UK. iftft) Qtm-f. yd. #// UuKe university Liuidnea Resolutions pas Conf Pam 12mo #11 XX v.. -Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. | !'■ Sir < : i .. . HRSOLTTTIONS Passed al a meeting of thi ht of Virginia Enfant? ie , itioi) of the country and the conduct of 41 war. BKIGAbE;, I ■ I At :i u t*te< ritb Virginia [nfantry, held at their Camp, ti< ■ • Bermuda Hundreds, Jam , 1865, the following : amble and resolutions were tmanimoui ly adopted : Whereas the successes which Iiave Reentry attended the arms of our enemies, in their mad determination to subjugate an enlightened, christian and independent people, b b a gloom over our land ; and whereas, a disposition of many weak hearted and weak min counsellors to magnify defeat into hopeless disaster, and to give cur- rent publicity to rumors questioning the unabated fervor of the vete- rans of our armies in support of the sacred cause for which they h sacrificed every comfort, during four ; continuous warfare, and which they still live to defend, has generated a degree of despondencJ in the breasts of some of whom we mighl ha^ i id better thin and deeming an unqualified expression of our opinion, as a reginu tit, and a similar one on the part of our brothers in arms, will be sufficient to dispel this gloom, and to check and extinguish forever I he wild rumors which have found too rich a repasl in credulous minds, i'