Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/whoswhointenness01paul WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE A BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE BOOK OF NOTABLE TENNESSEEANS OF TO-DAY MEMPHIS : PAUL & DOUGLASS CO., PUBLISHERS Copyrighted, 1911, By PAUL & DOUGLASS CO. •7 o VY ^ S' ^LmAM^a 4" VeX-*UL__. PREFACE This work is presented as the result of an earnest and painstak- ing effort to compile a volume of biographical reference composed of concise life sketches of Tennesseans who are recognized within their respective communities as representative citizens. We first obtained by personal local investigation, from sources we deemed reliable, the names of those who have achieved local recognition for the attainment of the standard required for our publication; in the selection of this list merit and fitness only were considered, and the compilation here presented consists of life sketches based upon personal data supplied by individuals ajapearing upon the list. We requested this data with the express understanding that the pub- lication of the sketch involved upon the subject no obligation of any nature whatever. We therefore claim for our publication that it is absolutely free from mercenary bias and that no person whose life sketch appears in it, from the highest to the lowest, is justly subject to the suspicion of having in any way paid for such recog- nition. We make this explanation in justice to ourselves and in fairness to those whose sketches appear in the publication. We do not desire to be recognized as mercenary exploiters of personal vanity, and we wish to repel any suggestion that those who have had the public spirit and the patriotism to co-operate with us in this work have done so with the vaunting purpose of self-advertise- ment. In this enterprise we entered a new field, and we were met at the outset with misjudgment, suspicion and distrust. We were in no way responsible for the condition we encountered. We simply had to overcome the obstacles erected by the authors of “write-up” schemes, etc., wherein persons, regardless of their character and ability, have been, for a financial consideration, vaunted before their fellow-citizens in terms of most extravagant compliment and fulsome praise. Between the covers of this publication will be found concise sketches of many eminent Tennesseans; yet we disclaim that we are herein holding out any one as distinguished or as deserving of a place in history. We have simply gotten together sketches of as many of those as were reported to us, as having achieved local recognition, as we could possibly obtain. We have offered no word of praise; we have simply represented the facts as presented to us, leaving them to bear their own comment. If we have omitted sketches of eminent or representative citizens of any of the many communities of the State, the omission is due to the failure of such citizens to respond to our request for information. If we have failed to offer position to any person entitled to such recog- nition, the fault should be ascribed to the inadvertence incident to the magnitude of our undertaking. But we do claim for this work that it contains a greater amount of accurate information concerning a larger number of the fore- most citizens of Tennessee than has ever been heretofore accom- plished in this, and, we believe, in any other State of the Union. The magnitude of the merit of such a performance depends upon the personal viewpoint. There are those who are profoundly interested in Tennesseans of the past and of the present, and who appreciate the importance of the preservation of every record, per- sonal as well as public, for the benefit of the future, and there are many men and women of affairs within the State who feel the urgent need of a reliable book of reference dealing briefly and accurately with the biographical history of representative Tennes- seans of today; to them we commend our effort with the utmost confidence that it will meet with their unqualified approval Covering every community in the State, and supplying jjersonal detail concerning a large number of the men .of affairs in each community, “Who’s Who in Tennessee’’ will prove of practical utilitarian value to public, professional and business men, and in presenting it to them we are filling a demand which, if not generally realized, is none the less real. We will refrain from presenting our offering upon the golden service of an apostrophe to Tennessee. It is enough to say that this is a record of Tennesseans of today, who are making Tennessee what it is today, and that the life facts of the very humblest indi- vidual among them, are worthy of preservation for the benefit of his family, his friends and his community. Who’s Who in Tennessee ADAMS. FORT, Charles Henry, farmer; born Robertson Co., Tenn., Nov. 14, 1860; French Huguenot descent; son of Josiah W. and Eliza P. (Dancy) Fort; father a farmer and minister of the Gospel; paternal grandparents Joel B. and Nancy (Metcalfe) Fort, maternal grandparents William and Nancy (Deggs) Dancy; educated at Vander- bilt University, graduating therefrom with the degree of B.S. June, 1880; mar- ried Jennie Patton Nov. 7, 1906; mem- ber of Baptist church; F. and A. M., Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F.; Demo- crat; formerly Justice of the Peace, in which office he still continues to serve ; organized the Dark Tobacco Planters’ j Protective Association, and served as | its first president; instituted an inves- tigation upon which the United States i government predicated a suit against j the Tobacco Trust; stock breeder and I farmer, making a specialty of pure- ' bred Jersey cattle and Duroc Jersey hogs. FORT, Joel Battle, lawyer, farmer and lecturer; born Robertson Co., Tenn., Aug. 5, 1854; French Huguenot and English descent; son of Josiah W. and Eliza P. (Dancy) Fort; paternal grand- father Joel Battle Fort, paternal grand- mother Nancy Carr (Metcalfe) Fort, maternal grandfather William Dancy, maternal grandmother Nancy (Deggs) Dancy ; educated at Cumberland Univer- I sity, Lebanon, Tenn., and graduated j from same A. B. June, 1874; in early life was a farmer and later engaged in the practice of law; married Sallie D. McKay, April 5, 1877; member Ma- sonic Lodge and Knights of Pythias; in politics straight Democrat; was a member of the General Assembly of Tennessee 1887-9 and was chairman of Caucus that nominated William B. Bate for United States Senator, after four weeks of caucusing; for past six years has been actively engaged as Attorney in litigation against the Tobacco Trust in seven States, and appeared before the U. S. Senate Finance Committee on behalf of the tobacco farmers; was one of the original leaders in the tobacco war and made first speech at Guthrie Sept. 24, 1904; in 1889 introduced and passed the law allowing the defendant in criminal cases to testify; member of Baptist church. ALAMO. CASEY, Eugene, attorney at law; born Crockett Co., Tenn., Oct. 9, 1869; Irish and French descent; son of Thomas B. and Elizabeth (Benson) Ca- sey; educated Bells high school. Bells, Tenn.; married Annie R. Reeves July 35, 1897; Democrat; Deputy Sheriff of Crockett Co. 1892-1893; at present Elec- tion Commissioner for Crockett Co., Tenn.; engaged in the practice of law at Alamo, Tenn.; stockholder and di- rector in Alamo Home Telephone Co. EMISON, James Wesley, Clerk and Master Chancery Court Crockett Co., Tenn.; born Madison Co. Tenn., March 2, 1853; English-Irish descent; son of Wil- liam and Bedie (Richards) Emison; father’s occupation farmer; received com- mon school education; married Lucy Ann Williams Dec. 2 1875; member I. O. O. F. and is a Master Mason; Justice of Peace Aug. 1888-1894, Circuit Court Clerk Crockett Co. 1894-1902, County Court Clerk Crockett Co. 1902-1910; Dep- uty C. and M. Sept. 1910 until Nov. 1910, then appointed Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Crockett Co., which office he now holds; member Missionary Baptist church. GIDDENS, Rorert M., minister of the Gospel; born Trimble Co., Ky., Feb. 23, 1845; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Abner J. and Mary A. (Bain) Giddens; edu- cated Bible College, Lexington, Ky., and graduated from same June, 1872; later 8 AY IK) S AVIIO IN TENNESSEE took a post graduate course in languages and history in Ghent College, Ghent, Ivy. ; honorary degree of M. A. conferred upon iiim by Christian University, upon him by Christian University, Can- ton, Mo., in 1888; in early life engaged in teaching and farming; is a member of Christian church (Disciples of Christ) ; was converted at the age of 20 and planned and organized the Tennessee Christian Missionary Society; Prohibition Democrat. NANCE, Henry Booker, cashier Bank of Alamo; born Alamo, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1880; French descent; son of Parham B. and Mollie E. (Robertson) Nance; father is a farmer and banker; pater- nal grandfather W. W. Nance, paternal grandmother Theodocia (Goodloe) Nance; educated G. R. C. College, Hen- derson, Tenn., and graduated from same with degrees of B. S. and B. A. in 1900; entered the mercantile business in early life; married Miss Katie E. Alsobrook Jan. 14, 1901; member of Alamo Lodge No. 164, F. and A. M., also member of Alamo Order Eastern Star; is stock- holder and cashier of the Bank of Ala- mo, Tenn.; member of Christian church. NANCE, Parham Booker, farmer and banker; born Rutherford Co., Tenn., March 7, 1845; French descent; son of W. AV. and Theodocia B. (Goodloe) Nance; received country school education, the completion of which was prevented by entrance into the Civil war; he served two years in Seventh Tenn. Cavalry, C. S. A., under command of Gen. N. B. Forrest; lie entered the army at the age of 18, and after close of the war took up work on a farm, one year after which clerked in a store for three years, when he entered the mercantile busi- ness on bis own account; conducted mer- cantile business at Alamo for many years until 1890; since when he has been interested in farming and banking; was made president of the Bank of Alamo, which position he now holds; married Mollie E. Robertson Sept. 15, 1872; is a member of Christian church. PEARSON, Thomas C., farmer; born Madison Co., Tenn., Oct. 3, 1855; Seotch-Irish descent; son of John E. and .Mary D. (Wilkes) Pearson; paternal grandparents Henry J. and Mary (Mat- tnews) Pearson; maternal grandfather William Wilkes, his maternal grand- mother was a Miss Win prior to her marriage; in early life engaged in mill- ing and ginning business; former con- stable, Justice of Peace and Register of Crockett Co.; was Justice of the Peace for 18 years and Register of the count}'' for eight years; Democrat; married three times, first N. E. Farrow Dec. 15, 1875, second, Rosa Gilbert, 1893, third, Sadie .Farrow, 1908; member Ma- sons, Odd Fellows Woodmen of the World, Eastern Star and Farmers’ Un- ion ; member of Baptist church. PERRY, John Henry, farmer; born Gibson Co., Tenn., Sept. 14, 1865; son of James H. and Penelope (Brogden) Perry; father’s occupation, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents Noah and Millie (Sewel) Perrv; maternal grandparents Henry and Naomi (Ward) Brogden; educated in country schools; was Trus- tee of Crockett Co., Tenn., from Sept. 1, 1902, to Sept. 1, 1910; member R. A. M„ B. P. O. E„ K. P., and O. E. S., treasurer R. A. M. ; married Metfie F. Boone Jan. 6, 1887; Democrat; mem- ber Christian church. POSTON, William F., attorney at law, born Haywood Co., Tenn., May 12, 1849; Irish descent; son of William T. and Sarah E. (Felts) Poston; his father; was a farmer; received common school education; in early life engaged in clerking in the courts; married Jennie Duffer Nov. 5, 1872; is an Odd Fellow, j Good Templar and K. of H. ; Noble| Grand in Odd Fellows and Right Worthy Chief Templar of the state for Good; Templars; was a member of the Legis- lature 1879-81, chairman of the Judi- ciary committee; appointed U. S. Dis- trict Attorney by President Arthur in 1883; Republican nominee for Circuit Judge in 1886; Presidential Elector in 1 1872, also 1888; nominee for Congress 1890; delegate to Republican National convention; 1906 Republican nominee fo; Court of Chancery Appeals; 1898 Re- publican nominee for Railroad Com-; missioner; 1900, nominee of the Evan^ faction for Governor Tenn.; engaged irj the practice of law at Alamo. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 9 REDMOND, William Thompsox, physician; born Crockett Mills, Tenn., Oct. 16, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Silas W. and Emily (Brasfield) Red- mond; father’s occupation farmer; re- ceived Academic education at Thomp- son’s Classical Institute; graduated Memphis Hospital Medical College with degree of M. D., March 31, 1898; began as a farmer, later taught school, then en- tered business as salesman; married Della E. Durham April 27, 1902; mem- ber Woodmen of the World; Democrat (Regular) ; engaged in the practice of medicine at Alamo, Tenn. SMOTHERS, Jomsr C„ farmer; born Haywood Co. Jan. 23, 1841; Irish de- scent; son of James F. and Clarissa H. (Spencer) Smothers; educated in coun- try schools in Haywood Co.; completed his education in 1860; began business life as a farmer; married Mary E. Far- row Jan. 18, 1869; was a Confederate soldier from 1861-65, serving as a pri- vate throughout the war; Justice of Peace of Crockett Co.; was Trustee of Crockett Co. for six years; Democrat; member of the Christian church. ALEXANDRIA. ROY, John F., banker; born Front Royal, Va., Aug. 15, 1845; Scotch de- scent; son of Beverly and Jane (Law- rence) Roy; father’s occupation, miller; received common school education; mar- ried Helen F. Yeargin Feb. 24, 1870; Democrat; organized Bank of Alexan- dria in 1888, cashier of same for 22 years; elected president Bank of Alex- andria (Tenn.) 1909, which position he now holds; has organized banks at Wa- tertown, Algood, Smithville, Gassaway and Hickman (Tenn.) being a director in the last two; general manager and principal owner of the implement and warehouse business of Roy & Jones, es- tablished 1890; member Masons and M. E. church, South. ROY, Rob, Editor and Publisher; born Alexandria, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1876; Scotch descent; son of J. F. and Helen (Yeargin) Roy; paternal grandfather Beverly Roy, paternal grandmother Jane (Lawrence) Roy, maternal grand- father R. W. Yeargin, maternal grand- mother Salena (Yick) Yeargin; educated Webb’s School Bell Buckle; married Car- rie Simpson Jan. 18, 1899; member Ma- sons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias (C. C.) treasurer Tennessee Press As- sociation, and chairman Masonic Board of Trustees; Democrat; Election Com- missioner three times; elected secretary of DeKalb Co. A. & M. Association at the age of 19, oldest fair in the State, and has held position 16 years; has been editor and publisher of the Alexandria Times for sixteen years; voted by gath- ering of Newspaper Men State Fair, Nashville, (Tenn.) 1909 the most popu- lar newspaper man in state of Tennessee; director in • the Bank of Alexandria; owner of several business houses Alexan- dria (Tenn.), secretary, general mana- ger and principal owner of the Alexan- dria (Tenn.) Fair Association; member of the Methodist Episcopal church. TUBB, Livingstox, merchant; born Spring Creek, Wilson Co. Tenn.. April 23 1853; English-Irish decent; son of Eliel and Martha Ann (Brien) Tubb; father’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparents James and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Tubb, maternal grandpar- ents, Paschal Winston and Narcis (Dun- can) Brien; educated at Alexandria (Tenn.) Masonic Academy; member Alexandria Lodge No. 175 F. & A. M., Trinity Consistory No. 2 Valley of Nashville, Orient of Tenn.; Democrat; engaged in the mercantile business at Alexandria, Tenn. ALGOOD. JUDD, William F., farmer and merchant; born l\ etherland, Tenn., Jan. 12, 1859; son of Andrew J. Judd; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents John G. and Martha (Simpson) Judd; maternal grandpar- ents James and Rhoda (Maxwell) Harp; educated Livingston, Tenn., and in early life taught school and engaged in that profession 18 years; married Sarah M. Maddox July 14, 1879; entered the mer- cantile business at Algood, Tenn., where he is now engaged; Democrat; Justice of the Peace; elected first in 1884, and has been re-elected rhree times; member of the Methodist church. 10 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE MOORE, John Thomas, physician; horn Calf killer, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1876; Scotch-English descent; son of Thomas Franklin and Elizabeth (Fraser) Moore; father’s occupation farming; paternal grandparents William and Agnes (Stewart) Moore; maternal grandpar- ents Thomas and Nannie (Tucker) Fraser; reared on a farm and completed academic course in literary school at the age of seventeen; taught school two years, and then entered the Medical de- partment University of Tenn., Nashville, Tenn., and graduated from same with degree of M. D. March 28, 1899 ; mar- ried Dorcas Pinnock Nov. 12, 1903; member Masons, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, American Medical Association and Tenn. State Medical Society; Democrat; member of the Methodist church; entered the practice of medicine at Algood, Tenn., 1899, and has prac- ticed continuously at that place since; largely interested in real estate, and also has interest in drug business. ALLONS. COLE, Thomas Denton, merchant; born Monroe, Overton Co., Tenn., Oct. 6, 1882; son of Robert and Mary (Reeser) Cole; father’s occupation, farmer and merchant; worked his way through school and began teaching at age of 19, taught school for four years; clerked in a store for thirteen months, after which entered business for him- self with a capital of $144; now owns and conducts a large mercantile busi- ness at A lions, Tenn.; married Dorcas Peterman Nov. 20, 1907; member of I. O. O. F. No. 463, Moodyville, Tenn.; Re- publican. ALTAMONT. NORTHCUTT, James Hughes, mer- chant; born Altamont, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1868; English and Scotch descent; son of Harris B. and Fannie (McCraw) Northcutt; father’s occupation, mer- chant; paternal grandparents Gen. Adrian and Sarah (Cope) Northcutt, maternal grandparents William and Martha (Armstrong) McCraw; educated common schools of Winchester, Tenn.; began merchandising in early life; mem- ber of the firm of H. B. Northcutt & Sons, merchants, Altamont, Tenn.; vice- president Sewanee Fuel & Iron Co.; president Dixie Telephone Co.; is also engaged in lumber and real estate deal- ing; Democrat. SCRUGGS, John, Clerk and Master of Chancery court of Grundy Co.; born Marion Co., Tenn., Feb. 19, 1844; Irish, Scotch and German descent; son of Car- ter and Lucinda (Killgore) Scruggs; his father was a farmer and general me- chanic; paternal grandfather John Scruggs, paternal grandmother Millie (Manifee) Scruggs, maternal grand- father Charles Killgore, maternal grand- mother Nancy (Layne) Killgore; edu- cated at Altamont Academy, Grundy Co., Tenn.; in early life clerked in store, later taught school; married twice, first to Winnie Jane Walker Jan. 24, 1867, second Mrs. Bertha A. O’Leary, nee Frendenberg, Nov. 8, 1893; member Ma- sons and Odd Fellows; is W. M. M. Masonic lodge; Democrat; Clerk of County Court of Grundy Co. twenty- four yeai-s; appointed Clerk and Master Chancery Court of Grundy Co. 1903; joined Confederate States Army before he had attained the age of 17 years, in Sept., 1861, participated in all the im- portant battles of the Army of Tenn. under Gens. Albert S. Johnston, Braxton Bragg, John B. Hood, G. T. Beauregard and others' until he surrendered under Gen. Joseph E. Johnson, April 26, 1865; was Lieutenant, First Ser- geant, and held other minor military of- fices during the war; participated in battles of Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and others; twice wounded, but not serious- ly, once captured by the enemy but es- caped; is largely interested in farming enterprises; member M. E. church. WHITE, John T., educator; born near Pelham, Grundy Co., Tenn., March 11, 1867; Scotch-Irish and Dutch de- scent; son of Robert G. and Nannie A. (Neville) White; his father was a farmer; educated Winchester Normal and Terrill College; began life as a teacher in country school; married Mag- gie Patton April 3, 1900; member of I. O. O. F. Pelham Lodge No. 228; elected superintendent of public instruction in who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 11 1909, which office he now holds; member of the M. E. church. South; Sunday school superintendent for four years. WOODLEE, Augustus Henry, real estate business; born Grundy Co., Tenn., March 1, 1855; English descent; son of Enoch and Mary (Reid) Woodlee; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; educated com- mon schools of Grundy Co., Tenn., and Burrett College; married twice, first to Emily Walker Jan. 1, 1879, second, Metta Burger, Jan. 18, 1888; member of Masonic Lodge, (Junior Deacon) ; was appointed Circuit Court Clerk, Grundy Co., Tenn., May 1882-1890; member Tennessee Legislature 1891; County Court Clerk Grundy Co., 1903-4; was engaged in mercantile business 1892-3; moved to Tracy City (Tenn.) in 1893 and engaged in newspaper busi- ness; is at present engaged in real estate business Altamont (Tenn.); member of Christian church. WOODLEE, Levi Vernon, lawyer; born in Grundy Co., Tenn., Feb. 8, 1861; Irish descent; son of Enoch and Mary (Reed) Woodlee; educated in the local schools of Grundy Co., Tenn.; be- gan life as a farmer; studied law, and was admitted to the bar; back tax at- tornev of Grundy Co., Tenn., from 1888 to 1896; County Attorney 1890-96; served as County Superintendent of Public Instruction for one year (1893) ; was a member of the Lower House Tenn. Legislature 1896-8; was State Senator 1905-7 ; director in the First Na- tional Bank of Tracy City, Tenn., hav- ing served since its organization in 1894; married Bettie Willis April 25, 1889; member of the Baptist church; F. and A. M., and chaplain of lodge; Democrat; member of the County Dem- ocratic Executive Committee of Grundy Co., Tenn., continuously from 1893 to the present time; now chairman of elec- tion commissioners of Grundy Co., Tenn., and has served in that capacity since 1897. father being a teacher and merchant; also served as Deputy Sheriff of Grun- dy Co., Tenn.; paternal grandparents, William and Polly (Sevier) Lamar; ma- ternal grandparents John and Elizabeth (Adkins) Wallace; educated in the pub- lic schools of Anderson Co., Tenn.; mar- ried Lizzie Kate Tilley 1888; member of the M. E. church, South; Democrat. RUTHERFORD, Charles N., mer- chant; born Anderson Co., Tenn., Oct. 6, 1861; English descent; son of Mark and Paulina (Gibbs) Rutherford; edu- cated in the public schools of Anderson and Jefferson counties, Tenn.; began life as clerk in a mercantile store until he opened business for himself Sept. 1, 1885, which has been continued uninter- rupted since that time; stockholder in the Union Bank of Clinton, Tenn., stockholder in Magnet Knitting Mills, also in Clinton Bottling Works, both at Clinton, Tenn.; married Eva Moore Oct. 14, 1888; member Baptist church; F. and A. M. ; Democrat. TAYLOR, Samuel, farmer; born An- derson, Tenn., March 15, 1860; English descent; son of George and Nancy (Wal- lace) Taylor; father’s occupation farmer; married Rosa Jeffres Dec. 20, 1890; member Blue Lodge A. F. & A. M., Trinity Consistory No. 2 and is a mem- ber of No. 271 I. O. O. F., Anderson- ville, Tenn.; member Republican party. APISON. STANFIELD, David A., lawyer; born Morganton, Ga., May 26, 1858; son of W. T. and Mary E. (Ferguson) Stan- field; Scoteh-Irish descent; educated Chatata High school, Chatata, Tenn.; taught school for twenty years; married Daisy A. Wilson May 1, 1898; member I. O. O. F. and Masonic lodges; admitted to the bar in 1894; member Methodist church. ARCADIA. ANDERSONVILLE. LAMAR, C. M., farmer; born in An- derson Co., Tenn., Nov. 4, 1859; Dutch- French descent; son of Joseph Blagg and Nancy (Wallace) Lamar, the NEWLAND, Robert Rliea, farmer; born Arcadia, Tenn., May 30, 1860; Scotch-Irish and German descent; son of Joseph and Rebecca Hall (Anderson) Newland; father’s occupation, farmer and trader; paternal grandfather Jo- 12 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE sepli Xcwland, paternal grandmother Barbary (Branstulter) Newland, mater- nal grandfather Isaac C. Anderson, ma- ternal grandmother Margaret (Rhea) Anderson; educated Kingsley Seminary; married Catherine Elizabeth Wolford, Jan. 6, 1 88fi ; Democrat; Trustee of Sul- livan Co. for three terms; in early life engaged in lumber business; was con- nected with the Knoxville Nursery 1890- 5, and worked Northern Georgia; en- gaged in farming at Arcadia, Tenn.; member of Presbyterian church. ASHLAND CITY. CHAMBLISS, James Carroli., bank- er; born Cheatham Co., Tenn., Feb. 27, 1858; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Mark More and Lucy (Teasley) Chambliss; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Winchester Normal school, Winchester, Tenn., and began business career as a teacher; formerly tax assessor for Cheatham Co., Tenn., 1892-96; been in the hanking business for past ten years and is at present vice-president and as- sistant cashier of Ashland City Bank and _ rust Co;, Ashland City, Tenn.; Demo- crat (Independent); married Nannie E. Allen April 29, 1885; member M. E. church, South. DEMOSS, Thomas IT., farmer; born Davidson Co., Tenn., Aug. 25, 1859; French descent; son of Shelton and Del- lilah (Pack) DeMoss; his father was a merchant and farmer; educated near Nashville, Tenn., in Davidson Co.; began life as a clerk in a store; married Ida Shelton; Justice of Peace since 1900; school director six years previous; largely interested in stock raising; Democrat; member of the Methodist church. DOZIER, Enoch, merchant and hanker; born Davidson Co., Tenn., Jan. 13, 1849; Scotch-German descent; son of Enoch and Judith (Gupton) Dozier; his father was a farmer and miller; received a common school education; began ca- reer as farmer and miller; married Mrs. B. O. McDaniel May, 1879; Democrat; chairman of several public building com- mittees; principal promoter and stock- holder iji Ashland City Bank mid Trust Co., and is now and has been president of that institution for 15 years, also aided in building the Planters’ Ware- house at Ashland City, and is largely interested in public enterprises of Ash- land City; member of the Church of Christ. HARPER, Sam’l. L., County Court Clerk; born Cheatham Co., Tenn., June 29, 1865; son C. A. and Louisa (McCor- mack) Harper; paternal grandfather John IT. Harper, paternal grandmother Elizabeth IT. (Williams) Harper, mater- nal grandfather Joseph McCormack, ma- ternal grandmother Susan (Darr) Mc- Cormack; Irish, German, English and Welsh descent; educated common schools of Cheatham Co. ; married Mary J. Sad- ler Nov. 12, 1885; member Masonic Lodge No. 604, I. O. O. F. 301, K. of P. 2 20; elected sheriff Cheatham Co. Aug., 1902; appointed Fire Marshal May, 1908; elected County Court Clerk Aug., 1910; active in breaking up night riding in Cheatham, Robertson and Montgomery counties while Fire Marshal; during term as sheriff arrested 108 men at one time; probably the largest arrest ever made by one sheriff in the State; Demo- crat. HOOPER, James Newton, farmer; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn., 1853; Welsh descent; son of John and Sallie Taylor (Williams) Hooper; father’s oc- cupation farmer; paternal grandpar- ents Jesse and Bettie (Eads) Plooper; maternal grandparents Tulio and Cyn- thia (Snowden) Williams; received com- mon school education and all of his life Das been devoted to farming; mar- ried Annie Crouch Oct. 9, 1872; member I. O. O. F. ; Democrat ; M. E. church South. JUSTICE, Joseph E., lawyer; born in Cheatham Co,. Tenn. May 17, 1869; son of James E. and Ann J. (Hiland) Jus- tice; father’s occupation, educator; ed- ucated Ashland Tenn., Institute, and Cumberland University Lebanon Tenn.; graduated from the latter Jan. 1894; worked on a farm until eighteen years of age; left home to educate himself upon own resources in 1885; taught school in Cheatham Co., Tenn., two who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 13 years ; in 1S89 went to Miss., engaging in school work until 1893, taught at West Point, Miss., and was principal of Graded High School, Florence, Miss. ; studied law "and admitted to the bar at Ashland City, Tenn., in 1894; made speeches for Independent Judiciary ticket in the campaign of 1910; married Lula Lenox Nov. 16," 1897; member of I. O. O. F. and Knights of Pythias; Demo- crat; Attorney for Ashland City, Tenn., Bank & Trust Co., Ayer & Lord Tie Co., and Althauser-W ebster-W eaver Lumber Co., Ashland City, Tenn.; engaged in the general practice of law at Ashland City, Tenn. McCONNICO, Z. A., educator; born near Columbia, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1864; Scotch-Ir'ish descent; son of Mi Z. and Eliza (Alexander) McConnico; educated preparatory schools and Burritt College and Peabody College; graduated Burritt College 1885 with degree of B. A.; be- gan business career as a teacher; mar- ried Axa Sparkman May 22, 1889 ; member of Knights of Pythias and Ma- sons; taught school in Texas in 1886-7; Co-Principal of Tennessee Female Col- lege, also Franklin Male Academy, Franklin, Tenn.; seven years Principal Theta Training School; four years Prin- cipal Cheatham County High school; was for one year editor of “The School and Farm;” identified with farming interests; member of Christian church. PEGRAM, William Mastox, farmer; born Davidson Co., Tenn., March 22, 1843; English descent; son of John P. and Permina (Ussery) Pegram; received common school education; joined the Confederate army in 1861 and continued in the service until the latter part of the year 1863; elected magistrate in 1879, and served one term; formerly engaged in the mercantile business; married twice, first to Ellen Gallaher, 1864, sec- ond Mattie A. Williams, 1882; member Christian church; Democrat. PICKARD, Peteii P., banker; born Hickman Co., Tenn., Oct. 1, 1845 ; French descent; son of Green and Mary (Chamness) Pickard; educated Marion, Ala. ; in early life worked on a farm; entered the Confederate army and served throughout the four years of the Civil war; later entered politics and served as Comptroller of the State of Tenn., 1883-9 (three terms) ; Supervisor of Census 1900 for Sixth Congressional district of Tenn.; has been in banking business for 25 years, and is now cash- ier of Ashland City Bank and Trust Co., Ashland City, Tenn.; married Julia Britt Jan. 27, 1867; Democrat; member Knights of Honor and U. C. V., with rank of Colonel on staff of Gen. John Id. McDowell; member M. E. church. South. SHE ARON, Josiah Nichols, farmer; born in Davidson Co., Tenn., Oct. 2, 1851; son of William and Josephine Alice (Nichol) Shearon; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Cecilian College, Harden Co., Ky., and graduated from that institution in 1872 ; Commercial degree in 1873; in early life engaged in farming and stock trading; married Mary E. Jenkins, Jan. 4, 1874; Democrat; member Chicago Democratic convention July 1896; formerly Post- master Lillamay, Tenn.; former chair- man of County Court of Cheatham Co., Tenn.; now engaged in farming and dealing in real estate in Cheatham Co., Tenn. ; member of the Christian church. SMITH, Jerome B., physician; born in Dickson Co., Tenn., Dec. 10, 1846; Irish descent; son of Win. B. and Nancy Rose (Allen) Smith; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grand- parents Nathan and Matilda (Smith) Smith; maternal grandparents Thomas and Sallie Baxter (Smith) Allen; re- ceived common school education and graduated' from Medical Department University of Nashville March 1869 with degree of M. D.; in early life was en- gaged in farming; married Nancy M. Speight July 14, 1871; Democrat; mem- ber of Methodist church; practices medicine at Ashland City, Tenn. ASHWOOD. WOODARD, Johx H„ physician; born Springfield, Tenn., Dec. 21, 1874; son of John and Julia (Porter) Wood- ard; Scotch-Irish descent; father's oc- cupation, capitalist; paternal grandpar- ents Thomas and Winifred (House) 14 WHO 8 WHO IN TENNESSEE Woodard, maternal grandparents Henry and Martha (Clark) Porter; educated Nashville, Tenn., and New York; gradu- ated with degree of M.D. 18!)4.; married Mary Steve Epler March 12, 1902; mem- ber B. P. O. E. and K. of P.; demo- crat; practices medicine Ashwood, Tenn.; is also interested in agriculture, plant and animal breeding and real estate in- vestments. ASPEN HILL. RIVERS, James W., farmer; born in Giles Co., Tenn., April 3, 1833; Scotch-English descent; son of William W. and Martha W. (Paine) Rivers; pa- ternal grandfather William Rivers; pa- ternal grandmother Elizabeth (Brown) Rivers; maternal grandfather James Paine, maternal grandmother Mary (Williams) Paine; educated at Pulaski, Lagrange, Ala., and Lebanon, Tenn.; graduated at Lagrange; began business life as a farmer; married Mary Flour- noy Dec. 27, 1858; entered Confederate army July, 1861, was elected Third Lieutenant and later Captain of his company; was for awhile prisoner at Johnson Island with First Tenn. Cav- alry, later in Eleventh Tenn., under Gen. N. B. Forrest; was the first man ever commissioned by Forrest; Demo- crat; Catholic. ATHENS. BAYLESS, J ohs Walker, banker; born Jonesboro, Tenn., July 5, 1854; Eng- lish and Irish descent; son of Jesse M. and Susannah (Walker) Bayless; gradu- ated from Grant University, Chattanooga, Tenn., with degree of A. B.; became a merchant in early life; former mayor of Athens, Tenn., and also one time mem- ber of the board of aldermen of that city; now president of Athens Bank and Trust Co., vice-president of Athens Ta- ble and Mfg. Co., and Ice and Cold Stor- age Co.; manager and president of Bay- less Hardware Co.; married Agnes By- ington Sept. 13, 1881; Democrat. BEARD, Caughey Alfred; born Hen- ry County, Ala., March 10, 1870; son of James R. and Mary Jane (Johnson) Beard; Scotch descent; educated South- ern University, Greensboro, Ala.; married Mrs. Martha E. Rose Aug. 24, 1905 j member K. A. Frat; Mayor of Athens Tenn., from July 28, 1907-09; for twc years served in Troop “B,” N. G. S. T.: two years Chaplain with rank of Firs! Lieutenant in First Squadron Tenn Cavalry on Maj. W. J. Bass’ staff; now Chaplain of Third Tenn. Infantry; member of Holston conference of M. E, church, South ; served as pastor of the M. E. church, South, in Athens, Tenn. for four years, from 1898-1902; as pas- tor of the Highland Park Methodist Episcopal church, South, in Chattanooga, Tenn., from 1902-1905; has been a mem- ber of the National Guard of Tenn. for five years as stated above; interested in real estate, farming and banking. BOLTON, David Alexander, Profes- sor of Mathematics in the University of Chattanooga, in the Athens school; born Washington Co., Tenn., near Washington College, Jan. 1, 1847; German, Scotch, Irish descent; son of Joseph and Sara- phina (Willett) Bolton; his father was a farmer; paternal grandfather David Bolton, paternal grandmother Mary (Byerley) Bolton, maternal grandfather Joseph Willett, maternal grandmother Susan (Stout) Willett; educated Laurel Hill Academy, Washington Co., Tenn., and East Tennessee Wesleyan Univer- sity, Athens, Tenn.; graduated East Tennessee Wesleyan University with de- gree of A. B. June 19, 1872, the degree of A. M. was later conferred; began life on the farm in Washington Co., Tenn.; in Oct., 1863, went to Indiana, and enlisted in the Federal army in 1864; participated in the battle of Nash- ville; was private in the Twenty- Fifth Indiana Battery or Light Artillery, U. S. A. July 1864-5; member of Methodist church; married Ann Elizabeth Hornsby June 19, 1872; has been Professor of Mathematics in University oV Chatta- nooga for 38 years — the university was first known as East Tennessee Wesleyan, then Grant University, and the Univer- sity of Chattanooga, the present name, with department: The Athens School, of Athens, Tenn.; served from 1889-92 in Chattanooga, Tenn. BOVARD, William Sherman, Min- ister of the Gospel; born Alpha, Ind., who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE IS , ug. 29, 1864; Scotcli-Irish descent; son f James and Sarah (Young) Bovard; is father was a farmer; paternal randfather George Bovard, paternal randmother Maria (McKinley) Bo- ard; maternal grandfather Abner 'oung, maternal grandmother Jane Wallsmith) Young; educated in In- iana and California; graduated Univer- ty of Southern California in 1888 with egree of A. B., A. M. 1891; graduated loston University 1898; received degree f S. T. B., 1898, D. D., 1904; egan business career as a teacher; mar- ied Philena Tufts Dec. 10, 1889; mem- er of Masonic Lodge, Junior O. A. M., gma Chi Fraternity; has been pastor f following churches: Patrero, San 'rancisco 1888-91, College Park, San ose 1891-3, Trinity S. F. 1893-6, York, laine, 1896-9, Congress Street, Port- ind, Maine, 1899-1904; Dean of School f Theology, University of Chattanooga, 904-08; President Moore’s Hill College Ind.) 1908-09; Vice-President Univer- ity of Chattanooga 1909 ; member of he Methodist Episcopal church. aiy tier tier irel no, •er- last de- ree 3D na> in sh- fth U. list * J of ta- •as uij, :r- ie, of in n- i, FISHER, Robert Joseph, inventor, aanufacturer; born Athens, Tenn., Jan. 3, 1857; Scotch-German descent; son of tichard , M. and Ann M. (Gettys) f isher; father was a business man and ianker; educated at East Tennessee jVesleyan University, Athens, Tenn.; be- ;an business career as teller in Cleve- and (Tenn.) National Bank; organizer nd cashier First National Bank of Ath- ns; inventor of Fisher Typewriter and Billing Machine; married Alice M. laucher Jan. 9, 1892. IVINS, Eugene Ernest, lawyer; >orn Athens, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1875; Scotch- irish descent; son of Joe J. and Mary E. (Barry) Ivins; his father was a journal- st; paternal grandfather Sam P. Ivins, oaternal grandmother Louisa (Haynes) Ivins; maternal grandfather John W. Barry, maternal grandmother Mary Elizabeth (Ernest) Barry; educated in :he common schools and Grant Univer- sity, Athens, Tenn.; began business as stenograher; married Kitty Allen Dec. ?, 1907; member Masonic Lodge, Cum- berland Club, Knoxville; was district c.e.egate to St. Louis National Demo- cratic convention 1904; member and secretary of present State Democratic Committee; City Attorney of Etowah, Tenn., and County Attorney of McMinn Co.; local attorney for the L. & N. R. R. ; Attorney for the Athens & Tellico Railroad, First National Bank of Eto- wah, Etowah Bank and Trust Co., First National Bank of Athens and Athens Bank and Trust Co.; member of M. E. church, South. LONG, Wiliam Ziegler, business man; born at Parksville, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1874; Scotch-Irish and German descent; son of Riley R. and Catherine R. (Zieg- ler) Long; father’s occupation miller; educated Athens, Tenn.; married Cath- erine Mabel Sloop Nov. 16, 1893; mem- ber Meridian Sun Lodge No. 50 F. & A. M.; Republican; former Vice Mayor of Athens, Tenn.; interested in the milling and electric light business. NANKIVELL, James Rob’rt, phy- sician and surgeon; born Perranporth Cornwall, Eng., March 25, 1854; English descent; son of James and Mary Eliza- beth (Roberts) Nankivell; father was a mechanic in early life, afterwards be- came a merchant; paternal grandpar- ents Edward and Eliza (Rillstone) Nankivell; maternal grandparents John and Elizabeth (Prout) Roberts; received Academic education at Hiwassee Acad- emy Polk Co., Tenn., and in the Uni- versity of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.; in early life was a mechanical engineer and machinist; studied medicine under a preceptor and graduated with degree of M. D., at the University of the city of New York March 1878; practiced medi- cine at Spring-town, Parker Co., Texas five years; moved to Athens in 1884 where he has been engaged in the prac- tice of his profession since; formerly in- terested in drug business; married twic< first Cornelia Boyd Nov. 1879; second Mary Elizabeth Boyd, Sept. 25, 1884; Ruling Elder in Presbyterian church; Democrat; member Meridian Sun (Ma- sonic) Lodge No. 50, Past Master; Mc- Minn Chapter, R. A. M. No. 74, Past High Priest; Secy, member County , State and American Medical Associa- tions and Association of Military Sur- 16 WHO S WHO IN . TENNESSEE geons of U. S.; former Surgeon Board Pension Examiners for 14 years; Capt. and Assistant Surg. N. G. S. T., com- missioned July 25 1902, commissioned Major Med. Corps N. G. S. T. July 22, 1907. OWEN, Daniel Marion, born Athens, Tennessee July 27, 1854; Welsh decent; son of William Carrol and Jane (Reed) Owen; his father’s occupation farmer; received common school education ; be- gan business career in General Merchan- dise; married twice, first wife Roxie L. Rogers, July 15, 1879, second wife Allie I. Moore, Jan. 15, 1893; Republican; formerly Mayor of Athens; member of Christian church. PARKISON, John A., physician; born Athens, Tenn., May 26, 1842; son of James and Mary A. (Clementson) Parki- son; paternal grandfather Manuel Parki- son, paternal grandmother’s maiden name was Smith, maternal grandparents G. M. and Sarah (McKim) Clementson; re- ceived academic education Athens, Tenn., and graduated in medicine at Philadel- phia, Pa., April, 1868; married Frances Maupin Feb., 1874; former member of Tenn. General Assembly; engaged in the practice of medicine at Athens, Tenn. PATTERSON, Marion Herbert, druggist; born near Benton, Polk Co., Tenn., April 9, 1852; German descent; son of Jonathan and Mary (Mulkey) Patterson; his father was a farmer; pa- ternal grandfather William Patterson, paternal grandmother Eliza (Grigg) Patterson; maternal grandfather Dr. Wil- liam Mulkey, maternal grandmother was Miss Elliott before her marriage; edu- cated common school of Cog Hill, Mc- Minn Co., Tenn. ; began life as a farmer and later taught in public schools; mar- ried Tennie Reynolds Baker July 4, 1886; member 1. O. O. F. ; was in retail drug business from 1883 to 1908; is at present traveling representative of Tilden & Co., of New York; member of M. E. church, South. REED, Charles Montgomery, Sr., hardware merchant and farmer; born Athens, McMinn County, Tenn., Dec. 13, 1861; son of S. W. and Catherine (Guth- rie) Reed; English descent; educated Grant University, Athens, Tenn., and Moore’s Business College, Atlanta, Ga.; married Fannie Fisher Nov. 16, 1897 ; member of I. O. O. F., W. O. W., Royaj Arcanum, and First Degree in Masonry; bead consul of W. O. W. in Tennessee Chairman of County Democratic Execu- tive Committee from 1898 to 1904; mem- ber of Christian church. THOMPSON, Samuel Hunter, edu- cator and business man; born Chuckey, Greene Co., Tenn., April 19, 1876; Dutch- English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of William P. and Florence L. (G’fellers) Thompson; paternal grandfather John Thompson, paternal grandmother Marga- ret (Rinehart) Thompson; maternal grandfather Madison G’fellers, maternal grandmother Eliza (Broyles) G’fellers; educated Wesleyan Academy, Chuckey, Tenn., Valparaiso University, Valparaiso; Ind.; graduated Valparaiso, B. S., 1906; B. P. 1907; began career as teacher; mar- ried Bertie Ethel Maltsberger Aug. 1, 1906; member I. O. O. F. and Knights Templar; Republican; Supervisor of Cen- sus 1910 First district Tennessee; was! Principal Wesleyan Academy at Chuckey 1899 to 1910; on program International Epworth League convention Denver 1905 ; business manager Methodist Advocate Journal 1910; author of “Highlanders ofj the South;” Eaton and Mains, New York,; 1910; member of Methodist Episcopal^ church. ATOKA. KIMBROUGH, Virginius, farmer; born Shelby Co., Tenn., May 31, 1849 ^ son of Albert and Virginia (Smith) Kim- brough; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; paternal grandparents John and Lydia (Jones) Kimbrough, ma-| ternal grandparents P. P. and Margaret! (Smith) Smith; received common school education, and early in life engaged ini farming and later in merchandising; for- mer representative from Tipton Co. (twn| terms) in lower house of Tenn. Legisla-j ture; also former representative from! Shelby and Tipton counties in the State! Senate (three terms) ; married twice, first, Allene Washington, April 30, 1874, sec ond Minnie Garnett April 6, 1910; Demo- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 17 crat; member Episcopal church; K. of P. and Masons. TEMPLETON", William W., banker; born Shelbvville, Tenn., Aug. 31, 1869 ; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Benton B. and Martha E. (Farriss) Templeton; paternal grandparents O. and Elizabeth (Bell) Templeton, maternal grandparents S. K. and Katie K. (Smith) Fariss; was reared on a farm in Bed- ford Co., Tenn. ; educated Winchester Normal, Winchester, Tenn., and early in life began teaching, in which profession he remained for 16 years, viz.: Principal Scivally Academy (Tenn.) four years, Lynchburg Normal (Tenn.) four years, Bethany High school, Bryson, Tenn., two years. Tabernacle High school, Coving- ton, Tenn., four years, and president of LaCenter College (Ky.) two years, then became vice-president of the Enterprise Co., Covington, Tenn., which position he held for two years; cashier of Planters’ Bank, Atoisa, Tenn., since 1907 ; married Callie Gore July 4, 1895; Odd Fellow; Democrat; member of the Methodist church. AUBURN. ADAMS, James B., hanker; born at Liberty, Tenn., Feb. 25, 1858; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Jacob and Luc- retia (Braswell) Adams; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; educated in the com- mon schools of Tenn., and at Central College; began his business career as a farmer, later taught school ten years, then clerked in store for twelve years; has been Bookkeeper and Cashier of Bank of Auburn, Auburn, Tenn., since its organization in 1903; married first isola Overall, second, Lockie Dale Hayes, third, Daisy McBroom Smith; member I. O. O. F., subordinate Lodge No. 213 Auburn, Tenn. ; Independent Democrat; member Cannon Co., Board of Education; Deacon in Missionary Baptist church. BEARDEN. NEIL, William S., merchant; born in Knox Co., Feb. 8, 1856; son of John and Mary (Johnson) Neil; Irish de- scent; father’s occupation farmer; ed- ucated Walnut Grove Academy, Knox Co., Tenn. ; married Sarah A. Roda Marcn 12, 1885; member Masons; Knights of Pythias I. O. O. F.; Demo- crat; former Sheriff of Morgan Co., Tenn., and former County Judge of Morgan Co., and former justice of the peace; member of the Methodist church. BEARDSTOWX. GRAY, Russell PI., educator; born near Lobelville, Tenn., Feb. 24, 1876; Irish and French descent; son of Madi- son J. and Saphronia (Horner) Gray; his father was a physician; educated at Waverly and graduated in 1894; began teaching in early life; married Ellen Leeper June 22, 1898; member K. O. T. M., I. O. O. F. and K. P. ; elected County Superintendent of Public Instruction Perry Co. in 1909; had previously taught school each year since 1893; member of C. P. church. BEECH BLUFF. WILLIAMS, William B., farmer; born Madison Co., Tenn., Sept. 22, 1855; English and Scotch descent; son of Wil- liam J. and Susan (George) Williams; his father was a farmer; paternal grand- father William G. Williams, paternal grandmother Luvicie (Newman) Wil- liams, maternal grandfather Burton George, maternal grandmother Martha (Hooks) George; been engaged in farm- ing all of his life; married Harriet Johnson Jan. 2, 1879; formerly, School Director and County Good Roads Com- missioner; at present County Poor Asy- lum Commissioner, being chairman of the board; member of the Primitive Baptist church, deacon; is at present serving sec- ond term as Justice of Peace for Madi- son Co. BEECH GROVE. SHOFFNER, Eugene B„ farmer and stock raiser; born (near) Shelbyville, Tenn., Aug. 21, 1870; son John E. and Mary Shoffner; German-Irish descent; father’s occupation farmer and banker.; educated Winchester Normal and various other schools; took business .course at Nashville, Tenn.; married Ev- erett M. Ashley Oct. 19, 1893; member K. of P., I. 0. 0. F. and M. W. of A.; 18 Who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE early business occupation lumber business until two years ago; owner of two stock farms near Beech Grove, Tenn.; spent ten years in mountains of Va., manufac- turing poplar lumber; now residing at Bell Buckle, where he is active Vice- President of the Bank of Bell Buckle; ruling elder in Cumberland Presbyterian church. BEERSHEBA SPRINGS. BARNES, William Carroll, physi- cian; born Warren Co., Tenn., March 16, 1831; Irish and English descent; son of Charles and Susanna (Smith) Barnes; his father was a farmer; paternal grand- father Philip Barnes, paternal grand- mother Charity (Phillips) Barnes, mater- nal grandfather Isaac Smith, maternal grandmother Brittania (Savage) Smith; educated Irving College and Burritt Col- lege, Spencer, Tenn. ; graduated South- ern University of Nashville with degree of M. D. in 1856; began the practice of medicine in 1857; married Bertha Hill Feb., 1857; second, Hallie Cagle, Nov., 1894; was assistant surgeon Fifth Con- federate regiment under Col. B. J. Hill; now engaged in the practice of medicine Beersheba Springs; has been practicing medicine in a portion of four counties for over fifty years; member of the Chris- tian church. BELLBUCKLE. ARMSTRONG, James Hamilton; farmer; born Rutherford Co., Tenn., May 8, 1853; Irish descent; son of William Abel and Adeline (Wright) Armstrong; married twice, first Araminda Lee, Oct. 1, 1874, second Kate Thweatt, Dec. 27, 1900; Democrat, Independent; besides large farming interests is Director and Stockholder in Bellbuckle Bank, Director and Stockholder in Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co.; started life without any property as a farmer boy; member of Missionary Baptist church. BINGHAM, Granville Crockett, farmer; born Fosterville, Tenn., April 22, 1864; Irish descent; son of John D. and Nancy (Pearson) Bingham; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; educated at Fosterville, Tenn., (Academic) ; entered farming in' early youth, has devoted his life to that vocation ; married Olive Gilmore Dec. 23, 1890; member of K. P. and W. O. W. ; Democrat (Regular); school commis- sioner, Bedford Co., Tenn.; member Christian church. GARNER, William Martin, mer- chant; born Fairfield, Tenn., Oct. 21, 1881; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas P. and Elizabeth (Anderson) Garner; his father was a farmer-mer- chant-soklier; paternal grandfather G. Martin Garner, paternal grandmother was a Miss Johnson, of Georgia, before her marriage; maternal grandfather W. W. Anderson, maternal grandmother Jane (Cauble) Anderson; educated Bed- ford College; began life as newsboy; married Ada Lee Waite Aug. 5, 1908; member of F. and A. M., K. P., I. O. O. F. ; Socialist; has been engaged in resus- citation of bankrupt or near bankrupt business concerns; member of the Bap- tist church. RANSOM, B. F., Sr., farmer; born Rutherford Co., Tenn., Dec. 14, 1819; English and Irish descent; son of Ben- jamin C. and Sarah (Jarratt) Ransom; paternal grandparents Richard and Cis- siah (Portiee) Ransom, maternal grand- parents Thomas and Susannah (Thomp- son) Jarratt; received common school education; devoted himself to farming in early youth; all of his life has been devoted to agricultural pursuits; was a soldier in the Cherokee and Creek war (Indian) in 1838; was turnpike commis- sioner for state of Tenn. in 1857; married three times, first Lavonia Jordan Oct., 1848, second Maggie Fugitt Sept., 1881, third Elizabeth Slater Feb., 1883; Demo- crat (Regular) ; member Methodist church. WEBB, John Maurice, educator; born Alamance Co., N. C., Nov. 27, 1847; son of Alexander Smith and Cornelia Adeline (Stanford) Webb; father’s occu- pation, merchant; educated University of North Carolina, and by courtesy gradu- ated from same in 1869; in 1897 Univer- sity of Nashville conferred upon him de- gree of LL.D. ; began teaching early in life and all of his career has been de- voted to that profession; married Har- riet Elizabeth Shipp Dec. 7, 1876; Demo- crat; member of M. E. church, South. WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 19 WEBB, William Robert, educator; born Person Co., N. C., Nov.. 11, 1842; son of Alexander Smith and Cornelia Adeline (Stanford) Webb; his father was a farmer and merchant; paternal grandfather James Webb, paternal grandmother Mary (Smith) Webb, ma- ternal grandfather Hon. Richard Stan- ford, maternal grandmother Mary (Moore) Stanford; educated Bingham school, Oaks, N. C. ; graduated Univer- sity of North Carolina, A. B. and A. M. June, 1869; began life as a teacher; mar- ried Emma Clare April 23, 1873; mem- ber of Diatetic Society, University of North Carolina, member of D. K E. Fra- ternity, Whig Society, Princeton, hon- orary member Tennessee Historical So- ciety; was Captain of the Second North Carolina Cavalry, C. S. A., during Civil war; was for a time a private in the Fifteen North Carolina Infantry; se- verely wounded battle Malvern Hill; founded Webb School, Culleoka, Tenn., in 1870; moved with school to Bell- buckle, Tenn., in 1886; member of Meth- odist Episcopal church, South. WEBB, William Robert, Jr., teach- er; born Culleoka, Tenn., April 4, 1874; Welsh and Frencn descent; son of Wil- liam R. and Emma (Clary) WebD; father’s occupation, teacher; paternal grandparents Alexander Smith and Cornelia Adeline (Stanford) Webb; maternal grandparents Benjamin and Alla Delphla (Barnard) Clary; educated Webb School, Phillip’s Academy, Uni- versity of N. C., and the summer school of the University of Chicago, also Harvard summer school; graduated with degree of B. A., from University of N. C., 1896; married Louise Hall Manning Oct. 19, 1898; member Sigma Nu fra- ternity Phi Beta Kappa Society; In- dependent Democrat; Instructor in Eng- lish, University of N. C., 1896-1897; teacher in Webb School 1897-8; be- came Associate Principal Webb’s School 1908 where he is now engaged. BELLS. BRIDGER, Axcm R., farmer; born 1861; son of Richard and Caroline (Re- velle) Bridger; English descent; his father was a farmer; married Mary Har- rell Dec. 29, 1897 ; member Woodmen of the World; was Magistrate from Aug. 6, 1904 to 1906; member of Missionary Baptist church. CONLEY, Robert Lee, educator; born Alamo, Tenn., Aug. 22, 1874; Eng- lish-Irish descent; son of T. F. and Cor- delia (Green) Conley; graduated Ken- tucky University, Lexington, Ky., June, 1898, with degree of^A.B.;" became teacher early in life as principal of Alamo, Tenn., high school; is now prin- cipal of Bells, Tenn., high school; Ma- son, W. O. W. ; married Eva Cooke June 14, 1899; Democrat; member of Christian ehuren. HESS, Nelsox Irvix, physician; born in Gibson Co., Tenn., 184i; Ger- man descent; son of N. 1. and Katherine H. (Hill) Hess; father's occupation physician; paternal grandparents Wil- liam and Margaret (Davis) Hess; mater- nal grandparents Dr. J. S. and Martha (Douglis) Hill; received High School education at Trenton, Tenn., and grad- uated in medicine at St. Louis Mo., in 1866; in early life entered the drug business, and prior to his graduation in medicine was a member of the Confed- erate, army; married twice, first Sallie Joyce 1864; second Ida Seay 1868; mem- ber Masons, P. M. and H.' P., and also member I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; mem- ber of Christian church; engaged in the practice of medicine at Bells, Tenn., since 1866. PATTON, Alsox C., educator; born Graham, N. C., Aug. 31, 1856; Irish- English descent; son of Alexander W. and Sarah (Freshwater) Patton; edu- cated Morrisville, N. C.; graduated Mor- risville Academy, Morrisville (N. C.) in 1881; in early youth was a farmer; be- gan business career later as a teacher ; married Mary Lou Brigance 1892; mem- ber I. O. O. F.; member of Methodist church; has been teaching school in Crockett Co., Tenn., since 1889. PEGUES, ITazael Hewitt, farmer; born Jackson, Tenn., June 8, 1868; son of Hazael Hewitt and Susan (Kell) Pe- gues; father’s occupation, farmer; pater- nal grandparents A. T. and Mary (Hew- 20 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE itt) Pegues; maternal grandparents Na- than L. and Louise (Hipkins) Kell; edu- cated Center Point, Tenn., high school; engaged in farming all of his life; mar- ried Chiekie Cole Feb. 25, 1896; member Farmers’ Union; Democrat. BELLVILLE. CANNON,- William F., physician; born in Lincoln Co., Tenn. Oct. 18, 1869; son of Minos A. and Martha J. (Colter) Cannon; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Augustus and Eliza (Holman) Cannon; maternal grandparents Hardy H. and Margaret (Dollins) Colter; educated Winchester, Tenn., graduated from Medical Depart- ment Vanderbilt University, with de- gree M. D., 1892; married Sophia Tate Rice July 27, 1898; member K. of P., and W. O. W. ; Democrat; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church; en- gaged in the practice of medicine, Bell- ville, Tenn.; P. O. address Fayetteville, Tenn. R. F. D. BENTON. HOOD, George Tea, Sheriff Polk Co.; born Jasper, Ga., March 15, 1880; Eng- lish descent; son of Ezekiel and Julia L. (Findley) Hood; his father’s occupation merchant; educated Jasper, Ga. ; began career as railroad operator and agent; was later postmaster and merchant; mar- ried Lilly L. Garrell June 4, 1899; mem- ber of K. P. and I. O. O. F. ; Republi- can; former Postmaster and present Sheriff Polk Co.; is also interested in mercantile and railroading business and banking; member of the Baptist church. WILLIAMS, John- Lafayette, sur- veyor and timber estimator; born Polk Co., Tenn., Dec. 19, 1876; Welsh, Scotch, Irish descent; son of A. J. and Sarah C. (Rymer) Williams; his father is a farmer and present Clerk and Master of Chancery at Benton; paternal grand- father John Williams, paternal grand- mother Nancy (Harbison) Williams; ma- ternal grandfather Leroy Rymer, mater- nal grandmother Elizabeth (Runyons) Rymer; educated common schools of Benton and Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn.; began business ca- reer teaching school, in which he engaged from 1896 to 1900; married Velma Green Nov. 12, 1903; member of F. and A. M. (Senior Deacon 1902, Junior Warden 1903) ; Democrat, was County Surveyor Polk Co. from 1898 to 1907 ; is now Surveyor for Wetmore estate I (30,000 acres) in Polk Co.; is also Sur- j veyor for Prendergast Co. (55,000 | acres) and was with Ocoee Timber Co. j (60,000 acres) from 1903 to 1908; mem- i her of Missionary Baptist church. WITT, Benjamin B. C., lawyer; born Polk Co., Tenn., Sept. 11, 1858; Irish and Scotch descent; son of John H. and Ma- lisa (Presswood) Witt; father’s occupa- tion farmer; paternal grandparents Burges and Delphia (Carpenter) Witt; maternal grandparents Austin and Mary (Harper) Presswood; received common school education ; taught school early in life; later entered politics and was for four years Deputy Sheriff, and eight years Circuit Court Clerk of Polk Co.. Tenn.; began practice of law in 1892, and pressing suit against Copper Mining Companies at Ducktown, Tenn., for abatement of nuisance to a successful conclusion in Supreme Court of Tenn., became known as the “Smoke Nuisance Lawyer;” married twice, first Maggie Ry- mer March 17, 1880, second Alice Hil- liard March 17, 1890; member F. and A. M. No. 212 (Past Master), I. O. O. F. No. 295 (Vice-Grand) ; Democrat. BET I-I PAGE. WOODSON, Edwin Allen, farmer and stock raiser; born at Bethpage April 25, 1856; Welsh and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas M. and Amelia M. (Allen) Woodson; father’s occupa- tion physician and surgeon; paternal grandparents Rev. Lewis M. and Lucinda (Hanna) Woodson; maternal grandpar- ents Rev. Luke P. and Margaret (Par- ker) Allen; educated at Warren Col- lege, Bowling Green, Ky. ; married Mary Ellen Poston Feb. 14, 1882; member Bethpage Lodge No. 521 F. & A. M., P. M. Secretary several j r ears, Beth- page Chapter No 5 u. E. S., Past Patron and Secretary; Democrat; former Post- master at Bethpage, Tenn., for 10 years; during which time he was in- strumental in having four Rural Routes WHO -S WHO IN TENNESSEE 21 ji established from Bethpage; also a Star I j.-Oute from Gallatin with daily mail to Bethpage; now member of Sumner, Co., Tenn., Election Board and Secre- tary of same; has been a member of \ Sumner Co. Revenue Commissioners for Twelve years; member of County Board of Education; President of the Board of Education for Bethpage School for sixteen years, since its establishment; engaged in farming and stock raising at Bethpage, Tenn.; member of M. E. church. South. BIG SANDY. DOWDY, Earl H., farmer; born in Henry Co., Tenn., July 2, 1878; English descent; son of Henry and Angeline (Mar- bry) Dowdy; father’s occupation, farm- ing; received common school education; in early life clerked in a confectionery store, later took up farming, in which I business he is now engaged at Big Sandy, > Tenn.; married Clara Pierce Aug. 6, 1899; member F. E. and C. U. of A., F. & A. M. (Senior Warden), M. W. A., Pres, of Farmers’ Union of Benton Co. Tenn. ; Republican ; Justice of the Peace, Notary Public; elected President of i Farmers Bank of Big Sandy, Tenn., j Nov. 4, 1909; elected as member of Tenn. i State Executive Committee of Farmers’ Union Sept., 1910; member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church; was alternate lay delegate to general conference of M. E. church, whicn met in Baltimore, Md., in 1908. DOWDY, James Fraxklix, merchant ji and farmer; born near Big Sandy Oct. 13, 1858; Scotch-Insh descent; son of James Wiley and Henrietta (Bachus) Dowdy; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents John and Mary (Upton) Dowdy; maternal grandparents John and Jane (Vaughn) Bachus; re- ceived common school education; began his business career as farmer and later entered the mercantile business; now en- : gaged in the mercantile and livery busi- I ness, besides having farming intrests; i married Lula Cooper Dec. 16, 1886; member F. & A. M., (Chapter), I. O. 1 O. F., and K. of P.; Republican; del- | egate to National Republican Convention j Chicago, 1908; member Presbyterian ( church and Superintendent Sunday School at Big Sandy, Tenn. ; former Secretary of Y. M. C. A., Big Sandy; President Christian Endeavor Society. BIG SPRING. GRUBB, Jacoh L., merchant; born Meigs Co., Tenn., Dec. 29, 1856; Scotch- Irish descent; son of William C. and Mary (Womack) Grubb; father’s occu- pation farmer, contractor, miner, peracher, veteran Mexican war; paternal grandfather Elclred Grubb, paternal grandmother Nancy J. (McKenzie) Grubb, maternal grandfather Jacob Wo- mack, maternal grandmother Mary (Mitchel) Womack; common school edu- cation; in early life engaged in farm- ing, blacksmithing and merchandise; was later postmaster for twelve years; mar- ried Mary T. Rice Oct. 21, 1885; member I. O. O. F. ; Republican; formerly Deputy U. S. marshal; is also engaged in the mercantile business and is a stock- holder in the Dayton Bank and Trust Co., of Dayton, Tenn. ; member of Chris- tian church. HARRIS, Thomas C., farmer and stockraiser; born Rose Hill, Va. ; son of Alexander and Ruth (Moore) Harris; father was a farmer and stockman; be- gan his early business career as a farmer; married Margaret A. Martin Feb. 25, 1864; served four years as a private soldier in C. S. A.; has farmed all of his life except three years in the mercantile business, 1900-03; has farming and stockraising interests; member of the M. E. church, South. McKENZIE, Jeremiah M., farmer; born Meigs Co., Tenn., Dec. 22, 1831 ; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Benjamin F. and Nancy (Casey) McKenzie; his father’s occupation was farming and to- bacco raising and manufacturing; edu- cated common schools of Meigs Co. ; early business occupation merchandise and manufacturer of tobacco; married Margaret M. Masoner Dec. 25, 1856; member F. and A. M. No. 213, and John Dillard Camp Confederate Veterans; has been twice Deputy Sheriff, twice Tax Collector, more than thirty years Justice of Peace, and five years chairman of the County Court of Meigs Co.; was a private in the Mexican war 1847-8, Co. 22 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE B., Fifth Tennessee Regiment, Volun- teer Infantry; was Second Lieutenant Co. I, Fifth Tennessee Cavalry, C. S. A. (Col. G. W. McKenzie Regiment); mem- ber of M. E. church, South. POWELL, James Artiiuk, farmer; born Meigs Co., Tenn., Dec. 23, 1870; Scotch-Ii-ish and Dutch descent; son of Robert C. and Mary (Cowan) Powell; father’s occupation merchant and farmer ; paternal grandfather Scott Powell, pa- ternal gx-andmother Mary (Womack) Powell, maternal grandfather Joseptx Cowan, maternal grandmother Susan (Chattin) Cowan; educated Hiwassee College, in Monroe Co.; early business occupation merchant; married Olivia Martin Nov. 24, 1894; Democrat; is Chairman of the County Board of Edu- cation of Meigs Co.; is engaged in farm- ing' and stock trading; member of Bap- tist church. Elizabeth (Hughes) Roller; educated at common schools and at Kingsley Semi-! nary, Bloomingdale, Tenn.; in early life: worked on farm; married Ethel Stokely Oct. 28, 1908; member of F. and A. M., I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; formerly Assist- ! ant Postmaster at Indian Springs, Tenn., where he served four years; is Chairman Democratic Executive Committee of Sullivan Co. ; Deputy County Court Clei'k of Sullivan Co., appointed Sept., 1900, reappointed Sept., 1910; was in mercan- tile business in Indian Springs, Tenn., from 1902-06, as member of the firm of Miller & Barger; active in lodge world, represented Blountville Masonic lodge in State Grand Lodge Jan., 1910; repre- sented Indian Spi’ings Lodge I. O. O. F. in State Grand Lodge Oct., 1909; is stockholder and director Farmers’ Bank of Sullivan Co., Blountville, Tenn.; also stockholder Bank of Kinsport, and stock- holder and seci'etary Sullivan County Publishing Co.; member of Lutheran church. BIRCHWOOD. BARE, James Doyle, merchant, part- ner in firm of H. E. White & Co. ; boi'n Birchwood, Tenn., May 16, 1885 ; German, Scotch-Irish descent; son of A. M. and Elizabeth (Black) Bare; father’s occu- pation educator and farmer; paternal grandfather Henry Bai’e, paternal grand- mother Melinda (Frye) Bare, maternal grandfather William Wallace Black, ma- ternal grandmother Almira (Echols) Black; received graded school education; member and Past Gi'and, Lodge I. O. O. F. Birchwood Tenn.; in early life taught school; elected Supex-intendent of Public Instruction James Co., 1907, served one term; became pai’tner in the firm of IT. E. White & Co., Bii'chwood, Tenn., 1907 ; Republican; member Baptist chui-ch. BLOUN i’VILLE BARGER, David A., business man. Deputy County Court clerk; born Indian Springs, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1879; German descent; son of George W. and Amanda (Roller) Barger; fathex - ’s occupation farmer; paternal grandfather John Bax-- ger, paternal gx’andmother Annie (Hick- man) Bargex-, maternal grandfather George Roller, maternal grandmother BROWN, Charles A., lawyer; born Sept. 14, 1856, at Bluff City, Tenn.; English-German ciescent; son of Abel J. and Emily L. (Teeter) Bx - own; paternal grandparents Absalom and Elizabeth (Killian) Bx-own, maternal grandpax-- ents Jacob and Sophia (Speece) Teeter; educated at uetferson Male Academy; A. B. June, 1875, Roanoke College, A. M. degree, 1880; and tutor three years ; studied law; admitted to the bar 1885; member of Tennessee legislatui-e from Sullivan Co. 1890-1892; married Mattie J. Chambers uct. 30, 1895; member of Presbytei'ian church; Democrat. HAWK, Hiram Decatur, mex-chant and farmer; born Blountville, Tenn., Feb. 11 , 1841; Irish-English descent; son of Martin and Mary (Meredith) Hawk; his father was a farmer; paternal grand- father John Hawk, patex-nal grandmother Rosana (Roller) Hawk, maternal grand- father Joseph Meredith, maternal grand- mother Susan (Murphy) Meredith; he was in early life a salesman in dry goods store; married S. E. Akard Sept. 1 , 1869; member of Masonic Lodge, Holston In- stitute of Sullivan Co., Tenn.; Democrat; was formeidy Justice of Peace and chair- man County Court of Sullivan Co.; wa .5 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 23 ’hairman of the executive committee of ndependent Democrats of Sullivan Co. 910; was First Lieutenant Co. G., 19th i Tennessee Regiment, C. S. A.; served 'our years and was wounded at Shiloh, t Chickamauga and at Franklin; member f Southern Methodist church. KYLE, Samuel James, farmer; born phristianburg, Va., Sept. 20, 1855; Irish lescent; son of William Emmett and Sal- ie Meade (Shanklin) Kyle; father’s oc- :upation merchant ; educated at Chris- ianburg, Va., (Academic); entered mer- :antile business in earty life; was Dep- ity Sheriff of Sullivan Co., Tenn., 1898- [902; Deputy County Court Clerk 1902- [906; County Court Clerk Sullivan Co., Tenn., elected 1906, re-elected 1910; Dem- ocrat; married Isabella Sevier June 24, [879; member Presbyterian church. MASENGILL, John D., physician ind stock breeder; Irish-English descent; ;on of John and Nancy (Smith) Masen- gill; born in Sullivan Co. Tenn., May 11, 1844; paternal ancestors Henry and Elizabeth (Emmert) Masengill; maternal grandparents John and Catherine (Umphreys) Smith; educated in private schools and at Jefferson Academy at Blountville, Tenn.; graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of ’ Baltimore, Md., M. D., 1874; began life ' as a farmer and salesman; served as county health officer, jury commissioner of Sullivan Co. Tenn.; soldier in the Con- | federate Army, 1st Calvary, serving four ' years; married Josephine Evans Oct. 22, ’1868; Democrat; member of Methodist | Episcopal Church, South. PHILLIPS, Noah J., public official; ,born near Taylorsville, N. C., May 13, 1 1837; German descent; son of Elijah and Michael (Baumgarner) Phillips; 1 father’s occupation farmer and cooper; : i educated in common schools of Sullivan ' Co., and at Fall Branch, Tenn., Semi- nary; early in life engaged in farming; taught school about ten years before, during and after Civil war; exempted by 1 two acts of Confederate congress from 5 military service; was postmaster at Fall ; Branch, Tenn., for two years; removed to Blountville 1868 and was one time > register of deeds, Sullivan Co., Tenn.; County Court Clerk 1869-1870; was one time Mayor of Blountville; was editor and publisher of a weekly newspaper from 1879 to 1884, “The Central Star;” was appointed Clerk and Master Chan- cery Court for Sullivan Co., Tenn., in 1870; was succeeded by Will H. Fain 1882; became Deputy of Mr. Fain and his successor, A. F. Mai-tin; served as Deputy Clerk and Master until 1892, wnen he was appointed Clerk and Mas- ter, re-appointed in 1898 and again in 1904, and is the present incumbent; mar- ried twice, first Ellen H. Mullenix Oct. 26, 1860, second Rebecca C. Millard Aug., 1886; Republican; Clerk and Deacon Mis- sionary Baptist church. SENEKER, J. E. L., teacher, author and educator; German and French-Eng- lish-Irish descent; son of James Kling Seneker (farmer and stock dealer) and Elizabeth (Bushong) Seneker; grandson of Elijah G. and Katherina (Bu- long) Seneke; also of George Bushong and Sarah (Phyle) Bushong; educated at Jefferson Academy of Blountsville, Tenn.; began life as a teacher; studied medicine, then traveled abroad, visiting Canada, Mexico, Alaska and Hawaii; au- thor of “Burlesque on Fustian,” etc.; county superintendent of public schools of Sullivan Co., Tenn., 1892-1910; mar- ried Louisa M. Dulaney April 30, 1878; member of A. F. & A. M., Odd Fellows, etc., of Blountville; Democrat; member of Evangelican Lutheran church. SMITH, Homer Id., attorney-at-law; born Sullivan Co., Tenn., Nov. 25, 1869; Irish-English descent; son of George W. and Elizabeth (Cross) Smith; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather John Umphreys Smith, paternal grand- mother Malinda (Matthews) Smith, ma- ternal grandfather Rev. William K. Cross, maternal grandmother Louzena (Gross) Cross; received common school education; married Fannie M. Massen- gill June 9, 1904; Democrat; in early life taught school; read law under Col. Cuas. R. Vance, Bristol (Tenn.) and ad- mitted to bar at Blountville, Tenn,. Nov. 1893; engaged in practice of law since March, 1894; attorney for Farmers’ Bank of Sullivan Co., and a director in same; member of Christian church. 24 Who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE WOLFORD, William M., carpenter; German-Irish descent; born Nov. 18, 1849, at Blountvilie, Tenn.; son of William and Catherine (Drake Wolford; paternal grandparents George and Mary (Smith) Wolford, maternal grandparents Jacob and Catherine (Foust) Drake; educated in local county schools; began life as farmer, later was carpenter, etc. ; mar- ried Feb. 19 1856, Amanda Bush- ong; served in state militia 1847-186Q, Confederate Army in Civil War; inde- pendent Democrat; member of Luth- eran church. YOAKLEY, William Frederick, ag- riculturist; born in Sullivan Co. Tenn., Oct. 7, 1843; English-German descent; son of Jesse C. and Mary A. (Hull) Yoakley; paternal grandparents Richard and Hannah (Hicks) Yoakley, maternal grandparents Frederic and Mary A. (Coak) Hull; educated in common schools of Sullivan Co.; graduated from Oakland Academy 1861 ; served in Con- federate Army, private- 1861, in Capt. Osborn’s Independent Battalion from Texas; Co. F, 63d Tenn. Inf. April 14, 1862; Capt. Gammon’s Co. 60th Tenn. Feb 9, 1865; married Elizabeth E. Bow- man Aug. 14, 1866; Democrat; warden Coal Creek branch state prison 1891 ; deputy warden of Mount Branch state prison 1906, etc.; delegate to National Pure Food and Drugs Congress Wash- ington, March 7, 1900; delegate to Farmers’ National Congress at St. Louis, Mo., Sept., 1904; same at Richmond, Va., Sept. 12, 1905; again at Washington, D. C., Jan., 1910; president of Sullivan County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 1898- 1910; postmaster at Hilton, Tenn., sev- eral years; member of A. F. & A. M. Lidge No. 559 at Holston Institute; lay official M. E. church, South, since 1866. BLUFF CITY. EDWARDS, Author Washington, farmer; born Boone’s Creek, Washington Co., Tenn., March 15, 1855; Welsh-Dutch i.escent; son of S. E. and Mary (Kitz- miller) Edwards; paternal grandparents, David and Elizabeth (Hughes) Kitzmil- ler; educated in common schools of Vir- ginia and Tennessee; began life as a farmer and has continued in that vocation all of his life; married twice, first Mary C. Dung-an July 15, 1881, second Junie C Copenhaven Oct. 23, 1889; member Ma- sons, Zollicoffer lodge No. 444; membe] County Court of Sullivan Co., Tenn., foi four years; Democrat (Independent) member Missionary Baptist church. I GIESLER, A. J., farmer and trader,! born Bluff City, Tenn., Oct. 15, 1848,! Dutch and English descent; son of Henryi and Nancy A. (Hicks) Giesler; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandfathei Jacob Giesler, paternal grandmother Su- san (Shultz) Giesler, maternal grand- father William Hicks, maternal grand mother Nancy Hicks; began farming anci trading in early life; married Maggie Aj Mank Oct. 20, 1880; member of F. and! A. M. and is active in lodge work, hav-! ing held every place and station in Zolli- coffer Lodge No. 444; Democrat; for- merly Deputy Sheriff and Deputy Trus- tee; member of Methodist church. MAUK, Henry A., farmer and stock dealer; born at Bluff City, 'lenn., June 23, 1854; Dutch-Irish-English descent; son of William and Malinda ( Miller)) Mauk; paternal grandparents Henry and) “Peggy” Mauk, maternal grandparents! Richard and Kate Miller; educated at Zollicoffer Institute, Bluff City, Tenn. : early occupation, teacher; later general) merchandising and commercial salesman^ director in Bluff City Bank and dealer) in real estate; married Maggie A. Mil-j ler June 20, 1882; Knight Templar, Ma-I son, Junior Grand Deacon of Tenn. A.! F. & A. M. 1907; independent Democrat; two terms member of Co. Board of Education; justice of peace; member of Methodist Episcopal church, South. SHIPLEY, John Vires, farmer and mechanic; born Sullivan Co., Tenn., Jan. 13, 1857; English descent; son of Benja- min and Edna A. (Mank) Shipley; fath- er’s occupation farmer; paternal grand- father Benjamin Shipley, paternal grand- mother Katie (Wells) Shipley, maternal grandfather Andrew Mank, maternal grandmother Sarah (Drake) Mank; edu- cated Liberty Academy; early business occupation farming; married Cordelia Mank June 13, 1883; Justice of Peace Sullivan Co. ; member of Methodist church. WHO S AVHO IN TENNESSEE 25 BOATLAND. j MADEWELL, Jacob W., educator; porn Fentress Co., Tenn., Jan. 6, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Moses and Jane (Swallows) Madewell; father’s oc- cupation, blacksmith and carpenter; re- ceived common school education; mar- ried Ella Stephens Nov. 12, 1905; Re- toublican; chairman of the Republican County Committee of Fentress Co., Tenn. WOOD, Porter Seymour, merchant and farmer; born at Boatland, Tenn., July 10, 1875; English-Irish descent; son of Jerry and Jane (Harmon) Wood; paternal grandparents Matthew and Betsie (Wolsey) Wood; maternal grand- parents John and Margaret (Ramsey) Harmon; educated at Alpine Institute, A. B., May 15, 1893; began career as farmer eight years, mercantile business seventeen years; married Hattie Roberts Jan. 20, 1897; Royal Arch Mason; Odd Fellow; member Southern Methodist church ; Democrat. BOLIVAR. COCK, William Samuel, physician; born near Austin, Tex., Jan. 8, 1864; Irish-Scotch descent; son of William W. and Maggie (Scott) Cock; educated common schools of Mississippi; gradu- ated Memphis (Tenn.) Hospital Medical college with degree of M.D., in 1894; in jsarlv life was a farmer; now assistant physician at Western Hospital for In- sane, Bolivar, Tenn. ; married Lizzie Wood Price Sept. 21, 1888; member Ma- sons; Democrat; member Methodist church. COX, W. W., druggist; born Sauls- bury, Tenn., March 9, 1876; son Allison and Sallie (Bryant) Cox; educated Saulsbury and Jackson; married Sam- mie Clinton Oct., 1900; member Masonic and W. O. W. lodges; established drug business 1902, under firm name of Cox & Co.; registered pharmacist; Democrat. DORRIS, Edmond H., physician; born in Hardeman Co. Tenn., July 21, 1873; 1 Irish descent; son of E. LI. and Ann (Bradford) Dorris; paternal grand- parents, N. B. and Elizabeth (Day) Dor- ris; maternal grandparents William and Matilda (Wiley) Bradford; educated in local schools; began career as teacher; studied medicine; graduated from Mem- phis Hospital Medical College M. D. 1901; married Dec., 1895, Minnie T. Mays; member of K. O .T. M.; Demo- crat; local health officer; member Mis- sionary Baptist church. DORRIS, George Milton; physician and surgeon; born in Hardeman Co. Penn., Sept. 25, 1854; Irish descent; son of E. H. and Ann (Bradford) Dorris; paternal grandparents N. B. and Eliza- beth (Day) Dorris; maternal grand- parents William and Matildee (Wiley) Bradford; educated in local schools; be- gan life as a farmer; took up study of medicine; graduated from Vanderbilt University Medical Department at Nash- ville, Tenn., degree of M. D. 1880; mar- ried D. G. Fawcett Nov. 28, 1880; Free Mason; member of Missionary Baptist church; Democrat; practices medicine, Bolivar Tenn. DORRIS, Thomas Franklin, farmer; horn in Hai’deman Co. Tenn., Feb. 1, 1864; Irish descent; son of William Franklin and Nancy P. (Young) Dorris; paternal grandparents Nathaniel B. and Belle (Day) Dorris; maternal grand- parents James T. and Kancy (Joyner) Young; educated in local public and pri- vate schools; began life as farmer under adverse conditions; Democrat; one time justice of the peace; member of county school board of education; married Nan- nie .T. Ammons Feb. 3, 1892; temperance advocate; member of Missionary Baptist church. FOSTER, James Andrew, lawyer; born Plardeman Co., Tenn., April 17, 1858; son W. J. and Vina (Cravin) Fos- ter; Scotch, Irish and German descent; educated common schools; graduate of Lebanon Law School ; married three times, first to Sallie Hudson, 1890; sec- ond to Sophie Slone, 1901 ; third to Car- rie Sloan, 1907 ; member W. O. W. ; elected and served as chairman of the Democratic committee of Hardeman Co. for six years; elected from Hardeman Co. to the House of Representatives twice; elected and served in the State Senate 1907 ; appointed by Gov. Frazier 26 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE and served as Trustee of the Tennessee Western Hospital from ’03-’09; Demo- crat. HILL, Irene McNeal, born Bolivar, Tenn., 1848; daughter Albert T. and Mary Jane (Dunlap) McNeal; Scotch- Dutch descent; educated St. Catherine’s Hall, St. Mary’s School, Raleigh, N. C. ; married first 1868, Lewis Bond, who died 1878; second, Jerome Hill, 1893, who died 1909; her second husband, Jerome Hill, was a brother of Napoleon Hill, of Mem- phis, and was a well-known business man both in St. Louis and Memphis; she is stockholder in various Hardeman Co. en- terprises. INGRAM, T. N., merchant; born (near) Saulsbury, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1851; son Thomas and' Mary (Jones) Ingram; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Bolivar; married Priscilla Nuckolls Dec. 3, 1879; member Masons; Democrat. JACOBS, John Wesley, County Reg- ister; born Hardeman Co., Tenn., Jan. 31, 1864; son James M. and Permelia (Har- ris) Jacobs; Scotch-Irish descent; edu- cated common free schools; married Inez M. Washburn Nov. 15, 1887; member Ma- sons; elected constable in ’95, served ’04; served one year as Deputy Trustee (un- der T. F. Bishop, trustee) ; elected County Register ’05 by county court to fill out M. L. Webb’s term, who resigned; re-elected by the people ’06 for a full term and nominated in a primary ’09 to serve another full term; Democrat. JONES, James Wood, farmer; born near Hickory Valley, Tenn., June 27, 1855; son of Montezuma and Elizabeth (Wood) Jones; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Gen. Cal- vin and Temperance (Williams) Jones, maternal grandparents James and Fran- ces (Allen Wood; educated in common schools Hardman Co., Tenn., and Uni- versity of Virginia; has been a farmer all of his life; Democrat; member Lower House Tenn. Legislature 1891, re-elected in 1893, and again in 1895, serving in three regular and three extra sessions of Tenn. General Assembly; was chairman of the Democratic Legislative Caucus at time of the famous Turney-Evans con- test 1893; largely interested in farming lands in Tenn. and Ark.; member Boll var Lodge K. of P. j JONES, Sam H, educator; formei Circuit Court Clerk Hardeman Co.; born Loudon Co., Tenn., Aug. 14, 1857; son of Pleasant and Katherine E. Jones; father’s occupation farmer; began busi- ness career as school teacher; married Mary Etta Hudson May 17, 1887; taught school until 1893; elected Circuit Court Clerk of Hardeman Co. in 1894 and served until Sept., 1910; Sound-money Democrat; member of Primitive Baptist church. KAHN, Jacob, merchant; born Boli- var, Tenn., Sept. 3, 1850; German de- scent; son of ITenry and Louise (New- berger) Kahn; father’s occupation, mer- chant; educated Bolivar, Tenn., and Louisville, Ky. ; graduated Louisville, Ky., Aug., 1868; has been a merchant all of his life; married Fanny Rosenthal Sept. 17, 1877; member I. O. B. B., W. O. W., K. of H.; Democrat. McAnulty, David Moorman, banker; born near Hickory Valley, Tenn., May 9, 1871; Scotch-English descent; son of j David W. and Martha (Moorman) Me- j Anulty; paternal grandparents Joseph S.j and Margaret (Woods) McAnulty, ma- i ternal grandparents Rev. Robert A. A. and Martha (Morgan) Moorman; edu- cated in local schools ; took course at l.eddin’s Business College, Memphis, Tenn., 1889; began career as accountant; member of mercantile firm of McAnulty & Co., Hickory Valley, Tenn.; also of Tenn. Glass and Queensware Co., Jackson, Tenn. ; vice-president of Hardeman Co. Savings Bank of Bolivar, Tenn. etc.; married Willie M. Beck Nov 11, 1891; member of Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, Modern Woodmen of America; Democrat; chairman county board of education; city board of edu- cation, Bolivar; ruling elder in the Cum- berland Presbyterian church MILLER, Chas. A., attorney-at-law; born Bolivar, Hardeman Co., Tenn,, July 13, 1853; son Austin and Mary J. (Dun- lap) Miller; Scotch-Dutch descent; edu- cated University of Virginia, Cumber- TENNESSEE 21 who’s who in and University; graduate Cumberland University in law; married Lizzie Lea lUnthank Jan. 23, 1874; member \V. O. ,W., member Tennessee Legislature ’83- 87; Secretary of State ’89-93; pi’acticed aw Bolivar, Tenn., since ’74; author Po- Jitical and Historical Manual of Tennes- see. REAVES, J. R., editor and publisher; born (near) Bolivar, Hardeman Co., Tenn., June 27, 1850; son Edmund and Charlotte (McKinnie) Reaves; Scotch- [rish descent; educated Andrew College, Trenton, Tenn.; married Sue Falls, Jan. 24, 1877 ; Postmaster at Middleton, Tenn., Cleveland’s first administration; State Senator 1899; Methodist; member Ma- sons, W. O. W., Odd Fellows; owner and editor Hardeman Free Press; Democrat. REDD, John, postmaster; born ' Whiteville, Tenn., April 7, 1869; son W. J. and M. E. (Montgomery) Redd; Scotch-Irish descent; educated in White- Iville, Hardeman Co., Tenn. ; finished pub- lic school; married to Evelyn A. True, 1898; member K. of P., Knights of Mac- icabees; Republican. SMITH, Mart A., newspaper corre- spondent; born Arkadelphia, Ark., April 8, 1864; daughter Mortimer Harrison : and Lucy (Suggitt) Smith; English de- scent; educated Bolivar, Tenn., St. J ames Hall, Parker’s Training School, Chicago, 111. ; taught school Bolivar ’79- : ’84 ; taught in county schools in Chicago and in Howard Co., Ark., one year, ’88; from ’88 to 1900 at St. James school in ; h Bolivar; charter member U. D. C., one | of organizers in ’06, organized cemetery association in ’96; elected secretary and treasurer 1900; served up to present time; active worker in St. James parish; secretary and treasurer of Ladies’ Guild; correspondent Commercial Appeal, Mem- phis, Tenn., and Nashville Banner. TATE, Robt W., physician ; born Boli- var, Hardeman Co., Tenn., Oct. 7, 1872; son H. W. and Fannie (Wood) Tate; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Univer- sity of Tennessee, P. & S., N. Y., grad- uate P. & S. N. Y. medicine 1895; mar- ried Louise Sevestre, of New York, Dec. 2, 1897; member Masons; president West Tenn. Medical and Surgical Association 1900; vice-president Tenn. State Associa- tion 1905; secretary and treasurer Har- deman County Medical Association ’04- ’10; Hookworm Commission, Atlanta, Ga., 1910; interne two and one-half years Harlem Hospital, New York, ’95-’97 ; Democrat WILSON, James Austin, banker and public official; born Bolivar, Tenn., Jan. 4, 1871; son of John Austin and Annie E. (Franklin) Wilson; father’s occupa- tion, merchant; educated public schools of Bolivar and Henderson, Tenn. ; in early life was clerk in his father’s store; member F. and A. M. ; formerly Secre- tary and Junior Warden of lodge; Dem- ocrat; now Clerk and Master Chancery Court of Hardeman Co., Tenn., and has been since Jan., 1897. BON AQUA. DEAN, Ephriam A., government offi- cial; born in Williamson Co. Tenn., July 31, 1838; Welsh-English descent; son of John and Eliza (Andrew) Dean; pa- ternal grandparents John and Matilda (Jennings) Dean, maternal grandparents Ephriam and Hardaway (Lock) An- dreevs; educated in common schools of Hickman Co. Tenn.; began life on farm; later became builder, merchant and trader; married Susan Anderson Oct. 25, 1865; served in Conlederate Army May 1, 1861, to 1865; lieutenant Co. H. 11th Tenn. regiment; Republican and inde- pendent; postmaster Centerville, Tenn., 1897-1900; same at Bon Aqua, Tenn., since May 15, 1900. BOYDS CREEK. DELOZIER, George L., farmer; born in Sevier Co., Tenn.; French descent; son of Andrew Delozier; father’s oc- cupation farmer; paternal grandparents Asa and Rebecca (Cunningham) Delo- zier; maternal grandparents George W. and Nancy (Gamble) Davis'; educated in the public schools of Sevier Co., Tenn.; began his business career as a farmer and has devoted most of his life to that industry; married Mary A. Norton Jan. 11, 1866; Republican; for- mer Sheriff and justice of the peace; served Vol. U. S. Army two years. 28 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE BRADYVILLK. JERNIGAN, A. J., farmer; born Can- non Co., Tenn., 1838; Irish descent; son or Jesse Jernigan; father was minister of Gospel; received common school edu- cation; has been a farmer all of his life; married Rebecca June Todd in 1858; Democrat; served four years in the Con- federate army during the Civil war, and surrendered with Gen. Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House, April 29, 1865; Justice of Peace six times; mem- ber F. and A. M. Thytary Lodge No. 247 (Senior Warden) ; member Baptist church. BREECHER. MATLOCK, William Lane, farmer and merchant; born Benton Co., Tenn., March 21, 1850; son of John Wesley and Elizabeth (Flowers) Matlock; father’s occupation farmer and stock dealer; pa- ternal grandfather Caswell Matlock, pa- ternal grandmother Polly (Merrick) Mat- lock, maternal grandfather Green Flow- ers, maternal grandmother Mary (Self) Flowers; began life as a farmer i»o_y, en- tered mercantile business 1895; married Nancy Ann Alexander April 21, 1867; member of Masonic lodge; was Justice of Peace from 1897 to 1903; engaged in farming and general merchandise and produce business. BRiCEVILLF. NORMAN, Giueon Pierce, merchant and Justice of Peace; born Rockwood, Tenn., April 17, 1876; Irish descent; son of J. Henry and Emiline (Alley) Nor- man; educated Rockwood, Tenn., and in Cumberland and Morgan counties, pri- mary schools; worked in coal mines until 21, then embarked in business in Brice- ville on small capital; married Ruth C. Thompson April 30, 1899; Past Master in F. and A. M. ; trustee in M. W. of A., and is treasurer of Lodge No. 77, K. P. ; represented Crystal Lodge No. 616, F. and A. M., at the Grand Lodge in 1907; was delegate to the Republican state convention 1910; conducts general mer- cantile business in Briceville; director in Citizens Bank at Coal Creek, Tenn., stockholder in Union Bank at Clinton, Tenn., and stockholder and secretary anj general manager of the Diamond Bol tling Works at Coal Creek, Tenn.; men) her of the Missionary Baptist church, j BRIDE. SHELTON, Will G., stock breede and farmer; born Bartlett, Shelby Co' Term., Oct. 27, 1861; French Huguenoj Scotch-Irish and English descent; son o' John W. and Martha A. (Cross) Shelton father’s occupation, minister of the Gos pel and teacher; educated Glasgow (Ky. Normal College and Vanderbilt Univer sity, Nashville, Tenn.; married twice, firs S. Ridley Shelton March 12, 1885, secom Laura Bell Cole Dec. 10, 1903; most o his life has been devoted to farming] Democrat; County Representative o Fayette Co., Tenn. Legislature, 1893 County Road and Bridge Commissione 1901-2; now Justice of Peace, Notarj Public and District Road Commissioner owns and operates stock farm, breeding mules, Red Polled cattle, Berkshire hogi and Barred Plymouth Rock chickens member Methodist church; P. O. address Covington, Tenn., R. F. D. BRIDGEPORT SUSONG, John Burnett, farmer, t born in Cocke Co., Tenn., June 28, 1875, German-English-French and Scotch-Irist descent; son of George Washington ancj Susan Eleanor (Stolsely) Susong; fathei a farmer and stock dealer; paternal] grandparents Andrew and Susanna] (Ball) Susong, maternal grandparents Jehu and Jane Adaline (Burnett) Stoke-] ly; educated at Wake Forest (N. C.| College; Democrat; engaged in farming] all of his life. BRISTOL. BARKER, James M., capitalist; born] at Bristol, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1847; English descent; son of Joel N. and Jemima (Hendrick) Barker; paternal grand- father was a descendant of colonial set- tler at Jamestown, Va. ; educated at Boone Creek, Washington Co. Tenn., and Jefferson Academy Blountville, Tenn.; began career as clerk in store; then partner; thirty years a merchant, later banking and real estate business; mar- WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 29 i 1 -ied Margaret H. Kane June 10, 1879; Democrat; elected mayor of Bristol, Tenn., four terms; member Tenn. State Board of Education; served in the Con- federate Army; colonel on Gov. McMil- lin’s staff four years ; member of Pres- byterian church. BURROW, Thomas Jackson, lawyer; born Elizabethton, Tenn., Aug. 30, 1863; son of James A. and Ann Elizabeth (Cartv) Burrow; father’s occupation merchant; educated King College, Bris- tol, Tenn.; began his business career as a printer; married Jeannie Wallace Oct. 21, 1908; Democrat; is- city recorder of Bristol, and has held the office since 1894; Methodist. CARSON, Charles Cliftox, clergy- man; born Rogersville, Tenn., Jan. 2, 1870; Scotch-Irish and German descent; son of John M. and Marietta M. (Wells) Carson; father’s occupation merchant; paternal grandparents, Elijah and Caro- line (Snapp) Carson, maternal grand- parents Montgomery and Maria (Sturm) Wells; educated at Sweetwater (Tenn.) College, graduating from same in 1889 with degree of A.B. and B.D. from Au- burn (N. Y.) Theological Seminary, in 1892; and Davidson (N. C. ) Col- lege, I>.D., 1905, and University of Georgia D.D., 1906; entered the ministry in 1892 as pastor of Presbyterian church at Blackshear, Ga.; pastor at Valdosta, Ga., 1898-1908; removed to First Presby- terian church, Bristol, Tenn., 1908, which pulpit he now fills; was Moderator of Georgia Synod, Macon, Ga., 1907 ; Com- missioner to General Assembly, Nash- ville, Tenn., 1894, and to Fort Worth, Tex., 1905; married twice, first Mollie N. Stamps, 1893, second Mary- Cassels, 1897 ; member S. A. E. College Fraternity; member Presbyterian church, South. COWAN, Maiii.ox S., born Sullivan Co., Tenn., Dec. 7, 1842; Irish descent; son of William R. and Nancy (Susong) Cowan; father’s occupation farming and stock raising; paternal grandfather Rob- ert Cowan, paternal grandmother Nancy (Rutledge) Cowan, maternal grandfather Jacob Susong, maternal grandmother Nancy (Pogue) Susong; received com- mon school education; married Addie McDonald Delaney April 9, 1868; Demo- crat; formerly member of the executive county committee of Sullivan Co., and has more than once served as chairman of the county convention of Sullivan Co., Tenn.; served through the Civil war Co. A, 37 Virginia, C. S. A., under Col. Sam Faulkner, Stonewall Jackson's command; was in every battle his regiment was in from time he entered service until he was captured near the close of the war; slightly wounded at battle of Gettysburg (Pa.); member of Presbyterian church. DULANEY, Bexjamix Lewis, finan- cier; born near Blountville, Tenn., Sept. 11, 1857; Irish, Scotch and German de- scent; son of Benjamin L. and Rebecca (Massengill) Dulaney ; father’s occupa- tion physician and farmer; paternal grandfather Elkanah R. Dulaney, pater- nal grandmother Margaret (Snapp) Du- laney, maternal grandfather Michael Massengill, maternal grandmother Louisa (Cobb) Massengill; educated Jefferson Academy; taught school in early life and was at one time principal of high school, Blountville, Tenn.; married twice, first Mary Dulaney Oct. 10, 1881, second Alice St. John Dec. 26, 1895; member of Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C., Lawyer’s Club, New York, Art Club, Philadelphia, Pa., and is a Mason, Knight Templar; Democrat; was commissioner at the Paris Exposition in 1900, and the St. Louis Exposition in 1903; in 1885 began development work-in East Tennes- see and Virginia, and has induced in- vestments from the North and foreign countries for the development of the natural resources of the section to the extent of over $40,000,000.00; he has constructed furnaces and railroads and developed coal mines and many other industrial enterprises; 1898 financed the Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Co., a $20,- 000,000.00 corporation; was chief organ- izer of the Virginia & S. W. Railroad and constructed the Tennessee division of that road, the Bristol, Elizabethton & N. C. Railroad, of which he was presi- dent; president of the Black Mountain corporation and Bristol Traction Com- pany; director First National Bank, Bris- tol and American National Bank, Wash- ington, D. C. ; interested in transportation 30 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE companies in many sections of the coun- try; his grandfather, Dr. Elkanah Du- laney, was one of the organizers of Sul- livan Co., and the residence near Blount- ville has been occupied by members of the Dulaney family for over an hundred years; Dr. Dulaney came from Culpep- per, Va., and his ancestors from Mary- land, the Maryland ancestors from Ire- land; prior to the 14th century the name was spelled Dublanie, hence the city of Dublin; member of Presbyterian church. HARKLEROAD, Andrew C., city official; born in Sullivan Co., Tenn., Nov. 19, 1858; Irish-Dutch descent; son of William H. and Sarah H. (Boy) Hark- leroad; paternal grandparents Jacob and Eliza (Smith) Harkleroad; mater- nal grandparents Andrew and Mary (Hautboy) Boy; educated in the com- mon schools; clerk in mercantile busi- ness, county officer, etc.; retail grocer, etc., 1899-1901 ; manager Strong Lum- ber Co. 1901-02; same for Knoxville City Mills Warehouse 1902-06; water commis- sioner Bristol, Tenn., 1908-10; Democrat; Constable 1886-90; Deputy Tax Collec- tor 1888-90; Supertdt. Bristol-Good- son Water Co. 1891-2-3; Postmaster Bristol, Tenn. 1894-98; member city coun- cil 1900-09 ; married Martha L. Arrants Dec. 28, 1894; Free Mason, Knight Tem- plar, Mystic Shriner, member Methodist Episcopal church, South. PARLETT, Albert, business man; president Bristol Telephone Co.; born Baltimore, Md., Oct. 26, 1865 ; French- English descent; son of Benjamin F. and Isabella Cole (Ashton) Parlett; his father was a tobacco manufacturer, with factory at Danville, V a., and warehouse Baltimore, Md. ; paternal grandparents Benjamin and Mary E. (O’nrien) Par- lett, maternal grandparents William and Isabella (Cole) Ashton; in early life engaged in tobacco business; moved to Bristol, Tenn., in 1890 from Baltimore, Md., to become secretary and treasurer of the Bristol Land and Improvement Co.; 1896 organized and operated first incandescent electric light company in Bristol; in 1898 became secretary and treasurer of the Bristol Telephone Co.; in 1902 elected president oi the same, which position he now holds; educated ! private schools of Baltimore, Md., and I Centenary Collegiate Institute, Flack-*; ettstown, N. J.; married Matilda May-I er Thomas Sept. 17, 1889 ; member of I. O. O. F., IF. P., Red Men* F. and A. M.; Past Master Blue Lodge, Past High Priest Royal Arch Chapter, Past Commander Knights Templar, Shriner and Scottish Rite (33 degree) > Republican; active in politics; never as- ! pired to office, but was elected by Tenn. I 1 .Legislature 1909, a member of the Re- j publican Board of Primary Commis- sioners, and upon organization of the board was elected secrtary; primary law was, however, later declared unconstitu- tional; Methodist. PILE, George C., retired merchant; born Sullivan Co., Tenn., Dec. 31, 1843; German-Irish descent; son of George and Priscilla W. (Snodgrass) Pile; father’s occupation tanner and Justice of Peace; paternal grandfather George Pile, pater- nal grandmother Elizabeth (O’Brien) Pile, maternal grandfather David Snod- grass, maternal grandmother was a Miss Johnson prior to her marriage; received common school education; married twice, first Annice Campbell Aug. 4, 1874, sec- ond, Eliza A. Hayter Aug. 30, 1881 ; member Masons and IF. & L. of H.; Democrat; joined Confederate states army, Co. A., 37th Virginia May, 1861; captured, Gen. Prince Aug. 9, 1862, Ce- dars Run, Va., Slaughter Mountain; was made aide de camp on the battlefield of Spottsylvania, Va., by Gen. George H. Stuart May 2, 1864; after the capture of Stuart and most of the brigade at the battle of the Wilderness, voluntarily took the colors of the regiment; wounded at the fifth engagement Oct. 19, 1864; was in all of Stonewall Jackson’s campaign, as a private; member M. E. church, South. ST. JOHN, Charles J., lawyer; born Blountville, Tenn., June 25, 1862; son of C. J. and Carrie (Dulaney) St. John; father’s occupation lawyer; graduated Emory and Henry College, Va., June, 1883; began his career as partner of Senator R. L. Taylor, as co-publisher of “Johnson City Comet;” married Ella P. St. John May 14, 1891; former mayor of Bristol, Tenn., former Judge of First WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 31 Judicial Circuit by appointment, 1902-3; member of Presbyterian church and B. P. O. E.; Democrat. VANCE, William Kirkpatrick, phy- sician and surgeon; born Kingsport, Tenn.; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Wil- liam Nicholas and Sarah Anne (Nether- land) Vance; educated King College, Bristol, Tenn., from which institution he j graduated in 1873 and 1888, with degrees of A.B. and A.M. respectively; practic- ing physician and surgeon at Bristol, Tenn., and is chief surgeon of the Vir- ginia and Southwestern railroad; member of King Lodge A. F. and A. M., Tenn. i State Medical Association, Association of the Surgeons of the Southern Railway; ! East Tenn. Medical Society; Knox Co., Tenn., Medical Society; Southwest Vir- ginia Medical Society; Democrat; mem- ber Presbyterian church; married Marie S. Doriot Nov. 24, 1886. WALLACE, Jesse Albert, minister of the Gospel and educator; born Soddy, Hamilton Co., Tenn., Jan. 16, 1846; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rev. Benja- min and Mary (Anderson) Wallace; father’s occupation Presbyterian minis- ter; educated King College, Bristol, Tenn., and Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. ; graduated King College June, 1871 and April 1874; received de- gree of A. M. in 1884 and degree of D. D. in 1888; was a farmer boy in early life; married Mary Blair Tadlock Aug. 4, 1874; married Sue Allen Tadlock April 15, 1888; member of Sigma Chi Frater- nity, Ancient Order of United Workmen; regent and secretary in Royal Arcanum; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church; is stated clerk of Holston Pres- bytery of the Synod of Tennessee; was pastor Jonesboro and Johnson City Pres- byterian church 1874-76; pastor Pres- byterian church of Jefferson City 1876-79; professor of philosophy at King College 1879 to 1886; president of King College 1886 to 1899 ; is at present professor of philosophy at King College, and is and has been pastor of Coal Spring Presbyterian church since 1886. BROWNSVILLE. AIKEN, James Hamilton, minister of ( the Gospel, farmer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., May 20, 1846; Irish descent; son of Isaac and Liticia (Hamilton) Aiken; received common school education; mar- ried Ellen Johnson April 4, 1872; mem- ber Christian church. ALLEN, Ernest L., farmer and cat- tle raiser; born near Brownsville, Tenn., July 8, 1861; Scotch descent; son of L. M. and Martha E. (Guinn) Allen; fath- er’s occupation mechanic and farmer; pa- ternal grandfather Amson Allen, pater- nal grandmother Ann S. (Brown) Allen, maternal grandfather Henderson Guinn, maternal grandmother America B. (Al- len) Guinn; received a common school education; began his business career as a farmer and later was a cotton buyer; married Alice A. Moore Nov. 18, 1885; member of “Patrons of Husbandry;” sec- retary Tennessee State Grange; member of board of education of Haywood Co. ; in addition to farming, engage! in cattle dealing and cotton buying. ALLEN, John Thos., physician and surgeon; born Brownsville, Haywood Co., Tenn., Dec. 28, 1856; son of Dr. John Richard and Julia Ann (Snipes) Allen; English descent; graduate A. B., South- western Baptist University, Jackson, Tenn., in 1875, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, N. Y., 1880, in ’78 served through the epidemic of yellow fever in Tenn.; wrote upon that subject; has had an extensive hospital service, having prac- ticed in ’87-88 in Central, London, Gol- den Square and Moorfields hospitals of London, Eng.; attended during his stay in Europe Kochs’ Bacteriological Works in Berlin, and Pasteur’s in Paris; also served at intervals in Bellevue Hospital, New York City, and Royal Westmin- ster Ophtalmic Hospital, Charrings Cross, London, Eng., holding the position of clinical assistant in the Ophthalmo- logical department; practiced exten- sively on the eye, ear, throat and nose; member Haywood County Medical So- ciety, West Tennessee Medical and Surgi- cal Association, Tennessee State Medical Society, American Medical Association; married Minneola Mann in 1890; K. of P. ; proprietor of Allen’s Private Sani- tarium, Brownsville, Tenn. 32 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE ANDERSON, C. W., educator; born Haywood Co., 1851; son Thos. P. and Elizabeth L. (Carlton) Anderson; Eng- lish descent; graduate of Washington Lee University 1875; married Iowa S. Brad- ford in 1879; appointed principal Brownsville public school 1899 ; taught at Bell Grove, Fort Smith (2 years) ; East M. F. C., Meridian, Miss. (3 years), Shubuta High school (6 years) ; Demo- crat. BATTLE, Alfred, dentist; born Shelby Co., Tenn., Oct. 24, 1841; son William and Chloe (Boddie) Battle; French descent; educated common schools and Missouri Dental School; graduated St. Louis 1867 ; married Dec. 10, 1867 ; private in Confederate army four years; business established 1903 at Brownsville, Tenn. BOMER, John O., banker; born Lau- derdale Co., Tenn., in 1865 ; son of T. G. and Mary (Powell) Bomer; Scotch-Irish and English descent; educated country schools; married Blanche G. Anderson 1889; K. of P., mayor of Brownsville, Tenn.; one of the organizers, director and president of Brownsville Bank (or- ganized 1874, reorganized 1898, capi- tal $50,000, surplus $25,000; Brownsville Cotton Oil and Ice Co., organized 1902, capital $80,000; director and member Bo- mer Bros. Lumber Mfg. Co., founded 1885, capital $250,000, paid; organized Bomer- Ferguson Co., manufacturers of lumber, capital $150,000, (vice-president) 1909. BOND, Bate, lawyer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., June 13, 1874; son John R. and Jennie (Taylor) Bond; Scotch-Irish descent ; educated and graduate Cum- berland University 1896; married Hattie Raworth 1901; member K. of P.; former State revenue agent for two years. BOND, Robert Nelson, business man and manufacturer; born Brownsville, Tenn., July 8, 1873; son of James and Helen (Nelson) Bond; father’s occupa- tion cotton merchant; paternal grand- father James Bond, Sr., paternal grand- mother was a Miss Owen before her marriage, maternal grandfather Robert j Nelson, maternal grandmother Mary (Anderson) Nelson; educated Browns- ville, Tenn., and Bingham School, N. C. ; began business career as a druggist; married Annie E. Everett June 8, 1893; member of the K. P., president of the Commercial Club of Brownsville; was Captain Co. E., Bingham School N. C.; member of Baptist church; purchased drug business in 1893, operated success- fully and sold out in 1908; in 1902 organ- ized Brownsville Cotton Oil Co. and was elected secretary and treasurer of the same; 1904 organized and was elected secretary and treasurer of Haywood County Compress Co.; 1906 organized Brownsville Cotton Oil and Ice company and was elected president of the same, which position he now holds. CHAMBLISS, R. M., banker; born Greenville, S. C., Oct. 15, 1866; son Rev. Dr. J. A. and Mary (Mauldin) Cham- bliss; English descent; educated Bethel Academy of Virginia, and Worcester, Mass.; married Myra Nixon 1887; mem- ber K. of P.; one of founders Citizens’ National Bank of Chattanooga, and first cashier; reorganized Brownsville Bank 1899; organized First National Bank of Brownsville 1902, and served as cashier since then; director in National City Bank of Memphis, Tenn. CLAIBORNE, William B„ farmer and Justice of Peace of Haywood Co., Tenn.; born Gibson Co., Tenn., Dec. 6, 1833; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas B. and Mary Ann (Maxwell) Claiborne; father’s occupation farmer and merchant; paternal grandfather George Claiborne, paternal grandmother Nancy (Robertson) Claiborne, maternal grandfather Jesse Maxwell, maternal grandmother Ann (Armstrong) Max- well; received common school education; married Rebecca Haywood Johnson May 21, 1863; member Masons; member State Senate Tennessee General Assembly 1897-1901, and extra session of 1898; Sergeant Co. M. 7th Tennessee Cavalry Confederate States Army 1861-5; is now Justice of Peace Eighth district Haywood Co., Tenn. ; member of M. E. church. South, and active in Sunday school work. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 33 CURTIS, John D., pharmacist; born lenrjr Co., Tenn., 1864; son Dr. Sam’l. I. and Rachel (Looney) Curtis; Eng- sh descent; educated public school, lenry Co.; member Masons and K. of ’.; established Curtis Drug Co., (Inc.) 908, president of same. ! DUCKWORTH, Wii.lt am Lafayette, linister of the Gospel; born Haywood o,, Tenn., June 29, 1834; Sootch-Eng- sh descent; son of William Wilkins and lary Mahala (Alexander) Duckworth; j ither’s occupation farmer; paternal randfather Robert W. Duckworth, pa- ;rnal grandmother Elizabeth (Alexan- - ;r) Duckworth; maternal grandfather ohn Alexander, maternal grandmother arah (Shelby) Alexander; graduated niversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pa.) M. D. 1866; member Masons; mar- ed T. P. Capell Dec. 1861 ; served four ;ars in the war between the states. Sec- id Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colonel Seventh j’lennessee Cavalry, C. S. A.; elected to ;cond Lieutenant and Major by his imrades, promoted to First Lieutenant id Lieutenant-Colonel by Brig. -Gen. imes R. Chalmers, commanding First avalry division of F orrest’s cavalry irps; once wounded, once captured, ith in action. 1867 ; also captured Union ity, Tenn., March, 1864; promoted by er implimentary order for gallantry on be field in 1863; nominated for Brig.- (i, en. by Division Commander but de- ined to make application; surrendered II ith Regt. 7th Tenn. Co. and paroled lay 12, 1865; member or M. E. Church, e buth ; received the appointment of pre- ler ding elder seven times and adminis- al red that office over three districts of lali 1 emphis (Tenn.) annual conference; is | early life worked on a farm and in; Might school. a; I DUPREE, Donaldson Irvin, dentist; )1; irn Haywood Co., Tenn., Aug. 14, 1873; n W. W. and Sarah F. (Nolen) Du- ln 'ee; French descent; graduate of Van- ■rbilt University 1898; married Nov. 5, 01; member K. of P. ; member board of ch, Idermen of Brownsville; established in rownsville in dentistry in 1900. DUPREE, Nolen Read, merchant; born Haywood Co., Tenn., May 15, 1869; son W. H. and Sallie (Nolen) Dupree; French descent; educated public schools of Brownsville, Tenn.; married Jan. 13, 1897; member K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; member firm of Forrest & Dupree, or- ganized 1898, hardware, furniture and im- plements. ESTES, Joel Henry, planter; born Haywood Co., Tenn., Feb. 20, 1842; Italian-English descent; son of Moreau P. and Mary (Noel) Estes; father’s oc- cupation planter; paternal grandparents Joel and Sarah (Bates) Estes; maternal grandparents Eswell and Lucy Quarles (Hilliard) Noel; educated Hatchie Academy, and University of Va., and University of N. C. ; married three times, first Martha Ann Mann, Feb. 27, 1862; second Mildred Anderson March 11, 1880; third Mrs. Minnie Bacon Dec. 10, 1903; served in Confederate Army dur- ing Civil War; btate Senator 1904-5; elected without opposition; Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee a number of years; member of Baptist church, and Deacon in same; Moderator of Big Hatchie Association seven or eight years; planter and chairman of County Court of Haywood Co., Tenn., since 1890. FELSENTHAL, Joseph, merchant; born Bavaria, Germany, Dec. 3, 1838; son of James L. and Caroline (Greenwald) Felsenthal; Jewish descent; educated common schools of Germany; married twice, first Regina Felsenthal in 1862, sec- ond to Mrs. Fannie Levi 1895; member Knights of Pythias, Masons, A. O. U. W., B. P. O. E.; was a private in Co. B. Infantry, 9th Tennessee regiment, C. S. A., and was in the engagements at Shi- loh and Belmont; came to America in August, 1857 ; entered the firm of J. Fel- senthal & Bro. as junior member in 1860; retired 1907 ; succeeded by Felsenthal’s Sons; has farming interests and is stock- holder and director in Cotton Seed Oil and Ice Co. FORREST, Walter, mercnant; born Madison Co., Tenn., April 5, 1862; Irish descent; son of Sam Brown and Mary (McDaniel) Forrest; father’s oc- 34 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE cupation farmer; paternal grandfather Thomas Forrest; paternal grandmother Polly (Brown) Forrest; maternal grand- father David McDaniel; maternal grand- mother Priscilla (Christie) McDaniel; received common school education; mar- ried Sue Neblett Nov. 9, 1893; began his business career as a farmer; mem- ber of firm of Forrest & Dupree, or- ganized 1898, Hardware, Furniture and Implements; Bank Director, Vice Presi- dent drug company and has other busi- ness interests; member of Methodist church. GREAVES, William Francis, Sr., merchant and farmer; born Haywood Co. Tenn., June 8, 1843; English and Scotch descent; son of Andrew Jackson and Sophronia (Davie) Greaves; father’s oc- cupation farmer one of the early settlers of West Tennessee; received common school education; married Mary Alice Gause June 18, 1866; joined Confederate army at the age of 17 and served four years, rank of Second Lieutenant; was engaged in the six hardest battles of the Civil war, was one of the twenty cavalry- men who captured the flagship of the Federal fleet on the Yazoo river; en- gaged in farming and mercantile busi- ness Brownsville, Tenn. ; member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. GREAVES, William Francis, Jr., at- torney-at-law and physician; born Nut Bush, Tenn., July 28, 1884; English- French and Scotch-Irish descent; son of AVilliam Francis and Mary Alice (Gause) Greaves; educated University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., and Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; graduated from the latter with degree of LL. B. Jan., 1907; member United Sons of Con- federacy; member Co. G. Fifth Tennes- see Regiment State Guards 1898-9; re- ceived appointment U. S. Navy, but did not fill it; member of M. E. church. South. HERRING, Richard G., farmer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., May 30, 1848; Irish descent; son of Ichabod and Nancy (Ivey) Herring; father’s occupation farmer; received common school educa- tion; married Emma Ann Compton Dec. 5, 1877; spent early life in farming; was formerly in the milling business, th was in the mercantile business for eig years; has been member of the couii court of Haywood Co. 24 years; is a! notary public; member of the Missiona Baptist church. KING, E. C., farmer; born Haywo Co., May, 1860; son S. S. and A. (Holloway) King; Scotch descent; ed cated public schools; married L. M. Re 1884; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., 1 O. W. ; elected sheriff of Haywood ( ’07-’09 ; elected for third term 191 democrat. KINNEY, William, lawyer; bo Hardeman Co., Tenn., March 13, 18( son Geo. and L. J. (Tucker) Kinne Scotch-Irish descent; educated Vandi hilt University and country schoo graduated Vanderbilt Univ. B. P. 18 and ’88 in Law Department; in; ried Marie King 1889; member Masoi Democratic chairman county commitl Haywood Co., also city of Brownsvil speaker of Tennessee State Senate ’C member of Legislature ’97-99; on sta of Gov. Benton McMillan 2 years. LEA, W. S., cotton buyer; born He wood Co., Tenn., 1859; son J. F. a Mary (McClaish) Lea; Scotch-Irish (j scent; educated country schools; mej ber K. of P. ; one of founders ji Brownsville Livery and Live Stock C| lived seven years in Texas as member j firm Castner & Co., cotton buyers; 1 turned to Brownsville 1900; Democrat. LIVINGSTON, A. W., dentist; bci Haywood Co., Tenn., March 31, 181 son James L. and Ann (Carlton) Lj ingston; Scotch-Irish and English c scent; educated Vanderbilt Univers: and Brownsville public schools; gre uated 1900; married 1904; served as derman two years. LIVINGSTON, Henry J., lawye born Orangeburg district, S. C., Feb. if 1834; son of Thos. P. and Rachel (Sen ler) Livingston; English and Scotch (| scent; graduate of Lebanon Law Schij in 1857; married Tempe Jones, Somi! ville, Nov. 28, 1872; in Confederate an, ’61-65; went in as Lieutenant. Co, j 85 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE dth Tenn. cavalry; served in company till ■war closed; under Gen. Forrest at Gains- Rville, Ala., Harrisburg and Bryce’s Cross iRoads; with Gen. Forrest at Johns ville, 1 Captured steamboats, battle of Corinth, Columbia; wounded Nov. 26, 1864; ap- pointed chancery judge by Gov. Brown 1 Aug., 1872; served on bench until Sept., 1894; appointed once by Gov. Bate, and ! sleeted four times; in case of State of ; Tennessee vs. M. & O. R. R. taxation was granted a decree against railroad; ap- pealed, taken to Supreme Court of U. 8 3. A., and reversed by a divided bench, ive being in favor of reversal and four J n favor of affirming; Democrat. — — MOORE, J. W. E., attorney-at-law; ■lorn Haywood Co., Tenn.; English de- ilicent; son of John and Judith Bell (Es- i; >es) Moore; father’s occupation planter; 1 educated and graduated University of ntl/irginia ; married Mary M. Wood 1874; sJ ngaged in the active practice of law ai Srownsville, Tenn.; senior member firm ;vj Too re & Moore; Democrat. J NUNN, David A., lawyer; born Hay- mod Co., Tenn., 1833; son David and dice (Koonce) Nun; Scotch descent; J ducated West Tennessee College, Jack- on, Tenn.; graduate of Lebanon Law bhool 1850; married Miss Whitehead; :: aember Masons, K. of P.; member Ten- nessee Legislature when first met in ’66; [5 lected Senator ’68 one term, and to con- ress in Memphis district ’72; Ninth e istrict ’74 to congress; Secretary of tate Tennessee in ’81-85; appointed 1 even u e Collector ’88-04; Republican. OGILVIE, Frank R., editor and 1 aunty superintendent; born Bedford o. 1869; son Thomas J. and Mary Bell) Ogiivie; Scotch descent; edu- ited Webb’s School and Bedford Col- ge; graduated in 1890; married 1895; 'ember K. of P. and Odd Fellows; pres- ent of Bolton College, Shelby Co., for ree years; principal of the Ogiivie iawv fhool in Brownsville for ten years; Feb. unty superintendent of public instruc- ts bn of Haywood county for past seven itch jars; elected editor and manager of Sc jrownsville States’ Graphic 1909 ; super- So tendent Methodist Sunday school of tea 'ownsville for past seven years; Demo- Co, at. PRACHT, Charles William, mer- chant; born Louisiana, Mo., March 14, 1858; son of August and Bettie (Lotz) Pracht; German descent; educated at Brownsville, Tenn.; member W. O. W. and Masons; was a member of the Brownsville board of aldermen for four years; founded the Pracht and Pope Vehicle, Lumber and Implement Co. in 1888; present business now owned by C. W. Pracht and sons, F. E. and G. H. Pracht, since April, 1902. RAGLAND, F. B., merchant; born Denmark, Madison Co., Tenn., 1845; son F. B. and Elizabeth (Springfield) Rag- land; Scotch descent; educated private schools in Haywood Co., Tenn.; married Mary A. Callender Sept. 5, 1866; mem- ber K. of P. ; three years’ service in Con- federate army, member 12th Tenn. cav- alry; fought in battles Bryce’s Cross Roads, Johnsville, Harrisburg, assisted in capture of steamboats at Johnsville; mustered out Gainsville, Miss., 1865; served with Gen. Forrest through entire campaign ; since war in mercantile busi- ness at Dancyville, Tenn., and twenty years in Brownsville, Tenn. RICHARDSON, William Lebbens, educator and farmer; born I lay wood Co., Tenn., June 31, 1839; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of John and Mary C. (Wright) Richardson; father’s occupa- tion farmer and mechanic; paternal grandfather Lebbens Richardson, pater- nal grandmother Francis (Wilkins) Richardson, maternal grandfather Wil- liam Wright, maternal grandmother Re- becca (Smith) Wright; married Amanda Jane McMurray April 12, 1860; was Or- derly Sergeant and Lieutenant Co. A., 38th Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, and Provost Marshal of Wright’s Brigade, Confederate States army; wounded and captured at Perryville, Ky., Oct. 28, 1862; spent two months in prison; dis- charged from the army in 1864 and re- turned home; member of Patrons of Husbandry, Past Master of the State Grange of Tennessee; represented Hay- wood Co. in Tenn. 1893-95; member M. E. church, South. SEVIER, John Henry, physician and surgeon; born Brownsville, Tenn., Aug. 36 Who’s who in xjenhesseE 11, 1862; son Dr. C. H. and Cora E. (Anderson) Sevier; French descent; graduate Vanderbilt University (M. D.) March, 1883; married Lee Waggoner Nov. 3, 1887 ; member K. of P., K. O. T. M.; house surgeon Medical College Nashville ’83-84; staff of N. Y. Poly- clinic 27 years; ophthalmological de- partment N. Y. Polyclinic ’85-86. SHORT, Thomas Randolph, mer- chant; born Haywood Co., Aug. 8, 1840; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Grigg) Short; paternal grandparents Edmund and Mary (Lanier) Short; maternal grandparents Rausie and Mary (Jordan) Grigg; Irish descent; educated at Union University, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; in early life engaged in farming; married Tempa C. Boykin, Sept. 16, 1863; member of Knights of Honor, K. of P., and is a Master Mason; Democrat; former Trus- tee of Haywood Co., Tenn., for four years; was mustered in C. S. A. three times, honorably discnarged twice, at last paroled; was a commander of Co. “G” Old Forrest Regiment; wounded in Mis- sissippi July 15, 1864; is engaged in the mercantile business, also in farming; member of Missionary Baptist church. SUMNERS, William Lee, physician; born Medon, Tenn., Nov. 14, 1878; Scotch-lrish descent; son of William Henry and Mary Hudson (Dunaway) Summers; father’s occupation physician; paternal grandfather Archie Sumners, paternal grandmother M. Sumners, ma- ternal grandfather John Dunaway, ma- ternal grandmother Ann (Bryant) Dun- away; educated Bethel College and Uni- versity of the South; graduated at Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons April 30, 1907; in early life engaged in farm- ing and mercantile business; is an Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias and a mem- ber of examining board of W. O W.; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church; engaged in the practice of medi- cine Haywood Co. THOMAS, Spencer F., banker; born Brownsville, Tenn., Aug. 28, 1856; son Robt. S. and Martha (Farrington) Thomas; Welsh descent; educated Uni- versity of Tennessee; married Kate Fan- ning Dec. 28, 1880; member K. of P., member of state and county Democratic Executive Committees; member board oi trustees of University of Tennessee; one of the organizers of Brownsville Bant 1899; originally he was with the Savings Bank as cashier; also president and cash- ier of Brownsville Bank; connected with Cotton Oil and Ice Co. ; director in Hay- wood County Compress Co.; on board ol public school directors city of Browns- ville. THOMAS, William, live stock dealer; born St. Louis, Mo., 1865; son of R. G and Mary (McLemore) Thomas; Scotcl and Welsh descent; educated public schools and University of Tennessee; married Irma Allen 1895; member Ma- sons, K. of P., W. O. W., Odd Fellows treasurer of taxing district of Browns- ville; secretary and financial agent ol Brownsville; county trustee 8 years; in terested in Brownsville Livery and Live Stock Co., $12,000, incorporated, founder by him and W. S. Lea in 1901; incorpo- rated in 1907 ; bolds stock in fair ground; and interested in farms; Democrat. THORNTON, Nicholas Perkins farmer; born Brownsville, Tenn., Aug. 1 1859; English and Russian descent; soi of Burwell and Lucy (Perkins) Thorn ton; his father was a physician; paternal; grandparents Frank and Annie (Boyd) Thornton, maternal grandparents N. T and Lucy (Turner) Perkins; received common school education and early ir life clerked in a grocery store at Browns ville, Tenn.; left an orphan at 9 year) of age, lived with his grandfather, why died when he was 18 years of age; h(j then became a farmer; married Rutl Taylor Nov. 13, 1881; is now farming and breeding stock; Democrat; membei M. E. church, South. WILDER, James A., banker; bon Caswell Co. N. C., 1840; son J. B and Nancy (Walker) Wilder; Scotch Irish descent; educated common schools married Emma Taylor Oct. 8, 1867 member Masons, Knights of Honor; it Confederate army four years; partici pated in battles of Shiloh, Chickamauga Murfreesboro, Franklin and Nashville started as Third Lieutenant and closed with rank of Major 6th Tenn. Inf. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 37 Wounded at Chickamauga; president First National Bank of Brownsville, founded by him and R. M. Chambliss 1902; merchant from close of war until | opening of bank 1902. WILLS, Maun, attorney-at-law; horn Brownsville, Tenn., May 1, 1870; Scotch- Irish and Welsh descent; son of W. T. and Eliza Cousins (Mann) Wills; fath- er’s occupation physician; educated pri- vate and public schools Haywood Co. and graduated in Law Cumberland Uni- ve'rsity, Lebanon, Tenn., June, 1892; mar- ried Della Womack May 17, 1893; mem- ber Knights of Pythias and A. T. O. ; in early life clerked in dry goods store and worked on a farm; assistant clerk , house of Representatives 1891-3; clerk of the Senate Tennessee General As- sembly 1893-5 and was clerk of the gov- ernor’s contest committee in Evans-Tur- ney contest 1895 ; member of the law firm of Kinney & Wills, Brownsville, l’enn., since 1900; member of the Presby- terian church. YOUNG, Alsey B., physician and sur- geon; horn Haywood Co., Tenn., May 3, 1858; son Jacob Franklin and Sarah E. (Bradford) Young; paternal grand- 1 father E. G. Young, paternal grand- nother Rebecca (Byler) Young; mater- ial grandfather Hiram Bradford, ma- cernal grandmother Emily (Allen) Brad- ford; Scotch-Irish descent; educated •ommon schools Lauderdale Co. and Dy- irsburg high school; graduate of Eclec- i ic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, i(880, M. D. ; married Minnie Hotchkiss ! Feb. 20, 1889; member IC. of P„ W. O. IV. and Knights & Ladies of Honor; ® nember of Methodist church. _ BUCHANAN. SWOR, George Washington, miller 1 ind merchant; born Henry Co., Tenn., inly 11, 1842; son of William and Eliza >eth Swor ; father was a farmer and sur- ■® reyor; received common school educa- ion; entered business in 1863 at Owens Jill; married M. T. Lemonds Dec. 23, 865; served as private in Co. A, 5th tti Tennessee Volunteers, was promoted to ank of Sergeant; lost left hand at bat- f j le of Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862, and ‘deceived discharge and returned home; entered business with William King and conducted a wool factory, saw mill and corn and wheat mill; property was de- stroyed by Are in 1873, with a loss of $3,000, but he rebuilt same and contin- ued in business till Feb., 1909, when elected supervisor of roads. BUFORD. ALLEN, Alexander Monroe, physi- cian; born Hickman Co., Tenn., Nov. 8, 1850; son of B. S. and Damaris (Tid- well) Allen; Scotch-Irish descent; edu- cated University of Nashville and grad- uated from same with degree of M. D. in 1874; married twice, first Elizabeth Kannon Oct. 3, 1876, second Laura Deane Feb. 6, 1890; member of F. and A. M.; Democrat; ex-president of Hick- man County Medical Society, also the Giles Medical Society; member of Ten- nessee Medical Association and Ameri- can Medical Association; took post- graduate course in Vanderbilt University in 1886; post-graduate in New York Polyclinic in 1896, also 1897 ; member of the Methodist church. BUTLER. CURTIS, Finley P., farmer and mer- chant; born in Caldwell Co., N. C., May 21, 1841; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Hezekiah and Celia (Coffey) Curtis; father was a farmer and trader; pater- nal grandparents Samuel and Sallie (Cotrell) Curtis, maternal grandparents William and Anna (Boone) Coffey; his maternal grandmother was the grand- niece of Daniel Boone; received common school education; served as private in C. S. A. during the civil war, was wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; came to Tenn. Feb., 1872, went into mercantile business and has devoted his life to merchandise, farming and stock trading; built the first house in the town of Butler, Tenn., in the year 1874; married Selma F. Rosenblott May 21, 1885; Democrat; formerly Postmas- ter Butler, Tenn. for several years; member of the Baptist church. FARTHING, David Jesse, merchant and farmer; born Sweetwater, N. C., July 28, 1846; English-Scotch descent; son of William D. and Annie (Kendall) Farthing; father’s occupation farming; 38 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE began life as a farmer; three years service in the Confederate Army, 6th N. C., Calvary; former Postmaster at Butler, Tenn.; partner in the firm of Curtis & Farthing, Merchants, Butler, Tenn.; also owns and manages two farms; married Carrie Coffey; Demo- crat; member of Baptist church. BYRDSTOWN. FRANKLIN, Jesse, farmer and banker; born Fentress Co., Tenn., July 21, 1856; English descent; son of Geo. W. and Dicy C. (Smith) Franklin; re- ceived common school education; lost both parents during the Civil war and went to work on a farm in early life, later entered the mercantile business; is now president of Otts Merc. Co. and as- sistant cashier of Pickett Co. Bank and Trust Co.; Democrat; married Sibby J. Smith March 14, 1876; member Christian church; I. O. O. F. and F. and A. M. JOHNSON, Bextox McMillix, trav- eling salesman, minister; born Rome, Tenn., Nov. 10, 1881; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of J. D. and Jennie B. (Flip- pen) Johnson; father’s occupation hotel keeper; educated Peabody College, Nash- ville, Tenn. ; began business career as school teacher; later assistant cashier Bank of Albany, Ky. ; married Mertie Higginbotham June 8, 1902; member of Masons and I. O. O. F.; Democrat; was Second Sergeant 4th Kentucky Volun- teers Spanish-American war, promoted from rank of private; member of M. E. church; built a church at Byrdstown, Tenn., out of his own funds, and dedi- cated same Nov. 17, 1907; his first ser- mon as a minister was delivered on the occasion of the dedication; has been traveling salesman for 10 years, and is proprietor of two general stores. LACY, Jo 1 1 x, farmer and banker; born in Overton, now Pickette Co., Tenn., Feb. 28, 1871; Irish descent; son of James L. and Ella (Brown) Lacy; paternal grandparents William and Har- riet (Brown) Lacy; maternal grand- parents Riley and Liza Brown; educated at Alpine Academy, B.A. degree, May 18, 1894; early occupation farming, af- terward merchant; later cashier of Pick- ett County Bank and Trust Co.; mar- ried Minnie Roberts March 14, 1900; on! time County Superintendent of Educe tion Pickett Co., Tenn. ; member of t O. O. F. ; Republican. ROBBINS, Laxsdex B., merchant born West Fork, Overton Co., Tenr Jan. 12, 1863; Scotch-Irish descent; so of James and Lean (Smith) Robbins father’s occupation farmer; patern; grandfather John Robbins; patern: grandmother Martha (Coleman) Rolj bins, maternal grandfather John Smitll maternal grandmother Hannah (McDoi akl) Smith; educated public schools cl Pickett Co. and Oak Hill and AlpirJ Academy, Overton Co. ; when very youn! entered employ of J. H. Hatcher & Son ; F.agle Creek as a clerk, and remaine with that firm for 10 years; marrie Viola Groce Nov. 26, 1899; member c F. and A. M., member of Evening Sts chapter of Royal Arch Masons at Lit ingston, Tenn.; elected County Survey; of Pickett Co. in 1888, re-elected i 1892; appointed Clerk and Master c Chancery court of Pickett Co. in 18£ and re-appointed in 1905; purchased iij terest in Otto Mercantile Co. at Byrd town in 1899 and has been operating tl business since; is president of the Picl ett County Bank and Trust Co., and h; been since its organization in 1904. CALHOUN. McMURRAY, Biiuce A., merchan born Niles Ferry, Tenn., Oct. 12, 186, 1 Scotch-Irish descent; son of Boyd an Elizabeth J. (Erwin) McMurray; edi cated Hiwassee, Monroe Co., Tenn.; b gan life as a farmer, later entered tl mercantile business; married Mary t McMurray Jan. 12, 1893; member F. ar A. M., Hiwassee Lodge, and Tenn. Cos sistory No. 1, Memphis, Tenn.; Demi erat; Justice of the Peace McMinn C for five years; Trustee and Stewai M. E. church. South, Calhoun, Tenn. SAULPAW, G. L„ miller; born i| Winchester, Tenn., Aug. 15, 1852; sc of G. W. and Emeline S. (DaviiJ Saulpaw; father’s occupation railros] contractor; German and English d| scent; received common school educ tion; rnaried S. E. Darr, June 10, 187] Democrat; member of the Church <| who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 39 itijGod; all of his life has been devoted to [(Willing business; now engaged in that Ijbusiness at Calhoun, Tenn. CAMDEN. i: BOWLES, Allie V.; born Oct. 17, 1 L873, at Camaen, Benton Co., Tenn. ; son ' of J. B. Bowles, who is a merchant now F of Big Sandy, Tenn.; he is the senior 8 member of the dry goods firm of A. V. r ; Bowles & Co. at Camden, his brother, M. ‘Id. Bowles, ‘is the junior member of the *' firm ; he was educated in the country I ichools of Benton Co. and Memphis, and , - esided for several years in Memphis l[ intil he moved to Camden and organ- II zed the mercantile firm which he is still 11 ’unning. n “ COOPER, W. D., County Court Clerk, Benton Co., Tenn. ; born Big Sandy, ™l'enn., Dec. 3, 1869; Scotch, Irish and d \ English descent; son of T. D. and L. T. (DeBruce) Cooper; father’s occupa- 1 ion farmer; paternal grandfather John J dooper, paternal grandmother Mary . 'Fain) Cooper, maternal grandfather , lobert DeBruce, maternal grandmother jfdargaret (Buchanan) DeBruce; edu- cated common schools and Southern Nor- fnal University; graduated from South- ern Normal with degree of L. I. in 892, and in 1897 with degree of B. S. ; •eared on a farm and worked his way hrough school by teaching summer ffltichools or public schools for five months ®tf the year to earn money to defray the an expenses of his education for the re- naming seven months; was principal of he Benton Seminary at Camden, Tenn., ^ rom 1898 to 1902; was elected County Coupt Clerk of Benton Co. 1902, re- ad lected in 1906, and again in 1910; was A dmitted to the practice of law in the emhourts of Kentucky in 1910; member of C< Jasons, Odd Feliows, W. O. W. and wij. W. of A.; married Lizzie McCul- '•I on gh Dec. 18, 1902; member of Meth- dist church. 3 » DAVIS, Lucas E., farmer and banker; iiii'Orn Henry Co., Tenn., Jan. 10, 1850; rish descent; son of Josiah and Me- Jiinda ( Sexton 1 Davis; father’s occupa- tion cabinet maker; received common rhool education; worked on the farm un- f Nashville Review; his mother is a laughter of Reese B. Brabson (de- ceased), former member of Congress rom Third District of Tennessee. LITTLETON, Carlyle Shelly,, attor- ney ; born Nashville, Tenn., March 1, 1886; son John J. and Mary Louise (Brabson) Littleton; English-Scotch de- scent; educated North Geoi-gia Agricui- :ural College, Mt. St. Joseph’s (Balti- more) ; gi-aduate Chattanooga University LL.B. 1907; member Elks, Knights of Columbus and Theta Lambda Phi Greek Letter Fraternity; admitted to bar in Hamilton County in 1907, and also to practice in Supi-eme Coui-t of State in same year; formed partnership in 1907 [with J. L. Johns, which was dissolved April 1, 1910; Catholic (St. Peter and St. Paul of Chattanooga; his father, John J. Littleton (deceased), was editor of Nashville Review; his mother is a daugh- ter of Reese B. Brabson (deceased) former M. C. 3d District Tennessee. LOWRY, James B. F., banker; born Sulphur Springs, Ala., Nov. 1, 1871; Scotch-Irish descent; son of George and Mary E. (Long) Lowry; father’s occu- pation, merchant and farmer; received common school education; graduated Gaylesville High School, Gaylesville (Ala.) June, 1892; member of Mountain City, Golf and Country Clubs, Calumet and Elks, Chattanooga (Tenn.) ; in early life was a clerk; member Cumberland Presbyterian church; vice-president Eu- faula Cotton Oil Co. (Okla.) ; treasurer Chattanooga Baseball Club ; cashier Citi- zens’ National Bank, Chattanooga (Tenn.) LUPTON, Jons Thomas, manufac- turer and lawyer; born Frederick Coun- ty, Va., March 6, 1862; son Jonah J. and Rebecca (Lee) Lxipton; English and Scotch-Irish descent; educated Roanoke College, Va., and University' of Vir- ginia; graduate of Roanoke College A. B. 1882, A. M. 1887, and B. L. Univer- sity' of Virginia 1886; married Elizabeth Olive Patten, November 14, 1889 ; member $E4 College Fraternity, Mountain City, Calumet, Chattanooga Golf and Country Clubs of Chattanooga and some foreign clubs; practiced law for six months in Bedfoi-d City r , Va. ; moved to Chatta- nooga in September, 1887 ; practiced law for four years, then became Vice-Presi- dent and Treasurer of Chattanooga Medi- cine Company and has been in manufac- turing business since; member First Pres- byterian Church. LAUNCH, James J., attorney; born Hay's Co., Texas, March 2, 1869; son of Capt David and Rebecca (Tatum) Ly'nch; Irish descent; educated Winches- ter Normal College; master Mason and member K. of P.; read law in office of former Gov. Albert S. Marks; admitted to bar at Winchester, Tenn., 1890; practiced law in office of Marks & Greg- ory; taken into partnership with Col. T. D. Gregory upon death of Gov. Marks in 1892; remained in firm until death of Col. Gregory' in 1893; fonned partner- ship with Judge Floyd Estill at Winches- ter 1897 ; formed partnership with two brothers , Felix D. and Walter B. Lynch, Winchester; entered partnership with W. D. Spears in Chattanooga 1905; special judge of circuit court Chattanooga 1901- 02; professor of equity law department University of Chattanooga; Democrat; elector for 3d Congressional district 1900. LYNDE, Francis, author; born Lew- iston, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1856; son of Wil- liam Tilly and Elizabeth (Need) Lynde; paternal grandparents Hawkins and Maria (Carruthers) Lynde; matei’nal grandparents Thomas and Julia (Sander- son) Need; Canadian, English and Irish descent; received academic education; in early life was in the railway service, va- i-ious departments; married Mary An- toinette Stickle, Jan. 17, 1888; engaged in literary work since 1893; author of “A 62 who’s who in Tennessee Case in Equity,” A Question of Cour- age,” “A Romance in Transit,” 1898; “The Helpers,” 1899, “A Private Chival- ry,” 1900; “The Master of Appleby,” 1902; “The Grafters,” 1904; “Fool for Love,” 1905; “The Quickening,” 1906; “Empire Builders,” 1907; “The King of Aracadia,” 1909; “The Taming of Red Butte Western,” 1910; “Tne Price,” 1911. MARTIN, Francis, lawyer; born Wilmington, Ohio, July 6, 1859; son An- drew Jackson and Caroline (Griffin) Martin; English descent; graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University 1879; Knight Templar, Mason (Past Master), city at- torney of Chattanooga 1889-93; admitted to bar in supreme court of Ohio 1882 ; moved to Chattanooga 1883 and opened law office; in 1885 formed law partner- ship with Alfred C. Downs; 1888 with George T. White of Chattanooga; 1911, with Xenophone Wheeler and James M. Trimble, firm name Wheeler, Martin & Trimble, trustee University of Chatta- nooga; trustee Chattanooga Public Li- brary. MATTHEWS, Erwin 1 Iowell, pen- sion attorney; born Roane County, Tenn., May 17, 1834; son Lindsay and Susan (Howell) Matthews; Irish descent; edu- cated institutions of learning at Phila- delphia and Hiwassee College; married Eliza A. Griffith, March 4, 1858; member Masons (Royal Arch), G. A. R. (Post 25, Garfield) of Athens; Past Master of Meridian Sun Lodge of Athens, Tenn. ; formerly Circuit Court Clerk of Meigs County, Tenn.; Chairman of the County Court (McMinn County, Tenn) 4 years; Assistant Clerk House of Representatives of Tennessee 1881-82; Postmaster at Athens 1889-94; First Lieutenant and R. Q. M. Quartermaster of Ninth Ten- nessee Cavalry in Civil War; enlisted at Somerset, Ky., in Federal Army, August 18, 1863; participated in engagements at London, Ky., siege of Knoxville, Morris- town, Tenn., Marion, Va., Blountville, Tenn., and Greenville, and Bull’s Gap, Tenn.; wounded at Perryville, Ky., early in war, but served throughout struggle; taken from ranks and made officer Sep- tember, 1864; member Methodist Church. McCLURE, Roy Fleming, attornel born Pittsburg, Pa., December 4, 187 son Dr. William Barnett and Rebec!, Moreland (Fleming) McClure; Scotc Irish descent; graduate Martin’s Fen High School, Martin’s Ferry, Ohif Elliott’s Commercial School, Wheelin| W. Va. ; L.L.B. University of Chaj tanooga 1907; member Theta Lambcj Phi College Fraternity, F. & i M.; O. E. S. Priest, Lurton Chaptij Theta Lambda Phi 1907; Secretary an' Treasurer North Georgia Abstract Con! pany of La±ayette, Ga. ; member Pre! byterian Church McCLURE, William Alexander lawj^er; born Martin’s Ferry, Ohio, Julf 9, 1884; son William B and Rebecej (Fleming) McClure; Scotch-Irish de; scent; educated Elliott Business College! Wheeling, W. Va.; graduated fror 1 same 1903; graduated from Martin’ Ferry High School, Martin’s Ferry, Ohic 1902; University of Chattanooga L.L. B 1907; moved to Chattanooga 1905; ad mitted to bar of Hamilton County, Tenn.! 1907; admitted to Federal courts in 1907 j ; admitted to bar in Georgia in 1910; vale! dictorian of Class of 1907 of University of Chattanooga; member Theta Lambd; Phi Greek Letter Fraternity; membei! Presbyterian Church. McGUFFEY, Charles Drake, lawyei and teacher; born Cincinnati, O., June 12, 1842; son Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Mansfield (Drake) McGuffey; Scoteh-English descent; graduate Kenyon College, Ohio, and Cincinnati College Law School, A. B., A. M. 1863-65; mem- ber Masons, Phi Beta Kappa, Psi Upsil- on; former special judge and Attorney- general pro tem; also former county su- perintendent public instruction of An- derson Co., Tenn., and member of school board of Knoxville, Tenn.; state service of Ohio in Civil War, volunteered as Master’s Mate in U. S. gunboat service in Civil War, but rejected on physical examination by U. S. surgeon at Cairo, 111.; admitted to bar in Ohio in 1865, and moved to Tennessee in 1866, and to Chat- tanooga from Knoxville in 1875; instruc- tor in Spanish in University of Chatta- nooga in 1907-08; instructor in Law School of University of Chattanooga who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 63 nd in Chattanooga College of Law after pparation of Law School and University, ,909-11; instructor in Spanish in Cen- ral High School of Hamilton Co. since ■907 ; representative for Tennessee of rustees of the Cincinnati Southern Ry. ince 1875; president Chattanooga His- orical Society; member First Presbyte- ian Church of Chattanooga. M’LEAN, James Hodge, lawyer; born Vilkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 25, 1859; son An- drew and Sarah (Cyphers) McLean; ieotch-Dutch descent; educated Yale University, Institution of North Ga. ; graduate from Yale University 1880 X. B.; post-graduate 1880-82 L. M. 881, D. C. L. 1882; admitted to bar of ■tate of Conn. 1880; practiced before :ommittee in elections in congress in 1883 md 1884; went to Dade Co., Ga., in 1884, where he was admitted to courts of state; practiced in Dade Co. until 1885, when le removed to Chattaooga; member { Masons and K. of P. ; former special judge in chancery court of Hamilton Jo. ; member of Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce; vice-president of Chattanooga Hardware Co., Robert Scholze Tannery ind Southern Saddlery Co. McMAHAN, Thomas P., public offi- cial; born Chattanooga, Tenn., March 17, 1862; son of John and Cath- erine (Fenncian) McMahan; Irish de- scent; married Catherine Neligan; [member Knights of Columbus; State Factory Inspector 1903; former Build- ing and Sidewalk Inspector; Chief of Po- lice city of Chattanooga; member St. Peter and Paul Church, Chattanooga. M’REYNOLDS, Samuei, Davis, judge of Criminal court of Sixth Judicial Dis- trict of Tenn; born at Pikeville, Tenn., April 16, 1872; son of Isaac S. and Ad- die (Davis) McReynolds; Irish and Scotch descent; educated at Cumberland I University and other institutions of learn- ing of Tenn.; married to Miss Mary C. Davenport; Mason, K. of P. (Past Chan- cellor), Odd Fellows, Calumet, Golf and Country Clubs of Chattanooga; associate | attorney-general of criminal court of Sixth judicial District of Tenn. (1894), Judge of same court (1903) ; member of First Baptist church of Chattanooga; ad- mitted to bar in 1893; came to Chatta- nooga in 1895 and formed partnership with Judge J. H. Cantrill; partnership dissolved when Judge McReynold was elected to the bench; member of faculty of University of Chattanooga (chair of legal ethics, Law Dept.). MEACHAM, Cowak White Kirby, lawyer; born Williamson Co. Tenn., Dec. 23, 1874; son Matthew Alexander and Alice ( Kirby) Meacham; English descent; graduate of Vanderbilt University, A. B. 1898, LL. B 1900; educated Leipert’s Fork Training School, Hillboro, Tenn., 1890-93; La Vergne Training School 1893-94; member K. of P. ; special city court judge 1906-07; delegate to state conventions on various occasions; ad- mitted to bar Davidson Co. Tenn., 1900; came to Chattanooga, where he entered law office of Creed F. Bates in 1901 ; in 1910 formed partnership with W. F. McGaughy under firm name of Meacham & McGaughy, with offices in Chatta- nooga and Lenoir City, Tenn. MILLER, White Burkett, attorney; born Rhea Co, Tenn., Sept. 30, 1866; son James L. and Tennessee (Burkett) Miller; educated country schools and read law in Col. Burkett’s office, Athens, Tenn. ; member Elk Lodge No. 91, Chat- tanooga;. K. of P. of Dayton, Tenn.; cor- poration and insurance attorney; ad- mitted to bar in McMinn Co. in 1887 ; Sept., 1889, removed to Dayton, Tenn., where he became member of firm of Burkett & Miller, afterward Burkett, Miller & Mansfield; moved to Chatta- nooga in 1904, and in 1906 he entered law parnership with' T. M. Burkett and C. C. Moore under firm name of Burkett, Miller & Moore, which is the present style of the firm, although Col. Burkett died Jan., 1909. MITCHELL, Marcus Fraxkie, attor- ney at law; born Moore County, Tenn., May 22, 1883; son James Benjamin and Cordelia (Copeland) Mitchell; Scotch- Irish descent; graduate of Cumberland University 1904, and L.L.B. University of Chattanooga 1909; married Louise Lessig, March 26, 1910; member Theta Lambda Phi Greek Letter Fraternity; Deputy Marshal in United States Mar- 64 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE shal’s office in Indian Territory 1902; 1909 admitted to bar and formed part- nership with O. P. Morgan in Chatta- nooga; member Cumberland Presbyterian Church. MITCHELL, William Bilbo; born Jasper, Tenn., July 11, 1850; son Pleas- ant Andes and Margaret Robertson (Griffith) Mitchell; father’s occupation, mnufacturer and farmer; English de- scend; paternal grandfather John Mitch- ell, paternal grandmother Sarah Andes Mitchell, maternal grandfather William Standifer Griffith, maternal grand- mother Rhoda Robertson Griffith; edu- cated country schools and Emory & Henry College, Va. ; married Minta Hall in 1886; was commissioner and mayor Lookout Mt., Tenn., for 8 or 10 years; early business occupation, merchant; was president of Third National Bank, Chat- tanooga, from 1891 to 1903; was a well known writer on financial questions dur- ing that period; has since written much on economic and political questions; au- thor of “Dollars Or What” on the money question, of which 150,000 copies were sold; large property interests in both Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tenn. ; now retired from active business. MONTAGUE, Norton Thayer, bro- ker; born Chattanooga, Tenn., Novem- ber 11, 1875; son T. G. and Mary (Thay- er) Montague; paternal grandfather Theo L. Montague, paternal grandmother K. S. Montague, maternal grandfather Norton Thayer, maternal grandmother Lucy (Wales) Thayer; English descent; educated Hotchkiss School; graduate Hotchkiss School; graduate Yale Uni- versity 1899, B. A.; married Carrie Enona Bair, June 9, 1906; member Mountain City Club, Golf and Country Club; Director Southern Steel Works and Roane Iron Company; member Second Presbyterian Church. MOON, John Austin, congressman; born Albemarle Co., Va., April 22, 1855; rejceiived academic education at Bristol, Va. ; graduated from Kings Col- lege, Bristol, Tenn.; married Addie M. Deaderick Oct. 8, 1884, daughter of late Chief Justice James W. Deaderick of Tenn,; Democrat; nominee for General Assembly, 1880; c-ity attorney for Chat tanooga 1881-1882; member of Demo cratic committee, 1888; judge circui court, 1889-1897 ; member of 55th, 61s Congresses, 1897-1911, 3d Tenn. district delegate at large Democratic Nationa Convention, 1900 . — MORGANS, Morgan, General Mana ger Chattanooga Gas Company; born De- troit, Mich., October 3, 1880; son Willian PI. and Mary E. (Cole) Morgans; Welsh and English descent; graduate St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md. ; member Masons, l'., Iks, Chattanooga Golf and Country Club; member Episcopal Church. MORGAN, Oliver Perry, attorney at law; horn Dayton, Rhea County, Ten- nessee, February 6, 1881; son Dr. John Daniel and Mary Crate (Elder) Morgan; Scotch-Irish and Dutch descent; educated University of Chattanooga, class of 1904; 1907 admitted to practice in Circuit and Supreme Courts of State of Tennessee; on Jan. 6, 1908, admitted to practice in Federal courts of Sixth Circuit, East- ern District of Tenn, Southern Division; 1909 formed partnership in law with Marcus Frankie Mitchell. MYERS, Thomas Snoddy, attorney; born Pikeville, Tenn., March 23, 1884; son John C. and Sue (Hill) Myers; Ger- man-Irish descent; graduated People’s College B. S. 1903; University of Tennes- see B( A. 1907; 1908 Cumberland Univer- sity, L.L.B.; admitted to practice law by Supreme Court of Tennessee in July 1908; associated in practice of law with Joe V. Williams, County Attorney of Hamilton County; member Masonic Lodge; member of Elks’ Club; first lieu- tenant and adjutant of the University of Tennessee Battalion. NICKLIN, John Bailey, druggust, born Allegheny City, Pa., August 5, 1845; son of John Bailey and Catharine Thornton (Pendleton) Nicklin; paternal grandfather Dr. Joseph Nicklin. pater- nal grandmother Elizabeth (Calvert) Nicklin; maternal grandfather Benjamin Pendleton, maternal grandmother Eliza- beth (Strother) Pendleton; English de- scent; married Lizzie, eldest daughter of Daniel Pringle and Sarah (McPryde) who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 65 aylor, September 0, 1871; member Ma- >nic Order, Past Master, High Priest, iriee H. Master; Grand Commander night Templar, Tennessee, 33d degree; 'on. A. A. S. Rite; Mayor of Chatta- )oga, Tenn., 1887-89; President Board : Education 1893; private soldier Union rmy; member S. A. R. ; moved to Chat- I nooga Feb. 26, 1866. NORTON, Junius D., Assistant Gen- •al Agent Massachusetts Mutual Life lsurance Company; born Meriden, onn., August 27, 1887; son Junius Silli- an, Jr., and Elizabeth (Hathaway) orton; English descent on the maternal de from Ann Hathaway, Shakespeare’s ife; graduate institutions of learning ieriden, Conn., 1905; member Alpha ! elta Sigma Greek Letter Fraternity, ome Club of Meriden, Conn.; 1905 left hool and entered Home National Bank Meriden, where he was employed in irious departments until 1907, when he itered life insurance field; 1909 formed irtnership with J. Morgan Watkins as ;sociate general agents of Massachusetts utual Life Insurance Company, with ’flees in Chattanooga; member Episco- il (Christ Church) of Chattanooga. OLMSTED, Henry Seymour, real es- te and insurance; born Dunlap, Iowa, me 26, 1881 ; son of H. T. and Mary Seymour) Olmsted; English-French de- cent; graduate Union College, Schnec- dy, N. Y., B. S. 1904; married Avis eene, January 17, 1910; member Elks, hi Gama Deita Greek Letter Fratern- jy, Chamber of Commerce, Mountain llity Club, Golf and Country Club; in '>04 went to New York City with the S itle Guarantee & Trust Company; in >06 returned to Chattanooga and en- iged in business with his father, whom ; and brother, Rowland W. Olmsted, icceeded in 1908; firm name changed to [. T. Olmsted Sons; member Second jresbyterian Church. OLMSTED, Roland William, real es- te and insurance; born Dunlap, Iowa, arch 6, 1883; son H. T. and Mary Seymour) Olmsted; English-French de- ent; educated Chattanooga and Wor- jster, Mass.; married Elsie Caldwell, ovember 24, 1909; member Elks, Golf and Country Club, Tennessee Underwrit- ers’ Association, honorary member of Troop B of Chattanooga; Sec. and Treas. Mindel Park and Improvement Co. (real estate), and stockholder in Hamilton National Bank; member of the firm of H. T. Olmsted Sons. OLSON, Charles Willard, general in- surance business; born Westonanland, Sweden, Jan. 29, 1867; Swedish descent; son of Andrew and Christina (Larson) Olson; father’s occupation, farmer; edu- cated Topeka, Kas.; began early business career in office of weekly newspaper; later pharmacist; married Callie Ire- land Oct. 20, 1891 ; director of Y. M. C. A. Chattanooga; former president Tennessee Underwriters’ Association; former president of Chattanooga Cham- ber of Commerce and Chattanooga Y. M. C. A.; member of Methodist Episcopal church (official board) ; moved to Chat- tanooga in 1890; secretary and treasurer of Chattanooga Packet Company and Tennessee River Navigation Company. OWEN, John Thomas, insurance busi- ness; born Greenville, Tenn., October 7, 1868; son Joseph Pinckney and Mary Elizabeth (McDade) Owen; paternal grandfather David Owen, paternal grandmother Sarah (Putnam) Owen, ma- ternal grandfather Frank McDade, ma- ternal grandmother Elizabeth (Edwards) McDade; Scotch, Irish and Welsh de- scent; educated Edward's . Academy, Jef- ferson County, Tenn.; married Mary M. Kyes, Nov. 10, 1897 ; member Chamber of Commerce; Methodist Episcopal Church; member of the firm of John T. Owen & Estes, Chattanooga, Tenn.; direc- tor Y. M. C. A.; Sec. Tennessee River Navigation Co. and Chattanooga Packet Co. PATTEN, John A., manufacturer; born Delaven, 111., Sept. 27, 1867, his parents oeing at the time of his birth citizens of Alabama; son Maior George W. and Chanotte (Holmes) Patten; pa- ternal grandlather John A Patten, pa- ternal grandmother Betsy (Cartter) Pat- ten, maternal grandfather John Holmes; maternal grandmother Isabel (Gash) Holmes; English, Scotch and Irish de- scent; educated Chattanooga public 66 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE schools; married Edith Manker, October 2, 1890; member Chattanooga Country Club; President Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce; President Chattanooga Y. M. C. A.; member of Hamilton County Board of Education; Trustee of Univer- sity of Chattanooga; President Tennessee River Improvement Association; manag- ing partner Chattanooga Medicine Com- pany ; President Chattanooga Packet Company; President Hamilton Realty Company; President Black Draught Stock Medicine Company; member Meth- odist Church; President Laymen’s Asso- ciaton; Chairman Book Committee; member Board of Education. PATTEN, Zedoim Cartter, President Volunteer State Life Insurance Com- pany; born Jefferson County, New York, May 3, 1840; son John A. and Betsy E. (Cartter) Patten; English descent; edu- cated Lowville Academy, New York; married Sarah Avery Key; member Knights Templar (Mason), Past Mas- ter of Temple Lodge of Chattanooga; member of Mountain City Club, also member L. L. of A.; Lieu- tenant One Hundred and Forty- ninth New York Infantry in Civil War; President of the Chattanooga Medicine Company; President of Stone Fort Land Company; owner of Patten Hotel; wounded at battle of Chickamau- ga, September 20, 1863; injuries neces- sitated discharge, but later raised New York company, of which he served as Lieutenant until wound disabled him again, shortly before close of war; mem- ber of Unitarian Church. PAYNE, Joiix Milton, city treasurer of Chattanooga; born Catoosa County, Ga., December 31, 1878; son William Henry and Susie (Hardin) Payne; Scotch-Irish descent; educated schools of Chattanooga; Past Exalted Ruler of Chattanooga Lodge No. 91 of Elks; member K. of P., I. O. O. F.; City Audi- tor 1907-10; Chairman of City Demo- cratic Executive Committee; Chairman of County Democratic Executive Com- mittee; Sergeant of Third Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Spanish-American War; in railroad business prior to going into public life; member Methodist (Cen- tenary) Church of Chattanooga. PAYNE, Thomas H., book deals' born Windsor, Ashtabula County, Ohj April 9, 1842; son Henry and Lorin 1 (Barnard) Payne; English descent; edf cated institutions of learning at Far; ington, Ohio; married Mary E. Eatsi 1 October 20, 1876; member Chamber Commerce, Mountain City Club, Golf a Country Club of Chattanooga; meml of Board of Education; member of ol est book house in Chattanooga, T. Payne & Company, of which he is s< owner; moved to Chattanooga March 1864. PHILLIPS, Isaac Gray, lawyer; ho Winchester, Tenn., November 13, 187 son of George Gray and Maria (Mocj man) Phillips; English descent; fathej occupation, banker; graduate (B. A Winchester Normal in 1898; and Y; University, B. A., 1902; member Ze Psi Fraternity at Yale, Masonic Lodpj K. of P., I. O. O. F., Elks; has he principal offices in first three lodgj (subordinate lodge) and also in fr ternity; Secretary Franklin Coun Democratic Executive Committee 190 1910; Chairman County Campaign Coi mittee 1908 (for Democratic nominees President Yale Debating Union and mer her of Debate Team against Princeb and Harvard 1902; licensed to practi law in 1903. and was a member 1907, until Jan. 1911 when he was ai mitted to the law firm of Spears Lynch, rooms, 807-810 James Bid Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Secretary Drakt Flying Machine Company and tl Gramm Specialty Company (pate medicines), and of Toledo Lumber Cor pany (timber and mining) ; editor i newspaper at Winchester 1904-1909 i termittently ; member Christian Churci address, room 808 James Bldg, Chatt, nooga, Tenn. PRESTON, Chari.es M., banker; boi Woodbury, Tenn., August 8, 1874; s( Hugh L. and Thankful C. (Doak) Pre ton; graduated from Bethany Colleg Bethany, W. Va., A. B. 1897 ; membi Elks, Mountain City Club, Golf ar Country Club, Chamber of Commero in 1898 entered banking business as boo! keeper for Hamilton Savings & Tru Company of Chattanooga; in 1899 pr< WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 67 loted to teller and in 1900 made cashier, Iso cashier of Hamilton National Bank; director of Continental Coal Corporation |f Chattanooga ; Director of American 'ublishing Company of Nashville; mem- ber First Christian Church of Chatta- ooga. PRESTON, Thomas R., banker; born Voodbury, Tenn., November 29, 1868; pn Hugh L. and Thankful C. (Doak) reston; paternal grandfather William !. Preston, paternal grandmother Mary Mears) Preston, maternal grandfatner ohn N. Doak, maternal grandmother mily (George) Doak, Seotch-Irish des- lent; graduate Woodbury Academy B. 1887; married Roberta Clift, lune 5, 1895; member Elks and llasons, honorary member of Troop Cavalry of Chattanooga; entered i linking ousiness 1888, Woodbury, enn., Bank of Woodbury; later ith Traders’ National Bank of Tulla- pma, Tenn.; came to Chattanooga 1889 ith Hamilton Trust & Savings Bank, of hich he is President; also President of lamilton National Bank; member of resbyterian Church. RACE, John H., educator; born Pike ounty, Pa., March 10, 1862; son of imes Lee and Jane (Humble) Race; ither’s occupation, clergyman; grad- ated with A.B. degree Princeton, 1890; i.M., 1894; D.D. Syracuse University, 199 ; in early life he was engaged in i si ness at Syracuse, N. Y.; married lice Bannister, June 25, 1890; Trustee f Carnegie Free Public Library; mem- :r Board of Education of M. E. hurch; ordained M. E. Ministry, 1890; rof of Greek and Rhetoric, Wyoming Seminary, Pa., 1890-1894; pastor Cen- nary Church, Binghamton, N. Y., 1:4-1898; president of Grant Univer- ty, 1898-1906, also president of its iccessor. University of Chattanooga, nee 1896; contributor to various publica- ons, etc. ROBERTS, M. G. L., attorney at law; prn Walker County, Ga., April 13, 1865; >n S. D. and Hester Ann Reau (ln- eam) Roberts; paternal grandfather imes Roberts, paternal grandmother ancy (Rogers) Roberts, maternal grandfather Ingram; maternal grandmother Nancy (Ramsey) Ingram; French, English, Scotch and Irish de- scent; educated St. Mary’s Insti- tute, Cedar Grove, Ga.; graduate L. B. 1906 University of Chattanooga; married May B. Arnold, August 16, 1908; member W. O. W. (Past Consul Commander), M. W. of A., Georgia State Society (former First Vice-President) ; charter member of Chattanooga Histori- cal Society, Chamber of Commerce; com- pleted course University of Chattanooga 1906 and admitted to bar; licensed to practice ,n State and Federal Courts; President and General Manager United States Fire Insurance Company of Chat- tanooga; President Dixie Medicine Com- pany of Chattanooga; Secretary of Good Health Drink Company of Chattanooga; President of United Beneficial Society of Chattanooga; President of Central Union Bene- fit Association ; attendant First Baptist Church of Chattanooga. SADD, Walter A., banker; born South Windsor, Conn., March 29, 1863; son of Henry W. and Abigail (Avery) Sadd; English descent; graduate of Yale University P. B. 1884; married Caroline Terry, October 1, 1889; member Masons and Elks; member Board of Education; honorary member of Troop B of Chatta- nooga; Civil Engineer in employ of Union Pacific 1884-89; in 1889 entered banking business as Secretary of Chatta- nooga Savings Bank, of which he was elected President 1903; Treasurer and one of the organizers of the Volunteer State Life Insurance Company; member Episcopalian Church. SANDERS, Newell, manufacturer; oorn Owen County, Ind., July 12, 1850; son of John and Miriam (Coffey) Sand- ers; Henry Sanders of North Carolina, a Revolutionary soldier, great grand- father; John Sanders of North Carolina, grandfather; Nancy (Briscoe) Sanders of Tennessee, grandmother; Reuben Cof- fey of North Carolina, grandfather; Polly (Dowell) Coffey of North Caro- lina, grandmother; reared on a farm; graduated from Indiana University with A.B. degree, 1873; married Corinne Dodds, 1873; merchant, Bloomington, 68 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Ind., 1873-1877; began manufacture of plows at Chattanooga, Tenn., 1878; pres- ident and general manager Chattanooga Plow Co., 1882-1901, in which is now a large stockholder; 1901 established Newell Sanders Plow Co., of which he is proprietor; manufactures principally for export trade; director of Nashville, Chattanooga ana St. Louis Railway Co.; president of National Association of Ag- ricultural Implement & Vehicle Mfrs., 1907-1908; member of Board of Mana- gers American Society of Mechanical Lngineers, 1902-1905; Republican; del- egate to Republican National Conven- tions, 1900 and 1908; Chairman of Re- publican State Executive Committee of Tennessee, 1894-1896 and 1906-1912 ; member of Baptist Church; home ad- dress, Chattanooga, Tenn. SEYMOUR, Samuel H., attorney at law; born Murray County, Ga., No- vember 22, 1878; son Thomas M. and Francis (Hampton) Seymour; Scotch, Irish and English descent; great-grand- father on maternal side, Gen. Wade Hampton of American Revolution; graduate LL.B. 1900 University of Geor- gia; member I. O. O. F. ; member Board of Trustees of Hospitals for Insane of the State of Tennessee; admitted to bar 1902; taught in county school of Georgia 1898-99 ; member Methodist Episcopal Church (South) of Chattanooga. SHEPHERD, Lewis, lawyer; born Hamilton Co. Tenn., March 7, 1846; son Lewis (deceased) and Margaret (Dono- hoo) Shepherd; English-Irish descent; educated Aldehoff’s Institute Hamilton Co.; left Aldehoff's 1861 to join Confed- erate Army at age of 15 years; member Masons (Royal Arch, Templar and Shriner) ; representative in State Leg- islature 1877-78-90-91 (two terms) ; special judge of Chancery and Cir- cuit Courts 1886-88; author of news- paper articles on historical events; member Co. A Fifth Tenn. Cav- alry in Confederate Army; participated in all campaigns and battles of Gen. Forrest in East Tenn.; principal engage- ments Battle of Chickamauga, Tunnell Hill, Dalton; he was taken prisoner of war in 1864 and released Feb. 28, 1865, and participated in battle of Bentonville, N. C., under Gen. Joe E. Johnston served in escort of President Davis in hi attempt to flee the country; admitted t bar in Ringgold, Ga., Aug. 1867 ; in 187 he moved to Chattanooga to practic law; presidential elector for Pres. Harri son 1892. SHEPHERD, Thomas Pore, attorney born Chattanooga, Tenn., May 17, 1878 son Lewis and Lilah (Pope) Shepherd English and Irish descent; educated s Southwestern Presbyterian Universit and Cumberland University; graduate from Cumberland University 1898; men ber Elks, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Gree Letter Fraternity; appointed Assistai Attorney-general of Sixth Judicial Cii cuit of Tennessee July, 1909; 1903 er tered partnership with Martin Fleminj City Court Judge; in 1906 firm of Flen ing u Shepherd became associated wit Judge Lewis Shepherd, father of Thoms P. Shepherd. SHIPLEY, George Arthur, attorne at law; oorn Sparta, Tenn., Anril 2! 1886; son Thomas A. and Mary (Milum Shipley; English-Irish descent; gradual University of Tennessee LL.D. 190S married Elizabeth Taylor, January li 1910 ; member Theta Lambda Phi Gree Letter Fraternity; Republican candidal for Legislature 1910; Chairman Bledsc Co., Tenn., delegation (State) to Sta! Gubernatorial Convention 1906; membe of Troop B Cavalry (unattached); ac; mitted to practice in Circuit and Si preme Courts of State and Federal corn of Fourth Judicial District 1909; Assisi ant Postmaster of Pikeville, Tenn., 190i 06; member First Christian Church, c Chattanooga. SMITH, Baxter, attorney at lau born Davidson Co., Tenn., March 1 1852; English descent, son of Edmun Byars and Sally (Baxter) Smith; fajl er was a physician; educated in Cumbei land University; entered the practice c law in early life; married Bettie Guili May 15, 1856; member of Knights e Pythias; entered the Confederate se: vice as Capt. in Sumner Co., Tenn., i 1861, promoted to Major, Lieut.-Col. an Colonel commanding brigade at close c war in 1865, and served a short whil who’s WHO JN TENNESSEE 69 Inspector General; Democrat; former inator in State Legislature from Da- dson and Wilson Counties, Tenn. ; sst. Secretary Chickamauga and Chat- nooga Park Commission; practiced jw at Nashville, 1865-1910, during which ne he was attorney for the Louisville Nashville Railroad Co., at Nashville, :nn.; for forty years member of First -esbyterian Church, Chattanooga, inn. SMITH, William Templeton, lawyer; rn White Co., Tenn., Feb. 14, 1858; ■eneh-Irish-German and English de- ent; son of W. G. and Amanda R. Cempleton) Smith; father's occupation, erchant, lawyer; paternal grandpar- ts, George C. and Martha (Gooch) nith, maternal grandparents, William d Lydia (Anderson) Templeton; ed- ated in common schools, and Burritt illege; in early life worked on farm d clerked in store; married Joan iyd, Dec. 11, 1884; member I. O. O. F., & A. M.; Democrat; former Judge the 5th Judicial District of Tenn., ap- lointed by Gov. Turney Sept. 8, 1893, cctea to same position Aug. 1884, re- nted Aug. 1902, resigned' Ajiril 18, 03; member of Methodist Church; en- ged in practice of law, exclusively. SNODGRASS, David Lafayette, pub- official; born Sparta, Tenn., April 6, 51; son of Thomas and Eliza J. Svans) Snodgrass; graduated from diversity of Tenn. ; married Blanche luchee; Democrat; admitted to bar 72; member of Tenn. House of llepre- intatives, 1879-80; member of Court of ’ferees, 1883-1885; Associate Justice 86-1894; Chief Justice, 1894-1902 Su- eme Court of Tenn.; clerk of U. S. ourt. East Tenn. district of Tenn. since 05. SPENCER, Herbert W., insurance id real estate; born Chattanooga, Tenn., ec. 21, 1880; son Henry H. and Emily fshworth) Spencer; English descent; ueated Chattanooga Public Schools, ountain Citv Bus. College; married da Helen Richardson Oct. 20, 1903; ember Chattanooga Lodge 199, F. & A. »., and Y. M. C. A.; in 1893 worked as telegraph clerk in Western Union Tel. wo.; became operator and remained in that position until 1903, when he entered the employ of T. C. Thompson, mgr., as cashier; Jan. 1, 1911, formed fire insur- ance partnership with Frank H. Dowler, Jr., and Thomas C. Thompson, Jr., un- der firm name opencer, Dowler & Thomp- son with offices No 712 National Bank Bldg, Chattanooga; member Second Pres- byterian Church of Chattanooga. STOVER, Sewell Philip, attorney at law; born Nacoochee, Ga., May 21, 1870; French-Scotch descent; son of Martin Van Buren and Clara (Robertson) Sto- ver; father’s occupation, farmer; pater- nal grandfather Jeremy Stover, paternal grandmother Lucile (Chastein) Stover, maternal grandfather Andrew Robertson, maternal grandmother Lucy (Phillips) Robertson; educated Tasso Seminary; in early life was a bookkeeper; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South; severe in- jury from accidental explosion July 9, 1907, forced him to retire from active practice of law; devotes his time to liter- ature; interested in real estate and man- ufacturing enterprises. STRANG, Samuel Bartow, attorney at law; born Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 7, 1882; French-English descent; son of Samuel B. and Frances (Thornton) Strang; educated University of Tenn.; graduated from same in 1903; member of Kappa Alpha Fraternity; member of election commission for Hamilton Co. 1909-10-11; graduated in law in 1904 and admitted to practice in Hamilton Co. supreme court of state and federal courts the same year; appointed confidential clerk United States pension agent Gen. John Wilder at Knoxville in 1900. SWANEY, William Bentley, law- yer; born Castalian Springs, Tenn., Feb. 13, 1858; son of A. J. and Nancy E. Swaney ; father’s occupation, physician ; paternal grandfather John L. Swaney; maternal grandfather Chas. Malone; graduated from University of Tenn., A. B., 1878; Cumberland University, L.L.B., 1881; admitted to bar 1881;' married Mary Cooke, daughter of Judge J. B. Cooke, of Chattanooga, Jan. 8, 1885; president State Bar Association; presi- dent Chamber of Commerce; author of 70 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Statutory Charters for Private Corpora- tions in Tenn., Revenue Laws of Tenn., iNeeded Constitutional changes. THOMPSON, Frank M., lawyer; born Henry Co., Tenn., Dec. 22, 1860; son of Samuel AT. and Ellen (Bunch) Thompson; Scotch-Irish descent; studied law in office of S. A. Champion; ad- mitted to bar in Henry Co. Tenn., in 1882; railroad commissioner 1897-99; chairman Democratic state executive committee 1902-06; admitted to practice in supreme court in 1882; federal court and supreme court of U. S. few years later. THOMPSON, Thomas Ci.arkson, Mayor of Chattanooga; born Columbia, S. C., September 21, 1860; son Hugh Smith and Elizabeth A. (Clarkson) Thompson; paternal grandfather Henry Tazewell Thompson, paternal grand- mother Agnes/ (Smith) Thompson; ma- ternal grandfather Thomas B. Clark- son, maternal grandmother Caroline (Heriot) Clarkson; English-Scotch de- scent; educated institutions of learn- ing of South Carolina; married Clara Mabelle Berry, June 15, 1887; member K. of P., Elks; ex-President of Chamber of Commerce; member Moun- tain City Club, Calumet Cluo (Ex-Presi- dent) and Country Club (Ex-Presi- dent) ; elected Mayor 1909, term ex- pires 1911; honorary and associate member r or rest Camp No. 4 of Chat- tanooga; member United Sons of Con- federate Veterans; First Lieutenant of Troop B, Tennessee State Guards; Man- ager for State of Tennessee of the Na- tional Life Insurance Company of Ver- mont; member of Sons of American Rev- olution; Director of Richmond Spinning Company; member Episcopal Church. VAN DUSEN, Harry F., chairman board of public works; born Joe Davis Co. 111., June 28, 1864; son of Sidney C. and Jane Maxwell (Sisson) Van Dusen; German-French descent; educated Insti- tution of Learning of New York state; married Cora B. Hulse 1885; member Elks; former chairman Board Public Works Chattanooga (5 years); proprie- tor of the Hotel Northern; member St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Chattanooga. VINCENT, Irvin, A., attorney; bo Fall Branch, Washington Co. Tenn., Ju 7, 1884; English-Irish-Scotch deseen son of Jerome and Cordelia Franc (Patton) Vincent; graduated Universi Tenn. Academic Department B. A. 19C law dept. LL. B. 1907; member of Kappa Alpha Fraternity; United Stat commissioner of Eastern District j Tenn; member of Troop B, Tenn. Sta Guards Cavalry unattached; was capta of cadet company of University of Ten 1905-6; member of Methodist church; a mitted to bar 1907; was partner of Caj M. H. Clift two years; now member ( firm of Vincent, Finley & Campbell. WAGNER, Thomas Hinciiman, a torney at law; born Norfork, Va., Mi 10, 1876; son James and Mary (Wilsor Wagner; German-English descent; eel cated Churchland University, attendi University of Chattanooga, Tenn., 190. 6; married Laura McMillan, Oct. 1 1908; admitted to practice circuit an court of appeals of Tenn., and Feder. court of Fourth Judicial Dist. in 1906 WASSMAN, Emil, county tax asse; sor Hamilton Co.; born New Yorl Oct. 19, 1865; son of Joseph and Ho tense (Strauss) Wasserman; graduate University of Tenn. in 1885 ; entered mei eantile business in early life; member c! Odd Fellows, Elks, Royal Arcanum an Eagles; internal revenue gauger 1889-9' elected city auditor of Chattanooga i 1894; re-elected in 1896; former revenr commissioner; elected county tax assei sor Hamilton Co. 1908 for term of fou years; father was Joseph Wasserma (deceased) mayor of Chattanooga froi 1899 to 1901. WATKINS, Edmund, lawyer; bor Richmond Co. N. C., May 11, 1849; so of Jesse and Sarah Ann (Morgan) Wat kins; Welsh descent; educated in p rival school; graduated from University c Miss 1871 A. B.; Cumberland Universit 1872 LL. B.; married Idelette Dial Oct 1875; member I. O. O. F., K. of P. an Royal Arcanum; mayor of Chattanoog 1897-99; member of Miss. Legislatui 1876-77; admitted to bar and commence practice of law in Meridian, Miss., i 1872; moved to Chattanooga in 18? who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 71 nd formed partnership with Judge ewis Shepherd in 1889; in 1892 with W. [. Boyle; inter with T. C. Latimore; in 899 with Judge F. M. Thompson and i 1907 W. H. Watkins (son) was taken ito the firm. WATKINS, Walter Hudson, lawyer; orn Meridian, Miss., February 23, 1878; in Edmund and Idelette C. (Dial) Wat- ins; Welsh, Scotch and Irish descent; raduate of Princeton University A. B. 100 ; student at Southwestern Presby- irian University 1895-6; Vanderbilt tniversity (Law Department) 1902; lember Sigma Alpha Epsilon Greek etter Fraternity; 1902 admitted to bar i Hamilton County, Tenn. ; Attorney nd Adjuster for Kentucky and Tennes- be for Fidelity & Deposit Company of Baltimore 1902-06; in 1906 became part- er in law firm of Watkins, Thompson & Watkins; member of ’Varsity team in aseball and football at Princeton 1896- 9; coach of Vanderbilt football teams 101-02 and baseball team of 1902; was Iso coach of Ala. Polytechnic Institute football and baseball) 1900-1901. WILKERSON, William Exum, Jiwyer; born Smith Co. Tenn., Feb. 2, 374; son of James Allen and Elizabeth Hale) Wilkerson; English descent; raduated Masonic College Alexandria, 'enn., 1898; in 1902 attended Cumber- ind University, from which he gradu- ted in law; principal of Chestnut found Academy 1898-1900; in 1900 elect- :1 superintendent of public instruction of rnith Co. and re-elected in 1901; mem- er of K. of P. ; member of Tenn. legis- iture, 53d General Assembly 1903; loved in 1903 to Chattanooga; entered i practice of law, taking his younger rother, Leonard F. Wilkerson, in part- ership in 1904; Democrat. WILLIAMS,, Joseph V., attorney at aw; born Sparta, Tenn., March 1, 1872; on of James T. and Matilda (Wallace) Villiams ; English descent; father’s oc- cupation, minister of the gospel, educa- pr; paternal grandfather Jesse Wili- ams, paternal grandmother Elizabeth Tate) Williams, maternal grandfather Villiam Wallace, maternal grandmother jlahala (Felton) Wallace; educated Doyle College; married Annie Scholze Feb 5, 1902; Democrat; United States commissioner 1897 to 1904; county at- torney for Hamilton Co. 1906-10; mem- ber of Cumberland Presbyterian church; engaged in the practice of law at Chat- tanooga. WHEELER, Xenophon, attorney at law; born Homer, Ohio, Feb. 19, 1835; English descent; son of Zalmon and Gil- lin (Chipman) Wheeler; his father was a farmer; paternal grandfather Salmon Wheeler, paternal grandmother Hannah (Butler) Wheeler, maternal grandfather Joseph Chipman, maternal grandmother was a Miss Read prior to marriage; edu- cated Oberlin College and Yale Uni- versity; graduated from Yale in 1860 with degree of A. B ; married Amanda E. Knowlton July 14, 1863; sergeant in 67th Ohio V. I. and captain in the 129th O. V. I. in the Civil War; was badly wounded at Kearnstown, Va., March, 1862; has been married twice; was LTnited States district attorney for East Ten- nessee from March, 1879, to April, 1883; president of the Richmond Spinning Co.; largely interested in other industrial plants and owns large interests in tim- ber lands in Florida, Oregon, Washing- ion and British Columbia; retired from the practice of law. WHITAKER, Samuel Estill, attor- ney; born Winchester, Tenn., September 25, 1886; son Madison Newton and Flor- ence Jarrett (Griffin) Whitaker; Eng- lish-French, Scotch-lrish descent; ed- ucated Winchester Normal College University of Virginia and University of Chattanooga; graduated 1909; Principal Hill City Grammar School 1906-10; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., Theta Lambda Phi Greek Letter Fra- ternity; in 1910 formed law partnership with Oscar M. Fair; admitted to bar in Hamilton County in 1909. WOODARD, John R., attorney at law; born Fayetteville, Tenn., Dec., 20, 1882; Seotch-English descent; son of Mil- ton Wright and Ida (Hatcher) Woodard; father’s occupation, attorney at law; graduated Morgan School of Fayette- ville 1903 and Trinity College, Durham, N. C., with degree of B. A. in 1906; 72 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity; treasurer of Mission Ridge taxing dis- trict; member of First Presbyterian church; studied law at Trinity Law School 1907-8; admitted to bar fall of 1908 and entered the practice of the profession at Chattanooga, Tenn. WRIGHT, Sydney Blanchard, attor- ney at law; born Suffolk, Va., March 27, 1862; Welsh descent; son of William Joseph and Martha Ann (Wright) Wright; entered William and Mary Col- lege when 16 years of age; from there entered Randolph Macon, graduating B. A. 1884, M. A. 1887; graduated from University of Ya. LL. B. 1888; was without means in early life and taught during collegiate career to defray his expenses through the colleges. CHEAP HILL. MITCHELL, George Washington, educator; born near Madisonville, Ky., Nov. 25, 1871; English and Irish descent; son of Wm. F. and Elvine E. (Justice) Mitchell; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Samuel G. and Su- san J. (Adams) Mitchell, maternal grandparents Geo. W. and Rebecca (White) Justice; educated in public schools and at Pleasant View Academy; his mother died when he was very young and his father became an invalid; moved from Ky. to Tenn. in 1886, and was forced to work to defray expenses of his education; his earliest occupation was farming; worked in tobacco business for five years, later became a school teacher and has just completed his third term as principal of Cheap Hill (Tenn.) school; has been in educational work thirteen years ,is also engaged in farming; mar- ried Myrtle Shearon Feb. 1, 1900; mem- ber I. O. O. F., has been secretary of lo- cal lodge of same for past three yea rs ; Past Consul M. W. of A.; Democrat; Census Enumerator 1910; Deacon Baptist church, Ashland City, Tenn. CHESTNUT MOUND. ELROD, James Paschal, merchant; born Chestnut Mound, Tenn., Nov. 14, 1878; son of Ridley and Emma (Halle- man) Elrod; father’s occupation, real es- tate; paternal grandfather E, Elrod, pa- ternal grandmother Eliza (McDonal Elrod, maternal grandfather Geor Halleman, maternal grandmother Li (Apple) Halleman; educated Granvi High School; entered mercantile bu ness in early life; married Vera Ap] Aug. 8, 1899; member of Masons (3C degree Scottish Rite), also member O' Fellows; member M. E. church; was business at Enigma (Tenn.) for 7 yea when be removed to Chestnut Mound 1904 and established a large general m< chandise business. KNIGHT, Elijah Haynie, physici and farmer; born Smith Co. Tenn., Ai 20, 1841; English descent; son of Rc ert W. and Susan (Haynie) Knigl father’s occupation, farmer; paterr grandfather Jonathan Knight, paterr grandmother Ruth (High) Knight, in ternal grandfather Elijah Haynie, m ternal grandmother Clarkey (Beasle; Haynie; received common school educ tion; married Eliza Fain Aug 15, 187 member of Masons and Ancient Ord of United Workmen; Democrat; mei ber of Lower House 47tb General A semly Tenn. 1891-2; private in the 7 Tenn Reg. C. S. A., 1861-4; wounded Fredericksburg (Va.) Dec. 13,1862; pr: oner of war during 1864; began practi of medicine Oct., 1866; retired 190 member of Baptist church. CHUCKEY. EARNEST, Nicholas Peter, farme born Chuckey, Tenn., April 15, 187 German, French Hugenot and Scotc Irish descent; son of Benjamin Frankl and Mary Martha (Rhea) Earnes graduated Sweetwater College, Swe< water (Tenn.) with degree of B. S. Ju 3, 1891 ; married Lida Beatrice Dogge: Sept. 23, 1896; member Nolachucki Lodge No. 323, F, & A. M. ; Democra! has been engaged in agriculture all 1 his life; owns a small roller mill ai is director of Greene County Bar Greenville, Tenn.; elder in the Presb terian church. CLAREVILLE. WEBB, Nathan Henry, physici; and merchant; born in Gibson Cijl Tenn., Nov. 3, 1848; Welsh and Scot*’! WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 73 ;scent; son of Albert J. Webb; his lother’s maiden name was band ford; ither was a farmer; educated in com- 1011 schools of Gibson Co., Tenn., and anderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., raduating from the latter with degree f M. D. in 1867-8; married C. L. Webb an 1, 1880; was local President of armers’ Educational and Co-Operative 'nion of America; Democrat; former- Postmaster Claresville, Tenn.; on en. McDowell’s staff with rank of lajor, C. S. A.; member of the Baptist lurch; engaged in farming and mer- landising and practicing medicine at laresville, Tenn.; P O., address, Kenton, enn., It. F. D. CLAItKRANGE. LITTLE, William Perry, educator; orn Monroe, Tenn., Oct. 26, 1871; Ger- lan descent; son of V. S. and Julia Windle) Little; father’s occupation, larble cutter, farmer; paternal grand- arents John and Elizabeth (Barker) ittle, maternal grandparents R. S. and .manda (Harris Windle; educated Al- ine Institute, Nettle Carrier, Tenn; l early life was a marble cut- :r and farmer, later took up ed- cational work and was County Superin- indent of Fentress Co. from Jan., 1901, ) Jan., 1911; married Paulina Peters uly 9, 1896; has attained thirty-second egree A. A. S. R., Past Master of Blue .odge F. and A. M. and is now High riest of Triple Tau Chapter No. 181, R. l. M. ; Democrat; has been interested in le mercantile business at Crawford, enn., for past five years. CLARKSVILLE. ASKEW, Laurin Bryan, druggist; orn at Eufaula, Ala., Aug. 29, 1863; icotch- English descent; son of Bryan nd Mima J. (McLaurin) Askew; fath- r’s occupation merchant ; paternal grand- arents Bryan and Nannie (Rush) As- ew; maternal grandparents William nd Jennett (Stewart) McLaurin; ed- eated at Stewart College and South- estern Presbyterian University, Clarks- ille, Tenn.; in early life was connected pith drug store of Owen & Moore and i. B. Stewart, Clarksville, Tenn.; mar- led Florence Flemming Couts, Nov. 11, 1886; Past Eminent Commander Knights Templar; Past Noble Grand, Odd Fel- lows, Past Chancellor Commander K. of P., A. T. O.; Democrat; member of the Presbyterian church; engaged in the wholesale and retail drug business at Clarksville, Tenn. ; President of Askew- Coulter-Owen Drug Co. ATKINSON, W. T., merchant; born Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 7, 1857; Eng- lish descent; son of Thomas and Rachel (Moss) Atkinson; father’s occupation, machinist; received common schood edu- cation; married Bettie Rudolph Oct. 14, 1885; clerked 13 years in bookstore in Kentucky; 13 years in Tenn., also in a bookstore; engaged in the mercantile business in Clarksville and is proprietor of a dairy business; member of Pres- byterian church (U. S. A.). BALTHIOP, John H., retired mer- chant; born Robertson Co., Tenn., Aug. 18, 1841; Irish ana English descent; son of John C. and Nancy A. (White) Balthiop; paternal grandparents Frank and (Gardner) Balthiop; mater- nal grandparents John H. and (Bell) White; received common school education; reared on a farm and joined the Confederate army Jan. 1862; rank of 3d Sergeant; was captured at Ft. Donaldson Feb. 16, 1862; carried to Camp Douglas prison; exchanged Sept. 1862 as prisoner of war; lost right leg in battle of Peachtree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864; returned home in May 1865; began his business career as school teacher; later became interested in mer- cantile business; married Mary J. Gup- ton Jan. 29, 1880; Independent in poli- tics; former fourth class Postmaster. BARKSDALE, William Wallace, editor and publisher of Daily Leaf Chronicle, Clarksville (Tenn.); born Clarksville, Tenn., June 27, 1857; son of WiltC-i Calloway and Araminta Dorma (Martin) Barksdale; father’s occupation, contractor; paternal grandfather Hud- son Barksdale, paternal grandmother Lu- cinda (Calloway) Barksdale, maternal grandfather Bailey Martin, maternal grandmother Arminta D. (Watts) Mar- tin; educated Stewart College, now the Southwestern Presbyterian University, 74 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Clarksville (Teim.) ; married Wilhemina Sickenberger Dec. 26, 1893; member Ma- sons, Chapter and Commandery Past Eminent Commander of Clarksville (Tenn.) Commandery No. 8; I. O. O. F.; Knights of Pythias and B. P. O. E.; in 1881 became half owner of “The Tobacco Leaf”; later acquired the “Clarksville Chronicle,” the consolidated papers be- coming the “Tobacco Leaf-Chronicle;” in 1892 bought out his partner and has ever since continued sole owner of the “Daily Leaf-Chronicle;” member of Baptist church. BEACH, John Ross, doctor of dental surgery; born Clarksville, Tenn., July 30, 1873; son of Henry E. and Frances J. (Bourne) Beach; father’s occupation, dentist; paternal grandfather Henry E. Beach, paternal grandmother Anne (Matthews) Beach, maternal grandfather William Bourne, maternal grandmother Matilda (Carr) Bourne; educated public schools Clarksville (Tenn.) and Vander- bilt University Nashville (Tenn.); grad- uated Vanderbilt University with degree D. D. S. Feb., 1892; married Hattie Donahue Kendrick June 16, 1896; mem- ber Masons, past C. C., Knight of Py- thias; Past Exalted Ruler 2 terms and past district deputy G. E. R. Elks 2 years; ex-president Tenn. Dental Assn., ex-vice president Southern branch of Na- tional Dental Association; is now presi- dent Tennessee State Board of Dental Examiners; began his business career in dental office with his father; member of Baptist church. BENNETT, Henry Washington, farmer; born Cheatham Co. Tenn., July 13, 1857; son of William and Martha (Dowlen) Bennett; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Nathan Bennett, paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Martin) Bennett, maternal grandfather Harris Dowlen, maternal grandmother Sallie (Harrington) Dowlen; received common school education; married Viola Hooper Dec. 24, 1884; member I. O. O. F. Sango, (Tenn.) Lodge No. 285; en- gaged in farming and tobacco raising Clarksville (Tenn); member Methodist Church, South. BRANDAU, John William, phy cian; born Vinton County, Ohio, Nov. 1 1857; German descent; son of Willia and Martha A. (Miller) Brandau; fat er’s occupation, grocer and iron man facturer; paternal grandfather Jo! Brandau, paternal grandmother Elizj beth (Fischer) Brandau, matern grandfather, Adam Miller, matern grandmother Anna (Fischer) Mille educated University of Nashville ai Vanderbilt and Jefferson Medical C< lege 1885; in early life worked on farm; married Martha Eleanor McMill; Jan. 26, 1886; member of Masor Clarksville Lodge No. 89; began practi of medicine Stribling, Tenn., 1881 ; r moved to Clarksville in 1891, where I has been since, and is now engaged | the practice of medicine; member M. church, South. BYERS, L. Newton, insurance mai born Clarksville, Tenn., March 10, 187! son of George Newton and Eleanor 1. (Rentch) Byers; father’s occupatio druggist and insurance; paternal grand father George Byers, paternal grant mother Margaret (Miller) Byers, mate, nal grandfather Daniel S. Rentch, mate nal grandmother Savilla (Stonebrakei Rentch; educated public schools an Southwestern Presbyterian Universit; Clarksville, (Tenn).; graduated S. W. 1 U., A. B. degree June, 1897; marriej Mary Beaumont West Sept. 21, 1901 member Kappa Sigma Fraternity, B. 1 O. Elks and Sons of Confederate Veter ans; alderman city of Clarksville (Tenn. 1911-12; vestryman Trinity 17 pi scop; church; engaged in the insurance bus ness; president of Mercantile Laundr Co., Clarksville, Tenn. CHILDERS, Gracey', business mai| grain, railroad and steamboats; bor Lyon Co. Ky., July 4, 1860; English de scent; son of James Francis Williai and Lucy (Gracey) Childers; father’ occupation, minister of the gospel; pater nal grandfather William C. Childers, pa ternal grandmother Elizabeth Orndorf (Miller) Childers, maternal grandfathe Mathew Gracey, maternal grandmothe Maria (Tilford) Gracey; educate; Southwestern Presbyterian Universit; Clarksville, (Tenn.); entered grain, rail who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 75 oad, steamboat business in early life; carried Jane Gray Glenn Nov. 14, 1900; lember of Knights of Pythias and Elks; eutenant-colonel First Tenn. Infantry <■ G. S. T. 1888; colonel and inspector ifle practice First Brigade N. G. S. T. 89.5; lieutenant colonel 1st Tenn. Tnf. fl. G. S. T. 1897; lieutenant-colonel First fenn. Inf. U. S. V. 1898: Col. 1st Tenn. nfantry U. S. V. 1899; Brig.-Gen’l. W. G. S. T. retired 1910; commanded eviment during active camnaiens in the slands of I.uzon, Panav and Cebu. Phil- mine Islands; battle of Manilla. Luzon, ’eb. 5, 1890, battle and capture of Tloilo, ’annv Feb. 11, 1899. and numerous ex- editions and minor encasements on Ts- anrl of Panav: volunteered with re si- lent and commanded on a five dav ex- pedition into the mountains of Cebu, in .,'hich the column captured seven moun- ain forts and a number of entrenched daces Sept. 21-25, 1899: commanded spe- ■ial force Tenn. during nisht riders’ aids 1908-9; member of Soeietv Sons of Vmerican Bevolution, Military Order of ^oreicn Wars. Army of the Philippines ind Spanish- American War Veterans; nember Methodist Episcopal church, iouth. Cl, ARK. Mtcajah Henry, tobaccon- d; born Richmond, Va.. Sept. 4, 1830; English descent; son of Micajah and ’aroline Virginia (Harris') Clark; fath- jr’s occupation, physician; paternal grandfather, Hon. William Clark, pater- lal grandmother Judith W. (Cheadle) Clark, maternal grandfather Benjamin Tames Harris, maternal grandmother parah (Ellyson) Harris; graduated Richmond, Va., 1847 ; in early life was •ngaged in cotton manufactory in Chico- lee, Mass.; married Elizabeth Watt Kerr July 30, 1801; Confederate soldier, private Co. I, Third Battalion Va. L. D 0. of Richmond (Va).; given staff ap- pointment in Charlotte (N. C.) April, 1865, by President Jefferson Davis; also appointed acting treasurer C. S. at Wash- ington (Ga.) May 4, 1865. DIEHL, Charles Edward, minister of die gospel; born Charlestown, W. Va., May 18, 1875; German descent; son ol Albert and Christiana A. (Nolte) Diehl; father’s occupation, marble and granite dealer; graduated Johns Hopkins Univer- sity 1896, Princeton Theological Semi- nary and Princeton University 1900; de- grees received, B. A. Johns Hopkins, 1896; M. A. Princeton 1900; Doctor of Divinity, Southwestern Presbyterian Uni- versity, 1910; married Katherine Bailey Ireys March 24, 1909; member of Pres- byterian Church, South; ordained by Presbytery of Ebenezer (U. S.) at Cov- ington (Ky.) Oct. 29, 1900; pastor at Crescent Springs (Ky.) and Independ- ence (Ky.) Presbyterian churches 1900-5; pastor of First' Presbyterian Church, Greenville (Miss.) 1905-7; called to First Presbyterian Church, Clarksville (Tenn.) 1907, which pulpit he now fills. DORTCH, William Turn er. real es- tate and general insurance business; born Charlotte, Tenn.; Dutch and Eng- lish descent; son of William Hilliard and Marina Turner (Brvan) Dortch; father’s occupation, attorney at law; pa- ternal grandparents, Capt.' Isaac and Patsy (Norfleet) Dortch, of Robertson Co., Tenn., maternal grandfather, Col. Henry Hunter Bryan, Congressman from district of which Montgomery County was a part; educated Southwestern Presbyterian University, Clarksville, Tenn.; in early life was a merchant; married twice, first lillen P. Galbraith, second, Lena Hume; member Elks, Dem- ocrat-Conservative; formerly owner Mer- chant Flour Mills and dealer in grain; at present engaged in real estate and gen- eral insurance business; member of Pres- byterian Church. DURHAM, Jeff, farmer; born Rob- erson Co., Tenn., Oct. 18, 1864; son of Sam and Susannah (Sanders) Durham; father’s occupation, farmer; received cimmon school education ; member I. O. O. F„ Modern Woodmen of America and Red Men; Democrat; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church; all of bis business life has been devoted to farming. ELDER, John Saunders, insurance man; born Clarksville, Tenn., Dec. 24, 1852; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Joshua and Malissa (Martin) Elder; father’s oc- cupation, planter and banker; educated at Stewart college, Clarksville, Tenn., now the S. W. P. U., and at Bryant, Stratton & Dehan’s Business College, Cincinnati, 7(3 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Ohio, 1853; embarked in the hardware business in 1874, junior member of firm Turnley & Elder, succeeded by John S. Elder; in 1885 received two brothers into the firm of Elder Bros., sold out to M. W. Elder in 1895, when on account of bad health he removed to Florida and invested in Orange Grove property, still retaining his citizenship in Clarksville, Tenn. ; is now engaged in the fire insur- ance business, senior member of firm of Elder & McKenzie; builder, owner and manager of Elder’s Opera House, Clarks- vile, Tenn., and also owns and operates bill posting plant, Clarksville, Tenn.; largely interested in business property in Clarksville; former member of board of aldermen of the city of Clarksville, Tenn.; member of the Knights of Py- thias and the First Presbyterian church. EWING, Thomas Polk, farmer; born Hampton, Tenn., April 19, 1884; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Finis and Danglus (Polk) Ewing; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Thomas Ewing, paternal grandmother Prity (Fort) Ewing, maternal grandfather Ir- vin Polk, maternal grandmother Fancris (Wilson) Polk; educated Cumberland City Academy and graduated from same 1901; member of Elks; he was elected Justice of Peace in 1907, and in 1910 elected representative of Montgomery and Houston counties in Lower House Tenn. General Assembly; in 1908-09 served as a member of the county board of education of Montgomery Co., and also a member of the highway commit- tee 1908-09; in 1908 was chairman of the Planters’ Protective Association; has engaged in farming all of his life; mem- ber of the Episcopal church. FORT, Dancey, attorney at law; born Adams, Tenn., Oct. 11, 1870; French- Huguenot descent; son of Josiah W. and Eliza Penelope (Dancey) Fort; father’s occupation, Baptist minister; paternal grandfather Joel B. Fort, paternal grandmother Nancy (Metcalf) Fort, ma- ternal grandfather William Exum Dan- cey, maternal grandmother Nancy Hodges (Deggs) Dancey; educated pub- lic schools and University of Tenn.; graduated Cumberland University with degree of LL.B. June 30, 1891; member of Odd Fellows, Elks and Knights o Pythias; married Benjamin Gill Nov. 11 1896; in early life worked on a farm admitted to bar Clarksville, Tenn., SeplJ 21, 1891; chairman executive Democrat! 1 committee in Montgomery Co. 8 years State Senator 1906-1910; City Attorne Clarksville; Tenn. ; trustee and treasure Odd Fellows Home; member of law firi of Savage & Fort, Clarksville; membe of Baptist church. GLENN, James Lyle, retired banker horn Elkton, Todd Co., Ky., Dec. 1*1 1828; Scotch-English descent; son o James Lyle and Jane Meriwether (Gray Glenn ; father’s occupation, physician paternal grandfather James Glenn, pa ternal grandmother Rachel (Finley Glenn, maternal grandfather Jame Gray, maternal grandmother Luc; (Webb) Gray; received common schoc. education; entered banking business ii early youth; married Ella Poindex ter June 17, 1856; established house of James L. Glenn, hanker, in 1853; ii 1854, in association with D. N. Kennedy! established the banking firm of Kennedy & Glenn; in 1855 Kennedy & Glenn] bankers, organized and established thi Northern Bank of Tennessee; retire*] from active business in 1898; member oij the i irst Presbyterian church of Clarks ville, Tenn. GRACEY, Julien Frank, commissioi merchant, real estate, general agent I. & N. R. R.; brfrn Eddyville, Ivy., $ept 23, 1858; Irish descent; son of Fran! Patten and Irene (Cobb) Gracey; fath er's occupation general agent L. & N. R R., commission merchant and real estate] etc.; paternal grandfather Mathew Gra cey, paternal grandmother Maria (Til fort) Gracey, maternal grandfather Dr Joshua Cobb, maternal grandmother Julis (Minims) Cobb; educated University oi the South, Sewanee, Tenn., and Vander- bilt University; graduated Vanderbif University B.L. June 1880; married Min- nie Thomas 1884; member of Elks; was cadet at Sewanee, served as private anc! officer in State Guards; Inspector-Gen- eral of State of Tennessee with rank ofj Brigadier-General by appointment of Gov. M. R. Patterson; practiced law Clarksville, Tenn., 1880-4; appointed su- who's WIIO IX TENNESSEE 77 perintendent C. & P. Division L. & N. R. R. 1887; Division Freight Agent, head- quarters Memphis, Tenn., 1891 ; General Agent L. & N. R. R. at Clarksville, Tenn., 1895; President G racer, Woodard Iron Co., 1896-8; General Manager Clarksville Street Railway & Light Co. 1896 to 1909; director in Northern Bank of Tennessee 1908; director in St. Ber- nard Mining Co., Earlington, Ky., 1895; member of Protestant Episcopal church. HAMLETT, B. Frank, farmer and tobacco inspector; born Port Royal, Tenn., March 6, 1865; Scotch and Eng- lish descent; son of Andrew Jackson and Winifred (McNeill) Hamlett; father’s occupation, farming, paternal grand- father James Hamlett, paternal grand- mother Jane (Atkins) Hamlett, mater- nal grandfather Henry McNeill, mater- nal grandmother Nancy (Bobo) Mc- Neill; received common school education; married Mary Cage Sept. 4, 1890; mem- ber of Odd Fellows (Past Grand) ; Democrat; member of Baptist church; tobacco inspector for the Planters’ Pro- tective Association. MANNER, McReynoi.ds, bookkeeper; born near Clarksville, Tenn., Sept. 7, 1872; English and Irish descent; son ol John W. and Blanche (Hamner) Han- ner; father’s occupation, Methodist min- ister; paternal grandfather John W. Hanner, paternal grandmother Eliza- beth (Park) Hanner, maternal grand- father William Hamner, maternal grandmother Blanche (Old) Hamner; educated Howell School, Clarksville, Tennessee; and Webb Brothers, Bell- buckle, Tenn. ; member of Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F„ B. P. O. E. No. 601, Past Commander No. 8, Knight Tem- plars; First Lieutenant Co. H., N. G. S. T. 1st Regiment 1895-8, Captain, In- spector Rifle PractLe 2d Battalion 1st Regiment; alderman of 6th ward, Clarksville, Tenn. ; elected mayor of Clarksville, Tenn., Dec. 6, 1910; mar- ried Josephine Erwin Dec. 7, 1898; member Methodist church. HARNED, Perry L., Public Official; born Montgomery Co., Tenn., Nov. 16, 1866; son of Enos and Mary (Allman) Harned; educated public schools and University of Tenn.; took a special course University of Tenn., 1892; in early life was a farmer; later became a teacher; member of State Board of Education 10 years; Superintendent of Public Instruction Montgomery Co., Tenn., 16 years; Superintendent of Clarksville City Schools three years; for- mer president 'of the State Teachers’ As- sociation, former president State Public ochool Officers’ Association, former pres- ident of Middle Tennessee Educational Association; at present is secretary and treasurer of State Teachers’ and State Public School Officers’ Associations; also interested in farming and is director of First Trust and Savings Bank, Clarks- ville, Tenn. ; is high school inspector State of Tennessee ; married Myra G. Mc- Kay 1894; member F. and A. M., I. O. O. F. and K. P. ; elder First Presbyterian church, Clarksville, Tenn. JOHNSON, Thomas Dickson, phy- sician and surgeon; born Robertson Co., Tenn., Jan. 21, 1842; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Cave and Elizabeth (Dortch) Johnson; father’s occupation lawyer, attornev-general ; member of Congress, Postmaster-General United States, president State Bank; paternal grandfather Thomas Johnson, paternal grandmother Mary (Noel) John son, maternal grandfather Isaac Dortch, maternal grandmother Martha (Norfleet) Dortch; educated Univer- sity of North Carolina, University of Virginia and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md. ; grad- uated College of Physicians and Sur- geons M.D., Feb. 22, 1869; married Car- rie Lurton April 23, 1880; Knight of Pythias and member of County and State Medical Society; County Physician Montgomery Co. for past 20 year's; pri- vate in 14th Tenn. Volunteer Regiment May 16, 1861 to surrender, 1865; wounded three times in Confederate army of Northern Virginia; chief sur- geon General Staff, 1875-6-7, with rank of Major; decorated by Egyptian gov- ernment, Egyptian army officer, Order i. C. ; Democrat; County Attorney; vestryman of St. Pe- ter’s Protestant Episcopal church, Colum- bia, Tenn. COMO. TRAVIS, Edward A., physician; born McClellan Co., Texas, Oct. 26, 1860; English descent; son of Ludson W. and Sophia Anne (Crump) Travis; father’s occupation, farmer; educated in the common schools of Henry Co., Tenn., graduated from University of Louisville, Ky., with degree of M. D. March 4, 1881; married twice, first Lillie Wilcox Oct. 26, 1885, second Mrs. Mary L. Longacrt Oct. 20, 1892; member I. O. O. F., W. O. W., West Tenn. Medical So- ciety, Henry Co. Medical Society, Tenn. State Medical Association; Democrat; in early life he was a farmer; organized and built high school at Como, Tenn., in 1891, built Cumberland Presbyterian church, Como, in 1901; at present he iiU actively engaged in the public school in terests of the county, also practicing medicine at Como, Tenn.; member Boarii; of Education; member Presbyterian church, U. S. A. COOKEVILLE. ADCOCK, B. G., lawyer; born in De-;j Kalb Co., Tenn., Sept. 20, 1861; Irisl descent; son of Capt. Perry and Mary N. (Wynn) Adcock; paternal grand-j parents David and Sarah ( — ) Adcock- maternal grandparents James and Cath- erine ( — ) Wynn; educated in the local schools; graduated from Surritt col-, lege, Spencer, Tenn., 1884, with B.A | degree; began practice of law . with Judge J. S. Gribble at Lebanon, Tenn.: moved to Sparta, Tenn., 1893, formed partnership with Hon. IT. C. Snodgrass ; 1905 at Cookeville, Tenn.; married Missj Lee Kindrick Jan. 1, 1885; Democrat; elected to State Senate from Ruther- ford, Cannon and DeKalb counties 1893; member of the Christian church. BOYD, Ernest Houston, lawyer; born Cookeville, Tenn., Oct. 1, 18801 Scotch-Irish descent; son of Alvin W. and Mary Hettie (Good pasture) Boyd; father’s occupation, lawyer ; paternal grandparents, Jefferson W. and Mary (Jared) Boyd, maternal grandparents, James McDonald and Ova (Arnold) Goodpasture; completed academic educa- tion, Cookeville Collegiate Institute, and Literary Department of Cumberland University, graduated, Law Dept, same L.L.B. in 1911; licensed to practice in all of the courts of the state Feb. 2, 1911; devoted his early business life to educational work; Principal of the Al- good (Tenn.) Public School for two years; Teacher in Cookeville (Tenn.) Public School for two years; was assist- ant clerk of the State Senate in 1907 ; Superintendent of Public Instruction of Putman Co. Tenn., for eight years; member of the Board of Visitors How- ard Female College, Gallatin, Tenn.; President Putman Co. Tenn., County Teachers’ Association, 1901-1911; Pxts- ident Putman Co., Sunday School Asso- ciation, 1907-1910; has been active mem- ber of the State Public School Officers and the State Teachers’ Associations for several years, serving as officer in both who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 95 associations; nominated by acclamation for Representative Tenn., Gen. Assem- bly by the Putman County Democratic Legislative Convention Sept. 1910, later tendered his declination of the nomina- tion to the County Democratic Commit- tee; First Secretary Middle Tenn., Ed- ucational Association; member I. O. O. F. in all of its branches, very active land enthusiastic in lodge work; member of Board of Trustees Tenn. Odd Fel- lows Widows and Orphans Home at Clarksville, 1908-1909; Grand Patriarch, I. O. O. F. Tenn., 1908-1909; Grand Representative from Grand Encampment Tenn. I. O. O. F. to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the World 1909-1911 ; member Presbyterian Church. CAPSHAW, Robert Bird, attorney at Raw; born Warren Co. Tenn., Oct. 13, 1855; Irish and Dutch descent; son of -James Wesley and Nancy Ann (Parsley) Capshaw; father’s occupation, farmer and mechanic; paternal grandfather James W. Capshaw, Sr., paternal grand- mother Priscilla (Taber) Capshaw, ma- ternal grandfather Anthony W. Parsley, maternal grandmother was a Miss Isbell prior to her marriage; educated Bluff Springs, Middleton Seminary and Masonic Institute Huntsville (Tenn.) ; admitted to bar Jan., 1875; married Alice G. Whitson Dec. 2, 1883; taught school for three years prior to admission to bar; has at different times by different ap- pointments held the offices of special judge of the circuit, chancery and crim- inal courts; member of the Christian church; active in church work and in Sunday school enterp rises. GREGORY, Thomas J., manufactur- er, born Jackson Co, Tenn., Jan. 5, 1851; Scotch descent; son of William T. and Sabrina (McDuffie) Gregory; fathers’ oc- cupation, merchant; educated in the Pub- lic Schools of Tenn.; in early life he was a merchant; married twice, first, Leatha A. Wright, second, Lizzie E. Brown; Democrat; in 1874 he was elected Coun- ty Court Clerk, and held that office con- secutively for sixteen years; 1890 was elected to the State Legislature repre- senting Macon and Clay. Counties, then : moved to Cookeville, Tenn., where he now resides; former Postmaster; served two terms as Alderman of Cookeville, Tenn. ; now engaged in mercantile business, and the manufacture of handles; member of Church of Christ. GUTHRIE, George Nucicols, Jr., doctor of dental surgery; born at Gal- latin. Tenn., Dec. 14, 1878; son of George Nuckols and Ellen Cary (Hob- son) Guthrie; father’s occupation law- yer; paternal grandparents Isaac Newton and Martha Ann (Montgomery) Guth- rie; maternal grandparents John Cary and Virginia Randolph (Page) Hobson; educated at Gallatin Male Seminary and Vanderbilt University; graduated from Gallatin Male Seminary in 1898, and Vanderbilt University with degree D.D. S., in 1901 ; in early life was Cashier in dry goods stoi'e at Gallatin, Tenn.; married Edna Mary Smith Nov. 18, 1903; member I. O. O. F., Iv. of P., (K. R. S.,) M. W. A., (National Rep- resentative); Democrat; member of the Episcopal church. HOLLADAY, Oscar K„ attorney at law; born Pekin, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1876; English and Scoteh-Irish descent; son of William A. and Martha J. (Jared) Hol- laday; father’s occupation, farmer; edu- cated Dickson Normal College and Cum- berland University; graduated from the former Literary 1897, from the latter law 1898; married Margaret Deeny Sep- tember 17, 1902; prior to graduation In law taught school for about three years; state senator from Tenth Senatorial Dis- trict in Tenn. General Assembly 1907-9-11 ; assistant attorney-general for Fifth Ju- dicial Circuit 1907-8; author of the state wide prohibition bill enacted in 1909 ; floor leader of the senate majority Tenn. General Assembly 1909 ; former vice-pres- ident and stockholder in People’s Bank, Cookeville (Tenn.) ; engaged in the ac- tive practice of law at Cookeville; also has farming interests; Democrat; mem- ber of M. E. Church, South. LANSDEN, Dick Latta. lawyer; horn Bakers Cross Roads, White Co., Tenn., May 15, 1869; son of Hugh Hill and Lee Ann (McGee) Lansden; pater- nal grandfather, Rev. James K. Lans- den; paternal grandmother, Nancy (Me- 96 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Donald) Lansden, maternal grandfather, George McGee; maternal grandmother Nancy (Murphy) McGee; Irish descent; educated common schools of White Co. and Doyle, College ; in early youth taught school fo7 years and was admitted to bar in 1893; married Helen Snodgrass Nov. 14, 1895; member Masonic Lodge, Blue Lodge and Royal Arch, I. O. O. F. and K. of P. ; was county superintendent of White Co. from 1891-93; was chancellor of fourth chancery division from 1902- 1910; elected judge of the supreme court of Tenn. Aug. 4, 1910; was a candidate for supreme court in 1908, but was de- feated; refused to enter Democratic pri- mary June, 1910, and stumped the state for free and untrammeled judiciary ticket and was elected as an independent to supreme bench by a large majority; member Presbyterian church. MOSCRIP, Robert Johr, civil engi- neer; born Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 4, 1844; Scotch descent; son of Robert and Eliza (Fairfield) Moscrip; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grand- father, Robert Moscrip; paternal grand- mother, Agnes (Jeffries) Moscrip; ma- ternal grandfather, William Fairfield; maternal grandmother was a Miss Ham orior to her marriage; educated in On- tario private schools ; graduated private school Bellevue, Neb.; married Emma Sleightem Feb., 1874; began business ca- reer as civil engineer with union Pacific 1865-1871, with Canadian Southern 1871- 2, division engineer Texas Pacific 1873-4, division engineer U. P. & O. S. L. 1875- 1881; as local engineer built Utah North- ern, Franklin, Idaho to Butte, Montana, 1882-5; division engineer Missouri Pa- cific 1887-1901, chief engineer Nashville & Knoxville Railroad 1901-5, civil en- gineer in charge of the opening up of coal mines on Cumberland mountain for the Crawford Coal and Iron Co. and Fentress Coal & Coke Co.; Republican; member of Episcopal church. PROFFITT, Robert Edward Lee, farmer, teacher and merchant; born Putnam Co., Tenn., June 4, 1864; Dutch and Irish descent; son of James and Lucinda (Slagle) Proffitt; re- ceived common school education; was left an orphan at an early age, and thrown upon own resource at age of 1( labored on a farm to pay for his e< ucation; began teaching in 1886; taugi seven years; entered the mercanti business in 1893 and continued in sarr until 1902; married Anna Goodwi Sept. 30, 1894; member M. W. of A elected Circuit Court Clerk, Putnam, Cc in 1902; defeated in 1906; again electe in 1910; former Postmaster at Gofftoi Tenn., 1896-1900; Democrat; member o the Christian church. SISK, Thirmie K., teacher; bor Burke Co., N. C., Feb. 7, 1878; Englis and German descent; son of John an Mary (Spainhous) Sisk; father’s occups tion, farmer; educated Patton Hig school, Morganton, NT C., and Peabod College, and University of Nashvilli graduated from Peabody College an University of Nashville with degrees o Bachelor of Arts and L. I., May, 1902 married Mattie Sewell Sept. 8, 1902 Democrat (Independent); taught i Nashville 1902-1904, Bethpage, Tenn 1904-1905, at present Superintendent o Cookeville City Schools since 1905; mem ber of Methodist church, South. YOUNG, Stephen” Hayden, account! ant; born White Plains, Putnam Co Tenn., Sept. 13, 1874; Scotch-Irish am; English descent; son of C. C. and An nette (Burton) Young; father’s occupa tion, merchant; paternal grandparent William Martin and Matilda (Wallace Young maternal grandparents Stephei D. and Mary (Goodbar) Burton; edu cated in Sparta (Tenn.) public school, and University of Tenn.; married Effii Boyd Sept. 9, 1903; Independent Demo crat; in early life he was clerk in fath er’s store; president and sole owner o: Sparta Electric Light and Power Co. Sec. Putnam Overall Mfg. Co., stock holder First National Bank, Cookeville; Tenn. ; member of Church of Christ. COPPERHIIL. EMMONS, Nathalie r, Henry, 2d mining engineer; born St. Louis, Mo. May 12, 1870; English and Scotch-Irisli descent; son of George B. and Martha (Davis) Emmons; father’s occupation, literature ; paternal grandfather, Nathan- iel H. Emmons, paternal grandmother who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE izabeth (Wales) Emmons, maternal andfather Horatio Nelson Davis, ma- rnal grandmother Margaret (Johnson) avis; educated Washington University, . Louis (Mo.); graduated same as en- neer of mines June, 1893; began career mining engineer in Mexico and Ari- na and later in Tenn.; married Marion lackford April 12, 1899; member of Co- anee Club (director) Copperhill fenn.) Cumberland Club Knoxville L’enn.) ana American Institute of Min- g Engineers, New York (N. Y.); is iw general manager of Tennessee Cop- :r Co., producers of copper and larg- t producers and shippers of sulphuric fid in the world; member of Presby- rian church. KING, Mark Co cm ax, banker and fi- incier; born Murphy, N. C., Nov. 10, 172; son of Mark Colman and Mary C. Baker) King; father’s occupation, phar- acist; paternal grandparents Johnson Washington and Nancy Aveline (Col- an) King, maternal grandparents John acob and Rebecca (Lowery) Baker; lucated in the high schools of Murphy, . C. ; began life as a pharmacist, later as a miner; engaged in the mercantile ! isiness in 1900, sold out in 1905; en- red the banking business in 1908, and now vice-president First National jank, Copperhill, Tenn., president First rational Bank, Ducktown, Tenn., presi- snt Peoples’ Bank and Trust Co., Blue idge Ga., president Peoples’ Bank, Eto- ah, Tenn., president Home Light and ower Co., Copperhill, Tenn., president pcktown Land and Improvement Co., resident King Lumber Co., Copperhill, enn., president Etowah Lumber Co., Jowah, Tenn. ; married Esther A. ryan in 1897 ; member Knights of Pj r - Fiias and F. and A. M.; Democrat; lember Methodist church. CORBANDALE. CORBAN, B. J., farmer and mer- hant; born Palmyra, Tenn., April 6, 853; English descent; son of Burrell ! nd Sarah A. (Barnes) Corban; father’s Ccupation, farmer; paternal grandfather . Corban, paternal grandmother Eliza- eth (Barnes) Corban, maternal grand- ather Repps Barnes, maternal grand- jiother Parthinia (Cross) Barnes; re- 97 ceived common school education; married Maria C. Batson Dec. 2, 1874; member F. and A. M., I. O. O. F. ; began busi- ness career as telegraph operator; elected justice of peace 1882; has held office since, having been continuously re- elected; represented Montgomery Co. in Tenn. general assembly in 1887-8 and in 1889-90; appointed postmaster in 1881, which position he now holds; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. CORNERSVILLE. GAMBILL, Johx Buchanan, mayor, notary public; born Bedford Co., Shel- by ville, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1856; son of Bradley and Sarah C (Anderson) Gam- bill; Irish descent; educated common schools of Bedford Co. Tenn.; married Mattie J. Damron Dec. 29, 1895; organ- ized Farmers Bank of Cornersville 1904-07 ; member real estate firm Fain & Gambill; stockholder and director in Farmers Bank, Cornersville; member M. E. church, South; member board of stewards 20 years. HAYWOOD, Egbert Presley Cullen, physician and farmer; born Giles Co. Tenn., 1845; English descent; son of George W. and Sallie (Dabney) Hay- wood; father’s occupation, physician; pa- ternal grandfather Judge Jonn Haywood, paternal grandmother was a Miss Ed- wards prior to her marriage, maternal grandfather John Dabney, maternal gi-andmother was a Miss Cox prior to her marriage; educated University of Tenn., graduating from same witn degree of M. D. 1873; married Sarah Isabel Marsh 1874; member of Masons; stockholder in banking, milling and mercantile enter- pi'ises; holds large farming interests; member M. E. Church, South. JONES, Alfred, physician and farmer; born Duckriver, Tenn., May 15, 1839; Welch, English, Irish and French Huguenot descent; son of John Ridley and Martha (Lane) Jones; father’s oc- cupation, physician and planter; pater- nal grandfather Redding Jones, pater- nal grandmother Martha (Bustin) Jones, maternal grandfather John Lane, mater- nal grandmother Sara E. (a ones) Lane; graduated University of Nashville, Tenn.) M. D. 1858; married Maxie 98 A\ no’s WHO IN TENNESSEE M. Harris July 8, 1862; member of Dib- rell’s Bivouac Confederate Veterans; served in the Confederate Army four years, member of Third Tenn., captured at Fort Donelson, escaped later from Camp Chase and was assigned duty in the medical department 17tli Tenn., where he served until the close of the war; was in the bloody campaign with Long-street over the mountains of East Tennessee, where the barefoot soldiers could be tracked with blood ; served during siege of Richmond; after surrender in com- pany with Samuel Orr rode 1,100 miles on horseback to Marshall Co.; Democrat; former member lower house Tenn. gen- eral assembly; three times member of state senate Tenn. general assembly; now engaged in farming; president of Farm- ers Bank, Cornersville (Tenn.); mem- ber of M. E. Church, South. COSBY TENN CATON, Thomas, minister of the Gos- pel, farmer; born in Roane Co., N. C., Dec. 24, 1819; English descent; son of Stephen and Susie (T)edmon) Caton; maternal grandfather Thomas Dedmon; educated in local schools of native county, and Saturday and Sunday school in Blount Co., Tenn.; began life as a farmer and blacksmith in his father’s shop; licensed to preach Nov. 4, 1865; deacon Oct. 10, 1869, etc.; married Mar- garet McGaha; member of Methodist Episcopal church, Sunday School Union League; one time Whig, later Republi- can, and loyal to the Union 1861; First Lieutenant in early State Militia of Tenn. McGAHA, Francis G., merchant; born at Cosby, Tenn., March 26, 1865; Eng- lish and Irish descent; son of Francis G. and Milly (Murrell) McGaha; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; educated Pigeon Forge Academy, Sevier Co., Tenn., and Newport Hign school, Newport, Tenn.; in early life was a school teacher; taught eighteen years, later entered the mercan- tile business, in which business he is now engaged at Cosby, Tenn. ; also engaged in farming, and owns some timber lands; married Emma Butler Jan. 8, 1888; Re- publican; elected Justice of t..e Peace in August, 1894, was re-elected and is still serving; term expires Sept. 1, 1912; men her of the Methodist church. COTTAGE GROVE. BRIZENDINE, Henry Williamsoi merchant; born near Paris, Henry Cr Tenn., Sept. 24, 1848; German-Englb descent: son of John Asher and Edil \nn (Walker) Brizendine; father's oi cupation, farmer; received commo school education; married Grizzie Ann Bowden Nov. 19, 1874; in early life wa a farmer hoy; in 1892-3 and in 1906- dealt in loose leaf tobacco; has owne and operated a farm during his entir business career; entered the general met cantile business in 1900; member of Mis sionary Baptist church. Mc-REE, Ai.i.en P., physician am druggist; born Adamsville, Tenn., Auj 13, 1863; Scotch descent; son of N. R ana Agnes (Davis) McRee; father’s or cupation, farmer; educated at Cottag Grove, (Tenn.) and University of Tenn. graduated from U. of T., M. D. 1894 married Mary Emma Aldridge 1888 member of F. & A. M., I. O. O. F. am W. O. W., and Sailors; practices medi cine and operates a drug store Cottag' Grove ('Tenn.); is also justice of peao and notarv public; member of M. E Church, South. COVINGTON. BOYD, William Townes, (T. Boyd) born Mecidenburg Co., Va., Jan. 20, 1844 Scotch descent; son of Francis Walkei! and Isabella (Townes) Boyd; paterna grandparents Robert and Tabith; (Walker) Boyd, maternal grandparent: William and Lucy R. (Maclin) Townes educated Hampden Sidney College (Va.) graduated from same with B.A. degreij June, 1862; married Fannie A. Lewi: Dec. 5, 1865; private 3rd ka. cavalry, C S. A. for two years; First Rkhmonc Howitzer Battallion, to end of war Democrat; former Clerk and Mastei Chancery Court, Tipton, June, 1897, tc Dec., 1909; member Presbyterian church DICKSON, B. V., physician; bori Tipton Co. Tenn., Oct. 30, 1877; son of .lames Fentress and Rachael (Payne) Dickson; educated punlic schools and who's WIIO IN TENNESSEE 99 entral University, Ivy.; graduate of lemphis Hospital Med. College; married darch, 1903; member Masons, Delta lappa Epsilon, Fra.; president and secr- etary Co. Med. Soe. ; examiner for six lsurance Co’s. ; member state and Amer- :an Med. Ass’n. ; Democrat; member tate militia. DOWNING, Richard Vaughan, armer; born near Covington, Tenn., lay 29, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son f Elijah McMahon ancf Elizabeth Anne Vaughan) Downing; educated common chools of Tipton Co., Tenn., graduated Jiekson, Tenn., with degree of B.S. in 895; in early life was a merchant, later ook up farming; married Annie Mary jdcBride Feb. 3, 1908; member I. O. O. A; Democrat (Independent); has been nember of the County Court since Sept. 901; interested in real estate; has been iffiliated with the firms McBride, Down- ng & Co., and Downing & Vaughan, and VIcBride Mercantile Co., Covington I’enn.; member of the Methodist church. FALLIN, James R., hardware mer- ■hant; born near Covington, Tenn., April 13, 1847; Scotch-Irish descent; son of .diaries W. and Sarah E. (Talley) Fal- in; received common school education; n early life was a carpenter; married Mollie B. Stephens Dec. 23, 1890; en- isted in tne S. A. as private during :he Civil war, under B. F. Cheatham ; :aptain First Regiment, U. C. V., for- ner private N. G. S. T.; Democrat; al- derman of city of Covington, Tenn., 1903- 1909 ; vice-president F. W. Bank, Coving- ton, Tenn.; member of the Methodist hureli. FL1PPIN, James H., merchant; born in Fayete Co., Tenn., Oct. 2, 1865; Eng- ■ sh and French descent; son of James A. and Bettie (Dupree) Flippin; educated at Oakland, Tenn.; in early life was a farmer, later became a merchant, in which business he is now engaged; mar- ried Elizabeth Bryant June 28, 1905; member Masons; Democrat; member of the Methodist church. GREEN, Richard Hf.xry, newspaper man; born Tipton Co. Tenn., June 19, 4857; son of john U. an a Mary Jane (Sanford) Green; paternal grandfather names West" Green, paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Bass) Green, maternal grand- father Robert W. Sanford, maternal grandmother Anna Dow (Small) San- ford; Scotch-Irish descent; educated by Prof. James Byars; married Nannie Belle Boyd June 1, 1904; member Ma- sons, K. of P., I. O. O. F.; member state legislature (2 terms), assistant agricul- tural commissioner 1903-07 ; member Presbyterian church. HOLDERMAN, J. A., postmaster; born Owenboro, Ky., March 7, 1861 ; son C. H. and Sarah (Foster) Holderman; German descent; graduate High school; afterwards studied law; married Annie Bates Oct. 2, 1884; Republican; made race for legislature 1892; chairman of Tipton Co. Republican organization; or- ganized Co. for Spanish-American war and elected captain; member W. O. W. HUNT, W. N., county register; born Tipton Co. Tenn., March 12, 1862; son oi Dr. A. D. and Sallie (Nelson) Hunt; self educated; married Annie Strange Jan. 7, 1891; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., Mac- cabees; Democrat. LANIER, Powi.ess William, lawyer; born Fulton, Tipton Co. Tenn., March 7, 1885; son of S. H. and Ellen (Cooper) Lanier; paternal grandfather Samuel B. Lanier, paternal grandmother Hettie Van Lier, maternal grandfather B. Cooper, maternal grandmother Fannie Norris; Huguenot (French) and Dutch descent; educated Tipton Co. schools and Cum- berland University; graduate of Cum- berland University L. L. B. June, 1907; member Kappa Sigma, I. O. O. F. and Masonic Lodge; also member Methodist church; electeci to lower house Tennessee legislature 1910. MCCLELLAND, Charles B., attorney at law; born Tipton, Tenn., Jan. 17, 1877; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Will- iamson and Amanda (Hamilton) McClel- land; father's occupation, planter; edu- cated in public schools of Tipton Co. and at Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., where he graduated in law June, 1900; former Recorder and Treasurer Covington, Tenn., two terms; served 100 who's AVHO IN TENNESSEE eight months 2nd Regiment Tenn. Inf. Volunteers during Spanish-American war; 3d Sergt. Co. I, 2nd Reg. Tenn. Inf. Yon; stockholder in Gilt Edge Mer- cantile Co., Gilt Edge Lumber Co. and Gilt Edge Cotton Gin Co., all located at Gilt Edge, Tipton Co., Tenn., and is also owner of farm lands in Tipton Co., Tenn.; married Hattie Dulaney June 2, 1904; member I. (). O. E. and F. & A. M., Covington, Tenn.; Democrat; mem- ber of Southern Presbyterian church. NEWMAN, IS. R., phsyieian; born at Stanton, Tenn., Nov. 7, 1875; son of L. C. and Susan (Rives) Newman; edu- cated at Webbs School, Culleoka, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University, graduating from the latter with degree of M. D. April, 1899; married Alda McBride Nov. 22, 1904; member Knights of Pythias, and Elks; Democrat; member Presby- terian Churcu; interested in farming and merchandise; engaged in the practice of medicine at Covington, Tenn. OWEN, William A., attorney at law; born near Covington, Tenn., March 6, 1869; son of Richard B. and Sarah F. (Walton) Owen; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Alexander H. Owen, paternal grandmother Sarah (Smith) Owen, maternal grandfather mother Sarah (Cox) Walton; educated Covington Male Academy, Covington (Tenn.) and Vanderbilt University, Nashville (Tenn.); graduated from the latter with degree of EL. B. June 19, 1890; married Claudia McFadden April 19, 1902; member Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Masons and Shriners; Dem- ocrat (Independent); member of the Baptist church. SANFORD, Robert W., lawyer; born Covington, Tenn., March 28, 1871 ; son of William and Bettie (Douglas) Sanford; paternal grandfather Robert W. Sanford, paternal grandmother T rances Small, ma- ternal grandfather Andrew J. Douglas, maternal grandmother Laura Smith; Scotcli-English descent; educatel James Byers High school, S. W. Presbyterian University and Va. Military Institute of Va., and University of Va.; married Maud Sparks Jan. 10, 1900; member K. of P., Alpha lau Omega; member Pres byterian church. SANFORD, William, lawyer; bor i Tipton Co. Tenn., Feb. 15, 1846; son ol Robert Walker and Frances Dowr| (Small Sanford; paternal grandfathe Richard Saniord, paternal grandmothe Sarah (Tweiman) Sanford, materns i grandfather Henry Small, maternt grandmother Anne (Bailey) Small; Eng lish and Scotch descent; educated pri vate schools if Tipton Co.; member o Masonic Lodge at Covington, Chickasai Club of Memphis, member of state sen ate of 1887, member of 7th Tenn. Calvar of C. S. A.; enlisted early 1862; sur rendered Marion, Ala., in spring of 1865 colonel in the Tenn. National Guard was also on staff of Gov. Jas. % D. Porter member Presbyterian church. SIMONTON, Charles Bryson lawyer; born Tipton Co., Tenn., Sept, t 1838; Scotch-Irisi* descent; son of Will iam and Catherine (Ferguson) Simon ton; father’s occupation, farmer; pater nal grandparents John and Marthi (Strong) Simonton, maternal grandpa rtnts James and Catherine (Ferguson Ferguson; graduated from Erskine Col lege, Due West, S. C., with degree B. A Aug. 17, 1859; served as Capt. of Co. C 9th Tenn. Infantry C. S. A.; was se verely wounded and disabled while com manding his regiment at Perryville, Ky. married Mary McDill Oct. 16, 1866 member Knights of Honor and Knight of Pythias; in early life he was teachei in Portersville (Tenn.) Academy, an; was 1st president of City Board of Edu- cation of Covington, Tenn., served ai same ten years ; admitted to Covingtoi bar in 1873, and has ever since been ae tively engaged in practice of law; servecj two terms as Circuit Court Clerk of Tip- ton Co., Tenn., Representative from Tip- ton Co., in Gen. Assembly of Tenn. ir 1877 ; Congressman from 9th Cong. Dist Tenn. two terms, 1879-1883, when Tipton Co. was placed in 10th Cong. Dist. he was only congressman from Tipton Co, ever elected; served as U. S. Dist. Atty.. of Western Dist. of Tenn. under Cleve- land’s second administration; permanent chairman Tenn. Democratic State Con. in 1886 which first nominated Senator who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 101 Robert L. Taylor for governor; elector 10th Cong. Dist. of Tenn. 1892; director of Farmers’ Union Bank, Covington, Tenn., local counsel for Illinois Central R. R. ; Brig. -Gen. 3d Tenn. Brigade U. C. V.; member Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. SIMONTON, Charles Pressley, Coun- ty Clerk of Tipton Co.; born Covington, Tenn., Nov. 14, 1871 ; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Charles Bryson and Mary (McDill) Simonton; father’s occupation, attorney at law and congressman; pater- nal grandparents, William and Catherine (Ferguson) Simonton, maternal grand- parents Robert and Nancy Wilson (McCreight) McDill; educated Semina- ries and Academies and Byars High School Covington, (Tenn.); graduated in stenography at Watson’s Busi- ness College Memphis, (Tenn.) May 1, 1896; in early life was a dry goods and drug clerk; Exalted Ruler, Covington Lodge No. 1205 B. P. O. E., Past Grand, Covington Lodge I. O. O. F., No. 99, Past Chancellor, Achilles Lodge No. 50 K. of P., Past Great Mogul, Oriental Order of Humility; Alternate Delegate from 10th Tenn. Congressional District to National Democratic Convention July 1904; former Secretary Tipton County Democratic Executive Committee; form- er Clerk to United States District Attorney for West Tennessee; Secretary Democratic Congressional Executive Committee 10th Congressional District Tennessee; drafted and secured passage of an Act Tennessee Legislature authorizing appointment of female deputy court clerk, Tipton County, Tenn.; prior to this act no woman in Tennessee was eligible to serve as deputy county official; following the act he ap- pointed Miss Lucile Ing Pennel daughter of the late County Court Clerk Geo. W. Pennel, Deputy County Clerk, the only female Deputy County official in Tenn.; elected County Court Clerk 1906 to All out unexpired term of Geo. W. Pennel, deceased; elected by people to fill out re- mainder of unexpired term Aug. 1908, re- elected without opposition Aug. 1910; Democrat, and elected to office as nom- inee of the Democratic party; Major of 1st Batallion 2nd Inf. N. G.‘ S. T„ July, 1903-6 Aide de camp with rank of Colo- nel on Governor M. R. Pattersons staff from 1907 to 1911; member of Presbyte- rian church. — SIMONTON, Joseph Warden, editor; born in Tipton Co., Tenn., Aug. 24, 1858; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Christopher and Martha (Baird) Simonton; paternal grandparents, William and Catherine (Ferguson) Simonton, maternal grand- parents, Joseph and Jennie (Wilson) Baird; educated Male Academy of James Byars, Covington, Tenn ; married Mary Alice Alison April 19, 1893; in early life worked on a farm and after leav- ing school in 1882, went back to farm and continued in that business until 1887, when bought an interest in the “Leader" in Oct 1888, which paper he has been editor of since tnat time; Democrat; Associate Reformed Presbyterian Stephenson, Same E., lawyer; born Yorkville S. C., Sept. 1st, 1847 ; son Hamilton and Mary (McCullough) Ste- phenson. Scotch-Irish descent; educated Common Schools; married 1st, Rebecca Ann Owen, April 26, 1868; 2nd Annie B. Chapman, July 10, 1889; member K. of P. ; former justice of Peace; former Clerk Co. Court; now County Judge Tip- ton Co., Tenn.; member Methodist church. TEMPLETON, Houston K., dentist; born Lynchburg, Tenn., Jan. 18, 1881; son of B. B. and Martha (Farriss) Tem- pleton, English descent; educated Win- chester, Tenn., Richmond, Va., Nashville, Tenn., Vanderbilt 1907; P. G., I. O. O. F. ; Presbyterian. TIPI ON, John A., lawyer; Attorney- General for the Sixteenth Judicial Cir- cuit of the State of Tennessee; Demo- crat; residence, Covington, Tenn. W R I G LI T — Samuel Alexander, farmer; born in Tipton Co., Tenn., Dec. 21, 1850; son of Isham A. and Mary W. (Bernard) Wright; father’s occupa- tion, farmer and merchant; educated Judge James Byrar’s School, Cov- ington, Tenn.; worked for father in the mercantile business in early life, later be- came a farmer; married Rebecca Rhodes Jan. 18, 1877; Democrat; justice of the peace for the past 22 years and notary public 25 years; member M. E. Church, South. 102 Wliols WHO IN TENNESSEE COWAN. DAVIS, James Henderson, banker; born Butler Co., Ky.,July 27, 1879 ; Welsh- Irish English-Duteh descent; son of De- catur F. and Mary E. (Gott) Davis; fa- ther’s occupation, teacher, farmer; pater- nal grandfather John S. Davis, paternal grandmother Harriet E. (Moore) Davis maternal grandfather Moses P. Gott, ma- ternal grandmother Sarah E. (Mans- field) Gott; educated private schools S. N. S. and B. G. B. C., Bowling Green, (Ky).; married Lena M. Smith, August 1, 1905; Master Cowan Lodge Masons, Past Grand Cowan Lodge Odd Fellows, Clerk of Cowan Camp M. W. of A.; taught in Kentucky public schools from 1899 to 1904, five or six months each year, worked in Sheriff’s office or Coun- ty Clerk’s office as Deputy balance of each year; clerked in Brownsville, (Ky.) Deposit Bank, later promoted to assist- ant cashier; assisted in organization of Bank of Cowan, Tenn., May 1906, elect- ed Cashier June 1906 which position he now holds; Democrat; elder in Chris- tian Church, Cowan, Tenn. CRAB ORCHARD. CLINE, Josiah S., educator; born near South Bend, Inch, Oct. 15, 1854; German-Irish descent; son of Samuel and Mary E. (Morris) Cline; father was a mechanic, miller and merchant; edu- cated in common schools of Indiana and at Valparaiso, where he graduated with degrees of B. S., B. A. and A. M. in 1882; has at times been engaged in car- pentering, farming, milling and mer- chandising; entered educational work in 1873, and taught and attended school until his graduation in 1882; taught school in Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska for many years and during school vaca- tions worked at other things; was su- perintendent of public schools of We- pello, Iowa; moved to Tenn. in 1890; since moving to Tenn. has been engaged in mining, milling, manufacturing and merchandising, besides teaching in insti- tutes and engaging in agricultural enter- prises; has been County Superintendent of Cumberland Co. most of the time for the past fifteen years, and is the present incumbent; has extensive timber and mineral interests in Cumberland Co., Tenn.: largely interested in real estate in Crab Orchard, Tenn., and is the owner of farm lands nearby; married Lillian Sweeney, Wepello, la., June 5, 1890; member of Church of United Brethren; F. & A. M., I. O. O. F. and Encamp- ment of Red Men ; lias filled principal offices in local lodges of all orders with which lie is affiliated. CROCKETT MILLS. SWANSON, Edward G., business man; horn Friendship, Tenn., Aug. 10, 1874; Scoteh-Irish descent; son of John James and Frances P. (Dodson) Swan- son ; father’s occupation, physician ; re- ceived common school education; mar- ried Althea Dean March 26, 1905; mem- ber K. of P. (past chancellor), W. O. W; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South . CRONANSVILLE. JONES, James N., planter; born Obion Co., Tenn., Sept. 28, 1843; Scotch descent; son of Willis and Lou Ann (Tindall) Jones; father’s occupation, farmer and merchant ; received common j school education and has devoted all of | his life to farming; married Lillie D. Wade Dec. 23, 1897; Democrat; member of the Methodist church; in addition to his agricultural interests is president of People’s National Bank, Tiptonville, Tenn. CROSS VILLE. CLINE, George Washington, lawyer; born Chillieothe, Mo., June 20, 1861; son of Samuel and Mary E. (Morris) Cline; father was a contractor and builder; educated University of Indiana and graduated from same with degree of B. A. in 1887; in early life was a school teacher; Democrat; represented Ninth Senatorial District of the state of Tenn., in the State Senate in 1897-8; member I. O. O. F. (Past Grand) Past! Chief Patriarch of Encampment I. O. O. F., Past Chancellor Commander Knights of Pythias, Past Chief Sa-J chem Red Men, member Knights and Ladies of Honor; President of Cross- ville Mercantile Co., and member of the Cumberland Plateau Real Estate Co.; who’s who nsr Tennessee 103 engaged in the active practice of law at Crossville, Tenn. COOPER, James William, lawyer; born near Quebec, White Co., Tenn., April 19, 1878; Irish descent; son of William and Amanda (Sparkman) Cooper; paternal grandparents William and Margaret (Moat) Cooper, maternal grandparents Hardy and Mira (Coffee) Sparkman; educated at Dovle college and graduated Law Department Uni- versity of Tenn., LL. B., June 13, 1899; general counsel for Tennessee Northeast- ern Railroad; Vice-President of Cum- berland Coal and Realty Co. ; married Minnie A. Keyes Jan. 2, 1903; member Knights of Pythias, District Deputy Grand Chancellor 1909-10; Democrat; 1903, member of Tennessee House of Representatives; served eight years in Tennessee National Guard, retired in 1907, rank of Captain; Special Judge 1910, circuit court of Fentress Co., Tenn. ; member Methodist church. GARRISON, Abraham Lixcolx, farmer and real estate dealer; born Jewett, Tenn., Sept. 15, 1879; English descent; son of James S. and Blanche (Monday) Garrison; father’s occupation, trader; graduated at Cumberland Nor- mal College with degree of A. B. in 1898; began business career as a teach- er; elected Co. Trustee of Cumberland Co., Tenn., at the age of 21 ; former City Recorder of Crossville, Tenn.; member Tenn. State Legislature 1907-1911; former member of the State Guards; has held public office continuously for 21 years; treasurer of Powell Lumber and Mining Co., and is director in De Raus- sett Hat & Glove Co.; married Effie Wallace Aug. 22, 190G; member Masons, I. O. O. F., K. of P. and Red Men; Re- publican ; member of the Congregational church. Hamby, William A., attorney at law; born Morgan Co., Tenn., May 10, 1841; son of Andrew and Alma (Profit) Ham- by; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education ; married Nancy F. Tollett, Feb. 29, 1869; member Royal Arch Masons; Democrat; in early life was a school teacher; United States Dep- uty Marshal 1862-6, County Judge Cum- berland Co. (Tenn.) 1889-1909; Sergeant 28th, Tenn. Infantry C. S. A. from 1861 to 1863; Tax Assessor of Cumberland Co. (Tenn.) 2 years; practicing attor- ney since 1874; member M. E. Church South . LEWIS, Vexable Laxe, physician and surgeon; born near Sparta, Tenn., Sept. 30, 1877; English, Welsh, Irish de- scent; son of Tandy L. and Tennie (Kimbrough) Lewis; paternal grandpar- ents Thomas and Martha ( — ) Lewis; maternal grandparents Robert and Mar- tha ( — ) Kimbrough; educated in local schools of White Co., Tenn., Doyle Col- lege, and graduated from Burritt Col- lege, Spencer, Tenn., 1900, B.S. degree; graduated from Medical Department L niversity of Tenn., M.D., 1903; began life as farmer and teacher in public schools of White Co., Tenn., after grad- uation in medicine; physician to railroad, then to mining town; i907, general prac- tice Crossville; married Rachel Florence Wallace July 25, 1900; member of Methodist Episcopal church. South; Democrat. SNODGRASS, Charles Edward, lawyer and jurist; born in White Co., Tenn., Dec. 28, 1866; Scoteh-Irish de- scent; son of Thomas and Eliza Jane (Evans) Snodgrass; father’s occupation, physician and lawyer; paternal grand- parents, David and Mary (Johnson) Snodgrass, maternal grandparents, Se- vier and Nancy (Rotan) Evans; received common school education; studied law in the. office of his uncle, H. C. Snod- grass, a former member of Congress and Senator E. Jarvis; began the prac- tice of law with his father and uncle at Crossville, Tenn. ; was a member of the law firm of Snodgrass, Robinson & Lansden (now Judge D. I,. Lansden of the Supreme Court) when elected as Representative from the 4th Con- gressional District of Tenn., in the 56th Congress, re-elected to the 57th Congress from same district; his Republican op- ponents being State Senator Geo. H. Morgan and Hon. J. J. Gore respec- tively, his majorities being 5,291 and 5,164 respectively; resumed practice of law upon retirement from Congress; was appointed in 1906 Judge of the 5th 104 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Judicial Circuit of the state of Tenn. by Gov. Cox, to fill out unexpired term of Congressman Cordel Huli( resigned); was later twice nominated and elected to said office, and is present incumbent; married Lola A. Webb June 30, 1889; Democrat; Elder in Christian Church, Crossville, Tenn. CULLEOKA. GRAHAM, John Patton, educator; born Pennington Gap, Va., Oct. 26, 1869; Scotch-Irish anu. English descent; son of John Patton and America (Penn- ington) Graham; father’s occupation physician ; paternal grandparents Henry and Mary (Russell) Graham; maternal grandparents Thomas and Mary (Smith) Pennington; educated in the public schools of Va,, and Emory & Henry College, Va., and V anderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.; graduated from Emory & Henry College with degree A. B., June 7, 1893; in early life he worked on farm; after graduation he became Principal Robeline (La,), High School 1893-4, then became student in Van- derbilt University 1894-5, Co-Principal Hamburg, (Ark.) High School 1895-6, Principal of Culleoka (Tenn.) Academy 1896-1906; elected Superintendent of Public Instruction of Maury, Co., Tenn., 1907, and is the present incumbent; mar- ried Clabie May Taylor June 27, 1900; member K. of P. ; Democrat; member Methodist Episcopal church, South; en- gaged in farming, and has been Presi- dent of the Bank of Culleoka since its organization in 1904. CUMBERLAND CITY. PICKARD, Nixon, banker; born Lin- den, Perry Co., Tenn., Feb. 17, 1877; Scotch-Irish descent; son of P. P. and Julia (Britt) Pickard; father’s occupa- tion, banker; educated Edgewood and Wa- verly, Tenn., June, 1898; married Annie Dougherty Jan. 31, 1907; in early life was engaged in mercantile business with his father; Lieutenant in First Volun- teer Tenn., Regiment in the Spanish American war, served in the Philip- pines; interested in real estate and cash- ier of Cumberland City Bank; member Methodist church, South, STOUT, Josiati Wilkins, jurist, chancellor Sixth Chancery Division of Tenn.; born Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 14, 1851; English, Dutch, Scotch descent; son of Ira A. and Sarah (Graham) Stout; father’s occupation, manu- facturer; paternal grandfather Samuel Van Dyke Stout, paternal grandmother Katherine (Tannehill) Stout, maternal grandfather Andrew Graham, maternal grandmother Margaret (Shaw) Graham; began his business career as farmer, teacher and lawyer; married Emma Brandon Jan. 19, 1881; member Phoe- nix Lodge No. 270, F. & A. M.; heredi- tary member Society of Cincinnati; mem- ber of state senate general assembly of Tenn. 1889; county superintendent of public instruction 1879-1889; elected chancellor Sixth Chancery Division of Tenn. August, 1902, and re-elected with- out opposition in August, 1910; member of the Methodist church. THOMAS, William T., merchant; born Stewart Co., Tenn., Oct. 2, 1841; son of John H. and Nancy (Allen) Thomas; father’s occupation, farmer; re- ceived common school education; married Martha V. Gray Nov. 8, 1866; member Masons, Master IT. P. and Knights of Pythias, Chancellor Commander; mem- ber of state senate general assembly of Tenn. 1907 ; served four years in the Civil War in Confederate States Army, first lieutenant Companies C. and I., 50th Tenn. regiment; has been in the mercantile business for forty-four years; member of M. E. Church, South. CUMBERLAND GAP. MORISON, James Henderson Stu- art, lawyer; born at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Dec. 12, 1864; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of J. IT. S. and Amanda (Jones) Morison; his father was a phy- sician; paternal grandparents, George and Mary (Woous) Morison, maternal grandparents Evan and Eveline (Bos- well) Jones; educated University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn., and National University Law School, Washington, D. C. ; graduated from the former with A. B. Degree in 1887, A. M. Degree in 1888, and from the latter with degree of LL. B. in 1890; in early life was a school teacher; married Victoria Morgan who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 105 May 3, 1899 ; member F. & A. M., Royal Arch Mason; Democrat; formerly Judge of the County Court of Claiborne Co. Tenn., by appointment 1903-1904, and is present incumbent by election in 1910; author of “Tennessee Pleading and Forms,” 1907 ; member of the Christian church; also owns a ranch. STOOKSBURY, Willliam L., educa- tor; born Rule, Union Co., Tenn., July 4, I860'; son of Alvis and Elizabeth (Duke) Stooksbury; paternal grand- father, Jacob Stooksbury; paternal grandmother, Huldah (Craig) Stooks- bury; maternal grandfather, William Duke; maternal grandmother, Tinnie (Sharp) Duke; educated at U. S. Grant University, Atnens, Tenn., graduated from same with A. B. degree 1891 ; A. M. 1894; from American Temperance University, Harriman, Tenn., L.L.B. 1896; Ph.D. 1900; University of Chicago, 1897-8; married Elia Patterson Jamison, Aug. 26, 1903; member Lincoln Farm Association; Republican; member of Baptist Church; Prof, of Biology and Field Agent, Carson and Newman Col- lege, Jefferson City, Tenn., 1902-3; Prof, of Natural Sciences, Virginia Institute, Bristol, Va., 1903-4; President Lincoln Memorial University, Cumberland Gap, Tenn., 1904-10. WHITE, Joseph Franklin, lawyer; born in Claiborne Co., Tenn., June 10, 1866; son of Joseph and Olivia K. (Moss) White; educated University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. ; in early life worked on a farm and clerked in a store, later studied law and was admitted to the bar; City Judge Cumberland Gap, Tenn., 1891-3, member State Executive Committee 1905-1911, Mayor Cumber- land Gap 1906-1910, now State Revenue Agent for Eastern District of Tenn.; Aid de Camp with rank of Col. on staff of Gov. Benton McMillin, of State of Tenn., from 1899-1903; member Knights of Pythias, Elks, member Cumberland Club, Knoxville, Tenn., and Methodist Episcopal church, South. CUTE. ADAMS, John B., merchant; born Cute, Tenn., June 20, 1853; Dutch and English descent; son of William B. and Rachel (Guinn) Adams; father’s occu- pation, farmer; paternal grandfather Burgis Adams, paternal grandmother, Mary (Cates) Adams, maternal grand- father Absolam Guinn, maternal grand- mother Kizish (Mattox) Guinn; received common school education; married Ma- linda E. Allen Jan. 12, 1877; member of Odd Fellows; Republican; former post- master of Decatur (Tenn.) ; census enum- erator in 1900 and 1910; began teaching eighteen years of age and taught in the public schools Meigs Co. Tenn. thirty-two years; is at present interested in mer- chandise and farming; member of Bap- tist church. DANDRIDGE. BLACKBURN, William Wirt, farm- er; born near Dandridge, Tenn., April 9, 1838; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Ben- jamin A. and Isabella M. (Caldwell) Blackburn; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents John and Eliza- beth (McGerk) Blackburn, maternal grandparents William and Nellie (Moore) Caldwell; enlisted as private in Co. C, 9th Tenn. Cav. U. S. A., May 6, 1863; promoted to 1st Lieut, and R. C. 8. Sept. 25, 1864; married twice, first Harriet E. McSpadden, Jan. 13, 1869, second, Harriet R. Miller, Oct. 14, 1874; all of his business life has been devoted to farming; has been interested in public school work for forty years; served as Trustee of Maury Academy, Dandridge, Tenn., for twelve years, also chairman of the board; Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian church for 35 or 40 years; has served as chairman of Board of Trustees of Hopewell Presbyterian church thirty-four years and is also treasurer of same; his father, grand- father and great grandfather were all Ruling Elders in the Presbyterian church. FELKNOR, Andrew McFerrin, born near Leadvale Sept. 4, 1859 ; Scotch- Irish-English-German descent; son of Alexander and Annie C. (Goan) Felk- nor; father’s occupation farmer, pater- nal grandfather James Felknor; pat- ernal grandmother’s maiden name was Miss Guthrie, maternal grand- father Shadrack Goan, maternal grand- mother Sytha (Inman) Goan; received 106 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE academic education at Oak Hill Academy Cedar Grove Academy and Athens; mar- ried Lucy Rainwater No. 13, 1889; mem- ber Masons; Republican; Circuit Court Clerk of Jefferson Co. 1886 to 1889; Clerk in pension office Knoxville 1889 to 1894; trustee of Jefferson Co. 1896 to 1910; is at present cashier of Jef- ferson Co. Bank; is also interested in farming and mercantile enterprises; Pesbyterian. HILL, James Preston, farmer and banker; born Jefferson Co., Tenn., Jan. 1, 1884; Irish and Dutch descent; son of James Maston and Mary (Moore) Hill; educated in the local schools of Jeffer- son Co.; began life as a farmer and en- listed in the Union Army during civil war; attained the rank of Corporal, later Sergeant, in the 9th Tenn. Regiment of Cavalry; married Mary Thurman in 1867; member of Methodist Episcopal church; Republican. ROBESON, James F., farmer; born Buncomb Co., N. C., Marcli 25, 1865 ; Scotch-Irish-English and Dutch descent; son of Jacob " C. and Clarisse Ann (Haren) Robeson; father’s occupation, farmer; educated in schools of Cocke Co., Tenn.; married first Lizzie O’Brien Aug. 29, 1889 ; married second Maud Crockett, Dec. 22, 1904; member Masons and Order of Eastern Star; Republican; member Methodist Episcopal church; in early life was a salesman at Knoxville, Tenn.; subsequently engaged in farming, at which he is now occupied. SMITH, William Harding, farmer and canner and live stock dealer; born near Dandridge, Tenn., March 2, 1852; English-Irish-Dutch descent; son of John and Caroline (Baer) Smith; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Moses Smith, paternal grandmother Pa- thenia (Miller) Smith; maternal grand father John Baer, maternal grandmother Polly Richie (Inman) Baer; received common school education; married Ade- line Susong June 6, 1905; member of Masons, Knights of Honor; lormer School Commissioner; member Baptist church; has farming and canning Inter- ests and is a merchant, stock dealer, lumber dealer and pike road builder. SWANN, William Arthur, attorney at law; born in Dandridge Aug. 5, 1870; son of Judge J. P. and Victoria Swann; father’s occupation, lawyer and jurist; paternal grandfather Robert S\yann; pa- ternal grandmother Rachel (Cowan) Swann; maternal grandfather John Gra- ham, maternal grandmother Cynthia (Jeffries) Graham; educated University of Tennessee; began the practice of law early in life; married Nina Gwinn Nov. 6, 1906; member Masons and W. O. W.; Republican; Representative in Tennes- see Legislature 1901; appointed Post- master Dandridge in 1905, which office j he now holds; is engaged in practice of law at Dandridge and is a member ol the firm C. M. Williford Hardware Co.; also director in Jefferson Co. Bank. DANIEL’S LANDING. DANIEL, John Newton, farmer;!! born Yellow Creek, Dickson Co., Tenn., Aug. 2, 1837; Irish descent; son of jj Woodson and Mary (Smith) Daniel; father’s occupation, farmer; educated in Perry Co., Tenn. ; graduated as a teach- IS er and engaged in school teaching in early life; married Martha Young Oct. I 23, 1860; member Masons; Democrat; was a private in the 53rd Tenn. in the war between the States; served under Gen. Bragg in battles of Ft. Donelson, Hoover’s Gap, Missionary Ridge; mem- ber of Church of Christ; is now farming and is also engaged in mercantile busi- ness. DANVILLE. McASKILL, Kenneth, general mer- chant born Houston Co., Tenn., Dec. 7, 1866; Scotch descent; son of Ken- neth and I. J. (Wilson) McAskill; fath- er’s occupation, farming; educated in local county schools of Houston Co., Tenn; early business occupation, farm- ing and teaching; member of Knights of Pythias and I. O. O. F.; Democrat. DAYTON. ALLEN, Valentine Collins, lawyer; born in Tippah Co., Miss., Sept. 2, 1842; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Valentine and Ann (Frazier) Allen; father’s occu- pation, farmer; paternal grandfather who's WHO IN TENNESSEE 107 Valentine Allen; paternal grandmother Frances (Collins) Allen, maternal grand- father Beriah Frazier, maternal grand- mother Barbara (Gibbs) Frazier; re- ceived an academic education; married Emily King Feb. 13, 1866; Commander of Camp J. W. Gillespie No. 923, U. C. V. ; was member Tennessee legislature 1871-2; entered Confederate army at 18 years of age, was paroled at Washing- ton, Ga., May 8, 1865; admitted to bar March 10, 1867, and is now practicing law at Dayton, Tenn. ARMSTRONG, Alfred F., farmer; born Meigs Co., Tenn., March 8, 1844; German and Irish descent; son of Benja- min and Nancy (Brightwell) Armstrong; received a common school education ? married Ada Hutcheson Feb. 9, 1870; was member of 3rd Tenn. Infantry Vol- unteer Co. I, C. S. A.; member Baptist church; is engaged in farming, trading and mercantile pursuits. BENHAM, Philo Dayton, farmer; born Jaeksonport, Ark., Jan. 2, 1857; son of Philo Mead and Lucinda (Day- ton) Benham; English descent; father’s occupation, teacher, publisher, manufac- turer; paternal grandfather James Ben- ham, paternal grandmother Lucy (Mead) Benham, maternal grandfather, Telem Dayton, maternal grandmother Lucinda (Fletcher) Dayton; educated in public schools of Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; married J. Virginia French Nov. 28, 1893; member of Press Club of Chicago, Press Club of Nashville; in early life was a hardware clerk; became a publisner when 25 years of age; in partnership with Opie Read founded the Arkansas Traveler at Lit- tle Rock, Ark., in 1882; in 1887 the pub- lication was moved to Cnicago, where he conducted it in connection with Opie Read several years; from 1892 to 1904 was connected with va- rious publishing interests in Chicago and St. Louis; in 1905 retired to his farm, Hiwassee Island, 750 acres in the Tenn. river at the mouth of the Hiwas- see, where he is now engaged in farm- ing and stock raising. CRAWFORD, James Thomas, ac- countant and real estate broker; born Washington, Rhea Co., Tenn., Nov. 25, 1869; Scotch-Irish descent; son of H. A. and Ann N. (Gillespie) Crawford; father was a merchant and farmer; paternal grandparents Capt. John and Martha (Griffith) Crawford; maternal grand- parents Robert N. and Hannah (Lenty) Gillispie; educated in the local schools and University of Tenn.; began life as a bookkeeper for the Dayton Coal and Iron Co.; later engaged in the drug- business (about 1898-1910) as member of firm of Crawford and Robinson; was elected County Trustee Rhea Co. in 1904, served three terms, declining nomination in 1910; president of Hamilton Develop- ment Co. of Chattanooga (Tenn.) ; stock- holder in Mission Heights Development Co., Chattanooga (Tenn.) ; engaged in real estate business Dayton (Tenn.) ; married Susan H. Ayres Oct. 2, 1902; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church. Free Masons, Knights of Pythias; Democrat; Was coal oil inspector four years. DEAN, James Thomas, born Bedford Co., Tenn., 1858; son of Payton S. and Nancy P. Dean; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; received a common school education; married Mattie J. Crawford Jan., 1888; began business career as a merchant at Flat Creek, Tenn. ; with- drew from mercantile business in 1882 and organized the bank of Lewisburg; was elected as cashier of the same in 1882; resigned his position and moved to Kansas City, Kan., in 1890, where he entered in the insurance business; sold out agency in 1892 and returned to Tenn. ; organized the Dayton Bank and Trust Co., of which institution he is now cashier, and has been since 1894; member of the Christian church. ELLIS, Joseph Desha, Jr., farmer; born Covington, Ky„ 1852; Irish-Scotch- French-Holland Dutch descent; son of Joseph Desha and Mary (Longmoor) El- lis; father’s occupation, printer; received common school educa- tion; began business life as a newsboy at 9 years of age, later became errand boy for Cincinnati business firm, then a salesman for Philadelphia house; now engaged in the growing and shipping of fruits. 108 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE FOOSHEE, Joseph Crockett, teach- er; born at Sparta, Tenn., Oct. 3, 1867; Scotch-Irish and French descent; son of Jonas and Jane (Crook) Fooshee; pa- ternal grandparents John and Susan (Hinds) Fooshee, maternal grandparents John and Sarah (Brown) Crook; edu- cated in public and private schools and at Terrill College and the University of Tenn.; graduated from Terrill College, B. S., 1894; engaged in farming and later took up teaching; has been Prin- cipal of the Rhea Co. Hi ah School for the past five years; stockholder, di- rector and vice-president of Dayton Bank and Trust Co. ; married Lillian x owell Dec. 22, 1897; member of Meth- odist Episcopal church, South; Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F., Woodmen of the World; Past Chancellor Commander of Knights of Pythias; Democrat. GODSEY, William Clinton, farmer; born in Rhea Co., Sept. 20, 1844; Irish descent; son of Stephen Jett and Mary (Gibbones) Godsey; father’s occupation farmer; received common school educa- tion; married Mary Jane Martin Jan. 2, 1872; member of Masons, both Blue Lodge and Chapter Lodge; lived on farm till 1862; joined the Confederate army when 18 years of age, served three years, surrendered near Charlotte, N. C., under Joe Wheeler; in 1867 entered general merchandise business, but is now engaged in farming, having purchased the farm on which he was born in 1870; he was also at one time engaged in the hardware business at Dayton; member Missionary Baptist church. HOWARD, William Alexander, minister of the gospel; born in Rhea Co., Tenn., March 23, 1849; English de- scent; son of Robert Tate and Penelope (Majors) Howard; father’s occupation, minister of the gospel ; paternal grand- xather Allison Howard, paternal grandmother Sarah J (Majors) How- ard; maternal grandfather Peter J. Ma- jors, materal gradmother Ruth (Parks) Majors; received common .school educa- tio; married Emma Ingle Nov. 13, 1870; member Masons; Democrat; Register of Deeds of Rhea Co. ; member of First Baptist church, Dayton, Tenn. HUDSON, John Wesley, President and Mgr. Dayton Milling Co.; born An- derson Co., Tenn., Aug. 19, 1861; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Elijah B. ij and Nancy Ann (Reader) Hudson; ! father’s occupation, contractor; paternal || grandfather, John William Hudson, pa- ternal grandmother Nancy Ann (Davis) Hudson, maternal grandfather Harrison Reader, maternal grandmother Rachel (Wheeler) Reader; married Florence Lefa Henderson 1884; former Election Commissioner of Rhea Co., Tenn., Mayoi of the City of Dayton, Tenn.; began business career driving delivery wagon for grocery firm in Chattanooga, Tenn.; entered the grocery business in Chatta- I nooga, Tenn., in 1881, with $200.00 capi- f tal; moved to Dayton, Tenn., in 1886 j and entered the mercantile business; in 1 900 was elected president and mgr. oi the Dayton Milling Co., a corporation manufacturing flour, meal and feed. KELLEY, William B., farmer; born Rhea Co., Tenn., Feb. 29, 1860; Irish |! descent; son of Jacob and Julia F. (Darwin) Kelley; educated at Hiwassee College, Tenn. ; married Ada Morrison |j Nov, 28, 1883; member Dayton Lodge j! I. O. O. F. No. 2 and Dayton Lodge No. 156 of F. and A. M.; Democrat; was elected County Court Clerk for Rhea Co, Tenn., Aug., 1902, re-elected Aug. 1906, served until Aug., 1910; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. SWAFFORD Jesse Brown, lawyer; born Bledsoe Co., Tenn., July 6, 1866; Scitch-Irish-Dutch descent; son of Sam- uel and Eliza (Roberson) Swafford; ed- | ucated People’s College, Pikeville, Tenn.; graduated in law .from Cumberland Uni- versity, Lebanon, June, 1888; married Hannah Darwin Dec. 18, 1895; member Dayton Lodge I. O. O. F. ; is Past Grand of the same; member Dayton Lodge F. & A. M.; is Worshipful Master of the same and is a member of Chapter No. 121 R. A. M. (Master of 3rd V.); mem- I 1 her Harriman Council No. 87 R. & S. M.; Democrat; represented the 9th Senator- ial District in Upper House Tenn. Leg. 1901, the only office he ever sought be- fore the public; began teaching in pub- lic schools of Bledsoe when 18 years of age, and by this means, obtained funds to WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 109 defray expenses or education; after com- pleting academic and legal education in this way entered the practice of law at Dayton, Tenn., Oct., 1889 ; at present at- torney for the Co. of Rhea and City of Dayton, which offices he has held for several years; active advocate of pas- sage and enforcement of temperance laws; member of the State Committee of Independent Democrats from 4th Con- gressional District; junior member of law firm of Miller & Swafford; attor- ne} r s for the Dayton Coal & Iron Co., Ltd., and for numerous concerns own- ing coal and timber lands; also attor- neys for the Dayton Bank & Trust Co.; Methodist. TALLENT, Noah J., Postmaster Dayton, Tenn.; born Marshall, Co., Ala., Feb. 5, 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Robert F. and Margaret (Cox) Tallent; father’s occupation machinist; received common school education; married Mag- gie Z. Moore June 28, 1896; Past Grand I. 0. O. F., Past Chancellor of K. of P., Past President of P. O. S. of A.; in early life was in the furniture business and later in the livery business; served on police force at Dayton 1895-1896; re- fused Republication nomination for Sheriff’ in 1900; accepted nomination in 1902 and was elected; renominated and defeated in 1904; renominated and withdrew in 1906; appointed postmaster of Dayton Dec. 10, 1906, which office he now holds; was private in Company F., N. G. S. T. for one year, beginning Sept. 20, 1894; entered business at age of 16 as senior member of the firm of Tallent & Small, doing an extensive liv- ery business, having obtained release by publication from his father; member Baptist church. WATERHOUSE, Euclid, real estate and undertaking business; born near Washington, Tenn., Aug. 20, 1867 ; Eng- lish descent; son of Darius and Harriet (Sharp) Waterhouse; the father, being a physician ; paternal grandparents, Rich- ard G. and Elizabeth (Hackett) Water- house; maternal grandparents, Elisha and Elinor (Huff) Sharp; educated at King College Bristol, Tenn., began career in farming and stock raising; in 18s9 removed to Blythes Ferry near Dayton, Tenn., and continued farm- ing with the addition of fruit and berry business also engaged in mercantile busi- ness; since 1907 he has been engaged in the real estate business at Dayton, Tenn.; married Birdie Philips Nov. 22, 1899; member of the M. E. church. South, Odd Fellow and Masonic Fraternities; Demo- crat; Chairman of Democratic Executive committee of Rnea Co., Tenn., since 1900. DECATUR. ABEL, Joi-ix Moss, merchant; born Decatur, Tenn., Feb. 26, 1851; German descent; son of Wm. J. and Malinda H. (Guinn) Abel; paternal grandparents Cain and Margaret (Buice) Abel; mater- nal grandparents Bartholomew and Sus- an (Huff) Guinn; educated Decatur Academy; entered mercantile business early in life; married Mary Clementson Dec. 19, 1888; married Lucinda Jane Smith Dec. 21, 1894; member I. O. O., F. ; (Past Grand); Circuit Clerk Meigs Co., from 1882 to 1894; appointed Clerk and Master, Meigs Co., in 1894 and is the present incumbent; regular Demo- crat; Presbyterian. BREEDEN, Samuel G., physician; born Barnardsville, Rose Co., Tenn., July 25, 1852; Irish descent; son of Col. Wil- liam and Nancy (Barnard) Breeden; paternal grandparents John and Sarah (Bird) Breeden; maternal grandparents Jonathan and Sarah (Jolley) Barnard; eduated at Hiwassee College, Tenn. ; be- gan life as a farmer; later, took up the study of medicine and began practicing medicine about 1878; continuing to the present time; engaged in drug business from 1886-1890; married Hester Mor- rell Nov. 25, 1884; member of Odd Fellows; M. E. church, South; Democrat. EAVES, J. B. farmer; born in Meigs Co., Tenn., 1858; English descent; son of P. L. and Elizabeth (Bean) Eaves; received common school education; en- tered farming as a business in early life; member Masons; Republican; County Surveyor of Meigs County from 1900 to 1908. ' FIKE, James Emebsox, farmer and stock raiser; born in Rhea Co., March 5, no WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 1825; son of Josiah and Anna (Sutton) Fike; Scotch-Irish descent; received common school education and began farming in early life; married first Elizabeth Fooshee, Oct. 9, 1845; second Harriett Thomas, June 14, 1878; mem- ber of F. & A. M.; former Justice of Peace and Sheriff of Meigs Co.; served throughout the Civil War as private in Confederate army Company B. 5th Tenn. Cavalry. GRUBB, Peter Jasper, farmer; born McMinn Co., Tenn., Nov. 28, 1843; Ger- man descent; son of William and Ma- hallah (Anderson) Grubb; received com- mon school education; married M. L. Pierce May 2, 1867; Mason; Republican; was Justice of the Peace Meigs Co., Tenn., 1872-1832; served in the civil war as private U. S. A.; member of the Bap- tist church; began farming in early life and at present engaged in farming and stock raising. GUINN, Jesse H., farmer; born De- catur, Tenn.; Jan. 5, 1842; Irish descent; son of Almon and Nancy (Hamilton) Guinn ; paternal grandparents Bartho- lomew and Susanna (Huff) Guinn; re- ceived common school education; mar- ried A. E. Foster in 1900; member of Farmer's Alliance and Farmer’s Union; Democrat; in early life clerked and taught in common schools; entered Con- federate service as a private May 1861 ; was captured in 1864 and sent to Camn Chase to be exchanged just prior to Lee’s surrender; served in battles of Bull Run and other important engage- ments; was elected by the County Court of Meigs Cot, to the office of Register of Deeds in 1892 and served for about three years; is largely interested in farming and mineral lands. LILLARD, Jasper Worth, attorney at law; born Ash Co., N. C., Nov. 30, 1866; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Newton J., and Caroline (Worth) Lillard; paternal grandparents Jame.-, and Mary (Sandusky) Lillard; maternal grandparents David and Elizabeth (Thomas) Worth; educated Decatur Academy and graduated in law Cumber- land University June 6, 1890; began business as Clerk and Master Chancery Court Decatur, Tenn.; married Lettii Stewart Oct. 28, 1891; C. C, of W. O. W. N. G. of I O. O.F. ; Asst. Inspector Gen- eral U. S. C. V.; former postmaster al Decatur; County Attorney Meigs Co. ] 1892 to 1910; member General Assembly of Tenn., 1905; Special Circuit Judge 1908; engaged in the practice of law De- catur, Tenn., member M. E. church. South. PERRY, James Franki.in, minister of the Gospel; horn Meigs Co., Aug. 4. 1849; son of Allen and Matilda (Me- Keeham) Perry; paternal grandparents James and Elizabeth (Smith) Perry; maternal grandparents George and Mary (Millard) McKeeham; educated at De- catur Academy and East Tenn., Un ver- sify; in early life was a farmer and" school teacher ; married twice ; first Maggie Y. Brown, Sept. 5, 1872; second! Callie Bishop Aug. 2, 1905; member Lodge No. 591 F. & A. M.; Republican; converted to Christianity Aug. 4, 1866;! licensed to preach May 1872 and joined the Holston Conference the following y Oct. ; was ordained Deacon by Bishop |j Bowman Oct. 3, 1875; ordained Elder by Bishop Harris Sept. 30, 1877; has spent jj 32 years in active work in ministry, four jj } r ears of which as presiding Elder Attens District. SMITH, Thomas Pridemore, county official; born Meigs Co., Tenn., Sept. 26, 1849; English and French descent; son of Bryant W. and Lucinda (Pride- more) Smith; father's occupation farmer and stock drover, paternal grandfather Wright Smith, paternal grandmother Mary (Davis) Smith; maternal grand- father Thomas Pridemore, maternal grandmother Mary (Lane) Pridemore; received common school education; mar- ried Annie S. Blevins April 26, 1896; member F. & A. M. ; Democrat; present County Court Clerk Meigs Co., Tenn.; served in the civil war as private Co. B, 5th Tenn. Cav, C. S. A.; member M. E. church, South. WALKER, James Wm. farmer; born near Dayton, Tenn., Jan. 31, 1868; Irish- Duteh descent; son of W. A. and N. E. (Steele) Walker; received a common school education and began his business Who’s who in Tennessee 111 career farming and teaching; married Sallie E. Hayes Sept. 8. 1888; is Secre- tary of Lodge No. 213 E. & A. M.; and is Treasurer of Lodge No. 531 I. O. O. F.; Democrat; elected Justice of Peace 1894 and held office until 190(1, and in Aug. 1910 was elected Register of Meigs Co., which rendered him ex- officio Circuit Court Clerk; member of Baptist Church. DECATURVILLE. BLOUNT, Joseph M., lawyer and farmer; born Decatur Co., Tenn., Nov. 26, 1858; English and German descent; son of John and Lucinda (Yarbro) Blount; father's occupation, farmer, and County Trustee; educated in Decatur Co., Tenn.; began his career as a farmer and merchant; Democrat; former Sher- iff of Decatur Co., Tenn., six years; Representative of the General Assem- bly of Tennessee Lower House, 1905 ; married Martha J. Foster, Aug. 18, 1880; member Decaturville Lodge No. 218 F. & A. M., and Decaturville Chapter No. 133, R. A. M. (now H. P.), Decatur- ville Council No. 80 T. I. D. M., and De- caturville Lodge No. 602 I. O. O. F.; member M. E. Church, South. ENGLAND, James A., lawer; born Sardis, Tenn., Feb. 6, 1850; Irish de- scent; son of John M. and Rebecca (Hanna) England; father, was a phy- sician; paternal grandparents A. R. and Martha (Middleton) England; maternal grandparents, James A. and Ellen (Courtney) Hanna; educated in the lo- cal district schools of Tenn. and Illinois; began life as a ranchman, later farmed in Hunt Co., Texas, when a boy sent by his mother to Illinois where he attended school and worked on a farm, later re- turning to his native home; by intervals of work and study he secured an ed- ucation; read law and was licensed to practice at Decaturville, Tenn. March 1877 ; now interested in banking and farming Decaturville, Tenn. ; formerly vice-president, later president of De- catur County Bank, having been an offi- cer of that institution since 1899; mar- ried Mary Anne Stout May 8, 1879; member M. E. church, South; Democrat; formerly Clerk and Master of Chancery Court Decaturville, Tenn. GORE, Dextox Lemuel, teacher; born in Smith Co., Tenn., in 1868; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Claborn C. and Elizabeth (Robinson) Gore; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, Mounce and Rebecca (Simcoe) Gore, maternal grandparents, Allen and Mar- tha (Standford) Robinson; educated Masonic Institute, Hartsville, Tenn.; graduated from Peabody College, B. S. degree in 1889 ; entered the educational work in early life; married twice, first Mary Sampson, in 1890, second Willard Sampson, in 1910; member I. O. O. F.; Democrat; former Superintendent of Public Instruction in Smith Co., Tenn., and Principal Tenn. School ior the Blind at Nashville, 1907-08-09; at pres- ent Principal Decaturville (Tenn.) High School; member of Baptist Church. SMITH, Johx Thomas farm- er; born Decatur Co., Tenn., Dec. 22, 1866; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James Noah ana Missouri (Stallings) Smith; father’s occupation, farmer, merchant, cotton and peanut broker; paternal grandparents, William and Martha (Weatherly) Smith, maternal grandpar- ents, Benedic and Sallie (Choat) Stall- ings; received common school educa- tion; began his career as clerk in gener- al store, and later entered mercantile business, and was senior member of firm of Smith Bros., General Merchandise, New Era, Tenn., 1892-99, and same style firm at Peters Landing, Tenn., 1899- 1902, and that of Smith & Smith at Vise Landing, to 1907 ; at present engaged in farming; married twice, first Nanie V. Turnbo, April 14, 1887, second, Ida M. Torbet, Sept. 20, 1897; member Browns- port Lodge No. 476 F & A. M., Treas., Vise Camp No. 418 W. O. W., Banker; Democrat (Regular) ; member of M. E. Church, South. THOMPSON, Wm. R., born Cedar Creek, Perry Co., Tenn.; descent, Dutch- Irish and English; received a common school education; in early life engaged in farming and lumber business; married Ida Jane Guthrie; member Masons, Secretary of Lodge; was Superintend- 112 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE ent of Public Schools of Perry Co., from 1889 to 1895; Trustee of Decatur Co., from 1908 to 1910; worked on farm and taught in order to defray expenses of his education; later became a lumber dealer; has since the year 1895 been en- gaged in farming and the raising of horses, mules, hogs and poultry; mem- ber of Christian Church. DECHERD. BANKS, Ezekiel Thomas, farmer; born Franklin Co., Tenn. April 20, 1867; son of Griffith and Elizabeth (Phillips) Banks; educated in local schools Frank- lin Co., Tenn.; began life as a farmer and later, was interested in milling and livery business; farmer and stock dealer, handling mules and blooded horses; mar- ried Lou Goolsby Nov. 10, 1894; member Baptist church; I. O. O. F.; Democrat (Prohibitionist). HAYNES, John Langford, under- taker and general merchant; born at Decherd, Tenn. July 27, 1867; English- Scotch descent; son of John Langford and Adeline (Howard) Haynes; his father being a railroad conductor; ed- ucated Winchester Normal School and at Goodman’s Business College, Nash- ville, Tenn., graduating from the latter institution 1888; began life as railroad trainman, later became express messen- ger, afterward a bookkeeper and busi- ness man; owns the business Known as Haynes Furniture Co.; married twice, first, Annie Parmer, of Nashville, Tenn. Oct. 1891; second, Eva Word, Decherd, Tenn., March 1901; member of A. F. & A. M(. Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, etc.; Democrat. HEIIvENS, Ben I., farmer; born Wellsburg, la., Nov. 19, 1870; German descent; son of I. H. and A. Afka (Jas- pers) IJeikins; father’s occupation farm- er; educated Winchester Normal and Terrill College, graduated from latter in June 1891; in early life was a miller; married Luella Armstrong, July 24, 1894; Democrat; Magistrate; member of Coun- ty Board of Education; interested in sand and gravel business; member of Methodist Church, South. ■MURRAY, C. E., miller and slack cooperage manufacturer; born Coyner’s; Springs, Va., July 16, 1872; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Oliver H., anclji ■Selina (Layman) Murray; educated at Emery and Henry College, Va. ; en-j tered business career as bookkeeper and stenographer; married Carrie A. Powell Nov. 2, 1898; member Odd Fellows; slack barrel cooperage stock manufac- turer; interested in Decherd Mill Com-t pany and Decherd Water Works; also Navasota Cooperage Co., Navasota, Tex.; member Baptist Church, (German). NICHOLSON, Harry, nurseryman; born Chilton-on-Downs, England, Dec. 7, 1863 Scotch descent; son of John and j 1 Jane (Kendle) Nicholson; has been en- gaged in the nursery business for 25 years, making a specialty of growing fine trees and ornamental shrubs; mar- ried Mary N. Graham, Dec. 24, 1890; Democrat; member M. E. church, South. WARREN, Garner Shepard, phy- sician and surgeon; born Franklin Co., Tenn., Nov. 29, 1863; son of Rufus C. and (Reagan) Warren; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, Samuel B. and Margaret (Tucker) War- ren, maternal grandparents, John and Mary (Warren) Reagan; educated at Winchester Normal School and Vander- bilt University, graduated from the lat- ter institution, (Medical Department) with degree of M. D. 1894; began life as a farmer, which lias been continued in connection with the practice of medicine; married Martha L. Duncan 1882; Free Mason, I. O. O. F., member of the j Christian Church; Republican. DEFEATED. WRIGHT, Wilson Daniel, farmer; born Sykes, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1863; Eng- lish-Irish descent; son of Stephens Henry and Nancy (Waters) Wright; father’s occupation, farmer; in early life was a farmer, later entered the mercantile business; received a common school edu- cation; was a merchant at Hickman, Tenn., from 1882 to 1884; entered farm- ing and farmed for 9 years, then he re- entered the mercantile business for two years, since then he has been farming AVHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 113 and trading in live stock; Trustee of Smith Co., Tenn., 1901-1908; married Mary M. Reasonover Dec. 3, 1885; mem- ber Masons and I. O. O. F.; is Chaplain in both lodges; Democrat; member of the Missionary Baptist church; P. O. ad- dress Carthage, Tenn., R. F. D. DEL RIO. BURNETT, James Huff, farmer and merchant; born Del Rio, Cocke Co., Tenn., July 21, 1859; French-Irish de- scent; son of James M. and Caroline (Huff) Burnett; paternal grandparents Swan P. and Francis (Bell) Burnett, maternal grandparents, Stephen and Betsy (Carson) Huff; educated Carson- Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn.; began life as a farmer and has acquired about 4,500 acres of farm and timber land in Tenn., and N. C. ; engaged in the lumbering and mercantile business; President of Burnett Mercantile Co. (Inc)., of Del Rio, Tenn.; Director and Stockholder in First National Bank, Newport, Tenn.; married Lena Lee Wells Dec. 30, 1890; member Baptist church; Knights of Pythias; Republican; form- erly postmaster Del Rio, Tenn., now postmaster at Huckleberry, Tenn. JONES, William V., farmer and merchant; born near Del Rio, Tenn., May 9, 1866; French English descent; son of Marvel M. and Susan E. (Wood- son) Jones; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Russell and Sarah (Hays) Jones, maternal grandparents, Mathew and Mary (Pyrom) Woodson; educated in the local schools of Wea- verville N. C., and Parrottsville, Tenn. ; began life as a clerk in a store, later traveling salesman, at present engaged in the mercantile, lumbering and farm- ing industries; married Sarah E. (Fox) March 28, 1899; Democrat; justice of peace and notary public; formerly Chairman of the County Court, member of Count}’' board of Education; member Methodist Episcopal church, South. DENMARK. TYSON, Benjamin, farmer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., Oct. 4, 1847 ; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Benjamin and Pamela (Moore) Tyson; father was a merchant and farmer, who came to Tenn., from North Carolina; educated in the local schools of Haywood and Madison Co’s., Tenn. ; began life as a clerk in dry goods store at Browns- ville, Tenn., and later in the drug busi- ness, Denmark, Tenn. ; married Lelia Bond June 26, 1879; Democrat; repre- sented Madison Co., Tenn., in the 41st General Assembly 1879, later justice of the peace in 5th Civil District Madison Co., Tenn., in all, thirty-six years with- out intermission; member Board Eduea- uon, Madison Co., past four years; mem- ber Presbyterian Church, and Ruling Elder in same. DENVER. EASLEY, Ernest, banker; born Dickson, Tenn., July 26, 1882; Scotch- Irish descent; son of William J. and Lula Helen (Hicks) Easley; educated in the local schools and Dickson College of Dickson, Tenn.; first occupation, was teaching, later, stenographer for the Cassety Oil Co., Nashville, Tenn., now cashier of the Humphreys County Bank, Denver, Tenn.; married Viola Felton Nov. 28, 1906; member M. E. Church, South; Free Mason, Senior Warden of Lodge; officer in Modern Woodmen of America; Odd Fellow; Democrat. RUSHING, Virgil Alonzo, banker; born Tenn., Dec. 20, 1874; son of Burhl C. and Missouri Jane (Thompson) Rush- ing; father's occupation merchant; pater- nal grandparents David L. and Sarah (Moore) Rushing; maternal grandpar- ents David and Letha (Yates) Thomp- son; educated Camden, Tenn.; began life as a merchant; married Stella Mc- Cann May 15, 1895; member M. W. A.; communicant of Methodist Church. DETROIT. VAUGHN, Joseph Craddock, mer- chant; born Detroit, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1855; English ,and Scotch descent; son of Joseph Craddock and Mary Margaret (McCoy) Vaughan; educated in the local schools of Tenn.; entered the mercantile business in early life; married Martha Sue Barker June 5, 1866; Democrat; was Postmaster at Detroit, Tenn., 22 years; 114 Who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE member of Christian church. P. O. ad- dress Burlison, R. F. D. DICKSON. HARPER, Thomas. Muxsey, phy- sician; born South Side, Tenn., June 27, 1868; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas T. and Mary E. (Collins) Har- per; educated Montgomery Co., High School; graduated in medicine Univer- sity of Tenn., Feb. 24. 1891; married Nellie Brock Jan. 6, 1904; Scottish Rite Mason; Democrat; member of M. E. Church, South. IJENSLEE, Pitt, banker; born Hol- low Rock, Tenn.; son of Dr. J. T. and Mary (Lipe) Henslee; the father being a physician and surgeon; paternal grand- parents Joel and Nancy (Justice) Hens- lee, maternal grandparents, Aaron and Mary (Green) Lipe; educated public schools of his native village and at ness, afterward a merchant and engaged Bethel College, McKenzie Tenn. ; early occupation, newspaper and printing busi- in the lumber business; now president of the First National Bank of Dickson, Tenn.; married Susie Spencer Jan. 26, 1899; member of Baptist church; Masonic Fraternity, Odd Fellows and Woodmen of the World; Democrat; member Tenn., Legislature, 1899. HUDSON, J. T., farmer; born Dick- son Co., Tenn., July 19, 1853; Irish de- scent; son of J. W. and Mary (Tilley). Hudson; father’s occupation, farming; received common school education; be- gan farming when quite young, and he has remained in that business all of his life; married L. W. Bowen Jan. 8, 1873; member Masons, Royal Arch; Democrat, represented Dickson Co. in Tenn. Legis- lature 1907, and is at present a repre- sentative of Dickson Co., in the legisla- ture of the State of Tenn.; member of Methodist church. KANNARD, Wii. Thomas, lawyer; born Bulett Co., Ky., Jan. 26, 1874; son of David and Matilda (Scott) Kannard; educated Englewood Normal College; began business career as school teacher; married Minnie Beasley, Jan. 17, 1901; member of Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias; Democrat; Prei dential elector for 7th Congression District for 1908; appointed, by Gc Patterson in 1909, Special Circuit Judg ! during illness of Judge Sam Moldin' admitted to bar in 1897 ; engaged practice 1 of law Dickson, Tenn.; membl Christian Church. LEECH, Wilson Blake, lawyer; bo! Charlotte, Tenn., April 12, 1868; Scotcj French descent; son of L. L. and Sarij Ann (Hardin) Leech; father’s occup! tion lawyer; graduated from Cumbej land University with degree of L.L. I| 1890; began his business career as farmer; later taught school; marrii Beulah McLean Dec. 5, 1900; memb' of Masons, K. of P„ Red Men, A. T. C fraternity; Democrat; former Attorne; General; member of Legislature oi term; member Cumberland Presbyterk church; engaged in the practice of la at Dickson, Tenn. SCOTT, William S., physician; boi Spring-ville, Tenn., Jan. 11, 1858; Scotcl Irish descent; son of David M. ar Nancy F. (Hagler) Scott; educated 1 cal schools Decaturville, Tenn.; grai uated in the Medical Department Vai derbilt University, M. D. Feb. 187< early, occupation farmer and later, ei gaged in the practice of medicine; ma ried first, Ella J. Scarboro May 2; 1873; married second Edmonia Bro June 7, 1880; third, Arta A. Bruce Msi 7, 1908; member M. E. Church, Soutl Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F., K. T. ( M 1 ., Rebeccas; Democrat; advocate < Prohibition. DIFFICULT. DONOHO, Charles Hayden, ph; sician and surgeon; born Willette, M; con, Co., Tenn., July 1, 1874; son c John H. and Arilla (Hudson) Donohc father’s occupation farmer, tobacc dealer, merchant and live stock trade; paternal grandparents Rody and Juc (Brooks) Donoho; maternal grandpa 1 ents Obediah and Nancy (Coonse) Hut son; educated at Willette, (Tenn.) Hig School, and University of Nashvilkj graduated from University of Nasi ville Medical Department, with degrr M. D., March 31, 1899; in early lilj WIIO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 115 Ptfl) 'as a Veternary Surgeon, and later ealt in hardwood lumber; married ft, aura J. Hudson Oct. 30, 1902 er Modern Woodmen of America; Ex- amining Physician of the Christian hurch; engaged in the practice of med- mbf *ine and Surgery, Difficult, Tenn. RUSSELL, Gen. Francis Marion, lerchant and manufacturer; born Smith rfo., Tenn., Sept. 11, 1865; Irish de- 'irajcent ; son of J. F. and Sarah E. (Aus- tin) Russell; father’s occupation, black- unbelmith and wheelwright; educated local L, Jjubl.c schools; began life in his as ather’s shop, and later, engaged in larriejiercantile and tobacco trade, whch con- tinued from 1902 to 1906; entire prop- T.Orty destroyed by fire and rebuilt ii, ,•907, to which lias been added an under- oJikihg business; engaged in the manu- riajacture of lumber, operating two saw if yiills ; interested in Vehicle and Inter- ational Harvester Co. and owns stock l Smith County Bank; married Nan- ; borfie T. Word, Oct. 3, 1889 ; member Mis- ti ionary Baptist Church ; Free and Ae- ai|epted Mason, I. O. O. F., M. W. of e d iijl. ; Democrat. VaD- THOMAS, Sterling Price, merchant; Ijftilorn Bagdad, Tenn., Feb. 28, 1869; son ;r ^f James A. and Eveline (Williams) . J'homas; father was a farmer and live j|tock dealer; paternal grandparents 'B(j|ihesley and Maria (Jenkins) Thomas; e jdiaternal grandparents James and Millie South Sutton ) Williams; educated at D. A. HODuke College, Difficult, Tenn.; has been ,( e j l the mercantile business all of his -busi- ess life; married Callie Duke July 5, 396; member of M. W. of A.; Demo- rat ; former District Tax Assessor Smith 'o., Tenn.; Member Missionary Baptist l’t? hurch. ..Mi . DIXON SPRING. ota l BRIDGEWATER, Samuel Cham- bers, physician; born Dixon Spring, jm i’enn., Feb. 4, 1856; P'i"'iish descent; ,3 on of Major John C. and Mary F. j Vaughan) Bridgewater; father was a f merchant who died in the Confederate rmy 1864; paternal grandparents Ches- :y and Nancv f Chambers! Bridgewater, : . jaternal grandparents Col J. H. : od Elizabeth (Mitchell) Vaughan educated local schools Dixon Spring, Tenn., and at Nashville, Tenn., with post graduate work in New York City; graduated University of Nashville with degree of M. D. 1877 ; engaged in the practice of medicine at Dixon Spring and is President of Dixon Spring Bank; largely interested in real estate; married Nannie Burford, 1887, member Knights of Pytnias; Democrat. WRIGHT, Hugh Bradley, farmer; born Dixon Siring, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1866; Seotch-Irish descent; son of John Randolph and Nannie (Bradley) Wright; father’s occupation, farming and stock raising; paternal grandpar- ents, George and Sallie (Burton) Wright, maternal grandparents, Hugh H. and Martha (Dillon) Bradley; educated local schools Dixon Spring, Tenn.; at the age of 19 engaged in mercantile business on his own account, later sold out and engaged in farming which he has con- tinued to the present time; interested in the Bank at Hartsville, Tenn., also in Dixon Snring Bank at Dixon Spring, Tenn. ; married Elizabeth A. Black Dec. 27, 1893; member Christian church; Democrat. YOUNG, Sam Martin, farmer; born near Dixon Spring, Tenn., May 29th, 1861; English descent; son of Japies Howard and Nannie Elizabeth (Martin) Young; father was a farmer, merchant and business man, and member of the State Senate or Tenn. 1871-73; paternal grandparents James and Elizabeth (Dra- per) Young, maternal grandparents Wil- son Yandell and Mary Ballard (Bridge- water) Martin, maternal great grand- father Col. William Martin with his wife Frances (Ferriss) Martin and family migrated from Virginia to Tennessee in 1798 and located on Dixon’s Creek three miles north of Dixon Spring; he was a son of Gen. Joseph Martin of the Revolu- tionary Army (West); educated at Bur- ritt College and graduated from the Lebanon Law School in January 1883; married Elizabeth A. Wright Nov. 3rd, 1886; Democrat; member of the County Court of Smith County for twenty-four years and Chairman of same for two terms; member of the Tenn. State Sen- ate 1893; member of State Democratic 116 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Executive Committee and Chairman of Congressional Committee Fourth Con- gressional District 1894 to 1898; elected by the General Assembly of Tenn. in 1909, as a member of the State Board of Elections for term of six years and since its organization has been Presi- dent of said Board; is Vice-President of the Bank of Hartsville, Hartsville, Tenn., and of the Smith County Bank, Carthage, Tenn.; is joint owner of the Dixon Springs Milling Co., and is inter- ested in other banks and corporations. DOEVILLE. STOUT, John M., farmer and stock raiser; born at Pandora, Tenn., Sept. 6, 1857; English descent; son of God- frey D. and Elizabeth (Crosswhite) Stout; paternal grandparents David D. and Kinsy (Howai’d) Stout; maternal grandparents John and Betsy (Stone) Crosswhite; graduated at Pandora, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1880; married Mary E. Lome March 25, 1880; County Trustee of Johnson County, 1888 to 1892; County Assessor, 1892 to 1896; member of the Lower House of the Tenn. Leg- islature 1909; re-elected 1910; member of Baptist Church. DOVER. BRANDON, T. J., banker; born Dover, Tenn., Feb. 7, 1857 ; son of N. and Minerva (Morris) Brandon; father’s occupation lawyer; received common school education ; married Mollie Hart, March 1881; member of F. & A. M.; Democrat; Clerk and Master of Chan- cery Court of Stewart Co., from 1881 to 1886; Circuit Court Clerk of Stewart Co., from 1886 to 1902; Cashier of Dover Bank & Trust Co., since 1902; member of Christian Church. BRIGHAM, William Looney, farm- er; born near Erin, Tenn., Dec. 5, 1855; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. W. and Mary (Askew) Brigham; father’s occu- pation, physician; paternal grandparents William and Jean (Wilson) Brigham, maternal grandparents David and Sallie (Lewis) Askew; educated in Houston Co., Tenn.; has been a farmer all of his life; married Hattie J. Frazier March 16, 1892; Independent Democrat; mem- ber of Presbyterian church, U. S. A.; engaged in farming at Dover, Tenn. LEWIS, Sidney. Clinton,, lawyer; born Stewart Co., Tenn., 1 Aug. 16, 1868; Welsh-Irish descent; son of Isaac New ton and Mary (Settle) Lewis; paternal grandparents Daniel and Rachel (At- kins) Lewis, maternal grandparents, Pendleton and Mary (Hooks) Settle; educated local schools of Stewart Co., Tenn.; began life as a country school teacher and farmer; studied law and admitted to the bar in 1886; appointed Clerk and Master of Stewart Co., Tenn., Sept. 1886, which office was held 14 years; formerly was a member of the firm of Lewis and Brandon, lawyers, for 15 years; President of Dover Bank & Trust Co.; married Minnie Meadows Oct. 3, 1900; member M. E. Church, South; F. t. A. M., K. P.; Democrat; member of State Executive Committee. RICE, James William, lawyer and farmer; born Stewart Co., Tenn., April 28, 1851 ; Scotch-Irish and English- Welsh descent; son of J. E. and Julia (Dawson) Rice; his father being a law- yer and Judicial officer; educated local schools Clarksville, Tenn., and Lexing- ton, Ky. ; graduated from Lebanon Uni- versity, Lebanon, Tenn., with degree LL.B. May 1872; has continued the practice of law and carried on farming operations at the same time; married Ellen D. (Blye) Quarles in 1871; mar- ried second, Annie Hobing, 1893; mar- ried third, Mrs. Lively, 1908; member Christian church; F. & A. M., K. P., I.|j O. O. F., Knights and Ladies of Honor;!; Democrat; Presidential elector Demo cratic ticket in 1896; member Tennessee House of Representatives in 1899. WALTER, Edward Lewis, merchant; born at Dover, Tenn., Dec. 23, 1877 ; French and German descent; son of Edward and Letitia Lewis (Smith) Walter; father’s occupation merchant; paternal grandparents Bernard and Camilla (Vintroux) Walter; maternal grandparents Dr. James W. and Rebecca (Lewis) Smith; educated at Dover, Tenn. ; began his business career as a salesman ; later entered the mercantile business, and is a member of the firm. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 117 f J. B. Walter & Co., Dover, Term.; tarried Emma Phippen March 4, 1900; • ember Masons; Democrat. WALTER, Fraxk Smith, merchant; 'lorn Dover, Tenn., Aug. 15, 1879; t rench and German descent; son of Ed- ard and Letitia L. (Smith) Walter; other's occupation merchant; paternal Irandparents Bernard and Camilla [Vintroux) Walter; maternal grandpar- its Dr. James W. and Rebecca (Lewis) anith; educated at Dover, Tenn., and incinnati, O.; began his business career ; a salesman ; later entered the mer- tntile business and is a member of the rm of J. B. Walter & Co., Dover, enn.; married Orlean Brandon June 17, 109 ; Democrat in politics. WALTER, James Bernard, merchant; prn Dover, Tenn., Dec. 9, 1872; French id German descent; son of Edward nd Letitia L. (Smith) Walter; father’s •cupation merchant; paternal grand- krents Bernard and Camilla (Vin- oux) Walter; maternal grandparents ^ r. James W. and Rebecca (Lewis) 'anith ; educated at Dover, Tenn. ; in rly life was a salesman, later entered e mercantile business and is a mem- a br of the firm of J. B. Walter & Co., 'over, Tenn. ; married Alma Turner line 4, 1901; Democrat; member K. of DOYLE. LEWIS, Powell K., physician; born White Co., Tenn., M ay 4, 1879 ; Irish incent; son of Tandy L. and (Kim- rough) Lewis; his father, being a farm- ■ and member of Tennessee State Leg- lature; educated in local schools of r hite Co., Tennessee, and graduated ith degree of M. D. University of the butli, Suwanee, Tenn., 1901; married ula Maud Wallace, 1902; member M. . Church, South. SMITH, Robert E. Lee. physician; irn Van Buren Co., Tenn., Dec. 21. 164; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Henry . and Cynthia C. (Hill) Smith; father’s cupation, physician; paternal grand- arents, George C. and Martha (Gooch) pith, maternal grandparents, Winkfield fid Martha (Anderson) Hill; educated Burritt College, Spencer, Tenn., grad- uating there with degree of A.B. in 1882, graduated in medicine with degree of M. D. 188G; began life as a teacher and farmer; studied medicine and en- gaged in practice of his profession at Doyle, Tenn.; married Sarah Elizabeth Taylor April 1, 1886; member Church of Christ; F. & A. M„ I. O. O. F„ Wood- men of the World, White County Medical Association, State Medical Association; Democrat; Examining Local Surgeon for Pensions. DRESDEN. ELKINS, Robert Asa, lawyer; born Dyer, Tenn., Aug. 29, 1880; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Charles Emerson and Nancy Caroline (Strother) Elkins; the father being a farmer and trader; paternal grandparents Woodson and Susana (DeLoach) Elkins; maternal grandparents, Cristopher and Susan (Daughtry) Strother; educated in tuc public schools of Gibson Co., and at Bethel College McKenzie, Tenn.; grad- uated from the University of 4 enn., Academic department June 17, 1903, with degree of A. B., and from the same institution with the degree of LL.B. June 13, 1905; engaged in the practice of law and has continued in that oc- cupation until the present time; mar- ried Jessie Maud Hillis Nov. 10, 1909; member F. & A. M.; Democrat. GARRETT, Finis J., born in Weak- ly Co., Tenn., Aug. 26, 1875; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Noah J. and Vir- ginia (Baughman) Garrett; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandpar- ents Noah and Elizabeth (Willbanks) Garrett; maternal grandparents J. R. and Mary (Ore) Baughman; graduated from Bethel College with degree of B. A., June 30, 1897; in early life edited country newspaper and taught school ; married Elizabeth Harris Burns, Nov. 27, 1901; member Masons and Odd Fel- lows; Democrat; was Clerk and Master of Chancery Court cf Weakley County, from 1901 to 1905 ; elected to Congress from 9th Congressional District, in 1905, and is the present incumbent. HALL, Frank Palmer, lawyer, jurist; born Sept. 1 -, 1870; son of Ben- 118 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE jamin Franklin and Martha (Higgs) Hall; grandson of William and Sarah Hall, and Alfred and Martha Higgs; Scotch descent; received common school education; graduated Cumberland Uni- versity L.L.B. June 1892; married Lil- lian G. Felt, Dec. 29, 1898; Mason; Democrat; member of Tenn. Legislature 1899; Methodist; elected Judge of Court of Civil Appeals Aug. 1910; was first to refuse to enter Democratic (Regular) Primary June, 1910, was later nomi- nated by Independent Convention and elected by large majority. HILL, II. L., farmer; born Bucking- ham Co., Va., July 28, 1856; son of R. H. and Susan (Ayres) Hill; father’s occu- pation, farmer; paternal grandfather Hull Hill, paternal grandmother was a Miss Montague prior to her marriage, maternal grandfather Jack Ayres, ma- ternal grandmother was a Miss Moseley prior to her marriage; received common school education ; began business career as a manufacturer of lumber, later en- tered the farming business in which he i$ now engaged; married Nannie McMur- ray Oct. 23, 1878; Democrat; Judge of the Co. Court of Weakley, 1902-1910. HOLBROOK, Joseph Landis, editor; born at Trenton, Tenn., Sept. 14, 1876; son of F. M. and B. V. (Hill) Holbrook; began business career in a printing of- fice; married Lillian L. Gardner, Nov. 24, 1897; Pst Grand I. O. O. F.; Demo- crat. HOLLADAY, Lake Erie,, lawyer; born Weakley Co., Tenn., Sept. 3, 1874; son of R. E. ana Josephine (Brevard) Holladay; descent Norman-French; edu- cated common school of Weakley Co., Tenn., married Mary Hammel Oct. 1898; member W. O. W., Locust Camp No. 186, Dresden, Tenn.; B. P. O. E. Lodge- No. 679, Union City, Tenn.; I. O. O. F., Washington Lodge No. 5, Dresden, Tenn.; A. F. & A. M., Dresden Lodge No. 90, Dresden, Tenn.; R. A. Chapter i\o. 91, Gleason, Tenn.; John Chester Lodge of Perfection No. 1, Memphis, Tenn.; Calvary Chapter Rose Croix No. 1, Memphis, Tenn.; Knights of Kadosh, Cyprus Council- No. 1, Memphis, Tenn. ; A. & A. S. R.. Tennessee Con- sistory No. 1, Memphis, Tenn.; A. A. O. N. M. S., A1 Chymia Temple, Memphis Tenn.; was Colonel, on Gov. Patterson’ Military Staff; began practice of law ; 1896 at Dresden, Tenn.; member Metho] dist Church; early business occupatio farming. JOLLY, John C., farmer; born i Scot! Co., Mo., Feb. 25, 1871 ; son o Isaac Bryant and Martha Jane (Dick, erson) Jolley; received common schor education; married Ann Boaz Nov. 2'!| 1890; member of Masons, I. O. O. F. and W. O. W.; Democrat; elected Ta Assessor of Weakley Co., Tenn., Aug 1908, and is the pi’esent incumbent; be gan teaching vocal music- in 1900, am!; is now President of the Weakley Col Singing Convention; serving the fourtij year; member of the M. E. churclj South. JONES, Joseph Elmer, lawyer; bori ; Huntington, Tenn., Oct. 29, 1857 ; Scotch,: Irish descent; son of Thomas E. and Sa rah E. (Jones) Jones; father’s oceupa tion, farmer; educated at Huntingtoi (Tenn.) Academy; began his career as j farmer; married Ella Hill, Oct. 16, 1881 Democrat; Attorney-General of 12th Ju dicial Circuit of Tenn., 1884-5-6; mem her of Legislature 1889; sat on Cour of Chancery Appeals at Knoxville fo short while by appointment of Governor has been Judge of the 14th Judicial Cir cuit of Tenn. since Dec. 26, 1906; waj District Elector on Bryan ticket in 1896 Elector for State at’ large on Parke ticket in 1904; elected President of Elec- toral College, that met in Jan. 1905;, ,ii 1905 was a member of Joint Comrpjs sion that formulated the report o merger between the Cumberland Presby terian and the U. S. A. Churches. LITTLE, Thomas Isaac, banker am farmer; born Graves Co., Ivy., Nov. 15 1835; English descent; son of Jame McCuan and Nancy Gray (Mobley) Lit He; father’s occupation farmer; paterna grandparents Isaac and Rachel (Ses soms) Little, maternal grandparent: Richard and Mary (Riggs) Mobley; ii early life was a farmer, later became < clerk and then entered business for him elf ; interested in banking and farm ing; Co. Surveyor of Weakley Co., Tenn. 1870-1878, and Co. Court Clerk of sarm Co. from 1882 to 1894; married Saral WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 119 .ee Roberts May -2-2, 1860; member Ma- oris and Odd Fellows; Democrat (Keg- ilar). TANSIL, Egbert E., farmer; born in t Weakley Co., Tenn., May 11, 1839; inglish descent; son of Erasmus D. and Jary A. (Allen) Tansil; father was a ilanter; paternal grandparents Edward nd Piety (Thomas) Tansil, maternal .randparents James and - Brasfield) Allen; educated at Hickory Srove (Tenn.) Academy and Cumber- and University, Lebanon, Tenn., gradu- ited from the later May, 1861, complet- ng the law course; after his graduation le entered the Confederate service as lapt. Co. A, 31st Tenn. (Infantry) legiment; in 1862 he was made Col. of he regiment; after battle of Chieka- nauga was transferred to Gen. Forrest ind assigned by him to command of Dept, of West Tenn., Southwest Ivy. and S T orth Miss. ; after one year’s service as Department Commander he was made 3rig.-Commander, surrendering as Com- nander of Ala. Brigade at Gainesville, \la., May, 1865; in 1865-6 he was en- gaged in the commission business, St. ^ouis, Mo., and in 1866-1872 New Or- eans, La., in the same business; after eaving New Orleans he was in business n Nashville, Tenn.; became Gen. Dep- ity Collector for Ky. and Tenn. under Cleveland’s first administration, and hi gar Inspector, New Orleans, La., dur- ng second term; married Jackie Bell Oct- 1, 1867 ; member Masons and Command- mt John A. Jenkins Camp No. 998, U. |C. V., since its organization; Democrat; chairman of the Senatorial Committee; nember Methodist church. WEBB, Wm. King, attorney at law; porn at Dukedom, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1876; Scotch-Irish, descent; son of Clark Hardy and Mary Elizabeth (McWher- :er) Webb; educated Dixon Normal College, at Dixon, Tenn., and University if Valparaiso, Ind.; graduated from U. V. Aug. 16, 1892, with degree of L. B. S. ; graduated in law from the Univer- sity of Texas; in early life, devoted aimself to school teaching and life in- surance; married Relma Lee Estes, Aug. 23, 1906; member I. O. O. F., and Woodmen of the World; Democrat; was Circuit Clerk ot' Weakley Co., from Sept. 1906 to 1910; worked his way through University of Valparaiso by do- ing menial service at conege; member of Primitive Baptist Church; now engaged in practice of law, at Dresden, Tenn. DUCKRIVEjL McEWEN, William J., farmer; born Maury Co., Tenn., Oct. 7, 1848; Scotch- Irish descent; son of C. C. and Martha (Carr) McEwen; father was a physi- cian; paternal grandparents James and Elizabeth (Goff) McEwen, maternal grandparents William and Susan (Smith) Carr; received common school education; entered the farming and stock raising business in early life and has been en- gaged in the same since; married Sallie Erwin Dec. 23, 1879 ; member Knights of Pythias, Centerville, Tenn.; Demo- crat; Sheriff of Hickman Co., Tenn., from 1892 to 1896; member of Meth- odist church. DUNLAP. BOYD, Sibjon Bradford, photograph- er; born River Hill, White Co., Tenn., March 6, 1863; Scotch-Irish and Eng- lish descent; son of B. B. and Mary E. (Graham) Boyd; paternal grandparents Mack and Matilda (Cannon) Boyd, maternal grandparents Wesley and Loraine (Henry) Graham; educated at Irving College; began life as a teacher, and later took up photography ; married first Mary C. Boyd, July 31, 1888 ; mar- ried second Kate Robeson Dec. 26, 1905; member Church of Christ; Democrat; the father of Loraine Henry, his maternal grandmother, was a nephew of Patrick Henry. DE AKINS, Moses E., farmer and surveyor; born Marion Co., Tenn., Nov. 30, 1840; German descent; son of Frank- lin and Lydia Harpine (Easterly) Deak- ins; paternal grandparents Absamm and Mary (Brown) Deakins; maternal grandparents Moses and Charlotte Fudge Easterly; educated at Athens Seminary; married Martha Burr Hammons, July 21, 1866; Blue Lodge and Chapter Ma son; was Clerk and Master Chancery Court, Sequatchie Co., eight years; mem- ber of the lower House of the 49th Gen- 120 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE eral Assembly State of Tennessee; sold- ier in Confederate army from Sept. 6, 1861, to the termination of the Civil War; placed on Roll of Honor by Presi- dent Jefferson Davis; was the head of the Tennessee Central Railroad Engineering Department for seven years; member of Primitive Baptist church. GRIFF IT T S, Jacob Lafayette, clergyman; born in Loudon Co., Tenn., Nov. 14, 1869; Welsh and Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Wesley and Mary E. (Donaldson) Griffitts; paternal grandparents, Emanuel and Rachel (Jenkins) Griffitts; maternal grand- parents, James H. and Lucinda (Mat- thews) Donaldson; educated at Unitia Academy Unitia, Tenn., and graduated from Moody Bible Institute Chicago, 111., 1900; began life in the mercantile business; joined the Hofston Conference of M. E. church, South, at Morristown, Tenn., 1903; ordained Deacon, 1903, ordained Elder 1910 Chattanooga, Tenn.; served the following charges, viz: Deca- tur, Dunlap and Mountain City, all in Tenn.; married Permelia Cable Sept. 3, 1902; member M. E. Church, South; F. & A. M. Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F., Woodmen of the World. HEARD, James Houston, attorney at law; County Judge of Sequatchie County; born at Dunlap, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1859; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John B. and Isabel (Anderson) Heard; paternal grandparents. Byram and Nancy (Handy) Heard; maternal grand- parents J. Madison and udizabeth (Lamb) Anderson; educated at Sequatchie Col- lege, Tenn.; member F. & A. M. No. 339, and is treasurer of same; Demo- crat; elected County Court Clerk of Sequatchie Co., in 1884 and served ten years; appointed Clerk and Master, 1896, and served six years; resigned Aug. 1902, when elected Co. Judge and was re-elected Co. Judge Aug. 1910, for an- other term of 8 years; member and Supt. of Sunday School of M. E. Church, South, Dunlap ; married Lee Banter, Dec. 25, 1884, who died Dec. 21, 1891; on Oct. 21, 1896, married Nettie Frix, has been vac-ticing law in Sequatchie Co., since 1893. LEE John Morgan, managi Western Union Telegraph Company ai Agent for the 'Nashville, Chattanooga St. Louis Railroad at Dunlap, Teni born at Lees, Tenn., Aug. 9, 1888; sc of Rufus Morgan and Mary E. (Bo\ man) Lee; received common school ei ucation; Chancellor Commander of loc Lodge K. of P. ; member of the Wooi men of the World ; member of M. ] Church, South. MOORE, Wm. A., merchant; hoi Chattanooga, Tenn., March 12, 184 Scotch-Irish descent; son of Alexandi and Nancy (Martin) Moore; receive common school education; marrie Minerva Myers May 30, 1867 ; membi Knights of Pythias; began his busine career as clerk in a store; entered Coi federate army in fall of 1862; membi 1st Confederate Cavalry under Gen. Ji Wheeler; lived in Chattanooga, froi 1867 to 1872; operated mill property Sequatchie Valley, in Bledsoe Co., Tem until 1890, when he established a me [ cantile business which he now owns an operates; aided in organization of tl Sequatchie County Bank, and is no president of that institution; senii partner of W. A. Moore Co., merchant DYCUS. McCARVER, John L., farmer am stock dealer; born Tamaroa, 111., No 15, 1865; son of Logan H. and Mary I (Osborn) McCarver; father was farmer and tobacco dealer; receive common school education and in ear! life became a farmer; at present engage in farming and live stock breeding an is a dealer and breeder of high grac Jacks and Jennets; married Leona ( Nichols Nov. 3, 1884; member I. O. ( F., served as Secretary of lodge up 1 July 1, 1910; member of Democratic E) ecutive Committee of Jackson Co., Tenr for a number of years; Justice of tl Peace and Notary Public; is a Stewar in the Methodist Episcopal churc South, and has served for the last thrf years as Sunday School Superintendent - DYER. BALL, Cr 4 Ynr L., lawyer; born £ Dye.-, Tenn., Sept. 2, 1890; Scotch-Iris who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 121 escent; son of Albert L ana Acldie A. (Gordon) Ball; father was a retail mer- hant; maternal grandparents J. L. and L (Flowers) Gordon; paternal grand- (arents W. R. and E. A. Ball; educated i West Tenn., College; graduated in iw from Cumberland University, June 910; married Zula Norvell, Jan. 20, 908; member of Woodmen of the Vorld; Democrat; served two years in ’enn. State militia, attained rank of orporal; left home at the age of twelve (ears, located at Garland City, Ark. ; loved to Texas, where he remained ine ears; was professional base ball layer (pitcher) two years; President nd Manager of the Dyer Democratic 'lub; for past two years; engaged in Jractice of law at Dyer, Tenn. BOUCHER, Geo. Washington, editor; .orn in Lawrence Co., Tenn.; Scotch- irish descent; son of J. R. and Sara Gaither) Boucher; graduated at Hunt- lgdon, Tenn., courses of B. A., (1892), 1. S., (1895), A. B., (1898), A. M„ 1906); member of Masonic Lodge; lemocrat; represented Gibson Co., in enn., General Assembly, 1907 ; reared n farm; taught school for several years; leacher of business, also English and ' Gatin in Hall Moody Institute, at Mar- n, Tenn., 1905-1906; Lecturer; owner ! nd editor of Dyer Reporter since 1902; Member of Baptist church. BYARS, Ezelle S., insurance man, orn in Haywood Co., Tenn., Sept. 25, 867 ; Irish-Duteh descent ; son of Wes- ev S. and Nancy A. (Smith) Byars; ather was minister of the gospel; ed- ,i seated Southern Baptist University at [Jackson, Tenn., and graduated from ame June 1895, with degree of B. S.; n early manhood engaged in school Caching; married Beatrice Booth, May 1 ;7, 1897; Secretary, for eight years of .Iason ic Lodge No. 351; Democrat; was Recorder of Dyer Co., Tenn., for six (ears; declined re-election; member f the County Court, Gibson Co.; Clerk nd Deacon of Missionary Baptist IDhurch; taught school six years at >1 jlaury City, Tenn.; retired, to enter the jisurance business at Dyer, Tenn., 1898, DAVIDSON, J. W.; born at Dyer, Tenn., March 3, 1854; son of S. M. and A. A. (Thomas) Davidson; married Nancy Harrison, Dec. 23, 1873; Demo- crat; is at present constable and deputy Sheriff; formerly engaged in farming and livery business; member of the M. E. Church, South. DAVIS, Thomas Henry, minister of the Gospel; born near Bradford, Tenn., Sept. 28 1865; Irish descent; son of Adam and Frances (Baker) Davis; father’s occupation farmer; educated Chestnut Hill Public school, Laneview Academy, and McLemorsville College; graduated from the latter with degree B. S., June 1893; reared on farm with poor school advantages until twenty-one; then began business for himself ; en- tered the ministry at an early age; married Louise Moore June 9, 1898; member Masonic Lodge, K. of P., W. O. W. and M. W. of A. Farmers Union; Democrat; member of the Methodist Episcopal church South; min- ister in charge of the Dyer circuit. JACKSON, John A., physician; born Waynesboro, Tenn., in 1850; son of John and Susan (Skillern) Jackson; Irish de- scent; father was a farmer; graduated in Medicine University of Louisville, Kja, with degree of M. D. in 1876; his early life was devoted to school teach- ing, later entered the drug business; since his graduation has devoted his time entirely to his profession; married E. M. Hall in 1895; member Masons; Dem- ocrat. McDEARMON, Joseph Henry, bank- er; born Powhattan Co., Va., March 1, 1853; son of Geo. Gills and Marcella (Jones) McDearmon; Scotch-Irish Eng- lish descent; educated Gibson Co., com- mon schools; married Ella Cornatzar Feb. 4, 1880; member Mason, I. O. O. F., K. & L. of Honor; former R. R. Agent at Dyer and Humboldt ; former book- keeper bank and cotton mill, Humboldt ; organized Bank of Dyer 1904 of which he is now cashier; Clerk and Treasurer Cumberland Presbyterian Church Ses- sion Dyer ; was member and clerk Board of Aldermen and board of Education at Humboldt several years; Democrat ; 122 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE once nominee on prohibition ticket for State Senator. MEDLING, Wm. T., physician; born at Milton, Tenn., Nov. 3, 1849; English- Scotch-Irish descent; son of Francis M. and Harriet Elizabeth Medling; father’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparents John and Fannie (Med- ling) Mealing; maternal grandpar- enst Alex and Davie (Gibson) Rich- mond; educated ajt Rutherford, Tenn.; graduated from University of Nashville March 4, 1871, with degree of M. D.; prior to entering the medical profes- sion, was engaged in the drug business; married Julia Ann Richmond, Nov. 23, 1870; member K. of P., and I. O. O. F.; Democrat; member of Baptist Church. DYERSBURG. ATKINS, James Wiley, county offi- cial; born Dyer Co., Tenn., Feb. 22, 1873; English and Scotch-Irisn descent; son of James A. and Lavenia Ruth (Tip- ton) Atkins; paternal grandparents, James M. and Emiline (Ballard) At- kins; maternal grandparents Wiley B. and Ruth B. (Allen) Tipton; educated local schools Dyersburg, Tenn., grad- uated from high school June 1890; be- gan life as a bookkeeper, later became Deputy Clerk of the County Court and was afterward appointed Clerk and Mas- ter of the Chancery Court of Dyer Co., Tenn., which position he now fills; member Cumberland Presbyterian church, D. P. O. E., being Past Exalted Ruler, member of Forked Deer Club; Democrat; many times Secretary of tne Co. Commit- tee; former chairman of Senatorial Com- mittee, also Chairman of Congressional Committee; was member of the National Guard of the State of Tenn., for three years. DAWSON, Charles Clark, Public Official; born Dyersburg, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1839; Irish descent; son of William A. and Amanda (Clark) Dawson; pa- ternal grandparents Isaac and Bettie (McCord) Dawson, maternal grand- parents Henderson and Elizabeth (Pate) Clark; received common school education and devoted his early life to farming; married Leonora Norton Dec. 25, 1884; member I. O. O. F.; Democrat; Slier iff; active in politics; was Sheriff 01 Dyer Co., Tenn., three terms (6 years) ; retired for four years and was then apj pointed to fill unexpired term of Allci C. Dunlap of one year and threi months, has since then been three time: re-elected; when his present term ex pires will have served as Sheriff o Dyer Co. for 13 years and ten months is also interested in farming and stocl raising; member of Christian church. EWELL, M. Watson, businessman, may \ or of Dyersburg* Tenn., born Madison Co Tenn., Dec. 6, 1867 ; Scotch-Irish de scent; son of Wm. B., and Mary M (Brown) Ewell; paternal grandparent; I; Joshua and Mai - y Bryan (Blount Ewell; maternal grandparents Anthonj and Nancy (Carlyle) Brown; educate) at public schools of Madison Co.; mar ried Jimmie E. Moss, March 2, 1895 ; member of Knights of Maccabees Democrat; serving second term as Mayo of Dyersburg, began business career a: bookkeeper; later entered wholesalt grain business; interested in real estat: in Dyersburg, and farm and timber land; in Dyer Co.; stockholder and director ii bank's and other local enterprises; mem her Christian Church. FLAN ARY, David L„ physician ant surgeon; born Waverly, Tenn., Oct. 23 1880; son Isaac and Margaret (Johnson Flanary; Scotch-Irish descent; educate) Dickson Normal University of Nashvill and Ky. State University; graduated L I., 1898, B. S., 1901; and A. B. 1903 went to New York in 1907 and served a House Surgeon of the St. Mary’s Hospi tal; House Surgeon of the N. Y. Wo men’s Hospital; House Surgeon of tb N. Y. Lying in Hospital; House Phy sician of the N. Y. General Hospital ant six months as Medical Director of tb N. Y. Health Dept.; On completing hi work in New York, he traveled over mos of Europe, making a special study o the diseases of the country and treat ment of same; he then went to Soutl America where he made a special study of tropical diseases, helping in closing 1 lie ports where yellow fever was pre valent ; Democrat. Who’s who in Tennessee 123 GORDON, Thomas Cage, attorney at aw; born at Jackson, La., May 7, 1856'; icotch-Irish descent on mother’s side nd Indian on father’s side, being de- scended from Pocahontas; one of his ncestors, John Gordon, was Captain of pies under Andrew Jackson; graduated t Centenary College, Jackson, La., nth degree of A. B., 1874, and in 1884, he degree of A. M. was conferred upon [ jiim ; began his business career as a eacher; married Kate Latta, June 1879; nember of K. of P. and of Elks; Demo- rat; former Circuit Court Clerk of Iyer County; former County Superin- endent of Education of Dyer County, nd representative of Dyer Co., in the itate Legislature; was Colonel on staff if Gov. McMillan; is now in the active iractice of law at Dyersburg, Tenn; ’resbyterian. HALL, R. M., lawyer, banker, rail- oad builder; born Purdy, Tenn., Jan. 9; 858; son of A. R. and Louise P. Helm) Hall; Scotch-Irish; graduated Cumberland University, literature, 1874; aw 1876; married Kate Sampson, Sept. , 1887; Chairman County Democrat Ex- ecutive Committee (four years); dele- gate to National Democratic Convention ’hicago, 1896; founded First National lank, Dyersburg, Tenn., ’89; President if same to 1908; built D. N., now C. M. £ G., R. R. ; sold same 1909 ; member Presbyterian Church. HARWOOD, Richard Nortox, den- tist; born Trenton, Gibson Co., Tenn., ^eb. 6, 1878; son James Harvey and ' annie Louise (Hillsman) Harwood; oaternai grandfather Richard D. Har- vood; paternal grandmother Mary Mar- ;arite (Everette) Harwood, maternal grandfather Rev. M. Hillsman; maternal grandmother Ann Eliza (Mynatt) Hills- nan; Saxon Irish descent; father’s oc- cupation farmer but served as Assist- ant Postmaster at Trenton for eight ears; educated Peabody High School, Trenton, Tenn.; graduated University of Tenn., D. D. S. April 26, 1900; early easiness occupation farming; married lennie Davis Ledsinger June 3, 1906; nember K. of P.; served as Deputy drand Chancellor in Loyal Lo^ge, after having passed through the local chairs; member Baptist Church. JOHNSTON, Hexry Bascom, minis- ter of the gospel; born Lauderdale Co., Tenn., July 6, I860; son of Rev. George and Elizabeth (Lindsey) Johnston; edu- cated McTveire Institute, McKenzie, Webb school, Culeoka and Vanderbilt University, received degree of D. D. June, 1908; married Mattie Erwin Dec. 2, 1886; joined the M. E. church. South, Dec. 1878; member Memphis Conference M. E. church since Dec., 1884; pastor Hernando Street church, Memphis, four years, then three years each at First church, Jackson, Tenn., and Broadway church, Paducah, Ivy., was four years Presiding Elder of Paducah District ; four years elder Dyersburg, Tenn., Dis- trict; has built seven churches, one dis- trict parsonage and two houses for su- perannuated preachers and the widows and orphans of deceased preachers. LATTA, Capt. S. R., retired lawyer; born Alexandra, Pa., West Mooreland Co., Dec 2, 1827; son of John and Lu- cinda (Gilchrist) Latta; Irish descent; father’s occupation, mechanic; edueateu Jefferson College at Kinnesburg, Pa.; graduate of .same in year of 1850; mar- ried Mary Granger Guthrie Dec. 9, 1852; early business career, teacher; member Masonic Lodge; was Captain in 13th Tenn. Regiment, C. S. A., during civil war; elder Presbyterian church, Dy- ersburg, Tenn. NEAL, Tom W., born in Nashville, Tenn., April 11, 1835; was educated at Irvin College, McMinnville, Tenn. — but regards printing office as Alma Mater; edited daily papers in Nashville and in Memphis, and at one time was engaged in weekly journalism in Ivy. and Ark., prior to the Civil war; established Neal’s State Gazette at Dyersburg, Tenn., in 1863, and owned, edited and published the same until March 15, 1906, when he sold out; interested in Dyersburg enter- prises and real estate, and is Vice-Pres- ident of the Mercantile Bank & Trust Co., Dyersburg, Tenn. PARKER, Joiix Neil, banker; born Dyer Co., Tenn., March 8, 1859; son ,of 124 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Daniel E. and liobena (Hart) Parker; father being a farmer and financier; pa- ternal grandparents Daniel E. and Mar- tha (Smith) Parker, maternal grand- parents Gilbert and Mary (Moore) Hard; educated in local schools of Dyer Co., Tenn, ; graduated from Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., A. B. de- gree June, 1881; admitted to bar in Tenn. June, 1882, and continued prac- ticing law to 188!) ; active president of Citizens’ Bank of Dyersburg, Tenn. ; married first, Susie Burney Nov. 12, 1885; married second, Olivia Atkins, Jan. 10, 1900; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church; Democrat; one time Justice of Peace; Representative in Tennessee Legislature from Dyer Co., 1887-8. RICE, Ernest, born Orysa, Lauder- dale Co., Tenn., Aug. 31, i872; English descent; son of C. S. O. and Lucie Q. (Estes) Rice; father’s occupation, planter; paternal grandparents, S. and Louisa E. (Lineueux) Rice; maternal grandparents, Moreau and Mary (Noel) Estes; graduated at Llatchie Academy, 1889, and from Cumberland University L. L. B., 1892; married Kate Klyce Dec. 30, 1902; Democrat; State Senator, 1903 to 1905; Speaker of Senate, 1905; served in suppressing outbreak of Reelfoot night riders; president of Lake Co. Manufacturing Co. (Oil Mill) ; vice- president C. M. & G. R. 1 R. ; member M. E. church, South. WEAKLEY, George Thomas; born Humphreys Co., Tenn., April 1, 1857 ; son of Andrew J. and Christianna (Mickle) Weakley; father’s occupation, farming; Scotch-Irish descent; edu- cated public schools of Humphrey Co.; married Mrs. Emma A. McCoy (nee Turpin), April 1, 1880; member Masons (Blue Lodge and R. A. Chapters); early business career, farming during youth; bookkeeper for ten years; lum- ber manufacturer 8 years; assistant cashier 1st Nat. Bank for 2 years; now farming, stock raising; chairman Dyer Co. Court and member Municipal Board Dyersburg, Tenn.; member Methodist chiirich. WILLIAMS, Samuel Henry, attor ney at law; born at Trenton, Tenn., Jan 6, 1855; Welsh-Scotch descent; son o Judge Samuel and Katrina M. (Walker Williams; paternal grandparents, Sila Mercer and Mary (Crutchfield) Will iams; maternal grandparents, Majo Matthew Patton and Agnes (Hope Walker; educated at Andrew College Trenton, Tenn., and E. M. Institute Cincinnati, Ohio; married three times first, E. Carter Haskins, Dec. 24, 1875 second, Lida L. Organ, Oct. 14, 1882 third, Kathleen Young, Dec. 16, 1890 began the study of pharmacy at four teen years of age, and medicine at six teen years of age; entered the ministry at twenty years of age; member of thi Texas conference from 1875 to 1880 practiced law at Trenton, Tenn.; junioi member of the firm of Taylor & Will iams from 1880 to 1883; member of th< Memphis Conference M. E. church South, from 1883 to 1896; has been sta- tioned at Somerville, McKenzie ant Newbern; former presiding elder ol Lexington district; stationed in Memphi: 1893-96; dissatisfied with certain rul- ings of church authorities, withdrew from ministry and resumed practice oi law at Newbern, Tenn., 1898; moved t( Dyersburg 1910; senior member of firn of Williams & Ward; member of the M E. church, South ; superintendent oi Sunday school at Dyersburg. WOOD, Carrolt, D., minister (mis- sionary Baptist); born at Monticello Ark., Sept. 27, 1880; son of Judge 7 T. and Tommie (Stanley) Wood Scotch-Irish descent; educated at Mon ticello and Ouachita College and S. B T. Seminary, Louisville, Ky. ; graduatec May, 1904, and May, 1907; marriec Julie Mclver Oct. 21, 1908; member K of P., State Guards, College Drills: Democrat. EAGLE YILLE. BROWN, Robert S., Jr., merchant: born Eagleville, Tenn., July 28, 1871: son of Robert and Alice (Booker) Brown; Irish descent; educated Eagle- ville, Tenn. ; married Henrietta Owen Dec. 12, 1894; Postmaster at Eagleville (13 years); member Christian church. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 125 DUGGAN, Solon Snethen, physi- cian; born Beech Grove, Coffee Co., Tenn., Nov. 19, 1848; Scoteh-Irish and IjEnglish descent; son of Benjamin Fred- erick and Nancy (Elliott) Duggan; father was a physician and surgeon, who was appointed by Isham G. Harris as surgeon of the 55th Tenn. Regi- nent during the civil war; paternal ■grandparents John and Sarah Ann (Burroughs) Duggan, maternal grand- parents Samuel and Mary (Boaz) El- liott; educated in the local schools of Bedford Co., Tenn.; graduated from Vanderbilt University, also from the University of Nashville March 1, 1885, Isvith the degree of M. D. ; began life as a farmer and afterward became a clerk and druggist at Unionville, Bed- ford Co., Tenn., and after graduation n medicine has continued the last lamed business in connection with the iractice of medicine; married Nannie C. Blanton Dec. 20, 1868; member M. P. snurch, F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., Bind held various official positions in loth lodges viz: Worshipful Master in Masonic, and Noble Grand in I. O. O. Ft, etc. ; Democrat. HUGHES, Madison Red, lecturer; porn Williamson Co., Tenn., Dec. 18, 847; Scoteh-Irish descent; son of Will- S am T. and Mary J. (Henning) Hughes; father was a physician and farmer; pa- ernal grandparents, Madison R. and Mary (Matthews) Hughes, maternal rrandparents, David and Martha (Hay) denning; educated in the common ichools of Bedford Co., Tenn.; at the l|Ie of fifteen years during the civil jvar was entrusted with the conveyance li)f important papers to Confederate icouts; later ran away to join Gen. For- jest’s command, but was arrested by Federal authorities and returned to bis lome; after the war traveled and lec- urned on the battle of Gettysburg and >ther themes for about twelve years; ubsequently engaged in farming* but las now retired; married Susie Bright dec. 23, 1874; member of M. E. church, South; Sunday school superintendent; Cnight of Pythias, A. O. U. W., and 'ne time a Granger; has been Chancel- dr Commander of K. P. Lodge; Demo- rat; represented Rutherford Co., Tenn., in the State Legislature three times, viz: 1891, 1895, 1897 ; now Deputy Tax As- sessor of said county. WILLIAMS, li. E., retired banker; Eagleville, Tenn., Oct. 8, 1859 ; son of Chesley and -Elizabeth (Jordan) Will- iams; father’s occupation, merchant and farmer; paternal grandparents James and Martha (Allison) Williams, maternal grandparents Thomas and Mary (Hyde) Jordan; educated at Jackson, Tenn., Southwestern Baptist University; in early life engaged in mer- cantile business; married Beulah Haley Sept., 1885; member Masons; Democrat; member Missionary Baptist church. EAST CHATTANOOGA. HYSINGER, Paris Robert, physi- sician; born Bradley Co., Maxell 18, 1875; German descent; son of John K. and Martha (Kibler) Hysinger; gradu- ated Cleveland, Tenn., May, 1896, Chat- tanooga Medical College April ,1910; married Annie Belle Beane Nov. 2, 1903; member I. O. O. F.; Republican; enumerator of census 1900; in early life taught public school in Bradley Co. and later was employed in the auditing of- fice of Southern Express Co., Chat- tanooga; won four honors at school; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church; practicing medicine in East Chattanooga. EATON. HOOVER, W. H., banker; born Eaton, Tenn., May 11, 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Byron and Euphemia (Hodge) Hoover; paternal grand- parents John and Eydia (Waller) Hoover, maternal grandparents Samuel H. and Sarah Currie (Mitchell) Hodge; received common school education; be- gan life as a farmer; married Eliza- beth Tyree Dec. 20, 1907; Democrat; former Constable and Deputy Sheriff 1900-1910; now cashier of Bank of Eaton, Tenn. EDEN WOLD PARMER, Walter O., breeder of thoroughbred horses, etc.; born Green- ville, Ala., Nov. 18, 1855; son of Dr. 126 Who’s WHO TN TENNESSEE Clinton D. and Eleanor (Oliver) Par- mer; Scotch-Irish descent; educated A. & M. College, Auburn, Ala., 1872-73; married Lizzie Dunklin Jan. 2, 1877; member Knights ox Honor, K. P’s., Her- mitage and Big Lake and Windsor Clubs; Major 2d Ala. Regiment State Troops 1878-82; member Methodist church; P. O. address Nashville R. D. EDGEMOOR. DEADER ICK, James William, farmer; born New Market, Tenn., Oct. 29, 1856; Scotch and German descent; son of Arthur V. and Mary« Adeline (Walker) Deaderick; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; paternal grandparents James W. and Adaline (McDowell) Deaderick, maternal grandparents, James H. and Louisa (Clarkson) Walk- er; educated in district schools of Ander- son Co. and University of Tenn.; upon return from college assisted his father in management of small farm ; in 1880 began farming on his own account; is especially interested in live stock breeding; now owns and operates a large stock farm in Anderson Co., Tenn.; married Sabra E. Johnson Oct. 27, 1880; Democrat. JONES, James M., farmer and lum- berman; born Roane Co., Tenn., June 21, 1861; Irish and Dutch descent; son of John C. and Sarah K. (Waller) Jones; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents John and Matilda (Holt) Jones, maternal grandparents John B. and Katie (Piekel) Waller; was edu- cated at Roane College, Tenn., and be- gan his business career as a school teacher, later entered the farming and lumber business; married twice, first, Anna Florence Reed, Sept. 6, 1883, sec- ond, Lizzie Goldston, Oct. 18, 1905; member Masons and Odd Fellows; Dem- ocrt; Justice of the Peace; member Of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. LEE, Charles B., physician and sur- geon; born Salem, Va., Oct. 7, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Moses G. and Hanna (Barnette) Lee; graduated at Roane College, Tenn.; received de- gree of M. D. at Southern Medical Col- leee 1884; married twice, first, Sallie E. Gallaher, Dec. 2, 1885; second, Ella E. Leath, March 18, 1896; member of Ma- sons and Odd Fellows; engaged in prac- tice of medicine and surgery at Edge- moor, Tenn. ELBRIDGE. DAVIDSON, Hardy Carlton, fann- er and stock breeder; born Elbridge, Tenn., Feb. 13, 1857; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of O. J. W. and Lucinda K (Carlton) Davidson; father’s occupation farmer and stock breeder; paternal; grandparents, George C. and Man (Cook) Davidson, maternal grandpar- ents, Hardy M. and Marthy (Murphy) Carlton; received common school educa- 1 tion; in- early life worked on farm, ir j 1889 engaged in mercantile business at Elbridge, Tenn.; in 1894 he bought sj farm and began the breeding of stock and thoroughbred poultry ; he also estab fished a branch mercantile business al Lane, Tenn., in 1904; in Dec. 1908 sole all mercantile interests , and is devotin' his time to the breeding of Berkshire hogs; Cheviot sheep, Angora goats, and poultry; married twice; first, Sarah A Shires! Aug. 1, 1871, second, Berta drews, Sept. 16, 1897; member Zioi Lodge No. 600 F. & A. M„ Browi Lodge No. 146 I. O. O. F.; Democrat refused to accept an Independent nomi nation for Representative in 1904; form er postmaster at Elbridge, Tenn., for ; number of years, also District Commit teeman. ELIZABETHTON. BOREN, George Edmond, lawyer born Carter Co., Tenn.; Scotch-Irish de scent ; son of W. W. Boren ; fathei farmer; graduated from Cumberlan University, L.L.B. degree in 1884; er tered the practice of law in early life married Ida Folsom, Jan. 8, 1895; mem ber Knights Templar, and Scottish Per of Masons and Odd Fellows; Repub- ican ; was a school teacher in early life nd the first Co. superintendent of Carter o.; was twice floaterial representative |n Tenn. legislature, one time clerk in \ ar Department, Washington, was also ormerly employed as Special Attorney a Department of Justice, Washington, L C. ; senior member firm of Collins & ipton, lawyers, Elizabethton, Tenn. GOSS, Thomas Seattle, dentist; horn Ireston, N. C., April 9, 1877; French escent; son of Marion and Elizabeth Jones) Goss; received common school ducat ion and graduated at Richmond, a., with degree of D. D. S. May 9, 903; member Odd Fellows; Repiibli- an; in early life farmed and taugin Irhool ; at present engaged in the prac- •ce of dentistry at Elizabethton, Tenn,; also interested in Eagle Drug Co., Eliz- aDethton. HYDER, Daniel L., farmer; born Elizabethton, Tenn., Feb. 9, 1864; Dutch and Irish descent; son of Jonathan H. and Elizabeth (Fletcher) Hyder; fath- er’s occupation, minister; paternal grandparents J. H. and Pauline (Edens) Hyder, maternal grandparents John and Leah (Brooks) Fletcher; edu- cated at Milligan and Washington Col- leges and graduated from Washington College with degree of B. A., April 99, 1885; began business career as school teacher; married Sallie A. Little Nov. 93, 1889; went into mercantile business in 1888; traveled in South and West four years; was surveyor and engineer from 1894 to 1898; served in U. S. Rev- enue Dept, from 1898 to 1908; member Odd Fellows and J. O. A. M.; Repub- lican. JENKINS, James D., insurance so- licitor; born at Elizabethton, Tenn., Sept. 9, 1870; Welsh-German ancestors; son of Capt. David B. and Evelyn (Sto- ver) Jenkins; father was a farmer who enlisted in the Federal army and aftei the civil war became internal revenue collector, later, trustee of Carter Co., Tenn. ; educated at Davies Academy and at Milligan College in Carter Co., Tenn., and subsequently took a course at Union College, Schnectady, N. Y. ; began life as a teacher in the public schools of Carter Co., Tenn. ; later served as a clerk in mercantile store, afterward was assistant cashier of the Carter Co. Bank for two years; he then engaged in the fire insurance business, becoming treas- urer and general manager of the Eliza- bethton, (Tenn.) Insurance Agency (Inc) ; director of the Watauga Power Co., director in the Whiting Mfg. Co., and served as treasurer of the city of Elizabethton, Tenn.; Republican and Prohibitionist, being an active member of the Anti-Saloon League, Carter Co., _ enn. ; member Baptist church and has served in various capacities as clerk, treasurer and deacon of same tor many vears; served as clerk of the Watauga Baptist Sunday School Convention and as secretary of the East Tenn. Sunday 128 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE School Convention; member of Business Men’s League of Elizabethton, Tenn. JOHNSON, William Thomas, real estate dealer; born Elizabethton, Tenn., Feb. 25, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas C. and Nancy J. (Tipton) Johnson; received common schood edu- cation; married Jennie Cameron Oct. 2, 1901 ; Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner; began life as a farmer, but later engaged in railroading, was a freight and passenger conductor for twenty years and railway postal clerk for five years; Republican; dealer in real estate; elder in the Presbyterian church. PEPPER, George Henry, farmer; born Bristol, Va., Sept. 17, 1869; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Jesse H. and Mary (Taylor) Pepper; father’s occu- pation, physician; paternal grandpa- rents John and Mary (Robinson) Pep- per, maternal grandparents Alfred W. and Bessie (Brewer) Taylor; educated Virginia Military Institute, University of Tenn. and Cumberland University, graduating from the latter 1891, re- ceived degree of B. L. in 1892; mar- ried Luella Yorrett Dec. 19, 1894; mem- ber K. of P., Elk, A. T. O. ; Democrat. WILCOX, David Powell, minister of the gospel; born Unicoi Co., Tenn., June 8, 1830; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Letitia (Silson) Wilcox; pa- ternal grandparents James and Mary (Doan) Wilcox, maternal grandparents Steven and Mary (Pierce) Silson; re- ceived common school education and in early youth was a saddler and harness maker; married Lucy Janes Luttrell Dec. 25, 1849; wife was descendant of Randolph and Lee families, Va.; Demo- crat; at one time made the race against Hon. A. A. Taylor as Democratic nomi- nee for Congress; was Postmaster under Andrew Johnson and has formerly held the offices of Marshal, Alderman and Mayor of Elizabethton; was at one time Justice of the Peace and Tax Assessor; entered the Union army in 1861 as private, wounded in 1863, promoted to First Sergeant, then First Lieuten- ant, then Captain of Militia; formerly engaged in merchandise and trading and is now a minister of the gospel of the M. E. church, South. ELKTON. BAUGH, John Edward, physician; born Elkmont, Ala., Dec. 6, 1858; son of William Aaron and Sarah (Grigsby) Baugh; paternal grandparents John and Martha Elizabeth (Trotter) Baugh, ma- ternal grandparents Edward W. and Parmelia Littleberry (Adams) Grigsby; educated at preparatory schools Mul- berry, Pulaski and Gallatin, Tenn.; graduated from University of Louisville, M. 1)., 1880 and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, M. D., 1882, received certificate N. Y. Poly- clinic 1892; married Elizabeth Harney Beaty Dec. 19, 1883; member F. & A. M. and I. O. D. F. ; also Tenn. Medical Association, Middle Tenn. Medical As- sociation and Giles Co. Medical Society; Democrat; former School Director and School Commissioner; former president of Bank of Elkton for four years; his paternal grandmother, Martha (Trotter) Baugh, was a niece of Gov. Aaron V. Brown; member M. E. Church Sputh. EMBREEVILLE. TAYLOR, Alfred Alexander, farm- er and lecturer; born Happy Valley, Tenn., Aug. 6, 1848; English-Scotch- Irish and German descent; son of Na- thaniel G. and Emaline (Haynes) Tay- lor; father’s occupation, Methodist minister and farmer; paternal grand- parents James P. and Mary (Carter) i Taylor, maternal grandparents David and Rhoda (Haynes) Haynes; received academic education in the State of New Jersey; has devoted much of his life to farming and stock raising, and is now engaged in that industr}^; is a Repub- lican in politics and has for years been active; member of the 51st, 52d and 53d Congress of the United States; in 1886 was the Republican candidate for Governor of the State of Tenn., and made the race against his brother, the Democratic candidate; they engaged in a series of famous joint debates, now known as the “War of the Roses;” mar- ried Jennie Anderson June 22, 1881; member Masons, R. A. Lodge, Elks No.fl 825, Johnson City; he has devoted much who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 129 f his life to lectures and at one time as associated with his brother, Gov. obert L. Taylor, delivering the dual icture, “Yankee Doodle and Dixie;” ibject of his present lecture is “The heathing of the Sword.’ TAYLOR, James Patton, farmer; 3rn in Carter Co., Tenn, Dec. 22, 144; English, Seotch-Irish and German ;scent; son of Nathaniel Greene and maline (Haynes) Taylor; father’s oc- ipation, farmer, minister of the gos- ;1, politician and statesman; educated Boone’s Creek, (Tenn.) Academy, ennington Seminary (N. J.) and dgefleld High School, Princeton, . J.; most of his life has been devoted i agricultural interests; married twice, rst, Mary George, Dec. 28, 1865, sec- id, Cora Shewalter, Oct. 18, 1894; Dem- ■rat; former Adj.-Gen. Tenn. and pri- ite secretary to his brother. Gov. R. L. aylor, also Assistant Examiner in Pat- lt Office, Washington, D. C., under resident Johnson; member of the South- n Methodist church ; P. O. address Em- •eeville, Tenn., R. F. D. No. 1. EMMETT. RHEA, John Preston, physician; >rn Bluff City, Tenn, Feb. 6, 1872; :otch-Irish descent; son of John Pres- n and Matilda (Longacre) Rhea, the tther was a physician and surgeon; iternal grandparents, Robert and ancy (Davison) Rhea, maternal •andparents, Joseph H. and Mary Edwards) Longacre; educated in lo- ll schools Sullivan Co, Tenn, gradu- ed Chattanooga, Tenn, March, '02; began life as a school teacher, an 1 ter took up the study of medicine; arried Adah Carmack Aug. 20, 1902; ember Southern Presbyterian church, . & A. M, I. O. O. F„ W. O. W.; emocrat; regular. ERIN. HOBBS, James Claiborne, lawyer; >rn Waverly, Tenn, Feb. 8, 1866; lotch-Irish descent; son of Jesse P. and ouise (Darden) Hobbs; father’s occu- ition, farmer; graduate Edgewood, ickson College and Cumberland Univer- sity, receiving the degrees of B. S. in 1889, A. B. in 1893 and LL. B. in 1896; his father was a slaveholder before the war and the close of the war found him bankrupt, losing both of his parents when he was quite young, began life for himself at 13 in reduced circumstances; began his business career as a school teacher, and in 1896 entered the practice of his profession at Erin, Tenn, where he has been since engaged in the regu- lar practice; married Helen McCauley Jan. 15 1890; member of K. of P. ; Dem- ocrat (Regular); represented the 23rd Senatorial District in the State Senate in 1899-1901 ; in addition to law practice is interested in farming stock raising and manufacturing. RAUSCHER, Edward W, merchant and manufacturer; born Beaver Co, Pa, Feb. 2, 1861; German descent; son of George and Caroline (Gehring) Rauscher, father was a merchant and a farmer; educated local schools Hous- ton Co, Tenn.; graduated from Good- man Business College, Nashville, Tenn, 1880; began business as clerk in a gen- eral store; manager of Arlington Lime Co. for 15 years, which was succeeded by Rauscher Bros, five years in the same business; now engaged in the manufacture of lime and cooperage, also in general mercantile business; mar- ried Minnie H. Lee, 1882; member M. E. church, South; Knights of Pythias; Republican; served as Mayor of Erin, Tenn, two years. ERWIN. BROWN, Albert R, banker; born Knox Co, Tenn, July 7, 1863; son of William L. and Nancy C. Brown; pater- nal grandparents John and Polly (Gos- sett) Brown, maternal grandparents Benjamin and Martha (Cusic) Brown; received common school education; mar- ried Tuppy Burleson July 19, 1893: Royal Arch Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner; father killed on steamboat Sultana in 1865, when the subject of this sketch was two years of age, was taken to the National Soldiers’ and Sail- ors’ Orphans’ Home, Washington, D. C, in 1867, where he remained seven years; at the age of thirteen worked in a drug store, and at fifteen entered the hardware 130 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE business in the employ of W. W. Wood- ruff & Co., Knoxville, remained with this firm fifteen years, seven years of which were spent as traveling salesman ; opened business at Erwin, Tenn., in 1893; Republican (Prohibition); former Alderman and former Mayor of Erwin, president of the First Nat. Bank, Er- win, and Unicoi Banking & Trust Co., Erwin Water Co., Erwin Mfg. Co., and vice-president of Unicoi Telephone Co. and president Unaka Academy, Er- win, Tenn., and trustee of Carson and Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn.; Deacon in Baptist church. EDWARDS, Charles Pender, physi- cian; born North Carolina July 5, 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel V. and Nancy (Brigman) Ed- wards; paternal grandparents H. N. and Katherine (Carter) Edwards, maternal grandparents Solomon and Nancy (Keith) Brigman; received common school education; graduated Tenn. Med- ical College April, 1900; married Va- leria Baley Sept. 13, 1895; Knight Templar, Odd Fellow, Elk and Mystic Shriner; Republican; began business ca- reer as clerk and defrayed the expenses of his medical education by his own ef- forts; engaged in the practice of medi- cine at Erwin, Tenn.; member of Bap- tist church. GILBERT, Rouert William Henry, lawyer; born Madison Co., N. C., June 4, 1867; English and Irish descent; son of B. F. and Sarah A. (Arrawood) Gil- bert; paternal grandparents Isaiah and Carrie (Woody) Gilbert; maternal grandparents T. J. and Sarah A (How- ard) Arrawood; received common school education; married Serene E. Bonner Nov. 28, 1885; member Masons, former Worshipful Master Centennial Lodge 491; Republican; former Deputy Clerk Co. Court of Unicoi Co., Attorney-Gen- eral pro tem. three times, Co. Supern, tendent of Public Instruction Unicoi Co. for fourteen years and is present incumbent; interested in mercantile en- terprise at Lillydale and is owner of handsome country home of 93 acres near Erwin, practices law at Erwin; member of M. E, church. ROBERTS, William Alexander! lawyer; born Erwin, Tenn., Dec. 14 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jamef C. and Sallie (Love) Roberts; father’s occupation, wagon maker and Justice oi the Peace; paternal grandparents Daniel and Mary B. (Hayes) Roberts, mater rial grandparents William and Nancy A (Hartsell) Love; educated public schools and Milligan College, Milligan, Tenn. and Carson & Newman College, Jeffer- son City, Tenn.; in early life was c farmer and clerk, and later entered tin mercantile business and remained in saint until he entered the legal profession; Re publican; Trustee of Unicoi Co. foui years; Deputy Circuit Clerk of Unicoi Co. two and a half years; married Liz- zie E. Woodward July 11, 1896; member A. F. & A. M. No. 491, Erwin Chaptei No. 161, I. O. O. F. No. 299, Encamp ment O. E. S. No. 37 and M. W. of A. member of Baptist church; president of Unicoi Telephone Co., and director in Bank of Erwin; interested in Real Es- tate and Insurance, in addition to the practice of law. SMITH, Philip Bayard, lawyer.: born Keswick, Albermarle Co., Va., Oct 3, 1876; son of A. J. and E. O. (Lewis) Smith, father was a farmer and trav- eling salesman; educated public schools of Albemarle Co., Va., Hoge Academy and Richmond College; graduated from Dunsmore’s Business College, Staunton V a., with degree of Master of Ac counts, June, 1899, and Richmond Col- lege June, 1905, with degree of LL. B. began life as a farmer, later became an expert accountant and engaged in mer- cantile, real estate and insurance busi- ness in connection with the practice of law; Democrat but independent in local politics; was chairman of Independent Democratic Caucus in Unicoi Co., Tenn,, May 14, 1910, etc.; member Presbyter- ian church. TILSON, Leroy S., physician; born Clear Branch, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1854 Irish descent; son of William E. and Katherine (Sams) Tilson; paternal ( grandparents Peleg and Nancy ( Allen)! Tilson, maternal grandparents James W. and Mary (Hickum) Sams; edu- cated at Flag Pond Seminary, Flag Who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 131 Pond, Tenn., and Mars Hill College, North Carolina; graduated from Col- iege of Physicians and Surgeons of Bal- timore, Md., with degree of M. D. March 1, 1882; early occupation, farm- er and student, later practicing physi- cian, now president of Board of Pen- sion Examiners (local); Republican; was Postmaster of Clear Branch, Tenn., from 1896-1910; married Eliza Park Jan. 3, 1884; member Missionary Bap- tist church; F. & A. M., R. A. M., I. 0. O. F., etc. TONEY, J. Frank, merchant and real estate dealer; born Carter Co., Tenn., March 13, 1859 ; son of William and Eva- line (Price) Toney; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents William ind Mary (Mattox) Toney, maternal grandparents Christopher and Mary (Mclnturff) Price; was left an orphan it 10 in reduced circumstances; began lis career as a farmer at ten years of ,ige, later became a clerk in store; mem- ber of the firm of Tucker-Toney Co., do- ng a mercantile business at Erwin, Tenn., dso Toney & McNabb, dealers in real es- :ate at the same place; stockholder in :ach of the two banks located at Erin; established in 1890 and still owns “The Magnet,” the only newspaper in Unicoi Co., Tenn.; married Fannie Miller; Re- publican; former County and Circuit Hourt Clerk of Unicoi Co., and was rep- resentative _in the State Legislature 1897- 1; was Deputy Collector of internal Rev- alue under each of McKinley’s adminis- rations; member of Bapist church. TUCKER, N. T., banker; born Uni- coi Co., Tenn., 1861; son of Joseph Pucker; Scotch-Irish descent; began life as a farmer and later engaged in the umber and building industries; was Justice of the Peace, former chairman if Co. Court and now Clerk and Mas- ter of the Chancery Court of Unicoi Jo., Tenn., Mayor of Erwin, Tenn., and nember of the Congressional Commit- tee; president of the Bank of Erwin. WILLIAMS, George Campbell, phy- sician; born Limestone, Tenn., Nov. 22, 1866; Welsh descent; son of W. J. and Hettie (McCracken) Williams; edu- cated Limestone High School and grad- uated in medicine from Chattanooga Medical College 1895; in early life en- gaged in farming; married Fannie El- mira Hensley April 14, 1898; Mason, Odd Fellow and member of Junior O. U. A. M.; Presbyterian. ESTILL SPRINGS. HUDGINS, AVilliam Douglas, busi- ness man, State Superintendent of Bap- tist Sunday school; born Tullahoma, Tenn., April 6, 1873; son of Henry S. and Rebecca (Muse) Hudgins; Irish descent ; educated Terrill College and graduated from same June, 1894; mar- ried twice; first, Eula Hardison; sec- ond, Lelia Barrow; member I. O. O. F. and F. & A. M„ Past Master F. & A. M., Chaplain I. O. O. F.; Democrat (Independent) ; his early business occu- pation was teaching school; Principal Haynes and McLean school 1898 to 1901; entered mercantile business in 1904 and remained in same until elected State Superintendent Baptist Sunday schools in 1908; his first marriage was Dec. 28, 1898; second marriage June 24, 1903; is interested in farming; Deacon Estill Springs Baptist church. EUCHLE. CULVAHOUSE, James P., farmer and merchant; born Roane Co., Tenn., June 23, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Elias AV. and Amanda (Golyon) Culvahouse; educated local schools Roane Co., Tenn.; began life as a farmer and later engaged in the mer- cantile and milling business, and at present is identified with various other business interests; married Eliza J. Jolly 1877; member Baptist church; F. & A. M., Knights of Pythias, W. O. W. ; Republican; Justice of the Peace eleven years and Postmaster at Euchee, Tenn. GRIFFITH, James Turk, planter born Ten Mile Valley, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1840; son of James T. and Mary Finlay (Ragland) Griffith; Welsh descent; his father was a planter; paternal grand- parents Abner and Sarah (Turk) Grif- fith, maternal grandparents Gideon and Artemecia (Wilson) Ragland; re- ceived common school education ; mar- 132 AVHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE vied Margaret Foster; former Deputy Sheriff. HOBACK, John George, mehinist; born McMinn Co., Tenn., Jan. 23, 1845; German descent; son of William and Elizabeth (Hutsell) Hoback; father was a contractor and builder; educated in local schools of Athens, Tenn.; early occupation, farmer, later engaged in lumber manufacturing and in stock raising industries; married Adeline Owen Feb. 18, 1875; member Methodist Episcopal church; Republican; was a soldier in the Federal army during civil war. HOLLOMON, Pleas H., farmer; born Euchee, Tenn., April 1, 1858; son of John R. and Mary (Baker) Hollo- mon; paternal grandparents Pleasant and Susanna (Richman) Hollomon; ma- ternal grandparents Isaac and Jane (Looney) Baker; received common school education; married Burnettie Ewing Sept. 25, 1909 ; Democrat ; mem- ber of Baptist church. WOODY, William, farmer; born Blount Co., Tenn.; Dutch descent; son of John and Jane Woody ; father was a farmer; married Mary Matray March 19, 1868; member of Grand Army Post, served three years in the U. S. army in the civil war, and attained the rank of Sergeant; in addition to farming is a buyer and seller of cattle, horses and hogs. EVA. TOTTY, Bolin A., farmer; born Hickman Co., Tenn., Dec. 4, 1842; son of William W. and Jane A. (Camp- bell) Totty; married Jennie A. Atchi- son Sept. 1, 1868; served three and a half years as a private in Confederate army during civil war; member of Southern Methodist elnircn. EVENSVILLE. EVENS Thomas Haws, farmer; born Evensville, Tenn., March 17 ,1856; Welsh descent; son of Joseph Smith and Sarah J. (Haws) Evens; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Evens and Mary (Smith) Evens, maternal grandparents Thomas and Jane (Haws Haws; has been engaged in farming al of his life; married Hortense Victors Hall Feb. 17, 1886; Democrat; membe M. E. church. South. FAIRFIELD. WALKER, William Baker, Jr., mer chant; born Fairfield, Tenn., Aug. & 1861; son of W. B. and Patsy (Lane Walker; father was a farmer; educate! in the Public school at Fairfield Acad emy and took business course at Win Chester Normal; worked on farm am clerked in a country store in early life married Freezie Clark June 16, 1903 took a claim of land on the plains o Texas in 1891, and lived there four years) then returned to Fairfield, where he ha) been in the mercantile business since member of Christian Cnurch ; P. O. ad dress Wartrace, R. F. D. FARNER. SHEARER, John Manuel, buslnes man; Justice of the Peace and Notar Public; born Valley River, N. C., Sepi 12, 1841; English and French descent) great grandfather served in revolution!! ary war and witnessed the surrender o Cornwallis; son of Wuey Kimbell am Catherine (Ramsey) Shearer; receiver common school education ; married Nancy E. Bradley Dec. 27, 1867; mem her of Masonic Lodge; has been J. I for sixteen years and Notary Public fo eighteen years; was private in Compan B, 7th Tenn. Mounted Infantry Volun leers; promoted to Color Sergeant o Regiment; was Tax Collector in Chero kee, N. C., in Shoal Creek Townshij N. C., before moving to Tenn.; former) ly engaged in farming, but now devote himself to official business; member o the Baptist church. FAXON. PARKER, J. Calvin, farmer; bor Benton Co., Tenn., March 6, 1875; soj) of W. R. and M. E. (Alston) Parker received common school education married Anna E. Robbins Sept. 3, 1893! member F. & A. M. ; secretary Newporj Lodge 208. Tax Assessor 1903 to 190(5 Justice of Peace from 1906 to the pres) ent; Deputy Sheriff 1900 to 1902; fo 1 Who’s WHO IN' TENNESSEE 133 lowed Adam Garner and George Pickle, desperadoes wanted for crime and who nad baffled all attempts at arrest, and finally captured tnem in Illinois and brought them back to trial; member M. E. church, South. FAYETTEVILLE. BLAIR, Edward K. physician and sur- geon; born Lincoln Co., Tenn., March 24, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. W. and Sarah J. (Moore) Blair; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; received aca- demic education Winchester Normal, Winchester, Tenn., and graduated in medicine at Vanderbilt University, March, 1893; was reared on a farm and farmed until twenty years of age, then taught school for four years; prior to his entrance to the medical profession; prac- ticed medicine first at Dellins, Tenn., and at Normandy, Tenn., 1894-1909; moved to Fayetteville March, 1909, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession; married La- vinia Doss May 14, 1894; member Ma- sons and Knights of Pythias; Past Mas- ter of Masons; Democrat; member of Methodist Episcopal church, South. BRIGHT, John Morgan, Statesman, lawyer; born Fayetteville, Tenn., Jan. 1817; English and Welsh descent; son of James and Nancy (Morgan) Bright; paternal grandparents- James M. and Margaret (Smythe) Bright; his paternal grandmother was a sister of Gen. Wm. Hall; maternal grandparents John and Mary (Hall) Morgan; he was educated jat Bingham School, N. C., and Nashville University; he received the degrees of A. B., A. M., and L.L. D.; he has been married three times, first wife Judith C. Clark; second wife Zurilda B. Buckner; third wife Belle Buckner; graduated in law Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky., in 1841, and was the valedictorian of his class; Gen. John C. Brecken- ridge of Ky., was one of his class- mates; entered the practice of his pro- fession at Fayetteville, Tenn., in 1841; made the canvass of the State for Polk for President in 1844; in this campaign lie debated with Maj. G. A. Henry “The Eagle Orator,” of Tenn., and Whig elector for Tenn.; member of the State Legislature 1847-8; while in the Legisla- ture he introduced and passed the bill providing for the construction of Tenn., Asylum for the Insane; in 1848 he can- vassed for Cass and Butler in the Presidential contest; he was active in every Presidential campaign from 1844 to 1860; was the author of many ora- tions and lectures, which have from time to time been published; during the Civil War he was Inspector General of Tenn., with the rank of Brig.-Gen., un- der Gov. Isham G. Harris; in 1870 he was elected to Congress by about 10,000 majority from the 5th Cong. District of Tenn.; his first speech in the U. S. House of Representatives was against the Ku-Klux Bill; he served in Con- gress for ten years; metnber of tfie Tenn., Bar Association, and is the old- est living lawyer in the State; has been engaged in the practice of law Fay- etteville, Tenn., since his retirement from Congress; Democrat; member of Presby- terian church. COWAN, William Guy, hardware merchant; born Shelby ville, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1872; son of Oliver and Sallie (Bry- son) Cowan; father’s occupation, hard- ware merchant, retired; educated at Dickson Academy, Shelbyville, Tenn.; married Myra McGuire Nov. 20, 1901; member Knights of Pythias; Democrat; formerly served in State Militia for two years; quit school and worked in store at the age of fifteen; became a traveling- salesman, hardware, in 1894; traveled for a Nashville firm until 1897; when he as- sociated himself with Simmons Hard- ware Co., of St. Louis; in 1908 resigned from the employ of Simmons Hardware Co., to become president and take charge of the retail business of Cohen, Hobbs & Sloan Co., Incorporated, Fayetteville, Tenn.; is director in 1st Nat. Bank, Fay- etteville, Tenn.; is also director in Elks’ Cotton Mill of Fayetteville, also inter- ested in other local enterprises; Elder in Southern Presbyterian church. CULLUM, John Medicus, physician; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn., Dec. 25, 1870; French descent; son of Lovell H. and Nancy E. (Hooper) Cullum; pater- nal grandparents Lovell and Pattie (Garland) Cullum, maternal grand- parents Jesse H. and Charlotte (Gos- 134 AVHO’s WHO IN TENNESSEE sett) Hooper; educated Dickson Normal College, Dickson, 'ienn., graduated from same, L. I. degree 1896; graduated from the University of Nashville (Tenn.) M. D. March, 1905; began life as instructor in public schools; studied medicine and becanru practicing physi- cian; married Ollie i . Hooper May 31, 1896; member Churc of Christ; F. & A. M., Knights of Pi hias, Woodmen of the World, Modern A oodmen of Amer- ica; Democrat. DALE, William Calvin, merchant; born Molino, Lincoln Co., Tenn., April 9, 1874; son of J. H. and Mary E. (Marshall) Dale; father’s occupation furniture dealer and undertaker; pa- ternal grandparents John and Polly (Phagan) Dale; maternal grandparents Quintin and Eliza (Hill) Marshall; re- ceived common school education at Mo- lino, Tenn. ; began his business career as a salesman in general merchandise store; member Knights of Pythias, and Royal Arcanum; Democrat (Independent); married Lillie E. Collins Dec. 22, 1897 ; former Postmaster of Hughey and Egam, Tenn.; member Methodist Epis- copal church, South; member of the firm of McLaughlin & Dale, Hardware store, Fayetteville, Tenn. DRENNAN, John Calvin, clothing merchant; born Fayetteville, Tenn., May 16, 1871; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James J. C. and Frances J. (Dale) Drennan; father’s occupation, farming; educated Fayetteville, Tenn., and grad- uated from Fayetteville (Tenn.) Colle- giate Institute B. S., May 22, 1893; be- gan his career as a traveling salesman and taught school three years, he was also on the lecture platform in all of the States of United States for ten years; has been interested in the mer- cantile business live years; married Olivia Grace Prosser, Jan. 28, 1908; Democrat; former State Lecturer for Anti-Saloon-i^eague ; member of Pres- byterian Church. GOODNER, David Milton, physi- cian; born in Madison Co., Ala., Jan. 26, 1849; Sotch-Irish descent; son of Superior and Martha (Williams) Good- ner; father was a tanner and farmer; received academic education Cumber- land University and graduated at IS bile Medical College in 1876; marr Naomi Rentz in 1816; member of K. P. ; Democrat; Co. Health Officer Lincoln Co. for ten years; Mayor Fayetteville from 1902 to 1908, elected 1910 for two years; engaged the active practive of medicine at F etteville; member of Cumberland Pr byterian church. HIGGINS, Joseph Cariugan, pul official; born Coldwater, Tenn., May 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son George W. and Susan (Carrigan) H gins; father’s occupation lawyer 8 Judge; paternal grandparents Owen and Fannie (Stone) Higgins; mater grandparents Hiram and Fannie (R dolph) Carrigan; in early life was ne’ paper editor; later became attorney law; married Mary Hill Jan. 17, 18 , member Masons, K. of P., Odd H lows and Elks; Democrat; former Cj Attorney; Judge of the Circuit Court ji Tenn., 1902-1910; now Associate Jusljji of Court of Civil Appeals. HOLMAN, Thomas P., physicij born in Lincoln Co., Tenn., March 1834; English and Irish descent; son James W. and Jean (Flack) Holm father’s occupation Baptist Minister ; farmer; paternal grandparents Ha and Elizabeth (Wilson) Holman; mal nal grandparents Thomas and Su (Dougherty) Flack; graduated M freesboro, Tenn., with degree of Bac lor of Philosophy June 1859; gradua from AVashington University, Baltimi Md., with degree of M. D., in 1869; early life taught school; now practic medicine at Fayetteville, Tenn.; man Silena Moore Jan. 5, 1875; member I sonic Lodge, Mulberry Tenn.; In pendent and Prohibitionist In polit former delegate to National Prohibit., convention and elector on Prohibit ticket; served as private in Confedeij army during civil war; member 1 Christian church. MADDEN, James Franklin, n| chant and tailor; born Thamesville, ( | tario, Canada, Nov. 17, 1868; son oil W. and Mary (Hazard) Madden; Sco Irish descent; educated Canada WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 135 aduated from Stone’s Cutting School, licago, July, 1905; married Ethel Mc- ) aters, Watford, Canada, Nov. 9, 1893; ' ember K. of P., I. O. O. F., Canadian Mer of Chosen Friends; early occupa- in, tailoring business in Canada from r 88 to 1895; moved to Sparta, Tenn., ( 1895; moved to Fayetteville in 1897; t: Tided French dry cleaning to tailoring isiness in 1909; member Methodist urch, South, pi i. J ? McLaughlin, Guy Jean, mer- * ant; born Smithland, Tenn., Aug. 1, 86; Scotch-Irish descent; son of tines Buchanan and Martha I (Der- :k) McLaughlin; father’s occupation rdware merchant; educated Morgan Ihool, Fayetteville, Tenn., and Wash- gton and Lee Universities, Va, ; grad- ,ted from the former May, 1903; mar- id Jennie Hendrick March 10, 1910; gan business career as bookkeeper and ter was hardware clerk; member of nights of Pythias; Democrat; member •m McLaughlin & Dale, hardware, lyetteville, Tenn. McLAUGHLIN, James Buchanan brchant; born Smithland, Tenn., Oct. , 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of h William Hart and Margaret Knight 'skridge) McLaughlin; paternal andfather William McLaughlin, maid- name of paternal grandmother was art, maternal grandparents Sam and argaret (Knight) Eskridge; educated illege at Bellville, Tenn., and gradu- ;d from same 1874; married Martha I. I prick Sept. 28, 1885; Knight of Py- /ias; Democrat; member of Christian lurch; in early life worked on farm d clerked in retail store; is a land - ner and member of the firm Me- 1 ughliri % Dile Hardware, Favette- MOORE, Oliver J., merchant ; born "J foson Co., Ga„ Sept. 10, 1864; Irish 1 (scent; son of Jerry and Frances (Ans- 1 ) Moore; father’s occupation farmer (d contractor; educated in the common Mools of Ga., and Calhoun Collegiate Ifstitute ; left home at the age of 16 id worked to secure his education un- i 1 r adverse circumstances; began his 1 Psiness career as a school teacher ; married Maggie Radford Dec. 28, 1892; member Masons, Knights of Pythias; has filled all offices in local lodges of both, W. M. Masonic Lodge six years; Demo- crat; engaged in Monument business ten years at HartseUe, Ala., in Furniture business three ye >rs at Cullman, Ala., now engaged in -he latter business at Fayetteville, Teni ; member Southern Methodist church. MOORES, James Augustus, mer- chant; born Cyruston, Tenn., June 3, 1871; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of William L. and Sarah Jane (Mc- Callum) Moorer; father’s occupation physician and surgeon; paternal grand- parents William and Elizabeth (Sugg) Moores, maternal grandparents Neal and Lueretia (Fox) McCallum; married Eva Neeld Sept. 9, 1897 ; member of K. of P., Past Chancellor of local lodge; en- gaged in mercantile business Cyruston, Tenn., from 1893 to 1903; removed to Fayetteville in 1903 and became a member of the firm of Moores & Smith; Democrat; steward in Methodist church. NOBLITT, Boone Edgar, physician; born Booneville, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1867 ; son Dr. D. J. and Sylvania (Boone) Nob- litt; English, German descent; father’s occupation, physician; educated Knox- ville, Tenn., Winchester and Nashville; graduate of Vanderbilt, M. D. degree March, 1891; married Lizzie Sullivan Aug. 12, 1892; member W. O. W., I. O. O. F.; early business, farming; was No- tary Public from 1892-1898; moved from Booneville, Tenn., to Wartrace, Tenn., in 1900; lived there 1 year, when moved back to Booneville; in 1906 moved to Fayetteville; also has farming inter- ests at Booneville, Tenn. ; member Chris- tian church. PARKS, Joe Brazier, lawyer; born Franklin Co., Tenn., July 25, 1869; Eng- lish and Scotch-Irish descent; son of S. M. and Lazinka (Brazier) Parks; fath- er’s occupation, minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents R. C. and Flora (Wakefield) Parks, m ternal grandpa- rents James and Rachel Brandon) Bra- zier; received academu education at Webbs’ School, Bellbuckle, Tenn., later Winchester (Tenn.) Normal, graduated 136 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE from latter institution in 1893; began his business career as a school teacher, later entered the legal profession; now Co. Judge of Lincoln Co., Tenn.; married Lucy Mildred Little Jan. 22, 1896; mem- ber Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias; Democrat; member of Methodist church. POINDEXTER, James Elliot, Co. Official; born at Somerville, Fayette Co., Tenn., Dec. 3, 1848; French-Eng- lish descent; son of W. H. and Sallie W. (Langhorn) Poindexter; father was a millwright and contractor; educated at Mary Sharp College and Southern University; early occupation, school teacher and farmer; formerly president of Farmers’ Bank & Trust Co., Fay- etteville, Tenn., and now director in the same; married Maiv T. Thomas April 23, 1885; member Southern Presby- terian church; F. & A. M., Knights of Pythias; Democrat, former Deputy Sher- iff and Co. Court Clerk; now Clerk and Master of the Chancery uourt Lincoln Co., Tenn. SAVELL, Joel Florida, minister and teacher; born Santa Rosa Co., Fla., Jan. 17, 1863; son Morton Jeremiah and Mary Abigail (Parker) Saveli; Dutch, Scotch-Irish, English and French de- scent; educated academy in Bagdad, Fla., Richmond College, Ya., Howard College Ala., University of Rochester, N. Y., Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky., Theological Seminary Rochester, N. Y. ; graduate Howard College Ala., A. M. 1892, Rochester Seminary 1905; married Mary Bethany Cambron Dec. 29, 1890; member F. & A .M.; was lieutenant in college battalion; early occupation, saw milling and mercantile business; member Missionary Baptist church. TILLMAN, James D., lawyer, farm- er; born in Bedford Co., Tenn., Nov. 25, 1841; son of Lewis and Mary C. (Da- vidson) Tillman; educated University of Nashville 1860; attended law school at t..e Cumberland University before the war; entered C. S. A., as a Lieutenant in a company from Shelbyville, Tenn.; elected Lieut-Col. of 41st Tenn. Regi- ment Sept. 1862, Colonel, 1863; com- manded a regiment at Chickamauga, where he was severely wounded at Snod- grass Hill; upon recovery resumed com- mand; later was made Col. of 3rd Con- solidated Tenn. Regiment; was taken prisoner at Fort Donelson, and was at Johnson’s Island until exchanged Sept. 1862; surrendered with Joe Johnston’s Army in N. C. ; removed to Fayetteville and entered the practice of law, 1865- 1896; married Mary Frances Bonner, in 1865; Democrat; member Tenn. House of Representatives, 1870; Senate, 1873, 1893, 1901; U. S. Minister to Ecuador, 1895-98. FINGER. PATTERSON, Grover F., farmer; born Chester Co., Tenn., Dec. 20, 1886; English descent; son of Mansfield J. and Nancy (Lipscomb) Patterson; father’s occupation farming; paternal grandpar- ents James and Matilda Patterson; ma- ternal grandparents William and Elizaj (Tillman) Lipscomb; received common 1 : school education; married Mary Belle, Sanders Dec. 29, 1907; Democrat; mem- ber Christian church ; engaged in farm- ing, near Finger, Tenn. WEAVER, L. A., merchant; borr; McNairy Co., Tenn., March 24, 1869 son of R. M. and Mary A. Weaver; be- gan life as a farmer; educated in Me Nairy Co., Tenn.; has been engaged ir general merchandise for several years married Davie Kerby Sept. 5, 1897 ; i; president of the Bank of Finger, Finger ! Tenn. WOMBLE, Marcus A., farmer; bori Chester Co., Tenn., Aug. 11, 1870; sor| of Joe and Terry A. (Deaton) Worn- ble; educated in local schools of Ches ter Co., Tenn.; his father died when hi) was quite young and taking upon him self the task of supporting his father’, j, family he was prevented from complet 1 ing his education; married Amand( ( Archer Dec. 14, 1895; married second! Rebecca Cade Dec. 18, 1910; member o the Christian church, I. O. O. F. ; Jus tiee of the Peace; has been an arden supporter of public education for man; years. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 137 FINLEY. BUNNELL, Isaac Newton, farmer; born in Gibson Co., Tenn., 1819; Irish descent; son of Isaac Newton and La- vinia (O’Neil) Bunnell; received com- mon school education; married Miller Weidman in 1892; second wife Jennie Skipper 1909; Democrat; delegate to State Democratic Gubernatorial Conven- tion when Robert L. Taylor was first nominated for governor; his father moved to Dyer Co. in 1849 and blazed the first road west of Dyersburg and established his home three miles west of Dyersburg; the subject of this sketch has been engaged in mercantile business but now confines his attention to agri- culture and banking; member M. E. church, South. FLAT CREEK. ENOCHS, Maze Alexander LaFay- ette, physician and surgeon; born in Moore Co., Tenn., Dec. 19, 1843; Scotch Irish descent; entered Confederate army when seventeen years of age in 1st Tenn. Regiment (Peter Turney’s), wounded at Gaines Mill, wounded again in Pickett’s charge, Gettysburg, captured and car- ried to David’s Island, paroled, sent home on furlough, joined Forrest’s Cav- alry and surrended with him at Gaines- ville, Ala., 1865; graduated in medicine 1872 and has practiced his profession at Flat Creek since 1873; married Elizabeth Ann Lucas, Sept. 9, 1869; Democrat; member Masons and Odd Fellows; mem- ber Methodist church, South. PEARSON, Charms, farmer; born Bedford Co., Tenn., April 5, 1880; Scotch descent; son of C. N. and Kate (Campbell) Pearson; father was a farmer and lumberman; paternal grand- parents Kin J. and Sidney (Watson) Pearson, maternal grandparents Alfred and Sarah (Reaves) Campbell; edu- cated in the local schools of Bedford and Coffee Cos., Tenn.; married Ethel J. Reagor Sept. 2, 1903; member Chris- tian church; Democrat; stockholder and director in Bedford Co. Fair Associa- tion; stockholder and director of Flat Creek Savings Bank, Flat Creek, Tenn. FORKED DEER. HUMPHREYS, Samuel T., mer- chant, born Brownsville, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1862; son of Samuel L. and Roberta (Hood) Humphreys; Scotch descent; paternal grandparents Wiley J. and Lu- visa (Link) Humphreys, maternal grandparents Anthony and Sarah (Mann) Hood; received common school education; entered business 1887, at Forked Deer, where he now operates a general store; 1898 elected Justice of Peace Haywood Co., served six years; member W. O. W. ; Democrat; member Haywood Co. Democratic Executive Committee; member Methodist church; married Ella C. Pearson Nov. 15, 1888; P. O. address, Gates, Tenn., R. F. D. FRANKLIN. AMMERMAN, Wesley, physician (osteopathic) ; born Sherman, Texas, April 19, 1861; son of Coleman R. and Elizabeth (Perkins) Ammerman; Ger- man, English, Scotch descent; educated Christian University, Canton, Mo., later graduated at American School of Oste- opathy, Kirksville, Mo. (1896) ; in early life engaged in fine stock raising; opened in Franklin, Ky., March, 1896, the first osteopathic office in the South- ern States; indicted nine times on charge of empericism by State Medical Board of Kentucky, now engaged in the regular practice of osteopathy at Franklin, Tenn.; married Lou Alice Oldham Dec. 23, 1886; Democrat; mem- ber I. O. O. F. and Christian church. BAILEY, Robert Albert, farmer and banker; born Franklin, Tenn., Sept. 11, 1849; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Albert H. and Louisa Ann (Figuers) Bailey; paternal grandparents John and Sallie (Reese) Bailey, maternal grand- parents Thomas and Ann (Faircloth) Figuers; educated in the public schools of Willaimson and Maury Cos. Tenn.; began life in the mercantile business and later became interested in banking; president of Harpeth Nat. Bank of Franklin, Tenn., since its organization; married Leonora Mayberry Oct. 17, 1872; member M. E. church. South; F. & A. M., Knights of Pythias, present Eminent Commander DePayens Com- 138 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE mandery, Knights Templar, Franklin, Tenn. ; Democrat. BRADLEY, Robert Henry, retired merchant and planter; born in Scott Co., Ky., Jan. 23, 1819; English descent; son of William ant. Sarah (Jenkins) Bradley; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Thomas and Phil- adelphi (Ficklin) Bradley, maternal grandparents Henry and Martha (Stapp) Jenkins; received common school education; began his business ca- reer as a farmer boy, later clerked in a store in Lexington, Ky., until 1836, when he moved to Island 63, Miss, river, where he kept a wood yard, 'in 1837 returned to Lexington, Ky., and again clerked in dry goods store; in rail of 1839 went to Texas; served as clerk of District Clerk of Victoria Co., Texas, 1840-1 ; entered the mercantile business at Gonzales, Texas, in 1842; in 1843 went to New York with a shipload of pecans, thence to Franklin, Tenn.; in 1844 was in part- nership with R. & S. Graham, dry goods merchants, in which business he contin- ued seven years; in 1876 he held the power of attorney of the firm of Gra- ham, Black & Co., cotton factors, in New Orleans, being corresponding clerk there in 1876-7; has owned and operated a large plantation in Tunica Co., Miss., since 1858; formerly engaged in farming and merchandising at Franklin, Tenn.; now retired; married Margaret Ann Perkins Aug. 1, 1844; in politics he was originally a Whig, now Independent Democrat; while in Texas he had many experiences with Indians and Mexicans before the annexation of Texas to the Lnited States; member of the Presby- terian church. CANNON, Newton, farmer and mer- chant; born near Franklin, Tenn., June 14, 1846; son of William Perkins and Agatha Susan (Perkins) Cannon; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; paternal grand- parents Newton and Leah Letitia (Perk- ins) Cannon; maternal grandparents Samuel and Sarah (Perkins) Perkins; educated in the country schools in Will- iamson Co., Tenn.; joined the army at the age of 15 and was soldier for three years, which interfered with the comple- tion of his education; when entering the army ‘ he j oined Capt. Thomas Fearn Perkin’s Co., of partisan rangers Apr. 7, . 1862, operating behind Buell’s army; be- ' came member of Co. I, 11th Tenn. Cav- airy Forrest’s Brigade C. S. A. ; was J made First Sergeant Oct., 1863, and j| served as such until the surrender at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865; promo- tions were offered him, which he de- clined; he had one horse shot from under him and received three slight wounds in consequence; was in all of the battles of his command until after the battle of Chicamauga, then with Longstreet in East Tenn., Joe Johnston, Dalton to At- lanta, Ga., and with J. B. Hood in Tenn., then with Forrest to surren- der at Gainesville, Ala.; after the war became a merchant, but is now retired from the mercantile business and devotes \ his time to management of his farm; married Jennie B. McEwen Feb. 27, 1873; member of McEwen Bivouac and Stearnes Camp Confederate Veterans; j Democrat; his great grandfather Minus! Cannon was a revolutionary soldier, his grandfather, Newton Cannon, was twice governor of Tenn. and Congressman two or three times and Col. under Gen. Jack- son in the Creek war; his father, William' P. Cannon, was in the Seminole war and was wounded and discharged; his son, Newton Cannon, was in the Cuban war as First Lieut.; when Longstreet began his move on Knoxville was sent with three others into Middle Tenn. as scouts and spies ; the other two were captured and narrowly escaped being hanged as spies; lie rode all over the territory about Nashville and south of it, taking many desperate chances; had to ride through the enemy several times; finally escaped across Tenn. river under fire; made his report, but declined promotion. CLAY, Thomas Eakin, educator, born in Shelbyville, Tenn., May 21, j; 1855; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Silas! Webb and Ellen (Nevins) Clay; re- ceived common school education Athens, 1 Ala., and graduated in academic course j from Edgefield Male Academy June 15, 1 1879; in early life engaged in farming, later became a school teacher; in 1885 elected principal of Robertson Academy, ! Davidson Co., then the oldest school in Tenn.; has been engaged in educational who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 132- work for thirty-one years, is at present Superintendent of Public Schools for the City of Franklin, Tenn.; has real es- tate interests in Nashville; married Lula Riggan Feb. 5, 1891; member of I. O. O. F. ; Democrat (Independent); member M. E. church, South. CLIFFE, Daniel Bonaparte, physi- cian; born Wooster, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1823; son of Joseph and Isabella (McPhail) Cliffe; father’s occupation, physician; Scoteh-English descent; received aca- demic education at Wooster, Ohio, and Franklin, Tenn., graduated Louisville, — y., March 1842; began his business ca- reer as clerk in drug store; married Virginia Whitfield Nov. 15, 1842; mem- ber Masons; Republican; former asses- sor of Internal Revenue, Collector of Internal Revenue 5th Dist. of Tenn. and Mayor of Franklin, Tenn.; served several years as vice-president National Bank of Franklin, Tenn., several years presi- dent of same, and at present president of Nashville & Decatur Railroad; pro- fessor of anatomy in Shelby Medical College, Nashville, 1860-1; served as sur- geon 20th Regiment Tenn. during civil war; member of the Presbyterian church. COCHRANE, Haiidin Perkins, phy- sician; born Tuscaloosa, Ala., Oct. 1, 1843; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Will- iam and Sophia S. Louisa (Perkins) Cochrane; father was a lawyer; pater- nal grandparents William and (Duke) Cochrane, maternal grandpa- rents Hardin and Sophia (Holland) Perkins; educated at Tuscaloosa, Ala., and University of Ala.; graduated from medical department of University of the City of New York, M. D. 1874; in 1862 left off studies to enlist in the Confed- erate army where he served three years; served under Gen. Joseph Wheeler in more than fifty engagements; was at Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864, and many other fights; eniisted as private in Co. D, 2nd Ala. Cavalry, appointed Ser- geant-Major same 1864; after the civil war egaged in farming for six years; studied medicine and after graduation settled down to practice at Franklin, Tenn., where he has continued ever since; married first, Lalla E. Mudd, 1882, married second, L. O. Perkins, 1887; member Episcopal church; mem- ber Tennessee Medical Association; ex-president of Jefferson Medical So- ciety of Birmingham, Ala. ; ex-president of Williamson Co. Medical Society of Franklin, Tenn.; Democrat; once alder man of Second ward, Franklin, Tenn. COOK, Henry Howe, attorney at law; born in Williamson Co., Tenn., Nov. 23, 1843; son of Lewis and Margaret Jane (Owen) Cook; father’s occupation, carpenter and farmer; paternal grand- parents William and Elizabeth (Howe) Cook, maternal grandparents Nathan and Janie (Hightower) Owen; educated at Franklin College, Davidson Co., Tenn. ; enlisted in the Confederate army during civil war as a private at the age of 17 in 1861, Co. D, 1st Reg. of Inf., Maney’s First; was with his regiment in Northwest Va. until Dec., 1861, and was discharged on account of fever; he re- enlisted and joined John L. McEwen’s Co., 44th Tenn. Inf., on the march to the Battle of Shiloh; was elected Junior 2nd Lieut, and in the same year was pro- moted to a second lieutenantcy ; was with his regiment at Munfordsville, Perry- ville, Murfreesboro and Chicamauga; wounded at battle of Murfreesboro; after battle of Chicamauga he became Capt. of Co. I, 44th Tenn. Inf., which regiment was in the brigade of Bushrod Johnson, marching with Longstreet into East Tenn.; he was at Bean Sta., the as- sault upon Ft. Sanders at Knoxville and at Dandridge, was also at Port Walthal and Drewey’s Bluff, where he was wounded and captured; he was held as a prisoner of war at Ft. Monroe, Pt. Lookout and Ft. Delaware, and was one of the six hundred officers selected for the purpose of retaliation and sent to Morris Island, S. C., and held under fire for more than a month during siege of Charleston; was sent back to Ft. Dela- ware in March, 1865, released from prison July 1, 1865; taught school in the year of 1865 in Williamson Co., admitted to the bar in 1867; elected Co. Judge in 1870; re-elected in 1878, serving in all sixteen years; elected Chancellor of the Sixth Chancery Division for Davidson and Williamson Cos., Tenn., in 1896, in 140 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE which position he served six years; ap- pointed a member of the State Board of Law Examiners i\ov., 1906, was elected president of that Board, which position he now holds; married Fanny Crockett Marshall Aug. 1883; member Masonic Lodge Franklin, Tenn., De Payne Com- mandery No. 11, Franklin, Tenn.; Demo- crat; member of the Christian church. COWAN, George L., farmer and in- surance agent; born Derry Co., Ireland, Oct. 15, 1842; son of Robert AV. and Hannah (Limerick) Cowan; educated in the local schools of Shelbyville, Bed- ford Co., Tenn. ; after leaving school en- listed in the Confederate army under Gen. N. B. Forrest, with rank of Lieut., commanding his escort last year of war; entered a wholesale house in Nashville, Tenn., as clerk, later proprietor until 1888; at present engaged in farming and insurance business at Franklin, Tenn.; married Hattie McGavock Jan. 3, 1884; member Masons, Royal Arch and Knights Templar, Knights of Pythias; Democrat; former chairman of Co. Ex- ecutive Committee; member of Presby- terian church and Elder in same. COX, Nicholas Nicoi.s, ex-Congress- man; born in Bedford Co., Tenn., Jan. 6, 1837; educated in the common schools of Sequin, Texas; graduated from Lebanon Law School, L.L.B., 1858; removed to Texas in boyhood and was reared at Sequin, Tex.; admitted to bar in 1858; in practice at Franklin, Tenn., since 1865; married May Slayden, Jan. 6, 1859; Presidential Elector 1860, 1872; member of 52d to 56th Congresses 1891- 1901, from 7th Tenn. District; served as Col. in C. S. A. during Civil War; Dem- ocrat. CROCKETT, Robert Hugh, lawyer; born Williamson Co., Tenn., Dec. 10, 1869; son of William Alonzo and Anne J. (Sayers) Crockett; English, Irish, Scotch, Danish, French and Italian de- scent; paternal grandparents Andrew and Catherine Walker (Bell) Crockett; maternal grandparents James Jefferson and Anne M. (Taliaferro) Sayers; edu- cated Montgomery Bell Academy in public schools; graduated from Vander- bilt University B. S. 1892; entered legal profession shortly thereafter and has since been, and is now, engaged in the practice of law at Nashville and Frank- lin, former Circuit Court Clerk of Will- j iamson Co. and was also Clerk and Mas- ter of Chancery Court of Williamson Co. from 1899 to 1905; married Louise Parkes Nov. 9, 1899; Past Chancellor ( h-estes Lodge No. 10, K. of P., is Royal | Arch Mason; member of M. E. Church, South. DOZIER, Ten hie Pinkerton, born near Franklin, Tenn., Aug. 8, 1861; English and Scotch-Irish descent; her paternal ancestors took active part in the War of the Roses on the side of the House of Lancaster, or the red rose; daughter of James and Sarah Caroline (Anderson) Pinkerton; father’s occupa- tion, Public Official in Williamson Co., j Tenn.; paternal grandparents, James and Sarah (Marlin) Pinkerton, maternal grandparents, Joseph and Sarah (Hart- ley) Anderson; educated in Tenn. Fe- male College, Franklin, graduated from same M. A. degree June, 1883; she has studied in summer schools of Mont- eagle, Chautauqua, Tenn., and Chautau- qua, N. Y., and while teaching in the Young Ladies College, Lebanon, Tenn., studied under the Professors of Cumber- land University; taught twelve years, 1883-1895, first in the Franklin (Tenn.) Public School, then Howard College, Gallatin, Tenn., Lebanon (Tenn.) Col- lege, and in Tenn. Female College, Franklin, Tenn.; married Nathaniel Bell Dozier, June 20, 1895; member of Pres- byterian Church, and teacher in Sunday school of same; member of Missionary and Aid Societies of her church; Pres, of Franklin Inter-denominational Mis- sion Study Class, which she organized in 1906; served five years as Recording Secretary of the Monteagle Woman's Foreign Mission Association; member of W. C. T. U., and Florence Crittenden Circle; Chairman for Williamson Co. (Tenn.) of the Woman’s Department, of the State Fair, 1907-09, re-appointed in 1910, but did not accept; Chairman from her County of the Woman’s De- nartment of the Tri-State Fair 1910; has been cmairman for Williamson Co., of the Health Department of Tenn. Federa- tion of Women’s Clubs, 1908; member WHO 8 WHO IN TENNESSEE 141 ox Woman's Club, Chautauqua, N. Y., Women’s Tennessee Historical Associa- tion and the Association for Preserva- tion of Antiquities of Va. ; Vice-Regent of Old Glory Chapter D. A. R. ; Regent of Monteagle D. A. R. Circle in 1907, and was fraternal delegate from D. A. R. of Tenn. to the Ala. D. A. R. Con- ference at Athens, in 1907 ; member Franklin Chapter of b. D. C., of which she was Pres., three years, 1903-1906; represented same at the National U. D. C. Convention in Baltimore, Md., 1897, Cnarleston, S. C., 1903; organized Frank- lin U. D. C. Historical Society, 1906; Historian of Tenn. Div. TJ. D. C. 1906- OS; conceived toe idea of the Tenn. Con- federate Girls’ Home and was elected by Tenn. Division U. D. C. permanent chair- man of the Confederate Girls’ Home Committee in 1909 ; has two daughters. Marguerite Dozier and Thaniel Pinker- ton Dozier. FAW, Walter Wagxer, lawyer; born at Johnson City, Tenn., July 3, 1867; German-English and French descent; son of Thomas Ambrose and Carrie E. (Wagner) Faw; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandparents Jona- than and Sarah (Parks) Faw, maternal grandparents Matthias Miller and Ma- tilda (Fyffe) Wagner; educated at Ky. Military Institute, Virginia Military In- stitute and Cumberland University Law School, graduated from the latter with degree of LL. B. June, 1889; all of his business life has been devoted to the legal profession; married Mattie F. Ker- nan May 25, 1892; member of the law firm of Harr & Faw, Johnson City, Tenn., 1889-1891, and then Faw & Cox, of the same place; moved to Franklin, Tenn., in 1899 and became a member of the law firm of Faw & Crockett until appointed Assistant Attorney-General; member Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, Knights of Pythias, Master Mason, Knights Templar and has held various offices in all of said lodges; Democrat; former Alderman, City Attorney and Mayor of Johnson City, Tenn., 1891- 1898; member of 54th General Assembly of the State of Tenn. from Williamson Co. in 1905; appointed Assistant Attor- ney-General and Reporter in 1905, re- appointed in 1910; Brig.-Gen on staff of Gov. John P. Buchanan 1891; mem- ber of the M. E. church. South. FOWLKES, Hexry Pleasant, law- yer; born Hickman Co., Tenn., Oct. 22, 1843; English-Scoteh-Irish and German descent; son of Henry R. and Susan A. (Bussell) Fowlkes; father’s occupation farmer and merchant; paternal grand- parents Gabriel and Jency (Hyde) Fowlkes; maternal grandparents Plea- sant and Docie (Mayberry) Bussell; ed- ucated at Franklin, Tenn., and Prince- ton, N. J., graduated from the latter with degree of A. B. in 1868, and A. M., in 1871 ; married twice, first Bettie Martin Nov. 2, 1869; second Mrs. L. T. Caruthers Sept. 9, 1890; member K. of P.; Democrat; represented Maury and Williamson Counties in lower house Gen- eral Assembly of Tenn., in 1879; was Speaker of the House; President Board of Trustees Battle Ground Academy; member of Presbyterian church, and has been Elder of same for thirty-five years; has practiced law at Franklin, Tenn., since his retirement from Legislature in 1879; Trustee of Central Hospital for the Insane for 20 years. GENTRA', Susie, patriotic worker; daughter of Watson Meredith and Martha A (Jones) Gentry; her father is a retired physician and surgeon; pater- nal grandparents Theophilus Lacy and Theodosia (Poindexter) Gentry, mater- nal grandparents Dr. John Ridle 3 r and Martha (Lane) Jones; was educated by private instructors and at Battle Ground Academy, a preparatory high school for Vanderbilt University, graduated at the Tenn. Female College; she is an artist, musician and author; member of the Co- lonial Dames, D. A. R., U. S. D. of 1812, AVatauga Association, Tenn. Women’s Historical Association, Hermi- tage Assn., Pen Women of America, etc.; founder of Watauga Assn., State Vice-Recent of D. A. R., First State Sec. U. S. D. of 1812, first State Regis- trar U. D. C., Organizing Regent “Old Glory” Chapter D. A. R. ; has the first and only hand painted gourd collection in the world, upon which she won a gold medal at St. Louis exposition; has lo- cated the graves of 402 revolutionary sol- diers in Tenn., she was a pioneer in that 142 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE work; at her suggestion and through her efforts a tablet in commemoration of Gen. Felix K. Zollikoffer was placed at Nashville, Tenn., also a tablet to “The soldiers and site of the battle of the Bluffs” at Nashville, 1910, a tablet to “John Donelson and his party on their arrival at Nashville,” April, 1910, tab- let to the 56 revolutionary soldiers buried in Williamson Co., placed on courthouse Franklin, Tenn., Jan. 28, 1910, and other tablets, etc., the tablet to Commodore Maury placed through her instrumentality on public school build- ing, Franklin, Tenn., is tbe only memor- ial erected to him except his tombstone; she is now engaged in an effort looking to the erection of a monument to Com- modore Maury at Nashville, Tenn.; member of the Presbyterian church. GENTRY, Watson Meredith, physi- cian and surgeon; born Davidson Co., Tenn., Jan. 31, 1831; English descent; son of Theophilus Lacey and Rebecca B. (Sappington) Gentry; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; paternal grandpa- rents Watson and Theodocia (Poindexter) Gentry, maternal grand parents Dr. Thomas and Elizabeth (Stockett) Sappington; educated at Triune Acad- emy, Athlophrenic Academy, an- Owen Hill; graduated in surgery ana medi- cine in the University of the City of New York in 1855; served as surgeon 17th Tenn. Vols., commissioned by Gov. Isham G. Harris; at close war was sur- geon-in-chief of hospitals of Montgom- ery, Ala.; practiced medicine from 1855 to 1895 and performed a good many notable operations; married Martha A. Jones in 1858; member of Masons, Royal Arch and Knights Templar; Democrat; member Christian church. GREEN, Edwabd E., banker; born in Williamson Co., Tenn., Feb. 14, 1865; de- scendant of Greens and Sherwoods of North Carolina, some of whom occupied official positions in colonial and revolu- tionary times; son of Joseph and Eliza- beth Marion (Hyde) Green; educated in Campbell School, Franklin, Tenn.; in early life clerked a short while in a gro- cery store; married twice, second, Sarah Horton, Dec. 5, 1900; member Masons; Democrat; member of Municipal Board in Franklin, Tenn., for several years; Capt. of Perkins Rifles, Franklin Mili- tary Co.; member of Methodist Episco- pal church, South, and was for years steward in same. HAMMOND, John Dennis, church secretary; born Franklin, Ga., May 12, 1850; son of Judge Dennis F. and Ade- line E. (Robinson) Hammond; educated University of Ga., A. B. degree in 1870; graduated from Drew Theological Semi- | nary B. D„ 1875, Central College, of Mo., D. D., 1886; married Lily Hardy Sejit. 10, 1879; ordained to Ministry M. E. Church, South, in 1875; pastor Dahlonega, Athens, Forsyth and Milledgeville, Ga„ and filled position of Presiding Elder in Ga., to 188 j ; Pastor of First Church, St. Louis, Mo., 1885- 86 ; President of Central College, Fay- ette, Mo., 1888-1895; Wesleyan College, Macon, Ga., 1897-98; Secretary of Edu- cation of M. E. Church, South, since 1898; Editor “The New Century Educa- tion” published for two years while rais- ing “tnank offering fund” of $1,500,- 000.00 for educational nurposes, Protest- ant Churches; Director at Large of Re- ligious Educational Association; member of Board of Education M. E. Church, South, life member American T>ibie So- ciety. HAMMOND, Lily Hardy, authoress; born Newark, N J., Sept. 24, 1859; daughter of Henry C. and Huldah E. (Dozier) Hardy; educated in private schools and at Packer Institute, Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; married John Dennis Ham- mond, Sept. 10, 1879; author of “The Master Word” 1905. HENDERSON, John Hughes, lawyer; born Williamson Co., Tenn., Dec. 18, 1849; son of Dr. Samuel and Rachel Jane (Hughes) Henderson; his father was a physician and surgeon; paternal grandparents Samuel and Lucy (Rickman) Henderson, maternal grand- parents John and Sallie (Martin) Hughes; educated in the local schools of Franklin, Tenn., and Hayesville, Ohio; graduated from University of Va. Law School June, 1873; married Lizzie E. Perkins May 21, 1879; member M. E. church, South, Knights of Pythias; who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 143 Democrat; formerly Special Supreme Judge of Tennessee from April 8, 1907, to Feb. 2, 1908; served on the military staff of Gov. Peter Turney as Colonel. HORTON, Lucy Henderson, born \Villiamson Co., Tenn., Jan. 14, 1851; daughter of Dr. Samuel and Rachel Jane Martin (Hughes) Henderson; she is a lineal descendant on the maternal side of Gen. Joseph Martin, and Col. Arch Hughes, both of revolutionary fame; she is also a nneal descendant of Thomas Henderson, who came to Jamestown, Va., in 1608, and of Ensign Washer who was a member of the House of Burgesses in the first Legislative Assembly in Amer- ica, which met at Jamestown, Va., 1619; educated at Tenn. Female College and Franklin Institute; married Henry Claiborne Horton May 30, 1878; mem- ber Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, now vice-regent, for three years filled the office of State Historian, D. A. R., member of the National Com- mittees D. A. R., Colonial Dames, So- ciety for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Ladies’ Historical Assn, of Nashville, Tenn., ana Daughters of the Confederacy; she has filed in the State Archives a brief history of the work of the D. A. R. in Tenn., has located his- torical spots in Tenn., made research and has written a sketch of Gen. Jo- seph Martin, which has been published; has located valuable old manuscripts; at her request the U. S. government placed a small stone to mark the grave of Will- iam Martin, Lieut.-Col. Second Regiment “Old Volunteers” in War of 1812; she is a sister of Judge J. H. Henderson' and Dr. Samuel Henderson and is mother of Mrs. Edward E. Green; member of the M. E. Church, South, since 12 years of age. Perry Feb. 7, 1903; member K. P., Royal Arcanum, National Union; Democrat; in early life was clerk in father’s store; practiced medicine at Bigbyville, Maury Co., Tenn., for fifteen years, moved to Franklin in 1900, where he has lived since; is now Co. Health Officer and President Tenn. Health Association; member Presbyterian church. McCORKLE, David Eusebius, lawyer; born in Dyer Co., Tenn., Aug. 19, 1858; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel Smith and Margaret (Wharey) Mc- Corkle; father’s occupation, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents, Johiel M. and Eliza- beth (Smith) MeCorkie, maternal grand- parents, Jonathan and Jane (Walkup) Wharey; educated in Southern Union Normal School, Newbern, Tenn.; in early life was a farmer and teacher; married twice; first, Lulie E. Vaughan, Feb. 12, 1890; second, Lena H. Campbell, Jan. 16, 1906; member Knights of Pythias; Democrat; Superintendent of Public In- struction for Dyer Co., Tenn., 1886-90; State Senator 52d General Assembly of Tenn.; was in the newspaper business from 1890 to 1894; now engaged in the practice of law at Franklin, Tenn.; mem- ber of the Church of Christ. McDANIEL, Charlie Miner, farmer; born Brentwood, Williamson Co., Tenn., July 17, 1860; Scotch-Irish descent; son of R. M. and Margaret Clay (Maury) McDaniel; his maternal grandfather, R. L. Maury, was a brother to Commodore Mathew Fontane Maury, the pathfinder of the seas; educated in local schools of Williamson Co., Tenn.; married Laura Maran June 18, 1896; Democrat; Justice of the Peace; engaged in farming and trading all of his life; member of the Christian church. HOWLETT, Kirby Smith, physician; McMILLAN, William J., Presbyter- born Culleoka, Tenn., Aug. 24, 1862; ian minister; born Acworth, Ga., April English and Scotch descent; son of I. J. 11, 1870; Scotch-Irish descent; son of and Ruth (Howard) Howlett; father’s Robert Huie and Margaret (Pritchard) occupation, merchant; paternal grand- McMillan; father’s occupation, farmer; parents A. B. and Elizabeth (Clemons) paternal grandparents George and Sal- Howlett, maternal grandparents Will- lie (Huie) McMillan, maternal grand- iam and Mary (Nelson) Howard; edu- parents Joshua and Sallie (McEver) cated Webb’s School and Vanderbilt Prichard; educated Davidson College, University, graduated from latter with N. C., and Southwestern Presbyterian degree M. D. in 1881 ; married M. Maxie University, graduated from latter with 144 who’s AVHO IN TENNESSEE degree A. B. June 14, 1893; received Ph. D. degree University of Ohio; mar- ried Florence Willie Hodge July 26, 1897; began his business career as a farmer; evangelist New Orleans Pres- bytery April, 1896-Aug., 1897 ; pastor hirst Presbyterian churcn, Brown- wood, Texas, 1895-1901; minister Lewisburg Presbyterian church, Lewis- burg, Tenn., 1900-1901; pastor Presby- terian church, Franklin, Tenn., since Jan. 1, 1902; Democrat (Independent); member Presbyterian church U. S. MAYBERRY, Henry Hunter, capi- talist; born Williamson Co., Tenn., Jan. 5, 1861; English descent; son of H. G. W. and Sophronia (Hunter) Mayberry; educated at Franklin, Tenn., and Uni- versity of Tenn. ; his father was a di- rector and also assisted in actual con- struction of L. & N. Ry., the first steam railway in Tenn. ; 1885 to 1904 he was interested in the hardware and banking business at Birmingham, Ala.; re- tired in 1904 and moved to his farm near Franklin, Tenn.; aided in the upbuilding of Birmingham, Ala., also helped to or- ganize a steel company with suffi- cient capital to demonstrate that steel could be made from Birmingham iron ore; helped in construction and success- ful operation of Nashville Interurban Ry. as president of the Co. in 1908, being first electrical interurban line in Tenn.; married Marietta Watson Dec. 3, 1885; member Hermitage Club and Golf Club, Nashville, also clubs, Birmingham, Ala.; member of the Methodist church. NEELY, John M., lawyer; Attorney- General for Williamson County, Tennes- see; Democrat; residence, Franklin, Tenn. PEOPLES, Richard Grier, educator; born near Columbia, Tenn., March 8, 1869; son of James H. and Margaret (Douglass) Peoples; father’s occupation, Minister of the Gospel; paternal grand- father, Richard Peoples, maternal gravid mother was a Miss Harris prior to her marriage, maternal grandparents, Alex and Jennie (Simonton) Douglass; edu- cated at Webb Scnooi, Culleoka, Tenn.; graduated from Erskine College, Due West, B. C., B. A. June 7, 1886; en- tered educational work in early life; married Alla Clary, Nov. 28, 1900; In- denendent Democrat; member of Meth- odist Church; Principal of Boys’ Pre- paratory School, rranklin, Tenn. PERKINS, Henry Ewin, insurance man and farmer; born in Williamson Co., Tenn., Oct, 10, 1867 ; son of Sam Fearn and Teresa G. (Ewin) Perkins; paternal grandparents Thomas F. and Leah M. (Cannon) Perkins, maternal grandparents Henry Clayton and Eliza- beth (Hill) Ewin; educated in private school in Franklin, Tenn., and Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., from which institution he graduated in 1886; married Sadie Bell Tansil; Demo- crat; active in county politics, elected Co. Trustee of Williamson Co. for three terms, at one time receiving the largest vote ever cast for Trustee in William- son Co., former Clerk and Master of Chancery Court, Williamson Co.; Ma- son, Odd Fellow and K. of P. ; member of Christian church. FRIENDSHIP. HARWELL, Lorenzo Burr, mer- chant; born Prospect, Tenn., Sept. 29, 1854; son of Thomas D. and Anna B. (Russell) Harwell; father’s occupation, minister of the gospel (M. E. church, South) ; educated in the rural schools of Tenn.; began his business career as a farmer, later engaged in the mercan- tile business at Friendship, Tenn., for thirty years; married Alice C. Mallory Dec. 26, 1877 ; member Friendship Lodge No. 116, Knights of Pythias, Keeper of Records and Seal for many years; Democrat; member of the M. E. church, South, since Aug., 1874; engaged in farming, also interested in merchan- dise and banking at Friendship, Tenn. FRIENDSVILLE. LAWRENCE, Daniei, Windsi.ow, teacher and minister; born Grant Co., Ind., Aug. 27, 1851; son of Thomas H. and Anna Maria (Cox) Lawrence; pa- ternal grandfather Peter Lawrence, pa- ternal grandmother Sarah (Hinshaw) Lawrence, maternal grandfather William Cox, maternal grandmother Miriam (Winslow) Cox; English, Scotch, Irish who’s who in Tennessee 145 and Welsh descent; educated Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., from which he graduated June 30, 1880, with degree B. S. ; his early business occupation was farming; married Elizabeth E. Windle Sept. 1, 1881 ; she died in 1895 and Dec. 25, 1901, married Piety F. Elliott; he is descended from one of the Windslows who came to America in the Mayflower in 1620 and of Sir John Lawrence, one time Lord Mayor of London, England; formerly proctor and associate teacher at Earlham College one year; prior to moving to Tenn. was principal of North- branch, Kansas, Academy ; supt and prin- cipal of Skiatoox Mission, Hillside, In- dian Territory, a mission school among the Cherokee Indians, maintained by the Friends; owner of farm lands in Kansas and orange and fig lands in Texas; is pastor of Friend’s church at Friends- ville, Tenn., and principal of Friends- ville Academy; church connection. Friends. FRUITLAND. BENNETT, Hugh T., farmer and stock raiser; born Fruitland, Tenn. March 4, 1881; Scotch-Irish descent; son of W. N. and Mattie (McLeary) Ben- nett; educated in public schools of Gib- son Co., University of Tenn., Knoxville and S. N. U., Huntingdon, Tenn., mar- ried Ethel Yandell Sept. 9, 1902; mem- ber K. of P„ I. O. O. F., K. O. T. M. and W. O. W. ; Democrat; Representa- tive in Lower House of Tenn. Legisla- ture 1909; elected Justice of Peace 1906 to succeed his father, W. N. Bennett, which office he now holds, youngest Justice of the Peace in Gibson Co.; member Presbyterian church. KOFFMAN, J. Id., farmer; born Mc- Nairy Co., Tenn., Aug. 22, 1855; Ger- man descent; son of James C. and Abi- gail Hawkins (Atkins) Koffman; edu- cated at tbe Central Normal School and I. O. O. F. College of Humboldt, Tenn.; early occupation, school teacher in tbe public schools Gibson Co., Tenn.; later was engaged in newspaper business and about 1882 purchased the West Tennes- see Argus of Humboldt, Tenn., of which he was editor; in 1893 he established the Tennessee Populist, he later edited the Gibson Co. Journal, published at Tren- ton, Tenn.; has been a newspaper writer and contributed to many newspapers and periodicals; was twice candidate for State Senator, but not elected; has been Justice of Peace twenty-four years; is chairman of State Executive Commit- tee of the Farmers’ Educational and Co-operative Union of America and is chairman of State Legislative Commit- tee, etc. ; married first Emma B. Phelan in 1885, married second Mattie I.. Boyd April 7, 1901; member of the Baptist church; Democrat; member of Farmers’ Educational and Co-Operative Union of America. STEWART, Neil M., farmer; born near Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 1, 1844; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James and Isabella (McNeil) Stewart; father’s oc- cupation farmer; paternal grandparents David and Rebecca (Avant) Stewart; maternal grandparents Neil and Lucy (Knight) McNeil; educated in high schools of Gibson Co., Tenn.; in early life engaged in mercantile business at Jackson, Tenn.; later became interested in farming at Fruitland, Tenn.; married Mary P. Shark Nov. 25, 1873; member Masons, I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; chair- man of Democratic (Regular) Executive Committee of Gibson Co., Tenn.; served three years in Confederate army during civil war with Gen. N. B. Forrest Cav- alry; member Southern Presbyterian church, and Elder in same. GADSDEN. ROSAMON, John W. , farmer and fruit grower; born Madison Co., Tenn., Sept. 17, 1842; Irish-German descent; son of John D. and Elizabeth (Hefley) Rosamon; father was a tanner and farmer; paternal grandparents Henry and Nancy (Rowe) Rosamon, maternal grandparents Mike and Peggy (Hamil- ton) Hefley; began life on father's farm and became interested in fruit growing and horticulture; president of the West Tenn. Farmers’ Institute, and was its president for eleven years; traveled and lectured on horticulture through the state of Tenn. eight years; was a pio- neer horticulturist and has been engaged in that branch of agriculture for about 146 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE forty-four years; married Mary E. Warmoth April 22, 1863; member and Deacon in Missionary Baptist church; Democrat and Prohibitionist; was as- sistant commissioner of agriculture 1898- 1902; was elected Justice of the Peace April, 1872, and has been Notary Pub- lic thirty-nine years; has been Trustee of Union University for thirty-five years. GAINESBORO. DENNIS, Richard S., farmer; born in Jackson Co., Tenn., 1867; English de- scent; son of Richard PL and Rhoda (Thaxton) Dennis; the father being a farmer; educated in local schools; began life as a farmer, later was elected Tax Assessor of Jackson Co., Tenn., and is now Tax Assessor of that Co.; married Sarah J. Brown in 1885; member of the Christian church ; Republican. DIXON, Miles J., lawyer; born at Highland, Tenn., Jan. 12, 1868; Scotch- Irish descent; son of John and Eliza (Rawley) Dixon; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents John and Mary (Haliburton) Dixon, maternal grandparents Daniel and Elizabeth (Huse) Rawley; educated at Willette, Macon Co., Tenn., and at Flynn’s Lick Academy, Jackson Co., Tenn.; early oc- cupation, school teaching; studied law and was admitted to the bar, forming a partnership with D. A. Butler at Gainesboro, Tenn., continuing the prac- tice till the present time; married Lena Stofford Oct. 15, 1895 ; member of Meth- odst Episcopal church; Republican; served as Deputy U. S. Marshal 1901- 1906; now Town Magistrate of Gaines- boro, Tenn. DRAPER, Robert Garland, lawyer; born at Gainesboro, Tenn., April 15, 1887; Freneh-Irish descent; son of Will- iam W. and Emily (Seuto) Draper; father was a lawyer; paternal grand- parents James T. and Lucy (Kav- anaugh) Draper, maternal grandparents T. G. and Mary (Young) Seuto; edu- ated at Gainesboro High School and Cumberland University Law School, Le- banon, Tenn., graduating from the lat- ter with degree LL. B. June, 1908; be- gan life as a teacher in the public |j schools, and later took up the practice of law; member of the firm of Draper } & Draper, Gainesboro, Tenn.; member j| of the M. E. church, South, F. & A. M,; !; Democrat; member of the Tenn. State Legislature from Jackson Co., Tenn, 1909. FOX, Ottis G., farmer; born Millers- burg, Rutherford Co., Tenn., March 6, J| 1868; Irish and Dutch descent; son of James F. and Sallie F. (Pruett) Fox; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Joseph and Tabitha I (Painter) Fox, maternal grandparents}} Joseph A. and Lethie A. (Barnett) Pru- } ett; educated Hartsville (Tenn.) Masonic j Institute; married Rena Apple Nov. 25, 1908; Democrat; member of tht House of Representatives from Jackson Co., Tenn., in the 51st General Assembly State of Tenn. ; member of M. E. church, j South; besides farming interests is a member of the firm of Kelly Mercantile j Co., Granville, Tenn. GAW, IiOscoe C., public official; born near Gainesboro, Jackson, Go., Tenn., July 6, 1882; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Armel and Clarissa (Purcell) Gaw; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Elias and Jane Gaw; edu- cated in the common schools Jackson Co., Tenn. ; at the age of fifteen began teach- ing public schools Jackson Co., Tenn., and continued in this profession until 1903, when he began the study of law in the office of Congressman Cordell Hull and John J. Gore surveyor of customs for the port of Nashville, when he was elected to the office of Circuit Court Clerk of Jackson Co., Tenn., in 1906; ^elected Circuit Court Clerk Aug. 1, 1910; mem- ber of Tanney Hill Lodge No. 133 F. & A. M. and is W. M. of said Lodge; also Gainesboro Lodge No. 234 I. O. O. F. and treasurer of same, and M. W. of A., Rock Island, 111.; Democrat; member of the Church of Christ; member Quarles Sadler Dry Goods Co., Gainesboro, Tenn. HIX, Aricley F., public official, farmer and sportsman; born Jackson who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 147 Co., Tenn., Feb. 7, 1855; Scoteh-Irish de- scent; son of Wm. and Polly (Rose) Hix; father’s occupation, farmer; edu- cated common schools of Jackson Co., Tenn.; engaged in farming and hunting all of his life; married Julia Isam Nov. 11, 1877; Democrat; Register of Deeds from Jackson Co., from Sept., 1906, to Sept., 1910; re-elected to said office Stpt., 1910. McGLASSuN, G. Lee, public offi- cial; born Brimstone, Clay Co., Tenn., Sept. 12, 1871; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. Green and Mary D. (Harris) Mc- Glasson; paternal grandjiarents Scott and Malinda (Scantland) McGlasson, maternal grandparents William and Ma- tilda (Pharris) Harris; in early life taught school for ten years, later was a merchant for seven years; has been Co., Court Clerk of Jackson Co., for the past four years; married Lizzie Dee Terry Dec. 25, 1889; member Tannehill .Lodge A. F. & A. M., Gainesboro, Tenn.; Democrat; former partner mer- cantil firm J. G. McGlasson & Co., Mc- Glasson, Willmor & Co., Rogers, McGlas- son & Co., all of Whitleyvilie, Tenn., and W. W. Rogers & Co., Fork mr;, Tenn., interested in farm and grass lands near Gainesboro, WILLIAMS, James A., hanker and farmer; born in Wilson Co., Tenn., Jan. 23, 1838; English descent; Roger Will- iams was his first ancestor in America; son of A. S. and Martha (Phillips) Will- iams; his maternal grandmother was Mary (Scott) Phillips, whose father, William Scott, was one of the original settlers at Fort Mill Creek (Tenn.) when that place was attacked by the In- dians in 1794; she assisted in the de- fense of the fort by molding bullets for the rifles which the men used; however, the fort was relieved by assistance sent from French Lick (or Nashborough) ; her father being one of the seven sur- viving men in the fort at the time; two of her brothers were Indian fighters who joined an expedition in Florida and Alabama against the Indians in later I years; educated in the common schools of Wilson Co., Tenn.; began life as a teacher and farmer, later sold merchan- dise for 10 years; has been cashier of the Bank of Gainesboro (Tenn.) twen- ty-one years; married Kizziah Kirkpat- rick Oct. 29, 1867 ; member of the Christian church; represented Jackson Co., Tenn., in the 45th General Assem- bly; member Free Masons; enlisted in the 7th Tenn. Regiment, C. S. A. May 20, 1861 (served two years in the com- missary department), paroled at Wash- ington, Ga., May 13, 1865; returned home in broken health and spent the year 1866 in recuperating; Democrat. GALLATIN. BARRY, David Franklin, farmer; born in Sumner Co., Tenn., Jan. 8, 1846; son of David and Mary R. (Cage) Barry; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents, Redmond Dillin and Jennie (Alexander) Barry, maternal grandparents John and Thankful (Mor- gan) Cage; the first mentioned being a son of Major William Cage, who served in the revolutionary war; and the pa- ternal grandmother being a daughter of Maj. William Alexander, who was a revolutionary war patriot; educated in the public schools of Sumner Co., Tenn., and graduated from Bryant and Strat- ton’s Business College April, 1868; be- gan life as a farmer and enlisted Aug., 1862, in the Confederate army; joined Gen. John H. Morgan’s Confederate Cav- alry; was wounded and captured, being imprisoned at Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, about three months; was exchanged and re-enlisted under Gen. B. W. Duke of Morgan’s Cavalry, who then com- manded the Dept. of East Tenn. and Western Va., and remained under Gen. Duke until Lee’s surrender, when he was ordered, under Gen. Duke’s command, to Charlotte, N. C., where he met Pres- ident Davis and his cabinet, and here he was furloughed for 60 days by the Sec. of War on May 2, 1865; his command continuing on to Woodstock, where it was disbanded; married Lutie Chenault Nov. 1, 1869; member of the Christian church; Democrat. BASKERVILLE, James Thomas, lawyer; born in Sumner Co., Tenn., Jan. 21, 1871; Norman-French and Scotch- Irish descent; son of Abner and Nancy (McGlothlin) Baskerville; father a farmer and was County Tax Assessor 148 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE of Sumner Co., Tenn., 1892-1896, and Co. Trustee of Sumner Co., Tenn., 1900- 1906; paternal grandparents Thomas and Eliza (Ball) Baskerville, maternal grandparents James and Louisa (Beard) McGlothlin; educated in the public schools of Tenn., the Franklin (Ky.) Training School and Cumberland Uni- versity, Lebanon, Tenn., graduating from the latter with degree of LL. B. Jan., 1896; won medal for oratory in Franklin Training School in 1892; mar- ried uua M. King April 24, 1901; mem- ber of Howard Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F., Past Grand; Democrat; member of the Democratic State Executive Commit- tee 1906-8; Senator from 14th Senator- ial District of Tenn. in 56th General As- sembly; now member of the City Board of Education; attorney for the city of Gallatin, Tenn., since Jan., 1901; mem- ber of the Church of Christ, Gallatin, Tenn. BROWN, Harris, insurance man; born in Sumner Co., Tenn., March 18, 1858; son of William B. and M. J. (Harris) Brown; educated University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn., graduating therefrom with degree of B. S. in June, 1877 ; in early life taught school, mar- ried twice, first Carrie H. Patterson April, 1881, second, Augusta Rogan, June 2, 1895; member of K. of P. and Woodmen of the World; formerly Co. Court Clerk of Sumner Co., Tenn., from Sept., 1886, to Sept. 1, 1910; now a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Tenn., and has been since 1898; vice-president of First Nat. Bank of Gallatin, Tenn.; secretary of Sum- ner Co. (Tenn.), Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Capt. C. A. University of Tenn., 1876-1877; Capt. Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias Gallatin (Tenn.) Di- vision 1890-1896; Elder of Church of Christ. CHEN AULT, Charles C., farmer and stock raiser; born at Greenfield, Tenn., Dee. 28, 1858; French-English de- scent; son of David and Louise (Quisen- berry) Chenault; father a farmer and stock raiser; paternal grandparents David and Nancy (Tribble) Chenault, maternal grandparents Colby and Lucy (Quisenberry) Quisenberry; educated in the common schools of Tenn. and Stone- wall College; married Mordante Brad- ley Nov. 15, 1893; has been engaged in farming all of his life; Democrat; mem- ber of Church of God. DOUGLASS, Charles S., educator; born at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1839; Scotch-Irish descent; son of G. N. and Beneta (Rawlings) Douglass, his father, a farmer; paternal grandparents James and Katherine (Collier) Doug lass, maternal grandparents Dr. Benja- min and Elizabeth Rawlings; educated at Center College, Danville, Ky., gradu- ating therefrom with degree of A. B. and later received A. M. ; he was prepar- ing for the law when the Civil war foe- j'i gan; enlisted as adjutant of 30th Tenn. I regiment; was captured at Fort Donelson j and a prisoner on Johnson Island, Lake Erie, seven months; after exchange he became Capt. of Co. H, 30th Tenn. regi- ment, and later adjutant Gen. Smith’s brigade; fougnt in all of the battles of the western armv after exchange; pa- |! roled at the close oi war; took up edu- cational work and has held the follow- J ing positions: President of State Teach- | ers’ Assn., first President of the School j Officers’ Assn., member of the Sta’.e j Board of Education 18 years, and was a member of the committee that adopted the first uniform series text books for j State of Tenn.; was for 20 years a State Institute conductor, Superintend- ent of Public instruction for Sumner Co., Tenn., six years, and has been Su- perintendent of graded schools of Galla- tin, Tenn., for past 24 years; married Susan Alexander Graham July 21, 1865; member Kniehts of Pythias and M. E. Church, South. GUTHRIE, George Nuckols. lawyer; born in Shelby. Co., Ky., Feb. 18, 18.50; Scotch and English descent; son of Isaac Newton and Martha Ann (Montgomery! Guthrie; educated at Crocker’s School, Davidson Co., Tenn., and graduated from same June, 1870; in early life he was a school teacher, being at one time presi- dent of Evening Shade (Ark.) College; later became a lawyer; married Ellen Cary Hobson, of Powhatan Co., Va., who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 149 Aug. 17, 1875; member of F. & A. M., K. of P., and I. O. O. F., Howard Lodge No. 13, Gallatin, Tenn.; was Grand Mas- ter of I. O. O. F. Tenn. in 1889-1890 and representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of State of Tenn in 1893-1894; has held highest positions in the subordi- nate lodges of all of the above frater- nities; was Mayor of the town of Galla- tin, Tenn., from 1883-1892; elected Jus- tice of the Peace in 1882 and regularly thereafter and is the present incumbent, serving thirty years in all when present term expires; formerly Commander, Colonel and Chief of Staff of Tenn. Brigade Uniform Rank Knights of Py- thias; Judge of the City Court of Galla- tin, Tenn.; member of the Baptist church. HALL, William, banker; born near Castalian Springs, Tenn., March 17, 1848; son of William Harrison ar d Sarah Winseanna (McDaniel) Hall; father was a farmer and Colonel of the Co. Militia, and soldier in the Florida war; paternal grandparents Gov. Wil- liam and Mary Brandon (Alexander) Hall, maternal grand parents Winston and Lydia (Winchester) McDaniel: edu- cated in the country schools and Rural Academy, Castalian Springs, Tenn.; worked on farm for twenty-five years, then clerked in a country store and taught school five months, then went to Louisville as hotel clerk of the Alexan- der Hotel, afterward became bookkeeper in a bank, his health failed him then and he went back to the farm ; ran a cus- tom flour mill and engaged in making ax handles by machinery; elected assistant cashier and later cashier of the 1st Na- tional Bank, Gallatin, Tenn., which po sition he now holds; interested in farm lands, bank stock and is president of Mutual Fire Insurance Co., director in Southern Insurance Co.; Democrat; formerly Circuit Court Clerk Sumner Co. for six years, and chairman of the Co. Court of Sumner Co., Tenn., six years, now Justice of the Peace; married Mary Brandon Mentlo Oct. 14, 1874; member of the Church of Christ. HARRIS, Russell Curtis, physician; born Bethpage, Sumner Co., Tenn., July 22, 1853; Anglo-Saxon descent; son of Greenberry B. and Mary (Gillespie) Bryson; fathers’ occupation, stonemason and miller; paternal grandparents Over- ton and Martha (Brown) Harris, ma- ternal grandparents Peter and Jennie (Gillespie) Bryson; educated Co. schools Gallatin (Tenn.) High School and Medi- cal Dept. University of Louisville, Ky. ; graduated from the latter March 6, 1876, with degree M. D. ; began practicing medicine early in life and was engaged in the practice for many years at Gal- latin, Tenn., now retired; has been Jus- tice of the Peace continuously since 1888, and is now chairman of the Sumner Co., Tenn., Court for the second term; Dem- ocrat; member of the Church of Christ; married twice, first Mrs. Bettie Norris, Jan. 12, 1882, second, Belle Gillespie, Feb 6, 1895; member of Modern Woodmen of America. HOSKINS, Isaac Critte index, evan- gelist; born in Jefferson Co., Ky., Nov. 29, I860; Scotch-] rish descent; son of William Crittenden and Mary Elizabeth (Woods) Hoskins; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Alfred Crittenden and Nancy (Monroe) Hos- kins, maternal grandparents David and Elizabeth (Martin) Woods; educated in the public schools of Louisville, Ky., and Kentucky ■ University and Bible College, Lexington, Ky. ; in early life he was a farmer, his father dying when he was twenty years of age, leaving a mother and three children dependent on him, by hard work he paid all debts and pro- vided for the family, studying at night to secure an education; enterel college in 1889, his mother dying in 1894, caus- ing him to leave college before he grad- uated; married Mollie Grubbs Dec. 4, 1893; member of the Church of Christ; entered the ministry in 1894 and has been preaching both for local congrega- tions and in the field since that time; has preached in Kentucky, Ohio, Indi- ana, Pa., 111., N. C., Texas and Tenn. JUDD, John Waltus, lawyer; born Sumner Co., Tenn., Sept. 6, 1839; son of John W. and Lydia (Stark) Judd; fath- er a minister of the gospel; educated at the local schools Davidson Co. and at Springfield, Tenn.; married twice, first. Mrs. Lee Gilbert-Miller, May 5, 1870; 150 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE second, Eliza H. Bayless, Jan. 4, 1881; admitted to the bar at Springfield, Tenn., in 1865; practiced law in Nashville and in other counties of that judicial circuit, in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Courts until July, 1888, when he was appointed by President Cleveland Associate Justice of the Su- preme Court of Utah; was Attorney of the old Edgefield & Kentucky R. R. Co. until that road was sold to the St. Louis and Southeastern in 1871, when he be- came attorney for the latter Co. in Tenn. until 1879, when the road was purchased by the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co.; he then became attorney for that road and remained such until appointed Judge, which position he held until Oct., 1889; resigned his judgeship to accept an offer of partnership by Judge Jabez Sutherland, and entered the practice of law at Salt Lake City, Utah; in April, 1893, he was appointed United States District Attorney for the Territory of Utah, which office he held until Jan., 1896, when Utah was admitted as a State to the Union; he was then appointed United States District Attorney for the state of Utah, which office he held until June, 1898; he returned to Tenn. in the fall of 1898 and made his home in Nash- ville, Tenn.; in 1899 he was appointed Assistant District Attorney for the Lou- isville & Nashville Railroad Co., which position he resigned in 1907 ; in 1903 he was elected to a professorship by the Board of Trustees in the law department of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., which position he now holds; at present he is doing special legal work for the LI. S. government in Porto Rico, at San Juan; member of the Methodist church, F. & A. M.; Democrat. PURYEAR, David Burford, lawyer; born at Hendersonville, Tenn., April 7, 1882; French and Scoteh-Irish descent; son of William P. and Fannie M. (Wright) Puryear; paternal grandpar- ents, William P. and Mary Anne (Pierce) Puryear; maternal grandpar- ents, Romulus C. and Bettie (Burford) Wright; educated public schools of Sum- ner Co., Tenn., and Vanderbilt Univer- sity, graduating from the latter with degree of Bachelor of Laws May 1902; in early life was in the farming and merchandising business with his father, later was in the Insurance business, then J: became a lawyer; married Jennie B. Me- j Carver Feb. 16, 1910; member I. O. O. F. (Past Grand Master of Lodge No. |j 13), F. & A. M. (Past Worshipful Mas- J! ter of Saundersville Lodge), Delta Tau Delta Fraternity (delegate to Southern |j convention in 1902) Watauga Club, |l Nashville, Tenn.;" Democrat; represented Sumner Co., in General Assembly of Tenn., three terms, viz: 1907, 1909 and I 1911; elected over fierce opposition dur- ing factional strife to the legislatures of 1909-1911; was candidate of the local option or administration forces for |j Speakership of the House of Represen- tatives in 1909 and was defeated; was j| chairman of the Reelfoot Lake Commit- tee legislative session 1909 ; appointed to investigate Night-rider trouble and to recommend some adjustment of the dis- jl turbing situation; was one of the au- thors of the Acts to make Reelfoot Lake public game preserve; appointed by the Governor and Attorney General as spec- jj ial counsel for the State in litigation con- cerning title to Reelfoot Lake; author j of two-cent rate bill in legislature of 1907; elected floor leader of Administra- | tion forces in legislature of 1911; re- ceived 17 votes for United States Sena- tor from Tenn., by 1911 legislature, though not a candidate ana too young to be constitutionly elected; member of the Methodist Church. SEAY, Edward T„ lawyer; assistant district attorney L. & N. R. R. (gen. practice) ; born Hartville, Tenn., Oct. 15, 1868; son of George E. and Mary J. (Lauderdale) Seay; English dsecent; ed- ucated, literary and law, Vanderbilt Uni- versity; graduate Vanderbilt LL. B. de- |i gree in 1891 ; early business career, at- torney at law; married Polly Barr March 29, 1893; member K. of P., W. O. W., ji Kappa Alpha; elected Senator 14th Sen- atorial Dist. Tenn. (3 times) 1899-1901- 1903; elected Speaker Senate in 1903; author “Uniform Ti xt Book Law;” gen- eral practitioner law; assistant District Attorney L. & N., Middle and West Ten- nessee; professor real property Vander- bilt law dept.; member firm Keeble & WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 151 Seay, attorneys at law, Nashville, Term.; member Christian church. WILSON, Samuel Franklin, Jurist and Statesman; born Sumner Co., Tenn., April 8, 1845; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel ana Nancy (Moore) Wilson; paternal granaparents, John L. and An- na (Meeks) Wilson, maternal grandpar- ents, Zaza and Laura (Wallace) Moore; educated in Country Schools of Sum- ner Co., Tenn., and at Gallatin (Tenn) Male Academy, and at private school Marshall Co., Tenn., and graduated with second honors A. M., at the University of Georgia, 1868; graduated in law Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., in 1869; married Mary L. Bostick, Aug. 18, 1880; reared on farm and entered the Confederate States army at the age of 16, Gen. Bate’s regiment Co. “I” 2d Tenn., April 1861 ; a regiment was mus- tered directly into C. S. A. early in May, 1861, for tweive months before the term of enlistment had expired the regiment re-enlisted for the war, and he was granted a furlough of sixty days and transferred to the western army; voted for Secession in camp on the banks of the Potomac, 1861, after State seceded; was in the battle of Manassas before regiment was transferred to western army; he fought in the battle of Shiloh with his furlough in his pocket; the members of regiment erected monument to those killed at Shiloh, the only Con- federate monument at Shiloh Park, he delivered the oration at the ceremony at- tending the transfer of Shiloh to the U. S. A., which was received by Gen. Basil Duke; he was wounded at the battle of Richmond, Ky., and Murfreesboro, Tenn., and again at Chickamauga; at- tended school during war for awhile at Mercer University, Penflekl, Ga. ; rep- resented Sumner Co., Tenn., in Legisla- ture, 1877 ; member of the State Senate in 1879; nominated by Low Tax Faction of Democratic party for Governor in 1880, was defeated; served as Special Supreme Court Judge in three terms of Supreme Court of Tenn., between 1882 and 1884; elector state at large in 1884, selected by committee in the place of Gen. J. D. C. Atkins, who was ill; in 1886 was appointed U. S. Marshal for Middle Tenn. by Pres. Cleveland, which office he held until 1889; appointed mem- ber of Court of Chancery Appeals by Governor Turney in 1895 elected to suc- ceed himself balance of Constitutional term of six years in 1886; re-elected for full Constitutional term eight years 1902; Legislature of 1907 changed Court of Chancery Appeals to Court of Civil Appeals, enlarged its Jurisdiction and provided for two more members; Aug. election 1910 he was re-elected member of the Court of Civil Appeals for term of eight years; member Knights of Honor, Knights of Pythias, Ladies and Knights of Honor, The Golden Cross, I. O. O. F., and was a member of the “Ku-Klux Klan;” mem- ber of Presbyterian Church. GALLAWAY. GRIFFIN, J. E., farmer and mer- chant; born in Fayette Co., Tenn., March 8, 1850; Irish descent; son of Robert and Persis (Herring) Griffin; father’s occupation, farmer; began his business career as a farmer, later became inter- ested in the mercantile business; Demo- crat; member of the County Court of Fayette Co., Tenn., since 1876; appointed member of the County Board of Ed- ucation July 1907, re-elected in 1910; jutice of the peace and notary public; married Jan. 23, 1878; member F. & A. M. ; Baptist Church. GARLAND. WALK, Thomas Benton, farmer; born Tipton Co., Tenn., July 1, 1840; Irish and English descent; son of Alex- ander and Jerusna (Smith) Walk; father was a farmer; educated in Tipton Co., Tenn.; married Sarah Jane Yarbro in 1865 ; served in Confederate army dur- ing civil war in Co. B, 7th Tenn. Cavalry, under Forrest four years; wounded .at Price’s Cross Roads July 14, 1864; No- tary Public; member Missionary Baptist church; all of his life has been devoted to farming; P. O. address Covington, Tenn., R. F. D. GASSAWAY. MELTON, John H., banker, farmer and merchant; born in Cannon Co., 152 AVHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Tenn., March 26, 1869; English descent; son of George G. and Martha (Walkup) Melton; father was interested in farm- ing, banking and merchandising; pater- nal grand parents, James and Pollie (Elidge) Melton; maternal grandparents, Robert and Sarah (Nealey) Walkup; educated in common schools DeKalb Co., Tenn. ,and Liberty, Tenn. ; graduating from the latter in 1886; in early life was a farmer, in 1885 became interested in mercantile business, and 1903 or- ganized and became Cashier of Melton’s Bank, Gassaway, Tenn.; married Tina Hawkins Dec. 22, 1892; member Masons and Odd Fellows (Past Grand) ; form- erly Postmaster of Gassaway, Tenn. ; notary public; member of the church of Christ. MELTON, Luke Lee, farmer, mer- chant and miller; born in Cannon Co., Tenn.; April 20, 1845; son of John and Catharine (Elkins) Melton; received common school education; in 1875 en- tered the mercantile business at Day- light, Warren Co., Tenn., one year later returned to Cannon Co., and has been in the mercantile and saw mill business at Gassaway ever since 1884; Vice President of Meltons Bank, Gassaway, Tenn.; served as justice of the peace 27 years; was formerly chairman of the County Court of Cannon Co., Tenn., serving three terms; Postmaster at Gass- away, Tenn., April 14, 1893 to May 1897 ; member F. & A.M., and has held the following offices in the local lodge; Secretary and Treasurer, Junior and Senior Warden and Worshipful Master; married Pairlee Powell Dec. 28, 1868; member of the Church of God; notary public. GEORGETOWN. CROW, John - William, miller; born in Roane Co., Tenn., March 8, 1857 ; Irish and German descent; son of Lorenzo Haywood and Mai-y M. (Cofer) Crow; father was a farmer; received common school education ; reared on a farm in Roane Co., Tenn.,. by a wid- owed mother, his father having enlisted in the Federal Army during the civil war Aug. 1861, dying in Nov. of the same year; moved to James Co., Tenn., and farmed five years, at which time he bought an interest in W. O. Mountain Mills, continued in this business seven years; elected Trustee of James Co., Tenn., and served two terms, after ex- piration of the last term he bought the Georgetown Milling Co., Georgetown, Tenn., his present business; married Mary Pickel Dec. 9, 1880; member Ma- sons, I. O. O. F., and W. O. W.; Re- publican; member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. STIMSON, Lei. and Thomas, miller and farmer; born in Floyd Co., Va., Oct. 11, 1852; son of N. B. and Lydia (Per- eell) Stimson; educated in Bland Co., Va. ; married Julia R. Suiter March 30, 1876; moved to West Va. in 1879 and lived in Wyoming Co., W. Va., twenty- seven years; in 1906 he moved to Oolte- wah, Tenn., and engaged in the livery business at that place; moved to George- town, Tenn., in 1907 and now owns and operates the White Oak Mountain Mills at that place; helped to organize the Bank of Ooltewah; also interested in the Interstate Life and Accident Co., Chat- tanooga, Tenn.; Democrat; memher of the Southern Methodist church. GIBSON. DUNGAN, James A., farmer and horticulturist; born in Crockett Co., Tenn., Nov. 1, 1847; Scoteh-Irish de- scent; son of Thomas M. and Nancy (Mason) Dungan; paternal grandpar- ents William and Mary (Mason) Dun- gan; maternal grandparents Abram and Margaret (Curry) Mason; received com- mon school education; in early life worked on a farm, later was agent for the L. & N. R. R., at Gibson Tenn., for live years, returned to the farm in which business he is now engaged; he is the pioneer strawberry grower of that section of the state having set the first acre for market in 1877; also in- terested in other fruits and vegetables; married Maidlia Parker Feb. 2, 1876; Democrat; member of the M. E. Church, South. JAMES, Robert Nestor, banker; born near Gibson, Tenn., Dee. 28, 1882; English and Irish descent; son of Lu- ther C. and Fannie (Blair) James; who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 153 father’s occupation, farming; educated in the public schools of Tenn., and Union Univ. Jackson, Tenn.; in early life was a farmer; married Mary Bass, Oct. 4, 1908; member I. O. O. F., W. O. W.; and Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity; Democrat; member of the Baptist Church; cashier of the Bank of Gibson, Gibson, Tenn. PARKER, Jesse, F., merchant; born in Gibson Co., Tenn., Jan. 19, 1863; Irish and English descent; son of M. F. and Yanleer (Walker) Parker; father was a farmer and merchant; received common school education; married Jen- nie Clark Dec. 10, 1890; in early life worked on a farm and clerked in a store; now engaged in the mercantile business at Gibson, Tenn.; Democrat; member of the Methodist Church; Sun- day School Superintendent. PARKER, Oliver Perry, inventor; born at Gibson, Tenn., March 8, 1880; Scotch-Irish descent; son of C. S. and Priscilla (Haun) Parker; father being a physician; paternal grandparents Rev. O. P. and Elizabeth (James) Parker; maternal grandparents Charles M. and Katherine (Horner) Haun; educated at University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn., graduating therefrom with degree of d.S. in June 1903; in early life he was interested in real estate and mail order bus’ress; married Jessie Sarah Dungau Oct. 15, 1910; member P. K. A., and M. W. of A.; 1st Lieut, of U. of T. Cadets 1902-1903; Republican; Mayor of Gibson, Tenn.; Assistant Postmaster; author “The Winning of Latane,” in- ventor, Parker Medicine Dial, Pidgeon Stamp Carrier and Parker Stamping Machine; proprietor of The O. P. Parker Co., and Humboldt Rope Rack & Meter Co.; member of M. E. Church, South. GLEASON. BANDY, Robert W., physician and banker; born at Gleason, Tenn., Aug. 12, 1861; Scotch-Irish descent; son oi J. W. and Lou E. (Dunlap) Bandy; his father was a physician; educated at Van- derbilt University Nashville, Tenn., and graduated from same with degree of B. S. in 1879, and degree of M. D. in 1884; married Ellen Whitworth Nov. 25, 1884; member Masonic Lodge & Chapter, and Knights of Pythias; Democrat; practic- ing physician at Gleason, Tenn.; Cashier of Bank of Gleason, Tenn., also director in same; Director Gleason, Tenn., Hard- ware Co., and Gleason Water Plant and Bynum- Alexander Co., Gleason, Tenn. ; member Methodist Church. NEWBERRY, George Washington, farmer and lawyer; born in Weakley Co., Tenn., June 3, 1851; English-Irish descent; son of William and Nancy (Terrell) Newberry; received common school education; began his business career as a farmer; later became inter- ested in banking; then studied law and was admitted to the bar of the State of Tenn.; married Augusta Janes Dec. 8, 1880; member Como Lodge No. 178 F. & A. M., has served as Junior Warden and Master; Democrat; elected Justice of the Peace in 1873 to fill unexpired term of Ed Janes; re-elected 1881 and has continued in that office 18 years (three terms); now notary public; mem- ber of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. GLENDALE. THOMAS, Harbin Wayne, public official; born at Glendale, Tenn., Nov. 27. 1874; Welsh descent; son of Benja- min S. and Hattie C. (Mayberry) Thomas; father was a merchant, farm- er, justice of the peace, Postmaster and Ii. R. Agent; educated in the country schools, and Mount Pleasant and Glen- dale, Tenn.; in early life was clerk in father’s store; Democrat; was appointed Deputy County Court Clerk, Sept. 1, 1898 ; served eight years; elected clerk of the County Court of Maury Co., Tenn., Aug. 1906 without opposition, re-elected Aug. 1910 defeating opponent by 800 votes; married Daisie D. McClendon Dec. 24, 1902; member of Knights of Pythias (Keeper of Record and Seals), M. W of A., and Elks; interested in farming at Glendale, Tenn.; member of the Methodist Church. GRANDVIEW. WOODWORTH, Arthur Vyne. ed- ucator, minister of the Gospel; born in Grinnell, la., Aug. 21, 1872; English descent; son of William W. and Lydia A. (Sessions) Woodworth; his father 154 WHO 8 WHO IN TENNESSEE was a Congregational Minister; paternal grandparents Walter and Mary (Sage) Woodworth; maternal grandparents Wm. Y. and Lydia (Ames) Sessions; ed- ucated at New Britain, Conn., High School and Amherst College, and Yale College; graduated from Amherst with degree of B. A. in 1893, and from Yale College with degree of B. D. in 1900; began his business career teaching High School in Norfolk and Cheshire, Conn.; preached three months in E. Sangeville, Me., in 1899; taught four years in Conn., 1893-1897; engaged in Home Missionary work 1900-1905 in Grandforks and Manvel, N. D. ; became principal of Grandview Tenn., Normal Institute in 1905 and is the present incumbent; mar- ried Emma Judson Hall May 15, 1901; member Theta Delta Chi College fra- ternity; independent (Republican); member of the Congregational church. GRANVILLE. KELLY, Frederick A., merchant, and banker; born at Granville, Tenn., April 20, 1858; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John J. and Mary F. (Armistead) Kelly; educated at Granville, and New Middleton, Tenn., Institute; in early life taught school; later was made Jackson Co., Trustee; in 1880 entered the retail mercantile business, in which business he is now engaged at Gran- ville, Tenn.; former President of Bank of Gainesboro, Tenn., 1900-1905; now President of the Bank of Granville, Tenn.; Vice President and Treasurer of Kelley Mercantile Co., Granville, Tenn.; married Allie Fox, April 28, 1892; mem- ber Masonic Lodges to 32d degree Scottish Rite, (P. M.); Democrat; member M. E. church, South. GRAVELHILL. DODDS, Benjamin Claud, physician, born Mefflin, Tenn., Sept. 14, 1881; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas Mitchell and Martha Elizabeth (Mas- sengil) Dodds; paternal grandparents Tom and Polly (Barham) Dodds; mater- nal grandparents Samuel D. and Mary (Hendrix) Massengil; graduated Rob- inson College, Henderson, Tenn., June 1903 degree of B. S. ; graduated at College of Physicians and Surgeons, Memphis, Tenn., M. D., May 1, 1908; in early life engaged in teaching school; married Carrie E. Minor Feb. 3, 1909; member Mystic Circle, W. O. W. ; Camp Physician of W. O. W.; practices medi- cine at Gravelhill, Tenn., and is also in- terested in Orange growing in Florida; member Christian Church. GOOCH, Johnt Roberts, merchant; born Gravelhill, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1870; son of William Andrew and Nancy (Murphy) Gooch; in early life was a farmer boy; later clerked in store; re- ceived common school education; began business for himself March 2, 1896 with less than $400.00 capital in a small box Tenn.; is also Postmaster of Gravelhill house and now owns and operates a large mercantile establishment at Gravelhill, and has held that office since 1903: married Julia A. Springer Nov. 28, 1894; member of Masons and Woodmen of the World; is Consul Commander of Gravel- hill ,Tenn., Camp, W. O. W. GRAYSVILLE. CLOUSE, John W., public official; born Knox Co., Tenn., Feb. 9, 1842; Dutch-Irish descent; son of George W. and Nancy A. (Mclnturff) Clouse; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, Thomas and Rachel (Clouse) Clouse, maternal grandparents John and Nancy A. Mclnturff; in early life was engaged in farming; entered the army when quite young and was in the service three years; became Lieutenant of Company “E” 5th regiment Vol. In- fantry under command of Gen. J. T. Shelley; has served three terms as Jus- tice of the Peace, one in James Co., Tenn., and two terms in Rhea Co.; at three different periods of life has en- gaged in the mercantile business; was appointed postmaster Birchwood, Tenn., in 1872; is now Postmaster at Grayville, Tenn.; married twice, first Sarah E. Manger, Aug. 31, 1865, second Martha E. Everett Oct. 17, 1880; member Ma- sons; formerly elder of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, now a member of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. SHELTON, Erasmus Archer, phy- sician; born Tazewell Co., Va., May 9, 1846; English and Scotcli descent; son who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 15B of Samuel F. and Permelia C. (Greg- ory) Shelton; father’s occupation farmer and minister; paternal grandparents Wesley and Emily (Hayden) Shelton; maternal grandparents John and Mary E. (Pig) Gregory; received common school education; married Lydia J. Umbarger Jan 21, 18G8; member Ma- sons, Knights of Pythias and Red Men; served in Confederate Army, 3rd North Carolina Regiment, Gen. Joseph E. Johnston’s command; was reared on a farm and was very young when entered the Confederate service; returned from the war in 1865 in poverty and took up medicine as a profession; worked in day time and read medicine at night by pine knot light; entered the regular prac- tice and never stopped long enough to finish up his medical course; there were few medical schools in the country when he read medicine; regular Demo- crat. TAYLOR, William Hale, teacher; born Cannon Co., Tenn., April 22, 1837 ; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James R. and Elizabeth (Barton) Taylor; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandpar- ents Edmund and Mary (Roberts) Tay- lor; maternal grandparents Joshua and Jane (Hale) Barton; graduated from Marion Collegiate Institute Cannon, Co., Tenn., June 13, 1855, with degree of A. B.; married Jennie Crockett Feb. 24, 1880; member Masonic Lodge; entered the Confederate service May 22, 1861 ; was paroled May 2, 1865; began teach- ing early in life and has been engaged in educational pursuits for fifty years; member Baptist Church. GREENEVILLE. ALLEN, James, farmer and stock raiser; born near Greeneville, Tenn., March 27, 1855; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James and Laura M. (Brown) Allen; paternal grandparents Daniel and Mary (Baker) Allen; maternal grandparents Peter and Sarah (Foster) Brown; educated at Morristown, Tenn., and Emory & Henry College, Va. ; has been interested in farming and stock raising all of his life; married Elizabeth Jay Birdwell July 1, 1884; Democrat; Trustee of Greene Co., Tenn., from Sept. 1896 to Sept. 1900; Represented Greene Co., in the 53d and 54th General As- semblies of Tenn.; appointed Election Commissioner three times; at present Chairman of the Demo. Ex. Com. ot Greene Co., Tenn., which position he has held a number of times; his ancestors were among the first settlers of Greene Co., Tenn. ; the first County court was organized and held in the home of Robert Carr, his great-grand- father about the year 1783; member of the Southern Presbyterian Church. ARMITAGE, W. H., banker; born in Greene Co., Tenn., July £8, 1856; Eng- lish descent; son of Isaac A. and Elea- nor B. (Harmon) Armitage; educated at Mosheim, Tenn., College and graduated from the same with degree of A. B. May, 1878; after graduation taught school until 1886; served in Postoffiice at Greene- ville, Tenn., for one year; Clerk in the Pension Office at Knoxville, Tenn., 1886- 1888; engaged in the banking business since 1888; began business career as a subordinate clerk; now president of the Greene Co. Bank at Greeneville, Tenn.; married Julia C. Austin, Jan. 19, 1893; Democrat; member Cumberland Presoyterian Church. BROWN, Henry Royce, druggist, chemist and manufacturer; born at Greeneville, Tenn., April 20, 1854; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Joseph R. and Fannie J. (Broyles) Brown; father’s oc- cupation merchant; paternal grandpar- ents Joseph R. and Mary (Alexander) Brown, maternal grandparents Dr. James and Tempy (Broyles) Broyles; educated at Emory & Henry Col- lege, Va.; married Lucy A. Fran- cisco, of Va., Oct. 5, 1875; Right Em. Grand Commander K. T. of Tenn, 1906; member Alhambra Temple Chattanooga; Democrat; in early life was connected with the firm of j. R. Brown & Sons, Greeneville, later was founder of Brown Mfg. Co., Greeneville, Tenn.; now Pres- ident of same; active in organization of the Good Roads movement in Tenn. ; established the first Tobacco Warehouse at Greeneville, Tenn.; the beginning of that industry in that section of Tenn.; treasurer of the Fort Lauder- 156 WHO’s WHO IN TENNESSEE dale L. & D. Co.; member Presbyterian Church. DOUGHTY, George W., business man; born Greeneville, Tenn., March 29, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; sen of John H. and Elizabeth C. (Harmon) Doughty; father a merchant and banker; paternal grandparents Sampson and Re- becca (Wheat) Doughty; maternal grandparents William A. and Emily (Maloney) Harmon; educated at Yale and University of Virginia and at East- man’s Business College; graduated from Yale 1897 with degree of B. A. and M. A.; in 1900 spent five months traveling in Africa, Europe, Egypt, Asia Minor and England; Republican; Alderman Greeneville, Tenn., for six years; is at present Mayor of that city and also Secretary of Senatorial Committee of the 2nd Senatorial District of Tenn.; is Treasurer of East Tenn., Tobacco Co., Vice Pres. First National Bank, Vice President Greeneville, Tenn., Chair Co. ; Secretary and Treasurer of Greeneville, Tenn., Ice Co.; Secretary and Treas- urer of Greeneville Packing Co.; mar- ried Hassie Hacker Feb. 19, 1903; mem- ber Masons, Knights Templar, 32d de- gree and Shrine, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Elks (Junior Order), Past N. G! of I. O. O. F„ Past E. C. of K. T„ Past C. C. of K. of P.; Elder in Cumberland Presbyterian church at Greeneville. DUGGER, Oscar Milton, editor and publisher; born in Greene Co., Tenn., April 25, 1872; German-English-Irish de- scent; son of John Shields and Susan (Davis) Dugger; father’s occupation planted and stock dealer; paternal grand, parents William and Sarah (Brabson) Dugger; maternal grandparents John and Sarah (McNees) Davis; graduated from Washington & Tusculum College with degree of B. S., in 1898, degree of A. M., in 1910; began his business career as a school teacher; later entered news- paper work and is now owner and edi- tor of “Greenville Democrat,” Green- ville, Tenn., married twice; first Fannie A. Fowler in 1897 ; second Ida Atwell March 1, 1905; member I. O. O. F., and Jr. O. U. A. M.; Democrat; delegate to Democratic National Convention St. Louis, Mo., 1904; Superintendent Greer Co., Tenn., Schools 1907-19011; Pres dent of East Tenn., Teacher’s Assoch tion 1910; member State Reading Cii cle Board since 1907 ; member of P_re.' bvterian church U. S. A., and Elder i same. FOWLER, William F., dentist; bor Parrottsville, Tenn., Oct. 6, 1839; Iris 1 and English descent; son of Francis 9 and Jane (Maloney) Fowler; father occupation, pnysician; paternal granc parents, Thomas and Mary (Baldridge Fowler, maternal grandparents, RobeiJ and Catherine (Cooper) Maloney; edi cated at Greeneville, Tenn. ; graduate from Greeneville, A. M., 1867 Nashvilb D. D. S. 1880, M. D., 1882; married An na E. Snapp, Feb. 27, 1868; member J O. O. F. Past Grand; Republican; mem ber of 1st Tenn. Cav. U. S. A. as Is Lieut, of Co. “A” during Civil War; ha practiced denistry for 48 years, with th exception of three years with Dental De partment of University of Tenn., as Demonstrator and Professor of Pros thetic and Clinical Denistry; member o Cumberland Presbyterian Church. FOX, Claud Porterfield, physician born in Lincoln Co., N. C., Nov. 9 1866; Dutch descent; son of Alfred Jj and Lydia (Bost) Fox; father was >j clergyman and physician; educated a University of Va. ; University of Nev York City; graduated from the latte with degree M. D. March 6, 1888; mar ried Francis Dickens Marshall Feb. 6 1890; was President East Tenn., Medi cal Society 1896, Vice-Pres. Tennesse< Medical Association 1903; Surgeon Sou Railway 1900; is at present Counciloi 1st District Tenn., State Medical Asso! ciation (term expires 1812) ; Democrat was appointed Major Surgeon 3rc Regiment N. G. S. T. 1888 by Gov Taylor and was Mayor of Greeneville Tenn., 1906-1907 ; member of th< Lutheran Church. GRAY, Charles Oliver, clergyman! educator; born in St. Lawrence Co. New York June 3, 1867; Scotch and English descent; direct descendent oi Lady Jane Gray; son of Walter R. ancj Mary Jane (Chambers) Gray; his who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 157 father was a farmer; paternal grand- ?i ;i parents Andrew M. and Sarah (Hannah) Gray; graduated from Ogdensburg Academy in 1886, Hamilton College with degree of A. B. in 1890; A. M. degree j| was conferred by same college in 1895, Union Theological Seminary, New York City in 1894; receiving Honorary D. D. in 1908; married Florence Irene Rollins lijsl June 5, 1893; member of the Presby- terian Church; Missionary in Northwest in 1894; Pastor at Smithtown Long Is- ndj land 1895-1903; Pastor and Superin- tendent of Group of Schools at Mar- shall, N. C., 1903-1907 ; pastor Asheville, N. C., 1907-1908; at present is Presi- dent of the Washington & Tusculum College at Greeneville, Tenn., whicn posi- tion he has held since 1908. HARMON, Dana, lawyer; Judge of the 1st Judicial Circuit, State of Ten- nessee; Republican; residence Greene- ville, Tenn. De LA RUE, Samuel Bruce, bookkeep- ® er; born Newport, Tenn., Feb. 12, 1864; r of French-Irish and Dutch descent; son of James C. and Margaret (Parrott) La Rue; father’s occupation, farmer, mer- chant; educated Chattanooga University t and University of Tenn.; married twice, pj first M. G. Trim Nov. 4, 1888, second E B, Melnturff Nov. 7, 1903; member Greeneville Lodge No. 3, F. A. M. yj (P. M.) Greeneville Chapter No. 135 R. ,tto A. M. (P. H. P.,) Council No. 77 R. jpand S. M. (P. T. I. M.) Commandery No. 20 Iv. T. (P. E. C.) ; served 13 ;..d consecutive years as secretary Masonic Lodge, Greeneville, Tenn.; Democrat; former Postmaster Parrottsville, Tenn., Assistant Postmaster Newport, Tenn., Assistant Postmaster Greeneville, Tenn., under Cleveland administration; Presi- dent Tenn. Press Association 1902; Grand Master Grand Council R. & S. M. Tennessee 1910; for four years M. Sunday School; interested in real estate ana insurance; former book- keeper and treasurer B. & L. Assn., in charge collection dept. Rosenblatt Piano Co., sec. and treas. and one-half owner Greeneville Water Works Co., business manager Greeneville Sun, Greeneville, Tenn.; member Methodist Episcopal church. LOVETTE, Oscar Byrd, lawyer; born Wooisey, College, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1871; French and English descent; son of John D. and Mary (Wooisey) Lovette; father was a farmer and mechanic; paternal grandparents Char- les and Eliza (Garoutte) Lovette; maternal grandparents William and Alice (Bird) Wooisey ; graduated from Washington & Tusculum College 1893; degrees conferred B. A., 1893, M. A. 1903; married Lillie Fowler Dec. 23, 1897 ; member of F. & A. M., R. A. M., Ex-High Priest of R. A. M., Worship ful Master of F. & A. M. ; member of the Republican party; elected to Tenn., Legislature 1895-1907 ; was Clerk in the Quartermaster department of the U. S. A., in Cuba during Spanish- American war; U. S. Commissioner in 1898; U. S. Statistical Agent Dept. Agriculture for Tenn., 1901-1904; has been Clerk and Master of Chancery Court of Greene Co., Tenn., since 1904; Deacon Presbyterian Church of Greeneville, Tenn. McINTURFF, James William, As- sistant Postmaster; born in Washington Co., Tenn., Jan. 6, 1861; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Laban and Eliza T. (Haynes) Melnturff; father’s occupation Capt. Co. “B” 3d N. C. Mtd. Infantry War 1861; member of County Court; paternal grandparents Christopher J. and Cynthia (Tilson) Melnturff; maternal grandparents Jon- athan G. and Sarah (Williams) Haynes; educated in private schools and Ed- wards Academy and Tusculum College; married Alice E. Dukes Nov. 27, 1880; member I. O. O. F., K. of P., J. O. U. A. M., Royal Arcanum; Republican; former Railway Postal Clerk twelve years; former Chairman of Congressional Committee for Greene Co., Tenn. ; now Assistant Postmaster, Greeneville, Tenn., which position he has filled 13 years; owner of Rural Searchlight; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. MILBURN, William Elbert Frank- lin, lawyer; born at Milburnton, Tenn., Nov. 15, 1842; English descent; son of William and Martha (Frame) Milburn; father’s occupation Methodist Minister graduated from East Tenn., Wes- leyan University with degree of A. B., 158 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE in 1871, and from University of Michi- gan with degree of Master of Arts in 1874; in early life he was a farmer boy and at the age of la, in 1862, left home by night and scouted his way through the Confederate Army on foot to Louis- ville, Ky., to join the Union Army; (his father was then a prisoner of war ; served as private, 1st Sergeant and 1st Lieut. Co. “B” 12th regiment Tenn. Cav. Vol. U. S. A. 1862-1865; was in the follow- ing battles: Florence, Ala., Sulphur Trussed, Pulaski, Tenn., Shoal Creek, Spring Hill, Campbellville, Columbia, Franklin, Nashville, Sugar Creek and others; married Florence Ella Williams Oct. 1, 1878; Representative of Greene Co., in the General Assembly of Tenn., 1887, 1888, 1893 and 1894; author of the Age of Consent Laws; Quartermas- ter of Mountain Branch National Sold- iers Home by appointment; twice de- feated in Convention by less than one vote for the nomination for Congress; defeated in the primary election for the nominaton for Congress by Walter P. Brownlow; began his business career as teacher; formerly Professor of Mathe- matics East Tenn. Wesleyan University; has been engaged in the practice of law at Greeneville for the past 35 years, organizer and director of the Greene County Bank, Greeneville, Tenn. MITCHELL, John J., funeral direc- tor; born Greenville, Tenn., March 28, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Jay and Mariamne (Britten) Mitchell; father’s occupation furniture business etc.; paternal grandparents James Cal- vin and Polly (Rose) Mitchell, maternal grandparents James' H. and Betsy (Rob- inson) Britten; educated at Greeneville and Tuculum College, Greeneville, Tenn.; married Lyda C. Hulse Sept. 20, 1890; Democrat; Mayor of Greeneville, Tenn., three terms 1899-1907 ; Treasurer of Greene Co., Tenn., three terms, 1902-06- 08; never defeated for nomination or elec- tion; Col. on the staff of Gov. Cox 1904-1906; Col. of Sixth Regiment N. G. S. T., 1901-1905; member of the Methodist church; engaged in the furni- ture and undertaking business and is also interested in furniture manufac- turing plants. MOREY, Jamiss Marsh, manufactur- er; born Jonesboro, Tenn., Nov. 20, j 1844; English descent; son of Ira and Hannah M. (Herrick) Morey; father’sj; occupation, minister of the gospel; pa-1 ternal grandfather, Ira Morey, pater- nal grandmother was a Miss Shaw prior to her marriage, maternal grandparents Ephraim and Marilia (Spencer) Her- rick; educated in the common schools of Greeneville and Franklin, Tenn.; served in C. S. A. 32d Tenn. Regiment Brown’s Brigade 1862-1865; engaged in business ; in Boston, M.ass., after the war; mar- ried Houisa H. Broughton Aug. 13, 1868; entered firm in crockery and glass business in 1881, Boston, Mass., senior partner in 1888, sold out in 1890 and moved to Tenn. May 16, 1890, where he entered business and became treas. of Brown Mfg. Co., Greeneville, Tenn.; Republican; member Presbyterian church. MYERS, Newton Cloyd, farmer, stock breeder; born in Greene Co., J Tenn., Jan. 18, 1875; German, Scotch-. Irish-English descent; son of Michael Carter and Martha Ellen (Bible) Myers; j paternal grandparents Michael and Sophia (Carter) Myers, maternal grand- parents Christian and Louisa Mariah (Tucker) Bible; educated Mosheim, Tenn., Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky; graduated at Holston College, Mosheim, Tenn., May 1, 1906 with de- gree of B. A. diploma in business at University of Kentucky April 1892; in early life he was engaged in school teach- j ing; studied law under Judge A. J. Brown 1895-6; Administrator large es- Jj tate of his father-in-law 1903-5; Di- rector Mosheim (Tenn.) Banking Co., 1907-11; Chairman Greene Co.’s Live; Stock exhibit at the Appalachian Ex- j ; position, Knoxville, Tenn., 1910; Chair- man Department live stock Greene Co., Tenn., fair 1909-11; Director of Farm- er’s Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; has charge of large agricultural interests and is breeder of Polled Durham Cattle, Po- land China Swine and fine saddle horses; married Virdia Selma Hartman Jan. 23, 1895; Republican; Secretary Greene Co., Tenn., Republican Executive who’s W HO IN TENNESSEE 159 Committee 1896; District Com- mitteeman 1896-1910; Secretary Con- gressional Convention Johnson City, Tenn., 1896; Chairman Greene Co., Tenn., Republican Executive Committee 1910- 1912; member M. E. church; Trustee Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., appointment; Vice President Layman’s Association, Greeneville, Tenn., District 1908-10; Capt. J. R. Hughes, Camp No. 12, Div. Ala., and Tenn., S. of V., 1894. NEAS, Luna Lafayette, public of- ficial; born Cocke Co., Tenn., March 30, 1862; German descent; son of George and Sally (Renner) Neas; father’s oc cupation farmer; paternal grandparents Michael and Sarah (Bower) Neas; maternal grandparents William and Magdaline (Gabel) Renner; had no op- portunity to go to school but educated himself by studying hard by the light of the pine knot at home; bis early life was devoted to farming and later he entered educational work; married S. M. Rader Nov. 20, 1884; taught school for twenty-four years in succession through the fall and winter and farmed through the summer; began his career in reduced circumstances but now has large real estate interests in Greene Co., Tenn. ; former justice of the peace of the 3d Dist. Greene Co., from Aug. 1894 to 190C; former notary public from 1906 to 1910; elected County Trustee of Greene Co., Tenn., Aug. 4, 1910; member of the Lutheran church. PATTERSON, Andrew Johnson, born Greeneville, Tenn., Feb. 25, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of David Trotter and Martha (Johnson) Patter- son; father’s occupation lawyer, Judge of Judicial Circuit, and member U. S. Senate; paternal grandfather Andrew Patterson; paternal grandmother was s Miss Trotter prior to her marriage; maternal grandfather Andrew Johnson, president of the U. S. ; maternal grand- mother Eliza (McCardle) Johnson; ed- ucated Tusculum College and Reagan High School; in early life engaged in [the manufacturing business; married Martha Fllen Barkley Dec. 19, 1889; member of Masonic Lodge; former mem- ber Tenn., Legislature from Sullivan ;7o. ; was Consul to Demerata, British Guiana; was one of the children of the White House during Presdeint Johnson’s administration. PENCE, John Hoss, educator; born in Washington Co., Tenn., Oct. 20, 1876; German descent; son of John B. and Selina J. (Bowman) Pence; father’s oc- cupation farmer, teacher and minister of the Gospel; paternal grandfather John Pence; paternal grandmother was a Miss Byerly prior to her marriage; maternal grandparents John Hoss and Selina (Broyles) Bowman; educated by private tutor and at Washington Col- lege Tenn.; graduated at Washington College May 1901 with degree of B. A.; in early life worked on a farm and since his graduation he has been in the educational work; served as Principal of New Market (Tenn.) Academy 1901- 1903; Prin. Town School, Nelson, Ga., 1903-4; Principal High School, Johnson City, Tenn., 1904-7 ; has been Superin- tendent of City Schools, Greeneville, lenn., since 1907; married Rosebud Nininger, of Va., June 14, 1905; member of the National Educational Associa- tion since 1904; member of the Presby- terian Church. RANKIN, Thomas Samuel, educator; born near Greeneville, Tenn., July 15, 1858; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rob- ert and Margaret (McGaughey) Rankin; father’s occupation farmer, tanner; pa- ternal grandparents Thomas and Elvira (Blackburn) r.ankin; maternal grandpa- rents vohn and Hannah (Robinson) Mc- Gaughey; educated in the public schools and at Greeneville and Tusculum Col- lege; degrees conferred B. S., 1885, A. B., 1887, A. M., 1888; in early life en- gaged in farming; married Mary Coile May 5, 1888; now holds chair of Latin in Washington & Tusculum College, Greene- ville, Tenn., which he has held since 1885; Elder in Presbyterian Church, Greeneville, Tenn. SHOUN, Alexander Nelson, attor- ney at law; born Johnson Co., Tenn., Nov. 1. 1851; German and English de- scent; son of George H. and Theodosia (Wilson) Shoun; father’s occupation merchant; paternal grandparents An- drew and Elizabeth (Powell) Shoun ; 160 AVHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE maternal grandparents Andrew and Elizabeth (McQueen) Wilson; grad- uated at Emory and Henry College, Va., June 6, 1871, with degree of A. B.; mar- ried Kate Johnson June 29, 1873; all of his business career has been devoted to the legal profession, and he is now en- gaged in the law at Greeneville, Tenn. ; Director in 1st National Bank; Director Greene Co., Bank; Director East Tenn., Tobacco Co.; one of the firm of G. H. Shoun & Co., Johnson City, Tenn.; mem- ber of the Methodist church and Ma- sonic fraternity. SHUGART, Ciiaui, es Offert, minister of the gospel; born Ducktown, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1881 ; German-Dutch and Scoteh- lrish descent; son of Livingston and Laura (McLeod) Shugart; father’s oc- cupation merchant; paternal grandfather Levi Shugart; paternal grandmother was a Miss Pickle prior to her marriage; maternal grandparents Sidney and Susie (Greer) McLeod; educated in the public schools of Cleveland, Tenn., and Emory & Henry College, Va. ; graduating from the latter with degree of A. B., June 1904; married Clara Moore Reeder June 20, 1907; member P. O. S. of A., J. O. U .A. M„ W. O. W. and M. W. of A.; licensed to preach July 1902, and has served churches as follows: Ridgedale, Chattanooga 1904-5, Harriman, Tenn., 1905-8, Dayton, Tenn. 1908-10, and is' at present stationed at Greeneville, Tenn.; member of M. E. Church South and of the Holston Conference. SUSONG, Joseph Alexander, lawyer; born Parrottsville, Tenn., Nov. 7, 1864; son of Nicholas and Ellen C. (Huff) Su- song; father’s occupation farmer and trader; graduated at Emory and Henry College Va., June 1887 with degree of A. B.; all his life has been devoted to the practice of the legal profession; married Victoria Swann Sept. 14, 1892; member Greeneville F. & A .M. Green- ville, Tenn., Commandery K. T. and Alhambra Temple; member of Baptist Church. WlLLIS, James William, banker and manufacturer; born Greene Co., Tenn., March 7, 1854; English and Irish de- scent; son of John H. and Elizabeth J. (McCord) Willis; father’s occupation farmer and contractor; paternal grand- parents James and (Hall) Willis, maternal grandparents James and Margaret R. (Bell) McCord; re- ceived common school education; in early life he was engaged in farming and retail hardware business, Greene- ville, Tenn. ; married Annie A. Mitchell Dec. 23, 1880; Democrat; President First National Bank and East Tenn. To- bacco Co., Greeneville, Tenn.; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. WOODYARD, S. Walter, physician and surgeon ; born at White Gate, Giles Co., Va., Jan. 16, 1869; German-Eng- lish descent; son of William and Fran- cis (Keeling) Woodyard; father was a farmer and stock raiser; paternal grand- parents John and Elizabeth (Summers) Woodyard; maternal grandparents Ah- ner and Mary (Farley) Keeling; ed- || ucated in the public schools of Giles Co., I Va., and Wabash Academy, Va. ; grad- uated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., April 14, j 1891 with M. D., degree; in early life was a school teacher, taught public schools of Giles Co., Va., 1889-1890; married Roberta Dearston Dec. 30, 1896; member Greeneville, Tenn., Lodge No. 3 F. & A. M., Greeneville Chapter No. 135 R. A. M., Greenville Commandery No. 20 Knights Templar; Senior Warden ji Greeneville Commandery at present; || elected Alderman 1st Ward City of Greeneville, Tenn., 1909 ; Health Officer l| Greene Co., 1900-1904; local examiner j for a large number of old line Life In- surance Companies; member Greene Co., j (Tenn.) Medical Society, Tenn., State Medical Association and the American Medical Association; Secretary of the County Medical Society a number of years; 1st Vice President of State Medical Association 1905-6; member of House of delegates of the American Medical Association 1906-1907; member of the Executive Committee of the Na- tional Association of U. S. ; Pension Examining Surgeon at the present time; member of the Missionary Baptist Church; one of organizers of Mosheim, Tenn., Banking Co., and is stockholder in same; also stockholder in Citizens’ Savings bank of Greeneville, WHO 8 WHO IN TENNESSEE 161 GREENFIELD. FEATHER STON, Samuel S., educa- tor; born in Weakley Co., Tenn., Feb. 18, 1864; English descent; son of Char- les Edward and Jane (Young’ Feathers- ton; father’s occupation farmer; ed- ucated Bethel College, McKenzie, Tenn., S. N. U., Huntingdon, Tenn., N. N. U. Lebanon, Ohio, and at Bowling Green, Ky. ; graduated Lebanon, Ohio, business and teachers course, Sept. 1889 ; entered educational work early in life; elected County Superintendent of Weakley Co., Tenn., which position he has held for six years; married Nettie Atkins June 28, 1893; member I. O. O. F., F. & A. M. and R. A.M.; Democrat. GROOMS, Zebulon W., wholesale and retail dealer in live stock; born in Weakley Co., Tenn., Aug. 30, 1856; Eng- ish descent; son of Right M. and Eliza Ann (Ray) Grooms; father’s occupa- :ion farmer; paternal grandparents Bright and Katy (Windows) Grooms; naternal grandfather Nathan Ray; his naternal grandmother was a Miss Brown prior to i.er marriage; graduated :'rom Sims Academy March 1877 ; left in orphan at age of six, his father hav- ng lost bis life during civil war, in he Confederate army; began his career i sa farmer, later became interested in ive stock; at present dealing in live dock as one of the firm of Ray & Brooms, Greenfield,' Tenn., wholesale and •etail dealers in live stock; married IF ranees Alice Grooms, Oct. 22, 1876; nember F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., and Lnights of Pythias; Democrat; former ustice of the peace eighteen years; il’ormer Trustee of Weakley Co., Tenn., hree terms; member Cumberland Pres- >yterian churcn, Greenfield, Tenn.; join- ed tile Meridian C. P. church, 1878. HUDSON, Henry F., physician; lorn in Wilson Co., Tenn., Nov. 23, 1 84-6 ; English descent; son of David IT. and Martha Jane (Parton) Hudson; father’s occupation farmer ; paternal grandparents Freeman and Elizabeth (Kellis) Hudson; maternal grandpar- ■nts Henry and Tempy (Grisham) Par- on; received a common school educa- ion and later graduated at the Louis- i'ille, Ky., Medical College with degree of M. D. in 1873; early life was de- voted to farming and teaching school; married Lucy A. Baird in 1869; member Knights of Pythias; Democrat; member Presbyterian Church U. S. A.; engaged in the practice of medicine at Greenfield, Tenn.; also interested in banking and lumber business. JETER, William Jordan, merchant; born in Weakley Co., Tenn., Feb. 26, 1875; Qcotch-Irish descent; son of George S. and Mary L. (Ward) Jeter; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents William B. and Mary C. (Baswell) Jeter, maternal grandparents, J. Jordan and Almeda T. (Hatcher) Ward; graduated Huntington Normal College, Huntington, Tenn., with degree of B. S. in 1895; began his business ca- reer as a farmer, later entered the mer- cantile business; married Imo F. Young May 2, 1897; member Masons, W. M.; Democrat; member County Demoeralic Executive Committee, Justice of the Peace and member of Weakley Co. (Tenn.) School Board; member Metho- dist Church; P. O. address, Greenfield, Tenn., R. F. D. No. 2. LIPSCOMB, John Calvin, farmer; born Marshall Co., Tenn., Feb. 3, 1842; son of William C. and Eliza (Tillman) JL/ipscomb; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents John and Juda (^Shehorn) Lipscomb; maternal grand- parents Joseph and Winnie (Fields) Tillman; in early life engaged in farm- ing; received a common school education and entered the Confederate army as member of Co. “D” 27th Regiment; be- came third Lieut, and later Capt. of Co. “D” 27th regiment Tenn., Volunteers; participated in battles of Shiloh and Perryville; all of his career has been de- voted to farming; has been member of the County Court of Weakley Co., Tenn., since Aug. 3, 1882; Democrat; member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church; married Francis Baker Nov. 25, 1869. RAY, James Nathan, business man and dealer in live stock; born near Greenfield Tenn., in 1851; Irish descent; son of Bennett and Cyrena (Harral) Ray; father’s occupation farmer also County Judge; paternal grandparents’ 162 AVHO’S WHO IN TfiNNESSEiS Nathan and Emily (Brown) Ray; mater- nal grandparents John and Elizabeth (Gilliam) Harral; received common school education; in early life was con- stable and later entered the livery busi- ness in which he is now engaged, he is also a large dealer in live stock, has dealt also in real estate and was formerly in the lumber and stave business; form- erly held the offices of City Marshall, School Director and City Alderman of Greenfield, Tenn. ; he is now Mayor of that city; married Iona V. Cooper Nov. 15, 1879; member of Knights of Py- thias; Democrat (regular); member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. WARD, Harry C., manufacturer; born St. Joseph, Mich., Jan. 23, 1877; son of Henry Charles and Mary Ann (Wilson) Ward; English descent; father’s occupation manufacturer; ed- ucated De Pauw University, Greencas- tle, Ind., and Harvard University; grad- uated at the latter institution in 1899 with degrees of Bachelor of Science and Electrical Engineering; held position as Draughtsman in Cleveland, O., and Chicago, 111.; in fall of 1901 became proprietor and manager of the Greenfield, Tenn., Electric Light & Water Plant; fall of 1905 sold interest in x^ight Plant and became connected with Ward-Kent Co., of Greenfield, Tenn., manufacturers of fruit packages and veneers (Assistant Manager); mar- ried Ethel Lyon Jan. 9, 1901; member of Prohibition party; Deacon in Presby- terian Church U. S. A. HALEY. SHOFNER, Joseph T., farmer; born at Haley, Tenn., Feb. 3, 1863; German descent; son of Albert J. and Eran (Landis) Shofner; father’s occu- pation farmer; paternal grandparents Frederick and Julia (Coble) Shofner; maternal grandparents John and Polly (Loe) Landis; educated at National Normal University, Lebanon, O., and graduated from same, completing the commercial course, Jan. 19, 1888; after graduation taught school for a number of years, gave up teaching on account of ill health and spent two winters in Galveston, Texas; returned to Tenn., and engaged in farming, in which business he is now interested; also interested if banking; member of the County Boarc of Education of Bedford Co., Tenn. since 1908; married Annie May Slatei Oct. 24, 1894; member of the Cumber land Presbyterian Church. SNODDY, J. A., R. R. agt. and mil ler; born Flaley, Tenn., April 20, 1877 son of J. W. M. and Almeda Snoddy Dutch descent; father’s occupation farmer; educated Haley, Tenn.; early business occupation, farmer and R. It fireman; married Audrey E. Holt Sept 3, 1899 ; member I. O. O. F. and M. W of A.; member Methodist church. TAYLOR, James Patton, physician born Laurel, Md., Aug. 8, 1868; Eng lish and German descent; son of Jame: Patton and Mary (George) Taylor father’s occupation, writer and farmer paternal grandparents Nat G. am Emma (Haynes; Taylor, materna grandparents James and Mary (Worley] George; educated Milligan (Tenn.) Col ege, graduated from Vanderbilt Univer sity with degree M. D. in 1896; prac ticed medicine one year Limestone Tenn., 1896; was appointed prison phy sician at Inman (Tenn.) branch prisor 1897, from which place he removed tc Haley, Tenn., 1899, where he has since practiced medicine; married Edith E Smith Dec. 30, 1891 ; member I. O. 0 F., Wartrace, Tenn., Bedford Co. Medi cal Society; Middle Tenn. Med. Assn and American Medical Assn.; Democra (Regular) ; member of Presbyterian church. HALLS. FERGUSON, Eery A., banker; bon Halls, Tenn., Oct. 24, 1876; son of Georg] M. and Martha Ferguson; Scotch-Irisl descent ; educated Halls, Tenn. ; marrieiji Annie Love Kimbrough July 6, 1909 member W. O. W„ K. of P. and I. O. 0 F.; was Deputy Register Lauderdale Cc Oct., 1899, to Oct., 1904; cashier Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Co. and stock holder and director Dyer-Williams Lbi Co.; member Baptist church. LYNCH, William Charles, agt. I. C R. R. Co.; born Louisville, Ky., April t 1878; son John and Bridgett Lynch; Irisl who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 168 descent; father’s occupation, roadmaster L. & N. R. R. (now deceased); educated common schools Ky., Hardin Co., and graduated Elizabethtown, Ky., June 10 k 1896; state diploma June 25, 1896; mar- ried Katherine Elizabeth O’Neil Jan. 15, 1892; member M. W. O. W. ; entered service of I. C. R. R. as helper for agt. at West Point, Ky. ; has served them for fourteen years; early business, R. R. telegraph operator; member Catholic :hurch. MOSER, Robert Alfred, educator; born Lebanon, Tenn., Oct. 21, 1879 ; son jf James M. and Mary (Padgett) Moser; German descent; graduate of Cumberland University B. a. 1907 ; mar- ked Lavinia Quaintance Jan. 16, 1908; nember Cumberland Presbyterian church NEWPORT, William Emmett, edu- cator, newspaper man; born Henry Co., I'enn., Feb. 17, 1868; son of William R. nd Susan (Grogan) Newport; paternal rrandfather Abram R. Newport; pater- al grandmother’s maiden name was Con- ers, maternal grandfather Richard Gro- an, maternal grandmother Sallie (Cor- m) Grogan; Welsh-Irish descent; edu- ated public schools of Ky,. and at Halls, enn. ; married Ida E. Richards May 21, 901; member Masons; Floterial Repre- intative Lauderdale and Tipton Cos. in lower House 56th General assembly of 'enn.; owner, editor and publisher [alls Graphic; member Baptist church. NUNN, William Theodore, cashier Sank of Halls; born Chestnut Bluff, :’enn., Feb. 23, 1865; son Isaac A. and tary E. (Buck) Nunn; paternal grand- ither D. A. Nunn, maternal grand- . A. CKoonce) Nunn, maternal grand- ather Henry Buck, maternal grand- lother Martha (Stanfield) Buck; Ger- lan descent: educated Union University, ackson, University of Tenn., Knoxville, raduate University of Louisville Medi- ne 1888; B. P. LTniversity of Tenn. 186; married Alice Z. January Sept. 22, *05; member K. of P., I. O. O. F. ; mem- ;r Missionary Baptist church. PARKER, James B., lawyer, farmer; irn Williamson Co., Tenn., May 26, 139; son of John M. and Emily G (Moss) Parker; Scotch-Irish-English de- scent; educated common schools West Tenn. ; married, first, Cornelia Oldham Jan. 18, 1865; 2nd, Sarah Farmer, June 22, 1905; member Masons; in early life was a school teacher; later entered the practice of law; was chairman of Co. Court of Crockett Co. 1903-4; now Jus- tice of the Peace, 12th Dist. Lauderdale Co., Tenn.; Republican; member Chris- tian church. PARKS, James Franklin, dentist; born Newbern, Tenn., March 11, 1881; son of B. R. and Millie (Young) Parks; paternal grandfather Hamilton Parks, paternal grandmother Rebecca (Stewart) Parks, maternal grandfather J. F. Young, maternal grandmother, Sarah (Bradford) Young; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Newbern, Tenn., B. S. degree, 1902, D. D. S., N. W. University, Chi- cago, 1905; married Gerald Cherry Dec. 14, 1907; member K. of P., W. O. W. ; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. PATTON, Wiley Compton, lawyer; born Watertown, Tenn., May 16, 1874; son of Charley Compton and Mary (Oaklev) Patton; paternal grandfather Sam Patton, paternal grandmother Nellie (Compton) Patton, maternal grand- father Nathan Oakley, maternal grand- mother Ann (Webb) Oakley; Scotch- Irish descent; educated Cumberland University; graduated from same, LL. B. 1902; married Lucy Etta Talley Aug. 7, 1895; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., Mayor Halls, Tenn., from 1905-1909. YOUNG, Samuel, dentist; born Hay.- wood Co., Tenn., Nov. 24, 1842; son of E. G. and Rebecca (Bvler) Youug; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Tipton Co., James Byers and Dental School Cin- cinnati, Ohio; graduated University of Louisville D. D. S. 1880, M. D. i885; married Ida Buck Nov. 10, 1882; mem- ber Masons; private Confederate States army, Co. E, 1st Confederate Cavalry;’ surrendered at Gainesville, Ala. ; owner Halls flour mill; organized Bank of Halls and People s Savings Bank & Tr. Co. at Halls, Tenn.; member Baptist church 164 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE HAMPTON. SIMERLY, Nathaniel George Tay- lor, real estate dealer; born in Carter Co., Tenn., Oct. 3, 1855; German de- scent; son of Elijah and Mary (Hamp- ton) Simerly; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents Jacob and Celia (GrimmstafF) Simerly; maternal grand- parents Johnson and Elizabeth (Smith) Hampton; educated at Jonesboro, Tenn., and Baltimore, Md.; in early life was a merchant and a stock dealer, later be- came interested in real estate; married Mary C. Folsom Aug. 24, 1876; member Dashiel No. 238 F. & A. M., Elizabeth- ton, Tenn., Hampton No. 10 I. O. O. F., No. 23 J. O. U. A. M.; Democrat; formerly mayor of Allentown, Tenn., for two terms; through his efforts the Laurel Ford R. R., was built from Elizabethton, Tenn., to State line of N. C. ; aided in inducing the Pittsburg Lum- ber Co., to buy a large tract of timber land, on which their mill and manufac- turing plant at Hampton, Tenn., is now being constructed; interested in farm- ing, merchandising, lumber dealing and real estate at Hampton, Tenn.; member M. E. Church, South. WAGNER, G. Edward,, merchant; born at Butler Johnson Co., Tenn., Feb. 28, 1871; Irish and Dutch descent; son of Joseph L. and Lou C. (Smith) Wag- ner; father was a farmer; educated at Butler, Tenn. ; has been engaged in the mercantile business all of his life; mar- ried Jennie Smith Sept. 24, 1903; Demo- rat; member Masons and Odd Fellows. HARMS. SUGG, Jeff DAvrs, farmer; born in Lincoln Co., Tenn., June 26, 1861; son of William Conrad and Susan (Wood) Sugg; father’s occupation, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents Cullen E. and Sid- ney (Conrad) Sugg, maternal grand- parents Dr. John and Josephine (Dob- bins) Wood; received common School ed- ucation; began his business career as a merchant, hardware business at Fayette- ville, Tenn. ; later became interested in farming; married Sallie E. Hobbs Jan. 29, 1890; member Odd Fellows; Demo- crat; former State Senator; Judge of the Lincoln Co. Court in 1902; member of the Christian church ; engaged in farm- ing and raising stock and trading mules at Harms, Tenn. HARRIMAN. BROWN, Samuel C., lawyer; born Cumberland Co., Tenn., Uov. 5, 1855; English-German descent; son of James Washington and Mahulda P. (Narra- more) Brown; father’s occupation farm- er; paternal grandparents James and .Ioanna (Hayes) Brown; maternal grandparents Fielding M. and Martha (Taylor) Narramore; graduated from Grant University, Athens, Tenn., with degree of B. S. May 1886; reared on the farm, and taught school in early life; married Mary Alice Cline Dec. 5, 1887; member F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., T. O. U. A. M., Past Master and Past High Priest local Masonic Lodge; Re- publican; delegate to National Repub- lican convention in Minneapolis in 1893; moved from Cross ville to Harriman, Tenn., in 1896; Republican nominee for Judge of Court of Civil Appeals in Tenn., in 1908; former Superintendent of Public instruction for Cumberland Co., Tenn., former Clerk and Master of Chancery Court of Cumberland Co.. Tenn., and former City Attorney of Harriman, Tenn.; now Judge of the 4th Judicial Circuit of Tenn.; member Methodist Episcopal church. CARR, Horace Maynard, attorney at law; born at Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Nov. 14, 1863; son of James and Jant (Cloud) Carr; father’s occupation farm- er; graduated from Cumberland College Lebanon, Tenn., with degree L.L. D. member K. of P., F. & A. M., Knight.*: Templar (Capt. General in Command ery) ; Democrat; formerly mayor ol Harriman, Tenn.; member Baptist Church. DENNY, Daniel, coal operator; borrjj at Brookline, Mass., July 7, 1864; soi of Francis Parkman and Emily Parkeii (Groom) Denny; father’s occupation Grain Commission business; paterna grandparents Daniel and Harriet (Gard ner) Denny; maternal grandparent: 1 Thomas and Emily (Parker) Groom educated private schools and Boston Mass., Latin, and Harvard College WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 165 married Stella Myrick; engaged in real estate, banking and coal mining at Har- riman, Tenn. : member or the Unitarian Church. GOODMAN, Louis Edward, whole- sale merchant; born near Auburn, N. Y. Jan. 1, 1863; German and English descent; son of John and Althinia (Dit- ton) Goodman; graduated at Port Byron, N. Y., in 1880; at the age of 17 was a telegraph operator for R. R., working from coast to coast; began traveling in 1888 ; entered the whole- sale grocery business at Harriman, Tenn., in 1900; moved to Chattanooga, Tenn., in 1909 where he is now a mem- ber of the firm of Handly, Goodman, Heggie Co., Wholesale Grocers; mar- ried Elizabeth Harrison Dec. 12, 1893; member of Chevalier Commandery K. T. No. 61 Harriman, Tenn.; U. C. T. No. 260 Harriman, Tenn.; Democrat; Alderman of the City of Harriman, Tenn., 1905-1909; member of the Presby- erian Church. ROCKWELL, Warren Ayres, man- ifacturer; born Gundelsheim, Germany, Feb. 18, 1871; English descent; son of Jr. John A. and Martha Denny (Ayres) tockwell; paternal grandparents Judge f ohn A. and Mary Watkinson (Perkins) lockwell; maternal grandparents War- en and i\ chel (Denny) Ayres; ed- icated at Norwich, Conn.; graduated rom Norwich Academy, Norwich, Conn., 891 ; married Adda Beatrice Caldwell of "few York City, June 1, 1898; member tho Alpha Mu fraternity and Sons of he American Revolution; Republican; hairman of the Board of Water and ught Commissioners, 1907-1908 Harri- rnn, Tenn.; Chairman Book Commit- ?e Harriman Public Library; served a Coal Creek campaign as Captain of ’enn., National Guard 1893; Vice ’resident of Tenn., State Board of 'rade when it was organized; now Teasurer of the Harriman (Tenn.) business Men’s Association, and Treas- rer of the Harriman, Knoxville & Eastern Railway Co.; has been Secre- iry and Treasurer of the Harriman lanufacturing Co., since its organiza- jon; Vice President of the Southern Bank and Trust Co., Harriman, Tenn.; member of the Episcopal church. SEVIER, Charles Bascom, public official; born Kingston, Tenn., Nov. 12, 1852; French Huguenot and English de- scent; is a great grandson of John Sevier, first governor of Tenn.; son of Elbridge Gerry and Mary Caroline (Brown) Sevier; his father was a lawyer and farmer; paternal grandparents James and Nancy (Conway) Sevier, maternal grandparents Thomas and Jane (McEl- wee) Brown; educated Kingston, Tenn., and Ritterhouse Academy, graduated from the latter in 1872; in early life worked on a farm; was too young to join the army during civil war, but had two brothers who served, one in the Con- federate army and the other in the Fed- eral army; his brother James Sevier do- nated to the Tenn. Museum at Nash- ville Tenn. the telescope taken from Gen. Patrick Ferguson at Kings Mountain in 1780 by Gen. John Sevier who later gave it to his son and who in turn presented it to his grandson James Sevier; mar- ried Alice A. Gedder Sept. 15, 1886; has held the following offices: Tax Asses- sor 1891-1892; Postmaster at Harriman, Tenn. ,1894-8, Tax Assessor, 1900-1902; in 1901 elected Justice if the Peace, which office he now bolds; in 1905 be- came City Recorder of Harriman, Tenn., and is the present incumbent; member of Odd Fellows and Red Men; Demo- crat; member of Presbyterian church. STAPLES, John, W., attorney at law; born at Wartburg, Tenn., July 17, 1870; son of Samuel H. and Mary E. T. (Childress) Staples; father’s occu- pation, attorney at law; paternal grand- parents, B. T. and Millie (Hall) Staples, maternal grandparents, John and Mary (Bowling) Childress; educated public schools of Roane Co., Tenn., and Roane College, graduating from the latter with A. B., degree in 1886; in early life was a Railroad man, conductor out of Chi- cago at the age of eighteen; studied law in father’s office and took post graduate course under Col. S. E. Young Sweet- water, Tenn., and post-graduate course at American Temperance University re- ceiving LL.D. degree; married Jennie C. Gass Dec. 23, 1897 ; member K. of P., 166 WHO 8 WHO IN TENNESSEE J. O. U. A. M., F. & A. M., Harriman R. A. Chapter and Harriman Command- ery; Democrat (Regular); Elector 2d Cong, district of Tenn., 1900; Nominee for Congress 1904; County Judge of Roane Co., Tenn., 1905-1906; served dur- ing Spanish-American war as Capt. Co. “C” 4th Tenn., Vol. Infantry U. S. A.; member Methodist Church; engaged in the practice of law at Harriman, Tenn. WINSLOW, Henry M., lawyer; born in Carrollton, Ky., Aug. 3, i850; de- scended on his father’s side from the Winslows and Beverleys of New Kent Co., Va., and on his mother’s side from Count Du Puy, a Huguenot refugee who fled his castle at time of the revocation of Edict of Nantes; son of William Bev- erly and M. Jennie (Woolfolk) Wins- low; father’s occupation, lawyer; pater- nal grandparents William and Peggy (Mills) Winslow of Va., maternal grand- parents Turner and Nancy Gwinn (Owen) Woolfolk; educated at Carroll Seminary, Carrollton, Ky. ; early busi- ness occupation, lawyer, president Car- rodton (Ky.) National Bank and Car- rollton (Ky.) Furniture Mfg. Co.; mar- ried Lucy Ann Cooper of Shelbyville, Ky., June 4, 1884; member Chevalier Commandery No. 21, K. T., of Harri- man, Tenn.; member from Kentucky Conference to General Conference of M. E. Church, South, at St. Louis, Mo., in 1886; engaged in the practice of law at Harriman, Tenn., and president Harri- man Land Co. HARTRANFT. SWAB Daniel Cooper, lawyer, dealer in coal and iron; born Williamstown, Penn., Nov. 15, 1874; German descent; son of Philip C, and Catherine (Kopp- enheffer) Swab; father’s occupation, coal operator and politician; paternal grandparents, Eli and Nellie (Cooper) Swab, maternal grandparents Daniel and Fannie (Bordner) Koppenheffer; educa- ted in common schools of Pa., and com- pleted high school course; graduated in law University of Pa., in 1899; member Masons, all degrees except 33d degree; member Cumberland Club, Knox- ville, Cherokee Country Club, Knoxville, Kent Law Club, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Re- publican; State Senator 1908-1910; mem-| ber German Lutheran church; President j 1 Middleborough Coal Co., Monarch Coal Co., Vice-Pres. and Treas. Reliance Coalj & Coke Co., President Swab Coal &[ Coke Co.; besran his business career as;; a lawyer and was former Asst. District Atty. Dauphin Co., Pa. HARl'SVILLE. BURNLEY, Patrick F. merchant and manufacturer; born at Willard, Tenn., Feb. 26, 1855; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Morris and. Sarah (Fergu- sson) Burnley ;educated at Knoxville Tenn., and graduated with degree of A. M. in 1880; married Fannie Harris Nov. 1, 1882; commenced business career a poor boy, and now owns a mercantile business at Willard, Tenn., and is man- ager of the Willard (Tenn.) Tobacco Co.; Democrat; Deacon in Baptist church. HALE, W. J., merchant; born in Sevier Co., Tenn., March 10, 1836; Welsh descent; son of Cyrus B. and Eliza (Taylor) Hale; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents Wil- liam and Priscilla (Cage) Hale; mater- nal grandparents Joseph and Martha; (Blakemore) Taylor; educated at Enon College; in early life he was a clerk; entered the Confederate Army May 1, 1861 as 1st Lieut, of Co. “H” 2d Tenn., Infantry (W. B. Bate was his Adjut- ant) ; in 1862 he was promoted to Lieut.j Col., and served throughout the war:J was wounded at Chickamauga, carried tc Johnson’s Island prison August 1864 and released from prison in 1865; mar ried twice, first Sadie Hutchins, March 1862, second Mrs. Talmage Debow, Nov 1880; member Masonic Lodge No. IK Hartsville, Tenn.; Democrat; membe) Tenn., Legislature 1883, 1884, 1885 anc 1886; member of Baptist Church. POWELL, R. D., public official born in Logan Co., Ky., Oct. 16, 1845 son of E. M. and ‘Eliza (Jordon) 1 Powell; educated at Southland, Ky.; ir early life engaged the farming anc mercantile business; married Betti* Winston Dec. 21, 1875; member F. & A. M„ formerly Worshipful Master o who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 167 local lodge; Democrat; formerly chair- man of Trousdale Co., Tenn., Executive Committee for a number of years; now Clerk of Chancery Court of Trousdale Co., Tenn.; also engaged in farming at Hartsville, Tenn. ; member of the Methodist Church. PURYEAR, Romulus C. Wright, banker; born at Dixon Springs, Tenn., Nov. 28, 1874; French descent; son of William P., and Fannie M. (Wright) Puryear; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents William and Mary (Pierce) Puryear; maternal grandpar- ents Romulus C. and Bettie (Burford) Wright; educated at Sumner High School, Hendersonville, Tenn. ; in early life was clerk in father’s country store; married Virginia Anderson Oct. 14, 1902; Independent Democrat; Secret Agent Lnited States Post Office Department 1895-1896; now Cashier of the Bank of Hartsville, Tenn.; member of the Methodist Church. RICKMAN, Marcus Douglas Miller; iorn at Hartsville, Tenn., Aug. 18, 1849; English and Irish descent; son if Col. Samuel H. and Francis (Henry Rickman; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparen/ts, Mark ind Mary (Harper) Rickman, mater- ial grandparents, Rev. J. H. and Eliza- >eth (Mitchell) Henry; educated in the Public School of Tenn.; in early life vorked on a farm, later became inter- red in milling, in which business he s now engaged at Hartsville, Tenn., narried Ella Mills June 18, 1873; mem- ber Masons, W. M. ; Democrat; member if Legislature in 1909; member M. E. Church South, Steward and Sunday school Superintendent in same. WRIGHT, Moscow L., banker and armer; born in Smith Co., Tenn., Dec. 4, 1842; English descent; son of leorge T. and Sarah (Burton) Wright; ather’s occupation, farmer; his pater- al grandfather, was Robert Wright, a evolutionary soldier; received common chool education, Smith Co., Tenn., mar- ied Bettie Mills Jan. 6, 1886; Inde- endent Democrat; served two years ljuring Civil war. HEARD. TAYLOR, John Shelton, miller; born at Heard, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1876; Irish descent; son of John Wesley and Nancy (Payne) Taylor; received com- mon school education; in early life worked on a farm; married Martha J. Clark July 21, 1897; member of F. & A. M.; Republican; formerly member of the District Advisory Board of Public schools of Pickett Co., Tenn. ; served one term as Constable, and now serving as County Assessor of Pickett Co., Tenn.; was a member of the first As- sessors meeting, held at the State Capi- tol in the Senate Chamber at Nashville, Tenn., April 13, 1909 ; member of the Methodist Church. HENDERSON. BALDY, William Hamilton, as- sistant Postmaster; born near Clarendon, Ark., Aug. 17, 1877; Irish and English descent; son of William Hugh and Rosa Virginia (Rawlings) Baldy; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandpar- ents Paul Hamilton and Elizabeth T. (Watkins) Baldy; maternal grandpar- ents William A. and Nancy M. (May) Rawlings; educated at Collierville and Henderson, Tenn., completing a teacher’s and business course, June 1897; began his business career as a merchant; later entered the livery business; at present Assistant Postmaster at Henderson, Tenn.; married Ella Pearl Meeks Dec. 6. 1899; member of M. W. of A., Mac- abees, and Fraternal Mystic Circle; Democrat; formerly Recorder for the City of Henderson, Tenn., serving one year; elected Alderman for the same city Jan. 1911; member of the Christian Church. BRAY, William M., Postmaster; born in Henderson Co., Tenn., Nov. 26; 1843; son of John and Minerva Ann (Walker) Bray; father’s occupation farmer; re- ceived common school education; began business career as a farmer and con- tinued in that business in Henderson Co., Tenn., for fifteen years; moved to Henderson, Tenn., and entered in the mercantile business and continued in that business twenty years; appointed Post- master at Henderson, Tenn., in 1897, 168 WHO 8 WHO IN TENNESSEE and is the present incumbent; married Harriet F. Fuller July 6, 1861; member F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F.; Republican; member of the Baptist church. DAY, Isaac Butler, retired educator and minister of the Gospiel; born at Spring Creek, Madison Co., Tenn., Jan. 18, 1837; son of Lemuel and Mary (Senter) Day; father’s occupation farm- er; paternal grandfather John Day; his patefnal grandmother was a Miss How- ard prior to her marriage; maternal grandparents William and Jenney (But- ler) Senter; graduated from Madison College, Spring Creek, Tenn., with A. B. degree in 1859 ; reared on a farm, and taught school forty years; was a local minister of the gospel forty-two years; married twice, first Emma J. Jayne Aug. 13, 1862; second Mrs. L. J. Winslow Nov. 30, 1905; served four years in the Confederate army during the civil war as Lieutenant Co. “E” 6th Tenn., In- fantry; member F. & A. M.; member of the Methodist Church. DEMING, Madison Monroe, farmer; born Hardeman Co., Tenn., Oct. 4, 1846; Scotch descent; son of J. W. and Nancy (Jones) Deming; father’s occupation, farmer, and sheriff of Hardeman Co., Tenn.; received common school educa- tion; served two years in the Confed- erate army during civil war under Gen. Forrest; was with Gen. Forrest when he captured Memphis, Tenn., also on two raids in Middle Tenn., and the Nash- ville, raid, etc.; married Fannie Naylor Nov. 3, 1866; member F. & A. M., Dem- ocrat; former Justice of the Peace 14 years; member of the Christian church; all of his life has been devoted to farm- ing. DICKEY, Isaac T., farmer; born at Finger, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1869; Scotch- Irish descent; son of George W. and Amanda (McIntyre) Dickey; educated at West Tenn., Christian College, reared on a farm near Finger, Tenn., and paid for his own education; entered the gru- cery business at Abbott, Tex., in 1894; then moved to Selmer, Tenn., and en- tered the general merchandise business; moved to Jackson, Tenn., in 1903, to his farm near Henderson, Tenn., in 1907, and now owns a large plantation, and is engaged in farming near Henderson, Tenn. ; married Marv Magdaline Stark:: Sept. 12, 1889 ; member Masons, Royal Arch, Eagles and K. of P. ; Republican; Postmaster at Selmer, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1901 to June 1, 1903; member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. FREED, Aiivy Glenn, educator; born in Lawrence Co., Ind., Aug. 3, 1862; Duteh-Irish descent; son of Joseph and Eliza (Hayes) Freed; educated at Mitchell, Ind., Lebanon, O., and Val- paraiso, Ind., graduated at Lebanon, O., and Valparaiso, Ind. and the following degrees were conferred upon him: L. I., B. S., and A. M. ; married Cora Belle Baynham June 16, 1897; member I. 0. O. F., K. of P. and Masons; Democrat; all of his business career has been de- voted to educational work; held the fol lowing positions: President of S. T. N. College, Essary Springs, Tenn., president West Tenn. Christian College, Hender- son, Tenn., president Southwestern Chris- tian College, Denton, Texas; now presi- dent of N. T. and B. College, Hen clerson, Tenn.; member of the Church of Christ. HARDEMAN, Nicholas Brodie, edu cator and minister of the gospel; bon in McNairy Co., Tenn., May 18, 1874 Anglo-Saxon descent; son of J. B. anc Nannie (Smith) Hardeman; father’s oc cupation, physician; graduated at Hen derson, Tenn., with degree of M. Aij June, 1897; in early life was a farmeji boy and later taught school; moved ti Henderson, Tenn., in 1893; with A. G Freed was founder of N. T. & B. Col lege, Henderson, Tenn., in 1907 and i at present vice-president of the sam college; spent twelve years preaching i Tenn. and Ky. ; has been Superintended! of Education for Chester Co., Tenn., fo six years and is the present incumbent recently elected for two more years! married Joe K. Tabler April 21, 1901 Democrat; member of the Church o Christ. HARWELL, John T., banker; bor near Guntown, Miss., Aug. 2, 1872 English descent; son of Len L. an!j Nancy (Humphreys) Harwell; his fatt who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 169 er was a planter; paternal grandparents Grief and Evelyn (Pullen) Harwell, maternal grandparents, John T. and Jane (Verner) Humphreys; edu- cated in the common schools and Mem- phis Conference School, Henderson, Tenn.; in early life engaged in the mer- cantile business; now cashier of the Ches- ter Co. Bank, Henderson, Tenn.; mar- ried Delia Buckley Dec. 27, 1898; Dem- ocrat; member of the Methodist church. HEARN, Isiiam F., music teacher and farmer; born near Montezuma, Tenn., April 24, 1862; Irish-Scotch-Eng- lish descent; son of William Nelson and Harriet E. (Hudson) Hearn; father’s occupation, farmer, stock raiser and soldier; paternal grandparents Rev. Isham G. and Amy (Harris) Hearn, ma- ternal grandparents Charles W. and Su- san (Billbo) Hudson; educated in com- mon schools of Chester Co., Tenn.; grad- uated at Montezuma, Tenn., in 1889; married Clara B. Oliphant Feb. 18, 1890; member W. O. W. (manager) Farmers’ Union (sec. and treas.) ; Democrat; member M. E. church South; engaged in farming and teaching music at Hen- derson, Tenn. JOHNSON, Albert Sidney, railroad agent; born Cotton Plant, Mo., Feb. 7, 1865; Irish and Scotch descent; son of Albert B. S. and Nancy Malinda (Jones) Johnson; educated at Rutheiy ford, Tenn., he was reared on a farm by a widowed mother, his father dying in 1866; had a struggle to obtain common school education; entered the railroad business at the age of twenty-one and worked at various places on M. & O. un- til 1906, when he accepted the position he now holds, as railroad agent at Hen- derson, Tenn.; married Lelia E. Yates Jan. 26, 1893; member Masons and Woodmen of the World; Democrat; member of the Baptist church. McNATT, William R., public offi- cial; born in Henderson Co., Tenn., Jan. 20, 1852; Seotch-Irish descent; son of William S. and Nancy (White) McNatt; bis father was a farmer and educator; educated at Montezuma, Tenn. ; in early life taught school and was formerly Su- perintendent of Public Instruction of Chester Co., Tenn.; married Rittie Sum- mers Dec. 21, 1879; Democrat; at pres- ent Tax Assessor for Chester Co., Tenn.; member of Methodist church. McWILLIAMS, J. L., farmer; born in Bedford Co., Tenn., Feb. 16, 1832; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Mary Ann (Robinson) McWilliams; father was a farmer; received common school education; has been a farmer all of his life; has also filled positions as bookkeeper and salesman; member of F. & A. M. ; Democrat; served in the Con- federate army during the civil war; member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. O’NEAL, John F., banker; born at Henderson, Tenn.; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Francis and Mary Cor- nelia (Purdy) O’Neal; father’s occupa- tion, merchant; paternal grandparents, Christopher and Margaret (Deaton) O’Neal, maternal grandparents Robert and Rebecca (Chainey) Purdy; ed- ucated at Henderson and McKenzie, Tenn., graduated at Henderson, Tenn., June, 1895, and at McKenzie, Tenn., 1897 ; in early life was a clerk in father’s store; married Mamie Bell Pratt Feb., 1903; Democrat; cashier of F. & M. Bank, Henderson, Tenn., 1904 to 1907, when became president of the same and is the present incumbent; bought the business of the late J. F. O’Neal, his father, in 1907 ; member of the Metho- dist church. OZIER, Millard F., lawyer; born in Madison Co., Tenn., Sept. 15, 1853; French descent; son of William and Mary (Smith) Ozier; educated at Hen- derson and Lebanon, Tenn., graduated at Lebanon, Tenn., LL. B. June 8, 1876; married Bettie Mason Feb. 26, 1878; member Knights of Pythias; reared on a farm and has practiced law since 1876; Democrat; always active in politics, and several times member of the County Executive Committee, Congressional and Floterial Committee; represented Chester Co. in the 57th General Assembly, Lower House Tenn. Legislature; formerly City Attorney for the city of Henderson; also Mayor of the city of Henderson, Tenn., 170 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE and Back Tax Attorney; member of the Methodist Episcopal churcn, South. REID, Samuel Eli, farmer and stock raiser; born near Lexington, Tenn., April 22, 1856; English and Irish descent; son of James R. and Elizabeth T. (Webb) Reid; father’s occupation, farmer and minister of the gospel; edu- cated in the common schools of Tenn. and at home; began his business career as bookkeeper for Reid Brothers; was ordained to the full work of the minis- try in 1885; engaged in the mercantile business for some time, sold out and went back to farm in 1899; entered the saw mill business in 1899 and 1900, later became interested in stock raising, at present he is engaged in farming and stock raising at Henderson, Tenn.; mar- ried Emma J. Kelley Dec. 14, 1876; Democrat; elected Trustee of Chester Co., Tenn., Aug., 1892, re-elected in 1894; former member of the Co. Revenue Commission for six years; member of Primitive Baptist church. ROBERTSON, Beverly, farmer and stock raiser; born in Pittsylvania Co., Va., May 13, 1847; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J . N. and Clarrissa (Muse) Rob- ertson; his father was a farmer and edu- cator ; received common school education ; has been engaged in farming and stock raising all of his life; married Bettie Trice Feb. 29, 1876; member F. & A. M., Grand Senior Deacon of Grand Lodge of Masons in 1891, thrice Illustrious Mas- ter of Council No. 62 and for ten years High Priest of Chester Chapter No. 82, Worshipful Master of Friendship Lodge No. 229 for fifteen years; Democrat; represented McNairy Co. in the Lower House General Assembly of the State of Tenn. in 1891-1892; has been member of the Co. Court of McNairy Co., Tenn., for twenty years, and has served several terms as Judge of the Co. Court of that Co.; is at present Ruling Elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian church and has served in that capacity for fifty years; he has represented his church in the General Assembly four times, re- spectively, Nashville, Tenn., Owensbor- ough, Ky., Waco, Texas, and Eugene, Ore.; engaged in farming and stock rais- ing at Henderson, Tenn. ROBERTSON, Holcombe, farmer; born Pittsylvania Co., Va., Jan. 22, 1835; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Clarissa (Muse) Robertson; father’s occupation, school teacher; paternal grandfather John Robertson, Sr., pater- nal grandmother was a Miss Holcombe prior to her marriage, maternal grand- father Thomas Muse, maternal grand- mother was a Miss Wren prior to her marriage; received common school edu- [ cation; all of his business life has been i devoted to farming; married Sarah Da- ji vidson May 20, 1858; Democrat; former Commissioner of Agriculture; enlisted as j; private soldier during civil war, pro- ( moted to rank of Commissary Sergeant of Regiment; member Christian church. j SASSER, John Daniel, Jr., physi- |j cian ; born near Middleton, Tenn., Sept. 14, 1858; Irish descent; son of Joel Ste- phen and Hepsey Jane (Casey) Sasser; ji father farmer and merchant; educated j in the country schools of Hardeman Co., Tenn.; attended school at Blue ( Mountain, Miss., in 1881, and Hender- I 1 son, Tenn., 1882; graduated in medicine at University of Louisville, Kv., March, 1884; took post-graduate course in medi- J| cine at New Orleans Polyclinic in spring IJ of 1895; reared on farm and engaged in mercantile business in 1898 and in J April. 1884, he entered practice of medi- j cine six miles north of Middleton, Tenn., where he practiced until March, 1891, at j! which time he moved to Middleton, Tenn., J and in August, 1909, he moved to Hen - jj derson, Tenn., where he now lives and ! i : s engaged in the practice of his pro- 1 fession ; married Ollie Lee Perkins, Feb. i 1 14, 1897; member Masons, Knights of : Pvthias, Knights of Honor and W. O. W. (medical examiner!; Democrat; member of Church of Christ. TERRY, Thomas Franklin, farmer and merchant; horn Saltillo, Tenn., Feb. 10, 1851; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas Scott and Mary Ann (Dickie) Terry; educated at Henderson, Tenn.; began ms business career as a farmer, later entered the mercantile business; married Sadie Madeline McCallum Jan. 10, 1878; member Masonic Lodge (treas.) ; Democrat. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 171 TRICE, William Crook, farmer; born in Chester Co., Tenn., Dec. 6, 1833; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John C. and Elizabeth (Crook) Trice; received com- mon school education; married Evaline Boren Nov. 17, 1856; member Masons, formerly secretary of local lodge four years; Republican; appointed Magis- trate by Gov. Brownlow in 1865, in which capacity he served forty years; formerly Judge of the Co. Court of Chester Co., Tenn.; served seven years; began his business career as a farmer and has de- voted his life to that vocation; is also interested in banking at Henderson, Tenn. WINNINGHAM, Josiah Seibert Clinton, merchant; born Adamsville, Tenn., Sept. 29, 1849; English, Irish and German descent; son of Green B. and Esperan (Bryan) Winningham; his father was a farmer; educated in Illi- nois; in early life was a salesman, later taught school and now engaged in the mercantile and real estate and insur- ance business at Henderson, Tenn.; mar- ried Elizabeth Watlington Nov. 24, 1878; member of Knights of Pythias, Chancellor Commander; Democrat; for- merly postmaster at Mora, Tenn., four years; member of the Methodist Epis- copal church. HENNING. LIPSCOMB, Robert Henning, cashier Bank of Henning; born Henning, Tenn., May 24, 1885; son R. B. and Willie (Moorer) Lipscomb; educated Henning; married Sallie Tait; in early life was a merchant; later entered the banking business. MOORER, Henry B., Jr., merchant; born Henning, Tenn., May 14, 1883; son of Henry B. and Ella (Henning) Moor- er; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Hen- ning, Tenn.; married Annie L. Roy July 11, 1907 ; member Masons, K. of P., W. O. W. ; member Methodist church. SANFORD, Henry William, physi- cian; born Tabernacle, Tipton Co., Tenn., July 25, 1857; son of Henry Sanford; his mother was a Miss Fields prior to her marriage; Scotch-Irish descent; ed- ucated common schools of Tipton Co.; graduated St. Louis, M.D. 1880; married Susie May Anthony Feb. 2, 1881 ; began to practice medicine 1880 at Glimp, Tenn. ; moved to Trenton, Tenn., in 1883 ; moved to Henning in 1892; member W. O. W. ; Masons; member Baptist church. SANFORD, William Carey, physi- cian; born Henning, Tenn., June *10, 1883; son H. W. anu Susie (Anthony) Sanford; paternal grandfather Harry Sanford, paternal grandmother Jean (Fields) Sanford, maternal grandfather James Anthony, maternal grandmother was Miss Austin before marriage; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Henning and Jackson and Memphis, graduated Memphis, M. D., April 29, 1904; married Glady Dickason Nov. 16, 1905; member K. of P. ; Deacon Baptist church. HICKMAN. HL DDLESTON, Felix W., business man; born at Difficult, Tenn., Oct., 1869; son of Wade and Millie (West) Huddleston; reared on a farm and stu- died at home to secure his education; married Fannie E. Newbell July, 1890; member Illinois Commercial Association; engaged in hotel and livery business and dealer in horses and mules at Hick- man, Tenn. HICKORY POINT. FOUST, David Thompson, farmer and surveyor; born at Woodford, Tenn., Feb. 25, 1868; German descent; son of Rob- ert N. and Elizabeth (Smith) Foust; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Jacob and Elizabeth (Bris- tow) Foust, maternal grandparents Da- vid C. and Jane (Heflin) Smith; edu- cated in the public schools of Montgom- ery Co., Tenn., and Southern Nor- mal School, Bowling Green, Ky. ; graduated from the latter (business course) June, 1890; married Minnie May Bowess Dec. 27, 1909; member F. & A. M. and M. W. of A., served through all the stations in F. & A. M.; Justice of the Peace from 1892 to 1906; has been active in unifying the tobacco buyers and farmers; elected chairman of the Plant- ers’ Protective Association Sept., 1908, 172 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE and is the present incumbent; Ruling Elder in Cumberland Presbyterian church. HICKORY WITHE. BARRON, Samuel Lee, farmer; born in York Co., S. C., March 16, 1844; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas and M. N. (Taylor) Barron; father’s occu- pation, farmer; received common school education; married twice, first E. A. Culp, Dec. 22, 1864, second, Grace Will- iams, Nov. 15, 1883; member of Masonic Lodge; served as private Co. I, 38th Tenn. Regiment C. A. S. during the civil war; Democrat; member Presbyterian church. SHELTON, Will G., stock farmer, See Briae, Tenn., page 28. HILHAM. MURPHY, William C., merchant and farmer; born Sulphur Springs, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1854; irish-Dutch descent; son of Joseph G. and Pyrrilla (Masters) Murphy; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at Alpine Institute, Overton Co., Tenn.; in early life he was a farm- er and secured his business education under many disadvantages; entered the mercantile business in 1882, in which business he is now engaged at Hilham, Tenn.; member of F. & A. M.; married Amy L. Jones May 24, 1883; Democrat; member and Ruling Elder of the Cum- berland Presbyterian church. OWNSBY, William Andrew, drug- gist; born near Hilham, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1867; English descent; son of James Francis and Thursy Evaline (Warthen) Ownsby; father’s occupation, farmer and minister of the gospel; educated in the public schools of Overton Co., Tenn., and at Bowling Green and Lexington, Ky. ; graduated from the Southern Normal College with B. S. degree July 12, 1888, and from the Kentucky University in 1889 ; began teaching school at the age of 16 and went to Texas in fall of 1889, served as principal of Vernon (Texas) High School for some time; returned to Tenn. in 1893; at present engaged in the drug and grocery business at Hilham, Tenn.; also interested in farming; mem- ber K. of P., I. O. 0. F. and M. W. of A., has held all the highest offices in local lodges of same; formerly member of Co. School Board of Overton Co., Tenn., three years; chairman of same for two years and has been active in educa- tional work ; Socialist. WELLS, Milton Henry, physician; born near Olga, Tenn., Aug. 11, 1863; English descent; son of Mitchell and Manerva (Mathews) Wells; father’s oc- cupation, farmer and manufacturer; pa- ternal grandparents Stephen and Nancy (West) Wells, maternal grandparents John and Sarah Shootman) Mathews; educated at Oak Hill Institute; gradu- ated from University of Nashville with M. D. degree in 1901; in early life taught school in Overton and Morgan Cos., Tenn.; married Amelia Thomas Sept. 20 1891; member I. O. O. F. (Past Grand and Ex. D. D. G. M.) M. W. of A. Camp; Democrat; member Co. Execu- tive Committee of Overton Co., Tenn.; stockholder in Farmers’ Bank of Living- ston Tenn.; owns and conducts a farm; engaged in the practice of medicine at Hilham, Tenn.; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church. HILLSDALE. MEYERS, Arthur A., philanthropist; born HarrisDurg, Pa., Dec. 23, 1838; German descent; son of John and Sarah (Foulk) Myers; father, miller and real estate business; paternal grandfather, Dr. Valentine Mevers, of Harrisburg, Pa.; educated Mendota Collegiate Iinsti- tute. 111., and Hillsdale Collegiate Insti- tute; in early life was a farmer near Chicago, 111.; married Ellen Green, in 1862; member of Congregational Church; engaged in building churches and schools, and holding revival meetings in nine states for 19 years; most of his work has been in Ky. and Tenn. ; ordained to the ministry at age of 19 ; interested in build- ing children’s refuge homes and schools; Republican. HOHENWALD. BASTIN, Wyatt H., farmer; born in Hickman Co., Tenn., Sept. 15, 1841; son of Thomas and Nancy (Johnson) Bas- tin; received common school education in Who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 1<3 Hickman Co., Tenn.; married Mary D. Deprieste Aug. 1 2, I860 ; Republican; Justice of the Peace of Lewis Co., Tenn.; served in the Confederate army during civil war with rank of 2nd Sergeant Co, D, 9th Bat. Cavalry; in early life en- gaged in farming and stock raising, now engaged in farming at Hohenwald, Tenn. BIVINS, John Louis, teacher; born Rutherford Co., Tenn., Oct. 29, 1873; English and Irish descent; son of Louis and Elizabeth (Zumbro) Bivins; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; educated Win- chester Normal College, Winchester, Tenn., and ]gradu,ated from same in 1895; in early life he was a farmer, later entered the mercantile business, also taught school; married Lena F. Taylor Aug. 24, 1904; member Knights of Pythias; Democrat; member Chris- tian churcn. CHRISTIAN, Jones Wesley, farmer; born Lawrence Co., Tenn., Feb. 19, 1838; Swedish and German descent; son of Thomas T. and Maria W. (Biffle) Chris- tian; father’s occupation, farmer; pater- nal grandparents Nathaniel and Mar- garet (Payton) Christian, maternal grandparents V alentine and Susanna (Lacey) Biffle; received common school education; married F. Robenia Napier Sept. 14, 1857 ; served in the Confeder- ate army from 1861 to 1865 as 1st Lieut, in Co., C, 48th Tenn. Regiment, C. S. A.; member Lower House General Assembly of Tenn., one' term; Democrat; engaged in farming at Hohenwald, Tenn.; mem- ber Cumberland Presbyterian church. DABBS, John P., physician and mer- chant; born Farmer’s Valley, Tenn., April 21, 1856; son of Vincent S. and Elizabeth (Lancaster) Dabbs; father was a farmer and dealer in real estate; English descent; educated common schools and medical dept, of Vanderbilt L T niv. and Bryant and Stratton Business College; graduated University of Nash- ville and Vanderbilt 1878 and 1882; early business occupation, farming and teaching; married Sarah L. Randle Aug. 21, 1877; member of F. & A. M., Linden, Tenn., No. 156; formerly Circuit Court Clerk of Perry Co., Tenn.; represented 19th Senatorial District in Tenn. General Assembly of 1897 ; is at present physician and farmer Farmer’s Valley, Tenn.; member Christian church. DANIEL, William T., Jr., lumber- man; born Perry Co., Tenn., March 31, 1855; German and Irish descent; son of William T. and Margaret A. (O’Guin) Daniel; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents John W. and Elizabeth (Taylor) Daniel; mater- nal grandparents Tyler and Margaret (Young) O’Guin; educated in the local schools of Perry Co., Tenn. ; in early life he was a farmer; married Mary E. Dyer Feb. 16, 1875; member Masons, Knights of Pythias and Woodmen of the World; Democrat; former Judge of the Co. Court of Perry Co., 1894-1902, inclusive; engaged in the lumber busi- ness at Hohenwald, Tenn. ; member of the Church of Christ. DOWNEY, William Henry, farmer; born in Lewis Co., Tenn., Dec. 16, 1854; Irish descent; son of Richard and Mar- tha Ann (Gillham) Downey; married Mary Edna Brown Aug. 9, 1874; mem- ber of Church of Christ and Elder in same. HOOPER, Raymond Crawford, rail- road agent; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn., Aug. 28, 1869; English descent; son of J. O. and M. C. (Cullum) Hooper; father’s occupation, farmer and mer- chant; educated at Charlotte and Dick- son, Tenn.; in early life worked on a farm; married Annie L. Downing Jan., 1903; member F. & A. M., Dickson. Tenn., Knights of Pythias, Hohenwald, Tenn., and 32d degree Scottish Rite Ma- sons, Nashville, Tenn.; engaged in rail- road business and farming on small scale at Hohenwald, Tenn. ; has been connected with N. C. & St. L. R. R. sixteen years; member of the Methodist church, South. JOHNSON, William Edgar, manu- facturer; born Beardstown, Tenn., June 23, 1878; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William B. and Mattie A. (Pipkin ) Johnson; father’s occupation, merchant and lumberman; paternal grandparents Andrew J. ana Midian (Cook) Johnson, maternal grandparents G. E. and Diana 174 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE (Sargent) Pipkin; educated Dickson (Tenn.) Normal College; in early life engaged in the mercantile business and for the past six years has been engaged in the manufacture of rough dressed lumber, also contracting and building in connection with above; married Lillian Williams Sept. 10, 1902; member Ma- sons, I. O. O. F.; Democrat. SCHUBERT, Fred L., lawyer; born Cincinnati, Ohio, May 3, 1873; German descent; son of Moritz and Bertha (Kci- fer) Schubert; father’s occupation, farmer; educated in the public schools; moved to Tenn. with his parents in 1879 ; began teaching school in 1899 ; studied law and was admited to the bar in 1894; married Pearl DeHart Oct. 18, 1900; member Masons, Royal Arch (Past Mas- ter Hohenwald Lodge No. 607), Knights of Pythias; Democrat; State Senator 1905-1907; member Lower House General Assembly of Tenn. 1907-1909. SMITH, Frank DeWitt, business man ; born Yankton, South Dakota, Oct. 16, 1866; Scotch-Irish and English- German descent; son of Byron M. and Eliza S. Smith; father was a Civil En- gineer; President of Dakota Midland Railway, and maker of first map of what was known as Dakota Territory, taken mostly from his own field points; educated at Minneapolis, Minn., and Columbia, Tenn.; in early life he was manufacturer of lumber and staves, and after his father’s death in 1888 took up the work of colonizing and developing Lewis Co., Tenn.; member Elks and Odd Fellows; Independent in politics; member of the Episcopal church. TATUM, Wii.t.iam Trousdale, lawyer, farmer; born in Maury Co., Tenn., March 4, 1849; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jesse Burnet and Harriet Elizabeth (Reese) Tatum; father’s occupation, farmer and stock dealer; educated in the country schools of Tenn. and Vander- bilt University, Nashville, Tenn., gradu- ated from the latter in law departmnet in 1876; in early life was a farmer, later taught school; married Elizabeth Jen- nett Brown July 23, 1878; member Hoh- enwald Lodge No. 607, F. & A. M.; Democrat; elected Judge of the Co. Court of Lewis Co. August, 1910, for term of eight years) member of the Methodist Enisconal church. South. WHITE, John A., educator; born in North Carolina; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William White; was left an or- phan at age of twelve; moved to John- son City, Tenn., at age of sixteen and secured a position in brick yard at 50c a day, was encouraged to enter school and enrolled in the 4th grade in John- son City Institute at age of 17, re- mained in that school three years, aft- erward entered King’s College, Bristol, Tenn., three years there, then entered Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn., is now Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion for Lewis Co., Tenn.; married Ka- tie May Wood Sept. 14, 1899; member I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; member of Bap- tist church and Deacon in same. HOLLADAY. ADEN, Clint, farmer; born in Ben- ton Co., Tenn., Oct. 24, 1849 ; Irish de- scent; son of Albert and Kittie (Utley) Aden; father’s occupation, farmer and stock raiser; educated at Chaseville, Tenn., and graduated at same place; married Jennie Utley Jan. 26, 1876; member W. O. W. (Consul Com.); Dem- ocrat; Justice of the Peace since 1883; member of the Baptist church. McAULEY, Irving Oswald, farmer and educator; born at Buena Vista, Tenn., in 1860; Irish and Scotch descent; son of John and Darthuley (Rust) Mc- Auley; father’s occupation, farmer and merchant; paternal grandparents Will- iam and Elizabetn (Butler) McAuley, maternal grandparents Jerry T. and Betsy (Allen) Rust; received common school education at Lebanon, Ohio; in early life farmed in Carroll Co., Tenn., later began teaching school, in which pro- fession he is now engaged; married AMie McCord Feb. 15, 1894; member W. O. W., manager of local lodge; member of the Board of Education, 1908-1910; mem- ber of Baptist church. ROBINSON, William G., Postmas- ter; born Benton Co., Tenn., July 20, 1861; son of William and Nancy V. WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 175 (Barnes) Robinson; Irish descent; fath- er’s occupation, tarmer; received com- mon school education; was reared on the farm, later taught school; was in- terested in the mercantile business 1889- 1894, again in 1904-6; now Postmas- ter at Holladav, Term. ; married Lowelen Harris Sept. 18, 1884; member I. O. O. F., Masons; Republican; member Meth- odist church, South. HORNBEAK. WILLIAMS, John Richard, minister of the Gospel; born near Lewisburg, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1851; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Isaac Newton and C. A. (Patterson) Williams; father was a wagon wright; paternal grandparents, Isaac Hill ana Polly (Scott) Williams; maternal grandparents, Joseph C. and Catherine (Patterson) Patterson; re- ceived common school education; worked on farm in early life; married Mollie R. Moultrie Nov. 7, 1871 ; member Ma- sonic Lodge and I. O. O. F. ; Prohibition Democrat; licensed to preach July 29, 1885; admitted to bar of State of Tenn., to practice law in all the courts of the state in 1885; member of the Church of Cnrist. HORNER. HORNER, William N., merchant and farmer; born at Horner, Tenn., April 10, 1852; son of William and Nancy (Randle) Horner; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school educa- tion : married Amanda A. Brilev June 7, 1874; F. & A. M. (Worshipful Mas- ter); Democrat; engaged in farming and mercantile business at Horner and Flat- woods, Tenn. ; stockholder in Perry Co. Bank, Linden, Tenn.. and Bank of Flat- woods, Flatwoods, Tenn., and Southern Insurance Co., Nashville, Tenn.; mem- ber of Christian church; Linden R. F. D. HORN SPRINGS. HORN, James Adaids, manager and owner of hotel; born at Horn Springs, Tenn., Julv 12, 1861; English descent; son of James Baker and Margaret (Vaughn) Horn; father’s occupation, manager of Horn Springs until 1892; paternal grandparents Ethelred and Elizabeth (Baker) Horn, maternal grandparents Johnson and Elizabeth (Low) Vaughn; educated at Lebanon, Tenn.; the tract of land known as Horn Springs was settled from the govern- ment by his grandfather Ethelred Horn latter part of 1700; the Horn Mineral Water was discovereu on the land in 1875, under management of his father James Baker Horn; began his business career as a farmer and stock raiser, later became owner and manager of the hotel at Horn Springs, Tenn., in which business he is now engaged; married Aline Herd Sept. 15, 1892; Democrat; Postmaster at Horn Springs, Tenn. HOWARDVILLE. MARSH ALL, John S., merchant born in Blount Co., Tenn., Sept. 4, 1851; Irish descent; son of John M. and Malinda H. Marshall; received com- mon school education; in early life was a shoemaker, later taught school, then became a commercial salesman, now en- gaged in the mercantile business at How- ardville and Apison, Tenn. ; married Martha E. McCamv July, 1886; member F. & A. M. ; Republican; formerly chair- man of the Co. Court of James Co., Tenn., six years; has been Justice of the Peace since 1890, and Postmaster at Howardville, Tenn., since 1887 ; direc- tor of Ooltewah CTenn.) Bank; member of Presbyterian church. HUMBOLDT. CAMPBELL, John E., builder and contractor: born at Clinch Mountain, near Rutledge, Tenn., April 6, 1851 ; German-Scotch-Irish descent; son of Capt. Levi and Lucinda (Hufmeister) Campbell; his father built the stages from Ahington, Va.. to Knoxville, Tenn., in the ’40s and ‘50s; paternal grand- parents Flbert and Nancy B. (McCartv) Campbell, maternal grandparents, Jo- seph H. and Lucy J. (Baumster) Huff- meister; educated at Madison Academy, Grainger Co., Tenn.. and Mossy Creek College, Jefferson Co.. Tenn.; in earlv life was interested in farming and stock raising; was too young to enter the civil war, lived on the Cumberland Gap pass from the Virginias to Knoxville, Tenn., during that time and for four years was 176 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE in the midst of strife of the two con- tending armies; at tne age of twelve he was carried away and kept some time by the Federals, on account of father and brother being in the Confederate service, but in the spring of 1865 they were all reunited and at home again; moved to Gibson Co., Tenn., without any means and with a limited education and began life among strangers; in 1881 began farming near Humboldt, Tenn., and es- tablished and managed Oakwood Stock Farm until 1899, when he moved to Hum- boldt, where he is now engaged in the contracting and building business; when he first moved to Humboldt he acquired a canning factory, saw mill and grist mill; married Jennie E. Hess Jan. 7, 1879; member I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; Elder in Presbyterian church, U. S. DODSON, A. R., banker; born Gibson Co., Tenn., in 1865; son of W. H. and Jerrusha (Blakemore) Dodson; Seoteh- irish descent; educated S. W. B. U. of Jackson, Tenn., and Eastman’s Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; graduated A. B. degree in 1886; married Mattie Bell Scott in 1889; member Masonic Lodge, I. O. O. F„ K. of P., S. A. E. Frat.; assisted in organizing Merchants’ State Bank in 1887 ; was then made cash- ier, which position he still holds; secre- tary and treasurer of Humboldt Cotton Mills; Gibson Co. Grocery Co., Humboldt Milling Co.; one of organizers of Milan Banking Co.; Bank of Alamo; Bank of Gibson; McMairy Co. Bank at Selmer; Farmers’ Merchants’ Bank at Dyer; also stockholder in each; City Treasurer, elected 1902, and still serving; occupation in youth, student; Democrat. DUNGAN, 1. H„ real estate dealer; born Hardin Co., Tenn., in 1855; son of Nathan and Rebecca (Berry) Dungan; Scotch-Irish descent; educated public and private schools of Humboldt Clif- ton Academy; married Willie Mary Fox Feb. 20, 1901; member W. O. W. ; char- ter member of K. of P. ; early business career, farming; organizer of Hoop and Heading Co. in 1898; opei-ated until 1903; one of organizers of Humboldt Bank in 1899; organized Co. to build Mo. Ga. Tenn. R. R. ; was merchant for ten years in Humboldt; appointed Postmas- ter of Humboldt under Cleveland admin- istration and served one month over four years; stockholder in Bank of Humboldt and one of the auditors Tri-Co. Fair; president and owner of Commercial Ho- tel of Humboldt; Democrat. DUNLAP, W. E., farmer; born Hum- boldt, Tenn., in 1895; son of W. N. L. > and Sue (Pless) Dunlap; Scotch-Irish descent; educated public schools, South- western Baptist Univ. of Jackson, Tenn.; married Sallie May Kimbrough July, 1901; member K. of P. and I. O. O .F. ; early business career, farming; appointed Deputy Sheriff Dec., 1903, and has served since; stockholder in Bank of Humboldt and Citizens’ Bank; also Tri- Co. Fair; Chief of Police for Fair As- sociation; traveled five years for Inter- national Harvester Co. in collecting dept.; Democrat. DUNLAP, W. M., Clerk and Master Chancery Court; born Humboldt, Gibson Co., Tenn., Dec. 11, 1845; son of E. and Mary (Harper) Dunlap; Scotch-Irish de- scent; educated public schools; married i Willie E. Hess Dec. 23, 1875 ; member |j I. O. O. F. ; appointed in 1909 Clerk and Master of Chancery Court; served as i Constable six years; early business ca- reer, farming; Democrat. FERRELL, T. C., undertaking busi- ness; born Arkansas City, Ark., Oct. 1861; son of T. N. and Louisa (Clay) Ferrell; Irish descent; educated public schools; occupation in youth, nursery business; married Lillian Wiley July, 1883; member I. O. O. F„ Elks, W. 6. W., Maccabees; built and opened busi- ness in Sept., 1893; resided in Humboldt since 1871 ; built store house and estab- lished Humboldt business in Sept., 1893; later established branch undertaking business at Medina; Democrat. FOLTZ, Frank X., manufacturer; born Indiana in 1855; son of Benedict and Laura (Baker) Foltz; German de- scent; educated public schools; married Maggie Howard in 1881; member W. O. W. , Elks and K. of C. ; founded the F. X. Foltz Spoke Manufacturing Co. in 1891; operated until 1906, then founded Foltz Mfg, Co. (ice and coal), capital,. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 177 $60,000; stockholder in Humboldt Bank, Merchants’ State Bank, Humboldt Cot- ton Mills, stock in Dyer Ice and Coal Co. of Dyer, Tenn.; Democrat. FOLTZ, Howard J., manufacturer; born Madison, Ind., Sept. 14, 1883; son of F. X. Foltz and Margaret (Howard) Foltz; German and Irish descent; edu- cated public schools of Humboldt and Jackson, Tenn.; married Mary Shane Jan. 7, 1904; member K. of C. and Elks; Modern W. O. W. ; member firm Foltz Mfg. Co., acting as secretary-treas. and gen. mgr.; secretary of Board of Mayor and Aldermen, appointed in Jan., 1910; stock in Merchants’ State Bank and Bank of Humboldt; stock in Tri-Co. Fair Assn.; Democrat. HESS, Walter Scott, educator; born near Humboldt, 1'enn., June 30, 1858; Scotch-Irish-English and German de- scent; son of Maj. J. A. W. and Gab- rilla (Lankford) Hess; father’s occupa- tion, public official and surveyor of Gib- son Co., Tenn.; paternal grandparents William and Margaret (Daviess) Hess, maternal grandparents Elisha and Annie (Ely) Lankford; educated at the I. O. O. F. College, Humboldt, Tenn.; married Mattie Preston Dec. 21, 1891; has been continuously engaged in the educational work since he was 18 years of age; has been teaching in the Hum- boldt City Schools eleven years; Demo- crat; member of the Methodist church. HOWARD, S. F., teacher; born Paris, Mo., in 1866; son of Rev. J. S. and Fran- cis (Hanna) Howard; Scotch and Irish descent; educated from Cumberland University of Tenn. A. B. in 1888, A. M. in 1889, Ph. D. in 1894; married Flor- ence Penn June, 1903; member K. of P., W. O. W., M. W. O. W., S. A. E. Frat.; taught at Atwood, Tenn., in 1888 and 1889; Humboldt, 1889-1891; Prescott, Ark., Cumberland College, 1891-1892; Texas Female Seminary, 1892-1897; Su- perintendent of Public School Jefferson, Texas, 1897 to 1899; Superintendent of Milan, Tenn., school 1904 to 1905; act- ing Superintendent Humboldt school 1905 to 1910; elected by Board of Edu- cation; member of N. E. A. and Classi- cal Assn, of Middle West; South Tenn, State Teachers’ Assn., West Tenn. Teach- ers’ Assn., Southern Educational Assn. ; Democrat. JARRELL, J. R., banker; born Wil- son Co., Tenn.; son of B. C. and Eliza- beth (Pearce) Jarrell; educated Hum- boldt and Nashville, Tenn.; married Saidee Blair (deceased) Nov. 22, 1893; member Masonic Lodge and K. of P.; early business career, worked in saw mill; was bookkeeper for C. A. Litterer & Co., Nashville, from 1884 to 1887 ; cashier of Tennessee State Bank from 1890 to 1894; at present vice-president of Merchants’ State Bank; also member of firm of B. C. Jarrell and Co., manufac- turers of fruit packages and veneers. KOFFMAN, John Nathaniel, edu- cator, phsician, farmer and fruit grow- er; born in McNairy Co., Tenn., April 5, 1851 ; German-English and Irish de- scent; son of James Carol and Abigail Hawkins (Atkins) Koffman; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grand- parents Isaiah and Sarah E. (Hill) Koffman, paternal grandparents John and Sarah (Ferrell) Atkins; educated in public schools of Gibson Co., Tenn., and Andrew Vollege, Trenton, Tenn., and Normal School, Humboldt, Tenn., gradu- ated from Jones Commercian College, St. Louis, Mo., April 5, 1873, and from Uni- versity of Nashville and Vanderbilt Uni- versity Medical Dept. March, 1881 ; mar- 1883; Democrat (Prohibition) ; director of Citizens’ Bank Humboldt, Tenn.; en- gaged in farming and shipping fruit and practicing medicine at Humboldt, Tenn.; member of the Baptist church. LOVE, H. H., Public Official; born Gibson Co., Tenn., 1855; son of Thomas B. and Fannie (Bethshares) Love; Scotch-Irish and French descent; edu- cated public schools; married Allie Ar- nold Nov. 18, 1880; member Elks’ Lodge; school teacher 1879 to 1896, 2d Dist. Pleasant Hill, Hickory Grove and Zion; elected Magistrate 2nd Dist. Gibson Co. March, 1890; vacated office and served as road commissioner in Gibson Co.; put in all iron and wooden bridges; elected Clerk of Court of Humboldt 1902; was elected Clerk of School Board 3d Dist. of Gibson Co.; one of the founders of 178 Who’s who in Tennessee Humboldt Fruit Growers’ Assn.; elected 1st president of same and re-elected an- nually ever since; also Notary Public of Gibson Co.; Democrat. McFARLAND, Irby, banker; born Humboldt, Tenn., in 1884; son of B. F. and E. C. (Morgan) McFarland; Irish descent; educated public schools; early business career, clerk; married Robbie Howse in 1908; member Elks, Masonic Lodge and K. of P. ; from private to Captain in State Guards in six years; one of organizers of Citizens’ Bank of Humboldt 1910; is assistant cashier; stockholder in Tri-Co. Fair; resident Humboldt all his life; Democrat. McNEELY, R. H., Postmaster; born Kenton, Obion Co., Tenn., Feb. 4, 1850; son of Thomas P. and Lethe (Dickson) McNeely; Scotch-Irish descent; married Mary Pearl Pearson Jan. 14, 1909; occu- pation in youth, farmer and merchant; member K. of P., Masonic imdge and B. P. O. E., member State Republican Committee fourteen years; appointed Postmaster Humboldt 1882-89-1901-1908; Republican. PENN, B. S., physician; born Hum- boldt, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1872; son of Dr. J. W. and Cordelia (Stillwell) Penn.; Eng- lish and Scotch descent; educated public schools and graduated Vanderbilt Univ. i 1892; married Mary Dunlap May 28, 1900; member I. O .0. F., K. of P. and W. O. W. ; earlv business occupation, student ; practiced medicine Humboldt for fifteen years; practiced medicine at Fruitland for six years prior to his re- moval to Humboldt; Democrat. PENN, George Winchester, physi- cian; born at Humboldt, Tenn., Dec. 24, 1864; son of James W. and Cordelia He- mans ( Stilwell ) Penn ; father’s occupa- tion, physician; paternal grandparents Josiah and Ruth (Broughton) Penn, maternal grandparents William H. and Mary (Gibson) Stilwell; graduated from the medical department Vanderbilt Uni- versity, Nashville, Tenn., in 1884 with degree of M. D. : married Carrie E. Jar- rell July 23, 1889; member of Masons; Democrat; engaged in the active prac- tice of medicine at Humboldt, Tenn.; member of the Southern Presbyterian church. PRESTON James Harvey, physician; born Wilson Co. Tenn., Jan. 24, 1855; Scotch-Irisn and English descent; son of Stephen S. and Ann M. (Keyes) Preston; father was a farmer; educated University of Tenn. ; received M. D. degree from Vanderbilt University in 1879; in early life was a tarmer; married Julia A. Huddleston Sept. 22, 1880; member F. & A. M„ I. O. O. F. and K. of P., Past Master, Past Grand, Past Chan- cellor and P. G. R. K. of P. ; Democrat; member of Methodist Episcopal Church, South; engaged m practice of medicine, and has been local surgeon for L. & N. R. R. for past ten years ROBISON, Witxiam M., minister of the gospel; born in Maury Co., Tenn., May 21, 1846; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. M. and D. J. (Boatwright) Robi- son ; paternal grandparents Michael and Patsy (Boundtree) Robinson, maternal grandparents William and Patsy (Fos- ter) Boatright; his paternal grandfather was one of the first settlers of Maury Co., Tenn., and his maternal grandfather was one of the first settlers of Giles Co., Tenn.; educated at Lebanon, Tenn.; in early life was a farmer; married F. V. Pickard Dec. 28, 1870; member Ma- sons, Odd Fellows and Woodmen of the World; Democrat; member of the Cum- berland Presbyterian church; formerly traveling evangelist for 25 years, wit- nessing about 30,000 converts; corre- sponding secretary of the Board of Mis- sions, Cumberland Presbyterian church four years. ROOK, C. E., business manager Cour- ier-Chronicle; born Weakley Co., Tenn., Dec. 19, 1882; son of A. and Bell (John- son) Rook; Scotch-Irish descent; gradu ate public schools in 1900; married Flor- ence Foltz June, 1907; member Elks; early occupation, student; one of found- ers of Courier-Chronicle in 1902; has acted as business manager and assistant editor since. ROOK, Chart.es Wesley, iournalist: born Weakley Co., Tenn. in 1869; son of A. and Bell (Johnson) Rook; Scotch- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 179 Irish descent; educated public schools; occupation in youth, printer; married Kate Senter in 1895; member Elks and K. of P. ; purchased West Tenn. Leader in 1890, operated to 1896; founder Som- erville Journal 1896; also editor Middle South Mag.; connected with real estate interests; founded Courier-Chronicle in 1902 and is at present editor; elected Mayor of Humboldt Dec. 6, 1909; 24 years a resident of Humboldt; member Board of Education five years; organizer and present secretary of Humboldt Tri- Co. Fair Assn.; Democrat. SENTER, Alvin H., City Marshal; born Trenton, Tenn., in 1869 ; son J. M. and Margaret (Hess) Senter; Scotch- Irish descent; educated public schools of Humboldt and Trenton; married Myr- tle Bennett Dec. 16, 1890; member I. O. O. F., K. of P. and W. O. W.; elected marshal Dec., 1907, and re-elected 1909 ; stockholder in Merchants’ State Bank and Tri-Co. Fair Assn.; Democrat. SENTER, J. D., lawyer; born Hum- boldt, Tenn., March 17, 1872; son of N. A. and Elizabeth (Baird) Senter; Eng- lish-Scotch-Irish descent; graduated Cumberland University LL. B. in 1896; occupation in youth, student; married Nell Lang June 5, 1901; member Ma- sonic Lodge and B. P. O. E.; member of Tenn. Senate 1907 and 1909; Democrat; nominee Court of Civil Appeals 1910; appointed Special judge Court of Civil Appeals during illness of the late Judge John M. Taylor. SENTER, John M., insurance; born Humboldt, Tenn., 1868; son of N. A. and Elizabeth (Baird) Senter; Scotch-Irish descent; educated public schools; mar- ried Mattie Tinsley Dec., 1895; member Masonic Lodge, K. of P. and I. O. O. F. ; early business career, merchant for six- teen years in Humboldt; entered insur- ance business in 1898; stockholder in Humboldt Cotton Mills, Merchants’ State Bank and Tri-Co. Fair Assn.; does general insurance business; Democrat. STALLINGS, J. B., farmer; born Humboldt, Tenn., Nov. 19, 1857; English descent; son of W. B. and Elizabeth (Bradford) Stallings; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; paternal grandparents Humphrey and Cynthia (Robertson) Stallings, maternal grandparents J. C. and Elizabeth (Tuggle) Bradford ; re- ceived common school education; mar- ried twice, first, Nannie Warren, Jan. 22, 1884, second, Sallie Barrett, Jan. 22, 1889; member Knights of Pythias; Dem- ocrat (Regular) ; formerly Deputy Sher- iff 1896-1904; member of Gibson Co., Tenn., Board of Education; has been en- gaged in farming all of his life; also in- terested in fruit growing and live stock. THOMAS, John H., banker; born Haywooa Co., Tenn., Aug. 31, 1848; son of W .B. and Sallie (Williams) Thomas; Welsh descent; ed' ca'.ed Jackson, Tenn., West Tenn College; in early life was a physician, practicing from 1869 to 1891 ; married Hattie E. Gregory Jan. 17, 1877; member Elks; organized Bank of Hum- boldt in 1899 ; elected president at organ - ization, which position he still holds; president of Tri-Co. Fair Assn., presi- dent of School Board for past eight years; Democrat. WALSH, Thomas J., lawyer; born at Trenton, Tenn., July 22, 1880; Irish de- scent; son of Thomas and Maggie (Bes- sent) Walsh; father's occupation, farm- er; father came to Tennessee from Port Law, Ireland and was son of Patrick Walsh; educated in the public schools of Gibson Co., Tenn., and University of Tenn.; graduated from Peabody High School, Trenton, Tenn., in 1899, and from the law department of University of Tenn. in 1900; married Mary Sue Robertson Oct. 16, 1902; member Elks, Knights of Columbus, W. O. W. and Sons of Confederate Veterans; Demo- crat; represented Gibson Co., Lower House General Assembly of Tenn. 1905; City Attorney of Trenton, Tenn., 1905- 1906 and 1907, resigned and moved to HumDoldt, Tenn. in 1907 ; Journal Clerk Tenn. Legislature in 1909 ; director of Citizens’ Bank; engaged in the practice of law at Humboldt, Tenn., also inter- ested in farming; member of Catholic church. WARREN, J. T. Jr., banker; born Rutherford Co., Tenn., in 1850; son of T. T, and A. D. (Huggins) War- 180 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE ren; Irish descent; educated public schools; married Mrs. C. A. Whiteside March, 1891 ; occupation in youth, farm- ing, bookkeeper in Exchange Bank, Tren- ton and Assistant Cashier and then Cash- ier sixteen years; organized Citizens’ Bank of Humboldt Jan., 1910, and is at present cashier of same; Democrat. HUNTINGDON. McCALL, Joseph William, physi- cian, born Jan. 20th, 1832; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Andrew and Jeannette (Todd) McCall; father's occupation, ed- ucator and farmer; paternal grandpar- ents, John and Jane (Proctor) McCall; maternal grandparents Patrick Todd and Jane (Cormichael) Todd; paternal grandfather was Lieut in the Revolu- tionary War; educated at Decaturville, Tenn., Academy; graduated in Medical Department University of Nashville, de- gree M D. 1857 and College of Physicians and Surgeons, City of New York in 1869, with the degree of M. D.; began his business career as clerk in. a dry goods store and entered the medical profession in 1857 ; he esteems with the greatest value an article written I y him on malaria and published in the Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery Sept. 1878, two years before Lavren made known his famous dis- covery, from a priori reasoning the cause of malaria must be a parasite, hav- ing a regular evolution of life like other vegetable life (see article) ; married Victoria A. Wilson June 16th, 1858; a Mason; member of the American Medi- cal Association; was assistant treasurer of the 7th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry Volunteers, Civil War, U. S. A.; presi- dent of the U. S. Examining Pension Board of Surgeons. MADDOX, Pearl Wilson, lawyer; born in Weakley Co., Tenn., April 10, 1872; son of Thomas Crowley and Lu- cinda (Epperson) Maddox; educated in the public schools if Weakley Co., Tenn., and Southern Normal University, Hunt- ingdon, Tenn., graduated from latter with LL. B. degree April 7, 1898; began his business career as a farmer, later taught school; studied law and admitted to bar State of Tenn. in 1898; began the practice of law at Huntingdon, Tenn., April, 1899; married Amanda Lou Emma Shankle April 25, 1896; member Maccabees of the World; Republican; represented Carroll Co. in Lower House General Assembly of Tenn. in 1903; Election Commissioner for Carroll Co., Tenn., 1904-1908; nominated Elector for Eighth District by Jackson Convention, Brownlow wing of the Republican party. May, 1908; member of the Methodist church, South; appointed Referee in Bankruptcy, Eastern Division Western District of Tennessee, Jan. 16, 1911. MURPHY, John Williams, lawyer; born at Hamburg, Ark., April 14, 1886; Scotch-Irish, Anglo-Saxon and Dutch descent; son of Joseph Warren and Mary Emily (Johnson) Murphy; fath- ers’ occupation farmer; paternal grand- parents Joseph Robertson and Grace (Leslie) Murphy; maternal grandpar- ents William and Julia (Salmon) John- son; educated at Lexington M. & F. Institute, Tenn., and N. N. U., Lebanon, O. ; graduated from National Normal University, Lebanon, O., in Aug. 1891, degrees conferred, B. S. in 1890, B. A. in 1891 and M. A. in 1893; married Gertrude Smith, Blanehester, O., Sept. 16, 1892; worked on a farm until 21 years of age; later taught school and read law; taught school at Holladay, Tenn., 1891-3, Wildersville, Tenn., 1893- 5, Sugar Tree, Tenn., 1895-7 ; began practice of law at Camden Tenn., in 1898; moved to Huntingdon, Tenn., in Oct. 1898, and formed a law partner- ship with Judge John R. Hawkins and his son Lee B. Hawkins under the name of Hawkins & Murphy, which partnership was dissolved in 1900; prac- ticed law in Huntingdon, Tenn. since that time without partner; member of the Missionary Baptist church. MURRAY, Sidney Eugene, lawyer; horn in Henderson Co., Tenn., July 19, 1875; Scotch-irish descent; son of John L. and Addie (Neely) Murray; father’s occupation physician; paternal grand- parents James Wimberly and Amelia (Reed) Murray; maternal grandparents Andrew and Mary (Anderson) Neely; educated at Lexington Academy, Lex- ington, Tenn.; in early life was a Postal who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 181 Clerk; later Deputy Court Clerk and Salesman; married Eddie Mai Hillard July 11, 1905; member K. of P.; mem- ber Tenn., Legislature 1905-1909; Su- pervisor Census 1910; delegate to Na- tional Republican convention which nominated President Taft 1908; Chair- man County Republican Executive Com- mittee 1905-07. WATSON, Charles Mayes, ginner; born at Jackson, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1869; Scotch-Irish-English descent; son of Joseph Anderson and Emma (Hilliard) Watson; father’s occupation educator; educated in the public schols of Durham, Texas; in early life worked on a farm and left the farm at the age of 22 and engaged in the cotton business in Hunt- ingdon, Tenn.; organized Watson Cotton Co., in 1902 and has since been president and manager of that company, which operates gins and buys cotton in twenty or more points adjacent to Huntingdon, Tenn.; he is also extensive cotton and corn grower, and hog and poultry breed- er; active in public affairs and former County Election Commissioner of Carroll Co., Tenn.; never candidate for office; married Lora Wells in 1898; member of M. E. church, South. HUNT LAND. BANKS, Charles M., miller; born Rock Run, Hancock Co.,' 111., Oct. 31, 1855; son of William V. and Elizabeth (Bricker) Banks; German descent; fath- er’s occupation, milling business; edu- cated Illinois public schools and Car- thage College in Keokuk, Iowa, in 1874; married Clementine F. Kuhl May 9, 1882; member A. O. U. W. (Master and P. M. Financier, Recorder, etc.) ; heavy losses by fire in 1885 in Mo. ; successful orange growing in Florida, 1901 to 1905, near Ocala, Marion Co.; heavy losses by freeze in Florida in 1905; back to mill- ing in Ky. and Tenn.; assistant cashier First Nat. Bank of Huntland, Tenn., in 1909; tendered presidency, but declined; member Presbyterian church, U. S. A., Superintendent, Deacon, etc.; formerly steward and Sunc.ay school superintend- ent Methodist Church, South. MOORE, Horatio R., business man; born in Lauderdale Co., Ala.; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Stephen R. and Lucy (McDougal) Moore; father’s oc- cupation farmer; paternal grandparents John and Mary (Richardson) Moore; maternal grandparents John and Bar- sheba (Braiser) McDougal; educated at Euclid Academy, Miss., and at Frank- lin, (Tenn.) College; graduating from the latter with degree A. B. 1857 and A. M., in 1859; in early life taught school and studied law; married Annie Hunt, Sept. 5, 1860; member Masons; Prohibi- tion Democrat; represented Franklin, Co., Tenn., in lower house General Assembly of Tenn., and was the orig- inator of the “Four Mile Law;” at pre- sent engaged in farming and real estate business; entered the Confederate army during civil war and was Captain of his Company; member of Christian church. POWER, Thomas E., merchant; born in Franklin Co., Tenn., Jan. 31, 1857; Irish descent; son of Nathaniel T. and Elizabeth (Acklin) Power; father’s oc- cupation, Presbterian minister; edu- cated in the local schools of Franklin; entered the mercantile business in 1878; in 1892-3 engaged in the wholesale no- tion business Nashville, Tenn., returned to Huntland, Tenn., in 1894 and entered the mercantile business, where he has since been engaged; married Virginia Moyers May 15, 1878; member Masonic Lodge No. 565, Huntland, Tenn., and has filled many offices in same; Demo- crat; has been Postmaster at Huntland, Tenn., for past nine years; member of the Presbyterian church. SUTTON, B. White, physician; born in Bedford Co., Tenn., March 6, 1866; Scotch-Irish descent; son of C. F. and Anna (Whitworth) Sutton; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; educated at Bell- buckle, Tenn.; received degree M. D. University of Tenn. 1898; in early life was a farmer; married Flora Porter Dec. 28, 1898; member Knights of Py- thias, Odd Fellows, F. & A. M. (Senior Warden); Democrat; member Presby- terian church U. S. A. TEMPLETON, Lemuel A., physician; 182 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE born Huntland, Tenn., Aug. 26, 1863; English descent; son of Jasper and (Johnson) Templeton; father’s occupa- tion farmer; paternal grandparents Obadian and Rebecca (Belle) Temple- ton; maternal grandparents William and Martha (McLeroy) Johnson; educated at Nashville, Tenn., and graduated from Medical Department Vanderbilt Univer- sity, with degree of M. D., in 1889; in early life taught school; married Ber- nice McClure, Nov. 10, 1907; member F. & A. M., I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; member of the Methodist Episcopal church; engaged in the practice of medi- cine at Huntland, Tenn., and owner of the Telephone Exchange at same place. HUNTSVILLE. BUTTRAM, W. IL, public offical; son of John and Mary (Hurtt) Buttram; his father was a Federal soldier, and served as sergeant in the 7th Tenn. Mounted Infantry; married Annie Mc- Leod, April 21, 1891; when a camp of the Sons of Veterans was organized in Huntsville, Tenn., he was elected cap- tain of same; he has been connected with East Tenn., politics for some time; in 1896 he was chairman of the Second Congressional District when the district gave the Republican ticket over six thousand more votes than ever before; in 1908 he was a delegate from the State at Large to the Republican con- vention at Chicago, 111., when Judge Taft was nominated for President; he is now serving his second term as attorney- general of the Second Judicial Circuit of Tenn. ; as prosecuting attorney obtained an indictment against a man for the unlawful sale of liquor, and procured his convention upon the prima facie e\ -dence of a government license with- out introducing any other evidence, the case was appealed and Supreme Court affirmed the court below; member of Masons, I. O. O. F., and K. of P. ; for many years he has taken an active in- terest in Sunday School work and his home County (Scott) is one of the “Banner Counties” in State in Sunday School work; member of Presbyterian church. CECIL, Batey, lawyer and farmer; born in Scott, Co., Tenn., Sept. 13, 1849; English and Scotch descent; son of Samuel and Priscilla (Thomas) Ce- cil; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents James and Phoebe (Reed) Cecil; maternal grandparents Abner and Rebecca (Brown) Thomas; received common school education; began his business career as a farmer; enlisted as private in the 7th Tenn., mounted In- fantry U. S. A., when he was fifteen years old; married Polly Elmira But- tram Nov. 4, 1874; member Grand Army of Republic, F. & A. M., (Past Master), K. of P., and Odd Fellows; Republican; Sheriff Scott, Co., Tenn., 1882 to 1886; State Senator 1887-8; represented Scott, Co., Tenn., in the Lower General Assembly of Tenn., 1889-1890; County Judge of Scott, Co., Tenn., 1902-1910; member of the Mis- sionary Baptist church. FOSTER, Elias Gason, lawer; born Scott, Co., Tenn., Oct. 1, 1871 ; Scotch- Irish descent; son of James L. and Lucy (Ellis) Foster; father’s occupa- tion merchant; paternal grandparents Ervin and Easter (Carson Foster; mat- ernal grandparents James and Hulda (Buttram) Ellis; educated at Hunts- ville, (Tenn.) Academy, A. T. U., Har- riman, Tenn.; graduated from the lat- ter with Bachelor of Law degree May 31, 1896; in early life taught school; married Jennie Creekmore Jan. 30, 1900; member I. O. O. F., and K. of P. ; Republican; Deputy County Court Clerk from 1897-1902; at present Post- master at Huntsville, Tenn.; Vice Presi- dent Scott, Co., (Tenn.) National Bank, Oneida, member of firm Foster Bros., Barnett, Co., Knoxville, Tenn., and Huntsville Banking Co., Huntsville, Tenn. FOSTER, Sakders, lawyer; born at Huntsville, Tenn., Jan. 17, 1875; Scoteh- Irish descent; son of James L. and Lucy (Elli^) Foster; father’s occupation merchant; paternal grandparents Ervin and Easter (Carson) Foster; maternal grandparents James and Hulda (Butt- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 183 ram) Ellis; educated at Huntsville, Tenn. ; Academy and at T. U. Harri- man, Tenn.; began his business career as clerk in store; married Elzina McDon- ald Sept. 22, 1896; member Masons, K. of P., and I. O. O. F. ; Republican; ap- pointed Clerk and Master of Scott, Co., Tenn., Feb. 13, 1902, re-appointed Feb- 13, 1908 and is the present encumbent; ! member of the firm of Foster Bros. Bar- ’ nett Co. of Knoxville, and interested in Huntsville, (Tenn.) Banking Co. i i e n • 1 i- t $ t- la s- r- GOAD, Johx Robbixs, public official; horn Sept. 9, 1860; English and Scotch descent; son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Robbins) Goad; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Joshua and Sarah (Smither) Goad; maternal grandparents Michael and Mary (Lewal- len) Robins; received common school education; began his business career as a farmer; later entered the mercantile business at Elgin, Tenn., and continued in that business four years; married Martha B. Phillips Dec. 26, 1897 ; mem- ber F. & A. M., and I. O. O. F.; Sheriff of Scott, Co., Tenn., from Sept. 1894 to Sept. 1898; Circuit Court Clerk 1902-1910; has been Trustee of Scott, Co., Tenn., since Sept. 1910; helped organize Huntsville, Tenn., Banking Company in 1909. >1 1; 10 , if rt it- id le, at *1 id 1 on it GRIFFITH, James R., public oficial; born at Glen Mary, Tenn., Sept. 21, 1874; son of D. C. and Rosetti (Pemberton) GrifFith; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents John and Sarah (Holaway) Griffith; maternal grandpar- ents George W. and Phoeba (Gregory) Pemberton; received common school ed- ucation; in early life worked on a farm and taught school; acquiring much of his education at home; married Luyonia Creekmore Nov. 10, 1902; Past Chan- cellor K. of P., Past Sachem Red Men, Past Grand I. O. O. F., and member Royal Arch Masons; Republican; County Court Clerk Scott, Co., Tenn.; member of the Huntsville Banking Co., and business promoter. KEEN, Willard, attorney at law; born Willow Grove, Clay Co., Tenn., June 14, 1873; English and Irish de- scent; son of James Marion and Virginia Richmond (Mabiy) Keen; father’s oc- cupation, merchant; paternal grand- parents John and Jane (Johnson) Keen, maternal grandparents Thomas and Maria (Creed) Mabry; educated Hunts- ville Presbyterian Academy, Center Col- lege, Danville, Ky., and University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.; graduated from Center College with degree of B. S. in 1896, University of Tenn. with de- gree of LL. B. in 1899; in early life was engaged in mercantile business and taught school; married Esther Walton July 8, 1908; member Beta Theta Pi (Greek Letter Fraternity) Center Col- lege; Chevalier Commandery Knights Templar, Harriman, Tenn.; Sunbright Chapter R .A. M. ; Helenwood Lodge No. 570 F. & A. M.; New River Lodge I. O. O. F. ; Huntsville Lodge K. of P. ; Bar Association of Tenn.; Republican; United States Commissioner; chairman Scott Co., Tenn., Board of Election Com- missioners; member of Presbyterian church. HURRICANE. JONES, John Gbady, farmer; born Buffalo, Tenn., Feb. 9, 1874; Irish de- scent; son of Samuel G. and Josie (Webb) Jones; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Dennis G. and Martha (Atkins) Jones; mater- nal grandparents William and Martha (Whitson) Webb; graduated at Lebanon. Tenn., Jan. 13, 1895; received LL. B., degree; married Julia Chappell Feb. 25, 1897; member Knights of Pythias; Dem- ocrat; member of Legislature in 1899; defeated for Congress by L. P. Padgett in 1910; all of his life has been devoted to farming interests. IDOL. FARMER, Arthur, merchant; born at Thorn Hill, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1878; son of Endrew and Mary (Hipsher) Farmer; father’s occupation farmer: English descent; received common school education; began his business 184 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE career teaching school; married Mertie Leffew Aug. 21, 1903; former Deputy Sheriff 1904-1908; member Co. Board of Education from Grainger, Co., Tenn., 1908-1910; served three years in Co., “K” 8th U. S. Infantry 1899-1902, and two years in the Philippine Islands; first rank of Corporal, then Sergeant. HAYES, Henry Cray, farmer and trader; born in Grainger Co., Tenn., Aug. 23, 1872; English and Scotch- Irish descent; son of James Madison and Sarah (Godwin) Hayes; father’s occupation farmer and stock trader; ed- ucated at Tazewell, Rutledge and Jef- ferson City, Tenn.; in early life taught school; later entered the mercantile business; now engaged in farming, stock raising and trading at Idol, Tenn.; mar- ried Nannie Rose Dec. 7, 1899; Demo- crat; member of the Missionary Bap- tist church. MYERS, John Nelson, farmer; born in Grainger Co., Tenn., Aug. 15, 1844; German and Irish descent; son of Mar- tin and Mary (Dalton) Myers; father was a farmer and brick mason; pater- nal grandparents Peter and Winnie (Wiiloby) Myers; maternal grandpar- ents, C. and Matilda (Witcher) Dalton; educated in the public schools of Grain- ger, Co., Tenn.; married Gussie Dalton Nov. 7, 1868; member of F. & A. M.; Democrat; former justice of the peace, served sixteen years; served in the Con- federate army four years; member of the Methodist Episcopal church. South. IPE. McMURRAY, Boyd, farmer; born in Blount Co., Tenn., Feb. 15, 1827; Irish descent; son of Newton and Ellen (Bo- gle) McMurray; received common school education; married Elizabeth Jane Er- win Feb. 6, 1851 ; member of Methodist church,. South; formerly engaged in farming at Ipe, Tenn., now retired. IRON CITY. SEAVEY, Hial Paul, Postmaster, farmer and real estate dealer; born Pomfret, Vt., May 21, 1842; English descent; son of Isaac and Rebecca (Paul) Seavey; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Edmund and Sarah (Smith) Seavey, maternal grandparents Hial and Mary (Stevens) Paul; received academic education in public schools of Vermont, Green Moun- tain Institute and Royalton Academy, completed academic course in 1860; be- gan his business career as a farmer in Vermont, later taught school; enlisted in 12th Vermont Infantry 1862; then en- tered the photographic business, moving to- Columbia, Tenn., in 1868; and to Iron City 1890; is engaged in farming and real estate business; president of Southern Tennessee Development & Mining Co., secretary and manager Iron City Co., Iron City, Tenn.; married Louise G. Straehaner Dec. 31, 1868; member Stainless Lodge No. 580, F. & A. M., Iron City, Tenn., Lafayette Chapter No. 3, Columbia, Tenn.; Past Master, present Secretary Stainless Lodge, Past Chancellor Myrtle Lodge K. of P. Columbia, Past Chief Red Men; Republican; Postmaster Iron City, Tenn., for past 14 years; former Band- master 2nd Vermont Brigade Band with rank of Lieut.; member of the Christian church. JACKSBORO. BAIRD, Winston, Clerk and Master Chancery Court Campbell Co., Tenn. ; born at Newcomb, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1868; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel C. and Sarah E. (Bowman)) Baird; fath- er’s occupation, real estate dealer and farmer; paternal grandparents, William and Nancy (Barron) Baird, maternal grandparents Elias and Nancy (Doug- las) Bowman; educated Franklin Acad- emy, Jacksboro and Grant University, Athen, Tenn.; in early life engaged in merchandising, farming and surveying; Co. Surveyor Campbell Co. four years, Deputy Court Clerk four years, Deputy Clerk and Master two years, has been Clerk and Master for past ten years; member Republican State Executive Committee; Chair of Republican County Executive Committee; Capt. Co. H. 6th U. S. V. Immunes; served in Porto Rico, Spanish-American war; married Nora WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 186 Allen May 7, 1891; member I. O. O. F., K. P., O. U. A. M., K. of Labor, Modern Woodmen, U. R. K. of P., 32d degree Mason and Treas. of Jacksboro Lodge No. 322 F. & A. M.; member of Baptist church; now connected with Elk Valley Jellico Coal Co., mining coal, sec. and treas. Elk Valley Coal and Iron Co. ; en- gaged in mining, owns and publishes “Campbell Co. Citizen,” Jacksboro, Tenn. BROWN, John Ell, Public Official; born Jacksboro, Tenn., April 24, 1868; Irish descent; son of Eli and Martha (Neal) Brown; father’s occupation, farming; received common school edu- cation; in early life was a carpenter; married twice, first Reteelice Davis Dec. 25, 1903, second, K. C. Dix, April 17, 1905; member K. P. and M. W. of A.; Republican; Co. Court Clerk of Camp- bell Co., Tenn., since 1906. JACKSON. ANDERSON, Hugh Crump, banker; born McNairy Co., Tenn., Feb. 2, 1851; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William Tayler and Mahala (Wisdom) Anderson; father’s occupation, farmer, merchant; paternal grandparents, Thomas and Mary (Davis) Anderson, maternal grandparents, James and Susan (Sear- gent) Wisdom; educated at West Ten- nessee College, Jackson, Tenn., and Cumberland University, Lebanon, grad- uated from latter Law department with B. L. degree in 1873; entered the prac- tice of law in early life at Jackson, Tenn.; married three times, first, Helen Bond, Nov. 1876, second, Emma Bur- dette, May, 1889, third, Lena Myers, Sept., 1895; member Elks, Masons, and K. P. ; Democrat; served two years as City Attorney of Jackson, Tenn., 1874- 1875; Mayor 1884; later fifteen years as Mayor of Jackson, 1893-1908; member of Legislature of Tenn., 1879, also 1881; Tenn. Com. to Louisiana Purchase Ex- position, 1904; Election Commissioner of Madison Co., Director of Tenn. Cen- tennial, 1896; served as Asst. U. S. At- torney under Cleveland’s first adminis- tration, for Western District of Tenn.; at present he is Trustee of University of Tenn.; has been member of the Board of Education in Jackson, Tenn., for 18 years; and for twenty-two years Presi- dent of Peoples’ Savings Bank, Jack- son, Tenn. BIGGS, William Hyman, lawyer; born Friendship, Crockett Co., Tenn., Sept. 4, 1850; son of W. W. and Ma- tilda (Robertson) Biggs; father’s occu- pation, farmer; educated country schools and Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; graduated with degree of LL. B. at Lebanon, Tenn., June, 1874; in early life worked on a farm and later clerked in a store; married K. A. Jones July 25, 1878; Democrat; engaged in the prac- tice of law at Jackson, Tenn., and is in- terested in investments and various en- terprises. BLACK ARD, W. T„ Co., Clerk, born Madison Co. near Humboldt, Tenn.; son of Wiley F. and Terrisa M. (W'lie) Blackard; educated common schools; married Leila Wade Utley Oct. 12, 1892; member Jackson City Council; member City Board of Education; County Court Clerk Madison Co.; Trustee Jackson Free Library. BLACKMAN, John A., physician; born Gibson Co., Tenn., March 5, 1859; Scotch-English descent; son of John and Elna (Reid) Blackman; father farmer; educated Memphis Conference High School, Montezuma, Tenn., A. B. course, 1880; received M. D. degree May, 1883; in early life was a farmer; mar- ried Lula Grizzard, June 9, 1882; Demo- crat; member of the Methodist Church, South; engaged in the practice of Medi- cine at Jackson, Tenn. BUFORD, John W., lawyer, public official; born at Franklin, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1871; English and Scotch-Irish de- scent; nephew of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnson; son of John W. and Emma Sidney (Byers) Buford; educated Southwestern Baptist University, Jack- sin, Tenn., and University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. ; read law in law of- fice; admitted to bar in 1895; in early life was Deputy Clerk Supreme Court; married Mary Elizabeth Robertson Sept. 21, 1898; former Clerk of the Su- preme Court, Western Division; former I 86 who’s who owner and publisher of Jackson (Tenn.) Daily Democrat. BULLOCK, E. L., lawyer; Chancellor of the Eighth Chancerv Division of the State of Tennessee; Democrat; residence Jackson, Tenn. BYNUM, Robert Lee, educator; born Union City, Tenn., Sept. 28, 1867; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of William J. and Theresa Ann (Gilbert) Bynum; father’s occupation, merchant and farmer; paternal grandparents Green Horton and Lizzie (Day) By- num, maternal grandparents Washing- ton M. and Eliza (Cole) Gilbert; edu- cated Vanderbilt Training School, Union City, Tenn., and Bethel College; began teaching in 1889 ; elected Super- intendent of Public Instruction of Ohion Co., Tenn., in 1897, served five years; principal in Jackson city schools 1901-1906; elected Superintendent of Public Instruction for Madison Co., Tenn., 1907, and is the present incum- bent; served three times as Commander U. S. C. V. ; elected Pres. Tenn. Pub- lic School Officers 1903; married Fan- nie Lee Allen July 29, 1894; member Masons, Woodmen of the World; Dem- erat; Col. on the staff of Gov. M. R. Patterson 1907-1909; member of Tenn. State Board of Education; member of Presbyterian church, U. S. A. and Rul- ing Elder in same. CALDWELL, William Addison, banker; born Greensboro, N. C. Sept. 20, 1865; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William Addison and Rachel (Donnell) Caldwell; father’s occupation, Treas. N. C. R. R., and banker; paternal grandparents Thomas Craighan and Elizabeth (Doak) Caldwell, maternal grandparents, Major Robert and Nancy (Cabe) Donnell; educated S. W. B. University, Jackson, Tenn.; graduated from Eastman Business College, Pough- keepsie, N. Y., in 1885; entered bank- ing in early life ; member Elks Lodge No. 192; Treas. Lyndhurst Club; Demo- crat; Trustee Carnegie Library; mem- ber of Presbyterian church ; engaged in banking and farming; cashier of First National Bank, Jackson, Tenn. IN TENNESSEE CANTRELL, B. P., president Jackson Woolen Mills; born Lebanon, Tenn., beb. 8, 1866; son of Judge Robert and Martha (Magness) Cantrell; Scotch-Ir- ish descent; educated (Lebanon, Tenn.) Cumberland University; married Bessie Jennings, Oct., 1889; member Masons, Knight Templars, Past Eminent Com- mander, K. of P., I. O. O. F. Noble Grand; chairman committee which raised $35,000 for new Y. M. C. A., Jackson, Tenn., and treasurer of building commit- tee of same. CARROLL, Thomas B., public offi- cial; oanker; born Henderson Co., Tenn., bept. 25, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John W. and Mantie (Galbraith) Carroll; received common school educa- tion; married Mrs. Suzelle Murchison; member Masons, Elks; Democrat; Secre- tary State Democratic Committee, 1894; Cashier of Peoples’ Savings Bank, Jack- son, Tenn.; clerk of Supreme Court Tenn., Western Division. COLLINS, Emma Pauline, librarian; born Jackson, Tenn.; daughter Oscar F. and Elizabeth (Thompson) Collins; edu- cated public schools of Jackson; member U. D. C. ; took charge of Carnegie li- brary, Jackson, Tenn., at its opening 1903 and has held the position since that time. DRAKE, Alice Louise, librarian; born at Jackson, Tenn.; daughter of Thomas H. and Louise (Miller) Drake; paternal grandparents James and Mar- tha (Wood) Drake, maternal grand- parents, Jonn M. and Sarah (Philips) Miller; educated at Jackson, Tenn.; has engaged in library work for six years; librarian since March, 1910, of Jackson Free Library, Jackson, Tenn.; member of Presbyterian church. DRAKE, Love Jones, Public Reader; born Newbern, Tenn., Aug. 10, 1880; daughter of J. Ira and lola (Clay) Jones; father’s occupation, merchant; paternally she is descended from the Polk family, of which President James K. Polk was a member; graduated Nashville High School and Union Uni- versity, Jackson, 1896 and 1899 respec- tively; married John Miller Drake Jan. 17, 1901; she is president of Civic League and Vice-Pres. of Mutual Im- WHO 8 WHO IN TENNESSEE 187 provement Club, Jackson, Tenn. ; mem- ber of Episcopal church; for three years she was on the lecture platform as a reader; founder and promoter of Civic League Hospital, J ackson, Tenn. ; inter- ested in civic improvement and philan- thropic work. ENLOE, Benjamin Augustine, law- yer and editor; b(?rn Clarksburg, Tenn., Jan. 18, 1848; Scotch-Irish and Welsh descent; son of Benjamin S. and Nancy O. (Blair) Enloe; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather, Isaac Enloe, paternal grandmother, was a Miss Simpson prior to her marriage, maternal grandparents, William and Charity (Shepherd) Blair; educated Bethel College and Cumberland Univer- sity; graduated in law from latter Jan. 1873; received degree L.L B.; in early life was farmer, lawyer and publisher in succession; married Fannie Ashworth, April 5, 1870; member St. Johns Lodge No. 332 F. & A. M., Jackson Com- mandery No. 13 K. T. ; Alhambra Tem- ple, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Democrat; member Tenn. State Executive Commit- tee 1878-80; member of Legislature of Tenn., two terms, member of 50th to 53d Congresses, 1887-1895; railroad commis- sioner, Tenn., 1905; chairman since 1906; admitted to bar in 1873; editor Jackson (Tenn.) Tribune and Sun, 1874-86; Com- missioner to negotiate State debt, 1872; Executive Com. to St. Louis Exposition, 1904; member of Methodist church. EVERETT, Sidney Johnson, Public Official; born Weakley Co., Tenn., July 5, 1862; English-French descent; son of Elbert Green and Maleita (Busey) Everett; father’s occupation, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents John and Phoebe Rilla (Atkinson) Everett, maternal grandparents Edward and Anne (Ed- mondson) Busej'; graduated Bethel Col- lege, McKenzie, Tenn., with degree of 15. S. in 1885, and was Valedictorian of his class, and from Cumberland Univer- sity with degree of Bachelor of Laws, Jan., 1888; in early life worked on a farm, later taught school; married Vir- ginia Anne McCallum, October 22, 1890; member Knights of Pythias; member of Legislature 1887 from Wea'k- ley Co., Tenn.; appointed Judge of the 16th Judicial Circuit March 25, 1905, by Gov. James B. Frazier, when the circuit was created by the Legislature; was elected in Aug., 1906, and re-elected Aug., 1910; received Democratic nomi- nation for legislature at the age of 24, over five competitors; was member of the State Democratic Executive Com- mittee from 8th Congressional District from 1900-1904; was attorney for the railroad employes Mobile & Ohio rail- road strike in the spring of 1904; mem- ber of the First Presbyterian church, Jackson, Tenn. FISHER, F. B., banker; born Lewis- burg, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1851; son of Will- iam D. and Mary Eleanor (Ewing) Fisher; Seotch-Irish descent; educated common schools and private tutor and at Cumberland University Lebanon, Tenn.; married Lida C. Fleming, Alamo, Tenn., May 10, 1876; early business career, edi- tor country newspaper, Humboldt Jour- nal, Humboldt, Tenn.; member K. of P., Past Chancellor, and Representative of Grand Lodge; Sons of United Confeder- ate Veterans; vice-president Union Bank & Trust Co., vice-president Consumers’ Ice Co., president Dixie Casualty and Surety Co., president Southern Drug Co. (manufacturers), vice-president J. C. Felsenthal Co (wholesale groceries), all of Jackson, Tenn.; director Bank of Crockett, Bells, Tenn. (founder); direc- tor Pinson Savings Bank, Pinson, Tenn.; ex-president Tennessee Bankers’ Assn.; first president Jackson Free Library; Trustee of City Water Works, Jackson, Tenn.; Director Jackson Compress Co.; vice-president Alexander-Sparkman Fur- niture Co.; Director Jackson Y. M. C. A. ; vice-president Home Bldg & Loan Assn.; Director Pinson Pottery Co. Mfg. Fire Brick; Democrat. FLETCHER, Robert Samuel, bank- er; born Madison Co., Tenn., May 13, 1849; English descent; son of John Thomas and Caroline (Compton) Fletcher; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at Andrew College, Trenton, Tenn.; in early life was a teacher, later became editor of the Jackson Daily Whig, was engaged in merchandise for twenty-four years; has been a banker for the past fifteen years; since 1906 has been active president of the Bank 188 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE of Commerce, Jackson, Tenn.; married Pattie Walker Jan., 1885; member Ma- sons, Odd Fellows, K. of H., W. O. W., F. U. of A., Supreme Sentinel, and Grand Reporter K. of H., Sovereign Rep. W. O .W., etc.; was a member of Gov. R. L. Taylor’s staff with rank of Col. ; member of Methodist church. GATES, Robert, journalist; born Henry Co. Tenn., May 5, 1840; son of B. F. and Elizabeth Jackson (Roper) Gates; Irish-English descent; paternal grand- parents William Ward and Polly (Cheatham) Gates, maternal grandpa- rents Robert and Elizabeth (Lewis) Roper; educated West Tenn. College, Jackson (Tenn.) and Andrew College, Trenton (Tenn.); soldier 1861-65; rail- road contractor 1865-70; journalist 1870- 1884; engaged in advocating truck and fruit farming in West Tenn. 1883-4-5; in 1882-85 Assistant Commissioner Agricul- ture and Immigration under administra- tion Gov. Bate; conducted several excur- sions of Northern prospectors to Ten- nessee, organized and held a series of in- terstate industrial and agricultural con- ventions at Jackson, represented the State in the New Orleans World Exposition, had charge of Shelby Co. Pyramid Ex- hibit in the Tennessee Centennial; Indus- trial Commissioner for the L. & N, R. R. for Tennessee from 1897 to present; was instrumental in establishing the system of Farmers’ Institutes, which is doing so much to develop the agricultural in- terests of the state, incidentally looking after the railroad interests in tne legis- latures, and in a general sense promoting good will between the people and the railroads in Tennessee; is at present Lec- turer on Literary, Economic and Polit- ical subjects, also farming on large scale in West Tenn.; married Caledonia Jane Jester Oct. 29, 1867; Democrat; member Episcopal church. GLASS, Thomas Elisha, merchant; born Lexington, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James W. and Sarah F. (Collins) Glass; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grand- parents James W. and Elizabeth (Webb) Glass, maternal grandfather Elisha A. Collins, one of the old pioneer preachers of West Tenn.; educated West Tenn. College, Jackson, Tenn.; married Sallie Thomas May 8, 1871; member K. of P. and Red Men; in early life entered the mercantile business; was an accountant Brownsville, Tenn., several years, later became interested in the drug business, in which he was engaged twenty-three years; at present he is president of Jack- son (Tenn.) Paint and Wall Paper Co., and engaged in general insurance busi- ness; member of the Baptist church, and was for more than 25 years superin- tendent of Baptist Sunday school, Brownsville, Tenn., moved to Jackson in 1904, was made supt. of Sunday school of First Baptist church there, elected chairman of Finance Committee, also Deacon in same; was for a number of years Moderator of Big Hatchie Assn, and president of the West Tenn. Bap- tits Sunday School Convention 15 years, resigning in 1910. GRIFFIN, Charles Ewing, mer- chant; born Galloway, Fayette Co., Tenn., April 10, 1867; Irish descent; son of R. S. and Sallie (Loving) Griffin; father was a farmer and merchant; edu- cated in the public schools of Payette and Shelby Co., Tenn.; graduated from Leddin’s Business College, Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 9, 1886; in early life was a bookkeeper for various firms; married Pearl T. Joy April 10, 1889; member of W. O. W., Fraternal Order of Eagles, Red Men, Knights of Pythias, F. & A. M., B. P. O. E. ; Alderman of city of Jackson, Tenn., from 1893 to 1910 ; elected Mayor of Jackson, Jan. 6, 1910, without opposition; served four years as Grand Master Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias; is ruling elder in the First Cum- berland Presbyterian church of Jackson, Tenn.; Democrat. HERRING, Daniel W., lawyer; born Savannah, Tenn., Oct. 24, 1852; Scotch- Irish and French descent; son of John H. and Julia (Williams) Herring; fath- er’s occupation, merchant and lawyer; paternal grandfather J. H. Herring, his paternal grandmother was a Miss Sevier prior to her marriage, maternal grand- father J. J. Williams, his maternal grandmother was a Miss Wagoner prior to her marriage; educated Savannah. Tenn.; began life as a plow boy and WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 189 later taught school; was the youngest member of “the bov legislature” in 1875; appointed by President Cleveland U. S. Consul to the chief consulship in the Republic of Honduras, located at its capital; and in 1892 to the attorney- generalship of the 12th Judicial Circuit, and in 1908 special and then Regular Judge of the 12tn Judicial Circuit of Tenn. ; was the first lawyer to have the Supreme Court determine homestead rights under the Act of 1879; was the first attorney-general to secure convic- tion for a violation of the Age of Con- sent Law in Tenn.; was the first Tenn. Judge to give a special charge agadnst nightriding, and delivered well known charge defining public drunkenness, and when one should be indicted for this of- fense or when he was guilty; was the first U. S. Consul to settle a diplomatic question of international importance con- cerning foreign shipping by an appeal directly to foreign president; member W. O. W. for ten years; delegate to Head Camp, now member of Law Com; Valley; K. of H. vice-dictator of Tenn., Supreme Rep. to Nat Convention; K. of P. (Past Chancellor Com. and Rep. to Grand Lodge) ; married Arabanna Ham- ilton July 6, 1976. HOPPER, Jefferson Davis, physi- cian; born Henry Co., Va., July 1, 1861; son ot James Marian and Judith Hub- bard (Hatcher) Hopper; father’s occu- pation, farmer; received common school education and graduated from Kentucky School of Medicine in 1892; in early life was a farmer; married Alice Lee Ken- nedy May 7, 1885; member of K. of P. No. 166; engaged in the practice of med- icine in Madison Co., Tenn., and is di- rector in Union Bank & Trust Co., of Jackson, and the McGee Ross Hardware Co., also of the Tenn. Traction Co.; member of Methodist church. HOWARD, Ben J., attorney at law; born east of Lexington, Henderson Co., 'tenn., Dec. 31, 1859; son of Benjamin Franklin and Julia Francis (Timber- lake) Howard; father’s occupation, farmer and liveryman; received common school education, Jackson, Tenn.; in early life engaged in livery, feed and sale business; former Clerk of Circuit Court Madison Co., Tenn., later engaged in the practice of law, now attorney- general 12th Judicial Circuit of Tenn.; member of Methodist church; married Nina E. Robinson Nov. 10, 1881; mem- ber Knights of Pythias and Elks; Dem- ocrat. 1JAMS, Charles B., educator; born Corinth, Miss., Sept. 21, 1870; Welsh- Norwegian descent; son of G. Lafayette and Elda L. (Atkins) Ijams; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grand- parents Burgess and Katherine (Wood- ard) Ijams, maternal grandparents Reu- nen and Lettie (Mullens) Atkins; edu- cated Essary Springs and Henderson, Tenn., and Corinth, Miss., high school; graduated Essary Springs, with degree of B. S. in 1894, and Henderson, Tenn., with degree of A. M. 1897 ; in early life was reared on a farm; married Edna Carroll Aug. 17, 1904; member Red Men and Masonic Lodge; Junior Warden Ma- sonic Lodge; was formerly Co. Supt. Chester Co., Tenn., 1899-1905; Co. Supt. Hardeman Co., Tenn., 1905-6; former vice-pres. of Georgia Robertson Chris- tian College, Henderson, Tenn., for eleven years; Supt. of Chester Co. six years; Principal of Bolivar High School one year; President Tenn. State Teach- ers’ Association one year; Teacher of Science Jackson High School five months; Principal of West Jackson for past three years; instructor in State Pea- body Institute for past seven years; member Christian church (Clerk and Treasurer.) JOHNSON, Albert Sidney, Southern Presbyterian minister; born Tuscumbia, Ala., Sept. 11, 1881; son of Gen. W. A. (G. S. A.) and Kate (Barton) Johnson; father’s occupation, planter, merchant, capitalist and general in the Codfeder- ate army; educated Ala. Polytechnic In- stitute, Auburn, Ala., and Union Theo- logical Seminary, Richmond, Va. ; in early life entered the real estate busi- ness, later in the lumber manufacturing business; after two years in business be- came a student for the ministry; at- tended Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. ; was called to Huntsville, Texas, July, 1906, called to First Pres- byterian church, Gainesville, Texas, 190 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE April, 1908, and Oct., 1909, accepted the pastorate of the First Presbyterian church, Jackson, Tenn., which pulpit he now fills; Democrat; married Cecil Tip- ton, daughter of Col. W. S. Tipton, Oct. 11, 1906; member S. A. E. Fraternity and Sons of Confederate Veterans. JONES, Amos B., minister of the gos- pel; educator; born Boydton Va., Dec. 4, 1841; Irish-Welsh-Duteh and Eng- lish-French descent; son of Amos Wes- lev and Caroline Matilda (Blanch) Jones; fathers’ occupation, minister and president of Memphis Conference Fe- male Institute; educated at Jackson, Tenn., and Murfreesboro, Tenn., and Auburn, Ala.; degrees of M. A., LL. D. was conferred upon him Southwestern Baptist University and D. D. by Uni- versity of Ala.; married Mary Gordon Gates Feb. 6, 1868; member Masons, Royal Arch, Deputy Grand Master of Tenn., Knights Templar, Knights of Py- thias, A. O. U. W., I. O. O. F. and Elks; Grand Capt.-Gen. K. T. and Dictator K. of H.; was Capt. in army of C. S. A. 1860-5; wounded Chicamauga Sept. 19, 1863, and Atlanta, 1864; ordained minis- ter of the gospel M. E. church, Soutn; elected president Huntsville Female Col- lege June 15, 1880, owned entire plant which was burned 1895; established col- lege for young ladies Gadsden, Ala., May 31, 1859, and resigned July 31, 1896; was pastor of Talladega (Ala.) church 1896-7, and was elected president Memphis Conference Female Institute Sept. 25, 1897, which position he now holds. JONES, James Taylor, physician; born Jackson, Tenn., May 3, 1846; Eng- lish descent; son of Amos W. and Mary E. (Womack) Jones; father’s occupa- tion, Methodist preacher and president of M. C. F. Institute; received aca- demic education at West Tenn. College and at Greensboro, Ala.; graduated Washington University, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 22, 1870, with degree of M. D.; in early life was a teacher; later en- tered the practice of medicine; mar- ried Belle Gates Oct. 16, 1873; member Masons, Knights of Pythias, Elks; pres. Board of Health city of Jackson, Tenn., formerly Co. Health Officer Madison Co., Tenn.; private in Forrest Cavalry, 1864 and 1865; member of M. E. church. South; chairman of Board of Stewards Methodist church for past twelve years; Alderman for city of Jackson, Tenn.; di- rector of 2d National Bank and South- ern Engine and Boiler Works, Jackson, Tenn., also owner of Memphis Confer- ence Female Institute, Jackson, Tenn. KEY, William Neely, lawyer; born near Cotton Grove, Tenn., Jan. 13, 1880; English Quaker and Scoteh-Irish de- scent; son of John P. and Susie (Pear- son) Key; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, Martin B. and Violet (Puckett) Key, maternal grand- parents, John S. ana Martha (Olive) Pearson; educated in the country schools and Jackson (Tenn.) City Schools and Southwestern Baptist University; grad- uated from latter, A. B. June, 1901, L. B. May 30, 1902; began his business career as a school teacher, later was in Bradstreet’s law office; member of Red Men, J. O. U. A. M., Shakespeare Cir- cle; Fusion Democrat; Deputy Clerk & Master at Jackson, Tenn., since 1904; member of Cumberland Presbyterian Cnurch. LONG, William H., farmer and capi- talist; born Madison Co., Tenn., Nov. 18, 1856; son of James B. and Annie E. (McGee) Long; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at West Tenn. Col- lege; worked for Southern Express Co. for eighteen months in early life; mar- ried Ida King Tomanson Nov. 19, 1878. LOSIER, Joseph J., Public Official; born Muscatine, Iowa, June 4, 1857; son of Joseph and Margeretha (Gitzendan- ner) Losier; Swiss descent; educated pri- vate tutor and Marien Academy, Marien, Ky. ; married Frances Cameron 1899; former Principal Public Schools of Pa- ducah, Ky. ; president Bloomington Col- lege, Bloomington, Tenn.; devoted ten years to manufacturing church and bank furniture; Postmaster Jackson, Tenn. McCORRY, Thomas, lawyer; born Jackson, Tenn., April 29, 1872; Irish descent; son of Henry W. and Lucy Perkins (Cole) McCorry; father’s occu- pation, lawyer; paternal grandparents WSO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 191 Henry W. and Corinna Ann (Hender- son) McCorrv, maternal grandparents John A. and Mary Elizabeth (Perkins) Southwestern Baptist Univ. and Cum- berland Univ. ; graduated Cumberland Univ., June, 1895, with degree LL. B.; married Sadie Ella Mercer, Dec. 6, 1906; member B. P. O. E., jl. O. O. F. and F. O. E.; Democrat; Judge of Madison Co., Tenn., Court; member firm of Mc- Corry & Sneed, lawyers, Jackson, Tenn. McCOY Ambrose, physician and sur- geon; born in Madison Co., Tenn., April 29, 1858; Scotch-Irish descent; son of N. A. and M. E. (Hunter) McCoy; father’s occupation, physician and sur- geon; educated in the public schools of Madison Co., Tenn.; graduated from University of Louisville, Ky., M. D., 1880, Jefferson College Phna., Pa., M. D. 1888; married Mary Sessums, of Missis- sippi April 1906; member B. P. U. E., American Medical Association, Tenn. State Medical Assn.; Surgeon M. & O. R. R.; member State Board of Medical Ex- aminers; Democrat; engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery con- tinuously since he was 21 years of age; held position as resident physician in Philadelphia Hospital for two years; took post graduate course in the Univer- sity of Vienna, Austria ; Director in 1st National Bamc of Jackson, Tenn.; member of Presbyterian Church. McGEE, Gentry Richard, educator, public official; born Ebenezer, Miss., Sept. 17, 1840; Scotch-Irish-English and French descent; son of James Gentry and Marian (Ford) McGee; father’s oc- cupation, physician; paternal grandpa- rents Richard and Elizabeth (Gentry) McGee, maternal grandparents Rufus and (Harland) Ford; edu- cated at Andrew College; entered the Confederate service in May, 1861, be- fore receiving A. B. degree, which would have been given in June, 1861; served in the army May, 1861, to April, 1865, in Co. B, 12th Tenn. Infantry, C. S. A.; was Lieut, of his company while in the army and is now Lieut.-Col. in the U. C. V., also Adj. to Camp No. 37; married Sallie Valentine Prentiss, Rich- mond, Va., Feb. 6, 1872; Mason (Past Master), Knight of Pythias (Past Chancellor) ; began his business career as a teacher and taught three years at Miller’s Chapel, Dyer Co., Tenn., and one year at Bells, Crockett Co., Tenn., 26 years at Trenton, Tenn., and has been twelve years in Jackson, four years as principal of the high school and the last eight years as Superintendent of the city schools; has been a member of Tenn. State Teachers’ Association since its organization in 1872; aided in found- ing Monteagle Sunday School Assem- bly July 4, 1883; author of School His- tory of Tenn., published Oct., 1899; au- thor of many articles for school jour- nals and teachers’ assemblies; has worked in instructing in teachers’ institutes and §ummer schools for the past twenty- seven years; member of Christian church. McGEHEE, A. J., lawyer, born Carroll Co., Tenn., Dec. 25, 1859; son of A. C. and Susan (Chandler) McGehee; gradu- ate of Southwestern Univ. Jackson, Tenn. in 1881; married Jennie L. Dodde Nov. 10, 1886; admitted to bar '-885 and was assistant attorney-general for two years, 1887-1889; then turned his attention to development of real estate; secretary of loan association since 1891; Democrat. MAYO, Robert Council, farmer; born Madison Co., Tenn., March 22, 1854; Irish descent; son of Hardy and Sarah Jane (Givens) Mayo; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Frederick Mayo, maternal grandparents Robert H. and Loucinda (Hill) Givens; received common school education Madi- son Co., Tenn., and graduated from University of West Tenn. in 1871 ; mar- ried Sallie Lacey April 26, 1877 ; mem- ber Masons, Elks, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Honor and Red Men ; Regu- lar Democrat; Constable for eleven years in 2d District Madison Co., Tenn., Justice of the Peace nine years, sheriff seven years; member West Tenn. Mili- tary Cadets; has been a farmer all of his life and is also engaged in stock raising. MERIWETHER, John Henry, teacher; born Madison Co., Tenn., July 192 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 14, 1865; Scotch descent; son of Will- iam Pace and Judie (Henning) Meri- wether; received common school educa- tion, also attended school at Knoxville, Tenn., three years; began his business career at the age of 14 on a farm, later became interested in stock raising and educational work; he is also interested in mercantile business at Huntsville, Tenn.; married Viola Pegues Nov. 25, 1892; Democrat; former Constable for six years. MORRIS, George, former editor and manager Jackson Whig; born Somerville, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1883; son of Walter and Mary Etta (Parker) Morris; Scotch- lrish descent; graduate of Union Univer- sity, Jackson, B. S. degree, 1906, early business . career, chief clerk to the Su- perintendent Southern Express Co. at Memphis; married Karen McGehee Jackson June, 1907; member Elks and Kappa Sigma Frat. OAKLEY, Joseph Benjamin, minis- ter of the gospel; born at Mineral Springs, Ark., graduated Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., June, 1896; married Carrie Calhoun Sept. 9, 1896; entered the ministry at the age of seven- teen years, pastor or Cumberland Pres- byterian church four years at Columbus, Miss., one and one-half years at Marshall, Texas, three and one-half years at Dy- ersburg, Tenn., is now pastor at Jackson, Tenn.; in addition to his regular pas- torial work engages extensively in re- vivals. PERRY, William Albert, farmer and ginner; born Madison Co., Tenn., July 14, 1854; son of Hurbert and Mary D. (Howlett) Perry; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Albert and Mollie (Buckner) Perry, maternal grandparents William and Sarah (Ramsey) Howlett; educated in common schools in Madison Co., Tenn., and graduated at Evansville, Ind., in 1871 with degree of Master of Accounts; began his business career as an account- ant; represented Madison Co., Tenn., in the 50th General Assembly, appointed by Gov. R. L. Taylor as delegate to the 1st National Pure Food Convention in 1898, and again by Gov. McMillin as As- sistant Commissioner of Labor and Su- perintendent of Mines; Democrat; mar- ried Carrie Montague Jennings April 24, 1897; member W. O. W. ; member Baptist church. P1GFORD, Clarence E., lawyer; born Lauderdale, Miss., Nov. 11, 1873; son of James F. and Martha Jane (Delk) Pigford; father, planter and in railway service; educated Southwestern Baptist University and Cumberland Uni- versity, graduated from S. W. B. U. with degree B. A. 1893, Cumberland University with degree of LL. B. 1896; in early life he was a bookkeeper for lumber co. ; married Sarah Bransford Person Nov. 27, 1907; member S. A. E. fraternity. Elks; Democrat; just after graduating served on several occasions as special judge Court of Civil Ap- peals; former City Atty. Jackson, Tenn., for two terms; engaged in the practice of law and interested in banking, tim- ber and real estate business; member of Southern Presbyterian church. POPE, Tiiad W., lawyer; born near Jackson, Tenn., May 15, 1875; son Will- iam and Sarah (Walker) Pope; Scotch- Irish descent; educated high school West Point, Miss., and University of Miss.; studied law while (8 years) Deputy Clerk Supreme Court; admitted to bar in 1905; married Nell Robertson Sept. 20, 1906; member Delta Tau Delta Fra- ternity; represented Madison and Hen- derson Cos. as Floterial Representative in lower house of Legislature of 1903, 1905 ; represented Madison, Henderson and Chester Counties in the Senate as State Senator; re-elected 1907; junior partner of Pope & Pope, lawyers, Jack- son, Tenn. ROCHELLE, Roy S., secretary Lynd- hurst Club; horn Jackson, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1886; son of Dr. W. F. and Alice (Bur- gess) Rochelle; received academic educa- tion Jackson Union University; gradu- ated Vanderbilt University; member Elks’, Beavers’, Kappa Sigma Frat. — ROCHELLE, Walter Fenner, physi- cian; born Hardeman Co. Tenn., Feb. 6, 1858; French and Irish descent; son of John Simpson and Agnes Ann (Stone) who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 193 Rochelle; lather’s occupation, farmer; educated at Medon and McKenzie (Tenn.) public schools and private schools; graduated medical department Vanderbilt University M. D. degree in 1882; in early life he was a farmer, later taught school; married twice, first, Alice Burgess, Oct. 18, 1883, second, Kathleen McCorry, June 30, 1909; member B. P. O. E., K. of P., W. O. W., Lyndhurst Club; Democrat; owner and manager of Ro- chelle Sanitarium 1899-1904; now prac- ticing medicine at Jackson, Tenn.; mem- ber Episcopal church. SAVAGE, George Martin, minister of the gospel and teacher; born Tisho- mingo Co., Miss., Feb. 5, 1849; son of Hamilton Giles and Eleanor Jane (Shields) Savage; English-Irish and Scotch descent; father’s occupation, min- ister of the gospel and farmer; pater- nal grandparents Martin and Elizabeth (Hudspath) Savage, maternal grand- parents George and Mary (McElhanan) Shields; educated Ripley Star Institute, Henderson Masonic Institute and Union University, Murfreesboro, Tenn., gradu- ated from the latter with degree of A. B. 1871, A. M. 1874, and LL. D. in 1890; in early life was a farmer; mar- ried Fannie Forrester Williams July 26, 1871; member Masons, Woodmen of the World and Conversation Club, Jackson, Tenn.; Democrat; member of the Bap- tist church; has been in the ministry since June, 1871; was Principal of Hen- derson Masonic Male and Female Insti- tute 1871-7 and 1880-4; professor of English and French Southwestern Bap- tist University 1877-1880; Principal of Eagleville (Tenn.) High school 1884- 1890; President of Southwestern Baptist University 1890-1904; professor of phi- losophy i904-5; again president 1906-7; traveled in Greece and Bible lands 1905- 6; professor of philosophy 1907-8; pro- fessor Hebrew, Greek and French, Hall- Moody Institute, 1908-9; again profes- sor of philosophy in Southwestern Bap- tist University, now Union University, 1909. SEVIER, Charles Anderson, den- tist; born Brownsville, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1870; son of Dr. Charles H. and Cora E. (Anderson) Sevier; Scotch-Irish- French Huguenot descent; his great- great-grandfatuer, Robert Sevier, broth- er of Gov. John Sevier, was a soldier of the Revolution, and fell at King’s Mountain; his great-grandfather, Major Charles Sevier, after returning from bat- tle of New Orleans under Jackson, lo- cated at Jackson, Tenn.; and his grand- father, John Quinturf Sevier 5 was four- teen years sheriff of Haywood Co., Tenn.; his father, Dr. Charles Henry Sevier, practiced medicine and surgery at Brownsvihe, Tenn., for forty years; edu- cated High School, Brownsville, Tenn., graduated Vanderbilt University, D. D. S.; married Ida M. Sutherlin, Paris, Tenn., April 25, 1899; member Elks, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity; began prac- tice of dentistry at Paris, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1893; moved to Jackson, Tenn., March 10, 1897, where he is now prac- ticing his profession; Inventor “Shield and Moistener for Dental Tools ^’pres- ident Tenn. Dental Assn. 1907. SIMMONS, James Monroe, newspa- per man; born Fayette Co., Tenn., June 25, 1861; English descent; son of John H. and Olivia F. (Harris) Simmons; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather W. D. Simmons, maternal grandfather Thomas H. Harris; edu- cated at Southwestern Baptist Univer- sity, Jackson, Tenn., and graduated Commercial College, Keokuk, Iowa, July 2, 1881; in early life entered the newspaper business; married Anna D. Duke Oct. 21, 1884; member Knights of Pythias, Jackson Lodge No. 45, F. & A. M., Woodmen of the World, Head Consul Mana'ger, also Past Chancellor and Representative to Grand Lodge K. of P. ; former Alderman 4th Ward Jackson, Tenn., June, 1898-1900, and Mayor pro tern., Trustee of Jackson Free Library, Director and Vice-Pres. of Jackson Y. M. C. A.; formerly half owner of Jackson Daily Whig and later half owner of Jackson Daily Sun; founded Daily Democrat Sept. 27, 1910; director in the W. F. Lamb Piano Co., Jackson, Tenn.; Democrat; member 1st Baptist church and Superintendent of Sunday school twelve years, Jackson, Tenn. SNEED, Richard Reynolds, lawyer; 194 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE born at Jackson, Tenn., Nov. 21, 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Richard A. and Annie R. < Bunock) Sneed ; fath- er’s occupation, merchant and farmer; graduated law department S. W. B. Uni- versity in 1899; member Elks, Eagles and Red Men; Democrat; member Leg- islature State of Tenn. 1905; member of Methodist church. SPRAGINS, Robert Franklis, law- yer; born Jackson, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1873; Irish and Welsh descent; son of Thos. J. and Mary S. (Brown) Spragins; fath- er’s occupation, lumber manufacturer; paternal grandparents W. F. and N. R. (Wilkins) Spragins, maternal grand- parents Robert and Susan Brown; edu- cated public schools of Jackson, Tenn., and Union University, graduated from the latter with degree of B. S. in 1895 ; entered the legal profession in early life; married Sarah Hearn Nov. 6, 1901; member Elks, K. of P., W. O. W. ; City Attorney Jackson, Tenn., since 1901; President and Trustee of Jackson Pub- lic Library; member of Baptist church; is director in Union Bank & Trust Co., Jackson, Tenn., Director and Vice-Pres. Southern Heating and Cabinet Co., and Director of So. Tile and Brick Works, Jackson, Tenn. STOVALL, Ancil W., lawyer and poet; born near Selmer, McNairy Co., Tenn., March 3, 1849; son of John M. and Nancy E. (Ferguson) Stovall; Eng- lish and Dutch descent; educated pri- vate schools of McNairy Co.; studied law in law office; married Margaret A. Hendrix Feb. 13, 1871; member Masons, Board of Trustees K. of P.; elected to represent Madison Co., in Tennessee Legislature 1879-80; elected to Tennessee State Senate 1885-86-95-96; member Jackson City Council 1894-95; author “Scraplets,” Book of Poems, and con- tributor to journals; also author of “Life Lectures and Poetry of E. H. Osborne.” TAYLOR, Mark Henry, real estate and insurance business; born Jackson, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1864; son of Wyatt A. and Tennessee (Colims) Taylor; father’s occupation, farmer and real estate deal- er; graduated from 9th grade public school, Jackson, Tenn., in 1882; in early life was in the mercantile business; mar- ried Eva E. Gooch, Nov. 6, 1896; mem- ber W. O. W., K. P., and B. P. O. E.; Democrat; member of City Council June, 1900, June, 1908; member of County Ji 1 Democratic Committee, 1909-10; member of the County Court since Sept. 1900; {' member of M. E. Church, South; en- gaged in real estate and insurance busi- ness. TIGRETT, I. B., cashier Union Bank & Trust Co. ; born Friendship, Tenn., | Sept. 15, 1879; son of Rev. Samuel K. and Elizabeth (Nunn) Tigrett; Scotch- Irish descent; graduated Union Univer- j sity Jackson, Tenn., B. S. degree in [ 1898; married Mary Sue Kennedy July Jj 20, 1904; member Masonic Lodge, K. of 1 P., I. O. O. F., Sigma Alpha Epsilon [ Frat. ; former member State. Election Board; early business career, bank cashier (Halls, Tenn.); president Tenn. Bankers’ Assn., 1908-1909; president Southern Seating and Cabinet Co., J ack- I son, Tenn.; editor and owner of Jackson Sun; president Union University, Jack- son, Tenn. TRUSSELL, Elmer Seymour, former editor and publisher Jackson Sun; born near Pomeroy, Ohio, March 26, 1852; son of J. S. and Sarah (Stout) Trussed; English descent; educated common schools; married Constantia Hendry, Baltimore, Md., in 1880; member I. O. O. F., W. O. W. ; early business, printer and school teacher; editor Pomeroy, Ohio, Telegraph for twenty years; or- ganized and owned Pomeroy and Middle- port (Ohio), Electric Co., supplying two towns; treasurer and gen, mgr. of same (for twelve years), until 1902, when he removed to Jackson in 1902, purchasing the Sun. TUCHFELD, Aaron, merchant; born Rzeshow, Austria, 1867 ; Austrian de- scent; son of Solomon and Rebecca (Hornick) Tuchfeld; father’s _ occupa- tion, merchant; married Sophie Freed Aug. 11, 1897; member of Elks, Knights of Pythias; member of the Jewish faith. WALKER, Josef Clay, teacher; born Wartrace, Tenn., May, 1880; Seoteh- Irish-Spanish-German descent; son of WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 195 William B. and Pattie (Lane) Walker; father's occupation, planter; educated Cumberland University and Heidleberg, .Germany; graduated from Cumberland ' University June, 1904, with degrees A. B., A. M., and LL. B., 1907 ; in early life engaged in farming near Wartrace, Tenn.; married Annie Lou Wakefield Dec. 23, 1910; member S. A. E. frater- nity; member Baptist church. WARNER, Frank G., Secretary Y. . VI. C. A.; born Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 13, "1872; son of Geo. W. and Sara H. (Tay- or) Warner; educated at Pittsburg, (Pa.) High School; former Secretary Y. VI. C. A., department Penn., R. R. ; narried Mabel Preston, of Selmer, Ala., ipril 27, 1902; helped to raise the mon- :y to build- the Y. M. C, A. building at Jackson, Tenn. WEBER, John Laxgdon, clergyman; »orn Union S. C., Sept. 25, 1862; Eng- ish-Dutch descent; son of S. A. and iarah Alston (Langdon) Weber; fath- r’s occupation, Doctor of Divinity; pa- ernal grandparents Adam and Margaret Lander) Weber, maternal grandparents Villiam J. and Charity Dawson (Al- ton) Langdon; educated private schools f S. C., and graduated Wofford Col- ;ge, Spartanburg, S. C., June 12, 1882; eceived degree of D. D. from Southern Jniversity, Ala., and Litt D. Morris- larvey College, W. Va., June, 1904; in arly life engaged in newspaper work as ditorial writer, an., while managing edi- }r of the Chattanooga Times in 1893 r as ordained to the ministry; joined lolston Conference same year; pastor inoxville, Tenn., Gate City and Big tone Gap, Va., transferred to Kentucky i 1900 and for six years was president f Kentucky Wesleyan College and was astor of churches at Winchester and It. Sterling, Ky. ; in 1909 transferred ) Memphis Conference and became pas- >r of First Methodist church at Jack- in, Tenn., which pulpit he now fills; *s frequently contributed to magazines hd church papers; independent in pok- es; married Sudie J. Young, Union S. ;., Jan. 3, 1888. WITHERSPOON, Mrs. Ross, born at ickson, Tenn., Jan. 3, 1850; daughter of Richard Jackson and Sarah (Bal- low) Hays; married Ross Witherspoon Oct. 28, 1879; member of U. D. C. ; worker in Home Mission Society; or- ganized Young Woman’s Boarding Home, and is identified with every charitable organization in the city of Jackson, Tenn. WITHERSPOON, Ross, born near Jackson in 1850; son of William and Vira (Bumpas) Witherspoon; educated Jackson, Tenn.; married Angie Hays, Oct. 28, 1879 ; president Southern Seat- ing and Cabinet Factory; interested in various manufacturing interests of the city of Jackson; descended from John Witherspoon, who signed the Declara- tion of Independence. JAMESTOWN. BOWDEN, John Seymour, attorney at law, stenographer; born Fentress Co., Tenn., May 29, 1870; son of J. S. and Polly A. (Stephens) Bowden; educated Hiwassee College, Monroe Co., Tenn.; began his business career as a farmer; later taught school; married Nettie E. Garrett Julv 4, 1889; Democrat; former Deputy Co. Court Clerk and Deputy Clerk and Master of Fentress Co., Tenn.; has done book keeping and stenographic work; member of the Baptist church. CASE, Ward Roland, lawyer; born Brown Co., O., April 6, 1876; English- Dutch and Scotch-German descent; son of D. R. and Frances (McBeth) Case; father’s occupation, teacher; paternal grandparents Henry Butler and Mary (Lake) Case, maternal grandparents, Jas. P. and Elizabeth (Spires) McBeth; educated in the local schools of Brown and Warren Cos., O., and Morgan Co., Tenn. ; taught one term of school 1895 ; studied shorthand at home and law in law offices while working as a stenog- rapher of O. C. Cornatser 1896-8, and Ingersoll & Peyton, 1898-9, Knoxville, Tenn.; admitted to bar Aug., 1897, and formed partnership with O. C. Cornatser, under the name of Cornatser & Case in 1899, which has continued to date; mar- ried Mollie Albertson Dec. 10, 1899; member Trinity Consistory No. 2, Nash- ville, 32d degree, Jamestown Lodge No. 281 F. & A. M., Jamestown Lodge No. 196 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 83, I. O. O. F., at present secretary of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A." M., and has served as S. W. and W. M. of same; Republican; chairman of the Co. Board of education 1907-1910; present Co. Judge of Fentress Co., by appoint- ment. GARRETT, Isaac Levi, physician; born Fentress Co., Tenn., Jan. 15, 1870; English and Irish descent; son or Elijah and Celie Ellen (Raines) Garrett; edu- cated in the public schools of Pickett Co., Tenn. ; graduated from medical dept. University of Nashville April 1, 1907; began his business career as a school teacher; married Irene Huddleston Feb. 5, 1906; member Byrdstown Lodge No. 496, F. & A. M. ; Republican. GARRETT, James Lafayette, Pub- lic Official, minister of the gospel; born at Livingston, Tenn., March 24, 1858; French and German descent; son of Al- exander M. and Jannette (Matheny) Garrett; father’s occupation, attorney at law; paternal grandparents Elijah and Anna (Story) Garrett, maternal grandparents Samuel and Sitha (Grims- ley) Matheny; educated in the common schools and Jamestown Academy; mar- ried Leann Smith Nov. 27, 1877; mem- ber Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., W. M. ; Democrat; elected clerk of the Co. Court of Fentress Co., Tenn., serving four years, was then appointed Clerk and Master of Chancery Court by Chancellor B. M. Webb, in which posi- tion he served six years, reappointed by Chancellor D. L. Lansden in 1905, and is the present incumbent; in early life he was a farmer, teacher and minister of the gospel, now senior partner of the mercantile firm of J. L. Garrett & Son, General Merchandise, Jamestown, Tenn.; member of the Baptist church. GAUDIN, William Johh, merchant, Public Official; born Fentress Co., Tenn., Jan. 31, 1859; Swiss-French de- scent; son of John W. and Adelia (Very) Gaudin; educated Hiwassee Col- lege, Monroe Co., Tenn.; began his busi- ness career as a school teacher and farmer; entered the general merchandise business in 1892; married twice, first Z. A. Edwards. Nov. 6, 1881, second, J. A. Rich, May 19, 1904; member Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., and 32d de- gree Scottish Rite, Valley of Nashville; Republican; appointed U. S. Commis- sioner by Dept, of Justice in 1882, and has held that office since; member of Methodist church. HOGUE, Albert R., teacher, lawyer: born Fentress Co., .Tenn., June 24, 1873; English descent; son of Anderson and Elizabeth Jane (Smith) Hogue; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Alpine In- stitute, Overton Co., Tenn.; in early life worked on a farm, began teaching school at age of 17 ; on Finance Com. Fentress Co 1884; admitted to bar 1895, and tc practice in the federal Court 1910: taught in Ga., 1907-1908-1909, in high school, in Jamestown (Tenn.) High School Intermediate Dept. 1909-10-11; organized the School Improvement! Lodge in 1900, and holds two copyrights on work; married Tilda Hinds in 1894.J second, Josie Abbott, 1904; member I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; Notary Public in Ov- erton Co., Tenn., 1899-1.905; Co. Suplj of Schools 1905-1907 ; member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. SHELLEY, Eugexe M.,' banker; born Albany, Ky., Sept. 8, 1875; English and| Irish descent; son of W. M. and Martha A. (Amy) Shelley; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at Albany (Ky.) High; school; began his business career as all school teacher, later clerked in general store, and then clerk in bank; assistedj in organizing Burnside Banking Co., Ky.. in 1900 and was cashier of same until Jan. 1, 1906, when he organized the Weiser National Bank and was cashier 1 and director of same until Feb., 1909, when he resigned and went to James- town, Tenn., and bought controlling in- terest in the Bank of Jamestown, Tenn.. and has been cashier of same since: married Dora D. Harrison Dec. 4, 1901 ; member of Knights of Pythias, Capt. in Co. I 4th Ky. Vol. Infantry Spanish- 1 , American war; Republican; member ol Christian church. WRIGHT, William L., banker, real, estate dealer; born Pall Mall, Tenn., in 1879; son of John C. and Mary Frances] (Williams) Wright; father’s occupation. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 197 farmer, merchant, Maj. 9th Tenn. Yol. Cavalry Civil war, Federal soldier; edu- cated University of Harriman, Tenn., and Maryville, (Tenn.) College; in early life he taught school, later he was a railroad agent; elected trustee at age of 21 and was the youngest office holder in history of the county ; served three terms ; elected President Bank of Jamestown, which po- sition he now holds; owns an interest in two farms in Fentress Co. and one-fourth interest in 11,287 acres of timber land in Fentress Co.; member Masonic Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M„ I. O. O. F., served one term as Noble Grand of I. O. O. F. ; Republican; delegate to Republican Na- tional Convention at Chicago in 1908, and has attended every Republican state con- vention since he was 21. JASPER. KIRKPATRICK, R. 31., merchant; born Jackson Co., Ala., Jan. 22, 1866; Scotch descent; son of William T. and Mary Ann (McFarland) Kirkpatrick; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education ; married Blanch Jenkins Nov., 1898; member Woodmen of the World; Republican; Trustee for Marion Co., Tenn,; Vice- Pres. Sartain Drug Co., South Pittsburg, l'enn. ; member of the Cumberland Pres- byterian church. THACH, Patrick Henry, attorney it law; born Jasper, Tenn., Aug. 2i, 1877; French and Irish descent; son of lessex and Martha (O’Neal) Thach; father’s occupation, saddler and harness- naker; paternal grandparents Joe D. tnd Lydia (Parks) Thach, maternal grandparents Andrew and Caroline [Henson) O’Neal; educated Sam ITous- on Academy, - Jasper, Tenn., and Win- :hrop Model School, Nashville; began lis business career as a printer, later itudied law; admitted to bar Aug. 23, 898; married Jennie Raulston Dec. 29, 904; member F. & A. M. (Past Mas- er), Knights of Pythias (Past Chancel- ^r) ; Republican; former Co. Attorney Jarion Co., Tenn., six months; member : 'f the 56th Gen. Assembly of Tenn. JEFFERSON CITY. BAYLESS, William Charles, minis- er; Porn Madisonville, Tenn., Sept. 29, 1848; son of Smith and Narcissa (Hickes) Bayless; paternal grandfather William Bayless, paternal grandmother Jane (Hair) Bayless, maternal grand- father Charles Hickes, maternal grand- mother Sallie (Houk) Hickes; English and Dutch descent; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Carson & Newman Col- lege and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; graduated from Carson & Newman College A. B. degree June, 1874; married Florence Nightingale Peck June 27, 1877; early business farming; missionary in Tenn. under the auspices of the American Baptist Publi- cation Society of Philadelphia, Pa., 1897, under commission to place Bibles and Testaments in the homes of the destitute and preach the gospel to the poor; owns small farm at Jefferson City, Tenn.; is a stockholder in the Elk Valley Coal & Iron Co., which owns 8,800 acres of coal and iron lands at Ehc Valley, Campbell Co., Tenn.; owner of one-fifth interest in the 2,600 acres or Jacob Peck Iron lands in Polk Co., Tenn. ; member Mis- sionary Baptist church. BIBLE, Jonathon David, farmer; born Warrensburg, Tenn., Oct. 9, 1863; German and English descent ; son of El- bert and Mary Jane (Reed) Bible; fath- er's occupation, farmer; paternal grand- parents Jonathan and Drusilla (McGin- nis) Bible, maternal grandparents David and Mary (Wisecarver) Reed; educated Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City, 'l'enn. ; began teaching public schools at age of 19, and continued same for nine years, then was principal of Jefferson City Public School for nine years; elected chairman of the Executive Board of Trustees of Larson-Newman College May, 1910; was a partner in J. C. Beel- er’s Dry Goods store 1889-1892; married Cleopatra Willis June 20, 1899; member of Golden Cross, Noble Commander of No. 576; Justice of the Peace since Aug., 1906; Deacon of the First Baptist church, Jefferson City, Tenn. BUNDREN, James Henderson, at- torney at law; born Grainger Co., Tenn., Oct. 19, 1869; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rubin B. and M. E. (Farmer) Bun- dren; father’s occupation, farmer; edu- 198 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE catecl Carson and Newman College and Columbian University, graduated from Carson and Newman College with de- gree B. S. May 29, 1894; taught school in early life; married Margaret C. Peak Sept. 24, 1903; member Mossy Creek F. & A. M. No. 353, R. A. C. No. 81, Coeur de Lion Commandery No. 9, Alhambra Temple A. A. N. M. S.; Dem- ocrat; member of State Committee since 1904; engaged in the practice of law at Jefferson City, Tenn.; member Baj>tist church. BURNETT, Jesse McGarity, educa- tor, minister of the gospel; born Del Rio, Tenn., Aug. 29, 1870; English de- scent; his ancestors came into this coun- try in early colonial days, a great uncle was killed in battle of Kings Mountain, N. C.; son of Jesse M. L. and Henrietta Sarah (Cody) Burnett; father’s occupa- tion, minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents Swann and Frances (Bell) : Burnett, maternal grandparents, Ed- mund and Sarah (Henderson) Cody; graduated from Richmond (Va.) Col- lege with degree A. B. 1891, Southern Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., 1894, reecived degree D. D. from Car- son and Newman College; married Lu- cile Phillips Oct. 6, 1907 ; Independent Democrat; member of the Baptist church ; professor of Greek in Carson and Newman College, Jefferson City, since 1894, also in recent years lias preached to neighboring churches. GALBRAITH, Frank W., civil en- gineer, farmer, postmaster; born New Market, Tenn., Sept. 25, 1859; Scotcli- Irish descent; Son of William and Louisa Catherine (Cobb) Galbraith; paternal grandparents Andrew and Sarah (An- derson Galbraith) ; maternal grandpar- ents Jesse Leanali (Cox) Cobb; educated public schools of Jefferson Co., Univer- sity of Tenn. and U S. Military Acad- emy; began his business career as a civil engineer, later became interested in farming; appointed postmaster at Jef- ferson City, Tenn., Nov. 1, 1900, and is the present incumbent; cadet U. S. Mil- itary Academy, West Point, N. Y. 1877- 1881 ; married Mamie B. Hannigan Sept. 12, 1888; Republican. HALE, W. Powell, impersonator and'j entertainer; born Carthage, Tenn. Nov. 22, 1873; son of S. S. and Abbie E. (Breeding) Hale; father’s occupation,; minister of the gospel; educated Carson and Newman College, University of Tenn., and Kings School of Oratory; graduated from Carson and Newman College, Kings School of Oratory with!, degree of A. B., May 1897 ; taught oratory five years in Carson and Newman College and then went on platform, first , under the direction of Rice Bureau, then Midland Bureau of Des Moines, la., and now under Alkahest Lyceum System, of Atlanta, Ga., and Coit Bureau of Cleve- land, O. ; he spends eight months of each year on platform, and devotes four months to study; married Blanche \ Thomas Aug. 9, 1898; member Knights of Pythias; Missionary Baptist church. JEFFRIES, Millard Dudley, educa- tor; born Culpepper Co. Va., Nov. 18, 1855; English and Welsh descent; son of Thomas and Mary Mildred (Lewis) Jef- fries; father’s occupation, carpenter, lumberman and farmer; paternal grand- father, Richard Jeffries; paternal grand- mother was a Miss Pollard prior to her; marriage; maternal grandparents, John and Nancy (Wallis) Lewis; educated! Culpepper High School, University of Va., Southern Baptist Theological Semi- nary; graduated from University of Va., with degree of M. D. in 1875, Southern Baptist Theo. Seminary May 1881; in early life he was a physician; married Anna B. Newcomer, Nov. 30, 1881 ; pas-j ; tor Blackburg, Va., 1881; East Church Louisville, Ky., 1885-1893; Broadway Baptist, Knoxville, Tenn., 1893-1903;:! Chapel Hill, N. C., 1882-1885 has been president cf Carson and Newman Col-; lege, Jefferson City, Tenn., since 1903; Democrat (Prohibition); member of the Baptist church; member F. & A. M. JONES, Shelby Ellette, minister, teacher; born near Mandola, Scott Co.,; Va., Nov. 30, 1854; Welsh and English descent; son of Y. IT. and Martha (Liv- ingston) Jones; father’s occupation, phy- sician ; paternal grandparents W. H. and Arty (Sams) Jones, maternal grand- parents Peter and Katherine (Benhaml Livingston; graduated from Carson and who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 199 Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn., with degree A. B. 1877, A. M. 1877, D. D. 1888; married Ida Grace Tyler, July 23, 1876; three times elected professor in Carson and Newman College; held the chair of Latin and Greek a short time, chair of natural science two years, chair of mathematics 20 years, in the mean- time taught homiltics and theology, some of his students are now occupying im- portant pulpits in different parts of U. S.; among his most prominent pastor- ates were: 1st Baptist church, Jeffer- sin City, 1st Baptist church Murfrees- boro, 1st Baptist church Morristown, South Side Baptist church, Knoxville, Tenn.; he is now professor of mathe- matics Carson and Newman College and pastor of Dandriage, New Market and Whitesburg, Tenn., Baptist churches; Republican; member of the Missionary Baptist church. KING, William Felix, physician; born Bull’s Gap, Tenn., March 8, 1862; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Har- vey King ; father’s occupation, ' 'physi- cian; educated public schools and Mo- sheim Institute (now Cowder College), graduated from latter with degree 1879; received degree M. D. 1890 Nashville, Tenn.; in early life he was a farmer,' later taught school; married Annie A. Hof faker Sept. 16, 1888; member I. O. O. F., K. P., U. O. G. C.; member of the Baptist church; engaged in the prac- tice of medicine at Jefferson City, Tenn. LEEPER, Fraxcis L., minister of the gospel; born Talladega Co., Ala., Aug. 1, 1874; Scotch and Dutch descent; son of Samuel and Ellemorah (Stone) Keeper; father’s occupation, farmer; ed- ucated Lower Peach Tree, Ala., gradu- ated Columbia, S. C., May 1, 1871 ; mar- ried twice, first Eliza Jane Crawford, Dec. 22, 1870, second Hallie Morford Coffee, Jan. 8, 1901; member Masons; entered the Confederate army at age of 16 and served two years; served four lyears as evangelist of Nashville Presby- tery, twice as pastor at McMinnville, Tenn., and has for some years been pas- tor at Jefferson City, Tenn.; member of Presbyterian church. TITTSWORTH, Buford M., physi- cian; born Shady Grove, Tenn., Oct. 9, 1871; son of Elihu M. and Mariah Eliz- abeth (Trotter) Tittsworth; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s occupation, merchant and farmer; educated University of Tenn. and Carson & Newman College; graduate of Baltimore Medical College April 13, 1897 ; married Eva McSpad- den; member of F. & A. M. (Royal Arch), K. of P., W. O. W., Junior Or- der, U. S. Pension Examiner, Surgeon for Southern R. R. Co.; president and secretary Jefferson Co. Medical Society; was Second Sergeant Co. A, N. G. S. T. ; early business, school teaching and farm- ing; member Baptist church. JELLICO. JENNINGS, John, lawyer; born Jacksboro, Tenn., June 6, 1880; English descent; son of John and Julia (Forres- ter) Jennings; father’s occupation, law- yer; educated public schools Campbell Co., Tenn., graduated from Grant Uni- versity, Athens, Tenn., with B. S. de- gree May, 1906; taught five years in public schools of Campbell Co., Tenn.; editor of Lafollette Times one year; su- perintendent of public instruction of Campbell Co., two years, 1903-1904; used money made while teaching school to de- fray his expenses through law school; engaged in the practice of his profes- sion at Jellico, Tenn.; married Pearnie E. Hamby, Sept. 19, 1906; member Ma- sonic Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows and J. O. U. A. M; Republican; active in politics; member of Methodist Episcopal church. LEWIS, Walter Thomas, mine ‘man- ager; born Dowlais, Glamorganshire, Wales, Sept. 25, 1854; Welsh descent; son of David and Charlotte (Thomas) Lewis; educated Dowlais, Wales; mar- ried three times, first Mary Jeffreys, 1875, .second Mary J. Williams 1890, third Josie Reynolds 1902; member Ma- sons; Republican; member of City Coun- cil, Jellico, Tenn., 1902, Mayor of Jellico 1903; interested in coal mining co., Mt. Ash, Ky., the Glamorgan Hotel, Jellico, 1 enn. JOHNSON CITY. BOLTON, Samuel Pearce, contrac- 200 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE tor; born Kingsport, Tenn., Feb. 7, 1848; English and Scotch descent; son of W. S. and Martha (Nelms) Bolton; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; paternal grand- parents Noah C. and Catharine '(Fred- erick) Bolton, maternal grandparents AVilliam and Elizabeth (Childress) Nelms; received common school educa- tion; served in Co. E, 33d Tenn. Vol- unteer C. S. A., attached to Gen. Al- fred Jackson’s Brigade of Home Guards; reared on the farm; married S. E. Pesegay of Va. Jan. 19, 1873; mem- ber No. 486 A. F. & A. M„ T. E. Mat- son’s Chapter No. 131 Johnson City; Democrat; former chairman of Execu- tive Committee of Sullivan Co., Tenn. ; also Justice of the Peace and School Di- rector in same Co. ; member of Presby- terian church, South, and is an elder in First Presbyterian church, Johnson City, Tenn. BRADING, James Edward, lumber- man; born at Pomeroy, Ohio, June 2, 1865; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Will- iam and Abigail (Fisher) Brading; fath- er’s occupation, tailor; paternal grand- parents James and Elizabeth (Nutt) Brading, maternal grandparents Gus- tavus and Abigail (Stanley) Fisher; ed- ucated at Gallipolis, Ohio; moved from Ohio to Chattanooga, Tenn., at the age of 16, where he was first employed by Hon. H. Clay Evans, who made him timekeeper for the Roane Iron Co., Rockwooci, Tenn.; in 1884 went in the 1st National Bank of Chattanooga, and in 1889 moved to Johnson City and be- came cashier of Citizens’ Bank; in 1900 was elected cashier of the Dominion Na- tional Bank of Bristol, Va., and in 1902 organized the 1st National Bank of Nor- ton, Va., in 1903 he disposed of his in- terest in the 1st National Bank of Nor- ton, Va., and the Wise Coal & Coke Co. and removed to Johnson Citv. where he has since remained; is at present Presi- dent of Brading-Marshall Lumber Co., Johnson City, Tenn., Vice-Pres. Acme Builders’ Supply Co. of Elizabethton, Tenn., Director Jones-Marshall Lumber Co. of Morristown, Tenn., and Vice- Pres. First National Bank of Elizabeth- ton; married Kate Stivens Nov. 20, 1889; member of Masons, Knights Templar and Mystic Shine; Past Master Johnson City Lodge No. 489, F. & A. M.; Re- publican; Alderman Johnson City 1892- 1893; member of Washington Co. High School Board, Johnson City Board of Education, and Trustee and Treas. of Washington & Tusculum College; mem- ber of Presbyterian church. BROWNLOW, Frank Barr, musi- cian; born Abingdon, Washington Co., Va., Sept. 11, 1853; English descent; son of Joseph A. and Mary R. (Barr) Brownlow; father’s occupation, carpen- ter; educated in Abingdon, Va. ; began his business career as contractor and builder; married Ella V. Crawford Aug. 25, 1875; bandmaster National Soldiers’ Home, Tenn. ; member of Episcopal church. BUCK, James Madison, lumberman; | born Ringgold, Ga., March 30, 1860; German and English descent; son of Daniel M. and Mary E. (Mougle) Buck; [i father’s occupation, Christian minister; educated in the public schools; in early J life he was a farmer boy, later became j ; dry goods clerk, then became interested in lumber; former Vice-Pres. City Na- j tional Bank, Johnson City, Tenn.; at t| present Sec. and Treas. Buck & Snod- grass Lumber Co., President Southern J Land Co.; married Mary Kate Morison Jan. 22, 1889; member Johnson City , Lodge F. a A. M., Thomas E. Matson f Chapter R. A.- M., Lynn Commandery, Marion, Va. ; also Shriner, member Al-|j hornet Temple, Chattanooga, Tenn. ; lj Democrat (Independent); member of the Jonnson City School Board for past | twelve years; member of Christian 1 church. COX, James B., attorney at law; born at Blountville, Sullivan Co., Tenn., March 4, 1861 ; English and Scotch de- scent; son of Abram J. and Harriet (Worley) Cox; father’s occupation, pub- lic official, educator;, paternal grand- parents John W. and Elizabeth (Barn- stetter) Cox, maternal grandparents James B. and Mary (Shell) Worley; educated in public schools, Jefferson Academy and University of Tenn.; in early life taught school; licensed to prac- tice law in 1891; elected City Attorney for Johnson City 1898; secured contract who’s WHO JN TENNESSEE 201 to supply National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers at Johnson City, Tenn., with water; secured legislation to condemn water for same 1903; appointed local counsel for C. C. & O. Ry. in Tenn. 1906; appointed U. S. Atty. April 26, 1910; married Mary Amelia Richmond May 31, 1882; Republican; interested in water works; owns Austin Springs prop- erty and other property in Johnson City; also interested in business and owns property Gate City, Va., and owns a farm in Spokane Co., Washington; mem- ber of Methodist Episcopal church. Steward and Sunday School Teacher in same for twenty years. COX, J ohn Worley, physician and surgeon; born Blountville, Tenn., Dec. 8, 1847; Scotch-German descent; son of A. J. and Harriet A. (Worley) Cox; father’s occupation, Clerk of the Co. and Circuit Courts of Sullivan Co., Tenn., 20 years; paternal grandfather John W. Cox, paternal grandmother was a Miss Barnstutter prior to her marriage, ma- ternal grandfather James B. Worley, ma- ternal grandmotner was a Miss Shell prior to her marriage; educated at Jefferson Academy, Blountville, Tenn ; received degree M. D. March 4, 1884; in early life was a farmer, later taught school; married Lelia Sue Hoskins June 7, 1882; member A. M. A. and State Medical Society; Republican; member U. S. Board of Medical Examiners, Secre- tary of same; Lieut, and Assist. Sur- gein U. S. V. 1., served in Porto Rico 1898-9; commissioned as 1st Lieut, and Assist. Surgeon by R. A. Alger, Sec. of War, and William McKinley, President, June, 1898; memner of Presbyterian church; engaged in the practice of medi- cine at Johnson City, Tenn. DULANEY, Foy Wesley, manager Hotel Planters; born Jonesboro, Tenn., Nov. 15, 1868; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Eph and Sallie (Watson) Dulaney; educated in the public schools of Wash- ington Co., Tenn.; married Nellie A. Taggart May 3, 1893; member B. P. O. E.; Republican; former Circuit Court Clerk Washington Co. 12 years; reared on the farm; clerked in store until age of 20; interested in general insurance and real estate business for past 15 years; manager Hotel Planters, Johnson City, Tenn. ; member of Methodist Epis- copal church. ELLSWORTH, Elmer Ellis, public official; born Williamsburg, Pa., Sept. 18, 1860; Scotch-Irish and German de- scent; son of Josiah F. and Mary (Ir- win) Ellsworth; father’s occupation, flour and paper mill contractor; edu- cated at Williamsburg and Hoilidays- burg, Pa.; married Carrie S. Kennedy, Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 29, 1892; Re- publican; City Recorder and Treasurer Johnson City, Tenn.; former member of firm of J. F. Ellsworth & Son, Con- tractors, Supt. and then Manager of Riverside Flour Mills, Little Falls, Minn., Assist. Manager D. H. Baldwin & Co., Graceville, Minn., Manager Biddle & Ellsworth, Johnson City, Tenn.; at pres- ent member of lumber firm of M. W. Dickey & Co. ; member of Presbyterian church. ESTES, Charles Nathaniel, manu- facturer, dealer in patents; born Jones- boro, Tenn., July 15, 1857 ; Scotch de- scent; son of James A. and Elizabeth (Wills) Estes; educated Jonesboro, Tenn.; married twice, first Laura Young, March, 1879, second Nannie Patty, Dec. 31, 1890; member of Band of Gideons; Phohibitionist; in early life he was a traveling salesman in hardware business; at present general manager of the In- terstate Ventilating Co.; member of Cen- tral Baptist church. ESTES, Samuel Albert, teacher; born Jonesboro, Tenn., Nov. 11, 1869; French and Dutch descent; son of Joseph L. and Catherine (Garber) Estes; father, shoemaker, saddler and harnessmaker ; educated Jonesboro, Tenn., and Univer- sity of Tenn., graduated from latter. Normal course, with degree L. I. in 1893; married Etta C. Leach Dec. 24, 1893; Democrat; Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction for Washington Co., Tenn., Oct., 1907, to Jan. 1911; member of the Baptist church; all of his busi- ness life has been devoted to educa- tional work. GARDNER, James Robert, lawyer; born Van Hill, Tenn., Aug. 2, 1879; 202 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE Scotch-Irlsh descent; son of Henry and Sarah (Ball) Gardner; father’s occupa- tion, farmer and merchant; paternal grandparents, James and Annie (Myers) Gardner, maternal grandparents John W. and Rebecca (Kelley) Ball; gradu- ated Oakland Seminary in 1899; reared on a farm; elected Judge of Corporation Court of Rogersville, Tenn., in 1902 and served two years; member of the 54th General Assembly of Tenn. from Hawk- ins Co. ; appointed Master in Chancery Court at Johnson City, Tenn., in 1900', and served until 1910; member Metho- dist Episcopal church; member B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F. and P. O. S. A.; Repub- lican. HENDERSON, Albert Pendi.eton, merchant; born Giles Co., Va. (now x,iand Co.), Dec. 14, 1841; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of James and Elizabeth (Neel) Henderson; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandpa- rents John and Sarah (Bane) Hender- son, maternal grandparents William and Nancy (Harman) Neel; educated in the country schools and Friendship Acad- emy; worked on father’s farm until 1861, when he entered Confederate army, where he served four years in Co. D, 37th Va. Infantry, with rank of Or- derly Sergt.; after the war he went to school until 1867; entered the mercan- tile business in 1868 and has been en- gaged in that business continuously ever since; was in retail business until 1905, when he entered the wholesale grocery business with his sons, in which they are engageu at Johnson City, Tenn.; mar- ried Melvina Ann Poweli Sept. 8, 1869; member of Catlett Lodge F. & A. M., Gate City, Va. ; 2d Commander McCon- nel Camp U. C. V.; Democrat; Com- missioner in Chancery for Circuit Court of Scott Co., Va., 1900-1905; member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. HUNTER, Robert Crouch, real es- tate and insurance agent; born Boon’s Creek, Tenn., Jan. 22, 1859; Irish de- scent; son of Perry and Elizabeth (Crouch) Hunter; received academic education at Boon’s Creek, Tenn.; mar- ried Jennie C. Dyer Jan. 24, 1883; Democrat (Independent); former Coal Oil Inspector for Johnson City. Tenn.; member of Baptist church and Deacon in same. JACKSON, Monroe, merchant; born Toleda, Iowa, April 29, 1856; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Andrew and Catherine (Quick) Jackson; father’s oc- cupation farmer and banker; educated in Iowa; married Cora B. Reynolds; member Odd Fellows, Commercial Club, Board of Trade; Democrat; Clerk State Senate Iowa 1888; Coal Oil Inspector, Johnson City, Tenn., 1910; in early life he was interested in live stock, later railroad mail clerk ; now interested in mercantile business; member of the Presbyterian church. LYLE, Cyrus Hamilton, editor; born in Washington Co., Tenn., Feb. 7, 1863; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Henry and Gertrude (Shewalter) Lyle; father was a railroad conductor; began his career as a printer; married Stacy Crum- ley, Feb. 27, 1889; member of Masons, Elks, K. P., I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum (Grand Vice Regent) and M. W. A.; Democrat; Postmaster during Grover Cleveland’s administration; Col. on staff of Governor Patterson; editor and own- er of The Comet, Johnson City, Tenn. MILLER, Walter James, physician; born at Blountville, Tenn., June 5, 1855; son of Elbert Sevier and Maria S. (James) Miller; father’s occupation physician; paternal grandparents Peter and Sarah (Hunt) Miller; maternal grandparents Walter and Sarah (Vin- cent) James; educated Shelbyville High School, Bedford Co., Tenn.; graduated from Vanderbilt University with degree M. D. March 1877; married twice; first Sallie S. Haynes April 22, 1880; second Sanna T. Taylor April 20, 1891; Demo- crat; appointed April 6, 1897 by Gov. R. L. Taylor, on State Board of Health, served seven years; member of Presby- terian church; engaged in the practice of medicine at Johnson City, Tenn. POWELL, Ferdinand, business man; who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 208 born Columbia, Va., Aug. 16, 1880; son of J. J. A. and Annie S. (Jones) Po- well; father’s occupation lawyer; pater- nal grandparents Dr. Norment and Mary C. (Wright) Powell, maternal grand- parents, Ferdinand and Mildred B. (Goodwin) Jones; graduated from Va. Polytechnic Institute with degree C. E. June 1901; early business oc- cupation claim adjuster S. A. L. Ry, and Gen. Claim Agent C. C. & O., Ry.; now interested in investments of bonds, timber lands, coal lands, and farms; member of B. P. O. E. No. 835; Demo- crat. — SELLS, George Caldwell, lawyer; born Sullivan Co., Tenn., May 6, 1878; English-German-Irish descent; son of Geo. W. and Mary M. (McCrary) Sells; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Samuel and Sarah (Bus- hong) Sells maternal grandparents Sam- uel and Elizabeth (Treadway) Mc- Crary; graduated from King College, Bristol, Tenn., with B. A. degree 1900; later received B. L. from same; also graduated from Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., with LL.B. June 1904; married Alpha L. Richard- son June 6, 1906; Master Mason, Royal Arch and 33d degree; member K. of P. ; Republican; County Attorney for Wash- ington Co., Tenn., since Jan. 1908; in early life he taught school; later studied law and admitted to bar in 1904; has practiced law at Bristol and Johnson City, Tenn., since admission to bar; now practicing attorney at Johnson City, Tenn. ; member of the firm of Cox & Sells; member of the Presbyterian church. SLACK, Embree Munsey, editor; born at Bristol, Tenn., Dec. 10, 1877; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Julia (Holston) Slack; father’s occupa- tion editor of Bristol Courier; former member of upper and lower houses Tenn. Legislature; Trustee of Sullivan Co., Tenn.; educated in public schools, King College, Bristol, Tenn., and Franklin (Ind.) College; graduated from the lat- ter with Ph. B. degree June 1899; early business occupation newsboy, printer, re- porter, editor and publisher; now editor and owner of the Daily Staff ; married Maxie Cox Dec. 1903; Independent; member I. O. O. F., Elks; member of M. E. church, South. VINES, D. A., lawyer; attorney-gen- eral for the First Judicial Circuit of the State of Tennessee; Republican; res- idence, Johnson City, Tenn. WEBB, Hugh Francis, business man; born in Sullivan Co., Tenn., June 16, 1859; son of Ben F. and Susanah (Jones) Webb; father’s occupation car- penter; paternal grandparents, David and Sallie (Jones) Webb, maternal grandparents, John R. and Katy (Mor- rell) Jones; educated Poplar Ridge, Sullivan Co. Tenn.; began his business career as a farmer, in which business he continued 20 years, when he entered the carpenter business, and later the mer- cantile business, then became a travel- ing salesman; married Dora Lindamood, Dec. 28, 1881 ; member Masons, Chapter (King), I. O. O. F. (Warden), En- campment (Guide) J. O. U. A. M., and K. O. T. M.; Democrat; member of Christian Church. WILLIAMS, Samuel Cole, lawyer, and banker; born Gibson, Co., Tenn., Jan. 15, 1864; Welsh and Irish descent; son of Thomas J. and Martha R. (Cole) Williams; father’s occupation public official; paternal grandparents Eli and Chloe (Collins) Williams: maternal grandparents Samuel and Olive (Wal- ker) Cole; graduated from law depart- ment Vanderbilt University with de- gree LL.B. in 1884; married Mary F. Mayne in 1892; member Masons, K. T„ and 32d degree; president of the fol- lowing: Unaka National Bank, John- son City, Tenn., Johnson City Traction Co., Watauga Electric Co., Carnegie Realty Co., Johnson City, Tenn., and Jonesboro, Tenn., Yarn Mills; member of M. E. church, South. JOHNSONS GROVE WINBURN, Henry Clay, farmer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., April 12, 204 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 1845; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Henry G. and Nancy A. (Wood) Winburn; father’s occupation farmer and teacher; paternal grandparents Henry and Sarah E. (Eason) Winburn; maternal grand- parents Francis I. and Nancy E. (Mil- bourn) Wood; received common school education; married twice; first Nancy E. Best in 1866; second Hepsie Brant Nov. 4, 1900; member Masons, R. A. M.; served as private in Co. “H” Forrest Regiment from 1863 to surrender at Gainesville, Ala.; most of his business life has been devoted to farming and timber business; now engaged in farm- ing at Jonnson’s Grove, Tenn.; Demo- crat; P. O. address, Bells, Tenn., R. F. D. JONESBORO. BAXTER, Eebridge J., lawyer; born Washington College Sept. 2, 1860; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jacob and Saraphinia (Shannon) Baxter; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandpar- ents Jacob and Catherine (Rhine) Bax- ter; maternal grandparents Elijah and Eliza (Simpson) Shannon; graduated Washington College with A.B. degree May 1885 ; worked on farm in early life, then studied law; member of Tenn., and American Bar Associations since 1900; admitted to practice in all State and Federal Courts and in U. S. Supreme Court; has been President of the Board of Education, Jonesboro, Tenn., eight years; is a member and the secretary of the Board of Trustees of Washington and Tusculum College; at present Sec- retary and Bursar of the East Tenn. Normal Schools, Johnson City, Tenn.; married Eleanor Lampson June 3, 1893; Democrat; member and officer of the Presbyterian church. BRITTON, Frank E., Postmaster and druggist; born Augusta Co., Va., March 7, 1860; Scotch-Irish descent; son of T. P. and Mary E. (Ruebush) Brit- ton; received common school education; married Alice ITowren 1886; Republi- can; began his business career in the drug business, later became Postmaster, which position he has held twelve years; member of the Presbyterian church. HACKER, Newton, born Greene Co., Tenn., March 3, 1836; German descent; son of Jacob and Sarah (Lloyd) Hack- er; his father was an English scholar, and taught in the common schools for forty years; parernal grandparents, Jacob and Martha (Register) Hacker, maternal grandparents, James and (Kennedy) Lloyd; educated by his father and at Tusculum College, from which college he graduated in June 1860, with degree A. B. ; he taught stnool in early life; 'yead law with James Britton, at Greeneville Tenn.; in 1862 he crossed the Cumberland Moun- tains in what was called “The Big Stampede” led by Capt. James Lane, and was captured by Gen. Kirby Smith’s force, near Rogers Gap in Sept. 1862, and was kept a prisoner for some weeks; after his release he returned to Greene Co., Tenn., and was recruited for the Federal Army by Cant. James L. Carter Jan. 26, 1863, and entered the 4tu Tenn. Infantry as a private soldier at Louisville, Ky. ; he then secured re- cruiting papers and returned to Greene Co., Tenn., witli Capt. R. C. Carter, and together they recruited about 200 men and took them to 4th Tenn., regiment at Louisville, Ky. ; in crossing the moun- tains into Ky., they traveled by night and concealed themselves in the caves of the mountains by day; soon after reach- ing Louisville, Ky., he was commissioned as 1st Lieut, of his regiment and about one year later rose to rank of Captain; he was mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 2, 1865, returned to Jonesboro, Tenn., and resumed his law studies un- der the tutelage of the late Chancellor Lucky, took license to practice law, and was admitted to the bar at Jonesboro, Tenn., June 1866; elected to Tenn. Leg- islature from Washington Co., in 1867 ; elected Attorney-General for 1st Cir- cuit of Tenn., and served in that ca- pacity for eight years; elected Circuit Judge for same Circuit and served eight years; after leaving bench he resumed practice of law and was for a time en- r-aired in the banking business at Greene- ville, Tenn.; Republican; delegate to Nat. Repub. Con. at Chicago, 111., in 1888, and Minneapolis in 1892; member Presbyterian Church. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 205 KIRKPATRICK, Samuel Sevier, lawyer; born Jonesboro, Tenn., April 30, 1871; Scotch-Irish and French de- scent; son of Samuel Jacob and Dora (Hoss) Sevier; father’s occupation law- yer; paternal grandparents Hugh Law- son and Mary. (Chestnut) Kirkpatrick; maternal grandparents Henry and Mar- iah (Sevier) Hoss; educated Jonesboro (Tenn.) High School, and University of Tenn.; graduated from University of Tenn., with degree B. S. 1893; married Anna Maria Panhorst April 5, 1900 ; member F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., and Knights and Ladies of Honor; Demo- crat (Independent); former Judge of the County Court, served three terms, 1905-6-7 respectively; served as Sec- ond Lieut. Co. “D” 4th Tenn., Yol. In- fantry Spanish- American War, five months service in Cuba; member of Methodist Episcopal church, South; en- gaged in the practice of law at Jones- boro, Tenn. ; Stockholder and officer in Johnson Street Railway and Electric Light Plants, Jonesboro, Tenn. WEEKS, Jaues W., farmer, carpen- ter; born McLean Co., 111., Aug. 22, 1859; English and Scotch descent; son of S. E. and Margaret (Stevenson) Weeks; father’s occupation brickmaker, contractor and builder ; educated in pub- lic schools of 111.; served 11 years and five months in 6th U. S. Infantry, 4 years N. G. S. T., and nine months Vol. army Spanish-American War; left U. S. Army in 1893, and engaged in the hardware business, Elizabethton, Tenn.; enlisted in Vol. Army at outbreak with Spain, was commissioned hv Gov. R. L. Taylor, and assigned to 3d Tenn., Vo. Inf., was Summary Court officer of that regiment; served as private, cor- poral, sergeant, and First Sergeant Co. “E” and Quartermaster Sergeant 6th Infantrv U. S. A., Capt. N. G. S. T., 1894-1898; Major 3d Tenn.. Vol. Inf. during Spanish-American War; mus- tered out of service Feb. 1, 1899; man- ufacturer of pants, Elizabethon, Tenn., 1894; engaged in the farming industry -since 1895; married Abbie Ames Aug. 22, 1881 ; member J. O. LT. A. M. ; was First Councilor of 1st Council organized in the State in 1894, Elizabethton, Tenn. ; Republican; Road Commissioner; twice elected Justice of the Peace Carter Co. ; member of the County School Board three years Washington Co., Tenn.; now Tax Assessor Washington Co., Tenn.; member of M. E. church, South. JONES MILL. POTTS, Bonnie Watson', general merchant; born Coneyersville, Tenn., Oct. 19, 1879; son of Columbus Fer- nando and Martha A. (McFarland) Potts; father’s occupation farmer; ed- ucated at Conyersville, Tenn.; married Emma E. Littleton; Feb. 25 1903; mem- ber Masons, W. O. W., M. W. A., G. C. ; Democrat; Rural Carrier from July 1901 to March K04 began his business career as a farmer, later became in- terested in mercantile business; member Christian church; P. O. address, Peryear, Tenn., R. F. D. JOPPA. BRUCE, Daniel Hoge, farmer, sur- veyor, public official; born Bland Co., Va., Sept. 3, 1839; English-Irish and Scotch descent; son of Harvey and Susan (Hodge) Bruce; educated in the local schools of Va.; reared on a farm, and enlisted in the Confederate army during civil war, in Co. “A” 51st Va., Infantry with rank of Sergeant, later promoted to Capt., and served as such until close of war; wounded at New Market, Va., June 15, 1864; served un- der Gen. Early last of war; married Nov. 16, 1866; member Rising Star Lodge No. 44, A. F. & A. M., Rutledge, Tenn., now Chaplain of same; former Sheriff of Wolf Co., Va. ; Justice of the Peace in Va., in 1880; member of the M. E. church, South ; interested in farm- ing and stock raising at Joppa, Tenn. HAMMER, Joel H., merchant, far- mer; born Rutledge, Tenn., Dec. 11, 1859; son of Enos and Caroline (Dyer) Hammer; English descent; educated Jefferson City, Tenn.; married Ida J. Mitchell Jan. 20 1885; member Masonic Lodge, Powder Springs, Tenn.; Repub- lican; Postmaster Joppa, Tenn.; mem- ber of the Baptist church. KINSLAND, John Early, teacher; horn near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tenn., Aug. 6, 1863; Scotch-Irish and French 206 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Huguenot descent; son of William and Rachel (West) Kinsland; father’s oc- cupation minister of the Gospel (Methodist); paternal grandparents Jesse and Priscilla (Halland) Kinsland; ma- ternal grandparents Thomas and Rachel (Oliphant) West; graduated Lebanon, O., Huntingdon, Tenn., and St. Charles, Mo.; receiving the degree of B. S., B. A., A. M., Ph. D., LL. B.; in early life he worked on a farm, later entered the ed- ucational work; Principal of Clyde High School, N. C., 1887-1893; Profes- sor of Latin . nd Greek in Southern Normal University five years, then en- tered the practice of law at Rutledge, Tennessee; member of 55 th General Assembly of Tennessee; former Superin- tendent of Newbern (Tenn.) City Schools, which position he held seven years; also owns a stock farm at Joppa, Tenn.; married Anna Wolcott July 7, 1892; member Odd Fellows, Master Ma- son, Maccabees, and J. O. U. A. M. ; member of M. E. church. PARROTT, Leonidas John, farmer; born Grainger Co., Tenn., Jan. 30, 1872; English descent; son of John and Addie (Lowe) Parrott; educated Joppa and Jefferson City, Tenn.; married Juno Justus May 8, 1892; member Woodmen of the World; County Surveyor from 1898 to 1904, 1908 to 1912; member of the Missionary Baptist church. KELSO. COWLEY, Dufie Dillion, landlord, live stock and grain dealer, merchant; born Lincoln Co., Tenn., Oct. 30, 1885; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Polk and Susan J. (Ervin) Cowley; pater- nal grandparents, Benjamin and Mar- garette (Nicks) Cowley; maternal grandparents Samuel P. and Martha (Gray) Ervin; educated Kelso and Fayetteville, Tenn.; entered business at an early age; member W. O. W. ; Democrat ; Cumberland Presbyterian church. KENTON. CASEY, William W., public official, farmer; born Lauderdale Co., Ala., Dec. 6, 1834; English descent; son of Jacob D. and Charity (Whitmire) Casey; father’s occupation farmer; educated in the local schools of Lauderdale Co., Ala., and Newberry, S. C.; entered the farm- ing and mercantile business in early life; married Josephine A. Westmoreland, Dec. 15, 1857; served as first lieutenant Company “B,” Ninth Tenn. Cavalry, 1862-1865; took part in battles at Lex- ington Cross Roads, Tenn., Franklin, Tenn., Vandorn’s raid, 1862, and in raid to Rome, Ga., under Forrest; member Golden Cross, of Tenn., U. C. V., of Tenn., Company “E,” the only surviving company whose organization has con- tinued since the war; Democrat; justice of the peace of Obion Co., Tenn., 1888- 1911; notary public Obion Co., 1892- 1903; mavor of Kenton, elected for term June, 1909. to June, 1911; member of M. E. Church, South, steward of same fif- teen years. COLLINS, William Flowers, retired farmer, banker; born Marshall Co., Tenn., Oct. 8, 1834; Irish and Scotch de- scent; son of Elisha and Elizabeth (Mc- Gregor) Collins; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents James and Martha ( Vinson ) Collins; maternal grandparents William and Sarah (Flow- ers) McGregor; received common school education; enlisted as private in Com- pany “B,” Seventeenth Tenn. Infantry Regiment, C. S. A., May, 1861, served two years, returned home and organized company on own account and was first lieutenant of same. Company “H,” Fif- tv-third Tenn. Regiment; promoted Nov.. 1862, to captain of his company, and served as same until close of war; cap- tured at Ft. Donelson, Tenn., imprisoned at Camp Chase, later Johnson’s Island, about eleven months; in campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta; was in battles of New Hope Church, and Kennesaw Mountain, etc.; married Eudora O. Fisher, Nov. 26, 1866; member F. & A. M. Chapter No. 125; U. C. V. Camp Union Citv, Tenn.; Democrat; sheriff of Marshal! Co.. Tenn., 1860-1862; post- master Kenton, Tenn. from 1893 to 1897 vice-president of Bank of Kenton, Tenn.; elder Presbyterian church, U. S. A., for thirty-six years. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 207 FULLERTON, Henry r J L'homas, phy- sician; born Gibson Co., Tenn., April 16, 1840; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John S. and R. L. (Thomas) Fullerton; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Adam and Margaret (Reed) Fullerton; maternal grandpar- ents Jacob H. and Hannah (Mc- Knight) Thomas; educated in the local schools of Tenn., and St. Louis (Mo.) Medical College; graduated from latter with degree M. D., March 1861 ; in early life taught school; enlisted in Confed- erate Army as private, wounded at Shiloh, and discharged; has been engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery 44 years; interested in farming and stock raising; married twice, first Ann E. Powell June 28, 1868; second Ann Black Feb. 23, 1873; member F. & A. M. (Royal Arch and Council; Democrat (Independent); former Magistrate; member Presbyterian church, U. S. A. HOWELL, Arthur Melvin, insur- ance man; born Gibson Co., Tenn., Oct. 9, 1874; Scotch-Irish and French de- scent; son of John W. and Amanda C. (Dozier) Howell father’s occupation merchant, former judge of the County Court Obion Co., Tenn. ; paternal .grand- parents Jethro and Elizabeth (Needham) Howell; maternal grandparents Peter L. and Elizabeth (Baxter) Dozier; educated in the common schools of Gibson and Obion counties, Tenn.; married Ella Al- phin, Oct. 12, 1896; member K. of P. (keeper ot record and seals Washington Lodge No. 55), 1. O. O. F., (Oriental j; No. 124), Woodmen of the World (clerk in Poplar No. 167), M. W. A. (clerk Kenton No. 13,348) ; member U. S. Or- der of Golden Cross; Democrat; former city recorder of Kenton, Tenn., 1904-1908, served two terms; has been in the fire and lire insurance business at Kenton four years; member of Cumberland Pres- byterian church, deacon of same eight years. HOWELL, John Wesley, retired merchant; born in Gibson Co., Tenn., Sept. 10, 1841; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jethro and Elizabeth (Needham) Howell; father’s occupation farmer; re- ceived common school education ; in early life he was a farmer, later entered the mercantile business; married Amanda C. Dozier, Sept. 30, 1862; member of Kenton Lodge No. 392 F. & A. M., Ken- ton Chapter No. 125 R. A. M., Kenton Comman„ery No. 18 K. T., Kenton Com- mandery No. 23 U. O. G. C.; served three years as cavalryman under For- rest during civil war in Company “I,” Second Tenn. Cavalry Regiment; Demo- crat; county chairman, 1904-1905; J. P. and notary puolic thirty years; member of Presbyterian church, ,:U. S. A., elder in same 1866 to present time, and has been stated clerk of Obioh Presbytery twenty-five years, which position he now holds. MARSH, Thomas L., farmer, mer- chant; born Chatham Co., N. C., June 19, 1851; French and English descent; son of James G. and Martha H. (Hackney) Marsh; father’s occupation merchant; paternal grandparents Gray B. and Julia Ann (Brooks) Marsh; ma- ternal grandparents Daniel and Mary (Culberson) Hackney; educated in local schools of Medon, Tenn.; married Prud- ence P. Starkey in 1871; member F. & A. M. ; Democrat; active in politics, has represented Gibson Co., Tenn., in one National, and three State political con- ventions; member of Missionary Baptist church; engaged in farming, mercantile and banking business near Kenton, Tenn. MARTIN, George Sneed, farmer; born Milan, Tenn., Oct. 12, 1866; Scotch descent; son of Charles W. and Elizabeth (Penn) Martin; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents, Lemuel and Nancy (Shepard) Martin; maternal grandparents J. F. and Myra (Sneed) Penn.; educated Walnut Grove, Tenn.; left an orphan at age of nine and was sole support of mother, brother and sis- ter, became interested in drug business in early life, later farming; now senior member of Martin Bros., farmers, fruit growers and stock raisers; member F. E. and C. O. U. of A., County Pres. 1910-1911; Democrat (Independent); member of the M. E. church, South; Steward in same, Kenton, Tenn. 208 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE MATLOCK, Philip N., physician; born Davidson Co., Tenn., Jan. 9, 1844; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Simpson and Maria H. (Shumate) Matlock; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, Nicholas and Susan (Simpson) Matlock, maternal grandpar- ents, Willis L. and Sarah (Felts) Shu- mate; graduated from Franklin (Tenn) College, 1860, received degree M. D., April 10, 1866; enlisted in the C. S. A. May 9, 1861, joining Monserratt’s Ar- tillery, Nashville, was transferred by the war dept, and commissioned 1st Lieut, in Col. N. W. Carter’s Scouts Dec. 9, 1862; wounded three times; ap- pointed surgeon, with rank of Major of regiment (ex-Confederate soldiers) ; re- served' W. G. S. T., by Gov. Patter- son 1909; married Mary J. Jetton, June 18, 1865; member of F. & A. M., elected Worshipful Master of Grand Lodge 1896, has served as High Priest of Chapter, 111., Master of Council, Em. Commander of Commandery; Demo- crat; chairman of Democratic Execut- ive Committee Obion Co., Tenn. 1898- 1908; engaged in the practice of medi- cine at Mason Hall, ten miles West of Kenton, Tenn. PARIS, John Clark, physician; born Randolph, Va., Feb. 7, 1851 ; French de- scent; son of Wyatt B. and M. A. (Bailey) Paris; father’s occupation farmer, tobacconist; paternal grand- parents Josiah and Luly (Gaulding) Paris; maternal grandparents Andrew and Polly (Goun) Bailey; graduated from Virginia Military Institute, Lexing- ton, Va., July a-, 1874; received degree M. D., Louisville, Ky., 1879, Nashville, Tenn. 1889 ; married Sallie A. Middleton March 10, 1886; member Masons, York- ville Lodge; Democrat (Regular); former Chairman of County Executive Committee of Charlotte Co., Va., served two terms; member Emergency Reserves Confederate Army 1865; in early life he ws interested in educational work; now stockholder in Home Exchange Bank, Kutherford, Tenn., Tvson Mercantile Co., and Yorkville and Fairview (Tenn.) Telephone Systems; member of Old School Presbyterian church; P. O. ad- dress, Kenton R. F. D. RAMSEY, Clinton A., banker; born Kenton, Tenn., Oct. 25, 1874; Scotch de- scent; son of Granville J. and Kate W. (Potter) Ramsey; father's occupation, physician; paternal grandparents Wil- liam and Nancy (Knox) Ramsey; mater- nal grandparents William and Mary (Shaw) Potter; educated at Kenton (Tenn.) High School; in early life he was a farmer; now cashier of Bank of Kenton, Tenn., and interested in real estate and insurance business; married Daisy Pratt Fowler, June 5, 1906; mem- ber K. of P. ; Democrat; school director of Kenton, 1910-1911. REED, John Hampton, farmer and miller; born Boon's Hill, Tenn., Jan. 18, 1825; English and German descent; son of Richard Pearson and Katie (Keith) Reed; father’s occupation farmer and Cumberland Presbyterian Minister; pa- ternal grandparents George and Martha (Green) Reed; maternal grandfather William Keith; maternal grandmother was a Miiss Hampton (niece of Gen. Wade Hampton), prior to her marriage; educated at Boon’s Hill, Tenn.; appoint- ed as a guide by Gen. U. S. Grant to his army in 1862; served on General Rosecrans’ staff in 1862, and Captain of Co; “G” 1st Ala. Cavalry U. S. A., 1863; married Martha Jane Bennett, Jan. 3, 1850; Renublican; member of Cum- berland Presbyterian church. REYNOLDS, William Gentry, busi- ness man; born DeSoto Co., Miss., May 1, 1850; Scotch-Irish descent; son of George Alfred and Mary Elizabeth (Cook) Reynolds; father’s occupation farmer; educated in the local schools of DeSoto Co., Miss.; attend one .term at Franklin College, near NashvMe, Tenn. ; married Susan Frances Fleming, Nov. 9, 1871; Prohibitionist; member of Christian church, minister in same for about twenty years; stockholder and di- rector in People’s Bank of Kenton, Tenn., also in the produce business. KIMMINS. BREECE, Jesse R. railroad agent and telegraph operator; horn Hickman Co., Tenn., July 28, 1877; English and Irish descent; son of James F. and Frances (Harris) Breeee; father’s occupation WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 209 farmer; paternal grandparents Ross and Prudence (Cheek) Breece; maternal grandparents John and Frances (Black) Harris; educated in county schools of Hickman and Wayne Counties, Tenn.; took teacher’s course in 1896-1 ; worked on farm until 19, attending county free schools when not engaged on the farm; taught country schools 1896-1900, when he became operator and agent for N. C. &. St. L. R. R., which position he now holds; married Sally Matt Downey Sept. 15, 1901; member of Geo. D. Smith K. of P. Lodge, Hohenwald, Tenn.; Demo- crat; member of Christian church. STEPHENS, William Morris, mer- chant; born Centreville, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1866; Irish descent; son of James Polk and Nancy Ellen (Twomey) Stephens; father’s occupation farmer; educated Dickson Normal School; finished course in same in 1895 ; taught school three years in early life then entered the mercantile business, clerked for T. B. Walker, Whitfield, Tenn., about five years, then purchased stock in the Mur-, phee Mercantile Co., Kimmins, Tenn., later organized the firm of Stephens Bros. & Woollard; then organized Kim- mins Mercantile Co., with T. L. and J. P. Horner; he is now sole owner of same, and is doin ■ a large general merchandise business; marrid Lillian E. Woollard in 1897; member K. of P.; M. E. church, Soutn, and is Trustee in same. KINGSPORT. NALL, John Boyd, banker; born Sacramento, Ky., Jan. 27, 1882; Eng- lish descent; son of D. K. and Eliza- beth (Morehead) Nall; father's occupa- tion farmer and stock dealer; educated Bowling Green, Ky. ; graduated from Southern Normal School, Business Dept. 1906; in early life he was a farmer, later taught school; former Cashier of Farmers Bank of Sullivan Co., Blount- ville, 1907-1910; organized the Bank of Kingsport in 1910 and was elected Cash- ier which position he now holds; Director and Vice President Farmers Bank of Sullivan Co., Tenn., Blountville; married Zollie Brown Williams, July 20, 1910; member F. & A. M.; Democrat; mem- ber of the Christian church. YANCE, J. S., special agent C. C. & O., railroad; born Kingsport, Tenn., March 28, 1854; Irish and French de- scent; son of James H. and Jane (Sevier) Vance ; father’s occupation phy- sician; educated Kingsport, Tenn. ^mar- ried Maixe M. Fain; member Lovedale Lodge No. 401 I. O. O. F., Noble Grand and District Deputy Grand Master; Democrat; has been Justice of the Peace 26 years; began his business career as a farmer, later became special agent for C. C. & O., Ry., which position he now holds; member of Presbyterian church; Elder in same. KINGSTON. LITTLETON, James F., lawyer; born Roane Co., Tenn., Sept. 2, 1869; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of P. G. and Elizabeth (Ingram) Littleton; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents James and Kate (Brown) Littleton; maternal grandparents Ste- phen and Sallie E. (Brazeale) Ingram; received common school education ; work- ed on farm until 1892, afterwards read law, admitted to bar; married Mamie E. Huff Aug. 3, 1896; member Masons, K. of P., J. O. U. A. M. ; former member of the County Court of Loudon Co., Tenn., two terms, beginning 1893; moved to Kingston, Tenn., in 1896, where he is now engaged in the practice of law, also Counsel for Southern Ry. ; member of M. E. church, South; Trustee in same. MARNEY, Roscoe C., farmer; born Lmudon, Tenn., Dec. 8, 1876; English descent; son of Amos and Sarah (Tur- ner) Marney; father’s occupation farm- er; paternal randparents Amos and Martha (Cusong) Marney; maternal grandparents Sterling and Esther (Irwin) Turner; educated Harriman, Tenn.; married Mamie Huffim Dec. 24, 1902; member Knights of Pythias; served as private in 3d Tenn. Vol. In- fantry Co. “M” 1898-9 ; in early life he was Wholesale Grain Dealer, later became interested in telephone business, then salesman for Int. Harv. Co., now engaged in farming; member of Baptist church. 210 Who’s WHO 1ST TENNESSEE MORRISON, Marquis Lafayette, educator; born in Roane Co., Tenn., Jan. 7, 1844; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Allen D. nd Nancy (Sellers) Mor- rison; father’s occupation farmer, min- ister of the Gospel (Baptist); educated in common schools of Roane Co., and E. T. W. University, Athens, Tenn.; began his business career as a school teacher, later published and edited the first news- paper ever published at Dayton, Tenn., “Dayton Times,” later published “Free Ballot” Rockwood, Tenn.; married Cath- arine Brown Jan. 18, 1877; member A. F. & A. M.; former City Recorder, Rockwood, Tenn., 1892-3; former Superintendent of public instruction for Roane Co., Tenn.; volunteered in C. S. A. April 1862; served until surrender Charlotte, N. C., at close of war; mem- ber of Baptist church. ROBERTS, John, physician; born near Kingston, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1870; English descent; son of Charles W. and Mary E. (Amos) Roberts; father’s oc- cupation farmer; educated in public school of Roane Co., Tenn.; graduated with first honor, (gold medal) from Tenn., Medical College M. D. 1898; in early life he was a farmer, later taught school, then entered the practice of medi- cine; married Ada Frank Goodwin Aug. 20, 1903; member I. O. O. F., Past Grand; former County Health Officer for Roane Co., Tenn. ; member of the Baptist church. SPARKS, David C., farmer; born Blount Co., Tenn., March 12, 1835; son of Absalom and Margaret (Allen) Sparks; father’s occupation farmer; ed- ucated McMinn Co., Tenn. ; graduated Mt. Harmony High School in 1861 ; worked on his uncle’s farm until he was 21 ; sold horse given him by his uncle to pay for his education; taught school six years; enlisted in the Federal army Feb. 1862 in Co. “D” 5th Tenn., Vo. Infantry, served until June 1862 as a private, was then promoted to Second Lieut, of that company, serving in that capacity until March 1863 when he was made Capt. in March 1865 he was promoted to Colonel but declined to accept; married A. A. Wilson March 24, 1870; member Lodge No. 204 F. & A. M., since 1867; Deputy Sheriff of Roane Co., Tenn., 1866-1872; County Surveyor from 1868, most of the time to 1902; member of County Court 1884-1888; County Trus- tee 1902-1906; he now owns a farm; member of the Missionary Baptist church, has been Clerk of same since 1871. KINGSTON SPRINGS. WINBOURN, James Roach, mer- chant; born Madison, Davidson Co., Tenn., in 1838; English and Scotch de- scent; son of William M. and Mary B. (Newsom) Winbourn; educated Western Military Institute, Nashville; married Ella Brown Nov. 14, 1865; was in the hotel business 16 years in Nashville, Tenn., also during and after the war in same business; now engaged in the Rockwood, Tenn., 1892-93; former member of the County Court of Cheat- ham, Co., Tenn., 12 years; two years Senator from 23d district, Cheatham, Dickson, Stewart and Houston Counties, Tenn., 9th General Assembly; member of Episcopal church. KNOXVILLE. ALLEN, John Mebane, merchant; born born St. Francis Co., Ark., July 18, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Abijah and Celia H. (Mebatv ) Allen; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, William and Mary (Mor- gan) Allen, maternal grandparents, Dr. jonn Alexander, and Celia (Sutton) Mebane; educated in the country schools, and University of Tenn.; in early life be was a farmer, later entered the mer- cantile business; married Isabella K. Boyd Oct. 6, 1881; Democrat; was 1st Lieut. Co. “A” University of Tenn. 1878; Alderman of the city of Moun- tain View, Tenn.; President of Y. M. C. A., Knoxville, Tenn., nine years; Trustee in Tenn. Deaf and Dumb School 21 years; has been engaged in the mer- cantile business 29 years; member of Presbyterian Church, and Elder in same. ANDERSON, David Deaderick, lawyer; born Washington Co., Tenn., who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 211 Dec. 9, 1840; son of Alexander and Eliza Rosa (Deaderick) Anderson; German and English descent; his father was Su- preme Court Judge of California, and in 1840 United States Senator; educated University of Tenn. and graduate of same A. B. degree in 1861 ; early occu- pation, student; married Jessie L. Clark; member I. O. O. F. (Ancient), Dela- ware Society Cincinnati (Sons of Revo- lution), made up of heirs of officers in revolution and only three members in Tenn. ; attorney-general of Knox Co from 1878 to i886; Judge of Criminal Court of Knox Co. from 1907 to 1909; member of Co. G, 19th Tenn. Inf. and Co. M, 1st Tenn. Cav. of Confederate army; Captain of Co. M and Senior Capt. of Regiment; enlisted in the C. S. A. April, 1861, and was wounded at New Hope Church, Va. (15 miles from Staun- ton Va), in 1864; principal engagements at Shiloh and in Ky. and Southwestern Va. ; moved to Knoxville in 1870, and has practiced law continuously since ad- mitted to bar of Ala. in 1867; member Presbyterian church. ASHMORE, William Monroe, Public Official; born Jefferson City, Tenn., Aug. 19, 1851 ; son of Robert Henderson and Mary Elizabeth (Weldon) Ashmore;' Scoteh-Irish descent; educated Carson & Newman College; married Mary Vir- ginia Homor Nov. 30, 1883; member Masons (Oriental, No. — , of Knoxville), K. of P. and I. O. O. F. ; City Comp- troller of Knoxville, Tenn., 1910-1912; entered business with father at Jeffer- son City in 1865; in 1874 moved to Knox- ville, where he engaged in various mer- cantile enterprises until 1910, when he retired from active business; member 1st Presbyterian church of Knoxville, Tenn. ATCHLEY, William Arner, minister of the Gospel; born Sevierville, Tenn., April 20, 1860; English descent; son of Thomas and Lydia L. (Atchley) Atchley; father’s occupation, brickmason; pater- nal grandparents, Noah and Nancy (Farris) Atchley, maternal grandpar- ents, Isaac and Nancy (Bowers) Atch- ley; educated Carson and Newman Col- lege, and Newton Theological Seminary; graduated from latter May 18, 1891, re- ceived D. D. degree in 1907 ; in early life taught school eight years; married Flor- ence A. Ames, Aug. 5, 1891; member I. O. O. F., and J. O. U. A. M.; served as pastor in Cnester, Conn., Farmington and Bath, Me., South Framingham, Mass., and Broadway, Knoxville, Tenn.; Republican ; member or Baptist Church; interested in shipjiing and owns one ves- sel. AUSTIN, Richard Wilson, attorney at law, member of Congress from 2d Congressional District of Tenn. ; born Decatur, Ala. Aug. 26, 1857 ; Scotch- Irish descent; son of John Hall and Mary E. (Parker) Austin; paternal grandfather, Samuel Austin, maternal grandfather, Edwin Parker; educated University of Tenn., and Loudon (Tenn) High School; married Margaret Mor- rison, May 2, 1882; member Tenn. Bar Association; member Elks, Cumberland Club, Eagles, and J. O. U. A. M. ; Re- publican; former Clerk P. O. Depart- ment Washington, D. C., Private Sec. to M. C., Agt War Dept., Asst Doorkeeper House of Representatives 47th Congress; former U. S. Marshal and American Consul, Glasgow, Scotland; at present member of Congress from 2d congres- sional District of Tenn. AYRES, Brown, educator; born Mem- phis Tenn, May 25, 1856; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Samuel warren and Elizabeth Little (Cook) Ayres; father’s occupation lawyer; pater- nal grandparents, Isaac and Mary Fur- man (Smith) Ayres, maternal grandpar- ents, William Arthur and Catherine Stewart (Brown) Cook; educated Wash- ington & Lee University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Johns Hopkins Uni- versity; graduated from Stevens Institute Oi Technology, Hoboken, N J., with de- gree B. S. in 1878, Ph. D., 1888; he was Professor in Tulane University, New Or- leans, La., 1880-1904; married Katie Allen Anderson Jub r 5, 1881; Fellow of American Assn. Advancement of Sci- ence, member of American Physical So- ciety, Society Promotion Engineering Education, and College Fraternities; re- ceived Honorary degrees, LL.D. from Washington & Lee University, Tulane University of La., University of S. C., university of Ala., D. C, L, University 212 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE of the South; member of Jury of Awards World’s Fair, Chicago, 1904, Cotton Ex- position, Atlanta, 1905, and Tenn Cen- tennial 1897 ; President of Association Colleges & Preparatory Schools South- ern States 1905; President National As- sociation State Universities, 1910; at present he is President of University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. BARBER, George Franklin, archi- tect; born DeKalb Co., 111., July 30, 1854; son of Lyman R. and Cornelia A. (Spring) Barber; father’s occupation farmer; educated in local schools of De- Kalb, 111., in early life was a builder for ten years; in 1888 published an architectural design in a New York Journal, and has since been furnishing plans for out of town architectural work to all parts of the world ; married Laura A. Chaney Oct. 8, 1878; Republi- can; member of Christian church. BARNETT, John William Jr. lawyer; born Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 27, 1882; son of John W. and George Anna (Loftiss) Barnett; English descent; ed- ucated Morristown high school and Uni- versity of Tenn.; graduated from Uni- versity of Tenn. B. S. and LL. B. de- grees in 1905 and 1906; member Masons (Master's Lodge of Knoxville), Theta Lambda Phi Greek Letter Frat; admitted to practice in all State courts in 1906; became associated with the firm of Bur- rows & Cross of Knoxville; in 1908 be- came associated with the firm of Wright & Burrows; in 1908 moved to Monterey, Tenn., and opened up law office; in 1909 returned to Knoxville and resumed asso- ciation with Wright, Wright & Burrows, with offices at 300-306 Empire Bldg , stockholder in several corporations of Knoxville; member Methodist church, South. BAUMAN, Albert Benjamin, archi- tect; born Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 30, 1861; German descent; son of William and Catherine (Schneider) Bauman; father’s occupation, architect and build- er; paternal grandparents, Frank and Catherine (Lowe) Bauman, maternal prandparents, Jacob and Cristina (Bolt) Schneider; educated in public and pri- vate schools Knoxville, Tenn. ; became an architectual student when he was 18 years of age; married Janie C. Swift i\ov. 23, 1883; member Masters Lodge No. 244 F. & A. M., Pearl Chapter No. 24 R. A. M., Couer Le Lion Command- j ery No. 9 K. T., Alhambra Temple A. j| A. O. N. of Mystic Shrine, B. P. O. E., j’ No. 160, Appalachian Club; Democrat; member of the Board of Governors |ji Knoxville General Hospital, and member of the Executive Committee of same; , member of 3d Presbyterian Church |j, Knoxville, Tenn. since 1875, and is active Deacon in same. BOIES, William Ely, retired clergy- man and writer of prose and verse; born Charleston, S. C., Jan. 27, 1823; son of Artemus and Abigail (Ely) Boies; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s occupation, clergyman; received preparatory educa- |; tion in Boston public Latin school; grad- |' uate of Yale, A. B. degree, in 1844; A. M. degree in 1847; married Elizabeth J Phelps Wright June 15, 1864; entered the ministry in early life and preached J until he lost his hearing, when he took |, journalism as a profession. BOLT, George Washington, Public Official; born Loudon Co., Tenn., March 4, 1864; son of William Jasper and Eliz- abeth (Wells) Bolt; English, Irish and Dutch descent; educated institutions of learning of Loudon Co. ; married Mary J. Preston; member I. O. O. F., Chil- howee No. 247, of Knoxville; Columbia Counsel No. 43 of Juniors; Sheriff of Knox Co., 1910-1912; early business oc- cupation, farming; left farm at age of twenty-four years and engaged in com- mercial life until 1904, when he engaged in railroad construction business with Borches & Bolt; member Baptist church. BORING, Robert F„ born Friends- ville, Blount Co., Tenn., Dec. 27, 1872; son of Joseph A. and (Griffiths) Bor- ing; Duteh-English descent; graduate of Friendsville Academy in 1885; married Anna Hackney Dec. 24, 1886; member Masons (Past Master of Charter Lodge No. 253 of Concord, Tenn), I. O. Q. F. (chair). Clerk of Knox Co. Criminal Court 1910-1914; entered mercantile busi- ness at Concord, Tenn., in 1898, which interest he still holds; entered public life who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 213 in 1910 as candidate for Criminal Court Clerkship of Knox Co., to which he was elected by overwhelming majority; stock- holder in Bank of Concord; member Friend’s church of Knoxville, Tenn. BOYD, Samuel B., chief of Knox- ville Fire Department; born Washing- ton Co., Va., March 20, 186.5; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Samuel B. and Isabella (Reed) Boyd; father’s occupa- tion, merchant; educated University of Tenn., member of class of 1886; in early life he was engaged in furniture business; married Julia Jackson Harri- son April 28, 1904; entered public life as Alderman when he was 22 years old which office he held from July, 1888-90; Feb. 23, 1900, was elected Chief of Knoxville (Tenn) Fire Dept., when it was very small (29 men) ; he urged and secured passage of appropriation meas- ures before Board of Aldermen, which resulted in increase of Fire Dept, to 72 men; member of Elks, Royal Arcanum, Kappa Sigma Fraternity; former Chair- man of Water Committee, Gas & Public Lights, Fire & Police, Vice- Chairman Finance Com.; member of International Assn, of Fire Engineers; member Pres- byterian Church, South. BRANSON, Li.oyd, artist; born in Knox Co., Tenn., of English parentage; educated University of Tenn., and Na- tional Academy of Design, N. Y. ; Demo- crat; has painted portraits of governors, judges, college presidents and private in- dividuals, all over the South. BROWNLOW, John- Bell. real estate; born Elizabethton, Tenn., Oct. 19, 1839; maternally he is a direct descend- ant of Capt. James Gaines who was a Revolutionary soldier, and a member of the Convention of N. C., from Chatham Co., which ratified the Constitution of U. S., and from Judge Edmund Pendle- ton, who was a. member of Continental Congress from Va., 1874-5; son of 'Wil- liam Gannawav and Eliza (O’Brien) Brownlow; father's occupation, editor of “Knoxville Whig;” paternal grand- parents, Joseph A. and Catherine (Gann- away) Brownlow, maternal grand- parents, James S. and Susan Dabney (Everet) O'Brien; educated in the pri- vate schools of Knoxville, and Emory & Henry College, Va., in early life was a Journalist, and Sec. to his father while Governor of Tenn. and U. S. Senator; married Fanny Fouche, Oct. 1, 1872; member Masonic Fraternity and Sons of the American Revolution; Republican (Independent), Special Agent U. S. Treasury Dept. 1865-6; member of U. S. Governmental Board, representing P. O. Dept, at the Exposition held at Nash- ville, Tenn., in 1897, Omaha Neb. 1898, Buffalo, N. Y. 1900, World’s Fair St. Louis 1904, Charleston S. C., 1900-01 ; served as Lieut-.Col. Commanding 9th Reg't. Cavalry Tenn. Vol. U. S. A. 1863-1865; member of Methodist church. CALHOUN, Joseph Paixter. clergy- man; born Gohenville, Pa., Feb. 15, 1852; son of Capt. Samuel Neal and Hannah (Sheridan) Calhoun; paternal grandpa- rents Hon. John and Elizabeth (An- thony) Calhoun, maternal grandfather John Sheridan, his maternal grandmother was a Miss Campbell prior to her mar- riage; student in Glen Run Academy, Armstrong Co., Pa.. 1871-1875: studied law under tuition of Judge John V. Painter. Kitanning, Pa., 1875-1876; stu- dent Western Theological Seminary, 1877-1880; received D. D. degree from Franklin College, New Athens, Ohio, 1902; married Madge F. Stockdill, May 9, 1879; ordained Presbyterian minister, 1879; stated supply, Le Claire and Princeton, Iowa, 1879, 1881; Crooked Creek and Cherry Run, Pa., 1885-1890; liastor State Lick. Pa.. 1890-1894, New- ton, Kan., 1894-1895, Homewood Avenue church. Pittsburg, Pa., 1895-1906; pastor First Presbyterian church of Maryville, Tenn., 1908-1910; at present he is pastor of Fourth Presbyterian church, Knox- ville, Tenn.; superintendent of evangelis- tic work in the South and Southwest, Presbyterian church, U. S. A. ; as chair- man of committee,- Pittsburg, Pa., he originated and organized first simultan- eous campaign in 1904, by which many thousands were added to the churches participating in same, and this plan has since been adopted throughout the world. CALLAHAN, George W., railroad builder; born Chambersburg, Pa., June 214 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 11, 1862; Irish-German descent; son of James F. and Susan (Avery) Callahan; father’s occupation farmer and mill builder; educated Powells High School, of Knox Co., Tenn. ; married Carrie L. Graw April 26, 189 2 ; member of Knights of Columbus, Catholic Knights, Cumber- land Club; Democrat; former Aider- man of Knoxville, Tenn.; began his business career as dealer in marble monuments; Catholic; President The Callahan Construction Co., Knoxville, Pure Milk Co., Vice President Knox County Bank & Trust Co., Director City National Bank, Knoxville, Tenn. CAMP, Eldad Cicero, lawyer, coal op- erator and real estate owner; born near Mount Vernon, Knox Co., O., Aug. 1, 18o9; son of Eldad Cicero and Minerva M. (Hinman) Camp; raised and work- ed on farm until thirteen years of age; attended school at Chesterville and Mar- tinsburg, O., two years; from April, 1857, to April, 1860, taught school at and near Richmond, Ky. ; during the fall and winter 1860-61 was a teacher of school at Platt City, Mo.; during this time of teaching he was reading law which was continued during the war when not in the war, along with more or less of practice; arrived at Knoxville Feb. 18, 1865, where he has ever since resided; in 1869 was appointed U. S. district-at- torney for the Eastern District of Tenn.; became interested in coal mines in 1868, and is now president of coal mines in Tennessee and Virginia; has always been connected with Chambers of Commerce, Boards of Trade and other societies and ..as been a representative thereof at meetings held both in and out of the state on many occasions. CARPENTER, Daniel A., President Knoxville Brick Co.; born Rockcastle Co., Ky., March 24, 1837; English de- scent; son of William S. and Malinda (Merryman) Carpenter; father’s occupa- tion, machinist and blacksmith; paternal grandparents, James P. and Susan (Taylor) Carpenter, maternal grandpar- ents, Allen A. and Elizabeth (Bybee) Merryman; received common school ed- ucation; began his business career as a salesman in a small country store in 1352; went to Camp Dick Robertson, Ky., in Aug. 1861 with other East Tennes- seeans and founded the second Tenn. In- fantry, and became Major of same in 1862; was placed under fire of the Fed- oral guns while they were shelling Char- leston, S. C., being held as a prisoner of war at the time; married Sophia A. Berry, June 23, 1863; member of Master Lodge No. 244, 1867, Pearl Chapter No. 24, Knoxville, 1867, Couer de Lion Com- mandary No. 9 Knoxville, 1867; Demo- crat; elected Sheriff of Anderson Co., in 1866, was appointed U. S. Internal Revenue Assessor by President John- son in 1867; Mayor of Knoxville, Tenn., 1876-7; U. S. Pension Agent under Pres. Cleveland; has engaged during the last 40 years in merchandising, whole- |! sale and retail; also interested in Coal and Iron, and real estate, and engaged j in railroad building; now engaged in the manufacturing of building brick f and farming and stock raising, princi- pally cattle; was delegate to the Balti- jj more Democratic Convention 1872 and | voted for Horace Greely. CARSON, William Waller, civil en- | gineer; born near Natchez, Miss., June 2, 1845; Enigjlish, iScoitch-Irish and Huguenot descent; son of James Green | and Catherine (Waller) Carson of Louisiana; father’s occupation cotton planter; paternal grandparents. Col. | Joseph and Caroline C. (Green) Carson 1 of Alabama, maternal grandparents, William Smith, and Catherine (Breckin- |i ridge) Waller of Kentucky; taught by private tutors before the war; studied at j! Washington College Va., (now Washing- ton & Lee University) after the war; graduated from Washington College in civil engineering in 1868, mining engi- neering in 1869; in 1873-4 a student in j Chemical Laboratory of School of Mines, Columbia Co-,ege, N. Y. ; married Rachel Finnie of Memphis Dec. 23, 1880; member of Fred Ault Camp No. 5 U. C. V., American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineering Association of the South. Society for Promotion of Engineering j! Education, Alpha Tau Omega Fratern- ity, Cherokee Country Qlub, Appalachian Cuib; private, finally Sergeant-Major, 4th La. Cavalry, C. S. A., 1863-5; pro- fessor of Mathematics Davidson College. N. C., 1877-1883; has been engineer on WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 215 various railroads and other public work; professor of Civil Engineering, Uni- versity of Tenn., since 1885; member of 1st Presbyterian Church of Knoxville, Tenn. CATES, Charles T. Jr., lawyer; born Maryville, Tenn., March 6, 1863; son of Charles T. and Martha V. (Kidd) Cates; lather’s occupation, lawyer; received his primary education at the New Provi- dence academy, Maryville, Tenn. grad- uated from Maryville College 1881 with degree of B. A.; received degree LL.D. in 1909; taught school from 1881 to 1884, two years of this time as princi- pal of the public school in Maryville, Tenn.; studied law at night and during vacation in his father’s office; received license to practice in October 1883; was admitted to the bar at December term of the circuit court at Loudon, Tenn., and began practicing at Maryville, Tenn., as a member of the firm of Cates & Son ; in 1889 he removed to Knoxville, where he was member of the firm of Howe & Cates, 1889-91 ; he was in partnership with Gen. R. N. Hood from 1891 to lat- ter’s death in 1892; in 1893 he formed partnership with Jerome Templeton, un- d r firm name of Templeton & Cates which partnership continued until 1898; in October 1902 he became member of the firm of Shields, Cates & Mountcastle, Knoxville, Tenn.; in September 1902 he was appointed attorney-general and re- porter of the state for full term of eight 3 r ears, re-appointed in 1910; he had charge of case of State of Tenn. vs. Standard Oil Co., resulting in decree of ouster by Supreme Court of Tennessee against Oil Company (appealed to Su- preme Court of U. S. ); former chairman of Democratic Executive Committee of Knox County 1898-1902; member of Democratic State Executive Committee 1898-1900; delegate at large to Demo- cratic National Convention, Kansas City, Mo., 1900; managed campaign for “Free and Untrammelled Judicary” in 1910; married Emma J. Parham, Nov. 3, 1886; member Elks, Knights of Pythias, and Cumberland Club; also member of Ten- nessee and American Bar Associations; director of the Third National Bank of Knoxville; member of Methodist church. CHANDLER, William P., Judge of Knoxville City Court; born Blount Co., Tenn., Jan. 25, 1872; son of Richard and Annie (Porter) Chandler; Scotch- Irish descent; graduate of University of Tenn. in 1890; former business occupa- tion newspaper work; married Lucie Harris Aug. 21, 1895; member Masons (32d degree Scottish Rite), K. T. (Past Eminent Commander; Past High Priest) ; member Appalachian Club (Elkmont, Tenn); Past Regent of Royal Arcanum of Tenn. (Chilhowee Council), Master’s Lodge No. 244 of Knoxville; elected Judge of Knoxville City Court 1909-1912; Chief of Knoxville Police Dept. 1906-1909; Major of 3rd Tenn. State Guards 1901-1903; entered newspaper work as city editor and man- aging editor of Knox%'ille Tribune; later telegraph and city editor of Knoxville Sentinel; one of Commissioners of East Tenn., who erected Centennial building at Centennial Exposition at Nashville 1896; commission on staff as Capt. of late Gen. John F. Horn, commander of Dept, of Tenn., United Confederate Vet- erans; Recorder and Treasurer City Court Judge, Clerk of both boards and Treasurer of City of Knoxville; Dea- con and member 3rd Presbyterian church (Knoxville). CHAPMAN, David Carpenter, Vice- President and General Manager Chap- man Drug Co.; Dorn Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 9, 1876; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Ellis and Charlotte Alice (Young) Chapman; father’s oc- cupation President Chapman, White Lyons Co., Wholesale Druggists; paternal grandparents Isaac and Eliza- beth (Ellis) Chapman; maternal grand- parents Judge D. K. and Elizabeth (Woodson) Young; educated University of Tenn.; married Augusta McKeldin Feb. 27, 1906; member of Cumberland Club, Cherokee Country Club, Elks,; President of Knoxville Board of Trade; Director Commercial Club; Director Appalachian Exposition; Director Ap- palachian Club; member of Manufact- urers and Producers Association; served in Spanish-American War, Second Lieut. 3d Tenn., Vol. Infantry; Aide de Camp Brig.-Gen. L. W. Colby; Democrat; 216 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE Vice President and General Manager Chapman Drug Co., Wholesale Drug- gists, Knoxville, Tenn. CLAXTON, Philander Priestley, born in Bedford Co., Tenn. Sept. 28, 1862; son of Joshua Calvin and Ann Elizabeth (Jones) Claxton; graduate of University of Tennessee, A.B. 1882, A.M 1887, Litt. D. Bates College 1906; student in Johns Hopkins University 1884-85; student of education and schools of Germany 1885-1886; visited schools in principal countries of Western Europe 1887 ; married twice, first, Varina Staunton Moore Dec. 1885; second, Anne Elizabeth Porter Sept. 1894; taught in graded schools of Goldsboro, N. C., 1882- 83; Supt. of schools of Kingston, N. C. 1883-84; superintendent of schools of Wilson, N. C., 1886-87; superintendent of schools of Asheville, N. C., 1887-93; pro- fessor of pedagogy and German, North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College, Greensboro, N. C., 1893-96; pro- fessor of pedagogy and director of the practice and observation school of the same 1896-1902; professor of education, University of Tennessee since 1902; pro- fessor of secondary education and supervisor of high schools in the state since 1906; editor of North Carolina Journal of Education 1897-1901; editor of Atlantic Educational Journal 1901- 1903; chief of the Bureau of Investiga- tion and Information of the Southern Education board 1902-03; secretary Southern Educational Association 1899- 1903; president of the same 1908; mem- ber of Council of National Educational Association and president Council of Southern Educational Association; chairman executive committee of Na- tional Story Tellers League; director of American School Peace League; director of Moral Education Board; member Na- tional Society for the Scientific Study of Education, American Association of the Advancement of Science, National Geographic Society, Rockefeller Sani- tary Commission for the extirpation of the hook-worm, Southern Education Board; Chairman camnaign committee of Southern Education Board 1908-10; executive secretary of the Conference for Education in the South since 1910, mem- ber of Methodist Church; Democrat; Author of “From the Land of Stories” and other books for primary schools, and of many addresses and published ar- ticles on education. CONNER, Ed Dougherty, Public Of- ficial; born Galbraiths, Hawkins, Co., Tenn., Feb. 6, 1873; son of Michael J. and Katherine (Gregory) Conner; Irish descent; educated Hawkins Co. institu- tions of learning; married Frances M. Kinnane June 29, 1904; member Elks, Royal Arcanum, Knights of Columbus; appointed Chief of Police of Knoxville Jan. 23, 1910; entered police force Knoxville, Tenn., as patrolman in 1890; promoted through various ranks; member Catholics (Church of Holy Ghost). COOPER Henry' T., lawyer; born Jacksboro, Tenn., Jan. 28, 1852; son Gen. Joseph A. and Mary J. (Hutson) Cooper; educated Carson and Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn.; early bus- j iness career farming; married Tinnie R, Stewart Dec. 26, 1876; commissioner of election for Knox Co.; entered the law j: office of Thornburgh and McGuffey in I Aug. 1873 and was admitted to the bar Fen. 10, 1876; member Baptist church. CORNICK, Howard, attorney; born Knoxville, Tenn., June 10, 1874; son Tully Robinson and Sophia Kennedy (Boyd) Cornick: paternal grandfather Judge John Cornick; paternal grand- mother Elizabeth Tenant (Simpson) Cor- nick; maternal grandfather Judge Sam’l B. Boyd; maternal grandmother Susan Howard (Mason) Boyd; English Scotch Irish descent; educated Knoxville, Tenn.; graduated Univ. Tenn. L. L. B. degree June 1905; married Lillian Waring Oct. 29, 1901; member F. & A. M.; I. O. O. F. ; S .A. E. ; member of firm of Cor- nick, Frantz & McConnell, attorneys, Knoxville, Tenn.; member Episcopal church. COX, Willtston Madison, lawyer; born Louisville, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1877 ; English descent; son of Richard La- fayette and Linda (Williams) Cox; father’s occuation flour manufacturer; graduated from University of Tenn., with degree of LL.B., in 1901; ad- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 217 mitted to bar in all State and Federal Court in 1901; in 1901-1905 practiced law and was employed in law depart- ment of L. & N. R. R. ; iu 1905 formed a partnership with James G. Johnson assistant District Attorney for L. & N., R. R.; stockholder, and attorney for the Beck, Tarver Co., Agricultural Imple- ments; married Helen Gordon Mead June 15, 1905; member Pni Kappa Alpha (Greek Letter Fraternity), and State Bar Association; formerly acted as Judge pro tern in Monroe Co., Tenn., Circuit Court; member of the Southern Methodist church. CURRIER, John M., accountant; born Knox Co., Tenn., Aug. 30, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Mary W. (Martin) Currier; father, farmer; educated at Maryville, Tenn.; began his career as clerk arid bookkeep- er; elected Clerk of the County Court of Knox Co., Tenn., Aug., 1906, re- elected without opposition in 1910; mar- ried Lucy Hudiburg, March 14, 1894; president board of trustees First Meth- odist Episcopal church. Clinch avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. DEADERICK, Chalmers, physician and surgeon; born Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 22, 1847 ; German and French-Irish de- scent; son of David A. and Elizabeth J. (Crozier) Deaderick; father’s occupation, commission merchant, clerk and master of chancery court; paternal grandparents, David and Margaretta (Anderson) Deaderick, maternal grandparents, John and Margaret ^Barton) Crozier; ed- ucated at Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Va.; graduated from Uni- versity of Pennsylvania with degree M. D. 1871 ; all of his business life has been devoted to the practice of medi- cine and surgery; married Rebecca Wil- liams Jan. 5, 1875; Democrat; served short while in Confederate army during civil war. DENNEY, George Walter, newspa- per editor; born Aurora, 111., July 19, 1870; English descent; son of Thomas and Mary (Fowler) Denney; educated Aurora High School, and University of Mich.; graduated from Aurora High High School in 1886; married Jane Franklin Hommel Oct. 3, 1899; member of Knoxville Lodge Knights of Pythias, Phi Kappa Psi; came to Tenn., in 1890, and has since been identified with the Knoxville Journal and the Journal and Tribune; now Managing Editor of Journal and Tribune. DONALDSON, William Jay, lawyer; born Morristown, Tenn., Jan. 8, 1880; son of Jos. Eckel and Mary Elizabeth (Lane) Donaldson; Scotch-Irish-English descent; graduate of Univ. Tenn. B. A. in 1902 and L. L. B. degree 1903; mem- ber Masons (Royal Arch) Morristown Lodge, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Phi. Frats.; member Tenn. legis. 1907- 1909; referee in bankruptcy 1909 (ap- pointed) ; in 1903 admitted to bar prac- tice in all courts; in 1904-1909 had law partnership with Gen. John B. Holloway, former state’s attorney; in 1909 formed partnership in firm of Lindsay, Young Smith and Donaldson ; lecturer on bank- ruptcy at Univ. of Tenn. (law dept.) ; early occupation student; member Pres- byterian church; former deacon. DRUMMOND, John W., public of- fiicial; born Gallipolis, O., Jan 18, 1868; Seotch-English descent; son of Thomas and Jeanette (Lambert) Drummond; educated at Lebanon, O., and Cincinnati; graduated from University of Cincinnati with degree LL. B., in 1891; in early life taught school; married Mamie E. Blang April 15, 1896; member luasons (32d degree, Knights Templar, Mystic Shrine) Past Master of Bright Hope No. 557; admitted to practice law in 1891, and began the practice in same year at Knoxville, Tenn., and has prac- ticed continually since that time; Repre- sentative in General Assembly' (lower house) of Tenn., 1907-1909; elected Judge of the County Court of Knox Co., Tenn., in 1910, and is the present incumbent; former City Attorney for Mountain View, Tenn., 1909-10; resigned to make race for County Judge; mem- ber of M. E. church. FANZ, Ignaz, packer and dealer in meats; born Steinback, Baden, Germany, Aug. 1, 1842; son of Franz and Maria Anna (Huek) Fanz; educated in schools 218 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE at Steinback, Baden Germany; married Emma J. Cooley Oct. 4, 1866; member G. A. R., and B. P. O. E.; enlisted in Camp G. 6th Tenn., Vol. Infantry U. S. A., April 14, 1862, and was honorably discharged May 17, 1865 as First Serg- eant; served as alderman of the 6th ward of Knoxville, Tenn., 1896-8; en- gaged in the meat and ice business at Knoxville, Tenn.; President of the Knoxville Ice Co. FLENNIKEN, Michael F„ Gen. Agent Aetna Life Insurance Co., and real estate dealer; born Knoxville, Tenn., June 10, 1867 ; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Elijah H. and Mary A. (French) Flenniken; educated Univer- sity of Tenn., and city schools; grad- uated from the former in 1887; in early life he was a bookkeeper; married Olla McCallum, April 28,' 1898; member of Masons, Scottish Rite, K. C. C. H. of Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, Grand Scribe of Grand Chapter of Tenn., P. G. M., Grand Council of Tenn. ; Democrat; member of Methodist Church; interested in real estate and Gen. Agent Aetna Life Insurance Co., Accident and Liability Dept. FONDE, Henry, general agent for Executive Department Southern Ry Co. ; born Mobile, Ala.; son of Charles Fonde; father’s occupation Artist, Mechanical Engineer, Street Railroad Constructor; educated in the schools of Mobile, Ala.! married twice; first Lula A. Redwood Oct. 21, 1879; second Alice Brown, Nov. 13, 1888; began his business career as a Civil Engineer; has been in the real estate and railroad service since 1885; Democrat. FOWLER, James Alexander, lawyer; born Heiskeil, Knox Co., Tenn., Feb. 22, 1863; English and Irish descent; son of Joseph Wesley and Mary (Con- nor) Fowler; father’s occupation far- mer; paternal grandparents John and Elizabeth (Dorsey) Fowler; maternal grandparents William ana Sarah (Cox) Connor; educated public schools of Knox Co., Tenn., Holston Seminary, New Market, East Tenn., Wesleyan Univer- sity (now University of Chattanooga) ; graduated from latter with degree of A. B. } 1884, LL.D. 1910; married Lucy E. Hornsby May 28, 1885; member Ma- sons; Republican; Assistant Attorney- General U. S., appointed June 18, 1908; delegate to General Conference M. E. church 1896; Republican Presidential Elector for State at Large 1896; Repub- lican nominee for Governor of Tenn., 1898; member of the Methodist Episco- pal church. FOX, Horace D., attorney at law; born at Knoxville, Tenn., April 4, 1885; English descent; son of George W. and Elizaoeth (Smith) Fox; father’s occu- pation, lawyer; graduated from Univer- sity of Tenn., with degree of B. S. in 1905 and LL. B. in 1909; admitted to practice in all state courts in 1909, and same year engaged in practice with fath- er under firm name of Fox & Fox, 309- 311 Empire building, Knoxville, Tenn., member of Alpha Tau Omega and The- ta Lambda Phi fraternities. 'GIBSON, Henry Richard, lawyer, lecturei', author; born Queen Anne’s Co., Md., Dec. 24, 1837; English descent; son of Woolman and Catherine (Carter) Gibson; educated Bladensburg, Md., Geneva, and Albany, N. Y. ; graduated from Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., with degrees A. B., A. M., and LL. D., 1862, 1882 and 1892, respectively; mar- ried Frances M. Reed, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 1863; former U. S. Postoffice In- spector 1881-2, to investigate alleged frauds in postal service on Mississippi Kiver, and in mail routes west of the Rocky Mountains, U. S. Pension Agent Knoxville, Tenn., 1883-5; Editor of Knoxville Republican 1879-1883, and of Knoxville Daily Chronicle 1883-4; au- thor of Gibson’s “Suits in Chancery,” and “The Maid of Redenfayn”; Con- sulting editor of American and English Encyclopedia of Law and Practice; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence for last twenty-two years in Tenn., Medical College, and Lincoln Memorial Uni- versitv at Knoxville, Tenn.; Republican; former Co. Claims Commissioner, 1868; in 1870 delegate to State Constitutional convention; 1871-1872 State Senator; 1875-6 Representative in State Legisla- ture; 1886-1894 Chancellor of Second Division of Tenn.; 1895-1905 Congress- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 219 man from Second District Tenn.; Com- missary Department U. S. A. March 1863 to July 1865; Republican nominee for Presidential elector in 1872 and 1880. GOSSETT, C. Columbus, public of- ficial; born Knox Co., Tenn., Jan. 17, 1873; Scotch-lrish descent; son of V. F. and Martha J. (King) Gossett; ed- ucated in local schools of Knox Co., Tenn.; married Carrie A. Parker Jan. 1, 1901; in early life he was in the mer- cantile business; former member of Republican County Executive Commit- tee; Clerk of the Knox Co., Tenn., Criminal Court 1906-1910; Proprietor South Knoxville Lime Co., 1890-1900; owner of South Knoxville Macadam Co.; member of Presbyterian church. GREENWOOD, Albert, merchant; born Montreal Canada July 18, 1858; French Canadian descent; son of Alex- ender and Eliza (Burnet) Greenwood; father’s occupation contractor; paternal grandparents Alexander and Matilda (Parent) Greenwood; maternal grand- parents William and Jane (Parrish) Bournet; educated at Maysville, Ky. ; was in the rush in May 1880 in Lead- ville, Col., and engaged in mining un- til 1884, when he moved to Maysville, Ky., and engaged in business, removed to Knoxville, Tenn., in 1894, and estab- lished A. Greenwood & Co., and Green- wood Advertising Co., President of both corporations; married Anna Bisset Dec. 16, 1886; member T. P. A., and Cum- berland Club; former Incorporator, Councilman Park City, 1907-1910; mem- ber of Presbyterian church. HALE, Nathan- W., nurseryman, merchant; born in Scott Co., Va., Feb. 11, 1860; son of Drayton S. and Ruth C. (Frazier) Hale; father’s occupation farmer; educated in Scott Co., Va., and Kingsley, Tenn.; married Laura A. Sebastian May 2, 1888; member K. of P., J. O. U. A. M., Knights of Honor, Macabees; Republican; former member of Tennessee Legislature, and Senate; two terms in Congress, 59th and 60th; now a member of Republican National Committee for Tennessee; nurseryman, merchant, also engaged in the mining and oil business in California and Mexico; President and General Manager of Hale- McLeod Oil Company, Los Angeles, Cal. HALL, Harry Samuel, lawyer; born Knoxville, Tenn., July 4, 1884; son of Isaac and Mary Ella (Alexander) Hall; Scotch-lrish, English descent; graduated University of Tenn., L. L. B., degree in 1906; married Bessie G. Johnson April 2, 1908; member K. of P., (234 Knox- ville) Theta Lambda Phi Green Letter Frat; member Co. “B” Tenn., State Guards; was first and second Lieut.; admitted to practice in all State and Federal Courts in Oct., 1906, and formed law partnership with D. D. Anderson; former Circuit and Criminal Court Judge with offices in McNutt Bldg., rooms 2 and 4 Knoxville, Tenn.; President of the Hall Lumber Co., at Knoxville; member Methodist Church. HARVEY, Charles Henry, Presi- dent Knoxville Railway Light and Power Co.; born Anamosa, Iowa, Oct 10, 1861; English descent; son of Edward Merton and Lucy Lucina (Clark) Har- vey; father’s occupation contractor and builder; paternal grandparents John and Lyda (Booker) Harvey; maternal grandparents Alexander and Jemima (Jackson) Clark; educated Beloit Col- lege, Wis., University of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.; graduated from Univer- sity of Mich., with degree A. B. June 1885; in early life he worked for rail- road; married Ida Grace Locke April 19, 1892; member Sons of Revolution, Oriental Lodge No. 453, F. & A. M., Pearl Chapter No. 24, R. A. M., Couer Trinity consistory No. 2, Ancient and de Lion Commanclery No. 9 K. T. accepted Scottish Rite, Alhambra Tem- ple A. A. O. N. M. S., Fountain City Lodge No. 269 I. O. O. F., Knoxville Lodge No. 160 B. P. O. E., Cumberland and Cherokee Country Clubs; Past Mas- ter F. & A. M., Past Commander K. T., Past Grand Commander K. T., State of Tenn., Past Noble Grand I. O. O. F. ; former U. S. Commissioner, U. S. Cir- cuit Court Eastern District 1892-1896; President Knoxville Railway & Light Co. Knoxville Park Association, Vice Presi- dent Fountain City Co., L. S. Hall Co.; President Electric Supply Co., Memphis, 220 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Tenn. ; member St. John’s Episcopal church, Knoxville, Tenn. HAUN, Floyd Edwix, banker; born Las Vegas, Mexico; son of J. M. and Anna (Theis) Haun; German descent; educated Knoxville, Tenn. ; member Phi Lambda Epislon fraternity and Knox- ville Board of Trade; connected with Holston National Bank of Knoxville, Tenn., Savings Department 1905; 1907- OS Assistant Cashier of Gold Savings State Bank of Wichita, Kan., Secretary and Treasurer of Anchor Trust Co., Wichita, Kan.; in 1909 elected Cashier of Knoxville (Tenn,) Savings Bank; member Cumberland Presbyterian church Deacon and Treasurer of same at Knoxville, Tenn. HEISKELL, Samuel G., Mayor of Knoxville; born Monroe Co., Tenn.: son William and Julia J. (Gahazan) Heis- kell; German, Scotch-Irish descent; graduated University of Tenn., B. A., 1877 ; married, Irene Kuhn Sept. 21, 1897; member K. of P., and I. O. O. F.; Past Chancellor and Past Grand Repre- sentative of Iv. of P. ; Past Noble Grand in I. O. O. F. ; admitted to bar in 1879, elected Alderman of Knoxville in 1882; City Attorney in 1884; member of Tenn., legislature from Knox, Co., in 1895; Chairman Judiciary Committee of House of Representative same year • District Elector Cleveland and Hen- dricks in 1884; Secretary of State Elec- toral College same year; Mayor of Knoxville 1896 and 1898,-1900 to 1902; 1906 to 1908; reelected Mayor City of Knoxville again 1910; member of State Bar Association; delegate to National Convention at Chicago in 1892; six years member Dem. Executive Committee of Knoxville; six years chairman Dem. Ex- ecutive Committee of Knox Co. ; six years chairman of Democrat Committee of 2d Congressional District; former member of State Democratic Executive Committee; eight years trustee of Hospi- tal for Insane for East Tenn. ; Presi- dent of Board for 2 years; member Episcopal church. HELM, George Eckel, merchant and manufacturer; born Jefferson Co., Tenn., Sept. 2, 1875; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Henry C. and Sarah A. (Eckel) Helm; father’s occupation steamship owner; paternal grandparents Dr. Wm. M. F. and Mary Elizabeth (Campbell) Helm; maternal grandpar- ents George Swingle and Jane (Har- rison) Eckel; educated Maury Academy, Dandridge, Tenn.; graduated from Fair Forest academy in 1893; began busi- ness career in architect’s office, and then entered the mantel business, in which he is still actively engaged as President, King Mantel Co.; purchased large hold- ings in Knoxville Knitting Mills Co., in 1903, in which he continues to be inter- estel as director and one of largest stockholders; Director in Union Bank, Knoxville, Tenn, since 1906, First Vice President Appalachian Exposition Co., 1910; actively engaged in real estate; Secretary and Treasurer Cumberland Property Co. ; married Katherine J. Smith, April 5, 1898; member Mason- ic order, Cour de Leon Commandery K. T., member Scottish Rite Cathedral, or Trinity Consistory, Nashville, Tenn., also Shriner; member Social, Cherokee Coun- try Club, and Golf Club; member Bap- tist church. — HILL, Sam E., lawyer, teacher and business man; born Paulette, Oct. 6, 1873; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Isaac Newton and Bell (Helsley) Hill; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, Merreli and Martha (Day) Hill, maternal grandparents, Hender- son and Betty (Fox) Helsley; educated at Carson and Newman College, and University of Tenn., graduated from latter B.‘S., 1895, B. L., 1906; in early life taught school; married Mary J. Calloway, Dec. 11, 1899; member Ma- sonic Lodge 32d degree; I. O. O. F., and Elks; Democrat; former Democratic nominee for State Senator and member of Lower House Gen. Assembly of Tenn.; elected Magistrate; member of Board of Public Works of Ivnoxviue, Tenn.; former Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction for Knox Co., Tenn., six years, and President of State Teachers Association; member of Baptist Church, HODGES, Syllus Edward, lawyer; born Grainger Co., Tenn., Sept 18, 1881; Irish and Scotch descent; son of James Wiley and Jennie (Needham) Hodges; who’s AVHO IN TENNESSEE 221 father’s occupation farmer; graduated from University of Tenn., with degree of Bachelor of Laws, 1909, Commercial and Shorthand departments Knoxville Business College, also took course in Lincoln Memorial University, Cumber- land Gap, Tenn.; began life as clerk in law department of Southern Railway Co., in 1907, in which position he re- mained while studying law at University of Tenn.; admitted to all State and Fed- eral Courts 1909; made assistant to Divi- sion Counsel for Southern Railway Co.; stockholder in several business enter- prises in Knoxville, Tenn.; Notary Pub- lic; attendant of First Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tenn. •HOUK, Fred C., lawyer; born Knox- ville, Tenn., Oct. 9, 1888; German- Scotch-Irish descent; son of Lincoln C. and Susan Jane (Hudiberg) Houk; father’s occupation lawyer; graduated from University of Tenn., law and acad- emic departments; in early life was a clerk, later was a railroad engineer in various parts of United States and Mexico; 1905-1908 admitted to all State Courts in Knox Co.,' Tenn.; member Alpha Tau Omega fraternity; former Deputy in County Court Clerk’s office, Knoxville, Tenn. ; member of the M. E. church, South. HOUK, Jonir C., representative; born Clinton, Tenn., Feb. 26, 1860; son of Hon. Leonidas Campbell Houk; he removed to Knoxville, Tenn., with his father in 1870; graduated from Uni- versity of Tenn.; admitted to the bar in 1884; he acted as private secretary to his father, 1879-91 ; was clerk of the war claims committee of the House of Representatives of the 47th Congress, and had in charge the original papers covering over one hundred millions of dollars in claims for property destroyed by U. S. troops during the war; he en- tered nolitics at an early age and has held many responsible party positions; he was president of the Republican Club of Knox Co., Tenn., eight years, chairman of the Congressional Republican Com- mittee for two years, and its secretary ten years; he received all the Republican votes of the Legislature in 1884 for State Treasurer; was assistant door- keeper of the House of Representatives in the 51st Congress; he was a Republican representative in the 52d and 53d Con- gresses, 1891-95; at present he is mem- ber of the State Senate of Tenn., from Knox County. HOUSTON, Samuel O., lawyer; born Blount Co., Tenn., April 13, 1871 ; son Robt. L. and Margaret Ann (Minor) Houston; Scotch-Irish descent; Grad- uate of Maryville College and University of Tenn., A*. B. and L.L. B., degree in 1898 and 1901; married Catharine Mc- Farland Love June 26, 1901, taught school in New Market Academy at Ne,v Market, Tenn., dnring courses at Mary- ville College and University of Tenn. in 1901 ; admitted to practice in all State and Federal Courts; began practice of law in Knoxville in same year with N. E. Logan, son of Judge S. T. Logan of Knoxville; in 1908 partnership dissolved and Mr. Houston began independent practice; member, Elder and Clerk of session of New Prospect Presbyterian church of Knoxville, Tenn. HUDSON, Charles Hexry, civil en- gineer, railway manager; born West- minster, Mass., July 10, 1833; son of Charles and Martha (Brigham) Hud- son; father’s occupation, member of legislature, Congress, naval officer, and Internal Revenue Assessor; paternal grandparents, Stephen and Louisa (Wil- liams) Hudson, maternal grandparents, John and Mercy (Brigham) Ryder; ed- ucated at Cambridge, Mass., graduated from Harvard University with S. B. de- cree in 1854; began life as civil engineer, and spent three years in practice of his profession, in railway surveys and con- struction in Ohio; 1857-8-9 he spent in engineering work and exploration in Wis., and the then wilderness West and Northwest of that State; in March 1880 he entered Gen Freight Office of the C. B. & Q., R. R., at Chicago; 1862 he was transferred to engineer corps of same road; 1865 he became Eng. and Assistant Supt. of Chicago & Great Eastern Ry., from Chicago to Cincinnati, (now a part of the “Penn. Lines”) ; in 1866 lie became head of Eng. Corps con- structing line of present C. & N. W. Ry., from Boone, la., to Omaha, on the Mis- 222 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE souri river; in 1887 he returned to Chi- cago Burlington & Quincy R. R., in charge of construction of the bridge on the Miss, river at Burlington, la.; also constructed several branches of same road; in 1809 he was transferred to Chi- cago as Supt. of that division; in 1871, in addition to duties of Supt. was given charge of Mechanical Dept, of the road; in 1872 went to Dubuque, la., as Gen. Sup. of C. C. & D. and C. D. & M. railroads 1874; in 1877 became Gen- Supt of B. & O., west of Ohio river; in 1881 became Gen. Manager of M. & St. L. R. R., at Minneapolis, Minn.; in 1883 went to Richmond, Ya., as Gen. Supt. C. & O. Ry. ; in 1885 became Gen. Manager of the East Tenn. Ya. & Ga. R. R., and associated lines, at Knoxville, Tenn., and upon the consolidation of these and other lines forming the South- ern Ry., in 1894 he became Chief Engi- neer of Southern Railway, and located at Washington, D. C., in 1895 was Me- chanical Engineer and head of Mechani- cal Dept.; 1899 he retired and moved to Knoxville, Tenn.; married Frances Helen Nichols Jan. 1, 1862; member of Union League, Western Society of Engi- neers, Am. Railway Guild, Masonic Or- der including both K. T., and 32d de- grees; Republican; for many years he was president of the school board at his Illinois home. INGERSOLL, Henry Hulbert, law- yer; born Oberlin, O., Jan. 20, 1844; English descent; son of William and Samantha (Bassett) Ingersoll; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grand- parents David and Sarah (Parsons) In- gersoll; maternal grandparents Ansel and Eunice (Dimock) Bassett; educated at Oberlin, O., and New Haven, Conn., graduated Yale College with degree of A. B., 1863, A. M., 1866, Washington College LL. D. in 1889; married Emily Gertrude Rogers April 1864; served as private Co. “H” 7th Ohio Volunteer In- fantry 1861; in early life he was grade school superintendent, Kenton, O. ; from Ohio he moved to Greeneville, Tenn., in 1865, later moved to Knoxville, Tenn., where he practiced law for twenty-five years; for past 20 years he has been teaching law and writing law books; Dean of the law department University of Tenn., for past 20 years; author; Bar- ton’s Suit in Equity; ingersoll on Public Corporations, (Hornbook) Municipal Corporations in C Y C; Treatise on Equity; Correspondents’ Library and Towns in C Y C; Assistant Attorney- General First Circuit, Tenn., 1866-7; Til- den elector 1876; Judge of Supreme Court Conn. 1879-1880; Supreme Court 1884-85; member F. & A. M. (Past Grand Master of Tenn.) Irving Club, and Highland Golf Club (President) ; Communicant and Vestryman St. John’s Episcopal church, Knoxville, Tenn., and member of General Convention. JOHNSON, Curtis Boyd, business man; born Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 10, 1875; son of Jackson S. and Belle (Biddle) Johnson; educated in Public schools, and Draughon’s Business Col- lege, Nashville, Tenn., graduating from the latter in 1893; in early life he taught bookkeeping and penmanship in Business College; now has a partnership interest in Chattanooga (Tenn) News, and Knoxville (Tenn.) Sentinel, also the Weekly News & Farm Journal; Stock- holder in Holston Mfg. Co., a Knitting Mill at Lenoir City, Tenn.; member of K. of P. Lodge, and the Cumberland Club, Knoxville, Tenn. ; Democrat; mem- ber of the Methodist church. KEFFER, Charles Albert, horticul- turist; born Des Moines, la., June 11, 1861; son of S. B. and Rebecca (Kagey) Keffer; paternal grandfather, Robinson Keffer, maternal grandfather Isaac Kagey; educated Des Moines (la) High School, and Iowa Agricultural Col- lege; Sec. Tenn. Horticultural Sac.; member various State Horticultural So- cieties, American Pomological Soc., American Breeders Assn.; author of bulletins of experiment stations and de- partment of agriculture; frequent con- tributor to Agriculture and Horticulture press; Prof, of Horticulture and For- estry, S. D., Agricultural College, 1887- 91; University of Mo., 1891-95, assist- ant chief forestry division U. S. Dept, of Agriculture 1895-99; Prof, of Agri- culture and Horticulture N. M. Agri- cultural College, 1899 ; Prof, of Horticul- ture University of Tenn., since 1900. WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 223 KEHR, Cyhxjs, patent, trade-mark and copyright lawyer; born near Goshen, Elkhart Co., Ind., March 30, 1856; Ger- man-Swiss descent; son of Jacob Mil- ler and Magdalena (Kornhaus) Kehr; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents John and Magdalena (Mil- ler) Kehr; maternal grandparents, Joseph and Barbara (Guth) Kornhaus; educated public schools, Elkhart Co., Ind., Whiteside Co., 111., Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la., Knox College, Gales- burg, 111., graduated from Normal De- partment, Cornell College in 1877 ; in early life was a farmer, and taught school; began patent practice, Chicago, 1885; resided in Winnetka (a suburb of Chicago), 1888-99; president of Winnetka Board of Education five years; mem- ber and president Library Board; mem- ber of Winnetka Village Council; moved to Knoxville, Tenn., Dec., 1899; Tennes- see Vice-Pres. Appalachian Good Roads Association ; Pres. Knox Co. Good Roads and Park Association; married Anna M. Witmer, Nov. 9, 1886; mem- ber of Maxwell Lodge No. 433, F. & A. M., Pearl Chapter No. 24, R. A. M., Knoxville Council No. 75, R. & S. M., Knoxville, Tenn., and Tenn. Consistory No. 1, A. A. S. R. of Free Masonry, Southern Jurisdiction, U. S. A.; mem- ber of Pilgrim Congregational Church; has three daughters and one son. KENNERLY, Wesley Travis, lawyer; born Henry Co., Tenn., Aug. 29, 1877; Irish descent; son of C. M. and Sarah A. (Travis) Kennerly; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; paternal grandparents, John W. and Martha (Ross) Kennerly, maternal grandparents, Dr. Jos. H. and Eliza (Crump) Travis; educated in the common schools of Henry Co., and Uni- versity of Tenn.; graduated from Uni- versity of Tenn., with degree of LL.B. in 1901 ; in early life he was a stenog- rapher; married Ola D. Robertson March 15, 1906; member Masonic Lodge, Phi Kapna Fraternity, K. of P., Spanish-War Veteran; served as 1st Sergeant Co. “L” 1st Tenn Infantry Spanish war; four years as Chairman of Knox Co. Demo- cratic Executive Committee, two years as member of State Democratic Executive Committee of Tenn.; member of Method- ist Church, South; Dmocerat; member of law firm of Pickle, Turner & Kennerly of Knoxville, Tenn., since 1904. KINCAID, John Henry, physician, eye specialist; born Claiborne Co., Tenn., June 11, 1878; Scotch descent; son of Marcellus M. and Martha Kirby (Mars) Kincaid; father’s occupation, live stock broker, or dealer; educated University of Tenn., University of Mich., and Univer- sity of Vienna. Austria; graduated from University of Mich., with degree of M. D. July i897 ; member Cumberland Club, Cherokee Country Club, Cotillion Club, Elks, Knights Templar, Mystic Shrine (Alhambra Temple); Democrat; member of Methodist Church; is now engaged in the practice of medicine, and president of Knoxville (Tenn) Board of Health. LESTER, Charles W., lawyer; son of William and Lucinda (Tuck) Leste. of Knox Co., Tenn.; their families were among the pioneer settlers of East Tenn., having emigrated from Virginia; they are of Scotch and English descent; their people having come to this country in the early settlement of it; Charles W. Lester was born July 10, 1869; he remained upon his father’s farm till about 18 years of age, when he left home to enter the Grant Memorial University at Athens, Tenn.; he worked his way through col- lege, being a member of the class of 1902; in early life taught school and read law; admitted to the bar at Athens, Tenn, in 1893; the same year formed a partner- ship with his college classmate, W. L. Humphrey, Cleveland, Tenn. ; while at Cleveland, frequently acted as assistant . ttorney-general for the Seventeenth ju- dicial district at the same time taking an active part in politics, church and school work; married Cora E. Bergen, of Inaianapolis, Ind., Sept. 24, 1903; mem- ber of the Knoxville bar and takes more or less interest in literary work. LINDSAY, Hugh Barton, lawyer; born Campbell Co., Tenn., Nov. 3, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of C. S. and Valentine (Bowling) Lindsay; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grand- father, William Lindsay, maternal grand- father, Larkin Bowling; educated in the 224 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE local schools of Campbell Co. and Academy at Jacksboro, Tenn. ; married Sarah Elizabeth Foster Feb. 7, 1883; Re- publican; member of Tenn. Legislature 1887; former Atiy-Gen., 16th Judicial Circuit; U. S. District Attorney Eastern District Tenn., Chancellor 2d Division of Tenn.; member or the Christian Church. LUTTRELL, Samuel Bell, merchant and banker; born Knoxville, Tenn., July 23, 1844; Scotch-Irish-English and French descent; son of James Church- well and Eliza Carr (Bell) Luttrell; father’s occupation, lawyer; paternal grandparents, James C. and Martha (Armstrong) Luttrell, maternal grand- parents, Samuel and Eliza (Sand- ers) Bell; educated in private schools, and attended University of Tenn, one year; in early life was news boy, and Clerk in Post Office; married Margaret McClung Swan, Oct. 9, 1866; Independ- ent Democrat and Prohibitionist; former Alderman of Knoxville, Tenn., for sev- eral years ;Mayor of Knoxville 1878-9; served as Corporal in U. S. Army; mem- ber of M. E. Church, South; engaged in wholesale grocery, wholesale and retail hardware business, banker, real estate dealer, coal operator and manufacturer. McCLUNG, Calvin Morgan, mer- chant; born St. Louis, Mo., Mav 12, 1855; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Frank- lin Henry and Eliza Ann (Mills) Mc- Clung; father’s occupation, wholesale dry goods merchant; paternal grand- parents, Matthew and Eliza Jane (Mor- gan) McClung, maternal grandparents, Adam Lee and Matilda (Holtzman) Mills; educated in private schools and preparatory department of East Tenn. University; graduated from East Tenn. University (now University of Tenn.) A. B. 1874, M. A. 1877, Sheffield Scientific School of Yam University Ph.B., 1876; commenced business in 1877 in office of his father’s firm, viz: Cowan, McClung & Co., Knoxville, Tenn. ; married twice, first Annie McGhee March 3, 1881, sec- ond, Barbara Adair, March 16, 1905; member of Cumberland Club, Knoxville, Tenn.; entered business for himself July 1882, as a member of the firm of Mc- Clung, Powell & Co., firm name being changed in 1884 to C. M. McClung & Co., wholesale hardware, which business was incorporated July, 1905, under same name; he has been Pres, of the corpora- tion since that time; director in East j Tenn. National Bank, director in some manufacturing enterprises; trustee of || Lawson McGhee Library, Tenn. Deaf and Dumb School; member of the National ( Geographic society, American Historical Assn.; has traveled to a considerable ex- tent in Europe, United States and | Canada. McCLUNG, Charles James, wholesale hardware merchant; born Knoxville, Tenn., July 12, 1866; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son Franklin H. and Eliza Ann (Mills) McClung; father’s occupation, wholesale dry goods merchant; paternal grandparents, Matthew and Eliza Jane (Morgan) McClung, maternal grand- parents, Adam Lee and Matilda (Holt- man) Mills; educated Univ. of Tenn., and Phillips Exeter (N. H.) Academy June 1887; began business with C. M. McClung & Co., Feb. 1888, now 2d Vice- Pres. of Co.; member of Cumberland Club, and Cherokee Country Club, Knox- ville, Tenn.; attends St. John’s Episcopal Church; engaged in the wholesale hard- ware business, Knoxville, Tenn. McKINNEY, Annie Valentine Booth, authoress; born Warren Co., Miss., daughter of Col. S. S. and Anne (Valentine) Booth; graduated from Hillman Colleee, Clinton, Miss.; married Samuel McKinney, of Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 14, 1879 ; Pres of Tenn. Woman’s Press and Authors Club; Pres. Knoxville Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy; member of Bonny Kate Chapter D. A. R.; ex-Treas. of Ossoli Circle; first federated in the South; founder and Vice-Pres. of Woman’s Building Board; ex-Director General Federation of Wo- men’s Clubs; honorary member New York Woman’s Club; Author “Mistress Joy” (with Erace MacGowen Cooke), 1898; has contributed to Harper’s Ba- zaar, Munsey’s, Vogue, Town Topics, etc. McMILLAN, Alex, business man; born Knoxville Tenn., Nov. 5, 1859; son of Alex and Margaret (Alexander) Mc- Millan; father’s occupation, larmer and trader; paternal grandparents, Andrew who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 225 and Margaret (Littleford) McMillan, maternal grandparents Judge Ebenezer and Margaret (McClung) Alexander; ed- ucated University of Tenn. ; married Carolyn Sinclair Gillem, 1888; member Knoxville Lodge Elks, Royal Arcanum, Nat. Legion, Cumberland Club, and Country Clubs of Knoxville, Tenn.; Dem- ocrat; appointed Clerk of Supreme Court of Tenn., Nov. 20, 1893, served six years, re-appointed Nov. 20, 1899, for another term of six years; interested in real estate and real estate mortgage loans, Knoxville, Tenn MARTIN, Isaac P., minister of the Gospel; born Strawberry Plains, Tenn., Dec. 11, 1867; son of R. P. and Amanda (Meek) Martin; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, Robert and Jane (Craig) Martin, maternal grandparents, Adam K. and Elizabeth (Childress) Meek; in early life worked on a farm; married xiettie Lee Trent Jan. 1, 1890; member Masons; licensed to preach in eMthodist Episcopal Church, bouth, Feb. 19, 1888; spent one year 1888-9 in Oregon ; admitted to Holston Conference in 1899; one year on Louis- ville Circuit; two vears Maryville Circuit, Tenn. ; three years Pocahontas, three years Tazewell, iour years Lebanon, Ya. ; four years Sweetwater, Tenn., one year Morristown, Tenn., one year Presiding Elder; Pastor of Church Street Church Knoxville Tenn., since 1908; member of the last General Conference May 1910; Delegate-elect to the Ecumenical Confer- ence of Methodist Churches which will meet in Toronto, Canada, Oct. 1911. MASKALL, Creed Fulton, watch- maker and jeweler, merchant; born Brad- ley Co., Tenn., Oct. 16, 1847; English descent; son of W. J. M. and Malana C. (Babb) Maskall; married Elizabeth N. Stillings, Oct. 19, 1871 ; member Wood- men of the World Sycamore Camp No. 3, Knoxville, Tenn. ; member First M. E. Church, Knoxville, Tenn. MAYNARD, James, manufacturer; born Knoxville, Tenn., July 15, 1853; son if Horace and Laura Ann (Washburn) Maynard; graduates. University of Tenn., A. M„ 1872, Amherst A. B„ 1874, L.L |B 1885, Columbian (now Geo. Wash- ington) University, L.L. M. 1892; mar- ried Carolina Jones Taylor April 10, 1879; member Sons of American Rev- olution, Irving Club; Republican; mem- ber State Board or Election Commis- sioners since 1909; Clerk of Committee on Banking and Currency House of Rep. Washington 1874-75; Commissioner to take testimony for southern claims commission, 1875-76; Marshal to Consu- lar Courts in Turkey, 1876-80; in Postal service Washington, 1880-94; practiced law Knoxville, Tenn., 1894-98; lecturer on International Law, Knoxville 1894-98; lecturer on International Law University of Tenn., 1897-98; manufacturer since 1898; president and director of the Brooksville Mills, Knoxville, Tenn.; Di- rector Mechanics Bank & Trust Co.; Pres. Board of Trustees Knox Co., In- dustrial School, smce 1895; Trustee Uni- versity of Tenn. since 1896; Treas. of same since 1900; member of State Board of Charities of Tenn., since 1905; Pres, of Manufacturers Assn, of Knoxville, Tenn. 1903-04. MELLEN, George Frederick, educa- tor, writer; born Pierce’s Springs, Miss., June 27, 1859; English descent; son of Seth Smith and Susan Huntingdon (Bush) Mellen; father’s occupation, teacher, merchant; paternal grandpar- ents, Jeremiah ana Mary (Hastings) Mellen, maternal grandparents, Levi and /vnn (Ayres) Bush; educated by father at Pierce’s Springs, Miss., and at Mt. Sterling, Ala.; graduated from Univer- sity of Ala., with M. A. degree 1879, and Leipzig University, Germany, Ph.D., 1890; in early life taught school at Gainesville, ^ivingston and Demopolis, Ala., later was Prof, of Greek, Univer- sity of Tenn., 1891-1900; married Mary Briscoe Baldwin, July 7, 1885; member of Irving Club, Knoxville, Tenn.; mem- ber of Tenn. Legislature, 1905-06 ; con- tributor to Methodist Review (Nash- viiie), Methodist Review (N. Y.), New England Magazine, Sewanee Review; editorial writer and contributor, Knox- ville Sentinel, and Chattanooga News; contributor to the South in the Building of the Nation, Vol. VII, chapters on New England's contributions to the South’s Culture, The South’s Contributions to the Nation’s Wit and Humor, and Southern who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 226 Editors; contributor to the Library of Southern Literature, Vol. I., Chapter on Joseph Glover Baldwin with selections from The Flush Times of Ala. and Miss, contributor of Chanters II, III", IV, V, VI, VII and VIII, in William Rule’s History of Knoxville, and to various periodicals; has farming and real estate interest in Ala. and Tenn.; stockhold- er in Holston National Bank, Knoxville; member M. E. Church, South. MILTON, Georoe Fort, editor, publish- er; born Macon, Ga., July 16, 1869; English and Irish descent; son of Har- vey Oliver and Sarah Floyd (Fort) Milton ; father’s occupation, physician, (assistant surgeon, C. S. A.); paternal grandparents, Wiley B. and Sarah (El- liott) Milton; maternal grandparents, Dr. Tomlinson and Martha (Lowe) Fort; educated Chattanooga schools, Chattanooga University, LTniversity of the South; graduated from High school and University of the South; served as first lieutenant, 6th U. S. V. I., Spanish- Ameriean war; colonel and aide on staff of Gov. .T. B. Frazier, 1902,-1904; in early life was bookkeeper in bank; became edi- tor of Knoxville Sentinel 1895; purchased controlling interest in 1900; purchased controlling interest Chattanooga News 1909, and is editor of both papers; mar- ried twice, first Caroline M. McCall, Feb. 8, 1893; second Abby Crawford, Sept. 19, 1904; member of Cumberland, Country, Knoxville, Calumet, Chatta- nooga clubs; member Commercial organi- zations; Democrat; delegate to National Conventions, 1900-1904; member of Pro- testant Episcopal Church. MOBERLY, Wii-liam A., Gen. Mana- ger Rand Powder Co.; born Richmond, Ky., Sept. 28, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. J. and Eliza (Merit) Moberly; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Richmond, and Stanford, Ky. ; in early life ne worked in Transportation dept. L. & N. R. R., and Southern Ry.; mar- ried Fannie L. Swope Nov. 4, 1895; mem- ber Cumberland Club, Vice-Pres. Manu- facturers & Producers Association, mem- ber of Board of Trade, Chairman Com- mittee on Laws Grand Council Royal Arcanum for Tenn.; T. P. A., Appala- chian Club; Democrat; formerly he was officially connected with Southern Rail- way, at present sotckholder director and general manager of Rand Powder Co.; member of Christian Church, and Chair- man of Board of Elders and Deacons in same. MOONEY, Richard Ewell, banker; born Papervule, Sullivan Co., Tenn., Dec. 30, 1865; son of Albert A. and Margaret M. (Luttrell) Mooney; father’s occupa- tion, employe of railroad; paternal grandparents, James and Sarah E. (rialch) Mooney, maternal grandparents, Richard and Mary (Smithson) Luttrell; educated at Bristol, and Knoxville, 'lenn.; in early life he was employed by wnole- sale house in various capacities; mar- ried Mary E. Yoe, Feb. 27, 1896; member Masonic Lodge, Cumberland Club and! Cherokee Country Club; Democrat; cashier of City National Bank, Knox- ville, Tenn.; member Presbyterian 1 Church. MORGAN, Wiley Lee, editor; born Rehobarthville, Morgan Co., Ga.,. Nov. 24, 1874; German-Welsh descent; son of j James Lafayette and Lucinda (Jones) jj Morgan; father’s occupation, hotel pro- prietor; paternal grandparents, E. S., a.nd, rhoebe (Launius) Morgan, rnaterm'l grandparents, Wiley and Sarah (Ed- wards) Jones; educate!, in Atlanta (Ga)! City Schools, 1881-4, Knoxville (Tenn) City Schools, 1884-9, University of Tenn.,j 1889-1894, graduating from the latter with degree B. S. June 13, 1894; in early life he was an architectural draughtsman,! 1894-1896; was elected to editorial staff! of Tenn. University Magazine in last) year of college; became reporter on Knoxville Sentinel 1894, returned to work! as reporter on Knoxville Journal in Jan.; 1896, resigned this to accept managing! editorship Knoxville Sentinel May 15, 1899, and has continued in that office; he was first boy to sell The Sentinel on streets of Knoxville when paper was, established in Dec. 1886, and was one of .the first carriers; married Elizabeth Burdette Elkin, Jan. 12, 1898; member F. & A. M., Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., Past Chancellor in K. P., Past Exalted Ruler in Elks also served seven years in subordinate office, two terms asj district deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, one who’s WHO 'IN TENNESSEE 227 year as State President, two years as State Sec. and one year as Grand Lodge committeeman on Elks Nat. Home; member board of governors Knoxville General Hospital (City Office) 1910- 1913; Colonel of staff of Gov. M. R. Patterson 1907-10; Adjutant cadet bat- talion U. of T. 1891-2, quartermaster of Knoxville Legion N. G. S. T. 1894-5; Colonel on staff of General C. J. Weatherby, commanding Essenis Army 1897-1900; Secretary of the Knoxville Sentinel Company, and director of Chattanooga News Publishing Company; Sec. of Appalachian Baseball Assn., which owns the Knoxville franchise of Southeastern B. B. League; member of M. E. Churcn, South. MORRELL, Normax Blake, attor- ney at law; born Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 10, 1870; son of Henry Hobart and Mary Elizabeth (Badger) Morrell; fath- er’s occupation, minister of the gospel (Protestant Episcopal) ; educated public schools and University of Tenn., gradu- ated from University of Mich, with de- gree Bachelor of Laws in 1893; in early life he worked in office of Knoxville Iron Co., three years; with Mingo Mt. Coal & Coke Co., one year; married Mary Ogden Oct. 10, 1900; member of Royal Arcanum, Tenn. Bar Association ; member of St. John’s church, Vestry- man. MOSES, Everett, lawyer; born Knox- ville, Tenn., April 11, 1882; Welsh and English descent; son of William E. and Annie (Partin) Moses; graduated from University of Tenn. with degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1906; in early life was business manager Montgomery, Ala., Journal 1902, Virginia Daily Press, Roa- noke, Va., 1903; admitted to bar in 1900 to practice in all State and Federal courts, chiefly in private and public cor- poration law; assisting in editing article on “Municipal Corporations'’ 1907-1909 for “Cyclopedia Law and Proceedure;” married Louise Lee Aug. 30, 1909; mem- ber Phi Kappa Phi, Theta Lambda Phi, Cherokee Country Club and Cumberland Club; member Fourth Presbyterian ■hurcli, Knoxville, Tenn, MOUNTCASTLE, Robert Edward Lee, born Jefferson City, Tenn., Feb. 21, 1865; English-Scotch and Irish descent; son of A. J. and Cornelia Frances (Williams) Mountcastle; graduated from Carson and Newman College with degree of A. B. June, 1880, Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Va., June, 1882; married Eliza Bird Solmon in 1890; Democrat; member Democratic National Committee since 1904, State Committeeman also; member of the Presbyterian church; President of State Bar Association 1902-1903. MYNATT, Rufus Adisox, Atty.-Gen. of Knox Co., Tenn.; born Union Co., Tenn., Dec. 21, 1871; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of James A. and Melvina (Al- ley) Mynatt; educated in local schools of Knox Co., Tenn.; began his business career as school teacher; taught school in Knox Co., 1892-3, moved to Knox- ville, Tenn., 1895, and studied law in of- fice of his brother, E. F. Mynatt, former Attv.-Gen. of Knox Co., Tenn.; married Noila Brock; in 1896 was mem- ber of Tenn. Legislature (lower house) ; 1897 assist. Atty.-Gen. of Knox and Sevier Cos.; 1906 elected Magistrate; 1910 elected Atty.-Gen. of Knox and Sevier Cos., Tenn., and is the present incumbent; member of Methodist church, South. MYNDERS, Seymour Allex, educa- tor; born Knoxville, Tenn., March 12, 1862; German- American descent; son of Abram and Sabra (Simmons) Mynders; father’s occupation, patternmaker; grad- uated from University of Tenn. with de- gree A. B. in 1880; married Pobrecitta Berleta Richerson Aug. 25, 1884; mem- ber K. of P., F. & A. M., Royal Arch, U. O. G. C. ; Democrat; captain for two years in N. G. S. T. ; Superintend- ent of City Schools, Jackson, Tenn., 1899-1907; former Superintendent of Public Schools, Jackson, Tenn.; Presi- dent Association of Southern State Su- perintendents 1903-1907 ; Superintendent of City Schools, Knoxville, since 1907 ; elected President State Normal School for West Tenn., Memphis, Tenn.; mem- ber of Episcopal church, 228 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE NASH, Walter Starnes, surgeon; born Chicago, 111., Dec. 15, 1865; Scotch- English descent; son of Jeff A. and Mareta E, (Starnes) Nash; father’s oc- cupation farmer; educated in public schools of Ky. ; graduated from Univer- sity of Mich with degree M. D. June 97, 1889; in early life he was a farmer boy; married Eva Winter Jan. 28, 1891; member Masons, 32d degree, Past Grand Regent Royal Acanum; Democrat; Councilman City of Knoxville, Tenn. ; Past Pres. Tenn. State Health Officers Assn.; Professor of Anatomy and Abdominal Surgery in Tenn. Medical College, Knoxville, Tenn. ; member of Methodist Church; interesting in real estate, and marble quarrying. NELSON, T. A. R., lawyer; judge of the criminal court of Knox County, Tenn.; Democrat; residence, Knoxville, Tenn. NEWMAN, Charles Sheridan, bank- er born Orange Co., Va., Jan. 30, 1839; Seotch-Irish and English descent; son of James and Mary (Scott) Newman; fath- er’s occupation, larmer; paternal grand- father, Reuben Newman; maternal grandfather, John Scott; educated in Orange Co., Va., Schools and University of Virginia; served as 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 60th Tenn. Regiment, C. S. A.; captured near Vicksburg, and was prisoner Johnson’s Island from May 17, 1863, to feb. 28, 1865; in early life taught school eight years, later entered the mercantile business, in which he con- tinued 28 years; married Kate F. Hazen, June 25, 1874; member of Camp No. 5 Confederate Veterans; Democrat; attends Presbyterian Church. OATES, Edward G., banker; born Duckton, Tenn., July 23, 1858; English descent; son of Edward T. and Elizabeth (Tregea) Oates; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandparents, Phillip and Susannah (Tregonning) Oates, ma- ternal grandfather, William Tregea; graduated from University of Tenn, B. S. June, 1877 ; in early life was travel- ing salesman later bookkeeper; married Anna Rodgers, Oct. 19, 1881 ; Republi- can; member of Presbyterian Church; connected with Mechanics Bank contin- uously since Oct. 1882, as bookkeeper, cashier, vice-president and president. OGDEN, Rorert, Morris, educator; born Binghampton, N. Y., July 6, 1877; English and Dutch descent; son of James Sherman and Beulah Maria (Carter) Og- aen; father’s occupation, manufacturer; paternal grandparents, William and An- geline (Abbott) Ogden, maternal grand- parents, o oh n and Alida (Groesbeck) Carter; educated in private and public Schools, Binghampton, N. Y., Cornell University, University of Wurzburg, Germany; graduated trom Binghampton High School, in 1896, Cornell University with B. S. Degree, 1901, University of Wurzburg, Germany, Ph.D. 1903; mar- ried Nelle Jouette Dorsey, Sept. 6, 1905; Fellow, American Assn., for the Ad- vancement of Science; member American' Psychological Association, Southern So- ciety for Philosophy am. Psychology |[ (Sec. and Treas.); Assistant in Psychol-! ogy. University of Missouri, 1903-1905, jj Assistant Prof. University of Tenn., | 1905-1908, Associate Professor Universi- j ty of Tenn., 1908-09; at present he is Professor of Philosophy and Psychology University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. PARHAM, William Thomas, woolen® 1 manufacturer; born Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 5, 1833; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Edwin Nelson and Mary Ellen (Dunn) Parham; father’s occu- pation, harness maiier, general dry goods merchant; paternal grandparents, Ed- mund and Mary (Bearden) Parham, maternal grandparents, Thomas and El-, len (Chambers) Dunn; born in poverty, and had to go to work early at harness trade, peddled product of the harness shop throughout each county in East Tennessee, until 1854, clerked in father’s store until 1861; began business for self in Knoxville, Tenn., after the civil war; moved to Maryville, Tenn., and engaged in woolen mill business until 1900, when he removed to Knoxville, Tenn.; mar- ried twice, first Mary Jane Susan Snod- dy June 22, 1858, second, N. Marindal Rutherford, Oct. 9, 1884; member of Sons of Temperance, Masons, served in all offices of subordinate lodge, Repre- sentative to Grand Lodge; former May- or Maryville, Tenn., aiso Alderman of who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 229 same; former Justice of the Peace in Blount Co., Tenn. ; member of M. E. Church. PARMELEE, Martin Egbert, archi- tect; born Oak Grove, Wis., March 20, 1852; French and Holland descent; son of Egbert Benson and Milisia Dove (Noise) Parmelee; father's occupation, farmer, nursery man, also postmaster at Juneau, Wis., during civil war; edu- cated at Juneau, Wis., Wayland Univer- sity, Beaver Dam, Wis. ; married Ade- laide Crosby Dearborn Dec. 26, 1874; member I. O. O. F. and J. O. U. A. M.; former Deputy Treasurer Waseca Co., Minn., 1885; drummer boy in Co. K, 29th Wis. Inf. Vol., 13th army corps, under Col. Gill, also Capt. Delmater and Capt. Marsh; in early life lie worked on a ■farm, later became architect, contractor and builder; has been so engaged for past twenty-five years; member of Broadway Baptist church, Knoxville, Tenn. PERKINS, Angie Villette Warren; born Davidson, Conn., Nov. 6, 1858; daughter of Lysander and Marcia (Ma- son) Warren; graduated from Wesleyan University of Conn. A. B., 1876, A. M., 1879; married Charles Albert Perkins, Sept. 19, 1883; Regent Knoxville Chap- ter D. A. R., 1898-1900; Pres. Union Presbytery Missionary Societies; Vice- Pres. for Tenn. Woman’s Foreign Mis- sionary Society of Presbyterian church; Pres. Tenn. Federation of Women's Clubs, 1900-04; Cor.-Sec. General Feder- ation Women’s Clubs, 1896-98; member of Phi Beta Kappa fraternity; Assistant Prof, of French and Latin of Wellesley College, 1879-80; graduated student of Howard Annex, 1880; Lady Principal Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis., 1881-3; Dean of Woman's Dept. Univer- sity of Tenn. 1897-1900; actively interest- ed in Missions and Women’s Clubs and Young Woman’s Christian Association; author of “San Diego to Sitka.” PERKINS, Charles Albert, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Tenn.; born Ware, Mass., Oct. 31, 1858; direct descendant of Miles Standish; son of A. E. P. and Susan O. (Poor) Per- kins; father’s occupation, clergjnnan; pa- ternal grandparents Ebenezer and Amelia (Parish) Perkins maternal grandparents, Henry and Mary (Osborne) Poor; edu- cated at Ware (Mass.) High School, Wil- liams College, Johns Hopkins University; graduated degree of A. B. Williams Col- lege, 1879, Ph. D. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity 1884; Graduate Scholarship, Johns Hopkins University, 1881-3; Fel- lowship in same, 1883-4; in early life taught school; married Angie V. War- ren, Sept. 19, 1883; member of National Conference of Electricians, Phila., Pa., 1884; Professor of Mathematics, Law- rence University, 1880-1 ; Assistant in Physics, Johns Hopkins University, 1884- 7 ; Associate Prof of Physics, Bryn Mawr College, 1887-91; Professor of Science, Hampden-Sidney College, 1891-2; Pro- fessor of Physics and Electric Engineer- ing, 1892-1907; at present Professor of Electrical Engineering and Chairman of Engineering Faculty University of Tenn.; Fellow A. A. A. S., member A. I. E. E.; member American Phys. Soc. ; author of “Outlines of Elec, and Mag.” Henry Holt & Co., 1896, and of several scientific papers; member of Presbyterian Church. PICKLE, George Wesley, lawyer; born Knox Co., Tenn., March 6, 1845; Irish and German descent; son of Jona- than and Margaret (Underwood) Pickle; education at Knoxville, Tenn., and Princeton, N. J.; read law with Senator Voorhees in 1868-70, later admitted to bar, and all of his business life has been devoted to the legal profession; married Minnie A. Fain June 1, 1881; member Masons, has filled all offices in local lodge except Master; former Atty.- Gen. and Reporter of State 1886-1902; served in the C. S. A. during civil war; member of Methodist Episcopal church, South. POWERS, John Pike, Jr., attorney at law; born Mt. Sterling, Ky., Oct. 24, 1875; Scotch-Irish and Anglo-Saxon de- scent; son of J. Pike and Fannie (Gwin) Powers; father’s occupation. Baptist min- ister; paternal grandparents John and Elizabeth (Montgomery) Powers, mater- nal grandparents David S and Frances (Beckham) Gwin; educated University of Tenn. and University of Va. ; gradu- ated from former with degree of B. A. 230 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 1894, LL. B. 1895, from University of Va. with degree of B. L. in 1897; ad- mitted to bar in 1897 to practice in all State and Federal courts; began the prac- tice of law in the office of Webb & Mc- Clung, Knoxville, Tenn., after two years he became member of firm of Powers & Burrows, remained in same four years, then practiced alone two 3 r ears; at pres- ent member of firm of Powers & Thorn- burgh; married Lucile Allyn Borden Sept. 26, 1906; member of the legal fra- ternity Phi Delta Phi, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity (Grand Prineeps, 1909), Phi Kappa vhi Honorary Fraternity; mem her of Blue Lodge, Council and Chapter of Masonry; Knights of Pythias; mem- ber of Irving Club of Knoxville, Tenn.; former Chairman of Knox Co., Tenn., Board of Election Commissioners two years from July, 1905; City Attorney of Knoxville 1908-i910, and 1910-1912; mem- ber of Co. B, University of Tenn. Ca- dets; Deacon, Clerk and Treasurer of First Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tenn.; Clerk of Tenn. Assn. Baptists five years; Secretary of Powers’ Clothing Co (whole- sale clothiers) Knoxville, Tenn. RAMBO, Samuel Russell, real estate dealer; born Knox Co., Tenn., April 24, 1875; French descent; son of Thomas A. and Jane (Johnson) Rambo; father’s oc- cupation, farmer. County Judge, State Representative; paternal grandparents Alexander P. and Susan (MeCarmon) Rambo, maternal grandparents Laban and Anna (Brown) Johnson; educated Knox Co. public schools; in early life he taught school, later Assistant Regis- ter Knox Co., Tenn., 1898-1902; married Corda Johnson Jan. 1, 1901; member Ma- sonic Lodge, Mystic Shriner, Republi- can; now Alderman City of Knoxville, P’irst Ward; member of First Baptist church, Knoxville, Tenn.; interested in real estate and has large loan agency, Knoxville, Tenn. RISTINE, Charles Elliott, physi- cian; horn Abingdon, Va., Dec. 6, 1845; French and English descent; son of John C. and Susan (Elliott) Ristine; fath- er’s occupation, carriagemaker, mer- chant; educated University of Tenn. and University of Pa., graduating from the latter with degree of M. D. in 1870; married twice, first Alice Peach, se ond Ella McKinney, 1880; member < Knox County Medical Society, East Tei [ nessee Medical Society, State Medical S< ciety; former President Knox Co. Mey ical Society; served as private in Coil federate army; began his business carei as a prescription druggist; formi professor of Physiology University <| i\ashville, and professor gynecology Tenn. Medical College; has contribute! largely to medical literature; membi of Methodist church, South; author ( the “Ristine Operation” for repair ( complete laceration of the female per neum, first published “Journal of 01 stetrics and Diseases of Women ar Children” (New York) March, 1900. ROGERS, Jesse L., attorney at lav born Speedwell, Tenn., April 9, 185. son of Jesse and Margaret (Wilsor Rogers; English, German descent; fatl er’s occupation farmer; educated con mon schools of Claiborne Co.; gra< uated law Dept. Cumberland Universii LL.B., Jun 10, 1874; married Ann McFetridge Oct. 24, 1877 ; member K. ( P. ; (Past Chancellor) Orient Lodge 6) B. P. O. E. No. 160 Knoxville; Cumbe land Club; elected to legislature fro: Hancock and Claiborne Counties No 1876 and from Knox Co., 1896; delega from 1st Congressional District to Ns tional Republican Convention of 188 and from 2nd District in 1896; has be« Director in banks, dry goods busines lumber business and has investments i City property, farming and timbi lanus. ROSENTHAL, Abram, attorney r until 1869; in 1870 began publication if “Knoxville Daily Chronicle” which was ’ or many years the only republican daily 'taper published south of the Ohio river; lie was one of its editors and publishers kntil 1882; in 1885 he started the “Knox- ville Journal” and was editor of the tame; he is now editor of the “Knoxville Journal and Tribune; he was elected Jerk of the county court of Knox Co., jfenn., in 1866, and again in 1870, resign- ed after one year of second term; in 8'73 was elected mayor of Knoxville, enn., and the same year was appointed "I'ostmaster of Knoxville by Pres. Grant; lie was re-appointed in 1877, and was postmaster for two full terms; in 188y e was appointed U. S. Pension agent at Knoxville; in 1898 he was again elected iiayor of Knoxville; he was a member of he Republican National Committee from 876 to 1884, and was a delegate to the tepublican National Convention in 1876; lember of Methodist church. SANDERS, Fraxk, lawyer; born Knox Co., Tenn., Aug. 31, 1879; son Jas. Preston and Ellen (Parker) San- ders; Seotch-Irisli descent; graduated National Normal University, Lebanon, Ohio, B.S., 1901 and Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., LL.B., 1904; early business occupation student and school teacher; married Grace Ash- ley Jan. 22, 1908; member of Tenn., State Bar Association ; member Advisory board of 2nd school district of Knox Co., in 1905; admitted to practice in all State and Federal Courts; began practice of law in Indian Territory where he was City Attorney of Hailey ville; in 1905 opened law office in Knoxville in associa- tion with R. A. Brown; association dis- solved in Jan. of 1910 when Mr. Sand- ers became associated with Judge R. H. Sansom with office in McTownlee build- ing; member of official board Lincoln Park Baptist church of Knoxville. SANFORD, Alfred. F., publisher; born Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 21, 1875; English and Swiss descent; son of Ed- ward J. and Emma (Chavannes) San- ford; father’s occupation, wholesale druggist, railroad president; paternal grandparents John W. and Altha (Fan- ton) Sanford, maternal grandparents Al- bert and Anna (Francillon) Chavannes; educated University of Tenn.; married Eleanor S. Spence Nov. 5, 1903; mem- ber Cumberland Club, Cherokee Coun- try Club; Republican; former manager Knoxville Brick Co., President and Man- ager Journal and Tribune Co., Viee- Pres. Sanford Chamberlain-Albers Co., Sec. and Treas. Knoxville Office Co., Viee-Pres. Knox Printing & Box Co., Vice-Pres. Sanford Day Iron Works, Vice-Pres. Knoxville Brick Co., Direc- tor E. T. National Bank, Knoxville Woolen Mills, Knoxville Iron Co., Le- noir City Co., Coal Creek Mfg. Co., Pop- lar Creels Coal & Iron Co., member Epis- copal church. SANFORD, Edward Terry, public of- ficial, born Knoxville, Tenn., July 23, 1865; son of Edward J. and Emma (Chavannes) Sanford; grandson of John W. and Altha (Fanton) Sanford and Adrian and Anna (Francillon) Cha- vannes; graduated from University of 232 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Tenn., A. B., Ph. B., 1883, Harvard A. B., 1885, A. M., LL. B., 1889; University of Cincinnati, LL. D., 1908; married Lutie Mallory Woodruff Jan. 6, 1891; ad- mitted to bar in 1889 ; Lecturer Law De- partment University of Tenn. 1898-1907; Assistant Atty.-uen. of U. S. 1907-1908; U. S. District Judge Eastern and Middle Districts of Tenn. since June 18, 1908; Trustee University of Tenn. and East Tenn. Female Institute; charter member Board of Governors Knoxville (Tenn.) General Hospital 1899 ; charter member and President Board of Trustees (1909) George Peabody College for Teachers; delegate to Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904; member American Bar Association; (formerly Gen. Counsel and Vice Pres.) Pres. Tenn. Bar Assn., 1904-5-6; Vice Pres. Harvard Law School Assn.; Mngr Corporation Law Bureau of American Bar Assn. ; honorary member Harvard Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa; member of the Century Association of New Y ork city and Cosmos Club of Washington, D. C. ; author of articles on various sub- jects. SANSOM, Richard Henry, lawyer; born Round Rock, Texas, Sept. 4, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Richard and Mary Agnes (Cooper) Sansom; father’s occupation, lawyer; paternal grand- parents D. N. and Mary E (Brown) Sansom, maternal grandparents Matthew D. and Mary (Frierson) Cooper; edu- cated Georgetown, Texas, and Montgom- ery Bell Academy, Nashville, Tenn.; married Louisa Zollicoffer, daughter of Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer, Oct. 3, 1876; member Oriental Lodge No. 453,- F. & A. M., Couer de Lion Commandery No. 9, K. T., Knoxville Golf and Country Club, and Cumberland Club; Trustee of State Deaf and Dumb School; Democrat; former Circuit Judge, Chancellor, mem- ber of Court of Chancery Appeals and was on Supreme Bench by appointment; holds commission signed by Gen. John B. Gordon as Assistant Judge Advocate with rank of Captain U. C. V.; member of First Presbyterian church, Knoxville, Tenn., Elder in same and Present Mod- erator Synod of Tenn. SAVAGE, William J., manufactur- er of machinery; born Leamington, Eng., Aug. 19, 1859; son of Charles and Har- i riet (Gray) Savage; English descent; ' educated Kenilworth, Eng.; married Lucy A. Towers, St. Stephens N. B., Mar. 20, 1885; Ex-President of Man- .. ufacturers’ and Producers’ Association, Knoxville, Tenn. ; Ex-President of Post C. Travellers Protective Association; served three years in English army I (Volunteers) 1876-1879; landed in Hali- !| fax, N. S., April 8, 1882; worked in ' Canada and Northern States as Mill- wright for two years; located in Knox- j| ville, Tenn., Oct. 1884; did business as mill builder and machinist, firm name W. J. Savage and Co; later Savage & l Tyler, incorporated as W. J. Savage Co., in 1909; manufacturers of machinery & 1 dealers in mill supplies; member Epis 2 - j copal church. SAXTON, Henry Nevett Jr., timber |j exporter; born Surrey, England, Dec., ' 1865; English descent; son of Henry j Nevett and Margaret (Cardin) Saxton ;| father’s occupation, merchant in the city of London, England; paternal grand- parents John Henry and Eliza (Nevett) j Saxton, maternal grandparents Richard and Margaret (Bunn) Cardin; his mater- nal grandmother was the daughter of ' Alfred Bunn, poet and writer, author of the words to the operas, “Bohemian Girl,” “Maritana,” etc.; educated Uni- versity of Tenn.; married Sadie S Boyd in 1887; member Cumberland Club,; Knoxville, Tenn. SAYLOR, James William, attorney at law; born Strawberry Plains, Knox Co.,| Tenn., Jan. 15, 1858; German descent;!: son of John and Martha (Moulden) Say-! lor; educated Emory & Henry College, Va. ; in early life lie was a teacher in the public schools of Knox Co., Tenn.; thrice married, first, Lillie N. Anderson, June 23, 1886; last to Sallie Kelley, Aug. 14, 1902; he is a Master Mason; has sev- eral times been elected delegate to the Grand Lodge; in Jan., 1885, he was elect- ed Superintendent of Public Instruction of Knox Co., Tenn., re-elected in Jan., 1897; it was largely due to his earnest efforts that the graded system and uni- form text books were adopted in Knox Co. ; member of the M. E. Church, South, who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 233 and member of the Board of Trustees in same for about 22 years; delegate to an- nual session of the Holston Conference of M. E. Church, South, at Bristol, Va, and Tenn., in 1905; he was elected as lay delegate to the general conference of the M. E. Church, South, which met in Birmingham, Ala., on May 4, 190G; was appointed by one of the presiding bishops on a committee with two others to draft a resolution of protest against Senator Reed Smoot of Utah, who was a Mor- mon occupying a seat in the U. S. Sen- ate; has represented his ward as Aider- man in the City Council. SMITHSON, Noble, lawyer; born Nolensville Williamson Co., Tenn., Dec. 7, 1841; son John Green and Ann Vaughan (Ladd) Smithson; English, Scotch descent; educated Institutions of learning in Williamson Co., Tenn; mar- ried Alice Josephine Patterson in 1865; member of Masons, K. T. (Couer de Lion), K. of P. ; was attorney-general 11th District of Tenn., from 1866 to 1868; State Senator from Giles and adjacent counties 1872-73; admitted to bar in 1866 in Pulaski, Tenn; practiced there and in adjacent counties until 1888 when he moved to Birmingham, Ala.; where he remained until 1893; re- moved to Knoxville, Tenn., in 1896 and has practiced law since; stockholder in various corporations in Knoxville and former president of National Bank of Pulaski; author of “Smithson’s Civil Proceedure in Tenn.;” outhor of “Count Imola,” a fictional work, and “Judge Ladd,” a novel dejling with the divorce question; early business that of farmer boy; he is also author of Smithson's Theory of Special Creation, which main- tains that each animal and plant is a direct and special creation by a Super- natural Creative Force; member Method- ist church, South. SPENCE, Cary Fletcher, postmaster, merchant; born Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 21, 1869; son of John F. and Elizabeth (Cary) Spence; father’s occupation, edu- cator; paternal grandparents Stephen and Mary Spence, maternal grandparents William and Emily Cary; educated Uni- versity of Tenn. ; graduated from Grant Memorial University with degree of B. A. in June, 1890; in early life entered the mercantile business, later became Presi- dent of Spence Trunk Co. and postmas- ter at Knoxville, Tenn., which position he now holds; married Nanon C. Crook Dec. 1, 1900; Pres. Appalachian Club, Elk- mont, Tenn. ; member Cumberland Club and Cherokee Country Club, Knoxville, Tenn.; Republican; Captain in Spanish- American war, now Colonel of 3d Tenn. Infantry; Lieut-Col. three years in State Guards and Col. seven years; Pres, of Board of Trade of Knoxville, Tenn., for two terms; Sec. and Treas. of Appa- lachian Exposition Co., Koxville, Tenn.; President of Spence Trunk & Leather Co., Knoxville, Tenn. SPENCE, John Fletcher, Chancellor Emeritus; born Greenfield, Ohio, Feb. 3, 1828; son of Stephen and Matilda ( ) Spence; graduated Ohio Wes- leyan 1853, A. B„ 1856, A. M., 1880, Mount Union College, D. D., 1880, Scioto College, LL. D., 1888; married E. E. Cary Aug., 1865; Chaplain-in-Chief of G. A. R., 1908-1909; member of the Methodist Episcopal church; ordained to the ministry of the M. E. church in 1858; officer U. S. Volunteers 1862-1865; Pres- ident Knoxville Female College, Tenn., 1865-1868; founded East Tenn. Wesleyan University, 1868; present Chancellor nine- teen years, Grant Memorial University, founded 1893, Chancellor, 1893-1894; Chancellor Emeritus, since 1904; Ameri- can University of Harriman, Tenn. STEINMETZ, Karl E„ lawyer, legal writer; born Sandy Sun, Pa., June 17, 1886; German descent; son of Ferdi- nand and Emma (Brewen) Steinmetz; educated Centraiia (Pa.) High school, Bucknell University, Pa., Maryville (Tenn.) College and University of Chi- cago and University of Wis.; graduated from University of Wis. with LL. B. degree 1910; began business career as traveling salesman, later was civil en- gineer, then coal shipper; admitted to Wis. bar and Federal courts in 1910; married Anna Alice Neifer Dec. 20, 1906; member Phi Alpha Delta Legal fraternity, American Assn. Law Librar- ies; promoted Index to Legal Periodi- cals as first business manager 1908; In- dexer, Legal Periodicals, 1909-10-11; en- 234 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE gaged in the practice of law, legal index- er and writer, Knoxville, Tenn.; member Presbyterian church. STEPHENSON, Thomas I., President and Gen. Mngr. Knoxville Iron Co.; born Lenoir City, Tenn., Nov. 5, 1803; English descent; son of G. W. and Mary (Thompson) Stephenson; father’s occu- pation, millwright; educated in public and private schools at Knoxville, Tenn.; began life as office boy in Knoxville Iron Co. 30 years ago; married Mary Jean Pitt, April 25, 1888; member Elks No. 160, life member; Democrat; member Episcopal church; President and Gen. Mngr. of Knoxville Iron Co., Knoxville, Tenn.; also President and Treasurer of the National Smoke Preventer Co of Knoxville, Tenn. TAYLOR, Joseph Judsojst, minister of the gospel; born Henry Co., Va., Nov. 1, 1855; Welsh descent; son of Daniel G. and Martha (King) Taylor; father’s occupation, minister of the gospel ; pa- ternal grandparents Reuben and Nancy (Gray) Taylor, maternal grandparents Joseph and Mary (Clanton) King; edu- cated at Jacksonville High School, Rich- mond College and S. B. Theo. Seminary; graduated from Richmond College with M. A. degree June, 1880, Howard Col- lege, D. D., 1886, Union University LL. U., 1904; married Anna Hinton, Paris, Ky., April 18, 1882; pastor of Calvary church, Lexington, Ky., 1881-1887; First church, Mobile, Ala., ' 1887-1899, Freema- son Street, Norfolk, Va., 1899-1903; Pres- ident Georgetown College, Ky., 1903-1907; pastor of hirst church, Knoxville, Tenn., since 1907; member of Baptist church. THORNBURGH, John Minnts, law- yer; born Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 10, 1881; son of ex-Congressman Col. Jacob M. and Laura Emma (Pettibone) Thorn- burgh; educated University of Tenn. and Columbia University, N. ' Y., graduated from L T ni versify of Tenn. with degree B. A. 1901, LL. B., 1902, valedictorian; member Phi Gamma Delta F paternity Knoxville Lodge No. 160, B. P. O. E.; Past Grand Knight Knoxville Council No. 645, Knights of Columbus, member Cotillion Club. Cherokee Country Club, 1. M. C. A. and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Fraternity; admitted to bar to practice i| in all courts in Tenn. 1902, admitted to ji practice oefore Supreme Court of U. S. ' March 8, 1909; member of Knox Co. Re- publican Executive Committee since 1906; | delegate to Republican Gubernatorial j|| convention 1910; candidate for Repub- ; lican nomination Atty.-Gen. Knox Co., Tenn., 1910; formerly connected with law firm Cormick, Wright & Frantz, 1903- j 1905; formed partnership with J. Pike Powers, Jr., in 1905, and has practiced 1 law since under the firm name of Pow- ers & Thornburgh; Catholic; member of Church of Immaculate Conception; married Oct. 11, 1910, to Sarah Matlock, oi Riceville, Tenn. TILLMAN, Lewis, attorney at law; !| born Bedford Co., Tenn., Nov. 20, 1845; son of Lewis and Catherine (Davidson) | ! Tillman; father’s occupation, farmer, ] circuit and chancery court clerk; edu- |i cated at Fairfield Academy, Bedford | Co., Tenn.; worked on farm during the civil war, 1860-5; married Emma Rogers { Feb. 24, 1874; Deputy Clerk and Mas- || ter Shelbyville, Tenn., 1865-9, Clerk and Master at same place 1869-1870; Deputy Clerk and Master, Knoxville, Tenn., , 1870-1, 1899-1904; attorney at law since 1 1871; devotes himself to chancery prac- tice; member of Christian church since 1865. 1URNER, Chaut.es Willard, educa- tor; born Boston, Mass., Feb. 23, 1844; son of Roswell Willard and Mary (Howard) Turner; graduated from Am- herst (Mass.) A. B.", 1865, A. M., 1892; married Kate Hamilton Hill, Oct. 1, 1866; admitted to bar 1867; practiced law 1867- 1892; Associate Prof. Law 1892-1905; I ecturer on History, 1903-1905; Acting Prof, of History, 1895-1897; Acting Prof. Constitutional History, 1897-1905; has been prof, of law and constitutional history University of Tenn. since 1905; author of Svllabi on Evidence; Insurance and Domestic Relations, 1 900 contrib- uted various articles on historical sub- jects to Sewanee Review. TYSON, Lawrence Davis, lawyer; born Greeneville, N. C., July 4, 1861 ; son of Richard Lawrence and Margaret who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 235 Louise (Tumage) Tyson; graduated U. S. Military Academy 1883; married Bet- tie Humes McGhee, Feb. 10, 1886'; served as second lieutenant Ninth U. S. Infan- try June 13, 1883; promoted to first lieutenant Oct. 15, 1839; resigned April 15, 1896; appointed by President McKin- ley, colonel Sixth U. S. Volunteer Infan- try May 20, 1898; served in Porto Rico during Spanish-American war, mustered out March 15, 1899 ; brigadier-general and inspector general on staff of Governor of Tenn., 1902-1906; member of Tenn. House of Representatives 1903 (speak- er) Democrat; delegate at large from Tenn. to Democratic National Conven- tion, July 1908; admitted to bar 1895; president of Knoxville Cotton Mills, Knoxville Woolen Mills, Poplar Creek Coal & Iron Co., Lenoir City Land Co.; vice-president East Tenn. Coal & Iron Co., Coal Creek Mining & Mfg. Co.; trustee East Tenn. Female Institute, Knoxville General Hospital, Knoxville, Tenn., member Branch S. R. ; member of Cumberland, Cherokee Country Clubs, of Knoxville, Tenn., Army and Navy, N. Y. ; and army and navy, Washington, D. C. ; member of Episcopal church. VAN DEVENTER, Horace, lawyer; public official; born Clinton, Iowa, July 22, 1867; Dutch-French Huguenot- Scotch-English descent; son of James Thayer and Laetitia (Flournoy) Van Deventer; paternal grandparents Chris- topher and Sally (Birekhead) Van De- venter, maternal grandparents Thomas Jefferson and Maria (Dallam) Flour- noy; educated in the public schools of Clinton, Iowa, Michigan Military Acad- emy, Orchard Lake, Mich., University of Mich, and Harvard Law School; grad- uated from Mich. Military Academy 1886, University of Mich, with degree of Ph. B. 1890, Harvard Law School with degree LL. B. 1893; married Mary Lur- ton Finley April 9, 1902; member Mil. Order of For. Wars., Penn., Sons of Revolution, Tenn., Holland Society of N. Y., Masons, Alpha Delta Phi, Penin- sular Chapter, Cherokee Country Club, Knoxville, Tenn., Shriner; former City Atty. West Knoxville, 1895-7 ; Senator from Knox Co., Tenn., in 52d General Assembly of Tenn. 1901; Clerk U. S. District Court, E. D. T. 1905 to date; First Lieut, and R. Q. M. Sixth U. S. Vol. Inf., 1898-99, Capt Sixth U S Vol. Inf.; member Protestant Episcopal church. VESTAL, Robert, president Vestal Lumber & Mfg Co.; born Knoxville, Tenn., April 17, 1875; English descent; son of Robert and Annie Mary (Gredig) Vestal; father’s occupation, wholesale clothing merchant; paternal grand- parents, Jeremiah and Sarah (Murray) Vestal; maternal grandparents, Jere- miah and Annie (Gredig) Gredig; edu cated at Knoxville, Tenn.; graduated from University of Tenn., June 1895; began his business career as a stenog- rapher, later became secretary to presi- dent of K. C. G. & L. Railway; married Annie B. Nelson, July 11, 1900; mem- ber B. P. O. E., No. 160, Knoxville; F. O. E., No. 1009, Knoxville; Democrat (reg- ular) ; election commissioner for Knox county, Tenn., two years during Gover- nor Patterson’s first term; interested in lumber enterprises; Presbyterian. WALLER, Calvin Bernard, minister of the gospel; born Jearoldstown, Tenn., July 30, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son if William A. and Sarah C. (Wilcox) Waller; father’s occupation, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents Andrew and Ellem (Kennedy) Waller, maternal grand- parents Joseph and Anna (Lair) Wil- cox; educated Jonesboro (Tenn.) High school and Carson and Newman College, graduating from the latter with degree of Bachelor of Arts May 29, 1901 ; in early life taught school; for three years was member of the faculty of Jonesboro High school, one year principal of Fall Branch (Tenn.) Baptist church, six years pastor of Tabernacle Baptist church, Chattanooga, Tenn., for the last year and half has been pastor of Dead- erick Avenue Baptist church, Knoxville, Tenn.; married Lelia May Reed June 21, 1898. WEBB, Eugene Mitchell, Public Official; born Dandridge, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1874; English descent; son of An- drew and Jane (Walker) Webb; fath- er’s occupation, Sheriff Jefferson Co., Tenn., member of General Assembly of Tenn., farmer; paternal grandparents 236 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Thomas and Annie (Martin) Webb, ma- ternal grandparents William and Eliza- beth (Bettis) Walker; educated Univer- sity of Tenn. and Maury Academy, Dan- dridge, Tenn.; graduated from Univer- sity of Tenn., degree A.B., June, 1896; winner of deoaters’ and orators’ medals University of Tenn. 1894-5; began his career as teacher of English, Harriman University; later took up the legal pro- fession; married Alice Miller June 14, 1900; member of Masons, Knights of Pythias, J. O. U. A. M., Cherokee Country Club; Delegate (alternate) Chi- cago convention 1908; stumped 2d Cong, district of Republican ticket on several occasions; closed debate House Repre- sentatives, Nashville, in behalf of state- wide prohibition 1909, Speaker of Wi- nona Lake, Ind., Chautauqua 1908; Judge of 3d Circuit of Knox Co., Tenn., since Sept. 1, 1910; engaged in farm- ing on small scale; member of Metho- dist Episcopal church; he was also member 55th, 56th Tenn. General Assem- blies from Knox Co., Tenn. WELCKElt, James Henry, lawyer; born Roane county, Tenn., Aug. 28, 1854; German and Scotch descent; son of Charles Freeling and Caroline (Mitchell) Welcker; father’s occupation farmer; educated East Tenn. University (now University of Tenn.), and Columbian University, Washington, D. C.; grad- uated East Tenn. University with degree A. B., June 19, 1878; Columbian Uni- versity with degree LL.B., June 20, 1881; reared on farm; married Dixie Welcker, Feb. 4, 1886; was captain “Knoxville Rifles” State Militia, 1887- 1888; member .Oriental Lodge F. & A. M., Knoxville, Tenn., Scottish Rite, Nashville, Tenn., Alhambra Temple (Mystic Shrine) Chattanooga, Tenn.; member Emek i,ocige Knights of Honor, Knoxville, Tenn.; Democrat; alderman city of Knoxville, Jan. 1908, Jan., 1910; member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church; on account of bad health re- tired from practice of law Sept. 15, 1910, and is now living on farm in country. WELCKER, Wieeiam Louis, lawyer; born at Poplar Creek, Roane county, Tenn., Feb. 17, 1849; German and Seoteh- Irish descent; son of Charles F. and Caroline Virginia Welcker; father was , a farmer; paternal grandparents were John Henry and Eiizaueth (Inman) Welcker; maternal grandparents James Coffield ana Margaret (Lewis) Mitchell; received a common school education; graduated from law department of Cum- oerland University with degree of LL. B., July 8, 1871; appointed district at- torney for Third Judicial Circuit of , Tenn., March 14, 1872, by Governor John C. Brown, and was elected in Aug., 1872, term expiring Sept. 1, 1878; made a Mason in Tenn. Lodge, No. 204, at Lou- don, and is now a member of Union Lodge No. 38, F. & A. M. of Kingston, Tenn.; is a member of Couer de Lion Com. K. T., Knoxville, Tenn., and mem- ber of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. WELLER, Charees Ashrurn, mining and manufacturing; born Augusta Co., Va., Feb. 6, 1858; Scoteh-Irish and Ger- man descent; son of Addison and Sarah Elizabeth (Keeran) Weller; father min- ister of the gospel; paternal grandpar- ents Benjamin and Catharine (Bish) Weller; maternal grandparents Eli and Mary Elizabeth (Rinker) Keeran; edu- cated at Randolph-Macon College, Ash- land, Va., and Va. Polytechnic Insti- tute, graduating from the latter with B. S. degree in 1878; in 1877 he won oratorical contest and medal; 1878 was valedictorian of class; 1878 to 1880 he studied law under Judge Turner of the Twelfth District of Va. ; entered broker- age business at Knoxville, Tenn., in 1886, representinc Armour Packing Co., and later became southern manager Schwarz- scbild & Suizburger Co. ; in 1894 entered the mining business as a mining engineer, |j and has since been interested in the de- velopment of the mineral resources of Tenn.; in 1901 he became vice-president and general manager Commercial Min- ing and Milling Co., which position he now holds, and is also vice-president of Knight-Weller Co., of Knoxville, Tenn., Pittsburg, Pa., and Washington, D. C.: married Alice Brent Pierce, June 13, 1883; member B. P. O. E., Beta Theta Pi fraternity, Travelers’ Protective As- sociation, and has served as state pres- ident of latter asociation and is at present chairman of railroad committee of same; Who’s who in Tennessee 237 Democrat; commissioned by Gov. Taylor as state representative at the Interna- tional Mining Congress, Milwaukee, Wis., 1896; served as captain and adjutant Third Tenn. Regiment, and captain and inspector rifle practice Tenn. National Guards; member of Episcopal church. WHITAKER, Walter Claiborne, clergyman; born Lenoir, N. C., Jan. 28, 1867 ; English and Scotch descent ; son of Lucius Fletcher and Rowena (Oates) Whitaker; fathers occupation teacher; paternal grandparents Wesley and Sally (Langley) Whitaker; maternal grand- parents Claiborne Oates; educated at Marion and Auburn, Ala. ; graduated from Ala. Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala., with degree A. B., 1884; A. M., 1891; University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., I). D., 1909; in early life he taught school in Mobile, Ala., and was news- paper reporter in Atlanta, Ga.; married Isabel Preston Royall, of Va., March 30, 1891; memoer F. & A. M.; editor of Church Record of Ala., 1891-1901, Church News of Miss., 1902-1905; author of History of Protestant Episcopal Church in Alabama, 1898; lacnard Hook- er Wilmer, a biography, 1907 ; deputy to General Conventions of 1895-98-1901 from Alabama, and of 1910 from Ten- nessee; rector Church of Holy Com- forter Montgomery, Ala., in 1891; Christ Church, Tuskaloosa, in 1893; St. Andrews Church, Jackson, Miss; 1901; Trinity Church, Ashville, N. C., 1905; St. John’s Church, Knoxville, Tenn., 1907 to date; trustee Ala. Polytechnic Insti- tute, 1896-1901 ; member of Protestant Episcopal church. WHITE, Williim Thomas, educator; born near Walhalla, S. C., May 12, 1859; son of Thomas and Margaret (Keogh) White; father’s occupation real estate; Irish-English descent; paternal grand- parents James and Hannah (Ryan) White; maternal grandparents Edward and Margaret (McDonald) Keogh; edu- cated University of Tenn., and gradu- ated from same June, 1877, with degree of A. B.; degree of M. A. was con- ferred upon him in 1883; in early life he was principal of High School, and has conducted Normals in Ashville and Goldston, N. C. ; writer for daily press and educational magazines; collector of books; owner of large private library; conversant with German, French, Spanish and Italian tongues; interested in athle- tic sports; stocknolder in banks and owner of real estate; Catholic; member of Irving Club, American Association of Science, National Historical Associa- tion., Classical Association of Middle South; Democrat; sinking fund commis- sioner for the city of Knoxville, Tenn., 1888-1891. WHITTLE, Charles Anderson, edi- tor; born Trundle’s Cross Roads, Tenn., Feb. 29, 1872; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of James Madison and Mary (McCallie) Whittle; father’s occupation farmer and mill operator; paternal grandparents Jonn and Mary (Keener) Whittle; maternal grandparents Andrew and Harietta (Cunningham) McCallie; educated Harrison Seminary, Sevier county, Tenn., and University of Tenn. ; graduated from latter with degree of B. A. in 1892; in early life he was clerk for Southern Railway office, Knoxville, Tenn.; married Mamie Leslie Earley, Jan. 23, 1905; chairman of the County Board of Education, Knox county, Tenn.; has been engaged in newspaper work several years; formerly connected with the Journal and Tribune as edi- torial writer; resigned to become editor of The Business Magazine; he has con- tributed to various magazine and period- icals; member of Methodist Episcopal church. WILDER, John T,. public official; born Hunter, Greene Co., N. Y., Jan. 31, 1830; son of Reuben and Mary (Mer- ritt) Wilder; father’s occupation, mill- wright and contractor; paternal grand- parents Seth and Dorcas (Briggs) Wild- er, maternal grandparents Samuel and Chloe (Haines) Mterritt, all of Revolu- tionary stock; received common school education; enlisted in Federal army dur- ing Civil war, Capt. Aprii 21, 1861, Col- onel March 12, 1862, Brigadier-General, 1864; commanded brigade Mtd. Inf., Dec. 10, 1862, led Federal army in Chat- tanooga campaign 1863; began and ended battle of Chicamauga Sept., 1863, and fought in many battles during civil war; Republican ; former Postmaster Chatta- 238 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE nooga 1876-1880, Mayor Chattanooga 1871, U. S. Pension Agent Knoxville, eight years; at present is Shiloh Park Commissioner; in early life was a me- chanical and hydraulic engineer; dealt in iron and coal; built Rockwood fur- naces 1868; rolling mill 1870, and many other iron works. WILLIAMS, David Hitt, physician; born Gainesville, Sumter county, Ala., July 7, 1863; Welsh-English and Irish descent; direct descendant of “Aber- crombie, the agitator”; son of David Hitt and Eugenia noride (Hutton) Williams; father’s occupation physician; paternal grandparents Benjamin and Edna (Hitt) Williams; maternal grandparents Aquila Davis and Elizabeth Hannah (Tutt) rtutton; attended academic department Vanderbilt University tour years; grad- uated from Bellevue Hosnital Medical College, N. Y., with degree M. D., March 12, 1888; appointed April 17, 1888, by competitive examination; interne third medical division, Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. ; served reouired 18 months, and grad- uated from Bellevue Hospital, Oct. 1, 1889; elected president of class in 1888, and graduated with first honors; married Ella Western Cornick, Dec. 21, 1896; member Society Alumni Bellevue Hos- pital, New Yoric Southern Society, Amer- ican Medical Association, Tenn. State Medical Society, and Knox County Med- ical Society; orofessor of theory and practice of medicine and chemical medi- cine Tenn. Medical College, 1893-1896; author or numerous articles on medicine and surgery in medical and surgical journals; largely interested and identi- fied with various enterprises and indus- tries; member of M. E. church, South; resides 420 West Main avenue, Knox- ville, Tenn. WARD, Roscoe, attorney at law; born Marianna, Ark., Jan. 3, 1882; Scotch- Irish and English descent; son of Frank Armstrong and Elizabeth (Hunt) Ward; graduated from University of Tenn. with degree of Bachelor of Science and Ph. C. in 1906, and Bachelor of Laws in 1907, manager of Varsity baseball team 1906, Capt. of Varsity football team 1904-05-07; admitted to practice in all State and Federal courts 1907; 1908 as- sociated in practice of law with Wright, Wright & Burrows, Knoxville, Tenn.; in 1910 became associated with Mar- ket Square Grocery Co., Knoxville, Tenn.; married Jannette Reeder Sept. 1, 1909; member of Phi Kappa Phi (Hon- orary) fraternity, Director of Knoxville Y. M. C. A.; Capt. of 3d Inf. N. G. S. T ., commanding Co. G; member of Methodist church. WOODRUFF, William Wallace, merchant; born Bardstown, Ky., March 21, 1840; English-Irish and German de- cent; son ot Ezra and Catharine Wood- ruff; father’s occupation, manufacturer; educated in the city schools of Louis- ville, Ky. ; in early life he was a clerk; married Ella Therese Connelly Nov. 28, 1865; member of Masonic Lodge, Chero- kee Country duo; served as captain in Company “D,” Thirteenth Kentucky In- fantry, U. S. V., Civil war; engaged in L..e mercantile business under name of Woodruff Hardware Co., Knoxville, Tenn.; vice-president East Tenn. Na- tional Bank, Knoxville Real Estate Co.. Knoxville ice Co. ; president board of trustees Tenn. Deaf and Dumb School; president board of trustees Carson and Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn.; member of the Baptist church. WRIGHT, William Dudlay, lawyer; born Fentress Co., Tenn., July 31, 1864; son of A. B. and Cynthia Spearman (Fragge) Wright; father’s ocupation, minister of the gospel (M. E. church); paternal grandparents John W. and Perina (Dail) Wright, maternal grand- parents John W. and Rachel (Carpen- ter) Fragge; educated at Grant Univer- sity, Athens, Tenn. ; married Nellie Pitts Spears Dec. 9, 1897; member Couer De Lion Commandery Knights Temp- lars, Knoxville, Tenn., Shriners’ Temple, Chattanooga, Tenn.; member of Cumber- land Club and Cherokee Country Club, Knoxville; Republican; former Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Morgan Co., Tenn., 1888-1893; was United States Atty for the Eastern Dis- trict of Tenn. 1897-1906, appointed by the President of the U. S., and con- firmed twice by U. S. Senate; elected Judge of the Chancery Court for the Chancery Division of Knox Co., Tenn., WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 239 1910; as a lawyer he represented for a number of years large corporate inter- ests; was a member of the law firm Wright, Wright & Burrows when elected Chancellor; is also large owner of real estate in Knoxville, Tenn. ; member of Second Presbyterian church, Knoxville, Tenn. YOUNG, Robert Snead, lawyer; born Sweetwater, Tenn., July 12, 1881; Eng- lish-Scotch-Irish descent; son of Sam Eppes and Laura (Snead) Young; edu- cated University of Tenn. and gradu- ated from same with degree of B. A. June, 1903; admitted to liar in 1903 to practice in all of the courts; member of firm of Lindsay, Young, Smith & Don- aldson; stockholder in several corpora- tions; married Lilian Lindsay Oct. 18, 1908; member Phi Gamma Delta fra- ternity. KYLES FORD. BOWEN, iiiXOCH D., minister of the gospel; born Hancock county, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jason Y. and Ruth A. (Lea) Bowen; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Jesse and Sarah (Durham) Bowen; maternal grandparents Archer and Lucinda Henderson) Lea; educated in the common schools, Purchase Aca- demy and Black Water Seminary; in early life he was a farmer; married Mary E. Baker, Jan. 5, 1876; member F. & A. M., I. ). O. F. ; entered the ministry at age of 28; was in the mer- cantile business a short while; Republic- an; elected cierk of Circuit Court in 1886, and again in 1890; served 12 years; member of the Baptist church. LAFAYETTE. CARTER, Hubert, traveling sales- man; born Rome, Tenn,, Oct. 31, 1860; son of Edward and Louvenia K. (Bains) Carter; father’s occupation carpenter; paternal grandparents John S. and Marv (Harrison) Carter; maternal grand- parents Sara A. and Christina (Lasiter) Bains; educated at home; in earlv ,,fe He was in the retail merchandise business and manufacturing handles from hickory timhpr: married Sallie M. Mason, Nov. 9, 1903; member of Knights of Pythias, having Ailed all offices and serving as deputy grand chancellor three terms; Democrat; served as chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Macon county, Tenn., six years, and member of the State Executive Commit- tee in 1910; member of Church of Christ; has been working as traveling salesman since 1892; at present is traveling for firm of Weatherly-Armstead-McKinney Co., wholesale dry goods and notions, Nashville, Tenn. FAUST, Thomas Emmett, attorney- at-law; oorn Trousdale county, Tenn., March 29, 1861 ; English and Scotch- Irish descent; son of Joseph E. and Mary (Kearly) Faust; father’s occupa- tion mechanic and millwright; paternal grandparents Joseph and Bettie (Ed- mund) Faust; maternal grandparents William and Matilda (Holt) Kearlv; educated at i.afayetle, Tenn.; in early life he operated grist, saw and woolen mills; married Mary L. Roark, July 10, 1888; member Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. ; clerK and master of Chancery Court of Macon county, Tenn.; Demo- crat; former member Tenn. State Senate. WEST, Perry Bunyax, traveling salesman; born Walnut Shade, Tenn., Dec. 22, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jessee and Sarah F. (Huddleston) West; father’s occupation farmer; trus- tee and clerk and master of Chancery Court, Macon county; educated at La- fayette, Tenn., and Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn.; in early lire taught in the public schools of the state of Tenn.; entered the mercantile business in 1902; later went on the road as traveling sales- man for a wholesale grocery house; mar- ried Sallie Roark, May 23, 1894; member Masons, Kniohts of Pythias, Eastern Star and Pvthians’ Sisters; Democrat; member of Missionary Baptist church. LAFOLLEITE. CALDWELL, Winfield M.. physi- cian; born LTnion Co., Tenn., June 15, 1862; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Hugh and Polly (Bayless) Cald- well; father’s occupation, minister of the gospel and farmer: paternal grand- father Hugh Caldwell, paternal grand- 240 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE mother was a Miss Gautt prior to her marriage, maternal grandfather Isaac Bayless, maternal grandmother was a Miss Sumpter prior to her marriage and a descendant of Gen. Sumpter; started in life for himself when very young, received a high school education anct graduated at Nashville, Tenn., with de- gree M. D. Feb., 1890; in early life he was a farmer and music teacher; mar- ried Helen Mossie McNew July 1, 1880; member F. & A. M. Valley Star Lodge No. 577; took Federal Census of 1890; has been Justice of the Peace for 12 years; Election Commissioner under Gov. Frazier and Cox four years; member of the Baptist church. CARR, Ai.vis J., merchant; born Pleasant, Tenn., Aug. 21, 1860; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Lafayette M. and Martha J. (Yoakum) Carr; father’s oc- cupation merchant and farmer; received common school education; began business career as traveling salesman; married Maggie G. Kincaid, June 26, 1886; mem- ber Elks; former postmaster at Lafol- lette, Tenn., 1895-1897 ; was chairman of the Lafollette city school board, 1898- 1903; mayor of Fafollette, 1902-1910; lias been president and manager of the Co-Operative atore Co. of Lafollette, Tenn., s.nce its incorporation in 1900; president of the Lafollette State Bank since its organization in 1902; president of the Lafollette Hosiery Mills since their organization in 1906; member of the Southern Methodist church. CLAIBORNE, John H., retired mer- chant; born Ray county, Mo., Oct. 20, 1838; Scotch-Irish or English descent; son of Oty T. and Mourning (Burgess) Claiborne; father’s occupation farmer, merchant; received common school edu- cation; in early life worked on a farm, and taught two public schools; enlisted in Federal army at Boston, Ky., March 10, 1862; served as first lieutenant. Company “F,” Sixth Tenn. Infantry, and went through camnaign to fall of Atlanta, Ga.; returned to Nashville and was in Hattie there; mustered out of service at Nashville. Tenn., March 28, 1865; served on detached duty as quartermaster- ser- geant, brigadier-commissary, aide-de- camp of General Joseph Cooper; married Martha J. Kilbourne, Dec. 5, 1867 ; form- er member of Masons; was fourth-class postmaster at Well Spring, Tenn. (com- missioned in the “Eighties”) till office was discontinued in 1905; formerly en- gaged in the mercantile business, now retired; member of the Methodist church. EAST, Joseph Richard, carpenter, machinist; Dorn Pittsylvania county, Va., . March 2, 1845; son of Thomas and ' Elizabeth (West) East; father’s occupa- tion farmer, and for 25 years he was j an old Va. overseer; paternal grand- parents, Joseph and Polly ( Bell) East; maternal grandparents, Joseph and Catharine ("McCaney) West; enlisted in the Confederate army in 1863 at age of 18 as a private in Capt. Wm. Brown’s Company, and served until the close of the war; was wounded twice, first in the Battle of Fishers’ Hill in the Valley of Va., in 1864; second in 1865 on the re- treat ,from Petersburg to Appomattox being t..e ,ast soldier to be wounded in the brigaue to which he belonged; in early life ne was a carpenter; married Sallee Petree July 25, 1873; member of F. & A. M. ; was postmaster at Fincastle, Campbed county. Tenn., during Presi- dent Cleveland s' second term ; served two terms as member of the County Court oi Campbell county, Tenn.; engaged in manufacture of lumber, being among the first to establish a steam mill in Camp- bell county, Tenn.; member of Baptist church, ann lias served as Sunday school superintendent and deacon in same 25 years. HENDERSON, J. Victor, physician and surgeon; born Sevierville, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1883; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James A. and Emma (Montgomery) Henderson; fathers’ occupation, physi- cian and surgeon; educated at Carson- Newman College, Baker-Himel School; graduated from Vanderbilt LTniversity Medical Dept, with degree M. D. May, 1907; in early lLe was a farmer; mar- ried Maude Lee Henderson J une 12, 1 907 ; member Masonic Blue Lodge Chapter and Knights Templar and Knights of Pythias; Capt. and Assistant Surgeon of National Guards of Tenn.; now Chief Surgeon for the La Follette AVHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 241 Coal, Iron & Ry. Co.; local surgeon for the Southern and L. & N. Ry. Co. LOWRY, Joseph E., minister of the gospel; born iviadisonville, Tenn., May 11, 1868; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Hugh K. and Isabella (Cook) Lowry; father’s occupation chairmaker; educated at Hiwassee Couege, and graduated from same with degree of A. B., May 20, 1886; A. M., 1889; in early life he taught school two years; joined the Holston Conference of the M. E. Church, South, at Asheville. N. C., in 1888; has served charges at Maynardsville, Knoxville, Louisville, Madisonville, Philadelphia and Lafollette, Tenn.; was also president of Hiwassee College nine years; marrieu Marv Cordelia Ault, July 19, 1892; mem- ber F. & A. M. and Modern Woodmen of America. MILLER, Henry P., farmer; born Well Spring, Tenn., Aug. 3, 1867; Dutch- Irish descent; son of James and Anna (Sharp) Miller; father’s occupation farmer; patrenal grandparents John and Elizabeth (Suddoth) Miller; maternal grandparents David and Martha (Myers) Snarp; educated at Well Spring; in. early life he engaged in the mercantile bus. ness; married Emma Mil- ler, Feb. 7, 1893; member I. O. O. F., Rebekah Assembly and Masons; engaged in farming, merchandising, traveling, and dealing in live stock. OTEY, Charles H., Baptist minister; born Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Aug. 20, 1252; English descent; son of Frazier M. and — (Newly) Otey ; father’s occupation minister of the gospel; pa- ternal grandparents Col. John and Mary (Lane) Otey; maternal grandparents Wm. H. and Mary (Glenn) Newly; in early life he was a farmer; married Mary J. Sharp, Dec. 23, 1885; member of the Baptist church. ROACH, John, contractor grade- work; born .,nox county., Ky., Sept. 7, 1842; English descent; son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Roach; father’s occupation farmer; received common school education; married Louisa Malli- coat, Dec. 1883; member of Lodge No. 623, F. & A. M. (chaplain); Rejiublican; served as first corporal in Company ( T,’ Ninth Regiment Cavalry, during civil war; member of the Baptist churcn; tormerly engaged in farming, carpenter- ing and mercantile business; at present he .s contractor in grade work. ROACH, William Littleton, farmer; born Knox county, Ky., July 11, 1847; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Wnceier) Roach; father's oc- cupation farmer; paternal grandparents William and Elizabeth (Smidely) Roach; maternal grandparents Benjamin and Nancy (McFarland! Wheeler; received common school education; served as private in Company “C," Ninth Tenn. Vol. Cavalry, 1863-1865; he was in all of the battles participated in by his regi- ment, including the battle of Greene- ville, Tenn., where Raider John Morgan lost his life, and Morristown, Tenn.; mar- ried twice, first l-.iizabeth Chapman, Nov. 12, 1867; second Alice Dyer, July 11, 1898; Master Mason, Valley Star Lodge, No. 577, F. & A. M. ; commander of the Daniel Meador Post, No. 19, G. A. R.; justice of the peace from 1888 to 1900; postmaster at Boy, 1880,1885, and Prim- roy, 1892-1900, establishing both offices; was also interested in mercantile busi- ness ten years _• census enumerator in his district in 1890; pension attorney, and has practiced before the courts of Camp- bell county, Tenn., J. P.; member of the Baptist church (Missionary.) SMITH, Edgar Herman, teacher, law- yer; born Well Spring, Campbell county, Tenn., Jul' r 30, 1877; German and Scotch-Irish descent; son of William Washington and Mary Virginia (Rich- ardson) Smith; educated in the Ameri- can Temperance University, and LTni- versity of Tenn.; began teaching school in early ,.ie ; married Nelle Wheeler, Jan. 22, 1909; member I. O. O. F., J. O. LT. A. M., and r. & A. M.; justice of the peace, and member of school board; won two gold medals in college; at present he is engaged in farming in connection with teaching school; mem- ber of Baptist church. TAYLOR, J. Will, lawyer; born in Union county, Tenn., Aug. 28, 1880; English and Irish descent; son of James W. and Elizabeth (Rogers) Taylor; 242 who’s WHO IN" TENNESSEE father’s occupation farmer, merchant, politician, in Senate in 1895, House of Representatives, 1891; paternal grand- parents George and Malinda (Gray; Taylor; maternal grandparents F. H. and Emily peeler) Rogers; educated in Holbrooir Normal College, American Temperance University, and Lebanon Law School; graduated from latter with LI,. B. degree in 1902; in early life taught school, worked on a farm; mar- ried Mossie Kincaid, Oct. 4, 1905; mem- ber Commandery, Royal Arch, and Mas- ter Mason; Knights of Pythias, Knights of Honor, I. O. O. F., Woodmen of America, Eap'les, and T. M. A.; Repub- lican; appointed postmaster at Lafollette at 22 years of age, and resigned after five vears to make the race for mayor of Lafollette, to which office he was elected March 29, 1910, and is the pres- ent incumbent; member of the Methodist church. LASCASSAS. BYRN, William M., farmer; born Milton, Tenn. ; son of W. B. Byrn; father’s occupation farmer; educated at Milton, Tenn.; in early life was in the mercantile business three years; married twice, first Phidelius Dougherty in 1869; second Mrs. Mattie A. Maney, Oct., 1886; member F. & A. M„ No. 203, Milton Tenn.; Democrat; served as justice of the peace twelve years, 1888-1894, 1900- 1906; member of the Baptist church. LAURELBURG. RUSSELL, Richard, farmer, stock raiser; born Van Buren county, Tenn., March 9, 1852; English descent; son of Thomas and Frances (Dyrej Russell; educated at Burrett College, Van Buren county, Tenn.; married three times; Democrat; judge of the County Court of Van Buren county, Tenn., 1906-1907- 1909; president of the Van Buren Bank, 1910-1911 ; has served as justice of the peace last forty years; engaged in bank- ing, farming and merchandising; mem ber of the Baptist church. LAWRENCEBURG. CROSTHWAITE, George Edgar, public official; born in Maury county. fenn., July 25, 1873; Scotch-Irish, Eng- lish and German descent; son of William Mack and Mary Elizabeth (McBride) Crosthwaite; father’s occupation farmer and mechanic; paternal grandparents John Newton and Nancy (Mack) Crosth- waite; maternal grandparents Samuel and Mary (Voorhies) McBride; edu- cated at Summertown Seminary; in early life taught school; married Anna Nor- ton, April 3, 1907; member Royal Arch Masons, Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. ; Republican; elected Circuit Court clerk of Lawrence county, Tenn., in 1906; re- elected in 1910; member of Methodist Episcopal church. FRiERSON, Horace, Jr., attorney- general Eleventh Judicial Circuit; born Columbia, Tenn., Feb. 5, 1881 ; Scotch- Irish and English descent; son of Horace and Jeannie (Phillips) Frierson; father’s occupation, wholesale dry goods mer- chant; paternal grandparents Luther and Jane E. (Stephenson) Frierson; mater- nal grandparents Charles W. and Jane (Crockett) Phillips; educated at Wal- lace University School, Nashville, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; graduated from Wallace University School with degree of Bachelor of Laws. June, 1902; served in Philippine Islands as private and first sergeant of Company “H,” First Tenn. Regiment, for one and one- half years; married Julia Turner War- field, Oct. 20, 1909; member Kappa Alpha Fraternity, and Knights of Pythias; Democrat; chairman of the County Democratic Executive Commit- tee, 1906-1909; nominated for attorney- general March 12, 1909; ejected Aug. 4, 1909, and is the present incumbent; prac- ticed law from 1902 at Lawrenceburg, Tenn., alone, except for a short while in lao2, when was partner with L. j . White; member of Southern Presbyte- rian church. MEREDITH, Thomas Hamilton. public official; born Pulaski, Tenn., May 1846; Scotcn-Irish and English descent; son of Thomas H. and Jane (Hodge) Meredith; father’s occupation Miss, planter; paternal grandparents Thomas H. and Jane (Jordan) Meredith: ma- ternal grandparents Joseph and S. Fliza- beth (Burch) Hodge; educated at Giles WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 243 College, Pulaski, Tenn.; served as private in Company “K,” First Regiment Tenn. infantry, under Col. H. R. Field at surrender; was wounded slighty at Perry- ville, Ky., and seriously wounded at Mis- sionary Ridge; paroled at Charlotte, N. C. ; in early life was a farmer; married Lilly Bently, May 3, 1888; member Ma- sonic Lodge, No. 494; member lower House of Tenn. Legislature, 1891-1892; Senate in 1895; appointed clerk and master of the Chancery Court of Law- rence county in 1897-1900-1909, and is the present incumbent. MORRISON, Johs F., lawyer; born at Waynesboro, Tenn., July 14, 1864; soi, of Merida and Lydia (Hardin) Morri- son; father’s occupation farmer; edu- cated at Clifton, Tenn., Lebanon, O., and Nashville, Tenn.; graduated from Na- tional Normal University, Lebanon, B. S. degree 1883; Vanderbilt University, B. A., 1889, L.L. B., 1890; in early life he established, and for a time, edited the “Waynesboro Tribune,’’ a weekly news- paper; married Eula Keeling, May 24, 1896; member F. & A. M., former W. M. of Waynesboro Lodge F. & A. M., and H. P. Waynesboro Chapter R. A. M.; state senator in the Fifty-Fifth General Assembly of the slate of Tenn., from Giles, Lawrence and Wayne counties; elected by the people with large ma- jority; secured reduction in railroad pas- senger rates for home counties while serving as state senator; assisted in the establishment of the Bank of Waynes- boro, and was for a time cashier of same; engaged in the practice of law, especially in the Chancery Courts. SIMS, Joseph, teacher; born Wayne count 3 r , Tenn., Aug. 27, 1876; English descent; son of Abraham M. and Hannah (Stooksberry) Sims; father’s occupation farmer and stock raiser; paternal grand- parents Robert and Frances (Merritt) Sims; maternal grandparents Robert and Jane (Sharp") Stooksberry; educated in public and private schools; graduated from University of Harriman with de- gree B. A., May 23, 1903; began teach- ing at aae of 16; left the farm at 20 to engage wholly in educational work; prin- cipal of Pinhook High School, Wayne county, Tenn., 1897-1900; principal of Iron City (Tenn.) Institute, 1903-1907 ; teacher of mathematics and agriculture in the County High School, Lawrence- burg, Tenn., since 1908; married Ora King, July 4, 1894; member F. & A. M., R. A. M„ i. U. O. F„ O. E. S.; High Priest of Lawrenceburg Chapter, No. 177, R. A, M., lor 1910; grand patron Grand ^-iapter O. E. S. of Tenn., 1910; served two years in Tenn. State Militia; superintendent of public instruction for Lawrence county, Tenn., 1907-1908; member of Baptist church. STARNES, Daniel W., lawyer; born Fountain county, Ind., Oct. 21, 1842; French-German descent; son of Henry and Katharine (Myers) Starnes; father’s occupation farmer; educated at Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Inch; served in Tenth Ind. Vol. Infantry, and Indiana Legion through civil war, with rank of second lieutenant, and first lieutenant- major; after the war he studied law in the office of Stilwell & Wood, Coving- ton, Ind.; admitted to bar 1868; married Mary E. Miller in 1868; member of Masons, Knights of Pythias; Republican; moved from Ind, to Tenn. in 1885; Re- publican nominee for state Senate, Twen- ty-second Sen. Dist., Tenn., in 1896; presidential elector on McKinley and Roosevelt ticket in 1900; nominee for judge of Supreme Court for Middle Di- vision of 'Tenn., on Repuoiican ticket in 1902; delegate to Republican National Convention, 1904; deputy Lb S. marshal in 1870; postmaster at Lawrenceburg, Tenn., 1905, appointed by President Roosevelt; re-appointed in 1910 by Pres- ident Taft; his name is among the 310 Ind. civil war soldiers on the Bronze tablet unveiled at Crawfordsville, Ind., in 1904, and which contains names of many prominent Ind. civil war veterans; senior member of the law firm of Starnes & Crews; owns a farm, and is stockholder in First National Bank, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; member of Presbyterian church. WILLIAMS, Robert Bone, lawyer; born in Wilson county, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1866; Englisli-Irish-Seotch-Welsh de- cent; son of Julius Howard and Sarah F.lizabeth fOwen) Williams; father's oc- cupation farmer, merchant and ex-county court chairman; paternal grandparents 244 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Julius H. and Margaret (Cason) Wil- liams; maternai grandparents Daniel E. and Mary (Roberson) Owen; educated in the public schools of Wilson county, Einwood High School, and Cumberland University; graduated from Linwood High Scnool in 1884, Cumberland Uni- versity with LL.B; degree in 1887 ; was reared on a larm; married Gertrude Ellen Thomas, Aug. 17, 1899 ; member of Masons (Royal Arch), I. O. O. F., and K. of P.; Democrat; served United states commissioner about three years; appointed ju. °- e of the Ninth Circuit Court of Tenn., 1897; served as same until Sept., 1898; mayor of Lawrence- burg, Tenn., 1901, and is present incum- bent; Bryan elector, 1900; member of the Baptist church. LEAS SPRINGS. IDOL, Wilms, physician and surgeon; born Granger Co., Tenn., May 2, 1863; son of John and Emilia (Akin) Idol; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Adam and Nancy (Rice) Idol; maternal grandparents Willis and Mary ( Floyd 1 Akin; received academic education in Grainger county, Tenn., and medical education in medical department University of Tenn., Nashville, graduat- ing from latter with degree of M .D. in 1895; in early life taught school, later practiced law; married Ida Yates in 1892; Republican; served as representa- tive of Grainger county i n lower house, Forty-fourth and Forty -fifth General Assemblies, Tenn. MITCHELL, Samuel Howard, farm- er; born Rogersville, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1868; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rich- ard P. and 1 arv J. (Shields) Mitchell; father’s occupation physician, surgeon- major First Tenn. Light Artillery, U. S. A.; educated McMinn Academy, Rog- ersville, Tenn; in early hie was on edi- torial staff of Rogersville (Tenn.) Her- ald; Republican; register of Hawkins county, 1890-1908; deputy collector of internal revenue, 1898-1903; member of Presbyterian church; engaged in farm- ing at Leas Springs, Tenn. ROACLi, Reuben R., physician; born Leas Springs, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1875; son of Marshau anu Catherine (Manley) Roach; father’s occupation farmer; edu- cated Tenn. Medical College, and grad- uated with degree of M. D., March 31, 1902; in early life- he was a farmer; married Kittie My rick, March 30, 1903; member Woodmen of the World, Maples Camp No. a28, 1. O. O. F., Grainger No. 338, Treasurer; Republican; member of county hoard of education, 1910 to date; Baptist church. LEBANON. BEARD, Edward Ewing, lawyer; born Princeton, ivy. ; son of Rev. Richard Beard, D. D.; father’s occupation pro- lessor of theology in Cumberland Uni- versity, Eebanon, min. ; paternal grand- father John Beard; maternal grandfather Andrew Castleman; graduated from Cumberland University with A. B. de- . ee, June, 1870; entered the practice of law in early life; married Sarah Liv- ingston, Oct. 12, 1876; member K. P. and 1. O. O. F. ; Democrat; mayor of Le- banon, Tenn., 1878-1879-1880; member of Tenn. Legislature, 1885; engaged in the practice of law at Lebanon, Tenn.; memoer of Presbyterian church, U. S. A. BONE, Winstead Paine, president Cumberland University; born Douglas, Tex., Nov. 23, 1861; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rooert Dounell and Griselda Mi- nerva ( Buriv ) Bone; father’s occupa- tion physician and surgeon; paternal grandparents John and Levicey (Mc- Minn) Bone; maternal grandparents James and Ann (Lucas) Burk; educated Trinity University (Tex.), Cumberland University (Tenn.), Union Theological Seminary (N. Y.), University of Berlin, and University of Chicago; graduated from Trinuy University, A. B., 1883, A. 1894, D. D., 1907; ‘Cumberland Uni- versity, B. D., 1886; in early life he was pastor of the following churches: Presbyterian church, Greeneville, Tex., 1886-1887; Nashville, Tenn., 1888-1889; Athens, Ala., 1890-1891; Dallas, Tex., 1891-94; married luartha Ready William- son, Sept.29,1897 ; member Beta Theta Pi fraternity; professor N. T. Greek and berland University, 1894-1909; dean of Theo. Dept. C. P. Univ. 1906-09; at pres- ent is president of Cumberland Uni- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 245 versity and professor English Bible in same; former writer of S. S. Lesson Comments, 1891-1906; member of Pres- byterian church, U. 8. A. BOUTON, William Paisley, planter; born Benton county, Miss., Nov. 26, 1848; French-Scotch descent; son of Ralph Leonard and Anna Jane (Gibson) Bouton; lather's occupation physician and merchant; paternal grandparents Jared and Polly (Webb) Bouton; mater- nal grandparents Moses and Elizabeth (Paisley) uibson; educated High School, Canaan, Miss.; graduated from medical department University of Louisville, Ky., degree M. D., March, 1870; law depart- ment Cumberland, LL.B, 1905; in early life clerk in store, 1866-1869; later prac- ticed medicine 1870-1885; married Mil- dred Thomas Vaughan, Dec. 18, 1884; formerly W. M. Canaan (Miss.) Lodge, A. F. imcoe) Gore, maternal grandparents 'Hen and Martha (Stanford) Robinson; °ucated at Peabody College and Cum- 11 Hand University, graduated from lat- • witn degree LL. B., June 1, 1907; in •ly life tauaht school; member F. & '> M. : Democrat; practicing law under >; firm name of Hogue & Gore, Liv- - ;ston, Tenn. ; member of Methodist is .irch. , jrUTrlulE, Walker D., merchant; f rn Albany, Ky., Dec. 27, 1876; Scotch- ' e sh descent; son of William S. and j iry (Pierce) Guthrie; father’s occupa- n a, minister of the gospel ; educated at r bany (Ky.) High School and Overton ( . (Tenn.) Academy; in early life was ’ farmer, later taught school in Arkan- for two years and in Texas two years ; ’’ s for one year bookkeeper and secre- f y of trie Poynter-Spencer Mercantile I ., Inc., Texas ; returned to Livingston, ■ nn., and entered the mercantile busi- es; married Amy M. Speck Aug. 10, ’ )2; member I. O. O. F. and W. O. W. ; I publican; member of Baptist church. 0.1 ' ]. HOGUE, John Robert, attorney at :r v; born Cumberland Co., Ky., April 1862; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Irdamon and Catharine (Story) f !)gue; father was a farmer; received j nmon scnool education; entered farm- g ’J| and mercantile business in early life; s also interested in lumber business; h rried Martha S. Sidwell March 25, 1 12; member I. O. O. F. ; Republican; s imber Lower House of Representatives ’ 54th General Assembly from 12th Dis- . t of Tenn.; Judge of the Co. Court Overton Co., Tenn., at present; en- . ged in the practice of law under the ' n name of Hogue & Gore, Livingston, nn. ; formerly interested in milling and ' d estate. 3FFICER, William Robinson, law- born Clay Co., Tenn., June 18, 1872; iglish-Irish and Welsh descent; son of tin Holford and Ida (Chowing) Of- :r: paternal grandparents, William and Cynthia (Holoford) Officer iternal grandparents Dr. Z. R. 3 Rebecca (McMillin) Chowning; edu- ced in the common schools of Clav and Overton Counties, Tenn.; taught in the public school at a very early age; mar- ried Nannie Belle Windle, June, 1893; member F. & A. M. and Knight of Py- thias; Democrat; was Clerk and Master of Overton Co., Tenn., six years; elected Dist. Atty.-Gen. for the 5th Circuit of Tenn. Aug., 1902, re-elected in Aug., 1910, and is the present incumbent; stock- holder and President of Farmers’ bank, Livingston, Tenn., and President and General Counsel Overton Coal & Coke Co., Davidson Co., Tenn. ROBERTS, Albert H., lawyer; born Overton Co., Tenn., July 4, 1868; Irish- Welsh and German descent; son of J. A. and Sarah E. (Carlock) Roberts; father’s occupation farming; paternal grandparents Jesse and Mahala (Mur- dock) Roberts; maternal grandparents B. L. and Eliza (Hayter) Carlock; edu- cated in the High Schools of Kansas; graduated at Hiwassee Colege, Tenn., A. B., 1889, A. M., 1892; early occupation teaching at Alpine Institute, Overton Co., Tenn., and engaged in the practice of law in Overton and adjoining counties fifteen years; served as superintendent of public instruction for Overton Co., Tenn., two terms; at present he is chan- cellor of Fourth Division of Tenn. ; married Nora Deane Bowden, May 16, 1889; member I. O. O. F., and F. & A. M.; Democrat; member of M. E. Church, South; president of Farmers’ Bank, Liv- ingston, Tenn., five years; resigned upon election as chancellor. SMITH, Barton O., farmer, miller; born Davidson Co., N. C., March 9, 1873; Dutch-Welsh descent; son of George W. and Elizabeth (Huff) Smith; received common school education ; began his busi- ness career as farmer, later entered the mining and saw mill business; married Margaret V. Dillen, April 6, 1899; mem- ber Knights and Ladies of Honor and M. W. A.; served as Protector in K. and L. of H., and Counsel of M. W. A.; Democrat; received appointment of rural letter carrier, which position he held four years and resigned on account of ill health; member of Progressive Christian church. WHO S AV IIO IN TENNESSEE SPECK, Burr L., real estate agent; born Henard, Tenn., Nov. 22, 1867 ; Duteli descent; son of James H. and Rebecca (Lea) Speck; father’s occupa- tion, farmer, merchant; paternal grand- parents John and Nancy (Ashburn) Speck, maternal grandparents Malichi and Annie (Cox) Lea; educated at Al- pine and Oak Hill, Tenn.; in early life was a farmer; married Mary Hetty Mitchell, Jan. 10, 1895; member K. of P. and K. R. S.; Democrat; former member of City Council, Livingston, Tenn.; in- terested in manufacture of rough and dressed lumber, and coal operator. WHITE, Edward Donnell, lawyer; born Monroe, Tenn., May 2, 1870; Eng- lish-French descent; son of Samuel An- drew Jackson and Sarah Hassie (For- shee) White; father’s occupation, minis- ter in Cumberland Presbyterian church ; paternal grandparents, William Grant and Nancy (Dennis) White, maternal grandparents Joseph and Elizabeth (Parker) Forshee; graduated from Al- pine (Tenn.) Academy June 16, 1893; taught school in early life; married Etta May Smith, Oct. 30, 1895; member I. O. O. F. and Scottish Rite Masons; Demo- crat; elected Mayor of Livingston, Tenn., Aug., 1908, re-elected 1910, and is the present incumbent; delegate to National Democratic convention, Denver, in 1908. LITTLELOT. EASLEY, James Thomas, banker; born Dickson, Tenn., July 24, 1872; Scotch-lrish descent; son of John W. and Elizabeth (Sugg) Easley; father's occupation, farming; paternal grandpa- rents Robin and Mary (Parker) Easley, maternal grandparents J. H. and Susan (Lewis) Sugg; educated in Kentucky and Georgia; graduated in Georgia with A. B. degree, June, 1892; in early life he was a school teacher; married Susan E. Sanders, June 27, 1897 ; member Masons, K. P., I. O. O. F., W. O. W„ M. W. A.; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South; cashier of the Littlelot Bank & Trust Co. since 1902. LOBELVILLE. LANCASTER, William Henry, farmer; born Hickman Co., Tenn., March 20, 1844; English descent; son of Ga- briel and Martha J. (Cotham) Lancas- ter; father was a minister of the gospel; educated in the Perry Co. (Tenn.) coun- try schools; entered farming in early life; married Mary E. Denson, June 16, 1872; member Perry Lodge No. 325, F. and A. M., Past Master: Democrat; Judge of the Co. Court of Perry Co., Tenn., April, 1904, Sept., 1910; served as private in Co. F, 53d Tenn. Vol., C. S. A.; member of the Christian church LOUDON. BACON, Charles Harrison, Sec. and Treas. Loudon Hosiery Mills; born Lou- don, Tenn., May 3, 1877 ; English de- scent; son of Nathaniel P. and Sophia (Wilson) Bacon; father’s occupation, farmer and merchant; paternal grand- parents Drewry A. and Caroline (Bal- lard) Bacon, maternal grandparents John and Malinda (Marney) Wilson; educated in the public schools and Sweetwater Military Academy, and East- man Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; graduated from Sweetwater Military Academy with A. B. degree in 1893; in early life he was cashier and bank clerk; married Leola Ann Mourfield, June 3, 1909; member B. P. O. E.; Democrat; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church; interested in farming and dif- ferent manufacturing interests; Direc- tor First National Bank, Lenoir City, Tenn., and Knoxville (Tenn.) Banking & Trust Co. CARMICHAEL, James H., hardware merchant; born Loudon, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1874; Irish descent; son of James H. and Mary J. (Barksdale) Carmichael; father’s occupation, trader and farmer;! educated at Loudon and Henderson, j ; Tenn.; entered farming and trading inj early life; married Laura May Russell, ji Feb. 15, 1905; member Masonic Jjodge;! Democrat; member of Cumberland Pres-!, byterian church. CARMICHAEL, Nicholas Barks- dale, farmer and stock dealer ; born near Loudon, Tenn., April 8, 1865 ; Scotch de- scent; son of James H. and Marv (Barksdale) Carmichael; father’s occu- pation, farmer and stock dealer; pater- WHo's WHO IN TENNESSEE 250 mil grandparents John and Margaret (Gardenhier) Carmichael, maternal grandfather Nicholas Barksdale, mater- nal grandmother was a Miss Anderson prior to her marriage; educated at Lou- don, Tenn., and University of Tenn. ; en- : tered farming in early life; later became , interested in stock dealing; married Cle- ! mentina M. Bogle, April 32, 1903; mem- i] her Loudon Masonic Lodge No. 204, , Knights Templar, Knoxville, Tenn., and Shrine at Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Democrat. CASSADY, John E., lawyer; born Erie, Tenn.; son of John W. Cassady; ii father’s occupation, minister of the ) gospel; paternal grandparents John H. ■ and Sarah (Brown) Cassady; educated at Grant University, Athens, Tenn.; be- gan his career as a farmer and school teacher; married Mary Sylvester; mem- ber I. O. O. F., Lenoir City, Tenn., No. 228; Republican; Clerk Circuit Court of Loudon County, Tenn., 1884-1892; represented Loudon, Monroe and Polk counties in Tenn. Legislature, 1897-1898; delegate to Chicago convention that nom- inated Roosevelt for President in 1906; member of M. E. church; admitted to bar in 1886, and is engaged in the active practice of law in Loudon, Tenn. GREER, James A., lawyer, born Knox Co., Tenn., Jan. 16, 1846; son of John and Annis Greer; Scotch-Irish and English descent; father’s occupation farmer; educated State University ( Bloomington, Ind., and Maryville Col- lege, Maryville, Tenn. ; early business farmer. County Court Clerk of Blount Co., from 1872-1880; Chief Deputy Col- lector and Clerk in the Internal Revenue office for the 2d Collector District of ( Tenn., from 1879 to 1885; Clerk and Master of Blount Co., from 1885 to 1890; Cashier of Citizens’ Bank of Loudon, Tenn., from 1889 to 1898; practicing law ever since; married Sarah H. Green- t way, Jan. 16, 1868; second marriage to Helen H. Evans Feby. 15, 1887 ; mem- ber of I. O. O. F. ; (has been Deputy Grand Master) ; was the nominee of the Republican party in 1894 for R. R. Commissioner and ran 5,000 votes ahead of his ticket; member of the Presby- terian church. NICHOLAS, James L., lawyer; born Maries Co., Mo., March 24, 1866; son of Lincoln and Jane (Brown) Nicholas; educated in the common schools of Mo., High School at West Plains, Mo., and State University of Mo.; graduated from State University of Mo., Columbia, Mo., with degree ox Bachelor of Laws, June 5, 1890; in early life he taught school and was surveyor; married Anne San- born, June 20, 1904; Democrat; former Com. of Schools, Howell Co., Mo., 1887, Co. Surveyor, 1888, Prosecuting Attor- ney 7 ', Ozark Co., Mo., 1891 ; member of Presbyterian church, LI. S. A. ROBINsON, Robert Byrd, lawyer; born Loudon, Tenn., May 21, 1863; son of E. D. and Mary (Robinson) Robin- son; graduated from U. S. Grant Uni- versity r , Athens, Tenn., in 1886; entered the practice of law in early life at Lou- don, Tenn., served as Deputy Clerk and Master of Chancery Court, 1886-1890; married Mattie Davis, May 25, 1893; member Tenn. Lodge No. 204, F. & A. M., Loudon Chapter No. 129, R. A. M. ; former Postmaster at Loudon, Tenn., 1897-1905; member of the Methodist Episcopal cnurch; engaged in the mer- cantile business at Loudon, Tenn. SIMPSON, John Preston, account- ant; born Washington Co., Ind., May 23, 1864; son of E. B. and Lucy (Wat- kins) Simpson; paternal grandfather Robt. Simpson; paternal grandmother Mary (McKeehan) Simpson; maternal grandfather William Watkins; maternal grandmother Margaret (Byerley) Wat- kins; of Scotch-Irish descent; educated Loudon High school; married Effie M. Harrison Oct. 25, 1893; Receiver Lenoir Milling Co.; Receiver M. R. Goons and Loudon Milling Co.; Congressional Com- mitteeman; member Co., High School Board; formerly merchant Lenoir City; now connected with Loudon Hosiery mills; member Methodist Episcopal church. SIMPSON, John Tate, farmer; born Monroe Co., Tenn., Nov. 14, 1856; Irish descent; son of John and Elizabeth (Al- len) Simpson; educated at Loudon, Tenn.; entered farming in early life, also clerked in store; married Emma Wilson, I WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 260 Dec. 17, 1890; Postmaster at Loudon, Tenn., under Pres. Cleveland’s first ad- ministration; Democrat; one of the pro- moters and first cashier of the Bank of Loudon, Tenn.; owns large farming in- terests in celebrated Fork Creek valley, devoted to stock raising and grain. P. O. address Philadelphia, Tenn., R. F. D. TALIAFERRO, Charles Pleasant, merchant; born Loudon, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1871; Italian descent; son of M. II. and Loula Rebecca (Beasly) Taliaferro; father’s occupation, school teacher; pa- ternal grandparents Rev. Charles and Virginia (Whitlock) Taliaferro, mater- nal grandparents W. and Emmeline Eliza (Henderson) Beasly; educated at Loudon High school; in early life he was a butcher and grocer; married Laura Lowe, Oct. 11, 1893; member J. O. U. A. M. No. 29; Justice of the Peace of 1st District of Loudon Co., Tenn., at pres- ent; member of Cumberland Presbyter- ian church; Director in Loudon (Tenn.) Hosiery Mills. LOUISVILLE. COX, Richard Layfaette, miller and farmer; born Louisville, Tenn., Oct. 31, 1856; English and Scoteh-Irish descent; son of Willister Madison and Mary Jane (King) Cox; father’s occupation, mer- chant and farmer; paternal grandparents Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Talbot) Cox, maternal grandparents James and Isa- bella (McNeil) King; graduated from University of Tenn., with degree B. S., June, 1876; entered farming early in life; married Malinda White Williams, Dec. 19, 1876; member of Methodist Church, South; Democrat; interested in the Louisville (Tenn,') Milling Co., and farming during past 30 years. CUMMINS, John Taylor, traveling salesman; born near Bearden, Tenn., Oct. 7, 1847 ; Scotch-Irish and Dutch de- scent; son of Joseph B. and Elizabeth (Mattheny) Cummins; father was a mer- chant for 30 years in Louisville, Tenn.; educated in the local schools at Louis- ville, Tenn., and Holston College; in early life was a pnotographer; married Adria B. Rogers, February 20, 1873; member F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., and J. O. U. A. M.; Postmaster at Louisville, Tenn., July 1, 1897, to Jan. 1, 1905; member of the Methodist Episco-, pal church; traveled for the American Bible Society a number of years ; for! the past five years he has been traveling salesman of East Tenn. for Levering Coffee Co., Baltimore, Md. LURAY. CAWTHON, James Franklin, born Mifflin, Henderson Co., Tenn., Sept. 9, 1855; Irish descent; son of Lemuel] Franklin and Martha Ann (Chick) Caw- thon; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents William and Sarah (Linch) Cawthon, maternal grandparents William and Lncy (Torvus) Chick; edu- cated at Mifflin and Henderson, Tenn. j entered farming in early life; married Malissa j . Jones, Dec. 27, 1891; Demo- crat; depuaty L T . S. Marshal, 1894-1895; member of Primitive Baptist church, j LYNCHBURG. PEARSON, Thomas Kindred, me- chanic; born Flat Creek, Tenn., Oct. 11, 1884; son of Kindred Jackson and Eliza (Farrar) Pearson; father’s occupation, farmer and manufacturer of lumber; pa- ternal grandparents Kindred and Sidney (Bobo) Pearson, maternal grandfathei James Farrar, maternal grandmother was a Miss Floyd prior to her marriage! educated at Burrett College, Spencer! Tenn.; in early life was in the milling! business; married Musa Moora, Nov. 15 1905; Democrat; member of Christian church. SALMON, Ezekiel Young, physician born Greeneville, S. C., June 26, 1830 Scotch-Irish and Welsh descent; son of William H. and Eliza B. Hansell) Sal- mon; father’s occupation physician anr government official; educated in the com- mon schools of Tennessee, and graduated at Nashville, Tenn., with degree M. D. 1857-1870; spent several years in Cali- j fornia in early life; organized the firs military company in the State of Ten| nessee for the Confederate army, Marclj 10, 1861, and served as captain ancj surgeon of Company “C,” First Tennes-; see Volunteer Regiment, C. S. A.; mar- ried Harriet C. Taylor, 1858; Mason WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 261 Worship tul Master; Democrat; former clerk and master of Chancery Court for Moore Co., Tenn., 1872-1884; member of the Church of Christ; formerly engaged in the oraetice of medicine, now re- tired. LYNNVILLE. BLACKBURN, James Kxox Polk, farmer and stock raiser; born Maury Co., Tenn., Feb. 20, 1837: Scotch and Dutch descent; son of Edward Rose and Hester Jane (Dickey) Blackburn; father was a farmer and stock raiser; educated in the common schools in Tenn., and Alma Institute, Texas; in early life en- tered farming and taught school; mar- ried Mary McMillan Laird, Feb. 10, 1867; Democrat; member of Legislature, 1883-1885, as representative, and elected State Senator, 1910; served in Civil war as member of 8th Texas Cavalry (Ter- ry’s Texas Rangers), private for a while and later promoted to company com- mander; while in legislature he helped settle the State debt, and aided in mak- ing a railroad commission law, and in the passage of a statewide prohibition law; member of Christian church. BURKHOLDER, Aldixe Clifford, teacher; born Harrisonburg, Va., April 2, 1873; German descent; son of Sam- uel Martin and Mary Elizabeth (Rhodes) Burkholder; father was a farmer; pa- ternal grandparents, Martin and Rebec- ca (Shank) Burkholder, maternal grand- parents Henry and Margaret (Heatwole) Rhodes; educated in the public schools of Virginia and West Central Academy, Mt. Clinton, Virginia, and Wash- ington ana Lee University, Lexington, Va., graduating from the latter with B. A. degree, June, 1903; in early life was a farmer; took special courses of study in University of Chicago during sum- mers of 1908-1909; taught in public schools of Rockingham Co., Va., for three years, in Branham & Hughes School for Boys, Spring Hill, Tenn., 1903-1909, Principal of Robert Jones School, 1909-1910, co-Principal of same with Howard D. Dozier, 1910 to date; member of Presbyterian Church, South. DICKERSON, Mary Jake Stoxe, born Shelbyville, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1826; daughter of Capt. William and Nancy Allen (Pgpiel) Stone; father was a stockman, farmer, capitalist and soldier in War of 1812; direct descendant of old Va. families; paternal grandparents William Richard and Sallic (Winnegam) Stone, maternal grandparents John and Susie (Bowrum) Daniel; her maternal grandfather was a Revolutionary war soldier; educated in Lewisburg, Tenn.; married Washington Riborn Dickerson, Aug. 18, 1843; member U. D. C. of Pu- laski, D. A. R. Cumberland Chapter, Nashville, Tennessee, Counsellor in Chapter of 1812, Nashville, Tenn. housed, fed and nursed Confederate sol- diers during Civil war; once interposed herself between her husband and a Fed- eral soldier, who was endeavoring to kill him; member of Old Presbyterian church. LOGUE, Samuel Rutledge, teacher and minister; born Warren Co., Tenn., June 22, 1863; son of Aaron Gilbert and Mary Ann (Rutledge) Logan; paternal grandfather Eli Logue; paternal grand- mother Matilda (Hammer) Logue; maternal grandfather William Rutledge; maternal grandmother Mary (Dodson) Rutledge; Welsh Irish and American In- dian descent; educated Winchester and Nashville, graduated at Winchester Nor- mal May 20, 1889; A. B., degree con- ferred upon him by Nashville Bible school June 10, 1903; married Cora Eli- zabeth Wooley July 17, 1889; held chair of English in Nashville Bible school ’97- ’99; evangelist for number of years; Principal of Lynnville Academy 1903- 1910; pastor of church at Lynnville from 1900 to 1910; elected president of West Tenn., College Dyer Co., Tenn., May 1910; member Christian church. McEWEN. MEADOW, Thomas R., banker; born Humphreys Co., Tenn., Oct. 22, 1865; son of Jacob E. and Susan (Crockett) Mea- dow; father’s occupation, farmer; re- ceived common school education; in early life was a farmer, later was in Co. Clerk’s office as Deputy Co. Court Clerk, then Tax Assessor, then entered the mercantile business, in which he eon- 262 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE tinued ten years; in 1903 organized the McEwen bank and was elected cashier, which position he still holds; married Mary E. McMurry, Oct. 18, 1885; mem- ber Masonic Lodge No. 525; Democrat; member of Christian church. McGHEE. NILES, Sinclair, David Gervais, physician and farmer; born Washington, Republic of Texas, Feb. 1, 1840; Scotch- Irish and Welsh-French descent; son of Joseph Warren Jenkins and Eliza Amelia (Gervais) Niles; father published first newspaper in Republic of Texas, mer- chant, banker and planter; paternal grandparents Rev. Asa and Susan (.Jenkins) Niles; maternal grandparents Sinclair David and Catherine (O’Keeffe) Gervais; his maternal grandfather was first Judge in Republic of Texas; edu- cated in several colleges, and Univer- sity of Va., graduated in medicine Uni- versity City of N. Y., with degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, March I, 1861; married Margaret Humes, Sept. 21, 1865; member F. & A. M. (Past Master); Democrat; served as private Co. H, 1st Miss. Cav. (Pinson’s Regi- ment, Armstrong’s Brigade) ; later served as scout and appointed Assist. Surgeon, promoted to rank of captain April 10, 1864; paroled at Meridian, Miss., May II, 1865; in early life he practiced medi- cine; now engaged in farming; member of Protestant Episcopal church. McILI.WAIN. GOSSETT, Dorsey, farmer and stock dealer; born near Holladay, Tenn., Nov. 13, 1869; English descent; son of David A. and E. V. (Camp) Gossett; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at Holla- day, Tenn., graduated from Holladay In- dependent Normal, L. I., July 4, 1891, B. S., July 7, 1893; in early life he taught school; married Lula E. Murphy, Oct., 1894.; member W. O. W. ,W. C. and i. O. O. F.; Superintendent of Public Schools, Jan. 1, 1897, to Jan. 1, 1901; dealer in live stock and cross ties, and engaged in farming. P. O. Address Hol- laday, R. F. D. 3. McKenzie. BURNS, James Thomas, retail merf chant; born near McLemoresville, Tenn. May 5, 1849; son of John and Margarel (Patton) Burns; father’s occupation! farmer; paternal grandparents, Richarc and (Newbill) Burns, ma ternal grandparents William and Man (Wright) Patton; educated at Bethel College, McLemoresville, Tenn., an( University of Miss.; worked on farn until 1871, entered the mercantile busi ness in 1875 at Trezevant, Tenn.; mar ried Mary Lee Harris, March 27, 1878 member of Knights of Pythias, am United Order of the Golden Cross Democrat; Vice Pres, and Gen. Mgi of the Moore & Burns Co., General Mer chandise, McKenzie, Tenn.; member o Presbyterian church, U. S. A. COLLIER, Harris Taylor, physiciai and surgeon; born McKenzie, Tenn., ii 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Zach ary Taylor and Ada (Harris) Collier father’s occupation, commission merchan and planter; paternal grandparents Har vey and Elizabeth (Hartsfteld) Colliei maternal grandparents Albert and Luc P. (Gilbert) Harris; educated at Mem phis, McKenzie, Tenn., University o Tenn., University of N. C., University o Va., Tulane University of La., graduat ing from the latter with M. D. degree May 2, 1900; member I. O. O. F., B. I O. E. and K. & L. of H., Sigma Nu Fra ternity, Theta Nu Epsilon Society; Dem ocrat, former Lieut. -Surgeon in the Arlj State Guard; member of the Presbyi terian church; planter. DINWIDDIE, Madison Bagry, farm er; born Old Caledonia, Henry Co Tenn., Feb. i.4, 1840; Scotch-Irish de scent; son of Jedida and Mary (Andeti son) Dinwiddie; father was a farme and slave owner; paternal grand fa the William Dinwiddie, maternal gram mother was a Miss Maupin prior to he? marriage, maternal grandparents Nelsolj and Peggie (Smoot) Anderson; voliu teered and enlisted in Civil war, May 2(1 1861, as 1st Lieut. Hawkins’ Co., Ru; sel’s Brigade, and Forrest’s Divisio Cavalry; engaged in sixteen battle j wounded three times, last time he wa WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 263 -everely wounded and was discharged luly 22, 1864; married Mary E. Patter- on, Dec. 8, 1864; member Masonic Fra- ernity and Confederate Bivouacs; Vice D res. Stonewall Jackson Bivouac No. 42; democrat (Regular) ; interested in arming, milling and cotton gin inter- ests, cattle and stock raising, etc.; mem- ler of Cumberland Presbyterian church. DUNLAP, Pressley S., farmer; born n Weakley Co., Tenn., July 16, 18T3; icotch-l rish and German descent; son if William ami Mary (Sears) Dunlap; other's occupation, farmer; received ommon school education; in early life aught school; married twice, first, Nan- y Bragg, Dec. 2, 1857, second, Laura |\ T ewton, Nov. 26, 1902; member of Ma- onic Blue Lodge and Commandery in- lusive, W. M. 35 years; Democrat; ormer Magistrate; member of Cumber- land Presbyterian church and elder in ame over 60 years; engaged in farming nd stock raising. EVERETT, John Edward, farmer nd stock raiser; born in Weakley Co., Tenn., Oct. 16, 1847 ; English and Scotcn- rish descent; son of Elbert G. and Mo- eta (Busey) Everett; fathers’ occupa- ion, farmer and stock raiser; received Common school education; worked on arm in Weakley Co. in early life; mar- ||ied Elizabeth C. Mattneny May 2, 1867; Democrat; census Enumerator in 1880 inder William M. Smyth, Supervisor; bember of Tenn. Legislature from Veakley Co., Tenn., 1907-1908; member 5 resbyterian church, U. S. A. FINNEY, Newton Jefferson, eduea- or; born Mt. Juliet, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1846; icotch-Irish descent; son of William nd Eliza Jane (Cloyd) Finney; father’s ccupation farmer; paternal grandpar- nts William and Margaret (Jefferson) inney ; maternal grandparents Newton nd Elizabeth (Williamson) Cloyd; ed- eated at Mt. Juliet (Tenn.) High Ichool and Cumberland University ; raduated from latter with B. A. de- ree, 1868; M. A. 1870; in early life mrked on iarm in summer and attended diool in winter; after graduation he be- an teaching; married Ruth Louisa Imith, Dec. 19, 1872; member Royal Arch .Masons; Democrat; was for sev- eral years president of Cumberland Fe- male College, McMinnville, Tenn.; now president of the Bethel College, McKen- zie, Tenn., the Theological School of the Cumberland Presbyterian church; mem- ber of Cumberland Presbyterian church and ruling elder in same. GRISSAM, Clyde, lawyer; industrial journalism; born Brownville, Haywood Co. Tenn., March 15, 1881; son of M. M. and Julia (Brown) Grissam; English de- scent; attended Brownsville High school and Vanderbilt Law school; mem- ber of I. O. O. F., D. T. D. Frat.; nominated for legislature by Haywood Co. Republicans, 1902; defeated; nomin- ated Republicans of Carroll Co., for leg- islature 1908; elected over H. M. Mebane, xusion candidate to 56th assembly; one of the floor leaders; member of Rules Committee; Chairman of Com. Federal Relations; author of Act, creating Tenn., Public Highway Commission; practiced law in Brownsville for three years as member of firm of Nunn and Grissam; located in Carroll Co., in 1904; engaged in practice of law and; practiced law in Huntingdon, Tenn., from 1904 to 1905; moved to McKenzie, Tenn., 1906; Early business, newsboy; Republican. JOHNSON, Pi-iilip Franklin, minis- ter of the gosnel; born Weakley county, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1852; Scotch-Irish and German descent; son of W. B. and Sarah (Groom) Johnson; father’s occu- pation farmer; paternal grandparents John P. and Mary (Harral) Johnson; maternal grandparents Bright and Kate (Winders) Grooms; educated at Bethel College and Cumberland University; graduated from Bethel College with A. B. degree, June, 1881, B. D. conferred by Cumberland University, June, 1885; entered the ministry in earl}' life; mar- ried Susan V. Flippin, Dec. 28, 1881 ; member F. & A. M. ; Democrat; or- dained to the full work of the ministry, March, 1881 ; labored as a minister in Ivy., Ore., Tex., Ark., Mo., and Tenn.; elected member of the board of trustees of Bethel College, Oct., 1905, and presi- dent of same, 1909; elected member of the board of education and correspond- ing secretary and treasurer, 1906; elected who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 264 dean theological department Bethel Col- lege, July 17, 1908; member of Cum- berland Presbyterian church. McELROY, Robert Chester, educator, minister of the gospel; born Henry Co., Tenn., Nov. 16, 1883; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Robert and Martha J. (Petty) McElroy; educated in local schools of Henry Co., Tenn., and Hall- Moody Institute, Martin, Tenn. ; married Katherine Huddleston Jan. 18, 1906; Democrat; member of lower house Gen. Assembly of Tenn. 1904-1907; was tem- porary speaker of the House, joint au- thor of Pendleton bill; youngest mem- ber of legislature in history of the State of Tenn.; editor of “Parisian,” Paris, Tenn,, from 1903 to 1906; ordained as minister of the Baptist church 1906; be- came associated with Baptist Banner as co-editor; resigned to take charge of Baptist church at McKenzie, Tenn., in 1909; elected Superintendent of City Schools of McKenzie same year; editor and publisher of Doctrinal Foundations, a Baptist monthly magazine. RICHEY, Robert Caevin, educator; born Guntown, Miss., Feb. 21, 1876; •Scotch-Irish descent; son of Wilson Marion and Sarah Rebecca (Whitten) Richey; father’s occupation merchant, planter; paternal grandparents Robert Caldwell and Nancy Elizabeth (Hill) Richey; maternal grandparents Calvin Thomas and Malinda Catharine (Kinzey) Whitten; educated in the public and pre- paratory schools in Elkton, Ky., Little Rock, Ark., and McTyeire School, Mc- Kenzie, Tenn., and Vanderbilt Univer- sity; in early life worked on a farm; began teacning in 1901 at Smyrna, Tenn.; in 1902 moved to McKenzie where he has been connected with the McTyeire School for past eight years; married Elizabeth M. Farrow, Nov. 3, 1904; member of Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity at Van- derbilt University; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church. ROBINS, James Albert, teacher; born Guntown, Miss.. Feb. 3, 1868; English de- scent; son of Jeptha and Eliza Dabney (Allen) Robins; father’s occupation law- yer, farmer; paternal grandparents Al- bert and Susan (Norton) Robins; ma- ternal grandparents David and Sallie Ann (Spencer) Allen; educated in the common sc.ioois of Miss., Webb Schools at Bellbuckle, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; graduated from latter with B. A. degree, June, 1892; reared on farm in north Miss. ; has taught in prepara- tory schools at Symrna, Tenn., Elkton, Ky., Little Rock, Ark., and McKenzie, Tenn. ; at present principal of McTyeire School; married Grace Williams, June 4, 1907; member Knights of Pythias, Masons; Independent Democrat; mem- ber of M. E. Church, South. SPELLINGS, William, postmaster and cotton broker; born Carroll county, Tenn., Dec. 1, 1847; English descent; son of G. C. and Nancy (Schrisp) Spel- lings; educated in Tenn. and 111; began his career as a farmer, later entered the mercantile business; at present is post- master at McKenzie, Tenn., and is a |l cotton broker; married A. P. Jackson j in 1873; member of Masonic Lodge and jl K. P. ; Republican; Christian Scientist. j TODD, John Dudley, physician; born in Carroll Co., Tenn., March 3, 1856; descendant of Sir Edmund Dudley, 1462, father of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland; son of Marcus La- fayette and Paulina Rebecca (Dudley) Todd ; father’s occupation planter and farmer; paternal grandparents Hugh and Narcissa ; Rogers) Todd; maternal grandparents John D. and Frances (Is- bell) Dudley; educated at Bethel Col- lege, McTyeire Institute, University of Baltimore, Md., University of Nash- viiie, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; graduated from McTyeire Institute, Uni- versity of Nashville, and Boston School of Oratory; received degrees, graduate in oratory, 1888; doctor of Medicine, 1899; in early life was teacher in com- mon schools, express mesenger, entry clerk in Southern Methodist Publishing House; clerk in secretary of state’s of- fice; later professor of English language and English literature, elocution and oratory in leading Southern colleges for seven years; married Emma R. Hart, June 5. 1901; member I. O. O. F., W. O. W., Golden Cross, Knights of Pythias; Democrat; president city board of edu- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 205 cation; secretary city board of Health; member Methodist Episcopal -Church, South; been practicing medicine since 1898. M’MINNVILLE. BLRGER, Thomas Overton, physi- cian; born Short Mountain, Tenn., March 26, 1877; German descent; son of Arch H. and Ella (Batton) Burger; father’s occupation farmer; educated at Vanderbilt University; graduated from medical department V anderbilt Univer- sity, with M. D. degree, April 4, 1900; in early life he was a teacher; married Hallie L. Bellamy, Dec. 17, 1902; mem- ber Masonic Lodge; U. S. pension ex- aminer since 1904; member of Metho- dist Eniscopal Church, South; president of Middle Tennessee Medical Society in 1905. CALDWELL. William A., real es- tate broker; born Shannondale, Ind., May 15, 1861 ; Scotch-Irish and Dutch descent; son of David A. and Elizabeth (Mount) Caldwell; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Robert and Sibby ( Russel ) Caldwell ; ma- ternal grandparents Atwell and Lucinda (Fullenwider) Mount; educated in Il- linois and Indiana; graduated from Wa- bash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., and Eastern Illinois Normal School; received degrees B. S., 1888; A. M., 1893, and B. Pd., 1900; in early life he was a farmer, later taught school; married Liz- zie B. Nelson, Aug. 18, 1891; member Tribe of Ben-Hur, Newport (Ky. ) No. 1; secretary Warren County Republican Executive Committee; superintendent of Indian Schools, 1891-1894; president Henry Kendall College, Muskogee, I. T„ 1894-1897; High School work after that until 1905; secretary and manager of Business Men’s League, McMinnville, Tenn.; member of Presbyterian church, and elder in same; owner of real es- tate. COWDEN, John B., minister of the rospel; Irish-Enalish descent; son of John and Marv Hannah (Leonard) Cow- den; father’s occupation, physician; pa- ternal grandparents William and Rhoda ( Davis) Cowden; maternal grandparents Griffith and Nancy (Porter) Leonard; educated at Petersburg, Tenn., Nash- ville, Tenn., and Lexington, Ky. ; grad- uated from University of Nashville, A. B., June, 1905; Peabody College, L. I., 1901; took post-graduate course at Uni- versity of Kentucky, 1903-1904; in early life he was instructor in Latin and Greek Potter Bible College, Bowling Green, Ky., and Hawkins Training School, Gallatin, Tenn.; married Lillian Smallman, Oct. 26, 1910; Democrat (in- dependent) ; member of Christian church; pastor of Church of Christ, De- troit, Mich., 1905-1907 ; at present is pas- tor of Christian church, McMinnville, Tenn. FAIRBANKS, W. W., lawyer; attor- ney-general for the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Tennesee; Dem- ocrat; residence, McMinnville, Tenn. HOGAN, Lemuel Ransom, miaister of the gospel; born Rover, Tenn., July 22, 1875; Irish descent; son of Thomas and Delilah Hogan; father’s occupation, mechanic and farmer; moved to Texas in 1893; joined Presbytery in 1898; en- tered Patterson Institute, Hillsboro, Tex., in preparation for the ministry; educated at University, Miss., Lebanon, Tenn., and Cincinnati, O. ; graduated from University of Cincinnati with A. B. degree, June, 1908, after having finished in Theological Seminary of Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn. B. D., 1907; took post-graduate course from Lane Theological Seminary in 1908; served first pastorate Toledo, O., taking charge of same in 1907, and built Rosewood Avenue Church of that city; pastorate at McMinnville, Tenn., began Feb., 1908; married Irene Logan, daughter of Rev. G. D. Logan, July 31, 1908; member of Presbyterian church, U. S. A. HOLMES, George Whitney, hotel proprietor; born Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 3 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Archie and Hepcy Martin (Royal) Holmes; educated at Fayetteville, N. C. ; in earlv life was a traveling salesman; married Mary E. Plummer; member of Masons. Eagles, and Post C., T. P. A., Knoxville. Tenn. 206 WHO'S WIIO IN TENNESSEE HOLT, James Blurt, railroad agent; born at Wartrace, Tenn., July 18, 1801; English descent; son of B. D. and Lu- cretia (Hart) Holt; father's occupation^ former railroad conductor, now farmer; paternal grandparents Henry and Eliza- beth (McGuire) Holt; maternal grand- parents James and Sarah (Fossett) Hart; graduated at Wartrace, Tenn., June 1, 1879; reared on farm and began his business career as a telegraph opera- tor, later became train dispatcher; now railroad agent and express agent at Mc- Minnville, Tenn.; married Geneva B. White, Oct. 20, 1899; Democrat. HUMPHREY, N. B., contracting en- gineer; born near Tupelo, Miss., Aug. 24, 1807; Irish descent; son of David and Mary Frances (Campfield) Hum- phrey; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandparents David and Sophronia (Hamlin) Humphrey; mater- nal grandparents William A. and Peni nah (Freman) Campfield; educated in the public schools of Chattanooga, Tenn.; in early life he was a newspaper re- porter for “Chattanooga Times;” mar- ried Nannie Craik, „an. 29, 1896; mem- oer I. O. O. F., U. C. T., and Cumber- land Club; Democrat; former deputy state game warden; member N. G. S. T., 1887-1893, with rank of second lieuten- ant; member of Nashville (Tenn.) Bridge Co. JONES, Richard Edwix, insurance man; born McMinnville, Tenn., April 29, 1872; English descent; son of W. E. B. and Ann L. (Page) Jones; father’s oc- cupation, attorney-at-law; educated Mc- Minnville (Tenn.) city schools, and Bur- ritt College, Spencer, Tenn.; in early life he was a printer and publisher ; married Nannie Lena Wade, Sept. 25, 1893; member I. O. O. F. (P. C, P. and P. G.), K. P„ and A. O. U. W.; has passed the chairs and represented the A. O. U. W. in the Grand Lodge; Dem- ocrat; former deputy sheriff of Warren Co., Tenn., four years, and coroner of same twenty- four years; formerly super- intendent of the McMinnivlle (Tenn.) district for the National Life and Acci- dent Insurance Co., which position he held for eleven years at present he is special agent for Tennessee and Ken- tucky for the Southern Insurance Co of Tennessee, in which company he is i stockholder; member of the Cumberlam Presbyterian church. LIVELY, William Spencer, publi, official; president Southern School o Photography; son of Joseph P. Lively father’s occupation, cabinet maker am undertaker; in early life he was i|| photographer; married Lela Jones, Dei! 10, 1878; Democrat; former city record er ; at present mayor of the city of Me Minnville, Tenn.; member of Christiai church; interested in furniture business NORTHCUTT, Eugene Ebon, physi cian; born McMinnville, Tenn., May (j 1880; English descent; son of James A and Susie Jane (Newman) Northcutt father’s occupation, farmer and miller 1 paternal grandparents John A. and Re becca (Thaxton) Northcutt; materna grandparents Andrew J. and Elizabeth (Kimbrow) Newman; educated in Me Minnville city schools, and Bearden I McCord Training School; graduate! medical department Vanderbilt Univerj sity, M. D., April 4, 1904; married Ladyij; Bales, Mav 9, 1907; member Chapte 1 ; Masons, M. W. A., and Knights an< Ladies of Honor; member Middle Ten| nessee Medical Association., Tennessee Medical Association, American Medica Association, and president of Warreil County (Tenn.) Medical Society, 1910! member of Baptist Church. OWEN, Samuel Alexander, minis ter of tne gospel; born near Covingtor Tenn., Feb. 16, 1805; Welsh-German de scent; son of Isaac W. and Evelim (Burkharclt) Owen; father’s occupation farmer, public official; educated Coving ton (Tenn.) High School, Union Uni versify, Jackson, Tenn., and Souther! Bantist Theological Seminary, Louisville; Ky. ; graduated from Union University A. B., June, 1893, Southern Baptis Theological Seminary, degrees Th. G and Th. B., June, 1897 ; in early lif worked on farm and helped to sustaii his widowed mother from 14 years old! had a hard battle with poverty to ge an education; acting as janitor of col lege, selling books, teaching school duri ing vacation; ordained minister, 1893 1 : WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 267 married twice, first Kathryn McAfee, Oct. 19, 1899, second Ella Prewitt, May 11, 1910; member of K. P.; Indepen- dent; member of Baptist church; served as pastor of churches in Crockett and Dyer counties, Tenn. ; was pastor in Richmond, Ky., 1897-1899; Newbern, Tenn., 1900-1906; Lexington, Ky., 1901- 1902; recent charges at Horse Cave, Ky., Whiteveille, Tenn., and McMinnville, Tenn. PENDLETON, Baldwin Alexander, Va., Dec. 5, 1856; English descent; son of Stephen Taylor and Caroline Dudley (Read) Pendleton; father’s occupation, teacher of private school and later prin- cipal of Central Public School, Rich- mond, Ya. ; paternal grandparents Wil- liam Garland and Mary Glenn (Alexan- der) Pendleton; maternal grandparents Jesse and Prances (Baldwin) Read; ed- ucated at Richmond, Ya.; graduated from Richmond College, and Union Theological Seminary, Va., in 1885; mar- ried Jane Allison Buchanan, April 11, 1887 ; minister of Southern Presbyterian church; served as pastor of First Church, Macon, Ga., Grace Street of Richmond, Va., and First Church of Houston, Tex.; now pastor of Southern Presbyterian church in McMinnville, Tenn. RAMSEY, Andrew Brown, physician and surgeon; born McMinnville, Tenn., May 22, 1862; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of John and Cynthia J. (Colville) Ramsey; father’s occupation, merchant and live stock dealer; paternal grandparents William and Elizabeth (Stroud) Ramsey; maternal grandpar- ents Lusk and Cynthia (Hackett) Col- ville; educated at Lyon Institute, Mc- Minnville, Tenn., medical departments. University of Nashville, and Vanderbilt Universitv; graduated from Vanderbilt and University of Nashville, with M. D. degree, Feb., 1884-1885; in early life he was a deputy chancery clerk for three years; married Lula Blair, June 23, 1886; member Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, and Royal Arca- num; member of Presbyterian church, U. S. A. REAMS, Radford M., editor; born Spring Hill, Tenn., June 20, 1857; son of Joshua M. and Harriet (Haley) Reams; father’s occupation, merchant and contractor; received common school education; entered printing office at age of 12; served apprenticeship in office of “North Alabamian and Times” at Tuscumbia, Ala.; worked in that office until fail of 1875; moved to McMinn- ville, Tenn., in summer of 1876, and worked on “New Era” for seven years; purchased interest in “Southern Stan- dard’ in 1882, and in 1885 purchased the entire business, and since that time has been editor and publisher of same; married Jesse Coffee, July 3, 1889; Dem- ocrat (independent) ; U. S. commis- sioner; rnemoer of Southern Presbyte- rian church. SMITH, George Mead, banker; born McMinnville, Tenn., Feb. 18, 1874; Scotch-Irish and Welsh-French descent; son of F. M. and Arabella (Debard) Smith; father’s occupation, lawyer; edu- cated in the public schools of McMinn- ville, Tenn., and University of Tennes- see; graduated from former. May, 1890; from latter with A. B. degree in 1893; 'began his business career as bookkeeper in bank; married Jane B. 'Whitson, Aprii 20 1898; member Masons, Royal Arca- num; Democrat; former coal oil inspec- tor; member city council and board of education; now election commissioner; served as first lieutenant of N. G. S. T. ; member of Presbyterian church. WHITSON, William Vance, lawyer; born Bedford Co., Tenn., Aug. 5, 1846; son or George Newton and Caroline I. (Smartt) Whitson; father's occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents George and Priscilla (Vance) Whitson; mater- nal grandparents Francis and Margaret (Davidson) Smartt; educated at York- ville Academy, Gibson Co., Tenn.; in early life worked on a farm; enlisted in the Confederate army at Newbern, Tenn., Dey., 1862; served as private throughout the war; was captured in May, 1863, and remained in prison at Camp Douglass, Chicago, 111., until the close of the war; Democrat; married three times, first Jennie Chadwick, Nov. 8, 1871, second Rebecca Morford, Oct. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 26S 15, 1815, third Carrie Hancock, Aug. 22, 1803; elected attorney-general Aug. 5, 1886; served eight years in Sixth Judi- cial Circuit of Tennessee; elected to State Senate Nov., 1898; member of Presbyterian church, U. S. A. WILLIS, John L., lawyer; born Pel- ham, Tenn., Aug. 17, 1870; English- Ger- man descent; son of William H. and Mary Sue (Van Zandt) Willis; father’s occupation, fanner and stock dealer; paternal grandparents Peter and Mary (Bostick) Willis; maternal grandparents Isaac and Susan (Lee) Van Zandt; re- ceived literary education in public schools at Pelham, Tenn., and Winchester Normal College, graduating from latter in 1888, and from Cumberland Univer- sity law department in 1891; in early life worked on a farm and taught school; married Mattie Burroughs, June 32, 1901; member of K. I’.; Democrat; active in politics; member of M. E. Church, South. MADIE. WYATT, William Nathan, farmer; born Gibson Co., Tenn., Aug. 19, 1854; son of John Henry and Elizabeth (Turn- tine) Wyatt; entered farming in early life; married Elizabeth Turntine; mem- ber of Cumberland Presbyterian church. MADISONVILLE. BAGMELL, Bahnum W., physician and surgeon; born Pickens County, Ga„ Feb. 22, 1874; Irish descent; son of Josiah and Mary Catherine (Sperin) Bagmell; father’s occupation merchant and farmer; received academic education Ball Ground, Ga. ; graduated in medicine at Chattanooga, 1904; in early life en- gaged in the drug business; married Sal- de Ingram Jan 1895; member Masons; Republican; member Catholic church; owns and operates a drug store at Mad- isonville, Tenn., where he is also engaged in the active practice of medicine. HENDERSON, Geobge I .a whence, farmer; born in Sevier Co., Tenn., June 11, 1826; Seotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel and Nancy (Blair) Henderson; father was a farmer; educated in Hi- wassee College; served in Confederate army during civil war three years; en- J| tered farming ,n early life; married Ad- die Kimbrough, Feb. 28, 1882; member Masonic Lodge; first Whig, then Dem- ocrat, now. Fusionist; member of Bap- tist church, and deacon in same. LUTHER, jimeuson Orlando, teach- er and merchant; born Asheville, N. C., March 6, 1878; German descent; son of Martin D. E. and Matilda A. (Swain) Luther; educated Hiwassee College; graduated from same 1902; married Mattie James, Jan. 5, 1902; member [ Masons (Scottish Rite 32nd degree) Odd j Fellows, Redmen, Junior O. U. A. M.; Republican; was a teacher in the Public Schools in early life; was of limited means and defrayed the expenses of his own education; made the race for I County Court Clerk in Monroe County, Tenn., Aug. 1906, but was unsuccessful; elected to represent Monroe County in jj the lower House of the Legislature No- |! vember, 1908, by 552 majority and was a member of the 56th General Assembly, State of Tennessee; member of the Pres- byterian Church; interested in mercantile enterprises and farm lands in Monroe County, also cotton mills in Georgia. MINNIS, Samuel Young, attorney at | law; born Madisonville, Tenn., Dec. 8, 1843; Irish descent; son of James Pick- ens and Keturah Sophrony (Cheyne) Minnis; paternal grandfather Samuel Minnis; paternal grandmother Mary (Pickens) Minnis, maternal grandfather || Abel R. Cheyne, maternal grandmother Easter (Thompson) Cheyne; received common school education; married Mar- tha Calfie Oct. 8, 1867; member Mason- ic Lodge, having filled all places in the Blue Lodge at Madisonville and has been Secretary for tne last fifteen years; Republican ; postmaster Madisonville 1898-1902; Justice of the Peace Monroe County thirty-six years; private in C. S. A.; fought throughout the siege of Vicksburg; was a blacksmith in early life and from the age of eleven, his father being dead, had upon him the care of his mother and four children, whom he helped to support until he went into the army; he is now engaged in the practice of law at Madionsville, Tenn. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 269 PARKS, Samuel J., minister of the gospel, teacher; born in Monroe Co., Tenn., Sept. 9, 1871; English descent; son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Car- ter) Parks; educated in the public schools and Hiwassee College, graduated from latter in 1895 with degree B. S. and from Shenandoah Valley College of Va. with degree Ph. D. 1902; mar- ried Joan Bayless March, 1896; former Co. Superintendent 1895-1901, 1907-1911; nominated for State Senator Sept. 17, 1901 ; editor of “Our County Citizens,” 1899-1901; director in Bank of Vonore, Tenn.; member of the Baptist church; minister of same. PEACE, T. W., lawyer; attorney-gen- eral for the Fourth Judicial Circuit of the State of Tennessee; Republican; residence, Madisonville, Tenn. PENLAND, Stephen N., physician; born Blairsville, Ga., June 20, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John H. and Eva Anvil (Nicholas) Penland; father’s occupation, blacksmith, farmer; pater- nal grandfather John Penland; paternal grandmother was a Miss Moose prior to her marriage; maternal grandfather John Nicholas; maternal grandmother was a Miss Hoodenpile prior to her mar- riage; educated in the common schools of Union Co., Ga. ; graduated from med- ical department of Vanderbilt University, with M; D. degree in 1890; in early life he was a farmer; married Martha Jose- phine Mech, Nov. 22, 1893; member of Masons; Democrat (independent); en- tered the practice of medicine in 1883, in which he is still engaged at Madison- ville, Tenn.; member of M. E. Church, South. SHEARER, Hilliard, physician; born Patrick, N. C., Sept. 14, 1876; French descent; son of Henry Clay Shearer; his mother was Miss Panther prior to her marriage; paternal grandfather Jesse Shearer; paternal grandmother Peggy (Queen) Shearer, maternal grandfather Jacob Panther; maternal grandmother was a Miss Shepherd prior to her marriage ; graduated in Nashville, Tenn., with degree of M. D. in 1905; began his business ca- reer as school teacher; married Lucy Wilson October 14, 1902; Mason; Dem- ocrat STICKLEY, Vastine, public official, lawyer; born Stickley ville, Lee Co., Va., April 30, 1856; Irish descent; son of Vastine and Elizabeth (Duff) Stickley; father’s occupation, merchant, stock dealer; paternal grandfather David Stickley; paternal grandmother was a Miss Custis prior to her marrage; ma- ternal grandparents Joseph and isancy (Mitchell) Duff; educated at Emory & Henry College, Va., ; in early life was in the mercantile business; married Josie E. Houston, Oct. 13, 1880; Master Mas- on; member W. O. W. ; Democrat; ap- pointed clerk and master of the Chan- cery Court of Monroe Co., by Chancellor S. A. Key in 1886, and is now serving his fifth term, under appointment of Chancellor T. M. McConnell ; licensed to practice law in 1901 ; member of Southern Presbyterian church, elder and secretary session in same. MANCHESTER. ASHLEY, James Henry, editor; born Beach Grove, Tenn., March 24, 1873; Scotch-Irish descent; son of George and Catherine (Norman) Ashley; father’s oc- cupation, farmer and stock raiser; grad- uated Reech Grove College, Peabody Col- lege and Cumberland University with de- grees of A B. 1892, L. I., 1897 and B. A. 1904; began teaching school in early life; married Elizabeth Wolfe Dec. 7, 1905; member K. P., I. O. O. F., M. W. of A.; formerly practiced law at Man- chester; is now editor and owner of the Manchester Times; member of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church CHUMBLEY, Wm. W„ farmer; born Columbia, Tenn., Sept. 28, 1854; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Henry A. and Olivia E. (Payne) Chumbley; father’s occupation, farmer; received public school education; engaged in railroading in early life; married Sallie L. Woo ton April 6, 1886; member Royal Arcanum Knights of Pythias; member Christian Church. EMERSON, John William, rail- way mail clerk; born Manchester, Tenn.; 270 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Nov. 19, 1806; son of Frank W. and Susie (Emerson) Emerson; English de- scent; father’s occupation tailor; ed- ucated Manchester College; graduated from same June 1884; married Ida B. Ramsey Jan. 18, 1893; member I. O. O. F.; F. & A. M. Master Mason; early business career printing, typesetting; ap- pointed in railway mail service in 1891, in which he is still engaged; owned and edited Manchester Times for past six years; postal clerk for 19 yea rs. GIBSON, James A., County Court Clerk, of Coffee County; born Peters- burg, Tenn., Nov. 8, 1867; Irish-Dutch and Swedish descent; son of Thos. W. Gibson, Jr.; father’s occupation farmer; received common school education; mar- ried Mary F. Lovett Nov. 2, 1890; mem- ber of I. O. O. F. and M. W. of A.; has filled all the chairs in both local lodges; Democrat; Clerk oi the County Court Coffee County; is also an undertaker and licensed embalmer; member M. E. Church, South. GREEN, Robert Wii.sox, lawyer; born in Bedford Co., Tenn.; Scotch- Irish-English and French-Welsh descent; son of William M. and Sarah E. (Casey) Green; father's occupation, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents Janies and Mary (Smith) Green; maternal grandparents R. W. and Jane Finch (Daniel) Casey; his education was acquired by reading and studying at night, and a-t spare time from other work; attended the country schools and a few terms at Manchester College; in early life he was a teacher in the country public schools; studied law at home, and was admitted to the bar; now engaged in the practice of his profession at Manchester, Tenn.; mem- ber Masons, R. A. M., ana Odd Fel- lows; Democrat; member of Cumber- land Presbyterian church. LANSDEN, Houston Baylor, rail- road agent and poultry judge; born Huntsville, Ala., March 6, i876; Scotch- Irish descent; son of A. D. and Mattie (Forsey) Lansden; educated at Hunts- ville, Ala., graduating in 1887 ; in early life he was a farmer boy, later became telegraph operator; always interested in the growth of poultry and now licensed by the American Poultry Association as a professional judge of poultry; also railroad agent at Manchester, Tenn.; married Mattie L. Cambron, May, 1892; member of K. P. fpast chancellor), I. O. O. F., (passed all chairs) ; Demo- crat; member of city council, Manchester, Tenn.; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. STRAUD, Bartlett S., abstractor; born near Manchester, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Bart- lett S. and Nancy (Winton) Straud; father’s occupation, school teacher; pa- ternal grandfather William Straud; ma- ternal grandparents Stephen and Susan Winton; educated at Manchester (Tenn.) College; in early life he was register of deeds for Coffee Co. twenty-four years; married Fannie Powers, Dec. 19, 1879 ; member I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; mem- ber of Church of Christ. SOMERS, Henry Rector, retired merchant; born New Haven, Ky., Oct. 17, 1852; son of W. W. and Mary Ann (Gore) Somers; father’s occupation far- mer and stock dealer; received common school education; began business career as a farmer; married Judah E. Curlee Sept. 13, 1871; member of I. O. O. F.; Democrat; Sheriff of Coffee County from Sept. 1, 1906 to Sept. 1, 1910; Magistrate Coffee County Sept. 1900 — Sept. 1906; elected Circuit Clerk Coffee County Aug. 1910; engaged in mercantile business 1890 to 1906; member Christian Church. MARTIN. BIGGS, Vincent Atkins, physician; born Weakley County, Tenn., Aug. 1, 1859; English descent; son of Thomas M., and Elizabeth (Brann) Biggs; paternal grandfather James Biggs; paternal grandmother Susan (Ross) Biggs; ma- ternal grandfather Thos. Brann, who married a Miss Kelley; received common school education; graduated Vanderbilt University, Medical Department, March 1, 1884; marrieu his first wife, Effie Todd, Nov. 25, 1886; afterwards married Maggie LeSueur, July 22, 1903; member Masonic Lodge, (Past Master), Knights and Ladies of Honor; member State Ex- ecutive Committee 1908-1910; Commis- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 271 sioner of Elections Weakley County, 1908-1909; Supervisor of 13th Census 1910: Census Enumerator 5th District Weakley County 1890; Deacon of Bap- tist Church; Secretary Board of Trustees Hall-Moody Institute, Baptist College; spent all of his life in Weakley County, where he now resides. HALL, George Wallace, financial agent Hall-Moody Institute; born near Martin, Tenn., Nov. 15, 1855; English decent; son of James H. and Ellen (Scates) Hall; father’s occupation, farmer; educated in the public schools of Weakley Co., Tenn. ; in early life was a farmer, later entered the mer- cantile business; married Sallie I. Free- man, Nov. 23, 1880; Republican; form- erly connected with city affairs as al- derman, and treasurer for twenty years; one of the committee which planned and built the water and light plant at Mar- tin, Tenn.; member of the Baptist church; president Builder Publishing Co.; secretary Weakley Tel. Co.; direc- tor People’s Bank; stockholder in a number of corporations. MARTIN, Thos. Dudley', farmer; born Weakley County, Tenn., April 27, 1835; son of William and Sarah (Glass) Martin; father’s occupation farmer; ed- ucated in Virginia; married C. P. Col- lier April 21, 1863; Democrat; early in life engaged in agricultural pursuits; member of Methodist Church. PENICK, Isaac Newtox, minister of the gospel, editor; born in Carroll Co., Tenn., Oct. 9, 1859; French-English de- scent; son of Elijah Warren and Mary Jane (Rowland) Peniek; father’s occu- pation, farmer; paternal grandparents Henry and Mattie (McGehee) Peniek; maternal grandparents Thomas and Bet- ue (Green) Rowland; educated in pub- lic schools of Tennessee., University of Tennessee, and Southwestern Baptist University; received D. D. degree from Hall-Moody Institute in June, 1907; be- gan teaching in early life and taught twelve years; in University of Tennes- see, 1S79-1880; married Benie Shankle. Nov. 6, 1881; member I. O. O. F., and Golden Cross; Democrat; served as jus- tice of the peace in Carroll Co., Tenn., 1884-1885 entered the ministry in 1890, moved to Martin, Tenn., in 1895 has served the following pastorates: Buena Vista, Hollaaay, Chesterfield, Darden, Lavenia, First Church, Jackson, Tenn., and Martin, Tenn.; editor of “The Bap- tist Builder;” president board of trus- tees Hall-Moody Institute; member of the State Mission Board, and of the State Baptist Educational Commission; member of Baptist church. PERKINS, James Tbeaxor, public official; born Killala, Ireland, Feb. 3, 1832; son of John A. and Margaret (Polk) Perkins; father’s occupation, ac- counting department N. C. & St. L. Railroad; paternal grandparents John and Sarah (Treanor) Perkins; maternal grandparents William R. and Frances (Higgins) Polk; educated at Nashville, Tenn. ; connected with N. C. & St. L. Railroad as engineer in early life; ne has been instrumental in putting out trees at all stations on N. C. & St. L. Railroad in western part of state, also parks in Union City, Martin, Hunting- don, Tenn., Hickman, Ky., and the “Centennial Park,” Nashville, Tenn., a great deal of the “jungle” in said park is composed of flowers and shrubs sent by him; “Overton Park,” Memphis, Tenn., was the recipient of a carload of ferns from him; he is now serving his second term as mayor of the city of Martin, Tenn., and under his manage- ment Martin laid sixteen miles of con- crete walk and more than nine miles of graveled streets; he is also president of the board of education, and during his term of office succeeded in converting the six montns district schools into a nine months high school; married Lillian Knight, Nov. 30, 1882; Democrat; mem- ber of the M. E. Church, South. RANKIN, Josephus William, law- yer; born Obion Co., Tenn., Oct. 29, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jose- phus William and Sarah Catharine (By- num) Rankin; father’s occupation, farmer; graduated from McFerrin Training School, Martin, Tenn., in 1901; in early life he was a farmer; member of Elks, and Marweakton Club, Martin, 272 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Tenn. ; Democrat; election commissioner of Weakley Co., Tenn.; member of M. E. Church, South. ROBINSON, Matthias West, teacher; born Alexandria, Tenn., Feb. 18, 1873; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Wm. and Catherine (Smith) Robinson; paternal grandfather Edward Robinson; paternal grandmother Maggie (Truett) Robinson; maternal grandmother Nicholas Smith; maternal grandmother Penelopy (Sum- mers) Smith; received education at va- rious colleges of Tennessee; graduated at Southern Normal University and Hall- Moody Institute 1898-1905, receiving the degree of A. B. from the S. N. U. in 1898 and of A. M. from Hall-Moody In- stitute in 190o; married Mary Eleanor Couch May 4, 1899; member K. of P. ; Republican; member Baptist Church; Vice-President and Business Manager of Hall-Moody Institute; began business ca- reer as teacher; worked way through col- lege by teaching; still engaged in that pursuit. RYAN, Thomas M., banker; born Graves Co., Ky., Feb. 19, 1857; Irish de- cent; son of John W. and Ann M. (McAtee) Ryan; father's occupation, farmer; educated in the country schools of Graves Co., Ky. ; in early life worked on farm, later engaged in the leaf tobac- co business at Mayfield, Ky. ; moved to Martin in 1890, continuing in the leaf tobacco business, with other interests, wheat, cotton, real estate and manufact- ing tobacco in name of T. M. Ryan To- bacco Co.; later became Ryan & Hamp- ton Tob. Co., and moved business from Martin, Tenn., to Louisville, Ky. ; later retired from that business, and entered the banking business; president city Na- tional Bank, City Lumber Co.; vice- president Weakley Co. (Tenn.) Tel Co.; member of board Hall-Moody Institute, all of Martin Tenn.; married Carrie O. Nowlin, June 2, 1902; member Masonic Lodge, I. O. O. F., K. P., Elks and Eastern Star; member of Missionary Baptist church; Democrat. SEBASTIAN, Charies Moore, physi- cian; born Centreville, Tenn., March 16, 1850; French-Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Paul and Marcia (Raymond) Sebastian; father's occupation, physi- cian and minister of the gospel; pater- nal grandparents Sam and Elizabeth (King) Sebastian; maternal grandpar- ents Nathaniel Hoyt and Marcia (Kel- logg) Raymond; educated at Centre- ville ana Williamsport, Tenn.; gradu- ated from University of Louisville, M. D., 1870; married twice, first Charlie Montgomery, 1871, second Jessie War- ren, 1882; Democrat; member of Metho- dist Episcopal Church, South. TURNER, Thos. Lee, editor of “Mail”; born Jackson, Tenn., Jan. 6, 1863; English descent; son of Wm. C. and Martha (Nesbitt) Turner; father engaged in farming, milling and stock raising; paternal grandparents, James and Tabitha (Billingsly) Turner, maternal grandparents Robert and Sarah (Jordan) Nesbit; received education at Milan and Knoxville, Tenn.; married Meda E. Cayce’ daughter of Elder S. F. Cayce, a leading minister of the Primitive Baptist church, May 27, 1891, who died May 9, 1911; member K. of P., having held several of- fices in that lodge; Democrat; Alderman for six years , after which time refused to make the race, but was unanimously re- elected by the city council on the resigna- tion of a member on March 9, 1911, which office he now holds; second lieutenant of State Guards, Milan, Tenn.; member of Baptist Church; early in life worked in mill ; at the tender age of fourteen en- gaged in the printing business, and is now a member of the firm of Cayce & Turner, publishers and printers of the “Mail,” a secular paper, “Youth’s Guardian Friend,” a paper for children and “Primitive Bap- tist,” a religious paper; director in Peo- ple’s Bank and Martin Overall and Glove Factory. VINCENT, Jotix Ozias, farmer and marble agent; born Weakley County, Tenn., April 17, 1845; French descent; son of Orren and Mary S. (Ezell) Vin- cent; father's occupation farmer and school teacher; married Martha J. Wood, Dec. 3, 1867 ; early in life followed farm- ing and engaged in the business of mer- chant, miller and music teacher; Demo- crat; represented Weakley County in the 47th and 48th General Assembly 1891-92 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 273 and 1893-94; served in Confederate army under Gen. N. B. Forrest as private; ser- iously wounded at Harrisburg, Miss., 1864; after spending sometime at hos- pital rejoined army and remained in ser- vice till the close of the war; lost three children and wife died in 1882; married Mary J. Carter 1884; member of Primi- tive Baptist church for 36 years and at present Tax Assessor and farmer. WATTERS, Henry Eugene, teacher and preacher; born Graves County, Ivy., Sept. 14, 1876; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of T. M. and Josephine (Ransom) Watters; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents John and Mary (McReynolds) Watters; maternal grandparents Matt and Elizabeth (Hall) Ransom; graduated Southern Normal University, Southern Normal School, Ky.; graduate student Southwestern Baptist University and Browne University, Rhode Island, receiving degrees of B. S. 1899, A. B. 1900, A. M. 1903, and D. D. 1906; began business career farming and teaching; married Annette Routon, Paris, Tenn., Aug 29, 1899; began preaching 1895; ordained 1899; principal M. N. Col- lege 1900-02; principal Greenfield Graded Schools, 1903; instructor Southwestern Baptist University 1904; vice-president Hall-Moody Institute 1905; president Hall-Moody Institute 1906-11; instructor and conductor in a number of State In- stitutes; member of Baptist State Educa- tional Commission ; published “Physics Simplified” 1906, “Bible of Superhuman Origin 1908; has held number of pastor- ates, including McKenzie and Erin, Tenn. MARYVILLE. BURGER, Joseph, banker; born Buf- falo, N. f ., Jan. 8, 1851; German de- scent; son of Victor and Fannie (Loew) Burger; father’s occupation, commission merchant; educated at Buffalo, N. Y., graduating in 1873; began business ca- reer as a bank clerk; married Elizabeth Knox, Aug. 1890; member Masonic Lodge; Democrat; treasurer Rockford Electric Co.; director Rockford Cotton Mills, Marysville, and cashier of Bank of Marysville. CRUZE, Alvin Ellis, secretary and treasurer Southern Coffin & Casket Co.; born in Knox Co., Tenn., Jan. 6, 1882; son of John F. and S. A. (Cruze) Cruze; father was a farmer and dairyman; edu- cated in the public schools of Knox Co., Tenn.; began his career as farmer; mar- ried Myrtle M. Oglesby; member of New Providence Lodge No. 128 F. & A. M. (past master of same); member of Scottish Rite bodies up to thirty-sec- ond degree, and A. A. O. N. M. S. ; al- derman Third Ward, Maryville, Tenn., 1909-1911; member of firm of Ziegler, Cruze & Co., wholesale lumber mfgrs., and Southern Coffin & Casket Co., mfgrs., Maryville, Tenn. CURTIS, Charlie C., teacher; born Hayesville, N. C., Anril 30, 1873; son of M. B. and Eliza J. (Davis) Curtis; father’s occupation, farmer, merchant; educated at Friendship Academy, and Ewing and Jefferson College; began teaching in early life; was in the mer- cantile business six years; married Cora E. McGlamery, Jan. 1, 1900; member J. O. U. A. M. ; Republican; former post- master at Friendsville, Tenn., 1907-1911; member M. E. Church, South. GAMBLE, A. Marion, farmer and teacher; born Blount County, Tenn., April 23, 1838; Scotch-Irish and German- Scotch descent; son of Alexander B. and Elizabeth (Ransbarger) Gamble; fath- er’s occupation farmer; paternal grand- father Josias Gamble; paternal grand- mother Anna (Gamwell) Gamble; ma- ternal grandfather John Ransbarger; ma- ternal grandmother Nancy (Douglas) Ransbarger; received education at Pub- lic Schools, Porter Academy and Mary- ville College; in early life engaged in farming; married Eudora Cowan, May 22, 1866; member G. A. R. Post Ad- jutant, Past Post Commander and De- partment Patriotic Instructor; Postmas- ter Gamble’s store 1870-71; County Su- perintendent Public Schools 1883-86; member of Legislature 1887-88; enlisted in U. S. Army 6th Tenn. Infantry Vols. March 3, 1862, Captain Company A, 6th Tenn., from April to Aug. 1862; Major from Aug. till mustered out; Elder in Presbyterian Church since 1872. 274 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE GODDARD, Andrew, born in Knox County, Nov. 30, 1846; son of John and Martha (Johnson) Goddard; father's oc- cupation miller and farmer; Duteh-Irish descent; received Public School educa- tion; married Luzena Shaw, Jan. 1, 1872; member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. and G. A. R.; served as private in Company “H, 2nd Tenn. Cavalry; immediately after war went to Indiana and in 1873 went to Nebraska, being one of the pio- neers of the plains; came to Tennessee in 1890; early in life engaged in farming; published Maryville Times for 20 years, but now retired; member of the M. E. Church. GODDARD, James Andrew, real es- tate and insurance dealer; born near Rockford, Tenn., March 30, 1849; Ger- man and Irish descent; son of William and Margaret K. (Hitch) Goddard; father's occupation, farmer, teacher; paternal grandparents Joseph and Eliza- beth (Jordan) Goddard; maternal grandparents Elias and Nancy (Ker- rick) Hitch; graduated from Maryville (Tenn.) College, A. B., June, 1871; in early life he taught scTiool, and was superintendent of public instruction for Blount Co., Tenn.; married twice, first Mary C. Bowles, Sept. 26, 1871, second Mrs. E. E. Diamond, Oct. 13, 1906; Re- publican ; former trustee for Blount Co., Tenn., eight years; member of M. E. church; was a delegate to General M. E Conference at Los Angeles, Cal., in 1906; stockholder and vice-president of the Bank of Maryville, and was assist- ant cashier of some twenty years prior to Jan. 1, 1909. HENRY, Chart.es William, educator; born in Blount Co. Tenn., Sept. 30, 1878; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Capt. W. H. and Martha R. Tedford) Henry; father’s occupaton, merchant, farmer and real es- tate dealer; paternal grandparents James M. and Ann (Hutton) Henry; maternal grandparents, David W. and Sarah J. (Norwood) Tedford ; educated Maryville, Tenn., and Lexington, Ky; graduated from Maryville College with A. B. degree May 29, 1901, A. M. degree May 30, 1906; married Leola C. Landon Jan. 7, 1904; member J. O. U. A.; founder and teacher of Maryville (Tenn.) Commercial College in early life; now owner and principal o| toe Polytechnic School and Commercia Conege, a private boarding school fo young men and women, Maryville, Tenn. member of the New Providence Presbyi terian Church, and elder in same at Mary! ville, Tenn. HUDDLESTON, Hiram Powers, den tist; born Liberty, Ind., Aug. 30, 1856 ! French and English descent; son 0 | Silas and Emily Ann (Duboise) Huddle ston; fatner’s occupation, farmer; pater nal grandparents David and Elizabetl (Powers) Huddleston; maternal grand parents Alexander and Hannah (Du hois) Dubois; educated at Dublin, Ind. in early life was a farmer; marriec Elizabeth a. Stanley, April 9, 1879 ; Re publican; member of Presbyterian church. McCULLOCH, John A., physician born Eilejoy, Blount County, Tenn., Oc tober 20, 1875; son of Sami. T. and Het-j; tie C. (McTeer) McCulloch; father’s oc-j cupation blacksmith and wagon maker. Scotch-Irish descent; educated at Portei Academy and Maryville College; gradu-;: ated in medicine at the University of Tennessee in 1901 ; married Grace White! Badgett, Dec. 27, 1905; Past Chancellor! and K. of R, & S. in Chilhowee Lodgej No. 127 Knights of Pythias; Past Grand' of Star Lodge No. 267, I. O. O. F. ; member of New Providence Lodge, No. 128, F. & A. M.; Medical Examiner for the following life insurance compa- nies: Mutual Life, Equitable, New York Life, Mutual Benefit, Security Mutual, ]| Massachusetts Mutual, Fidelity Mutual, Prudential, Phoenix Mutual; Volunteer! State, Pacific Mutual, K of P. Endow-; rnent, Modern Woodmen; Woodmen of the World; member of the Presbyterian] Church and at present President o Blount County Medical Society. McTEER, Will Anderson, attorney a law; born Blount Co., Tenn., Sept. 16 1843; son of Andrew Bogle and Nancy (Gamble) McTeer; paternal grand- father William McTeer, paternal grand- mother Mary (Bogle) McTeer, maternal grandfather Alexander B. Gamble, ma- ternal grandmother Elizabeth (Ransbar- ger) Gamble; Scotch-Irish descent; edu- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 275 Seated common schools and Maryville Col- lege; married first, Mary T. Wilson, lr Oct. 16, 1876; second marriage, Lucy M. ■i Wilson, Aug. 12, 1903; member Masonic iLodge; held office of Circuit Court Clerk of Blount Co. from 1868 to 1878; U. S. Commissioner 1878-1896; member of Leg- islature 1881-2; father’s occupation, H farmer and blacksmith ; member Co. A 3d Tenn. Cavalry, U. S. Vols, 2d Lieut, (same Co., Adjutant same regiment; -at age of fourteen years, father placed him in country store, where he remained 11 until the outbreaking of the civil war; ! ' his people held to the 'Union; in July 22, ■ 1862, ran off from home, making his way i to Union army at Cumberland Gap, i where he enlisted Aug. 10, 1862; was in ' the retreat from Cumberland Gap to the ' Ohio river in Sept, and Oct., 1862; re- i mained in service to close of war; was given a commission as Major and was mustered out Aug. 3, 1865; Elder in New Providence church, Presbyterian U. S. A. PARHAM, William Edmund, manu- facturer; born Knoxville, Tenn., March 9, 1860; son of William Thomas and Mary Jane Susan (Snoddy) Parham; pa- ternal grandfather Edwin Nelson Par- ham, paternal grandmother Mary Ellen (Dunn) Parham, maternal grandfather Rev. Robert Henderson Snoddy, mater- nal grandmother Nancy Hawkins (Moore) Snoddy; English, Scotch-Irish descent; educated Maryville public, pri- vate schools and Maryville College; fath- er’s occupation, woolen manufacturer; married Ida Constance Baker Feb. 8, 1881; member K. of P., Knoxville No. 234, Jr. O. U. A. M. McKinley Council No. 53; elected Justice of Peace in 1900; re-elected 1906; served two years as school director; elected Senator of 4th '□District Tenn. in Nov., 1908; voted to jiut intoxicating liquors out of Tenn.; ! was salesman in father’s general mer- chandise store until 1877; bookkeeper for woolen mill 1877 to 1884; peddler of woolen mill products 1879 to 1885; worked in every department of woolen I mill since; planned and superintended erection present plant; connected with Maryville woolen mills 1879-1901; with Riverside woolen mills, Knoxville, Tenn., since 1901, in which his father and four brothers are also interested; elected chair- man of Blount County Court January, 1911, while State Senator, 1909-10, passed an enabling act for Blount county to build 82 miles of pike road; county issued $300,000.00 for doing this work and sold the bonds at a premium of $6,010.00; has been a resident of Mary- ville, Tennessee, since December 23, 1865 ; by his efforts the court granted longer terms for schools, higher salaries for teachers, superintendent of public in- struction put upon a higher salary and devotes all of his time; through his ef- forts a ten-acre park was purchased and one of the finest court houses in East Tennessee built on the same with its own water works for county buildings sup- plied by its own water power; member M. E. Church. RUTLEDGE, Wiley Blount, minis- ter of the gospel; born near Pikeville, Tenn., Oct. 21, 1861 ; English and Ger- man descent; son of Thomas and Jane (Hall) Rutledge; father’s occupation, mechanic; paternal grandparents Jack- son and Sarah (Singleton) Rutledge; maternal grandfather Benjamin Hall; maternal grandmother was a Miss Keedy prior to her marriage; educated Pike- ville, Carson and Newman College, Jef- ferson City, and Louisville, S. B. T. Seminary; graduated from Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Ky., T. H. G. degree, June 1, 1893; was a farmer in early life; married Mary Wigginton, June 1, 1893; Democrat; member of Baptist church. WILSON, Samuel Tyndale, educa- tor; born Homs, Syria, Feb. 17, 1858; son of David M. and Emeline (Tomlinson) Wilson; father’s occupa- tion, minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents Samuel and Sally (Nes- mith) Wilson; maternal grandparents Samuel and Rebecca (Biddle) Tomlin- son; graduated from Maryville (Tenn.) College, A. B., 1878; later received de- gree A. M. and D. D.; theological course in Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, O. ; mar- ried Hattie M. Silsby, June 8, 1887; member of Presbyterian Historical So- ciety; missionary in Mexico (under Presbyterian board of foreign missions), and instructor in Theological Seminary, 27 0 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE .Mexico City, 1882-1884; oil account of ill health had to resign; professor of Eng- lish language and literature and Span- ish, Maryville (Tenn.) College, 1884- 1901; has been president of same since 1901; stated clerk Synod of Tennessee since 1891 ; he has published a number of pamphlets on historical subjects; au- thor of “Southern Mountaineers.” MASON. HAMBLET, J. G., merchant; born Shrevenort, La., Feb. 26, 1847; Scotch- Irish descent; son of J. W. and Mary (Broom) Hamblet; father’s ocupation, farmer; received common school educa- tion; entered the mercantile business in early life; married Euphronia Exum, Ken. 26, 187 1; member F. & A. M. No. 505, Ed Worsham Lodge, Brownsville, Tenn.; Democrat; served as private in Company “B,” Forrest Regiment Tennes- see Cavalry, C. S. A.; member of Pres- byterian church. MASSEYVILLE. HURST, Elijah S., practical survey- or; born in McNairy Co., Tenn., Dec. 13, 1855; Irish descent; son of David and Elizabeth (Carpenter) ; father’s oc cupation, farmer; received common school education; taught school in Ches- ter and McNairy Cos. from 1874 to 1888; married Mary E. Muse, Dec. 14, 1876; Democrat; three times elected justice of the peace in Twelfth District; appointed census enumerator, 1900-1910; has served as deputy sheriff, county surveyor and leputy trustee for a number of years, a d practiced law in J. P. Courts fifteen years; interested in farming, etc.; lay- member of Primitive Baptist church. MAURY CITY. ELMORE, William, farmer; born in Crockett Co., Tenn., Sept. 7, 1861; son of George and R. (Moore) Elmore; father’s occupation, farming; educated in Crockett Co., Tenn.; entered farm- ing in early life and has devoted all of his business life to that occupation; mar- ried Nolia Rice, Nov. 28, 1891; member of Methodist church. MAYLAND. COOPER, William, merchant, real es- tate and lumber dealer; born Scranton, Pa., March 2, 1843; English and Scotch- Irish descent; son of William and Mar- garet (Moat) Cooper; educated in Bel- fast, Ireland; returned to America in 1853; enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Ten- nessee Regiment, May, 1861, and served until surrender of Lee, 1865; in early life he was a carpenter; married three times, first Mary Witt, 1864, second Amanda Sparkman, 1875, third Marcus Godaard, 1888; member F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., K. P.; Democrat; bugler in civil war during the four years he served. KEITH, Alfred Shook, lumberman; born Flat Creek, Tenn., March 7, 1883; Scoteh-Irish descent; son of Anthony Meek and Mary (Brooks) Keith; father’s occupation, merchant; educated in Owenton College, Birmingham, Ala., and Castle Heights, Lebanon, Tenn.; en- tered the lumber business in early life; married Anabel Walling, Nov. 19, 1908; member of Presbyterian church; at present he is connected with A. S. Keith Lumber Co., and Cumberland Column Co. MEDINA. DAWS, George B., minister of the gospel, publisher; born Madison Co., Tenn., May 20, 1848; English descent; son of James and Martha (Alsop) Daws; father’s occupation, farmer and mechanic; paternal grandparents Starky and Katie (Fairless) Daws; maternal grandparents Thomas and Martha (Hicks) Alsop; educated at Masonic College, Henderson, Tenn.; in early life worked on a farm, later taught school about fifteen years; married Mollie E. Bell, Jan. 28, 1875; member Farmers’ Educational and Co-operative Union of America; Independent Statewide Demo- crat; census enumerator, and justice of the peace, 1880-1893; member of Mis- sionary Baptist church; has preached to various Baptist churches; publisher of the “Medina Herald,” Medina, Tenn.; lecturer. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 277 OLIVER, George Weldon, physician; born Cleveland, Tenn., May 19, 1869; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Hillary L. and Valderia (Diuehay) Oliver; father’s occupation, physician; paternal grand- parents Hezekiah and Martha (Lewis) Oliver; maternal grandparents Marcus and Mary (Lancaster) Dillehay; edu cated in the public schools of Maury Co., Tenn.; graduated from medical depart- ment University of Nashville, with M. D. degree, March 30, 1900; in early life he was a farmer; married Maggie Lou Cole, Medina, Tenn., June 11, 1902; member Knights of Pythias and Wood- men of the World; Democrat; member of the Methodist church; engaged in the practice of medicine at Medina, Tenn. MEMPHIS. ABSTON, William Joshua, cotton factor; born Hony Springs, Miss., June 11, 1861; son of Joshua and Jennie ber 28, 1887 ; member Country Club, Chickasaw Club, Cotton Exchange, Busi- ness Men’s Club; elected President of Memphis Cotton Exchange year 1910; member firm of Abston, Wynne & Co., cotton commission business; member First Methodist Church. ADAMS, John C., attorney at law; oorn New Carthage, La., July 25, 1868; son of Thomas Jefferson and Ellen (Cook) Adams; educated Campbell's Academy, Natchez, and public schools of Hinds Co., Miss.; read law under Eng- lish system in office; was connected with legal department Tenn. R. R. eleven years; since that time he has been con- nected with Memphis Trust Company and uank of Commerce & Trust Co. in lee-al department, and is also manager of title department of said bank; mar- ried Lucy Sivley, Aug. 1, 1889; member of Idlewild Presbyterian church, Mem- pms, Tenn. ALLEN, Archibald Y., real estate dealer; born Hickman Co., Tenn., Oct. 29, 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John H. and Delana J. (Booker) Allen; paternal grandparents William T. and Mary P. (Beasley) Allen, maternal grandparents Willis J. and Eliza (Beas- ley) Booker; educated in common schools of Obion Co., Tenn.; in early life be was cashier Mechlenberg County Savings Bank & Trust Co., Greenville, Ky., and later of Memphis, Tenn.; at present he is engaged in real estate deals ana’ secretary of Forest Hill Cemetery Co.; married Fannie R. Ellison, Dec. 12, 1899; member of K. of P. Progress Lodge No. 39, Memphis, Tenn,; Repub- lican; member of Linden Ave. Christian church, Memphis, Tenn., and secretary of board of same. ALLEN, James Seddon, attorney at law; born Stamford, Conn. Aug. 31, 1885; son of Richard H. and Lizzie Con- ner (Walker) Allen; father’s occupa- tion, accountant; paternal grandparents, Thomas H. and Ellen (Shanks) Allen, maternal grandparents, Samuel P. and Eleanor (Toombs) Walker; educated at Memphis, Tenn.; graduated from Uni- versity of Tenn., B. L. degree; member Chickasaw Guards Club; Democrat; member Calvary Episcopal church, Mem- phis, Tenn. ■ ALLEN, Richard Henry, secretary and accountant; born Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1851; son of Thomas Hampton and Eleanor Hannah (Shanks) Allen; father’s occupation, cotton factor, and commission merchant; paternal grand- parents, Jesse and Hannah (Hampton) Allen; maternal grandparents. Dr. Lew- is and Mary (Thomas) Shanks; educat- ed in private school of Mr. Vigus, Mem- phis, Tenn. ; graduated from Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., elec- tive course, June, 1873; in early life was a cotton factor and commission mer- chant; married Lizzie Connor Walker, Jan. 21, 1879; member Phi Kappa Psi iratemity; Democrat; member School Board Memphis, 1878; captain of police reserves Missouri regiment, Co. “I,” cap- tain Memphis (Tenn.) Light Guard, col. and asst, adj.-gen. National State Guard of Tenn.; member of Protestant church; at present auditing and accounting. ALLEN, Thomas H., engineer; born St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 27, 188i; son of R. H. and Lizzy (Walker) Allen; father’s occupation, business man; graduated from University of *enn., B. S., 1903; in early life was a machinist; married Phyl- 278 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE lis Blanchard, Feb. 22, 1909; member of Chickasaw Club, Business Men’s Club, and Masonic lodge; Independent in poli- tics; vice-pres. and gen. -mgr. Allen En- gineering Co., Memphis, Tenn. ANDERSON, Piatt H., physician; born Ripley, Lauderdale County, Tenn., December 28, 1809; son Dr. H. C. and Al- mira A. (Cherry) Anderson; educated Bingham School, N. C., and University of Tennessee; business course at Ewing College, 111. ; educated in medicine Mem- phis Hospital Medical College, Mem- phis; special course in New York arid at Johns Hopkins, at Baltimore; Mason; Democrat; married Emma G. Johnson, first wife, July 16, 1889; Cora L. Lowder, second wife, January 25, 1905. ANDREWS, Thomas Botts, grain dealer and milling; born Maysville, Ky., December 18, 1858; son Robert Dorsey and Amy Hedge (Thompson) Andrews; Scotch-Irish descent; educated schools Maysville, Ky., and Flemingsburg, Ky. ; graduate of Center College, A. B., Dan- ville, Ky., June, 1879; married Nannie Jacobs Heron, January 21, 1885; mem- ber B. M. C., Memphis; Phi Delta Theta Greek Letter Fraternity; formerly pres- ident Memphis Grain Elevator & Manu- facturing Co.; vice president Empire Mill & Elevator Company; now presi- dent Davis & Andrews Company, mill- ers and grain dealers, Memphis, Tenn.; Ruling Elder Presbyterian church. APPERSON, Johx W., lawyer; born Memphis, Tenn., March 11, 1862; Irish- Welsh and Scotch descent; son of John H. and Margaret A. (Thomas) Apper- son; educated Christian Brothers Col- lege, Memphis, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; graduated from Christian Bros.’ College and Vanderbilt University, and received degrees, B. A., M. A. and B. L. ; married Elizabeth T. Moody Feb. I, 1897; member Business Men’s Club, Tenn. Club, Country Club and Elks; served as commander in chief United Sons of Confederate Veterans two terms; member Episcopal church; dem- ocrat. APPLEWHITE, James, president Central Investment Co.; born at Coving- ton, Tenn., in 1844; reared in Shelby Co., Tenn., and received his education in the common schools of that county; in 1801 he joined an artillery company at Deca- tur, Ala., but it did not go into service, two months later he joined Co. “C,” 12th Tenn. Infantry as a private, and served until captured at Kenesaw Mountain; he was sent to Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Ind., and held nine months, when he was exchanged; he was in numerous engage- ments, among them being Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, New Hope Church, Lost Mountain, Kenesaw Moun- tain, etc.; prior to this he had been in the Kentucky campaign under Bragg, and was severely wounded at Richmond, Ky., and remained in the hospital there for two months; after his release he rode to Greensboro, N. C., and walked from there to his home in Cross Co., Ark.; in 1870 he engaged in merchandizing at Wittsburg, Ark., and remained there and at Vaundale until 1897, when he returned to Memphis and purchased an interest in the ChicKasaw Cooperage Co., and was made vice-president; he is a Royal Arch Mason and member and steward of the First Methodist Episcopal church, Mem- phis, Tenn.; Democrat. ARMSTRONG, Harry Lee, invest- ment banker; born Maury Co., Tenn., Dec. 9, 1866; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William James and Lula (Hanna) Armstrong; father’s occupation physi- cian; paternal grandparents, William Osgood and Mary Eliza (Smith) Arm- strong, maternal grandparents, George W. and Caledonia (Wilkerson) Hanna; educated in Memphis (Tenn.) public schools; entered the banking business in early life; married Lizzie Estes, April 9, 1891 ; member Tennessee Club, Business Men’s Club, Memnhis Country Club, City Club and DeSoto Lodge F. & A. M. ; Independent Democrat; member of Pres- byterian church. ARMSTRONG, Walter Presto x, law- yer; born Pittsboro, Miss., October 20, 1884; son of Geo. W. and May (Cru- thirds) Armstrong; English descent; educated, and graduate of Yale Univer- WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 279 sity, B. A. (1906), LL.B. (1908); mem- ber Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Phi, Corbey Court, K. of P., Chickasaw Guards Club, Memphis; Tennis Club; Business Men’s Club; editor of Yale Law Journal (1907- OS) ; admitted to practice in all State and Federal Courts in 1908; Secretary and Treasurer of the William A. Webster Drug Manufacturing Company of Mem- phis; member Methodist Church. ASHCROFT, Thos. C., manager As- sociated Press; born Verona, Miss., April 3, 1866; son Thos. C. and Laura (Noe) Ashcroft; educated common schools of Mississippi; married Ida Cicalla April 6, 1904; member B. M. C., Jockey Club, reported Johnstown flood for principal papers in the United States; he accom- panied William J. Bfyan in first cam- paign against McKinley; traveled exten- sively in Europe. He is at present the district head of the A. P. service for the Southwest. Large real estate holdings in Memphis and New Jersey; member Catholic Church. ASHE, Cora Henry, educator; born Brownsville, Tenn. ; English-Irish de- scent and a direct descendant of the house of Heytesbury, Wilts, England; daughter of Sheppard Montfort and Martha S. (Rogers) Ashe; paternal grandparents Samuel Porter and Mary (Sheppard) Ashe, maternal grandpa- rents John and Martha S. (Rogers) Rogers; her paternal grandfather was the son of John Baptista Ashe, who was lieutenant-colonel in the revolutionary war, and afterwards became governor of North Carolina; educated in the private schools of Memphis, Tenn.; honorary president and founder of the Teachers’ Educational League, Memphis, Tenn.; member of Nineteenth Century Club, Perry Chapter D. A. R., and Harvey Matties Chapter, U. D. C. ; editor of “Cornerstone Magazine” three years; contributor to local press and literature of D. A. R. and U. D. C. ; principal of St. Paul school, Memphis, Tenn., for past twenty years. AYRES, Willis F., civil engineer; born Osceola, Ark., Nov. 28, 1876; Eng- lish descent; son of Edward M. and Sal- lie J. (Bowen) Ayres; paternal grand- parents John B. and (Mose- ly) Ayres; maternal grandparents Ar- thur and (Hutchinson) Bowen; educated University of Ark., Fayetteville, Ark., and graduated from same with C. E. degree in 1898; was captain and quartermaster of company in Ark. State Guards, 1894-1898; 1898 to 1900 assistant engineer St. Francis levee district of Arkansas; 1900 to 1903 U. S. assistant engineer in charge of construction work, Havana, Cuba; 1903 to 1906 chief engineer Mississippi Valley Ry. of Mo.; 1906 to date consulting en- gineer, Memphis, Tenn.; chief engineer Jonesboro, Lake City & Eastern Ry. and Wilson Northern Ry. ; consulting chief engineer of drainage and reclamation work in Ark. and other improvements; member Business Men’s Club, Chickasaw Guards Club, American Society of Civil Engineers and American Water Works Assn.; Democrat. BACON, William J., lawyer; born Montgomery, Trigg County, Ky., June 3d, 1876; son of William J. and Delia Scott (Carrington) Bacon; English de- scent; educated Vanderbilt University, University of Arkansas and graduate of Lebanon Law School, LL.B. 1905; mem- ber Masonic F. & A. M., DeSoto 299, Memphis Chapter No. 95, R. A. M. and St. Elmo Commandery No. 15; W. O. W. and Kappa Alpha Fraternity; author of various newspaper and magazine arti- cles (fiction and special articles) ; Demo- crat; elected to state senate from Shelby Co. 57th General Assembly State of Tenn. BAILEY, Thomas Pearce, educator; born Georgetown, S. C., Aug. 18, 1867; English-French-Scotch- Welsh descent; is son oi Thomas P. and Maria L. (Wil- liams) Bailey; educated Wingah Indigo Academy, Georgetown, S. C. ; graduat- ed from S. C. University, A. B., L. I., A- M., Ph. D. ; entered educational work in early life; married Aug. 1, 1905; Inde- pendent Democrat; author of “Love and Law,” San Francisco, 1899, also contri- butor of articles on psychology and edu- cational journals. WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 2S0 BANKS, Lem, lawyer; born Love Sta- tion, Miss., March 16, 1870; son George T. and Sallie (Love) Banks; English- Welsh descent; educated Webbs School and Vanderbilt University; graduated Vanderbilt 1802, LL.B.; married, first, Miss Fitzgerald, 1892; married, second, Mrs. Estelle Gildart, 1903. BARKSDALE, Wii.liam Raxdoi.ph, cotton factor, hardwood lumber and grocer; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Aug. 6, 1850; English-Scotch descent; son of William H. and Fannie (Baskette) Barksdale; paternal grandfather, Ran- dolph Barksdale, maternal grandfather, Ur. William Baskett; educated at Old Nottingham school near Somerville, Tenn.; began his career as clerk and bookkeeper in dry goods store; for twenty-six years he has been engaged in the wholesale grocery and cotton busi- ness, and seventeen years in lumber business as hardwood lumber manufac- turer; married Eva Strange, March 2, 1877; member I. O. O. F., Business Men’s Club, Lumbermen’s Club (past president), and Country Club; Inde- pendent Democrat; director in First National Bank, Memphis, Tenn.; mem- ber of Congregational church. BARNETT, Arthur, dentist; born Scottshoro, Ala., May 23, 1871; Scotch- Irish descent; son of J. W. and Mar- tha (Dicus) Barnett; father’s occupa- tion, officer; paternal grandfather, T. M. Barnett; educated Scottshoro, Ala.; graduated from Vanderbilt University degree D.D. S. March 25, 1896; married Alice Nisbett Dee. 4, 1898; member of all the Masonic bodies, Business Men’s Club, Menesha Outing Club, Memphis Auto Club, City, State and National Uental Associations; Democrat; inter- ested in Clover Farm Dairy, Memphis, South Florida Grapefruit Co., and real estate deals. BARRET, James H., real estate deal- er; born Shelby Co., Tenn., July 28, 1861; English descent; son of Anthony R. and Rebecca (Hill) Barret; educated in local schools of Shelby and Wilson Counties, Tenn.; began his career as a merchant at Barretville, Tenn., in which business he continued twenty years, firm became A. R. Barret & Sons, and later Barretville Supply Co., Inc.; married Eva Burrow, Nov. 2, 1896; member F„ & A. M. (32d degree Scottish Rite), K. of P., B. P. O. E., Beavers; Demo- crat; chairman or County Court of Shel- by Co. Tenn., 1904-1907; register Shelby Co., Tenn., 1907-1910; justice of the peace 19 years; engaged in real estate under firm name of James H. Barret & Co., Memphis, Tenn.; member and deacon of Southern Presbyterian church. BARTON, Robert McKinney. law- yer; born Greeneville, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1851; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rob- ert McFarland and Hannah (McFar- land) Barton; paternal grandparents Isaac and Jane (Barton) Bar- ton, maternal grandparents Rob- ert and Mary (Scott) Mc- Farland; educated in the private schools of Hamblen Co., Tenn., and at University of Va., 1871; reared on farm and taught school one session; read law under father. Judge Barton, and uncle. Judge Robert McFarland; married Vir- ginia McFarland, Oct. 4, 1876; member K. of P., Business Men’s Club, and Memphis Literary Assn.; Democrat; U. S. Commissioner Eastern District of Tenn., eight years, alderman of city of Chattanooga, Tenn,, 1879-1880, city at- torney of Chattanooga, 1881-1882; State Senator from Hamilton Co., Tenn., 1893- 18^o ; Judge of tne Court of Chancery Appeals and Court of Civil Appeals, 1895-1910, first appointed, twice elected. BATES, W illiam Horatio, printer; born in Henry Co., Iowa, Oct. 24, 1841; son of Daniel and Sarah (Lavender) Bates; father’s occupation, editor; pa- ternal grandfather, William Bates; ma- ternal grandfather, William Lavender; both o-randfathers native Virginians and served honorably through entire Revolu- tionary war; educated in private school; negan his business career in printing of- fices, is now persident S. C. Toof & Co., printers and lithographers, and has been in printing business in Memphis, 'lenn., for over 45 years; married Marv WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 281 Boreherdt, Oct. 31, 1871; member De- ■Soto Lodge Masons, Scottish Kite bodies^ Tennessee Club, Memphis Coun- try Club, and Waponoca Outing Cluo, Democrat; member of City Council of Memphis, 1878-79; chairman Memphis Artesian Water department for four years when the company was first bought by the city; member of Linden Avenue Christian church, Memphis, Tenn. BATTLE, Walter Preston, broker; born Memphis, Tenn., January 11, 1875; son of Lucullus L. and Fannie (Hays) Battle; English, Scotch Irish descent; educated Jackson and Collierville, Tenn.; married Fannie Perkins, 1906; member Tennessee Club, Business Men’s Club, Country Club; President Memphis Mer- chants’ Exchange in 1906; Vice-President Tennessee Club 1907; member Presby- terian Church. BAUER, Henry “Dutch,” business man; born Memphis, Term., Dec. 31, 1873; son of Jacob and Fannie (Dan- heiser) Bauer; fathers’ occupation, tailor; educated in the Memphis, Tenn., oublic schools; entered the wholesale drug business in early life; married Adele Sterne, June 4, 1906; member Y. M. H. A., past president and secretary of same; Democrat; civil service com- missioner of Memphis, Tenn. ; honorary member of Neely Zouaves; previously connected with Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co., and Hessig-Ellis Drug Co., now with I. Samelson & Co., as assist- ant manager, Memphis, Tenn.; member of the Congregation of Israel. BEARD, Robert He nderson, real es- tate; born Memphis, Tenn.; son of Judge Wm. D. Beard ; English and Scotch de- scent; educated at K. M. I., Frankfort, Ky., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich; was First Lieutenant in Ken- tucky Militia; graduate of K. M. I., Frankfort, Ky., A. B., June, 1879; Ann Arbor post-graduate course 1880-81 ; valedictorian of class; married Carrie Belle Grosvenor, November 15, 1887; member of B. M. C., Odd Fellows, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Chickasaw Guards, Mem- phis Light Guards; Clerk and Master of Chancery Court of Shelby County 1894-1900; attends Presbyterian Church. BEATTIE, Robert Marye, lawyer; born Memphis, Tenn., March 23, 1861 ; Scotch-Irish and French Huguenot de- scent; son of John Dunn and Susan Eliz- abeth (Parker) Beattie; father’s occupa- tion, merchant in Memphis, Tenn., prior to civil war, and at Starksville, Miss., many years after the war; paternal grandparents Thomas Beall and Cather- ine (Marye) Beattie, maternal grand- parents Robert A. and Lamira (Minter) Parker; educated at Starkville, Miss., graduated from Miss. A. & M. College with B. S. degree in 1883, mem- ber of its first graduating class; took law course at University of Va., 1885-6; after graduation at A. & M. College he trav- eled a year and a half in Alabama to make means to take law course; taught in Miss. A. & M. College, 1888-9, moved to Memphis in spring of 1889, where he has been practicing law since; married twice, first, Lillie C. Lotspeich, Feb. 11, 1891, second Mrs. Corinne Mansfield-Ful mer, June 6 1907; member W. O. W. (local counsel for Sovereign Camp, Woodmen of the World, of Omaha, Neb.); member of Business Men’s Club; was oapt. of “Starkville Guards,” State Militia of Miss., holding captain’s com- mission at time of his removal to Mem- phis; member of the Second Presbyter- ian church, Memphis, Tenn., and has been deacon in same for a number of years (his grandfather, Robert A. Parker, de- ceased, was one of the founders of thai church) ; engaged in the general practice of law, doing a business practice, and in the Chancery Court principally; author of several law articles in 2d Ed. Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law. BENNETT, Everett T., lumberman; born in Boston, Mass., March 18, 1857; reared in Boston, Mass., and educated in the public schools of that city; gradu- ated from the grammar schools in 1871 and the high school in 1875, where he completed his study of books, and then entered a commercial college for a busi- ness course; in 1875 he became connected w.Ji the firm of William B. Reynolds & Co., lumber dealers, and remained with 282 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE that company three years, then accepted a position with a lumber firm at Kenton, O., in 1881 'he represented the Rey- nolds Co. at Nashville; in 1886 he went to Fort Smith, Ark., where he superin- tended the purchase of a lot of walnut lumber; in 1887 he became manager for Cummins Bros.; two years later he went into the Indian Territory with a portable saw mill for the purpose of cutting black walnut timber for export; in 1892 he went to Memphis, and in 1893 he and others formed a stock company and or- ganized the Hardwood Lumber Company, of which he was made manager; three years later he purchased the entire plant anu the company became the Bennett Hardwood Lumber Co., of which he is now president; member of Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoos. BERGSCHICKER, William, mer- chant; born Memphis, Tenn.; son Fer- dinand and Caroline Bergschicker; Ger- man descent; educated public schools; married Katie Frey, January 18, 1898; member K. of P., B. M. C. several Ger- man societies; member of Legislature 1908; former City Councilman; member firm A. Bergschicker & Co., harness and ouggy business, 126 N Front St., also owner Cochran Hotel, 166 N. Main St. BICKFORD, William A., real estate operator; born Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 11, 1874; English descent; son of Henry H. and Elizabeth (Winchester) Bick- ford; paternal grandparents William A and Louise (Howland) Bickford, mater- nal grandparents George and Jane (Nixon) Winchester; educated city schools of St. Louis, Mo., Denver, Colo., and Memphis, Tenn.; at age of eighteen he entered a real estate office in Mem- pnis, Tenn., and in 1895 went into that line of business for himself, and has continued to date under firm name of W. A. Bickford & Co.; he is also direc- tor of North Memphis Savings Bank, president of Southern Improvement Co., and president of Saino Fire Door and Shutter Co., Memphis, Tenn.; member of Business Men’s Club, Country Club, Chickasaw Club and Tennessee Club; Democrat; member of Episcopal church. BIERCE, Columbus, manufacturer, builder, owner and operator of cotton compresses; born Circleville, Ohio; Eng- lish-German descent; son of William Wallace and Elizabeth Ann (Darst) Bierce; educated in Memphis, Tenn.; in early life he was in the cotton business; member of Tennessee, Chickasaw and Business Men’s Clubs; member of Chick- asaw Guards. BIGGS, Albert W., lawyer; born Trenton, Tenn., Sept. 8, 1871; Scotch Irish descent; son of Zaeh and Julia Elizabeth (Raines) Biggs; father’s occu- pation, physician and merchant; paternal grandparents Luke and Marina (Ben- nett) Biggs, maternal grandparents E. W. and Elizabeth (Latta) Raines; edu- cated Trenton, Tenn., Peabody High School and Vanderbilt University; grad- uated from latter with B. L. degree June, 1892; married Margaret Pharr, June 4, 1903; member DeSoto lodge, A. F. & A. M., Chickasaw Guards Club, Country Club, and Business Men’s Club, Demo- crat; member of St. John’s M. E. Church, South, Memphis, Tenn.; admitted to bar at Trenton, Tenn., Sept., 1892; moved to Memphis, Tenn., Sept., 1903 and was member of the firm of Carroll, McKel- lar, Bullington & Biggs until Sept., 1905 ; became asistant general solicitor for Y. & M. V. R. R. Co., resigned that posi- tion Jan., 1907, to engage in general prac- tice of law; became general attorney, and later president of Memphis (Tenn.) R. R. Terminal Co. ; he now represents I. C., Y. & M. V. R. R. Co.; former coun- sel for Bishop E. E. Hoss and others in matter involving rights of bishops and i*I, E. Church, South, in Vanderbilt Uni- versity in 1906, and is now one of the counsel for bishops and church in case involving ownership of Vanderbilt Uni- versity; special counsel for the State of Illinois in prosecution of officials of I. C. R. R. indicted for conspiracy in connec- tion with car repair frauds, also counsel for State of Tennessee m suit involving boundary controversy with State of Arkansas (State of Tenn. vs. Muncie Pulp Co., 119 Tenn. 47); member of law firm Fitzhugh & Biggs, Memphis, Tenn. BIGGS, William Percy, attorney at law; born Collierville, Tenn., July 9, WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 283 1883; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James Thomas and Statira (Spratt) Biggs; father’s occupation, merchant and plant- er; educated Collierville (Tenn.) High School, Webb School, Central University of ivy.. University of the South, Se- wanee, Tenn., and University of Miss., Oxford Miss.; graduated from Central University of Ivy., B.S., 1903, University of Miss., LL. B., 1905; married Julia Wilburn, Jan. 23, 1906; member Mem- phis Lodge No. 118 F. & A. M., Penn. Chapter No. 22 St. Elmo Cormnandery No. 15, Tenn. Consistory No. 1, 32d de- gree; member Business Men’s Club, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity; Democrat; has acted as special Criminal Court Judge Div. 2, Shelby Co., Tenn., and special City Judce City Court, Memphis, Tenn.; vice-president Clover Lawn Realty Co., director and attorney for Suburban Sav- ings Bank & Trust Co.; member Calvary Episcopal church, Memphis, Tenn. ; mem- ber of law firm Bacon, Stickley & Biggs, Memphis, Tenn. BLACK, William Thomas, surgeon; born Stanton Depot, Tenn., J anuarv 13, 1875; son of W. F. and Sallie I. (Cop- pedge) Black; educated Stanton, Tenn., Memphis High School and special course by Prof. Merrill, formerly of Memphis; graduate of Memphis Hospital Medical College 1898; attended surgical clinics in New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, etc., at various times ; married Flora Mae Grehan, March 13, 1902; member DeSoto Lodge No. 299, Scottish Rite 32 degree, Alchymia Temple, Mystic Shriner, Shelby Lodge I. O. O. F., Chickasaw Guards; gynecologist St. Joseph’s Hospital, sur- geon City Hospital; member staff Lucy Brinkley Hospital, surgeon Memphis Foundling Home, junior surgeon Mem- phis Street Railway Company; senior as- sistant to chair of Gynecology Memphis Hospital Medical College; member First Methodist Church, Memphis, Tenn. BOND, W. T., public official; born Shelby Co., Tenn., Feb. 22, 1850; Eng- lish descent; son of Samuel and Mary Bond; father’s occupation, physician and farmer; received common school ed- ucation; reared on farm; he has taken an active part in politics from early youth ; in 1894 he was elected to the of- fice of justice of the peace; re-elected in 1900 and in 1906; in 1901 he was elected chairman of the court; member of Bartlett M. E. Church, South; mar- ried Halli W. Duser June 24, 1879. BOONE, Arthur U., Baptist minis- ter; born Elkton, Ky., September 7, 1860; son H. G. and Martha M. (Edwards) Boone; English and Scotch descent (re- lated to Daniel Boone, Kentucky hunter) ; educated local schools in Kentucky and Southern Theological Seminary, Louis- ville, Ky. ; married Eddie 13. Cooke, April 30, 1891; author two or three pamphlets on practical religious subjects; ordained January 5, 1887; was pastor at Elkton, Leitchfield and Smith’s Grove in Kentucky; accepted care First Baptist Church, Clarksville, Tenn., September. 1891; remained in that position until De- cember, 1898 ; accepted care First Baptist Church, Memphis, 1898; toured Europe 1902; elected President Tennessee Bap- tist Convention 1903, holding same office 1909, declined re-election at that time; First Baptist Church, Memphis, erected and dedicated during his present pastor- ate. BOURNE, Edward, general insurance agent; born Memphis, Tenn., June 23, 1846 ; direct descendant of Samuel Adams family, of which the two U. S. Presi- dents, John and John Quincy Adams, were descended; son of James Tread- well and Martha Tucker (Freeland) Bourne; father’s occupation, steamboat agent, railroad (fast freight line) agent and merchandising; paternal grandpa- rents Benjamin and Mary (Treadwell) Bourne, maternal grandparents John and Hephzebah (Adams) Freeland; edu- cated in public schools, Memphis, and Germantown (Tenn.) Institute; served in C. S. A. as private Co. “B,” 3d regi- ment infantry, Govan’s Brigade, Clai- bourn’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tenn.; fought under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and Gen. J. B. Hood, and sur- rendered with latter at Greensboro, N. C.; served twelve years in N. G. S. T., and held commissions as 1st Lieut, five years, 284 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Capt., three years, Colonel over four years, and is now Brig.-Gen., retired; also ex-Col. of the only Confederate regiment organized since the civil war; helped or- ganize and for over 3 years commanded Co. “A,” C. V., of this city; began his business career as clerk in father’s of- fice, later clerked in warehouse at Selma, Ala., and on Alabama river steamboats; married Jennie Garth McGarvey, March 11, 1869; 1st vice-pres. Confederate His- torical Assn., Memphis, Tenn., which is also Div. No. 18, “Confederate Soldiers of Tenn,” and Camp No. 28, U. C. V.; member of Business Men’s Club; Demo- crat; active member, a deacon and trus- tee of Central Baptist church, Memphis, Tenn., which he helped organize; was aiso clerk and treasurer for a number of years and superintendent of its Sunday scnool ; was for three terms president of Baptist Shelby County Sunday School Convention; former vice-president and president of Memphis Board of Under- writers, serving two terms each; for a number of years was member of the firm of James T. Bourne & Co.; was in fast freight business 12 years, “Star Union,” Canada Southern and “Merchant Dis- patch” lines; has been engaged in the fire insurance and casualty business for about 30 years; was also the first presi- dent of the Memphis Salvage Corps and for four years was a member of the Memphis Cotton Exchange. BOWEN, Bolivar Burks, traveling salesman; born Chulahoma, Miss., Nov. 16, 1852; Welsh-English and French de- scent; son of Richard P. and Jane S. (Tucker) Bowen; father’s occupation, planter; paternal grandparents A. M. and Catherine Rent (Poston) Bowen, maternal grandparents Jeremiah and Ab- agail (Clifton) Tucker; received common school education; in early life was a farmer; married Mary Elyza Tucker, Jan. 19, 1880; member DeSoto Lodge No. 299, F. & A. M., Past Master of said Lodge; Democrat; election commis- sioner of Shelby Co., Tenn., 1903-1907; was for a number of years chairman of the endowment committee of Masonic Widows’ and Orphans’ Home; was in- strumental in creating more election bootns In city of Memphis, Tenn.; mem- ber of First Baptist church, Memphis,. Tenn. BOWERS, Duke Cayce, retail gro- ceryman; born Mobile, Ala., Nov. 17,. 1874; English-Irish and Scotch descent; son of Calvin T. and Ida (Cayce) Bow- ers; father’s occupation, merchant; pa- ternal grandparents, Giles and Rebecca (Adams) Bowers, maternal grandpar- ents, John Hardy and Louisa (Milner) Cayce; educated at Marvin College, at Clinton, Ky., and was expelled from same for not being willing to give up to principal an unread note from a young lady; about a year ago by rec- ommendation of said principal was ex- onerated by the Board of Curators of said college, and later was elected by the board as one of its members; en- tered retail grocery business in early life, and is owner and operator of 35 retail grocery stores in Memphis, Tenn., known as “Temples of Economy;" mar- ried Ethel Gibbs Oct. 24 1900; member Scottish Rite Masons, Merchants’ Ex- change, Business Men’s Club and Y. M. C. A.; former City Clerk and Mayor of Columbus Ky. ; assistant to Mr. Thomas Dies in trying to get better street car service for Memphis; refused as a vol- unteer in late Spanish war on account of being partially blind in one eye. BOYD, Alston M., real estate agent; born Pine Bluff, Ark., Jan. 9, 1878; Scotch-English descent; son of Irby and Mary (Fuller) Boyd; father’s occupa- tion cotton merenant and planter; ed- ucated in Memphis and Alabama Poly- technic Institute, and graduated from later B. S. degree June, 1899; early oc- cupation, connected with Memphis Light and Power Co., and Memphis Machine Works, and five years with Chickasaw Base Ball team, 1898-1903; attended Paris exposition, 1900, and St. Louis World’s Fair, 1904; married Mary Bell, Feb. 17, 1904; member Chickasaw Guards Club; Democrat; served as lieutenant in military company in Ala. Polytechnic Institute; member of Pres- byterian church. BOYD, Harry Roberts, lawyer; born Ottawa, 111., November 11, i860; son who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 285 Joseph and Elvira (McMillain) Boyd; Scotch descent; educated Wabash College, Crawfordsville, ind. ; graduated Wabash College A. B. 1885, A. M. 1887; married Margaret Baird, November 11, 1890; member Knights Templar, 32 degree Scot- tish Rite; member Presbyterian Church. BOYLE, Thomas R., lawyer; born Hardeman County, Tenn., April 5, 1855; son Thomas and Margaret J. (Owen) Boyle; Irish-j.nglish descent; educated Memphis; graduated Christian Brothers’ College and Washington and Lee Uni- versity; married Virginia A. Frazer, April 22, 1884; member Business Men’s Club; Democrat. BOYLE, Virginia Frazer, author; born near Chattanooga, Tenn.; daughter of Charles Wesley and Letitia S. (Austin) Frazer; paternal grandparents, John A. and Frances Ann (Jones) Frazer, mater- nal grandparents, Hugh Rice and Eliza Ann (Ragan) Austin; graduated from Higbee School, Memphis, Tenn.; married Thomas R. Boyle; member of Colonial Dames, D. A. R., and U. D. C. ; author: “The Other Side” (poem), 1893, “Broken- burne,” 1897, “Devil Tales,” 1900, “Se rena” (novel), 1905, “Love Songs and Bugle Calls,” 1906; wrote prize centen- nial ode, “Tennessee,” 1896, series of ne- gro folk lore tales in Harper’s Magazine, 1900, “Jefferson Davis,” Centennial Ode, 1908, “Abraham Lnicoln,” for the cen- tenary celebration of the Philadelphia Brigade Association, 1909; “The Dream of the Alabama,” centenary of Admiral Semmes, C. S N., for the Confederate Memorial Association, 1909 ; poetlaureate for life. Confederated Southern Memorial Associations, 1905; constitution changed to create office of poet laureate United Confederate Veterans’ Association, 1910; served as poet laureate Tennessee Di- vision U. D. C., 1909-10; contributor to Century, Harper’s Magazine, Weekly ana Bazar, Delineator, and other magazines. BRENNAN, Henry Williams, con- tracting engineer; born Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 25, 1870; son of Thomas M. and Anna S. (Plunket) Brennan; father’s occupation, machinery manufacturer, made cannon and shot used by Confed- erate armies, also made 1st twelve loco- motives operated on N. C. & St. L. Ry. ; educated Nashville, Brennan’s Military Academy; began career as a civil en- gineer and later entered railroad con- struction in Tenn. and Ala., together with iron ore and phosphate mining; moved to Memphis, Tenn., in 1906; mar- ried Mary Frances Day, June 8, 1908; member Tennessee Club, Country Club and Business Men’s Club; member of State Highway Commission, 1909-1911, secretary Memphis Bureau of Publicity and Development; member of Catholic church. BRETT, James, Jb., public official; born Memphis, Aug. 15 1871; Irish de- scent; son of James and Laura T. (Nel- son) Brett; father’s occupation, lawyer; paternal grandparents, James M. and Sarah (McClain) Brett, maternal grand- parents, Thomas A. and Miriam (Mos- lev) Nelson; educated at Germantown, Tenn.; married Lucille Harrison; mem- ber Masonic lodge, I. O. O. F., K. & L. of H., and Owls; Democrat; former secretary corns, registration elections two years, secretary democratic executive committee four years; at present is deputy county and probate court clerk, in which position he has served 17 years; member of Presbyterian church. BRIDGER, James Dick, physician and surgeon ; born Sardis, Miss., Septem- ber 2, 1871; son J. E. and Nancy J. (Hill) Bridger; Scotch-Irish descent; ed- ucated Panola County, Miss., High School; graduated Columbian Univer- sity, Washington, D. C., with degree of M. I). ; married Eugenia Martin, Novem- ber 5, 1907; member National No. 12, A. F. & A. M., Washington, D. C., Ten- nessee Consistory No. 1, Scottish Rite and A1 Chymia Temple, Mystic Shrine; Democrat. BRINKLEY, James Mhoon, real es- tate dealer; born Colbert Co., Ala., Aug. 30, 1855; English and Scotch de- scent; son of Robert C. and Elizabeth (Mhoon) Brinkley; father’s occupation, lawyer and real estate; educated at Huntsville, Ala., and University of the South ; entered the real estate business- 286 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE in early life; married Clara W. Foote, Nov. 6, 1876; member of Busines Men’s Club; Democrat; member of Holy trinity Episcopal church, Memphis, Tenn., and vestryman in same; engaged in farming, real estate etc. BRODE, Frederick William, cotton seed products dealer; born Delitseh, Prussia, Germany, Aug. 14, 1843; son of John Frederick and Fredericka (Rit- ter) Brode; father, merchant; German descent; educated in the schools of Prus- sia, Germany, and public and private schools or St. Louis, Mo.; began his ca- reer as a clerk, and then bookkeeper; came to America in 1853, moved to Memphis, 185!), and began business in 1868, later became member of the firm of Brode, McIntyre & Co., then under hrm name of F. W. mode & Co., 1875, to date, dealer in cotton seed products ,- former director in Home Fire Insurance to., of Memphis, Tenn., and vice-presi- dent and director of Merchants Ex- change of Memphis, and president in 1898; married Dora B. Simmons, daugh- ter of Zion S. Simmons, July 8, 1875; member F. & A. M., Memphis Lodge No. 118. trustee of same; member of Veter- an Masons’ Lodge, Tennessee Club, Country Club, Business Men’s Club, all of Memphis, Tenn. BROWNE Harris L., president of Browne & Borum Co.; born Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1872; son of J. W. X. and Emma A. (Mallory) Browne; fath- er's occupation, president The Browne Co., plumbing, gas and .steam fitting; ed- ucated in Tenn. and Inch, graduated from Purdue University Lafayette, Ind., B. M. E., electrical engineer, June, 1894; in early life studied law two years; married Myrtle M. Kennedy May 31, 1906; general superintendent of Sunday school ,and member of Linden Avenue Christian church, Memphis, Tenn.; sec. and treas. Gray Studio Co. BRUCE, Horatio Thomas, mule dealer; born Cumberland, Allegheny County, Md., April 9, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son Henry and Lavinia (This- tle) Bruce; married Valeria Hutt, No- vember 22, 1890; member Masons, I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E. No. 27, K. of P., Ladies and Knights of Honor, Royal Ar- ; canum, Beavers; Democrat; Fire and Police Commissioner, Memphis, Tenn., 1905-09 ; he entered in business in Mem- phis, November, 1885, as mule dealer, firm H. T. Bruce & Co. BRYAN, Charles Middletox, attor- ney at law; born Memphis, Tenn.; Eng lish and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Charles B. and Anna E. (Semmes) Bryan; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandfather, James Bryan, pa- ternal grandmother, Miss Bailey prior to her marriage; maternal grandparents, Admiral, Raphael and Anne (Spencer) Semmes; educated University of Notre Dame, Ind., University of Va., and the Christian Bros. College; graduated from Notre Dame, L. B., 1897, University of Va., B. L., 1901; newspaper reporter 1897-99; married Bessie Smyth Oct. 18, 1905; member Knights of Columbus, Luickasaw Club, Tenn. Club, Business Men’s Club, Tri-State Club, and various bar asociations; Democrat; City Attor- ney of Memphis Tenn.; member of Ro- man Catholic church. BRYAN, Elwood R., dealer in stone and gravel; born Franklin, Ky., Aug. 28, 1873; son of William Robert and Lou (Bell) Bryan; father, physician; paternal grandparents William and Eliz- abeth (Clarke) Bryan, maternal grand- parents George and Mary (Paden) Bell; educated Franklin, Ky. ; in early life he was manager of Postal Telegraph Co., Nashville, Tenn., five years, and Memphis, two years; in 1906-1907 en- gaged in mining in Arizona; in 1907 manager Memphis Automobile Co.; at present he is engaged in dealing in stora and gravel; member K. of P., Chicka- saw Guards, Business Men’s Club and Memphis Fair and Driving Park Club, member of Christian church; Democrat. BUCHANAN, Arthur S., public of- ficial; born DeSoto Co., Miss., Aug. 14, 1856; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of B. B. and Eliza (Smith) Buch- anan; father, planter; paternal grand- father, B. B. Buchanan, maternal grand- father, Daniel Smith; educated in the WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 287 common schools; graduated in law from University of Miss., June, 1879; entered practice of law in early life; was mem- ber of Miss, legislature in 1886; ap- pointed judge of the Supreme Court of Tenn., Dec. 17, 1910; married Elizabeth G. Loney, Nov. 10, 1891; member of Business Men’s Club and Central Bap- tist church, Memphis, Tenn. BUCHANAN, Joseph W., lawyer; bom Chatham Co., N. C. ; Scotch de- scent; son of Thomas J. and Sophie (Martin) Buchanan; father, planter; pa- ternal grandparents, Joseph and Charity (Williams) Buchanan, maternal grand- parents, Dr. William and Flora Isabella (McQueen) Martin; his maternal grand- mother was a direct descendant of Rob- ert Bruce; graduated University of Mis- sissippi B. A., 1860; reared on farm; en- listed in the Chickasaw Guards Jan. 10, 1861, and accompanied them to Florida, where they remained one month, and in April the Guards were sent to Virginia and assigned to the Eleventh Mississippi infantry, being Co. “H” of that organ- ization; after the battle of Manassas he was elected captain of Co. “H,” Twenty- fourth Mississippi regiment, afterwards Walthalls Brigade; served in army of Tennessee until wounded at Jonesboro, Ga., in 1864, and was in all of the bat- tles of the Army of Tennessee from Perryville, Ky., and to Jonesboro, Ga.; he was captured at latter and a few flays later recaptured by Confederates and sent to hospital at Cuthbert, Ga., where he remained until November, 1865, and after he returned to his Mississippi home he was an invalid from the injuries received during the war, four years; in 1868 he was admitted to practice law, and located at Houston, Miss., and two years later he removeu to Okolona, Miss., where he continued to practice until 1888, when he located at Memphis, where he has since remained; he was a mem- ber of the Mississippi legislature from Chickasaw county, in 1880-82, appointed judge of the Circuit Court of First District, 1882, and resigned before the termination of his term; became division attorney for K. C., M. & B. R. R. in 1887 and is present attorney for Frisco R. R., successor to K. C., M. & B. R. R.; mar- ried Thelia Spragins, Dec. 2, 1868; mem- ber Masons, Knights Templar Sierna Chi, and B. M. C. BUCKINGHAM, Miles S., banker; born Shelby Co., Tenn., May 16, 1846; son of Henry G. and Eliza (McIntosh) Buckingham; English and Scotch de- scent; educated in public and private schools of Memphis, Tenn.; entered banking in early life as postoffice bo\, and has filled every position; at present he is president of State National Bank of Memphis, Tenn.; married in 1876; member of Business Men’s Club, Ten- nessee Club, Country Club and Wapa nocca Hunting Club; Democrat. BUFORD, George Gillespie, physi- cian; born Oxford, Miss., Dec. 5 1853; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William C. and Nancy (Gillespie) Buford; father’s occupation, planter; paternal grand- father, Spencer Buford, maternal grand- father, George Gillespie; educated Uni- versity of Miss., and Vanderbilt Uni- versity, graduated from later Medical Department, degree of M. D. in 1880; in early life he was a farmer; married twice, first Susie E. Moss, April 20, 1881 second Wilhella Hawkins Brevard, July 20 1904; member Chi Psi frater- nity, Memphis, and Shelby Co. (Tenn.) Medical Society, Miss. Valley Medical Society and American Medical Associa- tion; Democrat; pension examiner for U. S. six years, 1896-1902; he was awarded Founders Medal at Vanderbilt University and Quiz Medal for General Proficiency in General Medicine, Van- derbilt University, 1880; Co-Proprietor of Presbyterian Home Hospital of Mem- phis, Tenn.; professor of nervous and mental diseases in College of Physicians & Surgeons Medical department Uni- versity of Memphis, Tenn.; member of Southern Presbyterian church. BULLINGTON, Richard Edward, dentist; born Hernando, Miss., Sept. 2, 1847 ; son of Edward and Caroline (Stubblefield) Bullington; fathers’ oc- cupation dentist; paternal grandfather, Robert Bullington, maternal grandfath- er, Peter B. Stubblefield; educated Kentucky Military Institute, graduated 2SS who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE from New Orleans (La.) Dental College, D. D. S., April 1872; married Sallie A. Peete, Dec. 30, 1869; member Masonic lodge, Royal Arch Mason, Knights Tem- plar and Shrine; I. O. O. F.; Democrat; moved to Memphis, Tenn., from Her- nando, Miss., in 1885, and is now engag- ed in the practice of his profession; served in the C. S. A. 18th Miss. Reg., Forrests Cavalry during Civil war; is now on staff of Gen. G. W. Gordon, -otnmander-in-Chief of U. C. V., with the rank of Colonel. BURNS, William Britt, physician and surgeon; born Shangaloo, La., Feb- ruary 26, 1869 ; son T. F. and Mary A. (Thomas) Burns; Scotch-Welsh descent; educated Prescott, Ark., Tom Allen High School, Kentucky School of Medicine; graduate Kentucky School of Medicine M. D. 1892; post-graduate Polyclinic New York 1898; married Georgia May Vallandigham, October 2, 1893; member 32 degree Masons and Shriner, B. M. C., Memphis and Shelby County Medical So- ciety and A. M. A., Secretary of Medical Section A. M. A. 1901; ATce-P resident Mississippi Valley Medical Association 1902; Staff Surgeon City Hospital, Mem- phis; Division Surgeon Frisco Railway; ex- Vice-President Tri-State Medical As- sociation; began practice Little Rock, Ark., 1892; practiced in Southeast Ar- kansas in Drew County; later Newport, Ark., Deckerville sawmill and railroad practice for three years; removed to Memphis 1901; member First Christian •Church, Memphis. CAGE, Harry Hays, general south- ern agent Erie Railroad; born Canton, Miss., May 23 1864; son of Albert Hun- ley and Amanda (Garrett) Cage; fath- er’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparents, Robert H. and Lucy (Hunley) Cage, maternal grandparents, Lewis W. and Sarah (Singleton) Gar- rett; educated in common schools and Tulane University, New Orleans, La.; on account of father's death was compelled to go to work and did not finish course; in early life worked five years in Bank and 11 years in fire insurance business; since then in service of Erie railroad; married Amy Handy, Jan. 11, 1887; is member Knights of Pythias, Tennessee Club Business Men’s Club and Country Club; Democrat; member of Methodist church. CAIN, Walter, journalist; son John S. and Mattie (Wooshaw) Cain; Scotch- Irish descent; graduate University of Mississippi 1881, Vanderbilt 1883; mar- ried Adelaide Douglas, December 17, 1901; editor Nashville American 1892; for several years editor Nashville Sun; associate editor Memphis News Scimitar. CALDWELL, Alrebt S., investment banker; born Washington, D. C., Sept. 3, 1854; son of John M. and Augusta (Ty- ler) Caldwell; father’s occupation mer- e-ant; paternal grandparents, James and Achsah (Leech) Caldwell, maternal grandparents, Henry B. and Elizabeth B. (Tyler) Tyler; graduated from Ra- cine College, Wis., A. B., June 1874; en- tered practice of law in early life and engaged in same until 1882; mar- ried Cordelia Jameson, Sept. 4, 1882; member Tennessee Club, Chickasaw Club, Country Club and Tri-State Club, Mem- phis, Tenn.; Democrat; member of Epis- copal church; member firm, Caldwell & Smith. CALDWELL, Thomas B., real estate dealer; born in Shelby county, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1862; Scotch descent; son of -Mward W. and Lucy Harriet (Cren- shaw) Caldwell; father’s occupation, farmer and justice of the peace; ma- ternal grandfather, Thomas B. Cren- shaw; educated in the Shelby County, Tenn. Schools; in early life was deputy clerk and master ot Chancery Court of Shelby Co., Tenn.; later clerk and mas- ter; member Elks, Business Men’s Club; Democrat; engaged in real estate, Mem- phis, Tenn.; married Hattie E. Barter % May 20, 1885. CALKINS, Sidney Pratt, wholes broker; born Owego, Tioga Co., N. A ., Jan. 14, 1852; Scotch descent; son of Sidney and Martha (Pratt) Calkins; lather’s occupation timberman, owner of extensive saw mills and wholesale lum- berman; paternal grandfather, Judge Seth Calkins, maternal grandfather, Abi- ja Pratt; educated in public schools and AVIIO S WIIO IN TENNESSEE 2X9 Owego (N. Y.) Academy; interested in wholesale grocery business for more than 25 years; married Henrietta Virginia Hil- ton, Jan. 9, 1872; member of DeSoto Lodge No. 299 A. F. & A. M., Memphis chapter No. 95 Memphis Com. No. 4 Knights Templar, U. C. T. and Business Mien’s Club; Republican; member of Second Presbyterian church, Memphis, lenn. CAMPBELL, Willis C., physician; born Jackson, Miss., Dec. 18, 1880; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Charles C. and (Cohoon) Campbell; father’s occupation, clerical; paternal grandparents J. A. P. and Eugenia (Nash) Campbell, maternal grandpa- rents Willis E. and Cornelia (Smith) Cohoon; educated University of Va. and Hampden-Sidney College; graduated from University of Va., M. D., June 15, 1904; married Elizabeth Yerger, June 30, 1908; member of Business Men’s Club and K. of P.; Democrat; profes- sor of orthopedic surgery, University of Memphis; member of Episcopal church. CANADA, J. W., lawyer; born Shelby County, Tenn., December 27, 1876; son W. W. and Sallie T. Canada; married Emma Berry, December 31, 1903; served is Captain Fourth Tennessee Volunteer Infantry in Cuba, Spanish-American War; General Attorney St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern R. R. Co.; General Attorney Union Railway Co.; District Attorney St. Louis Southwestern Rail- way Co.; General Counsel Memphis Union Station Company; General Coun- sel Memphis Warehouse Company; Local Counsel National Surety Company; Lo- .'al Counsel Virginia Bridge & Iron Com- pany; Democrat. CANADA, Lucius T. M., lawyer; forn Fayefle Co., Tenn., 1861; son J. B. ind Caroline (Dennis) Canada; English iescent; educated Jackson, Tenn.; grad- aated Union University literary course 1883; Cumberland University, Lebanon, Penn., LL.B. 1889; married, first, Iola Kittridge; married, second, Mrs. Flor- ence Oliver; member Masons; Represen- tative Shelbv County in State Senate 1895-99. CANALE, Domenico, business man; born in Italy, Jan. 16, 1843; in Febru- ary, 1859, he started for the New World in a sailing vessel, landed in New Or- leans after a voyage of sixty-five days, took steamer for Memphis, and arrived there on 1st of May; he secured imme- diate employment from his uncles, the Vaccaros, and for ten years worked for wages, and in 1869 engaged in the fruit business in a moaest way on his own ac- count; he has remained in that line of business for forty years, and at present he is head of the wholesale fruit firm of D. Canale & Co., Memphis, Tenn.; mar- ried Catherine Solari in 1869; member of Business Men's Club. CANNON, Henry Etheldred, farm- er, real estate dealer; born in Wake Co., N. C., July 5, 1840; English descent; son of Henry Jordon and Sarah Susan (Peebles) Cannon; father’s occupation, lawyer, farmer; paternal grandparents, Robert and Anne (Hill) Cannon, mater- nal grandparents, John and Griselda (Hill) Peebles; educated at Somerville, Tenn., and other schools in that vicinity; in early life he clerked in drygoods store; married twice, first Susie Dunlap, Oct. 29, 1872; second Bessie Rembert, Sept. 28, 1909; member Business Men’s Club; at one time represented the 18th district of Shelby C’o., Tenn., in the County Court; served four years in the Con- federate army during Civil war as pri- vate, and commander of scouts, was badly wounded twice during service in army; went out with first cavalry in Shelby county, Tenn., under Capt. Thos. H. Logwood, first two years of war, 7th xenn. Cav. with Col. Ballentine‘s regi- ment, later joined 7th Tenn. Cav.; mem- ber of Holy Trinity Episcopal church; engaged in farming and real estate busi- ness. CARNES, Samuel T., business man; born in Hardeman Co., Tenn., May 22, 1850; Irish descent; son of James A and Elizabeth M. (Jones) Carnes; re- received common school education ; at age of sixteen years he entered employ of the Savings Bank of Memphis as “rilnner” and was later promoted to col- lection clerk, and still later to individual 290 WHO S WHO 1 1ST TENNESSEE bookkeeper, in 1868 he became book- keeper for Copperwaithe, Chapman & Co., dealers in books, stationery, etc.; a year later he entered employ of cotton firm of Gage & Fisher; lie was next em- ployed by G. Falls & Co., cotton buyers, but returned to Gage & Fisher at end 01 one year; in 1873 he left firm to enter business for himself, buying out a book and stationery firm, sold out same in 1874 and accepted a position as book- keeper for Hill, Fontaine & Co., gro- cers and cotton factors, in Memphis, Tenn.; in July, 1877, he entered employ of Clark, Johnson & Co., as bookkeeper, and in fall of 1878 he secured the right from the Bell Telephone Company for an exchange in Memphis, and the fol- lowing year began its construction; in 1883 he organized the Memphis Tele- phone Company, and was made presi- dent and general manager of that com- pany; in 1883 he organized an electric company under the Brush patent incor- porated as the Brush Electric Light and Power Company of Memphis, and was elected president and general manager of this company; in 1884 the telephone exchange was sold, and the Brush Light and Power Company was consolidated with the Memphis Thompson-Houston Co., and the Memphis Light and Power Co., of which he was the president and general manager; this company sold out in 1901 and was later consolidated with the Equitable Gas and Electric Co., the two being merged into what is now the Consolidated Gas and Electric Co., Mem- phis, Tenn.; in 1874 he became connected with the Chickasaw Guards and from 1878 to 1891 was captain of this com- pany, in 1893 he was made brigadier- general and was placed in command of state troops, resigned 1896; he was in command for a year (1891-1892) in the famous coal creek riots, going there without instructions and acting on his own judgment; when the Spanish- Ameri- can war broke out he was first to or- ranize a regiment, the officers of which were all drawn irom state militia, etc., but owing to political differences with Gov. R. L. Taylor, his regiment was not accepted; in 1902 he organized Memphis Asphalt & Paving Co.; in 1898 he or- ganized company and built electric light and street railway plant and bought gas plant in Jackson, Miss.; married Feb. 3, 1881; member of DeSoto Lodge No. 229. F. & A. M., and is a Knight Templai and member of Episcopal church. CARNES, William Watts, insurance! agent; born Somerville, Tenn., Sept. 18 1841; Scotch-Irish-Welsh and Englisl descent; son of James Alexander and; Elizabeth M. (Jones) Carnes; educated 1 ! Memphis and West Tenn. Schools and U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. entered the latter in class of 1857; stood No. 4 at last examination of his class oi 36 members at Naval academy; resigned from U. S. navy on account of approach- ing war; received commission in C. S army because of military education commanded Battery of Artillery, after- ward battalion of four batteries in the Army of Tenn., C. S. A.; captain of Na- tional Guard company 25 years; hono- rary captain Co. “A” Confederate Vet- erans, Memphis, Tenn.; in early life he was in the mercantile business, then en- tered the insurance business, and is now associated with his son, Robert S, Carnes, in management of insurance gen-; eral agency in Memphis, Tenn.;. married twice, first Kate W. Payne, of Macon. Ga., April 4, 1866, second Lila K. Payne, of same place, March 31, 1875; member of Memphis lodge No. 118 F. & A. M. and Penn Royal Arch chapter No. 22, St Elmo Com. K. T. of Memphis, Knight* of Honor, Royal Arcanum; sheriff oi Shelby Co., Tenn. Sept. 1896 to Sept 1898; member Episcopal church. CARROLL, William H., lawyer; born! in Panola Co., Miss., in 1843; son oi Gen. W. H. and Carroll; grand-; son of Governor Carroll; in 1851 he moved to Memphis, and was educated in the schools of that city, and at Nash- ville, where he attended the University! of Tennessee until his senior year; he enlisted in the Confederate service when the war broke out, for a time drilling s regiment raised by his father, and going to the front on the staff of Gen. Thomasi H. Bradley, of Arkansas, as a volunteer aide, soon after becoming adjutant of the; Thirty-seventh Tennessee; he was after- ward placed in command of Gen. James who's WHO IN TENNESSEE R. Chalmers’ escort, and served until | shortly before the close of the war, when his health became so impaired that he resigned; returning to Memphis, he at first engaged in the cotton business, as soon as he had some degree recovered his 'health, but later gave his attention to law, and in 1875 he was admitted to the bar; since then he has practiced his profes- sion, being associated some yeai-s with the late Julius A. Taylor; after the latter’s death, Mr. Carroll became associated with his old commander, Gen. Chalmers, a partnership which continued until the lat- ter’s death, when the junior partner be- Ijcame Mr. McKellar ; the firm is now Car- roll, Scott & Fisher; Democrat; for sev- eral years he was chairman of the Dem- ocratic state central committee; he was Jja delegate to the Democratic national invention in 1876, and again in 1880, when Gen. Hancock was nominated; in 11900 he was Democratic elector from Tennessee; member of B. P. O. E. CARRUTHERS, Albert B., business pan; born Memphis, Tenn., in 1863; son of J. S. and Fanny L. Carruthers; fath- er's occupation, cotton expert; educated n the public schools of Memphis, Tenn.; |it age of thirteen years he entered the employ of Lowenstein Wholesale Dry Gloods Co., as cash boy, and soon after lecame office boy for Katzenberger Bros., brokers and bankers, with whom he remained several years; he then took i place with Meacham & Co., wholesale grocers and cotton factors; when nine- teen years of age he went to Tipton Co., Ian., and in company with a partner ipened up a small general store; at the :nd of 14 months he sold out and went o Clarksdale, Miss., where he opened a general store; he remained there five Fears, and lost his store by fire; he then vent to Memphis and helped organize he Carrington Shoe Co., a wholesale ihoe house, of which he was made treas- irer; this firm continued until 1893, and yas succeeded by Johnson, Carruthers & land; in 1898 it became the Carruthers- 'ones Shoe Co., of which he is presi- dent; he was former president of the demphis Credit Assn., and in 1902 he ■ ras elected a member of the Memphis ity council, re-elected in 1904; married Janie L. Leavell in 1885; member of the Evergreen Presbyterian church, Mem- phis, Tenn. CARTER, Matthew E., wholesale grocer; born Louisville, Ivy., June 25, 1853; Irish descent; Son of Thomas . and Ellen (Dunn) Carter; father’s oc- cupation, contractor and structural work; educated Christian Brothers Col- lege, Memphis, Tenn.; graduated from University of Georgetown, Washington, D. iC., A. B., June, 1875; married Mary Gavin, Feb. 22, 1887 ; entered grocery business in early life; director of Bank of Commerce & Trust Co., 1902-1910; member of Business Men’s Club, Ten nessee Club, Country Club, Chickasaw Club, Memphis, Tenn.; Democrat; mem- ber of St. Peter’s Roman Catholic church, Memphis, Tenn. CARY, Huxsdox, lawyer; born Mar- shall Co., Miss., Aug. 3, 1842; son of Col. Miles and Susan (Wheatley) Cary; father’s occupation, planter in Miss. ; moved to Memphis when an infant; edu- cated in the public and private schools of Memphis, Tenn. ; enlisted as private in Capt. John F. Cameron’s company, the “Young Guard,” in April, 1861, and his company became part of the Third Con- federate Infantry (whose first colonel was John S. Marmaduke, who was after- ward a major-general in C. S. A.); pro- moted to junior second lieutenant in Capt. Tom Newton’s company of same regiment; he was serving in this capacity at the battle of Shiloh, and was serious- ly wounded there, and sent to Memphis for treatment, as a result of this wound he was in very delicate health for a number of years, and did no active mili- tary service after that time, being honor- ably discharged; in 1866 he formed a partnership with John F. Cameron (his old captain) and engaged in the broker- age business about a year; in 1867 he was appointed deputy clerk of the United States district of West Tenn., ana so remained until 1869, having charge of bankruptcy branch of the clerks’ office; in 1869 he secured an ap- pointment as notary public for Shelby county, and was appointed by the govern- ors of a number of states as commis- 292 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE sioner of deeds, at Memphis, and for a number of years continued in that line of business, and while so engaged he took up the study of law, and entered practice, and so continued until 1895, when he was elected cashier of the Ger- man bank, he was actively engaged in the management of that bank until the oank’s charter expired in 1897, and he was selected by the board of directors to wind up its affairs; he then resumed the practice of law; married Ellen Preston Rhea, May, 1866; Democrat; member and deacon in the Congregational churcn. CARY, Rhea Preston, lawyer; born Memphis, Tenn. June 6, 1871; English descent; son of Hunsdon and Ellen Pres- ton (Rhea) Cary; father’s occupation, lawyer; paternal grandfather, Miles Cary maternal grandfather, Matthew Rhea; educated in public and private schools in Memphis, Tenn., University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. and Lebanon (Tenn.) Law School graduated from latter LL. B. June 2, 1892; married Charlie Ewing; Democrat; member of Episcopal church; connected profession- ally with and as director in, a number of banking and other corporations. CHAMBERS, Paul, lawyer; born Lebanon, Tenn., September 10, 1886; son of William Richard and Nellie (Huddle- ston) Chambers; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Cumberland University; gradu- ated University of Oregon LL.B. 1907 ; married Saidee Louise Butler, May 11, 1910; member K. of P., Progress Lodge No. 39 of Memphis; Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon Greek letter fraternity; Memphis Business Men’s Club; admitted to prac- tice in all State and Federal courts in Davidson' County and Shelby County; manager and attorney Memphis branch Snow, Church & Co., of Nashville; office address 510 Memphis Trust building, Memphis, Tenn.; member Christian Church, Linden avenue. CHANDLER, Walter Clift, lawyer; born Jackson, Madison Co., Tenn., Oct. 5, 1887; son of William Henry and Mary Knoxie (Clift) Chandler; English- Scotch descent; graduate of University of Tennessee LL. B. degree in 1909; member Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, honorary College Fraterni- ties and Masonic Lodge (De Soto) ; early business, student and teacher; member of Forrest Rifles (Mem- phis) ; was teacher in Knoxville dur- ing course at University of Tenn. and reporter on Knoxville Sentinel; admitted to practice in all State and Federal Courts in 1909; moved to Memphis same year; associated with C. L. Marsilliot, Cotton Exchange Bldg.; literary work with essays and historical work on Tenn.; Mississippi State History, also newspa- per work; member Grace Episcopal church (Memphis). CHASE, Isaac Alonzo, real estate dealer; born Memphis, Tenn., July 31,! 1852; son William and Mary A. (Joiner) Chase; educated Memphis schools; mem- 1 her Jonathan Wood Lodge K. of P. ; Ma-; sonic Lodge, South Memphis No. 118; married Mary Blanche Harrison, of Clarksville, Tenn., daughter of Alex. B. Harrison, February 8, 1876. CHIGHIZOLA, George Lazarro, pub- lic official; born Memphis, Tenn., Jan, 1, 1869; son of Augustine and AmeliJ (Podesta) Chighizola; Italian descent ,| educated in public school and Christiai - Bros. College, Memphis, Tenn., gradu- ated from latter master of accounts, ir May 1885; in early life was a theatrical! stage employee and later a book-keeper married Hattie L. Thomas, Feb. 12 1896; member Elks, W. O. W. and In-j ternational Assn. Theatrical Stage Eng ployees; Democrat; member of Legisla P ture 1903; at present City Tax Assessor! Military record: Coal Creek, 1891; Is sergt. Co. “G” 2d Tenn. later captair of Co. “C” in Spanish-American war member of Roman Catholic church. — CHURCHILL, Charles N., real es bate; born Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 4, 1861 Engush descent; son of Charles C. am Mary (Rivers) Churchill; father, phy sician and surgeon; paternal grandpa rents Nobel Spencer and Olive ( Stod i dard) Churchill, maternal grandna rents William R. and Mary (Grove Rivers; educated in the Memphis pub lie schools and graduated from Mem who’s WHO IK TENNESSEE I phis High School, June 1878; in early life was retail grocery clerk, afterwards I engaged in wholesale grocery business; at present he is engaged in real estate busi- ness, etc.; married Kate D. Chism, at Friars Pohit, Miss., April 13, 1887; mem- ber of Business Men’s Club and City Club of Memphis; Democrat; Christian Scientist. CLAPP, Aubrey B., secretary H. A. White Automobile Co.; born Memphis Tenn., Aug. 13, 1885; son of Walker Lu- cas and Lamira M. (Parker) Clapp; father's occupation, lawyer, and served seven years as mayor of Memphis, Tenn.; paternal grandparents Judge J. W. and Evelina (Lucas) Clapp, maternal grand- parents It. A. and Lou Kay (Winter) Parker; educated Memphis University School and Worcester Academy, grad- I uated from latter in June, 1906; in early life was connected, with Humphreys- Godwin Co., five years; married Frances Jones Forrest, Dec. 38. 1908; member Business Men’s Club; Second Presbyte- rian church. CLARK, M. Eugexe, insurance and banking; born Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 18. 188-2: Irish and Scotch descent; son of Mark J. and Catherine (Gunn) Clark; father’s occupation, real estate; pater- nal grandparents Mark and Hannah (Gavin) Clark, maternal grandparents John and Catherine (Sexton) Gunn; ed- ucated in Memphis, Tenn.; graduated from Christian Brothers College, B. A. degree, 1900; began his career in whole- | sale grocery business, discontinued same and engaged in real estate and invest- ment banking in 1910, and he is now con- nected with Williamson Trust Co. and S. M. Williamson & Co.; in 1900-1904 he was connected with M. Gavin & Co., and 1904-1910 secretary and manager of Clark Grocery Co.; member of Business Men’s Club and Chickasaw Club; he was drum major and drill master of Confed- erate Drum and Bugle Corps 1903-1904; member of Roman Catholic church. CLARK, Mark J., real estate dealer; born Madison, Ind., Aug. 1, 1851; Irish descent; son of Mark and Hannah (Ga- vin) Clark; father was a farmer; edu- 293 cated in parochial schools of Madison, Ind.; in early life engaged in wholesale grocery business and was clerk in gro- cery store; entered business under firm name of M. Gavin & Co., 1869, and con- tinued in same until 1904, when the firm changed to Clark Grocery Co.; married Katie Gunn, Aug. 11, 1880; member Business Men’s Club and Merchants Ex- change; Roman Catholic; member of board of St. Peter's Orphan Asylum. CLEMENS, William Marshall, news- paper manager; born Louisville, Ky., April 30, 1874; French Huguenot and Welsh descent; son of John Marshall and Ella V. (Robinson) Clemens; fa- ther’s occupation, physician; paternal grandfather James Clemens, maternal grandfather William E. Robinson; ed- ucated Louisville, Ky., and Center Col- lege, Danville, Ky. ; graduated from Louisville High School B.A. 1891; in early life was clerk in bank and Ry. of- fice; married Cora G. Wolfe Nov. 27, 1901; member Masonic lodges, Blue lodge. Royal Arch, and K. T. ; independent in politics; served in Porto Rico as sergeant in 1st Ky. U. S. V. Spanish-American war; served as captain and adjutant Ky. State Guard; began newspaper career in 1895 as “cub” on Louisville (Ky.) Times, then city editor Paducah Regis- ter, 1896, police reporter and sporting editor Louisville (Ky.) Times, 1897-1900; sporting and dramatic editor Louisville Dispatch, 1900; reported for these pa- pers the stirring events following the as- sassination of William Goebel at Frank- fort, Ky., during part of which time he commanded Gatling gun defending state capitol and covering trials of alleged conspirators; subsequently city editor Cincinnati (O.) Post, 1901, managing editor Indianapolis Sentinel, 1905, man- aging editor 1906, and general manager 1909, the News Scimitar Memphis, Tenn.; member Christian church. CO ATE, P. Stexxixg, cottqn merchant; born Toronto, Canada, in 1865; Eng- lish Welsh descent; son of F. W. and Anne M. (Winn) Coate; father’s occu- pation, merchant; paternal grandfather Thomas Coate, maternal grandfather, I. Horner Winn; educated in LTpper Cana- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 294- cla College, Toronto; began his business career as cotton exporter; married A. Blanche Steele, in 1892; member Tennes- see, Chickasaw, Country, Menashaw New York and Muskoka Lakes Clubs; mem- ber of St. Mary’s Cathedral Episcopal church, Memphis, Tenn. COCHRAN, Francis Trigg, banker; born Crittenden Co., Ark., Aug. 12, 1871 ; German-English descent; son of Francis Trigg and Josie (Lenow) Cochran; fa- ther’s occupation, farmer, merchant; edu- cated at Emory & Henry College, Va.; in early life formed connection with Manhattan Savings Bank & Trust Co., and is now asst, cashier of same; mar- ried Mecca Miller, Oct. 6, 1897; member of Country Club and Royal Arcanum; member Methodist church. COCHRAN, John F„ physician; horn in Cocke Co., Tenn., Oct. 14, 1845; one of his ancestors, Capt. Shields, Maryland Line, was a soldier in the American army during Revolutionary war; son of Malvinah and John Coch- ran; father’s occupation, farmer; pater- nal grandparents John and Sarah (Smith) Cochran, maternal grandparents Preston and Hettie (Shields) Jarnagon; in 1863 he enlisted in Capt. Marshall’s company of cavalry, which served as es- cort to Gen. Simon B. Buckner until after the battle of Chickamauga; he was then detailed to the military court of Gen. Buckner’s corps as orderly, and held that position for eight months; he also served with Lynch’s battery in Va. and Tenn. until April 12, 1865, when his command was disbanded by Gen. Ech- ols at Christianburg, Va., and was sent home without parole; shortly after reach- ing home he was arrested by the Feder- als as a deserter, and being without pa- role, was imprisoned for a month, his re- lease being effected only by his taking the ironclad oath; educated at Holston College and Emory and Henry College of Va.; graduated from the Memphis Medical College, 1871; he entered prac- tice of his profession at Bartlett, Tenn., and practiced there fifteen years, moving to Memphis in 1886; member of Tennes- see Medical Assn., Tri-State Medical Assn, and Memphis and Shelby County Medical Societies; he is a Master Mason and a member of I. O. O. F. ; married Martie Mercer in 1872. COCIvROFT, Stansil Leonidas, law- yer; born Leake Co., Miss., Dec. 6, 1853, j&nsrlish and Scotch-Irish descent; son of William S. and Mary (Sawyer) Cock- roft; educated in the private schools of Leake Co., Miss., University of Miss., graduated from Lebanon (O.) School, A. B. July 1877, A. M. 1878; in early life teacher of Newbern (Tenn.) High School; married Lula May McCorkle, Dec. 27, 1879; member I. O. O. F., K. P., Tenn. State Bar Assn, and Business Men’s Club; Democrat; Atty.-Gen. of 14th judicial circuit of Tenn. for six- teen years; member of Board of Law Examiners of Tenn., 1903-1910; chairman Board of Election Commissioners Shelby Co., Tenn., 1906; member of Missionary Baptist church; engaged in the practice of law. COHN, Rorert, cotton merchant; born Bremen, Germany, August 11, 1874; son Siegmund and Henrietta (Lowenwarter) Cohn; educated Bremen, Germany; graduate High School; mar- ried Alma Newburger, June 6, 1907; member Scottish Rite and Shriner A1 Chymia, Memphis Lodge No. 118, A. F. & A. M.; lived in Bordeaux, France, 1893-95; lived in Liverpool and Bradford, England, 1895-97; he came to Memphis in the fall of 1900; engaged in business September, 1903, under the firm style R. Cohn & Co.; active member of the City Club, and served on various committees; delivered various addresses; “Parks and the Taxpayers of Memphis,” “Police Protection of Memphis,” “Street Pave- ments and Health of Memphis.” COLEMAN, Sol, merchant; born Liv- erpool, England, July 26, 1848; English descent; son _of Moses and Judith (Gold- smith) Coleman; educated in High School of Brooklyn, N. Y., and gradua- ated from same; began his career as a bookkeeper in manufacturing company in N. Y. ; studied law, and was admitted to bar at Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 23, 1893, also to practice in U. S. courts Tenn.; enrolled by Judge Hammond; he has Wl-I0 7 s WHO IN TENNESSEE 295 been engaged in mercantile business at Memphis, Tenn., 35 years; director of Manhattan Savings Bank & Trust Co. and president of Sol. Coleman, Inc.; married Hannah Phillips; member Ma- sons (Scottish Rite, Shriner 33d degree), Business Men’s Club, Rex Club, Y. M. H. A., B’Nai Brith, Credit Men’s Assn., Merchants Assn., Freight Bureau of Memphis, president of Blackstone Club four years, former second vice-president Business Men’s Club. COLLIER, Thomas Barksdale, law- yer; Dorn Memphis, Tenn., July 22, 1877; English and French Huguenot descent; son of William Armistead and Alice (Trezevant) Collier; father’s occupa- tion, lawyer; paternal grandparents, Thomas Barksdale and Kate Page (Nel- son) Collier, maternal grandparents, Na- thaniel Macon and Amanda (Avery) Trezevant; graduated from public schools, Memphis, Tenn., in 1894, and from University of Tenn., June 1900, re- ceived degrees B. A. and B. L. ; mar- ried Leise Somerville Jones, Jan. 24, 1911; member Masons, Knights Templar, Scottish Rite, 32d degree; member Kap- pa Sigma fraternity, Memphis Country Club, Business Men’s Club and Memphis Auto Club; Democrat; served three years as captain of Co. “M” Tenn. National Guard; division commander, U. S. C. V. for Tenn.; member of Tenn. Legislature 1903-04, and 1905-06; member of Epis- copal church; firm of Collier & Collier, Lawyers, Memphis, Tenn. COLLIER, William Armistead, law- yer; born near Stanton, Tenn., Feb. 12, 1847; English descent; son of Thomas Barksdale and Catherine Page (Nelson) Collier; father’s occupation, planter; paternal grandparents, Dabney and Sal- lie (Barksdale) Collier, maternal grand- parents, Norborne and Lucy (Chiswell) Nelson; educated Mt. Carmel, Tipton Co., Tenn., and other local schools, and Le- banon (Tenn.) Law School; began his business career as a planter; married Alice Trezevant, Nov. 13, 1872; member Masons, Knights Templar 32d degree Scottish Rite, D. K. E. fraternity, Bus- iness Men’s Club, Memphis Country Club, and Confederate Historical Asso- ciation; vice-president Tenn. Historical Assn, of Nashville; he was an officer in the old Klu Klux Klan; joined Co. “I” first C. S. A. Cavalry under Gen. Joe Wheeler, 1861-62, then private Co. “B” 7th lenn. Cavalry (Forrest’s Cavalry) C, S. A., attained the rank of Colonel of his command in 1864; upon organiza- tion of Gen. Forrest’s Confederate Vet- erans since war he became Brig.-Gen. commanding division of West Tenn.; Democrat; member of Legislature of Tenn., 1897; delegate to national demo cratic convention that nominated Grover Cleveland for president, 1892, chairman ot notification committee and prepared notiiication address to Cleveland in N. Y. at Madison Square Garden; former owner Memphis Appeal, and president of Appeal Co., also Memphis Avalanche and formerly one of the directors of As- sociated Press; member of Episcopal church. COLTART, Harry Golidon, railroad ticket agent; born Huntsville, Ala., on July 12, 1859; Scotch-English descent; son of Robert W. and Martha J. (Ca- ruthers) Coltart; father’s occupation, insurance business; paternal grandpar- ents, Samuel and Jane (Wilson) Coltart, maternal grandparents, Joseph and Mary (Humes) Carutners; educated in pri- vate schools of Huntsville, Ala.; in ear- ly life was a telegraph operator; mar- ried Toumna Patterson, Nov. 21, 1882; Past Grand Master I. O. O. F. ; Demo- crat; member of Episcopal church; gen- eral railroad ticket agent Union station, Memphis, Tenn. CONNOLLY, Michael W., journalist; born Quebec, Canada, March 2, 1853 Irish descent; son of John and Elea- nor (Cahill) Connolly; educated Jesuit College, Montreal, Canada; in early life he was a telegraph operator, and in 1883 when the great telegraph strike oc- curred he was chief night operator of the Western Union at Houston, Tex., and with his day chief quit the service of the company, they were the only two chief operators who quit; served on the editorial staffs of the Houston Post, Fort Worth Gazette, Dallas News, etc., at different times in the 80’s; coming 29G who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE to Memphis later he was on the editorial staff of the Memphis Avalanche, then with the Memphis Appeal, then Appeal- Avalanche, .after which he was for sev- eral years on the editorial staff of the Commercial Appeal; in 1906 he was on the editorial staff of the News Scimi- tar; he is a member of Elks and Red Men, and the Catholic church; Demo- crat; he has served as commissioner of labor of Tennessee, and state shop and factory inspector; he has been editor of “Elkdom,” a monthly fraternal maga- zine for several years, and is the author of many poems, essays, lectures, and literary contributions to various maga- zines; married Lula Parham, Nov. 19, 1879. COOPER, Samuel H., public offi- cial; born Lexington, Ky., Sept. 25, 1854; German-Irish descent; son of John H. and Margaret S. (Haiggin) Cooper; father’s occupation, farmer; maternal grandparents, Samuel and Jane (Patter- son) Haggin; graduated from George- town (Ky.) College B. S. 1875; in early life was a farmer; married Emma Lee Woodson, (Alumnae of Georgetown, Ky., College), July 10, 1883; member Busi- ness Men’s Club, Memphis Tenn.; Demo- crat; member of Tenn. Legislature from Shelby Co., 1907, also 1909; justice of the peace of Shelby Co., 1904-06, later elected for term of six years, and is the present incumbent; member of Christian church. CORDES, Victor A., real estate deal- er and attorney at law; born Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 7, 1863; German descent; son of Adolph and Francisca (Walkup) Cordes; father’s occupation, wholesale grocer and real estate dealer; paternal grandfather, Capt. George Henry Cor- des; educated in Germany and France; entered real estate business in early life, later the practice of law; married Laura B. Whitman, July 5, 1897; member K. of P., Country, Tennessee. Business Men’s, Memphis Auto and Commodore Memphis Power Boat Clubs; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church; presi- dent and treasurer Cordes & Co., Mem- phis, Tenn. CORNATZER, Joust N., born Boli- var, Tenn., Sept. 8, 1871 ; son of Charles E. and Mary A. (Perry) Cornatzar; married Dee I. Burnett, of Humboldt, Tenn.; member Country and Business Men’s Clubs, president of latter in 1910; began railroad service as telegraph op- erator, Humboldt, Tenn., 1888; at pres- ent assistant general passenger agent, Frisco lines; member of Episcopal church. COX, Wiley Jostes, druggist; born Canaan, Miss., March 6, 1862; Scotch de- scent; son of Charles Jones and Char- lotte Temple (Horn) Cox; father’s occu- pation farmer; educated Woodlawn Aca- demy, Saulsbury, Tenn. ; entered drug business in early life and has continued in same 25 years; Democrat; chairman of County Court, Hardeman Co., Tenn., 1899-1900 and 1901 at Bolivar, Tenn., and also mayor of Saulsbury Tenn., 7 years; married Cora W. Elliotte, Dec. 24, 1885; member Mlasonic lodge, K. P., K. of H. and W. O. W. ; deacon in First Baptist church, Memphis, Tenn. CRAFT, Henry, lawyer; born Feb. 5, 1866; English descent; son of Henry and Ella D. (Boddie) Craft; educated in schools of Memphis, Tenn., and the Southwestern Presbyterian University, Clarksville, Tenn., graduated from lat- ter in June, 1884; was admitted to bar Feb. 5, 1887, and formed partnership with his father under the firm name of Craft & Craft; since death of his fath- er in 1894 he has practiced law contin- uously, without forming partnership, in Memphis, Tenn. ; married Margaret Em- ma Galloway, June 21, 1891; Democrat. CRAIN, John Head, born Dixon Spring, Tenn., English and Irish de- scent; son of Hall Shelton and Frances (Brooks) Crain; father’s occupation, merchant; maternal grandparents, Hen- ry and Sallie (Martin) Brooks; educated in public schools; in early life was clerk in village store; member of Business Men’s Club, Memphis, Tenn.; Democrat; former coal oil inspector for Memphis; at present member of Shelby Co. Board of Election Commission; contributed to papers over non de plume “Scanty who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 29 Creek News,” served four years on Nashville American, and conducted daily column entitled “Excess Baggage,” which was devoted to commercial travel- ers; was “on the road” for fifteen years as commercial traveler for snuff and tobacco factories. CRAWFORD, West J., publisher; born Madison Co. Miss., Nov. 1, 1844; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of E. S. and E. A. (West) Crawford; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandfather, Col. James Crawford, vet- eran of war of 1812, paternal grand- mother, Mary T. (Stribling) Crawford; maternal grandparents, William and Elizabeth (Woodson) West; educated in Vicksburg, Miss., Madison College, Miss., and Western Military Institute, Nashville, Tenn.; in early life was in the cotton business ; married Annie Louise Thompson, Nov. 11, 1814; member Ten- nessee, Country and Business Men’s Clubs; chairman Board of Registration, 1891-92; served as private Co. “A” 4th Tenn. Inf., Strahls brigade, Cheatham’s division Army of Tenn.; entered army 1861, paroled 1865; elected president of Memphis Cotton Exchange in 1885; president of Commercial Publishing Co., 1889; director of Manhattan Savings Bank; director Phoenix Fire Insurance Co., and president of Merchants Cotton Press and Storage Co., in 1908; former member of firm of W. B. Galbraith & Co., also former member of Mallory- Crawford & Co.; Democrat; member of Episcopal church. CREATH, J. H., County Trustee of Shelby County; born Shelby County, Tenn., 1867; son James A. and Martha E. (Amonette) Creath; educated Shelby County schools; married Mary E. Allen, 1890; Mason and Elk; served first term as County Trustee and elected for sec- ond term without opposition in 1910; early occupation, farmer. CRENSHAW, Thos. B., public offi- cial ; born Shelby Co., Tenn., Sept. 12, 1848; English descent; son of Thos. B. ana Grace (Booker) Crenshaw ; educated in Shelby Co. public schools, and Obion Co., Tenn.; graduated Nelson’s Busi- ness College, Memphis, Tenn., 1867 ; in early life was a farmer; married twice, first Catharine R. Caldwell, March, 1870, second Florence H. Cooper, Oct. 22, 1899; member of K. of P., Knights of Honor, Business Men’s Club; Demo- crat; Clerk of Bartlett Circuit Court of Shelby Co., Tenn., 1878-85, deputy clerk of the County Court of Shelby Coun- ty, 1886-1903, deputy clerk of Chan- cery Court, 1904, and elected Clerk of County Court 1906, re-elected 1910; he has served continuously as county officer since 1878. CROSBY, Hahry H., president Na- tional City Bank and vice-president the Rieehman-Crosby Co., Memphis, Tenn. CRUMP, Dabney Hull, cotton mer- chant; born Holly Springs, Miss., April 3, 1873; son James Moore and Caroline Hatch (Smith) Crump; English descent; educated Holly Springs Institute and Memphis city schools; married Mary Metcalf, April 10, 1907 ; Director Busi- ness Men’s Club, member Chickasaw and Country Clubs; Director DeSoto Build- ing & Loan Association; Director Coun- try Club Place Land Company and Sec- retary Parham Land Company; junior member cotton buying firm of F. M. Crump & Company, established 1896; vestryman Calvary Episcopal Church. CRUMP, Edward Hull, mayor; born Hudsonville, Miss., Oct. 2, 1875; Scotch decent; son of Edward Hull and (Mrs.) Mollie (Nelms) Crump; educated in pub- lic schools; began his career as a printer, later became a bookkeeper and still later engaged in the wholesale mercantile bus- iness; married Bessie McLean, Jan. 22, 1902; member Chickasaw, Tennessee, Country, and Business Men's Clubs; mem- ber Board of Public Works, Memphis, Tenn., 1906, fire and police commissioner, 1908-1910; elected mayor of the city of Memphis, Jan. 1, 1910; member of Epis- copal Church. CRUMP, Frank Millington, cotton merchant; born Holly Springs, Miss., July 15, 1868; son James M. and Caro- line Hatch (Smith) Crump; English de- scent; educated Holly Springs Institute; 298 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE married Sarah Macrae, November 17, 1908; member Tennessee and Chickasaw Clubs, Country Club, Menesha Club; served as President Memphis Cot- ton Exchange year 1907 ; Secretary dur- ing the formation and very active in the formation of the Memphis Warehouse Conrpany; Director Central Bank & Trust Company, Memphis Warehouse Company, Memphis Cotton Exchange; senior member cotton buying firm of F. M. Crump & Company; established 1896; member of Episcopal church. CURRY Albert Bruce, minister; born Decatur County, Ga., July 16, 1852; son Calvin A. and Jane (Gregory) Curry; Scotch descent; educated Mineral Springs Academy, University of Virginia; grad- uated Columbia Theological Seminary, S. C., May, 1875; married Mary E. Quarte man, September, 1883; was pastor Darien, Ga., 1875-83; Gainesville, Fla., ’83-’94; Birmingham, Ala., till 1903; called to Second Church, Memphis, 1903; was dele- gate to General Assembly 1888, Balti- more, Greensboro, N. C., 1908; delegate to Council of Reformed Churches, hold- ing Presbyterian System in New York City; Moderator of Synods of Florida, Georgia ana Tennessee; was named as delegate to Edinburgh, Scotland; au- thor magazine articles; Independent Democrat. DANIEL, Robert. W., commercial agent Seaboard Air Line; born Colum- bus, Ga., Oct. 5, 1875; son of James T. and Alice M. (Gray) Daniel; father’s occupation, wholesale groceryman; edu- cated at Columbus, Ga., and graduated from public school in 1891 ; entered the railroad business in early life; member of Memphis Country, Tennessee, Chicka- saw and Business Men’s Clubs; and Merchants’ Exchange; Democrat. DARNELL, Rowland, lumber dealer; born Freedom, Ind., Dec. 9, 1854; re- ceived common school education and spent one year at State University of Ind.; began his career as employe of J. T. Williams of New York city, he re mained with that house for three years, then went to Indianapolis, where he be- came associated with Bell Bros, lumber dealers; in 1876 he went to St. Louis with this firm, and in the fall of 1880 he came to Memphis as a member of the firm of Bell Bros. & Darnell; a year later he sold his interest in the business and formed a partnership with his father under the firm name of I. M. Darnell & Son; they operated in Dyer and Lauderdale Cos., Tenn., until 1888, when the principal of- fices were located in Memphis; in 1898 the son withdrew from the firm and es- tablished firm of R. J. Darnell (Inc.) ; member of Business Men's Club. DAVANT, Arthur R., commercial agent Southern Railway Co. ; born in Gillisonville, Beaufort district (now Hampton county), S. C., July 1867; re- ceived education under private tutors until fourteen years of age, then went to Montgomery, Ala., and attended school until twenty years of age, when he went to Knoxville, Tenn., and entered the serv- ice of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad Company as a clerk in the freight department, where he remain- ed seven months; in Oct., 1888, he se- cured a place with the Memphis & Charleston Railroad, and went to Mem- phis as rate clerk in the general freight office at that point, where he worked his way up to chief clerk; when that road was absorbed by the Southern Railway in 1898 he was traveling freight agent, and continued with the Southern; member of the Baptist church; member of Concate- nated Order of Hoo Hoos. DAVANT, James Steel, commission- er of Memphis Freight Bureau; born Gillisonville, S. C., Aug. 20, 1852; French descent; son of Adrian Erwin and Mar- garet (White) Davant; fathers’ occupa- tion, physician; paternal grandparents, Charles and Isabella (Lloyd) Davant, maternal grandparents, Charles and Eli- za (Hollingshead) White; in early life was employed by S. C. & Ga., Railroad; married Ethel H. Hamilton Nov. 1881; member of Presbyterian church; vice- chairman Memphis Artesian Water De- partment. DAVIS, Frank W., wharfmaster of Memphis; born Wheeling, W. Va., March 22, 1856; Welsh-Irish descent; who's WHO IN TENNESSEE 299 son of James R. and Hester (Robison) Davis; father’s occupation, steamboat engineer, and captain of boat; paternal grandfather, Paul Davis, maternal grandparents, John and Nancy (McFad- den) Robison; educated in the common schools of Evansville, Ind. ; began his career as a steamboat engineer, later en- tered mercantile business, grocery in Memphis, Tenn., 1884-92, under firm name of F. W. Davis; he is now presi- dent of Palmer Realty Co., of Memphis, Tenn., and was appointed wharfmaster of Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 1, 1907, has served to date; married Fannie L. Hatch, Aug. 2, 1881; life member of B. P. O. E.; member Marine Engineers Benevolent Association, past president of latter; justice of the peace, Mem- phis, Tenn., 1894-1906, also police judge 1896-1904. DAVIS, Henry Edwards, pharmacist and teacher; born North Chelmsford, Mass., April 25, 1869; son of Joshua and Ellen (Cummings) Davis; English, Welsh and Scotch descent; graduate of College of Pharmacy, Boston, 1886; Massachu- setts College of Pharmacy, 1897 ; married Grace G. Chamberlain, February 2, 1898; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., Elks, P. C. in Iv. of P.; Pharmacist Dean College of Pharmacy, University of Memphis; member Episcopal Church. DAVIS, Thomas L., grain dealer; born in Shelby Co., Tenn., July 10, 1863; edu- cated in the schools of Memphis, Tenn., and after completing primary education he attended a business college, where hi took a complete course; in 1883 he en- gaged with Hill, Fontaine & Co., cotton factors, and remained with them until 1890, when he went with the Moulton- Davis Co., grain dealers, as secretary and treasurer, and one of the organizers of the company; he continued with the firm as secretary and treasurer until 1900 when the firm was changed to Davis & Andrews, grain dealers, etc.; member of the Merchants Exchange and the Business Men’s Club, and Linden Avenue Christian church. DAVIS, Wiixiam C., chief of police, city of Memphis; born Covington, Tipton County, Tenn., March 25, 1843; son L. W. and Margaret C. (Freeman) Davis; edu- cated Covington, Tipton County, Tenn.; married Nannie H. Sullivan, March 15, 1866; member Ancient Order United Workmen, Knights of Honor; Democrat; served four years in Confederate Army ; promoted from a private to Lieutenant by order of Gen. N. B. Forrest at battle of Franklin, Tenn., for gallantry dis- played in a charge upon the enemy’s works; was appointed upon the police department January, 1870, as a patrol- man; afterward stationhouse keeper; was promoted to Captain and served until 1880, when he was appointed Chief of Police and has served in his present po- sition under every head of the city gov- ernment since, except three. DE HAVEN, David William, law- yer; born Oxford, Miss., Oct. 26 1872; French-English descent; son of David and Mary T. (Dobyns) De Haven; fath- er owner line steamboats between St. Louis and New Orleans; paternal grandparents, William and Sarah (Mc- Nelly) De Haven, maternal grandpar- ents, Col. Thos. and Martha (Sharpe; Dobyns; educated in public schools and at Kemper College, graduating from lat- ter in 1891 ; married Anna H. Hays Sept. 12, 1905; preisdent Memphis Local As- sembly Brotherhood of St. Andrew, 1st vice-president Memphis Y. M. C. A., Ju- nior Warden St. Luke’s Episcopal church, Memphis, Tenn., vice-president Memphis Municipal League; Democrat; admitted to the bar in Nov. 1893; on organization of Part 2 of Chancery Court was selected by bar in open meet- ing as its choice for chancellor. DeLOACH, Alfred B., physician born Livingston, Ala., July 14, 1868; French Huguenot and English descent; son of William Roby and Susan Thorn- ton (Gibbs) DeLoach; father, private in Rhodes Brigade 5th Ala., latter pan of 1864 transferred to Forrest’s com- mand and made Capt. of company of In- dependent Scouts; he was also Judge of Probate in Alabama; and served thirty- four consecutive years as a public official; paternal grandparents. Dr. Alfred B. and Etheldra (Roby) DeLoach, maternal 300 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE grandparents, Col. Charles Richardson and Eleanor Stuart (Thornton) Gibbs; educated at Sevvanee, Tenn. ; graduated from Medical Department Tulane Uni- versity, New Orleans, April 6, 1892; mar- ried Laura B. Collier, Dec. 29, 1891; member Business Men's Club, Tenn. State Medical Society, Memphis and Shelby County Medical Society Tri-State Medi- cal Society, and American Medical As- sociation; also member of State Board of Medical Examiners of Tenn.; engaged in active practice of medicine at Mem- phis, Tenn.; member of Episcopal church. DICKSON, John S., manager Nickey & Sons Co.; born Evansville, Ind., March 7, 1863; Scotch-Irish decsent; son of David and Anna (Eutt) Dickson; father was a mechanic; educated at Princeton, N. Y., married Cora Coleman; member Lumberman’s Club; member Presbyte- rian church ; interested in lumber busi- ness. DICKSON, John W r ., lumberman; born Cincinnati, O., Dec. 29, 1851; Irish descent; son of William B. and Mary A. (Johnston) Dickson; educated in High School of Cincinnati, O., graduated from same in 1867; began his career as lumber inspector; entered lumber busi- ness with his father under firm name of W .B. Dickson Co., Indianapolis, Ind., in 1884; succeeded his father in business under firm name of J. W. Dickson Lumber Co., Inc., of Memphis, Tenn.; which firm coptinued until 1892, when it was succeeded by J. W. Dickson Co., (not incorporated), of which he is president and sole representative; also president of The Valley Log Loading Co., Memphis, Tenn.; married Cora B. Gunakel, Feb. 14, 1884; member of F. & A. M., (chapter), B. P. O. E. lodge No. 13, Indianapolis, Ind., business Men’s Club, Hatchie Coon Hunting and Fish- ing Club, Memphis, Tenn., and “Hoo Hoo” Lumberman’s Club; Republican. DIES, Thomas, real estate agent; born Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 9, 1863; Jr- ish-Italian descent; son of Andrew P. and Eliza (Doyle) Dies; educated in Memphis City Schools; engaged in re- tail business in Memphis, Tenn., 1885- 1905 under firm name of Thomas Dies, and since that time he has been in real estate business; married Elizabeth Liv- inggood, Nov., 1893; member of Busi- ness Men's Club; Democrat; City Coun- cilman of Memphis, 1903-09, City Com- missioner 1909-11; Roman Catholic. DILLARD, John W., cotton factor; born Newberry, S. C., Dec. 12, 1837; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Lemuel and Mary (Bonds) Dillard; educated in the common schools of Cassville, Ga., and Newberry (S. C.) private schools; en- listed in Confederate army as private ot 2d Miss, regiment Co. “G” under Capt. Hugh Miller, served during war; was wounded and captured at Gettysburg, and spent eighteen months on Johnson’s Island; attained rank as follows: 2d lieutenant Co. “G” 2d Miss., July, 1861, 1st lieutenant, same command, and com- manded the company in battle of Get- tysburg; in battles of Manassas, 1861, seven days fighting around Richmond, Seven Pines and other engagements; founder of the firm of T. B. Dillard & Bro., cotton factors, Memphis, Sept., 1865, same was succeeded by Dillard & Coffin in 1871, which was later incor- porated as Dillard & Coffin Co., 1900, which has continued to present date, for- mer president of the above firm, one of the original incorporators of the Memphis Cotton Exchange in 1875, and was one of the prime movers in the agi- tation which secured better facilities foi the handling and protection of the cot- ton business in Memphis, a few years ago; he also held a large share of stock in the Merchants Cotton Press and Stor- age Co., and was director of same; also was a director of Mercantile Bank, Bank of Commerce & Trust Co., and several other banking institutions, also business companies, now retired from active life; married twice, first, Mary Harnsberger, May 7, 1868, second, Mrs. Anna Rosenplaenter, Jan. 9, 1900; member F. & A. M. (Blue lodge) and Country Club; Democrat, DORION, Edward Hilt,, manager of- fice of D. Canale & Co.; born Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 31, 1860; Canadian French who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 301 and Scotch Irish descent; son of Charles H. and Ellen (Morrison) Dorion; pa- ternal grandparents, Charles H. and Hannah Nathalia (Sanders) Dorion, ma- ternal grandparents, John and Mary An- derson) Morrison; educated in public and private schools of Memphis, Tenn.; graduated Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in ac- counting in 1877 ; began his career as a bookkeeper for Lake & Bro., cotton fac- tors, 1882; in 1885 became partner in firm of Lake & Dorion, and 1892 secre- tary and treasurer Memphis Grocery Co.; in 1898 secretary and treasurer Nor- fleet-Thompson Co., 1902 auditor Her- ald Shoe Co., Boston, Mass., 1908 man- ager of office of D. Canale & Co., his present position; married Lucie Allen, of Kentucky, Nov. 5, 1903; member of Masons, Scottish Rite, Shrine and mem- ber of Credit Men’s Association. DOUGLASS, Richard R., cotton fac- tor; born Memphis, Tenn., 1857; son of Judge A. H. and Elizabeth B. (Ran- dolph) Douglass; educated Memphis; married Nona Bailey, 1892; Democrat; member K. of P. DREW, Charles M., wholesale gro- er; born Memphis, Tenn., April 11, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Andrew W. and Rebeccah (Miller) Drew; father, employee Southern Railway, and old M. & C. ; educated in the public schools of Memphis, Tenn., also Y a. Military Insti- tute, Lexington, Va. ; married Lizzie Wmte, Aug. 22, 1880; entered business as clerk in office of Memphis & Little Rock Railway; and 1884-1903 was sales- man, and member of firm of Fly & Hod son Co., of Memphis, Tenn.; in 1903 succeeded H. B. Treadwell & Co., under firm name of White-Wilson-Drew Co., Memphis, Tenn.; member of Knights of Honor, T. P. Association, and Business Men’s Club; Democrat; member First Methodist church, of Memphis, and for- mer steward of same ten years prior to 1911. DU BOSE, J. IT., manufacturer, pres- ident Phoenix Cot. Oil Co. born Mt. Ster- ling, Ala. Oct. 2, 1871; French Huguenot and Scotch descent; son of Benjamin E. and Sarah Elizabeth (Horn) Du Bose; educated High School, Furman, Ala.; married Marie Tatum, Nov. 12 1896; reared on farm; moved to Dyersburg, Tenn., in fall of 1890; since 1892 he has been continuously engaged in the cotton seed oil and ginning business, first with the Dyersburg (Tenn.) Oil & Fertilizer Co., when the Phoneix Cotton Oil Co., was organized in 1897, he was elected general manager and in 1904 was elected president of same; this company is now engaged in refining cotton seed oil, manufacturing cotton seed products, buyers and ginners of cotton; member of W. O. W.; Democrat. DUDLEY, Charles Brown, wholesale lumber business; born Aug. 1, 1884; English descent; son of Harlan J. and Margaret (Brown) Dudley; father’s oc- cupation, wholesale lumber business; ed- ucated at Fremont, Mich.; began his career in business at Grand Rapids, Mich.; married Nov. 27, 1907; member Chickasaw, Tennessee, Business Men’s Memphis Auto and Lumberman’s Clubs ; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church. DUNSCOMB, John S., insurance; born Memphis Tenn., Oct. 26 1860; of Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel and Marietta (Elder) Dunscomb; educated in private schools of Memphis, Tenn., and Southwestern Presbyterian Univer- sity, Clarksville Tenn.; graduated from Ledden’s Business College; in early life was a bookkeeper for insurance compa- ny; at present he is secretary of Her- nando Insurance Co,. Memphis, Tenn., secretary and treasurer of Porter Home, and Leath Orphan’s Asylum, Memphis, Tenn. ; married niary Hill Martin, Oct. 26, 1887; member F. & A. M. (Blue lodge) Country Club; Democrat; served as mem- ber of Memphis City Council from Jan. 1, 1906, to 1910; former member of Bluff City Grays, serving seven years as private; member of M. E. church, South. DUTRO, L. W., postmaster; born at Fayetteville, O., Oct. 23, 1857; French and Scotch descent; son of George W. and Anna M. (Armstrong) Dutro; edu- cated in common schools; graduated 302 WIIO 8 W HO IN TENNESSEE from Bryant’s Business College, Zanes- ville, O., 1879; began his career as clerk in grocery store; member of firm Dutro & Hewitt, dental supplies, surgical instru- ments, druggist sundries since 1897; is president Lenox Land Co., Central Ave. Land Co., and Memphis Natural Gas & Oil Co.; postmaster at Memphis, Tenn., since April 1899; married E. J. Under- wood, June, 1886; member I. 0. O. F., Elks, Business Men’s Club; member of Second Presbyterian church, Memphis, Tenn. EARLY, W. C., wholesale grocer; born Doylesville, Va., Nov. 20, 1864; English descent; son of J. A. and Mil- dred L. (Wood) Early; father’s occu- pation, merchant and farmer; paternal grandparents, John and Margaret (Al- len) Early, maternal grandparents, Thos. L. and Emily M. (Wood) Wood; gradu- ated from University of Va., 1883-84; after graduation he was traveling sales- man for several years; moved to Mem- phis, and accepted a position as agent Cudahy Bros. Co., pork packers, later engaged in the wholesale grocery busi- ness, and has continued in same for past nineteen years; is president of W. C. Early Co., married G. Brinkley Goodloe Jan. 12, 1897; member Business Men’s and City Clubs; Democrat; member and deacon of Second Presbyterian church, Memphis, Tenn. EDGINGTON, Jesse, lawyer; horn in Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 18, 1873; English descent; son of Thomas B. and Cathe- rine (Baxter) Edgington; educated in Rolfe’s Private Grammar School, Mem- phis, Tenn., and Ohio Wesleyan Univer- sity, Delaware, O. ; member Elks and Y. M. C. A.; entered practice of law in No- vember, 1894, with Edgington & Edging- ton and continued with them until he as- sumed duties of Criminal Court Judge, Division 1, Shelby County, Tend., Sept. 1 1910; member of House of Representa- tives State of Tenn., 1899, 1901, 1903 and itate senate 1907; member Episcopal church. EDGINGTON, Thomas Bextox, law- yer; born Ontario, Ohio, April 23, 1839; son Jesse and Llannah (Mitchell) Edg- ington; English descent; educated public schools Richland County, O. ; Baldwin University, graduate Wesleyan Universi- ty, 1859; A. B., A. M., 1862; LL.D. 1905; admitted to bar April 12, 1861 ; married Catherine Vose Baxter in 1865; mustered into Union Army as First Sergeant Com- pany A, 12th Infantry, October 17, 1861; participated in siege of Ft. Henry, bat- tles of Ft. Donelson and Shiloh; com- manded company in latter battle; was wounded and taken prisoner; remained prisoner seven months; First Lieutenant April 9, 1862 to April 4, 1863; resigned on acount of ill health; aided in organiz- ing Union military forces in West Ten- nessee and became Major of Fourth Reg- iment in 1863; he is now senior member law firm of Edgington & Edgington, Memphis, Tenn. EDRINGTON, John Price, invest- ments and insurance; born Osceola, Ark., Jan. 15, 1862; English descent; son of James Hancock and Nancy Ann (Bow- en) Edrington; father, a planter and merchant; paternal grandparents, John Price and Sarah (Beeler) Edrington; maternal grandparents, Charles Gilles- pie and Susan (Shell) Bowen; educated at Memphis, Tenn.; graduated from J. D. Stewart’s University School, in 1878; in early life was secretary and treasurer Memphis Grocery Co.; married Jennie Walters Bethell, Nov. 25, 1891; presi- dent Waponoca Outing Club; member Tennessee, Chickasaw, Business Men’s, Country, and Gun Clubs; Democrat; president Insurance Underwriters; for- mer member Chickasaw Guards; won title of “Southern Golf Champion” over the links of the Memphis Country Club, May 29, 1909 ; director Memphis Hotel Co., State National Bank, secretary and treasurer Memphis Driving Park Club, vice-president Southern Investment Co., and secretary and treasurer Levenworth Electric Ry. Co. ; member of First Con- gregational church, Memphis, Tenn. ELGIN, Fbaxk Saxdebs, attorney at law; born Corinth, Miss., March 5, 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Charles P. and Fashion (Duncan) Elgin; educated at Corinth Miss., and took Summer Law Course, University of Michigan; entered who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE ;03 the practice of law in early life, and lo- cated in Tennessee; after attaining his majority, and has lived in the state since that time with the exception of eight years in government service; engaged in the active practice of law, and is presi- dent and general counsel ox Merchants’ & Planters Fire Insurance Co., of Miss., ana stockholder and general counsel for the McCall Incinerator Co., of N. A.; married Nina May Heyman, June 2, 1898; member Scottish Rite Masons, Shriners Royal Arch Mason and Iv. of P., Business Men’s Club; Master in Chancery U. S. Circuit and District Courts; Republican; U. S. Marshall for the Western District of Tenn., June 1902 to June 1908; director in Y. M. C. A.; member of Presbyterian church, U. S. A. ELLETT, Edward C., physician; born Memphis, Tenn., December 18, 1869; son Judge H. T. and Katherine (Coleman) Ellett; English descent; educated S. W. P. U., Clarksville, Tenn., University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.; graduated, B. A., University of the South and Medical Department University of Penn- sylvania 1891 ; married Nina Polk Mar- tin, November 12, 1896. ELLIOTT, Edward Slee, public ac- countant and auditor; born Memphis, July 3, 1867; son Captain Joseph and Annie M. (Slee) Elliott; educated public schools Memphis and Southwestern Bap- tist University, Jackson, Tenn.; married Elanore Haynes, February 11, 1890; merhber Memphis Lodge No. 118, F. & A. M., Memphis, Tenn.; Consistory No. 1, A1 Chymia Temple, A. A. C. N. M. S. and B. M. C. ; member First Methodist Church, Memphis; he is of the firm of Edward S. Elliott & Co., Memphis, pub- lic accountants and auditors. ELLIS, Robert R., wholesale drugs; born West Point, Miss., December 30, 1868; son David Alexandra and Elizabeth Jane (Balch) Ellis; English descent; educated West Point and Holly Springs, Miss.; after completing pharmacy studied one year in medicine under Dr. M. B. Herman of Memphis, and at St. Joseph’s Hospital; married Katherine Louise Duke, December 30, 1901 ; Past E. C. Knights Templar, West Point Command- ery No. 20; member Shriners, Memphis Country Club, Tennis, City, Auto and B. M. Clubs; Captain Company D, First Mississippi 1900-1 and 2: Commissioner to World’s Fair at St. Louis from Clay County, Miss.; Director First National Bank, West Point, Miss.; came to Mem- phis May 1, 1905, position as sales man- ager Hessig-EIlis Drug Company; in 1906 became assistant to the manager; 1908 elected to ' office of manager; June, 1910, elected president of the Hes- sig-Ellis Drug Company; president of the Union Investment Company, president of the Fan-Taz Company, member of Epis- copal Church. ELY, JoHur Astdebson, cotton factor; born Vaiden, Miss., Dec. 9 1870; English Scotch-Irish descent; son of Richard A. and Mary Frances (Anderson) Ely; father’s occupation planter; paternal grandparents, Thomas and Mary (Mad- den) Ely, maternal grandparents, Joel anrt Frances (Maddox) Anderson; edu- cated in city schools of Vaiden, Miss, and A. & M. College, Starkville, Miss.; began his career as clerk in U. S. En- gineer’s office in Memphis, Tenn.; mar- ried Sadie Cannon, Oct. 27, 1897; mem- ber Chickasaw Club; Democrat; member firm Lesser-Ely Cotton Co., cotton fac- tors and Humphreys Cannon & Co., cof- fee importers, Memphis Tenn.; member Baptist church. EMERY, Samuel C., forecaster U. S. Weather Bureau; born Monroe, Grafton County, N. H., December 10, 1848; son of Horace and Mary (Cheney) Emery; paternal grandfather Caleb Emery, pater- nal grandmother Eleanor (Heath) Emery, maternal grandfather Cheney, maternal grandmother Mary Cheney; English descent; educated com- mon schools; married, first, Kate M. Pe- ters, June 17, 1879, Princeton, 111.; sec- ond marriage, Elizabeth Duncan August 18, 1886, Detroit, Mich., appointed to position in the U. S. Bureau (Weather) April 9, 1873; continued without inter- ruption to r> resent time; member Epis- copal Church. 304 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE ERSKINE, Alexander, physician; born Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 26, 1832; Scotch-Irish (Presbyterian) descent; son of Alexander and Susan Catherine (Rus- sel) Erskine; paternal grandparents, Michael and Margaret (Hanley) Trskine; maternal grandparents, Albert and Ann Frances (Hooe) Russel; his maternal grandfather was a lieutenant-colonel in Revolutionary war; educated University of Virginia and completed several branches of study there; graduated from medical department of Columbia Univers- ity, City of New York with M. D. degree March 6, 1858; entered practice of medi- cine at Memphis, Tenn., in 1858; enlisted as surgeon in C. S. A. in 1861, served un- til 1865, first in 15th Tenn. infantry un- der Col. Tyler, and later served in 2d Tenn. regiment under Col. Roberson, Lu- cius E. Polks brigade, Patrick Cleburne’s division, Hardee’s corps; he was in tnc battles of Murfreesboro, Tenn., and Per- ryville, Ky. ; had charge of Law Hospital at LaGrange, Ga., 1863-4-5; paroled at Covington, Ga., in 1865; resumed practice of medicine at Memphis, Tenn., after the war, continung in same to date; former professor of Obstetrics and diseases of Children in Memphis Hospital Medical College, 1885-1906; was dean of Old Memphis Medical College from 1868 to 1873, and on staff of City Hospital, 1902-10; married twice, first Augusta (Law) White, Dec. 12, 1861, second, Mar' garet Louisa Gordon, Dec. 19, 1872; mem- ber of Memphis and Shelby County Med- ical Assn., Tri-State Medical Society, and Tennessee State Medical Assn.; has con- tributed articles to current medical liter- ature; member of Presbyterian church and was elder in Second Presbyterian church at Memphis, Tenn., 46 years. ERSKINE, Washington Gordon, in- surance; born Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 3, 1878; English and Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Alexander and Margaret Louisa (Gordon) Erskine; father’s oc- cupation, physician; paternal grandpar- ents, Alexander and Susan Catherine (Russel) Erskine, maternal grandpar- ents, George W. and Elizabeth (Brad- show) Gordon ; educated in the city schools of Memphis, Tenn., and attended Memphis University School two years; began career as clerk in whosesale gro- cery store, and as secretary and treas- urer of W. E. McGehee Co.; in 1906 be- came soliciting agent of Life Insurance Co., and in 1907 general agent Penn Mu- tual Life Insurance Co., of Philadelphia, Pa. ; 1908 became member of the firm of Sibley & Erskine, general agents Penn. Mutual Life Insurance Co., and Great Eastern Casualty Co., of New York, in which business he is now engaged; mem- ber of F. & A. M. (32d degree) and K. T., Business Men’s Club and Chickasaw Club, Memphis, Tenn.; member of Pres- byterian church. ESTES, Zenos Newton, public offi- ' cial; born Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 6, 1877; 5 Scotch-Irish descent; son of Zenos N. and Janet Walker (Collier) Estes; edu- cated in city schools of Memphis, Tenn.; graduated University of Va., B.L. June 1899; completed Mathematics, Latin, French and other classics at University of Va. ; traveled abroad in 1899; entered practice of law in Memphis, Tenn., in of- fice of William H. Carroll in Jan., 1900; in 1908 he was elected to office of at- torney-general for Shelby Co., Tenn., to serve two years unexpired term; re- elected Aug., 1910, for full term of eight years; member I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., Beavers, Order of Moose, Royal Arca- num, Owls, Business Men’s Club, Coun- try Club, Chickasaw Guards Club, Mem- phis Bar Assn., Memphis Power Boat Club, Y. M. C. A. and Sons of U. C. V.; member Presbyterian church. EVANS, Marion G., lawyer; born Moss Point, Miss., March 19, 1877; Eng- lish and Irish descent; son of M. M. and Emma K. (Airey) Evans; paternal grandparents, William and Sarah (Mc- Kay) Evans, maternal grandparents, T nomas and Kate (Safford) Airey; edu- cated University of Miss., graduated from same, A. B., 1897, LL. B., 1902, took special course University of Chicago, 1898; member of Business Men’s Club, Chickasaw Guards- Club, Memphis Bar Assn., and Tenn. Bar Assn.; Democrat; member of Tenn. State legislature 1905-6 from Shelby Co.; assistant city attorney, Memphis, i 906-10; entered practice of WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 305 law in Memphis, 1902, continuing in same to date; director in Business Men’s Club. EVANS, Thomas A., attorney at law; born Moss Point, Miss., September 24, 1881; son of M. M. and Emma (Airey) Evans; English descent; graduated of University of Mississippi, LL.B. 1906, A. B. 1901; admitted to practice in all the courts of Tennessee and Federal Courts 1906; offices 514-517 Tennessee Trust Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. EWING, Caruthers, lawyer; born Dresden, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1871; Scoteh-Ir- ish descent; son of Charles M. and Bet- ty (Caruthers) Ewing; paternal grand- father, William B. Ewing, maternal grandfather, Abraham Caruthers; fath er’s occupation, lawyer; educated in country schools of Weakley Co., Tenn., and graduated Cumberland University. B.L. degree, 1891 ; admitted to bar in 1891 and began practice of law at Dresden, Tenn., practicing there five years; he moved to Memphis in 1896, and has con- tinued in the practice of law there since; he was a page in Tenn. legislature in 1885 and 1897 ; in 1889 and 1891 he was assistant clerk, and 1893 chief clerk of the senate; he has frequently been a delegate to state and congressional con- ventions, and was chairman of the execu- tive committee of the Democratic central committee of Weakley Co., Tenn., four years; married Bessie Winston, May, 1893; member Business Men’s Club, Chickasaw Club, Waponocca Hunting & fishing Club, Tenn. State Bar Associa- tion and American Bar Association: Democrat. FALLS, James N., business man ; born Fayette Co., Tenn., Feb. 1, 1841; of German descent; son of Gilbreath and Frances (McNees) Falls; educated in the city schools of Memphis, Tenn.; in 1861 he enlisted with the Bluff City Grays, an independent company, which afterward became Co. “B” 154th senior reeriment of Tenn.; two years later the company was mounted and transferred to Forrest’s bri- made with which he remained until the end of the war; he was in battles of Bel- mont, Shiloh, Perryville, Chickamauga, Murfreesboro, Nashville and Franklin, and several minor engagements; wounded at Shiloh and captured at Murfreesboro, escaping two months later from Jeffer- sonville; at close of war he was paroled at Gainesville, Ala., and rode his horse back to Memphis; in early life he was identified with the firm of Falls & Cash; when the Merchants Cotton Press and Storage Company was formed he was elected president, and is also presi- dent of the Dixie Cotton Oii Co., of Lit- tle Rock, Ark. ; he was one of the pio- neers of the cotton seed oil industry, having built a mill at Friar’s Point, Miss., in 1873, and later the Valley Oil Mill, Memphis, Tenn., of which he was president a number of years; in 1892 he organized the Falls Grocery Co., and in 1900 he virtually retired from business, retaining his interests in the companies with which he is connected ; married Clara Dunn, Nov. 1871; member of Country Club; member of Presbyterian church; director in First National Bank, Mem- phis, xenn. FALLS Jons Will, investor; born Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 17 1878; son of J. N. and Clara (Dunn) Falls; father’s occupation retired business man; pater- nal grandfather, Gilbert Falls, maternal grandfather, W. B. Dunn; educated To- ronto, Exeter, and Yale, N. H., graduat- ed from Yale B. A., 1900; began his bus- iness career as secretary and treasurer Valley Oil Mills; member Chickasaw, Tennessee, Business Men’s, Memphis Country and University Clubs; formerly connected with Southern Cotton Oil Co.; Memphis Auto Co., Chas. London’s Bldg. Co., construction of concrete buildings, Falls building, under construction now; member of Presbyterian church. FARGASON, John T., merchant, cotton factor; born Memphis, Tenn., April 10, 1875; Scotch descent; son of John T. and Sarah A. (Marsh) Farga- son; father, merchant, cotton factor and banker; educated in the city schools of Memphis, Tenn.; graduated from Bing- ham School, N. C.; married Annie Snow- den, Jan. 15, 1902; member Chickasaw Club, Country Club, Menasha Club and Cotton Exchange; began his career as 306 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE clerk in firm of J. T. Fargason & Co., 1893, and continued until Jan. 1, 1900, serving in various capacities, was first vice-president of said firm, and Jan., 1909, became president of same; director in Bank of Commerce and Memphis Warehouse Co.; engaged in cotton plant- ing in Mississippi and Tennessee; mem- mer of Episcopal church. FARLEY, John William, lawyer; born Whiteville Tenn. March 4 1878; English-Scotch-Irish-Welsh descent; son of William Edwin and Susannah Eth- ridge (Johnson) Farley; father’s occu- pation traveling salesman for William R. Moore Dry Goods Co. ; paternal grand- parents, William Wiley and Mary Jane (Redd) Farley, maternal grandparents, John B. and Margaret (Lacey) Johnson; educated at Jefferson Institute, White- ville, Tenn., Vanderbilt University, Co- lumbian and George Washington Univer- sities; graduated Vanderbilt University, L. B., 1902, Columbian University, LL. M. , 1903, and M. Dip. 1904, Geo. ‘Wash- ington, D. C. L., 1906; began his ca- reer as clerk and cashier local freight and passenger office Jackson, Tenn., and Rate Clerk Auditor’s office, Nash- ville, Tenn., for N. C. & St. L. Ry. ; mar ried Tempe Somervell Meux Dec. 7, 1910; member Masons, Business Men’s Club and Kappa Alpha fraternity; Re- publican; law clerk U. S. pension office, 1903-04; Clerk U. S. Bureau of Corpora- tion, 1904-05; supervisor of census 10th district of Tenn., 1910, and has served in various offices of party organization; member of St. John’s Methodist church, Memphis, Tenn. FARNSWORTH, Charles Francis, cotton merchant; born Nashville, Tenn., July 23, 1858; son T. R. and Nannie (Thomson) Farnsworth; Scotch-French descent; educated Memphis; married Katie W. Church, February 2, 1882; member Presbyterian Church. FARRINGTON, William Martin, retired merchant and banker; born Franklin, Tenn., September 6, 1822; son Joshua and Nancy (Critz) Farring- ton ; married Florence Topp, August 8, 1867; he founded the Union and Planters Bank in 1869, and was its President for j four years; he organized the People’s !| Insurance Company and was its Presi- dent for years; he organized and was President of the first street railway com- pany in the city; President of the Cham- | of Commerce immediately after the war; was at one time one of the principal own- |; ers of the Gayoso Hotel; has been Presi- dent of Cossitt Library since its found- !i ing. FAXON, Finley W., real estate; born Clarksville, Tenn., Sept. 12, 1874; English descent; son of George B. and Sidney (Finley) Faxon; father, banker; secretary and treasurer M. C. & L. Ry. ; paternal grandparents, Charles and Lucy 1 (Steele) Finley, maternal grandparents. Dr. John B. and Elizabeth (Lamb) Fin ley ; educated in the public schools of Clarksville, Tenn. ; enlisted as private in 2nd Tenn. Vol. Spanish-American war April, 1898, attained rank of Sergt.- ! Maj., and later captain in state militia, 1899-1902; began his career as clerk in coal dealer’s office continuing in same seven years, and became salesman for the firm of Geo. H. Glasscock & Co, real estate, 1899-1902; organized firm of F. W. Faxon & Co., Inc., 1902, and is presi- dent of same; organized Speedway Land Co., Highland Heights Real Estate Co., also Avondale Land Co., and Memphis Real Estate Investment Co., general man- ager of all of aDove companies; married Elinor Sellers, June 19, 1901; member of Business Men’s Club (Pres. 1909-10), director and member of Memphis Real Es- tate Assn.; Democrat; member of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Memphis, Tenn. FENTRESS, David, lawyer; born Bolivar, Tenn., Feb. 27, 1873; son of Jas. and Mary Tate (Perkins); Fentress, father’s occupation lawyer ; paternal grandparents, David and Matilda Caro- line (Wendel) Fentress; educated at Princeton, University and Harvard Law School, graduated Princeton University A. B., 1896, and Harvard Law School, LL. B., 1899; married Mabel Kingbury Nov. 15 1899; member Business Men’s Club, Memphis, Tenn., and Cap and Gown Cluh. Princeton, N. J.; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 307 FENTRESS Francis, chancellor part 2 Snelby Co. Chancery Court; born Bol- ivar, Tenn. Nov. 2, 1873; English de- scent; son of Francis and Elizabeth (Neely) Fentress; father was a law- yer; paternal grandparents, David and Matilda (Wendel) Fentress, maternal grandparents, R. P. and Elizabeth (Lea) Neely; educated Bingham School, Prince" ton, and Lebanon Law School, graduat- ed from latter B. L., June 1895; entered the practice of law in early life; mar- ried Ethel Coffin, Nov. 14, 1900; Dem- ocrat; member Second Presbyterian church, Memphis, Tenn. FINLEY, Spence Lamb, real estate dealer; born Lebanon, Tenn., April 16, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John B. and Elizabeth (Lamb) Finlev; fath- er’s occupation physician; paternal grandfather, O. G. Finley; began his business career as typesetter for coun- try newspaper, at Searcy, Ark., Jan. 4, 1870; married Emma Bailey, Dec. 10, 1884; Past Grand Regent Royal Arca- num of Tenn.; member K. and L. of H., National Union, W. O. W., A. O. U. W.. Loyal Addition, 32d degree Mason and Business Men's Club; Democrat; form- er printer until May, 1877, then entered treasurer’s office Old Miss. & Tenn Ry. as cashier, and continued as same three years; from 1880 to 1888 was joint tick- et agent L. & N. Ry., M. & T. Ry., and Memphis and Little’ Rock Rjr. at’ Mem- phis, Tenn.; in May 1888 formed part- nership with A. D. Allen, under firm name Allen & Finley, which firm bought the Memphis property for the Bridge Co., promoted and built the Electric line from Memphis to Raleigh, also promot- ed and built the car works at Bingham- ton, Tenn.; in 1906 was cashier Bank- ers Trust Co., but entered real estate business again in 1907 and is now with M . S. Biles & Co., selling farm and timber lands developing the Yazoo Valley Delta; member of Episcopal church. FISHER, Hubert Frederick, lawyer; born Milton, Fla., Oct. 6, 1877; son of Frederick and Mary Anna (McCarter) fisher; father’s occupation, lumberman; graduated from University of Miss., A. B. 1898, LL. B. 1904, and Princeton (N. J.) University M. A. 1902; married Louise Sanford, Nov. 6, 1909; member Chickasaw Club and Business Men’s Club; Democrat; member of Presbyte- rian church; member of firm Carroll, Scott & Fisher, Memphis, Tenn. FISHER, James Humphrey, banker; born Danville, Ky., Feb. 7, 1870; Ger- man descent; son of Felix S. and Susan (Bennett) Fisher; father's occupation, farmer; educated at Center College, of Danville, Ky. ; early business occupa- tion, assistant paymaster Cotton Belt R. R. also assistant treasurer Missouri Fruit Co., St. Louis, Mo. ; married Edith Van Cleave, Dec. 5, 1895; member Mem- phis Country Club and Business Men’s Club; Democrat; secretary Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. Memphis, Tenn. FITZHUGH, Guston Thomas, law ver; born Smith Co., Miss., Aug. 31, 1866; son of Lewis T. and Juliet (De- loney) Fitzhugh; father’s occupation, educator, professor in state university 15 years, and afterward president of col- lege, established by him at Jackson, Miss.; paternal grandfather. Drew Fitz- hugh, maternal grandfather, D. Delo- ney; graduated from University of Miss. B. A. June, 1886, LL. B., June, 1889; married Josie Millsaps, April 17, 1901; member Beta Theta Pi Greek Letter fraternity, Tennessee Club, Chickasaw Guards Club, Memphis Country Club and Business Men’s Club; Democrat; delegate from state at large to National Democratic Convention at Denver, 1908; Capt Co. “L” 4th Tenn. Inf. U. S. V., Spanish-American war; member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South; di- rector in several corporations, and en- gaged in practicing law in Memphis. FLOWERS, W. H., office manager, Bry-Block Mercantile Co.; born Coving- ton, Tenn., Feb. 10, 1872; son of William P- and (Cummins) Flowers; father’s occupation, steamboat master, and pilot; paternal grandparents, Wil- liam and Rachel (White) Flowers, ma- ternal grandparents, David Hays ano Emma (Holmes) Cummins; educated at Covington, Tenn.; in early life he was connected with Memphis Commercial Anpeal; married Adelia Rawlings, July 308 WHO S WHO IX TENNESSEE 25, 1900; member Business Men’s Club, Memphis, Tenn. ; manager credit depart- ment and office Bry-Block Mercantile Co., Memphis, Tenn.; member Idlewild Presbyterian church. FLOYD, Archibald C., journalist; born Granville County, N. C., 185 7; son John W. and Margaret (Campbell) Floyd; Scotch-Irish descent; educated University North Carolina, Chapel Hill; graduated University North Carolina, in law, 1884; married Florence Irvine, November 8, 1894; Democrat; City Judge of Memphis, Tenn., from April, 1905, to January, 1910; compiler of the Scotch-Irish in America, 9 vol- umes, published by Robert Clark & Co. of Cincinnati, and the M. E. Publish- ing House, Nashville; editor Columbia Herald 1887, editor of Knoxville Senti- nel 1893-94, Editor Chattanooga News 1894-99, editor Morning News 1902-05 (Memphis); paternal grandparents Pleasant and Pattie (Fuller) Floyd, maternal grandparents Milton and Jane (Smith) Campbell. FLY, D. Wilson, merchant; born Gib- son County, Tenn., January 4, 1851; son of William D. and Sarah S. (Lyles) Fly; educated Gibson College; married Miss B. M. Scott, January 12, 1895; member Tennessee Club; merchant and capital- ist; member Methodist Church. FOOSHE, George Waddell, futures broker, representing Stephen W. Weld & Company, New York City; born Coro- naca, S. C., November 17, 1873; son of James D. and Mary Ann (Fuller) Fooshe; French Huguenot and Scotch descent; educated and graduated from Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C.; A. B. and A. M., June 10, 1895; married An- toinette Tucker, October 17, 1900; mem- ber Memphis Country Club, Chickasaw Club, Tennessee Club, B. M. C., Lumber- men’s Club, all of Memphis; taught school 1895-1899 ; Commercial Editor Memphis Evening Scimitar five years, 1899-1904; local correspondent principal hardwood lumber publications in the United States since 1899; member St. John’s Methodist Church, Memphis. FORREST, Nathan Bedford, Adju-j tant-General Chief of Staff UnitedjJ Sons of Confederate Veterans; bom Oxford, Miss., April 6, 1872; son oi|, William Montgomery and Taylor (Cook) Forrest; father was Capt. in C. S. A ![ and was contractor and planter after the civil war; paternal grandfather Gen. Nj B. Forrest, paternal grandmother Mar) Ann (Montgomery) Forrest, maternal grandfather Maj. James M. Cook; Engf lish and Scotch-Irish descent; educated private schools; married Mattie Pattor June 1, 1904; member Arctic Brother hood of Alaska; former secretary ant Vice U. S. Consul at Dawson City, You 1 kon Territory, Canada; assistant cash ier Equitable Life Assu. Society MemJ phis for ten years; R. R. levee contracj tor six years; miner and prospeeto Alaska four vears; member Court Stj| Presbyterian church. FOWLKES, Jeptha M., business man born Shelby Co., Tenn., March 4, 1847 1 English descent; son of Jeptha and Ma| ria (Baker) Fowlkes; educated in pri| vate schools of Memphis, Tenn.; begaif his career as bookkeeper, later cottoif factor, and since 1889 he has been sec’ retary and treasurer of Merchants Cotj ton Press & Storage Co., Memphis, Tenn is also vice-president and director Med cantile Bank, and State Savings Banliji Memphis, Tenn.; married Anne Lorn’ 1 bard, Aug. 31, 1886; member Tennesse: Club; Democrat; former postmaster o Memphis, Tenn., 1885-89; vice-mayor o Memphis, Tenn., 1894-98. FRANCIS, Elmer Ellsworth, physi cian; born Madison, Inch, July 18, 1863 Scoteh-English descent; son of Waite S. and Amy (Firth) Francis; father’ occupation, steamboat captain and real estate dealer; paternal grandfather, Jn( Francis, maternal grandparents, Vincen anu Emily (Briggs) Firth; educated i public schools of Madison, Ind., and i Louisville, Ky., graduated with degrejl M. D. March 3, 1885; in early life wait assistant emigrant agent L. & N. R. R married Mabel Haines, Nov. 5, 1890 member Royal Arcanum, and all Masoni who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 309 •dies. Shrine; Democrat; professor of natomy and Clinical Surgery, Mem- lis Hospital Medical College, and State edical Examiner for Royal Arcanum. FRANK, Abe H., cotton factor; born I emphis, Tenn., February 12, 1869; son enry and Rosa (Karlich) Frank; edu- ited Memphis and Sewanee, Tenn.; larried Celia Nathan, December 20, 192 ; member Business Men’s Club ; ember Legislative Council of city of emphis 1906-10; member firm Godfrey rank & Co., Memphis, Tenn. FRAZER, Cf.yi.ox B., real estate; orn Houston, Texas, in 1864; son Geo. J. and Louisa Virginia (Nelson) Fra- ;r; educated St. Louis, Mo.; married .da K. Hodges, April 14, 1897 ; associ- ted with Orgill Bros. & Co. from 1881- 9; 1889-04 with Mallory, Crawford & !o.; 1904-06 Director in the firm of W. 1. Mallory & Sons Co., the successors f Mallory, Crawford & Co.; formed artnership of Turley & Frazer 1906; iemocrat. FRIEDEL, P. R., lumber dealer; born ear Copenhagen, Denmark, March 3, 845; when he was eleven years of age he ame with his father and two of his Yothers to the United States, landing in kiiladelphia, Pa., April 13, 1856, going ’rom there to New York; in 1860 he ame to Memphis and engaged in the tave business just across the river in the State of Arkansas; when the war broke iut the business was discontinued; he then ’ound employment in a steamboat ear- )enter shop, where he remained fouc .ears, then went to Helena, Ark., and 'lerked in a store about one year; in 1873 le went to work for Williams & Co., umber dealers, and remained with them jntil 1885, being in full charge of their nil], yard and box shop; in 1885 he start- ed in business with C. F. Reder, the firm being Friedel, Reder & Co.; in 1893 the firm of P. R. Friedel & Co. was estab- lished; from 1901 to 1904 he was a mem- ber of the Memphis Board of Educa- tion; he is a 32d degree Mason, a Knight Templar, a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, and a member of I. O. O. F., Conca- tenated Order of Hoo Hoos, the Knights and Ladies of Honor, Business Men’s Club and St. Mary’s Episcopal cathedral. FRIERSON, Gordox, attorney; born Forrest City, Ark., Nov. 18, 1872 ; son of J. G. and Emma (Dorris) Frierson; Scotch-Irish-English descent; graduate of University .of Arkansas LL. B. de- gree in 1896; early occupation, mercan- tile line and student; member Elks, Kappa Sigma, A. O. U. W., City Court Judge at Jonesboro, Ark.; veteran of Spanish- American war; Sergeant Co. C 2nd Ark. Vol. Inf.; was Executive Clerk under Gov. W. H. Fishback of Ark. 1893 to 1894; secretary to Gov. J. P. Clark of Ark. from 1895-1896; admitted to practice in Circuit and Supreme Courts of Ark. from 1895-1896; Secretary L. S. Senator Clark 1905-06; admitted to practice in Circuit and Supreme Courts of Ark., in 1896; in Department of Civil Administrator of Panama Canal J uly, 1906, to Sept.., 1907; moved to Memphis in 1907 and engaged in the practice of law ; offices 510 Tennessee Trust Bldg.; mem- ber Methodist church, South. TROST, John T., retired banker and manufacturer; born City of Limerick, Ireland, Jan. 6, 1845; son of Thomas and Honore (Quain) Frost, who located in Chicago in 1848; was educated in the public nd private schools of Chicago and was for three years a student at Univer- sity St. Mary’s of the Lake, Chicago; af- ter being for some time engaged in the manufacturer of candy in Chicago for the jobbing trade, removed his plant to Mem- phis in April, 1866, whre he continued in the same line of business and in 1882 added the manufacture of biscuits for the jobbing trade, continuing in these lines until 1889 when he sold his business and good will to The American Biscuit Co., of which company he was a director until its absorption by The National Bis- cuit Co., 1899; was for many years iden- tified with The Memphis Street Railway Co.; was a director and officer of The Memphis and Equitable Gas Cos., until their absorption by The Consolidated Gas and Electric Co.; was a director and afterward president of The Memphis City Bank, one of the organizers and 310 who’s IV HO IN TENNESSEE stockholders of The Carruthers-Jones ried Ellen Douglas, daughter of G. Shoe Co., and is now a director of The Cunningham, Nashville, Tenn., Nov. Security Bank & Trust Co., and of The 1885; deacon, May, 1879; priest, 181 State National Bank; is an independent rector Church of the Messiah, Pulas Democrat and a member of the Catholic Tenn., 1879-83; elected professor of ] church. clesiastical History, University of South, in 1883; vice-chancellor same GAGE, William A., Cotton factor; 1890; declined Bishopric of Louisiana, born Schohanie, N. Y., July 19, 1838; 1890; elected Bishop-Coadjutor of Tei English descent; son of William and in 1893 by unanimous vote, and accepl Martha M. (Carey) Gage; educated same; consecrated bishop July 35, 18 Schohanie (N. Y.) Academy, and grad- and succeeded to bishopric of Tenn. Jated from same; began business as a the death of Bishop Quintard, Feb., 18! cotton factor with Charles G. Fisher, author: Manual of Devotion, The Apr. Memphis, Tenn., 1865; in 1878 the firm tolic Succession, The Divine Event of was changed to W. A. Gage & Co., which Time, Things New and Old, The Trust has been continued to the present time; the Episcopate, The Puritian Reactif nresident of Bluff City Fire Insurance The Master’s Word, and Churches A Co.; director in Factors’ Fire Insurance Apostolic Order, Christianity and Ed Co.; director First National Bank, and cation, The Episcopal Church and Otl has been connected with same since its Religious Communions, The Fruitful™ organization in 1864; married Mary of Sacrifice, The Communion of Sain Walton, of San Antonio, Tex., April, 1879; member F. & A. M., 33d degree GAISFORD, John, architect; bo Scottish Rite; member of Cotton Ex- Warminster, Wilts, England, Oct. change, Tennessee Club, Country Club 1875 ; English descent; son of Joseph ai and Chickasaw Club; Democrat. Sarah Ann (Annetts) Gaisford; ed cated Warminster National School ai GAILOR, Thomas Frank, P. E. bish- Birkbeck Institute, London, succesful op, of the diocese of Tenn.; born Jack- passed all examinations; married Wane son, Miss., Sept. 17, 1856; son of Major Ralph, of Oil City, Pa., June 1, 190 Frank M. and Charlotte (Moffett) Gail- member of all Masonic orders; came or; Scotch-Irish descent; his father was U. S. in 1901; spent four years in ai born Western New York, Nov. 17, 1833, around Pitsburg, Pa., and located moved to Mississippi when a boy and be- Memphis, 1905; supervising archite came editor of a paper in Jackson in Shelby County Court House, archite 1854, accepted a position on the Memphis Jefferson Theater, Baptist Memori Avalanche in 1857, and enlisted in the Hospital, Y. M. C. A., Memphis, Tern Confederate service under Gen. William Falls Bldg., and St. Luke’s church. Carroll ; became captain and assistant — quartermaster of the 7th regiment, and GALLOWAY, Alexander Brodna was promoted to rank of major and quar- lawyer; born Somerville, Tenn., Deeen termaster, Carroll’s brigade, Crittenden’s ber 36, 1884; son of Thomas S. an' division; he was later made quartermaster Minerva Allison (Greenlee) Gallowaf of Wither’s division, and was killed at Scotch-Irish descent; educated hig the battle of Perryville, Oct. 8, 1863, school Somerville, Cumberland Unive; while leading a successful charge of a sity; graduate of Cumberland Univer; regiment which he had rallied from disor- sity LL.B. June, 1908; married Mis der; Bishop Gailor’s paternal grandpai Ji m Combs, November 11, 1908; Episcc ents were James and Charlotte (Langs- palian. ton) Moffett; graduated from Racint College, Wis., in 1876; General Theologi- GALLOWAY, Jacob Sccdder, lawyer cal Seminary, S. T. B., in 1879; S. T. U born near Morristown, N. J., Feb. L Columbia, 1890; General Theological 1838; Scotch-Irish and English descent Seminary, 1893; D. D. Trinity College, son of Samuel and Rebecca (Scudder 1893; University of the South, 1894; mar- Galloway; father’s occupation, Presby WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 311 tian minister; paternal grandparents, ,! eph and Mary (Bowman) Galloway, External grandparents. Dr. Jacob and lister Rule (McClain) Scudder; grad- ued from Princeton University, N. J., B. 1858, A. M., 1861; began his busi- n.s career as a school teacher; member 0 Co. “A” 4th Tenn. infantry regiment < S. A. and participated in famous etrge on McAllister’s battery Shiloh, Pan., was wounded in that charge; at- t tied the rank of First Lieutenant; mar- til twice, first Mary Eliza Tucker, May 1 1867, second, Mrs. Sarah (Tucker) Cffee, Nov. 12, 1879; member Masons, at Elks; Democrat; Justice of the lace 1876-86; State Senator, 1883-85; Jdge of the 2d Circuit Court Shelby Co., 1)3-1905; Judge of the Probate Court itm 1886 to present time; affiliates with iiiscopai church. GALLOWAY, R., coal operator; born hndon, Eng., November 6, 1843; son of ] and Mary (Whittington) Galloway; ,'otch descent; educated St. Louis and :;okuk, Iowa; married twice, 1865 and 08; member Masonic order; 1864 clerk i Memphis boats; 1865 clerk M. & C. railway; in 1879 he was elected one of pht commissioners for the taxing dis- ct of Memphis and served two and •e-half years; 1866 to 1910 transfer busi- ss Memphis, and he is now President alloway Coal Company, Patterson Trans- r Company, Chairman Board Directors loctaw Coal & Mining Company, Chair- ! an Memphis Park Commission; his ther was a pioneer in the Northwest id outfitted part of the army 1847 and e Mormons en route to Salt Lake am Nauvoo, 111. GARDNER, William Montgomery, vil engineer; born Augusta, Ga., Aug- it 14, 1869; son Gen. W. M. and Helen -vong) Gardner; graduated Rome, Ga. ; ember Chickasaw Club, B. M. C., mem- ;r and Director of the American Soci- y of Civil Engineers, New York Na- onal Geographic Society, Washington, . C. ; member of firm Gardner & Howe, vil engineers, and U. S. Assistant En- neer on improving Mississippi river; ember Episcopal Church. GARNSEY, Cyrus Jr., general mana- ger and treasurer Galloway Coal Com- pany, General Manager and Treasurer Patterson Transfer Company, Active Vice-President of the State National Bank and the United States Trust and Savings Bank; born Seneca Falls, N. Y., April 10, 1861 ; son Cyrus and Eliza Goodwin (Hoskins) Gain- sey; educated public and county school; married Carrie D. Dobyns, De- cember, 1888; started work as messen- ger boy in 1875 in small bank; in 1880 went West, found employment as clerk in rolling mill office; in 1883 rolling mill failed; he went to work for iron concern in Cleveland, O. ; in 1885 Chief Clerk to cashier of the K. C., F. S. & M. Railway in Kansas City; 1886 Auditor K. C., M. & B. Railway Birmingham, Ala., stockholder in the companies he is now officering; member Presbyterian Church. GASTON, John, business man; born near Bordeau, in South France, in 1828; at age of twelve years he left the farm and went to Paris, where an uncle kent a small hotel and restaurant; later he became steward on an ocean steamer and crossed the Atlantic many times; he finally settled in New York, where for two years he was in the service of Del- monico; in 1851 he went to California, after a short time he returned to New York, and the following year went to Washington, and from there to Florida as steward of a hotel at Apalachicola ; next he became a steward of a hotel at Macon Ga., and later took a position at Atlanta; shortly after the civl war broke out he entered the Confederate army, and served on detail duty until the close of hostilities; during the war he lost all he had accumulated, and in 1865 went to Memphis, and in 1867 he opened a res- taurant at that place, later opened a small hotel; although retired from active life he is still proprietor of the Gaston hotel; married twice, his first wife was Juba T. Meier; member of Business Men’s Club, Industrial League, and Epis- copal church. GATES, Elias, lawyer; horn Des Arc, Ark., Aug. 19, 1873; Hebrew (German) descent; son of Ferdinand 312 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE and Sallie (Mayer) Gates; father, mer- chant; educated in Central High School of Philadelphia, Pa., University of Pa., and Harvard Law School; graduated University of Pa., Ph.B., 1894, Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1897 ; entered prac- tice of law in 1897; formed partnership Lehman, Gates & Lehman, attorneys, July 2, 1904, firm changed to Lehman Gates & Martin, Jan. 2, 1911; married Theresa Cecilia Hexter, April 18, 1905; member Lelia Scott lodge No. 289 F. & A. M., Shelby lodge No. 259 I. O. O. F., Y. M. H. A., R;x Club, B. M. C. and Memphis Tennis Club; member of ex- ecutive committee of Memphis Bar As- sociation. GERBER, Charles A., merchant; born Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1867; son of John and Matilda (Hein) Ger- ber; secretary and treasurer of the John Gerber Co., Memphis, Tenn. GILLESPIE, Allen Alexander, real estate dealer; born Tate Co., Miss., July 23, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James Alexander and Malinda (Bur- ford) Gillespie; father’s occupation, planter; paternal grandfather, Allen Alexander Gillespie, maternal grand- father, Alexander K. Burford; educat- ed in the public schools of Tate Co., Miss.; married Bettie Harris, Sept. 1898; member B. P. O. E., Business Men’s Club, Memphis, Tenn.; Democrat; mem- ber of Christian church; has been en- gaged in real estate at Gulfport, Miss., 1900-07, later at Memphis, Tenn. since 1907. GILLILAND, Fletcher M., business man; born Mount Pleasant, Miss., July 5, 1861 ; educated in DeSoto Co., Miss., and Collierville Tenn.; in early life was clerk in drug store at Collierville, whert he remained three years; he then went in- to the general store of W. H. Irby at the same place, and at the end of two years bought half interest in the business; in 1891 the firm came to Memphis and went into queensware, glass and woodenware business, and Jan. 1, 1904, it became !n corporated as the Irby & Gilliland Co.; member of Masons and Central Metho dist Episcopal church. GODWIN, John Robert, retii banker; born Cumberland Co., N. Nov. 19, 1830; English-Scotch descei son of Handy and Mary (McQuee Godwin; father’s occupation, farmer; < ucated in the local schools of Shelby C Tenn., and Male Academy of Raleij Tenn.; in early life engaged in farnaii later entered the mercantile busine i married Mary Frances Mullins, Nov. 1859; member DeSoto lodge F. & A. 1 Memphis, Tenn., I. O. O. F., fora member of Cotton Exchange 20 yea and member of American Bankers* As: was president of Mercantile Bank i Tenn. 10 years; Democrat; elected Tenn. Legislature 1893; served sixte years as trustee of Western Hospit Bolivar, Tenn. ; served eight years park commissioner of city of Memph and member of first park board; present he is member of State Executi Committee of American Red Croa served in C. S. A. under Price, and j Capt. Jackson’s company; former prf ident of Memphis Street Railway C one year; president Gayoso Oil Co., thr years; spent years 1852-56 in Californ Gold Mining Camps; large landholder Shelby Co., Tenn., also has real esta interest in Memphis city property, is present engaged in managing person estate; member of M. E. church, Sout GODWIN, Robert Allen, real esta operator; born Memphis, Tenn., Api 11, 1876; Scotch-Irish decsent; son ( J. R. and Mary Frances (Mullins) Go< win; fathers’ occupation, cotton merchai and banker; paternal grandparents, Ha: dy and Mary (McQueen) Godwin, m. ternal grandfather, L. D. Mullins; edi cate in Jones’ School for Boys, Ke; wick, Va., and W. Va.; in early life w<' a farmer; member of Business Men Club, Memphis, Tenn.; Democrat; men ber of Methodist Episcopal churcl South; engaged in real estate business. GOLTMAN. Max, physician; bor Glasgow, Scotland, May 24, 1867 ; Scotc descent; son of Solomon and Cecil! (Tobias) Goltman; paternal grandi father, Samuel Goltman, materna; grandfather, Charles Tobias; educate!: Bishop’s University, Montreal, Canada 1 who's WHO IN TENNESSEE 313 a 3 graduated from same C.M. and M. I degrees 1892; married Mollie Stern- ■b’g, Dec. 12, 1895; member Masons lue lodge), B. P. O. E., Business Pn’s Club, Shelby County Medical As- sidation, Tenn. State Medical Assn., inerican Medical Assn, and Western nn., and Mississippi Valley Medical . sns. ; served as interne at Woman’s iispital, and Lying in Hospital of Montreal, Canada, and took post grad- ite work at Glasgow, London and linburgh, also post graduate work at illevue Hospital Mt. Sinai and Johns opkins Hospital, Boston, etc.; en- jged in practice of medicine in Mem- ] is, Tenn., since 1896; superintendent !;alth Departmeut, City of Memphis, ’ ofessor of Clinical Surgery Univer- y of Memphis, medical department, d attending surgeon at Memphis City 'ospital, also president medical staff t same; member of the Jewish Syna- gue. GOODBAR, James Monroe, wholesale ioe merchant and manufacturer; born f/erton Co., Tenn., May 29, 1839; Eng- .h-Irish-Scotch-Welsh descent; son of illiam P. and Jane (McKinney) Good- r; father’s occupation, merchant and rmer; paternal grandparents, Joseph d Mary (Masters) Goodbar, maternal andparents, Henry and Jane (McDow- 1) McKinney; educated at Sparta, ann. ; began business career as clerk in ore Sept. 10, 1867; Democrat; mem- :r of Board of Public Works, 1881-83, axing District of Shelby Co., Memphis, ?nn. ; was captain and A. Q. M. 4th !;nn. Cav. C. S. A.; member of Second resbyterian church, Memphis, Tenn., id elder in same. GOODMAN, Walter, merchant, plan- r, manufacturer; born Huntsville, la., June 7, 1860; son W. A. and orinne (Acklen) Goodman; English id Scotch descent; educated J. D. Stew- •t’s private school, Memphis, and Uni- irsity of Virginia; member Calvary hurch (Episcopal), Memphis; vestry- man for eighteen years; he is now Pres- ent Dixie Electro Magnet Company; ice-President and Director in Lake- ew Traction Company; began life as clerk in cotton factor’s office and at various times was in employ of Oliver- Finnie & Company, Stewart, Gwynne & Company, and Robert Woolfenden & Company. GOODWYN, R. D., vice-president Memphis Queensware Co.; born in Shel- by Co., Tenn., in 1868; educated in the public and private schools of Shelby Co., Tenn.; began his career as office boy for Porter & Macrae, he remained with this firm for ten years, working his way up to the position of traveling salesman, which he held at the time the Memphis Queensware Co. was organized in 1896, and he became vice-president of same; member of Tennessee Club, Chickasaw Club, Business Men’s Club and Baptist church. GORDON, George Washington, sol- dier, congressman, commander-in-chief United Confederate Veterans; born m Giles Co., Tenn., Oct. 5, 1836 ; son of Andrew and Eliza K. Gordon; grad- uated from Western Military Institute in 1859; married Ora S. Paine, Sept. 5, 1876; in early life was practical civil engineer until outbreak of the civil war; enlisted in the military service of Tenn. as drillmaster of the 11th Inf. regiment; transferred to military service of C. S. A.; promoted to captain, lieutenant-col- onel, colonel; in 1864 made brigadier- general; participated in every engage- ment fought by his command with the exception of Bentonville, N. C., being a prisoner until Aug., 1865, at Fort War- ren, Boston Harbor; studied law at Le- banon, Tenn.; practiced at Pulaski and Memphis until 1883; appointed one of the railroad commissioners of the state; received appointment in interior depart- ment, U. S., in 1885; served four years in Indian country and territories west of Rocky Mountains; resumed practice of law in Memphis until 1892, when he was elected superintendent of the city schools; elected to Congress from 10th Tenn. district, 1906, 3rd term 1910; Dem- ocrat; member Masons and I. O. O. F. GRAHAM, Frank Daniel, merchant; born Shelby Co., Tenn., Nov. 3, 1S77; 314 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Scotch-lrish descent; son of George C. and Maria (Daniel) Graham; father’s occupation, planter; paternal grandpar- ents, Joseph and Sarah (Kimbrough) Graham; maternal grandparents, Wil- liam W. and Dolly (Austin) Daniel; ed- ucated in the public schools of Shelby Co., Tenn. ; in early life was a farmer and clerk in store; member of Y. M. C. A., Memphis; engaged in mercantile business under the firm name of F. D. Graham Mantel Co., Memphis, Tenn.; member of Forrest Rifles of Memphis, three years. GREER, James M., lawyer; born Hol- ly Springs, Miss., October 27, 1847 ; son James M. and Mary E. (Autry) Greer; Irish and English descent; educated Hol- ly Springs, Miss., and Virginia Military Institute; married Betty Buckner Allen, September 27, 1877 ; member B. M. C. and Menasha Outing Club; appointed Judge of the Criminal Court of Shelby County from 1883-84; County Attor- ney for Shelby County 1898-99; a pri- vate in the battalion of cadets of the Vir- ginia Military Institute, C. S. A. from the spring of 1864-65; witnessed the evacu- ation of Richmond, Va., on April 3, 1865, when the battalion of cadets formed the rear guard of the Army of Northern Virginia; member Protestant Episcopal Church. GREER, Rowan Adam, lawyer; born Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 9, 1881 ; of Scotch-Irish descent; son of James M. and Betty (Allen) Greer; father’s occu- pation, lawyer; paternal grandparents, James M. and Mary (Autry) Greer, ma- ternal grandparents, Dr. John I|. and Elizabeth (Buckner) Allen; educated in Memphis and Knoxville, Tenn.; gradu- ated from University of Tenn., B. L. and B. A. June 1900; entered the prac- tice of law in early life; married Flora Estes, Nov. 2, 1904; member of Busi- ness Men’s Club; Democrat; trustee of University, of Tenn.; member of Episco- pal church. GROSVENOR, (Mrs.) Olivia Polk Hill, born Memphis, Tenn. ; daughter of Napoleon and Mary Morton (Wood) Hill; father, banker, merchant and miner; paternal grandparents, Dune and Olivia L. (Bills) Hill; maten grandparents, William H. and B. (Pol Wood; educated in Memphis, Tenn., a New York, N. Y., graduated from Pr byterian School; married Charles Grosvenor, Dec. 28, 1885; president G sett Library Museum Assn., Poetess W tauga Chapter D. A. R., member V man’s Cluo, Colonial Dames, and pre dent Tenn. Woman’s Press and Authc Club; member of Second Presbyteri church, Memphis, Tenn. GUNTHER, M. H., cotton buys i born in King William Co., Va., in 18a educated at Hamburg and Altona, G( many, and after returning to his nati land he attended the Virginia Milita Institute at Lexington, and James Holcombe School at Belleview, ne ! Lynchburg, Va. ; after completing his e ucation he went South, spending a ye at Griffin, Ga., and a year at Maec Ga., after which he went to New Yo for about two years, from there he we to New Orleans, La., and in 1878 locati at Louisville, Ky., where he engaged tobacco business, to which he later add cotton brokerage business; in 1896 I 1 went to Memphis and became memb| of the firm of M. H. Gunther & Co., col ton buyers for American and foreh cotton mills; member of Tennessee Chijj and attends the Episcopal church. HAAGA, Joseph Albert, attorney law; born Memphis, Tenn.; son Jose; and Caroline R. (Retter) Haaga; grail uated Christian Brothers College 19( A. B., and University of Tennessee LL-l 1909; member Germania Turnverein; ai mitted to bar 1909, and became assoc] ated with Banks & Harrelson; editor < College Echo, publication of the Maur lian Literary Society; member Cathol! Church (St. Mary’s) of Memphis. HAASE, Charles J., insurance age' and investment banker; born Colliervill Tenn., December 4, 1874; son Gus an] Caroline (Danheiser) Haase; educate Memphis public schools; graduated Men phis High School 1891; member Boar] of Education. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 315 HALL, Dupree Meriwether, physi- Ijpian and surgeon; born Lauderdale Co., Tenn., Nov. 20, 1871; German and ■ french descent; son of James D. and Addie (Henning) Hall; father’s occu- pation, physician; paternal grandparents William and Priscilla (Dupree) Hall, maternal grandfather, David M. Hen- ning, .maternal grandmother was a Miss Greaves prior to her marriage; gradu- ated frorii Christian Brothers College, Memphis, Tenn., A.M., 1891; College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, M. D. 1893-94- ; married Mary Cowden, Oct. 16, 1901; member of Business Men’s ! Ciub, director Memphis Automobile Club, served as captain and assistant surgeon in 2d Tenn. Vol. Inf. during Spanish- lAmerican war. HALLIBURTON, Wesley, investor; born Haywood Co., Tenn., Aug. 21, 1870; llson of J. W. and Juliet Halliburton; Scotch descent; educated private schools, Vanderbilt Univ., Mass. Institute Tech- nology, Boston (took post-graduate (course) ; graduate of Vanderbilt C. E. in 1891; occupation in youth, farmer; Imarried Nellie Nance Jan. 19, 1898; member Country Club, Chickasaw Club, Tennis Club, German Turnverein, 33d degree Mason, Scottish Rite; was- civil engineer, bridges and structural iron and steel, employ Phcenix Bridge Iron Co., Phoenix, Pa., from 1893-95; farmed in Haywood Co. from 1895-99; entered timber business, Memphis, 1899 ; vice- president, director National City Bank and one of original organizers; buys and sells real estate ' and invests in commer- cial paper; Democrat. HALLIDAY, William Parker, man- ufactures, mining and farming; born Cairo, 111., Aug. 6, 1865; son of William Parker and Eliza (Wright) Hallidav; Scotch descent; graduate of Pennsyl- vania Military College, Chester, Pa., 1883; married Anne Pillow Ridley, Nov. 10, 1892; member of Tennessee and Chickasaw Clubs; member Episcopal church. HANSON, Charles C., business man; : horn - near Opelika, Ala., March 29, 186i; Swedish descent; son of John C. and Emily (Mitchell) Hanson; High School Graduate; from 1885 to 1898 he was connected with a railroad in various departments, and in 1898 he became special agent of executive officers, con- tinuing in same until 1901, when he re- tired to conduct a compress business in Georgia and Alabama; 1901-1908 he was president of Atlantic Compress Co., and has been president of Gulf Compress Co. since 1901; married Adeie M. Shorter June 13, 1891; member of Masons (York and -Scottish Rite 33d de- gree), K. of P„ Dramatic Order K. of K., Shriner, Business Men’s Club, Ten- nessee Club, Country Club, Chickasaw Club, secretary of Miss. Valley Com- press Assn., and other organizations; Democrat; member of Episcopal church. HANSON, HejStry P., printer; born Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 2, 1863; English descent; son of John Philip and Harriet (Wood) Hanson; father’s occupation, dyer; educated in the public schools of Memphis, Tenn.; entered printing busi- ness in early life; married Rosa Piaggio; member Knights of Pythias, Business Men's Club, is secretary-treasurer of Southern Conference on Woman and Child Labor and of Typographical Union; has served as president, etc., of the latter, and was delegate to the I. T. L T . convention at Hot Springs, Ark.; on special committee at Boston, Mass.; first secretary Trades and Labor Council, later several times president and sent to Wash- ington, D. C,, on special mission to ar- range dispute between dual organiza- tions; introduced bill authorizing bond issue to start park system of Memphis. Tenn. ; was an active worker in move- ment to establish “Zoo,” and has also taken part in almost every movement for the advancement of Memphis and of or- ganized labor. HARDY, Lewis Rogers, vice-president Brinly-Hardy Co.; born Louisville, Ivy., Aug. 26, 1875; English descent; son of James. Edward and Lucy Gilmer (Davis) Hardy; father’s occupation, retired plow manufacturer; paternal grandfather Na- thaniel Hardv, paternal grandmother was a Miss Howard prior to her mar- riage, maternal grandparents Ben O, and WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 316 Susan (Speed) Davis; educated Louis- ville, Ky.; graduated from University of Louisville B. A., June, 1894; worked in railroad office in early life; married Emma McGehee, daughter of W. E. Alc- Gehee, of Memphis, Nov. 24, 1909; mem- ber Memphis Country Club, Business Men’s Club, Tavern Club, Louisville, Ky., and Louisville Lodge No. 400, F. & A. M., also Memphis (Tenn.) Tennis Club; independent in politics; moved to Mem- phis Oct., 1905, for one year, returned Dec., 1907; practically sole interest with Brinly-Hardy Co., factory and head- quarters, Louisville, Ky. HABRELSON, W. II., attorney; member firm of Banks & Harrelson; born Pittsboro, Miss., 18G8; son of L. \V. and Permelia (Bryan) Harrelson; edu- cated Pittsboro, Jackson, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn.; married Lida Spencer, June 20, 1908; admitted to practice law Nov. 15, 1905; member of Methodist Church. HARRIS, Cummin - gs, physician; born Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 7, 1878; Scoteh- Irish and Huguenot descent; son of An- drew J. and Emily S. (Cummings) Har- ris; father’s occupation, real estate; pa- ternal grandparents Judge William 11. and Eveline Parsons (Atkins) Harris, maternal grandparents Dr. J. Y. and Mary E. (Collins) Cummings; educated Webb’s School, Bellbuckle, Tenn., and Memphis University School; graduated from Memphis Hospital Medical Col- lege, March 30, 1900, degree of M.D. ; married Eleanor M. Brown, Aug. 1, 1902; Democrat; former resident physi- cian city penitentiary Blackwell’s I., N. Y. ; at present public health officer city of Memphis; Catholic. PIARSH, George, lawyer; born Nash- T die. Tenn., Sept. 13, 1870; son of Capt. George Harsh; father's occupation, wholesale grocer and banker; educated at Nashville and Lebanon, Tenn.; graduated from Cumberland University law depart- ment in 1893 and engaged immediately in practice of law at Memphis, Tenn.; married Thankful Barry, in 1895, at Gal- latin, Tenn.; member of City Club; Dem- ocrat; member of Linden Ave. Christian church; engaged in the practice of law and interested in Memphis (Tenn.) realty. HARSH, Thomas W., attorney; born Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 16, 1879; son* of George and Elizabeth K. (Edwards) Harsh; German-Scotch descent; grad- uated Cumberland University 1900; ad- mitted to bar in 1901; became associ- ated with George Harsh, with offices in 500-0 7 Memphis Trust Bldg., Memphis, !i Tenn.; member of Christian church. PIAUN, Wilson Yandell, lawyer ; born |l Milan, Gibson Co., Tenn., Aug. 29, 1875; son of Robert F. and (Williamson) Haun; Scotch-Irish, English and Dutch j! descent; graduated Milan High School May 15, 1896; early business, teaching school; married Evelyn Carroll June 2-2, 1910; former U. S. Commissioner West Tenn.; former Assistant U. S. District Attorney West Tenn.; Roosevelt & Fair- banks elector 9th Congressional District of Tenn. 1904; Republican candidate fori Congress 9th District of Tenn. 1906; member First Methodist church, Mem- jj phis, Tenn. HEISKELL, Garrick White, lawver; born in Knox Co., Tenn., July 25, 1836; son of Frederick S. and Eliza (Brown) Heiskell; father’s occupation, newspaper editor and publisher, then farmer; pa- ternal grandfather Frederick Heiskell, maternal grandmother was a Miss Stid- i| linger prior to her marriage; maternal grandparents Joseph and Mary (Harbi-j ! son) Brown; educated at Knoxville and Maryville, Tenn., graduated at latter in 1855; began his business career as school ji teacher; married Eliza Netherland, Oct. j 31, 1861 ; member of Memphis Country Club; Democrat (independent); served jj as private, 1st Lieut., Captain, Major, Lieut. Col. 19th Tenn. Inf., C. S. A., four I years during civil war; former judge of Circuit Court of Shelby Co., Tenn., 1871- 1878, afterwards City Attorney of Mem- phis, Tenn., for four years; member of Presbyterian church; entered practice of law in 1857, retired 1907. HEISKELL, Frederick. Hugh,, law- yer; born Rogersville, Tenn., July 31. WHO S WIIO IX TENNESSEE 317 1851; son of Joseph Brown and Sarah Ann (McKinney) Heiskell; father’s oc- cupation, lawyer; paternal grandparents Frederick and Eliza (Brown) Heiskell, maternal grandparents John A. and Eliza (Ayre) McKinney; educated at Washington & Lee University; entered the practice of law in early life; mar- ried Augusta L. Lamar, daughter of L. Q. C. Lamar of Mississippi, May 5, 1880; Chancellor of Chancery Court of Shelby Co., Tenn., from Jan., 1900, to present time; Democrat; member of Presbyter- ian church. HEISKELL, Lucius Lamar, public official; born in Shelby Co., Tenn., Feb. 4, 1883; son of F. H. and Augusta (La- mar) Heiskell; father’s occupation, chan- cellor; paternal grandfather Joseph B. Heiskell, maternal grandfather L. Q. C. Lamar; educated in public schools, Mem- phis University School and University of Tenn., graduating from latter, B. S., 1904, L H. B., 1905; entered the practice of law in early life; member S. A. E. fraternity, Knoxville, Tenn., Chickasaw Club, Memphis Country Club and Uni- versity Club, Memphis, Tenn.; Democrat; appointed Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Shelby Co. Tenn., 1906, and is. the present incumbent; mem- ber of Presbyterian church; director in Fidelity Trust Co., and Martin and Raine, bankers, Memphis, Tenn. HENDERSON, B. R., business man; born Huntingdon, Tenn., July, 1842; ed- ucated in the common schools of Mem- phis, Tenn.; began his career as a news- boy, and was later taken into the em- ploy of Lehman & Co. as errand boy and general helper, he remained with this firm two years, and then accepted a position as collector for the Morning Bulletin; m I 860 he went into the postoffice as mailing clerk, and May 15, 1861, he en- tered the Confederate army as a private in Company “H,” Fourth Tenn. Infan- try, with which he served until latter part of 1863, when he was honorably dis- charged for physical disability; he was in all of the fights in which his regiment engaged, and was wounded at Shiloh; he remained with the army after his dis- charge, being for a time employed in the postoffice at Jackson, Miss.; when the war closed he returned to Memphis and went to work for the Memphis Ava- lanche, taking charge of mail routes ; two years later he went into the news busi- ness on the railroads and was so em- ployed four years; on discontinuing his news business he became a clerk in Mem- phis, continuing in that line until 1878, when he went to work for the Patterson Transfer Company, of which he is now vice-president; in 1889 the company pur- chased the interests of the Galloway Coal Company, and he was made general man- ager, and in 1899 he became vice-presi- dent of both companies; he was a mem- ber of the board of public works of Memphis, four years; also served as vice-mayor of that city; member of Pres byterian church, and one of the elders in same; he is a Mason and member or United Confederate Veterans. HENDERSON, Robert G., physician; born Memphis, Tenn., in 1875; educated in public schools of Memphis, Tenn. and Hampden-Sidney College of Vir- ginia; graduated from Memphis Hospital Medical College in 1899; he has taken post-graduate courses at the Bellevue Hospital, Roosevelt Hospital and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York; he has served as interne in the Memphis City Hospital, as house sur- geon in the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, and is now instructor in Skin Disease in the Memphis Hospital Medi- cal College; member of Memphis Medical Society, the Tri-State Medi- cal Association, the Mississippi Valley Mdical Association, the American Medi- cal Assocation and the Roentgen-Ray Association of America; he is a memDer of the staff in both the city and St. Jo- seph’s Hospitals of Memphis; member of Chickasaw Club and of the Presbyterian church. HENNING, Bennett G., physician and planter; born Durhamville, Tenn., October 16, 1849; son Dr. David M. and Anna B. (Greaves) Henning; educated Tipton High School; graduated Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, M.D;; married Cornelia Frayser, Octo- ber 15, 1874; member Masons and Odd 18 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Fellows; member Police and Fire Com- missioners (November, 1904, December 31, 1909), of Memphis; practiced in med- icine, since 1871; professor in Memphis Hospital Medical College since 1879; pnysician to City and St. Joseph’s Hos- pitals; founder of AVebster-Warnock Chemical Company and he is now President AVebster-Warnock Chemical Company, President 1'ennessee Brick Company, President Beech Creek Coal Company, Ky. ; President Memphis Long Distance Telephone Company; Director in Commercial Trust & Savings Bank; Trustee in First Methodist Church and planter on larae farm in Lauderdale County, Tenn. of 8,000 acres. HENNING, D. M., physician and sur- geon; born October 15, 1875; son B. G. and Nellie (Frayser) Henning: educated Phillips Exeter, N. H., Columbia, N. A r ., graduate^ Memphis Hospital Medi- cal College 1900 and College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of New York 1902; Mason; he served two years with the Tennessee State Troops in the Medical Corps; Surgeon to the Memphis City Hospital, Memphis Hospital Medical College; Surgeon to Lake View Traction Co.; East End Dispensary L. & N. St. Joseph’s Hospital; Examiner for Pa- cific Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Cal,, The Commercial Travelers Accident Co. of Utica, N. Y. and the Manhattan Life Ins. Co.; member Memphis and Shelby County Medical Society, Tennessee State Medical Society, Mississippi Valley Medical Association, Tri-State Medical Society of Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee, and Amercan Medical Asso- ciations. HERMAN, Maxence Brull, physician and surgeon; born Brumath, France, Dec. 20, 1852; Jewish descent; son of Leopold and Estelle (Brull) Herman; father's occupation, merchant; paternal grandfather Bernard Herman, maternal grandfather Susana Brull; educated Jesuit College, in France; received de- gree M. D. Missouri Medical College, March 1, 1890; in early life was a drug- gist; married Belle Harris, Sept. 30, 1891 ; member Rex Club, Memphis Lodge F. & A. M.; Republican; shortly after he entered medical college the Franco- jj Prussian war broke out; during the siege' of Paris, 1870-1871, he joined the Amer- j ican Red Cross Society, remaining with the ambulance corps until after the com- mune of Paris; sailed for New York from Havre, France, July 1, 1872, arriv- ing July 16, 1872. HILL, A. Bruce, secretary Board of Education ; born in Tipton Co., Tenn., j Dec. 12, 1837 ; Scotch-Irish and French descent; son of John S. and Henrietta (Dewese) Hill; educated at Mt. Carmel Academy, Tipton Co., Tenn., and gradu- j ated from same; worked on farm until 1855, then taught school two years; en- j! tered the mercantile business 1858-1861; served in Confederate army 1861-1865; j engaged in the mercantile business 1865- 1881; elected secretary Board of Educa- | tion, Sept., 1881, and has continued in ! that position to the present date; mar- jj riea twice, first in 1865, second in 1872; member Masons, Odd Fellows Knights of » Honor; Democrat; member of the Old School Presbyterian church and officer in same since 1870. HINES, John Henderson, wholesale j lumber and timber lands; born Gloster, Miss., October 14, 1871; son of John H. and Annie L. (Toler) Hines; paternal grandparents AVilliam B. and Jane (Coppege) Hines, maternal grandpa- ! rents AA r . Thomas and Adeline (Causerv) Toler; educated Fairview Academy, Binnsville, Aliss. ; married Alary McLain May 29, 1901 ; member K. of P., A. F. & A. M., Lumbermen’s Club and Business Alen’s Club of Memphis; President of J. H. Hines Company dry goods, etc., Glos- ter, Aliss., 1898-1904; junior member of Barney & Hines, Memphis, 1904 to pres- ent time; President of Hines Lumber Company 1907 to present time (Mem- phis) ; member Methodist Episcopal (South) First Church, Memphis.. HOBSON, William Langhorne, wholesale grocer; born Memphis, Tenn. Sept. 16, 1877; French descent; son of Samuel and Lucy (Capers) Hobson; father wholesale grocer; paternal grand- parents William J. and Polly (Sims) Hobson, maternal grandparents Benja- WHCTS WHO IN TENNESSEE 319 min and Rebecca (Graves) Capers; ed- ucated in Tennessee and Virginia; en- tered wholesale grocery business in early life; married Flora Lucretia Bassett, Jan. 19, 1901; member Chickasaw Club, Business Men’s Club and Tri-State Club; member of Calvary Episcopal church, Memphis, Tenn. HOFFA, Charles Bell, business man; born at Anversrose Plantation, Grenada Co., Miss., July 11, 1866; son of Jacob Melchoir HofFa of Pennsylvania and Eliz- abeth Donelson (Martin) HofFa of Mis- sissippi; father’s occupation, banker in New Orleans, planter in Mississippi, gath- ering stores and supplies for Confeder- ate army; his maternal uncle was Jack- son Martin, captain of Stanfords’ Bat- tery in the civil war; maternal grand- father was Col. George M. Martin, aid de camp to Gen. Jackson and Gen. Coffee in the war of 1812-1815, served with dis- tinction at the battle of New Orleans; educated at Grenada, Miss.; assistant manager and director of Memphis Queensware Co.; member of Chickasaw Club, Business Men’s Club and St. John’s Methodist church. HOLMAN, Harry Thomas, lawyer, assistant attorney-general ; born Fayette- ville, Tenn., March 26, 1878; English de- scent; son of David Wilson and Fannie (Landess) Holman; father’s occupation, lawyer; graduated from Webb’s School and Vanderbilt University; married Pearle F. Woods; member Kappa Sigma fraternity and Business Men’s Club; Democrat; member of 55th general as- sembly of State of Tenn.; Assistant At- torney-General of Shelby Co., Tenn.; member of Baptist church. HOLT, William E., born Davidson N. C,, Jan. 4, 1864; educated in the com- mon schools of Davidson, N. C., and graduated in 1883; after leaving college he entered the service of the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company as a clerk in the car record and tracing department, and remained there three years; in 1887 he went to Memphis, where he took a position with Oliver-Finnie Grocery Co., of which firm he is now \ ice-president; he is also director and stockholder in other corporations; member of the Pres- byterian church. HOPPE, George Edward, insurance; born Atlanta, Ga., November 24, 1882; son George Edward and Katharine (But- ler) Hoppe; graduated Young-Harris College, Young Harris, Ga. ; married Lily Pickett, October 4, 1905 ; member Masons, Memphis Chapter; Senior War- den St. Elmo Commandery, Shriner, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, B. M. C., Tri-State Club; Special Agent Depart- ment Commerce and Labor, United States government; member Third Georgia Regiment, U. S. V., service in Cuba and campaign of Spanish-Ameri- can War; Lieutenant-Colonel Georgia Guards at 19; Captain National Guard, State of Tennessee; at present member Calvary Church. HORNSBY, A. A., attorney, referee in bankruptcy; born Henry County, Tenn., 1875; son J. S. and Belle (Scott) Hornsby; Anglo-Saxon descent; edu- cated McFerrin College, Martin, Tenn., and Cumberland University; graduated B. L. Cumberland University 1896; member K. of P., B. M. C., Mem- phis; Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternitj - at Cumberland University; he was Flo- terial Representative from Carroll and Weakley Counties 1899; Republic- an elector 1900; Delegate Republican National Convention 1904; he was given commission to notify Mr. Fairbanks of nomination for Vice-President 1904; appointed Referee in Bankruptcy at Memphis, 1905; Member Methodist Church. HORTON, Johxstoit Bright, whole- sale grain business; born Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 13, 1880; English and Scotch de- scent; son of W. H. and Lilia Belle (Bright) Horton; father’s occupation, grain merchant; paternal grandparents Claiborne M. and Malvina (Harrison) Horton, maternal grandparents John- ston and Sarah (Slack) Bright; educat- ed in public schools of Memphis, Tenn. ; in early life worked in traffic depart- ment of railroad; married Marguerite Rembert Moon, Oct. 11, 1910; member 320 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Chickasaw Club; Democrat; retired Lt.- Col. of Term. National Guard; at age of 18 enlisted as private in 2d Tenn. regi- ment of Volunteers at outbreak of Span- ish-American war, served ten months, afterwards helped organize Forrest Ri- fles of Memphis, becoming 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut, and Captain in succession; in 1906 elected Major of 2d battalion comprising four companies of Tenn. National Guard and commanded that battalion during the quelling of “night rider” depredations at and around Reelfoot Lake; member of Presbyterian church. HOWE, Harry Northrop, civil en- gineer; born Fulton, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1882; English descent ; son of Henry Clay and Marion D. (Northrop) Howe; father’s occupation, lawyer; paternal grandpa- rents, Asa and Mary (Brigham) Howe, maternal grandparents David A. and Dorliskie (Curtis) Northrop; graduated from Cornell University, C. E., 1904; as- sociate member American Society of Civil Engineers; member of Cornell Club of New York, Cornell Society of C. E.; member of Business Men’s Club, Memphis, and National Association of Cement Users; member of Episcopal church; has been member of firm of Gardner & Howe, Engineers, Memphis, Tenn., three and one-half years. HUGHES, Allen, attorney at law; born Dancy ville, Tenn., July 25, 1870; Irisn descent; son of Thomas N. and Mary P. (Gillman) Hughes; father’s oc- cupation, merchant; graduated from Vanderbilt University LL. B., June, 1892; married Camille Frierson, March 19, 1896; moved to Arkansas in early life and engaged in practice of law and judi- cial duties until August, 1907, when he returned to Memphis, where he has since practiced law a member of firm of Percy & Hughes; member Elks, Tenn. Club, Chickasaw Club, Business Men’s Club and Memphis Country Club; Dem- ocrat; former Circuit Judge from 2d Ju- dicial District of Arkansas, 1902-1906; member of Methodist church. HUMPHREYS, Hugh, merchant; born in Shelby Co., Feb. 17, 1876; Pro- testant-Irish descent; son of James Henry and Ann Eliza (Ward) Humph- reys; father’s occupation, civil engineer; received common school education; began his business career as an office boy, later became stenographer and bookkeeper; then established the firm of Humphreys, Godwin Co., of which he is now presi- dent; also stockholder in various banks and enterprise; married Flournoy Sel- den, in New York on Jan. 7, 1904; mem- ber Memphis Merchants Exchange and Chickasaw Club; independent in politics. HUNT, William James, dentist; born in Gibson Co., Tenn., Feb. 10, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Robert and Margaret (Matthews) Hunt; father's occupation, farmer; paternal grandpa- rents William H. and Fisher (Dickens) Hunt, maternal grandparents Edward W. and Mary R. (Ralston) Matthews; educated in the public schools of Gibson Co., Tenn.; graduated from Vanderbilt University, Doctor of Dental Surgery, April, 1897 ; began his business career as dentist; married Mary Lou Gregory, Aug. 24, 1898; member Scottish Rite Ma- sons, Shrine, Business Men’s Club, Mem- pms, Tenn.; Democrat; member of First M. F. church, Memphis, Tenn. HUNTER, James F., banker; born Tipton Co., Tenn., Oct. 29, 1856; Eng- lish descent; son of Alfred D. and Cla- rinda (Weaver) Hunter; father, farmer, educated local schools of Tipton Co., Tenn.; studied under Judge Byars in civil engineering school of Covington, Tenn., 1876; in early life was a civil engineer; began banking business in 1903; connected now with Union Planters Bank & Trust Co., Memphis, Tenn.; organized Tenn. Trust Co., in 1903, which was afterward merged with Un- ion and Planters Bank, and became vice-president of Union and Planters Bank & Trust Co.; chairman of local committee for locating West Tenn. Nor- mal School in Shelby Co., Tenn, which is now in course of construction; mar- ried Flora G. Pulliam, of Somerville, Tenn., Dec., 1884; member F. & A. M. (Master of Blue lodge), K. of P., I. O. O. F. Business Men’s Club, Country Club; Democrat; served as Clerk of Criminal Court of Shelby Co., Tenn., 1894 who’s who itst Tennessee 321 1902; member of State Board of Educa- tion, appointed by Gov. Patterson in 1910 for two years; affiliates with M. E. church South. HURT, Aldex B., investments; born Carroll County, Miss., January 19, 1854; son Wilson N. and Elizabeth (Bomar) Hurt; educated common schools and Mississippi College; graduated Missis- sippi College, Clinton, Miss., B. S., June, 1876; married Belle Wall, Richmond, Va., April, 1883; member Masonic Lodge and City Club; member Mississippi Leg- islature 1878; admitted to the bar; Spe- cial Attorney United States Department Df Justice; Assistant Superintendent Free Delivery, Postoffice Department; Doorkeeper in chief United States House of Representatices 50th and 53d Congresses; Secretary of Departments 3f Agriculture, Live Stock and Forestry, World’s Columbian Exposition, and al- ternate commissioner to same from Ten- nessee; real estate investments; Baptist. JAMES, George R., manufacturer, born Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 12, 1866; English descent; son of Henry and Caro- line (Roosa) James; educated in pub- lic schools of Memphis, Tenn.; became secretary and treasurer of the James & Granam Wagon Co., in 1886, and in 1889 became president of same company, and has so continued until present time; he is also president of Memphis Steel Con- struction Co., Crystal lee & Coal Co., and director in U. S. Trust and Sav- ings Bank, Memphis, Tenn.; married Lizzie C. Carpenter, Jan. 12, 1888; mem- ber F. & A. M. (York and Scottish Rite 32d degree, Shriner), Business Men’s Club, Country Club, Tri-State Club, Na- tional Wagon Manufacturers’ Assn. (President) ; member of Memphis City Council, 1902, resigned; member Episco- pal church. JOHNSON, Emvix Lehman, consult- in'); cottonseed specialist, inventor, chem- ist; born Memphis, Tenn., May 14 1862; English-Dutch and German-Scotch-Irish descent; paternal grandparents Cyrus and Anne Alletta (Schenck) Johnson, maternal grandparents G. W. and El- mina (Leonard) Fisher; educated in Tennessee, Ohio, R. I., N. Y. and S. C.; graduated from Brown University, Providence, R. I., B. P., 1884; in early life was manufacturer and refiner of cotton seed; married Lelia Sloan, of Charleston, S. C., April 21, 1893; mem- ber City Club, Country Club and Munic- ipal League; Democrat; served with 1st S. C. and 1st Tenn. regiments of Vol. infantry in Spanish-American-Filipino war. JOHNSON, Harry P., born East- wood, Canada, Feb. 25, 1863; Irish de- scent; son of Colin Campbell and Helen (Clark) Johnson; educated in common and high schools of Canada; after leav- ing school took service with the Molson’s Bank of Montreal, Canada; after serv- ing five years was elected manager of one of the branches of the bank at St. Thomas, Ont. ; moved to Little Rock, Ark., and served as secretary and treas- urer of the Little Rock Oil & Compress Co., for several years; in 1885 married Miriam Bell, of St. Louis, Mo.; in 1892 took service with the Southern Cotton Oil Co,, as district manager in charge of its mills and refineries in Arkansas and Tenn.; remained with the Southern Cot- ton Oil Company until 1905, at which time he resigned to accept the presidency of the Memphis Sand & Gravel Co.; la- ter this company was merged with the Union Sand & Material Co., of St. Louis, Mo., when Mr. Johnson was elected vice- president with headquarters at Mem- phis; the Union Sand & Material Co. has a capital of $6,000,000 and is largely in- terested in the manufacture of Port- land cement, Red Ring and K-C brands, and dealers in sand and gravel and other building materials, with three plants at St. Louis, one at Drake, Mo., one at Hannibal, one at Mozelle, one at Mem- phis and one at Kansas City; Mr. John- son is still vice-president of the Union Sand & Material Co.; he is a member of the Memphis Merchants’ Exchange, Ten- nessee Club, Country Club, City Club, Business Men’s Club, Tri-State Club, Churchmen’s Club and the Builders’ Ex- change; he is vice-president of the Broadway Coal & Ice Co., vice-president Commonwealth Realty Co., vice-presi- dent Forest Hill Cemetery Co., president WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE and treasurer Park Real Estate Co., president and treasurer, H. P. Johnson Investment Co.; member of the Episco- pal church. JOHNSON, Joseph Samuel, U. S. marshall; born near Huntingdon, Tenn., June 1, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Joseph A. and Mary Catherine (Mc- Leod) Johnson; father’s occupation, farmer, teacher, sheriff of Carroll Co., Tenn. (60’s), and U. S. Deputy Collector, etc.; graduated from Southern Normal University, Huntingdon, Tenn. B. S., July, 1899; in early life was a teacher in country schools and County Court Clerk of Carroll Co., Tenn.; married Kitty Mitchell, Nov. 16, 1904; member of Royal Arch Masons, Maccabees and Y. M. C. A.; Republican; appointed U. S. mar- shal West Tenn., 1910; member of Re- publican State Committee, 1906-1910, and Chairman of Co. Committee, 1906- 1908; ' member of Baptist church. JOHNSTON, Charles D., librarian; born St. Louis, Mo., January 13, 187?; son John R. and Ann D. (Miller) John- ston; Scotch-English descent; educated city schools St. Louis; married Elizabeth I. Massot, December 29, 1899; entered library work in St. Louis Mercantile Library, October 4, 1889; held various positions and became Assistant Librarian 1897 ; in 1898 was appointed Librarian of Cossitt Library, Memphis, which posi- tion he still holds; author of occasional articles in newspapers and journals. JONES, Heber, physician; born Phil- lip Co., Ark. Sept. 11 1848; English de- scent; son of John Thompson and Sarah Caroline (McEwen) Jones; paternal grandparents John and Annie (Scott) Jones, maternal grandparents Robert H. and Hettie (Kennedy McEwen; educated at Nottingham Acad- emy, Tenn., University of Va.; graduated from medical department University of Va., M. D., July 1, 1861; entered the practice of medicine in early life; married Valerie Wooten, Dec. 23, 1373; Master Mason, DeSoto Lodge; member Shelby Co. Medical Society, American Assn., Memphis Country Club, Hatchie Coon Hunting and Fishing Club; Democrat; president of State Board ol Medical Examiners ten years, presidenl State Board of Health eight years pres- ident Board of Health City of Memphis. Tenn., eight years; surgeon Tenn. State Guards, with rank of Colonel; in 1898 was presented by the citizens of Mem- phis with a silver service as a free will offering and in 1905 he was given, by the citizens of Memphis a check for $10,00t in appreciation of his services as head ol quarantine against yellow fever; membei of Episcopal church. JONES, Homer K., Public Accountant and Auditor; born Tunica Co., Miss., No- vember 28, 1881; son of Millard Filmore and Martha Ann (Cheshire) Jones; edu- cated State of Missouri public schools' and colleges, West Plains College (ac- counting department) ; married Martha Louise Titus Edmondson, November 28. 1908; member Chickasaw Guards Club, B. M. C., Secretary Memphis Country Club; entered business of public ae J countant and auditor in Memphis, Tenn., year of 1905 under firm name of Homer K. Jones; elected President of Tennessee! Society of Public Accountants and Vice- President of the American Association of Public Accountants in years of 1909 and 1910; inventor Mechanical Date and Interest Calculator; Director of Martin; & Raine, Bankers, Inc. and People’s Savings Bank & Trust Company; mem-! her Southern Methodist Church. JONES, Robert Lewis, real estate dealer; born Grenada, Miss., July 11 1858; Welsh descent; son of Robert L. and Elizabeth (Hairston) Jones; grad-; uated Vanderbilt University, B. P. de- gre 1878; in early life engaged in plant- ing and mercantile business combined in Tallahatchie Co., Miss., 1879-1909, from 1906 to date he has engaged in real es- tate business in Memphis, Tenn., as president of Commonwealth Realty Co. ;]i director in Union & Planters Bank &| Trust Co., of Memphis, also Planters;! Bank of Clarksdale, Miss.; married Ma-j mie Compton; member of Country Club ; Democrat; member of Episcopal church. JONES, Wharton Stewart, Assist- ant Superintendent City Schools, Mem- WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 323 phis; born Nashville, Tenn., September 14, 1849; son Sandy E. and Katherine (Stewart) Jones; Scotch-Irish descent; graduated Transylvania University 1873; married Mattie Boyd 1888; member De- Soto Lodge No. 299, Knights Templar, St. Elmo, No. 15, 32 degree Tennessee Consistory; author of “Elements of Ar- ithmetic,” “Practical Arithmetic;” Presi- dent Memphis Military Institute; Vice- President National Educational Asso- ciation; President Tennessee State Teach- ers’ Association; President West Tennes- see Teachers’ Association; President Ten- nessee Public School Officers’ Associa- tion; member State Board of Education; Chairman of First Sub-Textbook Com- mission; Assistant Superintendent Mem- phis City Schools. KANE, Elizabeth C., physician; born Alleghany, Pa., in the home of her un- cle, Justice George Shiras; daughter oi Margaretta (Kennedy) Kane; descend- ant of the explorer, Dr. Kane; educated at Woman’s Medical College, Baltimore, Md., and University of Nashville, grad- uated from the latter in 1898; was the first woman to be appointed on the Mem- phis City Hospital Staff of Surgeons in 1902; actively interested in “Public health” work; is now chairman Depart- ment of Health., Tenn. Federation Wom- en’s Clubs. KAVANAUGH, L. T., sand mer- chant; born St. Louis, Mo., August 8, 1864; son R. P. and Sarah (Talbot) Kavanaugh; educated Fulton, Mo.; mar- ried Alice D. Markham April 11, 1888; member Elks; Democrat. KENNEDY, Sara Beaumont, author, editor; born Somerville, Tenn.; daugh- ter of Robert and Nora (Devereux) Cannon; father’s occupation, physician; graduated St. Mary’s Protestant Episco- pa. School, Raleigh, N. C.; married Wal- ker Kennedy, Jan. 10, 1888; member Co- lonial Danes, D. A. R„ Nineteenth Cen- tury Club, Memphis, Tenn.; author of sto- ries Ladies' Home Journal, McClure’s Magazine, Harper’s Magazine, Outing Magazine, etc.; also poems published in Southern papers; author; “Jamestown Romance,” “Jocelyn Cheshire” 1901, “The Wooing of Judith,’ 1902, “Told in a Lit- tle Boy’s Pocket,” 1908. KENNEDY, William Marion, manu- facturer ; born in Gibson Co., Tenn., Sept. 10, 1852; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Francis Marion and Elizabeth (Sommers) Kennedy; father’s occupation, manufac- turer of lumber and staves ; received com- mon school education; in early life was in saw mill business; married Lucy E. Sellars, Nov. 26, 1872; member all Ma- sonic bodies except 33d degree. Past Mas- ter of Blue Lodge, Past High Priest of Chapter; Democrat; member of Christian church; for 19 years he was president Kennedy & Morelock Stave Co.; served as president of Cross Co. Bank, Wynne, Ark., and Mechanics Savings Bank & Trust Co., Memphis, Tenn.; at present he is president of Kennedy Heating Co., and Kennedy Mfg. Co. Memphis, Tenn. KETCHUM, Morgan C., lawyer; born Oakland, Tenn., Feb. 2, 1874; son of William and Ella (Cartwright) Ketch- um; father’s occupation, merchant and planter; paternal grandparents Levi and Georgiana (Walker) Ketchum, maternal grandparents Morgan and Sarah W. (Grandy) Cartwright; educated in pri- vate schools at Oakland, Somerville and Franklin, Tenn., Vanderbilt and Cum- berland University; graduated from Vanderbilt University, B. A. degree, in 1895, Cumberland University, LL. B., 1896; all of his business life has been devoted to the practice of law; married Marion P. Kirkland, Nov. 7, 1900; Dem- ocrat; member of Methodist church. KEYES, Joseph W., banker; born in Fulton, Miss., April 11, 1857; son of Capt. William H. and Anna (Turner) Keyes; father was a merchant and served in Confederate army; direct descendant from early Virginia settlers; secured pri- mary education in common schools, but left school at an early age to enter em- ploy of general store in Fulton, Miss., where he kept books and rose to the po- sition of head salesman; in 1878, he went to Louisville, Ky., as traveling salesman for wholesale hardware house of W. B. Belknap & Co., which occupation he fol- 324 WHO’S AVHO IN TENNESSEE lowed for several years ; he entered bank- ing as vice-president of the Bank of Tupelo, Miss., in 1889, which position he held until 1896, when he moved to West Point, Miss., and organized the Bank of West Point and became president and manager. In 1902, sold his interest in Bank of West Point and moved to Mem- phis, Tenn, to accept presidency of the Hessig-Ellis Wholesale Drug Co. with a paid capital of $100,000; in 1904 was elected president of the Home Finance & Trust Co., with paid capital of $100,- 000; in 1905 merged the Home Finance & Trust Co. with the Tennessee Trust Co., making a paid up capital of $700,000, and became the active vice-president; in 1906 merged the Tennessee Trust Co. with the Union & Planters Bank & Trust Co., which gave a combined capital of $1,400,- 000 and was retained as active vice-presi- dent of the combined amalgamation; he is a stockholder and director in many banks in Mississippi and Tennessee and also stockholder in oil mills, cotton mills, wholesale groceries and queensware; mar- ried Miss Susie Clark, February 19, 1889 ; has one child, a daughter (Miss Mollie) ; was elected Junior and Senior Grand Warden and Grand Treasurer of the Ma- sonic Grand Lodge of Masons of Missis- sippi; also Junior and Senior Grand Warden and Grand Captain General of Grand Commandery of Knights Templar College of Physicians and Surgeons, Bal- timore, and Johns Hopkins University; graduated from University of Miss., B. S. 1888, and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore Md., M. D., 1893; began his business career as clerk later taught school; married Hallie Mai Kil- patrick, Nov. 2, 1896; Democrat; presi- dent State Medical Society, 1896, Secy. Section of Practice of Medicine Ameri- can Medical Association 1893; orator on medicine American Medical Assn., 1909, etc.; member of Methodist church. McFADDEN, John E., chief of fire department; born Memnhis, Tenn., Feb. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 333 19, 1861; Irish descent; son of Michael and Ellen (Kenaley) McFadden; father, was chief of Memphis Fire Department; educated in Memphis city public schools, also Christian Brothers’ College; entered Memphis fire department in 1879 as fireman, later became fireman on rail- road six years; became lieutenant of en- gine Co. No. 1898, captain chemical en- gine No. 1 1903, was on railroad 1904- 07, then assistant fire chief, Memphis, Fire uepartment 1907-10, and at pres- ent he is chief of Memphis fire depart- ment; married Katharine Sheehan Sept. 1892; member of Brotherhood of Loco- motive EngineerSj and B. L. F. & E., K. of M., Owls, all of Memphis, Tenn. McFARLAND, Louis Burchette, lawyer; born Haywood County, Tenn., April 7, 1843; son Felix and Martha (Douglas) McFarland; Scotch descent; educated country school Florence, Ala., College, Lebanon Law School; graduated LL.B Lebanon Law School 1867; mar- ried, first, Ellen V. Saunders, 1872; mar- ried second, Floy G. Allen, 1902; member Wapanoca Outing Club, Hatchje Coon Club, Tennessee Club, Memphis Coun- try Club; Judge Supreme Court by spe- cial appointment; several special appoint- ments and commissions; served in C. S. A. four years, 1861-65; Sergeant-Major, then First Lieutenant Company A, 9th Tenn. Infantry, Cheatham’s Bri- gade and division; served as aide to Gen. George Money; one year Money’s brigade; for 20 years General Attor- ney for Tennessee and Missouri Pacific Railway Company; also Cotton Belt Railway and Union Railway, Memphis; Director, Stockholder and Attorney for Central Bank & Trust Company; former President Livermore Foundry & Machine Company. McGEHEE, Malcolm Stewart, law- yer; born Jackson, Miss., November 16, 1871; son of Hal L. McGehee (deceased) and Harriet (Hobson) McGehee; Scotch- English descent; educated institutions of learning in Hines County; married Jes- sie Grandison, November 15, 1905; Direc- tor in Commercial Trust Company of Memphis and other corporations; ad- mitted to bar 1905; formed partnership with H. J. Livingston, president and general manager of the company; in 1893 he came to Memphis; as the junior member of the firm of Taen- zer & Thompson, dealers in lumber; this partnership continued until 1898, when he bought the entire business, and the following year the J. W. Thompson Lum- ber Co. was incorporated, of which he is now president; he is a 32d degree Mason and a member of the Concatenated Or- der of Hoo Hoos. THOMPSON, Lawrence K., bond dealer; born Tuscumbia, Ala., Nov. 14, 1873; son of J. N. and Lucy (Malone) Thompson; educated Bingham School, N. C.; connected with Tuscumbia Banking Co., 1889-1890, with Commercial National Bank, Nashville, Tenn., two years, Amer- ican National Bank, Nashville, 1894- 1905, with Bank of Commerce and Trust Co. as bond dealer since 1906 ; member of Business Men’s Club, Country Club and Chickasaw Club; Roman Catholic. THOMPSON, Louis Pettit, Circuit Court Clerk; born (near) Germantown, Tenn., January 4, 1864; son Dr. J. A. 362 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE and Florida C. (Pettit) Thompson; edu- cated Germantown, Tenn.; member Ma- sonic Lodge, Elks and Business Men’s Club; Justice of the Peace for two terms, and at present Circuit Court Clerk of Shelby County (Second Term). THORNTON, Gtjstavus Brows, physi- cian; born Bowling Green, Va., Feb. 22, 1835; English descent; son of James Bankhead and Marianna T. (Horner) Thornton; fathers occupation, lawyer; paternal grandfather James Bankhead Thornton, of Caroline Co., Va., maternal grandfather Dr. Gustavus Brown Hor- ner of Warrenton, Va.; educated in Memphis, Tenn., and Richmond, Va. ; graduated from University of New York, M. D., 1860; chief surgeon C. S. A. with rank of Major, 1862-1865; married three times, first, Martha Louisa Hullum, of iviemphis Tenn., 1869, second Mrs. Gus- tavus A. Henry, of Alabama, April 14, 1884, third, Mrs. Mary B. Fowler, of Griffin, Ga., Jan. 24, 1906; Democrat; City Hospital physician, 1868-1817 ; presi- dent Memphis Board of Health, 1879- 1889, resigned; reappointed in 1893 and held the office until Feb., 1898; member of Tenn. State Board of Health, 1881- 1889; president Tenn. State Medical Assn., 1881-1882; president Memphis and Shelby County Medical Society, 1909- 1910; founder of present City Hospital during the Clapp administration, and in charge of old hospital from 1868 to 1879 ; first recommended the city park system 1897; for a number of years was a mem- ber of American Public Health Assn., to which he contributed several papers; member of American Medical Assn.; au- thor of various official reports and papers on hygeinic and medical subjects which bear upon and constitute important part of the sanitary history of Memphis; con- tributor of numerous articles to various medical journals; served as physician to yellow fever victims in Memphis, Tenn., throughout the yellow fever scourges of 1867, 1873, 1878 (in charge of City Hos- pital 1878 and 1879); remained at post of duty and was stricken with the plague in 1867, and was also seriously ill from exhaustion and overwork at close of epi- demic, in Oct., 1878; elected president of the Association of Medical Officers of the Army and Navy of the Confederacy at the United Confederate Veterans Re- fnion at Memphis, 1909; delivered an ad dress of historic value before the Asso- ciation of Medical Officers of the army and navy of the Confederacy, April 26, 1910, at Mobile, Ala.; he attested the high personal and professional character of the C. S. Army Surgeons; appointed by Dr. W. H. Welch, Pres. A. M. A., as one of the Confederate representatives from the A. M. Assn, on the committee to erect a National Monument at Washing- ton, D. C., in commmoration of the Con- federate and Federal medical officers of the civil war who were killed in battle; while in public office he was an earnest advocate of Federal government, assum- ing charge of maritime and interstate quarantine against yellow fever; local surgeon I. C. R. R., Southern R. R. and ' Union R. R. ; engaged in private prac- : tice of medicine and surgery, Memphis, Tenn.; member of Cumberland Presby- terian church and Angerona Lodge F. & A. M. TISDALE, Lew, business man; born Covington, Tenn., Feb. 13, 1869; moved to Memphis when he was thirteen years of age and learned the plumber’s trade with the supply house of J. W. X. Browne; after serving his apprentice- ship he remained with Mr. Browne for several years, but in 1892 went into busi- ness as j unior member of the firm of , Couillins & Tisdale; two years later he J formed a partnership with E. L. Rawl- ings under firm name of Rawlings & Tisdale, which continued until 1899, when he purchased his partner’s interest and founded the house of Lew Tisdale & Co., and at present he is general manager of same; member of Business Men’s Club, Menasha Hunting Club, I. O. O. F. and B . P . O . E . ; he is also a 32 degree Mason, a Knight Templar, a Noble of Mystic Shrine, and a member of the Bap- tist church. TOBIN, Joseph Semmes, lawyer; born Memphis, Tenn., December 14, 1878; son Thomas F. and Julia (Semmes) Tobin; paternal grandparents Edward Sarsfiexd and Bridget (Fogerty) Tobin, maternal grandparents B. J. and Isantha (Jor- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 363 dan) Semmes; Irish-D utch descent; edu- cated Christian Brothers, Memphis, and Johns-Hopkins, Baltimore, Md., A. B. and M. A.; member Memphis Country Club, Chickasaw Club, and Knights ol Columbus; member Catholic Church. TOWNER, H. N., merchant; born Baltimore, Md., April 3, 1851; English descent; son of D. F. and A. C. (Morris) Towner; educated Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn., graduated June, 1867 ; in early life he was connected with mill supply and rubber store; married May 16, 1882; member of Unity Lodge K. of H., Memphis Lodge K. of P., B. P. O. E. Lodge No. 27; Democrat; was travel- ing salesman until 1879, when he estab- lished house of Towner & Co., Rubber Goods and Mill Supplies (now Towner & Co., Inc.) ; was charter member and one of the organizers of the Business Men’s Club, Memphis, Tenn. TOWNER, J usTiir D., dentist; born Lynnville, Tenn., May 12, 1877; son Jus- tin D. and Samantha (Bugg) Towner; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Webb’s School, Bell Buckle; Wall and Mooney, Franklin, Tenn., and Vanderbilt Univer- sity; graduate Vanderbilt University, D.D.S., April, 1898; married Mary Es- telle Wall October 27, 1898; member Memphis Dental Society, Tennessee State Dental Association; Southern Branch of National Dental Association and Nation- al Dental Association; President Tennes- see State Dental Association; member Oral Hygiene Committee of Southern Branch National Dental Association; Dean of College of Dental Surgery, Uni- versity of Memphis; member Second Presbyterian Church. TOWNER, Richard Paul, merchant; born Memphis, Tenn., December 11, 1872; son H. N. and Ida B. (Dare) Towner; Scoteh-English descent; educated Mem- phis Public Schools, Christian Brothers’ College; married Edna Helbig June 17, 1906; memoer Masons, 32 degree; Knights Templar, Shriners, Elks, Royal Arca- num and Hoo Hoos; junior partner in firm Towner & Co., Memphis, Wholesale Jtubber Goods and Supplies, established 1879; has been with said firm during whole business career; Secretary and Treasurer of the corporation of Towner & Co.; Democrat. TREZEVANT, Marye Beattie, law- yer; born Memphis, Tenn., August 28, 1846; French descent; son of John Tim- othy and Eleanor Louisa (Beattie) Tre- zevant; father’s occupation, lawyer; pa- ternal grandfather Dr. John T. Treze- vant, maternal grandfather Thomas B. Beattie; educated in Memphis, Tenn.; married Susan K. Simmons, Feb. 14, 1805; Democrat; member of Co. “A,” 4th Tenn .regiment, in civil war; member of Episcopal church; engaged in the prac- tice of law at Memphis, Tenn. TRIGG, William Wikston, cotton sel- ler; born Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1868; English descent; son of William Winston and Narcissa (Sexton) Trigg; father’s occupation, planter; paternal grandpa- rents John and Elizabeth (Bailey) Trigg, maternal grandparents William and Mary (Watson) Sexton; educated at Memphis, Tenn. ; entered ihe cotton business in early life; married Marie L. Coulon, April 6, 1910; member Chickasaw and Memphis (Tenn.) Country Clubs; private state troops (Chickasaw Guards); mem- ber of Baptist church; stockholder Irwin- Leatherman Cotton Co., formerly con- nected with various cotton buying inter- ests. TRIMBLE, C. Howard, lawyer; born Princeton, 111., Nov. 13, 1859; son of Uriah James and Jane (Cook) Trimble; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Matthew and Lydia (Thatcher) Trimble, maternal grandpa- rents Caleb and Lucy (Clapp) Cook; graduated from Princeton (111.) High school, receiving classic diploma, in 1879; in early life ihe was law reporter; mar- ried Lida Elizabeth Cobble, Sept. 28, 1886; Republican; was Republican candi- date for Judge ol the Supreme Court of Tenn. in 1902; delegate to National Re- publican convention in 1904; candidate for U. S. District Judge Western Dis- trict of Tenn. in 1906; attorney for vari- ous railroads in Memphis for 23 years. 3G4 who’s WIIO IN TENNESSEE TRIMBLE, Frank, real estate; born Hazel Green, Ky., in 1840; educated in the schools of Kentucky; in October, 1862, he went to Illinois, wihere he re- mained two years, then came to Mem- pnis; began his career as a merchant, and in 1884 he sold out mercantile busi- ness and engaged in real estate under firm name of Frank Trimble & Co., farm lands, etc.; he is a Royal Arch Mason, Knights of Pythias and member of the Episcopal church. TRUE, H. O., business man; born Port Huron, Mich., June 17, 1875; received common school education; he came South in 1889, and from 1873 to 1876 was in tne regular army; upon being discharged from the military service he took a posi- tion as traveling salesman for a New York paint house, and from that time until 1896 he traveled over Southern ter- ritory for different paint firms of New York and Detroit; in 1896 he went to Memphis and organized the firm of True- Tagg Paint Co., of which he is now president, having held the position since the company was incorporated; he is a member of the Chickasaw Club, Knights of Pythias and Knights Templar Masons. TURLEY, Eli Rayner, lawyer; born in Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 13, 1871; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Tomas Bat- tle and Irene (Rayner) Turley; father’s occupation, lawyer; paternal grandpa- rents Thomas Jefferson and Flora (Bat- tle) Turley, maternal grandparents Eli and Mary (Jones) Rayner; graduated from University of Va. in 1893; entered the practice of law in early life; mar- ried Anne McCorry, March 22, 1900; member of Country Club and Business Men’s Club; Democrat; member of Bap- tist church. TURLEY, Thomas Jefferson, real estate; born Memphis, Tenn., November 27, 1874; son Thomas B. and Irene (Ray- ner) Turley; English descent; educated Pantop’s /Academy, Virginia; University of Virginia; married Shallye Johnston; member Tennessee Club, Business Men’s Club; member DeSoto Investment Com- pany, Turley & Frazer, and VicePresi- dent Chickasaw Bank. TURNER, John W., commercial agent N. C. & St. L. Railway, office at 604-609 Tennessee Trust Building, Mem- phis, Tenn. TUTWILER, Thomas Henry, civil engineer; president Memphis Street Rail- way Co.; born Palmyra, Fluvanna Co., Va., Sept. 22, 1866; son of Thomas H. and Caroline (Sloan) Tutwiler; Scotch- Irish-German descent; paternal grand- father Martin Tutwiler, paternal grand- mother Martha (Shores) Tutwiler, ma- ternal grandfather Alex Sloan, maternal grandmother Eleanor (Cook) Sloan; edu- cated common schools of Palmyra; studied civil engineering under private instructor; began business career with engineering corps of various railroad companies; married Mary E. Goodloe Dec. 19, 1894; member of American So- ciety of Civil Engineers, Engineering Assn, of South, La., Engineering Society, Tenn. Club and Country Club, Memphis; in 1889 was in the employ of Ga. Pac. R. R. (now Southern); in charge of con- struction Sun Flower River bridge in Miss.; in 1890 and 1892 was with the L. & N. & Texas, in charge of R. R. con- struction in Miss., constructed Minter City branch of Yazoo and Miss. Valley, on which town of Tutwiler is now situ- ated; from 1892 to 1901 was engineer New Orleans City R. R. system, 1901 to 1902 engineer Birmingham St. R. R. sys- tem through connection with Ford, Ba- con & Davis, through same connection was engineer at Kansas City, converting cable system of that city into electric road in 1902; in 1903-04, through same connection, was in charge of rehabilita- tion of Nashville Street Railway sys- tem; in 1905 was elected general mana- ger and vice-president of Memphis St. Ry. Co.; in 1906 was elected president and general manager of same; member Presbyterian church. VANCE, Re H., merchant; born Bownng Green, Ky., April 12, 1840, Scotch descent; son of Judge John W and Mary Josephine (Prewer) Vance; educated country schools of DeSoto Co,, Miss.; enlisted as sergeant in C. S. A. s April, 1862, at Hernando, Miss., in Co. “I,” 29th Miss. Infantry, under Capt. J. B. Morgan, Walthal’s Brigade, and who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 365 served three years attained rank of 1st Lieut. Co. “A,” 24th regiment, infantry, Miss, volunteers, when it was organized in 1864; he was in the battles of Chicka- mauga, Franklin and Nashville, Tenn., and in all engagements from Dalton, Ga., to Atlanta, surrendered May 1, 1865, at Greensboro N. C.; began his business ca< reer as a clerk in dry goods store; he is now director in State National Bank, president of the Johnston & Vance Co., Memphis, director in Matthews Land Co. and Association of Charities of Mem- phis, Tenn.; married Mary Carroll, Feb. 5, 1817 ; member Business Men’s Club, Country Club; Democrat. VAN VLEET, Peter P., wholesale druggist; born Tecumseh, Midi., Nov. 17, 1849; Dutch-English descent; son of Ralph S. and Henrietta (Lockwood) A an Vleet; paternal grandparents Peter P. and Martha (Swartout) Van Vleet, maternal grandfather Cornelius Lock- wood; educated Kalamazoo (Mich.) Col- lege; in early life he was in the retail drug business at Kalamazoo, Mich., three years; moved to Memphis, Tenn., in 1871, and was drug clerk fourteen years; es- tablished firm of Van Vleet Drug Co., 1885, firm changed to Van Vleet-Mans- fiekl Drug Co. in 1900, and he is presi- dent of same; director in Bank of Com- merce & Trust Co., Memphis, Tenn.; married Ramelle McKay, April 24, 1884; member of Business Men’s Club, Tennes- see Club, Chickasaw Club, Waponocca Club, Merchants Exchange, Credit Men’s Assn., and Bear River Duck Club. VINTON, Thomas Oliver, banker; born Marietta, Ohio, May 9, 1865; son Thomas Adams and Harriet (Toothaker) Vinton; English and French descent; educated Marietta and Cincinnati, Ohio; married Mary C. Wood October 18, 1888; member Masons, Business Men’s Club, Chickasaw Club, Country Club; was Reg- istration Commissioner under Gov. Mc- Millan and later under Gov. Patterson; real estate and other corporate connec- tions; member Unitarian Church. VOEGELI, Edward II., real estate and loans ; born Cincinnati, Ohio ; son John W. and Elizabeth (Schue) Voegeli; German-French descent; educated in Memphis and St. Louis; member Tennes- see Club, Chickasaw Club and Country Clubs; Memphis Cotton Exchange; au- thor “A Memphian’s Trip Around the World;” started on trip in 1897, visited Hawaii, Japan, China, Straits Settlements, Ceylon, India, Egypt, Palestine and Syria, Turkey, Islands of Rhodes and Corfu, Greece, Italy, Aus- tria, Hungary, Tyrol, Switzerland, Ger- many, France, Belgium, Holland and England; returned to America in 1899; published in serial form in Commercial Appeal for 18 months, “A Memphian’s Trip Around the World”; entered the brokerage and investment business, and at present he is engaged in the real es- tate and loans. WALSH, Anthony, banker; born in in Cook Co., 111., April 29, 1856; edu- cated in the public schools of Memphis, Tenn. ; began his business career as clerk in a grocery store in 1869; in 1877 he formed a partnership with his brother, which firm is now known as J. T. Walsh & Bro.; he is also president of the North Memphis Savings Bank; in 1893 he was elected councilman of the city of Mem- phis; member of Catholic church. WALSH, John T., merchant; born Cook County, 111., December 7, 1854; Irish descent; married Elizabeth Bannon July 22, 1879; Democrat; elected mem- ber Board Public Works, Memphis, 1893; elected Police and Fire Commissioner 1904, Vice-Mayor Memphis 1906. WARD, Francis Watson druggist; born Huntsville, Ala., Jan. 6, 1860; Sctoch-Welsh descent; son of John James and Ellen Tyler (Young) Ward; fath- er’s occupation, lawyer, captain in C. S. army; paternal grandparents Francis Watson and Mary (McKee) Ward, ma- ternal grandparents Dr. William Tyler and Ellen Gordon (Stewart) Young; ed- ucated at Huntsville, Ala. ; entered the drug business in early life; married twice, first, Hattie Belle 'Neelly, April 23, 1883, second, Jennie Dill Challen, Sept. 6, 1891; Democrat; vestryman Grace Episcopal church, Memphis, Tenn. ; presi- dent Tennessee State Board of Pharma- 60 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE cists; former vice-president, now presi- dent of the Southern Boards of Phar- macy. WARING, Roaxe, lawyer; born in Shelby Go., Tenn., July 20, 1881; Eng- lish-Scotch descent; son of Thomas Roane and Elizabeth Bell (Ashe) Waring; fath- er’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandparents Robert P. and (Henry) Waring, maternal grandparents Sheppard M. and Martha (Rogers) Ashe; educated at Christian Bros. College, Memphis, Tenn., University of Ya. ; grad- uated from former M. A.; from latter with B. L. degree in 1902; married Grace T. Ford, Oct. 17, 1906; member Business Men’s Club, Chickasaw Guards Club, Memphis, Tenn.; Democrat; enlisted Co. “E,” 2d Tenn. regiment, in 1902, later consolidated with 1st Tenn. regiment; at- tained rank of Lieut-Col. of 1st Tenn. in 1908; member of Roman Catholic church. WARINNER, Hiram Campbell, lawyer; born Rhea Co., Mo.; graduated Bethany College, West Virginia, in 1860 with second honors, delivering the saluta- tory in Latin; March 27, 1861, enlisted as private in Capt. B. A. Rives’ company, which shortly after became Co. “A,” of Col. B. A. Rives’ regiment of cavalry, Missouri State Guards; the following Oc- tober he was transferred to the Clark battery, known as the “Boy Battery,” and was made sergeant of one of the guns; in December of the same year he re-enlisted for the war in t.ie Confederate service and served until May, 1865; after the death of Capt. Clark on the battlefield of Elk Horn Tavern the name of the battery was changed to the King bat- tery; he took part in the battles of Car- thage, Wilson’s Creek, Dry Wood, Fort Scott, Lexington and Elkhorn Tavern or Pea Ridge; he was also in the battles of Iuka, Corinth and other points; in 1863 the battery was attached to a division of Brig.-Gen. W. H. Jackson of Van Dorn« cavalry corps of Bragg’s army; he en- gaged in numerous battles and outpost engagements about Columbia, Springhill and Franklin, Tenn.; later as lieutenant in command in a section of his battery he participated in Gen Johnson’s Mis- sissippi campaign ; he later with his bat- tery, accompanied Col. Polk’s corps to Ga., and participated in the various bat- tles of the Georgia campaign, was later with the army of Tenn., under command of Hood, in the latter’s march into Tenn.; in 1865 the battery was ordered to report at Verona, Miss., to Gen. Forrest, from that time until the surrender he served under Gen. Forrest’s command and was paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, 1865; he located in Memphis in Dec., 1865, and was admitted to the bar in 1866, and began the practice as junior member of the firm of Chalmers, Lee & Warinner; his paternal ancestors came from England in 1630, one branch lo- cated in Buckingham Co, Va., from which he descends, his paternal grand- lather moved from Va. to Ky. in 1800, but removed from that state to Missouri in 1839. WARREN, James Sloss, industrial commissioner; born Tuscumbia, Ala., March 12, I860; on of Mervyn J. and Mary Louise (Sloss) Warren; father’s occupation, owner steamboat lines, plant- er and merchant; paternal grandfather John Grant Warren, paternal grandmoth- er was a Miss Dufee prior to her mar- riage; maternal grandparents James Long and Lettitia Van Dyke (Campbell) Sloss; educated Tuscumbia, Ala., in early life did office work; member De- Soto Lodge No. 299, F. & A. M., Memphis Country Club, Chickasaw Guards Club and Business Men’s Club; independent in politics; former member Ala. State Na- tional Guards, known as Capt. “O’Neal’s Guards,” Tuscumbia, Ala.; member of Presbyterian church. WASHINGTON, Clarexce J„ dent- ist; born Indian Bay, Ark., Sept. 30, 1866; English descent; son of James S. and Ella V. (Jackson) Washington; father’s occupation, physician; paternal grandpa- rents John and Emma (Jones) Washing- ton, maternal grandparents Henry and Araminta (Malone) Jackson; educated in Knoxville and Nashville, Tenn.; gradu- ated from University of Tenn., B. S., 1885, Vanderbilt University, D. D. S., 1892; began his business career as civil en- gineer; married Kate E. Shipman in 1895; Democrat; has held official posi- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 367 tions in local and State Dental Associa- tions of Tenn. and honorary member Miss. State Assn. ; now professor of pathology and therapeutics in University of Memphis. WATKINS, Edwin Dial, physician; born Meridian, Miss., Aug. 10, 1881 ; Welsh and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Edmund and Idielette (Dial) Watkins; father’s occupation, attorney at law; graduated from University of Va., B. S., 1902, Columbia University, M. D., 1906, and Presbyterian Hospital New York city; in early life was professor of chem- istry; member of Chickasaw Club and Business Men’s Club; Democrat. WEATHERFORD, Joseph Heiskell, city engineer; born Memphis, Tenn., April 11, 1874; English descent; son of Caesar and Eliza (Heiskell) Weather- ford; father’s occupation, attorney at law; paternal grandparents William and Frances Goode (Hooper) Weatherford, maternal grandparents Joseph B. ana Sarah Ann (McKinney) Heiskell; edu- cated in city schools and Vanderbilt Uni- versity, graduated from latter B. E. de- gree, June, 1895; in early life was city engineer and contractor; married Rosa- delle Martin, Oct. 24, 1896; Democrat. WEATHERS, Lundie Monroe, archi- tect; born Talladega Co., Ala., April 25, 1861; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Allen J. and Nancy (Kirkland) Weathers; father, manufacturer and planter; edu- cated at Talladega, Ala. ; in early life was connected with Woodstock Iron Co.; married twice, first, Miss Caver, of Au- tauga Co., Ala., Dec. 10, 1883, second, Kate Pickett, Aug. 21, 1899 ; member De- Soto Lodge F. & A. M.; member of Methodist Episcopal Church, South. WEBB, George Tillman, cotton fac- tor and banker; born Middleton, Tenn., April 6, I860; English descent; son of John C. and Edna C. (Box) Webb; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; paternal grand- parents James and Elizabeth Webb, ma- ternal grandparents Robert- and Edna Box; educated at Rockhill, near Middle- ton, Tenn. ; reared on farm until 21 years of age, attended school and later clerked in store, then taught school two years; traveled in medicine business six years in Miss., Tenn., and Ky. ; with small savings from traveling experience he entered the mercantile business at Rodgers Springs, Hardeman Co., Tenn., in 1889, after two years he moved to Whiteville, Tenn., con- tinuing in the mercantile business eight years; in 1900 he sold out mercantile in- terest and organized and operated the Wmteville (Tenn.) Savings Bank; in June, 1905, he resigned his position as cashier of said bank and moved to Mem- phis, Tenn., to accept a position as cash- ier oc the Bankers Trust Co.; after be- ing actively engaged in that institution ten months he resigned and entered the cotton factory and commission business under the firm name of George T. Webb & Co. in 1906; he organized the Banks of Mason, Middleton and Moscow, and at the present time is president of the Whiteville Savings Bank & Trust Co. and Bank of Middleton, and vice-president of the Bank of Moscow, Tenn.; married twice, first, Flora M. Babcock, Oct. 16, 1889, second, Jennie Lou Rhea, May 15, 1901; member of Baptist church. WEBBER, E. F., cotton factor; born in Shelby Co., Tenn., in 1856; educated in the public schools of Memphis, Tenn., leaving high schools at age of seventeen years he entered the employ of a local cotton firm ; he continued with firms along that line of business until 1900, when he went into business for himself; he is a member of Knights of Pythias, I O. O. F., and M. W. of A.; manager Mc- Craw, Perkins & Webber Co., Memphis, Tenn. WELLS, Holly Wilberforce, clergy- man; Rector St. Luke’s Church (Episo- pal) ; born Ossining, N. Y., September 11, 1877; son the Rev. Wilberforce and Alice Josephine (Platt) Wells; English descent; graduated from the General Theological Seminary, New York City, May, 1898; ordained Deacon Albany, N. Y., by Bishop Doane September 29, 1898; married Katharine Broillette October 31, 1905; he was minister in charge Grace Memorial Church, Chattanooga, and St. Mary’s Mission, Cnattanooga, October, 1900; Assistant Minister Christ Church, 368 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Nashville; ordained Priest by Bishop Gailor September 15, 1901 ; Rector St. Luke’s Church, Jackson, 1903; Rector St. Luke’s Church, Memphis, 1906; Editor “The Diocese of Tennessee;” member standing committee Diocese of Tenn. WILLIAMS, Hugh S., Presbyterian minister; born Wales, Great Britain, in 1847; Welsh descent; son of John and Jane (Evans) Williams; father’s occupa- tion, business man; educated in Wales; graduated under private tutors, LL. D. and D. D.; entered the ministry in early nfe; left Great Britain and settled in U. S. in 1876; served as pastor St. Louis (Mo.) N. Presbyterian church, 1880-1886, in Chicago, 1886-1895, 1st Presbyterian church of Englewood, Chicago, and 1st church of same city; moved to Memphis in 1895 and has served as pastor of Court Ave. Presbyterian church 15 years; mar- ried Ellen Jow, Aug. 9, 1870; member of A. F. & A. M„ all of the bodies to 32d degree; member Business Men’s Club, Elks and I. O. O. F.; Democrat. WILLIAMS, James F., farmer and merchant; born Raleigh, Shelby County, Tenn., May 27, 1858; son V. W. and Repey C. (Shivers) Williams; English- Irish descent; educated Raleigh and Bartlett, Tenn.; married Daisy D. Har- rold November 24, 1889; member Masons, K. of P., W. O. W. and Business Men’s Club; Chairman of County Court, Shelby County, Tenn., and Justice of Peace, Sec- ond District; member Baptist Church; was elected member of County Court in 1900 from the Second District at Milling- ton, Tenn., and has served since, and was elected Chairman January 1, 1910. WILLIAMS, James Mathew, commis- sion merchant, grain, hay, flour, etc.; born near Brunswick, Tenn., Sept. 1, 1841; Welsh-Scotch and English descent; son of Henry and Mary (Black) Will- iams; father’s occupation, farmer and magistrate Shelby Co., Tenn., 12 years; paternal grandparents James and Susan (Peebles) William, maternal grandpa- rents Mathew and Elizabeth (Strong) Black; educated m Shelby Co., Tenn., and spent two years at Shelby Military Insti- tute, Germantown, Tenn.; in early life as- sisted his father on farm in Shelby Co., Tenn.; at age of 14 lost part of his right hand by accident and was exempt from military service, but enlisted in C. S. A. and remained until close of war; cap- j| tured once by 7th Kansas (Jayhawkers) Cavalry; escaped from prison in 1863; g attained rank of orderly sergeant, 13th Jj Tenn. Infantry, and lieutenant in cav- alry; married Sallie R. Wooten, Feb. 8, 1872; member of Masonic fraternities, DeSoto Lodge, Memphis Chapter, Mem- pnis Commandery, Business Men’s Club, Memphis Merchants Exchange, Confed- erate Historical Association, Company “A,” U. C. V., and colonel on staff of Gen. G. W. Gordon; Democrat; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church. WILLIAM'S, John Sneed, cotton broker; born Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 25, 1869 ; English descent; son of J. J. and Arra R. (Watkins) Williams; educated ji in Memphis, Tenn.; began his career as an employe of a railroad; married Edith j Reid, April 3, 1895; member DeSoto Lodge, Chickasaw Club, Country Club and Business Men’s Club; President of Memphis Cotton Exchange, and President of Exchange Building Co.; member of Presbyterian church. WILLIAMS, Joseph J., born Somer- ville, Tenn., Sept. 1852; received his ed- ucation in the schools of Memphis Tenn.; began his career as clerk in drug store at ae-e of eighteen years, and remained there for several years, becoming interested in the business as a partner; in 1874 he be- came a cotton buyer; in 1880 he entered the office of the county trustee as casn- ier, and was employed there until 1888, waen he was elected trustee for two years ; re-elected three times, but re- signd in 1898, having been elected mayor in 1902 he was re-elected mayor for four years more; Democrat; he has served as chairman of the Shelby county commit- tee and has been delegate many times to state and congressional conventions; he is a Knight Templar, Noble of the Mys- tic Shrine, Odd Fellow, Knight of Py- thias and an Elk; member of Presby- terian church. AVHO’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 369 WILLIAMS, Mabel C., educator; born Arlington, Tenn.; English and Scotch-Irish descent; daughter of Crit- tenden and Minnie (Thomas) Williams; father’s occupation, contractor; paternal grandparents Hartwell and Margaret (Wesson) Williams, maternal grand- parents Newton and Mary (Allen) Thomas; educated in the public schools of Shelby Co., Tenn.; graduated from Arlington (Tenn.) High School; was principal of Arlington (Tenn.) High School, 1903-1904, Germantown (Tenn.) High School, 1905-1909; elected super- intendent of public instruction for Shel- by Co., Tenn., Jan. 1, 1909, re-elected in 1911; it was through her influence that the tax rate for school purposes in Shelby Co., Tenn., was raised from 28 to 31 cents in July, 1910; also, during her administration a bond issue of $300,000.00 was secured to build and equip schools in Shelby Co., Tenn. ; member of Nineteenth Century Club, Memphis, Tenn; member of Methodist Church, South. WILLIAMS, Pleasant Phillips, merchant; born Tuskegee, Ala., April 23, 1853; son Samuel M. and Emily (Phil- ips) Williams; Scotch descent; educated Alabama and Mississippi; married Adele Henry January 3, 1883; member Second Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo. WILLINGHAM, John T., president and general manager Memphis Coffin Co.; born in Barnwell District, S. C„ Aug. 30, 1861; when he was about four years ola his parents moved to Columbus, Ga,, where he was reared and educated; he began his business career when he was eighteen years of age, when he became as- sociated with his father in operating a sash and door factory in Columbus, Ga. ; later the business was removed to Chat- tanooga, Tenn.; in 1895 he moved to Memphis and started the Memphis Cof- fin Company, of which he was elected president; member of Chickasaw Club, Knights of Pythias, and B. P. O. E., and member of Central Baptist church, Memphis, Tenn. WILLS, Wirt James, chairman water commission; born Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1863; English-Frencn descent; son of Peter Branch and Anne Bott (Archer) Wills; father’s occupation, merchant; pa- ternal grandparents William and Ridley (Branch) Wills, maternal grandparents Alexander and Mary ( Hatcher) Archer ; educated in the city schools of Memphis, Tenn.; in early life was a traveling sales- man; married Oct. 8, 1889; member of Business Men’s Club, Royal Arcanum, Loyal Assn. National Union and Wood- men of the World; Democrat; elected chairman of water commission of Mem- phis, Tenn., in 1906; invented the “Wills System” of pumping water from wells direct into water mains in 1910; charter member of Wills Stationery Co. and Wills & Crumpton Co.; at present all time and attention given water depart- ment of Memphis, Tenn.; member of Methodist church. WINCHESTER, James Ridout, D. D.; born Annapolis, Md., March 15, 1852; de- scendant from the colonial governors of Maryland on maternal side; 9th son of Jacob and Mary (Ridout) Winchester; educated in Virginia Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Va.; graduated from Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Va., with B. A. and B. Ph. degrees, 1874, and D. D. conferred by University of the South; and “The Alex- andria Theological Seminary” in 1877 ; married Eliza Atkinson Lee, daugh- ter of Judge Richard Henry and Evelyn (Byrd) Lee, of Clark Co., Va., in 1878; member Masons, Scottish Rite 32d degree. Past Master Lodge Perfection, Macon, Ga., Past Preceptor Memphis Consistory, Past Grand Prelate Knights Templar, Ga., member of A1 Chymia (Memphis) Shrine; Past Grand Master I. O. O. F., member of K. of P., Delta Kappa Epsi- lon; Democrat; was appointed chaplain of 1st Tenn. regiment in Spanish-Ameri- can war by Gov. Robert L. Taylor, re- signed; ordained deacon by Bishop Whit- tle in Va. in 1877, and advanced to the ri.-iesthood by Bishop Whittle in 1878; he served as assistant in St. James’ church, Richmond, Va., from July, 1877, to Sept., 1878, under Rev. Joshua Peterkin, D. D.; in November, 1878, entered upon the rec- torship of the Church of the Holy Cross, Uniontown, Ala.; in April, 1880, became rector of St. John’s church, Wytheville, 370 WHO ! S WHO IN TENNESSEE Va.; in 1882 Christ church, Macon, Ga.; in 1890 Christ church, Nashville, Tenn.; in 1898 the Ascension, St. Louis, Mo.; in 1906 became rector of Calvary Episcopal church, Memphis, Tenn. ; since 1886 he has been a regular delegate to the general conventions of the Episcopal church, and is president of the standing committee of the diocese of Tennessee; examining chaplain of the diocese; he was recently selected as one of the alumni of Washing- ton and Lee University as foundation member of the classical fraternity known as the Phi Beta Kappa; he is interested in sociological questions; member of So- ciety of Charities and Correction; has contributed to magazines and journals; Bishop of Diocese of Arkansas. WINKELMAN, Henry T„ manufac- turer “Staff of Life Bread;” born Mem- phis, Tenn., October 25, 1870; son Henry and Marie (Schlatter) Winkelman; Ger- man descent; educated Memphis Public Schools; married Arra Belle Cowgill Oc- tober 16, 1906; was elected on the Reform ticket November, 1905, member of the Board of Public Works; served four years with Mayor Malone’s administra- tion; Democrat. WITZMANN, Emil, piano dealer; born Kranichfeld, Germany, Aug. 7, 1841; German descent; son of Freder- ick and Marie (Henkel) Witzmann; ed- ucated Realschule of Saalfeld, Germany; in early life taught languages and music in England and France, also served three years’ apprenticeship in mercantile busi- ness at Erfurt, Prussia, Germany; came to United States in 1866 and taught mu- sic and languages in Memphis, Tenn., about 1875, then engaged in piano busi- ness May, 1872, as Seyfert & Witzmann; in 1873 firm became E. Witzmann & Co.; married Susan Lang Wade, Dec. 30, 1885; member Knights of Honor (Foun- tain Lodge), Business Men’s Club, and National Piano Dealer’s Assn.; member of Presbyterian church. WOLF, Frances, lawyer; born Mem- phis, Tenn.; educated Memphis Public Schools, University of Tennessee, Law Department; took examination in St. Louis and admitted to bar 1906; admit- ted to practice in Tennessee 1907 ; aided jj in having the law passed in Tennessee admitting women to bar. WOOD, William Henry, life insur- ance agent; born Glastonbury, Conn.,, May 27, 1869; Irish-French descent; son of Moses D. and Julia (Cain) Wood;j fathers’ occupation, silversmith; educated in the public schools of Gastonbury, Conn.; in early life he entered the life in- surance business; married Frances Weatherford, Sept. 19, 1894; member of Tenn. Club, Business Men’s Club and is 32d degree Mason ; Democrat ; member ot Methodist church; vice-president United States Trust & Savings Bank, Memphis, Tenn., supervisor of agents Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisana and West Tennes- see, for New York Life Insurance Co., WOODSON, R. P., manager grocery department J. T. Fargason Co. (Inc); born Red Bank, Miss., in 1853; his pa- rents moved to Germantown, Tenn., when he was an infant, and he received his pri- mary education at that place, finishing at Cold Water, Miss.; he moved to Tate Co., Miss., in 1869, and lived there three years; in 1872 he went to Memphis and for thirteen years was connected with the firm of Furstenheim & Wellford, wholesale grocers; he then became part- ner in the firm of M. C. Pearse & Co., wholesale grocers, with which he contin- ued for a number of years, selling his interest in 1891 to become assistant manager of Memphis Grocery Co.; in 1894 he accepted his present position with J. T. Fargason Co.; he is a Master Mason; member and elder of Presby- terian church. WOOLLEN, Alexander Rogers, man- ufacturer and cotton merchant; born Mc- Lemoresville, Tenn., April 26, 1861; Eng- lish descent; son of A. T. M. and Mary Jane (Rogers) Woollen; father’s occupa- tion, merchant and planter; paternal jj grandparents David and Elizabeth Wool- j len) Woollen, maternal grandparents Alexander and Miriam (Crandall) Rog- jj ers; educated at McLemoresville, Tenn., and West Union, la., and Nashville, Tenn.; in early life was an accountant; married Frances Hicks, Feb. 22, 1888; WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 371 bnember Business Men’s Club, Chickasaw Guards Club and W. O. W.; Demo- crat; engaged in mercantile business in Huntingdon, Term., in 1878, attended business college, Nashville, Tenn., in 1882, and same year accepted a position as accountant in wholesale grocery com- pany; in 1886 removed to Dversburg, Tenn., as accountant in general mer- chandise company, in 1889 was elected assistant cashier of the Citizens’ Bank, Dyersburg, Tenn., remained there 10 rears and moved to Memphis to become secretary and treasurer of Phoenix Cot- con Oil Co., which position he now holds; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church. WRIGHT, E. Eldridge, lawyer; born Mobile, Ala., July 25, 1871; Scotch de- scent; son of Luke E. and Kate Middle- ton (Semmes) Wright; father, lawyer, liplomatist, ex-governor general of the Philippines, former ambassador to Japan and former secretary of war; paternal grandparents Archibald and Mary E. (Eldridge) Wright; received primary ed- ucation in Memphis, Tenn., preparatory course at Bingham School, N. C. academic course University of Va.; grad- uated from University of Va. with de- gree of B. L. in 1892; entered the prac- tice of law as junior member of the firm of Turley & Wright, later was junior member of the firm of Wright & Wright, and upon the departure of his father for the Philippines the firm became Wright, Peters & Wright; the firm is now Wright & Wright; volunteered for the Spanish- American war arid became 2d major of the 4th Tenn. U. S. V., at the conclusion of nostilities returned to Mem- phis anu resumed the practice of his pro- fession; he is officer and director in vari- ous commercial enterprises, and direc- tor in The Commercial Appeal Publish- ing Co.; he is a member of Masons, A. K. E. fraternity; Democrat. WRIGHT, Luke E., lawyer; born Giles Co., Tenn., Aug. 29, 1846; Scotch descent; son of Archibald and Mary E. (Eldridge) Wright; paternal grandpa- rents John and Nancy (McIntyre) Wright, maternal grandfather Elisha Eldridge, maternal grandmother was a Miss Dillon prior to her marriage; edu- cated University of Miss.; received B. L. (honorary) degree from University oi Miss., and Hamilton College, New York; married Kate Middleton Semmes, Dec. 15, 1868; member Tennessee Club, Chick- asaw Club, Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C., and Tenn, State Bar Assn.; Democrat; enlisted as private C. S. A. in 1861, Co. “A,” 54th regiment Tenn. Infantry, transferred to Art. Battery (Wright’s Art. Battery) and became 2d Lieut, in same to 1865; district attorney of Shelby Co., Tenn., 1876-1878, member of Philippine Com mission 1900, vice-governor of Philip- pine Islands, 1903-1905, ambassador to Japan, 1906-1907, secretary of war, 1908- 1909; resigned; active in relief measures during yellow fever scourge of 1878. WYNNE, Hugh R., cotton factor; born Forrest City, Ark., June 15, 1873; received primary education in Memphis, Tenn., then continued his studies in Webb School, Bellbuckle, Tenn.; left school in 1890 and returned to Memphis and be- came interested in a stove manufactur- ing concern known as the Wetter Manu- facturing Co., Inc., and in 1900 he was made secretary of same; the plant was destroyed by fire and the present firm of Abston, Wynne & Co. was formed; mem- ber of Presbyterian church, Chickasaw Club, Business Men’s and Driving Clubs. YERGER, George S., lawyer; born Memphis, Tenn., 1860; German-Seotch- Irish descent; son of Edwin M. and Mary (Henderson) Yerger; father’s oc- cupation, lawyer; paternal grandparents Michael and Margaret (Shall) Yerger, maternal grandparents Anderson and Susan (Hamilton) Henderson; educated in Memphis public schools and Law School University of Va. ; married Eliz- abeth Ward, Oct. 3, 1888; member Busi- ness Men’s Club; Democrat; appointed attorney-general criminal court of Shel- by Co., Tenn., 1900, elected to same office in 1902; member of Episcopal church. 372 who’s who in Tennessee YOUNG, Johx Preston, public offi- cial; born Chulahoma, Miss., April 18, 1847; French and Scotch-Irish descent; son of A. W. and (Smith) Young; father’s occupation, Presbyterian minister; his maternal grandfather, En- sign John Smith, and great grandfather, Lieut. Francis Smith, served in the Sixth Virginia regiment of the continental army, and survived the war; received pri- mary education under the private tutor- ship of his father; entered the Confed- erate service in Sept., 1864, joining Co. “A,” Fourth Tenn. Infantry, as a volun- teer, but was not regularly enlisted, and remained until Nov. 10, 1864, including a brief service at Gen. Hardee’s head- quarters in the Georgia campaign; in Nov., 1864, he was regularly enlisted in Co. “A,” Seventh Tenn. cavalry, Lieut.- Col. W. F. Taylor commanding, and served until the close of the war with Forrest; he was in the battles of Camp- bellville, Lawrenceburg, Lynnville, Co- lumbia, Hardison’s Mills, Rally Hill, Hurt's Crossroads, Spring Hill, Frank- lin and many other engagements; after the war he returned to Memphis, Tenn. going thence to Oxford, Miss., where he attended the University of Miss, for two years; then studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1872, and began practice in Memphis, Tenn. ; in 1888 he was elect- ed a magistrate of Memphis, and served about fourteen years, doing the greater part of the civil business of the city; member of Confederate Historical Asso- ciation and Camp No. 28, United Con- federate Veterans, the oldest Coufeder- te organization in the South, dating back to 1867 ; member and elder of the Pres- byterian church; judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit ot Tennessee. MERCER, MERCER, William Abner, clerk; born in Madison Co., Tenn., Nov. 6, 1842; son of Thomas B. and Catherine (Chisum) Mercer; father’s occupation, farming; received common school educa- tion; entered the mercantile business in 1861); married Ella M. Statler, May 24, 1871 ; member of Company “B,” Thirty- third Tennessee Regiment during civil war; was wounded at Chickamauga in 1863, and Atlanta, 1864. MIDDLETON. NEELY, Alex Walker, farmer; born Middleton, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1878; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Steele and Elen A. (Park) Neely; father’s oc- cupation, physician; paternal grand- parents John and Mary (Steele) Neely; maternal p-randfather Thomas P. Park; educated at Middleton, Tenn.; in early life was engaged in stock raising; mar- ried Ora C. Rose, Sept. 3, 1899; mem- ber K. P. ; Democrat; tax assessor for Hardeman Co., Tenn.; member of Pres- byterian church; engaged in farming and stock breeding. MIDWAY. CLOYD, John Dunwoody, surveyor and farmer; born Mosheim, Tenn., July 8, 1877 ; Scotch-Irish descent ; son of James W. and Mary V. (Dunwoody) Cloyd; fathers’ occupation, physician, merchant and farmer; paternal grand- parents William and Sarah (Northing- ton) Cloyd; maternal grandparents Adam and Virginia (McSpadin) Dun- woody; educated Washington College, and Holston College; left school at age of 17 to accept position as surveyor for Wm. E. Uptogrove & Bro., who were timber land owners in mountains of east Tennessee and west North Carolina; married Lula Orilla Harmon, Dec. 26, 1901; member of Nola Chucky Lodge No. 31, K. P.; Republican; Deputy Co. Surveyor, 1894-1902, Co. Surveyor, 1909- 1906; Deputy Co. Surveyor, 1906 to pres- ent; member of High School Board of Greene Co., Tenn., 1907-1909; interested in mercantile business one year; at pres- ent surveying and farming and dealing in all kinds of live stock; member of Lutheran church. COBBLE, Lewis M., lawyer; born Midway, Tenn., April 27, 1866; German descent; son of Nathaniel and Eliza- beth (Smith) Cobble; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; paternal grandparents Phillip and Sally Cobble; maternal grandmother Sarah Smith; educated at Mosheim College; in early life practiced dentistry; married Laura M. Taylor, July, 1886; member J. O. U. A. M.; Re- publican; admitted to bar Greeneville, Tenn., Feb. 20, 1897; elected justice of who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 373 the peace, May 25, 1907 ; elected chair- man of Highway Commission, Greene Co., Tenn., Jan., 1909; former district chairman; at present postmaster and justice of the peace; member of the Methodist church; engaged in farming at Midway, Tenn. MILAN. BEARD, Elvix Taylor, minister of the gospel; born Saulsbury, Tenn., July 14, 1875; Irish descent; son of William Elvin and Cornelia Adeline (Cavaness) Beard; father’s occupation, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents Council Jones and Nancy (Rose) Beard; maternal grand- parents Isaiah and Cherry (Siler) Cav- aness; educated at Woodland Academy, Saulsbury, Tenn., Bethel College, Mc- Kenzie, Tenn., University of Nashville, and Cumberland University; graduated from University of Nashville, A. B., 1902; Cumberland University, B. D., 1905; married Lineal Robinson, July 12, 1905; Democrat; pastor Cumberland Presbyterian church. Dyer, Tenn., 1905- 1906, Presbyterian church, Dyer, Tenn., 1907-1908; pastor Presbyterian church, Milan, Tenn., 1909 to date; teacher in West Tennessee College, Dyer, Tenn., 1906-1908; minister in Presbyterian church, U. S. A. CALDWELL, Robert Arthur, farm- er; born Gibson Co., Tenn., Jan. 5, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel La- fayette and Sarah (Sturdivant) Cald- well; father’s occupation, physician; pa- ternal grandparents John W. and Mar- guerite (Calbe) Caldwell; maternal grandparents William and Martha (Ar- ington) Sturdivant; educated at Knox- ville, Tenn.; entered farming in early life; married twice, first Lou Barham, Dec. 21, 1876. second Ella Henley, Sept. 10, 1901; member Masonic Lodge, Me- dina, Tenn.; Democrat; justice of the peace and notary public; member of M. E. Church, South; engaged in farming and stock raising; P. O. address, Milan, Tenn., R. F. D. No. 5. CLOPTON, Abxer, The adore, physi- cian; born Murray, Ky., June 21, 1876; Irish descent; son of David O. and Laura (Dale) Clopton; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; maternal grandfather Isaac Z. Daley educated in Murray, Ky. ; graduated Vanderbilt University, M. D., in 1902; in early life engaged in farm- ing, and drug business; married Lynn Author Pearce, Oct. 30, 1906; member F. & A. M., M. W. A., K. O. T. M.; Democrat; member of Christian church; engaged in the active practice of medi- cine at Milan, Tenn. COLEY, William H., born Milan, Tenn., June 8, 1847; English descent; son of Thomas and Annie M. (Harlan) Coley; educated at Bluff Springs, Tenn.; enlisted in the Confederate army during civil war, Jan., 1863, Co. K, 10th Tenn., served until May 10, 1865, when he surrendered at Gainesville, Ala. ; married Victoria Bishop in 1870; mem- ber of Knights of Pythias; Democrat; interested in the drug business at Milan, Tenn.; Confederate Pension Commission- er, State of Tennessee. EDWARDS, R. E., cotton buyer; born Carroll Co. Tenn., in 1848; son of W. J. and Marjorie (Algee) Edwards; English descent ; educated Bethel College ; married in 1873; member of K. of P. and Masonic lodges; lived on farm until about 16 years of age; entered the Confederate army, served under Gen. Forrest, sur- rendered at Gainesville, Ala., in May, 1865 ; in 1869 entered grocery business in Milan, Tenn.; continued the business until 1897; has been Magistrate since 1888; served as mayor of Milan in 1902 and 1903; was elected Mayor again in 1909 and still serves as such; Democrat. ELLIS, Hexry H., teacher; born in Stewart Co., Tenn.; Irish and English descent; son of A. C. Ellis; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Hardee Ellis, paternal grandmother was a Miss Trotter prior to her marriage, maternal grandfather Henry Pool; grad- uated Valparaiso, Ind., B. S„ 1894; in early life he was a farmer; married Mary E Roper, 1905; member of Ma- sonic Lodge, Senior Deacon; Democrat; began teaching at age of 22; Principal of school at Clinton, Ky., three years; Principal of school at Rutherford, Tenn., 374 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE seven years; six years Superintendent of City Schools, Milan, Tenn.; member ot M. E. Church, South. HARRISON, James R., banker; born Rome, Tenn., July 15, 1855; son of Ed and Julia (Grissim) Harrison; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grand- father James Harrison, maternal grandparent, James Wrather; educated at Rome and Nashville, Tenn., graduated from medical department University of Nashville, M. D., 1878; in early life prac- ticed medicine; married Alice Caldwell, April 4, 1882; member of several fra- ternal orders; was elected cashier of the Peoples’ bank of Milan, Tenn., when it was organized in 1889, and has held that position since; member of Presbyterian church and is Elder and Clerk of Ses- sion. HOLT, Andrew D., Postmaster, Mi- lan; born (near) Milan, Tenn., Nov. 7, 1866; son of J. M. and Sabina (Mar- tin) Holt; English descent; educated Milan, Tenn.; graduated in business course of Milan in 1887 ; married Bessie Brown Feb. 15, 1889; member K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; appointed Postmaster Feb. 2, 1910, full term; was Justice of Peace and member City Council previ- ously; real estate dealer for years; early business career, farming; Republican. HORTON, M. C., farmer; born near Milan, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1876; English de- scent; son of John N. and Ellen (Har- len) Horton; father’s occupation, farm- er and public official; educated in Mi- lan (Tenn.) High school; married Ruby Terry, Jan. 3, 1898; member W. O. W. camp, Chestnut No. 82, I. O. O. F., No. 152, Farmers’ Lodge No. 140; entered farming in early life; in 1902 began truck farming; member of Board of Ed- ucation for Gibson Co., Tenn., four years; member M. E. Church, South. KEATON, James Andrew, minister of the gospel; born in Carroll Co., Tenn., Oct. 25, 1835; Seotch-Irish descent; son of Cornelius W. and Mary C. (Hayes) Keaton; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Cornelius and Sally (Adams) Keaton, maternal grand- parents Cnarles and Mary (Hillis) Hayes; euucated at Atwood, Tenn.; i: early life was a farmer; entered the min istry in 1854 and joined Presbytery oj Cumberland Presbyterian church ii 1866, and has since made that his voca tion; formerly engaged in lumber busi ness for a number of years; married twice, first, Rebecca Jane Browning, secj ond, Mary A. Roach; member Masons 1 Odd Fellows; Democrat; former Coni stable. RHODES, James P., lawyer; borrj Carroll Co., Tenn., Sept. 11, 1853; son{ of J. W. and Jane (Algee) Rhodes^ English descent; educated Murfreesboro Tenn., University of Tenn.; graduated! from Lebanon Law ochool in 1876; mar- ried Nina Hutcherson April 27, 1882; member K. of P., occupation in youth, farmer; was elected State Senator from Gibson and Crockett Cos. in 1885; Treas-j urer City of Milan 1884-5; elected Mayor of Milan 1888-9. STONE, Eli Newbern, real estate || dealer and public official; born Madison 1 Co., Tenn., Sept. 20, 1847; English andj Scotch-Irish descent; son of Clark L. and Margaret (Anderson) Stone; fin til- ers’ occupation, farmer, merchant; ma- ternal grandfather Eli Anderson, pater- 1 nal grandfather .Uriah Stone; entered Confederate service at age of 16, as mem- j ber of 18th Miss. Battalion, transferred just before close of war to 7th Tenn. Cavalry; attended school at West Tenn. 1 College, Jackson, Tenn., one year; mar- ried twice, first, Hattie Lowry, daughter of Col. Robert Lowry and sister of ex- Gov. Lowry of Miss., in 1870, second, ! Elizabeth Priest, Sept. 20, 1873; member of Knights and Ladies of Honor; was in the dry goods and general merchan- dise business for 25 years; former Mayor of Milan, four years, and Justice of the Peace of Gibson Co., Tenn., 28 years; member of Legislature, 1897-1901; Rep- resentative four years Supreme Lodge K. & L. of Honor; at present engaged in the real estate business and is Justice of the Peace. THREADGILL, George Calvin, mer- chant; born Madison Co., Tenn., Oct. 20, 1861; son of W. A. and Harriet (Mills) Threadgill; Scotch-Irish descent; married who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 375 Ethel Bramley Nov. 10, 1892; occupa- tion in youth, farmer; clerked for Stone olj& Mills, & Jordan at age of sixteen ir years; worked for that firm until 1890; in 1890 to 1895 traveled with line of clothing in Ark. and Indian Territory (Bray & Landrum, Louisville, Ky.) ; be- gan business with J. D. Prince in Milan, Tenn., in 1895 under firm name of Threadgill & Co.; established business for himself in 1905, dry goods, clothing, shoes, notions, furnishing goods; mem- ber Christian church; Democrat. tional work in early life; married Pearl Katharine Archer, Aug. 25, 1909; Democrat; was professor of English and Dean of Kee Mar College, Hagerstown, Md., 1901-1905, Dean of American Uni- versity of Harriman, Tenn., 1906-1908, President of Milligan (Tenn.) College, 1908 to date; traveled and studied in Europe from April to Sept., 1904; was staff lecturer in literature and art for the American Society for Extension of University Teaching, Philadelphia, Pa., 1902-1905; member of Disciples of Christ. es; ro, :ed r- % m is- or ft u J i WEBB, Henry P., banker; born near Milan, Tenn., July 11, 1869; Scotch-Xrish descent; son of Richard and Sarah (Patton) Webb; married Mattie Keeton May 16, 1889 ; member Masons, I. O. O. F., W. O. W., M. W. of A. and F. U. of A.; in early life was a farmer; trav- eled for Champion Harvesting Machine Co., 1897-1903; interested in mercantile business Atwood, Tenn., 1893-1897 ; or- ganized Atwood (Tenn.) Banking Co. June 15, 1905, was president of that bank for four years; one of the organiz- ers of Farmers’ State Bank in Dec. 28, 1906, was elected cashier and has served as such since; Democrat. WILLIAMS, Benjamin Hilliard, grocery merchant; born Lavinia, Car- roll Co., Tenn., July 17, 1855; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Edward Henry and Catharine (Sturdivant) Williams; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at Milan, McKenzie, and Lavinia, Tenn.; in early life was a dry goods salesman; married Lula Hott, Nov. 28, 1878; mem- ber of Woodmen of the World; Demo- crat; member of Methodist Episcopal Church, South. MILLIGAN. KERSHNER, Frederick Doyle, edu- cator; born Clearspring, Md., Aug. 28, 1875; German and French descent; son of Andrew Jacob and Hannah (Lesher) Kershner; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Jacob and Susan (Spickler) Kershner, maternal grand- parents Isaac and Elizabeth (Martin) Leshner; graduated from Transylvania University, B. L., 1899, Princeton Uni- versity, M. A., 1900; entered the educa- MILTON. MATHES, E. A., farmer; born Mil- ton, Tenn., Jan. 12, 1842; son of J. H. and Harriet (Allen") Mathes; father’s occupation, mechanic; paternal grand- parents J. H. and Sarah (Thomas) Mathes, maternal grandparents, Eli and Elizabeth (Lasiter) Allen; educated at Milton, Tenn.; entered farming in early life; married twice, first, Mary E. Grim- mett, Dec. 21, 1871, second, Mollie Vaught Sneed, Dec. 21, 1895; member of I. O. O. F., filled all chairs to Past Grand Lodge; Democrat; Justice of the Peace; served in Confederate army four years, paroled at Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865; member of the Mission- ary Baptist church; engaged in farming at Milton, Tenn. MINT. JONES, Joshua Rhett, farmer and stock raiser; born Abbeville Co., S. C., Sept. 10, 1850; Welsh descent; son of Joshua Whetmore and Ophelia Susanna (Pastlow) Jones; father’s occupation, cotton planter, educator; paternal grand- parents Charles and Eliza (Floyd) Jones; educated in S. C. ; in early life he was a cotton planter; married La- vinia Moore McGhee, July 13, 1869 ; Dem- ocrat; was special courier Col. Kennedy, 7th S. C. regiment, C. S. A., 1865; former captain U. C. C.; member of Universalist church. MIRANDA. SWALLOWS, William S., farmer; born near Miranda, Tenn.. Dec. 28, 1861 ; English descent; son of A. J. and Eliza- 376 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE beth (Moore) Swallows; father’s occupa- tion farmer; received common school education; m early life was in the mer- cantile business, later entered farming; married twice, first, Miranda Dodson, Sept. 12, 1883, second, Ida Freeman, Aug. 5, 1895; Republican; former State Sen- ator 10th Senatorial District; member of Methodist Episcopal church. MOHAWK. H AUN, Thomas Nelson, hay and grain dealer; born Mosheim, Tenn., Jan. 16, 1859; son of James Kennon and Ma- linda (McDonald) Haun; father’s occu- pation, farmer; educated at Mosheim College, graduated from same, A. B., May 23, 1879; in early life he was Prof, of Higher Mathematics; married Mary E. Hale, June 22, 1881; member Masonic Lodge No. 463, Midway, Tenn.; Repub- lican; appointed Postmaster. Mohawk, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1900, and is the present incumbent; elected member of the Math- ematical Association, London, Eng., in 1906; at present is dealing in grain and hay; member of the Cumberland Pres- byterian church. MONROE. McDONALD, J. Q., teacher; born Monroe, Tenn., Aug. 8, 1885; Scotch de- scent; son of John R. and Loretta (Smith) McDonald; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents Josiah and Jane (Roberts) McDonald, mater- nal grandparents John and Hannah (McDonald) Smith; received high school education; began teaching school in early life; married Maggie Winton, May 25, 1902; member I. O. O. F., K. P. and Masons; Republican; former assistant postmaster Livingston, Tenn.; at present RepuDlican member 57th General Assem- bly of Tenn.; member of Christian church. MONTEAGLE. BRYAN, David Hampton, physician; born Morrison, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1858; Irish-Danish and French descent; son of John Alexander and Charlotte Elizabeth (Hampton! Bryan; father’s occupation farmer; educated at Winchester (Tenn.) Normal; graduated at Nashville, Tenn., degree of M. D., Feb. 25, 1890; in early life was a public school teacher; married Fannie L. Brixey, Nov, 1, 1883; member I Masons, Odd Fellows and Woodmen of the World; former Co. Health Officer, ] 1899-1905; member of M. E. Church, i South, and Superintendent of Morton Memorial Sunday school, Monteagle, Tenn.; engaged in the practice of medi- cine at Monteagle, Tenn. GRAENICHER, Emil, Postmaster; born Bremgarten, near Berne, Switzer- land, Oct. 31, 1847 ; Swiss descent; son of Albert Graenicher; father’s occupation, gardener; educated in Grandson, Swit- zerland; in early life engaged in the mercantile business, and building and contracting; married Jennie Greland, July 6, 1898; member Summitt Lodge, F. & A. M., Sewanee, Tenn.; Justice of the Peace and Notary Public for about 20 years; Postmaster for 11 years; landed in New York in Aug., 1864; lived in Milwaukee, Wis., six years; moved j: to Tenn. in 1870, to the Swiss colony in Grueth, Grundy Co., Tenn., and thence | to Monteagle, Tenn., where he has lived I for the past 40 years; member of Cum- berland Presbyterian church. HOLCOMBE, Egbert W., merchant; born Bainbridge, N. Y., April 6, 1847; English descent; son of Edwin and Pris- cilla (Lyon) Holcombe; father’s occupa- j tion, carpenter; educated at Oswego, N. Y.; boyhood days spent in Michigan dur- ing pioneer days; at North Platte, Neb., when that town was a frontier post and William F. Cody was U. S. scout; in early life he taught school; married Mary J. Cahill, March 29, 1877; member I. O. O. F. ; Republican; former post- master under U. S. Grant and Benjamin Harrison; member of Episcopal church; engaged in the general merchandise business at Monteagle, Tenn., since 1882; also owns real estate and is Vice Pres, of the First National bank, Tracy City, Tenn. PAYNE, Robert Marion, farmer, teacher, merchant and hotel proprietor: born near Jasper, Tenn., April 3, 1848; Irish-English and Dutch descent; son of Lewis and Mary (Bean) Payne; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandpa- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 377 rents Robert and Sarah (McMahan) Payne, maternal grandparents Obediah and Barbara (Heifner) Bean; educated in the country schools, Lookout Mt. Edu- cational Institute, Burritt College, and University of the South, graduated from the latter in 1873; while a boy at home in 1862-64 he frequently acted as spy and informer for Confederate Scouts, and at one time was arrested and put in guard house by Federals at Bridge- port, Ala.; in 1873 he was elected Presi- dent of People’s College, Pikeville, Tenn. y taught until March, 1879, when he en- tered the mercantile business at South Pittsburg, Tenn., at which place he oper- ated the Battle Creek coal mines and was for several years owner and mana- ger of South Pittsburg (Tenn.) Brick and Terra Cotta Co. ; former member of the City Council of South Pittsburg, Tenn., and President of City School Board, Superintendent of Public In- struction for Marion Co., Tenn. ; moved to iuonteagle in 1895, and has since that time been engaged in the hotel business; for ten years past a large part of his. time has been given to the improvement and development of Wonder Cave, of which he is owner and manager; mar- ried Emma E. Orme, Dec. 23, 1875; member Masonic Lodge; M. E. Church, South. TUCKER, David Thomas, contractor; born Marion Co., Tenn., July 7, 1851; Irisn descent; son of Archibald and Eliz- abeth (Thomas) Tucker; father’s occu- pation, farmer; educated in Tenn.; was a farmer in early life; married Bell Ragsdale, March 15, 1875; member of M. E. Church, South; engaged in farm- ing, lumber business, merchandise, tele- phone business, contracting and building. MONTEREY. BROWDER, Robert Marvin - , dentist; born Olrnstead, Logan Co., Ky., March 9, 1880; son of David P. and Florence (Bailey) Browder; paternal grandfather Robert Browser, paternal grandmother Jonathan R. Bailey, maternal grand mother Margaret (Kennedy) Bailey; Scotch, English and Welsh descent; edu- cated at Vanderbilt University and Bran- ham and Hughes College; graduate of Vanderbilt University D. D. S. May 8, 1906; married Nellie May Williams Jan. 2, 1907 ; member K. of P., Past Chan- cellor and Past Representative; member of Putnam Co. Democratic Executive Committee; engaged in practice of his profession in Mouterey, Tenn.; member Methodist church. CARAWAY, Robert Franklin, man- ufacturer of lumber; born Otway, Ohio, July 19, 1861; Scotch-Irish descent; son of T. L. H. and Ruth A. (Ralstin) Car- away; father’s occupation, farmer, lum- berman; paternal grandparents Henry and Delilah (Jones) Caraway, maternal grandparents Robert and Mary (Elliott) Ralstin; educated in the common schools of Ohio; in early life he was a farmer and salesman; married Nannie Bell El- more, Oct. 19, 1882; member Monterey Lodge No. 192, K. P., F. & A. M. No. 626, O. E. S. No. 53, and Scottish Rite 32d degree Trinity Consistory No. 2; Inde- pendent Democrat; former Mayor, member of City Council, Tax Assessor and Clerk of Monterey, Tenn.; member of the Board of Alderman; engaged in farming and timber business, 1882-1893, mercantile and lumber business, 1894- 1898; assisted in the organization of the Portsmouth (Ohio) Rim & Spoke Co., was Vice Pres, and buyer of said com- pany until 1904, when he moved to Tenn. and organized Standing Stone Manufac- turing Co. in 1906, and is stockholder in same, also in Mid-Continent Life Insur- ance Co., and owner of a farm; member of Methodist church. CONATSER, Orion Clemens, attor- ney at law; born Jamestown, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1863; German descent; educated at Hi was see College, East Tenn., Cumber- land University, Lebanon, Tenn.; grad- uated from Hiwassee B. S., May 1, 1883, Cumberland University, B. L., 1885; in early life worked on farm and taught school to pay his way through law de- partment of Cumberland University; married Jennie Maxwell in 1890; mem- ber of Monterey Lodge No. 626, F. & A. M., Cookeville Chapter No. 112, R. A. M., Chevalier Commandery K. T., Trinity Consistory No. 2, 32d degree, Nashville, Tenn.; member I. O. O. F., Mt. View Lodge, Cookeville, Tenn., No. 378 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 179; former Clerk and Master of Chan- cery Court at Jamestown, 1888-1894; General Counsel Gainesboro (Tenn.) Tel- ephone Co., Central Tel Co. and attor- ney for many corporations and individ- uals, has offices at Monterey, Jamestown and Livingston, Tenn. FISHER, Oscar Bell, lumberman; born Fayetteville, Tenn., March 8, 1873; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. C. and Mattie (Bell) Fisher; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; paternal grandfather G. W. Fisher, maternal grandfather G. W. Bell; educated at Shelby ville and Farm- ington, Tenn.; in early life he was a farmer; married Estelle Lee, Dec. 17, 1901; member Masonic Lodge and K. P. ; Democrat; member of M. E. Church, South; owns interest in planing mill and lumber business. MONTEZUMA. ROLAND, William Thomas, farmer; born in McNairy Co., Tenn., Nov. 24, 1859; son of Henry and Margaret (Muse) Roland; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school educa- tion; married Frances A. Maness, of Mc- Nairy Co., Feb, 9, 1882; member W. O. W. ; Democrat; former Constable, 1886- 1888, Deputy Sheriff, 1889-1891; has been County Surveyor since 1903; en- gaged in farming and sawmilling near Montezuma, Tenn. SKINNER, Edwin- V., teacher and farmer; born near Montezuma, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1866; English descent; son of Absalom W. and Elizabeth (Hassell) Skinner; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Jackson District High School, Montezuma, Tenn.; entered the educa- tional work in early life; married Jen- nie Burkhead March 20, 1898; member Farmers’ Union, W. O. W., ex-Co. Pres.; Democrat; he has taught in public schools of Chester, McNairy and Harde- man counties, was Principal of Mason Hall High School, Obion Co., Tenn., 1899-1900; Principal Pinson High School, Madison Co., 1901-1902; at present he is Principal of Montezuma (Tenn.) pub- lic school; member of the Methodist church. THOMAS, G. L., merchant; born in Chester Co., Tenn., Dec. 29, 1873; Eng- lish descent; son of Daniel Franklin and Mary (Madison) Thomas; educated in L the country schools and graduated at |® Newbern, Tenn.; in early life worked on farm; married Margaret Hearn April 30, 1895; member F. & A. M. and W. O. W.; independent in politics; Census Enumerator, 1910; member of the Metho- dist church. MOORESBURG. LIVES AY, Leonard Lloyd, teacher, merchant and farmer; born Kyles Ford, Tenn., March 5, 1854; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Andrew J, and Mary S. (Davis) Livesay; father’s occupation, farmer, merchant; paternal grandpa- rents Peter and Susan (Testerman) Livesay, maternal grandparents Milum j and Ellen (Baldwin) Davis; received ( common school education; married twice, first, R. Parolee Brown, May 28, 1882, second, Ada C. Testerman, March 7, 1897 ; member Tate Springs Masonic Lodge No. 438, No. 82 I. O. O. F., has been Noble Grand and Dist. D. G. Mas- ter of I. O. O. F. No. 82; he has been engaged in the mercantile business much of his life, since 1900 he has been en- gaged in farming; former Superintend- ent of Puoiic Instruction for Hancock Co., Tenn., 1876-1877, for Hawkins Co., 1889-1890, and 1895-1896; Tax Assessor Second Civil District Hawkins Co., Tenn., 1904-1908; riiember M. E. church. MONEYHUN, J. A., farmer and teacher; born Upper Clinch, Hawkins Co., Tenn., Oct. 18, 1869; Irish descent; son of J. M. and Elizabeth C. (Gilliam) Moneyhun, father’s occupation, farm- ing; educated at Emory & Henry Col- lege; began teaching in early life; mar- ried Raura Wolfe, Aug. 3, 1903; mem- ber I. O. O. F., Noble Grand; Democrat; member of M. E. Church, South; en- gaged in farming at Mooresburg, Tenn. MOORING. RILEY, Joe Edward, farmer; born Weakley Co., Tenn., June 10, 1838; Irish descent; son of Conner and — (Gaines) Rney; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Edward WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 379 Riley; educated in Weakley Co., Tenn. ; entered farming in early life; married Margaret Tucker Jan. 5, 1870; Justice of the Peace; member of Methodist church; engaged in farming and mer- chandise. MORRISTOWN. CARRIGER, James A., attorney at law; born Tazewell, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1845; father’s occupation, pnvsician and sur- geon; paternal grandparents John and Margaret (Eliot) Carriger, maternal grandparents John Finley and Elizabeth (Cocke) Jack; his maternal grandmother was a daughter of Senator William Cocke; educated at University of Ya. , served as private in Confederate army during Civil war, was wounded in 1864; began his business career as an educa- tor; was Professor of Greek in Stewart College, Clarksville, Tenn., 1871-1872; as- sociate Principal of Reagan High School, Morristown, Tenn., 1873-1876; entered the practice of law in 1877; married Julia Lenoir, Nov. 13, 1872; Independent Democrat; Mayor of Morristown, Tenn., 1893-1 S94; President of Merchants bank, Morristown, Tenn., 1890-1897. CARROLL, Charles Thomas, minis- ter of the gospel; born in Cabell Co., West Va., Feb. 27, 1842; son of Samuel and Lucinda (Swan) Carroll; father's j< occupation, farmer and teacher; pater- nal grandparents James Tilman and Sarah (Black) Carroll, maternal grand- father Thomas Swan; educated in High School of Cabell Co., W. Va.; D. D. was conferred on him by Rutherford Col- lege, North Carolina, in 1875; in early life was a farmer boy, then entered the Confederate army during Civil war; he preached to the soldiers, but was not commissioned Chaplain; was appointed Chaplain to the prison hospital while a prisoner of war, which was nearly two years; married Elizabeth Esther Shields, Dec. 18, 1867 ; member of Masonic Lodge, Bristol, Va., and Councilor Chattanooga, Tenn.; Democrat; member of M. E. Church, South, and Holston conference; was pastor of church in Knoxville, Tenn., immediately after close of war, then Bristol (now State St); Chatta- nooga (now Centenary), Central church, Asheville, N. C., Morristown Sta., Broad St., Knoxville, Tenn.; twice Presiding Elder of Chattanooga and Morristown Districts, four years of the Asheville District, N. C., and four years of the Knoxville District, and during the time served other appointments on circuits; he is now superannuated. CONVERSE, James Booth, clergy- man; born Philadelphia, Pa., April 8, 1844; son of A. and Flavia (Booth) Con- verse; • father’s occupation, minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents Joel and Elizabeth (Bixby) Converse, mater- nal grandparents David and Margaret (Cotton) Booth; graduated from Prince- ton, N. J„ A. B., 1865, A. M„ 1868, Union Theological Seminary, Va., 1870; married twice, first, Queen Campbell, June 30, 1874, second, Eva Almeda Du- laney, Feb. 14, 1881; ordained to Pres- byterian ministry in 1871 ; served as pas- tor of Drummondstown, Va., 1869-1871; editor of Christian Observer, 1872-1879; evangelist, 1879-1881; pastor Blountville, Tenn., 1881-1887 ; editor of Christian Patriot, 1890-1895; author of “A Sum- mer Vacation Abroad,” 1879; “The Bi- ble and Land, An Argument in Favor of Single Tax,” 1889; “Uncle Sam’s Bible, or Bible Teaching About Politics,” 1899; has contributed many articles to newspapers and is also author of “The American Bible” (notes on Exodus), 1898; “There Shall Be No Poor.” FISHER, Jacob Nelson, banker; born Union Co., Pa., Dec. 12, 1859; Dutch descent; son of Daniel and Amelia (Lau- denslager) Fisher; father was a farmer; educated in public schools, High School, and University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.; graduated from University of Tenn., B.S., 1885; early business occu- pation, merchant and farmer up to 1890; married Florence Murphy, Oct, 4, 1888; member F. & A. M. No. 231; Republican; member of State militia in the ’80s and member of Cadets of University of Tenn., serving both as Captain; Pres. City National Bank, Morristown, Tenn.; former Asst. Cashier Merchants bank and cashier of First National bank, all of Morristown, Tenn.; member of Pres- byterian church. 380 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE FRENCH, George Decatur, minister of the gospel; born in Tazewell Co., Va., Dec. 11, 1846; Scotch-Irish and German descent; his paternal great grandfather and grandfather were soldiers in the Revolutionary war, and served in the same company; his paternal grandmother was the daughter of Mitchell Clay, whose family was partially massacred at Clover Bottom, Mercer Co., W. Va., he was tne first settler, but one, inside the limits of that county; son of George Pearis and Martha (Bolton) French; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents John ana Obedience (Clay) French, maternal grandparents Henry and Nancy (Mann) Bolton; educated Point Pleasant Academy, Bland Co., Va. ; D. D. degree was conferred on him by University of Harriman, Tenn., July 14, 1893; reared on farm and taught school four years; served four years in Con- federate army, and was captain Co. F. 7th Confederate Cavalry Battalion; served a term in prison. Bat. was dis- banded at Dublin, Va., after Lee’s sur- render; married Sophie Hoss (great granddaughter of John Sevier, and sis- ter of Bishop E. E. Hoss) Aug. 20, 1874; member or Masonic Lodge, Royal Arch Chapter, ana is a member of all temper- ance organizations, and W. B. Tate Camp, U. C. V.; joined the Holston con- ference of the M. E. Church, South, in 1869, and served two years on circuits, stationed 11 years, Presiding Elder 20 years, Bible Agent 10 years; he is now Presiding Elder of Morristown District M. E. Church, South. GRANT, Edward Mark, banker; born Ithaca, N. Y., June 26, 1867; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Edward M. and Frances (Spillman) Grant; father’s oc- cupation, tobacco merchant; paternal grandfather Chauncey L. Grant; edu- cated Emory & Henry College, Va.; in early life he was in the hardware busi- ness; married Margaret Turley, Nov. 13, 1888; member of Masonic orders, up to Shrine; I. O. O. F., K. P. and Red Men; Democrat; Mayor of Morristown, Tenn., 1903-1904-1905-1906; elected for term 1911-1912 and is the present incumbent; 1st Lieut. Arthur Gregg Rifles; mem- ber of Presbyterian church; Vice Pres. Grant-Hasson Hardware Co. and Pres. Morristown Bank & Trust Co., Morris- town, Tenn. . HENDERSON, Pleasant L., physi- cian and surgeon; born Gate City, Va., Jan. 15, 1866; Scotch descent; son of Guyan L. and Rosanah (Tarter) Hen- derson; fathers’ occupation, farming; educated Emory & Henry College, Va., and Vanderbilt University, Tenn., Belle- vue Hospital Medical College, N. Y., and medical department of University of N. Y. ; graduated from Emory & Henry College, Va., A. B., June 12, i889, A. M., June 10, 1892, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, M. D., March 23, 1896; in early life he was a farmer and later taught scnool; married Bertie May Mas- engill, April 29, 1896; member Royal Aren Masons, Knights Pythias, Sigma Alpha Epsilon College Fraternity; Dem- ocrat, member of M. E. Church, South; engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Morristown, Tenn., continu- ously since May 19, 1896. HOBBS, John N., minister of the gospel; born near Morristown, Tenn., Jan. 14, 1855; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Allen W. and Sallie S. (Noe) Hobbs; father’s occupation, school teacher and farmer; paternal grandparents Rev. Nathan and Mary (Hargiss) Hobbs, maternal grandpa- rents John F. and Mary (Read) Noe; educated at Reagan High school; in early life worked on farm and taught school; married Maggie C. Galding, July 19, 1876; licensed to preach June 26, 1875; ordained Deacon by Bishop Mc- Tyeire, Oct. 24, 1880; ordained Elder at Rye Cove, Scott Co., Va., Oct. 14, 1881; admitted into full connection in Holston conference M. E. Church, South, at Bris- tol, Oct. 1, 1890; has been on the su- perannuated list a number of years, writ- ing for newspapers and magazines and teaching; in July, 1907, he was appointed member of the Hamblen Co. Board of Education by the Co. Court, and twice elected by the people for two years each time, which position he now holds. JONES, Robert McFarland, farmer; born Springvale, Tenn., Oct. 28, 1847 ; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas M. WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 381 and Louvinia E. (McFarland) Jones; father’s occupation, farmer and trader; paternal grandparents Daniel and Mary (Harrison) Jones, maternal grandpa- rents Robert and Mary A. (Scott) Mc- Farland; received common school educa- tion; in early life worked on railroad, later entered the mercantile business, and toots up farming; married twice, first Ellen S. Bible, June 23, 1874, sec- ond, Jennie E. Crosby, Dec. 28, 1882; member I. O. O. F., Bruners Grove Lodge No. 510, has been through all the chairs and is now a P. G..; Democrat; member of Cook Co. Tenn., pike com- mission; served as private in Co. C, 31st Tenn. Vol., C. S. A.; member of Pres- byterian church. KING, John Rutledge, lawyer; born Mossy Creek, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1870; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Oliver Cas- well and Kate (Rutledge) King; fath- er's occupation, lawyer; paternal grand- parents L. M. and Louise (Massengill) King, maternal grandparents John C. and Sally (Cobb) Rutledge; educated Morristown (Tenn.) public school and Sweetwater (Tenn.) College, graduated from latter, B. S., June, 1800; began his business career in railroad service, later clerked in retail store and engaged in farming; married Mabel Sherwood, June 11, 1896; member Masons, Improved Or- der Red Men and Royal Arcanum; City Recorder ot Morristown, Tenn., 1899, Alderman in 1900-1901-1902; member of Presbyterian church; law partner witli J. T. Essary at Morristown, Tenn., 1902- 1908, under firm name Essary & King, dissolved when Essary retired on ac- count of ill health; associated now with his brother, L. M. King, under firm name of King & King, lawyers. . LOTSPEICH, James Newton, real estate dealer and promoter; born in Greene Co., Tenn., Feb. 20, 1850; Ger- man and Irish descent; son of Amos Wells and Mary R. (Easterly) Lots- peich; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents James and Malinda (Farnsworth) Lotspeich, maternal grand- parents Jacob and Sarah (Whittinberg) Easterly; graduated from Emory & Henry College, Va., A. B., June, i878; began his business career as a farmer and was for 18 years a traveling minis- ter in the Holston Conference M. E. Church, South; has contributed several articles to the press and is the author of “The Billionaire” campaign song of 1908; real estate and bond broker and promoter of mines; now engaged in sale of some Western mines. McCANLESS, Michael C., lawyer; born Morristown, Tenn., May 6, 1874; Scotch-Irish-Dutch and English descent; son of N. L. and Margaret E. (Carriger) McCanless; father’s occupation, grain and produce merchant; paternal grand- parents John B. and Cassander (Gor- don) McCanless, maternal grandparents Dr. Michael and Sarah Ann (Jack) Car- riger; educated Carson and Newman Col- lege, Jefferson City, Tenn.; admitted to bar in 1897; married Nannie L. Folsom, April 22, 1903; member Morristown Lodge No. 231, F. & A. M., Morristown Chapter No. 79, Royal Arch Masons, Greenevnle Commandery Knights Temp- lar, Alhambra Temple (Shrine) Chatta- nooga, Tenn.; Democrat; former city attorney for Morristown, Tenn., 1903- 1909; member M. E. Church, South; practicing attorney and director in First National bank, Morristown, Tenn. McCRARY, George B., retired mer- chant and miller; born Sullivan, Tenn., March 31, 1836; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Sabrina (Akard) Mc- Crary; father’s occupation, farmer; edu- cated at Bristol, Tenn.; in early life he was a carpenter and bridge builder; mar- ried Hannah J. Harrison, Dec. 1, 1868; member of Masonic Lodge No. 231 ; Democrat; served as Sergeant in Co. K, 3d Tenn. Vol. Infantry, and transferred to Co. E. 63d Tenn. Yol. Infantry, dur- ing Civil war; member of Methodist church; engaged in the mercantile busi- ness in Morristown, Tenn., for about 40 years, interested in Morristown Mills and President of same for years, also general manager, and took active part in real estate and other public affairs for better- ment of home town. MORRIS, Daniel Carmichael, public official; born Morristown, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1856; Welsh and Irish descent; son of Drury and Susan E. (Carmichael) Mor- 382 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE ris; father was a merchant; paternal grandparents John and Rachel (Reese) Morris, maternal grandparents Daniel and Prudence (Howell) Carmichael; graduated from Reagon High School, Morristown, Tenn., 1874; began his busi- ness career as a merchant; married Sarah Ella Doak, May 25, 1887 ; member Ma- sonic Lodge K. P., A. O. U. W., and Improved Order of Red Men; Democrat; former Postmaster Morristown, Tenn., 1894-1898; at present City Recorder of Morristown, Tenn.; member of Baptist church. PARROTT, John H., minister of the gospel; born New Market, Tenn., July 2, 1844; son of M. J. and Cynthia (Cald- well) Parrott; father was a railroad man; educated Knoxville, Tenn., and Burlington, N. J. ; was a merchant in early life; married Lou J. Griffith, Nov. 7, 1878; member Masonic Lodge; Demo- crat; former Co. Trustee of Marion and Hawkins Cos., Tenn.; member of Metho- dist Episcopal Church, South; editor six years; minister of gospel 40 years, now retired. PERRY, John Wiley, clergyman; born Cameron, Va„ Feb. 8, 1866; Eng- lish and Dutch descent; son of William Marshall and Elizabeth Ann (Sandridge) Perry; father’s occupation, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents John T. and Mary (Henson) Perry, maternal grandparents Hastings M. and Catherine (Skard) Sandridge; educated in the country pub- lic and private schools and Vanderbilt University; graduated from latter, B. A. degree, June, 1891, D. D. was conferred by Emory and Henry College, Va., June, 1905; in early life worked on farm and taught one term in public school; mar- ried Clara Tucker, Oct. 19, 1893; mem- ber of Knights of Pythias and Alpha Tau Omega; former Chaplain State Penitentiary of Tenn., from June, 1887, to Nov., 1892; member of M. E. Church, South, and Holston Annual Conference; was member of the general conferences of 1906 ana 1910; member of general board of missions M. E. Church, South, since 1906, and of its committee on esti- mates; secretary of Holston Conference Board of Missions since 1900; editor league column of Midland Methodist, 1895-1897; he has written articles anc] pamphlets on many subjects of interest in church affairs; ordained to ministry in 1892, and served charges in Radforc and Abingdon, Va., Chattanooga, Sweet water, Knoxville and Morristown, Tenn! PRICE, Richard Nye, minister of th gospel and author; born Elk Garden Va., July 30, 1830; English-Welsh an<| German descent; son of John Wesle; and Mary (Miller) Price; father was i | farmer in Washington Co., Va. ; pater nal grandparents Richard and PriscilLj (Crabtree) Price, maternal grandparent Joseph and Susan (Lyons) Miller graduated from Emory & Henry Colt lege, Va., A. B., in 1854, received deji gree A. M. in 1858, and D. D. was con ferred by Trinity College, N. C. later was a traveling preacher in early life j married Ann v^ance, May 8, 1855; mem!' her of Sons of Temperance and I. O. 0 F. ; Chaplain in Confederate army 1861 1862, with rank of Lieutenant; Chapj lain in 4th Tenn. regiment Vol. U. S. A. in 1898, with rank of Captain; membej: of M. E. Church, South; editor of Hoi J ston-Methodist about 15 years; foul years professor of mathematics in Em| ory & Henry College; three years pro fessor of mathematics and ancien languages in Holston Conference Femal!| College; three vears professor of mathej matics in American Temperance Uni versity, Harriman, Tenn.; three year President of Peoples’ College, Pikeville Tenn., and one year editor Price’s Mag azine of Psychology, Atlanta, Ga.; nov a retired minister and engaged in his' torical writing; author of “Cofractions,' and four volumes of “Holston-Method! ism.” RICE, James A., banker; born Jefferj; son Co., Tenn., March 31, 1849; son o Rufus E. and Catharine (Chilton) Rice father’s occupation, farmer and banker paternal grandparents Augustus am Mary (McFarland) Rice, materna grandparents James and Jane (Pangle Chilton; educated at Morristown, Tenn., in early life was a merchant and farmer married Venetia Lafferty, April 1C 1877 ; member Masonic Lodge and Roy; who’s AVHO IN TENNESSEE 3 S3 Arcanum; Democrat; member of Presby- erian church; cashier Morristown Bank fc Trust Co., Morristown, Tenn. RUBLE, Wilbur Gleasox, physician ind surgeon; born Greene Co., Tenn., March 17, 1874; son of John W. and Mary C. (Greer) Ruble; paternal grand- father William J. Ruble, paternal grand- nother Jerusha (Woolsey) Ruble, ma- :ernal grandfather John Greer, maternal grandmother Catherine (Hancher) Jreer; German-Irish descent; father’s iccupation, physician; educated, liter iry, Weaverville College, Weaverville, N. 3., graduated Kentucky School of Medi- cine, Louisville, Ky., July 9, 1904; mar- ried Ethel Lynn Murphey Sept. 4, 1907 ; nember Morristown Lodge No. 231 F. & M., ex-secretary Morristown Chapter S T o. 79, R. A. M., Morristown Lodge No. 163 K. of P., Past Chancellor and Grand Lodge Representative; early business, relegraph operator and hotel manager; tegan business career at age of sixteen rears; engaged in practice of medicine and surgery at Morristown, Tenn; vari- ius business interests. SMITH, William Harvly, minister of :he gospel; born Henry Co., Tenn., Oct. 1 27, 1819; son of Phillip and Mary (Mc- 2ampbell) Smith; father’s occupation, farmer; graduated from Maryville (Tenn.) College, 1850; born poor and svorked on a farm until he was 23 years if age, and educated himself by work- ing and teaching; licensed to preach in 1850, and continued in same until age forced him to retire ; married twice, first, Adaline McBath, Jan. 27, 1853, second, Margaret McFarland, Dec. 21, 1865; member of Presbyterian church; I. O. 0. F. TAYLOR, Fraxki.ix Walter, farmer and stockman; born near Russellville, Tenn., Oct. 9, 1854; English and Scotch- Irish descent; son of Franklin William and Eliza Jane (Graham) Taylor; fath- er's occupation, in early life a merchant, [ and later farmer; paternal grandparents George and Catherine (Bacon) Taylor, maternal grandparents William and Mary (Shields) Graham; educated in :he common schools and East Tenn. Uni- versity; became interested in farming and stock raising in early life, and all of his business life has been devoted to same; married Laura Ann Feamster, April 17, 1890; member Sons of Revo- lution; Democrat; member of Presby- terian church. MOSHEIM. PIERCE, Joel Newtoxt, teacher; born at Marvin, Tenn., Jan. 7, 1875; English descent; son of John E. and Sarah Mar- garet (Kenney) Pierce; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; paternal grandparents James and Anna (Greene) Pierce,^ ma- ternal grandparents Harmon and Nancy Dixon (Price) Kenney; educated at Mosheim (Tenn.) College, graduated Oakland Seminary, Baileyton, Tenn., April 12, 1899; entered the educational work in early life; married Deby J. Jones, Jan. 11, 1900; member I. O. O. F.; Republican; manager of Greene Co., Tenn., Republican campaign in 1910, Census Enumerator, 1910; member of M. E. church; Principal McKinley Insti- tute, Bulls Gap, Tenn., in 1906-1907; Principal Mohawk (Tenn.) High School, 1903-1904-1905-1908; Pres. Laymen’s As- sociation of Greeneville (Tenn.) Dist. ; Pres, of graduating class Baileyton, Tenn., 1899; Principal in Mosheim (Tenn.) College, 1910; interested in merchandising and milling. MOUNTAIN CITY. DONNELLY, Hugh A., attorney at law; born Mountain City, Tenn., March 24, 1875; son of William K. and Alice (Moore) Donnelly; his father was a farmer; Scotch-Irish descent; educated in Mountain City, Tenn.; early business occupation, clerking in a store and school teaching; married Rebekah Yiall Oct. 1, 1902; member Taylorsville Lodge No. 243, F. & A. M., Worshipful Mas- ter of same; formally Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court at Mountain City for a period of eight years. DONNELLY, Robert P., educator and farmer; born Mountain City, Tenn., May 8, I860; Irish-Dutch descent; son of Clifford F. and Susan (Wills) Don- nelly; father’s occupation, farmer; edu- cated at Masonic Institute and Moun- tain City and iviiiligan (Tenn.) College) 384 who’s AVHO IN TENNESSEE entered the educational and agency work in early life; married Ethel A. Wag- ner, June 29, 1910; Past Master Masonic Lodge and Royal Arch Mason, Past Grand I. O. O. F., Past Patriach in en- campment, member of Rebecca Lodge; Republican; former Superintendent of Public Instruction for Johnson Co., Tenn., 18 years; member of M. E. church; interested in education, stock raising, agriculture, banking and news- paper work. MOCK, Lewis Emmett, physician, born Mountain City, Tenn., April 6, 1875; Scotch-Irish and German-Dutch de- scent; son of Emanuel H. and Lavinia F. (Wills) Mock; father was a me- chanic and farmer; paternal grandpa- rents Henry and Nancy (Gibbs) Mock, maternal grandparents, Russell B. and Elizabeth (Duff) Wills; educated Tenn. Medical College and medical department University of Tenn., graduated from lat- ter with M. D. degree May 1, 1906; be- gan his business career as farmer, later taught school and was in the drug busi- ness; married Mary Anna Butler, Feb. 22, 1903; member Royal Arch Masons; enlisted in the 6th U. S. Vol. Inf. dur- ing Spanish-American war in 1898, served as Sergeant in Co. C until mus- tered out March 15, 1899; member of M. E. Church, South; one of the prin- cipal stockholders in Mountain City (Tenn.) Water Co., and stockholder in Merchants and Traders’ bank, Mountain City, Tenn., and stockholder in Moun- tain City (Tenn.) Pharmacy (Inc.) ; en- gaged in the practice of medicine. MORLEY, Lafayette Butler, public official; born High Health, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1870; Scotch-Irish and Dutch de- scent; son of William A. and Elizabeth (Blevins) Morley; father's occupation, manufacturer of hammered iron and farmer; educated Holly Springs College, Butler, Tenn; in early life taught school; married Malissa J. McQueen, Jan. 14, 1892; member I O. O.. F., former secretary of same; Republican ; former Co. Court Clerk for eight years; member of Baptist church (Missionary). WILLS, James Newton, farmer and I live stock raiser; born at Silver Lake, Tenn., Nov. 3, 1853; Scotch-Irish and | German descent; son of Peter D. and j| Sojihia J. (McQuown) Wills; father’s oc- j i eupation, farming and dealing in live stock; paternal grandparents Lewis and j| Catherine (Kinsell) Wills, maternal [ grandparents Thomas and Mary (Wil- son) McQuown; educated at Mountain l| City, Tenn., and Liberty Hall, Va.; early ! business occupation, live stock dealer; married Mary E. McConnell, June 27, 1888; member of Odd Fellows; member of Methodist church. WILLS, Norman R., farmer and |j stock raiser; born Silver Lake, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1847 ; Anglo-Saxon and German descent; son of Peter Dick and Sophia J. (McQuown) Wills; father was j farmer and stock raiser; paternal grand- j parents Lewis and Catherine (Win- j sell) Wills, maternal grandpar- j ents Thomas and Mary (Wilson) Mc- Quown; educated in Liberty Hall, Wash- ington Co., Va., 1886-1890; in early life taught school five months; married twice, first, Martha Ann Hawthorn (re- lated to Nathaniel Hawthorne), Oct. 13, 1870, second, Martha Caroline Brown, Dec. 11, 1875; memDer of Masonic Lodge No. 243, Chaplain of same; in 1893 he canvassed the county of Johnson in in- terest of issuing bonds to build Va., Tenn. & S. W. R. R.; has taken an ac- tive part in enterprises of Johnson Co., Tenn.; engaged in farming and raising horses, mules, sheep and grazing cattle, buying and marketing same; appointed by Gov. Peter Turney as Commissioner of Elections for Johnson Co., Tenn., serving as same 12 or 14 years; lay member of Methodist Episcopal church; Vice Pres, of the E. T. Farmers’ con- vention, elected 1904, and still holds /the place; was presented by the delegates of Johnson Co. with a beautiful gold headed ; ebony cane on May 18, 1910. MOUNTAIRY. JOHNSON, Joseph A., merchant; born in Bledsoe Co., Tenn., Jan. 28, 1884; son of James Baxter and Mary (Farmer) Johnson; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents James AVHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 385 I iaxter and Frances (Payne) Johnson, laternal grandparents Aquilla and Mary Hall) Farmer; educated at Onward eminary; began his business career as ookkeeper for Burroughs & Taylor Co., 'ave, Tenn. ; married Flossie Electra ’oust, April 15, 1908; member of Chris- tian church. MOUNT JULIET. FREEMAN, Thomas Harvy, banker; orn Silver Spring, Tenn., Feb. 24, 1835; English descent; son of Edward and lharlotte (Everett) Freeman; father /as a farmer; paternal grandfather Villiam Freeman, maternal grandparents ohn and Sarah (Davis) Everett; grad- '.ated from Cumberland University, A. 5. degree, June 28, 1858; early business iccupation, teaching and farming; mar- led Nancy F. Currd, Feb. 2, 1860; nember Beta Theta Pi, K. of P. and Master) Masonic Lodge; Democrat; nember of Tenn. House of Representa- ives 1889, Tenn. Senate, 1895; served is First Lieut. 25th Tenn. regiment, C. 1. A., participated in battle of Shiloh, ■April 6 and 7, 1862; member of M. E. rhurch, South. MOUNT PLEASANT. ANDERSON, James Emmett, drug- gist; born Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., Jan. 10, 1868; Seotch-Irish and French descent; ;on or James M. and Emma (Dickson) Anderson; father was a wagonmaker; pa- ternal grandparents Thomas and Sarah (Wyley) Anderson, maternal grand- parents William F. and Sarah (Williams) Dickson; educated at Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., and took business course at Jennings Business College, Nashville, Tenn.; began career as a drug clerk; married Addie F. Lewis, Jan. 22, 1896; member Knights of Pythias (Past Chan- cellor), and I. O. O. F. (Past Grand); Democrat; member County Workhouse Commission 1906, alderman in Mt. Plea- sant June 1904 to June 1910; member of Presbyterian church; interested in drug business and farming. CHANDLER, Percy Scott, lawyer; ■horn Caroline Co. Va. Nov. 4, 1871; English and Seotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas Trevellian and Eugenia Monroe (Terrell) Chandler; father’s occupation planter; paternal grandparents Rufus King and Nancy Woodson (Trevellian) Chandler; maternal grandparents George Bailey and Francis Monroe (Greer) Terrell; educated in Va. public schools, night schools, and Richmond (Va.) Col- lege, graduating from the latter B.L. de- gree 1898; began his career as a railroad agent; married C. Dora Cooper, Nov. 9, 1904; member Masons (Past Master), K. of P. (Past Chancellor); Democrat; he has been city attorney Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., for past seven years; member of Presbyterian church. COOPER, AVieeiam Duncan, lumber- man; born Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., May 14, 1866; son of Capt. J. C. and Emma (Kinger) Cooper; Scotch-Irish descent; educated in Maury Co., Tenn., schools; was a farmer in early life; married Mrs. Nannie Andrews, 1893; member W. O. W., K. of P., I. O. O. F., and has filled highest office in each of the local lodges; served as mayor of Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., one term; member of Methodist church; engaged in lumber business and stock- holder and director in First National bank of Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., also identi- fied with other stock companies. HILL, Joseph Spencer, physician; born Maury Co. Tenn., Jan. 19, 1854; Irish and English descent; son of Ash- ley and Mary (McKay) Hill; educated in the private schools of Maury Co. Tenn. graduated from Missouri Medical Col- lege March 20, 1877, received degree of M.D. ; began career as a farmer, later entered practice of medicine at Carters Creek, March, 1877, continuing in the practice there until 1896 when he re- moved to Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., where he has been engaged in the practice of medicine since; one of the charter mem- Cers of and director in First National Bank of Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., and di- rector in Brown Rock Phosphate Co., member of the real estate firm of Kille- Brew, Hill & Co., one of the organizers and vice-president of Williams Drug Co. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn.; married twice, first Nona Catherine Russell, April 19, 1882, second Emma Florence Wilson, Sept. 18, 1888; member I. O. O. F. and K. of P. ; member of Methodist church. 38C who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE JOHNSON, Crockett W., educator; born Mt. Rozell, Ala., Nov. 29, 1881; English-Irish and Scotch descent; son of John W. and Hannah Susan (Davis) Johnson; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandparents Pascal and Emi- line (Jackson) Johnson, maternal grand- parents James B. and Elizabeth (Coving- ton) Davis; graduated from State Nor- mal College, Florence, Ala., Mav, 1902, post-graduate work, 1907-1908; began his career as a teacher, Pine Hill (Ala.) Academy, 1902-1904, Principal City Schools, Florence, Ala., 1904-1906, Head- land (Ala.) High School, 1906-1907, Su- perintendent City Schools, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., 1908 to present; married Willie E. Whigham, Aug. 27, 1908; Mason, K. P., 1. O. O. F„ W. O. W. and Maury Club; Democrat; member of Baptist cnurch. LONG, Henry, physician and sur- geon; born Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., Sept. 28, 1835; Scoteh-Irish and English de- scent; son of Lemuel and Mary (Craig) Long; father farmer; paternal grand- parents Silas L. and Sarah (Watson) Long, maternal grandparents William and Mary (Blackwood) Craig; educated Mt. Pleasant and Nashville, Tenn., and Philadelphia, Pa.; graduated from Uni- versity of Pa., M. D. degree, March 27, 1858; served as surgeon of the 9th Tenn. regiment of cavalry, C. S. A., paroled with Gen. Forrest at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865; entered the practice of medicine in early life; married Fannie M. Scurlock, Sept. 9, 1872; Democrat; member of Episcopal church; engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery at Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. WALLACE, James Darnall, minister of the gospel; born Sweetwater, Tenn., Jan. 10, 1873; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James Anderson and Fannie (Darnall) Wallace; father's occupa- tion, Presbyterian minister; educated Sweetwater, Clarksville and Bristol, Tenn.; graduated from Southwestern Presbyterian University, Clarksville, a. B. and B. D., June 10, 1895; married Florence S. Currie June 18, 1901; mem- ber Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity; Dem- ocrat; member of Presbyterian church, U. S. WARNOCK, J. Pelham, mercnans born Calhoun Co., Ala., April 7, 1866 Scotch-Irish descent; son of R. N. am Rachel (Teague) Warnoek; father’s oc- cupation, merchant; educated at Ox-} ford (Ala.) College; entered mercantile business in early life; married Leola T Bell, May 23, 1888; member Masons (P M.), K. of P (P. C. and D. G. C.), K of H.; Democrat; Mayor of Mt. Pleas ant, Tenn., from May, 1907, to Mayi 1909; member M. E. Church, South. WHEELER, Frank S., phosphati mining; born Pawlet, Vt., July 11, 1877 English descent; son of Marcellus E. anc Julia (Sheldon) Wheeler; father’s occu pation, fertilizer business and capitalist Rutland, Vt. ; paternal grandparents Ly man' and bailie (Johnson) Wheeler, ma ternal grandparents Joel H. and March j ( Farrar 1 Sheldon; educated at Phillip: Academy, Andover, Mass., and Amhers College, Amherst, Mass.; early occupa tion, phosphate mining and manufacturi of fertilizers; at present he is Presiden of Petrified Bone Mining Co. and Mt Pleasant (Tenn.) Fertilizer Co., Direc- tor First National bank, Mt. Pleasant Tenn., and Maury National bank, Colum bia, Tenn., Consolidated Phos. Co., Mt Pleaasnt, Tenn., and Mississippi Fertil izer Co., Jackson, Miss. ; married Mark Louise Stitzel, June 11, 1902; membe: Hermitage Club, Nashville, Tenn., Ma sons. Elks, K. of P., Pendennis Club Louisville, Century Club, Columbia Tenn.; independent in politics; he ha: been a resident of Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. since 1898; member of Congregationa church. MOUNT VERNON. LEONARD, Watson Weatherly physician; born in Murray Co., Ga., Julj 5, 1876; Irish descent; son of Mark Mor- gan and Mary (Jones) Leonard; fatbj er's occupation, merchant; paterna 1 grandparents Obediah and Mary (Tip ton) Leonard, maternal grandparents Lemuel and Julia (Mitchei) Jones; grad uated from Grant Universitv, M. D. de gree, in 1900; in early life was a farmer married Viola McCankey, Sept. 25, 1901 member of Masons; Democrat; membe; Sotdhern Methodist church. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 3S7 MILLER, Ex os C., teacher and farm- ;r; born in Monroe Co'., Tenn., July 9, 1858; German-Irish descent; son of Theodore Charles and Esther (Hooper) Jiller; father’s occupation, physician; ■ducated Grant University, Athens, tenn. entered the educational work in ■arly life, and taught school about 14 /ears; married Euphronie Emma Mc- Spadden, Sept. 28, 1894; member of Farmers’ Union and secretary of same; Republican; represented Monroe Co., Tenn., in the Legislature four terms, [890-1892-1904-1906; member of Pres- byterian church; engaged in farming and dock raising. MULBERRY. FARRAR, Robert Lee, miller and farmer; born Flat Creek, Tenn., Jan. 12, 1867; Irish descent; son of James F. and Sarah Jane (Parker) Farrar; father, a farmer and trader; paternal grandfather Jim Farrar, maternal grand- ' father Joseph Parker; educated at Win- chester (Tenn.) Normal; early business bccupation, farming; married Cora Shoffner, May 8, 1888; member Masons; Democrat; member of Missionary Bap- i cist church. RUTLEDGE, Isaac Coloway, farmer; born Mulberry, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1852; Dutch and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel and Louisa (Daniel) Rutledge; lather’s occupation, farming and stock raising; paternal grandparents Isaac and Ruth (Steelman) Rutledge, maternal grandparents Coloway ancr Lucinda (Cook) Daniel; educated at Old Green- wood, Lincoln Co., Tenn.; entered farm- ing in early life, and later stock raising; married Donnie Call, Sept. 19, 1877 ; Democrat; member Primitive Baptist church. MUNFORD. BASS, Sterling Hicks, banker and attorney at law; born Halls, Tenn. Dec. 18, 1876; English descent; son of P. H. and Fredonia F. (Abernathy) Bass; lather’s occupation farming; paternal grandparents Stephen and Eliza (Cook) Bass, maternal grandparents Sterling and Martha (Owen) Abernathy; ed- ucated in public schools of Tenn., ana Webb School, Bellbuckle, Tenn., grad- uating from latter May, 1898; was a school teacher in early life; married twice, first Bessie Wooten Dec. 18, 1902, second Mayme Beachboard, July 10, 1905; Democrat; Mayor of Munford, Tenn., 1905-09; Sec. of Tipton Co. (Tenn) Democratic Executive Commit- tee; member of M. E. Church, South; Cashier of Munford Savings Bank & Trust Co., Munford, Tenn. WITHERINGTON, James B., physi- cian; born in Shelby Co., Tenn., Dec. 7, 1854; Irish-Welsh-English descent; son of Daniel M. and Sarah E. (Gil- lespie) Witherington ; father’s occupation farmer and Justice of the Peace; pa- ternal grandparents Barnabas and Annie E. (Herring) Witherington; ma- ternal granuparents James and Sarah (Boyd) Gillespie; educated University of Tenn., graduated from Medical Depart- ment Vanderbilt University, with M. D. degree in 1878; in early life taught school three years; married Mary A. McLaughlin, in 1880; member F. & A. in., and has served as Master and High Priest of R. A. Chapter; member K. P., former Chancellor Commander of same; Democrat; member of Legislature of Tenn., in 1893; member of Presbyterian Church; land owner. Pres. Munford Bank, Director of mercantile company, but engaged principally in practice of medicine. MURFREESBORO. BEALER, Alexander Winkler, min- ister of the gospel; born Darlington, S. C., Sept. 30, 1860; German-Scotch- French descent; son of George Baxter and Emily Jane (Winkler) Bealer; father’s occupation, Baptist minister; maternal grandparents Shadrack and Jeannette (McFarland) Winkler; edu- cated in private schools of Albany, Ga., public schools in Atlanta, Ga. ; grad- uated from Boys High School, Atlanta, Ga., June 1878; early business occupa- tion, furniture business seven years. Shipping Clerk, Salesman, Bookkeeper, newspaper 10 years, Atlanta-Capitol, later Atlanta Journal; married Fannie Rudisill, March 15, 1892; Democrat; 388 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE after leaving Journal office, entered the Ministry, as Pastor of Fifth Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga.; ordained to Ministry Dec. 1896; Pastor in Carters- ville, Ga., 1899-1902; Field Editor Christian-Index 1902-03; Pastor Thomas- ville, Ga., July 1, 1903-Dec. 1, 1909; has been engaged in lecture work, religious and negro dialect; has also done special writing for Journal, the Associated Press and some magazine work; Pastor of First Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, Tenn. BELL, Charles B., banker; born Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 5, 1867; son of John and Fanny D. (Maney) Bell; father’s occupation lawyer and insurance agent; paternal grandparents John and Sally (Dickerson) Bell; maternal grand- parents William M. and Martha (Mur- free) Maney; educated Union Univer- sity; connected with Stone's River Na- tional Bank, Murfreesboro, Tenn., in 1880, and continued with same until 1904, when he was made Assistant Cash- ier of First National Bank, Murfrees- boro, Tenn., which position he now holds; married Georgie Matthews, Jan. 17, 1900; Democrat; member of Presby- terian Church. BILBRO, William Caldwell, physi- cian; born Milton, Tenn., July 4, 1862; Scotch-Irish descent; son of B. H. and Sallie Jane (Suhlett) Bilbro; father a physician; paternal grandparents Wil- liam and Margaret (McFarland) Bilbro; maternal grandparents A. C. and Louise (Prior) Suhlett; educated Milton (Tenn) Academy, and Vanderbilt University Literary Dept.; graduated from Medical Department University of Md., Balti- more, with M. D. degree March 1884; began his career as a school teacher and drug clerk; married Florence Nuckalls, Nov. 2, 1892; member I. O. O. F., Elks, K. P., and M. W.; Democrat; member of Baptist Church; moved to Murfrees- boro in 1887; spent year 1890 in Europe studying medicine in Vienna General Hospital and London England at St. Thomas Hospital; was elected to Chair of Materia Medica in Medical Depart- ment University of Tenn., in 1893, which position he held eleven years; wai Professor of Obstetrics in Medical De partment University of the South 1897' 1907; has been Treas. of Tenn. Stat< Medical Assn, since 1899; now Pres, oi Murfreesboro (Tenn) Bank & Trust Co. and member of City School Board. BIVINS, Hehry Wright, farmer, born Lascassas, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1839 son of James and Laodocia (Brashears) Bivins; father was a farmer and trader educated at Murfreesboro, Tenn., Unior University; entered farming in early life, and all of his life has been de- voted to same; married twice, first Sue S, Robertson, Dec. 4, 1860; second Mrs. Kate Garrett, Oct. 29, 1889; member Masons, Knights Templar; Democrat (Regular); former Magistrate, now Alderman rep- resenting 2d Ward, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; served four years in Confederate Army, member of 45th Tenn., Co. “C.” BOULWARE, Fielder Alleh,. oste- opath; born Owensboro, Ky., March 6 , 1879; son of Orville and Jennie (Har- wood) Boulware; father’s occupation farmer and stock dealer; educated Bowling Green, Ky., and graduated from American School of Osteopathy, with G. O. D. O., degree June 1, 1909; was a bookkeeper in early life; mar- ried Ules Atherton, Sept. 16, 1903; mem- ber K. P., and M. W. A.; member of Baptist Church. BROWN, Robert S., lawyer; born near Shelbyville, Tenn., Oct. 27, 1844; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Solomon and Evaline (Kimmons) Brown; father a farmer; educated public schools, and spent two years in Unionville Academy; began his career as a merchant; mar- ried Alice M. Booker, Feb. 24, 1864; Republican; active in politics; was! elected Justice of the Peace when he was 31 ; served twelve years as Postmaster at Murfreesboro, Tenn.; studied law and admitted to Bar in 1891; elected County Attorney and served as same until 1898; lie is now actively engaged in practice of law; Director in Murfreesboro Bank & WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 389 'rust Co., stockholder in Peoples Bank f Eagleville, Tenn., and owner of farm [inds ; member of Church of Christ. BURNETT, George Jackson, educa- ir; born Auburn, Ky., December 26, 874; son of James H. and Laura (Duff) Iurnett; his father is a minister; pa- ;rnal grandparents Richard and Per- lelia (Herndon) Burnett; maternal randparents A. J. and Margaret A. Pursuance) Duff; educated Bethel Col- :ge, Russellville, Ivy.; graduated A. B. nd A. M. June 14, 1894; was valedic- orian of graduating class; married Lau- i T. Yates, August 19, 1903; life has een devoted to educational work; was 'resident of Liberty College, Glasgow, ly., to 1907; elected President of Ten- essee College, Murfreesboro, Tenn., eptember 7, 1907, which position he now olds; was elected Moderator of Con- ord Baptist Association August, 1909; lember of Baptist Church. BURNETT, J. Henry, manager Ten- I jssee College; born Auburn, Ky., May 6, 872; son of Jos. H. and Laura (Duff) iurnett; father’s occupation Minister of . le Gospel; paternal grandparents Rich- rd and Permelia (Herndon) Burnett; aaternal grandfather A. J. Duff, ma- grnal grandmother was a Miss Purviance rior to her marriage; was connected nth Baptist Book Concern, Louisville, iy., in early life; married Marietta Ab- •ott, Jan. 25, 1899; Mason; Democrat; ) aember of Baptist Church. BUTLER, John Murphy, merchant; iorn Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 31. 874; Irish and French descent; son of saac Henson and Mary Elizabeth Murphy) Butler; father was a mer- hant; paternal grandparents Thomas Iverton and Pamelia (Ware) Butler, laternal grandparents John and Louisa Edwards) Murphy; educated in public chools of Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; began is career as newsboy and clerk in store; larried Lillian Whitefield, Jan. 14, 1902; lember Masonic Lodge; Democrat; erved in Coal Creek riot as a private in State Militia; member of Methodist Church; member of firm of Howse & Butler, Vice President First National Bank, and interested in real estate, Murfreesboro, Tenn. BYRN, Charles Hall, hardware mer- chant; born near Milton, Rutherford County, Tenn., February 8, 1856; son of William B. and Sarah Caroline (Hunt) Byrn; his father was a farmer; reared on a farm; became clerk in hardware store at age of 19 and is now a hard- ware merchant; married Allie Richard- son, December 26, 1889; is Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, Free and Accepted Masons, and also member of Iv. of P. and B. P. O. E.; is Director in First National Bank, Murfreesboro; Deacon in the Baptist Church; is Presi- dent Board of Trustees of Tennessee College for Women, Murfreesboro, Tenn. CAMPBELL, Volney Sumpter, physi- cian; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 8, 1880; son of John A. and Nettie E. (Sumpter) Campbell; paternal grand- parents Sam and Elvira (Eagleton) Campbell, maternal grandparents Dr. Volney E. and Sarah A. (Smith) Sump- ter; father’s occupation, farmer; edu- cated High School and Webb’s School, Bell Buckle, Tenn.; graduated Univer- sity of Nashville, M. D. degree, March 31, 1905; married Flossie Fraley, De- cember 25, 1909; member of Rutherford County Medical Society, Tennessee State Medical Society, American Medical As- sociation; from 1905 to January, 1909, practiced medicine at Brick Church, Giles County, Tenn.; now in practice in Murfreesboro; member Presbyterian Church. COVINGTON, Richard O., merchant; born Unionville, April 17, 1870; English descent; son of Jesse and Elizabeth (Perry) Covington; father’s occupation, merchant; educated at Unionville (Tenn) High School, and graduated from same June 1887; entered the mercantile busi- ness in early life; married Hattie B. 390 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Newsom, June 1904; member Elks; Democrat; engaged in Dry Goods & Clothing business, Murfreesboro, Term. CRICHLOW, James H., general in- surance; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Feb- ruary 11, 1850; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas H. and Helen M. (Wasson) Crichlovv; educated common schools of Murfreesboro, Tenn.; married Emma Lane, October 25, 1874; member Odd Fellows and Elks; Grand Master Odd Fellows 1882 to 1883; was formerly en- gaged in merchandise; was Postmaster of Murfreesboro from 1893 to 1898, and Mayor of Murfreesboro from 1900-1909; conducts general insurance business; member Methodist Church. CRICK, Sanford Monroe, teacher and County Truste; born near Versailles Rutherford Co., Tenn., Nov. 9, 1861; English descent; son of Felix Grundy and Mary (Patterson) Crick; father’s occupation teacher, farmer and soldier; paternal grandparents Newton and Elizabeth (Pope) Crick; maternal grand- parents King and Rebecca (Heath) Pat- terson; educated in common schools and high school; was a farmer in early life; married Cassie Carlton, Dec. 18, 1894; member M. W. A.; Democrat; Trustee Rutherford Co., Tenn.; member of Mis- sionary Baptist church. DeJARNATT, John Watson, trader in stock; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., April 11, 1853; French descent; son of James G. and Sara T. (Alfred) De- Jarnatt; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents James and Polly (Mar- shal) DeJarnatt; maternal grandpar- ents William and Sallie (Waller) Al- fred; educated at Murfreesboro, Tenn.; was a farmer in early life; married three times, first Evie Black, second Sarah Howse, and third Maggie Howse; member K. P.; Democrat; Magistrate 21st District, store keeper and guager under Cleveland; former Trustee Ruther- ford Co., Tenn.; member of Methodist church; member of firm DeJarnatt & McCullough, dealers in all kinds of live stock. EARTHMAN, Vernon K., physicuij and surgeon; born Attala County, Missj February 25, 1872; Scotch descent; sc! of W. W. and Elizabeth (Bumpasj Earthman; his father was a lumbi dealer; educated Webb’s School, Be Buckle, and Vanderbilt University graduated Vanderbilt, M. D., 1893; ei gaged in lumber business before becomir! a physician; married Virginia Hendersc! in 1897; served with United States Vo unteers during war with Spain and Phi ippine insurrection; was Captain and A sistant Surgeon and later promoted Major and Surgeon; served in am from 1898 to 1902; member K. of I B. P. O. E. and Masons; held highe< offices in each of the local lodges; Eldi in Cumberland Presbyterian Church. EINSEL, E D., farmer and sto< raiser; born Circleville, O., March 1 1850; German descent; son of Lewis ar Catherine (Deisbach) Einsel; father wj minister of gospel, farmer and stoclj man; paternal grandparents Henry ar Barbara (Seitz) Einsel; maternal gran ! parents John and Fanny (Eyer) Drei bach ; educated in public schools t| Indiana, near Lafayette, and spent thr years in Northwestern College, Nape ville. 111.; Minister of Evangelical Ass, ciation, and in active work in 1872-7 was a farmer and banker eight year married twice, first Emma S. Milltl Aug. 6, 1872, second Sara R. Miller, 0< 5, 1886; member Masons, Knights Tem lar, and Shrine, I. O. O. F., and K. Fj Republican; moved to Nebraska frojj Ind., in 1878, engaged in farming the a number of years; served six months | Deputy County Treas.; in 1882 beean Cashier York Exchange Bank; in 18? assisted in organizing Commercial Sta Bank, Holdredge, Neb., and was electf Cashier of same, serving five years, arj was Pres, of same bank two year member of State Senate of Neb. 1885-' Delegate to Republican National Coi vention, 1888; Postmaster at Holdredgjj Neb., 1897-1902; in 1890 engaged i real estate business and real estate loan, moved to Murfreesboro, Tenn., in 19( and engaged in real estate business, i WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 391 905 entered farming near Murfreesboro, nd is also engaged in stock raising; lember of Presbyterian church. GOODLOE, Agreill Ei.lis, physician; orn in Rutherford Co., Tenn., June 16, 886; English descent; son of Robert Iorris and Emma (Hall) Goodloe; ather a druggist; educated in common ichools of Ky., and Tenn., Vanderbilt Adversity and University of the South, raduated from the latter Ph.G. degree >ct. 1908, M.D., Oct. 1909; moved to iy. from Tenn. in early life, where he ve until 12 years of age, then returned j Tenn., and worked on farm of his ncle Dr. J. D. Hall; began his career s a school teacher; married Ethel Bes- an, Dec. 25, 1907 ; member Masonic ,odge; Democrat; won first honors in d and 4th years in Medical College University of South, and Medal of lighest Excellency in Medicine in raduation, in 1909. HAYNES, W. R., retired merchant nd banker; born Woodbury, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1840; son of I. J. C. and Elvira Fletcher) Haynes; father’s occupation i lerchant; paternal grandparents John nd M. (Creal) Haynes; maternal grand- arents Jeremiah and Frances (Clay) letcher; received common school educa- on; entered mercantile business in arly life; married Sophia M. Reeves, )ct. 16, 1878; Democrat; entered Con- ederate Army in 1861, and surrendered i N. C., April 26, 1865; member of lethodist church. HENDERSON, Clifford Cotesworth, ditor and publisher Murfreesboro News- ianner; born Rutherford County, Tenn., larch 14, 1859; son of James F. and imanda M. (Van Voorheis) Henderson; aternal grandfather Logan Henderson, aternal grandmother Margaret E. Johnson) Henderson, maternal grand- ather William Van Voorheis, maternal randmother Mary (Sanderson) Van Aiorheis; Scotch, Irish, German and inglish descent; father’s occupation, lanter; educated Murfreesboro, Tenn.; raduated from Union University, Mur- reesboro, Tenn., in June, 1875; married lattie Binford, November 30, 1880; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., T. P. A.; highest honors in first three; member Legislature Fifty-first General Assembly, and has held half a dozen political and civil positions; trav- eled extensively west, south and in Cen- tral and South America; farmed in early youth and publisher and politics since; is at present Trustee of State Fair, Trustee Rutherford County Normal School; Election Commissioner for twelve years past; member Presbyterian Church. HOLT, Thomas N., farmer and trader; born Winchester, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1845; son of Thomas N. and Roda (Robertson) Holt; father’s occupation farmer and merchant; English descent; educated at Wilburn, Ky., and graduated at Evansville, in 1871 ; reared on farm in Ky. ; married Hettie Edrington, Nov. 20, 1878; member Masonic Lodge; Demo- crat; went West after marriage and traveled and lived all along Pacific coast; was connected with Boswell & Holt, Arlington, Ky., about four years, and Holt Brothers, Grain & Live Stock deal- ers, 30 years, and with Cairo Three State Buggies & Implement Co., eight years; engaged in farming and stock raising; member of Missionary Baptist church. HUDSON, W. E., hardware mer- chant; born Walton, Ky., August 19, 1859; son of W. E. and Sue C. (Alex- ander) Hudson; Dutch descent; educated Crittenden and Richmond, Ky. ; married Carrie E. Ransom, April 14, 1892; father’s occupation, farming; moved to Tennessee in October, 1887, and settled in South Pittsburg; after four years moved to Murfreesboro and has been in business there since; member Presby- terian Church. JACOBS, James Dallas, educator; born Carlocksville, Tenn., July 27, 1870; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Willis Pruett anu Dorothy Elizabeth (Lowe) Jacobs; father’s occupation, merchant and farmer; paternal grandparents John Clinton and Mary (Pruett) Jacobs; ma- ternal grandparents Capt. William and Martha (Youree) Lowe; educated Beech 392 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Grove College and Winchester Normal, graduated from latter in 1891; early business occupation teacher and farmer; married Mlamie Rogers North, March 24, 1908; member I. O. O. F., Mason (Royal Arch degree), and M. W. A.; Democrat (Regular); former Deputy Sheriff, and Deputy Trustee; at present Superin- tendent of Public Instruction for Ruth- erford Co., Tenn.; member of M. E. Church, South; President of Middle Tenn. Educational Association 1910-11. JANES, Edward H., physician; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Oct. 4, 1852; son of James E. and C. S. (Overall) Janes; father was a farmer; educated Union University; graduated from University of Louisville, M.D. degree in 1892; in early life was a farmer; married Fannie Porter, March 11, 1886; member Masons, I. O. O. F„ Iv. P. and K. & L. of H.; Democrat; member Christian church; Pres. Middle Tenn. Medical Assn., Pres. Rutherford Co., Medical Assn., 1st Vice Pres, of Tenn., State Medical Assn., member of Miss. Valley Medical Assn., and Tri-State Medical Assn.; engaged in the practice of medicine at Murfreesboro, Tenn. JOHNSON, Allen Clark, hardware merchant; born (near) Nashville, in Davidson County, Tenn., September 8, 1866; son of Tim and Lucy Ann (Rus- sell) Johnson; English and Irish descent; father’s occupation farmer, and was also Sheriff of Davidson County, Tenn.; edu- cated District School, Montgomery Bell Academy and Winchester Normal, Win- chester, Tenn.; married Stella Thoma- son, December 18, 1895; member K. of P., Elks; early business career clerk in hardware store and later traveling for wholesale hardware; entered retail hard- ware store in Nashville at 16 years of age as clerk; moved to Texas for Louis- ville wholesale hardware house; traveled ten years for same firm and for six years was also in retail hardware; built and owned Banner Telephone Company plant at Detroit, Tex.; in 1905 moved to Mur- freesboro and for four years owned Maple Park Farm and bred registered Jersey cattle; in 1909 re-entered retail hardware business at Murfreesboro, ai is senior member of firm of Johns Bros. Hardware Co.; Elder in Southe Presbyterian Church. JORDON, Leland, banker; born Ci lege Grove, Williamson County, Ten December 2, 1846; son of Edward I land and Martha (Fletcher) Jordon; p ternal grandfather Archer Jordon, pah nal grandmother Elizabeth (Walker) J( don, maternal grandfather Montfo Fletcher, maternal grandmother Ma (Moore) Fletcher; educated Murfrei boro; graduated at Princeton, N. J., 1867; M. A. degree by Princeton, 181 Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tern LL.B., January, 1869; married Lett Perkins, January 15, 1879; began t banking business September, 19C Cashier of the Murfreesboro Bank Trust Company, and still holds the po tion; up to that time practiced law Murfreesboro, Tenn., from date of gra uation in 1869; member Missionary Ba tist Church. KIMBRO, Frazar, farmer; bo' Murfreesboro, Tenn., June 23, 185 English descent; son of John Bell ai Amanda M. F. (Frazar) Kimbi father’s occupation trader and banke paternal grandparents Azariah ail Nancy Ann (Bacy) Kimbro; materi: grandparents I. W. and Sallie (Jan son) Frazar; educated at Knoxvil Tenn.; entered farming in early lii married Addie D. Smith, Oct. 23, 187 Democrat; member of Baptist church. KITTRELL, Richard H., merchar born near Lebanon, Tenn., Oct. 23, 185 English descent; son of M. B. and M tilda (Haynie) Kittrell; father was farmer and stock trader; patern grandparents George and Rose (Bryan Kittrell; maternal grandparents Majj B. and Clarkey A. (Beesley) Haynij educated at Woodbury, Tenn., and fi ished academic course in 1872; was farmer and stock trader in early lif married Mollie D. Shuh, June 19, 188;j Democrat; appointed State Live Sto< Commissioner June, 1903, re-appointe who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 393 ngaged in mercantile business and farm- [une 1905; member of Christian church; >g- LEATHERMAN, Charles Baird, dry oods merchant; born Murfreesboro, ll'enn., Sept. 10, 1819; German and Eng- ish descent; son of M. Fletcher and imanda (Baird) Leatherman; father’s ccupation, drygoods merchant ; paternal I randparents Thomas J. and Lucinda Fletcher) Leatherman, maternal grand- ather, Dee Baird; educated in public chools of Murfreesboro, Tenn.; began i ds career as clerk in dry goods store; larried Lucy Mai Spain, April 25, 1906 ; lemocrat; member of Baptist church. LILLARD, T. O., farmer and cotton iuyer; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 1, 1850; son of Col. W. L. and Delia Blackman) Lillard; father was a farm- r; paternal grandparents Mortakie and ■'rancis (Burks) Lillard; maternal ;randparents Alfred and Bettie (Craw- ’ord) Blackmon; educated University I if Tenn., and Murfreesboro ; entered arming and cotton business in early life ind all of his life has been devoted to ( ame; married Miss Hill, Feb. 1, 1870; aember of Methodist church, Democrat. < LOVE, Clifford, real estate dealer; iorn near Murfreesboro, Tenn., Septem- >er 26, 1878; son of William T. and fatie F. (Miles) Love; paternal grand- father Thomas B. Love, paternal grand- nother Fannie (Bethshears) Love, ma- ernal grandfather Ferdinand W. Miles, aaternal grandmother Virginia (Moore) Vliles; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Lebanon; married Margaret Henderson, September 30, 1903; early business occu- pation men’s furnishing goods and hats; nember Masonic Lodge; present real es- :ate holder and broker, insurance agent, noney lending, bank director and stock- lolder, Trustee Central Church of Christ. LYTLE, William Henry, physician; iorn Murfreesboro, Tenn., Sept. 30, 1827 ; son of William Franklin and Violette C. (Henderson) Lytle; his pa- ternal grandfather William Lytle was a Captain in Revolutionary war; grad- uated from Bradley (Murfresboro) Aca- demy; Louisville, Ky., degree M.D. March, 1850; married Lavinia Dashiell, Sept. 3, 1849; member Mt. Moriah Ma- sonic Lolge No. 18; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church. McKNIGHT, James Taylor, sheriff? born in Rutherford Co., Tenn.; Scotch- Irish descent; son of John A. and Luclie (Barker) McKnight; father’s occupation farming; paternal grandfather Madison McKnight; maternal grandfather Dan Barker; educated at Porterfield, Ruther- ford Co., Tenn.; began his career as a farmer and merchant; married Flora Dickens, Oct. 6, 1907; member I. O. O. F., K. P., M. W. A., B. P. O. E., and F. & A. M . ; Democrat; former Justice of the Peace; now Sheriff of Ruther- ford Co., Tenn. McLEMORE, Will Wharton, public official; born Franklin, Tenn., May 1, 1871 ; Scotch-English and French de- scent; son of William S. and Annie Louise (Wharton) McLemore; father a lawyer; paternal grandparents Jefferson and Bethenia (Dabney) McLemore; ma- ternal grandparents William H. and Priscilla (Dickson) Wharton; educated at Franklin, Tenn.; began his career as drug clerk; married Ophelia Palmer Burres Nov. 26, 1899; member B. P. O. E. No. 129, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Demo- crat; Deputy County Court Clerk, Rutherford Co., since April 1903; mem- ber of Williamson Co., (Tenn) Guard prior to 1889; member of Christian church. MANEY, Newton Cannon, cotton merchant; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Eeb. 7, 1849; French descent; son of Lewis M. and Adeline (Cannon) Maney; father was a planter; paternal grand- parents James and Sally (Murfree) Maney, maternal grandparents Newton and Rachel (Welborne) Cannon; ed- ucated Ky. Military Institute; began his career as a lumberman ; married Augusta Pillow Pickard, Feb. 10, 1897; member 394 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE of K. P., I. O. O. F., and 32d degree Mason; Democrat; member of Presby- terian church. MURFREE, James Brickel, physi- cian; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Sept. 16, 1835; Irish descent; son of Matthias Bricuell and Mary Ann (Roberts) Mur- free; father farmer; paternal grand- parents Hardy and Sallie (Brickell) Murfree; maternal grandfather Benja- min Roberts; graduated Union Univer- sity, Murfreesboro, Tenn., A. M. de- gree; in early life was a clerk in dry goods store; married Ada Juliet Talley, Jan. 14, 1862; member of all orders of Freeme onry, including 32d degree Scot- tish Rite, Prelate of Commandery; Whig before the Civil war, now a Democrat; twice Mayor of Murfreesboro, Tenn.; entered the Confederate army as private in 1861, served as Assist. Surgeon until 1862, and afterwards Surgeon during the war; member ox Presbyterian church, U. S. A., and Elder in same. MURFREE, Mary Noailles, author- ess; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1850; daughter of William L. and Priscilla (Dickinson) Murfree; she is a granddaughter of Col. Hardy of Revolu- tionary fame; her pen name is “Charles Egbert Craddock,” author of numerous productions, viz: “In the Tenn. Moun- tains,” 1884, “When the Battle Was Fought,” 1884, “Down the Ravine,” 1885, “The Prophet of the Great Smoky Moun- tains,” 1885, “In the Clouds,” 1886, “The Story of Keedon Bluffs,” 1887, “The Despot of Broomsedge Cave,” 1888, “In the Stronger People’s Country,” 1891, “His Vanished Star,” 1894, “The Phan- tom of the Footbridge,” 1895, “The Mystery of Witchface Mountain,” 1896, “The Juggler,” 1897, “The Young Moun- taineers,” 1897, “The Story of Old Fort Loudon,” 1899, “The Bushwhackers and Other Stories,” 1899, “x'he Champion,” 1902, “A Spectre of Power,” 1903, “Storm Centre” 1905, “The Frontiers- man,” 1905, “The Amulet,” 1906, “The Windfall,” 1908, “The Fair Mississip- pian;” she has been a life long invalid; her father and her brother were authors of standard books and her sister publish- ed a novel called “Felicia.” NEILSON, J. D., hardware merchant born Murfreesboro, Tenn., June 1832 son of P. D. and Martha (Hoover) Neij son; father was a physician; patern; grandparents Hugh and Sarah (Hale Neilson; maternal grandparents Joh and Lydia (Comins) Hoover; educate in common schools and Irving College- married Pattie Hunt, May, 1867 ; Demc crat; was a soldier in Confederate arm with Forrest, Gen. Stearnes Command. NELSON, Mrs. Cora Bristol, Supei intendent of Southern Physiologies School for Backward Children; bor Oneida, N. Y., October 24, 1873; daugh ter of Robert S. and Nancy O. (Mason, Bristol; paternal grandfather Jonathaj Bristol, paternal grandmother Larawa; Bristol, maternal grandfather Alvin Maj son, maternal grandmother Rachael Maj son; English and French descent; edu cated Syracuse Public High School, Syra cuse, N. Y., Boston School of OratOri Boston, Columbus, University, Ne\ York; graduate Syracuse, N. Y., J un< 1901; A. B. degree Boston School oj Oratory, May, 1903; father’s ocupatiorj teacher and later a lawyer and owner oj stock farm; married George Davis Nelj son, June 4, 1898; early occupatioj teaching and giving public readings; esj tablished the Southern Physiologies; School for Backward, Nervous an Feeble-minded Children at Lebanoi Tenn., January 10, 1905; removed t Murfreesboro, Tenn., October 1, 1908 this is the only school for the feebh minded south of Kentucky; member o Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. NELSON, Logaist Joel, public officialj born in Rutherford Co., Tenn., Oct 7 1839; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. C and Martha L. (Norman) Nelson; fathe was a farmer; paternal grandparent John and Susan (Elliott) Nelson; ma ternal grandparents Henry and Elizabet (Auberry) Norman; educated at Unio 1 Hill Academy and graduated fror same; was a farmer and merchant i early life; married twice, first Hatti Campbell, Oct. 9, 1866, second Hatti who’s AVHO IN TENNESSEE 395 iilorgan, Feo. 25, 1890; member F. & A. d.; Democrat (Regular); Register of 1 Rutherford Co., Term. ; member of 18th ’fenn. Regiment Infantry Co. “C,” and vas fifth Color bearer in battle of Stone’s River; received honorable men- tion from Gen. J. B. Palmer in battle of Murfreesboro for carrying flag through remainder of battle after five men had oeen shot down with it; former member Murfreesboro (Tenn.) police force 1888-1906; member of Southern Presby- terian church. J OVERALL, Asburry M., born Ruth- irford Co., Tenn., April 20, 1844; Eng- lish descent; son of James G. Overall; father was a farmer; paternal grand- parents Robert and Mary (Espey) Over- ill; maternal grandparents Baxter and Mary (Webb) Davis; married Hudie M. Lowe, May 1878; member B. P. O. E., Lodge No. 1029, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Democrat; ex-Confederate Soldier; mem- ber of Methodist church. South; mer- chant, banker and farmer. PALMER, Horace Edward, lawyer- jurist; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Sep- tember 26, 1855; son of General Joseph B. and Ophelia M. (Burrus) Palmer; paternal grand parents, William M. and Mildred (Johns) Palmer, maternal grandparents LaFayette and Eliza (Ready) Burns; father’s occupation, lawyer; educated Union University, Murfreesboro, Tenn., and University of Virginia; graduated LL.B. Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., June, 1877; married Willie T. Mason, May 15, 1879; member Elks; was elected Mayor of Murfreesboro in 1885; member Legisla- ture in 1889; appointed Judge of Court of Civil Appeals, February, 1907 ; re- elected August, 1908; practiced law from 1877 to date of appointment as Judge; President of Stone’s River Na- tional Bank, and has been since January, 1901; Permanent Chairman of conven- tion which nominated Governor Patterson in 1906; member M. E. Church, South. PERKINS, Chables Fbanklin, lum- berman; born Nashville, Tenn., April 7, 1866; English descent; son of Daniel Price and Kate (Morgan) Perkins; father, a lumberman; paternal grand- parents, Peter and Sarah (Camp) Per- kins, maternal grandparents, Rufus and Jane (Williams) Morgan; educated at Nashville, and Murfreesboro, Tenn.; en- tered the lumber business in early life; member of Elks; Democrat; member of M. E. church, South, and steward in same. RAGSDALE, Thos. Charleton, min- ister of the gospel; born Laurens dis- trict, S. C., Dec. 26, 1863; English-Irish descent and German descent; son of Ed- ward Carter and Elizabeth Sarah (Cal- houn) Ragsdale; father’s occupation, physician, local preacher and farmer; paternal grandparents, Edmund and Sal- lie (Hill) Ragsdale, maternal grandpar- ents, D. and Fannie (Sullivan) Calhoun; educated at Vanderbilt University, Nash- ville, Tenn.; moved with parents to Tex- as in 1868, reared on farm; licensed to preach in 1883; married Adele A. Arm- strong, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 9, 1886; member Knights of Pythias, and Knights Templar Masons; Democrat; chaplain of house of Tenn., general assembly, 1899; member of M. E. church, South, and Tenn., conference; joined N. W. Texas conference in 1888 and served churches in Cisco and Fort Worth, Tex., trans- ferred to Tenn., conference in 1893; stationed at Fayetteville, Tenn., in 1893, West Nashville, 1896, Clarksville, 1899, West End (Nashville) 1902, Pulaski, 1906 and Murfreesboro since 1908. RANDOLPH, Beverly, farmer; born near Walter Hill, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1837 ; English descent; son of Beverly and Lucy W. (Searcy) Randolph; father a farmer and merchant; paternal grand- parents, William W. and Lucy (Harris) Searcy; educated in common schools of Rutherford Co., Tenn., and at Lebanon; married Elizabeth C. Wade, Dec. 19, 1865; member of Masonic lodge, has served as master and in other offices of lodge a number of years; Democrat (regular) ; chairman of executive com- mittee of Rutherford Co., Tenn.; circuit court clerk of Rutherford Co., for years; 396 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE served as private in Confedrate army; elder of Presbtyerian church; engaged in farming. RICHARDSON, James Daniel, Sr., Sovereign Grand Commander Scottish Rite Masons, Southern Jurisdiction; born Rutherford County, Tenn., March 10, 1843; son of John W. and Augusta (Starnes) Richardson; paternal grand- father James Richardson, paternal grandmother Mary (Watkins) Richard- son, maternal grandfather Daniel Starnes, maternal grandmother Harriet (Russell) Starnes; English descent; father's occupation, physician; educated public and private schools; married Allie Pippin; member Scottish Rite Masons, York Rite Masons, K. of P., I. O. O. F., Royal Order of Scotland, Shrine; mem- ber of Congress 1884-1904; also, former member of Tennessee Legislature and Speaker of the House; Chairman Na- tional Democratic Convention, Kansas City, in 1900; Chairman National Demo- cratic Convention Committee, 1900; was Adjutant of Forty -fifth Tennessee Regi- ment, C. S. A. ; member Christian Church. RICHARDSON, James Daniel, Jr., attorney at law; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., January 4, 1875; son of James D. and Allie (Pippin) Richardson; English descent; father’s occupation, Sovereign Grand Commander Scottish Rite Masons, Southern Jurisdiction; educated Vander- bilt University, Nashville, Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; graduate of Cumberland University, LL.B. degree, 1896; married Mina McLemore, Novem- ber 20, 1901 ; member K. of P., Masons, Elk, Scottish Rite Mason; early business career, lawyer; as General Counsel for Colonial Loan & Deposit Company of Baltimore, spent some time in the island of Porto Rico and other West India isl- ands; member of law firm of Ridley & Richardson, Murfreesboro; member of Methodist Church. RICHARDSON, John E., lawyer; born in Rutherford Co., Tenn., Jan. 7, 1857; English descent; son of John W. and Augusta M (Starnes) Richardson; father’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparents, James and Mary (Wat- kins) Richardson; maternal grandpar ents, Daniel and Harriet (Russell); edu cated at Princeton, N. J.; graduate; Princeton, N. J., A. B. degree 1877, A M. 1880, Lebannon, Tenn., LLB. in 1878 entered the practice of law in early life married Annie Lou McLemore, May If 1882; Democrat; judge Eighth judicia circuit of Tenn.; member of Christiai church. RIDLEY, Granville Sumner, lawyer born Rutherford County, Tenn., May IS 1847 ; Scotch, English and German de scent; son of James A. and Almir; (Russworm) Ridley; his father was ; physician; paternal grandparents Henr; and Elizabeth (Allison) Ridley, mater nal grandparents, Gen. John S. and Sa rah (Clark) Russworm; educated Cum berland University, Lebanon, Tenn. graduated Cumberland University June February, 1893; member law firm o Ridley & Richardson, Murfreesboro Tenn.; communicant of Presbyteriai Church. RUCKER, James Joshua, physiciai and farmer; born (near) Murfreesboro Tenn., November 15, 1846; son of Robert Bedford and Mary (Harrison) Rucker paternal grandfather James Rucker, pa ternal grandmother Lucy (Bedford; Rucker, maternal grandfather Jostni: Harrison, maternal grandmother Sophifj ■ (Shapard) Harrison; English descent! father’s occupation, physician; educate; common schools of the State; graduatecj University of Pennsylvania, M. D. March, 1869; married Minnie Jenkinsji January 9, 1879; early business physi cian, and is still in active practice, als< an active farmer, and takes much interest;; in live stock and agricultural matters President of Rutherford County Fai;; Association since 1907 ; President Ruth erford County Medical Society; Directoi| of Stone’s River National Bank. SINGLETON, William Rufus, book keeper; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan 21, 1859; English descent; son of Stephei H. and Sarah M. (Tompkins) Singleton father was a merchant and farmer; pa-, ternal grandparents, Hazeal and Lavinis: (Hope) Singleton, maternal grandpar- who’s WHO IX TENNESSEE 397 ents, James M. and Kitty G. (Rucker) Tompkins; educated at Murfreesboro, Tenn,; in early life worked on farm, and clerked in store; married Margaret H. Woods, Nov. 14, 1889; Democrat; depu- ty countv court clerk of Rutherford Co., Tenn., 1885-98 ; election commissioner 1909; First Lieut. National Guard State of Tenn.; first elected city treasurer of Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1897, being elected every two years since then, and is the present incumbent; secretary and treas- urer of Murfreesboro Water Works Co., and bookkeeper for Davis-Elam Gas & Electric Co., Murfreesboro, Tenn.; mem- ber of Christian church. SIMS, Burt L., Southern Express agent; born Shelbyville, Tenn., June 15, 1875; son of William Edward and Lucy (Burt) Sims; father’s occupation, farm- er, merchant and guager; educated at Shelbyville (Tenn) high school, and Uni- versity of Tenn. ; began his career in various printing offices in Shelbyville, Tenn.; married Frances Evelyn Jones; member master Masons; Democrat (reg- ular); member M. E. church, South; en- tered the express service as messenger in 1895, later was clerk in office at Mo- bile, Ala., and has been agent for South- ern Express Co., at Murfreesboro, Tenn., since 1904. SMITH, Edgar P., lawyer; born Ruth- erford County, Tenn., February 20, 1850; son of Ephriam F. and Caroline (Miles) Smith; his father was a farmer; paternal grandparents John and Virginia (Car- ter) Smith, maternal grandparents Pat- terson and Dicey (Moore) Miles; edu- cated Bethel College, Ky., and Union University, Murfreesboro; graduated in law Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., in 1874; married Eloise Childress, April 29, 1880; worked on farm in early youth; elected to State Senate 1906; elected County Judge Rutherford Coun- ty 1910; member Masonic Lodge and Missionary Baptist Church. SPARKS, Jesse Wadlington, lawyer; born near Murfreesboro, Tenn., February 10, 1867; Scotch, Irish and French de- scent; son of Jesse Wadlington and Josephine (Bivins) Sparks; his father was a lawyer and at one time American Consul to Mexico; educated common schools, Union University, Montgomery- Bell Academy and Cumberland Univer- sity, Lebanon, Tenn. ; graduated Cum- berland University, LL.B., February, 1888; before entering the practice of his profession was Clerk in the office of the Clerk and Master of Chancery Court at Murfreesboro; he has been married twice, first, to Octa J. Hale, January 26, 1901, and second, to Lucile C. Satterwhite, June 16, 1909; is at present City Attor- ney of Murfreesboro and is also engaged in general practice; served in Volunteer Guards of the State of Tennessee for several years and was captain of Com- panies A and M, First Regiment; he was Quartermaster and Commissary Gen- eral on the staff of Governor Peter Tur- ney; he is a member of the K. of P., F. and A. M., B. P. O. E. and Knights Templar; a communicant of the M. E. Church, South. TATE, Lester H., dental surgeon; born Heflin, Ala., July 9, 1886; son of Frank P. and Mattie (Patterson) Tate; father’s occupation, farmer; graduated from University of Tenn., degree D.D.S. May 1, 1908; began his career as a sales- man; married Ellen L. Cafney, Nov. 13, 1908; member of B. P. O. E No. 1029. TODD, Andrew Lee, attorney at law; born near Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 27, 1872; son of Aaron and Elizabeth (Pra- ter) Todd; father’s occupation, farming; educated Southwestern Baptist Univer- sity, and Lebanon law school, graduated from latter LL.B. Jan., 1898, and from Waters Business College, in 1892; began his career as teacher in Southwestern Baptist University; married Minneola Wilson, July 3, 1895; member B. P. O. E., I. O. 6. F., A. O. E., and Kappa Sigma fraternity; Democrat (regular); professor of mathematics in Woodbury, (Tenn) college, in 1891-2, principal of Wartrace (Tenn) high school, 1897-98; vice-president Lebanon? (Tenn) college for young ladies 1899-1900; superinten- dent of public instruction for Rutherford Co., Tenn., 1900-07 ; assistant state super- intendent for Tenn., 1907-11; chairman Tenn., sub text book commission; 1905-10; 393 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE president Tenn., public school officers’ association, 1906; member of Tenn., state board of education, 1905-15; mem- ber Tenn., text book commission 1910; chairman of Rutherford Co., Tenn. high school board; vice-pres. Murfreesboro Bank & Trust Co.; engaged in the prac- tice of law, and farming, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; member of missionary Baptist church; financial agent for Middle Tenn., for the Union Central Life Insurance Co., Cincinnati, O. VICKERS, Rufus William, druggist; born Huntingdon, Tenn., March 17, 1866; son of Rufus Washington and Martha D. (Hicks) Vickers; educated in a country printing office; early business, printer; fathers occupation, contractor; mar- ried Lizzie Wood, April 12, 1892; member K. of P. and I. O. O. F. ; Secretary County Republican Club; member Board of Trustees Soule Female College; eleven years Secretary and one year President State Druggists’ Association; one of the framers of the Tennessee pharmacy law; Associate Editor, Drugman, Proprietor Vickers Drug & Book Company, owner of three nice residences and a good farm; member Board of Stewards of the Meth- odist Church. WILKINSON, George Henry, born Brunswick Co., Va., June 30, 1840; Scotch-Irish descent; son of H. S. and Adaline W. (Howse) Wilkinson; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, William and Mary E. (Steinback) Wil- kinson, maternal grandparents, Am- brose and Mary (Hartwell) Howse; edu- cated at Cumberland University, was a farmer and merchant in early life; mar- ried Octavine Henderson, Oct. 29, 1868; member Masonic lodge; Democrat; serv- ed three terms as county court clerk of Rutherford Co., Tenn.; served through Civil war in 1st Tenn. Regiment as lieu- tenant of Co. “I,” without missing a bat- tle or skirmish; participated in battle of Cheat Mt., etc.; member of Presbyterian church. WOODFIN, John T., furniture dealer and funeral director; born Rutherford County, Tenn., December 13, 1869; son of H. L. and Mary E. (Clark) Wood- fin; paternal grandparents Samuel and Sarah (Barnhill) Woodfin, maternal grandparents William and Emily (Kel- ton) Clark; Scotch-Irish descent; edu- cated Hermitage High School and Wood- bury College; graduated Woodbury Col- lege, B. S., June, 1891; early business career, teacher, and worked on his fa- ther’s farm; married Beulah B. Jacobs, June 20, 1894; member K. of P., I. O. O. F„ K. O. T. M., M. W. A., W. O. W.; has passed all the chairs in all of above lodges; member of the State Board of Embalmers; member of firm of Woodfin i& Moore; was for seven years with L. R. Jacobs & Company and for some time with Marlin & Woodfin; Elder in Pres- byterian Church, U. S. A. NAILLON. FORD, John, farmer; born Cocke Co., Tenn., March 12, 1837 ; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Benjamin Ford; father was a farmer; received common school education; was elected justice of the peace in 1861, and served thirty-three years; married twice, first Rhoda Rains, in 1855, second, Eliza Willis, in 1892; member Masons; served as postmaster at Naillon, Tenn., 17 years; served one term as chairman of county court of Cocke Co., Tenn. NAPIER. HALE, Isaac Thomas, accountant; born in Lewis Co., Tenn., Aug. 31, 1879; English descent; son of John Wesley and Nancy C. (Tait) Hale; father’s oc- cupation, farmer; paternal grandfather, Isaac A. Hale, maternal grandmother, was a Miss Morrison prior to her mar- riage; maternal grandparents, Nether- land and Fannie (Cooper) Tait; educat- ed at Gallatin, and Nashville, Tenn.; be- gan his career as a teacher in public schools of Lewis Co., Tenn., and later was bookkeeper for ten years ; member I. O. O. F.; Republican; member of Chris- tian church ; assistant postmaster at Ho- henwald, Tenn., one year; bookkeeper for Napier (Tenn) Iron Works; stockholder and director of Hohenwald Bank & Trust Co., Hohenwald, Tenn. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 399 POLLOCK, Alfred Buckner, farmer; born Lewis Co., Tenn., June 22, 1844; son of James Kirkman and Sarah (Jan- ninges) Pollock; paternal grandfather Henry Pollock, paternal grandmother Mary (Hendrix) Pollock, maternal grandfather Richard Janninges, mater- nal grandmother Sarah (Wood) Jan- nings; Scotch-Irish, French and English descent; educated country school; early business occupation, farmer; married Sarah Davidson March 27, 1867; member of Masonic Lodge; former Justice of the Peace and Deputy Sheriff; Confederate soldier; member of Cumberland Presby- terian church. VOORHIES, David Luther, merchant and farmer; born Wayne Co., Tenn., Aug. 25, 1855; English descent; son of Thomas and Eliza J. (Nichols) Voorhies; father was a farmer; paternal grandpar- ents, David and Alice (McBride) Voor- hies, maternal grandparents, David Por- ter and Emily E. (Rickets) Nichols; edu- cated in the public schools of Lewis Co., and Nashville, Tenn.; early life was spent on farm, then became general superinten- dent of Columbian cotton mill at Strath- more, Tenn., 1884-89 ; was a merchant at Summertown, for one and one-half years, and commissary manager for Napier (Tenn.) Iron Works, 20 years; married Mattie E. Craig Nov. 11, 1875; member F. & A. M. ; Democrat (regular) ; former justice of the peace of Lawrence Co., Tenn.; notary public, and postmaster at Napier, Tehn.; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church; stockholder Napier Iron Works; merchant and farmer, owns farms in Lewis and Davidson counties, Tenn. NASHVILLE. ABBOTT, Timothy Charles, Roman Catholic Priest; born Ironton, Ohio; Irish descent; son of Florence and Julia (Sul- livan) Abbott; secured early education in Stewart College, Clarksville, Tenn.; graduated from Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1879; pastor St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, Nash- ville, Tenn., 1879-1884; also had charge of churches at Pulaski, Columbia and Franklin, Tenn., with missions attached to them; from 1884-1890, pastor St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Jackson, Tenn., with Humboldt, Union City, Brownsville, Grand Junction, and Bethel Springs as missions attached. ALEXANDER, Gross, minister and editor; born Scottsville, Ky., June 1, 1852; son of Charles Holliday and Eliza Ann (Drane) Alexander; father, physi- cian; paternal grandparents, A. C. and Elizabeth (Holliday) Alexander; mater- nal grandparents, Anthony and Fannie (Settle) Drane; attended Univ. of Louis- ville, Drew Seminary and Southern Bap- tist Seminary; graduated from Univ. of Louisville, A. B. 1871, Drew Seminary, B. D., 1877; S. T. D. Emory & Henry College (Virginia) ; twice married, first, Helen M. Watts, Louisville, Ky., Aug. 12, 1875, second, Arabel Wilburn, Chica- go, Nov. 30, 1887; began his career as teacher of Latin and Greek; later served as pastor in New York, State and City, Louisville and Nashville churches; Pro- fessor, New Testament Interpretation, Vanderbilt Univ. 1884-1902; Presiding Elder, Louisville, 1902-1906; Book Ed- itor, M. E. Church, South, and Editor Methodist Review, since 1906. ALLISON, John, lawyer; Chancellor of the Seventh Division of the State of Tennessee; Democrat; residence, Nash- ville, Tenn. ALTMAN, John T., physician; born Milan, Tenn., August 21, 1864; German- Irish descent; son of Joel William and Rachel Ann (Maddox) Altman; father, farmer; educated Concord Academy, S. W. B. University, and Vanderbilt Uni- versity; graduated from Vanderbilt Uni- versity, M. D., 1886; in early life he was a farmer, later taught school; married Mattie R. Bedford, December 8, 1886; member Knights of Pythias; is interested in Tennessee Life Insurance Company and Hermitage Hotel; has been a mem- ber of the City Board of Health, Nash- ville, since 1907 ; president of same in 1909; deacon in Immanual Baptist Church; Professor of Obstetrics in Medi- cal Department of Vanderbilt. 400 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE AMBROSE, Joshua Henry, business man; born Wilton, England, January 22, 1850; son of Moses and Caroline (War- man) Ambrose; educated in rectory schools and private schools, Bath, Eng- land; landed in New York, November, 1867; farmed in Illinois until 1870; did court, newspaper and other stenographic work in Louisville, Ky., and other cities until 1875; in September, 1875, entered services of Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway, as clerk to Superintend- ent and President; was purchasing agents and Chief Clerk to General Manager from 1880 to 1886, at which time was elected Secretary and Treasurer of the railway, and still holds that position; married twice, first, Mary S. Frizzell, December, 1877 ; second, Fannie B. Hall, January, 1903; member of Masons, 32d degree; Knights of Pythias, Elks, Her- mitage Club and Golf and Country Club; Democrat; member of Episcopal Church; in 1904 was elected President of Standard Iron Company. ANDERSON, Arthur Blythe, At- torney General Tenth District; born Chapel Hill, Marshall County, Tennessee, September 29, 1869; son of Thomas H. and Mary E. (Langston) Anderson; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Peabody College, Nashville, University of Nash- ville, Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tennessee; L.L degree Peabody College 1890; B.S. University of Nashville 1892; LL.B. Cumberland University, 1896; be- gan life as a farmer; married Lillian Hardin Gary, February 14, 1906; member K. of P., Past Chancellor Commander, Joel A. Battle No. 84, I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., Nashville Lodge No. 72, P. K. A. Fraternity; elected Councilman, Nash- ville, 1901-1905; Vice Chairman City Finance Committee; Director Carnegie Library from 1901 to 1905; elected At- torney General August 4, 1910, for term of eight years; was founder and "first editor of the Peabody Record of the University of Nashville; member Pres- byterian Church. ANDREWS, D. Moore, teacher; born Franklin, Williamson County, Tenn., April 20, 1869; English, Scotch and Irish descent; son of John Threat and Amanda Horton (Moore) Andrews; father wa County Court Clerk; paternal grandpar ents Rev. Mark L. and Eliza (Dean ! Andrews, maternal grandparents Davie; and Frances (Ashlyn) Moore; educated in public schools of Nashville and Pea body College; began teaching at age oi 18; married Nel Aultman Beach; is Ode Fellow and Mason; has had charge oi Educational Department at State Fair foi the past four years, of which departmenl he is the originator; systematized Man- ual Training in Nashville schools, and is at present head of Drawing and Manual Training Department State Summer Nor- mal, located at Covington, Va., also Princial of Lipscomb School; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South. ARMSTRONG, Charlotte Morgan,! teacher; born Shelby ville, Tenn., May 16, 1880; Scotch-Irish descent; daughter of! Archibald S. and Virginia Belle (Mat- thews) Armstrong; paternal grandpar- 1 ents Archibald and Isabella (Davison) Armstrong, maternal grandparents Rob- ert and Mary (Blackwell) Mathews;] father, merchant; educated Nashville public schools, Peabody College, Univer-] sity of Chicago, Teachers’ College, Col- umbia University, New York; graduated at Nashville public schools 1896; began teaching in rural schools of Bedford County and Shelby ville; member Y. W. C. A., Elementary Teachers’ Club and Southern Club of Teachers’ College, Columbia University, New York; has done State Normal School work in Ten- nessee, Clarksville, June, 1907; David- son County, 1908; Louisiana State Nor- mal, 1909; teacher of Primary Methods Tulane University, New Orleans, 1910; Mississippi State Normal Summer School 1909-10; sent by Board of Education, Nashville, Tenn., to give special primary instructions in New Orleans public schools in fall of 1909; is now under a leave of absence from Nashville Board of Education to do special work at Teachers’ College, Columbia University, New York; member Presbyterian Church. AVENT, Frank, lawyer; Railroad Commissioner; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., March 7, 1858; son James M. and Mary W. (Childress) Avent; graduated Van- WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 401 W derbilt Literary Department and from p# Lebanon Law School in 1880; married Mayna Treanor April 2, 1891; member v K. of P., I. O. O. F.; Democrat; mem- ber Legislature 1887-89 ; nominated 1894- 96 ; declined nomination ; elected by Board Secretary Railroad Commission 1899 ; re- in elected Secretary four times; nominated and elected Railroad Commissioner to succeed J. N. McKenzie, deceased, in 1906; served out unexpired term and was nominated and re-elected in 1908 for full term. or- :0 it; y, n of if i) If If f ; 5 ! I i ' BACHMAN, George Oliver, minister; born Freemansburg, Pa., November 14, 1854; Scotch-Irish-Swiss descent; son of William 1 lenry and Lucinda (Doll) Bachman; educated in public schools, Bethlehem Male Academy, Lehigh Uni- versity, Pa.; married Clara A. Bachman, February 17, 1878; he taught school in early life; was Missionary of American Sunday School Union in Central Texas, 1882-86; Superintendent of Sunday Schiy,;' Work, Texas Synod, of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church, 1888-1890; Superintendent Missouri Sunday School Assembly, 1890-92; General Superintend- ent Sunday School Work Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1894-95; General Secretary Tennessee State Sunday School Association, 1896-1903; pastor Salado, Tex., 1886-88; Enfield, 111., Nashville, Tenn., and Paducah, Ky., from 1892 to 1904; Pastor’s Assistant First Church, Nashville, 1906-09; graduate Chautauqua Normal Union, 1890; Westminster Teach- er Training Course, 1908; and is at pres- ent Superintendent of the Presbyterian Bible Training School for Christian Workers, Nashville; member Presby- terian Church (U, S., Southern). BAILEY, Johk Edmonds, music teacher; born Southhampton County Va., June 14, 1831; son William O. and Jac- quette (Jarratt) Bailey; English descent; educated Smithfield (Va.) Academy; married Julia Bell Powell April 21, 1853; 1st private in Co. I, N. C. state troops C. S. A., May 16, 1861 ; 2d Lieut, (soon after) 1st Lieut. Williamsburg, 1862; made Capt. 1863 at Fredericksburg; served until 1864; resigned on account of ill health; in early life clerked in dry- goods store, Southville, Va., moved to Nashville in 1872; Supervisor Music, Nashville City Schools since 1873. BARTHELL, Edward East, lawyer ; born Nashville, Tenn., April 8, 1866; son of John P. and Fannie (Card) Barthell j paternal grandparents Joseph and Chris- tinia (Lutz) Barthell, maternal grand- parents William and Mary (Rose) Card; educated public schools. East Nashville Academy; graduated Vanderbilt Univer- sity, LL.B., June, 1888; was telegraph operator in early life; married Florence Freeman, January 24, 1894; member of Nashville Board of Eucation, 1897; mem- ber Masons, Kappa Alpha, Watauga and Golf and Country Clubs, Nashville; mem- bef Episcopal Church. BASKETTE, Gideon H., editor; born in Rutherford County, Tenn., March 11, 1845; son of William T. and Melissa Ann (Ellis) Baskette; father’s occupation, physician; educated at Murfreesboro, Tenn.; married Anna E. McFadden Sep- tember 24, 1867 ; entered the C. S. A. in 1861 and served through the civil war; editor of Murfreesboro (Tenn.) News, 1874-82; Nashville American, 1882; Chat- tanooga Democrat, 1883; on staff of Cin- cinnati News, 1883; editor of People’s Paper of Chattanooga, Tenn., 1883-4; managing editor, 1884-5; editor-in-chief Nashville Banner since 1885; President of Nashville Banner Publishing Com- pany, 1885-90; contributor of poems and short stories to various periodicals; Pres- ident of Carnegie Public Library since 1886. BATE, Henry Clay, weather bureau official; born Bledsoe’s Lick, Tenn., July 28, 1839; English descent; son of Hum- phrey and Anne Franklin (Weathered) Bate; father, farmer and surveyor; pa- ternal grandparents James and Mary (Spivey) Bate, maternal grandparents William and Patience (Dowell) Weath-' ered; educated in Rural Academy of Sumner County, Tenn.; early occupation, farmer, soldier, planter, cotton manu- facturer and journalist; served as pri- vate and Lieutenant in company of cavalry in Mississippi; afterward private in Second Tennessee Infantry (Bate’s), 402 WHO’S WHO IX TENNESSEE on April 1, 1862, appointed First I ieu- tenant and Adjutant of First Confeder- ate Cavalry (Claiborne’s). In Septem- ber, 1862, was elected Major of regiment and surrendered with Gen. Forrest at Gainesville, Ala.; he was captured at Shelbyville, Tenn., while under Gen. Joe Wheeler, June 27, 1863, and in prison nine months; he also fought at Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro and in several skirmishes during the war; in 1860 he made a tour of Europe, and returning in the month of December was in Washing- ton when Lincoln was inaugurated presi- dent; married three times, first, Rosa- belle Simonton, January 16, 1866; second, Minnie H. Williams, April 28, 1890; third, Nellie B. Freeman, March 3, 1902; member Masons, Royal Arch Mason, Royal and Select Mason, Knights Temp- lar, Scottish Rite, 32 degree; was Wor- shipful Master and High Priest, Eminent Commander of said orders; Past Grand Sachem of Red Men and Past Chancellor Knights of Pythias and member of Elks; Democrat; on editorial staff of Nashville Daily World, 1882; Chief Clerk of Bu- reau of Agriculture of Tennessee, March, 1883, to March, 1887; Inspector United States Weather Bureau, 1891 to 1896; Local Forecast Official in charge of Weather Bureau office, Nashville, Tenn., 1896 to 1909; member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. BAXTER, Lewis Thompsojst, real es- tate dealer; born Alexander, N. C., No- vember 27, 1852; son John (late U. S. Circuit Judge) and Orra (Alexander) Baxter; educated Earlham College, Ind. ; Kanyon College, Ohio; Hobart, N. Y., graduated from Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., July, 1871; degrees conferred, A. B., Hobart College, 1871; married Joanna Evans of New York City June 26, 1883; member of Psi Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa; United States Circuit Court Clerk and U. S. Commissioner April, 1878-86, at Nashville, Tenn.; Na- tional commissioner from Tennessee at (Chicago) World’s Exposition, 1893; Re- publican candidate for Governor of Ten- nessee in 1892; President Nashville Com- mercial Club in 1889-92; Vice-President Tennessee Industrial School at Nashville from 1888-1910; member Episcopal (Christ) Church, Nashville, Tenn.; stu- dent in Germany and France January, 1871, to March, 1873; actively engaged since 1880 promoting educational, charit- able and business interests of Nashville. BAXTER, Perkins P., lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn., June 16, 1869; son Ed- mund and Eliza T. Baxter; Scotch-Irish- Huguenot descent; educated private schools and Vanderbilt University; grad- uate Vanderbilt University 1890; LL. D.; married Leonora Richardson June 29, 1898; he began practice of law in firm of Baxter & Hutchison June 1890 and was associated with his father, the late Ed- mund Baxter, for several years prior to his death in 1910. BERRY, Albert Gleaves, Rear Ad- miral United States Navy; born Nash- ville, Tenn., September 16, 1848; son of William Tyler and Mary M. (Tannehill) Berry; graduated from United States Naval Academy, 1869; married Lillian Reed Merriman, September 28, 1881 ; member of Army and Navy, Washington, Rittenhouse, Philadelphia, Pa.; Ensign, 1871; Master, 1872; Lieutenant, 1875; Lieutenant Commander, 1900; Captain, June 6, 1905; Rear Admiral, June 18, 1909; served at sea in European, South Atlantic, Asiatic, Pacific and North At- lantic squadrons; also on special duty and in special service squadron; executive officer Amphritite during Spanish-Amer- ican war; awarded medal for action at San Juan, Porto Rico, May, 1908; clasp for action at Cardenas, Cuba; medal for Spanish-American war. BERRY, Coburn Dewess, lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn.; son of William T. and Mary (Tannehill) Berry; his father was a book dealer; Scotch, Irish and English descent; paternal grandpar- ents Humphrey B. and Elizabeth (Tyler) Berry, maternal grandparents Willins and Eliza (Dewess) Tannehill; educated in common schools of Davidson County and Hopkins Grammar School; gradu- ated Yale College, New Haven, Conn., A.B., 1868; M.A., 1871; married Amanda Kirkman, October 29, 1873; he was ad- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 403 mitted to the bar in 1870, and began prac- tice of law in Nashville; is at present a Trustee of the University of Nashville BILLINGTON, R. Wallace, physi- cian; born Franklin, Tenn., December 7, 1880; English-Scotch descent; son of William K. and Martha Sue (Elliott) Billington; father, planter and stock breeder; paternal grandparents Reuben and Matilda (Wallace) Billington, ma- ternal grandparents John J. and Mary (McCord) Elliott; educated public schools and Battle Ground Academy, Franklin, Tenn., and Vanderbilt Univer- sity, Nashville, Tenn.; received two schol- arships Vanderbilt University (literary), 1899; graduated from Battle Ground Academy, 1899; Vanderbilt University Medical Department, 1906, M.D. degree; served as Interne at Nashvile City Hos- pital, 1907 ; appointed Demonstrater of Anatomy, Vanderbilt University, Medi- cal Department, 1907 ; Instructor Anes- thesia, 1908; Assistant to Chair of Ma- teria Medica and Therapeutics; Lecturer on Materia Medica, 1910; member Alpha Tau Omega (Province Chief), and Alpha Kappa Kappa, Medical Fraternity; mem- ber American Medical Association, Ten- nessee State Medical Association, Middle Tennessee Medical Association and Nash- ville Academy of Medicine; member of Christian Church. BINNS, John E., doctor, tax assessor, Davidson County, Tennessee; born David- son County, June 20, 1839; French-Eng- lish descent; son of William A. and Mary Guinn (Garrett) Binns; father was physician and surgeon; paternal grand- parents Charles and — (Alexander) Binns; maternal grandparents Thomas and Winifred (Ridley) Garrett; edu- cated in Davidson County, private schools; graduated Nashville University, M.D., 1861; he was a farmer in early life; married Mary Lou Ward, 1868; was member Davidson County Legislature in 1885; elected Tax Assessor of Davidson County, 1904, for term of four years; re-elected in -1908; entered the C. S. A. May 11, 1861, Company D, Eleventh Ten- nessee ; elected Captain in 1861 ; was Col- onel of the Eleventh Tennessee at close of war; in battles of Chickamauga, Mur- freesboro, Nashville, battle of Franklin and in all battles around Atlanta; com- manded Cheatham’s Division skirmishers from Dalton to Atlanta in 1864; sur- rendered at Greensboro, N. C.; member Christian Church. BLAKE, Vachel Weldon, teacher; born Cuero, Tex., April 27, 1881; Eng- lish descent; son of Daniel Bigelow and Mary (Weldon) Blake; father’s occupa- tion, physician; paternal grandparents Joshua and Frances Jemima (Bigelow) Blake, maternal grandparents Vachel and Sophia (Dodge) Weldon; primary and preparatory education at Cuero, Tex., public and private schools, and col- legiate at Vanderbilt University; grad- uated from latter with B.A. degree, 1909; M.A., 1910; in early life was in the wholesale hardware business as re- ceiving clerk for the Goyer Company, Greenville, Miss., 1904-05; Monumental Draughtsman for Foster & Herbert Cut Stone Company, Nashville, Tenn., May to September, 1905 ; partner and Business Manager Blake Bros. & Flick, Sheet Music, wholesale, retail and publishing, Nashville, Tenn., 1905-06; married Cecil Bailey, April 7, 1907; Past Chancellor Knights of Pythias; Democrat; served in State Militia of Tennessee and Missis- sippi; member of M. E. Church, South; January, 1907, to October, 1907, was re- ceiving clerk to floor salesman, Knight & Wall Company, wholesale and retail hardware, Tampa, Fla.; address 2012 West End avenue, Nashville, Tenn. BLANTON, John Diell, teacher; President Ward Seminary; born Cum- berland County, Va., May 26, 1859; son F. B. and Eliza (Diell) Blanton; Eng- lish-Scotch descent; graduate Hampden Sidney College June, 1879, A. B. South- western Presbyterian University June, 1902, LL. D.; married Anna Hawes Mil- ler May 3, 1883; member Masons’ Blue Lodge, Royal Arch, Knight Templars, Mystic Shrine; Elder in Southern Pres- byterian Church; Principal Watson Semi- nary, Ashley, Mo., 1881-85; Principal Ka- hoka College, Kaholta, Mo., 1885-86; Principal Elizabeth Aull Seminary, Lex- ington, Mo., 1886-92; Vice-President 404 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Ward Seminary 1892-93, President Ward Seminary, Nashville, Tenn., 1893. BLUE, Henry Blake, minister; born Gallatin, Tenn., May 12, 1856; son Wil- lard C. and Mary B. (Blake) Blue; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Public Schools and Howard College, Gallatin, Tenn.; graduated from Vanderbilt Eng- lish Theological Department, Class 1878; married Katharine A. Gray December 2, 1881 ; member of Royal Arcanum and Red Men; Chaplain of the 55th and 56th General Assemblies of the State of Ten- nessee; has been pastor in the Tennes- see Conference for 30 years; regular sta- tion work in the city of Nashville and vicinity longer than any other pastor (Methodist) now stationed in the Nash- ville district. BOLLING, Jefferson Davis, dealer in live stock; born Ringgold, Ga. ; son of James and Susan Hinton (Wooten) Boll- ing; father, dealer in live stock; pater- nal grandparents, Terry T. and Abigail (Holloway) Bolling, maternal grandpar- ents, Richard and Martha (Hinton) AVoo ten; educated in the Nashville City Schools; married Mary J. Fulcher; Past Master Cumberland Lodge No. 8 A. F. & A. M., Past Chancellor Joe Johnston Lodge K. of P. No. 63, Past Noble Grand St. George Lodge I. O. O. F., Past Sachem Osceola Tribe of Red Men; Dem- ocrat; member of firm Bolling & Power, owning and operating butchers and drovers stock yards, Nashville, Tenn., member of Baptist church. BONNER, T. F., manufacturer; born Viola, AVarren County, Tenn., Septem- ber 25, 1858; son Redding and Elizabeth (Rutledge) Bonner; graduate Pough- keepsie, N. Y., November, 1881; educated Warren County, Tenn.; married Bessie Emma Moss May 20, 1884; early occupa- tion, clerk in country store, bookkeeper and farmer; member of Royal Arcanum and National Union; Elder Church of Christ; in January, 1900, began manufac- turing furniture and later organized the Standard Furniture Company, of which he is Treasurer and General Manager; Assistant Secretary Davidson, Hicks & Greene Co., Nashville, Tenn.; President The Manufacturers’ Furniture Co., Memphis, Tenn.; Director Nashville Board of Trade; Police and Fire Com- missioner of Nashville, 1907. BORUM, Sam Houston, public offi- cial; born Lebanon, Tenn., August 30, 1864; German descent; son of John and Charlotte (Stone) Borum; father’s occu- pation, farmer; paternal grandfather Rev. John Borum; educated at Lebanon, Tenn., under Prof. W. J. Grennis; be- gan his career as a cooper; later, brick- j layer; married Mary A. AVilliams, Jan- j uary 5, 1893; member Knights of Pythi- | as, McFerrin No. 166; Democrat; Depu- j ty Sheriff from 1894 to 1902; entered the race for Sheriff of Davidson County, Tenn., in 1902 and was defeated three times, winning the fourth race, defeating C. D. Johns by 575 votes, September 1, 1908; re-elected 1910 by a majority of 3,700. BOURLAND, Albert Pike, educator; born near Falcon, Ark., November 14, 1861; son of Bayless W. Bourland; grad- uated Southwestern University of Ten- nessee, A.M., student of Vanderbilt Uni- versity, Columbia University, Universities of Munich and Leipzig; married Noble Jarman in 1886, who died 1890; Profess- or English and Modern Languages South- western University, 1883; Professor Eng- lish language and literature Monteagle, Tenn., Summer Schools, 1887-91; Mana- ger 1892-98; Superintendent platform of same, 1899; Professor of English litera- ture Peabody College 1890-1910; Assist- ant Secretary Rockefeller Sanitary Com- mission, Southern Education Board, As- sistant General Agent Peabody Educa- tion Fund, AVashington, D. C., 1910; au- thor of “The Teaching of English” series in the Southwestern Journal of Educa- tion; paternal grandparent Henderson Bourland. BOYKEN, Eugene C., Manager Mil- burn Wagon Company, Nashville; born Friendship, Crockett County, Tenn., De- cember 9, 1872; English-Scotch and Irish descent; son of William O. and Louise (Batey) Boyken; paternal grahdparents John B. and Maria (Moore) Boyken, maternal grandparents William ' and WHCTS WHO IX TENNESSEE 405 Americus (Crockett) Batey; father, law- yer; received his education in the public schools; he began his business career as a farmer; married Martha E. Adams, February 9, 1899; member K. of P., B. P. O. E.; at the age of ten years, upon the death of his father, he became self- supporting, and supported a family of three brothers, three sisters and mother, at the same time educating his brothers and sisters; he entered the Milburn Wagon Company as Shipping Clerk in 1903; became traveling salesman, ana was later promoted to Manager of the Nashville branch, which has charge of the entire Southern territory ; Colonel on the staff of Gov. Patterson. BRANSFORD, Johnson, real estate; born Nashville, Tenn., June 10, 1872; son of Major John S. and Mary E. (Johnson) Bransford; English descent; father, President Nashville & Edgefield Street Railway Company; educated Van- derbilt University; began his early busi- ness career as Superintendent Money Or- der Department Postoffice, Nashville; married Anna Mary Dudley, April 17, 1901 ; member Hermitage and Country Clubs; Cumberland Masonic Lodge and Scottish Rite 33 degree Mason; is now President of Bransford Realty Company, capitalized at $900,000; also Vice Presi- dent of Richland Realty Company, Ten- nessee Hardwood Company and other companies; also Director in American National Bank, Southern Motor Works, American Cvanamid Company and a number of other companies; member of Christ Church. BRIEN, William Given", lawyer; born Alexandria, DeKalb County, Tenn., April 27, 1831; Irish descent; son of John Smith and Sarah Ann (Ashworth) Brien; father was a lawyer; received education at Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; received d&gree of M.D. from Nashville Medical College, and LLD. University of Tennessee; married Susan E. Johnson, May 3, 1853; began his career as school teacher in Wilson County, Tenn.; was Brigadier General by ap- pointment of Governor James D. Porter; has had important cases in large cities of the Southern and Western States, from New Orleans to San Francisco; Special Judge in Criminal and Circuit Courts; is member of the Odd Fellows, Temple of Honor, Good Templars and Sons of Temperance, having been Grand Lecturer of the Sons of Temperance; member of Missionary Baptist Church. BROWN, Charles Sumner, educator; born East Hampton, Conn., August 23, 1860; English descent; son of Henry Bascom and Adeline Strong (Gates) Brown; father, manufacturer; paternal grandparents Thomas Gibson and Caro- line (Daniels) Brown; maternal grand- parents Julius and Susan (Strong) Gates; received early education at Hop- kins Grammar School; graduated from Yale University and Sheffield Scientific School 1883-1890, with degrees of Ph.B. and M. E. ; began his business career as mechanical engineer; married Clara Gold Foskett, June 21, 1891; in 1888 held position of Professor of Steam Engineer- ing and Shop Superintendent of Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind.; Professor of Mechanical Engineering De- partment Vanderbilt University, Nash- ville, Tenn., 1896; member Chi Phi Fra- ternity, F. & A. M., Scottish Rite, Wau- tauga Club, Engineering Association of the South, American Society of Mechan- ical Engineers, etc., at present is Consult- ing Mechanical and Electrical Engineer; member Episcopal Church. BROWN, Laurent, lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn., June 23, 1880; Scotch, Irish, French and Dutch descent; son of Jesse Bailey and Marie Therese (Laur- ent) Brown; educated in the Nashville public schools; graduated from law school Vanderbilt University, 1900, with degree of LL.B. ; married Annabel Scott June 28, 1907; before he began the prac- tice irf law he was a newspaper reporter; was admitted to the bar in .Tune, 1-900; member K. of P.; member Presbyterian Church, South. BROWN, Lucius Polk, analytical chemist and geologist; born Nashville, Tenn., August 1, 1867 ; son Campbell and Susan R. (Polk) Brown; educated pri- 406 WPXO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE vate schools, Bellevue High School, Ya. ; University of Virginia; graduated Uni- versity of Virginia 1889; married, first, January 31, 1895, Jessie Roberts; second, Susan C. Massie December 12, 1903; member Masons, American Chemical So- ciety, Engineering Association of South, National Geographic Society, Fellow Am. Assn., for Advancement of Science; ap- pointed Food and Drugs Commissioner and Chief Chemist; State Food and Drug Inspection of Tenn. ; first term Jan., 1908 10; reappointed January 15, 1910; pro- cured the passage of the “Sanitary Food Law,” Chapter 273, Acts of 1909. BROWN, Maud Wolcott, teacher; born Nashville, Tenn., Apr : i 17, 1869; English descent; daughter of Richard W. and Mary A. (Diggons) Brown; father. Commercial Agent Southern Railway; paternal grandfather Henry L. Brown, paternal grandmother Anna E. (Wol- Cott) Brown, was a great niece of Oliver Wolcott, member of Washington’s Cabi- net and signer of Declaration of Inde- pendence; maternal grandfather Charles Diggons, was born in India, his father be- ing in service of King George IV., Eng- land; maternal grandmother Julia (Harding) Diggons; educated in Nash- ville City School, Chicago Normal and Peabody College; graduated from Nash- ville City School 1888, degree L. I., con- ferred by Peabody College in 1889; en- tered the educational work in early life; member of Middle Tennessee Teachers’ Association and Nashville Teachers’ As- sociation; member of St. Ann’s Episcopal Church, Nashville, Tenn., and Nashville Chorus, St. Ann’s Choir; address 702 Fatherland street, Nashville, Tenn. BROWN, Oswald Eugene, professor Vanderbilt University; born Canton, Lewis County, Mo., December 8, 1861 ; Scotch, German and Irish descent; son of Reuben K. and Phoebe E. (Travis) Brown; graduated from Christian Uni- versity, Canton, Mo., 1882, and Vander- bilt University, Nashville, 1889; received degrees of A.B., A.M., B.D. and D.D. in 1882, 1889, 1892, 1893, respectively; early in life taught in public schools; later practiced law; admitted to the bar in Lewis County, Mo., in 1884; Fellow in Bible Department Vanderbilt University 1889- 90; went to China as Missionary in 1890- 92, since which time he has held chair of Church History, Vanderbilt University; member Book Committee M. E. Church, South, since 1902; was Chair- man State Committee Y. M. C. A. 1905; married Mrs. Anna (Muse) Brown, Au- gust 21, 1890; member of Round Table Literary Club; Democrat; member Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South. BRYAN, W. A., surgeon; born Alex- andria, Tenn., September 1, 1873; Scotch- English descent; son of J. L. and Eliza- beth Jane (Wood) Byran; father, farm- er; paternal grandparents Nelson J. and Minerva (Waters) Bryan, maternal grandparents Allen and Delilah (Law- rence) Wood; graduated Cumberland University, A.B., 1893, A.M. 1897, Van- derbilt University, M.D., 1899; Post- Graduate New York Polyclinic and Uni- versity of Vienna; in early life was a teacher; married Emma H. Berry, Sep- tember 7, 1904; member Masons (Cum- berland Lodge), K. of P. (Joel D. Battle Lodge), Watauga Club, American Medi- cal Association, Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association, Tennessee Medical Association, Southern Medical Association and Mississippi Valley Medi- cal Association; Independent in politics; Professor of Principles of Surgery, Van- derbilt University, Medical Department, Nashville, Tenn.; member of Christian Church. BUFORD, Elizabeth Burgess, educa- tor, writer; born Cornersville, Tenn., April 26, 1856; daughter of J. J. H. and Elizabeth R. (Chambliss) Burgess; father, merchant; paternal grandparents Thomas and Sarah (Ruby) Burgess, maternal grandparents Col. Henry and Anna (Parham) Chambliss; ed- ucated ‘ ‘The Athenaeum,” Columbia, Tenn., and Columbia University, New York; graduated from the former M.E. and A.B., June 1, 1872; en- tered the educational work in early life; married Elb ridge G. Buford, De- cember 25, 1885; member Hermitage As- sociation, D. A. R., U. D. C., Home- keepers’ Club, Art League, Director of Shakespeare Club; member M. E. Church, who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 407 South; she was first connected with Webb School, then became associate in- structor with the late Dr. W. R. Garrett (who filled the chair of history in Univer- sity of Nashville and Dean of the Fac- ulty) ; from this position she was called to Martin College, Pulaski, Tenn., and was Lady Principal of same seven years, later she entered the N. C. Y. L., where she was director of same and teacher of the highest branches; afterward she took charge of “The Academy,” Clarksville, Tenn., as President of same; founder and regent of “Buford College,” Nashville, Tenn. BUMPUS, William Hill, railroad agent; born Buckingham County, Va., August 8, 1843; French, English and Irish descent; son of Evans George and Juliet Mary (Hill) Bumpus; paternal grandparents George and Frances (Rag- land) Bumpus, maternal grandparents William and Frances L. (Perrow) Hill; father, farmer; educated in private schools and academies of Oak Grove and Seven Islands, Va. ; graduated from Uni- versity of Tennessee, M.D., 1879; mar- ried Mrs. Mary S. (Duncan) Compton, October 28, 1875; taught school early in life, later became medical student; ap- pointed pay cadet to Virginia Military Institute, July, 1862; served as Sergeant Major at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va.; has traveled extensively in United States and Europe; first Southern man to deliver an address at tomb of Lincoln, June, 1904; member Nashville Cumberland Lodge No. 8, F. & A. M., Grand Master Masons 1898 in Tennessee; charter mem- ber of the Masonic Widows and Orphans’ Home of Tennessee and Secretary for ten years, being at present member of the Board of Control of that institution; connected with the L. & N. railway for past thirty-seven years; President Amer- ican Local Freight Agents’ Association, 1903; is at present Editor and Owner of “Tennessee Masons,” having served in this capacity for eighteen years; member M. E. Church. BYRNE, Thomas Sebastiax, Bishop; born Hamilton, Ohio, July 29, 1841; son of Eugene and Mary Anne (Reynolds) Byrne; educated at Preparatory Semi- nary of St. Thomas, Bardstown, Ky., and graduated St. Mary’s of the West in 1865; studied three years at American College, Rome; received D.D., Pope Leo XIII., 1887; ordained Roman Catholic Priest, 1869; devoted his time to litera- ture and teaching in St. Mary’s Semi- nary; later had charge of the Cathedral at Cincinnati, Ohio; when the Seminary re-opened he became its rector until May 10, 1894; consecrated Bishop of Nashville May 10, 1894; translator (with Very Rev. Dr. Pobesch) Dr. Alzoy’s Church His- tory, three volumes, 1874-78; Jesus Liv- ing in the Priest (from Italian), 1901; Abridgement of Christian Doctrine pre- scribed by Pope Pius X., 1905; also Homilies for every Sunday in the year, from the Italian of Right Rev. Geremia Bonomelli, Bishop of Cremina; author of “Man From a Catholic Point of View” and other pamphlets, chiefly religious. BYRNS, Joseph W., lawyer; born near Cedar Hill, Tenn., July 20, 1869; Scotch and Irish descent; son of James H. and Mary E. (Jackson) Byrns; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents John and Elizabeth (Long) Byrns, maternal grand- parents Miles and Sallie (Spear) Jack- son; educated in country schools. High School at Nashville, Tenn., and Vander- bilt University; graduated from High School June, 1887, and Law Department Vanderbilt University, LL.B., June, 1890; worked on farm in early life; mar- ried Julia E. Woodard, August 23, 1898; member Masons, 32 degree and Knights Templar, I. O. O. F., K. of P. and Elks; Democrat; member of Tennessee House of Representatives 1895-97 and 1899; Speaker of House, 1899; member of State Senate, 1901; Democratic Presi- dential Elector, 1904; elected to Sixty- first Congress, November, 1908, from Sixth district of Tennessee; re-elected to Sixty-second Congress; member of Methodist Episcopal Church, South prac- ticed law in Nashville prior to his election to Congress. CAGE, Louise Mitchell, teacher; born near Gallatin, Tenn.; Scotch-Irish descent; daughter of Jesse and Sallie (Douglass) Cage; paternal grandpar- ents John F. and Mary (Cantrell) Cage, 408 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE maternal grandparents Robert B. and Delia Ann (Mitchell) Douglass; was educated in Nashville public schools and Peabody College; member M. E. Church. CALHOUN, Tyler, civil engineer and jeweler; born Nashville, Tenn., July 26, 1866; Scotch, Irish and English descent; son of George Reid and Maria Shipman (Roberts) Calhoun; father was a jew- eler; educated in the Nashville public schools, Rugby, Louisville, Vanderbilt University and University of Virginia; in early life was civil and mining engi- neer, and Superintendent of Mines; mar- ried Ida Josephine Reid June 2, 1892; member of Elks, K. of P., Beta Theta Pi fraternity; member of Baptist Church; j eweler. CANTRELL, Julian Wendel, rail- road official; born Davidson County, Tennessee, January 1, 1867; English- Scotch descent; son of George Michael Deaderiek and Clara (Walker) Cantrell; father, banker; paternal grandparents Stephen and Juliet A. Deaderiek (Wen- del) Cantrell, paternal grandparents Robert T. and Adeline (Poston) Walker; educated in public schools of Nashville, Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville, and Kentucky Military Institute of Frankfort, Ky.; engaged in railroad busi- ness early in life; served as Corporal, Sergeant, First and Second Lieutenant of Hermitage Guards 1883-1891 ; member Hermitage Club, Golf and Country Club, Nashville; also member Elks and Hoo Hoo lodges; Commercial Agent of Sea- board Air Line Railway, Nashville, Tenn., since March 1, 1899. CARELS, Joseph Stineford, born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 30, 1825; one of a family of sixteen; graduated from Central High School of Philadelphia, Pa., in 1843, received from it the degree of Master of Arts in 185i; moved to Mur- freesboro, Tenn., in 1845; he became a member of Mount Moriah Lodge of Ma- sons at Murfreesboro, Tenn., in 1846; was made its Worshipful Master in 1852; in 1857 he moved to Lebanon, Tenn., being book-keeper and teller there in Bank of Middle Tennessee; in 1869 he presented to the Secretary of the United States Navy a petition, endorsed by every Represen- tive and Senator of the State, for a posi- tion in the navy, and was appointed as- sistant paymaster; was attached to the steamer Clifton in Admiral Farragut’s West Gulf squadron, but at the end of one year was compelled to resign on ac- count of illness; moved to Nashville in 1863 and was made book-keeper and stamp clerk in the postoffice by A. V. S. Lindsley, then postmaster; he was assist- ant under Postmasters Hopkins, Embry and Hasslock; in 1875 he was made in- spector of the money order department of the South and Southwest, in which ca- pacity he served a year, when he return- ed to Nashville and was again made as- sistant postmaster until the appointment of General Cheatham as postmaster; he has been superintendent of Watkins In- stitute and librarian and treasurer of the Tennessee Historical Society for nearly thirty years; for forty-four consecutive years he has been the Secretary of the Cumberland Lodge of Masons in Nash- ville, and as regards length of member- ship is the oldest Mason in Tennessee. CARR, James B., President B. H. Stief Jewelry Company; born LaVergne, Tennessee, March 7, 1857 ; Scotch-lrish descent; son of William N. and Sarah (Patterson) Carr; father in postal ser- vice; attended the Nashville city schools; engaged in the jewelry business early in life; was elected Manager of B. H. Stief Jewelry Company in 1891; is at present President and General Manager of above company, and also Director in the Cum- berland Valley Bank; married Fannie Turk, November 13, 1879; is member of Hermitage Club, Golf and Country Club; belongs to Elks, Knights of Pythias and is a 32d degree Mason and Shriner. CARRE, Henry Beach, Professor of Theology; born New Orleans, La., June 9, 1871; English-French descent; son of Walter W. and Elvira (Beach) Carre; father, lumber merchant; graduated from Tulane Univ. A. B., 1895, Vanderbilt Univ., A. B., 1898; also studied at Uni- versities of Chicago, Berlin and Marburg; began early business career as clerk in lumber business; in 1900-1902 held chair in Centenary College of La. ; 1902-1903 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 409 became president of same; Secretary of Education Commission of M. E. Church, ’South, 1902-10; elected President of Ten- nessee Anti-Saloon League, Jan. 1911; Adjunct Professor in Vanderbilt Univ., 1903, which chair he holds at present time; married Mary Vaughan, March 22 , 1906; member Sigma Chi Frat. CASSETTY, James, coal merchant; born Gainesboro, Tenn., April 24, 1852; English and French descent; son of Thomas D. and Matilda (Apple) Cas- setty; father’s occupation, harness and saddlery; educated in Nashville, Tenn., in early life worked six years in the printing business; married Julia Capps, October 28, 1872; member Masons, Odd Fellows, Red Men, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Golden Cross and Knights and Ladies of Honor; Democrat; Magistrate past eighteen years; Deacon in Presby- terian Church; holds stock in several firms and corporations. CHAPPELL, Edwin B., editor; born in Tennessee, December 27, 1853; son of William B. and Elizabeth (Whittaker) Chappell; graduated Vanderbilt Univer- sity, A.B. degree, 1879; Central College, D.D., 1892; married Jennie D. Headlee, June 27, 1880; ordained to M. E. Church, South, ministry in 1883; Pastor La- Grange, Tex., 1882-84; San Antonio, Tex., 1884-88; Austin, Tex., 1888-91; Lafayette Park and Cook Avenue Churches, St. Louis, Mo., 1891-98; West End and McKendree Churches, Nashville, Tenn., 1898-1906; Chairman General Sunday School Board of M. E. Church, South, since May, 1906; Trustee of Vanderbilt University and Martin Female College, of Pulaski, Tenn. CHEEK, Leslie, merchant and banker; born Glasgow, Ky., September 7, 1872; English descent; son of Christopher T. and Lera (Leslie) Cheek; father, mer- chant; graduated from Glasgow, Ky., Normal College in 1887 ; in early life clerked in retail store, Glasgow, Ky. ; married Mabel Wood, October, 1896; member Watauga Club; Independent Democrat; member of Baptist Church; President Union Bank & Trust Com- pany, Nashville; member of firm of C. T. Cheek & Sons, Wholesale Grocers, Nashville, Tenn. CHERRY, William C., lawyer; born Barton, Ala., September 5, 1869; son Rev. S. M. and Emma (Capers) Cherry; Scotch -French-Huguenot descent; edu- cated Webb’s School and Vanderbilt Uni- versity; graduated Literature 1888, Law 1891; married Dea Fletcher June 5, 1907; began the practice of law in Nashville September, 1891; commissioned at vari- ous times by Governors to sit for term as Judge of Circuit Court and Criminal Court; served short time as Special Chancellor; member Episcopal Church; Democrat; partner of W. E. Steger un- der firm name of Steger & Cherry. CISCO, Jay Guy, Assistant Industrial and Immigration Agent L. & N. Rail- road; born New Orleans, La., April 25, 1844; son Louis Jerome and Laurette (Wezinski) Cisco; French descent; edu- cated by private tutors; married Mildred Georgia Pursley January 30, 1870; ap- pointed U. S. Consul to Mexico in 1888; four years in Confederate Army; Trans- Mississippi Department as a scout; au- thor of “Historic Sumner County, Tenn.;” “Counties and County Seats of Tennessee,” “Public Men of Tennessee,” “Tennessee Authors,” “Rise and Fall of the State of Franklin;” last three now in MSS.; his paternal grandfather, Louis Ruperto Cisco, Marquis of Touchaire; maternal grandfather, Luiz Wezinski, baron; after close of Civil War three years’ repertorial work, then spent year in European travel; engaged in book and stationery business in Jackson, Tenn., until 1888. CLARKE, George Herbert, educator; born Gravesend, England, August 27, 1873; son of George M. and Annie (Mann) Clarke; paternal grandparents George Edward Clarke, maternal grand- parent Henry Mann; graduated McMas- ter University, Toronto, Canada, B.A., 1895; M.A., 1896; studied at University of Chicago; member Phi Delta Theta and Masons; editorial journalism Chicago, 1897-1901; Professor of English litera- ture Mercer University of Georgia, 1901- 410 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 05; lecturer at summer sessions Peabody College for Teachers, 1904-05-06-09 ; lec- turer at Summer School of the South, Knoxville, Tenn., 1908-10-11; Professor of English literature Peabody College since 1908; editor “Bacon’s Essays,” 1905; “Selected Poems of Shelley,” 1907; author “Some Early Letters and Remi- niscences of Sidney Lanier,” 1907; mono- graphs on “Hamlet” (1910) and “The Ring and the Book” (1911) ; contributor of poems, stories, literary articles and book reviews to magazines and reviews. COHEN, C. Davega, manager of Travelers’ Insurance Company of Hart- ford, Conn.; born Augusta, Ga., Jan- uary 14, 1878; son John Jay and Julia (Russell) Cohen; educated Augusta, Ga.; graduated from Richmond Academy in 1893; early business occupation, insur- ance; married Frances Emily Ford in 1898; member of Watauga Club of Nash- ville; church affiliation, Presbyterian. COHEN, Iser Peter, jobbing and manufacturing business, Nashville, Tenn.; born Nashville, Tenn., July 12, 1873, of Jewish descent; son of Peter and Mary (Friedman) Cohen; educated in Nash- ville public schools and Jennings’ Busi- ness College; began business career as cash boy and clerk in tobacco business, and is now senior member of Cohen Brothers, jobbers and manufacturers; President of National Novelty Company, manufacturers of “Cohen Sanitary Straw Dispenser;” Director of the Nashville Board of Trade; ex-President and Chair- man of Board of Directors of Post B, T. P. A.; ex-President Nashville Boost- ers; member of Nashville City Council from Sixth Ward 1907-1909; Director Y. M. IT. A.; Trustee and Treasurer Christmas Tree Fund Nashville Lodge, B. P. O. Elks; member of Reformed Jewish Church. COLE, Whiteford R., iron manufac- turer; born Nashville, Tenn., January 14, 1874; son of Edmund W. and Anna Vir- ginia (Russell) Cole; graduated Van- derbilt University with B.A. degree in 1894; married Mary Conner Bass, April 21, 1901; member Chi Phi, Round Table, Hermitage Club of Nashville, Golf and Country Club and Cumberland Park Driving Club, Nashville, Tenn.: Presi- dent and General Manager Napier Iron Works, Crescent Coal Company, Vice- President First Savings Bank & Trust Company, Bransford Realty Company; Director in Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway; Nashville & Decatur Railway, Nashville Gas Company, First National Bank, Nashville Trust Company, Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, American Cvanimid Company, Florence Wagon Works, Dealers’ Fuel Company; Trustee Vanderbilt Univer- sity, George Peabody College for Teach- ers, Tennessee Industrial School, Univer- sity School; member of Board of Mis- sions M. E. Church, South; Board of State Charities, Engineering Association of the South. COPELAND, Hardy, Cumberland Presbyterian minister; born Livingston, Tenn., March 19, 1863; son of Thompson and Lucinda (Hammock) Copeland; was educated in the public schools of Overton County, Tenn. ; married twice, first, Tina Lansden in 1882; second time, Mrs. Alice Cunningham, March 7, 1907 ; Master Mason; he served as Trustee of Overton County for two terms; was Chief Clerk of State Prison for nearly four years; is Pastor of Grace Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, Nashville; actively opposed to the merger of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church with the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, and has worked to maintain the independence and perpetuate the organization of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. CORNELIUS, Benjamin Franklin, undertaker; born Nashville, Tenn., Au- gust 11, 1851; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William R. and Martha (Dorris) Cornelius; father’s occupation, under- taker; paternal grandparents Jesse and Sarah (Robinson) Cornelius, maternal grandparents Samuel and Susan (Pitt) Dorris; educated in public schools; be- gan his career as a bookkeeper; married Mattie Campbell, February 15, 1877; member Elks, Nashville Lodge No. 72; Democrat; member of Presbyterian Church U. S. A. WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 411 CROCKETT, Sidney Scales, physi- cian; born Williamson County, Tenn., August 4, 1863; son Rufus A. and Nancy Dalton (Scales) Crockett; educated Webb’s School, Vanderbilt University; graduated Vanderbilt 1885, M. D.; mar- ried Caroline Clark January 1, 1894; member Masons, local social clubs, Pro- fessor Nervous and Mental Diseases, Medical Department, Vanderbilt Univer- sity; member of Methodist church. CULLOM, Marvin McTyeire, physi- cian; born Montgomery County, Tenn.; English descent; son of J. W. and Mary (Isom) Cullom; graduate Vanderbilt University, 1894 and 1896, A.B., M.D.; House Surgeon Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, New York, 1898; member Wa- tauga Club, Trinity Consistory Scottish Rite Masons, Phoenix Lodge; married Eva Bellinger, October, 1899; Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Department of St. Thomas Hospital and Nashville City Hospital; member Board of Stew- ards McKendree Methodist Church. CUNINGGIM, Jesse Lee, preacher and teacher; born Lenoir Institute, N. C., March 21, 1870; son of Wm. H. and Louisa (Hardy) Cuninggim; father was a farmer; educated University of North Carolina, Vanderbilt University and University of Chicago; graduated from University of North Carolina with A. B. degree 1891; Vanderbilt University, B. D. degree, 1895; in early life he was a minister; married Maud Lillian Merri- man, June 19, 1910; is a member of M. E. Church, South, and Director of Cor- respondence School of the M. E. Church, located at Vanderbilt University; is at present Professor in Vanderbilt Univer- sity. CUNNINGHAM, Sumner Archibald, journalist; born Bedford County, Tenn.. July 21, 1843; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Washington Campbell and Mary A. (Buchanan) Cunningham; educated at Richmond Academy, Bedford County, Tenn.; engaged in the merchandise busi- ness in early life; married Laura N. Davis, November 27, 1866; he was a Con- federate soldier, holding rank of Private Sergeant and Sergeant Major in the Forty-first Tennessee Regiment; founded the “Confederate Veteran” in 1893, since which time he has been owner and editor; he is member of the Hermitage Club of Nashville, and a Cumberland Presby- terian. CURELL, Randal, banker; born Waterproof, La., July 24, 1868; Irish, French and Spanish descent; son of Charles M. and EUen R. (Lape) Curell; father’s occupation, physician; educated in private school of Greenville, Miss.; en- tered banking in early ilfe; married Anna Marie O’Shaugnessy, March 3, 1909; member of Royal Arcanum, W. O. W., M. W. A., Ben Hur Loyal Associa- tion; Democrat; has been connected with First National Bank of Nashville, Tenn., since 1886, in various positions; now Cashier, to which position he was elected January 1, 1903. DABNEY, Charles C., insurance agent; born Athens, Ala., June 7, 1859; French, Scotch and Irish descent; son of Robert C. and Narcissa (Hunter) Dab- ney; educated in public schools of Lewis- burg and Marshall County; married Ella Brents, April 30, 1890; was commercial traveler in early life; later became Pres- ident of the National Clothing Company of Lewisburg, Tenn., which position he held for fourteen years; was Mayor of Lewisburg 1906-1910; is at present Gen- eral Agent for the Union Central Life Insurance Company for Middle Tennes- see; member of I. O. O. F., and K. of P. lodges; member Christian Church. DANIEL, John, teacher; born Perry County, Ala., July 6, 1862; son of John and Susan Lee (Winfield) Daniel; fattier was planter and merchant; paternal grandparents Leonard and Mary (Shir- ley) Daniel; maternal grandparents Free- man and Mary (Boroughs) Winfield; ed- ucated in private school, Summerfield, Ala., University of Alabama, University of Berlin and Johns Hopkins University; graduated University of Alabama June, 1884; received degree A. M. 1886; mar- ried Grace Olive Knight, September 2, 1896; was First Lieutenant of Alabama Corps of Cadets, 1883-84; State Captain, 1885; entered University of Alabama, 412 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 1881; appointed Assistant Professor of Physics, 1884; entered Johns Hopkins University, 1886; won University schol- arship in Physics, January, 1887; began teaching as Fellow Vanderbilt Univer- sity, 1888; Instructor, 1889; Adjunct Professor, 1890; Professor of Physics, 1894; made discoveries in Electrolytic Polarization at University of Berlin, 1892; discovered physiological action of X-rays, 1896; is at present engaged in the cultivation of apples, having 7,000 trees; also has interest in a number of business enterprises; Democrat and member and trustee of M. E. Church, South. DANLEY, William L., General Pas- senger Agent N., C. & St. L. railway; born Carthage, Tenn.; son of Rowland and Darthula C. (McDonald) Danley; paternal grandfather Edward Hardaway Danley, maternal grandparents Colonel Henry Brown and Mary (Crowder) Mc- Donald; Scotch-Irish descent; educated in private schools of Carthage, Granville and Nashville, Tenn.; began his career as a farmer; entered C. S. A. Company F (Capt. Jack Butler), First Tennessee, as private; Orderly Sergeant afterward; was in battles of Cheat Mountain and Bath, W. Va. (Romney Expedition), Shiloh, Perryville, Stone River, Murfrees- boro and Chickamauga; wounded at Chickamauga; after battle of Murfrees- boro was transferred to Col. Stanton’s command, which was consolidated with the Twenty-eighth Tennessee; First Lieu- tenant Company G (Capt. Wayman L. Wood) ; surrendered at Macon, Ga. ; Gen- eral Ticket Agent Memphis & Charleston Railroad, 1866-67 ; Clerk to General Agent L. & N. R. R., Memphis, Tenn., 1868; General Passenger Agent Nash- ville & Chattanooga Railroad, September, 1868; married Lucy G. Shaffer, January 22, 1866. DAVIES, Olney David, Vice-Presi- dent O. K. Houck Piano Company; born Ludington, Mich., February 2, 1871 ; son David and Ruth E. (Pierce) Davies; Welsh descent; educated Public Schools of Tullahoma, Tenn.; married Florence Thompson May 2, 1894; memoer (32d de- gree) Masons, K. of P., Elks, T. P. A., Watauga Club, Board of Trade, Wood- land Street Presbyterian Church; Direc- tor Krell-Freneh Piano Company, Sec- retary Frank Fite Music Company 1900- 04, Secretary and Treasurer of Davies' Piano Company 1904-05. DAVIESS, Mabia Thompson, author; spent several years in Paris, France, studying under the leading masters where she made a specialty of miniature paint- ing and artistic photography, several of her miniatures being hung in the salon; upon her return home she began to write sketches and stories for magazines, and put aside every other interest and de- voted herself to literary endeavor; author of “Miss Selina Lue;” member of Ten- nessee Woman’s Press and Authors’ Club, the Nashville Art Association and other organizations. DENNY, Collins, Bishop M. E. Church, South; born Winchester, Va., May 28, 1854; son of William R. and Margaret A. (Collins) Denny; English descent; father, merchant and manufac- turer; paternal grandparents William and Margaret (Hotsenpiller) Denny, maternal grandparents Joseph S. and Rebecca (Brown) Collins; educated Shenandoah Valley Academy, Winches- ter, Va., Princeton University, University of Virginia; graduated Princeton Uni- versity B.A. (1876) and M.A. (1879) de- grees; University of Virginia, B.L., 1877, LL.D. degree was conferred upon him by Emery & Henry College, also by Em- ory College, Georgia, 1910; engaged in practice of law early in life; admitted into Baltimore Conference, M. E. Church, South, March, 1880; elected Chaplain to the University of Virginia 1889; from 1891 to 1910 held chair in Vanderbilt University as Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy; Fraternal Delegate to M. E. Church, 1908; elected Bishop of M. Episcopal Church, South, 1910; Chair- man of Book Committee of M. E. Church, South, 1898-1910; served as member of five general conferences, leading Balti- more delegation at last four conferences; Whig Hall representative in Lynde Prize Debate, Princeton University, 1876; won oratorship of Jefferson Society, Univer- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 413 sity of Virginia, 1877 ; married Lucy Chase Chapman, July 5, 1881; member Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi. DEWITT, John H., attorney at law; born in Summer Co., Tenn., Septem- ber 21, 1872; son Rev. Marcus B. and Mary Hibbett DeWitt; Holland Dutch and Scotch-Irish descent; paternal grand- father, Dr. W. J. DeWitt; paternal grandmother, Mary (Beardin) DeWitt; maternal grandfather, John J. Hibbett; maternal grandmother, Nancy (Parker) Hibbett; educated Public Schools of Nashville, Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville; Vanderbilt University, George Washington University Law School; graduated Vanderbilt 1894, A. B.; George Washington University 1897, LL.B.; school teacher 1894-97; married Rebecca Ward November 14, 1899; member K. of P., Masons, 3d degree; several in- surance orders; ex-President of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity; City Council of the city of Nashville 1899- 1901; Board of Education of Nashville 1906-09; member and Secretary of State Board of Reformatory Trustees; Elder Broadway Presbyterian Church; began the practice of law 1897 in offices of L. R. Campbell and J. S. Pilcher; after- wards associated with Robert Lusk, T. J. Bailey and Col. S. A. Champion; he is now a partner of the Hon. I. L. Pen- dleton. DeZEVALLOS, Charles Hector, sales manager and buyer Phillips-Buttorff Manufacturing Company; born New York City, May 2, 1868; Spanish, French, Irish and English descent; son of Edou- ard Phillips and Mary (Hagen) DeZa- vallos; his father was a planter on the island of Gaudeloupe; paternal grand- parents Joseph Dominique and v^nnie (Van Schailk-Wyk) DeZevallos, maternal grandparents Roger and Jane (Talbot) Quartells; educated at the grammar and high schools of Nashville, Washington and New York; he began his early busi- ness career as clerk with the banking firm of Duncan & Gains; married Mary Buttorff, April 5, 1893; member Royal Arcanum, Mystic Cix-cle and Elks; mem- ber of the Hermitage Guards; former member firm of W. M. Duncan & Com- pany; former President of the Omsley Flour Company and President of the Giant Seesaw Company; is President of the Nashville & Chapel Hill Transporta- tion Company; President of the Mara- thon Auto Company, and member the firm of Butler House Furnishing Com- pany; Democrat. DIBRELL, Frank, Comptroller of Treasury, State of Tennessee; born Sparta, Tenn., August 6, 1858; son George Gibbs and Mary E. (Leftwich) Dibreli; French descent; educated Pub- lic Schools White County, Emery & Henry College, Va., and Vanderbilt Uni- versity; married Mary Lou Rhea March 25, 1879; member Knights Templar, Elks Odd Fellows, K. of P., Woodmen of the World, Royal Arcanum; Democrat; Chairman of County Executive Commit- tee for White County for several years; appointed Clerk and Master of Chancery Court for White County October 10, 1894, by Chancellor T. J. Fischer; re- appointed by him October 10, 1900; served until March 20, 1904, when he was appointed Comptroller of the Treasury by James B. Frazier, Governor, to fill out the unexpired term of Theodore F. King, resigned; he has been elected by the Legislature for three successive terms without opposition; re-elected Jan. 1911. DICKINSON, Jacob McGavock, Sec- retary of War; born Columbus, Miss., January 30, 1851; son of Henry and Anna (McGavock) Dickinson; paternal grandparents William R. and Mary (Johnson) Dickinson, maternal grandpar- ents Jacob and Louisa (Grundy) Mc- Gavock; graduated University of Nash- ville, A. B., 1871; A.M., 1872; studied law at Columbia University, New York, Uni- versity of Leipzig and in Paris; received LL.D. at Columbia University in 1905, University of Illinois in 1905 and Yale University in 1909; married Martha Ov- erton, April 20, 1876; President Ameri- can Bar Association, 1907-08; member of Chicago and Iroquois Clubs of Chicago; admitted to bar 1874; practiced in Nash- ville, 1874-99 ; Chicago, 1899-1909 ; served several times by special commission on Supreme bench of Tennessee; Assistant Attorney General of United States, 1895- 414 WHO 8 WHO IX TENNESSEE 97; Counsel for United States before Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, 1903; Gen- eral Counsel for Illinois Central Rail- way, 1901-09; Secretary of War in Cabi- net of President Taft from March 12, 1909; resigned 1911. DONNELL, Ridley Edward, banker; born Gallatin, Tenn., in 1873; son of Robert E. and Mattie E. (Drane) Don- nell; father, dry goods merchant; pater- nal grandparents P. E. and Mary (Mar- tin) Drane; Scottish Rite Mason; mem- ber of Hermitage Club, Nashville Golf and Country Club; Democrat; member of Methodist Church; engaged in the bank- ing business in 1890 at Gallatin, and has continued in same since, and is now Vice- President of Cumberland Valley National Bank, of Nashville, Tenn. DOUGLAS, Lee, attorney at law; born Nashville, Tenn., May 23, 1885; Seoteh-English descent; son of Byrd and Adelaide W. (Gaines) Douglas; father, grain and commission merchant; paternal grandparents Byrd and Martha (Bright) Douglas, maternal grandparents Fran- cis A. and Adelaide (Wharton) Gaines; educated Nashville Grammar and High School, Wallace University School, Princeton, Vanderbilt University and University of Chicago; graduated Prince- ton University, A.B., 1906; Vanderbilt University, LL.B., 1908; member Phoenix Lodge No. 131, F. & A. M. ; Trinity Consistory, A. A. S. R. (18th degree); Nashville Lodge of Elks; member Golf and Country Club and Secretary of the Watauga Club, Nashville; member of Presbyterian Church. DRAKE, Boyd F., Principal of School; born (near) Nashville June 3, 1861; English descent; son B. F. and Julina (Green) Drake; educated Dis- trict Schools of Davidson County, Clov- erdale, Tenn.; Vanderbilt University; graduated 1887, M. E. L.; married Ef- fie L. Hyde December 29, 1892; member K. of P., Royal Arcanum and Jr. O. U. A. M., Trustee for Tennessee for the United Association of Drake Heirs; au- thor “Drake’s Progressive Drawing,” a series of (7) books on drawing for gen- eral school work in drawing; now Presi- dent and General Manager of the Union Publishing Company, Nashville; member Methodist Church. DROMGOOLE, Will Allen (Miss) , author and newspaper staff writer; born Murfreesboro, Tenn; daughter John E. and Rebecca (Blanc..e') Dromgoole; Ir- ish-English-French-Danish descent; edu- cated Clarksville and Murfreesboro; au- thor “Heart of Old Hickory,” “Cinch and Other Stories,” “Rare Old Chums,” “Hero Chums,” “A Boy’s Battle,” “The Valley Path,” “The Farrier’s Dog,” “Ad- ventures of a Fellow,” “Best of Friends,” “Harum Scarum Joe,” “The Moonshin- er’s Son, “Down in Dixie, “The Island of Beautiful Things.” DUBOSE, Horace Mellard, clergy- man; born Choctaw County, Ala., No- vember 7, 1858; Huguenot descent; son of Hezekiah and Amanda (Hawkins) DuBose; pa’ternal grandparents Joel DuBose and Anna (Lee) DuBose, ma- ternal grandparents William Hawkins and Mary (Hill) Hawkins; educated Waynesboro (Miss.) Academy; studied languages and classics under tutors; re- ceived D.D. from Emory and Henry College, 1892; married, first, Rosa Chaney December 6, 1882; second, Mrs. G. V. Amis, December 20, 1899; licensed to preach M. E. Church, South, October 1, 1876; ordained 1879; admitted in Missis- sippi Conference 1877-80; pastor Gal- veston, Tex., 1881-82; Huntsville, Tex., 1883-84; Houston, Tex., 1885-86; Tyler, Tex., 1887-8; Los Angeles, Cal., 1889-90; editor Pacific Methodist Advocate, San Francisco, Cal., 1890-94; pastor at Jack- son, Miss., 1897-8; Secretary Ep worth League and editor of Epworth Era since 1898; delegate to General Conferences; member of Ecumenical Conference, 1901; member of World’s Sunday School Con- vention; President of Methodist Benevo- lent Association; author Rupert Wise, a poetic romance, 1889; Unto the Dawn, 1896; Planting of the Cross, 1902; Mar- garet, an Idyl, 1905; The Gang of Six, 1906; Life of Barbee, 1906; The Symbol of Methodism, 1907; Life at Its Best, 1908; Francis Asbury, a Biographical who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 415 Study, 1909; also author of numerous pamphlets and booklets on religious sub- jects. DUDLEY, William Loflaxd, Profes- sor of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University; born Covington, Ky., April 16, 1859 ; Eng- lish descent; son of George Reed and Emma (Lofland) Dudley; father, steam- boat owner and manufacturer; educated public schools of Covington; graduated University of Cincinnati 1880, with de- gree of B.S. ; Miami Medical College, 1880-5, M.D. degree; was Professor of Chemistry Miami Medical College 1879- 86; Dean of the Medical Department Vanderbilt University since 1895; Pro- fessor of Chemistry Vanderbilt Univer- sity since 1886; is a member of leading chemical societies of the world; has pub- lished many papers on science, chemis- try, especially; discovered physiological properties of X-rays, theory of luminosi- ty of comets, etc.; was Director of Af- fairs of Tennessee Centennial Exposition 1897; member Hermitage Club, Nashville', Chemists’ Club, New York; Sigma Chi College Fraternity; was Grand Consul Sigma Chi fraternity 1897-99; President Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Asso- ciation since its organization in 1894; member of the Executive Committee of Eighth International Congress of Ap- plied Chemistry, 1912; and Vice-Presi- dent of Section on “Law as Affecting Chemical Industry;” member of the Pro- testant Episcopal Church. DUKE, Buford, court stenographer; born Maysville, Mason County, Ky., Aug- ust 18, 1871 ; son Charles B. and Nannie Turner (Lewis) Duke; married Laura B. Anderson April 27, 1889; educated Mays- ville, Mason County, Ky., and All Hal- lows College, Salt Lake City, Utah; member K. of P., Nashville Lodge; Cum- berland Park Club; Supervisor of Elec- tions Davidson County four years, 1903- 07 ; member First Presbyterian Church, Nashville; senior member Duke, Maxson, Beall & Ford, court stenographers. DUNLAP, William A., Internal Reve- nue Collector; born Friendsville, Tenn., March 21, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of E. H. and Fannie (Rose) Dunlap; father was a farmer; paternal grandpar- ents Ephraim and Sarah (Devine) Dun- lap, maternal grandparents Andrew and Susan (Tuck) Rose; educated at Friends- ville Academy and Maryville (Tenn.) College; was a farmer and school teacher in early life; married, first, Tincy Lee Birks, October 9, 1890; second, Mary C. McCommon, January 31, 1899; K. of P., Scottish Rite, 32d degree Mason; was Trustee of Blount County 1896-1900; was engaged in insurance business, 1901-06; formerly a director in Kingston Bank & Trust Company, Kingston, Tenn.; ap- pointed United States Marshal Eastern District of Tennessee, 1906-10; appointed Internal Revenue Collector May, 1910; member of firm of McNutt, McCommon & Company, Maryville, Tenn. ; mernier of Methodist Church. EASTMAN, Charles Hazes, insur- ance man; born Plymouth, N. IT., Febru- ary 25, 1845; English descent; son of Elbridge Gerry and Lucy Ann (Carr) Eastman; father, editor Union and American, Nashville, Tenn. ; paternal grandparents Timothy and Abigail (Wil- kins) Eastman, maternal grandparents Spencer and Zylphia (Goodrich) Carr; educated Nashville, Tenn., public schools; early business occupation County Court Clerk’s office, 1865-1880; served as Depu- ty and Clerk, 1880-86; married Kate Can- trell February 23, 1871 ; member Phoenix Lodge No. 131, F. & A. M., Nashville Commandery No. 1, K. T., Trinity Con- sistory No. 2, A. A. S. R., Past Grand Commander Knights Templar, 33d de- gree Honorary Scottish Rite; Independ- ent Democrat; served as private in Con- federate Army, 1861-65 ; member Mis- sionary Baptist Church; member firm of Throop & Eastman, General Agents of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, since May 15, 1889. EASTMAN, Corin' xe Gr, eaves, teach- er; born Nashville, Tenn., May 23, 1853; Scotch-English descent; father, mer- chant; daughter of Henry Albert and Eliza Jane (Tannehill) Gleaves; paternal grandparents Thomas and Mary (Dear) Gleaves, maternal grandparents Wilkins and Eliza (Dewees) Tannehill; gradu- ated Nashville high school, June 1870; 416 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE married Elbridge Gerry Eastman Febru- ary 22, 1872; lias been connected with Nashville public schools since 1884; mem- ber Church of Christ; her grandfather, Wilkins Tannehill, was a son of Josiah Tannehill, who was a General in the Revo- lutionary War; she is also descended from William Wilkins, who was Secretary of War under President Tyler. ESHMAN, Andrew N., minister of the gospel, educator; born Mount Pleas- ant, Tenn., June 1, 1865; German and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jacob and Mary Jane (Henry) Eshman; father, farmer; educated in the country schools of Lincoln and Marshall Counties, Tenn., and graduated from Winchester Normal College in 1890; entered educational work in early life; married Annie L. Bone December 22, 1892; member Masonic Lodge and West Point Commandery No. 20, West Point, Miss.; Democrat; Prin- cipal of Huntsville (Ala.) city schools 1890-93; President Union Female Col- lege, 1893-94; President Southern Female College, West Point, Miss., 1894-1906; President of Radnor, Nashville, Tenn., 1906 to present date; Moderator of Gen- eral Assembly of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, Dickson, Tenn., May, 1907. ESTES, Patrick Mann, attorney; born Haywood County, Tenn., January 28, 1872; son J. H. and Martha (Mann) Estes; English descent; educated Rich- mond College 1890, B. A.; Washington University 1892, LL.D., and Vanderbilt University; married Gray McLaughlin January 12, 1898; member K. of P., M. W. A.; member Legislature 1895-97 from Davidson County; admitted to bar 1892; member Baptist church; general counsel Life Insurance and Casualty Insurance Company, Employes Income and Bond- ing Company, Hermitage Hotel Compa- ny, State Counsel Empire State Surety Company and Pennsylvania Casualty Co. EVE, Duncan, surgeon; born Augus- ta, Ga., May 1, 1853; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Paid F. and Sarah Ann (Duncan) Eve; father was a surgeon; paternal grandparents Oswell and Aphra Ann (Pritchard) Eve, maternal grand- parents Id. D. and Mary (Irwin) Dun- can; educated University of Nashville and Kentucky Military Institute; grad- uated University of Nashville, B.S., 1871 ; Bellevue Hospital Medical Col- lege, M.D., 1874; Greeneville and Tuscu- lum College, A.M., 1882; married Alice Norton, 1876; Mason (K. T.) ; member Hermitage Club, Nashville; was Surgeon General of Tennessee, 1878-79; Professor Surgery, Medical Department, Vander- bilt University; Chief Surgeon N. C. & St. L. Railway, Division Surgeon L. & N. Railway; ex-President of Nashville Academy of Medicine and Davidson County Medical Society; ex-President of the Mississippi Valley Medical So- ciety; First Vice-President American Medical Association; contributor to American Practice of Surgery, Park’s Surgery, American Reference Handbook, etc. EWING, William James, newspaper- man; born Nolensville, Tenn., January 31, 1856; Scotch-German crescent; son of Robert P. and Sarah (Nolen) Ewing; father, shoemaker; attended public schools; in early life he worked as news- boy and paper carrier; later became newspaper reporter and served as City Editor, Managing Editor, Editor-in- Chief of the Nashville American; served one term as Alderman at Murfreesboro, Tenn.; married Cecelia Virginia Smith, 1881; is member of Woodmen of the World, National Union, and is at pres- ent news editor of the Nashville Tennes- sean; member Presbyterian Church. FARRAR, Frederic Emerson, com poser and teacher of voice, piano and composition; born Haverhill, Mass., June 25, 1864; English, Scotch and Welsh de- scent; son of Joseph Emerson and Emily Linsay (Pond) Farrar; father, retired shoe manufacturer; paternal grandpar- ents Kimball and Almira (Emerson) Farrar, maternal grandparents James Sullivan and Hannah (Linsay) Pond); educated Boston, Mass., Munich, Ger- many, and Milan, Italy; married Mary Weber May 25, 1892; he studied abroad for a number of years, coming to Nash- ville in 1891; he is the composer of some 300 musical pieces for voice, piano and WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 417 string instruments, about 75 of which have been published and are well known throughout the United States. FITE, Frank Green, insurance; born Nashville, Tenn., September 2, IS64; Scotch, Irish and English descent; son of Thomas Duncan and Laura (Green) Fite; father, merchant; paternal grand- parents Lemuel and Martha (Duncan*) Fite, maternal grandparents A. L. P. and Mary (Elliston) Green; educated Van- derbilt University; married Lundy Paine October, 1903; member K. of P., Royal Arcanum and Elks lodges; Hermitage Club, Golf and Country Club, Cumber- land Park Club, Nashville; is engaged in dry goods business and insurance; Democrat; member M. E. Church. FITE, Leonard Beard, dry goods com- mission merchant; born Nashville, Tenn., December 21, 1856; German and Scotch- Irish descent; son of Leonard Beard and Virginia G. L. (Randall) Fite; father’s occupation, wholesale dry goods mer- chant; educated Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; interested in the whole- sale dry goods business in early life; married Sarah Eunice Williams, Octo- ber 17, 1878; member Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Hermitage Club; Presi- dent Sebowisha Fishing and Hunting Club; ex-Committeeman Travelers’ Club, ex-President of same; Democrat; mem- ber of Southern Methodist Church; for last eighteen years he has been in present business. FITE, Robert Hunter, general insur- ance; born Nashville, Tenn., July 14,1876; German, English and French descent; son of Thomas D. and Laura E. (Green) Fite; father’s occupation, wholesale dry goods merchant; educated Asheville, N. C., Bingham’s Military School and grad- uated from same in 1895; entered insur- ance business in early life; married Alma McCarthy, October, 1901; member' B. P. O. E. No. 72, Tennessee Lodge I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; Captain of Company B, Bingham Cadets, and Honorary Captain State Militia of North Carolina; mem- ber of Methodist Church. FITZGERALD, Oscar Penn, minis- ter of the Gospel; Bishop; born Cas- well County, N. C., August 24, 1829; Irish-English descent; educated in coun- ty schools; early occupation, school teacher; married Sarah Banks in 1855; elected Superintendent of Public In- struction of California from 1866 to 1870; church connection, Methodist Epis- copal Church (South); for twelve years editor of the Nashville Christian Advo- vate from 1878-90; elected Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church (South) in 1890. FLOWERS, William Valentine, Treasurer Draughon’s Business College; born Cable, Hickman County, Tenn., April 1st, 1870; Irish descent; son of David Douglas and Mary (Curl) Flow- ers; father was a physician; educated Haynes & McLean High School, Lewis- burg, Tenn., graduating from this school June, 1891; married Mrs. Lista Cooney, November 11, 1898; he was reared on a farm in Hickman County and taught in the public schools of that county in early life; was later a traveling salesman; was elected to Legislature in 1894, serving one term; studied and practiced law at Centerville, Tenn., until January, 1898; came to Nashville in 1898 and abandoned law for a business career, having been Treasurer of Draughon’s Business Col- lege for the past three years; is a mem- ber of Cumberland Lodge No. 8, F. & A. M., Scottish Rite Masons. FOLK, Edgar Estes, editor and pub- lisher; born Haywood County, Tenn., September 6, 1856; German-Italian de- scent; son of Henry Bate and Martha C. (Estes) Folk; educated Brownsville Academy, Wake Forest College, N. C., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. ; graduated Wake Forest with A.M. degree 1877, D.D. 1895; mar- ried Lizzie Handly, March 6, 1888; author “Mormon Monster,” “Folk-McQuiddy Discussion on Plan of Salvation,” “Bap- tist Principles,” “Southern Pilgrims in Eastern Lands,” and various lectures and addresses; has served as pastor at Mur- freesboro, Tenn., Millersburg, Ky., Al- bany, Ga.; editor of Baptist and Reflec- tor since 1888; President Sunday School 418 who’s AVIIO IN TENNESSEE Board Southern Baptist Convention since 1895; President Tennessee Anti-Saloon League, 1899-1911; Vice-President and stockholder in the Folk-Keelin Printing Company, President Baptist Publishing Company, publishers of Baptist and Re- flector. FOLK, Reau Estes, journalist; born Brownsville, Tenn., September 21, 1865; son H. B. and Martha C. (Estes) Folk; educated common schools, Brownsville, and Wake Forest College, N. C.; married Nannie Dudley Pilcher, Feb. 6, 1901; 32d Degree Mason, K. of P., Red Men, Modern Woodmen, Red Cross, Elks, Roy- al Arcanum, National Union; elected Clerk Tennessee House of Representa- tives in 1893; re-elected 1895-97-99; elected State Treasurer, and ex-officio insurance commissioner 1903-05-07-09; President National Convention Insurance Commissioners 1907-08, retired from of- fice 1911 and became general agent Equit- able Life Assurance Society for Middle Tennessee. FOSTER, Wilbur Fisk, civil engineer; born Spring-field, Mass., April 13, 1834; English descent; son of Dexter and Eu- phasia Maria (Allen) Foster; father, civil engineer; paternal grandparents Lewis and Hannah (Porter) Foster, ma- ternal grandparents Diah and Lydia (Bush) Allen; educated in public schools of New England; graduated from High School, Springfield, Mass., 1851 ; began his early business career as one of an engineering party in the location of the M. & O. Railway, 1851-52; married Eliza- beth Nichol, of Nashville, Tenn., June 19, 1866; entered Confederate army May 1861, as private Company C, First Ten- nessee Regiment, C. S. A.; served four years, and at time of surrender held rank of Major of Engineers; 1884 to 1906, general contracting as member of firm of Foster & Creighton; City Engi- neer of Nashville, 1865 to 1884; now re- tired from active business and is Director in Foster-Creighton-Gould Company, Nashville Trust Company, Phillips & Buttorff Manufacturing Company and stockholder in various other companies; was charter member of Hermitage Club; has been member of University Club, Nashville, Tenn., member Presbyterian Church; has held highest rank in every Masonic Grand Body in Tennessee. FRANK, Sadie A., teacher; born Nashville, Tenn., November 19, 1883; German descent; daughter of Morris and Carrie (Hexter) Frank; father, mer- chant, member of firm D. Weil & Com- pany; educated in High School and Uni- versity of Nashville; graduated from latter with L.I. degree in 1902, B.A. in 1908; member of Magazine Circle; en- gaged as teacher in city schools of Nash- ville for past nine years; contributor to Progressive Teacher and author of Story of David, printed in October number Young Israel; Jewish. FRANKLIN, James C., President of Tennessee Life Insurance Company; born,! Winchester, Tenn., in 1853; English de-ji scent; son of Moses C. and Nancy (Sil- vertooth) Franklin; father, farmer; pa- ( ternal grandparents Joseph and Mahalaj 1 (Griffin) Franklin, maternal grandpar-J ents John and Elizabeth (Tolley) Silver- J tooth ; received education in country j schools of Moore and Franklin Counties, | Tenn.; began his early business career in drug business, owning and conducting; a drug business for thirty years; later engaged in banking, manufacturing and real estate business, and is now Presi-, dent of the Tennessee Life Insurance Company; married Elizabeth Salmon, 1877 ; Democrat. FRANTZ, Frank Flavius, teacher; born Daleville, Va., August 23, 1874; German and French descent; son of Thornton P. and Sarah J. (Petit) Frantz; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandfather Jacob Frantz; graduated from Central College, Fayette, Mo., B.A. degree, 1900; Vanderbilt Uni- versity, M.A. degree, 1902, Ph.D., 1910; entered the educational work in early life; member of Masons, Past Master Claibourne Lodge No. 293; member of Sigma Nu and Phi Beta Kappa fraterni- ties; Independent Democrat; member of M. E. Church, South; Professor of Ro- mance Languages at Peabody College from 1905 to present date. AVHO S WHO IX TENNESSEE 419 FROST, James Marion, minister of the gospel; born Georgetown, Ky., February 10, 1849; son of James Madison and Margaret A. (Lemon) Frost; father, minister of the gospel; paternal grand- parents Simeon and Polly (Wood) Frost, maternal grandparents Joseph I. and Margaret (Leaters) Lemon; graduated from Georgetown, Ky., College, June, 1811; received D.D. degree in June, 1884, from Howard College, Alabama; entered the ministry in early life; married Nan- nie Riley, June 6, 1871; Secretary Bap- tist Sunday School Board, Nashville, Tenn. GAINES, John Wesley, lawyer, ex- congressman; born Davidson Co., Tenn., Aug. 24, 1861; son of Dr. John Wesley and Maria (Wair) Gaines; educated in the country schools; graduated University of Nashville, Vanderbilt University, M. D., 1883, but instead of practicing medi- cine turned his attention to law, and be- came a member of the Nashville Bar, in 1884; was presidential elector on the Cleveland ticket in 1892; in 1896 was elected to the 55th congress of the U. S., and was a member of congress from 1897 to March, 1909; during his term in Con- gress he was active in Democratic leader- ship; he was the first to propose by reso- lution a new plan or line of procedure to secure reforms in the Reed-Cannon rules, by appealing direct to the voters, by a plank in the National Democratic plat- form, which was done at Denver, in 1908; a Democratic House is the result of this plank and campaign; he was first to sug- gest, and was active in the passage of the Federal law against the issuance of free passes (amendment to Hepburn Law) ; was first to suggest repeal of six cent tax on leaf tobacco, and the law providing for this tax was repealed; he began the movement to secure legal proceedings against the tobacco trust; upon the refus- al of the attorney-general to proceed against the trust without evidence of guilt, he proceeded to collect evidence, and appointed an ‘‘Evidence Committee,” which committee devised and organized the Dark Tobacco Growers Assn, of Tenn. Ky., and Va. ; he made an active fight to maintain the circulation of “Clean Mon- ey; he revived the old law docking ab- sent members (Congress) by an amend- ment thereto requiring members to file written excuse for absence; was open in supjiort of amendment increasing the salaries of members of future congresses; has vigorously demanded the enforcement of State and National Anti-trust laws, both by injunction and criminal prosecu- tion; engaged in the practice of law at Nashville, Tenn. GARRETT, John Berry, Grand Sec- retary F. & A. M. ; born in Davidson County, Tennessee., October 7, 1854; Welsh descent; son of William Walton and Margaret (Johnson) Garrett; pa- ternal grandparents Jonathan R. and Sarah (Waggoner) Garret, maternal grandparents William H. and Charity (Morris) Johnson; educated at Univer- sity of Tennessee; began his business ca- reer early in life as merchant; married Ida McK. Garrett, November 29, 1883; member Phoenix Lodge F. & A. M., Cum- berland Chapter No. 1, R. A. M., Nash- ville Council No. 1, R. & S. M., NaSh- ville Commandery No. 1, Knights Temp- lar, Trinity Consistory No. 9; Grand Secretary Grand Lodge; Grand Chapter, Grand Council and Grand Commandery Tennessee Freemasons. GAUT, John M., lawyer; born Cleve- land, Tenn., October 1, 1841 ; son J. C. and Sarah A. (McReynolds) Gaut; Scotch-lrish descent; educated Academy, Cleveland, Tenn.; Rutger’s College, New Brunswick, N. J.; graduated A. B. 1866, A.M. 1869, LL.D. 1908, LL.D. Mis- souri Valiev^ College 1907 ; married, first, Michie M. Harris, 1870; second, Sallie Crutchfield, 1876; member City Council of Nashville 1873; Special Judge of Su- preme Court 1881; member Cumberland Presbyterian, which by union became Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.; was General Counsel for the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. prosecuting or defending the test cases in the various States involving the legality of the union between the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church, U. S.A. GILLILAND, Eugene, educator; born Stephensport, Ky., March 23, 1872; Irish-German descent; son of Joseph H. 420 WHO S AVHO IN TENNESSEE and Barine Frances (Brashear) Gilli- land; father’s occupation, contractor; paternal grandparents Adam and Eliza- beth (Springer) Gilliland, maternal grandparents Jabez and Eva (Frymire) Brashear; educated in Breckenridge County, Ky., Normal College, and State University of Kentucky; graduated from Normal College 1900 and University of Kentucky with degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering in 1904; student at Columbia University, New York, 1909- 1910; in early life was Inspector of Elec- tric Engineering and teacher; married Hettie M. Auspach, July 3, 1907; mem- ber F. & A. M.; was Corporal, Sergeant, Quartermaster Sergeant, Quartermaster Lieutenant and Captain at State Univer- sity of Kentucky; Director Manual Training Nashville public schools. GLENN, Leonidas Chalmers, Profes- sor of Geology; born Crowder’s Creek, N. C., September 9, 1871; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William Davis and Sarah Priscilla (Torrence) Glenn; father, mer- chant and farmer; paternal grandparents John Franklin and Jennie Gray (Scott) Glenn, maternal grandparents William Wilson and Sarah Ann (Wilson) Tor- rence; educated public schools; graduated University of South Carolina 1891, A.B. degree; Johns Hopkins University 1899, Ph.D. degree; began career as teacher in public schools; married Nellie Louise McCullough, September 12, 1900; mem- ber K. of P. and W. O. W. lodges; mem- ber Kappa Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa fra- ternities; has been member at various times of geological surveys in Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina; is now on Kentucky and Tennessee geo- logical surveys; does consulting geologi- cal work; member Presbyterian Church. GOODLETT, Caroline Douglas Meri- wether, born Woodstock Farm, Todd County, Ky., November 4, 1833; Scotch- English descent; daughter of Charles Nicholas Minor and Caroline H. (Bar- ker) Meriwether; paternal grandparents Dr. Charles Nicholas and Ann Minor Meriwether, who were cousins to Diana Minor, who married Richard Maury, father of Commodore Mathew Fountaine Maury; Mrs. Goodlett was educated inf Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Ky.; mar- ried twice; first, to J. E. Sturdivant, j 1852; second, to Col. M. C. Goodlett, son of Dr. A. G. Goodlett, Surgeon of the' Seventh Regular United States Infantry at battle of New Orleans, 1865; founded United Daughters of Confederacy in 1894; organized the Masonic Home Aux- iliary and was President of the same un- til the home was built and furnished; organized the Confederate Home Auxil-|! iary and was President until the homef was built; had women put on the Board of Trustees of Soldiers’ Home; appointed Commissioner from Tennessee to World’s Fair, Chicago, 111., and Portland, Ore.;! was given diploma by Portland, Ore., exposition for services rendered in treaty with government in regard to moving the remains of Gov. Meriwether Lewis to Portland, Ore.; Meriwether Lewis’ mother, Lucy Meriwether, was a cousin of Mrs. Goodlett’s grandfather; Mrs. Goodlett is a life member of the Na- tional Humane Society; is associated with the National and International Char- ities of Corrections, and is a member of the Educational Committee of the Daughters of Confederacy, and is now assisting in getting a compulsory educa- tion bill passed by the Legislature. GOODLOE, Halltjm Wood, Secretary of State; born Haywood (now Crockett) County), Tenn., June 8, 1869; son Cas- well A. and Sallie (Wood) Goodloe; edu- cated Public Schools and Thompson’s Classical Institute at Alamo, Tenn., and University of Tennessee, Knoxville; mar- ried Mary Tarbell Dawson June 18, 1902; Knights Templar Mason, Elk, Shriner; Democrat; Clerk of Chancery Court of Crockett County; appointed September 14, 1891; resigned March, 1901, to ac- cept position of Chief Clerk under Cap- tain John W. Morton, Secretary of State; resigned September 3, 1907, to make race for Secretary of State, and was elected by the General Assembly January 19, 1909, by receiving unanimous vote; entered on discharge of his duties February 13, 1909, for the term of four years. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 421 GOODPASTURE, Albert Virgil, book dealer; born Livingston, Tenn., No- vember 19, 1865; son of Jefferson Dil- lard and Goodpasture; father, lawyer; paternal grandparents John and Marjorie (Bryan) Goodpasture, mater- nal grandparents J acob and J ane C. (Marchbanks) Dillon; educated Univer- sity of Tennessee and Vanderbilt Uni- versity; graduated University of Tennes- see, B.S., 1875; M.A., 1882; Vanderbilt University, L.B., 1877; in early life he practiced law; married Jennie Wilson Dawson, November 16, 1880; Secretary Tennessee Historical Society; former member both houses of State Legisla- ture; serving on Committee of Ways and Means of each; former Clerk Supreme Court of Tennessee at Nashville; editor of American Historical Magazine; au- thor “History of Overton County,” joint author “History of Tennessee,” and “Life of Jefferson Dillard Goodpasture,” also number of magazine articles; at present book dealer, Nashville; member Cumber- land Presbyterian Church. GRAY, John Moffitt, Jr., merchant- manufacturer; born Gallatin, Tenn., June 29, 1869; English descent; son of John M. and Elvira Dale (Pillow) Gray; father, merchant and farmer; pa- ternal grandparents Ben and Martha (Morse) Gray; maternal grandparents Jerome B. and Elvira (Dale) Pillow; he is a descendant of Sir Thomas Dale, Doi- ly Madison and Gideon Pillow; gradu- ated from Montgomery-Bell Academy, Nashville, Tenn., 1887; engaged in the wholesale hardware business early in life; married Reba Franklin Wilson, April 21, 1897 ; is now Vice-President of Gray & Dudley Hardware Company and Director in American National Bank, Wilson Lumber & Land Company, Tennessee Rapid Transit Company, Odeon Amusement Company, Nashville Industrial Bureau; member of the Royal Arcanum, Hermitage Club, Nash- ville Golf and Country Club, being or- ganizer and first President of last named club. GRAY, Joseph Prestox, dentist; born in Pettus County, Mo., January 20, 1855; son of Sidney C. and Margaret L. Gray; graduated from University of Tennessee, M.D., 1890; DD.S. 1891; married Ella Duncan in 1898; entered the practice of dentistry in Nashville in 1890; Professor of Prosthetic and Oral Surgery, Univer- sity of Tennessee since 1890; Professor of Prosthetic Denistry and Manager and Secretary Department of Dentistry, Vanderbilt University, since 1905; Pres- ident of Nashville Board of Education, 1903; member of Fourth International Dental Congress, 1904 (Chairman of Committee on Clinics) ; President Na- tional Association of Dental Faculties, 1897; member of National and State Associations of Dentists. GREEN, Graftox, lawyer; born Le- banon, Tenn., August 25, 1872; son Nath- an and Bettie (McClain) Green; English- Scotch-Irish descent; graduated Cumber- land University, A. B., 1891; LL. B., 1893; married Pauline Dinges, December 10, 1898; admitted to bar 1893; elected Judge of Supreme Court of Tennessee August 4, 1910. GUILD, George Blackmore, lawyer; born Gallatin, Tenn., April 8, 1834; son Josephus C. and Katherine (Montgom- ery) Guild; grandson Major George D. Blackmore, Revolutionary soldier from Middle Tennessee; Scotch-Irish-English descent; educated Gallatin, Tenn.; Liter- ary and Law Cumberland University; graduated Cumberland University, 1855, A.M. Law, 1857; LL. B.; married Georgia Thompson March 5, 1861 ; lodge affiliation, I. O. O. F.; Democrat; Flo- terial Representative from Smith, Sum- ner and Macon Counties, 1871-73; Sena- tor from Davidson County, 1896-97 ; ap- pointed Clerk and Master of Gallatin, 1860, held it until 1862; entered Confed- erate Army February, 1862, Company F, 4th Tenn. Cavalry; appointed Adjutant of 4th Reg. Tenn. Cavalry after battle of Murfreesboro; appointed afterward Adjutant-General brigade and surren- dered as such May 3, 1865, Charlotte, N. C.; elected member of Tenn. Board of Pension Commissioners 1891 when board was created by Camps and Bivouacs of Tennessee; elected President by board 1891; holds said office now; appointed by President McKinley 1898 paymaster 422 WHO’S WIIO IN TENNESSEE in Spanish-American War with rank of Major until close of war (80 additional paymasters of the army) ; Elder Presby- terian Church. HALE, William Thomas, journalist and author; horn Liberty, Tenn., Febru- ary 1, 1857; son of C. W. L. and Laura Malissa (Overall) Hale; educated at Liberty, Tenn.; began his career as an attorney at law; married Lula Lewis, April 6, 1876; Democrat; engaged in the practice of law at Liberty and Leba- non, Tenn., 1886-95; became Associate Editor the Commercial Appeal, Mem- phis, Tenn., in 1895; afterward served on the editorial staff of the St. Louis, Mo., Post Dispatch, Nashville, Tenn., American, Nashville Daily News, Knox- ville (Tenn.) Daily Sentinel and Nash- ville Cumberland Presbyterian; has con- tributed much to periodicals north and south, has also published six books, poet- ical and historical; in addition to liter- ary work, now conducts the Agricul- tural Department of the Nashville (Tenn.) Banner; owns a fruit and hog farm near Nashville, Tenn. HALL, Allen Garland, University Dean; born Lafayette, Kj r ., July 12. 1863; son of Cladius Buchanan and Selina Jefferson (Garland) Hall; pater- nal grandfather Dr. Thomas Jefferson Hall, who was a pioneer Presbyterian minister and teacher, removed to Mar- shall County, Tenn., in 1810, and became pastor of the Betteberie Presbyterian Church, which he served thirty-four years, and established “Hall’s Classical School;” paternal grandmother Emma (Wallace) Hall; maternal grandparents Edwood and Nancy (Swiser) Garland; educated at Webb’s School, Central Uni- versity of Kentucky and Vanderbilt University; graduated from latter with LL.B. degree 1885, Central University LL.D. 1906; married Lillie Carter Gunn, February 26, 1885; member of Nashville Press Association, Hermitage Club; Democrat; member of Forty-sev- enth General Assembly of Tennessee. 1891; Speaker pro tem; Professor of Law since 1902, and now Dean of' the Faculty of Law Vanderbilt L’niversity; Moderator of General Assembly of Pres- byterian Church U. S. A., 1906; Vice- ( President State Anti-Saloon League; Superintendent of Monteagle (Tenn.) Sunday School Assembly since 1907; member of American Bar Association; compiled and edited Tennessee Supreme Court Reports, Volumes 83 and 84, in 1886. HAMBLEN, Annie Wray, teacher; born Neely’s Bend, Tenn., October 30, i 1883; English, Scotch and Irish descent; daughter of J. Iv. P. and Mattie (Wray) Hamblen; father, farmer; paternal I grandparents, William Henry and Va- jj rina (Fowlkes) Hamblen, maternal grandparents James M. and Mary Agnes (Bagwell) Wray; received education at I Neely’s Bend Grammar School and Pea- j body College; began career as teacher in j 1903; member Church of Christ. HAMILL, Howard M., born Lowndes- j| boro, Ala.; son of Edward J. Hamill; I father, minister of the gospel ; Scotch- Irish descent; educated at Auburn, Ala., [I East Alabama College, now Alabama II Polytechnic Institute; graduated from |; same in 1868; M.A. degree in 1870; re- j[ ceived degree D.D. from Illinois Col- lege in 1895 ; was minister of the gospel f and Sunday School specialist in early life; married Ada Turman in 1885; jj member I. O. O. F.. Masons, Blue Lodge Chapter and Commandery, Press Club II and Cheatham Bivouac, all of Nashville, || Tenn.; Democrat; served in Finnegan’s Florida Brigade last year of civil war; was for ten years Superintendent of j| Schools, President Mission State Teach- ers’ Association ; author of several books, and Sunday School specialist for more than twenty years; is now Chairman of j the Committee on Education of Inter- national Sunday School Association; Special Commissioner from World’s Sun- day School Association to the Orient and to Europe; member Southern Meth- odist Church. HAMPTON, Edward Lee, President Tennessee Consolidated Coal Company; born Franklin County, Tenn., March 1, 1861; English descent; son of H. G. and Malinda (Buckner) Hampton; father was educator and farmer; paternal who’s WHO in TENNESSEE 423 grandparents Ransom and Mary (Lackey) Ham]) ton, maternal grandpar- ents John and Malinda (Kennerly) Buckner; educated Winchester, Tenn.; in early life was telegraph operator; later became Railroad Superintendent; President Tennessee Consolidated Coal Company, Tracy City, Tenn.; also Pratt Consolidated Coal Company, Birming- ham, Ala.; stockholder and Director of First National Banks, Nashville, Tulla- homa and Tracy City; also Bank of Cowan arid American Trust & Savings Bank, Birmingham, Ala. ; First Savings Bank & Trust Company, Nashville, Tenn., and is also interested in Nashville Railway & Light Company; married Lula E. Robbins, December 22, 1892; Demo- crat; member M. E. Church, South; memuef Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythi- as, National Union, Hermitage Club an t Golf and Country Club, Nashville. HARRIS, Albert Mason, Professor Vanderbilt University; born Old Mystic, Conn., January 13, 1868; English de- scent; son of William C. and Elizabeth (Comer) Harris; father, building con- tractor; paternal grandparents George W. and Hannah Vincent (Hinckley) Harris, maternal grandparents John and Elizabeth (Parkhurst) Comer; educated Old Mystic schools, Emerson College of Oratory, Cornell (Iowa) Academy and College; graduated from Cornell (Iowa) College 1901 and Emerson College of Oratory (Boston, Mass.), in 1894, with B.A. and M.A. degrees; began business career as reporter on the Hartford (Conn.) Times; was Instructor in Har- rington's School, Waterbury, Conn., in 1894; Assistant in Oberlin (Ohio) Col- lege 1894-96; Instructor In Cornell (Iowa) College 1896-1902; Adjunct Pro- fessor Public Speaking and Debate, Van- derbilt University 1902-07 ; Associate Professor 1907 ; married Florence Black- well, December 31, 1902; member K. of P. and Sons of V eterans, and Quarter- master General S. of V., Department of Connecticut, 1889 ; Republican ; member M. E. Church, South. HARRIS, (Mrs.) L. IT., author; born March 17, 1870 at “Farm Hill” near El- berton, Ga., daughter of Tinsley xoicker White, and grand daugh- ter of Hon. William White; educated by ner parents and a governess with the exception of a few terms at the academy in Elberton, Ga. ; married Lundy Howard Harris, Feb. 8, 1887 ; her first work was published in the Atlanta Constitution and was a hu- morous account of “Miss Puss Rait of Gourdneck District’ watching the Geor- gia legislature in session; in May 1899 she published her first article in the Inde- pendent, and since that date she has been a regular contributor to that mag- azine, of articles, stories, editorials and book reviews; in 1904 she collaborated with Paul Elmer More and published “The Jessica Letters;” she has published a series of “Brasstown Valley” stories in the American Magazine and Saturday Evening Post; in January, 1910, her story, “A Circuit Rider’s Wife,” appeared se- rially in the Saturday Evening Post, and later in book form; this was followed by “Eve’s Second Husband ;” her latest sto- ry is “The Recording Angel;” the early part of her married life was spent in va- rious small towns in Georgia where her husband was minister; her experiences during these years are recorded bio- graphically in “A Circuit Rider’s Wife;’ in 1902 her husband was appointed as- sistant secretary of education in the Methodist Church and they removed to Nashville where Mrs. Harris has since lived; her husband died in Sept. 1910. HARTS, William Wright, U. S. A. officer; born Springfield, 111., August 29, 1866; Duteh-English descent; son of P. Wilde and Harriet (Bates) Harts; fath- er was a lawyer; paternal grandparents John and Mary (Epler) Harts, maternal grandparents William P. and Anne (Wright) Bates; educated in public schools, Springfield, 111., and Princeton (N. J.) University; graduated from U. S. Military Academy in 1889, and U. S. Engineer School of Application in 1892; married Martha Davis Hale, October 27, 1898; member Nashville Golf Club, Hermitage Club, Madison (Ct. ) Country Club, Army' and Navy Club, Washington, D. C., Army and Navy Club, New York City, Sons of Revolution, American So- ciety of Civil Engineers, Institution of 424 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Civil Engineers, London, Southern Engi- neering Association, Technical Society Pacific Coast, Loyal Legion, Military Service Institute; in United States Corps of Engineers and has received titles up to Major; member of Presbyterian Church. HARWOOD, Samuel N., lawyer; born Benton County, Tenn., June 26, 1870; son R. D. and Mary Eugenia (Pybass) Harwood; English descent; educated Waverly College, Winchester Normal, Conservatory of Music, Vanderbilt (ora- tory), Vanderbilt University; graduated Vanderbilt (Law) 1895; Democrat; nom- inated and elected County Attorney for Davidson County, Tenn., 1901; re-elected four terms. HATCHER, George Edward, physi- cian and surgeon; born Pekin, 111., April 20, 1883; son Henry Clay and Ellen (Clauser) Hatcher; English-Dutch de- scent; graduated University of Tennes- see; Medical Department, May 1, 1906; married Annie Hamilton Turney May 15, 1907 ; member Alpha Kappa Kappa, Med- ical Fraternity, Davidson County; Acad- emy of Medicine, Church of Christ, Nash- ville; present Assistant Physician at Cen- tral Hospital for Insane near Nashville. HENRY, Howell Meadors, instruc- tor; born Newberry, S. C., August 18, 1879; Scotch, Irish and German descent; son of Hugh P. and Martha H. (Boozer) Henry; father, farmer; paternal grand- parents James and Annie (Wright) Henry; maternal grandparents John and Margaret (Taylor) Boozer; graduated from Newberry (S. C.) College, A.B., 1898; Vanderbilt University, M.A., 1908; began career as teacher; member K. of P., holding office of Chancellor Com- mander in local lodge; member M. E. Church. HIBBETT, Charles Thomas, physi- cian, surgeon and medical director U. S. Navy; born (near) Castalian Springs, Tenn., November, 1851; son John J. and Nancy (Parker) Hibbett; Scotch-Irish and English descent; educated Rural Academy, Sumner County, Tenn. ; Uni- versity of Virginia and Jefferson Me ical College, Philadelphia; graduate Un versity of Virginia 1874 (M. D.) ; ma ried Florence Wilson of Petersburg, V; 1886; officer in U. S. Navy since 187.' Past Assistant Surgeon; Surgeon Med'! cal Inspector U. S. N.; entered U. S. I 1875 by appointment of President Gran' spent three years on cruise in SoulJ American waters; one year on Meditei ranean; survivor of the Detroit, 189: flagship, which was fired on by Brazilia rebels at Rio Janeiro; survivor of Berj nington, 1893-97, at Mare Island Nav Yard, 1897-99; Surgeon of Charleston i Philippines, 1899; built and in comman of U. S. Naval Hospital Canacao, P. I 1902-04; built and in command of U. £ Naval Tuberculosis Hospital at La; Animas, Colo., 1907-1909; at present if charge of U. S. Naval Hospital, Norfolk) Va. HICKMAN, John Pryor, lawyer) born Nashville, Tenn., September 21 1846; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Ed- 1 mund Weakley and Penelope J. (Brun-j son) Hickman; paternal grandparent;] John P. and Narcissa (Weakley) Hick- man, maternal grandparents Col. Roberl) and Jane (Locke) Weakley; educated in! common schools; married Kate Litton.j, October 15, 1874; was Deputy Registei of Davidson County from 1874-1880;: served as warden Tennessee State Prison for two years; elected Sergeant-at-Arms of the State, 1876-1878-1880; Secretary Tennessee Division Confederate Soldiers since 1876; Adjutant Tennessee Division U. S. V. since 1891 ; Secretary Confeder- ate Soldiers’ Home since 1889; Secretary Board of Pension Examiners since 1891; entered C. S. A. army at age of 15, in 1862, in Company C, Seventh Battalion Tennessee Cavalry; captured at battle of Farmington, October 8, 1863; released from Fort Delaware as prisoner of war, May 28, 1865; in battles of Murfrees- boro, Chickamauga and took part in numerous skirmishes ; member Episco- palian Church. HILL, Adolphus Burge, business man; born Ringgold, Ga., November 9, 1858; son of Joseph L. and Martha Ann (Dunlap) Hill; educated Giles College, who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 425 hilaski, Term., and Vanderbilt Univer- sity; married Julia Morgan Hicks, Feb- ruary 10, 1885; member Masons, Coun- try Club, Watauga Club; Democrat; ', a .nember Board of Education, City of Nashville; President Standard Snuff ^Company, Nashville, 1898-1906; associa- ted with American Snuff Company of a .s T ew York City and President Standard # Minting Company, Nashville, Tenn. ; “Director Vanderbilt Athletic Associa- tion; Chairman Business Committee Bap- ■ ai :ist Sunday School Board; member of “Board of Trustees Tennessee Female Uollege and Roger Williams University; 'director United Charities, Nashville; I nember Baptist Church, c, I HILL, William LaFayette, instruc- tor; born Blountsville, Ala., October 24, L857 ; son of Walter Burgoyne and Me- lissa Caroline (Ellis) Hill; father, cab- net workman; English, Scotch and Irish descent; graduated from Normal Col- lege, Florence, Ala., L.I., June, 1888; engaged in farming early in life; later became teacher; married Maria Ruth Wilson, September 3, 1888; member of Christian Church. HINDS, John I. D., Professor of Chemistry; born Guilford County, N. C., December 13, 1847; Scotch, Irish and English descent; son of John and Rhoda (Webb) Hinds; father was a physician and Cumberland Presbyterian minister; paternal grandparents Simeon and Eliza- beth (Stone) Hinds, maternal grand- parents Meredith and Rachel (Green) Webb; educated Cumberland Univer- sity, Harvard University and University [of Berlin; graduated from Cumberland University with A.B., A.M. and C.E. degrees, June, 1873; was made Honorary Ph.D. at Lincoln University, LL.D at Cumberland University; in early life he was a farmer and later taught school; married Mary B. Atkins Lindsley, No- vember 21, 1880; 32d degree Mason and Knight Templar; member the American Chemical Society, the German Chemical Society, Fellow of American Associa- tion for Advancement of Science; mem- ber of Advisory Council Simplified Spell- ing Board; Professor of Physical Science Cumberland University 1873 to 1899; was Superintendent of Platform, Mont- eagle Assembly, 1891-98; Acting Presi- dent Peabody College for Teachers, 1909-10; is now Professor of Chemistry University of Nashville and Peabody College, having held this chair since 1899; author of “The Use of Tobacco,” “Charles Darwin,” “Inorganic Chemis- try,” “Chemistry by Experiment,” “Qual- itative Analysis;” is also a contributor to numerous scientific and literary jour- nals; member Presbyterian Church, hav- ing been Superintendent of Sunday School at Lebanon for twenty years. HITT, Lewis Melvin, Circuit Court Clerk, Davidson County; born Davidson County, Tenn., March 26, 1867 ; German- Scotch descent; son of John S. and Lucie (Craig) Hitt; father, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents James S. and Nancy (Cunningham) Hitt, maternal grandpar- ents, Lewis Y. and Emily (Lowry)' Craig; educated county schools, began his business career as farmer, later Deputy Clerk of the Circuit and Supreme Courts, and Circuit Court Clerk ; mar- ried Annie Douglass, November 19, 1895; member Scottish Rite Masons, Shriner, Red Men, K. of P., W. of W., Junior O. U. A. M.; Democrat; member Mis- sionary Baptist Church. HODGE, Baxter James, architect; born September 3, 1859, Nashville, Tenn.; English descent; son of William Baxter and Sarah Ann (Harrison) Hodge; father, contractor; educated in Nashville public schools; acquired most of his tech- nical knowledge of architecture by per- sonal private study and in employ of architects; began early business career as contractor, being only candidate to pass examination required, was elected Inspector of Buildings for the city of Nashville in 1906; re-elected in 1908; ap- pointed member of Board of Public Works of Nashville, 1909; promoter of Capital Boulevard of Nashville; archi- tect for Commerce Building at Tennes- see Centennial Exposition in 1897, being awarded highest premium of any design for buildings of the exposition, in open competition; married Annie Williamson Jordan, December 29, 1881; member Lodge of Red Men; also member Nash- 426 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE ville Board of Trade and Nashville So- ciety of Architects; Democrat; member Baptist Church. HOLCOMB, Walt, minister and lec- turer; born Winston-Salem, N. C., July 29, 1878; son B. V. and Rebecca Hol- comb; educated Randolph-Macon Col- lege, Ashland, Va., and Cumberland Uni- versity, Lebanon, Tenn. ; married Julia Baxter Jones of Cartersville, Ga., Apx-il 17, 1907; wrote biography of Rev. Sam P. Jones, and edited his lectures and ser- mons; “Life of Sam P. Jones,” “Popular Lectures of Sam Jones,” “Sermons of Sam Jones,” evangelistic services through- out the South and Southwest; revivals for all denominations; lectured in the Southern and Central States; most popu- lar lecture, “Holcomb’s Horse Race — or They’re Off.” HOLLABAUGH, Andrew Newton, physician; born Leslie, Ark., October 3, 1875; German descent; son of Emanuel F. and Frances A. (Hatchett) Holla- baugh; father, farmer; educated at Val- iev Spring Academy, Arkansas; gradu- ated from Valley Spring Academy B.S. degree, 1891, Vanderbilt University M.D. degree, 1902; began has career as a teacher; married Johnnie Fowler, No- vember 13, 1902; member Masonic Lodge, Master Mason; was Valedictorian of graduating class in literary school; is now Professor of Anatomy in Vander- bilt University Medical Department; member of Nashville Academy of Medi- cine and Davidson County (Tenn) Med- ical Association and Southern Medical Association. HOLLINSHEAD, Warren Henry, instructor; born Fort Valley, Ga., March 10, 1865; English descent; son of Wil- liam Hiley and Mary Elizabeth (Harris- Hollinshead; father, physician; pater- nal grandparents William and Ann So- phia (Hiley) Hollinshead, maternal grandparents William and Harriet (Al- sobrook) Harris; educated Fort Valley, Ga. ; graduated V anderbilt University 1887 with Ph.G. and 1900 with D.Sc. degrees; is at present instructor in Chem- istry at Vanderbilt University; married Margaret B. Roberson, June 16, 1898;:Ji Democrat; member of Methodist Church, t HOLMES, William Newton, physil eian and surgeon; born Holmes, Tenn., January 27, 1854; son John Randolph :i and Eliza (McAlexander) Holmes; Dan- ish-Scotch-lrish-English descent; pater- : nal grandparents John and Mary (Hood) and Anna (Kidd! McAlexander; edu- 1 cated Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Ohio; graduated Cincinnati, Ohio, June 5, 1888; | Doctor of Medicine; married Margaret, Esther Learned May 23, 1880; member J Masons, Knights of Pythias and Elks;] at present President of Tennessee Eclec- tic Medical Association; Ruling Elder in Presbyterian Church (South.) HOOPER, Ben W., Governor; born Newport, Tenn., October 13, 1870; edu- cated Carson & Newman College, Jeffer- son City, Tenn., 1890; elected representa- jj tive of the Legislature in 1892-94; ad- mitted to the bar in 1894; served as p Captain of Company C, Sixth United 1 States Volunteer Infantry 1898-9; served in Porto Rico; was Assistant United j States Attorney for Eastern District of ; Tennessee, 1906 to 1910, and elected Governor of Tennessee in November, , 1910; married Anna B. Jones, September ; 25, 1901; Republican; member Baptist j Church. HOPKINS, Robert Thompson, cash- ier Phillips & Buttorff Manufacturing 1 Company; born Magnolia, Miss., Septem- jj her 19, 1860; English descent; son of Arthur Moseley and Eliza Pamelia (Bibb) Hopkins; father, cotton commis- sion merchant; paternal grandparents Arthur F. and Pamelia (Moseley) Hop- kins, maternal grandparents Thomas and Pamelia (Thompson) Bibb; educated in public and private schools Madison County, Ala.; served as Deputy Circuit Court Clerk of Madison County, Ala., in 1877-78-79; married twice, Ada Love Martin, daughter of C. E. Id. Martin, of Nashville, Tenn., in October, 1888; Jennie Maitland French, younger daugh- ter of Col. Napoleon B. French of Vir- jj ginia, February, 1908; member F. & A. M., Phoenix Lodge, Nashville, Loring ; Council Royal Arcanum, Nashville Board j WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 427 of Trade; was first President of the Nashville Credit Men's Association, with which organization he is still actively con- nected; served as Secretary of Ward's Seminary (Nashville) in 1888-89: at present Cashier of Phillips & ButtorfF Manufacturing Company; Democrat; member Presbyterian Church, and is now Deacon in First Presbyterian Church of Nashville. HOSS, Elijah Embree, Bishop M. E. Church, South; born Jonesboro, Tenn., April 14, 1849; son of Henry and Anna - (Sevier) Hoss; English, French, German descent: father was a merchant: Chan- i eery Clerk, etc. ; paternal grandparents Isaac and Hannah (Baylbss) Hoss, ma- ternal grandparents John and Sophia (Garrette) Sevier; graduated from Em- ory & Henry College, Va., June, 1869, with degrees of B.A., M.A., D.D. and LL.D.; LL.D. conferred upon him by Emory College, Ga., and Ohio Wesleyan University; married Abbie B. Clark. No- vember 19, 1872; is a Mason; served as pastor from 1869 to 1876: Professor and President Martha Washington College, 1875 to 1881 ; Professor Emory & Henry College 1881 to 18S5; Professor Van- derbilt University 1885 to 1890: Editor of the Christian Advocate, general organ of M. E. Church, South, 1890 to 1902; Bishop since 1902. HOWELL, Robert Boyte C., lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn., September 4, 1878; English- Welsh descent; son of Morton B. and Bettie (Curd) Howell; father was lawyer; educated at Montgomery-Boll Academy and Wallace University School; graduated from Wallace University School, and Vanderbilt University, LL.B. 1899 ; married Nellie Jackson, October 29, 1902; member K. of P., B. P. O. E., Phi Delta Theta fraternity and Hermit- age Club, Nashville. HOWSE, Hilary Ewixg, public offi- cial; born in Rutherford Co., Tenn., Jan. 25, 1866; reared on farm; at age of eighteen years he went to Nashville, and went to work in a mattress factory, and put in time on piecework at night to help support his younger brothers and sisters; later he became owner of the firm of Howse Bros., stockholder in the Broadway' National Bank, stockholder in the Anchor Spring & Bedding Co., and also a stockholder in the Nashville Interurban Railway; his political career began with his election from the First District, to the County' Court where he served five years; he was elected to the State Senate in 1905, re-elected in 1909, he was afterwards elected Mayor of Nash- ville over strong opposition by' a large majority; he is a member of Elks, Eagles, Knights of Pythias, Red Men, and Junior Order United American Me- chanics; he has held many responsible positions in these orders and is now one of the trustees of the National Junior Orphans’ Home, Tiffin, Ohio. HUNT, William F., County' Court Clerk, Davidson County'; born Nashville, Tenn., July' 28, 1867; English-Irish de- scent; son of Samuel and Margaret (Sar- ber) Hunt; educated in Nashville pub- lic schools; was newsboy in early life; when in schools, prior to age of fourteen, he broke rock in afternoons and sold to city'; ran a rock quarry at age of four- teen; sold building stone to contractors and sold macadamizing stone to the city; later succeeded his father in produce business, being organizer and former President of the Hunt produce business; now retired from business; married Mary A. Parrish, November 19, 1891; K. of P., Mason, Red Man, B. P. O. E. and J. O. U. A. M. ; elected to office of County Court Clerk, Davidson County, August 4, 1910, term four y r ears; member Episco- pal Church. IVEY, Thomas Neal, minister and editor; born Marion, S. C., May' 22, 1860; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rev. George W. and Selina (Neal) Ivey'; prepared for college in Finley High School, Lenoir, N. C. ; graduated from Trinity' College, N. C., in 1879, 1882 and 1898, with de- grees of A.B., A.M. and D.D.; taught school in early life, being principal of Oak Institute, Mooresville, N. C. ; mar- ried Lenora Dowd, August 8, 1883; member Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Grand Chaplain Grand Lodge of Masons, N. C.; Chaplain T. P. Association; has served as Chaplain at different times of 428 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE the North Carolina Senate; joined the North Carolina Conference in 1887; elected member of faculty of Trinity College, 1890, but declined to serve; left pastorate in 1896 to take editorship of Raleigh Christian Advocate, of which paper he was editor until June, 1910, when he was elected cditor-in-chief of the Christian Advocate, Nashville, Tenn. ; Vice-President of Federal Council of Christian Churches in America; member National Editorial Association; delegate to Ecumenical Conference in Toronto in 1911; author of the annual year book of the M. E. Church, South, and also au- thor of “Bildad Akers.” JACKSON, Git an berry, civil engineer, born Mount Pleasant, Tenn., March 3, 1873; son R. C. and Annie M. (Gran- berry) Jackson; Scotch-Irish descent; educated S. W. P. University, Clarks- ville, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; graduated Vanderbilt University 1894; degrees conferred, Bachelor of Engineer- ing in 1894, Civil Engineer in 1895; married Margaret Early of Nashville, Tenn., April 20, 1899; member of Kappa Alpha Fraternity at Vanderbilt Univer- sity; Knights of Pythias; after gradua- tion practiced engineering to date; also served as Adjunct Professor of Engineer- ing at Vanderbilt University for four years, 1903 to 1907; organized the Jack- son Phosphate Company, Mount Pleas- ant, Tenn., 1900; President Natural Phosphate Company, Nashville, Tenn., 1909 ; Chief Engineer for the Internation- al Agricultural Corporation of New York City; member Presbyterian church; address 1009 Stahlman Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. JACKSON, Howell Edmunds, fire in- surance and real estate; born Memphis, Tenn., December 16, 1867 ; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Howell Edmunds and Sophia (Molloy) Jackson; father, law- yer, United States Senator, Federal Judge, Justice of Supreme Court of the United States ; paternal grandparents Dr. Alexander and Mary (Hurt) Jackson, maternal grandparents David and Ellen (Harrison) Molloy; educated at Webb Bros. School, Montgomery-Bell and Vanderbilt University; connected with Tennessee Coal & Iron Comapny, Birm- ingham, Ala. in early life; married Jes- sie H. Mabry, March 31, 1891; First Deacon Phoenix Lodge No. 131. F. & A. M., Orator Trinity Consistory No. 2, A. A. S. R. ; Independent Democrat; mem- ber of Presbyterian Church. JARRATT, William Vincent, min- ister; born Hickman County, Tenn., February 17, 1863; English-Irish descent; son of William Daniel and Mary (Car- ter) Jarratt; father, farmer and physi- cian; paternal grandparents Daniel and Elizabeth (Clanton) Jarratt, maternal grandparents Abraham and Mary (Bray) Carter; educated in city schools of Nashville; graduated from Masonic Institute, Sante Fe, Tenn., May 27, 1887, with B.S. degree; began life as a farmer and teacher, being Superintendent of Public Instruction Hickman County, Tenn., 1890-91; married twice, first, Cora L. Tarkington, March 16, 1890; second, Nannie Belle Porter, June 9, 1892; mem- ber Masons, having attained rank of Knight Templar; also member of Pythian Lodge; joined Methodist Epis- copal Church, South, August 29, 1885; licensed to preach September, 1891; joined Tennessee Conference and re- ceived first appointment November, 1891; became Presiding Elder October, 1904, holding that office until late session of Conference, when he was appointed to the pastorate of Monroe Street Church, Nashville. JOHNSON, Edwin Lee, educator; born Mount Vernon, 111., October 25, 1874; English-Irish descent; son of Adam Clarke and Margaret Ann (Swee- ney) Johnson; father’s occupation, real estate dealer and abstractor; paternal grandparents John and Susannah (Brooks) Johnson, maternal grandpar- ents John and Ellen (Golden) Sweeney; educated Oxford, Miss., High School and University of Mississippi, and Van- derbilt University, Nashville; graduated University of Mississippi A.B., 1894; graduated Vanderbilt University A.M., WHO S WHO IN’ TENNESSEE 429 1900; Ph.D. degree conferred upon him by Vanderbilt 1910; taught Latin and Greek, Quitman College, Ark., 1896-98; Instructor in Alexander Institute, Jack- sonville, Tex., 1902-04 and 1905-09; dele- gate from Texas to World’s Sunday School Convention, Rome, Italy, 1907, on which occasion he traveled in Palestine and Egypt; Fellow and Assistant in Greek Vanderbilt University since 1909; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South. JOHNSON, Mary Hannah, librari- an; born Nashville, Tenn. ; daughter of George S. and Hannah (Payne) John- son ; received academic education at Nashville, Tenn.; entered the library work in 1899; took a technical course at University of Chicago; Librarian of Car- negie Library, Nashville, Tenn., since 1901; member of State Library Commis- sion; began and developed the Free Li- brary system in Nashville; leader in the development of library work in the South, especially in co-operation with public schools; Secretary of the Tennes- see Library Association and Library Department of the National and South- ern Educational Association. JONAS, Leopold, merchant; born Frankfort, Germany, April 15, 1856; German descent; son of Herman and Helen Jonas; father, merchant; edu- cated in Germany; entered the mercan- tile business in early life; married Rieka Hirsch, February 22, 1880; former Pres- ident and now Director of Standard Club; director Y. M. H. A., United Charities and Crittenden Home ; Inde- pendent in politics; member of City School Board; President of the Jobbers and Manufacturers’ Association of Nashville, Tenn., and Vice-President of Cumberland Valley National Bank; ex- President Vine Street Temple; now Di- rector of same; established firm of L. Jonas & Company, wholesale millinery, in 1883. JONES, Edgar, banker; born Aber- deen, Miss., February 18, 1838; son of Caleb H. and Eliza M. (Hume) Jones; father was a lawyer; educated Nashville, Tenn. ; began his career as clerk in Planters Bank, Clarksville, Tenn., in 1856, remaining there until 1861, when he moved to Nashville, with books and assets of branch of Planters Bank, Clarksville, Tenn.; elected Cashier of Third National Bank, Nashville, July 1, 1865; made President American National Bank in 1888; organized Union Bank & Trust Company and became President of same July 1, 1891; retired January 1, 1909, and is now President Edgar Jones Realty Company; married Susan Chea- tham, December 4, 1866; Democrat; is member of Presbyterian Church. JONES, Robert L., former State Su- perintendent Schools; born White County, Tenn., 1867 ; son Zacchariah and Mary (Bennett) Jones; Welsh descent; edu- cated in common schools; graduated Bur- ritt College; married Mary Green July, 1888; lodge affiliations, Mason and Odd Fellow; elected County Superintendent White County at the age of 23; removed to Chattanooga 1897 ; elected County Superintendent Hamilton County 1903; appointed State Superintendent by Gov. Patterson in 1907 ; Democrat. KEEBLE, John Bell, lawyer; dis- trict attorney L. & N. Railroad ; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., May 13, 1868; son Edwin A. and Sallie D. (Bell) Keble; Scotch-Irish-English descent; educated Mont gomery-B ell Academy, Nashville and Vanderbilt University; graduated law department of Vanderbilt Uni- versity in 1888; married Emmie Fra- zer January 6, 1897; City Attorney Nash- ville 1895-97; began practice of law in Nashville 1889; member faculty of Van- derbilt Law Department constitutional law pleading and practice; took this po- sition in 1900; district attorney Tennes- see for L. & N. Railroad in 1901; gen- eral practice of law; Democrat. KENNEDY, Robert Lee, lawyer; born Davidson County, Tenn., July 5, 1870; son Ashley and Rebecca (Aber- nathy) Kennedy; Scotch-Irish descent; graduated from Vanderbilt University June, 1893; married Mattie R. Greer January 28, 1898; Mason; Democrat. 430 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE KERN, John Adam, Professor Van- derbilt University; born Frederick County, Va., April 23, 1846; German- English descent; son of Nimrod and Eliza (Bentley) Kern; father, farmer and ice dealer; paternal grandparents Adam and Margaret (Rittenour) Kern, maternal grandparents George and Cath- erine (Hoover) Bentley; educated Win- chester High School, Winchester Semi- nary and University of Virginia; re- ceived from Washington and Lee Uni- versity 1889, D.D. degree, and from Randolph-Macon College, 1906, the de- gree of LL.D. ; married Margaret Vir- ginia Eskridge, January 25, 1875; ad- mitted into Baltimore Conference, M. Episcopal Church, South, 1866; elected Professor of Philosophy, Randolph-Ma- con College, 1886, and President of the college in 1897 ; held chair of Practical Theology in Vanderbilt University since 1899; author of “The Ministry to the Congregation,” “The Way of the Preach- er,” “The Listening Heart,” “The Idea of the Church” and “Christianity as Or- ganized.” KING, James Moore, physician; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., September 5, 1867; son of Charles Hayes and Ann (Wood) King; Scotch-Irish descent; father, far- mer; paternal grandparents Col. James M. and Martha (Batey) King, maternal grandparents George W. and Mary (Haynes) Wood; educated public schools of Rutherford County; graduated from University of Nashville in 1892; studied abroad in 1904-06; received B.S. degree in 1892 and M.D. in 1896 from University of Nashville; in early life engaged in farming, later teaching, and served as clerk in Railway Mail Service; Chemist to the State Board of Health 1897 to 1903; member Board of Education of Nashville 1905-06; is now Professor of Dermatology Medical Department Van- derbilt University; married Mary Lewis Neal, March 9, 1893; President Academy of Medicine of Nashville; member of Southern Medical Association, Tennessee Medical Association, American Medical Association; Democrat. KIRKLAND, James Hampton, Chan- cellor Vanderbilt University; born Spar- tanburg, S. C. ; son of W, C. and Vir- ginia L. (Galluehat) Kirkland; Scotch- Irish descent; father was a minister; edu- cated in Spartanburg, S. C., and in Ger- many; graduated Wofford College, A.B. (1877), A.M. (1878), Ph.D., Leipsic (1885), University of North Carolina, LL.D. (1893), and Wesleyan University LL.D. (1909), Sewanee, Tenn., D. C. L. ; married Mary Henderson, November 25, 1895; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South. KNOX, Walter Eugene, general agent Southern Railway and Illinois Central Railway; born Rushing Store, Miss., April 9, 1863; son Jackson G. and Cor- nelia W. (Stephens) Knox; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Toomsuba, Miss.; grad- uate Toomsuba, Miss., 1878; married Anna Letitia Moore February 26, 1884; member Odd Fellows, K. of P., Elks and Presbyterian Church; superintendent and division freight agent 1893-1905; general freight agent 1905 ; general manager rail- road 1905-08; since 1908 general agent Southern Railroad Company; President coal company; president grain company; director in life insurance company and Transportation Inspector I. C. R. R. Co. LAMAR, Abner W., minister of the gospel; born Edgefield, S. C., March 30, 1847; Huguenot descent; son of Thomas G. and Mary (Whatley) Lamar; father’s occupation, planter, slave owner, and sol- dier in Confederate service, Colonel of First Regiment South Carolina Volun- teer infantry; paternal grandparents Thomas G. and Martha (Carey) Lamar, maternal grandparents Abner and Eliza- beth (Wilson) Whatley; educated South Carolina State Military Academy, Far- man University, S. C., and Southern Bap- tist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. ; graduated D.D. degree Howard Payne College, Texas, June, 1893; in early life was a farmer, steamboat cap- tain Savannah river 1865-6; married Elizabeth Webb, October 8, 1868; mem- ber K. of P., W. O. W., and Z. A. E.; Christian Socialist; served as Lieutenant in South Carolina State Cadets, 1864-5; member of Baptist Church ; was General WHO S WHO IUST TENNESSEE 4S1 Missionary South Carolina Baptist Con- vention, 1872-83; pastor principal Bap- tist churches, Memphis, Tenn., Omaha, Neb., and Galveston, Tex.; was for ten years General Agent Tennessee for Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, and Lecturer and Evangelist for fifteen years; at present Chaplain Ward Semi- nary, Nashville, Tenn. LAMAR, Andrew Jackson, clergy- man; born Walton County, Ga., May 29, 1847 ; son of Andrew J. and Mary A. (Jackson) Lamar; graduated from Uni- versity of Georgia, LL.B. degree in 1872; married twice, first, Martha Elsworth; second, Mary V. Urquhart, in 1897 ; pri- vate in Longstreets’ Corps, C. S. A., 1864-5; ordained to M. E. Church, South, ministry, publishing agent of M. E. Church, South, since 1903; delegate to Ecumenical Conference, London, 1891. LAMBUTH, Walter Russell, clergy- man; born Shanghai, China, November 10, 1854; English and Scotch descent; son of James W. and Mary Isabella (Mc- Clellan) Lambuth; father, missionary to China and Japan; paternal grandpar- ents John R. and Nancy (Kirkpatrick) Lambuth, maternal grandparents Wil- liam G. and Sarah Ann (Cleveland) Mc- Clellan; married Daisy L. Kelley, Au- gust 2, 1877; educated Emory & Henry College, Virginia; Cumberland Univer- sity, Vanderbilt University; graduated from Emory & Henry College, M.A. de- gree, 1875; D.D., 1892; Vanderbilt Uni- versity, M.D., 1877 ; Bellevue Hospital Medical College, M.D., 1882; Randolph- Macon College, Virginia, D.D., 1892; re- ceived degree Fellow of the Royal Geo- graphical Society, London, 1909; mem- ber of Royal Geographical Society, Lon- don, National Geographical Society, Washington, D. C., Honorary Member of Nashville Academy of Medicine; Demo- crat; Missionary to China 1877-86; Mis- sionary to Japan and Superintendent of Japan Mission 1886-91; elected Secretary of the Board of Missions of the M. E. Church, South, 1892-4-8-1902-06, by suc- cessive General Conferences; founded the Soochow Hospital in China, the Kwansei Cakuin College in Japan, the Methodist Training School, Nashville, Tenn.; one of six commissioners sent to Japan to unite the three Methodist churches; member of Executive Commit- tee of Ecumenical Missionary Confer- ence, New York, 1900, and Vice-Chair- man Commission No. 2, World’s Mission- ary Conference, Edinburgh, 1910; Bish- op of the M. E. Church, South, elected at the General Conference, 1910, Ashe- ville, N. C. LANDIS, Abb Lowe, actuary and counselor; born Bedford County, Tenn., August 9, 1856; son of Absalom L. and Nancy (Carter) Landis; descended from the Landis family of North Carolina and the Carters of Virginia; graduated Uni- versity of Nashville 1875, Vanderbilt University 1876, Lebanon Law School 1879 ; he engaged in manufacturing from 1876 to 1878, law and journalism from 1879 to 1888, investments and insurance 1889 to 1896; actuary and counselor since 1896; actively participated in the Sky Blue political campaign of 1882; as owner of the Nashville Banner waged editorial war on the convict lease sys- tem 1884-85, which was followed by a legislative investigation, and which led to its final abandonment; author of the editorial, "The Tennessee Tewksberry;” by his anti-lease system campaign he in- curred the opposition of large moneyed interests and was compelled to sell the Banner, which he had taken when a los- ing property and turned to paying in- vestment; practiced law in Florida in 1885-89; as an actuary he has devoted himself to the effort of placing the prov- ident societies in the United States and Canada upon a sound financial basis; in this work he has been actuary and coun- selor for seventy of the largest and old- est beneficial societies in the United States and the Dominion of Canada, and through public readjustment campaigns he has become known to four millions of their members; he is author of several books and numerous pamphlets; married Mary Alma Word, August 18, 1880. LANDIS, John T., banker and brok- er; born Shelby ville, Bedford County, Tenn., August 4, 1866; Swiss-English descent; son of Absalom L. and Nancy (Carter) Landis; father, banker, farmer 432 AVHO ? S WHO IN TENNESSEE and manufacturer; paternal grandpar- ents John and Mary (Lowe) Landis, maternal grandparents William and Keziah (Tannehill) Carter; educated by private tutor; began his business career in office of manufacturing establishment in 1884; in 1886 entered banking and bro- kerage business; interested in early de- velopment of the telephone in Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana; active in inducing investment of capital from East and North in Southern enter- prises; pioneer in development of auto- mobile business in Tennessee and pioneer advocate of good roads movement and restoraton of the old Louisville and Nashville turnpike; now engaged in banking and brokerage, real estate and automobile business; married Melinda Bacon Boone, December 17, 1890; mem- ber of Hermitage Club, Golf and Coun- try Club, Cumberland Park Club, Board of Trade and Nashville Automobile Club of Nashville; Automobile Club of America, New York. LANDRITH, Ira, clergyman and President Belmont College; born Mil- ford, Ellis County, Tex., March 23, 1865; son Martin Luther and Mary M. (Groves) Landreth; Scotch-Irish descent educated in public schools and Trinity University in Texas and Cumberland University; graduated from Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., 1888-89; de- grees conferred, B.S., 1888; LL.B., 1889; LL.D., 1903; D.D., 1904; married Har- riet C. Grannis 1890; member of Knights Templar and Knights of Pythias; church connection, ordained minister Presbyter- ian Church, U. S. A.; general secretary Religious Educational Association, Chi- cago, 1903-1904; general secretary Pres- byterian Brotherhood of America 1908- 1909; moderator last General Assembly Cumberland Presbyterian Church before union with Presbyterian Church 1903; editorial secretary Brotherhood 1909; edi- tor Cumberland Presbyterian 1890-1903. LANE, William, manager Wallan Buggy Company; born Cairo, 111., March 2, 1832; son George P. and Edna (Rose) Lane; English descent; graduated Uni- versity of Virginia 1856; married Marian Simpson September 4, 1865; member Odd Fellows, Masons, Country Club; mem- ber Baptist Church. LATTIN, John Thomas, assistant postmaster; born Somerville, Tenn., March 12, 1851 ; English and German descent; son of John Thomas and Mar- garet H. (Zellner) Lattin; father, post- master and merchant; paternal grand- parents Thomas A. and Lucy Davi- son) Lattin, maternal grandparents Ar- nold and Margaret (Holmes) Zellner; educated Somerville (Tenn.) Male Acad- emy; graduated in law at Cumberland University, B.L. degree, June 7, 1877; was Railway Postal Clerk, lawyer and merchant in early life; married Lydia Lacy, February 2, 1886; Republican member of Legislature, 1872; Railway Postal Clerk, 1873-76; Postmaster Som- erville, Tenn., 1879-85; Deputy County Court Clerk, 1886; Deputy Collector In- ternal Revenue, 1889-93; Assistant Post- master Nashville, Tenn., since 1898; Christian Scientist. LAWRENCE, Charles H., lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn., January, 1866; English descent; son of John and Anna C. (Haub) Lawrence; educated in pub- lic schools of Nashville; graduated Van- derbilt University, B.A. and LL.B., 1884- 1885; member Elks; Professor of Law of Persons, Criminal Law and Practice, Vanderbilt Law School. LAWSON, Isaac Harry, Assistant Instructor and Fellow in Vanderbilt University; born Ossian, Ind.; son of Michael and Katherine (Darrah) Law- son; father is Presbyterian minister; pa- ternal grandparents Isaac and Sarah (Medsker) Lawson, maternal grandpar- ents James A. and Mary A. (McCut- cheon) Darrah; Scotch-Irish descent; ed- ucated High School, Indianapolis, Wa- bash College, Vanderbilt University; graduated Indianapolis High School 1904, Wabash College A.B., 1908; he was a clerk in Bobbs-Merrill Publishing House in early life; is a member of Moore Memorial Presbyterian Church, Nashville. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 433 LEA, Luke, lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn., April 12, 1879; son of Overton and Ella (Cocke) Lea; father’s occupa- tion, lawyer ; educated University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., and Columbia Law School, Columbia University, New York; graduated University of the South, B.A. degree, 1899, and M.A. 1900; Columbia Law School, LL.B., 1903; mar- ried Mary Louise Warner, November 1, 1906; member Elks, Scottish Rite Ma- sons, Red Men, Knights of Pythias, Her- mitage Club and Nashville Golf and Country Club; Democrat; elected United States Senator January 23, 1911; mem- ber of Episcopal Church. LEWINTHAL, Isadore, rabbi born in Germany, October 17, 1849; son of Rabbi Solomon Lewinthal; educated in Germany and graduated at Berlin; took special studies in divinity and became a Jewish rabbi, 1873; married Estelle Block, August 6, 1879; was Rabbi of San Antonio, Tex., 1879-88, and has been in Nashville since that time; member of Central Conference of American Rabbis, Southern Rabbinical Association; author “Scriptural Questions,” also contributor of articles to numerous magazines and newspapers. LINDAUER, Bek, wholesale dry goods merchant; born Louisville, Ky., February 16, 1856; German and French descent; son of Ben and Julia (Gross) Lindauer; father, merchant; educated in Cincinnati, O., and graduated about 1875; began his career as bookkeeper and credit man; married Tillie Rothschild, October 15, 1890; President of Standard Club, Nashville, Tenn., about ten years; Democrat-Independent; served as Presi- dent of City Council two terms; mem- ber of Park Commission since April, 1901 ; served as Acting Mayor frequently while President of City Council; member of the firm of Herman Bros., Lindauer & Co., Nashville, Tenn. LINDSEY, Edw. Aleek, bank offi- cer; born Nashville, Tenn., August 27, 1871; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Alon- zo and Etha Jane (Hagan) Lindsey; educated in Nashville public schools; en- gaged in banking early in life; married Alice Miller Hall, October 27, 1896; member Watauga Club and Golf and Country Club, Nashville; President of Nashville Board of Trade; President of Tennessee Bankers’ Association; Trus- tee for Central Hospital for Insane (State) ; now holds position of Vice- President of the First National Bank, Nashville; member Presbyterian Church. LOFTON, George Augustus, Baptist minister; born Panola County, Miss., De- cember 25, 1839; Scotch, Irish and French descent; son of James Blocker and Olivia Ann (Settle) Lofton; gradu- ated Mercer University, Penfield, Ga., April, 1872, A.M.; from Baylor Univer- sity, Texas, 1880, D.D.; Nashville Uni- versity, May, 1901, LL.D.; Carson & Newman College, May, 1901, LL.D ; married Ella E. Martin, Atlanta, Ga., March 31, 1864; member Odd Fellows, James B. Pettit Lodge, Past Grand, Nash- ville; admitted to bar 1867; entered min- istry 1868; Private First Georgia Regi- ment, 1861; Adjutant Ninth Georgia Battalion Artillery, 1862-64; Commander of Battery, 1864-65; member Missionary Baptist Church; pastor of country churches 1868-69; Dalton, Ga., 1870-72; First Baptist Church, Memphis, 1872-77 ; Third Baptist Church, St. Louis, 1877-84; Dalton, Ga., 1884-86; Talladega, Ala., 1886-87 ; Central Baptist Church, Nash- ville, 1888-1910; author of “Drunken- ness and Its Remedy,” “Baptist Trophy,” “Bible Thoughts and Themes,” “Charac- ter Sketches,” “Harp of Life,” “Master Wheel,” “English Baptist Reformation,” “Mighty to Save, and Other Poems,” “Lo, or the Gospel in a Monosyllable,” etc. LOGAN, Mercer Patton-, clergyman; born “Dungeness,” Goochland County, Va., October 16, 1857 ; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of James W. and bar ah Ann (Strother) Logan; educated Roanoke College, Salem, Va., and Virginia Theo- logical Seminary, graduating from latter in 1880; D.D. conferred by Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. ; married Elizabeth Kent Caldwell, Octo- ber 10, 1883; member of Knights of Pythias and Knights Templar; member of the Humane Society Board of Com- 434 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE missioners of Nashville, Tenn., appointed by the mayor of the city in 1 90!) ; the appointment was confirmed hv City Council; Rector of St. Ann’s Church and St. Stephen’s Chapel, Nashville, Tenn., and Dean of the Convocation of Nashville, Diocese of Tenn.; former Rector of St. John’s Church, Wytheville, Va., 1884-1904; Dean of the Convocation of Southwest Virginia, Diocese of South- ern Virginia, 1902-04; delegate from the Diocese of Southern Virginia to the Gen- eral Convention of the Episcopal Church which met in Washington, D. C., in Octo- ber, 1898; delegate to the Ecumenical Missionary Council, which met in New York City in 1900; delegate from the Humane Society Board of Commission- ers of Nashville, Tenn., to the Convention in St. Paul, Minn., 1909, also delegate from the commission to the Convention of National Charities and Corrections in St. Louis, Mo., 1910; delegate from the Diocese of Tennessee to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1910. LOVENTHAL, L. J., insurance agent; born Nashville, Tenn., November 28, 1875; son of L. J. and Mary (Sulz- bacher) Loventhal; father was insurance agent; educated Nashville (Tenn.) Pub- lic schools and Vanderbilt University; graduated from Nashville High School, June, 1892; entered the insurance busi- ness in early life; married Gertrude Moses, October 30, 1899; member Scot- tish Rite, Blue Lodge Mason, Shrine, Elks, K. of P., Red Men, Standard Club and Golf and Country Club; Treas- urer of four bodies of Scottish Rite Masons and Y. M. Id. A.; won two med- als given by Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company in contests for amounts; director in Nashvile Board of Trade; Special Agent Northwestern Mu- tual Life Insurance Company and mem- ber of firm Loventhal Bros., general in- surance. LUCK, J oh x Jennings, instructor; born Roanoke, Va., December 24, 1883; Scotch, Irish, English and German de- scent; son of George S. and Maria Louise (Moorman) Luck; father, physician.; pa- ternal grandparents George P. and Nan- eve (Buford) Luck, maternal grandpar- ents Robert Bruce and Annie M. (Libbey) Morman; educated Alleghany Institute, Roanoke, Va., University of Virginia; graduated from latter B.A. degree 1902, M.A. degree 1903, Ph.D. 1908; member Knights of Pythias, Roanoke Country Colonade and college fraternities; Dem- ocrat; member of Baptist Church; in- structor Mathematics University of Vir- ginia 1905-09, Vanderbilt University 1909 to date. LURTON, Horace Harmon, jurist; born Newport, Ky., 1844; son of Lycur- gus L. and Sarah (Harmon) Lurton; graduated Cumberland University L.B. 1867, University of the South D.C.L. 1899; admitted to the bar in 1867; mar- ried Frances Owen, September 1, 1867; Chancellor Sixth Division of Tennessee 1875-78, Justice of Supreme Court of Tennessee 1886-93, Chief Justice January to April, 1893; United States Circuit Judge Sixth Judicial Circuit, 1893-1910; Associate Justice Supreme Court of the United States since 1910; Professor of Constitutional 1898-1910 and Dean of Constitutional Law 1898-1910, and Dean of Law Department, 1905-10, of Vander- bilt University, Nashville, Tenn. McALISTER, William King, lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn., July 4, 1850; son of W. K. and Frances R. (Anderson) McAlister; father, merchant; paternal grandparents John and Frances A. (Thompson) McAlister, maternal grand- parents Andley and Elizabeth (Rhea) Anderson; educated at Bethany (W. Va.) College, and graduated from same B.A. June, 1869; graduated from law department LTniversity of Nashville, B.L., June, 1871; entered the practice of law in early life; counsel of law and Professor Equity Jurisprudence and Law of Torts Law Department Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.; married Laura Brown Dortch, November 14, 1872; member Cumberland Lodge No. 8, F. & A. M.; Democrat; City Attorney of Nashville 1874-83, Judge of the Circuit Court 1886-93, Judge of the Supreme Court of Tennessee 1893-1910; member of Christian Church. WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 435 McCARN, Jefferson, lawyer; born Marshall, Ark., August 7, 1861; son Cornelius Alexander and Dulcenia Lin- ton (Thomas) McCarn; Scotch- Welsh descent; educated on a ranch in West, Tex., at public school at Brownwood, Tex., and graduated from Vanderbilt June, 1894, LL.B.; married Mary D. Allison October 9, 1895; member D. K. E. Fraternity in 1890, and K. of P. in 1897; District Attorney-General 1908-10, Nashville, Tenn. ; member Methodist Episcopal Church (South). McCLURE, James, teacher; born LTnion City, Tenn., December 34, 1871 ; Scoteh-Irish descent; son of Samuel Houston and Mary (Nolen) McClure; father was a farmer; paternal grand- father Henry McClure, maternal grand- mother was a Miss Peay prior to her marriage, maternal grandparents John and Mary (Newsome) Nolen; educated Union City (Tenn.) schools and Vander- bilt University, graduating from the latter B.A. degree 1898, M.A. 1899; early business occupation, farming; married Polly May Choate, December 28, 1909; member K. of P., Nashville Chess Club, Secretary and Treasurer of latter; Inde- pendent Democrat; member of Meth- odist Church; at present he is Instructor of Physics Vanderbilt University and member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. McFARLAND, W. L., public ac- countant; born Dancy ville, Tenn., July 21, 1856; French-Scotch descent; son of George P. and Mary (Alexander) Mc- Farland; father, physician and surgeon; paternal grandparents Lewis and Annie (Jimison) McFarland, maternal grand- parents William R. and Elizabeth (Jar- man) Alexander; graduated Cumberland Universtiy, B.S., M.A., F.I.A. and C. P. A., June, 1875; began his career as a bookkeeper; married Ida Freeman, Sep- tember 37, 1882; member of Knights of Pythias and Royal Arcanum; Democrat; member of Baptist Church. McGILL, John Thomas, teacher; born Monroe County, Tenn., October 13, 1851; son of Robert and Elizabeth (Hogg) McGill; father was a farmer; maternal grandparents Samuel and Mary Polly (Talbot) Hogg; educated Looney’s High School, Gilmer, Tex., and Fayette- ville, Ark.; graduated Vanderbilt Uni- versity, B.S. 1879, Ph.D. 1881, Ph.G. 1882; studied in Berlin University, 1885- 86; entered educational work in early life; married Lizzie B. Allen, July 6, 1893; member of Old Oak Club, and Phi Beta Kappa (Vanderbilt Chapter), and member of several scientific societies; Professor Organic Chemistry and Dean of the Department of Pharmacy, Van- derbilt University. McGUGIN, Dan E., lawyer and teach- er; born Tingley, la., July 29, 1879; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Frank and Melissa (Critchfleld) McGugin; father, farmer and grain dealer; graduated Drake University, Des Moines, la., 1901, with Ph.D. degree; from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1904, with LL.B. degree; married Virginia L. Fite, December 6, 1905; is member of Trinity Consistory, Scottish Rite Mason, 32d de- gree, Nashville A1 Chymia Temple, Mys- tic Shrine, Memphis; member Nashville Golf and Country Club, Hermitage Club, Nashville; Delta Upsilon fraternity; is at present Director of Athletics Vander- bilt University, lawyer and teacher of Constitutional and Engineering Con- tracts; member Christian Church. McKISSICK, James Tracy, minister; born Maury County, Tenn., April 19, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Wil- liam McEwen and Frances Olivia (Mat- thews) McKissick; educated Hillsboro High School, Texas Christian University, Waco, Tex., A.M. 1904, Kentucky Uni- versity, Lexington, Ivy., 1905, and Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass., S. T. B. 1906; married Elizabeth Murphy, June 21, 1899; member Church of Christ; served as pastor for churches at Marshall, Tex., June, 1896-98; Marfa, Tex., 1898-99; Weatherford, Tex., 1900- OS; called to Seventeenth Street Church, Nashville, in 1907, of which church he has charge at present. McMORROUGH, Theodore J., law- yer; born (near) Lexington, Miss., Aug- ust 13, 1877; son T. J. and Cynthia 436 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE (House) McMorrough; Scotch-Irish de- scent; educated University of Mississippi, University of Nashville, Draughon’s Bus- iness College, 1898; Vanderbilt, 1903; married Lutie Battle September 5, 1903; Mason, K. of P. ; Democrat; admitted to bar 1903; senior partner of McMorrough & Britt. McMILLIN, Benton, statesman; born Monroe County, Ky., September 11, 1845; received academic education; Democrat; member of Tennessee House of Represen- tatives in 1874; commanded by Governor to treat with State of Kentucky for pur- chase of territory in 1875; Presidential Elector in 1876; Special Judge of Circuit Court, 1877; elected to Forty-sixth and Fifty-fifth Congresses, inclusive, 1879- 1899; resigned from Fifty-fifth Congress January 16, 1899; served as Governor of Tennessee two terms, 1899-1903; read law and admitted to bar in early life; be- gan practice at Celina, Tenn., in 1871; later moved to Carthage, Tenn.; received nomination for U. S. Senate in Demo- cratic primary June, 1910. McNEILL Y, Edwin L., lawyer; born East Nashville October 13, 1869; son James H. and Mary R. (Weatherford) McNeilly; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Southwestern Presbyterian University and Vanderbilt University; graduated 1893; married Mary H. Ewin August 7, 1895; member Masons, K. of P., Elks, Red Men; Democrat. McNEILLY, Robert H., civil engi- neer; born near Danville, Ky., September 30, 1879; Scotch-Irish and English de- scent; son of James H. and Mary Russell (Weatherford) McNeilly; father, Pres- byterian minister; paternal grandparents Robert and Margaret (Larkins) McNeil- ly, maternal grandparents Hardin and Matilda (Lee) Weatherford; great grandfather, John Larkins, was an orig- inal settler of Tennessee, and received grant of land from State of North Caro- lina for services in the Revolutionary war; graduated Vanderbilt University B.E., 1902; in early life was a civil en- gineer with Tennessee Central Railway, later with the Jaspampa Bajo Nitrate Property, Chili, S. A.; was student at Vanderbilt 1896-1902; mechanical drafts- man United States Ordnance Department, Washington, 1902-04; did private engi- neering, 1904-05; Assistant Professor Civil Engineering University Mississippi, 1905-06; Superintendent Construction of United States War Department at Col- umbus, O., 1906-07 ; has been instructor in drawing in surveying Vanderbilt Uni- versity since 1907; has been connected with engineering work for Muscle Shoals Hydro-Electric Power Company and is engineer in charge of new con- struction Volunteer State Phosphate Company; married Marian Brown Stock- ell, June 4, 1904; Democrat; member of Presbyterian Church. MADDIN, Percy Downs, lawyer; born Waco, Tex., October 27, 1860; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Dr. John Wesley and Mahala Annie (Downs) Maddin; father was a physician and sur- geon; paternal grandparents Rev. Thom- as and Sarah (Moore) Maddin, maternal grandparents William Wood and Henri- etta (Sparks) Downs; educated in the public schools of Nashville, Tenn.; grad- uated Nashville public schools 1878, Van- derbilt University, B.S. 1881, LL.B. 1882; began his career as lawyer; married Mary Belle Keith, 1890; she was the daughter of Samuel J. and Elizabeth B. Keith; attorney for the Fourth National Bank of Nashville and of Louisville & Nash- ville Railway Company for past fifteen years ; Vice-President Tennessee State Bar Association 1909-10; President 1910- 11; member American Bar Association; several years member of its council for Tennessee; Director Fourth National Bank for seventeen years; Director of Nashville & Decatur Railroad; Profes- sor of Law in Vanderbilt University since 1900; member of K. of P., Ma- sons, Hermitage Club and Nashville Golf and Country Club, Phi Delta Theta fra- ternity and Phi Beta Kappa of Vander- bilt University; President McKendree M. E. Church, South, Corporation, and Chairman of its Board of Stewards; also President of Galloway Memorial Hos- pital. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 437 MARR, Harrington, physician; born Nashville, Tenn., June 5, 1874; son of Thomas S. and Delia (Tarbox) Marr; father’s occupation, banker and broker; educated Nashville (Tenn.) city schools, and graduated from Vanderbilt Universi- ty Medical Department with degree M.D. on March 3, 1896; member Hermitage Club, Davidson County Medical Acad- emy, Tennessee State Medical Society and American Medical Association; Dem- ocrat; Acting Assistant Surgeon United States Public Health and Marine Hos- pital Service; Professor of Anatomy in Dental Department, Demonstrator of Anatomy in Medical Department Van- derbilt University. MARR, Thomas Scott, architect; born Nashville, Tenn., October 20, 1867; Eng- lish, Scotch and French descent; son of Thomas Scott and Delia (Tarbox) Marr; father was a banker and broker; edu- cated in the School for Deaf at Knox- ville, Tenn., and Massachusetts Institute of Technology; graduated National Deaf Mute College, Washington, D. C., 1889, with B.S. degree; began his career as a draughtsman; member Vine Street Christian Church, Nashville, Tenn. MASON, Arthur B., insurance; born Barren Plains, Tenn., August 12, 1858; English and Irish descent; son of Thomas Ryan and Victoria Jane (Taylor) Ma- son; paternal grandfather Granberry B. Mason, maternal grandfather Jesse B. Taylor; educated Barren Plains, Tenn., and Adairville, Ky.; early business occu- pation general store, drugs and dry goods business; married Ella H. Pas- chall, October 24, 1893; member Marks Council National Union, Elks, Democrat; member Kentucky State Gaurds (Louis- ville Legion), 1894-95, as private Com- pany F, Captain Bly; honorably dis- charged; member of First Baptist Church, Nashville, Tenn.; engaged in in- surance business at Nashville, Tenn. MATTHEWS, T. E., lawyer; Judge of the Tenth Judicial Circuit, State of Tennessee; Democrat; residence, Nash- ville, Tenn. MAYFIELD, George Radford, teach- er; born Lawrenceville, Ga., March 31, 1877; English-Irish descent; son of A. J. and Antonia (Paine) Mayfield; father, dealer in real estate; graduated from Atlanta High School, Emory College and Vanderbilt University with A.B. and A.M. degrees; in early life clerked in jewelry store; was principal of South Atlanta High School in 1896-98; Instruc- tor Emory College 1900; teacher in Pea- cock’s Preparatory School, 1900-03; In- structor Vanderbilt University, 1904-05, 1907-10; has traveled and studied exten- sively in this country and Europe; mem- ber Calumet Club and Coffee House Club, Nashville; member M. E. Church. MEEK, M. H., lawyer; Judge of the Tenth Judicial Circuit, State of Tennes- see; Democrat; residence, Nashville, Tenn. MIKELL, Henry J., clergyman; rec- tor Christ Church, Nashville; born Sumter, S. C., August 4, 1873; son Dr. Thomas Price and Rebecca (Moses) ; graduated University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., B.A., 1895; M.A. and B.D., 1898; married Henrietta Campbell Bryan, Charleston, S. C., November 8, 1905; member Kappa Alpha College Fra- ternity, Sons of the Revolution, Sons of Confederate Veterans, K. of P.; clergy- man of Protestant Episcopal Church; ordained priest of Episcopal Church in 1899; rector of Church of the Holy Com- munion, Charleston, S. C., 1899-1909; rector of Porter Military Academy, Charleston, S. C., 1907-09; rector of Christ church, Nashville, Tenn., 1909; del- egate to the General Conference of the E idscopal church 1901 ; Dean of the Con- vocation of Nashville. MOORE, James Washington, lawyer; born Collierville, Shelby County, Tenn., March 16, 1866; son John Lawrence and Sarah Frances (Irby) Moore; Scotch- Irish descent; educated Leddin’s Business College, Memphis, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; graduated Vanderbilt Uni- versity in academic department, 1890, B.A.; in law, 1891, LL.B.; married Mary R. Armistead of Nashville, Tenn., Jan- uary 20, 1892; member Sigma Alpha, Ep- 438 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE silon Fraternity; was Eminent Supreme Archon 1891-93; member and Past Chan- cellor of Reynolds Lodge No. 33, K. of P. ; member and Past Regent of Edge- field Council No. 314, Royal Arcanum; Tennessee Camp No. 11592, Modern Woodmen of America; State Lecturer of that order in Tennessee 1906-07; Tribe of Ben Hur, Legion of Red Cross, Nash- ville Press Club, Nashville Board of Trade, House of Representatives in Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Tennessee, 1903; Assistant Attorney-General of the Tenth District of Tennessee, 1907-08; ad- mitted to bar October, 1891; member Board of Directors and the General Counsel of the Southern Insurance Com- pany of Nashville, Tenn. ; member Meth- odist Episcopal church, South. MOORE, John Trotwood, author; born Marion, Ala., August 26, 1858; son of Judge John and Emily (Billingslea) Moore; father, lawyer and judge; pa- ternal grandparents Wooten and Eliza- beth (Tooley) Moore, maternal grand- parents Clement C. and Rachel (Lane) Billingslea; graduated from Howard College, Marion, Ala., 1878, with A.B. de- gree; taught school in early life, later studied law; married twice, Florence Al- len in 1885, Mary B. Daniel in 1900; au- thor of “Ole Mistis,” “Songs and Stories From Tennessee,” “A Summer Hymnal,” “The Bishop of Cottontown,” “Uncle Wash,” “The Old Cotton Gin,” and “The Gift of the Grass,” “Jack Ballington, Forrester;” is a Mason and Knight of Pythias; at present engaged in literary work and stock farming, raising blooded cows and horses; editor of the Taylor- Trotwood Magazine until it consolidated with Watson’s; member Baptist Church; address, 215 Twenty-second avenue North, Nashville, Tenn. MORGAN, Henry William, dentist; born Davidson County, Tenn., October 25, 1853; son of William Henry and Sarah A. (Noel) Morgan; father’s occupation, dentist and educator; paternal grandpar- ents Joseph Underwood and Mary (Ad- ams) Morgan, maternal grandparents Garnett L. and Caroline (Rouse) Noel; educated in public schools of Nashville; graduated from High School in June, 1873; received degree M.D. from Medi- cal Department Vanderbilt University and University of Nashville February 25, 1875; D.D.S. Philadelphia Dental College, February 25, 1876; began his career as clerk for Nashville (Tenn.) Life Insurance Company 1873-4; married Matilda Evans, November 3, 1880; mem- ber Knights of Pythias (P. G. C., S. R.), Royal Arcanum (P. G. R., S. It.), Ma- sons, 32d degree; member Watauga Club, Old Oak and Round Table (Literary); independent in politics; member of Southern Methodist Church; engaged in the practice of dentistry in Nashville, thirty-five years in same office; since 1879 has been lecturing in Department of Den- tistry Vanderbilt University on Opera- ative Dentistry, and since 1887 has filled the chair teaching that branch; ex-Presi- dent Tennessee Dental Association, ex- President Institute Dental Pedagogy, ex- President National Association Dental Faculties, ex-Treasurer National Dental Association. MORRIS, Rorert Lewis, lawyer; born (near) Nashville, Tenn., April 9, 1847; son Henry B. and Sarah (Willis) Mor- ris; English-French-Welsh descent; edu- cated High School, Nashville, and Cum- berland University; married Lucy Napier Hudson June 20, 1872; member Masons; entered Confederate Army April, 1864, age 17; First Lieutenant in command Co. F, 21st Tennessee Cavalry; surren- dered at Gainsville May 11, 1865; with Forrest; admitted to bar 1870; special writer Nashville Sun and other papers; associated with Jere Baxter in promotion of Tennessee Central; past attorney for Tennessee Central Railroad Company ; member Episcopal Church; was candi- date for Chancellor, 1878, before Demo- cratic convention, had majority and was defeated by two-thirds rule. MORTON, John Watson, public of- ficial, retired; born Hillsboro, Tenn., September, 1842; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Dr. John Watson and Sarah Buch- anan (Goodwin) Morton; paternal grand- parents Jacob and Sarah (Buchanan) Morton, maternal grandparents John and Sarah (Ridley) Buchanan; his paternal grandmother was called “The Heroine who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 439 of the West; his maternal grandfather commanded Fort Buchanan on Mill Creek; his maternal grandmother was the daughter of Capt. George Ridley, who built Fort Ridley, near Nashville; received elementary education Nashville public schools; graduated Nashville Med- ical College, February 28, 1867; he was valedictorian of his class of fifty grad- uates; when at the age of 17 he volun- teered Maney’s First Tennessee Regiment of Infantry, C. S. A.; on account of his youth he was not permitted to remain with the regiment, but he later sought and obtained an enlistment in the battery of Capt. Thomas K. Porter; he was suc- cessively promoted to Corporal, Sergeant and then to a Lieutenancy; when Capt. Poster was severely wounded at Fort Donelson he commanded the battery and received commendation from Gens. S. B. Buckner and John C. Brown; he was cap- tured at the fall of Ft. Donelson and spent several months in a Northern prison; he was exchanged; joined Gen. Forrest’s command and was made Cap- tain in the autumn of 1862; he was later placed in command of five batteries as Forrest’s Chief of Artillery, and was the youngest officer filling that position in either the Confederate or Union armies; he participated in all of the stirring cam- paigns of Gen. Forrest; long after almost every other Confederate force had gone to pieces, when Forrest surrendered at Gainesville, Ala,, May, 1865, Morton’s batteries were intact ancl ready to fight; he was the first President Confederate Bivouacs in camps in Tennessee; he was the organizer, promoter and first Presi- dent of the Tennessee Fruit and Vege- table Growers’ Association ; was Assist- ant Commissioner of Agriculture Ten- nessee Centennial; exhibits o' farm and garden products are now at the State capitol, agricultural department; author of “History of the Tennessee Centen- nial;” first Coal Oil Inspector city of Nashville, Tenn.; Secretary State of Ten- nessee for eight years; he has been suc- cessively soldier, physician, editor, pub- lic official and farmer, and has contrib- uted to the progress of farming and hor- ticulture in Tennessee; married twice, first, Annie Humphreys, September 15, 1868; second, Mrs. Ellen Bourne Tynes, August 6, 1901 ; member Masons, Elks and Nashville Board of Trade. MORTON, M. B., newspaper man; born Russellville, Ky., August 6, 1859; son William and Sophia W. (Warren) Morton; English-Scotch-Irish descent; educated private schools and Bethel Col- lege, Russellville, Ky.; married Emma Collier February 26, 1890; formerly city editor Birmingham Age-Herald and Nashville American, reporter on and af- terward city editor of the Louisville Cou- rier-Journal and Times-Democrat, and at present managing editor Nashville Ban- ner. MORTON, West Humphreys, County Register Davidson County; born Nash- ville, Tenn., September 15, 1870; son J. W. and Annie (Humphreys) Morton; educated Nashville; early business, news- paper work; married Mary Perry April 15, 1894; member Shriners, Scottish Rite Masons, Odd Fellows, K. of P., Elks, Red Men, Cumberland Club; Register of Davidson County, Captain Co. F, 4th Tennessee Volunteer Regiment, Cuba; served Lb S. A. in Cuba; church connec- tion, Christian; Director Nashville Board of Trade. MOSES, Frank Armstrong, Special Examiner Tennessee Pension Board; born Knoxville, Tenn., June 19, 1845; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James C. and Susan W. (Park) Moses; paterhal grandparents John F. and Mary (Pear- son) Moses, maternal grandparents Wil- liam and Jane (Armstrong) Park; edu- cated University of Knoxville; engaged in hardware business before war; entered army before age of 17; married Elizabeth M. Mitchell, October 20, 1870; served one term as Clerk in House of Representa- tives, State of Tennessee, 1875; member of the Board of Railroad Tax Assessors by appointment of Gov. Porter, 1877-78; joined C. S. A. May 6, 1862, Com- pany D, Sixty-third Tennessee; ap- pointed Color Sergeant June 19, 1863; was offered rank of Captain, but de- clined; was in Bragg’s campaign from Tullahoma back to Chattanooga; in Chickamauga campaign, September, 1863; served with Longstreet in East 440 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Tennessee campaign; served under Beauregard at Drury’s Bluff (Va.), in 1864, in which battle he was wounded May 16, 1864, but rejoined command in October, 1864; saw service in numerous battles in and around Petersburg; ap- pointed Ensign with rank of First Lieu- tenant April, 1864; surrendered and was paroled at Appomattox courthouse; has devoted twenty years to cause of pension- ing Confederate soldiers, having been a member of the Pension Board since 1891 ; he has also engaged in banking and newspaper work at divers times; resi- dence, Knoxville, Tenn. NEIL, A. B., lawyer; Judge of the Criminal Court of Davidson County, Ten- nessee; Democrat; residence, Nashville, Tenn. NEWMAN, James Bryan, lawyer; born Grove Hill, Clark County, Ala., De- cember 19, 1870; son James A. and Annie Elizabeth (Boroughs) Newman; Eng- lish descent; educated Grove Hill Acad- emy, Newtown Academy and University of Alabama, 1889, LL.B.; married Lilah McDaniel of Livingston, Ala., November 19, 1901; Past Chancellor of Highland City K. of P. Lodge No. 45, Talladega, Ala. ; representative to Grand Lodge K.P. of Alabama, sessions 1895-6; member Judiciary Committee Grand Lodge K. of P. of Alabama, 1896; member Grand Tribunal K. of P. of Alabama, 1897-9; member Talladega Lodge No. 30, I. O. O. F.; County Solicitor Clark County, Ala., 1889-91; County Solicitor Talladega County, Ala., 1892-3; Special Probate Judge Talladega County, Ala., 1896-7; Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee Davidson County, Tenn., 1906- 08; member Baptist church. NEWMAN, Willie Betty, artist, por- trait painter; born Murfreesboro, Tenn.; French, Scotch and German descent; daughter of Col. W. F. M. and Sophie (Rucker) Betty; father, lawyer; pater- nal grandparents William Randolph and Mary (Holland) Betty, maternal grand- parents Benjamin R. and Elizabeth (Wharton) Rucker; educated Lebanon, Murfreesboro, Cincinnati and Paris, France; graduated in Literary Course Greenwood Seminary, Lebanon, January, 1882; married I. W. Newman in 1882; studied art in Cincinnati; later studied in France under Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant; lived in Paris twelve years, where she had a studio; in 1892 received honorable mention from Cincin- nati Art School; in 1900 received hon- orable mention in Paris Salon, given by French government; won the Foreign Scholarship in the Cincinnati Art School and was sent abroad for three years in 1891 ; among her most notable art pro- ductions are “Repose in Brittany,” owned by C. M. Schwab; “Fisherman’s Daugh- ter,” owned by Cincinnati Art Museum; “Passing Holy Bread” and “En Peni- tence,” loaned to museum in Philadel- phia; “Reverie,” owned by Art Club, Philadelphia; “Dreams,” “Foolish Vir- gin,” “Nineday Prayers” and “Empty Cradle;” portrait of Bishop Galloway for Vanderbilt University and Millsaps College, Jackson, Miss.; portrait of Vice- President James Sherman; portraits of Mrs. James C. Bradford, Mrs. E. W. Cole, Mrs. Whitford Cole, Mrs. A. R, Cole, Mrs. Shelby D. Williams and daughter of M. J. C. Wrenne; received medal given by Art Association of Nash- ville in 1910. NOEL, Oscar Fitzallen, capitalist; born Trigg County, Ky., April 11, 1821; son of Edwin and Jennie Miller (Patter- son) Noel; father was a farmer; edu- cated at Blue Spring Creek and Hop- kinsville, Ky. ; in early life he was a farmer and merchant at Nashville, Tenn.; married three times; first, Sarah C. Gard- ner; second, Mrs. Ella Buford; third, Mrs. S. T. Peden; member Methodist Church; interested in lands, city prop- erty, stocks and bonds. OVERALL, John W., farmer; U. S. Marshal; born Liberty, DeKalb County, Tenn., February 7, 1855; son Wesley and Arena (White) Overall; paternal grand- parents, Jacob and Sarah (Lawrence) Overall, maternal grandparents, James and Mary (English) White; English> German descent; educated DeKalb Public Schools, Cumb. University; graduated Cumb. University 1877; A.B.; LL.B., 1881 ; married Mary Oliver, daughter who’s WHO IK TEKKESSEE 441 Luther Oliver, Confederate soldier killed in 1863; member K. of P., I. O. O. F. ; Republican; 1881 elected County Super- intendent DeKalb; served four years; 1888 U. S. Marshal Middle District Ten- nessee; again 1902, again 1906, again 1910; term expires March 10, 1914; served twelve years member State Central Re- publican Committee; delegate from Fifth District to National Republican Conven- tion 1892; member Credentials Commit- tee National Convention 1896; member Credentials Committee National Conven- tion 1900; National Convention delegate 1904; delegate National Convention 1908; President Overall-Hows Hat Company; President Lebanon and Sparta (Tenn.) Pike Company; President Bank of Lib- erty, Bank of Auburn. OVERTON, Jesse Maxwell/ born Pu- laski, Tenn., July 25, 1863; English de- scent; son of John and Harriet Virginia (Maxwell) Overton; father, farmer and planter; paternal grandparents Judge John and Mary McConnell (White) Overton, maternal grandparents Jesse and Martha Ravenscroft (Claiborne) Maxwell; attended district schools and Vanderbilt University; graduated from Harvard College in 1886, B.A. degree; engaged in coal mining early in life; married Saidie G. Williams, November 10, 1891; at present is President of the Alabama Fuel & Iron Company, Direc- tor in Fourth National Bank, Nashville, Tenn.; member Scottish Rite, 32d degree Mason; Democrat; member Presbyterian Church. PADGETT, Hazel, physician; born Columbia, Tenn., July 4, 1867; son John B. and Rebecca O. (Phillips) Padgett; English descent; educated Webb School, and the University of Penn.; graduated University of Pennsylvania 1892, M.D.; married Maude Effie Williamson No- vember 27, 1900; member Modern Wood- men of America, Odd Fellows, K. of P., Elks; he has traveled extensively in America, Africa, Palestine, Asia, Turkey, Europe and England; studied medicine in Vienna, Berlin, Paris and London; member of the faculty of the medical department of the University of Nash- ville; State Head Physician of the M. W. O. A.; assisted in establishing the great tuberculosis sanitarium of the Mod- ern Woodmen of America at Colorado Springs; member Methodist Church (South). PAGE, (Mrs.) Elizabeth Fry, asso- ciate editor Taylor-Trotwood Magazine; born in Virginia; paternally, a lineal de- scendant of Sir Joshua Fry, and on her mother’s side, a descendant of Pocahon- tas and John Rolfe, through the Bollings and Flemings of Va. ; her father was the late Col. George Thomson Fry, who was a lawyer and orator, and her mother is a writer of ability; paternal grandpar- ents, Henry H. and Elizabeth Sharkey (Peck) Fry, maternal grandpar- ents, Andrew Jackson and Lucy (Evans) Cooley; she was reared and educated in Georgia, and has been a resident of Nashville since ber marriage to David S. Page in 1898; she began to write when quite young, and after contribut- ing a feature article story or poem to the Chattanooga Sunday Times for three years, she became editor of the Southern Florist and Gardener, a horticultural monthly, published in Chattanooga and Louisville; at that time she was the only woman in America in charge of such a magazine; she has been editorially con- nected with several well-known publica- tions; she was one of the organizers of the Tennessee Woman’s Press and Authors’ Club, was its first secretary and fourth president; founder and pres- ident of the first Metaphysical club in the State; is a member of the Daughters of the Revolution, and Daughters of the Confederacy; issued “Vagabond Victor,” in 1908; she has written numerous sto- ries, poems and essays for Eastern and Southern magazines and papers; de- livered lectures at home and abroad on literary and psychological subjects; is- sued “ndward Me Dowell; His Work and Ideals,” in 1910. PARKS, Hamilton, lawyer; born Dyer County, Tenn., December 30, 1845; son Rev. Hamilton and Rebecca (Stew- art) Parks; Scotch-Irish-English descent; graduated from Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., A.B., 1868; A.M., 1876; LL.B., 1877 ; married, first, November 442 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 14, 1869; second, October 7, 1878; mem- ber of Knights Templar, Masons; Trustee of Cumberland Lodge No. 8, F. & A. M. ; military service, private Co. G, 20th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry, C. S. A.; Democrat; in Tennessee Legislature 1887; Chairman of Judiciary Committee, voted and worked for prohibition and temper- ance legislation; served in Bell’s Brigade under Gen. Forrest; badly wounded July 14, 1864, in battle of Harrisburg, Miss., having had bone of right leg broken for seven inches; was Elder in Cumberland Presbyterian church; present church af- filiation, Presbyterian and an Elder in same; both great grandfathers were of- ficers in Revolutionary War. PENDLETON, Isaac Louis, attorney- at-law ; born Smith County, Tenn., De- cember 24, 1866; son James B. and Sa- mantha (Moores) Pendleton; English- Scotch-Irish descent; educated Alexan- dria Masonic Normal School and Cum- berland University, Lebanon; graduated Alexandria 1889, Lebanon Law School 1893, B.S. and LL.B.; married Nettie Donnell December 22, 1891 ; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., Masons, 32d degree, and K. T. ; several insurance orders; State Senator from Davidson County in 1907; author of Pendleton Bill; member Christian Church. PENDLETON, Philip Yancy, Chris- tian minister; born Bethany, W. Va., September 2,7, 1863; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rev. W. K. and Catherine Hunt- ington (King) Pendleton ; graduated from Bethany College, A.B. degree, 1884; practiced law for nine years in Pittsburg. Pa.; editor for twelve years, Cincinnati, O., having taken up the ministry live years ago; married Ada H. Lloyd, June 13, 1893; served as Director of American Christian Missionary Society for nine years, and has been speaker on many national programs of Missionary, Chris- tian Endeavor, Temperance and kindreu movements; member of “The Palaver” Club of Nashville. PILCHER, James Stuart, attorney- at-law; born Eutaw, Ala.; son Dickson Green and Jane Hope (Carothers) Pilch- er; English -Scotch descent; educated Houston, Miss.; graduated Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., Jan. 1869, L.B.; married Margaret Hamilton Camp- bell; member of Yaiden (Miss.) Light Artillery 1861-65; member Presbyterian church; paternal grandfather, John Pil- cher; paternal grandmother, Elizabeth E. (Taliaferro) ; maternal grandfather, John Carothers; maternal grandmother, Mary (Hope) Carothers. PILCHER, Stuart Caruthers, insur- ance; born Nashville, Tenn., May 15, 1879; son James Stuart and Margaret H. (Campbell) Pilcher; Scotch-Irish de- cent; educated in Nashville and New York; graduated Vanderbilt University (academic) 1896-1900, Columbia Univer- sity (law), New York City, 1900-03, LL.B.; practiced law in Nashville four years; married Martha Douglass October 27, 1909; member Theta Nu Epsilon and Phi Delta Phi fraternities; Nashville Golf and Country Club; member Troop A, Forrest’s Cavalry, N. G. S. T. ; church affiliation, First Presbyterian church; office, No. 401, First National Bank Bldg-., Nashville, Tenn. PILCHER, William Bowen Cami>- rell, attorney at law; born Nashville, Tenn., December 5, 1880; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James Stewart and Mar- garet Hamilton (Campbell) Pilcher; ed- ucated Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., and Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass.; graduated from Vander- bilt University, A.B. degree, 1901; Har- vard University, LL.B. degree, 1904; be- gan his career as newspaper reporter; married Loretta Taylor, September 28, 1907; member Nashville Golf and Coun- try Club. Phi Delta Theta fraternity; member Modern Woodmen of America; Second Lieutenant Forrest Cavalry, Ten- nessee State Militia; Assistant Judge Advocate General Sons of Confederate Veterans; at present General Attorney for the Southern Bitulithic Company; member First Presbyterian Church. Nash- ville, Tenn. PITTS, John A., lawyer, banker; born Wayne Co., Tenn., June 3, 1849; son of John F. and Emarintha M. Pitts; WHO S WHO T'N TENNESSEE 443 father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, John and Clarissa Pitts, maternal grandparents, Abraham and Nancy Montague; English descent; ed- ucated Clifton Masonic academy; grad- uated from law department of Cumber- land University, in 1871, and entered practice of law at Savannah, Tenn., same year; in 1884 moved to Jackson, Tenn.; in 1888 located at Nashville and has since resided there; in 1886 organized the Second National Bank of Jackson, Tenn., and was president of that insti- tution until 1888; in 1891 organized the Peoples Bank of Clifton, and has ever since been its president; is now vice- president of and general counsel for Fidelity Securities Corporation and Nashville-Gallatin Interurban Railway; president Duck River Phosphate Com- pany; director and general counsel of Gray and Dudley Hardware Co., of Nashville; general counsel for Nashville Interurban Railway; married M. Ellen Ricketts, in 1872; member of Masons, and Vine Street Christian church of Nashville, Tenn.; director of Young Men’s Christian Association of Nashville. POLK, James Knox, fire insurance; born Bolivar, Tenn., January 26, 1859; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Marshall T. and Evalina M. (Bills) Polk; paternal grandparents Marshall T. and Laura (Wilson) Polk, maternal grandparents John H. and Prudence (McNeal) Bills; educated East Tennessee University, now University of Tennessee; in early life was in the mercantile business; married Mary Frances Kibbler, January 27, 1880; Knights Templar, 32d degree Scottish Rite and Shriner, Elk; Democrat; Cap- tain First Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Spanish-American war in Philippines; member of Episcopal Church. POLLARD, William Meisaxe, County Judge Davidson County; born “William- son County, Tenn., June 18, 1843; son of George W. and Martha E. (Mebane) Pollard; married Susan Cowles, August 27, 1867 ; served in Confederate army four years, having surrendered at Greens- boro, N. C.; has held office of County Judge, Davidson County, since 1902, hav- ing been re-elected for a term of eight years from September 1, 1910; member of Knights of Pythias and Elks; mem- ber M. E. Church, South. RANKIN, Lee a Xu, underwriter, bonds and casualty; born Nashville, Tenn., Jan- uary 16, 1867 ; son David P. and Leonora Jane (Daniel) Rankin; Scotch-Irish de- scent; educated Webb’s School, Bell Buckle, Tenn.; early business occupation, newspaper reporter, editor, manager; married Anne Porterfield September 15, 1893; member Hermitage Club, Country Club; First Lieutenant N. G. S. T. five years; First Lieutenant and Ordnance Officer First Virginia Regiment five years; member Christ Church (Episco- pal), Nashville; President and Manager Nashville American 1895-1900; President and Manager Richmond (Va.) Dispatch 1900-03; Publisher Richmond (Va.) News-Leader 1903-09; Business Manager Nashville American 1909-10; now Man- ager U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Com- pany for Middle Tennessee. RENO, Itti Kixxey, authoress; born Nashville, Tenn., May 17, 1862; married Robert Ross Reno, May, 1885 ; author “Miss Breckenridge, a Daughter of Dixie,” 1889 ; “An Exceptional Case,”’ 1891, etc.; also lecturer on various topics. RIDLEY, Charles Lewis, merchant; born Jefferson, • Rutherford County, Tenn., April 25, 1847; son Bromfield L. and Rebecca Thompson (Crosthwait) Ridley; English-Irish-Scotch descent; educated common schools Rutherford County; married Hettie B. Fitzpatrick, Lauderdale County, Tenn., November 9, 1869; member Frank Cheatham Bivouac, Nashville, Tenn., and Myrtle Lodge No. 3, K. of P. ; since 1872 Chancellor Com- mander one term; Assistant Clerk State Senate 1875-6; appointed Inspector of Oils at Nashville four years by Gov. Rob- ert L. Taylor; was in Confederate Army; surrendered at Chattanooga May, 1865; First Lieutenant and Aide-de-Camp staff Brig.-Gen. B. J. Hill; released from prison by Gen. N. B. Forrest at Mur- freesboro 1862 when he captured that post; class and deskmate of Sam Davis 444 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE near Smyrna, Tenn., at breaking out of the war in 1861; Presbyterian; commis- sion merchant, Nashville, Tenn. ROBERTS, Paul, insurance; born Nashville, Tenn., February 24, 186!); English-Irish descent; son of Albert and Edith (Scott) Roberts; father’s occupa- tion, proprietor and managing editor of Nashville American; educated Nashville (Tenn.) public schools and law school in Alabama; began his career as Clerk in railway office; passed through various de- partments and became Auditor and Treasurer; married Henrietta Berney, of Mobile, Ala.; member of Hermitage, and Country Cl)ubs; Democrat, In- dependent; served as Lieutenant Ala- bama State Militia; member Episcopal Church; President Independent Life In- surance Company; Vice-President of Western and Atlantic Fire Insurance Company; Director Hermitage National Bank, etc. RODGERS, Rev. William Thomas, minister; born Wheat, Roane County, Tenn., October 8, 1861; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Jacob B. and Nancy Ann (Magill) Rodgers; graduated Millikin University, A.B., 1889; Lebanon Theolog- ical Seminary, B.D., 1891; Union Theo- logical Seminary of New York, B.D., 1892; Roane College, D.D., 1906; Cum- berland University, D.D., 1907 ; married Miss Eula Hunter of Bell Buckle, June 12, 1895; member A. F. & A. M., K. of P. and J. O. U. A. M., Beta Theta Pi; became member of the Salem Presbytery of the Missouri Synod September 5, 1880; honorary member of the Twentieth Tennessee Regiment and Rutger’s Cal- vary, Confederate army, having been elected by unanimous vote of surviving members; Colonel in Uniform Rank K. of P.; ordained minister of the Presby- terian Church, U. S. A.; served as pas- tor of the Lucas Avenue Presbyterian Church, St. Louis; First Cumberland - Presbyterian Church of Knoxville and Grace Presbyterian Church of Nashville, having been pastor of last named church for past twelve years; has traveled in Canada and Europe, and served on many committees of his church. ROSE, Wickliffe, General Agent of Peabody Educational Fund; born Sauls- bury, Tenn., November 19, 1862; son of Kinchen Langston and Jeannette (Cher- ry) Rose; graduated University of Nash- ville, A.B., 1889; A.M. 1890; student University of Chicago, summer terms, 1897 to 1902; married Ella Morio Sad- ler, December 29, 1891; Democrat; mem- ber of the Church of the Disciples; In- structor in History and Mathematics of Peabody College, 1891-2; Professor Phi- losophy Peabody College and University of Nashville, 1892-1902; Professor of History and Philosophy of the Educa- tional University of Tennessee, 1902-04; Dean of Peabody College and University of Nashville, 1904-07 ; General Agent for the Peabody Educational Fund since 1907; Executive Secretary Conference for Education in the South, 1908 to 1910; member of the Board of Trustees for the John F. Slater Fund since May 6, 1909; member Southern Education Board; member General Education Board; Ad- ministration Secretary Rockefeller Sani- tary Commission; member Religious Ed- ucational Association (Council), N. E. A.; Southern Educational Association, National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education; Association of College Teachers of Education; Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. ; author “The Educational Movement in the South,” 1903; also numerous public addresses; translator “Gabriel Campayre’s Psychol- ogy Applied to Education” (with Chan- cellor W. H. Payne), 1892. ROSS, Montague S., lawyer; born Savannah, Tenn., August 12, 1880; son W. U. and Lucy Ann Ross; Scotch-Irish- English descent; graduated University of Nashville 1903, B.A.; George Wash- ington University, Washington, D. C., 1907, LL.B.; married Hazel Mitchum September 9, 1908; member Kappa Alpha (Southern),. K. of P.; member of Cum- berland Presbyterian Church at Savan- nah before division in that church; mem- ber of no church at present; Superin- tendent of City Schools Greenfield, Tenn., 1903-04; admitted to bar August 9, 1907; was expert accountant in office of Prop- erty Clerk, District of Columbia, 1905-07; WHO S WHO IX TENNESSEE 445 he is descended from Peter Montague of Virginia, 1634, and Drogo de Monteacuto 1066. RUDDIMAN, Edsel A., Professor of Pharmacy; born Dearborn, Michigan, December 27, 1864; Scotch descent; son of William and Catherine (Noble) Rud- diman; father, farmer; paternal grand- parents William and Barbara (Leslie) Ruddiman, maternal grandparents James and Margaret (Ross) Noble; educated Detroit High School and University of Michigan; graduated at University of Michigan 1886 and 1887 as Pharmaceuti- cal Chemist and Master of Pharmacy; Vanderbilt University, M.D., 1893; began his early business career as chemist in charge of laboratory of Williamson, Ingram & Griggs, holding this position for three years; married Jennie E. Per- ry, July 29, 1889; Professor of Pharmacy and Materia Medica in Department of Pharmacy Vanderbilt University since 1890; Chemist to the Tennessee Board of Pharmacy since 1897; United States Food and Drug Inspection Chemist since 1907 ; author “Incompatibilities in Pre- scriptions,” “Whys in Pharmacy,” “Man- ual of Materia Medica;” is a Scottish Rite Mason and member Presbyterian Church. RUTHERFORD, Alfred G., lawyer; born Sumner County, Tenn., March 28, 1865; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jas. W. and Amanda (Edwards) Rutherford; father was a farmer; paternal grandpar- ents Benjamin and Nancy (Pearce) Ru- therford; maternal grandparents Drew and Catherine (Dorris) Edwards; edu- cated Sumner County High School; grad- uated Vanderbilt University, LL.B., June 18, 1890; married Elizabeth L. Green September 2, 1902. Is at present practicing law in Nashville, Tenn.: mem- ber Presbyterian Church; one of the most prominent members of the Improved Or- der of Red Men in the United States, being a Past Great Sachem of that Or- der in Tennessee and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the Great Coun- cil of the United States. RUTHERFORD, Charles H., lawyer; born Sumner County, Tenn., February 16, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James W. and Amanda (Edwards) Ru- therford; father, farmer; paternal grand- parents Benjamin and Nancy (Pearce) Rutherford ; maternal grandparents Drew and Catherine (Dorris) Edwards; educated in public schools of Sumner County, Tenn. ; was a farmer in early life; later taugEt school; is at present engaged in the practice of law; married Clyde Wheeler December 28, 1905; mem- ber of Knights of Pythias, Order of Red Men. SCHOTT, Ernest John, druggist; born Nashville, Tenn., March 10, 1876; German descent; son of Chas. and Emily Ann (Sharp) Schott; father, manufac- turer; graduated Vanderbilt University as Pharmaceutical Chemist 1894; engaged in drug business early in life, and is at present proprietor and owner of five drug stores; married Cora Giles. August 24, 1897 ; is a K. of P. and member of Pres- byterian Church, U. S. A. SCHUERMAN, William Henry, edu- cator; born Cincinnati, O., November S, 1859; son of Christian Frederick and Henrietta (Woesten) Schuerman; Ger- man descent; father, retired manufac- turer; educated Cincinnati public schools. University of Cincinnati, Johns Hopkins; graduated University of Cincinnati, C.E., June, 1881; began his business career as Civil Engineer; is now Dean of Engineer- ing Department of Vanderbilt Univer- sity; member of American Ry. Eng. & Maintenance of Way Association; Amer- ican Society for Testing Materials, So- ciety for Promotion of Engineering Edu- cation, Engineering Association of South. SEARIGHT, Frank Malone; born Nashville, Tenn., September 19, 1867 ; Scotch-Irish descent; son of George and Fannie (Malone) Searight; father, wholesale grocer; educated at Nashville, Tenn., High School, 1886; early in life he engaged in the grocery business, also brokerage; married Annie M. Shannon, in 1893; member Masonic Lodge, Elks, K. of P. and Royal Arcanum; member 44G who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE M. E. Church, South; President of The Southern Insurance Co. SHANNON, Robert T., lawyer; born Perry County, Tenn., May 5, 1860; Irish descent; son of Josejjh J. and Nancy (Young) Shannon; educated at Clover- dale Seminary, Vanderbilt University, and graduated at Labanon Law School, LL.B., June, 1884; married September 3, 1890; author of the Tennessee Code of 1896, Annotations on Tennessee Decis- ions, etc.; Democrat. SHOOK, Alfred M., financier; born Winchester, Tenn., July 16, 1845; son of James M. and Eliza (Green) Shook; grandson of Abraham and Martha Shook and Paschal and Mary Green; educated in public schools of Franklin, Tenn. ; mar- ried Terresa Estill, July 17, 1871; mem- ber Hermitage Club, University Club and Country Club; President of Mont- eagle Sunday School Assembly; connect- ed with the Tennessee Coal, Iron & 14. R. Co., 1866-93, filling all positions, in- cluding Vice-President and General Manager; President First Savings Bank & Trust Company, Bush Creek Coal Company; Director First National Bank of Nashville, Tenn., Nashville Railway & Light Company, residence Tracy City, Tenn.; office Nashville, Tenn. SMITH, David Morton, publishing agent; born Knoxville, Tenn., October 14, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. R. and Thurza (Young) Smith; educated in common schools near Batesville, Ark. ; graduated at Bryant & Stratton’s Busi- ness College, Nashville, Tenn., October, 1874; began life as a farmer; married Virginia Cunnyngham, December, 1879; Business Manager Publishing House M. E. Church, South, 1888-1890; elected Pub- lishing Agent M. E. Church, South, May, 1890. SMITH, Edward Joseph, attorney-at- law; born Nashville, Tenn., October 13, 1880; son M. J. and Alice (Murphy) Smith; Irish descent; educated Mont- gomery-Bell Academy, Nashville; Van- derbilt and Georgetown College, Wash- ington, D. C. ; graduated Georgetown College, Washington, D. C., June 20, 1902, A.B.; Vanderbilt Law Department 1904, LL.B.; member Elks, Red Men, Knights of Columbus; Assistant City At- torney of Nashville from April 15, 1905, to October 12, 1909; Secretary Democrat- ic Executive Committee June, 1910, to Sept., 1910; member Board of Educa- tion, Nashville; Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus of Nashville; member Cath- olic church; SMITH, Henry E., attorney-at-law; born Nashville, Tenn.; son R. McPhail and Letitia (Trimble) Smith; Scotch de- scent; educated Nashville Public schools and Vanderbilt University, literary and law department, Vanderbilt, LL.B.; gen- eral legal practice. SMITH, John Henry, insurance busi- ness; born Glen Allen, Mo., April 14, 1864; English-German and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Andrew Jackson and Caroline (Kinder) Smith; father, plant- er; paternal grandparents, David and Melvina (Tanksley) Smith, maternal grandparents, David and Cynthia (Bess) Kinder; educated Mayfield-Smith Acad- emy, Marble Hill, Mo.; early occupation Editor Ironton (Mo.) Herald, Principal Gonzales (Tex.) College; admitted to bar in 1887, and was Attorney Frisco R. R., Paris, Tex.; married Cordelia Carter, December 20, 1892, at Lumpkin, Ga.; member Masons, Elks, Golf and Country Clubs, Nashville, Tenn., and Cumberland Club, Knoxville, Tenn.; Democrat; mem- ber M. E. Church, South; became Man- ager Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, April 1, 1895, for Tennessee, ter- ritory enlarged to include Mississippi and Alabama, which is his present occupation. SMITH, Larkin, physician; born Nashville, Tenn., September 5, 1866; Eng- lish descent; son of Albert J. and Louisa Minor (Hough) Smith; paternal grand- parents Chas. H. and Evalin S. (Stone) Smith, maternal grandparents Jos. H. and Ellen D. (Anderson) Hough; edu- cated Nashville public schools, University of South, University of Nashville, Van- derbilt University, graduated from Medi- cal Department University Nashville and Vanderbilt University, 1888, with degree who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 44? of M.D.; married Louise Elliston 1894; member Masons (Scottish Rite) ; Demo- crat; City Health Officer Nashville, 1898- 190?; member Episcopal Church. SMITH, Robert Trimble, lawyer; born Davidson County, Tenn., April 1G, 18G5 ; son Robert McPhail and Letitia Clark (Trimble) Smith; Scotch descent; educated city public schools and Vander- bilt University; graduated High School 1882, and Vanderbilt University 1886, LL.B. member Hermitage Club and Golf and Country Club ; admitted to bar April 12, 1892; lawyer for Union Bank and Trust Company and of counsel for the Prudential Insurance Company of Amer- ica and other corporations; also engaged in general practice; member Episcopal Church. SMITHER, James William, manager of the Prudential Insurance Company of America; born Memphis, Tenn., June 26, 1878 ; son Chas. G. and Georgia (Tate) Smither; educated public schools Mem- phis, Tenn.; married Louise Person, of Memphis, Jan. 30, 1907; member Elks’ lodge No. 72, Nashville, Tenn.; Hermi- tage Club, Nashville, Tenn.; Chick- asaw Guards Club, Memphis, Tenn.; church affiliation. Episcopal; entered life insurance business Memphis, Tenn., as agent for Prudential Life Insurance Company of America March, 1905; pro- moted to position manager at Nashville in 1906. STAHLMAN, Edward Bushrod, news- paper publisher; born Mecklenburg, Ger- many, September 2, 1844; son of Fred- erick and Christiane (Lange) Stahlman; German descent; his father was an edu- cator; his aunt was a close friend of the Empress Augusta; his uncle was a Ger- man Government Official, and was dec- orated three times by three successive rulers of the German Empire; received elementary education at Leuso, Germany, at an institution of which his father was Principal; moved with parents to Vir- ginia in 1855; soon thereafter his father died, leaving a widow and seven chnuren dependent mainly upon him; he became a cart driver in the construction of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; was rapidly promoted to responsible positions in Southern railroad systems; in 1863 moved to Tennessee to accept position on L. & N. R. R.; in 1865 settled in Nashville, Tenn., and became Cashier Southern Ex- press Company; in 1875 was elected Presi- dent of the City Council of Nashville, re- signed in 1878; in 1871 returned to serv- ice of L. & N. R. R. as Freight Contract- ing Agent at Nashville; he was appointed General Agent at Nashville in 1875; Gen- eral Freight Agent in 1878, and Traffic Manager in 1880; during his service as Freight Agent and Traffic Manager the L. & N. acquired large additional rail- road properties, in the reorganization and consolidation of which he took an active part; in 1881 he resigned as Traffic Man- ager of the L. & N. R. R.; shortly there- after made Vice-President of the Louis- ville, New Albany & Chicago, which dur- ing his management extended its line by building the road between Chicago and Indianapolis and establishing through lines for passengers and freight; he re- signed and was soon thereafter elected one of the Vice-Presidents of the L. & N., which place he resigned in 1890; vis- ited Europe in 1891 with his family; ac- cepted position of Commissioner South- ern Railway and Steamship Association with headquarters at Atlanta, Ga. ; reor- ganized that association, taking into its membership all of the railroads south of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi to Washington City, with a mileage of 30,- 000 miles; also coastwise lines operating about thirty first-class steamships; re- fused re-election to this position October, 1895; in 1882 Tenn. Railroad Commission was created to regulate railroad transpor- tation; in 1884 the abolition of this Com- mission was made an issue, and as leader on behalf of the railroads he made a fight and won a victory; he constructed the Stahlman Building, Nashville, Tenn., and his time is now principally devoted to that interest, and to the Nashville Ban- ner, of which he is the principal owner and proprietor; with his son he owns the controlling interest in the Morton-Scott- Robertson Company, a large carpet and furniture house in Nashville, Tenn. STOKES, Harry Shelby, attorney-at- law; born Como, Miss., September 29, 448 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 1877; son .Tames F. and Blanche (Mc- Gehee) Stokes; educated Stanton Mili- tary Academy, Webb’s School and Van- derbilt University; graduated Webb’s School and Vanderbilt University, LL.D., June 20, 1899; married May Lindsley January 8, 1901; member Odd Fellows, Masons; admitted to bar June 21, 1899, and engaged in general practice; pater- nal grandfather, Jordan Stokes, Leban- on, Tenn. ; maternal grandfather, Col. Miles McGehee of Mississippi. STUBBLEFIELD, David Rankin, dentistry; born Jasper, Tenn., 1856; son of George Jeffries and Mary Ann (Ran- kin) Stubblefield; father, lawyer; edu- cated Edgefield Male Academy and Em- ory & Henry College, Va., graduated from former in 1876, and later 1882; re- ceived degrees A.B., M.D., A.M., DD.S.; early occupation, practicing medicine, 1878-82; Professor of Anatomy and Phys- iology, 1879; Chemistry, 1883; Materia Medica and Metallurgy, 1900; Metallurgy and Pathology, 1891; now Prophylaxis; began practing Dentistry in 1883; was Dean of Dental Department Virginia, and President State Dental Association, National Institute Dental Pedagogy; married Hetty Kennedy Wilkin, 1884; President “Old Oak Club” (literary so- ciety) ; member Presbyterian Church and Deacon in First Church, Nashville, Tenn. SUTER, Herman, journalist; born Greensburg, Pa., Dec. 10, 1874, edu- cated Princeton LTniversit}''; graduated from Princeton Lniversity 1899; 1900-07 editor and publisher at Washington, D. C.; April, 1907, helped to form Tennes- seean company, became euitor and pub- lisher Nashville Tennesseean; member of Nashville Golf and Country Club, Wa- tauga Club, National Press Club, of Washington, Phi wappa Psf fraternity; church connection, Presnyterian ; editor and publisher Nashville Tennesseean and American. TAVEL, Ai.bert Benjamin, public of- ficial; born Neuchatel, Switzerland, May 20, 1843; Swiss and Italian descent; son of Paul Frederic and Marie Helene (Sab- batino) Tavel; father’s occupation, bookseller in Naples and Neuchatel, farmer and bookbinder in Tennessee; pa- 1 ternal grandparents, Paul Frederic and Esther (Henry) Tavel; educated in Stew-: art and Davidson Counties, Tenn.; was in' the publishing business 1864-94, bookbind- ing and blank book making; was for eigh- teen years publisher for the State, assist- ed in organizing public schools on more efficient and less costly system than any other State; was member of American Prison Congress, National Charities and Corrections, American Public Health As- sociation, American Academy of Political and Social Science; member Masonic fra- ternity, Knights of Pythias, Chess Club, Art Association, Board of Trade; for- merly Grand Regent of Tenn., Royal Ar- canum, 1880-81 ; represented Tenn. in Supreme Council, 1888-91, inclusive; Democrat; member of the County Court; member of Calvinist Church. TAYLOR, Robert Love, U. S. Sena- tor; born Happy Valley, Carter Co., Tenn., July 31, 1850; son of Nathaniel G. and Emily (Llaynes) Taylor; father was Member of Congress and Commissioner of Indian Affairs; received academic ed- ucation at Princeton, N. J. ; Democrat, member of 46th Congress (1879-81) from 1st Tenn. District; Presidential Elector at Large 1884, 1892; Pension Agent at Knoxville, Tenn., 1885-87; nominated for Governor of Tennessee by Democratic party 1910; Governor of Tennessee three terms, 1887-91, 1897-99; U. S. Senator 1907; admitted to bar 1878, and prac- ticed law at Johnson City and Chattanoo- ga, Tenn.; Editor-in-chief of Bob Tay- lor’s Magazine, 1905-06; editor the Tav- lor-Trotwood Magazine since 1906; mar- ried twice, first Sarah L. Baird, of Ashe- ville, N. C., 1878; second, Mamie L. St. John, of Chilhowie, Va., 1904. TERIJUNE, John R., telegrapher; born Rome, Ga., October 18, 1859; son of W. B. and Clara (Alexander) Terhune; father, lawyer; educated in common schools of Rome, Ga. ; went to work as telegrapher early in life; at one time served as alderman and councilman, Lex- ington, Ky. ; married Jennie West, No- vember, 1882; member K. of P., Order Red Men, Llermitage Club. WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 449 THOMPSON, J. W., lawyer; born Wilson County, Tenn., November 14, 1864; son W. D. and Permelia (Murray) Thompson; Scotch-Irisb descent; edu- cated Masonic Normal School, Alexan- dria, Tenn.; married Leora Denton April 20, 1909; member I. O. O. F., K. of P., several insurance orders; now Grand Treasurer of I. O. O. F. of Tennessee; began practice of law 1893; now Assist- ! ant Attorney-General of Davidson Coun- ty, Tenn; Democrat; his father died when he was 14 years of age and he had to help support large family and also was forced to provide means for his own education by working evenings, Satur- days and during vacations. THRUSTON, Gates Phillips, retired lawyer; born Dayton, O., June 11, 1835; English, Scotch, French and Dutch de- scent; son of Robert A. and Marianna L. (Phillips) Thruston; father was a law- yer; paternal grandparents, Judge Buck- ner and Jeannette (January) Thruston, maternal grandparents, Horatio G. and Elizabeth (Houston) Phillips; educated Miami University (Ohio), and Cincinnati Law School; graduated Miami Univer- sity, A.B. degree, 1855; Cincinnati Law School, LL.B., 1859; L. H. D. was con- ferred upon him by Miami University, 1903; entered the practice of law in ear- ly life; served as Captain First Ohio U. S. Yol. Infantry; promoted to Major, As- sistant Adjutant-General, Lieutenant- Colonel and Chief of Statf of 20th Army Corps; Brevet Colonel and Brevet Brig- adier-General, U. S. V.; Breveted for Shiloh, Stones River and Chickamauga; married, first Ida Hamilton, second Fan- nie Dorman; Vice-President Tenn. His- torical Society; President Society Army of the Cumberland; member Municipal Humane Commission, Commissioner of Watkins Institute, Nashville, Chairman of same; Trustee of Hermitage Association; honorary member various historical socie- ties ; member Tenn. State River Com- mission. TILLETT, Wilbur Fisk, clergyman and teacher; born Henderson, N. C., Au- gust 25, 1854; son of John and Elizabeth Jenkins (Wyche) Tillett; father’s occupa- tion, minister; educated Horner School, Oxford, N. C., Trinity College, N. C., Randolph-Macon College, Va., Princeton Theological Seminary and Princeton Uni- versity; graduated Randolph-Macon Col- lege, A.B. degree, 1877 ; Princeton Uni- versity, A.M., 1879, and Princeton Theo- logical Seminary in 1880; received degree D. D., Randolph-Macon, 1886, L.L.D. Southwestern University (Tex.), 1903, S. T. D., Northwestern University, Chi- cago, 1907, D.D. Wesleyan University, Conn., 1909; licensed to preach at Ash- land, Va., May, 1878, and preached some months same year on the Boydton Cir- cuit, in Mecklenburg Co., Va.; joined the Virginia Annual Conference of the M. E. Church, South, in November, 1880; appointed pastor of Lynn St. Church, Danville, Va., where he remained until fall of 1882, when he moved to Nashville, Tenn., but continued to hold membership in Virginia Conference until 1898, when he was transferred to the Tenn. Confer- ence ; has been a member of three General Conferences of the M. E. Church, South, in 1902, 1906, and 1910; member of the committee that compiled the Hymn Book of the M. E. Church, South, which was published in 1889, and also of the com- mission that prepared the Methodist Hymnal published in 1905; in the fall of 1882 he became Chaplain and Instructor in Systematic Theology in Vanderbilt University, was Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology 1883-4, and was elected to full professorship in 1884, and has filled that chair ever since; has served as Dean of the Theological Facul- ty and Vice-Chancellor of the University since 1886; author of the following books: “Our Hymns and Their Authors,” 1889; “Discussions in Theology,” 1890; “Per- sonal Salvation — Studies in Christian Doc- trine Pertaining to the Spiritual Life,” 1902; “The Doctrines and Polity of the M. E. Church, South,” 1903; “A State- ment of the Faith of World-Wide Meth- odism,” 1906, and (jointly with C. S. Nut- ter) “Hymns and Hymn Writers of the Church,” being an Annotated Edition of the Methodist Hymnal, 1911; also papers in Magazine Reviews and various church periodicals; married twice, first Kate O. Schoolfield, 1888 (d. 1889); second, Lau- ra E. McLoud, 1894. 450 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE TILLMAN, Abram Martih, lawyer, U. S. District Attorney for Middle Tennes- see; born Bedford County, Tenn., Sep- tember 8, 1863; son of Lewis and Mary Catherine (Davidson) Tillman; educated in public and private schools of Shelby- ville, and graduated Winchester Normal, Winchester, Tenn., graduated in law from Columbian University (now George Washington University), Washington, D. C., in 1886; married Sarah Clayton Ford, November 28, 1894; admitted to bar 1886, Shelbyville; was partner of G. N. Till- man, Nashville, Tenn., in 1887 to 1898, when he was appointed U. S. Attorney by McKinley; served four years and was re- appointed in 1902 by Roosevelt; reap- pointed in 1906 under Roosevelt’s admin- istration and again in 1910 by President Taft; is at present head of firm of Till- man & McCall; member Watauga Club and Golf and Country Club, Nashville; Secretary and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Columbia Military Acad- emy since its organization. TILLMAN, George N., attorney-at- law; born Shelbyville, Tenn., January 23, 1851; son Lewis and Mary C. (David- son) Tillman; English-Scotch-Irish de- scent; educated and graduated Bethany, W. Va., A.B., 1870; B.L., 1872, Wash- ington, D. C. ; member of Legislature 1873; Assistant United States Attorney 1877; United States Marshal 1883; Re- publican nominee for Governor 1908; at- torney for N. & D. Railroad for ten years; Vice-President Merchants’ Bank, 1907, Nashville, Tenn. (sold to First Na- tional Bank in 1907) ; member Christian Church; married, first, Nannie Catherine Miller; second, Martha Washington, 1882; at present engaged in general practice of law in partnership with his son, Lewis Tillman, and is interested in real estate investments and various banking and corporate institutions; he is also a Trus- tee of University of Nashville and Trus- tee of Fanning Orphan school. TOLMAN, Herbert Cushing, educa- tor; born South Situate, Mass., Novem- ber 4, 1865; ninth descendant from John Alden; son of James T. and Mary T. (Briggs) Tolman; father, manufacturer; paternal grandfather, Col. Samuel Tol- man, maternal grandfather Cushing Otis Briggs; educated Yale University, Uni- versity of Berlin and University of Mu- nich; graduated Yale University, B.A., 1888, Ph.D. 1890, University of Nash- ville, Peabody College, D.D. 1900; early occupation, Instructor at Yale, 1888-91; married Mary Wells, August 26, 1891 ; member Royal Asiatic Sciety of Great Britain and Ireland, Phi Beta Kappa (Yale), and President of Alpha of Tennessee 1900, and three times member of National Council; member of First Archaeological Congress, Athens, Greece; International Congress, St. Louis Exposi- tion; Honorary Canon of All Saints’ Cathedral, Milwaukee, Wis., since 1904; author of “Ancient Persian Lexicon and Texts,” 1908, also of “Caesar’s Gallic War,” “Greek and Roman Mythology,” “Art of Translating,” “Herodotus,” “Mycennean Troy,” “Vision of Perfect Life,” “Lesson of Holy Week,” and other books; Professor of Greek Language and Literature Vanderbilt University since 1894. TURNEY, John E., lawyer; born j 1 Jacksonville, Fla., August 13, 1863; son of Hopkins L. and Elizabeth (Estill) i Turney; educated in public schools of 1 Nashville, Tenn.; married, first, Bessie Reid, October 13, 1886; Martha Ray, De- cember 5, 1895; Deputy Clerk of Su- preme Court of Tennessee; member Red Men and Eagles; Democrat. TURNEY, John Reid, attorney-at- law; born Nashville, Tenn., July 4, 1887; son of John E. and Bessie M. (Reid) Turney; Scotch-French descent; gradu- ated from Vanderbilt University, June, 1908; author of “Spirit Omnipotent,” a religious drama. TYNE, Thomas James, lawyer; u irn ■ Nashville, Tenn., November 29, i8, ji son of James W. and Katherine (L /) Tyne; Irish descent; educated Nas. file private schools and Vanderbilt; gr lu- ated Vanderbilt Law Department, LL.B., June, 1890; married Jane Rotterman June 7, 1898; member of the State Leg- islature from Davidson County 1893-05; who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 451 church connection, Catholic; admitted to bar 1890, Nashville, Tenn. VAN NEAS, Isaac J., clergyman; born East Orange, N. J., July 15, 1860; son of Austin and Caroline R. (Jacobs) Van Neas; graduated Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., 1890, received D.D. degree Mercer Uni- versity of Georgia, 1897 ; ordained to the Baptist ministry 1890; pastor at Nashville, Tenn., 1890-96; Editor Christian Index, Atlanta, Ga., 1896-1900; connected with editorial section of S. S. Board of South- f ern Baptist Convention since 1900; Pres- ident S. S. Editors’ Ass’n. of U. S. and Canada, 1896-7; author, “Training in Church Membership;” married Frances V. Tabby, June 24, 1891. VAUGHN, Robert, attorney-at-law; born Nashville, Tenn., August 10, 1856; i Scotch-Irish descent; son of Michael and Emma A. (Baxter) Vaughn; paternal t grandparents David and Sarah (Thomas) Vaughn; maternal grandparents Robert and Rebecca Boone (Mockbee) Baxter; graduated from University of Nashville and Lebanon Law School, 1876-77, with A.B. and LL.B. degrees; began the prac- tice of law early in life; married Eula Ramsey Williams, February 3, 1889; was Attorney-General of Davidson County, 1892 to 1902; appointed Clerk and Mas- ter of Davidson County, December 1, 1^06, for term of six years; he owns and resides in the old Vaughn homestead in the 18th District, which was granted by the State of North Carolina to John Thomas, a paternal ancestor, on the 16th day of February, 1784. WALKER, Bradley, attorney-at-law; born Columbia, Tenn., October 14, 1877 ; son W. Q. and Alice (Cabler) Walker; Scotch-Irish descent; graduated from Pea- 1 be’"-- Normal College, University of ‘N ille, 1898, University of Virginia, Is L.I., A.B. and B. of L; married Etuil Mathews Dec 17, 1903; member of Tj nity Consistory No. 2 (32d degree Ma- son), Elk, Nashville Lodge No. 72, Nash- ville Golf and Country Club; church affiliation, Methodist Church (South) ; attorney-at-law since 1903. WASHBURN, Charles Campbell, professional singer; born Quincy, 111., December 15, 1868; English descent; son of Cornelius and Isora E. (Blades) Washburn ;. paternal grandparents Vin- cent Robinson and Elizabeth (Collins) Washburn, maternal grandparents Wil- liam and Amanda (Gates) Blades; at- tended Covington (Ky.) High School; graduated from Vanderbilt University, B.D., in 1892, and College of Music, Cin- cinnati, O., Vocal Artist, 1895; married Minnie Morgan, February 21, 1900; at one time held Chair of Hymnology and Vocal Music in Theological Seminary of Vanderbilt University; has engaged in teaching and singing since 1907. WASHINGTON, William Hunter, lawyer; born at Springfield, Tenn.; he is a descendant of John Washington, (the uncle of Gen. George Washington, and grandson of that John Washington who came from the northern part of Eng- land in 1857, and who was the founder of tne family in America) son of Francis VTiiting and Sarah Catherine (Crock- ett) Washington; educated Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., and L T nion University, graduating from the latter in June 1871; he completed the junior course in the law department of Cumberland University, Lebanon; in Sept. 1872, he entered the senior class in the law department of University of Michigan and graduated March 27, 1873 with L.L. B. degree; entered practice of law at Murfreesboro, April 10, 1873, and in August 1878 he was elected attor- ney-general for the Nashville district of Tenn., for a term of eight years; he has since been engaged in the general practice of law at Nashville, Tenn. ; Jan. 8, 1901, he delivered the oration at the annual ban- quet of the Tennessee Society of Missou- ri, at St. Louis, and was that year elected honorary member of the society. WATKINS, James Morgan, Associate General' Agent of Masachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company; born Meridian, Miss., July 3, 1886; son Edmond and Idelette (Dial) Watwins; Welsh-English descent; graduate Princeton University B.A. 1908; member Elm Club, Princeton, member Mountain City Club, Chatta- 452 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE nooga, member Chattanooga Golf and Weaver; father, merchant and farmer; Country Club, member of Hermitage paternal grandparents Rev. Amos and Club, Nashville, member ’Varsity Base- Emily (Tomlinson) Weaver, maternal ball squad 1906-07; 1908 entered insur- ance field and 1910 made Associate Gen- eral Agent for Southern Mississippi and Middle Alabama; Jan. 1, 1911, moved to Nashville to become associated with the General Agency work of the Massachu- setts Mutual Life Ins. Co., in Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama. WATTS, Frank Overton, banker; born Paducah, Ky., November 14<, 1867; son of Thomas L. and Ruth (Caldwell) AVatts; educated in public and prepara- tory schools of Tennessee; began his ca- reer as Bank Clerk and Officer at Union Cit3 r , Tenn., and since 1903 he has been President of First National Bank of Nashville, Tenn.; President Tennessee Bankers’ Association 1909, Vice-Presi- dent American Bankers’ Association 1910, and President of same since 1911; married Helen Moore, January 14, 1894; President Nashville Golf and Country Club, and member of Hermitage Club; Independent Democrat. WATTS, James Lovell, lawyer; born Robertson County, Tenn., May 20, 1845; son James and Elizabeth Jackson (Miles) Wafts; English descent; educated “Old Field” School, Robertson County, Tenn.; elected County Superintendent of Public Instruction Robertson County, Tenn., April, 1873; re-elected April, 1875; re- signed April, 1876, and removed to Nashville in May, 1876; author of paper nublished in Nashville American, Feb., 1902, advocating confederation of World Powers to Enforce Peace Among Na- tions, in the place of suggested arbitra- tion, republished in Congressional Record June 25, 1910; also paper on same sub- ject published in quarterly Review, of Nashville, Jan. 1911; ed. Tennessee Form Book, 6t'h Ed. 1905 ; author of Corporation Laws of Tennessee, 1907, and of revised and enlarged edition of same in 1910; church connection, Methodist. WEAVER, Rufus Washington, cler- gyman; born Greensboro, S. C., June 3, 1870; Scotch-Irish-English descent; son of Preston D. and Elizabeth (Forbis) grandparents David and Elizabeth (Woodburn) Forbis ; attended Greensboro (N. C.) High School, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, and University of Cincinnati; graduated at Wake Forest College, 1893, and Southern Baptist The- ological Seminary 1899, with A.B., M.A., Th.M., Th.D. degrees; 32d degree Ma- son, Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias and member “The Palaver,” “The Old Oak” and the “Country Club” of Nashville, Tenn.; Grand Chaplain Grand Lodge of Masons 1909-10; Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Nashville; Author of “The Reconstruction of Religion,” “The Christian Conventionalist,” “The History of the Doctrine of Inspiration in the Eighth Century, B. C.”. WEBER, Henry Carlton, teacher; born Nashville, Tenn., November 7, 1860; German and Freneh-English descent; son of Henry and Margaret (Walker) Weber; father was teacher in Germany and Tennessee; paternal grandfather Christian Weber, maternal grandparents Carleton and Caroline (Malette) Walker; educated University of the South, Se- wanee, Tenn.; began teaching at age of 18; Democrat; was Superintendent of City Schools in Clarksville, Tenn., 1881, and Nashville 1898; married Beula Beau- mont, June 14, 1882; member Elks, Epis- copal Church. WEST, Joseph Ready, attorney-at- law; born Hadensville, Todd County, Ky., January 16, 1858; son of Joseph Burrus and Mary Rebecca (Jarrad) West; English descent; educated Nash- ville and Clarksville, Tenn. ; graduated S. P. University, Clarksville, June, 1877, B.A.; Vanderbilt University, June, 1880, B.L.; he taught school and practiced law in early life; married Patti Southworth, November 5, 1885; member Nashville Council No. 92, Royal Arcanum; he has been Chief Deputy in office of Clerk and Master of Davidson County, Tenn., con- tinuously since August 4, 1885; member and Secretary of Board of Education, Nashville, from January, 1899, to Jan- uary, 1905; member M. E. Church. AVHO’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 453 WIKLE, Douglas, lawyer; Public Of- ficial; born Cartersville, Ga., July, 1861; Scotch-Irish-German and English de- scent; son of Judge Jesse R. and Mary (Hooper) Wikle; paternal grandparents Henry and Annie (Bandy) Wikle, ma- ternal grandfather Matthew Hooper, maternal grandmother was a Miss Lane prior to her marriage; educated Cartersville, Ga., branch of State University, Dahlonega, Ga., and Law Department Georgetown University, AVashington, D. C. ; graduated in law with L.B. degree in 1880; began his ca- reer as Editor of Cartersville American, Cartersville, Ga. ; admitted to bar at age of 17; Representative in Legislature, 1903, from AVilliamson County, Tenn. ; State Senate, 1905, from Williamson County, Tenn.; appointed Judge of the Williamson County Judicial Circuit of Tennessee, May, 1909 ; elected for full term of eight years, August, 1910; Pri- vate Secretary for Congressman Alexan- der H. Stephens, 1880; married Roberta Temple, July 27, 1889; member K. P., Royal Arcanum, Methodist Church; resi- dence Franklin, Tenn. WILLIAMS, John Phillip, manu- facturer; President Bon Air Coal Com- pany; born Montgomery County, Tenn., February 11, 1848; son J. P. and Mildred (Hopson) AVilliams; paternal grandfath- er, Henry Williams; paternal grand- mother, Mary Wilson; maternal grand- father, George Boyd Hopson; maternal grandmother, Eliza Read; English de- scent; educated Miama University, Ox- ford Ohio; Union College, Lewisburg, Pa., 1862-66; married Elizabeth Cheney December 1, 1870; member Hermitage Club, Nashville Golf and Country Club, Sons of American Revolution; great grandfather on maternal side was Col. Joseph Hopson of the Seventh Virginia Regiment in the American Revolution; attends Episcopal Church. WILLS, Andrew Woods, lawyer, post- master ; born near . Philadelphia, Pa., April 30, 1841; son of AVilliam and Eliz- abeth (Marple) Wills; father’s occupa- tion, manufacturer and farmer; paternal grandfather Michael AVills; graduated Norristown, Pa., in 1860; entered the practice of law in early life; President and General Manager Sheffield Coal, Iron & Steel Company, Sheffield, Ala.; Commissioner-General Tennessee Centen- nial, Nashville, Tenn.; Postmaster Nash- ville, Tenn., and serving fifth term; mar- ried Eleanora Willauer, September 15, 1869; member Hermitage Club, Nashville, Tenn.; Republican; served as Lieutenant- Colonel U. S. Volunteers during Civil War; member of Episcopal Church. WINDIATE, Thomas DeLong, cler- gyman, Archdeacon of Nashville; born Manitowoc, AVis., May 3, 1875; American and English descent; son of Thomas and Cornelia E. (Wallis) Windiate; father, retired capitalist; educated University of the South, Sewanee, and General Theo- logical Seminary, N. Y. ; graduated from former, G.D., July, 1900; began his ca- reer as a lawyer; member of Masonic Lodge, Knights Templar; Democrat; Dean of Convocation of Memphis, J.903- 06; Canon of Little Rock Cathedral, 1906-09; member of Episcopal Church; author of pamphlets. WITHERSPOON, John Alexander, physician; born Columbia, Tenn., Sep- tember 13, 1864; Scotch descent; son of John M. and Mary T. (Hanks) Wither- spoon; father was lawyer and farmer; graduated 1887 from Medical Depart- ment of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; married Cornelia Dixon, November 8, 1888; is a Mason, Knight Templar, K. of P. and member of Hermitage Club, Nashville; was ap- pointed by the Secretary of State to de- liver address of acceptance of George Washington statue in Buda-Pest, Hun- gary, August 27, 1909; was Professor of Medicine in University of Tennessee from 1889 to 1894, and has been teacher of medicine in Vanderbilt University for past 16 years; he is President of the American Medical College Association, member of the Council on Medical Edu- cation of the American Medical Associa- tion, also President of the Mississippi Valley Medical Society in 1909; Demo- crat; Deacon in First Presbyterian Church, Nashville. 454 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE WOODCOCK, William M., bookkeep- er; born Macon County, Tenn., Septem- ber 4, 1842; English descent; son of Wi- ley and Harriet (Simmons) Woodcock; father was a physician; educated in the common schools of Macon County, Ten- nessee, and Monroe County, Kentucky; graduated Cumberland University, Leb- anon, Tenn., Law Department, in June, 1875; in early life was a farmer; married Sarah Ellen Waters, January 8, 1868; Republican; member of Tennessee House of Representatives from Macon County, March 4, 1865, to October 30, 1869, and member of Tennessee Senate from Da- vidson County, in 1889; U. S. Internal Revenue Collector, 1877-83; member of Co. “B,” 9th Kentucky Infantry, U. S. A., from September 24, 1861, to Decem- ber 15, 1864; enlisted as Private and at- tained rank of First Lieutenant; member of Baptist Church, Deacon, Treasurer of Tennessee Baptist Convention since March 1, 1884; was Presidential Elector on the Grant and Colfax ticket and in 1873 was candidate for Congress from the Fourth Congressional District against Hon. H. Y. Riddle; he is now Assistant Bookkeeper in the office of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. WRENNE, Michael J. C., superin- tendent transportation, N., C. & St. L. Ry. ; born Limerick, Ireland, August 4, 1847; son of John and Margaret (Roche) Wrenne; educated in public schools of Nashville; began his business career as clerk in railroad office; married Isabella Felicia Moffat, December 22, 1870; Su- perintendent Transportation N., C. & St. L. Ry., President American Association of Transportation and Accounting Offi- cer and Vice-President T. W. Wrenne & Co., bankers; member Roman Catholic Church. WRENNE, Thomas William, lawyer and banker; born Rockbridge County, Va., December 1, 1851; Irish descent; son of John and Margaret (Cunningham) Wrenne; educated in Nashville, Tenn.; graduated from Nashville (Tenn.) High School, in 1870; early business occupation lawyer; married Clara Virginia Heben- streit, October 7, 1875; member of Wa- tauga Club, Heritage Club, Nashville Press Club and Nashville Art Club; Chairman of the Humane Society Board of Commissioners of Nashville and au- thor of act establishing that body as a part of the municipal government of Nashville; Director for Nashville of the Carnegie Library, from the date of its establishment; Aide-de-Camp during both terms, with rank of Colonel on the Military Staff of Malcolm R. Patterson, Governor of Tennessee, 1907-11; in 1870 was appointed Clerk in the office of the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court at Nashville, Tenn.; 1875 Superintendent and Secretary and Treasurer of the South Nashville Street Railway; in 1878- 1882 practiced law, and Clerk and Mas- ter of said Chancery Court, 1882-88; was receiver of the Bank of Tennessee, the affairs of which he practically finally wound up and settled; 1888-89 President of the McGovock and Mt. Vernon Horse Railway Company, and under his man- agement electric power in operating the street cars was introduced successfully, which at the time proved to be the first entirely successful practical use of elec- tricity for this purpose upon a large rail- way system; while President of that rail- way, he consolidated the several street railway companies of Nashville into one system, and put into operation the trans- fer system, now in use by the street rail- way company and built the first transfer station for that purpose; while interested in the street railway he built the Wharf Avenue line from the public square to Mt. Olivet and Mt. Calvary cemeteries; former President of the Nashville Ab- stract Company; President of the Nash- ville Title Company and organized that company; in 1896 was Director of the Tennessee Centennial Expositon, and as Vice-Chairman of the Reception Commit- tee, had charge of the opening exercises of the Exposition that year; first Presi- dent of the Irish- American Association of Tennessee, and as such in charge of the exercises Irish- American day at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition; in 1894 helped to organize the banking house of Thomas Plater & Co., as a member of that firm, and thereafter or- ganized the Plater & Wrenne Banking Company, which continued until 1889, WHO’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 455 when he helped to organize the banking house of Thomas W. Wrenne & Co., of which he is now and has been since its organization. President; in 1907 was Chairman of the Committee of Arrange- ments in charge of the reception of Pres- ident Theodore Roosevelt to Nashville, and the Hermitage, in October of that year; he was also the executive officer in charge of the exercises under the auspices of the D. A. R. of Tennessee, in the ded- ication of the monument erected on the Court House grounds at the public square in the city of Nashville, in 1910, to the memory of soldiers of the Ameri- can Revolution buried in Tennessee, whose names are perpetuated in bronze on this monument; was several years Chairman of the Hermitage Congression- al District; three years a member of the City Council, and sixteen consecutive years a member of the Board of Educa- tion of Nashville; Vice-President of the Nashville Gas Company, and the financial representative of the Massachusetts Mu- tual Life Insurance Company in its Loan Department in Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama; author “Ireland’s Sons in Ten- nessee,” published in 98th Anniversary Edition Nashville American, 1910; mem- ber of the Catholic Church. YANCEY, Richard H., editor; born Fayette County, Tenn., November, 1855; son of Edwin T. and Mary (Anderson) Yancey; Welsh descent, family came to Virginia in 1642; educated at LaGrange Academy and Cumberland University; graduated in law at Lebanon Law School ; engaged in newspaper work at 23 years of age; became Editor of Somerville (Tenn.) Falcon and served in that ca- pacity from 1881-83; was Editor of Clarksville (Tenn.) Chronicle, 1883-87; Birmingham (Ala.) Herald and Age- Herald, 1887-1891, since which time he has been Associate Editor of the Nash- ville (Tenn.) Banner, with exception of 1897-98, when he did editorial work for the Nashville American; married Irene Williams, of Bolivar, Tenn., Feb. 17, 1881; member Press Club, Nashville; Democrat; member Episcopal Church. YOUNG, Bertrand Edward, teacher; born Louisville, Ky., January 2, 1875; English and Scotch descent; son of Cyrus H. and Kate Dunlap Young; father’s oc- cupation banker and broker; paternal grandfather Daniel Young, maternal grandparents Carson P. and Elizabeth (Dunlap) Strouse; educated Louisville Training School (Kentucky), Vanderbilt University, University of Chicago, Uni- versity of Grenoble, France, and Univer- sity of Paris, France. Following degrees were conferred upon him: B.S., Van- derbilt, 1896; M.A., Vanderbilt, 1898; Docteur-es-Lettres and Laureate, Uni- versity of Grenoble, 1904; began teaching in 1896 ; graduate student Modern Lan- guages, Vanderbilt University, 1896; Professor of Modern Languages, Morris- ville College (Missouri), 1897-98; gradu- ate student Modern Languages, Univer- sity of Chicago, 1898-99-1900-01 ; Profes- sor Modern Languages, Polytechnic Col- lege, Texas, 1899-1900; Professor Modern Languages, Millsaps College (Mississip- pi), 1900-04; elected Associate Professor Romance Languages, Vandervilt Univer- sity, 1904; Instructor Summer School, University of Tennessee, 1908; Instruc- tor Summer School, Peabody College for Teachers, 1909; married Ethel Barksdale Smith, daughter of Robert C. Smith, former General Counsel Illinois - Central Railroad, February 19, 1903; member of Kappa Alpha Frat. and Round Table Club, Nashville, Tenn.; member of va- rious foreign and national linguistic so- cieties; author of “Michael Baron, Auteur et Acteur Dramatique,” published at Grenoble and Paris, 1904 and 1905; au- thor of articles contributed to various philological journals; editor of “The Vanderbilt Quarterly,” 1908; acting sec- retary of Association of College and Pre- paratory Schools of the Southern States, 1910; member M. E. Church, South; resi- dence, Vanderbilt University Campus, Nashville. YOWELL, Jas. A., insurance business; born Marshall County, Tenn., November 14, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Wm. R. and Mary (Medearis) Yowell; received his education in public schools of Petersburg, Tenn. ; began his business 450 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE career as merchant at Nashville, Ark.; married Julia A. Stone, July 31, 1882; member K. of P. ; Deacon in Vine Street Christian Church, Nashville, Tenn.; he has been connected with the Union Cen- tral Life Insurance Company for eighteen years, having begun his service with the company in 1892; appointed State Agent for Middle Tennessee in 1892; is also Di- rector in Hermitage National Bank, of Nashville. NATIONAL SOLDIERS HOME. SMITH, John Powell, lawyer, Gov- ernor Mountain Branch National Home for D. V. S.; born at Mountain City, Tenn., March 30, 1846; Scotch-Irish and English-French descent; son of Alex- ander Doran and Mary Ann (Powell) Smith; father’s occupation lawyer; pa- ternal grandparents Caleb and Elizabeth (Doran) Smith, maternal grandparents John and Nancy (Steele) Powell; eu ucated in common schools and private school of Rev. James Keyes, Johnson Co., Tenn.; married twice, first Mary Craig, Feb. 7, 1867, second Florence B. Alex- ander, Jan. 1, 1895; master Mason; Re- publican ; assistant U. S. Atty. E. District Tenn. Dec. 1, 1880, to July 1, 1885; Chan- cellor 1st Division Tenn. Sept. 1, 1886 to Sept. 1, 1902; served as private corporal, sergeant and second lieutenant, Co. “B.” 4th regiment Tenn. Vol. Infy. Jun 3, 1863 to Aug. 2, 1865; in early life he practiced law; since April 15, 1903 he has been Governor Mountain Branch, Na- tional Home for disabled volunteer soldiers; elder of Second Presbyterian church, Jonesboro, Tenn. NEPTUNE. GUPTON John Jerome, farmer; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn., June 19, 1847; Irish-English-Scotch and French descent; son of R. T. and Martha Henriette (Pow- er) Gupton; father’s occupation, farmer, merchant and miller; paternal grandpar- ents, Abner and Judith (Hunt) Gupton, maternal grandparents, Samuel D. and Martha A. (Wand) Power ; received com- mon school education; has been a farmer all of his life; married Martha Jane Gup- ton, May 9, 1871; Democrat; former jus- tice of the peace; member of M. E. church, South. HUMPHREYS, James Nicholson, farmer and trader; born Montgomery Co. Tenn., Nov. 15, 1852; son of Joshua and Martha (Langford) Humphreys; fath- er’s occupation, fanning; received com- mon school education; entered farming in early life; married Mary Gossett, Dec. 22, 1880; Democrat; member Southern Methodist church; has always been in- terested in farming and trading. STONE, Robert James, farmer, and livestock dealer; born Cumberland Fur- nace, Tenn., March 15, 1878; Scotch-Ger- man descent; son of R. B. and Sarah (Jackson) Stone; father’s occupation, 25 years general manager of Drouillard Iron Co., Cumberland Furnace, Tenn., and for past 12 years has been dealing in real estat% and capitalist; paternal grandpar- ents, Hardeman and Margaret (Van Leer) Stone, maternal grandparents, Epps and Sarah (Bibb) Jackson; educat- ed at Edgewood (Tenn) normal school, and Cumberland University, graduating from latter with B.L. degree June, 1900; early busines occupation, farming and livestock dealer; married Lola Sadler Russell, Dec. 19, 1900; member of K. of P. ; elected floterial representative of Williamson, Robertson and Cheatham counties, Tenn., Nov. 8, 1910. NEWBERN. BREWER, John Doddridge, physi- cian and surgeon; born Carroll Co., Miss. Jan. 10, 1878; son of Ratcliffe R. and Mary (McEachern) Brewer; Scotch- Irish descent; educated common schools Miss.; graduate University of Nashville Grisham May 3, 1905; member Masons, I. O. O. F. K of P., W. O. W., Macca- bees, Newbern, Dyer Co. Med. Society, Tri-State., Tenn., State and A. M. A., Corporal Co. F 2d Miss. Volunteers, Spanish- American war; began practice of medicine 1901 in Water Valley, Miss.; removed to Newbern in 1903; member Methodist church. COWTHON, William Lawrence, banker; born Newbern, Tenn., No. 13, 1882; son John L. and Elizabeth (Me- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 457 Corkle) Cowthon; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Newbern High School, G. R. C. College, Henderson, Tenn. ; graduate G. R. C. College B. S. June, 1900; married Olive Noel Nov. 24, 1903; member K. of P., member Co. Democratic Executive Committee from 6th District Dyer Co., assistant cashier Bank of Newbern May 1, 1904; member of the firm of B. T. Grisham & Co.; member Christian church. DRANE, Joiist M., lawyer; born Dyer Co., Tenn., July 28, 1882; son of James Haskins and Eliza Rebecca' (Bob- bett) Drane; Scotch-Irish descent; graduate A. B. and B. L. Cumberland University June, 1907 ; member Kappa Sigma Fraternity, I. O. O. F., Newbern Lodge No. 92; elected Representative from Dyer Co. in General Assembly 1911; Democrat. HAMILTON, Mariok Clay, mer- chant; born Dyer Co., Tenn., April 27, 1855; English descent; son of James H. and Callie (Ellis) Hamilton; father’s occupation, farmer and merchant; re- ceived common school education; mar- ried Mollie F. Moore Dec. 22, 1878, An- nie B. Murray May, 1886; in early life was a farmer; entered the grocery busi- ness at Newbern, Tenn., in 1879, dry goods business in 1882; owns general merchandise stock in Newbern, firm of Hamilton & Son, and Newbern Grocery Co., also interested in furniture store, Hickman, Ky., Pres, and Stockholder in Newbern (Tenn.) Bank; member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. HASKINS, Edward T., physician; born Newbern, Tenn., April 25, 1874; son of Aaron B. and Pattie (Tucker) Haskins; paternal grandfather Edward T. Haskins, paternal grandmother, Har- riet Jane (Foster) Haskins, maternal grandfather Richard W. Tucker, mater- nal grandmother Ella (Tucker) Tucker; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Newbern, Tenn., University of Tenn. and Vander- bilt University; graduate literary dept. University of Tenn. 1891, Vanderbilt University M. D. 1895; married Myra Rainey Feb. 20, 1900; Royal Arch Ma- son, I. O. O. F. and K. of P.; member City Board Health, Newbern, Tenn., member Board Mayor and Aldermen, Newbern, Tenn.; Co. and State Medical Societies and American Medical Assn., 2nd Lieut. Co. H 2nd Tenn. Regiment 1894; appointed to West Point in 1892. McCORKLE, Johjt Edwix, farmer; surveyor, and banker; born in Dyer Co., Tenn., May 17, 1839 ; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Edwin A. and Jane Maxwell (Thomas) McCorkle; father’s occupation farming; paternal grandparents, Robert and Margaret (Morrison) McCorkle, ma- ternal grandparents, William and Eliza- beth (Purviance) Thomas; graduated at Bluff Springs, Tenn., A. M degree in 1859; in early life was a teacher and farmer; married twice, first Tennie Scott, Jan 14, 1868, second, Mary Cotton, Sept 1, 1880; member of Masonic lodge; Democrat; former magistrate 20 years, state senator two terms; notary public; served as lieutenant in C. S. A., and re- signed on account of ill health; member of Christian church and elder in same; engaged in farming, and banking. PARKS, Bekjamiit Robersox, farm- er; born Newbern, Tenn., Jan. 11, 1850; Scotch-Irish decent; son of Hamilton and Rebecca (Stewart) Parks; father was a farmer, and minister of the gospel; pa- ternal grandparents, Jacob and Ann (Hamilton) Parks, maternal grandpar- ents, Andrew and Sarah (Drake) Stew- art; educated at Newbern, Tenn.; early business occupation, farming and rais- ing stock; married twice, first Alice Douglass, Dec. 25, 1872, second, Millie Young, April 26, 1880; Democrat; mem- ber of Presbyterian church, U. S. A.; en- gaged m farming, stock raising and banking. RADFORD, Oliver J., public official; born Dyersburg, Tenn., Aug. 30, 1845; German descent; son of James and Almi- ra (McDavid) Radford; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, John and Susan (Petty) Radford, maternal grandparents, Samuel and Mary (Craw- ford) McDavid; educated in Dyer Co., Tenn.; was a farmer in early life; mar- ried Nora D. Moore, Aug. 2, 1871; mem- ber I. O. O. F. and F. & A. M.; Demo- 458 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE crat; Justice of the Peace and Notary Public for Dyer Co., Tenn.; member of Methodist church. SCOBEY, Norvell L., lawyer; born Newbern, Tenn., Dec. 11, 1863; son of Norvell and Elizabeth (Reed) Scobey; Scotch-Irish descent; graduate Cumber- land University, Lebanon, Tenn., law dept. June, 1894; married Mettie Coch- ran Dec. 24, 1888; Postmaster at New- bern, Tenn.; interested in real estate; member Presbyterian church; Repub- lican. SHIBLEY, William Albert, banker; born Van Buren, Ark., Oct. 7, 1876; son W. H. H. and Esther Ann (Cooke) Shibley; Scotch-Swiss descent; graduate of University of Va., B. L. 1900; mar- ried, first, Rebecca Tigrett Jan. 16, 1901; second, Marie Wermuth Jan. 6, 1910; member K. of P., Masons; Mayor Halls, 1904-06, Alderman City Newbern, mem- ber City Board Education; practiced law eighteen months Halls, Tenn.; cashier Bank of Halls 1902-06, cashier Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank 1906; president Dyersburg Vehicle and Implement Co. of Dyersburg, vice-president Newbern Hardware Co. WILLIAMS, Edward Everett, lum- berman and farmer; born at Bolivar, Tenn., Aug. 18, 1858; Welsh and Ger- man descent; son of Louis M. and De- bora V. (Hardison) Williams; educated in the public schools at Newbern, Tenn.; reared on the farm; entered the lumber business in early life, also owns and operates a farm near Newbern; married Dec. 26, 1899; member of Knights of Pythias; Democrat. WYATT, Eugene Ripley, dentist; born Newbern, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1876; son of Col. J. N. and Parrina V. (Parks) Wyatt; paternal grandfather Joe Wyatt, paternal grandmother Martha (Walton) Wyatt, maternal grandfather Hamilton Parks, maternal grandmother Rebecca (Stewart) Parks; Scotch-Irish-English descent; educated Newbern public school; graduated B. S. National Normal, Le- banon, Ohio, 1896, D. D. S. Northwest- ern University, Chicago, 111., 1901 ; mar- ried Minnie Neely Taylor Jan. 21, 1909; member K. of P., stockholder Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank, Newbern, Tenn.; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church. NEWCOMB. CATES, John W., postmaster; born near Fincastle, Tenn., June 14, 1844; Eng- lish-Duteh descent; son of Green B. and Eliza (Seabolt) Cates; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; received common school education; early business occupation, farmer, and soldier in Union army, 1862- 65; married twice, first Love Hollings- worth, in 1866, second Lassie Hicks, 1894; member Masons, I. O. O. F., K. P., and G. A. R., has filled all the stations, and represented grand lodge I. O. O. F. and K. P.; republican congressional commit- teeman for Campbell Co., Tenn., two years, in the Houk and Gibson contest for congress; appointed deputy U. S. marshal, and served five years; served as postmaster under Garfield, Arthur and Harrison ; was appointed postmaster Newcomb, Tenn., in 1902, and is the present incumbent. DOUGLASS, John Sr., lawyer, farm- er and school teacher; born Newcomb, Tenn., July 31, 1830; son of Matthew and Nancy A. (King) Douglass; father was justice or peace, soldier in war 1812, un- der Gen. Jackson; farmer; educated in the common schools of Campbell Co., Tenn., and at home; early business occu- pation, farming and teaching; married twice, first Leah Oaks, Jan. 29, 1857, sec- ond Mary Davis, April, 1889; member F. & A. M., Knights of Labor, Senior and Junior Mechanics, served in all offices of Masons, except Master; representative to legislature for Campbell Co., Tenn., 1892- 93; justice of the peace and notary pub- lic; former captain of company of Home Guards; census enumerator in 1880-90; member of Misionary Baptist church, and has served as clerk of same for 25 years, also clerk of South Union Association of Baptists about 20 years; commissioner of the noor of Campbell Co., Tenn., past 15 years. ZECHINI, Peter, coal operator; born Anfo, Brescia Lombardi, Italy; son of Stefano Zechini; father was a farmer. WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 459 lumber, coal and grain dealer from Italy to Austria; paternal grandparents, Thos. and Giuglia (Mabellinni) Zechini, mater- nal grandparents, John and Catherine (Leali) Bonardelli; Italian descent; edu- cated at Anfo and Brescia, Italy; began his career as a farmer and miner; mar- ried Eva Bershire, March 10, 1901; he came t> America from Italy in 1885, moved to Bennington, Vt., 1889, and to Pittsburg, Pa, 1892, where he became a U. S. citizen; moved to Tenn., in 1893, be- gan to open coal mines in 1895; member of Catholic church. NEW MARKET. CALDWELL, David Moore, farmer; born near New Market, Tenn., Sept. 15, 1838; Scotch-Irish descent; son of An- thony and Polly Berry (McSpadden) Caldwell; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, William and Eleanor (Moore) Caldwell, maternal grandparents Samuel and Nancy (Harris) McSpadden; educated Holston College, New Market, Tenn.; entered farming in earlv life; married Mary Ella Johnson Nov. 8, 1866; member G. A. R., has served as com- mander of the post; enlisted in the U. S. A. volunteer cavalry as private soldier in 1863, promoted to captain, same year, and was discharged at close of war in 1865; member of New Market (Tenn) Presby- terian church; engaged in farming and stock raising. CURRY, John Cox, farmer; born Jef- ferson Co., Tenn., Sept. 1, 1858; son of James and Emeline (Chaney) Curry; father’s occupation, farming; married Zenie M. Gass, Dec. 17, 1882; member Masonic lodge; Republican; member tounty court; Methodist Episcopal church. LOinG, Geo. W., merchant, builder and banker; born Woodville, N. C., Nov. 19, 1856; son of Samuel and Margaret (Reed) Long; father was an ante-bellum plantation owner; educated at Belvidere, N. C. ; began his career as a farmer; taught school and clerked in store 1878- 80; married Susan Elizabeth Mathews, Nov. 12, 1878; Democrat; postmaster un- der Cleveland’s first term; former jus- tice of the peace and notary public 12 years; member of Methodist church, trus- tee and steward in same; since 1880 he has been interested in mercantile, livery, hotel business, farming, mining and in building; also president of Bank of New Market, Tenn. MANLY, David Franklin, minister of the gospel; born in Grainger Co., Tenn.. Sept. 7, 1841; English and Irish descent; son of Absalom and Winnie (Dyer) Manly; father farmer; paternal grandparents David and Pollie (Cams) Manly; maternal grandparents William and Mary (Witcher) Dyer; educated in the high school near Tampies, Grainger Co., Tenn.; served as private of Battery “B” 72d Tenn. Light Artillery Tenn. Vols. U. S. A. Troops, attained rank of Sergeant, 2d Lieut. 1st Lieut. Captain; fought in seven battles during the war; in early life was a farmer; married Catherine Hudson, April 19, 1860; mem- ber Masons, Brazelton Lodge No. 190, Dandridge, Tenn., and has been Chap- lain of three Masonic Lodges up to this date; Republican; postmaster at Dump- len, from Nov. 1889 for six consecutive years; member of Baptist church; en- gaged in farming and ministerial work. MINNIS, William B., merchant; born near Morristown, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1841; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Wil- liam and Catherine (Koontz) Minnis; father’s occupation Presbyterian Minis- ter; paternal grandfather Robert Min- nis; educated Holston Seminary; en- tered the Federal army, and was severe- ly wounded in Powell’s Valley, Tenn., in 1863 by Ashby’s Cavalry; entered the mercantile business in Knoxville, Tenn., in 1864, moved to New Market in 1865, continuing in the same business there, he has taken his two sons in the firm and a branch store has been established at Jefferson City, Tenn.; has been a Trustee of Maryville (Tenn) College for a number of years, and New Mar- ket (Tenn) Academy for twenty five years, serving as sec. and treas. of same 25 years; married Augusta R. Pierce, Nov. 11, 1868; Republican; active in politics, and for a number of years has been a member of the State-Anti-Saloon League; member New Market Presby- terian church since 1855, and has served 4G0 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE as a ruling elder of same 43 years, and has been superintendent of New Market Presbyterian Sunday School for over thirty years; was twice a delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly, being the youngest delegate in attend- ance in the Assembly at Harrisburg, Pa., in 1868. PLYLEY, Charles Montgomery, farmer and trader; born in Ross Co., G., March 2, 1868; Scotch-lrish descent; son of Thomas Jefferson and Jennie (Montgomery) Plyley; father farmer and tanner; paternal grandparents Wil- liam and Mary (McConnell) Plyley; maternal grandparents James and Mary (Edmiston) Montgomery; educated in public schools of Ross Co., O., and graduated from higli school; entered farming in early life; married Jennie Schornholtz, Feb. 27, 1900; member R. A. Masons, and Past Master of same, member of Methodist church and stew- ard in same; engaged in farming and stock raising, and largely interested in Knoxville, Tenn., city property. NEW MIDDLETON. BAIRD, R. M., farmer; born near New Middleton, Tenn.; son of Jere- miah H. and Delilah (Paris) Baird; father was a farmer; educated New Middleton (Tenn) Academy; married Bettie Gill, Nov. 15, 1881; Democrat; lias been J. P. of the 17th District eleven years; member of Methodist church, steward and trustee of same; engaged in farming and stock raising. BRIDGES, James Neely, physician; born in Smith Co., Tenn., Aug. 12, 1836; Scotch-lrish descent; son of John and Amanda (Calhoun) Bridges; father farmers; educated Carthage, Tenn. and Enon College; married Electa Laurum, Feb. 28, 1861; Master and Royal Arch Mason; Democrat; served as surgeon in Confederate army; member of Christian church. BRIDGES, Joseph G., physician; born New Middleton, Tenn., June 8, 1868; English descent; son of James G. and ITarriette (Bell) Bridges; father’s occupation physician; paternal grand- parents Joseph and Elizabeth (Gill) Bridges; maternal grandparents Robert D. and Elizabeth (Roane) Bell; ed- ucated New (Middleton, Tenn.; grad- uated University of Nashville, M. D. degree, 1891; early occupation farming; married Florence Davis, Aug. 8, 1905; Past Master F. & A. M., Past C. C. Knights of Pythias; health officer for Smith Co., Tenn., term expires Jan. 1, 1912; member of Methodist church. CROCKETT, William M., physician; born Rockville, Tenn., Aug. 8, 1872; son of Overton Washing and Alice (Crockett) Crockett; father was a mer- chant; educated Murfreesboro, Tenn., graduated from University of Tenn., March 1898; in early life was a farmer; married Mary Catherine Bames, Dec. 24, 1892; Royal Arch Mason, I. O. O. F., K. P., M. W. A., and O. E. S.; Democrat; member Methodist church; engaged in practice of medicine at New Middleton, Tenn. NEWPORT. BLACK, James Stedman, minister of the gospel; born Wilmington, N. C., Feb. 1, 1848; Scotch descent; son of D. B. and Ann Clinton (Holmes) Black; father’s occupation, minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents, John and Ellie (Blue) Black; maternal grandparents James and Sallie (Nor- mant) Holmes; educated Clinton, N. C., graduated Theological Seminary, Columbia, S. C., May 1875; married Ada Shaw, Jan. 9, 1878; Democrat; served in Confederate army during civil war; member Presbyterian church. BOYER, C. Fulton, real estate; born Parrottsville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1846; Scotch-lrish descent; son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Sims) Boyer; father was a farmer and tanner; educated Parrotts- ville, Tenn.; in early life was a mer- chant and farmer; served as private Co. “A” 3d Tenn. Inf.; sheriff of Cocke Co., Tenn., ten years, Clerk Circuit Court eight years, Justice of the Peace four years; married first Florence McNoble, May 13, 1871, second Ann Weamer, May 13, 1892; member No. 160 Royal Arch Masons, and G .A. R. No. 71, Newport, who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 461 J. V. C. ; Republican; member of Methodist church. CAMPBELL, Thomas H., editor “The Times;” born Newport, Tenn., Oct. 25, 1880; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Stephen J. and Alice (Free) Campbell; father carpenter; educated in public schools; began his career as a printer; Democrat. CATE, Horace Nelson, lawyer; born Sevier Co., Tenn., Jan. 19, 1863; son of Nelson N. and Margaret A. (Scruggs) Cate; father farmer; paternal grand- parents Elisha A. and Mary (Newman) Cate; educated Carson and Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn.; began his career as a teacher; Republican; State Senator of Tenn., in 1893; at present Judge of the Court of Civil Appeals, of Tenn.; married Lillie Early, June 15, 1893; F. & A. M.; member of Baptist church. EARLY, E. S. merchant and miller; born Wytht Co., Va., Nov. 10, 1850; Irish descent; son of Evan E. and Elizabeth (Lyons) Early; father was an iron maker; paternal grandfather, Sion Early; maternal grandmother was a Miss Haynes prior to her marriage; maternal grandparents Stephen and Judith (Wilkinson) Lyons; received common school education; began his career as a millwright; at present he is connected with Newport Mill Co., of Newport and Loudon, Tenn.; married Clementine Umbarger, Jan. 4, 1874; member Masonic Lodge Newport No. 234; Independent Democrat; member M. E. Church, South. HENDRICKS, Walter Scott, minis- ter of the gospel; born Russell Co., Va., April 20, 1876; English and Irish descent; son of George W. and Susie (Martin) Hendricks; father’s occupa- tion farmer and owner of flouring mill; paternal grand parents Anderson and Rebecca (Scott) Hendricks; maternal grandparents Jacob and Susie (Fergu- son) Martin; educated Emory & Henry College, Va.; engaged in farming in early life; married first Mamie Hender- son, 1905, second Mae Early, 1909 ; Democrat; pastor Southern Methodist Church, Newport, Tenn. HICKEY, Robert Burns, lawyer; born Newport, Tenn., April 20, 1862; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Joseph Day and Louisa (Lewis) Hickey; father was a farmer; educated Grant University, Athens, Tenn.; graduated from law de- partment Cumberland University, Le- banon, Tenn., LL.B. Jan. 1890; began his career as a farmer and teacher; Democrat; member of Tenn. Legislature in 1891, Presidential Elector 1st Con- gressional District of Tenn., 1892, and 1904; at present he is member of the State Democratic Executive Committee from 1st Congressional District of Tenn.; married Georgia Susong, Jan. 18, 1898; member I. O. O. F., Red Men; member Southern Methodist church. KNIGHT, John Harrison, physi- cian; born Plantersville, Va., May 10, 1853; English and Scotch descent; son of George Thomas and Mary E. (Lips- comb) Knight; father farmer; paternal grandparents Capt. John and Mary Williams) Knight; maternal grandpar- ents Edwin and Ann (Thompson) Lips- comb; educated in the common schools of Virginia; graduated from the Medi- cal department University of the South, M.D. degree, 1899; in early life was a farmer, and clerked in country store; engaged in the practice of medicine and holds two special diplomas, one on the diseases of children and one on Genito Urinary Surgery; married Rachel G. Thomas Nov. 20, 1901; member W. O. W., Camp Physician; Democrat; for- mer postmaster at Plantersville, Va., 1885-90; member Missionary Baptist church. MIMS, Williams Oscar, lawyer; born Parrottsviile, Tenn., Dec. 25, 1867 ; Welsch descent; son of D. A. and Mar- garet (McSween) Mims; father’s oc- cupation merchant and banker; educated in high schools of Newport, Tenn., graduated from Emory & Henry Col- lege, A. B., 1896, Cumberland Univer- sity, LL.B., 1891; entered the practice of law in early life; Democrat; active in politics; has appeared in all of the courts of the state and made argu- 4G2 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE merits before Supreme and Federal Courts, delivered the address of welcome on the return of Gov. Hooper to New- port after his nomination in 1910; won Robertson Oratorical medal at Emory & Henry College, also Collins prize De- claimers and Debaters Medals; City At- torney of Newport, U. S. commissioner and member of Board of Education, Newport, Tenn.; married Cora L. Mas- sey, Dec., 1895; K. P., I. 0. O. F. and S. A. E. Fraternity; member M. E. church, South. MORELL, J. C. farmer; born New- port, Tenn., June 27, 1840; French- English Scotch and German descent; son of Charles and Eliza (Cain) Morell; father farmer and miller; paternal grandparents Jacob and Hannah (Baumgardner) Morell; maternal grandparents Joseph and Margaret (Ferguson) Cain; educated Newport, Tenn.; married Elizabeth Allen, Feb. 3, 1867; member Masonic Lodge; Demo- crat; former Justice of the Peace and Coroner; private in Confederate army four years; member of Baptist church. NEAS, John Franklin, farmer and stock raiser; born Salem, June 17, 1861; German and Scotch-Irish descent; son of George and Mary (Lauderdale) Neas; father’s occupation farming; pa- ternal grandparents Phillip and Eliza- beth (Winters) Neas; maternal grand- parents James and Elizabeth (Reeves) Lauderdale; educated Carson and New- man College, Jefferson City, Tenn.; be- gan his career as a stock trader and was Trustee of Cocke Co., Tenn., Aug. 1888, served two terms; Sheriff of Cocke Co., Tenn. 1892 and served one term; again elected sheriff in 1898 and served until 1904; engaged in farming and stock raising, and at one time was in the produce business; married Sarah Elizabeth Morris, Dec. 18, 1895; mem- ber Masonic Lodge; Republican; mem- ber of Lutheran Church. O’HARA, Joel Williams,, minister of the gospel; born Shelby Co., Ala., July 21, 1871; Scotch-Irish descent; son of C. W. and Sara Elizabeth (Hert) O’Hara; father’s occupation, minister of the Gospel; educated Howard Col- lege, East Lake, Ala., and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louis- ville, Ky.; graduated from Birmingham Business College, 1892, Howard College, A.B., June, 1898, Theological Seminary, Th.B., May 1901 ; early occupation farmer, clerk, stenographer, Birming- ham, Ala.; called to ministry in 1894, and served churches while at Seminary at Trussville, Ala., Wylam, Ala., and Clayton, at., Montgomery, Ala., and is now Pastor of First Baptist Church, Newport, Tenn.; married Annie Lou Murphee, Sept 23, 1903; Democrat. PENLAND, William H., farmer and stock dealer; born Cocke Co., Tenn., Jan. 3, 1848; German and English de- scent; son of John J. and Nellie (Justus) Penlana; father farmer; educated in common schools and Parrotsville (Tenn) Academy, 1867-8-9; reared on farm, and from 1886 to 1888 was in the livery business with E. S. Maloney in Washington, D. C., and from 1902 to present has been engaged in farming and uealing in live stock; Republican; County Trustee of Cocke ' Co., Tenn., 1870-74, County Court Clerk, 1874-82, and again 1890-98; Deputy U. S. Col- lector 1901-02 inclusive, and was alter- nate delegate to National Convention St. Louis, Mo., 1896; married Mary E. Ragan, Feb. 29, 1872; member F. & A. M.; M. E. church. RAINES, Jefferson D., born New- port, Tenn., June 15, 1862; son of Isaac and Abigail (Mullhite) Raines; father was a farmer and horse trader; member I. O. O. F., to 3d degree; served as Justice of the Peace six years; member of Advisory Board of Educa- tion; deacon, clerk and trustee of Baptist church. SPARKS, Arceiias E., miller; born Bold Creek, N. C., April 18, 1873; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Willie and Sallie M. (Briggs) Sparks; father’s oc- cupation, farmer and Baptist minister; educated in Sparta (N. C.) High SchooJ; in early life clerk in general store for Jones Bros. & Co., Newport, Tenn., nine years; in 1903 took a trip to Oklahoma City, with Gov. B. W. Hooper purchased 160 tract of land near city who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 463 limits of same for $30,000 which they sold in 1908 for $400,000; half owner of Newport Mill Co., and manager of same, besides owning oil stock, cotton mill stocks, and city properties; married Laura B. Bayer, Jan. 14, 1891; member F. & A. M., No. 234, and Chapter Ma- son; Republican; member Newport (Tenn) First Baptist church. SUSONG, Bbuce Irvin, editor and publisher; born Newport, Tenn., Oct. 15, 1883; son of John McCauley and Laura May (Dunbar) Susong; father’s occupa- tion farming; paternal grandparents David and Mary Frances (Stokely) Su- song, maternal grandparents Auston D. and Julia (Deming) Dunbar; educated York, Pa. ; early occupation re- porter York (Pa.) Daily, York, (Pa.), Gazette, city editor Montgomery (Ala) Auvertiser; married Edna May Galla- tin, Jan. 13, 1903; member Indepen- dent Order of Hestosophs; Democrat. SUSONG, Jacob Andrew, banker; born near Newport, Tenn., Oct. 3, 1869; French and Scotch-Irish descent; son of George W. and Susan Eleanor (Stokely) Susong; father was farmer and trader, and at time of his death he was engaged in building a railroad from Augusta, Ga., to Knoxville, Tenn.; paternal grandpar- ents Andrew and Susannah (Ball) Su- song; maternal grandparents Jehue and Adaline (Burnett) Stokely: .educated at Carson and Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn., and Commercial College of Lexington, Ky. ; graduated from the lat- ter July 1887; in early life engaged in farming and live stock dealing five or six years, and manager of the firm J. A. Susong & Co., grain and produce nine years; organized the Cocke Co. (Tenn) Bank of Newport, Jan. 1, 1907, and was elected Pres of same and in 1910 it was Nationalized and he was elected Pres, or the First National Bank of Newport which position he now holds; on May 26, 1907 he was elected Yice-Pres. of the Tenn. Bankers’ Assn., and served one year; Pres, of Davis & Susong Co.; mar- ried Mary Irene Ayres, June 20, 1899; Mason; Democrat; former school director for city school of Newport, six years; member of Baptist church. STOKELY, David, farmer; born Dei Rio, Tenn., Jan. 15, 1842; son of Nathan H. and Evelyn (Jones) Stokely; father was a farmer and trader; received com- mon school education ; went through many hardships during civil war as a Confederate soldier; married Nancy M. Allen, Feb. 18, 1869; Democrat; engaged in farming at Newport, Tenn. NEW RIVER. KEATHLEY, Rufus Marion, mer- chant; born Marian, Tenn., Nov. 12, 1860; Dutch descent; son of John R. and Levana (Massengil) Keathley; father was miller and farmer; graduated Roane College, with B. S. degree; began his career as a teacher, and later entered the mercantile business, in which he is now engaged; formerly in the manufacture of hardwood lumber two years; he is now engaged in bottling of soft drinks; Re- publican; former County Register of Scott Co., Tenn.; married Sarah Eliza- beth Hembree, Oct. 2, 1887; member I. O. O. F., J. O. U. A. M., and Encamp- ment; member of Methodist church. NIOTA. HYATT, Devereaux McKinnie, farm- er; born Cherokee Co., N. C., April 18, 1855; son of Ute and Julettie (Howel) Hyatt; father’s occupation farming; ed- ucated Murphy, N. C.; entered farming in early life and is now engaged in same and trading and dealing in stock; married Annie Duckworth, Nov. 18, 1891; Democrat; member of Baptist church. PARDUE, Jeremiah Josephus, farm- er; born in N. C., July 25, 1854; French descent; son of L. A. and Harriett (Welsh) Pardue; father was farmer and blacksmith; paternal grandfather Robert Pardue; maternal grandfather Elba Welsh; began his career as a car- penter; Republican; elected Justice of the Peace in 1906 ; married Fannie Marr, Feb. 25, 1888; member of Baptist church. NOETON. PERROW, Charles Henry, born Nelson Co., Va„ Feb. 23, 1841; Huguenot and English descent; his paternal an- 404 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE cestors settled at Monakin Town, Va., on tract of land given to the Huguenots by William and Mary; maternal ances- tors date back to Norman the Conqueror, 1006; educated Va., and Baltimore, Md.; entered the mercantile business in early life; volunteered in Virginia in the cav- alry of the Confederate Army, and served four years; married Sue V. Graham, in 1875; Mason; Democrat. NORMANDY. HUFFMAN, Ephream Sharp, live stock breeder and dairy farmer; born Bedford Co., Tenn. No. 21 1867; Dutch descent; son of John Peter and Margaret Jane (Anthony) Huffman;, father’s oc- cupation farming; paternal grandpar- ents John and Polly (Cortner) Huffman; maternal grandparents Adam and Sallie (Sharp) Anthony; educated public schools and Winchester (Tenn) Normal; graduated from University of Ky., in 1888; began his career as a farmer; mer- ried Jimmie Mullins in 1893. HUFFMAN, T. L., farmer; born Normandy, Tenn., German descent; son of G. C. and Eliza J. (Phillips) Huff- man; father farmer; educated Winches- ter, Tenn., and Lexington, Ky., and graduated 1886 and 1890; began farm- ing in early life; married Emma Jarrell, 1900; member F. & A M. ; member Presoyterian church, U. S. A.; interested in farming and banking. WAITE, George Edward, farmer; born Hillsboro, Tenn., March 29, 1855; German descent; son of Warren and Ruth (Yell) White; paternal grandpar- ents George anl Nancy (Warren) Waite; maternal grandparents James and Juru- tia (Barton) Yell; educated at Nor- mandy, Tenn.; married Mackie Phillips, Aug. 18, 1887 ; member Knights Templar and 32d degree Mason; Democrat; mem- ber of Cnristian churcn; has always been interested in the grain and live stock business. NUNNELLY. BEASLEY, Robert C., farmer; born Warner, Tenn., March 15, 1857; son of Jo and Narcisa (Beasley); father’s oc- cupation farmer, merchant and Sheriff of Hickman Co., Tenn.; received com- mon school education; began farming in early life, and clerked six years for the Southern iron Co., and was in the mer- cantile business at Pleasantville, Tenn., ten years; Independent Democrat; for- mer Justice of the Peace 10th Dist. Hickman Co., Tenn., eight years, re- signed to move to 8th District and served as Justice of the Peace of that Dist. five years; member of the Church of Christ. TIDWELL, T. P. agent and tele- graph operator for N. C. & St. L. R. R. ; born near Burns, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1853; Irish and Welsh descent; son of John Benton and Winnie (Richardson) Tid- well; father was a farmer; educated at Burns, Tenn. ; reared on a farm and in early life connected with the South- ern Iron Co., as clerk and^ bookkeeper in Commissary at Nunnelly, Tenn., ten years; in 1893 he became agent and telegraph operator for N. C. & St. L. R. R., which position he now holds; mar- ried Annie Lou Hunter, Nov. 10, 1886; member F. & A. M., also R. A. Chapter at Dickson, Tenn., K. of P. Sam Davis Lodge No. 158, Grand Chancellor Com- mander; Democrat; member of Christian church. OAK GROVE. ANDERSON, Jacob Campbell, physi- cian; born in Marion Co., Va., Nov. 4, 1864; Irish descent; son of James C. and Louisa E. (Louis) Anderson; fath- ers’ occupation, farmer; paternal grand- parents Jacob C. and Laerissa (Killin- ger) Anderson, maternal grandparents Robert E. and — — (Sea) Louis; euucated at Marion (Va.) High School; graduated Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1889, and Tenn. Medical College, Knoxville, Tenn., in 1890, with degree M. D.; reared on farm and worked way through school and college; married Dora A. Seahorn, Oct. 2, 1895; Republican; former member of U. S. pension board; member of Meth- odist church; P. O. address Dandridge, R. F. D. OAK HILL. GILLILAND, Frank, farmer and general merchant; born Oak Hill, Tenn., who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 465- Dec. 13, 1843; Irish descent; son of James and Lillie (Davis) Gilliland; father was a farmer and merchant; edu- cated at Oak Hill, Tenn.; reared on farm, and followed Forrest and Wheeler through the civil war, serving in 8th Tenn. cavalry under Gen. G. G. Dibrell, and as one of President Jeff Davis’ es- cort, participated in all the cavalry en- gagements, and was at Columbia, S. C., when that city was fired, surrendered at Washington, Ga. ; married twice, first J. L. Kellum, Jan. 31, 1880, second, — ■ March 28, 1905; Democrat. OAKLAND. HENRY, Percy Dumville, banker; born Arthur, 111., March 12, 1882; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William M. and Susan (Jackson) Henry; father, physician; paternal grandfather George Henry, maternal grandparents Charles K. and Sarah (Dumville) Jackson; edu- cated at Slaughtersville, Ky. ; entered banking business Oct., 1901 ; at present he is cashier of Oakland ( l Tenn.) De- posit bank; married Love Tharp, Nov., * 1907; Mason; Democrat. KYLE, Finis Porter, farmer; born Oakland, Tenn., Jan. 7, 1855; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Capt. Bartley and Susan (Maury) Kyle; father was a teacher and farmer; educated at Oak- land, Macon and Hickory Withe, Tenn.; , reared on a farm and all of his life has been devoted to farming interests; he is now living on a farm that has been owned and cultivated by his father and himself for sixty-eight years; Director in Somerville Bank & Trust Co., Som- erville, Tenn., and Farmers’ Mill & Gin Co., of Oakland, Tenn.; married Sophia L. Smith, Jan. 12, 1881; Democrat; mem- ber of Methodist church. SMITH, James G., farmer; born Oak- land, Tenn., March 13, 1853; son of John B. and Mary A. (Harris) Smith; fath- er’s occupation, farmer and merchant; educated at Macon, Tenn.; In early life was a merchant ; married Maggie L. Hall, Dec. 18, 1878; Mason; Democrat; former justice of the peace 14 years; member of Presbyterian church; engaged in farming at Oakland, Tenn. SMITH, John P., farmer; born Maury Co., Tenn., Aug. 29, 1837; Scotch- Irish descent; son of John and Rebecca (Binzwell) Smith; father was a farmer; received common school education; served in the civil war as private of Co. B, 13th Tenn. regiment infantry May 28, 1861-Jan. 1, 1865, was in all of the principal battles his regiment engaged in but one and was wounded at battle of Lovejoy Station; married Mary B. Al- exander, March 29, 1865; Democrat; member of M. E. Church, South; en- gaged in farming and has stock in Farmers’ Mill & Gin Co., Oakland, Tenn. OAKLEY. ITARGRuVE, John Andrew, mer- chant and farmer; born Overton Co., Tenn., July 20, 1872; Irish descent; son of Milton R. and Margaret M. (Nelson) Hargrove; father’s occupation, farming and dealing in live stock; paternal grandparents William E. and Elizabeth (Baker) Hargrove, maternal grand- parents William and Annie (Hatcher) Nelson; educated at Alpine Academy Overton Co., Tenn., and graduated from same with common school diploma in 1890; began the mercantile business in 1891 and has been interested in same since; President of J. A. Hargrove Drug Co., a Tenn. corporation, Livingston, Tenn.; owns two farms, one in Clay Co., and one in Pickett Co., Tenn., also owns a large tract of timbered land in Clay Co. ; married Eunice Hunter, Sept. 25, 1892; member of Masons, 32d degree, Trinity Consistory No. 2, Nashville, Tenn.; Democrat; former Notary Public; at present Deputy Court Clerk for Over- ton Co., Tenn. OBION. BAIRD, Norton Wilson, editor, printer; born Bradford, Tenn., May 8, 1884; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James jM. and Tabitha (Smith) Baird; father’s occupation, lawyer and teacher; paternal grandparents Wilson and Cynthia (Go- lathin) Baird, maternal grandparents William D. and Susan (Shaw) Smith; educated in the local schools of Gibson Co., Tenn., and Fulton Co., Ky. ; began his career as a printer; joint owner with 466 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE his brother Gordon B. Baird, of Obion Co. Enterprise, Obion, Tenn.; member M. W. A.; Democrat; member of Mission- ary Baptist church. BEARD, R. H., business manager Obion Hardware Co. ; born in Gibson Co., Tenn.; began his career as a farmer and bookkeeper; moved to Obion Co., in 1904 and was bookkeeper for T. C. Wilson Furniture Co. and later for Obion Hardware Co., at present he is manager for same company. BUCHANAN, J. W., merchant; born in Obion Co., Tenn.; son of J. A. and Nannie Buchanan; moved to Obion, Tenn., Dec., 1899; made general mana- ger of Obion Glass Hardware Co. May 14, 1901, and sold his interest in busi- ness Jan. 1, 1909, resigning as manager and began business for himself under toe firm name of J. W. Buchanan & Co.; alderman of Obion, Tenn., since 1904. CHILES, J. T., merchant; born Giles Co., Tenn., in 1846; Irish descent; son of John and Demarias (Croft) Chiles, father was a farmer; educated in the common schools of Obion Co., Tenn., and Centralia, 111.; began his career as a farmer; married Willie Bobbett; mem- ber of Brown Lodge No. 149, I. O. O. F., and has passed all chairs; Democrat; former Sheriff of Obion Co. four years; inspector of oils, Obion, Tenn.; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church; grocery merchant. DARN ALL, James F„ physician; born Stantonville, Tenn., Sept. 1866; son of Thomas M. and Eliza Darnall; Scotch- Irish descent; educated in the public schools of McNairy Co., Tenn.; won scholarship to the University of Tenn. and voluntarily relinquished it; gradu- ated Ohio Normal Univei’sity, Ada, O., B. S., 1890; received degree M. D. from medical department Vanderbilt Univer- sity 1895, and won distinction of “Roll of Honor,” Vanderbilt; post-graduate a(? New York Polyclinic, 1903; taught pub- lic schools and county high schools in early life; entered the practice of medi- cine at Adamsvile, Tenn., and in July, 1895, located at Obion, where he has since continued in practice; Democrat; former chairman of Obion School Board and former secretary of McNairy and Obion Counties Medical Societies; presi dent Obion Co. Medical Society and Sec. Obion Board of Health; married Mrs. Ora (Cunningham) Waters, July, 1903; member K. of P., I. O. O. F.; Obion Co., Tenn., State Medical and Tri-State Med- ical Associations; member of Christian church and superintendent of Sunday school of same. GREEN, E. J., lawyer; born Gibson Co., Tenn., in 1873; educated Mason Hall Academy and Southern Normal Univer- sity and Lebanon Law School; began his career as a school teacher; admitted to bar in 1899; married Annie Arnold in 1899; member of Masons, I. O. O. F. and K. of P. ; Democrat; former City Re- corder of Obion, Tenn., four years, and Mayor two years; member of Obion Schopl Board and secretary of Demo- cratic Executive Committee of Obion Co., Tenn.; located at Obion, Tenn., in 1899 and entered the practice of law. HOWELL, J. W., merchant; establish- ed grocery business in Obion, Tenn., eigh- teen years ago, and is the oldest mer- chant in place at this time; served as city Councilman of Obion, Tenn., several terms; now City Recorder and has held office four years. JERNIGAN, V. J., physician; born Robertson Co., Tenn., in 1868; educated in Obion Co. schools, Webb Brothers Academy, Belbuckle, Tenn., and Mclyre Institute, McKenzie, Tenn.; graduated Vanderbilt University medical depart- ment, M. D. degree, in 1900; took post- graduate course at New York Polyclinic, 1906, and Vanderbilt University, 1908; married Anna White, in 1895; member K. of P„ W. O. W., Obion Co. Medical Assn., Tenn. State Medical Assn., and City Board of Health of Obion, Tenn.; member of M. E. Church, South. MORRIS, Thomas Overtox, lawyer; born Troy, Tenn., Sept. 28, 1879; son of George P. and Ella C. (Wilson) Morris, paternal grandfather Thomas O. Morris, paternal grandmother Bessie (Buckley) Morris, maternal grandfather William Wilson, maternal grandmother Nancy A who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 467 (Caruthers) Wilson; Scotch-Irish de- scent; educated Obion and Glass, Tenn. ; graduate of Southern Normal University, Huntingdon, Tenn., A. B. 1899 ; member K. of P., I. O. O. F.; has been engaged in practice of law at Obion since July, 1902. REED, George Walter, banker; born Pocahontas, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1868; English German descent; son of John Hampton and Mary Jane (Bennett) Reed; father’s occupation, farmer and miller; educated in the public schools of McNairy and Obion Cos., Tenn.; entered banking in early life and helped organize Kenton (Tenn.) bank, Nov., 1892, and worked with same until he organized Peoples’ bank, Kenton, Tenn., April, 1903; did special bank work, 1905, for Farmers’ & Merchants Bank, Rives, Tenn., 1906, Union Bank & Trust Co., Jackson, Tenn., and liquidated Peoples Exchange bank, Gadsden, Tenn.; became cashier of Com- mercial bank, Obion, Tenn., in 1906, which position he now holds; formerly interested in Reed Bros, Roller Mills, Yorkville, Tenn.; married Lucy Flowers, June 5, 1906; member F. & A. M., No. 392, Kenton, Tenn., Past Com- mander Washington Lodge No. 55, Ken- ton, Tenn., Knights of Pythias; Repub- lican; member of Presbyterian church, U. S. A. SHARP, J. B., physician; born in Gibson Co., Tenn., Nov. 25, 1853; edu- cated in the common schools of Gibson Co., Tenn., and Odd Fellows’ School, Humboldt, Tenn.; graduated from Uni- versity of Ky., M. D., 1884; moved to Obion Co., Tenn., in 1883, and entered the practice of medicine; served twenty years on Obion (Tenn.) School Board; married Leanquilla Wilson, Feb. 23, 1885; member I. O. O. F., Tenn. State Medical Assn, and Tri-State Medical Assn. UPCHURCH, Calvin Edgar, dentist; horn West Greene, Ala., Nov. 23, 1877; son of Calvin and Sallie J. (Childer) Up- church; father farmer; educated at Au- burn, Ala.; graduated from Vanderbilt University, D.D.S. May 6, 1904; in early life was a salesman; married Sadye Marie Howell, Dec. 4, 1907 ; member Masons, I. O. O. F., and Knights of Pythias; member of Baptist church. WILSON, Alphonso, real estate and fire insurance; born Obion Co., Tenn., Feb. 27, 1859; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William M. and Nancy Ann (Caruth- ers) Wilson; father’s occupation, mer- chant and real estate dealer; paternal grandparents William and Rebecca (Wilson) Wilson, maternal grandparents Matthew and Fanny (Childs) Caruthers; educated in the common schools of Obion Co., Tenn., and Eastman’s Business Col- lege, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., graduated from latter in 1880; worked in lumber uusiness in early life; at present he is interested in real estate in city of Obion and vicinity; married Inez Wilson, Nov. 30, 1895; member I. O. O. F. and K. of P. ; elected Mayor of Obion, 1907, re- elected, 1909, for term of two years; justice of the peace; member of Chris- tian church. WILSON, Nancy Ann Carruthers, born near Boone’s Hill, Lincoln Co., Tenn., Aug. 24, 1830; daughter of Mat- thew and Frances (Chiles) Caruthers; father’s occupation, farming; Scotch- Irish descent; educated Lincoln Co. at Boone’s Hill, settled by Daniel Boone; married William M. Wilson May 2, 1853; member Methodist church. WILSON, Tench Carson, capitalist; born Troy, Tenn., April 2, 1867 ; son of William M. and Nancy Ann (Caruthers) Wilson; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Troy and Glass, Obion Co. ; member I. O. O. F., K. of P., W. O. W.; inter- ested Obion real estate, farming, etc. WILSON, William Mitchell, real estate dealer; born near Troy, Tenn., Oct. 21, 1828; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William Mitchell and Rebecca (Wil- son) Wilson; father was planter and farmer; paternal grandparents, James and Ruth (Davidson) Wilson, maternal grandparents Thomas and Lucy (Law- son) Wilson; educated in the local schools of Obion Co., Tenn.; began his career as clerk in dry goods store; was Union man in sentiment during Civil war, but did not take sides with either army, and supplied families of both 468 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Union and Confederate soldiers with provisions, clothing, etc., amounting to $25,000 or more without charge, also vol- untarily advanced the price paid to farm- ers for seed cotton from 6 to 20 cents per pound, paying script for same, and on Dec. 19, 1864, when an interdiction of the shipping of cotton to the north took place he owed $36,000, which he could not pay, and his creditors volun- tarily agreed to liquidate their claims one-half, which was declined and the full amount paid one year later; founded the town of Obion, Tenn., and secured the railroad station by ruse after it had been fixed elsewhere, and erected same at his own expense, paying all costs of procuring location of station at the place, amounting to about $6,000; served as Alderman of Obion in organization of town council; editor of “The Outlook,” a prohibition naper, which was printed and distributed free of charge in the interest of prohibition, 1890-1892; com- piled history of Obion Co., Tenn., which has been partially published in local newspaper; married Nancy Ann Caruth- er, May 24, 1853; member I. O. O. F., Noble Grand; Whig before 1861, now Independent Democrat; former postmas- ter at Troy, Tenn., 1862-1863. OLIVER SPRINGS. GALLAHER, George Hamilton, farmer; born Wheat, Tenn., Sept. 13, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son of David H. and Martha E. (Owen) Gallaher; father was a farmer; paternal grand- parents George and Lucinda (King) Gallaher, maternal grandparents Rich- ard G. and Catharine (Lones) Owen; graduated from Roane College, May, 1897; has been engaged in the manufac- ture of leather for past ten years; mar- ried Martha L. Montgomery, Nov. 1, 1899; member East Fork Lodge No. 460, F. & A. M., and secretary of same; Democrat; member of Cumberland Pres- byterian church. HANNAH, Harvey Horatio, lawyer; born Louisville, Ky., Aug. 30, 1868; Ger- man-Scotch-Irish descent; son of John H. and Lillie L. (Gerding) Hannah; father soldier, lawyer and planter; pa- iernal grandparents, John F. and Grace (Telford) Hannah; maternal grandpar- ents George F. and Eliza M. (Lowe) Gerding; graduated from University of Tenn., LL.B. June 1891; began his career as editor, later entered the practice of law; married Gertrude Taylor, Aug. 23, 1909; member Masons, Knights of Py- thias, Elks, J. O. U. A. M., and Sigma Nu fraternity; Democrat; served as Capt. State Guard, Assist. Adjt.-Gen., Adjt. Gen., and Lieut.-Col. 4th Tenn. Vol. Infantry, Spanish- American war, and as Lieut. Colonel, and Military Gov- ernor Sanciti Spirtus, Cuba., 1899; for- mer U. S. Commissioner, private secre- tary to Governor, elector, candidate for congress, and Adjt. General of Tenn.; at present R. R. Commissioner; takes part in political campaign work, speak- ing for both the National and State Executive Committees, etc.; member of Presbyterian church. JONES, Clem J., attorney at law; born Spartanburg, 5. C., Dec. 18, 1874; son of Milnor and Mary (Watkins) Jones; paternal grandfather Dr. Clement F. Jones, paternal grandmother Eliza- beth (Chambers) Jones (daughter of U. S. Senator E. F. Chambers, Md.), maternal grandfather James Watkins, maternal grandmother Mary (Calvert) Watkins; Welsh and Scotch descent; ed- ucated Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- valis, Oregon, A. T. U., Harriman, Tenn.; graduated in law dept. A. T. U. in 1897; married Lillian Triplett Jan. 25, 1900; member Royal Arch Masons, Har- riman Chapter, Tri-Co. Lodge K. of P., Tenn. Society Sons of the Revolution; was chairman Congressional Committee 2nd District Tenn. from 1904-1906; Mayor Oliver Springs (3 terms), 1906- 1911; County Judge Anderson Co., one term, 1907-08, by appointment of Gov. Patterson ; Presidential Elector Demo- cratic ticket 1908; served as Ord. Sergt. 1st Tenn. Vols. war with Spain; served in Philippines during insurrection; at beginning of Spanish war raised a com- pany and joined 3rd Tenn. as 1st Lieut., but withdrew to go to Philippines with 1st Tenn. Vols.; director and attorney for Oliver Springs Pkg. Co.; local at- torney for So. Ry. Co., L. & N- R. R. Co., H. R. & E. R. R. Co. and attorney who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 469 i several large coal mines in Morgan .'d Anderson Cos.; member Episcopal lurch. i: itEED, Edwabd A., business man; irn Rootstown, Ohio, Aug. IT, 1835; i of Horace and Esther Lois (Bald- a) Reed; father’s occupation farmer; . ucated at Rootstown, Ohio; began his creer as a farmer, and later entered l.siness in Akron, O., until he moved a Tenn., in 1865, and settled at Coal eek, and was one of the first to de- lop coal there, operated there until ,n. 1870, when he moved to Oliver >rings, Tenn., and began to buy land, ter laid off that town; helped to get e railroad there and has spent thou- nds of dollars in developing for coal, ilt, oil, gas, etc.; organized the Cum- irland-Tennessee Land Co., and is gen- t al manager of same; he built a $30,- )0.00 hotel there, which later burned; ; is at present drilling for oil; built a mcrete postoffice building at Oliver prings, Tenn., in 1910; served as Post- aster until fall of 1887, and is at pre- ;nt assistant postmaster at Oliver prings, Tenn.; has been notary public ar past 24 years ; was on committee lat built courthouse of Anderson Co., enn., and chairman of Finance Com- littee for said County for six years; larried Mary Ann Rodgers, daughter of ,Japt. B. R. Rodgers, Nantucket, Mass., )ct. 23, 1857 ; Republican. RICHARDS, John R., coal operator tnd merchant; born Danville, Pa., Oct. 15, 1857; son of Joseph and Ann (Thomas) Richards; paternal grand- father John Richards, paternal grand- mother Ann (Evans) Richards, maternal grandfather David W. Thomas, maternal irandmother Ann (Williams) Thomas Welsh descent; fathers’ occupation, roll- ing mill superintendent; later coal oper- i ator; educated Knoxville, Tenn., city schools and one year at University of Tenn.; early business, timekeeper and as- I sistant superintendent of rolling mill, Portland, Me.; married Hannah Davis Aug. 16, 1879; member Masonic Lodge; I former Postmaster at Oliver Springs, Tenn., under the Harrison administra- tion; Alderman of the 3rd ward, Oliver Springs, and serving his fourth year as City Treasurer; secretary of Oliver Coal Co. and one of four brothers owning the Oliver Springs property which comprises some 2,500 acres coal, iron and clay, with the well known mineral springs; member and Elder of Presbyterian church. ONEIDA. MARCUM, Marion, business man and school teacher; born Scott Co., Tenn., Jan. 25, 1874; English descent; son of J. A. and Arienia (Phillips) Marcum; father’s occupation farming; educated at New River (Tenn) Academy; began his career as a school teacher; married Liz- zie Keeton, March, 1898; Democrat; Election Commissioner of Scott Co., Tenn., two terms, 1905 and 1909; justice of the peace of Scott Co., Tenn.; mem- ber of Baptist church. ONLY. BURCHARD, James C., farmer; born Whitfield, Tenn., Feb. 23, 1848; English- Irish descent; son of Abram C. and Sarah (Flowers) Burchard; father’s oc- cupation farmer and banker; paternal grandparents William and Ruth (Curl) Burchard; maternal grandparents Wil- liam and Polly (Hushes) Flowers; ed- ucated in the rural schools of Tenn.; en- tered farming in early life and later en- tered the mercantile business; at present he is dealing in live stock, timber lands, milling, merchandising and farming; married Mary Murphree, June 17, 1875; Democrat; member of Cumberland Pres- bjderian church. OOLTEWAH. BEENE, Jacob, born near Jackson- ville, Ala., Aug. 30, 1835; son of John and Diana (Larimore) Beene; father’s occupation farmer; English descent; re- ceived common school education; most of life has been devoted to educational work; moved to Tenn., with his father in 1835 two years before the removal of Indians; married Jane Mathews, Sept. 9, 1869; member F. & A. M., and has served as Senior Warden and Master of same; Democrat; road overseer; public school director, high school director, and county surveyor; formerly interest- 470 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE ed in farming, merchandising and drug business, at present he is landlord and owns some bank stock. CAMPBELL, James David, teacher; born James Co., Tenn., May 21, 1862; English-Irish and Dutch descent; son of James M. and Lucy E. (Lewis) Camp- bell; father’s occupation farmer; pater- nal grandparents John and Phebe (Booth) Campbell; maternal grandpar- ents David and Jane (Holder) Lewis; educated at Mossy Creek, and Jefferson City, Tenn.; was a farmer in early life; Republican; former superintendent of public instruction for James Co., Tenn., U. S. Census Enumerator, 1900, and Circuit Court Clerk; married Jennie E. Stivers, April 15, 1890; member I. O. O. F.; Missionary Baptist church. GUILLE, Charles Ruble, farmer born Zanesville, O., Sept. 18, 1874; French and German descent; son of Andros and Augusta (Fleck) Guille; paternal grandparents Francis Nicholas and Marguerite (Fricks) Guille; mater- nal grandparents John and Henrietta (Wirz) Fleck; educated in New York; began his career as a gas engineer; Re- publican; served as chairman James Co., Tenn. Rev. Committee seven years; mem- ber of Presbyterian church. LEWIS, J. Kinsey, real estate dealer; born North Carolina Feb. 9, 1884; son of John Webster and Annie (Gates) Lewis; father’s occupation, merchant; graduated Niota High School Dec. 20, 1901; married Minnie G. Humphrey Sept. 7, 1907; member Masons and Or- der Railroad Telegraphers; early busi- ness career, telegraph operator; manag- ing director Ooltewah Board of Trade; real estate and newspaper work; mem- ber Baptist church. STOKES, Thomas H., banker; born Linn Grove, Ky., Oct. 4, 1881 ; son of William R. and Ella (Swift) Stokes; father’s occupation merchant and miller; graduated from West Ky. College, B. S. degree, and Bowling Green (Ky) Uni- versity; began his career as a teacher; married Chittie Myers, June 1, 1903; member W. O. AV. and I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; member Baptist church. TALL ANT, Samuel Q., educat born Eighth District James Co., Ter Feb. 20, 1882; Scotch-Irish descent; ! of Frank C. and Myra E. (Jones) 1 lant; father’s occupation Postmas: Ooltewah, Tenn.; educated in the pub schools of James Co., Tenn., and Cars and Newman College, graduated fri the latter with B. A. degree in 19(| worked way through college under dj| Acuities; entered educational work early life; elected superintendent of pi lie instruction for James Co. Ten while still in school, and was the leadij influence in the establishment of Jan; Co. High School, the first and only o in the County; married Ethel Philliy Dec. 29, 1909; Republican; member Baptist church. W ATKINS, Zachary Taylor, banke real estate agent; born Ooltewah, Ten Feb. 8, 1847; Anglo-Saxon descent; sij of Finley P. and Tussie (Kelso) AVa kins; father’s occupation farmer; e ucated in the common schools of Ham: 1 ton Co., Tenn.; began his career as farmer and merchant; married Lill Mae Sanders, Jan. 31, 1884; Democrat appointed Postmaster Sept. 23, 1885, arl served two terms under Pres. Cleveland member M. E. church, South. ORLINDA. JONES, John M., farmer; born i| Robertson Co., Tenn., Dec. 22, 183!, Irish and English descent; son of Carny bell and Lucy (Moss) Jones; father w; 1 a farmer; received common school et ucation ; entered farming in early lif and all of his business life has been d< voted to that vocation; served a private soldier in C. S. A. three year; and participated in the battles of Seve Pines, Manassas, Fredericksburg, Char cellorsville, and Gettysburg; marrie Nannie Q. Hendley, Jan. 3, 1867 ; Demo crat. PALMYRA. HUSSEY, Michael Morris, merchan and manufacturer; born Clarksville, Tenn., 1860; Irish descent; son of Ed ward and Honora (Bresnahan) Hussey his father was a railroad man ; receive; his education in the common schools o who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 471 Osin i6 1 Montgomery County; he worked on the lilroad in early life, served as water irrier to Asst. Roadmaster; married ,eona Lewis, in 1880; held office of ostmaster at Palmyra, Tenn.; Secretary oard of Election Commissioners, Mont- omery Co., and is now chairman of the temocratic Executive Committee for Montgomery oo., and member of the joard of Education; is also engaged in Merchandising, manufacturing and lum- er business, in addition to which he uns a livery business; member of the Catholic church. O’NEAL, Wm. Arthur, farmer and J lock dealer; born Montgomery Co. Tenn. ! July 30, 1853; Irish descent; son of lohn and Elizabeth (Britten) O’Neal; father was a farmer; was educated at Oak Grove, Ky.; he began farming at in early age, and is at present engaged Alice Ogburn, Nov. 4, 1875; is an Odd in farming and stock raising; married 'Fellow; Democrat and member of the M. E. church, South. WICKHAM, John W., doctor of medicine; born Palmyra, Tenn., Jan. 16, 1860; son of Robt. L. and Elizabeth (Marsh) Wickham; Irish-German de- scent; paternal grandparents Nathaniel and Mary (Thompson) Wickham; ma- ternal grandparents William and Sallie (Spicer) Marsh; received education in the country schools; gradualted from Vanderbilt University M.D., 1885; he was a farmer in early life; married Fannie E. Cunningham, adopted daugh- ter of S. G. Wickham, Oct. 5, 1887; represented Montgomery County in House of Representatives in 1900; at present, in addition to the practice of medicine, he is engaged in farming; he is a Mason and Odd Fellow; Democrat; member of the Presbyterian church; P. O., address, Palmyra, Tenn. R. F. D. No. 1. PARIS. ADEN, John Felen, Deputy Co. Court Clerk; born Paris, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1868; son of James S. and Annie E. (Moore) Aden; English-Scotch-Irish de- scent; father’s occupation, Co. Judge; educated institutions of learning of Paris, Tenn.; married Jennie Rogers Feb. 9, 1903; member Masonic Lodge (Junior Warden); was on farm until 18 years of age, from 18 until 22 years of age engaged in mercantile, civil engineer- ing, railroad and mining; entered public life in 1890 as Deputy under father, who was Co. Court Clerk; member First Christian church (former deacon). ADEN, James S., former Co. Court Judge; born Paris, Tenn., Feb. 13,1842; son of S. B. and Delilah (Brown) Aden; English-Scotch-Irish descent; educated institutions of learning of Paris, Tenn.; married Anna Moore Jan. 10, 1866; Clerk of Henry Co. Court (2 terms), 1890- 1898; Judge of Co. Court from 1902 to 1910 (1 term), member of Co. G, 7th Tenn. Cavalry (C. S. A), Orderly Ser- geant; enlisted in C. S. A. Nov., 1861, and saw active service at battle of Co- rinth, Miss., and fifteen other engage- ments; captured in latter part of 1862 near Grenada, Miss., and paroled for re- mainder of war; during term of office as Co. Judge he kept warrants for all Co. obligations at par value for first time in fifty years’ history of office; early business career, farmer and car- riage manufacturer; father’s occupation, physician; member First Christian church (former Elder). BEASLEY, Charles W., farmer; born near Paris, Henry Co., Tenn., Jan. 12, 1846; English descent; son of Nehemiah C. and Judith (Wamack) Beasley; father farmer; paternal grandparents Jno. Winfrey and Ann A. (Courtney) Beasley; maternal grandparents Byrd and Rebecca (Haskins) Wamack; was educated at Mansfield, Tenn.; engaged in farming early in life, which occupation he still follows; married Isabella C. Hag- er, Dec. 22, 1872; member of the Demo- cratic party. BOLLING, Warner Thomas, minis- ter; born Green Co., Ala., May 25, 1846; English descent; son of Warner Thomas and Harriett (Smith) Bolling; his fath- er was a planter; educateed at Emory et Henry College, Va.; degree of D.D. con- ferred by University of Nashville, Tenn.; in early life he was clerk in grocery store; later bank teller; married Willie 472 "WHO's WHO IN TENNESSEE R. Jeter, Sept. 6, 1882; he is a Mason, Knight Templar ;.nd Odd Fellow Past N. G. Chaplain; served on staffs of Gov- ernors Vardeman and Patterson, former, 1903-06, latter, May, 1909, holding rank of Colonel; served in Confederate army four years, enlisting April 1861, 15th Tenn. (Bates) Infantry; was wounded three times in battles of Chickamauga, Lost Mountain and Jonesboro, Ga.; member M. E. church, South. CALDWELL, Samuel Houston-, re- tired physician; born Henry County, Tenn., Dec. 10, 1836; Scotch-French de- scent; son of R. D. and Elizabeth (Du- pree) Caldwell; father farmer and to- bacco manufacturer; graduated from Cumberland University B.A., June 1855; married Mary R. Thompson, Dec. 24, 1860; began the practice of medicine early in life; was surgeon of the 4th Tenn. Regiment 1861 to 1863; then transferred to 21st Tenn. Cav. Reg., un- der Forrest; served until surrender, be- ing paroled at Aberdeen, Miss., May 1865; member of Beta Theta Pi Fra- ternity; Democrat; attends Presbyterian church. COMPTON, Robert Haywood, Sheriff of Henry Co.; born Orange Co., N. C., June 20, 1866; son of Ingram Henderson and Julia A, (Walker) Compton; Eng- lish descent; educated institutions of learning of Henry Co., Tenn.; father’s occupation, farmer; married Mary Bell Dec. 25, 1890; member Masonic Lodge (Marshall Lodge No. 109, Cottage Grove, Tenn.), W. O. W., I. O. O. F. and Elks; entered public life as Constable in 1892, and was elected Sheriff of Henry Co. by large majority in 1908, over five other candidates; member Methodist church. DIGGS, Pleasant James fanner; born Henry Co., Tenn., Nov. 10, 1833; English-Irish descent; son of Benj. H. and Mary Barly (Erwin) Diggs; his father was a farmer; received education in the common schools of Henry Co., and Andrew College, Trenton, Tenn.; he taught school until the war; married Margaret A. Alexander Aug. 20, 1863; enlisted in war in 1861, joining an inde- pendent company of cavalry, organized by Capt. Stocks, of Miss., this company being composed entirely of the you 1 of Henry Co.; he held position of corporal; later was made 2nd sergeaj Company G., of the 7th Tenn. Rejj under command of Col. Wm. Jacksi of Jackson, Tenn.; Mason and memt Methodist church. JANES, E. W., farmer; born Hen Co., Tenn., in 1863; son of E. M. a; Rebecca (Shell) Janes; received his e ucation in the common schools; marri twice, first to A. E. Busby, 1881; secoi L. P. Wescott, 1894; he began farmii early in life and has always lived i a farm, is an Odd Fellow and W. O. W member of the Missionary Bapti church. JOHNSON, Walter Collins, mam facturer and merchant; born Henry C Tenn., Jan. 8th, 1857; Irish-Scotch d! scent; son of Tillman A. and Susan Anr (Jones) Johnson; father farmer; pi ternal grandparents Isaac and Bett| (Cobb) Johnson; maternal grandpa) I ents Nathaniel and Elizabeth ( Seay ’.| Jones; educated in common schools o Henry Co., Tenn., began his early bus: ness career in the merchandise business! married Lilly K. McDonald, Nov. 2! 1887; he has been member of city counj cil, also member of board of publiS works, from 1894 to date; was travelin salesman 1884 to 1895; organized Nation al Toilet Co. Paris, Tenn., 1903; organi zed Johnson & Yanchon Co., 1885, whicl firm is still doing business in Paris; or ganized the Johnson-Porter Co., 1906 largely interested in real estate busines in Paris; was chairman of building com mittee for City Hall, First Baptis church, public and high school buildings etc.; is a Democrat; member of the W O. AY.; member Missionary Baptist church. KRIDER, Clement V., contractor born Massillon, Ohio, May 16, 1863; sor of Benjamin F. and Eliza A. (Shilling) Krider; German descent; educated ii common schools of Whittey Co., Ind. and graduated from the Gandy Private School for Boys May 20, 1884; married Dora C. Griger Oct. 4, 1891; was a char- ter member of the Patrons of Industry, was president of local lodge for twc who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 473 sera ars; was reared on a farm and fol- ded fiat occupation until 24 years of ;e; in 1886 located at Hastings, Neb., ov. 5, 1887, moved to Sterling, Colo., ay following went to Denver, Colo., cured employment with the Thompson instruction Co.; traveled through the r estern and Pacific States until 1891 ; red in Noble Co., Ind., for three years; i Nov. 5, 1895, located at Paris, Tenn.; 1896 worked for Walten & Hunt, mtractors, of Decatur, Ala.; in 1900 id charge of construction dept, of the aris Lumber Co.; in 1906 entered real tate and general contracting business; lember 1st M. E. church. South, of aris, Tenn. a Hi II. ! fc mat i» fare iced LANKFORD, Alexander H., born arroll Co., Tenn., Oct. 25, 1842; Scotch- rish descent; son of Henry and Sarah Hamilton) Lankford; his father was a armer; grandson of Thomas Lankford, ndian fighter; maternal grandfather ames Hamilton, soldier of the Revo- ition ; wa s educated in the country chools of Henry Co. ; married Lucie ennigan; was farmer in early life; en- ered Confederate army May 1861, serv- ] ng as 1st corporal in all battles from S T ew Madrid, Mo., in which Cheatham Division was engaged, to Nashville, Tenn. | Dec.. 16, 1864; was there captured and ! hade prisoner of war until the surren- ler; was in postal service in 1886; county :ax assessor in 1888; later engaged in merchandise and insurance business; was n charge of Masonic Widows & Orphans Home 1898-1902; later became traveling 'salesman; Democrat; member Masons, Blue Lodge, Chapter, K. T. ; member Presbyterian church, U. S. A. LEWIS, J. W., attorney-at-law; born Henry Co., Tenn., 1850; Scotch-Irish- English descent; son of C. S. and Pati- I ence J. (Hunt) Lewis; his father was a farmer; was educated in the Paris high ! school; graduated from Lebanon Law School in 1876; tie began life as a farm- er; married Anna Pritchett in 1877, and ( Anna Dance in 1892; president of board of trustees of the Hermitage; was State Senator for two terms, and State’s At- torney-General for 14 years; Democrat. LOVE, Charles Albert, dentist; born Conyersville, Henry Co., Tenn., July 18, 1886; son of Joseph B. and Mary (Cal- houn) Love; paternal grandparents Al- bert and Myra (Jordan) Love; maternal grandparents James and Julia (Bradley) Calhoun; father, farmer; educated in country schools; graduated from Univer- sity of Tenn., Nashvile, 1894, with de- gree of D.D.S.; married Ora Morris, July 30, 1894; he is a member of the Woodmen of the World and a Democrat. McSWAIN, Isaac A., physician; born Henry Co., Tenn., Dec. 5, 1845; Scotch- Irish-English descent; son of David and Nettie (Randle) McSwain; his father was farmer and county officer; educated in common schools of Henry Co.; at- tended medical lectures Louisville 1867 ; graduated from Vanderbilt Univ., M. D., 1889; married Margaret Dale, Dec. 3, 1868; he farmed in early life; has been practicing medicine for 43 years; he has served as president Tenn. State Med. Assn., president Tri-State Med. Assn., sec. West Tenn. Med. Assn.; he is member of Paris Lodge F. & A Masons, Paris Chapter R. A. M„ and Paris Commandary K. T., Past Master, Past High Priest and Past E. C. ; mem- ber M. E. church. McSWAIN, John Horace, physician and oculist; born Henry Co., Tenn., April 22, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son of I. A. and Margaret (Dale) McSwain; father’s occupation physician; paternal grandparents David and Beneta (Ran- dle) McSwain; maternal grandparents Isaac and Nancy Jane (Fancher) Dale; educated Paris, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University, graduated from Vanderbilt University, M.D., 1896; in 1900 took oost-graauate work in medicine and surg- ery in Polyclinic, N. Y. ; in 1907 post- graduate work in Chicago on diseases of eye; married Anne Barton, 1904; mem- ber B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F., and Ma- sons; Democrat; city health officer; member Methodist church. MATTHEWSON, John Porter, prac- ticing physician; born Wadesboro, Ky., Sept. 22, 1840; Scotch descent; son of Daniel and Lucy C. (Scruggs) Matthew- son; father merchant: paternal grand- 474 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE parents John and Katherine (McLeod) Matthewson; maternal grandparents Chesley and Celia (Glover) Scruggs; ed- ucated Murray (Ky) Seminary, grad- uated from University of Nashville, M. D., degree in 1866; entered the Confed- erate service at Camp Boone, as First Lieut. Co. “H” 3d Ky regiment and served to May 16, 1865 with same com- pany, Infantry, mounted, last year of war and served under General Forrest; entered the practice of medicine in early life; married Marrianna Currier, Nov. 1866; Democrat; affiliated with Cumber- land Presbyterian church since the war, MORRIS, William Dabney, farmer; born Louisa Co., Va., June 3, 1847; Seotch-Irish descent; son of Tandy G. and Harriet E. (Mills) Morris; father was a farmer and stock raiser; educated Conyersville Academy, Henry Co., and graduated from same in 1859; served in C. S. A., from May 1864 to surrender; in early life engaged in manufacture of tobacco; President of Paris Harness Co., from 1905 to 1908; engaged in raising fine stock, especially horses, and Presi- dent of Porter Medicine Co., from 1904 to present; Democrat; member of Ex- ecutive Committee of Henry Co., Tenn., tor several years up to 1903; married Mary A. Mitchum, Oct. 18, 1871; for- mer magistrate 30 years; deacon in Missionary Baptist church since 1874; member of present County Board of Education of Henry County. NANTS Rupert A., wholesale pro- duce merchant; born Henry Co., Tenn., Sept. 3, 1873; French-English descent; son of Jas. T. and Mary E. Nants; his father was a farmer; paternal grand- parents Peter and Martha (Wilson) Nants, maternal grandparents, Thomas and Bettie (Futrell) Poyner; re- ceived education in the coun- try schools; married Ruby A. Pritchett, May 23, 1895; in early life he was a farmer; at the age of ten years, upon the death of his father he began the support of his mother and two younger brothers; he is at present operating ten stores; Democrat; member Missionary Baptist church. OLIVER, Augustus A., physicia born McKenzie, Tenn., Jan. 27, 188! English-Scotch-Irish descent; son of E J. M. and Elizabeth (Haynes) .Olive paternal gradparents James L. ai Martha Ann (Southalll Oliver; mate nal grandparents John and Elizabe (Dillahunty) Haynes; educated at school of Paris and Nashville, Tenn.; afti three years in University; passed Sta Board of Medical Examiners, 190' graduated in medicine from Univ. c Nashville, also Univ. of Tennessee 1 9 1 ( he began his career as a farmer; ws electeu health officer, Henry Co., 190! for term of four years, being the younf est man ever elected to fill this posi tion; member .A. K. K., Internationa Tuberculosis Congress, Washington, E C., 1908, B. P. O. E., W. O. W., beinj camp physician of latter lodge; is a present engaged in the practice o medicine and farming; Democrat. PORTER, James Davis, attorney-at law; born Dec. 7, 1828; son of Thomas Kennedy and Geraldine (Horton) Por- ter; father physician; paternal grand- parents William and Hanna (Kennedy) Porter; maternal grandparents Josiah and Nancy (White) Horton; educated at Paris, Tenn., graduated from Univ. of Nashville, A. B., 1846; LL.D. con- ferred 1880; married Susana Dunlop, 1851; admitted to bar in 1852; was first president of Hermitage Cluo, Nashville, Tenn.; member Tenn Legislature 1859- 60; member Constitutional Convention, 1870; Adjt-Gen. Cheatham’s Div. and Corps, C. S. A.; Asst. Secy, of State dur- ing first administration of Cleveland; U. S. Minister to Republic of Chili during Cleveland’s 2nd administration; was for ten years President of Peabody College and Chancellor Univ. of Nashville, hav- ing resigned from both institutions in 1910; was largely instrumental in estab- lishing Peabody College in 1875, having secured large appropriations for its en- dowment; was elected judge of the 12th Circuit of Tenn., for a term of eight years; resigned after serving three and a half years; elected Governor of Tenn. in 1874, re-elected in 1876; President Chattanooga R. R. Co. in 1879; re-elect- WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 475 pfe < for four succeeding years; he now i es in retirement at his early home. !D0i| ) DIIRYALS, William Henry, minister of I -.e. gospel; born Buckingham Co., Va., i jav. 17, 1852; son of William B. and -s artha J. (Hudgins) Ryals; educated Univ. of Lexington (Ky.) and Rich- ond College, Ya.; attended Southern iptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, 82-1883, Union University, Jackson, :nn., conferred the degree of D. D. ; early life he was a farmer; later ught school; married Annie W. Dickin- n, April 23, 1885; he was pastor in irginia for a number of years; moved Kentucky in 1881, serving as pastor various counties of Kentucky; was tiled to Trenton, Tenn., where he served i pastor 15 years, later going to Rich- ond, Ky., and from there to Paris, ;nn.; called to First Baptist church, >rinth, Miss., 1906; then back to Paris, ’enn., in 1907, where he now serves; he I ; a Mason, being at one time Chaplain f the lodge at Trenton, Tenn.; Demo- rat. RYE, Thomas C., lawyer; attorney- reneral for the Thirteenth Judicial Cir- cuit of the State of Tennessee; Demo- :rat; residence Paris, Tenn. SHERRILL, Samuel W., superintend- ent of City Schools; born at Maryville, Tenn., Sept. 7, 1869; son of Dr. J. H. and Teckie (Wells) Sherrill; Scotch- Irish descent; graduate of Maryville College, Maryville, Tenn., May 30, 1892; . member of K. of P. and W. O. W. ; au- thor “Heroes in Gray” and “Self-Activ- ity;” was Superintendent City Schools of Jonesboro, Tenn., 1892 to 1900; taught at Sweetwater 1900-1901, Car- thage, Tenn., 1901-1903, Trenton, Tenn., 1903-1907, and began teaching at Paris [ 1907 ; has for a number of years been conductor of the Summer State Institutes for public school teachers; 1911 elected to head of teachers training department in State Normal School at Johnson City, Tenn. SHOUSE, Laura Belle, teacher of music; born Centreville, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; daughter of Howell A. and Mary D. (Cash) Shouse; her father was a farmer and stockman; paternal grandparents Jack and Pherely (Huddleston) Shouse; maternal grand- parents Thomas W. and Emily (Outlaw) Cash; was educated in the public schools of Centreville, with two years each in music at Nashville and Chicago; gradu- ated from the American Conservatory of Music, Chicago, June, 1902; was later a pupil of William Sherwood; has taught in Paris for past twelve years, being at present director of music in Lee School and Grove High School; member M. Episcopal Church, South. SPICER, James R., funeral director; born Humphreys Co., Tenn., Sept. 10, 1858; Irish descent; son of Charley and Eliza (Long) Spicer; father was a farmer; educated Edgewood Normal College on Yellow Creek, Dickson Co., Tenn.; began his career as clerk and of- fice boy for Dan Rice at Tennessee City, Tenn., in 1871-1875, and clerked for Will- iam Pickett & Bro. at Dickson, Tenn., in 1876-1880, then entered mercantile business as partner of H. E. Pickett, in which business he continued three years, when he entered general mercantile busi- ness and undertaker in Dickson, Tenn., until 1900, at which time he moved to Paris and entered present business of undertaker; was President of Under- taker and Ambulance Assn, of Tenn., 1906-1907; married Ida B. William, May 13, 1883; member Royal Arch Masons, I. O. O. F., K. of P. and Elks, has passed all chairs, Noble Grand in I. O. O. F., Chancellor Commander in K. of P. and High Priest in Royal Arch Masons; Democrat; Member of Methodist church. SWEENEY, James, Co. Court Clerk; born Henry Co., Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864; son Calvin and Hannah (Cheek) Swee- ney; Scotch-Irish descent; father is re- tired manufacturer and Union Veteran; married Mattie B. Joyner May 19, 1898; member W. O. W. (Past Consul Com- mander) ; Co. Court Clerk Aug. 1906- 1910; re-elected 1910 to 1914; in early life entered timber business; was asso- ciated with father in various enterprises until 1906, when he entered public life as Co. Court Clerk; stockholder in Paris and Jackson corporations; member 476 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Methodist Episcopal church, South; sec- retary, recording steward and Sunday school superintendent. SWEENEY, John Calvin, lawyer; born Henry Co., Tenn., June 22, 1850; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jas. J. and Elizabeth (Barbee) Sweeney; his father was a farmer and brick manufacturer; received education in the schools of Henry Co., Tenn.; he was a farmer in his youth; married Martha Bomar, Dec. 23, 1879; served as judge of the Court of First Instance, Manila, P. I., 1902- 1907 ; was licensed to practice law in 1875; was attorney for L. & N. R. R. from 1876 to 1902; Division Counsel for N, C. & St. L. Ry. for two years; mem- ber Masons, K. of P. and Elks; member of M. E. Church, South. TYSON, Hugh E., attorney at law; born Henry Co., Tenn., March 22, 1882; son of Joel W. and Nancy H (Peebles) Tyson; English descent; father’s occu- pation, farmer; graduated Cumberland University LL. B. in 1906; married Ora McWherter Nov. 3, 1909; after leaving Cumberland University moved to Henry Co. and was admitted to practice in cir- cuit courts and Court of Appeals of Tenn. ; in 1907 formed law partnership with Dudley Porter, candidate for Con- gress from 8th Congressional Dist. in .1910; chairman of Co. Board of Educa- tion; secretary of Henry Co. Fair Assn.; early business career, student and school teacher; member of Baptist church. VAN CLEAVE, F. M., dry goods and clothing merchant; born Henry Co., Tenn., March 17, 1858; German descent; son of Robert M. and Susan (Jackson) Van Cleave; father’s occupation, farm- ing; educated at Paris, Tenn.; began his career as dry goods salesman, and en- tered dry goods and clothing business for himself April 1, 1885, at Paris, Tenn., under the firm name of John- son & Van Cleave Co., and he is still en- gaged as Sec.-Treas. and General Mana- ger of same; director in Bank of Henry Co. and National Tailor Co., of Paris, Tenn.; married Ella Thacker, Nov. 2, 1886; member Elks, Knights of Pythias and W. O. W.,; Democrat; member of Methodist church. WALKER, Thomas Bruce, bal born Henry Co., Tenn., May 16, j son of George W. and Mildred (A| son) Walner; Scotch descent; eduj institutions of learning in Henry married Lavinia Jones June 21, father’s occupation, merchant trader; entered banking business in j with the Citizens’ Bank of Paris a] vice-president (active), the Citi Bank was changed in 1908 to First' tional Bank, of which institution 1 now vice-president; he is also trea; of Preston Hotel Co., Paris, Tenn. is also a land owner and stock raise stockholder in various corporation Paris and Nashville, Tenn.; pi guardian of Henry Co.; member former Elder First Christian churcl Paris, Tenn. YATES, Otway, banker; born We; field, Ky.. July 11, 1885; son of John and Nancy (Smith) Yates; English] scent; father’s occupation, flour m; facturer at Rochester, Ky. ; educi Georgetown College, Georgetown, 1 member Masons (scribe in chap Capt., General in commandery and C Host in Council) ; W. O. W., I. O. O and T. O. K. Frat.; after finishing cc giate training entered bank in New M ket, Ala., in 1906; 1907 moved to Pi and accepted position with Citizi Bank (which afterwards was changed First National Bank) as cashier; one the youngest bank cashiers in Ter member First Baptist church of Pa Tenn. YOUNKIN, Marcus W., Superinte ent Paris City Water and Light Pla born Chariton, Iowa, Oct. 3, 1874; sou Charles and Nancy (Newcom Younldn; German descent; father’s oc pation, merchant; graduated Chari institutions of learning; married Aze Adams Dec. 24, 24, 1895 for seven ye past secretary of Board of Public Wo of Paris; after leaving school was perintendent of lighting and ws plant at the following places; Chi ton, Eldora, Jefferson, Grundy Cen Iowa Falls and Grand Junction, Ioi moved to Paris in 1903 at solicitation city officials and was made Superinte ent of Paris City Water and Light Pla 477 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Rebuilt Paris plant and water plants in John H. and Martha E. (Thomas) Jen- ' ther parts of country; member Board of nings; father’s occupation, farmer; pa- “ (Aoirectors First Methodist church of ternal grandparents Hiram and Eliza - in/ 1 • _ /A nn 1 rl \ T nn n>n m n l-ann n I — : -M’aris. ienif 21 ; ; PARK CITY. (Arnold) Jennings, maternal grandpa- rents Joseph, and Caroline (Thomas) Thomas; educated at Holladay and ®)t t T , , , Huntington, Tenn., and graduated from Sin LOWRY, John Riley, teacher and Souther * Normal University, Hunting- ^upermtendent schools; born RiceviUe, don> Tenn . f B . S ., 18 93; in early life Ci| r enn. Sept. 23, 186- ; Seotch-Irish de- tau g b scboo i two years, beginning at 16, First cent; son of ' Robt. Alexander and Lydia late fc r prac ti ce d law five years, and en- 5on ^athenne (Wasson) Lowry; father g a ged in real estate business in Den- ^armer; paternai grandparents John and ® er 6 Col three years . serV ed as circuit r em ihzabet h (Henry) Lowry; maternal CQurt clerk d ght years, nominated for rak ;randparents Benjamin and Lydia Was- that office before b J e was 21 and elected aew ion; educated in McMinn Co., public soon after he was that age; Democrat; ■chools, Peabody Institute, University of Co Election Commissioner and Notary lkr f renn Harvard College; graduated Publi caghier of Farmer s’ Bank, Par- turcl hiceville Classical Institute, Ricevilte, gons Te marriedj first , Alley Tate, Tenn., June 1884, with B.S. and A B. 189fi gecond stella RainSj i 908 member legrees; married Laura E. Dodson, Jan. of Missionary Baptist church. ^ II, 1888; County superintendent schools, J Johr McMinn Co., 1884-5; was Prin. George- town Academy, 1885-7 ; Northside school, PEGKAM. . m, Chattanooga, 1888-1891; served as prin- KING, John Anderson, farmer ai d (jujjcipal in various schools from 1891 to blacksmith; born Davidson Co., July 27, ^1904; was Supt. city schools, Johnson 1848; son of John B. and Mary H. (Phil- ij. ,City, Tenn., 1904-7; Supt. Park City lips) King; received education in the (^schools, 1907-11; member I. O. O. F., public schools of Davidson Co.; married gland Jr. O. U. A. M.; Republican; mem- Mary R. Allen, Dec. 25, 1870; is an Odd , fiber Presbyterian church; P. O. address, Fellow, justice of the Peace and No- i jjj Knoxville, Tenn. tary Public; is at present engaged in Pai farming and blacksmithing; member of PARROTTS VILLE. Methodist church. LARUE, Charles William doctor of medicine; born Parrottsville, Tenn., July 13, 1870; English-French descent; son of J. C. and Margaret (Parrott) La- Rue; his father is a merchant; paternal grandparents Francis and Eliza (Young) LaRue; maternal grandparents Samuel and Elizabeth (Maloney) Par- rott; educated U. S. Grant Univ., Athens, and University of Va.; gradu- ated from U. S. Grant Univ., Ph. B., 1891, University of Va., M. D., 1893; he engaged in merchandise business in early life; was chairman of Cocke Co. Board of Education, 1908, and member High School Board; is Knight Templar and Odd Fellow; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South. PARSONS. JENNINGS, Joseph H., banker; born Parsons, Tenn., March 18, 1873; son of PERSIA. ROARK, Joseph Rogers, farmer; born Hawkins Co., Tenn., Dec. 26, 1847; Irish-Dutch descent; son of James M. and Elizabeth (Portrum) Roark; his father was a farmer; received education in schools of Hawkins Co., Tenn.; mar- ried Belle A. King, Feb. 22, 1874; he began farming in early life; member Co. Court; is an Odd Fellow; member Presbyterian church. PERYEAR. BRISENDINE, Barnie Milton, bank cashier; born Benton, Ky., April 24, 1882; son of Perry and Eletha (Humph- reys) Brisendine; father, farmer; pater- nal grandparents Johnson and Malissie (Walker) Brisendine; maternal grand- parents Irie and Mary (Mathis) Humph- reys; educated McKenzie and Dickson, 478 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Tenn.; married Eula Edwards, April 24, 1906; was engaged in drug business for two years; is at present associated with the Farmers Bank, Peryear, Tenn. ; member Masonic Lodge and Woodmen of the World Camp; Democrat; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. McSWAIN, William Adxey, farmer; born Henry Co., Tenn., Sept. 1, 1853; Scotch-Irish descent; son of George and Lucy (Throgmorton) McSwain; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; paternal grand- parents George and Elizabeth (Jones) McCwain, maternal grandfather Richard Throgmorton, maternal grandmother was a Miss Watkins prior to her marriage; educated at Conyersville, Tenn.; entered farming in early life; married twice, first, Ada Smith, 1878, second, Fannie Henderson, 1887; Democrat; Co. Tax Assessor; member of Methodist church; engaged in farming at Peryear, Tenn. PASCHAL, James Franklik, farm- er; born Henry Co., Tenn., March 7, 1858; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Elisha and Rachel (McLain) Paschal; lather, farmer; paternal grandparents Elisha and Rachael (McLain) Paschal; maternal grandparents Robert and Sally ( Warnick ) Martin; was educated in schools of Henry Co., Tenn.; married Mary Ella Clark, Jan. 5, 1879; began farming early in life, in which occupa- tion he is now engaged; Democrat; mem- ber Cumberland Presbyterian church. ROWE, M. M., farmer; born Peryear, Tenn., May 17, 184S? ; Dutch descent; son of Adam and Mary (Sewell) Rowe; father, farmer; married Anna Martin, Aug. 3, 1900; Democrat and member Missionary Baptist church. PETERSBURG. D WIGGINS, James Polk, stock larmer; horn Shelbyville, Tenn., Nov. 22, 1855: Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rob- ert Scales and Louisa (Reager) Dwig- gins; father was slave trader, stock iarmer and owned first three steam mills in Tenn.; educated at Shelbyville, Tenn.; began his career as a carpenter and con- tractor; married Elizabeth Edmiston, Sept. 9, 1891; Democrat; member of Christian church. EDMISTON, Sue Ella Greer; born Petersburg, Tenn., April 16, 1861; Scotch-Irish descent; daughter of An- ' drew Alexander and Elzira Ringo (Todd) Greer; father, lawyer, landown- er and stock raiser; paternal grandpa- I, rents Joseph and Mary Ann (Harmon) I Greer, maternal grandparents Samuel j and Susan (Holman) Todd; educated at B'ayetteville and Columbia, Tenn., graduating from Columbia Athenaeum, ) June 1879; married William Campbell Edminston, Dec. 29, 1885; her grand- father was in King’s Mountain battle and was the messenger to carry the news to the Philadelphia Congress, and in apnreciation of his bravery he was given a grant of about 2,000 acres of | land near Petersburg, where a large number of his descendants now live. EDMISTON, William Campbell, farmer, shipper; born Petersburg, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Stewart and Margaret Eliza- beth (Herrald) Edmiston; father, farm- er and live stock raiser; maternal grandparents William Campbell and Elizabeth (Stewart) Edmiston; mater- nal grandparents Robert and (Forsythe) Herrald; was educated at Petersburg, Tenn.; married Sue Ella Greer, Dec. 29, 1885; engaged in farming and growing and shipping of live stock in early life; great grandfather was second in com- mand at battle Of King’is Mountain under Gen. William Campbell; Demo- crat; member and elder Presbyterian Church, South. PITTS, Ollie Polk, teacher; born Mo- lino, Tenn., March 7, 1882; son of Fen- ton Augustus and Mary Fannie (Ham- ilton) Pitts; paternal grandfather Rob- ert K. Pitts, paternal grandmother Eliz- abeth Ann (Locker) Pitts, maternal grandfather William Hamilton, maternal grandmother Martha Harriet (Smith) Hamilton; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Nashville, Tenn., Peabody College, University of Nashville, Univ. of Chicago, 111., gradu- ated from Univ. of Nashville L. I. and A. B. degrees in 1903, Univ. of Chicago who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 1907-1909; early business teaching, stu- dent Peabody College, Nashville, 1900- 1903; co-prin. Wilson-Pitts School (pri- vate prep.) Fayetteville, Tenn., 1903- 1907 ; ; co-prin. Pitts.-Mitchell School, Petersburg, Tenn., since 1909; member Christian church. — SUTTON, John AVesley, physician; born Richmond, Tenn., March 15, 1862; Irish descent; son of William E. and Elizabeth Jane (O’Neal) Sutton; fath- er’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparents Samuel and Dovie (John- son) Sutton, maternal grandparents John H. and Cynthia (Howard) O’Neal; educated University of Tenn., Richmond and Winchester Normal, graduated from University of Tenn. medical dept, with degree of M. D. in 1892; in early life taught school; married Gwynn Rosson, Jan. 30, 1886; member F. & A. M. ; engaged in the practice of medicine and stock raising in Lincoln Co., Tenn. PHILADELPHIA. CANNON, Will C., farmer; born Sweetwater, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1860; son of C. C. and Lodusky (Jones) Cannon; father was a farmer; received education in schools of Sweetwater, Tenn.; in early life he worked in a tannery; mar- ried Annie Adkins, Jan. 14, 1890; served as mail clerk between Bristol and Chat- tanooga; Democrat; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. LENOIR, William Goddard, farmer; born Philadelphia, Tenn., Aug. 23, 1847; French-English-Irish descent; son of AValter Franklin and Elizabeth (God- dard) Lenoir; father was a planter; pa- ternal grandparents AYiliam Ballard and Elizabeth (Avery) Lenoir; maternal grandparents Thornton and Mary (Cun- ningham) Goddard; educated in Univer- sity of Va., graduating from that in- stitution in 1871 in Latin, German and Moral Philosophy; married Alice Os- borne, Oct. 11, 1871, second wife, Fannie Adkins, Sept. 5, 1876; taught school in early life; has held office of Justice of Peace xor last 26 years; was mem- ber of Legislature 1909-1910; is at pres- ent engaged in farming and breeding of fine cattle; Democrat and member M. E. Church, South. PIDGEON FORGE. HAUSHOLDER, James A., colpor- teur; born Knox Co., 1847; son Joseph and Nina (Hynes) Hausholder; father was a carpenter ; received education in common schools; married Mary Tipton, 1869; was a miller in early life; con- stable for two years; school director eight years; representative of Sevier Co., Tenn., ten years, which office he still holds; was connected with Orphans’ Home for twelve years; at present col- porteur; member I. O. O. F., J. O. U. A. M. ; Republican; member Mis- sionary Baptist church. PIKEVILLE. CHISAM, Charles Oliver, teacher and Superintendent Co. Schools; born Walling, AVhite Co., Tenn., June 11, 1875; English-Irish descent; son of Will- iam Overton and Mary (Clark) Chisam; educated at Burritt College, Spencer, Tenn., and Valparaiso University, Val- paraiso, Ind.; graduated from Burritt College, June, 1896, with B. S. degree; married Allie Wade White, June 14, 1899; began teaching at an early age and is now Superintendent Public Instruc- tion, Bledsoe Co.; also engaged in the furniture and grocery business; is an Odd Fellow and Knight of Pythias, mem- ber Masonic Lodge; Democrat. MYERS, J ohn C., lawyer; born Sept. 27, 1848, McMinnville, Tenn; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Thomas S. and Martha (Billingsly) Myers; father was a farmer; educated McMinnville, Tenn., and Bethany College, AY. Va.,; gradu- ated from Lebanon Law School, LL. B., 1874; married Sue Hill, Dec. 24, 1875; he began the practice of law early in life; was Senator from 9th Dist., 1889- 1891; Chairman of the Democratic Ex- ecutive Committee for 20 years; while State Senator he was author of Regis- tration Law for Tenn., Chairman of the Democratic Convention that nominated John R. Neal for Congress and Hon. E. 480 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE G. Tollett for State Senate; is at pres- ent engaged in practice of law, banking and real estate business, being director in several large corporations; member of Christian church. ROBINSON, Solox Laxcasteb, lawyer; born DeKalb Co., Tenn., Oct. 30, 1869; Scotch descent; son of William F. and Martha (Frances) Robinson; fath- er, professor and teacher; educated Pure Fountain College, Smithville, State Uni- versity, Knoxvile, Tenn.; in early life he was a farmer; later postmaster at Smith- ville ana chancery lawyer; married Eliz- abeth Cartwright, Dec. 20, 1899; elected Co. Judge, Bledsoe Co., Aug., 1908, re- elected, 1910, without opposition, which office he now holds; is self-educated; read law under Judge B. M. Webb and R. E. Robinson; represented the Neid- ringhaus Bros, of St. Louis, Land Syndi- cate, from 1895 to 1900, in buying lands on Cumberland Mt. ; is stockholder in Caney Fork Gulch Coal Co., which owns 7,000 acres of Bon Air Coal; is also interested in various other land and coal interests; Republican and member M. E. church. SCHOOLFIELD, Robert Browx, at- toney at law; born Bledsoe Co., Tenn., June 15, 1849; Scotch descent; son of William A. and Mary (Brown) School- field; educated in Sequatchie College, graduating in 1869 ; married Lizzie Stan- field, Dec. 29 , 1886; was Circuit Court Clerk of Bledsoe Co., 1873-1878; Clerk and Master Chancery Court of Bledsoe Co., March, 1882, to date; is also en- gaged in the practice of law and oper- ates a farm; member St. Elmo Lodge No. 437 ; F. & A. M., Pikeville, Tenn., Dayton (Tenn.) Chapter No. 121, Har- riman (Tenn.) Council, Trinity Consis- tory No. 2, Nashville, Tenn.; Democrat; member M. Episcopal Church, South. SWAFFORD, Isaac N., farmer; born Melvine, Tenn., April 23, 1872; son of Thomas and Virginia (Taylor) Swaf- ford; father, farmer; married Rachael M. Vaughn, Dec. 17, 1902; became self- supporting at age of 15; then engaged in the merchandise business in early life; was Circuit Court Clerk for six years; Justice of the Peace four years; is pres- ent postmaster at Pikeville, having held this position for past nine years; has served as Chairman of the Republican County Executive Committee for six years, never having lost a campaign that he managed personally; member of M. E. church. SWAFFORD, William Goldsborough, Circuit Court Clerk; born Litton, Tenn.,; Dec. 7, 1876; Scotch-Irish descent; son i of Aaron and Eliza (Taylor) Swafford; father, farmer; paternal grandparents James A. and Martha (Hall) Swafford; maternal grandparents Isaac and Eliza- beth ; Barker) Taylor; educated in: Academic Course at Grand View, Tenn., May, 1903; began his career as teacher | in the public schools ; married Gertrude 1 Kelly, Aug. 22, 1906; member Knights,, of Pythias, being Chancellor Commander of his lodge (Past Noble Grand); Odd j Fellow; elected Sheriff, 1904, serving two ! years; elected Circuit Court Clerk, 1906, serving four years; re-elected in 1910, | which office he now holds; Republican; | member M. Episcopal church. PINEWOOD. GRAHAM, Edgar Joxes, farmer 1 born Pinewood, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1879 j son of John Meredith and Ellen (Cheat- ham) Graham; Scotch-English descent; father, manufacturer, farmer, merchant and State Senator for three terms; pa- ternal grandparents Samuel Lowry and Frances (Helm) Graham, maternal grandparents Edward S. and Ellen (Foster) Cheatham; educated at Pine- wood, Wall & Mooney, Franklin, Tenn., and Auburn, Ala.; married Kate Nun- nelly, April 26, 1905; began farming in early life; served as Chairman of Demo- cratic Executive Committee of Hickman Co.; member National Guards; was 1st Lieut, for one year and Capt. three years of Co. I, 1st Tenn.; is K. of P., Elk, Odd Fellow, Modern Woodman of America; member Christian church. PINEY FLATS. SANDERS, John Henbv, carpenter and farmer; born Piney Flats, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1846; English-German descent; son of William and Sarah J. (Yoakley) Sanders; father was a farmer; paternal who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 481 'Ik grandparents John and Barbara tea (Hodges) Sanuers, maternal grandpa- rents Henry and Anne (Barnett) Yoak- paij ley; received a common school educa- tion; married Elizabeth D. Alison, Nov. 6, 1872; he began the carpenter’s trade early in life; Justice of the Peace for r; : 26 years; served as private 12 months in ’em C. S. A., 34th Va. Cav., 60th Tenn. Cav., is now retired from active life; Demo- Fori crat ori ; WOLFE, John Bunyak, furniture c manufacturer; bom near Piney Flats, Tenn., Oct. 18, 1857; German descent; son of F. M. and Winifred (Shell) Wolfe; father, farmer; paternal grand- parents John and Priscilla (Webb) Wolfe, maternal grandparents Andrew and Winifred (Boyd) Shell; received Oil ; e< ucation in the district schools ; ta married Nora E. Hughes October 28, 1886; began life as a farmer boy, SI) working on farm until 18 years of age; later was cabinet maker, his first shop being an open shed, with old planes and saws for tools; he found ready sale for his goods and was soon able to build and equip a small shop; saved part of his income each year and added to his business, and has at present a factory equipped with modern machinery, doing a large business; is president Wolfe Bros. & Co., and interested in several business enterprises in his community; Mason, having filled every office in Blue Lodge; member M. E. Church, South. PINHOOK LANDING. BOGGESS, Eliisha Sharp, farmer; f born Ten Mile Stand, Meigs Co., Tenn., Jan. 9, 1856; son of Abijah F. and Le- vina C. (Sharp) Boggess; father was a farmer; ) received a limited education in the county schools; took business course, Atlanta, Ga., 1876 ; married Martha J. Ewing, Dec. 30, 1880; vas raised on farm by widowed mother, his father having been killed while serving as Cap- tain in Confederate army; is secretary Lodge of F. & A. M. ; Democrat and member Baptist church. GUINN, Joel Fraxklix, preacher, farmer; born Decatur, Tenn., Oct., 19, 1842; English descent; son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Brooks) Guinn; his father was a farmer; paternal grandpa- rents Bat and Susan (Huff) Guinn, ma- ternal grandparents Leonard and Mary (Fuller) Brooks; educated at Decatur and Oak Grove Academies ; married Nancy Alphinson, April 25, 1875; began farming early in life; was Tax Collec- tor of Meigs Co., 1870-1873; Tax As- sessor same County for six years; serv- ed in Confederate army, being member of Co. C, 5th Tenn. Cavalry, about three years and a half ; member Masonic Lodge and John M. Lillard Camp of Confederate Veterans, being Chaplain of both orders; Democrat; member Baptist church. HARDIN, Martix Luther, farmer; born Ten Mile Stand, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1861; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John H. and Elizabeth (Patterson) Hardin; father, farmer; paternal grandparents John P. and Naomi (Gash) Hardin, maternal grandparents James and Mary (Witten) Patterson; educated at Hi- wassee College; married Sallie J. Brown, Oct. 17, 1900; is engaged in farming; Mason; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South. HORNSBY, Samuel J., farmer; born Roane Co., Tenn., Dec. 9, 1854; English descent; son of B. M. and Mahala (Brady) Hornsby; father was farmer and Trustee of Roane Co. for two terms; paternal grandparents William and Rachael (Longacre) Hornsby; ma- ternal grandparents Farl and Elizabeth (Smith) Brady; received education in the county schools; married Savannah E. Peak, Oct. 6, 1878; engaged in farm- ing and merchandising in early life; came to Pin Hook when a boy, where he went to work, later becoming a partner in firm of Peak, Hornsby & Co.; at present engaged in stock raising and farming; also member of the County and High School Boards; Woodman of tne World; Republican; member M. E. Church, South. PEAK, Mellvtlle Cox, merchant; born Pin Hook Landing, 1870; son of W. C. and Nancy (Matlock) Peak; Irish descent; father, merchant and planter; paternal grandparents Jacob 482 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE and Kesiah (Prigmore) Peak, maternal grandparents William and Sallie (Dod- son) Matlock; educated in Decatur High School; married Iva Sherman, April 10, 1901; began life as farmer; in mercantile business until 1907, since which time he has been a commercial traveler; is also Coroner and Notary Public; member Woodmen of the World and Commercial Travelers; Democrat. WILLIAMS, John Lacy, farmer; born Orchard Knob, Hamilton Co., Tenn., April 29, 1841; German descent; son of James and Jennie (Roddy) Will- iams; paternal grandparents John Lacy and Saint (Johns) Williams; maternal grandparents Andy and Mattie (Tipton) Roddy; was educated in the log school houses of McMinn and Miegs Cos., where the goose quill was used for pen; mar- ried Mollie A. Fike, Sept. 19, 1867 ; member Masons, holding office of Master for ten years; he began farming and stock raising in early life; served in the Confederate army. Company C, 5th Tenn. Calvary, 1861-1865; his ancestors came from Virginia to North Carolina in 1825, father and mother floated down Tenn. river in flat boat in the year 1835 to Ross Landing (now Chattanooga) ; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South; takes great interest in Sunday school work. PINSON. MAYS, Rufus Adolphus, banker; born Madison Co., Tenn., Jan. 18, 1839; Irish-German descent; son of James Gay and Catherine (Fulbright) Mays; father was a farmer; received common school education; he was a farmer in early life; married Nancy Green Davis, Dec. 27, 1865; represented the County in Legislature, 1904-1905; was County Surveyor for number of years; served in Confederate army, holding rank of Capt. Co. C, 6th Tenn. Reg.; captured Aug. 27, 1863; sent as prisoner of war to Alton, 111., then to Camp Chase, Ohio, then to Fort Delaware, where he was re- leased March 7, 1865; fought in all bat- tles in which the army of Tenn. was en- gaged, never having been wounded; cash- ier Pinson Savings Bank; member Pin- son Lodge of F. & A. M. ; Democrat; member M. E. church. WATLINGTON, William Franklin - , merchant; born in 17th Dist. Madison Co., Tenn., May 7, 1868; English de- scent; son of Frank W. and Mary J. (Anderson) Watlington; father was farmer and county officer; received edu- cation in the county schools; engaged in the mercantile business early in life; married Ruby Van Treese, Feb. 25, 1900; served as chairman Board of Elec- tion Commissioners, Madison County, 1908 ana 1910, under Gov. Patterson; Justice of the Peace, Notary Public; elected President Pinson Savings Bank, 1909, which position he now holds; Ma- son, being member of various lodges; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South. PLEASANT HILL. WHEELER, Warner E., minister and teacher; born Westminister, Mass., April 2, 1853; son of Merrill I. and Sarah (Gibbs) Wheeler; English de- scent; educated Racine High School and Oberlin (Ohio) College and Seminary, graduating from latter in 1890 with de- gree of B. D.; taught school in early life; married Kate A. Lord, 1879, and Kate E. Adams, 1904; Superintendent Public Instruction Cumberland County; Mayor Pleasant Hill corporation; taught schools in Wisconsin and Alabama; Prin- cipal of Academies in Westminster, Mass., Williamsburg, Ky., and Pleasant Hill, Tenn.; pastor of Congregational church, Richfield, Ohio, 1887-1890; inde- pendent in politics. PLEASANT VIEW. WILLIAMS, Richard C., merchant; born King’s Sulphur Springs, Tenn., Feb. 22, 1846; English descent; son of W. W. and Mary Ann (Sheron) Wil- liams; father, County Court Clerk; pa- ternal grandparents, C. C. and Lucy (King) Williams; maternal grandpar- ents Zacharia and Nancy (Williams) Sheron; educated in common schools of Tenn., and Robertson’s Business College, Memphis, Tenn. ; began his career as school teacher; married N. E. Walker, Feb. 27, 1882; member I. O. O. F., Past Noble Grand and Sec. No. 240, Pleasant View, Tenn.; Justice of the Peace 1895- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 483 1907; at present engaged in mercantile business. POPE. HOWARD, Benjamih R., farmer; born Howard Stock Farm, April, 1868; German-Irish descent; son of Richard Johnston and Frances (Sutton) How* ard; father, farmer and merchant; pa- ternal grandparents, James Walker and Rachael (Davis) Howard; maternal grandparents, Jas. R. and Elizabeth (Derryberry) Sutton; received education in the country schools; he worked on the Tenn. river in early life; later farmed; married Florence Hester Young, Sept. 2, 1888; owned and operated first bind- er in his community in 1877 ; owned and operates first gasoline engine in the county, 1905; bought and used first hay loader in county, 1907; at present en- gaged in farming and stock raising; member K. of P., F. & A. M., I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; member M. E. church. LEDBETTER, H. M., farmer and minister; born Lincoln Co.; Irish-Eng- lish descent; son of Henry Ledbetter; father, preacher and farmer; educated in Perry County Schools; began life as a farmer; married Mary A. E. Vaughn; was elected State Senator in 1886-87-88; author of the four-mile law bill, secur- ing its passage in 1887; Republican; member and elder in Church of United Brethren; at present farming and do- ing ministerial work. SPARKS, Jesse, farmer; born Na- than, Tenn., Dec. S, 1860; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jesse and Mary B. (Pat- terson) Sparks; father, blacksmith and farmer; received education at Linden; in early life he engaged in the mercan- tile business; married Minervia Led- better, Oct. 16, 1887; Democrat; mem- ber 56th General Assembly, Tenn;. 1909; is at present engaged in banking and farming. PORT ROYAL. DAVIS, Asa Leeot, contractor and builder; born Montgomery Co., March 20, 1847; son of Elijah and Nancie W. (Teasley) Davis; father farmer and blacksmith; paternal grandparents Rob- ert and Elizabeth (Hooper) Davis, ma- ternal grandparents George W. and Lucretia (Sherron) Teasley; received education in the common schools ; married Lutitia Morrison, Dec. 22, 1870; he was a farmer in early life; in mer- cantile business for two years; owned and operated saw, flour and grist mills ror six years; at present member of highway committee of Montgomery Co.; also justice of the peace of county for past nineteen years; is an Odd Fellow, Past Grand; Democrat; member Cumb. Presbyterian church. POWDER SPRINGS. ATKINS, Caswell A., physician; born Powder Springs, Tenn., May 31, 1852; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Lew- is and Elizabeth Jane (Adkins) At- kins; paternal grandparents, Lewis and Elizabeth (Monroe) Atkins; maternal grandparents, Stephen and Millie (Rec- tor) Adkins; educated in the country schools and Carson & Newman College; graduated from University of Tenn., M. D., April, 1899; married Laura Acuff, July 24, 1873; taught school for five years; engaged in the mercantile busi- ness, 1880-81 ; drug business, 1882-83, during which time he read medicine; took first course in medicine at Univ. of Tenn., 1885-86; later studied in Univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1896-97 ; was a mem- ber U. S. pension examining board of surgeons, Nov. 2, 1901 to June 8, 1908; president Grainger Co. S. S. Conven- tion, 1909-11; Mason S. W. and Odd Fellow; Republican; member Missionary Baptist church. MULLINS, Elijah, farmer and stockman; born Grainger Co., Tenn., Jan. 23, 1832; English descent; son of Archibald and Nancy (Atkins) Mullins; father farmer and stock raiser; receiv- ed common school education; he was a saddle and harness maker in early life; married Elizabeth C. Yeates, Dec. 24, 1851; served in Cofederate army, Co. T, 59th Tenn. Reg. of Vol., under com- mand of Col. Burch Cook; held office of justice of the peace, 1878; Democrat; member Missionary Baptist church. 484 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE MULLINS, William L., merchant; born Powder Springs, Tenn., in 1873; Irish descent; son of John and Martha (Needham) Mullins; father farmer; pa- ternal grandparents Archibald and Nan- cy (Atkins) Mullins; maternal grand- parents, Henry and Anna (Brock) Needham; married Ella Beeler, Oct. 2, 1907; was stock trader in early life; is an Odd Fellow; member Baptist church. PROSPECT STATION. LESTER, Leroy B., farmer; born Pulaski, Tenn., Jan. 17, 1864; son of Frank Buford and Lou C. (Black) Les- ter; received common school education; engaged in farming and railroading in early life; member Knights of Pythias; Democrat; steward and trustee Metho- dist church. REED, John D., merchant; born Prospect Station, Tenn., Oct. 6, 1856; Irish descent; son of W. W. and Mary (Pittman) Reed; father farmer; pater- nal grandparents Thomas and Amy (Cox) Reed; maternal grandparents David H. and Penelope (Waldren) Pitt- man; received education in the county schools; married Mattie Ezell, Oct. 6, 1880; and Lizzie Hyde, Nov. 22, 1893; began his business career as clerk in gen- eral store at age of 18, holding this po- sition for three years; later entered the general merchandise business in which he is at present engaged; held office of constable of Giles Co., for 6 years; Ma- son and K. of P., having been chan- cellor commander and keeper of R. and S., also Sec. F. & A. M. for several years; Democrat; member M. E. church. PULASKI. ABERNATHY, Andrew Jackson, lawyer; born Giles Co., Tenn., Sept. 18, 1834; Scotch-Welsh descent; son of Charles C. and Susanna W. (Harris) Abernathy; father farmer and clerk of circuit court for 24 years; paternal grandparents William and Elizabeth (Clayton) Abernathy; maternal grand- parents Tyree and Susanna (Swift) Har- ris; was educated in country schools and old Giles College; graduated from the Lebanon Law School in 1859; married Sarah E. Tal- ley, Feb. 22, 1860; he began the prac- tice of law at Pulaski at an early age; before the war was a partner of John H. Woldridge; enlisted in the Confeder- ate army, being private in Co. K, 1st Tenn. Cav., under Col. J. T. Wheeler; after the war he was associated in the practice of law with John S. Wilkes (af- terward supreme judge) and J. P. Abernathy; was chancellor of the 7th Tenn. Chan. Division, composed of Giles and ten other counties, from Sept. 1886 to 1902; member of the Delta Psi Frat., of Lebanon Law School; Odd Fellow; Democrat; member M. E. church, South. ABERNATHY, James Polk, lawyer; born Giles Co., Tenn., June 15, 1849; son of Charles C. and Elizabeth (Dickson) Abernathy; Scotch descent; educated in county schools and Giles College; mar- ried first Lula Jones, Nov. 9, 1875, sec- ond Mamie Butler, Nov. 24, 1891; mem- ber Kuklux; Mason, Odd Fellow, K. of H., Red Men, being Grand Master I. O. O. F. of Tenn.; began the practice of law in early life; was appointed clerk and master Chancery Court, Giles Co., in 1892, and still holds this office, with five more years to serve; Democrat (Regular); member M. E. church. BALLENTINE, John Goff, retired lawyer-banker; born Pulaski, Giles Coun- ty, Tenn., May 20, 1825; son of Andrew Mitchell and Mary Tuttle (Goff) Ballen- tine; Scotch-Irish descent; graduated from Wurtemburg Academy, 1841; Uni- versity of Nashville 1845, and Harvard 1848; married Mary Elizabeth Laird, No- vember 14, 1854; member I. O. O. F.; early business, lawyer; belonged to Liv- ingston’s Law School of New York; a delegate at different times to Jackson, Miss., to assist in the rehabiliment of the State; was elected to Congress in 1882; never asked for office, either civil, military or ecclesiastical; in 1861 he en- listed as a private in Shelby County, Tenn.; afterward was made Captain and afterward underwent the different grades of promotion from Captain to Colonel of regiment, and frequently commanded the brigade; was wounded in 1864 in front of Sherman in Georgia campaign, at the time serving under General Joe John- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 485 ston, and was in hospital until General Hood’s advance into Tennessee; was with Hood during his entire Tennessee cam- paign; when Hood went out of Tennessee orders were given for him to remain and police the Tennessee river; just before the collapse of the Confederacy, he was notified that he had been made a Briga- dier General at the last conference, and to hurry to Selma and report to General Dick Taylor, who would give him his commission; when he reached Selma there was great confusion, and General Taylor had packed up everything and left; was a lawyer and planter in Mississippi; law- yer, banker and farmer in Tennessee. BASS, Jacob Miller, farmer; born Giles Co., Tenn., Sept. 28, 1825; his pa- ternal grandmother Martha (Hix) Bass was a direct descendant of Pocahontas; son of Nathan and Martha (Beaty) Bass; father farmer; educated in the common schools which were taught in log cabins, never graduated but obtained a fair English education; enlisted in the Confederate army in 1861, and served until close of war, as captain of Co. E, 32d Tenn. Reg., was in the siege and sur- render at Fort Donelson in Feb., 1862, and in prison at Camp Chase, near Co- lumbus, O., nearly two months, when he was sent to Johnson Island prison and was held there until Sept., 1862, when he was exchanged; wounded at the bat- tle of Chicamauga, and he was disabled for some time, but returned as soon as he was able and took command of his company, and continued in service up to battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 19, 1865, at which battle he was badly wounded; after surrender of the army lie was paroled and returned home; en- tered farming in early life and devoted all of his business life to that voca- tion, he is now retired; married Mary Jane Brownlow, Jan. 30, 1848; Demo- crat; member of Baptist church. CHILDERS, Bex, lawyer; born in Giles Co., Tenn., Aug. 29, 1872; son of J. S. and Ada Childers; graduated from Vanderbilt LTniv., 1895 with degree of A. B., 1897, B. I,.; married Mary Phil- lips, June 4, 1902 has been engaged in practice of law since 1897; is Mason, . I K. of P. and Elk; member Methodist church; Democrat (Independent). CLARK, Gordentia Waite, educator, co-principal of Massey & Clark School; born Wartrace, Tenn., April 9, 1886; son of G. W. and Lydia (Little) Clark; his father was a farmer; paternal grand- parents R. S. and Sarah Patton (Waite) Clark, maternal grandparents William and Lucy Caroline (Clary) Little; edu- cated Wartrace Training School and Vanderbilt University; graduated Van- derbilt, B. A., June, 1908; in 1908 began teaching with F. M. Massey in the Mas- sey School, and at the beginning of the third term became co-principal, and the school is now the Massey & Clark School, Pulaski, Tenn.; member Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity, and is Deacon in the Presby- terian Church. CROWELL, Ernest W., lawyer; born Bedford Co., Tenn., March 21, 1884; of German-Irish descent; son of Hiram B. and Mara-aret E. (Cook) Crowell; father Methodist minister; paternal grandpar- ents, Charles M. and Lavina (Foster) Crowell; maternal grandparents, V. P. and Elizabeth (Lentz) Crowell; educated Bedford Co., Institute, and Cumberland Univ.i Lebanon, Tenn., graduating from latter June, 1905, with degree of LL. D.; began his career as farmer, later teach- ing; he is self-educated, having worked his way through school, four years, and was president of his class; left school witnout any money and established uim- self in his profession; is member J. O. U. A. M. and I. O. O. F.; Republican; member M. E. church, North. CULP, Robert Lewis, mechanic and Justice of the Peace; born Giles County, Tenn., April 23, 1842; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of William H. and Annie (King) Culp; began career as a mechan- ic; married Mary Boyd, December 1, 1864; was one time City Recorder of Pu- laski, and is at present Justice of the Peace, Pulaski District; served four years in Confederate States Army ; through the Virginia campaign; was wounded at battle of Seven Pines, again at Chancellorsville and again at Spott- sylvania Courthouse; he is a Mason and 486 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE an Odd Fellow, and a communicant of the Methodist Church. DALY, Thomas Edward, merchant and cashier of bank; born near Elkton, Giles County, Tenn., March 16, 1859; son of Thomas B. and Mary Ann (Abernathy) Daly; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Oak Hill, Lincoln County, Tenn., and Lebanon, Tenn.; married Georgie Bull, January 2, 1881; member Masonic Lodge and Stonewall Lodge No. 12, K. of P. ; Past Chancellor in K. of P. ; was elected Mayor of Pulaski, Tenn., from 1904, and has been re-elected ever since; now filling fourth term, and has never asked a man to vote for him; born in the country; stopped school in 1876 to clerk in a general country store; married in 1881 and bought half interest in store in which he clerked at Elkton; remained in business there for seven years, then moved to Pulaski, Tenn., and opened a hardware store in 1888, in which he still owns an interest; elected Cashier Com- mercial Bank 1894; served four years and resigned; elected Cashier of National People’s Bank 1903 and still holds that position; owns an interest in Pulaski Grain & Milling Company; interested in Pulaski Buggy Company, Pulaski & Elk- ton Turnpike Company; owns the farm of 300 acres upon which he was born; owns stock in International Agricultural Corporation of New York; Steward in Methodist Church since joining in year 1880 and is now Chairman of Board. ESLICK, Edward Everett, business man; born April 19, 1873, near Pulaski, Tenn.; son of Merritt and Martha Vir- ginia Eslick; French-Huguenot descent; father farmer; educated at Bethel Col- lege, Russellville, Ky. ; he practiced law in early life; married Miss Willa Blake, June 6, 1906; elected three times on Democratic ticket, district elector 1896, and for State-at-large in 1900 and 1904; served as trustee of Central Hospital for Insane, near Nashville, Tenn.; member I. O. O. F., K. of P., J. O. A. M.; at present president of the National Peoples Bank, Pulaski, and connected with various business enterprises. FLOURNOY, John Walker, county court clerk; born Pulaski, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1874; son of William C. and Ella (Ezell) Flournoy; French descent; ed- ucated at Pulaski, Tenn.; married Sallie Ballentine, April 8, 1908; was at one time engaged in fire insurance business; at present holds office of county court clerk, uiles Co.; is Mason, K. of P., Odd Fellow and Woodman of the World; Democrat; member Presbyterian church. FOLLIS, David James, county trustee; born Lynnville, Tenn., Aug. 17, 1853; Irish descent; son of S. C. and N. E. (Williamson) Follis; father blacksmith; attended schools of Lynnville, Tenn.; married Inez O. Abernathy, Dec. 16, 1881; he began lire as a blacksmith; left home when seven years of age, working the first three years for his liv- ing; later worked on the farm; engaged in mercantile business 24 years; post- master at Buford, Tenn., 22 years, and agent of L. & N. R. R. at same place for 22 years; at present in the flour, mill and grain business; also trustee of Giles Co.; member l.ynnville lodge F. & A. M. at Pulaski and Pulaski lodge I. O. O. F. No. 12; Democrat; member M. E. church South. FREEMAN, Eunice Cyrus, physician and surgeon; born Lewisburg, Tenn., Dee. 31, 1871; English descent; son of James Frankun and Martha Elizabeth (Robinson) Freeman; father farmer and stock dealer; paternal grandparents, Daniel Marshall and Margaret (Neu- man) Freeman; maternal grandparents, Anderson and Jane (Rosson) Robinson; graduated at Lewisburg, Tenn., 1894, Nashville, Tenn., 1901; married Florence Flanary, Dec. 23, 1902; lived on farm until 20 years old; taught school in Texas 1895-96, Marshall Co., Tenn., 1896- 1900; practiced medicine in Missouri in 1901-02, being at present engaged in the practice of medicine at Pulaski, Giles Co.; member M. W. A., and I. O. O. F.; Democrat; member Cumb. Presbyterian church. GRIGSBY, H. M., druggist and banker; born Spring Hill, Tenn., March 20, 1850; son of Willfam and C. M. F. (Hatcher) Grigsby; English descent; educated Col. Thomas H. Peebles’ School of Spring Hill., Tenn.; married Florence who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 487 Witt, October, 1880; early business career, farming; Chairman of the Demo- cratic Executive Committee of Giles County, Tenn., at the time of Grover Cleveland’s first administration; member City Council of Pulaski, which office he held frequently for thirty years; suf- fered hardships as a ten-year-old boy during the war of 1861-1865; was a stu- dious druggist from 1869-1900; since that time has given a great deal of time to municipal work as an Alderman of Pulaski, Tenn., without charge; now banker and real estate owner; member Methodist Episcopal Church, South; member National Union, Royal Arcanum and W. O. W. HUDSON, Thaddeus E., minister; born Bethesda, Tenn., February 21, 1856; son of Miles R. and Mary J. (Shaw) Hudson; Irish descent; educated Bethesda and Franklin, Tenn.; in early life taught school for fifteen years; mar- ried Bettie Laura Johnson, February 11, 1880; member K. of P. ; was President of Waverly Seminary two years, Attala (Ala.) College for four years, Superin- tendent Pulaski Institute four years, pastor Pulaski Cumberland Presbyterian Church six years, pastor Lebanon, Tenn., one year, and West End, Nashville, one year; Synodical Missionary for Tennes- see and General Evangelist, doing work in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida; Commissioner to General As- sembly at Meridian, Miss., and Dallas, Tex. KENNEDY, Marion Sawter, minister of the gospel; born Camp Creek, Greene Co., Tenn.; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James F. and Katherine (Mc- Gaughey) Kennedy; father merchant; attended the village schools of Corners- ville, Tenn., later was under private tu- torage of Rev. Wm. Stoddert, D.D., of Lynnville, Tenn.; graduated from Wil- liam and Mary college, A. B., 1877, and from Union Theological Seminary, Hampden Sidney, Va., B. D., 1881; mar- ried Carrie Celeste Harris, June 25, 1885, licensed to preach Aug. 27, 1881, by the Presbytery of Columbia; ordained April 1, 1882; pastor Lewisburg church in 1882, Bethberei church, 1888; served both these churches as stated supply from July, 1881, to the time of installation as pastor, respectively; installed pastor Presbyterian church, Pulaski, Tenn., 1892; his great, great grandfather, Col. Daniel Kenneuy, fought under John Se- vier, the first governor of Tenn., at King’s Mountain, Oct. 7, 1780; his sword used in that battle being now in possession of the family. I. A RUE, James Alexander, physician and surgeon; born Lewisburg, W. Va., Aug. 27, 1850; French-Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Cyrus Scott and Julia S. (Alexander) LaRue; educated at “Old Lewisburg,” Va., Academy ;. graduated from College of Physicians anl Sur- geons, Baltimore, Md., Feb., 1876, with M. D. degree; taught school in early life; later clerked in store, and held county office in W. Va.; married, first Lillian Livesay, June 20, 1883, second Minnie Voorhies, Sept. 1, 1910; is Ma- son and Odd Fellow; member Giles Co. Medical Society; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church, South. MASSEY, Felix Matthias, educator, co-principal Massey & Clark School, Pu- luaski, Tenn.; born Mulberry, Tenn., July 15, 1876; son of C. S. and Mattie (Dennis) Massey; Scotch-Irish descent; his father was a farmer; educated Webb School, Bell Buckle, Tenn., and Vander- bilt University; married Ota Boyd, June 24, 1903; member Masons, Odd Fellows and K. of P. MEADOWS, George Preston, farmer and stockman; born Bethel, Giles Co., Tenn., May 20, 1865; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Richard R. and Mary Elizabeth (Swift) Meadows; father doctor of medicine; educated at Bethel Institute, Bethel, Tenn.; began his ca- reer as clerk in dry goods store; mar- ried Anna Rice Scott, April 22, 1885; member Odd Fellows, Red Men, and Worshipful Master of Pulaski lodge No. 101, F. & A. M.; held office of justice of the peace; electee! to legislature in l»0t> ; re-elected in 1907 ; con- ducted a mercantile business for three years; ran a gin and mill business eleven years; circuit court clerk for two 48S who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE years; is now engaged in farming and stock raising; member M. E. church, South. MORGAN, George Allex, minister; born Bedford Co., Tenn., July 29, 1866; son of German B. and Isadora Alice (Holt) Morgan; father carpenter and farmer; paternal grandparents Moses and Elizabeth (Johnson) Morgan, mater- nal grandparents Jordan C. and Margaret (Wilhoit) Holt; edu- cated Webb school, Bellbuckle Tenn., and Vanderbilt Univ. graduating from latter June, 1896, with A. B. degree; a member of A. K. E. Frat.; spent his ear- ly life on a farm; married Effie Ver- nor Kennedy, June 12, 1901; joined the Tennessee conference (M. E. church, South) at Shelbyville, Tenn., Oct., 1897 ; first stationed at Lewisburg and Peters- burg, serving this charge for three years! ; later stationed at Fayetteville for four years, then Murfreesboro for four years; now in third year of pastorate at Pu- laski, Tenn.; member of Knights of Py- thias; Democrat. MORRIS, John H., lawyer; born Sussex County, Delaware, December 26, 1842; son of Mitchell and Rachael (Mur- ray) Morris; English descent; educated Union Christian College, Merom, Ind.; married Lucretia C. Morgan, November 17, 1870; Master Mason, Royal Ar- canum, National Union; Clerk of the Circuit Court, Giles County, Tenn., from 1878-1882; private soldier Company L, Twelfth Indiana Cavalry Volunteers; moved to Pulaski, Tenn., April 21, 1869; held subordinate positions in the internal revenue service; an uncompromising Re- publican and is the only member of the party elected to a county office in Giles County since the war; reared on farm and taught school in early life; member and Elder Church of Christ. RIVERS, James, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Giles County; born Giles Coun- ty, Tenn., September 25, 1859 ; Scotch and French descent; son of James W. and Mary (Flournoy) Rivers; his father was a farmer; paternal grandparents Wil- liam W. and Martha (Paine) Rivers, maternal grandparents Silas and Eliz- abeth (Camp) Flournoy; was one time Justice of the Peace and was formerly Sheriff of Giles County, and is now Cir- cuit Court Clerk; is a member of Ma- sons, K. of P. and Red Men. ROMINE, William Bethel, editor and publisher; born Stantonville, Tenn., Nov. 21, 1861; son of James Alexander and Sarah E. (Fullwood) Romine; pa- ternal grandparents, William and Mary (Callahan) Romine, maternal grandpar- ents Samuel Marion and Ann Belle (Howard) Fullwood; educated in the public schools of McNairv Co., Tenn., and afterwood attended Peabody Col- lege, University of Nashville, graduating with degree L. I. in 1887; began his ca- reer as a school teacher, and in 1894 he became the editor and publisher of the “Pulaski Citizen,” which lie has since conducted; Democrat; he has served as secretary of the county executive com- | mittee; was elected to the legislature of Tenn., 1901, and again in 1903, from dis- trict of which Giles County is a part; in session of 1901 he was chairman of the penitentiary committee, and in 1903 of the committee on education; married Lizzie Wilkes, oldest daughter of Judge John S. Wilkes, June 10, 1891; member of Masons, and has served as Worship- ful Master of his Masonic Lodge, and High Priest of the Royal Arch Chapter; Chancellor Commander of the Knights of Pythias and trustees of the I. O. O. F. Lodge; in 1888 he was for some months connected with the state militia as a member of the Witt Rifles of Co- lumbia; was formerly a member of the Cumberland Prebyterian church, elder in same, and has served as moderator of Presbytery; represented his Presbytery in the general assembly sev- eral times; also represented his church in general council of the Presbyterian alliance at Washington, D. C., in 1899; on account of division in Cumberland Presbyterian church growing out of question of union, he joined the Metho- dist church in 1909; as early as 1660 his Romine ancestors, originally of England, came to America from Holland and set- tled at New Amsterdam; at battle of King’s Mountain, in the Revolutionary war, his great-grandfathers, William who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 489 Fullwood and Benoni Banning fought side by side, Banning being stabbed three times with English bayonets in the fa- mous charge up the Northern slope of the mountain. ROSE, William Alfred, merchant; born Somerville, Tenn„ May 15, 1857 ; paternally he is descended from the Rose family of Kilravock, through Rev. Chas. Rose, one of the first rectors of St. George’s parish, Spots. Co., Va.; son of William Solon and Lavinia Isabella (Evans) Rose; father was merchant and farmer; paternal grandparents, Alfred Hicks and Mildred (Eastman) Rose, ma- ternal grandparents, William Wilson and Fredonia (Hall) Evans; educated at Jackson High School, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; entered the mercantile business in early life, and has been a member of the firm of W. S. Roses’ Sons Co., since 1881, and has been president of same since 1900; director in Commercial Bank cf Pulaski, Tenn., since 1893, and pres- ident of same since 1907 ; member of Board of Trustees for Martin College for Young Ladies, and board of educa- tion of city high school; married Mrs. Lillian Tardy Barton, who is maternally a direct descendant of Gov. Spottswood of Va., Nov. 15, 1899; Past Chancellor and Past Grand Rep. K. of P. ; Democrat; member of Methodist Episco- pal church, and member of board of stewards of same since 1896. STACY, Richard Mahlor, business man; born Pulaski, Tenn., Aug. 24, 1862; son of Jo. B. and Rebecca (John- son) Stacy; educated Webbs School, Cullioka and Pulaski, graduating from Cullioka; married Nannie Hardin, Feb. 5, 1884; has held office of chancery clerk, and now engaged in coal business and other business enterprises; trans- ferred deacon in Presbyterian church. WILKES, John Brown, lawyer; born Pulaski, Tenn., July 30, 1875; son of John S. and Florence (Barker) Wilkes; educated Pulaski and Franklin, Tenn.; graduated Pulaski in 1892 and Franklin, Tenn., 1894; married Mary W. Wake- field, December 23, 1896; Past Master Mason, Junior Past C., Junior O. U. A. M., I. O. O. F., Past Sachem Red Men; member many fraternal societies; early business, banking and law; member Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South; his fatner was a distinguished lawyer, and for many years a member of the Supreme Bench of Tennessee. WILKES, Walter Stewart, lawyer; born Pulaski, Tenn., April 26, 1879; English descent; son of J. Summerfield and Florece Alabama (Barker) Wilkes; father lawyer and member supreme court of Tenn.; paternal grandparents, R. A. L. and Judith (Harris) Wilkes; maternal grandparents B. B. and Martha ^Sample) Barker; educated Wall & Mooney, Univ. of Tenn. and Cumberland Univ., graduating from law department of latter June, 1900; married Elizabeth J. Braden, JNov. 9, 1910; member Kappa Sigma Frat.; was deputy circuit court clerk Giles Co., 1902, and Secretary John S. Wilkes, supreme court justice, 1903- 1908. WYNN, William Thomas, President Martin College; bom Henry County, Ga., October 30, 1874; son of Winfrey Lockett and Emma (McCarty) Wynn; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Grady In- stitute, Emory College, University of Chicago, Columbia University, New York; graduated Emory College, A. B. degree, in 1900; married Mary Ellison Floyd, February 13, 1902 ; member Kappa Alpha Fraternity and Masons; Professor of Mathematics Southeast Alabama Agri- cultural School for four years; three years Superintendent schools, Enterprise, Ala.; for the past three years President Martin College, Pulaski, Tenn.; mem- ber Methodist Episcopal Church, South. ZUCCARELLO, Joseph Jerome, teacher and farmer; born Pulaski, Giles County, Tenn., January 11, 1858; son of Zuccarello; paternal grandparents Fran- cis and Frances (Scisson) Zuccarello, maternal grandparents William and Marcella (Ezell) Gardiner; French, Italian, German and English descent; fa- ther’s occupation, machinist, molder and farmer; educated in the common schools at Giles College, Pulaski; self-taught since 1873; married Mattie E. Collins, January 9, 1889; early business career, truck farming and general farming un- 400 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE til twenty-one years of age; member (Chaplain of) temperance organization; began teaching 1879; elected County Su- perintendent of Public Instruction 1887; Vice President of the Tennessee State Teachers’ Association 1888; presided over that body in 1889; elected Chair- man of Giles County Board of Educa- tion in 1887; President of the Giles Coun- ty Sunday School Association three years in succession; has considerable invest- ments in agricultural real estate, and is now engaged in general farming and stock raising, after more than twenty years spent in teaching school; member 31. E. Church since 1869. QUEBECK. COOPER, John Steel, planing mill man; born Malone Island, June 28, 1848; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William and Margaret (Most) Cooper; father, cabi- netmaker. QUITO. SURBER, Benjamin Aaron, mer- chant-farmer; born Madison, Ind., Feb. 28, 1854; German descent; son of John and Rebecca M. (Penn) Surber; father farmer; educated at Madison, Ind.; mar- ried Eliza J. Robinson, Dec. 27, 1883; was a timberman in early life; Demo- crat; member Baptist church; was elect- ed a justice of the peace in 1908; was defeated 1910 for floterial repre- sentative from Tipton and Lauder- dale Cos., by the Hon. P. B. Lanier, a young lawyer of Covington. RAFTER. STRATTON, John Wesley, farmer and stock raiser; born in Monroe Co., Tenn., March 11, 1828; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of John and Lida (Clark) Stratton; father was a carpenter and millwright; educated in common schools and Hiwassee College; in early life was a stock raiser and was Captain of Co. G, 59th Tenn. regiment, C. S. A., during civil war; married Roda J. Anderson, Dec. 15, 1849; former president of Farm- ers’ Alliance several years; Democrat (regular) ; was Deputy Sheriff of Mon- roe Co., Tenn., 12 years, and Justice of the Peace 22 years; member of Southern Methodist church. RANDOLPH. McMAHON, James Richard, mer- chant; born Dancy ville, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1876; son of Richard Collins and Emma B. (Mosel) ach) McMahon; father, mer- chant; paternal grandparents William V. and Catherine (Hill) McMahon, maternal grandparents Dr. B. and Catherine Ann (McCool) Mosebach; educated at Dancy- vi-ie, Tenn., graduating May 15, 1895; married Gertrude W. Pennel, Oct. 23, 1900; began his business career as a clerk; is now member of the firm of Chapman, McMahon & Co., Randolph, Tenn., suc- cessors to Chapman & Co., merchants, of Randolph, Tenn., of which firm he was also a member; is member of the Randolph Lodge of Odd Fellows; Demo- crat, and member and recording stew- ard M. E. church. RAVENSCROFT. BREEDING, Wesley Jackson, physi- cian; born Taylors, White Co., Tenn., Feb. 1, 1870; son of Evan Scott and Fan- nie (Weaver) Breeding; father’s occupa- tion, merchant and farmer; educated Pleasant Hill and Doyle, Tenn., gradu- ated medical dept. Univ. of Tenn. 1893; married Lulie Johnson Jan. 1, 1900; member Free and Accepted Masons and K. of P., life ins. examiner for five com- panies and physician and surgeon for Bon Air Coal Co.; early business, school teaching and farm work; member of Christian church. HARDEMON, William D., superin- tendent coal mines; born Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1875; son of William D. and Annie (May) Hardemon; paternal grandfather Thomas Hardemon, paternal grandmother Bethenia (Hardin) Harde- mon, maternal grandfather James May, maternal grandmother Eliza Fearn | (Perkins) May; English and German de- scent; educated Virginia Military Insti- tute; member Masonic Lodge, K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; has been connected with the Bon Air Coal and Iron Co. since he became of age. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 491 READY\ ILLE. YOUREE, William E., physician; horn near Readyville, Tenn., Jan. 29, 1850; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Fran- cis Hardeman and Elizabeth (Lowe) Youree; father, farmer; paternal grand- parents James and Dorothy (Hardeman) Youree, maternal grandparents Col. Will- iam and Rhoda (Plummer) Lowe; edu- cated in the schools of Rutherford Co.; graduated irom the University of Nash- ville, 1872, with degree of M. D.; mar- ried, first, Rebecca Carter, Nov. 13, 1873, second, Mrs. Annie (Macon) Walling, Nov. 30, 1898; in early life he farmed and is at present practicing his pro- fession; Democrat, and member of Church of Christ. RHEA SPRINGS. EWING, John Montgomery, farmer; born near Kingston, Roane Co., Tenn., Jriy 20, 1859; English-Irish descent; son of Elijah M. and Mary (Murphy) Ewing; father, farmer and stock raiser; educated Oak Hill Academy, Roane Co., Tenn.; in early life he was a farmer, later engaged in merchandising and min- ing; married Mattie E. Butler, Dec. 21, 1880; director First National Bank, Soring City, Tenn., and interested in the Interstate Life & Accident Co. of Chat- tanooga ; also has iron ore Interests ; mem- ber I. O. O. F., Rhea Springs, and W. O. W., Decatur, Tenn.; Democrat; member Missionary Baptist church. RICEVILLE. LOWRY, William W., postmaster; born Washington Co., Va., Jan. 15, 1843; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James H. and Abigail (McNew) Lowry; father, t-acher, farmer and merchant; educated in McMinn Co. Schools, graduating at Riceville, Tenn., May, 1862 ; married Elba H. Syhacker, May 14, 1868; began life as a farmer; served in Federal army 1861- 1865, being non-commissioned officer, 2d Sergeant 5th Tenn. Mtd. Infantry ; was in service of Southern Ry. 20 years, being freight and passenger conductor in Knoxville Div., through East Tenn.; was 1900-1910; has been Post Master Rice- ville since May, 1887 ; member F. & A. M. (Worshipful Master, 1909-1910) ; member executive board Republicans, member M. E. church. MILLAR.D, William Adison, farmer and stock man; born McMinn Co., Tenn., June 18, 1871; son of F. M. and Martha E. (Cass) Millard; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather George W. Millard, paternal grandmother Rebekah (Houk) Millard, maternal grandfather Moses A. Cass, maternal grandmother Anna (Ryan) Cass; Irish descent; edu- cated in public scools of McMinn Co. and Grant Memorial Univ. ; early occu- pation, teaching; married Ida M. Mat- lock Oct. 20, 1897; member I. O. O. F.; formerly member of the Co. Court of McMinn Co., from 1890-1896; member Methodist church. RICKMAN. WELLS, Moody G., rural mail car- rier; born Overton Co., Tenn., Aug. 5, 1864; son of Elihu and Bithiah (Gilli- land) Wells; father, farmer; paternal grandparents Stephen and Nancy (West) Wells, maternal grandparents James and Lillie (Davis) Gilliland; educated at Oak Hill, Tenn.; he farmed and taught in the public schools in early life; married Martha Pugh, April 13, 1893; at present engaged in farming, in connection with his rural free delivery service; is a Mod- ern Woodman of America; independent, in politics. RIDGELY. HELLEN, Robert Ernest, physician and druggist; born Chestnut Bluff, Tenn., Oct. 26, 1879; English descent; son of Ed and Mary (Carter) Hellen; father. Baptist minister; educated Hel len’s Inst., and Alamo, Tenn.; graduated from Memphis Hospital Medical College- M. D., 1903; ~ orked on a farm in early' life, paying his way through college under difficulties; is now engaged in the drug business and practicing medicine; member K. of P. MAGEE, James L., farmer; born Obion Co., Tenn., Jan. 12, 1861; son of Lee Roy and (Sample) Magee; Scotch-Irish descent; father, farmer; married Mrs. George Ann Gul- 492 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE lett, Oct. 17, 1887; is at present engaged principally in farming; Democrat. RIPLEY. ANTHONY, William Lee, farmer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., June 15, 1839; French-English descent; son of William Austin and Malinda (Dyson) Anthony; father, farmer; paternal grandparents James E. and Mary S. (Lee) Anthony; maternal grandparents Aquilla and Malinda (Harris) Dyson; educated in schools of Haywood Co., La- Grange, Tenn., and Litz, Pa.; married Calisba Taylor, Oct. 26, 1880; be- gan farming before the civil war; en- listed as private in the 7th Tenn. Cav- alry, serving for a great part of the time under leadership of N. B. Forrest; is at present living on his farm in Haywood Co.; is a Mason; Democrat, and member M. E. church. ARCHER, Lee B., Co. Court Clerk Lauderdale Co. ; born Garland, Tenn., Aug. 24, 1859; son of Charles W. and Susan E. (Walk) Archer; Scotch-Irish descent ; received common school educa- tion; married Marion R. Young May 19, 1880; member Masonic Lodge, K. of P. and I. O. O. F. ; devoted his life to farming; member Methodist church. BANKS, Roderick S., Clerk and Mas- ter of the Chancery Court; born Gib- son Wells, Tenn.; son of James H. and Melissa (Hopkins) Banks; father’s oc- cupation, farming; educated Lebanon, Tenn.; graduate of law dept. Cumber- land Univ. 1900; married Ella Sinclair July 30, 1905; member Masonic Order; member M. E. churcn. South; Democrat. FOLTZ, Henry Douglass, public offi- cial; born Woodville, Tenn., June 29, 1861; son of Alpha Joseph and Martha Harriet (Wardlaw) Foltz; father’s occu- pation physician ; educated Ripley, Tenn; married Jennie Speed Boyd July, 1897; member K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; most of his life has been devoted to farming; former Circuit Court Clerk of Lauder- dale Co. ; elected trustee of Lauderdale Co. 1910. GARRETT, James Monroe, Co. Reg- ister; born Lauderdale Co., Tenn., June 25, 1862; son of S. J. and (McColpin) Garrett; English descent; received common school education; mar- ried Nelia Hendren June 2, 1889; mem- ber Masonic Order and I. O. O. F.; farmed until 21 years old; traveling salesman for six years, then farmed un- til 1898, since that time has been Co. Register of Lauderdale Co.; interested in farming; member Methodist church. HALE, Joseph S., farmer; born Rip- ley, Tenn., Aug. 4, 1853; son of John Clem and Pamelia (Wardlaw) Hale; father, commission merchant and farm- er; was educated at Ripley, Tenn., he worked as a salesman in dry goods house and farmer in early life; married Ida Mildred Keller, Feb. 22, 1882; has held office of Justice of the Peace for past 18 years; is also engaged in farming; member Farmers’ Union, and Woodmen of America; Democrat; member M. E. church, being steward, trustee, recording steward; Ripley, Tenn., R. F. D. HENRY, Freeland A., insurance; born Woodville, Tenn., Oct. 31, 1856; son of James O. and Martha (Hendren) Henry; paternal grandfather Alexander Henry, paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Caruth) Henry, maternal grandfather John Hendren, maternal grandmother Nancy (Hudson) Hendren; Scotch de- scent; educated Ripley, Tenn.; father’s occupation, mechanic; married first, Mary Porter, second marriage, Miss Volkmar; member Masonic Lodge, K. of P., K. of H., and I. O. O. F. ; has been in the insurance business for the past twenty years; formerly in various branches of the mercantile business; first dry goods, then drugs, and later hardware; member Methodist church, South. HYDE, Henry Jordan, teacher, mer- chant, farmer; born near Triune, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1847; English descent; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Jordan) Hyde; educated College Grove; married first, Mary E. Wood, Jan. 9, 1872; second, Sal- lie M. Rice, Aug. 6, 1887 ; was a teacher in early life; served as Justice of the Peace for 8 years in Lauderdale Co., Tenn.; chairman, pro tern., of Co. Court; one of the organizers of Farmers’ Union who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 493 Bank, elected president of same in April, 1908; later resigned, going to Texas; moved back to West Tenn. in 1909; dele- gate to Gufcernatorial Convention, Nash- ville, to nominate Frazier for Governor; also delegate to convention that nomi- nated Patterson for Governor; engaged in dry goods business in 1894, grocery business, 1903-1904; is at present farming and stock raising; member Knights of Pythias, Farmers’ Co-Operative Union; member Missionary Baptist church. LINDSAY, Millish Motte, dentist; born Fulton, Tenn., March 14, 1873; son of Millish Motte and Frances (John- son) Lindsay; paternal grandfather William Lindsay, paternal grandmother Mattie (Motte) Lindsay, maternal grandfather William Johnson, maternal grandmother (Emmett) Johnson; Scotch descent; father’s occu- pation, merchant; educated Fulton, Ky., Memphis, Tenn., and Bingham School N. C., graduated from Baltimore Col- lege D. D. S. degree in 1897 ; married Virginia Butler Dec. 21, 1897; member W. O. W., Maccabees and Ft. Pillow Club of Ripley. LYNN, William Green, attorney at law; born near Ripley, Lauderdale Co., Tenn., Dec., 1871; son of William E. and Mary Frances Elizabeth (Byrn) Lynn; paternal grandfather William Lynn, pa- ternal grandmother Martha (Everitt) Lynn, maternal grandfather A. G. W. Byrn, maternal grandmother (Braden) Byrn; Scotch-Irish and Eng- lish descent ; educated S. W. P. Univ., Clarksville, Tenn., Cumberland Univ. Le- banon, Tenn., LL.B. Jan. 1893; mar- ried Nettie Martin July 14, 1896; mem- ber Masonic Order, I ."O. O. F., Macca- bees, Ancient Essenic, Sigma Alpha Ep- silon Frat.; member Presbyterian church. South; early business occupation, prac- ticed law at Ripley, Tenn., and for a while at Jackson, Tenn., now engaged in practice at Ripley. McKINNEY, Colin P., lawyer; Chan- cellor of the Ninth Chancery Division of tne State of Tennessee; Democrat; resi- dence Ripley, Tenn. McLEOD, George Green, teacher and scnool superntendent; born Lauderdale Co., Tenn., Dec. 18, 1868; Scotch-Irish- Dutch descent; son of Neil and M. L. (Pone) McLeod; father, carpenter; pa- ternal grandparents John and Isabella (Grant) McLeod, maternal grandparents Abel H. and Clarisy (Davenport) Pope; educated Byars School, Covington, Tenn., Bowling Green, Ky., Valparaiso, Ind., and Univ. of Chicago; graduated at Bowling Green, Ky., 1900 and 1902, with B.S. and B.A. degrees; began career as a farmer; married Susie E. Capelle, June 23, 1909; was principal Union High School, 1890 to 1903; resigned to accept similar position at Henning, holding principalship of Henning High School 1903 to 1907; resigned to accept superintendencv of Ripley City Schools, holding this position from 1907 to 1909; resigned to give entire time to superin- tending Co. schools, where he is now serv- ing the sixth year; he is a Mason and member of M. E. church. MILLER, William Roots, banker; born Caroline Co., Va., July 25, 1850; son of Woodford and (Butz- ner) Miller; English descent; father’s occupation farmer; educated Caroline Co., Va. ; married March 24, 1874, and June 5, 1888; member I. O. O. F., K. of P. ; former Sheriff of Lauderdale Co.; interested in drug business and farming; is also real estate dealer; member Bap- tist church. MITCHELL, James Buford, farmer; born Lauderdale Co., Tenn., Feb. 4, 1856; son of James Lewis and Cicily Buford Dunnavant; paternal grandfather Zach Mitchell, paternal grandmother Manerva (Davis) Mitchell, maternal grandfather Leonard Dunavant, maternal grand- mother Sarah (Reed) Dunnavant; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s occupation, physician ; educated country schools ; married Anna Eliza Robinson Jan. 14, 1880; member I. O. O. F.; Co. Trustee Lauderdale Sept. 1, 1902, to Sept. 1, 1910; early business career, farming; member Methodist church. PENNINGTON, John R., Public Of- ficial and farmer; born Lawrence Co., Tenn., Dec. 20, 1859; son of A. J. and 494 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Adelaide (Dickey) Pennington; father’s occupation, farming; educated country schools Lauderdale Co., Tenn. ; married Mary Garrette Jan. 29, 1879; member I. O. O. F.; former Sheriff Lauderdale Co.; member Methodist church. STEELE, Thomas, Jb., lawyer; born Ripley, Tenn., Feb. 22, 1879; son of Thomas and Laura (Wardlaw) Steele; paternal grandfather Isaac Steele, pater- nal grandmother Jane (Hadley) Steele, maternal grandfather J. N. Wardlaw, maternal grandmother Jane (Davie) Wardlaw; Scotch-Irish, English descent; graduate Vanderbilt Univ. LL. B. June 19, 1901; member F. & A. M. (W. M. Ripley Lodge No. 630) ; member Meth- odist church, South. TANNER, Robebt W., lawyer; born near Aberdeen, Miss., Jan. 20, 1872; son of James A. and Frances E. (Griffin) Tanner; English-Irish descent; father’s occupation, farmer and merchant; edu- cated in Miss, and Cumberland Univ. in Tenn.; graduated A. B. degree in Hous- ton, Miss. ; married Lotta Conner Oct. 17, 1905; member K. of P., Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of the Maccabees; early business occupation, farming; now engaged in practicing law, farm- ing, stock raising; member of Methodist church. TUCKER, William Jb., merchant; born Ripley, Tenn., March 3, 1874; son of William and Anna (Watkins) Tuck- er; English descent; educated Ripley and Bell Buckle, graduate Bell Buckle June, 1892; married Leila Sue Scott Jan. 26, 1897; present interests, William Tuck- er & Co., merchants, Ripley Bank (director and stockholder), Ripley Oil Mills (stockholder) ; member Baptist church. WATKINS, John Wesley, lawyer; born Crockett Co., Tenn., March 24, 1872; son of Newton P. and Mattie (Scaroorough) Watkins; paternal grand- father S. S. Watkins, paternal grand- mother, Louise (Harris) Watkins, ma- ternal grandfather G. S. Scarborough, maternal grandmother Margarite (White) Scarborough; Irish descent; father’s occupation farmer; educated Alamo Acamedy; married Mrs. Hettie Clark Scott Oct. 25, 1901; member Methodist Episcopal church. South. WILLIAMS, William Benjamin, lumber dealer; born Ripley, Tenn., April 14, 1865; son of John Thomas and Martha (Whitson) William paternal grandfather Edwin Williams, paternal grandmother (Davis) Will- iams, maternal grandfather J ames Whitson, maternal grandmother Lucinda (Watson) Whitson; Welsh, Scotch and Irish descent; educated local schools and commercial college; married Frances Wright Jackson Jan. 8, 1894; member I. O. O. F., K. of P. (Open Lake Lodge No. 229) ; member Methodist Episcopal church, South. YOUNG, Geobge Whitfield, Public Official; born Lauderdale Co., Tenn.; son of Alexander H. Young; English, Scotch-Irish descent; educated Bingham School N. C., and Richmond College; graduate of Richmond College in 1883; married Mary Volkmar Jan. 15, 1894; member I. O. O. F. and K. of P. ; early business career, lawyer; was Superin- tendent Public Instruction from 1885- 1886; Co. Judge Lauderdale Co. since Jan., 1904; member Baptist church. RIVES. CAUDLE, Jesse Benton, farmer; born Decatur Co., Tenn., March 19, 1844; English descent; son of Absalom and Mary (Haney) Caudle; received educa- tion in the country schools of Hender- son Co., Tenn.; married twice, first, Jane Riley, Oct. 7, 1867, second, Mattie Whit- ten, Sept., 1887 ; enlisted Aug., 1861, as private in Co. D., 27th Tenn. Infantry, serving to the end of the war; fought under Gens. Johnston and Hood in bat- tles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro and Chica- mauga; campaigned from Chattanooga to Atlanta; went rack to Franklin with Gen. Hood; taken prisoner Dec. 23rd and held at Camp Douglass to June, 1865; is a Master Mason, member U. C. V.; held office of Justice of Peace, Obion Co., Tenn.,' 1885 to 1906; Democrat; Prohibi- tionist; member Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, having served as elder for 30 years. WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 495 JACKSON, Emerson* C., farmer and stock raiser; born 7th District Obion Co., Tenn., Sept. 14, 1854; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Buis J. and Elizabeth (Da- vis) Jackson; father was a farmer; pa- ternal grandparents Buis Jones and Polly (Phillips) Jackson, maternal grandparents Cyrus and Sarah (Barton) Davis ; received his education in the coun- try schools; reared on farm, and in early life clerked in store, later entered mer- cantile business and taught school; at present he is engaged in farming and stock raising, and is director of two banks and president of one; member Ma- sons, Knights Templar, Officer in Com- mandery; Democrat (regular); served as Depute Sheriff Sept., 1902 to 1907, and has been school director for past 23 years. McCAW, James Henri', merchant and stock raiser; born Troy, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Ed- ward A. and Mary (Moffatt) McCaw; father, farmer and manufacturer; was educated in the Obion Co. schools and High School of Troy, Tenn.; married Elizabeth P. Callicott, Nov. 23, 1882; now engaged in farming, stock raising and mercantile business; Prohibitionist; mem- ber Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, having served as elder in same about 30 years. MORRIS, Williamson P., farmer and manufacturer; bom Montgomery Co., Tenn., June 27, 1851; English descent; son of John and Sallie (Williamson) Morris; father, farmer and land specula- tor; received education in Montgomery Co. schools; married, first, Ella Trotter, Oct. 14, 1877; second, Elizabeth White- side, Oct. 10, 1895; has been manufactur- er of brooms for 16 years, being organ- izer of the Morris Broom Mfg. Co., of which he is president and general mana- ger; is also engaged in farming and stock raising; Independent Democrat and mem- ber Cumberland Presbyterian church. ROBERTSVILLE. FOSTER, Levi, farmer; born Ander- sonville, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1843; son of Joshua and Parley (Underwood) Foster; father was a farmer; English-Scotch- Irish-Dutch descent; maternal grandpa- rents Samuel and Rachel (Adkins) Fos- ter, maternal grandparents George W. and Freely (Hill) Underwood; educated at Anderson ville ; married Mary A. Gage, Nov. 1, 1866; he began farming at an early age, which occupation he still fol- lows; member Baptist church. GOLDSTON, William Alexander, farmer; born Anderson Co., Tenn., Dec. 4, 1838; son of John and Jennie (Gam- ble) Goldston; Welsh-Irish descent; father was a mechanic; paternal grand- parents Reuben and Susan (Watson) Goldston, maternal grandparents William and Sallie (Galaspie) Gamble; educated in common schools of Anderson Co., Tenn., and Illinois; married Mary Hack- worth, Feb. 24, 1870; was a farmer in early life; entered Federal army Aug. 9, 1861, under Col. Byrd, Co. K., 1st Tenn. Regt. of Yol. Infantry; promoted to Lieut., 1863, 1st Lieut., 1864; wound- ed near Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 6, 1864; school director from 1884 to 1896; jus- tice of the peace for 12 years; Tax Assessor Anderson Co., 1888 to 1892; en- gaged in the mercantile business, and is at present farming; Mason and I. O. O. F., being Secretary of former; member Presbyterian church (Cumberland). McKAMEY, James Armstrong, farm- er and stockman; born Dossetts, Tenn., June 24, 1862; son of John A. and Mar- garet (Bradley) McKamey; father, farm- er and stock raiser; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Roane College, Tenn., and Em- ory & Henry College, Va. ; married Mol- lie Coward, Oct., 1887 ; Mary Myers, April, 1899; has been engaged in his present occupation since leaving school; is stockholder in the LaFollette National Bank; is a Mason and member Kappa Sigma Frat. PYATT, Joseph Leander, farmer; born Knox Co., Tenn., Nov. 2, 1841 ; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Cassie L. (Smith) Pyatt; father was a farmer; educated Ball Camp, Knox Co., Tenn.; married Amanda Peak, Dec. 7, 1871; began farming while young; en- listed in 1st Tenn. infantry Vol. Aug., 1861; later was made Corporal in Co. K. ; was prisoner at Bells Island, 1863- 496 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 1864, for six months; was Tax Assessor for Dist. No. 8, Anderson Co., Tenn., for 9 years; at present engaged in farming; member Masonic Lodge, Eutopia, and G. A. R.; Republican; deacon in Mission- ary Baptist church. ROCKFORD. SAMS, James Thomas, merchant; born Hawkins Co., Tenn., Jan. 3, 1860; son of Rice Jr., and Matilda J. (Hut- chens) Sams; paternal grandfather Rice Sams Sr.; paternal grandmother Eliza- beth (Inackery) Sams; maternal grand- father Thomas Hutchens; maternal grandmother Rebecca (Jordan) Hutch- ens; Dutch-Irish descent; father’s occu- pation mechanic; educated Maryville (Tenn.) Academy; married Belle Allen Nov. 25, 1883; member J. O. U. A. M. ; was justice of the peace 1893 to 1906; notary public 1894; Chairman Blount County Court 1901-1902; early business career school teacher; mechanic; member Baptist church, (Deacon.) ROCKWOOD. BACON, Barton Elijah, railroad man; born Kings Creek, Tenn., July 25, 1868; English-Irish descent; son of John H. and Jane (Haggard) Bacon; father, farmer; paternal grandparents Ellen and Elizabeth (Stokes) Bacon; maternal grandparents Robert G. and Mary (Mc- Pherson) Haggard; educated New Hope, Tenn.; married Maggie L. McDaniel, Nov. 18, 1900; was a bookkeeper before entering the railroad business; is at pres- ent railroad agent; member and Secre- tary of F. & A. M. Lodge, Rockwood, Tenn.; Democrat; member Christian church. BAKER, Joseph Nelson, banker and miner; born Cherokee Co., Ala., Jan. 21, 1859; German-Irish descent; son of John Douglas and Amanda (Keaton) Baker; father, blacksmith and farmer; paternal grandparents Elijah and Elizabeth (Crockett) Baker, maternal grandpa- rents Elijah and Mary (Cowan) Keaton; educated in the country schools of Roane Co., Tenn.; married Mary Lyon, Jan. 7, 1883; began his career as coal miner and teamster; was stockholder and general manager of the Brown Mining Co., Rock- wood, for about 15 years; general mana- ger for the Cumberland Coal & Coke Co., and Crawford Coal & Iron Co., 3 years; organized Baker Coal & Coke Co., of Newland, Tenn., in 1907, being president and general manager for a year and a half; organized the Attalla Mining & Mfg. Co., Attalla, Ala., in 1890, holding general managership for 6 months; was member Co. Democratic Ex. Com.; is at present president of Baker Mining Co., president Rockwood Bank & Trust Co., Rockwood Ice & Coal Co., chairman of Board of Education; member Christian church. COFFMAN, Daniel M., lawyer, edi- tor; born in Gallipolis, Ohio, May 24, 1845; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Josiah and Sabra (Goodrich) Coffman; father was a farmer and stock raiser, and Ohio river steamboat pilot; received common school education; enlisted in the Federal army April 29, 1861, in Co. G, 18th Ohio Infantry, and was mustered out August, 1861, then served in the 86th Ohio, until August, 1862, when he was transferred to the 7th Ohio Cavalry, where he served until July 3, 1865; he was captured at Rogersville, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1863, and was in prison at Libby, Belle Island, Ander- sonville, Charleston and Florence four- teen months ; served as Lieut.-Col. 3d Tenn. regiment in Spanish-American war( April, 1898, to Feb., 1899; located in Roane Co., Tenn., in 1876; established the Rockwood (Tenn.) Times in 1880, and was editor and publisher of same until August, 1908; in 1884 he was appointed special agent in the U. S. general law office, where he served one year and re- signed; in 1886 was appointed special agent in the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., where he served four years (office abolished); in 1892 elected Judge of the Co. Court of Roane Co., Tenn., serving until 1894, when he was appointed Clerk and Master of the Chan- cery Court of Roane Co., served as same until 1898; married Romanis E. Blaryer, June 24, 1866; member Masons and Knights of Pythias; Republican; mem- ber of Christian church; Mayor of the city of Rockwood, Tenn. HAGGARD, Fred G., attorney-at-law, born Roane Co., Tenn., Nov. 1st, 1878; who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 497 son of J. H. and Nancy J. (Kindrick) Haggard; father, farmer; paternal grandparents Robert G. and Polly (Mc- Pherson) Haggard, maternal grandpa- rents John and Martha (Owings) Kind- rick; educated Rockwood High School and American Univ., Harriman, Term., graduating from the Rockwood High School in 1896; began his career as clerk and stenographer; married Katherine W. Crowder, July 5, 1902; Republican; was Co. Atty., City Atty., Sec. Rep. Co. Ex. Co., Sec" Chancery Committee; at present chairman Co. Ex. Com., member Chan- cery Committee, 2nd Chancery Div, mem- ber Congressional Committee, 2nd Cong. Dist., interested in local manufacturing plants, and member of the firm of Wright & Haggard; member F. & A. M., B. P. O. E.; member Christian church. McNUTT, John- F., lawyer; bom Kingston, Tenn., July 20, 1859; Scotch- English descent; son of James W. and Katherine (Hosley) McNutt; father physician; educated Maryville (Tenn.) College; before taking up the practice of law he taught school; married Maude Webster, April 28, 1892; served as Col- onel on staff of Gov. Benton McMillan; in the early practice of his profession was atty. for C. N. O. & T. P. Ry., and Southern Ry., which position he held un- til 1900, when he accepted the position of General Attorney for the Tenn Cen- tral Ry; is now Gen Atty for the Cum- berland Coal & Coke Co. and Briers Hill Collieries; also has several other coal and land corporations as regular clients; member F. & A. M. TANNER, Joseph D., banker; born Logan Co, Ky., Jan. 18, 1864; son of Al- exander B. and Catherine (Hill) Tanner; father, dealer in tobacco; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Rochester (Ky.) High School; began his business career as mer- chant; was later Circuit Court ClerK Butler Co., Kv. ; married Georgia B. Prewitt, May 31, 1888; now cashier of Rockwood Bank & Trust Co.; member Tree Masons, Harriman Chapter, R. A. M„ Worshipful Master; Republican; elder in Presbyterian church and super- intendent Sunday School. TURNER, James Columbus, insur- ance man; born Roane Co., Oct. 8, 1860; Irish descent; son of Wm. C. and Louise J. (Smith) Turner; father, farmer; edu- cated Burritt College, Spencer, Tenn.; married Mary Lee Barnett, March 24, 1898; began his business career as book- keeper in mercantile business; Republi- can; member I. O. O. F., Jr. Order, Fi- nancial Secretary; member Church of Christ. ROGERSVILLE. ARMSTRONG, William Henry, phy- sician and surgeon; born Stony Point, Tenn., Oct. 3, 1861 ; German-Scotch-Irish descent; son of William Lyons and Sallie Caldwell (Buren) Armstrong; father, farmer and merchant; educated Sweet- water, Tenn.; graduated from Louisville Medical College, M. D., 1889, New York Polyclinic, 1898; married Sue Miller Ly- ons, Feb. 11, 1890; in early life he was a farmer; he is William Armstrong the 5th, all of whom have lived at the old Armstrong home at Stony Point, Tenn., which still remains in the family; prac- ticed his profession there from 1891 to 1895; at present practicing medicine at Rogersville; in 1905 was appointed sur- geon for Southern R. R. Co., also ap- pointed to same position for the Va. S. W. R. R. Co. in 1908, which position he at present holds; Mason, K. of P and W. O. W. ; Democrat and member Pres- byterian church. BOWEN, Alfred Thomas,, lawyer; born Hancock Co., Tenn., March 12, 1866; son of Jason Y and Ruth A (Lea) Bowen; paternal grandfather Jesse Bowen; maternal grandmother Sallie (Durham) Bowen; maternal grandfather Archer Lea; maternal grandmother (Hendrix) Lea; English descent; fath- er’s occupation farmer; educated Sneed- ville, McKinney High School; married Amanda J. Baker June 6, 1884; member I. O. O. F., K. of H., A. U. O. W., W. O. W., Consul M. W. A., and Rep. to State Camp in 1908; early business teaching and merchandising; served as J. P. years 1890-2; Alderman and City Attorney Rogersville four years former special Circuit Judge and special Chan- cellor; candidate for circuit judge, Re- 498 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE publican 1910, but finally declined nom- ination on account of split in party, but was elected chairman of executive com- mittee; Secretary and Treasurer Rog- ersville Electric Co.; Secretary and General Counsel of Rogersville Ice Co.; Rogersville Telephone and Telegraph Co. ; Attorney for Hawkins Co., Bank; At- torney for International Printing Press- men and Assistants Union of North America which is now expending $100,- 000.00 in improving Hale Springs, a famous summer resort in Hawkins Co.; member Missionary Baptist church, (Deacon.) FULKERSON, Francis Marion, farmer and stock dealer; born Rogers- ville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 1877; Scotch-Irish- Dutch descent; son of Francis Marion anl Penelope (Neill) Fulkerson; father, attorney at law; paternal grandparents Abraham and Margaret L (Vance) Fulk- erson, maternal grandparents James Kane and Catherine D. (Hale) Neill; educated at Rogersville, Tenn., taking a business course at Louisville, Ky. ; his early occupation was banking, assist, cashier; member Knights of Pythias; Democrat and member and deacon of Presbyterian church. KYLE, H. G., lawyer, chancellor of the Second Chancery Division of the State of Tennessee; Republican; resi- dence, Rogersville, Tenn. NELSON, Henry J., druggist; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 4, 1847; Scotch-English descent; son of Joseph and Mary E. (Graves) Nelson; father, druggist; educated at Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; entered the drug business at Mur- freesboro, Tenn., in early life; served a short while in Confederate army during civil war; married Lillie Rogan, Sept. 18, 1878; member Ancient Odd Fellows; Democrat; has been Mayor of Rogersville, Tenn., four times; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church. OWEN, Robert Alexander, minister of the gospel; born Franklin, N. C., Aug. 25, 1852; son of Thomas W. and Jane (Reid) Owen; fatner was farmer and trader and soldier in Confederate army; received his education in the common schools of North Carolina; was farmer and school teacher in early life; entered the ministry of the M. E. Cnurch, South, in 1877, and served charges in North Carolina, nine years, Princeton, W. Va., 1 1900-1904, three years in Wythe Co., Va., three years in Giles Co., Va., fifteen I years in Tenn., member of Holston con- ference; married Lizzie J. Sherrill, Nov. 17, 1881; member A. F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F.; Democrat. PIERCE, Will, general insurance; born Rogersville, Tenn, March 1, 1879; French and Scotch-Irish descent; son of John M. and Helen L. (Caldwell) Pierce; father, retired druggist; paternal grand- ]| parents Ezra Smith and Mary Eleanor ■ t Sneed) Pierce, maternal grandparents Abel Pearson and Margaret (Dick) Cald- j well; educated at McMinn Academy; en- tered retail drug business in 1895 and engaged in same until 1911, when he be- came interested in general insurance; member Knights of Pythias; Republican; |j elected Mayor of Rogersville, Feb. 12, 1904, for term of two years, again elected in 1910, which position he now holds; ! member of Presbyterian church. RICHARDSON, Clarence H., Co. Supt. Public Instruction; born Church Hill, Tenn., July 22, 1874; German de- scent; son of Guy Hale and Katherine (Tarter) Richardson; father, farmer and dealer in live stock; paternal grand- parents John and Elizabeth (Ellis) Rich- ardson, maternal grandparents Andrew and Alpha (Hannsbell) Tarter; educated Church Hill Academy and Emory & Henry College, Va., graduating from lat- ter June, 1896, with degree of A. B.; he worked on a farm in early life; after fin- ishing collegiate career, taught in public schools; served four years as principal of McMinn Academy, Rogersville, Tenn. ; studied law and soon after being ad- mitted to bar was elected Superintendent of Schools of Hawkins Co., which posi- tion he has held since 1901 ; is also owner of a farm at Church Hill, Tenn., and in- terested in real estate at Rogersville, Tenn.; member F. & A. M., Rogersville, and at present Worshipful Master and member I. O. O. F., Gate City, Va.; Democrat and member M. E. Church, S'uth who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 499 SMITH, William Powell, hardware reresentative ; born Washington Co., Va., Jan. 26, 1859; German-English descent} son of David R. and Sophia (Wolfe) Smith; father, minister M. E. Church, South; educated in the country schools; married Eleanor Martin, Feb. 8, 1880; has been engaged in the hardware business since 1872; clerked in store until 1881; traveling salesman for next four years for McClung, Powell & Co., Knoxville; member firm of C. M. McClung & Co., 1885-1895, when he disposed of his inter- est to look after interests of a number of large hardware manufacturers, which po- sition he still holds; owner of farm in Hawkins Co., director Citizens’ Bank, Rogersville, Hawkins Co. Bank, Rogers- ville, director and vice-president of the Kentucky Rim & Lumber Co., Louis- ville, Ky. ; Mason, Knight Templar; Democrat; member Presbyterian church. STANSILL, G. S., editor and publish- er; born Hendersonville, N. C., April 13, 1862; son of S. K. and Susan J. (Blythe) Stansill; father, merchant and U. S. Commissioner; married, first, Lorena Hardwicke, Dec., 1886, second, Pauline Sigmon, Oct., 1906; he began his news- paper work as a printer; was later Depu- ty Co. Court Clerk, Hawkins Co., Tenn., and Notary Public; Alderman of town of Rogersville; chairman street committee; member F. & A. M. and R. A. M.; dea- con in Baptist church WALKER, Joseph Rogers, physician; born Rogersville, Tenn,, Aug. 24, 1831; Scotch-Irish-French and Welsh descent; son of Hugh and Frances (Rogers) Walker; father’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparents John and Mar- garet (Kelso) Walker, maternal grand- parents Joseph and Mary (Amis) Rog- ers; educated at McMinn Academy; graduated from Jefferson Medical Col- lege, Philadelphia, Pa., M. D., March, 1854; married twice, first, Mary Ann Lynn, Oct. 31, 1855, second, Agnes M. Lucky, April 8, 1875; Whig before the war, Democrat since; member of Pres- byterian shurch. WOLFE, George Lee, lawyer; born Scott Co., Va., March 1, 1864; son of John Patton and Sallie (Tarter) Wolfe; paternal grandfather Jonas Wolfe; pat- ernal grandmother Elizabeth (McKinzie) Wolfe; maternal grandfather Andrew Tarter; maternal grandmother Alpha (Hounshell) Tarter; Scotch-German de- scent; father’s occupation farmer and stockman; educated Kingsby Seminary, U. S. Grant University, Milligan Col.; graduated U. S. Grant University A. B. 1897; Milligan Business College 1891; married S. Kate Brittain Moore Oct. 27, 1903; entered the practice of law Rog- ersville, Tenn., April 1899; owns lands in Hawkins Co., and interests in Rogers- ville, and Bristol, Va.; member Methodist Episcopal church, South. ROUTON. ROUTON, Quincey E., farmer, mer- chant; born near Paris, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1860; English and French descent; son of Stephen P. and Mary C. (Haymes) Routon; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents Philip and Mary (Fuqua) Routon, maternal grandparents William and Mary Francis (Walters) Haymes; received common school educa- tion; began his career as a farmer, later entered the mercantile business; married Laura W. Bowden, April 19, 1888; mem- ber F. & A. M. and Royal Arch Masons; Democrat; Co. Court Clerk of Henry Co., Tenn., from Sept., 1898, to Sept., 1906; postmaster at Routon, Tenn. ; member of Missionary Baptist church and clerk of same, also clerk of Western District Bap- tist Assn._for a number of years. RUTHERFORD. NEIL, Charles B., born Gibson Co,,. Tenn., Sept. 11, 1855; son of James H. L. and Sarah A. (Nelson) Neil; Scotch- Irish descent; father, teacher and ac- countant; paternal grandparents William and Sarah (Calhoun) Neil, maternal grandnarents Matthew and Christina (Epley) Nelson; was educated in the common schools; graduated Dyer High School; married Miss Luella Belle Hop- per, Jan. 5, 1887; worked on farm in early life; taught school 1879 to 1885; mercantile salesman 1886 to 1892, since which time he has been engaged in farm- ing and real estate; member Masons, K. of P., Secretary, K. of R. & S.; Demo- 500 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE crat; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. NETHERCOTT, Richaed Miller; born London, England, Aug. 27, 1870; English descent; son of Richard D. and Jane Elizabeth (Hensher) Netbercott; father was a miller; educated at Eve- sham, Worcestershire, England; in early life was apprenticed to milling trade and owned stock at Celina, Tex., previous to buying milling property at Rutherford, Tenn. ; married twice, first Mary E. Hil- lis, Dec. 27, 1891, second, Vennie Ed- wards, June 15, 1910; member of Bone Lodge No. 252, A. F. & A. M., Ruther- ford, Tenn., Kenton (Tenn.) Chapter, R. A. M, Tennessee Consistory No 1, A. A. S. R., Memphis, Tenn.; Independent in politics; member of Anglican Catholic church (Episcopal). TAYLOR, Alexander Hamilton, farmer and Justice of the Peace; born Farmington, N. C., Dec. 10, 1836; son of Spence and Margaret (Eaton) Taylor; father was a farmer; received his educa- tion at Spring Creek, Tenn., and Union Academy, Farmington, N. C.; served in the 47th Tenn. regiment of Infantry in Frank Cheatham’s Division C. S. A., was wounded three times, first at Shiloh, sec- ond, Missionary Ridge, and third at Love- joy Station, and discharged from service early in spring of 1865, his service in the Confederate army left him crippled and maimed without means, only a small home, and in that condition he started out in life to make a living for his wife and one child, entered farming, and con- tinued in same many years, he is now re- tired and is serving as Justice of the Peace and Notary Public; married twice first, Mary Turner, Oct., 1862, second, Kizzie Moore, Feb. 19, 1880; member I. O. O. F. and Masons; Democrat. WITHERINGTON, Daniel, farmer; born Newbern, N. C., July 5, 1840; Scotch-English-Insh descent; son of James and Nancy (O’Daniel) Wither- ington; educated at Bluff Springs, Tenn.; married three times, J. F. Hol- land, 1863, M. E. Holland, 1878, M. A. Hight, 1880; he began farming at an early age; fought in the Confederate army, was member lower house of the legislature, 1893-1899; has held office of Justice of the Peace and Notary Pub- lic for 34 years; Democrat and membei Missionary Baptist church. RUTLEDGE. HENDERSON, George Me., lawyer and Judge 2nd Judicial Circuit; born i Sevier Co., Tenn., Aug. 8, 1859; Scotch-: Irish descent; son of William Y. and; Mary McCown (Runnyan) Henderson; ■ father, farmer; paternal grandparents G. M. and Sallie (Yett) Henderson, mater- nal grandparents Aaron and Esther (Porter) Runnyan; educated at Carson t & Newman College, graduating in 1880 j with degrees of B. A. and A. M.; before - he began the practice of law he taught f school; married Mary E. Hoffmeister , Oct. 12, 1882; was State Senator in 1893; - Atty. Gen. 2nd Judicial Circuit, 1894- 1902; Circuit Judge 1902-1910; re-elected - for 8 years without opposition ; president People’s Bank, Rutledge, Tenn., director and chairman finance committee First National Bank, Morristown, Tenn., for 4 years ; member F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., K. of P. and K. of H.; Republican; it member Presbyterian church i WEBSTER, Sam R. teacher; born near Rutledge, Tenn., Feb. 25, 1874; Scotch- li Irish descent; son of John H. and Nancy A. (McAnally) Webster; educated in public schools, Madison Acad., Rutledge, graduated from Columbus High School, ji Columbus, Ga., 1897; married Emma J. Morgan, Nov. 18, 1903; he began life as i a farmer, later clerked in a country i store; was Justice of the Peace, 1902- 1906; Coroner, 1900-1902; Co. Supt. Schools Grainger Co., 1908; Election 1 Commissioner, Grainger Co., 1907, to j present; expert accountant for same county, 1906-1910; Odd Fellow; Demo- j crat and member Baptist church. ST. BETHLEHEM. WALT HAL, Thomas W., farmer; born Montgomery Co., Tenn., Oct. 12, 1841; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas B. and Elizabeth (Pollard) Wal- i thal ; father was a shoe manufacturer and i| farmer; received common school educa- 1 tion; joined Confederate army in 1861 and surrendered under Gen. Joseph who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 501 ! ohnston in 1865; married Sallie M. J iLitfield, Feb. 14, 1874; member of ‘ aptist church. ST. JOSEPH. STUTTS, William Haywood, agent f! <. & N. R. R. Co., postmaster; born f Ireen Hill, Ala. Dec. 31, 1872; Irish and fl ,' lerman Scotch descent; son of James 13 lenry and Lucy Irene (Hill) Stutts; father’s occupation proprietor of hotel; ' ' aternal grandparents Jacob and Nancy r " Richardson) Stutts; maternal grandpar- r nts Martin and Elizabeth (Smith) Hill; f raduated at Green Hill, Ala. s Jan. 1, 885 ; appointed agent for L. & N. R. R. 'o., Aug. 1, 1890, postmaster at St. f oseph, Tenn, Jan. 23, 1908; elected presi- ? ent of the Americans & Germans Bank, I’ it. Joseph, Tenn., July 1, 1910, which , losition he now holds; married Carrie j Ten ora Shouse, Nov. 7, 1900; member Jasons and I. O. O. F. SALTILLO. , HINKLE, Willtam F., postmaster; iorn Carrollton, Ky., Oct. 14, 1844; Ger- nan descent; son of George D. and imcy (Hawkins) Hinkle; father’s oc- • upation editor; paternal grandparents >amuel and Mary (Dyers) Hinkle; ma- ernal grandfather Thompson Hawkins; ■eceived education at Pennsylvania Col- ege, Gettysburg, Pa.; began his career is a school teacher; engaged in Phar- nacy twenty years, retired from busi- ; less 1909; married Martha J. White; ■ nember I. O. O. F. and Masons; Demo- crat in early life; Republican since 1875; Representative in Tenn. Legislature, 1869, i (371, also 1872-73; postmaster at Saltillo, Cenn. ; served as 2d Lieut. 74th Indiana jijid 1st Lieut. 26th Pa, regiment U. S. A., luring Civil war; deacon in Presbyterian 'Lurch; Republican nominee for Con- gress in 1902. MITCHELL, Abraham Beownlow, lumberman; born Mt. Vernon, 111., May 29, 1865; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Tames Columbus and Tennessee (Page) Mitchell; father attorney at law; edu- cated Saltillo Public schools and Sav- annah (Tenn.) High School; in early life was a school teacher and circuit clerk of Hardin Co. Tenn.; stockholder in Metro- polis Bending Co. manufacturer of shafts, poles, bars and gear woods, and wholesale dealers in southern hardwood lumber, he is buyer and assistant mana- ger of said company; married Irene Bar- ham, May 15, 1888; member F. & A. M.; Republican, Independent; member of M. E. Church, South. SAVANNAH. BARLOW, James Kendrick, physi- cian and druggist; born Wayne Co., Tenn. Nov. 9, 1851; son of William H. and Mary Clay (Kendrick) Barlow; fa- ther’s occupation milling and farming; paternal grandfather William Barlow; maternal grandfather Rev. William P. Kendrick; graduated from the Medical department University of Louisville, Ky., March 1875; built first telephone system in Hardin Co. Tenn., Savannah to Bethel Springs in 1887; married twice, first, Sarah Motley, April 17, 1874, second, Gaston Broyles, Jan. 18, 1896; member Masons, K. of P., I. O. O. F. and W. O. W„; member of M. E. church. South; en- gaged in drug business, J. K. Barlow & Son and general merchandise, under firm name of Weller Bros. & Barlow, Savan- nah, Tenn. HARBERT Lafayette L., County Court Clerk born Morris Chapel, Tenn., March 5, 1871 ; son of Harrison L. and Christiana (Jones) Harbert; English de- scent; educated common school; one year Grant University Athens, Tenn. married Ollie Tenton April 11, 1895; member F. & A. M.; K. of P.; W. O. W.; Clerk of Melrose Camp No. 50 W. O. W.; County Court Clerk, Hardin Co., Tenn.; first elected Aug. 1906 and again Aug. 1910; attended common schools about two months in summer or winter until he was 21 years of age; in autumn of 1893 went to Athens Tenn., U. S. Grant Uni- versity; returned home, made crop in spring, and gathered same in autumn, and taught public school in summer and winter until he was elected county clerk; member Cumberland Presbyterian church. MANGUM, Willie Oscar, teacher and editor; born Morris Chapel, Hardin Co., Tenn., Nov. 7, 1875; son of I. M. and Tima Alice (Brooks) Man gum; 502 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE paternal grandfather Wiley Mangum; paternal grandmother was Miss Mc- Swain, prior to marriage; maternal grandfather Y. Brooks; maternal grand- mother Miss Boswell, prior to marriage; English Welsh descent; father’s occupa- tion farmer; educated Savannah, Morris Chapel, Henderson High School; early occupation farmer and teacher; married Mary Estelle Barlow Dec. 28, 1909; member Free and accepted Masons; K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; County Supt. of Public Instruction Hardin Co.; elected April, 1905, which office he now holds; teacher in High schools. Savannah and Henderson 1898-1905; President West Tenn., Educational Association in 1908; owner and manager of Savannah Cour- ier (newspaper and printing plant) since Jan. 1, 1908; member Methodist Episcopal church. South. PATTERSON, Edmund DeWitt, banker; born Lorain Co., O., March 20, 1842; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Hiram and Lydia K. (Brooks) Patterson; father was a farmer; educat- ed in the common schools of Lorain Co., Ohio; served as 1st Lieut Co. D 9th Ala. regiment during civil war; in early life practiced law; married Eleanor M. Mc- Dougal, March 18, 1869; member Masons; Democrat; State Senator, 1883-1884; Judge of the 9th Judicial Circuit Sept., 1886, to Oct., 1897 ; member of M. E. Church, South. ROSS, Elijah Walker, lawyer; born Lowryville, Hardin Co., Tenn., Jan. 8, 1872; son of Isaac W. and Margaret E. (Cherry) Ross; paternal grandfather John McCullough Ross; paternal grand- mother Margaret (Murchison) Ross; maternal grandfather Eli Cherry; ma- ternal grandmother Cynthia (Ward) Cherry; Scotch-Irish and English de- scent; educated schools of Hardin County, and Lebanon Ohio; law, Cum- berland University Lebanon, Tennes- see; graduated Cumberland Univer- sity June 2, 1892 with degree of LL.B.; father’s occupation farmer; early occupation practicing law; mar- ried Nellie B. Williams Feb. 17, 1903; Vice President of First National Bank of Savannah and director in that in- stitution. STORY, William Perky, public offi- cial ; born Hardin Co., Tenn., March 22, 1843; son of James A. and Martha (Orr) Story; father was a farmer and carpen- ter; received common school education; began his career as a farmer, later en- gaged in the mercantile business two years; Republican; served as Justice of the Peace, 1876-1882, Sheriff, 1882-1886, and postmaster under Harrison’s adminis- tration; at present he is Judge of the Co. Court of Hardin Co., Tenn.; served in U. S. navy as Capt. S. Steward; mar- ried three times, first, Julia Bivens, July 22, 1869, second, Nannie Fagg, Sept. 6, 1882, third Sarah Harbert, June 21, 1905; member of Knights of Honor; member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. SCARBORO. WILSON, B. F., merchant; born Mor- gan Co., Tenn., July 31, 1876; Irish and English descent; son of H. C. and Char- lotte (Jones) Wilson; father, minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents Charles and Abba (Williams) Wilson, maternal grandparents Samuel and Sarah (Stenecipher) Jones; graduated at Wheat, Roane Co., Tenn., May 1, 1898; began his career as a school teacher, and at present he is interested in general merchandise and R. F. D. service; mar- ried Dora K. Pyatt, Dec. 1, 1898; mem- ber A. F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F., has served as Master of East Fork Lodge two terms, 1906, 1907; member of the Co Board of Education, July, 1907-Sept., 1910; member of Baptist church. SELMER. ADAMS, James Louis, banker; born Purdy, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1878; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Robert and Mary (Dillahunty) Adams; father’s occupa- tion, cashier of McNairy Co. Bank, Sel- mer, Tenn; paternal grandparents J. R. and Sarah (Young) Adams, maternal grandfather Louis Marks Dillahunty; educated at Purdy and Selmer, Tenn., graduated at latter with A. B. degree, May 13, 1907 ; entered his present busi- ness as bookkeeper of McNairy Co. Bank Selmer, Tenn., in early life, also serv- ed as teller of said bank; married Rachel White, April 28, 1903; member of Royal WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 503 Arch Masons and Knights of Pythias (Master of Exchequer) ; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church, U. S. A. ADAMS, John Robert, banker; born Purdy, Tenn., Jan. 4, 1842; son of John Robert and Sarah (Young) Adams; father’s occupation, Co. Court Clerk of McNairy Co., Tenn., and merchant; pa- ternal grandparents Jeremiah and Eliza- beth (Gregg) Adams, maternal grand- father Col, Richard Adams, Jr.; receiv- ed his education at Purdy, Tenn.; was raised by widowed mother, and made his way when about 20 years old through the Union army lines to join Gen. N. B. For- rest’s regiment, enlisted as private, but was promoted to rank of Captain of Cavalry Co. under Gen. N. B. Forrest, from 1862 until close of war; began his career as clerk in store, later entered the mercantile business for himself; served as Co. Court Clerk of McNairy Co., Tenn., about 25 years; at present he is in the banking business as cashier of Mc- Nairy Co. Bank, Selmer, Tenn.; married Mary Dillahunty, April 28, 1873; mem- ber Masons; Presbyterian church, U. S. A. HOUSTON, James Cleveland, law- yer; born McNairy Co., Tenn., Aug. 18, *1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rob- ert S. and Irene (Michie) Houston; fath- er, farmer; paternal grandparents, Rob- ert C. and Rebecca (Chambers) Houston, maternal grandparents George C. and Zilpha (Atkins) Michie; educated at Henderson and Lebanon, Tenn.; in early life was a farmer and manager of a small mercantile business; at present he is engaged in the practice of law, and has small banking interests and owns some real estate; Democrat; State Sena- tor of Tenn., 1901-1902; appointed to fill unexpired term in office of Co. Judge, 1908; former Mayor of Selmer, Tenn.; at present he is member of the State Democratic Executive Committee; mar- ried Stella Harris, Dec. 12, 1900; mem- ber Knights of Pythias and Christian church. PURVIANCE, James W., editor; born Carlinville, 111., Feb. 25, 1842; French and Scotch descent; son of Rob- ert W. and Morinda M. (Gaskill) Purvi- ance; father, farmer; paternal grand- parents W. H. and Mary (Siebold) Pur- viance, maternal grandfather James W. Gaskill; graduated from McKendree Col- lege, Lebanon, 111., B. A. degree, June 16, 1864, LL. B. conferred later; in early life practiced law, later retired and became interested in journalism as editor and proprietor of the McNairy In- dependent for a number of years; he is now engaged in farming and newspaper work; in 1865-1867 he was Prosecuting Attorney for the 12th Judicial Circuit of Tenn., and in 1869 was appointed for the Western District of Tenn.; married Rachel C. Pharr, Jan. 8, 1873; member I . O . O . F . ; former elder in Cumber- land Presbyterian church and since the union of the churches a member of U. S. A. Presbyterian. THRASHER, Pugh H., farmer; born Florence, Ala., March 12, 1843; son of W. B. Lee and Rachel (Oldhauser) Thrasher; fath- er, farmer; received his education in the common schools of Lauderdale Co., Ala.; served as private of 6th Tenn. Cavalry, U. S. A. during civil war; began his career as a lumber contractor, and was formerly interested in the saw mill busi- ness and manufacture of all kinds of building material, and general merchan- dise, at present he is interested in farm- ing; Republican; member Tenn. Legis- lature in 1907; married Mary E. How- ard, March 13, 1866; member I. O. O. F. and G. A. R Post No. 7, Adams- ville, Tenn.; member of Christian church. WHITEHURST, Theodore Benton, lawyer and public official; born McNairy Co., Tenn., Feb. 28, 1867; English and Irish descent; son of Alfred Franklin and Ann Elizabeth (Nethery) White- hurst; father, school teacher; paternal grandparents Ben and Martha (Wilker- son) Whitehurst, maternal grandparents James and Lucy (Cooper) Nethery; ed- ucated in the common and high schools of Wayne and McNairy Cos., Tenn., and under the tutelage of his father; reared principally on a farm in McNairy Co., Tenn., where he remained until 1891, en- gaged in farming and teaching school, then he went to Pocahontas, Tenn., and 504 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE became bookkeeper and salesman in a general merchandise store, and read law at nights; in Jan, 1905, he returned to McNairy Co., and devoted time to study of law, in June, 1905, he removed to Selmer, Tenn., and was admitted to the bar, where he has since continued in the practice of law; married Laura Blanken- ship, Nov. 7, 1900; without solicitation in August, 1908, he was elected Judge of the Co. Court of McNairy Co., and re-elected August, 1910, for a full term of eight years; interested in loans and investments, also owns a river bottom farm. WOOD, Henry Parker, lawyer; born Hardin Co., Tenn., Sept. 9, 1859; English descent; son of W. P. and Mary Eliza- beth (Seay) Wood; father was a farm- er; paternal grandparents John and Ma- hala (Roberson) Wood, maternal grand- parents Louis and Deborah (Parker) Seay; educated at Hardin College, Sa- vannah, Tenn., and Missouri State Uni- versity, Columbia, Mo., graduated from the latter with L. B. degree, March 26, 1885; began his career as a school teach- er, and was principal of Hardin Col- lege, Savannah, Tenn., two years; Demo- crat; Mayor of Selmer several times; Judge of the Co. Court of McNairy Co., Tenn., from Jan., 1906, to Jan., 1908, re- signed; married De Lola Stephenson, Aug. 29, 1885; member of the Christian churcn. SEVIERVILLE. BOWERS, William Augustus, owner and proprietor of Sevierville Flouring Mills; born Trundles Cross Roads, Tenn., July 22, 1869; German-Irish descent; son of J. D. and Nancy A. (Householder) Bowers; father, miller; paternal grand- parents W. A. and Serena (Tipton) Bowers, maternal grandparents Joseph and Vina (Hines) Householder; educat- ed at Naney Academy, Sevierville, Tenn., and Carson and Newman College, Jeffer- son City, Tenn., graduating from the lat- ter with A. B. degree, 1895; he was a member of the committee appointed by the Co. Court of Sevier Co., Tenn., to pass upon acceptance of the road and the issuance of $150,000.00 in bonds in aid of first railroad ever built in Sevier Co.; was assistant cashier of the Bank of Sevierville, Tenn., four years, and is now a director in same; owner and man- ager of the Sevierville (Tenn.) Flouring Mills, having a daily capacity of 50 bar- rels of flour and 100 bushels of meal; he also does a loan and discount business, is practicing attorney and member of the Sevierville bar; former Deputy Reg- ister of Sevier Co., eight years, Deputy Clerk and Master of Chancery Court, six years, and Clerk and Master, six years; member of the Board of Election Com- missioners, besides filling other places of trust; married Dixie Lee Chandler, Nov. 18, 1896; member I. O. O. F. and has filled all offices in local lodge of same and representative to Grand Lodge; member of Baptist church and superin- tendent of Sunday school of said church a number of years. BUTLER, Henry Campbell, farmer and stock dealer; born Sevier Co., Tenn., Nov. 12, 1868; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Henry and Martha (Emert) Butler; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Horatio and Asa (Trotter) Butler, maternal grandparents Daniel and Sarah (Rea- gan) Emert; educated at Grant Univer- sity ; entered farming in early life and is now engaged in farming and stock deal- ing, mules a specialty; married Zula Karns, June 30, 1897 ; member M. E. church. CATLETT, William Albert, physi- cian; born Sevierville, Tenn., April 30, 1869; English descent; son of L. H. and Jane (Cowden) Catlett; father, farmer; educated at Murphy College, Sevierville, Tenn., and Tenn. Medical College, and New York post graduate medical course, graduated from Murphy College, 1893, with degree of A. B., and Tenn. Medical College, M. D., 1897, and N. Y., 1909; in early life taught school; married Augie Elder, 1893; Master Mason, Royal Arch Mason, member W. O. W. and M. W.; Mayor of Sevierville and U. S. examining surgeon; member of Baptist church; in- terested in the drug business. DUGGAN, Wilson L., lawyer and farmer; born East Fork, Tenn., July 27, 1851; Irish-English and German descent; AVHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 505 son of Wilson and Elizabeth (Keeler) Duggan; father’s occupation, lawyer and farmer, and six times member of State Legislature; paternal grandparents Rob- ert and Margaret (Dunn) Duggan, ma- ternal grandparents Joseph and Cathar- ine (Fox) Keeler; educated Co. High schools and Wortleberry Springs Semi- nary, graduated from latter April 27, 1871; began his career as a teacher, and served as member of the State Legisla- ture six years, 1877-1882; member of Congressional Committee, 1880-1881, and chairman of Congressional conventions, 1882-1886; edited Sevier Co. Republican, 1887-1890; canvassed county for rail- road, also for Republican ticket each campaign since 1877; chairman Republi- can committee 1906-1907-1908-1909; Dep- uty Collector Internal Revenue for city of' Nashville, 1883-1884-1885; married Hannah R. Beaman, April 27, 1871 ; member of political clubs and State and National League; lay member of M. E. church; owns farm and is stockholder in “Sevier Co. Republican.” ECKEL, Herbert Odas, editor; born Sevierville, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1871; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Alexander and Mary (Rawlings) Eckel; father, former editor and job printer, now retired; pa- ternal grandfather William Eckel, ma- ternal grandfather Michael Rawlings; graduated from U. S. Grant University, Ph. B., 1894, Ph. M., 1896; in early life he was professor of Latin and mathemat- ics in Murphy College; married Lizzie May Wynn, June 22, 1897; member of Masons, Royal Arch, and W. O. W. ; he is serving second year as Worshipful Master of Masonic Lodge and has held highest office in each of the other lodges; member of M. E. church. FOX, N. G. T., farmer; born at Fair Garden, Sevier Co., Tenn., Oct. 8, 1865; German descent; son of Branson and Mary J. (Lovelady) Fox; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents Mark and Anna (Dickey) Fox, maternal grandpa- rents John and Manerva (Aley) Burch- field; received common school education in Sevier Co., Tenn., left fatherless at the age of seven, he worked on farm and helped his mother support the younger children, he now owns and cultivates a farm of 240 acres; married Malvina M. Burchfield, Dec. 24, 1888 laymen in M. E. church. GODDARD, Elmer Fernando, teach- er; born Monroe Co., Tenn., Oct. 4, 1872; Dutch and English descent; son of Will- iam A. and Ellen (Tarwater) Goddard; father, farmer; paternal grandparents Andrew and Mary (Boyd) Goddard, ma- ternal grandparents James and Anna (Rule) Tarwater; educated at Porter’s Academy, Maryville (Tenn.) College, and Grant University, graduating from the latter with A. B. degree, 1899, A. M., 1901; ^egan his career as a farmer, later entered educational work; married Min- nie Doty, June 7, 1905; member I. O. O. F., M. W. O. W., and Methodist Episco- pal church. ISHAM, Andrew Johnson, practicing physician; born Kingston, Tenn., Nov. 12, 1862; Irish descent; son of William F. and Mary A. (Green) Isham; father, farmer; educated at Knoxville, Tenn., graduated from University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., M. D., Dec. 20, 1900; in early life was a merchant; married D. C. McMahan, June 24, 1897; Mason; Re- publican; former member of State Ex- ecutive Committee; engaged in practice of medicine and interested in drug busi- ness and banking; member of Methodist church. KEEBLE, James R., educator; born Bank, Tenn., July 19, 1875; Scotcli-Irish descent; son of Pleasant M. and Eliza- beth (McTeer) Keeble; father, farmer; educated at Maryville (Tenn.) College, and received degree of M. A.; began his career as a teacher; member Masons (H. P.) ; Republican; superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction for Sevier Co., Tenn. MAPLES, Pink, horticulturist; born Catlettsburg, Tenn., Dec. 3, 1848; son of James and Thurzy (Maples) Maples, father was farmer and stockman; pater- nal grandparents James and Nancy (Buckner) Maples, maternal grandpa- rents Thomas and Caroline (Atchley) Maples; received common school educa- tion; began his career as a farmer, and entered the mercantile business in 1873, retired from same in 1901; built first 506 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE steamer ever run on the French Broad father, farmer; paternal grandparents river (Lucile Borden) and first roller William H and Jemimah (Crow) Nave, mills in Sevier Co., Tenn.; served as Jus- maternal grandparents Edward and ! tice of the Peace two years, 1878-1880, Martha (Allen) Smith; educated at Chil- ; U. S. Dept. Marshal, 1896-1898, U. S. howee Institute and Carson and Newman Commissioner eight years under Judge College, and on account of decline in C. D. Clark; representative from Sevier health did not graduate; moved with his Co., 1908-1910; member of educational father from Carter Co. to Sevier Co., committee in legislature, 1909; superin- Tenn., in 1889, where he worked on a tendent of pikes for Sevier Co., Tenn., farm and attended school until he began 1906-1909; married three times; mem- teaching in 1896, taught three years in ber of Baptist church for forty years, the public schools of Sevier Co., Tenn., active in missionary and temperance and then going to Jefferson Co. taught work; took the stump for the proposed there until 1908, when he resigned as amendment to the Constitution in 1887. principal of Edwards Collegiate Institute | at White Pine, Tenn., to accept present 1 MARSHALL, Amos T., public official; position as teacher of history in Murphy born in Sevier Co., Tenn., Feb. 10, 1856; College, Sevierville, Tenn.; entered mer- I Irish descent; son of Robert and Asa cantile business in 1905 and has an in- i (Trotter) Marshall; father was a farm- terest in a country store; member I. O. i er; paternal grandparents Robert and O. F. Lodge and M. E. church. l! Jemima (Butler) Marshall, maternal grandparents Amos and Mary (Gamble) PAINE, A. M., lawyer; born Madison I Trotter; educated in the public schools Co., N. C., July 24, 1866; English and |l of Sevier and Knox Cos., Tenn.; worked Irish descent; son of S. F. and Mary E. on farm until 1876, then he clerked in (Mclntire) Paine; father’s occupation, store about eight years; appointed Clerk farmer and minister; paternal grand- j and Master of the Chancery Court by parents John and Mary (Brodborn) Chancellor Henry R. Gibson, April 25, Paine, maternal grandparents Cebran || 1889, reappointed by Chancellor H. B. and Mary (Randles) Mclntire; educated Lindsay, April, 1895; elected assistant at Murphy College, University of Tenn., cashier of Bank of Sevierville, Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn., graduated from the Jan. 1896, and cashier of said bank in latter, LL. B., June, 1901; began his Jan., 1900; elected County Court Clerk career as a farmer; at present he is en- Aug., 1906, re-elected Aug., 1910, re- gaged in real estate, banking, stock trad- ceiving 3,951 votes, losing 38 votes in ing and farming; married Susie E. Wat- the county; married Mary J. Wynn, son, 1891; member Masons, I. O. O. F. Sept. 25, 1878; member of Masons; was and W. O. W. ; back tax attorney for secretary of same for 8 years and a Sevier Co., Tenn., 1895-1896; Mayor of member of I. O. O. F.; Republican; Sevierville, 1901, 1902 and 1903. member of M. E. church. RULE, Caleb, farmer; born Knox Co., MORT, Edward William, minister of Tenn., July 2, 1840; German descent; the gospel; born Strasburg, Va., April son of John and Nancy (Hood) Rule; 24, 1853; German descent; son of John father, farmer; received common school and Barbary Ann (Knisely) Mort; fath- education; entered the ministry of the er was a carpenter; educated at Stras- Baptist church in 1872 with a limited ed- burg, Ya. ; married Amanda Y. Cunning- ucation, and has served as pastor of 12 ham, May 10, 18931 member of Masons; churches; married Eliza Pierce, Dec. 28, Democrat; member of Methodist Episco- 1865; member and chaplain of the G. A. pal Church, South; owns and operates a R. ; Republican (Prohibitionist); former farm. postmaster New Knob Creek, Tenn., ap- pointed Jan. 27, 1898; joined the Federal NAVE, Andrew Jackson, teacher; army in 1863, was on the steamer Sul- born Watauga Valley, June 4, 1877; tana near Memphis, Tenn., in 1865; en- Dutch and English descent; son of Sam- gaged in farming and ministerial work uel C. and Sarah E. (Smith) Nave; at Sevierville, Tenn. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 507 SHIELDS, Robert H., farmer; born Sevier Co., Tenn., Feb. 13, 1857; Irish de- scent; son of Richard and (Adams) Shields; father’s occupation, farming; educated in the public schools and University of Tenn.; was thrown on his own resources in early life; began his career as a teacher; elected Tax Asses- sor for Sevier Co., Tenn., Aug., 1892, served four years, elected Sheriff in 1900 and served three terms; married Maria Clabaugh, July 12, 1883; member of Primitive Baptist church. WILLIAMS, Samuel M., public offi- cial; born Jones Cove, Tenn., March 20, 1869; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Car- roll and Annie (Large) Williams; father was a farmer; educated at Murphy Col- lege, graduated 1896; began his career as a school teacher; married Callie Jones, July 14, 1894; member I. O. O. F. No. 209, Sevierville, Tenn.; Register of Sevier Co., Tenn.; member of Bap- tist church. ZIRKLE, George Luther, attorney at law; born Shady Grove, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Will- iam and Mary A. (Gaut) Zirkle; father was a mechanic and farmer; maternal grandparents John and Margaret (Barnes) Gaut; educated at Grant Uni- versity, Athens, Tenn.; in early life he was a farmer, teacher and Superintend- ent of Public Instruction for Jefferson Co., Tenn., and in 1899 represented Se- vier Co. in the Tenn. State Legislature (House), and now holds office of U. S. Commissioner, appointed by Judge E. T. Sanford; engaged in the practice of law at Sevierville, Tenn.; married Alice B. Thomas, Sept. 1, 1887; member of M. E. church; Republican. SEWANEE. BARTON, Samuel Marx, educator; born near Winchester, Va., May 9, 1859; son of Joseph M. and Mary (Neill) Bar- ton; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents Richard Walker and Caro- line (Marx) Barton, maternal grandpa- rents Lewis and Anne (Stribling) Neill; paternal great-great-grandparents Rev. Thomas Barton and Ethel (Rittenhouse) Barton, sister of David Rittenhouse; ed- ucated at Shenandoah Valley Academy University of Va., and Johns Hopkins University; graduated from University of Va., B. A., 1883, Ph. D., 1885; en- tered educational work in early life; taught Ellerslie School (private) Va., 1881-1882, professor of mathematics, Emory & Henry College, Va., 1885-1893; fellow by courtesy Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1893-1894, prof, of mathematics Va. A. & M. College, 1894-1895, prof, of mathematics and civil engineering Uni- versity of the South, 1895-1908; at pres- ent he is prof, of mathematics University of the South; married Mary Millicent Tidball, Dec. 28, 1897 ; member of E. Q. B. Club, Sewanee, Tenn.; member of the American Mathematical Society, Ameri- can Assn, for the Advancement of Sci- ence, the Circulo Matematico di Paler- mo, and the National Geographic So- ciety; author of “A Treatise on Theory of Equations,” “The Elements of Plane Surveying;” member of Episcopal church; Democrat. BISHOP, William Samuel, educator and clergyman; born Northampton, Mass., Aug. 26, 1865; son of George Sayles and Hannah More (Williston) Bishop; father’s occupation, clergyman, pastor emeritus First Reformed Church, East Orange, N. J.; paternal grandpa- rents William Samuel and Mary (Sayles) Bishop, maternal grandparents J ohn Pay- son and Cecilia (Lyman) Williston; edu- cated in Rutser’s Grammar School and Rutser’s College, New Brunswick, N. J., and received theological edu- cation, New Brunswick, Princeton and general theological seminaries; graduated Rutser’s, B. A., 1887, M. A., 1891, General Theological Semi- nary, B. D., 1892, D. D., 1905; studied in Oxford University, England, winter of 1902-1903; lecturer on dogmatic theology in General Theological Seminary, New York, N Y., winter of 1907-1908; secre- tary of the Sewanee Summer School of Theology three years, and since July, 1902, he has been professor of dogmatic theology and metaphysics in the Univer- sity of the South; author of “The Devel- opment of Trinitarian Doctrine in the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds” (Long- mans, Green & Co., N. Y., 1910), and of articles and reviews in The Sewanee Re- 508 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE view, The N. Y. Churchman, The Church Eclectic and The Living Church; married Mary E. Luttrell, of Washington, D. C., June 17, 1907; member Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities, E. Q. B. Club, Sewanee, president of same 1910- 1911; member Of Protestant Episcopal church. BROOKS, Preston Smith, merchant; born Fairfield, S. C., July 1, 1854; Eng- lish and Irish descent; son of Preston Smith and Martha Caroline (Means) Brooks; father’s occupation, lawyer and congresman; educated University of the South; entered mercantile business in early life, and has continued in same since; married Maria P. Gaillard, March 5, 1878; Democrat; member of Episco- pal church. CLAIBORNE, William Sterling, clergyman; born Amherst Co., Va., Dec. 11, 1871; son of William Royal and Alice Watkins (Clay) Claiborne; fath- er, farmer; paternal grandparents Will- iam Sterling and Cornelia (Roane) Clai- borne, maternal grandparents Paul A. and Saliie (Watkins) Clay; educated Roanoke College, Va., and University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.; in early life was a civil engineer; founder of St. Mary’s Industrial School for Girls, and St. Andrew’s Industrial School for Boys at Sewanee, Tenn.; now head of Se- wanee, (Tenn.) Missionary Commission of Endowment of the University of the South; married Minnie Martin Marlowe, July 17, 1902; member E. Q. B., Se- wanee, Tenn., Masons, I. O. O. F. and Red Men; Democrat; member of Episco- pal church. COLMORE, Robert Lionel, commis- sary business; born Warwickshire, Eng- land, Oct. 7, 1849; English descent; son of Thomas and Ann (Blayney) Colmore; father was a lawyer; educated Sutton Coldfield Grammar School, England, and then under tutor in France and Spain; began career as a farmer; married Pris- cilla Diana Addenbrooke, Jan. 13, 1875; member of Episcopal church. CONGER, Sion Iliff, buyer for Uni- versity of the South; born near Fay- etteville, Tenn., Dec. 22, 1861; English- Scotch descent; son of Sion Moores and Beall (Norton) Conger; father’s occupa- tion, planter; paternal grandparents' Rev. Isaac and Mary (Moores) Conger, maternal grandparents Dr. William and Marcia Anne (Beall) Norton; educated Barnitz School, Tullahoma, Tenn.; mar- ried Willie Moore Malone June 14, 1893; member Summitt Lodge No. 497, F. & A. M. (P. M.), Sewanee, Tenn., A. A. S. R. Freemasonry Trinity Consistory No. 2 Valley of Nashville, Tenn., E. Q. B. Club, Sewanee, Tenn.; left school at age of 15, entered drug store Tulla- homa, Tenn., as apprentice 1877, became part owner 1882-3; moved to Sparta, Tenn., 1884, then to Sewanee, Tenn., 1885, where he was in the drug business until 1891, commercial traveler 1892-3, has been purchasing agent for Univer- sity of the South since 1894, also inter- ested in orange growing in Marion Co., Fla.; member of Methodist Episcopal church, South. DU BOSE, William Haskell, clergy- man, educator; born Abbeville, S. C., May 17, 1870, Huguenot descent; son of of William P. and Anne (Peronneau) Du Bose; father’s occupation, clergy- man, dean of theological department Se- wanee, Tenn.; paternal grandfather Sam- uel Du Bose, maternal grandfather Henry W. Peronneau; educated Univer- sity of the South and University of Ox- ford, England; graduated from Univer- sity of the South, M. A., 1891, Univer- sity of the South Theological Seminary, 1898; entered educational work as teach- er in La., 1891-1892; taught in Colum- bia (Tenn.) Athenaeum, 1892-1893; now professor of Old Testament language and interpretation, theological depart- ment of the University of the South; former business manager of Fairmont College, Monteagle, Tenn.; married Dean Spencer, Sept. 21, 1896; Democrat; mem- ber of Protestant Episcopal church; one son, William Haskell Du Bose, Jr. DU BOSE, William Porcher, the- logion; born Winnsboro, S. C., April 11, 1836; son of Theodore Samuel and Jane (Porcher) Du Bose; graduated South Carolina Military Academy, Charleston, S. C., 1855, University of Va., A. M., 1859; studied at Theological Seminary who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 509 of S. C.; received degree S T. D. Co- lumbia, 1875, S. C. L., University of the South, 1907, D. D, General Theological Seminary of N Y., 1908; served as Adjt. and later Chaplain Kershaw’s Brigade, C. S. A., 1861-1865; deacon, 1864, and priest, I 860 , of the Protestant Episcopal church; rector of St. John's, Winnesboro, S. C., 1866-1867, Trinity church, Abbe- ville, S. C., 1868-1871 ; Chaplain and prof of ethics and New and Old Testa- ment language and interpretation, 1871- 1874, prof, of New Testament language and interpretation, 1894 dean of theological department, 1894, 1908, dean emeritus since 1908 at Uni- versity of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.; married twice, first Anne Barnwell Per- ronneau, April 30, 1863, second, Maria Louisa Yerger, Dec. 18, 1878; author The Soteriology of the New Testament, 1892, last edition, 1906, “The Ecumenical Councils,” 1896, “The Gospel in the Gos- pels,” 1906, “The Gospel According to St. Paul,” 1907, “High Priesthood and Sac- rifice, 1908; paternal grandparents Sam- uel and Eliza (Marion) DuBose, mater- nal grandparents Thomas and Elizabeth S. (DuBose) Porcher. ELLIOTT, Sarah Bull Barnwell, writer; born in Savannah, Ga.; English descent; daughter of Stephen and Char- lotte Bull (Barnwell) ' Elliott; father’s occupation. Episcopal bishop of the Dio- cese of Georgia; paternal grandparents Stephen and Esther (Hubersham) Elli- ott, maternal grandparents John Gibbs and Sarah (Bull) Barnwell; member of Colonial Dames, S. C., Descendants Co- lonial Governors, United Daughters of Confederacy, Lyceum Club, London, Wednesday Afternoon Club, New York, Civic League, Sewanee, Tenn., Woman’s Press Club, Tenn., and Woman’s Politi- cal Union, N. Y. ; author of the follow- ing books: “The Felmeres,” “A Simple Heart,” “Jerry,” “John Padget,” “An In- cident and Other Happenings,” “Durket Sperret,” and “The Making of Jane;” dramas, “His Majesty’s Servant,” ran in London one hundred nights, Louis Waller at Imnerial theater; essays: “Ibsen,” Se- wanee (Tenn.) Review, “Woman and Civ- ilization” in Forensic Quarterly, “An Epoch Making Settlement Between Labor and Capitol,” Forensic Quarterly; mem- ber of Episcopal church. GUTHRIE, William Norman, educa- tor; born Dundee, Scotland, March 4, 1868; son of William Eugene and Fran- ces S. (D’Arusmont) Guthrie; maternal grandparents Sylvan Thiquepal and Frances (Wright) D’Arusmont; gradu- ated from University of the South, B. Litt., 1889, A. M., 1891; married Anna Norton Stuart, Jan. 14, 1893; assistant prof, of modern languages University of the South, 1889-1890; prof, of modern languages at Kenyon College, 1892-1893; ordained to the Protestant Episcopal ministry, 1893; missionary in charge of Christ church at Annedy Heights, 1893- 1894; Asst. Church of the Advent at Cin- cinnati, 1894-1896; lecturer on compara- tive literature. University of Cincinnati, 1898-1900; rector at Church of the Res- urrection, Fern Bank, Ohio, 1899-1908; Christ Church, Alameda, Cal., 1903-1908; prof, of general literature and director of the University Extension Department University of the South since 1908; direc- tor of Cincinnati Conferences of Art and Literature, 1900-1903; professional lec- turer in general literature at University of Chicago, 1902-1909 ; author “Love Conquereth,” 1890, “Modern Poet Proph- ets, Essays Critical and Interpretative,” 1897, 1899, “To Kindle the Yule Log,” 1899, “Songs of American Destiny,” 1900 “The Old Hemlock,” 1901 “The Christ of Lie Aces in Words of Holy Writ,” 1903, “Orpheus Today, St. Francis of the Trees and Other Verse,” 1907. “The Vital Study of Literature,” 1909, “Niagara Twice Seen and Other Verse” (Univer- sity Press, Sewanee) ; editor of “The Di- ana,” a Quarterly review, Dramatic Pub- lishing Company, Chicago. HALL, William Bonnell, physician and educator; born Lowndes Co., Ala., Jan. 3, 1866; son of William B. and Susan Juliet (Anderson) Hall; father’s occupation, physician and planter; pa- ternal grandparents Henry M. and Dora Ann (Bonnell) Hall, maternal grand- parents Dr. Alfred and Elizabeth Ann (Bolling) Anderson; graduated from University of the South with degree of M. A. Aug., 1885, University of Va., de- gree M. D. June, 1890; married Irene who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Semple Ellerbe Feb. 9, 1898; member Summit Lodge F. & A. M., Sewanee, Tenn., Nashville Consistory A. A. S. R.; began teaching school in 1886, entered the practice of medicine 1890, Assistant Physician Ala. Insane Hospital 1891- 1893, Professor University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., 1893-1907, Vice-Chancel- lor University of the South since June, 1909; member of the General Convention Protestant Episcopal church, 1910. KIRBY-SMITH, Reynolds Marion, physician; born Nashville, Tenn., June 14, 1874; English descent; son of Ed- mund and Cassie (Selden) Kirby-Smith; father, soldier and educator; paternal grandparents J oseph Lee and Frances (Kirby) Smith, maternal grandparents William and Caroline (Hare) Selden; graduated from University of the South’ Sewanee, Tenn., M. D., 1895, and Army Medical School, 1903; took post-graduate work in medicine in New York Surgeon Training Ship U. S. S. St. Mary, 1897; five years’ worn with U. S. army in Phil- ippines, one year (1901-1902) in Havana, Cuba, with Board of Health Yellow Fe- ver Hospital; prof, materia medica and therapeutics, and tropical medicine Uni- versity of the South, 1907-1909; at pres- ent he is practicing medicine at Sewanee, Tenn., and health officer University of the South; married Maude Bethune Tompkins, June 24, 1903; Master Ma- son, Summit Lodge, Sewanee, Tenn., and memoer of Sigma Alpha Epsilon tratei nity; Democrat; served as Capt, Asst. Surgeon 1st Tenn. Vol., April, 1898, to Sept., 1899; contract surgeon U. S. A. Sept, 1899, to Jan,, 1901; 1st Lieut Medi- cal corps U. S. A., June, 1902, Capt. medical corps U. S. A. to Dec. 17, 1906, when he resigned; member of Protestant Episcopal church. McBRYDE, John McLaren, Jr., edu- cator; born Albemarle Co., Va., March 18, 1870; son of John McLaren and Cora (Bolton) McBryde; graduated Univer- sity of S. C., A. B., 1890, A. M„ 1894; fellow in English Johns Hopkins, 1896, PhD., 1897; married Flora O’Neall Web- ster, June 11, 1902; prof, in English at Hollins Institute, Va., 1897-1903, associ- ate in English at University of N. C., 1904-1905; prof, in English at Sweet Briar College, Va., 1905-1909, and Prof, of English University of the South since 1909; editor Sewanee Review since 1909 and lecturer before college and literary clubs, also contributor to magazines and reviews. NAUTS, William Boone, educator; born Louisville, Ky„ Feb. 5, 1860; Dutch and English descent; son of John Carr and Virginia (Boone) Nauts; father’s occupation, iron founder; paternal j grandparents Francois Antione and Ann Jj ( Carr) Nauts, maternal grandparents William and Julia Ann (Settle) Boone; educated in the public schools of Louis- ville, Ky., and in the Univ. of the South graduated from the latter, B. A., B. Litt. and M. A., 1882; began his career as an 1 architect; then entered educational work, [ and ,ias filled all positions in the Sewanee 1 (Tenn.) Grammar School, 1882-1893, in- cluding that of head master in 1893, then he became assistant professor of Latin and Greek in University of the South jj until 1900, and has been professor of Latin since that date; former director of the American National Bank of Win- cheste, Tenn. (now out of existence) ; at present he is director and president of the Bank of Sewanee, Tenn.; married twice, first Antonia Quitman Lovell, Oct. 6, 1892, second, Clara Helen Look, Sept 18, 1901; member E. Q. B. Club of Se- wanee, Tenn., and treasurer of same; independent in politics; member of Protestant Episcopal church. NOLL, Arthur Howard, clergyman, university official; born Caldwell, N. J., Feb. 4, 1855; German-Scotch descent; son of Arthur B. and Mary (Hamilton) Noll educated in his fathers schools and in law offices; studied law Newark, N. J., admitted to bar of N. J., Attorney 1876, Counsellor 1879; was Cashier of Mexican Central Railway, City of Mex- ico 1852-5; married Florence English, (daughter of Hon. Thomas Dunn Eng- lish, M. D. L.L. D., author of song “Ben Bolt”) Oct. 1887; member of several state historical societies; N. J. Society Bons of the American Revolution, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity; prepared for Min- istry of the Proestestant Episcopal Church, University of the South, Se- wanee, Tenn., 1885-7, ordained deacon WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 511 1887, Priest (in Texas) 1888; held Par- ishes in Texas, Miss., La., Tenn.; Reg- istrar of University of the South since 1902; Secretary and Historiographer Dio- cese of Tenn., since 1899; author of Short History of Mexico” 1890; revised and extended edition 1903, “From Empire to Republic” 1906, “Gen. Kirby-Smith” 1908; (with A. Philip McMahon) “The Life and Times of Miguel Hidalgo Cos- tilla,” 1910; (with Bourdon Wilson) “In Quest of Aztec Treasurer,” a story, (1911); Editor “Bishop Quintard’s Memoirs of the War” and other volumes of memoirs; has written a large number of papers and reviews for periodicals; received Honorary Degree L.L. D., St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md., June 1908. PRINCE, William Jesse, contractor and builder; born Dalton, Ga., Aug. 17, 1855; Dutch and Irish descent; son of J. J. and Mary Ann (Hammers) Prince; father was a farmer and cooper; receiv- ed education in country schools; began his career as a carpenter; married Mariah Sewell, May 3, 1893; member F. & A. M. (Senior Warden), and I. O. O. F-; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church. SIOUSSAT, St. George Leakin, edu- cator; born Baltimore, Md., March 13, 1878; French and English-Irish descent; son of Albert Willis and Annie Middle- ton (Leakin) Sioussat; father was cash- ier of T. J. Fisher & Co., real estate, Washington, D. C.; paternal grandpa- rents Charles and Margaret (Willis) Si- oussat, maternal grandparents Rev. Geo. Armistead and Anna Maria (Miller) Leakin; educated in private schools in Baltimore, Md., and Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, graduated from the latter A. B., June, 1896, Ph. D., June, 1899; after leaving Baltimore in 1899 he was during next four years assistant and instructor in history of Smith College, Northamp- ton, Mass.; in Europe summer of 1903; in 1904 he accepted a chair of history and economics, and in 1909 became dean of the College, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.; he has lectured in sum- mer schools of University of the South, University of Michigan and Johns Hop- kins University, 1911, also author of sev- eral historical papers; married Mrs. Alma (Cleveland) Dailey, Dec. 19, 1906; member Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Phi, E. Q. B. of Sewanee, Tenn., and Baltimore (Md.) Country Club; member of Amer- ican Historical Assn., American Politi- cal Science Assn., National Geographical Society, Mississippi Valley Historical Assn, and Amercan Academy of Politi- cal and Social Science; independent in politics; vice-president 4th District Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Assn., Chairman on Uniform Entrance Exami- nation Assn, of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Southern States, chairman general committee American Historical Assn.; member of Protestant Episcopal church. SWIGGETT, Glen Levin, teacher, author, editor; born Cambridge City, Ind., Sept. 15, 1867 ; Swedish-Welsh de- scent; son of Levin and Hester (Owen) Swiggett; educated at Cambridge City Public Schools, University of Ind., Johns Hopkins, Penn., Goettengen, Marbury and Berlin; graduated Cambridge City Public Schools, University of Ind. A. B. 1888, A. M. 1890, University of Pa., Ph. D. 1901; married Emma Bain Nov. 22 , 1892; member College Society, Masons; member and contributor to the Proceed- ings of the Modern Language Assn, of America, Dante Society of America; founder and president of the Tenn. Phil- ological Assn.; publisher and editor of the Pathfinder of Sewanee, a monthly literary magazine; professor of modern languages University of the South, Se- wanee, Tenn. TIDBALL, Thomas Allen, educator and clergyman; born Winchester, Va., March 3, 1847 ; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Scot and Catharine (Macky) Tidball; father, artist; pater- nal grandparents Thomas Allen and Su- san Watkins (Hill) Tidball, maternal grandparents John and Rebecca Holmes (McGuire) Macky; educated in Virginia, at Charlestown Academy, and Theologi- cal Seminary of Va., Alexandria, Va.; graduated irom .atter, June, 1871, re- ceived degree D. D. from William and Mary College, Va., June, 1878; was law student and tutor in early life; married Mary Josephine Browne, Oct. 17, 1872; 512 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE rector of Trinity Church, Lexington, Ky., 1878-1885, St. Paul’s church, Camden, N. J., 1885-1893, elected bishop of Tokio, Japan, 1892 (declined), rector Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany, Philadelphia, Pa., 1893-1903; chaplain University of Pa., 1894-1895, chaplain University of Va., 1901; at present professor of eccles- iastical history University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.; author “Christ in the New Testament;” member of Protestant Episcopal church. TYSON, Stuart Lawrence, chaplain, professor of New Testament, University of the South; born Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 12, 1873; German descent; son of Herbert B. and Mary (Stuart) Tyson; father's occupation, naval officer; paternal grandparents James L. and Caroline (Drinker) Tyson, maternal grandparents George H. and Mary (Rumsey) Stuart; educated Hamilton School, Philadelphia, Pa., Palms Business College, Pa., Na- shotah House, Wis., University of Ox- ford, Eng., graduated from St. John’s College, Oxford, England, 1903, received degree of M. A. (second honors) in 1904; began his business career as a clerk; married Katharine E. Rosengar- ten 1895; member Union Society, Ox- ford, Eng., E. Q. B., Sewanee, Tenn.; author of “Indissolubility of Marriage,” 1909; member of the Eipscopal church. SHADY. COLE, Isaac E., farmer; born Shady, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1857 ; son of Washington and Sarah A. (Sharon) Cole; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, Jesse and Cela (Brown) Cole, maternal grand- parents Joseph and Pollie (Wills) Sha- ron; educated at Mountain City, Tenn.; in early lire taught school, later entered farming, and is now engaged in same and owns 300 acres of land; he is also engaged in raising stock; married twice, first, Martha Walker, Oct. 25, 1877, sec- ond, Sarah V. Byars, Dec. 10, 1895; served as magistrate from 1900 to 1906; P. O. Address Crandull, R. F. D. SHARON. BONDURANT, Benjamin T., physi- cian; born Sharon, Tenn., Nov. 13, 1846; French and English descent; son of Churchell P. and Mary E. (Ethridge) Bondurant; father’s occupation, Co. Court Clerk of Weakley Co., Tenn.; pa- ternal grandparents Benjamin and Sarah (Moseley) Bondurant, maternal grand- parents Thomas and Elizabeth (Harvey) Ethridge; educated in the common schools of Weakley Co., Tenn.; gradu- ated from medical department University of Nashville, M. D., Feb., 1869; he was left an orphan in early life; volunteered in Forrest Cavalry when 17 in 1863, sur- rendered at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865; married Mollie L. Tansil, Feb. 22, ! 1871; member Masons; Republican; I Trustee Weakley Co., Tenn., 1878-1882; storekeeper Memphis (Tenn.) custom j house, Jan. 1, 1892, to May 31, 1892; postmaster at Sharon, Tenn., 1897-1909; president of the Bank of Sharon, Jan. 1, 1909, to present; engaged in the prac- tice of medicine nine years; member of j Christian church. DODDS, Lloyd Douglas, hotel pro- prietor; born Tippah Co., Miss., July 22, 1854; Irish descent; son of Grove and Martha Ann (Miller) Dodds; father, farmer; received common school educa- tion; engaged in farming in early life; in 1885-1886 engaged in saw mill busi- ness, 1886-1887 tobacco business, buying and selling from 1890 to 1898; served as constable and deputy sheriff; in 1900 he was elected Sheriff of Weakly Co., Tenn., and served two terms, during the period he was badly cut by a negro and lost the Weakley Co. jail by fire, having been set on fire by a prisoner; since 1906 he has been in hotel business at Sharon, Tenn.; married Manerva A. Brinkley, Oct. 10, 1882; member Masons and W. O. W.; Democrat; member of Missionary Baptist church. PRIESTLEY, John M., farmer and surveyor; born Weakley Co., Tenn., Aug. 23, 1855; English-Scotch and Irish de- scent; son of John T. and Eliza B. (Will- iams) Priestley; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents John T. and Hannah H. (Montgomery) Priest- ley, maternal grandparents John and Ann (Blakemore) Williams; educated in the common schools and Burritt College, Spencer, Tenn.; began his career as a school teacher, later entered farming; who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 513 Democrat; Justice of the Peace and No- tary Public from Dec., 1893, to Sept. 1, 1906, and again April 10, 1908, to pres- ent; served as Representative in 1897- 1898; has also been County Surveyor of Weakley Co., Tenn., 12 years; married Minnie L. Reeves, Nov. 22, 1882; mem- ber W. O. W., Past Consul; member of Christian church. SHANNON, James Edward, physician and surgeon; born near Sharon, Tenn., June 23, 1864; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Henry Jelferson and Anna Eliza. (Tansil) Shannon; father, physician and surgeon; paterna. grandparents James and Mary (Shannon) Shannon, maternal grandparents Edward Albert and Caro • line (Jenkins) Tansil; educated in the country schools, Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., and University of Lou- isville, Ky., graduated from latter, M. D., March 1, 1889; entered practice of medicine in early life; married Frone Hartsfield, Jan. 7, 1903; member F. & A. M., K. of P., Weakley Co. (Tenn.) Medical Society, West Tenn Medical So- ciety, Tenn. Medical Society, American Electro Ther. Assn., I. C., and Y. & M. V. R. R. Assn., and American Medical Assn.; served as surgeon Sons of Confed- erate Veterans, 1902; Democrat; City Alderman and Health Officer Sharon, Tenn., 1901-1902; director and vice-pres- ident Weakley Co. Bank, Dresden, Tenn., 1900 to present; director and member of finance committee Bank of Sharon, Tenn., 1907, to present. SHARP’S CHAPEL. MALONE, William M., farmer; born Hickory Valley, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1871; Irish and Dutch descent; son of James Fletcher and Sarah E. (Snoderly) Ma- lone; father, farmer; paternal grandpa- rents John B. and Sally (Sharp) Malone, maternal grandparents Daniel and Rachel (Whitten) Snoderly; educated in the High Schools of Union and An- derson Cos., Tenn.; began his career as a farmer; went west in 1898, and was employed as manager of a coal yard, and after ten months’ service resigned and was employed in general mercantile store where he worked until latter part of 1899, when he returned to Tennessee and engaged in farming for one year, and then entered the mercantile business and had a postoffice established in place of business and was appointed postmaster, and continued in business until he re- tired and made the race for County Trus- tee, being elected to that office, and serv- ed two terms, 1904-1908; was elected to second term without opposition and had strong solicitation for third term; mar- ried Eula Lee Graves, Oct. 16, 1904; member Masons, I. O. O. F., has taken Past Master’s degree in each lodge and at present he is Worshipful Master in Masonic Lodge and D. D. G. M. in I. O. O. F.; Republican; member of M. Church, South; engaged in farming at Sharp’s Chapel, Tenn. SHELBY VILLE. ALLISON, Marshall Lafateite, farmer; born Marshall County, Tenn., October 30, 1860; son of Robert and Sarah (Elzie) Allison; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents Thomas and Mildred (Whiffield) Allison, mater- nal grandparents Abraham and Jane El- zie; Scotch descent; educated Corners- ville, Marshall County, Tenn.; married Elizabeth Wilmot, September 22, 1892; member Missionary Baptist Church; formerly furniture dealer; later traveling salesman, ' and now land owner and farmer. ARCHIBALD, William Whallon, lumberman; born Corry, Pa., October 17, 1868; son of Charles 'Edwin and Mary (Whallon) Archibald; paternal grand- parents Varnum and Martha (Al- len) Archibald, maternal grandparents Samuel Smith and Maria (Bell) Whal- lon; Scotch-Dutch descent; father’s oc- cupation, railroad conductor; educated and graduated at De Veaux College, Ni- agara Falls, N. Y., June, 1885; married May Gibson, September 3, 1890; member Royal Arcanum and of all the Masonic bodies, Watauga Club, Nashville, Mountain City Cluo, Chattanooga; Mayor of ShelByville, Tenn.; elected August, 1909, for two years; in the export lumber business, and for many years has represented in Amer- ica the old-established house of William Foerster & Company, Hamburg, Ger- 514 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE many; lived in Virginia ten years before coming to Tennessee in 1898; was located at Chattanooga 1900 to 1905; member Protestant Episcopal Church. BEARDEN, Edwin Whiteside, pub- lic official; born Shelby ville, Tenn., March 23, 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Walter S. and Margaret C. (Whiteside) Bearden; father, Chancellor of 5th Di- vision Tenn.; paternal grandparents Dr. F. R. and Susan (Blake) Bearden, ma- ternal grandparents Thomas C. and Mar- garet i Robinson) Whiteside; educated S. W. P. University, Clarksville, Tenn., and Cumberland University Law School, Le- banon, Tenn., graduated from the latter LL. B., June, 1897; began his career as a lawyer; married Juliet C, Ryall, Jan. 2o, 1899; Democrat; Clerk and Master oi the Chancery Court of Bedford Co., Tenn., since Jan., 1900; member insur- ance firm of Bearden & Craigmiles; member Presbyterian church. BEARDEN, Walter Scott, lawyer, Chancellor Fifth Chancery Division; born Petersburg, Lincoln County, Tenn., Jan- uary 10, 1843; son of Benjamin Frank- lin and Susan Margaret (Blake) Bear- den; father’s occupation, physician; pa- ternal grandparents Benj. F. and (Wright) Bearden, maternal grandpar- ents John W. and Mary (Morgan) Blake; Scotch, Irish, French and Hugue- not descent; educated Emory and Henry College, Va. ; left college to go to war; taught school summer of 1861; made speeches every Saturday to help raise a company of infantry; taught school at 15 and was teacher of a large school at 16; married Margaret Cooper Whiteside, February 17, 1874; member F. & A. M., Tannehill Chapter, R. A. M., Murfress- boro Commandery K. T., Trinity Consis- tory No. 2, Nashville, Tenn., Scottish Rite, 32 degree Mason, honorary member Century Club, Columbia, Tenn. ; elected Chancellor Fourth Chancery Division in 1886; was Chancellor of that division for sixteen years; became Chancellor of Fifth Chancery Division 1902; served in army of C. S. A.; promoted once and tendered another; finally Captain, July, 1864; was wounded in battle at Peach- tree Creek; wounded later July, 1864, near Atlanta, and later at battle of Jonesboro; August 31, 1864, was cap- tured at surrender of Fort Donelson; paroled Meridian, Miss., 1865; has served as Chancellor in a large chancery divis- ion for twenty-four years continuously, and was again elected in 1910; member of Presbyterian Church. BERRY, Thosifson Hides, hardware merchant; born Lynchburg, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1861; Scotch-Irish and German de- scent; son of William Wade and Adaline (Hiles) Berry; father’s occupation, manufacturer and farmer; grandson of Benjamin H. and Ann (Ingle) Berry, and Joseph and Abbie (Anthony) Hiles; educated Lynchburg (Tenn.) Normal School and graduated from same Dec. 20, 1879; began career as salesman for a grocery house in Fort Worth, Texas; entered hardware business and selling implements and buggies in 1881; married Ida Virginia Camp, June 3, 1890; mem- ber Royal Arcanum, Fraternal Mystic Circle; Democrat; former Mayor, and Alderman of Shelbyville, Tenn.; member of Missionary Baptist church. BOYD, John Franklin, milling and electric light and power business; born Logan County, Ky., October 18, 1852; son of W. L. and Martha (Burchett) Boyd; father was a miller; common school education; worked in flour mill in early youth; married Amy Dove For- man, March 28, 1888; member of the Church of Christ; interested in flour mills at Olmstead and Irvington, Ky, and flour, milling and electric light and power business at Shelbyville, Tenn. COBLE, John D., farmer and stock raiser; born near Wartrace, Tenn., June 25, 1828; son of Neely and Martha (Rob- ertson) Coble; Dutch and Irish descent; father’s occupation, farmer; educated common schools of country; married Mary R. Miller, February, 1868; early business occupation, farming and car- pentry; served during the Civil War as private in Forty-fourth Tennessee, C. S. A. ; worked at bridge building on N., C. & St. L. R. R. for several years. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 515 COBLE, Thomas Jacob, physician; born Shelbyville, Tenn., Jan. 7, 1871; Holland-Dutch and Scotch-Irish descent ; son of Neely B. and Emma James (Gilli- land) Coble; father, physician; paternal grandparents Jacob and Mary (Kimbro) coble, maternal grandparents Samuel and Violet B. (Logan) Gilliland; edu- cated Dixon Academy and graduated from Vanderbilt University medical de- partment with degree M. D., March, 1898; in early life was a farmer and druggist; member of Trinity Consistory, A. A. S. R., Nashville, Tenn., Shelbyville (Tenn.) Benevolent No. 122, Tannehill Chapter No. 40, R A M, K. of P., I. O. 0. F. and M. W. A.; Democrat; County Health Officer Bedford Co, 'ienn., 1900-1907; president Bedford Co. Medical Society, 1907, and vice-president State Medical Society, 1909; president Shelbyville (Tenn.) Auditorium, and di- rector Farmers’ Bank, Shelbyville, Tenn. COWAN, Henry B bysox, fire under- writer; born Shelbyville, Tenn., July 4, 1870; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Oli- ver and Sallie (Bryson) Cowan; fath- er’s occupation, hardware merchant for number of years, and now in office with son; educated at Shelbyville, Tenn.; be- gan career as a hardware merchant and has been in the fire insurance business sixteen years; married Mary Frierson, Oct. 10, 1894; member Masons, Scottish Rite Mason; Democrat; member of Pres- byterian church for 18 years. CRIGLER, W. L., farmer and sur- veyor; born Santa Fee, Mo., Dec. 3, 1856; German descent; son of John W. and Elizabeth (Morton) Crigler; father’s occupation, farmer and merchant; pater- nal grandparents Lewis and Julia (Oots) Crigler, maternal grandfather Benjamin Morton; educated at University of Mo., and Winches- ter, Tenn. ; began his career as a teach- er, and after teaching school in Mo. a number of years moved to Winchester, Tenn., and attended school under J. W. Terrill; afterwards moved to Bedford Co., Tenn., and engaged in farming; married Elizabeth A. Dean, June 8, 1884; member A. F. & A. M., Shelbyville, Tenn. ; Democrat; former County Surveyor of Bedford Co., Tenn., two terms; was a candidate for seat in Legislature of Ten- nessee in 1907, but was defeated; mem- ber of Christian church. CROWELL, William Henry, lawyer; born Hollow Springs, Tenn., March 1, 1874; German and English descent; son of Crowell and Margarette (Cook) Crowell; father’s oc- cupation, minister of the gospel; gradu- ated from University of Tenn., LL. B. degree, 1895; in early life was merchant and farmer; married Mayme Lou Cun- ningham, May 2, 1902; member B. P. O. E." Lodge No. 1029, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; former postmaster. Elector for 5th Congressional District and delegate to Republican National Convention at Philadelphia, Pa., 1900; member of United Brethren church and elected lay delegate to general conference of that c.hurch at Dayton, Ohio, 1910; actively engaged in the practice of law, Shelby- ville, Tenn. DEERY, James E., farmer; born Shelbyville, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1852; Irish descent; son of Ross and Lou (Evans) Deerv; father’s occupation, druggist; pa- ternal grandparents James and Betsy (Ross) Deerv, maternal grandparents .\athan and Betsy (White) Evans; edu- cated in Tennessee; began career as a drugeist; married Betsy Ross; Demo- crat; member of Methodist church. ERWIN, Joseph Boyd, minister; born Williamson County, Tenn., January 23, 1846; son of Alexander Rogers and Louise Eleanor (Boyd) Erwin; his father was a Methodist minister; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Florence University of Florence, Ala.; honorary degree D.D., June, 1886, by Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; married Fannie C. Smith, August 23, 1868; Blue Lodge Ma- son, Royal Arch Mason, Knights Temp- lar, Grand Chaplain Gana Lodge Masons, Grand Prelate of K. T., Chaplain on Governor R. L. Taylor’s staff with rank of Captain 1887-1889; member M. E. Church, South. ERWIN, William M., educator; born Bedford County, Tenn., September 8, 1881; son of Martin P. and Emma 516 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE (Young) Erwin; Scotch-Irish descent; December 28, 1865; was a private in | educated Vanderbilt University, Nash- Company A, 17th Tenn. Regt., C. S. A.; die; married Erline Matthews, June 2, captured in front of Petersburg, Va., j 1909; member K. of P., M. W. of A., April 2, 1865, and carried to Johnson’s f and also member Lutheran Church; en- Island as a prisoner of war; released tered Morgan Preparatory School 1908; June 18, 1865; prior to capture was pro- entered Vanderbilt 1906; taught at rnoted to rank of First Lieutenant; he || Lynchburg 1904; County Superintendent united with the Church of Christ in 1866 J of Public Instruction of Bedford County and has since been engaged in preaching 1907-1909; now engaged in business, also the gospel and farming. " l| farming and stock raising. — FRIERSON, John Burton, lumber EVANS, Winston Gill, Vice Presi- merchant and manufacturer; born Shel- dent People’s National Bank, Shelby- byville, Tenn.; son of Robert P. and viNe, Tenn.; born Shelbyville, Tenn., Mollie (Little) Frierson; Scotch-Irish I 1867; English descent; son of Nathan descent; educated Shelbyville and Clarks- jj Peyton and Mary (Gill) Evans; paternal ville, Tenn.; early business occupation, grandparents Nathan and Elizabeth banking; married Lizzie Mai Ransom, J (White) Evans, maternal grandparents April 22, 1896; member Royal Arcanum, | Winston W. and (Whittaker) 32 degree Mason, A. T, O. Fraternity; Gill; educated University of South, Se- Captain National Guard of Tennessee; wanee, Tenn.; married Carrie F. Frier- Assistant Cashier of the Farmer’s Bank I son, 1894; entered employ of People’s of Shelbyville for sixteen years; since National Bank in 1890 as Bookkeeper, wholesale and retail lumber manufactur- then Teller, then Assistant Cashier, and ing merchant, firm Ransom & Frierson; i'n 1908 was elected Vice President; also member and Deacon of Presbyterian interested in farming and hardware busi- Church. ness; member of Presbyterian Church. FRIERSON, William Guy, physician; FARRAR, Lucius A., educator and born Shelbyville, Tenn., July 27, 1875; farmer; born Bedford County, Tenn., son of Albert and Felicia (Cowan) Frier- May 9, 1838; Scotch-Irish descent; edu- son; father was a grain dealer; Scotch- cated in common schools of Bedford and Irish descent; educated Bingham School, Lincoln counties; his early occupation was Asheville, N. C. ; graduated in medicine teaching school; married Tennie V. Dav- University of Nashville, 1897; married idson, November, 1866; served four years Francis Coleman, October 24, 1899; mem- as non-commissioned officer in army of ber Masons, 32 degree, I. O. O. F. ; mem- C. S. A.; dangerously wounded and left ber State and American Medical Asso- for dead on the battlefield of Mur frees- ciation; was delegate to International boro; was twice a prisoner of war, once Congress Tuberculosis, Washington, D. at Camp Butler in Illinois and at Camp C., 1908; member Presbyterian Church. Chase in Ohio; took the oath in 1865 and returned to his home penniless; has since FROST, William Alexander, editor; accumulated a comfortable competency; born Troy, Tenn., September 30, 1855; member of Church of Christ. son of William D. and Martha L. (Brown) Frost; his father was a physi- FLOYD, John D., minister; born cian; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Mul- Flat Creek, Tenn., September 1, 1839; berry Institute, Mulberry, Tenn. ; pub- Welsh and Scotch descent; son of Elijah lished Lynchburg Sentinel in early life; and Sarah (Watson) Floyd; his father married Kate Whitaker, May 4, 1880; was a farmer; paternal grandparents member Masonic Lodge, 32 degree, and David and Elizabeth (Norman) Floyd, former Worshipful Master; formerly maternal grandparents John and Jane Clerk and Master of Chancery Court of (Whitemore) Watson; received a common Moore County for four years; was ap- school education and was a farmer boy in pointed Circuit Court Clerk in 1876; early youth; married Susan B. Matlow, Postmaster at Shelbyville, Tenn., from who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 517 1894-98; at present editor and publisher of Shelbyville Gazette. GANT, William Washington, farm- er; born Bedford Co., Tenn., March 14, 1832; English descent; son of John A. and Sarah (Ashley) Gant; father was a farmer; educated in a log school house in Bedford Co., Tenn.; reared on farm, and most of his life has been spent on same; married twice, first Galacie Connell, Sept. 28, 1857, second, Tennie Williams, March 22, 1876; member Masonic Lodge; Democrat; member of Christian church; engaged in farming and stock raising. HAYNES, W. L., merchant; born Moore Co., Tenn., Dec. 23, 1857; son of Emerson and Catherine (Reed) Haynes; father. Baptist minister; educated in Bedford Co., Tenn.; began his career as a farmer; married Sallie C. Whittaker; Democrat; former Deputy Sheriff, Con- stable and City Policeman; at present he is Alderman of the city of Shelbyville, Tenn.; member of Methodist church. HUTTON, J. D., banker; born Shel- byville, Tenn., May 11, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. P. and France M. (Clark) Hutton; father’s occupation farming; paternal grandparents John and Margaret (Davidson) Hutton, ma- ternal grandparents Robert C. and Mar- garet (Harris) Clark; educated in the public schools of Shelbyville, Tenn.; be- gan his career as a clerk in dry goods store, afterwards became a clothing mer- chant, later entered the banking business, in which he has continued for past 25 years; married Annie Violet Lane, May 8, 1889; Democrat; member of Presby- terian church. McGILL, William J., manufacturer; born in Bedford County, Tenn., Febru- ary 20, 1873; Scotch-Irish descent; son of R. P. and Sallie (Hix) McGill; pater- nal grandparents William and Mary (Gar- dener) McGill, maternal grandparents Joshua and Caroline (Reagor) Hix; edu- cated Winchester Normal, Winchester, Tenn.; began business career as clerk and bookkeeper with Sylvan Cotton Mills, 1890; promoted to Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager in 1900; elected Secretary, Treasurer and General Man- ager of Robinson-McGill Manufacturing Company, January, 1906; Vice President Robinson-McGill Carriage Company of Nashville, October, 1909; married Mary Ingle, June 8, 1898; is Director Sylvan Cotton Mills, Robinson-McGill Manufac- ware Company and the Shelbyville Har- ness Company, all of Shelbyville; also Robinson-McGill Carriage Company and Bearden Carriage Company of Nashville, and Fayetteville Milling Company of Fayetteville; is also Director in Shelby- ville Commercial Club; elder Christian Church, Shelbyville, Tenn. MORTON, Samuel Thomas, editor and publisher; born Shelbyville, Tenn., Feb. 4, 1855; son of Samuel S. and Pau- line C. (Royster) Morton; father, tailor; eaucated Shelbyville, Tenn.; in early life was a printer and merchant; married Mollie E. Bridwell, Feb., 1892; Demo- crat; served as election commissioner under Gov. McMillan; member M. E. Church, South. MULLINS, Albert F., liveryman; born Shelbyviile, Tenn., June 2, 1874; son of James M. and Lettie (Beavers) Mul- lins; father, miller; educated at Shelby- ville, Tenn. ; reared on farm, and enter- ed grocery business in 1892, later engaged in the lumber business for some time and held position as fireman on N. C. & St. L. R. R. , about three years, has been engag- ed in present business for two years; mar- ried Irene Shoffner, Aug 1, 1893; mem- ber M. W. of A., I. O. O. F. and Masons; Republican; member of Lutheran church. PARSONS, Volney S., banker; born Fall Creek, Tenn., Feb. 23, 1852; Ger- man-English descent; son of George W. and Elizabeth A. (Allison) Parsons; father was a farmer; paternal grandpar- ents, George W. and Elizabeth (Fisher) Parsons, maternal grandparents, Robert and Elizabeth (White) Allison; educated in the schools of Bedford Co., Tenn.; be- gan his career as a farmer; Democrat; served as Trustee of Bedford Co., Tenn., four years, and Representative of 57th General Assembly of Tennessee from Bedford Co. ; at present he is director and stockholder Citizens Bank and land owner in Bedford Co., Tenn. ; married 518 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE Bettie Williams, May 17, 1891; member F. & A. M., and M. E. Church, South. RUCKER, William G., lire insurance agent; born Bedford Co., Tenn., Jan. 10, 1851; Irish descent; son of John W. and Sarah J. (Lowe) Rucker; father was a farmer and mechanic; educated in Bed- ford Co., Tenn.; began career as a farm er; married Malissa A. Jones, Jan. 1872; member F. & A. M, Blue Lodge and Chapter, Shelbyviile, Tenn., Knights Tem- plar, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Council Tulla- homa, Tenn., Mystic Shrine Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Democrat; appointed warden of the Brushey Mountain Branch Prison, Feb. 1893 under Gov. Peter Turney’s ad- ministration; served as deputy sheriff 8 years, high sheriff four years; member of M. E. church, South; has been engag- ed in present business of fire insurance for past seven years. RUTH, Albert Hayden, jeweler; born Shelbyviile, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1866; Scoteh-Irish descent; son of John Wesley and Fannie Elizabeth (Newton) Ruth; father’s occupation, jeweler; paternal grandparents, George Washington and Anne (Downs) Ruth, maternal grand- parents, James S. and Caroline (McQuid- dy) Newton; educated in public and pri- vate schools Shelbyviile, Tenn.; has been engaged in the jewelry business since boyhood, and is a member of the firm, John W. Ruth & Sons, jewelers, Shel- by ville, Tenn., business established by his paternal grandfather, Geo. W. Ruth in 1822, who moved to Shelbyviile from Ra- leigh, N. C., and was succeeded by John Wesley Ruth in 1858, when the firm be- came Jno. W. Ruth, and later was changed to present name, hence business has been conducted continuously and by the same family eighty-nine years; mar- ried Julia Gertrude Hammond, Dec. 16, 1895; member Masonic Lodges, Blue Lodge and Chapter Mason; also member of Royal Arcanum; Treasurer of Tanne- bill Chapter No. 40, R. A. M., and treas- urer of Corona Council No. 426 Royal Ar- canum; Democrat; served several terms as City Councilman and five terms as City Treasurer; former Paymaster Capt. N. G. S. T., with title of Captain, commis- sioned bv Gov. M. R Patterson; member of Southern Methodist church. TATE, James Alexander, teacher and speaker; born Maness, Scott County, Va., February 26, 1860; English and Irish de- scent; son of John and Martha Maness Tate; father was a merchant and farmer; paternal grandparents William and Phoebe (Fugate) Tate, maternal grand- parents Loftus and Lucinda Maness; educated Milligan and Sneedville Col- lege; graduated B. A. Milligan College, May 20, 1882; received A. M. degree 1885; began career as teacher and law- yer; married Letitia LaRue Corn forth, May 17, 1887 ; professor in Milligan Col- lege from 1882 to 1890; Principal Fay- etteville Collegiate Institute from 1890 to 1897; was lawyer and editor in Nashville for two years; President of West Tennes- see College, Dyer, Tenn., from 1897 to 1900; National Prohibition Organizer from 1900 to 1902; President American University, Harriman, Tenn., from 1902 to 1907 ; Principal Dixon Academy 1907 to present time; Chairman Prohibition State Committee from 1894 to 1904; Secretary National Prohibition Commit- tee from 1894 to 1904; member of the Christian Church. THOMPSON, William Elgin, educa- tor; born near Unionville, Bedford Coun- ty, Tenn., November 28, 1848; English descent; son of Minos and Ellen C. (Wil- liams) Thompson; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents John and Polly (Snell) Thompson, maternal grandpar- ents Joseph and Charity (Turrentine) Williams; educated at Unionville, Chapel Hill, and Knoxville, Tenn.; graduated University of Tennessee, Knoxville, A. B., 1874; married Nancy I. Floyd, De- cember 26, 1876; is now Superintendent Public Instruction Bedford County, Tenn.; member of the Methodist Prot- estant Church. TODD, William E., traveling sales- man; born Lafayette, Ind., June, 1859; Scotch descent; son of Archibald S. and Ruth (Jones) Todd; his father was an architect; paternal grandparents Dr. James Crowell and Nancy (Johns) Todd, maternal grandparents William A. and Mary (Ketring) Jones; educated Lafay- ette High School and graduated Cincin- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 519 nati, Ohio; began business career as a traveling salesman; married Bessie Stew- art, September 1, 1883; affiliated with Knights of Pythias and M. W. of A.; is member of M. E. Church; sales manager in Tennessee for United States Oil & Paint Works, which position he has held for many years. WILLIS, A. L., farmer and stockman; born Marshall Co., Tenn., Feb. 16, 1861; son of Thomas H. and Sallie (Hayslip) Willis; father, farmer; married Cynthia Glenn, Oct. 28, 1883; Democrat; member of Christian church. WILMOT, Dan Hinton, merchant; born Cairo, Ga., November 3, 1876; son of Dan Hicks and Carrie V. (Everett) Wilmot; Scotch-Irish descent; father's occupation, physician; educated Colum- bus and Lumpkin, Ga. ; married Grace Deering, October 8, 1905; member of Masonic Lodge No. 122, Shelbyville. Tenn., Tannehill Chapter No. 40; at pres- ent engaged in furniture and stove busi- ness; formerly in automobile business with R. S. Deering, 455 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago; early business oc- cupation, traveling salesman; member of Methodist Episcopal Church. WOOD. Samuel Davidson, farmer; born Sinking Creek, Nov. 27, 1873; Irish descent ; son of Samuel Davidson and Martha D. (Cortner) Wood; father’s oc- cupation, farming; paternal grandparents, Wm. and Eleanora (Meris) Wood, ma- ternal grandparents, John and Mary D. (Ray) Cortner; received common school education; entered farming in early life, and most of his time has been devoted to that vocation, also buying and selling stock, and buying and improving land, etc. ; married Martha Susan Thompson, Dec. 25, 1895; Democrat; member of Methodist church. SHOUNS. BROWN, Barton Rorey, farmer; born Ashe, now Watauga Co., N. C., Aug. 4, 1841; English-Dutcli and Scotch- Irish descent; son of James and Harriet (Farthing) Brown; father, farmer; pa- ternal grandparents, Joseph and Anna (Haigler) Brown, maternal grandpar- ents, William and Mary (Halliburton) Farthing; educated in common schools and Boons Creek (Tenn.) Academy; rear- ed on a farm; enlisted in Confederate army July, 1861, and served as second lieutenant 1st N. C. cavalry and Captain 6th N. C. cavalry; wounded at Middle- ton, Md., and later organized a company and joined the 7th battalion N. C. cavalry Dec., 1862, which was joined to the 5th battalion, and formed the 6th N. C. cav- alry, and after a few months in East Tennessee, joined Gen. John Pegram’s brigade in Kentucky, and until after Chickamauga was in his brigade, surren- dered to Gen. Sherman, April 20, 1865; married Martha Caroline Wagner, Sept. 8, 1864; member Taylorsville Lodge F. & A. M. ; Democrat; member of Baptist church. DONNELLY, Joseph Smith, physi- cian; born Shouns, Tenn., Dee. 30, 1869; Irish descent; son of Harrison C. and Margaret A. (Shoun) Donnelly; father’s occupation, merchant, farmer, and stock- trader; paternal grandparents, Richard and Rebecca (Doran) Donnelly, maternal gram-parents, Henderson and Sarah (Ba- ker! Shoun; after a common school edu- cation at Roane Creek Academy, he grad- uated in medicine at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., April 16, 1891, received degree M.D. ; has been engaged of the active practice of medicine since his graduation, and in addition to coun- try practice has served as surgeon for V. I. C. & C. Co., and the Southern Ry., also examiner for N. Y. Life Insurance Co., Surgeon Lb S. Pension Bureau; member Shouns (Tenn.) Wholesale Gro- cery Co., M. & T. Bank of Mountain City Tenn., and Mountain City Pharmacy, and Smith & Donnelly, general merchants, Shouns, Tenn.; married Mary E. Rhea, Feb. 2, 1897 ; member Masons, East Ten- nessee Medical Society, Assn. Southern Railway Surgeons; Southern Methodist church. SILVERPOINT. ANDERSON, Silas Francis, farmer, stock-rasier and merchant; born near Gainesboro, Tenn., Nov. 21, 1863; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Silas and Jane (Wilson) Anderson; father, 520 WHO'S WHO 1 1ST TENNESSEE -farmer; paternal grandparents, Thomas and Juda (Robinson) Anderson, mater- nal grandparents, James and Matilda (Wilson) Wilson; educated Buffalo Val- ley, Putman Co., Tenn.; began career as a farmer; married Maggie L. Eastham, Feb. 29, 1888; member K. of P., and I. O. O. F.; Republican; elected constable Aug., 1886, re-elected Aug., 1888, nomi- nated by acclamation as Republican can- didate for sheriff, March, 1890, defeated bv 78 votes in August election, renomi- nated in 1892 without opposition and elected by 106 votes, again nominated in 1894 and re-elected by 60 votes; member of County Codrt of DeKalb Co., Tenn., 1896-98, appointed U. S. Deputy Mar- shall in 1898; engaged in farming and raising stock, and mercantile business; member of Christian church. P. O. ad- dress Silverpoint, R. F. D. No. 2. SMITHVILLE HOOPER, Tennessee M., merchant; and farmer; born DeKalb Co., Tenn., Sept. 23, 1844; son of Samuel S. and Mary Ann (Kelly) Hooper; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, Ed- ward E. and Mary (Scott) Hooper, ma- ternal grandparents, John and Mary F. (Crowcher) Kelley; educated at Smith- ville, Tenn.; entered farming in 1865, and later in 1875 engaged in mercantile busi- ness thirty years; he is now serving sec- ond term as justice of the peace; private in Co. “A” 16th Tenn. Regiment, C. S. A. 1862-65; married twice, first Missouri Fisk, 1866, second, Ann Sothard; mem- ber Masons, anu has been Treas. of lo- cal lodge a number of years; Democrat; member M. E. church, South. WEBB. Bethei, M., lawyer; born Warren Co., Tenn., Sept. 21, 1847; Irish Scotch, English and French descent; re- ceived common school education; reared on farm, and when quite a youth he was left with a widowed mother and several of his parent’s small children as pension- ers upon his efforts; read law while earn- ing a livelihood and was admitted to the oar; ne was appointed Chancellor of the 5th Chancery Division of Tennessee, by Gov. Taylor, and later was elected to same position; candidate for Judge of the Su- preme Court of Tenn., 1910; married twice, first Helen Ware, Jan. 11, 1867, second, Cassie Boykin, Jan. 29, 1905; member Masonic Lodge, I. O. O. F., K. of P. ana others, and has held various offi- ces in local lodges; member of Methodist cnurch; engaged in the. practice of law, and is preparing for publication a book touching mainly the Judiciary of Tenn. SMYRNA. EDMONDSON, George Keeling, farmer; born Smyrna, Tenn., April 22, 1879; son of David Trendel and Sallie j Copeland (Donoho) Edmondson; pater- nal grandfather John Edmondson; pater- nal grandmother Amanda (Keeble) Edmondson; maternal grandfather Tho- mas Jefferson Donoho; maternal grand- mother, Harriett (Bryan) Donoho; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; educated Smyrna and Nashville, Tenn.; member Presbyterian church. GRACY, Brainard, physcian; born In Pulaski, Tenn., Nov. 3, 1849; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Joseph B. and Elizabeth (Bradshaw) Gracy; father, farmer; ed- ucated in private schools; graduated from University of Louisville, Ky., Medical Department, M.D. degree, 1876; in early life was a rarmer; at present he is en- gaged in the practice of medicine and in- terested in farming and mercantile busi- ness; married Mittie G. Moore, Feb. 4, 1886; Independent Democrat; member of Presbyterian church U. S. RIDLEY, Knox, farmer; born in Miss., Feb. 28, 1851; English and Irish descent; son of W. G and Mary Jane (Carlton) Ridley; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Entered farming in early life; married Sallie Crockett, i\ov. 18, i874; member I. O. O. F., and K. of P. ; Democrat; en- gaged in farming and saw milling, Smyr- na, Tenn. SNEED VILLE. ANDERSON, Elihu L., traveling salesman; born Sneedville, Tenn., Dec. 11, 1873; Irish descent; son of Patton and Nancy J. (Fletcher) Anderson; father, farmer; educated at Sneedville (Tenn.) High School, and graduated from same March 10, 1889; he was left an orphan who’s AVHO IN TENNESSEE 521 when he was only a child, and worked during vacation to make money to de- fray expenses of his education ; was in the mercantile business in early life; married Millie Trent, Nov. 10, 1897 ; member Ma- sons, I. O. O. F., and has filled all offi- ces in lodge; member W. O. W. and U. C. T.; Republican, and active in politics; Superintendent of Public Instruction for Hancock Co., Tenn., 1902-03, and served as justice of peace four years; Lay mem- ber of Baptist church; Cashier of Citi- zens Bank of Sneedville, Tenn., 1909, and worked for Central Mfg. Co., 1902. BURCHETT, W. T., farmer; born Hancock Co., Tenn., Jan. 5, 1870; Uutcii and Irish descent; son of Richard and Nancy (Anderson) Burchett; father’s occupation, farming; educated in Han- cock Co., Tenn.; began his career as a miller; married Mary L. Livesay, Sept. 18, 1902; member I. O. O. F. (V. G.); Republican ; served as constable 1892, and deputy sheriff, 1894, at present he is sheriff of Hancock Co., Tenn.; member of Baptist church. DRINNON, Alf Taylor, public offi- cial; born Mitchourg, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1884; Irish descent; son of J. D. and Ma- ry (Greene) Drinnon; father’s occupa- tion, farmer and trader; paternal grand- parents, W. B. and Mary (Seal) Drinnon, maternal grandparents, Alfred and Mary (Berry) Greene; educated at Sneedville, Tenn., High School; was left to make his own way at age of 10, educated self, and ’• as Assistant Postmaster at Sneedville, when 18 years of age, Cashier of Citizens Bank of Sneedville at age of twenty, and clerk and master of the Chancery Court of Hancock Co., Tenn., at age of 23, and is the present incumbent; was a book- ! keeper and salesman in early life; inter- ested in real estate at Sneedville and Mor- ristown, Tenn., Vice-President of Citi- zens Bank, Sneedville, Tenn.; married Gertrude Jarvis, June 7, 1908; member Sneedville Lodge No. 277 F. & A. M., and is senior warden of same; member of Rogersville Chapter No. 119 R. A. M.; Republican; member of Baptist church. — HARRIS, Jesse M., attorney at law; born Lee Valley, Tenn., June 25, 1884; English descent; son of Burre and Eliza Jane (Burton) Harris; father farmer; educated McMinn Military Academy, Rogersville, Tenn., graduated from law department Cumberland University 1910; in early life was a farmer; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church. LAWSON, Clias., teacher, merchant and farmer; born Hancock Co., Tenn., Sept. 6, 1875; English descent; son of John and Franklin (Trent) Lawson; father, farmer; educated Carson and Newman College; in early life was poli- tician and farmer; member I. O. O. F. ; Republican; County Assessor; member of Baptist church. LIVESAY, J ohn, public official; born Treadway, Tenn., March 17, 1861; Irish descent; son of Andrew J. and Al- lie (McGinnis) Livesay; father’s occupa- tion, farmer and stock-raiser; paternal grandparents, Joseph and Lavina (Hur- ley) Livesay, maternal grandparents, Moses and Mary (Wolfe) McGinnis; edu- cated Washington College, Tenn., and public schools; worked on farm in early life; entered the mercantile business as a retail merchant on small scale when 26 years of age, continued in same and was Postmaster of Sneedville, Tenn., 15 years, served as Justice of the Peace seven years; Chairman of County Court of Hancock Co., Tenn., two years, and was elected Clerk of the County Court of Hancock Co., 1902, 1906 and 1910, and is present incumbent; Republican; Chair- man of republican Executive Committee of the Floterial District comprised of Hancock and Grainger Counties, Tenn.; married twice, first Lydia Henry, Oct. 28, 1888, second Mollie Buttry, Dec. 16, 1903; District Deputy Grand Master I. O. O. F., and Representative to the Grand Lodge of same in 1907-08; Past Consul Commander W. O. W., and District Dept. President of Rebecca’s; member of Mis- sionary Baptist church. MITCHELL, JnssE Braughtek, physi- cian; born Hawidns Co., Tenn., May 29, 1841; Dutch-Irish an^ Scotch-English de- scent; son of Richard and Elizabeth (Da- vis) Mitchell; father’s occupation, physi- cian and Clerk of County Court; pater- nal grandfather, Solomon Mitchell, pa- ternal grandmother, Nancy Mitchell, was 522 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE the child taken from fort in S. C. ; ma- ternal grandparents, John and Mary Ann (Baldwin) Davis; educated at Greasy- rock Academy; began career as a farm- er; married Mary Evaline Fairchild, Nov. 20, 1860; member Sneed ville Lodge No. 277 F. & A. M. ; Republican; Census Enumerator, for Hancock Co., Tenn., 1870, Co. Trustee two terms, 1882-86, County Health Officer, 1886-90; member of Legislature, 1905; re-appointed on Board of Examiners for pensions 1909, which place he had resigned in 1905 ; mem- ber of Presbyterian church, and was lay delegate to Presbyterian General Assem- bly at Buffalo, N. Y., 1904; engaged in farming, practice of medicine, and stock- holder and director of Hancock County Bank. SOMERVILLE. ALBRIGHT, James Alexander, Sec. State Board of Health; born Graham, N. C., Jan. 14, 1861; son of Henry and Hannah (Kirkpatrick) Albright; Ger- man and Irish descent; paternal grand- father Nicholas Albright; paternal grandmother Mary (Gibbs) Albright, a sister of Gen. George Gibbs who served in war of Revolution with distinction; maternal grandparents Alex and Mary (Dixon) Kirkpatrick; educated Chapel Hill, N. C.; graduated Graham Normal College, N. C., March 2, 1882 with degree of P.S. ; early business occupation school teaching; married Alice Hunter Dec. 24, 1884; member of K. of P., M. M., R. A. M.; Elks; Supreme representative of K. of P., and Past Chancellor; member of State Board of Health since 1897; Presi- dent of State Board of Health during 1897 ; effectively assisted in controlling and preventing yellow fever in Tenn., in 1897, 1898 and also in 1905; member of Presbyterian church. COLLINS, W. T., druggists; born Gleason Tenn., March 3, 1883; son of Thos. M. Collins; educated in common schools and Gleason High school; occu- pation in youth farmer; married Edwina Lasater June 20, 1907; member K. of P., and Masons; entered drug business at Gleason, Tenn., at age of 18; moved to Nashville in 1901 ; worked as prescrip- tion clerk for A. J. Martin and D. H. Nail Dmg Co., till 1907; moved tc Somerville and entered business for him- self as member of firm of Brown & Collins, buying out senior partner Mr. Brown; one year later; continuing busi-l ness as W. T. Collins, also at Moscow, Tenn.; Democrat. CRAWFORD, William Ethelbert,] retired business man; born Somerville, | !| Tenn., June 22, 1842; Scotch-Irish de-'j scent; son of Franklin and Ann L. (Eastham) Crawford; father was agentj, of Memphis and Charleston, 35 years; ed-J ucated Somerville, Tenn., and graduated j June, 1860, served as First Lieutenant j Co. “A” 13th Tenn. Infantry C. S. A. If during civil war; began his career as 1 , agent for Southern Express Co.; married first, Emma Burton, March 12, 1873, J second Pattie Rodgers, Dec. 27, 1900; | member Masons, Blue Lodge, Chajiter and Council, Somerville, Tenn.; former i clerk of the County Court of Fayette Co., j Tenn. Sept. 1, 1906 to Sept. 1, 1910; j Democrat; member of Presbyterian church; interested in poultry. GOOSMANN, Fred, watchmaker; born Lingen, Prov. Hanover, Germany, July 5, 1852; German and Dutch de- scent; son of Fred and Jennie Caroline (Wuerdeman) Goosmann; father was a watchmaker; paternal grandparents Jo- hanna H. and Caroline (Gelshorn) Goos- mann; maternal grandparents H. D. and Jennie (Schmidt) Wuerdemaun; grad- uated in Liugen Germany, Sept. 1866; moved to Somerville, Tenn., in 1871, and entered present business there in 1873, he was formerly in business at Cincin- natti, O., five years; married Mattie F. Simmons, Dec. 7, 1875; member of Bed- .ord Forest Lodge No. 52 K. of P. Past Chancellor Azalea Lodge No. 337 K. and L. of H. Fraternal Mystic Circle, ana Assurance League of America; Repub- lican; member and deacon of Presby- terian church. HOBSON, Horace P., lawyer; born Fayette Co., Tenn., Feb. 21, 1851; son of William H. and Tempie J. (Pulliam) Hobson; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents John and Elizabeth (Evans) Hobson; maternal grandparents John and Amelia (Jones) Pulliam; educated in who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 523 country schools and University of Ky. ; entered practice of law in early life; - married Sallie Walker, Jan. 7, 1885; member Somerville Lodge No. 73 F. & !1S| A. M., and Good Will Chapter, Fayette :o < Council; Democrat; former clerk and master of Chancery Court of Fayette Co., I Tenn., 21 years, and chairman of county ESI ; court of said county two years; he has been treasurer of city of Somerville, ® Tenn., over twenty years; member of “ Methodist church. LEACH, William H., merchant , ^ born Wilson Co., Tenn., March 10, 1844; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William A. 1 i and Cordelia (Logue) Leach; father’s occupation merchant; educated in Fay- ette Co. Tenn.; entered mercantile busi- ness in early life; married twice, first Cornelia Cotrell July 2, 1870, second Julia A. Compton May 22, 1877; Demo- crat; served as private under General Forrest during Civil war; be has been a resident of Fayette Co., Tenn., since 1850, with exception of two years spent in Marshall Co., Miss.; president of Leach Hardware Co. Somerville, Tenn.; ( member of M. E. church, South. LOGGINS, Walter T., editor; born Lodi, Miss., Sept. 16, 1872; son of Reuben B. and Mary E. (Trotter) Log- gins; English descent; graduated Dick- son Normal College, Dickson, Tenn., 1891; occupation in youth farmer; mar- ried Jennie Cocke in 1893; member K. of P. ; nerved two years 1897-1898 as Capt. Co. G., N. G. S. T., and was honorably discharged; reared on a farm | to young manhood until entering col- lege; graduated at 19 and established the Critic at Dickson, Tenri., which he ' edited two years; from 1894-1909 he was '■ Prin. of the Public School at Arlington, 1 Tenn., Dyersburg, Tenn., and Somer- ville, Tenn.; served 8 years at Somer- ville; in 1908 he bought the Fayette Falcon, the only newspaper in Fayette Co., which he now owns and edits; he is now President Somerville Supply Co.; Secretary Somerville B. and L. Associa- tion ; Democrat. McNABB, John A., farmer and mechanic; born Carter Co., Tenn. Sept. 21, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Absalom and Anna (Greer) McNabb; father’s occupation farming; paternal grandparents Adrew and Marguerite (Bourgard) McNabb, maternal grand- parents William and Mary (Crumb- ley) Greer; educated in Carter and Greene Counties, Tenn.; in early life was miner and employee of railroad; at present he is engaged in farming and is secretary and treasurer of Fayette County’s Farmers’ Union Warehouse and Storage Co.; married Julia Shirley, 1880; Dmocrat; justice of the peace 1900-1906, notary public 1902-06; mem- ber of Methodist church. MOORMAN, Hiram Clark, lawyer; born Hardeman Co. Tenn. Jan. 31, 1842; son of Dr. R. A. and Martha A. (Morgan) Moorman; English descent; graduated from Bethel College McLe- moresville, Tenn. June 1860; occupation in youth farmer; military service; pri- vate and Capt. in 13th Tenn., Inft. C. S. A., and A. I. G. Vaughn Brigade; en- listed May, 1860, and paroled at Greens- boro N. C., in April 1865; admitted to the bar at Somerville in 1870 and en- gaged in practice of law since; Presi- dent of Fayette Co., Bank from its or- ganization to date; Democrat; married Frances Jeanette Armstrong Jan. 1871. MOORMAN, Hiram Clark, physi- cian; born Somerville, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1875; Anglo-Saxon descent; son of H. C. and Jeannette (Armstrong) Moor- man; father lawyer; educated Cumber- land University, and Louisville (Ky.) Medical College; graduated from Louis- ville Medical College, a. B., 1898, M. D., 1903; began his career as a clerk and traveling salesman; at present be is pres- ident of local board of health and en- gaged in farming ahd stock raising; former county health officer; member of W. O. W. and Phi. Chi. ; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church. ROBERTSON, C. W., physician; born Whiteville, Hardeman Co., Tenn., Dec. 31, 1848; son of Dr. J. S. and A. M. Robertson; Scotch-Irish descent married Carrie B. Thomas June 1876; member Masons; early occupation soldier, boat- man and machinist; he enlisted ’n Bed- ford Forrest command, 1863, 4th Tenn., 524 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE Cavalry at the age 12 1-2 years; at the end of the war spent four years in and around New York City, working at dif- ferent trades; returned to Tenn. ; at- tended a literary school several years and later took up the study of medicine; graduating at Bellevue Hospital Medical College; was mayor of Somerville one term; active in movement to overthrow carpet-bagging in the South; was City Health Officer a number of years; was tendered the chair of practice in the American college of Medicine and Surgery, Macon, Ga., but declined in the year 1875; Populist. SHAW, Harry Samuel, banker; born Fayette Co., Tenn. Nov. 8, 1859; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Josiah Q. and Pheraby M. (Williams) Shaw; father planter; paternal grandparents Willie and Mary R. (Jones) Shaw; maternal grand- parents H. S. and Patsy (Sewell) Wil- liams; educated East Tenn. College, Knoxville, Tenn. ; was in the grocery busi- ness in early life; at present he is cashier of Somerville Bank & Trust Co., and general agent and financial correspondent, Fayette Co., Union Central Insurance Co, Cincinnati, O. ; married Bessie M. Lin- yard, 1895; member K. of P.; prohibi- tion Democrat; member of Presbyterian church SKaLLER, Maecus, merchant; born Oct. 15, 1842; Hebrew descent; son of Morits and Fredericke Skaller; father merchant; received common school ed- ucation; entered mercantile business in early life and is engaged in same at Somerville, Tenn.; married Leanore Kornox, April 11, 1869; L. K. of H., Free Sons of Israel, I. ' O. B. B. and Mason; started business in Somerville in 1866. STAINBACK, Charles Ashley, lawyer; born at Somerville, Tenn., Dec. 25, 1878; son of C. A. and Laura (Blake- ley) Stainback; graduated from law de- partment Vanderbilt University with de- gree Bachelor of Laws in 1901 ; graduat- ing with first honors and winning both the Founders Department medal and the Special Law Dept, prize; admitted to bar at Somerville, Tenn., in 1901, and has practiced law there since that time; member of Co. L, 4ept. 3, 1844; Welsh and German de- scent; son of O. R. and Martha (Rauls- ton) Beene; father was a farmer and trader; paternal grandparents Obadiah and Jane (Heifner) Beene; maternal grandparents James and Jane (Simmons) Raulston; educated in Marion Co., Tenn.; served four years in Confederate Army as sergeant, and major, he was sentenced to death by the Federal Government and exchanged for a Federal prisoner under the same sentence; began his career as railroad agent and salesman; he now owns property and has charge of South CAMERON, Walter Marvin, public official; born Gadsden, Ala., Dec. 19, 1873; Scotch descent; son of James H. and Martelia (Childs) Cameron; father, minister ; educated Attalla, Ala., and Lexington, Ky. ; graduated Attalla, Ala., 1892; in early life was a clerk, later en- gaged in mercantile business, then en- tered real estate business; nominated for state senator in 1910 but declined to ac- cept; former member of Etowah (Ala) Rifles; at present he is city recorder of South Pittsburg, Tenn. ; member of Cum- berland Presbyterian church; married Sallie Florence Tate, March 9, 1901; member Masons, Knights of Pythias; he has been an officer in all subordinate lodges, and served as district deputy Grand’ Chancellor two terms; Democrat. FREAS, William Henry, banker and farmer; born Cainsville, Tenn., May 14, 1875; son of S. H. and Mary F. (Byrn) Freas; father’s occupation physician; ed- ucated at Georgetown, Ky.; married Ger- tie Hill, Nov. 4, 1904; Democrat; cashier ©f South Pittsburg (Tenn.) Saving Bank. HACKWORTH, Charles L„ physi- cian; born Bass, Ala., May 18, 1870; Irish descent; son of Newton and Eliza (Shipp) Hackworth; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Auston and Bettie (Rigney) Hackworth; mater- nal grandparents Thomas Reed and Fan nie (Gonce) Shipp; educated Larkins- ville, Ala.; graduated in Chattanooga, M. D. April 21, 1901; began his career as a teacher; at present he is engaged in the practice of medicine and interested in farming; married Nellie Grace Bible, Sept. 30, 1907; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., M. W. A., and Improved Order of Red Men; Democrat; U. S. Pension Ev- aminer. 526 WHO S WtIO IN TENNESSEE HILL, Henry W., born in Virginia April 17, 1847; son of Janies and Eliza beth (Garrett) Hill; father manufac- turer; Democrat; served as private in Confederate Army during Civil war, member of Methodist church; active president South Pittsburg (Tenn.) Sav- ings Bank; Supt. U. S. Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Co., South Pittsburg. LODGE, William J., business man; born Delaware Co., Pa., Jan. 12, 1856; English descent; son of Richard and Susan C. (Mason) Lodge; educated pub- lic schools of Delaware Co., Pa.; early o •cupation machinist; moved to South Pittsburg, Tenn., in 1886, Sec. & Treas. Shuster Foundry, eight 3 'ears, manager Central Foundry eleven years; at present he is vice-president Lodge Mfg. Co., and superintendent of machine shop; married Lizzie M. Frame, Dec. 20, 1882; Sec. Fraternal Mystic Circle and Treas. of I. O. O. Heptosophs; Republican; member of Baptist church. PATTON, Robert Alexander, promo- ter and capitalist; born Sweederie Cove, Marion Co., Tenn., April 10, 1848; Irish and Scotch descent; son of Robert and Elizabeth (Raulston) Patton; father’s oc- cupation farming, teaching school and public official of Marion Co., Tenn.; ed- ucated in the public schools of Marion Co., Tenn.; was the pioneer settler of South Pittsburg, Tenn., and began life without means, entered farming, and later became railroad contractor; he is now a promoter of coal mines and owns vast mineral lands, and real estate; mar- ried Pommie C. White, March 25, 1869; member of Masonic Lodge, K. of P., and the Heptosophs; Republican; former postmaster at South Pittsburg, Tenn., March 1898 to July 1, 1906; member of Primitive Baptist church. POWELL, Robert C., wood pattern maker; born Sullivan Co., Tenn., Sept. 19, 1850; English and German descent; son of W. M. and Mary A. (Deck) Powell; father’s occupation carpenter; paternal grandparents Robert and Mar- garet (Wolford) Powell; maternal grand- parents Abraham and Elizabeth (Droke) Deck; educated in country schools; mar- ries Rhoda Patton, 1885; member I. O. O. F., and Past Master F. & A. M.; Re- publican; member of Lutheran church. WILSON, Wallace Hill, business man; born Eminence, Ky., June 23, 1866; son of William Boon and Elizabeth j] (Offut) Wilson; father banker; ed- ucated Eminence (Ky.) Col. and grad- l uated from same in 1885; early occupa- I tion paying teller Deposit Bank, Emi- nence, Ky. ; moved to South Pittsburg, j ’lenn., June 30, 1887, and entered mercan- tile Dusiness in which ne continued until 1907 ; he is now owner and manufacturer of South Pittsburg (Tenn.) Sewer Pipe Works; serving third term as mayor of South Pittsburg, Tenn., and sixth year as member of board of education of said city; married Carrie M. Phillips, Jan. 12, 1887; Democrat; member of Methodist church, South. SPARTA. BROWN, William Carl, teacher; born Trousdale, Tenn., April 11, 1882, Irish and German descent; son of Wil- liam Lafayette and Sarah H. (Espey) Brown; father farmer; educated at Bell- buckle (Tenn.) College, and Dibrell Col- lege; in early life was a farmer; married Mamie Gist, Nov. 24, 1910; member 1. O. O. F., and K. of P. ; member of Christian church. COTTEN, Leon DeCasto, physician; born Pollard, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Sarah (Wright) Cotten; father’s occupa- tion teacher; paternal grandparents Thomas A. and Matilda (Britt) Cotten; maternal grandparents James and Nellie (Hutson) Wright; educated at Sparta Tenn., High School; educated in medicine, University of Nashville, Tenn., M.D., 1902; in early life taught school; married Florence MicDowell, 1900; mem- ber I. O. O. F., W. O. W., M. W. A., F. E. C. & U. of A. M.; Democrat; member of Christian church. HULL, Ernest H., Stove and Tin- ware merchant; born Canada April 23, 1873; son of W. W. and Ida (Ken- ward) Hull; English descent; father’s occupation was stove and tinware mer- chant; educated Sparta and Pleasant who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 527 Hill, Tenn.; married Lizzie Cannon 1896; early business occupation in merchan- dising with his father whom he bought out in 1907 ; member I. O. O. F. JARVIS, Eliphalet, lawyer; born White Co., Tenn., Jan. 14, 1850; Anglo- Saxon descent; son of Reziah and Mar- garet (Sapp) Jarvis; father, farmer; paternal grandparents, John and Par- melia (Rose) Jarvis; maternal grand- parents Benjamin and Fannie (Holifield) Sapp ; educated in Cumberland Institute and common schools of White Co., Tenn.; entered practice of law in early life, member of the State .Senate of Tenn., from 1886 to 1888, representative from 1894 to 1898, again senator 1898 to 1900; author of bill to limit and restrict crim inal costs, known as “Jarvis Law” also bill to put attorney-general on salary, and other laws; married Mary E. Gilliland, Dec. 28, 1876; member Masons, Past Master and Past High Priest; Democrat; member of M. E. church, South. KINSEY, Malcolm Milton, contrac- tor and builder; born Thompson’s Creek, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1873; Irish and Dutch descent; son of Hiram Milton and Martha Jane (Bomar) Kinsey; educated in Tuliahoma (Tenn.) High School; mar- rieu Mary Brown, Dec. 25, 1900; member Masons and I. O. O. F. ; he has filled all offices in latter lodge and represented same in Grand Lodge; Democrat served as First Sei’geant twelve months in Coal Creek Riots; has served three years as alderman of Sparta, and he is now chief of the fire department of said town; he has built most of the business houses in Sparta, Tenn., and now has a block under contract; member of Christian church. MEREDITH, Dan Martin, lawyer, born Sparta, Tenn., Oct. 19, 1872; Scotch Irish descent; son of W. H. and Fannie (Brown) Meredith; father carpenter; pa- ternal grandfather Martin Meredith; ma- ternal grandparents Thomas and Mar- garet (Weaver) Brown ; graduated from University of Tenn., B. L. degree June 1895; won medal for oratory in 1894 and debate in 1895; began career as a teach- er; admitted to bar in 1900; married Mamie Officer Dec. 14, 1898; member Masonic Lodge; mayor of Sparta, Tenn., 1908; memQer of Legislature 1899-1901; engaged in the practice of law and is a large property owner; member oi Methodist church. PARISH, James B., farmer; born Keltonburg, Tenn., Sept. 17, 1859; Irish descent; son of James A. and Nancy (Anderson) Parish; father was a farmer; educated at Bluff Springs, Tenn. ; in early life was a merchant and miller; former vice-president of the Peoples Bank of Smithville, Tenn.; at present he is en- gaged in farming; married Nannie Lea- gue, March 23, 1881; member Masonic Lodge No. 424; Methodist church. RICHARDS, A. F., physician; born Sparta, Tenn., May 21, 1866; Seotch- Irish descent; son of Daniel R. and Mary (Taylor) Richards; father’s oc- cupation farmer; paternal grandfather Richard Richards; paternal grand- mother, was a Miss Vance prior to her marriage; maternal grandparents Cread A. and Sarah (Walling) Taylor; ed- ucated at Onward Seminary; graduated from University of Tenn., medical de- partment, M.D. degree March 1893; be- gan his career as a teacher; married Fan- nie Argo, Dec. 18, 1895; Democrat; LT. S. Pension Examiner; member of Church of Christ; engaged in the practice of medicine, Sparta, Tenn. RICHARDS, Samuel Gaines, travel- ing salesman; born Cave, Tenn., Aug. 12, 1859; Dutch and Irish descent; son of Daniel R. and Mary Jane (Taylor) Richards, educated at Onward High School near Doyle, Tenn. ; was a sales- man, farmer and teacher in early life; married Arminda B. Gist, Dec. 20, 1882; Democrat; member of Christian church. TUBB, James R., manufacturer of spokes; born Smithville, Tenn., May 30, 1852; son of John B. and Harriett J. (Richardson) Tubb; father’s occupa- tion lawyer; educated Smithville, Tenn.; early business occupation merchant; married Laura Bronson Oct. 29, 1876; was Mayor of Sparta for six years; member of Church of Christ. 528 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE WARD, William Jefferson, dairy farmer; born White Co., Term., July 7, 1852; Irish and English descent; son of Andrew Jackson and Mary Adeline (Cashdollar) Ward; father was a farmer; educated in the public schools of White Co., Tenn., and Zion Academy; moved to Missouri in 1886, and elected to Legisla- ture of the State of Mo., from Stodard County in 1890; in 37th general assembly of Mo., he was chairman of the house committee on agriculture, introduced and passed a bill placing street railways un- der state board of railroad commission, in 39th General assembly, was chairman of Committee of Ways and Means, and in 40th general assembly, appointed by governor a member of auditing commit- tee, and speaker of the house; married Laura Roberts, Dec. 9, 1886; member Farmers Alliance; Democrat ; member of M. E. church, South; has always been interested in farming. YOUNG, Chaeles Coker, retired merchant; born Sparta, Tenn., Feb. 25, 1845; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Wil- liam Martin and Matilda (Wallace) Young; father’s occupation, tanner, bank cashier and farmer; paternal grand- parents James and Elizabeth (Draper) Young; maternal grandparents Jack and Elizabeth (Simpson) Wallace; educated at Sparta, Tenn.; early occupation tan- ner and farmer; entered the mercantile business at Sparta, Tenn., and continued in same thirty years; served four years in Co. “C” 41st regiment C. S. A., and was captured at Ft. Donelson, held pris- oner eight months at Camp Morton Ind., when he was exchanged, wounded and taken prisoner again at Franklin, Tenn., and held at Camp, Chase, O., eight months; married Catherine Annette Bur- ton, June 19, 1873; member of Christian church, and Knights of Honor. SPENCER. BILLINGSLEY, William N., presi- dent of Burritt College; born Pikeville, Tenn., Nov. 9, 1853; English and Welsh descent; son of John M. and Hannah D. (Myers) Billingsley; father was a farm- er and stock raiser; paternal grandpar- ents Samuel and Nancy (Mulkey) Bil- lingsley; maternal grandparents John D. and Mary (Snoddy) Myers; educated at Burritt College, and Union Academy; graduated from Burritt College A. B. June 1873, M. A., 1875; began teaching immediately after graduation, as princi- pal of Eaton Institute, 1873-75, principal Onward Seminary 1875-89, president of Burritt College 1889 to 1911; instruc- tor and conductor in State Institutes from 1899-1910; former Co. Supt., presi- dent State Assn. Public School Officers and member of State Text Book Commis- sion, also president State Teachers Asso- ciation; commissioner to Paris Exposi- tion 1900; member of Church of Christ; director in First National Bank of Sparta, Tenn., since 1890 and Van Buren Bank since '1907; Democrat; member of State Board of Education 1909-11, elected to position in State Normal School, Murfreesboro, Tenn. BRADY, James M., lawyer; born Mc- Minnville, Tenn., Nov. 29, 1873; Dutch- Irish descent; son of Hugh J. and Cherokee D. (Wilcher) Brady; father’s occupation farmer, merchant and U. S. Revenue Collector; educated in common schools and Burritt College, graduating from the latter B.S., June 1892; entered practice of law in early life; now repre- sents several corporations as attorney, and is largely interested in coal and tim- ber lands, in Van Buren and adjoining counties, in Tenn.; married Ollie Bouldin, Jan. 28, 1902; Worshipful Master Moun- tain Lodge No. 261 F. & A. M., Consul M. W. A., Spencer Camp No. 14362; Republican; postmaster Spencer, Tenn.; former election commissioner 1899-1907; trustee of Burritt College; member of Methodist church. HASTON, Ernest N., lawyer and pub- lic offiicial; born Cummingsville, Tenn., March 26, 1877; Irish descent; son of George W. and Sarah (Shockley) Has- ten; father farmer and stockman; pater- nal grandparents Isaac and Elizabeth (Sparkman) Haston; maternal grand- parents Phillip and Elizabeth (Rhodes) Shockley; graduated from Burritt Col- lege, B. A., May 22, 1899; was a farmer boy and school teacher in early life; ad- mitted to bar at Spencer, Tenn., July 1902, and has been engaged in practice of his profession since; married Vollie WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 529 Kathleen Sparkman, July 20, 1904; mem- ber W. O. W., M. W. A., and a Toaster Mason; former superintendent of public instruction for Van Buren Co., Tenn., two terms; elected in August election 1906 as clerk of the County Court of Van Buren Co., Tenn., to serve four years, elected second term Aug. 1910; delegate from Third Congressional District of Tenn., to the last National Democratic convention at Denver, Col.; member of Church of Christ; chairman of the execu- tive Committee of Van Buren Bank, in which he is a director and stockholder; eiitor Spencer Times. PAINE, William Rodger, farmer; born Warren Co., Tenn., May 18, 1837 ; son of Charles and Martha (Meadley) Paine; father was a farmer; received common school education; was a farmer and school teacher in early life; married Sophronia Mitchel, Jan. 24, 1865; is a Master Mason; Democrat; justice of the peace thirty years; chairman of County Court seven years; served in the Con- federate army as sergeant; member of Christ church. PASSONS, Edward T., farmer and lumberman; born White Co., Tenn., July 25th, 1836; English descent; son of Major and Anna (Anderson) Passons; father farmer; educated at Spencer Tenn.; served as private in Civil war; entered farming in early life; married Evaline York, Dec. 30, 1857; member Masons; Democrat; justice of the peace 24 years; former chairman of Democratic County Executive Committee of Van Buren Co., Tenn., trustee in college 25 years, and served _as city recorder of feuencer, Tenn., two years; he is now vice-president of Van Buren Bank and owns sixty shares in same, owns also sixty shares of stock in bonding and in- surance companies at Nashville, Tenn., and 3,000 shares in Jerome copper mine in Arizona. WALKER, James Anderson, born Sweet Gum, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1863; Irish descent; son of Joseph H. and Nancy (Hast on) Walker; father farmer; ed- ucated in the common schools; in early life was a farmer; married Mattie Mit- chell, April 27, 1892; Mason; Democrat; sheriff 1890-92, county road commission- i r 1900 ; at present he is clerk and master of the chancery court of Van Buren Co., Tenn., and justice of the peace; member of Christian church. SPOT. MATHEY, Louis Charles, manufac- turer of lumber, farmer; born Louisville, Ky., May 24, 1857; French descent; son of Louis Constant and Augustine (Mar- chal) Mathey; father architect, contrac- tor and builder Louisville, Ky. ; paternal grandfather John Roche Mathey; ma- ternal grandparents John B. and Marie (Du Point) Marchal; graduated at Louisville, Ky., 1878; began life at 17 as an apprenticed j ourneyman stone cut- ter three vears, then farmed three years, and afterwards became accountant and custodian of funds eighteen years, then business manager seven years,, at present he is wholly interested in the manufac- ture of lumber and engaged in farming in improved way; married Mary Eliza- beth Seitz, Oct. 4, 1886; member Elks; Democrat; failed in a strenuous effort in August 1910 to get Hickman Co., Tenn., to vote a 15 year bond issue of one hundred thousand dollars for four ma- cadamized roads in four cardinal direc- tions out of Centreville, Tenn. SPRING CITY. McDONALD, William Paine, physi- cian and surgeon; born near Dayton, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1868; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Rowland Foster and Orpha Jane (Paine) McDonald; father farmer and surveyor; paternal grandparents Wil- liam and Nancy (McDonald) McDonald; maternal grandparents Orville and El- vira (Locke) Paine; received literary ed- ucation in Tenn. Valley College; grad- uated in medicine University of Louis- ville, Ky., and Chattanooga Medical Col- lege, received M. D. degree; began his career as a farmer; married Cora Earle Davidson, May 19, 1891 ; has taken all degrees in York Rite Masonry and is now serving 2d year as Blue Lodge lec- turer for the Third District of Tenn., ne has filled all offices in Blue Lodge and Chapter; served nine years in Tenn. State Guard and retired with rank of Captain; member of Rhea County Court; 530 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE member of Cumberland Presbyterian church. WALLIS, James Leslie, farmer and fruit grower; born near St. Thomas, Ontario, Feb. 29, 1872; English descent; son of Mark and Lucy (Potticary; Wallis; father’s occupation farming; pa- ternal grandparents Mark Ball and Mary (Lull) Wallis; maternal grandparents Charles and Anne (Furnal) Potticary; educated near St. Thomas, Ont. ; began career as a farmer and is now interested in farming, fruit growing and stock raising; member Masons, Master. SPRINGFIELD. BERNARD, Ollie Hinson, educator; born in Robertson County, Tenn., May 27, 1877; son of William Franklin and Martha (Harris) Bernard; father was a farmer; paternal grandfather Allison Bernard; paternal grandmother Emily (McMillin) Bernard; maternal grandfa- ther William Harris, maternal grand- mother Lucinda (Groves) Harris; Scotch-Irish and French descent; attend- ed the rural schools of his county, com- pleting the public school course at an early age, after which he entered the Southern Normal University of West Tennessee, taking the B. S. course; en- tered the Southern Normal College at Bowling Green, Ky., completing the A. B. course in 1904; in early life engaged in teaching, farming and mercantile business; married Ollie McMurry of Springfield, Tenn., April 29, 1909; mem- ber of Masonic Lodge and I. O. O. F. ; was elected to the office of Superintend- ent of Public Instruction for Robertson County, July, 1906, and has been re- elected to the same position for three successive terms; also interested in mer- cantile enterprises; member of Method- ist Church. CARNEY, Peyton Whitfield, minis- ter; born Hurstburgh, Humphreys Coun- ty, Tenn., May 23, 1871; English and Irish descent; son of Frank W. and Lou Ella (Weatherford) Carney; paternal grandparents Harrell and Jane (Kille- brew) Carney, maternal grandparents Peyton and Luvinia (Wilkerson) Weath- erford; was reared on a farm and en- 1 gaged in merchandise in early life; or- dained to the ministry in 1892; married Carrie Flavius Sullivan, July 3, 1892; member Missionary Baptist Church; is affiliated with Masons, I. O. O. F. Jun- iors and M. W. of A. DORSEY, Albert Lee, lawyer; boriv Ballard County, Ky., November 29, 1879; ! son of Andrew Walker and Winnie Cath- j ern (Burrow) Dorsey; paternal grand- parents Richard Merriwether and Mar- tha (Glass) Dorsey, maternal grandpar-|! ents Greenberry and Matilda (Morgan) | Burrow; Irish-English descent; educated" public schools; members Modern Wood- ji men, Past Grand I. O. O. F., Past Chan- cellor Pythians; member Baptist Church; President Springfield Home Telephone Company. DOWELL, Lee Townsend, educator, County Court Clerk of Robertson Coun- ay, Tenn.; Scotch-Irish descent; born in Logan County, Ky., October 3, 1877 ; son of Wm. T. and Virginia (Fitzgerald) Dowell; educated Orlinda, Tenn.; began life as clerk in country store; was later a school teacher; resided Hygeia Springs jj 1889-92 and earned livelihood by selling papers and clerking in country store; re- entered school at Orlinda in 1892 and remained there until his education was completed in 1897 ; engaged in teaching as a profession in 1897, and was elected Su- perintendent of Public Instruction for Robertson County in 1902, which office lie held until 1906, when he was elected County Court Clerk, re-elected in 1910; he is also interested in farming; is a member of the Baptist Church and a 32 degree Mason, a member of I. O. O. F., K. of P. and other fraternal orders. FYKE, Benjamin Foster, physician; born Robertson County, Tenn., Decem- ber 10, 1854; son of Jeremiah and Beady (Sellers) Fyke; German descent; edu- cated country schools in Robertson County, Tenn.; graduated M. D., Nash- ville, February 22, 1877; married, first, Lizzie Wells, October 10, 1879; married, second, Mary Walker, October 15, 1889; member Presbyterian Church; in early life made his way by teaching. WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 531 LONG, J. W., farmer; born Robertson Co. Tenn., Nov. 2, 1861; Irish descent; son of John R. and Adeline (Batts) Long; father farmer; grandson of John and Mary (Johnson) Long and Jeremiah and Mary Ann (Byrns) Batts; educated at Culleoka, Tenn.; entered farming in early life and is still engaged in same at Springfield, Tenn. ; married Carrie Bell, Dec. 5, 1886; Prohibition Democrat; member of Methodist cnurch. MeMLIRRY, Dudley, farmer and to- bacco dealer; born Robertson Co. Tenn. Dec. 19, 1860; son of Eli and Octavia (True) McMurry; father's occupation farmer and dealer in tobacco; educated in the country public schools; began career as a farmer; married Ida Cook, Aug. 13, 1882; member and deacon in Springfield Baptist church. MATHEWS, Richard Leonard, phy- sician and surgeon; born Springfield, Tenn., February 6, 1883; son of S. A. and Minnie B. (Izar) Mathews; pater- nal grandfather William L. Matthews, paternal grandmother Sallie Matthews, maternal grandfather Colonel R. H. Izar; maternal grandmother Sarah F. Izar; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Wallace’s Preparatory School, Nashville, and Van- derbilt University; graduated Wallace’s Preparatory School 1901 ; M. D. Vander- bilt University 1907 ; member Masons, Junior A. O. U. M., M. W. of A., Auditor and Medical Examiner for M. W. of A. MURPHY, Samuel Ogburx, editor and publisher Springfield Herald; born Springfield, Tenn., January 5, 1872; Irish descent; son of Col. Robert H. and Anne E. (Braden) Murphey; father County Court Clerk, Robertson County, Tenn., for 30 years, and Lieutenant-Colonel, Thirtieth Tennessee Regiment, in Civil War; educated common schools; mar- ried Annie A. Allen, December 6, 1893; member Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Honor; served in Spanish- American War 1898-1900 in Philippine Islands; was Captain of Company K, First Tennessee Regiment; actively en- gaged in war of Philippine insurrection February 4, 1899, taking of Iloilo, Island of Panay, February 7, 1899; battle of Jaro, February 16, 1899; 25 days’ skir- mish in mountains of Cebu, Island of Cebu, and the capture of insurgent forts September 25, 1899; member Christian Church; was active as personal friend and supporter of the Hon. Edward Ward Carmack in Democratic gubernatorial primary 1908; advocate independent ju- diciary and law enforcement 1910. NAYLOR, Richard Powell, commer- cial traveler and insurance man; born January 14, 1872; son of John Woodfin and Martha (Powell) Naylor; English descent; graduated Milton College, Fay- etteville, Tenn.; married Emetine Flint, 1901; admitted to the bar (never prac- ticed) ; represents Cincinnati Clothing House for Tennessee and Eastern Arkan- sas; Democrat; active in politics. PEOPLES, James Alexander, teacher; born Maury Co. Tenn. Feb. 4, 1877; son of James H. and Margaret (Douglass) Peoples; father’s occupation Presbyterian minister; graduated at Webb’s School, 1895 and Vanderbilt University L.L. B., 1902; taught schools in Ark., Ala., and Tenn., from 1895 to 1898; after gradua- tion at Vanderbilt University he estab- lished the Peoples School, Franklin, Tenn., the following year associated his brothers R. G. and R. H. Peoples in the same in- stitution, failing in health at the end of three years he sold his interest in said school to brothers, and removed to Nash- ville and engaged in the practice of law from Sept. 1905 to June 1908 at this time formed a partnership with E. B. Tucker of Smyrna, Tenn., and established the Peoples-Tucker School for boys and is still at the head of this school; mar- ried Emma Clay Webb, Oct. 15, 1903; member Knights of Pythias and Sigma Chi fraternity; member of M. E. church, South. ROBISON, George Daniel, clergy- man; born near Murfreesboro, Ruther- ford County, Tenn., February 11, 1874; son of James R. and Margaret Catherine (McGill) Robison; paternal grandpar- ents Daniel M. and Mary (Shannon) Robison, maternal grandparents James and Catherine (Norman) McGill; Eng- 532 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE lish, Irish and Scotch descent; educated Peabody, Nashville, and Cumberland University, Lebanon; graduated L. I. at Peabody 1900; B. D. Cumberland Uni- versity 1905; married Jane Sidney Fan- cher, November 25, 1904; member K. of P. ; member Presbyterian Church; minis- ter since 1905, at Springfield; was taken under care of McMinnville Presbytery of the C. P. Church as a candidate for the ministry in April, 1897; was ordained by the Lebanon Presbytery in 1904, and graduated in theology in 1905. SHAWVER, George Runyan, electri- cal engineering; born Bellefontaine, O., November 14, 1878; son of B. F. and Elizabeth (Reeder) Shawver; German de- scent; educated McMinnville, Tenn. ; graduated International Correspondence Schools July, 1900; married Laura Blanks, December 27, 1903; member F. & A. M., Chapter Mason, M. W. Encamp- ment, I. O. O. F., Rebekah; joined Ten- nessee Regiment time of Spanish-Ameri- can War; member Cumberland Presby- terian Church; Superintendent City Wa- ter Works and Electric Plant, Spring- field. TRUE, Henry Clay, lawyer; born near Cross Plains, Robertson County, Tenn., October 9, 1867; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Francis Marian and Har- riett Ellen (Bigbee) True; his father was a farmer and tobacco dealer; pater- nal grandfather James True (fought un- der Jackson at New Orleans), paternal grandmother Nancy A. (Newton) True (descendant of Sir Isaac Newton), ma- ternal grandfather Captain William Big- bee (soldier in Indian War), maternal grandmother Ellen (Randolph) Bigbee (descendant of John Randolph and Thomas Jefferson) ; was school teacher and merchant in early life; educated Neophogen College, Cross Plains, Tenn.; graduated B. A. June, 1888; was admit- ted to the bar at Springfield, Tenn., J une, 1891, where he is now actively engaged in his profession; married Sallie Durrett, November 11, 1891; member Tennessee General Assembly 1891-1893; has served by special appointment as Judge of the Circuit Court and as Chancellor al Springfield, Tenn.; was counsel in noted; cases of Traughber vs. Akin, 109 Tennes- see Reports; Railroad vs. Fort, 112 Ten- nessee, and Railroad vs. Cheatham, 118 Tennessee; is stockholder and director and general counsel for People’s Nation- al Bank, the O. G. Sprouse Company, Hurt & Tanner Drug Company, and Robertson County Warehouse Company, all of Springfield, Tenn., and the Inter- national Life Insurance Company of St. Louis, Mo.; affiliated with Knights of Pythias and is member of the Missionary Baptist Church. TUCKER, Everett Brackin, educa- tor; born Smyrna, Rutherford County, Tenn., April 12, 1881; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of John F. and Linnie (Can- non) Tucker; his father was a farmer; paternal grandparents Silas and Elea- nor (Clark) Tucker, maternal grand- : parents James and Angelina (Jones) | Cannon; educated Smyrna Preparatory School and Vanderbilt University; grad- j uated Vanderbilt, A. B., June, 1905; | taught in Florida in 1899-1900; Associate I' Principal Smyrna Fitting School 1900- ' 1901; Associate Principal Haynes-Mc- Lean School, Lewisburg, 1901-1902; stu- dent in Vanderbilt 1902-1905; Associate i Principal Haynes-McLean School 1905- 1906; teacher in Wallace’s University School, Nashville, 1906-1908; co-Prinei- pal in Peoples-Tucker School, Springfield, since 1908; affiliated with Sigma Chi Fraternity and K. of P.; is member of the firm of John F. Tucker & Son, farm- ers and stockmen, Smyrna, Tenn. SPRING HILL. McGAVOCK, R. J., born near Frank- lin, Tenn., in 1877; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Frank F. and Maggie C. (Cun- ningham) McGavock; father farmer; pa- ternal grandparents Robert and Anne (Hickman) McGavock; received high school education at Wall & Mooney’s school Franklin, Tenn.; graduated from University of Tenn., D. D. S., 1902; be- gan his career as a farmer; member K. of P., and I. O. O. F.; Democrat; mem- ber of Presbyterian church. WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 533 | SPRINGVILLE. . ■ MANLY, Fiiaxcis Leonidas, merchant, farmer and timber dealer; born Ben- ton Co. Tenn. June 27, 1860; Irish de- scent; son of Francis Leonidas and Mary Winifred (Askew) Manly; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents Richard and Elizabeth (Kendall) Manly; mater- nal grandparents Josiah and Emeline (Wynns) Askew; educated in Flenry and Bent m Counties, Tenn., and Paducah, Ky.; married Sarah Frances Cowan, April 5, 1886; member Masons, Elks and I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; member of Methodist church; interested in merchan- dising, farming, stock raising and timber speculating. STANTON. ALBRIGHT, George Nicholas, mer- chant; born Alamance Co., N. C., Feb. 14, 1840; German and Irish descent; son of James and Sallie (Albright) Albright; educated in North Carolina; served four years in Confederate army; Democrat; member of Presbyterian church. DOUGLASS, Willis Burchett, plan- ter and miller; born near Stanton, Tenn. July 15, 1874; English descent; son of John Elmore and Martha Ann (Allen) Douglass ; father’s occupation planter and miller; educated Southwestern Baptist University Jackson, Tenn.; began life in mercantile business at Brownsville, Tenn.; married M. Randle Peeples, Nov. 28, 1897; member of Methodist Episcopal church, South; interested in farming and saw milling. TAYLOR, Edmund, farmer; born Taylor’s Chapel, Tenn., July 17, 1846; English descent; son of Howell and Su- san A. (Hayes) Taylor; father farmer; paternal grandparents Edmund and Elizabeth (Venable) Taylor; maternal grandparents James and Martha (Green) Hayes; educated in Tenn., Ala., and Uni- versity of Va. ; began career as a mer- chant, later entered farming; married Sarah E. Rawlins, Sept. 26, 1878; mem- ber Masons; Democrat; member M. E. church, South. STANTONVILLE. ERWIN, Nicholas DcCalvus, farmer; born McNairy Co., Tenn. March 17, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Na- thaniel A. and Mary E. (McKenzie) Er- win; father’s occupation farmer; educa- ted in country schools; engaged in mer- cantile business at Falcon, Tenn., seven years in early life, he is now engaged in farming; married Zilpah E. Meeks, Sept. 13, 1881; Democrat; member of Chris- tian church. STEWART. ASKEW, Charles Dudley, farmer; born near Magnolia, Tenn., May 30, 1862; English and Welsh descent; son of David and Louisa L. (Brigham) As- kew; father farmer; paternal grand- father Josiah Askew; paternal grand- mother was a Miss Outlaw prior to her marriage; maternal grandparents James H. and Mary T. (McCarroll) Brigham; educated in the country schools of Hous- ton Co., Tenn., and Farmington, Ky. ; reared on farm, taught four public schools in early life, since that time has been interested in farmng; married Ida Tomlinson, Feb. 20, 1894; member of Ma- sons since 1897 and Cumberland Presby- terian church since 1887. TOMLINSON, Rufus H., physician, born Stewart, Tenn., Jan. 3, 1868; Eng- lish descent; son of N. S. and Julia A (Holmes) Tomlinson; father’s occupation farming; paternal grandparents William and Lucy (Tomlinson) Tomlinson; ma- ternal grandparents Nathaniel and Jen- nie (Steele) Holmes; educated Edgewood, Tenn., and Bowling Green, Ky.; grad- uated from University of Nashville, and Vanderbilt University, Medical Depart- ment, with degree of M. D. March 1, 1893; received Diploma in business de- partment of Southern Normal School and Business College, Bowling Green, Ky.; taught school in 1889-1890, and since 1903 he has been engaged in the general practice of medicine; married Ethel K. Dunbar, Oct. 1901; member I. O. O. T. independent Democrat; member M. E. church, South 534 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE STRAW PLAINS CAMPBELL, Henry Little, physi- cian and manager for the Campbell and Deane Co.; born Watauga, Tenn., Sept. 11, 1857; Dutch and Scotch descent; son of William R. and Margaret (Little) Campbell; father was a farmer; pater- nal grandparents Eli and Josie (Dugger) Campbell; maternal grandparents Henry and Matilda (Mottern) Little; educated Milligan (Tenn.) College; studied medi- cine in the College of Physicians & Sur- geons, Baltimore, Md. ; began career as a farmer; married Nancy S. Range, Feb. 27, 1883; member Masons, I. O. O. F., and Knights of Pythias; Republican; postmaster at Straw Plains, Tenn.; mem- ber of Church of the Disciples; president anu manager for the Campbell & Deane Co., engaged in general merchandise, and crushing limestone for railroad ballast, etc. SUGAR TREE. FRY, Harold Jackson, merchant and farmer; born Sugar Tree, Tenn. Dec. 20, 1870; Dutch descent; son of Joseph H. and Nancy Id. (Wesson) Fry; father merchant, farmer; paternal grandpar- ents Mitchel and Rachel (Matlock) Fry; maternal grandparents William and Ann (Harris) Wesson; educated at Sugar Tree and McKenzie, Tenn.; entered mer- cantile business and farming in early life and is still interested in same; married Lena Agnew, Aug. 12, 1804; member Masonic Lodge and Chapter and W. O. W. ; member M. E. Church, South. FRY, Joseph Id., farmer and mer- chant; born Eagle Creek, May 30, 1830; Dutch descent; son of Michael and Ra- chel (Matlock) Fry; educated in com- mon schools, entered mercantile business and farming in early life, in which he continued until he retired from busness; married Nancy H. Wesson, Sept. 1, 1853; member Masons; Democrat; member of M. E. church. South. ODLE, Hiram Dorsey, farmer, stock dealer and merchant; born Sugar Tree, Tenn., Nov. 11, 1843; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Richard and Lucretia (Tip- pett) Odle; paternal grandparents Jerry and Unettie (Hopper) Odle; maternal grandparents Ezekial and Rhoda (Jar- rell) Tippett; educated at Sugar Tren Tenn.; began career as teacher, later er tered mercantile business and continue in same 30 years; at present he is engage 1 in farming and dealing in live stock married Victoria A. Fry, Jan. 16, 1873 member Royal Arch Masons, Worshipfu Master; Democrat; former executive com mitteeman; postmaster at Coxburg, Tenn 25 years; justice of the peace Benton Co, Tenn.; member M. E. Church, South. SURGOINSVILLE. LYONS, William Cocke, physiciar and surgeon; born Surgoinsville, Tenn. Oct. 2, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son oil Clinton G. and Onvia M. (Cocke) Lyons; father farmer and stock raiser; educated Maxwell College, Sweetwater (Tenn.) Col- lege and Louisville Medical College ; grad-} uated from Sweetwater College, A. B. 1885, Louisville (Ky) Medical College, M.D., 1888; entered practice of medicine; in early life at Surgoinsville, Tenn., and isf still engaged in same, is also examining surgeon for New York Life Ins. Co., and, local surgeon for Virginia & Southwestern It. R.; married Kittie E. Ewing, Dec. 12, 1888; member Masons, Blue Lodge, i: and Chapter, I. O. O. F. and W. O. W.;i; Democrat; member of New Providence Presbyterian church and ruling elder In I same SWANBURN. SWANN, Alfred Reuben, farmer and < capitalist; born Dandridge, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1843; English and French descent; son of John and Sarah (Austell) Swann; father's occupation farming; educated at Maurey Academy, Dandridge, Tenn.; served four r^ears in Confederate army cavalry as acting Capt. and Courier; en- tered farming in early life, and pur- chased Beaver Dams plantation 1870, ac- quired various banking, farming, manu- facturing, real estate interests and tim- ber land and mineral land throughout the South and North; married Sara Fran- ces Burnett June 16, 1881; Prohibition Democrat; party chairman of congres- sional district 1910 ; elected magistrate 1890 and judge or the Jefferson County Court 1906; member of Baptist church; P. O. address Dandridge, R. F. D. No. 6. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 535 SWEETWATER. BROWDER, William Dickey, farmer and live stock dealer; born Sweetwater, Tenn., July 9, 1859; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Daniel A. and Rachel L. (Diskey) Browder; father farmer and live stock dealer; educated Hiwassee College; entered farming and stock dealing in early life taking up his father’s business after latter’s death; married Adalon Peak, Oct. 5, 1887 ; mem- ber Masons; Democrat; his grandfather William Browder was with General Jack- son in the battle of New Orleans and his fatner was in the Confederate army dur- ing civil war. BRUNNER, Jons Hamilton, preacher; born Green Co., Tenn., March 12, 1825; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Stonecipher) Brunner; paternal grand- father Jacob Brunner; (Soldier in Rev- olution); paternal grandmother Margaret V Cline) Brunner; paternal grand- father Abraham Stonecipher; maternal grandmother Sarah (Huinbird) Stone- cipher; English German descent; fath- er’s occupation blacksmith and farmer; educated common schools and Tusculum college; graduate of Tusculum college Sept. 1847 ; received degrees of A.B., A. M., and D.D.; early business occu- pation teaching and preaching from 1842 to 1892; married Elizabeth Key, Dec. 10, 1850; member of Masons and So- ciety of Science, Letters and Art, Lon- don, Eng.; former postmaster and com- missioner of education; more than 100 of his students became ministers; author of two books: “Sunday Evening Talks,” and “Union of the Churches;” now on Superannuated list of the Holston Con- ference; member Methodist Episcopal church, South. HULVEY, Otey Crawiord, educator; born Stanton, Va., April 18, 1873; son of John C. and Elizabeth Morgan (Houff) Hulvey; graduated from Stan- ton Military Academy, 1886-1889, Au- gusta Military Academy 1889-1892, University of Va., 1894-95; was com- mandant of Cadets Ky. Military Institute 1897-98; mayor of Mt. Crawford, Va., 1895-97; president of Hay Long College, Tenn. 1898-99; principal Evarts High School, Circleville, O., 1899-1902; found- ed Tenn. Military Institute, in 1902, and has been superintendent of same since; married Geneva Lee Silling June 5, 1895; 32 degree Mason; member of Presbyter- ian cnurch. JONES, Oliver King, hardware mer- chant; born near Sweetwater, Tenn., Aug. 1879; direct descendant of Nicholas Newlin who was member of 1st Provincial Council of Pa., and of John Grubb, 1st English settler of Delaware and of Col. Tipton of early Tenn. history, and of rrederick Jones, founder of Jonesville, A a., 1792; son of John Martin and Martha Jane (Tipton) Jones; father’s occupation banker, merchant and farmer and served in Confederate army, as Lieut, acting Captain 19th and 61st Tenn. In- fantry from 1861 to 1865; paternal grandparents Samuel Chandler and Is- abella Ann (Willson) Jones; maternal grandparents Albert Jackson and Cathe- rine (Wright) Tipton; educated at Sweet- water (Tenn.) Military College; began career as clerk in grocery store, latei entered hardware business in 1896, he is now identified with wholesale and retail hardware implements and seeds, and wholesale and retail dry goods and notions under firm name of Guthrie, Bradley & Jones; also interested in manufacturing piants in his home town, in Dalton and Atlanta, Ga., Louisville, Ky., in Knox- ville, Tenn., and in land adjoining Hous- ton, Texas. LENOIR, Walter Thomas, farmer; born Philadelphia, Tenn. Aug. 8, 1845; French Huguenot descent; son of Walter Franklin and Elizabeth (Goddard) Le- noir; father was a farmer and merchant; paternal grandparents William B. and Elizabeth (Avery) Lenoir; maternal grandparents Thornton C. and Polly (Cunningham) Goddard; educated at Hiwassee College and Millersburg, Ky. ; served almost four years in Confederate army, sergeant, and was paroled at Kings- ton, Ga., May 12, 1865 ; moved to Texas soon after civil war and remained for two years, when he moved to Humboldt, Tenn., and lived there twenty years and engaged in farming; moved to Sweet- water, Tenn., 1887, and is still engaged in farming; married Lona H. Edwards, 536 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE of Little Rock, Ark. May 14, 1873; member of Masons and K. of P.; justice of the peace four terms; member of Methodist church. WAREN, Jake Cathey, farmer; born Roane Co., Tenn., Dec. 25, 1842; English and Irish and German descent; son of Jacob and Mary (Cathev'i Waren; father farmer; paternal grandparents John and Ailsey (Bryant) Waren; maternal grand- parents George and Sarah (Rice) Cathey; received common school education; enter- ed C. S. A. July 27, 1861, and served as chief of scouts, but never received com- mission and quit army April 26, 1865, bong refused the terms of surrender by Gen. Sherman on account of character of service; returned to Tenn. 1868 and en- gaged in farming, teaching school and trading; married Martha S. Ramsey, Dec. 11, 1873; sheriff of Monroe Co., Tenn., 1876-78, elected trustee, 1882, representa- tive for Monroe Co., Tenn., 1902. YOUNG, Samuel Eppes, lawyer and farmer; born Clinton, Tenn., Dec. 1, 1852; English and Scotch descent; son of James H. and Sarah J. (Carter) Young; father minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents Samuel C. and Charlotte (Hall) Young; maternal grandparents Martin B. and Martha (Eppes) Carter; graduated from University of Tenn. B.A. June 19, 1878; entered practice of law in early life and is engaged in same and interested in farming at Sweetwater, Tenn.; married Laura F. Snead, Sept. 5, 1878; member Masons and K. of P. ; Democrat; member of M. E. church, South. SYCAMORE. JACKSON, Ahdrew Perry, farmer, stock raiser and merchant; born near Sparta, Tenn., March 20, 1856; English and Irish descent; son of James Madi- son and Elizabeth King (Milligan) Jackson; father’s occupation, farmer and blacksmith; paternal grandparents Isaac and Katharine (Mitchell) Jack- son; maternal grandparents Julius and Mildred (Hicks) Milligan; educated at Big Springs, Tenn.; early occupation, teacher in Cheatham Co., Tenn., Clerk, Ashland City, Tenn., traveling sales- man, Clarksville, Tenn., general ager Sycamore Powder Co., Nashville, Tenn superintendent mills, Sycamore, Tenn while employed by Sycamore Powde Co., 1887-1890, he traveled from Chi cago to the Gulf; made two trips t Washington (1902-1903) with rivers ant harbors committee; postmaster, 1897 1906; chairman County Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, 1894-1898; Notary Public, Election Commissioner, Sec. an< Treas. Planters’ Warehouse, Justice o: the Peace at present; married Nancj Priscilla Wyatt, June 24, 1890; membei I. O. G. T., K. P„ J. O. U. A. M. F. & A. M., K. T. and O. E. S. Grand Patron of Tenn. for latter; lay- man, manager, steward, trustee, district steward Sunday school superintendent, district secretary member of board of missions of M. ‘E. Church, South, Ash- land City, Tenn.; P. O. address, Ashland City, Tenn., R. F. D. JACKSON, Naxcy Priscilla Wyatt; born New Providence, Tenn., May 6, 1870; English and Welsh descent; daugnter of Richard Covington and! Jenny (Edmondson) Wyatt; father,, practicing physician; paternal grandpa- rents Thomas and Priscilla (Hardy) 5 Wyatt, maternal grandparents Samuel! and Nancy (Jones) Edmondson; edu- cated at Clarksville, Tenn., ‘ and grad- uated from Howell High School, June ' 10, 1887 ; in early life taught fifteen months in Lawrence and Montgomery Counties, Tenn.; married Andrew Perry Jackson, June 24, 1890; member Order Eastern Star (ex.-sec.) and I. O. G. S. (R. H. supported); District Secretary of Clarksville District W. F. M. S.; memner of Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Ashland City R. F. D. TALBOT. ROBERTS, Mortox A., merchant; born Thorn Grove, Tenn., March 1, 1850; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Benjamin and Ann Ivy (Remmer) Roberts; father, merchant; educated in country schools; began career as a farmer and entered mercantile business, 1873, with $500.00 capital, lost store by fire Dec. 18, 1876, with loss of $1,000, and was robbed of $500.00 cash and merchandise WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 537 a| Nov. 7, 1882; married twice, first, Or- I ractice of medicine and surgery and las been engaged in same 26 years, he is " [dso interested in other enterprises, as di- •ector in Dixie Casualty & Surety Co., Memphis, and in banks at Trezevant, At- vood and Trenton, and Co-Operation Drug Mfg. Co., Jackson, Tenn.; mar- j ued Sarah L. Smith, 1890; member Ma- sons, M. W. and I. O. O. F.; Repub- ican; member of Cumberland Presby- :erian church. ' I COOPER, John S., lawyer; born Bedford Co., Tenn.; son of John L. and Frances (Lindsey) Cooper; Scotch and "nglisli descent; father’s occupation, . farmer; paternal grandparents Robert .. xnd Rebecca (Mclnturf) Cooper, mater- ial grandparents Caleb and Temperance (House) Lindsey; educated in the coun- try schools of Murfreesboro and Le- banon, Tenn.; worked on farm and ;aught school in early life; married :wice; Democrat; in 1883 served one 5 :erm in State Senate, and from Sept. 1, 1894, to Sept. 1, 1910, was Chancellor if what is now the 9th Chancery Di- vision of Tennessee; engaged in the ac- tive practice of law at Trenton, Tenn. CRESOP, N. A., Trustee, Gibson Co., farmer; born Madison Co.„ Ala. Sept. 17, 1841; son of A. H. and Nancy (Hess) Cresop; English-Irish, German descent; married Alice Love Dec. 23, 1875; elected as Democratic Trustee of Gib- son Co., August 1906; re-elected 1908; quit school at the age of 17 years to join Confederate army, Company F, 47th Tenn., Reg. ; later consolidated with 12th Tenn., Infantry; fought at Shiloh, Chicamauga, Franklin, Missionary Ridge, Nashville, Richmond, Ky., under Kirby Smith; promoted from private to 2nd Lieut.; later to 1st Lieut.; honorably discharged; lodge aifiliations, Mason; Democrat. DANCE, John R., farmer and stock grower; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1846; English and Scotch descent; son of Drury and Letitia (Abbott) Dance; father, farmer and stock grow- er; paternal grandparents Drury and Mary (Russell) Dance, maternal grand- parents David and Elizabeth (Cummins) Abbott; educated in the common coun- try schools; served as captain of his company in C. S. A., 1861-1865; engaged in mercantile business from 1865 to 1880; married twice, first Sarah Eliza- beth Dodson, Nov. 30, 1865, second, Mar- tha Rachel Hillsman, Dec. 18, 1870; Democrat; worked in internal revenue department of government, 1887-1890; member of Baptist church and for ten years has been clerk of same. DEASON, James Rankin, lawyer; born Unionville, Tenn., July 9, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of David G. and Luvinia (Rankin) Deason; father, physican, merchant and farmer; pater- nal grandparents William and Rebecca (Lylle) Deason, maternal grandparents Thomas P. and Eliza (Warren) Rankin; graduated from Andrew College, A. B., 1872; worked on farm and taught school in early life; married Leila Elder, Nov. 2, 1881; member Masons and K. of P.; Democrat; never sought office of any kind, but was appointed Judge Advo- cate General by Gov. R. L. Taylor; main- ly interested in practice of his profes- sion, incidentally interested in a number of local enterprises; member of M. E. Church, South. 548 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE DENNISON, F. L., teacher, farmer; born Lone Elm, Tenn., Jan. 12, 1872; English and Irish descent; son of Henry P. and Laura (McCall) Dennison; fath- er, farmer; paternal grandparents Rob- ert R. and Nancy D. (Walker) Denm son, maternal grandparents Calvin and Canseda M. (Ingram) McCall; educated Southwestern Baptist University, Jack- son, Tenn.; graduated from same, 1900, received A. B, degree; m early life worked on farm; began educational ca- reer, as teacher in Rutherford and Bed- ford Cos., Tenn.; moved to Trenton in 1900 and since that time has been twice principal of Peabody High School at that place; he is now extensively engaged in farming; married Sallie Alexander, of Rutherford Co., Jan. 2, 1896; inde- pendent in politics and religion. DINWIDDIE, David Macolm, farm- er; born Gibson Co., Tenn., Feb. 2, 1869; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Pleas and Catherine (Bowers) Dinwiddie; father was a farmer; educated at home; entered farming in early life, and has continued in same to date; married Abbe Love Harris, June 1, 1880; Democrat; Magistrate 5th civil district; member of Methodist church. DONALDSON, Aubrey Albert, phy- sician and druggist; born 5th civil dis- trict Gibson Co., Tenn., Feb. 28, 1877 ; English descent; son of Albert Madison and Mattie (Sharp) Donaldson; fath- er’s occupation, physician; educated at Huntingdon and Memphis, Tenn.; grad- uated at Huntingdon, B. S., and B. A. degrees, received M. D. from Memphis Hospital Medical College, April 29, 1903; began career as a druggist at Trenton, Tenn, later entered practice of medicine; married Daisy Pruett, Jan. 26, 1903; Democrat; member of Bap- tist church. FAUCETT, P. H., physician; born Idaville, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1886; son of Dr. J. T. and Everett Mabel (Kyle) Fau- cett; Irish descent; educated public schools, Trenton, Mooney Training school, Murfreesboro Medical Dept., Barnes University, St. Louis, Mo.; grad- uated in medicine May 9th, 1908; mar- ried Eleanora G. Jones Sept. 28, 1907; Lodge affiliations, Mason, I. O. O. F.; Democrat; practising medicine in Tren- ton, Tenn., since Sept. 1908. GORDON, William Osceola, farmer; born East Baton Rouge, La., July 13, 1843; Scotch descent; son of Richard Crop and Ann (Boatner) Gordon; fath- er’s occupation, planter in Louisiana; paternal grandparents Capt. John and Dolly (Crop) Gordon; educated Cen- tenary College, East Feleciona, La.; en- tered Confederate army and served as private two years, Lieut, two years, and then Captain, and later Major in 1st regiment C. V. S. G.; early occupation. Deputy Sheriff of East Feleciona, La.; married Emma G. Faulkner, Feb. 14, 1867 ; member Knights of Pythias and Knights of Honor; Democrat; Justice of Peace of 16th civil district of Gib- son Co. for 20 years; member of Metho- dist church. HARWOOD, B. F., farmer and stock breeder; born Trenton, Tenn., April 7, 1865; English descent; son of R. D. and i.mry M. (Everett) Harwood; father, farmer; educated at Peabody High School, Trenton, Tenn.; after leaving school in 1882 he took charge of a neg- lected homestead with a debt hanging over it during the agricultural hard time in 1882-1890; married Ledocia C. Sand- er, Dec. 4, 1895; Democrat; Notary Pub- lic; member of Missionary Baptist church; breeder of Duroc hogs, saddle horses, fine M. B. turkeys and engaged in general grass, grain and stock farm- ing, has accumulated 500 acres of land, etc. HARWOOD, Thomas Everett, law- yer; born Trenton, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1852; son of R. D. and Mary (Everett) Har- wood; father’s occupation, in early life a printer, later a merchant and then for many years a farmer; paternal grand- parents William and Sarah Ann (Griz- zard) Harwood, maternal grandfather Thomas H. Everett, maternal grand- mother, Elizabeth (Buchanan) Everett, was a daughter of John Buchanan, known in Tennessee as commander of Buchan ' an’s Fort; educated at Andrew College, Trenton, Tenn., Franklin (Tenn.) Col- lege, University of Tenn., and Cumber- who’s WHO XX TENNESSEE 549 land University Law School, graduating from the latter with LLB. degree, 1874; taught school in early life, and later en- tered practice of law, in which he is still engaged; author of inheritance tax law in Tennessee; Democrat; state senaroi from Gibson and Crockett Cos., Tenn., 1893, and trustee of University of Tenn. about eight years; at present he is Judge of the 13th Judicial Circuit of Tenn.; married Jennie Hewett, 1882; member of D. K. E. fraternity, Knights of Honor, Knights of Pythias, State and American Bar Associations; member of Missionary Baptist church. HICKS, John E., farmer, stock raiser; born Madison Co,, Tenn., 1852; son of Benamin M. and Mary (McClel- lan) Hicks; father was farmer and phy- sician; paternal grandparents George and Ella (Curny) Hicks, maternal grandparents Sam and Batey (Yana) McClellan; educated at Milan, Tenn.; in early life was in the dry goods business; married twice, first, Mary Liza Yarbor- ough, Nov. 22, 1882, second, Mattie Mc- Many, Nov. 13 1902; Democrat; member of Missionary Baptist church; engaged in farming and stock raising. HOLMES, V. H., lawyer, born Gib- son Co., Tenn., June 10, 1879; son of Abner and Eleanor (Waddell) Holmes; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Waynes- burg College, Waynesburg, Pa.; married Alice Davidson, April 1907; lodge affilia- tions; Royal Arch, Mason, Odd Fellow; military service; member Tenth Pa. V ol.* Infantry, war with Spain; service in Phillippines ; Democrat. IRION, John Witt, minister of the gospel; born Paris, Tenn., Aug. 16, 1870; German and English descent; son of J. T. and Mary E. (Walters) Irion; fath- er’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparent Col. P. J. and Sarah (Carsey) Irion, maternal grandparents Rev. Spencer and Mary (Randle) Walt- ers; educated Vanderbilt University and University of Chicago; graduated from Vanderbilt University, A. B., 1898; be- gan career as a druggist; married Kath- arine McGlathery, Dec. 26, 1902; mem- ber Masons and Alpha Tau Omega fra- ternity; Democrat; served one year in state militia; traveled extensively through Europe, Asia and Africa; mem- ber of M. E. Church, South, and pastor at Trenton, Tenn. LANDRUM, William Rufus, lawyer; born Dyer, Tenn., Tune 23, 1S77 : Irish descent; son of W. H. and Mandy C. (Rogers) Landrum; father’s occupa- tion, farming; educated in country schools, Southern Normal University, Huntingdon, Tenn., and Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., graduated at Huntingdon, Tenn., B. S., 1898; was a farmer and school teacher in early life; married Alice Ryan Brett, March 18, 1908; Republican; member M. E. Church, South; admitted to bar, 1902, and since 1905 he has been a member of law firm of Walker & Landrum, Trenton, Tenn. LANE, Charles S., register; born Fifth District, Gibson Co., Tenn.; Sept. 10, 1856; son of Carmon H. and Fran- ces (Chrisp) Lane; Scotch-English de- scent; educated country schools; married Carrie McDougal; Dec. 24, 1895; elected Register 1906, Aug. Election and re- nominated Sept. 1909; Democrat. MATTHEWS, W. F„ physician; born Triune, Tenn., Jan. 11, 1855; Scoltch- Irish descent; son of Isham L. and Eliz- abeth J. (Parkes) Matthews; educated at Arington and Hardeman Academy, graduated at Vanderbilt in 1880; began career as a farmer; married twice, first, N. J. Carter, 1880, second, Fannie B. House, 1887; Prohibitionist; member M. E. Church, South. NEIL, Matt Marshall, public offi- cial; born Fayetteville, Tenn., Jan. 16, 1849; Scotch-Irish descent; son of New- ton F. and Virginia (Marshall) Neil; father, merchant at Fayetteville, Tenn.; educated at Fayetteville (Tenn.) Acad- emy, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., and Lebanon (Tenn.) Law School; graduated from latter Jan., 1873, in early life' taught school two years; admitted to the bar in 1873, and all of his time until 1895 was devoted to practice of the legal profes- sion at Trenton, Tenn.; appointed Judge of the Court of Chancery Appeals from July 1, 1895, until Sept. 1, 1902; elected 530 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Judge of the Supreme Court of Tenn. in 1905, re-elected in Aug., 1910, for term of eight years; married Eliza Chalmers Green, Feb. 17, 1874; Demo- crat; president of the Tenn. State Bar Assn.; author of the Growth of Legal Principles, 1884; member of Presbyter- ian church. TAYLOR, M., Hillsman, lawyer; born Trenton, Tenn., Aug. 4, 1884; son of R. Z .and Mettie (Ivie) Taylor; Eng- lish Welsh descent; educated University of Tenn., and Vanderbilt 1906; grad- uated in law at Vanderbilt 1906; mar- ried Katherine Taylor, Jan. 8 1908; lodge affiliations; Mason, I. O. O. F., W. O. W. ; Democrat; elected to legisla- ture 1908; member 56th General Assem- bly; elected Speaker of the House Jan. 4, '1909. THOMAS, Ben H., farmer, teacher; born Milan, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1874; Scoteh-Irish descent; son of J. W. and Lyde (Hessl Thomas; father, farmer; paternal grandparents James and Hen- rietta (Coppege) Thomas, maternal grandparents James and Gabrilla (Lank- ford) Hess; educated at Milan, Tenn., and graduated from Milan College, May, 1895; married Eleanor Glass, April 19, 1906; Democrat; member of Missionary Baptist church; past business, teaching and farming, present, trustee of Gib- son Co., Tenn., elected August, 1910. WADE, W. Wallace, lawyer; born Trenton, Tenn., April 28, 1855; son of W. E. and Rebeccah (Davis) Wade; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Vander- bilt University; graduated from law de- partment of Vanderbilt University June 1880; married Annie I. Russell, Dec. 29, 1886; Democrat; Mayor of Trenton, Tenn., 1884-1885; elected 1885 to 44th General Assembly of Tenn.; 45th General Assembly in 1886; appointed Attorney-General by Governor Buchan- an February, 1891; served 18 months elected unexpired term of 2 years with- out opposition ; elected without opposi- tion term of 8 years; re-elected 8 years; term expired Sept., 1910; practices law in Trenton, Tenn.; member of firm of Wade Nichols and Wade. WALKER, John Russell, lawyer; born Friendship, Tenn., Dec. 3, 1855; son of William M. and Sarah F. (Davis) Walker; Scotch-Irish-French descent; ed- ucated Academy at Friendship, Tenn.; married Elizabeth B. Taylor Oct. 29, 1882; Republican; member of State Re- publican Committee many years; Mayor of Trenton 1881-1882; Vice President First National Bank; Director in Tren- ton City Schools; Supervisor of Cen- sus 5th District of Tenn. in 1890; re- feree in bankruptcy of Eastern division Western District of Tenn., from 1899 Dec. 1909; member Methodist church; Mason. WILSON, Robley D., County Court Clerk; mechanic; born Rutherford Co., Tenn., Feb. 27, 1849; son of Dr. Wil- liam H. and Frances (Sanders) Wilson; educated Hickory Grove, Tenn.; mar- ried Lydia R. Harwood; Feb. 17th 1869; lodge affiliations; Blue Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter Masons; chaplain in both lodges for several years; elected Co., Court Clerk of Gibson Co., Aug. 1906; renominated Sept. 4, 1909; re-elected Aug. 1910; Missionary Baptist for 47 years; Democrat. TREZEVANT. HILLSMAN, James Reddick, farm- er; born Henderson Co., Tenn., Jan. 18, 1850; Scotch and English descent; son of Jack Hird and Mary Amanda (Petty) Hillsman; paternal grandparents Red- dick and Mary A. (Perry) Hillsman, maternal grandparents James and Nancy (Bates) Petty; educated in com- mon schools of Carroll Co., and Milan (Tenn.) College, graduated from the lat- ter, A. M. degree, June, 1870; was a traveling salesman in early life, and since 1883 his entire time has been de- voted to agriculture; married Esther Winao, Feb. 19, 1899; Democrat; active in politics, but never sought office; mem- ber of Missionary Baptist church. HURDLE, W. J., miller, ginner, etc.; born North Carolina, Dec. 24, 1864; Eng- lish and Irish descent; son of William and Pattie (DeShoug) Hurdle; father’s occupation, farming; educated in Carroll Co. Schools; early occupation, farmer. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 551 stock buyer ; married Ardie E. McKin- ney, March 30, 1895; Democrat; mem- ber of Christian church; he has been en- gaged in the manufacture of lumber and staves seven years, is also interested in cotton buying, ginning, grist mill and plow foundry, and owns stock in depart- ment store and bank. TROUSDALE. McGEE, Jesse Cle nde jto k, merchant; born Forest, Tenn., Nov. 8, 1859; Irish descent; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Jennings) McGee; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents Clendenon and Martha (England) McGee, maternal grandparents Jesse and Lucinda (Shell) Jennings; educated at Forest, Tenn.; early occupation, Sheriff of Rhea Co., Tenn., shipping clerk for State of Ten- nessee branch prison and chief of police; at present he is engaged in the mercan- tile business at Trousdale, Tenn.; mar- ried Nettie Garrison, Jan. 1, 1890; mem- ber K. of P.; Democrat; member of Methodist church. TROY. HAVENER, Joseph B„ physician; born Jasper, Tenn., April 19, 1866; Ger- man descent; son of Martin B. and Car- oline (McBee) Havener; father was a minister of the gospel; paternal grand- father, Obediah Havener, maternal grandfather, John McBee; educated Ft. Smith, Dis. High School, Booneville, Ark. graduated Vanderbilt University, M. D. degioe April, 1901; began his career as a school teacher; married Belle Holder, Jan. 1899; member Western Scion F. & A. M. No. 88, Troy R. A. M. No. 139, Troy Council No. 59, Obion Medical So- ciety, and Tenn. Medical Society; Dem- ocrat; member of Methodist church. INMAN, Thomas Redis, farmer; born McNairy Co., Tenn., July 22, 1839; Irish descent; son of Abraham and Me- lissa (Branch) Inman; father’s occupa- tion, farmer and blacksmith; educated in the local schools of Obion Co., Tenn.; enlisted in Co. “B,” 27th Tenn. Infantry, C. S. A., 1861, and served as Second Lieut, of said company from Jan., 186.2, to close of war; wounded three times in battles of Murfreesboro, Tenn., New Hope Church, Ga., and Atlanta, Ga., he also fought in battles of Shiloh, Tenn., Chickamauga, Tenn., and Perryville, Ky., and in one hundred days’ campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and fought the entire way except loss by wounds; mar- ried twice, first, Amanda Boone, Aug., 1865, second, Eliza Hoover, March 14, 1877; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South. McDADE, George Roy, merchant; born Fulton, Ky., June 24, 1881; Irish descent; son of James G. and Ida E. (Conner) McDade; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents John and Susan (Morris) McDade; maternal grandparents George W. and Martha (Gordon) Conner; educated in the pub- lic schools of Obion and Weakley Cos., Tenn.; in early life taught in the public schools of Obion Co., Tenn. ; married Clara A. Bennett, Nov. 15, 1904; mem- ber Masonic Lodge, including Blue Lodge Chapter Council and Command- ery, and is now serving as High Priest of Chapter; Democrat (regular); flo- terial representative from Obion, Lake and Dyer Cos., Tenn., 1909-1910; mem- ber of Methodist church. MOFFATT, James R., merchant and farmer; born at Troy, Tenn., May 29, 1861; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Is- rael P. and Mary (Brice) Moffatt; father was a merchant and served in Confederate army two years; paternal grandparents James Strong and Martha (Moffatt) Moffatt, maternal grandpa- rents Robert and Margaret (Simonton) Brice; educated at Obion College; en- tered mercantile business in early life, and later became interested in farming; married Lula Marshall, March 12, 1889 ; member Kenton Commandery No. 18; Democrat; Associate Reformed Presby- terian. PYLE, Wade H., public official; born Lewisburg, Tenn., March 31, 1833; Scotch and German descent; son of Levy G. and Elizabeth (McCroy) Pyle; father’s oc- cupation, farming; educated in the com- mon schools of Marshall Co., Tenn.; be- gan career as a carpenter; served as private in Co. “D,” 8th 111. regiment, during civil war, and was discharged at New Orleans, La., Oct. 3, 1865; married WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE four times, first, Susan Moores, 1856, second, Martha Wilson, 1859, third, Le- nora Brown 1871, fourth, Sallie Byars, 1909; he is a Master Mason and mem- ber of the Council and Knights Temp- lar; elected Justice of the Peace of Obion Co., Tenn., 1894, 1900, 1906, and is serving third term as Mayor of Troy, Tenn. WHEELER, John B., insurance and promoter; born Troy, Tenn.; son of Rev. H. C. .and Musie D. (Burns) Wheeler; English descent; educated pub- lic school; member K. of P., and Ma- sonic Order; Democrat; fifteen years in Life Insurance; at present dealer in real estate and promoting Zinc Mining in- terests in Ark.; early youth, was a prin- ter. TULLAHOMA. BOYD, Richard Hardy, physician; born Hopkinsville, Ky., Nov. 1st 1882; son of Jas. Young and Alice Eugenia (Boyd) Boyd; paternal grandfather Jas. Henry Boyd; paternal grand- mother Mary Catherine (Means) Boyd; maternal grandfather David Boyd; maternal grandmother Tabitha Elizabeth (Shelton) Boyd; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s occupation farmer; educated Clarksville Public school, Dinwiddie Prep. School, Draughon’s Business Col- lege, Nashville; S. S. O. Franklin, Ky.; graduated Southern School Osteopathy, Franklin, Ky., D. O. June 23, 1905; mar- ried Velma Elizabeth Clark June 27, 1905; member Missionary Baptist church. CLARKE, William Lowe, teacher; born Whiteville, Tenn., May 28, 1879; son of Rev. J. G. and Lillie (Lowe) Clarke; educated Webbs School, Bell- Buckle, Tenn., and Vanderbilt Univer- sity; graduate of Vanderbilt University; A. B. degree in 1901; married Edna La Grone June 9, 1909; member W. O. W., K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; after finishing at Vanderbilt, taught five years in Webb School, Bellbuckle, Tenn.; was then prin- cipal of Central Academy, Fayette. Mo. ; now Co. principal Fitzgerald and Clarke School of Tullahoma, Tenn.; Democrat. DANN, Jesse Lyman, manufacturer; born Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1864; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jesse W. and Charlotte Ann (Mumford) Dann; father’s occupation, manufacturing; ed- ucated at Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, and finished scientific course; he has been engaged in his pres- ent business since 1882; in Oct., 1897, he and his brother removed with the manu- facturing plant, conducted for thirty years under the style of The J. W. Dann Mfg. Co., at Columbus, Ohio, to Tulla- homa, Tenn., where he organized a new company which has been built up to a much larger business; he is also direc- tor, secretary and manager of C. & D. Mfg. Co., Tullahoma, Tenn., director in Independent Life Ins. Co., Nashville, Tenn., Continental Coal Corporation, Chattanooga, Tenn., Traders’ National Bank, Tullahoma, Tenn., president of Waynesboro & Clifton Turnpike Co., Waynesboro, Tenn., and vice-president Wagon Stock & Lumber Co., Tullahoma, Tenn.; married Louise Concklin Friblej, Oct. 6, 1886, and has five children; mem- ber Masons, Scottish Rite, 32d degree. Worshipful Master of Tullahoma Lodge, F. & A. M. No. 262, and member of I. O. O. F.; Republican (independ- ent) ; member of board of Mayor and Alderman of Tullahoma, Tenn., 1906- 1907 ; member M. E. church. DAVIS, Ewin L., Judge of 7th Judicial Circuit; born Bedford Co., Tenn., Feb. 5, 1876; son of M. H. and Christina (Shoffner) Davis; paternal grandfather McLin Davis; paternal grandmother Martha (Ray) Davis; maternal grandfather Michael Shoffner; maternal grandmother Sophronia (Mor- ton) Shoffner; Welsh, English and Ger- man descent; father’s occupation man- ufacturer etc.; educated Webbs school, Vanderbilt University, Columbian Uni- versity; graduated LL. B., Columbian UniversityMay, 1899; married Carolyn Windsor Dec. 28, 1898; member Masonic order, K. of P., M. W. of A., A. T. O., and Phi Delta Phi Frats.; Democratic nominee for Attorney-General in 1902; Democratic elector in 1904; elected Cir- cuit Judge in 1910; Trustee Missionary Baptist church. who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 553 FITZGERALD, William Stone, ed- ucator; born San Francisco, Cal., July 17, 1874; son of Bishop O. P. and Sarah (Banks) Fitzgerald; Irish descent; ed- ucated Nashville Public schools, Webb school, Vanderbilt Literary Dept; grad- ucated Vanderbit 1897, B. A., married Rachel Thomas, Aug. 24, 1899 ; two years professor of Latin and English in New Mexico Military Institute; Principal Preparatory School and Supt. public schools from 1900 to 1902; Instructor University school of Memphis 1902-1904; of Shelbyville Preparatory School and Supt. public schools from 1900 to 1902; instructor University School of Memphis, 1902-1904; Prin. of The Fitzgerald School at Trenton, Tenn., 4 years; later became associated with Prof. W. L. Clarke under name Fitzgerald and Clarke School; Fitz- gerald and Clarke School removed to Tullahoma, 1911; member Phi Delta Theta frat.; Democrat, FOX, Walter Dennis, editor and au- thor; born near Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 4, 1867; Irish descent; son of Wil- liam and Tennessee (Rowton) Fox; graduated in University of Ky., 1888, and took business course at Jennings Business College, Nashville, Tenn.; mar- ried Josie Williams Ewing, May 17, 1892, and Sarah Antoinette Bell, June 12, 1900; member K. of P., and has been Grant. Keeper of Records and Seal, Knights of Pythias of Tenn., since 1904; Gold Democrat; founder of “Oraca,” a home and assembly grounds near Tulla- homa, Tenn.; author of the poem, “Sam Davis;” tragedy, “The Confederate Scout,” 1896; drama, “Father Carolan,” 1900; fantastic comedy, “The Harlequin of Dreams,” 1907; tragedy, “Almazon,” 1903; historical play, “Jean Laffitte,” 1903; romantic play, “Passing the Love of Women,” 1904; contribu- tor of short stories, poems and sketches to magazines and newspapers. HICKERSON, Charles Frank, real estate and farming; born Hickerson, Tenn., Oct. 4, 1858; Scoteh-Irish descent; son of L. D. and Fanny D. (Wood) Hickerson; fathers’ occupation, banker, farmer, railroad builder and merchant; paternal grandparents John and Susan (Petty) Hickerson, maternal grandpa- rents John and Eaton A. (Wood) Hick- erson; educated Oak Hill Seminary and Old Nashville (Tenn.) Business College, graduated in 1875; early occupation, postmaster at Manchester, Tenn., mer- chant, manufacturer and farmer; mar- ried Louise J. Essmann, Feb. 9, 1887 ; member Knights of Pythias and I. O. O. F.; Democrat; member of Baptist church. LEIPER, James Armstrong, editor ‘ Tullahoma Guardian;” born Murfrees- boro, Tenn., Feb. 12, 1848; English and Irish descent; son of John and Eliza- beth (Rucker) Leiper; father, wholesale grain merchant; graduated from Wash- ington & Lee University, B. S. and A. -u., 1868; began career as a lawyer; married Alice Kimbro, March 13, 1869; memner I. O. O. F. and Alpha Tau Omega fraternity; Democrat; member Co. “D,” 11th Tenn. Cavalry, C. S. A. member of Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Journalist and magazine writer. LUMLEY, W. E., Supt. City Schools; born Rootstown, O., March 29, 1858; son of John W. and Maria A. (Excell) Lumley; English descent; father’s occu- pation, veterinary surgeon and farmer; educated Mt. Union College, Alliance, Ohio, and State Normal College, Troy, Ala.; graduate of both colleges Ph. B. and Ph. D., degrees, 1889-1897 ; married Agnes E. Ward, Sept. 9, 1880; member A. F. & A. M. (Blue Lodge and chapter) Past Master and Past High Priest; K. of P., J. O. U. A. M.; appointed Colonel as head of State Military School by Gov. of Fla., in 1899 ; Supt. City schools Tullahoma; breeder of pure bred poul- try, Berkshire hogs and Scotch Collie dogs; member Methodist Episcopal church. South. MANIRE, Amasa Webb, physician; born Rutherford Co., Tenn., Feb. 8, 1837; French descent; son of Lemuel and Su- sanah (Jackson) Manire; father was a farmer; educated in Rutherford Co., Tenn.; graduated from University of Nashville, M. D., 1870, and University of Tenn., M. D., 1874; entered the practice of medicine in early life, and is still engaged in same at 'lullahoma, Tenn.; married Julia A. W. White, March 11, 554 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 1858; member I. O. O. F., Masons, K. of P. and Hon. member Maccabees; Democrat; city health officer of Tulla- homa, Tenn.; served in Confederate army during civil war, was acting assistant surgeon and hospital steward; member of Primitive Baptist church. MEADOWS, Marcus DeWitt, doctor of dental surgery; born Irving College, Tenn., March 3, 1883; son of Jerome J. and Emma Irene (Etter) Meadows; father, larmer and merchant; educated at Burritt College, and Vanderbilt Uni- versity, graduated from latter with D. D. S. degree, May 12, 1908; in early life worked on a farm and taught music 3 years at Trousdale, Tenn.; member Xi Psi Phi Dental Fraternity, and served as editor during year of 1907 ; Demo- crat; member of Cumberland Presbyter- ian church; stockholder in tne Interstate Life and Accident Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. MILLER, Arthur Gaines, chief trav- eling auditor N. C. & St. L. R . R . ; born Bonnieville, Ky., Dec. 13, 1873; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel Reed and Laura Anna (Lee) Miller; father’s occupation, traveling salesman for Na- tional Casket Co.; paternal grandpa- rents Francis Scott and Elizabeth (Perry) Miller, maternal grandparents Silas James John and Elizabeth (Mi- lam) Lee; educated in Louisville, Ky., and graduated from Bowling Green (Ky.) Normal, 1895; began his career as employee of various branches of de- partmental R. R. work; married Elsie Helen Goddard, Jan. 9, 1902; senior dea con F. & A. M. and member of Royal Ar- canum; Democrat; member M. E. Church, South. MITCHELL, James A., physician; born Tullahoma, Tenn., 1871 ; Scotch- Irish descent; son of Robert H. and (Carroll) Mitchell; fath- er’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents James G. and Caroline (Ross) Carroll; educated at Winches- ter, Tenn., and N. Y. University; grad- uated from Winchester Normal in 1890 and medical department University of New York, M. D., 1894; married Ida J. McKenny, 1901 ; member Atlantic Lodge, F. & A. M., N. Y., and K. of P., Tul- lahoma, Tenn.; independent in politics; former interne Kings Co. Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; resident physician in Lying-in Hospital, New York City, in- terne War’s Island Hospital, N. Y., N. Y., house physician Mothers’ and Fathers’ Hospital, New York city, and lecturer in obstetrics New York Poly- clinic, and professor in N. Y. School of Electro Theraphy; member board of ed- ucation, Tullahoma, Tenn., and Metho- dist church. MITCHELL, J. F., brick mason; born Lincoln Co., Tenn., Nov. 3, 1836; Irish descent; son of Samuel and Polly (Hodge) Mitchell; father was a farm- er; received common school education in Lincoln Co., Tenn. ; married S . E . Hicks, Nov. 13, 1866; served in Co. “C,” 4th Tenn. regiment, C. S. a., during civil war; surrendered to Gen. Sherman under Gen. J. E. Johnston at Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865; Democrat; member of the Primitive Baptist church. PARKER, Henry T., farmer; born Bedford Co., Tenn., April 27, 1856; son of Daniel and S. E. (Whitaker) Parker; paternal grandfather Capt. Elijah Par- ker; paternal grandmother Mary (Har- ris) Parker; maternal grandfather Thos. Whitaker; maternal grandmother Mar- tha (Hampton) Whitaker; Scotch Eng- lish descent; father’s occupation farm- er; educated Mulberry Institute, Mul- berry, Lincoln Co., Tenn.; graduated A. B. degree Eminence College, Eminence, Ky., June 5, 1878; married Maye Schoff- ner March 30, 1881 ; early business career farming; his extreme youth saved him from being shot during the Civil War, for carrying news to the enemy by which news his father (who was a member of the Confederate congress and a Co. of Con- federate soldiers) escaped capture; mem- ber Christian church. PARKS, M. C., stock raiser, farmer; born Winchester, Tenn., May 31, 1849; English descent; son of George J. and Cynthy (Davis) Parks; father was a farmer; the war of 1861 deprived him of a liDeral education; in early life he trained horses in Louisvlle, Ky. ; mar- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 555 ried Nancie L. Waggoner, July 28, 1879; member of General Farmers’ Alliance, 1880; thirty-four years of his life has been spent in general farming, growing 6mall grain of various kinds and the raising of cattle and hogs; for past five years he has been engaged in raising horses, mules and grazing cattle, etc., relying generally on profits of high bred mules; member of M. E. Church, South, and deacon in same. SMITH, Archibald Yell, Local Agt. N. C. & St. L. Ry., W. U. Tel. Co. and Southern Express Co.; born Tullahoma, Tenn., Jan. 28, 1856; English and Scotch descent; son of Joel B. and Eliz- abeth (Yell) Smith; father’s ocupation, business man, hotel proprietor; paternal grandfather Joel M. Smith, former pro- prietor of the Nashville (Tenn.) Ga- zette, paternal grandmother Charlotte (Bateman) Smith, maternal grandfather Archibald Yell, former governor of Ark., he was killed in battle of Buena Vista, Col. of Arkansas Volunteers; ma- ternal grandmother Martha (Moore) Yell; educated Tullahoma, Tenn.; began his business career at age of 13 and worked to help pay mortgage off moth- er’s farm; he worked on railroad in early life; former vice-president of Traders’ National Bank and Director in the First National Bank, ’Tullahoma, Tenn.; now local agent N. C. & St. L. Ry., W. U. Tel. Co., and Southern Ex- press Co.; married Almeda Cortner Feb. 20, 1879; member of the Protestant Episcopal church (Senior Warden). WILKINS, Benjamin Harrison, manufacturer; born St. Mary’s Parish, La., April 4, 1856; son of Richard Augustin and Margaret Adams (Minge) Wilkins; paternal grandfather, John D. Wilkins, paternal grandmother Martha (Claiborne) Wilkins; maternal grand- father Dr. John Minge; maternal grand- mother Mary (Adams) Minge; English and Scotch descent; father’s occupation sugar planter (La.); married three times, first Mattie Byrd Kent in 1880; second to Janie B. Weeden in 1887; third to Mary McDavid Foster in 1908; member K. T., Nashville, Tenn., and Royal Arch Mason; in early life en- gaged in wholesale grocery business; lived in St. Mary’s Parish, La. (near) Franklin) from 1856 to 1860; Rich- mond, Va., 1860 to 1871 ; Selma and Birmingham Ala., 1872 to 1892; Nash- ville, Tenn., 1892 to 1903; moved to Tullahoma, Tenn., 1903 and became President of Tenn., Overall Co., which position he now holds; Capt. Ala., State Troops 1875 to 1892; member Episcopal church. TURNERSVILLE. DARDEN, William Henrt, mer- chant and farmer; English-Welsh de- scent; son of William Henry Harrison and Mary Louiza (Hughes) Darden; pa- ternal grandparents Maj. James and Lu- cinda Baker (Carr) Darden, maternal grandparents, Col. Richard Ellis and Amanda Malvina (Oursler) Hughes; educated in Robertson Co. public school* and at Burgen, Ky. ; began life as a farmer, later engaged in general mer- cantile business; married Helen Wilcox, of Guthrie, Ky., Nov. 12, 1903; member of Methodist Episcopal church, South; steward of same many years; Demo- crat; P. O. address Cedar Hill, R. F. D. DUNN, John William, physician, farmer, merchant; born Turnersville, Tenn., March 30, 1858; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of John R. and Emma (Me- nees) Dunn; father, physician; paternal grandparents Johnnie J. and Rollie (Carter) Dunn, maternal grandparents Benjamin and Elizabeth (Harrison; Menees; educated at Bowling Green, Ky., and Clarksville, Tenn. ; graduated Nashville, Tenn., M. D. degree, 1880- 1881; entered practice of medicine in early life; married Jack Ellen Allens- worth, 1885; Democrat; member of Methodist church; former county chair- man of Tobacco Planters’ Protective Assn., four years, and advisory board of same organization for one year; P. O. address, Cedar Hill, R. F. D, ;s TUSCULUM. DOAK, Hubert P., physician and surgeon; born Tusculum, Tenn., Feb. 29, 1864; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Sam- uel S. and Julia M. (King) Doak; fath- er’s occupation, professor of mathemat- ics G. & T. College; paternal grandpa- who's AVHO IN TENNESSEE 550 rents S. S. M. and Eliza D. (Snapp) Doak, maternal grandfather Jonathan King; educated at Greeneville and Tus- culum College and University of Nash- ville and medical department of Van- derbilt University; graduated from Uni- versity of Nashville, M. D. degree, March 1, 1893; began career as a commercial traveler; married Hattie Armitage, July 25, 1893; member I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum, medical examiner R. A., Greeneville, Tenn.; Republican; U. S. pension examining: surgeon, 1898, and is a member of board in Greeneville, Tenn.; elder in Presbyterian church, U. S. A.; he represents the 5th generation of di- rect descent from the pioneer, Samuel Doak, of King’s Mountain. UNAKA SPRINGS. DEADERICK, Arthur V., proprie- tor of summer resort; born Jonesboro, Tenn., August 2, 1833; German and Scotch descent; son of James W. ana Adeline (McDowel) Deaderick; father was a lawyer; paternal grandparents David and Margaret (Anderson) Dead- erick, maternal grandparents D. E. and Sarah (Shelby) McDowel; educated at Jonesboro, Tenn.; in early life was a civil engineer; married Mary Adeline Walker, July 24, 1854; served four years in C. S. A. as 1st Lieutenant of his com- pany; member of the Presbyterian church. DEADERICK, Henry McDowell, scenic photographer; born near Jones- boro, Tenn., July 28, 1859; Scotch-Irish ana German descent; son of A. V. and Marv A. (Walker) Deaderick; father, civil engineer, and proprietor Unaka Springs Hotel; paternal grandparents James W. and Adaline (McDowel) Deaderick, maternal grandparents James H. and Louisia (Clarkson) Walker; edu- cated at Holston Seminary, New Market, Tenn.; earlv occupation, farming and lumbering; he has been connected with several lumber companies, and made trip into Old Mexico to sell lumber in 1880; he has also made a study of geology since leaving school, and is now official photographer for C. C. & O. Ry. ; mar- ried Carrie Clarkson, Aug. 25, 1891 ; member Rhea Lodge No. 47, A. F. & A. M., Jonesboro, Tenn., and has filled every office in said lodge; member of Presbyterian church. UNICOI. BOWMAN, Stuart, farmer, stock raiser; born Carter Co., Tenn., April 20, 1861 ; son of George C. and Emily (McNabb) Bowman; father was a farmer and stock raiser; paternal grandparents William and Nancy (More- land) Bowman, maternal grandparents Andrew I. and Margaret (Bogart) Mc- Nabb; educated Milligan (Tenn.) Col- lege ; worked on farm in early life and is now living on and owns a part of a tract of land entered by Evan Shelby, Oct. 24, 1782, while that section of the state belonged to North Carolina, farm name Appalachian; married Jennie Hannum, Feb. 3, 1887; Republican; former sur- veyor of Unicoi Co., Tenn., for term of four years; Justice of the Peace since 1906. HANNUM, Frank H., farmer, man- ufacturer; born Maryville, Tenn., July 3, 1837; English-Irish descent; son of Henry and Ann E. (White) Hannum; father, physician; paternal grandpa- rents Richard M. and Charlotte (Ruston) Hannum, maternal grandparents James and Eliza (Wilson) White; educated at Maryville, Tenn., Abingdon, Va. ; grad- uated Va. Military Institute, Lexington, Va., July 4, 1856; was a medical stu- dent in early life; now engaged in farm- ing and manufacture of lumber, and banking at Erwin, Tenn.; served as Lieu- tenant in C. S. A. during civil war; Dem- ocrat (regular). McINTURFF, Robert Nathaniel, postmaster, merchant; born Carter Co., Tenn., Aug. 18, 1865; Scotch-Irish de- scent; son of Emanuel and Elizabeth (Buck) Mclnturff; father, farmer; ed- ucated at Grant Memorial University, Athens, Tenn.; began career as a pho- tographer; married Ida Leah Timber- lake, Sept., 1890; Past Master Centen- ial Lodge No. 491, F. & A. M., Past Worthy Patron Erwin Chapter O. E. S., member Erwin Chapter It. A. M., and Trinity Consistory No. 1, Memphis, Tenn., 32d degree; postmaster at Uni- who’s WHO IX TENNESSEE 55 7 coi, Term., from May 12, 1903, to pres- ent date; member firm MclnturfF Bros., Unicoi, Tenn., general manager and secretary of Unicoi Telephone Co., member of Carp Unaha Traction Co., and stockholder First National Bank, Erwin, Tenn.; member of Missionary Baptist church. PEEBLES, M. T., physician; born Carter Co., Tenn., Jan. 2, 1825; Scotch and English descent; son of William and Elizabeth (Sheetz) Peebles; father was a farmer; educated at Washington Col- lege; Tenn.; in early life was a farmer; he is a Royal Arch Mason; Democrat; member of Methodist Protestant church. PEEBLES, William Jacob, civil en- gineer, farmer and stock raiser; born in Carter Co., Tenn. (now Unicoi Co.) Jan. 18, 1831; Irish-German descent; son of William and Elizabeth (Sheetz) Peebles; educated at Fall Branch, Tenn.; began life on farm with his father; served in Confederate army as 1st Sergeant Co. “F” 34th Va. Batallion, Cavalry, pro- moted to Captain and then to Major; married Mary Juyon, June 10, 1896; mem- ber Masonic Lodge, Watauga Valley Farmer’s Club; Past Master of Masonic Lodge, and Royal Arch Chapter, Past Master of Lodges in Glade Springs, Va., and Johnson City, Tenn., also King- in Royal Arch Chapter; Democrat; mem- ber of Methodist Protestant church. WRIGHT, John W., farmer; born Unicoi, Tenn., Sept. 4, 1851; English de- scent; son of Thomas J. and Susan (Smitherman) Wright; father, carpen- ter, minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents, William and Susanna (Pugh) Wright, maternal grandparents, Samuel and Mary (Snyed) Smitherman; educated at Milligan (Tenn) College; married Margaret E. Scott, Oct. 25, 1883; member of Christian church. UNION CITY. ADKERSON, John Brien, physician; born Jefferson, Rutherford Co., Tenn., Sept. 18, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Henry Roach and Sarah (Sneed) Adkerson; father’s occupation, farmer and stockman; educated at Old Union University, and public schools of Ruther- ford Co., Tenn.; graduated Vanderbilt University medical department, with M. D. degree April, 1901, Southwestern Pres. University, 1894; began career as a teach- er and farmer; married Sallie A. Guill, Nov. 24, 1898; member B. P. O. E., M. W. A., Past Venerable Consul of M. W. A. Camp No. 13846 and United Order of Golden Cross; Democrat. BRICE, James M., editor; born near Monticello, Ark., July 6, 1862; son of Jas. S. and Elizabeth (Moffatt) Brice; Scotch-Irish descent; educated at Pea- body Normal College, Nashville; Nation- al Normal University, Lebanon, Ohio; graduated at National Normal Univer- sity, Lebanon, Ohio; married Artie Crockett in 1889; member W. O. W. ; I. O. O. F. ; and K. of P. ; edited the News-Banner at Troy, Tenn., for nearly 22 years, until the News-Banner was con- solidated with the Obion Democrat and the Obion Enterprise and moved to Union City; Democrat; early business teacher in public school; was Mayor Troy, Tenn., for 6 consecutive years and has been justice of the peace 14 years. CALDWELL D. J., lawyer; attorney- general for the Fourteenth Judicial Cir- cuit of the State of Tennessee; Demo- crat; residence, Union City, Tenn. COBB, Charles Henry, attorney at law; born Ripley, Tenn., June 27, 1876; English descent; son of Thomas D. and Adeline (Johnston) Cobb; father was a merchant and farmer; educated at Mc- Tyeire Institute, McKenzie, Tenn., Van- derbilt University, and University of Louisville, Ky.; graduated from Vander- bilt University, A.B. June, 1903, Univer- sity of Louisville, Ky., LL. B., 1904; be- gan career as a teacher; and worked in father’s store at Henning, Tenn., and Ripley; taught in Vanderbilt Training School, Elkton, Ky., 1899-1900; teacher of Ancient and Modern Languages in Louisville Training School, Louisville, Ky., 1901-03; co-principal of Cobb & Nichols Training School, Dresden, Tenn., 1904-07; law partner of Judge W. H. Swiggart, Union City, Tenn.,1907-11, un- der firm name of Swiggart & Cobb, law- yers; married Marion Moran, Dresden, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1905; Democrat (State 558 WHO’S AVHO IN TENNESSEE Wide); congressional committeeman for Obion Co., Tenn.; member of Methodist church and A. T. O. fraternity. COBLE, James A., mayor of Union City, Tenn.; born near present town of Holienwald, Tenn., Sept. 15, 1858; Ger- man descent; son of James A. and Rosa (Allison) Coble; father, farmer; educat- ed in the district schools after which he attended one session of Cumberland Uni- versity; reared on farm and entered mer- cantile business in 1882, buying an inter- est in small store at Beaver Dam Springs, Tenn., became associated with Cunning- ham-Coble Co., in 1891, as general man- ager of a large mercantile concern oper- atinsr stores at Kimmins and Riverside, Tenn., he sold out this interest in 1897, ana established the firm of Coble, Clagett Co., Union City, Tenn., with which firm he was connected until 1907, he was also member of the firm of Coble-Garret & Co. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., 1899-1908; or- ganized the Coble-Walker Grocery Co., Union City, Tenn., and became president of the company in 1903, and after con- ducting a wholesale business until 1907, sold out to give his attention to other business interests, and at present he is vice-president of Dahnke-Walker Milling Co., and senior member of the firm J. A. Coble & Sons Clothing and Shoes, pres, of the Union City Canning Co., president of the Obion Valley Land & Investment Co., and mayor of Union . City, Tenn.; married Lucy Whiteside, June 26, 1884; member of Knights of Pythias; Demo- crat; officer and member of First Chris- tian church of Union City, Tenn. DAHNKE, George, born Nashville, 111., Sept. 29, 1866; German descent; son of H. F. and Katherine (Benner) Dahnke; father was a farmer; educated at Nashville, 111.; early occupation, clerk, and later entered bakery business and engaged in same until he was 21 years of afre; moved to Union City, Tenn., Oct. 8, 1887, bought out bakery and confec- tionery in 1888, and in 1900 was elected manager and pres, of Dahnke-Walker Milling Co., and president Union City Ice and Coal Co., since 1895; president of Dahnke Cafe; director U. C. Canning Co., director Cotton Gin Co.; charter member of Third National Bank, director in Obion Land & Investment Co. ; com- missioner on Obion R. Drainage, and one of the original promoters of same; di- rector of Obion County Fair Assn., pro- moter of same, and organized first Elec- tric Power Co., in Union City, 1896; married Ellenora Hoffman, Nov. 25, 1891; member Masons, I. O. O. F., K. of P., Elks, and President of Union City Business Men’s Club, also president of Commercial Club, and member of Luth- eran church. DISMUKES, William Marshall, hotel man; born Artesia, Miss., in 1856; son of Charles L. and Mary (Carr) Dismukes; English descent; received Academic education; in early youth worked on father’s farm; later clerked in village store; was manager Mobile & Ohio R .R., Hotel at Rives, Tenn., for 11 years; later managed T. P. A. Hotel Dyersburg, Tenn.; later clerked at Gay- oso Hotel Memphis and was for some time at Fulton, Ky. ; at present con- nected with the Palace Hotel, Union City; Democrat. GIBBS, George A., public official; born Yazoo City, Miss., July 14, 1844; English and French descent; son of Des- ney D. and Sarah (Dorsey) Gibbs; fath- er was a lawyer; educated in the local schools of Yazoo City, Miss.; married Lizzie Cruikshank, Sept. 29, 1887 ; Demo- crat; appointed clerk and master of the Chancery court of Obion Co., Tenn., in 1899, re-appointed in 1905 and is the pres- ent incumbent; served in Co. “D” 18th regiment Miss., Vol. C. S. A., private; was in the siege of Petersburg, V., from June, 1864, to April 1865. GOLDEN, H. M., public official; born Weakley Co., Tenn., Nov. 19, 1863; English descent; son of James H. and C. A. (Golden) Golden; father was a farm- er in W eakley Co., Tenn. ; paternal grand- parents, Henry and Mary (Harwell) Golden, maternal grandparents, W. L. and (Lancaster) Golden; educated Clinton (Ky.) College; in early life was a druggist at Fulton, Ky. ; married Jessie L. Harpole, Dec. 1, 1896; member I. O. O. F. and W. O. G. C.; Democrat; Dep- uty County Court Clerk, 1892-94, and- fill- ed unexpired term of County Court who’s WHO IX TENNESSEE 559 Clerk, 1894; Deputy Clerk again 1902-10, elected Clerk of the Circuit Court of Ob.on Co., in 1910, and is the present incumbent; member of Cumberland Pres- byterian church; he is a registered phar- macist in Tenn.; formerly serveu as pri- vate secretary to Hon. Finis J. Garrett, Representative in Congress, three years. HOWARD, Samuel F., farmer; born Maury Co., Tenn., March 6, 1850; son of I. L. and Sarah M. (Wheatley) Howard; English and Irish descent; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, Ander- son and Nancy (Briggs) Howard, mater- nal grandparents, Samuel and Elizabeth (Wheatley) Wheatley; educated in the common schools of Maury Co., Tenn.; began career as a farmer; married twice, first Susan A. Jackson, Feb. 10, 1874, second, Lilia M. Dibrell, Oct. 18, 1909; member Masons, Past Eminent Commander Kenton Commandery K. T., Kenton, Tenn.; Magistrate from Sept, 1876, to Jan., 11, 1901; chairman of the County Court of Obion Co., Tenn., five years; elected Clerk of the County Court, Jan., 1901, and served until Sept., 1910; elected Floterial representative from Obion, Dyer and Lake counties, Tenn., to 57th General Assembly, Nov. 8, 1910; member of Christian church. LANCASTER, Thomas L., public of- ficial; born Weakley Co., Tenn., July 28, 1871; Scotch-Irish and English de- scent; son of Alex. C. and Martha A. (Crews) Lancaster; father, Register of Obion Co., Tenn.; paternal grandfather, Elijah H. Lancaster, paternal grand- mother was a Miss Johnson, prior to her marriage, maternal grandparents. Rev. James C. and Frances (Estes) Crews; educated at Troy, (Tenn.) Normal College; graduated in Louisville, Ky., business course; in early life he was Deputy Register of Obion Co., Tenn.; Deputy County Clerk, 1894, Deputy Cir- cuit Clerk 1896-1906 to 1910, and is the present incumbent; married Emma F. Bailey, Dec. 23, 1897; member I. O. O. F., K. of P., and Maccabees; Democrat; member of Christian church. LAWSON, Andrew Jackson, pub- lic official; born Smith Co., Tenn., Sept. 12, 1836; son of Horace and Tabitha (Alexander) Lawson; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, Moses and Ann (Thomas) Lawson, maternal grandparents, William and Susanah (Al- len) Alexander; six of his paternal an- cestors signed Mecklenburg Declaration, 1775; educated in the country schools of Obion Co., Tenn.; graduated from Beth- el College, Tenn., and studied at Cum- berland Unievrsity, Lebanon, Tenn.; en- listed in Co. “E” 1st Ky. regiment April 23, 1861, and served until it was dis- banded at Richmond, Va., July 1862, and enlisted with Henderson Scouts of For- rest’s cavalry and served until end of war, being paroled May 15, 1865, ad- mitted to bar 1866, and formed partner- ship with Capt. D. D. Bell, practiced at Union City, Tenn, about four years, and retired to farm; engaged in mercantile business 1881; elected Judge of County Court of Obion County, 1902; re-elected 1910 and is present incumbent; married twice, first Mary R. Dunn, March 16th, 1865, second Mary A. Batte, July 4th, 1876. M’DOWELL, John Hugh, farmer, livestock commissioner; born on farm near Trenton, Tenn., Dec. 12, 1844; Scotch- Irish descent; his ancestors emigrat- ed from North Ireland to America in 1729; son of John Davis and Nancy (Ir- win) McDowell; educated at St. An- drew’s College, Trenton, Tenn., and left college to enter army at age of 16, and served in Confederate army May 10, 1861, to May 11, 1865; served as Maj.- Gen. Commanding Tenn., Div. U. C. V., Col. 1st regiment reserved Confederate Veteran Natonal Guard State of Tenn., 1897-1899; entered farming in early life; married Emma Sandeford, Nov. 2, 1865; member Knights Templar Masons, I. O. O. F., Golden Cross and Farmers’ Un- ion; member lower house legislature of Tenn., 1883-1905, and senate in 1885 and 1887; author of constitutional amendment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a bev- erage which was submitted to a vote of the people in 1887 ; author of the bill passed in 1885 to prevent baseball games on the Sabbath, and of the bill to make it a felony to keep a gambling hell for the playing of farro, keno, three card monte, etc.; editor of “The Toiler,” of- who’s who IN TENNESSEE uGO ficial organ of the Farmers’ Alliance from 1888 to 1894; author of McDowell and Irwin history, including descend- ants; president State Farmers’ Alliance, 1892, Moderator Beulah Baptist Assn., three terms, vice-president Baptist Con- vention and member Sons of the Revolu- tion; his great-grandfather Gen. Robt, Irwin, of Charlotte, N. C., was a revo- lutionary soldier and one of the 27 signers of the first Declaration of In- dependence, known as the “Mecklenburg Declaration;” his great-grandfather, Jno. McDowell, of Steel Creek, Mecklenburg Co., N. C., was shot twice and cut across head with a sabre by an English caval- ryman in the battle of Camden S. C., and left for dead on the battlefield, he after- ward revived but was never well again; Address, Collierville, Tenn. MARSHALL, Thomas E., physician and farmer; born Obion Co., Tenn., Sept. 30, 1858; English and French de- scent; son of Moses Scott and Mary E. (Cloar) Marshall; father, farmer and stock raiser; educated at Troy, Tenn., Clinton, Ky., and Nashville Tenn.; grad- uated Vanderbilt University, M.D., 1880- 1883; early business occupation, farmer, teacher; married Etna Caldwell, Jan. 18, 1882; member of Masonic Lodge, Senior Deacon in Blue Lodge, Knights Tem- plar, and Scottish Rite Mason; Demo- crat; member Missionary Bap. church; engaged in farming and practice of medicine. PIERCE, Rice A., lawyer; born Weakley Co., Tenn., July 3, 1849; son of Thomas M. Pierce; educated in High Scnool of London, Ontario, Canada; when the civil war began he entered the Confederate army as a member of Eignth Tennessee Cavalry; captured in an en- gagement near Jackson, Tenn. in 1864; he was held a prisoner until after close of war, and when released took up study of law in office of Judge Edward Coing- land, Halifax, N. C. ; in July 1868 he was licensed by supreme court of that state to practice, and shortly afterward located in Union City, Tenn. ; from 1874 to 1883 he was attorney-general of the twelfth judicial circuit; in 1878 he was elected to this office for a full term of eight years, but resigned to accept a seat in the 48th Congress from 9th Con- gressional District of Tenn. to which he had been nominated and elected by the Democrats of his district in 1.882; since then he has served in the 51st, 52d, 55th, 56th, 57th and 58th Congresses, being elected to the last named in 1902 when he defeated the Republican candidate by a vote of nearly five to one; married Mary Hunter, of Hamburg, Mo., April 18(3. REYNOLDS, James Canaria, hotel man; manager Grand Opera House Union City; born Cleveland, Tenn., April 10, 1857 ; son of Charles L. and Fran- ces (Reagan) Reynolds; English de- cent; graduated Weaversville N. C. mar- ried Josephine Inman in 1878; member Masons, Scottish Rite Shriner, K. T., Elks, K. of P. ; Alderman Union City; was brakeman on fast train N. C. & St. L. R. R., in early youth; was brake- man three years and passenger conduc- tor for 18 years, the latter work was on the M. & O., R. R. ; established the Palace Hotel at Union City in 1895; Democrat. REYNOLDS, Walter G., stock rais- er and packer; born Marshall Co., Miss., Nov. 4, 1866; English descent; son of George A. and Martha F. (Bufford) Reynolds; father, farmer; educated in the public schools of Union City, Tenn.; worked in grocery eighteen years; mar- ried Alice Lee McFadden, Nov. 16, 1886; he is a Master Mason, member of I. O. O. F. and K. of P. ; Independent Demo- crat; served as alderman of Union City two terms, and has been member of the board of education five years; chairman of the Good Roads Assn., of the Union City and Lake road, which is now being graded; member of Christian church. STUART, James Esto, minister of the gospel; born Mechanicsburg, Va., July 26, 1868; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William and Margaret (Myers) Stuart; father’s occupation, millwright; paternal grandparents, Samuel S. M. B. and Anna (Byrd) Stuart; educated in the public schools of Pulaski, Va., and Milligan (Tenn.) College, graduated from tne latter Ph. B. May 16, 1892, A. M., 1905; began his career as a carpen- who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 561 ter; married Maggie Garrett, May 17, 1892; member F. & A. M.; prohibition- ist; pastor of Christian church, Rock- wood, Tenn., 1892-94, Harriman Tenn., 1895-1900 Jackson, Tenn., 1900-04, Fif- teenth St., Church Washington, D. C., 1904-09; served as corresponding secre- tary of Maryland, Del., and D. C. Chris- tian Missionary Society in connection with pastorate at Washington, D. C.; he is now located at Union City, Tenn. SWIGGART, William H., lawyer; born Jacksonville, Tenn., Sept. 23, 1849; German descent; except mother, Scotch- Irish and English; son of Jere and Eliza- beth (Cullom) Swiggart; father was a farmer; educated at Union City (Tenn.) Academy, and graduated from Cumber- land University, Lebanon, Tenn., LL. B. degree June, 1872; married Mary Fields, May 18, 1876; member F. & A. M., R. A. A. and Beta Theta Pi fraternity; dem- ocrat; attorney general of the 12th judi- cial circuit of Tenn., 1883-84, judge of the 12th judicial circuit of Tenn., 1866- 1902; now engaged in the practice of law at Union City, Tenn.; his grandfather, Capt. James N. Cullom, and great grand- father, Benj. Totten, were among the earliest settlers in Obion county, Tenn.; his father’s ancestors were among the early settlers of Maryland; his grand- father Swiggart being one of the early settlers- in Tennessee near Nashville, on the Cumberland. TALLEY, Charles S., public offi- cial; born Obion Co., Tenn., Feb. 19, 1860; English descent; son of Charles S. and Teresa (Henderson) Talley; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; educated in Obion Co., Tenn., public schools; grad- uated South Carrollton, Ky. 1882; in early life was a farmer; married Clurn H. Huddleston- March 4, 1885; member W. O. W. ; Democrat; clerk of the Coun- ty Court of Obion Co., Tenn., since Sept. 1910; he is also interested in farming and livestock; member of Baptist church. TAYLOR, George Thomas, public of- ficial, grain dealer; born Linden, Perry Co., Tenn., March 11, 1862; son of A. M. and Sarah F. (Dodson) Taylor; English descent; received Academic ed- ucation; married May 15, 1890; member K. of P., Elks and I. O. O. F. ; has been Republican delegate to all State con- ventions for 15 years and to National convention in 1900; member State com- mittee 1896-1906; early business clerk in store; was commercial traveler for 10 years, representing Nashville and Louis- ville firms; was appointed Postmas- ter at Union City in 1897 by President McKinley and appointed twice since by President Roosevelt; elected Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner State of Tennessee 1911. VERHINE, John P., merchant ; born Union City, Tenn., Nov. 21 1861; Hol- land Dutch descent; son of John D. and Emma Verhine; educated in the public schools of Union City, Tenn.; he was left an orphan at age of 12 without means, and began life as a clerk Sept., 1875, for John Bracken & Son, and con- tinued life as a clerk until their retire- ment in 1877 when he accepted a clerk- ship with J. H. Plant who was suc- ceeded by Sam Siesel; he resigned in 1881 to open business for himself, and now he is sole owner of the Morgan- Verhine Co., department store, Union City, Tenn.; married Nettie Beck, May 19, 1886; Democrat. WADDELL, Joel B., lawyer; born Ashley Co., Ark.; Scotch-Irish descent, son of John C. and Elizabeth Dickens (Bugg) Waddell; father's occupation, lawyer and farmer; paternal grand- father, Amos Waddell; maternal grand mother was a Miss Pratt prior to her marriage, maternal grandparents. Dr. Joel and Martha (Dickens) Bugg; edu- cated in the local schools of Union City, Tenn., and graduated from Madisonville (Ky.) Normal School, June, 1882; began career as a farmer; married Mayme Bartoldus, Feb. 7, 1883; member I. O. O. F.; Democrat; former mayor of Ooion, Tenn., 1890-1893; member of New Jerusalem church and has been secreta- ry of same ten years. WHITESELL, Robert P., lawyer and banker; born Fulton Co., Ky., May 11, 1860; son of Jesse and Elizabeth (Wrigbt) Whitesell; German descent; graduated Clinton College A. B. & A. M. degrees in 1879; post graduate w r ork Uni- 562 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE versity of Va., 1879-1880; Vanderbilt University LL. B., in 1883; married Clara Hunter (daughter of Judge B. F. Hun- ter of Mo.) Feb. 22, 1893; member Ma- sonic order at Union City 32d degree Mason, Scottish Rite, Memphis, Tenn. ; was a delegate from State of Tenn. to the National Democratic convention at Den- ver Colo., July 1908, elected by State Democratic convention; appointed Col. Gov. uuchanan’s staff 1891-1892; Pres.- Genl. Assn. Vanderbilt University Alum- ni 1886-1887 ; Pres 1st National Bank, Union City 1890 to 1894; President Bank and Trust Co., Union City 1904- 1910 when it consolidated and formed Old National Bank, Union City, Tenn.; has retired from active law and bank- ing business and is now devoting his time to his private business and farms. WHITLEY, Benjamik H., grocer; born Salem, Mo., Feb. 22, 1857; son of Alex D. and Sarah (Edwards) Whitley; father was a farmer; received common school education at Union City Tenn.; worked on farm in early life, and en- tered grocery business Sept. 1, 1880, and has been engaged in same since; married Emma C. Hewett, Feb. 25, 1879; mem- ber K. of H., N. and L. of H., Macca- bees of the World, W. O. W. and Golden Cross; member of Christian church and elder in same. VERNON. NUNNELLY, Walter Sandels, far- mer, merchant; born Vernon, Tenn., April 12, 1851 ; son of Lawson Harrison rand Elizabeth (Sandels) Nunnelly; fath- er farmer, merchant; educated at Colum- bia, Tenn. ; early occupation, farming; married Eleanor Phillips, Jan. 6, 1875; member of K. of P. ; Democrat; member of Christian church. SPENCE, William Jerome Dorris, farmer; born Lobelville, Tenn., May 21, 1838; Seotch-Irish descent; son of Dr. John L. and Sophia D. (Totty) Spence; father’s occupation, physician and sur- geon; paternal grandparents, David and Mary Ann (McElyea) Spence, maternal grandparents, William and Naoma (Whitson) Totty; educated in the country schools of Hickman Co., Tenn.; in early life was a physician and teach- er; married Alice Rebecca Carothers, Feb. 5, 1865; member of F. & A. M. and Maury County Historical Society; Inde- pendent Democrat; member of 47th General Assembly of Tenn., 1891-92; pri- vate in Co. “H” 11th Tenn. Inf., C. S. A., and Capt. in 1863 in 10th Tenn. Reg. Cavalry, C. S. A.; author of “Spence’s History of Hickman Co., Tenn.” 1899. VONORE. COLTHARP, Robert Dudley, banker; born Monroe Co., Tenn., Oct. 11 1879; son of S. J. and Maggie (Edgemond) Coltharp; paternal grandfather J. H. Caltharp ; paternal grandmother Susan (Evans) Coltharp; maternal grand- father William Edgemond; maternal grandmother Martha (Hardy) Edge- mond; English descent; graduate of Hiwassee College B. S. degree, May 26, 1903; married Sarah Ida Boyd Aug. 22, 1906; member Vonore lodge No. 658 F .and A. M.; a stockholder and cash- ier, Bank of Vonore; member Baptist church Vonore, Tenn. MOSES, William Henry, born Vo- nore, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1847 ; German and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Philip and Julia Ann (Casey) Moses; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents John and Mary M. (Huntsucker) Moses, maternal grandparents, John and Sarah (Fowler) Casey; educated in public schools and Hiwassee College; in early life was a teacher, later entered farming; married Asenath Ann Cochran, Aug. 4, 1870; member J. O. U. A. M. and Past Master F. & A. M. and Junior Warden in Vo- nore Lodge No. 658; Democrat (Regu- lar) ; served as tax assessor of Monroe Co., Tenn., 1888-93, and was a candi- date for Circuit Clerk of said County in 1894 but was defeated; he has served as justice of the peace of the 9th Civil Dis- trict and notary public six years; mem- ber of Evangelical Lutheran church. WARREN. M’KINSTRY, J. W., public official, farmer; born Macon, Tenn., Dec. 25, 1846; Scoteh-Irish descent; son of W. P. and E. E. (McCain) McKinstry; re- ceived common school education; began who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE '563 life as a farmer; married Pinkie Par- rott Nov. 17, 1869; Democrat; tax as- sessor of Fayette Co., Tenn. ; served in Confederate army in Gen. Forrest’s 14th Tenn. Cav. during latter part of war, and was with Gen. Forrest in Memphis when he attacked that city and other places; member of Presbyterian church. WARTBURG. HUMAN, Isham J., attorney at law; born near Sunbright, Tenn., April 16, 1875; English descent; son of Jefferson M. and Lydia (Davis) Human; father, farmer and merchant; educated in pub- lic schools of Morgan Co., Tenn., and A. B. Wright Memorial Institute Burrville, Tenn.; graduated from law depart- ment Cumberland University, LL. B., June 7, 1908; began his business career as teacher in public schools of Morgan Co., Tenn.; married Minnie E. Daniel, July 2, 1899; member of I. O. 0. F., Wartburg, Tenn., and K. of P., Sun- bright, Tenn.; Republican; elected Clerk of the Circuit Court of Morgan Co. Tenn., Aug. 1902, and served two terms of four years each; elected member of the district school board in Aug., 1896, and was made clerk of said board; ad- mitted to bar March 16, 1908, and is now engaged in practice of law at Wart- burg, Tenn.; member of Baptist church. OTT, Tiffin, lumber manufacturer; born Syracuse, Ind., Dec. 26, 1869; Ger- man and Welsh descent; son of Daniel F. and Mary J. (Pricket) Ott; fath- er’s occupation, farmer; received com- mon school education in northern Ind., and graduated North Webster, Ind., June, 1886; began career as a school teacher; married Kate Redmon, July 2, 1893; member I. O. O. F.; Republican; former justice of the peace; now Trus- tee Morgan Co., Tenn. SUMNER, Henry W., public offi- cial; born Sunbright, Tenn., March 17, 1878; English and Scotch descent; son of Daniel and Mercy A. (Davidson) Sumner; father was a farmer; educated m the public schools of Morgan Coun- ty, Tenn., and studied law at Cumber- land University, Lebanon, Tenn.; in ear- ly life was a farmer, and clerked in a store; served as private of Co. “L” 3d Tenn. Vol. Infantry in 1898-99, re-en- listed in Co. “I” 19th U. S. Infantry as corporal and served in Philippines, was wounded in action by gun shot in as- sault on Insurgent forts on Cebu, I.; married Dolly England, Dec. 25, 1903; member I. O. O. F. and has served as Past Grand, and Past Representative to Grand Lodge of Tenn. Republican; he is now serving second term as clerk of the County Court of Morgan Co., Tenn. WARTRACE. BLACKMAN; E. L., banker; bom Wartrace, Tenn., March 7, 1876; English descent; son of Samuel G. and Amanda J. (Lawrence) Blackman; educated at Wartrace (Tenn.) High School; early occupation, in railroad telegraph office, two years, then entered the mercantile business as member of the firm of Dean & Blackman, of Wartrace, Tenn. two years then he became operator and asst, train dispatcher in office of the Superin- tmdent of N. C. & St. L. Ry., which po- sition he held two years, he entered his present position as cashier of Bedford County Bank of Wartrace, Tenn.; mar- ried twice, first Annie Mai McKinley* Jan. 25, 1899, second Mabel Justice, Sept. 8, 1908; Democrat; mayor of War- trace, Tenn., 1904-08; member of Bap- tist church, and deacon in same at War- trace, Tenn. BRANDON, Alfred Joseph, teacher; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Nov. 19, 1866; English-German descent; son of Andrew J. and Melissa P. (Lowe) Brandon; father’s occupation minister of the gos- pel (Baptist) ; paternal grandparents, Joseph A. and Sallie (Tenpenny) Bran- don, maternal grandparents, Alfred P. and Mary (Kirk) Lowe; educated Union University, Murfreesboro, Tenn., grad- uated from Winchester Normal College and finished A.B. course in 1884; enter- ed educational work in early life, and became principal of Hermitage Institute, later president of Woodbury (Tenn.) College, headmaster of Bethel Training School; founder and headmaster of Brandon Training School, Wartrace, Tenn., which position he now holds; mar- ried Addie Lyon, Jan. 2, 1889; Royal 564 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE Arch Mason ; president of Public School Officers’ Association of Tennessee, vice- president of State Teachers Association and president High School Department M. T. E. Association; member and dea- con in Baptist church. CLARK, Gordentia Waite, farmer; born Wartraee, Tenn, Jan. 1, 1855; Ir- ish-Scotch descent; son of Robert Swan- sey and Sarah Patton (Waite) Clark; father, farmer; paternal grandparents, Anthony and Sarah (Dunlap) Clark, maternal grandparents, Robert and Me- daline (Patton) Waite; educated at Wartraee, Winchester, and Clarksville, Tenn.; married Lydie Little, May 25, 1881 ; ruling elder Bethsalem Presbyte- rian church, Wartraee, Tenn. FINNEY, Oliver Floyd, public of- ficial, merchant; born Scottsboro, Ala., Feb. 19, 1872; son of Jas. M. and An- nettie (Bearden) Finney; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s occupation farmer; ed- ucated Flat Creek Academy; graduated Flat Creek Academy in English only in 1890; married Zella Mai Jones Dec. 5, 1895; member I. O. O. F., No. 117, War- trace, Tenn.; early business career teach- ing school; Alderman of Wartraee for 4 years and Mayor for 3 years; also member City School Board ; Mayor at present time; engaged in wholesale pro- duce and retail millinery business; di- rector and stockholder in Bedford Co., Bank; formerly engaged in general .merchandise; member Church of Christ for 20 years; Elder. HICKERSON, Arthur Henry, mer- chant; born near Manchester, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1885; Irish descent; son of Wil- liam Tnomas and Frances (Banks) Hickerson; fathers’ occupation, farm- ing; paternal grandparents, Joe and Tenn (Morton) Hickerson, maternal grandparents, John M. and Marandy (Banks) Banks; educated at Fairfield, Tenn.; began career as clerk; at present he is engaged in general merchandise at Wartraee, Tenn.; married Annie Isom, May 6, 1909. HORTON, George Elmer, born Ham- ilton, Mich.; son of William Horton, Jr.; father was a merchant; English and German descent; educated -at Hartford ! (Mich.) High School, and Thornton ' Academy, Paw Paw, Mich.; graduated from latter May, 1902, University of Chattanooga, M.D., April, 1908; began his career as a salesman and artist; mar- ried Daisy E. A. Selby 1891; member and medical examiner of M. W. A.; Re- || publican; surgeon in charge of W. J. Oliver Construction Co., and Bailey & j Dummary Construction Co.; stock-hold- er in the Winchester Mining Co.; mem- I ber of Christian church and elder in same at Wartraee, Tenn. SIMS, John Green, farmer; born | Wartraee, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1854; Scotch and English descent; son of Walter and | Sallie (Cleveland) Sims; father, physi- cian; paternal grandparents, John !j Green and Asenath (Hightower) Sims, ■ maternal grandparents, Jeremiah and Sallie (Stone) Cleveland; educated at Webb’s School; entered farming in early life; married Mary Wright, Dec. 19, ' 1878; Independent Democrat. WALKER, John Lane, physician; born Fairfield, Tenn., Dec. 23, 1871; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Lane) Wal- ker; English descent; paternal grand- parents, John Garner and Polly (Baker) Walker, maternal grandparents, John Mekin and Rachel (Moseley) Lane; edu- cated at Vanderbilt University and N. Y. Polyclinic; graduated from Univer- sity of Nashville, 1894, Vanderbilt, 1895 with degree of M.D.; in early life was a farmer, later entered practice of medicine and retired from active prac- tice in 1908 and moved to “Valley Home Farm;” married Leola Arnold, Jan. 5, 1899; member F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F., Past Master; member of Bap- tist church. WASHBURN. ACUFF, Parlin Herbert, physicina; born Washburn, Tenn., Aug. 22, 1886; English and Anglo-American descent; son of Joel and Sarah Elizabeth (Bran- don) Acuff; father, minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents, Rev. Jno. D. and Winnie (Kitts) Acuff, maternal grandparents, David Crocket and Polly (Clark) Branson; educated Carson and who’s WHO IX TENNESSEE 565 Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn. ; Tenn. Medical College, Kentucky School of Pharmacy, and University of Louis- ville, Ky., medical department; gradu- ated from Kentucky School of Pharma- cy, Ph. G. Aug. 1, 1909, and graduated from medical department University of Louisville, M.D. degree, June 1, 1911; began his career as teacher in training school as principal of Liberty Hill School four years, principal of Wash- burn (Tenn.) Academy two years; mem- ber I. O. O. F. and Encampment; sec- retary of Grainger Co. (Tenn.) Medical Society, 1910, to present; resident physi- cian at the Knoxville General Hospital one year. CAMERON, Joseph Thompson, pro- prietor of Clinch River Mills; born Grainger Co., near Tampico, Tenn., Sept. 28, 1879; son of Leander W. and Elizebeth (McGee) Cameron; paternal grandfather Wilson Cameron; paternal grandmother (Stublefield) Cameron; maternal grandfather Geo. McGee; maternal grandmother (Chesher) McGee; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Country Schools of Granger Co.; mar- ried Nannie Mav Barbre Jan. 1, 1899; member of I. O. O. F. No. 388, Tam- pico, Tenn.; he was at the age of 12 years left an orphan; began work as house carpenter; and at age of 18 began work in flour mill ; has been with the Clinch River mills for 9 years; was em- ployed with the firm as head miller for 6 years; has been properietor since July 1, 1908. IDOL, Enoch T., physician; born Grainger Co., Tenn., May 2, 1860; Eng- lish descent; son of John and Emilia (Akin) Idol; father’s occupation, farm- ing; paternal grandparents, Adam and Nancy (Rice) Idol, maternal grandpar- ? ents, Willis and Mary (Ford) Akin; received literary education in the com- mon schools; graduated from medical de- partment University of Tenn., M. D. de- gree March 21, 1895; began career as farmer and later taught school; married Lucy Collins, April 24, 1900; Republi- can; former member Board of Pension Examiners, surgeon at Rutledge, Tenn. WATAUGA. REESE, David Nelson, teacher, mer- chant, and hotel proprietor; born Harri- son Co., Ky., Oct. 13, 1839; English- Welsh and German descent; son of Geo. and Minerva (Bailey) Reese; father was a farmer and stock trader; paternal grandparents, Isaac and Sarah (Har- court) Reese, maternal grandparents, Benaiah and Ellen (Yates) Bailey; edu- cated at Millersburg (Ky.) College; left an orphan at 11 years of age and work- ed on farm, and taught school in early life; enlisted in C. S. A. as private Co. “C” 1st Ky. infantry April 22, 1861, to May 22, 1862, when he became commissa- ry of 6th Confederate Cavalry until af- ter Lee’s surrender; after the war he taught school and farmed three years, then entered the mercantile business and be- came proprietor of a hotel in 1869, he is now retired from business; married Margaret Ann Johnson, Dec. 13, 1864; Democrat; member of M. E. church. South. SMALLING, David Robert, lumber- man, farmer; born Watauga, Tenn., May 3, 1863; Scotch-English descent; son of Robert Washington and Harriet (Shell) Smalling; father was a farmer; educat- ed at Miligan, Grant University, Athens, ana Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; graduated from latter, LL. B. de- gree 1895; in early life practiced law one year; married Linda Jane Corner Feb. 7, 1909; member Kappa Sigma fra- ternity; Democrat. WALLACE, John William, physi- cian; born in Ala., June 17, 1870; Irish- Scotch descent; son of William B. and Harriet M. (Wood) Wallace; father, machinist; educated at Zollicoffer Insti- tute; graduated from Tenn. Medical College, M.D. degree, March 17, 1892; left an orphan at an early age and began life as a clerk in country store; at pres- ent he is engaged in active practice of medicine; married Emma V. King, Sept. 20, 1893; Worshipful and Past Master of M. M. Martin Lodge No. 541 F. & A. M., W. M. and P. M. Watauga No. 622 F. &. A. M., Noble Grand No. 237 I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; member M. E. church, South. 566 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE WATERTOWN. McNABB, Andrew Asa, teacher, far- mer; born Rutherford Co., Tenn., April 27, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. F. and Louise J. (Todd) McNabb; father was minister of the gospel; edu- cated at Watertown, Tenn.; began teaching school at age of 18 years, and has taught successively for 24 years in Smith, Wilson and DeKalb Cos., Tenn.; three times appointed on county board to assist in examination of applicants for County Superintendent; he also made an unsuccessful race for Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court of Wilson Co., Tenn., 1909, being defeated by 135 votes; he is now serving second term as member of the County Court of Wilson Co., Tenn.; marrier Maggie Lee Badgett, Sept. 11, 1892; member of Baptist church. SMITH, John Robert, lawyer; born Statesville, Tenn., May 24, 1861 ; Irish and Dutch descent; son of R. T. and Amanda (Doss) Smith; father’s occupa- tion, farmer; paternal grandparents, John Y. and Leona (Shanks) Smith, ma- ternal grandparents, John P. and Lucre- tia (Threat) Doss; graduated from Cumberland University, June 1889; was a farmer in early life, and has been en- gaged in the practice of law nineteen years; local attorney for tenn. Central R. R. Co., vice-president Bank of Wa- tertown, and director in Lebanon and Sparta Turnpike Co. ; married Sue Louis, Dec. 29, 1892; Democrat; member of State Legislature 1891-92; member of Missionary Baptist church. YOUNG, Alexander, real estate deal- er and trader; born Watertown, Tenn., Feb. 22 1844; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Dake and Sarah Reader (Young) Young; father’s occupation farmer; pa- ternal grandparents, David and Lydia (Leader) Young, maternal grandpar- ents, James and Elizabeth (Phillips) Young; educated at Farmers’ Academy, Round Lick, Tenn.; served four years in Confederate army, was sergeant one year and Capt. until close of war, wounded three times but kept up with his com- mand all of the time; began career as a farmer and stock dealer; at present he is director in Banis of Watertown, Ten- nessee, director in Tenn. Life Ins. Co., vice-president of the Mid-Continent Life Ins. Co., Oklahoma; married Jan. 3, 1866; Democrat; member of Missionary Baptist church. WAVERLY. BOWMAN, J. Bethel, lawyer; born Snow’s Creek, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1879; son of Thomas F. and Cordelia Ann (Wright) Bowman; father was a lawyer; educat- ed at Waverly and Lebanon Tenn.; grad- uated from Waverly High School and Cumberland University LL. B. May, 1900; in early life was in the grocery business; married Annie Whitfield Nov. 1, 1900; member i\. of P., I. O. O. F. and Elks; mayor of Waverly for six years previous to Aug, 1908, when he was elected attorney-general 9th judicial cir- cuit of Tenn., and re-elected Aug., 1910, without opposition; memoer of Presby- terian church U. S. A.; aided in the pro- secution of the Night Riders of Hum- phreys Co., Tenn., at April term of court, 1909. COOLEY, James Tilford, physician ; born Waverly, Tenn., Feb. 27, 1858; of German descent; son of E. M. and S. E. (Waggoner) Cooley; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents, E. J. and Elizabeth (Funk) Cooley, maternal grandparents, Daniel and Katie (Mas- sey) Waggoner; educated at Waverly, Tenn. Valparaiso, Ind. and Vanderbilt University; graduated at Waverly, BA. 1883, Valparaiso B.S. 1885, Vanderbilt University M. D. 1889; began career as a farmer; married Mary Lou Simmons, March 27, 1889; member K. of P.; mem- ber of Methodist church. DANIEL, James Franklin, born Ba- kersville, Tenn., Feb. 5, 1866; Irish de- scent; son of D. C. and Jemima (Owens) Daniel; father’s occupation, farmer; ed- ucated in the common rural schools; in early part of his career he was a public school teacher, ana worked some in mer- cantile business but most of his life has been spent in farming; married Anna L. Horner, Dec. 8, 1889; member Masons, I. O. O. F. and K. of P. ; Democrat; Trustee of Humphreys Co., Tenn. WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 567 FOWLKES, James F., born Bakers- ville, Tenn. Oct. 11, 1861; son of Mark L. and Martha (Foster) Fowlkes; Eng- lish-Scotch-Irish and German descent; paternal grandfather, Gabriel Fowlkes, paternal grandmother was a Miss Hyde prior to her marriage, maternal grand- father, William H. Foster, maternal grandmother was a Miss Nunnelly prior to her marriage; educated Campbell Bros., Franklin, Tenn., University of Tenn. and Cumberland University, grad- uated from latter LL. B. degree June 6, 1882; in early life practiced law in Birmingham, Ala., two years, and was interested in agricultural pursuits; mar- ried Allie Nolan, daughter of State Comptroller J. N. Nolan Jan. 22, 1890; member Beta Theta Pi, Masons and K. of P.; appointed postmaster at Waverly, Tenn. by Pres. Taft April 21, 1910; Re- publican; a number of counties in- structed for him for governor of Ten- nessee on the Republican ticket in 1902, but he refused to let his name go be- fore the convention because of factional- ism in the party; was district elector for the Republican ticket in 1904 and elec- tor for the state at large on the Taft and Sherman ticket in 1908. FUQUA, J. Bek, lawyer; born Hum- phreys Co., Tenn., Sept. 26 1879 ; French and Irish descent; son of Pleas Jerome and Matilda (Holland) Fuqua; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandpar- ents, Jesse Jerome and Serene (Pullen) Fuqua, maternal grandparents, Benja- min Franklin and Mary Anne (Hurt) Holland; educated McEwen College, and Cumberland University, graduated from matter June 3, 1904; early business occu- pation, teaching in public schools of Humphreys Co., Tenn.; married Hallie Yolena Huslee, Oct. 15, 1907 ; member of K. of P., Masons and S. A. E. frater- nity; Brigade Commander for Middle Tenn. in Sons of Confederate Veterans; Democrat; member of Legislature of Tenn. two terms and has held office of Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Humphreys Co., Tenn. since 1907 ; has written and delivered lectures on Gen. R. E. Lee quite extensively; engaged in active practice of law at Waverly, Tenn. GRAY, Joseph Alexakder, Jr., teach- er; born Franklin Tenn., F'eb. 11, 1885; son of Joe A. and Loulie (Russell) Gray; father’s occupation farmer, stock and poultry raiser; paternal grandpar- ents, Alexander W. and Mariah (Moore) uray, maternal grandparents, Madison and Rachel (Jones) Russell; educated Mooney’s School; work in Latin, Greek and English at University of Chicago; graduated from Mooney’s School, June, 1902; in early life taught three years in West Ky. College, Mayfield, Ky., one year teacher of Latin, English and His- tory First District Agricultural & Indus- trial School, Jackson, Ala.; two years principal Kennedy Grammar School, Bir- mingham, Ala. and two years superinten- dent of city schools at Waverly, Tenn.; married Willein Kelsall Bealle, Aug. 5, 1909; member Presbyterian church, U. S. A. GRAY, Malcolm Russell, High School Principal; born Franklin, Tenn., April 15, 1886; son of J. A. and Louise (Russell) Gray; paternal grandfather Alexander Gray; paternal grandmother Maria (Thompson) Gray; maternal grandfather M. M. Russell; maternal grandmother Rachael (Jones) Russell; father’s occupation farmer; English de- scent; educated Franklin City Schools, People’s College; graduated of Peoples College; early business occupation teaching; member K. of P. ; member Presbyterian church. HART, Robert Davis, railroad agent ; born Logan Co., Ky. ; English descent, son of Edwin T. and Mattie (Brown) Hart, father, minister of the gospel of Methodist church, South; paternal grand- parents Henry and Judith (Pickering; Hart, maternal grandparents, Samuel and Lucy (Chandler) Brown; married Cecile Scott, May 15, 1888; member K. of P. ; Democrat; mayor of Waverly, Tenn.; member of Methodist church, South; agent N., C. & St. L. Ry., Wav- erly, Tenn. NOLAN, William Blessikg, mer- chant; born Waverly, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1889; Irish descent; son of James N. and Mollie (Blessing) Nolan; father, merchant; paternal grandparents, Mur- 568 WHO’S WHO IX TENNESSEE tha and Alicia (Maher) Nolan; educat- ed at Lebanon, Tenn., and graduated Castle Heights School, 1907 ; entered mercantile Business in early life; secured contract from N., C. & St. L. Ry. in 1909 to furnish gravel used as ballast for Nashville & Hickman division; member of Catholic church. PULLEN, John Egbert, banker; born Humphreys Co., Tenn., July 22, 1856; Scoteh-Irish descent; son of Nel- son B. and Sarah E. (Wilson) Pullen; father was a farmer; paternal grand- father, Archibald Pullen; paternal grandmother was a Miss Carter prior to her marriage; maternal grandfather, Benjamin Wilson; early occupation, farmer, teacher in public schools, and served 12 years as Clerk of the County court of Humphreys Co., Tenn., 1890- 1902; organized First National Bank of Waverly, Tenn., and was its cashier foi seven consecutive years when he volun- tarily resigned, and in 1909 he organized the Farmers & Merchants Bank, Waver- ly, Tenn., and elected cashier of same which position he now fills; married De- lia Scott, Dec. 2, 1891 ; member Masons, Iv. of P., I. O. O. F.; Democrat; Census Enumerator, 1880. SHANNON, John F., attorney at law; born near Lobelville, Tenn., Feb. 8, 1867; Irish and English descent; son of Joseph and Nancy (Young) Shannon; father, farmer; educated in country schools and at Clifton (Tenn.) High School; graduated from Cumberland University in law school LL. B. degree 1888-1889; reared on farm, and since taking law course and admission to the bar he has devoted his time and atten- tion to the practice of law; in 1893 he lo- cated at Waverly, Tenn., for practice of his profession, and has been connect- ed with local enterprises for said town and assisted in the fight for temperance by securing a new charter for Waverly in 1901, which was prepared principally by himself, prohibiting the sale of whiskey in said town, etc.; he also as- sisted in organizing the first National Bank of Waverly, Tenn., and became its first president, which position he held until the bank was thoroughly started into business; married Maggie Duncan, Sept. 29, 1889; member Masons, I. O. O. F. and K. P. — SIMPSON, Thomas Kanada, farmer; | Dorn Humphreys Co., Tenn., Aug. 15, 1845; Irish descent; son of W. C. and j Martha D. (Long) Simpson; father was a physician; paternal grandparents Wil- liam and Morgan (Maddox) Simpson, maternal grandparents, J. H. and Blanche (Raba) Long; educated at Ma- con, Ga., and graduated 1868 with degree of M. D.; in early life was sheriff; mar- ried Kizziah J. Curtis, Jan. 3, 1875; Democrat; member of Cumberland Pres- byterian church; engaged in farming and raising stock; P. O. Address, Mc- Ewen, Tenn., R. F. D. No. 1. THOMAS, Edward Willis, lawyer; born Humphreys Co., Tenn., Feb. 6, i 1877; son of Dorsey B. and Lucy J. (Robertson) Thomas; Welsh descent; graduated Cumberland University LL. B. degree 1900; member Masonic Order, K. of P., Elks, S. A. E.; Assistant Clerk Tenn. State Senate, 1901-1905; elected clerk of Senate 1905-1909; member Bap- tist church. — WAY. DAVIDSON, Ben Frank, general mer- chant; born Way, Tenn., July 19, 1853; son of Joseph ana Morgan (Parker) Da- vidson; father, farmer and merchant; re- ceived common school education; began career as clerk in dry goods store; mar- ried Caroline Pafford Dec. 20, 1877; F. & A. M. ; postmaster Way, Tenn.; mem- ber of M. E. church. South; engaged in farming, milling and mercantile busi- ness. — WAYNESBORO. BOYD, Frank, lawyer; born Vesuvi- ous Furnace, O. July 30, 1859; Seotch- Irish and German descent; son of G. W. and Ann E. (Songer) Boyd; fath- er, manufacturer of pig iron; educated at Mars Hill College near Florence, Ala., graduated from law department Cum- berland University Lebanon, Tenn,, B. L. degree 1881; worked on farm in early life; married Laura E. Hassell, May 23, 1883; memoer W. O. W. and K. of P.; Democrat; presidential elector for 7th who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 569 congressional district on Cleveland and Hendrix ticket, 1892; delegate to Na- tional Democratic convention at Chicago, 1896; member of Christian church; su- perintendent of public instruction foi Wayne Co., Tenn., 1885; organized first institute ever held in county for both white and colored schools; elected attor- ney-general of 11th judicial circuit of Tenn. in 1894, served eight years; elect- ed State Senator from counties of Giles, Lawrence and Wayne, Nov. 8, 1910; orig- inal charter member of first telephone company organized in county, and of first turnpike company, organized since I860; one of original promoters of Bank of Waynesboro, Tenn., the first bank es- tablished in the town and the only one; member of firm or Boyd & Morrison, lawyers, since 1901. CATON, Daniel Spencer, farmer; born Davie Co., N. C., July 23, 1849; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Drury ana Emily (Woods) Caton; received common school education; entered farming in ear- ly life; married Mary Ann Phillips, Dec. 23, 1869; member of Wayne Co. Farm- ers’ Union ,and president of same; Dem- ocrat (Regular); served as magistrate of Wayne Co., Tenn., 1886-92; and was a member of Tenn. Legislature 1897 and 1898; member of M. £. church, South. P.O. Address, Waynesboro, Tenn., R.F. D. No. 5. COLE, Jasper E., public official; born Wayne Co., Tenn., Jan. 17, 1863; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John H. and Nancy A. (Lynn) Cole; educated at Waynesboro Tenn.; in April, 1881, he made a trip to Texas, returning home Nov., 1886, and became clerk in store of Turman Helton - Co., Jan. 1 to July 1, 1887, and returned to Texas same year; in year 1888 he made a trip to Arkan- sas; returned from Arkansas to Tenn. same year; then removed to Texas in 1894 again and engaged in farming, re- turned to Waynesboro, Tenn., in 1899; married Sallie B. Taylor, July 12, 1890; member F. & A. M. No. 127, I. O. O. F. No. 36, W. O. W. No. 238; sheriff of Wayne Co., Tenn., by appointment of court Oct. 1893 to Sept. 1894; chairman of County Court 1901-02-03-04-05; jus- tice of the peace since 1900; 1905 was se- lected one of Five Commisioners to build new courthouse and served as secretary of board; elected Trustee of Wayne Co. Aug. 1910. COPELAND, 'William Brownlow, farmer; born Martins Hill, Tenn., May 16, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James D. and Caroline (Williams) Copeland; father was a farmer; pater- nal grandparents James and Katie (Gil- lis) Copeland, maternal grandparents. Jack and Rebecca (Williams) Williams; received common school education; en- tered farming in earlv life; married Ja- nie Lawson, Sept. 15, 1887 ; member Ma- sons, I. O. O. F„ W. O. W. and M. W. of A.; Republican; former Trustee for Wayne Co., Tenn., two terms; member M. E. church. DAVIS, Joseph N., farmer; born Lawrence Co., Tenn., March 6, 1845; Eng- lish descent; son of David H. and Ma- tilda (Wakefield) Davis; father minis- ter of the gospel; paternal grandparents, William and Elizabeth (Matison) Davis, maternal grandparents, Abel and Katie (Stuckey) Wakefield; educated Hardin Co., Tenn.; entered farming in early life; served in U. S. A. 1863-65, also in Spanish- American war, 1S98; married Nancy Copeland, Jan. 16, 1867; member of Farmers’ Educational and Co-opera- tive Union of America; member of Mis- sionary Baptist church; engaged in farming and mercantile business at Waynesboro, Tenn. GALLIEN, John W., teacher; born Wayne Co., Tenn., Sept. 17, 1869; son of Greene and Mary E. (Murphy) Gal- iien; father’s occupation farmer; pater- nal grandparents, Abner and Kate (Westmoreland) Gallien, maternal grandparents, Colvin and Sarah (Linn- ville) Murphy; educated in country schools, and commercial department of Ky. University; began career as a farm- er; married Maude House, Dec. 26, 1900; Republican; justice of the peace, 1906-1909; member of County Board of Education of Wayne Co., Tenn., 1907-09; ar present he is superintendent of pub- lic instruction for said county. 570 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE McWILLIAMS, John, trader and farmer; born Wayne Co., Tenn., March 30, 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James A. and Loretta (Ayers) McWil- liams; father’s occupation, farmer; pa- ternal grandfather, Jim McWilliams, pa- ternal grandmother was a Miss King prior to her marriage, maternal grand- father Buck Ayer, maternal grandmoth- er was a Miss West prior to her mar- riage; educated in the free public schools of Wayne Co., Tenn.; began career as a .larmer; married Josie Bryant, April 27, 1898; member F. & A. M. Victory lodge No. 554; Republican. ROBERSON, Jefferson Wiley Franklin, farmer; born Cypress Inn, Tenn., Feb. 12, 1876; Irish and English descent; son of John W. and Savan- nah A. (Townsend) Roberson; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandpar- ents, James and Drueilla (Darby) Rob- erson, maternal grandparents, Benjamin and Catherine (Reedus) Townsend; edu- cated in county public schools and Dick- son (Tenn.) Normal College; early busi- ness occupation rarmins', public school teacher, R. F. D. Carrier and County Court Clerk; married Rebecca Beckham May 1, 1907; member F. & A. M., R. A. Chapter K. of P., I. O. O. F., W. O. W. and M. W. A. ; he has made three races in Wayne county, Tenn., for Clerk of the County Court, being defeated in first race and he is now serving second term in that office, which will expire Sept., 1914; Steward in M. E. church at Way- nesboro, Tenn.; stockholder and direc- tor in Bank of Waynesboro. SIMS, Robert M., lawyer; born Sims, Tenn., Feb. 22, 1879; English descent; son of A. M. and Hannah (Stooksberry) Sims ; father, farmer ; educated in Wayne Co., Tenn.; graduated from American University, Harriman, Tenn., LL. B., May 28 1902; reared on farm on Indian Creek, ten miles south of Waynesboro, Tenn., and began teaching school at age oi 20 years, and taught in public schools of Wayne Co., Tenn., four years; entered practice of law in 1903 and has contin- ued in same since that time; in Sept., qiiAV diqsjauijud v pouuoj aq ‘g()6I A. Haggard at Waynesboro, Tenn., which firm is now known as Haggard & Sin lawyers; married Naoma Suddeth, O 26, 1904; member of Waynesboro Lod No. 127, F. & A. M., and No. 416, I. O. F.; member of Missionary Bapt church. WELL SPRING. DOSSETT, John W. farmer; bo Fincastle, Tenn., May 1, 1843; Irish c scent; son of Alfred and Julia A. (I liott) Dossett; father, farmer; educat at Well Spring, Tenn.; served as privs in Co. “C,” 3d regiment Tenn. Vol., 18t 1865; entered farming in early life; mi ried Sallie L. Cain, Dec. 26, 1867 ; mei ber F. & A. M., Worshipful Master V; ley Star Lodge No. 577; Republica former tax assessor, First District Cam bell County; member M. E. church; O. address Lafollette, Tenn., R. F. MILLER, John, miller; born W> Springs, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1855; Dutch a! Irish descent; son of James and An: (Shay) Miller; father’s occupatl farmer and trader; educated at W< Spring, Tenn. ; early business occup tion, milling and machine busines married Nannie Dossett, June 1, 189 member I. O. O. F. and M. E. Churc South; P. O. address LaFollette Ten R. F. D. WESSYNGTON. WASHINGTON, Joseph Edwi planter; born Wessyngton, Inov. 10, 185 son of George Augustine and Ja (Smith) Washington; father, tobac planter, capitalist; paternal grandp rents Joseph and Mary (Cheathan Washington, maternal grandparen Lawrence D. and Mary (Hanna) Smit educated at Wessynton and at Geore town College, D. C., graduated fro latter A. B. in regular course, 1873, . M. 1888; early occupation, plantin married Jan. 15, 1879, Mary Bollii Kemp, daughter Judge Wyndham Kem and Seignora Peyton Bolling, of Glo cester Co., Va.; member of Watau; Club, Nashville, Thomas McCullouj Blue Lodge, F. & A M., Cedar Hill, Tri ity Consistory, A. A. S. R., Nashvill Democrat; member of Tenn legislatu^ 1877-1878, presidential elector Hanco> who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 571 Sd English, 1S80; member of congress 186-1897, from 6th Congressional Dis- ict, Tennessee; member of Protestant piscopal church. WEST NASHVILLE. LOVELL, Jadie Johns, teacher; born inkston, Tenn., Aug. 25, 1882; English Ascent; son of Anderson B. and Lucy . (Crouch) Lovell; father’s occupation, irmer; educated in public schools and home; early occupation, merchant; arried Laura Lee Jordan, Nov. 3, 1907 ; ember Masons, Secretary I. O. O. F.; erk M. W. of A.; member of Metho- st church; he was special agent of the . S. Census Bureau of Manufactures, ines and Quarries in 1910; P. O. ad- ress Nashville, R. F. D. No. 13. I WHEAT. '' f GALLAHER, William Franklin, firmer; born Wheat, Tenn., Feb. 22, n[ 184; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Will- f’m Thomas and Ena (Browder) Galla- c> r; father’s occupation, farming; pater- l P il grandnarents George and Lucinda 'j. Ring) Gallaher, maternal grandparents ihn and Minerva (Matlock) Browder; Aucated at Roane College and University “f Tenn., graduated from former May, >01 ; entered farming in early life; mar- ed Reese Martin, Sept. 22, 1909; mem- er Pi Kappa Alpha, Junior Order K. nf P., Royal Arch Masons, and is Junior jlfarden in Master Masons’ Lodge; )r»emocrat; secretary of Roane County c< lection Commission at present time; pjember of Cumberland Presbyterian m lurch. n .• t!| WHITE PINE. 0 0 1 HELM, William B., physician; born Jefferson Co., Tenn., Oct. 9, 1857 ; son Jf David P. and Nancy M. (Helm) „lelm; father was a farmer; paternal j,randparents Dr. Henry and Matilda njCarson) Helm, maternal grandparents Rev. W. B. and Elizabeth (Rodgers) Helm; educated Cedar Hill Seminary; Received M. D. from medical depart- ment University of Louisville, Ky., r larch 1, 1888; in early life taught c chool in Hawkins Co., Tenn.; he was •ft an orphan at an early age and lived with his uncle, and read medicine under Dr. William F. Helm, 1877-1880; attend- ed first course of medical lectures at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., 1881-1882; practiced medicine at Witt’s Foundry, Tenn., from 1882 to 1888, then moved to White Pine Tenn., where he has been engaged in active practice of his profession since; married Thula I. Snodgrass, May 24, 1882; represented Hamblen and Jefferson Counties in low- er house 56th general assembly of Ten- nessee; member of Baptist church, and has been deacon of same 25 years. WHITEVILLE. BASS, J. W., farmer and merchant; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 4, 1848; son of Thomas W. and Nannie P. (Avent) Bass; Scotch-Irish descent; ed- ucated Public Schools; married 1st Olivia P. Kent Dec. 20, 1874; 2nd Mat- tie Crockett April 15, 1891; member Masonic Lodge; for 18 years served Hardeman Co., as justice of the peace; mayor of Whiteville; director and offi- cer in the Whiteville Savings Bank of Whiteville, Tenn., from its organization; Democrat. BOYETT, W. L., physician; born Ma- son Hall, Tenn., Sept. 29, 18G8; son of Dr. W. B. and Nannie L. (Bynum) Boyett; Irish descent; educated Bethel College, McKenzie, Tenn., graduate of Memphis Hospital Medical College, Memphis, Tenn., 1902; married Beulah Best Oct. 23, 1901 ; member I. O. O. F., K. of P., Masons, W. O. W., Modern Woodman; lived on farm until age of 16; after_ leaving college was in busi- ness at Trenton, Tenn; after graduation in Medicine in 1902 located at Cedar Chapel ; remained there until 1907 ; then moved to Whiteville where he is now a practicing physician; Democrat. CAMPBELL, David James, farmer; born Choctaw Co., Miss., April 9, 1850; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John B. and Rebecca (Blount) Campbell; father, merchant and farmer; educated in com- mon schools; entered farming in 1869; married twice, first Susan Sutton, Feb. 2, 1872, second, Carrie McKinnie, April 22 1898; president of the local Farmers’ 572 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Union; Fusion Democrat; Magistrate 18 years 1888-1906; county representative, 1907; at present he is jail commissioner; member of Missionary Baptist church. COFFMAN, R. J., physician; born Friendship, Dyer Co., Tenn., Oct. 26, 1850; son of Lovell and Elizabeth (Fielder) Coffman; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Friendship public school; grad- uated Hospital Medical College, Louis- ville, Ky. ; married Ellen McGuire Nov. 1880; early business farming; after grad- uation entered the practice of his pro- fession with uncle in Grenada Co., Miss.; moved from there to Cedar Chapel, Tenn.; practiced there 8 years; after- ward moved to Whiteville, Tenn., where he now resides and is engaged in the practice of medicine; Democrat. FARLEY, Susannah E., postmaster; born May 2, 1859; daughter of John B. and Margaret (Lacy) Johnson; educated Jefferson Institute, Whiteville, Tenn.; graduated from Memphis Conference In- stitute, Jackson, Tenn.; married W. E. Farley, Dec. 20, 1876; appointed post- master at Whiteville, Tenn., Aug. 26, 1876, office advanced to third class and she was reappointed by President Roose- velt March 3, 1909. HORNSBY, Isaac H., physician; born Crainesville, Tenn., Hardeman Co., Nov. 10, 1849; son of K. E. and Mar- tha H. (Sebastian) Hornsby; English descent; educated common schools; grad- uated Memphis Hospital Medical Col- lege in 1885; married four times, 1873, 1886, 1902 and 1906; early occupation farming; has been practicing physician since graduation up to present time; joined Baptist church in 1868; was Democratic district committeeman of the 13th Civil District of Hardeman Co., for 12 years; trustee of the Western Hospital for Insane at Bolivar for 8 years and at present chairman of the Board of Health of Whiteville, Tenn. ; Democrat. RUSSELL, Robert Sidney, dentist; born Danceyville, Fayette Co., Tenn., Oct. 23, 1867 ; son of John A. and Sophia (Davis) Russell; Scotch-Irish de- scent; educated Danceyville Academy; graduate in Dentistry at Baltimore, Md. 1 married Mary L. Atkins Dec. 18, 189G moved to Whiteville, Tenn., from Fultor Ky., in 1904; engaged in the practice oj Dentistry in same year; Democrat. SIMMONS, Eugene, editor; bori, Hardeman Co., Tenn., Nov. 21, 1887 son of Jas. F. and Mary E. (Sammons Simmons; educated, public school a 1 ' Whiteville, Union University, Jackson Tenn.; member K. of P.; lived on farnjl near Whiteville, Tenn.; until 16 year of age when family moved to Whitevilli where he entered Jefferson Institute anc completed free school course; spent om year at college at Jackson, Tenn.; pur chased The News at AVhiteville Novli 1907 and became its editor; Democrat. WHITWELL. LAYNE, Daniel Thomas, druggist born Victoria, Tenn., Dec. 10, 1870;! English-German descent; son of Walkei ( and — t (Conatser) Layne;! father, farmer; paternal grandparent? Steven and Sina (Mason) Layne, mater-! nal grandparents Daniel and , (Keith) Conatser; received common! school education; in early life was a farmer; married Annie Thompson, 1893;! member of Knights of Pythias, Masons,! Red Men, W. O. W. and I. O. O. F.; Democrat; member of lower house of Tenn. legislature, 1905, State Senate! 1911; member of M. E. Church, South; interested in general mercantile busi-' ness and real estate. WILDER. PILE, O. P., civil engineer; born 8th District Fentress Co., Tenn., March 21, | 1874; Irish descent; son of S. H. and Ermine G. (Miller) Pile; father’s occu- pation, farmer, ana dealer in real estate; paternal grandparents William and Pol- lie (Williams) Pile, maternal grandpa- rents Armstead and Tennessee (McGee) Miller; graduated from Hiwassee Col- lege, May 17, 1893, with B. S. and C. E. degree; began his career as a merchant at Rowena, Ky., in which business he continued two years, and then entered lumber business; in 1901 he connected with Fentress Coal and Coke Co., Wilder, Tenn., as engineer, and remained with I who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE r>73 them until 1908, when he went with the Davidson Hicks & Greene Co. as chief engineer of the Highland R. R., which position he now holds; married twice, first D. C. Littrell, Savage, Ky., Nov. 17, 1897, second Willa Littrell, Albany, Ky., Aug. 14, 1907; member of I. O. 6. F., K. of P., Chancellor Commander, and Deputy Grand Chancellor; Democrat; chairman of Democratic Executive Com- mittee, Fentress Co., Tenn., 1900-1904, and at present he is Justice or the Peace. WILLIAMSPORT. RUSSELL, William James, farmer; born near Williamsport, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1867; English descent; son of Madison and Rachel A. (Jones) Russel; father, farmer and stock raiser; educated in the rural schools and University of Tenn.; married Pattie F. Moore, Nov. 24, 1891; Independent Democrat; member of M. E. Church, South; engaged in farm- ing and stock raising. WINCHESTER. BANKS, George Edward, lawyer; born London, England, Oct. 31, 1850; English descent; son of Robert and Eliz- abeth (Bolton) Banks; father, mer- chant; paternal grandparents Rev. Jabez and Annie (Brownrigg) Banks, mater- nal grandparents Robert and Mary (Adams) Bolton; educated at Hamp- stead High School, London, England; came to U. S. when he was 16 years of age, and in early life was a clerk in mercantile store, and taught school; en- tered the practice of law July, 1885, and was a partner of ex-Gov. Albert S. Marks until latter died; married twice, first, Mattie Johnston, Jan. 10, 1870, sec- ond Eula Austell, Nov. 11, 1909; member Royal Arch Masons I. O .0. F. and K. of P. ; Democrat; member of State Sen- ate of Tenn. 1908 to 1910, and was one of the senators who left State in 1909; member of Episcopal church; former president of Home Bank, 1896-1906. CAMBRON, Ely Lewis, minister of the gospel; born Calhoun Co., Ala., Nov. 1, 1860; English descent; son of J. W. and Martha (Jester) Cambron; father's occupation, blacksmith; educated in Tenn.; married Emily E. Gattis, July 9, 1879; Democrat; member of Church of Christ; engaged in the mercantile busi- ness at Winchester, Tenn. CHATTIN, Edward Walter, nursery- man; born Meigs Co., Tenn., Sept. 10, 1868; son of Edward R. and M. E. (Todd) Chattin; father’s occupation, farmer; educated in country schools, Oegan career as traveling salesman; mar- ried Ellen E. Shadow, July 17, 1890; member F. & A. M., K. of P., I. O.O. F. anu W. O. W.; Democrat (Regular); member of Methodist church; at pres- ent ne is secretary and treasurer of the Southern Nursery Co., also president of Tenn. Wholesale Nurseries. CLARK, Rufus Anthony, teacher; born Coffee County, Tenn., November 20, 1846; son of James A. and Amelia (Wil- kinson) Clark; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s occupation, farming; educated Beech Grove, Tenn.; married Ellen Hen- derson, June 26, 1879; worked on farm until twenty years of age; taught school five months at Wartrace, Tenn. ; two- years at Alto, Tenn.; began at Carrick Academy at Winchester, January 1, 1872, with eight pupils; changed Carrick Acad- emy to Winchester Normal College 1878; continued the Winchester Normal College until 1909, resigning the Presidency June 1, 1909, after forty years’ continued teaching; highest enrollment of pupils, 457; member Baptist Church; present occupation, farming. CROWNOVER, Arthur, lawyer; born Alto, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1874; English descent; son of William and Laura (Montgomery) Crownover; father, farmer; grandson of William and Han- nah f Isbell) Crownover and Milton and Nancy (Austin) Montgomery; his great grandfather, Joseph Crownover, was a revolutionary soldier; graduated from university of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., LL.B., Aug. 1, 1895; entered practice of law at Winchester, Tenn. in 1895; married Emma Sims of Donaldsonville, La., April 25, 1906; member K. of P., 1. O. O. F. and F. & A. M. Lodges; County Attorney of Franklin Co., Tenn., 1902-1906; colonel on staff of Gov. Pat- terson, 1906-1910; he was a candidate I 574 who’s WHO IK TENNESSEE for the court of civil appeals in 1910 be- rore Democratic primary of June 4, and was defeated by only a few votes by A R. Gholson, of Clarksville, Tenn.; mem- ber of Episcopal church. DUFFY, J., Catholic priest; born Westport, Wis., Aug. 17, 1868; Irish de- scent; son of Patrick Duffy; father was a farmer; educated St. Thomas College and St. Paul, Minn., graduated from St. Thomas College, Washington, D. C., Sept. 21, 1902; in early life was a farm- er; member Knignts of Columbus Coun- cil No. 544; independent in politics; as- sistant at Winchester 1902 non-Catholic Missionary, 1903, in charge of Hundred Oaks, Winchester Church, from 1904 to 1910; built Church of Good Shepherd at said place, 1907 ; non-Catholic mission- ary, 1911. ESTILL, Floyd, lawyer; born Win- chester, Tenn., Nov. 18, 1858; Scotch de- scent; son of Francis Thomas and Kath- ryn (Garner) Estill; father’s occupa- tion, lawyer; paternal grandparents, Wallace and Elinor (Crabb) Estill, ma- ternal grandparents, Calaway and Beu- lah (Wadlington) Garner; educated Car- rick Academy; in early life taught school; read law one year in office of Wallace Colyar at Tracy, Tenn., and spent one year in office of Col. J. H. Holman, Fayetteville, Tenn.; in Jan., 1880, he began the practice of law in of- fice of Judge Nathaniel Baxter, Nash- ville, and in 1881 formed a partnership with Frank Slemons, Nashville, Tenn., which continued until he moved to Win- chester, Tenn.; married Nora Landis, Nov. 10, 1885; member Elks and K. of P. ; Democrat; appointed judge of Chat- tanooga circuit by Gov. Turney Jan., 1897, elected to fill out unexpired term Aug., 1898, and served out same which expired Sept. 1, 1902 and was not a candidate to succeed himself: he resumed practice of law at Winchester, Tenn., and in adjoining counties, and he has been on one side of all the important cases in Franklin county, Tenn., for many years, and in many in the adjoining counties; member of Episcopal church. HORTON, Henry H., attorney at law; born Princeton, Ala., February 17, 1866; son of Henry Hollis and Lizzie (Moore) Horton; Irish and English descent; grad- uated Winchester College May, 1888; married Addie Wilhoite, November 22, 1896; member K. of P. ; member of Leg- ! islature in 1907; Public School Director; member High School Board of Franklin County and Election Commissioner, Chair- man; member of Board of Mayor and Aldermen of Winchester; lived on farm until eighteen years of age; taught school seven years; Director and General Coun- sellor and Attorney Home Bank, Win- J Chester, and has been for many years; j member Missionary Baptist Church. ’ HULING, Matthew Marshall, phy- sician; born Concord, Tenn., July 8, 1872; Scotch-Irish and French descent; son of D. C. and Cynthia A. (Keith) Hiding; father, carpenter; paternal grandparents, Thomas A. and Julia A. (Holt) Huling; educated at Ewing and Jefferson College, Ewing, Tenn., and graduated from same A. B. degree 1902, i and from Tenn. Medical College, M. D. 1907; began his career as farmer; mar- ried Clara Moss, Oct. 3, 1901 ; member F. & A. M. and W. O. W., examining physician for latter camp No. 315; Re- publican; memDer of Cumberland Pres- byterian church. KEITH, Pleasant B., farmer; born Franklin Co., Tenn., Oct. 2, 1847 ; Irish- Scotch descent; son of Samuel H. and Salina (Denson) Keith; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, John L. and Mary (McKinley) Keith, maternal grandparents, Wiley and Mary (Farris) Denson ; educated in the old field school nouses of Franklin Co., Tenn.; entered farming in early life, and was also in- terested in undertaking business about four years at Winchester, Tenn.; mar- ried twice, first M. F. Keith, Aug. 29, 1869, second Lou E. Cowan, Oct. 13, 1886; member K. of P.; served as mem- ber of Co. “K” 4th Tenn. C. S. A. Caval- ry, surrendered at Washington, Ga., May May 9, 1865; assistant livestock inspector for Middle Tennessee and jus- tice of the peace; member of Cumber- land Presbyterian church. LEDBETTER, James O., banker; born Farmington, Tenn., October 3, 1878; who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 575 son of James M. and Hattie M. (Long) Ledbetter; paternal grandparents James and Elizabeth (Sherrin) Ledbetter, ma- ternal grandparents Thos. and Sallie (Bennett) Long; English-Irish descent; graduated Lewisburg, Tenn., in 1897 ; married Ida V. Pickens in 1900; member I. O. O. F., Past Chancellor K. of P.; Cashier Farmers’ National Bank, Win- chester, Tenn.; railway agent eight years; banker three years; Treasurer of Church of Christ. LITTLETON, Jesse M., lawyer; born Roane County, Tenn., March 9, 1867 ; son of Thomas J. and Hannah Burnett (In- gram) Littleton; paternal grandparents James and Katherine (Brown) Littleton, maternal grandparents Sanford and Mary (Burnett) Ingram; English, Scotch, Irish and German descent; self-educated; early business, newspaper reporter; fa- ther’s occupation, farmer; married Kath- ryn Estill, March 19, 1906; President Winchester Taxing District 1903-1907 ; Mayor Winchester 1907-1909; re-elected 1909; elected as a Republican in Demo- cratic municipality by majority of three to one; nominated for Circuit Judge, Chattanooga Circuit, by Republican party in 1902, March 9; nominated for Governor of Tennessee by Republican party April 7, 1904; campaigned in joint debate with the Democratic nominee, Hon. J. B. Frazier. LYNCH, Frank L., attorney at law; born Nashville, Tenn., March 14, 1873; Irish descent; son of William S. and Dicie A. (Wagner) Lynch; father’s occupation, locomotive engineer; pater- nal grandparents, Aaron and Elizabeth (Rogers) Lynch, maternal grandparents, James and Mary (Hudson) Wagner; ed- ucated at Terrill College, Decherd, Tenn., and University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.; graduated from Terrill College, June 10, 1893; in early life taught school one year, and farmed some; married Leah Pearson, June 10, 1896; member of Masons, K. of P. and I. O. O. F. ; Democrat; elected judge of the County Court of Franklin Co., Tenn., Aug., 1902, served eight years, and re-elected Aug., 1910, and is the present incumbent; mem- ber of Church of Christ. MURRELL, William E., physician; born Winchester, Tenn., July 26, 1859; French and German descent; son of Thomas C. and Louisa (Simmons) Mur- rell; father’s occupation, physician; ed- ucated at Winchester (Tenn.) Normal College, graduated from Vanderbilt Uni- versity, medical department, 1893; in early life was a farmer; married Sallie E. Carter, Nov. 21, 1882; member of K. of P. ; Democrat; member of M. E. church, South. SLAUGHTER, Benjamin Gabriel, retired dentist; born Boyle Co., Ky., March 8, 1845; he is a descendant of Re- volutionary patriots on both sides; son of Gabriel Stout and Elizabeth (Drake) Slaughter; father’s occupation, manufac- turing hemp, rope and bagging, also farming; paternal grandparents, Augus- tine Smith and Susanna (Fisher) Slaughter, maternal grandparents, Capt. Abraham Stout and Hannah (Prall) Drake; received primary education in school of John Pope, Academic at Dan- ville, and Lexington, Ky., and Transyl- vania University; enlisted in Confederate army at Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb., 1862, as private in Co. “A,” Capt. John H. Morgan’s old squadron of Kentucky Cavalry; was sent to join command at Corinth, Miss.; he was in Morgan’s raid on Lebanon, Tenn., known as the “Leban- on Races” and twice wounded by pursu- ing cavalrymen and left for dead on the Carthage pike; captured and sent to Camp Chase, O., and by intercession of his mother was allowed parole of city of Columbus for special treatment; having rejected the oath, was exchanged at Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. , 1862, and as- signed to duty in Capt. Tom Quirk’s Scouts, remnant of Morgan’s old squad- ron; afterward detailed to go with Capt. Ellsworth (Lightning Operator) on raid to Bearwallow Ky., where he was wounded four times, once having brains shot out and receiving ball in hip, which latter disabled him permanently; skull crushed with butt of pistol and left jaw bone broken and again left as dead; af- terward captured and was in prison at Nashville Penitentiary, Fort McHenry, and Fortress Monroe, Va., and confined in dungeon at Old Point Comfort and exchanged at City Point, Va.; went with 576 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Morgan on a raid to Mt. Sterling, Ky., as dismounted man in 1864, and was of- fered discharge by the general; com- mand surrounded and surprised with bloody fight following; lost left eye by gun shot in third charge when every man in cnaree was killed or wounded; was carried to residence of Dr. R. P. Drake and treated nine weeks, then sent home to Danville, Ky., on parole, no further exchange being allowed by Gen. Grant’s orders; began his business career as a ,armer, later entered dentistry, and stid later became editor and proprietor of “The Home Journal,” Winchester, Tenn. Served four years as immigration agent, Iron Mountain, Missouri Pacific and Texas Pacific railroad; married Lucy Osborne, of Bedford Co., Tenn., Sent., 1867 ; member F. & A. M., also N. G., and Past Noble Grand of Wartrace lodge, and Past Chief Patriarch War- trace Encampment I. O. O. F. and mem- ber of F. U. of A.; he has been sent a number of times as delegate from Tur- ney Camp to annual reunion of U. C. ”V. and is chaplain of said camp; com- misioned Major on Gen. Clay Stacker’s staff, Second Tennessee brigade, U. C. V., and again by Gen. John B. Gordon as Commissary general with rank of col- onel on staff of Gen. George W. Gor- don, Tenn. Div., U. C. V. , member of Baptist church and was ordained deacon at New Hope church in 1869; moved from Kentucky to Bedford Co., Tenn., in 1868, and to Winchester, Tenn., in 1883, where he now lives. TURNEY, Miller Francis, physician and surgeon; born Winchester, Tenn., October 7, 1879; son of Peter and Han- nah F. (Graham) Turney; paternal grandparents Hopkins L. and Theresa (Francis) Turney, maternal grandpar- ents John and Aletha (Roberts) Graham; French, Scotch and German descent; edu- cated Mary Sharp College, Terrill Col- lege and Vanderbilt University; gradu- ated M. D., Vanderbilt University, April 3, 1901 ; married Ruby Carpenter, Feb- ruary 14, 1909; member Masonic Order, K. of P., I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen, Past Junior and Senior Warden F. & A. M. ; was House Surgeon Hillman Hos- pital, Birmingham, Ala., in 1906; also interested in farming and stock raising; member Episcopal Church; his father, Hon. Peter Turney, deceased, was once Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tennessee and Governor of Tennessee, two terms WHITAKER, Matt N., lawyer; born Mulberry, Tenn., January 29, 1860; son of Newton and — — (Winn) Whitaker; English descent; father’s occupation, farmer; graduated Mulberry Institute ini 1878; married Florence J. Whitaker, Oc- j tober 15, 1885; member Masons, K. of P., and Elks; Attorney General; member of Baptist Church; Democrat. DAVIS, James W., physician; born Wartburg, Tenn., April 12, 1868; Eng- lish descent; son of David W. and Mary (Pitts) Davis; father, physician; edu- cated in Tenn., and graduated from Co- lumbia University M. D., 1891; in early life was a farmer; married Delilah Pe- terman, Feb. 23, 1902; Republican; mem- er of Methodist church; engaged in the practice of medicine at Windle, Tenn. WOLF CREEK. ALLEN, D. W., farmer; born Cocke Co., Tenn., Dec. 20, 1850; Irish descent; son of James R. and Beck (Clark) Al- len; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, Reuben and Mary (Jones) Allen, maternal grandparents, James and Mary (Daniel) Clark; educated in Cocke Co., Tenn.; began his career as a railroad depot agent; married Maggie Gentry, July, 1879; Independent Demo- crat; postmaster at Wolf Creek, Tenn., 1876 to 1889, re-appointed and is serv- ing as same at present; interested in cat- tle in Oklahoma. WOODBURY. GRAY, Wilet Willis, farmer; born Brady ville, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1843; son oi* S. W. and Ellen (Sagley) Gray; father was a farmer; received common school education ; began carrer a as school teach- er; married four times, first Mattie Praty, second Ellen Miller, third Virgin- ia Simms, and fourth, Nannie Wheeler; Past Master Masonic Lodge; Dem- WHO S WHO IX TENNESSEE 577 • crat; in 1874 he was elected tax collection for Cannon Co., Tenn., and in 1878 Clerk of the County Court of said county, re-elected to lat- ter office in 1882 and he is now ser- ving as Deputy Clerk and Master of the Chancery court of Cannon Co., Tenn.; member of Missionary Baptist church; retired merchant, and is now engaged in farming. HAWES, Robert Rush, merchant, farmer; born Cookeville, Tenn., Aug. 14, 1861; son of James Oscar and Harriet N- (Cooke) Hawes; father, merchant; pa- ternal grandparents, William and Tabi- u.a (Quarles) Hawes, maternal grand- parents, Richard F. and Margaret (Cox) Cooke; educated at Hughes and Mims Male Academy, Edgefield, Tenn.; in early life was a traveling salesman; at present he is secretary and treasurer of Overall-Hawes Hat Co., Nashville, Tenn. member of Cason & Hawes, merchants, Woodbury, Tenn., and vice-pres. of the Bank of Woodbury, Tenn., and pro- prietor of Riverside Farm; married Tina Mae Fisher, June 1, 1892; member Can- non lodge of K. of P., Woodbury Tenn., ex-Commercial Travelers’ Club, Nash- ville, Tenn.; is now serving second term as Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Cannon Co., Tenn. HOUSTON, William Cankon, farmer, lawyer; born Bedford, Co., Tenn., Mar. 17 1852; Scotch-irish descent; son of William and Elizabeth Clay (Morgan) Houston; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents, Dr. William and Sarah (Phifer) Houston, maternal grandparents, Samuel and Harriet (Har- ris) Morgan; began his career as farmer, and editor of newspaper; married twice, first Lura Kittrell, Nov. 6, 1878, second Lizzie M. McLemore, Jan. 3, 1899; Dem- ocrat; member of legislature of Tenn., 1877, 1881, 1883, chairman Democratic State convention 1888; Democratic elec- tor 1888, judge of the Circuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Circuit of Tenn., 1894-1904; member of congress from 5th district of Tenn. since 1904; member of Christian church. MicCRARY, Lymax B„ physician; born Lawrence Co., Ala., Sept. 5, 1830; Scotch-irish descent; son of Matthew and Mary A. (Holland) McCrary; fath- er was a farmer; educated at Irving College, Tenn.; received M. D. degree from University of Nashvile, in 1859; was a farmer in early life; married Mar- tha P. Martin, Feb. 28, 1856; member Masons, and I. O. O. F. ; Independent Democrat; served as surgeon in Confed- erate army; member of Presbyterian church, U. S. A. STEPHENS, Elijah, merchant; born Woodbury, Tenn., March 26, 1861; Eng- lish descent; son of Elijah and Martha Stephens; educated at Woodbur 3 r , Tenn.; entered mercantile business in early life; married Maggie Talley, 1884; member I. O, 0. F. and K. of P., has passed through all offices of the latter; served as magistrate two terms, and is now ser- ving 4th term as chairman of the County Court of Cannon Co., Tenn.; member of Christian church and elder of Woodbury congregation; member of the firm of Gribble & Stephens, merchants, Wood- bur y, Tenn. WOODY. WOODY, Harrisox, merchant; born Woody, Tenn., in. 1840; English descent; son of James and Cynthia (Cox) Woody; father, farmer; received com- mon school education; was a farmer and hunter in early life; married Milly Pa- ton, Jan. 15, 1862; Democrat (Regular); served as justice of the peace six years; served four months in the Confederate army during Civil war; member of Mis- sionary Baptist church. WOOLDRIDGE. WOOLDRIDGE, James Richard, coal operator and capitalist; born Woodford Co., Ky. ; son of Powhatan and Annie M. (Washington) Wooldridge; paternal grandfather Powhatan Wooldridge; paternal grandmother Mildred Taylor (Major) Wooldridge; maternal grand- father William H. Washington; mater- nal grandmother Caroline H. (Blount) Washington; English and French de- scent; father’s occupation cotton factor; educated public schools St. Louis Mo.; 578 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE early business occupation commercial traveler out of St. Louis for Southern plantation supply houses; married Cora V. Thomson June 12, 1894; member Pen- dennis Club, Louisville, Ky., Cumber- land Club, Knoxville, Tenn., K. of P. ; Past Chancellor Corona Lodge Knox- ville, Tenn.; member of 53d General Assembly, Tenn., as Senator from Third Senatorial District; has been largely in- terested in the devlopment of the coal fields of East Tenn., and particularly of the Jellico district; located in Camp- bell Co., Tenn., in 1890; founded the town of Wooldridge; President Marion- Anna Coal Co.; General Manager Wooldridge Jellico Coal Co.; Treasurer Falls Branch Coal Co.; Vice President Knoxville Savings Bank; Director 3rd National Bank and Knoxville Bank and Trust Co., of Knoxville, Tenn; member Episcopal church. WORK. LANE, Charles A., merchant; born Birchwood, Tenn., Dec, 23, 1866; son of John C. and (Gross) Lane; English descent; educated Birchwood; married Nettie Johnson Nov. 6, 1889; member I. O. O. F.; father’s occupa- tion farmer; Postmaster of Work, Tenn., and justice of the peace of James Co., Tenn. ROARK, Franklin A., farmer; born near Birchwood, Tenn., May 21 1886; Ir- ish descent; son of W. M. and Virgie (Conner) Roark; father’s occupation, farming; educated at Salem, Evens- ville, Grandview and Knoxville Tenn.; entered farming in early life; member of Farmers’ Educational and Co-operative Union of America; Democrat; member of Baptist church, deacon and clerk in same; P. O. Address, Birchwood, Term. Addenda ALBION VIEW. MILES, Emma Bell, writer; born Evansville, Ind., Oct. 19, 1B79 ; English descent; daughter of Benjamin T and Martha A. (Mirick) Bell; father’s occu- pation, teacher; paternal grandfather James A. Bell, maternal grandparents James and Mary (Oldham) Mirick; edu- cated at home and spent two winters in St. Louis (Mo) art scnool; married Frank Miles Oct. 30, 1901; author of “The Spirit of the Mountains” (pub- lished 1907), and contributor of numer- ous articles to current magazine litera- ture. BRISTOL. HAYNES, H. H., lawyer; Chancellor of the 1st Chancery Division of the State of Tenn.; Republican; residence, Bris- tol, Tenn. MURRAY, Hugh, railway conductor; born in Greene Co., Tenn., Feb. 2, 1852; Irish descent; son of Enoch P. and Lu- vina Murray; father was a farmer; re- ceived common school education; worked on farm in early life; married Sallie Armstrong, Sept. 7, 1877; member of F. & A. M. Overton No. 5 Rogersville, Tenn., and Hawkins No. 41 I. O O. F.; member of Presbyterian Church; he has been connected as conductor thirty-one years, first with the East Tenn. & Ga. Ry., which is now the Southern. BROWNSVILLE. HAYWOOD, James Glasgow, physi- cian; born “Tusculum” near Nashville, Tenn., June 1, 1826; son of Thomas Jef- ferson and Susan Cannon (Glasgow) Haywood; father’s occupation, lawyer; paternal grandparents. Judge John and Martha (Edwards) Haywood, maternal grandparents, James and (Wil- liams) Glasgow; Scotch-English-Welsh de scent; educated by private tutor, and was instructed in medicine at the University of Louisville, 1845-6; he was a clerk for a commission firm in New Orleans, La., in 1843-44; studied medicine in office of Dr. Egbert Haywood; began the practice of medicine at Woodville, Tenn., April 1846; was partner of Dr. Allen J. Bar- bee, 1849-50, and of his uncle Dr. Egbert Haywood, 1850; he was captain of Co. “M” 7th Tenn. Cavalry C. S. A; married Harriett Boyd Read, daughter of How- ell Lewis and Eliza (Boyd) Read, Jan. 30, 1856; he removed to Brownsville, Tenn., in 1867, and practiced his profes- sion there through the yellow fever scourge in 1878; he is a member of the County and State Medical societies, and is former president of Haywood County Medical Society; he is a Royal Arch Mason; member of Presbyterian Church; Democrat. CARTHAGE. GARDENHIRE, Joseph M., lawyer; born Sparta, Tenn., May 10, 1874; son of J. H. and Eliza (Snodgrass) Garden- hire; father’s occupation, clerk and mas- ter of Chancery Court Smith Co., Tenn. ; paternal grandparents, Judge E. L. and Mary (McMillin) Gardenhire, maternal grandparents, Joseph and Louisa (Left- wich) Snodgrass; educated in the public schools and Geneva Academy; began his career as Government employee in P. O. Department; married Lynnie B. Smith, 1904; member K. of P. “Orion” 145 Car- thage, Tenn., and Past Master of said lodge; Democrat; he has been four times elected chairman of the Smith Co. Court; appointed by Gov. Patterson, as Judge of the Criminal Court of the 5th Circuit of Tenn., and at the time was the young- est judge in the State, since then he has been twice nominated and twice elected without opposition, term expires 1918; member of Christian Church. 580 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE CHATTANOOGA. ALLISON, M. M., lawyer; Judge of the 6th Judicial Circuit State of Ten- nessee; Democrat; residence, Chattanoo- ga, Tenn. ARMSTRONG, Miss Zella, editor and publisher of The Lookout, the journal of Southern society published in Chattanoo- ga; daughter of John McMillan and Mar- tha (Turnley) Armstrong; paternal grandparents, Addison and Nancy (Mc- Millin) Armstrong; maternal grandpar- ents, Judge Matthew J. and Miriam (Is- bell) Turnley; has written short stories and historical articles for many publica- tions. CARTER, Thomas Coke, bishop; born Carroll Co., Tenn., Jan. 1, 1851; son of Reuben E. and Sarah (Herron) Carter; paternal grandparents, Reuben and Mar- that (Giles) Carter, maternal grand- parents, John and Rebecca (Howard) Herron; graduated from DePauw Uni- versity, A. B., 1875, A. M., 1878, D. D., 1888, East Tennessee Wesleyan Universi- ty, Athens, Tenn., D. D., 1905, Southern Normal University, Huntington, Tenn., LL.D., 1905; married Maggie Brown, Dec. 26, 1875; ordained to the ministry of United Brethren Church, 1869; he was principal of West Tennessee Seminary, and president of Tullahoma (Tenn) Col- lege four years; pastor 1875-1880; ed- itor of the “Advocate” 1883-1892; Mis- sionary in China, 1880-1881; superinten- dent of work of the church in the South, 1894-1905; has been bishop since May, 1905; member of General Conference, 1884-8, Centennial Conference, 1884; at the Georgia conference of his church, Nov. 11, 1908, over which he presided, he spoke to resolutions on the death of Senator Carmack, and at the request of the ladies of the State it was published in pamphlet form; at the Virginia Confer- ence at Staunton, Va., March, 1911, he lectured on “Americanism of the South.” McCONNELL, Thomas M., lawyer; Chancellor of Third Chancery Division State of Tennessee; Democrat; residence, Chattanooga, Tenn. CLARKSVILLE. TYLER, C. W., lawyer; Judge of the Criminal Court of Montgomery County, Tennessee; Democrat; residence, Clarks- ' ville, Tenn. CLEVELAND. CHAMBERS, William Patton, land surveyor and farmer; born Charleston, Tenn., Nov. 19, 1840; Scotch descent; son of William M. and Elizabeth (Palmer) Chambers; father was a cabinet maker} educated at Hiwassee College, Monroe Co., Tenn.; served in C. S. A. 1862-65; in early life was a school teacher; Demo- crat; Postmaster in 1884, Coroner, J. P. for 12 years, 1876-1888; Register Hi- wassee District, Monroe Co., Surveyor, 1879-87 ; at present he is County Surveyor of Bradley Co., Tenn., and engaged in farming and raising stock; married Kiz- zie L. Dyke; member Masons; Southern Methodist Church. GALLATIN. BELL, Bennett Douglass, lawyer; born Gallatin, Tenn., July 24, 1851; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas Harris and Sophia Douglass (Green) Bell; father, farmer and trader; pater- nal grandparents, Absalom and Susan A. (Harris) Bell; maternal grandparents, jj Col. Louis and Margaret (Douglass) Green; educated in Old Field (private) school, Sumner Co. Tenn.; graduated Emory and Henry Collegej Va., A. B., !j June, 1873, and Lebanon Law School, Jan. 1878; began his career as a school j teacher and farmer; elected attorney- general 10th district of Tenn., 1878 and served eight years; retired and entered practice of law at Gallatin, Tenn., in 1886; appointed Judge of the Circuit Court of Sumner Co., Tenn., by Gov. Benton McMillin, in 1900 to fill out un- expired term of Judge A. H. Munford; elected 1902 and served until Jan. 1908, when he was appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of Tenn. by Gov. M. R. Patterson; elected Aug. 1908 and served until 1910; stumped Sumner Co., Tenn., for the prohibition amendment in 1887, and made a fight to abolish the charter TEXXESSEAXS ELSE4V HERE 581 )f every town in his circuit to get rid of iquor in the county; married Lily Cart- wright, Jan. 4, 188;2; member of Knights sf Pythias and Golden Cross; he has served as chancellor commander and in ijlower office of K. P.; Democrat (Reg- ular) ; steward in M. E. Shureh South twenty-five years, and he has been fre- quently elected delegate to the district and annual conferences of his church; was delegate to the General Conference at Memphis, Tenn., in 1894 and at Dal- las, Tex., in 1902; formerly engaged in manufacture of spokes ten years, at present he is engaged in the practice of law at Gallatin, Tenn. JOHNSON CITY. SELLS, Sam R., member of 62d Con- gress of the United States from the First Congressional District of Tennes- see; Republican. MEMPHIS. LAUGHLIN, Harry W., Judge of the 4th Division Circuit Court Shelby County, Tennessee; Democrat. Tennesseans Elsewhere Thousands of former Tennesseans are giving a creditable account of themselves, in various lines of endeavor, throughout the United States. Following are brief sketches of a few of the more prominent of those who were born in Tennessee, or who formerly resided in the state, and who have achieved distinction elsewhere. ARDMORE, OKLA. WINTON, George Beverly, editor; born Springfield, Mo., Jan. 12, 1861; son of George Mitchell and Amanda (Faulk- ner) Winton; father was a minister of the gospel; paternal grandfather, Wil- liam Winton, maternal grandfather, James Faulkner; graduated from Mor- risville (Mo.) College, 1881; took post- graduate course from Vanderbilt Uni- versity, 1881-83, and graduated from Theological department of that institu- tion, in 1883 winning the Owen Prize Medal; received degree of D. D., from Southwestern University of Texas, Southern University of Alabama, and Randolph-Macon College of Va.; entered ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, 1883, and engaged in min- isterial work in Missouri, 1883-4, in City of Mexico, 1884; was professor of Latin at Pacific Methodist College, Santa Rosa, Cal., 1885-7 ; pastor at Sacramento, Cal., 1887-8; was Missionary in Mexico 1888- 1902; president of Theological Seminary at San Luis Potosi, 1889-97 ; editor of Evangelista Mexicano, 1892-96; editor- in-chief of the Christian Advocate 1902- 10; member of General Conference, 1902- 10; Oklahoma Annual Conference; Board of Missions; Board of Trustees Vander- bilt University; delegate to Ecumenical Missionary Conference, N. Y., 1900, and member of Federation Council, New York, 1905, and Philadelphia, Pa., 1908; member of Executive Committee of Federal Council Churches of Christ in America; author, “Meodo Para el In- gles,” 1902, ‘‘A New Era in Old Mexi- co,” 1904; married Jessie McClain, July 16, 1884; member of Press Club of Nash- ville, Tenn.; he is now pastor of Broad- way Church, Ardmore, Oklahoma. ASHEVILLE, N. C. PRITCHARD, Jeter Connelly, ju- rist; born Jonesboro, Tenn., July 12, 1857 ; son of William Hyder and Eliza- 582 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE beth L. (Brown) Pritchard; his paternal ancestors were Welsh, and maternal, Irish; educated in the common schools and attended Martins Creek Academy; learned printer’s trade in the office of the Tribune-Herald at Jonesboro, Tenn.; and removed to Balcersville, N. C., in 1873, where he was joint owner and editor of the Roan Mountain Republican, 1873-87; he was admitted to the bar in 1887, and practiced at Marshall, N. C. ; was presi- dential elector on the Garfield and Ar- thur ticket in 1880, and a representative from Madison Co., N. C., in the state legislature 1884, 1886 and 1890; Repub- lican candidate for lieutenant-governor of the State of N. C., in 1888 and party nominee for U. S. Senator in 1892; he was elected president of the North Car- olina Protective Tariff League in 1891; was a delegate at large from N. C. to the Rejjublican National Convention of 1892; a defeated candidate for rep- resentative in the 53d congress and in April 1894 was elected U. S. Senator to fill unexpired term of Z. B. Vance, de- ceased, and in 1897 he was re-elected for the full term of six years; he was ap- pointed chairman of the committee on patents and a member of six other com- mittees; at present he is U. S. Circuit Judge of the 4th circuit. ATLANTA, GA. SCRUGGS, William Lindsey, law- yer, author; born near Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 14, 1836; son of Frederick and Margaret (Kimbrough) Scruggs, pater- nal grandparents, Frederick and Re- becca Lyndsay (Conway) Scruggs, ma- ternal grandparents. Gross and Annie Keith (Hale) Kimbrough; he is a de- scendant of the Scruggs (or Scroggs) family of England whereof Sir William, Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, was a member; his ancestors immigrated to Virginia from England and Scotland, 1640 and 1667 ; his maternal ancestors be- ing Scotch; educated in the common schools and under private tutors and was a student at Strawberry Plains College, Tenn., 1854-57; graduated with LL.D. was U. S. Minister to Colombia, S. A., 1907 ; studied law and admitted to bar, 1858, but did not jiraetice; he was chief editor Columbus (Ga) Daily Sun, 1862 66, Atlanta (Ga) New Era, 1870-72; h( was U. S. Minister to Colombia, S. C. 1872-77, 1882-87 ; U. S. Consul to Cheng Kiang and Canton, China, 1878-82; Am bassador Extraordinary and Ministei Plenipotentiary to Venezuela, S. A 1889-93; legal adviser and special agenl Venezuelan Government, charged wit! settlement of Aglo-Venezuelan boundary dispute, 1894-98, brought it to arbitra tion in 1897; married Judith Ann Potts of Virginia, Aug. 3, 1858; Independent Republican; member of Georgia State Bar Assn. ; he is one of the founders of the Atlanta Public School system 1869-70, and of the Y. M. Library (now Carnegie), Atlanta 1867; author ot “British Aggressions in Venezuela, oi the Monroe Doctrine on T|ial,” 1894, “Official History of Guayana Boundary Dispute,” 1895, “Lord Salisbury’s Mis- takes,” 1896, “Fallacies of the British Blue Book,” 1896, “The Colombian and Venezuelan Republics,” (3d edit.), 1905; “Evolution of American Citizenship,” 1901, “Origin and Meaning of the Mon- roe Doctrine,” 1902, “Evolution of the XIVth and XVth Amendments; con-i tributor to historical, and legal reviews. BOSTON, MASS. NIELSON, Alice, prima donna; born Nashville, Tenn., 1876; daughter of Eras-J mus Ivarius and Sarah A. Nielsen; re- ceived musical education San Francisco, Cal., under Mile. Ida Valerga; her first j stage appearance was with an opera company at Oakland, Cal., in 1893 as “Yum Yum” in “Mikado;” after Tivoli engagement she joined the Bostonians in 1896 and took role of “Annabel” in “Robin Hood;] the following season she played the leading part “Maid Marion;” she was also principal soprano in “The Serenade;” stellar debut Grand Opera House, Toronto, Sept. 14, 1898 in “The Fortune Teller;’ later starred in “The ( Singing Girl;” played in “The Fortune? Teller” in London, in 1902, and studied ? for Grand Opera in Rome; her first ap- pearance in Grand Opera was at Bellini 1 Theatre, Naples, Italy, as “Marguerite” in “Faust;’ later appeared at San Carlo Opera House Naples; .appeared in “La WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 583 Traviata,” in Covent Garden, London, land in “Don Gioanni’ and in “The Mar- riage of Figaro;” was prima donna at Covent Garden, London, in “La Boheme” and “Rigoletto,” 1905, and in New Wal- dorf Theatre, London, 1906; toured U. S. in Grand Opera, 1906-7, was with Bos- ton Opera Company in 1910; married Benjamin Nentwig, organist at St. Pat- rick’s Church, Kansas City, in 1890. BRISTOL, VA. HENDERSON, Johs Thompson, ed- ucator; born Belltown, Tenn., July 27, 1858; son of Benjamin Peck and Mar- garet Adaline Henderson; graduated from Carson College, A. B., 1883, A. M., 1895, and attended Columbian University, 1899-1900; began his educational career as Professor of Mathematics, Carson Col- lege in 1883,, remaining as same until 1893 when he became president of Car- son and Newman College; in 1903 he be- came president of Virginia Institutel which position he now holds; married Sophronia California Williams, May 14, 1883; member of Baptist Church; presi- dent of Tennessee Baptist Convention, 1891-1902, Baptist Congress, 1896; vice- president Southern Baptist Convention 1898; elected corresponding secretary of .uaptist State Mission Board of Tenn., 1902, declined; has been president of Baptist General Association of Va., since 1907, general secretary Laymen’s Missionary movement of Southern Bap- tist Convention since July 1. 1908. CANTON CORNER, MASS. CLAYTON, Henry Helm, meteorol- ogist; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., March 12, 1861; educated in common schools; was assistant astronomer Observatory Ann Arbor, Mich., 1884-5; assistant Har- vard Astronomical Observatory, 1885- 86; observer. Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, 1886-91; local forecast of- ficial U. S. Weather Bureau, 1891-93; meteorologist Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory 1894-1909 ; dean of the School of Aeronautics Association Insti- tute, Boston since 1909; consulting ex- pert in the Cloud Atlas prepared for the Hydrographic Office under Capt. Sigsbee U. S. N. ; invented attachment for anemometer Blue Hill box kite, etc. ; accompanied Oscar Ersloh in the Ger- man Balloon, Pommern, Oct. 1907 ; as- sisted in the international balloon race from St. Louis, making longest bal- loon voyage ever made in America; au- thor of “Discussions of the Cloud Ob- servations,” Exploration of the Air by Means of a Kite,” “The Lawrence Tor- nado,” “The Eclipse Cyclone and the Diurnal Cyclones,” a study of cyclonic and anti-cyclonic phenomena with kites; he has also written many papers for American and European scientific jour- nals on meteorological subjects; married Frances Fawn Coman, Sept. 21, 1892. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. ALEXANDER, Ebex, educator; born Knoxville, Tenn., March 9, 1851; son of Ebenezer and Margaret White (Me- Clurg) Alexander; his father was a ju- rist; graduated from Yale, A. B., 1873; received honorary, Ph.D., from Mary- ville, College, 1886 and LL.D., from Uni- versity of N. C., 1893; he was instructor and professor of ancient languages Uni- versity of Tenn., 1873-86, and chairman of faculty, 1885, and president of State Teachers Assn, of Tenn., 1886; he was professor of Greek in University of N. C., 1886-93; he was U. S. Minister to Greece, Roumania and Servia, 1893-97; he has been professor of Greek, L T ni- versity of N. C., since 1897, and dean of the University since 1900; married Ma- rion Howard-Smith, Oct. 15, 1874; mem- ber of Senate of United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, 1908; instructor in the Summer School of the South, Knoxville, Tenn., June and July, 1902. CHICAGO, ILL. READ, Opie, author; born Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 22, 1852; son of Guilford and Elizabeth (Wallace) Read; paternal grandparents, James and Lydia Read, maternal grandparents, James and Eliza- beth Wallace; he is a descendant of the Reads and Wallaces who settled in North Carolina and Virginia early in the 17th century; educated at Gallatin, Tenn.; began newspaper work in Frank- 584 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE lin, Ky., and went later to Little Rock, Ark., edited Arkansas Gazette, 1878-81; on staff of Cleveland Leader, 1881-83; established Arkansas Traveler, a humor- ous paper, 1883, conducting it until 1891, when he removed to Chicago, and en- gaged in literary work; author of “Len Gansett,” 1888, “A Kentucky Colonel,” 1889, “Emmett Bonlore,” 1891, “A Ten- nessee Judge,” 1893, “Wives of the Prophet,” 1894, “The Jucklins,” 1895, “My Young Master,” 1896, “An Arkan- sas Planter,” 1896, “Bolanyo,” 1897, “Old Ebenezer,” 1898, “Waters of Caney Fork,” 1899, “On the Suwanee River,” “A Yankee From the West,” 1900, “The Carpetbagger” (with Frank Pixley), “The Starbucks,” 1902, “An American in New ork,” 1905, “Son of the Sword- maiier,” 1905, ‘Old Lim Jucklin,” 1905, “Turkey Egg Griffin,” 1905, “The Mys- tery of Margaret,” 1907; married Ada Benham, June 30, 1881. CINCINNATI, OHIO. DABNEY, Charles William, educa- tor; born Hampden-Sidney, Va., June 19, 1855; son of Robert L. and Lavinia (Morrison) Dabney; his father was chief oi Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson’s staff; graduated Hampden-Sidney College, A. B., 1873, University of Virginia, 1874-7; Gottengen, Ph.D., 1880, Davidson, LL.D., 1889, Yale, 1901, Johns Hopkins, 1902; married Mary Brent, Aug. 24, 1881; be- gan educational work in early life, and was Professor of Chemistry, Emory and Henry College, Va., 1877-78; studied in Berlin and Gottengen, 1878-80; Prof, of Chemistry University of N. C., 1880- 81 ; he was director of N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station, 1880-87; be became a resident of Tennessee in 1887, and was Prof, of Agriculture and director of Tenn. Experiment Station, 1887-90; President of University of Tennessee, 1887-1904; in 1904 he removed to Cin- cinnati, and has since been president of the University of Cincinnati; he was State Chemist for N. C., 1880-87; assist- ant secretary of department of agricul- ture, 1893-96; first to discover phosphate deposits in eastern, and tin ore in western North Carolina, and to make them known to science and commerce; took prominent part in establishing an industrial schoo! at Raleigh, (now N. C. College of A ct M. Arts) ; was president of Summei School of the South, Knoxville, Tenn. 1902-04; president of Southern Educa- tional Board, 1901 ; chief of departmeni of Government and State exhibit New; 1 Orleans Exposition, 1883-84; chairman Board ,of Managers of Government ex-1 hibits, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; Tenn' Centennial Exposition, 1897 ; member of Jury of Awards, Paris Exposition, 1900; Fellow A. A. A. S. ; member N. E. A.,, Washington Academy of Sciences, Na-j tional Municipal League, Cosmos Club,! Washington, Queen City Club, Cincin-i nati; author: “Reports of N. C. Agrieul-j tural Experiment Station, 1880-87; Re-' ports of University of Tennessee Sta- tion 1887-1890; Old College and New,J[ 1894, A National Department of Science, 1897, A National University, 1897, Wash- ington’s Interest in Education, 1899, His-' tory of Agricultural Education, 1899/ Agriculture and Education, Man in the | Democracy, 1904, The Meaning of the' Solid South, 1909. STEPHENS, John Vast, professor for sixteen years in the Theological Sem-j inary; located at Lebanon, Tenn.; born^ near St. Louis, Mo., September 16, 1857;' son of Willis A. and Mary E. (Bouyer) j Stephens; he was a student at Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., was grad- uated from Lincoln College, 111., as A. B. and from the Theological Seminary at' Lebanon, Tenn., (in which he became a ( professor) as B. D. ; he also attended Union Theological Seminary, New York; he received the honorary degree of D. D., from Trinity University, of Texas; lie served as pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Knoxville and Chattanooga, Tenn., and Bowling Green, Ky. ; he served three years as Corres- ponding Secretary of the Cumberland Presbyterian Board of Missions, in St. Louis; he was a member of the World’s Parliament of Religions, held in Chica- go in 1893; since 1896 he has been a member of the Alliance of the Reformed Churches Throughout the World, holding the Presbyterian System; in 1906 in view of the organic union between the TENNESSEANS ELSEWHERE 585 Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, he became a member of the reunited church, bearing the name and title of the latter, the Theological Seminary with which he was connected passing under the control of the same church; in 1910 this Theological Semi- nary formed an alliance with Lane; Theological Seminary ( Presbyterian) at Cincinnati, O.; on the completion of this alliance he became Professor of Practical Theology in the allied institutions; he has served on several important commit- tees appointed by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, and is at present a member of the Cathechism Committee, entrusted with a very deli- cate and important work; he has writ- ten several books, among which are “Presbyterian Government” and “The Presbyterian Churches,” both of which are used in theological seminary instruc- tion; he is an Odd Fellow, a Mason, and Knight Templar; married on January 31, 1888, to Miss Willie B. Buchanan, of Franklin, Tennessee; his address is Lane 'lneological Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, DALLAS, TEXAS. HALL, William Leroy, lawyer; born Knox Co., Tenn., Nov. 24, 1847; son of A. T. and Nancy Anna (Mitchell) Hall; graduated from Amherst College, B. A., 1871, M. A. 1874; began study of law with Judge John Baxter, Knoxville, Tenn., in 1871 ; went to Montana and was clerk of Senate Judiciary Commit- I tee, Montana legislature, 1871-72; as- sisted in codifying the laws of the terri- tory; became Clerk and Master of the District Court of Jefferson County, Mont., in 1872, and served until 1876. re- moved to Dallas, Tex., and was admitted to bar, in 1876; he became one of the proprietors of Dallas Herald and con- ducted it until 1885, and since that time he has devoted his time to the profession of law; local counsel to 1903, assistant general-attorney 1903-06, general attor- ney since 1906 for the Texas Pacific Railway; married Helen Freeman, of Trenton, Tenn., March 14, 1877; presi- dent of Dallas Club. DENVER, COL. LINDSEY, Benjamin Barr, jurist, reformer; born Jackson, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1869; son of Landy Tunstail and Letitia Anna (Barr) Lindsey; educated in the public schools of Jackson, Tenn.; he was admitted to the bar in 1894; he removed from Tennessee to Denver, Col., and in January 7, 1901, he was elected Judge of the County Court and Judge of the Ju- venile Court at Denver; he at once be- came a promoter of a juvenile court sys- tem and originator of many of its fea- tures; in 1908 he was forced to run as an Independent and was re-elected Ju- venile Judge in Denver by 32,000 votes out of a total of 65,022 cast fox; three candidates, the Republican and Demo- cratic candidates running about even, making his plurality over 14,000; his campaign was brief, lasting only three weeks; on the day of election his way- ward boy fi-iends whom he had helped were- working at every poll; he refused to permit them to organize but they were not hindered; his term of office expires four years from Jan. 1, 1909; he has an international reputation as an authority on juvenile delinquency; he is the author of Colorado Juvenile Court law; his plan is to put boys on their honor; the boys who are sentenced to the Industrial School go unattended and only five out of hundreds have betrayed the trust im- posed in them; he procured the passage of a law holding negligent parents, employ- ers, etc., accountable for the juvenile de- linquency; this law empowers the court to enforce under peantly the duties of parents and others toward children; sa- loon-keepers and tobacconists have been fined and imprisoned for violating the law in regard to the sale of liquors and cigarettes to minors; in politics he is In- dependent; he ran for governor of Colo- rado in 1906; he is a lecturer on Chil- dren’s problems; author: “Problems of Children,” “The Beast and the Jungle,” “The Rule of Plutocracy in Colorado.” DUBLIN, N. H. BRUSH, George De Forest, artist; born Shelbyville, Tenn., Sept. 28, 1855; son of Alfred Clark and Nancy (Don- 536 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE glass) Brush; educated Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris under Geronie, and upon his return to United States opened up a studio in New York City; awarded first Hallgarten prize in 1888, medal, World’s Columbia Exposition, Chicago, 1893, and the Temple Gold Medal at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 1897; awarded gold medal, Paris Exposi- tion, 1900, where he exhibited “The Artist” and “Mother and Child;” gold medal Buffalo Exposition, 1901, St. Louis, 1904; married Mittie Taylor Whel- pie, Jan. 13, 1887; member of Artists’ Fund Society. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. TURNLEY, Parmenas Taylor, sol- dier, author; born Dandridge, Tenn., Sept. 6, 1821; son of John Cunnynham and Mahala (Taylor) Turnley; grad- uated from West Point, 1816; member of Loyal Legion, S. A. R., Aztec Club of 1847; joined Gen. Zachary Taylor’s army, then on Rio Grande, beginning of war against Mexico, and served through the Mexican war, and until 1852, locating and building military stations along Rio utrande and marking boundary line be- tween Mexico and United States; he was on various duties and details until 1857; on Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston’s Utah Expedition, 1857-61, and had charge of building military post forty miles from Salt Lake; he established army depots at Annapolis, Md., St.j Louis, Mo., Cairo, 111., Columbus, Ky., and Memphis Tenn., 1861-62; he was dis- abled by chronic gastritis and retired from service by President Lincoln, Sept. 17, 1863, “for long and faithful service and disease contracted in line of duty;” since 1881 he has been a resident of Highland Park, 111., and has been aider- man and mayor, and occasional lecturer; member Military Order Foreign Wars, American Institute of Civics; author: “Turnley’s Narrative from Diary,” 1893, “The Turnleys,” 1905. IOWA CITY, IA. McBRIDE, Thomas Huston, botanist, educator born Rogersville, Tenn., July 31, 1848; son of James B. and Sarah (Huston) McBride; his father was a minister of the gospel; graduated Mon- mouth College, 111., A. B., 1869, A. M„ 1872; received Honorary Ph. D. degree from Lenox College in 1895; spent part of year 1891 in study in Germany, and | was Professor of Mathematics and Mod- ern Languages University of Iowa, 1870- 8; he has been assistant Professor of Botany University of Iowa since 1884; f married Harriet Diffenderfer, Dec. 31, 1874; Fellow Geological Society of ] America; member A. A. A. S., and I Botanical Society of America; he is a contributor to Popular Science Monthly, and various scientific journals; special]! student of fungi; author: “Botany” (textbook), “North America Shine j Moulds” also of many lectures and ad- ]l dresses; became editor of the Iowa Bulle- ! ! tin of the Laboratories of Natural His- tory. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. CONGER, John- William, educator; born Jackson, Tenn., Feb. 20, 1857; son j] of Philander Drew W. and Eliza Jane j (Chambers) Conger; Scotch and English descent; his paternal grandfather, James B. Conger was the inventor of the tur- bine water-wheel, in 1878; graduated from Southwestern Baptist University, A. B„ 1878, A. M., 1885, LL.D. 1903; began educational career in early life, and was president of Odd Fellows Col- ] lege, Humboldt, Tenn., 1880-83, Searcy, (Ark) College, 1883-85; organized! Ouachita Baptist College, Arkadelphia Ark., in 1886, and it is now the largest college in that state; he was president of same 1886-1907; in 1907 he became pres- ident of the Union University, Jackson, Tenn., and remained in that position until 1909; at present he is engaged in real estate and insurance business at Little Rock, Ark. ; married Tennie C. Hamil- ton, Oct. 9, 1884. McCULLOCH, Edgar Allen, jurist; born Trenton, Tenn., Aug. 21, 1861; son of Phillip Doddridge and Lucy Virginia (Burrus) McCulloch; father, physician; received his education in the public schools of Trenton, Tenn.; admitted to bar, July, 1883, and practiced law at AVHO'S WHO IX TENNESSEE 587 Marianna, Ark., from 1883 to 1904, as member of the law firm of McCulloch & McCulloch, being associated with his brother; became associate justice Su- preme Court of Ark., Oct. 31, 1904, term [expires 1912, chief justice Feb. 1, 1909; Democrat; married Hattie Louise Has- sell, Nov. 30, 1887; member of Presby- terian church. LONSDALE, R. I. GARVIN, Lucius Fayette. Clark, physician, ex-governor of R. I.; born Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 13, 1841; son of James and Sarah Ann (Guinn) Garvin; his paternal grandparents, were James and Lydia (Clark) Garvin; his father was a native of Bethel, Vermont, was a graduate of Amherst, and a professor in East Tennessee University; after his death the family removed to Greensboro, N. C., where L. F. C. Garvin was fitted for Amherst; graduated from Amherst in 1862; enlisted as private in Co. “E” 51st Mass, volunteers, served for one year in North Carolina, taking part in the battles of Whitehall, Kingston and Goldsboro; while in college and for a brief period after his return to civil life he engaged in teaching; in 1867 he grad- uated from the Harvard Medical School with degree of M. D., and began the practice of medicine at Lonsdale, R. I.; up to 1876 he was a member of the Re- publican party; he has been elected to the R. I. legislature sixteen times since 1883; he was the Democratic candidate for Congress in 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900, and 1906 from the Second Congression- al district of R. I.; he was the Demo- cratic candidate for Governor of R. I., 1901; when elected governor in 1902 he polled the largest vote ever cast for a governor in Rhode Island ; he was re- elected in 1903 and was defeated 1904- 1905; he was an active advocate of eight- hour and ballot reform laws, and was also an advocate of proportional repre- sentation, single tax and the Constitu- tional iniatitive as a means to those ends; married twice, first, Lucy Watermanj Southmayd, Dec. 23, 1869, second, Sarah Emma Tomlinson, April 2, 1907; mem- ber R. I. Medical Society, and Provi- dence Medical Association; engaged in . the practice of medicine at Lonsdale, R. I. LOUISVILE, KY. BARBEE, James Thomas, clergyman; born Commerce, Tenn., Sept. 1, 1838; son of Joseph S. and Delphenia (Walker) Barbee; educated at Three Forks Acad- emy under W. H. Bancroft; entered C. S. A. as Second Lieutenant of 4th Tenn. Cavalry, under Gen. Joseph S. Wheeler 1861 and served throughout the war; or- dained Cumberland Presbyterian minis- ter in 1871, and served as pastor of Lib- erty, Cainsville, Statesville, Tenn., dur- ing the years 1872-86, Sturgis, Ky. 1886- 90; he was traveling agent and business manager Cumberland Female College, McMinnville, Tenn., 1890-94; pastor, Providence, Ky., 1894, Princeton, Ky., 1895-7, Greeneville, Ky. 1897-1902, Owensboro, Ky., 1902-07 ; was superin- tendent of missions and church extension Synod of Kentucky, 1906-09; moderator 79th General Assembly of Cumberland Presbyterian church at Bentonville, Ark., May, 1909; he preached the centennial sermon of the church at Dickson, Tenn., May 19, 1909; chairman of committee on pastor’s and supplies, Owensboro Pres- bytery; director Radnor Female College, Nashville, Tenn.; married twice, first, Fredonia Foust, Feb. 16, 1862, second Belle Price Hughs, Feb. 10, 1891; Dem- ocrat. ROBERTSON, Harrison, journalist, author; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 16, 1856; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Elliott) Robertson; educated Union University, and University of Va. ; after leaving college he removed to Louisville, Ky., and engaged in journalism, and be- came associate editor of Louisville (Ky) Courier- Journal in 1893, and as con- ductor of same he made that paper’s fa- mous political campaign against its par- ty’s Presidential ticket and platform in 1896; author: “How the Derby Was Won,” 1889, “If I Were a Man,” 1899, “Red Blood and Blue,” 1900; “The Is- lander,” 1901, “The Opponents,” 1902, “The Pink Typhoon,” 1906; contributor to leading magazines; married Marion Richardson. 58S WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE WATTERSON, Henry, journalist; born Washington, D. C., Feb. 16, 1840; son of Hon. Harvey Magee and Tabitha (Black) Watterson; he was educated by private tutors, and received degree D. C. L. from the University of the South, 1891 and LL.D., from Brown University, 1906; he was reporter and editorial wri- ter for the Washington States, 1858-61, and editor of the Democratic Review 1860-61, and of the Republican Banner, Nashville, Tenn., 1865-68; enlisted in the C. S. A. during civil war, and served as volunteer staff-officer 1861-63, and chief of scouts in Gen. Johnston’s army 1864; after the war he returned to the editorship of the Banner at Nashville, having meanwhile edited the Chattanooga Rebel, 1862-63; in 1868 he removed to Louisville, Ky., to assume management of the Journal, which with N. Hadel- man, he consolidated with the Courier and the Democrat, in 1868, and the paper became known as the Courier- Journal and he has since been editor of same; he was temporary chairman of the Dem- cratic National Convention, in 1876, and was a representative from Kentucky in the 44th Congress completing the term of Edward Young Parsons, deceased, and serving from August 12, 1876 to March 3, 1877 ; he subsequently declined an offers of official nomination or ap- pointment; he was a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions of 1880, 1884, 1888 and 1892, serving as chairman of the platform committee of those of 1880 and 1888; author of “His- tory of the Spanish-Ameriean War,” 1899, “The Compromises of Life,” “Lec- tures and Addresses,” 1902; editor of “Oddities of Southern Life and Charac- ter,” 1882; married Rebecca Ewing of Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1865; Home: “Mansfield” Jeffersontown, Ky. mckinney, texas. KIRKPATRICK, Elbert W., horti- culturist; born Whiteburg, Tenn., Oct. 12, 1884; son of Jacob M. and Sarah Jane (Campbell) Kirkpatrick; removed to Collin Co., Texas, 1854, and took charge of mother’s farm at age of thir- teen years; served as private in C. S. A., 1862-65, Martin's regiment, Texas Brig- ade, Trans-Mississippi department; fought in eight battles; wounded at bat- 1 tie of Cabin Creek, Inch, Ter.; began his 1 career as a school teacher, and taught first public school in Collin Co., Tex., in 1872; practiced land surveying, 1873-74; | established McKinney Nursery in 1874, and has been president of same since; he is also president of Texas Nursery Co., Whitesboro Orchard and Fruit Co., i Nueces Land and Immigration Co.; di- rector in Durant Nursery Co., Collin ! County Mill and Elevator Co., New Cen- jj tury Milling Co., Burrus Milling Co., and is also a nut and stock grower; was president of Texas Farmers’ Congress, J 1908-09; ex-president National Nursery- men’s Association, National Nut Grow- j ers’ Association, and vice-president Dal- las State Fair Assn., and Commercial Secretaries Assn, of Texas; married Em- J ma L. Clive, of Cincinnati, O., Nov. 5, j 1874. MARIANNA, ARK. McCULLOCH, Philip Doddridge, ex- congressman; born Murfreesboro, Tenn. June 23, 1851; son of Phillip and Lucy j Virginia (Burrus) McCulloch; father, j| physician; paternal grandparents, Ben- jamin and Sarah Ann (Lvtle) McCull- och, maternal grandparents, Lafayette and Eliza (Ready) Burrus; he is a de- scendant of Alexander McCulloch, who emigrated from Scotland to the province of N. C. some time before the Revolu- tionary war, and who was an ardent Whig and counselor of the province dur- ing that war; educated at Andrew Col- lege, Trenton, Tenn. ; admitted to Bar of Tenn., 1872, and practiced in that State until 1874, when he removed to Marianna, Ark. ; was prosecuting attor- ney of 1st Judicial District of Ark., 1878-84, presidential elector, 1888; mem- ber of 53d to 57th Congresses, 1893-1903, from It Ark. Dist. ; married Bell Mills, Dec. 20, 1876; Democrat. MONTROSE, COLO. BELL, John C., ex-congressman; born Grundy Co., Tenn., Dec. 11, 1851; son of Harrison and Rachel (Laxson) Bell; ed- ucated in private schools; entered prac- TENNESSEANS ELSEWHERE 589 tice of law in, early life, county attorney Saguache, Colo., 1874-76, Lake City, Colo. 1876-85, Montrose; Colo., since 1885 Judge of 7th Judicial District 1888-1892; member 53d to 57th Congresses; married Susie Abernathy of Alto, Tenn., August, 1881; Democrat; member of LT. S. In- dustrial Commission. MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. RED WAY, Jacques Wardlaw, geog- rapher; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., May 5, 1849; son of John W. and Lady Alex- ander (Wardlaw) Redway; his father and two brothers died in the service of the Confederate States Army, and his mother and sister did not long survive them; he was placed in the family of a friend in the Northern States to be edu- cated, but ran away and was enqdoyed on the Morning-Post, Chicago, and began to study medicine; he went across the plains with a party of emigrants who employed him as a scout and mail rider, and he engaged in mining and engineer- ing in Arizona, Oregon, California and Mexico during the years 1870 to 1881 ; he took a special course of chemistry at the University of California and studied in Europe at University of Munich; in 1898 he became a lecturer on geography and political economy on the Institute staff of the University of the State of New York; married Lillian Burnham Von Ebert; a research concerning the first landing place of Columbus won him a fellowship in the Royal Geographical So- ciety; he is honorary Fellow Universidad Nacional, La Plata, Argentina; visited South America, Europe and Asia for geographical study; author of “Manual of Geography,” 1887; joint author; “Nat- ural Geographers,” 1897, 1907 Manuel of Physiography, 1900, “New Basis of Geography,” 1901, “Commercial Geogra- phy,” 1902, “Making of the Empire State,” “Inquiry Concerning the First Landfall of Columbus,” “The Treeless Plains of North America,” “Making of the American Nation” 1906, Elementary Physical Georaphy,” 1907, “All Around Asia,” 1909; editor Sir John Mande- ville’s Travels, etc. NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. I. MAYNARD, Washburx, Rear-Ad- miral U. S. N. ; born Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 5, 1844; son of Horace and Laura Ann (Washburn) Maynard; paternal grandparents Ephraim and Diana Har- riet (Cogswell) Maynard; paternal grandparents, Azell and Sallie (Skinner) Washburn; he is a descendant of Sir John Maynard who settled in Sudbury, Mass., 1638; educated East Tennessee University, and was a private student under Rev. Frederick Esperandieu near jtvnoxville, Tenn.; graduated from U. S. Naval Academy in 1866; promoted to ensign March 12, 1868, master, March 26, 1869, Lieut. March 21, 1870, Lieut, com- mander, Sept. 27, 1884, commander, 1893, captain 1900; rear-admiral Nov. 1 1902; since 1866 he has served consecutively on the following naval vessels; Susquehan- na, Franklin, Frolic, Seminole, California, Saranac, Richmond, Wyandotte, Coast Survey, Tennessee, Brooklyn and Pinta, and commanded Nashville during Span- ish- American war, April- August, 1898; was light house inspector, 1899-1900; member of naval examining board, Oct. 1900 to March, 1901; naval secretary Light-house Board, March, 1901 to Nov. 1902; married Bessie Timothy, of New- port, R. I. March 26, 1869. NEOSHO, MO. BENTON, Maecenas E., ex-congress- man; born Obion Co., Tern., Jan. 29, 1849; he is a grand-nephew of Thomas Hart Benton, U. S. Senator; reared in Dyer Co., Tenn., and educated in the academies in Tenn., and St. Louis Uni- versity; graduated from Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, Mo., and at the Law School of Cumberland Uni- versity, Lebanon, Tenn., LL.B., 1870; entered practice of law at Neosho, Mo., in 1870; has been delegate to all but three of the Missouri State conven- tions from 1872, and was president 1890, 1896; prosecuting attorney Newton Co., Mo., 1878-82; U. S. attorney, 1885-89, and was removed for “pernicious activity in politics,” was later reinstated by President Cleveland and continued in that office under President Harrison for 590 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE some time; has been a member of Dem- ocratic State Committee; delegate to Na- tional Convention, 1896; member of 55th to 59th Congresses, 1897-1905, from 15th Missouri district. NEW YORK, N. Y. ALEXANDER, Charles McCallon, evangelist; born near Maryville, Tenn., Oct. 24, 1867; son of John D. and Mar- tha (McCallon) Alexander; graduated from Maryville,' College, M. A., and was a student at Moody Bible Institute; en- gaged in evangelistic work, singing, or- ganizing and conducting large chorus choirs eight years; he made an evangel- istic tour of the world with Rev. R. A. Torrey, 1902-6; he made the “Glory Song” famous throughout the world at this time; made second tour of the world with his wife, 1906-07 ; conducted largest evangelistic choir ever organized, con- sisting of 4,000 members, and conduct- ed same daily two months in Royal Al- bert Hall, London; he is the owner of many famous gospel hymns; married Helen Cadbury, of England, July 14, 1904; author: “Alexander’s Revival Songs in Australia/’ 1902, “Alexander’s Revival Hymns in England,” 1903, “Re- vival Hymns, America,” 1906, “Song in the Service of Christ,” 1906, and “Soul Winning Around the World,” 1907 ; his home is “Tennessee” Moor Green Lane, Birmingham, England, American address is New York. BEEKS, Gertrude Breckekridge, so- ciologist; born Greenville, Tenn., Jan. 16, 1867; daughter of James Crisfield and Sarah Jane (Breckenridge) Beeks; edu- cated in the public schools of Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Chicago, 111.; she was head of the sociological department McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., Chicago, 1901- OS; secretary welfare department Na- tional Civic Federation, since 1903; in- vestigator of industrial enterprises, lec- turer, writer and organizer; she was sent by Secretary of War William H. Taft to Panama to suggest improvements in conditions of Employes, in 1907, and was elected honorary member of Sta- tionary Firemen’s Union, June 1, 1907; assistant secretary Civic Federation of Chicago; president National Association of Women Stenographers and president National Association of Business Wo- men, 1894-1901. EATON, James Shirley, railway spe- cialist; born Nashville, Tenn., August 1, 1868; son of Brig. -Gen. John E. and Alice (Shirley) Eaton; graduated at Ma- rietta College, A. B., 1889, and received honorary A. M. degree from Dartmouth, in 1894; was railroad editor Wall St. Journal 1903-04; he is now statistician; lecturer in Tuck School, Dartmouth; married Ethel O. Mason, Sept. 24, 1908; member of American Econ. Assn. ; Re- publican; author of “Railroad Opera- tions, ”1900 and “Monographs on Rail- way Subjects.’ GILMER, Elizabeth Meriwether, journalist; born Montgomery Co., Tenn., Nov. 18, 1870; editor Woman’s Depart- ment, New Orleans Picayune, 1896-1901; contributed to that paper series of pa- pers called “Dorothy Dix Talks;” joined New York Journal Staff as writer on special topics, April 8, 1900; married George O. Gilmer, Nov. 21, 1888. KxNNEY, Belle, sculptress; born in Nashville, Tennessee, about 1885 or 1886; her mother was a teacher in the city schools of Nash- ville; when quite young she was attracted by an exhibition of a “petrified man,” and made one of her own out of mud; when she was only ten years of age she made a bust of her father for the Ten- nessee Centennial, for which she was awarded a gold medal; she also had tal- ent for acting and went on the stage, securing an engagement in a subordinate capacity with a stock company and in three months was “second lady;” she was about fifteen years old when some sculp- tor who lectured in Nashville was shown some of her work, and on his suggestion she went to Chicago and studied -a few months in the Art Institute there; while home on a visit during this time she made the acquaintance of the late Col. Jere Baxter, and obtained a sitting from him, and made a likeness of him; after Col. Baxter’s death, in a competitive con- test for a monument to his memory Miss who’s WHO IX TENNESSEE 591 Kinney won the contract, and this monu- ment was placed on the apex of the triangle formed by the junction of Broad street and West End avenue in Nashville; after completion of this monument she resumed her studies in Chicago, where she assisted in teaching the classes in mod- eling; in 1909 she entered a model for competition in the offer made by the Lnited Confederate Veterans for a mon- ument to the women of the Confederacy ; this contest was open to the world and there were eighty competitors, she be- ma: the only woman; such strong protest was made by the competitors that the award was delayed six months but at the end of that time, Dec. 28, 1909, the con- tract was given unanimously to her; the monument will be of heroic size com- posed of three figures, the central one representing Fame, on whose left is a Confederate soldier, who with his fast ebbing strength, is endeavoring to raise once more the Confederate flag; on the right a Confederate woman is placing a palm of victory on his breast, etc.; there will be ten of these monuments one for each capital of each Southern state ex- cept S. C.; at present she is living in New York. LANGFORD, Laura (Carter) Hol- loway, author; born Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 22, 1842; daughter of Samuel Jef- ferson Carter and granddaughter of Robert Carter, 7th, of Halifax, Va., and descended from John Carter who set- tled in Virginia in the 17th century; she engaged in literary pursuits on her re- moval to New York in 1869 and her first book was “Ladies of the White House,” of which over 100,000 copies were sold; she became associate editor of the Brook- lyn Eagle and held the chair fourteen years, resigning in 1884 to make a year’s tour of Europe in 1887 she founded and became president of the Seidl Society of Brooklyn and resigned in 1898 on the death of director Anton Seidl; she was co-editor with Mr. Seidl of the music department of the Standard Dictionary ; author of “An Hour With Charlotte Bronte, or Flowers From a Yorkshire Moor;” “The Hearthstone, or Life at Home;” “The Mothers of Great Men and Women;” “The Famous American Fortunes and the Men Who Have Made Them;” “The Home in Poetry;” “Chinese Gordon;” “Songs of the Master;” “How- ard, The Christian Hero;” “Adelaide Neilson;’” “The Buddhist Diet Book;” “The Woman’s Story as Told by Famous American Women;” she also edited “Kuffereth’s Parsifal,” translated from the French, and has made numerous contributions to the magazines and news- papers. LITTLETON, Martin Wilie, lawyer, congressman; born Roane Co., Tenn., Jan. 12, 1872; son of Thomas J. and Hannah B. (Ingram) Littleton; pater- nal grandparents, James and Katherine (Brown) Littleton, maternal grandpar- ents, Sanford and Mary (Burnett) In- gram; English-Scotch-Irish and German descent; he is also a brother of the Hon. Jesse Littleton of Winchester, Tenn.; he was self-educated; admitted to the bar in 1891, and practiced law at Dallas, Texas for three years, beginning in 1893; he has been in New York since 1896; he was prosecuting attorney at Dallas, Tex- as, 1893-96, and became assistant district attorney King’s County, N. Y., 1900; he was president of Brooklyn Borough, from 1904 to 1905; he was a delegate from New York to the National Demo- cratic Convention in St. Louis where he presented the name of Alton B. Parker to the convention in a brilliant speech; he is now a member of the 62d Congress of the United States from the State of New York, and is engaged on important committees, relating to trust investiga- tion and regulation; he is author of “In Footsteps of Will Allen Drom- goole” published in Arena magazine, May 1904 ; married Maud Wilson, Dec. 1, 1896 ; he is a member of the Brooklyn Lawyers Club, Manhattan, Oakland Golf Club, Garden City Golf Club, Manhassett Bay Yacht Club; Democrat. Me AD OO, William Gibbs, lawyer, president of the Manhattan Railroad Co., etc.; born near Marietta, Ga., Oct. 31, 1863; son of William Gibbs and Mary Faith (Floyd) McAdoo; he was educated at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. ; in early life he was engaged in the practice of law at Knoxville, Tenn.; 592 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE he was active in local affairs of that city, and during his years of residence there was at one time president and owner of the Knoxville Street Railway Company, where he acquired his first knowledge of railway construction and operation; he married Sarah Houston Fleming of Chat- tanooga, Tenn., Nov. 1885; he removed to New York in 1892; for ten years he devoted himself to the practice of law, at the same time holding an interest in a firm engaged in the sale of investment securities; he has been the most potent spirit in the achievement of the Hudson River Tunnels, which have made Man- mattan no longer an island, and which have joined New York and New Jersey; in 1874 a Western railroad man started the enterprise, and began the construc- tion of a brick tunnel, from the present Hoboken Terminal, but the progress of the work was interfered with until in 1902 the New York & Jersey railroad under McAdoo began serious work; the first tunnel under Hudson river was completed March 11, 1904, and the Hud- son Tunnels have been known for the past few years as the “McAdoo Tun- nels;” he took up the tunnel project after it had twice failed and carried it to completion; member of St. Andrews Golf Club, Ardsley; Home, Irvington on Hudson, N. Y. McREYONOLDS, James Clark, law- yer; born Elkton, Ky., Feb. 3, 1862; son of John O., and Ellen (Reeves) McRey- nolds; his father was a physician; grad- uated from Vanderbilt University, Nash- ville, Tenn., with B. S. degree in 1882; he spent several years of his life in the practice of law at Nashville, Tenn.; he was Professor in the law department of Vanderbilt University, 1900-1903; from 1903 to 1907 he acted as assistant attorney-general of the U. S., and he is retained as special attorney for the gov- ernment in the prosecution of the tobac- co trust, and in matters relating to the enforcement of anti-trust laws, etc., Sound Money Democrat; residence No. 141 Broadway, New York, N. Y. OCHS, Adolph S., newspaper pub- lisher; born Cincinnati, O., March 12, 1858; son of Julius and Bertha (Levy) Ochs; German descent, his parents being natives of Germany and came to Amer- ica in 1844; his father enlisted for the Mexican, war, and was a Federal officer in the civil war, and was honorably dis- charged as captain in the 52d Ohio Vol- unteers, and removed with his family to Knoxville; Tenn., in 1865; when Knoxville Daily Chronicle was established Adolph Ochs went to work as newspaper car- rier, and was later employed in the office of the Chronicle; he left Knoxville, and went to Providence, Ky., and was clerk in grocery store at that place and at- tended night school during year 1871 ; re- moved to Knoxville and was druggist’s apprentice 1872; was in the jub office de- partment of the Courier- Journal, Louis- ville, Ky., 1875-76, assistant foreman of the composing room of the Knoxville Daily Tribune, 1876-77, and in May 1877 became connected with the Daily Dis- patch, Chattanooga, Tenn., where he filled successfully every position, including that of editor-in-chief; in 1878 he published a city directory of Chattanooga and in July of that year purchased half interest in Chattanooga Daily Times, and later assumed complete control buying out the remaining half interest, and he is now proprietor of that paper; under his man- agement the Chattanooga Times won the sobriquet of “The Times that made Chat- tanooga;” at a meeting of the National Editional Association at St. Paul, Minn., he delivered an address on the subject of “Interior Dailies;’ he organized the Southern Associated Press, and in 1883 became its secretary and treasurer; be- sides being proprietor of the Chattanoo- ga Times he is publisher and proprietor of Philadelphia Times, publisher and principal owner Philadelphia Public Led- ger, and publisher and principal owner of New York Times; married Effie Mi- riam Wise, Feb. 28, 1883. POLK, William Mecklenburg, physi- cian; born Ashwood, Maury Co., Tenn., Aug. 15, 1844; son of the Right Rev, Leonidas Polk; graduated from Virginia Military Institute in 1861 ; studied med- cine at University of La., 1867-8; grad- uated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, M. D., degree 1869; received honorary LL.D. degree TENNESSEANS ELSEWHERE 593 from University of the South, 1893; he was appointed dean and director of the medical department of Cornell Univers- ity, in 1898; served as captain, and ad- ; jutant of C. S. A. during civil war, and was a member of the boy company of stu- dents that left with Prof. Thomas Jona- i than Jackson immediately after secession of Virginia, and acted as drill corps for I the Va. State Troops; he was assigned as drill master under Gen. Zollicoffer, and was promoted to 2d Lieut, in Bank- S head’s battery at Columbus, Ky., and 1st lieutenant in Scott’s battery in 1862; he was appointed assistant chief of artil- lery in his father’s corps in 1863, and also captain in the adjutant and inspec- tor-general’s department in Army of Tennessee, March, 1865 ; he was engaged in the battles of Columbus, Ky., New Ma- drid, Shiloh, Corinth, Perryville, Stone’s . River, Chickamauga and in the Meridian, Atlanta and Tennessee campaigns and in Che surrender at Meridian, May 1865; he practiced in New York City from 1869, and was professor of Therapeutics and Clinical medicine at Bellevue Col- lege, 1875-79, and became professor of I ' Obstetrics and Gyneology in the Medi- cal department of the University of the city of New York in 1879; he has been connected with several hospitals as sur- geon and member of several important I medical societies at home and abroad; married Miss Lyons, of Alabama, Nov. 14, 1866; author; “Biography of Leoni- das Polk, Bishop and General,” 1894, and contributor to medical literature. — STOLES, Frank Wilbert, painter; born Nashville, Tenn.; son of M. S. and Harriet A. (Criswell) Stokes; educated in the public schools of Philadelphia, Pa., and Rugby Academy; studied mu- sic under Hugh Clark of University of Pa. ; studied art under Thomas Eakins at Pa. Academy Fine Arts and under Gerome at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1882; returned to United States, and after some months went to Paris again, where he studied at Colorossi’s under Raphael Collins, and at Julien’g under Boulanger and Lefevre; exhibited his works in the salon for several years; vis- ited America 1889, and 1891; joined Peary relief expedition, 1892 as artist for Scribner’s Magazine, and was artist mem- ber of Peary’s North Greenland expedi- tion, 1893-4, and had his studio in Bowdoin Bay, 1 at 77 degrees 44 North for four- teen months; he was an artist member of Swedish Antarctic expedition, 1901-02 under Dr. Otto Nordenekjold; lectured before Societe de Geoprahie, Paris, May, 1904, and also at Societe Geographica Italiana, Rome, June, 1904; he was awarded silver medal, the prix Alphonse de Montherot, by the Societe de Geographic, Paris; completed a series of mural decorations illustrating the alle- gory of the Arctic night and day, de- picting the life of Smith Sound Eskimo, for the American Muse Natural His- tory New York, 1909; member of An- thropological Society, Academy of Nat- ural Sciences, Philadelphia, Geographi- cal Society, same place, National Geog- raphy Society, Paris, and Arctic Club;, is a contributor to magazines. PHILADELPHIA, PA. OCHS, George Washington, journal- ist; born Cincinnati, O., Oct. 27, 1861; son of Julius and Bertha (Levy) Ochs; educated University of Tennessee; in early life became a resident of Tenn., and was mayor of Chattanooga, 1894-5, 1896-7, and president of Board of Edu- cation, 1897-1900; president Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce, 1899-1900; pub- lished Paris edition of New York Times at Paris Exposition, 1900; removed to Philadelphia and became general man- ager Philadelphia Times, 1901-02; pub- lished and became general manager of Public Ledger, Philadelphia, on consol- idation of Times and Public Ledger, 1902, which position he now holds; married Miss Gans, of Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1907 ; member of Executive Committee National Municipal League, 1893-9; del- egate to Democratic National Conven- tion, Chicago, 1892; decorated Chevalier, Legion of Honor by French Government. OCHS, Milton B., editor; born Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Jan. 29, 1864; son of Ju- lius and Bertha (Levy) Ochs; educated in the. public schools of Knoxville, Tenn.,. Chickering Institute (Cincinnati); has devoted his entire life to newspaper 594 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE work, with exception of few years; mar- ried Fannie Van Dyke of Chattanooga, April 26, 1893; is a member of Amer- ican Academy of Political and Social Science, Navy League, Knights of Py- thias, Mountain City and Golf and Country Club of Chattanooga, has never sought or held political office except at Democratic State Convention, 1910, was named as chairman of the Committee of Resolutions; was for several years in the National Guard of the State, hold- ing rank of captain of the Chattanooga Cadets, and Major of the Chattanooga Battalion; member of the Mizjiah (Jew- ish) Temple, Chattanooga, was formerly Managing Editor of the Chattanooga Times; former publisher of The Nash- ville American; at present Sunday edi- tor Philadelphia Public Ledger. SIMS, Charles Abercrombie, railroad contractor; born Memphis, Tenn., June 5, I860; son of Clifford Stanley and Mary Josephine (Abercrombie) Sims; edu- cated in the public and high schools of Mt. Holly, N. J.; entered railroad work in early life and filled various positions on Pennsylvania railroad engineering corps, 1882-86; was assistant engineer in charge of construction of West Virginia Central Railroad, 1886-7; assistant engi- neer in charge of construction, surveys, etc., Pa. R. R. Co. 1887-90; managing partner of Charles A. Sims & Co., oper- ating in railway construction in Eastern States; was resident engineer in charge of bunding Pa. R. R. Co.’s stone arch bridge over Conemaugh river that stood flood of 1889 at Johnstown, Pa.; mem- ber of firm that built four track stone bridge over Delaware river at Trenton, N. J.; married Julia Watkins April 21, 1897; Democrat; member of Episcopal church. PRINCETON, ILL. HENDERSON, Thomas Jefferson, ex-congressman; born Brownsville, Tenn., Nov. 29, 1824; son of William H. and Sarah M. (Howard) Henderson; grand- son of John and Nancy (Singleton) Hen- derson and of Edmund and Edith (Mur- phy) Howard; his great-great-grandfa- ther William Henderson came from Scot- E ’-IN land and settled probably in Hanover j Co., Va.; he attended the Brownsville (Tenn) Male Academy 1835-36, and re- moved to 111., in 1836 where he afterward attended common schools, and studied at University of Iowa, 1845-6; he entered practice of law in early life, and prac- J ticed in 111., 1852-75; he was clerk of county commissioners court of Stark Co., 111., and county court of same 1847-53 lj member of 111. House of Representatives, 1854-56, Senate, 1855-60; served as Colo- j nel 112th 111., infantry, and was bre- vetted Brig.-Gen. Volunteers Nov. 30, |l 1864 “for gallant and meritorious serv- j' ice” during the campaign in Ga. and | Tenn., especially at battle of Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864; was presidential elector, 1868; collector of internal reven- ue for the 5th district of 111., 1871-3; member 44th to 53d congresses, 1875-95; Republican; April 1896 he was appointed member of board of managers of Nation- al Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers for six years, and manager Danville (111) branch of National Home, 1900; J he is now member of board of Ordnance I and Fortification; married Henrietta Butler, May 29, 1849. ROCK HILL, S. C. JOHNSON, David Bancroft, educa- tor; born La Grange, Tenn., Jan. 10, 1856; son of David Bancroft and Mar- garet E. (White) Johnson; paternal grandparents, Joseph and Martha (Bar- ker) Johnson, maternal grandparents, Jonathan D. and Ann (McNeese) White; he is a direct descendant of John John- son who came from England to Amer- ica with Winthrop, first governor of Mas- sachusetts Bay Colony; he earned money by which he prepared for and paid tui- tion in college, and graduated from Uni- versity of Tenn., A. B. 1877, A. M., 1879, South Carolina College, LL.D., 1905; married Mai R. Smith, Aug. 6, 1902; member of National Geographical Socie- ty, National Civic Assn., and National Peace League ;,was assistant professor of mathematics. University of Tenn., 1879- 90; principal of graded schools, Abbe- ville, S. C., 1880-82; organized graded schools at Newbern, N. C., in 1882; or- ganized city schools Columbia, S. C., and who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 595 vas superintendent of same 1883-95; in 895 he organized Winthrop Normal and ndustrial College of S. C., and has been resident of same since; established Co- umbia (S. C.) Y. M. C. A., and was resident of same, 1885-94; chairman of State Executive Committee, Y. M. C. A., 886-95; organized S. C. Association of School Superintendents and the Rural School Improvement Association of S. C. .902; president of State Teachers’ Assn., '884-1888; president department rural ind agricultural education, N. E. A., 1909; president Normal department, .908, Elementary education, 1909 South- :rn Educational Association. ST. LOUIS, MO. FOLK, Joseph Wingate, lawyer, itatesman, ex-governor; born Browns- ville, Tenn., Oct. 28, 1869; German-Ital- an descent; son of Henry Bate and Mar- La (Estes) Folk, and brother of Dr. E. E. Folk, editor of “The Baptist and Re- flector,” and Reau E. Folk, ex-treasurer if the State of Tennessee; his mother :ame from a Virginia family, and his father moved from North Carolina to Tennessee in 1848; he was educated in :he Brownsville schools and at Vander- bilt University, wnere in 1880 he grad- rated in the law department with degree if LL.B.; he practiced law at Browns- ?ille, Tenn., for a few years; after re- moval to St. Louis he took the stump for the Democratic ticket in 1896; he achiev- sd his first distinction in 1900 as attorney for the street railway employees Union svho had gone on a strike, he quickly ad- justed the differences, and settled the difficulty; in the same year he was elect- ed circuit attorney on the Democratic ticket, representing the Bryan wing of the party, but he achieved his greatest prominence when he succeeded in ridding the city of St. Louis of official corruption ; he began with an investigation of elec- tion frauds, and indicted a number of Democratic ward-heelers; when remon- strated with for prosecuting men who had voted for him he replied: “One who violates the law is not a Democrat, he is not a Republican, he is a criminal;” his 'work in combatting and destroying or- ganized corruption in the city of St. Louis brought him into such favor that he was elected Governor of the State of Missouri in 1904; he was nominated by the Democrats, but was supported by a large number of Republicans, and though Roosevelt received the vote of Missouri,, he carried the state by a majority of over- 30,000; married Gertrude Glass of Brownsville, Tenn., Nov. 10, 1896; he is a member of the St. Louis and Mercan- tile clubs; Masons, and Knights of Py- thias; member of the Baptist church; Democrat; he at present is devoting a great deal of his time to the lecture plat- form, discussing Civic and Economic questions. SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. ESTES, William La whence, surgeon; born on plantation near Brownsville, Tenn., Nov. 28, 1855; son of Albert Mon- roe and Marcia Burton (Owen) Estes;, educated at Bethel College, Ky., and graduated from University of Virginia, M. D. degree, 1877, University Medical College, New York M. D., 1878; received honorary A. M. degree from Bethel College, 1893; he has been physi- cian and surgeon-in-chief St. Luke’s Hospital South Bethlehem, Pa., since 1881, and director of same hospital since 1889; chief surgeon Lehigh Valley Rail- road, 1886-1904; married Jeanne Wynne, Oct. 5, 1881 ; member American Medical Association, Pa. State Medical Society; Fellow American Academy of Medicine, American Surgical Association, New York Academy of Medicine; member University Club, Philadelphia, Phi Gam- ma Delta, New York; author; “Treat- ment of Fractures,” 1900; member of Baptist Church. SOUTH HOUSTON, TEXAS. DICKENS, John Lunsford, educator; born Gibson Co., Tenn., March 3, 1853; son of Robert Gilliam and Mary Malvina (Dickey) Dickens; graduated Bethel Col- lege, A. B., 1879, Cumberland University, B. D., 1884, Ph.D., 1887, McKendree Col- lege, 111., A. M., 1885, Butler University, Ind., LL.D., 1891 American University, Harriman, Tenn., S. T. D., 1901; or- dained to Presbyterian ministry, 1874; 596 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE was professor of English and Philoso- phy, 1877-86, Bethel College, and presi- dent of same, 1886-89; president Trinity University, Texas, 1889-90; Texas Fe- male Seminary, 1890-91, Quanah College, Texas, 1891-9-1, and again president of Bethel College, 1895-99; served the fol- lowing pastorates: Kenton, Tenn., 1899- 1901, Dyer, Tenn., 1901-03, Fredonia, Ky., 1903-05, Starkville, Miss., 1905-08; he has been president of Asgard College for Young Ladies, South Houston, Texas, since 1908, also pastor Presbyterian Church, same place; married twice, first Mattie J. Tiner, Aug. 21, 1879, second, Mary Elizabeth Bridforth, Dec. 25, 1895; Prohibitionist; president of South Houston Bank, SPOKANE, WASH. POINDEXTER, Miles, U. S. Sena- tor; born Memphis, Tenn., April 22, 1868; son of William B. and Josephine Alexander (Anderson) Poindexter; edu- cated Fancy Hill academy, Rockbridge, Co., Va., and at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., graduating from both academic and law depart- ments, and took degree of LL.B., from Washington and Lee University, in 1891; removed from Tennessee to Wallawalla, Wash., in 1891, and began the practice of law in Nov. 1892; he was elected prose- cuting attorney of Wallawalla Co., Wash., 1892; located at Spokane, Wash., 1897 and for six years was prosecuting attorney for Spokane Co.; elected Judge of the Superior Court of the district in Nov., 1904, remaining upon the bench until he was nominated for Congress in the newly created 3rd district at primary election 1908; he was elected to 61st Congress, receiving 38,369 votes and the Democratic candidate received 23,227, and Socialist, 1,280; he is now U. S. Senator from Washington, and his term expires 1917; married Elizabeth Gale, June 16, 1892; Republican. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CAL. BRANNER, John Casper, geologist; born New Market Tenn., July 4, 1850; son of Michael T. and Elsie (Baker) Branner; grandson of Casper Branner and a descendant of Casper Branner Virginia; graduated Cornell Universil B. S., 1874, University of Ind., Ph.l 1885, University of Ark., LL.D., 18!j Maryville College, 1909; he was spec: botanist for Thos. A. Edison in Sou American 1880-81 and special agent f| the United States department of Agi culture for investigating cotton and tj insects affecting it in Brazil, 1882-8! topographical geologist of the Geologicj survey of Pa., in the Anthracite distriJ 1883-85; professor of geology Unive sity of Ind., 1885-91; State geologist i Ark., 1887-93; professor of Geology L land Stanford Jr., University, Cal., sin 1892; in 1898-9 he was acting preside] same institution; and has been vie] president since 1889; director c Branner-Agassiz expedition to Braz 1899; director of Scranton, Pa., Summ] School of Geology in 1866; member ( Cal. Earthquake Commission, 1906-190] special assistant, Geological survey (I Brazil, 1907-08; married Susan D. Kei nedy, June 22, 1883; fellow Geologic] Society of London, Societe Geologique c France; member of National Acadenq of Sciences, also various scientific s< cieties in North and South American an! Europe; associate editor Journal of G< ology, etc. TOPEKA, KANS. MARTIN, John, ex-senator U. S. born Wilson Co., Tenn., Nov. 12, 1833 son of Matt and Mary A. (Penn) Maij tin; grandson of Gen. John Martin o; South Carolina, and a descendant o Abram and Elizabeth (Marshall) Marti] of Carolina Co., Va., (Elizabeth Mar 1 ] shall was an aunt of Chief Justice Joh;j Marshall); received common school eduj cation, and worked on farm until eigh]] teen years old; in 1848 on the death o his father, who was a farmer, the en| tire support of a large family devolve] upon him, and he conducted the fam 1 until 1851, then became clerk in a coun try store, where he remained until 1855 when he removed to Kansas, and was as sistant clerk of the Territorial Hous] of Rep. in 1855; county clerk and reg ister of deeds, 1855-57 ; admitted to bar 1856; postmaster Tecumseh, 1857-8; TENNESSEANS ELSEWHERE 597 n county attorney Shawnee Co., Kans., iii 1858-9 ; deputy U. S. attorney 1859-61 ; 1 he was reporter of the Supreme Court, 89 1860 and entered practice of law at To- ici peka, Kans., in 1861; represented Shaw- nee Co., in Kans. Legislature, 1874-5, and fi was defeated, as a Democratic nominee nj for U. S. Senator in 1876, by P. B. Plumb, and as governor of Kansas, in 4 1876 by G. T. Anthony; he declined sec- ifi ond nomination in 18S2 and suggested 'ic name of G. W. Glick, who was elected; te he was Judge of the 3d judicial district o court, 1883-85; was defeated as repre- Lf sentative in the 50th congress, in 1886, iii and as governor of Kansas, 1888; in lei 1893 he was elected by the Democrats i« and Populists as U. S. Senator to fill c out unexpired term of Senator Plumb «i (deceased) he was clerk of the Supreme ne Court of Kansas, 1897-1900; member of o Democratic State Central Committee, Hi 1864-84 (chairman, 1870-84) ; now retired 0 from active life; married Caroline Clem- en ents, Nov. 12, 1860. ica 1 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, so ]t( DABNEY, Richard Heath, educa- -jg tor; born Memphis, Tenn., March 29, 1860; son of Virginia and Maria (Heath) Dabney; his father was the au- thor of “Don Miff ;’ he prepared for col- lege in his father’s school and graduated S, from Un.virs’ty of Va., with degree of 33 M. A. in 1881 ; taught school during the ai years 1881-82, and studied history, pol- 0 itics and economics in the Universities of 01 Munich, Berlin and Heidelberg, 1882-85; iii: received Ph. D. from University of Hei- iiv dleberg in 1885; he returned to United ill States in 1885 and in 1886 accepted chair hi of History in University of Ind., and in ip 1889 he became adjunct professor of c History in the LTniversity of Va.; in on 1896 he was made assistant professor of ■fi History and in 1897 professor of histor- mj ical and economical science; he has been in : dean of the department of graduate 55 studies since 1905; author: “The Causes as of the French Revolution,” 1888, “John is -Randolph” 1898, and also of numerous ?» : historical and miscellaneous reviews and jr articles; married twice, first Mary A. i; Bentley, of Richmond, Va., June 19, 1888, second Lily H. Davis, of Albemarle Co., Va., Nov. 28, 1899. UNIVERSITY, MISS. HUME, Alfred, educator; born Beech Grove, Tenn., Dec. 1, 1866; son of William and Mary (Leland) Hume; grandson of Alfred and Louisa Harvard (Bradford) Hume and of William Arch- ibald and Margaret Warren (Ish) Le- land, and is a lineal descendant from William Hume who was born in Scot- land, educated at University of Edin- burgh and came to America in 1801 as a missionary of the secession Presbyterian church, going first to Kentucky then to Nashville, where he lived as a preacher and teacher; educated in public schools of Nashville, Tenn., and graduated with first honor from Fogg High School, in 1883; received B. E. Vanderbilt Uni- versity, 1887, C. E., 1888; D. Sc., 1890; he was Fellow and assistant in civil engi- neering department Vanderbilt Universi- ty 1887-90, and then accepted chair of Mathematics in University of Mississip- pi; was acting professor of civil engineer- ing, 1900-02, and has been vice-chancellor of same school since 1905; was profes- sor of Mathematics and Astronomy, and acting chancellor 1906-07, University of Mississippi, and Professor of Mathemat- ics Summer School of the South, Knox- ville, Tenn., same year; he also prac- ticed surveying and engineering; mar- ried Mary Hill Ritchey, Dec. 23, 1891; member A. A. A. S., Society Promotion Engineering Education, and Engineering Association of the South; author of “Some Physical Constants,” 1890 and nu- merous articles in educational and mathe- matical publications . WASHINGTON, D. C. BLtRNETT, Fraxcis. Hodgson-, au- thor; born Manchester, England, Nov. 24, 1849, but removed to America in 1865, and with the family settled in New Market, Tenn., and later in Knox- ville, Tenn.; before she was thirteen and while yet living in England she would improvise stories and plays, and had even planned a novel; after com- ing to America she contributed a num- 598 WHO S WIIO IN TENNESSEE ber of stories to Peterson’s magazine and Godey’s Lady’s Book; she published “Surly Tim’s Troubles” a dialect story in Scribner’s magazine in 1812; in 1873 she contributed “Dorothea,” a serial to Peterson’s magazine, it was afterwards published in book form under the title of “Vagabondia;’ in 1886 she wrote “Lit- tle Lord Fauntleroy,” her most distin- guishing production, this story was sug- gested by the sayings and character of her little son; she married Dr. L. M. Burnett in 1873, obtained divorce in 1898 and married Stephen Townsend, English surgeon, in 1900; author of nu- merous stories and novels including “That Lass o’ Lowrie’s” 1877, “Dolly, A Love Story,” “Kathleen,” “Hawroth’s,” 1871, “Louisiana,” 1880, “A Fair Barba- rian,” 1881, “Through One Administra- tion,” 1883, “Editha’s Burglar,” “Sarah Crewe,” 1888,, “Little St. Elizabeth,” 1889, “Two Little Pilgrim’s Progress,” “The Pretty Sister of Jose,” 1896, “A Lady of Quality,” 1896, “His Grace of Ormonde,” 1897, “The Captain’s Young- est,” 1898, “In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim,” 1899, “The Making of a Marchioness,” 1901, “The Little Un- fairy Princess,” 1902, “A Little Prin- cess,” 1905, “The Shuttle,” 1907, “The Cozy Lion,” 1907, “Good Wolf,” 1908, “Spring Cleaning,” 1908. WRIGHT, Marcus Joseph, agent war department for collection of military records; born Purdy, Tenn., June 5, 1831; son of Capt. Benjamin and Mar- tha Ann (Hicks) Howell Wright; edu- cated in the common schools and acade- my at Purdy, Tenn.; studied law and en- gaged in practice in early life; was a clerk of the common law and chancery court of Memphis, Tenn., 1853-61 ; assist- ant purser of the U. S. Navy Yard Mem- phis, 1850-54; entered C. S. A. May, 1861, as lieutenant-colonel of the 154th Senior Tenn. infantry and with four companies of his regiment and a battery of artillery occupied and fortified Ran- dolph, Tipton County; he led his regi- ment in the battle of Belmont, Nov. 7, 1861 ; was military governor of Colum- bus, Ky., Feb.-March, 1862; again led his regiment in the battle of Shiloh April 6-7, 1862, and was assigned to the staff of Gen. B. F. Cheatham in the Kentucky I campaign as lieutenant-colonel, June-Sep- | tember, 1862; he was appointed Briga- dier-General Dec. 13, 1862, commanding a brigade in the Chickamauga and Mis- sionary Ridge campaigns; he was in charge of the district of Atlanta 1863-4 until its evacuation; he subsequently commanded the districts of Macon, Ga., and North Mississippi and West Tennes- see; he was sheriff of Shelby Co., Tenn., 1867-68, and on July, 1878, was ap- pointed agent of the U. S. war depart- ment to collect Confederate records which duties occupied him 25 years and resulted in “Official Records of the War I of the Rebellion;” he is also author of “Reminiscences of the Early Settlers of McNairy County Tennessee,” 1882, “Life of Governor Blount,” 1884, “Life of General Winfield Scott in Great Com- ji mander Series,” 1894; the latter book was adopted as a text-book for U. S. War college; he is also author of: “Me- moirs of Gen. Robert E. Lee with Gen. A. L. Long,” 1896, and co-author of “American Reference Library,’” (6 vols.) 1900; he prepared and printed pri- vately, sketch of Augustus, Duke of Kent, for which he received the thanks of Queen Victoria, The Prince of Wales, and Princess Louise; he also contributed many biographical sketches of Confed- erate Army Officers to various reference works; married twice, first, Martha Spen- cer Elcan of Memphis, second Pauline Womack of Alabama; member S. A. R.^ Southern Historical Society Washington Historical Society; Hon. member of Ala- bama Historical Society. WAYNESVILLE, N. C. ATKINS, James, bishop; born Knox- ville, Tenn., April 18, 1850; son of James and Mary F. Atkins; educated Emory and Henry College, Va., and Trinty College, N. C., graduating from the latter with D. D. degree; ordained to M. E. Church South ministry, 1872, and was pastor, 1872-79; president Ashe- ville (N. C.) Female College, 1879-89, 1893-96; president Emory and Henry College, 1889-93; married Ella M. Bran- ner, of Mossy Creek, Tenn., Sept. 14y 1876; elected bishop, May, 1906. WHO S WHO IX TENNESSEE 599 WILLIAMS BAY, W r IS. BARNARD, Edward Emerson, as- tronomer; born Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16', 1857 ; at age of eight years the fatherless lad began to earn his living in a pho- tograph studio; a book on practical as- tronomy aroused his interest in that sub- ject, and from the maps and charts of this book he learned some of the won- ders of the sky; as a telescope was his first want he mounted the object of a common spy glass in paper tube made by himself, and with this crude but ingeni- ous instrument he secured an obser/afioa of the c-escent form of Venus, the disks of other planets and phenomena; in 1877 by rigid economy he was enabled to purchase a 5 inch telescope and with this instrument he began to study Jupiter and to search for comets; he had charge of Vanderbilt University Observatory 1883-87; in 1886 he discovered Comet IV and by 1887 had become world renown- ed as the leading discoverer of comets; he took a course in English, French, Ger- man, Mathematics and Physics at the Vanderbilt University in 1887, and in 1893 that institution conferred upon him the degree of Sc. D.; received degree A. M. from University of the Pacific, San Jose, Cal., 1889, and LL.D. from Queens University, 1909; H. H. Warner of the Warner Observatory offered a prize of $200.00 for discovery of each new comet and Barnard received three of these prizes; in 1888 he accepted a po- sition in Lick Observatory, and in 1890 he observed a double transit of the first Satellites across the disk of Jupiter, and in July, 1892 he began use of a large telescope on that planet and discovered a new moon revolving about Jupiter, which had escaped the observations of as- tronomers 300 years; he made many pho- tographs of the Milky Way and while older astronomers estimated the number of suns in the Milky Way at about 20,000-, 000 he asserted his finished photographs revealed 500,000,000 ; married Rhoda Cal- vert of England, Jan. 27, 1881; he was made a fellow of the Astronomical So- ciety of London, in 1887 ; member So- eiete Astronomique de France, associate fellow American Academy Arts and Sciences and Astronomical and Astro- physical Society of America, etc.; his observations are recorded in the stand- ard astronomical journals of the world; he was professor of astronomy in Uni- versity of Chicago, and astronomer of Yerkes Observatory in 1895; in 1893 the French Academy of Science awarded to him the gold medal for discovery of the 5th moon of Jupiter and the same year he received Donahoe meal for discovery of a comet in 1902. YAZOO, MISS. WILLIAMS, John Sharp, U. S. Sen- ator; born Memphis, Tenn., July 30, 1854; son of Col. Christopher Harris and Annie Louise (Sharp) Williams; grand- son of Christopher H. and Jane (Alli- son) Williams and of John McKnitt and Sarah (Ridley) Sharp; he is a descend- ant of John Williams colonel of the 9th North Carolina line in the American Rev- olution; his father was colonel of the 27th Tennessee volunteers C. S. A., and was killed at the battle of Shiloh; he removed with his mother’s family to Ya- zoo County, Miss. ; he was educated at Kentucky Military Institute, University of the South, University of Virginia and Unversity of Heidelberg, Germany; he studied law at Memphis and at the University of Va. ; he was admitted to the bar in 1877, and entered the prac- tice of his profession at Yazoo, Miss., in 1878; he was also a cotton planter; he was elected to Congress in 1893 and served as U. S. representative from 5th Miss, district, in the lower house until 1903, when he was elected from the 8th Miss, district which he represented until 1909; he received all of the votes cast in his district for the 60th Congress; he was minority leader of the House and Democratic candidate for Speaker 58th to 60th Congress; in 1907 he was nom- inated for U. S. Senator in a Demo- cratic primary and was elected by the legislature of Mississippi Jan. 21, 1908 for the term 1911-1917; in the U. S. Sen- ate he succeeds Senator H. D. Money; he was delegate to the National Con- vntions 1892, 1904, and was temporary chairman at St. Louis in 1904; married Elizabeth Dial Webb, of Livingston, Ala., Oct. 2, 1877. DIRECTORY OF Tennessee Colleges and Schools Following is a classified directory, complete, of the educational institutions ot Tennessee other than than the public schools: UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. Bristol, Sullivan County — King College; men; Presbv.; est. 1869; B. R. Smith, Pres. Cl lin a, Clay County— Mont Vale Col- lege; W. B. Boyd, President. Chattanooga, Hamilton County — Uni- versity of Chattanooga; co-ed.; M. E. est. 1867; Rev. John H. Race, A. M., D. D., Dean. Clarksville, Montgomery County — Southwestern Presbyterian Univer- sity; coll.; men; Presb.; est. 1855; William Dinwiddie, A. M., Chancellor. Cumberland Gat, Claiborne County — Lincoln Memorial University; co-ed.; Presb.; est. 1895; George A. Hubbell, Ph.D., President. Dibrell, Warren County — Dibrell Col- lege; J. B. Clark, President. Doyle, White County — Doyle College; L. D. Rutledge, President. Eaton, Crockett County — Elizabeth College; L. Bodkin, Principal. Greeneville, Greene County — Greens- ville College; T. C. Erwin, Principal. Washington and Tusculum College; coll.; co-ed.; Presb.; est. 1794; Rev. Charles O. Gray, D. D., Pres. Hiwassee College, Monroe County, School Station — Hiwassee College; co-ed.; non-sect.; est. 1849; Rev. Eugene Blake, D. D., Pres. Irving College, Warren County — Irving College; E. B. Etter, President. Jackson, Madison County — Union Uni- versity'; Bapt.; I. B. Tigrett, Pres. Jefferson City, Jefferson County — Car- son and Newman College; co-ed. ; Bapt.; est. 1851; M. D. Jeffries, M. D., D. D., Pres. Knoxville, Knox County — University of Tennessee; state; co-ed.; est. 1749; Brown Ayres, Ph.D., LL.D., President. Lebanon, Wilson County — C astle Heights School,^ I. W. P. Buchanan, President. Cumberland University; co-ed.; Presb.; est. 1843; Winstead P. Bone, LL.D., Chancellor. McKenzie, Carroll County — Bethel Col- lege; co-ecl.; Cumb. Presb.; est. 1850; Newton J. Finney, A. M., Pres. Manchester, Coffee County — Manches- ter College; J. O. Allen, President. Maryville, Blount County — Maryville College; co-ed.; Presb.; est. 1819; Rev. Samuel Tyndale Wilson, D. D., Pres. Memphis, Shelby County — Christian Brothers College; men; R. C., est. 1871 ; Rev. Brother J. Edward, F. S. C., President. Milligan, Carter County — Milligan Col- lege; co-ed.; Chris.; est. 1883; Fred- erick D. Kershner, President. Nashville, Davidson County — Vander- bilt University'; co-ed.; M. E. So.; est. 1875; James H. Kirkland, Ph.D., Chan- cellor. Russellville, Hamblen County — Union College E. H. Moore, President. Sewanee, Franklin County — University of the South; men; P. E.; est. 1891; William B. Hall, M. A., Vice-Chan- cellor. Smithville, DeKalb County — Pure Fountain College; Woods and White- head, Co-Principals. Spencer, Van Buren County — Burritt College; co-ed.; Christ.; est. 1848; W. N. Billingsley, A. M., Pres. DIRECTORY OE COLLEGES AXD SCHOOLS 601 BUSINESS, SHORTHAND AND TELEGRAPH SCHOOLS. Chattanooga, Hamilton County — Chat- tanooga Business College; G. A. Hawkins, Prin. Mountain City Busi- ness College; bus. and sten.; est. 1885; J. A. Wiley, B. S., C. E., Prin. Maryville, Blount County — Commercial College; C. W. Henry, Principal. Memphis, Shelby County — Draughon’s Practical Business College; bus. and sten.; W. T. Davis, Principal. Hill's Business College; bus. and sten.; est. 1872; G. W. Hill, President. Macon and Andrews Business College, bus. and sten.; G. A. Macon and A. A. An- drews, Proprietors. Memphis Commer- cial College, bus. and sten.; est. 1905; J. T. Thomas, President. Nelson’s Business College, bus, and sten. ; C. H. Threlkeld and O. S. Baker, Proprie- tors. National Telegraph Institute; U. S. Sandusky, Manager. Nashville, Davidson County — Draugh- on’s Practical Business College ; bus. and sten.; est. 1889; J. F. Draughon, Principal. Fall’s Business College, bus. and sten.; Alexander Fall, Pres. Jennings’ Business College; bus. and sten.; R. W. Jennings, Pres. SCHOOLS FOR THE BLIND, DEAF AND DUMB. Knoxville, Knox County— Tennessee Deaf and Dumb School; T. L. Moses, Executive Officer. Nashville, Davidson County — Tennessee School for the Blind; John V. Arm- strong, Executive Officer. SCHOOLS OF DENTISTRY. Memphis, Shelby County — University of Memphis Dental Department; men; Justin D. Towner, Dean. Nashville, Davidson County — Universi- ty of Tennessee Dental Department; co-ed.; est. 1877; Joseph T. Meadows, Dean. Vanderbilt University of Denistry; co-ed.; est. 1879; D. R. Stubblefield, A. M„ M. D., D. D. S., Dean. LAW SCHOOLS. Chattanooga, Hamilton County — Uni- versity of Chattanooga Law De- partment; men; est. 1899; Major Charles R. Evans, A. M., Dean. Knoxville, Knox County — University of Tennessee Law Department; men; est. 1890; Henry H. Ingersoll, LL.D., Dean. Lebanon, Wilson County — Cumberland University Law Department; co-ed.; Presby. ; est. 1817; Nathan Green, LL.D. Dean. Memphis, Shelby County — University of Memphis Law Department; men; S. W. Jones, Dean. Nashville, Davidson County — Vander- bilt Law Department; A. G. Hall, Dean. Sewanee, Franklin County — LTniversity of the South Law Department; men; est. 1893; Lyman Chalkey, LL. B., Dean. SCHOOLS OF MANUAL TRAINING. Huntingdon, Carroll County — Indus- trial and Training School; prep. ; and indust.; co-ed.; est. 1908; J. A. Byer, L. I. Supt. McMinnville, Warren County — South- ern School of Photography; W. S. Liveley, Pres. Madison, Davidson County — Nashville Agricultural and Normal Institute; E. A. Sutherland, President. MEDICAL SCHOOLS. Chattanooga, Hamilton County — Chat- tanooga Medical College; E. A. Cob- lei gb, Dean. Knoxville, Knox County — Lincoln Memorial University Medical De- partment; men; est. 1887; S. L. Jones, M. D., Dean. Memphis, Shelby County — Memphis Hos- pital Medical College; reg. ; men; est. 1880; William B. Rogers, M. D., Dean. University of Memphis Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons; reg.; est. 1906; E. C. Ellett, Dean. WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE GO 2 Nashville, Davidson County — Universi- ty of Nashville and University of Tennessee Medical Department; co- ed.; est. 1850; R. O. Tucker, Dean. Vanderbilt University Medical De- partment; reg. ; men; est. 1874; Wil- liam L. Dudley, M. D. Dean. MILITARY SCHOOLS. Columbia, Maury County — C o l u m b i a Military Academy; men; Hardy and Edgerton, Co-principals. Rogersville, Hawkins County — McMinn Military Institute; boys; non-sect.; C. W. Davis, Supt. Sewanee, Franklin County — Sewanee Military Academy; E. F. Strong, Prin. h Sweetwater, Monroe County — Tennessee Military Institute; boys; O. C. Hul- vey, Pres. SCHOOLS OF MUSIC. Nashville, Davidson County — The Con- servatory of Music; mus.; co-ed.; C. J. Schubert, Director. Farrar School of Voice and Piano Music; est. 1891; Frederick Emerson, Director. Tennes- see Academy of Music; mus.; est. 1896; Franz J. Strahm, Director. NORMAL SCHOOLS. Dickson, Dickson County — Dickson Col- lege; normal and prep.; co-ed.; non- sect.; est. 1885; T. B. Loggins, A. M., Pres. Grandview, Rhea County — Grandview Normal School; co-ed.; Presby. ; Ar- thur Woodworth, Pres. Henderson, Chester County — National Teachers Normal and Business Col- lege; Arvy G. Freed, President. Hill City, Hamilton County — Chatta- nooga Normal School; J. A. Roberts, Prin. Johnson City, Washington County — State Normal School for East Ten- nessee; S. G. Gilbreath, Pres. Memphis, Shelby County — State Nor- mal School for West Tennessee; S. G. Mynders, Pres. Murfreesboro, Rutherford County — State NorSial School for Middle Tennessee; R. L. Jones, Pres. Nashville, Davidson County — Peabody College for Teachers; state; co-ed.; est. 1874; John I. D. Hinds, Pres. Siielbyville, Bedford County — Turner Normal College; J. A. Jones, D. D., Principal. Viola, Warren County — Viola Normal College; Joe Gutley, Principal. SCHOOLS OF PHARMACY. Knoxville, Knox County — University of Tennessee Department of Phar- macy; men; est. 1898; Charles O. Hill, Dean. Memphis, Shelby County — University of Memphis College of Pharmacy; H. E. Davis, Dean. Nashville, Davidson County — Vander- bilt Department of Pharmacy; co- ed.; est. 1879; John T. McGill, Dean. REFORM SCHOOLS. Bartlett, Shelby County — Shelby Coun- ty Industrial and Training School; Executive Officer, Thomas P. Weslen- dorf. East Chattanooga, Hamilton County — - Indutrial School and Farm; Henry T. Price, Executive Officer. Knoxville, Knox County — Knox County Industrial School; J. L. Price, Exec- utive Officer. Nashville, Davidson County — Tennes- see Industrial School; W. C. Kilving- ton, Executive Officer. SCHOOLS OF THEOLOGY. Chattanooga, Hamilton County — Uni- versity of Chattanooga School of Theology, - men; M. E.; est. 1890; Wm. S. Bovard, A. M., S. T. B., Dean. Clarksville, Montgomery County — Southwestern Presbyterian Univer- sity Theological Department; Wil- liam Dinwiddie, Chancellor. Lebanon, Wilson County — Cumberland University Theological Department; men; est. 1852; James R. Henry, Dean. DIRECTORY OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS 603 Nashville, Davidson County — Nashville Bible School; E. A. Elam, Principal. Vanderbilt University Theological Department; Wilbur Fisk Tillett, Dean. Sewanee, Franklin County — University of the South Theological Depart- ment; P. E.; W. H. DuBose, Dean. COLLEGES FOR WOMEN. Bristol, Sullivan County — Sullins Col- lege; girls’ boarding; M. E. So.; est. 1869; W. S. Neighbors, President. Cleveland, Bradley County — Centena- ry Female College; girls’ boarding; M. E. So.; est. 188-1; Charles W. Crooke, President. Franklin, Williamson County — Tennes- see Female College; girls’ boarding; non-sect.; est. 1856; J. W. Read, Prin. Gallatin, Sumner County — Howard Fe- male College; girls’ boarding; non- sect.; est. 1856; H. H. Savage, Prin. Jackson, Madison County — Memphis Conference Female College; girls’ boarding; M. E. So.; 18-13. Memphis, ■ Shelby County — Higbee School; girls boarding; non-sect.; est. 1880; Misses Hattie L. White and Ma- ry E. Pimm, Principals. St. Mary’s School; girls’ boarding; P. E.; est. 1874; Miss Mary H. Paoli, Principal. The Misses Thomas School; girls’ boarding; est. 1897; Miss Lida G. Thomas, Principal. Monteagle, Grundy County — Fairmont College; girls’ boarding; P. E.; est. 1873; Miss S. P. DuBose, Principal. Murfreesboro, Rutherford County — Soule Female College ; girls’ board- ing; M. E. So.; est. 1852; Misses Hop- kins and Hyde, co-principals. Ten- nessee College; coll.; Woman’s Bapt.; est. 1905; George J. Burnett, Principal. Nashville, Davidson County — Belmont College; girls’ boarding; non-sect.; Rev. Ira Landrith, LL.D., President. Boscobel College; girls’ boarding; non-sect.; est. 1889; Mrs. J. O. Rust, Principal. Buford College; girls’ hoarding; non-sect.; est. 1900; Mrs. E. B. Buford, B. A., President. Radnor Nashville, Davidson County— Continued College; girls’ boarding; A. N. Esh- man. Pres. Ward Seminary; girls’ boarding; non-sect.; est. 1865; John Deill Blanton, LL.D., President. Pulaski, Giles County — Martin Female College; girls’ boarding; M. E. So.; est. 1870; William T. Wynn, A. B., President. Rogersvtlle, Hawkins County — Synodi- cal Female College; girls’ boarding; Presb.; est. 1849; Lawrence Rolfe, A. B., President. PREPARATORY SCHOOLS. Alexandria, DeKalb County — Alexan- dria School; J. E. Williams, Prin. Altamont, Grundy County — Altamont Institute; John T. White, Principal. Andersonville, Anderson County — An- dersonville Institute; co-ed.; Bapt.; est. 1898; Gilmore Garrett, Principal. Baileyton, Greene County — Oakland Seminary; Victor H. Self, Principal. Belfast, Marshall County — Belfast Training School; G. M. Miller. Bellbuckle, Bedford County — Webb School; co-ed.; M. E. So.; W. R. and W. M. Webb, Co-Principals. Bells, Crockett County — Bells High School; .R. L. Conley, Principal. Big Sandy, Benton County — Big Sandy Training School; H. C. Ramsey, Principal. Birchwood, Rutherford County — Ruth- erford Graded Schools; co-ed.; non- sect.; R. T. Rutherford, Principal. Blanch, Lincoln County — Fans and Bramlett School, A. W. Carroll, Prin. Bolivar, Hardeman County — St. Cath- erine’s School; Miss E. J. Joyner, Principal. Booneville, Lincoln County — Booneville School; J. H. Pylant, Principal. Brown’s, Cocke County — Smoky Moun- tain Seminary; Margaret Gordon, Principal. Brunswick, Shelby County — Bolton College; G. W. Burney, President. Burrville, Morgan County — A. B. Wright Institute; M. H. Monroe, Principal. WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 6'0t. Butler, Johnson County — Wautauga Academy; J. C. Jones, Principal. Carthage, Smith County — Joseph W. Allen School; co-ed.; non-sect.; A. P. Whitlock, Prin. Cassville, White County — Hutchins College; J. L. Rollins, Principal. Centerville, Hickman County — Hick- man Training School; co-ed.; non- sect.; est. 1902; William P. Morrison, Principal. Chapel Hill, Marshall County — Chapel Hill Training School; N. H. Cul- bert, Principal. Chattanooga, Hamilton County — Bay- lor’s University School; boys’; non- sect.; est. 1893; John R. Baylor, B. A., B. Litt., President. Cenboale In- stitute; Mrs. L. P. Mclntire, Presi- dent. Cooper School; J. L. Cooper, Principal. English and French School; Dianah Duvall, Principal. Girls’ Preparatory School; Grace MeCallie, Principal. Gregg School; Eleanor Greeg, Principal. Chuckey, Greene County — Wesleyan Academy; co-ed.; M. E.; est. 1883; Samuel H. Thompson, B. S., B. Ped.; Principal. Cleveland, Bradley County — Cleveland Academy; J. H. Tarter, Principal. Columbia, Maury County — Columbia In- stitute; co-ed.; P. E. ; Walter E. Capers, Pres. Cornersville, Madison County — Corners- ville Training School; W. D. Stray- horn, Principal. Dandridge, Jefferson County — Maury Academy; G. W. Baker, Principal. Del Rio, Cocke County — Ebenezer Mis- sion School; Miss Annie L. Williams,. Principal. Dowelltown, DeKalb County — Dowell- town School; D. J. Gaines, Principal. Dresden, Weakley County — Dresden Training School; J. M. DeBru, Prin. Dyersburg, Dyer County — Parr High School; Alice Parr, Principal. Ste- phens School; Beatrice Stephens, Principal. Tipton School; Lula M. Tipton, Principal. Elizabeth, Carter County — Harold Mc- Cormick; co-ed.; Presby.; est. 1897; W. C. Clemens, Principal. Erwin, Unicoi County — Dwight Insti- tute; co-ed.; Presby.; est. 1897; A. B. Wyeth, Principal. Fayetteville, Lincoln County — Allen School; Mrs. Alice Aline, Principal. Morgan School; non-sect.; est. 1899; R. K. Morgan, Principal. Wilson School, T. M. Wilson, Principal. Franklin, Williamson County — Peoples School, co-ed.; non-sect.; Peoples Brothers, Principals. West End Semi- nary; Mrs. W. B. Lupton and Miss Courtney, Co-Principals. Friendship, Crockett County — Friend- ship Training School; John D’Hart, Principal. Gallatin, Sumner County — Hawkins Training School; C. E. Hawkins, Principal. Grandview, Cumberland County — Jewett Academy; Ethel Yickory, Principal. Grassy Cove, Cumberland County — Grassy - Cove Academy; co-ed.; Presby.; est. 1880; Frank March, Prin. Greenfield, Weakley County — Green- field Training School; T. B. Clarke, Principal; Hamburg, Hardin County — Hamburg School; D. H. Prince, Principal. Howell, Lincoln County — Howell Insti- tute; A. L. Rankin, Principal. Hohenwald, Lewis County — Hoiien- wald High School; John A. White, Principal. Jasper, Marion County — Pry’or Insti- tute; co-ed.; M. E. So.; est. 1887; W. T. Robinson, Principal. Kimberlin Heights, Knox County — School of the Evangelists; A. S. Johnson, Principal. Knoxville, Knox County — Baker-Himel School; co-ed.; Cong.; C. M. Himel, Pres. East Tennessee Institute; Charles C. Ross, Principal. Lafayette, Macon County — Lafay’ette College; L. S. Gillentine, Principal. DIRECTORY OE COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS 605 Lewisburg, Marshall County — Hay'nes- 5IcLean Academy; co-ed.; non-sect.; J. C. Ransom and M. 51. Summar, Co- Principals. 5Iooresville Training. School; H. D. Dozier, Principal. Ve- rona Training School; James Arm- strong, Principal. Liberty, DeKalb County — Liberty Training School; co-ed.; non-sect.; J. C. Brandon, Prin. Lillydale, Clay County — Lii.lydale Academy; W. T. Sewell, Principal. Linden, Perry County — Linden Acade- my; A. W. Daniel, Principal. Lynchburg, Moore County — Lynchrurg Training School; James Bichley, Principal. Lynnville, Giles County — Jones High School; A. C. Burkholder, Principal. McKenzie, Carroll County — McTyeire School; boys’; M. E. So.; est. 1881; Jas. A. Robins, Principal. Martin, Weakley County — Hall-Moody Institute; H. E. Watters, Principal. McFerrin Training School; co-ed.; M.E. S.; est. 1889; J. C. Roberts, Prin. Maury City, Crockett County — Maury City School; W. B. Jones, Principal. Maryville, Blount County — Polytech- nic High School and Commercial College; C. W. Henri r , Pres. Maynardville, Union County — May- Nardsyille School; James Keller, Principal. Memphis, Shelby County — M illeb School; Prof. Miller Principal. St. Agnes Academy; girls’ boarding; R. C., Sister Hyacintha, Principal. Uni- versity School; boys’ boarding ;Werts and Rhea, Co-Principals. Morhisox, Warren County — Morrison Training School; P. A. Henessee, Principal. Moss, Clay County — Moss Academy; O. M. Cornabam, President. Mount Juliet, Wilson County — Mount Juliet Training School; R. C. Hardi- son, Principal. Mulberry, Lincoln County — Mulberry Institute; J. W. Williams, Principal. Murfreesboro, Rutherford County — Miss Ransom’s School; Miss Elza Ransom, Principal. Murfreesboro School for Boys; C. E. Anderson, Prin. Nashville, Davidson County — Bowen School; boys’; non-sect.; est. 1896; A. G. Bowen, Principal. Masonic Home School; W. O. Cranor, Principal. Montgomery Bell Academy; boys’, day; non-sect.; S. M. D. Clark, Prin- cipal. St. Cecelia’s Academy; girls’ boarding; R. C. ; est. 1860; Mother Ursula, Principal. St. Columbia School; Sister Evangelina, Principal. St. Agnes School; Dominican Sisters, Principals. St. Joseph’s School, co- ed.; R. C. ; est. 1884; Mother M. Xavier, Principal. Wallace’s Universi- ty School; co-ed.; non-sect.; est. 1886; Clarence B. Wallace Principal. St. Patrick’s School; Rev. T. C. Abbott, Principal. Watkins’s Night School; Alexander Fall, President. Winthrop Model School; A. T. Barrett, Prin. New Market, Jefferson County — New Market Academy; co-ed.; est. 1885; T. C. Bales, Principal. Olive Hill, Hardin County — Olive Hill School; P. Alexander, Principal. Ozone, Cumberland County — Ozone School; Sarah Ann White, Principal. Parrottsville, Cocke County — Parrotts- ville Academy; H. R. Easterly, Prin. Petersburg, Lincoln County — Pitts and Mitchell School; Profs. Pitts and Mitchell, Co-Principals. Petros. Morgan County — Petros Private School; Miss Staples, Principal. Philadelphia, Loudon County — Bogart High School; Miss Kate Huey, Prin. Pikevilee, Bledsoe County — Sequatchie Valley Preparatory School; C. R. Ensley, Principal. Pleasant Hill, Cumberland County — Pleasant Hill Academy; co-ed.; Cong.; Rev. W. E. Wheeler, Prin. Pulaski, Giles County — Massey & Clark School; G. W. Clark and F. 51. 5!as- sey, Principals. Preparatory' School; Prof. Abernathy, Principal. Red Sulphur. Springs, Hardin County — - Pickwick School; H. Hampton, Prin. Ripley', Lauderdale County — Hay'wood School; Miss Minnie Haywood, Prin. Rogersville, Hawkins County — Swift 5Iemortal Institute; 5V. H. Frank- lin, Principal. WHOo WHO IN TENNESSEE 600 Ruskin, Dickson County — Ruskin Cave Academy; R. E. Smith, Principal. Saltit.eo, Hardin County — Saetillo School; .C. A. Lowe, Principal. Savannah, Hardin County — Savannah Institute; co-ed.; non-sect.;, est. 1895; William E. Rogers, A. M., Principal. Sevierville, Sevier County — Juniper School; Martha E. Tait; Principal. Murphey College; co-ed.; M. E.; est. 1891; E. F. Goddard, Principal. Shelbyville, Bedford County — Dixon Academy; James A. Tate, Principal. Sneedville, Hancock County — Sneed- ville High School; M. E. Testerman, Principal. Springfield,, Robertson County — Peoples- Tucker School; boys’; J. A. Peoples and E. B. Tucker, Co-Principals. Spring Hill, Maury County — Branham and Hughes School; Branham and Hughes, Co-Principals. Stayton, Dickson County — Staytox Preparatory School; A. McClellan, Principal. Tracy City, Grundy County — Jones K Shook School; co-ed.; non-sect.; est, 1889; J. D. W. Northcut, Pres. Trundles X Roads, Sevier County— Chilhowee Institute; H. J. Massey, Principal. Tullahoma, Coffee County — Fitzgerald ] 1 & Clarke School; William L. Clarke and William S. Fitzgerald, Co-Prins.k Wartrace, Bedford County — Brandon Training School; co-ed.; non-sect.; Alfred J. Brandon, President. Willow Grove, Clay County — Willow Grove Academy; B. C. Ledbetter, Principal. Winchester, Franklin County — Win- chester Academy; T. F. Rider, Prin. Woodrury, Cannon County — Woodbury Academy; co-ed.; non-sect.; E. J. Lehman, Principal. Auburn High School; B. X. Barton, Principal. Alphabetical Index A Abbott, Timothy Charles, Roman Catholic priest 399 Abel, John Moss, merchant 109 Abernathy, Andrew Jackson, lawyer. 484 Abernathy, James Polk, lawyer 484 Abston, William J., cotton factor.. 277 Acuff, Parlin Herbert, physician .... 564 Adams, James B., banker 17 Adams, James Louis, banker 502 Adams, Joe C., merchant 250 Adams, John B., merchant 105 Adams, John C., lawyer 277 Adams, John Robert, banker 503 Adcock, B. G., lawyer 94 Aden, Clint, farmer 174 Aden, James S., public official. .... .471 Aden, John Felen, public official. .. .471 Adkerson, John B., physician 557 Adkins, Almon T., farmer, stock raiser 85 Aiken, James Hamilton, minister, farmer 31 Albright, George Nichols, merchant. .533 Albright, James Alexander, secretary State Board of Health 573 Alexander, Gross, minister, editor... 399 Alexander, Henry Frank, farmer.... 87 Alexander, Joseph Venable, planter.. 537 Allen, Alexander Monroe, physician . . 37 AHen, Archibald Y., real estate dealer 277 Allen, D., W._ farmer 576 Allen, Ernest L., farmer, stock raiser ' 31 Allen, James, farmer, stock raiser.. 155 Allen, James Seddon, lawyer 277 Allen, John Mebane, merchant 210 Allen, John Thomas, physician and surgeon 31 Allen, Richard Henry, accountant. .. 277 Allen, Thomas H., engineer 277 Allen, Valentine Collins, lawyer .... 106 Allison, John, chancellor 399 Allison, Marshall Lafayette, farmer. .513 Allison, 51. M 580 Allnutt, Benjamin Franklin, banker. 43 Altman, John T., physician 399 Ambrose, Joshua Henry, business man 400 Ammerman, Wesley, osteopath. ... 137 Anderson, Arthur Blythe, attorney- general 400 Anderson, C. W., educator 32 Anderson, David Deaderick, lawyer.. 210 Anderson, Elihu L., traveling sales- man • 520 Anderson, Hugh Crump, banker .... 185 Anderson, Jacob Campbell, physician. 4C4 Anderson, James Emmett, druggist. .385 Anderson, James H., lawyer 48 Anderson, Piatt H., physician 278 Anderson, Silas Francis, farmer, - merchant 519 Anderson, William F., M. E. bishop. . . 48 Andrews, D. Moore, teacher 400 Andrews, Garnett, business man. ... 48 Andrews, Oliver Burnside, manufac- turer 48 Andrews, Thomas Botts, grain dealer. 278 Anthony, William Lee, farmer 492 Apperson, John W., lawyer 278 Applewhite, Janies, business man...27g Archer, Lee B., public official 492 Archibald, William Whallon, lumber- man 513 Armitage, W. H., banker 155 Armstrong, Alfred F., farmer ...... 107 Armstrong, Charlotte Morgan, teacher 400 Armstrong, Harry Lee, banker 278 Armstrong, James Hamilton, farmer. 18 Armstrong, John Pearl, business man 525 Armstrong, Walter Preston, lawyer. .278 Armstrong, William Henry, physician and surgeon 597 Armstrong, Zella, editor and pub- lisher 580 Ashcroft, Thomas C., business man.. 279 Ashe, Cora, educator 279 Ashley, James Henry, editor 269 Ashmore, William Monroe, public of- ficial 211 Ashton, John B., miller 87 Askew, Charles Dudley, farmer 533 Askew, Laurin Bryan, druggist 73 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE <508 Atchley, Samuel Henry, farmer 80 Atcliley, William Abner, minister. . .211 Athey, Thomas IT, minister 87 Atkins, C. A., physician 483 Atkins, J. W., public official 122 Atkinson, W. T., merchant 73 Austin, Richard Wilson, congress- man 211 Avent, Frank, lawyer 400 Aydelott, A. F., public offeial 45 Ayres, Brown, educator 211 Ayres, Willis E., civil engineer 279 B Bachman, George Oliver, minister. . .401 Bacon, Barton Elijah, railroad agent. 496 Bacon, Charles Harrison, banker ... .258 Bacon, William J., lawyer 279 Bagmell, B. W., physician Bailey, John Edmonds, music teacher Bailey, Robert Albert, farmer, banker Bailey, Thomas P., educator Baird, Norton Wilson, editor and printer Baird, R. M., farmer Baird, Winston, public official 184 Baker, Joseph Nelson, banker, miner.. 496 Baldy, William Hamilton, assistant postmaster 167 Ball, Clyde L., lawyer 120 Ballentine, John Goff, retired busi- ness man 484 Balthiop, John H., retired merchant. . 73 Bandy, Robert W., physician 153 Banks, Charles M., milling business .. 181 Banks, Ezekiel Thomas, farmer, miller 112 Banks, George Edward, lawyer 573 Banks, Lem, lawyer 280 Banks, Roderic S., public official. .. .492 Barber, George Franklin, architect. . .212 Bare, James D., merchant 22 Barger, David A., public official 22 Barker, James M., missionary 2S Barksdale, William Randolph, cotton factor 280 Barksdale, William W., editor and publisher 73 Barham, Newson Rayburn, jurist . . . 253 Barlow, James Kendrick, physician and druggist 501 Barnes, William Carroll, physician.. 18 Barnett, Arthur, dentist 280 Barnett, John William, Jr., lawyer.. 212 Barr, Robert Winlhrop, banker..... 49; Barret, James H., real estate dealer. .280; Barron, Samuel Lee, farmer 172; Barry, David Franklin, farmer 147! Barry, William Valentine, editor. .. . 253j Barthell, Edward East, lawyer 401 Bartlett, Robert Henry, public offi- cial 43 Barton, Robert McKinney, lawyer. . .280 j. Barton, Samuel Marx, educator 507; Baskerville, James Thomas, lawyer.. 147 Baskette, Gideon H., editor 401 Bass, W. Herschel, farmer 253 Bass, Jacob Miller, farmer 485 Bass, J. W., farmer, merchant 571 Bass, Sterling Hicks, banker, lawyer. 387 i Bastin, Wyatt H., farmer 172 Bate, Henry Clay, weather bureau of- ficial 401 Bates, Douglas Thompson, lawyer... 45 Bates, Jasper A., lawyer 45 Bates, William Horatio, printer .... 280 279 Battle, Alfred, dentist 32 Battle, Walter Preston, broker 281 Bauer, Henry D., business man 281 Baugh, John Edward, physician 128 Bauman, Albert Benjamin, architect. 212 Baxter, Elbridge J., lawyer 204 Baxter, Lewis Thompson, real estate dealer 402 Baxter, Perkins' P., lawyer 402 Bayless, John Walker, business man. 14 Bayless, William Charles, minister. . .197 Beach, John Ross, dentist 74 Bealer, Alexander Winkler, minister. 387 Beard, Caughey Alfred, real estate dealer 14 Beard, Elvin Taylor, minister 373 Beard, Edward Ewing, lawyer 244 Beard, R. H., business man 466 Beard, Robert Henderson, real estate. 281 Bearden, Edwin Whiteside, public of- ficial 514 Bearden, Walter Scott, chancellor ... 514 Beasley, Charles W., farmer .471 Beasley, Elias M., physician 85 Beasley, Robert C., farmer 464 Beattie, Robert Marye, lawyer 281 Beaver, Charles Oliver, lawyer 49 Beck, Henry Clay, lawyer 49 Beene, Jacob, landlord 469 Beene, J. C., lawyer 525 Bell, Charles' B., banker 388 Bell, B. D., jurist 580 Benliam, Philo Dayton, farmer 107 268 401 137 465 460 GENERAL INDEX ennett, Everett T., lumberman .... 281 ennett, Henry W., farmer 74 ennett, Hugh T., farmer, stock raiser 145 ennett, James M., merchant 80 lergschicker, William, merchant. .. .282 ernard, Ollie Hinson, educator ....530 erry, Albert Gleaves, naval officer. .402 erry, Coburn Dewess, lawyer 402 errv, Thompson Hiles, hardware merchant 514 ;ible, Jonathan David, farmer 197 ■ickford, William A., real estate op- erator 282 •iddle, William M., physician 87 ierce, Columbus, manufacturer 282 •iggs, Albert W., lawyer 282 f .iggs, Vincent Atkins, physician .... 270 ■iggs, William Hyman, lawyer 185 iggs, William Percy, lawyer 282 Ifiggs, Zaek, pftysician 546 ilbrey, John C., manufacturer 256 ilbro, William Caldwell, physician. .388 iilillingsley, William N., educator. . .528 i iillington, R. Wallace, physician. . . .403 1 tingham, Granville C., farmer.. 18 linns, John E., physician, public of- I ficial 403 iishop, William Samuel, minister, ed- ucator 507 livins, Henry Wright, farmer 388 livins, John Louis, teacher 173 Hack, James Steelman, minister ....460 Hack, William Thomas, surgeon . . . .283 llackard, W. T., public official 185 llaekburn, Gideon Harden, merchant. 85 Hackburn, J. K. P., farmer 261 llaekburn, William Wirt, farmer... 105 Hackman, E. L., banker 563 Hackman, John A., physician 185 Hair, Edward K., physician, surgeon. 133 Slake, Vachel Weldon, teacher 403 Hankenship, Henry Jefferson, farmer 541 llanton, John Diehl, educator 403 llount, Joseph M., lawyer, farmer.. Ill Hue, Henry Blake, minister 404 loaz, William Thomas, minister.... 87 loggess, Elisha S., farmer 481 loies, William Ely 212 loles, James B., physician 254 lolling, Jefferson Davis, livestock dealer 404 lolling, Warner Thomas, minister. .471 iolt, George Washington, public of- ficial 212 609 Bolton, David Alexander, educator... 14 Bolton, Samuel Pearce, contractor. . .199 Bomer, John O., banker 32 Bond, Bate, lawyer 32 Bond, R. N., manufacturer . 32 Bond, W. T., public official 283 Bondurant, Benjamin T., physician . . 512 Bone, Winstead Paine, eduactor 244 Bonner, Talbot Fanning, manufac- turer 404 Boone, Arthur U., minister 283 Boren, George Edmond, lawyer 126 Boring, Robert E., public official .. .212 Borum, Sam Houston, public official. 404 Boucher, George Washington, editor. 121 Bonrland, Albert Pike, educator 404 Bourne, Edward, general insurance agent ^83 Boulware, Fielder Allen, osteopath. . .388 Bouton, William Paisley, planter ... 245 Bovard, William Sherman, minister. 14 Bowden, John Seymour, lawyer, stenographer 19a Bowen, Alfred Thomas, lawyer 497 Bowen, Bolivar B., traveling sales- 284 man *o-r Bowen, Enoch D., minister 239 Bowers, Duke Cayce, retail grocery- man Bowers, William Augustus, business man 5 °* Bowles, Allie V., merchant Bowman, John Bethel, attorney-gen- 56G Bowman, Stuart, farmer, stock 556 Boyd, Alston M., real estate agent. .284 Boyd, Ernest Houston, lawyer 94 Boyd, Frank, lawyer ^ Boyd. Harry Roberts, lawyer Boyd, John' Franklin, business man.. 514 Boyd, Richard Hardy, physician Boyd, Samuel B., fire chief ^ Boyd, Simon Bradford, photographer . 119 Boyd’ William Townes, business ^ Boyer, Creed Fulton, real estate. .. .460 Boyet, John Thomas, farmer Bovett, W. L., physician ?71 Boyken, Eugene C., business man • • • 404 Boyle, Thomas R., lawyer Boyle, Virginia Frazer, author 285 Brading, James Edward, lumberman . 200 Bradley, Robert Henry, retired mer- chant and planter 133 610 AVHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Brady, James M., postmaster 528 Brandon, Alfred Joseph, teacher. .. .563 Brandau, John William, physician ... 74 Brandon, T. J., banker 116 Bransford, Johnson, business man. .405 Branson, Lloyd, artist 213 Brawner, Pembroke A., manufac- turer 49 Bray, William M., postmaster 167 Breece, Jesse R., railroad agent and telegraph operator 208 Breeden, Samuel G., physician 109 Breeding, Wesley Jackson, physician. 490 Brennan, Henry Williams, contract- ing engineer 285 Brett, James, Jr., public official. ... 285 Brewer, John Doddridge, physician and surgeon 456 Brice, James M., editor 557 Bridger, Axum R., farmer 19 Bridger, James D., physician and sur- geon 285 Bridges, James Neely, physician ....460 Bridges, Joseph G., physician 460 Bridgewater, Sam Chambers, physi- cian 115 Brien, William Given, lawyer ....;. 405 Brigham, William Looney, farmer.. 116 Bright, John M., lawyer 133 Bright, Thomas N., merchant 254 Brinkley, James Moon, real estate.. 285 Brisendine, Barnie Milton, banker.. 477 Britton, Frank E., druggist 204 Brizendine, Henry W., merchant.... 98 Brode, Frederick William, cotton seed product dealer 286 Brooks, Charles R., bookkeeper 85 Brooks, Cleauth, minister 86 Brooks, Preston Smith, merchant. .. 508 Brooks, Tilman Rose, farmer 538 Browder, Joe Rowan, farmer 249 Browder, Robert Marvin, dentist. . . .377 Browder, William D., farmer, stock dealer 535 Brown, Albert R., merchant, banker. .129 Brown, Barton Robey, farmer 519 Brown, Charles A., lawyer 22 Brown, Charles Sumner, educator. . . .405 Brown, Foster, Vincent, lawyer 49 Brown, Harris, insurance 148 Brown, Henry Royce, druggist, chem- ist, manufacturer 155 Brown, James R., public official 80 Brown, John Ell, public official 185 Brown, Joseph E., lawyer 49 Brown, Laurent, lawyer. 405 Brown, Lucius Polk, chemist, geolog- ist 4i Brown, Maud Wolcott, teacher 4i Brown, Oswald Eugene, educator . . . . 41 Brown, Robert S. % lawyer 3 Brown, Robert S., Jr., merchant 1 Brown, Samuel C., jurist 1 Brown, William Carl, teacher 5 Brown, William Lafayette, merchant. Browne, Harris L., business man.... 21 Brownlow, Frank Barr, musician .... 2i Brownlow, John Bell, real estate.... 2 Bruce, Daniel Hoge, farmer, surveyor. 21 Bruce, Horatio Thomas, mule dealer. 2i Brumit, David, merchant 1 Brunner, John Hamilton, minister... Bryan, Charles Middleton, lawyer ... Bryan, David Hampton, physician... Bryan, Elwood R., dealer in stone and gravel 2' Bryan, W. A., surgeon 4( Bryant, William M., hardware mer- chant, farmer Buchanan, Andrew Hays, educator . .: Buchanan,* Arthur S., jurist 21; Buchanan, Isaac William Pleasant, teacher 2/ Buchanan, Joseph W., lawyer 31 Buchanan, J. W., merchant 4< Buck, James Madison, lumberman. . .21 Buckingham, Miles S., banker 2! Buford, Mrs. Elizabeth Burgess, ed- ucator, writer 4f Buford, George Gillespie, physician .. 2fj| Buford, John W., lawyer I s Bullington, Richard Edward, dentis‘c.2! Bullock, E. L., chancellor li Bumpus, William Hill, railroal agent, editor 4 Bundren, James Henderson, lawyer.. 1 Bunnell, Isaac Newton, farmer 1 Burchard, James C., farmer 46 Burchett, W. T., farmer 51 Burger, Joseph, banker 27 Burger, Thomas Overton, physician. 2fl Burkholder, A. C., educator 2(j Burks, Robert Lee, business man ..2.: Burnett, Ge&rge Jackson, teacher . - .38 Burnett, J. Henry, educator 38 Burnett, James Huff, farmer, mer- chant li Burnett, James T., lawyer, banker.. 54 Burnett, Jesse McGarety, teacher, minister 19 GENERAL INDEX 611 furnley, Patrick F., merchant, manu- facturer 166 |5 urns, James Thomas, merchant . . . .262 iurns, William B., physician and surgeon 288 furrow, Thomas Jackson, lawyer... 29 lushnell, Herbert, banker 50 Sutler, Henry Campbell, farmer, stock dealer 501 ilutler, John Murphy, merchant 389 iluttram, W. H., attorney-general. .. 182 Jyars, Ezell S., insurance 121 lyers, L. Newton, insurance 74 Synum, Robert Lee, educator 186 lyrn, Charley Hall, hardware mer- chant 389 lyrn, William M., farmer ....242 lyrne, Thomas Sebastian, Catholic bishop 407 lyrns, Joseph W., congressman 407 C Jage, Harry Hayes, railroad agent. . .288 'age, Louise Mitchell, educator 407 lain, Walter, journalist 288 Jaldwell, Albert S., insurance 50 Jaldwell, Albert S., investment banker 288 ,'aldwell, D. J., attorney-general 557 ■Jaldwell, David Moore, farmer 459 Jaldwell, James Adelbert, lawyer... 50 laldwell, Robert Arthur, farmer. ... 373 .Jaldwell, Samuel Houston, retired physician 472 Jaldwell, Thomas B., real estate de.aler 288 Jaldwell, Walter Cochran, lawyer... 547 ; Jaldwell, William Addison, banker.. 186 Jaldwell, William A., business man.. 265 Jaldwell, Winfield M., physician. .. .239 Jalhoun, Joseph P., clergyman 213 Jalhoun, Tyler, civil engineer, jew- eler 408 Jalkins, Sidney Pratt, wholesale broker 288 Callahan, George W., railroad builder 213 [jallaway, Luke Lea, farmer, stock raiser 80 Jambron, Ely Lewis, minister 573 Jameron, Joseph Thompson, miller.. 565 j'ameron, Robert T., lawyer 50 •Jameron, Walter M., public official .. 525 'amp, Eldad Cicero, lawyer, coal op- erator 214 Campbell, David James, farmer 571 Campbell, Henry Little, physician. . .534 Campbell, James David, teacher 470 Campbell, John E., contractor 175 Campbell, Thomas H., editor 461 Campbell, Volney Sumpter, physi- cian 389 Campbell, Whit, merchant 542 Campbell, Willis C., physician 289 Canada, J. W., lawyer 289 Canada, Lucius T. M., lawyer 289 Canale, Domenico, business man 289 Cannon, Henry Ethelbert, farmer, real estate 289 Cannon, Newton, farmer, merchant. .138 Cannon, Will C., farmer, stock dealer 479 Cannon, William F., physician 20 Cantrell, B. P., business man 186 Cantrell, Julian Wendel, commercial agent S. A. L. Ry 408 Capers, Walter Branham, minister, educator 88 Capshaw, R. B., lawyer ’95 Caraway, Robert Franklin, manufac- turer 377 Carels, Joseph Stineford, public offi- cial 408 Carlock, Lafayette H., farmer 256 Carlock, Thomas Ward, farmer 256 Carmichael, James H., merchant . . . .258 Carmichael, N. B., farmer 258 Carnes, Samuel T., business man. . . .289 Carnes, William Watts, insurance .. 290 Carney, Peyton Whitfield, minister .. 530 Caro, Alvis J., merchant 240 Carpenter, Daniel A., manufacturer. .214 Carr, Horace Maynard, lawyer 164 Carr, James B., jeweler 408 Carre, Henry Beach, educator 408 Carrier, Charles Frank, manufac- turer 127 Carriger, James A., lawyer 379 Carroll, Charles Thomas, minister ... 379 Carroll, Thomas B., public official . . . 186 Carroll, William H., lawyer 290 Caruthers, Albert B., business man.. 291 Carson, Charles Clifton, minister.... 29 Carson, William Waller, civil en- gineer 214 Carter, Hubert, traveling salesman. .239 Carter, Mathew E., wholesale grocer 291 Carter, N. Giles, banker 540 Carter, Thomas Coke, bshop 580 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE (iJ-2 Carter, William Martin, lawyer .... 250 Cary, Hunsdon, lawyer 291 Cary, Rhea Preston, lawyer 292 Case, Halbert Brigham, lawyer 50 Case, Ward Roland, lawyer 195 Casey, Eugene, lawyer 7 Casey, William W., public official. .206 Cassetty, James, coal merchant 409 C'assady, John E., lawyer 259 Cate, Horace Nelson, jurist 461 Cates, Chas. T., Jr., attorney-general and reporter of state 215 Cates, John W., postmaster 458 Cates, Willis J., planter 542 Catlett, William Albert, physician . . 504 Caton, Daniel Spencer, farmer 569 Caton, Thomas, farmer 98 Caudle, Jesse Benton, farmer 494 Cawthon, James F., farmer 260 Cecil, Batey, lawyer 182 Chambers, Henry A., lawyer 51 Chambers, Paul, lawyer 292 Chambers, William Patton 580 Chambliss, Alexander W., lawyer. ... 51 Chambliss, James Carroll, banker... 12 Chambliss, R. M., banker 32 Chambliss, Samuel M., lawyer 51 Chandler, Percy Scott, lawyer 385 Chandler, Walter Clift, lawyer 292 Chandler, William P., city judge... 215 Chapman, David Carpenter, druggist . 215 Chappell, Edwin B., editor 409 Chase, Isaac Alonzo, real estate dealer 292 Chattin, Edward Walter, nursery- man 573 Cheek, Leslie, merchant, banker. .. .409 Chenault, Charles C., farmer, stock raiser 148 Cherry, William C., lawyer 409 Chighizola, George L., public official. 292 . Childers, Ben, lawyer 485 Childers, Gracey, business man 74 Chiles, J. T., merchant 466 Chisam, Charles Oliver, educator ... .479 Chisom, Charles Oliver, educator. .. .479 Christian, Jones Wesley, farmer. ... 173 Chumbley, William W., farmer 269 Churchill, Charles N., real estate. . . .292 Cisco, Jay Guy, journalist 409 Clagett, Horatio, banker 46 Clagett, Robert Horatio, editor 46 Claiborne, John H., retired merchant. 240 Claiborne, William B., farmer 32 Claiborne, William Sterling, minister. SOS Clapp, Aubrey B., business man .... 293 1 Clark, Gordentia Waite, teacher. .. .485! Clark, Gordentia Waite, farmer ...564 Clark, Mica jah Henry, tobacconist.. 75, Clark, Rufus Anthony, teacher 5731 Clark, M. Eugene, insurance 293: Clark, Mark J., real estate 293 ! Clarke, George Herbert, educator. . .409 Clarke, William Lowe, teacher 552 ! Claxton, Philander P., educator 216 Clay, Thomas Eakin, educator 138, Cleage, William B., public official... 51 Clearry, Peter J. A., retired U. S. A. officer 52 Clemens, William Marshall, news- paper manager 293 Cliffe, Daniel Bonaparte, physician. . 139 Clift, Moses A., lawyer 52 Cline, George Washington, lawyer... 102 Cline, Joseph S., public official 102 Clopton, Abner Theodore, physician . . 373 Clouse, John W., postmaster 154 Cloyd, John Dunwoody, surveyor .... 372| Coate, P. Sterling, cotton merchant.. 0m Cobb, Charles Henry, lawyer 557 Cobble, Lewis M., lawyer .372]! Coble, James A., public official 558? Coble, John D., farmer 514] Coble, Thomas Jacob, physician 515{ Cochran, Francis Trigg, banker. . . .294? Cochran, John F., physician .......294] Cochran, Thomas N. physician 547 Cochrane, Harden Perkins, physician . 139 Cock, William Samuel, physician. ... 25 Cockroft, Stansil L., lawyer 294 Coe, Harry Lee, lawyer 245 : Coffman, Daniel M., lawyer, editor.. 496: Coffman, R. J., physician 572 Cohen, C. Davega, insurance 410 : Cohen, Iser Peter, jobber, manufac- turer 410 Cohn, Julius Joseph, insurance 52 ! Cohn, Robert, cotton merchant 294 Cohn, Walter H., lawyer 52 Colburn, Webster J., park commis- sioner 53 Cole^ Isaac E., farmer 512 Cole, Jasper E., public official 569! Cole, Thomas D., merchant 10 Cole, Whitford R., manufacturer 410 Coleman, Lewis M., lawyer 53 Coleman, Sol., merchant 294 Coley, William H., druggist 373 GENERAL INDEX Collier, Harris T., physician and sur- geon 262 Collier, Thomas Barksdale, lawyer... 295 Collier, William Armistead, lawyer . . 295 Collins, Christ C., lawyer 127 Collins, Edward E., physician 88 Collins, Emma Pauline, librarian .... 186 Collins, William Flowers, retired farmer 206 Collins, W. T., druggist 522 Colmore, Robert Lionel, comissary . . 508 Coltart, Harry Gordon, railroad ticket agent 295 Coltharp, Robert Dudley, banker .... 562 Compton, Robert Haywood, public of- ficial 472 Conatser, Orion Clemens, lawyer... 377 Conger, Sion Iliff, buyer for Uni- versity of the South 508 Conley, Robert Lee, educator 19 Connolly, Michael W., journalist .... 295 Conner, Ed Dougherty, police chief.. 216 Converse, James Booth, minister .... 379 Cook, Henry Howe, lawyer 139 Cook, William Loch, jurist 47 Cooke, Robert Burch, lawyer 53 Cooley, James Tilford, physician .... 566 Coonrod, Elinor, lawyer 53 Cooper, Henry T., lawyer 216 Cooper, James William, lawyer 103 Cooper, John S., lawyer 547 Cooper, John Steel, miller 490 Cooper, Samuel H., public official. . .296 Cooper, William, business man 276 Cooper, William Duncan lumberman. 385 F Cooper, W. D., public official 39 Copeland, Hardy, minister 410 Copeland, William Brownlow, farmer .- 569 Corbah, B. J., farmer, merchant.... 97 Cordes, Victor A., real estate dealer, lawyer 296 Cornatzer, John N., railroad agent.. 296 Cornelius, Benjamin Franklin, un- dertaker 410 Cornick, Howard, lawyer 216 Gotten, Leon DeCasto, physician 526 Cotton, James Thomas, minister. ... 41 Counts, Walter James, lawyer 53 Covington, Richard, merchant 389 Cowan, George L., farmer 140 Cowan, Henry Bryson, fire under- writer 515 Cowan, Mahlon S., farmer 29 613 Cowan, William Guy, hardware mer- chant 133 Cowden, John B., minister 265 Cowley, Dufie Dillion, business mail. 206 Cowthon, William Lawrence, banker. 456 Cox, James B., lawyer 200 Cox, James M., public official 42 Cox, John Worley, physician and sur- gean 201 Cox, Nicholas Nicols, ex-congress- man 140 Cox, Richard L., farmer 260 Cox, Wiley Jones, druggist 296 Cox, Williston Madison, lawyer 216 Cox, W. W., druggist 25 Crabtree, W. R., insurance 53 Craft, Henry, lawyer 296 Craig, Edward Burr, insurance 54 Crain, John Head 296 Crawford, James Thomas, real estate. 107 Crawford, West J., publisher 297 Crawford, William Ethelbert, retired business man 522 Creatli, J. H., public official 297 Crenshaw, Thomas B., public official. 297 Cresop, N. A., public official 547 Crichlow, James H., general insur- ance 390 Crick, Sanford Monroe, public offi- cial 390 Crigler, W. L., farmer, surveyer 515 Crockett, Robert Hugh, lawyer 140 Crockett, Sidney Scales, physician. .411 Crockett, William M., physician. .. .460 Crooke, Charles Walter, educator... 81 Crosby, Harry H., banker 297 Crosthwaite, George Edgar, public official 242 Crow, John William, miller 152 Crowder, James Napoleon, teacher.. 84 Crowell, Ernest W., lawyer 485 Crowell, William Henry, lawyer 515 Crownover, Arthur, lawyer 573 Crox, William Harrison, farmer.... 47 Crump, Dabney Hull, cotton mer- chant 297 Crump, Edward Hull, mayor 297 Crump, Frank Millington, cotton- merchant 297 Cruze, Alvin Ellis, business man... 273 Cullorn, Marvin McTyeire, physician. 411 Cullum, John M., physician 133 Culp, Robert Lewis, public official. . .485 Culvahouse, James P., farmer 131 Cummins, John Taylor, traveling salesman 260 ) who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE (ill Cimninggim, Jesse L., teacher 411 Cunningham, Sumner Archibald, jour- nalist 411 Curell, Randal, banker 411 Currier, John M., accountant 217 Curry, Albert Bruce, minister 298 Curry, John Cox, farmer 459 Curtis, Charlie C., teacher 273 Curtis, Finley P., farmer 37 Curtis, John D., pharmacist 33 D Dabbs, John P., physician 173 Dabney, Charles Clarence, insurance. 411 Dalinke, George, business man 558 Dale, William Bryan, public official . 44 Dale, William Calvin, hardware dealer 134 Daly, Thomas Edward, merchant, banker 486 Dance, John R., farmer 547 Daniel, James David, physician 254 Daniel, James Franklin, farmer 566 Daniel, John, educator 411 Daniel, John Newton, farmer 106 Daniel, Robert W., commercial agent. 298 Danley, William L., G. P. A 412 Daniel, William T., Jr., lumberman. . 173 Dann, Jese Lyman, manufacturer ... 552 Darden, William Henry, merchant. .555 Darnall, James F., physician 466 Darnell, Rowland, lumber dealer ....298 Davant, Arthur R., railroad agent . . .298 Da vant, James Steel, commissioner. .298 Davidson, Ben Frank, general mer- chant 568 Davison, Hardy Carlton, farmer 126 Davidson, J. W 121 Daviess, Marie Thompson, writer. .412 Davies, Olney David, business man. .412 Davis, Asa Leroy, contractor, builder 483 Davis, Ewin L., jurist 552 Davis, Frank W., wliarfmaster 298 Davis, Henry Edwards, pharmacist, teacher 299 Davis, James Henderson, banker. . . .102 Davis, James W., physician 576 Davis, John P., lawyer 538 Davis, Joseph N., farmer 569 Davis, Lucas E., farmer 39 Davis, Powhatan, banker 542 Davis, Thomas Henry, minister 121 Davis, Thomas L., grain dealer'. 299 Davis, William C., public official. .. 299 Davis, William I., lawyer 538 j Daws, George B., minister, publisher. 276 Dawson, Charles Clark, public offi- cial 122 Day, Isaac Butler, retired minister .. 168 Day, James Alexander, public offi- cial 538 I Deaderick, Arthur V., proprietor of summer resort 556 Deaderick, Chalmers, physician and surgeon 217 Deaderick, Henry McDowell, scenic photographer 556 Deaderick, James William, farmer.. 126 Deakins, Moses Easterly, surveyor. .119 Dean, Ephraim A., postmaster 27 Dean, James Thomas, banker 107 | Deason, James Rankin, lawyer 547 j Deery, James E., farmer . .515 | De Haven, David William, lawyer... 299 De Jarnatt, John Watson, stock trader .’ 390 De Loach, Alfred B., physician 299 Delozier, George L., farmer 27 Deming, Madison Monroe, farmer... 168 De Moss, Thomas H., farmer, magis- trate 12 Denney, George Walter, editor ....217 Dennis, Richard S., farmer 146 Dennison, F. L., teacher, farmer . ... 548 Denny, Collins, minister 412 Denny, Daniel, coal operator 164 Denton, Herseliel Johnson, lawyer. . . 54 Derryberry, Thomas Jefferson, drug- gist 46 DeWitt, John H., lawyer 413 DeZevallos, Charles Hector, business man 413 Dibrell, Frank, public official 413 J Dickerson, Mrs. W. R 261 Dickey, Isaac T., farmer 168 Dickinson, Jacob McGavock, lawyer. 413 j, Dickson, B. V., physician 98 Dickson, John S., lumberman 300 Dickson, John W., wholesale lumber manufacturer 300 Diehl, Charles Edward, minister .... 75 J Dies, Thomas, real estate agent 300 j Diggs, Pleasant James, farmer 472 Dillard, Benjamin .Joel, jeweler 245 >1 Dillard, John W., cotton factor 300 j Dinwiddie, David Malcolm, farmer.. 548 j Dinwiddie, Madison B., farmer 262 Dismuke, William Marshall, hotel proprietor 558 GENERAL INDEX 615 Disney, 'William Buchanan, public of- ficial 84 Dixon, Miles J., lawyer 146 Doak, Hubert P., physician and sur- goen 555 Dodds, Benjamin Claud, physician. . 154 Dodds, Lloyd Douglas, hotel pro- prietor 512 Dodson, A. R., banker 176 Donaldson, Aubrey Albert, physi- cian, druggist 548 Donaldson, John Thomas, farmer.... 44 Donaldson, Lauchlan, Sr., retired law- yer and banker 542 Donaldson, Robert Cleveland, lawyer. 542 Donaldson, William Jay, lawyer. . . .217 Donnell, Ridley Edward, banker ... .414 Donnelly, Hugh A., lawyer 383 Donnelly, Joseph Smith, physician ... 519 Donnelly, Robert P., educator 383 Donoho, Charles Hayden, physician and surgeon 114 Dorion, Edward Hill, business man. .300 Dorris, Edmond H., physician 25 Dorris, George Milton, physician... 25 Dorris, Thomas Franklin, farmer... 25 Dorsey, Albert Lee, lawyer 530 Dortch, William Turner, real estate. 75 Doss, William Hughes, minister . . . .246 Dossett, John W., farmer 570 Doty, H. Walter, lawyer 54 Doughty, George W., tobacconist 158 Douglass, Charles S., teacher 148 Douglas, Lee, lawyer 414 Douglass, John, Sr., lawyer 458 Douglass, Richard R., cotton factor. 301 Douglass, Willis Burchett, planter, Drane, John M., lawyer 457 miller 533 Dowdy, Earl H., farmer 21 Dowdy, James Franklin, merchant... 21 Dowell, Lee Townsend, public offi- cial 530 Downey, William Henry, farmer. .. .173 Downing, Richard Vaughan, farmer. 99 Dozier, Enoch, merchant, banker... 12 Dozier, Tennie Pinkerton, Mrs 140 Drake, Love Jones, Mrs., public reader 186 Drake, Alice Louise, librarian 186 Drake, Boyd F., educator 414 Draper, Robert Garland, lawyer .... 146 Drennan, John Calvin, clothing mer- chant 134 Drew- Charles M., wholesale grocer. 301 Drinnon, Alf. Taylor, public official. .521 Dromgoole, Will Allen, author 414 Drummond, John W., jurist 217 DuBose, Horace Mellard, minister. . .414 DuBose, J. H., manufacturer 301 DuBose, William Haskell, minister, educator 508 DuBose, William Porcher, thelogian . . 508 Duckworth, William L., minister. ... 33 Dudley, Charles Brown, wholesale lumber business 301 Dudley, William Lofland, educator. .415 Duffy, J., Catholic priest 574 Duggan, Solon Snethen, physician ... 125 Duggan, Wilson L., lawyer 504 Dugger, Oscar Milton, editor and pub- lisher 156 Duke, Buford, court stenographer. .. 415 Dulaney, Benjamin Lewis, financier.. 29 Dulaney, Fow Wesley, manager Hotel Planter 201 Dungan, I. H., real estate 176 Dungan, James A., horticulturist . . . 152 Dunlap, Margaret S., librarian 54 Dunlap, Pressley S., farmer 263 Dunlap, William A., public official. .415 Dunlap, W. E., farmer 176 Dunlap, W. M., public official 176 Dunn, John William, physician 555 Dunn, Samuel Houston, lawyer 544 Dunscomb, John S., insurance 301 Dupree, Donaldson Irvin, dentist.... 33 Dupree, Nolen Read, merchant 33 Durham, Jeff, farmer 75 Dutro, E. W., postmaster 301 Dwiggins, James Polk, stock farmer. 478 Dyer, William E., public official. ... 554 E Early, E. S., merchant 461 Early, William Cole, wholesale grocer 302 Earnest, Nicholas Peter, farmer.... 72 Earthman, Vernon K., physician and surgeon 390 Easley, Ernest, banker 113 Easley, James Thomas, banker 258 East, Joseph Richard, carpenter, ma- chinist 240 Eastman, Charles Hazen, insurance. .415 Eastman, Corinne Gleaves, teacher.. 415 Eastman, Joel W., lawyer 54 Eaves, J. B., farmer 109 Eckell, Herbert Odas, editor 505 (ill) who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE Edgerton, Howard King, physician . .246 Edgerton, John Emmett, teacher .... 88 Edgington, Jesse, jurist 302 Edgington, Thomas Benton, lawyer. 302 Edmiston, Sue Ella Greer 478 Edmiston, William Campbell, farmer, shipper 478 Edmondson, George Keeling, farmer. 520 Edrington, John Price, insurance. ... 302 Edwards, Arthur Washington, farmer 24 Edwards, Charles Pender, physican. .130 Edwards, R. E., cotton buyer 373 Einsel, E. D., farmer 390 Elam, James J., insurance 88 Elder, John Sanders, insurance 75 Elgin, Frank Sanders, public official. 302 Elkins, Robert Asa, lawyer 117 Ellett, Edward C., physician 303 Elliott, Edward S., public accountant and auditor 303 Elliott, Sarah Bull Barnwell, writer. 509 Ellis, Henry H., teacher 373 Ellis, Joseph Desha, Jr., farmer 107 Ellis, Robert R., wholesale druggist. 303 Ellsworth, Elmer Ellis, city official. 201 Elmore, William, farmer 276 Elrod, James Paschal, merchant 72 Ely, John Anderson, cotton factor. . .303 Embry, Watts F., business man. .... 88 Emerson, John William, railroad mail service 269 Emery, Samuel C., weather fore- caster 303 Emison, James Wesley, public offi- cial 7 Emmons, Nathaniel H., engineer of mines 96 England, James A., lawyer Ill Enloe, Benjamin Augustine, public of- ficial 187 Enochs, Maze Alexander Lafayette, physician 137 Erskine, Alexander, physician 304 Erskine, Washington Gordon, insur- ance 304 Erwin, Joseph Boyd, minister 515 Erwin, Nicholas D., farmer 533 Erwin, Will M., educator 515 Eshman, Andrew N., minister 416 Eslick, Edward Everett, banker. .. .486 Estes, Charles Nathaniel, manufac- turer 201 Estes, Joel Henry, Planter 33 Estes, Patrick Mann, lawyer 416 Estes, Samuel Albert, teacher 1....201 Estes, Zenos Newton, attorney-gen- eral 304 Estill, Floyd, lawyer 574 Evans, Charles Rountree, lawyer.... 55 Evans, Henry Clay, manufacturer... 55 Evans, Marion G., lawyer 304 Evans, Ruth Durant, lawyer 55 Evans, Thomas A., lawyer 305 Evans, Winston Gill, banker 510 Eve, Duncan, surgeon 416 Evens, Thomas Haws, farmer 132 Everett, John Edward, farmer 263 Everett, Sidney Johnson, jurist 187 Ewell, M. Watson, public official. .. 122 Ewing, Caruthers, lawyer 305 Ewing, Felix Grundy, planter 43 Ewing, John Montgomery, farmer. ..491 Ewing, Thomas Polk, farmer 70 Ewing, Y\ illiam James, newspaper man 416 F Fair, Oscar Monroe, lawyer 55 Fairbanks, W. W., attorney-general. 265 Tallin, James R., merchant 99 Falls, James N., business man 305 Falls, John W., investments 305 lanz, Ignaz, packer, dealer in meats. 217 Fargason, John T., merchant, cotton factor 305 Farley, John William, lawyer 300 Farley, Susannah E., postmaster .... 572 Farmer, Arthur, merchant 183 Farnsworth, Charles Francis, cotton business 300 Farrar, Frederic Emerson, music composer and teacher 410 Farrar, Lucius A., teacher, farmer.. ,516 Farrar, Robert Lee, miller and farmer 337 Farrington, William Martin, retired merchant and banker 306 Farthing, David Jesse, merchant, and farmer 37 Faucett, P. H., physician 548 Faulkner, Walter Sanders, attorney- general .'.246 Faust, Thomas Emmett, lawyer 239 Faute, William Taylor, physician. . .249 Faw, Walter Wagner, lawyer 141 Faxon, Finley W., real estate 306 Faxon, John Wellington, retired banker 55 GENERAL INDEX 617 Featlierston, Samuel S., superinten- dent of education 161 Felknor, Andrew- McFerrin, farmer. . 105 Felsentlial, Joseph, merchant 33 Fentress, David, lawyer 306 Fentress, Francis, public official 307 Ferger, J. Fred, real estate, insur- ance 56 Ferguson, Elry A., banker 162 Ferrell, T. C., undertaker 176 Fike, .James Emerson, farmer 109 Finley, Spence Lamb, real estate dealer 307 Finney, James Imboden, editor 89 Finney, Newton Jefferson, educator. 263 Finney, Oliver Floyd, business man . . 564 Fisher, F. B., banker 187 Fisher, Hubert Frederick, lawyer... 307 Fisher, Jacob Nelson, banker 379 Fisher, James Humphrey, banker... 307 Fisher, James Nelson, lawyer 42 Fisher, Oscar Bell, lumberman 378 Fisher, Robert Joseph, manufacturer. 15 Fite, Frank Green, insurance 417 Fite, Leonard Beard, commission business 417 Fite, Robert Hunter, insurance 417 Fitzgerald, Oscar Penn, M. E. bishop. 417 Fitzgerald, William Stone, educator. 553 Fitzhugh, Guston Thomas, lawyer... 307 Flanary, David L., physician and sur- geon 122 Fleming, Martin A., lawyer 56 Flenniken, Michael F., insurance. ... 218 Fletcher, Andrew Jackson, lawyer... 81 Fletcher, John Storrs, lawyer 56 Fletcher, Robert Samuel, banker ... .187 Flippen, James H., merchant 99 Flournoy, John Walker, public offi- cial 486 Flowers, W. H., business man 307 Flowers, W. V., educator 417 Floyd, Archibald C., journalist. .... .308 Floyd, John D., minister 516 Fly, D. Wilson, merchant 30S Folk, Edgar Estis, editor 417 Folk, Reau Estes, journalist 418 Follis, David James, public official. .486 Foltz, Henry Douglas, public official. 492 Foltz, Frank X., manufacturer 176 Foltz, Howard -T., manufacturer 177 Fonde, Henry, railroad agent 218 Fooshee, George W., broker 308 Fooshee, Joseph Crockett, teacher ... 108 Ford, John, farmer 398 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, business man 308 Forrest, Walter, hardware merchant. 33 Fort, Allen, minister 56 Fort, Charles Henry, farmer 7 Fort, Dancey, lawyer 76 Fort, Joel Battle, lawyer 7 Foster, Elias Gason, lawyer 182 Foster, James Andrew, lawyer 25 Foster, Levi, farmer 495 Foster, Robert Verrell, minister 246 Foster, Sanders, lawyer 182 Foster, Wilbur Fisk, civil engineer. . .418 Foust, David Thompson, farmer, sur- veyor 171 Foust, James Leonidas, lawyer 57 Fowler, James Alexander, lawyer ...218 Fowlkes, Henry Pleasant, lawyer. ... 141 Fowler, Hilliam F., dentist 156 Fowlkes, James F., postmaster 567 Fowlkes, Jeptha M., business man.. 308 Fox, Claude Porterfield, physician. . 156 Fox, Horace D., lawyer 218 Fox, N. G. T., farmer 218 Fox, Otis G., farmer 146 Fox, Walter Dennis, editor and author 553 Fox, William Davis, banker 250 Francis, Elmer Ellsworth, physician. 308 Francisco, Aaron Jacob, farmer 538 Frank, Abe H., cotton factor 309 Frank, Sadie A., teacher 418 Franklin, James C., insurance 418 Franklin, Jesse, farmer, banker 38 Frantz, Frank Flavius, teacher 418 Frazer, Ceylon B., real estate 309 Frazier, James B., lawyer 57 Freas, William Henry, banker, farmer 525 Freed, Arvy Glenn, educator 168 Freeman, Eunice Cyrus, physician and surgeon 486 Freeman, Thomas Harvey, farmer.. 385 French, George Decator, minister. . .380 Friedel, P. R., lumber dealer 309 Frierson, Gordon, lawyer 309 Frierson, Horace, Jr., attorney-gen- eral ‘ 242 Frierson, John B., lumber merchant. 516 Frierson, William Guy, physician. .. .516 Frierson, William Little, lawyer 57 Frost, James Marion, minister 419 Frost, John T., retired banker and manufacturer 309 618 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Goodwyn, E. D., business man 313 Frost, William Alexander, editor and publisher 516 Fry, Harold Jackson, merchant and farmer 534 Fry, John W., banker 89 Fry, Joseph H., farmer, merchant. . .534 Fugate, James T., lawyer 539 Fulkerson, Frances Marion, farmer. .498 Fulkerson, Peter Graham, lawyer. . . .539 Fullerton, Henry Thomas, physician. 207 Fults, Jefferson D., lawyer 545 Fussell, Joe H., lawyer 89 Fuqua, J. Ben, lawyer 567 Fyke, Benjamin Foster, physician. . . .530 G Gage, William A., cotton factor. .. .310 Gailor, Thomas Frank, bishop 310 Gaines, John Westley, lawyer 419 Gaisford, John, architect 310 Galbraith, Frank W., civil engineer, postmaster 198 Gallaher, George Hamilton, farmer ..468 Gallaher, William Franklin, farmer.. 571 Gallien, John W., educator 569 Galloway, Alexander Brodnax, law- yer . ‘ 310 Galloway, Jacob Scudder, lawyer .... 310 Galloway, R., coal operator 311 Galloway, William Thomas, farmer.. 89 Gambill, John B., public official 97 Gamble, Alexander Marion, farmer, teacher 273 Gant, William Washington, farmer.. 517 Gardner, James Robert, lawyer 201 Gardenhire, James M., jurist 579 Gardner, William Montgomery, civil engineer 311 Garner, Clair Herbert, lawyer ,545 Garner, William M., merchant 18 Garnsey, Cyrus, J., business man. . . .311 Garrett, Finis J., congressman 117 Garrett, Isaac Levi, physician 196 Garrett, James Lafayette, public offi- cial ' 196 Garrett, James Monroe, public offi- cial 492 Garrett, John Berry, grand secretary F. & A. M '.419 Garrison, Abraham Lincoln, farmer, real estate 103 Gaston, John, business man 311 Gates, Benjamin F., physician 81 Gates, Elias, lawyer 311 Gaudin, William John, general mer- chant 196 Gaut, John McReynolds, lawyer ... .419 Gaw, Roscoe C., public official 146 Gentry, Susie, patriotic worker 141 : Gentry, Watson Meredith, physician and surgeon 142 Gerber, Charles A., merchant 312 Gerren, John M., teacher and editor. 545 Gibbs, George A., public official 558 Gibson, Henry Richard, lawyer 218 Gibson, James A., public official . . . .270 Guldens, Robert M., minister 7 Giddings, Frederick A., lawyer 57 Giesler, A. J., farmer and trader ... 24 Gilbert, Robert William Henry, law- yer 130 Gilbreath, Sidney Gordon, educator.. 57 Gillespie, Allen Alexander, real estate dealer 312 j| Gilliland, Eugene, educator 419 Gilliland, Frank, farmer, merchant. .464 Gilliland, Fletcher M., business man. 312 Given, Thomas Monroe, farmer. .. .254 Glass, Thomas Elisha, merchant. ... 188 Glenn, James Lyle, retired banker... 76 Glenn, Leonidas Chalmers, geologist. .420 Glover, Alexander S., real estate.... 57 Goad, John Robbins, public official. . 183 Goddard, Andrew, retired publisher. .274 ] Goddard, Elmer Fernando, teacher ... 505 j Goddard, James Andrew, real estate, insurance 274 Godsey, William Clinton, farmer .... 108 Godwin, John Robert, retired banker. 312 Godwin, Robert Allen, real estate op- erator 312 !| Golden, LI. M., public official 558 Goldston, William Alexander, farmer 495 Goltman, Max, physician 312 | Gooch, John Robert, merchant 154 || Goodbar, James Monroe, manufac- turer 313 j| Goodlett, Caroline Douglas Meri- wether .420 Goodloe, Agreill Ellis, physician. .. .391 Goodloe, Hallum W., public official. 420 Goodman, Louis Edward, wholesale grocer 165 Goodman, Walter, manufacturer . . . 313 Goodner, David Milton, physician .... 134 Goodpasture, Albert Virgil, editor, author 421 GENERAL INDEX 619 Gates, Robert, journalist 188 Goosman, Fred, watchmaker 522 Gore, Charles C., lawyer 256 Gore, Denton Lemuel, teacher Ill Gore, John J., lawyer 42 Gordon, George Washington, con- gressman 313 Gordon, Thomas Cage, lawyer 123 Gordon, William B., lawyer 90 Gordon, William Osceola, farmer .... 548 Goss, Thomas Seattle, dentist 127 Gossett, C. Columbus, public official. .219 Gossett, Dorsey, farmer 262 Gossett, William, lumber dealer 43 Gracey, Julien Frank, insurance.... 76 Gracy,, Brainerd B., physician 520 Grady, Noah Hamilton, insurance. ... 58 Graenicher, Emil, postmaster 376 Graham, Edgar Jones, farmer 480 Graham, Frank Daniel, merchant. . . .313 Graham, John Patton, educator 104 Grant, Edward M., banker 380 Gray, Charlie Oliver, minister, edu- ■ cator 156 Gray, John M., Jr., merchant, manu- facturer 421 Gray, Joseph Alexander, Jr., teacher. 567 Gray, Joseph Preston, dentist 421 Gray, Malcolm Russell, teacher 567 Gray, Russell H., educator 17 Gray, Wiley Willis, farmer 576 Greaves, William Francis, Sr., mer- chant, planter 34 Greaves, William Francis, Jr., lawyer, physician 34 Green, Edward E., banker 142 Green, E. J., lawyer 466 Green, Nathan, educator 246 Green, Richard Henry, newspaper man 99 Green, Robert Wilson, lawyer ..... .270 Green, William Edgar, merchant .... 246 Green, Grafton, jurist 421 Greenwood, Albert, merchant 219 Greer, Green B., farmer 39 Greer, James A., lawyer 259 Greer, James M., lawyer 314 Greer, John Allen, lawyer 255 Greer, Rowan A., lawyer 314 Gregory, Thomas J., manufacturer. . . 95 Griffin, Charles Ewing, merchant. . . .188 Griffin, Franklin Hall, farmer 543 Griffin, J. E., farmer 151 Griffin, Richard Watson, physician. . 543 Griffith, James R., public official. . . .183 Griffith, James Turk, planter 131 Griffitts, Jacob Lafayette, minister. .120 Grigsby, H. M., druggist, banker ... .486 Grissam^ Clyde, lawyer 263 Grooms, Zebulon W., dealer in live stock 161 Grosvenor, (Mrs.) Olivia Bolls 314 Grubb, Jacob L., merchant 21 Grubb, Peter Jasper, farmer 110 Guild, George Blackmore, lawyer. . . .421 Guille, Charles Ruble, farmer 470 Guinn, Jesse H., farmer 110 Guinn, Joel Franklin, farmer, min- ister 481 Gunther, M. H., cotton buyer 314 Gupton, John Jerome, farmer 456 Guthrie, George, Nuckols 148 Guthrie, George Nuckols, Jr., dentist . 95 Guthrie, Walker D., merchant 257 Guthrie, William Norman, educator. .509 H Haaga, Joseph Albert, lawyer 314 Haase, Charles J., insurance, banker. 314 Hacker, Newton, lawyer 204 Hackworth, Charles L., physician. . . .525 Haggard, Fred G., lawyer 496 Hale, Isaac Thomas, accountant .... 398 Hale, Joseph S., farmer 492 Hale, Nathan W., nurseryman, mer- chant 219 Hale, W. J., merchant 166 Hale, W. Powell, impersonator 198 Hale, William Thomas, journalist, author 422 Hall, Allen Garland, lawyer 422 Hall, Dupree Meriwether, physician and surgeon 314 Hall, Frank Palmer, lawyer, jurist. . . 117 Hall, George Wallace, financial agent. 271 Hall, Harry Samuel, lawyer 219 Hall, John Fielder, lawyer 253 Hall, R. M., lawyer . ‘ 123 Hall, Samuel B., physician 84 Hall, William, banker 149 Hall, William B., physician, educator . 509 Halliburton, Wesley, investor 315 Halliday, William Parker, miner, farmer 315 Hamblen, Annie Wray, educator .... 422 Hamblet, J. G., merchant 276 Hamby, William A., lawyer ...103 Hamil'l, Howard M., Sunday School specialist 422 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE (i 20 Hamilton, Marion Clay, merchant. .457 Hamlett, B. Frank, farmer, tobacco inspector 77 Hammer, Joel II., merchant 305 Hammond, John Dennis, church sec- retary 142 Hammond, Lily Hardy, author 142 Hampton, Edward Lee, business man. 422 Hannah, Harvey Horatio, lawyer. . . .468 Hanner, MeReynolds, mayor 77 Hannum, Frank H., manufacturer. . .556 Hanson, Charles C., business man. . . .315 Hanson, Henry P„ printer 315 Harbert, Lafayette L., public official. 501 Hardeman, Nicholas Brodie, educator. 168 Hardemon, William D., miner 490 Hardin, Martin L., educator 39 Hardin, Martin Luther, farmer 481 Llardison, Joe B., dentist 250 Hardison, Samuel Thompson, physi- cian 351 Hardy, Lewis Rogers, business man. .315 Hargrove, John Andrew, merchant. . .465 Harkleroad, Andrew C., public official 30 Harmon, Dana, jurist 157 Harned, Perry L., state high school inspector 77 Harper, Samuel L., public official. ... 12 Harper, Thomas Munsey, physician. .114 Harrelson, W. LI., lawyer 316 Harris, Albert Mason, educator 423 Harris, Cummings, physician 316 Harris, .Jesse M., lawyer 521 Harris, Mrs. L. H., writer 423 Harris, Russell Curtis, physician .... 149 Harris, Thomas C., farmer, stock raiser 21 Harrison, James R., banker 374 Harsh, George, lawyer 316 Harsh, Thomas W., lawyer 316 Hart, Robert Davis, railroad agent. .567 Harts, William Wright, U. S. A. offi- cer 423 Harvey, Charles Henry, business man 219 Harwell, Lorenzo Burr, banker 144 Harwell, Lorenzo Burr, merchant ...144 Harwood, B. F., farmer, stock breeder 548 Harwood, R. N., dentist 123 Harwood, Thomas Everett, jurist. ... 548 Harwood, Samuel N., county attor- ney 424 Haskins, Edward T., physician 457 Llaston, Ernest N., public official. . . .528 Hatcher, George Edward, physician and surgeon 424 Haun, Floyd Edwin, banker ’220 Harm, Thomas Nelson, hay and grain dealer 376 Haun, Wilson Y., lawyer 316 Hausholder, James A., colporteur. . . .479 Havener, Joseph B., physician 551 Hawk, Hiram Decator, merchant, farmer 22 Hawes, Robert Rush, merchant, public official 577 Hawes, Samuel Percy, minister 90 Hayes, Henry Clay, farmer, trader. . .184 Hays, William P., public official 58 Haynes, H. H 579 Haynes, John Langford, undertaker. 112 Haynes, Richard Edgar, Jr., lawyer. . 90 Haynes, W. L., merchant 517 Haynes, W. R., retired merchant and banker 391 Haywood, Egbert Pressley Cullen, physician 97 Haywood, James Glasgow, physician. 579 Healy, Robert Wallace, business man. 58 Heard, James Houston, public official. 120 Hearn, Isham F., music teacher 169 Heikens, Ben I., farmer 112 Heislcell, Carrick White, lawyer 316 Heiskell, Frederick Hugh, chancellor. 316 ILeiskell, Lucius Lamar, public offi- cial .317 Heiskell, S. G., public official 220 Hellen, Robert Ernest, physician, druggist 491 Helm, George Eckel, manufacturer. .220 Helm, William B., physician 571 Henderson, Albert Pendleton, whole- sale grocer 202 Henderson, B. R., business man 317 Henderson, Clifford Cotesworth, ed- itor, publisher 391 Llenderson, George Lawrence, farmer. 268 Henderson, George M., lawyer, jurist. 500 Henderson, John Hughes, lawyer .... 142 Henderson, J. Victor, physician and surgeon 240 Henderson, Pleasant L., physician and surgeon 380 Henderson, Robert G., physician. .. .317 Hendrick, Robert Grundy, business man 251 Hendricks, Walter Scott, minister ... 461 Henning, Bennett G., physician 317 GENERAL INDEX 631 Tenning, D. M., physician and sur- ly geon 318 lenry, Charles William, educator. . .274 tenry, Freeland A., insurance 492 : -f lenry, Howell Meadors, teacher ... .424 (Henry, Percy Dumville, banker 465 j;j lenslee, Pitt, banker 114 -J lerford, Cyril Francis, promoter . . 540 ‘ Herman, Maxence B., physician and q. surgeon 318 ' Herring, Daniel W., lawyer 188 .Herring, Richard Grady, farmer 34 ■ Hess, Nelson Irvin, physician 19 , Hess, Walter. Scott, teacher 177 ; Hibben, Frank Van Saun, farmer... 81 Hibbett, Charles Thomas, physician '■ and surgeon 424 fliekerson, Arthur Henry, merchant. . 564 f Hickerson, Charles Frank, real estate. 553 Hickey, Robert Burns, lawyer 461 Hickman, John Pryor, lawyer 424 Hicks, John E., farmer 549 Higgins, Joseph Carrigan, jurist .... 134 Hill, A. Bruce, secretary board of education 318 Hill, Adolphus Burge, business man . . 424 Hill, H. L., farmer 118 Hill, Henry W., banker 526 Hill, Irene McNeal 26 Hill, James Preston, farmer 106 Hill, Jesse Thomas, mining engineer. 59 Hill, Joseph Spencer, physician 385 Hill, Sam E., lawyer. . . .' 220 Hill, William Lafayette, teacher ... .425 Hill, William Walter, physician.... 41 Hillsman, James Reddick, farmer .... 550 Hinds, John Iredell Dillard, educator. 425 Hines, John Henderson, wholesale lumber and timbei 318 Hines, Lewis Moore, druggist 545 Hinkle, William F., postmaster 501 Hitt^ Lewis Melvin, public official . .425 Hix, Arkley F., public official 146 I, 1 Iob&,ck, John George, mechanic 132 Hobbs, James Claiborne, lawyer 129 Hobbs, John N., minister 380 Hobson, Horace P., lawyer 522 Hobson, William Langhorne, whole- sale grocer 318 Hodge, Baxter .James, merchant . .425 Hodges, Syllus Edward, lawyer 220 Hoffa, Charles Bell, business man. . . .319 Hogan, John II., public official 59 Hogan, Lemuel Ransom, minister. . .265 Hogue, Albert R., teacher, lawyer... 196 Hogue, John Robert, lawyer 257 Holbrook, Joseph Landis, editor 118 Holcomb, Walt, minister, lecturer ... 426 Holcombe, Egbert W., merchant 376 Holderman, J. A., postmaster 99 Holding, Samuel, lawyer 90 Hollabaugh, Andrew Newton, physi- cian 426 Holladay, George Blanton, public of- cial 40 Holladay, Lake Erie, lawyer 118 Holladay, Oscar K., lawyer 95 Hollinshead, Warren Henry, teacher. 426 ILollomon, Pleas H., farmer 132 Holman, Harry Thomas, public of- ficial 319 Holman, Thomas P., physician, farmer ! 134 Holmes, George Wlntney, hotel pro- prietor 265 Holmes, V. H., lawyer 549 Holmes, William Newton, physician and surgeon 426 Holt, Andrew D., postmaster 374 Holt, James Berry, railroad agent... 266 Holt, Thomas N., farmer and trader. 391 Holt, William E., business man 319 Hood, George Tea, public official.... 20 Hooper, Ben W., governor of Ten- nessee 426 Hooper, James Newton, farmer 12 Hooper, Raymond Crawford, railroad agent 173 Hooper, Tennessee M., merchant, farmer 520 Hoover, W. H., banker 125 Hopkins, Robert Thompson, manu- facturer 426 Hoppe, George Edward, insurance. . .319 Hopper, Jefferson Davis, physician . . 189 Horn, James Adams, hotel proprietor . 175 Horner, William N., merchant, farmer 175 Hornsby, A. A., referee in bank- ruptcy 319 Hornsby, Isaac H., physician 572 Hornsby, Samuel J., farmer 481 Horton, George Elmer, business man. 564 Horton, Henry H., lawyer 574 Horton, Johnston Bright, wholesale grain dealer 319 Horton, Lucy Henderson 143 Horton, M. C., farmer 374 Hoskins, Isaac Crittenden, evangelist . 149 Hoss, Elijah Embree, bishop 427 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 622 Honk, Fred C., lawyer 221 Houk, John C., lawyer 221 Houston, James Cleveland, lawyer. . .503 Houston, Persis Daniel, dentist 251 Houston, Samuel 0., lawyer 221 Houston, William Cannon, congress- man 577 Howard, Ben J., attorney general. . . .189 Howard, Benjamin R., farmer, stock raiser 483 Howard, Samuel F., farmer 559 Howard, S. F.. teacher 177 Howard, William Alexander, min- ister 10S Howe, Harry Northrop, civil engineer. 320 Howell, Arthur Melvin, insurance .... 207 Howell, John Wesley, retired mer- chant 207 Howell, J. W., merchant 466 Howell, Robert B. C., lawyer 427 Howlett, Kirby Smith, physician. . . .143 Howse, Hilary Ewing, public official. 427 Huddleston, Felix W., business man. 171 Huddleston, Hiram Powers, dentist. .274 Hudgins, William Douglass, business man 131 Hudson, Charles Henry, civil en- gineer 221 Hudson, Henry F., physician 161 Hudson, J. T., farmer 114 Hudson, John Wesley, business man. 108 Hudson, Thaddeus E., minister 487 Hudson, W. E., hardware merchant. 391 Huffman, Ephraim Sharp, stock breeder 464 Huffman, T. L., farmer 464 Hughes, Allen, lawyer 320 Hughes, Andrew C., public official. . .539 Hughes, H. Y., jurist 539 Hughes, Madison Red, farmer, lec- turer 125 Hiding, Matthew Marshall, physi- cian 574 Hull, Cordell, lawyer 42 Hull, Ernest H., merchant 526 Hulvey, Otey Crawford, educator. . . .535 Human, Isham J., lawyer 563 Humphrey, N. B., contractor 266 Humphrey, William Lilly, lawyer. ... 81 Humphreys, Allison Battle, manufac- turer 247 Humphreys, Hugh, merchant 320 Humphreys, James Nicholson, farmer. 456 Humphreys, Samuel T., merchant. . . .137 Hunt, William F., public official .. .427 Hunt, William James, dentist 320 Hunt, W. N., public official 99 Hunter, James F., banker 320 Hunter, Robert Crouch, real estate. .202 Hurdle, W. J., miller 550 ' Hurst, Elijah S., surveyor 276 Hurt, Alden B., investor 320 Hussey, Michael Morris, merchant, manufacturer 470 Hutton, J. D., banker 517 Hyatt, Devereaux McKinnie,, farmer . 463 Hvde, Henry Jordan, teacher, mer- chant 492 Hyder, Daniel L., farmer 127 ; Hysinger, Paris Robert, physician . . . 125 I Idol, Enoch T., physician 565 Idol, Willis, physician and surgeon. 244 Ijams, Charles B., teacher 189 1 Ingersoll, Henry Hulbert, lawyer. . . .222 i| Ingram, E., merchant 26 Inman, Thomas Redis, farmer 551 ! Irion, John Witt, minister 549 Isham, Andrew Johnson, physician . . 505 j ; Ivey, Thomas Neal, minister, editor. 427 j Ivins, Eugene Ernest, lawyer 15 J Jackson, Andrew Perry, farmer, stock raiser 536 Jackson, Emerson C., farmer, stock raiser 495 Jackson, Cranberry, civil engineer. . .428 Jackson, Howell Edmunds, insurance, real estate 428 Jackson, Jesse C., farmer 544 Jackson, John A., physician 121 Jackson, John Clark, banker, farmer. 543 Jackson, John W., postmaster 90 Jackson, Monroe, merchant 202 Jackson, Nancy Wyatt 536 Jacobs, James Dallas, educator 391 Jacobs, John Wesley, public official. . 26 James, George R., manufacturer 321 Janies, Robert Nestor, banker 152 Janes, Edward Hunt, physician 392 Janes, E. W., farmer 472 Jarratt, William Vincent, minister. .428 Jarrell, J. R., banker 177 Jarvis, Eliphalet, lawyer 527 Jarvis, James Howard, educator. .. .249 Jarnagin, John Robert, merchant, farmer 537 GENERAL INDEX 6-23 Jeffries, Millard Dudley, educator. . . .19S Jenkins, James D., insurance 127 Jenkins, William Dunbar, civil en- gineer 59 Jennings, John, lawyer 199 Jennings, Joseph H., banker 477 Jernigan, A. J., larmer 28 Jernigan, V. J., physician 466 Jeter, William Jordan, merchant. . . .161 Johns, Joshua Leroy, lawyer 59 Johnson, Albert Sidney, minister. . . .189 Johnson, Albert Sidney, railroad agent 169 Johnson, Alfred D., lawyer 60 Johnson, Allen Clark, merchant 392 Johnson, Benton McMillin, traveling salesman 38 Johnson, Crockett W., educator 386 Johnson, Curtis Boyd, business man. 222 Johnson, Edwin Lee, educator 428 Johnson, Edwin Lehman, cotton seed specialist ....321 Johnson, Harry P., manufacturer. . . .321 Johnson, Jackson S., farmer 250 Johnson, Joseph A., merchant 384 Johnson, Joseph Samuel, public offi- cial 321 Johnson, Mary Hannah, librarian .... 429 Johnson, Phillip Franklin, minister. . .263 Johnson, Robertson Yeatman, farmer. 78 Johnson, Thomas Dickson, physician. 77 Johnson, Walter Collins, manufac- turer 472 Johnson, William Edgar, manufac- turer 173 Johnson, William Thomas, real estate dealer 128 Johnston, Charles D., librarian 322 Johnston, Henry Bascom, minister. . 123 Johnston, J. Hardy, farmer 81 Johnstone, Stephen H., minister.... 85 Jolly, John C., farmer 118 Jonas, Leopold, merchant 429 Jones, Alfred, physician, farmer.... 97 Jones, Amos B., educator 190 Jones, Clem J., lawyer 468 Jones, Edgar, banker 429 Jones, Heber, physician 322 Jones, Homer Iv., public accountant, auditor 322 Jones, James M., farmer, lumberman. 126 Jones, James N., farmer 102 Jones, James Taylor, physician .... 190 Jones, James Wood, farmer 26 Jones, John Grady, farmer 183 Jones, John M., farmer 470 Jones, Joseph Elmer, jurist 118 Jones, Joshua Rhett, farmer 375 Jones, Oliver King, hardware mer- chant 535 Jones, Richard Edwin, insurance. . . .266 Jones, Robert L., educator 429 Jones, Robert Lewis, real ■ estate dealer 322 Jones, Robert McFarland, farmer. . . .380 Jones, Sam H., educator 26 Jones, Shelby Ellette, minister 198 Jones, Wharton S., educator 322 Jones, William V., farmer 113 Jordan, Leland, banker 392 Judd, John Waltus, lawyer 149 Judd, William F., farmer, merchant . 9 Justice, Joseph E., lawyer 12 K Kahn, Jacob, merchant 26 Kane, Eliza.beth C., physician 322 Ivannard, William Thomas, lawyer.. 114 Ivavanaugh, L. T., sand merchant .... 322 Keathley, Rufus. Marion, merchant. .463 Keaton, James Andrew, minister. . . .374 Keeble, James R., educator 505 Keeble, John Bell, lawyer 429 Keen, Willard, lawyer 183 Keesee, John William, grocery mer- chant 78 Keffer, Charles Albert, horticulturist . 222 Kehr, Cyrus, lawyer 223 Keith, Alfred Shook, lumberman ...276 Keith, Pleasant B., farmer 574 Kelly, Frederick A., merchant, banker 154 Kelley, William B., farmer 108 Kemp, Newton Jefferson, public offi- cial 42 Kennedy, Marion Sawyer, minister. .487 Kennedy, Robert Lee, lawyer 429 Kennedy, Sara Beaumont, author, editor 323 Kennedy, William Marion, manufac- turer 323 Kennerly, Wesley Travis, lawyer. . . .223 Kern, John Adam, educator 430 Kershner, Frederick Doyle, educator. .375 Ketchum, Morgan C., lawyer 323 Key, William Neely, lawyer 190 Keyes, Joseph W., banker 323 Kiinbro, Frazar, farmer 392 Kimbrough, George Washington, farmer 540 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 6‘24 Kimbrough, Virginius, farmer 16 Kincaid, John Henry, physician ....223 Kincaid, Rufus Stephens, banker. ... 84 King, E. C., farmer 34 King, James Moore, physician 430 King, John Anderson, farmer 477 King, John Rutledge, lawyer 381 King, Mark Coleman, banker 97 King, Theo F., insurance 60 King, Thomas B., cotton merchant. .324 King, William Felix, physician ....199 King, William R., credit man 324 Kinney, William, lawyer 34 Kinsey, Malcolm Milton, contractor. .527 Kinsland, John Early, teacher 205 Kirby-Smith, Reynold M., physician. 510 Kirk, Felix 86 Kirkland, James Hampton, edu- cator 430 Kirkpatrick, R. M., merchant 197 Kirkpatrick, Samuel Sevier, lawyer. .204 Kittrell, Richard H., merchant 392 Kivett, James P., public official 539 Knight, Elijah Haynie, physician. ... 72 Knight, John Harrison, physician. . . .461 Knight, W. A., lawyer 46 Knox, Walter Eugene, railroad agent. 430 Koffman, J. H., farmer 145 Koffman, John Nathaniel, physician. 177 Ivortreeht, Alexander Humphreys, lawyer 324 Krauss, William, physician 324 Krider, Clement V., contractor 472 Kyle, Finis Porter, farmer 465 Kyle, H. G., public official 498 Kyle, Samuel James, farmer 23 Kyle, William Halliday, banker ....325 L LaCroix, William, broker 325 Lacy, John, banker 38 Lake, Richard Henry, insurance 325 Lake, Richard Pinckney, life insur- ance 325 Lamar, Abner W., minister 430 Lamax - , Andrew Jackson, minister .. .430 Lamar, C. M., farmer 11 Lambdin, Clarence W., farmer 81 Lambuth, Walter Russell, minister . .431 Lancaster, George D., lawyer 60 Lancaster - , John Lynch, civil engineer . 326 Lancaster, Thomas L., pxxblic official. 559 Lancaster, William Henry, farmer.. 258 Landis, Ab Lowe, actuary 431 Landis, John T., banker 431 Laiidritli, Ira, educator 432 Landrum, William Rufus, lawyer ... 549 Lane, Charles A., merchant 578 Lane, Charles S., public official 549 Lane, William, business maxx 432 Lanier, Powless William, lawyer.... 99 Laxxkford, Alexander H., retired busi- xxess man 473 Lansden, Dick Latta, jurist 95 Lansdexx, H. B., railroad agexxt 270 Larkin, Michael S., contractor 326 LaRue, Charles William, physiciaxx. .477 La Rue, James Alexander, physician axxd surgeoxx 487 La Rue, Samuel Bruce, bookkeeper. . 157 Latham, Thomas J., retired business man 326 Latimore, Thomas Callaway, lawyer. 60 Latta, S. R., retired lawyer 123 Lattin, John Thomas, assistant post- master 432 Laughlin, Harry W 581 Lawrence, Charles H., lawyer 432 Lawrence, Daniel Winslow, teacher, minister 144 Lawson, Andrew Jackson, jurist. ... 559 Lawson, Charles, public official 521 Lawson, Isaac Hari-y, educator 432 Layne , Daniel Thomas, druggist .... 572 Lea, Luke, lawyer, U. S. senator .... 433 Lea, W. S., cotton buyer 34 Leach, William H., merchaxxt 523 Leake, E. K., physician 87 Leathernxan, Charles Baird, mer- chant 393 Ledbettex-, H. M., farmer 483 Ledbetter, James O., banker 574 LeDuke, Bexxjamixx Franklin, real estate 543 Lee, Charles B., physician and sur- geon 126 Lee, John Morgan, railroad agent . . 120 Leech, Lewis Harper, lawyer 326 Leech, Wilson Blake, lawyer 114 Leepex - , Francis L., minister 199 Lefeber, James Robex-t, lawyer 60 Lehman, Eugene, lawyer 326 Lehman, Leopold, lawyer 327 Leiper, James Armstrong, editor .... 553 Le Master, Edward B., real estate agent ; 327 Lenoir, Walter Thomas, farmer .... 535 Lenoir, William Goddard, farmer. . . .479 Leonard, Watson Weatherly, physi- cian 386 GENERAL INDEX Leroy, Louis, physician 327 Lester, Charles W., lawyer 223 Lester, Leroy B., farmer 84 Lewinthal, Isadore, rabbi 433 Lewis, Allen S., business man 327 Lewis, Archibald Cary, physician. . . .327 Lewis, James Franklin, retail drug- gist 90 Lewis, J. Kinsey, real estate 470 Lewis, James W., public official . . . .255 Lewis, J. W., lawyer 473 Lewis, Powell K., physician 117 Lewis, Sidney Clinton, lawyer ....116 Lewis, Thomas Wiley, minister. .. .327 Lewis, Venable L., physician 103 Lewis, Walter Thomas, mine man- ager 199 Lillard, Jasper North, lawyer 110 Lillard, T. O., farmer, cotton buyer . . 393 Lindauer, Ben, merchant 433 Lindsay, Ebenezer P., minister ....327 Lindsay, Edward Allen, banker ....433 Lindsay, Hugh Barton, lawyer 223 Lindsay, M. M., dentist 493 Linn, Horatio M., editor and pub- lisher 82 Lipscomb, John Calvin, farmer .... 161 Lipscomb, Robert Henning, banker.. 171 Little, Thomas Isaac, banker 118 Little, William Perry, teacher 73 Littleton, Augustine B., lawyer 60 Littleton, Carlyle Shelley, lawyer... 61 Littleton^ James F., lawyer 209 Littleton, Jesse M., lawyer 575 Litty, H. H., lawyer < . . 328 Lively, William Spencer, educator. . .266 Livermore, George Robertson, physi- cian 328 Livermore, William Robertson, foun- dry, machine business 328 Livesay, John, public official 521 Livesay, Leonard Lloyd, teacher, mer- chant 378 Livingston, Albert W., dentist 34 Livingston, Henry J., lawyer 34 Livingston, Henry J., Jr., lawyer ... 329 Lockwood, Robert, livery stable and taxaeab business 329 Lodge, William J., machinist 526 Lofton, George Augustus, minister. 433 Logan, Mercer Patton, minister . . . .433 Loggins, Walter T., editor 523 Logue, S. R., educator, minister . . . .261 Long, George W., merchant >...459 Long, Guy Pomeroy, lawyer 329 6-25 Long, Henry, physician 386 Long, J. W., farmer 531 Long, Martin F., farmer 43 Long, Nicholas M., minister 329 Long, William H., farmer 190 Long, William Zeigler, miller 15 Looney, T. C., lawyer 329 Losier, Joseph J., postmaster 190 Lotspeicli, -James Newton, real estate dealer 381 Love, Charles Albert, dentist 473 Love, Clifford, real estate broker. . . .393 Love, George C., public official 329 Love, H. H., public official 177 Love, Samuel B., insurance 330 Lovelace, Jesse Crenshaw, insurance. 330 Lovell, Jadie Johns, teacher 571 Loventhal, Lee J., insurance 434 Lovette, Oscar Byrd, lawyer 157 Lowenstein, Elias, business man . . . .330 Lowry, William W., postmaster ....491 Lowry, James B. F., banker 61 Lowry, John Riley, educator 477 Lowry, Joseph E., minister 241 Luck, John Jennings, instructor . . . .434 Lumley, W. E., educator 553 Lurton, Horace Harmon, jurist ....434 Lupton, John Thomas, manufacturer 61 Luther, Emerson Orlander, educator. 268 Luttrell, Samuel Ball, merchant . . . .224 Lyle, Cyrus Hamilton, editor 202 Lynch, Frank L., lawyer 575 Lynch, James J., lawyer 61 Lynch, William Charles, railroad agent 162 Lynde, Francis author 61 Lynn, William Green, lawyer 493 Lyon, James Adair, educator 78 Lyons, William Cocke, physician and surgeon 534 Lytle, William Henry, physician . . . .393 M McAdoo, Alfred H., lawyer 330 McAlister, William K., lawyer 434 McAnulty, David Moorman, banker. . 26 McAskill, Kenneth, merchant 106 McAuley, Irving Oswald, farmer . . . .174 McBryde, John McLaren, Jr., edu- cator 510 McCadden, John Edward, lawyer . . . .330 McCadden, William P., railroad and levee contractor 331 McCall, John Ethridge, jurist 331 McCall, Joseph William, physician. . .180 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 02(i McCallum, Angus J., printer 331 McCallum, Samuel Malcolm, land owner 331 McCanless, Michael C., lawyer 381 McCarn, Jefferson, lawyer 435 McCarver, John L., farmer 130 McCaw, James Henry, merchant, stock raiser 495 McClelland, Charles B., lawyer 99 MeClung, Calvin Morgan, merchant . . 224 McClung, Charles James, merchant. . .224 McClure, James, teacher 435 McClure, Roy Fleming, lawyer 62 McClure, William Alexander, lawyer. 62 McConnell, Thomas M., jurist 580 McConnico, Z. A., educator 13 McCorkle, David Eusebius, lawyer . . . 143 MeCorkle, John Edwin, farmer, sur- veyor, banker 457 McCormack, Eleanor C., author, mu- sician 331 McCormick, George Millsaps, editor. .331 McCorry, Thomas, lawyer 190 McCoy, Ambrose, physician and sur- geon 191 McCrae, George Wythe, banker ....332 McCrary, George B., retired mer- chant 381 McCrary, Lyman B., physician 577 McCreiglit, Arthur Montague, hotel clerk ;332 McCulley, George G., farmer 83 McCulloch, John A., physician 274 McDade, George Roy, merchant 551 DcDaniel, Charlie Miner, farmer .... 143 McDaniel, Harlan Taylor, editor . . . .332 McDaniel, Nicholas M., lawyer 540 McDearmon, Joseph Henry, banker.. 121 McDonald, J. Q., teacher 376 McDonald, William Paine, physician and surgeon 529 McDowell, John Hugh, farmer 559 McElroy, James Bassett, physician. 332 McElroy, Robert Chester, educator. . .264 McEwen, William J., farmer 119 McFadden, John E., chief fire depart- ment 332 McFarland, Irby, banker 178 McFarland, John W., physician 247 McFarland, Louis Burchette, lawyer. 333 McFarland, W. L., public accountant. 435 McGaha, Francis G., merchant 98 McGavock, R. J., land dealer 532 McGee, Gentry Richard, teacher ....191 McGee, Jesse Clendenon, merchant. . .551 McGeliee, A. J., lawyer 191 McGehee, Malcolm S., lawyer 333 McGill, John Thomas, teacher 435 McGill, William J., manufacturer. . . .517 McGill, William Porter, physician ... 40 McGlasson, G. Lee, public official .... 147 McGuffey, Charles Drake, lawyer .... 62 McGugin, Dan E., lawyer 435 Mclnturff, James William, assistant postmaster 157, Mclnturff, Robert Nathaniel, post- master 556 McKamey, James A., farmer 495 McKay, Hayden Matthews, lawyer. .333 McKellar, Kenneth Douglass, lawyer. 333 McKenzie, Jeremiah M., farmer .... 21 McKenzie, Mrs. Lucy Smith 247 McKinney, Annie V alentine, author . . 224 McKinney, Colin P., public official . . . 493 McKinstry, J. W., tax assessor 562 McKissick, James Tracy, minister . . . 435 McKnight, James Taylor, public of- ficial 393 McKnight, J. T., lawyer 91 McLaughlin, Guy Jean, merchant ...135 McLaughlin, James Buchanan, mer- chant 135 McLean, James Hodge, lawyer 63 McLemore, John C., public official. . . .333 McLemore, Will Wharton, public of- ficial 393 McLeod, George Green, educator 493 McMahon, James Richard, merchant. .490 McMahan, Thomas P., public official. 63 McMillan, Alex, real estate 224 McMillan, William J., minister 143 McMillin, Benton, lawyer 436 McMorrough, Tliodore J., lawyer . . . .435 McMurray, Boyd, farmer, 184 McMurray, Bruce A., merchant 38 McMurry, Dudley, farmer, tobacco dealer 531 McReynolds, Samuel Davis, public official 63 McNabb, Andrew Asa, teacher 566 McNabb, John A., farmer, mechanic. .523 McNatt, William R., public official . .169 McNeely, R. H., postmaster 178 McNees, Arthur R., merchant 334 McNeilly, Edwin L., lawyer 436 McNeilly, Robert H., civil engineer. . .436 McNutt, John F., lawyer 497 McNutt, William C., business man. . .334 McPeake, William, public official . . . .253 McRee, Allen P., physician 98 GENERAL INDEX 647 McReynolds, Samuel D., 63 McSwain, Isaac A., physician 473 McSwain, John Horace, physician, oc- culist ‘ 473 McSwain, William Adney, public of- flcial 478 McTeer, Will Anderson, lawyer 274 McWilliams, J. L., farmer 169 McWilliams, John, farmer, trader . . .570 Madden, James Franklin, merchant tailor Madden, Percy Downs, lawyer 436 Maddox, Pearl Wilson, lawyer 180 Madewell, Jacob W., educator 25 Magee, James L., larmer 491 Maiden, Royal E., lawyer 334 Major, Samuel Chester, lumberman. . 334 Mallory, W. B., business man 334 Malone, Geoge B., Jr., lawyer 335 Malone, James Henry, lawyer 335 Malone, Walter, jurist 335 Malone, William Battle, physician and surgeon 335 Malone, William M., farmer 513 Maney, Newton Cannon, cotton er- chant 393 Mangum, Harry Huntington, contrac- tor 335 Mangum, Willie Oscar, educator, ed- itor 501 Manire, Amasa Webb, physician . . . .553 Manly, David Franklin, minister . . . .459 Manly, Francis L., merchant 533 Mann, Robert, physician 336 Manogue, John, business man 336 Manogue, Raymond E., lawyer 336 Maples, Pink, horticulturist 505 Marable, Thomas Howard, physician. 78 Marcum, Marion, business man 469 Markham, Albert Edward, druggist. .543 Marney, Roscoe C., farmer 209 Marr, Harrington, physician 437 Marr, Thomas Scott, architect 437 Marsh, Thomas L., farmer 207 Marshall, Amos T., public official .... 506 Marshall, John L., lawyer 251 Marshall, John S., merchant 175 Marshall, Thomas E., physician ....560 Marsilliot, Clarence L., lawyer 336 Martin, Andrew Bennett, lawyer . . . .247 Martin, Francis, lawyer 62 Martin, George Sneed, farmer 207 Martin, Isaac P., minister 225 Martin, John Donelson, lawyer 336 Martin, Joseph W., cotton factor . . .336 Martin, Robert E. Lee, business man. 336. Martin, Thomas Dudley, agriculture. ,271. Martin, William Edward, physician. . 91 Marugg, Martin, merchant 545 - Masengill, John D., physician 23 Maskall, Creed Fulton, watchmaker. .225. Mason, Arthur B., insurance 437 Massey, Felix Matthias, educator . . .487 Mathes, E. A., farmer 375 , Mathews, Allen Grant, public official . 337 Mathews, Richard Leonard, physi- cian '...531 Mathews, William D., insurance ....337 Mathey, Louis Charles, manufac- turer 529 . Matlock, Philip N., physician 208 Matlock, William Lane, merchant . . 28 Matthews, Erwin LI., lawyer 62: Matthews, Robert Leedy, real estate . 337 Matthews, T. E., jurist 437 Matthews, W. F., physician 549 Matthewson, John Porter, physician . 473 Mauk, Henry A., farmer 24 Maury, Henry Hancock, merchant . . 337 Maury, John M., physician and sur- geon 337 Maury, Richard B., physician 338 Maxey, Oglesby B., public official . . 44 Mayberry, Henry Hunter, investor . . 144 Mayfield, Charles Stanfield, lawyer.. 82 Mayfield, George Radford, teacher. . .437 Maynard, James, manufacturer 225 Maynard, Ridley, merchant 254 Mayo, Robert Council, farmer 191 Mays, Rufus Adolphus, banker 482 Meacham, Cowan White Kirby, law- yer 63 Meadow, Thomas R., banker 261 Meadows, George Preston, farmer, stock raiser 487 Meadows, Marcus DeWitt, dentist ..554 Medling, William Turner, physician. 122 Meek, M. H., jurist 437 Mellen, George Frederick, educator. .225 Melton, John H., banker 151 Melton, Luke Lee, farmer 152 Mercer, William Abner, clerk 372 Meredith, Dan Martin, lawyer 527 Meredith, Thomas Hamilton, public official 242 Meriwether, John Henry, farmer. ... 191 Merritt, Henry Clay, lawyer, banker. 79 Metcalf, Charles W., Sr., lawyer . . . .338 Metcalf, Charles W., Jr., insurance. .338 Mewborn, Joseph Lemuel, dentist . . .338 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 628 Meyers, Arthur A., philanthropist ..172 Meyers, George L., insurance 339 Michie, W. T., physician 339 Mikell, Henry J., minister 437 Milburn, William Elbert Franklin, lawyer 157 Miles, Emma Bell, writer 579 Millard, William Adison, farmer. . . .491 Miller, Arthur Gaines, traveling audi- tor 554 Miller, Charles Austin, lawyer 26 Miller, Charles Robert, contractor. . . .339 Miller, Enos C., teacher .387 Miller, Henry P., farmer 241 Miller, John, miller 570 Miller, Walter James, physician . . . .202 Miller, White Burkett, lawyer 63 Miller, William Roots, banker 493 Milton, Geo., Fort, editor and pub- lisher 226 Mims, William Oscar, lawyer 461 Minnis, Samuel Young, lawyer 268 Minnis, William B., merchant 459 Minor, James L., physician 339 Mitchell, Abraham Brownlow, lumber- man 501 Mitchell, Edward D., physician 339 Mitchell, George Washington, educa- tor 72 Mitchell, James A., physician 554 Mitchell, James Buford, public of- ficial 493 Mitchell, Jesse Braughton, physician. 521 Mitchell J. F., brick mason 554 Mitchell, John J., funeral director. . . J5S Mitchell, John Tilmon, hardware salesman 91 Mitchell, Marcus F., lawyer . . i 03 Mitchell, Robert H., physician 340 Mitchell, Samuel Howard, farmer . . 244 Mitchell, William Bilbo, retired busi- man man 64 Moberly, William A., business man. .226 Mock, Lewis Emmett, physician .... 384 Moffatt, James R., merchant 551 Moneyhun, J. A., farmer 378 Montague, Norton Thayer, broker ... 64 Monteverde, Frank Lawrence, busi- ness man 340 Montgomery, Stonewall Robert, busi- ness man 340 Moon, John Austin, congressman . . 64 Mooney, C. P. J., editor 340 Mooney, Richard Ewell, banker ....226 Moore, Herbert, business man 340 Moore, Horatio R., real estate 181 Moore, John Thomas, physician .... 10 Moore, James Washington, lawyer . .437 Moore, John Trotwood, author ....438 Moore, J. W. E., lawyer 35 Moore, Oliver J., merchant .135 Moore, Samuel Lewis, public official. .340 Moore, William A., merchant 120 Moore, Wooten, bookkeeper 91 Moorer, Henry B., Jr., merchant . . . .171 Moores, James Augustus, merchant 135 Moorman, Hiram C., lawyer 523 Moorman, Hiram Clark, physician . . .523 Morell, J. C., farmer 462 Morey, James Marsh, manufacturer. .158 Morgan, Arthur Ernest, consulting engineer 341 Morgan, George Allen, minister 488 Morgan, Henry William, dentist . . . .438 Morgan, John Talbert, grain dealer. .341 Morgan, Oliver Perry, lawyer 64 Morgan, Wiley Lee, editor 226 Morgan, William Brown, business man 341 Morgans, Morgan, business man.... 64 Morison, James H. S., lawyer 104 Morley, Lafayette Butler, public of- ficial 384 Morrell, Norman Blake, lawyer ....227 Morris, Daniel Carmichael, public of- ficial 381 Morris, George, editor 192 Morris, Gideon Lee, farmer 44 Morris, John H., lawyer 488 Morris, Robert Lewis, lawyer 438 Morris, Thomas Overton, lawyer . . . .466 Morris, William Dabney, farmer . .474 Morris, William Thompson, banker. . 40 Morris, Williamson P., manufacturer. 495 Morrison, John F., lawyer 242 Morrison, Marquis Lafayette, educa- tor 210 Mort, Edward William, minister .... 506 Morton, John Watson, physician, sol- dier i 438 Morton, M. B., newspaper man 439 Morton, Samuel Thomas, editor, pub- lisher 517 Morton, West Humphreys, public of- ficial 439 Moserip, Robert John, civil engineer. . 96 Moser, Robert Alfred, educator 163 Moses, Everett, lawyer 227 Moses, Frank Armstrong, pension ex- aminer . i 439 GENERAL INDEX 6-29 Moses, William Henry 562 Moss, John T., lawyer 341 Moss, John T., physician and. sur- geon 342 Mountcastle, Robert E. Lee, lawyer. 227 Mulford, John Nelson, merchant iew- eler 342 Mullens, Elijah, farmer, stock raiser. 483 Mullins, Albert F., liveryman ....517 Mullins, William L., merchant .. ..484 Murfree, James Brickell, physician. .394 Murfree, Mary N., author 394 Murphey, Samuel Ogburn, editor, publisher 531 Murphy, John Williams, lawyer .... 180 Murphy, William C., merchant 172 Murray, C. E., manufacturer 112 Murray, Hugh 579 Murray, Sidney Eugene, lawyer 180 Murrell, William E., physician 575 Myers, Henry C., insurance 342 Myers, John C., lawyer, banker .... 479 Myers, John Nelson, farmer 184 Myers, Newton Cloyd, farmer 158 Myers, Thomas Snoddy, lawyer .... 64 Mynatt, Rufus Adisoii, attorney-gen- eral 227 Mynders, Seymour Allen, educator. .227 N. Naill, Millard, real estate 342 Nall, John Boyd, banker 209 Nance, Henry Booker, banker 8 Nance, Louis Jackson, merchant . . . .251 Nance, Parham Booker, farmer, banker 8 Nankivell, James Roberts, physician and surgeon -. 15 Nants, Rupert A., wholesale produce dealer 474 Nash, Walter Starnes, surgeon 228 Nauts, William Boone, educator . . . .510 Nave, Andrew Jackson, teacher 506 Naylor, Richard Powell, commercial traveler 531 Neal, Tom W., editor 123 Neas, John Franklin, farmer, stock raiser 462 Neas, Luna Lafayette, public official. 159 Neely, Alex Walker, farmer 372 Neely, Hugh McDowell, retired mer- chant 343 Neely, John M., attorney-general ...144 Neely, Sidney M., lawyer 343 Neil, A. B., jurist 440 Neil, Charles, educator 499 Neil, Matt Marshall, jurist 549 Neil, William S., merchant 17 Neilson, J. D., merchant 394 Nelson, Mrs. Cora Bristol, educator. .394 Nelson, Henry J., druggist 498 Nelson, Logan Joel, public official . . 394 Nelson, Robert Bailey, specialist . . . .343 Nelson, T. A. R., jurist '. . .228 Nethercott, Richard, miller 500 Newberry, George Washington, farm- er, lawyer 153 Newland, Robert Rhea, farmer 11 Newman, Charles Sheridan, banker . . 228 Newman, James Aryan, lawyer 440 Newman, N. R., physician 100 Newman, Willie Betty, artist 440 Newport^ William Emmett, educator. 163 Ne-wsom, David Blair, lawyer 343 Newton, Daniel C., building commis- sioner 343 Nicholas, James L., lawyer 259 Nicholson, Harry, nurseyman 112 Nieklin, John Bailey, druggist 64 Niles, Sinclair D., physician 262 Nobles, Richard Taylor, public of- ficial 543 Noblitt, Boone Edgar, physician . . . .135 Noel, Oscar F., capitalist 440 Nolan, William Blessing, merchant. .567 Noll, Arthur Howard, minister 510 Norfleet, Frank M., 344 Norfleet, W. W., merchant 87 Norman, Gideon Pierce, public of- ■ ficial 28 Norris, Archibald D., surveyor 248 Norris, Robert Lee, physician 79 Northcut, Eugene Ebon, physician ..266 Northeutt, James H., merchant .... 10 Northcut, J. D. W., teacher 545 Norton, Junius .Dudley, insurance . . 65 Norvell, Ernest Campbell, funeral di- rector 545 Nunn, David A., lawyer 35 Nunn, William Theodore, banker . . . .163 Nunnelly, Waller S., farmer, mer- chant 562 0 . O’Hara, Joel William, minister ....462 O'Haver, George T., detective 344 O’Neal, John F., banker 169 O’Neal, William Arthur, farmer, stock dealer 471 Oakley, Joseph Benjamin, minister . .192 630 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE Oakley, William Monroe, superintend- ent 79 Oates, Edward G., banker 328 Odle, Hiram Dorsey, farmer 534 Odle, Joe F., lawyer 40 Officer, William Robinson, attorney- general 357 Ogden, Robert Morris, educator ....228 Ogilvie, Clarence C., lawyer 344 Ogilvie, Frank R., editor 35 Ogilvie, Wilson Waverly, farmer . . . .252 Oliver, Alonzo B., physician 344 Oliver, Augustus Albert, physician. .474 Oliver, George Weldon, physician . . . .277 Oliver, Joseph N. business man 344 Olmsted, Henry Seymour, real estate. 65 Olmsted, Roland William, real estate. 65 Olson, Charles Willard, insurance . . 65 Omberg, Frank S., city auditor .... 345 Omberg, James Adolphus, Jr 345 Orr, Elbert L., minister 252 Osborne, Frank Stone, dentist 91 Otey, Charles H., minister 241 Ott, Tiffin, manufacturer 563 Oursler, W. W., dentist 87 Overall, Asbury M., merchant 395 Overall, Horace Lee, farmer 354 Overall, John W., U. S. marshall, farmer 440 Overall, William Herschell, farmer . . 254 Overton, Jesse Maxwell, coal and iron dealer 441 Overton, William T., real estate . . . .345 Owen, Crockett, lawyer 91 Owen, Daniel Marion, merchant .... 16 Owen, John Thomas, insurance 65 Owen, Robert Alexander, minister . . 498 Owen, Samuel Alexander, minister . .266 Owen, William A., lawyer 100 Ownsby, William A., druggist 172 Ozier, Millard F., lawyer 169 P. Pace, Henry J., farmer 540 Padgett, Ilazle, physician 441 Padgett, Lemuel Phillips, congress- man 91 Page, Albert Sidney, dentist 92 Page, Mrs. Elizabeth Fry, author . . . .441 Paine, A. M., lawyer 506 Paine, William R., farmer 529 Palmer, Horace Edward, lawyer . . . .395 Palmer, J. W., jurist 345 Palmer, Joseph C., business man .... 47 Pardue, Jeremiah Josephus, farmer . . 463 Parham, William Edmund, manufac- turer 275 Parham, William Thomas, manufac- turer 228 Paris, John Clark, physician 208 Parish, James B., farmer 527 Parker, Charles Alfred, banker .... 92 Parker, Henry T., farmer 554 Parker, James B. farmer, lawyer... 163 Parker, J. Calvin, farmer 132 Parker, Jesse F., merchant 153 Parker, John Neil, banker 123 Parker, Oliver Perry, inventor 153 Parkison, John A., physician 16 Parks, Benjamin Robertson, farmer, stock raiser 457 Parks, Hamilton, lawyer 441 Parks, James Franklin, dentist 163 Parks, Joe Brazier, lawyer 135 Parks, M. C., stock raiser 554 Parks, Samuel J., educator 269 Parlett, Albert, business man 30 Parmelee, Martin Egbert, architect . .229 ; Parmer, Walter Oliver, stock breed- er 125 Parrott, John H., minister 382 Parrott, Leonidas John, farmer .... 206 Parsons, Volney S., banker 517 | Paschal, James Franklin, farmer . . . .478 Passons, Edward T., farmer 529 Patten, John A., manufacturer 65 Patten, Zeboin Carter, insurance .... 66 Patteson, Guy E., grain dealer ....345 Patteson, William Guy, lawyer ....345 Patterson, Andrew Johnson, manufac- turer 159 Patterson, Edmund DeWitt, banker. 503 Patterson, Frank Sebert, merchant. .252 Patterson, Grover F., farmer 136 Patterson, Malcolm R., lawyer 346 Patterson, Marion Herbert, druggist. 16 Patton, Alson C., teacher 19 Patton, Robert Alexander, capitalist. 526 Patton, Wiley Compton, lawyer 163 Payne, Robert Marion, teacher, mer- chant 376 Payne, John Milton, public official.. Payne, Thomas H., book dealer Peace, T. W., attorney-general Peacock, C. Mooring, retired mer- chant Peak, Melville Cox, merchant Pearson, Charles, farmer Pearson, George W., lawyer Pearson, Thomas C., farmer Pearson, Thomas K., mechanic 66 66 269 544 481 137 255 8 260' GENERAL INDEX 631 Peav, Austin, lawyer 79 Peebles, M. T., physician 557 Peebles, William Jacob, civil engi- neer 557 Pegram, William Maston, farmer . . 13 Pegues, Hazel Hewitt, farmer 19 Pence, John Hoss, educator 159 Pendleton, Baldwin A., minister .... 267 Pendleton, Isaac Louis, lawyer 442 Pendleton, Philip Yancey, minister. .442 Penick, Isaac Newton, minister 271 Penland, Stephen N. physician 269 Penland, William H., farmer, stock raiser 462 Penn, B. S., physician .178 Penn, George Winchester, physician. .178 Pennington, John R., farmer 493 Pentecost, Richard Henry, contractor. 346 Peoples, James Alexander, teacher ..531 Peoples, Richard Grier, educator . . . .144 Pepper, George Henry, farmer 128 Percy, William Armstrong, lawyer . . 346 Peres, Hardwig, broker 346 Peres, Israel Hyman, lawyer 346 Perkins, Albert D., bookkeeper 346 Perkins, Augie Villette Warren, edu- cator 229 Perkins, Chas. Albert, educator .... 229 Perkins, Charles Franklin, lumber- man 395 Perkins, Henry E., insurance, farmer. 144 Perkins, James Treanor, public of- ficial 271 Perkins, Newton C., banker 346 Perrow, Charles Henry, merchant ..463 Perry, James Franklin, itinerant minister H® Perry, John Henry, farmer 8 Perry, John Wiley, minister 382 Perry, William Albert, farmer 192 Person, George W., real estate 347 Pettey, George Eugene, physician . . . 347 Pettingill, Edgar Alfred, advertising agent 347 Pfeiffer, H. C., Jr., wholesale grocer. 347 Pharr, Harry Nelson, civil engineer. 347 Phelan, Patrick H., Jr., lawyer 347 Phillips, Chas H., business man 348 Phillips, Isaac Gray, lawyer 66 Phillips, Noah J., public official 23 Phillips, Samuel Henry, wholesale grocer 348 Phillips, Thomas Milton, newspaper writer 348 Pickard, Nixon, banker 104 Pickard, Peter P., banker 13 Pickle, George Wesley, lawyer 229 Pierce, Joel Newton, teacher 383 Pierce, Rice A., ex-congressman ....560 Pierce, Will, insurance, public of- ficial 498 Pig-ford, Clarence E., lawyer 192 Pilcher, James Stuart, lawyer 442 Pilcher, Stuart Caruthers, insurance. 442 Pilcher, William Bowen Campbell, lawyer 442 Pile, George C., retired merchant .... 30 Pile, 0. P., civil engineer 572 Pistole, W. H., physician 348 Pittman, Alfred Buckner, lawyer . . . 348 Pitts, John A., lawyer, banker 442 Pitts, Ollie Polk, teacher 478 Plyley, Charles Montgomery, farmer. 460 Poindexter, James Elliot, public of- ficial 136 Polk, James Knox, insurance 443 Polk, Samuel Forrest, public official. 255 Pollard, William M., county judge . .443 Pollock, Alfred Buckner, farmer 399 Pope, Thad W., lawyer 192 Porter, James Davis, retired lawyer. .474 Porter, Otey James, physician 92 Posert, Henry, physician 348 Poston, John Hamil, Jr., lawyer 348 Poston, William F., lawyer 8 Poston, Bonnie W., merchant 205 Potts, Thomas Semmes, minister ...349 Potts, Uriah Austin, merchant 40 Powell, Ferdinand, invester 202 Powell, James Arthur, farmer 22 Powell, Robert C., wood pattern mak- 526 er 0 "' 0 Powell, R. D., public official 166 Power, Thomas E., merchant 181 Powers, John Pike, Jr., lawyer 229 Pracht, Charles William, merchant . 35 Pratt, Henry M., manufacturer 349 Presson, Jarrad G., druggist 41 Preston, Charles M., banker 66 Preston, James Harve'y, physician ..17S Preston, Thomas R., banker 67 Price, Gaston Chappell, contractor . . 349 Price, Richard Nye, minister, author. 382 Priestley, John M., farmer, surveyor . 512 Prince, William Jesse, contractor . . . .511 Prince, William T., merchant ...... 48 Proffitt, Robert E. Lee, public official. 96 Proutt, Frederick George, electrical engineer Pugh, P. Andrew, minister 351 Pullen, John Egbert, banker 568 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 632 Parviance, James W., editor 503 Purvear, David Burford, lawyer . . . 150 Purvear, Joseph Richard, physician. .248 Puryear, Romulus C. Wright, banker. 167 Pyatt, Joseph Leander, farmer 405. Pyle, Wade Hi, public official 551 Q Quarles, Thomas Jackson, insurance. 546 R Race, John H., educator 6? Radford, Oliver J., public official . . . .547 Ragland, F. B., merchant 35 Ragsdale, Thomas C'harleton, min- ister 395 Raine, Gilbert D., publisher 350 Raine, Gilbert D., Jr., banker 550 Raine, C. Hunter, banker 350 Raines, Jefferson D., business man. . .462 Rainey, Horace, farmer 92 Rainey, William Garrett, lawyer .... 92 Rarnbo, Samuel Russell, real estate. .230 Ramsey, Andrew Brown, physician and surgeon 267 Ramsey, Clinton A., banker 208 Ramsey, John Calhoun, lawyer 12 Randolph, Beverly, farmer 395 Randolph, William Mortimer, lawyer. 350 Rankin, Josephus William, lawyer.. 271 Rankin, Leland, underwriter 443 Rankin, Thomas Samuel, educator , .159 Ransom, B. F., Sr., farmer 18 Rauscher, E. W., merchant, manufac- turer 129 Rawlings, Edward LeMaster, plum- ber 350 Ray, James Nathan, stock dealer. . . .161 Read, Samuel P., banker 350 Reams, Radford M., editor 26? Reaves, J. R., editor and publisher. . . 27 Redd, John, postmaster 27 Redmond, William T., physician .... 9 Reed, Charles Montgomery, Sr., mer- chant 16 Reed, E. A., business man 469 Reed, George Walter, banker 467 Reed, John D., merchant 484 Reed, John H., farmer and miller. . . .208 Reese, David Nelson, teacher 565 Reid, Samuel Eli, farmer, stock rais- er 170 Reid, William H., real estate 351 Reno, Itti Kinney, author 443 Repass, Joseph Wharton, educator.. 82 Reynolds, James C., hotel manager.. 560 Reynolds, Walter G., stock dealer . . 560 Reynolds, William Gentry produce business ...208- Rhea, George W., farmer 537 Rhea, John Preston, physician 129 Rhodes, James P., lawyer .374 Rice, Edwin L., banker 331 Rice, Ernest, business man 124 Rice, Frank J., county register .....351 Rice, James a., banker 382 Rice, James William, lawyer, farm- er 116 Richards, A. F., physician 527 Richards, John R., coal operator . . . .469 Richards, Samuel Gaines, traveling salesman 527 Richardson, Clarence Henry, educa- tor 498 Richardson, James Daniel, Sr., busi- ness man 396 Richardson, James Daniel, Jr., law- yer 39 Richardson, John E., jurist 396 Richardson, William Lebbens, farmer. 35 Richey, Robert Calvin, educator ... 264 Rickman, Marcus Douglass, miller. . .167 Riddick, Thomas K., lawyer 351 Ridley, Charles Lewis, merchant . . . .443 Ridley, Granville Sumner, lawyer ..396 Ridley, Knox, farmer 520 Riechman, John A., public official ..351 Riley, Albert G., lawyer 352 Riley, Joe Edward, farmer 378 Ristine, Charles Elliott, physician ..230 Rivers, James, public official 488 Rivers, James W., farmer 14 Roach, John, contractor 241 Roach, Michael Joseph, contractor ..352 Roach, Reuben R., physician 244 Roach, William Littleton, farmer . . . 241 Roark, Franklin A., farmer 578 Roark, Joseph Rodgers, farmer 477 Robbins, Lansden B., merchant 38 Roberson, Jefferson W. F., public of- ficial 570 Roberts, Albert H., chancellor 257 Roberts, John, physician 210 Roberts, Morton A., merchant 536 Roberts, M. G. L., lawyer 67 Roberts, Paul, insurance 444 Roberts, R. B., coal operator 546 Roberts, William Alexander, lawyer. 130 Roberts, William D., manufacturer . .352 GENERAL INDEX 633 Robertson, Beverly, farmer, stock raiser 170 Robertson, C. W., physician 523 Robertson, Holcombe, farmer 170 Robertson, Nathan Glenn, lawyer . . .248 Robeson, James F., farmer 10G Robins, James Albert, educator 264 Robinson, Matthias West, teacher . . 272 Robinson, Robert Byrd, lawyer 259 Robinson, Solon Lancaster, lawyer.. 480 Robinson, William G., postmaster . . . 174 Robison, George Daniel, minister. .531 Robison, William minister ....178 Rochelle, Roy S., club secretary .... 192 Rochelle, Walter Fenner, physician. . .192 Rockwell, Warren Ayres, manufac- turer 165 Rodgers, William Thomas, minister. .444 Rogers, James Wilson, farmer 249 Rogers, Jesse L., lawyer 230 Rogers, William B., physician and surgeon 352 Roland, William Thomas, farmer . . 378 Rollow, James Grady, educator 80 Romine, William Bethel, editor, pub- lisher 488 Rook, C. E., newspaper man 178 Rook, Charles Wesley, journalist . . . 178 Rosamon, John W., farmer 145 Rose, Wickliffe, general agent Pea- body Educational Board 444 Rose, William A., merchant 489 Rosenthal, Abram, lawyer 230 Ross, Elijah Walker, lawyer 502 Ross, Montague S., lawyer 444 Routon, Quincy E., farmer 499 Rowe, M. M., farmer 478 Roy, John F., banker 9 Roy, Rob, editor and publisher 9 Roy, Shane, lawyer .352 Ruble, Wilbur Gleason, physician and surgeon 383 Rucker, James Joshua, banker 396 Rucker, William G., insurance 518 Ruddiman, Edsel A., educator 445 Rule, Caleb, farmer 506 Rule, William, editor 231 Rushing, Virgil Alonzo, banker 113 Russe, William H., business man . . . 352 Russell, Gen. Francis Marion, contrac- tor 115 Russell, Richard, farmer 242 Russell, Robert Sidney, dentist 572 Russell, William James, farmer ....573 Ruth, Albert Hayden, jeweler 518 Rutherford, Alfred G., lawyer 445 Rutherford, Charles H., lawyer . . . .445 Rutherford, Charles N., merchant ... 11 Rutledge, Isaac C., farmer 387 Rutledge, Wiley Blount, minister . . . .275 Ryals, William Henry, minister 475 Ryan, Thomas, lawyer 353 Ryan, Thomas M., banker 272 Rye, Thomas C., attorney-general ... .475 S. Sadd, Walter A., banker 67 St. John, Charles J., laVvyer 30 Salmon, E. Y., physician 260 Salmon, William C., lawyer 92 Samelson, I., business man 353 Samfield, Max, rabbi 353 Sams, James Thomas, merchant . . . .496 Sanders, Frank, lawyer 231 Sanders, John Henry, carpenter .... 480 Sanders, Newell, manufacturer 67 Sanford, Alfred F., publisher 231 Sanford, Edward Terry, jurist 231 Sanford, Henry William, physician . 171 Sanford, Robert W., lawyer 100 Sanford, William, lawyer 100 Sanford, William Carey, physician . . 171 Sansom, Richard Henry, lawyer . . . .232 Sasser, John Daniel., Jr., physician. .170 Saulpaw, G. L., miller 38 Savage, George Martin, minister .... 193 Savage, Michael, lawyer SO Savage, William J., manufacturer . .232 Saveli, Joel Florida, minister 136 Saxton, Henry T Nevett, Jr., timber ex- porter 232 Saylor, James William, lawyer 232 Scales, Dabney Minor, lawyer 353 Schloss, Harry B., cotton broker . . . .353 Schloss, Samuel, business man 354 Sehoolfield, Robert Brown, public of- ficial 480 Schott, Ernest John, druggist 445 Schubert, Fred L., lawyer 174 Sehuerman, William Henry, educa- tor 415 Scobey, Norvell L., lawyer .458 Scott, Alexander Yerger, lawyer .... 354 Scott, David Eldridge, lawyer 253 Scott, William S., physician 114 Scruggs, John, public official 10 Searight, Frank Malone, insurance. . .445 Seavey, Hial Paul, postmaster 184 Seay, Edward T., lawyer 150 Sebastian, Charles Moore, physician. 272 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 634 Sedberry, James Hamilton, merchant. 541 Sells, George Caldwell, lawyer 203 Sells, Sam R., congressman 581 Seneker, S. E. L., educator 23 Senter, Alvin H., public official ....179 Senter, J. D., lawyer 179 Senter, John M., insurance 179 Sevier, Charles A., dentist 193 Sevier, Charles Bascom, public of- ficial 165 Sevier, John Henry, physician 35 Seymour, Samuel H., lawyer 68 Shannon, James Edward, physician and surgeon 513 Shannon, John F., lawyer 568 Shannon, Robert T., lawyer 446 Sharp, J. B., physician 467 Shaw, Harry Samuel, banker 524 Shawver, George Bunyan, electrical engineer 532 Shearer, Hillard C., physician 269 Shearer, John Manuel, business man. 132 Shearon, Josiah N., farmer 13 Sheegog, Fleming R., farmer 92 Shelley, Eugene M., banker 196 Shelton, Erasmus Archer, physician. .164 Shelton, Will G., stock farmer 28 Shepherd, Lewis, lawyer 68 Shepherd, Thomas Pope, lawyer .... 68 Sherrill, Samuel W., educator 475 Shibley, William Albert, banker . . . .458 Shields, John K., jurist 83 Shields, Robert Hodsden , farmer 507 Shields, Will Mitt 92 Shipley, George Arthur, lawyer 68 Shipley, John Vires, farmer, me- chanic 24 Shoffner, Eugene B., farmer, stock raiser 17 Shofner, George Franklin, farmer . ..541 Shofner, Joseph T., farmer 162 Shook, Alfred M., financier 446 Short, Thos. Randolph, merchant ... 36 Shoun, Alexander Nelson, lawyer . . .159 Shouse, Laura Belle, music teacher.. 475 Shugart, Charles 0., minister 160 Sibley, Bolling, insurance . . 354 Sidwell, M. C., lawyer 45 Silvertooth, George W., lawyer 354 Simerly, Nathaniel George Taylor, real estate 164 Simmons, Eugene, editor 572 Simmons, James Monroe, editor . . . .193 Simmons, William W., manufacturer .354 Simonton, Charles B., lawyer 100 Simonton, Charles Pressley, public of- ficial 101 Simonton, Joseph Warden, editor, publisher 101 Simpson, John Preston, accountant . .259 Simpson, John Tate, farmer 259 Simpson, Thomas Canada, farmer.. 538 Sims, Burt L., business man 397 Sims, John Green, farmer 564 Sims, Joseph, teacher 243 Sims, Robert M., lawyer 570 Sims, T. Wilrette, congressman 255 Sinclair, Alexander G., physician . . . .355 Singleton, William Rufus, book- keeper 396 Sioussat, St. George L., educator . . . .511 Sisk, Thirmie K., teacher 96 Skaller, Marcus, merchant 524 Skinner, Edwin V., teacher 37S Slack, Embree Munsey, editor 203 Slack, W. M., dentist 355 Slaughter, Benjamin Gabriel, retired dentist 575 Smalling, David Robert, lumberman .565 Smith, Archibald Yell, railroad agent. 555 Smith, Barton O., farmer 257 Smith, Baxter, lawyer 68 Smith, Bolton, lawyer 356 Smith, David Morton, publishing agent 446 Smith, Edgar Herman, teacher, law- yer 241 Smith, Edgar P., lawyer 397 Smith, Edward Joseph, lawyer 446 Smith, Frank DeWitt, promoter ....174 Smith, George Mead, banker 267 Smith, Henry E., lawyer 446 Smith, Homer, H., lawyer 23 Smith, Horace Neely banker 356 Smith, Jacob, public official 82 Smith, J. Edward, broker 255 Smith, James G., farmer 465 Smith, James Hammond, banker . . . .356 Smith, J. Maddin, insurance 357 Smith, Jerome B., physician 13 Smith, John Henry, insurance 446 Smith, John P., farmer 465 Smith, John Powell, lawyer 456 Smith, John Robert, lawyer 566 Smith, John Thomas, farmer Ill Smith, Larkin, physician 446 Smith, Mary A., newspaper corre- spondent 27 Smith, Philip Bayard, lawyer 130 Smith, Robert Davis, teacher . 93 GENERAL INDEX 635 Smith, Robert E. Lee, physician . . . .117 Smith, Robert Trimble, lawyer 447 Smith, Thomas Pridemore, public of- ficial 110 Smith, William Harding, farmer .... 106 Smith, William Harvey, minister . . . .383 Smith, William Powell, hardware rep- resentative 499 Smith, William Templeton, lawyer . . 69 Smith, Wright Hammond, business man 357 Smither, James W., insurance 447 Smithson, Noble, lawyer, 233 Smithson, Peyton Carter, lawyer . ..252 Smotherman, James L., minister ... 42 Smothers, John C., farmer 9 Smythe, Frank D., surgeon 357 Sneed, Richard Reynolds, lawyer . . . 193 Snoddy, J. A., railroad agent 162 Snodgrass, Charles E., jurist 103 Snodgrass, Daniel Lafayette, jurist. . 69 Snow, Robert Carl, dentist 544 Snyder, David Byron, farmer 82 Somers, Henry Rector, retired mer- chant 270 Sparkes, Jesse Kent, lawyer 256 Sparks, Arceman E., business man . . . 462 Sparks, David C.^ farmer 210 Sparks, Jesse, farmer 483 Sparks, Jesse Wadlington, lawyer ..397 Speck, Burr L., business man 258 Speed, James Marlin, banker 357 Speed, Robert A., business man 357 Speers, Noah Walker, business man. 358 Spellings, William, postmaster 264 Spence, Cary Fletcher, postmaster. . .233 Spence, John Fletcher, chancellor eme- ritus .233 Spence, William Jerome Dorris, farm- er . 567 Spencer, Herbert W., insurance 69 Spicer, James R., funeral director. . .475 Spragins, Robert Franklin, lawyer. . .194 Stacy, Richard Malilon, business man . 489 Stahlman, Edward B., publisher ....447 Stainback, Charles Ashley, lawyer . . .524 Stansill, G. S., editor, publisher 499 Stallings, J. B., farmer 179 Stanfield, David A., lawyer 11 Stanton, Benjamin Palmer, commis- sion merchant 358 Stanton, William M., lawyer 358 Staples, John W., lawyer 165 Starnes, Daniel W., lawyer 243 Steele, Thomas, Jr., lawyer 494 Steen, John M., lawyer 358 Steinmetz, Karl Edward, lawyer .... 233 Stephens, Elijah, merchant 577 Stephens, William Morris, merchant . .209 Stephenson, Samuel E., lawyer 101 Stephenson, Thomas I., manufac- turer 234 Stepp, Francis Marion, hotel proprie- tor 546 Stewart, George Brooks, physician and surgeon 358 Stewart, Neil M., farmer 145 Stickley, Robert H., lawyer 358 Stickley, Vastine, lawyer 269 Stimson, Leland Thomas, miller .... 152 Stokely, David, farmer 463 Stokes, Harry Shelby, lawyer 447 Stokes, Thomas H., banker 470 Stone, Eli Newbern, real estate 374' Stone, Robert James, farmer, stock dealer 456 Stooksbury, William L., educator . . .105 Story, William Perry, county judge. .502 Stout, John M., farmer ,.116 Stout, Josiah Wilkins, public official. 104 Stout, Samuel H., freight agent . . . .358 Stovall, Ancil W., lawyer, poet 194 Stover, Sewell Philip, lawyer 69 Strang, Samuel Bartow, lawyer 69 Stratton, Francey C., banner 24s Stratton,, John Wesley, farmer 490 Stratton, Leslie M., merchant 359 Stratton, Mrs. Lelia O., minister .... 248 Straud, Bartlett S., abstractor 270 Streicher, H. P., business man 359 Stribling, Christopher C., postmaster. 83 Strickland, Robert H., physician 249 Stuart, George Rutledge, minister . . 83 Stuart, James Esto, minister 560 Stubblefield, David Rankin, dentist. .448 Stutts, William Haywood, business man 501 Sugg, Jefferson Davis, farmer 86 Sugg, Tom Day, farmer 86 Sullins, David, minister 83 Sullivan, Rufus Pladger, physician . . 83 Summar, Meredith Madison, educa- tor 252 Summers, Henry R., public official. . 271 Sumner, Henry W., public official. . .563 Sumners, William Lee, physician ... 36 Surber, Benjamin Aaron, merchant . .490 Susong, Bruce Irvin, editor, pub- lisher 463 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 636 Susong, Jacob Andrew, banker 463 Susong, John Burnett, farmer 28 Susong, Joseph Alexander, lawyer ..160 Suter, Herman, journalist 448 Sutton, B. White, physician 181 Sutton, John Wesley, physician ....479 Swab, Daniel Cooper, lawyer 166 Swafford, Isaac N., postmaster 480 Swafford, Jesse Brown, lawyer 108 Swafford, William Goldsborough, pub- lic official 480 Swaney, William Bentley, lawyer ... 69 Swann, William Arthur, lawyer .... 106 Swallows, William S., farmer 375 Swann, Alfred Reuben, capitalist ...534 Swanson, Edward G., clerk 102 Sweeney, James, public official 475 Sweeney, John Calvin, lawyer 476 Swiggett, Glen L., teacher, author, editor 511 Swiggart, William H., lawyer 561 Swor, George Washington, miller, merchant 37 T Tabor, Alford C., minister 248 Tadloek, William L., physician 537 Talbert, Walter W., mining operator. 359 Taliaferro, Charles P., merchant . . . .260 Tallant, Samuel Q., educator 470 Tallent, Noah J., postmaster 109 Talley, Charles S., public official . . . .561 Tanner, Joseph D., banker 497 Tanner, Robert W., lawyer 494 Tansil, Egbert E., farmer 119 Tansil, John Bell, lawyer 359 Tate, James Alexander, teacher ....518 Tate, Lester H., surgeon 397 Tate, Robert W., physician 27 Tate, William H., public official . . . .544 Tatum, William Trousdale, lawyer.. 174 Tavel, Albert Benjamin, public of- ficial 448 Tavel, Charles Albert, dentist 359 Tayloe, Alfred D., wholesale paper business 359 Tayloe, George Green, wholesale pa- per business 359 Taylor, Alexander Hamilton, public official 500 Taylor, Alfred Alexander, lecturer, farmer 128 Taylor, Arthur Robert, stationer . . . .360 Taylor, Edmund, farmer 533 Taylor, Emmet, cotton buyer 360 Taylor, Frank, business man 360 j Taylor, Franklin Walter, farmer . . . .383 | Taylor, George Thomas, postmaster. .561 Taylor, James Patton, farmer J29 Taylor, James Patton, physician ... .162 Taylor, John Shelton, miller 167 Taylor, Joseph Judson, minister . . . .234 Taylor, J. Will, lawyer 241 Taylor, Mark Henry, real estate .... 194 Taylor, M. Hillsman, lawyer 550 Taylor, Robert Love, United States senator 448 Taylor, Robert L., educator 360 Taylor, Robert, minister 538 Taylor, Samuel, farmer 11 Taylor, Thomas John, insurance . . . .360 Taylor, William Fletcher, retired mer- chant 360 Taylor, William Hale, teacher 155 Taylor, William V., business man . . .361 Taylor, William W., physician 361 Templeton, Houston K., dentist 101 Templeton, Lemuel A., physician .... 181 Templeton, William W., banker .... 17 Terhune, John R., telegraph official . . 448 Terry, Thomas Franklin, farmer . . . .170 Thach, Patrick Henry, lawyer 197 Thomas, Ben H., farmer 550 Thomas, David R., miner 86 Thomas, Dorsey B., farmer 41 Thomas, Edward Willis, lawyer ....568 Thomas, G. L., merchant 378 Thomas, Hardin Wayne, public of- ficial 153 Thomas, Horace E., physician 93 Thomas, John II., banker 179 Thomas, Spencer F., banker 36 Thomas, Sterling Price, merchant ..115 Thomas, William, stock dealer 36 Thomas, William G., business man .361 Thomas, William T., merchant 104 Thomason, J. B., lawyer 361 Thompson, Frank M., lawyer 70 Thompson, Jesse W., lumberman . . . 361 Thompson, J. W., public official . . . .449 Thompson, Lawrence K., bond dealer. 361 Thompson, Louis Pettit, public of- ficial 361 Thompson, Samuel H., educator .... 16 Thompson, Thomas C., public official. 70 Thompson, William Douglass, mer- chant 46 Thompson, William Elgin, educator. .518 Thompson, William R., farmer Ill Thompson, William V., farmer 93 GENERAL INDEX 637 Thornburg, John Minnis, lawyer .... 234 Thornton, Gustavus B., physician . . .362 Thornton, Nicholas Perkins, farmer. . 36 Thorogood, George M., business man. 546 Thrasher, Pugh H., farmer 503 Threadgill, George Calvin, merchant. 374 Thruston, Gates Phillips, retired law- yer 449 xidball, Thomas Allen, minister ... .511 Tidman, George W., merchant 546 Tidwell, T. P., telegraph operator . . .464 Tidwell, Levi J., merchant, farmer . .541 Tigrett, I. B., banker 194 Tillett, Wilbur Fisk, minister 449 Tillman, Abram Martin, lawyer . . . .450 Tillman, George N., lawyer 450 Tillman, James D., lawyer 136 Tillman, Lewis, lawyer 234 Tilson, Leroy S., physician 130 Tipton, John A., attorney-general . . . 101 Tisdale, Lew, business man 362 Tittsworth, Buford M., physician .... 199 Tobin, Joseph Semmes, lawyer 362 Todd, Andrew Lee, lawyer 397 Todd, John Dudley, physician 264 Todd, William E., traveling salesman. 518 Tolman, Herbert Cushing, educator . .450 Tomlinson, Oscar Roland, physician. .537 Tomlinson, Rufus H., physician ....533 Toney, J. Frank, merchant 131 Totty, Bolin A., farmer 132 Towler, Bolin A., farmer 132 Towler, Joseph Megowan, merchant .252 Towler, William J., lawyer 93 Towner, H. N., merchant 363 Towner, Justin D., dentist 363 Towner, Richard Paul, merchant . . . .363 Travis, Edward A., physician 94 Trezevant, Marye Beattie, lawyer . .363 Trice, William Crook, farmer 171 Trigg, William Winston, cotton sell- er" 363 Trimble, C. Howard, lawyer 363 Trimble, Frank, real estate 364 True, Henry Clay, lawyer 532 True, H. 0., business man 364 Trussell, Elmer Seymour, editor, pub- lisher 194 Tubb, Livingston, merchant 9 Tubb, James R., manufacturer 527 Turley, Eli Rayner, lawyer 364 Turley, Thomas Jefferson, real estate. 364 Turner, Charles Willard, educator ..234 Turner, James Columbus, insurance. .497 Turner, John W., railway commer- cial agent 364 Turner, Thomas Lee, editor 272 Turner, W. R., jurist 93 Turney, John E., lawyer 450 Turney, John Reid, lawyer 450 Turney, Miller Francis, physician and surgeon 576 Tutwiler, Thomas Henry, civil engi- neer 364 Tyler, C. W., jurist 580 Tyndall, Walter Clark, farmer 93 Tyne, Thomas James, lawyer 450 Tyson, Benjamin, farmer 113 Tyson, Hugh E., lawyer 476 Tyson, Lawrence Davis, lawyer ....234 Tyson, Stuart Lawrence, educator ... 512 Upchurch, Calvin Edgar, dentist . . . .467 U LTtley, 0. A., minister 41 V Vance, J. S., railroad agent 209 Vance, Re H., merchant 364 Vance, William Kirkpatrick, physi- cian 31 Van Cleave, F. M., merchant 476 Van Deventer, Horace, lawyer, public official 235 Van Dusen, Harry F., public official. . 70 Van Ness, Isaac, minister .........451 Van Vleet, Peter P., wholesale drug- gist 365 Varner, Carroll Harper, minister . . . .250 Vaughan, John Curry, traveling sales- man 248 Vaughn, Joseph Craddock, merchant. 113 Vaughn, Robert, public official 451 Verhine, John P., merchant 561 Vestal, Robert, manufacturer 235 Vickers, Rufus William, druggist . . . 398 Vines, D. A., attorney-general 203 Vincent, Irvin A., lawyer 70 Vincent, John Ozias, farmer 272 Vinton, Thomas Oliver, banker 365 Voegeli, Edward H., real estate 365 V oorhies, David Luther, merchant . . 399 Tuclifeld, Aaron, merchant 194 Tucker, David Thomas, contractor ..377 Tucker, Everett B., teacher 532 Tucker, N. T., banker 131 Tucker, William Jr., merchant 494 W Waddell, Joel B., lawyer 561 Wade, William Wallace, lawyer . . . .550 Wagner, G. Edward, merchant 164 Wagner, Thomas H., lawyer 70 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE '1)38 Waite, George Edward, farmer 464 Walk, Thomas Benton, farmer 151 Walker, Bradley, lawyer 451 Walker, James Anderson, public of- ficial 529 Walker, James Buchanan, banker ... 46 Walker, James William, farmer . . . .110 Walker, John Russell, lawyer 550 Walker, John Lane, physician 564 Walker, Josef Clay, teacher 194 Walker, Joseph Rogers, physician ..499 Walker, Thomas Bruce, banker ....476 Walker, William Baker, Jr., mer- chant 132 Wallace, James Darnall, minister . . . .386 Wallace, Jesse Albert, minister 31 Wallace, J. K. P., farmer 84 Wallace, John William, physician . . .565 Waller, Calvin Barnard, minister ..235 Wallis, James Leslie, farmer . . 1 . . . . 530 Walsh, Anthony, banker 365 Walsh, John T., merchant 365 Walsh, Thomas J., lawyer .179 Walter, Edward Lewis, merchant ..116 Walter, Frank Smith, merchant ....117 Walter, James Bernard, merchant ..117 Walthal, Thomas W., farmer ....... .500 Ward, Francis Watson, druggist . . . .365 Ward, Harry C., manufacturer 162 Ward, Lawrence A., manufacturer . .238 Ward, Roscoe, lawyer 238 Ward, William Jefferson, farmer . . . 528 Waren, Jake Cathey, farmer 536 Waring, Roane, lawyer 366 Warinner, Hiram Campbell, lawyer.. 366 Warner, Frank G., secretary 195 Warnoek, J. Pelham, merchant 386 Warren, Garner Shephard, physician. . 112 Warren, James Sloss, Industrial com- missioner 366 Warren, J. T., Jr., banker 179 Washburn, Charles Campbell, vocal- ist 451 Washington, Clarence J., dentist ...366 Washington, George Augustin, capi- talist 44 Washington, Joseph Edwin, planter. .570 Washington, J. S., physician 524 Washington, William H., lawyer . . . .451 Wassman, Emil, public official 70 Waterhouse, Euclid, real estate ....109 Watkins, Edmund, lawyer 70 Watkins, Edwin Dial, physician ....367 Watkins, James Morgan, insurance. 451 Watkins, John Wesley, lawyer 494 Watkins, Walter H., lawyer 71 Watkins, Zachary Taylor, banker ..470 Watlington, William Franklin, mer- chant 482 Waters, Henry Eugene, teacher, min- ister 273 Watson, Charles Mayes, ginner 181 | Watts, Frank Overton, banker 452 | Watts, James Lovell, lawyer 452 Wauford, William Exum, minister. . .254 Weakley, George Thomas, manufac- turer 124 Weakley, George W., farmer 541 Weatherford, Joseph Heiskell, city en- gineer 367 Weathers, Lundie Monroe, architect .367 Weaver, L. A., merchant 136 Weaver, Rufus Washington, minister. 452 Webb, Bethel M., lawyer 520 Webb, Eugene Mitchell, jurist 235 Webb, George T., cotton factor 367 Webb, Henry P., banker 375 Webb, Hugh Francis, business man. .203 Webb, John Maurice, educator 18 Webb, Nathan Henry, physician .... 72 Webb, William King, lawyer 119 Webb, William Robert, Sr., educator. 19 Webb, William Robert, Jr., educator. 19 j Webber, E. F., cotton factor 367 Weber, Henry Carleton, teacher ....452 Weber, John Langdon, minister ....195 Webster, Sam R., teacher 500 Weeks, James W., farmer 205 Welcker, James Henry, lawyer 236 Welcker, William Louis, lawyer 236 Weller, Charles Asliburn, manufac- turer 236 Wells, Holly Wilberforce, minister . .367 Wells, Milton Henry, physician .... 172 Wells, Moody G., rural letter car- rier 491 West, Edward Hamilton, banker ...539 West, Joseph Ready, lawyer 452 West, Perry Bunyan, traveling sales- man 239 Wheeler Frank S., phosphate miner. .386 Wheeler, John B., insurance 558 Wheeler, Warren E., minister 482 Wheeler, Xenophon, lawyer 71 Whitaker, Matt N., attorney-gen- eral 576 Whitaker, Samuel Estill, lawyer .... 71 Whitaker, Walter Claiborne, minis- ter 237 White, Edward Donnell, lawyer 258 GENERAL INDEX 639 White, Garrett, physician 47 White, John A., educator 174 White, John T., educator 10 White, Joseph Franklin, lawyer 105 White, William Thomas, educator ..237 Whitehead, Thomas F., farmer 537 Whitehurst, Theodore Benton, county judge 503 Whitesell, Robert P., lawyer 561 Whitley, Benjamin H., grocer 562 Wills, Norman R., farmer Williamson, Orlando, banker 524r Willingham, John T., business man .369' Willis, A. L., farmer, stock raiser . . . 519' Willis, James William, banker, manu- facturer 160 Willis, John L., lawyer 368 Wills, Andrew Woods, postmaster . .453 Wills, James Newton, farmer 384 Wills, Mann, lawyer 37' .384 Wills, Wirt James, chairman water commission 369 Wilmot, Dan Hinton, merchant ....519' Wilson, Alphonso, real estate 467 Wilson, B. F., merchant 502 Wilson, James Austin, banker 27 Wilson, Nancy Ann Caruthers 467 Wilson, Robley D., public official . . . 550 Wilson, Samuel Franklin, jurist 151 Whitlock, Andrew Patton, teacher . . 42 Whitson, William Vance, lawyer . . . .267 Whittliorne, Washington C., lawyer . 94 Whittle, Charles Anderson, editor ..237 Wickham, John W., physician 471 Winkle, Douglas, jurist 453 Wilcox, David Powell, minister 128 Wilder, James A., banker 36 Wilder, John T., public official 237 Wilkerson, William Exurn, lawyer . . 71 Wilson, Samuel Tyndale, educator ..275 Wilkes, John Brown, lawyer 489 Wilkes, Walter Stewart, lawyer . . . .489 Wilkins, Benjamin Harrison, manu- facturer 555 Wilkinson, George Henry, retired farmer 398 Williams, Benjamin Hilliard, mer- chant 375 Williams, David Hitt, physician . . . .238 Williams, Edward Everette, lumber- man 458 Williams, George Campbell, physi- cian 131 Williams, Hugh Spencer, minister ..368 Williams, James A., banker 147 Williams, James F., farmer 368 Williams, James Mathew, merchant. .368 Williams, John Lacy, farmer 482 Williams, John Lafayette, surveyor. . 20 Williams, John Phillips, manufac- turer 453 Williams, John Richards, minister ..175 Williams, John Sneed, cotton broker. 368 Williams, Joseph J., business man ..368 W Wilson, Tench Carson, capitalist .... 467 Wilson, Wallace Hill, manufacturer. 526- Wilson, William L., business man . . . 86- Wilson, William Mitchell, real estate. 467 Winbourn, James Roach, merchant . .219 Winburn, Henry Clay, farmer 203. Winchester, James Ridout minister. .369 Windiate, Thomas DeLong, minister .453 Winkelman, Henry T., manufacturer. 370 Winningham, Josiah Seibert, mer- chant HI Winslow, Henry M., lawyer 166- Witherspoon, John Alexander, physi- cian 453 Witherington, Daniel, farmer 500 1 Witlierington, James. B., physician . .387 Witherspoon, Mrs. Ross 495 Witherspoon, Ross, business man . . . 495 Witt, Benjamin B. C., lawyer 20 Witzman, Emu, piano dealer 370- Wolf, Francis, lawyer 370 Wolfe, George Lee, lawyer 499 Wolfe, John B., manufacturer 481 w, ^ z oUo ^ r ,iam fCer ter • • ilt imams, Mabel C„ educator ...... .369 Zombie Marm s A L™ . . . . . . . .136 Williams, Pleasant Philips, merchant. 369 Wood, Caroll D., minis ei Williams, Richard C., merchant 482 Williams, Robert Bone, lawyer 243 Williams, R. E., retired banker 125 Williams, Samuel Cole, lawyer 203 Williams, Samuel Henry, lawyer .... 124 Williams, Samuel M., public official . . 507 Williams, William B., farmer 17 Williams, William Benjamin, lumber Wood, Henry Parker, lawyer 504 Wood, Porter Seymour, merchant . . 25 Wood, Samuel Davidson, farmer 519 Wood, William Henry, insurance ... .370 Woodard, John IT., physician 13 Woodard, John Reuben, lawyer 71 Woodcock, William M., bookkeeper. .454 ' ' .398 Woodfin, John T., furniture dealer d”’ ;. V ;:: m “\^”:.V:T:::494 Woodlee, Augustus IT., real estate. . . 11 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE (HO Woodlee, Levi Vernon, lawyer 11 Woodruff, William Wallace, mer- chant 238 Woodson, Edwin Allen, farmer 20 Woodson, R. P., business man 370 Woodworth, Arthur Vyne, educator, minister 153 Woody, Harrison, merchant 577 Woody, William, farmer 132 Woodyard, S. Walter, physician and surgeon 160 Wooldridge, James Richard, capital- ist 577 Woollen, Alexander Rogers, manufac- turer 370 Wrenne, Michael Joseph Coleman, business man 45-1 Wrenne, Thomas William, lawyer, banker 454 Wright, E. Eldridge, lawyer 371 Wright, Hugh Bradley, farmer 115 Wright, John W., farmer 557 Wright, Luke E., lawyer 371 Wright, Moscow L., banker 167 Wright, Samuel Alexander, farmer ..101 Wright, Sidney Blanchard, lawyer . . 72 Wright, William Dudley, lawyer . . . .238 Wright, Wilson Daniel, farmer 112 Wright, William L., banker ,. . 193 Wyatt, Eugene Ripley, dentist 45S Wyatt, William Nathan, farmer . . . .268 Wynn, William Thomas, educator . .489 Wynne, Hugh R., cotton factor 371 Y Yancy, T. B., dentist 524 Yancy, Richard H., editor 455 Yates, Otway, banker 476 Yerger, George S., lawyer 371 Yoakley, William Frederick, farmer . 24 Young, Alexander, real estate 566 Young, Alsey B., physician 37 Young, Bertrand Edward, educator .455 Young, Charles Coker, retired mer- chant 528 Young, David King, lawyer 85 Young, George Whitfield, county judge 494 Young, John Preston, jurist 372 Young, Robert Sneed, lawyer 239 Young, Samuel, physician, dentist . 163 Young, Sam Martin, farmer 115 Young, Samuel Eppes, lawyer 536 Young, Stephen Hayden, accountant. 96 Younkin, Marcus W., business man. . 4‘ 6 Youree, William Eleazer, physician. .491 Yowell, James A., insurance 455 Z Zechini, Peter, coal operator 458 Zirkle, George Luther, lawyer 567 Zuccarello, Joseph Jerome, teacher. . .489 Index to Towns TOWN Page Adams 7 Alamo 7 Alexandria 9 Algood 9 Allons 10 Altamont 10 Andersonville 11 Apison 11 Arcadia 11 Ashland City 12 Ashwood 13 Aspen Hill 14 Athens 14 Atoka 16 Auburn 17 Bearden 17 Beardstown 17 Beech Bluff 17 Beech Grove 17 Beersheba Springs.. 18 Bellbuckle 18 Bells 19 Bellville 20 Benton 20 Bethpag'e 20 Big Sandy 21 Big Spring 21 Birchwood 22 Blountville 22 Bluff City 24 Boatland 25 Bolivar 25 Bon Aqua 27 Boyd’s Creek 27 Bradyville 28 Breecher 28 Briceville 28 Bride 28 Bridgeport 28 Bristol 28 Brownsville 31 Buchanan 37 Buford 37 Butler 37 (Byrdstown 38 (Calhoun 38 Camden 39 Cardiff 41 Carthage 41 Cedar Hill 4 3 Celina 44 Centreville 45 Chapel Hill 47 Charleston 47 Charlotte 47 Chattanooga 48 Cheap Hill 72 Chestnut Mound 72 Chuckey 72 Clareville 72 iClarkrange 73 'Clarksville 73 Cleveland 80 Clifton 83 Clinchdale 83 (Clinton 84 Coal Creek 85 TOWN Page Coldwater 86 Collierville 86 Columbia 87 Como 94 Cookeville 94 Copperhill 96 Corbandale 97 Cornersville 97 Cosby Tenn 98 Cottage Grove 98 Covington 98 Cowan 102 Crab Orchard 102 Crockett Mills 102 Cronansville 102 Crossville 102 Culleoka 104 Cumberland City.... 104 Cumberland Gap ...104 Cute 105 Dandridge 105 Daniel’s Landing. ... 106 Danville 106 Dayton 106 Decatur 109 Decaturville Ill Decherd 112 Defeated 112 Del Rio 113 Denmark 113 Denver 113 Detroit 113 Dickson 114 Difficult 114 Dixon Spring 115 Doeville 116 Dover 116 Doyle 117 Dresden 117 Duckriver 119 .Dunlap 119 Dycus 120 Dyer 120 Dyersburg 122 Eagleville 124 Bast Chattanooga.. . .125 Baton 125 Eden wold 125 Edgemoor 126 Elbridge 126 Elizabethton 126 Elkton 128 Embreeville 128 Emmett 129 Erin 129 Erwin 129 Estill Springs 131 Euohee 131 Eva 132 Evensville 132 Fairfield 132 Farner 132 Faxon 132 Fayetteville 133 Finger 126 Finley 137 Flat Creek 137 TOWN Page Forked Deer 137 Franklin 137 Friendship 144 Friendsville 144 Fruitland 145 Gadsden 145 Gainesboro 146 Gallatin . 147 Gallaway 151 Garland 151 Gassaway 151 Georgetown 152 Gibson 152 Gleason 153 Glendale 153 Grandview ..: 153 Granville 154 Gravelhill 154 Graysville 154 Greeneville 155 Greenfield 161 Haley 162 Halls 162 Hampton 164 Harms 164 Harriman 164 Hartranft 166 Hartsville 166 Heard 167 Henderson 167 Henning 171 Hickman 171 Hickory Point 171 Hickory Withe 172 Hilham . . . ' 172 Hillsdale 172 Hohenwald 172 Holladay 174 Hornbeak 175 Horner 175 Horn Springs 175 Howardsville 175 Humboldt 175 Huntington 180 Huntland 181 Huntsville 182 Hurricane 183 Idol ,183 Ipe 184 Iron City 184 Jacksboro 184 Jackson L85 Jamestown 195 Jasper 197 Jefferson City .......197 ■Tellico 199 Johnson City 199 Johnson's Grove 203 Jonesboro 204 Jones Mill 205 Joppa 205 Kelso 206 Kenton 206 Kimmins 208 Kingsport 209 Kingston 209 Kingston Springs . . .210 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE TOWN Page Knoxville 210 Kyles Ford 239 Lafayette 239 LaFollette 239 Lascassas 242 Laurelburg 242 Lawrenceburg 242 Leas Springs 244 Lebanon 244 Lee Valley 249 Lego 249 Lenoir City 249 Lewisburg 250 Lexington 253 Liberty 253 Lillydale 254 Linden 254 Livingston 256 Littlelot 258 Lobelville 258 Loudon 258 Louisville 260 Luray 260 Lynchburg 260 Lynnville 261 McEwen 261 McGhee 262 Mclllwain 262 McKenzie 262 McMinnville 265 Madie 268 Madisonville 268 Manchester 269 Martin 270 Maryville 273 Mason 276 Masseyville 27 6 Maury City 276 Mayland 276 Medina . 276 Memphis 277 Mercer 372 Middleton 372 Midway 372 Milan 373 Milligan 375 Milton 375 Mint 375 Miranda 375 Mohawk 37 6 Monroe 376 Monteagle 376 Monterey 377 Montezuma 378 Mooresburg ..37 8 Mooring 378 Morristown 379 Mosheim 383 Mountain City 38.3 Mountairy 384- Mount Juliet 385 Mr. Pleasant 385 Mount Vernon 386 Mulberry 387 Munford 387 Murfreesboro 387 Naillon 398 Napier 398 Nashville 399 National Soldiers’ Home 456 Neptune 456 Newbern 456 TOWN Page Newcomb 458 New Market 459 New Middleton 460 Newport 460 New River 463 Niota 463 Noeton 463 Normandy 464 Nunnelly 464 Oak Grove 464 Oak Hill 464 Oakland 465 Oakley 465 Obion 465 Oliver Springs 468 Oneida 469 Only 469 Ooltewah 469 Orlinda 470 Palmyra 470 Paris 471 Park City 477 Parrottsville 477 Parsons 477 Pegram 477 Persia 477 Peryear 477 Petersburg 478 Philadelphia 479 Pidgeon Forge 479 Pikeville 479 Pinewood 480 Piney Flats 480 Pinhook Landing ...481 Pinson 482 Pleasant Hills 482 Pleasant View 482 Pope 483 Port Royal 483 Powder Springs 483 Prospect Station . . . .484 Pulaski 484 Quebeck 490 Quito 490 Rafter 490 Randolph 490 Ravenscroft .490 Readyville 491 Rhea Springs 491 Riceville 491 Rickman 491 Ridgely 491 Ripley 492 Rives 494 Robertsville 495 Rockford 496 Rockwood 496 Rogersville 497 Routon 499 Rutherford 499 Rutledge 500 St. Bethlehem 500 St. Joseph 501 Saltillo 501 Savannah 501 Scarboro 502 Selmer 502 Sevierville 504 Sewanee 507 Shady 512 Sharon 512 Sharp’s Chapel 513 Shelbyville . ,-r 513 TOWN Page Shouns 519 Silverpoint 519 Smithville 520 l! Smyrna 520 1 Sneedville 520 Somerville 522 j! South Pittsburg ....525 1 Sparta 526 Spencer 528 Spot 529 Spring City 529 Springfield 530 Spring Hill 532 Springville 533 Stanton 533 Stantonville 533 Stewart 533 Straw Plains 534 Sugar Tree 534 i Surgoinsville 534 | Swanburn 534 |l Sweetwater 535 Sycamore 536 I Talbot 536 : | Tate Springs 537 Taylor’s Chapel 537 Tazewell 538 Telford 539 Tellico Plains 540 | Thomasville 540 j Thompson’s Creek. .. 541 | Thompson’s Station.. 541 Tidwell 541 !| Tiptonville 541 |j Toone 544 j Townsend 544 Tracy City 545 | Trenton 546 j Trezevant 550 11 Trousdale 551 Troy 551 Tullahoma 552 Turnersville 555 Tusculum 555 Unaka Springs 556 j Unicoi 556 Union City 557 Vernon 562 Vonore 562 Warren 562 Wartburg 563 Wartrace 563 J| Washburn 564 |j Watauga 565 Watertown 566 j- Waverly 566 Way 568 || Waynesboro 568 | Well Spring 570 j! Wessynton 570 j! West Nashville 571 Wheat 571 White Pine 571 Whiteville 571 Whitwell 572 Wilder 5 72 Williamsport 573 Winchester 573 Windle 576 Wolf Creek 576 Woodbury 576 Woody 577 Wooldridge 577 Work 5 78 Classified Index ACCOUNTANTS. Allen, Richard Henry 277 Currier, John M 217 Elliott, Edward S 303 Hale, Isaac Thomas 398 Jones, Homer K 322 ! McFarland. W. L 435 Simpson, John Preston 259 Young, Stephen Hayden 96 ARCHITECTS. I Barber, George Franklin 212 Bauman, Albert Benjamin 212 Gaisford, John 310 Hodge, Baxter James 425 Marr, Thomas Scott 437 Parmelee, Martin Egbert 229 Weathers, Lundie Monroe 367 ARTISTS. Branson, Lloyd 213 Newman, Willie Betty 440 AUTHORS. Daviess, Marie Thompson 412 Dromgoole, Will Allen 414 Elliott, Sarah Bull Barnwell 509 Hammond, (Mrs) Lily Hardy 142 Harris. (Mrs.) L. H 423 Lynde, Francis 61 McKinney, Annie Valentine 224 Miles, Emma Bell 579 Moore, John Trotwood 438 Murfree, Mary N 394 Page, (Mrs.) Elizabeth Fry 441 Reno, Itti Kinney 443 BANKERS. Adams, James B 17 Adams, James Louis 502 Adams, John Robert 503 Allnutt, Benjamin Franklin 43 Anderson, Hugh Crump 185 Armitage, W. H 155 Armstrong, Harry Lee 278 Bacon, Charles Harrison 258 Baker. Joseph Nelson 496 Barr, Robert Wintlirop 49 Bass, Sterling Hicks Bell, Charles B Blackman, E. L Bonier, John O Brandon, T. J Brisendine, Barnie Milton . Buckingham, Miles S Burger, Joseph Bushnell, Herbert Caldwell, William Addison Carter, N. Giles Chambliss, James Carroll Chambliss. R. M Clagett, Horatio Cochran, Francis Trigg . . C'oltharp, Robert Dudley . Cowthorn, William L Curell, Randal Davis, James Henderson . Davis, Powhatan Dean, James Thomas .... Dodson, Albert R Donnell, Ridley Edward . . Easley, Ernest Easley, James Thomas . . Esliek, Edward Everett . . . Evans, Winston Gill .... Ferguson, Elry A Fisher, F. B Fisher. Jacob Nelson Fisher, James Humphrey.. Fletcher, Robert Samuel . . Fox, William Davis FreaS, William Henry .... Fry, John W Grant, Edward M Green, Edward E Hall, William Harrison, James R Haun, Floycl Edwin Henry, Percy Dumville. . . Hensiee, Pitt Hoover, W. H Hunter. James F Hutton, J. D Jackson, John Clark James, Robert Nestor .... .387 .388 .563 . 32 .116 .477 .287 .273 . 50 .186 540 . 12 32 46 294 562 456 411 102 542 107 176 414 113 258 486 516 162 187 379 307 187 250 525 .89 380 142 149 374 220 465 114 125 320 517 543 152 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 649 Jarrell, J. R , 177 Jennings, Joseph H 477 Jones, Edgar 429 Jordan, Leland 392 Keyes, Joseph W 323 Kincaid, Rufus Stephens 84 King, Mark Coleman 97 Kyle, William Halliday 325 Lacy, John 38 Landis, John T 431 Ledbetter, James 0 574 Lindsay, Edward Allen 433 Lipscomb < Robert Henning 161 Little, Thomas Isaac 118 Lowry, James B. F 61 McAnulty, David Moorman 26 Macrae, George Wythe 332 McDearmon, Joseph Henry 121 McFarland, Irby 178 Mays, Rufus Adolphus 482 Meadow, Thomas R 261 Melton, John H 151 Miller, Wililam Roots 493 Mooney, Richard Ewell 226 Morris, William Thompson 40 Nall, John Boyd 209 Nance, Henry Booker 8 Nunn, William Theodore 163 Oates ^ Edward G 228 Parker, Charles Alfred 92 Parker, John Neil 123 Parsons, Volney S 517 Patterson, Edmund DeWitt 502 Perkins, Newton C 346 Pickard, Nixon 104 Pickard, Peter P 13 Pitts, John A 442 Preston, Charles M 66 Preston, Thomas R 67 Pullen, John Egbert 568 Puryear, Romulus C. Wright 167 Raine, Gilbert D., Jr 350 Raine, C. Hunter *350 Ramsey, Clinton A. . , 208 Read, Samuel P 350 Reed, George Walter 467 Rice, Edwin L. . : 351 Rice, James A 382 Roy, John F 9 Rucker, James Joshua 396 Rushing, Virgil Alonzo 113 Ryan, Thomas M 272 Sadd, Walter A 67 Shaw, Harry Samuel 524 Shelley, Eugene M 196 Shibley, William Albert 458 Smith, George Mead Smith, Horace Neely Smith, J. Edward Smith, James Hammond Speed, James Marlin Stokes, Thomas H Stratton, Francey C Susong, Jacob Andrew . . Tanner, Joseph D Templeton, William W. . Thomas, John H Thomas, Spencer F Tigrett, I. B Tucker, N. T Vinton, Thomas Oliver . . Walker, James Buchanan Walker, Thomas Bruce . Walsh, Anthony Warren, J. T Watkins, Zachary Taylor Watts, Frank Overton . , Webb, Henry P West, Edward Hamilton Wilder, James A Williams, James A Williamson, Orlando Wilson, James Austin . . , Wright, Moscow L Wright, William L. ... Yates, Otway 267 356 255 356 357 470 248 463 497 17 179 36 194 131 365 46 476 365 179 470 .452 .375 .539 . 36 .147 .524 . 27 .167 .196 .476 BISHOPS. Anderson, William F., M. E 48 Byrne, Thomas Sebastian, Catholic. 407 Carter, Thomas Coke, M. E 580 Denny, Collins, M. E 412 Fitzgerald, O. P., M. E 417 Gailor, Thomas Frank, P. E 310 Hoss, Elijah Embree, M. E. ....... .427 Lambuth, Walter R., M. E 431 Winchester, James Ridout, P. E 369 BOOK-KEEPERS. Brooks, Charles R 85 La Rue, Samuel Bruce 157 Moore, Wooten 91 Perkins, Albert D 346 Singleton, William Rufus 396 Woodcock, William M 454 BROKERS. Battle, Walter Preston 281 Calkins, Sidney Pratt ....288 Fooshee, George W 308 La Croix, William 325 CLASSIFIED INDEX 613 Montague, Norton Thayer 64 Newman, Charles Sheridan 228 Peres, Iiardwig 346 Schloss, Harry B 353 Williams, John Sneed 368 CATHOLIC PRIESTS. Abbott, Timothy Charles 399 Duffy < J 574 CITY OFFICIALS. Ashmore, William Monroe, Knoxville. 211 Bass, J. W., Whiteville 571 Boyd, Samuel B., Knoxville 213 Chighizola, George L., Memphis 292 Coble, James A., Union City 558 Conner, Ed Dougherty, Knoxville. . .216 Crump, Edward Hull, Memphis. .. .297 Davis,, William C., Memphis 299 Dies, Thomas, Memphis 300 Ewell, M. Watson, Dyersburg 122 Finney, Oliver Floyd, Wartrace .... 564 Gambill, John B., Cornersville 97 Hart, Robert Davis, Waverly 567 Howse, Hilary Ewing, Nashville. .. .427 Lindauer, Ben, Nashville 433 Love, George C.„ Memphis 329 McFadden, John E., Memphis 332 McMahan, Thomas P., Chattanooga. . 63 Newton, Daniel C., Memphis 343 Omberg, Frank S., Memphis 345 Perkins, James Treanor, Martin. .. .271 Pierce, Will, Rogersville 498 Pyle, Wade H., Troy 551 Riechman, John A., Memphis ....351 Singleton, William Rufus, Murfrees- boro 396 Taylor, J. Will, Lafollette 241 Thompson, T. C., Chattanooga 70 Weatherford, Joseph H., Memphis. . .367 Wills, Wirt J., Memphis 369 Wilson, Alplionzo, Obion 467 COAL OPERATORS. ' Denny, Daniel 164 Galloway, R 311 Hardemon, William D 490 Overton, Jesse Maxwell 441 Roberts, R. B 546 Stacy, Richard Mahlon 489 Wooldridge, James Richard 577 Zechini, Peter 458 CONTRACTORS. Bolton, Samuel Pearce 199 Campbell, John E 175 Davis, Asa Leroy .483 East, Joseph Richard 240 Humphrey, N. B 266 Kinsey, Malcolm Milton 527 Krider, Clement V 472 Larkin, Michael S 326 McCulley, George C 82 Mangum, Harry Huntington 335 Miller, Charles Robert 339 Pentecost, Richard Henry 346 Price, Gaston Chappell 349 Prince, William Jesse 511 Roach^ John 241 Roach, Michael Joseph 352 Russell, Francis Marion 115 Streicher, H. P 359 Tucker, David Thomas 377 Wolford, William M 24 COTTON FACTORS. Abston, William J 277 Barksdale, William Randolph 280 Dillard, John W 300 Douglass, Richard R 301 Edwards, R. E 373 Ely, John Anderson 303 Farnsworth, Charles Francis 306 Frank, Abe H .'309 Gage, William A 310 Gunther, M. H , 314 Lea, W. S 34 Martin, Joseph W 336 Taylor, Emmet 360 Trigg, William Winston 363 Webb, George T 367 Weber, E. F 367 Wynne, Hugh R. 371 ' COUNTY OFFICIALS. CHAN" CERT CLERKS. Abernathy, James Polk, Giles 484 Atkins, James Wiley, Dyer 122 Baird, Winston, Campbell 184 Banks, Roderick S., Laudardale 492 Bearden, Edwin Whiteside, Bedford. 514 Drinnon, Alf Taylor, Hancock 521 Dunlap, W. M., Gibson 176 Emison, James Wesley, Crockett.... 7 Fuqua, J. Ben, Humphreys 567 Garrett, James Lafayette, Fentress. .196 Gibbs, George A., Obion 558 Hawes, Robert Rush, Cannon 577 Heiskell, Lucius Lamar, Shelby 317 Kivett, James P., Claiborne 539 Lewis, James W., Perry 255 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 644 Meredith, Thomas Hamilton, Law- rence 242 Phillips, Noah J., Sullivan 123 Poindexter, James E., Lincoln 136 Powell, R. D., Trousdale 166 Schoolfield > Robert Brown, Bledsoe.. 480 Scruggs, John, Grundy 10 Stickley, Vastine, Monroe 269 Vaughn, Robert, Davidson 451 Walker, James Anderson, Van Buren.529 CIRCUIT COURT CLERKS. Cox, James M., Smith 42 Crosthwaite, George Edgar, Lawrence. 242 Foltz, Henry D., Lauderdale 492 Gaw, Roscoe C % Jackson 146 Golden, H. M., Obion 558 Hitt, Lewis Melvin, Davidson 425 Holladay, George Blanton, Benton.. 40 Proffitt, Robert E. Lee, Putnam .... 96 Rivers, James, Giles 488 Swafford, William Goldsborough, Bledsoe 480 Thompson, Louis Pettit, Shelby 361 COUNTY COURT CLERKS. Archer, Lee B., Lauderdale 492 Blackard, W. T., Madison 185 Brown, John Ell, Campbell 185 Cooper, W. D., Benton 39 Crenshaw, Thomas B., Shelby 297 Disney, William B., Anderson 84 Dowell, Lee Townsend, Robertson. . .530 Flournoy, John Walker, Giles 486 Gibson, James A., Coffee 270 Griffith, James R., Scott 183 Harbert, Lafayette L., Hardin 501 Harper, Samuel L., Cheatham ....:. 12 Haston, Ernest N., Van Buren 528 Hays, William P., Hamilton 58 Hunt, William F., Davidson 427 Livesay, John, Hancock 521 Marshall Amos T., Sevier 506 Maxey, 6glesbey B., Clay 44 Polk, Samuel Forrest, Perry 255 Roberson, Jefferson Wiley F., Wayne. 571 Simonton, Charles P., Tipton 101 Smith, Jacob, Bradley 82 Smith, Thomas P., Meigs 110 Sumner, Henry W., Morgan 563 Sweeney, James C., Henry 475 Talley, Charles S., Obion 561 Thomas, Hardin W., Maury 153 Wilson, Robley D., ibson 550 COUNTY JUDGES. Avdelott, A. F., Hickman 45 Brown, James R., Bradley 80 Case, Ward Roland, Fentress 195 Drummond, John AV., Knox 217 Estes^ Joel Henry, Haywood 33 Lawson, Andrew Jackson, Obion.... 559 Lynch, Frank L., Franklin 575 McCorry, Thomas, Madison 190 Pollard, William M., Davidson 443 Robinson, Solon L., Bledsoe 480 Smith, Edgar P., Rutherford 397 Stephens, Elijah, Cannon 577 Story, William Perry, Hardin 502 Tate, William H., Hardeman 544 Weakley, George Thomas, Dyer 124 Whitehurst, Theodore Benton, Mc- Nairy 503 Williams, James F., Shelby 368 1 Young, George AVhitfield, Lauder- dale 494 REGISTERS. Dale, William Bryan, Clay 44 1 Day, Janies A., Claiborne 538 Garrett, James Monroe, Lauderdale. .492 Hix, Arkley F., Jackson 146 Hunt, W. N. Tipton 99 Jacobs, John AA^esley, Hardeman .... 26 Kemp, Newton J., Smith 42 Lane, Lharles S., Gibson 549 Morton, AA'est Humphreys, Davidson. 439 Rice, Frank J., Shelby 351 AVilliams, Samuel M., Sevier 507 SHERIFFS. Bolt, George W., Knox 212 Borum, Sam Houston, Davidson 404 Compton, Robert Haywood, Henry . .472 Dawson, Charles C., Dyer 122 Hood, George Tea, Polk 20 Hughes, Andrew C., Claiborne 539 McKnight, James Taylor, Rutlier ford 393 SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Bernard, Ollie Hinson, Robertson . . . .530 Bynum, Robert Lee, Madison 186 Chisam, Charles Oliver, Bledsoe ....479 Cline, Josiah S., Cumberland 102 Donaldson, Robert Cleveland, Lake.. 542 Estes, Samuel A., Washington ..... .201 Gallien, John AV., Wayne 569 Graham, John Patton, Maury 104 Gray, Russell H., Perry 17 Hardeman, Nicholas Brodie, Chester. 168 Hardin, Martin L., Benton 39 Jacobs, James Dallas, Rutherford. . .391 Keeble, James R., Sevier 505 McLeod, George Green, Lauderdale . . 493 CLASSIFIED INDEX 645 Mangum, W i 1 1 i e Oscar, Hardin 501 Richardson, Clarence Hi, Hawkins ... 598 Rollow, James Grady, Montgomery. . 80 Seneker, S. E. L., Sullivan 23 Tallant, Samuel Q., James 470 Thompson, William Elgin, Bedford.. 518 White, John A., Lewis 174 White, John T., Grundy 10 Williams, Mabel C., Shelby 369 TAX ASSESSORS. Lawson, Charles Hancock 521 MeKinstry, J. W. Fayette 562 MeNatt, William R., Chester 169 MeSwain, William Adney, Henry . . . .478 Moore, Samuel Lewis, Shelby 340 Wassman, Emil, Hamilton 70 TRUSTEES. Cole, Jasper E., Wayne 569 Creath, J. H., Shelby 297 Cresop, N. A., ibson 547 Crick, Sanford Monroe, Rutherford. .390 Dyer, William E., Hamilton 54 Follis, David James, Giles 486 Goad, John Robbins, Scott 183 McPeake, William, Henderson 253 Neas, Luna L., Greene 159 Nobles, Richard Taylor, Lake 543 Thomas, Ben IL, Gibson 550 DENTISTS. Barnett, Arthur 280 Battle, Alfred 32 Beach, John Ross N 74 Browder, Robert Marvin 377 Bullington, Richard Edward 287 Dupree, Donaldson Irvin 33 Fowler, William F 156 Goss, Thomas Seattle 127 Gray, Joseph Preston 421 Guthrie, Joseph Nuckols, Jr 95 Hardison, Joe B 250 Harwood, R. N 123 Houston, Persis Daniel 251 Huddleston, Hiram Powers 274 Hunt, William James 320 Lindsay, M. M 493 Livingston, Albert W , 34 Love, Charles Albert 473 ■Meadows, Marcus DeWitt 554 Mewborn, Joseph Lemuel 338 Morgan, Henry William 438 Osborne, Frank Stone 91 Oursler, W. W 81 Page, Albert Sidney 92 Parks, James Franklin 163 Russell, Robert Sidney . . . Sevier, Charles A Slack, W. M Snow, Robert Carl Stubblefield, David Rankin Tavel, Charles Albert Templeton, Houston K., . . . Towner, Justin D Upchurch, Calvin Edgar . . . Washington, Clarence J. . . Wyatt, Eugene Ripley Yancey, T. B 572 193 355 544 448 359 101 363 467 366 458 524 DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ETC. Anderson, James Emmett 385 Askew, Laurin Bryan 73 Brown,, Henry Boyce 155 Brown, Lucius Polk 405 Chapman, David Carpenter 215 Collins, W. T 522 Cox, Wiley Jones 296 Cox, W. W 25 Curtis, John D 33 Davis, Henry Edwards 299 Derryberry, Thomas Jefferson 46 Ellis, Robert R 303 Grigsby, II. M 486 Hines, Lewis Moore 545 Layne, Daniel Thomas 572 Lewis, James Franklin 90 Markham, Albert Edward 543 Nelson, Henry J 498 Nicklin, John Bailey 64 Ownsby, William Andrew 172 Patterson, Marion Herbert 16 Presson, Jarrad G 41 Schott, Ernest John 445 Van Vleet, Peter P 365 Vickers, Rufus William 398 Ward, Francis Watson 365 EDITORS, PUBLISHERS, ETC. Armstrong (Miss) Zella . . Ashley 7 , James Henry Baird, Norton Wilson Barksdale, William W Barry, William Valentine . . Baskette, Gideon H Boucher, George Washington Brice, James M Cain, Walter Campbell, Thomas IT Chappell, Edwin B Clagett, Robert Horatio . . Clemens, William Marshall Crawford, West J 269 465 73 253 401 121 557 288 461 409 46 293 297 646 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Denney, George Walter 217 Dugger, Oscar Milton 156 Eckel, Herbert Odas 505 Ewing, William James 416 Finney, James Imboden 89 Folk, Edgar Estes 417 Fox, Walter Dennis 553 Frost, William Alexander ...516 Goddard, Andrew (retired) 274 Goodpasture, Albert Virgil 421 Green, Richard Henry 99 Henderson, Clifford C 391 Holbrook, Joseph Landis 118 Kennedy, Sara Beaumont 323 Leiper, James Armstrong 553 Linn, Horatio M 82 Loggins, Walter T 523 Lyle, Cyrus Hamilton 202 McCormick, George Millsaps 331 McDaniel, Harlan Taylor 332 Milton, George Fort 226 Mooney, C. P. J 340 Morgan, Wiley Lee 226 Morris, George 192 Morton, M. B 439 Morton, Samuel Thomas 517 Murphey, Samuel Ogburn 521 Neal, Tom W 123 Ogilvie, Frank R 35 Purviance, James W 503 Raine, Gilbert D. 350 Reams, R. M 267 Reaves, J. R 27 Romine, William Betliel 488 Rook, C. E 178 Roy, Rob 9 Rule, William 231 Sanford, Alfred F 231 Simmons, Eugene 572 Simmons, James Monroe 193 Slack, Embree Munsey 203 Smith, David Morton 446 Stansil, G. S 499 Sysong, Bruce Irvin 463 Trussell, Elmer Seymour 194 Turner, Thomas Lee 272 Whittle, Charles Anderson 237 Yancy, Richard Hunter 455 EDUCATORS. See Presidents, Etc., County Superin- tendents. Anderson, C. W 32 Andrews, D. Moore 400 Armstrong, Charlotte Morgan 400 Ashe, Cora Henry 279 Bailey, John Edmonds 401 Bailey, Thomas P 279 Barton, Samuel Marx 507 Bivins, John Louis 173 Blake, Vachel Weldon 403 Bolton, David Alexander 14 Bourland, Albert Pike 404 Brown, Charles Sumner 405 Brown, Maud Wolcott 406 Brown, Oswald Eugene 406 Brown, William Carl 526 Buchanan, Andrew Hays 245 Buchanan, Isaac William Pleasant. .245 Burnett, J. Henry 389 Burnett, Jesse McGarety 198 Cage, Louise Mitchell 407 Campbell, James David 470 Carer, Henry Beach 408 Clark, Rufus Anthony 573 Clarke, George Herbert 409 Claxton, Philander P ....216 Clay, Thomas Eakin 138 Conley, Robert Lee 19 Crowder, James Napoleon 84 Cunninggim, Jesse L 411 Curtis, Charles C. 273 Daniel, John 411 Dennison, F. L. ...' 548 Donnelly, Robert P 383 Douglass, Charles S 148 Drake, Boyd F 414 Eastman, Corinne Gleaves 415 Ellis, Henry H 373 Erwin, Will M 515 Farrar, Frederic Emerson 416 Farrar, Lucius A 516 Featherston, Samuel S. 161 Fooshee, Joseph Crockett 108 Frank, Sadie A 418 Frantz, Frank Flavius 418 Gerren, John M 545 Gilliland, Eugene 419 Glenn, Leonidas C 420 oddard, Elmer Fernando 505 Gore, Benton Lemuel ill Gray, Joseph Alexander, Jr 567 Gray, Malcolm Russell 567 Guthrie, William Norman 509 Hamblem, Annie Wray 422 Harris, Albert Mason 423 Hearn, Isham F 169 Henry, Howell Meadors 424 Hess, Walter Scott 177 Hill, William Lafayette 425 CLASSIFIED INDEX Hogue, Albert R Hollinshead, Warren Henry . . Howard, S. F Hyde, Henry Jordon Ijams, Charles B Jarvis, James Howard Johnson, Crockett W Johnson, Edwin Lee Jones, Sam H Kern, John Adam Kinsland, John Early Lawrence. Daniel Winslow .... Lawson, Isaac Henry Little, William Perry Lively, William Spencer Livesay, Leonard Lloyd Logue, S. R Lovell, Jadie Johns Lowry, John Riley Luck. John Jennings Lumley, W. E Luther, Emerson Orlander .... Lyon, James Adair McBryde, John McLaren, Jr. . McClure, James McConnico, Z. A McDonald, J. Q McElroy, Robert Chester McGee, Gentry Richard McNabb, Andrew Asa Madewell, Jacob W Mayfield, George Radford .... I Meilen, George Frederick Miller, Enos C Mitchell. George Washington . Morrison, Marquis Lafayette . . Moser, Robert Alfred Nauts, William Boone Nave, Andrew Jackson Neil, Charles Burney Nelson, (Mrs.) Cora Bristol.., Newport, William Emmett . . . Ogden, Robert Morris Parks, Samuel J Patton, Alson C Payne, Robert Marion Pence, John Hoss Peoples, Richard Grier Perkins, Augie Villette Warren Rankin. Thomas Samuel Reese, David Nelson Repass, Joseph Wharton Richey, Robert Calvin Robinson, Matthias West Ruddiman, Edsel A Shouse, Laura Belle I •647 Sims, Joseph 243 Sisk, Thirmie K 96 Skinner, Edwin V 378 Smith, Edgar Herman 241 Smith, Robert Davis 93 Stooksbury, William L 105 Swiggert, Glen L 511 Taylor, William Hale 155 Thompson, Samuel H 16 Tolman. Herbert Cushing 450 Turner, Charles William 234 Tyson, Stuart Lawrence 512 Walker, Josef Clay 194 Webb, John Maurice 18 Webb, William Robert, Jr 19 Weber, Henri Carleton 452 Webster, Sam R 500 Wheeler, Warren E 482 White, William Thomas 237 Whitlock, Andrew Patton 42 Young, Bertrand Edward 455 Zuccarello, Joseph Jerome 489 ENGINEERS. Allen, Thomas H 277 Ayres, Willis E. (civil) 279 Brennan. Henry Williams 285 Calhoun, Tyler (civil) 408 Carson, William Waller (civil) 214 Emmons, Nathaniel H. (mining) .... 96 Foster, Wilbur Fisk (civil) 418 Galbraith, Frank W. (civil) 198 Gardner, William Montgomery (civil). 311 Hill, Jesse Thomas (mining) 59 Howe, Harry Northrop (civil) 320 Hudson, Charles (civil) 221 Jackson, Granberry (civil) 428 Jenkins, William Dunbar (civil) .... 59 Lancaster, John Lynch (civil) 326 McNeilly, Robert H. (civil) 436 Morgan, Arthur Ernest 341 Moscrip. Robert John (civil) 96 Peebles, William Jacob (civil) 557 Pharr, Harry Nelson (civil) 347 Pile, O, P. (civil) 572 Proutt, Frederick George (electrical) . 349 Shawver, George Bunyan (electrical) .532 Tutwiler, Thomas Henry (civil) ....364 ENTERTAINERS. Drake, (Mrs.) Love Jones 186 Hale, W. Powell 198 FARMERS. Aden, Clint 174 Adkins, Almon T 85 Alexander, Henry Frank 87 196 426 177 492 189 249 386 428 26 430 205 144 432 73 266 378 261 571 477 434 553 268 78 510 435 13 376 264 191 566 25 437 225 387 72 210 163 510 506 499 394 163 228 269 .19 376 159 144 229 159 565 82 264 272 .445 475 048 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Alexander, Joseph Venable . . Allen, D. W Allen, Ernest L Allen, James Allison, Marshall Lafayette Anderson, Silas Francis Anthony, William Lee Armstrong, Alfred F Armstrong, James Hamilton Askew, Charles Dudley Atchley, Samuel Henry Bailey, Robert Albert Baird, R. M Banks, Ezekiel Thomas Barron, Samuel Lee Bass, Hersehel Bass, Jacob Miller Bass, J. W. . Bastin, Wyatt H Beasley, Charles W Beasley, Robert C Beene, Jacob Benham, Philo Dayton Bennett, Flenry W Bennett, Hugh T Bible, Jonathan David Bingham, Granville C Bivins, Henry Wright Blackburn, J. K. P Blackburn, William Wirt . . . Blankenship, Henry Jefferson Boggess, Elisha S Bolling, Jefferson Davis Bouton, William Paisley . . . Bowman, Stuart Boyet, John Thomas Bridger, Axum R Brigham, William Looney . . . Brooks, Tilman Rose Browder, Joe Rowan Browder, William D Brown, Barton Robey Bruce, Daniel Hoge Bunnell, Isaac Newton .... Burchard, James C Burchett, W. T Burnett, James Huff Butler, Henry Campbell .... Caldwell, David Moore Caldwell, Robert Arthur . . . Callaway, Luke Lea Campbell, David James .... Cannon, Henry Ethelbert . . . Cannon, Will C Cannon, Newton Carlock, Lafayette H Carlock, Thomas Ward 256 Carmichael, N. B 258 Cates, Willis J 542 Caton, Daniel Spencer 569 Caton, Thomas 98 Caudle, Jesse Benton 494 Oawthorn, James F 260 Chenault, Charles C 148 Christian, Jones Wesley 172 Cliumbley, William W 269 Claiborne, William B 32 Clark, Gordentia Waite 564 Coble, John D 514 Cole, Isaac E 512 Copeland, William Brownlow 569 Cor ban, B. J 97 Cowan, George L 140 Cowan, Malilon S 29 Cox, Richard L 260 Crigler, W. L 515 Crox, William Harrison 47 Culvahouse, James P 131 Curry, John Cox 459 Curtis, Finley P 37 Dance, John R 547 Daniel, James Franklin 566 Daniel, John Newton 106 Davidson, Hardy Carlton 126 Davis, Joseph N 569 Davis, Lucas E 39 Deaderick, James William 126 Deery, James E 515 Delozier, George L 27 Deming, Madison Monroe 168 De Moss, Thomas H 12 Dennis, Richard S 146 Dickey, Isaac T 168 Diggs, Pleasant James 472 Dinwiddie, David Malcolm 548 Dinwiddie, Madison B 262 Donaldson, John Thomas 44 Dorris, Thomas Franklin 25 Dossett, John W 570 Douglass, Willis Burchett ....533 Dowdy, Earl H 21 Downey, William Henry 173 Downing, Richard Vaughan 99 Dunlap, Pressley S 263 Dunlap, W. E 176 Durham, Jeff 75 Dwiggings, James Polk 478 Earnest, Nicholas Peter 72 Eaves, j. B 109 Edmiston, William Campbell 478 Edmondson, George Keeling 520 Edwards, Arthur Washington 24 .537 . 576 . 31 . 155 .513 .519 .492 .107 . 18 .533 . 80 .137 ,460 .112 .172 .253 ,485 .511 .172 .471 464 .469 .107 . 74 145 .197 18 .388 261 105 541 481 404 245 556 250 19 116 538 249 535 519 205 137 469 521 1 13 504 459 373 80 571 289 479 138 256 CLASSIFIED INDEX Einsel, E. D Ellis, Joseph Desha, Jr Elmore, William Erwin, Nicholas D Estes, Joel Henry Evens, Thomas Haws Everett, John Edward Ewing, Felix Grundy Ewing, John Montgomery . . Ewing, Thomas Polk ! Felknor < Andrew McFerrin . Eike, James Emberson Ford, John Fort, Charles Henry Foster, Levi Foust, David Thompson .... Fox, N. G. T Fox, Ottis G Francisco, Aaron Jacob Franklin, Jesse Freeman, Thomas Harvey . . Fry, Joseph h Fulkerson, Frances Marion . Gallaher, George Hamilton Gallaher, William Franklin. Galloway % William Thomas . Gamble, Alexander Marion . Gant, William Washington . Garrison, Abraham Lincoln Giesler, A. J Gilliland, Frank Given, Thomas Monroe Godsey, William Clinton . . . Goldston, William Alexander Gordon, William Osceola . . . Gossett, Dorsey Graham, Edgar Jones Gray, Wiley Willis Greer, Green B Griffin, Franklin Hall Griffith, James Turk Grubb < Peter Jasper Guille, Charles Ruble Guinn, Jesse H Guinn, Joel Franklin Gupton, John Jerome . Hale, Joseph Sparrel Hamlett, B. Frank Hardin, Martin Luther Harris, Thomas C Harwood, B. P Hayes, Henry Clay Heikens, Ben I Henderson, George Lawrence Herring, Richard Grady .... Hicks, John E 04# Hill, H. L 118 Hil^ James Preston 106 Hillsman, James Reddick 550 Hix, Arkley F 146 Hollomon, Pleas H 132 Hooper, Janies Newton 12 Hornsby, Samuel J 481 Horton, M. C 374 Howard, Benjamin Richard 483 Howard, Samuel F 559 Hudson, J. T 114 Huffman, Ephriam Sharp 464 Huffman, T. L 464 Hughes, Madison Red 125 Humphreys, James Nicholson 456 Hyatt > Devereaux McKinnie 463 Hyder, David L 127 Inman, Thomas Redis 551 Jackson, Andrew Perry 536 Jackson, Emerson C 495 Jackson, Jesse C 544 Janes, E. W 472 Jernigan, A. J 28 Johnson, Jackson S ..250 Johnson, Robertson Yeatman 78 Johnston, J. Hardy 81 Jolly, John C 118 Jones, James M 126 Jones, James N 102 Jones, James Wood 26 Jones < John Grady 183 Jones, John M 470 Jones, Joshua Rhett 375 Jones, Robert McFarland 380 Jones, William V 113 Judd, William F 9 Keith, Pleasant B 574 Kelly, William B 108 Kimbro, Frazar 392 Kimbrough, George Washington ....540 Kimbrough, Virginius 16 King, E. C 34 King^ John Anderson 477 Koffman, J. H 145 Kyle, Finis Porter 465 Kyle, Samuel James 23 Lamar, C. M 11 Lambdin, Clarence W 81 Lancaster, William Henry 258 Lenoir, Walter Thomas 535 Lenoir, William Godard 479 Lillard, T. 0 393 Lipscomb, John Calvin 161 Long, J. W 531 Long, Martin F 43 Long, William H 190 .390 .107 ,276 .533 . 33 .132 .263 . 43 ,491 76 .105 .109 .398 7 .495 .171 .505 .146 .538 38 ,385 .534 .498 468 .571 . 89 ,273 517 .103 24 464 254 108 495 548 262 480 576 39 543 131 110 470 110 481 456 492 77 481 21 548 184 112 268 34 549 WHO’S WHO IN TENNESSEE 050 McAuley, Irving Oswald McCarver, John L. ... McCorkle,' John Edwin McDaniel, Charles Miner . . . McDowell, John Hugh McEwen, William J McKamey, John A McKenzie, Jeremiah M McMurray, Boyd McMurry, Dudley McNabb, John A McWilliams, J. L McWilliams, John Magee, James L Malone, William M Marney, Roscoe C Marsh, Thomas L Martin, George Sneed Martin, Thomas Dudley Mathes, E. A Mauk, Henry A Mayo, Robert Council Meadows, George Person . . . . Melton, Luke Lee Meriwether, John Henry . . . . Miller, Henry P Mitchell, James Buford Mitchell, Samuel Howard . . . Moneyhun, J. A Morell, J. C Morris, Gideon Lee Morris, William Dabney . . . . Moses, W. H Mullens, Elijah Myers ( John Nelson Myers, Newton Cloyd Nance, Parham Booker Neas, John Franklin Neely, Alex. Walker Neil, Charles B Newberry, George Washington Newland, Robert Rhea Nunnelly, Walter S O’Neal, William Arthur Odle, Hiram Dorsey Ogilvie, Wilson Waverly . . . Overall, Horace Lee Overall, William Herschel . . Pace, Henry J Paine, Wiliiam R Pardue, Jeremiah Josephus . . Parish, James B Parker, Henry T Parker, James B Parker, J. Calvin Parks, Benjamin R 457 Parks, M. C 554 Parrott, Leonidas John 206 Paschal, James Franklin 478 Patterson, Grover F 136 Pearson, Charles 137 Pearson, Thomas C 8 Pegram, William Maston 13 Pegues, Hazel Hewitt 19 Penland, William H 462 Pennington, John R., 493 Pepper, George Henry 128 Perry, John Henry 8 Perry, William Albert 192 Plyley, Charles Montgomery 460 Pollock, Alfred Buckner 399 Powell, James Arthur 22 Priestley, John M 512 Pyatt, Joseph Leander 495 Rainey, Horace 92 Randolph, Beverly 395 Ransom, B. F., Sr 18 Reed, John H 208 Reid, Samuel Eli 170 Rhea, George W 537 Richardson, William L 35 Ridley, Knox 52,0 Rivers, James W 14 Roach, William Little ...241 Roark, Franklin A 5.78 Roark, Joseph Rodgers 477 Robertson, Beverly 170 Robertson, Holcombe 170 Robeson, James F 106 Rogers, James Wilson 249 Roland, William Thomas 378 Rosamon, John W 145 Routon, Quincy E 499 Rowe M. M .478 Rule, Caleb 506 Russell, Richard 242 Russell, William James 573 Rutledge, Isaac C 387 Sanders, John Henry 480 Shearon, Josiah N. 13 Sheegog, Fleming R 92 Shelton, Will G 172 Shields, Robert Hodsden 507 Shipley, John Vires 24 Shoffner, Eugene B 17 Shofner, George Franklin 541 Shofner, Joseph T 162 Simpson, John Tate 259 Simpson, Thomas Kanada 568 Sims, John Green 564 Smith, Barton 0 257 .174 .120 .457 .143 .559 .119 .495 . 21 .184 531 .523 .169 .570 .491 .513 .209 .207 .207 .271 .375 . 24 .191 .487 .152 . 191 .241 .493 .244 .378 .462 . 44 .474 .562 .483 .184 .158 . 8 .462 .372 ,499 ,153 . 11 ,562 471 534 252 254 254 540 529 463 527 554 163 132 CLASSIFIED INDEX 651 Smith, James G Smith, John P Smith, William Harding Smothers, John C Snyder, David Byron Sparks, David C Sparks, Jesse Spence, William Jerome Dorris.... Stallings, J. B Stewart, Neil M Stokely, David Stone, Robert James Stout, John M Stratton, John Wesley Sugg,, Jefferson Davis Sugg, Tom Day Susong, John Burnett Swallows, William S Swann, Alfred Reuben Tansil, Egbert E Taylor, Alfred Alexander Taylor, Edmund Taylor, Franklin Walter Taylor, James Patton Taylor, Samuel Terry, Thomas Franklin Thomas, Ben H Thomas, Dorsey B Thompson, William R Thompson, William V. Thornton^ Nicholas Perkins Thrasher,' Pugh H Trice, William Crook Tyndall, Walter Clark Tyson, Benjamin Vincent, John Ozias Waite, George Edward Valk, Thomas Benton Walker, James William Wallace, J. K. P Wallis, James Leslie Walthal, Thomas W Ward, Wililam Jefferson Waren, Jake Cathey Washington, Joseph Edwin Weakley, George W Weeks, James W Whitehead, Thomas F Williams, James F Williams, John Lacy Williams, William B Willis, A. L Wills, James Newton Wills, Norman Rufus Winburn, Henry Clay Witherington, Daniel Womble, M. A 136 Wood, Samuel Davidson 519 Woodson, Edwin Allen 20 Woody, William 132 Wright, Hugh Bradley 115 Wright, John W 557 Wright, Samuel Alexander 101 Wright, Wilson Daniel 112 Wyatt, William Nathan 268 Yoakley, William Frederick 24 Young, Sam Martin ..115 FEDERAL OFFICIALS. U. S. SENATORS. Lea, Luke 433 Taylor, Robert Love 448 CONGRESSMEN. Austin, Richard Wilson 211 Byrns, Joseph W 407 Garrett, Finis J 117 Gordon, George Washington 313 Houston, William C 577 Hull, Cordell 42 Moon, John Austin 64 Padgett, Lemuel Phillips 91 Sells, Sam R 581 Sims, T. Wilrette 255 JUDGE OP SUPREME COURT OF U. S. Lurton, Horace Harmon 434 FEDERAL JUDGES. McCall, John Ethridge, W. D. T 331 Sanford, Edward Terry, M. & E. D. T 231 U. S. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. Davis, William I., E. D. T 538 Tillman, Abram, M. D. T 450 U. S. DISTRICT COURT CLERKS. Mathews, Allen Grant 337 Snodgrass, D. L 69 Van Deventer, Horace 235 Elgin, Frank S., Master in Chanc- ery 302 U. S. MARSHALS. Johnson, Joseph Samuel 321 Overall, John W 440 U. S. WEATHER FORECASTERS. Bate, Henry Clay, Nashville 401 Emery, Samuel C., Memphis 303 U. S. COMMISSIONERS. Colburn, Webster P., Chiekamauga Park 53 465 465 106 9 . 82 210 483 .562 ,179 ,145 ,463 , 456 ,116 ,490 . 86 . 86 . 28 .375 .534 .119 .128 .533 .383 .129 . 11 .170 .550 . 41 .111 . 93 . 36 .503 .171 . 93 .113 .272 .464 .151 .110 . 84 .530 .500 .528 .536 .570 .541 .205 .537 .368 .482 . 17 .519 .384 .384 .203 .500 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE *i2 Mims, William Oscar 461 Smith, Baxter, Chiekamauga Park. 68 Wilder, John T., Shiloh Park 237 Zirkle, George Luther 507 U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTOR. Dunlap, William A 415 U. S. FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTOR. Ruddiman, Edsel A 445 REFEREE IN BANKRUPTCY. Hornsby, A. A 319 GRAIN DEALERS. Davis, Thomas L 299 Haun, Thomas Nelson 376 Horton, Johnston Bright (whole- sale) 319 Morgan, John Talbert 341 Patteson, Guy E 345 HARDWARE SALESMEN. Mitchell, John Tilmon 91 Smith, William Powell 499 HORTICULTURISTS. Keffer, Charles Albert 222 Maples, Pink 505 HOTEL PROPRIETORS. Deaderick, Arthur V 556 Dismukes, William Marshall 558 Dodds, Lloyd Douglas 512 Dulaney, Foy Wesley 201 Holmes, George Whitney 265 Horn, James Adams 175 Reynolds, James C 560 Stepp, Francis Marion 546 INSURANCE. Bourne, Edward 283 Brown, Harris 148 Byars, Ezell S 121 Byers, L. Newton 74 Caldwell, Albert S 50 Carnes, William Watts 290 Clark, M. Eugene 293 Cohen, C. Davega 410 Cohn, Julius Joseph 52 Cowan, Henry Bryson 515 Crabtree, W. R 53 Craig, Edward Burr 54 Crichlow, James H 390 Dabney, Charles Clarence 411 Dunscomb, John S 301 Eastman, Charles Hazen 415 Edrington, John Price 302 Elarn^ James J 88 Elder, John Sanders 75 Erskine, Washington Gordon 304 Fite, Frank Green 417 Fite, Robert Hunter 417 Flenniken, Michael F 218 Franklin, James C 418 Gracey, Julien Frank 76 Grady, Noah Hamilton 58 Haase, Charles J 314 Henry, Freeland A 492 Hoppe, George Edward 319 Howell, Arthur Melvin 207 Jackson, Howell Edmunds 428 Jenkins, James D 127 Jones^ Richard Edwin 266 King, Theo. F 60 Lake, Richard Henry 325 Lake, Richard Pinckney 325 Love, Samuel B 330 Lovelace, Jesse Crenshaw 330 Loventlial, Lee J 434 Mason, Arthur B 437 Mathews, William D 337 Metcalf, Charles W., Jr 338 Meyers, George L 339 Myers, Henry C 342 Norton, Junius Dudley 65 01son < Charles Willard 65 Owen, John Thomas 65 Patten, Zeboim Carter 66 Perkins, Henry E 144 Pilcher, Stuart Carutliers 442 Polk, James Knox 443 Quarles, Thomas Jackson 546 Rankin, Leland 443 Roberts, Paul 444 Rucker, William G 518 Senter, John M 179 Sibley, Bolling 354 Smith, J. Maddin 357 Smith t John Henry 446 Smither, James William 447 Spencer, Herbert W 69 Taylor, Thomas John 360 Turner, James Columbus 497 Watkins, James Morgan 451 Wheeler, John B 552 Wood, William Henry 370 Yowell, James A 455 INVESTMENTS. Falls, John W 305 Halliburton, Wesley 315 Hurt, Alden B 320 Mayberry, Henry Hunter 144 CLASSIFIED INDEX Powell, Ferdinand JEWELERS. Carr, James B Dillard > Benjamin Joel Goosman, Fred I Mashall, Creed Fulton Mulford, John Nelson Ruth, Albert Hayden JOURNALISTS. Cisco, Jay Guy Connolly, Michael W Cunningham, Sumner Archibald.... Floyd, Archibald C Folk, Reau Estes Gates, Robert Hale, William Thomas Phillips, Thomas Milton Rook, Charles Wesley Suter, Herman LAWYERS. Abernathy, Andrew Jackson Abernathy, James Polk Adams, John C Adcock, B. G Allen, James Seddon Allen, Valentine Collins Anderson, David Deaderick Anderson, James H Apperson, John W Armstrong, Walter Preston Bacon, William J Ball, Clyde L Banks < George Edward Banks, Lem Barnett, John William, Jr Barthell, Edward East Barton, Robert McKinney Baskerville, James Thomas Bates, Douglas Thompson Bates, Jasper A Baxter, Elbridge J Baxter, Perkins P Beard, Edward Ewing Beattie, Robert Marye Beaver, Charles Oliver Beck, Henry Clay Beene^ J. C Berry, Coburn Dewess Biggs, Albert W Biggs, William Hyman Biggs, William Percy Blount, Joseph M 653 Bond, Bate 32 Boren, George Edmond 126 Bowden, John Seymour 195 Bowen, Alfred Thomas 497 Boyd, Ernest Houston 94 Boyd, Frank 568 Boyd, juarry Roberts 284 Boyle < Thomas R 285 Brien, William Given 405 Bright, John M 133 Brown, Charles A 22 Brown, Foster Vincent 49 Brown, Joseph E 49 Brown, Laurent 405 Brown, Robert S 388 Bryan, Charles Middleton 286 Buford, John W 185 Bundren, James Henderson 197 Burnett, James T 542 Burrow, Thomas Jackson 29 Byrns, Joseph W 407 Caldwell, James Adelbert 50 Caldwell, Walter Cochran 547 Cameron < Robert T 50 Camp, Eldad Cicero 211 Canada, J. W 289 Canada, Lucius T. M 289 Capshaw, R. B 95 Carr, Horace Maynard 164 Carriger, James A 379 Carroll, William H 290 Carter, William Martin 250 Cary, Hunsdon 291 Cary, Rhea Preston 292 Case, Halbert Brigham 50 Case, Ward Roland 195 Casey _ Eugene 7 Cassady, John E 259 Cecil, Batey IS 2 Chambers, Henry A 51 Chambers, Paul 392 Chambliss, Alexander W 51 Chambliss, Samuel M 51 Chandler, Percy Scott 385 t handler, Waiter Clift 292 Cherry, William C 409 Childers, Ben 485 Cult, Moses A 52 Cline, Geo. Washington 102 Cobb, Charles Henry 557 Cobble, Lewis M 372 Coekroft, Stansil L 294 Coe, Harry Lee 245 Coffman, Daniel M 496 Cohn, Walter IJ 52 Coleman, Lewis Minor 53 202 408 245 522 225 342 518 409 295 411 308 418 188 422 343 178 448 484 484 277 94 277 106 210 48 273 278 279 130 573 280 212 401 280 147 45 45 204 402 244 2S1 49 49 525 402 282 185 282 111 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 634 Collier, Thomas Barksdale . Collier, William Armistead Collins, Christ C Conatser, Orion Clemens . . . Cook, Henry H Cooke, Robert Burch Coonrod, Elinor Cooper, Henry T Cooper, James William Cooper, John S Cornick, Howard Counts, Walter James Cox, James B Cox, Nicholas Nicols Cox, Williston Madison Craft, Henry Crockett, Robert Hugh .... Crowell, Ernest W Crowell, William Henry . . . Crownover, Arthur Davis, John P Davis, William I Deason^ James Rankin De Haven, David William . . Denton, Herschel Johnson . . DeWitt, John H Dickinson, Jacob McGavoek. Dixon, Miles J Donaldson, Robert Cleveland Donaldson, William Jay . . . Donnelly, Hugh A Dorsey, Albert Lee Doty, H. Walter Douglass, Lee Douglass, John, Sr Drane, John M Draper, Robert Garland Duggan^ Wilson L Dungan, James A Dunn, Samuel Houston Eastman, Joel W Edgington, Thomas Benton Elkins, Robert Asa England, James A Estes, Patrick Mann Estill, Floyd Evans, . Charles Rountree . . . Evans, Thomas A Evans, Marion G Evans, Ruth Durant Ewing, Caruthers Fair, Oscar Monroe Farley, John William Faust_ Thomas Emmett .... Faw, Walter Wagner Fentress, David Fisher, Hubert Frederick 307 Fisher, James Nelson 42 Fitzhugh, Guston Thomas 307 Fleming, Martin A 56 Fletcher, Andrew Jackson 81 Fletcher, John Storrs 58 Fort, Dancey 76 Fort, Joel Battle 7 Foster, Elias Gason 182 Foster, James Andrew 25 Foster, Sanders 182 Foust, James Leonidas 57 Fowler James Alexander 218 Fowlkes, Henry Pleasant 141 Fox, Horace D 218 Frazier, James B 57 Frierson, Gordon 309 Frierson, William Little 57 Fugate, James T 539 Fulkerson, Peter Graham 539 Fults, Jefferson D 545 Fuqua, J. Ben 567 Fussell, Joe H 89 Galloway, Alexander Brodnax 310 Galloway, Jacob Scudder 310 Gardner, James Robert 201 Garner, Clair Herbert 545 Gates, Elias 311 Gaut, John McReynolds 419 Gibson, Henry Richard 218 Giddings, Frederick A 57 Gilbert, Robert Wm. Henry ...130 Gore, Charles C 256 Gore, John J 42 Gordon, Thomas Cage 123 Gordon, William B 90 Greaves, William Francis, Jr 34 Green, E. J 466 Green, Robert Wilson 270 Greer, James A 259 Greer, John Allen 255 Greer, Rowan Adams 314 Grissam, Clyde 263 Guthrie, George Nuchols 148 Haaga, Joseph Albert 314 Hacker, Newton 204 Haggard, Fred G 496 Hall, Allen Garland 422 Hall, Harry Samuel 219 Hall, John Fielder 253 Hall, R. M 123 Hamby, William A 103 Harrelson, W.- H 316 Harris, Jesse M 521 Harsh, George ,...316 Harsh, Thomas W 316 295 295 ,127 377 139 53 53 216 103 547 216 53 200 140 216 296 140 485 515 573 538 538 547 299 54 413 413 140 542 217 383 530 54 414 458 457 146 504 152 544 54 302 117 111 416 574 55 305 304 55 305 55 306 239 141 306 CLASSIFIED INDEX 655 Haun, Wilson Y Haynes, Richard Edgar, Jr Heiskell, Carrick White Henderson, John Hughes . . . . Herring, Daniel W Hickey, Robert Burns Hill, Sam E Hobbs, James Claiborne Hobson, Horace Pulliam Hodges, Syllus Edward , , Hogue, John Robert .......... Holding, Samuel Holladay, Lake Erie Holladay, Oscar K Holmes ^ V. H Horton, Henry H Houk, Fred C Houk, John C Houston, James Cleveland Houston, Samuel 0 Howell, Robert B. C Hughes, Allen Hull, Cordell Human, Isham J Humphrey, William Lilly Ingersoll, Henry Hulbert Ivins, Eugene Ernest Jarvis, Eliplialet Jennings, John, Jr Johns > Joshua Leroy Johnson, Alfred D Jones, Clem J Judd, John Waltus Justice, Joseph E Kannard, William Thomas Keeble, John Bell Keen, Willard Kehr, Cyrus Kennedy, Robert Lee Kennerly, Wesley Travis Ketchum, Morgan C Key, William Neely I King^ John Rutledge Kinney, William -. Kirkpatrick, Samuel Sevier Knight, W. A Kortrecht, Alexander H Lancaster, George D Landrum, William Rufus Lanier, Powless William ( Latimore, Thomas Callaway ....... Lawrence, Charles H Leech, Lewis Harper Leech, Wilson Blake Lefeber, James Robert Lehman, Eugene Lehman, Leopold 327 Lester, Charles W. 223 Lewis, J. W. 473 Lewis, Sidney Clinton 116 Lillard, Jasper North llo Lindsay, Hugh Barton 223 Littleton, Carlyle Shelley 61 Littleton, James F 209 Littleton, Jesse M 575 Litty, H. H. 328 Livingston, Henry J 34 Livingston, Henry J., Jr 329 Long, Guy Pomeroy 329 Looney, T. C. 329 Lovette, Oscar Byrd 157 Lynch, James, Jr 61 Lynn, William Green 493 McAdoo, Alfred H 330 McAlister, William K 434 McCadden, John Edward ..380 McCanless, Michael C 381 McCarn, Jefferson 435 McClelland, Charles B 99 McClure, Roy Fleming 62 McClure, William Alexander 62 McCorkle, David Eusebius 143 McCorry, Thomas 190 McDaniel, Nicholas M 540 McFarland, Louis Burchette 333 McGehee, A. J 191 McGehee, Malcolm S 333 McGuffey, Charles Drake 62 McKay, Hayden Matthews 333 McKellar, Kenneth Douglass 333 McKnight, J. T 393 McLean, James Hodge 63 McMillin, Benton 436 McMorrough, Theodore J 435 McNeilly, Edwin L 436 McNutt, John F 497 McTeer, Will Anderson 274 Madden, Percy Downs 436 Maddox, Pearl Wilson 180 Maiden, Royal E 334 Malone, George B., Jr 335 Malone, James Henry 335 Manogue, Raymond E ..336 Marshall, John L 251 Marsilliott, Clarence L 336 Martin, Andrew Bennett 247 Martin, Francis 62 Martin, John Donelson 336 Matthews, Erwin H 62 Mayfield, Charles S 82 Meacham, Cowan W. K 63 Meredith, Dan Martin 527 .316 . 90 .316 .142 .188 .461 .220 .129 .522 .220 .257 . 90 .118 . 95 .549 .574 .221 .221 .503 .221 .427 .320 . 42 .563 . 81 .222 . 15 .527 .199 . 59 . 60 .468 ,149 . 12 .114 ,429 ,183 ,223 ,429 ,223 323 190 ,381 34 204 46 324 60 549 99 60 432 326 114 60 326 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE 656 Merritt, Henry Clay Metcalf, Charles W., Sr. . . Milburn, William Elbert F. Miller Charles Austin Miller* White Burkett Mims, William Oscar Minnis, Samuel Young . . . Mitchell, Marcus F Moore, James Washington . Moore, J. W. E Moorman, Hiram C Morgan, Oliver Perry Morison, James H. S Morrell, Norman Blake Morris, John H Morris, Robert Lewis Morris, Thomas Overton . . Morrison, John F Moses, Everett Moss < John T Mountcastle, Robert E. Lee Murphy, John Williams . . Murray, Sidney Eugene . . . Myers, John C Myers, Thomas Snoddy .... Neely, Sidney M Newman, James Bryan .... Newsom, David Blair Nicholas, James L Nunn, David A Odle, Joe F Ogilvie, Clarence C Owen, Crockett Owen, William A Ozier < Millard F Paine, A. M Palmer, Horace Edward . . . Parks, Hamilton Parks, Joe Brazier Patteson, William Guy . . . Patton, Wiley Compton . . . Pearson, George W Peay, Austin Pendleton, Isaac Louis .... Percy, William Armstrong . Peres, Israel Hyman Phelan > Patrick H., Jr Pickle, George Wesley .... Pierce, Rice Pigford, Clarence E Pilcher, James Stuart Pilcher, William Bowen C. Poston, John Hamil, Jr. ... Poston, William F Powers, John x"ike, Jr Puryear, David Burford . . . . 79 .338 . 157 . 26 . 63 .461 .268 . 63 .437 . 35 .523 . 64 .104 .227 .488 .438 .466 .242 .227 .341 .227 .180 . 180 .479 . 64 .343 .440 .343 .259 . 35 . 40 .344 . 91 . 100 .169 .506 .395 .441 . 135 .345 .163 .255 . 79 .442 .346 .346 .347 .229 .560 .192 .442 .442 .348 . 8 .229 .150 Rainey, William Garrett Ramsey, John Calhoun Randolph, William Mortimer . Rankin, Josephus William . . . Rhodes > James P Rice, James William Richardson, James Daniel, Jr. Riddick, Thomas K Ridley, Granville Sumner Riley, Albert G Roberts, M. G. H Roberts, William Alexander . . Robertson, Nathan Glenn Robinson, Robert Byrd Robinson, Solon L Rogers, Jesse L Rosenthal, Abram Ross, Elijah Walker Ross, Montague S Roy < Shane Rutherford, Alfred G Rutherford, Charles H Ryan, Thomas St. John, Charles J Salmon, William C Sanders, Frank Sanford, Robert W Sanford, William Sansom, Richard Henry Savage, Michael Saylor, .James William Scales, Dabney Minor Schubert, Fred L Scobey, Norvell L Scotty Alexander Yerger .... Scott, David Eldridge Seay, Edward T Sells, George Caldwell Senter, J. D Seymour, Samuel H Shannon, John F Shannon, Robert T Shepherd, Thomas Pope Shipley, George Arthur Shoun, Alexander Nelson .... Sidwell, M. C Silvertooth, George W Simonton, Charles B Sims, Robert M Smith, Baxter Smith, Bolton Smith, Edgar P Smith, Edward Joseph Smith, Henry E Smith, Homer H Smith, John Powell 92 82 350 271 374 116 ,396 351 396 352 67 130 248 259 480 230 230 502 444 352 445 445 353 30 92 231 100 100 232 80 232 353 174 458 354 253 150 203 179 68 568 446 68 68 159 45 354 100 570 68 356 397 446 446 23 456 . CLASSIFIED INDEX 657 Smith, John Robert Smith, Philip Bayard .... Smith, Robert Trimble . . Smith, William Templeton Smithson, Noble Smithson, Payton Carter . Sneed, Richard Reynolds . . Sparks, Jesse Kent Sparks^ Jesse Wadlington Spragins, Robert Franklin Stainback, Charles Ashley Stanfield, David A Staples, John W Starnes, Daniel W Steele, Thomas, Jr Steen, John M Steinmetz, Karl Edward . . Stephenson, Samuel E. ... Stickley, Robert H Stickley, Vastine Stokes, Harry Shelby . . . Stovall, Ancil W, Stover^ Sewell Philip Strang, Samuel Barton . . . Susong, Joseph Alexander . Swab, Daniel Cooper Swafford, Jesse Brown . . . Swaney, William Bentley . Swann, William Arthur . Sweeney, John Calvin . . . Swiggart, William H Tanner, Robert W Tansil, John Bell Tatum, William Trousdale Taylor, J. Will Taylor^ M. Hillsman Thach, Patrick Henry .... Thomas, Edward Willis . . Thompson, Franx M Thornburgh, John Minnis Tillman, George N Tillman, James D Tillman, Lewis Tobin, Joseph Semrnes . . Towler, William J Trezevant, Marye Beattie . Trimble, C. Howard True, Henry Clay Turley, Eli Rayner Turney, John E Turney, John Reid Tyne, Thomas James Tyson, Hugh E Tyson, Lawrence Davis . . Vincent, Irvin A Wade, William Wallace . . Waddell, Joel B. :561 Wagner, Thomas H 70 Walker, Bradley 451 Walker, John Russell 550 Walsh, Thomas J -..179 Ward, Roscoe 238 Waring, Roane 366 Warinner, Hiram Campbell 366 Washington, William H 451 Watkins, Edmund 70 Watkins, John Wesley 494 Watkins, Walter H 71 Watts, James Lovell 452 Webb, Bethel M 520 Webb, William King 119 Welcker, James Henry 236 Welcker, William Louis 236 West, Joseph Ready 452 Wheeler, Xenophon 71 Whitaker, Samuel Estill 71 White, Edward Donnell 258 White, Joseph Franklin 105 Whitesell_ Robert P 561 Whitthorne, W. C 94 Whitson, William Vance 267 Wilkerson, William Exum 71 Wilkes, John Brown 489 Wilkes, Walter Stewart 489 Williams, Joseph V 71 Williams, Robert Bone 243 Williams, Samuel Cole 203 Williams, Samuel Henry 124 Willis, John L 268 Wills, Andrew Woods 453 Wills, Mann 37 Winslow, Henry M 166 Witt, Benjamin B. C 20 Wolf, Frances 370 Wolfe, George Lee 499 Wood, Henry Parker 504 Woodard^ John Reuben 71 Woodlee, Levi Vernon 11 Wrenne, Thomas William 454 Wright, E. Eldridge 371 Wright, Luke E 371 Wright, Sidney Blanchard 72 Wright, William Dudley 238 Yerger, George S 371 Young, David King 85 Young, Robert Snead 239 Young, Samuel Eppes 536 Zirkle, George Luther 507 LIBRARIANS. Collins, Emma Pauline 186 Drake, Alice Louise 186 566 130 447 69 233 252 193 256 397 194 524 11 165 243 494 358 .233 ,101 .358 ,269 ,447 .194 . 69 . 69 .160 .166 .108 . 69 .106 .476 .561 .494 .359 .174 .241 . 550 .197 .568 . 70 .234 .450 .136 .234 .362 . 93 .363 .363 .532 .364 .450 .450 .450 . 476 .234 . 70 . 550 658 WHO'S WHO IN TENNESSEE Dunlap, Margaret S. Johnson, Mary Hannah Johnston^ Charles D LIVERYMEN. Lockwood, Robert Mullins, Albert F LUMBERMEN. Archibald, William Whallon . Bennett, Everett T Brading, James Edward Buck, James Madison Cooper, William Duncan Daniel, William T., Jr Darnell, Rowland Dickson, John S Dudley, Charles Brown Fisher, Oscar Bell Friedel, P. R Frierson, John B Gossett, William Hines, John Henderson Keith, Alfred Shook Major, Samuel Chester Mitchell, Abraham Brownlow . . Perkins, Charles Franklin Saxton, Henry Nevett, Jr. ... Smalling, David Robert Thompson, Jesse W Williams, Edward Everette . . . Williams, William Benjamin . . MANUFACTURERS. Andrews, Oliver Burnside Bierce, Columbus Bond, R. N Bonner, Talbot Fanning Burnley, Patrick F Caraway, Robert Franklin . . . . Carpenter, Daniel A Carrier, Charles Frank Cohen, Iser Peter Cole, Whitford R Dann, Jesse Lyman Dickson, John W DuBose, J. H. . .' Estes, Charles Nathaniel Evans, Henry Clay Fisher, Robert Joseph Foltz, Frank X Foltz, Howard J Goodbar, James Monroe Goodman, Walter Gray, John M., Jr Gregory, Thomas J Hannum, Frank H Helm, George Eckel 220 Hoback, John George 132 Hopkins, Robert Thompson 426 Humphreys, Allison Battle 247 James, George R 321 Johnson, Harry P. 321 Johnson, Walter Collins 472 Johnson, William Edgar 173 Kennedy, William Marion 323 Lupton, John Thomas 61 McGill, William J 517 Mathey, Louis Charles 529 Maynard, James 225 Morey, James Marsh 158 Morris, Williamson P 495 Murray, C. E 112 Ott, Tiffin 563 Parham, William Edmund 275 Parham, William Thomas 228 Patten, John A 65 Patterson, Andrew Johnson 159 Powell, Robert C ...526 Pratt, Henry M 349 Rauscher, E. W 129 Roberts, William D 352 Rockwell, Warren Ayres 165 Sanders, Newell 67 Savage, William J 232 Simmons, William W 354 Stephenson, Thomas 1 234 Tubb, James R 527 Vastal, Robert 235 Ward, Harry C 162 Ward, Lawrence A 238 Weakley, George Thomas 124 Weller, Charles Ashburn 236 Wilkins, Benjamin Harrison 555 Williams, John Philip 453 Willis, James William 160 Wilson < Wallace Hill 526 Winkelman, Henry T 370 Wolfe, John B 481 Woollen, Alexander Rogers 370 MERCHANTS, BUSINESS MEN, ETC Abel, John Moss 109 Adams, Joe C 250 Adams, John 105 Albright, George Nicholas ...533 Allen, John Mebane 210 Ambrose, Joshua Henry 400 Andrews, Garnett 48 Applewhite, James 278 Ashcroft, Thomas C 279 Atkinson^ W. T 73 Bare, James D 22 . 54 .429 .322 .329 .517 .513 .281 .200 ,200 .385 .173 .298 300 301 378 ,309 .516 . 43 ,318 276 334 501 395 232 565 361 458 494 48 282 32 404 166 377 214 127 410 410 552 300 301 201 55 15 176 177 313 313 421 95 556 CLASSIFIED INDEX 659 Bauer, Henry D Bayless, John Walker . . . Beard, R. H Bennett, James M Bergschicker, William . . . Berry, Thompson Hiles . . Bilbrey, J ohn C Blackburn, Gideon Harden Bowers, Duke Cayce Bowers, William Augustus Bowles, Allie V Boyd, John Franklin . . . . Boyd, William Townes . . Boyken, Eugene Clarence Bransford, Johnson Bright, Thomas N Brizendine, Henry W. Brode, Frederick Moore . . Brooks, Preston Smith . . Brown, Albert R Brown, Robert S., Jr Brown, William Lafayette Brumitt, David Bryan, Elwood R Bryant, William M Buchanan, J. W. ........ Burks, Robert Lee Burns, James Thomas . . Butler, John Murphy .... Byrn, Charley Hall Caldwell, William A. ... Cameron, Walter M. Campbell, Whit Canale, Dominico Cantrell, B. P Carmichael, James H. ... Carnes, Samuel T Caro, Alvis J Carter, Matthew E Cassety, James Cheek, Leslie | Childers, Gracey [' Chiles, J. T Clapp, Aubrey B Clark, Micajah H. Coate, P. Stenning- Cohn, Robert Colmore, Robert Cole, Thomas D Conger, Sion Iliff Coleman, Sol Cooper, William Covington, Richard 0. Cowan, William Guy .... Cowley, Dufie Dillion .... Crump, Dabney Hull .... Crump, Frank Millington 29T Cruze, Alvin Ellis 273 Dahnke, George 553 Dale, William Calvin 134 Daly, Thomas Edward 486' Darden, William Henry 555 Davidson, Ben Frank 568 Davies, Olney David 412- Davis, Frank W 298 DeZevallos, Charles H 413 Dorion, Edward Hill 300 Doughty, George W 156 Dowdy, James Franklin 21 Dozier, Enoch 12 Drennan, John Calvin 134 Drew, Charles M 301 Duke, Buford 415 Dulaney, Benjamin L 29- Dupree, Nolen Read 33 •Early, E. S 461 Early, William Cole 302 Elrod, James Paschal 72 Embrey, Watts F 88 Fallin, James R 99 ; Falls, James N 305 Fanz, Ignaz 217 Far gas on, John T 305 Farmer, Arthur 183 Farthing, David Jesse 37 Felsenthal, Joseph 33 Finney, Oliver Floyd 564 Fite, Leonard Beard 417 Flippen, James H. 99 Flowers, W. H 307 Fly, D. Wilson 308 Forrest, Nathan Bedford 308 Forrest, Walter 33 Fowlkes, Jeptha M 308 Fry, Harold Jackson 534 Garner, William M 18 Garnsey, Cyrus, Jr 311 Gaston, John 311 Gaudin, William John 196 Gerber, Charles A ....312 Gilliland, Fletcher M 312 Glass, Thomas Elisha 188 Gooch, John Robert . . .• .154 Goodman, Louis Edward 165 Goodwyn, R. D 313 Graham, Frank Daniel 313 Greaves, William Francis, Sr 34 Green, William Edgar 246 Greenwood, Albert 219 Griffin, Charles Ewing 188 Grubb, Jacob L 21 Guthrie, Walker D 257 281 14 466 80 282 514 256 85 284 504 . 39 514 98 404 405 254 98 286 508 129 124 44 126 286 80 466 .256 262 389 389 265 525 542 289 186 258 289 240 291 409 409 74 466 293 75 293 294 508 10 508 294 276 389 133 206 297 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 660 Hale, W. J Hall, George Wallace . . Hamblet, J. G Hamilton, Marion Clay Hammer, Joel H Hampton, Edward Lee Hanson, Charles C Hardy, Lewis Rogers . . Hargrove, John Andrew Harvey, Charles Henry Harwell, Lorenzo Burr Hausholder, James A. . Hawk, Hiram Deeator . Haynes, W. L Healy, Robert Wallace Henderson, Albert Pendleton Henderson, B. R Hendrick, Robert Grundy . . Hickerson, Arthur Henry . Hill, Adolphus Burge Hobson, William Langhorne Hof fa, Charles Bell . . Holcombe, Egbert W Holt, William E Hooper, Tennessee M Horner, William N Horton, George Elmer Howell, J. W Huddleston, Felix W Hudson, John Wesley Hudson, W. E Hull, Ernest H Humphreys, Hugh Humphreys, S. T Hussey, Michael Morris .... Ingram, E Jackson, Monroe Jarnagin, John Robert Jeter, William Jordan Johnson, Allen Clark Johnson, Curtis Boyd Johnson, Edwin Lehman . . . Johnson, Joseph A Jonas, Leopold Jones, Oliver King Kahn, Jacob Kavanaugh, L. T Keathley, Rufus Marion . . . Keesee, John William Kelly, Frederick A King, Thomas B King, William R Kirkpatrick, R. M Kittrell, Richard H Lane, Charles A Lane, William Leach, William H 523 Leatherman, Charles Baird 393 Lewis, Allen S 327 Livermore, William Robertson 328 Lodge, William J 526 Long, George W 459 Lowenstein, Elias 330 Luttrell, Samuel Ball 224 McAskill, Kenneth 106 McCaw, .James Henry 495 McClung, Calvin Morgan 224 McClung, Charles James 224 McCreight, Arthur Montague' 332 McDade, George Roy 551 McGaha, Francis G 98 McGee, Jesse Clendenon 551 McLaughlin, Guy Jean 135 McMahan, James Richard 490 McMahan, Thomas P 63 McMurray, Bruce A 38 McNees, Arthur R 334 McNutt, William C 334 Madden, James Franklin 134 Mallory, W. B. . . : 334 Maney, Newton Cannon 393 Manly, Francis L 533 Manogue, John 336 Marcum, Marion 469 Marshall, John S 175 Martin, Robert E. Lee 336 Marugg, Martin 545 Matlock, William Lane 28 Maury, Henry Hancock 337 Maynard, Ridley 254 Mercer, William Abner 372 Minnis, William B 459 Moberly, William A 226 Moffatit, James R 551 Montgomery, Stonewall R 340 Moore, Herbert 340 Moore, Oliver J 135 Moore, William A 120 Moorer, Henry B., Jr 171 Moores, James Augustus 135 Morgan, William Brown 341 Morgans, Morgan 64 Mullins, William L 484 Murphy, William C 172 Nance, Louis Jackson 251 Neil, William S 17 Neilson, J. D 394 Noel, Oscar F 440 Nolan, William Blessing 567 Norfleet, W. W 87 Northcutt, James H 10 O’Haver, George T 344 .166 .271 .276 .457 .205 .422 .315 .315 .465 .219 .144 .479 . 22 .517 . 58 .202 .317 .251 .564 .424 .318 .319 .376 .319 .520 .175 , 564 .466 .171 .108 .391 ,526 .320 .137 .470 20 202 537 161 392 222 321 384 429 535 26 322 463 78 154 324 324 197 392 578 432 CLASSIFIED INDEX 661 /O’Xeal, John F Oliver, Joseph X Omberg, James A., Jr Overall, Asbury X Owen, Daniel Marion Palmer^ Joseph C Parker, Jesse F Parker, Oliver Perry Parlett, Albert Patton, Robert A Payne, Thomas H Peak, Melville Cox Pearson, Thomas K Perrow, Charles Henry Pettingill, Edgar A Pfeiffer, H. C., Jr Phillips, Samuel Henry Potts, Bonnie W Potts, Uriah Austin Power < Thomas E Pracht, Charles William Prince, William T Ragland, F. B Raines, Jefferson D Rawlings, Edward LeMaster Reed, Charles Montgomery, Sr. Reed, E. A Reed, John D Rice, Ernest Richards, John R Richardson, James Daniel, Sr. Ridley < Charles Lewis Robbins, Lansden B Roberts, Morton A Rose, William A Russe, William H Rutherford, Charles X Samelson, I Sams, James Thomas Sehloss, Samuel Sedberry, James Hamilton . . . Shearer, John M Shields, Will M Short, Thomas R Sims, Burt L Skaller, Marcus Smith, Wright Hammond Sparks, Arceman E Speck, Burr L Speed, Robert A Speers, Xoah Walker Stanton, Benjamin Palmer . Stephens, William Morris . . . Stratton, Leslie M Stutts, William Haywood Surber, Benjamin Aaron Swanson, Edward G 102 Taliaferro, Charles P. . . . 260 Tayloe, Alfred D 359 Tayloe, George Green 359 Taylor, Arthur Robert 360 Taylor, Frank 360 Taylor, William V 361 Terhune, John R 448 Thomas, G. L 378 Thomas, Sterling Price 115 Thomas, William G 361 Thomas, William T 104 Thompson, William Douglass 46 Thorogood, George M 546 Threadgill, George Calvin 374 Tidman, George W. 546 Tidwell, T. P 464 Tidwell, Levi J 541 Tisdale, Lew 362 Totty, Bolin A 132 Toney, J. Frank 131 Towler, Joseph Megowan 252 Towner > H. X 363 Towner, Richard Paul 363 True, H. 0 364 Tubb, Livingston 9 Tuchfeld, Aaron 194 Tucker, William, Jr 494 Vance, Re H 364 Van Cleave, F. M 476 Vaughan, Joseph Craddock 113 Verhine, John P. 561 Voorhies, David Luther 399 Wagner, G. Edward 164 Walker, William Baker, Jr .132 Walsh^ John T 365 Walter, Edward Lewis 116 Walter, Frank Smith 117 Walter, James Bernard 117 Warnock, J. Pelham 386 Washington, George A 44 Watlington, William Franklin 482 Weaver, L. A 136 Webb, Hugh Francis 203 Wells, Moody G 491 Whitley, Benjamin H 562 Williams, Benjamin Hilliard 375 Williams, James Mathew 368 Williams, Joseph J 368 Williams, Pleasant Philips 369 Williams^ Richard C 482 Willingham, John T 369 Wilmot, Dan Hinton 519 Wilson, B. F 502 Wilson, Tench Carson 467 Wilson, W. L 86 .169 .344 . 345 .395 . 16 . 47 .153 . 153 . 30 .526 . 66 .481 .260 .463 .347 .347 .348 .205 . 40 . 181 . 35 . 48 . 35 .462 ,350 . 16 .469 .484 .124 .469 .396 .443 38 .536 ,489 .352 11 353 496 354 541 132 92 36 397 524 357 462 258 357 358 358 209 359 501 490 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 662 Winbourn, James Roach 210 Winningham, Josiah Seibert 171 Witherspoon, Ross 195 Witzmann, Emil 370 Wood, Porter Seymour 25 Woodfin, John T 398 Woodson, R. P 370 Woody, Harrison 577 Wrenne, Michael Joseph Coleman. . . .454 Younkin, Marcus W 476 MILLERS. Andrews, Thomas Botts 278 Ashton, John B 87 Banks, Charles M 181 Cameron, Joseph Thompson 565 Cooper, John Steel 490 Crow, John William 152 Farrar, Robert Lee 387 Hurdle, W. J 550 Long, William Zeigler 15 Miller, John 570 Nethercott, Richard 500 Rickman, Marcus Douglass 167 Saulpaw, G. L 38 Stimson, Leland Thomas 152 Swor, George Washington 37 Taylor John Shelton 167 MINING OPERATORS. Halliday^ William Parker 315 Hardemon, William D 490 Lewis, Walter Thomas 199 Talbert, Walter W 359 Thomas, David R 86 Wheeler, Frame S 386 Wilder, John T 237 MINISTERS, CLERGYMEN, ETC. Aiken, James Hamilton 31 Alexander, Gross 399 Atchley, William Abner .211 Athey, Thomas H 87 Bachman, George Oliver . . . ! 401 Bayless, William Charles 197 Bealer, Alexander Winkler 387 Beard^ Elvin Taylor 373 Bishop, William Samuel 507 Black, James Stedman 460 Blue, Henry Blake 404 Boaz, William Thomas 87 Bolling, Warner Thomas 471 Bone, Winstead Paine 244 Boone, Arthur U. 283 Bovard, William Sherman 14 Bowen, Enoch D 239 Calhoun, Joseph P 213 Cambron, Ely Lewis 573 Capers, Walter Branham 88 Carney, Peyton Whitfield 530 Carroll, Charles Thomas 379 Carson, Charles Clifton 29 Claiborne^ William Sterling 508 Converse, James Booth 379 Copeland, Hardy 410 | Cotton, James Thomas 41 Cowden, John B 265 Curry, Albert Bruce 298 I 1 Davis, Thomas Henry 121 ; Daws, George B 276 Day, Isaac Butler 168 j; Diehl, Charles Edward 75 ij Doss, William Hughes 246 i DuBose, Horace Mellard 414 | DuBose, William Haskell 508 1 Duckworth, William L 33 Erwin, Joseph Boyd 515 7 _ X «/ — Eshman, Andrew N 416 Floyd, John D 516 Fort, Allen 56 Foster, Robert Verrell 246 French, George Decator 380 Frost, James Marion 419 Giddens, Robert M 7 Gray, Charlie Oliver 156 Griffitts, Jacob Lafayette 126 Hawes, Samuel Percy 90 Hendricks, Walter Scott 461 Hobbs, John N 380 ! Hogan, Lemuel Ransom 265 Holcomb, Walt 426 Hoskins, Isaac Crittenden 149 Howard, William Alexander 108 Hudson > Thaddeus E 487 Irion, John Witt 549 Ivey, Thomas Neal 427 Jarratt, William Vincent 428 Johnson, Albert Sidney 189 Johnson, Phillip Franklin ...263 Johnston, Henry Bascom 123 Johnstone, Stephen H 85 Jones, Shelby Ellette 198 Keaton, James Andrew 374 Kennedy, Marion Sawyer 487 Lamar, Abner W 430 Lamar, Andrew Jackson 430 Ledbetter, H. M 483 Leeper, Francis L 199 Lewis^ Thomas Wiley 327 Lindsay, Ebenezer P 327 Lofton, George Augustus 433 Logan, Mercer Patton 433- CLASSIFIED INDEX 663 Long, Nicholas M Lowry, Joseph E McKissick, Janies Tracy . . . . McMillan, William J Manly, David Franklin Martin, Isaac P Mikell, Henry J Morgan, George Allen Mort, Edward William Noll, Arthur Howard O’Hara, Joel William Oakley, Joseph Benjamin . . Orr, Elbert L. i . Otey, Charles H Owen, Robert Alexander Owen, Samuel Alexander Parrott, John II Pendleton, Baldwin A I Pendleton, Philip Yancey . . . Penick, Isaac Newton Perry, James Franklin .... | Perry, John Wiley Potts, Thomas Semmes . . Price, Richard Nye Pugh, P. Andrew Ragsdale, Thomas Charleton Robison, George Daniel .... Robison, William M Rodgers, William Thomas . . j Rutledge, Wiley Blount .... Ryals, William Henry Savage, George Martin .... i Saveli, Joel Florida Shugart, Charles 0 Smith, William Harvey .... Smother man, James L Spence, John Fletcher Stratton (Mrs.), Lelia 0. . . . Stuart, George Rutledge . . . Stuart, James Esto Sullins, David Tabor, Alford C Taylor, Joseph Judson . . . Taylor, Robert V Tidball, Thomas Allen Utley, 0. A Van Neas, Isaac J Varner, Carroll Harper .... Wallace, James Darnall .... Wallace, Jesse Albert Waller, Calvin Barnard .... Wauford, William Ewen . . . Weaver, Rufus Washington Weber, John Langdon Wells, Holly Wilberforce . . . Whitaker, Walter Claiborne Wilcox, David Powell 128 Williams, Hugh Spencer 368 Williams, John Richards 175 Windiate, Thomas DeLong 453 Wood, Carroll D 124 MUSICIANS. Brownlow, Frank Barr 200 McCormack (Mrs.), Eleanor C 331 • NURSERYMEN. Chattin, Edward Walter 573 Hale, Nathan W 219 Nicholson, Harry 112 OSTEOPATHS. Ammerman, Wesley 137 Boulware, F. A 388 PATRIOTIC WORKERS. Dickerson (Mrs.), W. R 261 Dozier (Mrs.), Tennie Pinkerton 140 Gentry, Susie 141 Goodlett, Caroline D. Merriwether . . . 420 Horton (Mrs.), Lucy Henderson 143 Witherspoon (Mrs.), Ross 195 PHOTOGRAPHERS. Boyd, Simon Bradford .119 Deaderick, Henry McDowell 557 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Acuff, Parlin Herbert 564 Adkerson, John B 557 Allen, Alexander Monroe 37 Allen, John Thomas 31 Altman, John T 399 Anderson, Jacob Campbell 464 Anderson, Piatt H 278 Armstrong, William Henry 497 Atkins, C. A 483 Bagmell, B 268 Bandy, Robert W 153 Barlow, James Kendrick 501 Barnes, William Carroll 18 Baugh, John Edward 128 Beasley, Elias M 85 Biddle, William M 87 Biggs, Vincent Atkins 270 Biggs, Zack 546 Bilbro, William Caldwell 388 Billington, R. Wallace 403 Black, William Thomas 283 Blackman, John A 185 Blair, Edward K 133 Boles, James B 254 329 241 435 143 459 225 437 488 506 510 ,463 ,193 ,252 .241 .498 ,266 .382 .267 .442 .271 .110 .382 .349 .382 .350 .395 .531 .178 .444 .275 .475 .193 .136 .160 .383 . 42 .233 .248 . 83 .560 . 83 .248 .234 .538 .511 . 41 .451 .250 .386 . 31 .235 .254 .452 .195 .367 .237 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE (i.'il Bondurant, Benjamin T. . Boyd, Richard Hardy .... Boyett < W. L Brandau, John William Breeden, Samuel G Breeding, Wesley Jackson Brewer, John Doddridge , Bridger, James D Bridges, James Neely Bridges, Joseph G Bridgewater, Sam Chambers Bryan, David Hampton . . . Bryan, W. A Buford, George Gillespie.... Burger, Thomas Overton . . . Burns, William B Caldwell, Samuel Houston . Caldwel^ Winfield M Campbell, Volney Sumpter . Campbell, Willis C Cannon, William F Catlett, William Albert Chism, James Horace Cliffe, Daniel Bonaparte . . . Clopton, Abner Theodore . . Coble, Thomas Jacob Cochran, John F Cochran, Thomas N Cochrane, Harden Perkins . . Cock, William Samuel Coffman, R. J Collier, Harris T Collins, Edward E Cooley < James Til ford Gotten, Leon DeCasto Cox, John Worley Crockett, Sidney Scales Crockett, William M Cullom, Marvin McTyeire . . Cullum, John Medicus Dabbs John P Daniel, James David Darnall, James F Davis, James W Deaderick, Chalmers DeLoach, Alfred B Dickson, B. V Doak, Hubert P Dodds, Benjamin Claude . . . . Donaldson, Aubrey Albert . . Donnelly, Joseph Smith Donoho, Charles Hayden . . . Dorris, Edmond H Dorris, George Milton Duggan, Solon Snethen Dunn, John William Earthman, Vernon K 390 Edgerton, Howard King 246 Edwards, Charles Pender 130 Ellett, Edward C 303 Enochs, Maze Alexander Lafayett. . . 137 Erskine, Alexander 304 Eve, Duncan 416 Faucett, P. H. e 548 Faute, William Taylor 249 Flanary, David L 122 Fox, Claude Porterfield 156 Francis, Elmer E 308- Freeman, Eunice Cyrus 408 Frierson, William Guy 486 Fullerton, Henry Thomas 207 Fyke, Benjamin Foster 530 Garrett, Isaac Levi 196 Gates, Benjamin F 81 Gentry, Watson Meredith 142 Goltman, Max 312 Goodloe, Agreil Ellis 391 Goodlier, David Milton 134 Graey, Brainerd 520 Griffin, Richard Watson 543 Hackworth, Charles L 525 Hall, Dupree Meriwether 314 Hall, Samuel B 84 Hall, William B 509 Hardison, Samuel T 251 Harper, Thomas Munsey 114 Harris, Cummings 316 Harris, Russell Curtis 149 Haskins, Edward T 457 Hatcher, George Edward 424 Havener, Joseph B 551 Haywood, Egbert Presley C 97 Haywood, James G 179 Hellen, Robert Ernest 491 Helm, William B 571 Henderson, J. Victor 240 Henderson, Pleasant L 380 Henderson. Robert G 317 Henning, Bennett G 317 Henning, D. M 318 Herman, Maxence B 318 Hess, Nelson Irvin 19 Hibbett., Charles Thomas 424 Hill, Joseph Spencer 385 Hill, William Walter 41 Hollabaugh, Andrew Newton 426 Holman, Thomas P 134 Holmes, William Newton 426 Hopper, Jefferson Davis 189 Hornsby, Isaac H 572 Horton, George E .564 Howlett, Kirby Smith 143 .512 . 552 . 571 . 74 .109 .490 .456 .285 .460 .460 .115 .376 .406 .287 .265 .288 .472 .239 .389 .289 . 20 .504 . 41 .139 .373 . 515 .294 .547 .139 . .25 . 572 .262 . 88 .566 .526 201 411 460 411 133 173 254 466 576 217 299 98 555 154 548 519 114 25 25 125 555 CLASSIFIED INDEX 665 Hudson, Henry F Huling, Matthew Marshall . Hysinger, Paris Robert .... Idol, Enoch T Idol, Willis Isham, Andrew Johnson .... Jackson, John A Janes, Edward Hunt Jernigan, V. J Johnson, Thomas Dickson . . Jones, Alfred Jones, Heber Jones, James Taylor Kane, Elizabeth C Kincaid, John Henry King, James Moore I King, William Felix Kirby-Smitli, Reynolds M. . . Knight, Elijah Haynie .... Knight, John Harrison Koffman, John Nathaniel . . . Krauss, William La Rue, Charles William . . La Rue, James Alexander . . Leake, E. K Lee, Charles B. . . s Leonard, Watson Weatherly Leroy, Louis Lewis, Archibald Cary .... Lewis, Powell K Lewis, Venable L Livermore, George Robertson Long, Henry Lyons, William Cocke Lytle, William Henry McCall, Joseph William .... McCoy, Ambrose McCrary, Lyman B McCulloch, John A McDonald, William Paine . . McElroy, James Bassett . . . McFarland, John W McGill, William Porter McRee, Ellen P McSwain, Isaac A McSwain, John Horace Malone, William Battle . . . . Manire, Amasa Webb Mann, Robert Marable, Thomas Howard . . Marr, Harrington Marshall, Thomas E Martin, William Edward Masengill, John D Matlock, Philip N .Matthews, Richard Leonard . . Matthews, W. F 549 Matthewson, John Porter 473 Maury, John M 337 Maury, Richard B 338 Medling, William Turner 122 Michie, W. T 339 Miller, Walter James 202 Minor, James L 339 Mitchell, Edward D 339 Mitchell, James A 554 Mitchell, Robert H 340 Mitchel, Jesse Broughton 521 Mock, Lewis Emmett 384 Moore, John Thomas 10 Moorman, Hiram C 523 Morton, John Watson 438 Moss, John T 342 Murfree, James Brickell 394 Murrell, William E 575 Nankivell, James Roberts 15 Nash, Walter Starnes 228 Nelson, Robert Bailey 343 Newman, N. R 100 Niles, Sinclair D 262 Noblitt, Boone Edgar 135 Norris, Robert Lee 79 Northcut, Eugene Ebon 266 Oliver, Alonzo B 344 Oliver, Augustus Albert 474 Oliver, George Weldon 277 Padgett, Hazle 441 Paris, John Clark 208 Parkison, John A 16 Peebles, M. T 557 Penland, Stephen N 269 Penn, B. S 178 Penn, George Winchester 178 Pettey, George Eugene 347 Pistole, W. II 348 Porter, Otey James 92 Posert, Henry 348 Preston, James Harvey 178 Puryear, Joseph Richard 248 Ramsey, Andrew Brown 267 Redmond, William T 9 Rhea, John Preston 129 Richards, A. F 527 Roach, Reuben R 244 Roberts, John 210 Robertson, C. W 523 Rochelle, Walter Fenner 192 Rogers, William B 352 Ruble, Wilbur Geason 383 Salmon, E. Y 260 Sanford, Henry William 171 Sanford, William Carey 171 .161 .574 .125 . 565 .244 .505 .121 .392 .466 . 77 . 97 .322 .190 .322 223 .430 .199 .510 . 72 .461 .177 .324 .477 .487 . 87 .126 .386 .327 .327 .117 .103 .328 .386 .534 .393 .180 .191 . 577 ,274 .529 .332 247 40 . 98 473 473 335 553 336 78 437 560 91 23 208 531 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE 666 Sasser, John Daniel, Jr. . Scott, William S Sebastian, Charles' Moore Sevier, John Henry .... Shannon, James Edward Sharp, J. B Shearer, Hillard C Shelton, Erasmus Archer Sinclair, Alexander G. . . Smith, Jerome B Smith, Larkin Smith, Robert E. Lee . . . Smythe, Eranlc D Stewart < George Brooks . Strickland, Robert H. ... Sullivan, Rufus Pledger . Sumners, William Lee . Sutton, B. White Sutton, John Wesley . . . Tadlock, William L Tate, Lester H Tate, Robert W Taylor, James Patton . . Taylor, William W Templeton, Lemuel A. . . Thomas, Horace E Thornton, Gustavus B. . Tilson, Leroy Tittsworth, Buford M. . . Todd^ John Dudley Tomlinson, Oscar Roland Tomlinson, Rufus LI. ... Travis, Edward A Turney, Miller Prancis . Vance, William Kirkpatrick . Walker, John Lane Walker, Joseph Rogers Wallace, John William Warren, Garner Shephard . . . Washington, J. S Watkins, Edwin Dial Webb, Nathan Henry Wells, Milton Henry White, Garrett Wiekham_ John W Williams, David Hitt Williams, George Campbell . . Witherspoon, John Alexander Witherington, James B Woodard, John H Woodyard, S. Walter Young, Alsey B Young, Samuel Youree, William Ebenezer . . . POSTMASTERS. Baldy, William Hamilton 167 Brady, James M 528 Bray, William M 167 Britton, Frank E 204 Cates, John W 458 Campbell Henry L 534 Clouse, John W 154 Cobble, Lewis M 372 Dean, Ephraim A 27 Dutro, L. W 301 |j Farley, Susannah E 572 Fowlkes, James F 567 Graenicher, Emil 376 Hinkle, William F 501 Holderman, J. A 99 I Holt, Andrew D 374 Jackson, John W 90 Lattin, John Thomas 432 : Losier, Joseph J 190 I Lowrey, William W 491 I Mclnturff, James William 157 Mclnturff Robery Nathaniel 556 McNeely, *R. H 178 Redd, John 27 Robinson, William G 174 Seavey, Hial Paul 184 Spellings, William 264 Spence, Cary Fletcher 233 Stribling, Christopher C 83 Swafford, Isaac N ...480 j Tallent, Noah J 109 Wills, Andrew W 453 PRESIDENTS, PRINCIPALS, ETC., UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES. Ayres, Brown, U. of T., Knoxville. .211 Billingsley, William N., Burritt Col- lege, Spencer 528 Blanton, John D., Ward Seminary, Nashville 403 Bone, Winstead P., C. U., Lebanon. 244 Brandon, Alfred J., B. T. S., War- trace 564 Buford, Elizabeth Burgess, Buford C., Nashville 406 Burkholder, A. C., Robt. Jones S., Burnett, Geo. J., T. C., Murfrees- boro 389 Capers, Walter B., C. I. & C., Co- lumbia 88 Clark, Gordentia Waite, M. & C., Pu- laski 485 Clarke, William Lowe, F. & C., Tulla- homa 552 170 114 272 35 513 467 269 154 355 13 446 117 357 ,358 249 , 83 . 36 .181 .479 .537 .397 . 27 .162 .361 .181 . 93 .362 .130 .199 .264 .537 .533 . 94 .576 . 31 .564 .499 .565 .112 .524 .367 . 72 .172 .47 .471 .238 .131 .453 .387 . 13 .160 . 37 .163 .491 CLASSIFIED INDEX 667 Crooke, Charles Walter, Centenary C., Cleveland 81 Dozier, Howard D., Robt. Jones School, Lynnville 261 DuBose, William H., U. of the S., Sewanee 508 Dudley, William L., M. D. Vander- bilt, Nashville 415 Edgerton, John Emmett, C. M. A., Columbia 88 Fitzgerald, William S., F. & C., Tulla- homa 558 Freed, Arvy G., N. T. & B., Hender- son 168 Finney, Newton Jefferson, Bethel, McKenzie 263 Gilbreath, Sidney Gordon, E. T. S. N., Johnson City 57 Green, Nathan, L. D. Cumberland Univ 246 Hall, Allen Garland, L. D. Vanderbilt, Nashville 422 Hall, Wm. B., U. of the S., Sewanee. 510 Henry, Charles Wm., P. S. & C. C., Maryville 274 Hinds, J. I. D., Peabody Normal, Nashville 425 Hulvey, 0. C., Tenn. Mil. Inst., Sweet- water 535 Ingersoll, H. H., U. of Tenn., L. D., Knoxville 222 Jeffries, Millard D., C. & N. Jeffer- son City 198 Jones, Amos B., M. C. F. I., Jackson. 190 Jones, E. L., Pres. S. N. Middle Tenn. 429 Kershmer, Frederick Doyle, Milligan College 375 Kirkland, James Hampton, Vander- bilt, Nashville 430 Landrith, Ira, Belmont, Nashville. . .432 McGill, John Thomas, P. D. Vander- bilt 435 Massey, Felix Matthias, M. & C., Pu- laski 487 Mynders, S. A., Pres. S. N. W. Tenn. . 227 Noll, Arthur Howard, U. of the S., Sewanee 511 Northcutt, J. D. W., S. S., Tracy City 545 Peoples, Jas. A., P. T. School, Spring- field 531 Pierce, Joel Newton, Mosheim Col- lege 383 Pitts, Ollie Polk, P. M. School, Pe- tersburg 478 Eace, John H., U. of Chattanooga.. 67 Eobins, James A., McTyeire School, McKenzie 264 Eogers, William B., M. H. M. C., Memphis 352 Schuerman, Wm. Henry, E. D. Van- derbilt, Nashville 445 Sherrill, Samuel W., T. T. D. S. N., Johnson City 475 Sioussat, . St. Geo. L., U. or the S., Sewanee 511 Summar, Meredith Madison, H-Mc School, Lewisburg 252 Tate, James Alexander, Dixon Acad- emy, Shelbyville 518 Tillett, Wilbur Fisk, Theo. D., Van- derbilt, Nashville 449 Towner, Justice D. D., U. of Mem- phis 363 Tucker, Everett B., P-T. School, Springfield 532 Watters, Henry Eugene, H-M. Inst., Martin 273 Webb, Wm. Eobert, W. S., Bell- buckle 19 Wilson, Samuel Tyndale, Maryville College 275 Woodworth, Arthur, Grandview N. 1st 153 Wynn, Wm. Thomas, Martin College, Pulaski 489 PRINTERS. Bates, William Horatio 280 Hanson, Henry P 315 McCallum, Angus J 331 PRODUCE DEALERS. Nants, Rupert A .474 Reynolds, William Gentry 208 PROMOTERS. Herford, Cyril Francis 540 Smith, Frank DeWitt 174 RABBIS. Lewinthal, Isadore .433 Samfield, Max 353 RAILROAD OFFICIALS. Bacon, Barton Elijah 496 Breece, Jesse E 208 Bumpus, William Hill 407 Cage, Harry Hayes 288 Callahan, George W 213 Cantrell, Julian Wendel 408 CLASSIFIED INDEX 60S Coltart, Harry Gordon 295 Cornatzer, John N 296 Daniel, Robert W 298 Danley, William L 412 Davant, Arthur R 298 Emerson, John William 269 Fonde, Henry j 218 Holt, James Berry 266 Hooper, Raymond Crawford 173 Johnson, Albert Sidney 169 Knox, Walter Eugene 430 Lansden, H. B 270 Lee, John Morgan 120 Lynch, William Charles 162 Miller, Arthur Gaines 554 Smith, Archibald Yell 555 Snoddy, J. A 162 Stout, Samuel H 358 Turner, John W 364 Vance, J. S 209 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Allen, Archibald Y 277 Barret, James H 280 Baxter, Lewis Thompson 402 Beard, Caughey Alfred 14 Beard, Robert Henderson 281 Bickford, William A 282 Boyd, Alston M 284 Boyer, Creed Fulton 460 Brinkley, James Mhoon 285 Brownlow, John Bell 213 Caldwell, Thomas B 288 Chase, Isaac Alonzo 292 Churchill, Charles N 292 Clark, Mark J 293 C'ordes, Victor A 296 Crawford, James Thomas 107 Dies, Thomas 300 Dortch, William Turner 75 Dungan, I. H 176 Faxon, Finley IV 306 Ferger, J. Fred 56 Finley, Spence Lamb 307 Frazer, Ceylon B 309 Gillespie, Allen Alexander 312 Glover, Alexander S 57 Goddard, James Andrew 274 Godwin, Robert Allen 312 Hickerson, Charles Frank 553 Hunter, Robert Crouch 202 Johnson, William Thomas 128 Jones, Robert Lewis 322 LeDuke, Benjamin Franklin 543 Le Master, Edward B 327 Lewis, J. Kinsey 470 Lotspeich, James Newton 381 Love, Clifford 393 McCallum, Samuel Malcolm 331 McGavock, R. J 532 McMillan, Alex 224 Matthews, Robert Leedy 337 Moore, Horatio R 181 Jxaill, Millard 342 Olmsted, Henry Seymour 65 Olmsted, Roland Win 65 Overton, William T 345 Person, George W 347 Rambo, Samuel Russell 230 Reid, William H 351 Simerly, Nathaniel George Taylor. . .164 Stone, Eli Newbern 374 Taylor, Mark Henry 194 Trimble, Frank 364 Turley, Thomas Jefferson 364 Voegeli, Edward H 365 Waterhouse, Euclid 109 Wilson, Alphonso 467 Wilson, William Mitchell 467 Woodlee, Augustus H 11 Young, Alexander 566 RELIGIOUS WORKERS. Barker, James M 28 Hamill, Howard M 422 Hudgins, William Douglass 131 Meyers, Arthur A 172 RETIRED BANKERS. Faxon, John Wellington 55 Frost, John T 309 Glenn, James Lyle 76 Godwin, John Robert 312 Williams, R. E 125 RETIRED DENTISTS. Slaughter, Benjamin Gabriel 575 RETIRED FARMERS. Collins, William Flowers 206 Wilkinson, George Henry 398 RETIRED LAWYERS. Donaldson, Lauchlan, Sr 542 Latta, S. R 123 Porter, James Davis 449 Tliruston, Gates Phillips 449 RETIRED MERCHANTS AND BUSI- NESS MEN. Ballentine, John Goff 484 who’s WHO IN TENNESSEE 669 Balthiop, John H 73 Bradley, Robert Henry . 138 Claiborne, John H 240 Crawford, William E 522 Farrington, William Martin 306 Haynes, W. R 391 Howell, John Wesley 207 Lankford, Alexander H 473 Latham, Thos. J 326 McCrary, George B 381 Mitchell, William Bilbo 64 Neely, Hugh McDowell 343 Peacock, C. Mooring 544 Pile, George C 30 Taylor, William Fletcher 360 Young, Charles Coker 528 STATE OFFICIALS. Hooper, Ben W., Governor 426 Goodloe, Hallum W., Sec. of State. . .420 Dibrell, Frank, Comptroller 413 Taylor, George Thomas, Treasurer . . 561 Albright, James Alexander, Secretary Board of Health 522 Harned, Perry L., High School In- spector 77 Bartlett, Robert Henry, chief clerk mining dept 43 Thomason, J. B., revenue agent 361 Carroll, Thomas B., clerk of Supreme Court 186 Tunney, John E., deputy clerk Su- preme Court 450 Todd, Andrew Lee, asst, state supt. of education 397 Young, Sam Martin, chairman elec- tion board 115 RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. Avent, Frank 400 Enloe, Benjamin A 187 Hannah, Harvey Horatio 468 PENSION COMMISSIONERS (CONFEDERATE) Coley, William H 373 Guild, George Blackmore 421 Hickman, John P., Sec. Pen. Exam. Board 424 Moses, Frank Armstrong 439 SUPREME COURT JUDGES. Shields, John K 83 Neil, M. M 549 Buchanan, A. S 286 Green, Grafton 421 Lansden, Dick Latta 95 COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS. Higgins, J. C 135 Hall, F. P 117 Wiison, S. F 151 Hughes, H. Y 539 Cate, Horace N 46! CHANCELLORS. Haynes, H. H., 1st Div Kyle, H. G., 2d Div 498 McConnell, T. M., 3d Div Roberts, A. H. 4th Div 257 Bearden, W. S. 5th Div 514 Stout, J. IV., 6th Div 104 Allison, John, 7th Div 399 Bullock, E. L., 8tli Div 186 McKinney, Colin P., 9th Div 496 Heiskell, F. H. 10th Div 316 Fentress, Francis, Jr., 2d Div., Mem- phis 307 Wilcle, Douglas, Williamson County. .453 CIRCUIT JUDGES. Harmon, Dana, 1st Cir 157 Henderson, G. Me, 2d Cir 500 Webb, Eugene M., 3d Cir 235 Brown, S. C., 4th Cir 164 Snodgrass, C. E., 5th Cir 103 Allison, M. M., 6th Cir Davis, E. L ., 7th Cir 552 Richardson, J. E., 8th Cir 396 Cook, W. L., 9th Cir 47 Matthews, T. E., 10th Cir 437 Turner, W. R., 11th Cir 93'' Barham, N. R., 12th Cir 253 Harwood, T. E., 13th Cir 548 Jones, J. E., 14th Cir 118 l r oung, J. P., 15th Cir., 1st Div., Memphis 372 Malone, Walter, 15th Cir., 2d Div., Memphis 335 Pittman, A. B., 15th Cir. 3d Div., Memphis 348 Laughlin, H. W., 15th Cir., 4th Div., Memphis CRIMINAL JUDGES. Edgington, Jesse, Shelby County . . . .302 Palmer, James W., Shelby Co. ... ..345 Tyler, C. W., Montgomery County.. 580 McReynolds, S. D„ Sixth Cir 63 Nelson, T. A. R., Knox County 228 in eil, A. B., Davidson County 440 ATTORNEYS GENERAL. Vines, D. A., 1st Cir 203 670 WHO S WHO IN TENNESSEE Buttram,. W. H., 2d Cir Mynatt, R. A., 3d Cir Peace, T. W., 4th Cir . Officer, W. R., 5th Cir Whitaker, M. N., 6th Cir Fairbanks, W. W., 7th Cir Faulkner, W. S., 8th Cir Bowman, John B., 9th Cir Anderson, A. B., 10th Cir Frierson, Horace, Jr., 11th rCi Howard, B. J., 12th Cir Rye, Thomas C., 13th Cir. Caldwell, D. J., 14th Cir Estes, Zenos N., 15th Cir Tipton, John A., 16th Cir Neely, John M., Williamson County. . LIVE STOCK DEALERS. DeJarnatt, John Watson Grooms, Zebulon W Parmer, Walter Oliver Ray, James Nathan Reynolds, Walter G Thomas, William 36 SURVEYORS. Cloyd, John Dunwoody 372 Deakins, Moses Easterly 119 Hurst, Elijah S 276 Norris, Archibald D 248 Williams, John Lafayette 20 TRAVELING SALESMEN. Anderson, Elihu L 520 Bowen, Bolivar B 284 Carter, Hubert 239 Cummins, John Taylor 260 Johnson, Benton McMillian 38 Naylor, Richard Powell 531 Richards, Samuel Gaines 527 Todd, William E 518 Vaughan, John Curry 248 West, Perry Bunyan 239 UNDERTAKERS. Cornelius, Benjamin Franklin 410 Ferrell, T. C 176 182 227 269 257 576 265 246 566 400 242 189 475 557 304 101 ,144 ,390 ,161 ,125 161 ,561 Index to Tennesseans Elsewhere Alexander, Charles McCallon, evan- gelist, hymn writer 590 Alexander, Eben, educator 583 Atkins, James, M. E. bishop 598 Barbee, James Thomas, clergyman. . 587 Barnard, Edward Emerson, astron- omer 599 Beeks, Gertrude Breckenridge, sociol- ogist '....590 Bell, John C., ex-congressman 588 Benton, Maecenas ( E., ex-congress- man 589 Branner, John Casper, geologist 590 Brush, George De Forest, artist. ... 585 Burnett, Frances Hodgson, author.. 597 Clayton, Henry Helm, meteorologist. 583 Conger, John William, educator .... 586 Dabney, Charles William, educator .. 584 Dabney, Richard Heath, educator. . .597 Dickens, John Lunsford, educator ... 595 Eaton, James Shirley, railway spec- ialist 590 Estes, William Lawrence, surgeon.. 595 Folk, Joseph Wingate, lawyer, ex- governor, statesman 595 Larvin, Lucius Fayette Clark, physi- cian, ex-governor 587 Gilmer, Elizabeth Meriwether, (Doro- thy Dix) journalist 590 Hall, William Leroy, lawyer 585 Henderson, John Thompson, educa- tor 583 Henderson, Thomas Jefferson, ex-con- gressman 594 Hume, Alfred, educator 597 Johnson, David Bancroft, educator .. 594 Kinney, Belle, sculptor 590 Kirkpatrick, Elbert W., horticultur- ist 588 Langford, Laura (Carter) Holloway, author 591 Lindsey, Benjamin Barr, jurist, re- former 585 Littleton, Martin Wilie, congress- man 591 McAdoo, William Gibbs, lawyer, tunnel builder 591 McBride, Thomas Huston, botanist. . 586 McCulloch, Edgar Allen, jurist 586 McCulloch, Philip Doddridge, ex-con- gressman 588 McReynolds, James Clark, lawyer... 593 Martin, John, ex-senator U. S 596 Maynard, Washburn, rear-admiral. .589 Nielsen, Alice, prima donna 583 Ochs, Adolph S., newspaper publisher 593 Ochs, George Washington, journalist. 593 Ochs, Milton B., editor 593 Poindexter, Miles, U. S. senator. .. .596 Polk, William Mecklenberg, physi- cian 593 Pritchard, Jeter Connelly, jurist, ex- senator, U. S 581 Read, Opie, author 583 Redway, Jacques Wardlaw, geora- pher 589 Robertson, Harrison, journalist, au- thor 587 Scruggs, William Lindsay, lawyer ..583 Sims, Charles Abercrombie, railroad contractor 594 Stephens, John Van, theologian ....584 Stokes, Frank Wilbert, painter. .. .593 Turnley, Parmenas Taylor, soldier, author 586 Watterson, Henry, journalist 588 Williams, John Sharp, U. S. senator. 599 Winton, George Beverly, minister .. 581 Wright, Marcus Joseph, agent war department 598 Paul & Douglass Co. PUBLISHERS “Who’s Who in Tennessee” A work of biographical reference, concise bio- graphies of nearly 4000 Tennesseans of to-day. Carefully indexed. Absolutely accurate. Every community of the State represented. Most com- plete work of the kind ever published. “Who’s Who in Mississippi” Now being compiled. 5000 biographies of living citizens and comprising all professions and voca- tions, and embracing every community. Indis- pensable as a statistical text book and of inesti- mable educational and historical value. “Who’s Who in Arkansas” Soon to be published. Devoted to Arkansans of to-day, who are making Arkansas what it is to-day. “Who’s Who in Texas” — 2 Vols. Biggest literary enterprise ever undertaken in the Lone Star State. Announcement later. “Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee” By John Haywood. A reprint from 1824. A book of antiquity. Will be issued from press in near future.