4mk ( 1 1 George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection 1 DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ' ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS NOTICE. Every Officer receiving a copy of these Regulations is re- quested to acknowledge the receipt of it, and those Officers who make returns of property to the Ordnance Office will bear the book on their returns. WAR DEPARTMENT, February 1, 1862. The following Regulations, prepared in conformity to "An Act for the Establishment and Organization of the Army of the Confederate States of America/' passed March 6, 1861, are approved by the President. J. P. BENJAMIN, Secretary of War. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/regulationsforgoOOconf REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT t OF THE ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. RICHMOND: TVEST & JOHNSTON 1862. CONTENTS. Section I. 11. III. IV. V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X XI XII XIII XIV XV Appendix. Ordnance Department in general, Inspection of Armories and Arsenals, Service at Armories and Arsenals, Ordnance Sergeants, , Ordnance Stores in service, . Unserviceable Ordnance Stores, . . Issues to Militia in the service of the Confede rate States of America, , Inspection of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, 1. Ordnance and Projectiles, 2. Small Arms and Accoutrements, . 3. Gunpowder, , Contracts, .... . Accounts, . Returns and Reports, , Transmitting Papers to Ordnance Office, . Prices of Small Arms and Accoutrements, . Classification of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores . Forms, ..... — Extracts from Laws relating to the Ordnance Department, .... Page. 1 3 4 13 U 21 23 25 25 25 27 28 28 32 36 37 41 59 120 INDEX. Absence of commanders of posts, temporary, of military storekeepers, Abstracts of disbursements, of issues, . . . . , to be furnished in duplicate to ordnance office Accounts to be made quarterly, form of, ..... to be furnished in duplicate, to be approved by commanding officer, of arrearages, how settled, . Accoutrements, partly worn, to be re-issued, Annual estimate, ..... Annual reports, Arm chests, company, ..... Arms for regular troops, how issued. Section V., lost or damaged, to be paid for, . for militia in the service of the Confederate States Section VII., .... of transferred soldiers, to be retained, Armament of fortifications, . Armories, command of, Armory officers, allowances to. Arrearages, how settled. Arsenals, list of, . Assistant to Colonel of Ordnance, Blank forms, furnished from ordnance office, Board of examination into loss or damage of stores, 117, Article. 84 46 120 130 130 116 121 117 34 33 74 25 135, 136 86,87 56 76 93 75 56 2, 13 22, 23, 24 33 5 1 139 77 INDEX. Board of survey on stores lost accidentally, on property chargeable to deceased officers, Books to be kept by inspector of arsenals, . inspector of ordnance, . inspector of small arms, commanders of arsenals, &c., Certificate of inspection of ordnance and projectiles, . . 99 of small arms and accoutrements, . 105 of gunpowder, . . . . 110 Chief of Ordnance Bureau, ....... 1 Classification of ordnance stores. Section XIV., . . 128, 142 of work at armories, ..... 19 Clerks at armories, allowances to, . • . . . 22, 23 Command of ordnance stations, assignment to, . . . 3 change of, ... . 33 Commanding officers to have charge of stores in certain cases, 46 temporary absence of, ... . 84 of military districts may order issues of stores, 56, 57 of regiments or companies responsible for stores, ...... 70 of companies to keep full equipment of arms, ...... 71 of companies to keep arm chests, . . 86, 87 Contracts, how made, Section IX., ..... 113 not transferable, 114 payments on account of, . . , . . 115 Damages to arms to be charged on muster rolls, . . .76, 77 to be reported every two months, . . 88 Deceased officers, property chargeable to, ... . 85 Disbursements to be approved by commanding officer, . . 34 to be made by military storekeepers, when required, ....... 35, 38 may be made by junior officers at arsenals, . 39 Article. 83 85 12 100 106 132 INDEX. » Disbursing officers, responsibility of, Distribution of general orders. Due bills prohibited, ..... Dwelling houses, rent of, ... . Embezzlement of ordnance stores to be reported, Endorsement of papers for ordnance office, . Enlisted men of ordnance, regulations as to stations, grades, &c,, discharge of. Enlisted soldiers, on extra duty, . Enlistments, form of, . Equipments, partly worn, to be i*e-issued. Estimate, annual, ..... quarterly, Folding papers, regulations for, . Foremen at national armories, duties of, Forms to be printed, H® of Forms — Abstract of articles fabricated, articles purchased, articles repaired, , articles expended, . disbursements. Account current, .... Do. endorsed statement, Certificates of lost stores, . . 11, Certificate of ins^ction of ordnance aad projectiles, ..... Certificate of inspection of arms and ac- coutrements, .... Certificate of inspection of gunpowder, Condemaed stores, list of, statement of, materials from, Form ^ 4 5 9 19 20 22 12 32 36 38 10 Article. 40 6 32 21 80 137 49, 50 49, 50 50 62 51 74 25 33 137 17, 18 139 130 130 130 42, 43, 130 117, 120 117, 121 117, 123 69, 130 99 105 110 89, 130 130 xu INDEX. Nc ). of Form. Article. Forms — Enlistment, 26 51 Estimate, quarterly. 23 124 Inventory, for inspection, . 13 89, 129 Inventory, annual. . 31 135 Invoice, .... . 2 41, 44 Pay-roll, at arsenals, &c., . 16 118 at armories, . 17 118, 119 for slaves. . 18 28, 118 Keceipts for issues to troops. 7 67, 130 to individual officers. 21 61 Rent roll for dwelling houses, . . 14 21 Report, annual, from arsenals, &c., . 31 135, 136 of inspection of ordnance. 33 100 ** projectiles, 34 100 annual, of inspection of ordnanc< } and projectiles. . 35 100 annual, of inspec'n of small arms . 37 14, 105 of inspection of gunpowder, . 39 110 Requisition for supplies for the army. . 24 45,63 " " militia. 25 93 Return of armory officers and men, . 30 123 of company of ordnance. . 27 123 of hired men. . 28 123 of property, . 1 127, 130 Statement of receipts and expenditures, 22 117, 123 work done. . 29 44, 68, 123 Vouchers for purchases, . 15 118, 119 Fortifications, armament of, . . . . , 66 Fuel allowed to armory officers, • 23 Gunpowder, inspection of, . . 107 to 112 preservation of, . . . . • 107 for ordinary service, . 108 for proving cannon and sm all arms, . 111, 125 Hired men, return of. 123 INDEX. XIU Article. Hired men, travelling allowance, 24 Horses for ordnance service, ...... 27 Improvements, permanent, plans and estimates of, . . 25 Inspection of armories and arsenals, . . . 10, 11, 12 of unserviceable stores, ..... 89 of ordnance and projectiles, .... 98 of small arms and accoutrements, . . . 101 of gunpowder, 107 Inventory, annual, 135 for inspection, &c., 89, 129 Invoice of stores, 41, 42 Issues of stores, from arsenals, ...... 42 for service of regular troops, . . 56, 57, 63 militia. Sec. VII., ... 93 in time of war, ..... 56 extraordinary, 58, 59 for personal use of officers, . . . 60, 61 Loss of ordnance stores in transportation, .... 69 in hands of troops, . . .76, 77 List of condemned stores, 89 Magazines to be frequently aired, ..... 107 Marking ordnance stores, ....... 47 Master armorers allowed quarters and fuel, . . . 22, 23 Master workmen at armoi'ies, duties of, . . . 16, 17, 18 enlisted, how appointed, .... 50 Materials issued for use in workshops, .... 15, 42 Military store-keepers, to be paymasters when required, 35, 38 duties of, . . . . . 35 to 38 Military posts, supplies for, to be kept up, .... 66 Militia, in service of Confederate States, arms for, . . 93 Officers failing to make returns, to be reported, . . . 134 arms for personal use of, . . . . 60, 61 XIV INDEX. Article. OflBcers of Ordnance Bureau, duties of, ... . 2 not to be concerned in contracts, &c., ... 32 Orders for supplies, to -whom addressed, .... 42 how executed, ..... 44 general, distributed to ordnance stations, ... 6 Ordnance Bureau, ........ 1 sergeants, ........ 63 stations, 5 Ordnance stores, nature of, 8 how procured, ...... 9 to be marked, ...... 47 recei}>t of, to be acknowledged, . . . 67, 68 not to be used for private purposes, &c., . 48, 62 Ordnance stores issued to regular troops, .... 56 to militia in service, ... 93 Ordnance stores lost or damaged to be reported, . . 67, 69 to be charged to troops, . 76 board of survey on, . . 77 rates of prices for, 78, 140, 141 stoppages for, ... 79 Ordnance stores, unsenriceable, in hands of troops, &c., 71, 72 inspection of, . . . 89 sale of, ... 90, 91, 92 Payments to hired persons to be made monthly, ... 31 on account of contracts, 115 Payrolls, 118, 119 Permanent improvements at arsenals, &c., .... 25 Postage accounts, ........ 119 Prices of small arms, 140 of accoutrements, ....... 141 to be established by Coloael of Ordnance, . . 78 Printing blank forms, 139 Proof of ordnance and small arms, 97 of gunpowder^ 107 Quarterly accounts, 116, 117, 118 INDEX. XV Quarterly returns, Quarters to armory officers, Article. 125, 126, 130 22 Receipt for money, blank or fictitious, prohibited, . . 32 for issues to troops, ..... 67, 130 of ordnance stores to bo acknowledged, . . . 67, 68 Receipts and expenditures, statement of . . . 117, 123 Rent of dwelling bouses, ....... 21 Repair of arms in hands of troops, ..... 72, 73 Reports, annual, 136, 136 monthly, 123 when to be made, Sec. XL, .... 123 of damages to arms in hands of troops, of inspection of arms at national armories, . . 14 Requisitions for supplies for ordnance posts, &c. ... 45 arming regular troops, . . 63, 64 arming militia in service, . 93 of blank forms, . . . 139 to be examined by Colonel of Ordnance, .... 65 Return of ordnance corps, ....... 122 monthly from arsenals, &c., ..... 123 of property, quarterly, .... 125, 126, 130 of tools, annual, 127 Sale of unserviceable stores. Senior ordnance officer in the field, Slaves, employment of, ... of officers, &c., not to be employed, Small arms, prices of, . Soldiers on extra duty in Ordnance Bureau, Spare parts of arms for repairs, . Stoppages for stores lost or damaged, . Stores received, invoice of, . issued on extraordinary occasions, for current service of posts. 90, 91, 92 7 28 30 140 62 72 79 41 58,59 15, 42, 43 XVI INDEX. Article. Stores, issued for use of troops, . . 56, 63, 64 lost or damaged, . . ' . 69, 76 to 79 board of survey on, 83 sale of, . 90, 91, 92 surplus, how disposed of, . . 81, 82 unserviceable. Sec. VI., 89 to be marked, .... 47 Transmitting papers to ordnance office, . . . 137, 138 Travelling allowances to persons employed in Ordnance Bureau, 24 accounts for, liow made, . . . 119 Trees on public grounds, not to be removed without authority, 26 Unserviceable ordnance stores in hands of troops, at posts. Vouchers, forms of, Wages, increase of to be reported. Work, classification of at armories, done, monthly report of, . spoiled, to be paid for, .... private, prohibited, .... Working hours at ordnance stations, Workmen to be on daily wages, to be paid for work done, only, to be paid monthly, . . . . not to be employed for private purposes, to pay for work spoiled. . 71, 72 89 118, 119 28 19 123 20 48 29 28 29 31 48 20 i% REGULATIONS FOR THE ORDNANCE BUREAU OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. SECTION I.— ORDNANCE BUREAU IN GENERAL. Article 1 The senior officer of artillei'y on ordnance duty is, under the direction of the Secretary of War, charged with the superintendence and administration of the Ordnance Bureau. He shall be stationed at the seat of government, and may select an oflScer on ordnance duty as his assistant. 2 The officers on ordnance duty shaU». under the direction of the senior officer, have charge of all arsenals, (for special reasons the armory at Richmond is placed under the charge of a superinten- dent, authorized by law, to be appointed by the President,) the gov- ernment manufactories of powder, ordnance depots and magazines, and all property appertaining to the Ordnance Bureau, not issued to the troops, for the safe-keeping and preservation of which they shall be held strictly responsible. They shall furnish all arms, ordnance and ordnance stores requii*ed for the military service, on proper requisitions, and in conformity with the regulations of the Bureau.* Arsenals, being under the control of the Ordnance Bureau, wiU not be interfered with by any other branch of the service. *For the present the Ordnance Bureau will also furnish knapsacks, haver- sacks and canteens. 2 ORDNANCE STATIONS. 3 No right of choice shall exist in the command of ordnance stations. Officers will be assigned to such commands, at the discre- tion of the chief of ordnance, in such manner as the public interest may require. 4 Officers in command of ordnance stations will not be changed oftener than once in four years, except for special reasons, to be approved by the Secretary of War. 5 The names of ordnance stations will be officially known and designated as follows, viz : Names of Ordnance Stations. Post Offices. Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, Fayetteville, N. C. Richmond Armory, Arsenal and Laboratory, Richmond, Va. Augusta Arsenal, Augusta, Ga. Baton Rouge Arsenal, Baton Rouge, La. Charleston ** Charleston, S. C. Mt. Vernon " Mt. Vernon, Ala. Apalachicola " Chatahoochie, Fla. Texas " San Antonia, Texas. Little Rock " Little Rock, Ark. Savannah Depot, Savannah, Ga. Montgomery " Montgomery, Ala. Nashville, *' Nashville, Tenn. Government Powder Mills, Augusta, Ga. 6 All orders received from the head quarters of the army, relating to the movement of the troops, or the discipline of the army, shall be circulated through and by the Chief of Ordnance to every ordnance station. 7 The senior officer of artillery on ordnance duty, attached to an army in the field, shall have the charge and direction of the depots of ordnance and ordnance stores for the supply of such army. All orders relating thereto shall be regularly transmitted to him through the office of the Adjutant General acting with such army. He will communicate with the chief artillery officer, to ascertain the actual and probable wants of the army, relative to his department, and be prepared to furnish supplies at the shortest notice. He will also correspond with the Chief of Ordnance, and with the officers at the nearest arsenals and laboratories, so as to anticipate, if possible. INSPECTION OF ARSENALS. 3 and provide for all the wants of the army, connected with his de- partment. 8 The general denomination, ** Ordnance and Ordnance Stores,'* comprehends all cannon, howitzers, mortars, cannon balls, shot and shells, for the land service ; all gnn carriages, mortar beds, caissons and travelling forges, with their equipments : and all other appa- ratus and machines required for the service and manoeuvres of artillery, in gain*isons, at sieges, or in the field; together- with the materials for their construction, preservation and repair. Also, all small arms, side-arms and accoutrements, for the artillery, cavalry, infantry and riflemen ; all ammunilion for ordnance and small arms, and all stores of expenditure, for the service of the various arms ; materials for the construction and repair of ordnance buildings ; utensils and stores for laboratories, including standard weights, gauges and measures ; and all other tools and utensils required for ordnance duty. The ordinary articles of camp equipage and pio- neers' tools, such as axes, spades, shovels, mattocks, &c., are not embraced as ordnance supplies. 9 Ordnance and ordnance stores shall be provided by open purchase, by fabrication or by contract, as may be most advan- tageous to the public service. They shall be provided by ordnance officers only, except when otherwise specially directed by the Chief of Ordnance, or in case of urgent necessity ; and in such cases, a report and certificate showing the necessity, from the officer ordering the purchase, will be required for the admission of the account of purchase at the treasury. SECTION II.— INSPECTION OF NATIONAL ARMORIES, ARSE- NALS, POWDER WORKS AND ORDNANCE DEPOTS. AlRTICLe 10 Inspections of national armories, of arsenals and ordnance depots, shall be made under the direction of the Chief of Ordnance, by such officers of the Ordnance Bureau as the Secretary of War may, from time to time, designate for that purpose. 11 A thorough and complete inspection of the national armo- ries, and arsenals of construction, shall be made annually, and all 4 NATIONAL ARMORIES. other ordnance stations at least once every two years. At these inspections it shall be the special duty of the inspecting officer to see that the laws, regulations and orders of the Bureau are faith- fully executed, and to give the necessary orders and instructions in ■writing, at the time of inspection, in correction of any neglect or departure therefrom. He will ascertain whether the persons em- ployed in armories and arsenals are efficient in the performance of their duties ; -whether the number exceeds that required to execute, by constant employment, the business of the establishment ; and in case of any excess beyond what may do necessary, he will report the number to the commanding officer for discharge, and immediately after report the same and the circumstances, with copies of all orders and instructions which he may have given during his inspec- tions, to the Chief of Ordnance. It shall also be his duty specially to examine the annual reports, and to give to such orders as, in his judgment, may tend to produce as much uniformity in the mode and amount of valuation of property as the circumstances at each place ■will admit. 12 At the conclusion of each inspection of a national armory, arsenal of construction, or ordnance depot, the inspecting officer will report to the Chief of Ordnance the general and particular con- dition of each ; and especially each and every departure from the established models and patterns in all articles fabricated ; and also, how far the laws, regulations and orders may have been violated, and in what respects they have not been carried into full operation, lie shall keep books, in which shall be recorded all reports which he is required to make, and all correspondence relating to his inspections. SECTION III.— SERVICE AT ARMORIES, ARSENALS AND ORDNANCE DEPOTS. Article 13 The commanding officer of an armory shall have the management and direction of the business, and shall conduct the correspondence- of the armory. He shall draw up and publish under the direction of the Chief of Ordnance all necessary regulations for NATIONAL ARMORIES. 5 its internal government; he shall provide the necessary tools and stores. He shall give directions to the store-keeper, acting as pay- master, in the disbursement of the public funds. lie shall at all times have free access to the books of the store-keeper, and may require of him any information relative to the financial concerns of the establishment; he shall engage all workmen, determine their grades, appoint such number of foremen in each branch of the manufacture as he shall consider necessary ; and he may displace or dismiss said Avorkmen or foremen when ho shall deem it expedient; he will bo held responsible that the number of hired men employed at the armory, under his superintendence, shall not exceed the number necessary to execute, by constant employment, all the business of the armory. In the absence of the commanding officer the charge of an armory sliall devolve on the master armorer, unless the Chief of Ordnance shall otherwise direct. 14 The commanding officer of an armory shall make annual reports of the inspection of all arms manufactured at the armory, in conformity with the directions in the form number 37; and the master armorer, under the direction of the commanding officer, shall keep a book, in which shall be entered copies of all the inspection reports herein required. The originals of said reports shall bo forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance on the completion of the in- spections. 15 The commanding officer of an armory shall authorize the issue of materials required for fabrication in the workshops in such quantities, and at such times, as may be considered necessary; pro- vided the supply so issued (which shall in all cases be placed in charge of the master armorer) shall at no time exceed the quantity which may be required for use in the course of three months. 16 At each national armory the master armorer shall keep accounts with the foremen for all tools and materials, rough and finished work delivered to, and received from, them respectively. He shall be careful to keep each particular branch of the manu- facture in an equal state of advancement. He shall be the chief inspector of all materials and tools, and of all finished arms, to be delivered into the public store-house ; and he shall be responsible that the same shall have undergone the proofs required by the Ord- 6 NATIONAL ARMORIES. nance Bureau, and shall be complete for service. He shall hold the foremen responsible for the faithful execution of the part of the work with which they may be respectively charged. 17 The foremen at national armories shall keep accounts with the individual workmen employed in their respective branches, of tools and materials, and of work, rough and finished, delivered to, or received from, them respectively. They shall be inspectors and comptrollers, each in his proper department, of the work executed. Suitable marks are to be adopted to ensure the due inspection of all parts of the work, and the responsibility of the foremen. 18 The foremen at each of the national armories shall make out and hand to the master armorer certified monthly rolls, specify- ing the names of the persons employed, the quantity of work per- formed by each during the month, and the amount due for the same, whether by the established regulations or particular stipulations. And the master armorer shall also certify to the correctness of said rolls, and hand them to the commanding ofiicer, that he may cause the general monthly pay-rolls to be made out. The pay-rolls shall exhibit the compensation due to each individual for the month, and will become the vouchers on which the payments will be made. The books and accounts of the master armorer and foremen shall be open to the inspection of the commanding officer and his clerks, and are to be carefully preserved, and ultimately deposited in the office of the commanding ofiicer. 19 The commanding officer of a national armory shall, under direction of the Chief of Ordnance, arrange all work connected with the fabrication of arms at the armory under classes or heads, not exceeding ten nor less than five, according to the difl'erent degrees of labor, skill or ability required in its execution ; and each workman thereon employed shall be assigned to work under some one class ; shall be denominated of that class; and shall receive a daily com- pensation corresponding thereto ; such compensation shall be estab- lished on the following principles, to wit : First, of an estimated fair day's work for every variety of work under each class ; second, of a just and reasonable per diem allowance, corresponding thereto, which shall be greater or less, according to the greater or less degree of labor, skill and ability required ; third, of the amount of work done, ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. 7 SO that each shall receive the per diem allowance if he perform the estimated fair day's work of his class ; and if ho perform more or less than such fair day's work, then his compensation shall be pro- portionately greater or less than such per diem allowance. 20 Whenever at national armories, arsenals, or ordnance depots, any hired workmen shall, through incompetency or design, spoil any piece of work, in the execution of which he may be en- gaged, it shall be the duty of the commanding officer to cause the amount of injury to bo estimated, and give the necessary infor- mation to the paymaster to stop the same from the pay of such workman. 21 At national armories or arsenals, where dwelling houses, belonging to the Confederate States, are occupied by workmen, a quarterly rent-roll, specifying the names of the occupants, the periods for which rents are charged, the price per quarter, and the amount due from each person, shall be prepared by the commanding officer, agreeably to form No. 14. The proper designation shall be added to the names of such persons as may be entitled to the use of dwellings rent free. If the officer who prepares the roll is not the disbursing officer, he shall furnish the latter with one copy and shall transmit another to the Chief of Ordnance. The disbursing officer shall retain the roll in his office, and shall credit the amount col- lected in his account current; and it is made his duty to collect the sums due from the several individuals charged, by retaining in his hands the proper amount when making the monthly payments ; it is not required that the rents charged and collected shall be entered on the pay-rolls, the credit in the accounts current, with the proper rent-roll, being sufficient. 22 Master armorers and clerks employed at the national armo- ries shall be allowed quarters, rent free, when there are buildings belonging to the Confederate States sufficient for their accommo- dation. 23 Fuel in kind shall be allowed to armory officers, occupying public quarters, at the following rates, per annum, viz: To a master armorer. . . .18 cords of wood. To a clerk, . . . . 12 " " 24 Master armorers at the national armories, when travelling 8 ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. on dutj under orders from the proper authority, shall be entitled to receive ten cents a mile for the distance travelled ; all hired persons in the service of the Ordnance Bureau shall, under the same circum- stances, be entitled to receive eight cents a mile. 25 At the national armories, arsenals and ordnance depots, where it may be considered necessary to enlarge the sites, to erect new build- ings or machinery, to make additions or repairs to old buildings, to provide new wharves or enclosures, or to make any other permanent improvements, plans and estimates therefor shall be made by the commanding officer, and be transmitted in time to be received at the ordnance office in the month of August. Estimates for any of these purposes shall exhibit fully the objects contemplated, the reason or causes which render them necessary, the measures by which it is proposed to effect them, and their probable cost. The estimate, if approved by the Chief of Ordnance, shall be submitted to the Secre- tary of War, and, if sanctioned by him, shall be embodied in the general estimate submitted annually to Congress. Works of the description above mentioned shall in no case be undertaken or com- menced but by special authority from the Chief of the Ordnance Bureau. 26 Authority from the Chief of Ordnance must, in all cases, be obtained before ornamental trees growing on the public grounds, at national armories, arsenals, or ordnance depots, can be removed or destroyed. 27 Horses for the public service in the Ordnance Bureau, shall not be purchased without authority from the Chief of Ordnance. The horses must be strong, heavy-draught horses. 28 Workmen or others employed by hire at national armories, arsenals, or ordnance depots, shall be engaged on daily wages and not on monthly wages or salaries. In places where it is found necessary to employ slaves on public works, and where the customs of the country do not permit of daily hire, slaves may be engaged on monthly wages. In such cases parts of months will be set forth as in form No. 18. 29 Workmen or others employed by hire in the Ordnance Bu- reau shall be paid only for such days or parts of days as they may actually labor in the service of said Bureau, for which the certificate ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. 9 upon honor of the commanding officer shall be a necessary voucher. The working hours for hired men at the ordnance establishments shall be so arranged as to average ten , hours a day throughout the year, working by daylight only. In cases where men labor more than the usual number of working days, the commanding officer will explain on the pay-roll the necessity therefor. 30 No slave, the property of any officer or person in the service of the Confederate States, connected with the War Depart- ment, shall be employed in the Ordnance Bureau^ 31 Payments to hired persons in the Ordnance Bureau shall be made monthly, unless otherwise specially authorized. 32 No receipt shall be taken in blank by a disbursing officer, nor unless the money be actually paid, and no due bills for money on public account shall be given ; nor shall any officer or agent of the Ordnance Bureau be concerned, directly or indirectly, on private account, in any contract made for said Bureau, or in tlie purchase or sale of any articles which it may be his duty to purchase or sell on public account. 33 When a change in the command of an armory, arsenal or ordnance depot, occurs, the officer relieved shall prepare and adjust all accounts, both for money and for stores ; he shall state such accounts as may remain due at the time of his being relieved, and shall hand them, together with a certified abstract of the same, to the relieving officer, for settlement ; no outstanding claims, other than those embraced in such accounts and abstract, shall be settled with- out instructions from the Ordnance Bureau. 34 No money shall be disbursed at any national armory, arse- nal, or ordnance depot, until the pay-roll or other account shall have been first examined, approved and certified to be correct by the officer having charge of such armory, arsenal, or depot ; and the amount shall be stated in words and not in figures ; and when the disbursements are not made by the commanding officer, such ap- proval and certificate shall be a necessary voucher in the settlement of the accounts of the disbursing officer. 35 It shall be the duty of the paymaster and store-keeper at each of the national armories, to make all disbursements, to receive in charge, and receipt for, all materials procured, after they shall have been inspected by the master armorer ; to re-issue the same on 10 ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. the order of the commanding oflBcer, and to receive and receipt for all finished arms. He shall render accounts and returns according to the forms required by the Ordnance Bureau. 36 A military store-keeper attached to a national armory, an arsenal, or an ordnance depot, shall have the charge of ordnance and ordnance stores at the armory, arsenal, or depot, excepting such ordnance tools, machines, or other stores, including public horses or oxen, as may be required for the current service of the post, which are placed in charge of the commanding officer thereof. (See Article 127.) The store-keeper shall be subject to the orders of such com- manding officer, in all matters which regard the inspection, preser- vation and issue of the stores ; and it shall be the duty of said commanding officer to furnish the store-keeper at all times with the necessary aid from the force under his command, to assist in receiv- ing, delivering, removing and arranging the ordnance and ordnance stores, and in repairing and preserving all public buildings in which they may be deposited. 37 In case of an arsenal or ordnance depot being left without any other commissioned officer, the charge of the post shall devolve on the military store-keeper, who shall conform to such instructions as may be given him by the commanding officer on leaving the post. 38 A military store-keeper of the Ordnance Bureau shall, when required by the Secretary of War, in addition to his other duties, disburse the funds for the ordnance service at the post where he may be stationed ; and he shall in that case give a bond, with ap- proved security, in such sum as the Secretary of War may direct, for the faithful performance of his duty. 39 At arsenals of construction, and other ordnance depots, where there is no store-keeper, and at which the annual disburse- ments exceed five thousand dollars, the officer second in rank shall, if required by the Secretary of War, be the disbursing officer, 40 Every disbursing officer of the Ordnance Bureau shall be held responsible for the safe-keeping of the funds placed in his hands, in the manner prescribed by the regulations of the War and Treasury Departments. A disbursing officer, on being relieved from duty at any post, shall pay over the unexpended balance in his hands to the person who may be designated by the Chief of Ordnance to receive it. ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. 11 41 The commanding officer of any armory, arsenal, or ord- nance depot, having a military store. keeper, shall, at the time of the reception by the store-keeper of ordnance or ordnance stores, "which may have been obtained by purchase or fabrication, furnish the store-keeper with an authenticated abstract for the fabrication, and an account for the purchase ; and ■whenever the commanding oflBcer shall receive ordnance or ordnance stores from the commanders of military posts, or other agents of the War Department, he shall in like manner hand over to the military store-keeper the invoices accompanying said property. (See form No. 2.) 42 All orders for the issue of ordnance and ordnance stores, in charge of any military store-keeper, shall be directed to the com- manding officer of the armory, arsenal, or depot, to "which such store- keeper is attached ; and it shall be the duty of the said commanding officer to see that such orders are faithfully and promptly executed. All issues of ordnance or ordnance stores in charge of the store-keeper at any arsenal, ordnance depot, or national armory, for the purposes of construction in the armory or ordnance shops, or for the current service of the arsenal, depot or armory, shall be made only upon the ■written order of the commanding officer, or of some military or armory officer appointed by him for that purpose ; and an abstract of such orders for current issues shall be made and presented by the store-keeper, at the end of each quarter, to the commanding officer, who shall authenticate the same. (See form No. 9.) 43 Ordnance or ordnance stores shall not be issued for con- struction in the ordnance shops, or for the current service of any military post, except on the "written authority of the commander, or that of some military officer, or other responsible person acting under his order ; and such authoritj^ shall, in all cases, state the object of the issue, and be filed in the ordnance or adjutant's office of the post, in order that the quarterly abstract of materials expended or consumed at the post (see form No. 9) may be in conformity to the orders for issue. 44 When an order for supplies is received at any armory, arsenal, or ordnance depot, the commanding officer shall cause the articles ordered to be carefully packed, and shall turn tliem over to the nearest quartermaster, "with an invoice. (See form No. 2.) A 12 ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. duplicate of the invoice shall, at the same time, be transmitted to the oflBcer to -whom the stores are addressed, or for whose command they are designed. The dates when the order was received, and the articles turned over for transportation, will be stated in the next monthly statement of work done. (See form No. 29.) 45 Requisitions for ordnance or ordnance stores, needed at any armory, arsenal, or ordnance depot, shall exhibit, in addition to the description and quantity of property asked for, the amount of simi- lar articles on hand, with full explanations, showing the propriety of the issue. (See form No. 24.) These requisitions shall be forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance, and, if approved by him, the requisite orders shall be given. 4G In case of the authorized absence of a military store- keeper, and at arsenals or ordnance depots, where there is no store- keeper, the commanding officer will be held responsible for the safe- keeping and preservation of all public property committed to his charge ; but he may assign to a junior officer of the arsenal or depot the immediate charge of it, and also the duty of preparing the proper returns. 47 To guard against the embezzlement of ordnance and ord- nance stores, they shall be distinctly and permanently marked, so as to identify them as being the property of the Confederate States, previously to their being sent from the arsenals or ordnance depots. 48 No hired or enlisted man engaged in the service of the Ordnance Bureau, at any national armory, arsenal, ordnance depot, or with any military command, shall be employed for the private benefit of officers or other persons, with or without compensation ; and no public property appertaining to the Ordnance Bureau shall, under any pretence, be sold, exchanged, or used for the private benefit of any person or persons whatsoever. The public workshops, tools and materials must be used solely for purposes of public benefit ; and all private work in the public buildings, and all other application of public means to any other than public purposes, is expressly prohibited. It shall be the special duty of all officers or other agents of the Ordnance Bureau, and especially inspectors to see that this regulation be strictly observed. 4.9 The number of enlisted men authorized by law for the Ord- ENLISTED MEN — ORDNANCE SERGEANTS. 13 nance Bureau shall be assigned to the arsenals and depots by the Chief of Ordnance, who shall likewise determine the number of each spe- cified grade of workmen to be employed at each arsenal or depot, all of whom shall be enlisted in the grade of laborer ; from which grade promotions shall be made of such as may be found to merit it, at the discretion of the commanding officers of arsenals and depots, under the provisions contained in the next articles of these regu- lations. 60 Enlisted men in the Ordnance Bureau will be mustered in either of the grades authorized by law, except that of master work- man, at the discretion of the senior ordnance officer at the arsenal or depot at which they may bo stationed ; provided, that every en- listed man shall be efficient in the discharge of the duties required of him, according to his grade. Enlisted master workmen will be appointed, when required, by the Chief of Ordnance, upon recom- mendations of the senior officers of arsenals or depots. Ordnance men will be discharged by their commanders on expiration of enlist- ment; but for any other cause they can be discharged only by the War Department, or by sentence of a general court martial. 51 Enlistments of ordnance men will be taken in duplicate, according to form No. 26 ; one to be forwarded to the Chief of Ord- nance, and the other to be retained at the post or station where the man was enlisted. 52 Enlisted soldiers who may be detailed from the line of the army for extra service, under the direction of an officer of the Ordnance Bureau, shall be allowed, while so employed, for every period greater than ten days continuously, a per diem of forty cents. SECTION IV.— ORDNANCE SERGEANTS. Article 53 * The Secretary of War shall be authorized to select from the sergeants of the line of the army who shall have faithfully served eight years in the service, four years of which in the grade *The operation of this article is susf^eiidecl until further orders. 2- 14 ORDNANCE STORES IN SERVICE. of non-commissioned officer, as many ordnance sergeants as the service may require, not to exceed one for each military post, whose duty it shall be to receive and preserve the ordnance, arms, ammu- nition and other military stores, at the post, under the direction of the commanding officer of the same, and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War, and who'shall receive for their services twenty-one dollars per month. 54 The appointments and removals of ordnance sergeants sta- tioned at military posts, in pursuance of che above provisions of law, shall be reported by the Adjutant General to the Chief of Ordnance. 55 An ordnance sergeant in charge of ordnance stores at a post where there is no commissioned officer, shall be held responsible for the safe-keeping of the property, and he shall be governed by the regulations of the Ordnance Bureau, in making issues of the same and in preparing and furnishing the requisite returns. If the means at his disposal are not sufficient for the preservation of the property, he shall report the circumstances to the Chief of Ordnance, who shall take measures accordingly. SECTION v.— ORDNANCE STORES IN SERVICE. Aeticle 66 In time of war, arms, ordnance and ordnance stores, for arming, equipping and supplying the troops in service, will be issued upon the order of any General or field officer com- manding an army, garrison or detachment, whose order shall be transmitted to the Ordnance Bureau by the officer or agent by whom the issue is made. The arming of permanent fortifications will be specially directed by the Secretary of War. ^7 Any officer commanding a district or geographical depart- ment, who, in time of peace, may require authority to call, at his discretion, for ordnance and ordnance stores from the arsenals and depots within the extent of his command, shall make application for that purpose to the Secretary of War through the Adjutant General's office. ^^ No arms nor ordnance stores shall be issued otherwise than as provided for in these regulations, except by special authority from ORDNANCE STORES IN SERVICE. ' 15 tLo President of the Confederate States, or in cases of servile insur- rection or foreign invasion. Whenever issues arc made under this exception, the order therefor shall be immediately forwarded to tho ordnance office, accompanied by a statement of the reasons for the issue. 59 Ordnance stores issued on urgent occasions, as provided in the next preceding article, shall, if not expended, bo carefully stored at some convenient ordnance depot when the urgency ceases. 60 One complete set of arms and accoutrements of each de- scription may, if the state of the public supplies will permit, be issued to any officer of the army for his own use, and no other's, oq his payment of the cost price thereof to the issuing officer. 61 All orduance stores issued for the personal use of officers, agreeably to article 57, shall be accounted for on the quarterly return of property of tlie officer making the issue ; and the voucher for such issue shall bo the duplicate acknowledgment of the officer receiving the stores, stating the fact of having received the same and paid for them: the amount paid being likewise stated in tho acknowledgment. (See form No. 21.) The disbursing officer of tho arsenal, armory, or depot, from which the issue is made, will credit all moneys thus received in his next quarterly account current. 62 Ordnance and ordnance stores in charge of any ordnance officer, or tho command of any regiment, company, or detachment, or other agent of the Ordnance Bureau, shall in no case be issued or loaned to individuals, except as provided in article 57, or authorized by law ; nor shall they, under any circumstances, be used for private purposes by any officer or other agent of the army, or be diverted from their legitimate use, as indicated by the regulations and the laws appropriating money for the service of the Ordnance Bureau. 63 Requisitions (according to form 24) for ordnance and ord- nance stores for the use of regiments, companies, detachments, or military posts or stations, shall, in time of peace, be transmitted to the General or comraa,nder of the district or geographical department within which such regiment, company, detachment, or militaiy post or station is situated, who will sanction, modify, or annul such requisition at his discretion. If sanctioned or modified, he shall 16 ORDNANCE STORES IN SERVICE. transmit the same through the Adjutant General for the decision of the General-in-Chief. 64 In cases of urgent necessity, the requisitions may be trans- mitted direct to the Adjutant General for the decision of the General- in-Chief, duplicates thereof being immediately forwarded, as pre- scribed in the preceding article. 65 The Chief of Ordnance shall examine all requisitions for ordnance supplies, and under the direction of the Secretary of War shall modify and regulate them in such manner as to curtail all extravagancies, to suit them to the exigencies of the service, to existing appropriations, and to just and proper views of economy ; and in the performance of this part of his duty, he shall invariably communicate with the General-in-Chief of the army. 66 It shall be the duty of the Chief of Ordnance, under [the direction of the General-in-Chief, to see that a sufficient quantity of ordnance, ammunition and ordnance stores are deposited at every military post where troops are stationed. 67 On the receipt of ordnance or ordnance stores by any officer of the Ordnance Bureau, or by any other officer or agent of the army, such officer or agent shall cause the same to be immediately examined and entered on the property return of the post, company or detachment, and he shall transmit to the forwarding officer duplicate receipts for tlie same, (form No. 7,) stating the number or quantity, and the condition of the articles received. If, on examination, it shall appear that there are less than specified in the invoice, or have sustained material injury in the transportation, it shall be the duty of such officer or agent to report the amount of loss or damage to the Chief of Ordnance ; and also to the proper officer of the Quarter- master's Department ; to the end that, if such loss or damage has been caused by neglect of the agent of transportation, it may be deducted from the amount allowed him for that service. 68 The receipt of ordnance stores at an arsenal or ordnance depot shall be noted on the monthly statement of work done. (Foi'm No. 29.) The receipt of stores at any other military post, or by an officer in command of troops, shall be immediately reported to the Chief of Ordnance. ORDNANCE STORES IN SERVICE. 17 G9 When an officer or agent of the army, who shall have received an invoice of ordnance or ordnance stores to be forwarded to him, has reason to believe tliat they have been lost or miscarried, or arc deposited in irresponsible hands, it shall be his duty to acquaint the forwarding officer of such failure. And it shall be the duty of both officers to make diligent inquiries, along the route of transportation, of all persons into whose hands such ordnance or ordnance stores might probably have passed; the result of which shall bo reported to the Chief of Ordnance. Should it be ascer- tained that the stores have been lost, then the officer to whom they were sent shall enclose a certificate (see form No. 11) to the for- warding officer, who shall transmit the same, accompanied by one from himself, (see form No. 12) to the Chief of Ordnance, to the end that he may be relieved from further responsibility on that account. 70 The commander of any permanently embodied regiment, or (if separated by companies or detachments) the commander of each company or detachment, will be considered as having the immediate charge of, and will be held accountable for, all arms, ordnance and ordnance stores ^ the post, issued for the personal armament of the troDps of his command. And the commander of each military post will be considered as having the immediate charge of, and will be held accountable for, all ordnance and ordnance stores at the post, which are not in the exclusive service of any regiment, company or detach- ment, or not in charge of an officer or agent of the Ordnance Bureau. 71 The commander of each commpany shall, as far as practi- cable, retain and keep in store such number of small arms and sets of accoutrements as may be sufficient, with those in use, to equip the full complement of men established by law for his command; and whenever any of such arms and accoutrements become unser- viceable for want of repairs, which cannot be made at the post, it shall be the duty of the commander of the regiment or post to send them to the nearest or most convenient arsenal with a requisition for immediate repair; but in no case shall such unserviceable small arms and accoutrements be exchanged for others when they can be made serviceable by repair, nor until they have been regularly condemned by an inspecting officer, or board of inspection organized by the 18 ORDNANCE STORES IN SERVICE. commander of the department. It is made the duty of commanders of regiments to see that this regulation is strictly observed. 72 Arms and accoutrements condemned as totally irreparable, tinder the provisions of the preceding article, shall be broken up, and the serviceable parts retained and accounted for by the com- mander of the company, to be used for repairs. The commander of each company shall also, on his requisition, made in the usual form, be furnished by the Ordnance Bureau with a due proportion of such spare parts as are necessary for repairs. 73 Officers who may execute the duty of repairing arms and accoutrements, under the provisions of article 71, shall transmit to the Chief of Ordnance, in each case of repair, a statement of the cost thereof, in order that it may accompany to the treasury the quarterly return of the officer commanding the company to ■which the articles belonged, and that such officer may be held accountable for the damages, according to the regulations. 74 Accoutrements and artillery equipments, only partly worn* vrhich have become soiled or discolored by use in the field, and "which are reported as yet sufficiently strong to endure much more service, shall be cleaned and furbished and restored to their original new appearance, as nearly as can be done, when they will be issued to the troops for service, on the usual requisitions. 75 Whenever an enlisted soldier is transferred from one com- pany to another, his arms and accoutrements shall be retained with the company to which he belonged, unless the urgency of the service shall otherwise require. 7G In all cases in which ordnance or ordnance stores are lost or damaged by the negligence or misconduct of any officer, cadet, or enlisted man, the amount of said loss or damage shall be charged to the delinquent on the next muster roll, and the facts shall be recorded on the books of the company, detachment, military post, arsenal, or ordnance depot. On the next quarterly return of ord- nance and ordnance stores the names of the delinquent shall be noted, with the amount charged, the particular loss or damage for which the charge is made, and the date of the muster roll on which noted. 77 When in compliance with the preceding article, a charge for ORDNANCE STORES IN SERVICE. 19 loss or damage of ordnance or ordnance stores is made against any individual, it shall be tbe duty of the commanding officer, provided it be requested by the individual charged, to assemble a hoard of exaviination (to be composed of commissioned officers, if practicable,) to investigate the facts, and report to him the cause of such loss or damage; and their report, with the remarks of the commanding officer thereon, shall accompany the next quarterly return to the Chief of Ordnance. 78 All charges made in obedience to articles 76 and 77, of these regulations, for loss or damage of ordnance or ordnance stores in the hands of tlie troops, shall have precedence of all other claims whatsoever on the pay of the troops ; they shall be regulated by tables of cost, periodically published by the Chief of Ordnance. (See rates of prices of articles.) 79 Whenever stoppages are noted on muster rolls, for loss or damage of ordnance or ordnance stores, it shall be the duty of the paymaster to withhold the amount charged, and that of the pay- master general to transmit to the Second Auditor of the Treasury, in the month of May, annually, a statement exhibiting the total amount of such stoppages up to the 31st of December next preced- ing; to the end that such amount may be refunded to the appropria- tion to which it may legally belong. 80 When any person shall fraudulently sell or otherwise dispose of any ordnance or ordnance stores, the property of the Confederate States, or convert the same to his own use, or deface their marks for the purpose of concealment, or wantonly waste or destroy such property, it shall be the duty of any military officer, to whom the facts shall become known, either personally or on credible report, to communicate the circumstances to the Chief of Ordnance, who shall adopt such measures in the case as the interest of the service may require, 81 Surplus ordnance and ordnance stores in the hands of the troops shall be turned into store, in as good order as possible, at the most convenient ordnance depot, for which the officer or agent in charge of such depot shall give a receipt, stating their condition. 82 Surplus ordnance and ordnance stores, at any military post, not an ordnance depot, which are considered by the commanding 20 ORDNANCE STORES IN SERVICE. officer unnecessary for the service of the post, shall be transported to an arsenal or ordnance depot, provided the removal of such ord- nance and ordnance stores shall be -first sanctioned by an inspector general, or by the commander of the department in -which they are situated. Officers commanding posts will report all surplus stores to the commander of the department, or to the inspector general -when present at the post on a tour of inspection, who shall designate the place to which they shall be removed. 83 In case ordnance or ordnance stores are lost, or rendered unserviceable by unavoidable accident, the commanding officer shall assemble a board of survejj to investigate the facts, and report to him the cause of such loss or damage. The board shall be composed of commissioned officers, when practicable, and their report shall be submitted to the commanding officer for his remarks or explanations* and shall be forwarded by the person responsible for the property with his next quarterly return of property to the ordnance office. 84 Whenever any officer in charge of ordnance or ordnance stores shall leave his command or post, with a prospect of being absent for any period less than three months, it shall not be obliga- tory on him to take receipts for said ordnance or ordnance stores ; but he may, at his own discretion, either close his accounts or place the ordnance or ordnance stores under charge of the officer next in command, who shall, in that case, do all duty in regard to said ord- nance or ordnance stores in the name of said absent officer, until his return to the command or post. 85 At the decease of any disbursing officer of the Ordnance Bureau, or any officer or agent chargeable with ordnance or ordnance stores, and responsible for the returns required by articles 125 and 127, a board of survey shall be assembled by the senior officer of the arse- nal, depot or post, to examine the state of the funds, ordnance or ordnance stores, for which said officer or agent was accountable. The board will make a report in duplicate, in the same order of clas- sification as in article 142, stating the kinds, quantity, and con- dition of said ordnance or ordnance stores, and the amount of funds on hand; which report will be immediately transmitted to the Chief of Ordnance ; the duplicate will be handed to the successor of the deceased. UNSERVICEABLE ORDNANCE STORES. 21 85 The commander of such company in garrison shall con- stantly retain in store, and exhibit on his quarterly returns of property, the regulation arm-chests hereinafter mentioned, in which all arms and accoutrements, not in the hands of the troops, shall be at all times securely packed for preservation, viz : to each company of infantry, and to each company of artillery armed as infantry, two musket arm-chests ; and to each company of ritiemen, two rifle arm- chests ; to each company of cavalry, one pistol arm-chest ; and if armed with carbines or rifles, then, in addition, one rifle or carbine arm-chest. 87 The commanding officer of any regiment, garrison, com- pany or detachment, shall be responsible that all surplus chests or cases, other than packing boxes, in which arms or other ordnance stores have been conveyed to his command are carefully preserved. They will be receipted for and entered upon the property returns as other stores, and, in like manner, reported to the Ordnance Bureau. 88 Every ofiicer commanding a permanently embodied regi- ment, or a company, garrison or detachment, shall make a report every two months to the Ordnance Bureau, stating all damages to arms, equipments and implements belonging to his command, noting those occasioned by negligence or abuse, and naming the party by whose negligence or abuse the said damages were occasioned ; which reports shall be consolidated by the Chief of Ordnance, and trans- mitted with his remarks and orders thereon, every six months, to the superintendents of the national armories and inspecting oflicers of the Ordnance Bureau, in order to ascertain and correct any defects which may exist in the manufacture of arms. SECTION VL— UNSERVICEABLE ORDNANCE STORES. Article 89 Whenever ordnance or ordnance stores are reported unserviceable, thoy shall be examined by an inspector general, or some other officer specially designated by the Secretary of War, for that purpose, who will note on the inventory such as he condemns and such as he considers reparable (see form No. 13). He shall ro- 22 UNSERVICEABLE ORDNANCE STORES. commend the stores condemned hj bim either to be broken up at the arsenal, depot or military post, or to be sold, as may be deemed most advantageous to the public service ; but should it appear to the inspector that the ordnance or ordnance stores condemned are of too little value to cover the expense of sale or breaking up, he shall recommend them to be dropped from the return as useless. Such arms and stores as the inspector may consider reparable he shall direct either to be repaired at the arsenal, depot or military post, or to be transported to the nearest or most convenient arsenal or depot of construction or repairs. The list of condemned stores, (see form No. 10,) with the remarks and opinion of the inspector, shall be made in duplicate, and forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance for the further action of the President of the Confederate States. The in- ventory shall be left with the officer having charge of the ordnance and ordnance stores. 90 All articles condenaned and ordered for sale by the Presi- dent of the Confederate States shall be disposed of at public auction, under the superintendence of such officers as may be designated for that purpose by the Chief of Ordnance, due public notice being given of the sale. An authorized auctioneer shall be employed, and the sale shall be conducted in conformity with the established usages of the place where made. 91 An officer directing a sale of unserviceable ordnance stores "will cause the articles to be offered in such lots as he msiy think will command the best pi'ices ; and he is authorized to bid in or suspend the sale of any articles when, in his opinion, they will command better prices at private sale. No article shall be sold at private sale until after it shall have been offered at auction, nor then at a price less than that offered at public sale. 92 All sales shall be for cash. The auctioneer shall make cer- tified bills of sale of the property and deliver them to the superin- tending officer, to whom the money shall be paid on delivery of the property. All expenses of the sale shall be paid from the proceeds. The auctioneer's certified account of sales in detail, and the vouchers for the expenses of the sale, shall be forwarded to the ordnance office unconnected with quarterly accounts, whence, after examina- tian and record, they shall be transmitted to the proper auditor for ARMING MILITIA IN SERVICE. 23 settlement; the nett proceeds of the sale shall be disposed of in such manner as the Chief of Ordnance shall direct. SECTION VII.— ISSUE OF ORDNANCE STOKES TO MILITIA IN THE SERVICE OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. Article 93 Whenever any regiment, company or detachment of militia shall be called into the service of the Confederate States, they are mustered and inspected by an inspector general, or some duly authorized officer of the regular troops, who shall ascertain the condition of the arms, accoutrements, ordnance and ordnance stores in their possession, and if it should be found necessary to supply them with arms and accoutrements, or ordnance and ordnance stores, belonging to the Confederate States, the commander thereof shall make requisition for the articles required, according to form No. 25, which, if sanctioned by the inspecting officer, shall be submitted for approval or modification to the commander of the regular troops present or in the vicinity ; and upon such requisition, duly approved by such commander, any officer or agent of the Ordnance Bureau may issue the articles required, taking duplicate receipts therefor, one of which shall be forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance, in order that the same may be charged on the books of the bureau to the officer who received them. And the commander of such regiment, battalion, company or detachment shall be held responsible for the care and preservation of the articles thus received, and that the arms and accoutrements are issued to the men constituting his com- mand, and that each individual is charged on the muster roll with the actual number of arms and accoutrements delivered to him ; and the same shall be entered upon each successive muster roll until the men shall be discharged. 94 When any militia are about to be discharged, they are mus- tered for payment by an inspector general, or some other duly authorized officer of the regular troops, who shall, at the same time, critically inspect the arms and accoutrements in their possession, in order to ascertain if any loss or damage has accrued to them whilst 24 ARMING MILITIA IN SERVICE. in their possession, either by negligence or carelessness: and if any^ shall charge the amount of said loss or damage, according to the rates established by the Ordnance Bureau, to each individual, oppo- site to his name on the muster roll, which amount the paymaster shall deduct from the pay due each individual at the time of his discharge. And it shall be the duty of the inspecting officer, or of an officer of the Ordnance Bureau, at the time of muster and inspec- tion for discharge, to receive the arms and accoutrements, ordnance and ordnance stores, in the possession of the regiment, battalion, company or detachment, and to give duplicate receipts for the same to the commander thereof, in order that he may settle his accounts with the Ordnance Bureau. 95 No payments shall be made to any militia called into the service of the Confederate States until they shall have been mus- tered, and shall have delivered up their arms and accoutrements, as set forth in the preceding article, unless they were absent by reason of sickness, or some other justifiable cause, at the time of the muster and inspection for discharge ; and in such case they shall produce receipts to the paymaster that they have deposited their arms and accoutrements with some officer authorized to receive them, who shall state in the receipts the condition of the arms and accoutre- ments, and the amount of loss or damage, (if any has accrued whilst the same were in their possession,) according to the rates established by the Ordnance Bureau, which amount the paymaster shall deduct from the pay due them at the time of their discharge. 96 In all cases when arms, accoutrements, ordnance, or ord- nance stores, issued to any officer, non-commissioned officer, or soldier of the militia, called into the service of the Confederate States, shall have been lost by unavoidable circumstances, it shall be the duty of the inspecting officer, who shall muster and inspect the same for discharge, to require the affidavit of some officer or non-commissioned officer, testifying to the unavoidable circum- stances of the loss, and such affidavit, if deemed satisfactory, shall be sufficient authority for the inspecting officer to relieve the indi- vidual Avho shall have been charged with the loss from all charges on account of such loss, which shall be entered with the affidavit on the proper muster roll. I f INSPECTION OF ORDNANCE. 25 SECTION VIII.— INSPECTION OF ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. Article 97 Regulations, in detail, for the inspection and proof of all ordnance and ordnance stores shall be prepared by the Chief of Ordnance, -with the approbation of the Secretary of War, and the mode of inspection and proof shall be the same for all arti- cles of the same kind, whether fabricated at the ordnance establish- ments, or procured by contract or by open purchase. I. Inspection of Ordnance and Projectiles. 98 The inspection and proof of ordnance and projectiles shall be made under the direction of the Chief of Ordnance, by such officers of the Ordnance Bureau as he may, from time to time, desig- nate for that purpose, who will be held strictly responsible that all ordnance and projectiles received by them for the Confederate States shall have been subjected to the inspection and proof required, and that they shall conform in all respects to the established models. 99 The inspecting officer of ordnance and projectiles at the foundries shall give to the contractors triplicate certificates of in- spection, according to form No. 32. 100 Duplicate reports of inspection of ordnance and projectiles at the foundries (forms Nos. 33 and 34) shall be made immediately after each inspection ; one copy to be forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance ; and in the month of July a consolidated report (form No. 35) of all such inspections, made during the year ending 30th June, shall be forwarded by the inspecting officer to the Chief of Ordnance. The inspecting officer will keep books in which shall be recorded all reports which he is required to make, and all corre- spondence connected with this particular service. These books will be carefully preserved, and, in case of relief, turned over to his successor. II. Inspection of Small Arms and Accoutrements, 101 All small arms and accoutrements manufactured by con- tract, or purchased for the service of the Confederate States, shall, 3 26 INSPECTION OF SMALL ARMS. before being received, be inspected under the direction of the Chief of Ordnance, by officers of the Ordnarjce Bureau, designated for that purpose. 102 It shall be the duty of the inspecting officer of the con- tract service, under the orders of the Chief of Ordnance, to inspect all muskets, rifles, carbines, pistols, swords, sabres, or other small arms and accoutrements, that may be manufactured in the contract service for the Confederate States. He will be held strictly re- sponsible that the said arms and accoutrements are in exact con- formity -with the models and patterns. To aid the inspecting officer in the performance of these duties, such number of assistants as may be required shall be detailed from the National armories, by the commanding officer thereof, on the requisition of the inspecting officer. 103 Each assistant inspector shall, previous to entering on the duty, take an oath before a competent magistrate for its faithful discharge ; and it shall be the duty of the inspecting officer to see that no assistant be allowed to inspect the arms manufactured at the same private establishment oftener than twice in succession. 104 The inspecting officer of contract arms shall in all cases, before receiving any such arms for the Confederate States, cause them to be taken to pieces in his presence, and the several parts to be closely examined by the assistants. When arms have been re- ceived by the inspecting officers for the use of the Confederate States at private armories, the principal inspector will cause them imme- diately to be boxed for transportation in his presence, and will secure each box by fixing his seals thereon. 105 Inspections of small arms and accoutrements, made by contract, shall be made quarterly; and the inspecting officer shall make annual reports of inspections, (form No. 37,) and at each re- ception of articles furnished by contract, he shall give to the con- tractor triplicate certificates, according to form No. 36. 106 The inspecting officer of contract arms and accoutrements shall keep books in which shall be copied such inspection reports as they are required to make, and all the correspondence connected with this particular service. The original reports shall be forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance as soon as the several inspections are com- INSPECTION OF GUNPOWDER. 27 pleted. The books above mentioned shall be carefully preserved, and, in case of relief, turucd over to the successors. ITL Inspection of Gunpowder. Articlk 107 Gunpowder is ordinarily packed in barrels con- taining one huudi'ed pounds each. The magazines iu 'which it is kept shall be frequently aired in dry weather. 108 GunpoAvder iu the magazines giving a proof-range, by the established eprouvette, less than one hundred and eighty yards, shall not be used in the service charges, but shall be separated from that of liigher range, and legibly marked; to be used for firing salutes and for blank cartridge practice. That which gives a range less thau one hundred and fifty yards shall be considered unserviceable. 109 The inspecting oillcer shall cause each cask to be marked in the following manner, viz : on one end the place and year of fabri- cation and description of powder; on the other end the proof-range and date of proof, taking care to leave space for subsequent proofs. 110 Reports of proof and inspection of powder received from contractors, and of tliat in the magazines, sliall be made in duplicate according to form No. 30 ; and the proving otficer shall give to the contractor triplicate certificates of inspection according to form No. 38. One of the duplicate inspection reports of powder in the maga- zines, and of that received from contractors for the Confederate States, shall be forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance on the comple- tion of the inspection; the other for powder in magazines, shall be recorded at the arsenal or depot ; the duplicate for powder received for the Confederate States shall be retained by the proving officer. Ill Standard powder for the reception proof of all kinds of fire-arms, whether manufactured at the national armories, foundries, or by contract, shall be of such quality as to give a range of 7iot less than iico hundred and fifty yards by the regulation eprouvette. 112 All powder designed for the proof of fire-arms, shall be proved with the regulation eprouvette, immediately preceding the inspection, unless it shall have been so proved within one year, and there be no reason to suspect that it has become deteriorated. 28 CONTRACTS — ACCOUNTS. SECTION IX.— CONTRACTS. ARTICLE 113 No coQtract for the service of the Ordnance Bureau shall be made by any officer or agent thereof, except by special authority of the Chief of Ordnance, sanctioned by the Se- cretary of War; and all officers or agents making contracts shall strictly observe the provisions of the laws on that subject. Con- tracts shall be made in triplicate, one of which shall be forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance, at the date of the contract, that it may be deposited in the office of the comptroller within ninety days there- after. 114 The rights vested in a contractor, for services to be per- formed, or supplies to be furnished for the Ordnance Bureau, shall in no case be transferred to any other person or persons ; but such contractor shall be held to his legal responsibilities, and all payments shall be made to him only. 115 Payments on account of any contract, to the amount of four-fifths of the value of work done, or of services performed in part, may be made in case the contract embraces operations of long continuance. Such payments on account, under an unfulfilled con- tract not being admitted at the treasury, will not be charged in the quarterly accounts ; but a statement of all such, specifying the amount of each, will be annexed to the duplicate account current, which is designed for the files of the ordnance office, in order that the true state of the funds on hand may be known. SECTION X.— ACCOUNTS. Akticle 116 Every disbursing officer of the Ordnance Bureau shall transmit to the Chief of Ordnance, "within twenty days after the expiration of each quarter, an account current of all moneys received, expended, and remaining on hand, with the necessary vouchers and abstract made according to the forms hereinafter pre- scribed ; which, after examination in the ordnance office, will be transmitted to the treasury department for settlement. 117 A duplicate of the quarterly account curreiit, and of the VOUCHERS. 29 abstract mentioned ia the prcccdinp; article, shall be transmitted at the same time to the ordnance office, to be retained for use there. On a blank page of this duplicate account current there shall be endorsed a statement of receipts and expenditures under each appro- priation, (form No. 22,) and the face of the abstract will show as far as practicable, the quantity and kind of articles purchased. (See form No. 19.) Individual accounts for services will show the dates and kind of service charged. 118 Vouchers for articles purchased, for supplies furnished, for services rendered, or for other expenditures, will be made agree- ably to one or the other of the forms No. 15, 16, 17 or 18, according to tlie nature of the case. First: Form No. 15 is the form of a voucher for supplies furnished, or for services rendered by an indi- vidual. Second: Form No. IG is the form of an ordinary receipt-roll for services. Third: Form No. 17 is a pay-roll to be used at armo- ries or at arsenals, where work is done by the piece. Fourth : Form No. 18 is a pay-roll for hired slaves. Fifth: In all the accounts of individuals against the Confederate States the matters and things charged for are to be clearly and accurately set forth. No substitu- tion of names, dates, services, prices, or things of any kind shall be made ; the transaction on which the charges are made in any account shall, in all cases, be truly represented on the face of the voucher. Sixth : In accounts for articles purchased, the date of each separate purchase, the name and the number or quantity of each article, the price of each, with the particular to which the price refers — as num- ber, weight or measure, and the amount due for each, will be speci- fied in the body of the account. If the public use of any article be not fully apparent from its name; or if, from any other cause, there be reason to apprehend that the charge may not be correctly com- prehended by the accounting officers, the purpose for which it was procured, or other explanation, should be inserted opposite the article in the column of remarks. Seventh: If an account be for services rendered, the occupation or kind of service, the time employed, the dates within which the services were rendered, the wages and the amount should be stated in the body of the account. If the service charged be of an unusual kind, or if it be charged at an unusual rate, or if, from any cause, the charge may be liable to misconception, the 30 VOUCHERS. necessary explanation slioulJ be given under the head of remarks. The dates to be inserted in the left margin of the accounts should represent the time when the several sums charged were due to the creditors. Eighth : At armories and at arsenals, where the number of persons employed is considerable, the accounts for -services ren- dered will be stated on monthly rolls, specifying the name and occu- pation of each, the number of days' service rendered by, the wages of, and the amount due to each, agreeably to forms No. IG and 17. Ninth: In case the authority to direct and control expenditures reside in one officer, and the payments are made by another, the accounts must be sanctioned by the signature of the directing officer, in the manner indicated by forms No. 15, 16, 17 and 18, before pay- ment is made; the date on which the sanction is given shall always be stated. Tenth: In the accounts for the transportation of stores or supplies, the articles carried, with the number or weight thereof, the places from and to which, and the distance conveyed, the period within which the service was performed, and the price, should be specified. If the charge be for transporting stores from the post to a distant place, an original bill of lading, and the receipt of the p&i'son to whom the articles were addressed, or other proper evidence of delivery, should be annexed to the voucher. 119 Vouchers. First: An account for the transportation or travelling allowance of an armory officer, or other person, will state the distance travelled, the purpose of the journey, and at what time performed ; and it must be sustained by the original order direct- ing the service, or a certified copy of, or extract from it, with a cer- tificate that the journey charged has been performed. Second: An account for postage of letters on public service must be accompanied by a certificate from the officer sending or receiving them, setting forth that the postage charged is due exclusively for letters on the public business committed to his charge. Third: If an account be founded upon a contract or agreement, reference should be made to the agreement in the body of the account, and the original agree- ment should be transmitted with the first account arising under it, if the same shall not have been previously transmitted; vouchers referring to a verbal agreement, without a specification of par- ticulars, are inadmissible. Fourth : In case a charge is made by VOUCHERS — ABSTRACTS. 31 one person, for a i^ayment made by liim to another, for freight, "wharfage, drayage, or other purposes, the particulars of the cliargo ■will be fully specilied in the body of the account, and a receipt from the person to whom the payment is made must be annexed to the account as a sab voucher. Fifth: The prices and amounts in all accounts and rolls v O U 00 TS Ui 'S r-; t* 1^ o .2 ^ 0) ^ m ggM ■•« »2 a -J o a> SJ« Xl en c* ID o c 1 ^ O U ?5E S«2 ■1-3 ^z^M SO l-M <5 *^ D. C D. C. D. C. D. C. 34 48 88 1 74 3 20 1 00 1 16 2 40 3 96 4 26 4 26 4 40 20 2 00 1 00 1 2i 1 32 1 20 26 50 80 70 50 50 70 10 00 8 00 10 00 11 00 o D. C. 40 88 88 3 84 1 00 50 50 8 00 40 PRICES OF ACCOUTREMENTS. ACCOUTREMENTS— (iJZacZ; Leather Belts). Article 141. PAKTS. -4-< ■ a 1— I < > o D. C. D. C. D. C. 1 75 75 75 60 65 65 35 35 1 35 1 35 1 00 1 25 80 30 25 25 25 20 20 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 20 20 20 ^ s Cartridge box Cartridge box belt Bayonet scabbard and frog. Waist belt — private's Cap pouch and pick Gun sling .. Sabre belt , ... Sword belt Carbine or gun sling Powder flask — tin Canteen Canteen strap Knapsacks Haversacks D. c. 1 60 60 65 35 30 25 25 3 25 20 ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. 41 SECTION XIV.— ARTICLE 142. Classification of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores. TART FIRST. Artillery, Small Arms, Ammunition, and other Ordnance Stores. CLASS I. — CANNON. 18 pdi'. brass cannon, Mexican, trophy, weight, pounds. 12 pdr. " French, " ♦* 9 pdr. *' Spanish, " «« 8 pdr. " French, ** " 6 pdr. " English, trophy, " " 4 pdr. " French, " " 3 pdr. *' Englii^h, trophy, " *' 12 pdr. *' field, U. S. pattern 1840, '» '* 6 pdr. " " " *• " C pdr. «' old pattern, " '« 8 inch brass howitzers, English, trophy, '* " G inch '* French, « «* 24 pdr. *' field, U. S. pattern 18i0, " « 12 pdr. " " " ** " IG inch brass stone mortars, French, " " 13 inch brass mortar, French, ** " 42 pdr. iron cannon, U. S. pattern 1831, " " 42 pdr. " 42 pdr. " 32 pdr. '* 32 pdr. " 24 pdr. " 24 pdr. " 24 pdr. " 24 pdr. iron cannon rifled, ** " 18 pdi\ " old pattern round breech, " " 18 pdr. " model 1819, '* " 18 pdr. '* model 1839, " " 12 pdr. " garrison, model 1819, " " 12 pdr. " *' 1839, " " 12 pdr. «' field, model 1819, " «* 1819, " 1840, 1840, rifled, [U. S. pattern 1819, 1839, old pattern, round breech. 42 ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. 12 pdr. iron cannon, field, inspected 1834, 6 pdr. 3 inch «' field, rifled, 100 pdr. Columbiads, smooth bore, 50 pdr. 10 inch " " 10 inch " rifled, 8 inch " smooth bore, 8 inch " rifled, 8 inch iron howitzers, sea-coast, model 1810, weight, pounds. 8 inch 8 inch 24 pdr. 24 pdr. 24 pdr. 12 pdr. " 1839, siege, model 1839, field, inspected 1834, for flank defence, field, old pattern, light, field, inspected 1834, 10 inch iron mortars, sea-coast, model 1SS9, " " 10 inch " '* ♦' 1819, " " 8 inch " siege, model 1840, " " Unserviceable. 9 pdr. brass cannon, field, " " 6 pdr. " " " " 8 inch brass howitzers, American, old, '* " 24 pdr. " " " ♦' 10 inch brass mortars, " " 24 pdr. iron cannon, cascable broken, *' " 6 pdr. " old, various patterns, •* " 6 pdr. " wrought iron, *• " Note. — The mean weight of each kind of ordnance, as well as the number of pieces, should be entered on the inventories. CLASS II. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 12 pdr. field gun carriages, complete, stock-trail, pattern 1835. 12 pdr. " '' " *' ** 1840. 6 pdr. " *' " 24 pdr. howitzer, field carriages, " 12 pdr. '' *« " 24 pdr. siege gun carriages, " Mountain howitzer carriages, " ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. 43 Caissons for 12 pounder guns, complete, stock-trail, pattern 1840. «< 6 pdr. guns, " ** •* ♦* «* 24 pdr. howitzers, «* ** " " (( 22 pdr. " *' ** ** *' Caissons without interior divisions, " " *' Travelling forges. Battery wagons. Portiible forges for mountain service. Chests, with carriage-makers' tools, for mountain service. Field battery wagons, with tools and stores complete, C. Field travelling forges, with " " " A. Mortar wngons, for siege service, complete. 8 inch Columbiad casemate gun carriages. 8 inch Columbiad casemate chassis. 32 pdr. casemate gun carriages. 32 pdr. casemate chassis. 32 pdr. casemate gun carriages, wood. 24 pdr. " " cast iron. 24 pdr. " chassis. 24 pdr. howitzer casemate carriages, for flank defence, complete. 8 inch sea-coast howitzer, barbette carriages and chassis. 32 pdr. barbette gun carriages. 32 pdr. " chassis. 24 pdr. '* gun carriages. 24 pdr. *' chassis. 10 inch sea-coast mortar beds, ii'on. 10 inch " " wood. 10 inch siege •' iron. 8 inch " " iron. Unserviceable. 6 pdr. field carriages, Qribeauval pattern, require repairs. 6 pdr. " Stocktrail. 1 Caissons. 1 at • >!,**.._ r> x^ r ^1«J- s battery. Battery wagons. *' *' Travelling forges. J Note. — The "field carriage, complete," includes the limber and ammunition chest, but no implements. The "casemate or barbette carriage, complete," includes the upper or gun carriage and the 44 ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. chassis, with all the wheels, but no impleinents ; it is better, how- ever, to enter the gun carriages and the chassis separately as above. CLASS III. — ARTILLERY IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. Axes, felling. Bricoles. Buckets, sponge, iron for field guns. ** *' wood for garrison guns. " tar, iron for field guns. *' water, for field forge. " watering, leather. Budge barrels. Cannon locks, left side, for guns with lock pieces. *' " without " Cannon spikes. Chocks, for casemate carriages. Drag ropes. Fuze augers, *' extractors. *' gimlets. " mallets. '* plug reamers. " rasps. " saws, *' setters, brass. " " wood. Gunner's callipers. " gimlets for siege and garrison guns. " " field guns. " haversacks. " levels. " pincers. " quadrants. Handspikes, trail, for field carriages. ** manoeuvering, for garrison carriages. " shod, " " *' truck, iron, casemate " " roller, <« " " ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. 45 Harness, viz : Sets for two wheel horses, pattern 1840. «« leading " «« *' wheel " with Grimsley's saddles, &c. ** leading '* *< Draught for mountain howitzer carriage. Pack saddles and bridles for mountain howitzer carriage. Nose bags. Whips. Ladles and staves for 32 pdr. gun. ** 24 pdr. gun. " 12 pdr. gun. Lanterns, common. " dark. Lanyards for friction primers. Lead apron and btraps. Linstocks. Lock covers. Men's harness. Pass boxes. Pendulum hauses for 12 pdr. field guns. " 6 pdr. " *' 82 pdi\ field howiJzers, " 24 pdr. *« " 12 pdr. " Pick axes. Plummets. Pointing wires. Portfire cases. Portfire shears. Portfire stocks. Powder funnels, copper. Powder measures, *' Priming horns. Priming wires for seige and garrison guns. " for field " Prolonges. Kammers and staves, viz : For 82 pdr. garrison guns. For 24 pdr. '* 46 ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. Kammers and staves — continued. For 12 pdr. garrison guns. For 10 inch columbiads. For 8 inch sea-coast howitzers. Shell hooks. Shell plug screws. Splints. Shovels. Sponges, woollen, 8 inch. " " 32 pdr. " •' 24 pdr. " •« 12 pdr. *' ♦' 6 pdr. Sponge covers, 32 pdr. "■ 24 pdr. " " 6 pdr. Sponges and rammers, viz : For 8 inch siege howitzers. For 24 pdr. field *' For 12 pdr. field guns. For 6 pdr, " Spobges and staves, viz : For 42 pdr. guns. For 32 pdr. guns. For 12 pdr. guns, siege and garrison. For 10 inch columbiad, bore. For ** " chamber. For 8 inch sea-coast howitzer. Tangent scales for 12 pdr. field guns. " 6 pdr. " " 24 pdr. field howitzer. ** 12 pdr. " Tarpaulins, large. " small. Thumb-stalls. Tompions and collars for 12 pdr. field guns. '♦ " 6 pdr. Tompions for 8 inch mortars. Tow hooks. Tube pouches. ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. 47 Vent covers. Vent pouches. Worms and staves, viz : For siege and garrison guns. • For 12 pdr. field guns. For G pdr. " Note, — A set of harness for two horses includes everything re- quired for them except whips and 7iosc-bags, which are reported separately. CLASS IV. — ARTILLERY PROJECTILES, AND THEIR APPENDAGES, UNPRE- PARED FOR SERVICE. 12 pdr. shot for 12 pdr. gun, fixed, rounds. 12 pdr. spherical case shot for 12 pdr. gun, «♦ *' 12 pdr. canisters for 12 pdr. gun, " " 6 pdr. shot, " '« 6 pdr. spherical case shot, " " 6 pdr. canisters, " ** 12 pdr. howitzer shells, " " 12 pdr. " spherical case shot, " " 12 pdr. ** canisters, " ** 32 pdr. howitzer spherical case shot, with metal fuzes, '* V 12 pdr. spherical case for 12 pdr. field gun, ** *' 12 pdr. shells " " " " 8 inch shells, strapped for columbiad. 8 inch " " sea-coast howitzer, 12 pdr. howitzer shell, strapped, 12 pdr. howitzer spherical case shot, strapped. 12 pdr. canister, for 12 pdr. field gun. 6 pdr. shot, strapped. 6 pdr. canisters. 12 pdr. grape shot, stands of. 42 pdr. cannon wads, junk. 32 pdr. " hay. 24 pdr. ** grommet. Note. — A ^^ round of fixed ammunition^' is here used to indicate the projectile with its cartridge prepared for use, although, in some cases, they are not actually connected togetlier. A " shot strapped,'' or a "canister," '* stand of grape," &c., indicates the projectile prepared for making fixed ammunition, or for service. 48 ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. CLASS VI. — SMALL ARMS. Muskets complete, viz: National armory, bright, percussion, new. National armory, brown, flint, 4th class, short. National armory, bright, altered to percussion. National armory, brown, " *' Contract, brown, " " Contract, bright, « " Musketoons, artillery, percussion. " cavalry, " " sappers, '* Bifles, viz : Harper's Ferry percussion, new. Harper's Ferry percussion, repaired. Contract, full stocked, brown, flint. Hall's patent, new, without bayonets. Hall's patent, new, with bayonets. Pistols, viz : Percussion, new model. » Colt's patent. Hall's carbines, new, percussion. Wall pieces, rifle, 4 oz. calibre. Cavalry sabres, pattern 1840. Horse artillery sabres, privates, pattern 1840. Non-commissioned officers' swords, pattern 1840. Musicians' swords, pattern 1840. Artillei'y swords, new pattern. Cavalry sabres, English. Sergeants' swords, Prussian. Foot officers' swords, new pattern, 30J inches. Foot officers' swords, new pattern, 32 inches. Field officers' swords. Unserviceable. Muskets, without bayonets. Rifles, require repairs. Carbines, Hall's patent, irreparable. ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. 49 CLASS VII. — ACCOUTREMENTS, IMPLEMENTS, AND EQUIPMENTS FOR SMALL ARMS. Infantry cartridge boxes. Cartridge box plates. Cartridge box belts, black leather. ** " •white leather. Cartridge box belt plates. Bayonet scabbards, 16 inches. Bayonet scabbards, 18 inches, black frogs. Gun slings. Waist belts, black leather. Waist belt plates, inft'y, privates. ** '* sergeants. Wipers for percussion muskets. Ball screws ** " Screw- drivers " " Spring vices for muskets. Cones for new muskets. Cones for altered muskets. Cap pouches. Cone picks. Rifle cartridge boxes. Rifle cartridge box plates. Rifle flasks. Rifle ball pouches. Rifle pouch and flask belts, white. " '• black. Bayonet scabbards, Hall's rifles. Bayonet scabbard belts, Hall's rifles. Wipers for percussion rifles. Screw-drivers for percuss'n rifles. Spare cones *' Ball screws for percussion rifles. Bullet moulds for percussion ri- fles, round balls. Bullet moulds for percussion ri- fles, conical balls. Spring vices. Cartridge boxes for pistols. Cartridge box plates for pistols. Spring vices *' Screw- drivers ** Bullet moulds " Ball screws ** Spare cones ** Sci-ew-drivers for Colt's pistols. Spring vices ** Powder flasks ** Bullet moulds '* Artillery sword belts. Cavalry sabre belts, white, old pattern. Cavalry sabre belt plates, old pattern. Non-comm'd officer's sword belts, double frogs, black leather. Non-commissioned officer's sword belt plates. Horse artillery sabre belts, black. Holsters. Housings. Musket flints. Rifle flints. CLASS VIII. — POWDER, AMMUNITION FOR SMALL ARMS, &C., AND MATERIALS. Cannon powder, Musket powder. Rifle powder, Mealed powder, Fulminate of mercury. Nitre, refined, Sulphur, crude, 5 pounds. Sulphur, roll, " Sulphur, flowers, " Sulphur, pulverized, <• Pulverized charcoal, •* 24 pdr. cartridges, 6 ♦« 12 pdr. " 2J " 6 pdr. '* l| pounds. 50 ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. 42 pdr. cartridge bags, paper, with flannel bottoms. 32 pdr. cartridge bags, paper, ■with flannel bottoms. 24 pdr. cartridge bags, flannel. 12 pdr. '* field, 6 pdr. " " " Musket buck and ball cartridges for percussion arms. Musket buck and ball cartridges for flint lock arms. Eifle ball cartridges for percus- sion arms. Pistol ball cartridges for percus- sion arras. Musketoon ball cartridges, per- cussion. Pistol ball cartridges, flint. Musket blank cartridges. Rifle " Cartridges for Colt's pistols. Musket balls, pressed (for prov- ing muskets), pounds. Musket balls, pressed, " Bifle balls, *^ " Buckshot, " Laboratory paper, viz : No. 1 (musk' t cartridge), 'pounds. No. 2 (wrapping), " No. 3 (blank cartridge), " Wrap'g paper (No. 2) waxed, •* Wrapping paper, quires. Priming tubes, filled. Portfires. Quick match, pounds. Slow match, *' Percussion caps for small arms. Percussion caps for Colt's pistols. Percuss'n primers for Maynard's locks. Percussion primers for cannon, Hidden's. Friction tubes. Rockets, war, congreve. Rockets, Hale's o\ inch. Rockets, *' 2^ inch. Rockets, 1 inch, signal. Fuzes, 10 inch, filled. Fuzes, 8 inch, filled. Fuzes, paper, for field ammuni'n. Fuzes, wooden, *' Blue lights. Fire balls. CLASS IX. — PAE.TS, OR INCOMPLETE SETS OE ANT OE THE ARTICLES INSERTED IN THE PRECEDING CLASSES. Parts of barbette carriages, viz: Bevil washers for 32 pdr. " 24 pdr. Elevating screws. Iron work for 24 pdr. carriages and chassis, complete sets. Lunettes. Naves. Pintles. Pintle plates, 32 pdr. Pipes, 32 pdr. Rollers, 32 pdr. Rollers, 24 pdr. Traverse wheels. Parts of casemate carr'ges viz: Bed plates for elevating screws. Elevating screws. Handles for elevating screws. Iron work for 32 pdr. carriages, complete sets. Pintles, cast iron. Traverse wheels, large. " small. Truck wheels. Trunnion plates, 32 pdr., pairs. Parts of field carriages, viz : Air backs for forges. Axle trees for 6 pdr. gun car'ges. " limbers. Cap squares, 6 pdr. Cap square chains. Cold shut, S links, No. 3. •' No. 5. Elevating screws and nuts. ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. 51 Fellies. Iron work for 6 pdr. carriages, complete sets. Keys for ammunition chests. Linch pins. Lock chains. Nails, No. 1 and 2, pounds. Nave bands. Nave boxes, cast iron. Nuts, assorted. Pintle hooks, keys and chains. Poles, spare, ironed. Pole props. Pole yokes. Rondelles, 6 pdr. large. " " small. Splinter bars. Spokes. Stocks, ntraclor at , 22 3 " •' Capl. G. H , regiment of artillery, |30 4 Fabricated at the post, durinsr the quarter, per abslracl, j-0 5 Purchased durina; the (juarter, per abstraet, 130 (i Repaired dtirin.,' the quarter, .... I, 'Total, to he accounted for, .... May lla] 7 Conlemned and dropped from the return, hv ! I j the President of the Confederate States, . .June j30| Si Issued to sundry persons, per abstract, " j.^0, 9, Expended at the post, per abstract, " |30I0j Issued for current service, per abstract, " l30 6 Repaired durins: the quarter, I T(ital issued and expended, ..... Remaining on hand, to he accounted for next quarter, 62 FORM NO 1. Class II.- -Ord. Brass Guns. Brass How- itzers. Brass Mortars. Iron Guns. Iron How- itzers. English trophies. Mexi- can. U.S. U.S. French. M 1 .O =s ■q o 1 a 3 O a o 1 e 3 C 1 1 "o _c oo en 00 o S c o. o ■<# 1 s o i _a o o M ■§ a 1 i .a a 00 to .5? i «o 2 in .2? % % f u . oo ■"■ i o o 1 c T3 C CO Jo Z o a u 2 00 o 00 a P. B, to i ■H. 5 So -a 1 o o a o .a to oo a o - - - - 1 1 1 1 NANCE. PROPERTY RETURN. 63 Class II. — Artillery Carriages. Unserviceable. Brass Guns. o to *-» .a bo ei P. o CO a P4 'o P< Iron Guns. CO p< 3 'o P. p< -a "o p^ 00 00 ei Pi 'o p. Field Artillery. o o P< Bar- bette. th a P* oi .a P4 "^ W Casemate. O 0) P.5 64 FORM NO. 1. Cla ss IL [.—A RTILI .EB Y Eq UII 'MEN! "S AND ] [JVIPLEMENTS. Cannon Locks. Handspikes. Sponges. Worms and Staves. M ^ u u o o ^^ A *•» s ^ o ^ CO ba a P O Ol 61) .2 O P O DO P P P *M 1^ 0) ^ do P bo 13 1— c bo en 0) S 45 a W) 0) CC3 t3 1— 1 #\ tp< C eS m S .N .^ r£5 a , td S3 • ^ Mi O O 1— 1 t« fi ;^ .2 ^ Jr. «=^ o . Q CO O O) > 8 eS O (J O 1 o 'p a. Si eS p o p< ID 50 ^3 T-l u Si 13 CO Ph H S ;3 o Ph o T-1 a O o O — — — — — — — PROPERTY RETURN. 65 Class IV.— Cannon Balls. Class V. — ] Fixed Ammunition, &c. Shot. Shells. Spherical Case. Shot, Fixed. Spherical Case, Fixed. Strapped Shot. C P. -a u B o B u u c o -a s Ui -CI u c 00 u P. P< t-l P< to m no C 3 O a bo >^ '•a eu 1—1 o CO »H -a P< c^ d 6 t-> V *-> en "S e) o For 12 pdr. gun, do. do. OP N ■!-> '$ o C % 1— 1 (h O a P 13 P^ «o o s bO "a! p< 1— I o en T-l o CO p. N ■^ O TO P< c* tS u a> *j m '5 a fj C p< P4 C 66 FORM NO. 1. Class VI. — Small Arms. Class VII. — Accoutrements. Muskets. .\ a o 4^ .c 60 s t-i o ^ (-1 »> Pi ts o o 'te' n to r^ P 0) u ^ C5 o RS o o Rifles. c3 Pi W Ph Pistols. "a o a CD a *\ B O PL, Swords & Sabres. 5fi a a o u I c o For Muskets. ♦J 'P* O be T3 £3 O to For Rifles. lU p. ;r3 :=5 Cavalry. o o 0) biS ■a PROPERTY RETURN. Class VIII. — Powder, &c. Powder, lbs. Cartridges. o c a 03 O !3 £3 C3 .id a Lead Balls, lbs, 67 Class IX. — Parts of o m u 60 Rt bo c d P^ 60 ^ o *-> m O t» 68 FORM NO. 1. Artilleky Carrie .GES. Class X. — Misc ELLA NEOU s. Spare parts for Field Carriages. en C ftC a • o a> • c ui be 00 o • r^ ^ ^ OQ «^ OS I— « a !3 ^ w m • »H ea W o; ^ 60 ss OQ C3 o 13 en ■ja O OQ u o o e8 cii 0) O > 03 OJ bo a *2 n3 c m p 1 a o ft, S O w o ft • FA-HT SBOOKTU. TOOLS AND MATERIALS. 70 FORM NO. 1. Cloth, Rope , Thread , &C. Forage. Iron- xn %> C3 >> rS o -3 a o o no o •S e3 1^ d IS P. a IX) o P5 d a V eS a, a . 2 d .2 Of* eS >^ -t-> m O) GQ o a D O p4 O o o a e3 09 o d 3 d O) O OQ o PROPERTY RETURN. 71 MONOERT, &C. Laboratory Store S. Iron. Nails. a o o Beeswax, do. d eS u o3 S o d o d .9 'w o PS Bar, pounds. c5 -t-T 02 6 frT a. o • o T3 *r 3 a o u t— ( 72 FORM NO. 1. Gu] sr Ca REIAC IE TiMBEB • Paints AND For Field Carriages. For 24 Pdr. Barbette Carriages. 00 -a a e3 a> 6 r-l (V c5 bO « tn a s 12 Pdr. Gun Carriages. Caissons. Gun Carriages. Cliassis. m o 03 o '3 o a> < CO o i o o a> < 4 »5 CO (D 3 bC a H a CO a eS sd Em S m a O) — — PROPERTY RETURN. 73 Oils. Stationery. Tools • Miscellaneous. a o to OQ o DO a s O > ♦a" ca *3 OQ '3 .—1 OQ a> a> -a CQ bio a '% ft e3 P4 in 0) cr o .a a no C o fcJO a; P3 a> o H eS c •rs u O £3 ce < OQ e3 CQ 00 ;h a> a a o c oo" c 50 c (U a. u « oo" — 23 CO o 03 DO CI o -t-> oo" D o a a o o DO eS a 00 e3 O a c3 — — 74 PROPERTY RETURN. I certify that the foregoing return exhibits a correct statement of the public property in my charge during the quarter, 18 . A. B., Captain Commanding. C. S. Arsenal, [Armory or Post,) ,18 . Note — For the quarter ending 30th June, add a certificate that an accurate inventory of property has been made, and the return cor- rected accordingly. Abstracts of the receipts and issues will be made when their number makes it more convenient. FORM NO. 2 — INVOICE. 75 00^ gj ?: ^ « s K ■^ ^ O ^ C<5 i« ^■) <» ^■> 'w h V. O is « •>< s R o» « ?^ s R o « ao p "e O ^ . «% ci «■> ►^ tn a 53 O o o P4 o o o o o o o:> ^ on .^ bO -fcJ GO I § .2 ^ "^ o £w >< .^ 2 tn o o oT -•^ t; t«l V to o CO a =* o o ^ PQ ."^ o 1 S> a «^ ii o o s -►-> ^ ^^a 1* 00 O 1- a S o tn o fl fl O eS eS & *-> .s § 1^ ^ e3 a> ■1^ •k a> CD o c3 W IS < ^3 -M (.1 ;» o ce d ^O? a> +» o d S-^ > w a-s o Q o , e3 O ID -»^ d a o d ••-1 ■»-> o +j -M ei ^ * >iO0 03 d t3 d bO gr-i Pi d a ^ o ii d O o -•-a '^ d :: •T3 d 9 d .2 d o eS d ** 76 FORM NO. 3 — ARTICLES FABRICATED. CO 'J^ e s o ^-s o CO V i-H ►< O ** -3 1^ -fi S < -^ o •siararaBU 1-^ T— 1 •S^tJ8S 8U03 •sauoQ 10 to 'gpunod 'qo:jBia 'S[om'^ CO lO CO •sa-ig-^aoa •saSpu T— 1 I— 1 •sji^d 'sjaispfi SO CO I-H •s^Haq 8jq^s Xjitjab^ T— ( •S5[Siep 9giH r-l I—I •:^oqs paddua^s japanod 9 (M •spaq atJ^aoux •}SBoo-'B8S qoui OT ■^ -^ •saS^uatJO a^'Biu -asBO aapnnod fz 1-1 I-H -as'BO japunod j;g (M 05 •saSBUiuo ppg aapunod 9 CO 00 M H M P5 A- Ordnance service in all its branches. Purchase, manufacture and alter- ation of small arms. 5>i d o t- '^ d e3 1^ -ri: O -2 w P4 a o c3 '3 o d -►-' "^ d d 'd |i o o ^ 'd c_i d bp •TS .1-1 □Q ;-l P m CO .2 •d o II ^^ d o CO CO d tn <1 e3 »4 ::2 o ^S o d FORM NO. 4-^ARTICLES PURCHASED. 77 ^ o CO ►< 1—i "S^ o R u s^ '« -< "3 »o •OJs[ '(pa^jjossc) SAiaaog CO CO CO •sqi *noji JBg O O r-T o 1-H •sqi 'Xbh O l-H o I-H •sqi 'adoa draajj o o o o M < Ordnance service in all its branches, Purchase, manufacture and altera- tion of small arms, R « CO OQ o 3 o M ^ "• 03 (h ♦J OJ .Q **"^ e3 a> <1> > -4J e3 o Xi 03 o f^ -«-> ^ -t-* C] ■*J Art 4} ■fi 'O -«^ , '^ B e<-r u **2 a> 1 OQ H o a H >« I— I o" 78 FORM NO. 5—ARTICLES REPAIRED. o CO GO T o 00 •^ t N '^^ 6Q I a u m co •5 a> u o d pa e3 5 u xa a> a> > o a> c3 H f FORM NO. 6 — MATERIALS OF CONDEMNED STORES. 79 Form No. 6.— (See Article 130.) Statement of the serviceable materials obtained from the breaking up of condemned Ordnance or Ordnance Stores, by order of the Secretary of War, of , 18 . (See Form No. 10.) 400 pounds wrought iron. 200 cast iron. 50 brass. 30 copper. 50 old rope for junk. 20 leather. Signed, (In duplicate.) A. B., Captain Commanding. Endorsement to be as follows : "No. . '•Materials obtained from condemned stores, quarter, 18 — ." 80 FORM NO. 7— ISSUES TO TROOPS. Form No. 7.— (See Articles 67, 130.) Received this day of 18 , of Captain , commanding , the following Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, viz : 4 3 3 500 32 pounder iron cannon. 24 '* casemate carriages, complete. 24 barbette carriages, complete. Muskets, new, brown. C. D., Major Commanding. (In duplicate.) Endorsement to be as follows : "No. . "Receipt for issues to the Army, — quarter, 18 — ." FORM NO. 8 — ISSUES TO STATES. 81 Form No. 8.— (See Article 130.) I hereby acknowledge to have recteived of the Confederate States, by the hands of , of the Confederate States Army, the following arms and accoutrements, viz : 100 common rifles, equal in value to 100 sets accoutrements (black leather) for rifles, equal in value to 850 pistols, 50 artillery swords, 1 75 cavalry sabres, 175 " *♦ belts, 1000 muskets, 500 sets accoutrements for muskets, (black leather, equal in value to 4 6-pdr. iron cannon, 'j 4 6-pdr. field carnages I Hn value to 110 3-13 " with equipm ts com- j ^ plete, J Total, 1698 9-13 " The whole being equivalent to sixteen hundred and ninety-eight and nine-thirteenths muskets, which are received on account of the quota of arms due to the of , under the act of , 18 , for arming the whole body of the militia, and for which I have signed triplicate receipts. Given at , this day of , 18 . Signed, A. B., Governor^ or 123 1-13 muskets. 21 11-13 215 5-13 16 4-13 80 10-13 15 4-13 1000 115 10-13 (( Agent of the State of (To be given in triplicate.) Endorsement to be as follows : "No. . " Receipt for issues to the Militia. 82 FORM NO. 9 — MATERIALS EXPENDED. ^ Cm ^ 13 ■^ S *^ ^ 'kx •sab •'jadijd id^Q'j •sqi 'peai e^ii{AV •ojsl 'supis ji^;o I •o>i 'siiouq passajj 'spji^oq 9uid ajiqAV sa5i!}jaL'o 8;^aqj«q •jpd 'jig joj sjqSijdn •sq[ 'oiquau muQ •sqi 'i9a:)s ^sbq •sqi 'uoji aug •sqi 'il3H sqi '8Ui.\\:> gujipuii^ | <=~' •sqi 'p9ss8jd o o •sqi 'egij 'japAvoj "^ ^ •spunod (35 o O P =«:: s s ojDo :2 o. ^ ri •?! S «P S slip a "5 ^ __^ O O «§§•£ O fl £3 CI "g TO ^ U O '^ 5^o m ec CO lis CO -" fl » 2 Mao _c li cs .2; ^ C O *^ fl c3 60t)Cc« G fl fl fl O Pi c8 a m O o c a s s o V - TO JD < 3 O 0) CT" ^ ^ vT ai o -►3 5« FORM NO. 10 — CONDEMNED STORES. 83 oo o a o 8 o g o o CO u r-t S eS Oh a> 'O c3 a> fe a a a P o 2 « ^ J- d Of ^ o 3 CQ o < o Of P« ^ a is p- a> ee J- ^ b CI o a> e8 ^ 0) ■^ o a o a; a a> I rs i <=! 1 o I 84 FORMS NOS. 11 AND 12 — LOST STORES. Form No. 11.— (See Articles 69, 130.) I certify that, in obedience to article of the Regulations, I have made diligent inquiries for the ordnance and ordnance stores, (re- ferred to in Captain A. B.'s invoice accompanying my third quarter's return of 18 ,) which ordnance stores have not reached my post after a lapse of days ; and that the loss or miscarriage of said stores, as far as can be ascertained, must be attributed to the following circumstances, viz : (Signed duplicates.) C. D., Captain Commanding, or Receiving Officer. Endorsement to be as follows : " Certificate of Lost Stores." Form Wo. 12.— (See Articles 69, 130.) I certify that, in obedience to article of the Regulations, I have made diligent inquiries for the ordnance and ordnance stores, (re- ferred to in my certified invoice of stores forwarded to Captain C. D.> at , on the ;) which stores, as appears after a lapse of days, have not arrived at his post ; and that the loss or mis- carriage of said stores, as far as I have been able to ascertain, must be attributed to the following circumstances: (Signed) A. B., Captain, Forwarding Officer. Note. — The certificate of Captain C. D., in regard to the same stores, is hereunto annexed. A. B. Endorsement to be as follows : " Certificate of Lost Stores." FORM NO. 13 — INVENTORY. 85 ^ o O 75 1^ 9^ rO fe o .HP a o Si t^ B ^ --'>■ g 5 > OJ ii «-. >- ii -« 0) C- •■ 0> 3 en ce s 05 o c w 0) a Oi o - >• ^ ** ^ o o to oo o t- in rH o oo t-M (?< 00 C^ 00 rH COeOrH a a" 9 o o 2 fls s fl- s a a 9 S ?? ^ _ w i.. s^l .o •2 J3 M »« *-< u^-^ •R^^U (M-^CO 00 00 IM btl m^ *•> tl g Tl ^ O)' o «c (-> a -R^ (O CO , T o^rH oo;oc, cc 03 .'^ j=-a cS a: a r, <~< a S 6 © ^■^ 5 ^ ? ^ vent tof colu he p o t-i T3 a a a ,, «-. -" .5 o> ?^ rt .H W ** the gem n tl s qu ithii o a S 'J= ^ g O ?5 <»-^ m O o'_2 feiJ 2 ^ 2 £-= o S ^ ©-§ 53 c^-c X to in C -^ 86 FORM NO. 14 — RENT ROLL. Form No. 14.— (See Article 21.) RENT ROLL. Statement of Dwelling Houses belonging to the Confederate States at armory [or arsenal), and of the rents due thereon, on ' ,18 u °T3 t_i a> 0) a> Houses. a a -.-> vi By whom occupied. H g a E3 CO P4 • No. Of what kind. "S o 4-> c P5 3 O a D. C. D. C. 1 Brick, two story. A. B.,com'd'g officer's clerk. 2 Wood, « C. D., master armorer. 3 CC ti E. F., storekeeper, 4 " one story. G.H. 3 3 25 3 25 5 Brick, « J. K. 2 4 00 2 67 6 IS it L. M. 3 3 50 3 50 7 " two Story. N. 0. H 3 00 1 50 P. Q. 3 3 00 3 00 R. S. 1| 3 00 1 50 8 ** one Story. T. U., paymaster's clerk. 9 Stone, « V. W. 3 2 75 2 75 CC ti X. z. 2 2 70 1 83 10 tt It Unoccupied. I certify that the foregoing roll exhibits a correct account of the dwelling houses at this armory, and of their occupation, and of the amount of rent now due on each. A. B., Commanding Officer. Armory, 18 ".] Endorsement to be as follows : .« •— ^ •> 00 CO 00 CO oc 00 CO .0 kO CO >o on ^~N H «N 00 -H CO »^ 00 (N , CO tyy 09 C CO ocT CO ' Small Ai r bushel, rd, per M. nts per da ty-eight c dollars <1 com ,18 . •mall Arm ^ 'is oj 'IJ •-! " VJ u "=> D, « lO " ^ 5^ ^■^ a i- »4 §^ Soi2 v2 V QJ 1. 10 • CO W H <1 Ordnance Service. k timber, at $40 p acture and Alterati charcoal, at 5 cen : wood, at $3 50 p pine boards, at $1 ces as laborer, at d seven dollars an( (Signed duplicj , paymaster, 00 «» 6 - a a a> 00 Novembe nee Service, ase, Man'f. and A <1 •4-» se, Manuf bushels cords oak 60 feet of lays' servi hundred an Armory, ) , 18 . J C 13 >-. (^ ^ in »o ^ W (N -^ '-^t->0 (?« u , •^ ^ ^ v» ^ -1 a &4 55 u -^ a ID «2 -« P 2 «t •s .« * 00 lO r^ ^ roved, iived fr A; 0} W •^ .Q ^ H a 00 0) a. . . d) *<« ^# ^ > 87 8 88 FORM NO. 16— ARSENAL PAY ROLL. o 00 §1 I"! "^ m S „ ^ S <1 '« t>c oi a (U .f^ 0) o a O) S^'d N— / Fh •n fl CO OS 0) rH o-< 1 0) g 1 fn M O o Ph >» ■' -s^ Oi 0) fC o l§ .O u ^^ 0)^ sa or.a ^ bC fl S 1 1 TO £ 1 13 fcO Amount. TO 6 ooo ©oo i r2 ft CD CO Ol TO ooo lO O M Q (NiHr-l •paXoiduia sXbp jo -0^,1 to-* O o ■-*3 d o O Master armorer. Blacksmith, Carpenter, &c. TO TO < WftP^ 6 i-(WM bO .Sto^ tH > O O -^ = 0^ _. O <3> CO S, TO O c3 -^-^ Cw q; "" ^=^2 . - <^ S S ::-2 s ^^ "S ■♦^ Pi ° o a> 60 S i n § a bJO 02 rH m o o O CO TO-.2 -tT O (]> O p *3 c3 3 c3 0)-^ g P-i & £ S bc^ TO s S "D c o §1 •c 5 p p. o a, -c3 © So s TO O o fl O .— 1 1> cS .2 4i f.S m flii cj c3 03 (E S O "S 2 "3 Js s "^ •-I CJ S5 ;-• •pp. O 13 a §3 2 TO^ W t> o c cS S 3 c 3 S^ FORM NO. 17 — ARMORY PAY-ROLL. 89 s .^0 2 w) > 0) 13 c .. o 0) C5 3 £ o ® O 1 03 H 0) ti 03 •< 03 a s Cl< • 1— « A ^ Q 3 PQQ&J tq fc ^ 2 O ^dp4 ci s bO CO O O O CO o 00 •sjanoiuy iC lO N •^ 03 t^ ^ r-t 1 •JIJOM jBioadg o o X5 r> lO 33 ^ 'O ^ o 00 0) y c3 i| •9y!H ^ c4 «» o T3 o O •?95isni\[ o U5 cS «^ O Q O O O c o o to 00 •^unouiy 'ft O O Ol Tjf >ft lO M "* o o o o o O O O IN CO •S90i.id JO saSu^ x: ? ti ::?v. •jaqiunu ao etuxx £ >ft o 00 o C^ C (4 ? ^ o bO ^ OS %: a c ..Xi •—0) 03 o if Is 1 u s s :^' w>o o c .2 nZ M C r- »- . ■£ 03 -r; o t- WQPtn' W •sauiB^ <> 01 c ^ o o 3 M) -^ 3 O c« O) ~ •• is o ^1 «» *-• d eo 01 cd 0> cS " 60 3H-t^ m ^ 2« P . C8 f" 03 0,0) 08 Q__~ c £^-^ O S -w 05 P 3X1 ci So " £ S & 03 Z, — -^ 03 0> O — *~o3 ■« a ® "S:*- 3 £§og s* 5 P S •X3 IV m 90 FORM NO. 18 — SLAVE ROLL. FORM NO. 19 — ABSTRACJT OF DISBURSEMENTS. 91 CO .-^ ^ •5 s a <« 1^ (^ « (M •SIUJ« \\VU1S }0 -oiynuuui 'esuqoanj CQ 0» o o o •saqoniuq sji \\v m O CO O Q (M 5^ O O "t?. .Si c c o o c > 05 opx: c O s< s_c a . ■" o'S «-, o c - 01 CS . c § c^ iJ cj £ S -w - 2 o ;r *j-w •piBd uioqw ox •sjeqonoA jo -o^ 'lueuiiCcd JO &\v(i -ti J3 es 3 <^ tS o i; •- c §-^ »-»-«-■ ' -c > o o *< o o o ^ g a Mask's 03 t^ o a .^ CO lO ^ a bO o C8 £"3 — o .Ho o 3 >g O) C 03 >-< g qT ii CO c a Co 0PL4 92 FORM NO. 20— ACCOUNT CURRENT. DO '5 ^ o 0> V CO O 6 o I •< Ss i FORM NO. 21— ISSUES TO OmCERS. 93 Form No. 21.— (See Arilcle 61.) Received, Arsenal, 18 , of Major , One field officer's sword, One pair percussion pistols, For which I have paid lo the said major the cost price, dollars. W. A. N., Major Artillery, (To be made in duplicate.) Endorsement to be as follows : No. , Receipt for Stores, Issued to Major W. A. N., For his own use. 94 FORM NO. 22 — RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. 8 Cm ♦^ 8 i3 8 53 8 S u « ^ CO o CO o o b Cn in CO a> 1-H T-t t— t t3 !-l ♦J pj .!> S CJ o (m P^^-B , o O , 0) SQ O (U Qi •r js JS t " O CO o o CO o K ^ ♦^ tM 05 O Oi o o Ol OJ 0) ja CO o O 03 u S • C4 0) *J rO aS o o a • 00 onfeder • • qu 1 Q I' _ « .s -c d a> ♦J "^ S3 ue to th month, eceived r 1 V 1 S3 !-! C8 ft tf ftW n FORM NO. 23 — ESTIMATE. 95 Form No. 23.— (See Article 124.) Estimate of Funds required at Arsenal, during the fourth quarter 0/18 . Ordnance service in all its branches. Police and preservation of post, $ 430 68 Placing arms in racks, 500 00 Tools and machinery, 300 00 Fuel for steam engine. 350 00 Public horses, . 150 00 Office duties, . . . , 200 00 Making sling carts, . 1,027 48 Making lifting jacks, 300 00 Purchase of lumber for packing boxes, &c. 150 00 $3,408 16 Due C. S. from last quarter, . 408 16 $3,000 00 Required in sums as follows : Month. Ordnance Service in all its branches. Amount. October, November, December, $ 1,200 00 800 00 1,000 00 $ 1,200 00 800 00 1,000 00 Total, . . . $3,000 00 $3,000 00 (To be signed by the Commanding: Officer.) 96 FORM NO. 24 — REQUISITION FOR POSTS. ^ ^ ^ s e -§ 8 <^ ton <» M A < S P4 rt •0^ -0^ r— 1 S3 DO QQ •SJ9S y-\ rH 'saSuBS loqg biS .5 •spunod 10 10 c 'qOJBUI A\.0[g Tt* C3 •spunod *jDp -Aiod UOUUB3 (N 00 .2 ce •ssxoq agpijj ^ «o -JBO Xjiubjuj 1—1 T-l Qi) OJ •S3o18IjaB0 u S, /^ '^ w c\ P4 l__l Ph (D P< g s^ etf TO T3 v-^ 0) (» •s'S ^ ^ 5 S +J -=5 2. 1— H C3 ^ 0* *S d a> ; 0»3 H 1 S pq o P4 0} T ,Q w B /I, oJ s ^ 1^ M H •T3 d w:^ Pi^ d /— N "^ TS O) cr< 60 CO x« ^-^ FORM NO. 25— REQUISITION FOR MILITIA. 97 2 S ti s '55 n 1 ^ > W CO 1 1 > S" p s ^ -11 1^ I 5 '^:S Si OS -i'BC P4 •SpiOAVS o> • 1 O ,si8oi;bo •uIOo-uo^ I . Z2 00 2 '3 9 o- 00 r-l •e^aiduioo 's^a^isnp T 5 .CO} to •saiSuuJBO -jpd 9 "^ 04 is m 3 0) CO r3 ©^ •uoauBOSSBjq-jpd 9 ^^ 0-n [ .2 5 a 100 FORM NO. 28 — HIRED MEN. -4J a '^ u -< a, R o o J= s o «o H ►c: to ?^ ,-s ^ CO »>r a> t/i •*^ « 1 'rs ^ 00 o 'a f^ o a c3 O ft B a> a OOOOiOOiOiOOO CO(M'*Ot^COt>- C^r-lC^r-lr-l(MC^rH»-t 5a o a a a a ,£5 d bO •OK bC a J^ ' a ei §a cj a W) faD •S .9 O & a 2 a's tn CO . . . . O O O 0) i^ w bO bJO bO bo.9 Is «=- a S bD' a o eJ «5 -£3 Jd bCbJO MPQ c3 ^ o3 a a £- t^ S- Oj fl ^ S 3 ca fl fl bO «« £ ;:5 oS c3 03 o o .a 00 a T3 ft a> a <5fqdftHf»H6W hTW r-ilMCO-^iOCOt-QOOSO FORM NO. 29 — WORK DONE. 101 Form No. 29.— (See Articles 44, 68, 123.) Summary statement of work done at Arsenal, in the month of , 18 . ARTICLES FABRICATED. 4 6-pounder field carriages. 200 12-pounder sponges. 100 port-fires. 10,000 musket ball cartridges. TOOLS. 2 hand hammers. 20 powder measures. UNFINISHED. 2 6-pounder field carriages. 1 6-pounder caisson. 10 sets iron work for barbette carriages, &c., &c. Stairs finished in new store-house. This building is now completed, except plastering and painting. HIRED MEN. 3 master workmen. 30 mechanics. 5 laborers. OTHER WORK DONE. 500 pounds of powder proved. 50 24-pounder cannon lackered. Enclosures repaired. Bai'racks painted and cleaned, &c., &c. Supplies forwarded to — suance of order No. ceived of . Received from . inpur- — , re- 50 24-pounder cannon. 600 lbs. cannon powder. 1,000 sets of infantry accoutre- ments. ENLISTED MEN. 1 master workman. 10 mechanics. 6 laborers. (To be signed by the Commanding Officer.) Note. — This statement should exhibit such particulars as are necessary to give a correct view of what has been performed at the post, during the month, without descending into very minute details. Work may, when necessary, be reported in parts; but the articles reported as fabricated should accord with the quarterly abstract. In cases where new buildings, or other extensive works, are in pro- gress, after stating the particulars of the work done, the extent to which the work has advanced, and its condition or situation at the end of the month, should be stated. Endorsement to be as follows : «« Work done, Arsenal. December , 18 — ." 102 FORM NO. 30. Form No. 30.— (See Return of Officers^ Armorers^ and others, employed at the Armory ; of , 0) 0) ■<3 a u DO CO u n bO a a o O es CO i 02 5 a o 03 o 0) O >> o a OS P5 Musket work. ) On salaries or ivages, 5 At piece work, Rifle work. ) On salaries or wages, 3 At piece work, Total, — — — — — — — — — — ARMS AND APPENDAGES. QQ CO CO (5 o GO CO Si Oh CO 0) CO tn a> o bC a 'C a, 02 00 a> a o DO 9 o a pq 00 00 eS a _o '■♦J *S p a a so a> X o .o a> CO 3 CO o Manufactured, .... Delivered to store-keeper, . Manufactured at rifle factory. Delivered to store-keeper, . ARMORY RETURN. 103 Article 123.) (To be printed.) and also of the arms and appendages manufactured during the month 18—. CO a a s s C3 a. H 03 <5 a a < OD a> u o 00 a> a as CO a CO ;> 03 -a s C3 00 u a> Oi ■•J ja bp *s CO v 00 0) o CO ^^ a> tJD a a 3 o GO -a CO "o 00 o o oo -a oo '5 (-1 e3 CO .a n "a o 00 S-i a> CO '3 a < JOBBERS. t-, .2 %-» O CO 'a CQ 00 CO Si a> • ■♦J a a> O CO a> u o eS h5 o H ■Armory, Office of Commanding Officer, B. , 18 H., Commanding Officer. Note. — This return will be limited to such operations as are car- ried on under the appropriation for armories. Persons employed or work done, at armories, under other appropriations, •will be sepa- rately reported. Endorsement to be as follows : *< Monthly return, Armory, October 18—." 104 FORM NO. 31. Inventory of Stores at Form Wo. 31.— (See Arsenal, ZOth June, 18 , and Report of Inventory ARTICLES. DESCRIPTION, CONDI- TION AND EXPLANATIONS. 73 a o •^ B ^ CO ^ ce ;25 {4 a> o a o O) o .2 a> o «^ Oh P5 d o t» a o a> a. % == CO 3 c3 a> .2 '> a . a1 p s § o 0) .2 'd ci « 5h ID U a> ■(J o . Class No. Prices which are not established by the regulations, or by instruc- tions from the ordnance office, or the inspector of arsenals and armories, will be determined by reference to the first cost of the property, when it can be ascertained, allowing for such alterations as may have affected the original value. In estimating the cost of the labor of enlisted men, their time will be charged at the following rates : Master workmen, . . $ per day, "^ Mechanics, . . . << ^ Artificers, ... «< O Ih 05 4^ c 'S o a> ci '2 "o t- eS c 3 o h-3 Number or quantity remain- ing on hand this 30th June. 1 Value per ,. IK VALUATION OF STORES EEMAININQ. c pi o o ej a> o &c. 1 Total value of each descrip- tion. Total value of each class. ■♦J o Dollars, cts Dollars. cts. Dollars. cts. Am't carried forw'd. 1 106 FORM NO. 32 — CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION Perm No. 32.— (See Article 99.) I hereby certify, that I have this day of , 18 , in- spected and proved twenty twenty-four pounder iron cannon, (or other ordnance, or shot, or shells, as the case may be), manufac- tured by J M , of C. D. C, under his contract, (agreement or open purchase, as the case may be), with the Confederate States, dated . And I do further certify, that the said cannon, (or other ordnance, or shot, or shells, as the case may be), have been inspected and proved by me, in exact accordance with the regulations established in the Ordnance Department, for the proof and inspec- tion of ordnance, before its reception for the service of the Confede- rate States ; that the said cannon have been numbered and weighed, and that their numbers and corresponding weights are as follows, viz : No. 20, 6,660 pounds. 21 5,652 22, 5,640 " Total weight, . . " The total weight of the twenty cannon being equivalent to pounds. I further certify, that the total weight of the shot (or shells, as the case may be), used in the proof of said guns, amounts to pounds. Given under my hand at the C F , this day of , 18 . (Signed,) W. J. W., Major of Ordnance^ Inspector of Ordnance at the Foundries. RECAPITULATION. 20 24-pounder cannon, (or other ordnance, or shot, or shells, as the case may be). OP ORDNANCE AND PROJECTILES. 107 Form 32 — Continued. C F , , 18 . The Confederate States, To J. M.y Dr. For 20 24-pounder cannon, -wt. lbs. at $ per 100 lbs., . , . $000 00 ** 24-pounder shot used in proving the same, 1 weighing lbs., V 000 00 at per lb., J Received ,18 , on the ground of the C F , the above 24-pounder cannon. (Signed,) A. M., Captain of Ordnance, or Military Store-keeper. (To be given in triplicate.) Note. — Two of the triplicates are to be forvrarded by the con- tractor to the ordnance office, one being intended for the treasury, and one for the ordnance office; the third is retained by the contractor. Endorsement to be as follows : ** Certificate of inspection of ... - ■ ■> pdr. cannon, (or shot or shells), at . .-> foundry, 108 FORM NO. 33. — INSPECTION REPORT Form No. 33.--(See Inspection and Proof of , Numbers. Diameters of. m 'ha Cascable. tic c TO First Re- inforce. 0) o S-l a a « . c P CO Chase. Muzzle. O o (U ei P5 4.^ o a a> PS a o o o Prescribed dimensions. Proof Charges of. Order op Powder. Balls. Shells. Number of. Firing. Lbs. Proof Range. No. Lbs. No. Lbs. Wads. Sabots. First, Second, Third. Preponderance taken at the place of the muzzle, pounds. or ORDNANCE. 109 Article 100.) (To be printed.) at the Foundry, 18 Diameters of. a Widths OF rt • •i Trun- nions. Rim Bases. Cylinder of Bore. Chamber. 1 ^ bo ^ . . ,r> bo c S CO (1> « « «-> ♦* ••-• ♦J CO a> ''Sa 60 « .£3 bo « 0] C in 0) a> 0) Ut 0) a ^ pc; tf (-1 tf i-J 1-4 o >-) C5 > ft « U 110 FORM NO. 33. — INSPECTION REPORT Perm No. 33 Length feom rear of Base Ring — to Length of Trunnions. • s J5 o 0) V M t<_ o u a as u CS o c Rear of Trun- nions. c o First Re- inforce. o •S « . ♦J 0) CO Chase. Muz- zle. to .-J ;2i at Pi (2 a> Pi O o o ' Endorsement as follows : "Inspection Report of Pounder Cannon, at , I8-. Foundry, OF ORDNANCE. Ill (Continued.) Axis of Trunnions. a 4^ Length ( Face of DF Bore from Muzzle— to Greatest Enlargement after Proof. ^ « u e Cm a a t4 V a 4i.> (/I a> +-» rt . U CJ b£l 0) 00 ID C 15 'Eb CD w C a I.' a ♦-» fl .C3 «-i -^ a ■^ a g - bn 5 '- .2 «5 00 OJ C a a rt n H ^ H m &< ^ • I certify, that the inspection and proof, as herein recorded, have been made in accordance with the regulations ; and that this report is in all respects correct. Signed by the Inspecting Officer* Foundry, 18—.' 10 112 FORM NO. 34. — INSPECTION REPORT OF PROJECTILES. o o •^ CQ o «• r< O « S tH 63 , O Szi >. B s s 1^ •^ ■^ 8 O V CQ M a < a u « 0) -k^ cc ?1 CO"— • o^ 2 o-a^ . ^ -^^-g^ rfi -t« 03 03 -kj m §.2=5 _ >XJ ;ht of e hea ich s ved. lbs. 03-^ 1 o ^'o 1 2 -kJ r- • §11 2"'S o ^ ly tn o 2 ^ o iS "S ^ l-i -ii . OJ 5'-'-S Eh o M imber ■ inch eived. C3 o c 03 o ;-i (M ,_^ 03 c3 ;~1 ■S 03 r ■ ^ ^ C-1 O CC iber neh ted. s--^ S^ 13 ■§' ^ __, m c3 •"^ -*e 03 1 ^^-^ 1 f-'!^ =« er of hells in and r-l 3 2 S?"^ 2 ;2;.S-5^&Ph i ^.2 t*-, tn o=H a §3i 3 03 o ,.25.M O r-l 3 s* -§ s 8 <»r .C3 5^ e ' 2 o 8 '^ 8 S o TS J3 o %-» S 1 0) tn ^ m r— 1 0) o C3 03 '--I .c :^ 0) ^ rO ^ c S r*-^.*^ 0) /-^ « 03 f> c! o tJJO rQ ' RS t^ fl V— ' o +J I' O T" an V O .^ CJ (U 03 Qi O-i fi U m CO la « 1— 1 r— 1 •F^ c; 'oj TI -^ Xi rt VI M ClJ «*- c„ •t-t o o o ^ s-i o .£5 rQ p- . O d d +J 1— < •— t cS O es 0} .£5 u +j ■«-» -«-> o o tn HH c^ o 03 ■.-* U* t-l CO a> O) t3 Fh HH "3 « o C! O >, O C3 P. 1=1 CD O 03 S C9 FORM NO. 35 — ANNUAL REPORT OF ORDNANCE, &C. 113 t3 '^ .2 P^ o ^ . o ^ 'l^ e^ -§ K GO a S5 M •panitntjxo pajpunq qotja aoj poAoad -dw joqinnn .lo oiitj-jj lO oo O 00 h>^ 00 j ^ CO ■ O CO ■^* oi 00 00 •paAiaoaj aaqran^ 00 o 00 Tt( CO M r-H I— 1 •jooad ni na>jo.iq aaquinjs^ C lO 1— t o to •paAiaoa.1 aaqinnjsj rti I— r-t I-H •^s.inq jaqiunisj j c » r£3 •« o 1 a a fi ^3 ^ a 1 1-9 o P5 g a> » C3 ■** a s 5^ ^ a o &I ^-^ Ui :2S a ,_^ -o o^ >> a> ■!-> a -3 « E3 ,3 bO CO a a c3 -< e3 > o e3 U2 eS ^ a -sn O ■*j fl a ^^ »-3 ■*j ^ o t-. ■t^ TJ o o o «J CO M t-H ■73 d 114 POEM NO. 36 — CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION Form "No. 36.— (See Article 105.) I hereby certify, that I have this day of , 18 , in- spected and approved three hundred and twenty muskets, three hundred and twenty screw-drivers, three hundred and twenty wipers, thirty-two ball screws, thirty-two spring vices, and three hundred and twenty spare flint caps, and sixteen packing boxes, (or rifles, pistols, carbines. Hall's rifles, and their appendages, cavalry sabres or swords, accoutrements, &c., as the case may be), manufac- turned by A. W., of Rome, Ga., under his contract (agreement, or upon purchase, as the case may be), "with the Confederate States, dated January, 18 . And I further certify, that the said arms and appendages have been inspected according to the regulations established in the Ord- nance Department, and that they conform to the standard models and established gauges; that they are of good quality and work- manship; that they are securely packed in good strong boxes; and that they are, in all respects, conformable to the contract. I also certify that, according to my best judgment, the true value of each packing box is dollars and cents. Given under my hand at Rome, , this day of , 18 . (Signed,) J. M., Asst. to Inspector of Arms. Appkoved : Signed, J). C. G., Major of Ordnance, Inspector of the Contract Service. KECAPITULATION. 820 mnskets and appendages, (or other small arms, as the case may be), viz : 320 muskets. 320 bayonets. 320 ramrods. 820 screw-drivers, &z. OF SMALL ARMS. 115 Form 36. — Continued. Rome, Ga., November, 18 . The Confederate States^ To A. W., Dr. For 320 muskets, with bayonets and ramrods, at $15 eacli, $ 320 screw-drivers, ] 320 wipers, ( Appendages, at cents for each 32 ball screws, j musket. 32 spring vices, J 16 packing boxes, $2.50 each. Transportation of 16 boxes from Rome, Ga., to > a. S Arsenal, at $1.20 per box, \ * Received, S Arsenal, November, 18 — , sixteen boxes, containing three hundred and twenty muskets and appendages above mentioned. The transportation of arms from Rome to Arsenal is esti- mated at one dollar and twenty cents per box. (Signed,) D. C. G., Major of Ordnanee^ Commanding. (To be given in triplicate.) Notes. — This form of certificate will be used for every species of small arms and accoutrements manufactured for the military service of the Confederate States. Two of the triplicates are forwarded by the contractor to the Ord- nance office, one being intended for the Treasury and one for the Ordnance office ; the third is retained by the contractor- Endorsement to be as follows : *^ Certificate of Inspection of Muskets, (Rifles, Pistols, &c.,) quarter, , 18 — >** 116 FORM NO. 37 — ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL ARMS. •^ O CO ■^ Si .«9 ^ S5> ^ "^ f> € < R so o o O 05 1-H CO 6 O OS OS I— ( C4 Ph H s < < "* 00 pa a f^ o o O ci O H O O C3i 1—1 <5 P 00 to Pi p CO 05 o O l^ "O o d O C5 CO I— 1 M PJ <5 !>. rl O CO lO 05 1^ I— 1 1 «<-! c _ 'Z '^ •13 O -»J J. 2 C5 ? S -*J OJ a* ^ S 0, P< Oh c« L. 22 S Oh** ■^ Ml — i ^ a J c _: 1 y3 P,« -►J .1:: 73 s a a 5 w a '^ ta 000 S-i ^ £^ c;^ cG «s CO 00 CO a> 'S a> ^'^'t M ^4 ^ tz a> M ^ ;h t^ eS c3 03 c!.t: a CD d ««« ?.. ^ « -i w CO d V ^ >^ Cj ra ;h « cS 1 "-c; '::^ CO 0^ ^ CT* ^ C3 •s^ ri w a> d> ■£ 1 > ^ CC CO p 0,1—1 1) . >> -^ fH a H TS Oh "2 t< Or® CO pC4 p B •X3 Cj •—1 a e3 3 >» ca d cS < ci ^ 1-H c2 -k3 •73 CO ^ c3 fcfl .0 ^ CO a> ^^ — ' -tJ >- ■*» .0 Oi a a 03 a> CO t-4 -(J »?* cS d -.-> » FORM NO. 38 — CERTIF. OF INSPEC'n OF POWDER. 117 Form No. 38.— (See Article 110.) I hereby certify, that I have this day of , 18 , in- spected and proved ten barrels of cannon powder, (or musket or rifle powder, as the case may be), 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 and 15, manufactured by A. B., of C , under his contract, (agreement, or purchase, as the case may be), with the Confederate States, dated , 18 . And I further certify, that the said cannon, (or musket, or rifle powder, as the case may be), has been inspected and proved by me, in exact accordance with the regulations established in the Ordnance Department, for the proof and inspection of gunpowder, before its reception for the service of the Confederate States, and that the weight of the powder, in each of the above mentioned barrels, sav- ing only so much as was used by me in the proof and inspection, is one hundred pounds. Given under my hand at the powder works of A. B., this day of , 18 . (To be signed by the Proving Officer.) RECAPITULATION. 10 barrels cannon, (or musket or rifle powder, as the case may be.) A. B., PoAVDEB Works. The Confederate States, To A. B., Dr. For 10 barrels cannon powder, weighing \ barrels of cannon (or musket) powder at tho powder works of A. B., — , 18^," FORM NO. 39. — PROOF OF POWDER. 119 Form No. 39.— (See Article 110.) Report of the Proof and Inspection of Cannon {Musket or Rifle) Powder^ manufactured by for the Ordnance Department at the Powder Works of A B , or at the Arsenal, {as the caze may be,) this day of , 18 — . f 03 a ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PROOF RANGES. Ist range. 318 293 200 178 268 192 2G1 260 243 200 235 203 212 201 232 2d range. 306 287 210 172 268 190 265 250 241 202 235 203 208 199 228 Medium range. 312 290 205 175 268 191 263 255 242 201 235 203 210 200 230 BARRELS REJECTED. Giving ran- ges less than 225 yards. Their ranges not entering into those forming the general mean range in next col Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. BARRELS RECEIVED. Giving the general mean range of 2C2 yards. Received, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Total number of barrels rejected, 7 ) As per certificate of inspection Total number of barrels received, 8 / of this date. I certify, that the proof and inspection above referred to, have been carefully made, and that the report is in all respects correct. (To be signed in duplicate by the proving oflScer.) jVbfc— 1st. Quick match will be used in priming the eprouvette. 2d. When Government powder is mspected at the Arsenals, the first four columns only are used. (See Article — .) Endorsement to be as follows : " Inspection Report of barrels of Cannon (or Musket Powder, &c.,) At the Powder Works of A B , (or at the Arsenal,) , 18-. APPENDIX. Acts of tlie Provisional Congress of the Confederate States, relative to Ordnance. AN ACT For the establishment and organization of the Army of the Confederate States of America, Section 15. The monthly pay of the Colonel of the Corps of Artillery shall be two hundred and ten dollars ; of a Lieutenant Colonel, one hundred and eighty-five dollars; of a Major, one hun- dred and fifty dollars, and when serving on ordnance duty, one hun- dred and sixty-two dollars ; of a Captain, one hundred and thirty dollars : of a first Lieutenant, ninety dollars ; of a second Lieutenant, eighty dollars; and the Adjutant shall receive, in addition to his pay as first Lieutenant, ten dollars per month. Officers of Artillery, serving in the light Artillery, or performing ordnance duty, shall receive the same pay as officers of Cavalry of the same grade. Sec. 23. The President shall be authorized to enlist as many master armorers, master carriage-makers, master blacksmiths, ar- morers, carriage-makers, blacksmiths, artificers and laborers, for ordnance service, as he may deem necessary, not exceeding in all one hundred men, who shall be attached to the corps of Artillery. The pay of a master armorer, master blacksmith, master carriage- maker, shall be thirty-four dollars per month ; armorers, carriage- makers and blacksmiths, twenty dollars per month ; artificers, seventeen dollars, and laborers thirteen dollars per month. Appeoyed, March 6th, 1801. APPENDIX. Ill AN ACT To incre