Duke University Libraries ,^ . A bill making a J Conf Pam #262 79m. DT^OaaaT?/ [House Bill.] [ By Mr. Lyox, ol' the Com. of Ways and Means.] A. BILL Making appropriations to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the Department of Justice for the half year ending December 31st, 1864. * Feb. l»j, 18G5.— Read first and second times, laid on the table and ordered to be printed, and made the special order after existing special orders, from day to day. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do 2 cnact^ Til at the following sums be, and the same are hereby 3 ai3prox)riated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise 4 appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the appropriation for the 5 Department of Justice for the half year ending December 31st, 6 1S64: 7 For Printing for the several Executive Depart- 8 mcuts, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, $ 250,000 00 9 For Purchase of Paper for the several Execu- 10 five Departments and Congress, one hundred 11 thousand dollars, - - - $ 100,00(» 00 12 For Purchase of Paper for the Digest of the 13 Laws of the Confederate States, twenty-five 14 thousand dollars, ,- - - - 8 25,000 00 15 For Printing the Digest uf the Laws of the 16 Confederate States, five thousand dollai-s, - $ 5,000 00