George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS CAVALRY; ITS HISTOKY AND TACTICS. By CAPTAESr L. E. Is^OLAN, 15Ta HUSSARS. FIRST AMERICAN, FROM THE SECOND LONDON, EDITION. COLUMBIA, S. C: EVANS AND COGSWKLI.. 1864. 1 E7AN8 & CCM5SWEL1, PRIMTKRS, COLUMBIA. 8. C. f TO LIEUT.-COLONEL GEORGE WILLIAM KEY, 15th HU33ARS, THE FUIENP OF MANY YEARS, THIS WORK IS INSCRIBED, WITH AFFECTIONATE REGARD. BY THE ALVHOR. I PREFACE There is, perhaps, no branch of the whole science of war which has engaged so little of the attention of military writers as that which refers to the formation and employment of cavalry; while at the same time it, must he admitted that few branches of the service are rea,lly more important than this. On looking, however, closely at the subject, it is easy to understand why this should be the case. The tactics of cavalry are not capable of being reduced to rule, like the mechanical operations of the engineer, or even the slower and more methodical movements of infantry. With the ca.valry officer almost everything depends on the clearness of his coup d'ceil, and the felicity with which he seizes the happy moment of action, and, when once action is determined upon, the rapidity with which his intentions are carried into effect. There is little time for thought, none for hesitation ; and, once the movement is- commenced, its successful accomplishment is the only thought allowed to pass through the mind of the commander. Much, then, must partake more of the inspiration of genius than of the result of calculation and rule. Still there is a great deal in the profession of a cavalry officer which can be reduced to writing, and which it is most important he should know and carefully study ; many things which his knowing beforehand will enable him to profit by, or, having carefully thought over, will suggest to him, in the hour of need, expedients that no amount of service or of thought would ever enable him to perceive without previous reading and long study of the subject. Nothing, however, can well be more difficult than to attain to this in the present state of the literature on the subject. Few, if any, special A- VI PREFACE. looks exist, as before stated, treating exclusively of cavalry, and none •ertainly of any importance in the English language, so that the stu- dent must pick out for himself, from the histories of campaigns and battles, or from general treatises ou the art of war, those parts be stands in need of; and as these are seldom written by persons inti- mately acquainted with either the difficulties or advantages of this arm of the service, he must elaborate his conclusions for himself, and often from the most imperfect and erroneous data. It is not pretended that the present little treatise will supply this desideratum in military literature, or serve as anything but a stop-gap to supply for a time the place of some more worthy treatise, which, it is hoped, may before long occupy its place. Still the author, having served in the continental cavalry, and with our own in India, and having thought much on the subject during a tolerably extended acquaintance with the cavalry of various nations, hopes that he may not be deemed forward in contributing his mite toward an improve- ment in the literature of cavalry, and in offering such suggestions as he hopes may assist in bringing forward this important arm to the level of the intelligence of the age, and to the improved condition to which all branches of the service must be brought, if they are to com- pete successfully with their rivals in the next great struggle that may take place. The sudden transition from peace to war is a critical moment for ail armies, but more particularly to those whose officers are deficient in the theory of their profession. Take, for instance, our cavalry in the last great European war ; they were superior to that of most nations in the headlong courage of the men, the quality of their horses and equipments, but unfortunately inferior in tactics; the published despatches of our greatest command- er bear too frequent testimony to the fact that our officers often neg- lected to provide reserves when they charged, or to take other necessary precautions, the want of which entailed occasional defeat upon our troops, in spito of the determined bravery which they displayed upon all occasions. A deficiency in the theory of war entails the necessity of gaining experience at a heavy loss of life when war actually breaks out, and it is, therefore, the duty of every officer to endeavor to gain a knowledge PREFACE. VI 1 of his profession before he is called upon to take part in that game where every false move is attended with more or less disastrous conse- quences to his country and to the soldiers under his command. In this work I have endeavored to gather knowledge from the record- ed experience of others, and to collect from various authors on cavalry warfare much that may assist young ofiRccrs in gaining a knowledge of their profession. At the same time, I hope it may be understood that the introductory sketch of the history of cavalry is not meant to sup- ply the place of what would form one of the most brilliant and inter- esting works on the history of the art of war; but is merely intended to suffice, by stating what has been done, to make it intelligible — what it is thought may again be accomplished, when better understood tactics, and better equipments, have restored the horseman to his proper posi- tion in European armies. The remarks on dress, equipment, drill, etc., are merely the appli'^a- tion of the principle of common sense to objects which, though useful, perhaps indispensable, when first introduced, have become positively noxious in the course of time, when they have long outgrown the pur- pose for which they were introduced, but arc still allowed to linger be- cause change in what is so thoroughly organized is always difficult, and sometimes dangerous ; but certainly neither so difficult nor so danger- ous as a blind adherence to exploded theories or antiquated usages, which must eventually be abandoned on the first rude shock of war. On the tactics of the cavalry it is difficult to say much that is either very definite or satisfactory; but the use of the arm is generally so lit- tle understood that it is important (even to attempt) to place in a clear- er light what is known and admitted on the subject than has hitherto been done ; and, although the author can not flatter himself that he has produced much to effect this, he hopes he has made a step in the right direction, and pointed out a path which will (as in all other subjects) be of suggestive interest fto many of his brother-officers, and which may be followed with more effect by others who have more leisure and more of those peculiar qualifications than he can pretend to, for successfully handling so important and difficult a subject. The work was written as leisure occurred in the intervals of duty and of other avocations, and, as might be supposed in a book so composed by a person little acquainted with the art of book-making, was some- what disjointed in its arrangements. Vui PREFACE, I am indebted to Mr. James Fergr.sson for the present mode of ar^ rangement, as also for sundry hints by \vhioh I have profited in putting the work together; and for bi^s candid criticism and friendly assistance I shall ever feel grateful, I also thai;kt'ully acknowledge the valuabld-assistanco I have received from Mr. Charles MacJTarlane, whose loye for the service is well knowp. He corrected qiany prrors in the ^S,, ci,nd saw the hook safely through the press, I have conscientiously dravyn out whatever passed under my observa- tion, and in writing of the different systems prevalent in the cavalry X have stated freely, and without resaryo, what I believe to be the truth ; this, I trust, Avill not give offence, or hi^rt the feelings of any individu- al ; and if ipy reijiarks prove useful to the service to which I have the honor to belong, then niy object in \7riting this book will hay« beo^ fully obtained. Jinnj and ^(ivy Clv.h^ July 1, 185g, \ Columbia, S. C, 3Ia\j 1, 1864. Messrs. Evans & Cogswell: Gentlemen : I take great pleasure in transmitting to you my copy of CI^ptain Nolan's Avork on Cavalry, for the purpose of republication. The work is one which has been warmly received by European mili- tary men, and has been commended to me, no less favorably, by officers of reputation in our army, among whom are some general officers of the cavalry service. It gives a concise but very correct sketch of the histor}'^ of the arm ; it then goes into practical matters appertaining to horsemanship and military evolutions, suggesting many new things and improve- snents. Its chief aim is to show that the cavah*}' service, and espe- cially what belongs to tactics, is entirely too complicated, and that all that can be done by cavalry ought to be performed through three or four fundamental manoeuvres. I consider this little work, in short, as one of the greatest utility, and am delighted that you desire to give it into the hands of the Confederate cavalry soldier. Captain Nolan, as you may recollect, was the ofSeer who delivered to the officer in command the unfortunate order which led to the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava against the Russian batte- ries. Then temporarily detached from his regiment to the staff of the English commander-in-chief, Captain Nolan voluntarily joined that now illustrious band, and, leading a squadron, fell, pierced by many wounds. He was deplored in England as one of the most promising and gallant spirits of the army. Under difficulties which can be readily understood, you have, gen- tlemen, persistently endeavored to contribute your share to the great work of Confederate independence, and to your excellent military pub- lications the great strides which our army has made toward efficiency and military intelligence must, in a great measure, b;; ascribed. Con- gress has never yet done anything to supply us with military works, and, after a slumber of over three yeai-s, is not very likely to do any- thing. We look, then, to you to continue your efforts, and hope that you may be as successful as your earnest endeavors fully merit. I am, gentlemen, Very truly and respectfully yours, FEANK SCHALLER, Colonel, C. S. A. CONTENTS. Preface Page v Preface to present sdition ix CHAPTER I. HISTORICAL SKETCH. Great cavalry actions of ancient and modern times — English cav- alry under Prince Rupert and Cromwell — The Prussian cavalry under Frederic the Great — The French cavalry under Napoleon. . 1 CHAPTER II. THE AUSTRIAN, RUSSIAN, AND PRUSSIAN CAVALRY FROM 1793 tO 1815. Battle of Au3terlit7- — Bad cavalry tactics — Battles of Ratisbon, Pultusk, Eylau, Friedland, and Liitzen — Ambuscade of Haynau — Battle of Leipzig — General remarks 25 CHAPTER III. CAVALRY IN GENERAL. What makes its strength — The different kinds of cavalry estab- lished in Europe — Heavy, middle, and light cavalry 35 CHAPTER IV. LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. Their comparative value or merits — Deplorable effects of over- weighting — Changes suggested for English dragoons, etc. — CONTENTS. Xi Advantages anticipated from these changes — General Warnery's opinions on heavy and light cavalry — Merits of the Prussian hussars— Our cavalry charges at Waterloo, etc.— Performances of the Cossacks — Heavy and light cavalry in the Hungarian war of 1848 and 1849 — Letter from an Austrian officer engaged in that war 39 CHAPTER V. THE ORGANIZATION OF CAVALRY. The man, with his dress and arms, as sword, lance, carbine, pistols, etc. — The horse: the bit, the bridle, the saddle — Alterations suggested 57 CHAPTER VI. MILITARY RIDING. Early schools of horsemanship — Foreign origin of our military riding — Some absurd practices on the Continent — The balance- seat — Its immense disadvantages — Anecdotes — Changes pro- posed — Horsemanship of the Circassians, etc 84 CHAPTER VII. Elementary drill 101 CHAPTER VIII. On intervals 106 CHAPTER IX. Field movements on a new system c 110 CHAPTER X. CAVALRY TACTICS. General rules — Examples — Cavalry versus cavalry — Cavalry with Xn CONTENTS. an army — Attack and defence of positions — Great cavalry at- tack at Eylau — The pursuit of a defeated array — Ilorse-artillery ■with cavalry — The attack in skiruiisbing order — Reconnoitring. .129 CHAPTER XL The makch — Thk camp — The biyouac — The outpost — The skirmish 145 CHAPTER XII. The CHARGE; the pursuit, and the rally 164 CHAPTER XIII. Detached service 167 CHAPTER XIV. CAVALRY CHARGES AGAINST INFANTRY SQUARES. Results which have been obtained — Improvement in artillery fa- vorable to cavalry — Celebrated charges which have been at- tended with success — Conclusion 171 APPENDIX. Cavalry saddle and bridle proposed by the author 187 Dress of a cavalry soldier 190 Remarks on the rank entire system 191 Proposed organization of cavalry 192 Troop-horses and officers' chargers 199 CAVALRY; ITS HISTORY AjSTD TACTICS. Chapter I. HISTORICAL SKETCH. GREAT CAVALRY ACTIONS OF ANCIENT AND MOPERN TIMES. The horse, indigenous to the countries of the East, attained at a Tery early period to that development, size, strength, and beauty of form, which he did not reach in any other regions until after the course of many centuries, and the application of numerous artificial means, and an uncommon and persevering attention. It should appear that in every part of Europe the horse was but a ragged pony, or, at most, a rough, stinted galloway, when the horse in Arabia, Asia Minor, the vast plains of Mesopotamia and Persia, was a splendid animal, well suited to the purposes of war, and much used in battle. All these Eastern nations were, in fact, equestrians, and made nearly an exclu- sive use of cavalry in their wars with one another. The horses of the East were brought into Europe by the Greeks and their neighbors, across the narrow straits of the Bosphorus and Helles- pont, or were carried across the iEgean sea, from the Greek colonies in Asia Minor. The breed was propagated extensively in Thrace, Thes- saly, Macedonia, and other regions. The Athenians and most of the Greeks imbibed a passion for beautiful horses and horse-racing ,• and more than a century before the time of Alexander the Great the Greek sculptors must have been familiarized with the forms and action of high-bred horses, or they could not have left behind them the noble Elgin marbles. But it does not appear that the Greeks at this period made any extensive use of cavalry on the actual field of battle. Z HISTORICAL SKETCH. The Romans subdued their neighbors by infantry. In Livy's ac- count of their wars with the Samnites and other peoples, we read of cavalry, and war-chariots drawn at the gallop by horses; but it should seem that the horses were few in number and small in size, that their war-chariots were as primitively rude and as ineffectual as those of our painted ancestors in Britain, and that such cavalry never really won a battle or decided a great victory. In short, cavah-y was little used by the Greeks and Romans until war brought them respectively in contact with Asia and the contiguaus regions of Africa; and it was in Alexander's campaigns, and the Punic wars, that these nations first learned, from their well-mounted enemies, the value of good horsemen. The first formation of the Greeks and Romans appears to ha,ve been the same; they formed their horsemen in oblong squares, or in the shape of a wedge, with the idea that the leading file, carried forward by the mass in their rear, would break through all opposition. This system of charging in a wedge has been since adopted among the Turks and other nations distinguished by their equestrian qualities. "When the great Alexander passed over into Asia for the conquest of the far-spreading Persian empire, his army was composed chiefly of infantry, formed into phalanges. The Macedonian phalanx will be for ever memorable in military history ; but there is no distinctive Mace- donian formation of cavalry to share fame with it. Once in Asia Minor, a country of fine horses, and among the Greek colonies thickly scattered from the mouth of the Hellespont to that of the Granicus, and from the mouth of that river onward to the confines of Syria, it must have been easy for the young conqueror to augment his cavalry. No doubt, between his first landing in Asia and his first battle, that arm was both increased and improved. At the Battle of the Granicus he made four thousand five hundred or five thousand horse ford the river. The Persians on the opposite bank opposed them bravely, and fought hand to hand, but were at last driven off the field, chiefly, it is said, through the exertions of the Macedonian horse. Yet their manoeuvring at this battle was not in keeping with the spirit of cavalry actions, for their infantry kept pace with and engaged the enemy at the same time and together with the horsemen. WARS OF ALEXANDER. 3 Better tactics were displayed three years later at Gaugamela, -trhea the Macedonians had gained experience from the enemy. At this battle the cavalry, seven thousand strong, was formed in two separate bodies, and placed on the flanks of the army. The cavalry of the right wing^ led by Alexander in person, manoeuvred against the left wing of the Persians (composed of horse). Each tried to outflank the other, and the Persians had apparentlj^ succeeded iu this, from their greater num- bers, when Alexander suddenly deployed his deep columns to the right, and outflanked the enemy. In their hurry to prolong the left, to oppose this unexpected lengthening of the Grecian line, the Persians left an opening in their centre. Alexander at once dashed in, divided their forces, defeated, and pursued them off" the field. During the pur- suit a message was brought to him from Parmenio (who commanded the left wing) asking for assistance. Alexander at once recalled his cavalry from the pursuit, and led them toward the rear of the Persian right. Finding, however, that Parmenio had already defeated the ene- my with the assistance of the Thessalian horse, he turned about and followed up Darius. After crossing the Lykus, the men were allowed to rest till after twelve o'clock at night; then, resuming the pursuit, they arrived next day (the da}^ after the battle) at Arbela, a distance of six hundred stadiums !* Here was the rapidity — the dash — which ought to characterize cavalry operations. The Persian horsemen greatly outnumbered their foes in this battle, and they were clad in armor; yet they could not resist the close array and speedy advance of the Macedonians. Alexander had his horse well in hand, for in the midst of a victorious pursuit he suddenly recalled and led them to the. support of the left wing, and their untiring pursuit of the enemy, ajfter all the fatigues of the battle, proves that they were capable of the greatest exertions. "With all this, after Alexander's death, the Grecian cavalry sank into its former insignifi- cance. With the Romans, cavalry achieved even less than with the Greeks; but under Hannibal the Carthaginian horse did wonders in Italy and on the soil of Rome. They first met the Romans in a cavalry skirmish by the Tleinus. * Equal to about seventy -five English miles. .7; 4 HISTORICAL SKETCH. The Roman skirmishers (who were on foot) were speedily driven in, upon which they ran to the intervals, frightening the horses. Some of the Romans were thrown j othfers dismounted to fight on foot (a common practice among them). While the cavalry were engaged, Hannibal sent the Kumldian light-horse to turn the flanks of the enemy and attack him in rear. This gave him the victory. The Romans were defeated, and their commander, P. Cornelius Scipio, was wounded. At the Battle of the Trebia the Romans had thirty-six thousand foot and four thousand horse ; the Carthaginians twenty thousand foot and ten thousand horse. How different the proportions of each arm in the two armies! The R,oman infantry fought gloriously at this battle, as it ever did ; their cavalry fled before that of the enemy. The Roman Legions, then attacked on all sides, still succeeded in cutting their way through the enemy, though ten thousand only of these unconquered men reached Piacenza ; the remainder were left on the field. The Carthaginian horse won the Battle of Canna? (B.C. 216). The Romans brought eighty thousand foot and six thousand cavalry into the field; Hannibal had forty thousand foot and ten thousand horse. The Roman right wing rested on the Aufidus ; both armies had their cavalry on the flanks. Hasdrubal first attacked the Roman horse with his cavalry, and drove them into the river. The battle now raged along the whole line. The Roman infantry, as usual, were everywhere victorious. The Numidian cavalry on Hannibal's right were engaged in a doubtful contest with the enemy's horse opposed to them. Hasdrubal, who had done his work on the left, suddenly appeared on the right, defeated the cavalry, and, after sending the Numidians in pur- suit, threw himself on the conquering Roman Legions, and, in spite of their heroic efforts, burst in among them, and defeated them with fear- ful slaughter. iEmilius Paulus and more than forty thousand Romans were slain, and most of the survivors made prisoners. Polybius gives the loss of the Romans at seventy thousand men, but attributes their defeat to the fact of the Carthaginians being so superior in cavalry j and he adduces this battle in proof of his assertion, " That it is better BATTLE OP CANN^. 5 * to have only half the number of infantry, if you are superior in cavalry, than to be on a perfect equality of all arms with the enemy." The wide open plain, now called the Table of Apulia, on which this memorable battle took place, was admirably adapted to cavalry evolu- tions. It will be remembered how -lEmilius endeavored to persuade his rash and ignorant colleague Varro not to risk a battle there. After the combat Varro escaped to the near town of Venusium with only seventy horse. It is affirmed that in all this Battle of Cannoe, in which he made such use of that arm, Hannibal lost only some two hundred horse. It was mainly through his cavalry, and his skill in handling it, that this truly great commander, generally cut off from all supplies from Car- thage, was enabled to maintain himself in Italy for nearly sixteen long years. The Roman Legions were so weak in cavalry that, when successful against the Carthaginians, they could reap no advantage from their victories ; nor could they procure provisions and forage for their armies while the country round them was swarming with the enemy's horse. The most detgrmiued bravery on the part of their infantry could not always save them from defeat, and every affair in which they were worsted endangered their very existence. Montecuculi says : " The principal act of an army is to fight a battle : this generally takes place in the plains, and then the cavalry is the most important arm engaged. For if the cavalry is defeated, the battle is gen- erally lost; if, on the contrary, the cavalry is victorious, not only is the battle safe, but the defeat of the foe is complete !" Hence, also. Marshal Saxe's advice is to shut yourself up and tem- porize when you are weak in cavalry. Fabius andL. Plancus, not daring to appear in the field against Ilan- nibal's cavalry, kept to the hills and entrenched themselves. In the same way, in the Thirty Years' War, -G ustavus Adolphus would not venture on the vast plains of Poland, but remained in Prussia till reinforced in cavalry. The want of cavalry stopped both Alexander and Csesar in their career of conquest. The Romans afterwards swelled their cavalry at the expense of their infantry ; but this was at the period of their rapid decline, when dis- cipline, martial spirit, and patriotism, with every other virtue, were 1* 6 HISTORICAL SKETCH. dying out among them. As the ancient and cherished Legion had become worthless, excellence was not to be expected from the mounted soldiers. The estimation in which cavalry has been held has varied according to times and circumstances. There have been periods (and long ones) in which it has been prized above all infantry, and there have been others in which it has been considered as almost valueless when com- pared with infantry. Of course both these extreme opinions are wrong. Great battles have been won by each arm. But it is foreign to our pur- pose to balance the merits of horse and foot. It is now admitted that cavalry must form a part of every army ; and it is our business to make it as good in its way as our infantry is generally admitted to be. History sufficiently proves the necessity of having a powerful body of horse with an army; and also shows that, if cavalry has not been at all times equally efficient or equally successful, it has almost invariably proved irresistible when well organized and properly led. At Capua, A.D. 552, the Franks defeated the Roman infantry, but, being deficient in cavalry, they were outflanked and attacked by the Byzantine horse under the Eunuch Narses ; and, according to the his- torian Agathias, out of thirty thousand men composing the army of the Franks, /<;e soldiers only escaped from the slaughter which ensued. At the memorable Battle of Poitiers, fought A.D. 732, by the Franks under Charles Martcl against the Saracens under Abd-er-rahman, the cavalry of the Franks, led by Eudo, Duke of Acquitaine, defeated the Moors and entered their camp, doing great execution. Paul the Dea- con (Paulus Diaconus) says three hundred and seventy-five thousand Saracens were left dead in the field; other historians, among them Mezeray, estimate the strength of the Moors at one hundred thousand, and assert that most of these, including their king, were killed or tramrjled under foot by the victors. But, in spite of these assertions, the Saracens left their camp in open day, and retired after the battle across the Pyrenees without being molested by the enemy. The cav- alry was not sent in pursuit, from which we must infer that they could not move with sufficient celerity in those days to follow their more nim- ble opponents with any chance of success. In 933, at the Battle of Merseburg, the European cavalry, under Henry I, had greatly improved in organization and tactics. By their compact order and discipline they gained a decisive victory over the BATTLE OF MERSEBURG. 7 Hungarian irregular horsemen, who at that time were greatly dreaded in Europe. The success of the cavalry was here due to the manner in which Hen- ry had reorganized and trained them ; and it is worthy of remark that light-horsemen are first mentioned in this battle. Armed with cross- bows, they competed successfully with the Hungarian horsemen, and distracted the enemy's attention during the battle by constant skirmish- ing. The Magyars, three hundred thousand strong, loft their entrenched camp near Schkolzig and advanced into the plains north-cast of Liitzen to meet King Henry. The battle was long undecided, till Henry, breaking forth at the head of his cavalry, which had been concealed near Schkolzig, attacked them in flank and routed them. The enemy was at once pur.-5ued, nor was any respite given to the fugitives till they had crossed the Bohemian frontier. History affords but two examples of cavalry being thus successfully reorganized and well commanded in the field, namely : under Henry I in the tenth century, and under Frederic the Great in the eighteenth century. Both these princes, on their accession, found the cavalry badly organized, and in their first campaigns worse than useless; but thej' reformed and achieved with them their most brilliant victories. King Otto I, in the field, managed well the cavalry which had been reorganized under his father Henry. At the Battle of Augsburg, in Au- gust, 955, he formed them into separate corps to support each other,* and while he poured his heavy horsemen in great numbers on one point to strike a decisive blow, as soon as he had gained an advantage he sent his light-horse in pursuit, and, gathering up his mail-clad horse- men, struck again and again, till victory crowned his efi"orts. The bat- tle was lost and won more than once during the day; for the Hunga- rians, though their ranks were open and their files scattered, yet, like all good light cavalry, worked well together in their attacks, as if each individual horseman was instinctively animated with the same inten- tion. Like shadows they eluded the grasp of the heavy Germans — never left them — and hung on their heels when tl^ey turned back again. The better generalship of King Otto alone gave him the victory. We now go on to the thirteenth century, when the Mongolian hordes invaded Poland; and we find, at the Battle of Liegnitz (April 9, 1241), 8 HISTORICAL SKETCH. that the Polish cavalry, all heavily equipped and partly clad iu armor, were defeated by the more active horsemen of the Mongols. The armies met in the plains near Wahlstatt. The Polish army, under Prince Henry the Good, and Mizeslav, Prince of Upper Silesia, were marshalled in five corps, of which some in reserve : their oppo- nents formed much in the same way. The Polish right wing attacked and defeated the Mongols opposed to them, but these soon rallied and drove them back on their reserves, which, in their turn, advanced, overthrew the Mongols, and pursued them. Suddenly, however, ac- cording to Polish historians, " a spell, the effect of enchantment, began to work," and their countrymen fled. This spell originated in the quick rallying of the Mongols, and their sudden and unexpected return to the charge when their enemies were exhausted in trying to catch them. Such a surprise was very likely to act like magic upon the un- wieldy horsemen of the West. Prince Henry himself now advanced with a corps which had not been engaged : Peta, the leader of the Mongols, came to meet him, but, as before, evaded the shock of the first onset, and returned again and again to the charge ; when his adversaries were fairly tired out, he then, with a fresh reserve (the last one in hand), poured down and swept the worn-out Christians from the field. Here, as in the other instance, the Poles followed up their first suc- cess, pursuing the Mongols when they purposely retired before themj again they were spell-bound; and this time it is said that, wrapped in clouds of dust, they were deprived of sight and strength. We understand this "spell" also, and so did the Mongols; for, as soon as they saw it working, as one man they turned on their Christian pursuers, and slaughtered them without mercj'.* The contact with Eastern nations has, from the earliest times, in- fluenced the progress of cavalry in Europe; and the very tactics dis- played by these Mongolian hordes in the thirteenth century are the rule and the foundation of our cavalry tactics of the present day. The improvement of that noble animal, the horse, is comparatively of recent date in England. At least as late as the time of Charles I we looked to the Continent — chiefly to Spain and Naples — for our best *Kricgswissenschaftlichen Analectcn, by Captain Ganzauge. MODERN EUROPEAN CAVALRY. 9 horses for the manege and war. Our Edward I took cavalry with him into Scotland; and we know what became of the English horse at Bannockburn. The battles in France of our Edwards and Henries were infantry battles, and were gained almost entirely by the English bow. The French had, at times, a numerous cavalry, but it was de- plorably deficient in discipline ; and when they had a few good squad- rons they evidently knew not how to use them. Good horses were scarce, and they had neither the patience nor the money to train the mounted soldier as he must be trained ere he can be serviceable in war. The knights, and some of the regular men-at-arms, rode well, from being constantly in the saddle; but the rest (as we have seen it said of certain modern horse-soldiers raised in a hurry), "not being accustomed to horses, were always falling off." It takes threefold more time to teach a man to ride and to have a perfect mastery of his horse than it takes to teach a foot-soldier his complete drill; and when the horse-soldier is taught so far, he has still a vast deal to learn before his education can be considered as completed. This difiference alone will go far to show how it has happened that the cavalry soldier has been inferior in his line to the infantry soldier in his. In modern Europe cavalry first rose into importance when the nations of Germany overran the Continent, and felt the necessity of having numerous bodies of horse with their invading armies; a neces- sity which had not been made apparent while they remained in their own country. By degrees European cavalry were clad in armor, formed in single ranks, and each horseman was expected to single out an antagonist for the fight. The select French gendarmes, who were cased in heavy armor, greatly distinguished themselves in this manner of fighting. To these heavy horsemen succeeded the Reiters, German mercena- ries, who, mounted on faster horses, equipped more lightly, and armed with swords and pistols, constantly beat the gendarmes in the civil wars of France and Flanders. The introduction of gunpowder had brought about a change; and the cavaliers by degrees had laid aside their armor, and taken to fire- arms. Under Henry II of France cavalry was formed again in oblong 10 HISTORICAL SKETCH. squares and in ten ranks. Henry IV reduced their front, and, by de- grees, the number of ranks to six. In the sixteenth century detachments of infantry were mixed with the cavalry; and both made to keep pace, and meet the enemy together in battle. At the Battle of Pavia, in 1525, the Marquis of Pcscara placed (for the first time) bodies of heavy-armed Spanish musketeers in the inter- vals of the Imperial cavalry, and thus (it is said) defeated the French. The practice of mixing horse and foot gained ground ; and as the infantry soldier rose in importance, so did the cavalry soldier sink lower and lower in the scale. With the introduction of gunpowder the distance at which contend- ing armies engaged in battle was greatly increased : cavalry could effect nothing with fire-arms, and were kept out of the reach of the enemy's shot; they were of little use, because their movements were so slow that the opportunity for action was generally lost before they could go over the ground which separated them from the enemy. Gustavus Adolphus reduced the unwicldly size of the squadrons at the beginning of the Thirty Years' War (1630); he formed them in four ranks, of which the first three charged while the fourth remained in support; he stripped the men of their armor, took from thorn their lances, and made them lighter, more active, and more useful. He formed his cavalry in two lines, and generally placed them on the flanks of the army. In France, under Louis XIII, in 1635, squadrons were reduced in front and depth, and in 1766 they were formed in two ranks; they were still unwicldly and difficult to manoeuvre, though they had im- proved by being organized in regiments, and having the heavy equip- ments made lighter. The practice, however, of sending cavalry into action supported by bodies of musketeers placed in the intervals, took from them their im- pulsive power, and deprived them of the advantage to bo derived from the speed of their horses. It was reserved for Charles XII to alter this stylo of fighting on horseback, and to improve upon it. His daring and chivalrous charac- ter was suited to the spirit of cavalry tactics; he led his horsemen sword in hand against cavalry, against infantry, against fortified posi- CROMWELL. 11 tions, over any country ; he acknowledged no diflSculties and over- threw all opposition. Untiring in pursuit, he actually followed up the Saxons under Marshal Schulenburg in their retreat into Silesia for nine consecutive days without unsaddling, overtook them at Sanitz, near Punitz, and, with two regiments of cavalry only, charged them, though ten thousand strong — rode over their infantry, who lay down to avoid the impetuous rush of the Swedes — defeated and drove the Saxon eavalry oflF the field — then returned to attack the infantry and guns. Night alone put an end to the combat, and the enemy profited by the darkness to escape across the frontier. All the guns fell into the hands of the Swedes. They appear to have made a most formidable use of their long straight swords when in pursuit of the cavalry, for the dead Saxons had all been run through the body. The period of our Great Civil "War witnessed the introduction of many changes besides those which were merely of a political nature. It was then that our horse first began really to distinguish themselves, and to stand forward as the gainers or deciders of victory. The English cavalry under Cromwell and his fiery adversary. Prince Rupert, claim especial notice; for from the numerous cavalry engage- ments of that period many good and useful lessons may yet be gleaned by the cavalry soldier. Cromwell, forty-four years of age when he first drew a sword, showed himself a great soldier at the very outset. He himself raised, organ- ized, and disciplined his troops of horse, and set his men an example which they were not slow in following. His mental and bodily energy, his vigorous conceptions, quick decision, and the dread vehemence with which he urged his war-steed into the thick of battle, made of him a cavalry leader second to none in history. Indefatigable and active, a good horseman, and perfect master of the broadsword, he had unbound- ed ascendancy over the minds of his followers, and led them through, or over, all obstacles that human prowess could surmount. The impetuosity and rashness of Prince Rupert were no match for the cool courage and presence of mind of Cromwell. The latter often turned defeat into victory; the former lost many a fair field by letting his cavalry out of hand after a first success: and, during his absence, his wary and more able opponent secured the prize. 12 HISTORICAL SKETCH. At Grantham tlio Royalists had one-and-twenty troops of horse, and three or four of dragoons.* Cromwell drew out about twelve troops to meet them: they formed at musket-shot distance from each other, and the dragoons fired for half an hour, or more. Cromwell then led his troopers on to the charge, sword in hand; the Royalists received him standing, and were at once overthrown ; he followed them up for some miles, each trooper killing two or three men in the pursuit. At Gainsborough, after a skirmish with the enemy's advance, Crom- well gained the crest of a hill, and saw suddenly a great body of the Royalist horse facing him, and close to him, with a good reserve of a whole regiment of cavalry behind it. Though taken by surprise, Crom- well led on his horsemen to meet the foe, who were pressing forward to take him at a disadvantage. A good fight with sword and pistol en- sued, till the Roundheads, pressing in upon their adversaries, routed the whole body, and immediately pursued, doing execution upon them for five or six miles. Cromwell, however, who commanded the right wing, kept back Major Whalley and three troops of horse from the chase; these he at once formed up, and, observing the enemy's reserve, under General Caven- dish, charge the Lincolners and rout them, he suddenly galloped in on his rear, drove horses and men off the field at the sword's point, and killed Cavendish. At the famous and disastrous Battle of Marston Moor, fought on the 2d of July, 1644, Cromwell signally distinguished himself, and gave Prince Rupert a taste of the steel of his Ironsides which the latter did not at all relish. A junction had been formed between the Scotch army and the Eng- lish Parliamentary forces, and they invested York. Prince Rupert and the Marquis of Newcastle joined their forces to raise the siege, for the possession of this ancient city was of great importance to them in a military point of view. The opposing forces numbered about fifty thousand ; they were drawn up with a ditch between them, and did not get into position till five iu * The troop consisted of sixty men, one captain, a lieutenant, a cornet, and a g ^quartermaster. MARSTON MOOR. lo the evening; the King's troops f.acing the west, their opponents the east. A long and bloody contest then ensued. At first neither party would give up the advantage which the dam and ditch afforded to those who remained on the defensive, till Lord Manchester moved forward with the left wing of the Parliamentary army to the attack, seconded by Cromwell, who commanded the cavalry of that wing. The attack was successful at every point, though a desperate fight took place between Cromwoirs and Rupert's horsemen. Cromwell had kept part of his cavalry in reserve ; these suddenly fell upon the Royal- ists whilst engaged in the melee with him, and completely defeated them. The right wing of the Royalists was now closely pursued by horse and foot, and driven far back behind the left wing. The exact counterpart to this had taken place on the opposite wings of the contending armies. The left wing of the Royalists had advanced, attacked, and driven back the right wing of the Parliament, defeating their horsemen, who, in galloping to the rear, spread confusion and dismay amongst the re- serves of Scotch infantry. Lord Manchester only heard of what had happened on his right after Sir Thomas Fairfax's troops had fled some miles on the road to Tadcas- ter; and Cromwell, at once collecting his cavalry from the pursuit, turned and followed the victorious Royalists toward that place. These formed to receive him, were defeated, and fled. Thus Cromwell, by his energy and courage, won the day, after some of the chief generals had left the field, and given the battle up as lost. The Battle of Marston Moor resembles in many particulars that of Zorndorf; both were brought about in the same way, both were gained by the same ma- noeuvre, which Hasdrubal employed at Canute, and Scidlitz at Zorn- dorf. These three great cavalry generals were victorious first on the left wings of their armies ,• from there they passed to the right wing to re- establish the fight: and all three then succeeded in the same way in breaking through the enemy's infantry, which, again, in all three cases, fought manfully. Thus these three great battles are reckoned as cavalry victories, for to the horsemen was due the success on all three occasions in question. 2 14 HISTORICAL SKETCH. Curious that at such distant periods, under such different circum- stances, the same results should have been achieved, and in almost exactly the same manner ! Does this not point forcibly to the necessity of consulting the past, that we may prepare for the future ? On the 14th of June, 1645, was fought the Battle of Naseby. The right wing of the Royal army was under the gallant Prince Eupert, the left under Sir Marmaduke Langdalc, the main body under Lord Astloy, the reserve under the King in person. Of the Parliament, the right wing was commanded by Cromwell, the left by Ireton, the main body by Fairfax and Skippon. Rupert charged hotly the loft wing of the Roundheads, fairly broke them, drove them through .the streets of Naseby, and continued the pursuit. Cromwell, at the same time, charged and dispersed the Royal horse under Sir Marmaduke Langdale. The Royal infantry, in the meantime, engaged and were driving the Parliamentary foot before them. The fate of the day depended upon which side should first see their cavalry return. Cromwell at last appeared, at the head of his dreaded Ironsides, charg- ed fiercely on the flank of the Royalist infantry, and threw them into irremediable confusion. The fate of the day was sealed : Rupert rer turned too late to do any goodj and the King fled the field, leaving his artillery and five thousand prisoners in the hands of the victors. Thus had Cromwell again turned defeat into victory by throwing his Ironsides into the scale at the proper time; whilst Rupert, by his head- long and thoughtless bravery, lost to his sovereign for ever the chance of recovering his crown and kingdom. Had he returned after his first success and attacked the Roundhead infantry, the issue of the whole struggle would probably have turned in favor of the King, for it re- quired the best efi"orts of Fairfax and Skippon to preveiit their infantry from running away. A few of the oflicers who served in this war had fought under Gusta- vus Adolphus, and had charged with the Swedish cavalry in the plains of Germany and on the field of LiUzen, where the hero fell. For ages the finest cavalry seen in Europe was indisputably that of the Turks. In great part, both men and horses were brought over from the Asiatic provinces of the empire, and the rest of the men and horses were principally of Asiatic descent. The horses, though not large (seldom much exceeding fourteen hands), were nimble, spirited, and yet TURKISH CAVALRY. 15 docile, and so trained and bitted as to be perfectly under control ; the hollow saddle was rather heavy, but all the rest of the appointments were light; the soldier rode in the broad short stirrup to which he and his ancestors had always boon accustomed, and on which they had a firm and (to them) natural seat out of which it was most dilficult to throw him; his scimitar was light and sharp, and, in addition to it, he generally carried in his girdle that shorter slightly-curved weapon called the yataghan, with an edge like that of a razor. Some of the Spahis used long lances or spears, but these were always thrown aside, as use- less, in the melee of battle. Their tactics were few and simple. If they could not get in the small end of one wedge, they tried another and another wedge; if they penetrated the hostile line, they dealt death around them — their sharp weapons usually inflicting mortal wounds or lopping off limbs. If the enemy gave way, they spread out like a fan, and, while some pressed on the front, others turned the flanks and got into the rear. Occasionally, to gain time, the Turks mounted some of their infantry, en croupe, behind their Spahis. Thus, early in the Bat- tle of Ryminik, when they had to contend with Marshal Suwarrow and some Austrians, a body of six thousand Janissaries jumped up behind au equal number of Turkish horsemen, and were carried at full speed to occupy a commanding eminence, of which the Austrians were also desirous of taking possession.* We have seen, quite in our own day, this effective and really brilliant cavalry reduced, by the spirit of imi- tation and ill-understood reform, to a condition beneath contempt. The late Sultan Mahmoud must needs have his cavalry disciplined alia Franca, or in Christian fashion ; and he imported a number of French, Italian, and German non-commissioned ofiicers to teach his men to ride with long stirrups, and to form, dress, and look like Europeans. To the disgust and even dismay of his Moslems, he buttoned them up in close jackets and put them into tight pantaloons. "With a most per- verse determination the system has been continued and extended these last twelve years, under his son and successor, the present Sultan Abdul Medjid, and it may now safely be said that the Turkish cavalry is no longer the best in the world. The men, always accustomed to sit cross-legged, and to keep their knees near the abdomen, can not be * Marshal Marmont. Travels in Turkey, etc. 16 HISTORICAL SKETCH. taught to rido with the long stirrup, a la Fraiuyise. They are always rolling oflf, and are frequently ruptured. They are armed with the lance, and have seldom any other weapon except an ill-made, hlunt, awkward sabre. Their horses are now wretched rosses. The good breeds have died out ; and the Imperial, centralizing tyranny — masked under the names of reform and civilization — which has been raging with more or less intensity these last fifty years, has not left on the sur- face of the empire a man of hereditary rank and wealth, or any private country gentleman, with the means of restoring the lost breeds, or of supplying such good light cavalry horses as existed in abundance at the commencement of the present century. The Karasman Oglus, the Paswan Oglus, and all those great Asiatic feudatories, together with the hereditary Spahi chiefs of Roumelia, who kept up the principal studs, are all gone ! Mounted as chey are, armed as they are, and riding as they do, instead of dealing with European horsemen after the summary fashion of the good old Turks, any English hussar ought to be able to dispose, in a minute, of half a dozen of Abdul Medjid's troopers, train- ed ftlla Franca, though he (the hussar) were armed only with a stout walking-stick. The cavalry of the Russians and Austrians improved much during their wars with the Turks ; and of the knowledge thus practically ob- tained the Austrians made good use in their first campaigns agaiustthe Prussians in the Seven Years' "War. These Turkish horsemen, without discipline, rushed in like a whirl- wind, in swarms or irregular columns, and swept over all that came in their way, leaving death alone in their track, so cflfoctually did they ply their scimitars.*' Neither discipline nor the fire of artillery and infantry could save the Christians from these fanatic horsemen ; their only safety lay in the chevaux-de-frise with which every column was provided, and each bat- talion had two light carts to carry them. When in the neighborhood of the enemy the men took the chevaux- de-frise on their shoulders, formed a skeleton column, and, when an at- tack was threatened, they wheeled into lino, fixed the joints in the ground, and fastened them together. * Berenhorst. TURKISH CAVALRY. 17 To these arraugemcnts the Russians owed their first success agaiost the Turks, as far back as 1711. When General Munich marched out against the Turks in 1736 he did not consider the chevaux-de-frise a sufiicient protection, and again armed part of his infantry with long pikes. His troops marched in large oblong squares ; these were at a moment's notice surrounded by the iron spikes of the chevaux-dc-frise, and flanked by artillery. At this impassable barrier tliey received their turbaned assailants, and poured upon them a destructive fii-e in perfect safety. No European cavalry, with all its tactics, large squadrons, cuirasses, and lances, ever inspired such dread, or brought infantry to the neces- sity of seeking safety behind impassable obstacles. The Moslems alone inspired sufficient dread to call forth on the part of the infantry a hu- miliating confession of their weakness in the precautionary measures they adopted; for, unless surrounded by these formidable engines of war, the Turks seldom failed to burst in among them, and then handled the sword quick, masterly, and without cessation, until checked by the reaction brought on from the excess of their own fury.* With European cavalry they dealt in the same summary way when- ever they got among them ; but to prevent this, the cavalry were formed in masses, with guns and infantry on their flanks ! Now, if the individual prowess and skill in single combat, the horse- manship and sharp swords of the Turks, made them so formidable as history here relates, how irresistible would cavalry be which to these qualities should add that discipline and method in which they were wanting, and which was the cause of the disastrous termination of all their wars after the close of the seventeenth century ! The Mamelukes of Egypt kept up their high qualities as bold horse- men until they were annihilated at the commencement of the nineteenth century : but they can scaroely be said to have belonged to the Turks. If these brave Mamelukes, drawn from diSerent races and from diflfer- ent countries, but chiefly from the ancient Thessaly and Macedonia, and from the backgrounds of European Turkey which we now call Ser- via, Bosnia, Albania, etc., had been backed by only a tolerable infantry, the sanguinary aff'air at the Pyramids would have been a defeat and * Berenhorst. 2* 18 HISTORICAL SKETCH. not a victory to the French. Single-handed, the French troopers had no chance with those daring horsemen and expert swordsmen. While the Russians and Austrians were impelled by the Turks into an improvement of their cavalrj'-, pains were taken by the Prussians to add to the efficiency of that arm. AVherever there was war, or a prob- ability of it, it was seen and felt that cavalry must bear an important part, and that there was much to change or to modify in it. Nobody thought that, while infantry and artillery were improved, cavalry could be left in statu quo. Frederic William the Stadtholder and Leopold of Dessau together reorganized the Prussian army, and laid the foundation of that disci- pline which, under Frederic the Great, became so celebrated, and was copied by almost all European nations. Frederic William would have tall men for his army : they were kid- napped by his recruiting parties wherever they were met with. His cavalry were well drilled to fire in line, both on foot and on horse- back : nothing was done to make them formidable in close combat ; they charged at a walk or a trot. When Frederic the Great ascended the throne, he found his cavalry drilled in this way. The horses and men were colossal : they dared not icalk on a bad pavement, or move beyond that pace on uneven ground. At the first battle against the Austrians, the Imperial cavalry, which had gained experience in the Turkish wars, charged the Prussians sword in hand, Moslem fashion, at speed, and drove them from the field. The Great Frederic, who did not like the look of matters (at this Bat- tle of Mollwitz), took the advice of his field-marshal, followed the fugi- tives, and only rejoined the army next morning, on hearing that his infantry had stood firm and won the day in spite of the flight of the cavalry. When the campaign closed with the conquest of Silesia, Frederic at once proceeded with the organization of this arm of the service. Ho began by doing away with all firing in line, and gave all his attention to making them good riders. Seidlitz formed his hussars in two ranks, and toward the end of the campaign the remainder of the cavalry fol- lowed his example. They were all brought to do what Marshal Saxc laid down as necessary, namely : to charge at their best speed for two SEIDLITZ. 19 thousand yards without breaking their array. Many of the old Prus- sian generals opposed these innovations to the utmost; but the King carried them through, for he was convinced of the advantage of impetu- osity in the attack : and his mounted troops, which had been defeated constantly in the first campaign of the Seven Years' War, when thus reorganized and led by Ziethen and Seidlitz, astonished the world by their deeds of arms; not only overthrowing cavalry in their headlong career, but sweeping whole armies of infantry off the field. Witness the Battles of Strigau, Kesseldorf, Rossbach, Leuthen, Zorndorf. This last was the most glorious of all to the Prussian horsemen, who, in thir- ty-six squadrons, under Seidlitz, not only turned the fortune of the day, saved the infantry and artillery of their own army, but checked the advance, overthrew the victorious Russian cavalry, driving it from the field ; then returned to fall upon the Russian infantry, which, prepared to receive the Prussians, fought with the most determined bravery ; and when their masses were broken into by the furious horsemen, those who escaped the sword threw themselves again into masses, and had to be charged again and again. In no modern battle did so many men fall by the sword as at Zorndorf, though the Prussians had been twelve hours on horseback before advancing to the charge. At no time have more glorious deeds been done by cavalry than were achieved by the Prussian horsemen of those days. Their arm was the sword ; their trust lay in the individual prowess and good riding of their horsemen ; their tactics consisted in speed and determination : and to this system is attributed not only their wonderful success, but also their generally trifling loss in killed and wounded. Seidlitz practised his hussars at going across country, using their swords and fire-arms at speed; and various were the feats to which he drilled his men, in order to make them expert in the management of their horses and arms. An anecdote is related of him. When the King inspected his regi- ment, and found fault with the number of deaths occasioned that sea- son by accidents at drill, Seidlitz answered very drily : " If you make such a fuss about a few broken necks, your majesty will never have the bold horsemen you require for the field." It was one of the amuse- ments of this daring cavalier to ride in at speed between the arms of a 20 HISTORICAL SKETCH. windmill while working. This feat Seidlitz often performed after he had attained to the rank of a general officer. The ancient Greeks followed much the same system as Seidlitz, being convinced that neither man nor horse would be up to the work unless frequently put to it beforehand. " If you wish to have a good war- steed," says Xenophon, "you must try him in all those things which may be required in war. These are, to leap across ditches, scramble over walls, spring up ascents, and dash down descents ; and to be experienced in charging on slopes, uneven ground, and traverse roads or paths. Many horses fail, not for want of ability, but for want of experience in these things. Let them be instructed, trained, and accus- tomed, and they will excel in them all, if they are healthy horses and not vicious."* Frederic the Great divided his cavalry in the field into corps of twenty, thirty, and forty squadrons, and made them stand out boldly and alone to play their own part according to circumstances. He wielded sword and sceptre. He directed these cavalry movements with consummate skill and energy ; he let no opportunities pass with- out making his enemies feel the weight of his sword; and the Prussians, thus encouraged by their King, and full of confidence in their leaders, plied their spurs and rode to victory. It was a favorite saying of Frederic that three horsemen in the enemy's rear do moi*e than fifty in front; and his generals always tried to attack front, flank, and rear at the same time. In the two first attacks, or in front and flank, they generally succeeded. Hovr they did so has remained a mystery to this day. It, however, appears that they generally seized the moment when the combined use of artillery and infantry, or the use of either singly, had made an impression, and then dashed in ; or that they rapidly gained the enemy's flank and charged home. Out of twenty-two great battles fought by Frederic or his generals, the cavalry, thus employed, decided the fate oi fifteen. To his cavalry in action Frederic gave no orders beyond general direc- tions as to which part of the field it was to act in. The moment for attack was always left to the generals commanding the cavalry, who, * Xenophon on Horsemanship. BATTLE OF ROSSBACH. 21 after securing their flanks and providing a reserve, spurred and start- ed; and, being once started, they pushed on while there was an enemy in the held. Bereuhorst (in his Betrachtungen iibcr Kriegskunst) gives the fol- lowing interesting account of the Battle of Rossbach : '•The generals were dining with the King at Rossbach, when a cry arose of 'The French arc coming!' They jumped on their horses, and, as if by inspiration, gave the order to fall in, form column, and take ground to the left; they must have been beaten had they awaited on their own ground the well-planned attack of the enemy ; but, with- out any intention of misleading the French, they left the tents stand- ing — for they had no time to strike them; and this accidental circum- stance deceived the enemy better than the most cunningly devised scheme. "The right wing of the Prussians stood fast; the other, marching in column by its left, and screened by a rising ground from the view of the French, gained their flank, while the enemy, advancing to liurround the Prussians, suddenly hesitated. Revel (one of the Broglio family), who led the French attack, fell mortally wounded at the first discharge, and left his columns with their flanks exposed, and not knowing what they were to do next. " The Prussian army, numerically weak, were full of ardor, the fore- runner of victory ; they despised the French. Those who were moving toward their flank and rear looked upon the whole thing as a good joke; they were delighted at the idea of catching the enemy at a dis- advantage, and in this they succeeded. " The genius of the Prussian cavalry sprang forth here from the fields of Reichardtswerben, and led them to victor}'. " When the cavalry in order of battle, like a pent-up flood, is held ready, and, at the first signal, poured down in torrents, floods the field, sweeping all before it, then has cavalry reached the ideal of perfection; and to this ideal Seidlitz attained with the Prussian cavalry on that day. Soubise and Hildburgshausen were swept from the earth." In reviewing the deeds of the Prussian cavalry of those days, it must be borne in mind that they dealt with infantry, which sought the open plain, advanced in long lines — avoiding obstacles of all descrip- tions, because such obstacles disturbed their array. Their fire was 92 HISTORICAL SKETCH. quick, but not true in its aim, and their squares seldom held out long against the horsemen. In those days an individual could often take in at one glance the whole state of affairs at any time during a battle, and thus employ the cavalry at the proper moment. But with the improvements in fire- arms the extent of ground occupied by armies in position has gone on increasing, and to such an extent that it is no lopger possible to over- look the field, and, therefore, more diflicult for a cavalry leader to achieve the same results as the Prussians did under Seidlitz and Ziethen. Cavalry must now act more in unison with other arms; for great results are now achieved only by their skilful combinations. Since the Seven Years' War cavalry has fallen in general estimation, and has lost that proud pre-eminence at which it stood when it decided the fate of battles. Many gallant deeds have been done in later days by English and Gorman horsemen, as at Avesne le Sec, Tillers en Couche, Gateau Cambresis, Emsdorf, Usagre, Salamanca, Garci-IIer- nandez, and Waterloo; and by the French in many a well-contested field; but they do not come up to the exploits of the horsemen of Frederic the Great, who, held in hand in large numbers, till the opportunity offered or necessity required them to be let loose, then burst over the battle-ground, and swept down all in their impetuous ccursc ; the word on their hearts, as well as lips, being "Charge home !" At the commencement of the great war of the French Revolution (1792), the cavalry of our neighbors was very far from being either numerous or good. In fact, as a nation, the French are not, and have never been, truly equestrian. Generally they are bad riders, and with- out good riding there can be no thoroughly good horse-soldier. We do not think that this deficicucy is accounted for by the fact that in nearly all parts of France the ground is tilled, not by horses, but by oxen. We attach more importance to a second reason assigned by General Foy ; the Frenchman's impatience, or what the general calls vivacite {nquiete, may prevent him from identifying himself with his horse, or from learning to ride as he ought. He has, besides, an hered- itary superstition for the long stirrup, and for balance-riding, which never yet carried a man across a rough country without disaster. In THE FRENCH CAVALRY. 23 their first campaigns the French had little chance against the German heavy horse, the Hungarian hussars, or even the Walloon dragoons. They seldom presented much cavalry in the open field, and when they did it was usually to their disadvantage. Moreover, the French horses were poor, under-sized, and under-bred. They got better remounts when they conquered other countries with their infantry, artillery, political propagandism, and daring strategy. But the war-horse is nothing without the rider, and cavalry soldiers are not to be impro- vised quite so fast as foot-soldiers.* Before the reign of Bonaparte some regiments of heavy cavalry served as a corps of reserve to each army, the rest of the horse being scattered among the divisions of infantry or joined with the artillery. Napoleon tried to give his cavalry the same part to act in battle as Frederic the Great had given to his ; but he organized them different- ly, and widely different were the results. Napoleon's horsemen were not at home in their saddles; they were heavily equipped, and could not move with speed; he therefore formed them into very large masses, which obtained the curious name of Corjis d'Armee de Cavalerie. In these large corps he attached guns to each regiment, and used deep formations for attack; thus his cavalry played a secondary part to the artillery ; its movements were cramped, its approach necessarily slow, and, as it was always heralded by its own cannon, the enemy was seldom taken by surprise (except at Marengo), but had time to prepare a reception which cost the French masses of horse very dear. Still his horsemen, mostly clad in defensive armor, were poured on slowly but in irresistible numbers, and thus, regardless of the loss of life, Napoleon by their means won many a field. Even allowing for all the brilliancy of Murat, it may be doubted whether he had one cavalry leader whom Frederic the Great would have called good. Napoleon's cavalry generals often failed in bringing their troops into action at the right time, and often threw them too early into the scale, and so, when a reserve of cavalry might have decided the fate of battle, none was forthcoming. They often neglected to protect their flanks or to have a reserve at *"La cavalerie u'estpas si facile d improviser que Vinfantcrie." General Foy, Histoire de la Guerre do la Peninsule. 24 HISTORICAL SKETCH. hand in case of disaster. In 1813, on the I6th of Octoher, near Leip- zig, the cavalry corps of Latour-Maubourg and Kellermann, about five thousand horses, led by Murat in person, attacked the centre of the allied army advancing by Wachau toward Gossa, overthrew the divis- ion of Russian Light Cavalry of the Guard, captured thirty pieces of ca,nnon, and broke through the line ; but four hundred Cossacks of the Guard, gallantly led, fell upon their flank, and not only retook all the guns, but drove them back in confusion, turning the whole affair to the advantage of the allies. These Cossacks had to gain the flank of the enemy by a path which admitted only of single files. At the Battle of La Rothiere the same mistake, and in a greater degree, was again committed by the French. The cavalry divisions, Colbert, Guyot, and Pire, having charged and overthrown the Russian division of hussars under General Lanskoy, were preparing to fall upon the infantry, when General Washiltschikoff brought up the Pantschulitschcff division of dragoons at a gallop, attacked the French in front and flank, drove them from the field, and pursued them to Alt Brienne, occasioning the loss of twenty-eight guns to Napoleon's Garde; yet they had plenty of cavalry in the field v/ith which to have protected their flanks, but it only made its appear- ance after the affair was decided in favor of the allies. Instances of this sort might be adduced of the English cavalry. Charges, gallant and daring in their character, were turned into dis- graceful defeats or dreadful losses by the culpable negligence of their oflBcers in not having reserves in hand to protect the flanks during an attack, or to oppose an enemy coming on with fresh troops. In the Peninsula, in 1812, two regiments of English horse under General Slade attacked and defeated two regiments of French dragoons near Llera, pursued them madly for about eight miles, when the French general, Lallemande, fell upon them with his reserves, and routed them completely. The Union Brigade under General Ponsonby, at "Waterloo, suffered severely from the same cause : after riding down everything in their way, entering the enemy's position, and sabreing the artillerymen at their guns, they were suddenly attacked by the French cavalry reserves, and driven back with great loss. The 3d dragoons charged the Sikhs at Moodkee, and drove along the INFERIORITY OF FRENCH CAVALRY. ZD rear of the whole of their position : not only were they not supporteil, but our own artillery played upon them at one time, and occasioned them some loss. This gallant regiment returned to camp in the even- ing, having lost nearly two-thirds of their number in killed and wound- ed, and eifectcd very little except inspiring a wholesome dread of Eufflish dragoons. Chapter II. CAVALRY OF AUSTRIA, RUSSIA, ETC. Let us here rapidly examine the cavalry of Austria, Russia, and Prussia, as displayed in action, from the year 1792 to the end of the war of the Revolution. In their first campaigns the cavalry of the allies surpassed that of the French in every particular. Thej' may not, in every case, have made the best use of this advantage, but it is most indisputable that this superiority existed, and that the allies had it. Their cavalry corps were composed of men essentially horse-soldiers by nature and habit, brave, numerous, well-mounted, and well-organized : their individual superiority was made apparent in every action from 1793 to the close of that century. That the advantarrcs they gained over the French in these numerous engagements were never attended with any decisive result on the campaign, can be attributed only to bad generalship. The French cavalry, at last, defeated the cavalry of the Austrians at the Battle of Hochstedt, in the year 1800 ; gained by degrees a complete ascendancy over all other Continental cavalry; and, in spite of its many inherent defects, contributed, in no small degree, to Napoleon's successes in the field, until their victorious career was buried with them in the snows of Russia in 1812. The cavalry of the Austrians and English, in 1793 and 1794, achiev- ed at various times the most brilliant successes in the Netherlands. Neither French horses nor French men could stand against ours. If 3 26 HISTORICAL SKETCH. they met, tlio weaker were literally rode down or rolled over ; but, un- luckily, our horsemen knew little more of their metier than how to make a charge, nor did they always know how to do that in the best way. The campaign of 1795 (on the Ehiue) was one of manoeuvres. The French were defeated at Handschusheim with the loss of two thousand men and ten guns, chiefly through the gallant conduct of the Austrian dragoon regiment Kaiser, and the hussars of Hohenzollern and Szekler. These hussars of the period have often been described by old soldiers of various nations (not excluding France) as the very perfection of light cavalry. The most interesting incident in the campaign was the storming of the lines round Mayence, on account of the glorious part taken therein by the Austrian cavalry. Three columns of attack were formed, and to each a few squadrons were attached j a reserve of twen- ty-two squadrons was kept in readiness, and the very moment the in- fantry stormed the lines these horsemen rode in, were let loose on the enemy, and achieved a complete victory, with comparatively little loss to themselves. The French lost all their guns, amounting to one hundred and thirty- eight, and upwards of three thousand men; hero one might well say with Suwarrow, " Vii^ent le sahre et la ba'ionnette !" In the succeeding campaign of 1796 the Imperial cavalry did good service, and were v.'ell led during the Battle uf Wiirzburg, but were made no use of after they had gained the victory. The whole of the French cavalry had been united at this battle under the command of General Bonnaud; the cavalry of the Austrians met them close to Emsfeld, and drove in their skirmishers; Bonnaud, see- ing the Imperial cavalry gradually increasing in numbers, thought it best to charge without loss of time. The French fell on with resolu- tion, and drove back the left wing of the Austrians, who retired on their reserves ; in the meantime fourteen squadrons of hussars burst forth from behind a village, and galloped in on the rear of the French, who were simultaneously attacked in front by the German cuirassiers : the remainder of the French cavalry were then thrown in to the rescue, but the Austrians held twelve squadrons still in reserve, and these de- cided the fate of the day j the French were driven off the field, pursued behind their infantry, and two battalions of the division Grcnier were afterwards destroyed by the victorious Austrians. BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ. 27 After tho storming of Mayenee the Imperialists rested on their lau- rels, and concluded an armistice; after Wiirzburg, instead of following up Jourdan and destroying his army, they halted, satisfied with the re- sults of tho day. They stopped at the point which Frederic the Great would have considered only as a glorious starting point. Never was so fair an opportunity thrown away; under the fiery spirit of a Seidlitz tho cavalr}' would have swept like a flood over the retreat- ing and disorganized army, and made of Wiirzburg a second Rossbach for the French. In 1797 nothing worthy of mention was eifected by cavalry on the Rhine; but in Italy the Austrian cavalry distinguished itself at Man- tua. They were encamped near the fortress. Napoleon, wishing to di-ive them into it, determined to attack. Massena's division succeeded in surprising them on the morning of the 14th of September, and had already entered the camp, when the Austrian cavalry, which had gone out in watering order, returned at a gallop, and (without saddles on the horses) fell upon the enemy and defeated him. The allies (in 1805), who had one hundred and seventy-two squad- rons of cavalry at Austerlitz, knew nothing of the position of the French army nor of Napoleon's dispositions, which might have been easily unmasked by a '' reconnaissance en force." During the battle they brought the cavalry up in front, while the bulk of their infantry, in four columns, were sent to turn the French right, and scattered over ten or twelve miles of country. This was the cause of their total defeat ; for, after the four columns had been de- tached, they found themselves in presence of the whole French army, to which they could oppose only their right wing and the reserve. Had their columns been victorious on the left, of what use would the cavalry have been ? They could never have cut in on the fugitiA'esA time to prevent the French reaching the defiles of Bellawitz and Schlappanitz ; but had the infantry been in front and defeated the French while the allied cavalry gained ground to their flank, not a soul would have escaped from the field. The French remarks on this battle are most amusing. They say : " Les Russes avaient concu un plan de bataille centre une armee qu'ils ne voj'aient point; et de plus, ils ad- mettaient Thypnthese que les Francais resteraieut immobiles comme des termes." 28 HISTORICAL SKETCH. Some of the Russian and the French cavalry regiments of the Guard met in this battle and fought with great bravery; the Russians were overthrown. It is said that many cavalry engagements took place on the right, where the Ru*siaus were well commanded by General Uwa- row, who, with Bagration, effectually resisted the attacks of Lannes and part of the French cavalry under Murat; but of these engage- ments I can find no particulars. The retreat of the allies was covered by twenty-two squadrons of Austrian cavalry and some regiments of Cossacks ; these latter soon left the field, but the Austrian hussars of Hesse-Hombourg, Szeckler, and Oreilly, remained to the last. These brave regiments, in spite of a destructive fire from the French artillery, held their ground between Telnitz and Aujezd till the whole of the infantry had passed, and nobly repulsed a brigade of French dragoons which tried to cut in on the line of retreat. Often did the Austrian cavalry thus gallantly cover the retreat of their defeated armies, and enable them to take the field again and again. After the Battle of EckmiJhl three Austrian regiments of cavalry held their ground against two French divisions. At Egolfsheim, and the following day at Ratisbone, forty squadrons opposed the whole French cavalry, and gave the army time to recross the Danube. For three hours they held them in check by constant and repeated charges, in which one thousand men were killed or wounded, and then effected their retreat in safety through the town by occupying the entrance with some companies of infantry. The French cavalry was command- ed by Bessieres, and Napoleon was himself present, being wounded in the heel at the close of the fight. In the first campaigns of this war the Prussian cavalry did nothing worthy of its former reputation. At Jena and Auerstadt it was de- feated, and followed up with such untiring perseverance hj the French horse that the Prussians were effectually prevented from again assem- bling in the field. The French gave them no respite, and pressed on to Berlin. The campaigns of 1806 and 1807, in Prussia and Poland, show that cavalry, though numerous and brave, can seldom effect anything great when the armies to which they are attached are acting on the defensive. JENA AND AUERSTADT — PULTUSK. 29 When the general's object is to maintain himself in the field only, he takes up positions fr^^m which it is diflicult to dislodge him, but in which the cavalry can act only partially in repelling the attacks of the enemy. Beningsen, though forced bj' the plan of the campaign to act on the defensive, made good use of his cavalry at Pultusk : with them he masked the position of his army, and began the battle advantageously on his side J but his example would be a dangerous one to follow in the face of an enemy superior in that arm, for, if they succeeded in defeat- ing the horse in front and followed them into the position, the destruc- tion of the whole army might ensue. The Russians were in position between the roads leading from Pul- tusk to Sieroek and Nowemiastow. They had Pultusk with the Narew on their left, the road to Ostrolenka in the*. Beningsen only wished to engage the enemy partially, to retard his advance, in order to gain time to fall back; but the ground was heavy for the artillery, and the advance of the French so quick that he was obliged to engage his whole corps to maintain his ground. He formed his army, consisting of sixty-six battalions and ninety- five squadrons (about forty-five thousand men) in two lines, between Moczin and Pultusk. In front of the left wing ten battalions and twenty squadrons were pushed forward under Bagawort, and twelve battalions and ten squadrons in like manner in front of the right wing under Barclay de Tolly.*" Two thousand yards in front of his line of battle ho distributed the cavalry by regiments, en echiquier, with wide intervals, and five hun- dred yards in front of them again a line of Cossacks, who stopped the enemy's skirmishers, and obliged the French to deploy their advanced guards to drive them back. Lannes advanced in six columns against the Ptussian position. The numbers of the French are differently estimated, but there can be no doubt that they were more numerous than their opponents. The Russian cavalry of the left wing drove in the French cavalry which preceded the columns on that flank, and charged the infantry, some battalions of which were ridden over : however, their success was * Hist, de la Cavalerie, par L. A. linger. 3* 30 HISTORICAL SKETCH. only partial; for, though they retarded the advance of these columns of attack, they could not stop them. In the centre General Dorochow retired slowly before the enemy, till their columns were within range of the Russian batteries; then the curtain was rent, the Russian cavalry withdrew, and the French found themselves exposed to a murderous fire. On the right Barclay de Tolly had been attacked, but had repulsed the French cavalry. The French had now brought up their artillery and the remainder of their forces: Bcningsen withdrew the cavalry behind the infantry. The Russian advanced corps on the flanks were driven in by the French with the loss of some guns which they afterwards recovered. The flanks were reinforced with cavalry and infantry, and the Russian army formed in three lines: the first deployed, the second in columns, the third composed of cavalry. The left wing, supported by twenty squadrons, then advanced, charged, and drove the French back. On the two sides upward of three thousand men were killed and wounded, and the Russians made seven hundred prisoners. The Battle of Eylau, which succeeded in the campaign, Avas remark- able for the grand charge of cavalry under Murat, who led seventy-two squadrons forward against the Russian position ; but this I shall have occasion to speak of hereafter. After Eylau a cavalry engagement of some consequence took place ; the French having upward of forty squadrons in the field. They were defeated and driven across the Trischinz in disorder by the Russian horse. On the 5th, 6th, and 7th of June the allies had good opportunities of using their numerous cavalry to advantage, but they failed to avail themselves of them. On the 10th of June, 1807, at the Battle of Heilsberg, the allies had two hundred and five squadrons, of which twenty-seven squadrons were Prussian, the remainder Russian. With such a numerous body of horse at their command, the army took up a defensive position ; strong certainly, but one in which their superiority in cavalry proved of no avail. The Russian horse were in reserve the greater part of the day. The BATTLE OF LUTZEN. 31 Prussians behaved well, and executed some gallant charges; but the battle was undecided. The allies remained in position during the 11th, and in the evening retired toward Bartenstein. Then succeeded the Battle of Friedland, where the allies exposed their cavalry in line to the destructive fire of the French batteries during the greater part of the day ; and, when they had been well shaken and pounded, the French cavalry charged and defeated them. In these campaigns the constant system of defensive warfare, the making cavalry replace infantry in battle, and uselessly exposing them to the fire of artillery, so demoralized and discouraged that of the allies, that in 1812 they could hardly be brought to face the French horse. In 1813, at Liitzen, very favorable ground for the action of cavalry gave Napoleon the impression that the allies were at last about to avail themselves to some purpose of the eighteen thousand horsemen they had in the field. To these Napoleon could only oppose five thousand mounted soldiera : for his old cavalry, inured to war and accustomed to victory, had been entirely destroyed the preceding 3" ear in Russia ; and all his power, resources, and genius had been exerted in vain to replace them ; and so conscious was he of the danger of meeting the numerous cavalry of the enemy in the open field, that, on hearing that Ney had been attacked, he moved up the troops to his assistance, formed in large squares of several regiments of infantry, with artillery on their flanks and cavalry in the rear. When the battle began Ney was alone on the ground: he threw his infantry into the villages, and maintained himself there in spite of all the efforts made to dislodge him. The allies grew obstinate and perse- vered, feeding the fight with more and more infantry, till their place in line was obliged to be filled up with regiments of cavalry, which were apparently forgotten while this contest on foot was carried on. During this time Napoleon brought the whole of his army into line, and his ar- tillery made great havoc among the imposing army of German and Russian cavalry with which the background of the picture was filled up. The day closed in ; the troops were tired out; all the infantry, with the exception of the Russian Guard, had been engaged, while the French had still fresh troops at hand for any emergenc3^ The allies had a reserve of fifty squadrons of Russian horse, but the opportunity for using them had passed away : they could do nothing 32 HISTORICAL SKETCH. against the Frouch, who were established in broken ground, with a bat- tery of sixty guns ia position. According to Frederic the Great, villages should be occupied only for defensive purposes. An army acting on the offensive should lose no time in contesting their possession, if they can gain their point by turn- ing the enemy's position. Had the allies done this, and pushed forward their cavalry to attack the French corps in the plains while coming up to Ney's assistance, the result might have been widely different; and had they been successful, Ney's corps must have laid down its arms. That the French infantry of that year were incapable of meeting the German cavalry successfully in the open field, was proved by Colonel DolCs, shortly afterwards, at Haynau, where, at the head of twenty squadrons of Prussian cavali-y, he attacked General Maison's division, formed in eight squares and protected by eighteen guns, and in less than fifteen minutes swept over them, killing, wounding, or making prisoners the whole force and capturing their guns. The only men that escaped were a detachment of French cavalry who took care to get a good start. With all this, when the French were defeated at Leipzig, they made good their retreat, though the allies had eighty thousand cavalry in the field ! This is not to be satisfactorily accounted for by the intervention of a petty river and the blowing up of a bridge by the French. In 1814, when the allies, fighting on the soil of France, defeated Na- poleon at LaKothiere, they allowed his army to escape again, although they were themselves strong in horse. In 1815, after the defeat at Waterloo, though the Prussian cavalry started in pursuit of the French from the field, the French soldiery not only escaped in large numbers, and rallied beyond Paris, but their cav- alry, at Versailles, defeated and made prisoners an entire brigade of Prussian horse. Cavalry is often doomed to total inaction in battle from the manner in which armies are formed for the fight. Generals attempt to use armies as they would machinery, quite forgetting that such different compo- nent parts as infantry, cavalry, and artillery can not always work to- gether. A happy combination of the three, or a grand coup struck by cavalry alone, is rather a rarity in modern warfare. Isolated gallant CONFUSION IN ACTION. 33 charges of cavalry are heard of (as, for example, the charge of the 3d Dragoons at Moodkee, and that of Major Unett's squadron at Chillian- wallah) ; but such charges, though executed with the greatest energy, never go beyond the limits of what is expected of thoso detachments of cavalry which are attached to each division of the army in the field. Thus we see a display of gallantry, and even of skill, without any grand result. The fact is, modern tactics hold the cavalry in leading-strings. The system is a timid one, and made up of "ifs " and " buts" — xcords which ought to be unknown to cavalry soldiers. Instead of trying at once to strike home when the opportunity oflFers — instead of pouring the whole cavalry of the army on the enemy's flanks or rear, they fritter away their strength, march and countermarch, advance perhaps one-third of their force against the enaemy, keeping two-thirds in reserve to guard against unknown dangers. They attack under cover of batteries established to insure them against the ill conse- quences of failure, etc. In short, examples of successful cavalry ac- tions (we mean simply and purely cavalry actions) are to be found only in few and isolated instances, where the horsemen, acting on the spur of the moment, and forgetting their tactics altogether, were led away by the bold example of some chivalrous leader. Such was the case when Murat attacked the Austrians near Dresden, leading part of his cavalry round their left flanks while the remainder attacked in front. Murat fell upon them from both sides at once, and, sword in hand, captured sixteen guns and made fifteen thousand prisoners. This was, assuredly, one of the most brilliant cavalry actions of modern times. A curious circumstance, and one worthy of remark, is, that in the late wars, wherever the cavalry were made use of in large bodies, the greatest confusion generally ensued: for instance, at Craonne the Russian cav- alry, though successful in their first charge, got into such disorder, and so mixed up together, that the whole mass was withdrawn in confusion from the field, to save it from destruction. Luckily for them the French cavalry, under Nansouty, were far away on the right flank when this happened, or they would hardly have effected their retreat in safety. This confusion in action may be partly accounted for by the depth of the formations, the number of lines ranged one behind the other when going into action, the uniformity in the dress of the different regiments 34 HISTORICAL SKETCH. engaged, and the large squadrons which, once dispersed, can rally only with the greatest difliculty, and always require a long time to do so. Lines of cavalry following each other must get into disorder if any part of them be driven in by the enemy, for there are no outlets for the fugitives. The cavalry of Frederic the Great generally doubled the extent of their intervals when advancing; their second line was only partly deployed : it followed in echelon, or with intervals the breadth of a squadron. The infantry of those days formed in line, and brought every musket into play against cavalry charging them. We English pride ourselves on having adhered to this system: and after the French had, in columns and masses, walked over every army in Europe, they were defeated by our lines of infantry in the Peninsu- la. The French cavalry, led on by Lasalle, Montbrun, Latour-Maubourg, Valmy — all cavalry generals of high renown — drew back and shrunk from their fire ; and the British foot-soldier remained unconquercd, and gained many a laurel-wreath, though he did stand and fight in line ! Yet neither lines nor masses of infantry stopped Seidlitz and his glo- rious horsemen. At Kunersdorf and Zorndorf there stood opposed to him, for every yard of ground, ten or twelve infantry soldiers. The want of success on the part of cavalry in later years can not, therefore, with justice be attributed to the diflferent formations of the infantry : and I would fain ask whether the ground Avas less good, or circumstances less favorable for the employment of cavalry, at Lutzen, Dresden, Leipzig, and Craonne, than at Rossbach or at Zorndorf? The humiliating confession is forced upon us that, if cavalry have fallen from their high estate, they can blame only themselves and their own tactics. CAVALRY IN GENERAL. 35 Chapter III. CAVALRY IN GENERAL. It must be admitted that in modern warfare we have rarely seen the happy combination of excellent cavalry commanded by a perfect cavalry officer. The passage is somewhat inflated, according to the genius of the language in which it is written; yet General Foy scarcely exagger- ates the amount and union of qualities requisite to form a first-rato cavalry leader. " Apres les qualites necossaires au commandant en chef, le talent de guerre le plus sublime est celui du general de cavalerie. Eussiez-voua un coup-d'oeil plus rapide etun eclat de determination plus soudain que le coursier emporte au galop, ce n'est rien si vous ne joignez la vigueur de la jeunesse, des bons yeux, une voix retentissantc, I'adresse d'un athlete, et I'agilite d'un centaure. Avant tout, il faudra que le ciel vous ait depart! avec prodigalite cette faculte precieuse qu'aucune ne rem- place, et dont il est plus avare qu'on no le croit communement, la bra- voure."* Of all arms, cavalry is the most difficult to handle in the field. It can not engage an enemy except where the ground is favorable. It is always dependent on the condition of its horses. It is easily dispersed, and it easily gets out of hand. However brave and intrinsically good, it is of no use without good officers. The qualities requisite in a cavalry leader are, a good eye for country, and a quick one for the enemy's movements, great energy, courageous decision, and rapid execution. No wonder, therefore, that cavalry has not always developed its power and resources in the field; for, placing all other considerations aside, how few examples does history aflford of cavalry being well led and commanded ! When well led it has been invariably successful. Cavaly ought to be at once the eye, the feeler, and the feeder of an army. With good cavalry an army is in comparative security, and in a * Iliatoii'e de la Guerre de la Peninsule. 36 CAVALRY IN GENERAL. condition to marcli into and subsist upon an enemy's country. It reaps the fruits of victory, covers a retreat, and retrieves a disaster. With it the effects of a defeat are not always fatal, and with it the army can again resume the offensive. In defensive warfare it has seldom achieved great deeds, for to act a passive j^art in war is contrary to the spirit of cavalrj' tactics. When badly organized and badly led, the more numerous it is the more useless. [Witness the engagements of Mcdellin, Ciudad Ileal, Ocafia, and Alba de Tormes, where the Spanish horse fled the field, and left their infantry to be cut down by the victorious French.] It eats up the supplies of the army, and is in battle a dangerous ally. It gets out of hand in action, and, instead of injuring the enemy, entails defeat on itself and on the army to which it belongs. Wc have seen that individual prowess, skill in single combat, good horsemanship, and sharp swords, render all cavalry formidable. That light and active horsemen have, in the long run, prevailed over heavily-equipped cavalry, and that speed and endurance are qualities to be highly prized in the horseman. Therefore, if these views be correct, then our European cavalry is not organized on an efficient system. For the present riding drill makes few good horsemen. The swords, blunted by steel scabbards, are not efficient weapons. Speed and endurance can not be expected from horses that are over- weighted. Celerity and precision of movement can not be attained with large, unwieldy squadrons. Nor can decision be expected on the part of the leaders, under a sys- tem of " Pivot Flanks/' and "Right or Left in Front." There are three kinds of cav.alry now established in Europe — Heavy Cavalry, Dragoons, and Light Cavalry. The different size, strength, and qualities of men and horses seem to require them to be thus divided into heavy, middle, and light; for a horse physically unfit to carry a cuirassier would be lost to the service unless made use of in the dragoons or in the light cavalry. And where HEAVY CAVALRY. 37 there exists a difficulty in finding suflScient horses for the purposes of war, a system by which the greater number of animals can be made available is the one which has been generally adopted. The nations of the European Continent, who take the field with large armies, require a numerous cavalry : they can not have them all good; some can not obtain horses, others can not afford the heavy expense, and thus they are of necessity reduced to a system of expedients. But England, rich in men, money, and, above all, in horses, should, in this particular, avoid imitating foreign armies, and instead of reducing her cavalry to a par with those on the Continent, she ought to make her own cavalry so superior as to defy comparison and all competition. The Heavy, Middle, and Light Cavalry have different parts assigned to them in war, not one of them being fit to perform all the duties re- quired of horse-soldiers in the field. Heavy Cavalry, Composed of large men in defensive armor, mounted on heavy, power- ful horses, are held in hand for decisive charges on the day of battle, and their horses are so deficient in speed and endurance (being so over- weighted) that they require light horse to follow up the enemy they have beaten. The greatest possible care is taken of this sort of cavalry in the field. They do no outpost duty, no foraging, no reconnoitring : they can not be made use of even to escort a convoy, because, if kept out long on the road, their horses fall off in condition, and become in- capable of carrying their riders. They are calculated only to show an imposing front in the line of battle, and their history proves them to be more formidable in appearance than la reality. Dragoons Wore originally intended to be a sort of hybrid corps, or infantry mounted on horses, in order that flike the Janissaries in Suwaroff 's war) they might arrive with more expedition at the position in which they were to fight on foot; and in a battle they formed line and acted with the infantry. At first they were denominated Arquebusiera a Cheval; afterwards they were named dragoons by the famous Count of Mans- feldt, in comparison with the imaginary dragons represented as spitting fire and being swift on the wing. The Swedes first used them as light 4 38 CAVALRY IN GENERAL. horse against the Croats, a light cavalry of the Austrian Emperor. At a much later period the English and ILanoverians mounted them ou powerful horses, substituted trumpets for the drums then in use; and thus, by degrees, the dragoons took a higher place with the cavalry. Still later they were, however, expected to act both as horse and foot soldiers. It was a favorite project of Napoleon thus to organize them for both services ; but after much loss of time and great expense, find- ing it did not answer, he took away their muskets and bayonets, and gave them carbines ; and thoy were reorganized and sufficiently well mounted to charge with advantage, being at the same time lightly equipped, in order that they might be serviceable as skirmishers, for- agers, etc. The difficulty of Napoleon's first intention is easily under- stood, if we consider the time required to form a cavalry soldier and the time required to form an infantry soldier. If we succeeded in bringing a body of men, in time of peace, thoroughly to understand the duty of both, how could we keep our regiments of dragoons complete iu time of war? How could we then find time for this long double drill and training ? Then, again, bring your regiment of dismounted dragoons into action, and what would follow ? It would be less numerous than a real infantry corps opposed to it; the long swords and spurs of the dragoons would be in their way, particularly if skirmishing; and should a few '^f the enemy's light horsemen make a dash at the led horses, the dragoons would run a good chance of becoming only infantry for the remainder of the campaign. Dismounted cavalry have done good ser- vice in covering a retreat, in defending defiles and passes against caval- ry, and in pushing forward to seize bridges, and halting to maintain them ; but they would be quite out of place if used in storming posi- tions, or if expected to take their post in line of battle with the infantry. Light Cavalry. The service required of these is the most important iu the field. They are called upon to watch over the safety of the army, and they are con- stantly hovering in advance, on the flanks, and iu the rear of the col- umns, to prevent all possibility of surprise on the part of the enemy. In enclosed countries they are supported by light infantry : in the open country the light cavalry push on and keep the enemy at a proper dis- tance from the army; they are constantly employed in cutting ofif the SPEED PREFERABLE TO WEIGHT. 39 enemy's supplies and communications, in reconnoitring, etc. This varied and often hnpromptu work requires a combination of numerous qualities in officers and men. And, in addition to all these duties, peculiarly their own. they often have to perform also those expected of the heavy cavalry : and with what success they have done this I shall presently endeavor to show. Chapter IY. LIGHT and heavy CAVALRY. "Armor protects the wearer, and prevents him from injuring others."* The power of heavy cavalry lies in the strength and breeding of the horse, and the courage and activity of the rider. The size of the rider, his cuirass, defensive armor, and heavy equipments, detract from the speed and lasting qualities of the horse, and only render the man help- less; for they impede and unfit him for any exertion in which activity and endurance are necessary. If a heavy-armed horseman gallops and exerts himself only for a few minutes, the horse is beat by the weight, and the rider is exhausted in supporting himself and his armor in the saddle ; his sword-arm hangs helplessly by his side; he can hardly raise his heavy broadsword : such a man is at the mercy of any light horseman that may turn upon him. Speed is more than weight : in proportion as you increase weight you decrease speed, and take from your cavalry that impetus which ought to be its principal element. "We are not the only military nation who have committed this error. With horses far inferior to ours — inferior both in size and in breed — our neighbors have gone for weight. In the last war the French cuirassiers were reduced to charge at a trot, their horses being unable to carry such weight at a quicker pace. In their attacks on an enemy's position, the losses they sustained from the want of speed were frequently awful. Under the improved fire of the artillery * This saying is attributed to one of the German emperon. 40 LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. and infantry of the present day, these slow attacks never could be carried out at all. Heavy Russian cuirassiers, when opposed to the Turks, were obliged to form in close columns or in squares, requiring artillery and infantry to protect them from the sharp scimitars of the Moslem. These Turks had no discipline, no lances — had nothing but their good swords and steeds to trust to. And what, in battle, is the real value of the cuirass or other ponder- ous defensive armor for the body? So long as arms, legs, and heads are unprotected, it signifies little that the chest be covered with armor, for the moment either of the horseman's arms is wounded (it signifies not which arm) he is at the mercy of bis adversary. The weight of the armor only renders it more difficult for the cuiras- sier to defend himself against a man who is free from encumbrances, and who, if furnished with a proper sword, can lop off a limb or kill his opponent's horse at one blow. The nations of the Continent, as I have previously observed, can not obtain sufficiently well-bred horses of the required size and power, and they are therefore obliged to mount their heavy dragoons on large, clumsy, and slow horses. To make the best of a bad job, when their men are thus mounted they case them in armor, in order that they may have a better chance of reaching the point of attack alive, that they may be inspired with confidence as to the protective power of their shining breastplates, and that they may work upon the nerves and imagination of the enemy by their imposing appearance as " men in armor." But the brave light horseman soon finds out that, whatever they may be to the eye, they are in action scarcely more formidable than the men in armor who ride (or used to ride) once a year in My Lord Mayor's show. England, if reduced to mount her heavy dragoons on Barclay and Perkins' dray-horses, would most likely do the same as the French, or arm the men cap-a-xiied ; but, whilst no dearth of horses has yet reduced her to this expedient, it \^ truly pitiful that she should copy from such bad originals as the Continental cuirassiers ! The Prussian major-general of hussars, Warnery, in speaking of the English cava\ry, says: "The English have everything which can be desired to form an ex- cellent body of cavalry of all species j their light dragoons might, and ADVANTAGE OF LIGHT ACCOUTREMENTS. 41 do, surpass everything which we have ever seen of that nature; and, as their cavalry is not numerous, they have the greater facility in being select in its composition, both in men and in horses, without being obliged to have recourse to other nations, or to look out of their own island — an advantage which few countries possess." If England could mount her cavalry on horses combining more power and size than any in Europe, with more breed, speed, and activity than any now in Asia, she ought to endeavor to adopt a system which, in giving full scope to their excellence, would enable the English horse to bear down and ride over the disciplined resistance of Continental troops. By taking a lesson from the Asiatics, she might so arm and instruct her dragoons as to make them equal to any of the people of the East in single combat. Heavy cavalry should have the largest and most powerful horses, but the men and their accoutrements should be light. If you weight the powerful horses with heavy men and accoutrements, you bring them down to a level with smaller and weaker horses. Thus a great heavy man in armor, on a fine strong horse, could not catch or ride down o Cossack on a good pony; but the same horse, with a light active man on his back, would ride down a dozen of such Cossacks, one after the other. In a charge, the same horses with light weights will, by their speed and impulsive power, ride down or over obstacles which would certainly stop them if heavily weighted. The heavier the man, the less available the high qualities of the horse, and the less formidable the man on his back. What (except, perhaps, the want of opportunity) is to prevent our armor-clad Household cavalry from meeting with the same fate at the hands of some active and determined light horsemen, as befell the brave French cuirassiers when they were shot and speared off their horses by the Cossacks? If English dragoons were properly organized, properly furnished with offensive weapons, and duly impressed or imbued with confidence in the strength and speed of their horses, in their own riding, and in the destroying power of their swords, no numbers eould daunt them. A few such men could hang like shadows round an enemy's cavalry column, reconnoitre their movements, approach, dismount, and pick off 4* 42 LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. their officers ; while the enemy could neither catch them nor drive them awaj'. Then, again, in an emergency, our Englishmen could make their way across country where no foreign dragoons could ride and follow. Arm and form your men according to the system which I propose, and which will be detailed in another chapter, and, in my humble opin- ion, you go far to secure the following advantages: When acting in bodies, no rattling of swords' scabbards would an- nounce their approach to the enemy, and prevent the words of command of their own officers from being heard. No unwieldly squadrons would prevent a speedy advance over diffi- cult ground, or exhaust the horses by pressure in the ranks, causing confusion, and occasioning breaks and gaps in the line. No cavalry could withstand the speed and power of their charges, or escape from their death-dealing blades. No Moslem could oblige them to seek shelter behind batteries or col- umns of infantry. No light cavalry could swarm round their columns, spearing and shooting the outside files. No fire of infantry could be repeated sufficiently quick to inflict a loss of an amount to check them in their charge ; for they would be upon the infantry with the speed of lightning. Finally, commanding officers, freed from the incubus of pivot flanks, and right and left in front, would act boldly, resolutely, quickly ; and thus lead our cavalry to gallant deeds and to almost certain victory. There have not been wanting on the Continent military writers to weigh the respective value of heavy and of light cavalry, and to point out the long series of successes gained by bold riders lightly equipped, well mounted, and armed with proper weapons. It is now many years since the Prussian general, Warnery, published his interesting remarks on these subjects. The Albanians, whom Warnery mentions in the first instance, made themselves truly formidable in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. They went by various names, and seem to have had little right to be called Albanians, for their bands were composed of daring adventurers HUSSARS — ADVANTAGE OVER CUIRASSIERS. 43 from the Morea, from Ancient Thessaly and Thrace, from Servia, from Dalmatia, and other regions, as well as from Albania, The contempo- rary Italian historians generally call them Stradiotti. Apparently they brought their horses as well as their arms with them into Italy, whence ' their renown as an indefatigable light cavalry was spread over Europe. They had, no doubt, taken lessons of the irregular Turkish cavalry. " These Albanians," says General Warnery, " served in the field ex- actly as the hussars of our own times ; and if they had the good fortune to throw the powerful gendarmes into a little confusion, they soon made a great carnage amongst them; for, being hand to hand, and pell-mell with them, those heavy horsemen could make no use of their lances, and, ill fact, could scarcely move themselves. One fact occurs in the military history of the period, which appears almost incredible, but is, nevertheless, true and certain : the Swiss foot, armed simply with pikes and halberds, attacked and defeated the gendarmerie in the plains, and particularly at Novara, where the heavy French gendarmes \Yere almost annihilated. "Philip de Comines mentions that, in his time, when the French and Venetians blockaded Verona, defended by the troops of the Emperor Maximilian, a party of Albanians sallied from the place and skirmish- ed with the French gendarmes, and that each Albanian took one of the gendarmes prisoner, and led him into the town in triumph. [At present, however, this would not appear so very extraordinary, as a single Russian, or Cossack, has frequently taken two cuirassiers in one day.] "In a march of ten German miles, supposing it to be commenced with equal numbers, the hussars would certainly have the advantage over cuirassiers. In the open country they would very much harass and dishearten heavy cavalry by continual skirmishing and hanging upon their flanks and rear ; and the effect would be very much increased if the heavy horse should be provoked to charge, even though they should be so fortunat;e as not to be in disorder after charging. " But in such a length of march there must at last be some defilee, or other obstacle, which would oblige this heavy cavalry, already much fatigued, to break off; and this is the moment for the light troops to act with the greatest vigor, and by continual pressing upon them in Buch situations (in which they can neither prevent being attacked, nor 44 LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. take their revenge), they will at length lose confidence; and the instant they either charge or disperse, they are generally certain of being vanquished. *' To remedy this disadvantage, the King of Prussia directed all his cuirassiers to bo practised to the hussar exercises, which was, certainly, so far useful ; but their horses are not proper for such light and active service. "Seidlitz, whose regiment ought (for the useful) to serve as a model for all the cavalry in the universe, allowed that, in a march of length, he should not be able, with his whole regiment, to resist six hundred good hussars. "All heavy cavalry who lose confidence, or disperse, in presence of light, are lost : if they determine, by one great effort, to extricate them- selves (at least for some time), the light retreat swiftly, a la dehandade, in all directions. " General Werner, with seven hundred hussars, completely destroyed the dragoons of the Archduke Joseph,* afterwards Emperor, by skir- mishing, harassing, and hanging upon their flanks and rear in the manner above described. Those dragoons were commanded by General Caramelli. "The Prussian hussars are equally capable of every nature of ser- vice. In regular battles they have rendered the service of cuirassiers; they never hesitated to attack in close squadron whatever they have met with, which was never known before them to have been done by the hussars of any other nation ; it being the general opinion, and even of the hussars themselves in those services, that the nature of that arm is not proper to act in line, nor do they scarcely ever make their appear- ance during an action, which could originate only in the ancient preju- dice that the goodness of cavalry consisted exclusively in the 'height of the man and horse.' "f Yet the gallant cavaliers of Gustavus Adolphus and Charles XII were never mounted upon any other than Swedish, Friesland, or Livonion nags or ponies — and nevertheless what prodigies did they not perform ? * An Austrian dragoon regiment has fourteen hundred horses, and upwards, in time of war. t Major-General Warnery, " Remarks upon Cavalry Tactics." PRUSSIAN HUSSARS. 45 Colonel Maraiuville, the French military commissioner in the Aus- trian camp, speaking of the Prussian hussars, says : " Le jour de la bataille du 5eme Decembre, j'ai vu de ces hussards pousserune grande garde de cavalerie (cuirassiers) jusque dans le village de Leuthen, ou nous avions de I'infanterie, et un de ces hussards fendre la tele a un cuirassier a trente pas de la premiere maison de ce village."* Even in olden times, speed not weight was regarded as the first quality in cavalry. Marshal Saxe said : " Cavalry which can not charge at speed over a couple of thousand yards, to pounce upon the foe, is good for nothing in the field." All the tendency of modern times and modern experience is to impress upon us the paramount necessity of speed. Even of the infantry Napoleon was accustomed to say: " Arms win fewer battles than logs." The great improvement made in fire-arms, and the increased range of the infantry musket, leave but little chance for cavalry, unless the speed with which they can pounce upon the infantry lessens the number and the effect of the discharges to bo received during their advance. How can this be done with cuirassiers ? Ere they could close upon the foe, if saved themselves by their armor, most of their horses would be wounded or killed, and where is then the advantage of a cuirass? I have been assured that Captain Minie, with the "culot" ball, hit a mark seven times out of ten shots at a distance of eighteen hundred yards, and even at that distance it is supposed that the ball *' prima- tive " would take effect through the cuirasses. At some of the experiments made in England, a Mini6 ball passed through an earthen breastwork three feet thick, and killed a soldier standing behind it, smashing his skull to pieces ! What sort of cuirass would resist such a bullet ? In a melee the cuirass may save the man from a sword-cut or point in the chest, but he is only the more vulnerable about the arms and legs; and when either bridle or sword-arm is injured the cavalry sol- dier is at the mercy of his opponent. As fair a test of the relative efl5ciency of men in armor and those without is to be found in the charges and conflicts of cavalry at Water- loo. Our men had no armor, they were overmatched greatly in num- * Extract from a work by Von Stuhr. 46 LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. bers, yet when they charged thoy drove the cuirassiers before them ; and as for single combatants, if we take the life-guardsman Shaw, we have a fair proof of the superiority of the man unencumbered with ar- mor : it is said he killed several of his steel-clad opponents in fair fight, and when set upon by four of them at once, he killed three, and was then disabled by a pistol-shot from the fourth. Captain Siborne thus describes a charge of cavalry at Waterloo : " They are the far-famed cuirassiers of France, led on by Keller- mann : gallant spirits that have hitherto overcome the finest troops that could be brought against them, and have grown grey in glory- Trumpets sound the charge; in the next instant your ears catch the low thundering noises of their horses' hoofs, and your breathless excitement is wound to the highest pitch, as the adverse lines dash together with a shock which at the moment you expect must end in their mutual anni- hilation. Observe the British, how they seem to doubt for a second in what manner to deal with their opponents. Now they urge their pow- erful steeds into the intervals between the necks of those of the cuiras- siers. Swords, brandished high in air, gleam fitfully in rapid succession throughout the lines ; here clashing together, there clanging against helmet and cuirass, which ring under their redoubted strokes. See, the struggle is but a moment doubtful : the cuirassiers, seemingly encum- bered by their coats of mail, are yielding to superior strength, dexteri- ty, and bravery combined; men and horses reel and stagger to the earth; gaps open out in their line; numbers are backing out, others are fairly turning round; their whole line now turns and breaks asunder into fragments : in the next moment they appear, as if by a miracle, to be swept off the crest of the position, and being closely and hotly pur- sued by the victors, the whole, rushing down the other side of the ridge, are snatched from your view." Sergeant-major Cotton relates the following encounter : *' A hussar and a cuirassier had got entangled in the melee, and met in the plain in full view of our line ; the hussar was without a cap and bleeding from a wound in the head, but that did not hinder him from attacking his steel-clad adversary. He soon proved that the strength of cavalry consists in good horsemanship and the skilful use of the sword, and not in being clad in heavy defensive armor. "The superiority of the hussar was visible the moment the swords ENCOUNTER OF HUSSAR WITH CUIRASSIER. 47 crossed; after a few wheels a tremendous facer made the Frenchman reel in the saddle, and all his attempts to escape his more active foe be- came unavailing; a second blow stretched him on the ground, amid the cheers of the light horseman's comrades, the Third German Hussars, who were ardent spectators of the combat/'* Captain Ganzauge, of the Prussian lancer guard, in his " Kriegswis- senschaftlichen Analecten," gives various instances in the campaign of 1813 of actions fought between the Cossacks and French cavalry; all of them most interesting, for they show how cavalry, by its equipment and system of tactics, can be made so helpless as to be unable to dis- pose of such despised enemies as the Cossacks. As the work is not generally known in this country, I will proceed to give a few brief extracts, which I have translated from the original. "On the 19th of August, 1813, when the armistice had expired, the French troops began to push the allies back on Berlin and Potsdam. Colonel Bichalow received orders to make a reconnoissance in the direc- tion of the Liichenwalde with a regiment of Don Cossacks. These men had bivouacked on the Treboin road, and advanced through Scharfenbriick and WaltesdorflF. The French picquets retired at our approach, and afforded us a full view of the fields to the north and east of the Liickenwalde. Presently a large body of cavalry issued in haste from the town, and formed in our front in close column of squad- rons; their skirmishers fell in on their flanks, and we had this heavy column only before us. The Cossacks could gain but little against so large a force; but as there was no great risk in assailing it, they were ordered forward. The French advanced at a trot, and, to prevent the Russians getting in betwixt the squudrons, they closed up and bore right down on the centre of our line, which naturally oi)cned out; the Cossacks attacking the flanks and rear of the column. The French, having no one in front to oppose them, halted, while their tormentors kept spearing the flank files and firing into the mass, which soon got into complete confusion, and could undertake no evolution of any sort. The Cossacks, though they never attempted to disperse the mass by a dash at them, still, conscious of their superiority in riding, continued to shoot and spear them, executing partial charges when opportunity * Cotton, " A Voice from Waterloo." 48 LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. offered. Meanwhile the flank files of the French faced outward and unslung their carabines, and, thus formed in square, they kept up an irregular fusillade for about half an hour. The heads of French in- fantry columns were now seen advancing from Liichenwalde toward the scene of strife; and as soon as their artillery opened fire, the column of heavy cavalry was released from its dangerous situation. Colonel Bichalow withdrew his troops by way of Scharfenbriick, without being pursued by a single Frenchman. " Soon after the Battle of Dennewitz, the Cossack regiments, named before, were in the neighborhood of Konigsbriick and Dresden. Colonel Bichalow was ordered to watch the French cavalry, which had been pushed forward toward Grossen-Hayn, and to attack them if possible. On the 18th of September we proceeded accordingly toward Estcle- verda. Here we were told that the French cavalry occupied the vil- lages to the south of Miihlberg, and resolved to beat up their quarters at once. Before we reached the heath extending between Miihlberg and Spannberg, General Slowaisky joined and assumed the command of the Cossack force, which, together with the regiment he brought up, amounted in all to twelve hundred men. " I am not aware whether this meeting was the effect of design or chance. When avc cleared the wood of Miihlberg, we saw the French cavalry, near Borack, partly formed, while parties were trotting up from the different villages to join them. The prisoners afterward told us that their force on the ground was two thousand men. " The French completed their movements while the Cossacks were forming up; they were formed in one line, en muraiUe, with a small reserve in rear. " The Cossacks fell on, and were received with a discharge of cara- bines,- the French did not draw swords. Their fire, at first, sent the Russians to the right about; and, while they were reforming, the enemy wheeled into column and opened out, so as to get their intervals wheeled again into line. We expected they wei-e about to charge, but their object appears simply to have been to extend their line, and prevent their being outflanked — a common mode of attack with the Cossacks. " The arrangements being completed on both sides about the same time, the Cossacks were strictly admonished not to shrink from tl>e EFFECTIVENESS OF COSSAGK CAVALRY. 49 enemy's fire, their officers receiving orders to cut down the first man that turned. ** Several squadrons were told off to attack the enemy in flank and rear during the conflict. All these orders were steadily obeyed ; they pressed in upon the French, and surrounded their squadrons : here I saw, myself, many of the French dragoons cut down or speared after firing oflF their carabines, before they could draw their swords. The French steadily defended themselves at first, as well as cavalry stand- ing still can do, against such active adversaries, who swarmed about them on all sides,- however, presently some of them turned, and their example was soon followed by the remaining squadrons. The reserve, instead of advancing to restore the fight, joined in the flight; in a short time every one was galloping toward Jacobsthal, and the entire plain was covered with scattered horsemen. Not one troop was to be seen in close order ; it was a regular hunt ; and most of those who were taken prisoners in it had previously fallen off" their horses. At last we came upon a line of cuirassiers, in emerging from the wood, and their steady and imposing attitude brought us suddenly to a halt, without any word being given. We were quite satisfied with our victory, and turned back to Miihlberg."* Many more striking examples of the superiority of the Cossacks as cavalry are upon record, and ought not be overlooked or forgotten. I will quote a few from a French cavalry officer : "The Cossacks," says General de Brack, "were an arm which ren- dered the war highly dangerons, especially to such of our officers as were intrusted with making reconnoissances. Many among them, and especially of the general staff", selected by the major-general, preferred forwarding the reports which they received from the peasantry to going to a distance and exposing themselves to the attacks of the Cos- sacks. The Emperor, then, could no longer know the state of affairs." Thus, behold even French officers not daring to expose themselves. Behold the genius of Napoleon paralyzed by the activity of these semi- barbarous horsemen ! Does not this single fact carry great weight with it? Again, General Moraud, another French officer, says: "But these * Captain Qanzauge, " Kriegswiaseachaftlichen Analecten." b 50 LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. rude horsemen are ignorant of our divisions, of our regular alignmente, of all that order which we so ovcriceeuingli/ estimate. Their custom is to keep their horse close between their legs ; their feet rest in broad stirrups, which support them when they use their arms. They spring from a state of rest to the full gallop, and at that gallop they make a dead halt : their horses second their skill, and seem only part of them- selves ; these men are always on the alert, they move with extraordi- nary rapidity, have few Avants, and are full of warlike ardor. What a magnificent spectacle was that of the French cavalry flashing in gold and steel under the rays of a June sun, extending its lines upon the flanks of the hills of the Niemen, and burning with eagerness and courage ! What bitter reflections are those of the ineffectual manoeu- vres which exhausted it against the Cossacks, those irregular forces until then so despised, but which did more for Russia than all the reg- ular armies of that empire ! Every day they were to be seen on the horizon, extended over an immense line, while their daring flankers came and braved us even in our ranks. We formed and marched against this line, which, the moment we reached it, vanished, and the horizon no longer showed anything but birch-trees and pines; but an hour afterward, while our horses were feeding, the attack was resumed, and a black line again presented itself; the same manoeuvres were re- sumed, which were followed by the same result. It was thus that the finest and bravest cavalry* exhausted and wasted itself against men whom it deemed unworthy of its valoi', and who, nevertheless, were sufficient to save the empire, of which they are the real support and sole deliverers. To put the climax to our affliction, it must be added that our cavalry was more numerous than the Cossacks ; that it was supported by an artillery, the lightest, the bravest, the most formi- dable, that ever was mowed down by death ! It must further bo stated that its commandant, the admired of heroes, took the precaution of having himself supported in every manoeuvre by the most intrepid in- fantry ; and, nevertheless, the Cossacks returned covered with spoils and glory to the fertile banks of the Danaetz, while the soil of Russia was strewn with the carcasses and arms of our warriors, so bold, so un- flinching, so devoted to the glory of our country."-}- *But, alasl so uuwieldly, so encumbered, and, therefore, so useless. t As quoted in the work of General de Brack. DISADVANTAGES OF HEAVY CAVALRY. 51 Now just contrast this account of the Cossacks — full of generous ad- missions, particularly for a Frenchman — with the wretched deeds of the regular cavalry of the Russian army, and then who will venture to assert that the organization, the heavy, unwieldly squadrons, the puz- zling tactics of the regulars, have not much to answer for ? If Cossacks, mounted on ponies, and wretchedly armed, could thus master the French regulars, in spite of their artillery, what might not be expected from them if they were mounted on well-bred, powerful horses, and furnished with really good weapons? In that war their lances were notoriously bad: so much so that there were French sol- diers who received as many as twenty lance-wounds without being killed or seriously injured. The same contrast is presented by our native irregular and our native regular cavalry in India. The first, acting on usage and instinct, and armed and mounted in their own Oriental way, are nearly always effec- tive in the battle, or the skirmish, or the reconnoissance ; the second^ cramped by our rules and regulations, and, as it were, denaturalized, are rarely of any service whatever. For a long series of years the only native cavalry we kept in India was the irregular. These corps were formed before our infantry sepoys, and many and most important were the services they rendered to us. They were always active — always rapid. The names of some of the most distinguished leaders of thi3 brilliant light cavalry are still revered in India. If their corps had been Europeanized, and turned into regulars, assuredly we never should have heard of them as heroes. Much more recent instances of the superiority of light over heavy arc to be found. In the Magyar war of 184S and 1849 the Hungarians had nothing but hussars to oppose to the Imperialists' heavy cavalry and cuirassiers, and, though inferior in number, they always met the cuirassiers gallant- ly, and often defeated them with great loss. Indeed, in one instance, a single squadron of the tenth hussars (Frederic Wilhelm), at the Battle of Teteny (3d of January, 1849), charged several squadrons of the Im- perial cuirassiers, and defeated them. These heavy horsemen had a few days previously made a gallant charge, under Colonel Ottinger, against the Hungarian infantry, breaking two squares, and capturing the guns which flanked them ; thus there could be no want of proper 52 LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. courage on the part of the heavies, and their defeat must be attributed to the cumbersome equipments, and the heavy, unwieldy horses. The seventh division of Gorgey's corps was stationed at Parendorf for the purpose of covering the frontier. A few miles off, at Woolfs- thal, in the Austrian territory, stood Jellachich, his outposts held by the Walmoden cuirassiers. The Hungarian outposts were held by the Nikolaus hussars. Some squadrons of cuirassiers were pushed across the frontier by the Austriaus into the plain near Parendorf. A body of hussars then first made their appearance, advancing at a trot, and gradually increasing their speed as they neared the enemy ; and, though but a handful compared to their opponents, they rushed upon them with such speed, and in such compact order, that they broke through the cuirassiers, and scattered them over the plain, where they fell an easy prey to their more active pursuers. On other occasions the gallantry and success of the lights were equally conspicuous. I translate what immediately follows from Georg Klaptka's " National Krieg in Ungarn und Siebenbiirgen :" " On the 18th of December, 1848, the enemy's cavalry, led by the Banns, attacked the Hungarian rear-guard near Altenburg. The ene- my came from Sommerin, formed up two regiments, and opened fire with the artillery. The more numerous Hungarian artillery soon had the best of it, the enemy's line became unsteady, and showed symptoms of turning. At this moment Major Cornel Gorgey brought up four squadrons of the tenth hussars from the second line, and charged the right wing of the enemy, inflicting on him a heavy loss in killed and wounded, and driving him in disorder from the field. The enemy gal- loped toward the reserves under Lichtenstein, which were advancing to the support, and, wrapped in clouds of dust, the diifeated horsemen fled across the plain far more rapidly than they had advanced. This was the first time large bodies of cavalry had met during the campaign ; and here, as in numerous skirmishes which had taken place previously, the active hussar proved himself more than a match for the steel-clad horseman and heavy-armed dragoon of the Austrians. "At 3 p. M. on the 3d of January our left wing was attacked in front of Teteny. " Our outposts had been driven in at Hamsabeg at mid-day, and now the enemy pushed forward against Teteny. Zichy's brigade, about three thousand men, took up a position on the south-west of the place, EFFECT OF CUIRASSES. 63 across the high-road, with the right resting on the heights, the left on the Danube, the centre on the wood along the banks of the river. The enemy, after a few long shots, presuming on their success at Moor, sent several squadrons of cuirassiers forward to attack the Hungarian cen- tre. One squadron of the tenth Wilhelm hussars, which was posted there, advanced resolutely to meet them, and, led on by their officers, charged and burst into the midst of their mail-clad antagonists; a bloody and desperate melee ensued, in which great part of the cuiras- siers were cut down or made prisoners ; the remainder sought safety in flight." On the 26th of February, 1849, when the Magyars were reduced to an almost hopeless condition, there was another brilliant light cavalry aflfair at Mezokovest : " On our retreat from Kerecsend and Macklar, the enemy sent a regi- ment of cuirassiers, with a brigade of guns, in pursuit. They attacked and drove in the rear-guard, about two thousand yards from our camp. So daring a deed within sight of our men was not allowed to go un- punished. " The men of the 9th Nikolaus hussars sprang on their horses and galloped to the rescue. A splendid sight it was to see this swarm of light horsemen dashing in on the heavy cuirassiers, bursting their ranks asunder, cutting down, destroying, and scattering them in all direc- tions. " The hussars captured the whole of the enemy's guns, which, with a number of prisoners, they brought triumphantly into camp. " The enemy's reserves formed on the heights opposite the camp, but did not attempt to recapture the guns lost by their cuirassiers." These accounts I have translated from Klaptka, who was thoroughly a Magyar, but, as I have bad concurrent testimony from others who were not of that party, I can not suspect them of much exaggeration. But let me now add a few extracts out of a letter received from an old cavalry officer and aide-de-camp, who served on the side of the Imperial- ists, and against the Hungarians, or Magyars. "May 23, 1852. " My dear Nolan : " I will try and answer your questions about our cavalry, and the effect of our cuirasses. 6* 54 LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. " From what the cuirassiers say, their cuirass saved them from many a bullet, and many a thrust, in the melee. This may be true, and the advantage of the armor probably is, that those who wear it fancy them- selves safer, and are, therefore, morally stronger, and more ready to look danger in the face. Of other advantages of heavy cavalry over light we found none during the Hungarian campaigns : we were not in a position to employ heavy cavalry as it should be employed to reap advantage from it, and this for many reasons. "We bad but few regiments of light-horse at our command; the heavies had to do outpost work, skirmishing, reconnoitring, etc., and their horses were knocked up with the weight they had to carry. " As to the result of the engagements between them and the Hunga- rian hussars, I must first tell you what my opinion is in general with regard to charges of cavalry, and this opinion I formed upon the expe- rience gained during the war. "The success of a cavalry attack depends not so much on the de- scription of cavalry or horse employed, as on the determination of the men; " On their being accustomed to victory; " On confidence in their leader; "And last, not least, on the charge being made at the right moment. "Thus, in the first half of the Hungarian war, the depressing moral consciousness of having abandoned their colors, together with being badly commanded, greatly influenced the behavior of the Hungarian regiments ; and, after their defeat at Schwechat, the only difficulties we experienced during our advance to Pesth were occasioned by the cold, and not by the enemy. "At Babolna they tried to make a stand; one of their regiments formed square, but was at once ridden over and destroyed by two squad- rons of Walmoden cuirassiers, who advanced to the charge without the assistance of artillery ; and this, as far as I remember, was the only instance on our side in which cavalry broke a square without first bringing artillery into play. "The squadron of the 10th hussars, that did such good service at Teteny, was led by Mezey, a subaltern in the squadron at that time ; he afterwards became their colonel, and his regiment proved itself the best on the Hungarian side. SUPERIORITY OF HUNGARIAN HUSSARS. 55 "Later in the campaign of 1849 (except toward its close) the Hun- garians received great reinforcements in troops, their moral courage rose, and then came the tug of war. "New regiments were raised, and in numbers they were superior to us ; but, of course, it was only the old hussar regiments that were for- midable: indeed they behaved most gallantly, and on all occasions charged home at our cuirassiers and heavy dragoons, but they never liked to close with our Polish lancers. " I quite agree with you that the strength and lasting qualities of the horse make the cavalry soldier formidable, and that, therefore, the ani- mal should not be made to carry any unnecessary weight, which must always diminish and detract from those qualities in a greater or less degree : this is not my opinion alone, but the prevailing one in this service "The Hungurian saddle has now been adopted for the whole of our cavalry. " In the bridling, saddling, packing, etc., many improvements have been made, as well as in the arming of the men. " Our artillery is much altered for the better. In Vienna you will see several schools of equitation ; and also a ' squadron of instruction,* composed of detachments from all the regiments in the service. "Yours ever sincerely, * » -» * " General Sir Charles Shaw gave the following most interesting account of the Circassian horsemen in a letter published in November, 1853, in the " Morning Chronicle." His opinions on the subject now under dis- cussion have a peculiar value from his great personal experience of war, and his practical knowledge of military matters : " The noble Circassians who have been fighting against Russia, inde- pendent of Turkey, have been within this short time taken into the Turkish service ; and it may be interesting to give a description^, by a Prussian officer, of the Circassian cavalry, who are about to take a prom- inent part in the coming conflict. He says: * The Circassian wears a pointed steel helmet, with a long horsetail pendent from it ; a net of steel-work hangs down from the lower part of the helmet, protects the front and nape of the neck, and is looped together under the chin, un- derneath a short red vest, cut in the Polish fashion. 56 LIGHT AND HEAVY CAVALRY. " * He is clad in a species of coat-of-mail, consisting of small bright rings of steel intervened; his arms, from the wrist to the elbow, and his legs, from the foot of the shinbone to the knee, are guarded by thin plates of steel; he also wears close pantaloons and laced boots. Two long Turkish pistols, as well as a poniard, are stuck into his girdle. He has a leather strap with a noose, like a Mexican lasso, hanging at his side, which he throws with great dexterity over the head of his enemy ; a Turkish sabre and a long Turkish musket are slung behind his back, and two cartridge-holders across his breast. " ' The skill with which the Circassians use their weapons is really beyond belief. I have seen them repeatedly fire at a piece of card lying on the ground, at full speed, without ever missing. " ' They will pick up a piece of money from the ground while execut- ing a charge, by bending themselves round below the horse's belly, and, after seizing the piece, suddenly throw themselves back into the saddle. They form the choicest body of cavalry in the Turkish service, and I have watched them, when charging, attack their opponents with a sabre in each hand, managing their reins with their mouths ; they will spring out of their saddles, take aim and fire from behind their horses, then jump into their saddles again, wheel round, and reload their guns as they retreat in full career. They are perfect madmen in the attack, and few troops would withstand the utter recklessness of danger they evince.' "This account of the Circassian cavalry by the Prussian ofl&eer may appear incredible to our Life Guards, Blues, and Heavies ; but I do not forget that, while in 1851 and 1852 I first brought before the public the power of what is now called 'the Minie rifle,' the admirers of old Brown Boss attacked it right and left, and now there are, in 1853, upwards of 40,000 of this improved musket in the British army," ORGANIZATION. 57 Chapter V. THE organization OF CAVALRY. Without further preamble I now proceed to ofifer, in as short a space as may be, all that I have to propose as a New System, or as a partial improvement upon the old one, whose soundness and efficiency some of our Continental neighbors have begun to doubt. I shall express my convictions with the same frankness that I have hitherto used, without implying any disrespect to those who may entertain different opinions. After long consideration of the whole subject, I honestly believe that the main principles I propose are right. Without this conviction I would not publish at all, but with it I should feel it to be a dereliction not to offer to my brother-officers, and the service in general, the results of my practice and meditation. In spite, however, of my inward con- viction. I may be wrong. Therefore, though speaking out freely, I would lay down nothing dogmatically. I hope to remain open to con- viction, and shall certainly entertain no ill-feeling against such as may differ from me in opinion. From a comparison, and even conflict of opposite opinions, the service will be sure to gain something. The most hopeless condition to which an arm, or a science, or an art can attain is that where its professors sit down with perfect self-satisfaction, under the conviction that it has reached perfection, and is susceptible of no further improvement. True also is it, that nothing in this world can remain in statu quo, and that whatever does not advance must retrocede. It is a law of nature. To possess a fine cavalry the men must be good as well as the horso.s, and the most delicate attention must be paid to both. Every man may be taught to ride, but it is not every man that will make a good rider. Many who might be turned into good foot-soldiers are far from being proper materials for cavalry. It may, however, be said that, generally, Englishmen have a fondness for the horse, and a natural aptitude for the saddle. Though not " Abipones," we are certainly an equestrian nation. Left to his own free natural seat, and the Englishman beats the world in a ride after the hounds and a run across country. Since the peace of 1815 this manly sport — the best of all to form bold riders — 58 ORGANIZATION. has been taken up in some of the continental nations; but it is indige- nous — national and natural — to none of them; and, in spite of the interruption of railroads, we may still find at some single " meet" (with- out even going into Leicestershire) more riders of the right sort than are to be found on the whole continent of Europe, if you deduct the Englishmen who are there resident, and who get up the continental hunts, steeple-chases, etc. Our very ladies would beat, on the field, all their mathematical riding-masters, and take gates, fences, and ditches, from which foreign ofiicers of hussars or their dragoon rough-riders would turn aside in dismay to look out for a break or gap. In our selection of men for cavalry regiments we ought to have more regard to agility, alertness, and quickness of sight, than to mere size. In fact, even with our good breeds, nearly all our horses are over- weighted. More than half of our lights are really heavies, and would be so considered in every other European army. It is not necessary that our hussars and dragoons should be men of five feet nine inches, or even five feet seven inches ; but it is quite essen- tial that they should be active, intelligent, and quick-sighted. N6w, these qualities, and in combination with great physical strength, you may find in men not exceeding five feet four inches ; and here, while your men are equal in value, you improve the value and efiiciency of your horse, by lightening the burden on his back. The Hungarian hussars, who continue to be esteemed as about the best light troops in Europe, are composed of compact, well-set, little men. In one of their finest regiments the average height did not exceed five feet four inches of our measurement. Our light cavalry, made up of big men and heavily accoutred, is an inconsistency and a contradiction. When a man, with his arms and horse-furniture, rides twenty stone (and we have seen them of that weight), is he not out of his element in any cavalry, more particularly 30 in a light regiment ? A fine young recruit, measuring five feet eight inches or even five feet ten inches, and being aged between eighteen and twenty-one, may not weigh much more than ten stone ; but take the same individual, and weigh him after seven or eight years of ser- vice and regular living — or take and weigh him again when he is ap- proaching the age of thirty-five : at either period you will almost invariably find him too heavy for a cavalry soldier. What is to bfr EASTERN HORSEMEN. 59 done with him ? His term of service may be incomplete, or he may wish to remain in the service, although conscious that ho is no longer fit to be a horseman. Could not he, and such as he, be drafted into the infantry or foot-guards, and room be thus made for a light recruit? One regiment would gain a disciplined soldier, requiring little to be taught him, and the other would gain what it wants, light weight. Defects, Civil and Military, op the Indian Government: by Lieutenant-General Sir Charles James Napier, G.C.B. Sir Charles Napier says : " We assume, as the type of the cavalry horse, the charger on a Hounslow Heath parade. "Well-fed, well- groomed, well-trained, he goes through a field-day without injury, although carrying more than twenty stone weight; he and his rider presenting together a kind of alderman-centaur. But if in the field, half-starved, they have, at the end of a forced march, to charge an enemy, the biped, full of fire and courage, transformed by war-work to a wiry, muscular dragoon, is able and willing; but the overloaded quadruped can not gallop — he staggers ! " This is the picture which should regulate the dross of horsemen ; bearing also in mind the wasting sun which in India enervates man and beast. " Our poor horses, thus loaded, are expected to bound to hand and spur, while the riders wield their swords worthily. They can not; and both man and animal appear inferior to their Indian opponents. "The active vigor of the dark Eastern horseman is known to me; his impetuous speed, the sudden volts of his animal, seconding the cunning of the swordsman, as if the steed watched the edge of the weapon, is a sight to admire ; but it is too much admired by men who look not to causes. The Eastern warrior's eye is quick, but not quicker than the European's ; his heart is big, yet not bigger than the Euro- pean's; his arm is strong, but not so strong as the European's; the slicing of his razor-like scimitar is terrible, but an English trooper's downright blow splits the skull. Why, then, does the latter fail? The light- weighted horse of the dark swordsman carries him round his foe with elastic bounds, and the strong European, unable to deal the cleav- ing blow, falls under the activity of an inferior adversary ! 60 OVERWEIGHTED HORSEMEN. "Look at our officers, mounted or on foot! Look at the infantry British soldier with his bayonet! What chance has an Eastern against them in single combat ? Neville Chamberlaine, Robert Fitzgerald. Montague McMurdo, Charles Marston, John Nixon, Francis McFar- lane, and many more, have, hand to hand, slain the first-rate swords- men of the East. Oh no ! there is no falling off in British swordsmen since Richard Coeur de Lion, with seventeen knights and three hundred archers, at Jaffa, defied the whole Saracen army, and maintained his ground. Why, then, is the Englishman inferior to the Eastern horse- man in India ? " 1st. The black man's horse is his own property, and private inter- est beats the commissary in feeding ; the Eastern's animal feeds better than the Englishman's. "2d. The hardships of war are by our dressers of cavalry thought too little for the animal's strength; they add a bag with the French- ified name of * valise,' containing an epitome of a Jew's old-clothes shop. Notably so if the regiment be hussars, a name given to Hunga- rian light horsemen, remarkable for activity, and carrying no other baggage than a small axe and a tea-kettle to every dozen men. Our hussar's old-clothes bag contains jackets, breeches of all dimensions, drawers, snuff-boxes, stockings, pink boots, yellow boots, eau-de- Cologne, Windsor soap, brandy, satin waistcoats, segars, kid gloves, tooth-brushes, hair-brushes, dancing spurs; and thus, a light cavalry horse carries twenty-one stone. " Hussars our men are not ; a real hussar, including his twelfth part of a kettle, does not weigh twelve stone — before he begins plundering. " The heavy cavalry horse, strange to say, carries less than the light cavalry — only twenty stone ! A British regiment of cavalry on parade is a beautiful sight; give it six month's hard work in the field, and while the horses fail the men lose confidence; the vanity of dress supersedes efficiency. Take eight or ten stone off the weight carried, and our cavalry will be the most eflloient in the world." Having selected the proper man for the cavalry, one of the first con- siderations is to furnish him with proper weapons. The good workman must have good tools : the tools of the horse-soldier are his arms. These ought to be of the very best quality, and of the kind best suited THE ARMING. 61 to his branch of service. Like the most perfect artisan, the best trooper will lose confidence in his craft if you put the wrong imple- ments into his hands. The Arming op Cavalry. The devices of armament have made progress in the infantry, and enormous strides in the artillery ; but in the cavalry, where the subject is of vital importance, nothing has as yet been suggested likely to make it more formidable in action. The frequent misbehavior of the Indian regular cavalry, which is armed and equipped after our fashion, ought to have drawn attention to this matter Captain Thackwell, in his " History of the Second Sikh War," says : •*It was incontrovertibly proved at this (Rumnugger) and other subsequent actions that the troopers of the light cavalry have no con- fidence in their swords as effective weapons of defence. It would have been difficult to point out half a dozen men who had made use of their swords. On approaching the enemy they have immediate recourse to their pistols, the loading and firing of which form their sole occupation. "That such want of confidence must very seriously impair the effi- ciency of regular cavalry may be easily imagined. Very few natives ever become really reconciled to the long seat and powerless bit of the European dragoons. [The native regular cavalry are made to use English saddles, and ride with long stirrups. To change these saddles was beyond my power; but my intent was to abolish the egregious folly of long stirrups. Charles NapierJ] " The usual seat of the native is short. " It frequently happened during the campaign that some dragoons in a charge lost all control over their horses. Picture to yourself a Brit- ish or Anglo-Indian trooper dashing onward with a most uncontrol- lable horse, and a Goorchurra, or Sikh horseman, after allowing his enemy to pass, turning quickly round to deal him an ugly wound on the back of the head." Again, in speaking of the Indian irregulars — men of the same country, but diflFerently armed, and riding in a short good seat ; " Captain Holmes, of the twelfth Irregulars, was the admiration of 62 THE ARMING. the whole army on several occasions. In his skirmishes with the enemy the mettle of his men was strikingly displayed. The irregular cavalry were conspicuous in the pursuit at Goojerat, always seeking opportunities of conflict. ''Having witnessed the charge of the Scinde horse at the Battle of Goojerat, against the Aflfghan force of Akram, I am convinced that no cavalry could have achieved the overthrow of an enemy in a more spirited or effectual manner. They had confidence in their weapons and accoutrements " The ninth Irregulars, under Crawford and Chamberlaine, earned the thanks of the commander-in-chief by some gallant skirmishes with the Sikh Goorchurras, who were constantly prowling about in quest of unprotected camels. " Supported by brave and skilful men, the officers of irregulars are encouraged to gratify their noble thirst for distinction The young heroes of the irregulars, Holmes Crawford and Neville Chamber- laine, Malcolm Tait, and Christie, would rather take into action one hundred and fifty of their own men than three hundred troopers of any Indian light cavalry regiment." The Sikh war showed clearly — had any proof been wanting — how useless the Indian cavalry was when organized on the English model ; whilst, at the same time, brilliant proofs were given of the superiority of the irregulars, armed with sharp swords, and having a proper com- mand over their horses. Nothing during that campaign was more gallant and determined than the behavior of the Scinde horse, whereas the distinction the regulars attained was such that it is best passed over in silence. Yet the only difierence between the men composing the two arms lay in their organization. The regular Indian cavalry are useless to the public service ; but the men composing it behave well when they are mounted, dressed, and armed after their own fashion. " If a soldier of undoubted courage finds himself seated in a slippery saddle, with long stirrups, cramped by tight clothes, and a sword in his hand that is good for nothing, he will hesitate, nay, more, he will refuse to charge an enemy, for if he does he goes to almost certain de- struction. THE SCINDE HORSE. 63 " A cavalry soldier should find himself strong and firm in his seat, easy in his dress, so as to have perfect freedom of action, and with a weapon in his hand capable of cutting doicn an adversary at a blow. " There is scarcely a more pitiable spectacle in the world than a native trooper mounted on an English saddle, tightened by his dress to the stiflfness of a mummy, half suffocated with a leather collar, and a regulation sword in his hand, which 7nust always be blunted by the steel scabbard in which it is encased. "This poor fellow, who has the utmost difficulty in sticking to his saddle and preserving his stirrups, whose body and arms are rendered useless by a tight dragoon dress, and whose sword would scarcely cut a turnip in two, is ordered to charge the enemy : and if he fails to do what few men in the world would do in his place, courts of inquiry are held, regiments disbanded, and their cowardice is commented upon in terms of astonishment and bitterest reproach. This is truly ridiculous: the system and not the vien is to be blamed."* Now if this system, which has had a fair trial, has been found so bad in the East, why should it be supposed to be excellent when ap- plied to our own dragoons ? The color of the men can not make the system : the innate courage of the British soldier carries him into the midst of the enemy, not confidence in the power of the weapon he wields; for, when he has got amongst the enemy he can do no execu- tion — partly because he has no command over his horse, and partly because his sword is not sharp enough to penetrate. If a native horseman should not be put in a helpless seat with long stirrups, and should not be tightened by his dress, or suffocated by a leather stock; if it is necessary for him to have a sword that will cut down an enemy at a blow — are these things less necessary to the Eng- lish dragoon ? or, if not quite so necessary, would they not add greatly to his efficiency in the field ? It doubtless requires great liberality and freedom from prejudice or preconceived opinion to admit that a system, on which the talent and experience of practical men has been exhausted for ages, can be a bad one. Yet experience for many years has shown how deficient cavalry is, * From a letter published in the Delhi Gazette. 64 THE ARMING. how it has fallen oflf instead of improving, and how much is required to be done to render it as useful to the state and as formidable to an enemy as it should be. When I was in India an engagement between a party of the Nizam's irregular horse and a numerous body of insurgents took place, in which the horsemen, though far inferior in numbers, defeated the Rohillos with great slaughter. My attention was drawn particularly to the fight by the doctor's re- port of the killed and wounded, most of whom had suffered by the 6word, and in the column of remarks such entries as the following were numerous : " Arm cut off from the shoulder. "Head severed. " Both hands cut off (apparently at one blow) above the wrists, in holding up the arms to protect the head. " Leg cut off above the knee," etc. I was astounded. Were these men giants, to lop off limbs thus wholesale ? or was this result to be attributed (as I was told) to the sharp edge of the native blade, and the peculiar way of drawing it? I became anxious to see these horsemen of the Nizam, to examine their wonderful blades, and learn the knack of lopping off men's limbs. Opportunity soon offered, for the commander-in-chief went to Hyder- abad on a tour of inspection, on which I accompanied him. After passing the Kistna river, a squadron of these very horsemen joined the camp as part of the escort. And now fancy my astonishment ! The sword-blades they had were chiefly old dragoon blades cast from our service. The men had mounted them after their own fashion. The hilt and handle, both of metal, small in the grip, rather flat, not round like ours, where the edge seldom falls true ; they all had an edge like a razor from heel to point, were worn in wooden scabbards, a short single gling held them to the waist-belt, from which a strap passed through the hilt to a button in front, to keep the sword steady, and prevent it flying out of the scabbard. The swords are never drawn except in action. Thinking the wooden scabbards might be objected to as not suitable THE SWORD. 65 for campaigning, I got a return from one of these regiments, and found the average of broken scabbards below that of the regulars, who have steel ones. The steel is snapped by a kick or a fall ; the wood, being elastic, bends. They are not in the man's way ; when dismounted they do not get between his legs and trip him up ; they make no noise — a soldier on sentry of a dark night might move about without betraying his position to an enemy by the clanking of the rings against the scab- bard. All that rattling noise in column which announces its approach when miles off, and makes it so difficult to hear a word of command in the ranks, is thus got rid of; as well as the necessity of wrapping straw or hay round the scabbards, as now customary when engaged in any service in which an attempt is to be made to surprise an enemy. " The cavalry steel scabbard is noisy, which is bad ; heavy, which is worse ; and it destroys the weapon's sharp edge, which is worst. The native wooden scabbard is best." — General Sir C. Napier. An old trooper of the Nizam's told me the old broad English blades were in great favor with them when mounted and kept as above de- scribed ; but as we wore them, they were good for nothing in their hands. I said, "How do you strike with your swords to cut off men's limbs ?" *'' Strike hard, sir !" said the old trooper. " Yes, of course ; but how do you teach the men to use their swords in that particular way?" {drawing it.) "We never teach them any way, sir,- a sharp sword will cut in any one's hand." Had our men worn arms like these in the last Sikh war, the enemy's horsemen would not have met them with such confidence in single com- bat; their trenchant blades would have inspired respect — the use of them would have carried terror into the ranks of the foe. It is well known that, beyond the effect of the moment, severe wounds inflicted in action have a depressing moral effect on the enemy. In a pamphlet published in Berlin, on cavalry matters, it is stated that, in 1812, the wounds inflicted by the Russian horsemen inspired such awe that nothing but the point of honor and esprit-de-corps could bring the Prussian horse to close with them. Captain Fitzgerald, of the 14th Dragoons, received a sword-wound at 6* 66 THE ARMING. Rumnugger, from the eflfects of which he died. A Sikh, on foot, crouch- ed under a shield, cut at him from behind. The sword exposed the spinal marrow, entering the skull at the same time. A huge dragoon, of the regiment, was found quite dead : his head had dropped forward from a cut on the back of the neck, which had severed the spine j and at this very action, "it is aaid," that, whilst our poor fellows labored in vain to draw blood, a touch from the Sikh's sword across the arm or leg left the bold Englishmen at their mercy, and they soon hacked them to pieces. One officer, who was in the campaign, said he saw an English dragoon putting his hands to the reins to try and turn his horse, when a native horseman, dropping his sword across them, took off both hands above the wrist. A Sikh, after the retreat of our cavalry at Chillianwalla, galloped up to the horse-artillery, cut down and killed the two men on the leading horses of the gun, one after the other, and approached the third, a cool fellow, who, seeing how badly his comrades had come off with their swords, instead of drawing his, stuck to his whip, with which he flogged off his assailant's horse, and thus saved himself! A squadron of the 3d Dragoons, under Major Unett, charged a goel of Sikh horsemen, and the major himself told me that they opened out, giving just sufficient room for our squadron to enter. The dragoon on the left of the front rank, going in at the charge, gave point at the Sikh next him; the sword stuck in the lower part of his body, but did not penetrate sufficiently to disable him ; so the Sikh cut back, hit the dragoon across the mouth, and took his head clean oflf. Colonel Steinbach, in his History of the Punjaub, tells us that the cavalry of the Sikh army is very inferior in every respect to the in- fantry ; that, while the latter are carefully picked from large bodies of candidates for the service, the former are composed of men of all sorts, sizes, and ages, who get appointed solely through the interests of the different sirdars. They are mean-looking, ill-dressed, and, as already stated, wretched- ly mounted. The horses are small, meagre, and ill-shaped, with the aquiline nose which so peculiarly proclaims inferiority of breed. How comes it, if our system is good, that such men, of less physical and moral courage, mounted on such inferior animals, should havo been SIKH HORSEMEN. 67 able to cope with our English dragoons ? and not seldom successfully, for at the Battle of Chill ianwalla they tell of a Sikh horseman chal- lenging the English to single combat and unhorsing three dragoons (the first, a lancei*, had the lance-pole severed and his fore-finger taken oflf at one blow) before he was shot down ! And what does a charge re- solve itself into, when the enemy are bold, but a melee or a series of single combats ? Let us contrast the two following gallant actions, both fought by English light dragoons ; the first by three troops of the 15th Hussars against five hundred French horsemen, organized and armed on the model system ; the second by two troops of the 3d Light Dragoons, against five hundred of these badly-mounted rabble of the Sikhs. In the first action the 15th charged twice. In the second the 3d Dragoons charged through, but the Sikhs open- ed out to let them back again. Thus the 15th Hussars were twice in a melee with the French horse- men. The 3d Dragoons only once with the Bikhg. The First.— ^' In the general attack made on the 2d of October (1799) on the positions occupied by the enemy at Bergen and Egmont-op-Zee, the 15th Dragoons formed part of the cavalry under Colonel Lord Paget (now Marquis of Anglesey), attached to the force commanded by Sir Ealph Abercrombj. " Moving along the sea-shore towards Egmont-op-Zee, this column encountered a etrong force of infantry among the sand-hills, with a numerous body of cavalry and artillery, to their left on the beach ; when a severe contest ensued, in which the steady bravery of the British infantry triumphed. " After forcing the enemy to fall back for several miles, the cavalry advancing along the beach, as the infantry gained ground among the sand-hills, the column halted in front of Egmont The British artillery moved forward to check the fire of the enemy's guns, and two troops of the 15th Light Dragoons advanced to support the artillery. Lord Paget posted the two troops in ambush behind the sand-hills; and the French general, thinking the British guns were unprotected, ordered five hun- dred horsemen forward to capture them. The guns sent a storm of balls against the advancing cavalry ; a few men and horses fell, but the re- 68 THE ARMING. mainder pressed forward and surrounded the artillery. At this moment the two troops of the 15th sallied from their concealment, and, dashing among the assailants, drove them hack upon thoir reserves, and then returned to the liberated guns. "■ The opposing squadrons having rallied, and ashamed of a flight before so small a force, returned to the attack. They had arrived with- in forty yards of the 15th, when a third troop of the regiment came up, and a determined charge of the three troops drove the enemy back again with loss, the 15th pursuing above half a mile. " The loss of the 15th was three men and four horses hilled / Lieuten- ant-Colonel James Erskine, nine men, and three horses wounded.* The Second. — The cannonade had not been of long duration, when a body of Sikh horsemen moved to Sir Joseph ThackwolFs left flank, as if to get into his rear. He now ordered the 5th Native Light Cavalry (three squadrons), and the Gray squadron of the od Dragoons (Unett's), to charge and disperse them. The gallant general had a lively recollection of what a few squadrons of British dragoons effected in the Peninsula against the French, and reasonably entertained the expectation that the force would prove suf- ficient to drive back the Sikh irregulars. It was his intention to hare advanced the few men left at his disposal, namely, the remaining squad- ron of the .3d Dragoons and 8th Light Cavalry (native), on Outar's force as soon as the success of the other charge became manifest. The charge was sounded, and tfnett's squadron, in line with the 5th Native Light Cavalry, approached the enemy. The Sikhs commenced a desultory matchlock fire. Unett steadily advanced, but the 5th, put into confusion by this re- ception, went about and fled in the greatest precipitation, in spite of the most earnest entreaties of their officers, of whom several received wounds. The 3d, forcing their way through the hostile ranks, never pulled rein till they had got some distance beyond the enemy. Unett, who was severely wounded, found his men sadly dispersed. The few men around him, with clenched teeth, essayed to cut their way back. The Sikhs opened out, and, giving the dragoons a passage through them, abused, spat, and cut at them. * Historical Record of the 15th Hussars. FRENCH CUIRASSIERS. 69 The other parties, under their officers, the gallant Stisted and Mae- queen, repassed the enemy as they could. The casualties in this squadron were not less thabU forty-six. The suspense of every one was great; Sir Joseph himself became ap- prehensive that the squadron was annihilated.* Here we see two troops of English dragoons dashing into the middle of 500 victorious French horsemen, and, after a melee, driving them ofi'. We then see these same live hundred French horsemen returning boldly and meeting the English (now reinforced by one troop) at the charge ; a second melee ensues, and in both conflicts they only killed three Englishmen ; and these French dragoons are men well mounted, of undoubted courage, disciplined and trained according to our own system. In the second instance, two troops of the 3d Dragoons charge with great gallantry and break through the enemy's ranks ; when charging back the Sikhs open out and let them through; in the melee with these men, so mean-looking and wretchedly mounted, they lose forty-six men and horses, and nearly' lost their gallant leader. Major Unett, who re- ceived a sword-cut which divided his pouch and entered two inches deep into his back. Another comparison of this kind may be of use, if only as an addi- tional impress to the memory. At th€ Battle of Ileilsberg, on the 18th of June, 1807, a good fight took place between a division of the French Cuirassiers d'Espagne and two regiments of Prussian horse ; one a regiment of lancers, the other the dragoons of Ziethen. The French cuirassiers met the Prussians at a walk and at close order : a hand-to-hand fight ensued, which termi- nated in favor of the Prussians, who drove back their opponents into the wood at Lavden. In that well-known French work, " Victoires et Conquetes," it is mentioned that a French officer came out of this fight with fifty-two new wounds upon him, and that a German officer, Cap- tain Gebhardt, received upwards of twenty wounds. It appears that Captain Gebhardt did yreat execution with the shaft of a broken lance, knocking several cuirassiers ofi" their horses, but that he was himself put hors-de-comhat by a kicking horse which rolled him over ! Imag- *The '• Second Sikh War," by E. J. Tha«kwell. Battle of Chilliaawalla. 70 THE ARMING. ine a man receiving fifty-two sword and lanco wounds without losing lifo or limb ! No wonder the Prussian Gebhardt took a big stick at last (and a broken lance-sbaft is only a big stick) as the most formida- ble weapon within reach — and by far a better tool than such sabres. I have little to say about helmets, caps, jackets, and dress in general, except that the most simple are the best. This opinion is now gaining ground universally. But by simplicity I do not mean roughness, shab- biness, or inelegance. So long as you can keep a soldier, let him bo well dressed and smart in his appearance. The greatest element of true elegance is the very simplicity which I would recommend. To me it appears that we have too much frippery — too much toggery — too much toeight in things worse than useless. To a cavalry soldier every ounce is of consequence. I can never believe that our hussar uniform (take which of them you please) is the proper dress in which to do hussar's duty in war — to scramble through thickets, to clear woods, to open the way through forests, to ford or swim rivers, to bivouac, to be nearly always on outpost work, to "rough it** in every possible manner. Of what use are plumes, bandoliers, sabretashes, sheepskins, shabraques, etc.? * " It aeems decreed that the hussar and the lancer is ever to be a popin- jay — a show of foreign fooleries, so laced, and looped, and braided, that the uninitiated bystander wonders how he can either get into his uni- form or come out of it. A woman's muff upon his head, with some- thing like a red jelly-bag at the top, has been substituted for the war- rior's helm ; and the plume, so unlike the waving horse-hair of the Roman casque, would seem better fitted for the trappings of the under- taker than the horseman's brow. The first time I over saw a hussar, or hulan, was at Ghent, in Flanders, then an Austrian town j and when I beheld a richly decorated pelisse, waving empty, sleeves and all, frona his shoulder, I never doubted that the poor man must have been re- cently shot through the arm ; a glance, however, upon a tightly braid- ed sleeve underneath made it still more unaccountable ; and why he should not have had an additional pair of richly ornamented breeches dangling at his waist, aa well as a jacket from his shoulder, has, I con- — — ■ - y * Notes and Recollections of a Professional Life, by William Fergusson, Eaq. M.D. HEAD-PIECE. 71 fees, puzzled me from that time to the present, it being the first rule of health to keep the upper portion of the body as cool, and the lower as warm, as possible. Surely a horseman's water-proof cloak, made to cover from head to foot the rider and his saddle, with his arms and am- munition — to be his protection against the pouring deluge, his screen and cover in the night bivouac — is the only equipment of the kind the country should be called upon either to furnish or suffer. " Man-milinery in any shape, is an abuse and prostitution of the English character. Borrow and copy from foreigners whatever may be truly valuable in arms — it is right and fitting so to do ; but let us dress ourselves in serviceable garb, that /ears no stain, nor needs a host o/furbUhers to keep it inorder." Of the tight leather stock and head-piece Dr. Fergusson says : " The circulation of the ascending arteries in the neck is by far the closest of any part of the human body, and to impede its relief by the returning veins, which a stiff ligature of any kind is sure to do, must have a stupifying effect upon the brain. *' It can not fail, besides, to deteriorate the sight, from the pressure of congested blood upon the optic nerve, and the stock would seem to be preserved only for the purpose of generating a tendency to all kinds of apoplectic and ophthalmic diseases. " It would be better, surely, to inflict an ulcer upon the soldier's neck, for the discharge might then have the relieving effect of an issue : but a tight ligature, not only on the neck, but anywhere else, should be rejected for ever from military dress and equipment of whatever de- scription. "A heavy head-piece is everywhere a disqualification and a hin- drance to the wearer; for, to heat and cumber the brain, which, being the source of all our powers and faculties, ought ever to be freest, can never be justified. " Everywhere the direct rays of the sun striking upon the eye must be hurtful ; but when these are refracted from a white rocky soil, the immediate effect becomes distressing in the greatest degree. A shade properly dropped from the cap would effectually obviate this, and it ought to be furnished."* * These extracts are from a book called " Notes and BecoUections of a Profee- aional Life," by the late William Fergusson, Esq., M.D,, Imspector-Qeneral of Mil- 72 THE ARMING. Without defcnsivo armor (which brings weight to the horse and cramps the man), a good uniform may afford valuable protection, while a bad one may be as inconvenient as armor, and afford no protection where it is most wanted. The most vulnerable parts of a cavalry soldier are the head, the back of the neck, and the arms and legs. The Asiatics, well aware of this, cover those parts in their own bodies, and take immediate advantage of those who are not protected in like manner. The Turkish irregu- lars wore a turban, that was a better defence to the head than our hel- mets of bi-ass or of steel : with them the leg was defended by the deep saddle and the broad shovel-like stirrup-iron; the arms of their jackets or bcneeshes were padded, and the blunt European sword seldom cut through the dress, which was of silk, or of silk interwoven with cot- ton. The jacket of the Russian or Austrian trooper offered no such impediments to their scimitars, and short, handy, light yataghans. *"The propensity of the Sikhs to aim their cuts at the back of the itary Hospitals, a work so instructive and interesting to all military men that I recommend it strongly to their notice. It is edited by his son, the well-known Jamee Jroper swords. We have had a variety of absurd systems in Europe within the last three centuries, and each of them, while it lasted, was productive of great mischief. Yet every one of them had its bigots and enthusiasts, who looked upon any proposed variation or change as a shocking heresy. A master of the art, the celebrated Grisone of Naples, who was called the regenerator of the art of horsemanship in Europe, solemnly laid down the following instructions for his pupils : " In breaking in young horses put them into a circular pit; be very severe with those that are sensitive and of high courage ; beat them between the ears with a stick !" etc. We now laugh at his pit and repudiate his stick ; but both pit and stick had their reign, as other absurdities have had or still have. Grisone's followers, Pluvinel, Newcastle, La Gueri- niere, Montfaucon, and others, substituted the cavesson, the longe, and the whip. They tied their horses to the stake (the pillars), and beat them to make them raise their forelegs, etc. I defy any one to find out, from their long rambling books on equitation, where to begin, how to proceed, or how to overcome by degrees each difficulty offered by the horse ; and these difficulties, be it observed, arise regularly and in suc- cession with every horse submitted to training. The question is, how to break in a number of horses, and upon what system to conquer these difficulties owe by one ? The old pedants could have given no answer to this question, nor am I aware that it can be answered by modern practitioners, or system-makers, or followers of existing sys- tems or regulations. It seems to me that the only man who has entered fully on the sub- ject, and pointed out clearly how to attack each point in succession, in order to gain the mastery over the horse, is Monsieur Baucher. But he has departed from the beaten track, has disowned the old system, and therefore big whole tribe have turned upon him. 94 MILITARY RIDING. I do not assert that M. Baucher's system is faultless. I practised it for years, applied it to many hundred horses, and was myself obliged to make some trifling alterations to adapt it to the use of cavalry sol- diers. It may require further alterations to make it perfect; but what I assert is, that the system is the right one : it is founded on reason and common-sense, not on immemorial custom and prejudice. So convinced was I of this by experience, that I wrote out and published the lessons as I had carried them out with hundreds of remount horses, to assist those who might be at a loss how to proceed when young horses join the regiments. Without system, and a good system, it is impossible to make good troopers. At present we have none. The continual working at the horses' mouths now practised in the service, the attempt to throw the horses on their haunches by strength of arm, sawing the snaffle from side to side, teaches them to lean heav- ily on the hand, ruins their houghs and mouths, and wears them out before their time. The attempting to work shoulder in, and passage, before the horse has been taught to obey the pressure of the leg, is simply absurd. It rouses their temper, and makes them restive. To rein a horse back before the head is brought home, and the animal has learnt to obey the log, is equally absurd ; for the horse with his nose stuck out can only be backed by force or by striking his forelegs with a whip, a common practice in the riding-schools : he then steps to one side or the other ; you can not keep his haunches in the straight line, unless he has been taught to obey the pressure of the leg : the end of this generally is, that the horse gets his hind legs under him, is pulled back upon them, and the whole weight of man and beast is thrown on his houghs : the rider pulls again to make him go back, the poor beast can not do it, no earthly power could move his hind legs, and in self-defence, and to escape from pain, the horse rears, the natu- ral result of trying to back him by sheer strength of arm, and before he was prepared to yield to hand and leg. The troop-horses that go through this rude treatment join the ranks with their action cramped and spoiled ; they are seldom free from blemish, and their capability of long service has been greatly impaired. Mount any troop-horse, and you will find him hard-mouthed and stiff- necked. Few, if any of them, rein up or yield to the hand; they are all down on the forehand, and so accustomed to be held fast by the TRAINING OF YOUNG HORSES. 95 head, that, if you yield the rein to them in the least degree, they go off into a gallop at once, and then both hands of their riders are scarcely sufficient to stop them. The system I have proposed rests on a few simple principles.-'^ I. The hor3e is gently used, the progress is gradual but certain. II. For a few days he is ridden on the snafSe with a loose rein, at a walk and a trot. III. Ho is then bitted, and a few simple lessons teach him to yield to the feeling of the rein and the pressure of the leg. IV. Next he is collected and got in hand, not by pulling and sawing at his mouth, but by gradually pressing him with the leg till he raises himself off the bit and gathers himself up at a walk, when he can be collected and put together to any extent required, by the judicious use of the spur. As all this is done at the halt or a walk, the horse under- goes no fatigue. V. Reining back then perfects the horse in the use of his limbs and in unqualified obedience to the rider's hand and leg. This once attain- ed, a few lessons will teach the animal to canter, change leg, passage, and pirouette, and the horse becomes a perfect charger in a very short time, without having in any way suffered from his breaking— indeed, without having been once tired or overworked during the whole of his education ; and from his mouth having been gently dealt with, it remains fresh and good, instead of being hard and callous. I may speak confidently of these results, as I have myself obtained them from the system with horses of various descriptions and breeds — Arab, Cape, Persian, Australian, and the country-bred horse of India — the last the least tractable of any. I feel assured that, with patience and with a firm determination never to attempt to do too much at one time, any cavalry officer may command the same, if not a greater de- gree of success, with our English-bred horses. Trained, ridden, and saddled in the way I have explained, the horse will carry the weight well, the man will be less liable to be pulled off in the ranks, his hand is likely to be light because he will not need its assistance to keep his seat, and, when required to exert his strength to manage his horse, his good seat will enable him to do so. * « The Training of Remount IIorseB. a New System." London : Parker. Fur- nivall, and Parker, 1852. 96 MILITARY RIDING. He will not fatigue his horse so much, and is less likely to sore his back on a march j he will sit him easily over any obstacle, and make a formidable use of his sword, if, instead of standing up in his stirrup?, he sits close, carrying the weight and power of his horse into each blow, for in this lies the great secret. A child acting thus, in concert with his horse as one body, will hit harder than a giant balanced on his fork. It is of the first necessity that a soldier's horse shall obey the press- ure of the leg, otherwise he can not be made to close up in the ranks or turn quickly : but it is a great mistake to suppose that this can not be done without screwing back a man's legs and bringing them down almost under the horse's stifle. The habit of yielding to the pressure of the rider's leg is acquired by the horse through teaching, and he will readily learn to yield to that pressure wherever it be systematically applied. All practical riders — the Cossacks, the Circassians, all Eastern na- tions, our own people — a nation of horsemen than whom none more bold and clever — all ride in a short seat, and keep their own legs out of the way of the horse. The Circassians are unsurpassed in the management of their war- horses and arms, and so proud of their skill, that, whereas most nations show wounds received in action as honorable scars, the Circassians hide them as silent witnesses of their awkwardness and want of address in single combat. ' At the Russian reviews in 1852 I saw a few sheets of paper placed on the ground opposite the Emperor : he gave a signal to some of the Cos- sacks and Circassians formed in line a few hundred yards off. Down they all came at speed racing with one another: the first up fired at the marks either with pistol or carbine ; the sheets of paper flew up in pieces : those who followed fired into the fragments that were at hand, blowing them to atoms. The object of all preparatory drill should be to bring the dragoon to manage his horse thus at speed, and use sword and carbine at that pace — to teach him to reach objects on the ground with his sword, else an infantry soldier would only have to throw himself flat on his face, and when the cavalry had passed got up and shoot them — a manoeuvre not seldom practised by old soldiers in war. The Saxons, under Marshal Schulemburg, lay down to avoid the TRAINING OF YOUNG HORSES. 97 charges of the Swedish dragoons under Charles XII, during their fa- mous retreat through Poland. The Russian infantry, at the Battle of the Trebia, in 1799, were charged by the French cavalry when in line : they fired during the advance to the last moment, lay down, and, letting the French horse pass over them, got up and gave them a volley that emptied many a saddle. A troop, by taking open order, should be able to go across country, for any distance required, at a rattling gallop, closing to their leader to charge when the signal is given. All fighting with cavalry is generally either done at speed, or you ad- vance at speed to get at your enemy. In a pursuit of cavalry speed is the only pace at which you can catch the foe and destroy him. To attain these ends we must have a great deal more out-of-door work. The soldiers ought to practice their various exercises in the open field. In making use of heads and posts we ought to scatter them in a field and allow the men to ride at them independently and chiefly at speed, in order to teach them to measure their distances with the sword, and deliver their cuts and points in proper time. As we use the posts in the riding-house, the man is guided by the walls, and learns nothing but to deliver the cut or point required, whereas the difiiculty always is to measure distance at rapid closing ; and this should be taught in the manner I have indicated. The Greeks were accustomed to train their cavalry to across-country work, to hunting and leaping. Where there were no animals to pursue they threw out a mounted trooper, and then sent another trooper to give him chase. The foremost man galloped through all sorts of places, frequently turning about, with his lance or spear presented to his pursuer: the pursuer carried javelins blunted and a spear of the same description; and whenever he came within javelin-throw he hurled one of his blunted weapons at the person re- treating, and whenever he came within spear-reach he charged at him with the spear.* Here we see the counterpart of the Turkish game of the Djereed, the frequent practice of which tended to make the old Turkish irregulars such excellent cavalry. Since the days of European reform the old Turkish game is never practised ! * Xcnophou on Horsemansliip. ^8 MILITARY RIDING. Warncry says : " For a soldier to be really a light-horeeman he must be able to turn his horse quick and short when in full speed, to raise up and catch anything from the ground. " Everything should be taught the recruit which may be requisite on actual service. " He ought to be able to turn his horse suddenly upon his haunches, to run at the ring with the sword instead of the lance, which very much supples the horse and forms the trooper to dexterity and firmness in his seat. * " As soon as the squadron is mounted the troopers are practised to leap ditches, enclosures, poles put across for that purpose, etc. At other times two troopers run together full speed, trying to got before and carry off each other's hats : they are practised to swim their horses across rivers, to manoeuvre in broken and intersected ground, etc. " There are targets to be fired at by the troopers with their pistols, walking, trotting, and at full speed." An English dragoon never rides at speed once during the whole of his drilling and training, nor ever afterwards, except when the squadron to which he belongs is ordered to charge; and then they cry out about English cavalry getting out of hand ! Let any one think of the first time he rode a horse at full speed, and remember how helpless ho felt! I have heard it said that English horses are not adapted, like the Arab and other horses of Eastern breed, to skirmishing, to pulling up from speed, and turning quickly. The better the horse the more adapt- ed to all feats of agility and strength. No horse can compare with the English — no horse is more easily broken in to anything and everything — and there is no quality in which the English horse does not excel, no performance in which ho can not beat all competition. In teaching the trooper to ride I would make his first lessons almost as easy and simple as those given to the horse. When first put on horseback devote a few lessons to making his limbs supple, in the same way as you begin your drill on foot with extension motions. Show him how to close the thigh and leg to the saddle, and then work the leg back, forwards, up, and down. Without stirrups, make him swing a weight round in a circle from * Vide the Training of Remount Horses, by C«pt. Nolan. MILITARY RIDING. 99 the shoulder as a centre : the other hand placed on the thigh, thumb to the rear, change the weight to the opposite hand, and repeat the same * Placing one hand on the horse's mane, make him lean down to each side in succession till he reaches to within a short distance of the ground. Vaulting on to the horse, make him place the left hand high up on the mane, the right hand swung back, but in the jump brought to the pommel of the saddle. OflF again in the same way. Never when mounting with stirrups let him place the right hand on the cantle, for with an unsteady horse he can not »let go his hold to bring the leg over, and may be thus thrown ; whereas, by accustoming the man to put his right hand forward on the pommel, the saddle is always open to receive him. These exercises give the man a firm hold with his legs on the horse, and teach him to move his limbs without quitting his seat. Then take him in the circle in the longe, and, by walking and trotting alternately, teach him the necessity of leaning with the body to the side the horse is turning to — this ia the necessary balance ! Then put him with others and give him plenty of trotting, to shake him into his seat. By degrees teach him how to use the reins, then the leg. Then put him through the lessons laid down for remount drill, beginning at the first lesson bitted {vide the Training of Remount Horses), and going regu- larly through the course, exjilaining to him the object of each lesson as you go on. In three or four months the soldier of common abilities will be ready for his further education at squad drill (when he must be taught to go across country). He will learn to ride and to break in a horse at the same time — a great object to attain; for that soldier will be fit the next season to take a remount horse, and by pursuing this system, all dragoons being rendered equally able to do so, they could, on an emergency, prepare any number of horses for the field. I would insist particularly on the propriety and necessity of explain- ing everything to the man as he passes from step to step in his instruc- tion. School-boys and soldiers have been too long taught by rote, or * Baucher, 100 MILITARY RIDING. without any proper endeavor to make them understand the use and ob- ject of what they arc sot to learn. Whatever the horse may bo, the poor soldier is, at least, a rational being, and no good soldier will ever be made without awakening his intellect and reasoning faculties. Write up in golden letters — or in letters distinguishable, and easy to read — in every riding-school, and in every stable : " Houses are TAUGHT NOT BY HAUSIINESS BUT BY GENTLENESS." WheX'e the officerS are classical, the golden rule may be given in Xonophon's Greek, as well as in English. The ancient Greeks had not only beautiful horses (originally import- ed from the East), but they had also great skill in training and using them as well for the saddle as for the raoing-car. Although that short treatise is more than two thousand two hundred years old, there are ex- cellent lessons in Xenophon " On Horsemanship." " In treating a horse," says the accomplished Greek, " this precept and practice will be found best — Never ill-use him through anger. For anger frequently excites to such rash and inconsiderate deeds, that they must be followed by repentance. " When a horse sees anything suspicious, and does not wish to ap- proach it, he should be made to see that there is nothing hurtful or fearful in it, more especially if he be a high-mottled horse; and if this can not be done otherwise, the horseman himself must touch the object exciting terror, and lead the horse gently up to it. " Those who force horses forward with blows inspire them with still more terror. For, when they suffer punishment in such a situation, the horses fancy that the suspected object is the cause of it." The whole of this treatise of Xenophon will well repay any one the trouble of an attentive perusal. This veteran soldier, historian, philoso- pher, and most elegant writer, evidently loved the horse with enthusi- asm. On opening the essay he says: "As it has fallen to my lot, from long practice, to have become experienced in horsemanship, so do I wish to point out to my younger friends how I think they can use their horses most properly." ELEMENTARY DRILL, 101 Chapter V II. ELEMENTARY DRILL. The power of cavalry in the field depends upon the individual effi- ciency of the horsemen composing it ; infinite care should, therefore, be bestowed on their training and teaching. Riding, and the use of the sword and rifle, are points which should be brought as near to perfection as possible in the education of the dra- goon. The field movements depend upon the officers ; the soldier soon learns to act his part in them. The steady working of large bodies of cavalry depends entirely on the steady leading of the officers, and that again depends on their thor- ough knowledge of riding pace, the soldier naturally conforming to it. After the men have been taught to ride in the riding-school, they must learn to ride in the field, and to handle their horses properly in the ranks. To do this they begin work at open files ; the instructor can then watch the riding of each individual, and t«ach him his work thoroughly. A squad, working thus at open files, should not exceed twenty men, and they should practice the following work : To dress up singly and by ranks to three or four files, which have been moved up from either flank for that purpose, at a walk, trot, and gallop ; the distances to be varied, and the proper pace to be strictly enforced ; and no hurrying allowed at any cavalry drill. To pass through the intervals by alternate files at a walk, trot, and gallop. Right files march, halt. Left files march through the intervals between the right files, and so on. Then, facing the files toward each other, repeat the same, to accustom the horses to pass through opposing lines. When practising at a gal- lop in all these drills, give the word, " on the right ley" or " on the left leg," "gallop march" according to the hand to which the dressing is; thus you keep up the breaking of the horses. " Sit at ease !" 9* 102 ELEMENTARY DRILL. Files in succession advance, and engage on the right and left rein. Files from the opposite flanks ride forward at a walk, then, turning toward each other, strike off at a gallop on the right leg, the sword at the engage ; when abreast they come to the right guard, circle round each other, both simultaneously ^'circle and change" to the left leg, and engage in the left rein with the hanging guard ; they file outwards, and the next two files follow, "Advance in line !" The men should be taken over broken ground, no hurrying allowed, and the pace always steadily adhered to. " Wheeling at open files," etc. Part II. — Working at close files and with two ranks. The men are told off by threes,- no other telling off is necessary. " Mounting and dismounting," Instead of having different ways of doing it, as in the present system, it is best done at all times as laid down in H. M. Regulations (p, 143) for dismounted service. In the formation by threes and files I would suggest the following alterations : "Advance by threes from the right :" the leading threes should move up. "Advance by sections from the right." Every cavalry soldier should move in the column at the same mo- ment when the word " March" is given. This is impossible according to our manner of advancing by threes from the right. No man in the squadron can move till the leading sec- tions have cleared the front of the following sections of threes. The leading sections of threes alone move at the word "March," and each man in the column follows when he thinks it is time, or when be finds room to do so. " Front form." The troop having gone threes right, they are to form to the fronton the move. No check of the pace should be laid down for the rear-rank sections, which always reacts on the column. Rather let the front-rank sections inci'ease their pace, the leading one inclining to the right in front oi' the rear-rank section, and then dropping into the pace of the column. Its rear-rank section having continued to move steadily on, and the pace of the column having been kept up, the whole formation would flow steadily on with the stream. ELEMENTARY DRILL. 103 Increasing and diminishing the front. Advancing and retiring in line. Inclining, passaging, and reining back. " Dressing." Always make the cavalry soldier dress up, never back. Thus he learns to halt in time, in approaching the line he is to dress on. Piling from the right of threes to the front, performing sword exer- cise on the move, at a walk, and gallop. Ranking past by single files at a walk, trot, canter, and at full speed. This is the best of all practice for cavalry soldiers ; it keeps up the breaking of the horses, inspires emulation, brings each individual un- der the notice of his officer, and makes the men skilful in the use of their arms and the management of their horses. On the caution, " Rank past by single files from the right," the troop- leader places himself in front of the officer on the right. The officer from the left flank rides down the front of the troop, and halts when his horse's head is in a line with the flank file on the right ; his duty is to make the men close well up to the point from which they rank off. The troop-marker rides out at a gallop from the right, to take up a position for the men to file to, and the troop eerrefile places himself at ten yards from the right flank, facing the passing line toward the troop. Ranking past at a walk is done at one yard distance from head to croup ; at a trot and a canter at three horses' lengths ; and at full speed the distance is thirty yards. The great difficulty in ranking past at a trot and a canter is to get the files sufficiently closed up to the passing line in order to feed the ranking off; and for this reason they should rank off first a front-rank, then a rear-rank man ; thus both ranks close to the passing line, and the men follow in quick succession; but if the whole of the front rank files off, followed by the whole of the rear, they come singly to the passing line instead of two at a time, and have to leave their places in the ranks at a trot or a canter ; and as this latter pace would entail a change of leg in coming on to the passing line, the men would lose their distance, a,nd the horses, instead of cantering to the right (when cantering past from the right), would, most of them, be on the left leg, as they would be obliged to turn to the left to get into the alignment. On the caution to rank past at " speed," the front rank draw swordj, the rear rank draw or unsling carbines. 104 ELEMENTARY DRILL. A third marker rides at twenty yards beyond the first one, and thirty yards from the flank of the troop, on the passing line. The men walk their horses the first ten yards to No. 1 marker, then strike off their horses at a canter on the right leg. At the second marker they let out their horses to full speed, bringing the swords to the engage ; tiien perform the pursuing practice, endeavoring to reach the ground with their swords. They must be told to give the horse his head in order that he may run straight, which he will do if they do not sway him from the line on which ho is running, by standing in their stirrups and balancing themselves to one side and the other. They should sit well down in the saddle, their leg? well closed to the horae, and neither seat nor legs should move ; the upper part of the body alone moves from side to side, and leans over to enable the man to reach an onomy on the ground. The rear-rank men make use of their rifles and fire with blank car- tridge at a sheet of paper placed on the ground opposite the reviewing officer. An officer who sees a regiment of cavalry rank past at a walk, trot, and canter to both hands, as well as at speed, can at once tell what or- der that regiment is in. He can judge of the bridling and saddling. The state of the appointments, The men's seats on horseback. Their riding and the management of their arms. The condition and breaking of their horses ; And nothing can escape him, for each individual in the regiment is brought under his notice.^ Formation of the Troop. The troop is the tmit, of which a certain number form the regiment- It is perfect in itself, and requires no further drill but its own to en- able it to take its place in aline or column and do its part, provided the officers are acquainted with the field movements. * On tho 2d of August, 1852, 1 saw a squadron of Saxon dragoons (120 horses) rank past at a trot without one horse breaking from it, and rank past at a canter to the right without oue horse cantering false or disunited. ELEMENTARY DRILL. 105 The troop should be drilled by its officers. The two divisions composing the troop form in rank entire, accord- ing to the size-roll, the tallest men and horses being on that flank which will be the inward one in the troop. The officer commanding the division numbers it oflf from its inward flank, tells off the rear rank, consisting of the smallest men and horsep, and forms two deep by filing or reining back and passaging. If the numbers are uneven, he leaves the last man but one on the outward flank of the front rank uncovered. He then places non-commissioned officers on the flanks of both front and rear ranks ; all others in the ranks. The two divisions then close in and form the troop. Divisions hav- ing been equalized, the troop is told off by threes from the centre, no other telling off being necessary. Distribution of Officers and Non-commissioned Officers. One-half a horse's length in front of the centre (troop-leader). One officer on each flank, dressing by the front rank. Troop sergeant-major in rear of the centre (serrefile). Troop-marker on his left. Two trumpeters on the flanks of the rear ranks, covering the officers. At open order the officers on the flanks move straight out and dress on the troop-leader. Trumpeters take their places. The troop at drill should be practised at — Ranking past by single files, at a walk, trot, canter, to both handa, from the right or left ; as also at full speed doing the pursuing prac- tice. Advancing by files, from the right, of threes, and performing the sword exercise at a canter : All formations by threes and files — wheeling, increasing, and dimin- ishing the front ; Dismounted service ; Skirmishing ; Advancing in line and charging ; Pursuing; and Going across country in line. If it be objected that I give the horses a deal of work, my answer is, 106 INTERVALS. that I have saved them a deal of work and much harsh treatment in the riding-school. My chargers are not worn-out, but fresh, vigorous, »ad full of work. They can go the pace, and ought to bo made to go it. They must bo brought frequently into the field. Most foreign cav- airy, when the gallop sounds, instead of increasing their rate of speed from the trot, actually decrease it, for they ride the collected short can- ter which they are taught in the riding-school, and only gallop when the charge sounds. Matters are not quite so bad with us, but we shall not get a proper charge out of our young soldiers if they are never taught to ride at speed until brought into action. Chapter YIII . ON INTERVALS. '• II faut donnor peu de front et peu de profundeur aux escadrons, pour qu'ils »ient de la celerit6 et do I'ensemble dans la charge On est aouvent redevable de la victoire k de tres petites divisions de I'armee, qui saisiasent I'instant favor- able k la charge. " Moins le front aura d'6tondue, moins le desordre sera grand et frfequent." — Mottin dc la Balmc. It is curious with what jealousy intervals have been admitted in cav- alry, yet many charges have failed in consequence of the confusion and disorder occasioned by the want of them. Horses and men, exhausted by the pressure against each other in an advance, can effect nothing when they join issue with the enemy. The line, once on the move, can not alter its direction, and, if over- thrown, can not get to the rear without carrying its second lino along with it. Mottin de la Balme, a very distinguished French cavalry officer, was himself in a charge of horse at the Battle of Minden, and describes it as follows : "A corps of English infantry having dispersed the cavalry in its front by its steady fire, the corps of gendarmerie and carabineers receiv- INTERVALS. 107 ed orders to charge. Tbey aclvauced in line at a gallop : at first the centre was heavily pressed upon by the wings, then the pressure relied back to the flanks, particularly to the right one. " The infantry waited till we were close upon them, then opened af re from the centi-e toward the flanks. The horses made desperate cflTorts to break away outward and avoid this fire. " The pressure became so great that men and horses upset each other and rolled about in helpless confusion; few were killed by gunshot wounds, but, with the exception of about ten men in each squadroB, they were all torn off their horses' backs, trampled to death, or their limbs broken. The few that remained mounted were carried, some right through the enemy's ranks, others to the rear or off" the field. "Had the advance been made by alternate squadrons we should have had plenty of room, the advance would have been made with speed and impetuosity, the horses could not have broken away to the right and left, and the English infantry must have been ridden over!" The absolute necessity of intervals was at last acknowledged, and some few introduced, precautions being adopted at the same time to re- inforce or close up these openings by placing mounted parties behind them. In some services these intervals vary in extent from four to twelve yards between each squadron. The Austrians, however, put two squad- rons together, which they call a division (nominally 300 strong), and leave an interval of twelve paces between these divisions. I have ridden in these Austrian divisions, and the pressure of the horses was often so great as to lift me, with my horse, off the ground, occasioning great pain, and making one and all quite helpless. A few resolute horsemen dashing in on such a mass would throw it into utter confusion. Where the ground is perfectly level, where there are no undulatione, no natural obstacles, an advance of squadrons with small intervals can be made, though with difiiculty, particularly under fire, when the horsea crowd together from fear ; but if the country is rough, broken, or in- tersected (which most countries are), it is impossible to advance quick- ly and preserve order. When pressure takes place, it rolls on and on, increasing like a wave, till it runs itself out at the first open interval; but squadrons expoad 108 INTERVALS. when they take flight, their intervals are thus closed, the waves meet, break the line, impede its advance, and throw it int-o irremediable con- fuaion. The vicious and fiery horses contribute not a little to this result. The pressure drives them mad; they throw themselves against each other, burst from the ranks, or press out the weak ones from the line, and many become so exhausted in the struggle as to be unable to keep up. If in tactics you aim at the greatest precision, the consequence of the smallest mistake is not leaa precision, but utter confusion. Thus, to advance in line with small intervals and large squadrons is too much to expect under all circumstances; for what would create confusion when standing still is ten times worse when on the move. Wounded men go to the rear; wounded horses fall or break from the ranks, caus- ing confusion and difficulty enough without stinting the men for room, which makes order an impossibility, and detracts naturally from the flpeed and impulsive power of the cavalry. If every fifty horsemen had an interval of twelve yards in the ad- vance, their natural expansion would fill up one-half of the intervals ; the remaining half would prevent their crowding, and give each body sufficient play to ensure its freedom of movement; thus they could charge over the most difficult ground close to their own centre (easily done by fifty men), and dash in close array against any line opposed to them. A charge, even on good ground, is seldom executed by the whole line at once; the enemy is reached in succession by different points in the line more advanced than others. It is, therefore, of the greatest conse- quence that those detachments which reach the enemy first shall be compact, and go at him as one man, to burst through. It is easily un- derstood that with fifty men this can be done ; but it becomes almost an impossibility with one hundred and fifty or two hundred. I should therefore form each troop with the tallest men and horses in the centre, keep it up to twenty-five files in the field, place the captain in front, the subalterns on each flank, and give tbem twelve yards inter- val in line. All formations would then proceed easily and freely. When wheeled into oblique ec-helon they would not overlap each other, nor require to incline to clear their front when forming line. INTERVALS. 109 They could act independently when necessary ; and when required lo act in concert they could do so more quickly and with more energy, be- cause, as they can both see and hear their leader at all times, their efforts would be concentrated round him. They could always alter the direction of the advance, if it were sud- denly found necessary to do so, without breaking into column. And when in column, they could work with greater ease, in conse- quence of the additional distance which the interval of twelve yards affords from the troop in front. They would succeed against an infantry square when a large squad- ron might fail, because they could advance with greater speed. The oflicers on the flanks could prevent their opening out and riding round the corners. The chances of being hit would be lessened (both by speed and the smaller number), less confusion would ensue, and the men, con- scious that their conduct must be observed by the officers, would do their duty. Again, if four such troops of fifties fell in with an enemy's squadron of two hundred, whilst one or two troops attacked in front, the others would fall upon his flanks or rear; or during the time that the great unwieldy squadron was trying to form line, one troop of fifty, dashing in, would throw it into disorder : the other troops, led independently by their leaders, might then choose their own points of attack, charge, and overthrow it. They would rally more quickly, and would do good service over country which would entirely disorganize large squadrons in an advance. It is not necessary for cavalry to be numerous to achieve success, bu» bold, resolute, and rapid. Kellermann retrieved the Battle of Marengo with a few hundreds of such horsemen. On the third day of the Battle of Arcole Napoleon detached Captain Hercule and fifty dragoons with orders to gain the left of the Austrian army, and charge it in flank whilst he attacked in front. The charge was gallantly executed, and contributed greatly to the success of the day. If Napoleon considered fifty horsemen suJBBcient to attempt a charge against the wJtole Atistn'an army, surely the same number of horsemen will be found sufficiently strong to take the place of a squadron in lice. 10 no FIELD MOVEMENTS. Chapter IX. FIELD MOVEMENTS. •' On doit chercher sans cesae, avec un eoin acrupuloux, & slmplifier les exercices de la cavalerio, que tant d'innovatours de nos jours ont mal-Jl-propos compliqo^a. Oi^ns ces Tues, il faudra n6cessairement former et faire combattre cette tronpe 8ar ua front pea 6tendu." — Mottin de la Balmt. The art of manoeuvring consists in Attacking your enemy at his weak point, or falling on whilst he is in the act of deploying. The field movements enable you to manoeuvre with large bodies of men, and give you the means of forming them quickly on a given point or line for the charge. How many times might a successful charge have been executed, how macy times a victory gained, but that the column was either right in front when, to suit the emergency, it ought to have been left in front, or the reverse ! — and on such things hangs the fate of battles. What can bo more preposterous than the position of a commanding oflScer leading a column into action, obliged to weigh his chances and calculate them versus right or loft in front, or which is the pivot? Ft must make an olRcer nervous, when told to advance, to think that honor and renown, death or disgrace, may depend upon the choice he makes betiveen the right flank or the left one. De Brack, in r^peaking of some field movements, not forming part of the drill-book, says : " True they are not laid down in the regulations, but they are necessary, because they are simple, and fulfil the grand requisite in war for cavalry, that of being able to front promptly in every direction. By emergent and unexpected movements in action the order of the squadrons in the regiment is upset, and circumstances imperiously require you to manoeuvre in this state under penalty of annihilation." Almost every authority on cavalry warfare will tell you the same, and yet you refuse to practise in peace-time what in war becomes a necessity. "When," says De Brack, "by a sudden emergency, we are compelled to form a line in which the squadrons and troops no longer stand as thoy nave been accustomed to, we arc all abroad, and hesitation and daag'?r onaue," PIVOT FLANKS. Ill Ic Prance, Colonel Itier. of the 7th Chasseurs a ofacval, proposed » eyetem by which you always worked and formed to the right: this would obviate the difficulty of choosing between the one and the other; and as it would bo impossible to form, except in the one way laid down, there would be at least no hesitation; but it is like telling a man who has two good legs to use only one. Colonel Itier worked by divisions, and inverted them in the squadron, and inverted the squadrons, or mixed them, in the brigades and divis- ions. He had a close and an open column of divisions. This is etrangc, for you never can close up divisions eufBciently to get your distance for wheeling into line. The Anstrians, be it observed, call a column of divisions a close column, for this reason. These pivot flanks and right or left in front have been & plague, a puztle, and a cause of mischief, to all military men ever since the pe- riod of their first introduction. This indisputably being the ease, is it not high time to see if something better can not be substituted for them ? I think that here, as in every other matter connected with the cavalry service, we shall find our best chances of success in a return to simplicity. What is easiest is generally best in the long run. Tacticians lay down as law, that The component parts of a column shall always follow each other, a? d — and that, when brought into line, they shall stand tbua: d c h a "For instance, the column a, b, c, d, wishes to form line ^ to the front : it can do so to the left of a, because b comes ? on the left of a, £_ c to the left of b, ^ d to the left of o : and they will thus stand as required by tacticians, namely : 112 FIELD MOVEMENTS. But they can not, must not, form to the right of a, not that there ia any natural impediment in the way, but because they yfould then stand in line thus : abed Let us take an example. The army A, drawn up in two lines, expects the enemy in its front. Intelligence is brought of the enemy's columns, B, moving perpendicu- larly to their left flank. The army at A immediately marches off in columns to the left, but„ instead of hitting on the head of the enemy's columns at c, the enemy's columns have marched so quickly, and gained so much ground to the rear, that the A army strikes upon the rearmost divisions, which have been brought opposite to them by the continued march of the B army. TACTICS A PUZZLE. 113 B . A army in column, left in front A wishes to engage B : to do so, he must form line opposite B bet-jvecn E and F. Unfortunately this is impossible : he is left in front, and must bring his right to G : as he can only form line to the front between E and G, he can not bring the enemy to action. The tactician wants to measure his distances, to put every individual in his proper place, and to teach him what he has to do j some little thing goes wrong, and the whole force is thrown out — for on the exact fitting of all the parts depends the working of the system. The tacti- cian is drilled and drilled till, when perfect, he can do nothing bat what he is ordered ; he loses all self-reliance, and in an emergency can 10* 114 FIELD MOVEMENTS. Dot break from the trammels he is held in; but the less perfect tacti- '•ian would act on the spur of the moment. Tbe knowledge of tactics no more makes the general than the knowl- edge of the number of syllables required in verses makes the poet. Ge- nius alone can make the poet and the general. The real general, when going into battle seizes on all the advantages of a position, on the openings given by the enemy, as if by inspiration ; there is no hesitation j ways and mea»s arc never wanting. If the troops ho commands are capable of moving under fire, he places them by a simple movement within reach of the foe. He quiet- ly waits the result; sending reinforcements where they are required, or occupying in time, and in strength, positions to cover his retreat, should the day go against him. Ziethon, who was born a general, whose intuitive perceptions always led him right in battle, never got on well at the complicated sham-fighta held by Frederic at Potsdam to try his generals. Frederic, thinking that a little working up in tactics would do Ziethen good, sent for him, tnd examined him as to what he would do with his cavalry under cer- tain circumstances. Ziethen answered very quietl}' : "Well, I don't know just now ; when the circumstances h.ippen in the held, and I see the enemy before mo, somthoio it will be sure to occur to me." A most curious instance of the difficulties to which this system of pivot flank leads happened before the Battle of Prague, and I choose it in preference to any other, because it completely puzzled Frederic the (freat, himself the greatest tactician of the ago. The night before the Battle of Prague Field-Marshal Schwerin's army, formed in two lines, broke into column right in front ; the artil- lery between the columns, the cavalry following the columns formed by the second line. The king marched ofi" left in front in two columns, the infantry in ■jjuj, the cavalry in the other. The king and the marshal met each other at an obtuse angle on tha S^nmnd whore they wore to form : and General Winterfeldt marched iu between them with his column left in front. Marshal Schwcrin's columns wore destined to form the left of the army, which was to advance by its left against the enemy : but no one knew how to unravel the mass without great loss of time : at last the hi THE DUKE OP BEVEEN. 115 Dnke of Bevern, with great presence of mind, made the rear of each of the marshal's columns take ground to the reverse flanks, and move forward followed in succession by each detachment in it.* Thus origi- nated one of our field movements — " Rear of tho column to the front." But if an enemy came on suddenly, this manoeuvre, like many more, could not be performed, and serious consequences might ensue.f We will, therefore, have no pivot flanks. Troops, when in line or in column, shall be led by their centre, and during all formations by their inward flanks. The troops (except on parade, when they fall in by seniority) take their place in the lino of battle as opportunity ofibrs or necessity re- quires. No inversion is possible.^ The troop is tho unit of any number of which the regiment may be formed. These troops file or move by threes or sections from either flank, and form at twelve paces interval from each other in line. They are alike in every respect; it makes no difference where they stand in the regiment. The troops often change from one wing to another during the move- ments ; as, for instance, the regiment is in lino composed of the follow- ing troops — a, hf c, d, e, f — and advances in double column from the centre, closes up, and deploys to the right; the troops will stand in line c d h, e af. The left wing is now composed of the troops e, d, b, and the right wing of the troops e a /. This makes no difference; the troops are all the same : and of these troops a certain number, not certain troops, form the wings. Troops of difi'erent regiments can not mix. Regiments fall in by seniority on parade, but take their places, when manoeuvring, according to circumstances. The commanding officer gives the word of command, and, as it is of * Berenhorst. t In the following field movements proposed, details are not given, for such de- tails are matters for after consideration. X Fortunatelj- the English cavalry have remained organized in troops, whilst all continental troops are in squadrons, which they bring to 200 horses and upwards in war-time. To be oven with them we might call four troops a squadron, and two troops half a squadron. Thig would facilitate the working in the field, partic- ularly if all regiments had two such squadrons, or eight troops. 116 FIELD MOVEMENTS. great consequence to have as little noise as possible, in order to avoid confusion, the two majors or wing-leaders alone repeat that word of command, and ride at about fifty paces in front or on the flank of their wings. Their trumpeters alone repeat the signals, except in the charge and rally, when all join in. The adjutant rides with the colonel; the superintendence of the base is confided to him. Markers take up the inward points, and, instead of dressing close up to them, the line is formed at some distance behind the markers. Troop-leaders only give a word of command when it concerns their own troop. The pivot flank is that v/hich brings the cavalry quickest upon the foe. The commanding ofiicer is hampered with no conditions, and forms his line in the shortest and most simple manner to ensure success. Paces. — From the halt the line breaks into column, or the column wheels into line at a walk or a trot. The horses are only knocked about and excited by trying to do it at a gallop ; the distance is so short that it is not done one instant sooner, but rather the reverse; because in doing it at a gallop they fly out, and have to close in or rein back. When on the move, all wheels are made at an increased pace. The trot. — For manoeuvring the proper pace to use is the trot, at the rate of eight miles an hour. The canter. — A distinct line should be drawn between the canter and the gallop : the former should be as collected and as short as possible. It is necessary for a man to be able to collect his horse to the very slowest pace without breaking into the trot, in order to handle him in single combat. They should have plenty of practice at cantering to both hands not only in the riding-school but at drill, by ranking past by single files to either hand, doing the sword exercise in line at open files, etc. The gallop should be at the rate of fourteen miles an hour, and sel- dom used except for forming line to the front from an open column ; and in the advance, where the men must keep it up across country, without pulling at their horses or hurrying. CAVALRY GETTING OUT OF HAND. 117 The great point is to get the officers to take up the pace at once, and keep to it steadily throughout ; that is, in an advance at a trot or a gallop, the ofl&cers ought never to allow the rate of either to be in- creased as they go on, otherwise the trot would soon break into a gal- lop, and the gallop would end iu the men going oflf as hard as their horses could run. Cavalry that hurries is never ready when wanted, because it is " out of hand." All hurrying must therefore be checked at once, and at all times, for it is the only way to prevent it getting " out of hand :" a fault to which our cavalry has always had a tendency. In their charges men, and even officers, would often dash forward during the advance, causing the alignment to be lost, and breaking the power of the charge. When a regiment is advancing under fire, men and officers get excited, hurry forward, and at last, goaded on by the shots dropping among them, burst from all control, and gallop madly toward the enemy. This is nothing more than running away ; though it is running for- ward inst-ead of back. It shows the same want of soldier-like endurance and fortitude under trying circumstances, and often leads to defeat and dishonor ; for they all get out of hand, scatter, and are driven back with loss bj' the enemy's reserves. Men and officers should therefore understand that to gallop forward because the enemy are in that direction is by no means a proof of val- or, but often the reverse ; and such conduct ought to be severely cen- sured and checked on all occasions. General Sohr, one of the most distinguished Prussian cavalry officers, was keenly alive to the necessity of preventing such attempts on the part of individuals, as the following extracts from his Life will show : " During the advance of the Prussian army into France, on the 3d of February, 1814 : The 1st Dragoons 4 squadrons The Lithuanian Dragoons and mounted Riflemen. . . .5 " The 3d regiment of Hussars 5 *' The Brandenburg Lancers 4 " The Mecklenburg Hussars 4 " Total 22 squadrons. "This force marched at six o'clock, a. m., on the high-road to Chalons ; 118 FIELD MOVEMENTS. at seven they fell in with Sebastiani's French corps of cavalry near the village of La Chaussee, consisting of seven regiments of cavalry, chief- ly curiassiers and lancers, lately returned from Spain. One of the greatest cavalry enagagements of the campaign now took place, called the Battle of La Chaussee. " General Katzler, seeing that the enemy (who were superior in num- bers) were anxious to form this side of the village, gave orders to fall upon them whilst endeavoring to form line, and we were hurried for- ward to the attack, for the rumbling of the enemy's artillery was dis- tinctly heard coming through the village, and our general would not give them the chance of getting into position. '' The necessity of haste and bad ground prevented all the regiment^ from coming into line and charging together. It therefore resolved it- self into an attack in echelon, or in succession ; but each regiment was led steadily to the charge by its commander. ** The charge was carried out with the greatest determination; each regiment pushed eagerly forward to close with the foe. '•'We had the advantage. The Brandenburg regiment of hussar? was lucky enough to break through the enemy's centre (composed of cuirassiers) and to make many prisoners, though they fought most gal- lantly. ^Ye captured four guus and two ammunition wagons in the act of preparing for action. " The enemy, driven through the village of La Chaussee, tried to make a stand on the other side, but was overthrown and pursued some miles towards Paguy. " The engagement lasted till dark. General Sohr, then in command of the Brandenburg Hussars, displayed great coolness and energy in the figbt; and I can not refrain from relating what took place, to prove how necessary it is in warfare to show determination at all times and under any circumstances in order to keep troops in hand. "Whilst the regiment was advancing the rash behavior of one of the oflScers had nearly caused the charge to fail. "The gallop was sounded; Count v. d. S., a lieutenant who had lately joined from the Saxon cavalry, wishing to distinguish himself, brandished his sword on high, called to the men to follow bim, and dashed forward at speed. The second squadron, which began to follow him, lost its place in line. Sohr immediately ordered the trot to be THE PASS OF ROTHKRETCHAM. 119 sounded, and then, waiting till the whole regiment was steady, he sounded the gallop and the charge, the only means by which he coulu h'. Russians at once reformed. At Waterloo every attack of the French cavalry on our position was repulsed. These attacks were preceded by a terrific fire of artillery; they were continued and kept up with the greatest obstinacy and per- severance, yet they never gained even a partial success during the battle, and the losses they occasioned to the French were very great. When you are the strongest in cavalry, it is then best employed on an enemy's flanks; otherwise keep it in hand under the protection of your infantry and guns, to be used according as opportunity offers. When cavalry and guns can be spared, they may be sent round the enemy's position to fall upon his rear, but only when their march can bo concealed from the enemy (unless intended as a false attack, merely to draw off his reserves in that direction); otherwise it is better to bring them into play at once, for should they go round, when they do reach the rear of the enemy ho will have made his dispositions to receive them, and you will have gained nothing and lost time. 140 CAVALRY TACTICS. If they succeed in surprising the enemy, his cavalry should be attacked on the spot; but if his infantry be prepared, then use the horse-artillery first, to ensure the result of the charge. Cavalry in reserve behind the crest of a hill, up which the enemy is pressing forward, should, when possible, form line before coming in sight of the enemy, and thus be ready to fall on before he can prepare to receive them. In the pursuit of a defeated army, cavalry act in bodies, directing their efforts against such of the enemy as still keep together. With small detachments prepared to receive them in positions difficult of approach, no time should be lost; these arc sure to fall a prey to the infantrj'. The cavalry must pass on to either side, cutting in upon the line of retreat and preventing order from being restored in the broken masses of the enemy. In 1796 Napoleon, at the Battle of Roveredo, by a well-concerted attack threw the Austrian army in disorder iuto the defile of Galliano, and routed them. One of his aides-de-camp, Laraarois, dashed through the mass of fugitives with fifty dragoons, and heading them, checked the retreat of the column, and thus enabled the French cavalry to secure several thousand prisoners. Artillery is the great support and rallying-point of a defeated army; against this arm in particular the most strenuous efforts of the cavalry should be directed. Once an army has lost its artillery it can not long keep (he field. Horse-artillery in such a pursuit not only assists the cavalry in its charges, but brings the infantry and artillery of the enemy to a stand, and thus they fall into the hands of the troops coming up. Horse-artillery with cavalry is not only a powerful auxiliary in the attack, but a friend in need in the hour of danger and defeat. It can keep pace with the advance, and by pouring a destructive fire on the enemy pave the way for the cavalry to victory. It dislodges the enemy from positions in which the sword can not reach him, or it does fearful execution where the enemy's infantry, con- centrated in masses, bids defiance to the horseman. It checks the pursuit and gives time for the cavalry to reform under its fire. It is of great use in passing defiles in the face of the enemy, in HORSE-ARTILLERY. 141 defending broken ground against odds ; and in many other ways it is the cavalry's best assistant. Horse-artillery should place itself so as not to interfere with the intended formations of cavalry, and always be at hand to protect them when forming. It is advisable that the artillery should be on both flanks, or masked by the flank troops during an advance, or kept together on one flank, particularly if the column in forming line throws forward the opposite flank or forms in succession ; the whole of the guns are then brought into play on the enemy till the line is ready to charge. When there is but one troop of horse-artillery it is best to keep it together J so small a number of guns should not be subdivided without an absolute necessity. Horse-artillery can always take up positions to engage the enemy at two or three hundred yards in front or on the flank of cavalry and be pretty safe, but it should not venture further without an escort. The artillery officer should, as far as possible, choose his own posi- tions and open fire when he thinks proper. Non-professional officers can not be such good judges of range, etc., and should not interfere ; thus much ammunition will be saved to the army. If cavalry is defeated, its horse-artillery goes to the rear as quickly as possible; for it can not at first, while friend and foe are going pell- mell to the rear, do anything toward restoring the fight; but as soon as it finds a favorable position it should unlimber and check the foe. When the enemy's cavalry is drawn up in battle array to await the onset, and its horse-artillery is posted two hundred or three hundred yards in front, the guns of the attacking force advance to within eight hundred or one thousand yards and fire with round shot upon the artillery until their cavalry moves forward. The moment these latter come within range of grape, they direct the fire upon them — the rule for artillery being to deal with the most dangerous foe for the time being. In a retreat it is usual to give the officer of artillery notice ; he then chooses his own positions and avails himself of every advantage the ground may ofi"er. The cavalry holds the enemy in check till the guns are in position, then falls back under their protection and reforms to cover the retreat of the guns to the next position, and so on. When the 142 CAVALRY TACTICS, cavalry is in motion the artillery should be in position ; when the horee- artillery is in position the cavalry should be formed to repel an attack. The retiring troops, if in good order, can not easily bo followed closely by their pursuers, who must always advance with certain neces- sary precautions, which take up time, and yet daro not, can not, be neglected. Those retiring occupy every favorable position to stop the advance of the enemy ; and this they can often effect without firing a Biiot, by destroying bridges, roads, etc. In a pursuit horse-artillery follows the cavalry steadily at first, so as not to ovei'-excrt the horses, for while the cavalry are mixed up with the fugitives the guns are of no use : but as soon as the enemy begin to gather together for defence, or attempt to hold a position with fresh troops, the guns come to the front to start them, and slip the cavalry, who will keep them going. Escort of artillery is not absolutely necessary when the guns are act- ing with a column of cavalry, unless they move off to a flank or beyond three hundred yards from the column ; then two troops should accom- pany the battery, v.'hether consisting of one or two troops of horse- artillery. The escort protects the flanks and rear of the artillery; the guns protect their own front. It should not form directly in rear of the guns, but on the right or left rear, or on cither flank: always the outward flank when the guns have troops on the inner one, and (when feasible) covered from the fire and view of the enemy. When the escort is necessarily exposed, the commander should watch the fire of the enemy's guns, and change his position from time to time to avoid being made a target of. When the escort is not sufficient to repel a sudden attack on the guns, the officer commanding the troop or squadron nearest to it should at once fly to the rescue without waiting for orders ; and this principle of mutual support should be encouraged under all circumstances be- tween cavalry and horse-artillery. These remarks on horse- artillery with ca,v.alry are merely intended to give a general idea of the way in which these two arms support each other in war, and to stimulate their spirit of enterprise by reminding them that if they combine the use of these two arms skilfully, they are certain of obtaining distinction in the field. SKIRMISHING ATTACKS. 143 The attack x'u ekinniehing order should be practised because it ia useful in various ways. If, when advancing toward an enemy, he turns to make off, attack in skirmishing order with part of your troops, because the horses have moro freedom of action when not in the ranks ; each man, acting for himself, makes for his nearest foe, and is more likely to catch the enemy and inflict loss upon him than if pursuing in a body. Artillery, may be attacked advantageously in skirmishing order, and with very few men. They advance straight toward the guns till within range of grape, then put the steam on, gallop as quick as they can, opening from the centre, and making for the flanks of the battery. The gunners are thus obliged to alter their aim and lose time. If there is much dust, or the smoke has not cleared away from the front of the battery, they do not observe the change of direction, continue firing straight to the front while the horsemen are pouring in upon the flanks, and immediately attack the gunners to prevent them from serv- ing the guns, while the cavalry reserves advance, part of them charging the escort, the remainder securing the battery. The most advantageous moment to attack is when the guns are unlimbering or limbering up; a few moments gained being of the greatest importance to the attacking party, who must always dash in at their best speed as soon as the signal is given to charge. If, after getting into the battery, they see a superior force of the enemy coming to the rescue, they should endeavor to do as much damage to the battery as possible by cutting down the drivers, sever- ing the traces, etc., and then trust to the speed of their horses for safety. Reconnoitring. — This is one of the most diflBcult problems in war, to know how to gain reliable and sufllcient information before it becomes necessary to engage an enemy. I shall, therefore, endeavor to give an outline of the duty of cavalry when employed for this pur- pose, but to enter into details or go deeply into this subject would carry me quite beyond the limits of this work. General Rules. 1. Press forward quickly, and avoid engaging the enemy when it may retard your advance. 144 CAVALRY TACTICS. 2. Drive in the enemy's picquets, and press on to the point ordered, retiring as quickly as you came on. 3. Unless a favorable opportunity oflFers of surprising a party of the enemy, avoid all conflicts, for it is not the object in view. 4. Where the enemy stand in your way, no danger should turn you from the point aimed at. 5. Supports should always be moved up in the line of retreat, and bridges or defiles occupied by infantry for the reconnoitring party to fall back upon. It is often necessary to send out powerful detachments, in order that the officer commanding them may push forward far enough, or engage the enemy and force a reconnoissance, and also to enable him to detach patrols and exploring parties in different directions, without being so much weakened by these necessary measures as to run the risk of being attacked and driven in withowt attaining his object. To determine the amount of force which ought to be detached on a reconnoissance is always a nice point. A large army (say of sixty thousand or seventy thousand men), marching in columns near an enemy, is obliged, when short of cavalry, to make one corps cover the flank of another, a third one cover the flank of the second, and so on, till the army is often scattered into de- tachments, and spread over so much ground, that a bold move on the part of the foe is not seldom successful in beating them in detail. Troops are more easily detached than assembled : when together they have little to fear from any manoeuvres : therefore, when the nature of the country admits of it, two or three thousand horsemen are detached to the front and flanks to feel for the enemy, while the army continues its advance in concentrated strength. Cavalry thus employed must go well ahead of all the columns ; it must not hang together, but spread for miles in all directions ; so that nothing shall escape detection. It must penetrate everywhere and look up the enemy at all points, never forgetting that to fight is the means, not the object; but when other means fail, then no danger should daunt them from discovering what the enemy attempts to mask from their sight. For instance, the enemy is in force behind a ridge, and occupies the side toward you with skirmishers to prevent your discovering what THE MARCH. 145 troops he has. These skirmishers must be driven in, or, while they are attacked, a few well-mounted men or officers should dash through, ride over the ridge, and reconnoitre the enemy's position, trusting to the speed of their horses to regain their party. For a dragoon with a good horse under him should fear no odds in an open country. Chapter XI. THE MARCH— THE CAMP— THE BIVOUAC— THE OUTPOST— THE SKIRMISH. The March. In the campaigns of the last great war in Europe it was no uncom- mon occurrence to see cavalry arrive on the field quite crippled, having lost half their numbers before a shot had been fired, the remaining horses being in such wretched condition as to be totally unfit for active service. This arose partly from want of sufficient and good forage, as also from the fact that they generally began their marches without any pre- vious training; the horses, distressed at the start, never recovered themselves, and died off by thousands. It is well known that neither horse nor man can undergo fatigue suddenly without suffering from the effects of it. Both should be brought gradually into working condition. Collecting large bodies of cavalry together, long before they are re- quired to act on the battle-field, is a great mistake. Such corps have to go greater distances in dispersing to their billets or camps, and the same in reassembling in the morning. There is great difiiculty in procuring forage for so many. Sickness is caused among the horses from the mere fact of great numbers being collected together. Infection spreads far and wide, and the difliculties of march- ing steadily are greatly increased in consequence of the frequent chocks and constant closing up of the columns of route. All this must largely contribute to render cavalry inefficient for the field. 13 i4G CAVALRY TACTIC8. I am convinced that, by observing a few very eimple rules, the grea,ter part of these serious losses might be prevented, and horses and men be brought into the field of action in excellent health and condition. Having previously got the horses into good working order by de- grees, or by making the march of one day a little longer than that of the preceding day, then begin your real march, moving in small bodies, with an interval of one day's march between each body. If fresh from cantonments, begin the marches very quietly, increasing the distances by degrees,- thus having got your horses into hard-working condition, when you approach the enemy they can be easily drawn together by forced marches ; and if the army win the day, the cavalry will be in such order that the enemy will with difficulty escape from their pursuit. Until necessity requires it, the cavalry corps should bo detached j the horses will thrive, they will be well fed, well looked after, and will not be found wanting in the hour of need. With bodies of cavalry on a march, the leader of each detachment having an open interval (whether squadrons or troops) should lead at a steady pace, not increasing and slackening as the rear files of the squadron in front of him do ; for in that case the unsteadiness commu- nicates itself to the rear, whereas it should stop at the end of each squadron. The pace a slow trot, about six or seven miles an hour, the meu rising in their stirrups, and walking the horses up and down hill. The horses get in early to their food, they are groomed and better looked after, and have more time to refresh. If you walk all the way, the horses are kept saddled many hours more than is necessary ; the men got tired, sit unsteady in their sad- dles, and the horses get sore backs. The crawling kind of march really fatigues men and horses much more than a march at a smart trot. Let any man ride a journey of twelve or fifteen miles at a walk, without ever breaking into trot or canter, and tell us when he dismounts how he feels. The horse is always distressed by being too long under the saddle, even though he stand stock still all the while. Cavalry is often obliged to march slow in order to keep company with other troops; but otherwise it should go on steadily at a quiet trot, and keep the horeeB as short a time as possible under the saddle. A1 VANCED GUARDS. 147 Before starting: on a march, the shoeing of the horses must be looked to, and at all times, whatever the object of the march, the proper military precautious must be attended to. The order of march should be such as to b« easily transformed into the order of battle. Advanced Guards. — All troops marching are preceded by advanced guards, to cover the front of the column, give timely notice of danger, and prevent surprise. The strength of an advanced guard is in proportion to that of the column it precedes; and as a large body of troops requires more time to make arrangements for receiving an enemy than a small one, the advanced guard should precede the column it covers at such distance and in such strength as in case of attack to give time for the main body to form before the enemy can bo upon them. In time of war alwaj'-s procure a guide (by force, if necessary). Patrols should constantly push forward to front and flanks to feel for the enemy, search the side-roads, farm-houses, woods, etc., etc., and look into any place likely to conceal troops. Always secure your flanks before entering defiles, by taking possession of the heights or other commanding positions near them. When one army is in march to attack another, the advanced guards are generally used to obtain a knowledge of the enemy's position ; this they do by driving back the enemy's advanced posts the moment they fall in with thera, following them up quickly, and reconnoitring the enemy's position and strength from the ground his picquets have abandoned. The Hear Ouard protects the rear, makes stragglers keep up, and prevents them from plundering. The place of the officer commanding the rear guard is with the last detachment of it. During a retreat the duties of a rear guard are most important, and to prevent its becoming a rout the troops must be steady and well com- manded. They should halt in all defensible positions, but never at the entrance of a defile, and always on the further side, taking possession of the outlet to check the enemy. 148 CAVALRY TACTICS. The Camp. Officers are often required to mark out camps for troops in the field. I will endeavor to convey to them an idea of how they ought to act when employed in this service; and as no camps can be traced until the out- posts are taken up, it will be well to give a sketch of that duty at the same time. To enter deeply into it would be superfluous, for we have many good books on the subject— as, " Manual of Outpost Duties," by Lord Frederick Fitzclarence ; "On Outposts and Patrols," by Major- General L. B. Lovell, K.H. ; " On Outposts and Patrols," by Lieuten ant-Colonel Von Arentschildt ; "Outpost Duties, abridged from the German," by Lieutenant-Colonel Short, etc., etc.; and many others. General Rules for Cam'piny. 1. The object is to put many men in a small compass. 2. To give them rest and as much comfort as possible. 3. To place them in such a manner that they can get under arms with- out loss of time. To attain this the tents or huts must be raised systematically and according to rule. Thus no room is lost, the men can attend to their duties without confusion, and easily find their way about the camp. Camps ought to be on the highest, or in front of the highest ground, with plenty of room, an open view, with the flanks protected, with easy communication from flank to flank and front to rear, and with wood and water in the neighborhood. When near an enemy you should, as far as possible, encamp in order of battle, or in such a manner that you can easily get your troops into position. Where circumstances do not require this precaution to be taken, you then encamp with a view to the comfort of the men, and in such way as to give them as much rest as possible. Camps are, therefore, of two sorts — Marching and Fighting Camps — according to the presence or absence of an enemy. Tents are seldom used in Europe, except for forming camps of in- struction : they have long since been discontinued in time of war, be- cause they retard the movements of an army in the field; and also because, in a highly cultivated country, shelter can generally be found, or material procured with which to construct huts for the men : these are much the best description of cover. THE CAMP. 149 Marshal Oudinot introduced a species of tents among the French troops, which are set up on the muskets and bayonets : these can be raised and struck in a moment, but give little shelter against wind and weather, and add much to the weight which the soldier has to carry. Bivouacs have the advantage over other plans of camping — that the troops can be at once got under arms, and, therefore, all outpost? bivouac ; but the army should not do so except in case of necessity, as the exposure to the night-air, the cold, and damp, destroys the health of the men. In a camp the length of front is calculated according to the number of regiments or squadrons, adding the intervals. In hilly countries the valleys are often left as intervals between the camps. This does not affect their safety, as each camp is strong in it^ own position, and can protect each other from attack. Cavalry or infantry encamp either in line or in open column. The infantry pile arms in their front Cavalry should never encamp in the front line, but either in rear, or in rear and on the flanks of the infantry ; so that, in case of attack, it has time to turn out and move up to the support. The artillery encamps with the brigades to which it is attached : the artillery of the army in rear of the centre of the second line. Precau- tions must be strictly enforced against fire. Artillerymen encamp fifty yards in rear of their batteries, and place sentries to enforce all necessary precautions for the safety of the am- munition wagons, etc. The artillery of reserve, the parks, and ammunition, are placed in rear of the army, formed in one or two lines, and surrounded by pickets and sentries ; the artillerymen and horses in rear or on the flanks of the line, at one hundred and fifty or two hundred yards' distance. The forges at such a distance as to avoid all danger from the sparks All camps have outposts, with outlying and inlying pickets. The main body alone are allowed to rest undisturbed. Further measures must be taken to provide wholesome food and water, and to keep the camp clean, and free from beggars, vagrants, improper women, etc. The Camp in time of Peace. When the only object is to concentrate large bodies of troops for ex- 150 THE CAMP. ercise, you should pick out a site where all the uoccssaries can be pro- cured close at hand, in order to save the men from unnecessary fatigue. Avoid wet, sandy, or swampy ground. Pitch the camp ou a slope, to carry off the rain and all impurities. Place it near villages, woods, rivers, or streams, from which you can obtain wood, water, and straw. No washing, bathing, etc., should be allowed in streams near the camp, except below it, so as to keep the water pure for use. In these eorts of camps the men are generally under canvas. MARCHiNa Camps. The same rules apply as for camps of exercise, except that, as the troops pass the night only in them, they generally bivouac or shelter themselves from the weather in the best way they can, with branches of trees or thatches of wicker-work, straw, etc. The ofScers who mark out these camps endeavor to have the forage, wood, and straw brought in, and thus save the men the necessity of going out for them after a long march. They can then cook at once, and make arrangements for the night. Fighting Camps Are generally placed exactly in the contrary positions to those already described; for instance, they should be on high ground, whereas the others follow the course of the streams into the valleys, which are natu- rally more thickly inhabited, better cultivated, Jind afford the necessary supplies. Camps in the field depend upon the line of operation.s and intentions of the commander ; all other considerations are sacrificed to the higher objects in view. They must be placed in advantageous military positions. To choose these, officers of experience are sent forward with reconnoitring parties ; they ai-e guided by the following rules : Ist. That the flanks are protected by mountains, ravines, water, or villages, which oblige the enemy to go far to turn them. 2d. That the front of the camp is clear, as far as guns can range. 3d. That the camp is not intersected by water, hollow ways, woods, etc., or anything which would give the enemy opportunity or cover for aa attack, or the means of passing unobserved to the rear. TO MARK OUT THE CAMP. 151 4th. That according iis the army is formed in two or more linos, the ground shall afford sufficient depth for them to camp with the proper distance hetween each, and give room for the parks and ammunition in rear of all. 6th. That the ground be dry, and have water and wood at hand. Though often necessary, it is not always possible, to entrench a camp so as to secure it from the enemy, because the time is generally too short to cover the approaches with regular works. In such cases the roads and the approaches are barricaded or made difficult of access, and these precautions should never be neglected; they enable you to hold the enemy at bay till the troops get under arms. In order to have time to take these necessary precautions for the safety of the camp, it should, when possible, be occupied early in the day ; this rule ought not to be departed from, except after an eugagemeut or under other pe- culiar and unavoidable circumstances. Man and beast suffer if a camp is occupied at night. No one knows hie whereabouts ; the men are worn out with fatigue, going in search of food, wood, water, and only begin to cook when they should have been at rest, to enable them to meet the fatigues of the morrow. Horses, in the same way, are not fed till late in the night, from which they suffer more than from long marches. 2'o mark out a Camp. Two non-commissioned officers, with one private per troop, are sent under an officer. He is furnished with a return showing the strength of the regiment or regiments, and receives instructions from the quar- termaster-general's office as to where the corps will encamp. The usual way of encamping is in open column of troops, the teats or huts in lines perpendicular to the front of the camp. Cavalry camping in line requires double the extent of its front, in consequence of intervals between the horses to enable the men to groom and handle them; it is therefore only resorted to when the ground will not admit of any other plan. In marking out the ground for a regiment to camp on in column, the front line of the camp is the exact extent of the regiment in line, with intervals. The depth of the troop lines is calculated according to the size of the tontg or huts, and the strength of the troops. 152 THE BIVOUAC. The officer must see all the lines paced off and marked with flags. The front computed for a mounted troop-horse in the ranks is one yard, and when picketed four feet. In pacing off the ground for the troops the officer will therefore cal- culate the extent of front as follows : For a regiment of four squadrons, each of 160 horses, extent of front of each squadron 80 yards. Add to this three squadron intervals, each computed at one-fourth the front of the squadron, namely, 20 yards. TotJil front 80 X 4 = 320 Intervals 20 X 3 = 60 Total 380 yards, the extent of the front line. When troops are weak in numbers, the best mode of encamping will be in open column of squadrons. It is his duty then to moot the regiment and lead them into camp, forming them on the front line ; it is then pointed out to the men that on this line they form in case of alarm ; they are then wheeled into column of squadrons, the ranks opened and filed from the inward flank? to their places in camp. The Bivouac. When in bivouac, as soon as they have dismounted and fastened their horses, each man fixes his sword in the ground, in rear of his horse, placing the carbine against it ; he then takes off his belts, etc., and hangs them on the sword-hilt, and behind them again he places his kit, and sleeps there at night ; otherwise, if required to turn out in a dark night, he could not find horse or arms. The whole subject of the bivouac is one of vital importance. Some officers have been known to ruin half the horses of a regiment in one position of this sort because they knew not how to choose their ground. De Brack says : " Of two leaders of pretty equal merit, one of whom is a good and the other an indifferent selector of bivouacs, the first, at the end of a campaign, will be able to show a numerous and well- mounted body, while the other will have only a few half-starved horses." All huts ought to be constructed with the door or opening toward the horses, in order that the men may always have their eyes upon them. Let it be always remembered that the fire-arms must bo removed from OUTPOST DUTY. 153 the horses the moment you dismount, for otherwise, should your horses take to rolling, your fire-arms will be broken or lost. Outpost Duty.* Outposts have a double object: to watch over the safety of the army, and to observe the movements of the enemy. When a corps forms the advanced guard of an army, then the chain of outposts is formed in front of that corps ; but where there is no ad- vance guard the chain of posts is established immediately in front of the position which the army has taken up. When the outposts are at a distance, and positions lie between them and the army which would be useful for them to fall back upon, or which would assist the army in maintaining its ground, such places are oc- cupied by detachments from the army, and not from the troops on out- post duty. The necessity of outposts to all troops in the field, whether a small detachment or an army,^ must be equally obvious. Men can not stand ready under arms day and night to resist an attack ; the wants of men and horses must bo satisfied ,• they must have rest, or they can not ful- fil their duties : thus every position, of whatever kind it may be, is surrounded by a chain of guards to protect it from surprise, and to give rest and security to the occupants. Outposts must be so placed that every movement, more particularly an advance on the part of the enemy, shall be at once detected ; that nothing can pass unobserved between them into their own camp ; and that they can hold their ground sufficiently long against an enemy to prevent their troops from being taken by surprise. Thus troops on outpost duty are disposed of according to the difi'er- ent parts they have to act — namely : those who watch the enemy, and those who, in case of an attack, endeavor to stop him. * Lord Frederick Fitzclarence, in Ills excellent "Manual of Outpost Duties," gives a private journal of General Crawfurd's admirable outpost operations on the Coa and Agueda in 1810, by Major-General Shaw Kennedy. This journal, teach- ing by example, and abounding in matter suggestive of reflection and comparison, ought to be diligently studied by every young officer. But the whole of Lord Frederick's concise, compact manual is of value to every man who would be really a soldier. 154 OUTPOST DUTY. The first, called vedettes, are pushed forward to a post whence they can overlook all roads lea the water; for if they do so they are very apt, insensibly, to follow the current. They hold by the mane, and only use the snaffle-rein to direct the horse ; both reins should be tied up short, to prevent the horses putting their feet into them when swimming. When boats are at hand and no enemy in the near neighborhood, the men's kits and arms should be taken across in the boats, to keep them dry and make it easier for the horses to swim. 11th. Cavalry never surrenders, under any circumstances, in the open field, but must always attempt to cut its way through, or, by scattering, elude pursuit. If an eneiuy is expected to cross a river in your front, do not scatter the cavalry along its banks, but concentrate it at some distance from the river in different points. It can then move up in force quickly with its horse-artillery to any place at which the enemy attempts the passage. In the attack and defence of entreHckments, cavalry in the defences is kept out of reach of shot, and, when the enemy is in the act of storm- ing, it gallops out of the entrenchments and charges them in flank — going out at the right and re-entering the entrenchments by the left, or vice versa. When this is not feasible, it waits inside till the enemy have effected an entrance, and then charges to drive them out. When the outlets are narrow and only admit of files, it does the same, because in filing out it might be taken in flank, and if defeated it would not escape through so narrow an entrance without sustaining heavy loss. Jn the attack the cavalry is masked, when possible, behind the infan- try columns, ready to meet a sortie on the part of the garrison, or to profit by any moans of entering the entrenchments which may be secured for it by the infantry. It may bo sent to turn the entrench- ments, or otherwise assist in their capture j but it is out of place for cavalry to attempt to take a leading part. A division of French cuirassiers that tried to ride into the entrenchments at Wagram wore nearly destroyed without doing any good. CAVALRY AGAINST INFANTRY. 171 hi sieges, when a place is to be invested by a rapid march, the caval- ry occupy all the surrounding passes and villages in the neighborhood, and hold them till the infantry come up. They then escort convoys, bring in provisions to camp, etc. When with tho besieged, they are of use in making sorties, forays, etc. ; and when the outworks at last fall into tho hands of the enemy, the dragoons either serve the guns or retire from the fortre33, and throw themselves into the enemy's rear. To effect their retreat the garrison make a sally at night, and tho cavalry escape in the dark. C H AFTER XI y. CAVALRY CHARaES AGAINST INFANTRY. " Zu alien Zeiten, wo die Kuust verfiel, Verfiel Sie durch die Kunstler." — Schiller. I have already spoken briefly of cavalry verstis cavalry, and of caval- ry against artillery. I have purposely reserved the matter contained in this chapter for the conclusion of my little work. It will show what cavalry has done, and what it may do again. I will not aflBrm, with Colonel Mitchell and some other military writers, that cavalry, if properly armed, mounted, and led, will, under every circumstance or combination of circumstances, break an infantry square — I will only say that it may frequently do so. Let no infantry officer take offence at my opinion. A greater respect for our own matchless foot-soldiers than that which I entertain can not be felt by any man, either in the service or out of it. But if I carry any of my propositions too far, let it be remembered that I am a cavalry ojjicer. Cavalry is now often reduced to "play a secondary part iu war, in consequence of the greater ease with which armies in the field change their positions. Tho infantry, no longer tied down to a battle-field chosen for its level ground, or a position covering their encampment^ more lightly armed and equipped, move off during an engagement, if threatened by a powerful cavalry, and neutralize its effort by occupying enclosures, or getting into a hilly or otherwise difficult country. 172 CAVALRY TACTICS. Instead of forming long lines and open columns, they move in compact masses, or throw themselves into squares, which, supporting each other by a cross fire, and protected by artillery, often defy the efiforts of cavalry. But can they alwaj's move in an open country, and laugh at the efiforts of that arm, the thundering of whose approach was Buflacient, formerly, to inspire them with awe ? If infantry squares are impregnable and artillery safe within the swoop of bold horsemen, then our cavalry is no longer indispensable to the eflSciency and safety of an army. Why then are such large sums expended by every nation in Europe to organize an efficient cavalry, and raise their numbers to nearly one- fifth of an army in the field ? why this expense if cavalry is hencefor- ward to be used only for outpost duty, for skirmishing, for carrying despatches and orders in the field? Unfortunately, in our cavalry the general opinion is against the possi- bility of infantry squares being broken. If troops believe a thing impossible, success is not to be expected. If cavalry are led to suppose that they can not break an infantry square, they will add one more example to the frequeuc^'^ of such failures when- ever they are next ordered to charge. If to infantry soldiers you admit that they can not stand exposed to the fire of artillery, such men will be always ripe for defeat. Those whose duty it is to instruct the men under their command should instil confidence in the power of that arm to which they belong, and never allow soldiers to doubt of success when they do their duty manfully. In the Seven Years* War, as much if not a greater portion of artil- lery was used than in more modern times ; for instance, at Leuthen, Frederic the Great had between thirty-three thousand and thirty-four thousand men in the field, and one hundred and sixty-seven guns — a proportion of five guns to every thousand men ; in the more recent cam- paigns the average has seldom exceeded three guns to one thousand men ; but neither the numerous artillery nor well-drilled infantry stop- ped the cavalry in those days. The numerous improvements effected in the artillery are in favor of tbo cavalry, not against their chances of success. No infantry can now escape from its fire, and when subjected to it CAVALRY AGAINST INFANTRY. 173 the better practice will throw them sooner into disorder, and make tliem ripe for the harvest of the sword. Horse-artillery can move with almost equal speed and act in concert with cavalry, where formerly the cavalry must have acted alone. With such powerful assistance (under almost all circumstances) cavalry are surely more formidable than before, and with horse-artillery they must always destroy infantry, however good and tried it may be ; for, sup- posing the cavalry alone can do nothing, the artillery can destroy them with its fire if they keep together, and if they attempt to deploy they must fall a prey to the horsemen. Both artillery and cavalry can keep out of range of the infantry's fire all the time. Thus, if the improved tactics of infantry have given them an advan- tage over the cavalry, the latter have more than made up for it by the improvements of the artillery, which, by keeping company with them, can, by their fire, afford the cavalry those favorable moments at which to charge is to conquer. An infantry square ought to be attacked with a front smaller than the side of the square charged. If you outflank it, the men on the flanks ride round the sides, and those in the centre open out and follow suit. The officers on the flanks must look to this, the cavalry put their horses to their utmost speed, ride home, and the square must go down. Saddles will be emptied, horses killed and wounded, but no horse, un- less he is shot through the brain, or has his legs broken, will fall ; though stricken to the death, he will struggle through the charge.* When the ground and other circumstances admit of it, a good plan to * For a horse must be very much wounded to make him fall upon the spot. " One without his rider, at Strigau, which had one of his hind feet carried away by a cannon-ball, joined the left of the squadron, where he remained with the others during all the battle, although we were several times dispersed; at the sound of the call he always fell into the same place, which was, without doubt, the same that he had before belonged to in the squadron. '• Another time, a cuirassier's horse fell in the grand attack at the exercise at Breslau ; the cuirassier got him up again and mounted him ; at three hundred paces he fell down dead. The late General Krokow, colonel of the regiment, had him opened, and it was found that the sword of the cuirassier had penetrated his heart a tenth of an inch. These facts prove that a horse is not easily to be brought down unless a ball should break his skull." — General WameTy. 15* 174 CAVALRY TACTICS. attack a square is, for two troops to charge, one the front side, the other the adjoining side, of the square; a third troop meanwhile forms oppo- site the angle of the square, the two sides of which are charged at the same moment by the first two, who having drawn the fire, the third troop rushes down, and is upon the square before they are aware of its approach. A favorite manoeuvre of the great Frederic, and one executed with great success by his cavalry under Seidlitz at Zorndorf, under Marshal Gesler at Strigau, and under General Liideritz at Kesseldorf, was to form a close column at some distance in front of the centre of a line of cavalry, and thus bear down on the enemy's infantry and attack them at speed. When they broke through the line, the two rear squadrons of the column wheeled outward and rolled up the broken infantry, while the cavalry in line rode over them and followed the leading column to be ready to fall on the enemy's cavalry should it press forward to the rescue. The Prussian cavalry were ordered to shout and make as much noise as possible when attacking infantry, to prevent their hearing the whistling of the bullets ; but when charging cavalry the deepest silence was preserved, and all hung in breathless suspense on the word of com- mand which was to hurl them simultaneously on the foe. I will now adduce some instances of successful charges of cavalry against infantry squares, namely : At the Battle of Frauenstadt the Swedish dragoons cut down tbe whole of the Saxon infantry formed in squares. At Ilohen/riedberg the dragoon regiment of Bairouth rode over twen- ty-one battalions of infantry, took four thousand prisoners, eixty-sis stands of colors, and five pieces of artillery. Zorndorf. — See ante, page 19. Combat of Avesne-le-Sec. — Three thousand French infantry, with twenty guns, formed in squares to receive the charge of four Austrian cavalry regiments, under Prince Liehtenstein and Count Belgarde, and were overthrown at the first onset : two thousand men, five stands of colors, and twenty guns fell into the hands of the victors ; the remain- der of the French were cut down, with the exception of a few hundred stragglers, who reached Cambray and Bonchain. Villiers-en-Conche. — The French, fifteen thousand strong, were de- feated by ten British and four Austrian squadrons : part of this force CJAVALRY AGAINST INFANTRY. 175 dispersed the French cavalry, while two British and two Austrian squad- rons broke through the French square, killed nine hundred, and took four hundred men prisoners, together with five pieces of cannon. Cdteaii Cambreais. — One i-egiment of Austrian cuirassiers and nine British squadrons defeated General Chappuis' army, twenty-seven thousand strong, inflicting a loss of three thousand men, and capturing twenty-two guns and twenty-nine ammunition wagons. A fairs of Edesheim and Kaherlautern. — Marshal Blucher defeated the French at Edesheim with two cavalry regiments ; and at Kaiserlau- tern charged six hundred French infantry soldiers with eighty hussars : though they were prepared to receive him, he broke in, killed, wounded, or captured the whole party. Nordlingen. — On the retreat of the Austrian cavalry from Ulra, in the year 1800, they broke and defeated three regiments of French in- fantry, belonging to the division of General Montrichard. Au&terlitz. — The Russian cavalry broke the squares of French infan- try formed by the brigade of General Schinner, division Vandamme of Soult's corps ; and a regiment of their lancers broke the square form- ed by the fourth regiment of the line, and captured their eagle. AueratadL — The Prussian dragoon regiment of Irving destroyed a square of French infantry, which stood firmly to the last, and gave thero a. volley at fifteen paces which brought down nine officers and many men j but the dragoons wex*e not to be stopped : they rushed in and cut them to pieces. Waltersdorf, the 5th of February, 1807. — The French cavalry over took the Prussian rear-guard, consisting of five battalion?, ten squad- rons, and a battery of horse-artillery. They charged and overthrev? the cavalry, and, after a gallant resistance, nearly destroyed the whole of the infantry. The remains of some battalions alone were saved by the charge of the Prussian hussars of Prittwitz. At the Battle of Pidtusk th.Q Russian General Koschin charged and overthrew the right wing of the French. On the 5th of May, 1809, the Prussian Major Schill, with six hun- dred hussars, attacked eighteen hundred French infantry, who were posted with two guns in broken ground. Their commander, General Michaud, wrote as follows to the Minister of War, Eble : " Ces hussards ne se battcnt pas comme des soldats ordinaires, maia comme dcs en- 176 CAVALRY TACTICS. rages : ayant romjiu et sabre mes quarres, ils fireut Ics rcstes prisoa- niers. Venez a mon sccour,*' etc. Action of Gdrci Hernandez, 22>d July, 1S12. — Three French squares were broken by the King's German Legion, Combat of the Goerdt, Iflf/i Se^ncv.iher, 1813. — Here a corps of nine thousand French with fifteen pieces of artillery, partly posted in broken ground and partly in the open, after defying the attacks of the Cos- sacks and the cavalry of the Russian-Gernaan legion, were charged by the 3d Hanoverian hussars, and those squares which were in the open were completely defeated with the loss of their guns. Ambuscade of Jloynan, 26fh of April, 1813. — Here General Maison's division of the victorious French army, eight battalions, with eighteen pieces of artillery, were ridden over and captured by Colonel Dolfs at the head of twenty Prussian squadrons. (Seepage 32.) It is impo.ssible for the infantry soldier physically to resist the power of a horse when at speed ; that the horse will face both fire and bay- onet is proved by the many examples given. The horse often feels the man's unwillingness to go on, and turns, but then it is in obedience to the bridle hand. The following is a translation from Berenhorst's " BetrachtungeQ iiber Kriegskunst." His reputation as a writer on military matters^ and his personal experience in war, must entitle his views to some con- sideration : ''Against cavalry, it is the rule for infantry to fire steadily by word of command, and not to begin too soon Here again it is assumed that the cavalry will turn. All regulations are silent as to what is to be done when they do not turn after the last shot has been fired and the horses arc on the bayonets. '• To demonstrate the matter better, we will examine, measure out, and calculate the chances of a charge of cavalry against infantry, con- ducted according to rule. " Let one-sixth of the horses be shot down (the riders are not taken into consideration), this does not stop the advance of the remainder. Suppose the infantry in the situation as above, for which no instruc- tions are given, namely : the volley has been delivered and the muskets are brought to the charge. " The second and third rank may have their muskets at the charge, CAVALRY AGAINST INFANTRY. 177 or be busy loading ; but the front rank have their muskets thrown for- ward ; the right hand grasps the small of the stock ; in this position the musket and bayonet reach only three feet beyond the man's elbow. Is the infantry soldier now to aim at the dragoon or his horse ? He can not reach the man : it is four feet from the horse's nose to the man's belly, and three and a half from the horde's forehead to the man's breast.* '< The man is further protected by the head and neck of his horse.f and, if the infantry soldier tries to thrust at him, he comes in contact with the horse and is thrown down. "But let us admit an impossibility. Every bayonet has been buried in the stomach or breast of the horsemen ; still, the horses alone will break the ranks of the infantry. " The infantry soldier can only try and aim his bayonet at the horse's breast, and let him spit himself like a wild boar. In this case he must hit the heart to kill him, for any other wound would be quite useless at the moment; and even reaching the horse's heart can not save him, for the horse, with his great weight and the impulse of his speed, will dash the whole rank to the ground in his fall. ^' Infantry can therefore depend only on its fire : it has time to de- liver two volleys, no more, and therewith barely the power to knock over every sixth horse. " Experience shows that the effect of musketry is very trifling at more than three hundred yards ; within that distance it would not be advisable to try more than two discharges. '* The calculation is that the fusileer can discharge his piece five times in the minute, thus for each shot twelve seconds of time are required, j ^* The cavalry soldier will pass over six hundred paces in thirty sec- onds, to each one hundred paces five seconds. " If the fusileer delivers his first fire at three hundred paces, and twelve seconds later the second, he has only three seconds left, can not load again, and will be ridden over in the interim. * Berenhorst. — This measurement is taken on horses of a small stamp. •f The horao's neck and the soldier's musket act like two swords crossed : if the one turns the point of the othtsr from the straight line the thrust goes off side- ways. — Berenhorst. t Note hy Berenhorst. — " We wish to be generous, for with ball-cartridge the soldier could not reload under fifteen seconds. 178 CAVALRY TACTICS. " A battalion whicli dolivere its fire at sixty paces, aud wants to re- load, is ripe for mowing down. As sixty yards is quite far enough to miss at, particularly when the rushing in of the cavalry shakes the earth and men's nerves at the same time, it would bo far better to order one discharge only at thirty paces, and bring the bayonets to the charge without attempting to reload. " Then the infantry are still in the position already alluded to, and in which the superiority of the cavalry has been demonstrated.* *•' In speculating, however, on this subject, the advantage is entirely on the side of the infantry. Assume that each file fire true, and thus send their bullets into the breasts of the front rank horses ; those of the rear rank fall over them, and it is all up with the cavalry ; the men are stretched on the ground among a whole line of dead and dying horses, and all they can do is to pick themselves up and surrender. ''In the battles of civilized nations among the too sober warriors of the West, the probabilities are that the horsemen will gallop slowly ; in- stead of plying their spurs within the last three hundi-ed or four hun- dred paces, they will pull at the reins, and when the bullets begin to whistle they will turn and gallop to the rear by whole squadrons.f " The infantry will fire too soon, fire badly, lose its presence of mind, and sometimes its order ; both sides much alike. " The success or failure will depend on those unlooked-for circum- stances which in war generally decide between victory and defeat. "Still, on carefully comparing the chances, the balance is in favor of the horsemen : the misfortune is, that they are seldom anxious to avail themselves of it. The cavalry of Charles XII and Frederic the Great alone used their advantage to some purpose." At the Battle of the Pyramids many single Mameluke horsemen dashed right through the French squares, and out at the other side. If * By the author. — It ninst be a very fast horse to go over six hundred paces In thirty secondfl. Cavalry could not well do it under forty seconds. With the pres- ent musket the soldier could not deliver more than two volleys against an advan- cing Hue, for it would be useless to fire at more than one hundred and fifty yards. The long-range gun is therefore not to be despised : and the needle gun of the Prussians, which can be loaded quicker and fired with greater accuracy, and with these advantages combines the long-range, is a formidable projectile in the handi* of a steady soldier 1 t Note by BerenJiorst.—'* The author saw this happen himself." CAVALRY AGAINST INFANTRY. 179 only twenty of them, with the same determination evinced by these in- dividual horsoinen, had charged the French squares together, they mu?t have succeeded ; but they exhausted their horses in irregular charges, each man coming on in his turn to be shot down, till at last their cour- age was tamed by repeated failure, and they fled the field. * In the pursuit, after the Battle of Salamanca, at Garci Hernandez, where the English cavalry (German legion) rode over three squares of French infantry, five dragoons actually charged one square by them- selves, broke in, and two of them cut their way through and got out at the other side. At the Battle of Aliwal a squadron of the 16th Lancers, under Capt. Pearson, rode through the Sikh infantry : the gallant leader, dashing in alone, went through them first. (Japtain Bere, of the same regiment, with a squadron, went right through a Sikh square, wheeling about and re-entering it again. But our infantry have stood unconqucred against the best cavalry of France in many a bloody field ; they marched against them, and int-o the midst of them, at Quatre-Bras, under General Picton. The Sikh infantry were not wanting either in discipline or valor ; they also at Aliwal advanced against the British cavalry .f But infantry squares that stood firm and undaunted, that delivered their fire with good effect, have nevertheless been overthrown and total- ly destroyed by the charge of a few gallant horsemen. Contrast the two following instances, which show that the safety of the infantry does not depend upon the courage, upon the steady dis- cipline, and firm behavior of the square, but rather, solely, on the for- bearance of the cavalry. 1. In the expedition to Russia in 1812, while endeavoring to save the wounded at Mojaick, fifty of the light company of the 33d (French) clambered up a height, the summit of which was occupied by the ene- my's cavalry and artillery. The French army, halted under the walls of Mojaick, looked on with astonishment at this handful of men, who, dispersed over the unprotected declivity, annoyed thousands of the ♦GeschichtederSpaniscfaen Monarchie, v. 1810 bis 1823, v. Obersten v. Schee- seler. t Sir H. Smit-h'a despatches. 180 CAVALRY TACTICS. Russian cavalry. The consequence, which might have been anticipat- ed, soon appeared: several Russian squadrons were seen in motion, who, the next moment, surrounded these brave men. They instantly formed a square; but they were too few, among so many horsemen, and "in so vast a plain, and were soon lost to the view of the French army. Some smoke, which arose from the centre of the mass, prolonged the uncertainty ; the anxiety lasted for some moments, when all at once the army gave a shout of admiration on seeing the Russian cavalry disperse, in order to escape the well-directed fire of that handful of he- roes, who were thus left masters of a large field of battle, of which they barely occupied a few feet.^ 2. At the Siege of Trichinopoli, in the month of February, 1763, a company of British infantry held a fortified post at some distance from the town : they were attacked by a party of Mahratta horsemen, and beat them off with great loss. When relieved at their post, they had to march across the plain to return to cantonments. The Mahrattas were waiting for them. The English soldiers marched out full of confidence ; they were repeatedly attacked, but formed in square, and, reserving their fire each time till they could deliver it with deadly effect, they strewed the plain with men and horses, and continued their march, taunting the cavalry, and daring them to come on. The Mahrattas, much reduced in numbers, but still determined to have their revenge, formed in two ranks, the second at some distance behind the first ; they then advanced steadily up to the bayonets j the English took a deliberate aim, poured upon them a most deadly fire, and down went the leading ranks, men and horses : the Mahrattas had drawn the fire, as had been agreed among them ; but over their pros- trate bodies rushed the rear rank like infuriated fiends, to avenge their fall, and, dashing in through the bayonets, these horsemen killed every man in the detachment. Near Augsburg, and between that place and Sulzbach, the French 20th regiment of light infantry, formed in square, was attacked by some Austrian cavalry, and beat them off twice ; but the third charge was successful J the Austrians rode over them, and killed or captured the whole regiment. ♦ Segur, Exped. de Russie. : CAVALRY AGAINST INFANTRY. 181 At Rh'oli the French cavalry did great execution on the Austrian in- fantry. Near San Giovanni the Cossacks attacked the French infantry nnder General Dombrowski with comijlete success, and destroyed sev- eral battalions. At "Wertingen, in 1805, Murat, at the head of three divisions of cav- alry, surprised and defeated General AufFenberg's Austrian corps of nine battalions, four squadrons : the infantry was formed in square, and made a gallant resistance. Many fell under the sword ; two thousand prisoners, of whom fifty-two were officers, eight guns, and three standards, fell into the hands of the French. Many more instances can be found by referring to the Battles of Me- dellin, Ciudad-Rcal, Margaleff, Todendorf. The French say that their seventh and ninth regiments of chasseurs broke three squares of Eng- lish infantry at the Battle of Fuentes de Oiloro. I now proceed to my last cxaiQples, taken from the Hungarian war, to show that neither the improved fire of artillery nor the long-range muskets could save the squares when the cavalry did their duty. " On the 28th of December, 1848, at eight o'clock, a. m,, General Gorgey's rear-guard, consisting of two battalions of infantry and a small detachment of hussars, were attacked by the cavalry brigade (of the Austrians) under Colonel Ottinger, who, in spite of several dis- charges of musketry from the squares, continued their steady advance, charged, broke the first square completely (formed by the regiment of the line Preussen), and partly destroyed the second square, inflicting on us a loss of three hundred to four hundred killed and wounded, and taking seven hundred prisoners ; among the latter, Major Szel, who defended himself to the last, and received sixteen wounds l)efore he could be captured."* Battle of Moor, SOth of December, 184t8.—" In front of Moor, about twelve hundred or fifteen hundred yards from the wood, a line of heights intersects the road at right angles; on these Perczel formed his troops, and placed his guns so as to command the outlets from tlie forest. "He had five thousand men under his orders, consisting of four bat- talions of infantry, four squadrons of cavalry, and ten guns. His ob- <■■ Klaptka, Hist, of the Magyar Wan 16 182 CAVALRY TACTICS. ject was to prevent the enemy from getting out of the wood, and give Gorgey time to bring up the left wing of the army (the brigade Karger) from Csakvar, then attack the enemy at a disadvantage. " The enemy had, at first, but one brigade up, yet they made many gallant but fruitless attempts to gain the open country, but the Hun- garian artillery, playing constantly on the outlets, rendered all their attempts abortive. After two hours' fighting, however, one of the enemy's batteries established itself on a height to the right of the road, and by a well-directed fire did much execution ou the Hungarian left. At this moment Ottiuger aiTived with his cavalry brigade (con- sisting of two or three regiments), dashed at the Hungarian position, and swept all before him. In an instant our bravest infantry regiments were broken and in full flight along the road to Stuhlweissenburg and Csakvar ; one of our batteries was in the hands of the enemy. " Our hussars (the regiment Nikolaus), with the greatest contempt for death, threw themselves upon the enemy's horse, though six times more numerous, and saved what they could from the wreck. A des- perate hand-to-hand fight ensued, but the brave sons of the Pusta* devoted their lives to stem the tide of the enemy's advance till the re- maining infantry, with four guns, made good their retreat. The hus- sars left half their number ou the field. We lost, altogether, fourteen hundred or fifteen hundred men killed, wounded, and prisoners, and six guns."t If cavalry (without artillery) have boon repulsed more than once in charging a square, they should not be led against the same sides of the square, or brought forward over the same ground, because the fallen horses and men form a rampart for the infantry. Let us now consider how a cavalry officer should iuit to support in- fantry which is attacked by a numerous cavalry. The infantry, formed in squares or columns, will rest its flanks on any available obstacle or cover which may be within reach, and such cover will further bo occupied by flanking parties, who fire in on the flanks of the advancing horsemen. If the cover on the flanks of the infantry intercept the view of the enemy's movements, they must be watched by mounted men, while the * The Prairioe.of Hungary. t Klaptka. CAVALRY AGAINST INFANTRY. 183 cavalry, formed in small columns behind, or opposite the intervals of the infantry squares, are held in readiness to act. Should artillery play on the squares, the cavalry is, as far as possible, kept out of range, or out of the line of fire. But as soon as the enemy's cavalry advance, they do the same ; and when the infantry has given them a few dis- charges, or beat-en them ofif, they break forth between the intervals, form, and charge, but without pursuing too far. The object is to de- fend the position, and thev must return to their place to be ready to repeat the same manoeuvre as often as it becomes necessary. If the object is, however, to cover a retreat, the infantry then take advantage of the repulse of the enemy's cavalry to move off; their ar- tillery follow with the prolonge, and are protected by the cavalry. In an open plain, where there is no cover for the infantry, the caval- ry forms from three hundred to four hundred yards in rear and on the flanks, so as to charge the enemy's cavalry in flank when they are thrown into disorder by the fire of the squares. This is a difl5eult position in which to be placed when inferior to the enemy in cavalry. They will of course try to turn the flanks, and the cavalry must then take refuge in the intervals of the squares, and wait for a favorable opportunity to charge. When retiring along a road the cavalry keeps the road, the infantry moves on both flanks ; when they reach a pass or defile the cavalry moves on and takes up a position to cover the retreat of the columns. We have not sought to conceal the difficulties that cavalry has to contend with when brought ia contact with good infantry : they are often so great that the best cavalry, though well led, will fail to make an impression; still, at equal chances, the physical superiority of the cavalry ought to give them the advantage. Nothing is more trying to infantry than a charge of cavalry ; nor is anything more formidable to cavalry than an infantry fire in square. The infantry soldier knows well that if the horsemen break in nothing can save him; the dragoon again is well aware that neither riding nor manoeuvring can save him from the bullets of his antagonists. Success on either side depends so much on the moral courage of the parties engaged, and that success has been so varied, that numberless examples might be cited to prove the case against the cavalry as well as for it. 184 CAVALRY TACTICS. Good infantry will generally hold its own against cavalry if these are badly led, if their horses are tired and worn-out with fatigue, if the ground is heavy and deep, and the charge can not bo made with speed and well together, or if artillery scatters the squadrons in their ad- vance. It would be ridiculous to infer from such examples that cavalrj' can not break infantry squares; when we lock into the defeats of cavalry we can often trace their want of success to circumstances of the sort just mentioned, winch are generally passed over unnoticed by historians. For our purpose let it suffice that we have shown to our cavalry that it can be done, and we leave it to them to remove all doiibt oii the sub» ject 50 soon as thej sht^M hstve a.n opportunity. APPENDIX. 16* APPENDIX. THE SADDLE AND BRIDLE. The bridle I propose has only four buckles, namely : two on the head- collar, one on the bit head-stall, and one on the bridoon head-stall. The bit, bridoon, and their head-stalls are provided with hooks and Sinks, by which means the bits can be slipped out of the horse's mouth, for the purpose of feeding, without taking the bridle off the horse's <5iead. The bridoon has half-horns to prevent its being drawn through th* 'horse's mouth, which often happens when they have the ring only. The head-stalls are fastened to the collar by a stmp and button on ■'he brow-band, like the bridles in use with the regiment of carabineers 4ind others in the service. The Saddle. The tree is constructed to combine the adxantages of a hunting sad- -dle with the simplicity of the Hungarian troop-saddle. The side-boards are cut away under the man's leg, they then spread out under his seat, and are feathered and bronght well ofiT the horse'is back in rear. The hind fork is broad at the base, where it joins the side-boards, vand is bevelled off to add length to the seat. The front fork is constructed with a peak, and with points to give the tree a firm hold on the horse's back, and prevent it from turning .Tound, as well as to bring the man's bridle-hand low. Both forks are strengthened with iron plates. The holes cut for the stirrup-leathers leave a lohoU hack, to prevent 188 APPENDIX. the atirrup-leather from bulging or embedding itself in the panel, and pressing on the horse's back. Oyer this tree a seat of blocked leather is stretched, like that of a hunting saddle, and fastened with screws to the forks. For the Pads. Three strips of felt are slipped into a cover of serge, and put on to the side-boards with leather pockets; more of theae slips of felt can be put in should tho horse fall off in condition, or Ihey can be taken out should the harse put up condition f and thus the saddle always ridea even, and the tree never requires to be altered. Leather flaps are theii screwed on to the tree, and the saddle is complete. The Saddle-Ci-oth Is cut to lit the horse's back, and to the outline of the saddle. It has pockets for the points to fit into,, and is made of felt one inch thick, to protect the horse's back, absorb the perspiration, and prevent the edges of the pads from getting hard and occasioning sore backs. The breastplate is attached to ditto, let into the side-boards (not, as now, to the peak), and is made with a loop in front to slip in case of a fall. The crupper is attached to a central point,, to avoid tho friction caused by a split crupper. The under girth buckles on both sides, because it will wear longer, as the soldier is not obliged to girth up always in tho same holes. The girth-straps should be joined together with web girthing, to protect the seat of tho saddle when put on the pegs in the stable. The shoe-cases have loops, the strap being made a fixture to the hind-fork; the reason for this is, that the soldier in passing the strap under the hind-fork is apt to leave a twist in it, which is sure to give a sore back. ' The wallets are made flat, because they hold more and sit closer; they are slanted forward to give room for the mun's leg. Under the off wallet the carbine is run through a holster; it can thus be got at, and returned, in an instant. It is fastened to the peak by a strap about a yard long, which serves as a sling for the carbine when dismounted. THE SADDLE. 189 The valise has tho troop letter and the man's number on the near side, to enable him to recognize it, and the number of the regiment on the other side, as the 10th Hussnrs have. I consider a shabraque a useless encumbrance; but if worn, it should be made of cloth not water-proof. Water-pro.of cloth is less durable, and confines the heat to the horse's back. Those parts which cover the valise and eloak might be lined with water-proof, but the scat should be of cloth only, and cut to fit the saddle without skirts. Sheepskins are, bad, because once wet they take many days to dry, iind the heat of them is bad for man and beast. In packing, the dragoon should be instructed to take every hard substance out of his valise. His brushes, hold-all, rubbers, sponges, and forage-cap should go in his wallets, where he can get at them at once on dismounting. • The valise should be packed so as to be quite hollow in the centre, and the centre baggage-strap shortened, in order to enable the soldier to draw it tight, and bring the kit well off the horse's back. Boots or high-lows should bo packed under the flap of the valise \Tith the heels outward (not inward). The saddle I have proposed would be much better for the men li-ith- RANK ENTIRE SYSTEM. 191 One waistcoat, say red. with sleeves and pockets. One surcoat of blue cloth, made loose, with the sleeves to unbutton to the elbow (like those in use with Spanish soldiers), and turn up when the gauntlets are put on. This, with a good great-coat or cloak, a low head-dress properly ventilated, would answer all purposes for the cavalry soldier. REMARKS ON THE RANK ENTIRE SYSTEM. The rank entire S3'stem has been again brought before the public in an article in the "United Service Gazette" of March 12, 1853, and recommended by some of the very highest authorities, including the lat-e Duke of Wellington, and several of our most distinguished' cavalry officers. Under these circumstances it would be presumptuous in me to attempt to give an opinion of my own, but I shall adduce what I think may be considered a^ arguments against the rank entire system, founded on the authority of other distinguished ofiScers of cavalry. Seidlitz and Ziethen fixed upon tioo ranlcs, on small squadrons, on ioide intervals. Single-rank men have no backers sufficiently near to inspire them with confidence and perseverance; and this confidence is as necessary in the horses as in the men to induce them to rush into fire. However good your cavalry soldiers may be, they are not all fit for the front rank; neither are all horses fit to lead, though all will follow. Broken up in a melee, the single ranks (men being equal) would be overpowered before they could get assistance, and the single-rank reserves would be again overmatched by the double-rank reserves. A single rank, if successful, can not spread like a double one in the pursuit, sweeping up all before them, but they will be so much scat- tered that, in riding in between the retreating dragoons, their own flanks will be exposed, and the retreating horsemen, on their left, will imme- diately close upon them and cut them down while they are endeavor- ing to assail the men on their right front ; thus the chase will become more perilous to the pursuers than to the pursued. 192 APPENDIX. A squadron of the First Lancers (British legion), formed in rank entire, consisting of sixty horses, charged three hundred Carlist caval- rj-, pursued them three miles, and killed nearly one hundred of them. "Would the same sixty Englishmen have failed to do the same had they been formed in two ranks ? To add that great essential, rapidity, to the movement of cavalry, keep the squadrons small, and give them plenty of ©ibow-room-— thatis, sufficient intervals. There was no want of speed shown by the Prussian cavalry under Seidlitz. The advantage of having an officer to command each detachment of the rank entire system can be equally shared by the two-rank system- This is simply a question of expense^ and must depend upon how many officers you would attach to each one hundred men. Those nations whose cavalry formerly acted on the rank entire sys- tem have given it up. Take the Cossacks for example. However, whether it be in txco ranks or in one, let your cavalry be formed in small, distinct bodies, with sufficient intervals between each. Let there be no pivot flanks, and no rifjTit and left in front, and? doubtlessly, cavalry will prove much more efficient in the field. PROPOSED ORGANIZATION OP CAVALRY. From the " United Service Gazette," March 12, 1S53. In the " United Service Gazette " of the 8th May last wo noticed a very interesting pamphlet by Colonel Kinloch, on the subject of the constitution of a Yeomanry Eorce, and especially in reference to the organization of cavalry in "rank entire." We have now the pleasure of publishing a letter from Colonel Kinloch, embracing the opinions of the late Duke of Wellington, Lord Yivian, Lord William Russell, and General Bacon, upon that momentous subject. It ia pecixliarly well- timed, as at the present moment great interest is taken in the question of increasing the efficiency of our present weak regiments of cavalry, and of rendering the yeomanry fit for active home service. PROPOSED ORGANIZATION. 193 " To the Editor of the United Service Gazette. "Sin: la a pamphlet I published last year on 'the defence of the country by means of a volunteer force,' I ventured to recommend cav- alry, and yeomanry in particular, to be formed in 'rank entire/ instead of in two ranks, as is usual in most armies. "I have lately found copies of the opinions of the Duke of Welling- ton and several cavalry officers on this subject, which I could not lay my hand on at the time I wrote the pamphlet. These opinions were addressed to General Anthony Bacon (who commanded the cavalry of Don Pedro, in Portugal, in 1833-34), and who was good enough to give me copies of them." I. From F. M. the Duhe of Wellington, K.G. "Stratfieldsaye, 20th November, 1833. " Cavalry is essentially an offensive arm, whose use depends upon its activiti/, combined with its steadiness and good order. " I think that the second rank of cavalry, at the usual distance of close order, does not increase the activity or the cavalry. The rear rank of the cavalry does not strengthen the front rank, as the centre and rear ranks do the front rank of the infantry. The rear rank of the cavalry can augment the activity or even the means of attack of the front rank only by a movement of disorder. " If the front rank should fail, and it should be necessary to retire, the second or rear rank is too close to be able to sustain the attack or to restore order. The second rank must be involved in the defeat and confusion, and the whole must depend upon some other body, whether of cavalry or infantry, to receive and protect the fugitives. " I have already said that the rear rank can only augment the means of the first rank by a movement of disorder. " This is peculiarly the case if the attack should be successful. In all these cases the second rank, at a distance sufficiently great to avoid being involved in the confusion of the attack of the front rank, whether successful or otherwise, could aid in the attack, or, if necessary, cover 17 194 APPENDIX. the retreat of the attacking party, and thus augment the steadiness and good order of the cavalry as a body ; while, by the absence of all impediments from the closeness of the rear rank, the activity of the front rank would be increased. "It can not bo denied that, till required for the actual attack, the less cavalry is exposed the better. My notion of the distance of the lines of cavalry was as much as a cavalry horse could gallop in a minute ; the second line should pull up at a walk when the first charges; the third and other lines in columns should deploy, or be used accord- ing to circumstances. "I conceive that the one-rank system would require a change, not only in the discipline, but in the organization, of the cavalry. If I am not mistaken, it would render the use of cavalry in an army mtich more general than, it is at 2>res€nt. "Wellington." II. Extract from a letter to General Bacon from Lieutenant-General Sir Hussey Vivian, G.C.B. [afterwards Lord Vivian, and 3f aster- Getieral of the Orrfnojice). '' I rejoice to find Don Pedro's cavalry has fallen under the orders of a man so capable of leading them. I again congratulate you on your very high and honorable station. In short, I feel confident you will do credit to yourself, your cavalry, and to your Peninsular education. "I quite entirely agree with you in all you say of the value of the lance. " As to the rank entire system, I am by no moans certain that it would not always be a good thing, if, on advancing to an attack, or standing in line, the rear ranks were to form a reserve at the distance, say of eighty or one hundred yards ; when so circumstanced they would be much better able to follow up an advantage gained by, or to repel a successful attack of, the enemy on the first rank. The fact is, that the second rank is of little use but to fall over the first. " Let me congratulate you on your brilliant success and gallant con- duct at Leyria. I will run over and pay you a visit. "R. HussEY Vivian." PROPOSED ORGANIZATION. 195 III. Extract from a letter to General Bacon from Lord William Russell, Colonel commanding Eighth Hussars. "I wish you joy of your promotion and command. The cavalry will, I have no doubt, be in excellent order in your hands ; but don't be rash — they are too numerous for you to cope with, and their horses are better fed. "Anything that proves the efificiency of the single-rank system is interesting to me ; and it certainly was thoroughly proved on the 16th of October (1833), when your force of cavalry imposed on more than treble your numbers ; this quite destroys the argument that a single rank 'looks so weak,' and 'invites the enemy to charge.' Your adver- saries were not to be tempted on the 16th. Keep notes of all the oc- currences ; we will one day put them in print. "I am delighted to find that Vivian (Sir Hussey) looked with a more favorable eye on the system. Depend upon it they will all come round- He wants to get off on the mezzo termine of leaving the rear rank be- hind. This I entirely disapprove, because the rear rank eo left would have no one to command it, and cavalry depends entirely on its ojDivers. " There is no doubt that, if cavalry is to act in one rank, a different organization is necessary. You must turn your mind to this, as the end of the war brings to your aid the practical reflections you can make now. The Duke of Wellington is in our favor, but the prejudices of the cavalry officers are difficult to be overcome. "I send you up , and if you can convert him you will do won- ders. He never in his life gave up a once formed opinion. " Try Head's (Sir Francis) plan with the lasso for your guns. ""William Russell." IV. Extract from a letter from General Bacon. "11th Septkmbkr, 1835. "My dear Kinloch : I hope you stick to it 'rank entire.' Depend upon it, it is the most efficient way of using cavalry. You are quicker, 196 APPENDIX. and have more reserves. Enclosed are some extracts* respecting my system with cavalry. Lord Anglesea, Brotherton, and many other oflScers I could name, agree ^with me. As I am the only man who has tried it, I give you a few of my reasons. " In one rank all movements are made with greater precision and more rapidly than in two. "When cavalry has to reform after a charge it is efiected more readily and far quicker, for each man gets at once to his own troop, and, if such formation be required under fire, the YsduG of quickness will admit of no argument against it. "I have tried this in presence of a superior enemy very frequently, and at times when hotly pressed, and under a heavy fire of artillery and musketry. " A charge in one rank will bo more rapid, consequently more likely to succeed, than one in two ranks, because the horses are more at liberty, not likely to be cramped by the endeavors of the rear rank to get to the front, and the men will have a more free use of their arms j every one will do his duty j slcidkers can not so easily pull up, and such are found in all armies. "In advancing in line for any distance (and before an enemy you have rarely a fine open country) the intervals are never preserved be- tween squadrons, and it frequently happens that a line of two ranks toward the centre becomes a disordered column ; in reforming, a rear rank is never sure of its ' telling ofi".' ''In all columns I should form my second rank in a column in rear of my first, that is, as a second regiment; and this will always be easy by keeping, when in line, a distance equal to the depth of a close col- umn ; you may always close your lines if you think it desirable, and, when about to form columns, it is only t^ open your ranks, or, instead of a column of squadrons, to form on the centre a contiguous close column of half-squadrons. "Another great advantage in the system is, that all your ranks are commanded by officers. Whenever you are asked for a squadron, re- member it is a troop, and if you send two troops they are two squad- rons, and they become a proper command for a major. * The above from the Duke of Wellington, etc. PROPOSED ORGANIZATION. 197 " I could give you many other reasons for the system, but I hope to be with you, and perfect that which I have begun, and with a fair por- tion of success. "Believe me, etc., "A. Bacox." A squadron of the First Lancers of the British legion in Spain, under the command of Major Hograve, and consisting of only sixty hoi-ses, charged three hundred of the Carlist cavalry (after they had defeated several squadrons of Christino cavalry), pursued them above three miles, and killed nearly one hundred of them. The squadron of the First Lancers was formed in " rank entire," the Carlists in two ranks, and thus proved triumphantly the efficiency of that system. From the above opinions of distinguished and experienced officers, supported as they are by facts on the few occasions the "rank entire" formation has been tried, it appears worthy of consideration whether it should not now be acted upon in the British army. I find that, in the Regulations for the Drill and Exercise of the Yeomanry Cavalry, they are recommended to adopt the " rank entire " system, which I was not aware of when I wrote my pamphlet last year. This formation is particularly suitable for yeomanry and all irregular and half-disciplined cavalry, on account of its great simplicity and freedom of action. As the Duke of Wellington "conceived that it would render the use of cavalry in an army much more general than it is at present;" as Sir Hussey Vivian said "that the second rank is of little use but to fall over the first;" and as General Bacon observes, "a troop becomes a squadron, and each rank is commanded by offi- cers;" it appears that the eigfective strength of our cavalry maybe greatly incrensed, if not fully vovb^kt), by adopting the rank entire system. The principal change in the organization called for by this alteration appears to be a small and economical addition to the otiicers. Captains commanding troops will, when in line, command squadrons, for a troop will occupy the same front in single rank that a squadron does in two. (The interior economy of the troop remains as before.) The officer who commands two troops or squadrons when in line will have a fit command for a field-officer. 17* 198 APPENDIX. I would therefore suggest that, in order to carry out the advantages of the "rank entire" system, and render it thoroughly efficient, a second major should be restored to each cavalry regiment; and ae a half-troop will become a half-squadron, there should be another subal- tern to each troop. Perhaps the two or three senior captains should have a higher rank than merely captain, as they may sometimes command two troops or gquadrons; the higher rank of chef d'escadron, as in other armies, or brevet major, might be given to them. The only additional expense, therefore, would be a second major for each regiment, and a second lieutenant to each troop. A very small expense certainly, if, as it is assumed, the cavalry will be greatly in- creased in efficiency. Let the troops be increased to fifty horses per troop, with the above addition to the officers, and adopt the "rank entire " formation; then our cavalry will be ready for any service that might be required of them; but at present the regiments are verj' weak in horses, and in double ranks are only about two good squadrons strong. I must apologize for troubling you so long; but as the economical increase of the army is the great question of the day, and cavalry ap- pears not much noticed, I trust the foregoing remarks and opinions on the organization and efficiency of that chivalrous and important arm of the service will not be considered uninteresting to your military readers. I have the honor to be your obedient humble servant, John Kinloch. Logie, 7th March, 1853. P. S. — The following sentences are extracted from my pamphlet, before referred to. — J. K. "It was on his (General Bacon's) recommendation that I adopted this, which appeared to me to be the proper and common-sense forma- tion of cavalry (and raw cavalry in particular), in the first or 'Reyna Ysabel' regiment of lancers in the British legion in Spain, which I had the honor to organize and command in 1835-36; and to that simple TROOP-HORSES AND OFFICERS' CHARGERS. 199 formation I attribute tbc very creditable and efficient manner in which they could go through the manoeuvres of a field-day, and do their duty in the field, after very little practice and drilling. After being broken in a charge, or dispersed in pursuit, a squadron in rank entire may ' rally ' and 'tell off' in much less time than the front and rear ranks would take to scramble into their places; and thus much timo, ao val- uable in cavalry movements, would be gained. '' Many smart soldiers dislike being in the rear ranks, and feel them- selves thrown in the background; they arc apt to become careless, and merely to follow their front-rank files, without knowing or caring wha; is going on; whereas in rank entire every man is under the eye of his officers, and must be on the qui vive and wide awake. Every man has an equal share in the attack, which is not the case with two ranks. Rank entire may apxtear loose, and show more ' daylight ' between the files, but is not in realiUj more loose; on the contrary, cavalry accus- tomed to work in rank entire will be found to be better cloeod together than with two, though the two ranks help to 'fill up ' better, and make them appear closer and more solid. " I consider that a charge of cavalry in rank entire, on fair ground, fit for a good gallop, will 'hit harder,' and every man and horse 'tell' with greater effect, than if the rear rank were treading on their heels. The rear rank can not give much assistance to the front, but they may actually incommode them. In the rank entire system young and un- trained horses will be quiter and steadier, and not so likely to be lamed by the rear rank treading on the front rank horses' heels, and they, in turn, 'lashing out' and laming those behind. It may be said that the two ranks have answered very well on former occasions, but it may be a fair question to ask, whether half the number would not have done as well ? or whether the same number in two lines, instead of two ranks, would not have done better?" TROOP-HORSES AND OFFICERS' CHARGERS. Before I left India some very interesting trials were made at Madras, by order of the Commander-in-chief, General Sir George Berkeley, the 200 APPENDIX. object of which was to test the csipabilities of the troop-horses, as well as the relative merits of entire horses and geldings for the purposes of war. Three trials were made. The first with two regiments of Native Eegular Cavalry, one of stall- ions, one of geldings. The next with two troops of Horse-Artillery. The third, and last, with two hundred English dragoons (15th Hus- sars) — one hundred riding stallions, and one hundred mounted on geld- ings. This squadron marched upwardsof eight hundred miles — namely, from Bangalore to Hyderabad, where they remained a short time to take part in the field-days, pageants, etc. They then returned to Ban- galore, four hundred miles, by forced marches: only one rest-day was allowed them, and the last six marches in wei'e made at the rate of thirty miles a day. They brought in but one led horse; stallions and 'geldings did their work equally Avell, and were in equally good condition on their return. The question was, however, decided in favor of the latter, because they had been cut without reference to age, and only sis months before the trial took place. The English cavalry in India is well mounted. On an emergency any one of these Indian regiments would gallop fifty miles in a pursuit, leave few horses behind, and suffer but little from the effects of such exertion. The horses on which they are mounted are small but power- ful. The Arab, the Persian, the Turcoman, the horses from the banks of the Araxes, are all unrivalled as war-horses. I have seen a Persian horse fourteen hands three inches carrying a man of our regiment of gigantic proportions, and weighing, in marching order, twenty-two and a half stone : I have seen this horse on the march above alluded to, of eight hundred miles, carrying this enormous weight with ease, and keeping his condition well; at the crossing of the Kistna, a broad, rapid, and dangerous river, the owner of this horse (Private Heme, of troop) refused to lead the animal into the ferry-boat to cross, but, saying, "An hussar and his horse should never part company," he took the water in complete marching order, and the gallant little horse nobly stemmed the tide, and landed his rider safely on the opposite bank. An otlicer in India made a bet that he would himself ride his charger (an Arab, little more than fourteen hands high) four hundred measured TROOP-HORSES AND OFFICERS' CHARGERS. 201 miles in five consecutive days, and he won the match; the horse per- formed his task with ease, and did not even throw out a windgall. The owner, an officer of the Madras Artillery, died shortly afterwards. General Daumas relates that the horses of the Sahara will travel dur- ing five or six days from seventy-five to ninety miles a day, and that in twenty-four hours they will go over from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and eighty miles, and this over a stony desert. Diseases of the feet and broken wind are almost unknown among them. What would become of an English cavalry regiment if suddenly re- quired to make a few furced marches, or to keep up a pursuit for a few hundred miles ! Their want of power to carry the weight, and want of breeding, makes them tire after trotting a few miles on the line of march. Our cavalry horses are feeble ; they measure high, but they do so from length of limb, which is weakness, not power. The blood they require is not that of our weedy race-hox'se (an animal more akin to the greyhound, and bred for speed alone), but it is the blood of the Arab and Persian, to give them that compact form and wiry limb in which they are wanting. The fine Irish troop-horses, formerly so sought for, are not now to be procured in the market. Instead of the long, low, deep-chested, short- backed, strong-loined horse of former days, you find nothing now but long-legged, straight-shouldered animals, prone to disease from the time they are foaled, and whose legs grease after a common field-day.* These animals form the staple of our remount horses. Decked out in showy trappings, their riders decorated with feathers and plumes, they look well to the superficial observer; but the English cavalry are not what they should be. If brought fresh into the field of battle, the speed of the horses and the pluck of the men would doubt- less achieve great things for the moment ; but they could not oxhtre, they could not follow up, they could not come a!*■ '^^ %«'t.' ^m^^^k