tf-na+n the JMuiaitf. * 7 he Pev.rf-'iede/ucJz Sdutasidi. {ptuH&ilif, jbea+t of St. Pcmli Gatlteclial, jbefoait, MidtUfO+t wlta died October ■Lwctlt, 194-8 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Duke University Libraries EVENTS THE LITE OE A SEER; BEING MEMORANDA OF AUTHENTIC FACTS IN MAGNETISM, CLAIRVOYANCE, SPIRITUALISM. BY ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS. WITH A 1ST APPENDIX, CONTAINING ZSCHOKKHS GREAT STORY OF “ HORTENSIA,” VIVIDLY PORTRAYING THE WIDE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE ORDI¬ NARY STATE AND THAT OF CLAIRVOYANCE. 8IXTH EDITION. BOSTON: BANNER OF LIGHT PUBLISHING COMPANY. I Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States, for th« District of New Jersey. / DEDICATION ) P THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED: FIRST—10 PROUD MEN IN SCIENCE ; Hamlet. —Come hither, gentlemen. .. .Once more, good friends. Horatio. —....But this is wondrous strange ! Hamlet. —And therefore as a stranger give it welcome. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. SECOND,- TO MORALISTS OF EVERY SCHOOL; Thrice is he armed who hath his quarrel just— And he but naked, though locked up in steel, Whose conscience with injustice is corrupted.— Shakespeare. THIRD,- TO ANTI-PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANS; Quench not the spirit; despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fnst that which is good. — Paul. FOURTH,— TO RETICENT MEN OF IDEAS; No object really interests us but man, and in man only his superiorities _ Every man Is entitled to be valued at his best moments....I look upon the simple and childish virtues of veracity and honesty as the root of all that is sublime in character. ...Speak as you think, be what you are, pay your debts of all kinds. — Emerson. FIFTH.- TO TIMID MEN IN ALL PROFESSIONS; Any theory, hypothesis, philosophy, sect, creed, or institution, that fears invest!* gation, openly manifests its own error.— Davis. SIXTH,- TO EXCLUSIVES IN ALL RELIGIONS; Let no one call God, Father, who calls not Man, Brother.—A Spirit. LASTLY,- TO ALL HUMAN KIND, WITH THE FRATERNAL LOVE OF THEIR FRIEND AND BROTHER, Okangb, N. J., March 16, 1S6S. THE AUTHOR. 6 PUBLISHERS INTRODUCTION. “ if they are to profit by the lessons of history, they ought, after surveying these mortifying examples of human weakness and wickedness, to dismiss from their minds every prejudice against the present subject founded on its hostile reception by men of established reputation of the present day.” And he adds, that, “ if the new theory should prove true, posterity will view the contumelies heaped on its founders as another dark speck In the history of discovery ; and that he who wishes to avoid all participation in this ungenerous treatment should dismiss prejudice and calmly listen to evidence and reason, and thus not encounter the chance of adding his name to the melancholy list of the enemies of mankind by refusing, on the strength of mere prejudice, to be instructed in the new doctrines when submitted to his consideration.” The appendix to this volume contains Zschokke’s remarkable and instructive story of the “Transfigura¬ tions,” illustrating the curative power of human mag¬ netism, and the spiritual beauty and purity of the “superior condition;” and, also, a carefully compiled, instructive, and most cheering history of the introduc¬ tion of the Harmonial Philosophy into Germany. MEMORANDA i. A JOURNEY IN THE DARK. New York, November 1 1th, 1845. I do not mean to think myself over-taxed or discon¬ tented, for this is not true. But my life is immersed in a sea of uncertainty. Late this afternoon I returned from a toilsome journey,* the incidents whereof so soon have passed out of memory! I dimly recall mud- puddles, streets, ferry-boats, oil-barrels, sea-chests, a dismal vault, tobacco smoke, torches, and the features of gypsy-looking men and women. But it is vanishing while I write, like the “ baseless fabric of a vision ; ” yet, incredible as it may seem to others, I have a feel¬ ing of positiveness that it was a real journey, and not a dream. It sometimes seems to me that I shall be the happiest boy in the world when the time comes for me to recollect and comprehend all the wonderful things I hear about myself. * Further information concerning this experience maybe found in the “Present Age and Inuor Life," p. 181, et seq. 8 MEMORANDA. 2 . TWO LIVES IN ONE BOY. No. 92 Greene Street, New York, November 28 th, 1845. It is said that I am to begin a “ Course of Lectures ” to-night in the presence of witnesses ! Why isn’t my heart fluttering and palpitating beneath this over¬ whelming mysterious responsibility ? Was any other boy ever so situated, and so uncomfortably perplexed about himself? I am sure that I have not a word of a “ Lecture ” in my mind. These two boys—or, rather, this one boy with his two lives—bother and confuse me. The boy in his natural state knows nothing of the same boy in the magnetic state. They tell me what was done when I am treating the sick, and they read to me the notes they took of what was said ; but it seems like an account of the doings and speeches of a person living in a distant country.I am wonder¬ ing every few moments whether it will be possible for that other boy to lecture to-night? And, if he does, what sort of a discourse will it be 1 PRESENTIMENT OF A SUICIDE. 9 3. PRESENTIMENT OF A SUICIDE. Tuesday, November 'iOth, 1845. Returning from my customary walk this morning, I chanced to meet a large crowd of Irish women and children in the highest state of excitement. A by¬ stander said they were nonsensically quarreling and fighting because one of the women had in a lit of anger kicked another’s barking cur down the stairs. But whatever the cause of the disturbance, the row-loving inhabitants ran out from their garrets and basements, and in a few minutes the street was so crammed with participants and spectators that the police had to inter¬ fere. But my attention was by some means attracted to a silent and sad-looking aged German woman stand¬ ing on the opposite sidewalk, wrapped in an old worn- out shawl, her once rather beautiful features disfigured by disease and shriveled by poverty and despair. As I looked at her, all forgetful of the great fight going on about the kicked dog, I saw a thick mist, resembling a black crape veil, drop in the twinkling of an eye be¬ tween her face and the outside world! “ Poor, sad soul!” I instantly thought, “your hours on earth are numbered.” The recollection of her unhappy face haunted me all the rest of the day. Taking up a re- 10 MEMORANDA. cent morning paper, I read of a similar case: “An elderly woman, who resided with her two sons in Hester Street, committed suicide yesterday afternoon by hang¬ ing. The act was committed in her bedroom, by means of a piece of muslin, which had been torn from a sheet, one end of which was attached to a hook used for hanging up a looking-glass, and the other end was tied in a noose around the neck of deceased. When discov¬ ered, life was extinct. The coroner being notified, pro¬ ceeded to the house, but, one of the sons being absent and the other drunk, he was unable to gain any particu¬ lars, and therefore postponed the inquest until to-day.” 4 . VISIT FROM REV. SOLOMON SOBERTHOUGHT, LL. D. New York, December 4th, 1845. Restored to my ordinary state—from the ever-mys- terious state of magnetic physical slumber, which with me is invariably accompanied by a peculiar mental transformation—the first word I heard spoken by a stranger in the room sounded like “ Anagosteleon” On looking around the parlor, I was astonished and embarrassed because of the great number of strangers present, mostly patients, or applicants for treatment, as I supposed; and among them was a stout, red-faced, big-stomached, ancient, ecclesiastical personage, dressed in black, a white handkerchief around his neck, his scholarly face well-shaved, and his nose bearing aloft a pair of heavy gold spectacles. “ The boy’s clairvoyance,” EXTRAORDINARY MENTAL PHENOMENA. 11 he said, addressing the gentleman at his elbow, “ is absolutely of no importance.” The other inquired, “ Did the boy not correctly translate the words ? ” “ Tolerably,” he pompously replied, “ but with in¬ numerable misspellings, involving awkwardness of ex¬ pression, with not the least accuracy as to the street, house, and situation of the furniture.”. Subsequently I asked the magnetizer (Dr. Lyon) who it was, and what it all meant. lie said the gentleman was Rev. Dr. G-, of New York, who came with the avowed “ intention ” of demolishing clairvoyance as a monstrous invention of the devil. The Doctor said that I answered the questions of the round-counte¬ nanced and large-bodied minister in a foreign language, either Greek or Hebrew, he thought, which, at the time, the distinguished ecclesiastic seemed to understand, for his questions were apparently answered by me in his own tongue; but what was meant by the word “Anagnostos,” or “ Anagosteleon ,” which he pronounced erroneous, I did not learn. This large-bodied clergy¬ man represents a class of prejudiced persons who resolve, before investigation, not to be influenced by any facts they may witness. Such visits are becoming frequent. 5. EXTRAORDINARY MENTAL PHENOMENA. 24 Vesey Street, New York, January 13 th, 1846. The Lectures begin to excite a wide-spread interest in private circles. No person can be more excited with 12 MEMORANDA. curiosity than myself. I have been stationed all this morning in my “ sleeping chair,” examining diseased strangers—women, men, children, whom I have never seen with my natural ej^es, and may never meet again. It sometimes seems to me that I am situated half-way toward the center of an unknown world. I suppose that all this magnetizing for years is for some beneficent purpose. Possibly, I am gaining a knowl¬ edge of something which no other pathway could lead to. My toil does not weary my muscles, like the cold and dull work of earth-plodders, who take no soul-in¬ terest in what they do from day to day. Yet a dark¬ some uncertainty occasionally envelops my mind, which is a weariness and a constraint; and sometimes I almost wish, with a good deal of impatience, that the end had come. This morning, at 12, m., when the Doctor restored me from clairvoyance to full bodily wakefulness, a friend took from his pocket the New York Tribune , bearing to-day’s date, and read aloud the following letter, written by the honored Scribe, thus :— To the Editor of the Tribune: Induction from tangible objects in the external world constituting, as it does, the common and habitual mode of reasoning, the public mind is naturally disposed to skepticism respecting alleged phenomena, the causes of which are not directly perceptible to the senses. At the back of all the visible operations of nature, how¬ ever, there is a hidden cause, to which all mechanical and organic causes are but secondary and subordinate; and the admission of this undeniable fact should open EXTRAORDINARY MENTAL PHENOMENA. IS our minds to conviction of well-attested phenomena, especially as connected with the mysterious economy of mind —whether these do or do not agree with pre¬ vious experience, or point to a definite and adequate cause. Philosophers, for instance, have never succeed¬ ed in demonstrating to the senses any theory of the cause of gravitation / yet the fact undeniably exists. Physiologists have never demonstrated the cause of natural somnambulism , and the surprising phenomena usually attending it; yet these facts also exist, and are acknowledged by all. If, then, tangible and well- attested instances of the phenomena known as Animal Magnetism and Clairvoyance are produced, should not these, in like manner, be acknowledged as true, even though their causes could not be directly traced ? These considerations, superadded to the fact that many of the profoundest thinkers, both in this country and in Europe, have been forced to believe in the sciences last named, will, we hope, prepare the reader at least to bestow a respectful attention upon the fol¬ lowing statements, to test the truth or falsity of which we earnestly invite the most searching investigation. Mr. A. J. Davis, extensively known as the “ Pough¬ keepsie Clairvoyant,” is among the very few persons in the world whom magnetism places in a state entirely beyond the control of the operator’s will, and all other influences of the external world. In the less perfect stages of magnetic somnambulism, the mental suscepti¬ bilities are so enhanced, and the imagination is so exalted, as to give the vividness of real fact to the mere conceptions of fancy; and hence the accounts of such clairvoyants are not always to be depended upon 14 MEMORANDA. Mr. Davis explains these facts in his clairvoyant state, and claims, and shows by a process of connected rea¬ soning, that he is in that highest state of magnetism, in which the physical system of himself and that of the operator form one being in all its magnetic forces ; and that the vital action of the body being thus sustained sympathetically by the operator, the presence of the mental essence is not necessary to continue these func¬ tions ; and that hence the mind, for the time being, is able to free itself from the organization, and to view- existences both in the material and spiritual world, with that unclouded perception with which they would be viewed by a disembodied spirit. He says that the state in which he is placed is analagous to that of death —only that the mind is still connected with the body by an exceedingly rare and subtle medium, such as connects one thought with another; and by the same medium, the mind, after making an excursion for information, returns to the body to communicate its impressions. I will not trouble you, Mr. Editor, with a recital of the wonders he performs while in the clairvoyant state. Suffice it to say, he seems to have access to every species of information. The human system par¬ ticularly, it would seem, is perfectly transparent before him; and his examinations of its condition, and pre¬ scriptions for its diseases, evince a clearness of percep¬ tion and accuracy of judgment truly surprising; and hundreds have experienced the benefits of his treat¬ ment. He uses the technical language of Anatomy and Physiology, and with the whole range of Materia Medica he seems perfectly familiar; though in his waking state his acquirements are singularly deficient, EXTRAORDINARY MENTAL PHENOMENA. 15 his education liaving been confined to five months’ tuition in a common school ! These statements, I grant, would at first view appear improbable; but if not true , they will be publicly contradicted by some one of the numerous persons who know Mr. Davis in his two states. But the main object of this communication is to speak of a course of Lectures which Mr. Davis is now engaged in delivering, while in the clairvoyant state, concerning matters pertaining both to the material and spiritual world. These are delivered in the presence of Dr. S. S. Lyon, his magnetizer, 24 Vesey Street, the writer of this, who reports them for publication, and one or more of three witnesses, appointed to be present during their delivery, that they may testify to the medium through which the communication is given to the world. These witnesses are : Rev. J. Parker, 129 Avenue D.; Isaac S. Smith, M. D., 384 Broome Street; and Mr. Theron R. Lapham, 236 Canal Street. Mr. Davis commences his work by a description of the evils which have in past ages, and which do still afflict society, and shows that these can not much longer continue. He shows that the remedy of these will, in general terms, consist in moral and intellectual pro¬ gression. He opens a new field of progress in estab¬ lishing a new ground of reasoning. He clearly and fully establishes the important conclusion, that the proper reality of all things consists in an inward invisi¬ ble pt'inciple; and that the tangible objects of the external world are mere transient forms which this principle has assumed as its effects and ultimates. He clearly and intelligibly explains the phenomena 18 MEMORANDA. wliat good there is in this overpowering impressibility. It often makes me very weary and strangely anxious, as though I had on my heart the great weight of the misery of whole families in the city. I am perfectly willing to help the poor and unhappy to the extent of my power ; but I can not consent to waste my strength in feeling without benefiting somebody. Perhaps this great sensitiveness, so much increased of late, may result in something useful. 7. PROF. GEORGE BUSH A2TD EDGAR A. POE. Xett Yop.k, January 19, 1846. These gentlemen are attracted by the Scribe’s recent article published in the T'riJjune. It is said that they belong to that wonderful class of college-educated per¬ sons called “literati? But to me they are simply human beings—sacred and fearful, as is every thing that represents the indestructible qualities of the human mind. Prof. Bush’s face shines with a rare religious emanation. His presence causes one to think of a holy and profoundly learned man living in ancient Jerusa¬ lem. His eyes look into oriental mysteries, and his voice, although not unpleasant, sounds as from the bot¬ tom of a deep well. They whisper that he is Professor of Hebrew in the University of Yew York. Edgar A. Poe’s personal presence conveys me, in feeling, to a beauteous fieid. or to a kind of blooming valley, surrounded by a high wall of craggy mountains. VISION OF A MEDICAL CLAIRVOYANT. 19 So high appear these mountains that the sun can scarcely shine over their summits during any portion of the twenty-four hours. There is, too, something un¬ natural in his voice, and something dispossessing in his manners. He is. in spirit, a foreigner. My sympathies are strangely excited. There are conflicting breathings of commanding power in his mind. But as he walked in through the hall, and again when he left, at the conclu¬ sion of his call, I saw a perfect shadow of himself in the air in front of him. as though the sun was constantly shining behind and casting shadows before him, causing the singular appearance of one walking into a dark fog produced by himself. s. DEMONSTRATION OF THE VISION OF A MEDICAL CLAIR¬ VOYANT. Nfw Toes. March 10. 1S46. The newspapers and magazines are teeming with slashing discussions upon the subject of Magnetism and Clairvoyance. Miss Martineau's Letters on Mag¬ netism give the materialistic solution of all these per¬ plexing mental phenomena, which is generally received, showing that ** it is neither imposture on the one hand, nor a revelation on the other," The religious press is unanimous in condemnation. The following para¬ graphs. from the pen of a distinguished magazinist. em¬ bodies the theory most generally accepted at this time Vi.c.. twenty-two years ago), and it is doubtless the con¬ viction of many at all times: — 18 MEMORANDA. what good there is in this overpowering impressibility. It often makes me very weary and strangely anxious, as though I had on my heart the great weight of the misery of whole families in the city. I am perfectly willing to help the poor and unhappy to the extent of my power; but I can not consent to waste my strength in feeling without benefiting somebody. Perhaps this great sensitiveness, so much increased of late, may result in something useful. 7. PROF. GEORGE BUSH AND EDGAR A. POE. New York, January 19, 1846. These gentlemen are attracted by the Scribe’s recent article published in the Tribune. It is said that they belong to that wonderful class of college-educated per¬ sons called li l$teratiT But to me they are simply human beings—sacred and fearful, as is every thing that represents the indestructible qualities of the human mind. Prof. Bush’s face shines with a rare religious emanation. TIis presence causes one to think of a holy and profoundly learned man living in ancient Jerusa¬ lem. His eyes look into oriental mysteries, and his voice, although riot unpleasant, sounds as from the bot¬ tom of a deep well. They whisper that he is Professor of Hebrew in the University of Hew York. Edgar A. Poe’s personal presence conveys me, in feeling , to a beauteous field, or to a kind of blooming valley, surrounded by a high wall of craggy mountains. VISION OF A MEDICAL CLAIRVOYANT. 19 So high appear these mountains that the sun can scarcely shine over their summits during any portion of the twenty-four hours. There is, too, something un¬ natural in his voice, and something dispossessing in his manners. He is. in spirit, a foreigner. My sympathies are strangely excited. There are conflicting breathings of commanding power in his mind. But as he walked in through the hall, and again when he left, at the conclu¬ sion of his call, I saw a perfect shadow of himself in the air in front of him, as though the sun was constantly shining behind and casting shadows before him, causing the singular appearance of one walking into a dark fog produced by himself. 8 . DEMONSTRATION OF THE VISION OF A MEDICAL CLAIR¬ VOYANT. New York, March 10, 1846. The newspapers and magazines are teeming with slashing discussions upon the subject of Magnetism and Clairvoyance. Miss Martineau’s Letters on Mag¬ netism give the materialistic solution of all these per¬ plexing mental phenomena, which is generally received, showing that “it is neither imposture on the one hand, nor a revelation on the other.” The religious press is unanimous in condemnation. The following para¬ graphs, from the pen of a distinguished magazinist, em¬ bodies the theory most generally accepted at this time (i.e., twenty-two years ago), and it is doubtless the con¬ viction of many at all times:— 20 MEMORANDA. “ Coleridge preserved the anecdote of an ignorant Dutch charm bermaid, who, when suffering from delirium, raved in excellent Hebrew, to the religious wonderment of all the simple neighbors. They thought the woman seized with ‘the gift of tongues,’ until some scientific visitors explained the miracle by tracing her former domestication with a worthy clergyman who used to read Hebrew aloud in his study, while his female servant dusted his books of a morning. It was then agreed by the wiser ones, that the mechanical impressions daguerreotyped upon the girl’s senses in former years, were simply reproduced by congestion of the brain (just as the flame brings out letters traced with lemon juice on paper, thus hinting at the properties of a more appall¬ ing kind of fire), even as we have attempted to show how such images may recur, when commenting upon Admiral Beaufort’s letter in a late number of this journal. “ The most startling phenomena of mesmerism, as now admit¬ ted by all intelligent observers to have a real existence, are, to our satisfaction at least, traceable to and explainable by the solu¬ tion which these anecdotes offer to a most interesting problem. The testimony to the sympathetic influence of one brain upon another, in certain conditions of the system of the operator and patient, can not at this day be set aside; but the testimony as to any new impressions which were not before in the brain of the operator or patient, manifesting themselves from the mind of the latter when in an abnormal condition, stands by no means upon the same indisputable grounds of evidence. The phenomena of the one case, though not yet brought within the acknowledged pale of science, have been known to scientific men for ages. The pre¬ ternatural claims in the other case, though not less old, have in every instance been set aside when carefully examined by the en¬ lightened physiologist. Nor do we think that clairvoyance has necessarily any connection with the well-accredited phenomena of catalepsy as a natural malady, or as artificially produced by what is called mesmerism.” The hypothesis that clairvoyance is simply a repro¬ duction of mental impressions, is overthrown by a fact VISION OF A MEDICAL CLAIRVOYANT. 21 which has just been made public. The clairvo) T ant disa¬ grees with the surgeons concerning the position and in¬ side dependencies of a tumor on her own shoulder-blade. Her perceptions are proved correct, and the tumor is ex¬ tracted while she is physically unconscious under the magnetic influence. The whole case is familiarly re¬ ported by a correspondent to the Telegraph, as follows: I see there is a good deal about human magnetism in the Telegraph , especially in the last number, and not a few hesitate about believing all of it. Such things do appear strange; but then the mystery is, that people have not become acquainted with these natural powers of the human system before ; and that they are so unwill¬ ing to believe the vast amount of evidence that is being accumulated on this subject. But the philosophy of the phenomena has nut been satisfactorily explained ; and we are so constituted as to be strongly inclined to disbelieve what we can not account for: unless the evi¬ dence of its existence comes to us through such a me¬ dium as to leave no room for the possibility of deception. And some of its developments are so very wonderful, and exhibit capabilities of mind so far beyond what has been heretofore considered the scope of the human intel¬ lect, that I should hardly write such facts as come under my observation, were it not for the expectation that some editor will ere long exhibit the rationale of the whole thing; in such a light as to leave it as clear from mystery as the most simple manifestations of ani¬ mated beings. A few days since I was at Mr. Tuttle’s, in Byron, Genesee Co., whose wife has created no little excitement by her wonderful clairvoyant powers, which have, for the 22 MEMORANDA. most part, been manifested in examinations of diseases, and prescriptions for them ; and I shall now give you something of an account of her, and her opinions in this department. You are aware that I called upon them last November, when, for the purpose of witness¬ ing her powers, I had her make an examination of my¬ self, which she did to perfection, commencing with the first causes of ill-health, and tracing their effects upon the system up to that time; mentioning particularly the time when the effect of too severe application to study obliged me to leave school with blighted hopes and dark prospects. Satisfied with her knowledge of the to us unperceivable works of the human system, I requested a remedy ; and have used it since with quite as much benefit as she promised, and such as to open a door of hope for the future which had for a long time been pretty much closed. The commencement of her clairvoyant operations was entirely accidental, or providential, she having been at first magnetized for a different purpose, and having no expectation nor desire for that celebrity which is beginning to result from it; having been, as she said, brought up in Tonawanda swamp, and desiring to live and die in the neighborhood of her nativity, unknown beyond the narrow circle of her early acquaintance. But being afflicted with a large tumor upon the left shoul¬ der, which it was necessary to have removed, she was magnetized for that purpose by Mr. Joseph C. "Walker, who was at the time engaged in teaching the common school in the vicinity. Among her first clairvoyant developments was a statement respecting the position of some parts of the tumor, in which she disagreed with VISION OF A MEDICAL CLAIRVOYANT. 23 the surgeons, which she could not have known from sensation, and which proved to be correct when the operation was performed. This was done while she was in the magnetized state, and without pain, though the tumor was from two to three inches in extent, and fast to the shoulder-blade, which was scraped, to insure the complete removal of all possible remnants of the tumor. On being awakened, this arm was left para¬ lyzed, and it was some time before she became conscious of what had been done, she having been told before be¬ ing magnetized that the operation was to be performed the next day, which was done to prevent her from being agitated, as this might have prevented a good sleep: but on coming into this condition she immediately un¬ deceived herself, and told the hour at which Dr. Coates would arrive, and the object of his visit. This was on the 17th of February, 1846.* She in this state prescribed the treatment for the wound, and also for her friends who wished her to do so; but this brought her in contact with the interests of certain professional men, who, because their craft was in danger, took all possible methods to destroy her influence, and who, finding all other means insufficient, hesitated not themselves, or by instigating others, to attack that character for virtuous integrity which all noble-minded females prize above all price. But dis- * Although twenty-two years have elapsed since this test-case of clairvoyance was reported, I have the pleasure to record that I am per¬ sonally acquainted with the celebrated clairvoyant, Mrs. Tuttle, and with her excellent magnetizer, Mr. J. C. Walker (my wife’s half-brother), and can testify that her powers are giving daily satisfaction to the sick who apply. Her address is as above. 24 MEMORANDA. creet in the manner of transacting their business, the family exhibited no flaw upon which the approaching demon of slander could rest his polluted and polluting foot; and with full confidence in the noble nature of the mission, and in the ultimate triumph of truth, they kept steadily on their course, bravely stemming the strong torrents of abuse, obloquy, scorn, contempt, and derision with which the enemies of magnetic sci¬ ence endeavored to overwhelm them. And many are those who are and will be thankful that they did, for numbers are the cures they have performed, and which are being performed, through Mrs. T.’s prescriptions; many of which cases have baffled the skill of all medi¬ cal practitioners, and for the cure of which hope had ceased to promise, until, by the aid of a mind in its unclouded independence of sensation, the nature of the diseases were pointed out, and the proper remedies pre¬ scribed. And in her examinations and prescriptions it matters not whether the patients be present or absent, nor whether they send by their friends or by letter—all that is necessary being the knowledge that some person, somewhere, is desirous of being favored with such in¬ formation and advice respecting his health, as she is capable of giving, while in that state of unclouded vision in which the wonderful workings of vitality become an unsealed book, and when not only are its present operations, but its past, and future, spread as on an open page before the mind. That she does perfectly read the history of disease, hundreds are ready to tes¬ tify ; and that she understands what remedies are suit¬ able, very many of these are equally satisfied by having THE EIGHTH AND NINTH PLANETS. 25 used them with success. And though she is rather averse to explore other departments, it is not because they are any the less clearly discernable, for the most subtile works of the mind are equally manifest to her; so that the most secret thoughts, whether present or past, are as clearly manifest to her as if transcribed in the plainest characters. It is therefore useless for per¬ sons to attempt to play a game upon her, for, perceiving their object, she is sure to give them any others than an¬ swers with which they could be pleased. Kesting upon the consciousness of her own integrity, and standing far above the petty considerations which induce the grovel¬ ing to deceive, she disdains to say aught for the purpose of convincing those who are unwilling to accord to her that honesty of purpose and power of perception of which she is so perfectly conscious. 9. DISCOVERY OF AN EIGHTH AND NINTH PLANET BY AN INTERIOR LIGHT. 252 Spring Street, New York, October 30, 1846. This glorious morning—the beginning of a great golden autumnal day—brought one of our patients, a distinguished Wall Street banker, earlier than was usual for our medical examinations to commence.- He held in his hand Mr. Greeley’s Tribune , which, he said, “ contained a very interesting letter from the Scribe.’' 1 It being agreeable to all present, he proceeded to read, as follows:— 2 20 MEMORANDA. To the Editor of the Tribune :— From a paragraph in the Tribune of the 28th ult. 5 credited to the New Haven Palladium , and bearing the signature “ O.” (doubtless Prof. Olmstead), I learn that news has, by a late arrival from Europe, been re¬ ceived at Yale College of the actual discovery of an eighth planet! It was first discovered by M. Galle, of Berlin, on the night of Sept. 23, and was seen at Lon¬ don, Sept. 30. The existence of this body was inferred a few months since by the French mathematician, Le Verrier, from certain disturbances in the motions of Uranus; but the announcement of this inference was not made in this country before some time in May or June last. Not to deprive the discoverers of this body of their deserved honors, and with no attempt to excite the marvelousness of your readers, I would say that the exist¬ ence not only of an eighth, but a ninth planet was dis¬ tinctly announced in March last. I will explain : Your readers were informed, some time since, that A. J. Davis, while in an abnormal and exceedingly exalted mental condition, is engaged in the dictation of a book in explanation of the whole structure of the Universe, and developing that knowledge of the universal laws of Nature on which can be based an organization of society on principles of harmony and reciprocation, the same as pervade the celestial spheres. His abnor¬ mal condition (induced by the manipulations of another person), is analogous to physical death', when the spiritual principle is free from its shackles, and appears to have immediate access to every species of knowledge, and the reasoning power is entirely unclouded. tb r Kionnr and ninth planets. 27 The following extracts concerning the eighth and ninth planets are from two lectures given by him, one on the 16th and the other on the 17th of March last. In order that what is said upon the planets may be under stood, it is necessary to precede the extract with a few of his remarks upon the sun :— “ The wonderful sun or center to which our solar system be¬ longs, may be understood as being a distant and extreme planet of another system, existing prior to its formation. And in ac¬ cordance with the general plan of suns and worlds in the uni¬ verse, its planets and satellites may be considered as satellites and asteroids belonging to a planet, and the planet as belonging to a sun. “ The constitution of the sun is an accumulation and agglomera¬ tion of particles thrown from other spheres; and these became united according to the law of mutual gravity and inherent and mutual attraction. Its igneous composition contains heat, light, and electricity, the successive developments of all primeval mat¬ ter existing in an agglomerated condition, and subjected to the general and universal law governing all matter.” After explaining the rotary and orbicular motion of the sun (for the causes of which he accounts), he pro¬ ceeds :— “ Therefore, the great internal portion or center of the sun is an immense body of liquid fire, evolving successively heat, light, and electricity, as developed and purified particles of the inte¬ rior composition. The evolved atmosphere may be understood as being a part of the great body,—still an emanation of the in¬ ternal by reason of its own constitution. This atmosphere, or immense zone of nebulous and accumulated particles-extended to the circumference of the orbit that the immense planet occu¬ pies and traverses as a cometary body. This is one more planet than is now known, or has yet been detected by the observations made through the agency of the most powerful symbol of the human eye (the telescope). 23 memoranda. “Eight planets have been recognized and determined as nearlj beyond all doubt. Still the eighth and ninth are not recognized as bodies or plarets belonging to our solar system. But the orbit that the last one occupies was the extreme circumference of the atmospheric emanation from the sun.” After proceeding with various remarks upon the laws of emanation, condensation, the origin of rotary and orbicular motions, the progression of primeval planetary matter to the development of the various (so called) elementary substances, &c., he continues :— “ The ninth planet, or cometarv body, being composed of par¬ ticles accumulated by the motion of the great sun, observed the same plane by the same specific force, but assumed a station in iccordance with its magnitude; and obeying the laws of recipro- eal gravitation, it occupied its assumed orbit at a distance pro¬ portionate to its rarity, and in accordance with its peculiar con¬ stitution. “ The eighth planet was next evolved, observing the same general law of motion and the same principles of formation; and was situated within the outer merely because its constitution was more dense than the first one evolved. Its occupying, there¬ fore, the station and sphere thus described, is only in harmony with the established principles of gravitation, and general and rotary motions. “By virtue of the two great motions which the sun has, the luccessive formations of the planetary bodies were produced. As the eighth and ninth planets have not yet been recognized as oelonging to our solar system, there can be no conception of the Driginal magnitude and diameter of the sun, as including its ex¬ tended atmosphere.” After further philosophical remarks upon the pecu¬ liar elements, conditions, circumstances, &c., &c., as engaged in the formation of celestial spheres, he says :—• “ But let it be deeply impressed, that the peculiar circum¬ stances and conditions under which these elements may be situated THE EIGHTH AND NINTH FLANETS. 29 will produce corresponding effects, according to the cause which occasions the manifestation of such consequences. This observa¬ tion will lead to a proper understanding of the amount of heat and light which the eighth planet receives from the sun. The ultimate discovery of this celestial body, and its revolution and diameter being specified, will contribute greatly to the interesting subject of astronomy, particularly when the aberrations and ro fractions of light are known as they occur between it and the sur around which it revolves. “Its density is four-fifths that of water; its diameter is unne¬ cessary to determine. Its rotation and period of revolution can be inferred analogically from the period that Uranus observes in its elliptic and almost inconceivable orbit. The atmosphere of the eighth planet is exceedingly rare, containing little oxygen, but being mostly composed of fluorine and nitrogen. No organic constitution that exists upon the earth could exist there alive for one moment. The human eye would be a useless organ ; for light there is of such a nature as to render its darkness , even at the darkest period, several hundred degrees above the present light emanating from the sun! It has, like Uranus, six satellites. These were evolved and formed by the two motions given this planet; the farthest from the primary being the extent of its original com¬ position, and the nearest satellite being the accumulation of dense atoms near the planet.It is wholly unfitted for the habitation of any organic constitution; yet life will ultimately cover its now undisturbed surfaces.” That the above extracts are genuine, satisfactory demonstration can be given to any one who may re¬ quire it. Their existence in manuscript, as a part of Mr. Davis’s course, has been known by many persons, and whose testimony will not be denied by any who know them. The lectures have, at promiscuous times, been witnessed by I. Kinsman, No. 1 New Street, T. Lea Smith, M. D., 9 Murray Street (now in Bermuda), II. (t. Cox, M. D., Ti White Street, Tlierou Tt. Lapham, 30 MEMORANDA. 308 Stanton Street, B. S. Horner, 9 Murray Street, and others. In the same manner, Mr. Davis has revealed the formation, constitution, geological developments, in¬ habitants , &c., of all the other planets of our system. Indeed, his book aims to present in a general way, a knowledge of the constitution, laws, principles, and developments of the whole universe. He displays, while in his superior state, a power of analysis and generalization perfectly unparalleled and absolutely overwhelming; though while in the normal state he is almost entirely uneducated , and he is now only about twenty years old. If these are facts (and if not, their falsity should , mn, and will be exposed, )the reflecting mind can not fail to recognize tbe unspeakable import¬ ance of their bearings. The only rational explanation of this psychological phenomenon is that which Mr. Davis himself gives, viz.: that his mind, while in the abnormal state, receives the influx of the science un¬ derstood in the spiritual spheres with which his mind associates. Wm. Fishbough. io. ANNA CORA MOWATT ON THE STAGE. New York, November 10, 1846. I have been to witness a performance at the Park Theater, in which this siugularly beautiful and spiritual lady played a part. She moves like one in the air, so LETTER FROM PROFESSOR BUSH. ol well-governed and graceful are all her bodily expres¬ sions, and so fresh and intelligent are all her concep¬ tions of the part she is to personate. . . While passion¬ ately portraying the profound grief of the character she had assumed, and at the very moment when her cheek grew pale and bosom heaved with the fullness of agony and despair, 1 had the happiness to behold the reality of beautiful influence (spiritual) descend upon her face and figure, imparting an energy and a marvelous bril¬ liancy to her action and personal appearance, the effect of which everybody in the theater seemed to instantly recognize; for the applause immediately was universal and enthusiastic. . . It seems to me that the noble sen¬ timents and profound feelings of human nature attract appreciable influences from the invisible sphere whence emanates “every good and perfect gift.” 11. MAGNETIC MARVELS IN NEW YORK.—LETTER FROM PROFESSOR GEORGE BUSH. New York, November 15, 1846. Professor Bush’s first letter, confirming the Scribe’s, is published to-day, and reads as follows:— To the Editor of the Tribune :— The account given in the Tribune of the 10th, of young Davis’s announcement of the existence of an eighth planet in our solar system, and even intimating that its elements had already been calculated months before 32 MEMORANDA. any thing was known of the fact in this country, must be admitted to be, in any mode of explanation, exceed¬ ingly remarkable, especially when it is considered that in his normal state he knows almost nothing of astron¬ omy or of any other science. As to the asserted fact that this announcement by Mr. Davis was made in March last, I can testify that I heard it read at the time ‘ and numerous gentlemen in this city are ready to bear witness that I informed them of the circumstance several months before the intelligence reached ns of Lc Verrieds discovery. This fact alone, if there was nothing else extraordi¬ nary in his case, would offer an astounding phenomenon to the world. But this is only one item of the many marvels which distinguish his mesmeric developments, and with which the public will in due time be made acquainted. Circumstances, which it is unnecessary for me to recite, having brought me into a peculiar re¬ lation to his revelations, and questions being almost daily proposed to me by friends respecting them, I am induced to seek the opportunity of stating through your columns that my forthcoming work on the “ Re¬ lation of the Phenomena of Mesmerism to the Doctrines and Disclosures of Swedenborg” will contain a com¬ munication addressed to me by Mr. Davis, written by him in his abnormal or ecstatic state, and made up of a series of quotations, for the most part verbal, from a work of Swedenborg which he had never read ! The evidence of this is decisive from the testimony adduced, and if any thing is lacking on this score, it is supplied from the fact that he is continually giving forth in his Lectures matter scientific, historical, theological, and philosophical, of a character so astonishing as to make LETTER FROM TROFESSOR BDSII. 33 entirely credible the narrative which I have related. On this head I remark as follows:— “I can solemnly affirm that I have heard him correctly quote the Hebrew language in his Lectures, and display a knowledge of geology which would have been astonishing in a person of his age, even if he had devoted years to the study. Yet to neither of these departments has he ever devoted a year’s application in his life. I can, moreover, testify that in these lectures he has dis¬ cussed, with the most signal ability, the profoundest questions of Historical and Biblical Archaeology, of Mythology, of the Origin and Affinity of Language, of the Progress of Civilization among the different nations of the globe, besides an immense variety of related topics, on all which, though the style is somewhat faulty, the results announced would do honor to any scholar of the age. even if, in reaching them, he had had the advantage of access to all the libraries in Christendom. Indeed, if he has acquired all the information he gives forth in these lectures, not in the two years since he left the shoemaker’s bench, but in his whole life, with the most assiduous study, no prodigy of intellect of which the world has ever heard would be for a moment to be compared with him. Yet not a single volume on any of these subjects, if a page of a volume, has he ever read, nor, however intimate his friends may be with him, will one of them testify that during the last two years he has ever seen a book of science or history or literature in his hand. His daily life and habits are open to in¬ spection, and if any one is prepared to gainsay in any point the statement now made, I will pledge myself to make a recantation as public as I now make the statement.” But this is not all; I say moreover: “In this state I do not perceive that there is any definable limitation to. his power of imparting light on any theme of human inquiry, lie apparently discourses on all subjects with equal facility and correctness. The range of his intui¬ tions appears to be well nigh boundless.” Indeed I am satisfied that, were his mind directed to it, he could 2+ 34 MEMORANDA. solve any problem in any science. But he goes simply as he is led by supernatural guidance. On this head I observe:— “The manner in which Mr. D.’a remarkable gift is, so to speak, managed and overruled , is no less extraordinary than the gift it¬ self. It is uniformly held in entire subordination to some im¬ portant use. He submits to no experiments prompted by mere curiosity. He makes no revelations, offers no advice, expresses no opinion, which would in any way give one person an undue advantage over another. Though evidently possessing in his ab¬ normal state supernatural knowledge, no worldly inducement has the least effect toward persuading him to exercise it for any pur¬ pose which would not conduce to the good of the whole. The most urgent solicitations have been made to him to aid individuals in the accomplishment of schemes of private interest, but all in vain. He invariably turns a deaf ear to all such propositions. He refuses, because he says it would not he right , and because it would endanger the continuance of his clairvoyant power for higher and holier purposes. “ As to the Lectures in which he is engaged, he maintains that their grand scope aims directly at the regeneration of society; that a great moral crisis is impending in this world’s history; and that he is selected as a humble instrument to aid, in a par¬ ticular sphere, in its accomplishment.” Perhaps the most astonishing circumstance connected with these developments is the fact, that without ever having read a page of Swedenborg, he has reproduced, in the course of these Lectures, the leading features of his Philosophy of the Universe, and in several instances the coincidence is all but absolutely verbal. Of this I give a striking example in my work. Yet Sweden¬ borg’s philosophical writings, as distinguished from his theological, are of exceedingly rare occurrence in this country, and as they have been but recently translated LETTER FROM PROFESSOR BUSH. 35 into English, and as the exact number of copies im¬ ported is known, as also in whose hands they are, it is easy to reduce the matter to a moral certainty that he has never consulted one of them. Indeed, I should feel entirely safe in offering a reward of one thousand dollars to any person who will exhibit evidence that Mr. Davis has ever read or seen a copy of the “ Prin- cipia,” the ‘‘Animal Kingdom,” or the “Economy of the Animal Kingdom” of Swedenborg, which are the works containing the ideas that he most frequently echoes in his Lectures. He has. moreover, in several instances, quoted his works by their Latin titles, some of which are not known to be in existence in the original on this side the Atlantic, and of which it is utterly incredible that he could previously have known any thing at all. Viewed in any light whatever, the case of this young man presents a problem of the most astounding char¬ acter, and one the solution of which will be seen to be indissolubly involved with that of the question of the truth of Swedenborg’s alleged revelations of the spir¬ itual world. This question, I am persuaded, can not be much longer staved off from consideration. It is press¬ ing upon the general mind of Christendom in every direction with an urgency that can not be resisted, and there are a calmly-awaiting few who ask for no assur¬ ance beforehand as to the manner in which the question will be decided. Respectfully, yours, &c., Geo. Bush. i>6 MEMORANDA IS. VISIT FROM PROFESSOR TAYLOR LEWIS. 232 Spring Street, New York, November 27, 1846. I have just seen the particular acquaintance of Pro¬ fessor Bush. They have been long associated in the study and inculcation of Oriental Languages and Theo¬ logy. They arrived together, and spent some time in our Examination room, talking about “mesmerism,” w magnetism,” “ second-sight,” “ clairvoyance,” and other subjects in psychology and theology that I do not comprehend. It is said that Professor Lewis teaches Greek and Latin in the University of Hew York, and that he is a very learned and distinguished man. He is rather small in stature, and not personally prepossess¬ ing ; his head is large, and countenance expressive of erudition, and patient, laborious thoughtfulness. He impresses like a self-satisfied, but incessantly meditative mind; capable of persistent argumentation, with de¬ ficient appreciation of another’s rights; although this fundamental lack would be, in a good degree, com¬ pensated for and concealed by the fiat of his scholarly attainments.Somehow, I can not feel per¬ sonally attracted to the distinguished teachers of those unpronounceable languages. Perhaps the fault is in REVELATIONS OF MESMERISM. 37 myself—in my sense of ignorance on all things in which they are chiefly interested—in my lack of education. Yet they seem to be as impoverished in what to me is Eternal Truth as I am poor in what they deem abso¬ lutely indispensable to a “ classical education.” What is education? And who are the truly educated? I wonder whether Professor Lewis will investigate the phenomena of mesmerism and clairvoyance. . . . Some patients have just arrived. The doctor is coming to ask me to be thrown into the state of medical clair¬ voyance. I shall not refuse, for the condition is in¬ creasingly attractive to me. O V 13. THOUGHTS ON THE REVELATIONS OF MESMERISM. New York, December 25, 1816. It seems that the gentleman who, one day last year, stood at the elbow of Rev. Dr. Solomon Sober- thouglit, was a man as well as a clergyman ; for, judg¬ ing from the following, just from his pen, he was not crushed by the assumption of elephantine importance on the part of the immense-bodied ecclesiastic ; but still lives, and what is better, dares to think and investigate for himself :— “ Good St. Paul wrote some things beside revelations. So may Swedenborg have done; so may Mr. Davis do. Shall I then swallow down all that comes from either of them ; allowing their claims to supernatural vision to be just, simply because it comes from men sometimes inspired, without asking. Is it true? Is it 38 MEMORANDA. in accordance with known principles of truth, that are immuta¬ ble? Does it correspond to the All-Wise, who changes not? Verily not. While, then, I would exercise due caution against imposition upon the one hand, I would welcome with open heart and mind all that comes, from whatsoever source, in the name of truth and right. I have no fear of innovations or revolutions. I wish we had more of them. There is nothing to fear from the assumptions of any one. If they are true, they will be substan¬ tiated sooner or later; if they are false, truth will not suffer. Thus much in regard to the general subject. In relation to the particular revelations of Swedenborg and Davis, I am free to confess, that, to me, they have an important bearing upon the progressive development of man. I have long, in common with many others, speculated upon the probable capability of spirit when separated from the body; whether it w T ould survey at a glance an infinite extent, and know in a moment infinitely more than mortal ever conceived of here. I loved to think the mind, when disrobed of its earthly covering, would, like the bird uncaged, soar away on joyous wing, to revel in those exhaustless stores of wisdom, of which but little is seen in time ; and I shall rejoice whenever any evidence is presented that goes to establish this favorite idea, though I can hardly trust myself to decide upon the validity of testimony in which I am so much interested. Swedenborg assumed to have had re¬ vealed to him the manner of life in the spirit world. He claimed for his revelations consistency with reason, philosophy, and scrip¬ ture. "Why, then, should there be any shrinking from an investi¬ gation of his claims? Mesmerism claims to unfold the hidden workings of creative and preservative principles in matter and spirit. It pushes the vision of the clairvoyant beyond the circle in which man has heretofore moved—marks out a new orbit for his future destiny, and bids him go where God and reason lead the way. Why should godlike beings fear or hesitate to attempt to follow ? If there is a mistake at the bottom of the whole mat¬ ter, somebody will find it out, while no one can be injured by it, if calm and prudent. If there is not, then glorious things ar* spoken of the City of our God. Who will take possession?” SUBSCRIPTION FOR A NEWSPAPER. 39 14. SUBSCRIPTION FOR A COUNTRY NEWSPAPER. New York, January 3, 1847. The following is a copy of a letter I wrote this morn¬ ing to the editor of a little newspaper published in the country. It is the first letter I ever had the courage to write to an “editor.” I am as timid about it as a child, but I shall try to write correctly, and say what I think:— Mr. Editor: —With pleasure I have remarked seve¬ ral copies of your casket of valuable information. The form , freedom, and freshness of Truth are capti¬ vating to, and congenial with, my reason, and to my su¬ preme love of Nature and her divine soul! But for the purpose of establishing the truth, that I have never read a book, pamphlet , or paper treating on any science, or theology, and in order to keep my mind free from the immensity of the first and the contamination of the latter, I have till this period positively refused to read or subscribe for any book or paper published. Inas¬ much as the “ Lectures” are near completed, in the de¬ velopment of which I have been and still continue to be an instrument employed, I am at liberty to subscribe a year for the present volume, including the already published numbers of your paper. 40 MEMORANDA. I have been three years engaged, as a subject of hu man Magnetism or Spiritual sympathy, and in some of the most novel, useful, and remarkable departments of terrestrial and celestial science. And manifesting a peculiar interior perception of external objects at any distance, or truths of great extent—comprehending, seemingly, the lowest and the highest creation at a glance—and yet naturally I am unacquainted with any of those vast and marvelous subjects so familiarly unfolded. I am aware that a change is constantly going on between my natural and spiritual, or inner and outer being—one imperceptibly approaches and Aoavs into the other—an elevation of the faculties and an unfolding of their innate possessions, which caused my inferior to ascend to my superior condition. To Magnetism I owe unspeakable blessings; for by it I have been, am now, and shall be, I trust, a useful being to the conflicting world of mankind. If I can be this, my existence will be one of happiness and profit. This will be determined hereafter, when the book is presented to the public, and then the truth will shine forth amid the darkness that now pervades the mental world. I speak concerning the lectures I have given in my spiritual condition, with the same degree of wonder, as would any person uninformed of the circumstances ; and I am seriously devoted to the interior manifestation of beau¬ tiful truths—feeling, as every mind should feel, a su¬ preme love of truth, anxious to have it known and ap¬ plied, the result of which will purify, unite, and elevate the human race. Respectfully yours, A. J. Davis, VISIT FROM A. PHRENOLOGIST. 41 15. VISIT FROM A PHRENOLOGIST. New York, January 16, 1847. I begin to wonder whether the science (or what maj be one day called a science) of magnetism, and its resultant clairvoyance, will ever be delivered of false and shameless pretenders. To-day, a man called, mak¬ ing the largest professions to mesmeric skill, &c. ; enough to disgust any common mind with the whole subject. And only yesterday a phrenologist visited us for the purpose of examining my head. He showed his “ small bills ” as well as his self conceit, and pointed out a sentence which he understood to be a sort of editorial recommendation, to this effect: “ It is not long since, in one of his lectures in the city of New Orleans, and also, I believe, elsewhere, a peripatetic head-reader demonstrated his ability to discover a man’s religious tenets by the developments of his bead ; he could thus distinguish an Episcopalian from a Catholic, a Baptist from a Methodist, and a Presbyterian from the whole. We do not often speak respectfully of traveling phrenologists,” &c. But, notwithstand¬ ing this “favorable notice” printed on his programme, I did not put my head under his hands. In fact, by experience, through great and painful sensitiveness to per 42 MEMORANDA. sonal conditions and conflicting magnetisms. I am con¬ strained to avoid, as far a? possible, without seeming to be absolutely rude, all direct contact with the different individuals I meet in society. Tliere are phrenologists, however, such as Prof. O. S. Fowler, and others of his school, in Xassau Street, for whose personal qualities and reformatory efforts I entertain the profoundest respect. Possibly, one of these days, I may become better acquainted with the science they teach. The other day, when I met Air. O. S. Fowler. I seemed to see an architect, whose plans are large, and various, and desirable, with an unusual number of windows and doors in his proposed super¬ structure. but either lacking the suitable building ma- terial. or else not properly and congenially assisted by efficient carpenters and masons. 16 . SEEING- WITHOUT THE XA.TUBAL EYES. Xew Yoke, January 18, 1847. In order to show that the spiritual eye can read manuscript, without any outward contact, and inde¬ pendently of the bodily organs, I introduce the follow¬ ing voluntary attestation, from an interesting work, entitled, “ Mesmer and Swedenborg,” p. 179, by Prof George Bush:— ‘•And what is remarkable, although I had my manuscripts with me, from which I wished to propose certain queries relative to the correctness of my interpretation, I found I had no need to COMPLETION OF THE LECTURES. 43 refer to it, as lie was evidently, from his replies, cognizant of its entire scope from beginning to end. though all the time closely bandaged, and unable to read a word by the outward eye. This will appear incredible, but it is strictly true. I had no occasion to refer to a single sentence in my papers; for it was evident that he was in possession of the whole, though he had not seen a line of what I had written, nor had previously known of the fact of my writing at all.” IT. COMPLETION OF THE CLAIRVOYANT LECTURES. 252 Spring Street, New York, January 25, 1S47. They say that my lectures are completed! Well — I do not feel any different. With the Doctor and the Scribe I share feelings of gratitude to the Immortal Power for blessings vouchsafed, and return thanks for the truths that have been imparted during the past few months. The world’s millions know almost nothing of these remarkable experiences. A lecture would last forty minutes or longer, and the book, when published, will contain one hundred and fifty-seven of them. The first was delivered November 28, 1845, and the last, January 25, 1847. When delivering these lectures, I would receive impressions from the invisible world ; and then, with my natural organs of speech, I would slowly, distinctly, and audibly deliver them to the Scribe, in order that they should be accurately recorded. I would then return to the invisible world for another impression. If I were to write of the clairvoyant in the third person, I should say: In the personal appearance of 42 MEMORANDA. eonal conditions and conflicting magnetisms, I am con¬ strained to avoid, as far as possible, without seeming to be absolutely rude, all direct contact with the different individuals I meet in society. There are phrenologists, however, such as Prof. O. S. Fowler, and others of his school, in Nassau Street, for whose personal qualities and reformatory efforts I entertain the profoundest respect. Possibly, one of these days, I may become better acquainted with the science they teach. The other day, when I met Mr. O. S. Fowler, I seemed to see an architect, whose plane are large, and various, and desirable, with an unusual number of windows and doors in his proposed super¬ structure, but either lacking the suitable building ma¬ terial, or else not properly and congenially assisted by efficient carpenters and masons. 16 . SEEING- WITHOUT THE NATURAL EYES. New York, January 18, 1847. In order to show that the spiritual eye can read manuscript, without any outward contact, and inde¬ pendently of the bodily organs, I introduce the follow¬ ing voluntary attestation, from an interesting work, entitled, “ Mesmer and Swedenborg,” p. 179, by Prof George Bush:— “And what is remarkable, although I had my manuscripts with me, from which I wished to propose certain queries relative to the correctness of my interpretation, I found I had no need to COMPLETION OF THE LECT0RES. 43 refer to it, as lie was evidently, from his replies, cognizant of its entire scope from beginning to end, though all the time closely bandaged, and unable to read a word by the outward eye. This will appear incredible, but it is strictly true. I had no occasion to refer to a single sentence in my papers; for it was evident that he was in possession of the whole, though he had not seen a line of what I had written, nor had previously known of the fact of my writing at all.” IT. COMPLETION OP THE CLAIRVOYANT LECTURES. 252 Spring Street, New York, January 25, 1847. They say that my lectures are completed! Well— I do not feel any different. With the Doctor and the Scribe I share feelings of gratitude to the Immortal Power for blessings vouchsafed, and return thanks for the truths that have been imparted during the past few months. The world’s millions know almost nothing of these remarkable experiences. A lecture would last forty minutes or longer, and the book, when published, will contain one hundred and fifty-seven of them. The first was delivered November 28, 1845, and the last, January 25, 1847. When delivering these lectures, I would receive impressions from the invisible world ; and then, with my natural organs of speech, I would slowly, distinctly, and audibly deliver them to the Scribe, in order that they should be accurately recorded. I would then return to the invisible world for another impression. If I were to write of the clairvoyant in the third person, I should say: In the personal appearance of 46 MEMORANDA. kind would not be justly adequate. There have been, and are, however, a few others, who have attained a similar perfeetion. The world will shortly be apprised of a triumph of clairvoyance through the celebrated Mr. Davis, which millions will be totally nnprepared for. During the past year, this uneducated, unsophis¬ ticated, and amiable young man, has been delivering verbally, day by day, a comprehensive, well-planned, and extraordinary book—relating to all the vast questions of the age, to the physical sciences, to Nature, in all her infinite ramifications; to man, in his innumerable modes of existence; to God, in the unfathomable abysses of his love, power, and wisdom. No human author, in any department of literature or science, has ever electrified mankind to the degree that the elo¬ quent, yet simple reasonings, the lofty and sublime dis¬ closures will, that constitute this great compend of universal philosophy. Perhaps over four thousand different persons who have witnessed him in his medi¬ cal examinations or in his scientific discourses, live to testify to the astonishing exaltation of mind possessed by Mr. Davis in his abnormal state. The two new planets of our system, recently conjectured, were de¬ scribed in Davis’s manuscripts fourteen months ago. I have seen him discoursing in a most angelic man¬ ner for more than four hours in succession. The above, his first and least work, is, I believe, nearly ready to be issued. WAKING CLAIRVOYANCE. 47 10. THE MAGNETIC SEPARATION. New York, April 10, 1847. I have an indescribable feeling, amounting almost id melancholy, that this day ends my magnetic relations to the kind-hearted operator. A voice from the sacred mountain sounds the prophecy in my spirit’s ear. What is before me as a person, or what I am hereafter to accomplish for the world, I have not the least notion. But my reliance upon the supremacy and triumph of truth is profound and immovable. Besides, I have a sovereign staff in my soul, invisible to my operator, and equally unknown to all my personal friends, with which I alone may journey into the hidden future. 20 . SEEING CLAIRVOYANTLY WHILE IN A STATE OP BODILY WAKEFULNESS. Poughkeepsie, May 16 , 1847 . To-day I begin a new psychological and personal career! As I supposed, a magnetizer will be no longer a necessity. But, Oh, how careful must be my employ* MEMORANDA. 48 ment of this faculty ! I now begin to understand what Swedenborg meant when he wrote:— “ There are two kinds of visions, differing from those which are ordinarily experienced, and which I was let into, only that I might know the nature of them, and what is meant by its being said in the Word that they were taken out of the body, and that they were carried by the spirit into another place. As to the first, viz., the being taken out of the body, the case is this: Man is reduced into a certain state, which is mediate between sleeping and waking; when he is in this state he can not know but that he is wholly awake, all his senses being as much awake as in the most perfect state of bodily wakefulness, not only those oi sight and hearing, but, what is surprising, that of touch, also, which is then more exquisite than it is possible for it to be in bodily wakefulness. In this state, also, spirits and angels are seen to the life, and are also heard, and, what is won¬ derful, are touched, scarce any thing of the body then interven¬ ing. This is the state described as being ‘taken out of the body,’ and in which they know not whether they are in the body or out of the body. I have only been let into this state three or four times, just in order that I might know the nature of it, and that spirits and angels enjoy every sense, even touch, in a more per¬ fect and exquisite degree than that of the body. As to the other kind, viz., the being carried by the spirit to another place, the nature of this, also, was shown me, by lively experience, but only twice or three times. I will merely relate the experience. Walking through the streets of the city, and through the country, and being at the same time in discourse with spirits, I was not aware but that I was equally awake and seeing, as at other times, consequently walking without mistaking my way. In the mean time I was in vision, seeing groves, rivers, palaces, houses, men, and other objects; but after walking thus for some hours, on a sudden I was in bodily vision, and observed that I was in another place. Being greatly amazed at this, I perceived that I had been in such a state as they were of whom it is said that they were car¬ ried by the spirit to another place. It is so said, because, luring BEADING BOOKS AT A DISTANCE. 49 the continuance of this state, there is no reflection on the length of the way, were it even many miles; nor on the lapse of time, were it many hours or days ; nor is there any sense of fatigue; the person is also led through ways which he, himself, is igno¬ rant of, until he comes to the place intended. This was done that I might know, also, that man may be led by the Lord with¬ out his knowing whence or whither.” 31. BEADING THE CONTENTS OF BOOKS AT A DISTANCE. Poughkeepsie, August 10, 1847. Professor Bush lias been most cruelly misrepresented and constantly assailed for the indorsements and testi¬ monies he published in the Tribune. In self-defense he has once more appeared in that paper as follows:— “I confess myself to have taken a deep interest in this develop¬ ment from the outset, principally from its obvious relations with the psychological disclosures of Swedenborg, apart from which I am confident it can never be explained, but in connection with which the solution is easy and obvious. The modus of this it is not my purpose at present to dwell upon; whoever forms an ac¬ quaintance with Swedenborg, will soon find himself on the track of solving not only this, but all other psychological problems. My object is to advert to a particular passage in the Lectures, and examine its bearings upon the question of the source from which the information given by the so-called ‘Clairvoyant’ was derived. On p. 587 he has entered into a detailed and very accurate analy¬ sis of one of Swedenborg’s scientific works, entitled ‘ The Economy of the Animal Kingdom,’ in 2 vols. 8vo. He gives a minute account of the scope of each volume; and he could not well have been more correct had the volumes been open before him for the express purpose of exhibiting a summary view of their contents. The Lecture containing this passage I heard read 3 50 MEMORANDA. shortly after its delivery. Tt struck me as very remarkable, as the work in question had but recently arrived in this country; and I was confident, from various reasons, that neither Mr. Dav ; s nor his associates could have seen it. I put several interroga¬ tories on this head, and received the most positive assurance that they had not only never seen it, but had never even heard of it. And, as a proof of this, on the part of the scribe, he remarked that he had noted the word ‘ Economy’ as probably a mistake, as he had heard of a work of Swedenborg’s, entitled simply ‘The Animal Kingdom,’ which was translated and published in England a year or two before, though he had never seen it. Yet this he supposed to be meant. “ My acquaintance with those gentlemen was sufficient to satisfy me that their disclaimer on this score was entitled to im¬ plicit belief; but, as I was aware that this would not be enough to satisfy others, I at once determined to institute an inquiry, the result of which should put the matter beyond all cavil. I saw clearly that if it could be shown that this young man had given a correct account of a work which neither he nor his associates had ever seen or heard of, it must be a strong point gained to¬ ward confirming the truth of his general claim to preteinatural insight, for the establishment of which I was indeed anxious, but yet as subordinate to a still higher interest. “I accordingly wrote to Mr. 0. Clapp, bookseller in Boston, whom I knew to be the only person in this country who imported Swedenborg’s scientific works from England. They are there published, not by individual enterprise, but by an association, from whom all the copies ordered from this country are con¬ signed exclusively to Mr. C. I requested him to give me from his books, as far as possible, a detailed account of the disposal of every copy he had sold, as my object was to ascertain if any one of them could be traced to a point where it would be likely to fall into the hands of Mr. Davis or his companions. Mr. C. immediately replied, informing me of the number of copies he had imported, which was not large, as the book is costly, and tire demand limited mostly to Swedenborg’s adherents, and also of the direction which nearly every one had taken. Of these there READING BOOKS AT A DISTANCE. 51 were, in all, nine copies sent to this city to Mr. John Alien, of which all but three or four were disposed of to purchasers abroad. Of those that remained in the city, every one can be traced to individuals who will at once testify that they have never been purchased, borrowed nor consulted, by Mr. Davis or his friends. I have made diligent inquiry on this head, and am perfectly satisfied that it is morally impossible that either of these gentlemen should have had access to any one of the copies owned in New York. “Still, I am perfectly aware that this statement will not, of itself, avail to overcome the rooted incredulity that opposes itself to such a demand upon faith. I now propose, therefore, to put this matter to a much more summary test, by applying a mag¬ net of the highest potency in drawing out truth, as well as other things, from all weaker affinities. I am authorized to make a bona fide offer of $500 to any person who will produce a single iota of evidence, properly substantiated, that the work in ques¬ tion was ever seen, heard of, consulted, or in any way employed, by either of the gentlemen above mentioned, up to the time of the delivery of said lecture by A. J. Davis. I simply demand that such evidence shall be clearly and unequivocally made out; and I pledge myself, upon the truth of an honest man, that the above sum shall be punctually paid over, in the presence of wit¬ nesses, to the person who, on the condition specified, shall come forward and claim it. “I can conceive nothing more fair or decisive than this propo¬ sition. If this book has been used for the purpose, it must have been obtained of somebody. It is not easily conceivable that such an one, if knowing to the fact, should have any motive for with¬ holding it sufficient to counterbalance the inducement held out in the present offer to divulge it. A refusal to impart the informa¬ tion sought, by any one who possesses it, can scarcely be antici¬ pated, except upon the ground of complicity in a grand scheme of imposture, which has been entered into by a knot of unprin¬ cipled men, with a view to palm upon the public a work charged as being of a ‘directly undisguised infidel character.’ But who are these men? Who can be named as possessing a copy of 52 MEMORANDA. Swedenborg’s work that would be likely to lend either it or him¬ self to such a contemptible piece of chicanery? Could such a man have any motive for this that would not be apt to yield to the certainty of pocketing the proffered reward? Has he more than five hundred dollars’ worth of interest in bolstering up a pitiable delusion, which will be sure to be detected in the end, and cover with infamy the heads of all concerned? For myself, I am satisfied that there is not a copy of the ‘ Economy of the Animal Kingdom’ in the city but is in the hands of those who have the profoundest respect for Swedenborg as a philosopher and a moralist; and no such man could be, knowingly, an ac¬ complice in a scheme of pretended ‘ revelation, 1 the scope of a large portion of which is directly contrary to Swedenborg’s teachings. What supposition more absurd? If it be said that such an one might have come into the junto without knowing precisely what would be the issue, or what use would be made of his Swedenborgian contribution, the fact is now palpable ; he is undeceived, and what should prevent him from exposing the outrageous fraud, especially when he can spread the plaster of a $500 note over the sore of his chagrin ? The truth is, this whole supposition is incredible to the last degree. There is not a person in the community, who owns a copy of Swedenborg’s ‘ Economy, 1 that could think for a mo¬ ment of prostituting the book or himself to such a despicable fabrication ; and I repeat, that the book is not to be found ex¬ cept with those who entertain sentiments in regard to this great and good man that would utterly preclude connivance at any clandestine procedure of the kind supposed. Should the offer now made—and which is made in the most positive good faith— fail to elicit any response contradictory to the assumption of the book, I would submit to every candid mind whether there does not arise from this source a powerful confirmation of its general claims. I do not say that such, considered in itself, is absolutely decisive. But it must surely be granted that it affords a strong proof of a collateral kind. The numerical count of probabilities is vastly on the side of the theory that the work in question has not been seen, if a generous premium fails of bringing to light PROF. LEWIS ATTACKS PROF. BUSH. 53 the least evidence to the contrary; and yet, if the assumption stands good, what an astounding power is here developed! What can not a mind bring forth which is thus enabled to de¬ clare the contents of books never read or seen ! “On the whole, then, I venture the assertion that but one conclusion can finally be rested in in regard to the circumstance I am now considering. Young Davis has correctly analyzed and characterized a work which he had never read nor heard of. As this is directly claimed to be the fact, so it is, all things weighed, the solution which is attended with the fewest dif¬ ficulties. No other than presumptive evidence can be adduced against it, nor will any other be attempted.” 22 . PROFESSOR LEWIS ATTACKS PROFESSOR BUSH, AND DE¬ NOUNCES DAVIS’S REVELATIONS. New York, August 15, 1847. The battle has begun ! I have just heard read the following very extraordinary letter by Professor Lewis, teacher of Greek and Latin in the University of New York:— To the Editor of the New York Tribune :— At the first announcement of the pretended revela¬ tions of Davis, I was requested by some friends, who knew that I had thoroughly examined the book and was familiar with the circumstances attending its pro¬ duction, to make some exposition of its true nature and merits. The fact, too, that it had been deemed worthy of six closely printed columns of commendation in the New York Tribune would also seem to have warranted 54 MEMORANDA. such a course. It was, however, judged impossible that the boasted intelligence of the nineteenth century should be deceived by a work carrying on the very face of it such evidence of gross imposture. It was deemed in¬ credible that a book abounding, not simply in philo¬ sophic skepticism, but in the lowest and most ribald in¬ fidelity of the school of Tom Paine—an authority whence a large part of it is evidently derived—could obtain any kind of countenance from a Christian community, or from any persons professing the lowest known form of belief in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. For these reasons it was not deemed worthy of any extended notice, until the appearance of Professor Bush’s indorsement in Friday’s Tribune. He there speaks of it as a “ work justly attracting a large share of public attention he recommends it to the commu¬ nity as a remarkable production, worthy of the most unprejudiced and candid examination; he exultingly speaks, in the style of a newspaper puff, of its remarka¬ ble sale of nine hundred copies in one week ; regards this as evidence of a great increase of faith in that supernat¬ ural revelation which denies as impossible the miracles and resurrection of Christ; and, finally, makes a most remarkable manifestation of the high motives which should distinguish the scholar and the philosopher—to say nothing of the Christian teacher—in suffering him¬ self to be the channel through which a reward of five hundred dollars is offered to any man who will swear that he has ever seen Davis reading a certain book of Swedenborg. This gentleman is a Professor of Hebrew and Bibli cal literature, and a scholar and a writer of wide-spread PROF. LEWIS ATTACKS PROF. BUSH. 55 reputation. This alone would render proper a notice of his communication in the Tribune , even if there existed no other reason. He is also a professed teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and this fact, too, of itself, would justify any severity of language which we have used or may use in relation to his strange course in this matter. Whatever delusions he may have been under in the commencement of this business, he now well knows that this book is thoroughly and unblushingly Infidel, in any, even the lowest, sense in which the advocates of the loosest form of Christianity would take the term. It attempts to disprove the very possibility of any super¬ natural revelation. It affirms that evil or sin can not possibly have any existence. It not only denies the supernatural of the Old Testament—some of the Pro¬ fessor’s school might think this only a legitimate result of their doctrine of Progress—but pronounces false, and even affects to scoff at, all the miracles of the Hew. It denies the resurrection of Christ. It asserts that he was simply a moral reformer, but of an inferior kind, as be¬ ing one who understood only effects, without that knowl¬ edge of causes and of the interior of things, which is now made manifest in these revelations of Davis. It speaks of his illegitimacy, and describes him in terms of infe¬ riority to Fourier. It asserts that Prophecy and Mira¬ cles are, in the very nature of things, impossibilities; this, to be sure, by a most absurd and ridiculous attempt at reasoning, as we shall show; but the assertion is all with which we are at present concerned. It makes out Christ and his commissioned Apostles to be the weakest of all deluded enthusiasts, or the most wicked of impos¬ tors. It denies all human accountability to any higher 56 MEMORANDA. power than Nature. It affects sometimes to be witty, and indulges in ribald scoffing at the claims of the Scrip¬ tures, and the sacred feelings which are associated with them in the believing soul. Every one of these posi¬ tions we will prove most abundantly if Professor Bush dares to deny them. He knows, too, that the ribald objections to the Bible, and especially to the Gospels, which appear in the latter parts of this book, are iden¬ tical, to a great degree, with the stale and oft-repeated blasphemies of Paine. With all this, he still—a pro¬ fessed teacher of Christ’s Gospel—not only patronizes and encourages this avowedly Infidel production, but has done more than all other agents in the imposture combined, to give it currency with the public. Prof. Bush may reiterate the declaration that he does not indorse the absolute truth of these pretended reve¬ lations ; that he only views them as a remarkable psy¬ chological phenomena: he may even intimate, as he sometimes seems to do, that the contents are, to some extent, intrinsically evil and false, or the suggestions ot evil spiritual agents—(certainly he must consistently deem them such, if they are blasphemies against that Being whom even he must in some sense regard as his Redeemer, and whom he professes to preach as the light of the world)—but what right, we ask, has he to aid the circulation of a work of the devil, whether that work be in the extraordinary way of a direct com¬ munication with the spiritual world, as claimed by Fishbough and Davis, or through those ordinary chan¬ nels of Satanic suggestion, which, according to the universal faith of the Church, the devil has ever em¬ ployed in instigating men to acts of wickedness and PROF. LEWIS ATTACKS PROF. BUSH. 57 imposture ? Suppose it is one of Satan’s lying won¬ ders ; suppose, as the Professor has himself suggested, it does illustrate the remarkable psychological phenome¬ non, that the spirit of Tom Paine is yet engaged in injecting his infidel ribaldry into this world, whenever he can find a clairvoyant pipe for that purpose;—yet still, what right, even on the score of their marvelous¬ ness, has a Christian teacher to be puffing the devil’s books, and so bravely offering $500 to any one who will prove that some man, and not the devil, wrote them? But this argument will not avail. Whatever Prof. B. may say of the “sheer sophistry” of confounding some of the errors of the volume with the argument for its supernatural origin, yet still we are driven, by the very laws of the human mind, to make such connection. Nature teaches, and Christ and his apostles by their own course have sanctioned, the indelible lesson, that the fact of the “ astoundingly supernatural ” accom¬ panying a revelation professing to be from the other world, is strong evidence of the intrinsic truth of the revelation itself. Whenever there has been the oppo¬ site manifestation, as in the case of the Egyptian Ma¬ gicians (if there was in this instance a real intercourse with the agencies of the unseen world), there has ever been the higher supernatural triumphing over and pre¬ venting that delusion into which, without such aid, the human mind, by its own laws, would naturally run. Prof. Bush has not yet made sufficient progress, con¬ sistently to believe all that Davis says about the impos¬ tures and delusions in Christ’s pretended miracles; but he accepts of almost all the rest. This must be so, or there is no meaning at all in a great deal of the reason 5S MEMORANDA. ing he has advanced on this subject. lie believes that in the case of Davis there has really been most stu¬ pendously supernatural manifestation, a knowledge and use of languages which never came through the senses, or memory, or the reflective powers, or any innate ideas; nor were received as suggestions from other minds; and yet possessed and put forth as the soul’s own consciously recognized furniture. Has the Professor ever seriously reflected on the astonishingly supernatural nature of this phenomenon, fully equal to, if not transcending, the miraculous gift of tongues im¬ parted as evidence of the truth of the apostolical mes¬ sage ?....... The subject is an awfully serious one; and yet we can not well conceive of any thing, in the nature of an argument, mere ridiculous than the one Prof. B. is so fond of employing in relation to this matter. The work, it is well known to him, denies directly the au¬ thority of the Scriptures, both Old and Hew ; it blas¬ phemes Christ on any supposition of His having been specially sent by God ; it pronounces His miracles im¬ postures and His resurrection a fable; in a word, it is an intrinsically had and Infidel book ; and yet, says the Professor: “ It justly attracts public attention, and is to he recommended as a most valuable production, be¬ cause it furnishes evidence'of the existence of a devil and evil spirits.” What is more wonderful and valua¬ ble still, it thereby confirms the Swedenborgian hypoth¬ esis in relation to these articles; as though such had not been the faith of the Christian Church in all ages, or as though we could not confidently rest on what is so clearly revealed in the Old and Hew Testaments, PROF. LEWIS ATTACKS PROF. BUSH. 59 without the confirmation of Swedenborg! What crowns the absurdity is the fact, that nothing is more vehemently affirmed by Davis, nor more strongly held by the other parties who are united with Prof. B. in the promotion of the circulation of this volume, than the non-existence of devils and evil spirits, and the utter absurdity and even impossibility of any such notions having an objective reality. There can be only three possible suppositions in this business: 1st. The book is true, and all the wonders in relation to it, extrinsically and intrinsically ; or, 2d. Davis is obsessed by evil spirits, who make him the pipe through which they inject into this world their lies and blasphemies; or, 3d. It is, from beginning to end, a shameless and wicked imposture, practiced by evil spirits in this world, and for most wicked ends. The first position we will leave to the marvelous faith of the Infidel. If the second is correct, then every Christian man who has renounced the devil and his works, and who may happen to have the volume in his possession —having at the same time no better method of keeping it from doing harm to his children or others — should immediately throw it into the fire. If the last hypoth¬ esis is the true one, then all concerned in this nefa¬ rious juggle, and attempt to obtain money by false and impious pretenses, should be forthwith introduced to the acquaintance of the Grand Jury and District At¬ torney. .The writer flourishes away with his “ therefores ,” and his “ it follows and “ it is perfectly clear fi &c., when nothing follows, and nothing is clear, and nothing is proved but his own ignorance and im- no MEMORANDA. pudence. He seems to be utterly unaware that in ad this he is cheating himself with his own terms, ever assuming the very thing to be proved, and thus going round and round in an ever-revolving treadmill, in which the premises may continually become the con¬ clusion and the conclusion the premises, and from which it seems impossible for him ever to get out. The very question is—Is there a power above Nature? He says no; because if so, it would be supernatural, and that which is supernatural is nothing; therefore, &c., &c. Had he had sense enough to understand his own soph¬ istry, he might have made it look better by going a little farther back with his assumed position, and de¬ claring that Nature is an end in itself , with no moral world above it. Then there would have been some shadow of ground for the argument that its processes are unchangeable, because God would have no reason more ultimate for ever interfering with them. As it now stands, the only real connection of thought (if it can at all be called thought) to be traced in this cloud of words, may be simply stated thus : “ It is the very nature of Nature to be natural. Whatever is natural, must take place, because every effect, or thing caused, comes from something causing, and, therefore, must occur, because it is caused by a natural instigation. Hut alleged miracles are supernatural; whatever is supernatural is unnatural; and whatever is unnatural is contrary to the laws of Nature. It is, therefore, utterly unreasonable lhat a miracle should take place, and every one who is acquainted with these laws, must at once conceive, that such an occurrence is entirely opposed to these laws, and can not therefore possibly PROF. LEWIS ATTACKS PROF. BUSH. 61 occur (q. e. d.).” Is it not most clearand conclusive, and quite Swedenborgian beside? If he includes, in his word nature, God and the moral world, by such an abuse of the word he might have had the appearance of some more coherency of reasoning, but then his very clear conclusion would have been, that that which did not come from some cause, natural, moral, or divine, never could have been caused nor existed. In this case, however, it would not have been proved that what are called Christ’s miracles never could have taken place, but only that they are excluded from his own absurd and arbitrary employment of the terms natural and supernatural. What makes this the very quintessence of all foolishness, is the fact, that while this very “ remarkable” person is denying the miracles of Christ, on the ground of their being natural impos¬ sibilities which no rational mind can believe, or even conceive, he is asking, on his own assertion, our credence in states of being, and manifestations of knowl¬ edge far more wonderful than any of the exhibitions of Jesus in healing the sick and casting out devils, or even turning water into wine. He utterly denies the very possibility of prophecy or predictions for a few centuries; yet claims to know by intuition facts which took place fifty thousand years ago, and actually to have predicted discoveries in astronomy, by no natural observations, but by interior light! Another marvel, greater than all, is, that men should be found in this nineteenth century of progress, and a Professor of Hebrew ^mong them, who can believe all this, while they find it so hard to rest on the martyr testimony of Jesus and his apostles, together with that immense mass 62 MEMORANDA. of corroborating evidence which has been accruing in the Church for ages ! t. l. 33. A POPULAR NEW YORK EDITOR REPLIES TO PROFESSOR LEWIS. New York, August 20, 1847. This morning a friend handed me the New York Sunday Dispatch, containing the following rational remarks:— Professor Lewis, a recognized champion of the Church, has taken up the cudgels against the meek and lowly A. J. Davis, and says, in almost so many words, that the shoemaker’s apprentice is a cheat; that he knows nothing about Latin, Greek, and Hebrew ; and that the repi’oduction of Swedenborg’s philosophy through him, is the result of a conspiracy which, Professor Lewis in¬ timates, Professor Bush is the master spirit of! The champion of the Church denies, if we under¬ stand him right, the magnetic influence and clairvoyant power, notwithstanding the mass of evidence adduced to sustain both. Here he has committed a blunder, for which he deserves to lose his office and perquisites. Christianity has , within a hundred years , suffered more from the stupidity of its defenders, than from the assaults of its opponents. The churchmen, fearful of losing their influence and their salaries^ have looked with jealous eyes upon the progress of scientific knowl¬ edge. Every new discovery has awakened their appre¬ hension lest it should overthrow one of the dogmas A NEW YORK EDITOR REPLIES. b3 of their faith, and weaken the others in the public be¬ lief. .. . . . . . : Never were the wrongs of the laboring classes—the oppressions and frauds practiced upon them—placed in a bolder light, than in 3d Part of Davis’s Revelations. Allowing the correctness of Professor Lewis’s favorite theory, the Devil has a much greater sympathy for suffering humanity than we have ever given him credit for. The positions of the three learned professions—Law, Medicine, and Divinity, are then analyzed. The interest of each of these great and noble professions is shown to be contrary to the interests of society, so that these must inevitably prevent nearly all philanthropic action. Thus it is actually for the interest of every lawyer, that there should be discord, contention, fraud, violence, and crime in every community. It is for the interest of every doctor that there should be violations of sanitary laws, sickness, pain, distress, immorality, and vice. And it is for the interest of clergymen, that people should be docile, obedient, superstitious—believing what they are taught, and exercising no independence of opinion. For, were people all honest and peaceful, there would be little need of lawyers. Were all so intelligent and virtuous as to regard the laws of life, there would be little need of doctors. And, should all men exercise the right of private judgment in matters of faith, there would be, at all events, fewer preachers. Thus, the interests of the members of these powerful 64 MEMORANDA. professions are, according to the work we are noticing, antagonistic to the interests of society—and in regard to lawyers and doctors, we suppose it will scarcely be denied. 24. MORE GUNS PROM THE FORTIFICATIONS OF ORTHO¬ DOXY. New York, August 24, 1847. The editor of one influential city journal replies to another editor, thus:— The Commercial Advertiser , of this city, with an ap¬ parent anxiety to forestall opinion on the subject of “ Davis's Revelations,” gave, early in the week, a notice of a full column in length, which was of so queer a character as to deserve some comment. The Commer¬ cial says, literally or in substance:— 1. This is so large a book that we have not read it, and shall not. 2. It is absurd and ridiculous. 3. It is incomprehensible. 4. It is dangerous. 5. It teaches materialism. 6. It teaches infidelity. 7. It is false. Finally, the Commercial is astonished that so many respectable men, both clergymen and laymen, should have given their names and influence to such a book. It strikes us that this is a droll piece of criticism to come from such a paper. We are forced to look upon 65 THE “ COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.’’ the writer of such a criticism as this as an arrant bl >ck- head ; a blockhead, for saying so much of a book he had not read; a blockhead for calling a thing dangerous which he had already pronounced absurd and ridiculous; and a very great blockhead for pretending to tell what doctrines are taught by a book which he has pronounced incomprehensible without reading ! If this is a sample of the criticisms of such papers as the Commercial , the fewer the better. So much for the first gun, which begins the battle which is about to rage against this remarkable work. 25. THE CLAIRVOYANT’S BOOK AND THE “COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.” New York, September 2,1847. I am more and more surprised at the great war that is raging among editors. The following review has just come into my hands :— We are too w r ell assured of the interest connected with the remarkable work above mentioned, to fear that our readers will grow weary of a discussion of its merits. We know too well what hold such a book must have upon the mind of every intelligent person, not to be convinced that there is no subject with which we could occupy our columns to more advantage. Whatever may be the ultimate conclusion of the world in respect to this work, there can be no question of the importance of its pretensions. The Commercial Advertiser, a few days since, under 06 MEMORANDA. the head of “ Religious Intelligence,” contained a second attack upon this work, of a column and a half in length, some points of which we propose to notice. The Commercial says :— “ A revelation having already been made to man from the Di¬ vine Being himself, as is unanswerably demonstrated by both fact and argument, no subsequent revelation from an inferior being can be received by men as authoritative. The minor can not over¬ rule the major, the inferior ihe superior. What God has revealed neither men nor angels may gainsay, qualify, improve upon, or add to; when the Source of all being has made known his law, the profoundest investigations of the highest order of created intelli¬ gences, with their influences and conclusions, are of no account whatever, and are lighter than the small dust of the balance.” The Commercial refers, we suppose, to the Bible— which is a collection of the revelations of various indi¬ viduals, supposed to he more or less inspired, and in which one adds to another, and the New Testament overrules the Old, as certainly as the Gospel has dis¬ placed the Law. Such a revelation, then, complete, in¬ disputable, and satisfactory, has never existed. What¬ ever may be thought of the Bible, in other respects, it must be conceded, that men can not understand it alike, and that it does not impress itself upon men’s minds, as the clear and direct revelation of the Supreme Intelli¬ gence. A direct revelation from God, could not be mistaken by those for whom it was intended. The Commercial then narrows the question to this :— “ Is Mr. Davis’s book a revelation from God, or is it not ?” We should answer : it is rather a revelation of God— than from him. God is revealed in his works, aud it is THE “ COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.” 67 these works which are revealed in the book in question. The truths of Astronomy, of Geology, of Natural His¬ tory, are revelations, and of necessity, truthful revela¬ tions, of the Supreme Being. Defining further what a revelation is, or should be, the Commercial says :— “What it reveals must be authentic, a dictum, an absolute, authoritative making known of the truth. It can take no cog¬ nizance of falsehood, and enter into no controversy. A revelation from such a source can not argue. The moment it does so, it ceases to he a revelation. If this rule be applied to the Bible, it is fatal to its claims as a revelation; for there is scarcely a book be¬ tween its covers, which does not contain arguments of all kinds. Where is to be found a more elaborate reasoner than St. Paul, or a more pointed one than Christ himself ? The Commercial says:— “ An argumentative exposition of that which is professedly re¬ ceived by revelation from the great source of truth, volunteered by the relator, is indeed an anomaly—it disproves either the rela¬ tor’s avowed instant perception of the truth, or his confidence in the perception of the source whence he professes to have re ceived it. How any one believing in the inspiration of Paul and Peter, could make such a sweeping assertion, passes our comprehension. But, in reality, the revelations of Davis have a wider scope than this critic seems to understand. He reveals not only processes of nature, but processes of thought. He does not merely say, God exists, but he reveals a process of logical reasoning, which demonstrates that sublime fact. And this, though an argument, is no less a revelatior because 68 MEMORANDA. that Davis in his natural state is quite incapable of con¬ ceiving of such an argument. Thus, this is a revelation not merely to the credulity of man, but to his reason, and such a revelation must be argumentative and logical in the highest degree. Such a revelation as the Com¬ mercial describes is only tit for those who are incapa¬ ble of reasoning. The Commercial's objection to this work, therefore, seems to us one of its highest merits. The Commercial insists that the evidence of the re¬ ality of this revelation is not sufficient. The evidence is not only superior to that connected with any other revelation that we know of, but is of the most absolute character. The names of some fifty to a hundred persons now living, as witnesses of this revelation, are subscribed to its manuscripts. These are, many of them, persons of high standing, and all men whose evidence is good in any Court of Justice. Have we any such evidence as this of the genuineness of St. John’s gospel, which is doubted by profound theologians? This will not do. The evi¬ dence in regard to Davis’s revelations, is complete and overwhelming. The Commercial's next objection is, that these reve¬ lations— “ Professing to come directly from the ‘ focus ’ of truth, have no feature in common with a prior revelation proved to have emanated from the same source.” The writer of this sentence, it appears, has not read the work which he is criticising; for Davis reveals, among other things, the degree of truth and authority which belongs to all prior revelations, and shows how PAitKE Godwin’s opinion. 69 for, and in what sense they can he said t: have ema¬ nated from the same source. The intimation of the Commercial , that this work ab¬ solutely contradicts, assails, and denies the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelations, and impinges the honesty and veracity of each of its writers, from Moses to St. John, is a falsehood of the grossest character j and proves conclusively, either that the writer of the arti¬ cle has not read the book, or that he is a deliberate falsifier ! In short, the whole column and a half of this “ reli¬ gious intelligence ” of the Commercial is a tissue of misrepresentations and falsehoods ; the offspring of inex¬ cusable ingorance or of a disregard of moral principle, which we refrain from characterizing in such terms as seem to us necessary to convey a proper idea of its baseness. The case of attempted imposition on Davis, by a clergyman, to which the Covimercial alludes, is of little importance, and is susceptible of a very simple explana¬ tion. Besides, a clergyman who would lie to Davis, would lie to any body else, and is not worthy of credit. 36. PARKE GODWIN’S OPINION OF THE BOOK. Poughkeepsie, September 19, 1847. A gentleman has just called to read and leave with me the following paragraph, taken from an influent.