tt* ^3> i A Song for Every Southern Man. Now all you Southern people, just listen to ray song, It's about the Harpers' Ferry affair, it is not very long. To please you all I do my best, I sung it in other towns, And while 1 am in Richmond, I'll tell you about old Brown. Chorus. Old Ossawattomio Brown ! old Ossawattomic Brown ! That will never pay, Trying to come away down South, And run the niggers away. Old Brown and Cook, and a do;:cn more, to Harpers' Ferry went, They got into the arsinel there, they did not have no right; Old Governor Wise heard of this, he started from Richmond town, He went to Harpers' Ferry, and there he caught eld Brown. Chorus, &c. They took him down to Charlestown, and into prison ihrow'd him; They put two chains upon his legs, Oh yes ! it was to hold him, They put two chains upon his legs and two upon his arms, The virdict of the jury was, old Brown he should be hung. Chorus, &c. Cook and Coppic were in prison, they thought about escaping, They got upon the wall, but they could not save their bacon ! The guard he saw them up there, at them throw'd his pill OKI Cook tumbled over just like he had been killed. Chorus,, &c. Now they all are dead and goue to heaven some do say, The angels standing at the gate to drive them right away; The devil standing down below, he calls them for to come, It's no use now old John Brown, you can't get a chance to run. Chorus, c\:c. Now all you Southern people a little advice I give; Patronize the South and the State in which you live; And not unto Northern people your money never pay, They have their agents in the South, to run your slaves away. Chorus, &c. Now all you Southern darkies, a word to you I'll say; Always mind your masters, and never run away, And don't mind these Northern agents, they tell to you a lie, They get you at the North, and starve you 'till you die. Chorus, &c. ! - lift] IJU? J 1 nftfoi! c4]m%f fill 1 H HJ tip 41 ' 5 i.3 S i v "H^ i] IT Hm a - ill-J^iiuIltilfQiilili 1 $ i<4 * >J>i 1 * 31 A ■* 1 i\v u U t*, u Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5