [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Brief. (On fire at Montreal.) Dated, July 9, 1768. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honourable His Majesty’s | Council, 1768. f aas 1449 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on riots and tumults in divers towns within the Province.) Dated, August 3, 1768. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 4, 1768. 1450 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (for the apprehension of those concerned in rescuing from the jail of Falmouth John Huston and John Sanborn, convicted of a riot.) Dated, August 3, 1768. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 4, 1768. 1451 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on claims to land in the Eastern Parts of the Province under a grant made in 1635 to William Alexander, first Earl of Stirling.) Dated, September 7, 1768. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, September 8, 1768. 1452 . By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proc- lamation (for discovering those concerned in destroying a guard house near the fortification in Boston.) Dated, October 12, 1768. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, October 13, 1768. 196 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1768 1453. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Public Thanksgiving. [December 1.] Dated, November 3, 1768. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable | His Majesty’s Council. 1768. Evans, 10964. BA. AAS. MHS 1454. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; ... A Proc- lamation (on discovering those concerned in confining officers of the customs at Squam.) Dated, November 3, 1768. ' Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, November, 1768. 1455. Military Commission [Francis Bernard.] Engraved, mhs 1456. The Parody Parodized, or the Massachusetts Song of Liberty. Come, swallow your bumpers, ye Tories, and roar, That the sons of fair freedom are hamper’d once more; Published as a handbill in Boston. It was a parody on a Tory poem which appeared in the supplement to the Boston Gazette, September 26, 1768, itself a parody on “A Song” attributed to John Dickinson and Arthur Lee. See Duyckinck, i. 452. 1457. [Cut.] A New | Song, | Address’d to the Sons of Liberty, on the Continent of America; | particularly to the illustrious, Glorious and never to be Forgotten | Ninety-Two of Boston. Signed, “A Son of Liberty.” [Boston: Printed by Green & Russell, 1768.] f phs It first appeared in the Pennsylvania Journal, August 4, 1768, and was reprinted in the Essex Gazette, August 16, 1768. The cut is the same which appeared on “A New Year’s Wish, from the Carrier of the Post- Boy & Advertiser, 1762,” No. 1288, supra. The device in title of the “Boston Post-Boy,” beginning with the issue of June ii, 1750. 1768] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 197 1458. [Cut.] A | New Year’s Wish, | from the Carrier of the | Post Boy and Advertiser. The Course of Time again devolves, The Light of this returning Year, And as the rolling Sun revolves, Unwelcome News, too oft we hear. [Boston: Printed by Green & Russell. 1768.] f phs 1459. An | Address from the Carrier | of the Massachusetts- Gazette, to his respect- | able Customers. Boston, January 1st, 1768. [Printed by Richard Draper. 1768.] t PHS 1460. [Cut.] A New-Year’s Wish. This Years begun my humble Muse Attempt to greet you on the News, [Boston: Printed by Edes & Gill, 1768.] t PHS The cut is a new engraving of that used on “The Carrier of the Boston-Gazette to his Customers, 1766,” No. 1393, supra. A new cut of the device of No. 1393. 1461. New-Year’s Day, 1768. | The News Boy’s Verses | Who carries the Boston Evening-Post. [Boston: Printed by T. & J. Fleet. 1768.] t PHS 1462. A | New Year’s Wish, | From the Baker’s Boy. Boston, January 1, 1768. t p HS 1463. A New-Year’s Wish. My honour’d Patrons, and my Friends, Your humble Farrier now pretends With due Respect, and Hearts sincere, To Wish you all a happy Year: f phs It has a ms. note: “Boston, Jany. 1, 1768.” 198 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1768 1464. [Royal arms.] SQp’ An Happy New Year. Revolving Scenes attend revolving Years; To us a strange Fatality appears In most Events that happen here below; But Wisdom does their destin’d Courses know — f PHS 1465. Postscript to the Boston News-Letter, August 25, 1768. Account of the Celebration of the Anniversary of the Four- teenth of August by the Sons of Liberty of Boston. aas 1466. The Result of a Council, conven’d at | Barrington, Sep- tember 6, 1768. (On difficulties between the church in that town and Rev. Thomas Prince.) bpl. mhs 1467. South End Forever. [Cut.] North End Forever. | Extraordinary Verses on Pope-Night. | Or, A Commemoration of the Fifth of November, giving a History of the | Attempt, made by the Papishes, to blow up King and Parliament, A. D. 1588. | Together with some Account of the Pope himself, and his Wife Joan; with several | other Things worthy of Notice, too tedious to mention. f LC The year is conjectural, and may have been in any year after 1765, when the two sections of the town entered into a truce and united in a peaceable celebration of the night. The cut is the same as appears in 1769. In nyhs is a pamphlet of 4 pages entitled: The | Procession | or, the | Burning of the Pope | In EfBgie, | at | Temple-Bar, or in Smithfield, | On the 17th of November 1681. | Being | Queen Elizabeth’s Birthday. | Describing | The several Pageants, and rare Devices of | the Pope, Cardinals, Jesuits, MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 199 1769] Friers, and many others. As | likewise a Pageant of Several Effigies in a Pillory drawn | by Horses upon a Sledge. | Several painted Pieces, and | Fire-works, &c. Far exceeding whatever has been ex- | posed in this nature. With the signification of the seve- | ral Hieroglyphicks. Humbly dedicated to his Holiness. [London:] Printed for William Goble. 1681. The date of Elizabeth’s birth was September 7, 1533, but November 17 was “usually observed as the Anniversary or Birth-day of the ever Re- nowned Princess ” etc. Guy Fawkes day was November 5, but I am unable to learn when the ceremony of burning the Pope was connected with the Queen’s birthday. The Oxford Dictionary states that the Effigy was burned on the anniversary of the gunpowder Plot, on Queen Elizabeth’s night, “or at other times,” and gives, as the earliest notice, an extract from Evelyn, 1673. Captain Francis Goelet in 1750 saw “the Devil and the Pope &c. Carried about by the Mob represented in Effegy very drole soone after see two more of them, but the Justices feareing some Outrages may be Committed Put a Stop to them.” N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, xxiv. 61. John Adams (n. 201) speaks of “popes and bonfires” in Salem in 1766. 1468 . The True Sons of Liberty and Supporters of the Non- importation Agreement, are determined to Resent any the least Insult or Menace offer’d to any one or more of the several Committees appointed by the Body at Faneuil-Hall . . . [Bos- ton: 1768.] mhs Evans, 11097. Reproduced in Winsor, Narrative and Critical History, vi. 78. 1469 . While gasping Freedom wails her future Fate, And Commerce sickens with the sick’ning State; mhs A fragment, giving also a list of “The Seventeen Proselytes to his E[xcellenc]y’s Doctrinal Faith of Submission!” — the Rescinders. Prob- ably printed in June, 1768. 1470 . Whoever has candidly traced the rapid Growth of these Colonies (urging resistance to the quartering of troops upon the Town of Boston). t nypl It is followed by “Memorandums for a Report.” Emmet, 2049. 1769 1471 . An Account of the Remarkable Recovery of | Mrs. Mary Read, of Rehoboth, to the Use | of her Limbs, of which she had been deprived | Three Years. t AAS Possibly printed in Rhode Island. 1472 . Advertisement. | A Certain Jonathan Mayhew, an independent | Holder-forth in Boston, some Time ago | pub- lished a saucy Performance against the church | of England, as established by Law, and the pious | and venerable Society for propagating the Gospil | in foreign Parts; ... ba 200 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1769 1473. Advertisement. (Non-importation of British goods in Boston. Signed, Richard Hunter, Alex. Auld, Patrick Boyle, Robert Park and Hugh Brown.) bpl pp. 2. A petition of five masters of ships sent to the Committee of the Merchants and Traders of Boston, objecting to the non-importation resolution interfering with the importation of Goods from Glasgow, and the building of Scotch Ships in Boston. 1474. Articles | of Agreement relative to the Whale-Fishery. | Dated, February 10 , 1769. f aas. bpl Evans, 11162. 1475. Articles of apprenticeship. mhs Barber, Nathaniel. 1476. Boston | Promise to pay unto Nathaniel Barber, or Bearer, | . . . | Lawful Money, on Demand, being for Value received by a | Premium of Insurance . . . underwrote | in said Barber’s office . . . mhs Bernard, Francis, and others. 1477. Copies of Letters from Governor Bernard, &c. to the Earl of Hillsborough. mhs pp. 4. Probably issued as a supplement to the Boston Evening-Post, April 10, 1769. 1478. Bill of sale of vessel. mhs 1479. Blanks, To be sold by the Printer hereof [Samuel Hall], viz. Warranty Deeds, Quitclaim Deeds, Bonds, Shipping Papers, Apprentices Indentures, Sheriffs’ Bail Bonds, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale, Bills of Lading, Policies for Insur- ance, Justices’ Writs, Summons’s, Executions, Recognizances, Short Powers of Attorney, Bills of Cost, and Complaints. *** All the above Blank are neatly printed, on good Paper, and most of them suited, in a particular Manner, for the County of Essex. — Advertisement in the Essex Gazzette, No- vember 21 , 1769 . 1480. [Two cuts.] Blazing Stars, | The Messengers of God’s Wrath. | In a few serious and solemn Meditations upon a won- derful Comet, which some time since flamed in our horizon — with | a solemn call to Sinners, and Counsel to Saints, how to behave when God is in this wise speaking from heaven. | And a short relation concerning | A wonderful and Surprizing Dream, | which the Author had on the Eighteenth of September, in the Year mdcclxlx: — With some Remarks on a Comet. | To- 1769] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 201 gether with a Short Exhortation to all into whose hands this Dream may fall. bpl See No. 1155, supra. Evans, 11182. Boston. 1481. To . j The Court of Sessions have | appointed Thursday and Fri- | day the third and fourth Day | of August ... to grant Li- | eences on Spirituous Liquors: | . . . Dated, Boston, July 17, 1769. mhs 1482. Faneuil-Hall Lottery, Letter E. Dated, February, 1769. AAS. BPL 1483. Boston, Tuesday, January 10, 1769. [ Important ad- vices! |New-York, January 3. | Last night the Snow Mercury, Captain | Kemble, arrived here from London, | by whom we have Papers as late as the | 9th of November, which contain the fol- | lowing important and interesting Intelli- | gence, viz. [From the press of The Boston Post-Boy & Advertiser.] mhs Gives the King’s speech in Parliament of November 8. Harvard College. 1484. Quaestiones. Typis Richardi Draper. In Papyrum Miltoni in Nov-Anglia confectam. ei. hc. mhs 1485. Theses (same imprint.) aas. hc. mhs Evans, 11287. 1486. Makers or Shippers’ Affidavit for Rum , Spirits and Sugar, agreeable to the 4th of Geo. III. cap. 15. ma Archives, ccxci. 125. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1487. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a General Fast. [April 6.] Dated, March 8, 1769. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honourable His Majesty’s | Council, 1769. aas. mhs Evans, 11329. 1488. [Royal arms.] By the Honorable | Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Public Thanksgiving. [November 16.] Dated, October 23, 1769. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Honor the Lieutenant- Governor and | the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1769. Evans, 11330. MeHS. BA. AAS. MHS 1489. By the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; ... A Proclamation (on discovering those concerned in tarring and MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 202 [1769 feathering a supposed informer against the breaches of the Acts of Trade.) Dated, October 30, 1769. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, November 2, 1769. 1490 . By His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; ... A Proclamation (for apprehending John Shoals, supposed to have been concerned in piratically taking the Ship Black Prince.) Dated, December 12, 1769. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, December 14, 1769. 1491 . Province of | Massachusetts-Bay. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer ... (Tax warrant.) Dated, August 1, 1769. ei 1492 . To the honorrable the Justices of the Superiour | Court of Judicature, &c. at . . . Form from Inferiour Court of Common Pleas, for affirmation of judgment. mhs 1493 . Province of | Massachusetts-Bay. j [Royal arms.] The Honorable | Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer. (Tax warrant). Dated November 10, 1769. ei. mhs 1494 . Power of Attorney. ei 1495 . To all his kind Customers, | The Boy who carries | The Evening-Post, | wishes | A Happy New-Year. | 1769. [Boston: Printed by T. & J. Fleet. 1769.] t phs 1496 . To be Sold, by | Jonathan Andrew, Tanner, | Fronting the Training-Field in Salem. Salem, Sept. 4, 1769. ei 1497. A New-Year’s Wish | For the Public, | For the Year 1769. | (From the Carrier of the Boston-Gazette, &c.) [Bos- ton: Printed by Edes & Gill, 1769.] t PHS 1498 . On the Commencement of the Year 1769. | Job Weeden, Salem News-Boy, | Begs Leave, with profound Submission and Reve- | rence, to present the following Lines to the | Gentlemen and Ladies to whom he car- | ries the Essex Gazette. [Salem: Printed by Samuel Hall. 1769.] t PHS 1499. [Royal arms.] An happy New-Year to the worthy [ Customers of the Massachusetts-Gazette & | Boston News- Letter, Boston, January 1769. | Dialogue between two Lads who are News-Carriers. [Boston: Printed by Richard Draper. 1769.] t p HS 1500 . A | New-Year’s Wish, | From the Farrier’s Lad. Bos- ton, January 1769. t PHS 1769] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 203 1501 . A | New-Year’s Wish, | From the Baker’s Lad. Boston, January 1769. f phs 1502 . [Cut.] Description of the Pope, 1769. [ Toasts on the Front of a large Lanthorn. | Love and Unity. — The American Whig. ... f istyhs It contains an acrostic on John Mein, and verses on “Wilkes and Liberty, No. 45.” The cut is the same as that used on the Pope Night broadside placed under 1768, No. 1467, supra. See Drake, Boston , 773. 1503 . The Merchants and Traders in this Town | in the Agree- ment subscribed by them the 17th of October last, . . . (on stopping imports while the duties act remains in force.) Dated, December 6, 1769. mhs A circular letter from the merchants of Boston to the gentlemen in trade. Evans, 11184. 1504 . Salem, Wednesday, January 18, 1769. ei Contains the addresses made to the King November 8, 1768, brought by Captain Scott. 1505 . The Tom-Cod Catcher. [Cut.] On | The Departure | of an | infamous B[a]r[one]t. t nyhs. aas Go Bjernard], thou minion! — to thy country go, For Boston, loud proclaims you, Freedom’s foe; No. 1505. 204 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1770 1770 Austin, Samuel. 1506 . Samuel Austin | In Union-street, Boston, near the Sign of the Corn-Fields, | Imports and Sells etc. mhs Bell, Robert. 1507 . A Catalogue of New and old Books, | Which will be ex- hibited by Auction, by Robert Bell, Bookseller and Auctionier, | On Wednesday the 4th of July, 1770, and will continue selling for Eight or Ten Evenings | Successively; at the Royal Ex- change Tavern, King-street, in the Town of Boston. mhs pp. 2. A supplementary catalogue was announced. Boston, Town of. 1508 . Boston, 177[ ]. You are hereby warned to attend the | working of the Engine called the | Hancock, on the first Mondays of | the Seven following months. aas 1509 . To the Constables of the Town of Boston, or either | of them, and to the Master and Assistants of the | Work-House in said Town, Greeting. (Form for committing a proper subject to the Work-House.) mhs The form was of earlier date (176-), but in this case has been altered in ms to 1770. 1510 . An Account of the Military Massacre at Boston, or the Consequences of Quartering Troops in a Populous Town. Boston, March 12, 1770. pp. 2. From dn auction catalogue. Carpenter, William. 1511 . A Poem, | On the Execution of William Shaw, | at Springfield, December 13th 1770, for | the Murder of Edward East, in Springfield | Goal. t phs An issue is advertised by the printer, Samuel Hall, of the Essex Gazette, Salem, in the paper of January 15, 1771. 1512 . [Another issue.] t Same heading, but “A Poem” is in italics and the text has been reset. Evans, 12200. Reprinted in Heartman’s Historical Series, No. 21. 1513 . [Cuts.] Charles-Town, July 28, 1770. | On Friday last was opened a Star-Chamber Court, | held by Virtue of a Com- mission lately received from | Governor Bernard. . . . Signed, Timothy Free, Secretary. t lc On John Stevenson, Captain of the Watch-Company in Charlestown. Evans, 11597. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 205 1770] 1514. [Cut.] Cooke’s Speech | from | The Pillory. Sold at the Printing-Office in Back-Street. f pits Printed by Zachariah Fowle. The cut is the same as chat on “Cot-er’s Speech,” infra, and on No. 1407, supra, and may indicate that these broadsides were issued earlier than 1770, but not earlier than 1765. 1515. [Cut.] Cot-er’s Speech from the Pillory. | [who was sentenced by the Superior Court held at Boston, to set in the Pillory one Hour, be whip’d 20 Stripes, and to pay Costs of | prosecution, for counterfeiting Quarters of Dollars.] f phs Printed by Zachariah Fowle. The cut is the same as that on “Cooke’s Speech.” 1515a. The Cruel Parents: Or Bedlam Garland. Printed and sold at the Printing Office in Milk-Street, 1770. As through Moorfields I walked, One Evening in the Spring, On the same sheet is “Scornful Celia,” Celia, let not Pride undo you, 1516. A Detest against the Common Scheme of | Arbitration; Likewise an Account of an Instance of the ill Consequence of it; with Cautions against | the Vices that occasion’d it: Namely, Slander, Lying, and Upholding Men in it; set forth as | they realy are, Abominable Vices. nyhs 1517. From the New York Gazettes, August 13, & 27. mhs pp. 2. Two communications on the merchants of Boston and non- importation, the second signed “Coriolanus.” This is in the form of a newspaper supplement but appears to have been separately issued, and no known supplement answers to it. Fessenden. 1518. [Cut.] A few Thoughts compos’d on the sud- | den & awful Death of Mrs. Fessenden, wife | of Mr. Nathanael Fessenden, of Cam- | bridge, who was shot May 30. 1770. Boston: Printed and Sold in Milk-Street. 1770. mhs Great Britain. 1519. Order of King George the third, appointing officers in the colony of Massachusetts-Bay to' collect Customs and other Duties. Boston, March 9, 1770. pp. 3. From an auction catalogue. Harvard College. 1520. Catalogus. hc. mhs Evans, 11679. 1521. Quaestiones. Y. HC 206 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. L1770 1522 . Theses. aas. ei. hc. mhs Evans, 11680. Jackson, William. 1523 . William Jackson, | an Importer; at the | Brazen Head, | North Side of the Town-House, | and Opposite the Town- Pump, in | Corn-hill, Boston. mhs A notice not to deal with him. Reproduced in Winsor, Narrative and Critical History, vi. 80. 1524 . Junius’s remarkable Plan of an Address, &c. | Received by the last vessel from London. | Boston, February 8, 1770 . t NYHS pp. 2. Evans, 11693. Taken from the London Evening Post, December 19, 1769. Linsey, William. 1525 . The Dying Speech and Confession of William Linsey, to be Executed at Worcester, | October 25th, 1770. For the Crime of Burglary. Dated, Worcester Goal, Oct. 18, 1770. Boston, Printed and Sold in Milk Street, 1770. f nyhs. aas Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1526 . Copy of the Complaint of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts-Bay against Sir Francis Bernard: with Sir Francis Bernard’s Answer. bm Evans, 11731. 1527 . [Royal arms.] By the Honourable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; ... A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court (to March 14). Dated, January 4, 1770. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, January 4, 1770. 1528 . By the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; . . . A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court (to meet in Cambridge, March 15). Dated, March 2, 1770. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 8, 1770. 1529 . [Royal arms.] By the Honorable | Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a General Fast. [April 5.] Dated, March 7, 1770. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, and the Hon- orable | His Majesty’s Council, 1770. aas. mhs Evans, 11728. 1530 . [Royal arms.] By the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; | ... | A Brief, (for aid of widows and orphans of Marble- I77°] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 207 head.) Dated, June 12, 1770. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1770. aas 1531. By the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; ... A Proclamation (on the attempted assault on Henry Hulton, one of his Majesty’s Commissioners of the Customs.) Dated, June 21 , 1770. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, June 28, 1770. 1532. By the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; ... A Proclamation (on threatening Letter left at house of Henry Barnes, of Marlborough.) Dated, June 28, 1770. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, July 5, 1770. 1533. By the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; ... A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court (to Sep- tember 26). Dated, August 18, 1770. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 23, 1770. 1534. [Royal arms.] By the Honorable | Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; | . . . |A Proclamation | For a Public Thanksgiving. [December 6 .] Dated, October 30, 1770. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor, and the Honorable | His Majesty’s Council, 1770. aas. bpl Evans, 11729. 1535. By the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; ... A Proclamation. Whereas a Paper was this Morning found posted upon the Door of the Town-House in Boston, wrote in a feigned Hand, tending to inflame the Minds of the People against the Judges of the Superior Court now sitting in Boston, . . . (offering a reward for discovery of author or authors.) Dated, December 13, 1770. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, December 13, 1770. 1536. Massachusetts-Bay. By the Lieutenant-Governor and Commander in Chief. A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court (to January 23). Dated, December 15, 1770. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, December 20, 1777. 1537. I do hereby certify that . . . did voluntarily inlist himself as a private soldier to serve his said Majesty King George the third, in the regiment of provincials . . . mhs 1538. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Honorable | 208 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1770 Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Warrant to collect un- paid Taxes.) Dated [January 18, 1770.] f ma Archives, cccxxi, 1. 1539. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | Middlesex, ss. | To the respective Constables of the Town of | in the County of Middlesex, Greeting (to prepare jury lists.) mhs 1540. [The same] For Suffolk County. mhs 1541. The Merchants, and all others, who | are any Ways concerned in, or connected with Trade, are | desired to meet at Faneuil-Hall To-Morrow ... to receive the Report of the Committee of Inspection . . . Dated, January 16, 1770. mhs Evans, 11575. 1542. At a Meeting of the Merchants & Traders, | at Faneuil- Hall, on the 23d January 1770. | The following Votes were passed. (Against certain merchants and traders.) mhs Evans, 11576. 1543. The Merchants, and all others, who are | any Ways concerned in, or connected with Trade, are desired | to meet at Faneuil-Hall To-Morrow, ... to receive the Report of the Committee of Inspection . . . Dated, April 19, 1770. mhs It also gives the votes of the meeting of January 23. 1544. The New Massachusetts | Liberty Song, | [To the Tune of the British Grenadier.] f phs That Seat of Science Athens, and Earth’s great Mistress Rome, Where now are all their Glories, we scarce can find their Tomb; 1545. Sperma-ceti Candles Warranted pure; are made by | Joseph Palmer & Co. at Germantown near Boston, & to be | Sold at their Store in Boston, New-England . . . mhs A card in English and French engraved by Nathaniel Hurd. Wheatley, Phillis. 1546. [Cut.] An Elegiac | Poem, | On the Death of that cele- brated Divine, and eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the late Reverend, and pious | George Whitefield, . . . By Phillis, a Servant Girl of 17 Years of Age, belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley, of Boston: — And has been but 9 | Years in this Country from Africa. t phs The cut is the same as that on “Two Funeral Hymns.” This is Evans, 11812, who gives a colophon: Sold by Ezekiel Russell in Queen-Street, and John Boyles, in Marlboro’-Street. This Day is Published, Price 7 Coppers. (Embellished with a Plate, representing the Posture in which Mr. Whitefield lay, before and after MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 209 1770] his interment at Newbury-Port.) Sold by Ezekiel Russell, in Queen- Street, and by John Boyles in Marlboro-Street. An Elegiac Poem, (as above) . . . Great Allowance to travelling Traders, &c. — Massachusetts Gazette, October 18, 1770. See also Spy, October 11, 1770. 1547. [Cut.] Phillis’s Poem | on the | Death of Mr. Whitefield AAS On the same sheet is “Bedlam Garland” and the “Spinning Wheel.” Nichols, Isaiah Thomas, 8. Whitefield, George. 1548. An | Elegy | On the much Lamented Death of the | 210 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1770 Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, | who died at Newbury-port in New-England, on the 1st day | of October, 1770. f Attend ye wand’rers from the flock, give an attentive ear. 1549 . A Funeral Elegy, | On the Revd. and Renowned George Whitefield, | Chaplain to the Right Honorable the Countess of Huntington, &c. Who depart- | ed this Life at Newbury-Port, on Sabbath Morning the 30th Day of September, | 1770. TEt. 56. f nyhs Why throbs my panting Heart? and whence can flow These planitive tho’ts and why this sudden woe? Evans, 11662. 1550 . [Cuts.] A Funeral Elegy, | On the Rev’d and Re- nowned George Whitefield, | Chaplain to the Right Honorable the Countess of Huntingdon, &c. | Who departed ... f phs Why throbs my panting Heart! and whence can flow These plaintive thoughts! and why this sudden Woe! 1551 . [Another issue.] Boston: Printed and Sold at the Printing-Office in Milk Street, mdcclxx. aas 1552 . [Cuts.] A Funeral Elegy, | On the Rev’d and Renowned George Whitefield, | Chaplain to the Right Honorable the Countess of Huntington, &c. Who departed this Life | at New- bury-Port ... t phs Why throbs, etc. 1553 . A Funeral Elegy | On the Rev. and Renowned | George Whitefield, | Chaplain . . . bpl Why throbs, etc. 1554 . A Short Poem, on the | Death of the Rev’d. Mr. | George Whitefield. | Who Departed this Life at Newbury-Port, on Lord’s Day Morning, | Sept. 30th, 1770, in the 56th Year of his Age. t p HS Since Life’s uncertain, and we fully know That Death will come, we can’t refuse to go; 1555 . [Cut.] A | Funeral Hymn, | Composed by that eminent Servant of the Most High God, the late | Reverend and Re- nowned | George Whitefield, | chaplain . . . aas Ah! lovely Appearance of Death! No Sight upon Earth is so fair; 1556 . [Another issue.] Printed and Sold at Green & Russell’s, in Queen-Street. bpl MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 21 1 1770] 1557. A Hymn, | Composed by the Reverend | Mr. Whitefield, | To be sung over his own Corps. | Taken from the Original, May 1, 1764. [Cut.] f phs The cut is the same as that on Phillis. 1558. An | Ode set to Music, [ consecrated to the Memory of | The Rev. George Whitefield, A.M. | who left this transitory Life, in full Assurance of one more glorious, | September 30th 1770, | 3Etatis, 56 . | By one of his Friends in Boston, New- England. hhs As when the rising Sun dispels the Shades, And shoots his sparkling Beams around, With music engraved. Evans, 11794. 1559. [Cut.] A true | Copy of | the last Will | and Testament | of the late Rev. | George Whitefield. t phs The cut is the same as that on Phillis. 1560. [Cut.] Two | Funeral Hymns, | Composed by that emi- nent Servant of the Most High God, the late reverend and learned | George Whitefield, | . . . Who departed this Life . . . on Lord’s-Day, the thirtieth of September, 1770, at 6 o’clock in the | Morning, of a sudden Fit of the Asthma, at Newbury-Port, near Boston, in New-England. Sold by E. Russell, in Queen-Street, and by J. Boyles, Marlboro’-Street. Why do we mourn departing Friends, PHS. MHS Or shake at Death’s Alarms? The cut is the same as that on Phillis. 1561. [In border.] A New-Year’s | Wish, | For the Year 1770. | By the Carrier of The Boston Chronicle. t phs 1562. [Cut.] January 1, 1770. | A New Year’s Address | of the | Printer’s Boy ] who carries the Boston Evening-Post. The cut is Fleet’s Heart and Crown. t PHS 1563. January 1, 1770 [Royal arms.] New Year’s Verses, | From the Lad who carries the Massa- | chusetts-Gazette & Boston Post-Boy. t PHS 1564. An Ode for the Year 1770. | From the Carrier of the Boston-Gazette, &c. | To his Customers. t phs 1565. [Royal arms.] An happy New-Year from the | Carrier of the Massachusetts- j Gazette and Boston News- | Letter, to all his Generous | Customers, January, 1770. f phs 212 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [l/ 1771 1566 . An | Almanack | For the Year of our Lord. 1772 . [Printed by Isaiah Thomas.] aas Nichols, 11. 1567 . Blanks. A general Assortment of Blanks, just finished, neatly and accurately printed on good Paper, and particularly fitted for the County of Essex, to be sold by the Printer hereof [Samuel Hall], viz. Bonds and warranty Deeds, printed on fine, strong, thick Paper; the Deeds may be had either one or two upon a Sheet, those with one are for Mortgages, Quit- claim Deeds, Shipping Papers, Apprentices Indentures, Sheriffs Bail Bonds, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale, Bills of Lading, Policies of Insurance, Justices Writs, Summonses, Executions and Recognizances, Short Powers of Attorney, Bills of Costs and Complaints. — Advertisement in the Essex Gazette, Au- gust 27, 1771. Boston, Town of. 1568 . Notification, Dated, Boston, March 5, 1771, and signed by William Cooper, Town-Clerk. mhs Calling a Town Meeting for March 11. Evans, 11998. Bridgham, Ebenezer. 1569 . Ebenezer Bridgham, | At the Statfordshire and Liver- pool Ware House in King-Street | Boston: | Imports directly from the Makers, all kinds of | China, Glass, and Earthen Ware, | Which he will sell as low as they were ever sold on the Con- tinent of America. mhs Cranch, Robert G. 1570 . Robert G. Cranch, | Sadlers Ironmonger and Bridle- Cutter, | On the Exchange, | Boston, | has imported in the last Ship from Bristol, . . . Printed by I. Thomas, near the Mill- Bridge, Boston. bpl Thomas printed near the Mill-Bridge, 1771-1775. Nichols, Isaiah Thomas. Cumberland County. 1571 . Bond, Cumberland County [Maine.] f ma Signed, Stephen Longfellow. Archives, ccxvi. 225. Gardiner, Sylvester. 1572 . A true State of the Copartnership of Gardiner and Jepson, | taken from their Books and Settlements from Time | MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 213 1771] to Time under Dr. Jepson’s own Hand. Dated, Boston, May 1, 1771. MHS pp. 4. William Jepson was the partner. Harvard College. 1573. Quaestiones. ei. hc 1574. Theses. hc. mhs Evans, 12068. 1575. Just published, | Embellished with four Plates, neatly engraved, viz. The Boston Massacre, | The four Seasons, with the Twelve Signs of the Zodiack. . . . The King | of Den- mark. . . . Jonathan Weatherwise. | . . . | The Massachusetts Calendar, | or an j Almanack | for | The Year of our Lord 1772. ... | By Philomathes. [Cut] . . . Boston, | Printed and sold by Isaiah Thomas, in Union-street, near the Market. f aas Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1576. Massachusetts-Bay. By the Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief. A Proclamation. For Proroguing the General Court (to February 13). Dated, January 9, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, January 10, 1771. 1577. Massachusetts-Bay. By the Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief. A Proclamation, For Proroguing the General Court (to March 13). Dated, January 31, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, January 31, 1770. 1578. Massachusetts-Bay. By the Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief. A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court (to March 27). Dated, February 28, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, February 28, 1770. 1579. Massachusets- | Bay. [Royal arms.] By the Lieu- tenant-Governor | and Commander in Chief, f A Proclamation | For a General Fast. [April 18.] Dated, March 7, 1771. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to his Honor the Lieutenant- | Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1771. aas. mhs Evans, 12118. 1580. Massachusets-Bay. By the Lieutenant-Governor and Commander in Chief. A Proclamation, For Proroguing the General Court (to April 3). Dated, March 13, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 14. 1771. 214 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1771 Royal arms. George III. 1581 . Massachusets-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion. (Impowering and requiring Officers whose commissions would otherwise cease, to continue in the Exercise of their Trusts.) Dated, March 14, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 14, 1771. 1582 . Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion For the Encouragement of Piety and Virtue, and for pre- venting and punishing of Vice, Profaneness and Immorality. Dated, March 25, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 28, 1771. 1583 . Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion. Whereas His Majesty’s Pleasure has been signified to me by the Right Honourable the Earl of Hillsborough (on raising recruits for the King’s Troops.) Dated, March 28, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, April 4, 1771. 1584 . Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion For Proroguing the General Court (to November 6). Dated, August 16, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 22, 1771. 1585 . Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion For Proroguing the General Court (to December 18). Dated, October 16, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, October 17, 1771. 1586 . [Royal arms.] By the Governor. | A Proclamation | For a publick Thanksgiving. [November 21.] Dated, October 23, MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 215 1771] 1771. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, | and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1771. f nyhs. aas. bpl Evans, 12119. 1587. Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion For Proroguing the General Court (to January 22, 1772). Dated, November 27, 1771. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette , November 28, 1771. 1588. [Royal arms.] Massachusets- | Bay. By the Gov- ernor. | A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court. [To January 22, 1772.] Dated, December 28, 1771. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency | the Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1771. t pc 1589. The Court of Sessions have ap- | pointed Wednesday the [twenty-] first day of July ... to grant Licences on Spirituous Liquors: . . . Dated, Boston, July 13, 1771. BPL. HHS 1590. Mess’rs Green and Russell. | I was in hopes of seeing in your last Gazette some | solution of the difficulties started by Scrutator, | in the preceeding Paper of the 18th, with reference to the Patriach Abraham. . . . Signed, A Real Freethinker. t JCB Scrutator’s article appeared in the Massachusetts Gazette, etc., February 18, 1771, and the above reply was printed in the same newspaper, March 4, 1771. 1591. A | Poem. Medford: Printed, & Sold 1771. mhs One God there is, of Wisdom, Glory, Might: One truth there is, to guide our Souls aright : No printer has been identified with Medford in this year, 1592. [Cut.] A | Poem, | occasioned | By hearing the late Reverend George Whitefield preach. Sold over the Auction- Room in Queen-Street. bpl Evans, 13548, who assigns 1774 as the year of publication. The cut, representing Whitefield in the pulpit, is the same as appears on the title of Jane Dunlap, Poems, 1771, printed in Boston, “next to the Writing- School in Queen-Street.” 1593. A Poem | Occasioned by the late sudden and awful Death, of a Young Woman, who j was found drowned, in 2l6 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1771 No. 1592. Medford-River, July 14th, 1771. Medford : Printed & Sold, 1771. MHS Now unto you I shall relate, The awful and surprizeing fate: The Scourge. 1594 . The Scourge. Numb. 1. London, Printed: | Boston: Re-printed and sold by I. j Thomas, in Union-Street. Evans, 12222. AAS. MHS 1595 . [The Same.] 4th Edition. aas. mhs Appears to be from the same form of type, but the heading has been compressed. 1596 . The Scourge. Numb. II. Signed, Sidney. London: Printed by W. Moore, at No. 22 Fleet-Street. | Boston: Re- printed and sold by I. Thomas, in Union-Street, near the Market, mdcclxxi. aas. mhs Evans, 12222. The Spy, May 30, 1771, states that “Nos. I & II have had four editions this last week.” Nichols, 15. 1597 . A Table calculated to shew the Contents (in Feet and Twelfth Parts of a Foot) of any Sled Load, or cart Load of Wood. Boston, 1771. Evans, 12239. 1 77 2 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 217 Teall, Benjamin. 1598. The following song composed on the lamented Death of | Michael Griswould, Junior, | of Killingworth, who was killed at a Raising, in | the year 1771. (Written by B. T.) f HC 1599. To the Printer in Essex. | As I have met with what I call hard Treat- | ment, and grievous to be borne with, by a Deputy-Sheriff, . . . [May, 1771.] mhs pp. 2. Relates to a debt due from David H. and Sarah, administratrix of his estate. It is signed “An Enemy to Unfaithfulness and Deceit, and a Lover of Justice, and all that sincerely aim at it.” Probably a Salem item. Townsend, . 1600. Alderman Townsend’s Speech in Defence of | the Lord Mayor. [March, 1771.] aas Wheatley, Phillis. 1601. To Mrs. Leonard, on the Death of her | Husband. Signed, Phillis Wheatley. | phs White, John, Baker. 1602. To the Honourable | The Senate, and House of Repre- sentatives, | of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in General Court, | assembled. The Petition of John White, Baker, and other subscribers hereto, inhabi- | tants of said Commonwealth. aas Against the assize of bread passed in the 6 th year of George I. The petition was later than 1770. Whitefield, George. 1603. Last Will and Testament of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield. [Boston, N. Coverley, 1771.] 1604. A | New Year’s Wish, | of the | Printer’s Boy | Who carries the Boston Evening-Post. | phs Old Time again has run the circling Year, With Wings unwearied, in a swift Career. The year is in doubt. 1772 1605. An Address to the True-born Sons of Liberty in the government of the | Massachusetts-Bay. Signed, A Country- man. t aas Endorsed as “about 1772.” See No. 1338 . 1606. Americans ! B ear in Remembrance the horrid M assacre ! 2 18 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1772 perpetrated in King-Street, Boston, New-England, on the Evening of March the fifth, 1770. . . . mhs Evans, 12302. Reproduced in part in Winsor, Narrative and Critical History , vi. 88. Boston, Town of. 1607 . Notification. | The Town having at a late Meeting ap- pointed a Committee | of Correspondence “to state the Rights of the Colonists . . . Dated, Boston, November 16, 1772, and signed, William Cooper. f pc 1608 . Boston, November 20, 1772. | Gentlemen, | We the Free- holders and other Inhabitants of Boston, in Town-Meeting duly assembled, according to Law, apprehending there is | abundant Reason to be alarmed that the Plan of Despotism, . . . (on Salaries to Judges.) bpl. aas. ba , King’s Chapel. 1609 . Dr. to King’s Chapel. | To Assessment of your Pew No. . . . MHS 1610 . [Cuts.] The Boston | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord God 1773. Boston: Printed and sold by Isaiah Thomas. AAS Advertised in Boston Gazette, January 4, 1773, as “Very Useful for Merchants, Shopkeepers and others, to paste or hang up in Compting Houses, Shops, &c.” Draper, Richard. 1611 . To Richard Draper, Dr. | For the Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter. mhs Edes & Gill. 1612 . To Edes and Gill, — Dr. | To the Gazette, &c. from MHS Goodwin, Solomon. 1613 . The last Words and Dying Speech of Solomon Goodwin, lately executed at Falmouth, Casco-Bay, for the Murder of David Wilson, may be had at the Printing-Office in Salem. — Advertisement in the Essex Gazette, December 15, 1772. Hall, Samuel. 1614 . Salem May 6, 1772. The Subscriber, original Pub- | lisher of the Essex Gazette, | having lately admitted a Partner (call for payment.) ei Harvard College. 1615 . Quaestiones. EI. HC. MHS MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 219 1772 ] 1616 . Theses. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 12413. 1617 . Just Published, | Embellished with four Plates, . . . The Massachusetts | Calendar, | Almanack | for | The Year of our Lord 1772. . . . By Philomathes. [Cut.] . . . Boston, | Printed and sold by Isaiah Thomas, in Union-street, near the Market. aas Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1618 . Boston. | From the Votes of the Honora- | ble House of Representatives. | Lunae 13 Die julii, A.D. 1772. f MeHS 1619 . Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion For Proroguing the General Court (to March 11). Dated, January 29, 1772. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette , January 30, 1772. 1620 . Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion For Proroguing the General Court (to March 25). Dated, February 20, 1772. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, February 20, 1772. 1621 . Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion For Proroguing the General Court (to April 8). Dated, March 4, 1772. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 5, 1772. 1622 . [Royal arms.] By the Governor. | A Proclamation | For a Public Fast. [April 2.] Dated, March 4, 1772. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, | and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1772. Evans, 12454. AAS. BPL 1623 . Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclamation. Whereas it has been represented to me by the Commissioners of His Majesty’s Customs, that Andrew Christie, Mate of His Majesty’s Armed Ship Canceaux (on seizure and rescue of a sloop belonging to Brotherton Dagget). Dated, March 18, 1772. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 19, 1772. 1624 . Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion For Proroguing the General Court (to December 2). Dated, September 7, 1772. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, September 10, 1772. 1625 . Massachusetts- 1 Bay. [Royal arms.] By the Governor. | A Proclamation \ For a Public Thanksgiving. [December 3.] 220 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1772 Dated, October 29, 1772. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the | Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1772. aas 1626. Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion For Proroguing the General Court (to January 6, 1773). Dated, November 3, 1772. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, November 5, 1772. 1627. Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; | Captain-General and Gov- ernor in Chief, . . . Military commission. Dated in ms., August 20, 1772. MeHs. aas. ei. mhs Engraved by Nathaniel Hurd. Newbury-Port, Marine Society. 1628. Laws | of the Marine Society at Newbury Port, New- England, commencing the thirteenth Day of November, 1772. | AAS Occum, Samson. 1629. Mr. Occum’s Address to his Indian Brethren, on the Day that Moses Paul, an Indian, was executed at New Haven, on the 2d of September, 1772, for the murder of Moses Cook. Put in Metre. Sold at the Heart and Crown in Boston; and by Bulkeley Emerson at Newbury-Port. [1773?] Evans, 12911. Richardson, Ebenezer. 1630. [Cut.] The | Life, | and | Humble Confession, | of | Richardson, | The Informer. f phs Injured Boston now awake, While I a true Confession make, 1631. [Cut.] A Monumental Inscription | on the Fifth of March. | Together with a few Lines | On the Enlargement of | Ebenezer Richardson, | Convicted of Murder. NYPL. AAS. MHS Awake my drowsy Thoughts! Awake my muse! Awake 0 earth, and tremble at the news! Evans, 12302, who gives the first words of the “Inscription.” Nichols, 13, places it in 1771. The cut is of the Boston Massacre from the Massa- chusetts Calendar for 1772. Reproduced in Winsor, Narrative and Critical History, vi. 89. 1632. Upon the Enlargement | of the infamous | Ebenezer Richardson, | Convicted of wilful-murder. ei 1633. [Cuts.] Salem, January 16, 1772. | An Account of the Life of Bryan Sheehen, | this Day executed in Salem, for com- MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 221 1772] No. 1630. mitt- | ing a Rape on the Body of Abial Hollo- | well, Wife of Benjamin Hollowed, of \ Marblehead; ... To be sold at the Printing Office Portsmouth | also, Verses on said Occasion. t PHS Evans, 12559. The second cut is the burning of John Rogers, taken from the New England Primer. 1634 . S[alem ] | An Account of the [ ] | this Day exe- cuted in Salem, for com[ ] | Hollowed, Wife of Benjamin Hollowjell ] | he was convicted before the Superior Cfourt ] | in November last, and received Sentence [ ordered to be executed on the 19th of December re-] | prieved to the 2d, and then to this 16th Day o[ .] ei Bryan Sheehen was the culprit. 1635 . Tea, | Destroyed by Indians. [Cut.] Ye Glorious Sons of Freedom, brave and bold, That has stood forth — fair Liberty to hold; Union Society, Boston. 1636 . Rules and Orders | To be Observed by the | Union Society, | Founded in Boston, the Twenty-fifth of November, MDCCLXXII. BPL. A AS 222 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1772 No. 1633. Wheatley, Phillis. 1637. To the Hon’ble Thomas Hubbard, Esq; | On the Death of | Mrs. Thankfull Leonard. Dated, Boston, January 2, 1772, and signed. f phs No. 1633. 1638. To the Rev. Mr. Pitkin, on the | Death of his Lady. Signed, Phillis Wheatley, and dated, Boston, June 16, 1772. Evans, 12518. f NYHS 1773 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 223 1639 . [Cut.] The Carrier of | The Massachusetts | Spy, Wishes all his kind Customers | A Merry Christmas, | and A Happy New Year; . . . January 1, 1772. f PHS. BPL. AAS Ames, Levi. 1113 1640 . [Cut.] An Address to the Inhabitants of Boston, | (Particulary to the thoughtless Youth) | Occasioned by the Execution of Levi Ames, | Who so early in Life, as not 22 Years of Age, must quit the Stage of action in this awful Manner. | . . . f phs. jcb The Day ’s far spent ; the Night comes on apace, Rebellious Man has almost run his Race; No. 1640. 1641 . [Cut.] The Dying Groans of | Levi Ames, | Who was Executed at Boston, the 21st of October, 1773, | for Burglary. Ye youth! who throng this fatal plain, t PHS And crowd th’ accursed Tree: 1642 . [Cuts.] An Exhortation to young and old to be cautious of small | Crimes, lest they become habitual, and lead them be- | fore they are aware into those of the most heinous Na- | ture. Occasioned by the unhappy Case of Levi Ames, | Exe- cuted on Boston-Neck, October 21st, 1773, for | the Crime of Burglary. f phs Beware young People, look at me, Before it be too late, 1643 . A few Lines wrote upon the intended Execution of | Levi Ames, | For Burglary, and being sent to him for his Improvement, are now published at his Desire. | phs Come, oh kind Heaven, assist my Muse now dull, Support my trembling Heart, with anguish full; 224 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1773 No. 1642. 1644 . The last Words and Dying Speech of | Levi Ames, | Who was Executed at Boston, on Thursday the 21st Day of October, 1773, for Burglary. | Taken from his own Mouth, and Published at his desire, as a solemn Warning to all, more par- ticularly Young People. Boston: Printed and Sold at the Shop opposite the Court-House in Queen-Street. LC. AAS. NYHS. MHS Evans, 12642, but without an imprint. 1645 . The last Words | and dying Speech of | Levi Ames, | Executed at Boston, Qcto. j 21, 1773, for Burglary. . . . Printed and sold at the Printing-Office in Salem. j LC Evans, 12641. 1646 . [Cut.] A | Solemn Farewell to | Levi Ames, | Being a Poem written a few Days before his | Execution, for Burglary, Oct. 21, 1772. Boston: Printed and Sold at Draper’s Printing- Office, in N[ewbury-Street.] f phs The cut is the same as that on A Dialogue between Elizabeth Smith, etc., No. 1692, infra. 1647 . [Cut.] The Speech of Death | to [ Levi Ames, | Who was Executed on Boston-Neck, October 21, 1773, for the Crime of Burglary. t phs 1648 . [Cut.] Theft and Murder! | A Poem on the Execution of | Levi Ames, | Which is to be on Thursday, the 21st of 1773 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 225 October inst. | for robbing the House of Mr. Martin Bicker, and was convicted of | Burglary. Sold near the Mill-Bridge: and at the Printing Office near the Market. f hc No. 1647. Bestes, Peter, Sambo Freeman, etc. 1649 . Boston, April 20th, 1773. | Sir, | The efforts made by the legislative of this province in their last sessions to free themselves | from slavery, gave us, . . . f bpl. nyhs . Committee op Correspondence. 1650 . Boston, March 30, 1773. | By Direction of the Com- mittee of Correspondence for the Town of Boston, I now transmit to you | an attested Copy of the Proceedings of said Town on the 8th Instant. . . . Printed by Isaiah Thomas, by Order of the Town of Boston. aas. bpl Reproduced in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, July, 1893. Evans, 12688. 1651 . Boston, April 9, 1773. | Sir, | The Committee of Corre- 226 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1773 No. 1648. 17731 MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 227 spondence of this Town have received the | following In- telligence. NYPL. AAS. BPL Virginia resolutions on the Stamp-act. Reproduced in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, July, 1893. Evans, 12689. 1652 . Boston, June 22d, 1773. Sir. The Committee of Corre- spondence of the Town of Boston, conformable to that Duty which they have hitherto endeavoured to discharge with Fidelity, again address you with a very fortunate Important Discovery: (the Hutchinson letters). bpl Reproduced in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, July, 1893, and in Winsor’s Narrative and Critical History, vi. 55. Evans, 12690. 1653 . Boston, Sept. 21, 1773. Gentlemen, The State of pub- lick Affairs undoubtedly still demands the greatest Wisdom, Vigilance and Fortitude. nypl. aas. bpl. mhs 1654 . In consequence of a conference with the committees of correspondence for the towns | in the vicinity of Boston, November 23, 1773, and with their advice the | following letter is addressed. f nypl. bpl Evans, 12693. Reproduced in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, July, 1893. 1655 . Boston, December 1, 1773. [ Gentlemen, | The Com- mittee of Correspondence for this Town has just prepared | their Letter covering the Proceedings of the Town at their two | late Meetings of the 5th and 18th ultimo, . . . It covered the next item. NYPL. BPL. MHS 1656 . Boston, December 1, 1773. | At a Meeting of the People of | Boston, and the neighbouring Towns^ | at Faneuil-Hall, in said Boston, on | Monday the 29th of November 1773 . . . (on tea.) nypl. lc. hc. mhs 1657 . [Another issue.] Printed by Edes and Gill, 1773. AAS. BPL Evidently from the same form. It was also issued by heliotype process by Samuel Gardiner Drake. Evans, 12694, and in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, October, 1892. 1658 . Boston, December 1, 1773. | At a meeting of the People of Boston, | and the neighbouring Towns, at Faneuil- | Hall, in said Boston, on Monday the 29th | of November, 1773, . . . NYHS . Brattle Street Church. 1659 . Notice is hereby given, that there will be a Meet- | ing of the Society under the Pastoral Care of the j Rev’d Dr. 228 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1773 Cooper on Friday next, the Ninth of July. Dated, Boston, July 6, 1773. mhs . Fire Society. 1660 . Nos conserva, Deus; nam tibi confidimus. | These Presents Witness | That we who have hereunto Subscribed, do promise as Neighbours and Friends to | each other, That in Case it should please Almighty God, to permit the breaking | out of Fire, in Boston, . . . N. B. This Society was founded in 1717, and the Articles corrected and revised, March 4th, 1773. f AAS 1661 . Boston, December 2, 1773. | Whereas it has been re- ported that a Permit will be given by I the Custom-House for Landing the Tea now on Board a Vessel | laying in this Harbour, commanded by Capt. Hall: . . . Signed, The People. BPL. MHS Evans, 12696. Reproduced in Winsor, Narrative and Critical History, vi. 92. 1662 . [Cuts.] The | Boston Sheet | Almanack, | For the Year of our Lord God, 1774; Boston: Printed and sold by I. Thomas, near the Market; and by Mills and Hicks, in School-Street. [Price Six-Pence.] aas Deblois, Gilbert. 1663 . Gilbert Deblois | At his Shop opposite School-Street, near the late Rev. Dr. Sewall’s Meeting-House, Boston, | Im- ports from London, Bristol, Scotland and Holland, . . . Dated, Boston, 1773. mhs Dorchester. 1664 . (N°. 2.) Your Province Tax | For the Year 1773. | ] Your Town and County Rate. | . . . The Assessors sit at the Turk’s-Head in Dorchester, . . . Signed, Philip Withington. MHS 1665 . An | Elegy | occasioned by the Death of the late Rev- erend | Daniel M’Clelin, | Pastor of the Church of Christ in Colerain. | By a Neighbour. Boston: Printed by J. Kneeland, in Milk-Street. 1773. t nyhs Evans, 12758. 1666 . Friends, Brethren, Country men, — The perfidious art of your restless enemies to render ineffectual the late resolu- tions of the body of the people demand your assembling at the Old South meeting-house . . . In Newell’s Diary in 1 Proceedings, xv. 346, under date December 14, 1773. Evans, 12775. 17731 MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 229 1667 . Friends, Brethren, Countrymen, — That worst of plagues, the detested tea, shipped for this port by the East India Company, is now arrived in this harbor. (Call to a meeting at Faneuil Hall, this day [November 29.] ) In Newell’s Diary, in 1 Proceedings, xv. 345. Evans, 12774. Harvard College. 1668 . Catalogus. AAS. HC Evans, 12804. 1669 . Theses. HC. MHS Evans, 12806. Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1670 . Boston, February 18, 1773. | On Tuesday last His Excellency the Governor was | pleased to send a Message by the Secretary to the | Honorable House of Representatives directing their | Attendance forthwith in the Council Chamber. The | House went up accordingly, and ... he made the fol- lowing Speech to both Houses. mhs Printed on 2 leaves, but forming 2 pp. It is, in fact, the second and third pages of the Massachusetts Gazette of that date. Evans, 12854. 1671 . Massachusets- | Bay. [Royal arms.] By the Governor. | A Proclamation | For a General Fast. [April 15.] Dated, March 10, 1773. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the j Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1773. bpl. aas. mhs Evans, 12852. 1672 . Province of Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclamation For Dissolving the General Court. Dated April 8, 1773. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, April 8, 1773. 1673 . Province of Massachusets-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court (to Novem- ber 3.) Dated, August 14, 1773. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 19, 1773. 1674 . Province of Massachusets-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court. Dated, October 9, 1773. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, October 14, 1773. 1675 . Massachusets- | Bay. [Royal arms.] By the Governor. | A Proclamation | For a Publick Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 25.] Dated, October 28, 1773. Boston: Printed by Richard 230 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1773 Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the | Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1773. Evans, 12853. AAS. BA. MHS 1676 . Province of Massachusets-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court (to January 26, 1774). Dated, December 21, 1773. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette , December 23, 1773. 1677 . The Court of Sessions have | appointed Thursday . . . to grant Li- | cences on Spirituous Liquors: . . . mhs The form used was for 1769, with dates altered in ink. Nickerson, Ansell. 1678 . [Cut.] The following | Circumstances | Relating to the Famous | Ansell Nickerson, | And concerning the Boy, (men- tioned in the Trial to be carried away by the Pirates) who, | they say, is arrived at Martha’s-Vineyard: Also, the Testimony of Two Men, belonging to Seaguin, [ who were robbed by a Top-sail Schooner with four Boats, on the Fourteenth of November: To | which is added, the Declaration of a Justice of the Peace, respecting Mr. Nickerson’s Innocence | of the Murder and Robbery in Nov. All which particulars have transpired since his Trial and Acquittal. t phs 1679 . [Cuts.] The | Particulars | Of the late melancholly and shocking | Tragedy, | Which happened at Salem, near Boston, on Thursday, the 17th Day of June, 1773. ei. nyhs. mhs Evans, 12918. See 1690 and 1691, infra. 1680 . [Cuts.] A Funeral Elegy, | occasioned by the | Tragedy, | At Salem, near Boston, on Thursday Afternoon, the 17th of 1773] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 23 1 June, 1773, at which Time the 10 following Persons . . . were drowned. t lc. bpl Awake, my Muse, and tune the Song To harp a doleful Sound, Evans, 12777. 1681 . [Another issue.] Printed and Sold by E. Russell, next the Cornfield, Union Street, near the Market. (Pr. 3. Cop.) ei The same coffins as on “The Particulars.” Evans, 12777. Reprint also. Peirce, Joseph. 1682 . Joseph Peirce, | At his Shop, making the Corner, northerly, of the Old Brick Meeting- | House, and fronting the West End of the Town-House, Boston. [Printed by Mills and Hicks.] bpl 1683 . A Petition of the People of Halifax. t Halifax was one of the towns granted by New Hampshire but was claimed by New York; it joined Coleraine, Mass. The sheet may be a Massachusetts or a New York issue. 1684 . Proposals | For Re-printing by Subscription, | the | Fort- Royal | of the | Scriptures; | or, a [ Vade-Mecum Concordance, | containing | An Hundred Heads of Scripture: | wherein | All (even the weaker Sort of Christians) may readily find most | of the Rarities in the Word of God. | By an Admirer of the Word. | ... | Subscriptions are taken in by William M ’Alpine, the undertaker, Printer, in Marlborough-Street, Boston. f nypl Relief Society, Boston. 1685 . [Cut and motto.] Rules and Orders | for the | Relief Society, | Instituted at Boston, March 5th, Annoque Domini, 1773. Printed by J. Boyles. bpl Richardson, John. 1686 . [Cut.] Inhuman Cruelty : | Or Villany Detected. | Being a true Relation of the most unheard-of, cruel and barberous Intended Murder of a Bastard Child belonging to | John and Ann Richardson, of Boston, who confined it in a small Room, with scarce any Victuals, or [ Cloathing to cover it from the cold or rain, which beat into it, for which Crime they were both of them Sen- | tenc’d to set on the Gallows, with a rope round their Necks, &c. [Draper.] f phs The cut is the same as that on “A Solemn Farewell to Levi Ames.” No. 1646, supra. 232 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1773 Roxbury. 1687. An Address of Freeholders of the First Precinct in Rox- bury in relation to being set off to the third Precinct, . . . aas With copy of a petition sent to the General Court in 1743. 1688. Whereas the Great and General Court | were pleased a their last Session to ap- | point a Committee, to whom they re- | ferr’d the Petition of several who had | petitioned to be set off from the first to | the third Precinct in Roxbury, . . . Presented, January 12, 1773. t AAS Salem. 1689. Just published, and to be sold by the Printers of this Paper, Rules For Regulating Salem Hospital. *** The Sub- scribers to the Hospital are desired to call at the Printing-Office for Copies of the Rules. — Advertisement in the Essex Gazette , December 21, 1773. 1690. Salem, June 25, 1773. | Verses on the sudden and awful Death of Mrs. Rebecca | Giles, Mr. Paul Kimball and his Wife, Mrs. Desire Holman, Mr. William Ward and his Wife, Miss Esther | Masury, Mr. Nathaniel Diggadon and his Wife, and Mrs. Sarah Becket, all of Salem, who were drowned | all to- gether off this Harbour on the 17th Day of June, 1773. Boston : Printed and Sold in Milk-Street. [John Kneeland.] f phs 1691. [Another edition.] ei The lines end as follows: . . . Death of | . . . Mr. William | . . . Wife, and | . . . Harbour on | See 1679 and 1680, supra. Smith, Elizabeth, and John Sennet. 1692. [Cut.] A Dialogue | between | Elizabeth Smith, and John Sennet, | Who were convicted before his Majesty’s Superior Court, Elizabeth Smith | For Thievery, and John Sennet for Beastiality! and each sentenced to | Set upon the Gallows for the space of one Hour, with a Rope round their | Necks Elizabeth Smith to receive Twenty Stripes upon her naked Back, | And John Sennet, Thirty-nine. [Draper.] f phs The cut is the same as that on “A Solemn Farewell to Levi Ames.” No. 1646, supra. Spencer, Arthur. 1693. To the Public. | Mr. Arthur Spencer, at present an in- habitant of Boston, formerly Surgeon’s Mate of his Majesty’s | Ship Glasgow . . . aas. hc. mhs 1694. To the Freemen of this and the neighbouring Towns: 1774 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 233 Gentlemen! — You are desired to meet at the Liberty-Tree this Day at 12 o’clock at noon, then and there to hear the Persons to whom the Tea shipped by the E. I. Company is consigned, make a public resignation of their Offices . . . Signed, O. C. Sec’y. Boston, Nov. 3, 1773. Evans, 12691. “A number of printed hand [bills] were pasted up at the corner of most of the streets in town, desiring all the sons of freedom to meet at the Tree of Liberty, on Wednesday, — signed ‘0. C.’” — Thomas Newell’s Diary, Proceedings, xv. 343. In the Dartmouth Papers, n. 193, are copies of an impersonal letter signed 0. C. and addressed to Thomas and Elisha Hutchinson, Novem- ber 2, and the above printed notification of November 3. 1695 . Tradesmen’s | Protest | against the | Proceedings | of the | Merchants. | Relative to the New Importation of Tea. Dated, November 3, 1773. Printed by E. Russell, next the Cornfield, Union-Street. mhs Evans, 13046. 1696 . New-Year’s Verses, | Addressed to the Customers of the | Massachusetts-Gazette, &c. t phs A New Year’s Wish is grown so common, I fear, Good Friends you will not like it, 1774 1697 . An Address to New-England: | written by | A Daughter of Liberty. Boston: Printed and Sold by Nathaneal Coverly near Christ-Church, North-End, mdcclxxiv f pc. phs Mourn, mourn O Heavens, and thou O Earth bewail, And weep ye Saints, ’till all your Spirits fail! 1698 . Addresses &c. to the late Governor Hutchinson. [Boston: Thomas & John Fleet, 1774.] mhs 1699 . The following is a true List of those Persons | who signed an Address to the late Governor Hutchinson, on | his Departure for England, with their several Occupations, Shops, | Stores or Places of Abode, and is Published that every Friend to his | Country may know who is Assisting to carry the execrable Purposes | of the British Administration into Execution. mhs pp. 2. Promises a “next Edition” with additions. Evans, 13279. 1700 . Whereas a great Number of People have express’d a Desire that | the Names of the Addressers to the late Gov. Hutchinson, | and Protesters against the solemn League and 234 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1774 Covenant | might be made Publick, the following is a true List of the | same, Viz. [Edes & Gill.] Sold in Queen-Street. AAS. HC. BPL. MHS Issued in facsimilie in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, October, 1893. Evans, 13767. 1701. A List | Of the Addressers to the late Gov. Hutchinson. Taken from the London Gazetteer, and New Daily Advertiser, Of Saturday September 24th, 1774. Sold by D. Kneeland, in Queen-Street. aas ei. mhs Evans, 13379. 1702. At a Meeting of the following Gen- [ tlemen, being Com- mittees from every Town and | District in the County of Mid- dlesex, and Pro- | vince of Massachusetts Bay, held at Concord, | in said County, on the 30th and 31st Day of | August 1774, to consult upon Measures proper | to be taken at the present very important Day. aas. mhs Evans, 13439. 1703. At a Meeting of the Delegates | of every Town and District in the County of | Suffolk, on Tuesday the Sixth of September, at | the House of Mr. Richard Woodward of Ded- ham, | and by Adjournment at the House of Mr. Daniel | Vose of Milton on Friday the Ninth Instant, | . . . mhs Evans, 13646. Boston, Town of. 1704. Votes and Proceedings of | the Town of | Boston, | June 17, 1774. BPL. MHS pp. 2, on a folio leaf. Evans, 13159. Reproduced in Winsor, Narrative and Critical History, vi. 61. 1705. At a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Boston, duly qualified | and legally warned, in public town meeting, assembled at Faneuil-hall, on Tuesday the 26th | day of July, Anno Domini 1774, at 10 o’clock fore- noon. AAS. BPL. MHS Evans, 13160. , Committee op Correspondence. 1706. Boston, May 12, 1774. | Gentlemen, | By the last advices from London we learn that an Act has been passed by the British Parliament for blocking up the Harbour of Boston, . . . nyhs. mhs 1774] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 235 1707 . Gentlemen, | The evils which we have long foreseen are now come upon this town | and province, the long meditated stroke is now given to the civil | liberty of this country. AAS. NYPL. BPL. MHS pp. 2 Dated and signed in ms., June 8, 1774. By order, etc. Evans, 13157. 1708 . [Another issue, with printed date.] nypl 1709 . Boston, June 10 , 1774 . | Gentlemen, | Whereas several of our brethren, members of the com- | mittees of correspond- ence in the neighbouring towns, | have since our letter of the 8th instant applied to us, . . . aas. bpl. mhs A facsimile is in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, July, 1893. Evans, 13158. 1710 . [Another issue.] f nypl The endings of the first three lines are: Commit- I . . . have | . . . whether ] ... . . and the words Great-Britain and North- America are italicised. 1711 . Boston, September 27 , 1774 . [ Gentlemen, | The com- mittees of correspondence of this and several of the | neighbour- ing towns, having taken into consideration the | vast importance of- withholding from the troops now here, | labour, straw, . . . NYPL. BPL. MA. MHS The resolve and vote adopted at a meeting of committees, September 27 , are attached. Evans, 13162. 1712 . The Committee (consisting of the following Members, namely, | Mr. Samuel Adams, Mr. John White, John Rowe, Esq; Mr. Gibbins Sharpe, Thomas Boylston, Esq; Capt. William Mackey. AAS. BPL. MHS On donations for the poor of Boston. Dated, Boston, Sept. 22, 1774. Evans, 13161. 1713 . Boston, May 24 , 1774 . | The Merchants and Traders of this Town, | are requested to meet at the West Chamber in | the Town-House, lately improved by the Court | of Sessions, at Four o’Clock This Afternoon, | . . . mhs Evans, 13156. Brattle, William. 1714 . The following is a Copy of a Letter, | said to be wrote by Gen. Brattle, | to the Commander in Chief, viz. The letter is dated, Cambridge, August 29, 1774. Evans, 13175. 236 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1774 1715. The following is a Copy of a Letter, | said to be wrote by Gen. Brattle, | to the Commander in Chief, viz. | Cambridge, August 29, 1774. f bpl Reproduced in Winsor, Narrative and Critical History , vi. 98. 1716. The following is a Copy of a | Letter, said to be wrote by | Gen. Brattle, to the Comman- | der in chief, viz. [and] Gen. Brattle’s Address | To the Public. Dated, Boston, September 2, 1774. mhs Evans, 13176. 1717. To the Public. | Boston, Sept. 2, 1774. | I think it but Justice to myself to give an Account of my Conduct. f A AS. MHS Congress, Continental. 1718. The following Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American | Continental Congress, we are induced to publish thus early purely to ease | the Impatience of our Readers. | Association, &c. Boston: Printed by Edes & Gill. RIHS. AAS. MHS 1719. [Another issue.] Boston: Printed, by T. & J. Fleet. AAS. MHS The two issues are identical except for the imprint. Evans, 13708 and 13709. 1720. The Association, | agreed upon by the Grand American Continental Congress. Dated, October, 1774. Boston: Printed by Edes & Gill, in Queen Street. f aas 1721. The 9th Article of the Association | of the late Conti- nental Congress. Salem, December 3, 1774. ei Evans, 13706. Duckett, Valentine. 1722. [Cut.] The Life, Last Words, | And Dying Speech of | Valentine Duckett; | who was shot for Desertion, on Boston Common, Friday Morning, Sept. 9, 1774, . . . Dated, Boston Camp (at mid-night) 9th Sept. 1774. Sold at the Printing- Office in School-Street. Price Six Coppers. f aas 1723. [Cuts.] An Elegy, | occasioned by | The Melancholly Catastrophe, | which happen’d in the Night of the 10th. of August, 1774: | In which the following Persons perished in the unrelenting Flames, | . . . Mrs. Murphy and her two small Children, Mrs. Fling and | Mrs. Whitemore, . . . Sold at the Printing-Office in Milk-Street. f phs 1774] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 237 1724 . From the Virginia Gazette, August 25. | A | Parody | on a late | Proclamation, [and] From the Massachusetts-Spy. | September 1, 1774. | A General sample of Gubernatorial Elo- quence, | as lately exhibited to a Company of | Councillor] s. t lc The second item is an attack on Hancock. The sheet may have been printed in Virginia. Evans, 13287. 1725 . A Brief | Narrative, or Poem, | Giving an Account of the Hostile Actions of some Pagan Indians towards | Lieutenant Jacob Tilton, and his brother Daniel Tilton, both of | the town of Ipswich, as they were on board of a small vessel at | the Eastward; which happened in the summer-time, | in the year 1722. With an Account of the | Valiant Exploits of the said Tiltons, | and their victorious Conquest | over their insulting | enemies. Newbury Port: Printed and sold by I. Thomas and H. W. Tinges, 1774. Evans, 13289. N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, n. 271. 1726 . A Genuine | Letter | From a well-known Patriot at St. James’s, | To his Friend in Boston, | Relative to the present distracted State of American Affairs. | Dated London, Nov- vember 28, 1774. f nyhs. bpl Evans, 14061. Great Britain. 1727 . Proceedings of his Majesty’s Privy-Council on the Ad- | dress of the Assembly of Massachusetts-Bay, to remove | his Governor and Lieutenant-Governor; with the substance of | 238 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1774 Mr. Wedderburn’s Speech relative to said Address. Sold at the Printing-Office in School-street. mhs pp. 4. The style of type and width of column are the same as in the “Addresses &c.” published by Thomas & John Fleet. 1728. The King’s Speech | To both Houses of Parliament, 30 November, 1774, | Together with their Addresses to his Majesty. j aas Evans, 14079. Boston Port Bill and Act. 1729. London, April 4, [1774.] The following is the much- talked-of Boston | Port-Bill, which on Thursday last received | the Royal Assent, and after the First of June | becomes a Law. Boston: Printed, by Edes & Gill, | in Queen-Street, 1774. f LCP 1730. Extracts of private Letters from London, dated April 7 and 8, to Persons in | New York and Philadelphia. Signed, T. f MdHS. EI. AAS Evans, 13273, 13307, who gives it to John Holt of New York. The New York issue (in lc and nypl) is in four columns instead of three, and is printed on verso of the Boston Port Bill brought by Captain Coupar. The “Extracts” appear as a supplement to the Boston Evening Post, May 23, 1774, and in precisely the same form, line for line, in the Boston Gazette of the same date. The broadside was made up by adding enough to each of the three columns to permit the “Extracts” to appear on one page, but it is impossible to say whether it was the Fleets or Edes & Gill who printed it. 1731. The Boston Port Bill, | Together with Governor John- sone’s Speech in the House of Commons on the same. mhs pp. 2. 1732. Anno Regni Decimo Quarto Georgii III Regis. 1774. | Regulation of Massachuset’s Bay. [Royal arms.] An Act of Parliament | Passed in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of His | Majesty King George the Third. 1774. Boston: Printed by Mr. Draper, Printer to His Excellency | the Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1774. ei pp. 9. Evans, 13303. 1733. An Act to block up Boston Harbour. | . . . Sold at the Printing-Office in School-street. nyhs. mhs 1734. Anno Regni Decimo Quarto Georgii III. Regis. J Regu- lation of Massachusets-Bay. [Royal arms.] . . . An Act for the better regulating the Government of | the Province of the Massachuset’s Bay, in New- | England. Boston: Printed by 1774 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 239 Mr. Draper, Printer to His Excellency | the Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council, 1774. ei pp. 9. 1735 . The following extraordinary Bills now pending in Par- lia- | ment, arrived last Night in Capt. Williamson, in 36 Days | from Bristol. | Boston, June 3, 1774. [Boston: Edes & Gill, 1774.] A AS. JCB. HHS pp. 2. Evans, 13304. 1736 . The following extraordinary Bills, pending before the [ British Parliament, arrived last night in Capt. Williamson, j in 36 Days from Bristol. Boston, June 3, 1774. Salem: Printed by S. and E. Hall. ei. aas. mhs pp. 2. Evans, 13305. Joyce, jun. (pseudonym). 1737 . Brethren, and Fellow Citizens! | You may depend, that those odious Miscreants and detes- | table Tools to Ministry and Governor, the Tea Consignees, . . . Signed, Joyce, jun. PC It was posted through the town January 15, 1774, and is reproduced in Mass. Col. Soc. Transactions, vm. 88, where the story of Joyce, jun. is fully told by Albert Matthews. Evans, 13358. 1738 . Brethren, and Fellow Citizens! | This is to Certify, That the modern Punishment lately inflicted on the ignoble John Malcolm, was not done by our Order — ... Signed, Joyce, junr. Posted through the Town on January 30, 1774. Evans, 13359. Kast, Philip Godfrey. 1739 . Drugs and Medicines. | Philip Godfrey Kast | Takes the Pleasure to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that | he has just imported from London, and is | now opening at his Apothe- cary Store, at the Sign of | the Lion and Mortar, in King-Street, Salem, . . . ei Massachusetts-Bay, Province. 1740 . Salem, June 17, 1774. | Province of Massachusett’s Bay. | The following Resolves passed the House of Represen- tatives this Day by a | very great Majority, and are now trans- mitted to the Selectmen of the | several Towns and Districts in this Province. . . . (Expressing sympathy with the inhabitants of Boston, and recommending the disuse of tea.) Evans, 13425. f NYPL. BPL 240 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1774 1741 . Massachusets- | Bay. [By the Governor. | A Proclama- tion | For a Publick Fast. [April 14.] Dated, March 7, 1774. Boston: Printed by Richard Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and | the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. 1774. BPL. AAS. MHS Evans, 13413. 1742 . Province of Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclamation for Dissolving the General Court. Dated, March 30, 1774. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, March 31, 1774. 1743 . By His Excellency Thomas Gage, Esq; ... A Procla- mation (announcing his appointment as Captain-General and Governor in Chief and continuing in office those whose com- missions would otherwise cease.) Dated May 17, 1774. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette , May 19, 1774. 1744 . Province of Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclamation For dissolving the General Court. Dated, June 17, 1774. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette , June 23, 1774. 1745 . [Proclamation by Gage.] Whereas, certain Persons, calling themselves a Committee of Correspondence for the Town of Boston. . . . In Newell’s Diary, in 1 Proceedings, xv. 354, under date, June 30, 1774. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, June 30, 1774. 1746 . Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclama- tion. For the Encouragement of Piety, and Virtue, and for preventing and punishing of Vice, Profanity and Immorality. Dated, Salem, July 21, 1774. Evans, 13412. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, July 28, 1774. 1747 . Province of Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclamation. Whereas certain Hand-Bills have been posted in sundry Places in the Town of Salem, calling .upon Merchants, Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town, to meet at the Town-House Chamber on Wednesday next, ... to con- sider of and determine upon Measures for opposing the execu- tion of divers late Acts of Parliament. . . . Dated, Salem, August 23, 1774. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, August 25, 1774. 1748 . Province of Massachusetts-Bay. By the Governor. A Proclamation. Whereas on the first Day of September Instant, I774J MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 241 I thought fit to issue Writs, for calling a Great and General Court (will not be convened). Dated, September 28, 1774. Printed in the Massachusetts Gazette, September 29, 1774. 1749. By the Governor. | A Proclamation. | Whereas a Num- ber of Persons unlawfully assembled at Cambridge, in the Month of | October last, calling themselves a Provincial Con- gress, . . . Dated, November 10, 1774. Boston: Printed by Mr. Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council. t aas Evans, 13414. 1750. Province of the | Massachusets-Bay. | The Honorable | Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Warrant to collect un- paid taxes.) Dated, [December 1, 1774.] f ma Archives, cccxxi. 2. , Provincial Congress. 1751. In Provincial Congress, | Cambridge, October 22, 1774. ( From a Consideration of the Continuance of | the Gospel among us, and the Smiles of | Divine Providence upon us . . . (Ap- pointing December 15, as a day of Thanksgiving.) AAS. BA Evans, 13415. 1752. In Provincial Congress, | Cambridge, October 26, 1774. | Whereas in Consequence of the [ present unhappy Disputes be- tween Great-Britain and the Colonies, a formidable Body of Troops | with warlike Preparations of every Sort are already arrived at, . . . f nypl. bpl A facsimile is in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, October, 1892. Evans, 13416. 1753. In Provincial Congress, Cambridge, December 5, 1774. ( Resolved, | That the Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia on | . . . f nypl. ei. bpl Evans, 13417. 1754. In Provincial Congress, | Cambridge, December 6, 1774. | The Operation of the cruel and iniquitous Boston-Port Bill, that | Instrument of ministerial Vengeance, . . . EI. BPL. AAS. MHS Evans, 13418. The ei copy is printed on the same sheet as the address to ministers. 1755. In Provincial Congress, j Cambridge, December 6, 1774. 242 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1774 | Resolved, That the following Address be presented to the | Several Ministers of the Gospel in this Province. t ei. BPL. AAS Evans, 13419. 1756 . In Provincial Congress, | Cambridge, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1774. f lc. bpl On determining the number of inhabitants, exports and imports and manufactures of the Province. A facsimile is in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, October, 1892. Evans, 13420. 1757 . In Provincial Congress, Cambridge, December 10, 1774. Inasmuch as many states have been taught by fatal experience . . . (On the adjournment of Congress and election of members to meet, February 1, 1775, at Cambridge.) bpl Evans, 13421. 1758 . In Provincial Congress, | Cambridge, December 10, 1774. | To the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Towns and Districts | of Massachusetts-Bay. bpl Evans, 13422. 1759 . Suffolk, ss. | At the Superior Court, &c. August 1774. | Whereas the Honourable Peter Oliver, Esq; Chief Justice of this Court, stands charged | and impeached of divers High Crimes and Misdemeanors, . . . AAS. mhs Evans, 13426. Massie, Joseph. 1760 . An Account of the Trade between Ireland and London. “One sheet, small pica, demy folio,” in an edition of 1000 copies. 1761 . An Account of the Trade between New England and London. “Part new set, and the rest over-run from the foregoing. Number the same [1000].” 1762 . Bills relative to the above Accounts. “Demy octavo, 800.” 1763 . Letter to the Principal Landholders, &c. No. 8. f nyhs “One sheet, small pica, demy folio. 1000.” pp. 3. 1764 . Ditto. No. 9. “A demy long primer quarto page, printed by itself. 100.” 1765 . Ditto. Nos. 9 and 10. “Printed together on two demy quarto pages. 1800.” hi Provincial Congrefs, Cambridge, OSlober 22, 1774. WROM a Conftderaticm of the Continuance of A the Gofpel among us, anJ the Smiles of Divine Providence upoft us with Regard to the Seafons of the Year, and the general Health which has been enjoyed ; and in particular, from a Confideration of the Union which fo remarkably prevails not only in this Province, but through the Continent at this alarmingCrifis. I T is RESOLVED, as the Senfe of. this Congrefs, That it is highly proper that a Day of PUBLIC THANKSGIVING xlxoii Id be obferved tliroughout this Province ; and it is ac- cordingly recommended to the feveral Religious AfTemblies in the Province, that Lhurfday the Fifteenth Day of December next, be obferved as a Day of THANKSGIVING, to render Thanks to Almighty God for all the Blcflings we enjoy. At the fame Time, we think it incumbent on this People to humble thcmfelvcs before God on Account of their Sins, for which he hath been pleafed in his righteous Judgment to fuffer fo great a Calamity to befal us, as the prefent Contro- verfy between Great-Britain and the Colonies ; as alfo to implore the Divine BlelTing upon us, tliat by the Afliftance of his Grace we may be enabled to reform whatever is amifs among us, that fo God may be pleafed to continue to us the Blcflings we enjoy, and remove the Tokens of his Difplea- fure, by caufmg Harmony and Union to be reftored between Great-Britain and thefe Colonies, that we may again rejoice in the Smiles of our Sovereign and the Pofleflion of th6fc Privileges which have been tranfmitted to us, and have the hopeful Profpect that they ihall be handed down intire to Pofterity, under the Proteftant Succellion in the illuflrious Houle of Hanover. By Order of the Provincial Congrefs, John Hancock, Prefident. No. 1751. AhuMy. * y *• iCt y <>.WJ /* ( /wjt U cyym.^ 'k.-sixy. -%^,‘fr Slfs 7 /m^ The Addrefs, PetuioA, and Remonflrnnce, of the Cicy of LONDON, co the KING, in Favour of chc AMERICANS, and their Rcfolves, prefcnted LONDON, July 6. Y esterday the sheriff* waited no hi. Majefly at St. James’*. when Mr. Sheriff PJomer addreffed the King in the follow- log words, " May it plcufe your M-jcrty, we are ordered bjr the Mayor. Aldermen and Livery of the city of London io Common Hall aflVmbled, to wait upon yoor Majefly, hnmbly to deliver into yonr Majefty's hands, in Their name, their Refo- Intions agreed loin Common Malt, on the 14'h of June lart, auJ of the 5th infant.” Mr Sheriff Blomer then delivered a copy of the following Refilullcm ooly ioto the Klog's baud, which ~ J rectjved withdne faying a ward. y}t a n riling tf lit Livery t>f L.nJ n, in Cwr.cn Hctt ejfembled, cn Tuefdnj, July 4. 1 7 7 > • Rtfilved, That the Kiog is bound to hear the Petitions of bit People, it being the undoubted right of the fobjefl to be heard, nad nat a matter at grace and favour. Rtfilved, That him MajeQy'a anfwer it x direfl denial of the right of this court to have then pe- tition* heard. Rtfilved, That fuch denial renders the right of petitioning the throne, recognized and 4lab- 1 Llh «d by the Revolution, of no cffifl. . Refitted, That whoever advifed hit Majefly, direftly or iodireGly, to refufe hearing ibe hum ble Addreft, RemonArance and Petition of this court, on the throne, is equally an ehrmy to tha tappioefs and feeuritv of the King, and to the peace and liberties of the people. Rtfifotd, That the following icflrufiions be givco to our Reprefeotativcs in Parliament. Gentlemen. You are hcra inflrnfled by the Livery in Ci^m- Dr st meeting of parliament, fer aa bumble faj drels from the floufe of Coramont to bis Majefly, rrqueAtr.g to know who wc(e the advifen of thole fatal meafurei that have planted popery and at- bkary power in America, and have plunged ut in- to a roo A unnatural civil war, tq the fubverfion of the fundamental principles of EngMh liberty, the rum of our raoft valuable commerce, and the dc 1 ftruflion of his Majefly'* fubjefls. To know who were the advifert of a meajure fa dangrrout to his Majdfty'* bappioeli, -and the rights of hit peo- ple. as refufing to hear the petition* and com- plAiott of his fubjcSs. You are further inllrufled, gentlemen, to move for an impeachment of rhe authors and advifers of thole meafurea, that by bringing them to public juflice, rvll counfellotc may be removed from before the King, his throne may be eflablifbed.the right* of the people be vin- dicated, and the whole empire reftored 10 the en- joyment of peace, liberty, and fafe'y To the King's Mod Excellent Majefly. The Addrefi, Petition, and Remonflracce, tie. MoQ gracious Sovereign, W E your Mojefty'S moll faithful fubjetSA^tk' ‘ Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Liveryyr the ciTy of London, in Common H .11 effembfe'd. are compelled again todiAurb yeur MajeAy't re- pofe with our complaints. We have already expreffed to your Majefly our abhorrence of the tyrannical meafuret purfued aga'tnA our fcllow-ftibj<j- ur MajeAy, by deceiving y effential to yoor MajeAy's rrpofe, and to the prefervation of your people ; fucb confidence can- not be obtained by miniflert and advifert who want wifdbm, aad hold principle incompatible with freedom ; oor can any hope, of relj*f be ex- pcAed from a par l.anwot.cnofcn under a national dtlufioa. infiduoofly haifed, by mifreprefenta- fioni touching ihe true date of America, and art- fully embraced by a precipitate diffolotion. Your petitioner* therefore again pray and be- feech your Majefly to difmift your prefent mini- ffer* aad advilers from yottr perfoo and ceunfels fo.-ever j to diffolvea parliament, who by various nfls cf cruelty and iojuSiee, have Ibanifefted a fpiritof perfecutioo againft our brtthreoin Ame- rica, and given tbeir larOian to popery and ar- bitrary power 1 to put your future confidence in oioiftcrB, wbofe known and uDlhakeo attach- oteat to ibe conftitution. joioed to their wifdom and integrity, may enable your Majefly to fettle this alarming difpute upon the foie, honourable, vnd laftinp foondition of general liberty friuted aud *uld at the Prim tog Olfic* iu Wa ; tertowo, Bear the Bridge. No. 1785a. 1774 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 243 1766 . Ditto. No. 11. “Two long primer quarto pages perfect on double demy. No. 4000.” These seven items were printed in London by Charles Say on the order of Dr. Franklin, and the cost was paid by the colony of Massachusetts. The description is taken from Say’s bill in Archives, cxmi. 22. The pieces were issued in March and April, 1774. A copy of a later leaflet by Massie, issued in June, with the same heading, is in Dartmouth Papers, 11 . 213. 1767 . A | Mirror | For a Printer. | and A Proclamation, f lc Without one grain of honest sense, One virtuous view, or just pretence and To all the pretty girls and boys; That live in our town, Evans, 13444. Monitor. 1768 . To the | Provincial Congress. | Gentlemen, | Whenever there is a strong Probability of a general ca- | lamity’s happen- ing, it is the undoubted right of every One freely | to deliver his Sentiments on the Subject. ... f nypl Evans, 13446. 1769 . A Narrative of the late Disturbances at Marblehead. MHS pp. 4. A statement issued by Jonathan Glover, Azor Orne, John Glover and Elbridge Gerry, May 2, 1774. It was printed by Samuel and Ebenezer Hall and is in the form of their Essex Gazette, but apparently not as a supplement. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. 1771 . The Speech of the Right Honourable the Earl of Chat- | ham, in the House of Lords, upon reading the Amend- | ments in the Quebec Bill, on Friday, the 17th June, 1774. | Together with his Lordship’s Speech, on the Third Read- | ing, in the House of Lords, of the Bill for Providing with | Quarters, the Officers and Troops in America. nypl. mhs pp. 2. PORTLEDGE BlLL. 1772 . It is agreed between the Master, Seamen and Mariners of the | Master, now bound . . . (Shipping Paper.) Salem: Printed and sold by S. and E. Hall. mhs 1773 . A Poem, | Occasioned by the sudden and surprising death of Mr. Asa Burt, of Granville, (Mas- | sachusetts), who was mortally wounded by falling a Tree, on the 28th of January, 1774. | in the 37th year of his age, and expired in a few hours 244 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1774 after he received the wound. Tracy & Bliss, Printers, Lansing- burgh. f bpl Though a New York item, of unknown date, it may have been a reprint of a Massachusetts broadside. Putnam, Archelaus. 1774. To the Public. | The dispute that has lately arisen in this | place, on the merit of Dr. Latham’s prac- | tice in the Small-pox, . . . [and] To the Public. | When I wrote my last address I designed | not again to solicit the attention of the | public . . . Signed, A Lover of Truth, and dated, Salem, April 9th, 1774. f aas pp. 2. 1775. [Salem, August, 1774. Notice of a meeting to consider of and determine upon Measures for opposing the execution of divers late Acts of Parliament.] See the Governor’s Proclamation, August 23, 1774, supra. 1776. Sinners invited to come to Jesus. | With an | Hymn on Christ’s Atonement. Boston: Printed and Sold in Milk-Street 1774. [John Kneeland.] f phs Come, ye Sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore; 1777. Thomas’s Boston Almanac, [ For the Year of Our Lord God, 1775. Boston: Printed and Sold by Isaiah Thomas, at the South-Corner of Marshall’s-Lane, near the Mill-Bridge. AAS 1778. We the Subscribers, inhabitants of the town of | having taken into our serious consideration the | precarious state of the liberties of North America . . . Dated June, 1774 MA. AAS. BPL. BA. MHS 1779. [Another issue.] j nypl. aas Contains 47 instead of 49 lines, and shows many differences of text. Evans, 13163 and 13427. Wilson, Daniel. 1780. Life, Last Words, and Dying Confession of Daniel Wilson, who was executed at Providence, Rhode-Island, April 24, 1774. Boston, 1774. Evans, 13774. 1781. Worcester June 13th, 1774. | Gentlemen. [ Many per- sons in this county conceiving that an agreement not to | 1775 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 245 purchase the goods which are or shall be imported before the 31st of | August next. ... f aas. bpl Signed in ms. William Young. Evans, 13158, but it is a separate broad- side. Reproduced in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, July, 1893. 1782. [Cut.] John Nurse, Carrier of the Essex Gazette, | humbly presents the following Lines to the Gentlemen and | Ladies to whom he carries the News, on the Beginning of the | Year 1774. ei Evans, 13271. 1783. [Royal arms.] New Year’s Verses, | Addressed to the kind Customers of the | Massachusetts Gazette, &c. f phs Oft Gen’rous Patrons, to regale your Taste, The Summer Suns, and Winter Storms I ’ve fac’d. 1775 1784. An Address of the Gentlemen and Principal Inhabitants of | the Town of Boston, to His Excellency Governor Gage. [On second leaf :] The Address of His Majesty’s Council, [and] The Address of the Gentlemen who were | driven from their Habitations in the Country, | to the Town of Boston. mhs 1785. The Address, Petition, and Remonstrance, of the City of I London, to the King, in Lavour of the Americans, and their | Resolves, presented to his Majesty, July 5, 1775. mhs 1785a. The Address, Petition, and Remonstrance, of the City of | London, to the King, in Lavour of the Americans, | and their Resolves, presented to his Majesty, July 5, 1775. Printed and Sold at the Printing Office in Wa- | tertown, near the Bridge. 1786. An | Address | to the | American Army in general, | Lormed on the respectable Establishment, recommended | by the American Continental and Provincial Congresses; | and to the Regiments | Lorming in Salem and Marblehead, in par- ticular. | To which is Annexed, | Extracts from an excellent Pamphlet, | lately published in New-York, entitled, Strictures on the “Lriend- | ly Address to all reasonable Americans . . . Salem: N.E. Printed and sold j by E. Russell, in Ruck-street, leading | from the State-house to Marblehead. f aas Dated in ms. 1775. Evans, 14557. The Friendly Address was by Myles Cooper. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 246 [i77S 1787. The American Hero: | Made on the battle of Bunker- Hill, and the burning of Charlestown. Wegelin, 1 . 60. 1788. [Cut.] Americans [ to | Arms. | Sung to the Tune of, Britons to Arms. America’s Sons yourselves prepare For Liberty now calls for War. 1789. An Association, | proposed to the | loyal Citizens. | Agreeably to the Proclamation issued by His Excellency the | Honorable Major-General William Howe, Commander in | Chief of His Majesty’s Forces, &c. &c. &c. f nypl. bpl Evans, 14088. Reproduced in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, October, 1893. 1790. At a Convention of Committees for the County of | Worcester, convened at the Court-House in Worcester, [ January 27 , 1775 , the following Resolves (among others) | passed, viz. (Against Isaac Jones, Rivington and Game, of New York, and Draper, Mills and Hicks, of Boston.) f aas Auchmuty, Samuel. 1791. Dr. Auchmuty ’s Letter to Capt. Montresor, | Chief Engineer, at Boston. | New York, April 19 , 1775 . f lc' Evans, 13818- 1792. [Cuts.] Bloody Butchery, | by the | British Troops | or the | Runaway Fight of the Regulars. bm. ei. mhs It was reproduced in modem type before 1860. Evans, 13839. 1793. [Another issue.] Salem, N. E. Printed and sold by E. Russell, removed next door to John Turner, Esq; in the Main-Street. [With cuts.] nypl Boston, Town of. 1794. Boston, February 25 , 1775 . | Gentlemen, | The following Proceedings and Votes of the joint committees | of this and seven other towns are conveyed to you by their | unanimous request. nypl. bpl. aas. mhs Evans, 14193. 1795. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Boston, on Monday the 18th of | November Inst, it was Voted that the following Hand Bill be Printed, and delivered to the | Inhabitants, for their Government in giving in to the Committee an Account of the Dama- | ges they have received from a Savage Enemy, viz. ... f aas MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 247 1775 ] , Committee of Donations. 1796. To the Publick. | The Committee appointed by the Town of Boston to receive and distribute | Donations for the charitable Purpose of relieving and employing the Suffer- | ers by Means of the Act of Parliament. Dated, January 20, 1775. Signed, Samuel Adams. t AAS 1797. Watertown, 1775. | Received of Moses Gill, Esq; Treasurer to the Committee of the [ Colony of Massachusetts- Bay, for the receiving and distributing | the Donations for the Poor of the Towns of Boston and Charlestown, |. . . mhs 1798. Boston, May 1775. | The Bearer Mr. and | Family removing out of the Town of Boston | recommended to the Charity and Assistance of our Benevolent Sympathizing Brethren . . . bpl 1799. Boston, January 31, 1775. | Yesterday a Vessel arriv’d at Marblehead from Falmouth, in which, London Papers were brought to the 12th of De- | cember, which were immediately sent to the Committee of Correspondence of this Town, con- taining, | The King’s Speech, &c. mhs Evans, 14080. 1800. [Another issue.] . . . from Falmouth, by which Papers | were brought . . . sent to | the committee ... f AAS 1801. Boston, 26th of June, 1775. | This Town was alarmed on the 17th Instant at break of Day, | by a Firing from the Lively Ship of War; . . . bm. mhs Evans, 13842. 1802. Cambridge, 21st August, 1775. | Wanted for the Con- tinental Army. | One Million of Bricks, | . . . aas. mhs 1803. A Circumstantial Account | Of an Attack that happened on the 19th of April 1775, on his | Majesty’s Troops, | By a Number of the People of the Province of Massachusetts- | Bay. NYPL. MHS Evans, 13869. On the copy in nypl is noted: “Printed at Boston, 21st April, 1775.” Congress, Continental. 1804. In [Continental] Congress, May, 17, 1775. | Resolved, That all Exportations to Quebec, Nova-Scotia, | the Island of St. John’s, . . . [And] In Provincial Congress, Watertown, June 9, 1775. | The foregoing Resolves of the Continental Congress being read, . . . ma. mhs Archives, cxxxvm. 157. Evans, 14561. 248 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1775 ACircumstantial ACCOUNT Of an Attack that happened , on the 19th of April 1775,00 his Majesty’s Troops, By a Number of the People of the Province of Massachusetts- Bay. O N TtV Bay the 1 8th of April, about half part V at Lieutenant Colonel Smith of the loti Rcginpwr, embarked from the Common at Bortoi?, with the Grenadiers and, Light Infantry of thi Troops there, '*nd landed on the oppofite Side, froi whence he began' his March towards Concord, where was ordered to eftflroy a Magazine of Military Stores, de poGted there for jhe Ufe of an^Army to be aflemblcd, Order to aft agayfi,his Majefty, and hisGbvcrnmenr. ' The Colonelcalled hirbfficers together, and gave Orders, that live Troops fhould not fire, unlcls fired upon ; andaferm arch-}. ing a few Mile^, detached fix Companies of Light Iofancrya under the Command of Major Pitcairn, to take Poffeflionl of two Bridges utLthe other Side of Concord : Soon aftem they heard many ^grt^Gunj, and the ringing of Alar.xT j Bells repea’edly, fdhich convinced them that the Country was rifing to op tilt them, and that it was a preconccrtccijj Scheme to oppose the King’s Troops, whenever therf fhould be a favoiSb|e Opportunity for it. About 3 o’ClocI the next Momie^Vthe Troops being advanced within r 1 Intelligence was received that abom ij Arros^werc sffembled, and del' /p to ii>c Head of the advanced Comp^ v formed him that a Man ^advanced fron jled) bad prefented his Mufquit am attempted to Pnoor them, but the Piece flafhed in the Pan ft! On this the Major gave directions to the Troops to mov^J forward, but on £<.) Account to fire, npr even to attempt it 1 without Orders..-' When they arrived at the Lnd of thirl Village, they objfefvcd about 200 armed Men, drawn u.t o&j a Green, and when the Troops came within a Hundred 1 Yards of them, thry began to file off towards fomc Sron” ' Walls, on their right Flank : The Light Infantry ob'emni this, ran after them 1 the Major inftantly called to the Sol diersnot to fire, but to furround and difarm them •, lomc them who had jumped over a Wall, then fired four or fi Shot at the Troops, wounded a Man of the io'h Re^ Tncnt, and th^ Major’s Horfe in two Places, and at t fame Time feveral Shots were fired from a Mceting-Houl on the left :• Upon this, without any Order or Regulars; the Light Infantry began a fcattered Fire, and killed feve of the Country People ; but were filenced as fuon as tl Authority of jheir Officers could make them. After this 7 Cblo'n?I Smith marched up with the der of the Detachment, and the whole Body proceeded to Concord, where they arrived about 9 o'Clcck, without any Thing further happening; but vaft numbers of armed People were feen Aflcmbling on all the Heights: wlu|e Colonel Smith with the Grenadiers, and Part of the Light Infantry remained at Concord, to fearch for Cannon, &c. there ; he detached Captain Parfons with fix Light Compa- nies tofecure a Bridge at fome Dirtancc from Concord, and to proceed from thence to certain Houfcs, where it was fuppofed there was Cannon, and Ammunition ; Captain Parfons in purfuanceof thefe Orders, ported three Compa- nies at the Bridge, and on forac Heights near it, under the • During thi* Tiroe Colonel Smith «od Major Pitoiro, wiihihe frciicft Difficulty, kept the Soldiers fiom foictu" ir.tc the Mseuo£- Hoofc ud patting >11 ihofc la it lo Death, Command of Captain Laurie of the 43d Regiment; *nd ♦kh the Remainder went and deftroyed Ibme Csonon Wheels, Powder, and Ball ; the People ftill continued encreafing on the Heights ; aqd In about an Hour after, a large Body of (hum began to move towards the Bridge, the L'ghc Companies of the £h and ioth then defeended, and joined Captain Laurie, the People continued to ad- vance in great Numbers * and fired upon the K ngsTroops,* killed three Men, wounded four Officers, one Serjeanr, and four private Men, opon which (after returning the fire) Captain Laurie and his Officers, thought it prudent to retreat towards the Main Body at Concord, and were foorx joined by two Companies of Grenadiers ; when Cao’ain Pa fons returned with - the three Companies over the B idge, they obferved three Soldiers on fhe Ground cnc of them (calpod, his Head much mingled, and his. Ears cue off, tfio’ net quite dead ; a Sight which (truck the Soldiets wiih Horror j Captain ‘Pirfons marched on and joined the Main Body, who were only waiting for Lis comii.g up, to march back to Eofion ; Colonel Snnih had executed his- Oidors, .wiT.out Opposition, by dertroying all the M-iirary Stores he could find ; both the Colonel, ancf Alsjof (9CT51v.i-.fc tha. Inhabitants that ho Injury was lm'cftcTefftfie'm, iM Tjur tf they opened their Doora when required, to fira'ch for faid Stores, not the flighted Mifchief fhould be done ; reithef had any of the People the lead Occafibn to ccm ; lain, Irjc they were fulky, and one of than ‘even (truck Major Piicairn. Except upon Captain Laurie, at the Burge, no Hudilitics happened from the 'Affair at Lex-ngcor, until the Troop* began their March back. As fin i' aa the Troops had got out of the Tcv>n of Corxcrd, they received a heavy Fire from all Sides, from Wil’.i, Knees, Houfcs, Trees, Barns, &c. which continued without l.trer- mifficn, till they met the fird Brigade, with two Field Pieces, near Lexington ; ordered out under die Command of Lord Percy to fupport them ; (advice ffiSving been received about 7 o’Clock next Morning, that i'ig> alt had been made, and Exprefles gone out to alarm the Country, and that the People were rifing to attack the Ttoops under Colonel Smith.) Ujon the Filing of the Field Pieces, the People's Fire was for a while filenced, but as they dill con- tinued to encreafe greatly iaNunfber?, they fi. Evans, 14197. 1872 . In the House of Representatives, October 31, 1775. Resolved, That Dr. Whiting, a Member of the Committee appointed by this Court to improve the Art and Business of ma- | nufacturing Salt Petre, . . . ma. ei. nypl. mhs Evans, 14208. Archives, ccvn. 138, printed with No. 1875, infra. 1873 . In the House of Representatives, November 2, 1775. | Whereas by two Resolves of Congress passed the 1st of May and the 1st of July ( last, the Provision made for the Reception and Support of the Poor of the Towns | of Boston and Charles- town, . . . MA. MHS Archives, cxxxvm. 256. Evans, 14209. 1874 . A Proclamation [ for a | Public Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 23.] Dated, November 4, 1775. Watertown: Printed by Benjamin Edes, Printer to the Honorable Council and [ House of Representatives. M, dcc, lxxv. aas. bpl Evans, 14199. 1875 . Whereas it is of the utmost Importance to the Welfare and Happiness of these | Colonies, that the manufacturing of Fire Arms and Provisions of Military Stores, | be effectually promoted and encouraged, agreeable to the Recommendations of the ho- | norable Continental Congress: . . . Dated Novem- ber 4 , 1775. MA. EI. NYPL. MHS Evans, 14210. Archives, ccvn. 137. See No. 1872, supra. 1876 . In Council, November 7th, 1775. | Whereas by an Act of this Colony, made in the Sixteenth | Year of the Reign of George the Third, intitled, An Act im- | powering the Courts of General Sessions of the Peace, within this Colony to grant Licences, to Innholders and Retailers, in certain Cases: . . . MA. AAS. MHS Endorsed: Nov. 9. 300. Archives, cxxxvm. 260. Evans, 14198. 260 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1775 1877. Watertown, November 18, 1775. | You have hereunder two Resolves, one passed by the American Congress, and the other by our General | Court relative to collecting the proper Evidences of the Depredations made by the Ministerial Army and Navy in the | American Colonies: . . . aas. lc. mhs 1878. In Council, December 1, 1775. | Whereas it is of the utmost Importance to the Inhabitants of this Colony, as well as the | American Army, that the Fortifications at Cambridge and Roxbury be effectually defended: | and his Excellency General Washington has applied for a temporary reinforce- ment ... LC. MA. MHS On second leaf is form of inlistment. Archives, cxlvi. 344, 345. Evans, 14200. 1879. In the House of Representatives, | December 2, 1775. | Whereas the Supply of the Article of Wood for | the Cambridge and Roxbury Camps, hath not been | hitherto fully sufficient to answer the Demands. . . . mhs 1880. In the House of Representatives, Dec. 2, 1775. | Re- solved, That Mr. Guild, for the County of Suffolk; Messi’s Hopkins, Phillips and Mighill and Major Cross, . . . be . . . appointed to use their utmost Endeavours to raise the Men proportioned . . . ma. mhs Evans, 14211. Archives, cxlvi. 345a. 1881. In the House of Representatives, December 11, 1775. I Resolved, That it be, and it hereby is strongly recommended I to the Committees of Correspondence and Safety of the Town | of ... that they cause to be made | to this Court, a true Return of the Number of Men in said Town, who are | desirous of inlisting, and fit for Marines, or Seamen, on board of armed Vessels, . . . mhs A form of return is appended. 1882. In the House of Representatives, December 16, 1775. | Whereas a considerable Quantity of Hay is | wanted for the Use of the American Army, | . . . t nypl. ei Evans, 14212. 1883. [Another issue.] With “Medway ” inserted. f nypl 1884. In the House of Representatives, December 27, 1775. I Whereas the Time for which the Men raised by this Colony | for Defence of the Sea Coast thereof, is near expired, and it | being necessary that there should be new Levies . . . [And] 1775] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 261 Resolution, January 1, 1776, on appointing additional com- missaries. t MA. AAS pp. 4. Archives, ccvn. 361. 1885. Colony of | Massachusetts-Bay. | Henry Gardner, Es- quire; | Treasurer, etc. (Tax warrant.) Dated, Watertown, December 20, 1775. aas. mhs 100 of these. Jan. 16, 1776. — ms. note. 1886. Receiver-General’s Office. 1775. [ Received of the Sum of | being of the Province Tax set on the Town of . . . aas 1887. The Congress of the Colony of the Massachusetts-Bay. | To , Gentleman, Greeting. | We reposing especial Trust, etc. mhs Endorsed: July 1, 120 to charge. Evans, 14242. 1888. Colony of the | Massachusetts-Bay. j To | Field Officers of the Regiment of Militia [ in the County of | Greeting. (On delivering Commissions.) mhs 1889. The Congress of the Colony of the ] Massachusetts- Bay. (A commission in the army of the Colony.) Archives, cxlvi. 77. AAS. MA. MHS 1890. Cambridge, April 24, 1775. | Whereas you have this Day received Orders for | inlisting 86 Soldiers . . . bpl 1891. Cambridge, 1775. | Whereas you have this Day received Orders for | inlisting 56 Soldiers, including Serjeants, for the | Massachusetts Service, ... f lc. ma Archives, clxxx. 208, filled in, May 18, 1775, and printed on same sheet as “You are hereby empowered immediately to inlist a Company, to consist of 56 . . . No. 1912, infra. 1892. Instructions for the Officers of the several Regiments of the | Massachusetts-Bay Forces, who are immediately to go upon the | Recruiting Service. Dated, July 10, 1775, and signed, Horatio Gates, Adjutant-General. ma. mhs Endorsed: 200 Instruction for Recruiting Officer. Archives, cxlvi. 316. Evans, 14243. 1893. To the Military Officers, Select-Men, and Committee of Correspondence | in the Town of . (On raising a tem- porary reinforcement of the army.) With resolution of the Provincial Congress, July 12, 1775. ma. aas. mhs Evans, 14241 . Archives, ccvi. 43 . 262 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1775 1894 . We the Subscribers do hereby solemnly and severally [ engage and inlist ourselves as Soldiers in the Massa- | chusetts Service, for the Preservation of the Liberties of | America, from the Day of our Inlistment, to the last Day | of December next, ... f ma Archives, cxlvi. 337. Evans, 14246. 1895 . We whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being de- termined to serve and | defend our Country and its Liberties, have this day voluntarily inlisted | as Soldiers in the Conti- nental Army, for one Year, from the last Day of De- | cember next, unless sooner discharged. . . . October , 1775. A AS. MHS 1896 . We the Subscribers do hereby severally inlist ourselves into the Service of the United Colonies of America, to serve from the date hereof until the fifteenth day of January next, if the service requires it, . . . ma Evans, 14247. 1897 . To the Guards of the Colony Army. | Pursuant to a Resolve of the Provincial | Congress, you are hereby ordered to permit | a Member of said | Congress, to pass and re- pass at all Times. | Joseph Ward, Secretary. ma Archives, cxlvi. 85. 1898 . Muster-Roll of Colonel Company, in the Regiment of Foot, serving in the Army of the United Colonies | of North-America, with the Field and Staff-Officers included. Endorsed: Muster-Rools for Colonels 360 August 16. MHS 1899 . Muster-Roll of Captain Company, in the Regiment of Foot, commanded by Colonel | belonging to the Army of the United Colonies of North-America. mhs 1900 . A Return of the Regiment in the Service of The United Colonies of North-America, | commanded by Colonel July 1, 1775. aas 1901 . A Return of the Regiment in the Service of The United Colonies of North-America, | commanded by July 1, 1775. mhs 1902 . A Return of the Regiment in the Service of The United Colonies of North-America, commanded by mhs Endorsed: 1000 of these to charge Aug. 18, 1775. 1903 . American Hospital, [September 2, 1775.] This may 1775] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 263 certify that of Colonel | Regiment is very infirm, and much redu- | ced by Illness. ma. mhs Archives, clxxx. 271a. The same form was used in 1776. 1904 . Return of the Sick and Wounded, in the General Hospital, belonging to the Army under his Excellency | George Washington, Esq; Major-General and Commander in Chief of all the Continental Forces, in North-America, from | to the 177 mhs 1905 . A Return of Cloathing, &c. wanting in Col. Regiment, September 1775. mhs 1906 . The Day of 1775. Received of | Firelock to the Use of the Colony | of the Massachusetts-Bay, of the Value of . . . mhs 1907 . Watertown, 1775. | To the Select-Men of the Persons | here named viz | are ordered to your Town by the Provincial Congress, and | also recommended to the Select- Men thereof, to provide | for and employ said Persons in the best and most prudent | Manner that may be; . . . aas 1908 . In Committee of Supplies, Watertown, May 8th, 1775. Public notice is hereby given, that there will be wanted for use of the Massachusetts Army, ma Evans, 14196. 1909 . Chamber of Supplies, Watertown, 1775. | Sir, | Pay to the Sum of | And charge the same to the Colony, ... | ma Archives, cccxx. 9. 1910 . Chamber of Supplies, Watertown, June 18, 1775. | Gentlemen, | The Welfare of our Country again induces us to urge your | exertions in sending to the magazine in this place, (provisions and blankets.) Signed, David Cheever. BPL. MHS 1911 . Watertown, July 8th, 1775. | Gentlemen, | In Obedience to the Order of Congress we have proportioned Thirteen Thousand | Coats on all the Towns and Districts in this Colony, . . . Signed, David Cheever, Chairman. BPL. AAS. MHS Evans, 14239. The copy in bpl has a sample of cloth attached. 1912 . In Committee of Safety, Cambridge 1775. | To | Sir, | You are hereby empowered immediately to inlist a | Com- pany, to consist of 96 able-bodied and effective | Men, . . . | LC. AM 264 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1775 The figure 96 is often altered in ms. Archives, cxlvi. 15 (dated in ms. April 24.) The copy in clxxx. 208, is printed with Whereas, etc. No. 1891, supra. Evans, 14195. 1913. Commission for Coroner. Dated Watertown, 1775, and issued by “the major Part of the Council.” mhs 1914. The Modern Veni, Vidi, Vici. We came, we saw, but could not beat, And so — we sounded a retreat ; . . . Moore, Ballad History , 74, states that this “epigram appeared on a large handbill, and was generally copied into the newspapers of the day.” 1915. [Cuts.] A | New Liberty | Song, | Composed at the Camp on Pros- | pect Hill, August, 1775. | By a Son of Liberty. Salem: Printed by E. Russell [and same as on “An humble Intercession,” No. 1837, supra] bpl 1916. On Saturday next | Will be Perform’d | By a Society of Ladies and Gentlemen, | At Faneuil-Hall, | The Tragedy of | Zara: . . . mhs Evans, 13841. “A Number of Officers and Ladies having formed a Society for promoting Theatrical Amusements, and encouraging a use- ful Charity, the Theatre will be opened on Saturday Evening the 2d of December, with the Tragedy of Zara, at Faneuil-Hall. — Tickets deliver’d for Friday will be taken on that Night. — The Doors to be open at Five, and begin precisely at Six. — Pit One Dollar, Gallery Quarter of a Dollar Admittance — The Expences of the House being paid, the Over plus will be appropriated to the Relief of distress’d Soldiers, their Widows and Children. — Tickets for the Pit and Gallery, will be delivered at Dr. Morris’s in School-Street, on Friday and Saturday, between the Hours of Eight in the Morning and Two Afternoon. “N.B. No Person can be admitted without a Ticket; and as the House is on a contracted Scale, by Order of the Managers, no Person is to be admitted behind the Scenes or into the Orchestra.” Massachu- setts Gazette, November 30, 1775. 1917. Permit to pass the | Guards from Head Quarters. Dated, [June 9, 1775.] Signed, [J. Ward] Secretary. aas 1918. The | Recantations | of | Jacob Fowle, Benjamin Mars- ton, John Gal- | lison, Robert Hooper, Tertius, Nathan Bow- | en, Samuel White, and Thomas Lewis. Dated May 2, 1775, In Committee of Safety, Cambridge. t aas pp. 2. 1919. The | Recantations | of | Robert Hooper, John Pedrick, Robert Hooper, jun. | George M’Call, Richard Reed, and Henry Sanders. Dated May 4, 1775. In Committee of Safety, Cambridge. Printed and Sold in Queen-Street. mhs MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 265 1775] 1920 . [Another issue.] Dated, May 4, 1775. Salem : Printed by E. Russell, next Door to John Turner, Esq; in Main-street. f A AS 1921 . [Another issue.] In Committee of Safety, May 4, 1775. No caption and without imprint. Evans, 14194. El Rich, Elisha. 1922 . [Cuts.] A | Poem | On the Bloody engagement that was Fought on | Bunker’s Hill | In Charlestown | New-England, | On the 17th of June, 1775; Together with some Remarks of the Cruelty and Barbarity of the \ British Troops, by Destroying the above mention’d Town by Fire, . . . By Elisha Rich, Minister of the Gospel. Chelmsford: Printed and sold by j Nathaniel Coverly, 1775. t nyhs Evans, 14426. 1923 . [Cut.] Poetical | Remarks upon the Fight at the Boston | Light House | Which happen’d between a Party of Troops belonging to the United Colonies, Commanded by | Major Tupper, and a Number of Regulars. Chelmsford: Printed and Sold by Nathaniel Coverly, where may be had Verses by the Groze | Dozen or Single, m, dcclxxv. bpl Evans, 14427, who says the verses are signed E. R., but it is not so in bpl. 1924 . Rev. Sir, | Our destitute state earnestly bespeaks your compassion. (Appeal from the third church and congregation of Salem.) Dated, March 6, 1775. Signed, Nathaniel Whitaker. t AAS 1925 . Salem, May 29, 1775. | Yesterday Captain Hill, in a Brig, arriv’d at Marblehead, | in Five Weeks from Falmouth, in England, who has brought | Prints to the Eighteenth of April, from which the following | is extracted. Salem: Printed by E. Russell, next to | John Turner, Esq; in the Main-street. Evans, 14163. El 266 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1775 1926 . Salem, Tuesday, July 19, 1775. | This Day at Noon, Captain John Derby, in a Schooner, arrived here in Six | Weeks from London, which he left the Third of June, and brings Ad- vices to the Second, among which is | An | Address | to the British Soldiery. Salem: Printed by E. Russell, in the Main- street: Where may also be had, An Address to | the Three Generals, with Scotch Orders, on their Voyage to America. MHS No. 1923. Signed, An Old Soldier. The Address begins: “You are about to embark for America, to compel your Fellow-Subjects there to submit to Popery and Slavery.” See 1810, supra. 1927 . Address to the Soldiers. mhs The same Address, but on the verso is a comparison of conditions on Prospect Hill and on Bunker’s Hill. Evans, 14414 for the verso only. 1928 . Salem: Wednesday, Nov. 1, one o’clock, | P.M. | We have this moment received the following great | and important intelligence from Capt. Stephen | Lowater, who arrived at Ipswich, yesterday in | 14 Days from Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Evans, 14449. NYPL. BPL 1929 . The Second Section of the Articles of War. | Whatso- ever Officer or Soldier shall presume to use ] traiterous or dis- respectful Words against the Sacred | Person of His Majesty, . . . [Also] The Sixth Section of the Articles of War, and The Oath of Fidelity. ei. bpl 1930 . A Song. | Composed by the British Butchers, after the Fight | at Bunker-Hill on the 17 th of June 1775. Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill, Boston. f nyhs It was on the Seventeenth by break of Day, the Yankees did surprize us, 1775] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 267 With their strong works they had thrown up, to burn the town and drive us; 1931. [Cut.] A Song, Composed by the British Butchers, after the Fight at Bunker-Hill, on | the Seventeenth of June, 1775. mhs Evans, 14465. Reprinted in 1880, by Arthur W. Dow. 1932. [Cut.] A Song, | Composed by the British Soldiers, | after the fight at | Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. mhs Issued by Lockwood, Brooks & Co., Boston. 1933. [Cut.] A | Song, | Composed by the British Butchers, after the Fight | at Bunker-Hill, on the seventeenth of June, 1775. NYPL Printed at Chelmsford? 1934. [Cut.] A | Song, | Composed by the British Soldiers, after the Battle | at Bunker-Hill, on the 17th of June, 1775. BPL Wegelin (i. 61) gives a poem with nearly the same title, “Sold by Leonard Deming, Middlebury, Vermont.” 1935. Train Band and Alarm List Muster. aas Trumbull, Jonathan, and Thomas Gage. 1936. Copy of a Letter to his Excellency Gen. Gage, from the Hon. Jona- | than Trumbull, Esq; Governor of his Majesty’s Colony of Connecti- | cut, in behalf of the General Assembly of said Colony. | Dated Hartford, April 28th, 1775. f nypl pp. 3. With General Gage’s reply, dated May 3, 1775. 1937. Wednesday August 2, 1775. | By Capt. Spain, arrived at Philadelphia from Bristol, we have the following | Interesting Intelligence, viz. . . . Price Two Coppers. | nyhs It contains also an item dated Cambridge (Massachusetts-Bay) July 21. It may be a New York issue. 1938. Whereas it is the prevailing rage of the present times, for people of all Ranks, Orders, and Professions, | to form Associations, and erect themselves into what they call Con- gresses and Committees of various | denominations; . . . (Pro- posing a military Congress, under the name of a Grand Congress of Comptroul.) mhs Prepared by British officers? Worcester, Mass. 1939. Resolved, That it be recommended | that have not signed this or a similar Covenant, that they do it as | 268 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1776 soon as may be with Convenience. [Worcester.] January 27, 1775. ' f aas 1940. [Cuts.] A Yankee Song. Printed and Sold at the Bible and Heart. ei. pc Father and I went down to camp Along with Captain Goodin, Reissued in Salem, 1875. 1941. [Cut.] The Fanner and his Son’s Return from a Visit to | Camp: | Together With The | Rose Tree. f 1942. [Royal arms.] The Carrier of the Massachusetts- Gazette, | and Boston Weekly News-Letter, | humbly presents the following Ode | on the New-Year, to all his generous Customers. 1775. t PHS Behold ! poor Boston sore distrest, Why is she thus with arms opprest, 1776 1943. Advertisement. | Watertown, January 26, 1776. | Ran away from the custody of the | Messenger of the General Court, a cer- | tain Dr. Samuel Gelston, belonging to | Nan- tucket, . . . MHS 1944. [Cut.] The | American Gazette: | or, | Constitutional Journal Extraordinary. | Salem, Wednesday, June 12, 1776. IV o’clock, P. M. (News from Canada.) Salem: Printed by John Rogers, at his Printing-Office, Upper End of Main-street. Evans, 14645. p[EABODY] H. S. Boston, Town of. 1945. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Boston, on Monday the 18th of | November Inst, it was Voted, that the following Hand Bill be Printed, and delivered to the | Inhabitants, for their Government in giving in to the Committee an Account of the Dama- | ges they have received from a Savage Enemy, viz. . . . mhs , Anti-Stamp Fire Society. 1946. Rules and Orders | To be observed by the Anti-Stamp Fire Society, instituted at Boston, October 1763. | Revised and Corrected November 1776. f bm Evans, 14666. Capen, Hopestill. 1947. The following was written with an expectation that I should have the Liberty to lay | the same before the Court of MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 1776] 269 Enquiry, before whom I was impeached as an Enemy | to my Country, <. . . Dated, Boston Goal, Aug. 29, 1776. Evans, 14672. Archives, cliv. 70. MA. BM. MHS Congress, Continental. 1948 . In [Continental] Congress, January 30, 1776. [ Resolved, That it be recommended to the several I Assemblies in New- England, to assist the General in | procuring Arms; and the Thanks of the Congress | given to such of them as have already done so. | Extract from the Minutes. | Charles Thompson, Sec’ry. mhs Endorsed: Feb. 15. 100 of those to charge. 1949 . In [Continental] Congress, j Saturday, March 16, 1776. (Appointing May 17 to be a day of humiliation, fasting and prayer. With order of General Court, April 3, for printing and distributing the recommendation to each of the religious As- semblies in the Colony.) bpl. lc. aas. mhs Evans, 15133. 1950 . In [Continental] Congress March 23, 1776. Whereas the Petition of these United Colonies to the King, for the Redress of great and manifest Grievances, . . . (Fitting out armed vessels.) Evans, 15136; but I have not found an example that would determine its issue by a Massachusetts press. 1951 . In [Continental] Congress, May 21, 1776. (Treatment, form of parole, etc. of prisoners taken in arms on prize ships.) Evans, 15143. 1952 . [Torn] July 4, 1776. | Declaration, j By the Representa- tives of the | United States of America, I In General Congress Assembled. f aas It is signed, John Hacock. Simon Greenleaf gave it to aas in 1822 and stated that, “It was posted up in Newburyport, and afterwards preserved by my grandfather, the late Hon. Jonathan Greenleaf, who gave it to me.” 1953 . In | Congress, | July 4 , 1776. [ A | Declaration | by the Representatives j of the | United States of America, | In Gen- eral Congress assembled. ei Printed in four columns, without imprint. 1954 . In [Continental] Congress, July 4, 1776. | A Declaration | By the Representatives of the | United States of America, | In General Congress assembled. America: Boston, Printed by John Gill, and Powars and Willis, in Queen-Street. mhs Evans, 15161. 270 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1776 1955 . In | Congress, [ July 4, 1776. | A Declaration | by the | Representatives | of the | United States of America, | In Gen- eral Congress assembled. Salem, Massachusetts-Bay: Printed by E. Russell, by Order of Authority. nypl. ei. mhs Endorsed: On August 11th, 1776, after the Conclusion of Divine Service, I read this Declaration, conformable to the Order of the Council of State; and spake in Favour of a Compliance with the Continental Declaration. As witnesseth my Hand, Samuel Mather. Evans, 15163. 1956 . In Congress, July 19, 1776. | Resolved, That a copy of the circular letters and of | the declarations they enclosed from Lord Howe to Mr. | W. Franklin, Mr. Penn, Mr. Eden, Lord Dunmore, Mr. Martin, and Sir James Wright, ... be pub- lished in the several Gazettes, . . . mhs With Boston item of July 27. 1957 . [Another issue.] mhs With Boston items of July 27 and 29. The type is the same in the two issues, which came from the same press, but the contents of the three columns show variations. They may, however, be identified by the Boston items. Essex County. 1958 . County of Essex, Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. | As the Connexion between Great-Britain and this Continent is | growing every day more and more loose and uncertain (on a Form of Government.) Dated, [April 17, 1776.] ei Evans, 14749. 1959 . Extract of a letter from London, dated Feb. 13, 1776. [And] Extract of a letter from Bristol, Feb. 1, 1776. mhs Endorsed: Extract concerning the British plan for Campaign of 1776, perhaps by Dr. [Arthur] Lee. 1960 . [Cuts.] A | Funeral Elegy, | composed on the Death of the truly Brave and Heroic Captain | James Mugford, | Late Commander of the Franklin Privateer Schooner, lately fitted out from Marblehead, with a few Two Pounders, and Swivels, and Twenty-one Men, who | was killed in a disperate Engage- ment with Thirteen Boats, and Two Hundred Men, belonging to the Ministerial Fleet, near Boston, on Sunday the Nine- teenth | of May, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy- Six. Salem: Printed and sold by E. Russell, in Main-street: where Shopkeepers, Travelling-Traders, &c. may be supplied with sundry new Pieces on the Times, very Cheap. ei Evans, 14771. 1776] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 271 Great Britain. 1961 . By his Excellency ] William Howe, | Major General, &c. &c. &c. | As Linnen and Woolen Goods are Articles j much wanted by the Rebels, . . . Dated, Boston, March 10th, 1776. Evans, 14781. MHS 1962 . The King of Great-Britain’s Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday, | October 31, 1776. mhs May possibly be a Connecticut issue. It was in the Trumbull Papers. 1963 . The | Happy Man: | or, the | True Gentleman. Salem: Printed for the Benefit of the Public, by Desire of R. Napier, 1776. | Sold at John Roger’s Printing-Office, Upper end of Main-street. f jcb See No. 2138, infra. Harvard College. 1964 . Catalogus. ba. hc 1965 . Theses. ei. lc. hc Evans, 14795, 14796. 1966 . Interesting Intelligence from Europe. [ Boston, May 13, 1776. t aas. bpl Evans, 14811. Massachusetts-Bay, Province and State. 1967 . In the House of Representatives, January 4, 1776. | Whereas His Excellency General Washington, has represented to this Court | the Necessity of providing Blankets for the Army, and has requested the immediate Assistance of this Court, in this interesting Affair: . . . ma. mhs pp. 2. Archives, ccvn. 370. Evans, 14851. 1968 . In the House of Representatives, January 9, 1776. | Whereas it appears to this Court, that the Part of the Militia of this | Colony now in the American Army as a temporary Reinforcement, in Conse- [ quence of a Resolve of said Court of the 1st of December last past, . . . lc. mhs Evans, 14852. 1969 . In the House of Representatives, January 16, 1776. | The Committee appointed to consider what further Measures are necessary to be taken for furnishing Hay for the Army, reported, . . . mhs 1970 . In the House of Representatives, January 17, 1776. | Resolved, That the Committees or Selectmen of the several MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 272 [1776 Towns | in this Colony, send a just and true Account of all the Powder, Lead | and Flints, by them delivered . . . MA. BPL. EI. MHS Endorsed: 300 of these to charge, viz. one for each Town and District @ 1 d. Archives, ccvn. 428. Evans, 14853. 1971. In the House of Representatives, January 19, 1776. | Whereas it is of great Importance, not only to the Inhabitants | of this Colony, but also of all the United Colonies, That the Lines and | Fortifications at Cambridge and Roxbury should at all Events be main- | tained; . . . ma. mhs pp. 2. Jan. 23. 462 of these to charge. Archives, ccvn. 442. Evans, 14854. 1972. In the House of Representatives, January 21, 1776. | Whereas it is of very great Importance to our Brethren the Inhabitants | of Canada, and to the Inhabitants of the United Colonies, especially to the | Western and Northern Counties thereof, that the Advantages gained under | the Smiles of Providence by the American Arms, ... f nypl. lc. ma Archives, ccvn. 439. Evans, 14855. 1973. By the Great and General Court of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. | A Proclamation. | The Frailty of human Nature, the Wants of Individuals, and the numerous Dangers which surround them, through the Course | of Life . . . Dated, January 23, 1776. nyhs. ei. aas. bpl. mhs Evans, 14839. 1974. Falmouth, February 1776. | Whereas the Great and General Court of this Colony, have passed an Act | requiring all Persons who have in their Custody any Goods that were taken ] and carried away from any of the Inhabitants of the Town of Falmouth, at | the Time of the late Fire there, . . . MHS Endorsed: Sunday Feb. 11. 100 of these to charge pd. Folks for Work- ing extra. 1975. In the House of Representatives, February 10th, 1776. | Whereas the Votes and Proceedings of the Honorable Conti- nental Con- | gress respecting the Regiment now raising in this Colony to join the Conti- | nental army in Canada, . . . MA. MHS Endorsed: Sunday, Feb. 11, 1776. 120 of these to charge, pd. Work- ing extra. Evans, 14856. 1976. The Committee of both Houses on the Letter this Morning received | by this Court from His Excellency General By the G;ca: snd General Courc of the Colony c f MJSS .1CHUS ETTS-B AT, A PR'OCL A M A T I O N. T HE Frailty of human Narr.-e. the Wan- of I.-J : u 'rd:, * r J the riTt-os Dingers wh'ch forround th-tra. ifcrocgh the Cost ft o: Lie. hare in til Acr;. and in ev :v C .:mry. i npell'd theta f !o-n S.-cicticx. and eiLSiifli Governments. A» ih« Mir.pinc& 01 :l.;-f of Certrctrcr.:. f • Lie C'oclj.n ot :h« P_ .*le it ihecr.ly Fonndjiioo of it, in Pcaion. Morality. and *!>•: i *'n«E °f I h«wg» : A.- 1 M-\-eci.:y Act ..f Government, every Escrcile oi So* xerc-gnly. agamU or tiil.o-ji. th- tWesi ofihe People. : ]. -utl:;e, Lfurperioi:. 1 Tyianr.y. 1 t a Masim. that in every L.evernner.i. there nio'.l :*ifl fotaewhere. a ■ !'■ - e 'X :.e. ar.d ancowrodable Power : But tIV:» Tower t tikes alwaysin the Body o! the People . and ii never tin, or can be d (tee Con ''union todefirov nllead ot prel.-rvirgthe L>v\ Liberties and Properties of ' the i'-"j-!r , — they arc t\ longer to cr'/etr.rd Migillratr: veiled ««h a (acred Lhsrsft.- v. becerue p- ..'•! f .i, and csghr to be refilled. The .'..'mir-n'rat on ot G'tat Pryjir, d.Ipr'rng equally the Jjhka. neosoff and Magnannaaity , f .-heir Ancellosi ; and the Rights, Liber er and Courage of AMERICA A S have fur a Ccnrfc nt Years. b boated :n ert.bbf.i a Sovereignty .n A'-.rn. a. r.ot fa ended in the tc •:« St of the People, bur ,n the mere tt .!l Pctf.ru » Thou land League* fton L\. * Itoto tte L.uov rot, and have endeavoured to «iubl:2l this Sovereignty near Os. tgaiall our Ccr.reni.tfn all Cafes whiriuc vcr. '1 he Gaieties, doting this Period, l“ae recurred io every peaceable Kefccrte in a free Co: fliuri.-.n. by Petit i. n: and SetrerP-anm, m obtain Jeftice ; which has Veen not s»ly denied to jhem, but ibey hare been treated «..h -;r , v. r, p'ccf • yr.iiy and Ctntexp ; and s: 'er.jtS. o'peo War of tht eartfl gtroek-us cruel and fartguirary Kind, ba: been co^ttn c.-d apainfl rt.evi- To thn. :r. crea, eanly aoi facer L("jI Rebfhccc'hts ttheran been met. 1 htf.eea Colonies are now Snnty united ia the Coni. A of this notl jutl i r.S ceeefiary War, Wader the irfc Ccur.eils of their Gncre 1 ;. It i: the Will of Provident*, for onie. right:- et. sad gracious Ends tic this Cu!.-r,y Gtojld hive been CaglctJ out. by the Etemies of jSvr’Kt, as the firfl Oh-cilboth of thair Envy and tbeir Revengv ; aad alter havin ’ been rtuie the Sui^eft of fevcral cterciiefi aid via- Otdtive S'JttstO. one of which fit intended to fubverv our Gnrttiotioo by Charier, ii made ihc Sea; of >\ a.-. . No etJifiua! Rcfiflaasc to the SyT.cn ol Tyranny pepired lev us, could be made » si boat either ir.Panl Recaaoe o Arms, cr i tem* porary Sul'perGo. of the otcGcary foaeta of Gtvctrateot. and Ttiburais Of Jotlicc : To the laid of which Svilr, is- Hope’ of a fpetdy ■Seconeilblw* * llh G'f--i-vntnn. toon cetniab'e Tons, the CosgreG advifeJ V: to fobmit : y^-And Man hind hasTcena Pl.K.iom*. con. without Eivmple in fbt'poTptCil AYor'tf, a Js^e and pbpnlotA Colony, {ub fating io ‘ J'earLhccrncy and Order, -fur aaorertnn a Ytar, Under fueh a SufpenGtso of Gorcrrtment. • Bet as o-r Enetr.RS have poceeded to fitch barhavoos Extremities, eoowner.cinj Hcfitl'nies upon the gacsd People of this Ceiony, and s*nb vnprecedeoied Malice esenirg »h t’orfoaoce of which Advice, the gued Peep’s < f-this Colony have chete.i a f LI end free Reprelcnstion of rhemfeives, tslso, beicj ccaveriedla ASembly. have eledted a Cncacd , who, at the executive Branch of Government, have cooltituccd necefiary Clcccn through thx Cottmv. Tbo prefeni Gr.d sri.l deem cveiy Pet (un, who fhall fail of his Luty in this Rel*cQ tcsarrN them, a Diflcrber of [tie. Peace of thi: Colony.. and JeU’ving of c.vempl&ry PamfiimcnD Ibat Piety acd Virtue, which alore can freure the Freedom of any Prop'e. m. y be encouraged, and Vice and Imnoranry fupprefTcd. the Great and General Court has'e thought ft ;r> i t this Prociarratirn, cimm-roii j and epjoioip'g it' Lopets-ihe good People of this Colcny, that they lead (eber, religious and peaceable Ltvea: avoiding al. Blalphanncs. _Cencet PEREZ MO RT ON. Dep’y Sec’ry. la the He-afe cf Reprefcctaives, Jo^ary je. » 77 d. P-cad acd copc.urr’d.. . Cr — friLLlAM COOPER. Speaker pro Tea. Confected to, WILLIAM SEVER i WALTER SPOOLER, CALEB CUSHING. JOHN fVINT-HROP, ■frm ir JO /~r7CMr,\'rt PEREZ MORTON, Pep. Sec’ry. THOMAS CUSHING. JOHN WHETCOMB. ■ JEDIDIAH FOSTER, ELDAD T AT LOR, MOSES GILL. MICHAEL FAR LET, SAMUEL HOLTEN. CHARLES CHAUNCT. JOSEPH PALMER, JOHN TAT LOR ■ BENJAMIN WHITE, 7-LUES PRESCOTT. C, O D Save the P 5 O ? L f. No. 1973 1776] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 2 7 3 Washington, re- | lative to supplying the Army with Fire-Arms, beg Leave to Report, by Way | of Resolve, . . . Dated, February 12, 1776. ha. mhs Evans, 14857. Archives, ccvm. 104. 1977 . In the Flouse of Representatives, February 13, 1776. | Whereas it appears to this Court, that it will be greatly con- ducive | to the Safety and Welfare of this and the other Col- onies, at a Time | of common Danger, that a Committee be chosen in each Town, and | one only for the especial Business of attending to the political and ge- | neral Interest of the Colonies, . . . aas. mhs. 1978 . In the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1776. j Whereas many Constables, and Collectors of Taxes in this Co- | lony have neglected to exhibit to this Court the Receipts or attested | Copies thereof, which they have received from the Colony Treasurer, . . . nypl. ma. mhs Evans, 14858. Archives, ccvm. 120. 1979 . In the House of Representatives, Feb. 14, 1776. I Whereas the honorable the Continental Congress have desired | this Court to make Application to the several Towns in this Colony, | to know what Quantity of Silver and Gold can be procured in Exchange | for the Continental Bills, . . . MA. MHS Endorsed: 100 of these to charge. Feb. 17. Archives, ccvm. 136 Evans, 14859. 1980 . In the House of Representatives, Feby. 15, 1776. | Re- solved, That the Plantations within this Colony, not Incorpo- | rated, be, and they are hereby impowered to call a Meeting of the Inha- | bitants (for choosing committees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety.) mhs Endorsed: 100 of these to charge. Feby. 17. 1981 . Colony of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | A Proclamation | for a | General Fast. [March 7.] Dated, February 22, 1776. Evans, 14841. AAS. MHS 1982 . In the House of Representatives, April 9, 1776. | Where- as it is of the greatest Importance, not only to the Inha- | bitants of Boston, but of this whole Colony, that the Town and | Harbour of the said Boston should be effectually fortified and se- | cured against any Attacks from the Enemy; . . . MHS 274 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1776 1983. In the House of Representatives, April 11, 1776. | Re- solved, That the following Officers and Seamen be ap- | pointed for each of the Vessels now building by this Colony, and the Pay per Month allowed them, agreeable to the Sums | affixed, viz. . . . MA. MHS pp. 2. Evans, 14860. Archives, ccix. 35. 1984. In the House of Representatives, April 11, 1776. ] The House Voted, That Beating-Orders should be | sent to the following Gentlemen, for enlisting the | Regiment to be raised to fortify the Town and | Harbour of Boston, viz. (Beating- Order printed on same sheet, but on a second leaf. It is signed, Ebenezer Sayer.) mhs 1985. In the House of Representatives, April 19, 1776. Whereas sundry Persons of this Colony have joined our un- natural Enemies, who have in a hostile Manner been endeavour- ing to enslave the United Colonies; and others have abscondec | and removed out of this Colony ... (to take possession of their estates.) bpl. ma. nypl. aas. ei. mhs Archives, ccxv. 416p2. Evans, 14861. 1986. In the House of Representatives, May 7, 1776. | Re- solved, That a Regiment to consist of Seven Hundred | and Twenty eight Men ... be immediately raised within this Colony. mhs 1987. In Council, June 6, 1776. (A printed copy of the In- structions prepared by the Continental Congress, April 3, 1776, for commanders of private ships or vessels of war having com- missions or letters of marque and reprisal, adapted by ms. changes to vessels of Massachusetts.) ma 1988. In the House of Representatives, j June 7th, 1776. | A Resolve of the late House of Representatives passed on | the 10th of May, 1776, That the Inhabitants of each | Town in this Colony ought in full Meeting warned for that | Purpose, to advise the Person or Persons who should be chosen to re- | present them in the next General Court . . . mhs 1989. In the House of Representatives, June 25th, 1776. | As the unrelenting Spirit which possesses the King and Parlia- ment of | Britain, has pushed them on to leave no Measures unessayed, to ac- | complish our Destruction; . . . pp. 4. Evans, 14862. LC. EI. MHS 1990. In the House of Representatives, June 26, 1776. | Whereas repeated Applications have been | made by the hon- 1776] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 275 orable Congress to this Court, | to procure a Sum of hard Money, to be | forthwith sent into Canada, . . . Evans, 14863. Archives, ccix. 366. NYHS. MA. MHS 1991 . The Committee of both Houses appointed to take into Consi- | deration what Routs the Troops shall take that are destin’d for | New York and Canada, and in what Bodies they shall March . . . Dated, June 28, 1776. ei Evans, 14864. 1992 . Watertown, July 3, 1776. | In Council. | Ordered, That the following Part of the Resolution j of this General Assembly respecting the Declaration | prescribed in the Act, commonly called the Test Act, | be forthwith published in Hand Bills, . . . MHS 1993 . A | Proclamation | For a Day of public Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. [August 1.] Dated, July 4, 1776. Evans, 14843. AAS. BPL 1994 . In the House of Representatives, July 10th, 1776. | Whereas the Honorable the American Congress have lately made | upon the Colony of the Massachusetts-Bay a most urgent Requisition | for a further Reinforcement by two Regi- ments of its militia, to | support our Army in the Northern or Canada Department. ... ei pp. 2. Evans, 14865. 1995 . In the House of Representatives, July 11th, 1776. | Whereas this Court have been informed that some of the Towns and | Plantations in this Colony have not as yet raised the proportion assigned | them of the Five Thousand Men for the Reinforcement of the Continental | Army in New York and Canada. ... ei Evans, 14866. 1996 . Whereas it has been represented to the General Court of this State, | by the honorable the Governor of the State of Connecticut, (on stationing troops above the Island of New York.) Dated, September 12, 1776. f aas pp. 2. 1997 . In the House of Representatives, September 17 th, 1776. | Resolved, That it be recommended to the Male Inhabitants of each | Town in this State, . . . (on consenting to allow the House of Representatives and Council to frame a constitution and form of government ... f MA. aas Archives, clvi. 197. 276 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1776 1998 . In the House of Representatives, September | 17, 1776. | Whereas Doubts may arise in the Minds of some of the good Peo- j pie of this State, who are willing to go out at this impor- tant Juncture | against our unnatural Enemies, (on time of Service). f ei. ma. nypl. bpl Evans, 14867. Archives, ccx. 241. 1999 . In the House of Representatives, November 1, 1776. | Ordered, That the following Address from the General Court of this State, to the Officers and | private Soldiers who are gone from thence and are serving in the American Army, be printed in two | thousand hand-bills, and immediately for- warded to the committees from this state in the southern and | northern armies, to be by them dispersed among the soldiery there. f lc. MeHS. nyhs. bpl Evans, 14868. 2000 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | A Proclamation | For a Day of public Thanksgiving and Prayer. [December 12.] Dated, November 16, 1776. aas. bpl Evans, 14844. 2001 . In the House of Representatives, November 24, 1776. | Whereas the Resolve of this Court of the Nineteenth of October last, so far as | relates to the additional Encouragement to the Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers, | has been found to be attended with Inconveniences, . . . ma. ei. mhs Evans, 14869. Archives, ccxi. 179. 2002 . Extract from the Resolves of the General Court of the State of Massachusetts- | Bay, passed on the 30th Day of November, A. D. 1776. | A Resolve, | For amending and ex- plaining a late Act of | the General Assembly of this State, in titled, | “An Act for providing a Reinforcement | to the American Army.” f ma Evans, 14871. Archives, ccxi. 267. 2003 . For the Encouragement of those who shall Inlist | in the Continental Army — The Congress in | their Resolves of September 16th, 18th, 19th, October | 8 th, and November 12th, 1776, Engage, . . . Adopted December 4, 1776. aas. bpl Evans, 14870. 2004 . In the House of Representatives, December 4, 1776. | Resolved, That the Selectmen of each Town in this State be and | hereby are directed to deliver out of these narrow Axes 277 1776 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. kept in such | Town for the Use of the Militia upon an Alarm. . . . NYPL. BPL Evans, 14872. 2005. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, | December 9, 1776. | Whereas great Inconveniences may take Place from | our not knowing the Number of Male Inhabitants in | each Town and Plantation in this State, . . . EI. MA. BPL. NYPL. MHS Archives, clxi. 132. Evans, 14873. 2006. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | Council-Chamber, De- cember 10, 1776. | Whereas an Embargo was laid the Seventh Day of Decern- | ber, Instant, on all Vessels, excepting such as may be fitted out by | Order of the United States, . . . Archives, ccxi. 386. f MA 2007. In the House of Representatives, December 27, 1775. | Whereas the Time for which the Men raised by this Colony | for Defence of the Sea Coast thereof, is near expired, and it | being necessary that there should be new Levies for that Purpose. . . . [Consented to, January 1, 1776.] mhs pp. 4. Jan. 3, printed these ms. note. Evans, 14850. 2008. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, December 28 , | 1776. | Resolved, That the following Persons be and hereby are | appointed to muster the Men that have inlisted or shall inlist | into the Continental Army, . . . MHS 2009. In the Year of our Lord, one Thousand seven Hundred and Seventy-six. | An Act for establishing a Naval Office, and for ascertaining the Fees. t ma Archives, cxxxvm. 311. Evans, 14848. 2010. In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred [ and Seventy Six. | An Act for providing a Reinforcement to the | American Army. Boston : Printed by Edes & Gill, opposite the Court-House. aas. ma. bpl. nypl. mhs pp. 4. Evans, 14847. Archives, ccx. 451. 2011. In the Sixteen th Year of the Reign of George the Third King, &c. 1776. | An Act for the carrying into Execution a Resolve of the | American Congress, for ascertaining the Num- ber | of Inhabitants in this Colony. ma. mhs Evans, 14849. Archives, ccvii. 136. 278 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1776 2012. Province of | Massachusetts-Bay. | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, November 20, in the Sixteenth Year of the Reign of George the Third, King, &c. [1776.] ei 2013. Watertown, [31 May,] 177[6]. Received of the Sum of | . . . | being of the Province Tax set on the Town of | ... f MA Archives, cccv. 69. 2014. A List or Return on Oath of the Names of the Hous- holders in the Town of | in the County of | in the Colony of the Massachusetts-Bay; and of the Number | of the Souls in each Family, including Innmates and Boarders. (With the Resolution of February 16, 1776, appended.) LC. AAS. MHS 2015. In Observance of the Colony-Writ to me directed, These are in | the Name of the Government of the Massachusetts- Bay, to will | and require you forthwith to cause the Free- holders . . . (to elect representatives to a Great and General Court). Dated in ms. April 29, [1776]. f ma. mhs Archives, ccix. 319. On verso is the blank for the return. 2016. Watertown, September, 1776. | Received of | . . . | Pounds Weight of Salt-Petre, valued at . . . f ma Archives, cccv. 189. 2017. To | Sir, | You are hereby impowered immediately to Inlist a | Company ... as Soldiers | in the Massachusetts Service for the Defence of the Sea | Coast in this Colony, . . . Dated, January 4, 1776. mhs 2018. To | You are hereby impowered immediately to inlist a Company, | to consist of Eighty-six able-bodied and effective Men, ... as Sol- | diers in the Service of, . . . f ma Archives, clxxxv. 42J^. 2019. To | You are hereby impowered immediately to inlist a Company, | to consist of Eighty-six able-bodied and effective Men ... to continue in that Service ’till the End of the present War. [With] Extracts from the Resolves of the Continental Congress. Dated, October 19, 1776. f aas 2020. To | You are hereby impowered immediately to inlist a Company, | ... as Soldiers in the | Service of, and for the Defence of The United American States, . . . [Followed by:] State of Massachusetts-Bay, October 19, 1776. | The fol- 1776] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 279 lowing are Extracts from the Resolves of Congress, | trans- mitted to the General Assembly of this State, viz. . . . [and] The following is an additional Encouragement given by the State of | Massachusetts-Bay, to their Quota of Men, to be raised by that | State. ma. mhs Archives, cxcv. 356, corrected for a reissue? 2021 . Colony of Massachusett’s-Bay, 1776. | We the Sub- scribers, do hereby severally inlist ourselves into the Service of the United Colonies of America, to serve until the first day of April next, if the Service shall require it. Dated in ms. 1776. AAS. MA 2022 . We whose Names are under-written, do hereby severally Inlist ourselves into | the Service of the United American Colo- nies, and severally promise, | and engage to continue in such Service until the first Day of December, 1776, ... ei. mh s Evans, 14883. 2023 . We the Subscribers do hereby severally inlist Ourselves into the Service of the | United States of America, to continue in that Service ’till the End | of the present War with Britain, unless sooner regularly discharged. Dated, October 19. Archives, ccxi. 269. MA. MHS 2024 . Colony of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Major Part of the Council of the Massachusetts-Bay, in | New-England, . . . (military commission.) bpl. ei. aas. ma. mhs Archives, cxcrv. 305. 2025 . Colony of the | Massachusetts-Bay. | To | Officers of the Re- 1 giment of Militia in the County | of | Greet- ing. | You are hereby directed forthwith to divide and set off the Companies in | your Regiment, each Company to con- sist, ... EI. MHS Endorsed: Feb. 10, 100 of these to charge @/3d/ The copy in the Essex Institute is dated in ms. February 14, 1776, and is signed by the Major part of the Council. 2026 . A Return of Troops in the Pay of the State of Massa- chusetts, in the Year 1776, stationed at t aas 2027 . Commission to be Coroner [The Government and People of | the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England.] f ma Archives, ccxcv. 194. Mendon, Uxbridge and Douglass, Mass. 2028 . At a meeting of the Committee of Correspon- | dence, &c. of the towns of Mendon, Uxbridge, and Douglass, on the 29th day of May, 1776, ... f aas 280 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1776 2029. [Cuts.] Now fitting for a | Privateer, | In the Harbour of Beverly, | The Brigantine | Washington, | a strong, good vessel for that purpose, ... t aas Oath. 2030. Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, 1776 . | We the sub- scribers, Do each of us severally for ourselves, | profess, testify and declare before God and the World, | that we verily believe that the War, Resistance and | Opposition in which the United American Colonies | are now engaged ... is on | the Part of the said Colonies, just and necessary. (An Association not to aid the enemy.) bpl. nyhs. aas. ma. mhs Evans, 14840. An Association or test made in accordance with an act passed May 1, 1776. 2031. The Occasional Salem Gazette, | or Newbury and Mar- blehead | Advertiser. (Pr. Two Pence.) | Glorious | News. | From the Provincial | Army. | Salem, April 28 . Salem: Printed by E. Russell, in the Main-street. ei 2032. The Officers of the Army and Navy, and others in the Town of Boston to | whom the following List of Letters now at Cambridge belong, are desired to send the Postage annex- | ed to their Names, to the Post-Office in Boston Saturday next at 12 o’Clock Noon, that their Let- 1 ters may be sent for. Signed, Jonathan Hastings, Post-Master. mhs 2033. On the Death of Beulah Worfield, | Who departed this life September 26 , 1776 , aged 17 . aas 2034. Policy of Insurance. mhs 2035. A Poem, | Upon the present Times, with a brief [and] humble Address to the Almighty, | in Behalf of the [justic]e of our Cause. ] Composed by Philoleutheros Americanus. f nypl Tom Tory who not long ago was sent, By George the third to rule this continent, Paine, Thomas. 2036. The American Crisis. (No. 1.) | By the Author of Common Sense. Sold opposite the Court House, Queen- Street. MHS Rich, Elisha. 2037. [Cut.] A | Poem ] On the late distress of the | Town of | Boston. | With some Remarks of the sudden Flight of the Ministerial Troops, after plundering and Destroying the Prop- erty of the | Worthy Inhabitants, they left the town in the 1776] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 281 greatest confusion imaginable, not allowing themselves time to take with them great | part of their Warlike Stores, In short, they fled like Murderer’s pursued by the Hand of Justice. Chelmsford: Printed and Sold at H. Coverly’s Printing- Office: Where may be had, Verses by the Groze | or Dozen. M, dcclxxvi. t BPL Evans, 15061. Sewall, Jonathan Mitchell. 2038. Gen. Washington, | A New Favorite Song, at the American Camp. | To the Tune of the British Grenadiers. f NYHS Same verses as 2039. 2039. A | New Song. | To the Tune of the British Grenadiers. f AAS. PHS. BPL Vain Britons, boast no longer with proud Indignity, By Land — your conqu’ring Legions — your matchless strength at sea. Evans, 14918. 2040. [Cut.] Two favorite Songs, | made on the Evacuation of the Town of Boston, | by the British Troops, on the 17th of March, 1776. ei. mhs In seventeen hundred and seventy six, On March the eleventh, the time was prefix’d, It wasn’t our will that Bunker Hill From us should e,er be taken; The same cut was used on “New England Bravery,” 1745. 2041. [Two favjorite Songs made on the evacuation | of the] Town of Boston by the Britons, March 17th, [1776] [Same cut.] t JCB Appears to be identical in text and from the same type as No. 2040, except for the word GOD in the last verse of the second song, instead of God, and the word e’er in the first verse has the apostrophe in place of the comma. 2042. [Cut.] Two Favorite new Songs at the American Camp. | Exhortation | To the Freemen of America. [And] The | American Liberty Song. f phs Hark! the goddess of fame, Fair Liberty’s dame, . . . In story we’re told How our Fathers of old Brav’d the rage of the wind and the waves. 2043. [Two cuts.] Two Songs on the Brave General | Mont- gomery, | and others, who fell within the Walls of Quebec, 282 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1776 Dec. 31, 1775, in attempting to Storm that City. Printed and Sold next the Bell-Tavern, in | Danvers: Where Travelling- Traders, &c. | may be supplied with sundry Pieces on the | Times. — Cash paid for Linnen Rags. ei Come Soldiers all in chorus join, To pay the tribute at the shrine . . . Hark! Hark! the joyful news is come Sound sound the trumpet, beat the drum. No. 2042. 2044. A | Vaudevil, | Sung by the characters at the Conclu- sion of a new Farce, called the | Boston Blockade. mhs Evans, 15195. Washington, George. 2045. By His Excellency | George Washington, Esq: | . . . | Whereas the Ministerial Army have abandoned the Town of Boston; and the Forces of the United Colonies, under my | 1777 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 283 Command, are in Possession of the same: (orders for preser- vation of Peace, good Order and Discipline.) Dated, March 21, 1776. hhs Evans, 15124. Worcester, Committee of Correspondence. 2046. In Committee Chamber, Worcester, Nov. 18, 1776. | Signed, Nathan Baldwin, chairman. f AAS 2047. At a Court of General Sessions of the Peace, within and for the County of Worcester, held at Wor- | cester on the first Tuesday of September, 1776. Ordered, that the following Rules and Regulations [on small-pox hospital] be printed on Hand Bills. Signed, Joseph Allen, Clerk. f aas 1777 Bigelow, Timothy. 2048. Thirty Dollars | Reward. | This evening escaped from the custody of my guard one Caleb Green, | late of New-Fane. Dated, Worcester, May 24, 1777. bpl Evans, 15440. Boston, Town of. 2049. Your State Tax. | Lawful Money. || Your Town and County Rate. | Lawful Money. aas. mhs 2050. Boston, Feb. 19th, 1777. | In Pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of this State, | en- j titled “An Act to prevent Monopoly and Oppression;” the | Select-Men and Committee of Correspondence of this Town have | stated and affixed the following Prices to certain Articles not | enumerated in said Act; . . . mhs 2051. Boston, [20 May,] 1777. | Permit to Pass to the | Town of with his Waggon, containing | he Obliging himself to deliver this Pass to the Committee | of Inspection &c. of said Town of . | Chairman of the Com- | mittee of Inspection | and Safety, &c. of the | Town of Boston. aas 2052. Boston, January 4, 1777. | At half past One 0 Clock this Day arrived an Express | from Governor Trumbull, of Connec- ticut, to the | Council of this State, with the following most | agreeable and important Intelligence. (Battle of Trenton.) Powars and Willis, print. ei Evans, 15245. 2053. Boston, Sunday, January 12, 1777. | The Letters, where- of the following are Extracts, being wrote by several Field 284 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1777 Officers in the American Army, arrived in | Town last Evening, and are made Public for the Perusal of the several Gentlemen who subscribed to defray the Expen- | ces of obtaining Intel- ligence from the Army. Printed by Powars and Willis. Evans, 15246. t El. PHS. AAS. MHS 2054 . Boston, February 27, 1777. | Gentlemen, | At a time when degenerate Britons are with brutal rage, and the greatest injustice, | using every means in their power to wrest from their American Brethren every | thing that ought to be held dear and invaluable by any people; . . . (on price act.) Signed in ms., Jona. Williams, Chairman. aas. mhs pp. 3. 2055 . Boston, September 26, 1777. | Last Evening a Gentle- man arrived here from Providence, by whom we | are favour’d with the following, |Fresh Advices from the Northern | Army. Published by order of the Council. f aas 2056 . Boston, October 23, 1777. The following most impor- tant and interesting, as well as pleasing and glorious Intelli- gence, the | Honourable the Council of this State, received by Express last Evening from the Honourable | Major-General Gates. . . . (The Articles of Convention.) bpl Evans, 15438. Dorchester. 2057 . To | Your Province Tax. | 1776 || Your Town Rate. (Assessors sit February 27, 1777.) mhs Duche, Jacob. 2058 . Copy of a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Jacob Duche, | to General Washington. Dated, October 8th, 1777. nyhs. mhs Evans, 15292, attributes it to Philadelphia. The copy in mhs came to it from Mr. Samuel S. Shaw, who took it from the papers of Samuel Phillips Savage, of the Massachusetts Board of War. As the question of imprint is still open I insert the item as possibly a Massachusetts issue. 2059 . Fresh Advices from the Northern | Army. | Danvers, Friday, September 2, 1777. | Twelve o’Clock at Noon. We are favored by a | New-Hampshire Express, with the following Im- | portant Hand-bill, published by Authority at | Boston this Morning. p[eabody] hs 2060 . Fresh and Important News! Jan. 12, 1777. | This Morning an Express arrived to His Honor, the | Governor, from the Honorable Governor Trum- | bull, of Connecticut, 17771 MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 285 with the following very a- | greeable and important Intelli- gence, . . . (Battle of Princeton.) Printed by Powars & Willis. t BPL. AAS 2061 . [Cuts.] Great | Encouragement | for | Seamen. | All Gentlemen Seamen and able-bodied Landsmen | who have a mind to distinguish themselves in the Glorious [ Cause of their Country, . . . (Service on the ship Ranger, commanded by John Paul Jones.) With resolve of the Continental Congress, March 29, 1777. Danvers: Printed by E. Russell, at the House later the Bell-Tavern. Evans, 15648. 2062 . Great News | from | New York. | Salem, January 6, 1777. (Affair of Trenton.) Salem: Printed by E. Russell. — May be had, Bickerstaff’s Boston Almanack. ©^“Beware of a Counterfeit with one Plate, printed by Boyles, Draper, and Phillips, in Boston. p[eabody] hs Evans, 15355. Harvard College. 2063 . Theses. ei. hc Evans, 15358. 2064 . Important News. | Boston, (Twelve o’clock) Friday, August 22. | The following Letter from the Hon. Major-General Lincoln, | to the honorable Council, is just received by Express. (Battle of Bennington.) mhs Ipswich, Mass. 2065 . The | Price Act: | or the List of the Prices | now in force | in the Town of | Ipswich, | for the Prevention of | Mon- opoly and Oppression. Dated, February 10, 1777. Salem: Printed by E. Russell, in the Main- | street. (Price Six Pence single, and Four Pence | by the Dozen, or Half Dozen.) At the same | Place may be had, the State Price Act. Also, | the Salem and Marblehead Price Act. f ei. ipswich hs Evans, 15375. Two small cuts. 2066 . A List of the Prisoners of War in the State of Massa- chusetts. MHS Marblehead. 2067 . The Price Act: or, the List of the Prices now in force in the Town of Marblehead, for the Prevention of Monopoly and Oppression. Salem: Printed by E. Russell, in the Main- Street, 1777. Evans, 15386. 286 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1777 Massachusetts-Bay, State. 2068 . A | Report | of a | Committee of Convention, | of a Form of Government | for the | State of Massachusetts-Bay. Published for the Inspection and Perusal of the Members. pp. 8. Archives, clvi. 203. f MA 2069 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | Resolved, That it be recommended to the two regiments of Light- | Infantry raised by this State, and now doing duty in the State of | Rhode- Island. aas 2070 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In Council, January 1, 1777. | Whereas a considerable Number of Men belonging to this State have inlisted into the Service of the United | States, ... f MA Archives, ccxi. 468. 2071 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In Council, January 9, 1777. | Whereas by a Resolve of this Court, passed December | 10, 1775, all Persons are prohibited from exporting from | the State any Sugars ... | ma Archives, ccxn. 43. 2072 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | A Proclamation | For a Day of public Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. [January 29.] Dated, January 13 , 1777. aas 2073 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, January 20th, 1777. | Whereas it is of the utmost Importance, That the Army now raising for the Defence of the American States, should | be supplied with Blankets. . . . Evans, 15424. Archives, ccxn. 129. f MA. El. BPL 2074 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, January 25, 1777. | The Perseverance of Britain in her Attempts to subjugate the Free States of America to | an unconditional Submission to their arbitrary Impositions, de- mands a vigorous Persever- | ance in the Inhabitants of these States, . . . NYPL. BPL. EI. AAS. MHS Evans, 15425. 2075 . State of | Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, January 26th, 1777. | Ordered, That the following Address be printed, and a copy thereof | sent to each minister of the gospel within this State, . . . and to the commanding 1 777] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 287 officer of each company of the militia in each town in this State, . . . NYHS. EI. AAS. MHS pp. 2. Endorsed: Read at Pepperrell Feby. 9th Inst, per Jno. Fairfield Pastor. Archives, cxlii. 11. Evans, 15426. 2076. An Abstract from Resolves containing | the Encourage- ment offered by the | Continental Congress, and by | the State of Massachusetts-Bay, to | such as shall inlist into the Conti- nen- | tal Army. [The resolve of Massachusetts is dated January 28, 1777.] f lc. ma. bpl. aas Evans, 15418. Archives, ccix. 383. 2077. State of | Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, February 5, 1777. | Whereas the Rum, Molasses and sundry other Articles herein after | enumerated, now in this State, are all needed for the Supply of the Army | and the Inhabitants of this State: ... f lc. aas. ma. bpl pp. 2. Evans, 15427. Archives, ccxn. 325. 2078. State of Massachusetts Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, February 5, 1777. | Resolved, That when any Waggon-Master shall be called upon, . . . bpl 2079. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, February 6, 1777. j Whereas there may be, in some Instances, an Omission, to renew the Appointment | of Com- mittees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety. f nyhs 2080. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, February 6, 1777. | That the Army may be duly supplied with Shoes, Stockings and Shirts, It is | Resolved, . . . NYHS. MA. BPL. NYPL. MHS Evans, 15428. Archives, ccxn. 318. 2081. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, March 15, 1777. | Whereas it is of great consequence to prevent the Soldiers | that are or may be raised for the Continental Army, being retard- | ed on their March, for Want of the Article of Blankets. . . . ma. lc. aas. mhs Evans, 15429. Archives, ccxiv. 78. 2082. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, March 17th, 1777. | Whereas it is indispensably necessary that the Troops rais- | ed and raising in this State for the Continental Army, should be as soon as possible | furnished with good Fire Arms and Accoutrements . . . Archives, ccxrv. 79. J NYPL. ma 288 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1777 2083. A | Proclamation | For a Day of Public Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. [May 1.] Dated, April 5, 1777. AAS. BPL Evans, 15420. 2084. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, April 19th, 1777. | Whereas this Court have voted to raise a Number | of Men for the Defence of this State: . . . f MA Archives, ccxm. 327. 2085. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, April 29, 1777. | Resolved, That such unincorporated Plan- | tations as are taxed to this State, . . . (choice of rep- resentatives). t ma Archives, ccxm. 401. 2086. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, April 30th, 1777. | Whereas this Court have un- doubted Intelligence, that our Enemies | are determined to exert their utmost Efforts to effect the Purposes they | have so long determined on . . . (to complete by draught the quotas of men.) aas. nyhs. ma. lc. nypl. mhs pp. 2. Evans, 15432. Archives, ccxm. 420. 2087. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Rep- resentatives, May 5, 1777. | That the happiness of mankind depends very much on the | Form and Constitution of Gov- ernment they live under, ... (to elect members to form a constitution of government.) NYHS. BPL. MA. NYPL. MHS Archives, cxLn. 64. Evans, 15433. 2088. State of Massachusetts-Bay | In Council, July 7, 1777. | Resolved, That all such Men as may inlist as Non-commissioned Officers and Private Soldiers into the Continental Regiment, to | be commanded by Col. Henley, shall be considered as Part of the Pro- | portion of each Town for which they shall so inlist. BPL. MHS 2089. Proclamation. | State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In Coun- cil, July 30, 1777. | Whereas the General Assembly of this State | stands adjourned to Wednesday the third | Day of September next; . . . (calling it to assemble August 5, notwithstanding.) NYPL. MHS Evans, 15421. 1777 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 289 2090. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, | August 8, 1777. | Whereas by the Loss of the im- portant Fortress of Ticonderoga, a Way is ( open to the Ravages of our cruel and inveterate Enemies, which they are | vigorously improving . . . (calling for the one-sixth part of able bodied men in the Training Band and Alarm List.) BPL. MA. NYPL. A AS. MHS Evans, 15434. Archives, ccxiv. 471. 2091. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, | August 11, 1777. | Whereas it has been represented, that some of the Powder ma- | nufactured at the several Powder Mills in this State, has proved defec- | tive; . . . Archives, ccxv. 8. Evans, 15435. BPL. MA. MHS 2092. A | Proclamation | For a Day of Public Fasting, Humili- ation and Prayer. [August 28.] Dated, August 12, 1777. Evans, 15422. AAS. MHS 2093. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, August 15, 1777. | Whereas it appears, by returns made into the Secretary’s office, that the proportion | of the Continental army, directed to be raised in this State, is far short of being compleat; ... ei. ma. nypl. mhs pp. 2. Archives, ccxv. 53. Evans, 15436. 2094. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, September 22, 1777. | Whereas by the latest Advices from the Northern Army under the Command of Gene- | ral Gates, it appears that the Army under the Command of General Burgoyne have far | advanced from Water Carriage, and by that means have rendered their Retreat more | Difficult, . . . Archives, ccxv. 117. Evans, 15437. f MA 2095. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Represen- tatives, October 8, 1777. | Whereas by Information from the Commanding Officer of the De- | tachment from this State, at the State of Rhode-Island, a Number of | drafted Men for the Secret Expedition have not joined their respective | Regiments: . . . MHS 2096. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | A | Proclamation | For a Day of public Thanksgiving and Prayer. [November 20 .] Dated, October 20, 1777. aas 290 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1777 2097 . In [Continental] Congress, | November 1 , 1777. | Foras- much as it is the indispensible duty of all men to adore the superintending providence of | Almighty God, . . . (Recom- mending December 18 to be a day for Solemn Thanksgiving and Praise.) With resolve of the Massachusetts Council, November 27, 1777. t ma. aas. ma. bpl Archives, clxviii. 48. Evans, 15679. 2098 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | Resolved, That it be recommended to the two regiments of Light- | Infantry raised by this State, and now doing duty in the State of | Rhode- Island, under the command of Colonels Robinson and Keyes, ... A true Extract of a Resolve passed the General Court, December 13, 1777. [On verso] Form of inlistment to serve until January 1, 1779. f aas 2099 . To the Inhabitants of the State of | Massachusetts- Bay. | Friends and Fellow Country -men! | It is with concern and attention that the House of Representatives find that an act, intitled an | act for drawing in the bills of credit of the several denominations, &c. . . . (With resolution dated De- cember 15, 1777. | LC. AAS. NYPL. BPL pp. 4. Evans, 15439. 2100 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the Year of our Lord, 1777. | An Act for securing this and the other United | States against the Danger to which they are | exposed by the internal Enemies thereof. t MA Archives, cliv. 123. 2101 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven | Hundred and Seventy seven. | An Act against Treason, and Misprision of Trea- | son, and for regu- lating Trials in such Cases, ... ei Evans, 15402. 2102 . The State Price Act. Salem: E. Russell. An Edition of the Act to prevent Monopoly and Oppression, but it is known only by a reference to it in the colophon of the Ipswich Price Act, printed at Salem by Russell. Evans, 15406. 2103 . [Engraved plate for notes of the State of Massachusetts Bay.] mhs In the upper left hand corner is a circle surrounded by a rattlesnake and within the circle a lion and a horse tied to a pine tree. Between the snake and the circle are the words “Gates N. E. 1777.” 1777 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 291 2104. State of | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer, . . . (Tax Warrant). Dated February 21, 1777. t ei. LC - BPL 2105. State of Massachusetts-Bay. ] The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax Warrant.) Dated, December 1, 1777. t nyhs 2106. Treasurer’s Office, [2d July,] 177[7]. Received of Mr. ... | in for Taxes set on the Town of . . . f MA Archives, cccvi. 117. The same form was used in 1778. 2107. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | The Major Part of the Council of Massachusetts-Bay, in | New England. (Military commission.) aas. bpl 2108. Return | Of the Regiment in the Service of the United States of America, Commanded by mhs 2109. Return of the Sick and Wounded in the American | Military Hospital, at [Boston] Eastern Department. mhs 2110. The Government and People of | the Massachusetts- Bay in New-England. (Commission to be coroner.) 177- Archives, ccxcv. 194. MA 2111. The Government and People of the Massachusetts- Bay. | To all unto whom these Presents shall come, Greeting. (Commission of Justice of Peace, signed by the Major Part of the Council. Boston, July 25, 1777. mhs 2112. State of Massachusetts-Bay. (Oath of owner of vessel that “no Subject of the King of Great-Britain directly or in- directly hath any Share, Part or Interest therein.) f ma Archives, clvu. 60. 2113. A new Epilogue to Cato. | Spoken at a late Perform- ance of that Tragedy. [And] From an Irish Paper, signed Janus. | aas pp. 2 . Newbury. 2114. In Pursuance of an Act from the Great and General Court, of the State of Massachusetts-Bay, en- | titled an “Act to prevent Monopoly and Oppression,” the Selectmen and Committee of the Town of Newbury, | have set and affixed the following Prices to the Articles herein after enumerated, . . . Newbury-Port: Printed by John Mycall, 1777. Evans, 15484. 292 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1777 No. 2114a. 2114a. [Cuts.] Oppression: | A Poem. | Or, New-England’s Lamentation on the dreadful Extortion and other Sins of the | Times. Being a serious Exhortation to repent and turn from the Evil of their | Ways, if they would avert the terrible and heavy Judgments of the Almighty that | hang over America at this alarming and distressing Day. [Boston: 1777.] f nyhs Evans, 10114. 2115. Portledge bill. f ma Archives, cxlh. 39. Salem. 2116. The | Price Act: | or the | Bill | now in force in the | 1777 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 293 No. 2114a. Town of | Salem. | For the Prevention of | Monopoly and Op- pression. (Dated, Salem, February 1, 1777. [Cut.]) By Order of the Town. | Salem: Printed by E. Russell, in the Main- | street. (Price Six Pence single, and Four Pence ( by the Dozen, or Half Dozen.) pc Evans, 15590. 2117 . Song | made on the taking of | General Burgoyne. bpl Come all you gallant [torn], of courage stout and bold, Who scorn as long as life does last ever to be controul’d. Evans, 15599. 2118 . A Song, | On the Surrendery of General Burgoyne, | Who gave up his whole Army to the brave General Gates, of glorious Memory, | October 17, 1777. nypl American boys who freedom enjoys, Attend a short space to my story, Sutton. 2119 . The Inhabitants of the Town of Sutton, in legal Town- Meeting assembled, Jan. 27, 1777. (Instructions to delegates to County Congress for obtaining redress of the Grievance by the Law made last Spring, for the new modeling the Repre- sentation of this State. Dated, January 28, 1777. ma Evans, 15610. Wenham. 2120 . The | Price Act | or the | List of the Prices | now in force | in the Town of | Wenham, | for the Prevention of | Monopoly and Oppression. (Dated March 14, 1777.) [Same 294 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1778 cuts as on Ipswich.] [Cut.] Danvers: Printed by E. Russell, at his Printing-Office, removed from Salem, to the House for many Years occupied by the late Mr. | Francis Symonds, and known by the Name of the Bell-Tavern. (Price Six Pence single, and Four Pence by the Dozen, or half Dozen.) At the | same Place may be had, the State Price Act. Also, the Salem, Marblehead, and Ipswich Price Acts. ei Evans, 15704. 1778 2121 . Taxation of America. f nyhs While I rehearse my story, Americans give ear, Of Britain’s fading glory you presently shall hear. Duyckinck attributes it to Samuel St. John of New Canaan, Conn., but it has also been given to Peter St. John of Norwalk, Conn. As to time, it was probably begun in 1765 and reprinted as of 1776 or 1779, as follows: 2122 . American Taxation: Nathaniel Coverly, Printer Milk- Street. HC While I rehearse my story, etc. 2123 . American Taxation. | A Song of Seventy-nine. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. | Milk-street, corner of Theatre- alley, Boston, 1811. hc When I rehearse my story, etc. 2124 . American Taxation, | Or the spirit of Seventy six ex- emplified in a song written in the golden days which tried men’s Souls. f pc. bpl While I relate my story, etc. It was also printed at a later day at No. 25, High Street, Providence, and the first line reads: “While I rehearse my story, Americans give ear.” A copy of this issue is in aas. Boston, Town of. 2125 . Your State Tax. | Lawful Money. || Your Town Tax. . . . The Assessors sit at their Chamber at the East End of Faneuil Hall Market, on Wed- | nesdays, from Three to Five o’Clock, . . . MHS 2126 . [Another issue] The Assessors sit at their Chamber at the East End of Faneuil-Hall Market every Day, | (Lords’ Days excepted) till the 23d of April 1778 . . . mhs 2127 . [Another issue.] The Assessors sit at their Chamber the East End of Faneuil Hall Market every Wed- | nesday and Friday, during the Month of July, . . . mhs 1778] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 295 2128. Boston, April 27, 1778. | The following Bills, together with a Letter from Governor Tryon | to Governor Trumbull, and his Answer thereto, came to | Hand this Afternoon. mhs The draft of the Bills was originally printed in New York, with a note by Tryon, dated April 15, 1778. A copy is in mhs. Buchanan, James. 2129. The last | Words and dying Speech | of James Buchanan, Ezra Ross, and William Brooks, who were executed at Worces- ter, for the Murder of | Mr. Joshua Spooner. nypl Camp, Abraham. 2130. [Cuts.] A short | Discourse | Delivered by | Mr. Abra- ham Camp, | At the Funeral of | Amasa Tinkham, A.B. | Late of Connecticut, who was called to offi- | ciate in the holy Min- istry at Middleborough, | where he preached to great Satisfac- tion | several Months. This pious and learned | Young Gentle- man died in full Assurance | of Faith, through the Merits of his divine | Master and Savior Jesus Christ. Printed for Jon. Hallowed, Trader, in Bridgwater. (Pr. Two Pence.) f Plym. Congress, Continental. 2131. In [Continental] Congress, February 27, 1778. | Re- solved, That a Company of Bakers be raised to bake | Bread for the Army, the Company to consist of . . . (With a notice from Head-Quarters, Boston, March 24th, 1778, signed, J. Keith.) mhs 2132. An | Address of the Congress | To the Inhabitants of the | United States of America. Bay-State: Boston; Printed by Powars and Willis, for the Honorable the Council of said State. t nyhs. nypl. aas Evans, 16099. The address of the Continental Congress is dated, May 9, 1778, and was printed under an order of the Council of the State of Massachusetts-Bay, May 23, 1778. 2133. Privateer’s Bond. Dated, [August, 1778.] f ma Archives, v. 38. Dorchester. 2134. Your Province Tax. | 1777. || Your Town Rate. (As- sessors sit in February, 1778.) mhs The word “Province” has been corrected in ms. to “State.” 2135. [Another issue.] Your State Tax. j 1778. || Your Town Rate. (Assessors sit in July.) mhs 2136. In pursuance of a law passed by the State of New-York, dated at Poughkeep- | sie, the 6th of March, 1778, impowering 296 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1778 me to export one thousand barrels | of flour out of that State to Boston, for the use of the Hon. Board of War, | in that department. ... ma Archives, ccxcv. 91. Great Britain. 2137 . Lord North’s Speech. | House of Commons. | Tuesday, February 17. [1778.] mhs 2138 . The Happy Man, and True Gentleman. [And] Invita- tion to Sinners to look to Christ. Sold at the Printing Office in Salem. Cash given for clean rags. ei Evans, 15847. See also No. 1963, supra. Harvard College. 2139 . Theses. f aas. hc Heath, William. 2140 . By the Honorable William Heath, Esq; | Maior-General in the Army of the United States of | America. | A [ Proclama- tion. | Whereas the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Massachusetts-Bay, | were pleased on the 30th Day of April last to pass the following Resolve, viz . . . (on selling pro- visions to troops of the Convention.) Dated, July 10, 1778. MHS Massachusetts-Bay, State. 2141 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Rep- resentatives, | February 3, 1778. | Notwithstanding repeated Orders have issued from this Court, calling upon the | Select- men and Committees of the several Towns and Plantations in this State, to make | Returns of all Male Inhabitants . . . Evans, 15900. NYHS. BPL 2142 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, February 19, 1778. | Gentlemen, | The Exertions lately made by this Court, to put the Currency | of the United States on such a Footing. . . . bpl 2143 . In [Continental] Congress, | March 7, 1778. (Recom- mending April 22 to be a day of Fasting. State of Massachu- setts-Bay. I Council-Chamber, in Boston, March 21, 1778. Evans, 15897. AAS. BPL 2144 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, March 13, 1778. | Whereas the army are in present and pressing want of Shoes, Stockings and Shirts, | which can- not be immediately supplied from the public Stores; . . . Evans, 15901. t NYHS. NYPL 1778] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 297 2145 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, April 20, 1778. | Whereas Congress by their Resolve of February 18th, 1778, has called upon this State for Thirteen | Hundred of the Militia thereof, with other States, to fortify and secure the Passes of the North-River . . . Evans, 15902. BPL. NYPL. MHS 2146 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, April 20, 1778. | Resolve for filling up and compleat- ing the fifteen battalions of Continental troops, directed | to be raised in the State of Massachusetts-Bay. Boston: Printed by Powars and Willis. 1778. mhs pp. 6. 2147 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, April 23, 1778. | Whereas, by a Resolve of the Gen- eral Court, of the twentieth Day of this In- | stant, April, the several Towns in this State are ordered to raise 2000 Men, to re- | inforce the Continental Army, . . . mhs 2148 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, June 10, 1778. | Whereas it appears that our enemies intend to wreath their vengeance upon these | unhappy people whose habitations are near their camp, and to that end have made several | excursions lately from Rhode-Island . . . pp. 2. Evans, 15903. f MYHS. NYPL. BPL 2149 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, June 16, 1778. | As justice, humanity and every reasonable principle of the human heart, must urge the ne- cessi- | ty of rendering the situation of our brethren, . . . pp. 4. Evans, 15904. t AAS. BPL 2150 . By the Council of the State of | Massachusetts-Bay. A Proclamation. | Whereas this Council have received infor- mation of a high-handed Affray or Riot hap- | pening in this Town, on the last Evening, . . . (offering a reward for dis- covering those concerned.) Dated, September 9, 1778. mhs 2151 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, | September 19, 1778. | Whereas there is the highest Probability that the Enemy are preparing to move | this Way, in Order to destroy the French Fleet, and to possess themselves of the Town | and Harbour of Boston, (on garrisoning the forts in and about the harbour of Boston.) nypl. lc. mhs Evans, 15905. 298 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1778 2152 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, October 5th, 1778. | Whereas by a late Law of this State, the Assessors in the several | Towns within the same . . . NYPL 2153 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, October 10, 1778. | Whereas the Great and General Court of this State, on the 13th day | of March, in this present year, did make a Resolve, calling upon the good peo- | pie of this State, to procure a certain number of shirts, pairs of shoes and stock- | ings, ... f ei. aas pp. 2. 2154 . The General Assembly having passed a Resolve [that a] Sum of Money, not exceeding 750,000 | Dollars, for the Benefit of those Officers and who inlisted into the Fifteen continental | Battalions raised by this State, appointed Oliver Wendall, Esq; . . . Directors of a Lottery for that Purpose . . . The following Scheme is accordingly offered. . . . mhs 2155 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. J In the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy- | eight. | An Act to prevent the Return to this State of certain Persons therein | named, and others, who have left this State, or either of the United | States, and joined the Enemies thereof. October 16, 1778. Boston: | Printed by Benjamin Edes, Printer to the Honorable Council of the State | of Massachusetts-Bay, 1778. pp. 4. Archives, cliv. 253. Evans, 15909. MA. LC. MHS 2156 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | A | Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [November 26.] Dated, October 27, 1778. aas. bpl Evans, 15898. 2157 . A Proclamation. [By the Continental Congress, No- vember 17, 1778 (recommending that December 30 be observed as a day of public Thanksgiving and Praise.) State of Massa- chusetts-Bay. | Council Chamber, in Boston, December 5, 1778. (appointing the day) aas 2158 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven Hundred and | Seventy-Eight. | An Act for prescribing and establishing an Oath of Fidelity | and Allegiance. t ei. ma Archives, cxlii. 137. Evans, 15908. 1779 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 299 2159. State of the | Massachusetts- | Bay. | The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer ... To the Sheriff of . . . (Warrant to collect unpaid taxes.) Dated, 177-. ma Archives, ccxcv. 193. Used in the years 1777-1781. 2160. Massachusetts-State Lottery. | Class the third. (Under resolution, May 2, 1778. aas No. 2161. 2161. [Cuts] A New | Touch on the Times. | Well adapted to the distressing Situation of every Sea-port Town. | By a Daughter of Liberty, living in Marblehead. f nyhs Newburybort. 2162. County of Essex, and State of Massachusetts-Bay. | Gentlemen. | The Inhabitants of the town of Newbury-port in town meeting assembled have adverted to the constitution, and I form of government . . . Dated, March 31, 1778. MHS 2163. Saturday, June 18, [1778.] By handbill we hear of the arrival of Mons’r D’Estaing and French fleet in the Delaware. Pynchon, Diary, 55. 1779 2164. Advertisement. | Notwithstanding the Advertisements | from time to time, inserted in the several News-papers, [ for collecting the Prisoners of War in the different | parts of the 300 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1779 Eastern States; . . . (With order of Council, December 8, 1779.) Signed, Joshua Mersereau, D. C. G. of Prisoners. Evans, 16347. f NYPL 2165. Advertisement. (Urging the apprehension of prisoners of war, escaped from the Barracks in Rutland.) nypl Evans, 16347. No. 2161. Boston, Town of. 2166. To | Your State Tax. || Your Town and County Rate. The Assessors Sit at their Chamber at the East End of Faneuil Hall | Market on Wednesdays, . . . mhs 2167. [Another issue] reading Faneuil-Hall- | Market. mhs 2168. Copy of the Proceedings of the Inhabitants of Boston, June 17, 1779. (Prices.) Boston: | Printed by Benjamin Edes | and Company. bpl. aas. mhs Evans, 16208. 2169. Boston, June 21, 1779. | Gentlemen, | By the inclosed Votes and Proceedings of a large and respectable Body | of the Inhabitants of this Town (on currency and prices.) Signed in ms., John Lowell. aas. mhs Evans, 19400. 1779] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 301 2170. Boston, Aug. 3d, 1779. | Sir, | As it is necessary for the Committee appointed by the | Town to regulate the Prices of Labour and the Wares j of the different Tradesmen, to know the Rates at which such | Wares, &c. are now Sold — ... Signed in ms., Isaac Smith, Chairman. mhs Dorchester. 2171. To. | Your State Tax. || Your Town Rate. The Assessors sit at the House of Mr. John Champney, | in Dor- chester, the two last Thursdays in January, 1779, . . . mhs 2172. [Another issue.] the two first Thursdays in June, . . . MHS 2172a. [Another issue.] the second and third Thursdays of November, 1779. mhs 2173. Boston, August 31st, 1779. | To the Gentlemen who represented the Country Towns | in the late Convention at Concord. | Friends and Brethren, j It was with inexpressible concern and anxiety that we enquired in concert with you | into the secret causes of that unnatural jealousy which had for some time before sub- | sisted between the inland and the maritime towns; . . . bpl. mhs Evans, 16546. Concord, Convention. 2174. Boston, July 21st, 1779. | Gentlemen, | Inclosed you have a Copy of the Proceedings of the Conven- | tion at Con- cord, on the 14th Instant, which you will please, | (in Con- formity to a Resolve of said Convention) to lay before your | Town immediately, for their Approbation; . . . Signed in ms., Thos: Walley. mhs 2175. Proceedings | of the Convention | Begun and held at Concord, in the County of Middlesex, in and for the | State of Massachusetts-Bay, on the 14th Day of July, 1779, for the | Purpose of carrying into Effect the several interesting and important Meas- | ures recommended by Congress, to the In- habitants of the United | States, in their late wise, seasonable and animating Address. Boston: Printed by Benjamin Edes and Sons. nyhs. nypl. ei. aas. bpl. mhs pp. 3. Evans, 16228. 2176. Proceedings | of the Convention | Begun and held at Concord, in the State of Massachusetts-Bay, on the Sixth Day of October, A.D. | 1779, (in Pursuance of the Recommen- dation of a Convention held in said Place in July last) to | 3° 2 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i779 “take into Consideration the Prices of Merchandize and Country Produce, and make such Re- | gulations and Reduc- tions therein, as the public Good might require.” Boston: Printed by Benjamin Edes and Sons, in State-Street, pp. 4. Evans, 16229. BPL. AAS. MHS Croswell, Andrew. 2177 . Carmina Lugubria. | In Memoriam Dominie Rebeccas Croswell, Domini Crosswell Uxoris, | nuper denatae: Cum Hymno Laudis et Redemptorem. | Autore Andrea Croswell, V.D.M. in Bostonio. jcb. mhs Rebecca Croswell died April 12, 1779. Evans, 11617 (in 1770). Harvard College. 2178 . Form of Admission. mhs 2179 . Theses. y. aas. hc. mhs 2180 . Important Intelligence. | Providence, 4 o’clock, After- noon. . . . Worcester, June 21. Worcester: Printed by I. Thomas. f aas Intelligence from Charleston, South Carolina, on Lincoln’s victory over Prevost. It is dated in ms. 1779. Evans, 19418. Ipswich, Convention. 2181 . [Two cuts.] Proceedings | of a | Convention | Of Dele- gates from Eighteen Towns in the County of Essex, begun and held at | Ipswich, in said County, on Thursday, the Nineteenth Day of August, One | Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy- nine, for the Purpose of carrying into Effect the | Resolutions of the Convention, began and held at Concord, | on the Four- teenth Day of July last. Danvers: Printed and Sold by E. Russell, next the | Bell-Tavern. [Price 2s. by doz. — 3d. single.] Evans, 16313. El Massachusetts-Bay, State. 2182 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the Year of Our Lord, One thousand seven hundred and | seventy-nine. | An Act to prevent sundry articles being exported from this to | the neigh- bouring States. mhs 2183 . State of Massachusetts-Bay, | In the House of Repre- sentatives, February 4, 1779. | On the Petition of the Officers in the Brigades of Generals Nixon’s, Patterson’s (late Learned’s) | and Glover’s, in behalf of themselves and the Soldiers under their Command. . . . aas. ma. bpl. ei. lc. mhs Archives, ccxx. 471. Evans, 16360. 1779 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 3°3 2184 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, February 16, 1779. | Whereas upon Examination, in Consequence of a Report of the Committee for settling Dis- putes | between the Towns in the several Counties in this State respecting their Quotas of Men in the | Continental Army, . . . pp. 2. Evans, 16361. MHS 2185 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, February 19, 1779. | Whereas the Constitution or Form of Civil Government, which was proposed by the | late Convention of this State to the People thereof, hath been dis- approved by a Majority of | the Inhabitants of said State: (on a State convention to frame a Constitution.) Evans, 16362. Archives, clx. 32. NYPL. MA. AAS. MHS 2186 . A Proclamation | For a Day of public Fasting, Humilia- tion and Prayer [May 6.] Dated, March 27, 1779. Evans, 16358. AAS. BPL 2187 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, April 16, 1779. | Resolved, That One Regiment of Light Infantry be Raised for the Defence and Security | of this and the other New-England States, ... f m\ Archives, cclxxxv. 21. 2188 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. [ In the House of Repre- sentatives, | April 30, 1779. | Whereas the honorable Congress by a Resolve of the ninth of March | last, have requested this State to fill up the fifteen Battalions as our Quota of the | Continental Army; . . . ma. nypl. mhs Evans, 16363. Archives, ccxxm. 249. 2189 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, June 8, 1779. | Whereas by a Resolve of the late General Court of the 6th of February last, it is among | other Things resolved (on accounts of supplies for families of soldiers in Continental Army). nypl. bpl 2190 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, | June 9, 1779. | Whereas a Requisition has been made to this Court for a Reinforcement | for the Continental Army, that the same may be filled up, and not only make a | respectable appearance, but be able to act vigorously in our defence through | the ensuing campaign, . . . mhs pp. 2. 2191 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. In Council, June 11, 1779. | Resolved, That the following Address be printed in Hand- 304 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1779 Bills and sent to the several Ministers of the Gospel in the Towns and Parishes within this State, | . . . also to the respec- tive Town-clerks in the several Towns, and to the Committee of Correspondence in each Plantation within this State, . . . EI. BPL. LC. A AS. MHS It is the Address “To the Inhabitants of the United States of America” passed in the Continental Congress, May 26, 1779. Evans, 16637. 2192. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, June 15, 1779. j Whereas by the Returns made into the Secretary’s Office from more than two thirds of the | Towns belonging to this State, agreeably to a Resolve of the General Court of the 20th of February | last (on convention to frame a constitution.) nypl. ma. bpl. mhs Archives, clx. 125. Evans, 16365. 2193. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives. j June 18, 1779. | Resolved, That the Resolution of the 16th of April last, j entitling each Non commissioned Officer and Soldier . . . bpl 2194. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, June 21, 1779. | Resolved, That the Selectmen of each town in this State, be, and they | hereby are required and directed, to collect . . . the number of Shirts, pairs of Shoes and pairs of Stockings, ... f nypl. aas pp. 4. Evans, 16366. 2195. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, June 29, 1779. | Whereas it is of great Importance to remove every Obstacle to the good People of this | State lending their Money for the public Service: . . . mhs 2196. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, September | 14, 1779. | Whereas it is indispensably necessary that a Supply of | Blankets should be immediately procured for the Service | of the Army: . . . Evans, 16367. BPL. NYPL. MHS 2197. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, Sept. 30, 1779. j Whereas the Time of Inlistment of Part of this State’s Quota of the | Confederated Army of America is near expiring: . . . (encouragement for reinlist- ment.) ei. bpl. mhs Evans, 16368. 2198. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, | October 8, 1779. | Resolved, That the Selectmen 17791 MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 305 or Committee of each town and plantation | in this State, be, and they hereby are required to render under oath, a full ac- | count of all supplies furnished before the 15th of October instant ... f LC 2199. State of Massachusetts-Bay. [ In the House of Repre- sentatives, October 9, 1779. | Whereas it is represented to this Court by a Letter from the President of Congress, that | au- thentic Intelligence has been received of the Arrival of Count D’Estaing with a powerful | Fleet to co-operate with the United States; . . . (on reinforcing the army.) f nypl pp. 3. Evans, 16370. 2200. By the Council of the State of Massachusetts-Bay, | A Proclamation | For a Day of public Humiliation and Prayer. [November 4.] Dated, October 15, 1779. aas. bpl. mhs Evans, 16359. 2201. Proclamation (of the Continental Congress, appointing December 9 as a day of public and solemn Thanksgiving.) With action of the Council of Massachusetts-Bay. Dated, November 3, 1779. bpl. lc. mhs Evans, 16555. 2202. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, November 18, 1779. | Resolved, That Capt. Ezra Lunt be, and hereby is appointed a Commissary of | this State, to reside at or near the Continental Army, . . . mhs pp. 2. 2203. State of | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, April 15, 1779. ei 2204. State of | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, Sep- tember 15, 1779. ei 2205. We the Subscribers, do hereby severally inlist ourselves into the Service of | the United States of America, to continue in that Service | during the present War with Great-Britain, ... to be formed by such persons as | are or shall be appointed by the General Assembly of the Massachusetts. . . . aas 2206. A | Poem | On the Death of | Dr. Abraham Howe, | of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts-Bay, who died October 19th, 1779, 306 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1779 in the | twenty-second Year of his Age. Printed and sold at the Printing-Office in Worcester. aas. mhs Evans, 19429. Printed by Isaiah Thomas, Nichols, 73. Salem. 2207. [Cuts.] List of Prices | for the | Town of Salem. Dated, September 6, 1779. Danvers: Printed by E. Russell, at his Printing-Office, next the Bell-Tavern. [Price 4 5. by Hundred or Dozen. 6 5'. Single.] ei The cuts and general form of the broadside are the same as those of the Ipswich Price List of 1777. No. 2065 , supra. Evans, 16514. Stoddard, Darius. 2208. Boston, October 22, 1779. | Whereas Colonel Sheldon has, by insinuations base and dishonorable, calumniated the memory of my deceased brother, | Captain Stoddard, . . . Evans, 16210. t LCP 2209. This Day was published, | And to be Sold by | Isaiah Thomas, at his Printing-Office, in Worcester, | . . . | Thomas’s Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, and Connecticut | Almanack, For the Year of our Lord Christ | 1780, ... By Philomathes, An Independent Whig. | . . . f aas Evans, 19439. Nichols, 61. Worcester, Convention. 2210. Proceedings of the Convention, | Began and held at Worcester, in and for the County of Worcester, on the 3d day of August, 1779. Dated, August 13th, 1779, and signed, Joseph Reed, Chairman. f aas. Young, Robert. 2211. [Cut.] The Dying Criminal: | Poem, | By Robert Young, on his own Execution, which is to be on this | Day, November 11th, 1779, for Rape committed on the Body of | Jane Green, a Child, eleven years of age, at Brookfield, in the Coun- | ty of Worcester, on the third Day of September last. Printed and sold at the [Printing Office, in Worcester.] Printed by Isaiah Thomas. Nichols, See No. 2360 , infra. j NYHS 2212. The | Last Words | and | Dying Speech | of | Robert Young, | who is to be Executed at Worcester this day, No- vember 11, 1779, for a Rape committed on the Body of Jane Green, | a Child, eleven Years of age. Printed and Sold at the Printing-Office in Worcester. t aas Evans, 19448. Nichols, 60. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 307 1 779 ] No. 2211. 3°8 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1780 1780 Beverly. Amity Lodge. 2213. Certificate of Membership, Amity Lodge, Beverly, Massachusetts. Dated May 30, 1780. Printed & sold opposite Liberty Stump, Boston. ei An engraved piece, filled in in ms. 2214. Bold Conscience and old self. bpl Evans, 16718. See A Warning Piece, No. 2275, infra. Boston, Town of. 2215. Your State Tax. [| Your Town and County Tax. mhs 2216. [Another issue.] Without the Assessors’ notice, mhs 2217. [Another issue.] Your State Tax, | in Gold or Silver. || Your Town Tax, in | Continental Currency. mh s 2218. Notification. | The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, qualified | as the Law directs, are here- by Notified to meet at Faneuil-Hall, on | Monday the 13th Day of March current, . . . Dated, March 8, 1780. mhs 2219. Boston, December 15, 1780. | At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, on the 13th Instant, — it was | Voted, That a Committee of Three Persons for each Ward, be chosen to Class the Inhabi- | tants that are rated in the respective Wards, into One Hundred and Eighty-one Classes; . . . Signed in ms., William Cooper. mhs 2220. Boston, January 20, 1780. | The Committee appointed by the Great and General Court of the State | of Massachu- setts-Bay, to State and Settle the public Accounts are directed | and strictly enjoined . . . mhs Charlestown. 2221. To | Your State Tax. | Signed, Daniel Swan, Col- lector. MHS Congress, Continental. 2222. Privateers Bond. Dated, [May, 1780.] ma Archives, v. 23. Dorchester. 2223. Your State Tax | 1780. mhs 2224. [Another issue.] Your State Tax, 1780. || Your County and Town Rate. 1780. mhs 1780] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 309 2225 . [Another issue.] Your State Tax, 1780. || Your Town Rate, 1780. mhs 2226 . [Another issue.] Your State Tax, 1780. | To be paid in Specie or | Grain, &c. || Your Town Rate, 1780. | Payable in the Currency | of the United States | of America. (Assessors sit on two first Mondays in October.) mhs 2227 . Composed by a British Officer. aas Hail, sovereign love, that first began, The scheme to rescue fallen man ! 2228 . An Elegy | Upon the Death of several | Worthy Pious Persons. f lc Six Aged Honourable Councellors Held up the Pall with holy thoughtful fears, When Death should strike the Three Score Years & Ten, Ah! Winthrop, Belcher, ye’r the next Two Men; Evans, 1924. Harvard College. 2229 . Theses. y. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 16794. 2230 . Inventory of | Ship | Mars, | As she is to be sold on the 13th April Instant, at the American Coffee-House. ma Archives, clvu. 315. She was bought by the Board of War of Massa- chusetts. Kennedy, John. 2231 . A Scriptural Account | Of the uncommon Darkness that happened on Friday | May 19th, 1780. Letter is signed, John Kennedy. Printed and Sold at the Bible [and Heart on Corn] hill. ei Evans, 16814. 2232 . [Cuts.] Know all Men | by these Presents, j . . . (Bill of sale of “one quarter of a Seaman’s Share of all the Prizes or Plunder that may be taken” by a privateer. Dated, [April 20,] 17[80.] ' ei 2233 . [Cut.] Major Andre, | Written while he was a Prisoner in the American Camp. [Also, The Rose.] bpl Ah! Delia, see the fatal hour, farewell my Soul’s delight, Oh! how can wretched Damon live thus banish’d from this sight. Massachusetts-Bay, State. 2234 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven Hundred and eighty. An Act for enquir- MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 3 IQ [1780 ing into the rateable Property in this State. Boston: Printed by Benjamin Edes and Sons, 1780. pp. 4. Evans, 16840. 2235. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the Year of our Lord, one Thousand seven | Hundred and Eighty. | An Act to pre- vent and punish Desertion, and | for apprehending and securing Deserters from | the Continental Army. Passed, May 5, 1780. Evans, 16842. BPL. MHS 2236. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty. | An Act making provision for calling in to be | destroyed this State’s quota ... of all the public bills | of credit which have been emitted by Congress; | and for making and emitting on the credit of | this State, other bills of credit, . . . Dated, May 5, 1780. LC. MHS 2237. An Act | To incorporate and establish a Society for | the Cultivation and Promotion of Arts | and Sciences. Passed, May 1, 1780. Boston: Printed by Benjamin Edes and Sons. Evans, 16841. MHS 2238. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven | Hundred and Eighty. | An Act making provision for calling in to be | destroyed this State’s quota, according to the | present apportionment, of all the public bills | of credit . . . Dated, May 5, 1780. t LC 2239. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, January 13, | 1780. | Whereas it is indispensably necessary, in order for a Settlement with the | Army, that the Accounts for the Supplies of Soldiers Families . . . Evans, 16856. NYPL. El. BPL 2240. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, Mar. 23, 1780. | Resolved, That Major-General Heath | be, and he hereby is desired to appoint | such Number of Recruiting Officers be- | longing to the Line of this State, . . . (With General Heath’s instructions, dated March 24, 1780.) MHS 2241. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, April 21st, 1780. | As justice and humanity, and every reasonable principle of the human heart, | must urge the necessity . . . (call for shirts, shoes, stockings and blankets). pp. 6. nypl 1780] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 3H 2242 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, May 5th, 1780. | Resolved, That the Selectmen of the several | Towns in this State be, and hereby are desired to | transmit to the Agents appointed in the respective | County to which said Selectmen belong, the Monthly | average Prices of Beef, Indian Corn, Sheeps-Wool and Sole-Leather, . . . MHS 2243 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. [ In the House of Repre- sentatives, June 5, 1780. | Whereas a requisition has been made to this Court for a reinforcement for the Continen- | tal army, in order that it may be able to act vigirously the ensuing cam- paign; ... t nypl. A AS pp. 5. Evans, 16857. 2244 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Repre- sentatives, June 22, 1780. | Whereas the Commander in Chief of the Continental army has earnestly requested | a detach- ment of four thousand seven hundred and twenty-six of the militia of this State, . . . nypl. mhs pp. 4. Evans, 16858. 2245 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, June 23, 1780. | Whereas the troops of the Southern states will now be needed for the defence of that | quarter, and by reason of the late advantages obtained by the enemy, we are compelled to | call for a further supply of men, to fill up our battalions, which General Washington has | earnestly re- quested, as well as a detachment of militia, to provide effectu- ally for obtaining the great | object in contemplation. . . . Evans, 16859. NYPL. BPL 2246 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, 23d June, 1780. | Whereas his Excellency General Washington hath made a Requisition | upon this State for One Thousand and Twenty Horses, . . . nypl. ei pp. 2. Evans, 16860. 2247 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | Council-Chamber, June 30, 1780. ] Whereas frequent Expresses have been received from his Excellency General | Washington, warmly urging the immediate filling up of our Battalions in [ the Army of the United States; . . . bpl Evans, 16851. 2248 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, | September 25, 1780. | Whereas the necessary sup- 2,12 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1780 plies for the subsistance of our army for the | present campaign, are obtained only in the specific articles from the respective | States, agreeably to the requisitions and apportionment of Congress; ... | nypl. lc. aas. bpl pp. 6. Evans, 16861. 2249 . State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Repre- sentatives, Sept. 29th, 1780. | Whereas by a resolve of the General Court, | passed the 4th of May last, the Agents ap- pointed ... to receive from the towns | in their respective counties the articles of cloathing ... t LC Evans, 16862. 2250. Common-Wealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives. | November 13, 1780. | Resolved, That the Select-Men of each Town, and the Com- | mittee of each Plan- tation in this Commonwealth, . . . (Accounts of supplies furnished soldiers and soldiers’ families.) f nypl Evans, 16863. 2251 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, November 27, 1780. | Resolved, That the following Persons be appointed in each County to muster the | Men that shall inlist into the Continental Army, viz. . . . (With resolution of same date appointing Superintendants for each County, one of November 28, on oath and a Schedule. pp. 3. Evans, 16864. AAS. LC. NYPL. MHS 2252 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, | November 27, 1780. | A Resolve prescribing the form of Inlistment for those Men belonging to this | Com- monwealth, who shall Inlist into the Service of the United States, to continue | in the Service until the End of the present war with Britain. aas. ei Evans, 16865. 2253 . [Another issue.] t LC As above, “to continue for the term of Three Years.” 2254 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, December 2, 1780. | Whereas the Congress of the United States have required of this Commonwealth to supply ] the deficiency of our proportion of the Continental Army: . . . aas. lc. mhs pp. 4. Evans, 16866. 2255 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, Dec. 4th, 1780. | Whereas by the Resolutions 1780] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 3 I 3 of Congress of the Fourth Day of November last, the United States are required to furnish their respective Proportions of specific Supplies | for the Support of the Army the ensuing Year. ... f lc pp. 3. 2256. State of | Massachusetts-Bay. | A Proclamation | For a Day of public Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. [April 26.] Dated, April 7, 1780. aas Evans, 16853. 2257. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | A | Proclamation | For a Day of public Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer. [July 20.] Dated, June 27, 1780. aas. bpl Evans, 16854. 2258. By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esq; | . . . | A Proc- lamation, | For a Day of Thanksgiving. [December 7.] Dated, November 8, 1780. aas Evans, 16855. 2259. State of Massachusetts-Bay. | In Convention, June 16, 1780. | Whereas, upon due Examination of the Returns made by the several Towns | and Plantations within this State, (acceptance of Constitution.) f nypl. lc. bpl Evans, 16846. 2260. State of | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, Janu- ary 5, 1780. ei 2261. State of | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated June 25, 1780. ei 2262. State of | Massachusetts-Bay. | The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer, . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 18, 1780. ma Archives, ccxxix. 496. 2263. State of | Massachusetts-Bay. ] The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, Octo- ber 24, 1780. bpl Evans, 16852. 2264. Account of dues to Soldiers, 1777-1779. ma Archives (Tupper’s regiment), 11, 153. 314 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. (1780 2265. [Waggoners’ Return.] Deputies Waggon Master Gen- eral ... MA Archives, ccxxvi. 442. 2266. May 24, [1780.] Wednesday. Hand bill from [blank] and rumors from South Carolina. Pynchon, Diary, 64. 2267. Messieurs Edes. | By inserting the following Address, you will | oblige a constant Reader. | My Fellow Countrymen. | It is now upwards of five years since I addressed | you on the important subject of Military pre- | parations. . . . Signed, A Military Countryman. mhs 2268. A few Lines composed on the Dark Day, | May 19, 1780. NYHS. BPL Let us adore, and bow before, The Sovereign Lord of might ; 2269. On the | Dark Day. | May Nineteenth, 1780. ei 2270. On the | Dark Day, May 19th, 1780. mhs Let all adore, and bow before The Sovereign Lord of might, A recent imprint. 2271. The Salem Gazette and General Advertiser. Prospectus, December 6 , 1780. ei Evans, 17363. 2272. This Day was published | and to be Sold by | Isaiah Thomas, at his Printing-Office, in Worcester. | By the Thousand, Hundred, Groce, Dozen or Single. As Cheap as any in the State, | Thomas’s Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, and Con- necticut | Almanack, | For the Year of Our Lord Christ | 1780, &c., &c. By Philomathes, an Independent Whig. . . . aas Nichols, 82. 2273. To the General Court of the Massachu- | setts, assem- bled at Boston, Oct. | 1780. | We whose names are hereunto subscribed, inhabitants | of this State, . . . enter our Pro- | test against the power claimed in the third article of the | declara- tion of Rights in the new plan of Government ... f lc Evans, 17006. 2274. To the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior | Court of Common Pleas, holden at [Boston] ... on the | first Tuesday of [July] Anno Domini, | One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty | Be it remembered, That complains . . . that MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 315 1781] said since the nineteenth Day | of April, Anno Domini, One Thousand seven Hundred and Seventy-five, viz. on the twentieth Day of the | same April, being an Inhabitant and Member of the late Province, now State of Massachusetts-Bay, levied | War, and conspired to levy War against the Govern- ment and People of this Province, Colony and State; | . . . MHS 2275 . A Warning Piece. | A Poetical Thought, or Paraphrase, | Occasioned by that stupendous and unnatural Dark- | ness or interposing Cloud, which obscured the | light of the Sun on the 19th day of May in the | present year 1780, which happened about | the same time of the year, and on the | self-same day of the Week, as did the | supernatural Eclipse of the Sun, | at the Crucifixion of the Messiah: | A circumstance worthy of notice. bpl. hc Printed with “Bold Conscience and Old Self.” No. 2214, supra. Evans, 17062 and 16718. 1781 2276 . [Cuts.] An | Almanack | For the Year of our Lord 1782. [Isaiah Thomas.] aas 2277 . The Amorous | Sailor’s Letter | To his Sweetheart. | And the | Jolly Orange Woman. Printed at Worcester, 1781. t AAS Bright was the morning, cool the air, Serene was all the sky, . . . A Hearty buxom Girl am I, I came from Dublin City. Printed by Isaiah Thomas. Nichols, 87. Boston, Town oe. 2278 . Your State Tax. | Old Emission. || Your Town Tax. | New Emission. mhs 2279 . Your Commonwealth Tax. || Your Town and County Tax. || Your Beef Tax. Dated, Boston, August, 1781. mhs 2280 . At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town | of Boston, duly qualified and legally warned, in Public Town- | Meeting assembled at Faneuil-Hall, December 11, 1781. | Voted, That the following Instructions be given to the Gentlemen | who represent the Town in the General Court, viz. f AAS Evans, 17105 [a]. 316 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1781 2281. Gentlemen, | The Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, legally assembled, have taken | into consideration a matter which they conceive all the other maritime | Towns in this and the neighbouring States are equally, and some of them | more nearly interested than they. It is the subject of the Fishery, . . . Dated, December 14, 1781. pp. 3. Evans, 17105. t NYPL. A AS. BPL 2282. Boston, October 26. | This Morning arrived here a Gentleman from Providence, | who has favoured us with the following | Glorious Intelligence. (Surrender of Cornwallis.) Printed and Sold by S. Hall, near the Court-House, Salem, ei 2283. Cornwallis Retreating! | Philadelphia, April 7, 1781. | Extract of a Letter from Major-General Greene, dated | Camp, at Buffalo Creek, March 23, 1781. §f§: Printed at N. Willis’s Office. nypl Evans, 17391. 2284. David’s | Victory over | Goliath. Sold at E. Russell’s Office, near the Stump. ei Dorchester. 2285. Your Town Tax, for hiring | Soldiers, 1781. | To be paid in Specie or Paper | equivalent, or at the rate of | Seventy-Five Dollars for one. |J Your Town Rate, for | purchasing Beef, 1781, in the | old Currency of the United | States of America. mhs 2286. [Another issue.] Your State Tax for 1781. || Your Town Rate. | To be paid in Gold or Silver. mhs 2287. Your State Tax. 1781. | To be paid in Gold or Silver, or | Bills of Credit equivalent, as | the Court has or may de- termine. || Your Town Rate. 1781. | To be paid in Gold or Silver, or | Bills of Credit sufficient to pur- | chase the same. MHS Gill, John. 2288. To John Gill. | To the Continental Journal, from . . . MHS Harvard University. 2289. Quaestiones. nyhs. aas. hc 2290. Theses. Y. ei. aas. hc Evans, 17183, 17184. 2291. Important Intelligence! | Boston, Friday, September 14, MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 3 l 7 1781] 1781. (Action of General Greene in Carolina.) [Printed at Willis’s Office, Court-Street.] ei. mhs See Pynchon, Diary, 106. Lancaster. 2292 . Your Proportion of the Tax assessed [Sept. 10] 178[1], is as follows, viz. | State Tax. || Town and County Rate, mhs The same form was used in 1782. Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2293 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the Year of our Lord, 1781. An Act of the General Court of Massachusetts- Bay respecting the State of Vermont, (conditionally relinquish- ing claim to lands in that State.) Boston: Printed by Benjamin Edes and Sons, 1781. Evans, 17227. 2294 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, 1781. | An Act [ To incorporate certain Physicians, by the Name of | The Massachusetts Medical Society. Dated, October 30, 1781. Boston: | Printed by Benjamin Edes and Sons. bpl 2 leaves. Evans, 17228. 2295 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In Senate, Feb- ruary 26, 1781. | Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the quota of Men | required by a Resolve of the 2d of December last, be speedily | compleated; and as the mode of classing has been more successful | in procuring the Men than any other measure: . . . bpl. lc. mhs Evans, 17219. 2296 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, June 16, 1781. | Whereas it is now absolutely necessary that the whole number of men required | of the several towns and plantations in this Commonwealth, by a resolve of the | General Court of the 2d of December last, . . . Evans, 17220. f LC 2297 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, June 22, 1781. [ Whereas it is necessary for the support of the army, and for rendering the situ- | ation of our brethren in the field comfortable, that the good people of this Com- | monwealth should seasonably be called upon to furnish a quantity of cloathing for that | purpose. f lc pp. 8. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 3i8 [1781 2298 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, June 22, 1781. | Whereas the supplies of beef hitherto made by the several towns and plantations in | this Commonwealth . . . bpl pp. 4. Evans, 17221. 2299 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, June 30, 1781. | Whereas it is the earnest request of General Washington, that there be im- | mediately raised in this Commonwealth and sent on to join the Conti- nental Army, . . . bpl. nypl. mhs pp. 3. Evans, 17222. 2300 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, October 20, 1781. | Whereas, notwithstanding the resolves of the General Court, of December | 2, 1780, and that of July 26, 1781, and another resolve of the 16th June last, | there is still a deficiency of several towns and planta- tions in this State, in supplying the | quota of men apportioned on them by the resolve of December 2, 1780: . . . pp. 2. Evans, 17223. BPL. LC. MHS 2301 . By the United States in Congress | assembled. | Proc- lamation. (Appointing May 3 as a day of Humiliation, Fast- ing and Prayer.) With recommendation of the Governor of Massachusetts. Dated March 20 and April 11, 1781. Evans, 17386. t PHS. AAS. BPL 2302 . By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation for a Day of Thanksgiving. [December 13.] Dated, November 22, 1781. aas. phs. mhs Evans, 17217. 2303 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, May 8, 1781. bpl Evans, 17218. 2304 . Commonwealth | of | Massachusetts. | By His Excel- lency | John Hancock, Esq; . . . (Commission in the militia.) MHS 2305 . The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To all unto whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: (Commission of Justice of Peace, dated October 17, 1781.) mhs 2306 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To all People, to 1782] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 319 whom these Presents shall come. (Deed of property con- fiscated under act of April 30, 1779.) aas 2307 . A Return of Capt. Company in the Township of Lieutenant. Ensign. 2308 . Return of the Regiment of Foot, commanded by Archives, Lxvn. 2. f MA 2309 . Scale of Depreciation, | Agreeable to an Act of the (now) Commonwealth | of Massachusetts, passed September 29, 1780. f aas 2310 . Scale | of | Depreciation, | Agreeable to an Act of the Commonwealth of Massachu- | setts to be observed as a Rule for settling the rate of De- | preciation on all contracts both publick and private, made | on or since the first day of January, 1777. f AAS. JCB 2311 . Scale of Depreciation, | Agreeable to an Act of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed | September 29, 1780, to be observed as a Rule for settling the Rate | of Depreciation on all Contracts, public and private, for the Payment | of Monies made on or since the first Day of January 1777. Sold by T. & J. Fleet, at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill, Bjoston.] Evans, 17235. t NYPL 2312 . Wednesday, October 31, [1781.] Handbill comes of Greene’s Victory near Charleston. Pynchon, Diary, 110. 1782 Boston, Town of. 2313 . Your Commonwealth Tax. || Your Town and County Tax. Dated Boston, February, 1782. mhs 2314 . Your Commonwealth Tax. || Your Town Tax. Dated, Boston, July 1782. mhs 2315 . At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of the Town | of Boston, at Faneuil-Hall, May 14, 1782, and continued by | Adjournment to the 22d of said May, (Regulations on Treasurer’s accounts.) mhs 2316 . At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi- | tants of the Town of Boston, legally assembled | in Faneuil Hall by Adjournment, on Friday the | Sixth Day of September, 1782. (On illicit trade with the enemy.) Signed in ms., William Cooper. mhs pp. 2. Evans, 17480. 320 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1782 2317. Circular Letter. | Friends and Fellow Citizens, [ Being appointed by the legislature of this Commonwealth, to make application to | you for relief under the present most pressing exigencies of government, . . . bpl. mhs pp. 2. Dated in ms. July 18, 1782. Dorchester. 2318. Your State Tax. | 1782. || Your Town & County | Rate, to be paid in | Specie. 1782. mhs Harvard University. 2319. Quaestiones. 2320. Theses. lc. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 17557, 17558. Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2321. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty-two. | An Act in addition unto, and for amending and | Explaining | an Act made in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, laying certain Du- | ties of | Excise | . . . Dated, March 7, 1782. Evans, 19422. t AAS 2322. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, March 1, 1782. | Whereas it appears that the number of Four Thousand Two Hundred and Forty | men ap- portioned on the several towns and plantations within this Commonwealth in De- | cember, 1780, was not sufficient to compleat the quota of the Massachusetts Line, by nearly One | Thousand men, . . . aas. mhs pp. 5. 2323. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In Senate, July 4th, 1782. | Whereas a spirit of domination, intolerable to a free people, manifested by the King of | Great-Britain, aided by his Parliament and subjects, compelled the inhabitants of this coun- | try to enter into a contest . . . (County commissioners to raise the continental tax.) f lc. bpl pp. 2. Evans, 17596. 2324. By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer. [April 25.] Dated, April 11, 1782. aas. bpl. nypl. mhs Evaps, 17593. 2325. By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esq; | . . . |A | 1782] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 321 Proclamation. | For a Day of Thanksgiving. [November 28.] Dated, November 4, 1782. aas. bpl Evans, 17594. 2326 . By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esq; | . . . | A | Brief (for aid to meeting-house in Charlestown.) Dated, November 12, 1782. bpl 2327 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of | Massa- chusetts. | The Honorable | Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Warrant to collect unpaid taxes.) Dated, January, 1782. Archives, cccxxi. 196. t MA 2328 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. The Honorable Henry Gardner, Esq; | Treasurer, . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 31, 1782. nypl Evans, 17595. 2329 . Commmonwealth of Massachusetts, (No ) | Treas- urer’s-Office, [November 13,] 178[2]. Received of in for committed to him to collect for the Year 1782. f ma Archives, cccxi. 17. Same form in later years. 2330 . Assistant-Treasurer’s Office, [August 22,] 178[2]. Re- ceived of for Taxes committed to him to collect for the Year 178[2]. t ma Archives, cccxi. 8. 2331 . December 1782. | Received of | the Sum of as a | Duty on Carriages, to the 10th Day of December, | 1782. mhs 2332 . Commonwealth of | Massachusetts. | Suffolk ss. | Bos- ton, [April 21]. 1782. Certificate of commissioners’ report on claims against estate of absentee. f ma Archives, clv. 309. The year is altered in ms. to 1783. 2333 . The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To all unto whom etc. (Commission of this peace.) aas 2334 . Commonwealth | of | [Massachusetts. | By His Excel- lency | John Hancock, Esq; | . . . (Commission in militia.) Archives, clxxviii. 503. MA Massachusetts Charitable Society. 2335 . Rules and Articles | of the Massachusetts Society: j Founded in Boston, New-England, September 6, 1762; and incorporated as a Body- | Politic by Charter from the Honor- able Legislature of said State, on the 15th of | March, 1780, 322 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1782 by the Name of The Massachusetts Charitable Society. Bos- ton: Printed by Benjamin Edes and Sons, State-Street, 1782. Evans, 19425. t AAS Mycall, John. 2336. Newbury-Port, Feb. 19, 1782. | Sir, | On behalf of the gentlemen concerned in the Publication of the | Temple, I am directed to trouble you with the Proposal which accompanies this — ... John Mycall. mhs 2337. To the Public. | The Interests of Liberty are insepara- ble from those of Learning and of Virtue. . . . (Proposals for a weekly paper, The Temple.) mhs By John Mycall. The paper never was issued. PORTLEDGE BlLL. 2338. It is agreed between the Master, Seamen and Mariners of the . . . Sold by T. & J. Fleet, in Boston. f ma Archives, ccxcn. 184. 2339. Salem, December 10, 1782. ] Gentlemen, | A Bill has passed the House of Representatives, by | a small Majority, to remove the July Court of Com- | mon Pleas from this Town to Ipswich, . . . (Signed in ms. by the Selectmen of Salem.) f LC Thomas, Isaiah. 2340. Worcester News - - - Paper. Free and uninfluenced. | Proposals for circulating | Thomas’s Massachusetts Spy | in the Town of Boston and its Vicinity. Dated, Worcester, May, 1782. Evans, 19440. t AAS 2341. Tit for Tat; t’other Side; or, | Bounce-about. | Sold at Edes’s Printing-Office, in Cornhill. aas. mhs On the copy in aas the names of the characters intended are given. On that in mhs: “Said to be written by Joseph Barrel, esq.” Worcester. 2342. Worcester County Convention. | In Convention. | Tues- day, April 9, 1782. | At a meeting . . . convened at Worcester, to take | into consideration, the Grievances | which have created great uneasiness in the | minds of the Good People of this Country. Printed at Worcester, 1782. aas. mhs Evans, 19447. Printed by Isaiah Thomas. Nichols, 94. 2343. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Worcester ss. | [May 20,] 1782. Certificate of commissioners’ report on claims against estate of absentee. t MA Archives, clv. 241. 1783] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 323 1783 2344. As the Public had had much writing | and many studied falsehoods laid be- | fore them, concerning Mr. Tern- | pie; the following plain state- | ment of facts and dates, will ena- | ble that Public to form a right judg- | ment upon his case. Signed, Narrator. mhs pp. 3. Beverly. 2345. This is to certify the Weight of a | Load of Hay, . . . mhs Boston, Town of. 2346. Your Commonwealth Tax. |( Your County Tax. Dated, Boston, March 1783. mhs 2347. [Another issue.] Dated Boston, July 1783. mhs 2348. Boston, March 29, 1783. | Last night Col. John Trum- bull arrived in | this town; and brought with him the | follow- ing very important | Intelligence, (a general peace.) Printed at Edes’s Office, in Cornhill. f pc Evans, 17849. 2349. Boston, March 31. | This morning James Bowdoin, jun. Esq; arrived in Town from New York, and brought with him | a New York Paper, containing the following most | Glorious Intelligence. (Of a general peace.) Printed and sold at Edes’s Office, in Cornhill. bpl Evans, 17850. 2350. April 5, [1783.] As we sit down to dine . . . comes in hand-bill from Salem per Capt. Derby, in 22 days from France, with a confirmation of the news of peace. Pynchon, Diary, 148. It is strange that this news should have been known in Salem two days before it was published in Boston, though the intervention of a Sunday — the 6th — may account for it. 2351. Boston, April 7, 1783. | By the Ship Astrea, Captain John Derby, who arrived at Sa- | lem, last Friday, in Twenty two Days from France, we have receiv- j ed a printed Copy of a Declaration of the American | Ministers, as follows: (declar- ing a cessation of arms). Sold at E. Russell’s Office, near Liberty-Stump. bpl Evans, 17851. 2352. (Circular Letter.) | To one of the | Commissioners in the county of appointed to expedite | the payment of the 3 2 4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1783 Continental tax. Commission, signed in ms., S. Adams, President of the Senate, and Nathaniel Gorham, Speaker. MHS 2353 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Boston, 25th of May, 1783. | The candid public will recollect | that when the two houses of the | General Court, in September last, | were about to come to a final re- | solution, upon the integrity, ho- | nor, fidelity, and merit, of Mr. | Temple’s conduct towards this Coun- | try; . . . mhs pp. 3. Evans, 18205. Dorchester. 2354 . Your Continental Tax. | 1783. || Your Town and County | Rate, to be paid in | Specie. 1783. (Assessors to sit in February.) mhs 2355 . [Another issue.] (Assessors to sit in August.) mhs Gardiner, John. 2356 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To the High and Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the | Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in General Court assembled. | The Memorial and Petition of John Gardiner, Esq; Barrister at Law, Son of Silvester Gardiner, | late of the Town of Boston, in the County of Suffolk in this State, Physician. f ma pp. 2. Archives, clxxxviii, 432, dated in ms., October 6 , 1783. Evans, 17940. 2357 . A General Peace! | New-York, March 26. | . . . (Pre- liminary peace.) Printed by S. Hall, in Salem. ei Harvard University. 2358. Quaestiones. 2359 . Theses. y. bpl. hc Evans, 17970, 17971. Huggins, William, and John Mansfield. 2360 . [Cut.] The | Last Words | of William Huggins and John Mansfield, | Who are to be Executed this Day, June 19th, 1783, at Worcester, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for Burglary, committed in October last. Printed and sold at the Printing Office in Worcester. f aas Evans, 17994. Printed by Isaiah Thomas. Nichols, 102. The cut is that used on No. 2211 , supra, with an extension to provide for a second figure. See also No. 2681 , infra. 1783] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES 325 326 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1783 2361. Lands | For Sale. | Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Signed, John Ashley, jun., Jonathan Smith and Nathaniel Kingsley, Committee, and dated, September 18, 1783. f ma Archives, clv. 450. 2362. Lottery for Re-building the Bridges and | Repairing the Causeways in Lancaster. (Under act, February 15, 1783.) AAS Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2363. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | . . . | An Act for regulating Pilotage in several Ports in this Commonwealth. July 11, 1783. t AAS Evans, 19424. 2364. An Act to prevent Impositions on the Inhabitants of any town within this State in the sale | of Fire-Wood and Bark in any of said towns. [With] Vote of Town meeting of Newbury-Port, March 26, 1783. Dated, Newbury-Port, 31st. December, 1783. ei 2365. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In Senate, June 18, 1783. | Resolved, That the Commissioners appointed by a re- solve of the General Court, of July 4th, 1782, for expediting the payment of the Continental tax, ... t LC 2366. Boston, October 16, 1783. | The House proceeded in the Consideration of | the Bill for granting an Impost to Congress, . . . (Yeas and nays.) t AAS Evans, 19421. 2367. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, November 27, 1783. (On inlistments.) AAS 2368. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, j By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esq; | . . . | A | Proclamation, | For a Day of Public Fasting and Prayer. [May 15.] Dated, April 23, 1783. Evans, 18024. t LC- AAS 2369. By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Thanksgiving. [December 11.] Dated, November 8, 1783. ma. aas. mhs Archives, ccxcv. 195. Evans, 18025. 2370. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Continental Tax No. 2. | Thomas Ivers, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, [January 10,] 1783. ei 1783] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 327 2371 . Commonwealth | of Massachusetts. | Thomas Ivers, Esq; [ Treasurer . . . (Warrant to collect unpaid taxes.) Dated, [June 14, 1783.] f ma Archives, cccxxi. 238. Similar forms were issued in 1785 and 1786, with the years printed. 2372 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (Tax No. 3.) | Thomas Ivers, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant). Dated, [October 1,] 1783. aas 2373 . Received of this | Day of 178 , | the Sum of as a Duty on | Carriages for the Year 1783. mhs 2374 . Mill-Lottery. | Boston, (State of Massachusetts.) Ac- cording to an Act of the Gene- | ral Assembly, passed February Twen- | ty Sixth, 1783. . . . bpl 2375 . Official Intelligence of Peace. | Published by the Au- thority of the | Minister of France at Philadelphia. Printed at Worcester, Mass., by Isaiah Thomas. Nichols, 103, who states that it was reprinted from the Spy, April 3, 1783. It is the news that reached New York, March 26. 2376 . Peace. | Salem, February 21, 1783. j By Captain John Osgood in twenty-nine days from Martinico (arrived | this day) we have the Martinico Gazette of the 9th and 16th of January, | from which we have the following | Interesting Intelligence relative to | Peace. f nyhs 2377 . [Cuts.] Predictions | for the | Year | 1783. Sold at the Printing-Office in Essex-Street, near Liberty-Stump. f jcb The gay young muse salutes the opening year, — Peace lead the front ! and plenty bring the rear ! 2378 . Proposal for Printing by Subscription The Boston Magazine. Boston, January 12, 1784. Published by Nathaniel Freeman. The history of the magazine which ran into 1786 is related in 2 Proceedings, xvm. 326. The title of the Proposal is taken from an auction catalogue. 2379 . Salem, February 22, 1783. | Capt. George Williams, jun. arrived from the West-Indies, via Portsmouth, has favoured us with | the St. Lucia Gazette of the 18th of January, from which we have taken the following Speech. | The Speech of the King of Great-Britain, to both Houses of the British Parlia- ment, | on Thursday the 5th of December, 1782. Printed by S. Hall. f lc In his Majesty’s Name you 2380 . Worcester ss. To 328 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1784 are required to Levy and Collect of the | several Persons named in the List herewith committed unto you, 1 . . . aas Used in 1783, the words “his Majesty’s Name” being struck out and “the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts” added in ms. 1784 Boston, Town of. 2381. Notification. | The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the | Town of Boston . . . (town meeting May 11.) Dated, May 5, 1784. bpl Evans, 18374. 2382. Your Town and County Tax. Dated, Boston, August 1784. mhs 2383. Your Commonwealth Tax. Dated, Boston, December 31, 1784. mhs France. 2384. Arret of the King’s Council of State, of the 14th of May, 1782. Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, 1784. The General Court ordered the original and a translation to be printed, November 3, 1784. Evans, 18479. Grout, Dirick. 2385. The | Life, | Last Words | and | Dying Speech | of Dirick Grout, a Dutchman, of New-York State, aged 36; and Francis Coven, a Frenchman, belonging | to Marseilles, aged 22; who were Executed this Day, pursuant to their Sentence, for the Crime of Burglary. Thursday, October 28, 1784. f nyhs Harvard University. 2386. Quaestiones. bpl. aas. hc 2387. Theses. lc. bpl. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 18521, 18522. 2388. [In border.] Just imported, | and to be sold by | Joseph Greenough, jun. | at his Cheap Shop, | a little below the Ferry-way, | Newbury-port. Printed by John Mycall, 1784. f BPL. EI. NYPL. NYHS Evans, 18504. Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2389. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, one thousand seven hun- | dred and eighty-four. | An Act to enable the inhabitants of the several towns and | plan- tations within this Commonwealth, to ascertain from time | to 1784] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 3 2 9 time the amount of monies received by their respective col- | lectors of public taxes, . . . March 23, 1784. bpl 2390 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, one Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty-Four. | An Act for inquiring into the rateable Property of this Common- wealth. AAS. MHS Evans, 18596. 2391 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty-Four. | An Act for obtaining a just and accurate Account of the Quantity of Land within this Commonwealth, | granted to or surveyed for any Person, . . . pursuant | to a Resolve of Congress, passed February 17, 1783. f nypl. aas Evans, 18594. 2392 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire. | . . . | A Proclamation, | For a Day of Fasting and Prayer. [April 15.] Dated, March 13, 1784. Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, Printers to the Commonwealth. aas. bpl Evans, 18592. 2393 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. By his Excellency John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation. Whereas an unhappy Dispute has subsisted between some of the Citizens of the State of New-York, and the People inhabiting the Terri- tory called the New-Hampshire Grants, or State of Vermont: . . . Dated, March 26, 1784. Evans, 18591. 2394 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation, | For a Day of Thanksgiving. [November 25.] Dated, October 28, 1784. aas. bpl Evans, 18593. 2395 . Tax No. 4. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Thomas Ivers, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, August 2, 1784. aas. bpl Evans, 18597. Massachusetts Bank. 2396 . [Seal of Bank.] is entitled to | Share in the Massachusetts Bank, . . . mhs 33° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i7 8 S 2397 . [Cut.] Newhalls | Tavern, Lynn. | Breakfast . . . 1784. PC Of 22 items printed 14 were drinks. The bill-head may be incomplete. PORTLEDGE BlLL. 2398 . It is agreed between the Master, Seamen and Mariners of the . . . Printed by John Mycall, at his Office in Newbury- port, where all kinds of Printing is well performed, and at a reasonable rate. bpl Evans, 18539. 2399 . A Table | Of the Weight and Value of coined Silver and Gold, and English | Half-Pence and Farthings, as established by an Act of the | Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Passed October 23d, 1784.] t nypl. ei Evans, 18604. 2400 . A New-Year’s Wish, | From the Carrier of the Post- Boy and Ad- | vertiser. f phs To Scenes of Blood, and dreadful Deeds of Arms Inur’d too long — kind Patrons! shall I bring 1785 American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2401 . Boston, Nov. 10th, 1785. | Sir, | The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, apprehending that important | and useful information may be obtained, by collecting regular and uni- form | Bills of Mortality from the several towns within this Commonwealth, . . . Printed by S. Hall, State-street, Boston. t LC With a printed list of diseases and a note of explanation, all on a blanket sheet. Evans, 18901. Boston, Town of. 2402. Notification. | The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, qualified as | the Law directs, are here- by notified to meet at Faneuil-Hall on Monday | the 14th Day of March Current, . . . Dated, March 7, 1785. mhs Evans, 18936. 2403. Notification. | The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, qualified | as the Law directs, are here- by notified to meet at Faneuil-Hall, on | Wednesday 26th of Octob. inst. . . . Dated, October 22, 1785. mhs Evans, 18937. 1785] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 33 1 . First Church. 2404 . First Church in Boston, [Feby. 19th] 178[5] | Sir, | Your Pew, No. [60] is assessed [2/] which you will | please to observe includes the Minister’s Salary, Sexton’s | Salary, Wood, and other Charges, for the Year ensuing: ... t pc 2405 . Boston, April 18, 1785. | The Minds of the People be- ing greatly and justly agitated by | the apparent Intention of the Government and the Merchants j of Great-Britain to de- prive the industrious Trader of every Be- | nefit of our Com- merce, . . . mhs No. 2406. Buckland, James. 2406 . [Cut, colored.] A Wonderful Discovery of a | Hermit! | And a most remarkable Narra- | tive of a Citizen of London, who left his | native Country on Account of being connected with a Nobleman’s Daughter, . . . Sold at the Office near Liberty Pole; where may | be had, A wonderful Account of the Death and | Burial of the above Hermit. | aas Evans, 19532. See No. 2458 infra, which may be the same item. The story is given in West’s Bickerstaff’s Boston Almanack, 1788. 2407 . [Circular.] At a Meeting of a number of respectable Inhabitants of the Counties of York, Cumberland, and J Lincoln, at Messi’rs Smith & Deane’s Meeting-House, in Fal- mouth, on the fifth of October, | instant — . . . mhs 2408 . Directions for sailing in and out of Plymouth Harbour. A reissue of the Directions of 1768. BPL 332 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1785 Dorchester. 2409. Your State Tax 1785. || County £. s. d. mhs 2410. Falmouth February 2, 1785. | Sir, | This is to inform you, that a Meeting of the | Proprietors of the Township number One, situated | in the county of Lincoln, at the east- ward of Mount- | Desert or Union-River, is to be holden at the | house of Mrs. Mary Parker, . . . mhs Gill, John. 2411. To John Gill, . . . Dr. | To the Continental Journal, &c. from mhs Harvard University. 2412. Catalogus, 2413. Quaestiones. bpl. aas. hc. mhs 2414. Theses. y. bpl. hc. mhs Evans, 19034, 19035, 19036. Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2415. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, one Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty-Five. | An Act for the Regulation of Navigation and Commerce. June 23, 1785. aas. mhs Evans, 19083. 2416. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | In the House of Representatives, March 18, 1785. | Whereas it is represented to this Court, that sundry persons have fraudulently | obtained of the Treasurer of this Common- wealth, securities of this government, | . . . mhs 2417. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By his Honor | Thomas Cushing, Esq. | . . . | A | Proclamation, | For a Public Fast. [April 7.] Dated, February 26, 1785. aas. bpl Evans, 19084. 2418. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By his Excellency | James Bowdoin Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation, | For the Encouragement of Piety, Virtue, Education and Manners, and for the Suppression | of Vice. Dated, June 8, 1785. Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, Printers to the General Court. t aas Evans, 19085. 2419. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | James Bowdoin, Esq. | . . . | A MASSACHUSETTS BROAD SIDES. 333 1785] Proclamation, | For a Day of Thanksgiving. December 15. Dated, November 7, 1785. aas. bpl Evans, 19086. 2420. Tax No. 5. | Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Thomas Ivers, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) lc Evans, 19093. Neufville, John de. 2421. Boston, September 5, 1785. | Whereas I John de Neuf- ville, on the 13 th | of August, was threatened in the name of Messieurs Leertonwer and Huyman, | of this town, that they would advance me no more money, ... f lc Evans. 19109. See No. 2441, infra. Norman, John, and Coles. 2422. Boston, May 5th, 1785. | Rev. Sir, | By the advice of a great number of Gentlemen of the first character, in this town, we take the liberty to com- | mit to the care and pat- ronage of the Reverend Ministers of this and the other neigh- bouring States, the fol- | lowing subscription address, . . . (for an Accurate Map of the Four New-England States.) hhs The map is Evans, 19144. 2423. The Observer, extra. | Friday, April 15, 1785. | Exertion or Ruin ! ! mhs May every Curse light on my head, And Hell receive when I am dead, Paine, Timothy. 2424. [Cuts.] House Lots for Sale. | In the Centre of the Town of | Worcester. Pursuant to a Vote of the Inhabitants of the Town of | Worcester, there will be | Sold . . . Dated December 24, 1784. Printed at Worcester by I. Thomas, 1785. Evans, 19390. AAS 2425. Resolve confirming a grant of land of thirty miles square, to the | heirs of Brigadier Waldo, on certain conditions, July 4, 1785. aas. nypl. mhs pp. 2. Evans, 19088. 2426. To the Honest Electors of this Day. | Be cool, my Friends, be exceedingly | wary and cautious, lest you be mis- | guided in the latest moments. (In favor of James Bowdoin.) MHS Warden and Russell. 2427. Boston, June 18, 1785. \ To Warden & Russell, Dr. | To the Centinel from mhs 334 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1786 2428. The Carrier of the | Independent Ledger, &c. | Wishes his kind Customers a | Merry Christmas & Happy New-Year, | and presents the following: Dated, January 1, 1785. t phs 2429. Censor | The Carrier of the | Censor, | Wishes all Hap- piness to his generous | Customers. t phs What means this Clamour? why this strife? To poison all the Joys of Life; 2430. The | Carrier of the American Herald’s | Congratulation | to his | Customers, | Presenting the following | Balloon Wish! Dated, Boston, January 1 [torn.] t phs In this wild, romantic Age, What fantastic Whims engage! 1786 American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2431. Boston, March 16, 1786. | At a Meeting of the Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences, | on the 6th of November 1785, the following Vote was passed, viz. (to obtain subscriptions for improving the several branches of husbandry.) NYPL. BPL. BA No. 2432. 2432. [Cut.] As the Piece dedicated to the young | Gentle- men has met with a kind Recep- | tion, the Author would address her own | Sex in the following manner; hoping | it will have the like Acceptance with | the young Ladies who are under the | Tuition of the several School-Mistresses | in this State, more especially in the | Town of Boston. Composed June 10, 1786. Sold next Liberty-Pole. 1786. f ba 1786] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 335 2433. [Cut.] British Lamentation | Together with Bunker- Hill Ode. Twas on that dark and dismay day, When we set sail for America ; f PC No. 2433. The second part is: Ode composed by T. Dawes, jun. Esq. — | Sung on Bunker-Hill, June 17th, 1786, at the opening of Charles River Bridge. Falmouth, Convention. 2434. At a Convention of Delegates from a number of towns in the Counties of | York, Cumberland and Lincoln, held at Falmouth, on the first Wednesday of | January, 1786: — The Hon. William Gorham, Esq; was chosen President, | Mr. Stephen Longfellow, jun. Clerk. mhs Folsom, John W. 2435. To John W. Folsom, Dr. | To the Independent Ledger, &c. from mhs Gordon, William. 2436. Received from | in advance | for [a] Set of The History of the American Revolution, by the | Revd. William Gordon, D.D. . . . mhs Green, Johnson. 2437. [Cut.] The Life and Confession of | Johnson Green, | 336 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1786 Who is to be Executed this Day, August 17th, 1786, for the | Atrocious Crime of Burglary; | Together with his | Last and Dying Words. Worcester Gaol, August 16, 1786. and Sold at the Printing-Office at Worcester. Evans, 19693. Printed f AAS Hall, Samuel. 2438 . Receipt for Massachusetts Gazette. MHS Harvard University. 2439 . Quaestiones. AAS. HC 2440 . Theses. y. lc. ba. bpl. Evans, 19703, 19704. HC. MHS Leertonwer, D. and James Huyman. 2441 . Boston, March 13, 1786. | To the Public. MHS pp. 2. In reply to John de Neufville, No. 2421, supra. 2442 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | ... | An Act for suspending the Operation of an Act, entitled, “An Act for the | Regulation of Navigation and Commerce,” July 5, 1786. Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, Printers to the Commonwealth. J AAS Evans, 19784. 2443 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, July 11, 1783, [With] Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In Senate, June 5, 1788. (On soldiers bounties.) nyhs 2444 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | By His Excellency | James Bowdoin, Esq. | . . . j A Proclamation j For a Day of publick Fasting & Prayer. [April 6.] Dated, March 10, 1786. Evans, 19787. BPL. AAS. MHS 2445 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] By His Excellency | James Bowdoin, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation (on disturbances at Northampton.) Dated, September 2, 1786. Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, Printers to the General Court. f NYHS. MA. BPL. BA Evans, 19789. Archives, clxxxix, 3, 4, in two issues, one before and the other after additional sentences had been added. 2446 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A Proclamation. (Convening General Court on September 27.) Dated, Sep- 1786] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 337 tember 13, 1786. Printed by Adams & Nourse, Printers to the General Court. f aas Evans, 19788. 2447 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | By His Excellency | James Bowdoin, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation | For a General Thanksgiving. [December 14.] Dated, November 3, 1786. Evans, 19790. BPL. AAS. LC. MHS 2448 . Tax No. 5. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Thomas Ivers, Esq; Treasurer, . . . [Tax warrant.) Dated, April 10, 1786. lc. bpl Evans, 19795. 2449 . Articles of Impost and Excise, as revised and corrected by the Collector of this County, Samuel Henshaw, Esquire, to the 13th of this instant, May [1786]. Evans, 19476. 2450 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | No. Land Lot- tery. | This Ticket entitles the Bearer to the Lot or Tract of [ Land drawn by the Number thereof, pursuant to an Act | of the General Court, passed the Ninth Day of November, | 1786. BPL. MHS 2451 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | By His Excellency | James Bowdoin, Esquire, | . . . | Public Orders respecting the Militia. Dated, August 14, 1786. bpl 2452 . General Orders | for the | Second Division of the Massa- chusetts’ Militia. Dated, Newbury-port, December 1, 1786. Printed by John Mycall, at Newbury-port. mhs 2453 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (Ship’s register.) Dated, [August 8,] 17[86.] ei 2454 . Occasional Ode, | For 17th of June, 1786. bpl Now let rich Music sound, And all the Region round Evans, 19875a. 2455 . A | Petition | For a Contribution in order to Relieve a distressed Prisoner. In favor of Dr. Samuel Stearns. Signed, George Dana, Jonathan Richardson and Samuel Newton. [June 12, 1786.] t aas Evans, 19914. This is accompanied by a letter from Joseph Lyman, 33§ MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1787 dated, Hatfield, February 15, 1787, to Artemas Ward, Speaker of the House of representatives, inclosing the petition as “a dangerous pub- lication,” etc. Portland, Convention. 2456. Proceedings of the Convention, | Held at Portland, September 6, 1786, | At a Convention of Delegates from a number of Towns and Plantations, | in the three Counties of York, Cumberland and Lincoln, ... for the purpose | of con- sidering the Grievances which the Inhabitants of said Counties | labour under, and adopting some orderly and peaceable measure to | obtain Relief — mhs 2457. [Cuts.] Tom Bolin: | Together with | Collin and Phebe. | A Couple of excellent New Songs; with good Tunes. [Printed and] Sold at the Office Street, next Liberty Pole. 1786. — Cash for Linen Rags. aas 2458. A wonderful Account of the Death and Burial of the old Hermit. Boston: Printed and sold by Ezekiel Russell, at the Office near Liberty-Pole. 1786. Evans, 20157. Known only by its mention in the colophon of No. 2406, supra. See No. 2504, infra. 1787 Boston, Town of. 2459. Boston, 1787. | This is to certify, That a Load of | Hay weighed this Day, . . . mhs Bowdoin, James. 2460. The House of Representatives, apprehending it of im- | portance, that the Governor’s Objections to a Bill, re- | ducing the Salary of the Governour from Eleven Hundred | to Eight Hundred Pounds, should be published, and dis- | tributed in the several parts of the Commonwealth : — | In conformity to their order, the following, . . . Dated, February 9, 1787. Done in [Court-Street] Boston, by | Edward-Eveleth Powars, 1787. Evans, 20513. BPL. MHS Carleton, Osgood. 2461. By Permission | Mr. Carleton, | Professor of Astron- omy, | Proposes (with the Approbation of the Ladies and Gen- | tlemen of this Metropolis) to deliver a | Course of Five Lectures on that Sublime Science: . . . [Cut.] Boston, June 20, 1787. E. Russell, Pr. next Lib. Pole. t AAS 1787] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 339 Evans, 20, 261. Carleton compiled an almanac, published 1790-1797 and prepared maps of Maine (1799), Massachusetts (1802 or earlier) and the United States; also a plan of Boston (1796), used for some years in the Boston Directory. 2462 . Disadvantages | of Federalism, | Upon the New Plan. 1. The Trade of Boston transferred to Philadelphia; and the Boston Tradesmen starving. . . . Signed, Truth. mhs 2463 . Federal Convention. | We, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, . . . Sold at Edes’s, No. 49 Marlborough-Street, and at Powars’s | opposite the New Court-House. mhs pp. 2. Evans, 20809, differs from this in having no imprint and in beginning “Proceedings of the Grand Federal Convention,” but I have found no copy. Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2464 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven Hundred and eighty-seven. An Act requiring Town Officers to take the Oath of Allegiance. Evans, 20511. 2465 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | An Act for the Limitation of personal Actions, and for avoiding | Suits at Law. February 13, 1787. | AAS Evans, 20509. 2466 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty-Seven. | An Act, describing the Disqualifications to which Persons shall be subjected, who have been, or may be guilty of | Treason, or giving Aid or Support to the present Rebellion, and to whom a Pardon may be extended. Dated, February 16, 1787. Evans, 20510. NYPL. NYHS. El. BPL. MHS 2467 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven Hun- dred and Eighty-Seven. | An Act for preventing Persons serving as Jurors, who in consequence of having been | concerned in the present Rebellion, are by Law disqualified therefor. Dated, February 26, 1787. f lc. nypl 2468 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven. | An Act to Incorporate certain Persons, by the Name of the Society, 34 ° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1787 for propagating the | Gospel among the Indians and others in North-America. Dated, November 19, 1787. hc. mhs 2469 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In Senate, February 17, 1787. | Whereas it is necessary that a considerable sum of money | should be immediately procured to defray the expences incurred | by reason of the detachments lately made for the suppression of the unna- j tural rebellion . . . Dated, February 17, 1787. NYHS. AAS. MHS Evans, 20508 . 2470 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, March 10, 1787. Ordered, That the Gov- ernor’s Objections, made this day to the Bill for establish- ing a Salary of a fixed and permanent value for the Governor, . . . be published. aas No. 2432. 2471 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, March 10, 1787. | Resolved, That the several persons that | have been, or may hereafter be chosen for | the present year as Selectmen, Assessors, | . . . | take and sub- scribe the oath of alligance | as prescibed in the Constitution . . . J8@“ Done [By Authority] in Court-Street, Boston, by | Edward-Eveleth Powars — 1787. f nypl. hc 2472 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In Senate, June 13, 1787, | Whereas it appears to this Court, that a considerable number of persons con- | cerned in the Rebellion, and now lurking in the neighbouring States, do frequent- | ly enter into parts of the western counties, ... El 1787] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 341 2473. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | James Bowdoin, Esq; | . . . | A Proclamation, | For a Day of solemn Humiliation and Prayer. [March 22.] Dated, February 17, 1787. Evans, 20502. NYHS. AAS. HHS 2474. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | James Bowdoin, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation (promising pardon to offenders under act “de- scribing the disqualifications,” etc.) Dated, February 17, 1787. Boston: Printed by Adams & Nourse, Printers to the General Court. NYPL. AAS. MHS 2475. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | By his Excellency James Bowdoin, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation (disqualifying persons in Shays’ Rebellion from serving as jurors.) Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, 1787. Evans, 20505, whence title is taken. 2476. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | By His Excellency | James Bowdoin, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation (on death of Thomas Ivers, Treasurer, and convening of General Court, April 25.) Dated April 12, 1787. bpl. mhs Evans, 20506. 2477. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation (against the “present traiterous opposition to the Laws,” i. e., Shays’ rebellion. Dated, June 15, 1787. Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, Printers to the Hon- ourable General Court. 1787. bpl 2478. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation, | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [No- vember 29.] Dated, October 25, 1787. Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, Printers to the Honourable the General Court. aas 2479. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | By his Excellency | James Bowdoin, Esquire, | . . . | An Address, | To the good People of the Commonwealth. Dated, January 12, 1787. [Published by Authority.] t aas. jcb Evans, 20500. On Shays’ rebellion. 342 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [ 1 787 2480. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Alexander Hodg- don. Esq. j Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, November 6, 1787. ' f ma Archives, cccxxi. 273. 2481. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, (No. A, ) | Treas- ury-Office, 1787. | This certifies, That the Sum of ... is due to . . . for which Sum this shall be received of you in Pay- ment of . . . t ma Archives, cccxxiv. 22 (verso). 2482. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To all unto whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: (Commission of Justice of the Peace, April 25, 1787. mhs 2483. Commonwealth | of | Massachusetts. | By His Excel- lency | John Hancock, Esq. | . . . (Commission in the militia.) MHS 2484. Commonwealth | of | Massachusetts. | By His Excel- lency I James Bowdoin, Esq. | . . . (Commission in the militia.) EI. MHS 2485. Commissary’s-Department. No | Commissary’s- Office, | Received from the Selectmen of the Town of | the following Provisions, for the Use of | the Troops now raised for the Service of the Commonwealth. ... f MA Archives, cccxvm. 141. 2486. Camp at 1787. | A Provision Return for in | the State of Massachusetts. f ma Archives, cccxvi. 38. 2487. A Provision Return for the Troops employed in | the Service of the State of Massachusetts. ... ma Archives, cccxv. 187. 2488. Quarter-Master General’s Department. | This Certifies, that has furnish- | ed Quarters and Fuel for men Nights, | ma Archives, cclxxv. 44. 2489. [Another issue.] This Certifies, That has | f ma Archives, cclxxv. 94. 2490. Worcester, 1787. | Received of the Town of | for the Use of the Troops of this Commonwealth, | under the Command of Major-General Lincoln, ... f ma Archives, cccxvm. 147. 1787] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 343 2491. I of in | the County of have this Day received of | the following excised Articles, | viz. ... I being legally authorized to sell the same, and will pay the j Excise thereon, ... pc Harvard University. 2492. Quaestiones. y. aas. hc. mhs 2493. Theses. lc. jcb. ba. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 20408, 20409. 2494. Mr. to College Butler, Dr. | (Credit is not given by Law for more than Forty Shillings.) mhs Hoar, David. 2495. Circular Memorial. | To His Excellency James Bowdoin, Esquire, and each Member of the General | Court now sitting in Boston, with all others whom it may concern. (On forbid- ding the sitting of the Concord Court.) Signed in ms., David Hoar, and dated September 28, Year of Independence Eleven. f LC Jarves. 2496. [in a border.] Jarves, | Cabinet, Chair and Clock- Case Maker, from | London, j (No. 76) Newbury-Street, Boston: | Respectfully informs Gentlemen and Ladies, that he makes the fol- | lowing Mahogany Furniture, on reasonable Terms. ... f pc Ohio Company. 2497. August 29, 1787. | At a Meeting of the Directors and Agents of the Ohio Company, | held at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern in Boston, the following Report was | received from Rev. Menassah Cutler. t ei. aas Evans, 20602. Nichols includes this item in his Isaiah Thomas, 188. 2498. At a Meeting of the Directors and Agents of the Ohio Company, at Mr. Bracket’s Tavern, the 21st of November, and continued by adjournment to the twenty-second . . . lcp pp. 4. Evans, 20603. Sheehan, John. 2499. Lamentation and Farewell to the World of John Sheehan; found in his Pocket by his Brother, Daniel Sheehan, after his Death. Boston: Printed and sold by E. Russell, near Liberty-Pole. 1787. Evans, 20701. 2500. A true Narrative of the Life; together with the last Words and Confession of John Sheehan, who was executed in 344 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1788 Boston, on Thursday, Nov. 22, 1787, for Burglary. Boston: Printed and sold by E. Russell, near Liberty-Pole. 1787. Evans, 20702. These two items have not been traced, but subject and printer suggest broadsides. 2501. Simple Division. Boston: Printed for James White, at Franklin’s Head, Court-street; | with the Privilege of Copy Right. mhs 2502. To the Free, Virtuous, and Independent Electors of Massachusetts. | Freemen, attend! — * The Spirit of the present Rebellion, so far as | relates to Arms, seems to have subsided: . . . (Against John Hancock.) mhs W., H. 2503. [Cut.] A Poem, descriptive of the terrible Fire, which made such shocking Devastation in Boston, | on the Evening of Friday April 21, 1787, in which were consumed one House of Worship, of which the | Rev. Ebenezer Wight was Pastor, and upwards of one Hundred Dwelling-Houses and other Buildings. — | . . . Composed by H. W. Sold at the Office next Liberty-Pole. mhs 1788 2504. An Account of the Wonderful Old Hermit’s Death and Burial at the age of 228 years. Nichols, Isaiah Thomas, 195, taken from an auction catalogue. It may be the same as No. 2458, or a Worcester reprint. Evans, 20909, gives the title with colophon: Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, by Isaiah Thomas. 1788. Boston, Town of. 2505. Your Commonwealth Tax. Your Town [Rate.] Dated, Boston, September 1788. mhs 2506. Directions to and from the Light House on the North East Point of Nantucket. f bpl Evans, 21058. 2507. Eastern Lands for Sale. The Public are notified of Tracts of Land for sale, situated between the Highlands and the Atlantic Ocean, from north to south; and between the River St. Croix, and the State of New-Hampshire, from east to west . . . June 18, 1788. Boston: — Printed by Adams & Nourse, Printers to the Honourable General Court. aas Evans, 21244. 2508. The Great Constitution: a new Federal Song. mhs Evans, 21119. 346 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1788 Harvard University. 2509. Quarter-Bill. 2510. Quaestiones. aas. hc MHS 2511. Theses. y. aas. hc. MHS Evans, 21136, 21137. Humane Society. 2512. Advertisement. | The Humane Society of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts, | actuated by the same benevolent disposition to mitigate the miseries, | and preserve the lives . . . Dated, January 8, 1788 . aas. NHaHS Evans, 21156. Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2513. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (Resolve on return of bounties.) f nyhs Evans, 21241. Contains resolves of July 11, 1783 and June 5, 1788. 2514. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In Senate, Novem- ber 19 , 1788 . | Resolved, That the Commonwealth be divided | into eight districts for the purpose of choosing eight | persons to represent the people thereof in the Congress | of the United States. Boston: — Printed by Adams & Nourse, Printers to the Honorable General Court. | nyhs. bpl. aas Evans, 21240. 2515. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . ,| A Proclamation, | For a Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. [April 17 .] Dated, March 13 , 1788 . Boston: Printed by Adams & Nourse, Printers to the Honourable General Court. aas. bpl Evans, 21236. 2516. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation. (Proroguing the General Court.) Evans, 21238. 2517. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation. (Proroguing the General Court.) Evans, 21239. 2518. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . 1789] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 347 A Brief. (Asking for subscriptions to Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians, etc.) Dated, June 20, 1788. BA. MHS 2519 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency j John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [No- vember 24.] Dated, October 29, 1788. Boston: Printed by Adams & Nourse, Printers to the Honourable the General Court. AAS. BPL Evans, 21237. Massachusetts Magazine. 2520 . A Proposal for printing by Subscription, in Boston, a new Periodical Work, to be entitled, The Massachusetts Maga- zine; or monthly Museum of Knowledge and rational Enter- tainment. Boston: Printed by Isaiah Thomas and Company, 1788. Evans, 21493. Morrill, James. 2521 . James Morrill, | At his Shop, No. 43. Newbury-Street, | Boston, | Sells, on the lowest Terms, | . . . bpl 2522 . [Cuts.] A short and brief Account of the Shipwreck of Cap. Joshua Winslow, | who was overset on Carolina Coast in Lat. 35, 30, m. N. on the 23d | Day of July, 1788. [also:] Fare- well Hymn; on the Death of Miss Polly Gould. [And:] On the Death of Uriah Brown. aas Thomas, Elisha. 2523 . [Cut.] The Last Words, and Dying Speech of Elisha Thomas, who was Executed at Dover, on the 3d June, 1788 — for the Murder of Captain Peter Drowne. aas 1789 Boston, Town of. 2524 . Notification. | The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the | Town of Boston, qualified as the Law directs, . . . (Meeting, September 23.) f aas Evans, 21700. , Union Bank. 2525. Union Bank, [Boston.] Form for collateral on loans. MHS 2526 . Boston, January 29, 1789. | To the Publick. | The Catholick Church of the Holy Cross, in Boston, is, at present, 348 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1789 | indebted in the sum of one hundred pounds, . . . Printed by S. Hall. BPL. LC. MHS Evans, 21704. Bouchard de la Poterie, Claude Florent. 2527. To the Publick. | On jfthe Fourth of February ult. 1789, a Frenchman by | the name of Louis Abraham Welsh, born and baptised in | the parish of Saint Hyacinthus, of the Cabesterre, Island of Guadeloupe, . . . resided in Dedham . . . pp. 4- AAS. MHS 2528. Sir, | You will readily discover, in the 'writing, which M. the Abbe de la Poterie has the honour to send you, here inclosed, . . . Dated in ms., March 3, 1789, and at Boston. MHS 2529. By the Committee of Arrangements. | As the President of the United States will | honor this town with his presence next Thursday, | . . . Salem, October 27, 1789. ei Chamberlain, R. 2530. R. Chamberlain, | No. 2, Newbury-street, | (Two doors south of the Golden Mortar, south-end, Boston.) | European & India Goods. mhs 2531. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Essex ss. | At the Supreme Judicial Court of the Common- | wealth of Massachu- setts, begun and holden at | Ipswich within and for the County of Essex, on the third Tuesday of June, being the six- | teenth day of said month, Anno Domini, 1789. (On Daniel Foster, of Rowley.) ei Probably printed later, Foster becoming an office-seeker. 2532. Compting-House Companion, an Abstract of the Coasting-Act. Boston: Printed and sold by Benjamin Rus- sell. 1789. Evans, 21747. Dartmouth College. 2533. Catalogus corum qui in Collegio Dartmuthensi, 1771, ad annum 1789. Newbury-Port: Printed by John Mycall, 1789. aas Evans, 21784. 2534. Federal Street Almanac for the Year 1790. Printed from copper-plate by John Mycall, Newbury-Port. Evans, 21820. 1789] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 349 Fenno, John. 2535. To John Fenno, Dr. | To the Gazette of the United States, from April 15, 1789, | to October 15. Boston. mhs Freeman, Edmund. 2536. To Edmund Freeman, Dr. | For the Herald of Freedom, from mhs Freeman, Edmund and L. Andrews. 2537. To E. Freeman and L. Andrews, Dr. | For the Herald of Freedom from mhs Grant, Moses. 2538. Imported and Sold by | Moses Grant, | No. 6, Union- Street, | A General Assortment of Upholstery, | English Goods, | Lisbon, Waterfowl & Geese Feathers. . . . mhs Harvard University. 2539. Quaestiones. aas. hc. mhs 2540. Theses. aas. bpl. hc. mhs Evans, 21879, 21880. Humane Society of Massachusetts. 2541. Boston, July 21, 1789. | Sir, | It being now considered as an established truth, from a variety of | faithful experiments and incontestible facts, . . . Signed in ms. by James Bowdoin and Thomas Russell. mhs Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2542. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In Senate, January 28, 1789. | Whereas it appears that there are j some deficient Constables and Col- | lectors of the taxes granted prior to the tax | granted the 9th day of July, A.D. 1784, | against whom executions have not yet | issued: | lc 2543. [Seal of Commonwealth.] By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation, | For a Day of Fasting and Prayer. [May 7.] Dated, March 16, 1789. Boston: — Printed by Adams & Nourse, Printers to the Honorable the General Court. aas. bpl Evans, 21946. 2544. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . A Proclamation, | For a Day of Thanksgiving. [November 26. Dated, October 14, 1789. Boston: — Printed by Adams & Nourse, Printers to the Honourable General Court, aas. bpl Evans, 21947. 35° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1789 2545. The Governor and Council, | present their respectful Compliments to | and | request the Favour of his Com- pany to dine on | Tuesday next, at Faneuil-Hall, with the Pre- | sident of the United States. Dated, Sunday Evening, October 25, 1789. mhs 2546. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Alexander Hodg- don, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Warrant to collect unpaid taxes.) Dated [September, 1787.] ma Archives, cccxxi. 273. 2547. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | (Precept to elect a representative of Hampshire and Berkshire in the Congress of the United States). Dated, January 6, 1789 nypl 2548. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To the Selectmen of the Town of . . . (Precept to elect a representative in the Congress of the United States.) Dated, February 9, 1789. f LC 2549. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To the Selectmen of the Town of | . . . (Precept to elect a representative in the Congress of the United States.) Dated, April 10, 1789. f LC 2550. Meteorological Observations. Springfield: Printed by Ezra Waldo Weld, 1789. Evans, 21960. 2551. Ode | To the President of the Uni- | ted States on his arrival at | Boston. mhs Behold the man! whom virtues raise The highest of the patriot throng! 2552. Procession. | Boston, Oct. 19, 1789. | As this town is shortly to be honoured with a visit from the President of the | United States: ei. nypl. aas. mhs Evans, 21701. Russell, Benjamin. 2553. To Benjamin Russell, Dr. f To the Centinel from September 13, 1788, to March 14, 1789. mhs Salem. 2554. Rules, Orders, and | By-Laws, | made by the | Free- holders and Inhabitants of the Town of Salem. [May 11, 1789. Adopted, August 17, 1789.] nypl. ei. ba. mhs pp. 2. Evans, 22124. I79°] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 351 Wall, Rachel. 2555. [Cut.] Life, Last Words and Dying Confession, | of | Rachel Wall, | Who, with William Smith and William Du- nogan, were executed at Boston, on Thursday, October 8, 1789, for | High-way Robbery. bpl Evans, 22235. See also Evans, 22083. 2556. Weatherwise’s Federal Almanack, for the Year of our Lord 1790. Boston: Printed and sold by John Norman, aas Evans, 22252. An engraved broadside. 2557. Dr. Williams’ last Legacy, “Herb Bill” . . . Boston: Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, 1789. Evans, 22280. A broadside? Worcester. 2558. ss. To the Selectmen or Assessors of the Town | of in the County of . (Tax warrant. Dated, Worcester, May 25.] 17[89.] aas 2559. [Cut.] Commerce under the influence of Liberty, shall extend far & wide. [Cut.] The Carriers of the Centinel, to the Generous Patrons of that Publication, wishing the present Year may be crowned with every local and federal blessing. [1789.] lc Evans, 21954. 1790 2560. At a Convention of Clergy and Lay-Deputies of the Pro- | testant Episcopal Churches hereafter named, holden at Salem, . . . October the fifth and sixth, 1790. Printed by John Mycall in Newburyport. nypl. ei. aas. jcb. mhs Evans, 22818. Bailey, John, 2560a. [Cut.] Life, last Words, and Dying | Confession | of | John Bailey. | A Black Man, who was Executed at Boston this Day, being Thursday, October 14, 1790, | for Burglary. Bos- ton: Printed by E. Russell, next Li- | berty-Pole; cheap to Travelling-Traders, | Town-Flys, &c. — where also may be had, cheap by the thousand, hundred gross, dozen, | or single, Bickerstaflf’s Boston Almanack, or ( Federal Calendar, for 1791. MHS Belknap, Jeremy. 2561. The Subscriber, being engaged in continuing the His- tory of New Hampshire, and in- | tending to give a topographi- 352 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1790 cal description of the Country, . . . Dated, Boston, March 1, 1790. BM. NYPL. MHS Evans, 22335. 2562. Proposal, | For printing by Subscription, | The Second and Third Volumes | of the | History of New-Hampshire. | By Jeremy Belknap, A M. [Printed by Isaiah Thomas, Worcester.] Dated, Boston, December 21, 1790. nyhs. mhs Evans, 22336. 2563. Bill of Sale of ship. mhs 2564. Bond. Printed by T. C. Cushing, Salem. ei Boston, Town of. 2565. Boston, ss. | At a Meeting of the Selectmen, 179 | Ordered, That the Assize of Bread, | now stated for Direction to the Bakers. . . . mhs 2566. The following Report is printed by order of the Town, | for the information of the Inhabitants, [ to be considered at the adjournment, on Thursday, 21st instant. James Sullivan, Chairman. bpl Brooks, Samuel, and Joseph Wright. 2567. Medals, Miniature | and Profile Painting and | Shades. Dated, Boston, September 23, 1790. Printed by N. Coverly, at the sign of the Grand Turk. mhs See Storer in Proceedings, lii. 6. 2568. Coasting license. ei 2569. An Elegy, | [ ] the memory of Mason and Alpheus, sons of Mr. Elisha Hale | of Douglas, who were drowned, July 3, 1790, one in the 22d. | the other in the 17th year of his age. [Printed by] Samuel Webster, Sutton. aas Gregoire, de. 2570. Sir, | You have probably been informed, by the public Papers, that we were recom- | mended by the French Govern- ment, to claim an Estate of one of our Ancestors (M. De Cardillac, Governor of Louisiana,) . . . Dated, Boston, Sep- tember 26th, 1790. nypl Signed in ms. Found in the Samuel Adams Papers. Harvard College. 2571. Quaestiones. aas. hc 2572. Theses. Evans, 22560, 22562. AAS. EI. BPL. HC. MHS MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 353 1790] 2573 . The Steward is directed by the immediate Government | of the University, at Cambridge, to send to the Parent j or Guardian of each Student, the later part of | Law 11 chap viii, of the Laws of the University. bpl 2574 . Harvard College Lottery. ei 2575 . [Nine cuts.] Innocent Amusement. | Mr. Cressin, | Having had the good fortune to receive the approbation of a great number of | respectable characters in this town, . . . will perform this evening (if fair weather.) nypl Lee, Richard. 2576 . [Cut.] Lines | Composed on the last and Dying Words of the Rev. Oliver Williams, Pastor of the | Baptist Church in Grafton, who died August 29th, 1790, aged 39 years. hc Appended is “An Acrostick” spelling Richard Lee — the author? 2577 . [Cut.] Love in a Tub: | or | The Merchant outwitted by a Vintner. hhs Let every one who to mirth is inclin’d, Come draw near, I pray, and listen a while; Lyon, James. 2578 . Proposals for printing by Subscription. The Saint’s daily Assistant, ... By James Lyon, a.m. Pastor of the Church at Machias. [Newbury-Port. James Mycall.] Evans, 22627. No. x was printed by Mycall, for the author in 1791, and No. n by Belknap and Hall, Boston. Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2579 . An Act for the protection and security of the Sheep | and other Stock on Tarpaulin-Cove-Island, other- | wise called Naushon Islands, and on Nennemesset | Island, and several small Islands contiguous, situated | in the County of Dukes-County. Passed, January 30, 1790. mhs 2580 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. ( In Senate, February 24, 1790. | Ordered, That the clerk of the Senate, cause one hundred and ninety Copies of the Report | of the Committee appointed “to consider what further Amendments are neces- sary to be | added to the Federal Constitution,” to be printed, for the use of the Senate. Boston: | Printed by Thomas Adams, | Printer to the Honorable General Court | of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts. | m, dcc, xc. bpl. lc. mhs pp. 3. Evans, 22655. 354 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1790 2581. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Fasting and Prayer. [April 8.] Dated, February 23, 1790. Boston: — Printed by Thomas Adams, Printer to the Honorable General Court. Evans, 22652. AAS. MHS 2582. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [No- vember 25.] Dated, September 16, 1790. Printed at Boston, by Thomas Adams, Printer to the honorable General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. aas. bpl Evans, 22654. 2583. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Specie Tax, No. Six, Granted March, 1788. | Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Alexander Hodgdon, Esq. [ Treasurer . . . (Warrant to collect unpaid taxes.) Dated, 1790. f ma Archives, cccxxi. 277. 2584. Commonwealth | of | Massachusetts. | By His Excel- lency | John Hancock, Esq. | . . . (Military commission.) Dated, [August 19,] 179[0.] ei 2585. Commonwealth | of | Massachusetts. (Commission as Clerk of a company in a regiment.) Dated, [September 7,] 1790. ei. 2586. General Divisionary Orders. Dated, Newburyport, May 10, 1790. Signed Jonathan Titcomb, Major General, ei 2587. Class Third. No | Massachusetts State Lottery. Under act, March 2, 1790.) aas 2588. Massachusetts Semi-annual | State Lottery. (Under act March 2, 1790.) bpl Newburyport. 2589. First Parish in Newburyport. | To | Your Tax for the year 179 nyhs 2590. Newburyport, Sept. 3, 1790. | The Author of the fol- lowing, about a | twelvemonth since, exposed to public view a few im- | perfect lines, stamped with the appellation of “The | Times” . . . The Second Number of the | Times, | a Solemn Elegy. | Adapted to the Capacity of Children. ei MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 355 1790] 2591 . Prospectus | du Courier des Deux Mondes. ei I have not been able to give the year of issue. The first newspaper printed in Boston in the French language was the Courier de Boston, an undertaking of Paul Joseph Guerard de Nancrede, instructor in French in Harvard College. It was published for a few months in 1789. In 1792 the Courier de I’Univers appeared, but was also short-lived. Nancrede appears to be responsible for the “Prospectus” and it may have indicated a title half-way between “Boston” and “L’Univers,” so I have arbitrarily given it to 1790. 2592 . Quit-claim deed. mhs 2593 . A | Recommendation | from the | Convention | of the | Congregational Ministers, | at Boston, May 26, 1790. JCB. MHS 2594 . Remarks | Upon the Navigation from Newfoundland to New York, in order to avoid the | Gulf Stream on one hand, and on the other the Shoals that lie ten leagues | due South of Nan- tucket . . . By Dr. Franklin. ... t nyhs Evans, 22509. It formed page 3 of the Boston Gazette, October 11, 1790, and “A few [copies] in single sheets may be had of the Printers.” It was used in The American Pilot, printed by John Norman, 1791. (Evans, 23637.) 2595 . Remarks | Upon the Navigation from Newfoundland to New-York, in order to avoid the Gulph Stream on one hand, and | on the other, the Shoals that lie ten leagues due South of Nantucket, and Southwest of the shoalest ground on St. | George’s Banks, twenty-eight leagues. By Dr. Franklin. . . . Advertisement (of Joseph Frederick William Des Barres’ charts, Signed Osgood Carlton, Teacher of the Mathematics in Boston.) [On back] The Mariner’s Directory on the Coast of America. | To His Excellency | John Hancock, Esq. j . . . (Letter signed Matthew Clark, asking his patronage.) aas pp. 2. This is probably the preliminary leaf of Matthew Clark’s Charts of the coast of America from Cape Breton to the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico, described in Phillips, Atlases, 3667. Society for Propagating the Gospel. 2596 . A brief Account of the present state of the Society for | propagating the Gospel among the Indians and | Others in North-America, — with a Sketch of the | Manner in which they mean to pursue the | Objects of their Institution. pp. 4. Evans, 22369. BPL. AAS. NYPL. MHS Thomas, Isaiah. 2597 . Worcester, Massachusetts, Feb. 1, 1790. | Rev. Sir, | I 356 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1790 take the liberty to inclose you a Proposal and Subscription | Paper for printing an American Edition of the Bible, . . . MHS 2598. Large Family Bible. | . . . | Proposal of Isaiah Thomas, | of Worcester, Massachusetts, | For Printing and Publishing by Subscription, | An American Edition, in Large Royal Quarto, | (Ornamented with an Elegant Copperplate Frontispiece) | of the | Holy Bible. pc. mhs pp. 3. On page 3 are parts of Chap. 111 and iv of Genesis, which are given in Nichols ( Bibliography of Worcester, 32) and Evans, 21682, as having been printed in 1789. Thompson, William. 2599. To the respectable Citizens of Boston, j William Thomp- son, a native and freeholder | of this town, respectfully offers himself a Candidate for | the office of Town-Clerk . . . Dated, March 6, 1790. mhs 2600. To the Curious and Benevolent. | A Dwarf Child. | Mr. Bryant respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newburyport, that | the Dwarf Child will be exhibited on | This Day, August 3 ... at Union-Hall. nypl 2601. Value of Foreign Gold, in Dollars and Cents, and in £. s. d. Printed by T. C. Cushing, Salem. | Price, ten cents. MHS 2602. Weatherwise’s Massachusetts Sheet- Almanack, for the Year of our Lord, 1791. [Allegorical portrait of Washington.] Printed at Boston by Mills & Doyle, | for Joseph Hovey, and sold at | his shop, No. 39, Cornhill. nyhs. mhs Weld, Edmund. 2603. A | Funeral Elegy | By Way of a | Dialogue; | Between Death, Soul, Body and Jesus Christ. | Composed by Edmund Weld, formerly of Harvard College . . . Springfield, | Printed at the Chronicle Printing- | Office. For the Purchasers, nyhs It is a reprint of the broadside of 1751, supra. Wegelin, I. 52. The Hampshire Chronicle was established at Springfield, Mass., in 1787 and continued to be published until 1796. 2604. Antiquity Revived. | A Funeral Elegy, by way of Dia- logue, between Death, Soul, Body and Jesus Christ. | Composed by Mr. Edmund Weld, formerly of Harvard College; who moving into Ireland, became a preacher of the gospel at l'nnis- kean; who | upon the meditation and apprehension of his own MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 357 1791] death, which was soon after; (on the 2nd day of March, 1668) made [ the following poem ... t HC A modern reissue. Whitefield, George. 2605 . Hymn, | Composed by the late Reverend Mr. | George Whitefield, | With Design to be sung at his own Funeral. | Now Re-published at the Request of a Number of Friends to that | truly worthy and pious Gentleman. [Also] New-England | Hymn, | By the late Reverend | Dr. Byles. | [Adapted to America Tune.] Printed by E. Russell, next Liberty-Stump. 1790. f A AS Evans, 23079. 1791 2606 . An Address | To the Numerous and Respectable Inhabi- tants of the | Great and Extensive District of Maine. Signed, A number of your Representatives, and dated, March, 1791. AAS. NYPL. BA. MHS pp. 3. Recommending a separation. Evans, 23105. 2607 . [Cut.] A Baptism Hymn, | Taken from Third Chapter of | St. Matthew. Sold at the Office next the Stump | of Liberty-Tree. 1791. ei Belknap, Joseph and Alexander Young. 2608 . To all the Friends of Science, Arts, Agriculture, | Manu- factures and Commerce. | Proposal | of Joseph Belknap & Alexander Young, | for printing a weekly Paper; | to be en- titled | The | American Apollo, | Containing the Publications of the Historical | Society, Political and Commercial Intelli- gence, | and other entertaining Matter. [Cut.] Printed at Boston, (Massachusetts) | By J. Belknap and A. Young | MDCCXCI. MHS pp. 6. Boston, Town of. 2609 . Notification. | The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the | Town of Boston, ... (to meet, August 10.) Dated, August 3, 1791. nypl Carleton, Osgood. 2610 . Carleton’s Sheet Almanac, for the Year 1792. Boston: Printed by Samuel Hall, 1791. Evans, 23249. 358 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1791 Cloris, Pedro. 2611. Genteel & surprizing Feats of Activity | at Union-Hall, Newburyport. | Don Pedro Cloris, | who has performed in Paris, Lyons, and several other large cities in France, . . . August 17. NYPL Evans, 23263, who states that it was printed at Newburyport by John Mycall. 2612. [Cuts.] The | Columbian Tragedy: | containing a par- ticular and official | Account | Of the Brave and Unfortunate Officers and Soldiers, who were | Slain and Wounded in the ever memorable and Bloody Indian Battle, [at Miami Village, November 4, 1791.] . . . America: Boston: Printed by E. Russell, | for Thomas Bassett, of Dun- | barton, (New-Hamp.) — [Pr. Six Pence.] nypl. nyhs. bpl. mhs Evans, 23268. 2613. [List of names and cuts.] The Columbian Tragedy, Containing a particular and official account of the brave and unfortunate offi- | cers and soldiers who were slain and wounded in the ever memorable | Bloody Indian Battle, (November 4, 1791, at Miami Village.) bpl On verso is: Execution | Of Samuel Clisby and Gilbert Close. [Cut] Boston, March 8, 1822. 2614. A Tragical account of the defeat of Gen. St. Clair by the Savages. [And] Battle of Bunkers Hill. nyhs November the Fourth in the year of Ninety one, We had a sore engagement near to Fort Jefferson, Come all you brave Americans; who will united be, For to maintain the Charter won by brave America. 2615. Boston, December 19. | Melancholly Account | respect- ing the | Western Army. Printed by B. Edes and Son, | State- Street. f AAS Evans, 23214. 2616. Continental Impost Duties, Rates of Fees, Coinage, Tonnage, &c. Boston: Printed by T. & J. Fleet, 1791. Evans, 23890. 2617. Duties payable on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, imported into the United States of America, after the 31st of December, 1790, . . . Boston: Printed and sold by Thomas Adams, 1791. Evans, 23891. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 359 I79i] Franklin, Benjamin. 2618. The Way to Wealth. Boston: Printed and sold by Benjamin Russell, 1791. Evans, 23385. It is not in Ford. Harvard University. 2619. Commencement Exercises. y. bpl. hc. mhs 2620. Quaestiones. aas. hc The last year of issue. 2621. Theses. lc. ei. bpl. aas. hc. mhs Evans, 23431, 23432, 23433. Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2622. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Fasting and Prayer. [March 31.] Dated, February 11, 1791. Boston, Massachusetts: Printed by Thomas Adams, Printer to the Honourable, the General Court. AAS. BPL Evans, 23549. 2623. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire. | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [No- vember 17.] Dated, October 5, 1791. Printed at Boston, by Thomas Adams, Printer to the honorable General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. aas. bpl Evans, 23550. 2624. [Seal of the Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. Alexander Hodgdon, Esq. Treasurer . . . (Tax war- rant.) Dated, April 11, 1791. lc Evans, 23557. 2625. Pursuant to an Act, passed March 3, 1790, | of has this | day paid Shillings in full for his Carriage | Tax, . . . mhs 2626. General Orders. | The Commander in Chief is highly pleased with the martial Spirit | which pervades . . . Dated in ms. Boston, January 28, 1791. t lc Evans, 23551. 2627. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | General Orders. | Head-Quarters, Boston, April 12th, 1791. f aas. lc Evans, 23552. 360 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1791 Massachusetts Historical Society. 2628. [Roses.] Circular Letter, | of the | Historical Society. Signed, Jeremy Belknap, and dated, November 1, 1791. mhs pp. 3. Morton, Mrs. Perez. 2629. Reanimation. | A Hymn for the Humane Society. t nyhs. phs 2630. [Another issue.] f phs Newman, Samuel. 2631. Those Veterans, | Whose Services entitle them to lands in the Western Ter- | ritory, are informed, that an opportunity now offers of visit- | ing that delightful country, . . . Dated, April 22, 1791. mhs 2632. Policy of Insurance. Printed by T. C. Cushing, Salem. mhs Salem. 2633. Essex ss. — To either of the Constables of the Town of Salem, | in said County, Greeting. | You are, in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, di- | rected to warn (away a person having come into town to reside without con- sent.) Dated, in ms., May 30, 1791. t nyhs Evans, 23751. 2634. Ship’s license. Dated, [April 18,] 179[1 .] ei Story, William. 2635. William Story jun was married to Miss Bathshe- | ba Gray, December 6th 1778. . . . The Fount. | Eliza, on the Death of her Sister, who died August 12th, 1791. Dated, Ipswich, May 14, 1791. ei 2636. Supplement to the Independent Chronicle. | Thursday, February 3, 1791. | A brief Account of the present state of the Society for propagating | the Gospel among the Indians and Others in North-America, — | with a Sketch of the Manner in which they mean to pursue the Objects | of their Institution. Printed by Thomas Adams, in Court Street, — Boston, mhs pp. 4. 2637. This is to give Notice to the Proprietors | and Owners of Lands, in the Town of Shapleigh, in the County of York, That | their Lands are taxed by the Assessors . . . Dated, York, April 6, 1791. Signed, Daniel Sewall, Collector. aas 1792] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 361 2638 . [In border.] To the Curious. | A View of the ancient City of | Jerusalem. | . . . | At the House of Mr. John Woart, sign of the | Blue-Anchor, in Brattle-Street. Dated, August 3, 1791. hhs Williams, Helen Maria. 2639 . Proposal | of | J. Belknap and A. Young, | for | Printing by Subscription, | Letters | on the | French Revolution, . . . By Helen Maria Williams. mhs Vol. 1 appeared in 1791 and vol. 11 in 1792. Evans, 24003. 2640 . The New-Year’s Wish of the Post who carries the Western Star. [Stockbridge: Printed by Loring Andrews, 1791.] Evans, 23992. 1792 2641 . At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Kennebeck Purchase | from the late Colony of New-Plymouth, held at Boston, by adjournment, July 2, | 1792. | Voted, . . . mhs Belknap and Hall. 2642 . [ ] to Belknap & Hall, Dr. | To the American Apollo, months, | to the end of the year 1792 . . . mhs It also provided for subscription to the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, Town of. 2643 . Boston, January 13, 1792. | By the Direction of the Town, the following Report | is printed for the further Infor- mation of the Inhabi- | tants; and the Town-Meeting stands adjourned | to Wednesday Morning next, Ten o’Clock, A.M. | for the final Determination of the Town on said | Report. On police of the town. Evans, 24131. MHS 2644 . At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, | On Thursday, the 19th Day of January, 1792, | It was Voted, That ten of the clock, in the ’forenoon, | on Thursday next, be assigned for the inhabitants of the town to take into consi- | deration and to determine upon the report of their Committee on the Police of the | Town . . . mhs 2645 . Report of the Committee relative to carrying the By- Laws of the Town into execution, at a Town Meeting in Faneuil Hall, March 27, 1792. mhs Evans, 24132. 362 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1792 2646 . Assessors-Office, Boston, April 1792. (Form for returning rateable estate.) mhs 2647 . Boston, February 22, 1792. | Incorporation. | An Anti- quarian, Citizen of Boston, in his Researches lately, found the following Original Paper, whereby [ it appears that Seventy Years ago the Subject of Incorporation was agitated by the Inhabitants of | this Town. bm. hc. mhs A reprint of “My Son, fear thou the Lord.” No. 373, supra. Evans, 24134. 2648 . Catalogue of Books, to be sold by Samuel Hall, | At No. 53, Cornhill, Boston. April, 1792. bpl Evans, 34375. 2649 . (Circular.) | Boston, (Massachusetts) Feb. 28, 1792. | Sir, | We have had the honour to be appointed a Committee, by the Officers of the Massachusetts line of the late Army, to attend to and | prosecute their memorial to the Congress of the United States, ... f nyhs Evans, 24135. With it was an enclosure: 2650 . [The following is a copy of the Memorial presented by the Officers | of this State to Congress, and now on their table.] f NYHS. BPL Dartmouth College. 2651 . Catalogus. Typis Isaiah Thomas et Ebenezer T. Andrews, Boston, 1792. aas. lc Harvard University. 2652 . Commencement exercises. aas. hc 2653 . Theses. y. ei. aas. bpl. hc. mhs Evans, 24383, 24384. Ipswich. 2654 . This is to certify, That a Cart | of Hay, weighed this Day, . . . mhs 2655 . Lines | Addressed to the Patients under Inoculation for the I Small Pox. [And] Extract from the celebrated Pindar. | The Apple-Dumplings and a King. t nyhs Evans, 24476. Massachusetts Commonwealth. 2656 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two. | An MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 363 1792] Act to Incorporate sundry Persons by the Name of “The President and Trustees of the Boston Tontine | Association. Evans, 24523. f AAS 2657. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven Hundred and Ninety-Two. | An Act providing for the payment of Costs in criminal Prosecu- tions, and for preventing | unnecessary Costs therein. Dated, March 6, 1792. f lc 2658. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] In the House of Representatives, June 6, 1792. (On return of monies at interest more than any creditor pays interest for.) f nypl. lc 2659. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer. [March 29.] Dated, February 24, 1792. Boston, Massachusetts: Printed by Thomas Adams, Printer to the Honourable, the General Court. aas 2660. By His Excellency John Hancock, Esquire ... A Proclamation for removing the General Court from the Town of Boston to Concord. October 26, 1792. From an auction catalogue. 2661. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [No- vember 29.] Dated, October 25, 1792. Printed at Boston, Massachusetts, at the State Press: by Thomas Adams, Printer to the honourable the General Court. nyhs. aas. bpl Evans, 24520. 2662. A List of the Polls and of the Estates Real and Personal, of the several Proprietors and Inhabitants of the | Town of . . . taken pursuant to an Act . . . passed in the Year of our Lord, one Thousand seven Hundred and Ninety-Two . . . BPL 2663. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To the Selectmen of the Town of in the second District, | . . . Precept to elect representatives in Congress of the United States. Dated, December 10, 1792. nypl. bpl. aas 364 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1792 2664. Ode | for the 23d of October, 1792. When form’d by God’s creating Hand, This beauteous fabrick first appear’d; Evans, 24642. f AAS. PHS. MHS Plummer, Jonathan, Junior. 2665. An Address to Miss Katherine Wigglesworth of New- bury Port on her | Return from Boston where she had the Small Pox by Inoculation. | Newbury, October 16, 1792. Evans, 24698. f NYHS. AAS 2666. [Cuts.] To the Inhabitants of Newburyport. | Friends and Fellow-Candidates for eternal felicity. | . . . | An Elegiac Epistle, | To the Widows of such of these Men [drowned from Newburyport vessels in 1792] as had ’Wives at the time of their death. . . . The Author’s last will and testament. f NYHS 2667. Plummers Declaration of War with | The Fair Ladies of the Five Northern States | and | The Author’s Congratula- tory Address | to Citizen Timothy Dexter on his | Attaining an Independent Fortune. pc 2668. Reverend Sir, | and Respected Gentlemen, | The Con- vention of Congregational Ministers, with the Congregational Charitable Society, of | the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, having appointed us a joint Committee . . . (Contributions for widows and orphans of clergymen.) Dated, Boston, July 25, 1792. | aas Evans, 24211. 2669. Song, | For the One Hundred and Fifty-Third Anniver- sary of the | Election of the Officers of the Ancient and | Hon- ourable Artillery Company. | June, 1792. f PHS 2670. [In an ornamental border] : This Ticket | Admits Mr. | To the Lectures on | For the present Season. | Cambridge University [November 1, 1792.] mhs 2671. [Cuts.] A True and Particular Narrative of the late Tremendous Tornado, or | Hurricane, | At Philadelphia and New York, on Sabbath-Day, July 1, 1792: . . . Boston: Printed and Sold by E. Russell, | next the Stump of Lib. Tree. [Pr. Six Pence.] | Where may be had Mary and Martha &c. t nyhs Evans, 24864. 1793] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 365 2672. Tuesday Morning, 16th October, | At Ten o’Clock, | Will be sold by Public Vendue, | At Russell and Clap’s Auction- Room, | The following collection of Books, . . . hhs 2673. The | Carrier, | of the | Massachusetts Magazine, | to His Patrons and Friends, | Presents the best Wishes of a Good Heart. Dated, Boston, January, 1792. f phs 2674. The Carrier of Russell’s | Columbian Centinel, | Pre- sents the following, to his respected | Patrons. Dated, Boston, January 1, 1792. t phs 1793 2675. Agreeable Intelligence. | Printing Office, New Bed- ford, Tuesday, December 31st, 1793. | Last evening the Sloop Hazard, George Folger, jun. Master, arrived from Newyork . . . bpl Boston, Town op. 2676. The Selectmen of the Town of Boston, | in conformity to the Resolves of the General Court | of the 20th Instant, that “Effectual Measures should | be adopted to prevent the Introduction of the infec- | tious Disease now prevalent in Philadelphia, into this | Commonwealth,” . . . Have adopted the following Regulations: . . . Dated, September 24, 1793. pp. 2. HC. MHS 2677. Catalogue of Books | To be Sold by Public Auction, at Lewis Hayt’s Office in State Street, | on Monday, the 8th day of July, . . . Dated, July 5, 1793. mhs Chaplin, Ebenezer. 2678. That the Publick may no longer be imposed upon by party and partial reports, concerning the Church and | People in the second Parish in Sutton, with respect to me, Ebenezer Chaplin, their Pas- | tor, my Office and Family, it is now thought duty to publish the following Results, &c. HC 2679. Circular. | The Ministers, Elders and Messengers, ap- pointed by the Universal Churches and | Societies, in Massa- chusetts, Rhode Island, New Flampshire, Vermont, Connecti- | cut and New York, to represent said Churches and Societies in General Con- | vention, at Oxford, Massachusetts, September 4, 1793. | aas Frost, Samuel. 2680. [Cut.] The Confession and | Dying Words of [ Samuel Frost, | Who is to be Executed this Day, October 31, | 1793, 366 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1793 for the | Horrid Crime of Murder. Printed and sold at Mr. Thomas’s Printing office, in | Worcester. Price 6d. Also a Poem on the Oc- | casion. Price 3d. f aas 2681. [Cut.] A | Poem. | On the Execution of | Samuel Frost, | Who is to be Executed this Day, October 31, 1793, for the Murder of Capt. Elisha | Allen, of Princeton, Massachusetts. AAS The cut is a portion of that used in No. 2360, on Huggins and Mansfield. Harvard College. 2682. Commencement Exercises. ei. hc. aas 2683. Theses. ei. bpl. aas. hc. mhs 2684. Late Important News. | Centinel-Office, Boston, Feb. 14, 1793, 4 o’clock, P.M. | By a Gentleman, who this moment arrived here, express from | New-York, the Editor of the Centinel has received the | following Highly Interesting Intel- ligence; . . . (King’s Speech, etc.) mhs 2685. A List of the | Prizes & Blanks | Drawn in the Wash- ington Hotel-Lottery. October 29, 1793. Signed, George French, T. Lingan and D. Reintzell. bpl Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2686. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By his Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer. [April 11.] Dated, March 4, 1793. Printed at Boston, Massachusetts, at the State Press, by Thomas Adams, Printer to the Honorable the General Court — 1793. aas 2687. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] By His Excellency | John Hancock, Esquire, [ . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [No- vember 7.] Dated, September 28, 1793. Printed at Boston, Massachusetts, at the State Press, by Adams & Larkin, Printers to the General Court. ei. aas. bpl. mhs 2688. Speech | Of his Excellency the Governor to both Branches of the Legislature | of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, at their Sessions began and held | in Boston, Sept. 18, 1793, agreeably to His Excellency’s Proclamation. t lc pp. 2. 2689. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | Specie Tax, No. 10, | granted June 20, 1793. | 1793 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 367 Thomas Davis, Esquire, | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 1. 1793. aas 2690 . Treasury-Office, Boston. | Commonwealth of Massachu- setts. | By Virtue of an Act of the General Court, begun and held at Boston, [ the 29th day of May, 1745, intitled, An Act in Addition to an Act . . . Dated [May 9, 1793.] f ma Archives, cccxxiv. 155. 2691 . Treasury-Office, | Boston. | Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | Whereas by a Law of the Commonwealth aforesaid, passed | February 16, 1785, entitled “An Act for enforcing the speedy | Payment of. Rates and Taxes . . . Dated [May 9, 1793.] f ma Archives, cccxxiv. 161. The date of the law referred to has been altered in ms. to 1786. 2692 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To the Selectmen . . . (Precept to elect representatives in the Congress of the United States.) Dated, February 15, 1793. f ma Archives, ccxcv. 196. Massachusetts Historical Society. 2693 . 179[ ] | Sir, | A Meeting of the Massachusetts | Historical Society is to be held at the Library- | Room in Boston, . . . mhs The same form was used until 1796, when the notice was re-set, with the same division of lines. Nobles, John. 2694 . November 18th, 1793. | These are the | Predictions | of j John Nobles, | Astrologer and Doctor. | These are Written for the Year of Our Lord, 1794. Published according to Act of Congress. aas 2695 . On Tuesday the 28th inst. | Will be Sold by Public Vendue, at the House | of Madam Fitzpatrick in Roxbury, a Great Variety of | Household Furniture; | Of which, the follow- ing is a Catalogue. . . . Dated, May 23, 1793. mhs 2696 . Order of Procession, | for the Funeral of the late | Governor Hancock. phs. mhs Plumer, Jonathan, Jun. 2697 . Elegy | On the death of the Rev. Mr. John Murray, late | Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Newbury-port, who died the 13th March, Anno Domini 1793; | together with a sketch of his Character, by Jonathan Plumer, jun. hc 368 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1793 2697a. [Cuts.] To the Inhabitants of Newburyport, | Friends and Fellow-Candidates for eternal felicity, [ While by the goodness of Providence we exist in the year 1793 . . . mhs Pope, John. 2698. Cancers. | The following is a small specimen of what is likely will soon be exhibited to the public | view of the like kind done within twenty-six years past. Dated, February 6, 1793. mhs 2699. Proposals for a Bank. | Taught by the Experience to many Nations that well regulated Banks are highly | useful of Society, . . . We the Subscribers, desirous of promoting such an Institution, do hereby engage to take the Number of Shares set against our respective Names ... t aas 2700. [Cuts.] The | Tragedy | of Louis Capet: | Being a True and Authentic Narrative of the horrid and barbarous Execution | of the late unfortunate Monarch, Louis XVIth of France, . . . Printed next the venerable Stump of Liberty-Tree. | for J. 1793 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 369 Plumer, Jun. Trader, of Newbury-Port. | [Price 2s. and 8d. per Dozen and Four Pence Single.] lc. mhs Printed by E. Russell. Evans, 22943. 2701 . [Another edition.] Sold next the venerable Stump of Liberty -Tree. | [Price Two Shillings and Eight Pence per | Dozen, and Four Pence single.] ei 2702 . [Another edition.] Springfield: Printed and Sold by Edward Gray, 1793. f aas The text is the same, and the cuts have been re-engraved and in a cruder manner. The type is smaller, and the crown at the head of “The Queen’s Lamentation” is omitted. United States. 2703 . Proclamation. | By the President of the | United States. (Of Neutralitye) Dated, April 22, 1793. [Printed by the Argus.] aas 2704 . Worcester, January 3d, 1793. | We the subscribers sev- erally agree, that we will pay the sev- | eral sums affixed to our names, for the purpose of erecting sufficient and | con- venient buildings . . . Provided there should be an act of the 37° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1794 Legislature, making Worcester the Seat of Government, or partially so. aas Printed by Isaiah Thomas. See note to following item. 2705. Worcester, January 4, 1793. Circular letter asking that the State House be built in Worcester. aas Printed by Isaiah Thomas. Nichols, 279. 1794 Abbot, Priscilla. 2706. Priscilla Abbot, | At her Shop, Main-street, Salem, | Imports and Sells, | A general Assortment of | European and India Goods, | cheap for Cash. A (bill-head.) mhs 2707. Arrangement | Of the Performances for the Afternoon. f PHS Includes “Idymn to Charity” and Thomas [late Robert Treat] Paine’s Ode, “An Occasional Song.” 2708. Austin & Dana, | Have constantly for Sale, | At their Store, No. 47, Cornhill, Boston . . . bpl Blake. 2709. William P. Blake advertised in the Columbian Centinel, January 7, 1795, “a Sheet Almanack with Low’s Calculations, very convenient for Compting-Rooms, Stores, &c.” 2710. [Two cuts.] The Constant Lovers: | or the | Valiant Young Lady. | An excellent New Love-Song. To a beautiful pleasant Tune. Sold near Liberty-pole, 1794; where may be had, | A true and particular Account of the horrid, cruel and | barbarous Murder and Piracy committed on the | body of Mr. Enoch Wood, on board Capt. Saunders. f hc Dearborn, Benjamin. 2711. Boston, [April, 1794.] | Sir, | The Art of Reading Grace- fully, requires so much Exertion on the | part of a Master to Teach, . . . mhs 2712. Great News. | By this Morning’s Mail. | Chronicle- Office, Wednesday Morning, January 22, 1794. (A despatch from Citizen Genet to Citizen Hauterive.) t AAS Harvard College. 2713. Commencement Exercises. aas. hc. mhs 2714. Theses. ei. bpl. aas. hc. mhs 2715. Harvard College Lottery. ei 1794 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 371 Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2716 . Districting Law. | Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, one Thousand seven Hundred and j Ninety-four. | An Act for dividing the Commonwealth into Districts | for the choice of Representatives in the Con- gress | of the United States, and prescribing the mode of [ Elec- tion. Boston (Massachusetts:) | Printed at the State Press, by Adams and Larkin, | Printers to the Commonwealth. | M, DCC, XCIV. BPL pp. 4. 2717 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, June 18, | 1794. | Whereas an accurate map of | this Commonwealth ... f EI - AAS 2718 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. By His Honor | Samuel Adams, Esq. | . . . | A Proc- lamation | For a Day of Public Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer. [April 17.] Dated, February 19, 1794. Boston, Massachusetts: Printed by Adams and Larkin, Printers to the Honourable the General Court. aas. bpl. unis 2719 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] By the Governor: | A | Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [November 20.] Dated, October 15, 1794. Printed at the State Press, by Adams and Larkin, Printers to the Honorable General Court of this Common- wealth. aas. bpl. hhs 2720 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | Thomas Davis, Esquire, | . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 1, 1794. bpl. jcb 2721 . No. Abstract of Certificates of the Debt of the State of Massachusetts, deposited in the Treasurer’s | Office by on Account of a Loan to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, proposed by an Act, | passed the first Day of February, 1794. mhs 2722 . By His Excellency | Samuel Adams, Esquire, . . . (Military commission.) Dated, [December 11,] 179[4]. ie 2723 . Commonwealth | of | Massachusetts. (Commission to be Sergeant of a company.) Dated, [Salem. May 5,] 1 7 9 [4 . ] EI 372 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1794 2724. General Orders. | Head-Quarters, Boston, June 6, 1794. Signed, William Donnison, Adjutant-General. ei pp. 3. Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. 2725. Boston, 15th May, 1794. | Sir, | A Society has lately been instituted in this town, the first | object of which is to afford relief to those who suffer by fire. . . . Signed in ms., James Freeman, Corresponding Secretary. f lc Massachusetts Historical Society. 2726. Circular Letter | of the | Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, | Respectfully addressed, in 1794, by Rev. Jeremy Bel- knap, D.D. then Corresponding Secretary, to every | Gentle- man of Science in the Continent and Islands of America. pp. 3. EI. MHS 2727. [Cuts.] Newburyport, July 23, 1794. | On Saturday last the following melancholly accident took place | in the River Merrimack, viz. As Mr. Chase of Newtown, with eight | others . . . [And] Elegy | Occasioned by the above Account. EI. BPL 2728. Ode, [Anniversary — June 2, 1794. f phs When first the Mitre’s wrath to shun, Our Grandsires travell’d with the sun, Solomon. 2729. Mr. & Mrs. Solomon. | Vocal Performers from the Southward, | . . . have now the honour of waiting on | the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newburyport, . . . April 22 nypl 2730. To all People to whom these Presents shall come, | Perez Morton, Esq. Joseph Russell, Auctioneer, Henry Jack- son, Esq. Samuel | Brown, Esq. and Charles Bulfinch, Esq. all of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, | called Trustees of the Boston Theatre, | Send greeting: mils 2731. To the Inhabitants of the Towns bordering upon and near to the River Merrimack. Dated, October 29, 1794. f AAS 2732. A true and particular account of the horrid, cruel and barbarous Murder and Piracy committed on the body of Mr. Enoch Wood, on board Capt. Saunders. See colophon to “The Constant Lovers,” No. 2710, supra. 2733. Wednesday, Afternoon, April 16. | This moment a kind Correspondent communicated to | the Editor of the Morning 1795 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 373 Star, a letter from [ General Fisk of Salem . . . Letter is dated, Ipswich, Wednesday, 11 o’clock, 1794. [Newburyport.] A AS Westford, Church. 2734. Bill of sale of pew in Westford Meeting-house. Dated in ms. November 13, 1794. t lc 2735. A Worthy Example of a Virtuous Wife. Boston: Printed by E. Russell, near Liberty pole, Octo. 7, 1794. f NHaHS 2736. [Arms of Commonwealth.] The [ Carrier | of the | Massachusetts Magazine, | to | Every Patron, Friend and Customer, | most sincerely Wishes, | the best Blessings of the New Year! Dated, Boston, January 1, 1794. f phs 1795 2737. Auctioneer’s Notice. Dated in ms. June, 1795. mhs Belknap, Jeremy. 2738. Queries respecting the introduction, progress and abo- lition of Slavery in | Massachusetts. Dated, February 17, 1795. mhs Boston Mechanic Association. 2739. Sir, | You being a Member of the Boston Mechanic Association, | are requested to give your punctual Attendance, . . . Dated, Boston, Sept. 7, 1795. pc 2740. A brief Account of the present State, Income, Expendi- tures, | &c. of the Society for propagating the Gospel among | the Indians, and others, in North-America. Dated, January, 1795. mhs pp. 3. Clough, Ebenezer. 2740a. Boston Paper Staining Manufactory 1795. | Eben r Clough | Paper Stainer. | Charles RfvT Bridge | Boston, | Manu- facturers, & | keeps constantly | for sale, a | great variety of | Paper Hangings. PC An engraved billhead by Samuel Hill. 2741. Courier-Office, Court-street, July 7, 1795. | Through the politeness of a Gentleman just arrived from Salem, the Edi- | tors of the Courier are favoured with the Gazette of this day . . . (Riot and Assassination at Paris.) mhs 374 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [ 1 7 95 Harvard College. 2742 . Commencement exercises. aas. hc 2743 . Theses. ei. aas. hc. mhs Immigrant Society, Boston. 2744 . Information for Immigrants to the New-England States. Dated, October 27, 1795. aas. mhs Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2745 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] In the Year of our Lord, One thousand seven | Hundred and Ninety-Five. | An Act | Dividing this Common- wealth into Districts, | and establishing Circuit Courts of Com- | mon Pleas therein. mhs pp. 4. 2746 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven | Hundred and Ninety-five. | A Bill | For regulating Elections. Published by Order of the House of Representatives. From the State-Press — by Adams & Larkin. mhs pp. 4. 2747 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In Senate, Febru- ary 9, 1795. | Whereas the General Court, at their present Session, have ordered Precepts to issue to the | Selectmen [to collect sentiment “on the necessity or expediency of revising the Constitution.”] MeHS Precepts were also sent out, but no example has been found. 2748 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By the Governor. | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer. [April 2.] Dated, February 28, 1795. Printed at the State Press, by Adams and Larkin, Printers to the Honorable General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. aas 2749 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] By the Governor: | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [November 19.] Dated, October 14, 1795. Printed at the State Press, by Adams and Larkin, Printers to the Honourable General Court of this Common- wealth. AAS. BPL. MHS 2750 . District of Massachusetts, Survey No. Receipt for carriage dues under act of Congress, June 5, 1794 [or 5.] mhs MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 375 1795] 2751 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To all unto whom these Presents shall come. (Commission of the peace.) Dated, [June 26,] 17[95.] aas 2752 . Commonwealth | of | Massachusetts. | By His Excel- lency | Samuel Adams, Esq. | . . . (Commission in the militia.) MHS 2753 . General Orders. | Head-Quarters, Boston, Feb. 28, 1795. Signed, William Donnison. f aas pp. 2. Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. 2754 . Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. | Arrangement of the Performances for this afternoon. From the Orrery Press, May 29, 1795. ei Massachusetts Fire and Marine Insurance Company. 2755 . Proposals. | By the President and Directors | of the | Massachusetts Fire and Marine Insurance Company, . . . Dated, September 2, 1795. f lc. ei. bpl 2756 . Ode, | Sung at the Feast of St. John, | June 24, 1795. | To a new Tune — By a Brother. aas ’Tis Masonry unites mankind, To generous actions forms the soul; 2757 . Ode, | Sung at the Feast of St. John, | June 24, 1795. | Tune — Rule Britannia. aas Ere God the Universe began, In one rude heap all matter lay, 2758 . Ode, | Sung at the Feast of St. John, | June 24, 1795. | Tune — Attick Fire. aas Arise, and blow thy trumpet, Fame! Free Masonry aloud proclaim, Plummer, Jonathan, Jun. 2759 . Dying Confession | of | Pomp, | A Negro Man, who was executed at Ipswich, on the 6th August, 1795, | For Murdering Capt. Charles Furbush of Andover, taken from the mouth of the Prisoner, and penned | By Jonathan Plummer, Jun. [Cut.] Printed for and sold by Jonathan Plummer, jun. price 6d, who still continues to carry on his various branches of trifling busi- ness — Underbeds filled with straw | and wheeled to the ladies doors — Any person wanting a few dollars at any time may be supplied by leaving a proper adequate in pawn — Wanted 1000 junk bottles. | A certain secret disorder cured privately and ex- peditiously — Love-letters in prose and verse furnished on the 376 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1795 shortest notice — The art of gaining the object beloved | reason- ably taught — ei 2760. Post-Days at Boston, for the Year 1795 . f aas Ruddock, Samuel A. 2761. A Geographical View of All the Post Towns in the United States of America and their Distances from | each other According to the Establishment of the Postmaster General. An engraved plate. MHS Sullivan, J. 2762. An Ode, | Sung at the Lecture of the Congrega- | tional Charitable Society, in Boston, | on the 12th of February, 1795 . | By Mr. Rea. jcb. mhs From seats of bliss, in realms above, Where goodness feeds on peace and love, . . . United States. 2763. By Authority. [Seal of United States.] By the Presi- dent | of the United States of America, | A Proclamation (ap- pointing February 19 as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer.) Dated January 1 , 1795 . aas. mhs A Boston print. 2764. Valuable Tables. (For converting cents into shillings, pence and farthings, etc.) Printed at Worcester, Massachu- setts, by Isaiah Thomas, jun. | . . . 1795 . aas 2765. [Cut.] The Virtuous, Faithful and Loving | Wife’s Gar- land: | Being a serious and solemn Warning and Caution to all false and treache- | rous Husbands, who are often led astray from their Families by | the delusive and flattering Arts of wicked, wanton and designing women. | [Sung to a Mournful Tune.] Sold near Liberty-Pole; 1795 . — (Price | four cents.) — Where Shopkeepers, Travel- | ling traders, &c. may be sup- plied with The | Columbian Songster, (pr. 16 cents single) | containing a great variety of melodious and entertaining Songs, and several other new | Pieces; very cheap by the grose or dozen. ei Wheaton, Hannah. 2766. A | New Year’s Wish. January, 1795 . | nyhs My kind Benefactors a new Year commences, Our dearest connections and friends we survive. 2767. A New Year’s Wish. Now fair Aurora paints the east, The Prince of day in crimson vest, t NYHS 1796] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 377 2768. A New-Year’s Ode. t nyhs While Gabriel strikes his tenfold strings, Awake! Some joyful theme prepare, There is nothing to show the years to which these two items apply. 2769. An | Independent Ode, | Dedicated to the Illustrious President of the United | States, the Governour of this Com- monwealth, | and all true Patriots of Liberty. f nyhs When Michael to help us flew down from above, On Wings of blue Light’ning he swiftly did move, 2770. [Cut.] The Young | Convert’s | First Experiences, &c. | Two excellent Hymns; composed for the Spiritual | Comfort and Edification of all well-disposed Christians. [And] On | Joseph’s | Making himself known to his | Brethren. Printed and Sold near Liberty-Pole, 1795: where may be had, cheap | to Traders, &c. A number of | New Books and Verses. Like- wise, Whitely’s genuine war- | ranted Cake-Ink. f aas 1796 Belknap, Jeremy. 2771. Boston, December 22, 1796. | Gentlemen. | I am in- formed that Winterbotham’s “Historical, Geographical, Com- mercial and Philosophical View of the United States of America” . . . | has been reprinted in this country. . . . Charges plagiarism. MHS Boston, Town of. 2772. Notification. | The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of | Boston, qualified as the Law directs, are hereby notified | to meet at Faneuil-Hall, on Wednesday the 11th Day of | May instant. . . . Dated, May 4, 1796. mhs , Haymarket Theatre. 2773. Boston 179- | Received ... for assessment on Shares in the New Theatre. mhs 2774. Boston, 24th Sept. 1796. | At this important crisis, George Washington having | declined to serve as President of the United States, (against John Adams), Signed, Americanus. f PHS 2775. Boston, Nov. 1, 1796. | Reverend Sir, | More than three years ago the Trustees of the | Massachusetts Society for Pro- moting Agriculture caused to be | Printed a Pamphlet, . . . MHS 378 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1796 Churchill, . 2776 . The following Lines were composed | by the | Widow of Mr. George Churchill, | who died at Martha’s Vineyard, | September 14, 1796, in the 35th Year of his Age. mhs 2777 . (Circular.) To the Free and Independent Citizens of | Friends and Countrymen, | We are now at a Crisis in our National Affairs, awfully important and alarming. . . . (On opposition in the House of Representatives to the treaty with Great Britain.) mhs 2778 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [ To the Honorable the Senate, . . . The subscribers, citizens of said Common- wealth and inhabitants of the District of Maine, | humbly represent — ... [1796.] bpl 2779 . The Crisis! | Centinel-Office, Boston, Thursday, April 28, 1796. (On the treaty with Great Britain.) mhs pp. 2. Flagg, Josiah. 2780 . [Cuts.] Josiah Flagg, | Surgeon Dentist. | Informs the public, that he practises in all the improvements. ... At No. 47, Newbury-Street, Boston, (1796.) mhs 2781 . The following Memorial and Petition, being now before the Legislature, and as a Decision thereon which may support the Credit | of this Government, is highly interesting to the Commonwealth, it may be agreeable to each Member to have a Statement of the | Laws, and Facts, relative thereto. Dated, November, 1796. aas. mhs pp. 3. On payment of certain notes issued by Massachusetts in 1780. Goldthwait. 2782 . For Sale, | At Miss Goldthwait’s Shop, | No. 18, Corn- hill, | A Beautiful Assortment of . . . bpl Benjamin Goldthwaite, shopkeeper, was at 18, Cornhill in 1796, but disappears before 1800. Harvard College. 2783 . Commencement exercises. nyhs. bpl. aas. hc 2784 . Theses. nyhs. ei. bpl. aas. hc. mhs Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2785 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] In Senate, June 4, 1796. | Resolved, That the Select- men of the several Towns and Districts (on choosing presidential electors, etc.) bpl 1796] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 379 2786 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] By the Governor: | A Proclamation | For a Day of Solemn Fasting and | Prayer. [March 31.] Dated, February 29, 1796. Printed at the State Press, by Adams & Larkin, Printers to the Honourable General Court, of this Common- wealth. AAS. BPL. MHS 2787 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] By the Governor, | A Proclamation, | For a Day of | Public Thanksgiving. [December 15.] Dated, October 6, 1796. Young & Minns, State Printers. aas. mhs 2788 . Tax No. Thirteen. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Com- monwealth of Massachusetts. | Thomas Davis, Esquire, | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, [July 14,] 1796. NYHS. EI 2789 . Form of an Entry to be made by every Person having or keeping a Carriage, | or Carriages, as required by the 4th Section of the Act of May 28, 1796. mhs 2790 . General Orders. | Head-Quarters, Boston, February 20, 1796. | NYHS pp. 2. Signed William Donnison, Adjutant General. Massachusetts Historical Society. 2791 . Boston 179[ ] | Sir, | A Meeting of the Massachusetts | Historical Society is to be held at the Library- | Room in Boston, . . . mhs See note to No. 2693, supra. 2792 . [Seal of United States.] The Carrier of the] Collec- tions | of the Massachusetts Historical Society, | To its Liberal and Generous Patrons: Dated, Boston, January 1, 1796. | PHS Plummer, Jonathan, Jr. 2793 . The awful Malignant Fever at Newburyport, in the Year 1796. [Cuts of 44 coffins.] An Elegiac Epistle to the Mourners, on the Death of forty-four Persons, who died of a Malignant Fever in | Newburyport and the adjacent towns, in the Summer and Autumn of the Year 1796 — Together with a short account of that | alarming disorder — By Jonathan Plummer, jun. Printed for and sold by the Author — Price 4J^d. f NYHS. EI Pelham, 2794 . At [ Pelham’s Book Store | and | Circulating Library, [ 380 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1796 No. 59 Cornhill, Boston, | a general Assortment of | Books and Stationary. mhs The book store was in existence from 1796 to 1804. 2795. The Projectors . . . and . . . Empire travelling west- ward. N. Coverly, Jr. Printer, Milk-St. Boston. nyhs On back of “Speech of Farmer’s Brother.” Russell, Benjamin. 2796. Receipt for the Columbian Centinel. mhs 2797. Sir, | At a meeting last evening, of a number of citizens, at Concert-Hall, Dr. John Warren, in the Chair, a nomination list for Represen- | tatives was opened, . . . Dated, May 9, 1796. mhs 2798. Salem, April 22, 1796. | To the Selectmen of the Town of | (To be communicated to the Inhabitants.) In be- half of the Inhabitants of | Salem, We are induced to address you upon the present | alarming Crisis. (On the treaty with Great Britain.) ei Scott, Joseph. 2799. Joseph Scott, jun. | At his Shop, No. 6, Dock-Square, Boston, | (Near the Market) | Imports from the Manufac- tories ... ei 2800. Speech of | Farmer’s Brother. | The following Speech was delivered in a public council at Genesse River, November 21, 1796, | by Ho-na-ya-wus, commonly called Farmer’s Brother. . . . N. Coverly, Jr. Printer, Milk-Street, Boston. f NYHS 2801. Subscription Assembly. | Admit | to the Assem- bly, at the Assembly Room, Federal | Street, for the Season. Printed by Thomas & Andrews. pc 2802. To the Honourable the House of Representatives of the United States. | The Memorial of the Subscribers, Citizens of | in Massachusetts. . . . (On carrying into operation the treaty with Great Britain.) Endorsed in ms. April 28, 1796. MHS 2803. To the honorable the House of Representatives of the | United States. | The Memorial of the Subscribers, Merchants and Traders of | Respectfully represents. . . . (On treaty with Great Britain.) mhs MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 381 1797 ] United States. 2804. The President’s Message. | On the Treaty Papers.) Centinel-Office, April 7, 1796. | A Gentleman this instant arrived from New York, has favored us with the [ following highly interesting and magnanimous Communication of | The President of the United States. aas. mhs 2805. The President’s Message. | On the Treaty Papers. Done by A. Martin, Orrery-Press. mhs 2806. [Another issue] aas Without the hands. Warren, John. 2807. A Monody | On the Death of the Hon. Thomas Russell, Esq. | sung after the Eulogy delivered by Doctor John War- | ren, in the church in Brattle-Street on Wednesday, May | 4, 1796. mhs Whittemore, Joseph. 2808. Joseph Whittemore, | Presents the following Address to his | Friends, Patrons, and Customers, | Wishing them, most sincerely, a happy | New-Year. Dated, Boston, January 1, 1796. f phs 2809. Address | Of the Carrier of the [ Columbian Sentinel, | to all Branches of its Patrons, | on the Opening of the New Year, | 1796. f phs 2810. The Carrier | of the | Independent Chronicle, | to his | ever generous and right worthy Patrons. Dated, Boston, January 1, 1796. f phs 2811. The Carrier of the | Federal Orrery. [ Presents his kind Custom-ers the following Custom-ary Ode, | On Custom. Dated January 1, 1796. t phs 2812. The Massachusetts Mercury | Carrier | To the Benevo- lent Personages, he has the superlative Honor of wai- | ting upon semi-weekly . . . Dated, Boston, January 1, 1796. f PHS 1797 Adams, Samuel. 2812a. For sale, | By Samuel Adams, Truckman, | At his House in Elliot Street, and at his Wharf at the bottom of Cross-Street, | Boston. . . . mhs Bazin, John. 2813. John Bazin, | At Store No. 32, Cornhill, near the 382 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1797 Market, | Boston: . . . From the Press of S. Etheridge, No. 9, Newbury-Street. ei Boston, Town of. 2814. Notification. | The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of | Boston, qualified as the Law directs, are here- by notified | to meet at Faneuil-Hall on Thursday the 11th Day of May ... f lc 2815. [Cut.] The | Elephant. Dated, Boston, August 18th, 1797. Boston: Printed by D. Bowen, at the Columbian Museum Press, head of the Mall. ei 2816 . [Cut.] The | Elephant. Salem, August 29, 1797. ei 2817 . [Cut.] The | Elephant. Newburyport, Sept. 19, 1797. NYHS 2818 . The Elders and Messengers from the various Societies believing | the Doctrine of the Universal Love of God in Christ to | the Children of Men; met in Convention at Milford, in the | State of Massachusetts, September 20, 1797; Signed Shippie Townsend, Moderator. a as 2 pp. 2819 . From the Mercury-Office. | President’s Speech. | Mer- cury Office, Nov. 29, | 11 o’clock A.M. | By two gentlemen from New-York, we are favored . . . mhs Harvard College. 2820 . Commencement exercises. nyhs. bpl. aas. hc 2821 . Theses. y. ei. bpl. aas. hc. mhs Kennebeck Proprietors. 2822 . To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting. | Whereas his late Majesty King James the first, for the Ad- vancement of a Colony and Planta- | tion in New England. Dated in ms. June 16, 1797. A deed. Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2823 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, seven Hundred | and ninety-seven. | An Act dividing this Commonwealth into Districts, and providing | for a more speedy, prompt and satisfactory administration of | Justice. Printed by Young and Minns, Printers to the State. pp. 4. NYPL. EI 1797] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 383 2824 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | In the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and ninety-seven. | An Act, in addition to the several Acts now in force, respecting Highways. February 28, 1797. Boston: Printed by Young and Minns, State Printers. nypl. mhs 2825 . Resolve appointing Commissioners, to settle differences with residents on the | Waldo Claim, &c. March 9, 1797. Printed by Young & Minns, Printers to the State. mhs 2826 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By the Governor, | A Proclamation | for a Day of | Solemn Fasting & Prayer. [May 4.] Dated, March 20, 1797. Printed by Young & Minns, Printers to the State. A AS. BPL 2827 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] By His Excellency Increase Sumner, Esquire, | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [No- vember 30.] Dated, October 23, 1797. Printed by Young and Minns, State Printers. aas. bpl. mhs 2828 . Tax for the Year 1797. | Commonwealth of Massachu- setts. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Thomas Davis, Esq; | Treasurer . . . [Tax Warrant.] bpl 2829 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | | Treasurer . . . (Warrant to collect unpaid taxes.) Dated [1797.] f ma Archives, cccxxi. 279. 2830 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To the Selectmen of the Town of . . . (Precept to elect a representative in the Congress of the United States.) Dated, March 23, 1797. Archives, ccxcv. 197. T MA 2831 . Commonwealth | of | Massachusetts. | By His Excel- lency | Increase Sumner, Esq. . . . (Military commission.) Dated, [August 1,] 179[7.] ei 2832 . General Orders. | Head-Quarters, Boston, June 13th, 1797. Signed William Donnison, Adjutant General. f nyhs 2833 . General Orders. | Head Quarters, Boston, August 22, 1797. Signed, William Donnison, Adjutant-General. ei pp. 3. 2834 . Commonwealth | of | Massachusetts. | Head-Quarters, Boston, 179[7.] (Governor’s acceptance of a resignation from the militia.) ei 384 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1797 Massachusetts Historical Society. 2835. Boston, December, 1797. | Proposal | for Printing by Subscription, | The Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, | For the Year 1798; . . . mhs Newburyport, Union Society. 2836. Newbury Port, [September 25, 1797.] Notice of a meeting of the Union Society. Engraved. ei Reproduced in Currier, History of Newburyport, n. 30. 2837. On | Joseph’s | Making Plimself known to his Brethren. Boston: Printed and sold next Liberty- | Pole, 1797. j bpl When Joseph his Brethren beheld, Afflicted and trembling with fear, 2838. Order of Performance. mhs Contains the following items): n. Ode on Music; III. Solo; iv. Dedica- tory Poem; vi. Beneficence; vii. Solo; vm. An Introductory Ode; ix. Ode on Music; x. An Ode; xii. To Arms, Columbia! The mention of Lodi would place the time after 1796 and during the threat of war with France. The particular occasion has not been identified. 2839. Proposal | For Publishing by Subscription, | More Won- ders | of the | Invisible World: | or, | The Wonders of the | Invisible World, | displayed | in five Parts. ei A proposal for a new edition of Robert Calef’s work, put forth by Cushing and Carlton of Salem. The volume has 1796 for year of printing. Salem. 2840. District of Salem and Beverly. | Extract from an Act of the Congress of the United | States of America, entitled “An Act for the Re- | lief and Protection of American Sea- men.” EI 2841. This certifies, that of | is proprietor of share No. in the Social Li- | brary in Salem; ... ei Salisbury. 2842. Notice of Train Band parade. Dated Oct. 1797. f NYHS Stewart, John. 2843. The Confession, last Words, and | Dying Speech of | John Stewart, | A Native of Ireland. Dated, Boston Jail, April 6, 1797. t nyhs United States. 2844. United States of America. | I Joseph Hiller, Collector of the | District of Salem and Beverly . . . (Certificate of 1798] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 385 benefit under the act for the relief and protection of seamen.) Dated, [September 27,] 179[7.] ei Wheaton, Hannah. 2845. An Elegiac Ode | on the Death of | Mr. Ephraim May. Signed, H. W. mhs He died in 1797. 2846. Whereas the Legislature of this Commonwealth by a resolved passed on the ninth | day of March last, appointed Nathan Dane, . . . (on lands of Samuel Waldo and Henry Knox.) mhs 2847. To the generous Patrons of Joseph | Whittemore, and encouragers | of Sobriety, Honesty, and Good-behavior: | The following lines are presented, with | the compliments of the Season. Dated, Boston, January, 1797. t phs 2848. The Carrier ( of the | Independent Chronicle, | to his | Ever Generous and worthy Patrons | Wishes a happy thrice happy | New-Year: Dated January 1, 1797. f phs 2849. [Seal of the United States.] To the Patrons of the | Salem Gazette, | The Carrier presents the compliments of the Season and the following | Address. ei Ye Louisianian Nymphs begin the song, To loftier themes sublimest strains belong. Printed on Silk. Perhaps 1803. 1798 2850. The Alien and Sedition Laws, and | Virginia and Ken- tucky Resolutions. | Published by Order of the Legislature of Massachusetts. Printed by | Young & Minns, | Printers to the State. t a as pp. 2. B., G. 2851. The | Closet Companion: | or, | An Help to serious Per- sons, in the important Duty of Self-Examination. Signed, G. B. Boston: — Printed and sold by Manning & Loring, No. 2, Cornhill. mhs 2852. Boston, April 2, 1798. | Proposals, | By Caleb P. Wayne, | for Publishing by Subscription, | The History of | Sir Charles Grandison. mhs 2853. Bowen’s | Columbian Museum | At the Head of the Mall, Boston, is opened every Day: | And elegantly illuminated 386 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1798 every Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday Evening. Boston: Printed by D. Bowen, at his Museum Office; where all kinds of Bills, Tickets, &c. are elegantly printed, on reasonable terms, bpl An early issue listing 110 paintings. Beverly. 2854 . Your Taxes for 1798. | State Tax. || Town & County Tax. || Parish Tax. mhs Harvard College. 2855 . Commencement exercises. bpl. aas. hc 2856 . Theses. ei. bpl. hc. mhs Jarvis, Peter. 2857 . The Supplications I of Peter Jarvis, | who, for his former Services, begs a | Portion of your Bounty. f phs Knox, Henry. 2858 . For Sale, | Lots or Tracts of | Land, | Of any size, as may best suit the Purchasers, from 100 Acres to 1000 Acres and upwards. bpl Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2859 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. In the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven hun- dred and | ninety-eight | An Act in addition to the several Laws Regulating Elections. Dated, June 29, 1798. ei. aas. mhs 2860 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | In the House of Representatives, February 12th, 1798. | On the memorial of the Delegates of the Towns of | Templeton, Barre, Petersham, Athol, Winchendon, Hubbardstown, [ Oakham, Warwick, Gerry, Gardner and Royalston, praying for a divi- | sion of the County of Worcester. aas 2861 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, February 12th, 1798. On the Memorial of the Delegates of the Towns of Templeton, Barre, Princeton and others, praying for a division of the County of Worcester. March 3, 1798. aas 2862 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | In the House of Representatives, June 28, 1798. | Whereas it is highly expedient that every Consti- | tutional barrier shall be opposed to the introduction of Foreign | Influ- ence into our National Councils. nypl pp. 2. 1798] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 387 2863 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. | By His Excellency | Increase Sumner Esq’r. | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Solemn Fasting and Prayer. [April 5.] Dated, March 1, 1798. aas. bpl. mhs 2864 . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] By His Excellency | Increase Sumner, Esq. | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [Novem- ber 29.] Dated October 23, 1798. aas. bpl. mhs 2865 . State of [eagle] Massachusetts. | The Board of Commis- sioners, appointed for the State of | Massachusetts, pursuant to an Act of the United States, | passed on the Ninth day of July . . . 1798 . . . (Commission to assessors.) f ma Archives, cccxiv. 292. 2866 . Tax for the Year 1798. [Seal of Commonwealth] Com- monwealth of Massachusetts. | Peleg Coffin, Esquire. | Treas- urer. . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated in ms. March 24, 1798. f AAS. NYHS 2867 . Massachusetts District, Supervisor’s Office. | Boston, May 31st, 1798. | A Table or List of the different Rates of Stamp Duties upon stamped Paper ... ei 2868 . Division Orders. | Salem, March 1, 1798. Signed in ms. Stephen Abbot, Maj. Gen. 2d Div. nyhs. ei 2869 . General Orders. | Headquarters, Roxbury, May 1, 1798. Signed, William Donnison, Adjutant General. f nyhs. aas Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. 2870 . Arrangement | Of the Performances for the Afternoon. HC Gives in full the “Anniversary Ode” and “Adams and Liberty; the Boston Patriotic Song, | written for the Anniversary of the M. C. F. S.” by Thomas Paine. Massachusetts Fire Insurance Company. 2871 . [Engraved plate by N. Hancock.] Policy of insurance issued by the Massachusetts Fire Insurance Company. mhs Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Company. 2872 . Rules and Articles of the | Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Dated, Boston, June 12, 1798. aas pp. 4. On second leaf is a form for proposal of insurance. Middlesex Canal. 2873 . Deed of land Sold to Middlesex Canal. BPL 388 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1798 2874 . At a meeting of the Middlesex-Canal Corpo- | ration, held at Charlestown, on the 16th day | of October, 1798. bpl Newburyport. 2875 . (In typographical border.) Notice of meeting of the Royal Chapter of St. John of Jerusalem, commonly called the Lodge of Royal Arch Super Excellent Masons, Newburyport, [January 8] 579[8.] Printed by John Mycall. aas No. 2879. 2876 . Newburyport Herald-Office, | December 17, 1798. | Having procured an extra paper published yesterday morning at Boston, containing the President’s Speech to both Houses of Congress, | we hasten to lay it before our patrons at an early hour. [A. March’s Printing-Office, State-street.] f nyhs 2877 . Official Account | of a | Glorious Victory. | Baltimore, Nov. 20, [1798.] ei On Nelson’s Victory. At end: “ HS1C By the foregoing account it appears that the gallant Nelson has returned the bribe money which some of the Boston Editors lately made him receive from his adversary.” Paine, [Thomas] Robert Treat. 2878 . [Cut.] Adams and Liberty. f aas 2879 . [Cut.] Adams | and | Liberty. | The Boston Patriotic Song. | Tune, “Anacreon in Heaven.” | Printed and Sold by J. White, near | Charles-river Bridge, Boston. f phs MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 389 1798] 2880 . Adams and Liberty. | Written by Thomas Paine, A.M. Printed and Sold at the Bible and Heart, Salem. El 2881 . Adams and Liberty; | Together with | Hail Columbia, [ and the | American Sailor. ei 2882 . Adams and Liberty. | The Boston Patriotic Song. | Written by Thomas Paine, A.M. bpl 2883 . Adams and Liberty. | The Boston Patriotic Song. I Written by Thomas Paine, A.M. ei With the music, pp. 2. 2884 . Passport and Roll of Equipage, | Agreeably to the 25th and 27th Articles of the Treaty between France and the United States, | made the 6th of February, 1778. Dated, May 2, 1798. PC Pickering, Timothy. 2885 . From [ Timothy Pickering, | to P. Johnston, Esq. j Of Prince Edward County, Virginia. Dated, Trenton, Sept. 29, 1798. ei 2886 . Postcript to the Mercury. | Tuesday, March 27. | Of- ficial and Important. (Message of John Adams to Congress, March 19, 1798.) bpl 2887 . The Sailor, | who [From Southey’s Poems. Bedford. had served in the Slave Trade. ] Sold at the Printing-Office, New- NYHS He stopt, — it surely was a groan That from the hovel came! Salem. 2888 . Rules and Regulations | To be observed by the Com- panies belonging to the several Fire | Engines in the town of Salem; agreeably to an Act of the | General Court of this Commonwealth, passed on the seventh of Fe- | bruary, 1786. Salem, May 7, 1798. ei 2889 . Salem, December, 1798. | Proposals | for printing by Subscription | a | Treatise | on the | Plague and Yellow Fever. | By James Tytler. ei Sever, Thomas, Jr. 2890 . An Ode, | On the sudden death of Mr. Daniel Holt, late of Town- | send, who was instantly killed by the unex- pected fall of a Tree, | August 31st, 1798. mhs 2891 . A | Sheet Almanack, | With Low’s Calculations, | for the Year of our Lord Christ, 1799. . . . Boston: Printed by Thomas Fleet. aas 39° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1798 “In the newspaper advertisements [The Centinel] are frequent, but not consecutive, notices of a sheet Almanack like the above, prepared from Low’s Calculations. This is the only one seen.” — Charles L. Nichols. 2892 . To John Adams, President, | And to the Congress of the United States. | The Subscribers, Inhabitants, and Citizens of Boston, in the State of Massachusetts. Dated, April 21, 1798. United States. 2893 . [Seal of United States.] By the President of the United States of America, | A Proclamation. (Appointing May 9 as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting and prayer.) Dated, March 23, 1798. aas. mhs 2894 . Speech | of | The President of the United States, | to | Both Houses of Congress, | December 8th, 1798. aas Washington, George. 2895 . General Washington’s Letter, | Declaring his Acceptance of the Command of the | Armies of the United States. Dated, July 13, 1798. Published for General Information. f AAS. El 2896 . [Seal of United States.] Washington’s Letter, | Declar- ing his Acceptance of the Command of the | Armies of the United States. Dated, July 13, 1798. [John Russell, Print.] Printed on silk. El 2897 . Washington’s Birth-Day. | Admit | Dinner on Table at half past 2 o’clock. February 22, 1798. pc Whittemore, Joseph. 2898 . Joseph Whittemore, | Presents the following Address to his | Friends and Customers, wishing | them most sincerely, A Happy New | Year. Dated, Boston, January 1, 1798. f phs 2899 . [Seal of Commonwealth.] The Carriers, | of the | Inde- pendent Chronicle, | to their | Patrons and Friends! Dated, January 1, 1798. f phs 2900 . The Carrier [ of the | Columbian Centinel, | on the exit of 1797, | and the entrance of One Thousand Seven Hundred | and Ninety-Eight | most respectfully tenders | to all its Patrons the Congratu- | lations of the Season. f phs 2901 . To the | Patrons | of the [ Newburyport Herald, &c. It is a custom to appear And wish you all a happy year: El 1799] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES . 391 2902 . To the Patrons of the | Salem Gazette, | The Carrier presents the compliments of the season and the following | Address. ei O thou, in airy garret perch’d Where bailiff’s prying eye n’er search’d. By W. Biglow, A.M. 1799 Addison, Alexander. 2903 . Liberty of Speech, and of the Press. | A Charge to the Grand Juries of the County Courts of the Fifth Circuit of the State of Pennsylvania. nypl. nyhs. ei. aas. hc. mhs pp. 2. Issued at the office of The Centinel. 2904 . An Address, | From the Convention of Congregational Ministers in the Com- | monwealth of Massachusetts, to their Christian Brethren | of the Several Associations, and others not associated [ throughout this State. Dated May 30, 1799. ei pp. 3. 2905 . Anthems and Hymns, to be sung at the | Installation of the Reverend Mr. [William] Emerson, on | Wednesday the 16th of October, 1799. f PHS Boston, town of. 2906 . Schedule of the Expenses of the | Town of Boston, from May 1, 1798, to May 1, 1799. | Published conformably to the Vote of the Town, May 14, ( 1799. bpl. hc. mhs 2907 . Notification. | The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, | . . . are hereby notified to meet at Faneuil- | Hall, on Wednesday, the 25th day of September. . . . Dated, September 19, 1799. Appended is: Abstract of the Will of the late Thomas Boyl- | ston, Esq. published by Order of the Selectmen for the [ Information of the Inhabitants. BPL 2908 . Board of Health, to their Constituents. Signed, Paul Revere, President, and dated, March 30, 1799. mhs Boston, Association. 2909 . Boston, April 15th, 1799. | Rev. and dear Brethren, | Deeply impressed ourselves with the critical and very alarming state of | our country, and of our holy Religion . . . Signed in ms., Simeon Howard and John Lathrop. hc. mhs pp. 2. On the HC copy is noted: “The draft of your humble servt- J. Morse. The Address of Convention grew out of this. A delegation 392 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1799 from the several Associations met agreeably to the above proposal, and agreed to address their Brethren. Great good has, it is believed, resulted from these measures.” 2910. Damon’s Soliloquy. | A New Song. Printed by Jonathan Nichols. | 1799. bpl Adieu ye streams that gently flowing, Murmur thro the flow’ry mead, Columbian Museum. 2911. The Columbian Museum, | At the Head of the Mall, Boston. | 100 Elegant Paintings . . . mhs The list of paintings contains 115 items. 2912. Museum Head of the Mall, Boston, | Is opened every Day, and every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Evening. | With Music on a large Concert Organ. . . . Boston, 1799. mhs The list of paintings contains 123 items. 2913. Museum, | Head of the Mall, Boston, | Is opened every Day, and Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Evenings. | With Music on a large Concert Organ. . . . Boston, 1799. bpl. mhs But for the caption this is identical with No. 2912. 2914. [Cuts.] Columbian Museum, | Near the Mall, Boston. | The Columbian Museum contains a very extensive Collection of Artificial and | Natural Curiosities. Printed at D. Bowen’s Ornamental Printing Office, under the Columbian Museum, where Hand-Bills, Shop-Bills, Cards, Blanks, &c. is done with neatness, on reasonable Terms. mhs Dane, Nathan. 2915. Beverly, January 19, 1799. | Circular. | Sir, | As the following Questions have (among others of less importance) been stated | by Assessors in the different parts of the third Division — ... mhs Dearborn, Benjamin. 2916. A Description | of the | Vibrating Steelyard, | or | Just Balance. | Invented by the Subscriber, and secured to him by Patent. Dated, Taunton, Sept. 1799. mhs Harvard College. 2917. Commencement exercises. nyhs. bpl. aas. hc 2918. Theses. y. ei. aas. hc. mhs James, Captain. 2919. [Cuts.] Captain James. | Who was hung and gibbeted | in England, for starving | to death his Cabin-Boy. Second MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 393 1799] Newburyport Edition. | Printed for, and Sold by, the Travel- ling Sta- | tioners in Town and Country. | Sold also at No. 4, Middle-street. Songs, to be had at the Printing-Office, (head of the stairs,) No. 4, Middle-street, Newburyport — | Captain Ward, a famous sea song; The Shipwreck’d Tar; Jack’s De- light his Lovely Nan; Robinson Crusoe; | The Orphan Boy’s Tale; The Damsel’s Tragedy, or Cruel Mother-in-law; Lady Washington’s Lamentation; The Kiss that he gave; The Pedagogue’s Complaint; Columbia’s Lamentation for the Death of Washington; \ Wounded Hussar; Ere around the Hugh Oak; My Dog and Gun; The Babes in the Woods and Wood Robin; | Father Abbey’s Will; I am a very little Man; Poor Tom; Battle of the Kegs. CP" Cheap as any where. Come all you noble bold commanders, El That the raging ocean use, 2920. [Cut.] Captain James, [ who was hung and gibbeted in England, for starving | to death his Cabbin-Boy. Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. Printer, Milk-Street, Boston. hc 2921. Captain James., | Who was etc. L. Deming, 1 Market Square. nyhs 2922. [Cuts.] Captain James, | Who etc. Printed by Nathan- iel Coverly, Jun. Milk-Street, Boston. nyhs 2922a. [Cuts.] Captain James. | Who was | hung and gibbetted in England, |. . . mhs Jarvis, Peter. 2923. Peter Jarvis, | at the Commencement of a New-Year, | Salutes his Friends with wishing them | Health, Wealth, & Happiness, | Hoping for a Repetition of their former Favours. | PHS Massachusetts, Commonwealth. 2924. [Seal of Commonwealth.] Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. By His Excellency | Increase Sumner | . . . | A Proclamation | For a Day of Solemn | Fasting, Humiliation & Prayer. [April 4.] Dated, February 28, 1799. Printed by Young and Minns, State Printers. aas. bpl. mhs 2925. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal of Common- wealth.] By His Honor | Moses Gill, Esq’r. | . . . | A Procla- mation | For a Day of Public Thanksgiving. [November 28.] Dated, October 17, 1799. aas. bpl. mhs 2926. Town Day of 179[9.] To | You are hereby 394 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [i799 notified and required to present me a | List of your Dwelling Houses, and Out Houses appurtenant there- | to, . . . f ma A rchives, cccxxiv. 294. 2927 . Tax for the Year 1799. [Seal of Commonwealth. ] Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | Peleg Coffin, Esquire, | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated [March 28], 1799. NYHS. A AS 2928 . Supervisor’s Office, Massachusetts District, | Boston. December 1799. (On Surveyors of the Revenue.) Signed in ms., J. Jackson, Superintendent. aas 2929 . At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners, for the State of | Massachusetts, begun and held at Boston, on the 24th day of [ April, 1799, in pursuance of the Act of the United States, ... | ma Archives, cccxxiv. 294. 2930 . At a Meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the Valu- | ation of Lands and Dwelling-Houses, in the State of | Massachusetts, June, 1799. f ma Archives, cccxxiv. 295. 2931 . Circular. | Boston, November 9, 1799. | Sir, | Agreeable to the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, and a | vote of the Board of Commissioners, for the Valuation of Lands, &c. . . . ma. mhs Archives, cccxxrv. 296. 2932 . No. Commissioner’s Office, [19 October, 1799.] | Received of Thomas Perkins, | Agent for paying Invalid Pensioners belonging | to the State of Massachusetts, . . . BS 2933 . By His Honor j Moses Gill, Esquire, . . . (Military commission.) Dated, [June 15, 1799.] ei 2934 . General Orders. | Head-Quarters, Roxbury, March 30 , 1799. Signed, William Donnison, Adj. Gen. Printed by Young and Minns, Printers to the State. ei. mhs 2935 . The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | To all unto whom these Presents shall come, Greeting. (Commission of Coroner.) mhs Middlesex Canal. 2936 . Middlesex Canal Navi- | gation. | The Public are in- formed that a large Boat, called the Wash- | ington, carrying upwards of thirty tons, . . . bpl 1799 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 395 Nancrede, Joseph. 2937 . Boston, February 5, 1799. J Proposals | for publishing, by Subscription, J The History of the Destruction | of the | Helvetic Union and Liberty. | By J. Mallet du Pan. f rths Russell, Benjamin. 2938 . to Benjamin Russell. | (Receipt for advertising in the Centinel.) hhs Smith, Samuel. 2939 . Last Words ( and [ Dying Speech | of | Samuel Smith, | Who was Executed at Concord, in the County of Middlesex, and Commonwealth of Mas- | sachusetts, the 26th of December, a.d. 1799, for the Crime of Burglary. To be sold at Mr. Reuben Bryant’s Book-Store, Concord, — Also at the Printing-Office, in Kilby-Street, Boston. f nyhs Sumner, Increase. 2940 . Order of Procession | for the Funeral of [ The late Governor Sumner. . . . mhs 2941 . The Committee, appointed by the Legislature of Massa- chu- | setts, to conduct the Funeral of His (late) Excellency, Governor Sumner, | request your attendance, . . . Dated, June 10, 1799. mhs Taylor, Joseph. 2942 . By this Policy of Assurance, | Underwritten in the Office kept by Joseph Taylor, . . . mhs 2943 . United States | of | America. | By his High and Mighty Laziness | Ephraim Eager | . . . (Commission — a college skit?) Dated, Leominster, [November 1, 1799.] aas Wheaton, Hannah. 2944 . On taking an affectionate [ Farewell of my kind Bene- | factors in Boston. Celestial Source of Comfort come, Those shades which cloud the mind dispel. 2945 . The Author wishing it may be improved and | enlarged, by some abler pen, now casts in her | mite, to the Memory of that worthy Person, | whose Loss we severely feel [Washington], My Father! cries the United States, Pray leave us not our Guide and Light: Williams College. 2946 . Catalogus, . . . Apud Pittsfield, Typis Chester Smith. MDCCXCLX. t NYHS 396 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1799 2947. [Seal of Commonwealth.] The Carrier | of the | Inde- pendent Chronicle, | to his | generous Customers, wishes a happy | New-Year. Dated, Boston, January 1, 1799. f phs 2948. The | New Year. | From the Carrier of the Newbury- | port Herald, &c. to his gene- | rous Customers. ei Around successive years have pass’d, And brought young ’99 at last ; 2949. To the Patrons of the | Salem Gazette, | The Carrier presents the Compliments of the Season, and the following j Address. ei Had we the powers of C & D To explore the fields of novelty, . . . Printed on silk. i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 397 SONGS, BALLADS, ETC. Undated or After 1800 Adams, Ebenezer. 2950 . A True and Wonderful Relation | of the Appearance of | Three Angels, | (cloathed in white raiment) to a Young Man in Medford, near Boston, on the 4th of | February, 1791, at Night: | together | With the Substance of the Discourse de- livered by one of the Angels, from | Colossians iii. 4. f hc 2951 . An Address of an aged Parent | to her surviving Children. hc Dear offspring, while you are on Earth, Remember one who gave you birth : 2952 . Address | to the | Federalists of the Gerrymander District! ei Freemen of Essex! — Sons of Glory, Though branded with the name of Tory, . . . 2953 . [Cut.] An Admonition to the Young, to seek and follow Christ, | that they may be happy. bpl ’Mongs all the wonders I have read, There’s none so wond’rous great 2954 . Advice given by a School- | Mistress to her Schollars, &c. f PHS My Children dear, I in God’s fear, To you this Counsel give, Hoping you’ll mind, and be inclin’d, In Wisdom’s Ways to live. 2955 . The American Hero. | Made on the battle of Bunker- Hill, and the burning of Charlestown. nyhs Why should vain mortals tremble at the sight of Death and destruction in the field of battle. 2956 . American History. f bpl In the reign of King James, and the first of the name, George Summers with Hacluit, to Chesapeake came. 2957 . [Another issue.] KW N. Coverly. Printer, Milk St. Boston. NYHS 39 § MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 2958. American Manufactures. [Cut.] The best Trump to play with Great Britain. nyhs To toil encourag’d, free from tythe and tax, Ye farmers sow your fields with hemp and flax: 2958a. [Cut.] Another Glorious Victory. [Capture of the Morgiana packet by the privateer Saratoga. 1813.] (SP^ Printed by N. Coverly, Jun. f bpl 2959. Another Song, | Yankee Doodle. nyhs The Fed’ral Coach went out of town With a Nova Scotia Cargo, 2960. [Cut.] An Answer to the Lady’s | Looking Glass. Certain fellows of little note, NYHS Have made nothing — on paper wrote, 2961. Auld Lang Syne, | and | My old Horse. Sold . . . corner of | Merchants’ Row, & Market Square, (up | stairs,) — Boston. By L. Deming. hc 2961a. Auld Lang Syne, | Home, Sweet Home, and the Legacy. mhs 2962. Backside o’ Albany [cut] and | Beautiful Boy. Sold wholesale and retail, with other articles, by J. G. & H. Hunt, at N. E. Corner Faneuil Hall Market, Boston. f hc The cut is the same as in No. 1160, and the verses as in No. 3174, infra. 2963. [Cut.] Bainbridge’s Victory: | or | Huzza for the Con- stitution, once more! HC Ballou, Silas. 2964. [Cut.] A New Song ] on the Causes — Beginning, Events — End — and Conse- j quences of the late War with Great Britain. | Composed by Silas Ballou, Richmond, New- Hampshire. nyhs Old England forty years ago, When we were young and slender, 2965. [Cut.] Barney | leave the Girls alone. Sold at No. 16, Milk-Street. | Boston. ei Judy leads me such a life! The devil ne’er had such a wife; . . . 2966. A [ ba- ] ttle, between some | Law- | yers and | Bull- frogs, | Set forth in a New Song, written by a Jolly Farmer, of New-England. nyhs Good people all both great and small, of every occupation. i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 399 2967. Lawyers and Bullfrogs. ei It is the same poem as No. 2966. 2967a. Lawyers | and | Bull-Frogs. [Cut.] f aas 2968. [Two cuts.] Battle of Bunker Hill. | This Song was composed by the British, after the | engagement. Songs — by the Gross or Single, constantly for sale by N. Coverly, corner of Theatre Alley. Boston, April 2d, 1811. f bpl 2969. [Another issue.] bpl Same cuts, but the first letter of the last line is roman instead of italic, and in colophon “All[ey]” appears. 2970. The Battle of | Bunker Hill, | Composed by a British Officer after the engagement. ei It was on the seventeenth by break of day, The Yankees did surprise us, 2971. Battle of | Bunker Hill. | Composed etc. nyhs 2972. Battle | of Bunker Hill. Sold . . . corner of Merchants’ Row and Market Square — Boston. hc 2973. Battle of Bunker Hill, | and | Saw Ye my Hero George. [Deming.] hc Come usher in the early dawn, With the thundering cannon’s rattle; 2974. Battle of New-Orleans, | and | Fam’d Waterloo. aas Ne’er has the Muse yet touch’d a strain That echoed the sound again 2975. [Cuts.] Battle of | Plattsburg. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. nyhs. mhs Sir George Prevost with all his host March’d forth from Montreal sir, 2975a. [Cut.] The Battle of Plattsburg — Tune, . . . Banks of the Dee. [Cut.] Together with the Siege of Plattsburg, sung in the | character of a Black Sailor. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. f bpl The first poem was by Mica j ah Hawkins, of Albany. 2976. Battle of Queenstown: | Between the Americans, Com- manded by Gen. Van Ransellaer, and the British by Gen. Brock. [Cut.] 02P" Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. Corner Theatre-Alley — Boston. | bpl Let tyrants still boast of their gigantic power, And a victory obtain which lasts but an hour, 400 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 2977. Bay of Biscay, | and the | Jolly Sailor. ei Loud roard the dreadful thunder, The rain a deluge showers; 2978. [Wood-cut.] Beautiful Katy, | and Click, Clack. | Tune — “Will you come to the Bower.” ei As beautiful Katy one morning was tripping With a pitcher of milk to the fair at Colrane. 2979. Bedlam | Garland. aas 2980. [Cut.] Billy and Polly. [ Together with | The Oxford Comedy. | An Oxford Scholar and his Penny Cow-heel. Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill, Boston. | aas Hark, hark my charming Polly! Hark how the war calls for me, 2981. [Wood-cut.] The Black Bird; | Together with | The fortunate Slave, and Jolly Sailor. Sold at the Bible and heart in Cornhill. f aas Early one morning for soft recreation, I heard a young damsel a making her mourn, O hark! O hark! a little while, I’ll sing a ditty shall make you smile; You Virgins come pity a Lady so fair, When I do my Passion discover, 2981a. Bloody Battle near Niagara: [Cut.] tW' Printed by N. Coverly, Milk-Street. mhs 2982. [Wood-cut.] The Blue bells of Scotland; | Together with [ Crazy Jane. ei On the same sheet, Faithful Mary. Oh where, and oh where is your highland laddie gone? He ’s gone to fight the French for king George upon the throne, 2982a. Blue Bells of Scotland, | The Happy Sailor, | (ClF 3 And I Won’t be a Nun. Sold Wholesale and Retail at 152, Ann Street, Boston. mhs 2983. [Cut.] Bob and Joan, | Together with the | Black Joke reviv’d, | or the | Second Part of Bobbin-Joan. f phs Young gallants all I pray draw near, And you a pleasant jest shall hear. Let Politicks subside a while, And hearken to my Tale; The same cut appears on “The Miser’s Daughter,” No. 3253, infra. i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 4OI 2984. Bold Conscience | and | Old Self. hc When I was in my infancy, Conscience and I did well agree, Printed with “A Warning Piece.” See No. 2214, supra. 2985. The | Bold Lads of Canada. nyhs Come all you British heroes, I pray you lend an ear, Draw up your British forces, and then your volunteers, See No. 3265, infra. 2986. [Another issue, with Cut.] L. Deming, No. 62 Hanover Street. Boston. nyhs 2987. Bold | Northwestman | and | Wandering Boys of Swit- zerland. Sold ... by L. Deming, No. 62, Hanover Street, 2d door from Friend Street, Boston. hc Come all ye bold Northwestmen who plough the raging main, Come listen to my story, while I relate the same; Our Cot was shelter’d in the wood, And near a lake’s green margin stood, 2988. The Bold Pilgrim and Apollian. [Cut.] Printed and Sold, No. 5, Middle-St. Newburyport. f nyhs. hc Pil. Come all ye wandering Pilgrims dear, Who are bound to Canaan’s land, 2989. The Bonny Blade, | or Dumb Wife; | together with Roseline Castle. Printed and Sold by Nathaniel Coverly, Corner Theatre-Alley, Milk-Street. — Boston. f bpl There was a bonny blade, Who had married a maid, 2990. Bonny Doun, | and | True Yankee Boys. L. Deming, Boston. NYHS Ye banks and braes of Bonny Doun, How can ye bloom sae fresh and fair! There was a band of yankees true, Now some are slumbering low, 2991. [Two cuts.] The Boston Frigate’s | Engagement | with the | French Corvette Le Berceau. | And | Tom Bowline’s Epi- taph, &c. f BPL The American frigate, from Boston she came, Guns mounted thirty two, the Boston by name, The Epitaph is by Charles Dibdin. A third poem on the sheet is “Paddy O’Blany.” One of the cuts is on the “Wounded Hussar,” No. 3413, infra. 402 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 2992. [Cut.] The | Bride’s Burial. Printed and Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. bpl Come mourn, come mourn with me, You loyal Lovers all; Lament my Loss in Weeds of Woe, Whom griping Grief doth thrall. 2992a. Brilliant Naval Victory. [Cut.] Yankee Perry, bet- ter than old English cider. Printed by N. Coverly, Milk- Street. MHS 2992b. Brilliant Naval [ Victory on Lake Champlain. Printed by N. Coverly, Jun. f bpl 2993. [Cut.] British Lamentation: | Together with | Green on the Cape; or the Irish Hero. j bpl ’T was on that dark and dismal day, When we set sail for America. I ’m a lad that’s forc’d to travel from my native land, By a note that’s sworn against me; my country I can’t stand, 2994. [Another issue.] Sold corner of Cross and Lulton Streets, Boston. f NYHS. HC 2995. [Cut.] The British Ship “Rein-deer, rated 18 guns, mounting 21 ; Capt. Manners, was | conquered in 25 minutes, at the entrance of the English Channel, by Capt. Blakely and | his brave crew, in the United States Sloop of War, “The Wasp.” . . . Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Milk-Street. hc 2996. Brown’s Victories, | At Erie, Chipawa and Bridgewater. I. Come all you Americans be still and sit down, NYHS And I ’ll sing you a song about brave Gen. Brown, A proof. 2997. [Cut.] The | Budget of Blunders. | A new patriotic Song. tt-gF 1 Boston Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. Milk Street. [ 1814 ?] ' ei 2998. The Bulwarks of Religion. DSP 3 Printed by Nathaniel Coverly jun. Corner of Theatre-Alley. — Boston. bpl 2999. The Bunter’s Wedding. t PHS Good people attend I ’ll discover A wedding that happen’d of late, I cannot tell why we should smother, The weddings of poor, more than great; Two English broadsides issues of this poem are in HC, without year of publication. i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 403 Bus well, James. 3000. Lines, | On the Death of Mrs. Polly Kendall, wife of Mr. John Kendall jun. who | died December 25th 1803, in the 23d year of her age. hc 3001. Buy a Broom, | Love’s Garland, | and Highland Mary. Sold Wholesale and Retail, Cross-Street (near Mercantile Wharf,) — Boston. hc 3001a. [Another issue.] Sold Wholesale and Retail, by Leon- ard Deming, No. 1 | South side Faneuil Hall, (upstairs) - — Boston. mhs 3002. Canadian Boat Song, | and | Indian Chief. Sold . . . by L. Deming, No. 62, Hanover Street, 2d door from Friend St., Boston, and at Middlebury, Vt. hc Faintly as tolls the evening chime, Our voices keep tune, and our oars keep time, The sun sits at night and the stars shun the day, But the glory remains, when the light fades away, Captain Glen’s | Unhappy voyage to New EI There was a ship, and a ship of fame, Launch’d off the stocks, bound for the main, 3004. [Two cuts.] Capt. Paul Jones of the | ship Poor Richard, of 40 | guns, took an English | ship called the Seraphis of [ 44, and a twenty gun ship | at one engagement. | Paul Jones’s Victory: | And the Wat’ry God. t ei. bpl An American frigate, a frigate of fame, With guns mounted forty, from l’Orient came, . . . 3005. [Cuts.] Capt. Paul Jones’s | Victory. | Capt. Paul Jones of the ship called | the Poor Richard, of 40 guns, | . . . bpl 3006. [Cuts.] Captain Ward, | The Pirate — with an account of his famous Fight | with the Rainbow, ship of war. Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. Printer, Boston. f bpl Strike up, you brave and lusty gallants, With music sound of drum, The same cuts are on “ Jolly Sailor,” No. 3127, infra. 3007. [Cut.] Captain Ward | The Pirate; | With an account of the famous Fight with the Rainbow | Ship of War. nyhs 3007a. Captain Ward, | The Pirate. 3003. [Cut.] Barbary. MHS 404 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3007b. Captain Ward the Pirate. mhs 3007c. [Cut.] Cash in Hand, | occasioned by the Capture of the British | Packet Swallow, | by Commodore Rogers. Prirted by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. Corner Theatre-Alley. — Boston. f bpl 3007d. [Cuts.] Capture of Little York: | or [ Dearborn vic- torious in Canada. [1813.] mhs 3008. A | Caution | To those who hold Calvinism, to be care- ful how they preach it; lest | they discourage weak Minds, who can’t understand it, and be | laugh’d at by those who do. While the Mongrel Calvinist boasts of his skill, f BPL Fights against Antinomians, and knock down free-will; 3009. [Cuts.] Charming Fellow. | Together with | Crazy Jane. Lord, what care I for mam or dad, NYHS Why let them scold and bellow! 3010. [Cut.] The Chelsea Butcher. | A Tragical account of the cruel Murder, | of three innocent creatures, by a Butcher in | Chelsea. Tune — Moll Row. f bpl Good people draw near to my ditty, A comical story I ’ll tell; 3010a. Chesapeake and Shannon. [Two cuts] [and] Elegy . . . On the Death of Capt. Laurence, and the gallant Tars, who fell in Defence of “Free Trade & Sailors’ Rights.” f aas 3011. Chevy Chase. t bpl God prosper long our noble king, Our lives and safeties all; 3011a. Chevy Chase. Sold by N. Coverly, jr. corner of Theatre-alley I Milk-street: — Boston, October 1811. mhs 3012. Chevy Chase. . . . Hero of the Wabash. . . . Paul’s Lamentation. . . . Sandy and Jenney. nyhs Printed on one sheet of blanket folio size. 3013. An unhappy memorable Song of the hunting in | Chevy- Chace | Between Earl Piercy of England, and Earl Douglas of Scotland. hc 3014. [Cut.] The Children in the Woods. | Being | A true relation of the inhuman Murder of two | children of a deceased gentleman in Norfolk, [ whom he left to the care of his brother; | but this wicked uncle, in order to get the | children’s estate, contrived to have them de- | stroyed by two Ruffians, whom l 8 oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES . 405 he hired for | that purpose; with an account of the hea- | vy judgments of God, which befel him, for | this inhuman deed, and of the untimely | end of the two bloody Ruffians. To which is | added, a word of advice to Executors, &c. | To a very mournful Tune. bpl 3015 . The Children in the Woods. [Cut.] Being, | A true Relation of the inhuman Murder | of two Children of a deceased Gentleman in Norfolk, | whom he left to the Care of his Brother; but this | wicked Uncle, in order to get the Childrens Estate, | . . . Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill. Evans, 19401. A different issue. f HC. AAS. BPL Nos. 3015 and 3016. 3016 . [Another issue, lined as the last.] Sold at the Heart & Crown in Cornhill. f hc 3017 . [Cut.] Children in the Wood | Being a true relation of the inhuman murder of two children, of a deceased gentleman of Norfolk, England; | . . . IGP 31 Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. Theatre Alley. hc 3018 . [Cut.] Children in the Wood. Printed by N. Coverly, 16 Milk Street, Boston. hc. ei 3019 . [2 cuts] Children | in the | Woods: f hc Without the “Advice to Executors.” 3020 . The Children in the Woods | Or, The Norfolk Gentle- man’s Last Will and Testament. Sold by the Thousand, Groce, Hundred, | Dozen, or Single, at the Bookstore and j Printing- Office of W. and J. Gilman, | Middle-street, Newburyport. | Where may be had, wholesale or retail, | a variety of Ancient and Modern Popu- | lar Songs and Ballads. — Price 3 cts. ch 406 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3021. The | Children in the Wood . . . [Newburyport?] ei 3022. The Children in the Woods: . . . Sold at the Bible and Heart in Salem. ei 3022a. [Two cuts.] The Children in the Wood. mhs 3023. [Cut.] The | Christian | Pilgrim. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly Jun. f bpl Come on ye honest pilgrims who are bound to Canaan’s land, Take courage and fight valiantly, stand fast with sword in hand, No. 3019. 3024. The Christian’s Looking Glass. f AAS Come all ye mourning Pilgrims, Who feel your need of Christ, Clemons, Miss. 3025. Lines | Composed on the Dullness of Salem, &c. | [Fourth edition.] [With] Good Wishes towards the Mill Dam. Oh Salem for thee I do weep, EI Thou appear to be so sound asleep; 3026. [Cut.] The Coast of | Barbary, | And Black ey’d Susan. ] ships from England did sail, PC [Blow] high, blow low, and so sailed we, . . . 3027. Constitution and Guerriere, or Hull’s Victory. [Cut.] HC 1800] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSH»ES. 407 3028. [Cut.] The | Contented Wife, | and the | Husband’s Answer; | together with the | Miller. t HC I have been a Wife these dozen long years And bless’d be the time that I marry’d, 3029. A Controversy between | A Drunking Husband | and a Tea Drinking Wife, &c. f phs Come Wife set down by me I prithee draw near For now I’m resolv’d that your faults you shall hear. The second poem is “The Unhappy Match.” Now Doll, we are wedded, I ’d have you to know That I am your Lord and Master also. No. 3028. 3030. The Converts Hymn: | Together with the | Indian Chief Spiritualized, & There ’s nothing true but heaven. ei I know I was a sinner, the call it was loud, To repent of my sins & give my heart to the Lord, 3031. A Copy of a Letter written by Our Blessed Lord and | Saviour Jesus Christ. [Two cuts.] ... To which is added — King Agbarus’s Letter to our Saviour, and Our Saviour’s Answer ; also, his Cures and Miracles. | — Likewise — The Dictates of Right Reason; or, A Solemn Warning to Unfaithful Ministers. HC 408 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 Cowper, William. 3032. The diverting History of | John Gilpin: | Shewing how he went farther than he intended, and came safe home again. Sold at the Bible and Heart, Salem. ei 3033. The Cruel Father, | Or, Edgar and Lucy. Sold . . . corner Cross and Fulton Streets. Boston. nyhs Loud howl’d the tempest o’er the desert wild, Blue vivid streaks of lightning pierced the air; 3034. The Cruel Mother. hc Indulgent Parents dear, pray now attend Same lines as in the “Damsel’s Tragedy,” No. 3042, infra. 3034a. The Cruel Parents: Or, Bedlam Garland, [and] Scorn- ful Celia. Printed and Sold at the Printing Office in Milk- Street. 1770. mhs As through Moorfields I walked, one Evening in the Spring. 3035. [Cuts.] The Cuckold’s Cap. | Together with | The Lass of St. Osythe. bpl In Reading there lived a buxom young Dame, The Wife of a Miller, and Joan was her name, At Saint Osythe by the Mill There dwells a lovely Lass. 3036. Cure for Consumptions. | Address of Kitty Plume, to Dickey Dandy, | just arrived from Folly-Alley, Paris. | Kitty’s Arguments in favor of Busks, that Damsels | wear to distort Nature. hc. ei Dear Kitty now of fashions tell, For ladies look extremely well. 3037. A curious new Sonnet, dedicated to the Street Musicians. | The Second Edition. bpl Boston rejoice, lift up your Voice, For Da — t is come; He loves you all, both great and small, As Indians love strong Rum. 3038. Damon and Delia. hc Hark Delia hear my last adieu, Farewell my heart’s delight, 3039. [Cut.] The Damsel’s Tragedy, | or, the | Cruel Mother- in-Law. f aas Indulgent parents dear, pray now attend i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 409 To this relation here, which I have penn’d. 3040. The Damsel’s Tragedy. | Or, The Cruel Step-Mother. f AAS 3041. [Another issue, without cut.] Printed and Sold by W. & J. Gilman, Middle-Street, Newburyport: | Where may be had the following Songs, viz. Lady Washington’s Lamentation; Columbia’s | Lamentation for the Death of Washington; The Wounded Hussar; Jack’s Delight, his Love- | ly Nan; Father Abbey’s Will; The Orphan Boy’s Tale; Robinson Crusoe; Captain Ward; | Ere around the huge oak; The kiss that he gave; I am a little man, &c. &c. ei 3042. [Another edition.] Printed by N. Coverly, Jun. Milk- Street, Boston. ei Indulgent parents dear, pray now attend, To this relation here, which I have penn’d, . . . See also “The Cruel Mother,” No. 3034, supra. 3043. The Damsel’s Tragedy; | Or, Cruel Mother-in-law. Sold at No. 16, Milk-Street, Boston. nyhs 3044. The Dandy, O! hc The rulers of our nation are full of speculation, For to obtain a seat it is so handy, O: 3045. The | Dartmouth Tragedy: | or the | Mournful Lady’s Garland. nyhs True lovers all, both far and near, Behold the lines that I have penn’d, 3046. David’s | Victory over | Goliah. Sold at E. Russell’s Office, near the Stump. ei When the proud Philistines for war declar’d, And Israel’s sons for battle had prepar’d, . . . 3047. [Wood-cuts.] The Death of an Indian Chief. Sold next the Stump of Liberty-Tree. — Also, a number [of] new Songs, &c. EI The sun sets in night and the stars shun the day, But glory remains when their lights fade away; . . . The hero was the son of Almonack. 3048. Death of General Wolfe; | together with | Tippy Jack’s Journey to Brighton. f bpl In a sad mould’ring cave . . . See No. 1160, supra. 3049. [Cuts.] The Death of | the brave | General Wolf. [And] Liberty | Tree. f bpl 410 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3050. [Cut.] The Death of | the Brave | General Wolf. ei The text is that of No. 1159, supra. 3051. [Cuts.] The Death of | General Wolfe. Printed by N. Coverley, Jun. — Boston. bpl A late issue. 3052. [Cuts] Death of | General Wolfe nyhs Cheer up your hearts young men let nothing fright you. No. 3057. 3053. The Death of poor Jack. | Together with | The Plough- man turned Sailor. f aas Poor Jack, whose gay heart kept his spirits aloft, And never gave birth its full due, I that once was a ploughman, a sailor am now, No lark that aloft in the sky. 3054. Death of the Embargo. [Cut at end.] (GIF’ Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, junr. f hc Come brother clods, let’s merry be, To Boston strike away Sirs, c. 1809. 3055. [Cuts.] Decatur’s Victory. nyhs 3056. The Devil & Tom Cook. | Together with | Tailor in a Hobble. ei Tom Cook, he was a noted thief, I ’ve heard old people tell, . . . 1800] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 411 3057. [Cut.] A [ Dialogue ( between [ Death and a Lady. | Very suitable for these Times. Sold at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. f hc. aas Death. Fair Lady lay your costly Robes aside, No longer may you glory in your Pride; 3058. Dialogue [ between | Death and a Lady. | Very suitable to be learned by heart in these degenerate times. hc. ei 3059. A Dialogue between ( Death and a Lady. IdF’ Printed by Nathaniel Coverly jun’r Corner, of Theatre Alley. — Boston. NYHS. HC 3060. A Dialogue | between | Death and a Lady. tW Printed and Sold by Nathaniel Coverly, Corner Theatre-Alley, Milk- Street. — Boston. f bpl 3061. The same, reset, without the imprint. f bpl See also No. 3096, infra. 3062. Dinah Crow. [Cut.] Sold ... by L. Deming, No. 62, Hanover Street, | Second door from Friend Street, Boston. HC 3063. [Cut.] The Distressed Sailor’s | Garland: | Or | A New Song | On the Miseries and Hardships of poor Ship-wreck’d Sailors. nyhs When first I drew the Breath of Life, ’Twas in the merry Month of June, 3064. The Distressed Soul [ Looking to the Lamb for Pity. Come, see my case, O bleeding Lamb, In mercy take me as I am, . . . 3065. Division Muster. ei Our Norfolk troops can march with ease Up to old Dedham plain; And there I think that we shall please Our Major General Crane, . . . 3066. The Doctor & Squire. f phs You lovers of England whoever you be, Encompass’d with sorrow, draw nigh unto me, I will sing you a ditty will make you to smile, And therefore I pray give attention the while. 3067. [Cut.] The Dorsetshire Garland, or Miser outwitted. | Shewing, How a rich Gentleman of Dorsetshire, who had but one Child, a daughter, about fourteen | years old, ... hc In three columns. 412 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3068. [Cut.] The Dorsetshire | Garland, | or the | Miser Out- witted: | . . . Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun’r. | Corner Theatre Alley, Boston. j hc In two columns. 3069. The Downfall of Pride. Published at Salem, Massa- chusetts, by desire of many people, Feb. 1800 . ei Almighty cock was late set up, Upon a lofty steeple top; . . . 3070. A Dream, and Dr. Watts’ Ode on the Day of Judgment. As I lay slumbering, sleeping, BPL All alone in bed, 3071. [torn] Dress. . . . On Deceit and Falshood. . . . The Turkish Lady. nyhs By fashions is the world inslav’d, Extravagant in dress. Come all young men and hear my song For it will not detain you long. You young men and old, I pray draw near A pretty story you shall hear 3072. Duke Hamilton. f phs Three poems on one sheet. Duke Hamilton was as brave a Lord As e’er Old-England could afford. Fal da ral, &c. 3073. The Lass of the Mill. Who has e’er been at Baldock must needs know the Mill, At the Sign of the Horse at the Foot of the Hill. 3074. An Ode on Contentment. The shepherd’s plain life, Without guilt, without strife, Can only true blessings impart; Dunn, Samuel. 3075. [Cuts.] An Elogy, | on the Death of | Four Young Ladies, | who were | Drowned in a Pond in Sutton, May 29 , 1822 , — viz. | [ jnney, aged 14 years; daughter of Daniel Tenney. aas 3076. [Cut.] The Dusky Night. | Together with | Banish Sor- row. | And | An Ode sung on Bunker’s Hill. Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill. mhs The Ode begins: “Now let rich Music sound, . . . Evans, 19405. 1800] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 413 3077. [Cut.] The Dying Words of a Young Man, | Together with Wigglesworth’s Dream. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. f BPL Hearken ye sprightly, and attend ye fair one’s, Pause in your mirth, adversity consider! As I lay slumb’ring asleep, All alone on my bed, 3078. [Cut.] The dying Words of | Capt. Robert Kidd: | A noted Pirate, who was Hanged at Execution Dock, in England. You captains brave and bold, hear our cries, hear our cries, HC You captains brave and bold, hear our cries, 3079. Earthquake: | Verses on the Earthquake, in North- | America, in the Year 1755, and worthy the | Attention of every Person, particularly as we have | lately had like visitations. [Cut.] XW" Printed by N. Coverly, jun’r pc New England hear God’s voice with fear, For he does loudly call, Printed on the back of “The Reformed Rake.” The verses are differ- ent from those of Nos. 1007 and 1042, supra. 3080. [Cut.] Elegiac Lines | On the death of Mr. Joseph Bass, of | Boston, Who set out on a voyage to England, for his health, but going | ashore at Bath, (District of Maine) died Dec. 1802. aas 3081. [Cut.] Elegy, | in Remembrance of | James Lawrence, Esquire: | Late Commander of the United States Frigate Chesapeake. ei Printed on silk. The engraving was drawn by N. W. Munroe and engraved on wood by G. Cobb. 3082. An | Elegy | on the Death of a | Favorite Cat. [and] The Inferior | Blacksmith | and | Company. f phs Opprest with grief in heavy strains I mourn, The partner of my study’s from me torn. In answer to your second head, You went to lead your wife to bed. 3083. An | Elegy | On the Death of Capt. Annanias Valentine, Thomas Pinckney, Isaac Eliot, Jacamiah | Cropsey, and Leonard Merrit, all respectable citizens of the town of Marl- borough, who were | unfortunately drowned on the flats, in front of the town, in attempting to go on shore, on Fri- | day morning, the 12th of December, 1800, in a violent storm of Wind and Rain. [Five coffins.] t HC 414 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3084. Elegy | On the Death of Commodore | Stephen Decatur, | Who fell in a Duel, by the hand of Commodore Barron, at Bladensburg, | near the city of Washington on the 22d of March, 1820 . . . Printed & Sold by N. Coverly, No. 16, Milk-Street. ei 3085. [Cut.] An Elegy | on the Death of the late Reverend Charles Warburton, who died | in Boston, July the 1st, 1814. Aged 80. — By a Lady of Colour, gp^ Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. | Milk-Street — Boston. ei 3086. An Elogy, | Sacred to the memory of Miss Polly Hol- man, who departed this life, May 31, 1814, | aged 24 years and 2 months. f aas 3086a. The Exile of Erin. mhs There came to the beach a poor Exile of Erin, The dew on his thin robe was heavy and chill; 3087. [Two cuts.] The | Exiles of Eden. KW* Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun’r. f hc. bpl There fell from God’s favor two Exile’s of Eden, They wander’d through deserts of sorrow and pain, . . . 3088. [Another issue.] gp 3 Printed by N. Coverly, Corner of Theatre-Alley. f ei. bpl 3089. Exiles of Eden. Printed for and sold by Larkin Moors. EI 3090. The Exiles of Eden. [Cut.] EI 3091. The | Exiles of Eden. Leonard Deming. HC 3092. The Factor’s Garland. f PHS Behold here’s a Ditty, the Truth and no Jest, Concerning a Gentleman that liv’d in the West, Who by his great Gaming came to Poverty, And afterwards went many Voyages to Sea. 3093. The Factor’s Garland, or the Turkish Lady, f bpl 3094. The | Factor’s Garland | or the Turkish Lady. | Tune — Paul Jones’ Victory. Printed and Sold by N. Coverly, No. 16, Milk Street — On hand, A great variety of Songs, &c. f HC. BPL 3095. The | Factor’s Garland. hc In two columns. i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 415 3096. The Factor’s Garland. | A strange and wonderful Story. HC Printed on a blanket sheet with: A good Wife; A remarkable Dream; Dialogue between Death and a Lady and A Good Wife. 3097. Fair Rosamond. I A lamentable Ballad. Sold at the Bible & Heart, in Cornhill. mhs When as King Henry rul’d England, the second of that name. hc, 822-827. 3098. [Another issue.] Without imprint. nyhs 3099. [Cut.] Fair Rosamond: | a lamentable Ditty. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, | jun. Milk-Street — Boston. nyhs. hc 3100. The faithful and loving Wife’s | Garland. f hc Forty five years of fleeting time, Has swiftly roll’d away, 3101. The Faithless Sea-Captain. nyhs All you Maidens fair, pray a while draw near, I a tragick story have to tell. 3102. The Fall of Adam. f aas Ranting Topers, midnight Rovers, Cease to roar your fleshly lays; 3103. The Fanner’s Glory; | Together with | Johnny & Sally. | (Suited to an Excellent New Tune.) f phs Attend a while unto my Story, I ’ll sing you a Song of the Farmer’s Glory. Of all the Lads in London-town, there ’s none I love like Johnny, He walks so stately on the Ground, I like him for my Honey; hc, 103 (1). 200, has “Pretty Sally’s Garland; or, Johnny’s kind Courtship.” 3104. [Cut.] The Farmer’s Son, | And the Tragical end of pretty Sally, ] the Chamber Maid. nyhs Young lovers all I pray draw near, And a relation you shall hear, 3105. [Two cuts.] The Female | Hay-makers, | together with | Cold Winter, o^gr’ Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun’r. Corner Theatre-Alley — - Boston. hc One morning, one morning, one morning in May, I spy’d two pretty damsels a raking of hay, Cold winter’s gone and past, And warm summer’s come at last, 416 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3106. Fennel-Seed. | An Excellent New Song, composed over a bed | of Fennel, just sown. mhs What scripture says, we must always Give good attention to ; 3107. The Fiery Devil, | Together with | Granny Wales. The Stygian God, Great Beelzebub, f BPL With Bute and North, his fav’rite club, 3108. Fire | is a good-servant, but a bad master; and should be esteemed as a friend, but dreaded | as an enemy. hc Come hear a song in infant race, Ye high and low and rich and poor; 3109. The following Lines were compos’d | by Mr. Joseph Badger, a Day | or two before his Death. t a as Christ’s dazling Glory Shines so bright, No Mortal here can tell. 5 stanzas. 3110. [Cuts.] For some time past the Public have been anxiously waiting to be informed of the Life, Character, and Last Dying Words of | Jason Fairbanks, . . . [with] a Biog- raphy of Mr. Jason Fairbanks and Miss Eliza Fales, | . . . Boston: Printed and sold in Russell-Street, near West Boston Bridge. HC 3111. The Fortunate Lovers, | or Sweet William of Plymouth. A Seaman of Plymouth, sweet William by Name, El A wooing to beautiful Susan he came; See No. 3355, infra. 3112. The Fortunate Lovers: | or, | Sweet William of Plym- outh. HC. MHS 3113. Four excellent Modern Songs. Jockey to the Fair, Roslin Castle, Guardian Angels and Force of Musick. It bears a MS. note: “Kingston, February 12 day year 1793.” Fowler, Benjamin. 3114. The | Lamentation | of | Benjamin Fowler; | Who has served faithfully in the American | Army eight years & four months — in which | service he lost one eye — and is otherwise so dis- | enabled in his health, as to claim the attention | of the generous public. ei The poem states that he lost his eye “In Canada with Montgom’ry.” 3115. France Triumphant | over the | combined Powers: | An Excellent New Patriotic Song. [Cut.] Sold by all the Flying Traders. (Pr. Four Cents.) nyhs. ei Rouse! Rouse, ye Patriots, brave and bold, And gird your bucklers on, . . . i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 417 3116. [Cut.] Friend & Pitcher, | Together with | Poor Jack, | and | Poll’s Answer. Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill, Boston. f PHS The wealthy fool, with gold in store, Will still desire to grow richer; Go patter to Lubbers and Swals, d ’ye see, About danger and fear, and the like. Dear Jack my fond love, pray now listen to me, Thy Poll will thy troubles allow. 3117. [Cuts.] The | Friendly Society, | together with | Heav- ing Anchor. [Cut at end of poem.] f bpl Why should we at our lot complain, Or grieve at our distress: When first we hear the boatswain’s bray, With voice like thunder roaring, 3118. Friendship. | Tune — British Muse. hc Friendship to every willing mind, Opens a heav’nly treasure; 3119. [Cut, labelled “Old Ironsides.”] The Frigate | Consti- tution. 3120. [Cut.] a Wooing go. 3121. [Cut.] HC Argo of Greece, that bro’t the fleece, To Athen’s famous city, The Frog and Mouse: | or the Frog | He would NYHS The Gallant Sailor: | together with | Give me my Heart back again, | Also | Roslin Castle, | and | Stephen and Flora. Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill, Boston, bpl AAS MHS 3122. The Gamut . . . Musical Characters. A sheet of instructions in music, of unknown date and origin. 3122a. Garland. Forty-five years of fleeting time, Has swiftly roll’d away, The title may be incomplete. It purports to have been written by Hannah Sprout. 3123. [Cut.] General | Warren: | or | The Battle of Bunker Hill. dp= Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun’r. | Corner Theatre Alley, Boston. f aas Let others boast of monarchs pride, Surrounded by a sanguine tribe, In hc is the same lining of title, printed by L. Deming, Boston. 418 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3124. General Warren, | or | The Battle of Bunkre Hill, | and My Soldier Laddie. L. Deming, No. 1 , South side of Faneuil Hall, Boston. nyhs Same verses. 3125. [Cut.] George Riley. bpl It was on one summers morning, The weather being fair, I strode for recreation By a river side so clear. . . . On the naval fight between Rodney and De Grasse. 3126. Giles Scroggins’ Ghost, | together with | Loony Mact- wolter and Sally M’cGee. t bpl Giles Scroggins courted Molly Brown, Fol lol de rol de rol de ra. 3127. [Two cuts.] The | Girl of my Heart, | together with | The Maid of Lodi, | and Country ’Squire. Printed and Sold by Nathaniel Coverly, Milk-street, corner of Theatre- Alley, Boston, August 28 , 1811 hc Goddard, Samuel, Jr. 3128. From the | Dead to the Living. [ By Samuel Goddard, jun. | Agreeable to the discourse of Sally Metcalf, before her | Death. f aas 3129. The Gods in Council. | A new favorite patriotic Song. | Tune — Anacreon in Heaven. mhs The Gods once protected America’s cause, A second time set and held consultation, . . . Written the year of the X. Y. Z. mission. 3130. [Cut.] The | Golden Ball, | or the | Running Lady. Sold at the Printing Office in Salem. f hc A noble Lord in foreign parts, Had a fair daughter dear, 3131. The Golden Bull. ei. bpl. aas Come listen, young lovers, a while, and you ’ll find That crosses attend often true lovers kind. hc., 865 - 870 . 3132. The Golden Bull; or, a Tragical Love Song. Sold at No. 16 , Milk-Street — Boston. ei A Coverly issue. 3133. [Two cuts.] The Golden Bull: | In Four Parts. HC iSoo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 419 Goldsmith, Oliver. 3134 . The Hermit: | A Ballad. mhs Turn, gentle hermit of the dale, And guide my lonely way, . . . hc., 801. 3135 . Goliah’s Defeat. | And [ David’s Victory. hc When the proud Philistines for war declar’d, And Israel’s sons for battle had prepar’d; 3136 . A Good Wife. hc These women are fine pretty things, The comforts and joys of man’s life, 3137 . [Two cuts.] The | Grand | Sweeper: | Together with | the Woodman. Printed by J. White, Charlestown. f hc Tho’ I sweep to and fro, old iron to find, Brass pins, rusty nails, they ’re all to my mind; To a woodman’s hut there came one day, A physician and dancing-master. One cut is the same as that on No. 2433, supra. 3138 . Grand Victory on Lake Champlain. | [Two cuts.] [Tenth Naval Victory — “Com. Macdonough obtained a glori- ous victory, over the | British Fleet on Lake Champlain Sept. 11, [1814] . . . Printed by N. Coverly. ei 3139 . [Cuts.] Granny Wales, | And the Mulberry Tree. Our Granny she rose one morning quite soon, BPL She slip’d on her petticoat, apron and gown, The sweetbrier grows in the merry green wood, Where the musk rose diffuses its purfume so free; 3140 . [Cut.] Granny Wales, | and the | Mulberry Tree, hc 3141 . The great Constitution: a new Federal Song. mhs Evans, 21119. 1788? 3142 . The | Great Honour of a valiant | London Prentice: | Being an account of his matchless manhood, and brave adven- tures, done in | Turkey; and how he came to marry the King’s daughter, &c. hc Of a worthy London prentice my purpose is to speak, See “The Valiant London Prentice,” 3389, infra, and No. 875, supra. 3143 . The | Grecian Daughter: | or, an Example of a | Virtuous Wife, | Who fed her Father with her own Milk, he being com- manded to be starved to Death by Tberi- | us Caesar, Emperor 420 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 of Rome, but was afterwards pardoned, and the Daughter, for her Vir- | tue, very highly rewarded. Printed for Ezra White, Ballad-Pedler, who keeps a general assortment of Ballads con- stantly on hand, and intends selling them | cheaper than they can be had of any other person in the State. hc 3144. [Cut.] The Grecian Daughter, | or an Example of a Virtuous Wife, who fed her Father with her own Milk | . . . (dp Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. | Corner of Theatre- Alley — Boston. Price 6 Cents. hc In hc is an issue made at Windsor, m.d.cccix, with a large wood-cut, and a second issue, reset but with the same wood-cut, with colophon: Windsor: | Printed for the Flying Book-Sell- 1 ers. 3145. A | Grievance of the Times. [Signed Libertanus.] When I was young my Heart was cheer’d, t AAS That Goodness would this Town have rear’d; 3146. [Two cuts.] Handsome Harry | or The deceitful young man; . . . Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jr. Milk- street, Corner Theatre-Alley, Boston. HC 3147. Handsome Harry, | Or, the Deceitful Young Man. hc Come all you loyal hearted lovers, Come and listen unto me; 3148. [Cuts.] Handsome | Harry; | or | The Deceitful young Man. | Shewing how a young Sailor, called Handsome Harry, of Southampton, courted a fair | Maiden named Ruth, . . . hc, 2424-2426, all of Boston origin. NYHS. BPL 3149. [Cut.] Handsome Harry, or the deceitful young Man. | Shewing ... hc 1 3150. [Cuts.] Handsome Harry. Boston, Nathaniel Coverly, Jr. Milk-street. Corner Theatre-Alley. hc 3151. [Cuts.] The Happy Child: | Being a Narrative of the holy Life and peaceable Death | of a remarkable pious child, of Hertfordshire. | In England, (f^ Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun’r. Corner Theatre-Alley, Mill-Street. — Boston. You parents that have children dear, f PC. BPL To what I shall relate give ear : 3152. [Two cuts.] The Happy Child, | Being a Narrative of the Holy Life and peaceable Death of a remarkable pious child of | Hertfordshire — England. Printed and sold by Nathaniel | Coverly, Corner of Theatre- | Alley — Boston. hc i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES . 421 3153. The Happy Child. | Being a Narrative of the holy Life and peace- | able Death of a remarkable pious child, | of Hert- fordshire, England. hc In three columns. 3154. The Happy Child. ei 3155. [Another issue, 4 columns.] hc 3156. [Cut.] Happy Child. Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, | at No. 2, Middle-street, | Newburyport. hc. ei 3157. [3 cuts.] The Happy Child. f phs 3158. [Cuts.] The Happy | Ship Carpenter. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, j’r. f nyhs [You royal lovers] far and near, [A true relation] you shall hear 3158a. [Cuts.] A Happy New-Year to | Commodore Rogers, | or, Huzza for the President and Congress. Printed by N. Coverly, jun. Price 3 cents. f bpl 3159. A Hard Rub. f aas A Deacon in a city, methinks there doth dwell, As scandalous a villain as e’er suffer’d h- -1; Now in this picture you plainly may see How he cheated my father before he did me. In the third verse is the line: “A widow in B[osto]n as the people do say,” 3160. Hard Times. [Coverly.] nyhs Well since you request it, I ’ll sing you a song, And tell how the people do jumble along; 3161. Here ’s a choice Penny-worth of Wit, | For all that stand in Need of it. f phs Here is a Penny-worth of Wit, for those that ever went astray. If Warning they will take by it, ’twill do them good another Day. hc., 1006-1010. 3162. [Cut.] The | Pennyworth of Wit. | Here ’s a choice Pennyworth of Wit, | For all that stand in Need of it. Sold at the Bible & Heart, in Cornhill. [Boston: Thomas Fleet.] AAS. BPL 3163. [Another issue.] Sold at the Bible & Heart in Cornhill, Boston. f aas 422 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 HC. El road to f BPL HC HC 3164. Penny worth of Wit. | Here ’s a choice Pennyworth of Wit, | For all who stands in need of it. HC In three columns. 3165. Penny-Worth of Wit. Ei 3166. Penny Worth of Wit. ei 3167. The Hermit; | or | The Justice of Divine Providence represented. Sold at the Bible and Heart in Salem. Far in a wild, unknown to public view, f NYHS. From youth to age a rev’rend Hermit grew; . . . 3168. [Cut.] Home Industry, | The most direct National Prosperity. Sages conven’d from delegating States, Who bears the charge of unborn millions fates. 3169. [Another issue.] No cut. 3170. [Another issue.] No cut, but differs in text. Hopkins, Joseph. 3171. A Line to the Modern Ladies: | Found among the Writings of | Joseph Hopkins, | Late of Farmington, deceased. Hopkinson, Francis. t PHS 3172. Battle of the Kegs. f bpl Gallants attend, and hear a friend, Trill forth harmonious ditty: 3173. [Cuts.] Battle of the Kegs. bpl 3174. Hornet & Peacock, | And Battle of Plat-te-bug. Sold Wholesale and Retail, corner of | Merchant’s Row and Market Square, | (up stairs,) - — Boston. hc Ye Demo’s attend and ye Federals too, I ’ll sing you a song that you all know is true, Back side Albany stan’ Lake Champlain, One little pond, half full a’ water 3174a. Hornet and Peacock, And Battle of Plat-te-burg. [Deming, Boston.] mhs 3175. Horrid Murder. | Capt. James Purinton, of Augusta, District of Maine, Murdered his Wife, six Children and Him- self. Dated, July 11 , 1806 . hc 3176. [Cut.] Hull’s | Surrender, or Villany | somewhere: Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. [torn.) Ye Columbian’s so bold, attend while I sing; Sure treason and treachery’s not quite the thing, HC 1800 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 423 3177. The Hunters of Kentucky. | Or the | Battle of New- Orleans. hc Ye gentlemen and ladies fair, Who grace this famous city, 3178. The Hunters | of Kentucky! ! hc 3179. Hunter’s of Kentuc’y. [Cuts.] Or Half Horse and half Alligator. Sold Wholesale and Retail, at Cross-Street, (near Mercantile Wharf) Boston nyhs. hc See also “The Kentucky Huntsmen,” No. 3202, infra. 3180. [Cut.] Hunting the Hare: | a favorite Song. f bpl Songs of shepherds in rustical roundelays, Form’d in fancy, or whistled on reeds, 3181. Hymn on Baptism. | Composed by a Candidate for the Ordinance, | and sung at the Administration. [Printed by W. & J. Gilman, Middle-street, Newburyport.] ei Dated, Malden, Nov. 1807. 3182. Independence | of the | United States. f aas 1. Sweet Liberty may well inspire, Each gen’rous heart, each tuneful lyre; 3182a. [Cut.] Indian Chief [and] The Bonny Black Irish Girl. mhs 3183. An Invitation to Reformation. [Also] The True Christian’s Anchor Hold. [And] Thoughts on Death. f bpl Come hear an invitation, I pray you now attend, And quit your sinful stations, and strive for to amend, 3184. The Irishman’s Complaint; | Together with | The Ox- ford Comedy. f aas The Comedy is the same as is on Billy and Polly, but has a sub- title: The Oxford Comedy, Or, the poor Inn-Keeper outwitted by an Oxford- shire Scholar and his Penny Cow heel. To a pleasant new Tune. 3185. The Irish Rambler: ] Together with | The slighted Sheperdess. | Two excellent new Songs. f phs Come hither all you Country Strollers, And listen while I shall relate The brave Exploits done by Patroclus, While on his Walk throughout the Street. “The slighted Shepherdess” has a sub-title, “or, Rosaland’s Lamen- tation.” ’T was down by a River so clear and so deep Oh; Fair Rosaland set her self down for to weep Oh; 424 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3186 . [Cut.] The Irish Robber; | and | My Old Horse. HC In Dublin city I was bred and bom, On Stevens’ Green I died forlorn. My clothing was once of the linsey woolsey fine, My main hanging down, my coat it did shine, 3187 . [Cut.] The Irish Robber. | Together with | My Old Horse. nyhs 3188 . Irish Robber, Maj. Andre’s Address, | Together with Contentment. Sold at 152, Ann-street — Boston. nyhs 3189 . Jemmy and Nancy. nyhs. hc. ei Lovers I pray lend an ear to my story, Take an example by this constant pair, . . . 3190 . Johnny and Peggy; | An excellent New Song. nyhs Once more I ’ll tune the vocal Shell, To Hills and Dales my Passion tell. 3191 . Johnny Bull’s Big Guns, | and | Battle of Lake Erie. Sure, have you not heard of that pesky John Bull, t NYHS. AAS Who eternally quarrels and acts like a fool, Sure wont you hear, what glory there Was on the lake with Perry, O; 3192 . [Cuts.] Jolly Sailor, | together with the Bay of | Biscay O! t bpl When fortune doth frown, I ’ll not be cast down, Loud roar’d the dreadful thunder, The rain a deluge showers: hc., 1392. The same cuts are on “ Captain Ward,” No. 3006, supra . 3193 . [Cut.] Jonathan to Jemima. ei Jemima, won’t you let me sing A little song I have for you? 3194 . [Cut.] Jonathan’s Courtship. El A Merry Tale I will rehearse, As ever you did hear, Sir; 3195 . Jonathan’s Courtship. nyhs 3196 . Joseph making himself known to his Brethren, f aas When Joseph his brother beheld, Afflicted and trembling with fear, 3197 . Judgment Anthem. nyhs Hark ye mortals, hear the Trumpet Sounding loud the mighty roar; 1800] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 425 3198. [Cut.] The Jug of Rum, | together with | The Dish of Tea. XW" Printed by N. Coverly, Jun. Boston. f HC. BPL Within those earthen walls confin’d, The ruin lurks of human kind, Let some in grog place their delight, O’er bottled porter waste the night, The same cut on “ A Song,” No. 3346, infra. 3199. Kate and her Horns. HC. bpl You that in merriment delight, Pray listen unto what I write; 3200. [Two cuts.] Kate | and her Horns. N. Coverly, Jr. Printer, Milk-street, Boston. 3201. [Two cuts.] Kate | and her Horns. hc Same without imprint. 3202. The Kentucky | Huntsmen. nyhs Ye gentlemen and ladies fair, Who grace this famous city, Same verses as “The Hunters of Kentucky,” No. 3179, supra. 3202a. King and Countryman, | and | The Girl I left behind me. L. Deming, Boston. mhs 3203. [Cut.] Knowledge the Soul of Freedom. Boston — Printed by N. Coverly. | bpl Postpone, O ye sages all meaner debates — Convinc’d that tis light must establish our States; 3204. [Cut.] Knowledge, The Soul of Freedom. Boston. | Printed by N. Coverly. | No. 16, Milk-street. nyhs. hc 3205. [Cut.] The Lady’s | Looking Glass. nyhs. bpl Alas! what pains the girls will take, Themselves to sell, and market make, 3206. The lamentation of poor Benjamin Fowler, | who served faithfully in the American | Army, eight years and four months, in | which service he lost one eye; and his | health is so dis- abled, as to claim the atten- | tion of the generous public. Printed for the Author, who in a short time must have one | of his legs cut off on account of a Cancer that is on it. hc 3207. A Lamentation | On the prevailing Sickness, in many Towsn in New-England, with an earnest | Call to Young and Old, to turn from Sin, and to seek God’s Face and Favour. Both Young and Old, come mourn with me, mh s With bitter Lamentation. 426 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3208. [Cut.] Lady | Washington’s | Lamentation for the | Death of her Husband. Printed and sold by Nathaniel Cov- erly, Jr. | Corner Theatre-Alley, Milk-Street — Boston. ei When Columbia’s brave sons sought my hero to lead them, To vanquish their foes and establish their freedom, . . . 3209. The Land-Lubbers. | Composed by a Sailor. ei Come, all you jolly seamen bold, That plow the ocean through, . . . 3210. [Two cuts.] The Land of Sweet Erin, | together with | The Garland of Love, | and | Erin go Brah. N. Coverly, Jr. Printer, Milk-Street, Boston. f hc. bpl Oh! the land of sweet Erin’s a land of delight, The women can love, and the men can all fight; 3211. The last Words of an Amiable Lady | Mrs. Mary- Anne Burr. hc Ah! why this long, this ling’ring pain? Why do I seek repose in vain! 3212. [Cut.] The Last Words | of | Polly Goold. ei Give ear to me, ye Sons of Men, Why stand ye gazing round my bed? 3213. [Another issue.] 0^" Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun’r. Corner of Theatre-Alley, Boston. hc 3214. The Last Words of | Polly Goold. nyhs 3215. [Another issue.) L. Deming, corner Merchant’s Row and Market Square, Boston. nyhs 3216. [Another issue.] hc Cut of Virgin in Glory. 3217. [Another issue.] with A curious Riddle, etc. nyhs [Cut of coffin and mourner.] 3218. The Dying Words of Polly Gould. hc Verses are those of “The last Words of Polly Goold.” 3219. The Dying Words of | Polly Gould. nyhs 3220. On the Death of [cut] Polly Gould. Printed at Russel’s Office, Liberty-Pole. nyhs 3221. [Wood-cut.] The Launch, | A Federal Song. f aas Ye Sons of Columbia, your ardour display, With true Federal Spirit, on this joyful day; iSoo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 427 3222. [Cuts.] The Launch, or Huzza for | the new Seventy Four. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. Milk-Street, Boston. NYHS Come, come Johnny Bull, you may boast till you ’re full, Of your Frigates, your Bulwark and Laws sir, 3223. [Cut.] The | Lawyer outwitted. hc Of a rich Counsellor I write, Who had an only daughter, 3224. The Lawyer’s Promotion. f phs Bachelors of every Station, Mark this thing a true relation. 3225. [Cut.] The Learned Pig, | Together with | The Starling, | and | Roslin Castle. [Cut.] f phs You all must have heard of the learned Pig, A little one in size, but in science very big. A Beauteous Starling late I saw on lovely Mary’s hand: ’T was in that Season of the Year, When all Things sweet and gay appear, That Colin with the Morning Ray 3226. [Cut.] The Legacy | And Sally Roy. bpl When in death I shall calm recline, 0 bear my heart to my mistress dear, Fair Sally, once the village pride, Lies cold and wan in yonder valley, 3226a. Liberty and Peace. [Cut.] A Song. [Cut.] mhs 3227. Lines, | Composed on the death of Elias Cummings, son of Rev. Charles Cum- | mings of Sullivan, and Nephew of Enoch Hemmenway, who was | taken and died of the Spotted fever before he returned from | the funeral of his uncle, aged 11 years. [And] Composed | on the Death of | Enoch Hem- menway, | son of Dea. Elias Hemmenway, of Roxbury, N. H. | who died of the spotted fever, Tit. 19 y’s. f aas 3228. [Cut.] Lines composed on the Death of General | Washington. nyhs. ei Your morning throng grief oppos’d the scene, Let Washington be now your theme, . . . 3229. [Cut.] Lines | composed on the Execution of j W. Clement’s: | Who was shot for Desertion, on Fort Independ- ence, Feb. 18 | having been four times Pardoned, but having 428 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 last Deserted | his Post, was condemned to die. (SF" Printed by Nathaniel Coverly | jun. Corner Theatre Alley. hc 3230. Lines on the Death of Parker, ] who was hung at the Yard Arm for Mutiny in England; also, | The Minute Gun at Sea. ei. mhs Lord, Nathaniel. 3231. The Dictates of Right Reason Or [Cut] A Solemn Warning, | 0^ => To Unfaithful Ministers KW Sold Wholesale & Retail by L. Deming, corner of Merchant’s Row & Market Square, Boston. ei. lhs 3232. The | Dictates of Right Reason: | or, a | Solemn Warn- ing | to | Unfaithful ministers. By Nathaniel Lord, of San- bornton. nyhs 3233. Lord Nelson’s | Battle of the | Nile. [Cut.] ei Arise, arise, Britannia’s sons arise, And join in the shouts of the patriotic throng; . . . [Another issue with cuts.] nyhs 3233a. Loss of the Ship Albion, | and | Bruce’s Address. Deming. mhs Come all you jolly sailors bold and listen to me; A dreadful story I will tell that happened at sea: 3234. Loss of the | Ship Beverly. nyhs Come all you young men that delight in the sea, If you ’ll stop for a moment and listen to me 3235. [Cut.] Love in a Tub: | Or the Merchant outwitted by a Vintner. hc Let every one to mirth inclin’d, now smile, Come thou draw near and listen awhile; On the reverse is: Squantum Bobalition! ! ! | A Letter from Pomp Peeper, to his friend Cato Crabtree, residing in the Country. [2 cuts.] 3236. Love in a Tub; | Or the Merchant Outwitted. nyhs 3237. [Two cuts.] A Lover’s | Lamentation | For the Girl he left behind him. And her Answer. hc I ’m lonesome since I left the hills, And over the moor that ’s seedy, 3238. [Cut.] Lover’s | Lamentation | For the Girl he left be- hind him ; | And her Answer. hc I ’m lonesome since I left the hills, And o’er the moor that’s sedgy, i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 429 3239. [Another issue.] hc The cut differs, and on the verso is: The Squantum Celebration; | an Offset | To the Account of the Bobolition Proceedings of the | African Society. ... [2 cuts.] 3240. The | Maidens [ Lamentation | for her | true Love. Draw near pritty maidens and hear me complain, f AAS And tell you the fate of my true hearted swain, 3241. [Cut.] The | Major’s only Son. bpl Come all young people far and near, A lamentation you shall hear, Of a young man and his true love, Whom he ador’d and priz’d above. . . . 3242. [Another issue.] Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. Milk-Street, Boston. hc hc., 2446. 3242a. The Major’s only Son. mhs 3243. The Major’s only Son, | and | His True-loves over- throw. | Being some lines composed by himself and on the occasion. | [He is a native of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts and is now alive in 1793.] 3244. The Major’s Only Son: | and his | True-Love’s Over- throw. | Being some Lines composed by himself. Sold at the Book-Store and Printing-Office, | Middle street . . . Newbury- port. . . . Price 3 cts. ei 3244a. The Major’s only Son, | and his true Love’s Over- throw. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly jun’r. Corner of Theatre Alley. — Boston. lc 3245. Major’s Only Son. hc. ei 3246. Major’s [cut] Only Son. hc 3247. Major’s Only Son. Sold ... by L. Deming, corner of Merchants Row and Market Square; Boston. NYHS 3248. Major’s | Only Son. [Cut.] Sold, by L. Deming, at the Sign of the Barber’s Pole, No. 61, Hanover St. Boston, and at Middlebury, Vt. nyhs 3249. [Cuts.] Major Andre: | Written while he was a Prisoner in the American Camp. | Together with The Rose. ei Ah! Delia see the fatal hour, farewell my soul’s delight, Oh! how can wretched Damon live, thus banish’d from thy sight; . . . See No. 2233, supra. 43° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3250 . Matrimony. Printed and Sold by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. Milk-Street, Boston. HC There was a little man, And he wooed a little maid, 3251 . [Cut.] In Memory of Solomon Snow, a young man of respectability and talents; who was drowned in crossing | the Kennebec River, from Swan Island to Bowdoinham, August 11, 1811. HC 3252 . [Cut.] The Miller and the | Maid. | And | The Invita- tion. BPL One mid-summer morning when Nature look’d gay, The birds full of songs, and the lambs full of play Come, ye party-jangling swains, Leave your flocks and quit the plains; 3253 . [Cut.] The Miser’s Daughter; | Together with | Damon and Sylvia. f phs A Nymph most fair, with Virtues rare, Did me ensnare, by Cupid’s Dart, In pensive sadness Damon rov’d, And trod the verdant glade. The same cut appears on “ Bob and Joan,” No. 2983, supra. Morse, Joshua. 3254 . A Hymn, | composed by the late | Rev. Joshua Morse, of Sandisfield, [ ] days before his death, and was sung at his funeral, March 15, 1803. Printed for Ezra White, Ballad- Pedler. hc 3255 . The Mournful Tragedy | of | Rosanna. | bpl. aas You youthful charming ladies fair, And you that are of Cupid’s fold, 3256 . A much approved Song, on the Capture of | General Burgoyne. t hc Come all you gallant heroes, of courage stout and bold, Who scorn as long as life does last ever to be control’d; The poem may be contemporaneous with the event celebrated, but this is a late issue. 3257 . [Cuts.] My Dog and Gun. bpl A Wealthy young ’squire of Falmouth we hear, He courted a nobleman’s daughter so dear, 3258 . The New City. Boston — Printed for N. Coverly, Milk-Street. ei Wheugh! Boston’s receiv’d a new birth! ’Tis all in my eye, Betty Martin; . . . 1800] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 43 1 3259. [Cut.] New-England | Lasses. f nyhs. aas All you young men a warning take, And see what fortune you can make; For the lasses are at such a rate, They are so proud in their own conceit. O rare New-England lasses, O rare lasses, 0. 3260. [Cut.] A New Song. | James Madison by Joe. | Or a Parody on John Anderson by Joe. | Together with | God send a Peace. ei James Madison my Joe Jim, I wonder what you mean, You proclimate in chair of state, a vision or a dream; . . . Nos. 2983 and 3253. 3260a. The | New Invented Song, of j James Madison, | my Joe. | aas 3261. A New Song. | To the tune of the Anacreontic. mhs To Columbia, who gladly reclin’d at her ease, On Atlantic’s broad bosom lay smiling in peace, 3261a. A New Song, | Together with | A Married Woman’s Lamentation. mhs Oh Sir, I dont request your love, Nor ask your friendship more, How hard is the fortune of we women kind, Forever dejected, forever confin’d, 3262. The new Tid-re-i, | an Ode. nyhs Sure wont you hear what quizzing cheer Has pass’d within a year or so, 3263. A New | Yankee Doodle. nyhs Election now has taken place, ’Tween ’Publicans and Fed’rals; 432 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3264. A New Year’s Gift for Children. | Delightful and Enter- taining Stories for Little Masters and Misses. Boston, Printed & sold by Fowle in Ann-street. aas 3265. [Cut.] The | Noble Lads | of Canada. Sold wholesale and retail by Burnham, South East corner Faneuil Hall Market, Boston. hc Come all you British heroes, I pray you lend an ear, Draw up your British forces, and then your volunteers, See 2985, supra. 3266. [Cut.] An Ode on the | Comet. hc While on my sight yon glorious arch Pours all its sparkling fires; 3266a. Odes | For the 4th of July — 1807. f aas 3267. [Cut.] Offset for the Chesapeake, | or the Capture of Fort George, | and Repulse of the Enemy from | Sacket’s Harbor. | bpl. mhs Bad news was the cry, on the second of June, And the Chesapeake lost, put us all out of tune, 3268. [Cuts.] Old Bachelor’s | Last Prayer: Together with | The Old Maid’s | Last Prayer. ei Attend all you, while I relate a word or two of my hard fate; A sadder thing was never writ, than this, I can’t get married yet; . . . 3269. The Old Bachelor’s Life. | Together with | Friendship. NYHS Come all ye merry bachelors who fane would married be, I pray you be advised, and take advice of me; See “A Pound of Tow.” 3270. [Cut.] Old Commodore, | and | Saw Ye my Hero George. Sold Wholesale and Retail corner of Cross & Fulton sts. Boston. NYHS Od’s blood what a time for a seamen to skulk, Under gingerbread hatches ashore, 3271. [Cut.] Old Towler, | together with | Three weeks after Marriage. ei Bright Chanticleer proclaims the dawn, And spangles deck the thorn; . . . 3272. On | George Travers, | Who was tried for the Murder of Sergeant M’Kim, and one | Hasey, marines in the Navy Yard, Charlestown. The jury’s | Verdict was Manslaughter, and the Court have sentenced him ] to three years imprison- ment for each. Dated, January 2, 1815. hc i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES . 433 3273. [Cuts.] On the Death of a | Favorite Cat, | together with | A Bonny Sailor. ei ’Twas but a few short days ago, Since bright as morn poor Kitty play’d; . . . 3274. [Cuts.] On the Death of Mr. John Learoyd and Son &c. EI 3275. On the | Emigration to America, | and, Peopling the | Western Country. 02P N. Coverly, jr. Printer, Boston. To western woods and lonely plains, Pale man from the crowd departs, 3276. On the various | Sects of Religion: KggT N. Printer, Milk-St. Boston. Religion serves for every sect of men, Pleas’d with their own, all others they contemn; 3277. [Cut.] The Orphan Boy; | The Galley Slave, Sailor’s Return. Stay, lady — stay for mercy’s sake, And hear a hapless Orphan’s tale. Oh I think on my fate, once I freedom enjoy’d Behold, from many a hostile shore, 3278. Paper Money. | With an excellent New Tune. N. Coverly, Printer, Milk Street. ei A doleful tale prepare to hear, As ever yet was told; . . . 3279. The Parable of the one Talent, Expounded according to Scripture and Reason. nyhs 3280. Pathetick Effusions. nyhs God bless the name of Washington, He was Columbia’s God-like son; 3280a. [Cut.] Pat’s observations | on | Harrison’s Victory. [Coverly.] mhs 3281. [Cut.] Patrick O’Neal. t AAS - t BPL On April the first, I set off like a fool, From Kilkeny to Dulblin, to see Lawrence Tool, 3282. Peace and Liberty, 1 And The Irish Robber. Sold ... at 152 Ann Street, Boston. nyhs When Britain first began to invade the rights of man, She thought Columbia’s seamen very handy O; In Dublin city I was bred and born, On Stevens’ Green I died forlorn. Milk-st. NYHS Coverly, f BPL and the f BPL 434 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3282a. [Cut.] Peace! Peace! [Cut.] Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. Milk-Street, Boston. mhs 3282b. [Cut.] Peace on Honorable Terms to America. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. Milk-Street, Boston. Price 6 cents. mhs 3283. [Cuts.] Peggy Band, | together with | Nancy Dawson. As I walk’d o’er the highland hills EI To a Farmer’s house I came, . . . 3284. The Perjur’d Female Lover | and | The London Law- yer’s Son. | hc Behold a London Lawyer’s Son, A pretty Youth, nigh twenty-one, 3284a. [Cut.] The | Perjur’d Female Lover | or, | London Law- yer’s Son. Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill, Boston. MHS 3285. Perry’s Victory. f ei Ye Tars of Columbia, give ear to my story, Who fought with brave Perry where cannons did roar; . . . Another ballad with the same title is in Eggleston, American War Ballads , 1. 126. 3286. Perry’s Victory. [Cut.] Sold wholesale and retail by Hunts & Shaw at the N. E. hc 3287. Philander and Rosabella. t phs Since Rosabella my true love consents to be Philander’s bride, One more request give leave to move Shall I my dearest be deny’d? 3288. The Plough-Boy’s | Dream. | Written by an apprentice in this town. Ei I was a plough boy stout and strong, As ever drove a team ; . . . Plummer, Jonathan. 3288a. Death of [Cut.] Tamar Harn! | For the unmarried ladies of America, . . . Composed by Jonathan Plummer. Printed for the Author, and sold by him. [1816.] mhs 3289. An | Elegiac Ode, and a Funeral | Sermon | On the death of Mr. George Hooker, who was drowned at Newbury- port, on the 30th of October, 1807, and | on the death of a number of other persons who died suddenly, very lately. Sold by the Author, at his baskets, Market-Square, | price four pence half penny. Also new Almanacks. hc i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 435 Plummer. 3290. An Elegiac Ode and Funeral Sermon on the death of three persons who killed themselves. ei 3291. [Cut.] Elegy | On the death of His Excellency Sir Timothy Dexter, | together with a sketch of his character & a few reflections. | By Jonathan Plummer a travelling preacher, & | poet lauret to his Lordship. Printed for, & Sold by the Author. Price Four | pence half penny. [1807?] ei 3292. Great and dreadful Fire at Newbury- | port. Fire, Fire, Fire. | An Ode and a Sermon, concerning a tremendous Fire at Newburyport, which commenc- | ed on the evening of the thirty first of May, 1811: written by Jonathan Plummer, a lay | Bishop extraordinary; and a travelling preacher, Phy- sician, Poet, and Trader. Printed for the Author, and sold by him at various | places. Ei 3293. Hints to Elder Pottle, | Or the necessity of mortifying the deeds of the body: — By Jonathan Plummer, a travelling Preacher, Physi- | cian, Poet and Trader. | It is expected that Elder Pottle has for a short time lately lived rather too much after the flesh. nyhs. hc 3294. The last Will and Testament of | his Excellency | Sir Timothy Dexter, dec’d. | Together with a short | Sermon, | By Jonathan Plummer, a Travelling Preacher; formerly Poet Laureat to his Lordship. Printed for and sold by Jonathan Plummer, at his Basket | in Market Square, Newburyport. Price Six cents. | Said Plummer has also for sale, at his Basket, Verses concerning the Rev. | Dr. Dana and his Wife; Verses on the Death of Lord Dexter; Verses | on the Death of Capt. Porrington, his Wife and Six Children, whom he | murdered; also, New Almanacks by the dozen or single; Picture Books; | excellent Spectacles; Combs; Scissors; Thimbles, &c. ei Will is dated, March 1, 1791, but Timothy Dexter died in 1807. 3294a. A Looking-Glass for lovers of strong drink: [cuts] & and another Looking-Glass for a persecuted j Saint: or Jona- than Plummer no hennaph- | rodite. . . . [1818] mhs 3295. Melancholy Situation | of thirty-one Persons, left on the wreck of a Salem Ship. Written | By Jonathan Plummer, of Newbury, a travelling preacher, physician, poet and trader. Printed for the author, and sold by him at | his basket in Market-Square at Newburyport: | price 4 cents. Sold also by the author in the | Markets of Boston and Salem, and many 436 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 other | markets. The author also sells spectacles, scis- | sors, thimbles, combs, needles, pins, & verses. hc No. 3296. 3296. [Cuts.] Murder: | Death of Miss Mack Coy, | and the | Young Teazer. | . . . Written by J. Plummer, travelling preacher. Sold corner Theatre-Alley, Milk-St. Boston. hc Printed by Coverly in 1813. 3297. Parson Pidgin, or Holy Kissing. | Verses and a Sermon on the subject of Holy Kissing. . . . Occasioned by a | report that Parson Pidgin had kissed a young woman. . . . Composed | by Jonathan Plummer, a travelling preacher, Printed for the Author and Sold by him at his Basket in Market-Square, Newburyport. . . . price four pence half | penny. . . . To be had at said Basket a variety of other articles. . . . 1807. MHS i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 437 3298. Plummer’s alarm to the unconverted: | being a new funeral Sermon, and a new funeral Psalm, on the deaths of thousands! [Coffins.] Printed for the Author: and sold by him at his | Basket. hc 3299. The second Ode, | And a second and concluding part of a | Sermon, | On the subject of Studying to be Quiet; occasioned by a difference between the Rev. Dr. Dana, and his Consort. | By Jonathan Plummer, an independent travelling Preacher, and Poet Laureat to his Excellency Sir Timothy Dexter. hc 3300. A Sermon for Seamen: | Being a Funeral One on the Deaths of Forty-Four Captains, Mates, Seamen, &c. who | have died lately in the West-Indies, on the Seas, or in other Places chiefly foreign places: | together with a funeral Song on the occasion: By Jonathan Plummer, a travelling Preach- | er, Physician, and Poet. Printed for the Author, and Sold by him | at his Basket in Market-Square, | at Newburyport: | Where may be had Verses on the death | of Men blown up at Portsmouth, and | other verses. f nyhs 3301. A Solemn Call to the Citizens of the United States by a Citizen of Newburyport. ei 3301a. *** Bloody News! General Hull, and the British Frigate Guerier taken | Plummer against all War. Dreadful Indian Massacre. Awful battle in Spain. [Cuts.] Printed for the Author & sold by him. mhs 3302. [A] Poem | . . . between the Divine Being and | . . . ian Graces, and the Rivers and Springs. hc Part of title and first stanza gone. 3303. A poetical Essay on Happiness. [In ms.] by Mr. Willard. 1766. bpl pp. 2. Say Muse divine, whose Converse is in Heaven 3304. Poetical Lines | Setting forth the pernicious effects of Straw Bonnets — The Pride of Women; | Gin Stills — Meadow Mice, &c. !2p = N. Coverly, jr. Printer — Boston. bpl 3305. The Post Captain. . . . Poor Old Robinson Crusoe, ei When Steerwell heard me first impart Our brave commander’s story, . . . 3306. [Cuts.] A Pound of Tow: | together with | The Down- hill of Life. nyhs Come all you roving batchelors that fain would married be, I pray you be advised, and hear advice by me, See “A Bachelor’s Life.” 438 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 In the downhill of life, when I find I ’m reclining, May my fate no less fortunate be; 3307. [Cuts.] The ’Prentice Boy. | Together with | The Sol- dier’s Dream. nyhs I was brought up in Sheffield, but not of high degree, My parents doated on me, they had no child but me. Our bugles had sung, for the night cloud had lower’d, And the centinel stars set their watch in the sky; 3308. [Cut.] The | Prentice Boy. tlF" Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun’r | Corner of Theatre Alley. ei As down in Cupid’s garden, With pleasure I did walk, . . . 3309. The ’Prentice Boy. ei Price, . 3310. [Cut.] The Dandies: | or, | Nothing like Fashion. | As written and sung by Mr. Price, | in the character of a Country | boy, at the Boston Theatre, | with great success. Printed for N. Coverly, No. 16, Milk-Street. ei I ’m but a simple clown, and I ’m just come to town, To see all the sights that can be, O. 3311. Primrose Hill Printed and sold by N. Coverly, Milk Street. hc. bpl On Primrose Hill there liv’d a lass, A sweet and lovely maid; 3312. The Projectors . . . and . . . Empire travelling West- ward. N. Coverly, Jr. Printer, Milk-St. Boston. | NYHS. HC Before the brazen age began, And things were yet on Saturn’s plan, 3313. Push along, keep moving. | And | The Bay of Biscay, 0. Sold at No. 16, Milk-St. | Boston. hc. ei I am a man of learning, and the ladies say I ’m pretty, A school I kept for many years in London’s famous city; . . . 3314. Push along, keep moving. ei 3315. The Rake’s Ramble [and] The Shepherd’s Holy day. PC I ’m a young fellow that’s jolly and free, Both country and city are equal to me; It was early in the month of May one morn’g, When fields and flowers were flush & gay, The title or caption appears to have been cut away. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 439 1800] 3316. [Cut.] Ranordine, | together with | Paddy’s Seven Ages. KW N. Coverly, Jr. Printer, Milk-street, Boston. f BPL One evening in my ramble, two miles below Pomroy, I met a farmer’s daughter all on the mountains high, If my own botheration don’t alter my plan, I ’ll sing seven lines of a tight Irishman, 3317. [Cut.] Rare Sights, | or, | Here Boys Here. 02P Nathaniel Coverly, Printer, Milk-Street, Boston. hc I saw a Whale chase a Snail, here boys, here! 3318. [Cut.] The | Reformed Rake, | together with | The Bower. [N. Coverly, Jr.] hc. pc As free as e’en I rov’d till now, Lov’d many a girl, but cautious how, Will you come to the bower I have shaded for you, Your bed shall be roses, bespangled with dew. Printed on the back of “Earthquake.” 3319. The | Reformed Rake, | together with | Bruce’s Address to his Army. f aas 3320. A remarkable Dream. | The following were the medita- tions of a Minister of Vermont, while sleeping in his shady grove. hc When Sol’s meridian heat I felt, A shady grove I spi’d; 3321. A remarkable | Dream. | By a young Man in Fox- borough. f AAS As musing on my bed one night I lay, Unknown to me sleep stole my thought away; 3322. Remonstrance of Almasa, Wife of Almas Ali Cawn, to general | Warren Hastings. f bpl 3323. Robin Bohugh’s | Reason why he married such an ill looking Wife. csp" Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Corner of Theatre-Alley, Milk-Street, — Boston. f hc. bpl 3324. [Cut.] Robinson Crusoe. [Cut at end.] hc When I was a lad, I had cause to be sad, My grandfather I did loose, 0 ! 3325. Rosanna. hc You youthful charming ladies fair, And you that are of Cupid’s fold, 44 ° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3325a. The Roving Irishman. Sold at No. 20. 1-2 Union Street, Boston. mhs Russell, P. 3326. Capt. Jones’ Victory, | or the Capture of the Frolic. [And] Capt. Hull’s Victory, | or the Capture of the Gurriere. HC 3327. The Enterprize & Boxer. [And] The Constitution and Java. hc 3328. The lines of this sheet, were composed by the unfortu- nate | Russell, who has been prevented from obtaining a live- | lihood in the ordinary pursuits of life from wounds re- | ceived in battle. | Capt. Lawrence’s Victory, | or the Capture of the Peacock. [And] Death of Lawrence. hc S., M. 3329. The following lines were composed and sent to the Rev. E. L. soon after | his recovery from a long confinement by sickness, and during a season | of very distressing affliction, accompanied with the following note from | a female member of his Church. ei 3330. [Cut.] The Sabbath-Day Chase | Together with | A Warning to America. nyhs On a fine May morning I mounted my steed, And Southward from Hartford had meant to proceed, Remov’d from Europe’s feuds, a hateful scene, (Thank heaven such wastes of ocean roll between,) 3331. [Two cuts.] The Sailor’s Farewell; | together with | The Sailor’s Return, | and the Praise of Women. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Corner Theatre-Alley, Milk-Street, — Boston. f bpl The topsail shivers in the wind, The good ship casts to sea; 3332. The | Saints | Universal Choice. f aas Long have I try’d terestrial Joys, But here can find no Rest; 3333. Saw ye my | Hero George, | and The Rosary. | Lady Washington left Mount Vernon in June, 1778, in expectation of meeting her worthy companion | George; on the twenty- eighth of the same month, found her favorite engaged in the battle of Mon- | month; she made the following observations. EI 1800 ] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSH)ES. 44 1 3334. [Cut.] Saw ye my | hero George: | and the | Rosary. | Lady Washington left Mount Vernon in June | 1778, ... pc 3335. [Cuts.] Scolding Wife. [And] Cupid forever. Pub- lished by W. & J. Gilman, Printers and Stationers, No. 5. Middle-street, | Newburyport. ei Some women take delight in dress, And some in cards take pleasure, . . . 3336. The Shannon Side: | Together with | St. Coniac, | And the Female Soldier. hc T was in the month of April, one morning by the dawn; When violets and sweet cowslips, bespangl’d every lawn, Come sit brother bucks and I ’ll tip you a song, Come join in the Chorus and help us along; 3337. Shilley M’Grouch and the Magpie. t bpl My name’s Andrew McDurfey, a jovial mechanick, For roasting Pratoes the country all round, Good people draw near, a story to hear, A story both pleasant and true; 3338. A Shocking Story for to tell, 1 A Brother did his Brother kill. A shining morning can’t ensure, HC That we shall end the day; 3339. The Silver Age, | A | Satire. f BPL In days of yore, and pious times, Great care was had to punish crimes. Ms. Note: By the late Honble William Parker, Esq. of Portsmouth, father of the present Judge. 3339a. [Cut.] Sixth Naval Victory. | The U. S. Brig Enter- prize of 14 guns . . . took . . . the British Brig of War Boxer . . . [1813.] f BPL 3340. The Skillet. [Cut] A Song. | Written in the Iron Age. — Tune — Yankee Doodle. ei 1. In Newb’ryport, a famous place For trade and navigation; . . . 3341. [Cut.] The Soldier’s Drill, | Or Awkward Recruit, | And How stands the Glass. ei Behold poor Will, just come from drill, Not long ago I listed, . . . 3342. The Soldier’s Life: | and Tempered Steel. EH" Printed and sold by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. Milk-Street, Boston A Soldier’s life’s a merry life, t BPL From care and trouble free; 442 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3343. [Cut.] The | Soldier’s Return: | A love Song. hc When wild wars deadly blast was blown, And gentle peace returning, 3344. A Solemn Warning | to unfaithful Ministers. aas Christ the Lord when he was teaching Had not where to lay his head, See also, Copy of a Letter written by Our Blessed Lord. 3345. Solomon’s Temple. | And | Grand Sweeper. The great- est collection of Songs and Bal- | lads, in New England, may be found at the | corner of Marshall and Hanover Streets, Bos- | ton. — Also, Books at Auction Prices. hc In the Scripture we read, it was of an old king, The Monarch of Israel his praises we ’ll sing; 3346. [Two cuts.] A Song, | Written on a Virginia Cotton and Tobacco Merchant. | Together with | The Female Drum- mer. N. Coverly, Jr. Printer, Milk-street, Boston. The year it has gone, and I have my health, t BPL I ’ll set by the fire with my boys and my wife; 3347. A Song by a Young Lady. [And] Heavenly Union. My soul is full of glory which fire’s my tongue, NYHS Could I meet with angels I ’d sing them a song, Our souls in love together knit, Cemented, join’d in one, 3348. Song. | The Pilots whom Washington plac’d at the Helm. | Tune “Anacreon in Heaven.” Addressed to Col. Pickering and the other members of the minority in the late Congress, to whom, in | honour of their brilliant and patriotic exertions in support of the rights and interests of their country, | a public dinner was given in Philadelphia on the 10th of March, 1809. ei Possibly a Philadelphia item. 3349. Songs. ei The Drum, The Glasses that sparkle on the Board. From the ‘Poor Soldier’ and The Cobler’s Wife. 3350. A Spanish Lady’s Love for an English Gentleman. While you hear a Spanish Lady, NYHS how she woo’d an English Man. 3351. Spinning Wheel. aas 3352. The | Star Spangled Banner | together with | Darby M ’Shane’s Visit to London. ei With a dozen thirteens in a nice paper bag I came up to London without a dry rag, . . . i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 443 3353. [Cut.] The | Strong Fast; | or Hypocrisy in the Suds. | A Hymn for the Occasion. (EP= Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, j jun. Corner Theatre Alley. t bpl On Caleb Strong. 3354. Sunday Police, . . . Printed by Nathaniel Coverly | Milk-Street, — Boston. bpl 3355. Sweet William | of Plymouth. t aas A Seaman of Plymouth, sweet William by name, A wooing to beautiful Susan he came; hc. 1111-1114. Evans, 19438, describes an issue of four columns of verse with the colophon: Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill. hc. has an edition by L. Deming. 3356. Sweet William’s Departure, | together with | The Post Captain. [And The Thorn.] t bpl All in the Downs the Fleet was moor’d, Their stream wavers ing in the wind, 3357. The Taylor’s Garland, or, the Double Marriage. Richard of Reading a Taylor by Trade, t PHS He courted a charming young beautiful Maid, 3358. Tea Tax, j and Humble Wish. [Two cuts.] Sold by J. G. & H. Hunt, at the N. E. corner of Faneuil Hall Market, Boston. t nyhs I snum, I am a Yankee lad, and I guess I ’ll sing a ditty, And if you do not relish it, the more will be the pity; I knew by the smoke that so gracefully curl’d, Above the green elms, that a cottage was near; 3359. Teague’s Ramble: | Together with [ Ally Croker. Dear Catholic Sister thou Son of great Mars, f PHS I have been fighting where there are no wars. There lived a man in Billinocrasy, Who wanted a wife to make him uneasy; Long had he sigh’d for dear Ally Croker. 3360. Teague’s Ramble to the Camp. [And] Ally Croker. f BPL 3361. [Two cuts.] Thimble’s | Scolding Wife. | Together with | The Boston Beau and the Cow. I2P" N. Coverly, Jr. Printer, Milk-St. Boston. f bpl Thimble’s scolding wife lay dead, Heigh, ho! says Thimble; There was once a farmer and he had a cow, Of which his good wife was quite fond on ; 444 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3362. [Cut.] Thomas Moorhead, | A Ship-wreck’d Mariner, who subsisted fifty-one | days on the bodies of his comrades. Taken off the | wreck by the ship Monticello, and arrived at New- | York, the beginning of May, 1809. f bpl 3363. The Three Crafts. | Described in Long Metre. (Tune — False are the Men of high [degree.) Sold by Nathaniel Coverly, No. 16, Milk-Street, Boston. f bpl Attend free people and draw near, Till you this fact are brought to hear; 3364. [Cut.] Tid the Grey Mare; | Or Young Johnny, the Miller. | And Crazy Jane. nyhs Young Johnny the miller, he courted of late, A farmer’s fair daughter, call’d beautiful Kate, Why, fair maid, in every feature, Are such signs of fear express’d? 3365. [Cut.] The Tidy One, | together with | Columbia, Land of | Liberty. Boston, Printed by Nathaniel | Coverly, Jun. Milk-Street. hc I married a wife, who cares says I, A pattern she was of good breeding, O, To Liberty’s enraptur’d sight, When first Columbia’s region shone; The [Cut] Times. t bpl You have heard when first the world began, There were two creatures call’d woman and man, The | Times, | A Solemn and pathetic Elegy, | Ad- dressed to the Inhabitants of | Newburyport, &c. nyhs Sad — gloomy times, alas! we have — Diseases, hurrying to the Grave! 3368. The Tippling Gossips, | Together with | Advice to young Men. f phs Two Gossips were merrily met At Nine of the clock before Noon; And they were resolved for a Whet, To keep their sweet Voices in Tune. All ye young Men that a woing go, Make Choice of a handsome Creature; 3369. To a Republican, | with Mr. Paine’s Rights of Man. — Together with a Description of | Pennsylvania. N. Cov- erly. — Printer — Milk St. Boston. f bpl. mhs Thus briefly sketch’d the sacred Rights of Man, How inconsistent with the royal plan ! 3366. 3367. i8oo] 3370 . 3371 . No. 3372. 3372 . [Cut.] A Tragical Account of the | Two Lovers, | Of Exeter, who died on the Road. Sold near Charles-river Bridge, Boston. f hc Draw near, you young gallants while I unfold, A tragical story as ever was told; 3373 . The Tragi-Comedy of Negotio and Parismus. pc A fragment, containing stanzas 1-9 and 23-31. 3374 . [Cut.] True Love well rewarded; | The Happy | Ship- Carpenter, | or, | Heroick Damsel. | Being a curious new Ballad, to an excellent new Tune. Sold at the Heart & Crown in Corn- hill, Boston. f hc You loyal Lovers far and near, A true relation you shall hear, 3375 . True Yankee Boys, | and | The Bonnets of Blue. Sold Wholesale and Retail, at 152, Ann Street, Boston — where may be found a large collection of Songs. hc There was a band of Yankees true, Now some are slumbering low, — 3376 . [Cut.] Truxton’s Victory, nyhs Come all you Yankee sailors with swords and pikes advance, ’T is time to try your courage and humble haughty France, MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 445 [Cut.] Tom Bolin. f A AS. El Tom Bolin was a Scotchman born, His shoes worn out, his stockings were tom, . . . [Cut.] Tom Bolin, | And the Maid of Boston. hc Where Charles’s tide encircling leaves The sweets of Boston’s fertile shore, 446 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3377. [Cut.] Truxton’s Victory, | together with | Larre O’Brian. ei Brave Truxton on the briny waves, He meets his Gallic foe, . . . 3378. [Two cuts.] Truxton’s | Victory — Together with the | Beggar Girl — and Two Strings to my Bow. 02p = ’ Printed by Nathaniel Coverly jun’r | Corner of Theatre Alley. — Boston. | HC. BPL Brave Truxton on the briny waves, He meets his gallic foe, Tully, Samuel. 3379. [Cut of man labelled “Tully.”] A | Copy of a Letter | from | Samuel Tully, | alias R. Heathcoate, | Who is under Sentence of Death for Piracy and Murder | to his Father, in England; written the day he received | Sentence, but copied over since his Confinement in the | State Prison, in presence of some gentle- | men whose duty it is to attend there. KW* Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. Corner Theatre-Alley — Boston. hc 3380. God’s Judgment upon Murder, | [Cut in center] The solemn and affecting | occurrence which yester- | day took place, viz: | the execution of Samuel | Tulley for the horrid | crimes of Piracy and | Murder, has drawn from | the pen of one who feels for | the eternal interest of the | immortal souls of mankind, | the following serious reflec- | tions. | Boston, Dec. 11, 1812. Printed by N. Coverly. f hc 3380a. The last Words of S. Tully, | who was executed for Piracy at South Boston, December 10, 1812. [Cut.] Printed by N. Coverly. Price 6 cents. mhs 3381. On | Samuel Tully and John Dalton, alias R. Heathcote, | Who is sentenced to be executed the 10th day of December, 1812, | for Piracy and Murder. f bpl 3382. The unfortunate Lawyer. hc Lads of the muse lend an ear, And you a history soon shall hear, 3383. [Two cuts.] The Union. f bpl Attend, ye saints and hear me tell, The wonders of IMMANUEL. 3384. [Another issue. One cut.] HC iSoo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 447 3385. United States & Macedonian [and] Perry’s Victory, | or, the Conquest of Erie. hc 3386. [Cut.] The | Unknown World | Composed on the Toll- ing of a Bell. ei Hark! my gay friends, that solemn toll, Speaks the departure of a soul! 3387. [Cut.] The | Unknown World | Composed on the Toll- ing of a Bell. *** Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. Milk- Street, Boston. NYHS. HC 3388. The Unknown World. | Verses Occasioned by Hearing a Passing-Bell. hc Appended is: An Elegy, composed by that emi- 1 nent Servant of the Most High | God, the late Rev. George] Whitfield. See No. 1555, supra. Ah! lovely Appearance of Death, No Sight upon Earth is so fair; 3388a. Unparalleled Victory. [Cuts.] 1815. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. Milk-Street Boston. hhs On battle of New Orleans. 3389. [Cut.] The Valient | London Prentice. | Being an ac- count of his matchless Manhood, and brave adventures done in Turkey; | and how he came to marry the King’s Daughter, &c. EI Of a worthy London ’Prentice, My purpose is to speak, . . . See The Great Honour of a Valiant, etc. No. 3142, supra. 3390. [Two cuts.] Vicissitudes of Human Life, | Lines | com- posed by W. H. j On the Death of Mary Swan, [ daughter of Capt. Luther Swan, of Stough- | ton, Mass, who died Oct. 19, 1818, after | a short illness she appeared ready to meet | her God. — Aged 16. Printed by N. Coverly, No. 16 Milk-street. | Boston. hc 3391. The | Waggoner [ and | The Tabernacle. ei In good days of old When horses went ass they were told . . . About Parson C. . . . , Deacon Archer and Doctor P. . . . 3392. The Wandering Lady, or Catskin. f aas You fathers and mothers and children also, Come draw near to me, and you soon shall know. 3393. [Two cuts.] The | Wandering | Lady; | or, [ Cat-skin. Printed for N. Coverly, Milk St. hc [i8oo 448 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 3394. War with the Leviathan: | or, | The Royal Fisher. Where you epitomiz’d may see, t MIS What Crews to Sea Cape-Cod does send; 3395. A Warning to gay and | thoughtless Youth. | Or, Death- Bed Reflections of a Young Man, who died in the western part of Vermont. [Cut.] Printed and sold at No. 2, Middle-street [Newburyport.j ei Hearken, ye sprightly! and attend ye vain ones! Pause in your mirth — Adversity consider! 3396. A Warning to Youth on the subject of Vain Amusement. Dated, March 4 , 1803 . ei Appended are two book-plates for books presented “in testimony of having faithfully committed to memory the Assembly’s Catechism,” and “in testimony of having merited the approbation of Instructor.” 3397. The Washing Day, | together with | The American Star. EI Hey! what ’s the bustle? what ’s the matter, The cat is kick’d — whipp’d is the cur; . . . 3397a. Wasp stinging Frolick. [Cuts.] . . . Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, jun. f bpl Welch, Nancy. 3398. The | Experience of Nancy Welch, | a blind Woman; Together with | Lines for a Family of her Acquaintance: (Composed by herself.) f aas. bpl I Nancy Welch was born and bred In Essex county, Marblehead; 3399. The | Western Tragedy. hc 0 heard ye of a bloody knight Liv’d in the west country, 3400. WhaFl be King but Charlie, | Plato’s Advice & The Thorn. ei There’s news fae Moidart, cum’ yestreen, Will soon gae mony ferlie; . . . 3401. When shall we Th[ree meet again] with | The Meeting of The Three Friends.] The parting of the Three Indians. | Com- | posed and Sung by three Indians, | who were educated at Dartmouth | College, at their last interview be- | neath an enchanting bower, whither | they frequently resorted, in the midst | of which grew a “Youthful Pine.” Ei 3402. [Two cuts.] When shall we | Three | meet again? | Meeting of the Three Friends. | The Parting of the Three i8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 449 Indians. [Same as above, except] in the | midst of which grew a “Youthful | Pine.” ei [Another issue] made by corner Cross and Fulton Streets, Boston. hc 3403 . Wife, Children, and Friends. | ’T is the Last Rose of Summer. | And the | lGp = Lavender Girl. .JgJ ,-ifT f Sold Wholesale and Retail, on | Cross St. near Mercantile | Wharf, Boston. hc When the black-letter’d hst to the gods was presented, The hst of what fate for each mortal intends, As the sun climbs o’er the hills, When the sky-larks sing so cheerly 3404 . [Cut.] The Wilderness; | Together with | The Union of the States. Printed by N. Coverly, No. 16 Milk street — Boston. f bpl There is a wilderness more dark Than groves of fir on Huron’s shore; Our states are united — let parracide cease, We conquer’d in war and are modest in peace; 3405 . [Cuts.] Will the Weaver, | And the Drum. bpl 0 Dear Mother now I ’m marry’d 1 could wish I ’d longer tarried, Come each gallant lad, Who for pleasure quits care 3406 . Will the Weaver. | Together with | The Lover’s Gar- land. EI The title of the second poem is printed “Love’s Garland.” How sweet are the flowers that grow by yon fountain, And sweet are the cowslips that spangle the grove, 3407 . [Two cuts.] William Riley: | together with | The Sailor Boy. N. Coverly, Jr. Printer, Milk Street, Boston. Rise up William Riley, and come along with me, f BPL I mean to go with you and leave this country; 3408 . [Cut.] William Riley, | And the Sailor Boy. hc 3409 . [Cut.] William Riley, | And the Cobler. ei 3410 . William Reily. Sold by L. Deming. hc Has also “William Reily’s Marriage to Coflinband.” 45° MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [1800 3411. Wooden Breast Bone, | and Jackson’s Victory. L. Deming, Boston. nyhs The Girls about here, they think themselves wise, They ’ll wink and they ’ll blink like a toad in surprise Come, all you brave Americans, don’t let us disagree, Come listen to my stoiy, and plainly you shall see; 3412. The World | Turn’d Upside Down; | together with | Constant Charley. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Corner of Theatre-Alley, Milk-Street, Boston. f bpl When I was young and in my prime, I ’d neither thought, nor care. 3413. [Two cuts.] The | Wounded-Hussar. | Together with | Sweet William’s | Departure. (du’ Printed and sold by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun. Corner Theatre Alley, — Boston. Alone on the banks of the dark rolling Danube, | BPL Fair Adelaide hied when the battle was o’er, 3414. [Two cuts.] The | Wounded Hussar: | Together with | Black ey’d Susan; or Sweet William’s | Departure. f hc 3415. Wreaths for the Chieftain, | together with | I ’d rather be excus’d. [Two cuts.] Printed for N. Coverly, Milk-St. ei Wreaths for the Chieftain we honor! who planted The Olive of Peace in the soil that he gain’d, . . . 3416. Yankee Jackets of Blue, [cut] and | The Hobbies. Sold . . . at the corner of Cross and Mercantile streets, Boston. Some nations may boast of their walls, Of their armies and make much ado, Sung by G. H. H. Andrews, at the Tremont Theatre. Attention pray give while of hobbies I sing, For each has his hobby from cobbler to king; 3417. [Five cuts.] The Yankey’s Return from Camp. ei The first of the five cuts is the same as that on “The Soldier’s Drill.” 3418. The Yankee’s Return from Camp. Sold at No. 16 Milk-st. Boston. nyhs 3419. The Yankee’s | Return from Camp. Printed for N. Coverly — Boston. ei 3420. The Yankee’s | Return from Camp. Sold ... at 152 Ann Street, Boston. nyhs 3421. [Wood-cuts.] Yankee Song. f aas There is a man in our town, I ’ll tell you his condition. l8oo] MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. 45 1 3422. You Parliament of England, | and | The Green Moun- tain. Sold . . . corner of Cross & Fulton sts. Boston. hc You Parliament of England, you Lords and Commons too, Consider well what you ’re about, and what you mean to do; On yonder green mountain there ’s a castle doth stand, All deck’d with green ivy from the top to the strand, 3423. [Cut.] Young Phillis and Corydon: | Together with | An Addition to the Rose Tree Song, | and | A Sweetheart Lost. Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill. f hc Her sheep had in clusters crept close to the grove, To hide from the rigours of day; My Love a Rose fair blooming, In soft accents sooth’d my breast; INDEX. Abbey, see Abdy. Abbot, Priscilla, 370. Abbot, Stephen, 387. Abdy, Matthew, will, 83, 393, 409; epitaph, 85. Abdy, Ruth, 83. Absentees, estates of, 321, 322. Acadia, expedition against, 24; inhabi- tants and West Indies, 179. Accounts, public, 308. Actions, limitation of personal, 339. Adams, Ebenezer, 397. Adams, Hugh, testimonial, 48. Adams, John, 390; on Pope-night, 199; attack on, 377 ; speech, 382, 388, 390; message, 389. Adams, Samuel, 235, 247, 324, 352, 371. Adams, Samuel, truckman, 381. Adams, Thomas, 353, 354, 358, 359, 360, 363, 366. Adams and Larkin, 366, 371, 374, 379. Adams and liberty, 387, 388. Adams and Nourse, 328, 329, 332, 336, 337, 341, 344, 346, 349. Addison, Alexander, 391. Addition to the Rose Tree Song, 451. Address to true-born sons of liberty, 180; New England, 233; Hutchin- son, 233; American army, 245; British soldiery, 266; of an aged parent, 397; of Kitty Plume, 408. Admonition to the young, 397. Advice given by a School-mistress, 397. Advice to Young Men, 444. Affidavit, makers or shippers, rum, etc., 201. Affirmation of judgment, 202. Agbarus, King, 407. Agriculture, promoting, 377. Alarm list, 267; called out, 289. Albany, backside o’, 398. Albion, loss of ship, 428. Alden, John, Cotton on, 18. Alden, Timothy, Jr., 18. Alexander, William, Earl of Stirling, claims, 195. Alien and Sedition Laws, 385. All you that come this curious Art to see, 167. Allegiance, see Oath. Allen, Benjamin, 3. Allen, Elisha, 366. Allen, James, 42. Allen, Jeremiah, 71, 74. Allen, Jolley, 188. Allen, Joseph, 283. Allen, Thomas, 194. Ally Croker, 443. Almanac, Pierce, 1639, 3; Thomas, 1771, 212, 306, 314, 315; Bicker- staff’s Boston, 285, 381; Federal street, 348; Weatherwise, 351, 356; Carleton’s, 357; Blake, 370; Fleet 389. Alm as Ali Cawn, 439. Almasa, remonstrance of, 439. Almonac, Indian, 409. Alphabet of verses, 46. America, taxation of, 294; tune, 357. American Academy of Arts and Sci- ences, 330, 334. American Apollo, 357, 361. American Coffee House, 309. American Gazette, 268. American Herald, carrier’s address, 334. American hero, 246, 397. American History, 397. American liberty song, 281. American Magazine, 249. American Manufactures, 398. American Sailor, 389. American Star, 448. American Whig, 203. Americans to arms, 246. Ames, Levi, 223. Ames, Nathaniel, almanac, 84; Boston booksellers and, 164. Amherst, Jeffrey, 163, 169, 172; letter to Wentworth, 164. Ammunition, Town Stock, 255. Amorous Sailor’s letter, 315. Amory, John, 180. Amory, Jonathan, 180. Amusement, an, 102. Anacreon in Heaven, 388, 418, 442. Andover, 375. 454 INDEX. Andre, John, verses, 309, 429; address, 424. Andrew, Jonathan, 202. Andrews, alias Saunders, Joseph, 186. Andrews, Ebenezer T., 362. Andrews, G. H. H., 450. Andrews, L., Freeman and, 349. Andrews, Loring, 361. Andros, Edmund, 19; surrender of, 22. Ann Street, 424, 432, 433, 445. Annapolis Royal, muster rolls of troops, 54; reinforcements, 111. Anne, speech to parliament, 51; death, 54. Another song, 398. Answer to the lady’s looking-glass, 398. Anthropos, Connecticut’s flood, 68. Anti-Courant, 66. Anti-stamp fire society, 268. Apple-Dumplings and a King, 362. Apprenticeship, articles of, 139, 200. Arasigunticook Indians, 142, 191. Arbitration, common scheme of, 205. Argus, the, 369. Arms and ammunition, 269; sale to Indians, 14; soldiers, 101; French, 111; militia, 118; receipt, 130. Arms, royal, see Great Britain. Army, American, or Continental, ad- dress to, 245; establishment, 253; northern, 284; enlistments, 287; quota short, 289; Massachusetts line, 362. Arnold, Samuel, elegy on, 28. Arresaguntacook, see Arasigunticook. Arthur, negro, 192. Articles of War, 266. Artillery, ancient and honorable, 364. Arts and Sciences, Society, 310. Ashley, John, Jr., 326. Ashley, Jonathan, 108. Assemblies, unlawful, 129. Assembly room, Federal street, 380. Assessors, neglect or delay, 131; prov- ince charges, 167; returns, 259; in- structions, 298; oath, 340. Assize of bread, 144, 217, 352; staves, 172. Association, continental congress, 236; British, 246, 251, 267; not to aid enemy, 280. Astraea, 323; deserters, 105. Astronomy, Carleton on, 338. Athenian Oracle, 41. Athol, 386. Attick fire, 375. Attorney, letter of, 94; power, 113, 202 . Auchmuty, Samuel, 246. Auction-room, 215. Auctioneer’s notice, 373. Augusta, Maine, 422. Auld, Alexander, 200. Auld lang syne, 398. Austin, Samuel, 204. Austin and Dana, 370. Axes, delivery of, 276. B., G., 385. B., H., 45. B., M., 145. Babes in the Woods, 393. Backside o’ Albany, 398. Back street, Boston, 137, 205. Badger, Joseph, 416. Bail bonds, 132. Bailey, John, 351. Bainbridge’s victory, 398. Baker, John, 87. Baker, Nathaniel, elegy, 87. Baker’s boy, address, 197, 203. Bakers, for army, 295. Baldwin, Nathan, 283. Ball, Samuel, 125. Ballad Peddler, 420. Ballou, Silas, 398. Baltimore, 388. Banish Sorrow, 412. Bank, proposals, 368. See Land bank. Bankruptcy, commission in, 157; peti- tion, 157. Banks of the Dee, 399. Baptism hymn, 357. Barbados, embargo on ships, 41. Barber, Nathaniel, 200. Barclay, Andrew, catalogue, 181. Bark, 326. Barnes, Henry, 207. Barney leave the girls alone, 398. Barnstable, 90. Barre, 386. Barrell, Joseph, 322. Barret, James, felon, 61. Barret, John, 193. Barrington, council, 198. Barron, James, 414. Bass, Joseph, 413. Bassett, Thomas, 358. Bath, Maine, 413. Battle between lawyers and frogs, 398. Battle of the Kegs, 393, 422. Battoemen, 146. Bay of Biscay, 400, 424, 438. Bayley, James, 44. Bazin, John, 381. INDEX. 455 Beard, , 45. Beating orders, 112, 143, 155, 156, 166, 170, 274. Beautiful Boy, 398. Beautiful Katy, 400. Beaver, hunting of, 135. Becket, Sarah, 232. Bedford proprietors, 104. Bedlam Garland, 205, 209, 400,408. Beebe, S., Three fold cord, 69. Beebe, Samuel, 69. Beef, tax in, 315, 316; supplies, 318. Beggar Girl, 446. Belcher, Andrew, 47. Belcher, Jonathan, 79, 80, 81, 82, 88, 90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 169; Mather on, 80; Watts’ poem, 80. Belcher, Joseph, preamble for subscrip- tions, 68; letter, 98. Belcher, — — , 309. Belknap, Jeremy, 360; history of New Hampshire, 351; circular letter, 372; queries on slavery, 373; against Winterbotham, 377. Belknap and Hall, 353. Belknap and Young, American Apollo, 357, 361; Williams’ French Revolu- tion, 361. Bell, Robert, catalogue of books, 204. Bell tavern, Danvers, 282, 285, 294. Bellame, Samuel, 60. Bellingham, Richard, Will, 42. Bellomont, Richard, earl of, 32, 33, 34; speeches, 33, 35; address to, 33. Betinet, Moses, 194. Bennington, battle of, 285. Berceau, le, 401. Berkshire county, representative in Congress, 350. Bernard, Francis, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 191, 195, 196, 201; copies of letters, 200; Tom-Cod-Catcher, 203; Star- chamber court, 204; complaint and answer, 206. Bestes, Peter, 225. Beverly, 280, 323, 384, 386; Amity lodge, 308. Beverly, loss of ship, 428. Bible, Thomas’, 356. Bible and Crown, London, 56. Bible and Heart, Comhill, 83, 98, 266, 268, 309, 319, 400, 405, 412, 415, 417, 421, 434, 443, 451; Salem, 389, 406, 408, 422. Bicker, Martin, 225. Bickerstafl’s Boston Almanac, 285, 351. Bigelow, Timothy, 283. Biglow, W., 391. BiU, Charles, 30, 37, 40. Bib of lading, 15, 29; sale, 167, 200, 352. Bills, land-security, 52. BiUs of credit, 1690, 25; 1709, 46; counterfeit, 39, 54, 61, 65, 70, 124; caUed in, 61, 122; depreciation, 73; emission, 76, 98; lex et hbertas, 82; New Hampshire, 94; house on, 95, 96; Colman’s, 102, 103; neighboring provinces, 109; act of parhament, 130; continental and specie, 273; drawing in, 290, 310; Massachusetts, 290, 378; depreciation, 296, 300; scale, 319. BiUs of mortaHty, 330. BUly and PoUy, 400. Bishop, John, 65. Blackbeard (Teach), 62, 63. Blackbird, 400. Black ey’d Susan, 406, 450. Black joke reviv’d, 400. Black Prince, 202. Blake, WiUiam P., 370. Blakely, Johnston, 402. Blankets, 255, 263, 271, 286, 287, 304, 310. Blanks, 97, 99, 132, 153, 200, 212. Blazing stars messengers of God’s wrath, 158, 200. Bliss, Tracy and, 244. Bloody butchery, 246. Blue Anchor, Boston, 361. Blue bells of Scotland, 400. Board of War, eastern department, 296, 309. Bob and Joan, 400. Bobbin-Joan, second part, 400. Bold Conscience and Old Self, 308, 401 . Bold lads of Canada, 401. Bold Northwestman, 401. Bold Pilgrim and Apollian, 401. Bond, 16, 181, 352. Bonnets of Blue, 445. Bonny black Irish Girl, 423. Bonny Blade, 401. Bonny Doun, 40L Bonny Sailor, 433. Booksellers, Boston, on Ames’ alma- nacs, 164. Boone, Nicholas, 38. Border, mortuary, 44, 48. Boston, 339, 408, 430; declaration of inhabitants, 20; manifesto of new church, 32; names of streets, 44; 45 6 INDEX. Boston — continued. representation Church of England, 51; incorporation, 53, 362; markets, 64, 86; instructions to representa- tives, 66, 315; regulation of cows, 69; fires, 70; 1760, 164, 166, 252, 344; fire society, 70, 108, 171, 228, 372; pew right, 81; tax notice, 94, 116, 120, 130, 137, 171, 283, 294, 300, 308, 315, 319, 323, 328, 344; riot, 96, 120, 182, 186, 297; Church Green meeting-house, 100; Episco- pal Charitable Society, 108; Christ Church bells, 110; South Brick meeting-house, 113; smallpox, 116; Fellowship club, 133; marine so- ciety, 137; landing of troops, 157; booksellers, on Ames’ almanacs, 164; assessors, 167, 362; smallpox hos- pital, 168; town meeting notices, 174, 184; hay weighing, 174; Fan- euil Hall lottery, 181, 189, 193, 201; charitable Irish society, 181; assem- blies resolutions, 183; town land, 188; election of representatives, 188; industry and manufactures, 189; Friendship society, 189; employ- ment of poor, 193; regulations of watch, 193; British troops, 193, 199; English taxation, 193; indenture of poor, 193; convention of towns, 194; destruction of guard-house, 195; Pope-night, 198; licences, 201; mer- chants’ letter, 203; Hancock engine, 204; work-house, 204; massacre, 204, 213, 217, 220; merchants and non-importation, 205, 208; rights of colonists, 218; King’s Chapel, 218; tea party, 221; Union Society, 221; committee of correspondence, 225; Gage on, 240; Brattle Street church, 227; Relief Society, 231; port bill, 234, 238, 241; troops in, 235; dona- tions to poor, 235, 247; sympathy for, 239; Gage on merchants’ meet- ings, 240; damages by British, 246, 268; view of, 249; census, 251; order and good government, 251; regula- tion of vessels, 251; persons leaving, 252, 256, 259; humble intercession, 253; anti-stamp fire society, 268; protection against attack, 273, 297; distresses of, 280; evacuation of, 281; price act, 283, 300; pass, 283; classes, 308; fishery, 316; treasurer’s accounts, 319; first church, 331; hay weight, 338; map, 339; assize of bread, 352; police, 361; by-laws, 361; infectious diseases, 365; post Boston — continued. days, 376; subscription assembly, 380; expenses, 391; board of health, 391. Boston , frigate, 401. Boston Almanac, 218, 228, 244, 285. Boston Association, 391. Boston Beau and the Cow, 443. Boston Blockade, 282. Boston Chronicle, 370; prospectus, 191; carrier’s address, 211. Boston Evening Post, 238; carrier’s address, 179, 187, 192, 197, 202, 210, 217. Boston Gazette, 238; reply to supple- ment, 102; carrier’s address, 183, 187, 202, 211; receipt, 218. Boston Magazine, 327. Boston Mechanic Association, 373. Boston News-Letter, 63; Draper’s receipt, 164; carrier’s address, 171, 183, 197, 202, 211, 268. Boston Post-Boy, and Advertiser, car- rier’s address, 187, 192, 197, 211, 330; device, 196. Boston Presbyterian Society, 94. Boston Theatre, 372, 438. Boston Tontine Association, 363. Bosworth, Benjamin, Signs of apos- tasy, 28. Bosworth, Hannah, 16. Bouchard de la Poterie, Claude Florent, 348. Bounty notes, Canada expedition, 160, 163; money, 166, 171; wolves, 180, 184; soldiers, 336; return of, 346. Bowdoin, James, 136, 157, 333, 336, 337, 341, 342, 343, 349; salary, 338; address, 341. Bowdoin, James, Jr., 323. Bowdoin, William, 136. Bowdoinham, 430. Bowen, D., 382, 385, 392. Bowen, Nathan, New England Diary, 72, 264. Bower, the, 439. Boxer, Enterprise and, 440, 441. Boyle, Patrick, 200. Boyles, John, 209, 231, 285. Boylston, Thomas, 235; will, 391. Bracket’s tavern, 343. Bradish, Joseph, 32. Bradstreet, Simon, 11. Brattle, William, 235, 236. Brattle Street, Boston, 361, 381. Brazen Head, Boston, 206. Bread, assize of, 144, 217, 352. Bricks, call for, 247. INDEX. 457 Bride’s Burial, 402. Bridge, Thomas, elegy, 55. Bridger, John, on tar, 43. Bridgewater, 108, 295. Bridgewater, battle of, 402. Bridgham, Ebenezer, 212. Brilliant naval victory, 402. Brisco, Joseph, Wilson’s ‘Verses,’ 5. Bristol, England, 239, 267, 270. Bristol, riot, 111. British Grenadier, 208, 281. British Lamentation, 335, 402. British Muse, 417. Britons to arms, 246. Brock, Sir Isaac, 399. Brookfield, 306. Brooks, Samuel, 352. Brooks, William, 295. Brown, Hugh, 200. Brown, Isaac, 72. Brown, Jacob, victories, 402. Brown, Samuel, 372. Brown, Thomas, 101. Brown, Uriah, 347. Bruce’s Address, 428, 439. Brunswick, erected, 100; proprietors, 130, 134. Brush, Crean, 252. Bryant, Reuben, 395. Bryant, , 356. Buchanan, James, 295. Buckland, James, 331. Budget of Blunders, 402. Buildings, construction of new, 15; brick and stone, 16. Bulfinch, Charles, 372. Bulkley, Edward, ‘Threnodia’ on Stone, 6; on Mitchel, 7. Bulkley, Peter, on Hooker, 3. Bull, Jonathan, relation of, 20. Bulls, papal, 122. Bulwarks of Religion, 402. Bunch of Grapes tavern, 343. Bunker hill, 266, 281, 397; battle of, 246, 265, 266, 399, 417; ode, 335, 412. Bunter’s wedding, 402. Burch, William, 189. Burgoyne, John, 253, 289; articles of convention, 284; song on taking, 293, 430. Burnet, William, 75, 77; poem to, 76; Colman on, 76; speech, 77; elegy, 78. Burnham, , 432. Burr, Mary Anne, 426. Burroughs, George, attainder re- versed, 52. Burt, Asa, 243. Burt, Jonathan, lamentation, 64. Burt, Nathaniel, 139. Buswell, James, 403. Butler, Alford, 88. Buttolph, Nicholas, 55. Buy a Broom, 403. Buy the truth, 177. Byles, Mather, 145; New England hymn, 357. C., O., 233. Cabesterre, Guadeloupe, 348. Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe, 352. Caledonia, 32. Calef, John, on Titcomb, 68. Calef, Robert, More Wonders, 384. Calico, printing of, 63. Calvinism, caution, 404. Cambridge, 139, 148, 181, 205, 267, 280; General Court, 133; fortifica- tions, 260, 272. Camp, Abraham, 295. Campaign, British plan, 270. Campbell, John, 63. Campbell, John, Earl of Loudoun, 149, 151. Canada, 272, 401, 404; trade with, 56, 57; war with, 114, 119; reduction of, 118; expedition against, 145, 154, 155, 156, 157, 160, 162, 163, 166; new th — song, 167; news from, 268; hard money for, 275; route of expedition, 275; reinforce- ments, 275; noble lads, 432. Canadian Boat Song, 403. Canceaux, 219. Cancers, Pope on, 368. Candles, spermaceti, 208. Cape Breton, trade with, 56, 57; ex- pedition against, 113, 114, 115; brief journal, 113. Cape Sable, Indians, 112, 133. Capen, Hopestill, 268. Capen, Joseph, on Foster, 13. Capet, Louis, see Louis XVI. Captain Glen’s unhappy voyage, 403. Captain James, 392. Captain Ward, 393, 403, 409. Captives, redemption of Indian, 11. Capture of Little York, 404. Caricatura, tree of liberty, 181. Carleton, Osgood, 338, 355, 357. Carlton, Cushing and, 384. Carolina coast, 347. Carpenter, William, 204. Carriages, duty on, 321, 327, 359, 374, 379. Carthagena, capture of, 106, 107. 458 INDEX. Casco, town near, 54. Cash in Hand, 404. Castle, Boston harbor, contribution for rebuilding, 8. Castle William, deserters, 41, 116; muster-rolls, 65. Catechizing, governor and council on, 7. Catholic remedy, 81. Cato, new epilogue to, 291. Cattle, price of, 15. Caution to those who hold Calvinism, 404. Cavallier, , 249. Censor, carrier’s address, 334. Centinel, 333, 350, 366, 378, 391, 395; carrier’s address, 351. Chamberlain, R., 348. Chamblit, Rebecca, 87. Champney, John, 301. Chandler, Martha, 97. Chaplin, Ebenezer, 365. Charles II, death, 16. Charles River, 38; bridge, 335, 373, 388, 445. Charleston, S. C., aid for, 105; intelli- gence, 302, 319. Charlestown, Mass., 204, 247, 249, 259, 388, 419, 432; burning of, 246, 265, 397; tax notice, 308; meeting- house, 321. Charming Fellow, 404. Charmion, John, epitaph, 59. Charter party, 171. Chase, , 372. Chatham, Earl of, see William Pitt. Checkley, Samuel, 75. Cheever, David, 263. Cheevers, Ezekiel, 45. Chelmsford, 265, 281. Chelsea Butcher, 404. Chesapeake and Shannon, 404, 413; offset for, 432. Chester, Stephen, 9. Chevy Chase, 116, 404. Child, John, ‘New Englands Jonas,’ 3. Children, token for, 81. Children in the Woods, 404. Chippewa, 402. Chism, William, 139. Christ Church, ring of bells, 110. Christian Pilgrim, 406. Christian’s Looking Glass, 406. Christie, Andrew, 219. Church, , 139. Church Green, Boston, 100. Church of England, Boston, represen- tation, 51; Mayhew on, 199; Episco- pal convention, 351 ; congregational, Church of England — - continued. widows and orphans, 191; universal, 365. Church of the Holy Cross, Boston, 347. Churchill, George, 378. Clap, Russell and, 365. Clapboards, assize of, 172. Clark, John, 56. Clark, J. Newington, 189. Clark, Matthew, 355. Clark, , 148. Clarke, John, 66. Clarke, William, the Miser, 193. Clearance, ship’s, 19, 28, 29, 104. Clements, W., 427. Clemons, Miss , 406. Click clack, 400. Clisby, Samuel, 358. Close, Gilbert, 358. Closet companion, 385. Clothing for troops, 258, 312, 317. Clough, Ebenezer, 373. Clovis, Pedro, 358. Coast of Barbary, 406. Coasting act, abstract of, 348. Coats, 258, 263. Cobb, G., 413. Cobbler, the, 449. Cobbler’s wife, 442. Cockrain, Samuel, 101. Codman, John, 139. Coffin, Peleg, 387, 394. Coffin, Shubael, 184. Coins, Spanish silver, 15; value of foreign, 40, 51, 356. Cold winter, 415. Coleman, John, 171. Coleman, Priscilla, 171. Coles, , 333. Collin and Phebe, 338. Colman, Benjamin, on Burnet, 76. Colman, John, distressed state of Bos- ton, 64, 66; notes, 102, 103. Colonies, sugar, encouragement of, 177; duties in, 177. Colrain, 228, 231. Columbia, Land of Liberty, 444. Columbia’s Lamentation for the Death of Washington, 393, 409. Columbian Centinel, Russell’s, 365, 370, 380; carrier’s address, 381, 390. Columbian museum, 386, 392; press, 382. Columbian Songster, 376. Columbian tragedy, 358. Comet, blazing stars, 158, 200; ode, 432. Commanders, to the honoured, 50. INDEX. 459 Commencement, satyrical descrip- tion of, 62, 104. Commerce under the influence of liberty, 351. Commissaries, 342; instructions, 116; musters, 152. Commissions, military, 23, 31, 57, 60, 61, 67, 71, 73, 75, 77, 82, 97, 99, 106, 108, 112, 119, 123, 132, 136, 144, 151, 156, 166, 170, 176, 183, 196, 220, 261, 279, 291, 318, 321, 342, 354, 371, 375, 383, 394; justice of peace, 252, 291, 318, 321, 342, 375; confirmed, 149; common pleas, 179, 252; coroner, 264, 279, 291, 394; clerk in militia company, 354. Commodities, bond on enumerated, 47. Composed by a British Officer, 309. Compting-House Companion, 348. Compton, Henry, Bishop of London, 22 . Comptroul, congress of, 267. Concord, 395; meeting, 1774, 234; affair at, 246, 247, 256; list of killed, 253; convention, 301; court, 343; general court, 363. Congregational Charitable Society, 376. Congress, Continental, 241, 295; votes, 236; association, 236; exports, 247, 258; declaration on taking arms, 249; address to inhabitants, 295, 304. Congress, United States, Massachu- setts line, 362. Congress of comptroul, 267. Connecticut, 113, 295; counterfeit bills of credit, 124; address to officers and soldiers, 253; Gage and, 267. Connecticut River, 258; flood, 68; line of towns, 94. Constables, payments regulated, 15; order, 20, 23, 26, 27; pocket-book, 132. Constant Charley, 450. Constant lovers, 370. Constitution and Guerriere, 406, 417; and Java, 440. Contented Wife, 407. Contentment, 424. Continental Journal, 316, 332. Controversy between a Drunking Husband, 407. Convention, troops of, 296. Conversation of two persons, 181. Converse, James, 33. Converts Hymn, 407. Conveyances, Law on, 16. Conway, Henry Seymour, 186. Cook, Moses, 220. Cooke, Elisha, 92. Cooke, , Speech, 205. Cooper, rev., , 228. Cooper, Myles, rev., 245. Cooper, William, 108, 212, 218, 319. Copy of letter from Christ, 407. Copy of record, 180. Coriolanus, 205. Corlet, Elijah, Walter on, 18; on Hooker, 29. Corn-fields, sign of the, 204, 231, 233. Cornwall, James, 74. Cornwallis, Charles, surrenders, 316. Coroner, commission, 264, 279, 291, 394. Correspondence, committee of, re- newal, 287. Costs in criminal prosecutions, 363. Cot-er, , speech, 205. Cotton, John, on Alden, 18. Cotton, John, on Hooker, 4; Norton on, 4; Woodbridge on, 4. Cotton, Seaborn, Tompson on, 18. Councillors, election of, 31, 36, 46. Counterfeits, 54, 65; twenty shilling note, 39; punished, 189, 205. Country Squire, 418. Countryman, a, 181, 217. Countryman’s table, 127. County, committee in each, 255; commissioners, 320. Coupar, captain, 238. Courier, 373. Courier de Boston, 355. Courier de l’Univers, 355. Courier des Deux Mondes, 355. Court martial, 258. Court Street, 338, 344, 360, 373. Courts, table of the, 28; common pleas, 322, 374; Concord, 343. Coven, Francis, 328. Covenant for reformation, Springfield, 75. Coverly, Nathaniel, 217, 233, 265, 281, 294, 352, 397, 400, 401, 402, 405, 411, 414, 418, 419. Coverly, Nathaniel, Jr., 294, 380, 393, 398, 399, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 417, 420, 421, 422, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 433, 434, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 446, 447, 449, 450. Cowper, William, John Gilpin, 408. Cows, regulation, Boston, 69. Cox, T., 90. Cracow, 31. 460 INDEX. Cranch, Robert G., 212. Crazy Jane, 400, 404, 444. Cressin, , 353. Crew, ship’s, to be English, 40. Crisis, the, 378. Cromwell, Oliver, 160. Cropsey, Jacamiah, 413. Cross, Stephen, 260. Cross, Thomas, felon, 61. Cross Street, 381, 402, 403, 408, 423, 432, 449, 450, 451. Crosswell, Andrew, 302. Croswell, Rebecca, 302. Crown and cushion, 95. Crown coffee house, 81. Crown Point, expedition against, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147; wages of troops, 145. Cruel Father, the, 408. Cruel Mother, the, 408. Cruel Mother in Law, 408. Cruel parents, 205, 408. Crump, Thomas, 55. Cuckold’s Cap, the, 408. Cumberland, Duke of, 119. Cumberland county, Maine, 212, 331, 335, 338. Cummings, Charles, 427. Cummings, Elias, 427. Cupid forever, 441. Cure for Consumptions, 408. Curious New Sonnet, 408. Curious Riddle, 426. Cursing and swearing, act, 116; con- viction, 130. Curwen, Samuel, 85. Cushing, Matthew, 91, 92. Cushing, Thomas, 332. Cushing, T. C., 352, 356, 360. Cushing and Carlton, 384. Cushman, Isaac, 90. Customs, evil, testimony against, 63; commissioners of, 195, 205, 219. Cutler, Menasseh, 343. U ., J., see John Danforth. Daggett, Brotherton, 219. Dalton, John, 446. Damon and Delia, 408. Damon and Sylvia, 430. Damon’s Soliloquy, 302. Damsel’s Tragedy, 393, 408, 409. Dana, Austin and, 370. Dana, Dr., verses on, 435, 437. Dana, George, 337. Dandies, the, 438. Dandy, the, 409. Dane, Nathan, 385; circulars, 392. Danforth, John, elegy on Willard, 43; on Mrs. Gerrish,46; Mrs. Hutchin- son, 51; Mrs. Mather, 52; Mrs. Sewall, 59; preamble for subscrip- tions, 68; Mrs. Thacher, 70; Thacher and Danforth, 73. Danforth, Samuel, on Leonard, 51; poem on, 73. Danforth, Thomas, 14. Danvers, 284, 285, 293; Bell tavern, 282, 302, 306. Darby McShane’s Visit to London, 442. Darien company, 32. Dartmouth, earl of, see William Legge. Dartmouth college, catalogus, 348, 362; Indians, 448. Dartmouth Tragedy, 409. David’s Victory over Goliath, 316, 409, 419. Davis, Andrew McFarland, 66. Davis, Thomas, 371, 379, 383. Dawes, Thomas, 335. Dawks, J., 31. Day, dark, 309, 314, 315. Daye, Stephen, 3. Deane, Smith and, Falmouth, 331. Dearborn, Benjamin, 370; vibrating steelyard, 392. Dearborn, Henry, 404. Death of an Indian Chief, 409. Death of poor Jack, 410. Debentures, Soldiers, 23. DeBerdt, Dennis, 186. Deblois, Gilbert, 228. Debts, payment of private, 109. Decatur, Stephen, victory, 410; elegy, 414. Declaration of independence, 269; rights, protest, 314. Dedham, 68, 87, 98, 137, 234, 348. Deed, 70, 73, 134, 319; Kennebeck proprietors, 145; quit-claim, 355. Delabarre, Edmund Burke, 53. Delaware River, 299. Deming, Leonard, 267, 393, 398, 401, 403, 411, 414, 417, 418, 422, 426, 428, 429, 443, 449. Denmark, King of, 213. Denoyer, Anthony, 183. Depreciation, scale of, 319. Depredations by British, 260. Deputies, warrant for, 26. Derby, John, 266, 323. Desbarres, Joseph Frederick William, 355. Descent of real estates, 136, 138. Deserters, from Castle William, 41, 116; troops, 49; sailors, 65; Astraea, INDEX. 461 Deserters — continued. 105; Phillips’ regiment, 118; law, 145; fiftieth regiment, 145; act of parliament, 154; Massachusetts, 310. Detest against the common scheme of arbitration, 205. Devil and Tom Cook, 410. Dexter, Timothy, 437 ; Plummer’s ad- dress, 364; ode on death, 435; will, 435. Dialogue between a Boston man and a country man, 52; Death, soul, body, etc., 132; Death and a Lady, 411, 415. Dibden, Charles, 401. Dickinson, John, The Liberty Song, 193, 196. Dictates of Right Reason, 407, 428. Didson, Hugh, 72. Diggadon, Nathaniel, 232. Dighton Rock, inscription, 53. Dinah Crow, 411. Dish of Tea, 425. Distemper, throat, 96. Distressed Sailor’s Garland, 411. Distressed Soul, 411. Division muster, 411. Dock Square, 380. Doctor and Squire, 411. Dollars, six shillings, 126. Donnison, William, 372, 375, 379, 383, 387, 394. Dorchester, tax notice, 177, 228, 284, 295, 301, 308, 316, 320, 324, 332. Dorria, , captain, 186. Dorsetshire Garland, 411, 412. Dose for the Tories, 249. Douglas, meeting, 279, 352. Dover, Mass., 10. Downfall of Pride, 412. Downhill of Life, 437. Dowse, Joseph, 129. Draft, for army, 288. Draper, John, 88; receipt, 164. Draper, Richard, 246, 285; petition, 171; receipt, 194, 218. Draper, Richard and Samuel, 183. Draper, Samuel, 158, 172. Drawbridge Street, 79. Dream, a, 412. Dress , 412. Drum, the, 442, 449. Duche, Jacob, letter to Washington, 284. Duckett, Valentine, 236. Dudley, Joseph, 17, 18, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,44, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56; speech, 36; answered, 37. Dudley, Paul, death, 132. Duke’s county, 353. Duke Hamilton, 412. Dummer, Jeremiah, funeral notice, 82 Dummer, William, 64, 65, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79. Dunbar, David, 92. Dunbarton, N. H., 358. Dunlap, Jane, 215. Dunlap, John, 249. Dunmore, Earl of, see John Murray. Dunn, Samuel, 412. Dunogan, William, 351. Dusky Night, the, 412. Duties, import, 27, 358; wines, 167. Dwarf, 356. Dying Words of a Young Man, 413. Dying Words of Capt. Kidd, 413. EaGER, Ephraim, 395. Earthquake, 74; Naples, 30; 1744, 110; 1755, 139, 141, 144, 413. East, Edward, 204. Eastern settlements, list of deserters, 67; defence of frontiers, 137. East India company, 229, 233. Eden, Robert, 270. Edes, Benjamin, 249, 298, 300, 301, 302, 310, 314, 317, 322, 323, 339, 358 Edes & Gill, 145, 234, 236, 238; receipt, 174, 218. Edson, Josiah, Jr., 108. Edson, Ruth, 108. Education, encouragement, 332. Edwards, John, 64. Elections, law on voting, 23; regula- tion, 374, 386. Electors, presidential, 378. Elegy upon the death of worthy persons, 309; death of cat, 413. Elephant, sign of the, 124; the, 382. Eliot, Benjamin, 37, 78. Eliot, Isaac, 413. Eliot, John, Christian covenanting confession, 5, 8. Eliot, Joseph, letter, 98, 137. Eliot, Samuel, 108. Elizabeth, Queen, birthday, 198. Elliot Street, 381. Embargo, 47, 49; on ships, 41, 141, 149, 150,277; provisions and war- like stores, 143, 145,146, 151; fish- ing vessels, 150. Emerson, Bulkeley, 220. Emerson, William, 391. Emigrants, regiment of Highland, 252. 462 INDEX. Empire travelling westward, 438. Enemies, internal, 290. Enemies to rights of mankind, 256. English soldier encouraged, 113. Enlistment, 326; forms, 144, 147, 156, 166, 170, 174, 262, 305; returns, 170, 171; certificate, 207; orders, 261,278; encouragement, 276, 304, 312. Enterprise and Boxer, 440, 441. Episcopal Charitable Society, Boston, 108. Equipage, roll of, 389. Ere round the Huge Oak, 393, 409. Erie, 402. Erin go brah, 426. Essex county, 258, 270. Essex Gazette, carrier’s address, 202, 245. Essex Street, 327. Estaing, Charles Hector Theodat, Count d’, 299, 305. Estates, assessment, 28; list of rate- able, 125, 152, 363; descent of real, 136, 138; act on rateable, 168. Etheridge, S., 382. Europe, intelligence from, 271. Evans, John, 38. Excise bill, 137; receipt, 179; liberty, property and no, 181; act, 320; articles, 337; permit, 343. Execution, writ of, 27. Exeter, 445. Exhortation to freemen, 281. Exiles of Erin, 414. Exports prohibited, 302. Eyre, Charles, 250. Factor’s Garland, 414. Fair Rosamond, 415. Fairbanks, Jason, 416. Fairfield, John, 287. Faithful and loving Wife’s Garland, 415. Faithless Sea Captain, 415. Fales, Eliza, 416. Fall of Adam, 415. Falmouth, 218, 331, 332, 335; rescued sugar and rum, 185; fire, 272. Falmouth, England, 247, 265. False are the Men, 444. Fam’d Waterloo, 399. Families, heads of, 25. Faneuil Hall, 199, 264; lottery, 181, 189, 193; market, 294, 300, 432, 443. Farewell hymn, 347. Farmer and son’s return, 268. Farmer’s Brother, 380. Farmer’s Glory, the, 415. Farmer’s Son, 415. Farmington, 422. Farrier, New Year’s wish, 188, 197, 202 . Farthings, English, 330. Fast day, reformation, 13. See under each year. Father Abbey’s Will, 83, 393. Fawkes, Guy, 199. Federal Convention, 339. Federalism, disadvantages of, 339. Federal Almanac, 351. Federal Orrery, 381. Federal Street, 380. Federal Street Almanac, 348. Federalists, address to, 397. Fellowship Club, Boston, 133. Female Drummer, 442. Female Hay-makers, 415. Female Soldier, 441. Fennel-Seed, 416, Fenno, John, 349. Fessenden, Nathanael, 205. Fever, yellow, 389. Fiery Devil, 416. Finch, Daniel, Earl of Nottingham, 28. Finland, trees for tar, 43. Fire is a good servant, 416. Fire-arms, 250, 256, 257, 259, 273, 287. Firelock, receipt, 263. Fire-wood, 326. Fires, detection in Boston, 70; Boston, 1760, 164, 166, 343; Friendship So- ciety, 189; Montreal, 195; orders, 252; anti-stamp society, 268. Fisheries, American, 250; Boston on, 316. Fishing vessels, embargo, 150. Fisk, general, 373. Fitzpatrick, Madame, 367. Flagg, Josiah, 378. Flax, surveyor’s certificate, 97; en- couragement to raise, 132. Fleeming, John, 181. See Mein & Fleeming. Fleet, contribution to King’s, 7. Fleet, Thomas, 55, 78, 88, 92, 97, 104, 111, 116, 119, 130; blanks, 99; papal indulgence, 122; device, 187, 211. Fleet, Thomas and John, 233, 236, 238, 322, 358. Fletcher, William, 144. Fling, Mrs., 236. Flints, town stocks, 272. Flour, export from New York, 296. Flying Post, 58, 63. INDEX. 463 Folger, George, Jr., 365. Folsom, John West, 335. Force of Music, 416. Fort Albany, 20. Fort George, 432. Fort Independence, 427. Fort royal of the scriptures, 231. Fort William Henry, 151. Fortunate Lovers, 416. Fortunate Slave, 400. Foster, Daniel, 348. Foster, John, 13; engraving of seal, 12, 24; Capen on, 13; Tileston on, 14. Four excellent modem Songs, 416. Fowle, Daniel, 125. Fowle, Jacob, 264. Fowle, Zachariah, 137, 158, 172, 189, 205, 431. Fowle & Draper, see Zachariah Fowle and Samuel Draper. Fowler, Benjamin, 416, 425. Foxborough, 439. Foxcroft, Thomas, 87. Foye, William, treasurer, 96, 97, 99, iOl, 109, 112, 116, 119, 121, 123, 125, 132, 134. Framingham, second church, 127. France, treaty with Great Britain, 1686,55, 60, 80; quarantine on ships from, 67 ; war with Great Britain, 110; cessation of hostilities, 121; minister of, 327; arret, 328; treaty, 389. France triumphant, 416. Frankfort, 136. Franklin, Benjamin, ballads by, 62; Massie’s leaflets, 243; navigation note, 355; way to wealth, 359. Franklin, James, 71, 72, 73; cal- ico printing, 63; Little - Compton Scourge, 66. Franklin, William, 270. Franklin, 270. Franklin’s Head, Boston, 344. Frauds in plantation trade, 129, 167. Free, Timothy, 204. Freeman, oath of, 3. Freeman, Edmund, 349. Freeman, James, 372. Freeman, Nathaniel, 327. Freeman, Sambo, 225. Freeman and Andrews, 349. French, George, 366. French, Indians in hostilities, 9; pro- hibited in trade, 27 ; fleet defeated, 28; prosecution, 31; letters, 39; ravage St. Christopher, 42; illegal trade, 42, 56, 57 ; expedition against, 1711, 49; 1755, 141, 146; danger French, Indians — continued. from residents, 80; provisions and ammunition, 111; correspondence with, 121; invest Fort William Henry, 151; fleet, 297, 299, 305. Friend and Pitcher, 417. Friend Street, 403, 411. Friendly Society, 417. Friendship, 417, 432. Friendship Society, Boston, 189. Frigate Constitution, 417. Frog and Mouse, 417. Frolic, 440, 448. From the poor Soldier, 442. Frontenac, reduction of, 157. Frost, Samuel, 365. Fuel, 342. Fulton Street, 402, 408, 432, 449, 451. Furbush, Charleis, 375. Furs, hunting of, 135. G L, L., Brief journal, 113. G., W., Narrative, 68, 237. Gage, Thomas, 250, 256; governor, 240; address to, 245; letter from Trumbull, 267. Gaine, Hugh, 246, 250. Gallant Sailor, the, 417. Galley Slave, 433. Gaflison, John, 264. Gamut, the, 417. Gardiner, John, petition, 324. Gardiner, Sylvester, 136, 324; small- pox, 168; co-partnership, 212. Gardner, Henry, 261, 278, 291, 299, 305, 313, 318, 321; order to pay, 255. Gardner, 386. Garland, 417; virtuous wife, 376; of love, 426. Gates, Horatio, 261, 284, 289, 293. Gates, 290. Gazette, London, death of Charles II, 16; death of Anne, 54. Gazette of the United States, 349. Gelston, Dr. Samuel, 268. Generals, three, 249, 266. Genessee River, 380. Genet, Edmond Charles, 370. Genoa, republic, peace with, 121. George I, speech to parliament, 1715, 55; proclamations, 55, 58; ode to, 72; death, 74. George II, 80, 113, 121, 156; death, 165. George III, 169, 170, 205, 280; speech in parliament, 201, 238, 247, 250, 464 INDEX. George III — continued. 271, 327, 366; addresses to, 203, 245; proclamation on rebellion, 250; petition, 269. George, mutiny on, 151. George Riley, 418. Germantown, Mass., 208; lottery, 148. Gerrish, Mary (Sewall), 46, 47. Gerrish, Paul, 90. Gerrish, Samuel, 46, 47, 59, 63, 64. Gerry, 386. Gerry, Elbridge, 243. Gerrymander, 397. Giles, Rebecca, 232. Giles Scroggins Ghost, 418. Gill, John, 269, 316, 332. Gill, Edes and, 234. Gill, Moses, 247, 393, 394. Gilman, W. and J., 405, 409, 423, 441. Girl of my Heart, 418. Give me my Heart, 417. Glasgow, 232. Glasses that sparkle, 442. Glen, Captain, 403. Glover, John, 243, 302. Glover, Jonathan, 243. Goble, William, 199. Goddard, Edward, 127. Goddard, Samuel, Jr., 418. Goddard, William, 177. Gods in Council, the, 418. Goelet, Francis, on Pope-night, 199. Gold, for continental bills, 273. Golden Ball, the, 418. Golden Bull, the, 418. Golden Mortar, Boston, 348. Goldsmith, Oliver, 419. Goldthwait, Benjamin, 378. Goldthwait, Miss, 378. Goliah’s Defeat, 419. Good Wife, a, 415, 419. Good Wishes towards the Mill Dam, 406. Goodwin, Samuel, 125, 130. Goodwin, Solomon, 218. Gookin, Daniel, circular, 4. Gordon, William, 335. Gorham, Nathaniel, 324. Gorham, William, 335. Gospel, collection for propagating, 61; society for propagating, 339, 347, 355, 360, 373. Gould, Polly, 347, 426. Government, act for settling, 1690, 23. Grafton, 139, 353. Grand Sweeper, 419. Grand Turk, sign of, 352. Grandison, Sir Charles, 385. Granny Wales, 416, 419. Grant, Moses, 349. Grant, Samuel, 95. Granville, 243. Grasse, Francois Joseph Paul, comte de, 418. Gray, Bathsheba, 360. Gray, Benjamin, 88, 119. Gray, Edward, 369. Gray, Eliza, 360. Gray, Harrison, treasurer, 136, 138, 144, 148, 152, 156, 161, 167, 170, 176, 183, 186, 202, 241. Great Britain, royal arms, 30, 33, 40, 43, 56, 90, 101, 161, 170, 176, 214, 230; disallowance of laws, 31, 32; confirmation of laws, 35; encourage- ment of privateers, 36; wool and woollens, 37; King’s speech, 1713, 51; 1774, 238; 1775, 247, 250; 1776, 271; treaty with France, 1686, 55, 60, 80; Lord’s protest, 78; war with France, 110; cessation of hostilities, 121; bills of credit in plantations, 130; treaty with Holland, 148; Spain, 148; encouraging sugar col- onies, 177; duties in colonies, 177; repeal of stamp act, 184; taxation of colonies, 193; customs commis- sioners, 195, 205, 219; Boston port bill, 234, 238, 241; removal of Hut- chinson, 237 ; government of Massa- chusetts Bay, 238, 249; fishery bill, 250; House of Commons, 253; mer- chants of, 331; treaty of 1796, 378, 380, 381. Great Constitution, 344, 419. Great Honour of valiant London, 419, 447. Grecian Daughter, the, 419. Green, Bartholomew, 20. Green, Caleb, 283. Green, Jane, 306. Green, John, 139, 145, 161. Green, Johnson, 335. Green, Jonas, 92. Green, Joseph, mournful lamenta- tion, 127. Green, Joseph, poem on, 58. Green, Nathaniel, 194. Green, Samuel, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20. Green, Samuel Abbott, 13. Green, Timothy, 87, 1 16, 126, 129, 130. Green & Russell, 210. Green Dragon, 71. Green Mountain, 451. Green on the Cape, 402. Greene, Nathanael, 316, 317, 319. INDEX. 465 Greenland, 94. Greenleaf, Jonathan, 269. Greenleaf, Simon, 269. Greenough, Joseph, Jr., 328. Greenwich hospital dues, 121. Greenwood, Isaac, 158. Gregoire, de, 352. Grenadiers March, 167. Grievance of the Times, 420. Griswould, Michael, Jr., 217. Grout, Dirick, 328. Guadeloupe, 348. Guardian, appointment of, 101. Guardian Angels, 416. Guerriere, Constitution and, 406, 437, 440. Guild, Benjamin, 260. Guilford, 65. Guiscard, see La Bourlie, abbe de. Gulston, Ralph, 90. Guns, shooting, in towns, 11; return of, 171. ri., C., mortuary devices, 81. H., David and Sarah, 217. H., W., 447. Hacock, John, 269. Hague, the, 31. Hail Columbia, 389. Hakluyt, Richard, 397. Hale, Alpheus, 352. Hale, Elisha, 352. Hale, Mason, 352. Hale, Matthew, New-Year’s gift, 71. Half-pence, English, 330. Halifax, 231. Hall, Ebenezer, 243. Hall, Samuel, 200, 204, 212, 218, 243, 316, 324, 330, 336, 348, 357; cata- logue, 362. Hall, , 228. Hallowell, Benjamin, 136. Hallowell, Jonathan, 295. Hamilton, John, 96. Hampshire Chronicle, 356. Hampshire county, 258; representa- tive in Congress, 350. Hampton, 69. Hancock, John, 184. Hancock, John, 237, 313, 318, 320, 321, 326, 329, 341, 342, 346, 347, 349, 354, 355, 359, 363, 366; against, 344; speech to legislature, 366; funeral, 367. Hancock, N., 387. Hancock, Thomas, 78, 80; against Cox, 90. Hancock engine, Boston, 204. Handsome Harry, 420. Hanover street, 403, 411, 429, 442. Happy Child, the, 420. Happy Man, 271, 296. Happy New Year to Rogers, 421. Happy Ship Carpenter, 421, 445. Hard Rub, a, 421. Harley, Robert, earl of Orford, 50. Harmon, Johnson, 72. Harmony of divine attributes, 130. Harrington, John, 148. Harris, Benjamin, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28. Harrison, William Henry, 433. Harrison , brig, 184. Hartford, 440; county, 186. Harvard College, 43, 44, 356; ‘ Humble Proposal,’ 5; catalogus, 8, 15, 16; satyrical description of commence- ment, 62, 104; bond, 102, 160; fire, 1764, 177; butler, 343; direction to steward, 353; lottery, 353, 370; lecture ticket, 364. For theses, quaestiones, etc., see under each year. Hasey, , 432. Hastings, Jonathan, 280. Hastings, Selina, Countess of Hunt- ingdon, 210. Hastings, Thomas, 76. Hastings, Warren, 439. Hat and Helmet, 160. Hatfield, 76; Indian captives, 11; covenant for reformation, 46. Hauterive, citizen, 370. Hawkins, Micajah, 399. Hay, 260, 271, 323, 338, 362. Haymarket Theatre, Boston, 377. Hayt, Lewis, 365. Hazard, sloop, 365. Heads of families, 25. Heart and Crown, Cornhill, 81, 86, 88, 92, 97, 98, 106, 111, 112, 113, 116, 126, 127, 130, 167, 220, 402, 405, 411, 445; device, 187, 211. Heath, William, 310; proclamation, 296. Heathcoate, R., alias Tully, 446. Heavenly Union, 442. Heaving Anchor, 417. Hebrew grammar, Monis, 92. Helmet, hat and, 160. Hemmenway, Elias, 427. Hemmenway, Enoch, 427. Hemp, encouragement, 41; surveyor’s certificate, 97. Henchman, Daniel, 78; against Cox, 90; circular letter, 96. Henderson, Hugh, 96. Henley, David, 288. 466 INDEX. Henshaw, Samuel, 337. Herald of Freedom, 349. Herb bill, 351. Here’s a choice Pennyworth of Wit, 421. Hermit, 331, 338, 344, 422; Gold- smith’s, 419. Hero of the Wabash, 404. Hertfordshire, 420. Hicks, Mills and, 228, 231, 246. Higginson, Nathaniel, 44. Highland Mary, 403. Highways, act on, 383. Hill, captain, 265. Hill, John, 49. Hill, Samuel, 37 3. Hill, Wills, Earl of Hillsborough, Bernard’s letters, 200. Hiller, Joseph, 384. Hillsborough, Earl of, see Wills Hill. Hilton, William, 50. Hinckley, Joseph, 90. Plinckley, Mary, 90. Hingham, 45. Hirst, Elizabeth (Sewall), 74. Hirst, Grove, 74. Hoar, David, 343. Hobart, Nehemiah, on Sewall, 50. Hobbies, the, 450. Hodgdon, Alexander, 342, 350, 354, 359. Hodges, Richard, 189. Holland, invasion from, 19; treaty with Great Britain, 148. Hollowell, Abial, 221. Hollowell, Benjamin, 221. Holman, Desire, 232. Holman, Polly, 414. Holt, Daniel, 389. Holt, John, 238. Home Industry, 422. Home, Sweet Home, 398. Ho-na-ya-wus, 380. Hooker, George, 434. Hooker, Thomas, Bulkley’s ‘Lamen- tation,’ 3; Cotton on, 4; Corlet on, 29. Hooper, Robert, 264. Hoops, assize of, 172. Hopkins, Daniel, 260. Hopkins, Edward, deed, 122. Hopkins, Joseph, 422. Hopkinson, Francis, Battle of the Kegs, 422. Hornet and Peacock, 422. Horrid Murder, 422. Horses, 311. Horse-racing, 11. Hospital, American, 262, 263, 291. Houses, return of, 394. Howard, Simeon, 391. Howe, Abraham, 305. Howe, John, 250. Howe, Richard, earl, 270. Howe, Sir William, 246, 251; versified proclamation, 252. Howland, Robert, 131. Hubbard, John, letter of courtship, 83. Hubbard, Thomas, 163, 222. Hubbardstown, 386. Hudson, Seth, 172. Huggins, William, 324. Hull, Isaac, 406, 440. Hull, John, 30. Hull, Judith (Quincy), 30. Hull, William, surrender, 422, 437. Hulton, Henry, 189; assault on, 207. Humane Society of Massachusetts, 346, 349. Humble Wish, 443. Humiliation, Day of, see Fast Day. Hunt, J. G. & N., 398, 443. Hunter, Richard, 200. Hunters of Kentucky, 423, 425. Hunting the Hare, 423. Huntingdon, Countess of, see Selina Hastings. Hunts and Shaw, 434. Hurd, Nathaniel, 172; caricatura, 181; candles, 208; commission, 220. Husbandry, improvement of, 334. Huston, John, 195. Hutchinson, Edward, 102. Hutchinson, Elisha, 11, 51, 233. Hutchinson, Elizabeth, elegy, 51. Hutchinson, Thomas, proposals, 91; bills of credit, 96. Hutchinson, Thomas, 201, 206, 219, 233; proclamation, 165; letters, 192, 227; speech to court, 229; addresses to, 233; removal of, 237. Huyman, James, 333, 336. Hymn to charity, 370; on baptism, 423. I AM a very little man, 393, 409. I won’t be a nun, 400. I’d rather be excus’d, 450. Immigrant Society, Boston, 374. Immoralities, declaration against, 38, 58, 61, 79, 153, 168, 214, 240. Imports, and non-, agreement not to purchase, 192; threat to punish insult, 199; petition, 200; Boston merchants’ letter, 203. Impost, continental, 326, 358; and excise articles, 337. INDEX. 467 Impressment, of men, 27; Kennebec, 68 . Independence of the United States, 423. Independent Advertiser, 187. Independent Chronicle, supplement, 360; carrier’s address, 381, 385, 390, 396. Independent Ledger, 334, 335. Indian Chief, 403, 423. Indian Chief spiritualized, 407. Indians, covenanting confession, 5, 8; order on swine, 8; confinement, 9; buying and keeping, 1 1 ; redemption of captives, 11; sale of arms, 14; prosecuting, 31; Eastern, 38, 68, 73, 74, 114; prices of goods for, 38; illegal trade, 42, 53, 178; enemy and rebels, 42; expedition against, 46, 49; pagan, 68; treaty, 73, 74; Cape Sable and St. John’s, 112; Canada, 114, 115; Penobscot, 124; murder, 125, 133, 191; land titles, 134; enemy, 142; encouragement to kill, 142; invest Fort William Henry, 151; cessation of hostilities, 179; gospel among, 340, 347, 355, 360, 373; massacre, 437; Dartmouth College, 448. Indulgence, papal, 121. Industry, economy, etc., 194. Inferior Blacksmith, 413. Influence, foreign, 386. Informer, tarring and feathering, 201. Inniskean, Ireland, 356. Inoculation for smallpox lawful, 67; lines to patient, 362. Inspection, merchants’ committee of, 208. Insurance, marine, 102; policy, 113, 280, 360, 387; Dowse, 129; Price, 164; Savage, 177, 179; Barber, 200; Massachusetts, 387; Taylor, 395. Interest, money at, 363. Invitation, the, 430. Invitation to sinners, 296; to reforma- tion, 423. Ipswich, 68, 69, 237, 266, 322, 373, 375; price act, 285; convention, 302; hay weight, 362. Ireland, 249, 384; trade with London, 242. Irish Rambler, 423. Irish Robber, 424, 433. Irish Society, charitable, Boston, 181. Irishman’s Complaint, 423. Ivers, Thomas, 326, 327, 329, 333, 337; death, 341. JaCK the Piper, 127. Jack’s Delight his lovely Nan, 393, 409. Jackson, Andrew, 450. Jackson, Henry, 372. Jackson, J., 394. Jackson, William, 206. Jamaica, colonizing from New Eng- land, 4. James I, 382, 397. James II, 17. James, captain, 392. Jarves, Peter, 343, 386, 393. Java, Constitution and, 440. Jay, John, treaty, 378, 380, 381. Jeffrey, negro, 113. Jeffries, David, 175. Jeffries, George, petition, 20. Jemmy and Nancy, 424. Jepson, William, 212. Jersey, 39. Jerusalem, view of, 361. Jobson, Timothy, 85. Jockey to the Fair, 416. John, alias Jones, 183. John Anderson, my Joe, 431. Johnny and Peggy, 424. Johnny and Sally, 415. Johnny Bull’s big Guns, 424. Johnson, Marmaduke, 7. Johnson, Thomas, map, 134. Johnston, P., 389. Johnston, Thomas, engravings, 166, 183. Johnstone, George, 238. Jolly Orange Woman, 315. Jolly sailor. 400, 424. Jonathan to Jemina, 424. Jonathan’s Courtship, 424. Jones, Daniel, 160. Jones, Isaac, 246. Jones, John, alias, 183. Jones, John Paul, 285; victory, 402, 414, 440. Jones, Matthew, 16. Joseph’s making himself known, 377, 384, 424. Joy, George, Innocency’s complaint, 10. Joyce, Jem., 239. Judges, salaries of, 218. Judgment, decree of, 66; affirmation of, 202; anthem, 424. Jug of Rum, 425. Julian, execution of, 88. Junius, plan of address, 206. Jurors, disqualified, 339, 341. Jury, selection, 29; grand, 138; lists. 208. 4 68 INDEX. Justice of peace, commission, 100, 109, 156, 166, 169, 170, 252; com- mon pleas, 179. KaST, Philip Godfrey, 239. Kate and her Homs, 425. Keith, J., 295. Kemble, , captain, 201. Kendall, John, 403. Kendall, Polly, 403. Kennebeck river, 130, 430; Indians, 68; proprietors, 132, 134, 136, 145, 148, 168, 175, 361; deed, 178, 382. Kennedy, John, 309. Kentucky, 385, 423. Kentucky Huntsmen, 425. Keyes, Danforth, 290. Kidd, Robert, 413. Kilby Street, 395. Killingworth, 217. Kimball, Paul, 232. King and Countryman, 425. King Street, Boston, 124, 129, 132, 179, 180, 191, 204, 212, 217; Salem, 239. King’s chapel, 218. King’s province, see Narragansett. Kings and Queens, table of, 188. Kingsley, Nathaniel, 326. Kingston, 416. Kiss that he gave me, 393, 409. Kitty’s Arguments on Busks, 408. Kneeland, John, 187, 244. Kneeland, Samuel, 63, 87, 96, 98, 116, 126, 129, 132, 153. Knowledge the Soul of Freedom, 425. Knox, Henry, 385, 386. Knox, Peter, 101. L., E., 440. Labor, prices, 301. La Bourlie, Abbe de (Marquis de Guiscard), 50. Lading, bill of, 15. Lady Washington, see Martha Wash- ington. Lady’s Looking Glass, 425. Lake, , 148. Lake Champlain, 402; victory, 419. Lake Erie, battle of, 424, 447. Lake George, 139, 151. Lake Iroquois, 147. Lambert, John, 38. Lamentation on disorders, 104; on prevailing sickness, 425. Lancaster, tax notice, 317; lottery, 326. Land bank, 99, 102, 103; writ, 108; warrant of distress, 152; unpaid assessment, 175. Land-Lubbers, the, 426. Land of Sweet Erin, 426. Lands, unimproved, 15; bills on secu- rity of, 52; for soldiers, 146; com- monwealth, 326; grants of, 329. Lansingburgh, New York, 244. Larre O’Brian, 446. Lass of St. Osythe, the, 408. Lass of the Mill, 412. Last Words of Polly Gould, 426. Late Advices from London, 253. Lathan, Dr., 244. Lathrop, John, 391. Launch, the, 426, 427. Lavender Girl, the, 449. Lawrence, Charles, proclamation, 163. Lawrence, James, elegy, 404, 413, 440. Lawrence-jury, 160. Laws, capital, 3; several, 13; disal- lowed, 31, 32; confirmed, 35; re- versing Burrough’s attainder, 52. Lawyer outwitted, 427. Lawyers and bull-frogs, 399. Lawyer’s pedigree, 141. Lawyers promotion, 427. Lead, town stocks, 272. Learned, Ebenezer, 302. Learned, Paul, 148. Ldarned Pig, 427. Learoyd, John, 433. Leavit, Dudley, 113. Ledyke, Benjamin, 125. Lee, Arthur, 196, 270. Lee, Charles, 253. Lee, Richard, 353. Leertonwer, D., 333, 336. Leeward Islands, embargo on ships, 41. Legacy, the, 398, 427. Legge, William, Earl of Dartmouth, 233. Le Mercier, Andrew, 98. Leominster, 395. Leonard, Mrs., 217. Leonard, Mrs., Thankful, 222. Leonard, Thomas, elegy, 51. Lestock, , 107. Letter, ship’s bag, 39; on management of measles, 52; from one in the country, 78; from one in Boston, 78; of attorney, 95. Letters, of administration, 35; for army, 280; from officers of army, 283. Lewis, Thomas, 264. Lex et Libertas, 82. INDEX. 469 Lexington, battle of, 246, 247, 256. Libertanus, 420. Liberty, property, and no excise, 181; stump, Boston, 308, 323, 327, 357, 364, 368, 409; pole, 331, 334, 338, 343, 344, 351, 370, 373, 376, 377, 426; free, 409. Liberty and Peace, 427. Licenses, liquor, 201, 215, 230, 259; coasting, 352; ship’s, 360. Lighthouse tragedy, 62. Light-infantry, service in Rhode Island, 286; New England, 303. Lightly, Joseph, 181. Lincoln, Benjamin, 302, 342; letter on Bennington, 285. Lincoln county, Maine, 331, 332, 335, 338. Lindall, Timothy, 180. Line of towns, 94. Linen, 271. Lingan, T., 366. Linsey, William, 206. Little, Fobes, 131. Little-Compton Scourge, 66. Lively, 247. Liverpool, Nova Scotia, 266. Loan, act of council, 21; blank, 104; to Massachusetts, 304. Lodi, battle of, 384. London, 238, 442; instructions to rep- resentatives, 55; prentice, 121; de- fence of Lord Mayor, 217; trade with Ireland, 242, with New Eng- land, 242; address to King, 245. London Book Store, Boston, 191. London Evening Post, 249. London Lawyer’s Son, 434. Longfellow, Stephen, 212. Longfellow, Stephen, Jr., 335. Long-lane, Boston, 94. Long Meadow, Springfield, 75, 139. Loony Mactwolter, 418. Lord, Nathaniel, 428. Lord’s day, observance, 34, 257; pun- ished for breaking, 45. Lords, House of, address to king, 55. Lords Justices, peace with Genoa, 121. Loring, Caleb, 90. Loring, Manning and, 385. Loss of the Ship Albion, 428. Loss of the Ship Beverly, 428. Lottery, Massachusetts government, 112, 157, 298, 354; Germantown, 148; Faneuil Hall, 181; tickets, 299; Lancaster, 326; mill, 327; land, 337; Harvard college, 353, 370; Wash- ington hotel, 366. Loudoun, Earl of, see John Campbell. I Louis XVT, tragedy, 368. Louisburg, expedition against, 114; establishment, 115; capture of , 116; deserting sailors, 118; list of officers and soldiers, 183. Louisiana, 352. Love, Christopher, predictions, 160. Love in a Tub, 353, 428. Love’s Garland, 403, 449. Lover’s Garland, 449. Lover’s Lamentation, 428. Lovewell, John, 73. Low’s almanac, 389. Lowater, Stephen, 266. Lowell, John, 300. Loyalists, estates, 274; return for- bidden, 298; information against, 315. Lunt, Ezra, 305. Lyman, Joseph, 337. Lynde, Benjamin, 133. Lynn, Newhall’s tavern, 330. Lyon, James, 353. McALPINE, William, 181, 231. M’Call, George, 264. M’Clelin, Daniel, 228. McDonough, Thomas, 419. Macedonian, United States and, 447. Machias, 353. Mackey, William, 235. McKim, Sergeant, 432. Mack Coy, death of Miss, 436. Madison, James, 431. Magpie, the, 441. Maid of Boston, 445. Maid of Lodi, 418. Maiden’s Lamentation, 429. Maine, province, proclamation, 14; lands, 344; address to inhabitants, 357; representation, 378. Main Street, Salem, 246, 253, 256, 265, 266, 268, 270, 271, 280. Major’s only son, 429. Malcolm, John, 239. Malden, letter in pulpit, 164. Mallet du Pan, Jacques, 395. Manners, William, 402. Manners, encouragement, 332. Manning and Loring, 385. Mansfield, John, 324. Manufactory Scheme, 102, 104; war- rant of distress, 152; for employ- ment of poor, 193. Map, Massachusetts, 371. Marblehead, 221, 245, 247, 270, 280, 299; brief for, 206; disturbances at, 243; price act, 285. 470 INDEX. March, A., 388. Marine Society, Boston, 137. Marines, regulation, 42; return, 260. Marion, John, 69. Marion, Joseph, 76. Mark and Phyllis, 139. Market Square, 422. Markets, Boston, 64, 86. Marlborough, 207, 413. Marlborough Street, Boston, 113, 158, 171, 209, 231, 339. Marque and reprisal, letters of, 100. Marriage, solemnization of, 17; in- tention, 75. Married Woman’s Lamentation, 431. Mars, inventory, 309. Marseilles, 328. Marsh, Jonathan, 44. Marshall Street, 442. Marshall’s-Lane, 244. Marshfield, 28. Marston, Benjamin, 264. Martha’s Vineyard, 230, 378. Martin, A., 381. Martin, Josiah, 270. Martinico, 327. Mary and Martha, 364. Massachusetts-Bay, act for better government, 238, 249. Massachusetts, colony, and province, capital laws, 3; judgment against, 17; president and council, 17; courts, 30; governor’s salary, 77; list of polls, 91 ; northern boundary, 103; government lottery, 112, 157; instructions for transports, 116; choice of representatives, 121, 288; arms and accoutrements, 149, 257; association on imports, 192; letter to Rockingham, 194. Massachusetts, council, representa- tives, 20; election, 31, 36, 46; decla- ration, 1715, 57; case stated, 57; muster-rolls, 65 ; proclamations, 149, 150, 151; commission, 152; pay warrant, 152; ordination of minis- ters, 160; publication of orders, 175. Massachusetts, General Court, orders, 1674, 9; reply to Dudley, 18; laws continued, 21; acts disallowed, 31, 32; addresses to Bellomont, 33, 34; acts confirmed, 35; supply of treas- ury, 69; law on French residents, 80; North Yarmouth, 91; attendance of members, 120; Cambridge, 133; precept to elect, 138, 147, 166, 169, 278; removal of Hutchinson, 237; advice to representatives, 274; ad- dress to army, 276; Concord, 363. Massachusetts, House of Represen- tatives, reply to Bellomont, 34; reply to Dudley, 37; extract from journals, 79; bills of credit, 95, 96; taxation and rights, 183; Bernard and, 186, 206; resolve on industry, 194; votes, 219; sympathy for Bos- ton, 239. Massachusetts, provincial congress, 241; on Boston port bill, 241; Gage on, 241; address to ministers, 242, 303; census of inhabitants, 242, 277, 278, 296; address of Monitor, 243; seal taken, 251; establishment, 255; on Gage, 256; removal of goods, 257; pass for member, 262; form of government, 270; constitution, 275, 286, 288, 299, 303, 313, 374; price act, 285, 290; address, 286; defence, 288; continental army, 297, 303, 305, 311, 318, 320; law on loyalists, 298; oath of fidelity, 298; loans to state, 304; rateable property, 310, 329; classes, 317; land grants, 329; navigation and commerce, 332, 336; fraudulent securities, 332; land lot- tery, 337; governor’s salary, 338, 340; rebellion, 339, 340; representa- tives in Congress, 346, 350, 363, 367, 371, 383; lottery, 354; districting, 371, 374, 382; map, 371; slavery in, 373; courts, 374; elections, 374, 386; notes, 1780, 378; presidential elec- tors, 378; justice, 382; board to assess, 387; lands and houses, 394. Massachusetts, superior court, at- tacked, 207. Massachusetts Bank, 329. Massachusetts Calendar, 219. Massachusetts Charitable Society, rules and articles, 321. Massachusetts Charitable Fire So- ciety, 375, 387. Massachusetts Fire Insurance Co., 387. Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter, receipt, 194, 218; carrier’s address, 197, 202, 211, 233, 245, 268. Massachusetts Historical Society, American Apollo, 357, 361; circular letter, 360, 372; notice of meeting, 367, 379; carrier’s address, 379; printing collections, 384. Massachusetts Magazine, 347; car- rier’s address, 365, 373. Massachusetts Medical Society, 317. Massachusetts Mercury, 382, 389; carrier’s address, 381. INDEX. 47 1 Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co., 387. Massachusetts Song of Liberty, 196; new, 208. Massachusetts Spy, 327; carrier’s ad- dress, 223; in Boston, 322. Massie, Joseph, accounts and letters, 242. Masts, cutting, 90. Masury, Esther, 232. Mather, Cotton, 29; society for negroes, 29, 53; Dighton rock, 53; speech to Shute, 60; Flying-Post, 63; grenade incident, 67; print, 76. Mather, Increase, 30; smallpox, 67. Mather, Maria (Cotton), 52. Mather, Samuel, Country treat, 80. Matrimony, 430. Matthews, Albert, 22, 53, 239. May, Ephraim, 385. Mayhew, Jonathan, lines on spouse, 184; Winthrop on, 188; notice of, 199. Measles, rule, 12; letter on manage- ment, 52. Medals, 352. Medford, 397; press, 215. Mediterranean Sea, 67. Medway, 260. Mein, John, prospectus of Boston Chronicle, 191; acrostic on, 203. Mein & Fleeming, 188, 193; specimen types, 194. Memorable year 1759, 163. Mendon, 113; meeting, 279. Merchants’ Row, 422. Mercury, transit of, 136. Mercury , snow, 201. Merrimack River, 372; Sewall’s verses, 68; line of towns, 94. Merritt, Leonard, 413. Mersereau, Joshua, 300. Metcalf, Sally, 418. Metcalfe, Deborah, 193. Miami Village, battle of, 358. Microcosm, 145. Middle Street, Boston, 137. Middleborough, 295. Middlebury, Vt., 403, 429. Middlesex canal, 387, 388, 394. Middlesex county, 234. Mighill, Nathanael, 260. Milford, 382. Military Countryman, 314. Militia, penalty for non-appearance, 10; two acts, 21; regulation act, 36, 101, 112; arms and ammunition, 118; assembling, 137; order to raise, 163; number, 255; temporary reinforce- ment, 271; orders, 337, 354, 359, Militia — continued. 372, 375, 379, 383, 387, 394; resig- nation, 383. Milk Street, Boston, 187, 193, 205, 228, 236, 244, 294, 380, 393, 398, 402 , 408, 409, 414, 418, 433 , 434, 438, 443, 447, 450. Mill bridge, Boston, 141, 225, 244. Mill-lottery, 327. Miller, John, 38. Miller, The, 407. Miller and the Maid, 430. Mills & Hicks, 228, 231, 246. Milton, 70, 73, 234. Miniatures, 352. Ministers, address to Bellomont, 33; to Dudley, 37; support of, 73, 122; disorders at ordination, 160; relief of widows and orphans, 191; ad- dress to, 242, 303; congregational recommendation, 355; address, 391. Minns, Young and, see Young and Minns. Minot, John, 7. Minot, Lydia, 7. Minute Gun at Sea, 428. Minute-Men, 257. Mirror for a printer, 243. Miser, the, or the Soldier’s Humor, 193. Miser’s Daughter, 430. Mitch el, Jonathan, on Wilson, 7; Bulkley on, 7. Mode, Magnus, 189. Modem Veni, 264. Mohawks, Brill on, 20. Molasses, affidavit, 181; for army, 287. Moll Row, 404. Money at interest, 363. Monis, Judah, proposals, 92. Monitor, 243. Monopoly and oppression, see prices act. Monsieur Ragoo, 125. Montgomery, Richard, 416; song on, 281. Monthly Mercury, 31. Monticello, 444. Montreal, fire, 195. Montresor, James Gabriel, 246. Moore, W., 216. Moorhead, Thomas, 444. Moors, Larkin, 414. Morgiana, 398. Morning Star, Newburyport, 373. Morrill, James, 347. Morris, Dr., 264. Morse, Jedediah, 391. Morse, Joshua, 430. 47 2 INDEX. Morton, Nathaniel, ‘New England’s Memoriall,’ 4, 6, 7. Morton, Perez, 372. Morton, Mrs. Perez, Reanimation, 360. Mount Desert, river, 332. Mournful Tragedy of Rosanna, 430. Mugford, James, 270. Mulberry Tree, 419. Munro, N. W., 413. Murphy, Mrs., 236. Murray, John, Earl of Dunmore, 270. Murray, rev. John, elegy on, 367. Muster-masters, 24. Muster-rolls, 47, 54, 65, 69, 71, 119, 120, 123, 125, 134, 152, 156, 163, 174, 262. Musters, commissary of, commission, 152; masters, 277, 312. Mutiny on ship George, 151. My Dog and Gun, 393, 430. My old Horse, 398, 424. My Soldier Laddie, 418. My son, fear thou the Lord, 53, 362. Mycall, John, 291, 328, 330, 337, 348, 353, 358, 388; the Temple, 322. N„ N., 22. Nancrede, Paul Joseph Guerard de, 355, 395. Nancy Dawson, 434. Nantucket, 268, 355; directions to North East Point, 344. Napier, R., 271. Naples, earthquake, 30. Narragansett county, 9, 11, 17; com- missioners, 15; court, 18; declara- tion of claim, 45; grant to soldiers, 75; township, No. 5, 99. Narrator, 323. Nash, Joseph, elegies, 76, 77. Naushon Island, 353. Naval office, clearance papers, 28; established, 277. Navigation and commerce, act, 332, 336. Negroes, Society of, 29, 53; trading for, 41; fires, 70. Nelson, Horatio, Viscount, 388; Battle of the Nile, 428. Nennemesset Island, 353. Netherlands, cessation of hostilities, 121 . Neufville, John de, 333, 336. Neutrality, in America, 55, 60, 80; proclamation, 369. New Bedford, 365, 389. New Canaan, Conn., 294. New City, the, 430. New England, court faction, 10; ad- dress to Prince of Orange, 19; revo- lution, 20; Chronology, 77; address to, 233; trade with Ireland, 242; map, 333; immigrants, 374. New England Diary, 71. New England Lasses, 431. New England primer, 221. New-Fane, 283. New Hampshire, 97, 114, 344, 398; bills, of hand, 94; Canada expedi- tion, 119; Wentworth’s message, 134; grants, 329; Belknap’s History, 351. New Haven, 220. New Liberty Song, 264. New Orleans, battle of, 399, 423. New plantations, 257. New Plymouth, Kennebeck purchase, 134, 135, 136, 148, 168, 175, 361. New song, 431; address’d to Sons of Liberty, 196; James Madison by Joe, 431. New th — Song, 167. New Tid-re-i, 431. New Touch on the Times, 299. New Yankee Doodle, 431. New Years Wish, 1764, 179; 1765, 183; 1766, 188; address, 192, 198; gift for children, 432. New York, 238, 295, 328; troops in, 275; dispute with Vermont, 329; Newfoundland to, 355; tornado, 364, New York Gazetteers, 253. New York Gazette, 205. Newbury, 280; gaol rescue, 72; fire society, 171; price act, 291. Newbury Street, Boston, 157, 158, 160, 250, 343, 347, 348, 378, 382. Newburyport, 210, 237, 269, 291, 322, 328, 330, 337, 348, 354, 356, 358, 367, 368, 372, 373, 382, 401, 405, 406, 421, 424, 429, 434, 441, 444, 448; rescueof schooner, 184;articles, 191; marine society, 220; on state constitution, 299; fire- wood and bark, 326; parish tax, 354; Plummer to inhabitants, 364; malignant fever, 379; union society, 384; royal chap- ter, 387; fire, 435. Newburyport Herald, 388; carrier’s address, 390, 396. Newcomb, Thomas, 16; executrix of, 30, 40. Newell, Thomas, 228, 229, 233, 240. Newfoundland, fisheries, 250; sailing directions, 355. INDEX. 473 Newhall’s tavern, Lynn, 330. Newland, Jeremiah, on earthquakes, 144. Newman, Samuel, 360. Newport, Rhode Island, 67, 180; Polly, 182. Newton, Samuel, 337. Newtown, 372. Niagara, bloody battle near, 400. Niantic, 11. Nichols, Charles Lemuel, 390. Nichols, Jonathan, 392. Nicholson, Francis, 46, 51. Nickerson, Ansell, 230. Nicolls, Richard, 6. Nile, battle of the, 428. Nixon, John, 302. Noble Lads of Canada, 432. Nobles, John, predictions, 367. Nobletown, relief of, 191. Noodogawwerret, murder of, 185. Norman, John, 333, 351, 355. Norridgewock, return of forces, 41; victory over Indians, 72; enemy Indians, 142; murdered Indians, 185. North, Frederick, Lord, speech, 296. North, John, 125, 130. North America, liberties, 244. Northampton, 77; disturbances at, 336. North River, defence, 297. North Yarmouth, 97; report on, 91. Norton, Benjamin, 67. Norton, John, on Cotton, 4; elegie on, 6 . Norwalk, Conn., 294. Nottingham, earl of, see Finch. Nottingham, England, rendezvous, 20 . Nourse, Adams and, see Adams. Nova Scotia, expedition against, 24; trade with, 42, 247; vacated lands, 163; inhabitants and West Indies, 179. Noyes, Nicholas, 44; on Mrs. Gerrish, 47; J. Green, 58. Nurse, John, 245. Oakham, 386. Oath, freeman’s, 3; allegiance, 12, 29, 34, 90, 97, 101, 103, 108, 123, 131, 136, 143, 147, 155, 179; ship master, 104, 144; to Massachusetts, 298; town officers, 339. O’Brian, Darby, 139. Observations, meteorological, 350. Observer, extra, 333. Occasional Ode, 1786, 337. Occasional Salem Gazette, 280. Occum, Samson, 220. Ode, 1792, 364; 1794, 372; on content- ment, 412; comet, 432; 4th July, 432. Odell, Thomas, 39, 54. Officers, rank of American, 154; non- commissioned, 276, 304. Offset for the Chesapeake, 432. Ogle, Sir Chaloner, 107. Ohio Company, 343. Old Bachelor’s Last Prayer, 432. Old Bachelor’s Life, 432. Old Commodore, 432. Old Ironsides, 417. Old Maid’s Last Prayer, 432. Old Soldier, 266. Old South Meeting-house, 228. Old Towler, 432. Oliver, Andrew, 183; letters, 192. Oliver, Peter, impeached, 242. On Deceit and Falsehood, 412. On the Death of a Favorite Cat, 433. On the Emigration to America, 433. On the various Sects of Religion, 433. Oppression, a poem, 292. Order of performance, 384. Ordination of mini sters, 160. Ome, Azel, 243. Ormsby, John, 92. Orphan Boy, 433. Orphan Boy’s Tale, 393, 409. Orrery Press, 381. Osgood, John, 327. Our Polly is a sad slut, 139. Oxford, earl of, see Russell. Oxford, church convention, 365; comedy, 400. P., J., 69. Paddock, Mercy, 76. Paddy O’Blany, 401. Paddy’s Seven Ages, 439. Paine, Thomas, death of General Wolfe, 158; American crisis, 280; Rights of Man, 444. Paine, Thomas [i.e., Robert Treat], ode, 370; Adams and liberty, 387, 388. Paine, Timothy, 333. Palmer, Joseph, & Co., 208. Palmer, Thomas, 43. Paper, tobacconist, 112; waste, 116; stamp duty, 141, 387. Paper Money, 433. Papers, profane and seditious, 96. Paquoag, bond, 91. Parable of the one Talent, 433. 474 INDEX. Parchment, stamp duty, 141. Paris, riot, 373. Park, Robert, 200. Parker, Mary, 332. Parker, William, 441. Parker, , 428. Parody parodized, 196; on proclama- tion, 237. Parole, prisoners of war, 269. Passport, 389. Pat’s Observations on Harrison’s Victory, 434. Paterson, John, 302. Pathetick Effusion, 433. Patrick O’Neal, 433. Paul, Moses, 220. Paul’s Lamentation, 404. Paxton, Charles, 189. Pay warrant, council, 152; weekly, of troops, 157; American officers, 161; governor, 166; governor and council, 176. Peace, 1783, 323, 324, 327. Peace and Liberty, 433. Peace, Peace, 434. Peace on Honorable Terms to Amer- ica, 434. Peacock, Hornet and, 422, 440. Peas, , captain, contribution for, 23. Peck, Abiezer, on the valiant general, 148. Pedagogue’s Complaint, 393. Pedigree, lawyer’s, 141. Pedrick, John, 264. Peggy Band, 434. Peirce, Joseph, 231. Pelham, Peter, receipt, 76. Pelham’s library, 379. Peltry, prices of, 38. Pemaquid, fort, 125. Pemberton, Ebenezer, epitaph, 59. Pembroke, 88. Penn, John, 270. Pennicook, Indians, 38. Pennsylvania, tobacconist paper, 122; description of, 444. Pennyworth of Wit, 421, 422. Penobscot River, Indians, 73, 124, 131, 143; lands, 88. Pensioners, invalid, 394. Pepperell, William, taking of Louis- burg, 116. Pepperrell, 287. Perjur’d Female Lover, 434. Perkins, Thomas, 394. Pern', Michael, 34. Pern 1 , Oliver Hazard, 402; victory, 434, 447. Persons, single, disposition of, 7; knowledge of, 10. Petersham, 386. Peterson, Erasmus, 38. Philadelphia, 238, 267, 339; tornado, 364. Philander and Rosabella, 434. Phillips, Henry, 75. Phillips, J., 80. Phillips, Samuel, 20, 22, 37, 41. Phillips, Samuel, Jr., 260. Phillips, , 118. Phillips, Draper and, 285. Philoleutheros Americanus, 280. Philomathes, 306, 314. Philopatriae, 121. Phipps, Spencer, 96, 115, 124, 125, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 151, 152. Phipps, Sir William, 24. Phyllis, Mark and, 139. Pickering, Timothy, Jr., 160, 442; letter, 389. Pidgin, parson, 436. Pierce, Richard, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25. Pierce, William, almanac, 3. Piety, encouraged, 61, 79, 153, 168, 214, 240, 332. Pigeon, David, muster-roll, 54. Pigwocket, 73. Pilling, James Constantine, 5, 8. Pilotage, act, 326. Pinckney, Thomas, 413. Pine trees, masts, 90. Pirates, 17, 32, 39, 60, 67; defence against, 27; speeches of six, 38; offer of mercy, 61 ; proclamation, 80. Pitcher, Nathaniel, words of consola- tion, 61. Pitkin, Rev. , 222. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 243. Pittman, John, 74. Plague, Mediterranean, 67; treatise on, 389. Plain and serious address, 121. Plantations, unincorporated, 273, 288. Plato’s Advice, 448. Platteburg, 422. Plattsburg, battle of, 399; siege of, 399. Ploughboy’s Dream, 434. Ploughman turned Sailor, 410. Plummer, Jonathan, Jr., 369; address to Miss Wigglesworth, 364; to in- habitants of Newburyport, 364, 368; declaration of war, 364; elegy on Murray, 367; dying confession of Pomp, 375; malignant fever, 379; INDEX. 475 Plummer, Jonathan — continued. death of Tamar Ham, 434; elegiac ode on Hooker, 434; on three per- sons, 435; death of Dexter, 435; fire at Newburyport, 435; hints to Elder Pottle, 435; will of Dexter, 435; looking glass for lovers of drink, 435; melancholy situation, 435; death of Miss Mack Coy, 436; Parson Pidgin, 436; alarm to the unconverted, 437; second ode (Dr. Dana), 437 ; sermon for seamen, 437 ; men blown up at Portsmouth, 437; solemn call, 437 ; Bloody News, 437. Plunder, bill of sale, 309. Plymouth, address to king, 25; sudden deaths, 46; proprietors, 125, 130; directions for sailing in harbor, 194, 331. Plympton, 90. Poem, 437. Poetical Essay on Happiness, 437. Poetical Lines, 437. Poll’s Answer, 417. Poor Jack, 417. Poor Old Robinson Crusoe, 437. Poor Richard, 403. Poor Tom, 393. Polls, assessment, 28; list, 91, 167, 363. Polly , sloop, 182, 186. Pomp, dying confession, 375. Pope, John, 368. Pope-night, 198; description of, 203. Porrington, captain, 435. Portland, Maine, 338. Portledge bills, 47, 147, 243, 292, 322, 330. Port Reservay, 133. Port Royal, 47 ; garrison, 26. Portsmouth, N. H., 90, 221, 249, 327, 441; men blown up, 437. Post, Elizabeth, 181. Post-Boy & Advertiser, carrier’s ad- dress, 171, 174. Post Captain, 437, 443. Post Office, notice of letters, 280; Boston, 376. Potter, Cuthbert, 22. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 295. Pound of Tow, 437. Povey, Thomas, 39. Powars, Edward-Eveleth, 338, 339. Powars and Willis, 269, 283, 284, 285, 295. Powder, town stocks, 257, 258, 272; defective, 289. Pownall, Thomas, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166; on weekly pay of troops, 157. Praise of Women, 440. Prayer Book, royal names in, 75, 174. Prayer, day of, see fast day. Predictions for the year 1783, 327. ’Prentice Boy, 438. ‘Present state of the New-English affairs,’ 1689, 22. Pretty Sally’s Garland, 415. Prevost, George, 399. Price, Ezekiel, insurance, 164. Price, , 438. Prices, Indian goods, 38; act, Boston, 283, 284, 300, 301; Ipswich, 285; Marblehead, 285; Salem, 285, 292, 306; Massachusetts, 285, 290; New- bury, 291; Wenham, 293; Concord convention, 301; monthly average, 311. Primrose Hill, 438. Prince, Thomas, circular letter, 77. Prince, Thomas, Jr., Christian His- tory, 110. Prince, Thomas, church at Barring- ton, 198. Princeton, Mass., 366, 386. Princeton, battle of, 285. Prisoners of war, parole, 269; in Mass- achusetts, 285; advertisement, 299; apprehension of escaped, 300. Privateers, 269, 280; encouragement of, 36; equipping, 100; instructions, 274; bond, 295, 308. Prizes, bill of sale, 309. Probate Court, guardian, 101. Proclamation, a, 243. Profaneness, declaration against, 38, 58, 61, 79, 153, 168, 214, 240. Profiles, 352. Projectors, the, 380, 438. Proposals offered to consideration, 91. Prosecutions, costs in criminal, 363. Prospect Hill, camp on, 264, 266. Providence, 177, 244, 284, 294; church in, 68. Provisions, 263; receipt, 130, 144, 342; embargo on export, 143, 145, 146, 151, 257; to French, 149, 173; con- vention troops, 296. ‘Publick Occurrences,’ 25. Pudding Lane, 78. Purinton, James, 422. Push along, 438. Putnam, Archelaus, 244. QUAKERS, declaration of General Court, 5. Quarantine, on vessels from France, 67. 47 6 INDEX. Quartering troops in towns, 155, 342. Quebec, bill, Chatham on, 243; ex- ports to, 247; storming of, 281. Queen Street, 92, 96, 145, 148, 209, 210, 215, 224, 238, 253, 269, 280. Queenstown, battle of, 399. Quelch, John, 38, 39. Quincy, Edmund, 30. Quincy, Judith, 30. Rainbow , 403 . Rake’s Ramble, 438. Randolph, Edward, 19. Ranger, 285. Rank of American officers, 154, 161. Ranordine, 439. Rare Sights, 439. Rates, levy, 1676, 10; 1689, 21, 22; 1690, 23, 25; 1691, 26, 27. Rea, -, 376. Read, Mary, 199. Real freethinker, 215. Recantations of tories, 264. Receipt, provisions, 47. Receiver general, 261. Recognizance, 54. Recruits, service, 261, 310. Reed, Joseph, 306. Reed, Richard, 264. Reformed Rake, 439. Rehoboth, 199. Reindeer, 402. Reiner, John, Lamentations on, 9. ReintzeU, D., 366. Remarkable Dream, 415, 439. Remonstrance of Almasa, 439. Rescinders, 199. Return of regiment, 262, 291, 319; troops, 279; sick and woimded, 291. Revere, Paul, 391. Rhode Island, 199; troops for, 286, 290; secret expedition, 289; British attacks, 297. Rhodes, William, 194. Rich, Elisha, Bunker Hill, 265; Boston Light-House, 265; distresses of Boston, 280. Richardson, Ann, 231. Richardson, Ebenezer, 220. Richardson, John, 231. Richardson, Jonathan,' 337. Richmond, 136. Richmond, N. H., 398. Riots, suppressing, 129, 169; in 1765, 182, 186; 1768, 195. Rivington, James, 246. Roach, Peter, 38. Robin Bohugh, 439. Robinson, John, 189. Robinson, John, colonel, 290. Robinson, Samuel, 139. Robinson Crusoe, 393, 409, 437, 439. Rockingham, Marquis of, see Went- worth. Rodgers, John, 404, 421. Rodney, George Brydges, 418. Rogers, Daniel, elegy, 69. Rogers, Gamaliel, 125. Rogers, George, 39. Rogers, John, burning of, 221, 222. Rogers, John, 88. Rogers, John, of Salem, 268, 271. Rome, George, 192. Rosanna, 439. Rosary, the, 441. Rose, deserters, 65. Rose, the, 309, 429. Rose tree, 268; addition, 451. Roslin Castle, 401, 416, 417, 427. Ross, Ezra, 295. Roving Irishman, 440. Rowe, John, 235. Rowley, 348. Roxbury, 139, 367; third precinct, 232; fortifications, 260, 272. Roxbury, N. H., 427. Royal Exchange tavern, 132, 204. Royalston, 386. Ruck Street, Salem, 245. Ruddock, Samuel A., 376. Rule Britannia, 375. Rum, affidavit, 181, 201; for army, 287. Russell, Benjamin, 350, 359; Colum- bian Centinel, 365; receipt, 380, 395. Russell, Edward, Earl of Oxford, let- ter, 28. Russell, Ezekiel, 84, 208, 231, 233, 245, 246, 249, 253, 256, 264, 265, 266, 270, 280, 285, 293, 294, 302, 306, 316, 323, 338, 343, 351, 357, 358, 364, 373, 409, 426. Russell, John, 390. Russell, Joseph, 145, 161, 372. Russell, P., 440. Russell, Thomas, 349, 381. Russell and Clap, 365. Russell, Warden and, 333. Russell Street, 416. Rutland, prisoners of war, 300. S., M., 440. S., T., Elegie on Norton, 6. Sabago Pond, 191. Sabbath-Day Chase, 440. Sable islands, 98. INDEX. 477 Sackett’s Harbor, 432. Saco river, beaver and furs, 135. Safety, committee of, 263, 264, 287; unincorporated plantations, 273. Saffin, John, 11. Sailor Boy, 449. Sailor in slave trade, 389. Sailor’s Farewell, 440. Sailor’s Return, 433, 440. St. Christopher, island, French attack, 42. St. Clair, Arthur, 358. St. Coniac, 441. St. Croix River, lands, 88, 344. St. George’s River, 92, 94. St. Hyacinthus, parish of, 348. St. James’s, patriot of, 237. St. John, Peter, 294. St. John, Samuel, 294. St. John, ode at feast of, 375. St. John’s, Indians, 112, 142; trade, 247. St. Lucia Gazette, 327. Saints Universal Choice, 440. Salary, governor’s, 78. Sale, bill of, 167. Salem, 133, 202, 203, 245, 268, 270, 280, 285, 290, 296, 316, 323, 324, 327, 356, 370, 373, 380, 382, 384, 412, 418; letter from a gentleman, 113; hospital dues, 121; Pope-night, 199; tragedy, 230, 232; hospital, 232; acts of parliament, 244; 3d church, 265; price act, 285, 292, 306; removal of court, 322; rules, orders, 350; Episcopal convention, 351; warning away, 360; social library, 384; fire engines, 389; Bible and Heart, 389, 406, 408, 422; dull- ness of, 406; melancholy situation, 435. Salem Gazette, prospectus, 314; car- rier’s address, 385, 391, 396. Salisbury, train band, 384. Salisbury, N. H., 97. Salisbury Beach, 69. Sally McGee, 418. Sally Roy, 427. Saltpetre, 259, 278. Salus populi, 76. Sanborn, John, 195. Sanbomton, 428. Sanders, Henry, 264. Sandisfield, 430. Sandy and Jenny, 404. Sanford, Tabitha, 113. Saratoga, 398. Saunders, alias Andrews, Joseph, 186. Saunders, captain, 370, 372. Savage, Samuel Phillips, 284; insur- ance, 177, 179. Saw ye my hero George, 399, 432, 441. See also Martha Washington. Say, Charles, 243. Sayer, Ebenezer, 274. Scalps, reward for Indian, 143. School Street, 228, 238, 264. Scituate, 62. Scolding Wife, 441. Scornful Celia, 205. Scotland, Indian and African com- pany, 32; grand rebellion, 119. Scott, James, 105. Scott, Joseph, 380. Scourge, the, 216. Scriptures, fort royal, 231. Scrutator, 215. Scudamore, Christopher, 38. Sea coasts, defence, 260, 277, 278. Sea service, inducements to enter, 161. Seaguin, 230. Seal, of colony, Foster’s cut, 12, 24. Seamen, behavior of, 27; inticing away, 50; inducements, 161, 285; enlistment form, 163; return, 260; relief and protection, 384. Seaver, Richard, 139. Seccombe, John, Father Abbey’s will, 83. Seamen and Marines, regulation, 42, 45; for Vigilant, 114; disorders, 115, 120; vagrant and suspected, 118; deserting, 118. Second Letter from one in Country, 78. Selectmen, province charges, 167; em- ploying men, 263; returns of sup- plies, 305; prices, 311; soldiers’ fami- lies, 312; oath, 340. Sennet, John, 232. Serapis, 403. Servant, runaway, 16. Service, time of, 276. Sever, Thomas, Jr., 389. Seville, treaty of, 78. Sewall, Daniel, 360. Sewall, Elizabeth, 74. Sewall, Hannah, elegy, 59. Sewall, Jonathan Mitchell, Song on Washington, 281. Sewall, Rev. Joseph, 228. Sewall, Mary, 46, 47. Sewall, Rebecca, 47, 48. Sewall, Samuel, 15, 46, 47, 53, 57, 59; on Mrs. Hull, 30; Selling of Joseph, 35; upon Samuel Willard, 35, 65; Break-a-day fines, 36; Athenian Oracle, 41; on vote, 44; Hobart on, 478 INDEX. Sewall, Samuel — continued. 50; probate notice, 58; Kennebeck Indians, 68; Merrymak, 68; on S. Hirst, 74. Sewall, Stephen, on Dudley, 132. Shades, 352. Shannon, 404. Shannon side, 441. Shapleigh, Maine, assessment, 360. Sharp, Gibbins, 235. Shaw, Samuel Savage, 284. Shaw, William, 204. Shaw, Hunts and, 434. Shays’ rebellion, 341. Sheehan, Daniel, 343. Sheehan, John, 343. Sheehen, Bryan, 220. Sheep on Naushon Island, 353. Sheldon, Elisha, 306. Shepherd’s Holy Day, 438. Sherburne, Nantucket, 171. Sheriff, warrant to, 167. Sherman, John, 180. Shilley M’Grouch, 441. Shingles, law on, 172. Ship papers, 176; clearance, 19, 28, 29, 104; crew, 40; bond on enumerated articles, 47 ; disorders on British, 115; plantation trade, 129, 167; bond not to take enlisted soldiers, 157; register, 337; license, 360. Shipwreck’d Tar, 393. Shirley, William, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147. Shirts for troops, 258, 287, 296, 298, 304, 310. Shoals, John, 202. Shocking Story for to tell, 441. Shoes, for army, 287, 296, 298, 304, 310. Shrewsbury, 306. Shute, Samuel, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69; speech, 59; Mather’s speech, 60. Sibley, John Langdon, 83. Sidney, 216. Silver, Spanish, in New England, 15; coined, 122; for continental bills, 273. Silver Age, the, 441. Simonds, S., felon, 61. Simple division, 344. Simsbury, Conn., 186. Sinners invited to Jesus, 244. Sixth Naval Victory, 441. Skillet, the, 441. Slavery, Sewall on, 35, 41; in Massa- chusetts, 373. Slighted Sheperdess, 423. Slop clothing, 130, 144. Small, John, 5. Small, John, 252. Smallpox, rule, 12; inoculation lawful, Mather, 67; Boston, 116, 133; hos- pital, Boston, 168; Worcester, 283; lines to patient, 362, 364. Smith, Chester, 395. Smith, Elizabeth, 232. Smith, Isaac, 301. Smith, Jonathan, 326. Smith, Samuel, 395. Smith, William, 351. Smith and Deane, Falmouth, 331. Smithfield, R. I., 91. Snow, Solomon, 430. Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign parts, 51, 199. Soldiers, debentures, 23; order, 1691, 26; behavior, 27; enlistment, 49, 103, 145; deserters, 49; inticing away, 50; grant to Narragansett, 75; arms and ammunition, 101, 130; recruiting for King’s, 145, 166; levy- ing for intended expedition, 153, 160; quartering in towns, 155; British in Boston, 193, 199; petition, 302; provision for families, 303, 310, 312; dues, 313; bounties, 336. Soldier’s Dream, 438. Soldier’s Drill, 441. Soldier’s Life, 441. Soldier’s Return, 442. Solemn Warning to unfaithful Min- isters, 407, 428, 442. Solomon, Mr. and Mrs., 372. Solomon’s Temple, 442. Song of Liberty, Massachusetts, 196. Song on Virginia cotton, 442. Song by a young Lady, 442. Song, The Pilots, 442. Songs, 442. Sons of Liberty, 264; address to true- born, 180, 217; letter to Oliver, 183; new song addressed to, 196; cele- bration, 198; threat of fine, 199. South Brick meeting-house, Boston, 113. South Carolina, rumors, 314. South end forever, 198. Southey, Robert, 389. Spain, captain, 267. Spain, silver in New England, 15; war with, 100, 103, 105; treaty with Great Britain, 148; awful battle in, 437. INDEX. 479 Spanish Lady’s Love, 442. Specie, removal of, 251. Speech, of Fanner’s Brother, 380; liberty of, 391. Spencer, Arthur, 232. Spinning Wheel, 209, 442. Spirits, affidavit, 181, 201. Spooner, Joshua, 295. Sprague, Jonathan, 91. Springfield, 350, 356, 369; covenant for reformation, 75; execution of Shaw, 204. Sprout, Hannah, 417. Squam, disorders at, 196. Squantum Bobalition, 428; celebra- tion, 429. Stamp act, repeal, 184; Virginia, 227; duties, 387. Stamp duties, vellum, 141. Star Spangled Banner, 442. Starling, the, 427. State Street, 388. Staves, assize of, 172. Stearns, Samuel, 337. Steel, John, 123. Stephen and Flora, 417. Stetson, Isaac, 61. Stetson, Mary, 61. Stetson, Robert, 61. Stevenson, John, 204. Stewart, John, 384. Stockbridge Western Star, carrier’s address, 361. Stockings, for troops, 287, 296, 298, 304, 310. Stoddard, Anthony, 106. Stoddard, Darius, 306. Stoddard, Solomon, 42; elegy, 77; theological conclusions, 78. Stoddart, John, 95. Stone, Robert, 132. Stone, Samuel, Bulkley on, 6. Story, Thomas, felon, 61. Story, William, 182, 360. Stoughton, William, 32, 36; commis- sion, 31; address to Bellomont, 33; death, 34. Stoughton, 447. Strahan, William, 250. Strong, Caleb, 443. Strong Fast, 443. Stuart, Charles, pretender, 119. Sturgeon, Robert, Trespass-offering, 73. Subscriptions, broadside of, 21. Suffolk county, 234, 260; s umm ons, 138; copy of record, 180. Sugar, affidavit, 181, 201 ; exports, 286. Sullivan, J., 376. Sullivan, James, 352. Sullivan, 427. Summers, George, 397. Summons, 19, 101. Sumner, Increase, 383, 387, 393; funeral, 395. Sunday Police, 443. Supernumeraries on British ships, 163. Supplies, chamber or committee of, 263; specific, 313. Supremacy, see Allegiance. Surveyors of revenue, 394. Sutton, 352, 412; instructions to dele- gates, 293; church trouble, 365. Swallow, 404. Swan, Daniel, 308. Swan, Luther, 447. Swan, Mary, 447. Swan Island, 430. Sweet William of Plymouth, 416, 443. Sweet William’s Departure, 450. Sweetheart lost, a, 451. Swine, Indian stealing of, 8. Switzerland, 401; Union and liberty, 395. Symonds, Francis, 294. T., J., 183. T., M., 90. Tables, valuable, 376. Tailer, John, felon, 61. Tailer, William, 57, 58, 79. Tailor in a Hobble, 410. Tar, making, 43. Tarpaulin Cove Island, 353. Taunton, 51, 73, 392. Tax, neglect of assessors, 131; receipts, 273, 278; unpaid, 299, 321, 327, 350; county commissioners, 320; conti- nental, 324, 326; execution for, 349; speedy payment, 367. Tax, bill, province, county and town, 60, 167, 176; order of justices, 138. Taxation and rights, 183; of America, 294; towns and returns, 328. Taylor, Joseph, 395. Taylor’s Garland, 443. Tea, destroyed by Indians, 221; land- ing, 228, 229, 233; consignees, 239; disuse, 239. Tea Tax, 443. Teach, or Blackbeard, 62, 63. Teague’s Ramble, 443. Teall, Benjamin, 217. Temple, John, 189, 323, 324. Temple, Robert, 136. Temple, the, Newburyport, 322. 480 INDEX. Templeton, 386. Tennent, Gilbert, preaching of, 106; poem on, 106. Tenny, Daniel, 412. Tenor, old, tables, 125, 126, 127; dying speech, 127; song, 127; mournful lamentation, 127, 131. Test act, 275, 280. Testimony against evil customs, 63. Thacher, Peter, 70; preamble for sub- scriptions, 68; poem on, 73. Thacher, Susanna, 70. Thacher, Thomas, on smallpox, 12. Thanksgiving, see under each year. Theatre, bill against, 192. Theatre Alley, 294. Thimble’s Scolding Wife, 443. Thomas, Elisha, 347. Thomas and Andrews, 362, 380. Thomas, Isaiah, 141, 209, 213, 216, 218, 219, 225, 228, 237, 244, 302, 306, 324, 327, 333, 343, 344, 366, 369, 376; explanation of cut, 187 n\ almanac, 212, 306, 314, 315; Massa- chusetts Spy, 322; Massachusetts Magazine, 347; Belknap’s History, 352; Bible, 355. Thompson, William, 356. Thomson, Charles, 269. Thom, the, 443, 448. Thoughts on Death, 423. Three Crafts, 444. Three Kings, Cornhill, Boston, 181. Three Weeks after the Marriage, 432. Throat, distemper of, 96. Tickets, 27. Ticonderoga, capture of, 289. Tid the Grey Mare, 444. Tidmarsh, Gyles Dulake, 90. Tidy One, the, 444. Tileston, Thomas, on Foster, 14. Tilton, Daniel, 68, 237. Tilton, Jacob, 68, 237. Times, the, 354, 444. Tinges, H. W., 237. Tinkham, Amasa, 295. Tippling Gossips, the, 444. Tippy Jack’s Journey, 409. ’Tis the last Rose, 449. Tisdale, Joseph, 192. Tit for tat, 322. Titcomb, Edmund, poem on, 68. Titcomb, Jonathan, 354. To a Republican, 444. To all you ladies now on land, 81. To the honoured commanders, 50. Tobacconists’ paper, 112, 122. Token for children, 81. Tom Bohn, 338, 445. Tom Bowline’s epitaph, 401. Tom-Cod Catcher, 203. Tompson, Benjamin, on Winthrop, 10; grammarian’s funeral, 45; Mrs. Sewall, 47. Tompson, Edward, on cotton, 18. Tories, dose for the, 249. Tornado, Philadelphia and New York, 364. Towns, disposition of single persons, 7; knowledge of settlers, 10; dis- bursements in war, 10; two men from, 20; line of, 94; committees, 273; jealousies, 301; oath of officers, 339; on Merrimack, 372; post, 376. Townsend, Alderman, speech, 217. Townsend, Shippie, 382. Townsend, 389. Township No. One, 332. Tracy and Bliss, 244. Trade, manual, prohibited to French, 27; plantation, frauds, 30; Spanish West Indies, 39; illegal, with French, 42; Canada, 56, 57; plantation, 129, 167; enforcement of laws, 195; with enemy, 319. Tragical Account of two Lovers, 445. Tragi-Comedy of Negotio, 445. Trainband, notice, 157; muster, 267; called out, 289. Transports, instructions, 116. Travers, George, 432. Treason, act, 290; disqualification, 339. Treasurer, 367; orders, 23; colony, 273; receipt, 291, 321; fraudulent securities, 332; warrant, see under each year. Treasury, commissioners of, 189. Tree of liberty, caricatura, 181. Trenton, battle of, 283, 285. Troopers, order on, 15. True Christian’s Anchor Hold, 423. True Love well rewarded, 445. True Yankee Boys, 401, 445. Truckmasters, 38. True Gentleman, 296. Trumbull, John, 323. Trumbull, Jonathan, 283, 284, 295; letter to Gage, 267. Truxtun, Thomas, 445, 446. Tryon, William, 250, 295. Tully, Samuel, 446. Tupper, Benjamin, 265. Turkish fast, 31. Turkish lady, 412. Turner, James, engraver, 124, 249. Turner, John, 246, 253, 256, 265. Turner, Thomas, 46. INDEX. 481 Two Strings to my Bow, 446. Tyler, Royall, 181. Tyley, Samuel, 57. Types, specimen printing, 194. Tything man, duties of, 11. Tytler, James, 389. Unfortunate Lawyer, 446. Union, the, 446. Union Bank, Boston, 347. Union of the States, 449. Union River, 332. Union Society, Newburyport, 384. Union Street, Boston, 204, 219, 231, 349, 440. United Provinces, see Netherlands. United States, service of, 286; con- stitution, 353. United States and Macedonian, 447. Unknown World, 447. Unparalleled Victory, 447. Urban VIII, 122. Urquhart, James, 253. Usher, John, 14. Uxbridge, meeting, 279. Valediction, for New-Year’s day, 177. Valentine, Ananias, 413. Valentine, John, The postscript, 66. Valiant London Prentice, 447. Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 399. Vaudevil, a, 282. Vaux, G., 90. Vellum, stamp duty, 141. Vermont, 439, 448; claim to land, 317 ; dispute with New York, 329. Vernon, Edward, 105; verses on, 106. Verses, alphabet of, 46. Vessels, officers and sehmen, 274; ownership, 291. Vetch, Samuel, 46. Vice, enforcing laws, 24, 27 ; discourag- ing, 58, 61, 79, 153, 168, 214, 240, 332. Vicissitudes of Human Life, 447. Vienna, 31. Vigilant, 114. Virginia, 385, 389; on stamp act, 227; cotton, 442. Virginia Gazette, 237. Virtue, reward of, 58, 61, 79, 153, 168, 214, 240, 332. Virtuous, faithful, wife’s garland, 376. Volunteer’s march, 73; raising of, 111; encouragement, 115. Vose, Daniel, 234. Voting, at elections, 23. W.,A.,6. W., H., a poem, 344. W., W., see Wait Winthrop. Wadsworth, Ebenezer, 139. Waggon master, 287; returns, 314. Waggoner and the Tabernacle, 447. Waldo, Daniel, 124. Waldo, Joseph, 124. Waldo, Samuel, 92, 94, 333, 385. Waldo claim, 383. Wall, Rachel, 351. Walley, John, major, 24. Walley, Thomas, 301. Walter, Nehemiah, on Corlet, 18. Wandering boys of Switzerland, 401. Wandering Lady, 447. War with the Leviathan, 448. Warburton, Charles, 414. Ward, Artemas, 338. Ward, Joseph, 262, 264. Ward, William, 232. Warden and Russell, 333. Warning to America, 440. Warning to gay Youth, 448. Warning to Youth, 448. Warrants, 119. Warren, Alice, 6. Warren, John, 380; monody, 381. Warren, Joseph, 265, 417, 418; death of, 158, 249. Warren, Peter, 114. Warwick, 386. Washing Day, 448. Washington, George, 260, 263, 271, 273, 282, 311, 318, 377; Sewall’s song, 281; Duche’s letter, 284; visit to Boston, 348, 349, 350; independ- ent ode, 377; Jay treaty, 381 ; accept- ing command, 390; birthday, 390; Columbia’s lamentation, 393, 409; Wheaton’s verses, 395; lines on death, 427. Washington, Martha, Lady Wash- ington’s Lamentation, 393, 399, 409 , 426, 432 , 440. Washington, privateer, 280; canal boat, 394. Washington hotel lottery, 366. Wasp, 402; stinging Frolic, 448. Watch, Boston, 193. Watertown, 245. Wat’ry God, 403. Watts, Isaac, mercies of the year, 65; Belcher, 80; Day of Judgment, 412. Wayne, Caleb P., 385. Weatherwise, Jonathan, 213. Weatherwise’s Federal Almanac, 351; sheet almanac, 356. 482 INDEX. Webb, Richard, felon, 61. Webster, Samuel, 352. Wedderburn, Alexander, 238. Weeden, Job, 202. Weeks, Comfort, 94. Weeks, Ichabod, 94. Weeks, Joshua, 94. Weeks, Joshua, Jr., 94. Wegelin, Oscar, 267, 356. Weight and value of coins, 330. Welch, Nancy, 448. Welch, William, 139. Weld, Edmund, funeral elegy, 132, 356. Weld, Ezra Waldo, 350. Welles, Samuel, 102. Welsh, Louis Abraham, 348. Wendell, Oliver, 298. Wenham, ‘price act,’ 293. Wentworth, Benning, 119; message, 134; Amherst’s letter, 164. Wentworth, Charles Watson, Mar- quis of Rockingham, letter to, 194. West, Bickerstaff’s Almanack, 331. Western territory, 360. Western Tragedy, 448. Westford, church, 373. West Indies, 327; Spanish, 39; Ver- non’s expedition, 105; provisions for French, 149; Acadians and, 179. Western Star, Stockbridge, 361. Weweenock, Indians, 141. Whale fishery, 258; regulating, 178; articles of agreement, 200. Whal’l be King but Charlie, 448. Wharton, William, 15. Wheatley, Phillis, on Whitefield, 208; Leonard, 217; Mrs. Leonard, 222; Pitkin, 222. Wheaton, Hannah, verses, 376, 377, 385, 395. When shall we three, 448. Whig, American, 203. While gasping freedom, 199. Whitaker, Nathaniel, 265. White, Ezra, 420, 430. White, J., 388, 419. White, James, 344. White, John, baker, 217. White, John, 235. White, Samuel, 264. Whitefield, George, visit to Boston, 138; elegies, 208, 447; poem, 210, 357; on preaching, 215; will, 217. Whitely’s ink, 377. Whitemore, Mrs., 236. Whiting, William, 259. Whitney, Thomas, 65. Whittemore, Joseph, 381, 385, 390. Wieer, William, 139. Wife, children, and Friends, 449. Wigglesworth’s Dream, 413. Wight, Ebenezer, 344. Wight, William, felon, 61. Wilderness, the, 449. Wilkes and Liberty, 203. Will the Weaver, 449. Will you come to the bower, 400. Willard, Samuel, Sewall’s verses, 35, 65; Danforth on, 43; Fountain opened, 65. Willard, , 437. William III, Prince of Orange, 19, 20; letters, 22. William Riley, 449. William Riley’s Marriage, 449. Williams, George, 327. Williams, Helen Maria, 361. Williams, Jonathan, 284. Williams, Oliver, 353. Williams, Dr., last legacy, 351. Williams College, 395. Williamson, Anthony, 6. Williamson, captain, 239. Willis, Eliakim, letter to, 164. Willis, N., 316, 317. Wilson, Daniel, 244. Wilson, David, 218. Wilson, John, on Brisco, 5; Mitchel on, 7. Wilson, Richard, 86. Winchendon, 386. Windsor, 420. Wines, duties on, 167. Winship, George Parker, 65. Winslow, Edward, 106. Winslow, John, 148. Winslow, Joshua, 347. Winterbotham, William, history, 377. Winthrop, John, 3. Winthrop, John, Jr., ‘Funeral elegy,’ 9; Tompson on, 10. Winthrop, John (prof.), transit of Mercury, 136; on Mayhew, 188; elegy, 309. Winthrop, Wait, some meditations, 9. Wiswell, Ichabod, 28. Witchcraft, 186. Withington, Philip, 228. Woart, John, 361. Woburn, council, 121. Wolfe, James, death of, 158, 409. Wolves, bounty on, 180, 184. Wood, Enoch, 370, 372. Wood, table of measure, 216; for camp, 260. Woodbridge, Benjamin, on Cotton’s Tomb, 4. INDEX. 483 Wooden Breast-Bone, 450. Woodman, the, 419. Woodmancy, John, 45. Woods, destruction of king’s, 77, 175; preservation, 82. Woodward, Richard, 234. Wool and woollens, 258, 271; export and manufacture, 37. Wooster, David, 253. Worcester, 96, 113, 139, 192, 206, 258, 295, 306, 327, 336, 342, 376; non-importation, 244; county con- vention, 246; covenant, 267; com- mittee of correspondence, 283; smallpox hospital, 283; convention, 306, 322; estates of absentees, 322; house lots, 333; tax warrant, 351; seat of government, 369. Worcester county, division, 386. Worfield, Beulah, 280. Word or two more, 78. World turn’d upside down, 450. Worthilake, George, 62. Worthy example of a virtuous wife, 373. Wounded Hussar, 393, 409, 450. Wreaths for the Chieftain, 450. Wright, Sir James, 270. Wright, Joseph, 352. Writ, of execution, 27; attachment, 30. Writing school, 215. YANKEE Doodle, 398, 441; new, 431. Yankee Jackets of Blue, 450. Yankee Perry, 402. Yankee’s Return from Camp, 450. Yankee song, 268. Yarmouth, 76. Year, memorable, 1759 163. York, Canada, 404. York, Duke of, planters in territory, 6; reasons for indicting, 13. York county, 331, 335, 338, 360; townships in, 54; Brunswick, 100. You Parliament of England, 451. Young, Alexander, American Apollo, 357. Young, Robert, 306. Young, William, 245. Young and Minns, 379, 382, 383, 385, 393, 394. Young convert, 377. Young Phillis and Corydon, 451. Young Teazer, 436. ZaRA, tragedy of, 264. # 3 23 *20 2V33&' u »tn f: 974.4 M414 V i 75 70276