COL. GEORGE WASHINGTON FLOWERS MEMORIAL COLLECTION TRINITY ( OLLLGI-: LIBRARY ftURHAM, N c: The Gift 0/ ^ • ^-d^^^T^^ y^ '^ ^ ^ c ^^ xZ^y 7 c ^<(^^^2^ 'l^t^y^^'/f CENSUS OK THE CITY OF CHARLESTON. SOUTH CAROLINA, ' For the Year 1861. ILLUSTRATED BY STATISTICAL TABLES PREPARED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL FREDERICK A. FORD C H A H L E S T O N : BTKAM-rOWRR PREiSKS OF KVATfS »*COOiWKI. L, Ko. 6 Bro»/1 and KKt Knot B«)r Rtr«el. 1861. ^BQ '10. DO PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. Exirart' from thf .Mluutfn, October 2.3'/, 1860. Petition of numerous nicrchants and tttHcrs, prayinfr Council to liave a correct census of the City taken at a.s early a day as pussible Alderman Rijrgs oflTen-d the followino; resolution, wliieh was adopted: Be.tolvefl, That the Memorial be rererred to a connnittee of three, whc shall recommend to Council proper pefsons to take a complete Census of the City, together with such statisticaf information as may be necessary U< exhibit the condition and prospects of the City, to superintend the manage- ment ^d publication of the same, and to aji])ortion to the several Wards their representation in Council, in conformity to the Act of the General Assembly, passed June 1st, 1838. The Mayor appointed the following committee, viz: Aldcrmeu Riggs. Edgerton, and Ryan. Extrnrl Jroui thr .\fii,ii)fn. Mitrch 2f>th, 1S61. Alderman Riggs, from the Special Committee, to whom was referred the petition in relation to the City Census, ask leave to report : That unavoidable circumstances have prevented their earlier attention to this matter, but in sufficient time to ensure its completion for all practi- cal purposes. Your committee contemplated adopting the plan of dividing the City in sections or si^juares, and availing themselves of the services of such of our citizens (many of whom kindly otT'ered) who would be willing to take the census of the sfpiare or block in which they resiile ; ami in this way it was thought an accurate result would be obtained, ami at mudi saviug of expense to the City. Rut we find, on n-flcction, that whilst tliis plan ha," its ar.Ki«K A. F<»lil», at th« sum stat4*d in his communication to th<' Committer, feeling assured he i' fully competent to acconijilish the work satisfactorily, which your rin;» of till" liouKfs in tlu- City is ratluT for tlic convi-nii-nic of n-fiTiMUt' to tho resiilfnci's and jtlarfH of ImsinesH of tlie fitizons, tlian for tlic pnr[M)si- of a-H-iTtainini; tlic nunibtT of lions<>s in tho City, which is otherwisi- luoro aiH iiratfly attainiil; aniiu'ss in tin- oflires below, as well as the person n'sidin}» or keejilmr a boardin^r-hotise above, arc entitled each to a separate reference to these places of business or resilience by Ifieir own numbers respectively. And Mr. Foitn, in prc|>arin|u'r representation in Council. It will be seen that our City has inercaseil in ])opulation, if not in a rapid, certainly in a per- manent and i)rosperous ratio — a result more gratifying than if it were increaseur orderly, <|uiet and law-loving people, which we venture l-o say cannot be surpassed, if ecpialled, l)y any city of its size. .\ fact so encour- aging needs no further comntenl. Under the present apportionment Council will hereafter be entitled to airincrease of two Hilditiwial Aldermen in the I'pper Wards, making in all eightcon; whilst Ward No. 2 will lose one. and Waril No. I will gain one, the same number will be preserved in the Lower Wards as heretofore. It is to lie hoped that this additional increase in representation will enure to the interest ami prosperily of all tlie Wards, as the City will hereal'ler not bo designated in making ta.x returns, as before, in Upper and Lower Wards scparalely, but as a whole, and all sei^ional differences, if i^uy e.xists, will thus bo obliterated, and the general good, without particular regard t/) locality, become the paramount motive, wliilst a judicious oversight will be oh- Horvcd by the representatives of their several Wards. Your Committee, in conclusion, find it an agreeable duty to refer to the able and faithful manner in which Mr. Ford has disebargcd the arduous duties incident to his engagement, and we feel confident that when the work is )>ublished and submitt«d t.) critical examination, it will not fall siiorl of public e.xpeclalion ; for it will not be forgotten that during the present ilisturbed slate of alTaiis, dilViculties, in many instances, must have arisen, and u generous public will not fail to make the proper allowances. Mr. Ford's communication, addrossod to tho Committee, is annexed to this report, and it but remains for us obtain authority to have the work published imme- diately. Respectfully submitted, .1. i*^. HldtiS. Chairman Com, Ce/i»ii«. E. W. EDtJERTON. TliOS. RYAN. REPORT ox THE COMPLETION OF TTIE f!ENSUS OF 1801. Charleston, September 20, 1861. To Messrs. Jon:s S. TiioGs, E. W. Edgerton and Tiiomaf Ryan, Committee on th£ Census : Qentf — Having connplcted the taking and arrangement of the Decennial Ccnsns of the City, I heg leave to report, briefly, that I find the population to be 48,409 — aconsidera- Ide increase over any number heretofore returned, "^i^ith a view to accuracy, before I comniencod my arrangements your ojiinions as to the principle upon which an enumera- tion of the houses of the city should be had were requested. The principle prescribed by you for my guidance has been stnctly pursued, and the number of every house witliin tlie eoqiorate limits correctly ascertained and preserved. Taking every family under the number of the house in which they resided, it \^§is nearly impossible to omit any one, as the omission would at oiic^ be apparent oft the face of my schedule, in the line devoted to the number of the house. This plan diflers from any heretofore adopted, and I have reason to bcHevc lias been effectual in my attaining accurately the po|»ulation of Charleston. The Census hav- ing been ordcre<1 for the purpose of ascertaining tljc ivjire- sentatiou of Aldermen in Council for the ensuing ten yearn, T procured the writtcji o]tini<^in of Judge T*ringle as to the law regulating the representation, and the ]»rinciple upon which the calculation wa« to l)e Itapcd. I find that by the increase of population and taxation of AVard No. 4, since 188370 .8 RF.PORT. the Ceii!«us takiii in \><\s. ilmt AVanl liajs boconic t'lititlod to one additionaT Alderman, and Ward Xo. 2 loses one — ^the other Lowor Wards retain tlieir present representation; and Wards No. 5 and <>, by increase of ])opnlation and tax- ation, have eacli become entitled to one additional Alder- man. Tlie number, therefore, of Aldermen for the ensuing teil years will bi- cigliteen instead of sixteen, the present number. I have made out a set of Tables, shewing the construction of the city, the i)opulation,* with ages and nativity of the whites, and number and ages of the slaves and free persons of color — the population of each street in the city sepa- rately, and the present owners and occupants of every house. These tables, with my calculation of the represen- tation in Council, to which the ditierent Wards are entitled, are herewith submitted. Respectfully, etc., FREDKTnCK A. FORD. CENSUS OF CH^ELESTO:^^. A Table, showing the Construction of the City. WARDS. ' NUMBER OF BRICK HOUSES. NUMBER OF WOODEN HOUSES. TOTAL. HOUSES ERECTED SINCE 1850. No. 1.. 498 146 644 8 " 2.. 2.51 377 628 58 " ?•• 606 .515 1,121 61 " 4.. 620 ' 7.51 1,371 118 " 5.. 99 6.52 7.51 1.36 " 6.. 79 907 986 197 " 7.. 16 424 440 157 " «.. 10 741 751 470 Total. 2,179 . 4,51| 6,692 1,205 8 CENSUS OF CrfARLESTON. In the report made to the Cky Council of tlie Census taken in 1848, tlie population of the city, as it appeal's by the United States Census, is brouirht down to the year 1x40. Tlio ]>(»]»ulati(iii as returui'(l for the years 185(» and 1H60 (the sul»so(|Uc'nt decades) appears hy the following Tables obtained from the ofhce of the Marslial of the Con- federate States for llu- District of South Carolina, the Census of 1850 havinLf l)een taken jirevit)us to the annex- ation of the neck to the city, and the Census of 1860 after the annexation. United States Census, 1850. WARDS. whites. slaves. 1 FREE PERSONS lOP COLOR. TOTAL. Ward 1 2,807 2,750 4,386 5,499 2,446 3,209 3,241 5,796 ' 165 ; 319 518 997 5,418 '> 6,278 " 3 ^ 145 " 4 12 292 Neck 15,442 4,570 14,692 4,840 l,91t!i 1^442 32.133 1().S52 20,012 19,532 , 3,441 42,986 United States Census, 1860. ^ j FRBB i WARDS. WHITES ANd' SLAVES. I COLORED. I Ward No. 1 1 2,476 I 1,120 2 2.148 2,727 3 ! 4,092 1,648 4 5,413 1^^3.253 " 5 1 3,226 ' 1,445 6 4,193 2,000 7 1 2,040 I 534 8 1 2,996 ' 879 '^r- 26,584 ; 13,606 TOTAL 3,596 4,875 5,740 8,666 4.671 6,1 '.•3 2,57i> 3,H75 40,195 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. Table Showing the Inhabitants of the City. WARDS. ! WHITE. 1 SLAVE. FREE COLORED. TOTAL. No. 1 2,681 3,102 4,522 5,926 2,739 3,476 1,924 2,. 599 1,578 3,137 2,221 4,365 2,111 2,381 609 1.253 121 161 370 815 853 760 201 504 4,380 6,400 3 4 5 7,113 11,106 5,703 6 7 6,617 2,734 8 4,356 ' ' Total 26,969 17,655 3,785 48,409 Table of the White Inhabitants. WARDS. WHITE MALES. WHITE FEMALES. TOTAL. NUMBER OF FAMILIES. Xo. 1 2 3 4 ,') 1,370 1,431 2,269 2,754' 1,389 1,695 968 1,263 1.311 1,671 2,253 3,172 1.350 1,781 9.56 1,336 2,681 3,102 4,522 .5,926 2,739 3,476 1,924 2,599 436 689 921 1,019 524 6 7 574 319 8 610 13,139 13,8.30 26,9(i'.t 5,092 ■ r < • 10 CENSUS OP CHARLESTON. Tablk of tuk A<;ks ok the White Males. ^ o e o O o o o o o ><» o a* < u B o o 3 o P5 O o e PS 3 • S § s c CO o CO e o a at o WS2 l£S No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 42 137 52 151 69 261 78 276 175 131 155 237 241 130 225 236 126 117 167 151 398 1518 1398 •195 363 243 256 264 202 387 4.36 403 521 588 466 320 273 209 392 339 203 153 199 158 229 227 193 2453 2689 2137 1.36 151 286 69 88 110 289 183 138 152 96 136 1384 714 1 40 37 50 77 32 30 31 27 333 10 10 15 31 4 10 4 6 90 4 4 6 3 1 2 1 2 23 1 1 771 ^9 1174 1460 711 802 481 602 6730 008 893 1427 1786 843 936 586 751 8130 Taiii.k or TiiK AoKS ok tuk Wiini; Fkmai.ks. .' ^^ o o o o o O w. ^ >n M w •^ •o CO o •o o o O 2 2 c o ^ p ^^ •a o o e 9 o 04 ec ■* •a 2 2 2 S o at e e 2 2 o o 00 o 0> No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 39 33 67 87 45 48 38 37 399 1416 1251 252| 319 210; 3221 360 265 374 no 306: 7141 499 2611 293 4421 363 170 1 203 286 247 2821 2724 199 103! 66 232 180' 122 3991 2(10,131 8H 71 237 i 135 74 75 47 2941 1(17 1971 116 148 201 122 1907 1098 665 40 61 86 56 47 51 30 39 41Q 19 26 24 12 14 21 6 13 135 1 I.... CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 11 pa oq => < g H K H o •sau^nnoa Joqjo -M i-H Cl Tl O ^ 'X> 1- CI 1-H •D> ■aspaMg CD : CO lo : (M 1 1 - CO I— 1 lo CO -H 1— 1 : 1—1 T-H ■iC«MJOU^ :::••:::: •Bissn^ •M I— 1 GC 1- r-H : -M : T— ( : : "M •if IB) I : -t CO 00 -* (M : i-H : "M : •patiiJaz^iMg (M0 CO ?! 01 -f CI -— iC ? I 01 ^ 1-1 rH 1—1 1-H ■/pnviSag COCOCO-t-'I^QCCOOC -t CO lO CD 1— 1 oi e^i 1-1 01 •■9»«ig p«)iqa ^astaij 3C CD '^ "O CO X) 01 01 QCDCOQOCDO'^-^ 01 CO 'gating »?wj9p8jno3 nj Or-Ht^Ci«-irHOO i/t -t UO QC CO CO 01 -1* o CO 0Di-i-fCDO-tO«rt OC »— •« C-l Ci O ^ t^ i-< 01 r^ 1-H f— »i« 00 o 1-H ■ao»t»{i«q3 HI niog •rt -t" O CO ^ *! M t Ci h- Ci — O »- X 01 i/5XO«Ct— O-^X a CD • a ^i-J oi CO -r o cd t*^ OD I'Z CLNSLtJ or I IIAKLKSTON. -xaiJianoo jat{)0 ■nopoitg ')(JUUlUOQ 'XVMiO^ 'viBSn^ •^l«1I 'pUBIJ32)IMg •£uvmxaf) •leaiUJoj *u!udg ■aaanjj •eoiB^ •pn«|*03g ■pu«iaj{ ■piiOlSug 'SO)«)g pa){nn ?uoBOJ^ -it!,') iljnoy "! •"" '"'I 'ao)ROiJ«qQ a; ton 'no^saijraqo a; niog i-H . -M iC 1— 1 I— I r^ 1-^ CC . CO I-" n M 1-1 i-i i-< • M -t -- »>• ?! r: 1^ # : »-< ci c>i »- r-< 1 TO ^ cc 1-^ OO 1— iQc-t-*r— rii— »- O 1^ O (M CO CO O O o o f— 1 r-i ; .— t " CO : -M ••t .— '- •M 1-H T— 1 »c c: >o -t M c: M lO T-l I— ( CO 05 w> c; CO M 'C cr ^ -H -t o =• S -f "M --c ^ C? iM (M lO ro M ^ — 1— OO ic o C5 CO c: CO Oi o «*< WJ "* OC CO rH CI 5>1 coo: c:-^— 'cocoo 00 ;c C5 oc' i;c 1^ CO -"t -t '.': 't ^ -t '^r 71 CO O 1^ «■ CO ^H i-< O CO jOOJ5^1«OI^i— IC005 COO'MQCr-i— i»OCO p- ri r: -t 'C '-c I- 00 6 CENSUS OF niARLESTOX. 13 ^ ^ I; ft x s •g6 OJ 06 •06 oj 08 •OS o% OL •Qi oj 09 "1 05 •0? o» ot Ol- oj 08 « I: *" — « M - « |o. -»" ec •o ■* >n - M Icl to ot -*i oo e> M •>t O I& •^ ^ ^ ^ i-i IS 1 e^ 2 oc M •* 1 t- IS -£ te o o M e P5 o 1 o» X. M ?> « « 4 M H 4 ^ S 3 ^ « •♦ S Ok »- M S s i" t« •" •- » a e e« 1- mm ^^ » 2 s 3 I- *" "* >- «f k: 14 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. ^ ^ "I o o u* o o u u ex: B M •< a M H P^ o K •< 001 •«»'*0 - 1 - 1 •001 o» 9ft w-t ^ " 1 04 •56 »» 06 04 > " "" '^ 1 •ft •Oft o» 08 ■♦ oo "•* 04 • o ' 08 0% 01 '"' 04 4P « = 04 04 ^1 ? •Oi o» 09 CO •^ o ■* to to '" «, to •0» 0* C4 5 5 04 00 04 •Of 01 OS CO eo •OS 01 01 »^ M to eo to 04 to o> 04 CO CO e •ft •01 01 5 ■* »- CO 5 1^ CO CO • o 04 •5 0^ I ■«K M o> •n CO 5 eo 1- eo eo CO 04 •I Japnn 04 "♦ 00 •"J" 00 eo «« 00 o to n K >} ■< M M « tb O CO M O •< 001 -"aAO •001 o} ?6 ^ - •S6 oj 00 t-i "" " •06 0) 08 '^ " eo •08 01 Oi 04 w 04 eo *•* 04 •Oi 01 09 •<* 04 C4 Ok ^ 00 04 "* sa •09 oj OS eo to ■>»• 04 04 04 •ft et 00 00 1 •08 o» Ot •n ■^ o» 9 04 04 to 04 ■c* «* o 1 04 •Ot- 01 08 o * CO 04 ■^ •* CC ' m 04 03 •ft •OS o» 02 C4 O) 04 04 CO 00 1^ - to CO 04 •OZ 01 01 t» «o CO C4 — CO *•* CO CO eo 04 Ift CO CO eo •01 o»9 «o ■««< 04 5? •ft s ^ w 00 -»■ »4 •SOI I 04 •o -* s? •ft e •ft eo n •I jopan f-« '^ «* to e> eo t. St « •ITIOX g 1^ e to |2 V. *t i P 1" •ft 00 lo eo •BHlVKaj o o C4 C4 •y. OJ = OS C4 |o e4 of , -saivw •a CO 04 C4 CO eo o CO ■1' 00 eo o« c a •< 04 eo -♦ ■ft CO t^ 00 o H n. TABLE, Showing the Population of each Street in the City. STREETS. White Pehsons. Slaves. Free Colored. TOTAL. Aiken..* 19 14 5 38 Alexander 153 174 37 364 Allway 45 ... ... 45 America 274 144 77 * 495 Amherst 184 42 22 248 Ann 91 50 11 152 Anson -353 252 65 670 Archdale 182 117 36 335 Ashe 19 21 40 Ashley 243 191 16 450 Ashton 25 13 ... 38 Atlantic 86 41 4 131 Bay 45 57 ... 102 Bedon's Alley 25 22 2 49 Beaufain 394 272 48 714 Bee GQ 46 7 119 Benseman's Court 1 9 2 12 Berresford 24 14 21 59 Blake 40 20 ... 60 Borgard 116 22 27 165 Broad 485 557 25 1,067 Bull 184 227 49 460 Burns' Lanfe 124 26 15 165 Calhonn 1,164 599 185 1,948 Catinon ..;..^...487 261 47 795 Cannon's Court!..VF.;....6 2 ... 8 Cedar Court 24 16 17 67 Chalmers 73 82 4 109 Chapel 94 141 50 286 Charlotte 185 203 34 422 Aesnut 31 "*... 8 84 Chinqucjtin 11 ^i^ ... 16 16 ^ CENSUS (5r CHARLESTON. STREETS. WiiiTK Pkusons. Si.avks. Fkkk Colorkd. TOTAL. Clnsolnrs Mill and Lot..l5 ^ 112 ... 1-27 Church 808 ^ 3o3 67 CliHur ;51M) Comiiiir 771 514 273 "*^ 1,558 Concord 106 '36 ... 142 Congrci^s 10 13 ... 23 14 2 ... 16 (\)0]»er's Court 16 1> ... 25 Cordes Council 30 41 ... 71 Court IIouso vScjuare 22 21 ... 43 Cromwell s Terrace 47 2 ... 49 Cumberland 82 33 <) 121 Desportes' Court 1 27 17 45 Doreefs Court 20 5 25 Doughty (il 29 1 9\ Drake..'. 72 76 2 150 Duncan 32 63 61 156 EaHt Jiattery c^ K. l'.ay..S7(i 655 30 1,561 Elizabetli...* .....60 132 70 271 Elliott 105 53 17 175 aEIui How 14 ... 20 34 Exchan<(c Feli.x 10 10 18 47 Ford's Cotirt 1 6 5 12 Franklin 101 98 ... lOO Gadsden 1:56 77 2 215 Friend 172 146 10 328 George 208 267 20 444 Qibbes 21 26 ... 47 Gillon 2 ... 11 Glebe 68 40 ... 108 Green 29 29 7 i)5 Greenhill .10 17 ... 27 t CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 17 STREETS. WniTK Pkhsons. Gr6ve 2 Guiiriiard 86 , Haekors Alley 38 ., Ilai^erman's Court 4 ^ Hniiipdcii Court 46 Ilnmpstead Mall 55 IIaii<»ver 200 Hard's'Alley 80 Ilaniey's Court llasolf 185 Hayiie 10 Henrietta 70 Hester Hey ward's Court 37 H(.rl heck's Alley... ...... 100 Hu.lson '. ...35 llui^er Hunters Court 22 lusjK'ction 114 Islini^ton Court 17 Jasjjer Court 59 John 77 Johnson's C?ourt 11> Judith (35 Kin^r .3^023 Kirklands Lane 6 Lajlson's Court 5 Lamboll 72 Laurel 37 LaureiiH 175 Legare.. 140 Liheiiy '^•A'- ^•' Lightwood's Alley 5 Lilly Court 23 Liniehouse .. Line 244 • Linguanl 1 20 Slaves. FuEK Colored. TOTAL. 48 50 5 1 42 ... 1 39 2 13 19 9 55 21 76 27 11 238 21 6 57 210 13 ^ 408 10 74 85 229 29 29 3 8 48 33 14 147 37 72 3 3 2 24 52 39 205 12 29 28 15 102 153 27 257 19 72 19 156 !,215 99 4,337 15 19 -* 13 18 94 3 169 23 28 88 111 ■3 289 228 368 57 ■) 144 18 23 1 14 38 75 1 156 78 ( 1 399 7 1 128 IH CENSUS OF CnARLKSTOy. STRKKTS. WiiiTK I'KitsoNs. Si.AVKS. FiiKK Coi.oHKi). TOTAL. Lodjre Allev 10 ... ... 10 Loi^an «>') .~t(] 5 120 Loiiiritudc Laiic :58 1<» 1 44 Lucas -l:] 4'.' 17 89 Lviich KIT 15-^ 11 -JT'J Maira/iiu' 1:^7 IIT. 87 2!M) ,\iai(k'ii Italic 20 IC ... :\{j Marion 4H ^4 ... (10 Market 28S 75 4(5 409 Marsh i)8 '38 11 147 Marv 144 129 4i» 322 ,\fazyck 120 98 10 240 Mcliridos Lane 13 20 1 40 MoKc'c'ii^an's Court 14 ... ... U Mc'.NLihou's Court 7 5 ... 12'" Mc-i-tiiitr 1.447 St4r) 104 2,496 Middle 121 02 28 * '^.^' 206 Mill 7. TOTAL. Society 204 1{»5 14 473. South ;")S lU 41) 123 South Jia.v 14i» 231 ... 3S(i Si.rinic-" 4S4 242 73 7D9 State' 3(llt 10^ -JO 431 St. Miehaels Alk'V 10 4 ... 14*' Stoll's Alloy ^^3 41 10 134 St. rhilii. 778 40'.' ir.' 1,306 Thcnias 2;') 47 ... 72 Thompson's Court 1<> 2;i 39 Tradd 835 < 574 26 1,435 Trapinanu 20 44 ... 70 Trout's Court 12 ... ... 12 Truiubo's Court 24 10 ... 40 Unity Alley 7 ... ... 7 Vaudcrhorst IM 140 51i 380 Vendue Kauire 2 ... ... 2 Vernon loi 82 ... 183 Wall 142 75 43 200 AVarren 123 1S!I 43 305 AVashiuirton li'O 174 45 409 Water..!. 70 72 14 150 AVeim's Court 40 23 10 73 AVentworth 092 474 48 1,214 Wescott's Court 30 34 * 5 69 JSTest 29 24 30 83 Vharf 39 (i ... 45 Williain's Uow 39 ... ... 39 Wilson 5 12 17 AVuolJo 173 28 8 209 Wragg 42 55 ... 97 AVragg S(luar^ 31 20 1 58 Zigzag Court 10 7 ... 23 T^^VBLJi:, . SHOWING THE NUMBER, COWnil'CTION, OWNER,OCCUPANT. AND WATiD LOCATION OF E V i: K V n () u s k i n t ii e c i t y *t '» % ;* CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. Op. aike:n^ street. liuns North from Columbus Street to Line Street. ' WEST SIDE, WARD No. 7. No. ■J a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 5 x James M. Eason. Do. James Dunning. Henry White. •Slaves. Albert Cordes. 2 1 1 4 1 ' 6 1 EAST SIDE. .Tolin Christopher. John Christopher. Tr. Est. Mary J. Roilgers. Piiickney D. Rodger.s. Koltert Miindora, f. p. c. 11 ,> 3 1 5 7 9 ATLANTIC STREET. Runs West from E. Bay to Church St. ne.xt street South of Water. ■ \ WARD No. 1. Perry E. Chapman. iPcrrv E. Chapman. Capt. Wm. JI.MeDonald.lCapt". Wm. H. McDonald. Capt. William Mnllins. Capt. William Mullins. Mrs. Ann Mullins. .Tames F. Thompson. Tr. Est. chl'n of R. Mills. N. B. Neff. NORTH SIDE. Est. Henry T. Street. iMrs. Street. Est. Oliver L. Dobson. Capt. Franeis Roberts. Thomas Bonnell. Frederick A. Porcher. .Jacob Allison Lock wood. '.Jacob Allison Lockwood. Mrs.M.& E. McGillivray. Peter C. Lewis. AVilliam J>. I^aggett. | William L. Daggett. •Mary Riley. William Jjamotte. (JrlandoR. Lev}-, Trustee. .lenny .James, p. c. jCharles F. Levy. jJohn" H. MuUer. AsiTTox strep:t. from Xorman St. to C/,r. aipoie. Thomas Dean Mitdiell. Thonias Dean Mitchell. Richard Harrison, f. p. c. 'Unoccupied. Susan Sherrifton. John Martin. Unoccupied. ThomaM <^uirk. Horace K. Wali»ole. 24 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. No. a 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 M Mo IS 20 '>'} 24 20 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 ALEXAXDKR STREET. Runs Xorfh from Calhoun to Judith Street. WEST SIDE. WARD No. 5. - M A O n OWNERS. t OCCUPANTS. Richard R. Doroef, p. e. iTliOnias Kenny. Somerset Mathews, p. e. 'Somerset Mathews, ji. e. Do. Richard E. Dereef, j). c. Mrs. E. S. Teniient. T)o. Do. Eliza W. Deas, p. r J.John (ihisj^ow. i.Folm N. tireirirs. Do I Slaves. Slaves. [Shives. William Deas, p. c William Jleni-y Houston. Charles Koster. Do. Do. Renjamin ^F. Loe. Jfrancis J). Lee. Vtrs. Maria C. Faber. Samuel Sanders. ])o. EAST SIDE Mrs C. II. Bernard. J)o. John Na«^le. Mrs. Ann llamlin and Mrs. Jane (Jadsden. John Mai'shall. Mrs, Jane (Jadsden. i)o. 1)0. Do. Charles X. Duhert. Mrs. pjiuily llayne. Adam K. (Jihson. Trust Kst. of Mrs. M. S. I' Isiiey and children. William .Ma/.yck. E. M. Wliitinif, Trustee. Edward .lames Folger. (.'ordt J)ieckhofl". J)o. Do. Do. Do. M'.erUlev (i. Wilkins. ':\Iurdod. I'. .Matheson. 15oiijamiii M. Lee. I l"'rauois D Lee. \M]t<. Maria (!. P\iher. iT. llarrin<^ton and others. I Slaves. .lohii MoriMsse}'. .Mi's. Sarah Edmund, .lohn Xai:;le. .lohn Dewees. John .Marshall. Slaves. Slaves. Arnold Wi-a^LC. l^- <'• Mrs. Jane (iadsden. Charles N. lluhert. Mrs. Emily llayne. Adam E. (ribson. ^i^s. .M. S. I'incknej''. William Mazyck. Marijaret Felder, p. c. Kdwaivl James Eoli^cr, I'oi't Piyor, ]). c. Slaves. Thomas Mulherin. Daniel Sullivan. Mary Johnson, p. c. c?:Nsrs 01- rii A 1! LESION. 25 AI.LWAY tSTKEET. Bun.* West from JVormnn Street, next North of Ashton Street. ^ SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 8. No. ^ OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 John Ma era til. I.Tohn Ma-rrath. ■^ NORTH .SIDE. 2 4 •2 i 6 8 10 i<*i 12 U 16! 18 iJ (yhriRtiana Kri^oto. Mrs. Eliza C. K. Fludd. William Sam'l Martin. Patrick Kenny. William ,'*^anl'l Martin. Thomas Y. Simons. Do. JV>. Do. 'Christiana Kreete. [Joseph Melnorny. iWilliam Sam'l ^[urtin. James Siiannahan. Unoceupicfl. 'Unooenpied. Thomas Klliott Doyle. Ann Tann. Michael Keefe. A^X tSTRKET. ^ Runs from Elizabeth Street, on. the South suh of t fie Publir Mall, to King Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 5. (Miss Cath'e M. Carsten. ! James Mouson. JMor^iana Jackson, ijoseph Harpool. iMrs. £. Burns and others. Jane Kecnan and slaves. iJas. Corcoran and others. 'John Sheridan and others. G-eorgc M. Martin. *^ jWm. Edwar«l Honour. jMarv Mot I.I. iEmiiia Hf'id :ii'd others. Samuel Y. Tujiper. Frei;;ht I>epot. Mrs. Mary Sigwald. j William Maguire. Unoccupied. [Mrs. Dorothy Schroder. Mr?. Charlotte Cagney. 1 Mis.s (/ath'e M. Carstcn. 3 1 Do. 6 Do. 7 Do. 9 Est. Patrick J. J3(jyce. 11 P. O'Neill. is' James Corcoran. !•'>, 1 .lohn Sheridan. 17, 1 George M. Martin. 19 1 Clans H. Ilarhers. 21 1 Do. 23 1 Do. 25 1 So. Ca. Railroad Co. 27! I Do. NORTH SI 2 1 Samuel Y'. Tnppcr. •1, I So. ("a. IJailroad « "o. 61 1 Mrs. t'Hth'e Oitpenheini 8 I Do. 10 1 Do. 12 1 ' Do. 14 1 Do. 2(1 CENSUS OF'oIIAKLKSTON. AXSOy STTJEKT. Runs North fi<'ni Mnrhft Street, between Church and Kit st Bay >■';•. - />. I" < '.I I /.■■'Hi Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 3. ^ ' No. a o o OWNERS. ^ A ^ OCCUP.VXTS. 1 1 John Voi» Ilollcn. John Von Ilollen. 3 1 Cotton Press. 5 Stores G.\V.\Villiains&("o. 7 William Hockaday. Hockaday 's Stablos. 9 1 J. II. Kornaliiviis. Mrs. Henrietta Werner. 11 1 Edward C'olliiis. Adam Zoller and others. 13 1 Joseph Prevost. Edward IJourke. 15 1 Do. John Kolaii. 17 1 F. AV. (Mausscn. (■lansseu Floui- .Mill. 19 1 Paliiu'tlo Fin' Knsrinc Co. Palmetto Fire En. House. 21 1 Jaeoli Barrett. Moses J. < 'allahan. 23 1 _, r>anicl Tw(d»ill. 25 1 ©avid lian-dw. havid Barrow. 27 1 Jofslnia Huric. Joshua Burie. 29 1 J. and Benj. Lucas. ('apt. John Byers. 31 1 Do." Louis Koester. 33 1 Est. Geo. Thompson. Edwin W. Khney. 35 1 Ann K. Hunt. Nathaniel Hunt. 37 1 A. J. Lawtoii. John C. Claussen. 39 Trust Est. iMi's. .1. IJohiii- 8on and ehildivii. .Mrs. .laiic Keed. 41 1 J)<). Slaves. 43 1 Do. I'jdward Templeton. 45 1 Trust Est. .las. Mathews" cidldrcn. Miss Mai hews. M7 1 Est. John yi. Chisoini. Will. ('. 49 1 Majoi- William Laval. Major William Laval. 51 1 Trust Est. .Mrs. Sarah E. Bro\v4i and children. Mrs. Sai-ali L. Brown. 53 1 JBijeihop Lynch. liev. LiMdi l"'illioii. 55 1 OKlfc. Sarah Dchon. Slaves. 57 1 Do. .Mrs. Matilda Collins. 59 1 J)iaiia J)Uchaiiaii, f. ]>. c. Diana JJuchanan, f. p. c. 61 1 Sarah Drayton, f. p. e. Sarah Di-ayton, f. p. o. C3 3 James P. Earle. L. Iie^;ai'e, f. }). c.,<*t others 65 1 Do. Susan Lc^arc, 1". p. c. 67 1 Do. Do. 69 1 Miss Mary Mann. Slaves. 71 1 Do. Juliana (Jre;;-ir. f. ]). c. 73 1 Michael Cij^iitton. Michael (iralton. 75 1 Do. •> Do. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. AJ^SO^T STREET— Continued. AVEST SIDE, WARD, No. 3. ^ a ■ ■ • - Nr,. s pa 1 o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 77 James Carfl)ll. ^ Unoccupied. 79 1 do. •lames Carroll. 81 ;i John Doufrherty. William Moran. 83 1 do.' Joseph Dothage. EAST SIDE. 2 : 1 Tonliy. jF. Leffman and others. 4 1 f Do. Unoccupied. 6 1 Do. James Chambers. 8 1 Do. William Koch ester. 10 1 Do. Peter Morgan and other.s. 12 1. Do. Unoccupied. 14 I Do. Unoccu])ied. 16 1 Do. Eobcrt Moultrie, f. p. c. 18 1 Miss Jane MoCrady, and chllflron of Mrs. Sarah Trescot. Ilenr^' Trescot. 20 1 Charle.s Clark. Thomas Kennej'. 22 1 Dajihne Hampton. John Nolan. 24 1 Elisha \yhildcn or Mary C. Artman. Francis Osaras. 26 1 f Mrs. Cath. E. Channer. John Bruns. 28 X ^'^ George Dojde. 30 1 Mrs. Ann (Trciner. liOuis Wernicke. 32 1 Do. Mrs. Ann Greiner. 34 1 , Abel McKee. Mary Holmes, f. p. c. 36 1 i Mrs. Catherine Brady. William K. Green. 38 1 Do. Mrs. Catherine Brady. 40 1 H. Jl. Williams. Slaves. 42 1 William P. Knox. William P. Knox. 44 1 i Samuel J. Warner. Thoo. B. Guy. 46 1 1 Martin Dowd. George Confior. 48 Do. George \^mbach. 50 1 Do. John Hiighcimcr. 52 1 Do. Raphael Morillo. 54, 1 , Do. Edward Stehlc. 561 1 I William In^lis, f. p. c. William Inglis, f. p. o 58^ 1 ! Joshua IjixzuviiH. Henry Lilienthal 60 1 ' Do. Carstcn Wiebokc. 62 1 Roger Gannon. John White. 64; 1 John Corhctt. Henry G«Tkt-n. 06 1 ; i Aie.xandrr K. Main. i Mi'xander H. Main. v 28 CENSUS OF t'lIARLK-Toy 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 AXSOX STRKICT— Coiitinuod. ^ EAS» SIDE, WARD Ko. 8. X.. So. u n » o St OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. i^*. Alexander R. Main... ( Mrs. Eliz'th C.rha'/:il. I Do. Alexander K. Main. Alexander R. Main. Mrs. Klizubrtli ('. Chazal. i Dr. J no. P. Chazal's office. iCoopor Slioj). Mrs. llurrit't E. NculVillclMrs. Harriet IvNtMilVille. Mrs. Murlii'ud. J)o. Ann M. Tennoiit. Est. Natliaiiiol Coo Do. Mrn. Mary S. Sullivau E. Bondcaii. Do. Mrs. Mary S. Sullivan John 1*. Kii]». liobert Howard. Do. Albrrt Von Dohlcn. Do. Do. Do. Do. B. G. Ileriot. Do. Do. J. T. Klsworth. Do. (ieorge Cordos. iUno(cu]»ioil. 1 William W. Wilbur. I'utuiiijiic'd. '* Cathcriiu' ^[onighan. James Brady. jMargt. AV. I'inpecl, f. p. c. ICtnma .lam- Holmes. [Daniel L. fJlen. jJurijon H. Ivicp. j.laiic McCJce, f. p. c. IHobort Howard. iKiehard Small, 1". p. e. Rebocc-a l^awson, 1". p. c. Free Persons and Slaves. Van Dohlen's (Jrist Mill. Albert Van Doblen. Jerry Moriarly A: othoj's. Tinner's Shop. Tbos. Braiitb and others. Thomas Me(Jo\\an. Isaac S. K. Els worth. ASIIP: STJiEKT. Ru7is North from Line Street, between Coming and Laurel. ^ WEST SIDE, WARD No. 8. 11 I 1 I John S. Higgs. |Sanuul O'lhar, t. p. c. 1 D( Slaves. EAST SIDE. I [John S. Riggs. 1 Do. jSlaves. I William Ivl wards, 1". p. c CENSUS ot CHARLESTON. 29 ARCIIDALE STKKET. Runs Xorth from Queen Street, nearly opp. Friend Si., to Beaufain. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. "* Nu. 2 a _. o a: n c OWNERS. OCCUPANTS, 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1 i 1 ' 1 1 J. K. Bevin. ^ Do. Moses D. Ilvunis. Do. Do. Jolin Art 111 an. Do. Est. Walter Knox. Thomas R3'an. Etirnne Poincignon. Mrs. M. E. Flagg. Jacol) Schirmei'. Do. German Friendly Societj' Est. Robert F. Henry. Do. Do. Do. William B. Byan. Daniel H. Silcox. Peter llorlbeck. Hope Fire pjiiM<( 'all. I', p. e. William (iilbert Whilden. •lohn Alcl^lroy. Nelson Anderson, 1". p. c. Charles T. W. Sylan. Marx E. Cohen. Walter Cade. Alexander McDonald. James M. Buck. Slaves. (leo. Slirewslieri'V, William (lilbert \V •lohn .McElroy. .lohn W. Mazyek. Mrs. Mary Brown. Edward Simons. Walter Cade. A le.xander ^IcDon; Wiiloiigiiby Wilaoi f. p. c. lilden. aid. ), I'.p.e ■V. .>• CEXSI OF CHARLESTON. A^IILEV STREET— (\)iitinno(L EAST SIDP:, ward No. tJ. Jtn.\ '4 c o © OWNERS. OCCUPANTS.'- 2 Misses C. & A. L.^ston. ^f isses C. & A. L. Al.ston. 4 CharlcH JI. Stevens. William L. Sims. 1 ^ Wm. K. Haskell, Trustee. William E. Haskell. 8 1 1 Benjamiii Ford. licnjamin Ford. 10 1 1 i ■•■ H. C. Sell ruder. Slaves. 12 1 Do. Lewis Waits, f p. c. 14 k Do. IL C. Schroder. 16 :\ M JRobcrt H. Lueas. Eobert H. Lucas. 18 rr William Lucas. Slaves. 20 1 Faltiaii R. Wifkenherg. Faliian R. Wickenberg. 22 , 1 Mrs. Amelia Strobel. William Henry Smith. 24 1 1 J)o. William lAoyd. 26 I • Do. Eliza Selmejd'and others. 28 , 1 Mrs. Alexander E. Ilaig. Mrs. Alexander J^ llaig. 30 1 William .T.Jeffords. W^illiam .J^^fefFords. 32 2 George Chaf*. Srl^iietzer. George CJias. Sehmetzer. 34 ^ 1 tliomas R. Waring.' Thomas R. Waring. EAST SIDE, WARI ) No. 8. 36 1 Cli. of Holy Communion. Marv Parker. 38 -i Rfv. A. Toomer I'orter. Dr. Wm. M. Brailsfurd. 40 . I I'obert N. Gonrdin. Slaves. 42 Charles W. Seignious. .John A. Watton. 44 1 Alexander Owens. Alexander Owens. 46 i ^ Henry Hoffman. Henry Hoffman. 48 1 1 Do. Do. 50' ill Walter Cade. Unoccupied. 62 1 Hannah ^Jelson, f. i). e. Hannah Nelson, f p. c. 54 1 Do. Binah Gadsden, f p. e. 56 1 Do. Slaves. 58 1 Mrs. F. Horsey, farm. Slaves. CENSUS OK CHARLESTON. AMIIKRST STUKKT. Buns West fron\ Bny Sfnet to Xossau Street, the sn}ifh side beituf in Ward No. T) and the north side in Ward No. 7. SOU'^II SIDE, WARD No. 5. K a • -m ' ' No. u o o OWNEKR. OCCDPANTS. • n ^ 1 S. C. Railroad Company. John MePherwon. w'd yd 3 Clementine 11. Hi-rnanl. Micliai'l Fiirl<)ii. c. Kli/.abeth Plwmet. f. p. c Unoccupied. Caroline A. Mustai'il. John F. Taylor. Mrs. Jane R. Wri-dit. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 33 AMERICA STREET. Runs ^'orth from .Judith Street, partly thromjli Ward No 5 and partly through Ward Ao. 7, to Cooper Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 5. Wo. o OWNERS, _ OCCUPANTS. OS ^ ♦ ". 1 George S. Bryiin. Robert Duncan, f. p. c. * 3 Do. Selina Lake, f. ]). c 5 Albert Fiucken. Daplme Moultrie, f. p. c. 7 Do. Slaves. 9 ( Clement 11. Stevens. Slaves. 11 1^^ Of Do. Stephen D. Kirk's w'd yd. 13 ^1 Williiinilveiley. ir. Levin. 15 1 Do. . 17 1 Dudley B. Conistoek. Dudley B. Coinstock. 19 1 John I'^'edk. Steinniej-er. Calvin R. Simons. 21 Henry Gerdts. William Jiringworth. 23 26 \! J. Ct. Crime. William J. Eii/^lund. UnoccupiecL- Patrick JIoHeran. 27 Henry Kuck. Patrick Kencly. 29 « Do. Isaac Cleavcland, f. p. c. 31 Patrick O'Coiinell. Unoccupied. WEST SIDE. WARD No. 7. Crews. Joseph Dercef, f. p. < Do. William S. Henerey John W. Johnson. Warren W. Andrewi Do. George C. Wharton. Do. Do. David W. Davis. M. ('barles Ilcnry. Dennis ('alia ban. Daniel Wood. Browning. J, & W. I'cronncau. f. p. c ITnoccupied. Unoccuj)icd. Slave and free persons. William S. Ilencrcy. John W. Johnson. Benjamin A. Chaplin. David E. Hadger. George C. Wharton. Slcphen D. Kirk. Mrs. Elizalteth Rice. David W. J ►avis, (iabrw'l P. IDxige. Diedrich liuhre. MartiitoKoland. (ienrge llcnry Walker. FJobcrt L<'page. J. it W. Peronncan. f.p.c. Jas. (irant's Biit'bfr pen. J. Gordon's Butcher pen. 34 CENSrs (IF niARI.KSToN. AMERICA STKKET-^Continucd. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 5. V *^ i c ' No. U o o OWNKUS. OCCUPANTS. a 5c - •* ^ •> ■#■ Georije Steward f p. e. 4 Daniel Cox, f. ]». c-. Daniel Cox, f. p. ( . 'g .lohn .ludali, f. ]». e. .laeol) Cannevilie. f. p. e. 8 Est. A. Delia Torre. Hiebanl Canty. 1". ]i. e. 10 Do. Isaae Lei;;ire, f. \). e. 1-J Peter B. .Matlu-ws, 1". p. c. Peter H. .Mathews, f. p. c. 14 Albert Koenneeke. Alliert K«>ennoeke. IG Do. .\lbort Kineken. 18 Est. Geor/xc Tliompsoji. Slaves. 20 1 Do. William G. Channel. 22 1 Do. Lueinda Elliott, f. p. e. 24 Do. .Tohn C. Beekmaii. 2G Do. .\hner L. Hammond. 28 William 'SL Dennis (riiinane. 30 Jiobert lliuiter. Johanna Shei-han. 32 John E. Sleiiimeyer. Christian .M. Olsen. 34 36 AVhitp Unoccupied. Slaves. Est. .Tames ( Jadsden. 38 WiirKiiii .Mel'llroy. William MeEh-i.y. 40 .Josejih I). Aiken. Thomas Harry. 42 .lames Carroll, f. p. e. .lames Cuvi'oll.f. p. e. 44 ('yntbia Hopkins, 1". p. e. Cynthia Hopkins, 1". p. c 4G Jolin Tieiicken. Hay and Gi-ain store. 48 Do. John Tienckcn. EAST SIDK. WAKl) \<.. 7. 50 52 54 .51 ; 5H GO ()2 G4 GG 68 70 72 74 James Mc.M illan. Do. Do. Daniel H. llaselton. .1. Dave-,':i. Iiichai'd. Flemmini;. William Porehei- .\liles. W.MoHuicli iS: N.M.P(irtei-,L;i\vrenei' (Ii-inic8 Wharton and Pctseh. rnocciipied, Do. |.lohn Kriend. Mrs. Mary E. Boyden. Mrs. Mary E. Boy den Chai'les (Iruiier. Thomas ( 'oreoran. Unoccupied. Daniel P. llaselton. •Mrs.Kmma MeP. Cannon. Hi'-hard hMemminij;. Samuel N. Kvans. Est. Michael Cro^an. Henry E. Brandt. Patrick Corcoran. Unoccupied. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 35 AMERICA STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE,>WARD No. 7. t. © O 7() 78 80 82 84 86 OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. Mrs. Mary Dotterer^ Thomas D. Eason. Timothy T). (^orcoran. Mrs. Mfir. .Toftbrds. Tr. Es. Arahclhi S. Tharin. |E. C. Tliarin. John E. Carcw. |John E. Carew. Mr.s. Mary Dotterer. Thomas D. Eason. Timothy J). Corcoran. Uiiof'ciqiied. 8U CENSUS OF CUAKLKSTON. BAY STUKKT. /iun.i from bdoxc Reed St., partly iu Wards 5 and 7, to Cooper St. WF^sT SIDE, Ward No. 5. No. t w e (J OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1! :i 1 ;') I 1 7 1 1 Mra. Joanna D. Ward. iMrs. Joanna D. "Ward. WEST STI)E*^VARD No. 7. Clonu'iit 11. Sti'vciis. ('lenient II. Stovons. Dr. Oc'tavins O. While Josiali 'J'enneiit. Francis Weston. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 7. John H. Thee. jWin. O'Conner. Do. John II. Thee. David A. Carpenter. Josiah Tennent. Unoccupied. BERKESFOIU) STKEKT. Jivns West from Kimj St., (ut. C/i{riinl«'elson. Do. Estate Wni. Pattoii. NOKTII SIDE. Alice Ashley. lAlice Ashley. Margaret Doiitrlas, l". j). c. .Mai\i;aret Douglas. Guy Iiii^lis, f. ](. e. Guy luijlis. f. p. c. Tr. Fst." .Mrs. F. Schroder. Sophia (Ireen. Estate .Miss .Vnii ("oliia. jSani. Fulmer, 1". p. c Marv AIushin!i;ton. pDiiy Mushiiiifton. So. Western 11. K. Bank. Martin O'Domiell. T. W. Bliss — work shoj). Kleaiior Jetlerson, f. }). c. John Musliington, f. p. c. Slaves. < I race Peixotto. Wni. Nelson. .Joseph Pei-i'v. I c)se|ih ( 'anova. BLAKE yXKEET. Jiujis West fro III liiiij Street Jirtvecn Columbus and Cooper Streets. SOITII SIDK. WARD No. 7. 1 1 3 1 5 I 7 1 Jaeoh HaiTcll. ('harlob ^M. Fiirnian. I). O'Calla^dian. John' Molony. Slave. Henry Polanil. (leor^e (". Keckley. I .Matthew James O'Brien. NORTH SIDE. 2 4 6 8 10| 12 Dr. A. M. Forstcr. James S. I Iyer. George 11. Gruber. Robert William Disher Do. Estate Isabella J. E-sr Sarah Welch. James S. llyer. (Jeorgo II. (iruber. Wm. Lewis Disher. Unoccupied. CENSUS OP CHARLESTON. 37 BEAUFAIN STREET. .Rvn.'i West from King Street, nearly opposite Ifasell, to Ashley River. ^ SOUTH SIDE,^WARD No. 4. OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. Dr. A. P. Pelzer. Estate John Chas. Blum Do. Do. Do. John F. Fickcn. Andrew Cunningham. Do. Ann C. Chrietzbortf. Do. B. McCall and wife. Ann C. Chrictzliorg. llai-riet Miulicll, f. p. c Do. pjh'as (iiuclrii, f. p. c. Ann Mitch oil, f. p. c. Eliz. Holloway, f. p. c. Daniel E. Ilujjfer. Richard Holloway, f. p. c Do. ])o. { Dicdri. c. 28 Do. (lustave Kolni. 30 Tr. Est. Mrs. Mary Moses. 32 Do. Slaves. 34 Do. Elizabeth West, f. p. c. 36 Do. Solomon Hyams. 38 Do. Slaves. 40 James Silcox. 42 1 Est. John McKce. Ell ward Perry. 44 Dr. St. John riiillips. Dr. St. John j'hillips. 46 Mrs. 11. G. Nayler. llov. Chas. C. Pinckney. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 3H ^» BEAUFAIN STREET— Continued. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. id* o a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 48 1^ Abraham Moise. William Teppe. 50 1 Do. L. M. Can net. 52 1 Peter C. Schroder. Diedrich Beldt. 54 1 Aaron J. Mosesi Rev. Lucien C. Lance. 56 1 F. Quinhxri McHuirh. J. R. N. Ilamctt. 58 1 Theodore Ilachct. Theodore Huchet. 60 1 James Mashburn. Slave. 62 ^ Do. Harriet Grandy. 64 1 f * Do. Joseph Eager. 66 1 Jaft. R. Maxwell, f. p. c. Slaves. 68 1 Mrs. Matthewcs. Elizabeth Cotton, f. p. c. 70 1 W. Kolsey Stecdman. Unoccupied. 72 .1 Tr. Est. Mi-a. Delia Jarcke. Henry Bushiniif. 74 1 Do. Henry Bulwinkle. 76 1 Thomas P. Smith. Thomas P. Smith. 78 . 1 Sehirmer. Eliza Wheeler. 80 1 Job Dawson. Peter A. Aveilhe, Jr. 82 1 Lewis Grronino;. Lewis Groninj^. 84 1 Thomas Bennett. .James B. Campbell. 86 1 Benjamin Ct. IL-riot. Benjamin G. Heriot. 88 James W. Gray. .Tamos W. Gray. 90 1 Est. F. S. Ca miner. Mary .1. Cammer. 92 1 Est. N. Nathan. David H. Denoon. 94 1 Samuel P. Bennett. Christopher Jenkins. REDOXS ALLEY. liiinving North from Tra<1d to Elliott^ between hJasf Haij and Church Streets. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 1. Bank of the State of S. C. .John Redman and <»tiiors. 2 1 4 1 6 1 S 1 William Doran. S. McGinley. Daniel L. Mc(\arthy. Moses licvy. WEST SIDE. Herckcnwrath, Lesesne & linger. Hugh K. Vincent. Est. Canimer Dutricnx. Mrs. E. II. (ireenland. W. Doran, Board. House. Carmalt crg A C' Slavcx 'Slaves. tV 40 CENSUS OF (HAKLESTON. BULL STREET. Runs West from Coming, between Montngxie and Calhoun, to Ashley River. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. e o o OWNERS. , OCCUPANTS. PS n ^ 1 Est. John Thompson. Hannali Thom]>son. 8 E. A. J. Gary. Eliza l^t-ntham, f. p. c. 5 1)0. Adeline Jlolloway, f. p. c. 7 Do. Jos. M. Tobias and others. 9 11 Henry L. Pinekney and Est. Kamnay. Do. Shives. Elizabeth Pinekney, f.p.c. 13 Louis F. LeBleux. Louis F. LcBleux. 15 1 John C. Simons. John C Simons. 17 Jolin K. Stall. .losepii P. (lermaine. 19 Est. Kiiiloc-h, f. p. c. ,•' Richmond Kinloeh. f. p.c. 21 Mrs. Martha Stewart. Charles Miller, f. p. e. 23 J a no Tjinurg. frcorge W. Fgan. Abraham Mai'kK'v Lee. Peter Van SliaacL MrsiMargaret E. Burgess. J (din H. Seyle. Slaves. Albert Stemmerman. James N. Robsou. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 41 BULL 8TKEET— Continued. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 28 30 Jolni J. Boydcn. thcodoro A. Wilbur. Fjliza Remley, f. p. c. Theodore A. AVil jur. .32 Alexander Calder. Unoccupied. 84 Tr. Est. Anna J. Calder. Alexander Calder. 36 Dr. Francis Y. Glover. Dr. Francis Y. Glover. 38 Mrs. Ann P. AUender. Slaves. 40 Do. Slaves. 42 Misses Dawson. Misses Dawson. 44 1 Est. llonorc Monpoey. .lames M. Alexander. 46 48 50 1 •Toseph .T. Pope. jr. Henrj'- Meyer. Mrs. Cammer & children. .Joseph J. Pope, jr. Henry Meyer. .John Cammer. 52 (^apt. Samuel Alexander. Capt. Samuel Alexander. 54 X Thomas Grange Simons. Thomas Grange Simons.* ^ BEE STREET. Rutis Westfrojii Ruiledge Avenue, North of the Arsenal, to Ashhij River. SOUTH SIDE. WARD No. 6. 1 j 1 jDiana Xcsbit, f. p. c. [Ann Watson, f. p. c. 3J j 1 |Kmma Peronncau. lEmjna Peronncau. NORTH SIDE. ^ Est. Thomas I). Condy. William llohh. A. G.&E. Magrath. 2 1 4 1 6 s 10 12 14 16 18 20 Margaret .lonos and chil. William II. Boring. Thomas M. llorsey. Mar\" C. JiooAe. Augustus D. Dorrill. George K. Kichanls. A. Vanderhorst Dawson. Mrs. Jane Condy. William Pobb. W. .1. .Magrath. Paul .Jones. William U. Boring. Th(Mnas M. Horsey. Miss Maria Z. Langlois. .John ('ommins. George i\. Richards. A. Vanderhorst Dawson BEXSEMAX'S COURT. . TiuriK Norih from Queen .Street, nearly opposite Trapniann Street. WEST SIDF. W \RD No. 4. I 1 jCapt. Beneeniaii Slaves. I I Do. Llohn M<»rion. II Do. Laura Carter. EAST SIDE. 1 iCaptr. Bcnseman. Slnvos. 'f 42 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. BKOAl)- STREET. Jiuns West from Cooper Biver to Ashley River, through Wurds * Xos. 1 ond'l. 'ward No. 1. w e t No. o o OWNERS. OCCUEANTS. w 1 1 ! Pres.&Direcfs State Bk. State Bank. 3 Do. Augusta Di. Co.'s Office. 5 Evans k Cogswell. Fvan^ iV Coii;s\vell. 7 Win. M. Martin. W.M.c^J.C.Martin's Office. 9 11 Wlt««t,«ii>«« \i. Gamhril's ( )niee. S.G. Courtenay, Hk Store. A Samuel G. CourteiKU'. 13 1 Est. Henry W. Conner. H. W. Conner & Co. 15 Pres.cV: Dir'n People's Bk. People's Bank. 17 Dawson & Blaeknian. ^ Dawson & Blaekman. ^ President and Directors r ^ i So. Western W.R. Bank. South Western li. P. Bk. 21 William Jiurnie. .Matthew Oi^iivie's Store. 23 # Henry Alex. J)eSaussure. De Sa assure iSi,Son, and Tjouis I). De Saussure. 25 Wm. Wraffy; Smith. P. J. Porcher.^ Baya. 27 1)0 .VIon/.o J. White & Son. 29 Est. Thomas Hiinu-. Wm. .M. Pelot. ^31 J. F. Church. .1. F. Cliui-ch. 1^33 ( 'i JJiehard i£.. Marshall. Uichard M. .Marshall. 35 i)\\ Kn<^i'ne M. (_'arev. Di-. Fugene M. Carey. 37 Charles Pleniie. Charles Plenijr. 39 James W. Wilkinson. I 'noct ii])ied. 41 « Bichartl Yeadon. Maei>eth & Buist. \- Jacob Steiber below. 43 Love i^ Wieni'cs. Slave. m Do. Unoccupied. 45 Do. Tjovc k Wiengcs' Store. 47 Dunbar Paul. D. Paul c^ Co. 49 Est. Stanislaus Iluard. Tele-raph Office. 51 ])o. Lee'cV .Mikell. * 53 Mrs. E. S. Wilson. David .McKenzie. 53 J • * Do. SaniK'rs. 55 Do. .lohn Finai^an. 57 Do. Joiiii Hroadloot. 59 1 John Drumniond. .lolin Drummond. 61 1 George W. J)iii .ST liKKT— (Continued. NORTH SIDK, WAllD No. 1. — . 1 ^"^ r » - — te a No. o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 14 1 Pros. & Directors of Bank of State of So. Ca. Bauk of the StAto of So. Carolina. 16 1 Werner S. Adams. Adams k Damon. 18 20 1 1 /i* *y-*l*^«-» #«*ii Elmore insurance Co. Law Kani;e. Do. 22 Do. Unoccu|iifii. 24 1 * Do. John S. J^ynii. 26 1 Jlsi. William C. Murray. Jacob Cohen. 28 Do. John Drayton I'ord. 30 Do. 11. P. W^i'lkcr \ C. K. li. Flapjg's oHices. ' 32 1 Est. Wni. C. Gati'wood. Mrs.Jcsse lioenipke's. 34 4 J)o. ('has. E. R. Dniytcm. 36 Do. William Simons. 38 1 i Isaac S. K. Bennett. Isaac S. K. iV-nnctt. 40 i ^. Do. Khett it Fitzsimons. • ^ 42 i h-' ""' E.McCradyi*^ Son i\:pther.S: others. 58 1 Klinck,\Vi(kenber^& Co. !J. ]i.(':nnpl)eirs hiw n'i,•> 24 ICharlcs Dunn. M^lvin H. Wilhur. Jano. Walker, 1". ]). c. James V. Cuinininjjjs. Andreas Poi)pen. Diedrick Hodc. Julia Hil]in'> 24 1 26 1 1 Enielie Lafarge. I Do. 1 Elizabeth J. Mathews. 1 Mary O. Utterniahl. 1 jWin. Given. 1 IBdward Collins. Daniel. Henry. Edward .and John Ilorlbeck. Do. V ^Tacoh Wien/res. 1 Miss C. M. Josephs. 1 E. P.. Storldard & Co. J. Ilarhe^on. • Do. • [Annette Pfcguson, f. p. c. lEuielie Laiarge, f. p. c. iMargaret Brown. JMary O. Utterniahl. Abraham North, f. p. c. lEdward Collins. Gavnt Mansfield. John Cassidy and Others. Salina Hamilton, f. p. c." j.Iohn Guy. Patrick McDonald, 'slaves. [Sarah Holland, f. p. ( 48 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. CALIIO ex. STREET. w e^i Runs from Cooper River to Ashl^ltiver^jBepfirating Ward yo. 3 from JVb. 5, ami Ward Xo. 4 from Xo. (>, the t^outh side of the street being jniitly in Ward Xo. -i and partly in Ward Xo. 4. arid the north side partly in Ward Xo. 5 and partly in Ward No. 6. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. No. B C c OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 1 Ileur}', Daniel. Edward, and John ilorlltt-ek. William Resti^, (irooer. 3 Do. Do. A 1 i^'^'M n rl oi* Ste]>iieM Dinero. 5 Do. Ilenrv ll..rll.eek iS: Bros. 7 Do. Daniel Ali.seally. 9 Do. Mrs. Mary Wiebens. 11 Robert Howard, f. n. c. Martin CauUield. 13 41 Do. Domiiii^uiz Pamos. 15 Do. Antonio Silvas. 17 Do. R. Warren, Tinner. 19 Jofh A. Cook. Kobert Howard. - - Slaves. \ >-^^ 21 1 23 Do. T. Carroll tS: A. Ravencllo'. 25 1 William .lohnsoii. Unoccupied. 27 Do. Unoccupied. 29 V B.»S. IVzMi.t. Slaves. 31 1 John D. Aiken. Benjamin BoUman. 8:5 1 Do. Ceorjfi' 11. Smith. 35 1 Du. .Fohn Winters. V 1 Patrick Rahall. John Coma. 39 1 Est. Thomas 11. Heath. Mrs. Heath. 41 1 John T. Elsworlh. Adolph W. Jjacoste. 4:5 1 William Henry Houston. Kdward Piti-av. f. ji. c. 45 Mrs. Clem. H. Bernard. W. 1). P. Arnau, \)v\vr. 47 Do. (\coY^Qi Murray. • 49 D... Mrs. Wood. 51 Do. Mrs. Mary Kilroy. 53 ]p Do. .John JMyers. 55 Do. Bernard Conly. 57 Do. Francis Cuinsia. 59 . Do. Briil. Connor. 112 George I). Connor. 114 Benjamin .1. Whaloy. John Ifarkcn. 116 Do. John and Ilcnr^- Darken. 118 Tr. Est. M.O. Stoinmeycr. John Fred. Steinmeyer. 120 Do. Mrs. Margaret Withers. 122 J. and Benjamin Lucas. John Johnson. 124 Edward Fogartie. Edward Fogartie. 126 Est. John Kingman. Mrs. MarN' E. Kingman. 128 Henry Kuck. Thomas Ba^-ner, f. p. c. 130 Alexander Ma/yck. Patsey Meyers, 1". p. c. 132 M. J. I' .James JI. White. Isaac N. Tague. 90 Mrs. Kosa A. Moodie. Mrs. Bosa A. Moodie. 92 Mrs. .Susan C. Newton. William Newton. 94 Trust Estate Mrs. B. S. Ilarleston. Dr. Sommers Harleston. 96 Mrs, Martha E. Hewitt. Mrs. Martha E. Jlewitt. 0^ .loim MeG. H. Mood. John McC. R. Mood. 1(10 Catherine KruKc^r. Thomas Gavin. 1(11' Do. Charles B. Drawdy. CORDES STREET. Ruvy Wc^ from Prinleau Sired to East Bay, second aired South of Vendue Range. Stores G, Kinloch &Son. Store h'^»usf Butler & Beo. Caldwell & Bobinson. Do. Store honf»c. St'e h. Ha/nilton Hvam* W.UID No. 1. 1 1 Bi chard Hogan. Caldwell & Robinson. 3 6 Do. 7 Do. 9 '- George Gibbon. 11 Jacob Barrett. •^ 56 CENSUS OF CUARLKSTON. CANNON'S COURT. SOUTH SroE, WARD No. «. No. u s PQ a o o OWNERS. — ^ — OCCUPANTS. 1 3 5 1 1 1 John Hargrave. Do. Wm. C. llilson. Richard N. Lord. Unoccupied. Vfm. C. llilson. CHAPEL STREET. Hims West from the head of Washington to Elizabeth Street, SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 5. 1 Henry A. Torek. 8 Ah'a Gage & Co. Ice House. 5 A James K. Robinson. Peter Gardner. 7 Maria C. Faber. Slave. 9 William 11. Holmes. Slaves. 11 1)0. Free Persons and Slaves 13 Wm. Henry Houston. Solomon S. Solomons. 15 Do. William Fraser. 17 Jonah M. Venning. Edwin (^uinby liell. 19 Edward 1'. Lawrence. 21 Miss Rachel B. Parker. Miss Jiachel B. Parker. NORTH SID] E. 2 1 NortVi-eastern R. R. Co. North-east. R. R. Depot. 4 JiiclianI Arnold. liichard Arnold. 6 John Wcldon. Henry Dosscher. 8 J)i'. Seaman Deas. Dr. Seaman J)eas. 10 EliaH Vanderhorst. Elias Vandei-liorst. 12 Mrs. Mary P. Toomer. Mrs. ^lar}' P. Toomer, 14 Levi J. Moses. Levi J. Moses. 16 Mrs. Mary A. McFeetere. Free Persons and Slaves 18 Do. Mrs. ^laiy A. McFeeters 20 Rieh'd Wilkinson, f. p. c. William ()liver, f. p. c. 22 Do. Francis Perry, f. p. e. Slaves and Free Persons 24 Henry Ebricks. 26 Do. John Kuck. 2H Tr. Est. A.M. Lee & chil. Slaves. 30 Do. Slaves and Free Persona 32 Do. James C. Williamson. 34 Do. William H. Eord, 1". p. c. 36 Do. Mrs. Catherine Madden. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON, 57 CHALMERS STREET. Running from State to Meeting street, between Broad atid Queen. WARD No. 1. ^ 1 » No. Bric Woo OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 Wilbur & Son. Brokers' Exchange. 3 MJ^hael McBridc. Michael McBridc. 5 A. & 11. P. Caldwell. Store house. 7 Capt. James Copes. Stores for Cotton Press. 9 Do. Unoccupied. 11 Do. Mrs. Emily RWey. 13 Archibald McKenzie. Confederate States Court. 15 1 Do. C. E. Kanapaux's office. 17 Depository. 19 1 State of South Carolina. Fire Proof Building. NORTH SIDE. Thos. N. Gadsden's office. Unoccupied. Unoccupied. Slave Mart. Engine U'e German F. Co. John M. Haley. John M. Haley's stables. Unoccupied. Susanna Stevenson. Harriet Fordham, p. c. Patrick Donovan. Planters' Hotel Stables. Unoccupied. Mrs. Dunn. Purcell's Stables. Benjamin Melnnis. Mrs. Joanna Kenned}-. Micliael Kelly. Richard Lewis. David S. Stocking. CIIINQUEFIN STREET. Runs South from Spring Stnrf, nr.ri Wt.'it of ff\.scotf's Court. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 8. 1 |Dr. G. W. Wescott. jUnocCupicd. 1 iCathonne Krugor. 'WiJlijAn Caf«ey. 1 Mrs. F. W. Mitchell. Mri^. F. W. Mitrbcll. 1 Theodore A. Whitney. 1 Do. 1 Ziba B. Oakes. 1 Do. 1 German Fire Engine Co. 1 Est. Joiin Chas. Blum. 1 Do. 1 Do. 1 J. Leslie O'Wen. 1 Moses D. Hyams. 1 Do. 1 Est. Wm Calder. 1 Prot. Ejtiscopsil Society. 1 James P. ?>arle. 8 f , Do. 1 Benjamin Melnnis. Do. Bernard OXeill. Mrs. VanWinkle. Do. # 58 CENSUS OP CnARLESTON. CHARLOTTE STREET. Runs West from Cooper River, next above Calhoun, to Meeting St red. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 5. No. o o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 William Henry Houston. Mrs. Eliza liowand. 3 Do. Hoj^ers Perkins. 5 Do. William Tj. McCaw. 7 Do. Isaae S. K. Bennett. 9 Do. George Cotehett. 11 Mary ^I. Fahor, Unoeeupied. James 1'. (ireen. 13 Cliildroii of. las. F. Green. 15 KolxTt I). ParluT. Kohcrt 1). Parker. 17 Joliii Hamlin. James Beid. 19 Mrs. Jane Gadsden. William H. Hivei*s. •1\ I)i-. Alex'r E. (Jadsden. Dr. Alex'r E. (Jadsden. 23 William H. Holmes. Unoeeupied. 25 1 William fonyors Smith William Conyers Smith. 27 1 William St..l. MazycU. William St. J. Mazyek. 29 1 John Thomas 11. Whito. .lohn Thomas H. White. 31 1 A. A. Colluirii. BoMJamin 1*. (V)lhurn. 33 Henry K. Frost, Trustee. Free and Slaves. 35 « Do. Mrs. Margaret Sheldon 37 Ahra'm I\-ronneau, f. p. c. Ahi-a'm Peronneau, 1". p. e. 39 Charlotte Nelson, f. j). e. Charlotte Nehson, f. p. c. 41 1 \i. and S. Morrison, f. p. c. 11. and S. Morrison, 1". p. e. 43 Dr. .John 11. Honour. Dr. John H. Hononr. 45 .Miss Ann ('. Fmilinelto. .Miss Ann C. Emiliiirtte. 47 2 Dr. BenJ. A. Kodri^ues. Slaves and friH" pi-rsons. 4;> Leonard Weissintjer. l?iol 51 Do. John 11. Mortitt. 58 William Henry Houston. Miss Martha .McGee. 56 John MePherson. Thomas E. 11. Miles. 67 • Eliza C. Deas, f. p. (;. Mrs. Mary C. Gayer. NORTH SIDE. 2 John Doiif^herty. (Jt'orge King. 4 (1 Do. Do. Mrs. .Mary Ann Dupre. Unoeeupied. s Mrs. l'>llen Tweed. Mrs. I'^liza P^ans. K Mohn Harh'sion Head. Dr. Danii'l Hamilton. 12 , 1 Mrs. M. S. Martin. Mrs. M. S. Martin. 14 1 1 J. D. Aiken. J. D. Aiken. IC 1 Est. A.&M.L. Hevward. Walter Blake Heyward. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 59 CHARLOTTE STREET— Continued. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 5. No. o o © OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 18 20 22 24 26 1 1 1 1 1 Mrs. Mary M. Fabcr. William 11. llolnics. Dr. John Ball Waring. Jonah M. Venning. William Henry Houston. Mrs. C. E Bennett. William H. Holmes. John Harlcston. Jonah M. Venning. William Henry Houston. CUMBERLAND STREET. Buns West from East Bay to Meeting Street, between Queen and Market Streets. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 151 1 I 171 19 21 28 1 SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. Thomas Grarrety. Do. Do. Do. Est. Isaac Barrett. Do. Tr. Est. Mrs. E. H. Mani- gaiilt. Tr. Est. Mrs. Mary W. Whitney. Dr. Robert Lebby. X. F. Petit. F. J. Iiolando. John H. .Jnnirbluth. Andrew Farrely. Slave. Elizabeth Roberts. Mar}- A. Gardner, f. p. e Elizabeth Cheves, f. p. o Phoebe Lewis, f. p. c. Unoccupied. Mrs. Mary W. Whitney. Dr. Lebby '.s Office. N. F. Petit. Michael Magher. John U. ' Jungbluth. NORTH SIDE. 2 1 4 6 - 1 8 1 10 1 12 1 14 1 16 1 18 1 20 1 22 1 24 1 1 26 1 28 1 30 1 James McLcish. J)o. Do. Rev. Patrick O'Neill. Otis J. Chat'ce. Thomas Garrcty. Joseph M. Aingcr. Do. Charles E. Baker. Do. Henry Wittschen. Phers, f. p. c. E. Levy, f. p. c. COURT HOUSE SQUARE. Jiu7is around the Court House, from Meeting to Broad Street WARD No. 2. State of South Carolina. Wm. R Smith. Mrs. S. M. Kiddeli. Mrs. Susan E. Gaillard. James W. May. 1 2 3 4 5 1 7 Do. Mrs. Margaret StoU. Unoccupied. Mrs. S. M. Kiddell. Mrs. Susan K. (iaillard. J as. W. May and others. Daniel H. Xcmnie. J. F. Beckman. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 61 CLIFFORD'S ALLEY. Eu7is West from King Street, between Queen and Clifford Streets, to Archdale Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. ii o o o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 Richard Yeadon. Slaves. 3 1 Win. Heine. Slaves. 5 Samuel West07i,f. p. c. Slaves. 7 Thomas W. Malone. Slaves. 9 EHtate .Tohn L. llcdley. Slaves. 11 Richard Yeadon. Slaves. 13 Do. Slaves. 15 Mrs. C. Brady. Slaves. 17 Do. Slaves. NORTH SIDE. Thomas W. Malone. iSlavcs. Do. Estate Abraham Tobias Hughes. Slaves. Slaves and white. Slaves. COLLEGP: STREET. Runs Xorth from George Street, between St. Philip and Coming - Streets, to Calhoun Street. ^ WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. 1 3 5 1 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 25 i 1 27 1 1 2 1 j 1 4 1 1 Abraham Abie) Holies. Do. Cecelia Bourie, f. p. c. Mfs. E. F. Shackelford. Est. Dr. John Bellinger. Elizabeth Holloway. S. Weston and W. B. Clarks' children, frcorgc A. filovcr. Cornelius Holloway. Wm. Kelly. Elizabeth Holloway. Richard Holloway. Do. EAST SIDE Wm. Aiken. Do. Herman H. DeLeon. Slaves. James Shaw. Capt. Isaac Parker. Mrs. ¥j. F. Shackelford. •*# A. N. Bellinger. C. H. Brow^ning. Richon Holloway. (jcortre A. (Hover. Isaac Holloway. Ann J. Lewis. Eliza Young. Unoccupied. lleinry WitcoRgky, jMr». (^'la'*'' |prof. Lewis R. Gibbw. 62 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. CHURCH STREET. Jluns yorth from South Bay, between East Bay and Meeting Street, thruuyh Ward No. 1 and partly through Ward No. 3, to Pinckney Street. WARD No. 1. No. u s «_ OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. ^ 1 1 Mrs. Eliza P. llaync. Mrs. Kliza P. Havnc. 3 1 (Miuilos 11. West. Charles 11. West'. 5 1 Tlioinas Y. Simons. Thomas Y. Sinions. 7 1 John 11. BuiUo. John 11. liui'ke. 9 1 Mrs. J. S. and M. A. Snow- den. Mrs. J. S. and .M. A. Snow- den. 11 1 John Stellinf^j. Gcorno n. Linstedt. 18 1 Est. Richard CMarkc. Ferdinand .M. (Jrei^ory. 15 1 Dr. .loscph Johnson. .Miss Eliza .1. Barker. 17 1 Tr. Est. Mrs.A.JI. Elliott. Unoeeii|)ieil. 19 1* Charles Love. Chai-les Lovo. 21 .lohn C. Lea. John C. Lea. 23 William E. MiUell. William K. Mikell. 25 Est. J)r. Chas. L. Deasel. Charles V. llanekel. 27 Geor^'e S. Bryan. (Jeori^o S. Bryan. 29 Do. Mrs. Vorhies and Riissel. 31 Do. Daniel McSweeny. 33 Est. Elizaheth Xabb. Slaves and Free Colored. 35 Do. Do. 37 Mrs. Ellen Robertson. Mrs. Ellen llobertson. 39 Est. W. S. Dewar. Mrs. Dewur. 41 Mrs. Margaret Norman. Mrs. Mar-faret Norman. 43 Mrs. Catherine Hrown. .Mrs. Anna E. Wilkie. 45 J. S. R. Kvans. Samuel Blaek. 47 Mrs. Elizabeth .lacoby. Freilerick Sehnaars. 49 Dr. L\'ter J'orcher. Dr. Peter Pore her. 51 Est. Win. C (latewood. Dr. Wm. E. D. Jeuson. 53 Do. John Brown. 55 Child'n of .las. Mathews. Josejih hraulman. 57 Charles 1). Carr. Mrs. Mary lverre«;an. 59 Est. Mrs. .Mar^a't Munro. Slaves. 01 _ William M.-Lean. Samuel Collins i^ others. 63 f 1 Daniel Iloi'lbccU. Patrick Doran k others. 65 William JL Walker. Charleston Cotton Press. 67 - William 11 Walker and James Poyas. William Newnan. 09 ].Mrs. S. 11. Lovei^roen. .lohn 11. Grotheer. 71 William Callahan. William Callahan. 73 Est. Isaac Rarrett. Isaac Levy and others. 75 1 W. C. tjatewood, trustee. Slaves. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 63 2 1 CHURCH STREET— Continued. WARD No. 1. ti «■ 1 No. o o ^ OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 77 Mrs. Campbell. George Bahntge. 79 Do. Adolph Engelbach. 81 Charl'n Librarj^ Society. John McKenzie. 83 Do. Henry Willis' Office. 85 James Copes. Store house. 87 William Kyan. Unoccupied. 89 .James Copes. Calhoun Cotton Press. 91 Do. William Ham. 93 Thomas O'Brien. Mrs. Eliz. A. (xitsinger. 95 1 Est. John Preston. Dierlrich Wm. Ohiandt. 97 1 Archibahi McKcnzie. Archibald McKenzie. 99 1 Est. William Calder. (xeorge Cordes. 101 Do. Joseph Dallas. 103 Do. John Lafitte, Barb. Shop. 105 1 Do. Planters' Hotel. WARD No. 3. Th08. McMillan and Mary Patrick. Mrs. E. M. Sweeney. Mrs. Frances Harvey. John F. Wittschen. (leorge Hamlin and D j Fairchild. 1 C. L. Blase. 1 Dr. Francis Y. Porcher. f Charleston Gas Light Co. jGas AVorks and Offices. Do. |Cornelius B. Webb. Theodore Cordes. John Walcott. Thos. McMillan and Marj- Patrick. William Kruse. Mrs. Nora Morgan. John F. Wittschen. John Collins and others. John Stelljes. lildward Kevlin & others. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 1. Capt. James Welsinan. jCapt. James Welsman Do. Trust Est. Mrs. Caroline L. Yates. F. C. Matthiessen. .Andrew Wallarc. [Capt. James Welsman. j. Do. Jno. Cheeshorougii, trua. .W. T. McDonald , jR«»bcrt Forbes. iJoseph PrcTost. William Gourdin Young. Quincy A. Damon. F. (\ Matthiessen. Bev. William B. Yates. Misses Bates' Aradomy. Mrs. Margax^^t Lowndes Mrs. Margaret W. Bowen. JJ«v. John A. Porter. Slaves. Samuel Hancock. 64 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. CIIFRCTr STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 1. w e No. o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 24 1 Mrs. Eleanor Campbell. Mrs. Eleanor Campbell. 26 1 CharloK T. Mitchell. Mrs. Maria Hopkins. 28 Paul Wiirlnll, r. p. e. Paul WiLrJiill, t. ].. e. 30 32 1^1 lice I'lllll^^ 1 llOlll*!^ Mrs. Ann Mullings. Mrs. Ann Mullinijs. 34 1 Wm. Trout. Mre. E. W. Howard. 36 Haiman Knee. 38 1 Do. Henry Von Lintii^. 40 Honrv Iloi^arth. Henry Hoijarth. 42 Mrs. "Mary Tucker Eyan. Mrs. Mary Tucker Ryan. 44 Miss Kliza 0. Cromwell. Miss Hliza (). C'l'oinwell. 46 1 Harriet Ucilbron. .\ustin (lould. 48 i)o. Mrs. Anna C. Lesesno. 50 1 A. R Mitchell & Co. Wm. Sims. 52 Miss M. J. Capdeville. Miss M. J. Capdeville. 54 Christ()]»hor Nelson. (M)i"istopher Nelson. 56 1 A<5nes i{(>l)ert8. Mrs. Marijaret A. ]\[or80. 58 1 Samuel Y. Tupper. William II. Swinton. 60 1 Eliza Mills. Charles Muth's Sho|). 62 1 Thos. Lci^er Hutchinson. Thos. Lci^er Hutchinson. 64 1 Mrs. Jane Ancrum. Thomas IJ. Swirt. 66 1 Iloljert Mure. Hohert Mure. 68 1 Wm. Jfenry Walker. Wm. Henry Walker. 70 1 Sai-ah Nahl). John Scholl. 72 Daniel 11. Furst. Wm. pollers, 1". ]>. e. 74 1 Do. John Monsees. 76 1 Fruncis Police. Pi-ederick Momeier. 78 Do. Francis Middleton. 80 1 Do. P"'rancis Police. 82 1 Do. Charles (Iravell. 84 Aaron S. Williiii^ton. Francis Lehutle. 86 Do. T. Hi-owii, Barber, f. p. c. 88 1 .J(;hn Phillips. J Phillips & 1{ S. Duryea. 90 1 Klinck & Wickenbcvi.':- Sloie house. 92 1 Do. John Klinck. 94 1 James Copes. Stoic house. 06 1 Est. Mary Chapeau. Frcd'k Brailsford. 1. \>. c 98 1 Do. Cluionce Levy. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 65 No. 100 1 102 1 104 106 1 108 110 1 112 1 114 116 1 118 120 1 122 1 124 1 126 1 128 1 130 1 132 134 1 136 138 1 140 1 142 1 144 1 CHURCH STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 1. ^ OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. [Est. Mrs. Mar}' Chapeau, Mrs. Rose Casey. Moses D. Ilyams. Do. Est. Daniel Macauley. Corporation of French Calvinistic Church. Daniel B. Dupont. Phihp Boy Kan. II. 11. Von Eitzen. Rachel Bush, f. p. c. Dr. J. Leslie O'Wen. George Allison. WARD No. 3. Mrs. Rudulph. .Tacob Allison Lockwood Mrs. Catharine Early. Do. Thos. L. Quackenbush. Do. John Molony. Do. Do. Do. John D. Kennedy. William Aiken. Do. Do. Do. (i. W. Williams & Co. William Ilockaday. Mrs. Milnor, Boarding. .7. A. Lockwood. Ilarman Hafkcnschiel. James O'Neill. Michael Mclneruy. v' Thomas L. Quackenbush. John Molony. Do. Do. Do. John D. Kennedy. Mrs. Marg't Fitz'patrick, Do. Dr. John Oberhausser. Roger (ran n on. Store house. Ilockaday's StabloH. Runs 2 1 1 4 6 8 10 12 CROMWELL'S TERRACE. West from Franklin Street, two doors below Magazine, to Smith Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. 1 jSamucl Thos. Cromwell. iJames Bigley. 1 I ^^- ISamuel Thos. Cromwell. NORTH SIDE. Samuel Thos. Cromwell. IJamos. Mr Mahon. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Mrs. Sarah C. Biickner. CornfIiuf« Bigley. John Flynn. Mrs Cath'c Hojverson. John McDonahJ. 66 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. C0LU5!BUS STREET. Runs We^t, bettreen Amherst and Blake Streets, from Cooper River to Kin. c. J. M. Howell. 93 Sarah A. Moor) i end. William Rcnnett., 95 Kobert Howard, f. p. c. EmmeMne Martin, f. p. c. 97 John C. Wohlers. John C. Wohlers. 99 Do. Martha Cochran, f. p. c. 101 Do. Adeline Blanej', f. p. c. Kia 1 Bcekman McCall & wife. T'^noccujiied. 10.^ Est. Cohen. Rachel Heard, 1. ]>. c. I. Casey. Frederick Wm. Klaren. Bai'lliolonu'W Kaily. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 4. 2 1 j 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 12 1 14 1 Abraham Moise. Do. Do. Dr. Elias Ilorlbeek. Do. Caroline Mehrtens. Do. Emeline Martin, t'. p. c. Elizabeth Geo. Cantwell. Mary Smith. (Jeortcc Saunders, Dr. Klias Horlbeck. ('arolinc Mehrtens. Bar lioom. CENSUS OF CHARLKSTON. 71 COMING STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. in! Caroline Mehrtens. Edward White, f. p. c. 18 Do. Charles Kodgers, f. p. c. 20 Mrs. Charlotte A. Birch. Mrs. Charlotte A. Birch 22 Dr. Win. A. Berry. Edward Winslow. 24 Trust Estate Ann Nascr. Charlton Henr}' Bird. 26 !• George C. Hey ward. George C. Hey ward. 2S Hopkins, Hudson & Co. John J. Cohen. 80 1 Wm. (yurrington. Wm. Carrington. 32 Scott K. Brown. Scott K. Brown. 34 John Ashhurst. John Ashhurst. 36 Wm. Brunycs. Benjamin F. Moise. 38 1 John O'Mara. Lorenz Savinovich. i& Est. (loorge Thompson. Isabella Peace, f. p. c. 42 Ann Shepherd. Frances A. Slu'))her(|. 44! 1 Do. Robert Henry Kason. 46 1 1 Oran Basse tt. Oran Basset t. 481-"' 1 Wm. Alhert .Shepherd. Wm. Albert Shepherd. .5(1 1 Estate (icorgc I'arrott. Michael H. ('ollins. o2, Morton Dereef. f. p. c. Wm. Fields, f. p. c. 54 Jeannette Bonneau, f. p'. c. Jeannette Bonneau. f. p. 56 Jacob Weston, f". p. c. Jacob Weston, f. p. c. 58 ( Do. Margaret McGuffic, f. p. 60 1 Grace O'Sullivan. (irace O'Sullivan. 62i 1 John Johnson. John Johnson. 64i 1 Henry Horlbeck. Wm. McK. Morgan. 66 Do. .Margai-et Ann Parsons. 68 J. f>crcef'. truH. B. Kin loch. lienjainin Kinloch. f. p. 70| Wm. McKinlav, f. p. c Francis Gardin, f. p. c. 72 Do • Wm. McKinlay, f. p. c 74 Do. John L. Lunsford. 76 1 Nicholas W. Darrdl. Nicholas W. Darrell. 80 82 1 84 86 88 90 1 EAST SIDE, \VARD No. 6. Mrs. Kingman. Mrs. Sarah Saxe. JacoD F. iSchirmcr. John H. Miller. l>o. iFreo |Kev. A. P. Smith 72 CBNSne OP CIIARLRSTON. COMING STKEKT— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 6. Mo. S e o OWNERS. ■'y OCCUPANTS. 1 pa ^ 92 1 Esl-. Lewis V. Martin. Lewis V. Martin. 94 1 Mrs. Mary St. Aniaii[:iiy Cross, f. ]). V. 5 ') George McKiiil:i\ . l. p. c William .IoIiiiskii. I. p. c. 7 1 Do. Slave. 9 2 John C. Wohlcns. Frederick Kvans, \'. p. c. 11 J)o. Nancy Ta* (irant, i\ p. c. 13 Rebecca Tborn. f i>. < Hebecca TIkh-I), 1". p. c 15 Do. Slaves. 17 1 James E. Walker. Slave. IJ) Do. Palriek Fallon. 21 1 Cathcritje Wolton anie(l. NOKTII SIDE. 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 12 1 U 3 16 2 IS 2 L'O •< •>•> 1 ■1\ 1 John ('. Wolders. Do. E. .1. KiMi:;man. .lacob Wesloii, f. ]i. c Do. Do. Maria Weston, 1". p. <•. Sjirali Johnson, f. p. c. Fosejth A. SandiTs. Jane W. Peilifonl. f. p. c Slave. Mary A. Bass. ^lartha lleiilmrn. Slave. Slave. Charles Uasell. f. |.. c .lames Spcneer. I'. i>. c. Isaac Porrjf', 1'. p c l^nocciipio(" \Vm. II. Oshoni. r. p. e. iWm. \\. OsIioimi, I', p. e. Charles l{. Hrewsti-r. jSlave. DRAKK STREET. Runs North from below ffcid Street, piirthj throtajh Wurd Xa. ;"> and jK'rt/i/ throuijh Ward X". 7, to the marsh of Cooper liicur. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 7. jDiedrieh Kassens. i Edward Ityan. 1 iTiniothy .Melnerny. Timothy Mcintriiy. 1 J. V. Ulacklock, i^uardian.C'ast. ( lirardeuu, f. p. c. I I 3 1 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 Henry .M. Mani^ault. John MilMu-rson. •lohn Blake, .lohn Clarence Cochran. Jatflcs M. Ivison. William B. Stei'dman. Jacob Barrett. IFenrv .M . 3fanigaiilt. .Miss McBhersou. .lohn Blake. Llolin CI:lr^nco Coehi-an. .lames M. lOason. William B. Steedman. |jacob Barrett. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 77 DRAKE STKKET— Contimioa. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 7. No. ^ OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 .('loment H. Stevens. 1 Dr. Octavius A. White. 1 Mrs. Catherine Ivabruce. William ir. Ward. I.Iuhn Spell. 'Mrs. Catherine Labruee. /??/?!.' 1 3 1 5 7 9 11 ELM ROAV. East from f^ominf] Sfrrcf. hrtrccen Cannon and Spring . WEST SIDE, WARD No. 8. ' Thos. S. Wright, f. p. c. Unoccupied. Julius Plielon, f. p. c. Charles R. Brewster. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. jRodoIi»h Mosely. Jane David, f. p. c. ISoh.mon G. W. Dill. •> ' \ 4 j 1 H 1 1 8 1 1 10 1 EAST SIDE. Charles R. Brewster. Sarah Ann Carter, f. p. c Do. Do. Do. Do. W'illiain Oliver Davey. James Christian Dupre. Isaac Prioleau. f. p. e. Peter llcrturctter. EXCHANGE STREET. Hniis Eti.^t jrniii East Bay, immediately to the South of the Custom Hfiuxe. SOUTH SIDE. WARD No. 1. 1i 1 HI 1 7 9 11 1.3 15 17 19 •-'1 Mills & Beach. Do. William (/. Dukes & Sons. Do. W. R. Brailsford. William Aiken. 4ti9 Mills. 't 1 : 4 1 1 6 1 Hi 1 1) 1 Min« Unoccupied. Do. Do. Do. Robert B. Cha]iman. F. C. & S. C. Blark. C. M. Olson. Julius A. Blake. Port "Warden's office. Davis, ?>dwards«!t \Vitscll. Unoccupied. NORTH SIDE. k Beach. Do. Otis MilltH k Cf 'Do. F. (i. Rolando. Williau) Parker Holmes, j Henry P. Ru8i«ell & Co. I Brick Stores, unoccajticd I Do. Bell^ Bolando. Cr>o|H5n". 78 OBfSirg OK (;7 « lia Louis D. De Saussure. John Raven el. William Ravencl. Do. Jaraea G. Holmes. CharleH Alston. Daniel lleyward. Francis .1. Porcher. Daniel Ravonol. Norman M. Porter. Mi*8. Mary A. Wrag^. John Kaven Matthcwes. Wihnot G. DcSaussure. Dr. Thomas L. Ogier. William Plane. Charles T. Lowndes. » Dr. Wm. C. Pavenel. Alonzo J. White. Mrs. A. Porter & chihlren John Kirkpatrick. Alexander R. Mitchell. Do. •"^ Do. Ilenrv Bischoff. U. lUilwinkel. Henry Bischoff. Tr. Est. Mrs. A. (iordon. Henry Bischoff. Est. J. I'etcr Wienholtz. derick Wienholtz. crt Bischoff. Thomas Najncr. rge B. Lajnh. harles N. Hnhort. Louis D. De SauHsnre. John Ravenel. Alfred F. Ravenel. William Ravenel. James G. Holmes. Charles Alston. Daniel lleyward. Francis J. Porcher. Daniel Kavenel. Rev. T. R. C. Peck. Mrs. Mary A. Wra/]i;g. John Paven Matthcwes. Wilmot G. De Saussure. Dr. Thomas L. Ogier. Mrs. Mary A. Jettbrds. Charles T. Jvowndes. Dr. Wm. ('. Ravenel. Peter C. Gaillard. Unoccupied. John Kirkpatrick. Ed. L. Prince and others. Samuel C. Barr. ^ Henry Lewith. Eihe Struss. Pinkus Pinkushon. *'^ Henry Stelling. Mrs. Martha E. Adams. John Wulhurn. Henry Schultz. Frederick Wienholtz. J. & D. Gotjen. Joanna Barragan. Thomas K. Pyan. Charles N. Hubert. 1 1 73 75 Ilcnkenwrath, Wragg & llcrckenwrath, Lcsosne, {V». Huger & Co. Do. John (iadnden King. Hugh K. Vinrent. Hugh K. Vincent s store. < harles H. West. Charles H. West & Son. 80 i:i;j I 135 137 139 141 148 145 147 149 1 I 1 1 1 ' ("KN.-l > Hi ( II Ai:l.l.>liiN. KA8T BAY STHKKT— Continued. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 1. No. 1 n ^ 77 1 70 1 81 1 88 1 85 87 '89 1 91 1 93 1 95 i 97 _ 99 1 101 108 1 105 107 1 109 1 111 li:{ 115 1 117 1 119 1 121 1 123 1 125 1 ' VJ^T 12U 1 vu OWNKUS. OCCUPANTS. Moses 1). Ilyains. William Aiken. Ks(. ( 'asimer Diit ri«'ux. .1. M. Ostendoi-tt-. \ Do. ( Do. Ilenrv JJimken. f Alexander W. Black. I Do. J.Stellin<;A:KsUr.Dosf]ier Est. (Jen. S. Cfuiksliank. Kst..Ipaac Bailc}-. Do. Do. Do. Evans & (^ogswcll. ■ Pres.\- Dip. ofSLate Bank. Pres.iV Dir. liaiik ofSo.Ca. Est. Louis Y. ("liii|H'in. Aaron S. Willin^ton. iSo. ('a. Insurance Co. Aaron S. Williimton. Tr. Kst. Mrs. M. K.Cook, (ieor/^e W. lirown. Kst. M . Lyons. Do. D... I'riN. \ Dir. IManters' & .Meeiianics' Bank. jPres. it Dir. Fanners' &. I Ex<'lian^e Hank. Zil.a H. Oakes. Trcs. iV Dir. rnioii Haul; !J. S. & II. Missn.on. ! ( Patrick .1. Coo^an. j Do. J. B. Cainpl.ell. .Iose|ili ( 'olu'ii. Etieiiiir l''>iiiei''non. 'Lacoste & Son. Rifjgcrs. .Mrs. Uelteeca (ioodman. .lolin Ilenrv Wrede. Henry Wiltselien. Isaac .lacolis and others. ICharles Michaels. ;M. .Facolis. jlleiirv Sunken. lAlexander W. Black. Clias. F. Westrrlund. Henry Tliees. (iraber iS: Thode. Carina It & BriLri;s. jjolm W. Wretie's stuiv. Mrs. (,'heney. Unoccupied. 'Evans & Co<;s\vell. 'Mercantile l^-ad. licuni. W. (J. (Jil.I.s. Charles lyitchi^i. tavern. 'Oflice S. C. Insui-ancc Co. 'Courier Ottiee. Auii^ustus Cook. '.lanus Kcinu'dv. 11. II. De Leon'. ITnoccupied. Planters' iV Mech. Haidv. l'\irnicrs' ^ lOx. Hank, r.ce A: Silcox. rni(Ui Hank. /ad...k .Miller. I'airicU .1. Coopfan. W. H. Il.riot's Ins. Office. .Martin .NH-ycr. I'ati-ick .1. Coo.* Etienne Poinci^non. Do. Bernard O'Neill. Do. Rachel J. Barrett. Est. Isaac Barrett. James Walker. J. l.k ('. D. Farrar. Pros. «k Dir. Pianlcrs' &. Mechanics' Bank. Est. James Marsh. Otis J. Chafee. Do. Mrs. (iracc O'Sullivan. Do. Mrs. B. E. Touhv. Do. I arnum & Dotterer. Do. Do. 1 II L.Jnkcn,J.&R.G. ,CJiisolm. 1 1 Do. rrr Unoccupied. Strol.el .t Phillip.'*. John F. O'Neill. Earl OS Austin, llayne & Yates. Rcnneker & (i lover. Albert Jiischoft". John A. l^urckmyer. Unoccupied. James Walker. Mrs. Caroline Stelling. Unoccupied. S. Wyatt & Co. Bernard O'Neill. I Mrs. Fogarty & Melchers. jjulius Wm. Meyer. Simons Brothers. [Cadow, McKcnzie k Co. Farrar, Brother & ('o. I Francis Murphy. jUnoccujned. Chafee. Crott & Chafee. Slaves. Unoccujjied. Jos. Sjicar and others. Theodtjre B. Guy. Mich'l Mason and others. Unoccupied. Farnuni & Dott«r»r. ,r.. ■ ■ .1 ,Er. . ■» 82 c'l..N-t > uh riiAKl,i:,-TuN. EAST BAY STREKT^Continncd. WEST SU>£, WARD Ho. i. No. w u n a C o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 227 1 Mies Harriot Pinckney. Miss Harriot Pinckney. 229 1 Mosi's J). Ilviiins. George O'Neill & others. 231 1 ( Henry (ierdts. John D. Lesemaun. 233 I 1)0. Henry (Jei-dts \ Co. 236 1 Dr. John P. Scliaffnor. Frederick W. Wagner. 237 Do. Paul Poinsett, f. p. e. 239 1 Frederick Sohulkon. John 11. llaesloop. 241 Alonzo .1. Wliitc. Jacques (iotti. 243 1 Do. Ferdinand Christmann. 245 Howard i*t .\iicriim,f. p. e. Thomas OSullivun. 247 1 ( Ann Fraiuis, f. p. c. Ann Francis, l". j). o. 249 j D... Unoccupit'd. 251 1 Catherine Pritchard. Edward C. Pritchard. 268 ■' Otis J. Chafee. Unoccupied. 265 1 George Kinloeli. Slaves. 267 1 Do. Eliza Lindsay, f. p. c. 269 1 Do. George Kinloch. 261 1 Do. Unoccupied. 263 1 Joseph (lu.y. " Edward Purtel. 265 1 Zsidofk Miller. Zadock Miller. 267 1 John 11. Sehreincr. John 11. Schreiner. 269 1 Do. William K. Steedman. 271 1 ChfirlcH W. SeigniouH. ('. W. Seignious. 273 1 James (i. Hohnes. Unoccupied. 275 1 Charles 1 ley ward. Charles I ley ward. 277 1 T. J. Shingier, trustee. Zimmerman Davis. j^y 1 Tr. Est. S. D..Whilden. %1 1 Williatn J. (i ray son. William .1. (Jrayson. 283 1 M. D. Strohel. Thomas 11. Croft. 285 1 Cicoi-gc K. Richards. Benjamin Ellis. 287 289 ( llarrnan D. Sahlrnan. 1 Do. /^jkl^mtiitt I John D. Hulwinkle.^ 291 1 Mrs. S. M. McIMierHon. Mrs. S. M. Mcpherson. 298 1 Joseph Alex'r KoliiiiHon. Joseph Alex'r itohinson. 296 1 Trust Estate Samuel D. Stoiiey and wife. Samuel I). Stoney. 297 1 CliarU's W. Seii^nioue. Charles W. Seignious. 299 1 1 Dr. William Hall. Dr. William Hall. 301 1 1 William M. Martin. William M. Martin. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. EAST BAY STREET— Continued. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 3. .83 No, id PQ a o o OWNERS. "' OCCUPANTS. 303 1 Miss Mary Henry and Mrs. Ann Ross. Mrs. M. .1. TimnionH. 305 1 Do. Miss Mary Henry and Mrs. Ann Ross. 307 1 Misses Sarah' & ('. White. Misses Sarah & C. White 309 1 Mrs. Frances Hlamyer. Mrs. Frances Blanncr. 311 1 Henry Hnlbeck. iW. B. Heriot. 313 1 Do. 315 1 William A. Wilson. William A Wilson. 317 1 Unoccupied. fft EAST SIDE, WARD No. 1. John G. Milnor. iJohn G. Milnor. Southern Wharf Comp'y.|Henry L. P. McC'ormick. Jos. Ainger's cooper shop. Store house. E. Mills, Beach & Co. Unoct'upied. Do. Otis Mills. Do. Charles N. Hubert. John IJavencl. Do. William Ravenel. Do. Alexander IJobcrtsrin. William H. Trapmann. A. Vanderhorst Dawson. Est. James Adger. Do. E. Mills, Beach & Co. R<^)bert A. Prin^dc. Andrew McDowall. B. L. Simons and others. . iGharlcH T. Mitchell. Do Tr. Est. M. M. A Smyth. Mitchell King, trust'CC. Cowlam Gravclcy. I '1 .iry Myers. I ■ I ildwtn. lAloufto J. White. Wilkins & Barnwell. Ravenel, Huger & Mil- likoji. Do. Ravenel & Co. Robertson, Blacklock &Co Green, Tra))ma!in & Co. J. & S. P. Ravenel. H. Missroon & Co. ^ Rf)brrt Dewar Bacot. m St^^jre iionsp of K. Mills, * Beach k Co. jl'noccupied. i Andrew McI>owall & Co. Porchcr &. Lindsay. RichanI K. Scrivet). (,'harlcs A. Dc Saussure. John W. Caldwell d. Son. George Y. Davis. Nayler. Smith & Co. Gravely k Pringle. John A. Lalano P. J. Porther «t Baya. A. J. White &, Son.' 84 CENSUS OF illAULESTON. EAST r.AV STUKKT- -C'Diiliiiiied. EAST SIDK. WARD N... 1. M e w No. u o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. ^ 60 Est. John Mic-licl. E. Devineau. 62 MisH Susan I). Adm'T. J. E. Ao. Unoccupied. 204 i Do. Mr.H Kli7:i E. Jervis. Unoccupied. 206 Mrs. Eliza K. Jervis 208 Ti.'ii .. ■ ''H'nnett. Rice and Saw Mills. t i^ 86 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON, EAST BAY STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD Nik 3. No. M u ca a o o OWNERS."^ OCCUPANTS. 210 212 214 216 218 22U 222 224 226 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas Bennett. Alonzo .T. White. Mrs. .Julia Dupn-. Mrs. Anna MoHV't. Joseph Ellison Allison Adj^er. James M. Stocker. Mrs. Mary J. Morris. Wm. Henry Trescot. Unoccupied. ENGLISH'S ROW. Runs West from Friend Street. 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 William P. Shingler. Do. Do. Do. Arthur Sin not. Murray, Mrs. Hennessy. Mrs. Ryan. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 87 ELIZABETH STREET. Tiuns from f^alhoun, nearly opposite Anson Street, to Mary Strer^. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 5. No. I 5 ^ OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 6 7 9 11 13 151 17| 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 30 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 Henry Ehrioks. Charles II. Simonton. Mary Wliitakcr. •Jean M. Frezhcr^. Do. Francis St. Marks, f. p. c. James .Tohnston. f. p. o. Henry Buhvinkle. Do. Do. Est. Wm. C. Gatewood. Dr. Edmund A. (li bites. Henr}' Eliricks. Dr. Edmund A Gibbcs. Do. A11>ert Koenecke. Tr. Est.Mrs. A.W.Gibbes. Do. Wm. Pinccei, f. ]». c Do. Ann M. Cambridge. Hebecca Pawley, f. p. o. Henry C Seedorff. Do. Do EfltRtc .Tohn Daly. Do. Do. James fiantt, f. p. c. James M. Brown, f. p. c. Isabel Lopez, f. p. e. John Bernard Otten. vVnn Hall, f. p. c. Slaves. Elizabeth Shaw. James Williams, f. p. c. Henry Biilwinkle. Slaves. Lonisa Jane Brown. Wm. Jackson, f. p. e. Sarah Brodic, f. p. c. Sarah Burke, f. p. c. Albert Fii)<-.k(Mi. James Mitchell, f. ]>. c. Slaves. Jane Bndor. f. p. c. Fanny Walker, f. p. e. Ilcbecea K. Fraser. Rebecca Pawley, f. p. c. Ann Eliza Pickering, (/bins H. Seedorff. Ernest Wm. Eberhardt George Iv Prilchett. Thomas FIjiin. Joseph A. Torlay. EAST SIDE. 2 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 i 8 1 1 A 1 10 12 1 1 14 16 1 I 18 1 GibbcH. R. E. Den-ef'.Jr.. f. p. c. John J). Kennedy. Al>crdecn (ircgorie, f.p.c Jf»hn Carberry. Miss Sarah R. Hort. Mitchell King. Do William Aiken. Unoccupied. John Fred. Fcrritte. SlavcH. Aberdeen Gregoric, f. p '• John Carberry. Mins Sarah R. Hort. Isaac Dn Bo)*e White. Unoc«nfticd. William Aiken. m CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. FORD'S C:OURT. Rum East from Meetiucj Street, beticeen Traild and Water Streets. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 1. 1 ^ 1 n 1 OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 5 1 1 1 Dr. Edmund Ravencl. Do. Do. Mary O'Neale, f. p. c. Kinily Ford. f. p. c. Slavew. NORTH SIDE. 2 1 iLeonidas W. S]»ratt. '.lamoi* M. Brown. FRIEXD STREET. Runs North from Tradd, nearly opposite Legare, to Queen Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 2. Mrs. Holmes. jMrs. — : — Holmes. Miss Klizaiietli F. I'rin^le. iMiss Klizal»eth Pringlc. Kiehard W. Coiclell. iW. T. Wliite. William P Sliiiiii;ler. jJolin Parsons. Sam'l I). Holl(nvay, f. p.c. jLivcry slaltles. 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 9 1 11 1 13 1 15 1 17 1 19 1 21 1 L':; 1 iif» 1 '^7 1 2U 1 31 1 33 1 Michael Welsh. Do. Trust Est. Hcnrv Horl- beck ajid wile. Gen'l John Sehnierlo. Do. Estate Josiah S. I'ayne. Francis Jjanco. Ernest Pcseko. Unoeeujtied. Michael Welsh. Unoeeupied. T. O'Brien. Mrs. Col. ■ Bri;^hlnian. Anderson. Slaves. [)r. — Sams. Mrs. E. M. Doar. Mr. Moreland. Common School. Mrs. Taylor. .1 ellords' 2 1 1 4 6 H 10 12 1 14 16 18 20 EAST SIDE. Captain Thomas Surtis. iCaptain Thomas Surtis. Miss (iracia Hay. Mrs. Ik'rry and children. Miss Mackey. Mrs. Sophia F. Wilson. Cohen. Mrs. Mary B. Badger. Mrs. Henrietta Wliite. W. Y. Jicitch. Mrs. Louisa Belscr. Mrs. C Mathews. Mrs. Berry. Miss Mackey. Flora Cummcll, f. p. J. F. Baker. W. - White, f. Y>. Y. Leitch. 0. Mrs. Louisa Belser. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 89 y* FELIX STREET. Runs North from Morris Street to Cannon Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 6. No. o n B O O ^ OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 1 3 Mrs. Margaret O'Neal. Do. Sarah A. Middleton, f.p.c Unoccupied. EAST SIDE. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Elizabeth Kaynor, f. p. c. Ann Parker. Mrs. Margaret O'Neal. Do. Do. Do. Do. Elizabeth llaj'nor, f. p. < Ann Parker. Harriet Alston, f. p. c. • Emma Reiser. Thomas E. Strother. Thomas G. Haven. Mrs. Emma Burdell. rTiA^T<:LIN STREET. Huns North from Broad Street, opposite Savage,, to Magazine., partly through Wards 2 and 4. .' i. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 2. o' 1 7 1 '.t 1 -1 ^ 4! 1 <; 1 1 jBenjamin (\ Pressle}-. 'Estate .T. MeLaren. Charles D. Oarr. iTheodorc A. Whitney. |Pr. Middleton Michel. .1. D. Kirkpatrick. E. S. Mikell. G. N. IJowman. Theodore A. Whitney. Dr. Michel's Anat. rooms WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. 11 1 i:{ 1 1.5 I 7 1 1 i r.i 21 1 23; M 251 1 27l 1 Miss Can>line Ilillegas. Robert W. Seymour. Cromwell. Thomas Bnnlell. 1 ^John Kinnagan. Estate Peter (tcrard. T)o. Peter Ilauscheldt. Miss Caroline Hillcgas Robert W. Seymour I.Jeremiah Lyon.s I Unoccupied. Thomas Hurdell. |.Iohn Finnagan. I .Jeffords. IWilliam Ifenrv Smilb. iff EAST SIDE, WARD No. 2. |l»ov .lohn JV Campbell. Rev. .Irdin H. ( ampbe 'Tristram Tupppr, jr. Tristram Tnppcr, jr. P)ishop Lync b. '.James M. Mulvane}*. BAST SIDP:, WARD No. 4. Marine Hospital. 90 UKN.-I II \i:i,i-;."^TON. GADSDEN STKEET. Runs North from the West end of Beaufain Street. WEST SIDE, WARD Na 4. No. M u X a o o ownrS^ 0CCIH>.\NTS. 1 1 John H. Stcinmeycr. J. H. Steinmcyer's office. 3 0... Slaves. 5 Peter II. Tlmo. 7 Mrs. Mary Ilainlin. Mrs. Mary Hamlin. 9 Miiriu M. Moore. Jane Taylor. 11 Estate Thomas Warini;. 11 lit son Leo. 13 Thomas Parker. Thomas Parker. 15 John F. Steiniueyer. Justus A. Newton. 17 Mrs. Louisa Mcintosh. Mrs. liOuisa Mcintosh. 19 William Kstill. David Henry Denoon. 21 Do. William Jones. 23 1 Estate Kred'k II. Ksdoin. Hermann Ksdoin. 25 1 Tli fieddings. Do. Do. Do. Mrs. Paul II. Waring. J. Vogelsang. Do. Do. Do. Thomas Bennett. John H. Steinmoyer. Henry T. ThompSbtf.^ Mary ('amj)l»ell. Unoccupied. James L. Barnwoll. Dr. Thos. Smith Waring. Mrs. Minna \'ogelsang. Kredei-ick \Vm. Becker. John M. Bet sill. Andrew Doty. William Simons. GIBI3ES STREET. Runs West from Legare Street, above Lamboll, to Ashley River. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 2. Charles Machoth. Captain Westcndorft'. I)o. l'\ Downey. Tr.Est.Eliz.H.Manigault. rnoccuj)ied. Do. I Unoccupied. NORTH SIDE. Rohert F. Giles. Rohert F. (Jilcs. Trust Est. Mrs. Biilow. .Mrs. Bulow. Tr.Est. Eliz.H.Manigault. Charles J. Manigault. 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 91 v GLEBE STREET. Muns North from Wmf worth /Street, betircen St. Philip's and Coming Streets, to George Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. I 1 ! Preston West. I Preston West. 8 1 B. G. Ileriot. ,Wm. K. Davis. 5 1 iCorp. St. Philip's ('liurch..loHepb K.Robertson. 7' iMrs. JSIary lloss. 'Francis P. Gaillard. EAST SIDE. # Corp. St. Philip's (.'hurcli.,I)r. Thos. (t. Prioleau. Do. 'Mrs. Eason'a B'g house. Wm. Tlarral. |Wm. Ilarral. Corpoi-ation Charles M. Innis. Corp. St. Philip's Church. jllobcrt M. Alexander. Est. George Thdnipson. |.Tane Thompson. Wm. Sheppani. jNatlian D. Parker. Est. George Thompson. John J. G. Smith. GREEN STREET. Runs TfV.v^ /rom St. Philip's St., bet. George,(- Calhoun,to f'oming St. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. II /'^y property. Charleston College. 3j I 1 jThonias K. lirown. Joseph 1^1. Harjter. ^■' 1 Jacob Weston, f. p. c. Jacob Legarc. f. p. c. NORTH SIDE. 1 Sarah Johnson, f. p. c. ISarah Johnson, f. p. c* 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 16 1 ■> 1 1 ■r 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 12 1 14 1 . E.state James Martin. Samuel S. Mills. Wm. Aiken. Do. Robert. M. Welch. Mrs. Catherine K nox. 'Michael Lazarus. .Samuel S. Mills. John McNollage. 'Augustu** IIavgan and New Stress, to Af^lihi/ Pivrr. WARD No. 2. 1; I Capt. James Paty. ('apt. James Paty. 3 Capt. John V. Stein. ("apt. John F. Stein. •"> Mr.i. Jane Stewart. ,Mrs. Jane Stewart. EAST SIDE. 2 Solomon Lcgaro. lUndccupied. 92 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. GEORGE STREET. /funs nV.s7/ro;» Anson Strnt. dP'fcic doors above Laurens, partly through Ward 3, and partly (hroutjh Ward 4. to Coming Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 8. No. = 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39, 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 OWNERS. OCCri'AN^.- 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 11 -J^fiirles R. MiloR. Major Wm. La vat George A. Fiocke. iGeorgt.' A. Locke. Jas. 5l. Carson, trusire. Jiewis M. Ilateh. Isaac S. Cohen. Isaac S. Coben. 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 » 12 1 WAHI) No. Moses D. Il3*ains. .John .lohnsoti. Rohert 'riioniliiisnn. J>r. J allies P. .li'i'vev. Kst. Alfred K. Drayton. Mrs. A. M. Beile. Miss Mary Mottc \V:ii-(l. Henry ITorllteck. 1)0. Ilenr}' Gardner. AndroAv MontixonierN'. William .MeMni-ney. Benjamin ('. Pressley. Mrs. Sophia Sehwing. Do. Do. .lohn .MeCarlhv. Miss Mary M.'Koss. Cov]). St. "l'hili|>'s('iiiii-(li. Do. Do. Ellen Jones, f. ]>. c. Joseph P. McCall, NORTH SIDE, WARD No. ;t. James W. lii-own. |.Iames W. lii-own. H. (Jonzales. | Unoccupied. Trust l':st. K. II. Parker and children. iMrs. S. J\irkor. Estate Isaac Auhl. .Mrs. Anna II. Patterson Miss Juliet (J. Elliott. jMiss Juliet G. Elliott. Edwin 11. Locke. Edwin 11. Lnckr. Moses D. Ilyanis. John .lohnson. Roljert Thomlinson. Dr. .lames P. Jervey. .Nlrs. Martha S. DraVton. Mrs. Kli/.a A. Flynn. ^riss Mary M«)tt'e Ward, (r. W. Steft'ens. Slaves and free. Eugenia Iluggins, f. p. c. Ann iieiitham, t'. ]i. e. Andrew Montgomerv- Wm. Mc Barney. Mrs. Susan M. Koi^artie. |Thomas Hall. W p". c. .Maria Younghlood, 1". p. <• j Mary Davis, 1". p. c. John .McCarthv. | Mary M.Ross, .lolin Pryor. Benjamin Brrry. t'. ji. c. Slaves. George Tayloi-. JoHuph P. McCall. CENSUS OP CHARLESTON. 03 GEORGE 8TKEET— Continued. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. 1 ^ B No. O o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 14 1 Mitchell King. Mitchell King. 16! 1 Dr. Eli Geddings. Dr. P^li Geddings. 18 1 Samuel G. Barker. 20 1 (rcorge W. "Wiliams. (reorgc W. Williams. 22 1 Wm. Jervey. Wm. Jerve}'. 24 1 Tr. Est. IT. W. Schroder and wife. Henry Schroder. 26 1 Est. Lawrence Benson. Unoccupied. '*R I7^-\ri4 /-.I »^ Major A. C'. Welton. wO 80 Ojenian. 32; 1 Aaron J. Moses. Aaron J. Moses. 34 1 Herman W. Meyer. 36' 1 Thomas P. Allen. Pierre V. Brandt. 38 '1 John S. Riggs. Thomas AV. Riggs. 40f 1 Benjamin 1). and Estate ' .Toslma Lazarus. John C. Otyen. 42 1 1)0. Unoccupied. 44 1 City of Charleston. Porter's Lodge, J. Cahili. 46 1 Do. Engine House. '4e - I Ahraham Moise. Slaves. 50 1 John King. John King. 521 1 Trust Est. Virg. A. Barre and children, f. ii. c. Unoccupied. :.i Do. Gershom Meyers, f. p. c. 56 1 John O'.Mara. Mrs. C. Smith & K. Brady. 58 1 1 Do. //?/?•/.« IVrftt- from GILLON STREET. Wharf to East Bay, nrxf Xorih of Pof^i Opi'^f. WARD No. 1. George Gibbon. iLouis Richon. Otis Mills. Est. Richard Kordham. Unoccupied. I Unoccupied. 2 1 ( 4 I 6 1 8| 1 10 I i NORTH 8n)E. George Gibbon j Unoccupied. Do. Unoccujiied. Do. |Wm. J. U. Stcwan,. Do. jStores. Do. jjohn k George E. Gibbon. 94 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. GROVE STREET. Run.t West from King St., rir.rt-flftorr Moultrie St., to Ashley River. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 8. No. OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 2 1 4 1 G 1 8 1 1 iRohcrt Macbeth. ISIavcs. NOllTII .^IDE. Frederick Frie/A- .Frederick Frieze. Charles WcisRiii^fer. Tr. Est. Mrs. Hose Ji Ford. Amelia and Louisa Hose. Slaves. ShivcH. Slaves. GUIGNARD STRKET. Runs Wat from East Ray to .1 ns 1 4 1 6 1 S 1 1 1 71 111 lU-nry Kalirs. George S. J lacker. Do. Do. John Jietjeman. (Jeorire S. If acker. iHrnry Kalirs. lllenrv ilav. j William Ui)les. IJacoh Helton, •lames A. Buck heist er. i Albert Hoss Fash. NORTH sn)E. I 1 jMrs. .Martha Waiidclken.iMrs. .Martha Wandelken. I 1 IGeorge S. Hacker. irnoccujiiL-d. 'l ! Do. I Unoccupied. IHNTER'S COURT. IluuH South from liiid Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 5. I 1 [Robert Hunter. Duncan Cameron. 1 I Do. .lohn Crowlay. J 1 I Do. ; Michael Bird. EAST SIDE. I 1 [Robert Hunter. [Alexander Meyers. 1 Do. Lawrence Cahill. CENS U^' OF CHARLESTON. 95 HAMPDEN COURT. ffun.'i Went from South-wesfcrn cd^of Hampxtend Mnllto Hanover St. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 7. No. pq I ^ OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 2' 1 •^i 1 fii 1 1 Jamefl P. Readhcimer. 1 Otto Tiedenian. 1 Robert A. .Tones. 1 lOtto Tiedeman. 1 i Estate Turner. 1 Maximal) C. Welch. 1 'John C. Shokes. NORTH SIDE William M. Fitts. i Estate Mr«. J. S. Lord. 1 Lebby. James P. Readhcimer. Sheplierd Daggett. Robert A. Jones. Irvin J-. Oorby. Dorothy Staploton. Maximan ('. Welch. John C. Shokes. lAndrew F. Nell. 'Unoccupied. iW^illiam Rowlinski. ■1 1 HARD'S ALLEY. Runs East from East Bay Street, between Pritchard and Pinckney Streets, to Con ear d Street. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. .3. Thomas W. Malone. Matthew C'osage. Children of ThoH.CordraylJames H. Artope. Do. I Betsey Blake, f. p. c. William T. Lee. Slave. Francis Police. Christopher Ostich. Do. I Mrs. Wade. Do. I Raphael Rugers. 4 1 6 1 S 1 lo! ] 12' 1 i^ 1 Is HAMPSTEAD MALL. situated at the intersection of Columbus and Aniericd Streets. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 7. ' 1 Thomas N. (Gadsden. Margaret A. Delia Torre. SOUTH SIDE. 1 Brandt. 'Peter Daggett. 1 F)<^». iMartin Manzing. 1 Nicholas J)arrell. jUnoccujiied. 1 George P. Artope. lEphraim M. Gilbert. EAST SIDE. 1 1 1 3 5 J 7 9 il iWilliam Withers ITenry F. Slrol)orker WEST SIDE. William M. Kitts. Otto Tiedeman. Do. Jamcf( Copes. Do. William Withers. Henry F. Strohecker. John L. P'ittH. E & ('<». Estate William ratton. I Do. William H. Hvan. Do. * i Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. .John II. Scliroinor. Do. Ilciirv Hisclioff. .lohii McNi'llage. |Tr. Est. Adeliru' IIowoll Mrs. Sanili .1. Wilson. Do. Cliarlt's W. St'i^nious. Charles F. I^evy, trustee I Po. jOharles L. .Tones. ^rs. Charity Wilson. rRfrs. Ahiijail Le^jare. I'lsiatc Kohcrt F. Henry. L. M. .t K. K. ilateh. • OCCUPANTS. William Stevens. Ship Car] tenter's shop. Unoec-upieii I'noecupieci. Slaves. Simon Priteiiard. Catherine Corley. William Pai-sons. f. p. c. Kaehel Heamer, 1". ]>. c Slaves. Slaves. Slaves. Leah Moore, f. p. e. ;Mrs. William Wilson. iEI>eno/.er Thayir. I William S. Hnicr. Sidneys. Jlowell. |B. W. Force, t .lames C ^farsh. Mrs. Mary Wells. INiekols Titter, .lames Steele, f. p. c. l-noeeupied. Mrs. Charity Wilson. Dr. .lohn O'llear. Cnoecnpied. Unoccupied. 57 1 59 1 61 1 63 1 65 1 67 1 SOUTH SIDK, WARD No. 4. I -.lac Wil>()n Tay lor, !'.]».(• Jeniiini:;s,ThomlinsoiiiV:( "o. & K.R. Stod.lard & Co. .loliii I). A. Murphy rn(»c('uj)i(.'d. Mrs. Louisa Andrews. J)r. .1 . II. Solomons. .Mrs. Louisa Andrews. Dr. .1. ]{. Solomons. Estati- William Culder. | Unoccupied. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 97 HAvSELL STREET— Continued. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. No. o o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 2 Estate William Bell. Robert L. Holmes' office 4 Wm. P. RusRcll & Co. Wm. P. Russell &Co.'8. 6 Estate JohiiHon. Cooper shop. 8 Bo. John Shanahan. 10 Do. Slaves. 12 Do. Slaves. 14 Do. Slaves. 16 Do. Gabriel Floyd, f. p. c. 18 Do. Slaves. 20 Do. Slaves. 22 Do. Unoccupied. 24 1 Do. Unoccupied. 26 ■^ Do. Daniel C. Grinin. 28 Do. Slaves. 30 Do. Slaves. > 32 Do. Slaves. 34 Do. Slaves. 36 Do. Unoccupied. ■38 Francis P. Seisnous. Unoccu])ied. 40' Do. Henry Suable. 42 1 Do. Frederick Sturton. 44 1 John McXellaffP- Mrs. Adeline Cliafec. 46 1 Do. Adolphus (lardelle. 48 1 Do. Daniel Miler. 50 1 Do. Lewis D. ^lowry. 52 1 Mrs. Samuel N, Stevens. J. Warin/T Axs<»n. 54 1 Joseph Prevost. Joseph Prevost. 56i 1 James J. McCJarter. James J. McCarter. 58 1 James Marsh. James MarHJj. 60 1 James Macbeth, trustee. Eugene Esdra. 62 1 Henry Clark. J. C. Williams, f. p. c. 64 1 *Do. Thomas J^yons. 66 Do. John Cook. 68 1 Est. of James S. Bowie. John A. Howie. 701 1 John (iihiion. William H. (iilliland. 72 1 Mrs. P^liza Kitzsiinons. Mrs. ?]liza Fii7.f«imons. 74 1 Dr. J. J. Chisolm. Dr. J. J. Chisfdm. 76 1 Hcv, Chris. P. Gadsden. Rev. Chris. P. (;m.K.1. .. 78 1 J. H. Barrett. N. Taglicrani. 98 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. nASELL STREET— Continued. NORTH SIDE, WAED No. 4. No. n ft © 0WNEU8. OCCUP.WTS. 80 82 84 86 88 1 1 1 1 Samuel Meeker. Do. Do. Mrs.Mjir^iiret Just. Kerrison «!t liicdinp. Deno8. So Bap. Pub. So R.W. Gale's ear. factory Up stairs, unoccupied. Mrs. .Martxaret Just. Kdwin I>. Kerrison. IIORLHKCKS ALLEY. Runs West from Mi'etimj Strn't, opposite Can\berUin Kiiuj Street. SOUTH SIDE. WARD No. 4. Ernest Merkor. 1 1 3 5 1 71 1 9- 1 11 1 13 1 15 1 17 1 John Siegling. Do. Dr. J. R. Solomons. Kdwai-d Iloi-llic'c-k. Henry Buist. A. J. Kutjes. JI. R. Sitley atul others. John SiHt'y. Caroline J. (ircenland.. E. Merker's sniitli's shop. Henry JetlV-rs. Wni. Noltc's board, house. Dietlrieh A. Aninic Antonio S- ieedo. ^lartha Kdwards. 1'. p. c. Margaret Spencer. Arabella Hubbard. 2 1 4 1 6 8 10 1 12 1 14 1 16 1 18 1 20 1 22 1 NORTH SIDE. Tr. Est. L. C. Prit chard , and children. Do. Do. Do. Mrs. Esther Bhitn. Do. Dr. Elias HorlliccU. Daniel lloi'Ibiuk. Dr. Klias ili.rlhcck-. Mrs. Jisther IJIum. Nathan A. Cohen. Thos. Fenneren dk others. Margari't Sominers, f. p. e. Mrs. Alia Hendricks. Krnest Metz. Michael Teeahy it others. Saniiiel Sampson it itthers. Unoccupied. Mrs. Klizabeth I'ansin. Dentiis ( 'Icai'y. Jonathan Shaw. HESTER STREET. Jiuiis Xorlh from the Marsh (it foot nf Simo/is, to Sans Souci Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 8. James R. Addison. Do. 1 Dr. Edmund Gibbes. Slaves. Slaves. Slaves. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 99 HAYNE STREET. Runs West from Anson Sfrref, hrfireni Market and Pinckney Streets, to Meeting Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 3. No. • a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 Geo. W. Williams & Co. Geo. W. Williams & Co. 8 Do. Do. 5 John Fraser & Co. C. N. Averill. 7 Estate rienry W. Conner. Courtney, Tenr.ent k Co. 9 Estate J. G. Coster. Brown k Palma. 11 Rev. Jam OS P. Bo3'ce. Do. 13 Miss Cliarlotte C. KclseyjA. 11. Brahe & Co. 15 Loroy M. Wiley. jMcXXv «fe Matthewes. 17 Charles Kelsey. Nelson Carter. 19 Benjamin W. Force. Southern Porcelain Co. 21 Do. Force & Mitchell. 23 Miss Charlotte C. Kclsoy. Havi land, Stevenson &(!o. 25 Thomas M. Horsey. Horsey, Auten & Co. 27 Emery Thayer. Thomas R. Egleston & Co. 29 Benjamin Mordecai. John Ashhurst k Co. 31 F. I). Fannini^. F. D. Fanning. 33 Gilliland & Howell. Gilliland, Howell k Co. 35 Courtney, Tennont & Co. (Joiirtney, Tennent & Co. 37 Hyatt, MfBiirney & Co. Hyatt, McBurncy k Co. 39 Hare, Calhoun & Co. Hastic, Calhoun & Co. 41 ^ Johnston, Crews & Braw- ley. Johnston, Crews & Co. 43 Do. L. M. Hatch, Quarterm'r. 45 Townsend, Arnold & Co. Crane, Boylston k (,'o. NORTH SIDE. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 1 1 18 1 j 20 1 1 D. F. Fleming & Co. John Eraser k Co. J. W. Spragiie. Gustavo Sussdoi-ff. H. l)ouglas k Co. Methodist Society. Do. Fleetwood Laniu-au. Wilmanw k Prifo. Picn«on k Jennings. D. F. Fleming k Co. Unoccupied. T.J.&C. H.Moise&Co. Brown & Palma. R. Doiii^las i^ Co. S. Christ 'n Advocatr office J.W.Stoy. Ag't Moth So Lannoan k Whildon Wilmnns k Prioo. PicrHon, Smith 4r Co. 100 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. t IIAXOVEU STREET. Runs from South Street yorth, partly through Ward Xo. .*> and partly through Ward Xo. 7. to Line Street. WEST SIDE, WAUD No. 5. )< e T ■ No. S s OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. ..^ 1 1 Charles Ilolloway. John H. Long. 3 1 Do. John Davis. 5 1 Estate Jacob Kugloy. Hum])hrey Coffey. 7 1 Do. Bartholomew Coffey. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 7. ^^ 9 Est. Samuel ('niik.shauks. Astley C. Wagner. ^ 11 Dr. Francis Y. Porcher. Abby Cripps, f. j.. c. \ 13 Daniel Wood. Mary Ann Brown, t'. p. c. 15 Do. Jlenry C. Shokes. 17 Leonidas W. Spiatt. Unoccupied. 19 Do. 21 Do. .lohi) Carr. 23 .l .Tohn W. (lorddii, 1'. p. c. .lohn&C. L. Koi-nahrens. 25 Mary Wood. .Ma.x Flinei-. 27 Do. William F. i)unlaj). 29 Do. George Shokes. 31 Do. James licnry Broxton. 33 Do. Henry A. Camiiiade. 35 1)0. Walter Jarvis. 37 Do. William Alex. Jones. 39 Trust Hst. Mrs. Sanili A. Sviiiincs :iii(! i Iiildrcn. Marcus L. hoar. 41 I>.. William C. Watson. 43 D... Johann 11. Kornahrens. 45 Trust Est. F. L. Calvorl. John Marion Calvert. EAST SIDE. WAKI ) No. .5. 2 1 1 Hcrrv. Unoccupied. 2i 1 South Carolina K. K. Co. Slaves. 4 1 John Williamson. Francis Beylot. 6 I Patrick Flyim. Owen Cotden. EAST SIDi:. WARI ) No. 7. 6i Mrs. Harriet ('. Ross. Mrs. Harriet C. Koss. H William lA'M.y. Thomas Lebby. 10 Dr. William ('. Stall. Dr. William i\ Stall. 12 John Tarrant. Unoccupied. 14 James Moorhead. Mrs. Mary Ticrncy. 16 Daniel Wood. Mrs. Margaret Gibbs. 18 Henry F. Strohccker. Unoccupied. 20 John 11. Schmidt. John 11. Schmidt. CENSUS OP CHARLESTON. 101 HANOVER STREP:T— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 7. No. u S a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 22 24 26 28 30 32 J James Dunning. Ann FulnuT. James Dunning. Do. Do. Do. William D. Pinckney. Ann Fiilmer. Samuel .lames Kent. .Tohn Perdue. Robert H. Winnini^ham. John Frederick Albers. IIAGERMANS C^OURT. Huvs South from Shepherd Street, near Meeting Street. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 7. 1 1 1 iHenry Hagerman. I Do. Do. I.Iolin .Joaring. ISlaves and Vrca. I Charlotte Campbell. IIEYWARD'S COURT. Tluris East from Alexander Street, a few doors North of Chnpel Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 5. 1 j I 1 jHamlet Murlcy, f. ]». c. 3 I I 1 j James Core<^iran. 5 I 1 lAlcxander Owens. NORTH SIDE. 1 iSylvia Miles, f. p. e. Sylvia Miles, f. p. c. 1 I William Norris. | William Xorris. 1 iThomas llartlott. iTliomas llartlett. 1 lEjt. .Io8. Bamfield, f. p. c.lsiaves and Free Persons. lITamlel Murlcy, f. p. c. iThos. Donahoe & others. Patrick White. Runs 1 I 3 I 5 ! 2 I 1 4 I 1 6 I I HEWITT'S ALLEY. We.'it from Anson Street, hetireen George and Calhoun. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. 1 Diana Buchanan, f. p. c. iSIaves. 1 jBobert Howard, 1. p. c. |siaves. 11'' Do. iSlaves. NORTH SIDE. iSarali Drayton. Mames Pawley, i. j» v. iMary Burke. iMary Bnrkc, f. p. c. jDiana Buchanan. |Harriet Fowler. 8 102 CENSUS OF CHARLKSTOy. .4 ,1^ HENRIETTA STREET. Runs Wt.xt from Elizabeth Street, between Calhoun and Charlotte Streets, to Meetiuij. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. ... No. S 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 4 6| 8 10 12 14 16 is 2U 22 24 20 28 30 32 34 36 Si « OWXBRS. Murv KiiriiKui. r. )). c. Esl.'Willinm L. Ilolmos. p]st..Ioliii I). Murray. Philip Thorn. Mary Fnrnian, f. \i. v. Henry (Markc. Eliza A. ^[oran. Elizabeth Sniitli. John Ancriun, f. p. c. James Bland, f. j). c. Joshua Jones, f. p. e. Do. Atnaiula Carniand, f. p. e. Dr. lienj. A. i^odrii^uos. Hannah H. Ahrahains. Lt'oniijas W. Spratt. OCCUPANTS. Slaves and Free Persons. Slav«'s and Kreo I'ei-sons. Patriek Carroll. Philip Thorn. Mary Furnian, 1". p. e. Unoee\jpied. Miehael Udea. Eli/.aheth Sinitli. Louisa Jiifhardsun, i. j). c. Unocenpied. Joshua Jones. 1". ]>. v. Slaves. Susan Aspiiiall, 1". p. e. Hannah St«'nt, f. p. e. Slave. Slave. NORTH Sn)E. Jean Mai^niis Fredsberg. iGeorge Penny. Fanny Clinton. iF'anny Clinton. Jean .Mai^ntis J-'i-odslH-i-g. Furnian Weston, 1'. ]). c. JI. Ann Eckhard, f. p. e. Dr. Benj. A. i{odi-igues. .Mlu'rt KUe. Ht'ni-y I'l-egnall. William Uollins. Johnston. Mar}' Aspinall, t". p. L. Cordes, f. p. e. Sarah Fields, f. p. c , . . Mary Wilkinson, f. p. c. ;Fliz. Wilkinson, 1". p. c Tnoeeupied. Sarah ( laskin, f. p. c. Francos Walker, 1". }>. c. I'^iirman Weston, f. ]>. c. Thomas Tullv. Isaludla V. IVitihanl. Klizabi'lh Fox. Robert J. Henry. Elizabeth ( 'hisolni. f. p. c. Slave. Mary Aspinall, 1'. p. e. Ralph ( 'orih'S. f. p. (;. Sarah Fields, f. p. c. Mrs. Ann Cunningham Do. JamcH A. Simons. Dr. Walter P. Porehcr. James A. Simons. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 103 HARNEY'S COURT. Runs East from Lucas Street, between Doughty and Palmetto iSts. WARD No. 6. No. u X a o o OWNERS. "► OCCUPANTS. ll 1 1 1 1 Unoccuj)ie^Llr«;'t II. ( 'uniniins. Jolm Moran. Frederick W, Rahntge. Jolm M. I' Adolplic Kainon. Sylvia Parker, f. p. c. Mary Ma.vwell, f. p. c. Mrs. Margaret Hri^nii. Henry Sliatler. Mr.s. W McLeish. James Riimloy. Ca]»tain .lohn [>. Stafl'age. Antoiiius Pavenolia. jPatrick Powan. JUDITH STREET. Huyxs from the head of Alexander Street, Went to Elizabeth Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. .V 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1 Cordt Dieckhotr. Do. James Kennedy. Do. Michael .Maeiiamara. William Hell. James M. Caldwell. James K. Robinson. Slaves and tree persons. Cordt Dieckhotr. James Ki-nnedy. Slaves and free persons. Michael .M acnaniara. Mrs. Sarah B. Miles. James M. CaldwoU. James K. Robinson. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. ior> JUDITH STREET— (Continued. NORTH SIDE. No. &i c ll OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. Iiun.'< T ffuns hou 1 Jonathan Bryan, trustee. Lcnuicl M. Phillips. "Wiliiani Aiken. Do. Abraham J. Crews. Ann L3'ons. Lonniel PliillipH. Miss Hetty Toomcr (Jeori^e H. Moffett. Altraliani ,1. Crews. JOHX STREET. 'est from Elizabeth Street, ahorc Chapel Street, to King. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 5. Isaac Harris. William Henry Houston Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Thomas Wallace. NORTH SIDE jMrs. Ann W. ( I)r. Edmund A. (Jihbes. Do. Dm. Free persons. Unoccupied. Mrs. Elvira Suder. John Hui^er Dawson. Dr. Sainl. Dickson Bruns Albert Lenj^nick. Plugene F. F'ourgeaud. Oscar E. Johnson. .John Robinson. Unoccu])ied. iMrs. Ann W. (xibbes. I Slaves. Slaves and free persons. Slaves ami free persons. L)r. Joliii F. l*oi»peiilieini. Dr. .7ohn F. Poppenbeim William .lacint Laval. ^*)\\\\ \\. Honour. Do. jWilliam Jacint Laval. .Tohn H. Honour. Stfjiben Minot. I)r. John F. Poppenbeim. AlexanE, WARD No. 6. iMrs. Thomas F. Purse. Mrs. Thomas F. Pur»e. EAST SIDE. jJames H. .lohnson. iJamee H. Johnwm. William T. Sanders. [fiibbs F. Crovat. ' Do. James F. LeCoste. 106 CKX8U.S OF ( IIAHLF.STOX. RU71S JASPER COURT. North from fVest end of liadcliffe Street to Morris Street. WEST SIDE. WATU) X.. «. No. Brick. Wood. OWNERS. ' OCCUPANTS. 1 1 3 5 7 1 1 1 1 Mrs. Anne Luken. Do. Richard lIo\ Patterson. R. W. Ilolloway. f. p. e. Hehecea Miller, t\ p. c. John Welch. Daniel 11. Anderson. Samuel PoIurI<. Francis Wilkinson, f.p.c. Slaves. Do. iThomas Mustajiha, C. p. c. Do. I Mrs. Adda I'erier. Fred. L. Grovermann. l-'red. E. Grovei'mann. KIKia.AND'S LANE. Runs North from Jieaufain Strtrf, between Coming and Pitt,nearly opposite Wilson Street, to Wentnorth. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. 1 iJamcs Henry Mashburn. 1 Do. 1 Estate Nathan Nathans. 1 Do. 1 i Do. 1 Do. 1 Daphne Ilaniplon. Unoccupientimu'(l. WEST SIDE. WARD. N... J. No. u a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. a > % 75 1 Est. "VVin. C. (Jatt'wood. Alexander Sti wait. 77 1 Miss Ann Cainltridm'. Miss Aim ranilirid<;c. 79 1 Mrs. Hniily M. Tn.'tt. -Mrs. Emily M. Trott. 81 1 Harriet \V»ston, 1". ]>. c. Unoccn tii-d. .loHojth liallanl. S3 1 .losepii Haliard. 85 1 Dr. Isaac .M<»lto Caniltcll. rnoccnpii'd. 87 1 Est. Jas. 8initli Collnirii. (J. Schworkert. 89 1 Do. M. H. Fov. 91 1 John Bioklev. V. Olovc't. 93 1 Do. J. II. Brodenhorg. 95 1 Michael P. O'Connor. (t. Iloftnian. 97 1 4 Vincent Na^'el. A. Mc'U-hor. 99 1 John BicUIov and \\ ifo. Slaves. 101 Do.' H. Murray. 103 1 Isalu'll;! Ilarvi'V. Mrs. A. Favior. 105 1 Do. M. Jacohy. 107 1 Do. Slaves. 109 1 Thomas N. Johnston. Thumas N. .Idlmston. 111 Mrs. Julia I)inirc. Dr. Horatio S. Waring. 113 Est. Ann Diiprat. l". i>. c. Eli/.ai»etli Dupralt, t'. j). e 115 Andrew i{oid. W. H. McMillan. 117 Edwin I J. Kcirison. F. llantz. 111) Estate H. J^ (Ireoidand. •lohn Hutlnian. 121 D... John Wehher. 123 .1. 11. Koni-. F. Bren.rr. 125 1 j 127 1 1 129 1 131 1 133 1 135 1 137 1 139 1 141 143 145 1 147 1 WEST SIDK. WAlll) No. 4. 1 Estate Nathaniel Cooper. William MeComh. ('apt. M. lierrv John B. . Louisa Belscr. Andrew Witt. 105 1 f Do. Isaac Seckendortf. 107 1 Do. Augustus Pelerin. 109; 1 ( Wm. McKiiilay, f. j). c 1 Do. Wm. Schmett. 1711 George Albrecht. I'i 1 Charles D. Ahrens. Charles D. Ahrens. irsi ( Estate Wra. Enston. Daniel II. Silcox. 177 1 \ Do. Do. 179 ( Do. Do. 18ll 1 J (xcor^e F. Cole. Samuel P. Lawrence. 1S3| I Do. Do ls.5 1 ( John Ilorlbeck. Henry L. A. Balk. 1x7 ( Do. Do. IMt 1 George F. Cole. George F. ('ole. lit] 1 Wm. McKinlav, f. p. c. Miss Estello Haas. 1'..;; 1 ])o. • Mrs. S. J. Keefe. lit.") 1 Estate Isaac Barrett. Louis ]Scume3'er. l!t7 1 . Do. Josejih Mertens. 1991 1 f Jn^b Small. Wm. Koberts, jr. 2U1 1 Do. James M. Alexander. ■Mi 1 Do. George W. Flach. 205: 1 Do. Jacob Small's bakc-r}-. 207' ( Estate Edwin P. Starr. ^ Do. Eugene Manloue. C. K. Cohen. 2(19 1 211 ( Do. Victoria H(»tel. 213 1 Charles F. .laekson. Charles F. Jackson. 215 1 Estate Edwin P. Stan-. George I). Grice. §17 1 Do. Francis Dupont. 219 1 R<4>ert n. McDowell Robert H. McDowell. 221; 1 Uich.^ionhlsniith of N. J. J. W A: H. W.fJre.r 223 A. L:i/.arub Do. j Do. I Do- Charles Lanihort. W. .1. Jaeobi. D.>. Maj. Wni. Laval. J)o. Otis Mills & Co. Do. John Sioniiiiir. Do. Mrs. Rac-lul Hart. Jane Levy. Do. I Mrs. Susan Wood. I Do. Franc-is C. Miller. |(Jlen brothers. IW. Y. Paxton. Allen. G. & J. Coleman. Lambert & llowoll. 11. D. Ale.xander. Van Scliaac-k it (Jrierson. lleniv W. Kinsman. » Osborn iV Durbi-c. Dr. llarman Wc-stcrvclt. Charlton 11. Bird. John Sieiilinix. II. Sie^iinij's .Music store. llenrv W. Kinsman. John ll.Sti'ole and others. Walter Steele it Co. Charles J. (^Miinby. Charles C. Drake. (Jen. John Sehnit-rle. (Jeor\ EST SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. 301 303 305 307 309 311 nu 31 n t317 ■ 3U» 321 :\2n r,27 321. 331 333 335 337 330 341 343 34:. 347 34! 1 351 1 353 355 1 357 1 350 361 363 1 365 367 1 360 1 371 ■ 1-.. 1 1 . » / . 1 1 ^ ijwneS.s Mrs. Mnry D. rohon. A lira ham Falk. Edwin \l. Cowjicrtliwait. f .lanios Allan. I Do. ( Wm. McKinlav, i. p. c. 1^ 1)0. ■ (). E. & A. S. Jolinson. Do. Estate (tcorgo Jackson. I Do! ( Dr. J. P. M. Eppinjr. j Do. ( Davi:ivid r>andrctli. , Do. Estate Hobert F. Henry. ! ( Do. ( Do. ( Do. ^ Do. ( Do. JoIin ('. Oyemann. Do." ;Mi«sef* E. & (\ Stanley. Estate .lolm Ilimttr OCCUPANTS. B. Johnson & Co. 'Altraliain Falk. j E. R. ('ow])ertl)wait. jJ..^ T. S. Jleftron. [Mrs. Sarah E. Nalhrop. iUnoeeu])ied. jSolomon KosenMulh. Samuel llai-ris and othei's. jO. E. k A. S. Johnson. I James B raw ley. Unoccupied. Thomas E. Glen. I Williams & Brown. iJamcs >r. llurst. John .AleCarthy. Jesse II. Bolles. Eil.e H. Marjeidiofr. Bartlett iS: Stronh. John B. Duval. 'Wm. Ilohl.s. jAnna Dore Flemiiiir. Antonio Moroso. Wm. Sfhneidei-. I Mrs. E. M. lleieke. Wm. McKay. .M rs. Ha rriet All u rrhes. ;('onrad I'inn;. Henry F. Brandt. Wm. II. Borinjr. John Eraser Shecut. A. H. Abrahams k Son. Unoccuj)ied. American Hotel. John ('. Oyemann. Frcilorick Meyer. Mis«*cs E. \- <'. Stanley. .Mrs. ('. S. Maule D ()"\.-ill \ Sons 112 CENSUS OF CIIAHLKSTON. n KING STRKKT-C^oiitinuod. WEST SIDK. WAIU) N... 4. No. a w O b e 1 377 379 381 383 385 387 389 391 393 1 4 395' 1 397 1 1 399, 1 4011 1 403: 1 4or); 1 407 409 411 413 415 417 419 421 4:^3 425 427 429i 1 431 433 435 437 439 441 443 445 447 449 OWNERS. Isaac Harris. Do. Henry Win. Dorrc. Moses I>. llvanis. Do. f Do. 1 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Charles Dunn. Do. Do. Daniel Magiiii-e. Do. Do. (/harles McAlister. ( Do. I Do. Casper Bait. Robert W. Hiirnhani. John (i. MihiDi-. f D... \ I).). William (Jiven. 1)0. Do. M^staU" William ivnston. Do. 1 OCCUPANTS. .laooli (Joldstein. Bernard Strauss, llenrv \Vm. Hoi-re. Frederick Darhy. John A. Christ. William Saul. Abraham Tra^^cr. Unoceupie No. (J. Mrs. Marv rennal. bo. Do. Estate Isaac Barrett. Do. i Estate Robert Henry. ijoseph M. i?antin. iDavid C. (Jibson. '.lohn Dunn. iJaeob Uttoh'n^^ui. |l*addon & Fo^'arty Samuel Wile}'. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 113 KING STREET— Continued. T*.*> WEST SIDE, WARD No. 6. No. a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. m Jt. ■ 451 453 ^ Estate Isaac Barrett. 1 Do. Louis Cohen. Charles Dunn. 455 Do. Mrs. Caroline F. Wright. 457 J Do. 1 Do. Dr. Edw. Henry Kellers. 459 Moses Samuel. 461 Do. Mrs. Rachel J. Barrett. 463 Do. Leopold Wciskopf. 465 1 Rev. Patrick O'Neill. Rev. Patrick O'Neill. 467 William Knobeloch. William Knobeloch. 469 John Sliachte. George W. Aimar. 471 Do. Michael McHride. 473 Do. William Shachte. 475 1 Charleston Gas Compan^^ Mrs. Sarah Prince. 4?7 J f Do. Mrs. Margaret E. Myers. 479 1 Do. Mrs. Catherine (ruillemin. 481 4H3 ( Do. 1 Do. Dr. ColumliusJ. Proctor. Mrs. Catherine Philyaw. 485 487 489 491 493 495 i Do. John Wirth. Do. Estate Nathan Nathans. Do. Mrs. Sophia S. Wilson. Jacob H.Hillen. Godfrey Bcrbusse. John Wirth. Edward Sommer. John Ilcnry Zelie. Rrnest Klein. 497 Do. Fulnman KIcinyohan. 4H9 Do. Joseph Terr}'. 5(»1 503 505 507' 509 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. John >rorris. Frederick Ileinz. Richard Rantin. Jean AValterthum. Do. 511 Do. Richard Mcreditli. 513 515 517 519 Do. Do. Do. Rev. Patrick O'Nfill Angustine Betanrourt. Mrs. Johanna Kirby. Louis F. Koester. Ernest Anke. 521 523 Do. Do. riarence Nell. f. j). c John Clary. 525 , Do. Cornelius O'Mara. 114 •fi- CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. JvCsG STKKKT— Continued. WEST SIDE. WARD No 6. ' No. e OWNKR.<. OCCUPANTS. ^ - . >v ■^ 527 1 Rev. Pnlrick O'Neill. Patrick Quin. 529 1 Donald Mcintosh. Donald .Mcintosh. 531 1 Do. William H. (Jrcen. 533 3 Do. .Mcintosh's Kow. 535 1 Do. John Ilccscniann. 537 1 Do. Edwiii Thomas (Jilhcrt. 539 1 !)<.. Lawrence F.( 'am)»l)cll. p. c. 541 1 George JI. .Mil nor. Charles 11. Ikhre. 543 1 f Do. Thomas Di.xon. .545 j Do. Myer Kosenstein. 547 1 Henry Stcnder. John Mazyck. 549 1 Do. Henry Stender. 551 1 Henry llenckt'ii. John Ch'ar. - 553 Philip A. McBridc. Unfinished. 555 Do. Do. 557 Do. Do. 559 Do. Do. 5GI Do. Do. 563 1 Charles D. Framk. Simon Wolf. 5G5 1 Do. Charles Ilynum. 5G7 1 Do. Moi-ris l<'lii'lich. 569 1 Philip A. McBridc. Abi-aham Isear. 571 1 Do. Hemy Khi'heek. 573 1 Do. Joseph Levenbery. 575 1 Do. Moses \j. Zacharirts. 577 1»... Mrs. Hridi^'ct O'Connell. 579 .Michael .McHrido. Si«rmiind .\. Jacohy. 681 1 Mrs. Ann L. Stockman. Mrs. Ann L. Stockman. 583 1 Do. Unoccupied. 585 1 Levy Moses. LipMiann Kich. 587 1 f Do. James I'-Jt/.tjihlion. 589 1 Do. Lijnnann Rich. 591 Do. Adol]>hiis Nordhausen. 593 1 i Do. John 11. Ste;;in. 595 1 Do. Jami's .Mian. 597 John P. Kecd. ('hi'istian H. Si^^wald. 599 1 f Do. William Ronan. 601 1 Do. Christian IJ. Sigwald. V CENSUS S)F CHARLESTON. 115 KING STMET— Oontinncd. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. w c No. o o owners: OCCUPANTS. » ^ • 603 John P. Reed. J. D. Bessolljou, f. p. c. (>05 Do. Gabriel Kedlieh. 607 1 Elias Garden, f. ii. c. John Patrick Peed. 609 1 Do. Ephraini Zacharias. 611 Hon. A. G. Muirrath. Ale.\ander McNeil. 618 Do. .John Carr. 615 Do. .Julius Player. 617 Do. Witch en and others. 61I» 1 Do. Jacob Me3'er. 621 ^ Mrn. Majy McLean. Robert White. 623 John Wilson. Maurice Rich. 62.5 Do. Slaves. (>27 Do. Zalic Zacharias. C)2U ("John G. Milnoi*. Abraiiam Volasky. 631 ] Do. Mrs. Catharine Iluifhes. 633 Do. Mrs. Pauline Zacharias. 635 Mrs. Kliza Iloii;an. 637 1 ( Rosier D. Caston. 639 Miss I). E. Weissinorer. Unoccupied. 641 1 Miss J). E. Weissinj^er. 643 1 City of Cliarlcfston. rpperWards(iuard liouse. 64.") 1 llenry A. Dreyer. Thomas Wriifht, f. p. c. 647 Do. Henry Rosenstein. 649 1 Do. Henry A. Dreyer. 651 1 653 1 655 657 1 659 661 1 663 665 1 6r,7 1 669 1 671 I 673 1 675 ^ WEST SIDE. WAIU) No. H IJohn G. Lafar. Mrs. Caroline (ieddes. Ebenezer II. Hodgcrs. Do :)o. Ziba R. Oakes. ( Do Augustus Dufort. Janu'S Salvo. [ThoTnas McDonnell. I Go<)rge Addison. I John Wilson. Do. II. Colliner. John G. Lafar. Mrs. Caroline Gcddcs. Un<»ccupied. John Fred. Apeler. ClauH Tietjen. Mrs. Mary O-Xeill. Bernard Carroll. Augustus Duforl. Janx's Salvo. Georjxe H. Kysenbach. George Addison. 116 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. KrN"G STREET— Continued. WEST SIDE, WARD No. s. M o ^ .i - No. o • o OWNERS."*^ OCCUPANTS. m ^ 677 John Wilson. John Wilson. 679 OhwoII Uec'der. Oswell Heeder. 681 Estate Roliort F. Ilonry. James Wiley. 683 Do. M. Lan<:;er. 685 J)o. Slaves. 687 Do. Klias Holston. 689 Martha Davi.s. Richard N. Lord. 691 Thomas N. Gadsden. J. & W. Hunt. 693 Public School. 695 Charles Ruffio. Antoney I'adron. 697 John IIo< 10 1 12 14 10 IS 20 22 1 24 1 26 ' 2S :{0 32 1 34 1 - 36 3 s 1 4(1 1 42 44 46 48 50 52 :.4 56 1 58 1 ] 60 62 1 t. 'John C. TJyan. 'Captain J. Burrongh- Wm. Leffnian. 118 CENSUS OF rilAELESTOX. KING 8TRKET— Continued. EAST SI in:. WARD X- M c • No. B a o OWNERS. occil'ANTS. 70 1 ( '(ii|». «if Froiicli I'l-'.tcst- aiit (.JIiuiH'li. Teri).xicliore Hall. 72 1 ('<)r]>. of Freucli Protesl- iint Cliurtli. Slaves. 74 1 Do. Patrick Sheridan. 76 1 Do. Patrick Brady. 78 1 Do. Mrs. ('. Berrio. 80 1 Do. J. .1. Boesch. 82 1 Do. Mrs. Preston. 84 1 J)o. Unoccu])ied. jj It 1 Do. /vl-n-i vl 1 A. Gambato. E. Bn.Vk. ,'^ 90 Zil.a H. Oakcs. Samuel Morri.>f [ If. i. 126 .laeoh F. Schii'nier, 128 Marx I"-. Colu'ii. E. Mealier. 130 Do. 11. Sonhevrou.x. 13j Khtatt' Isaac liarrott. W. Winir.' 134 Estate .1. 11. Scluilte. .\ndrc\v .Marsiwdl. 136 138 140 .142 EAST SIDE, WARD No. 4 Mrs. Mary Cooper. Do*. Do. John (I. Willis. James Burke. Adolph F. Kit'sar. I'tlerhai'dt i^ Canipsen. Miss Harriet Buckley. i CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 119 KING STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. ^ A O o OWNERR OCCUPANTS. 1 m ^ 144 John G. Willis. •lohn McMahon. 146 1 R. A. Miller. Mrs. Eliza Keo0 1 Mrs. Esther Blum. William W. Leman. 11»0 5 Do. Mrs. Eliy.abfth C. Jones. 1!)2 Do. Bnining & Jager. 194 L. F. Petit. L. F. Petit. 196 Estate James Robb. Mrs. S. Watts. 198 Do. Fre » 218 Mary Q. Mclluirh. B. Jackson. 220 P. .1. Coogaii. Alexander MoLoy. 222 1 Samuel N. Hart. M. F. .Moh.ny. 224 ^ Do. Mis.s Mai-y Fullam. 226 1 Do. John James iDindv. 228 Do. S. N. Hart& Co. 230 Mrs. Caroline A. Siflcy. Hrady A: MeDonell. 232 Do. Estate Moses C. Levy. Theodore F. Chupein. 234 William IV Bristoll. 236 Norman M. Porter. N. M. Porter \- Co. 238 Daniel II. Silcox. Unoeeuitied. 240 Do. Deery i^ Sileox. ■142 1 f (lustavus V. Aiicker. Henry M. Clarke & others. 244 { Do. John Cummins. 240 James G. Bailie. Mrs. Mary Dunn. 248 1 ' 4 Do. John llarheson. 250 •- Timolliy M. Ii^i•^t<•Il. Timothy M. Hristt)ll. 252 Estate John lliintiT. James G. Railio. 254 Do. Unoccupied. 256 Do. Mrs. Emily C. Boinar. 258 Do. Ezra P. Culler. 260 Do. Auij^iist Illing. 262 Do. Mr.s. Anna (J. Parker. 264 Thaadcus Kelly. Thaddcus Kelly. 266 Estate William ('alder. Young Men's Chiistian .Association Kooms. 268 Do. Unocc-upied. 270 Do. Gal»riel P. Jirowno. 272 ?]state's C. Levy. Ilayden i^ Whilden. 274 Samuel I'Mslier. Mad. .\ugustine Fillette. 276 John Marion. John Marion. 278 restate .Moses ('. Levy. W. Carrington iV Co. 280 Do. Clarence A. (iraeser. 282 Do. Edward Daly. 284 Mrs. M. S. Martin. Mrs. llcnrielta M. Dibble. 286 Do. Kenitick J< Skrine. 288 .lohn Thompson. 290 Grand Lodj^c of So. Ca. Archibald King. 292 Do. Spencer & Teague. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 121 KING STREET— (\.iitiinic(l. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. 03 . a c a OWNERST OCCUPANTS. « 204 1 G'lul Masonic Lodijc S.C. E. Cote. 206 E. M. Cohen & C. E. Isaac. Unoccu])ie(l. 20S 1 1)0. Miss Martha Mitchell. 300 1 William Greer. William Greer. 302 1 James McCarcy. James Murtland. 304 1 Bernard Von Glahn. Mrs. Rcl»ecca .lacohs. 306 1 Sarah Woolf. Andrew Waldron. 308 1 John II. Steinmeyer. Michael Shalloe. 310 I Do. Jaco^ E. Snares. 312 w314 1 1 r^'l^.i i^-»Krii»lQiii Mrs Mil I'v TTi'idf Clementine II. Bernard. HA IC?. J.^ A. till > AJLV^MIlj. 316 Estate Ker Boycc. Merchants' Hotel. 318 John 11 Steinmeyer. Unoccupied. 320 1 f Estate Robert Pennal. Dr. BcnJ. A. Mnckinluss. 322 1 Do. Alexander Smyth. 324 Charles Weissin * Do. J. Kaufman & Brother. 342 1 Estate John Hunter. Hermann Koppcl. 344 1 Do. John Van Winkle. 346 Do. Unoccujiied. 34S Christian Heidcnrick. 350 Charles Riisch. 352 Benjamin Jacohi. Benjamin Feldmann. 354 1 ( Mark David. Mark David. 356 h i \)n. Mad. Caroline Pcllotier. 358 1 Do. Unoccupied. 360 j John L. Francis. 1'. ]». <•. James D. Johnson, f. p. c 362 I ( Do. John L. Francis, f. p. c. 364 CharU'H Wciwinj^r. Isaac BelitKcr. 366 Mrs. Mary T. Allemong. Goo. W. Steffens & Co. 36S 1 D. A: V. Ky.sU'in. Unoccupied. 122 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. KIXO STKKKT— Coiniimod, y- EAST SIDE, WARD N.. i. No. a o o * OWNERS. tJ ' OCCUPANTS. a ^ k 370 1 f D. & P. Epstein. Daniel .Tohu Ryan. 372 1 1).,. Miehacl Fhnini. 374 1 j J. C. Blohmo. Mrs. M. M. McKenzie. 370 «, i ^''• Sohimon A. Benjamin. 378 1 C Estate A. Ott<)loiie. 304 ( Do. Jacob Levinshon. 306 J. (;. JJIolimc. Henry (ieo. Cainpseii. 398 1 Robert White. Ilc.hi'it White. 400 1 Estate Nathan \athanH. R()l)ert Jenney. 402 1 N. F. Pel it. John (liven. 404 r . , Do. Evi'lina M. (iuenveiii'. 406 1 James .Murdoeh. J. \- M. llarheson. 408 1 Du. David (Johlstein. 410 1 Do. William J. Yates. 412 1 Estate Thomas L. Hiilow. rnocciipied. 414 1 Estate S. J.C't.hi'n. I'atriek Cullinane. 410 1 Mrs. (Jraee O'Siillivan. Catherine Crondey. 418 1 Do. Abraham Trailer. 42U 1 Thomas Walhicr. Thomas Wallaee. 422 1 Clias. W. Seiifnious. Martin Me.Master. 424 1 Mrs. Sarah 11. Lovei^reeii. Louis Fora. 420 1 Do. Mrs. Marv Vou lladidn. EAST SIDE. W AKl) No. ."). 428 1 428 i 430 432 484 436 438 440 (xun Shod. .\uirustus Mrcviandc. Estate Isaae liarrell. Foui'th Hri<;ade. 1>'>-. - . --^ ; Estate ir. \N .()|i|)eriheim. .Mrs. Calh. ('ppenheim. Mrs. t'ath. ()]»])(Mihciiu. !Wm. F. l*eml)erton. Do. I l'noeeu|)ied. G.W.Aimar\- ( M'.Ainiar.j(;.W.Aimar& C. i'.Aimar. Estate Robt. W. .Ma/.vclv. Mrs. Caroline C. Webster. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 123 KING STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD X. )i a * No. o o J: OW NERg. OCCUPANTS. r 442 Estate Robert W.Mazyclf. Dr.' Geo. W. Weseott. 444 1 ^fi's. Rebecca Mosch. Mrs. Rebecca Moses. 446 1 Mrs. Van Winkle. Patrick McBride. 448 1 f Thomas Wallace. Unoccupied. 450 I Do. Unoccupied. 452 1 Charles T. Mitchell. William F. White. 454 Do. Francis Surau. 456 1 llenrv H. Holi^er. Henry II. Bolifei'. 45S 1 ( Philip A. Mc Bride. tico. W. Egleston. 460 \ Do. ¥ WWliam Brower. 462 1 Nazer F. Petit. Slaves. 464 1 Do. .fames Welsh and others. 466 1 Do. , Jerrj Murphj-and others. 468 1 Do. Unoccu]»ied. 470 1 Christian Amnic. Cliristian Ammc. 472 1 Tr.Ksl.Mrs.C.G.Branford. Charles (r. Brat)foi-d. 474 1 Robert IIoiiMton. f. it. c. T"^noccn])ied. 476 1 Do. Rol)ert ilouslon, t. p. c. 478 1 .lolin AVilson. f. p. e. i John Wilson, f. p. c. Dr. L. A. Frani]iton. 480 1 William Aiken. 482 1 Mrs. Cath. Oppenheim. Philip Tiotz. 484 1 Do. i William Wri.rht. 486 Do. ^'. Henry Cost inc. 4SH Natalie Benoist. j Frederick Pucklialicr. 490 2 ( PWlip A. MeBride. ' William H.Clayton. 492 I I>o. i Cornelius. I. H. lirown. 494 Do. Harris Tjcvin. 496 Do. ■ Metz. 49S 1 Do. Fr.uicis Keane. .500, 1 Do. ; Hermann Slurcken. 502 1 Do. 1 Malchus Wetlicrliorn. 504^ 1 Da. 1 Unoccupied. •'^off'. • Do. Jlenrv Tiencken. 508^ 1 .lohn Tolle. j Frederick (i. Rehkopf. oKt 1 Do. ! F. Weinberg. •^'- iH 1 Dr. Will. Mmninel. lirowne.* •'>1iMIE» ■ Do. ^ Hummel & Schwake., 51(r n .lohn A. Cook. John A. Cook & Co. ^Hf: * 124 CENSUS OF CIIAHLESTOX. KING 8TUKET— (\intiMned. KASi' SlIU:. WAKl) No. :.. _ ; No. M . 1 a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 518 520 522 524 526 r)28 5:54 53() r)88 r)40 o4:i 544 54H 548 5r)0 Jolin A. Cook. Charles P. Cassi,.. Est. MelJrich >fary D. Martin. FredoiMC'lc (". Hhun. Williiiin ir. 15(»riiiLC- .1 . .\.( '<»<»k'.s board'i; house. (MiarU's P. Cassi.Iy. .Mrs. Ann Sullivan. rnoecupied. John A. Fk'ischnKinn. Jiilm honiiH'. PalricU Mliiih. Mrs. Joanna l*'lynn. Mrs. Ann Ilayf'onl. John 11. (i raver. John iiei>hiuann. IJnoc'oujiied. .lolin Frederick Biise. Tlids. IMiillips Forreston. Mary D. Martin. lleiirv W. lleissi'nl.iidel. William 11. BnriMi;. 552 1 , 554 4- 1 556 1 558 1 560 502 1 5(i4 1 560 1 568 570 1 572 1 574 1 570 1 578 580 582 5.S4 5S0 588 500 KAST SIDI liarniann llasli'di. Do. J)o. JIagerniaji & Luhs. Do. Do. Georj;e S. llacUei-. Do. Do. J)o. David (Jalii-iel Wayne Kbene/A-r 11. Modifiers. I'^rancis J. I'elzer. llcnrv A. Due. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. WAKl) No. 7. C'arsten F. lltiicken. Unoeeu}iied. Unoeeii]»ied. JIai;ornian iV Luhs. t'laus Frederiek Luh.s. (Mans IFonry Meyers. Unoecnpied. ;\u<;iist Di'la]>orle. rnoeciipied. (ieor<;i' S. Hacker. David (iaitrii'l Wayne. Fhenezt'r 11. Kod^crs. Franeis .1. I'ci/i r. Thomas W. Spfissci^ger. lluiuy A. Due. August I'^auiliier. Max Horneston. Uoss Sj)ri<;g. J)o. ' ( 'hristian Gcorm- 1 Micker. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 126 KIN(i STRKET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 7. No. 692 .504 596 598 600 602 604 606; 608 610 612 614' 616 ()1S 62. c. George H. Rumpel. Diedrich II. Schwecke. Patrick Diiffie. Hester Markley. Unoccupied. Janles John TinsscU. Alexander Neil. James France. Nicholas Piinger. Joseph Fidmoiison. F'rcclcrick Wittpenn. John Spain. Moses licvj'. Vincent Salvo. Jacob Wise. • Christopher Volmer. George Waltenstein. John Adkinson. 126 i ■it; CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. LAMliOLL STREET. A'(//(.v West from fCing, opposite Smith's Lane, to Legare Street SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. ^ No. • ^ § OWNERS. ' « 1 ^ OCCIPANTS. 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 1 1 1 1 Robert Macbeth. Philip J. Poreher. Do. Mrs.Ciitliorine C. Jenkins. Mrs. F. H. Kdwards. Mrs. Eliza B. Wilkins. Robert Macbctli. Mary Simons, f. p. c. Unoc(ii|)ie(L lU'V. Will. Otis Prentiss. rii(>c(ii|tii'(l. Mrs. Eliza IJ. WilUins. o 1 4 1 G 1 R 1 1 10 1 iL' 1 NORTH SIDE. Patrick O'Domu-IJ. iMrs. Htnilv R.,'. Pr.Kst.Ed.S. Lucas, S; wile. 'Ilenrv P. "Pussell. .Miss Marv W. Baker. Mary B. Baker. Miss Hester T. Drayton. Dr. Ilopson Piiiekney. William M. Lawton. .1. W. Brownticld. r. Kst. Mrs. Amelia (iil»l>es. '.Joseph Smith (liltbcs. LAUREL STREET. Iiunt< Xorth from Spring Strtrt, htfircen Bose Lane and Perey St. WEST SIDE. WARD No. h. [Rev. Ptk. O'Neill, trustee. ; Klizaheth Miller, f. p. v I.Maria 'I'riplet, f. p. e. 1 8 51 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Samuel Wehh. .John Rich. •Mary Crosby, {'. p. c. Joseph .\. Sasportas. Sarah Lincoln. I', p. e. Susan A. D. Curry. Pre. e. Abram Williams, f. )). c. '1 'Charles Bethune, f. p. c. John Yost Mutze. Charles Bethune, f. j). c. * CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 127 LAURENS STREET. Runs West from Southern end of Wharf Street to Anson Street. SOUTH STDK. WARD No. 3. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 20: 28 w\ 82i 34: ^8 401 42 4«1 4H' 50| ^- '^ c • No. u OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 8 1 1 Fairchilfl & Hamlin. Benjamin Ellis. 5 1 Estato .Tosliua Lazarus. (leori^e W. Crann-r. 7 1 Wtn. Kirkwood. Wm. Kirkwood. 9 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Mathcson Mrs. Elizabeth .Mathcson. 11 1 Mrs. iSarah C. Patterson. Edward Ilarleston. 18 1 Catherine M. Simons. Catherine M. Simons. ]h 1 James Mai*sh. Wm C. Dukes. 17 1 Corp. of the ( "Imrch Home. Church Home. 19 1 A. n. Taft. A. R. Taft. 21 1 Cursten Nohrden. Edwin J. .Tones. NORTH SIDE. Wm. H. McMillan iMrs. .laneM. Thompson. 'Mrs. Lvdia Montgomery. !.J. T. Hlsworth. Do. 1)0. .lam CM Kenny. Estate .loshua Lazarus. James (^uin. j.Mrs. Eliza l»usHell. jMrs. Julia Dujire. E.state Wm. I'atton. M. H. Ingraham, Tr. Est, Estate Joshua Lazarus. John H. Hanck. Do. Do. Do. Do. JamcHMuirhead. AVm. Risti.t;. Unoccupied. Martin Ijcwis. Mrs. Jane M. Thompson. .'Daniel Tiapham. Thomas Kiniston. Unoccujiied. Jolin T. Elsworth. Unoccupied. Kenn}'. Mrs. Bridi^et Quinlan. James Quin. iMichael l>al3". ;.U)lin Weldon. iHenry Volhl. 'Kcv. Tracy H. Walsh. George H. Ingraham. 'Mrs. .Toshua Lazarus. 'Mrs. Mary ("olman. Robert f'asey. ,Miss .Mary Kelly. Mrs. Hose Sheridan. lElizabeth Poole, f p. c. iGfprge^rdcs. 128 '/■■-■ CENSUS OF CHAIILESTON. • LADSONS COURT. Iiuns*lVest from Mcetin^^ between Price's Alley and Smith's La • WARD X.. .'. ne. No. M. K m e e o OWNEKS. OCCri'ANTS. 2 I I lEst. Dr. Philip Tidynian.|Mis8 Hester T. Drayton. LEGAKE STREET. Runs South from Tradd Street, opposite Friend, to Ashley River. WARD No. 2. 1 Hobert R. Bee. [Robert R. Bee. Mrs. Mary S. Novle. I j^ Mrs. M. R. Roper. Mr.s. M. I{. l{(.]K-r. 1 lion. Cliarles Maobetli. Hon. Cliarli-.s Mnchotli. 1 James K. Pi-in-flo. James \l. Vr\n'^\v. 1 Kstate Mrs. ('. \V. Smith. 'Tliomas () Lowiulos. 1 Wm. li. Peronneau. iWm. JI. Pi-roniuaii. JosepiiT. Dill. Josepli T. Dill. I'^stale Wm. ( '. (iatcwood. .Mrs. (Jatewood. ( '.•!. Arthur P. JIayne. Col. Arthur P. Ilayne. -Mihott II. Brisbai'u'. .\hhott II. lirisl)ane. 1 iStephen T. Rohinsoii. Stephen T. Kohinson. 1 Richard Hoper. Richard Roper. 1 (Miarh's B. Cochran. Charles H.Cochran. 1 |Mrs. W. II. W'a-ner. \\V . II. Wa-ner. |.MisH Maiy Jane i'^raser. [Frederick Iv Frasei-. KAST SIDE. 1 Thos. Savai>;e Ileyward. Thos. Sava;;e lle\\vard. Cleland K. linger. Cleland Iv. IIuL,'cr. Edward X. Thurston. Hdward X. Thurston. Wm. Ilenrv Ileyward. Wm. Ili-nrv Ileyward. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 ^1 23 25 27 29 311 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 1 Est. Catlicrine Jiowndes. Roland Rhett. 1 Wm. M. Minott. 1 Dr. Francis S. Parker, 1 I Thomas Farr Caj)ers. i lluherl Ad-'er. ,Wm. B. ,Minott. Dr. Fi-aneis S. Parker, IMiomas Farr ( "ajiers. Rohei't .\do. Mary Jones. Bridget MoMahon. H.innah K«'lly. .Mary I'awson. James l>url\o. Mii-hael K«Miindy. 180 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. •^ LIMKIIOl'SE STREET. Huns South from Tra >'l'''i> .^'n.t (nnl f'<»niril Street, to Ashley Ji WARD v.. _' No. OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 r 2 4 6 8 10 Mrs. L. B. Legare. .I«»si')>li hawsoii. Lewis F. li, WARD No. 8. pjdward Addison. Do. C'hristian T. Sclilepcgrell, Farrell (J'Kourke. Estate Alexander Eddie. Estate J. P. Weinholtz. Mar}- Elizaheth Kennedy ThoH. Andrew Johnson. William M. Sack. Peter Oeland. Rebecca Elviegg. f. p. c. (icorge Nunan. Dr,. Do. [Henrv Wragge. "Walker. iWilliam O'Hilcy. John Williamson. |ATin Husfh. Thoma" <'olc, f. p. c. Christian Wm. Wickling. Henry Willc. Ja«mes C. C'rose. Farrel O'Kourkc. Henry Rod a. Henry L. Williams. Thos. Andrew Johnson. William M. Sack. Peter Oeland. Rehecea l-'lviegg. f p. c. Edmund Tohin. Selina Scott. Rachel Milene. Louis Witzorerk. TTnofcupied. William (> Wil, y Janie(« NVescoat. William Hiloy Atkinf^>n. Thomas <'olo, f. p. c. 132 CENSUS OF CHAIILKSTOX. LTXE STREET— Continued. SOUTH SIDE, WAED No. 8. 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 40 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 621 64 66 68 No. o a o o OWNERS. n ^ 73 1 Thomas Grant. 75 1 Do. 77 2 Charles R. Rrewslii nCClI'ANTS. William limit. '.\inlrew John Kennedy. Slaves. 2 1 1 4 1 6 1 1 8 1 i 10 1 12 1 14 1 16 1 IS 1 2(1 3 ! •)•> 1 NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 7. iState of South Carolina, .lames S. Jones, jMrs. Catlierine Culberl. IJoIiii L. Diifort. ijolm I). Huscli. Trust Estate Mrs. C. G. Bran lord. Do. Florist. Mrs. Catherine C'ulbert. John I.. Diilort. John I). Husch. Mary (i lover, 1'. p. e. Kat'hel Hrown, f. \>. c, So. (,'arolina Railroad Co. So. Carolina Railroad Co. Do. So. Carolina Ji. K. Depot. Wharton it Petseh. II. W^iteofsUy. Do. Slaves Wharton iV: I'rtsch. Mliza AVeston, f. p. e. Sarah Ann Ilai-rison, p. e. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 8. John R. Stall. ,'» lUnoccupiod. Tr. Est. Susan E.Hranford.!Jose|)h L. Heaiidrot. Jane McDonal A. Jl. Abranis. John R. Stall. Do. F. F. Chaueau. Do Hliza Woodworlh. Est. William F. (Jarsten. Do. Do. Sai'ah Jcjhnston. Augustus R^'an, f. p. e. iCorjtoration Second Haj)- tist Chureh. illenry FincU. Benjamin Jl. llollings. Mai-v .laniieson. »;-^Min"na Holly. .Michael Storno. Joseph White, f. p. c. Do. Anne Busch. Charles B. .McDonahl. Manninij W. Way. Mar^ Taylor, f. j). c. Sarah .lackson. I". i>. c. Slaves. ( 'harles Bcr^jman. Fli/.a Wooilworlh. Mis. .Mary 1'^ Car.ston. John .Mooney. Jas. Shoolhred Di avion. Slave.s. Eueretia Atkinsim. Betty White, f. p. c. Ilcnry Fiindv. Benjamin 11. IIollingH. .Mai'v Jamieson. .Minna Holly. .Mai-i:;aret .Miller, f. j). c. •loseph White, f. p. c. I'noccuj)ied. Unoccupied. CENSUS OF CUARLESTON. 138 LINE STREET— Continued. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 8. No. i. u V. pa a s © OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 70 72 74 76 78 80 James McCarey. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. John Salsman. Samuel Owens. Unoccupied. Unoccupied. Unoccupied. Slaves. LILLY COUKT. ^•'-^., JtMnn East from Pine Street, next North of Allway Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 8. 1 1 iDavid Magratli. |David Magrath. NORTH SIDE. 2 \ 1 jAaron G. Barton. 'Jane A. Johnson, f. p. c. LUCAS STREET. Z??//*."? Xorth from the extreme West end of Calhoun to Doughty St. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. ll I 1 iThomas Bennett. jThomas Bennett. 31 i 1 iBenjamin J. Wlialey. IBenjamin J. Whaley. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 6. Luca^ Ulmo. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 4. Thomas Bennett. jPaul C. Trenhoira. 4 :i 6 ' ** 2 8 10 2 12 1 1 14j 16| 18 1 EAST SIDE, WARD No. 6. Cannonsboro' Wharf and Mill Company. Do. Do. Do. JoHCph l^allard. J. & F. Daw!»f»n. G. W. Capp. Robert Ilarncv. 10 Jas.W. Purlell and othern. William Simoim, f. p. c Alice Bua^. f. p. c. Robert Lawrence, f p <• Franroi» George. Jamc» Kirwan. Free pen*onK. Unoccupied. 134 il^^J CENSUS OF CnARLEPTON. '^ LOGAN STREET. Runs: Xorth from Trmld, bit. Fn'iiui >tno I Alfred (iillespie. MOUNT STREET. Went from TiutU'lge Avenue, nr.rt North of Nunan Street. NORTH SIDE. WARD No. 8. 1 Esfiito Lewis O'Bryan. Slaves. 1 Holurl AiiKtiii ' IPet<'r Hyan. 1 .iercmiah Bowen, f p r Hun.' 2; 4l 6 136 CENSUS OK ("IIAULESTON. MAIJK'KT STKKKT. Runs West from East /^///, hcticeiu CumherUind ami Pitukney Streets, partly through Ward Xo. '} and parth/ throihih Ward No. 4, to Archdalc Street. SOUTH SIDK. WAHl) No. 3. No. M O a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. n ^ 1 3 Nicholas Au«rustiiu'. Martr:nvt Siaveni. Do. 5 Do. Danii'l L. .McCartiiy. 7 Do. Anth'v Kol»l>iiis \ others. 9 Do. Martin Heiiett 11 Aiif^cl Biajifi. Aiit^el liiaiiei. 13 Aiiifok) (^aiiale. .Viii^elo C'anale. 15 Roiiert Brodic. Ijouiw Sehiielicrt. 17 Do. Joseph Pattani. 19 Do. Frank Barton. 21 William Aikoii. Williani .Marehe. 23 Do. Theodore Cordes. 25 Do. Jos. Pattani, store house. 27 Do. Joiin M. Martin k others. 29 Do. Sylvestro .laneovich. 31 Do. Leonardo .Malti. 33 Do. Charles Clark. 35 Do. Baptiste Pattani. 37 Do. James ('osi^rove. 39 Do. Isaae Harris. 41 Do. Unoeciipied. 43 Do. William Ent^lert. 45 Do. Jaeoh lieils. 47 1 Miss Harriot Piiuknoy. ('hristian Waterman. 49 1 Do. Unoceii])ied. 51 Do. Frederick Lanipke. 53 Do. Henry James. 55 C. Kellers. John James. 57 Do. Unoeenpied. 59 1 Dr. K. 11. K.-ll.Ts. Jlenrv \V. HufVinan. 61 1 MrH. D.S. M. StelffCK. Mrs. b. S. M.Stelo. .lohn .Meyt'i-. 67 Do. llnoeeiipied *69 Do. Sophia 'ressler. V. W. i{. Kiiickincycr. K. VV. \i. Kniekmeyer. John C. Grul.e. John C. Gruho. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. MARKET STH?:ET— Continued. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. .3. 137 ttf e / » *x So. u o o OWNERS. ^ OCCUPANTS. tt ^ ■M 75 Miss Harriot Pincknc}'. F. Von Spvecken. 77 Do. Edward David. 79 Do. Charles Voi^lit. SI Do. Mrs. Ilcnrv Cohen. S3 Do. Andrew Drairo. S5 Do. Nicholas Taglierani. 87 Do. Simon Jacobs. S9 Do. Do. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. Hon. Mitchell Kiji<(. Do. Do. Do. Do. ( Do. I Do. Bartholomew Foley. Do. Do. Ficken. Do. Do. f W. & A.McKinla}-. ]i.c. J Do. W. k A. McKinlay, H. tiol.lHmith, of N. Do. t Ziba B. Oakes. I Do. ( Do. J Do. ( D(». liohort F>vans. Rob<'rt W. Sevmou y. '■ William D. jjocke. Peter C. Kerrigan. Unoccupied. Michael Pelissier. Francis Kicssel. Timothy Clafty. "Do Bartholomew Folc}-. Unoccupied. Mrs. Beta Hilbers. Edward S. Lee, f. p. c. Unoccupied. Edward W. lice, f. p Lewis Barber. James Fiidcy. Wm. McKinlay. f. p Dr. Marx E. Cohen L. E. Siddon. Unoccupied. Unofciipied. John HuMsell Baker. Dr. E. IL Kellar's office Benjamin F. Hiirh- Philip Wcatherliahn. Koltort Evans. More houHc. .lane Thomas, f. p. c. Ann (i raves, f. p. c, Unoccupied. ' c. and 138 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. No. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1^ 20 •>•> 2G| 2Hi .30 1 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 oH 60 62 64 66 6S 70 72 74 76 MARKKT STKHET— Continued. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. S. M a w o OWNEU; =^ OCCUPASJftES. Hro. Marine Cluirtli. Do. Do. J)o. J. C. II. Chiussc-n .V; U. ('aiuj)seii. J. Ciiinpseu & Co. Port Society. Georjfo Firinicrt W. Wit-nges. jE. Phillips. j.lohn W. Philli]).s. Christophei C^muibo. jUnocfupit*!. Do. *' 'Mrs. Eleanor Ward. 'Thomas Hamlin. Wm W. Hil.y. K Langden. Eliza IV. i NORTH SIDE. Stanislaus Hlanchard. Stam-iaus •Iiard. 140 CENSUS OF CHARLKSTON. MAKSII STREET. Runs North from L Strrt(,ltiticec» Wds/u'iKjtofi and Concord Streets, to (^tilhnun. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 3. M ft H ■■» N«. 5 n o o OWXERS. OOCUPAMtf. i; John S. liifigs. .lolm MiUor. 3 Do. I'atricU liamudi. 5' Tliomas K. Chow. rnoccupi»>d. 7 Do. Thomas ]{. (Mu'W. ^, Heniy Hredcnhori;. .I(diii Wootman. 11 .1. and Uonjainiii Lucas. IK'iiry I'liiK'c. 13 Do. Kranc'is Silva. 15 Do Mi-s. Amu'tti' TurnhiiU. 17 Duniol W. Miscally. Dainel W. Miscally. 19 E. Dovineau. .Mrs. Mar«rarct Mayr. 21 K. (i. Cantwoll, miardian. .lanu's L. Hrandt. 28 1 D... .Natliaiiiol V. Smith. 4 6 ^1 10! 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 I 1 AIIktI Sclimidl. ' M IS |->k'ainir .Maiison. \V. .M. Idoyd. j .Mrs. l^loaiior Maiisoii. ludjorl Howard, f p. c. D... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. lloill.ri 1< \ Hrothcrs. losc'jili S. Addison. ' D... .M i-s. Ilrh'iia Srlimii Goo. MoD. St oil. Kdward Jdoyd, 1'. p. rnocoupiod. Unocoiipiod. Antonio Bi'own. Ann I.owmh's, 1'. )) iMrs. I'.lizalioth (iirv Kilmun1 LTUIK STREET. Runs W'tst t'liiin KiiKj, mill ol')n fill' City limits. WEST SIDE, WARD No- 2. No. M 1 § o ■! ■ OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. P3 1 ^ ' ■ ' 1 Williiinis .Middk'ton. 1 Williams Middleton. 3 1 Miss Miii'tliii Piioleaii. 1 .NHss Mai-tha I'rioleau. 5 1 Wm. C. Courtnev. Julius Matthiessen. 7 Do. Wm. C. Courtney. 9 1 Estate llenrvW. ("oiinor. Mrs. Julia M. Conner. 11 Bonjainin I). Iloiicr. Benjamin 1). I'oper. 13 Mrs. I'U'lia WilUcs. Mrs. Clelia Wilkes. 15 Instate Oliver L Dobson. Charles T. Mitebell. 17 Win. .1. Axs(»n. Wm. J. Axson. 19 Mrs. E. M. (JriH'iilaiid. Unoceiijned. 21 Estate Henry W. Cuiincr. liobert Bunch. Brit. Con. 23 1 Erastus y\. Heacii. Krastus M. Beaeh. 25 Miss Mary 11. Ilavno. ' 'NHssMarv H. llavne. 27 Otis Mills. Otis Mills. '• 29 .loliii llarlcstuii Head. John M. Crei:i;hton. 31 1 Kstate liosa A. Miller. Thomas K. Ryan. 33 Henry A. DeSaussure. Henry A. DeSaussuro. 35 1 Edward liarnwell. Edward Barnwell. 37 Robert F. W. AUston. Robert F. W. Allston. 39 Mrs. C. F. A. Harbot. Mrs. C. F. A. Barbot. 41 1 Misses A. & !']. ( 'lipps. Misses A. & E. Cri])j)s. 43 M. C. Mordecai! M. C. Mordeeui. ^ ( Mub House. 45 Cbai-leston ( "lub. 47 2 Fstate W. I*. (Ireenland. Isabel Clayton, 1'. p. c. 49 Do. Wm. Patterson. 51 Do. Robert W. Seymoui". 53 City. Capt. Horatius S. Bass. 55 Wm. n. Siniili. Alfred Price. 57 D... Captain .lohn Sassanl. 59 Mrs. Kliza Heath. Joim C. Nolan and Isaac B. Davis. 61 Wm. B. Sniilli. .Iosi'])h ManiiTaiilt. 63 Tr. Est. Mi-s. Van Winkle. William N. liu-lKs. or. Hibernian Society. Hibernian Hall— J. J Farrell. 67 1 1 Otis Mills. Bur Kooiii .Mills House. 69 1 Estate Wm. Enston. Unoeeupied. 71 1 Otis Mills. JMills House. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 143 MEP:TING STREET— Continued. t WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. o o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 73 1 Dr. II. W. DeSau88ure. Dr. H. W. DeSaussure. 75 1 Dr. Edward North. Dr. Edward North. 77 1 Charleston Saviiii; Inst'n. Ilenrv S. Griggs. 70 1 Georffc N. Kcvnolds. F. Brailsford" f. p. c. 81 1 Do. ' George N. Reynolds, jr. 83 Do. Salcedo & Bierek. 85 1 Do. Do. 87 1 Do. Mrs. Margaret Frey. 89 1 City property. C. Y. Richardson. -■91 1 Dr. Benj. A. Ilodriguc.s. Dr. Benj. A. Rodrignes. »93 1 Do. Wm. Shocmakci-. 95 1 Do. Robert Minniss. 97 1 Apprentices' Lib. Society. Apprentices' Library. 99 1 Wni. Sclinierle. Galiriel [)a\'is. 101 1 Kobert M. tfrcen, in trust. Christian Noclken. 103 10.^ 1 Dr. Henry Winthrop. Charles White. " 1 Joseph A. WJMthrop. 107 1 George N. Re3'^nolds. Daniel JI. Ketnme. 109 1 Do. Roltert Flinn. 111 1 Do. Henry Bease. 113 1 Wm. T. White. Wm.'T. White. 115 1 Charleston Theatre. 117 1 Mrs. Jane M. White. .Mrs. Jane M. Wliite. nil Do. Dr. Philip M. Cohen. lltl Do. John Ciirrie. 123 1 Estate ('has. 11. Pankin. Charles F. Paid OWNKRS. OCCUPANTS. _«_ ' ^ _ , • 149 Miss Jane Ann Adger. Hydo, Gregg & Day. 151 Goortfc tS. fanuTon. , George H. Cameron. 158 Do. J. & W. Knox. 155 Do. Dunham, Tart & ('o. 157 Do. Wel.h & Sage. 15{> Do. Chaniberhiin, Miler& Co. IGl Dewing & Thayer. Dewing, Tiiayer S^'o. 1B3 Henry F. Strolieckor. Henry F. Strohoeker. 165 Do. Cnnoeupied. 107 B. L. StrohocUcr. Pratt. Dowie & .lames. 169 0. C. & (). K. & .1. P. 8trolu'C'kor. iii>\\«'ii, Foster vVo Co. 171 Heniy F. Sirolicikcr. .Iciiniiigs, Thomiiiisou 6c 1 S\ 173 Gbai-les W. Seigiiictiis. » o. Mai-sliall. Hiirge ».Sl- Co. I). K. Williams vfe Co. 175 - A. St. Annind, trustee. 177 4- Do. Iv 15. StocUlard & Co. • 179 Do. Do. 181 Estate Isaac Barrett. Will, ilai-ral. 183 Do. Do. 185 ILL. Butterfield. Pavilion Hotel. 187 Estate Siiiilli .Mowrw Alfred P. .Mulligan. 189 Do. .Andrew ( 'aMwi'll. 191 Do. Mrs. Ann D. .Mo wry. 193 Moses 11. Nathans. M. 11. Nathans. " ♦ 195 Pati-iok liogati. Patrick llogaii. 197 J Elizaltetii StoMcy. Michael Wm. Zicgler. 199 1 Estate George J'anolt. .lames .lacksoii. 201 Do. Francis 11. Plogi-r. 203 Shirras I)is|>en8ary. Dr. Octavius A. White 205 A. S. .lohnson. t nistiH'. A. S. .lohnson. 207 1 Mrs. Mary S. I.aiiil». .Mrs. Mary S. Lamh. 209 1 Dr. Koliert A. Kinloch. Dr. Pohcl-t A. Kiidoeh. 211 1 Estate (leorgf Weliht-r. ( )lto Soiintag. 213 1 L. M.& A. (J. llorll.cck. Samuel N. Hart. 215 1 Henry Ilorllieck. Henry Horlhi-ck. WEST SIDK 217 1 I jOtis J. Chafee. 219, 1 ' I Richard Arnold. 221 ! Morris Meyer. WAltl) No. 5. Otis .1. Chafee. Richard Arnold Morris Meyer. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 145 MEETING STREET— Continued. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 6. ti a No. K cm o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 223 Allston Reabrook. Allston Seabrook. 225 1 Eagle Knginc ( "ompany. Eagle Engine House. 227 Trust Hstate Ilonoria W. Fentonliino. Dr. Richard ^^. Rice. 229 Do. William A. Quiglcy. 231 John McKccffan. Edwin C. Prince. 233 Do. Campbell W. (ii-tfy. 235 Do. Charles (). .Martindale. 237 *- Albert BischoflF. Sarah Eraser, f. p. c. 239 Do. Albert Bischoff. -«41 James Tupper. •Tames Tupper. 248 So. Carolina Railroad Co. Slaves. 245 .las. S. .lohnsou and wife. Christopher Bl3'den. 247 Do. Slaves. 249 D« Slaves. 251 Do. Owen Gahagan. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 7. 253 Tr. Est. Mrs. E. R.Walter. .lames T)ewii'o 255 1 Henry Williams. Slaves. 257 So. Carolina Railroad Co. Slaves. 259 Do. Slaves. 261 Elie Dufort. Philip Saltns, f. p. c. 263 Do. Elie )ufort. 26^ Edwanl Han lay. 267 Estate Ed. .1. Jones. Benjamin ^loorc. 269 John A. Hose. .lohn A. Hose. 271 Dicdrich Apeler. Grist Mill. 273 Do. Dicdrich Apeler. 275 Philip Hnchlteit. Philip liiichlHil. 277 Tr. Estate Mrs. ('harics (i. liranfonl. .losiali Sineath. 279 Do. Unoccupied. Henry Willis. .Ir. 281 Henry AVillis. Jr. 283 Peter Chrifiliao. Ernest Pai*Hailaigue 285 John Heid. 287 Dr. Benj. A. Tlodritrues. G<'orgc Strong. 289 Do. James F. VenMJCc. 291 Dicdrich Droger. Pe^er Christian, 293 Pan I Jones, f. p. c. Pftol Jones, f p. c. 295 James Stratfon. Jauics Strattfin. 146 CENSrS OF niARLESTOX. MEETING STHEKT— Continued. ' WEST SIDE, WAKI) No. 6. No. w u s a o o oWNKUS. OCCUPANTS. 297 299 1 3 Albert Teriv. AIIkm-I Terro. Lewis iM. Ilatcli iS: Son. iCIiai'n Fertilizer lUetor)-. 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 ," 12 1 14 16 1. j 1 IH 1 2U 1 22 I 24 1 20 1 28 1 30 1 32 1 34 1 86 1 38 1 40 1 42 1 44 1 46 1 48 1 50 1 52 1 54 56 1 1 58 1 60 1 62 1 1 64 1 i EAST SIDE, WARD No. 1. Henry (Jourdin. James II. Ladson. Thomas Middieton. Andrew MeDowall. Sannicl G. liarkcr. IJev. Tliuinas Smyth Mrs. M. li. Lowndes George Kinltxl Ilenr}' (Jourdin. .lames 11. Ladsoii. Thomas Middleton. Andrew MeDowall. rnoccupied. Iiiv. Thomas Smyth. Joiui V. I'yatt. Mrs. Minna Peterman. Mrs. Elizahetli 1*. Smith., Mrs. i-'Jizaheth P.Smith. Dr. Ile/.eUiah M. llai-,^. I. re Ilowanl. Tr. Estate .Marv Brown. Mrs. Jsahilla .\i. Jlu.. jl']. ami A. Sloman. Free Persons. |E. M. LehmUahl. i Inoeeupied. j.Ianu's Ad<^ei'. John Herklev (irimliali. .Vli'xander (Iordon. Miss (iraeia Bay. Jlon. Mitelull Kini;. Mrs. Van Winkle. liernard ON'eill. Peter (iowaii. Mrs. MaiT liayniond. Estate .lohn llunler. (ieorire F. Meldau. ;Miss (Jraeia Hay. Arthur .M. linger, i Peter (Jowan. I Hernard O'Neill. j.Miss Susan Ker. lUnoeeupicd. Schroder Hrothei-s. id'eorge F. Meldau. EAST SIDE, WARD No 3. 661 68 1 j(ieorge Kriete. iJames MeKonkey |(Jeorge Krictc. lUnocenpied. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 147 MEETING STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 3. •2 c ', No. o o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 70 1 Joseph W. Harrison. Francis (t. Ballot and W. H. Smith. 72 Do. Joseph W. Harrison. 74 Nicholas FchrtMibach. Francis (i. Ballot. 76 Do. Nicholas Fehrcnbach. 7S Institute Hall. 80 1 Estate William CaUler. Joseph A. Thouron. 82 Francis Backes. James Buckley. H Do. Au:;ustus Tamsbcrii;. -«§ Do. Cai-le Bennc Zander. ■8K Do. Theodore Kocster. 90 Benjamin Mordecai. Southern Express office. 92 1 Thomas Divine. Joseph Meyer. 94 i Tr.Est.Mrs.J.C.Thwing. Archibald Duncan. 96 1 W. J. Wiirhtman. James Gordon. 98 1 Do: Charles Herling. 10(1 1 Do. Julius Flaum. 102 1 Dr. John W.Schmidt, Jr. Joiin Starowsky. 104 1 Est. Wm. C. Gate wood. Charles Meitzler. 106 1 Estate Abraham Koulain. E. W. Lloyd's Car. depot. lOH 1 Davio. Benjamin 11. Brown. 188 Henry llorlheek. Martha Poinsett, 1". p. c. 190 Do. Unoccupied. 192 Do. C'harles Logan, 1". p. c. 194 Do. Benjamin (lerkeii. 100 1 198 1 200 1 202 1 204 1 20(5 1 208 1 1 210 1 212 1 214 1 216 1 EAST SIDi;. WAKl) No. .-.. Maria Weston, i'. p. c. .lohn C. Otgen. Do. j.Iose])h A. Enslow. Kst. Isaac iiateman, f.p.c. 'Sarah Holmes, t'. p. c. Dr. Eli (leddings. Dr. Lamh. Mrs. Martha 11. I'yatt. JMrs. Martha II. Pyatt. (Jeorgo N. Keynojds. i. lames I'l-ice. 1 l|>r. .lohn F. l'oj»penheim. [Boi'ghard Bai'gmaiin. >o. lUnoccupied. h^sl.Martha Fordham, jt.c. John Davis. Do. Rachel King. Jolwi Davis. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 14i) • MEETING STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 5. No. u OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 218 1 Tr.Est.Mrs.Janc Ancrum. Mrs. Maria Finle}'. 220 1 Estate .John Grlcn. William C. Small. 222 1 Do. Mrs. Laura LeBert. 224 1 Mrs. Mary E. Campbell. Mrs. Mary E. Campbell. 226 1 Glaus H. Ilarbers. Francis A. Kean. 228 1 Do. Claus H. ILarbcrs. 230 1 Comniis'rs Free Schools. Scliool house. 232 1 Charh^s W. Seignious. Henry B. Jiohde. 234 1 H. Kuck. Christian Hilkcr. 236 1 Francis St. Marks, f. p. c. Francis St. Marks, f. p. c. 23S 1 William St. Marks, f. p. e. William St. Marks, f. p. c. 240 1 Mrs. M. .J. Kcckelej'. Dr. Ivlward C. Kockdey. 242 1 Estate Suteliffe. Hicks. 244 1 Louisa Mc Vicar, f. \). c. Joseph Neil. 246 1 Martha Evans, f. p. c. Charles Hutton. 248 1 Do. Martha Evans, f. j>. c. 250 1 John MoKeegan. John McKeegan. Ihl 1 Frederick II. Whitney. Frederick JT. Whitne}-. 2.54 1 Car«ten Sahlmann. Carsten Sahlmann. 2.56 1 Robert William Disher. Hobert William J)i8her. 258 1 Trust Rst. Mrs. Wellini;. Eanagan. Alexander (reo.ChalmerH 27 H 1 ' So. Ca. C'onlage C'omp'y. Unofcu]»ied. •_'S(i 2 Ilf-nry Williams. Honrv Steinken. L'SJ 1 b^tate P. J. Boyee. Thad'.ieus W Bra/lley. 2X4 1 Do. Jamet< U. Ctaxs 1 Cnoccupied. 2",«0 1 .Michael P. O'Connor. W. T. J. (). Wco.iward. 11 ir.o CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. MEKTING 8TKEET— Continu.Ml. EAST SIDE, WAlll) Xu. 7. No. c c o OWNERS. OCCri'.VNTS. 292 Eide Henry Oldenburff. Diedrich Maeburg. 294 Do. Kide Hoiiry Oldi'nburg. 296 298 ^i*in ^"•Ir o Unoccii|)ii'(i. Robert ('. Starr. R(.l.ert E. Starr. 300 1 !WilIi:iin Kden, 1'. p. c. William KdiMi. i'. p. c 302 1 ;Mrs. K. Tilton. Holtert Kiii^li'V. 304 1 L. CordcH, f. p. c. Samuel B. Meyer. 306 1 Do. William A. Jones. 30H 1 John T. irenorcy. Henry R. Stafford. 310 1 iWilliain Hrrdoiiiaii. Robert Kiilm. 312 1 'Kst.JolinH.MatlK'\vs,f.p.c. Ann Matliewe.'*, f. p. c. 314 2 jWilliam S. Ileneivv. Wm. S. llenerey's shop. 316 1 John R. Stall. John ('. Brandt. 31« 1 ' Blake. Robert Di.slier. 320 1 ])o. James Dunning. 322 1 Do. John Brown. 324 326 1 Do. 1 i)o. y Ik Liv^^-wtf *\ n F. C. Whitney. 328 1 ] Do. f 1 11 T u u^ . 330 2 Estate Josiali S. J'ayne. Daniel liurdo, f. p. e. 332 1 Daniel Sweeney. Unoecupied. McKEEOAN'S COURT. Runs East from Meeting Street, a few doors nhove Woolfc. SOUTH SIDi:, WARD No. 7. Ij I 1 IJolin McKeegan. .loiin ( 'oreoran. NOllTH SIDE. 1 IJohn iMeKeej'an. Mis. Ann Dull'v .McBride. 1 Do. Mieliael Harlow McMAlIONVS COURT. Runs East from St. Philip's Street, next South of Line. NORTH Sn)E, WARD No. 8. .2 1 I MoManmon. I'Timothy Hogan. 1 iJeremiah MeM alien. 1 Clejnentine H. Bci-iiard. Jeremiah MeM alien. Slaves. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 151 MAZYCK STREET. Ru}is North from Broad Street, opposite Lo(jan, partly throug/i Ward No. 2, and partly through Ward NoA, to Beaufain St. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 2. No. o PQ o o c OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 5 1 1 1 Patrick O'Brien. Mrs. Mary McCall. liulwinkle. Patrick O'Brien. MisH Johnston. John Hancock. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. 7 1 9 11 la ' s . 15 17 19 21 23 26 1 27 1 29 31 1 33 1 35 1 37 1 J. H. Buhvinkle Mrs. J. (t. Biniclev. Joseph P. McCalL Samuel Weston, f. p. c. Thomas W. Malone. Do. Do. House of Correction. F. Itgen. Mrs. J. (x. Binglcy. Eliz. Gardiner, f. p. c. 'Samuel Weston, i'. p. c. : Slaves. Slaves. 'Thomas W. Malone. Tr. Est. S. W. Saltus' chil.J. C. Saltus. Maria T. McHugh. Do Henry Cranston. Estate James English. Do. Do. Do. James Quintin. Ijulia Stanton. |S. S. Spady. jUnoccupied. ^Slaves. ISlavcs. Sarah Brown. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 2. 1 jDonnis D. Bunch. 1 jThomas Arnold. 1 IMiss S. f'ohia. 1 IJames II. Murrell. jDennis D. Bunch. Thomas Arnold. Ijohn Wintlirop. 'jamcs H. Murrell. 10 1 1 1 12 1 1 14 1 1 16 1 ! 18 1 20 , 1 1 22 1 1 24 26 28 30 32 1 * 34 1 AVARD No. 4. Mrs. Martha Withington.iMrs. Martha Withington Estate Mary Antony. Barbara K<'in. L. B. Northrop. Kstatc A. ('Ooler. I.Mrs. Ann Hall. Henry Varner. Estate Kobcrt F. H Do. Bfltatc J. Rugley. Do. Richard Ilollowav. Do. ^ enry 1 Pat rick Carrol jJanc Bogues. f. p. c. jL. B. Northroji. IW. C.Oakley. I Slaves. I Henry Varner. ;EliKa Winston, f. ]>. <•. Mary Chichester, f. p. iW. t*. A. Kogley W. Kuglcy. .Unoccupied. liSlaves. 152 CENSUS OF CIIARLKSTON. MIDDLE STREET. Rum from Laurens Street, between fVall and East Bay Streets, to Calhoun Street. WEST SroE, WARD No. 8. t« Q No. o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 Miss Muria Elff. Miss Maria Elfo. 3 Charles W. Sci^nious. Miss Ann Mcl^lrov. 5 Win. H. Kirkwood. Mrs. L. JI. llaself 7 Win. Cross. Mary .lermont. 9 Capt. Beiij. Morgan. Andrew Keid. 11 Do." Capt. Heiij. Morgan. 13 Harriet Snares. Benjaniiii C. Snares. 15 Margaret M. Smith. John Hums. 17 Mrs. Susan S. Armstrong. Mrs. Susan S. Armstrong. 10 Do. Benjamin Elliott, f. p. e. 21 Miss Maiy Henry & Mrs. Ann Hoss. Slaves. 23 Do. Slaves. 25 James Vidal. James Vidal. 27 Charles ('olson. Mrs. Maria 11. Purse. 29 Do. Charles Ccdson. 31 1 Mrs. ('lem. J I. Bernard. I'noceupied. 2 1 4 6 8 10 12 14 1() 18 20 22 24 2G 28 30 32 EAST SIDE William Brunyos. Charhis W. Seignious. Dr. William Hall. Do. J. Cheosborough, trustee. Charles Colson. Do. J. B. Moigan. Do. Thomas 11. Smith. Mrs. Margaret lleviis. William il. Burleigh. Tr. Kst. Marie T. Vidal. William Henry Houston. Do. Do. (^asper 11 art. Michael Lehay. Unoc-euj)ied. John Minsing. Mrs. Sai'ah J. Robinson. Mary A. Heeaise. f. p. c. Slaves. Charles Mich:u'l. PluK'be Jones, 1". p. e. Mrs. .Mary Oxiade. Mrs. .Margaret llevns. William il. Burleigh. Mrs. Elizabeth Neufville. Mi-s. ("aroline Long. Unoccupied. Augustus Pont. CKNSUS OF CHARLESTON. 153 MILL STREET. Runs West fi^m Rutledge Avenue, bet. Calhoun and Doughty Sts., to Lucas Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 6. No. u o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 J. D. OPterholtz. J. D. Osterholtz. 8 1 Do. Slave. 5 1 Do. Slave. 7 1 David Molcn. David Molen. 9 1 William Gregg. Elisha E. Bradley. 11 1 Do. Unoccupied. 13 1 Do. Alex. Wm. Duffus. 1.5 1 Trust Est. J. D. Alexan- der and wife. .Tames P. Ilcddcrly. 17 1 Abigail and .Tas. Legare. Miss Abigail T. Legare. 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 12 4 NORTH SIDE. Miss Margaret Stone. Miss Margaret Stone. Tr. Est. Dr. Wm. Hume and cbildren. Dr. Wra. JIume. Dr. George W. Wescott. |Slave. Do. jSlave. Fred. (\ Sas))ortas, f. p. ciMartlia Sasportas, f. p. c Anthony Weston, f. p. c. |Uose Simons, f. p. c. MILLS' ROW. Runs South from Calhoun, between Anson and Meeting Streets. 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WAR D No. 3. Ames P. Karle. |Pat»y Binglej', f. p. <• Do. Slaves. Do. Lydia Mavrant, f. p. <• T>o. ^ojdiia (liristophcr, f.p.c Unoccupic'i. Do. Do. Slaves. ho. Slaves. Do. Slaves. Do. 1 Unoccupied. Do. 1 Slaves. ir,4 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. >rON'TA(U^E stk'kp:t f{u7is West from (\iimiuj Street, bettfittn Wtfltvrortkond George, tn As/ilei/ Hirer. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. >i a No. o o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. n ^ e 1 — ■ ■▼ O. Reeder,tr.S.W.Ree(ler. M. B. Recdor. 3 Do. Maria Macanlev, f. p. c. 5 Do. Amelia Stevens, 1'. p. e. 7 Do. Martha Lo<;an, f. j). c. 9 Do. Mary McKee, 1'. ]). c. 11 Do. George A. Howard. 13 1 John Y. Stock. Jolin Y. Stock. 15 Miss Maiy K. Smith. Mary E. Smith. 17 Jacob Wicii<^cs. Jacob Wienj^es. 19 1 Mrs. Mary JV'iuial. Mrs. Mary Pennal. 21 1 Jane M. Tlidiiias. Josojih IMa<-kman. 23 1 Mrs. M. E. Ht'i-iot. Miss Ileriot. 25 1 Jane M.Milli^un iV sisters. Misses .Milli^ McBRIDE'S LAKE. Runs West from King Street, a few doors below Calhoun Street, to St. Philifs Street. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. Unoccupied. Slaves. Unoccupied. Robert Kinl)y. Daniel O'Mara. Slaves. Slave. Unoccupied. Slave. Unoccupied. Unoccuj)ied. Slave. Slave. Slave, j Slaves. Slaves. Thomas C'uddigan. Do. Slaves. Slaves, llenr}' Fink. MINORITY STREET. Runs from East liny, nhore Lnurnis. Street, to Wall Street. SOUTH sn)E, WARD No. .S. y\r^. .1. (\ Leach. iDocia f^ray. f p. c. Klias Dail. 'Klias Dail Henry L. Lyall. Henry L. Lyall. Isabella Tennent. Mrs. K. E. f ennont. NORTH SIDE. Victoria V. De Lcnum " •via V De Lcaiimont. Ki. c. Louisa McV'iear, f. p. c. 11 Adi-lc Do Lett re, W p. c. A. Do. Do. Kveline Smith. Henry Caininade. .lohn Wm. Curtis. Christian A. Panzerhieter .lohn Sj)enee. i Francis Gillis. Unoccupied. Theodore L. 1'^. Ijindaii. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 5. Thomas H. Dewees. i Frederick Marshall, f.p.c. Do. jSlaves. Aan F. Hnnvn, f. p. e. 1 Harriet Johnson. 1". j). c. D(t. jAnn F. Hrown, f. p. c. Emmolinc P. Holmes, p. cJEmmeline P. Holmes, p. c. CENSUS OF CirARLESTDN. 150 NASSAU STRE?:T— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 5. No. o 12 1 14 1 10 1 18 1 liO 1 22 1 22 i 1 24 2 26 1 28 1 OWNERS. Robt. N. Gourdin, tnistee Ann Parsons, f. p c. Do. William (ilover. F. W. Whitney. Do. C (Jhrietzberg, n.l WARD No. 2. M e No. S o OWNERS. OCCri'ANTS. l-« is 1 1 J. C. Ilanahan. 3 1 Oliver 11. Middleton. 5 1 Charles Kerrison. 7 1 Cioorire (iiblton. 9 1 Misses Muir. U 1 Mrs. (Carolina hawsoii. ^ - ^ 1 Wm. LaidU'r. ? ^ 1 (TCoron. .latnes M. Wilson. .Miss Torre. Estate Dr. Saimiel Wilson. Mrs. Wilson. Estate Robert l\nnell. Aart)n S. Willinj^ton. .Vle.xandc-r II. Brown. Otis Phillips. Gcoi'^c B. Keid. Dunbar Paul. AK'.xaiidor II. Brown. lOtis Phillips. jGeori^e B. Beid. Dunbar Paul. NUNAK STREET. Itnns West from Jiutledye Avenue, above Line Street. SOUTH SIDK. WAKI) No. K 1 3 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 John D. Mahony. John \l Burch.' James .Me( 'arey. James Beatlie. Owen Dutiy. jKliza lleiKlricks. ' '<<■' ii-^c N tinan. D... iThomas Karrall. .Itihn D. Mahon}'. JKlizabeth liee. James O'tJorman. iCatherine (Juess, i\ p. c. lOwen Dutiy. Eliza llendrieUs. John Wm. Bell. Lewis Scott. lleni-y Blair. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 161 OAK STREET. Runs Xorth from Congress to Moultrie, next Wf$t of King Street. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 8. No. O OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. ■ 2 4 1 1 James McCarey. ORANGE Dennis Ilogan. . Michael Storne. STREET. m Runs North from Tradd Street, hettceen King and Friend Streets. to Broad. WARD No. 2. Ann Brailsford and Mr.[ Carrerc. Wm. G. Carrere. Everett. W. Edgerton. Everett W. Edgerton. Wm. E. Martin. Wm. E. Martin. Est. Rev. Sam'I (iilniaii. Miss Georgiana Ramf^ay EAST SIDE. 2 1 John (/olcock. Kicliard 11. Cokock. 4 1 Ann Fox. .John Corcoran. 6 1 Joso])li Provost. iMrs. M. E. liodgors. 8 1 Joseph IJalhird. IMrs. Harriet H Egan. 10 1 Mrs. Margaret E. Iloff. jCapt. Koss Davis. 12 1 1 Diana Trezevant, f. p. c JDiana Trezevant, f. p. c. 14 I (Joseph Ballard. jSlavcs. 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 ORAXGE COURT. Runs North from Amherst Street. WEST SIDE. WARD No. 7. 1 Patrick Kctnicdv. Patrick Powers. 3 Micliael Lanigan. iMifhnn] l,.Tniir;in. 6 Dieckhoff. lUi. ! 7 Ti 9 1 r, 1 1 Jnjiti Willi;un«i'>n Mr ■ . -...rtl, 1G2 CRNfiUS OF CHAHLKSTON. TAl.METTO STRKKT. Jiuns IIVa/ ('/-I'm Ashley Street, bdu'irn Mill , in. 1 /) ,./.ilfi/ Strx-fs, to President > "- SOUTH SIDE, WARD N- >■. No. d o o s _^ 1 . ^ 8 t 3 OWNKKS. =^ OCCUPANTS. 2] 1 4 1 ^6 1 John K. Bevin. Luder V. Holiliiii;. NORTH SIDE. Dr. Wiiltor W. Witsell. iSlaves. Capt. Daniel O'Leaiy. .lolin Raring and others. Do. L. Carson. Uh(K'cu)tioprinq and Cannon Streets. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 8. • K a No. a. PQ o 1 1 3 1 OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. Miss Margaret B. Paine. James Benjamin Russell. \)o. I Francis Tigho. NORTH SIDE. 1 I Miss Margaret B. Paine. iSarah Hines. 1 I J)o. I John Peed. 1 I Po. ijohii IMiili]) .lones. PICKETT'S ALLEY. * Bnn.'i West from St. Philip's Street, between Boggard and Line Streets. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. ^ 1 I 11 John R. Pickett. Ijohn Freeman, f. p. c. 3 I I 1 Do. |Pnoccnpie(J. 5 i I 2 Po. • iJane Jackson, f. p. c. NORTH SIDE. 2 I I 1 |John P. Pickett. jSlaves. PENIE STRI:ET— IN Ward No. 7. Runs East from Meeting Street, above Rumney, to Cooper River. 1 I 1 ] jState of South Carolina. jPowder Magazine. PINE STREET— IN Ward No. 8. Runs North from Spring Street, between Chinquepin and Chesnut Streets. WEST SIDE, WARD No. «. 1 I I 1 |I)avid Magralh. James Mandcvillc. EAST SIDE. 2 i '1 ilpTin.'in Schwartz. | Herman Sr Iiw.iri/ PRINGLE STREET. i2?/7Jii 164 CWISU8 OF rilARLESTON. pirrTjjp's COURT. RuM^uth from <%apd Stnrt. i m mediately East >■'' *h- / fhmse. • ^ WARD No. 5. t •# ^ — - -^ ^= No. OWNERS. l\ S. lieaii. NORTH SIDE. 1 [Estate William .lones. i(!apt. Lawi-eiice. 1 I Do. |Eli/.al)eth Holmes, 1'. p. c. PHILADELPHIA STREET. li'uiis X.froni Queen, bet. State and C/nireh Sts.,to Cnmherland St. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. .S. Ill- .l..lm Cahill. 3 1 I jThomas L. (^nackciiltusli.iTlioma.s Metiowan. 5,11 |Thomas (Jarrity. , Unoccupied. NORTH SIDE. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 2 4 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 James Kennoy. 'J'liomaH Einnagan. Do. Thomas Garrity. Do. iMary Harvey. John Tobin. Michael Conner, liosanna Hudden. Mieliael (^)nner. I CENSUS OF CHARIiERTON. i6r. PITT STREET. Runs North from Benufam Sfred, parthj through Ward and part hj through Ward Xo. 6, to Vandcrhorst kifreet. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. V). M a \ ■ No. o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. ^ 1 1 William D. Porter. William n. Porter. 3 1 E. c J(din Verce, f. p. c. Kntate Natlian Nathans. Slaves. Do. MrKinley. Henrv Muckenfuss. Do. Estate Jolm Hunt<»r. Do. (■Jeorj^e K. Kinney. EHt«te Jowpli Alston. MrH. Hettj* L«. Moise. 12 Diana IJussell, f. p. c Slaves. Unoccupied. Uno( cupied Cha^lc^ li ' Benjamin I (ie«»rge F. K iith. > jMrs. I{iuli. 1 S .r^ K~< [Mrs. Ilctly L. Moiw. lt)6 CENSIT8 OF CHARLESTON. riTT STHKET— Contiiniod. EAST SIDE, WXlili No. 4. A.. .. a o o OWNERS., OCCUPANTS. 1 « 5t 28 1 Est. Mrs. H. Blackwood. William Mi-rritt. 30 1 Strjdii'ii D. Do:ir. Stcplien I>. Doar. 82 ^Irn. .lohaiuia .liiger. Mrs. .lolianiia .laijer. >S4 Benjamin Lucas. Ann Drayton, f. p. e. 86 Do. Slaves. 38 Martha (^uasli, f. p. c. Susan (Jreen, f. p. e. 40 Do. MartiiU (^uash, f. p. c. 42 Harriet Weston, f. p. e. Slave. 44 Anson Deliesseline. Anson Doliesscline. 46 Miss Selina M. Porcher Misses C. & S. M. Poreher. 48 1 1 50 1 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 1 EAST SIDE, WARD No. C Gershom fiazarus. ICJershom Ivazarns Fri'deriek C. Blum. Do. Gelirard Henry Zerltst Charles R. Brewster. Do. Do. Do. • Do. Josejili A. Sanders. Tr. Est. Mrs. L. Sanders and children. Claudia Sanders. Thomas CaiMer. James li. Stevens. (Jehrard lleni'V Zerhst. Kmma Duni^v. 1". p. e. William Blank-, f. p. c. MarselineKanapau.x, t'.p.c Louisa llilli^as, f. ]>. e. Slaves. Martha Thonipson. f. p. c Joseph A. Sanders. Andrew Tui'iihull. DORTER'S ROW. Bmis .Xn/th from Honjurd Stn it, hci ween Sires Street (tnd liutledge Avenue. EAST SIDE, W.\RD No. 8. Eliza O'lranlan. Wm. Wallace (li-aves. Slaves. William O'Brien. Unoccupied. John Helfrid. Slaves. Maria .fohn.son, f. p. c. 2 Norman .N 4 Do. 6 Do. 8 Do. 10 Do. 12 J_^ Do. 14 Do. 16 Do. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 167 PINOKNEY STREET. Runs from Bast Hay, brtwccn Market and Pritchard Streets, rt) Meeiinij Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. M o No. 03 o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 1 Charles M. Olsen. Charles M. Olsen. 3 1 Fitzsimons & Co. Unoccupied. 5 1 1)0. Unoccupied. 7 William S. Henercv. Unoccupied. 9 Do. Unoccupied. 11 Joseph Prevost. J. Vidal and others. 13 Dr. .lohn F. Rhaffner. Patrick Murphy. 16 1 • Miss Mary Ann .lames. Miss Mary Ann James. 17 1 Estate .1. Hunter. Slaves. 19 M. C. E. Lampe. PVederick I.(ampc. 21 * T. (\ Spcissog^er. T. C. .S|)eiHsegger. 23 1 John ("ampsen. John Ciini])sen. 25] 1 Theodore D. Ruddock. Theodore 1). Ruddock. 27! 1 Q«-k»>ancis E. McKenzie. Mrs. Sarah Steenson. iMrs. Pehecca Smith. William Duffy. Thomas Mahcr. William R3-an. Ahrams k Brother. Mrs. Sparnick. Mrs. Margaret Pritchard. Ge«»rgc W. Rahh. Dr. F.M Roberteon. office. lUnoccujiie<^l. 168 CKNSUS OF CHARLBSTON. IMii;>ll)KXT STKKKT. Runs North from WtM rii,l of Duiufhtif Stnnt.pnrtly through Ward Xo. G ami fxirthj tlirmnjh \V(irV SIDK. WAlil) N. • No. 1 3 5 7 9 n 13 15 17 19 21 23 2fy 27; 29 1 Sll OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 B. S. D. MiickcnfusH. Do. Thomas W. M alone. B. S. 1). MiukcMifiisw. Win. Meliilosli it otliers. B. S. D. MuckciifuBH. Do. Do. Brown. jjohn McKvoy. jMatlln'w Ryan. JDrliiis .Vllon. t'riiornas Molony. Win. .Mclntosli*. John F. Scyle. MllcUtMlfllSS. Jucol) ('ol)on. John llarijrave. Do.' Do. B. iS. D. Mnckonf'uas. Unoccupied. Win. Henry hawson. John llarj^ravc. Unoccupied. Thomas ("amnion. WE.ST SIDE, WARD No. H. 1 IMiiliji Smith Price. iJolm J. W. Ludcn. Win. Chase, f. p. c. C/itv of ChaiMcston. John Livingston. 'PiiMic Ccmctcrv. 2 4 41 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 KASr SIDK. WARD No. C Dr. L. B. Northr(i|>. iJoiin Donaho*' and others, ilenrv .\ lliiiii. Win. J. Boone. |)(>. John K. Bonneau. Tr.Est.Caroliiic'I/. lleins. Jolm B. Keans. I)(i. Mrs. Win. Cochran. KA.ST SIDK, WARD No. h. 12 14 1 10 18 20 22 Charles II. Stevens. D... John lleiiiy (iramann Francis Sires. N. E. Cioodrich. Jiiines II. J<»hnson. Janu-s .M. Kal.h. James .McKewn. John Henry (jlraniann. Francis Sires. James Kd wards, f. p. c. James Ciihson Wheeler. CENSUS OK CHARLESTON. 16H J>RINCES8 STREKT. Huns from King Street, betimn Hirnsford and Market Streets, to Archil ale. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. M c Fo. u o o OWNKKS. OCCUPANTS. n ^ ' 1 William P. Shiii^Mer. Rose Mustapha, f. p. c. 3 Do. Slave. 5 Do. Elijah Stiles. 7 1 James P. Earle. Sarah Barnwell, f. p. c. 9 Do. Mary Ann Puller, f. p. c 11 Do. TJnoecu])ie(l. 13 E. W. Poosor. Sarah Lincohi, f. p. c. 15 1 Do. Elizaln'th Lindsa3", f. p. c 171 1 Estate L. Bohles. Jane Ferguson, i". p. e. NORTH SH)] K. 2 1 Estate Edwin P. 8tarr. James Clot worthy's shop 4 1 Robert Evans. Robert Kvans' shop. 6 1 J. R. Stall. Unoceu]ne East Bay. SOUTH SH)E. WARD No. 3. 1 I Thomas ('ordray. lUnoeeupied. 3 1 JFraiiciw Polic*-. INieholaH Yokagc. 6 ! 1 I Do. jPetcr Snllivati. 7 i 1 ; Do. Heiirv' Dinf^ot. 1(1 I'J ui NORTH SIDE. ( ';nneron K Co. I>o James II Artope. Henry Smyner." Aiiixustus R. Tavel. ;.Iohn Torrent. JThomas .1 ('ummin^. t^noeen]iii'd. lTnor<-npied. jUnoeenpied. 'ITnoeenjiied. fnoreiipied. John Torrent. lUnoccupied. 170 rKX.l the North side being partly in \Vi:. wAi: ) X... 1. Mo. n a o o 0WNBR8. . 1 occuPAirTs. 1 Phiiicas Pcareo. , William A. WiUon's shop. 3 Do. Mj-s. Kli/.aheih Groves. 5 Do. Peter Monlaner. 7 H. Massot. Mrs. i^Iarv Mayes. 9 John .1. Ferrall. Shive. n Do. rnoecii|iieeelle. '23 rnoeeui)ie(l. 25 Ilciirv S]»ariii( k. Thomas Carew. 27 II. F.' Baker. John Ikilev. 29 John McMillan. John MeMillan. 31 Do. Cieor>;i' Allison's office. 33 Hayne & Yates. Store house. 35 James V. Harie. Philip Meitzler. 37 Tr.Kst.II.HoilI.eekiS: wife Frc^derick Ansel. 39 Dr. Jolin Pliiliips. Nicholas Kenny. 41 Josejdi White. Louis Ortmann. 43 Ilu^^h (rXeill. Ilu-h O'Neill. 45 Kstate John llunttr. Adolphus Weisi^erhcr. 47 Do. iloijan. 49 Do. Kdw. Kot< h's paint shop. 51 1 1 ! Do. Junies H. Harkhy. 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 W.\K1) No. 2. Otis Mills. James S. Walson. ililtna Fire Kn«^ine Co. Eliza Ann Foote. J. II. Kenneki'r. J. II. Bremmer. Do. EHtate John Clement. Unoccupied. W. O. Mcliityre. -Etna Fire En;iine House. Mrs. C. Footi'. Henry Vollers. J. II. Bremmei'. Joseph Williams. iMoultrie John.son. CENv'5US OF CHARLESTON. 171 QUEEN STREET— Continued. SOITII SIDE, WARD No. 2. No. i a I K OWNERS. OrCUP/VNTS. 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 N5 117 119 121 123 yi^ 127 129 1 131 183 135 i:;7 Stephen MeLoan, f. p. c. Do. IGourdiii, in trust for Est. l^aac Matthews, f. p. c. Janios Johnston, f. p. c. 1 'Bishop Lynch. 1 I Do. iTruHt Estate Henry Wm. ! Schroder and wife. iBisho]) Lyncli. jN. Alhrecht. iMrs. St. John Bali. Owen (Jreen. Isaltolla Harvey. I Preston West. I A. G. Hiee. W. W. Seym our. Thomas A: Jolin Hancock. ! Do. John H. Biilwinkel. McCall f. p. c. Estate Hohert Henrv. Do. , Joseph Prcvost. lienjamiii MorcJeeai. Mrs. Bogatckt'. Samn«'i G. Crnirtena}'. Jplin S. Wigffs. Jolin liurns. John K. O'Neill. Thomas Muleahy. I'M ward O'Brien. James Kennev. 'Mrs. H. M. Di'l.hle. M. W. St. A maud, trustee James MciJinn. (^atherine Elfe, f. p. c. Stephen McLean, f. p. c. Nanc}- Matthews, p. e. James .Tohnston. f. p. e. Boman Gatholie School. Michael McMainis. Henrv Schroder. Marhle YarVortoii. Mrs. Kelly. Joseph ( 'hamherlain. Mrs. Bogateke. Samuel (i. Courtenaj'. J. H. ( 'olhurn. John Burns. V. O'Neill. Thomas Muleahy. Edward ( )"Brien. James Kenney. IH. Simons. IThomas ('. Hyan Unoecupied. 17l' rKNsrs OF en Ain.KSToX. QUEEN STliEKT— (\.Mtimu' 60 62 64 <>() (iS 74 7<)l Mod. Soc. lor I{()|i(r lliiNji. Simnii hcN'iM'so. !)(.. Shivr. Jolin l"\ O'Ni'ill. rii<)ctii|ii<'iiinn. William Powers. .M i-s. Caroline 'ri'<»iiclie. .Iost'|iii T. Saunders, ollieo, (J. n. Stoddard H. W., (.ttiee. .Mrs. J. .M. Kiidolph. J. (". Hlohme. Melntvre. ollice. Kliza Haven. rnoe(U|»ied. Dominiek Casey. IVler Walsh. ,lolin Nolan. .Mrs. .Mary C Sehirer, •loseph W. llarri>son. rnoeeiipit'd. William Harlh. ?:s(alo Isahella llarvev. ! H. (i. Il:n.p..l.ll. William Dallas. " IWilliam Dallas. John Di-iirhcM, JDt'ii^hen's slahles. Jaeoh MrocU. Ilenrv Winsten. 'Vv. \']s{. y\nv'^. .McDei-mid. .Mari^aret .McDei-ntid. Mi>. .Marv .Mav. I-Mrs' .Marv .Mav. CENSUS OF CHAUIiESTdN. 173 QUEEN STREET— Conti.niod NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. ^ Xo. ^ a o o OWNERS. 78 1 80 1 82 1 84 1 86 1 Mrs. Mnry Ma v. ])o". Tr. Rstnte Ann rtvston. George Krietc. Do. •occupants. Matthew Revel. Dr. E(i. (J. Porclier's office Mrs. Mary J. Keenan. A. Griffitii. f. p. e. (tuy Inglis, f. p. c. NORTH Sn)E, WARD No. 4. 88, 90 Ij PiirfpH Otis Mills. 92 1 1 Do. 94 1 J)o. 90 1 John McNellag*'. 9s .1 Dr. William Michel. 0(1 1 Isabella Ilarvcv. 02 1 Do. 041 1 John O'Mara. 001 1 Thomas Geraghty. OKI Do. Kil J(.hn O'Mara. 12, 1 William rtrerhardt. 14 Mrs. Mary Coojier. l«l 1 • 1)0. 'ii 1 Captain Berry. -H c 1 Louis Fora. 22 Allen .Maeaiiley. 24 Samuel W''^i<'n 20 . Do 2S 1 Do 3(1 Sarah Weston. 82 D«». 841 1 Dr. William Pettigrew. 80 James Murray. 3K TruKi Estate Loui.saK.Da eoster, f. j>. c. Mrs K. A. S'atw. 40 42 .\tiii H. Marsh, in Inist. 44 Jnhn K licvin. 40 D.». 4>' Estate William Ensf«.n 60 i 1 Louisa T. Blain. iMrs. Frances Gaillard. jjohn (^uinlan. jSIaves. iFelix MeC'olter. John ('. Ilotl. Dr. William .Michel. Miss Sarah ('. Harvey. Slaves. 'Unoccupied. Michael (ieraijhty. .Mrs. Catherine Larkin. William I flcrhanil. Mrs. Mary l'ichardso?i. Slaves. K'onrad Sclmcll. Joseph Trual. Allen Macauley. Fleazcr Myers. Sarah Brown, i. ]>. e. (S. A: J. Weston, f. p. e. jSarah Weston, f. p. e. IWilliam Kiley. l>r. William I'ettijrrew. Joseph .Murray. ] William I'. Dacoster. f.p.e ,Lavinia Brown, f. p. e. i Alice M<-llroy. J nil II K. Bcvin. Mrs Hannah F)nst<»n. Louisa T. Blain. 174 CKNSUS -OF C1IARLK8T0N. QUEEX STREET— Coutiiiued. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. S* o , OWNERS. No. U o e ► n ^ 1 w 152 1 154 1 Thomas Nipson. 156 1 Owen (Jrocn. 158 1 Jjicolt Weston, trustee. 160 1 lnstituti<»n SistiTs Mercy. 102 City of Cliarleston. 164 Trustees Med. t'ol. S. C. 166 Henry ('jimnsen. 16H 1 Ca])tain A. Mc(Jee. 17 RACE STREET. /»'m/<.s- UV^7 J'ruin h'iny Strcit, next yurt/i of Sht'p/irnl Streit, to Ikitfliiliji- A i'( nuf. SOUTH SlDi:, W.MII) No. 8. % Ij ! 1 j Weissini^er. .Vuujustiis I'udi^on. NOirni .^IDK. 2; . 1 lUcnrietta Seel. ILiirictta Seel. JiEAl'Eli-S ALLEY. Ji'ii/i.s Xortit from Market Stint, between East Hay and An.fon Sis., to (iidf/nard. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 3. 1 j 1 .L Campsen. .I.e. II. Claussi'ii iJ. Campsen, <^i-isi mill. .I.e. IL Claussen. ROl'ER'S COl'RT. Runs Bast from 3fn'tinff, hctween Broad nn'l Tradtt Stnets. WARD Xn. 1. 1\ i 1 lEstatc John T. Marshall. , Samuel B. Welch. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 176 ]{Ar)(^LIFFE STREET. Runs WeMfrom King Street, between Warren and Morris Streets, ' to Sinitli St r ret. - SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 6. 26 301 — ttf a — te -r — • No. u o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. n ^ 1 1 Mrt^. Sophia S. Wilson. Win. lliley, f. p. e. 3 1 Do. Thomas F". Adams. 5 1 Do. Slave. 7 1 Do. M. A. Simpson, f. p. c. 9 1 Do. Slave. 11 1 .Jose])li Friincis Sires. Joseph Francis Sires. ^ 13 2 Mrs. Soijhia S. Wilson. (laynion Farly. f. p. c. 15 1 Do. Clarinda .Maxwell, f. p. c. 17 1 Do. Uno('eu))ied. 19 1 Do. Slave. 21 3 Do. Henry Janu^, f. p. c. 23 1 Do. Henry James' liv. stab. 25 3 Do. Slave. 27 1 Do. E. P. Montgomerv, f. p. c. 29 2 Do. Slave. 31 1 Henry Otycn. John B. Wa8hin<;ton. 33 1 Cliark's Weissin<;('r. John ir. Renneker. 35 1 John Addison and sisters. John Addison. 37 2 Mrs. Eliza 1^^. Carrere. Mrs. F>liza F. Carrere. 39 1 Mrs. C. H. lleriot. Stephen F. Felot. 41 1 Do. IJjioccupied. J 43 1 Mrs. Sophia S. Wilson Alexander H. Wilson. •> 1 4 1 6 8 10 12 14 16 IH 2n 1 1 •»•> ■■i 1 •i4 1 ' 1 NORTH SIDE Tr. Estate Lydia Whitte-I more and children. Do. Do. George W. OIncy. Estate Thomas CialCK. Do. Do. Do. Sarah liarnwrll, f. p. « Leander (filthrs, f. p. c Cephas Whittemore. Miss Harriet Mordccai. (Vjihiis Whittemore. I Mary Susan Day, f. ]>. c iMrs. Caroline Lei'lare. Isiave. Sarah Crccn. f. p. e. ISlavc. jSarah Hjirnwell, f. p 'IieanWNBR6. I 1' \N1 >. 2" Wni. P. "Diicoslcr, f.p. c. F'ranci's Murray, f. ]>. v. 1 James W. Ilcniandoz. '.lames W. IIiTiiainIc/,. 1 jJolin McI'liiTsoii. jjaines McC'afu'. 1 Hiclianl IIoe(li. f. p. e 1 Mrs. Km ma 'V. Hrown. |»1 .Charles K. .lacUsoi). 1^1 iJacoh K. KaU). 1 Do. 1 Do. 1 1 , D.. 1 .Charles .Mc.\ lisfcr. 1 I Huniew 1 Iletirv H. (Jrad.lieU. 1 ICoij). (ler. Lutheran Ch. Win. J. |{<.tiMiis(»n. Thomas V. () Neale. James Maehcth. i'. j). c. Henry < '. M. Kopf. Charles F. JaeUson. Frederick Wm. Klaren. Charles W. Cleapoi-. Wm. Henry I.afar. Daphne DuHois, f. p. c. .loseph M. .\ddisoii. Thomas Sanders. Henry H. (Iraddiek. Ui'v liudwij' Miiller. ROfKJKIlS ALLKV. Runs West from Kiiui Street, nearh/ opposite i^ohimlnis, to St. Philips Strert. SOUTH Sn)E. WARD No. K. " ' 1 lEhenezer H. IJodijers. Nancy 'IMiompson. • lOl 1 I |)(>. iCaruJino l>a Hlcacli. 1. p. e. 1 l)(i. Hosaliiid A. lU'iiiietl, |t. e. NORTH sn)E. 1 iFbeno/.ci- II. l{<)d<;ers. .\nn Nolan. Do. Do. Do. Do. ■hilia Howman. |Wm. Hiillon. •Unoeeupied Shives. IM'MNEY STUKKT. liuns West from Meetimj street, lieloir the forks of the Road, to h'iiKj Street, nenrlij opposite Simons Street. » SOUTH Sn)K, WARD No. 7. 11 I 1 iSo. Ca. U.' ^{. Co. (farmj. Slavo. 3J I 1 Ic. N'olmer. I lTnoccuiti«' Robert Hunter. I^»lH•rt Hunter. 17 Jacob Pbilip Pctrinovicli. Jacob Philij) Petrinovich. 10 Robert Hunter. Wni. Magher. 21 1 Do. Mrs. Sarah Huss. 2.3 Wm. Howland. Prince Jones, f. p. <;. 25 '1 John Rhikc. Unoccupic(l. 27 Peter Woodward. Martha Stewart. 29 . Do. Sanii'cl Tinsli'v. 31 1 Charles Holloway- John Krancis, f. p. c. 33 Miss ('anil)rid'^o. Michael (^uinlish. 35 George Mason, f. ]). c. Jatjc Mason, 1". ]). c. 37 Joseph A. Sasportas. James l*attcrson. 39 Jaincs McLcish. 41 • F. 11 Whitney. Slave. • 43 I I).. F. H Whitney. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 20 2S 30 NOIITII SIDE. 1 1 1 Mrs ('. II IJernard Sarah Weston, i'. p. c. John I)cignan. Do. Pattani. Lambert W. ifORTII SIDE, WARD No. » No. n .0 , OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. ^ 32 Mrs. Elizalu'tli Grubcr. Mrs. Eliza both (i rubor. 34 Geor<^e 11. (i rubor. Oni Allison. 3ti Kst. J. H. Matliows. f. p. c. "RirhM .McITutuK'v. r. p. t 38 Mrs. KlloM ('. (JK-ii. Mi-s. Klloii C. (iloii. 40i .lamos |)iiimini;. .laiiK's Diiniiiiii^. 42! hi'. Ilt'iii-y Boylston. I'atiicU Kolloy. 44 Mi->. .laiii' K. \Vhart()t\. IVtcr Jilakc. ' 4G Do. Doiinis .MoliH-niy. » 48 Do. .fames Horan. 50 i Estate Acliillf. lielloi^>t. .Mi's. Viri^inia Mooi'e. 52 Do. William Hoehester. 54 *Do. riioceujtic«l. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ROSE LANl^:. Ruiu< Xnrth from Spring Street to Borgurd Street. Mai'ia Wilson. I", p. c. I^lk'ii Nay lor, f. p. c. 'riujinas i{. Small, \'. p. c. Samuel .1. H. Verorieo. .loll II A. .lai^ar. j Do. ' jSarali Harry. A. C'anale. .Maria \Vilsoii, W p. c. Klloii Nay lor, i'. p. c. Herijamiii P. Lock wood. Samuel .1. H. Wn-onee. William < 'orlieth. .loliii A. .Iai:;ai-. Slave.s. Julia Bryan, ('. p. c. '(ieo. Shrewsbury, f. p. e. Klleii Perry, f. p. e. Hose Hill, f. p. c. I Rose Hill. 1". p. c. KAST SIDK. PraueiH ( '00k. Allen. Do. Do. William Peoples, .leremiah Casey. lleniy Miithewi's, f. ]>. c Francis Cook. John Wm Jlowi'. John H. Chichester, f. p. c. Ann Chambers, 1". ]). c. T. Washington Cannon. William Peoples. Jeremiah ( 'asey. Henry >MatheweH, T. j). 0. CENSUS OF CIIAKLESTON. 179 RUTLEDGE STREET. Runs Xorth from Broad Street, partly through Ward No. 2 and •partly through Ward No. 4, to Calhoun Street. , ' 2| 41 6 8 10' 12 14 10 18 1 20 22 24 1 26 1 28 1 30 1 32 WARD No. 4 .1 No. o o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. _«_ ^^ 1 1 •city. Engine House. 3 1 Georjrc Buist. George Buist. 5 1 Arthur Fogartie. Arthur F-'o^artie. James H. Taylor. 7 1 James n. Taylor. 9 1 Samlcrs L. (J lover. Sanders L. Glover. 11 1 Eleanor V. Manson. Eleanor V. Manson. 13 1 Richard neTrovillc. Richard DcTreville. 15 1 Arthur G. Hose. Arthur G. I^ose. 17 1 Est. William Jones. Maria C. Jones. 19 1 James White. James Dillingham. 21 1 Do. Unoccupied. 23 1 Edward L. Trenholm. pjdward L. TrcTiholm. 25 X Elizaheth C. Cart. Eli/.abcth ('. Cart. 27 1 William M. Lawton. William M. Lawton. 29 1 W^illiam Whaley. William Whaley. 31 1 Mrs. Mary McMecken. Conrad Men sing. 33 1 bo. Hldw^fd O.llall. 36 1 Dp. • Slaves. 37 1 Mrs. Allei'der. Slaves. 39 I Thomas Bennett. Francis M. Jones. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 2. iChritjitonher C. Trumho. Michael Powers. IJamedMctiinn. James McGinn. WARD No. 4. 1 jlsaac Brown. iTsaac Brown. 1 iThomas O'Brien. Thomas O'Brien. 1 John Herman Schulte. John Herman Schiiltc. 1 jjeffer'n CI E. Hichardson.iJeffcr'n C. Vj. HichardHon. 1 'Janc Rohh. Jane Kohb. 1 JEst. Jno. Ilarleston R«ad. Benjamin H. liead. jMisses A. M. and A. L. Misses Annely. I Annely. 1 IPritK Junge. 1 ' Do. Isaac Jenkins MiUclI. Estate Thomas Napii-r. Florinn Cliarlcs Mcv. ;Eli7.alKfh r. S. Millie. 1 I William Naylcr. ISIaves. Fritz Junge. Isaac Jetikins Mikcl l?d» •oca JNapn-r. Thomaw M Molmoc, f. p.c. Klizaluth ('. S. Milne. William Naj'lcr. • 180 OKXSrS OK CIIAKLKSTOX. RUTLKIXJK AVENli;. fiuns ^"iirtli from Calhoun Stnrt. nmrlif ofijinsiti: fiutlcdtji' Strret, thro\fgli Wiird No. H dml piutli/ throu : No. 1 3 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 4;') 47 49 ol 53 55 57 59 01 63 »i5 67 <)9 OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. H. 1). 15ov. v.. iThonnis (Jrant. (Cord Dreyei-. John Calitr. Dr. Bi'iijamin l'\ Shier. Sarah Ann Kiiii^don. Peter B. .MalhewH, f. j). e. ( 'harli's K. Brew.sltT. Do. ThonniH (Irani. Do. Charles K. Brewster. Patrick (Meary. William Matthiessen. Unoeeupit iSlaves. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. fL RUTLEDGE AYENTE— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 6. 181 IS ;-)0| r)2 .34 .'.6 :.s (ij <;i 74l No. <4 o pa £ o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 2 Andrew Reid. 4 ^ Effingliam Wagner. Fiffingham Wagner. 6 Misses Rose. Misses Rose. 8 Mrs. Amelia L. Guerard. Mrs. Amelia L. Guerard. 10 Benjaniin S. Rhctt. Benjamin S. i^hett. 12 D. Kolilinan. D. Kohlniiin. 14 Mrs. Ann II. Saunders. Blount & Simpson. 16 Do. Madame M. T. Petit. 18 Do. Henry L. Chisolm. 20 Simon .J. Maiijwood. Simon J. Magwood. 22 1 (xeorgc A. Trcnholm. George A. Trenholm. 24 John II. Holmes. John H. Holmes. 26 Bartholomew G.Pinckney BartholomewG.Pincknev 28 F. Edwards. F. Edwards. 80 1 Jacob H. Kalb. Jacob H. Kalb. '.V2 Do. William .1. Magrath. U Do. F. W. Bornemann. 86 Mrs. Mary S. Bee. Mrs. Mary S. Bee. :{8 1 George F. Kinsey. Unoccupied. 40 2 B;-own & Porter. Mrs. Louisa Tietycn. 42 I 2 Do. Slaves. 44 I 1 Thomas Cochran, f. ]>. c. Thomas Cochran, f. p. c. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 8. 1 James Ct. Holmes. 1 James McClure. Estate Ale.xander Allen. Theodore D. Wagner. Herman Hasted t. Alfred Grant, f. p. c. J. A. ('. G ruber. Dr. Maynard E. Carrere. Sarah Ann Ivingdon. Tobias. E. Passailaiguo. Harriet Shirer. Mrs. .lessio IV Fowler. •Tatnes F. Jortlan. 13 jSlaves. John ?vii(//i Ward No. 7 (DkI {xirtli/ through Ward No. 8. 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 SOUTH SH)K, WARD No. 7. Frederick Hiscli. FredeiMck Hisch lieiir\' Haifernian. 1)...' John R. Stall. Henry lla<:;ernian. Henry Wohliveii. Unoccu])ied. George Clark. Martin Schultz. 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 1 SOUTH SIDi:, WARD No. 8. 1 R. Douglas & (^o. IR. Douglas & Co.'s stables Do. ISIavcs. Tr. Est. Mrs. S.lO.liraMloi-d William Diei-st-n. Seth Phelps. Si-th Phelj.s. Ferdinano. 1 |E8tateI)r. Wm. Ramsay. Slaves. Francisco Chacluc. NORTH Sn)E. I 1 |E8t. Dr. Chas. L. Deasel. |John O'Neall. I 1 Estate Dr. Wm. Ramsay. Jan. Casasayas. SAVAOE STREET. Bxins Xorth from the West end of Tradd. to Broad Street. WARD No. 2. 3| 5 9! n; 13] 15 171 19| 21! 2i 4 6 « 10 12 14 16 IS 20 2H .so' 82 34 3. A. Horlbeck. L. Lutjen. EAST SIDE J. & Beni. Lucas. fto. Do. Do. Do. John N. Tiodoman. W. Belford. W. M. O'Connor. Swinton. W. Bird. |john W. Carmalt. I A. W. Black. jY. G. Yirlesias. iMrs. Withers. lUnoccupii'd. Mr. E. Meliichamp. ']>. Lutjen. 'Francis Lance. Kennedy. R. S. Fielding. IWm. Bingley. i Lucas. William Ryan. jChildrcn of J. W. Motte. 'Unoccupied. 'D. B. Vincent. ;D. B. Vincent. Mrs. Judith Canter. {IL Ahrens. Do. jSlaves. ^ll•s. .Mary McNcal. ' Edmondston 1-1. Dr.lacob Dela Motta.iLaura Carter, f. p. <• I >avid .M« Dougal. iMrs. S. Brown. ' Mrs. Taylftr. Mi-s Mary .McNcal. i:-l:it.- ThoMiJiHO. Eliintt. , William S. Hlliott. I Do. A. Morrow. Mrs. S Brown. C. Pet-crf*on, f. p. c Mr«. Mary MrNoal. Miss Franr-cf Moore. T'^nocfiipied. William S. Klliott. m 1H4 CENsrs OF riiAin,i:sTox. SlIKLL ALLHV. liumXorth from Spring St., bet. Sires Street and Rilfled ye Avenue. EAST SIDE, WARD No. S. No. U n c o o OT^NERP. ■• ;-3: OCCUPANTP. 2 4 6 8 1 1 1 1 Dr.'lf. E. Carrore. Do. Do. Do. Philip Pelot. Kiflianl Stewart. Marv I'ondarviR. Chai'los W. Bond. 1! 1 2 4 6 « 10 12 14 1 1 1 1 r3| ' t 1 siioKT sth?:kt. Buns Wi'St from Mazych, n f< ir ,h."!-< ,ii-..-. UrondJo Franklin St. WARD jA. J. Salinas. < I iiuttuj^ied. NOirni SIDE. Mrs. Mary McCall. Molin IzanI Middieton. D. L. McKay. iD. L. McKay. Cowlam (i ravcley, trustee Cowlain (Jravolcv. J. D. liudds. |.l. 1). Hudds. Estate .lolm McKoo. 'Mrs. .1. W. Simmons. William B. Williams. iWilliam 1^ Williams. Ah. Moise, tr. D. Lopez. |C. U. Wit to. SIIOKT COURT. I{vit!< \Vi$t from Pnsidcjit St., httwccn Spriiuf tntd ('ufh. William David-^on. Frederick Nihau«. James Molvin. Mrs. BarV»arv Hopnon. C'harlos Mc>oil. Barrel Factory. J<»!*cphine Pinckney, f.p.c J amen Conlan. 186 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. SMITH STRE ^m:: ContiiUK'd. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 6. No. ^ 76 77 791 81 83 85! 87 i 89i 91 98' 97' 9!» OWNERS. OCCl I'.WTS. 1 iJAcob IL. Kail.. 1 I p. p. Stevens. 1 ;E8tate Dennis Kcnno(ly. 1 I Do. 1 iJohn C Simons. 1 I Do. 1 Harriot ( 'ol>l>. f. p. c. 1 ,Wni. II. KraiK'is, f. |). c. 1 lllenry Trcscot. f. ]). c. James Mclndoo. John (Miristian C'lawson. Mrs. Kennedy i*c L. Platte Mrs. Klizaltetii Smith. Josi'jth T. SandiTs. William Mastt'i-inan. Misses J . K. and K.S.Ciray. Eliz.& Diana (iiu'rard,]>.e. Miss Kliza Oirit-r 1 Tr. Kst.T. (Jleason & wife.iJohn Martin, f. ]>. c Tr.Est. Sarah M. A. Seott. Samuel Callahan Seott. J)<>. |Charles Julius Patat. Mrs. Ann Coi-ooran. Mrs. Ann Coreoran. EAST SIDE, WAKi) \o. 1. 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 1 12 1 I U 1 1 ir. 1 1 IS 1 i^o 1 22 1 24 1 26 1 2H 1 30 1 32 1 34 1 36 1 38 1 40 1 42 1 44 1 46 1 oliii II. Henneker. (reorire Sani^ster. John W. (iiMcrson. William (J. Wilher. Tr. Est. M. J. HoKertson. Win. Postell loi^raham. Dr. Wm. M. Fileh. Estell L. Adams. KoiitM-t II. ClarUson. Alexander H. .Mitehell. Mrs. II. M. Ilunijthreys. William Kelh'v. Do. Jano LiiiLT. James Tii|i]iti*. David Kamsay. Charles L. Ti'cnholm. Thomas I>. Podi^ers. Do. Do. John .Mired Cay. Sahina Sanirstcr. John W. CriiM'son. John M. Carroll. Ti eoi'iie Pohert son . .1 ulius Lucas. Dr. Wni. M. Kiteh. Kslrll L. .\dams. Kohert II. Clarkson. Alexander U. Milcholl. Mrs. II. .M. Hiim|ihrt'ys. Unoeeiipii'd. Unoeeu|tii'il. Melvin M. C'ohen. Morris Edwards, f. p. c. Slaves. • ( 'harh'S J>. Trenliolm. Theodore liOi^an, I'. |». e. Peter Crovat. Saiidv Brown. Miss Susan Ward Si sisters{Miss Susan Ward tt sisters City. Hnj^im- House. Thomas L. Koied. 1 .Mrs. Naomie R. Dobwn. |Mrs. Naomie R. Dobpoii. 1 Do. Slave. S 1 Do. Slave. 10 1 Mr'< M. A. Whitney. .Mrs Ellen Me< anan. 12 1 I>o. .loMeph Hf»ward. f. p. c. 11 1 Do. ;Unoccupied. 1 1 i 3 5 7 9 n 1 ♦ I 188 CENSUS OF CUAULESTON. SOCIETY STREKT. f fiunfi from East Bay, between Wentworth. and Laurens Streets, to King Street, being partly in Ward Xo. 8 and partly in Ward Xo.'i. SOUTH SIDE, WARD 2iH0||.,S. N6. 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 (iWN'i'i; 1 1 3 1 5' 1 7 1 it 1 11 1 18' 1 If) 1 17 1 19 1 21 1 231 1 211 1 1 J 1 1 1 81 88 36 87 80 4l' I 4U, 1 1 1.1 l' Mrs. JtrHa.Du]ir('. ' Do. Thomas P. Allen. .lolll) N'cilllill;^. I Lawton. Estate p](lwar(l Koacli. [City of Charleston. James MeCarey and wife 'j. M. Vennini;. William H. Ilouston. Estate Isaac Barrett. Thomufi Kerr. Mi's. AVm. Armsii'(>n>x. iThomas ]'. Allen. j.Iol.n L. Hell. 'Dr. John V. C'ha/.al. Cuthonine Con vers, f. p. c -Mrs. Esther IJoaeh. jlli/^h School. .'John P. Duval. iTitus L. Bissell. William Y. Pa.xton. i-Mrs. Anna M. Kriise. ^OUTH SIDE. WARD No. ». Instate Parrott. F. H. Plojror. Johnson. Dr. C. Daveii;a's office. 2 1 4 1 f> 8 10 12 Do. Dr. Coliimhus Davcija. Estate (Jeor.iro W. Black. 'Mrs. Ella Black. Do. !('a])tain John ('. .Mai'tin. Dr. John B. I'alrick. [Dr. John B. Patrick. jTr.Es.('.W.(iravesitwife.'('harh«s W. (iraves. ISamucl Hart, sen. iMiss Hester Ann Moses. ! Schroder. jllirani ilaiM'is. jMis. ^larv Havmond. iDr. Philip ]\lelvin Cohen. I i Est. (icorj^eW. Black. |A. J. Bulkelly. I I Do. I Fred. Ji. Schouboe. Sanuu'l J. Bovce. [Bernard Rodin. Do. ■ ' Do. ( Freiindschafl Bund. Freundschaft Bund Hall. \ Do. Noah Wlu-aton. Do. I Hall lnenni.«5 Kccnan. Slaves. Andrew Johnson, f. p. c. Moses Dinj^le, f. j). e. Sarali Parson, f. p. c. NORTH SIDE. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 "1- 24, 2(i 1 iWiUiain Kiloy. 1 Luke O'Hrien. 1 James Murph}-. John lihike. Do. Charles IloUowav Do. John McKeei^an. Do. 1'. p. c. William Kiley. Luke O'Hrien. .lames Murphy. Frederick ( 'aminadc. William CuHinane. Unoceupied. jNaney (Jodf're}', f. )>. e. •Cecelia Due. Nathaniel Kdy. f. j). e. [Estate James S. Colburn. |Joiin IMunu-au, t\ p. e. lames (J rant. f. p. e. 1 William .Mai^^her. I R. N. (Jourdin, in trust for .\ nn Parsons, f. p. e. James Grant, f. p. e, Slaves. .\ nil I'ai'suiis, r. p. e. SIKKS ALLKV. /t'liits Xarth Jrnin fjinc Street, between Klmj "nMlM'rtv. John Dougherty. 9 1 !!-. Unoeoujiied. 11 1 Do. Diedrieh I loins. 13 1 Sedi^wick M. Bailey. William 11. Easterhv. 15 1 William P. Shingler. Mrs. M. T. Cam])l)eil. 17 1 Do. JoncH' ship yard. NORTH ^DE, WARD No. 1. p]state George Brown. jMrs. M. E. Brown. NORxil SIDE, WARD No. 2. 4 1 6 1 t' 10 1 12 1 14 1 IG 1 IS 1 20 1 22 1 24 1 2G 1 28 1 30 1 32 34 1 36 1 3S 1 40 1 42lr.. 1 1 JSKC 2 I 1 4 John E. Blaekloek. Nath'l Kussell Middleton. Peter Gowan. (do\. John S. Ashe. George 8. C'ook J. E. Spear. Col. John S. Ashe. .Tames W. Wilkinson. John F. Blaekloek. Nath'l I^ussell Middleton. Peter Gowan. Col. John S. Ashe. Unoeeupicfl. Unoeeu))iL'd. Daniel E. linger. James W. Wilkinson. Tr.Est.Jane M.Thompson Bernard Geraty Benjamin Geraty. Benjamin Geraiy. James Thompson. Col.Roht.Barnwell Hhctt. Misses Charlotte & Anna | Johnson. Misses .Tohnson. Philip J. Poreher. Phili]> J. Poreher. Tr. Estate Jas. Maehctli. Janios Macheth. William 11. Tra|)mann. Slaves. Mrs. Elizaheth M. Smith. Mrts. Elizal.eth M. Smith. John (Tadsden King. 'John (tadsden King. Robert It. Jiee. ' 'Robert B. Bee. Do. Thomas Milliken. Mrs. Sarali D Grimke. Mrs. Sarah [). (irimke. li.| Henry A. Middleton. KSSIOX STKEET- I'-iatf An«on Avery. i >o. .1 i:. .\.i^rr& Co. .1 -lin L. Bell. .'.imes L. Addison. iHenry A. Middleton. in rear of Post Ojfire. jCiistom house, st. k«"-]'fr Appraisers' offieo. 'j. E. Ad^rA Co. iBell k Rolando. .T ' - ('ant well. 11*2 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. Ku)is West from ^ f n't ing St red, between Wool fe and ColumOus Sts., partly tliroiiijli Wanf 7 and entirely through Ward X, to the ^^ew Bridije over Ashley liiwr. % sorTfT Sim;, waud No. ;. 5, © PC ^ OWNERS. M Cri'ANTS. JEst. Col. Francis J. Cohia. SOUTH SIDK, WAUD No. s. 8i Khcuezcr U. Jtodifcrs. 5 Do. 7 Do. 9 Henry A. Due. 11 John B. Shiror. • 13 Daniel G. Wsiyne. 15 ( 'liarles A. .Mcuzi'nniey er. 17 Mai-L^aivl V,. Paine. 19 Do. 21 Do. 23 (Jeor^o Artoi)e. 25 Hieliurtl Small, f. j). c. 27 Nathan (,*aklerl»ank. 29 John Henry Aytes. 31 1 William Hi-ower. 33 11. Hmith Bass. 35 I'eter Joseph Sires. 37 1 JIarvcy Co-^iswrll. 39 .lames V . .loi-dan. 41 ' K. P. Cliapi-au. 43 ho. 45 Franeis li. ilacUer. 47 IVter K. Colburn. 49 Fi'aneiseo M. jMorey. 51 Alexander Own-ns. 53 Edward Prondei-ii;ast. 55 Ih'iiry W. Si<;\val(l. 57 Pf.doil.h H. iVizi". 59 Joseph Whildi 11. 61 Anna Close. 63 W. W. Starr. 65 iMrs. Fliza ll«'ath. 07 Charles .MeAlisti-r. 69 li. Warren MeTiireons 71 .loliii W. Horsey. John Meyers. Unoeeujiied. Isaae Stelts. William M. Pelol. John H. Shirer. Harriet (i. CJ lover. Charles A. Menzenmeyer. I'^vderieU V(»ss. Thomas Connelly. Barney Tiijh. iMary Ann Sert:;eant. Mai'tha (Jadsden, 1". p. c. Nathan Calderhank. John Ilonr}' Aytes. William Browi'r. James If. Stiatton. Feter Joseph .'"^ires. Harvey ( -o;er. Adolphc Kniger. 103 1 Do. Anne C. Weil, 105 1 John Henry Heins. Manuel A. Cohen. 107 1 Do. John ll«nry HeinfS. 109 1 Thomas L. Rodders. Thomas Tj. Rodgcrs. 111 1 1 iGeorge W. Burn. Henry Peters. • .^ NORTH SIDE, WAR D^i^o. 7. 4^^j^ 2 1 'So. Ca. R. R. Company. So. Ca. R. R. work shop. 4 1 Henry A. Due. John Byrne. 6 1 Do. Bernard MeBride. 8 1 1 Do. HenrA' A Dik . 8i Do. .#■ NORTH SIDE, WAR D No. 8. «1 1 Ziba H. Oiikcs. Prita Wm. Theiling. 1 (Jcorge Will. Plessmann. George Wm. PlesMiiann. H 1 Do. August Henne. 1<> 1 Do. Dorothy Hanenshodf. I^ 1 .Thomas Moore. Thomas Moore. U' ' ' .I'.lm n. Stall. Slaves. v>> 1 :\\ III. Aiken. Jfdin F. Alderson. 24 1 D^ 1 1 ' inaim Fink. John Mois.Hon. 2< ' Hcrmjuin Fink. ■'s 1 11 Ky.'iii. Ann I'yan. ;;(i \ II S. Bradley. Mary M. Laats 194 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. SPRING RTHEKT— Continued. No. NORTH SIDK, WARD No. 8. ow NJilS. OCCUPANTS. 32 34 3(5 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 ba 60 62 64 66 6a 70 72 74 7^; ■•^(i 1 8S 1 90 1 'J2 1 D4 1 9G 1 98 1 100 1 1 Martin Mullor. TlKMiias K. Small, f. p. c. Do. Daniel .lames, f. p c. J. (). H(>ckman. Estate ('. Kutlui-roord. Dr. M. E. Carrcro. Robert Charles Millini^s. John Ilanekel. [Wm. Eeri^uson. Edwai'il Perry, 1". p. e. .Do. ■ Hannah Nelson, f. p. e. James II. ('leapor. Estate Thomas Warini;. Ann E. MeTnrer)iis. Henry T. Penke. Ann Sinclair Duf^'us. Ann I*. .Mlender. Do. Philip Smith Triee. Henry Win. Bloek. Estalf Frederick Stall. tieor;,M:ina Alston, 1*. j). v. .Martin Ilan;iliiiry. Paul 'I reseot. I', p. c. Allien Jlernliolm. Wm. Diersen. Clnistoph HreiHT John Ih-nry .loncs. James Di-an Mitchell. Mrs. Kli/.a ('. K. Kin. Id. Sophia Ilarliers. Charleston lirid^e C'omp. ■Martin .Midler. Frederick ( 'harfer. 'Wm. W. lirown. Daiuel .lames, t. j). c. MrH. Wm A. Kin-;. James MeAyoy. iThonias Daly. Ilohert ('. Millings. John Hanckcl. iWm. Fei'giison. :Ed\vai. e. .Martin Ilaiiahiiry. ■ Paul Trescot, I'. ]>. c. Auten llernholm. LFreiierick Borneman. |t'hris(o|ih Breiier. John Henry .Idiies. ^ LMi-s. Kli/.a"('. K. Fludd. Wm. B. Burden. jSophia Ilarliers, J tJeorge W. Bun CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 195 STATE STREET. Runs North from Brood, between East Bay and Church Streets, partly throui/h Ward No. 1 and partly fhrotufh Ward No. Market Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 1. No. ? # o a: o n is OWNERS. 4 OCCUPANTS. 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 i' 1 1 31 33 35 1 1 1 37 1 bV 1 59 1 61; 1 r,:. 1 67 1 o. Do. Thomas .1. Jones, f p. c Christopher IK-sch. t:dvvar.l McDonald. Garrett liyrns. Unr)fcupird. Peter Nelson, f. ]i. c. Fnoceupitd. JMichael MftJorty. Thomas Lyuio. 'Jane Camjibell. f. p. c. Unoccupied. Francis Murpliv. Michael Welch' John M. llappoldt. ( 'ornelius K«'a^an. Patrick Harxx'v. Jklrs. ('aniline l*icault <"liri«fian L. Blase. ' ■ in Carstcns. • .1 • - Koch. 'Michael Herbert. 196 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. STATE STR?:ET— ('..ntimicd. EAST SIDK. WAKI) Xo. 1. No. ^ a OWNERS. OCCUPANTS.' k& ^« 4 ,*^ W 2 1 President an«l Directors Hank of Charleston. William M. Wilson. 4 1 John S. lii^i^s. John S. Uii;.£;s* office. 6 1 Estate (reor- Pauls. Unocciijiicd. Unoceupicfj. Timolh}' Sullivan. Unoccupicfl. Unoccupied. Thomas Lester. Robert Hrodio. Mrs. James lloss. Mrs. Harvey. William ('onder> Do. Owen Murray. Isaac Loryoa. Frederick \V. BehrciiB. Do. * 'Miss Ksther Loryca. Est. Abraham Ottolengui.|John Nelli«^on. Robert Hrodie. j Pat rick llernerii. KAST 811)1 llcnr\- Schroeder. ■ Do. Do. I, state James Ross. Do. Do. .Michael (Jannon. Eliza Wri^cht. A. Van Di.hlcn. Bernard O'Neill. Rachel .1. Barrett. S. S. Karrar iS: Brother Do. McLeish. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 197 SAINT MICHAEL'S ALLEY. Riois West from Church Street, opposite Elliott Street, to Meeting Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 1. !^ B c ^- ..f No. u § OWNERS. * OCCUPANTS. m ^ 1 1 1 James li. Pcti^ni. i.T. C. Oclnch's shop. ' 3 1 Efhvard L. "Whitaker. K'harles E. Stewart. . 5 Mitch el King. Lcscsne & Wilkins' law oflSce, & Inglesby & Son. 2 1 4 6 8 I 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 NORTH SIDE Nelson Mitcliell. 1)0. Do. John Drummond. George W. Dingle. Do. James L. Petigru. Dr. Henry. K. Erost. Do. Do. Do. Do. Nelson MitelieH'.s otiice. Henry W. Schroder. R. GriHWold^erkins. (yhristopher Knox. P]lias L. Rivers. Petigru & King. Rippon S. H. lianahan. Unoccupied. Unoccupied. Unoccujjicd. Unoccupied. Runs H>^' fr 1 3 6 7 9 4 s 10 Vl 14 STULL S ALLEY. East Boy to Church, above Water Street. WARD No. 1. Mrs. Ann MuUings. Estate .Tohn T. Marshall. Mrs. Ann Mullings. Sikke Aldert. Do. xA Joseph E. Aldort. Mrs. Mary Wanl \ others John Clark and otiiers. Sikke Aldert. lienjamin S. Aldert. Nor.TH SIDE. 1 , 1 M'. Ihos. L. Ogier. 1 I Ed ward .Ionian. 1 ^ — McManmrm. 1 rapt. W. H. McDonald. 1 Mary E. Wflf.on. 1 ' Do. 1 llarman Knee. 14 Slaves. Joseph Spear Mrs. Sarah Ann Rxjsc. Slaves. Unoccupied. [Slaves. iEibe John H. Fischer. H«8 CENSUS OF ClIAULESTON. SAIXT PHILIP STRKET. Runa from Beaufain Strcrty iiciirly o/ijinsite Arrhdalc. partly ''•:■ 'hjh Ward No. 4, entirely through Ward No. 6, and partly lli,.,Uijh Ward No. S, to Line Strert. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. 87 39 41 48 45 47 4!t T)! 58 55 57 59 61 68 65 67 69 71 ^ c . No.| I 1 PQ o o OWxVERS. OCCUPANTS. ^ a 1 1 "William Aikoii. Ephraim HlaUc, 1". p. c. 3 1 Normal School. 5 1 Ornisby liurko. Onnshv Htnkc. 7 1 John S. I^ig^s. Oc'tavius Wilkio. 9 1 Do. Kcv. Thonias ( ). Kiro. 11 1 Do. Klizahcth M. Aivher. 18 1 James Molvin. .lamos S. McKcnzie. 15 i4cob E. Snares. .Jac'ol) Iv SujiiTs. 17 1 fftitljony J. Salinas. Chai-los Alld-iijht. 19 1 Williaiii Ilan-al. Slaves. 21 1 TliuiiKis A. P. llortoii. Thomas A. P. llortoi). 28 1 Dr. James 11. Mood. Thomas Alex. Ham. 25 1 Public School. 27 1 AfrOiVf n Edward Wm. Petch. 29 1 Sophia Sell win ij. lOidc Henry Ohlcnberi;. 31 1 E. JI. Williams'^, .Iiilia Ann Seymour. 38 1 1)0. (.'harles C Wii^htman. 85 1 Elizabeth Mary Aiclur. Henry 1*1(1 ward Oshr. WEST SIDE, Malcolm Hrctwn. Maria .Moore, 1". p. e Do. Do. Ann Forrest, f. \^. c. Sarah Ann Crocker, [Malcolm Broun. I". | Do. Ann FoiTest, f. p. c. I Do. Do. Estate .lohn .Michel Do. Do. James O'llear. ( 'it V of (Mciricslon. Sarah 11. J'attcrson. Do. WARD \... .;. ! Michael J. Hoar. Kcltecca licrman, f. p. c. Francis Nijtson. Maria Moore, 1. p. c. Virginia Cryer. f. ]). c. Sarah Ann Crocker, f. p. c. >. c. Hannah Alexander. Ann .Mitchell, f. p. c. Francis Forrest, f. p. C. Slaves. Isabella DesVornoy,f. p.c. David Lopez. office. Mrs. Ann .Michel. jJamos O'liear. ^ I Ice house. Thomas W. Mig^s. Archibald Cam])l)ell. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. ST. riimiP STREET— Continued. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 6. 199 in I4:j| 145i No. M o K A O o OWNERS. OCCUPA^. ^$d 73 Mrs. Sophia S. Wilson. -J ■ Philip Riley. 75 Do. Thomas Kcnn}-. 77 Do. Iliuinah Douglas, f. p. c. 79 Do. Unoccupied. 81 Do. John licahy. 83 Do. Wm. Mitchell, f. p. c. 85 1 Do. Eliza Jane Smith. 87 Do. Owen Kelly. 89 FrcdcM-ick C". Bhun. Frederick C. Blum. 91 Christian J. Betkman. Christian J. Beckman. 93 1 '< W. Witliers. Dr. Paul G. Robinson. 95 Tr. Est. Thomas P. Lock- wood and wife. Thomas P. Lock wood. 97 George D. Grice. Unoccupied 99 Tr.Est. Eliza Mann & c'hil. Eliza Mann. 101 TTo. Anthony G. Barton. 103 .Tohn F. Striekfuss. John F. Striekfuss. 105 Hon. A. G. Magrath. Dr. R. Eraser Michel. 107 William Kelly. Caroline Broker, f. j). c. 109 Do. .lames Corcoran. 111 ^ Otcar E. Johnson. Tobias JJichter. 113 Do. J>ouisa Thom])8on, 1'. p. c. 115 Do. Wm. F. Simons. 117 Do. Matthew McLoughliri. \ 119 Rohcrt Wing. Wm. r.-ihill. 121 Do. Wm. O'Briat) anfl others. 123 John E. Thames. John K. Thames. 125 William Stewart, f. ii. c. Randal Harris, f. ]>. c. 127 Do. Mary Ann Stewart, t. p. c 120 Thomas H. Trout. Charles Henry Burn. 131 Do. Thomas B. Trout 133 Morton A. Waring. Morton A. Waring. 135 Do Slaves. i:;7 1 Carnten Nohrden. Grist Mill. i:;*.) 1 Do. Martin Von Soostcn. WE.ST SIDE, WARD No. «. i Charleston Gaf Company James .Malonc. 1 j Do. j.lohn Burke. 1 iCatherine Parker, f. p. c. .Mary Francis, f. p. c. 200 CENSUS OF CIIARI-E.-iTON. ST. Pirn.Il' STUEET— Continued. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 8. HiTf OWNERS. 4 OCCUPANTS. 147 1 James Ilolloway, f. p. c. Nancy Lcqiiou.x. f p. c. U9 2 Estate .loshiia Lazarus. .rohn Ijani;on and others. 151 Do. Thomas Keoiran. 153 Michael .McCoiiity. John Grossenheckei". 155 CliristoplitT (J. Wliitc. Unoccupic. c. 173 Charles H. Hrowster. Slaves. 175 \)a. Slave. 177 Bernard McNanby. J. Henry Lange. 179 Thomas Lynch. Thomas Lynch. 181 .lamcH Bancrojl. Christian F. Stal/.e. 183 Do. James Sheridan. 185 Unofcujiied. 187 1. Caroline Bahr. 189 Unoccupied. 191 , Unoccu])ied. 1^ ' C. G. Bennett. Hay and Grain store. 195 Do. Diedrich Twietman. 197 John Ahrens. Rev. L. Bunch. 199 Margaret ('rim moll. 1". n.c. .Marijaret (-rimmell, f.p.c. 201 203 Estate Peter WiMiih(»l(z. ^Lirnaret .\nn Welling, .lohn ileniy Thiels. EAST SIDE, WAKl) X... 4. 1 1 4 1 6 1 8 10 12 14 16 jPalricU Moraii. lienj. Mordi'cai. Amirew ( 'uiinin^' 1 Do. .lames Hickey. 60 1 John P. Lahordc. .lohn Wm. Carter. 6J , 1 Do. George P. Kldnd. 64 1 Francis S. Holmes. Francis S. Ilolmts. 1 1 EAST SIDE, WARD No. 6. {James K. Robinson. 'T>ewi8 H, Mouzon. Ann R. Robinson. ATary Wiley. , ,«. J. H. W^hite. William ILChapman. Thos. J. Warren, trustee. BenJ. W. Warren. Mrs. Sophia S. Wilson. iMartin Von Glahii. On Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Donald Mclntosli |^>swal(i .Meyer. 'Sarah Oliver, f. p. c. Slaves. 'r'athcrine Simous, f. Slaves. James |{. (TiinHy. St. Julicn A. Wil(»«»n A del I e LacoBto. p.c. 202 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. SAINT IMIHjr STREET— (^^Mtinnod. EAST SIDE, WARD Na 6. it c No. o e OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 8Q > * 92 Donald Mcintosh. Unoccupied, llenrv NVithiuijton. 94 Do. 96 1 Robci-t A. Blum. Robert A. liliim. 98 Janien il. Caivon. James M. Carson. 100 T. AV. JohiiHoii. Unoccupied. 102 Fredi'rick ('. Uliiin. Unoccu|)ied. 104 Tlioinas Y. Simon.s. Unoccupieu. John Henry llarl;c. Do. Do. Kutleili^e, 1'. [i. c. Diedrich Bidire. William ( )wens. f. jt. e. I.Iames F. Jordan. '.Michael Hastings. jChas. l\ l''iVaiis & others. Frederick Albers. IJohn lleniy Hart;^ |Fiizal»i>th Scott, 1". \>. c. Ijiijm l-'ilelu'w. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 203 SAINT PHILIP STREET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 8. No. u e o O OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 •^ 166 Dicdrich Bulirio. Unoccnpiod. 168 Dr.. Jose])]i Klioiigoharm. 170 Do. Charle.s H. Brijrhain. 172 Do. Dieck Dc'hhves. 174 Sarah llhodcs. Michael Shea. 176 Do. William Rhodes. 178 Clementine H. Bernard. Tliomas Slieridan. 180 Dr. Bonj. A. llodrigue«. Thomas F. Adams. 182 .TacoV) VViedau. •Jacob Wicdau. 184 Michael McManmon. Henry Bergei*. THOMAS STREET. Runs X-'-f^' II Ynndirhor-'it Street, beficcen Coming and Smith, to Jladeliffe Street. WEST SIDE. WARD No. 8. iEstate Tlvomas ^I. Hume. jOlnej" Harleston. 1 Is. A. RoWnson. Mrs. Ellen Robinson. 1 • IWilliam K. Ryan. 1 IMrs. Sophia S. Wilson. 'Mrs. Sophia S. Wilson. ;^ EAST SIDE. 1 -Ijames Legare. [Morris Seliirman. 1 ! William S.'Poates. THOMPSONS COURT. Rvnx East from America Street, between Mary and Beid greets. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 5. li 1 Estate (i eorifc Thorn v.son. Unoccnpied. H 1 Do. Ann ]?odolj)h. f. p. c. ^ 1 Do. Selina EdAv:ird<. f. jS. c. 7 1 Do. Klif.abeth Clinir. t p- o. NORTH SIDE. 2| 1 Estate G eofffc Thompson. Edward Moultrie, f. p. c. 4| 1 Do. Frank 11 yams, f. p. c. 6 1 Do. Elizabeth Haig, f. p. c. s 1 Do. Slaves. 1" 1 Do. Catherine Williams, f.p.e !•_• 1 Do. TTarrif't RichaHsati>n. Captain John (Ji'caton. 49 Estate John T. .Marshall. rnocciipied. 51 D... .Mrs. llan-iet Ashby. 53 Tr.E8t.Mrs. IM. Kavcncl. Unoccilpieil. 55 1 57 1 59 1 61 1 63 1 65 1 67 1 69 1 71 1 73 1 SOUTH SIDK, WARD Xc 2. W. F. Rowland. Martin Dowd. J. Johnston Pettigrew. Sainuel Bell. Mrs. Wotherspoon. Henry Si'i^elken. 'Rowland (fc Co. piai'tin Dowd. !J. Johnston i'ettii^rew Samuel Bell. .Mi's. Isabella Payne. Sarah II. Love-freen. l"]state Tliomas L.Wi-a^i;. iSIave. J. P. Merkhardt. Do. G. Artope. Unoccu])ied. J. P. Merkhardt. George Logerman. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 20i TRADD STRP:P]T- Continued. WARD No. 2 w o No. o o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 75 1 (^apt. F. W. Bensenian. Diedriok Sehnaars. 77 1 Estate Kobert Limcliousc. Samuel Samson. 79 1 .Tohu Carnii^lian. John Carnighan. 81 1 Dr. Elias ilorlbcck. Patrick Shcchan. 83 1 Do. William i*aine, f. p. c. 85 1 Mrs. .Tulia Watson. Mrs. Julia Watson. 87 1 Estate Mrs. C. S. Thayer. Henr}- Missroon. 89 1 Mrs. Schwino;- James ^Maxwell, f. ]>. c. 91 1 Do. Alfred Thomas. 93 1 Do. Mrs. Sehwing. 95 1 Miss Mary .Jane Fraser. Miss Mary^flTane Fraser. Mrs. Marj-Peronneau. 97 1 Mrs. Marj' Peronncau. 99 I Dr. II. Winthrop& sisters. Dr. H. Winthrop & sisters 101 1 Daniel Lesesnc. Daniel Lesesnc. 103 1 William C. Boo. Joseph A. Winthrop. 105 1 Estate Mpi. II. Ilutledge. Dr. J. E. Ilolhrook. 107 1 Solomon Lcgarc Solomon Legarc. 109 1 Eliza H. White. Mrs. White.* 111 1 Wm. P. Holmes & others. A\rm. I'arker Holmes and Misses Deas. 113 1 C. Garetty. Thomas Magimla. 115 1 .T. and Px'njamin Lucas. Henry L. Pinckney. 117 1 Willi.iiii l/.ani Bull. Willi'.... T/..nd Bull. 2\ 1 4 1 1 8 1 10; 1 12,1 I 14' 1 16| 1 18i I 20« 1 22 ] 24j f 26 1 28 J 30 1 NORTH SIDE. H. Buhvinkle. Ijames Jenkinson. Estate J. D. Habcrnicht. Charles Bobir. Estate Wm. C (iatewood. Frederick Fiscln i-. Trust Estate Eliza Levy. Capt. C. K. Grantham. Do. Geo. B. Edwards, Miss E, Hammond. B. (ian-ty. Do.' Mrs. Catherine Often. l%t Bciii.'iniii. Siiiiili. IJohn W. Lewis. K'-tat4j\Vni. C. (iaicu •>■ "Tge E. Hof»egoo(l John Wilson. Michael Quitm. John L. Smith k others. Price Williams, f. p. c .Mrs. Catln-rinc Otten. W^m. Maguireand othen*. P. O'liricn and others. P i- ': Boland. I'aran. II .-'••anlan and otlieiT. ■rgc E. H<'s< good. 206 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. IIADD STREET— Continued. \VAi:i) No. 1. No. s a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. ^ 32 Mrs. A. Hohorts. Mrs. MaijdaK'ii Lewith. 84 Frcderit^c Entolinan. Fri'dorkk Eiitclman. 30 Mi*8. Mary A. Davis. Mrs. .Mary A. Davis. 38 A Do. Mrs. Jano ^Miller. 40 Do. Unoccupied. 42 ('apt. C. .1. Jii'lyca. Cai)t. C. J. Relyoa. 44 Mrs. P. Po3a8. 8t. Lo Melliehainp. 46 1 .loll 11 ^faliony. jr. .lohn Mahony. jr. 48 Dr. .loliii L. Dawson. Dr. .lolin L. Dawson. 50 Do. Dr. J. L. Dawson's office. 52 Tristi-am 'rujipi'r. Tristram Tuj)per. 54 Haniwell W. Palmer. Barnwell W. Palmer. 56 Kstate John T. Marshall. Simeon iryr C. Tnimho. ''^ hor (' Trnmbo. 1 I Do. I ,ied. 1 I Do. \N . .^t. Amand. 208 CENSUS OF CHAKLESTON. U.NITV ALLEY. Huns n>«< from East Bay, nearly oppo.'tite Atlantic Wharf, to Statr St'rert. SOUTH SIDE, WAlii) ^■o. 1. No. a u o u o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. l! 1 I lEstJite Jolin I.. Iledley. IP. J. Cooiran. XOKTII SIDE. 21 1 ^ .1. K. Knu'i-y.* ,Murlii. M.y.T. vp:ndue range. Jiuns East from East Bay, at foot of Queen Street, the tSouik side being in Ward No. 1 and the North side in Ward No. 3. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 1. (Mir. M. Olsen. VoWv Bn.wii. Ivicliiii'fl Jloifan. ;Pliili]i FoiXJirly. lieiijiiiniii J). Lazarus. jUnoccuiiitnl. (jlcor^e W. Olncy and Tr.I Est. Mrs. (t. W. Brown. ;Georiic W. Oliiev. George W. Oliuy. Miss MurUiJi Prioleau. John If. Lange. Estate Tlionias Najiit-'J Do. Ih'ni'v .Missroon. .^^lss 'Martha I'riolt-aii. \l. cV A. r. Caldwell. Dr. Edmund Raveiicl. .Mrs. Ann Ross. 1 1 3 5 r 7 9 11 1 18 15 17 l!t 21 2;') 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ^ 22 24 26 28 30 ' Do. Do. .lohn n. Langc. A. IL Abraiianis \- Son. .Miles Drake. UnoeeUj>ied. 11. A: A. P. Caldwell. Do. Do. Unoccupied. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. McKce. Store house, unoiciiiiied. Trust Estate A. .1. M. c. 33 1 Lorenz E. Stoppelhein. Lorenz E. .Stoiipelbcin. NORTH SIDE. Washington ^luller. Dr. George S. Pelzer. Charles H. Simoiilon. Mrs. Ann Robertson. Washington Fire En. Co. Axe Comjiaiiv house. David D. ('(.li.-ii. Upper Wards Market. Lydia Betjon, f. p.^c. . Henr^' Plein. Susan Nelson, f. p. c. Archibald M. JVurifoy. Wm. Edward Scott. Francis Salvo. Miles Drake. Unoccupied. CharloH lining. Isabella !>. Simons, f. p. c. 'Isabella D. Sinmns. f.^. c. iSr)>tima Johnson, f. p. e. iScjitima Jo)inson, f. p. c. ' Robert Shaw Miller Robert Shaw Milbr. I Hon. R. Barnwell Rhett. jUon. R. Barnwell Hhett. iTr. E»t. J. Bickley & wifc.^John Bickloy. John Shachte. Do. Charles H. Simonton. Mrs. Ann Robertson. Washington Fire En. Co. David D. Cohen. Egan & Devereux. Do. Archibald M. Pcurifoy. Donald Mcintosh. F. Salvo, trustee. Mrs. Martha Stewart. Estati" Mrs. Jam- Childs. Estate Mrs. M. B. Crow. 210 CENSUS OP CHARLESTON. \ KRNON STREET. Runs West from Wharf Street, immediately. above Laurens Street, ' to E'lsf Hay Strut. SOUTH SIDK, WARD No. 3. No. M a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 Estate Carsten Nolirden.iBennctt Boak Mrs. .lano Thomppoii. ^Irs. Moiili^joiiu ry. Jaino.s Ivt'imy. Edward Ilamliii. Estate .losliua Ijazanis. Do. John A. C(n»k. ;John F. Bail. Mrs. .lam* Aixlrows. Francis CluTry. Tlionias .laifon. jEdward Ilandiii. ijt)lin (ik'a.son. iSIavcs. IJanu's II. Bornomaiin. 2 1 4 *i 6 1 8 1 10 12 14 2 16 18 20 22 NORTH SIDE. {'liarlos B. Grant. |Unocciipiod. (/liarles W. Seignioiis. [Uodolj>li Cox. I)o. {Mrs. .lolin Mackoy. Tr. Est. .1. A. J\. lircakc'r.iUnoctMipiod. Child'n of Mrs. A. Rouse. 'Mrs. Amelia Rouse. Est. P. .John Boycc. jMrs. :Mary Maher. Cliarles W. 8eiaveii]iort. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 211 WALL STREET. Runs from Laurena Street, between Anson and Middle Streets, to Callunin Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 3. No. s pa OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 4 61 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 1 ' 28 1 I Tr. Est. E.W. Greenland. .Tamos A. Diiffus. Clcnictit II. Stevens. Samuel S. Miller. Robert S. Duryea. Thomas Darcy. Tr.Est. Ann AValker, f.p.e. E.state W. B. Main. Miss A. L. Salomon. Charles L. Happohlt. Thomas F. O'Sullivan. Children of .T.S. Fogartie, TrustEst. Isabclhi Dupre. Augustus I'3'an. f. p. c. Ursula Schmidt. Do. Wm. H. Houston. Dr. Edmund A. Gibbes. Do. Estate J. E. Burdell. Do. William Forsyth. Horlbeck. Dr. Melvin Greenland, .lames A. Duff us. William Tvogerton. Samuel S. Miller. Hol>ert S. Duryea. Thomas Darey. Ann Walker, f. p. c. Mrs. Wm. C. Main, .lohn Conroj-. Unoccujiied. Thomas F. O'Sullivan. Miss Ann M.'Foirartie. Miss Isabella Dupre. Augustus K3an. f. p. c. ?]liza ]May. Eliza liurke. Lawrence Lovegreen. George Chiretzburg. p]mmeline Elliott, f. p. c. Susan M. Jones. William Davis, f. p. c. Sylvia Nelson, f. p. c. 'Margaret Mcjers. EAST SIDE. Mrs. Jane Leitch. jMrs. Jane Leifch. Do. I Mrs. Kliza A. Po^'as. Corp. Moth. Prot. Church.' Hev. Silas B. Southerland Jacob Wiengos. Dr. William Hall. Do. John Kennedy. Charles L. HappftMt. Jl. Hogarth. Jonah M. Venning. William H. Houston. H^tbert I>. I)eas, f. p. c. Family of J. F. Kd wards Dr. Alex. E. Gadsden William Se?nken. •Jane E. Johnson, f ]>. c. •John Hartigon. jjohn Kennedy. ICharles'L. Hai»poldt. Mrs. Mary Hogarth. I Michael Gleason. : Betsey Edmo?uls(on, f.p.c I Robert L. Deas. f. p. c. '4' harlcs Mousseau. 212 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. f* WAliUEN STREET. Runs Wrst from King Street, between Vanderhorst and RadcUfe Streets, to Swith Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 6. M o No. H o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. l« ^ 1 Estate Nathan Natlians. Unoccupied. 3 Do. Shive. ^ 5 T)... Tathenfie Ho<;crs, f. p. c. 7 Do. Xcro Ilorlbeck, f. p. c. 9 1)<.. Shivc. 11 Thomas W. Malonc. ShHVC. 13 Do. Unoccupied. 15 Do. Saraii .1. IloUan.i, f. p. c. 17 Do. Eli/.. 8. Mattiiews. i. p. c. 19 Joseph K. Opiionhc'im. .Iose))l» II. ()p])eniieini. 21 ^ Mr.s. Emiiin ('. iJ<)l)or(s. Mrs. lOninia ('. Roberts. 23 r I' < 'arolinc Ilaiicl'.p c. Edward Ilaiir, f. p. c. 25 ^ Min.s M:n"tlia Prioleau. CMiristina Sturixis, 1". j). c. 27 Edward Koacli. Edward IJoaeh. 29 (icurjfo W. Patterson. William Riley. 31 Edward .J. Jones. Marl ha Sully T^eoves. 33 Mary E. Eenwick, f. p. c. Mary E. Fenwick. f. p. c. 35 L. Weiskopf. Fmmu L. Dixon. 37 Estate Mrs. 11. (ironini^. .John Witscll. 39 John Clancy. Mrs. Mary A. Clancy. 41 Ann Shrewsbury, f. p. c. Ann Shrewsbury, f. p. e. 43 Mrs. Edwin F. Ileriot. Kdwin K. Ileriot. 45 Tr. Est.. Mrs. llol)t. .lames. Robert .lames. 47 1 lion. I'enj. F. Diihkin. lion. Ik'nJ. F. Hunkin. 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 2 12 2 14 1 16 1 18 1 20 2 22 1 24 I 26 2 NORTH SIDE, Mrs, Sophia S. Wilson Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. t Do. D... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. T' Slave. Un(>ccupie. o. Nrlsuii Milclicll. TIcMirv Fordliain, f. \^. c. I'atriJU Ulli'ion. 7 1 , 9 1 1 11 1 I 13 1 15 1 17 2 19 1 21 ^ 23 1 i 25 1 i 27 1 29 1 31 1 2 4^ 6 8! 10 12 « 14! 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 1 30 32 34 1 30 1 WEST SIDE. AVARD N Samuel R. Marshall. Saimu'l H Marsha Kslato Jlonrv M. Howard iKdwani Ilorlbock. 2 jjohn Dou^hcrty Frc'doriek \V. Kasun. Edward llorlht't-k UiH)ccu])it'd. Catlu'iMiio Walkiiis. f. p c. Jauu's KaU'v. Plslatc (^iiiiiliii II. Smith. .John Fi'i-han. K. W. Howard \- children. 'Mrs. liridLcet Hooves. S. ^I. Mortiiiieri*^ childreii. Thomas .Morlimor. Kd. 1*. Leman, wile t^ ehil. Kdward !'. Lemaii. Thomas P. (xreeu. jThomas \\ (li-eeii. Trust Est. Mrs. A Delia Ton\«, andTr.Est. Mrs. McOwcn. William Kilev. Do. Torre's Mill.* EAST SIDE, WARD No. 3. .lolili Cook. Estate .lames Mitchell. Kstute Joshua Lruiarus. Peter Woodward. Mrs. McElmoyle. Do. J)o. i\Iaiiuel Rose. John .Moraii. Charles W. Soignious. Do. 'I'liKiiias \V. Maloiic. .lohii A. Cook. EAST SIDi:, WARD No. 5. |]^ F. Smith, trustee. Uuoecupied. Wm. T. Saiulcrs, saw mill. Slaves, Mrs. Rebecca Mitchell. Slaves. Peter Woodward. Unoccujjied. Willis Jones, f. p. c. Jane lirown, t'. p. c. Ai.tonio Hose. Antonius S. Freitas. (jeorge (Jarner. Alexander Comyer. Kdiiiund Wallace. Charles J)eguan. iWm. T. Sanders ] Do jChai'leston GaftCoinjiany J as. J{. Addison, trustee. Dr. Kichard A. 2sorth. Wm. T. Sanders. (Jas works. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 215 WASHINGTON STRPIET— Continued. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 5. w o - — — -*■ No. o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 38 Dr. Thomas G. Prioleau. Dr. Jacob Ford Prioleau. 40 1 R. R. Accom. Wharf Co. K. R. Afcom. Cot. Press. 42 1 Do. .John Webb. 44 Mrs. Lavinia JiJrown. .lohn Vi. Philli])s. 46 Mrs. Elizahetlj R.Sanders. Mrs. Elizabeth E. Sanders. 48 Richard E. Dereef. Allc}^ occupied by Slaves. 50 Do. Jjonis Ilannecke. 52 Do. Rich'd E. Dereef, f. p. c. WESCOTT'S COURT. i?uw.s f^ouih from Spring Street, next West of President Street. EAST SIDE, WARD No. 8. James Moore. Griffin Garris. Slaves. John Benjamin Kelly. Benjamin Bell. Mary Emily Upton. Ann Kelly." Wm. Lawrence Meray. James Cannaday. 2 A .lames Moore. 4 Dr. George W. Weseott. 6 Do. 8 Do. 10 Do. 12 Thos. Heyward Thayer. 14 Do. 16 Do. 18 James Cannaday. WILSON STREET. Runs North from Magazine Street, nearly opposite Franklin Street, to Beaufain. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 4. IJohn Sickling. ! Do. i Do. Sarah Lawrence, f. p. c. Do. Cecelia Lewis, f. p. c. 1 1 1 1 1 EAST SIDE. Estate Henry D. Walker. Do. It... Unoccupied. Nancy S'owell, f. p. c. Jane Nelson, t. p. c. Clara Purse, f. p. c. ■21(i CENSUS OF CHARLKSTON. AVATEH STREET. Runs Wcjit from Ea.' Meetinff, between Atlantic Street and StoU's Alley. WARD No. 1. »* a No. i 1 n o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 1 Estate James Chapman. Kuirh E. Vincent. 3 1 r>o. WillinLjton Stevenson. 5 1 James Lo<;aro Yates. .!:uiH's Li'ijari' Yatos. 7 J):ivi(J Bri-iTs. David Bri^Xii'^- 9 1 J. 11. Kca.l.^ Shivrs. 11 MiHS Kliza Toussii^cr. .Itiliana Izard, p. c. 13 Francis Nipson. Susan Canu'ron, p. c. 15 1 William C. Miller. William ('. Miller. 2 1 4 ,1 6 i| 8 1 10 1 12 1 14 1 16 1 18 1 20 1 22 1 1 NORTH SIDE. M I's. ^lary HaynnMid. jMrs. Mary Raymond. Kstale .lames Clia]iman. i.Mrs. ('liaj)niaii. Edmund Hates and Tli<)s.;Edmund Bates and Thos. Daniols. ! Daniols. Kicliard K. Serevon. jLMcliard Iv Screven. Trust Estate .Mrs. Cathe-' rinc L. Blake. LI alius E. Jilake. Tr. Est. Mary E. McLeod.|llenry A. McLcod. Miss Marv 1>. Ilchucs. !(le<)r<;iaiia and Martha Do. John (Mcvt'land, ]». c. Miss Eliza ToussiLjcr. Mrs. Aniv Turnhull. I Jiirnii', p. c. LMiss Mary E. Jlolmos. .lohn Cli'vcland, ]). c. iMiss Eliza T()ussi Mary Levin. Nathaniel Levin. John Sicgling. Unoccupied. ll)r. W. S. Brown. Unoccupied. Trust Entate Henry Horl-' heck and wife. IDr Wm. C. Horlbeck. ! Estate John Ward. Henry W. Carr. St. Michael's Church. ^ iMordccai Hyanin. 218 ri-v 1 111 11 ;; IIT) 117 1191 121' IL'^J 125 1 127, Saint Michael's Church. M. Jacolts. Do. Saint Michael's Church. D... l>r. lUnry Hoylston. Mis. M. K. Tooincr. I.oou T. PottcT. Mary S. .lohnson. Iluirj. R. Bank.';. Ak'.xander C. Pliin. .lolm M. Walton. Henry W. Muckenfuss. ; J)o. Do. D. Mcintosh. Mary F. Alircns. Moses D. Ilvanis. Do. Mrs. Bi'ik". lli'iiry .1. BiMsscMidon. Mstato Williani Knston. Benjamin D. Lazarus. .Mrs. D. Wilkinson. Edwin Iv. Kci-rison. Theodore D. Jervc}'. Dr. Kli (icddintrs. 'Morris Sellon. Joseph T. Caldwell. Mrs. Sarah Caldwoll. Unoccupied. JKichard Caldwell. jGcorijc (Jraf. •Edwanl Hoach. f. p. c. Leon T. Potter. ^Mrs. Dorothy >L Lawton. ,llu.i,di B. Banks. jAlexandcr C. Phin. ijohn M. Walton. Miss Catherine Smith, j Unoccupied. 'Catherine Roberts, f. p. c. iMrH. Philip S. Cha.'^e. Antoinette C. Duvii^na. |Unoccuj)ied. Septima Jones, f. j). c. Theodore Hendricks. Susan Daley, t'. p. c. Henry J. Hrissentlen. Kdwin D. Lnston. Benjannn D. Lazarus. Mrs. D. Wilkinson. Edwin L. Iverrison. Theodore D. Jervey. iCharlcs E. Baker. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 KS XOKTIl SIDK. W.\K1) No. :!. John .MeMifher. John Mi'ai,dicr and others. Charles \V. Sei^idous. John H. Latitte. J. A. liurckmyer. J. A. Bunkmyer. Estate Dr. L.T-. Colien. .Mrs. ^liriani L. C(dien. Mrs. II. L. .Moisf. Unoccupi<'(l. !)«.. Unoccupied. William Matthiessen. Do. Trust Est. Mrs. S<»])hronia J. Lea. P. V. Dil.l.le. John W. Stoy. Chas. ]'. L. Westen.lorfl'. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 219 WENT WORTH STREET— (Continued. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. No. a o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 20 1 1 jEstate George Thompson. Jolw) A. Hamilton. 22 Do. William M. Sage. 24 Do. Frederick ]^)l)bins. 26 /' ^-^««.-t<-««.r.4-« /-»»-» Synagogue. i_/()i i)()rjix.iuii 28 Frankc & Bcnedikt. Franke & Benedikt. 30 Tliomae Y. Simons. L. Chapin (back stores). 32 J. J\. Dukes, trustee. Dr. D. J. Cain. 34 W. J. Conner. W. J. Conner and others. 36 A. J. Salinas. Unoccupied. 38 Isaac Davega. Unoccupied. 40 Do. Eugene Huchet. NORTH SIDE, WAB .D No. 4. 42 ■William Mazyck. Mrs. Sarah Ann Kobson. 44 Do. Unoccupied. 46 Mrs. Margaret .Just. William Greer. 48 Samuel Meeker. Unoccu])ied. 50 Charle.s W. Seignious. Benjamin (r. Willis. 52 Do. Samuel A. Nelson. 54 Charleston Fire Comp y. Engine house Ch. F. Co. 56 Estate David I). Cohen. Davis Taft. 58 John T. McDowell. John T. McDowell. 60 Martha Mitchell. Martha Mitchell. 62 Missrs Mitclicli. Josei»h Walker. 64 P. Franklin Smith. P. Franklin Smith. 66 Riclianl Ycadctn. 1 Richard Ycadon. 68 Mrs. Ann Hall. Charles Sclmbert. 70 Tr. Est. .1. C. Chrietzherg. R. S. R. Chri.'tzberg. 72 I Do. 1 Bernard C. I^ilev. 74 I Roman Catholic Church. lU-v. Dr. Richard Baker. 76 John S. RiggH. Samuel .]. Corrie. 78 Do. Edmund William Petit. 80 . 1 iJacob Sass Schinner. Jacob Sass Scliirmer. 82 1 William Searle. William Sojirle. 84 Saint Phili])s Church. Office Dr. T. (i. Prioleau wr, 1 Anthony J. Salinas. 1 Anthony J. Salinas 1 A.M. ami Kleanor S. Elfe. Abraham J. Harris. •ju 1 Do. (leorgc W. Stevenson. 92 1 James S. Johnson & wife. jJaraes S. Johnson. 220 CENSUS OF CHAKLESTOX. WKXTWoKTII STIiKKT— Continiu-.l. NORTH SIDE, WARD Na 4. u B No. 1 O O 5f OWNERS. OCCLr.\NT.S. 94 1 Caroline Mchrtcns. Isaae Hijjger. m 1 Do. Caroline Mehrtens. 98 1 John S. liiffi^s. Carl FiedtrieU Thole. 100 1 Do. Ilohert Tooiner, f. p. c. 102 4 Dr. Alfred Raonl. Dr. Alired Haoul. 104 llenrv W. MucUi'iifuss. Henry W. .Miiekenfus!?. 106 B. S.*D. Muc'Urnfuss. Isaae Iv Hirlz. 108 1 Charles II. West, jr. , Charles H. West, jr. 110 Henry Cobia. Henry Cobia. 112 1 Do. James Chapman. 114 1 PiState .John Ilimte]". Mithat'l Howling. 110 Willijun A. Wanlhiw. William A. Wanilaw. 118 Mrs. A. E. D. Mitehell. Iloraee W. Mitchell. 120 1 B^state James IJoss. James E. Smith. 122 Chris, (i. .MeiiuniiiLCiT. Chris. G. Memmin^cr. 124 1 Henry W. Muekenl'uss. Slaves. 120 1 Do. Slaves. 128 Mrs. Letitia Kin^. Mrs. Letitia Kini^. 130 1 Trust Pist. Wni. Aslimead Courtenay ami wife. William Ash. Courtenay. 182 1 Jolin Peter Kieji. William Purse, f ]). c. 184 1 Do. .\iiii Karr. f. ]). e. 136 1 Do. William I'i'iee, f. p. e. 138 1 Do. John I'eter Kiep. 140 1 John A. Frij)p. .John A. Fi'i|)]i. 142 1 ,]. F. Sehirnier. Margaret 11. Boinest. 144 1 (Jeor^e W. Ohiey. Thomas Slenhouse. 146 .1 Do. William llenrv (Iruver. 148 1 A. L. Miehel. ( 'atlu-riiie J. .Michel. 150 1 .Matthew Sweegaii. .Matthew Sweegan. 152 1 Kdw'd Kraiicis Sweetjan. Kdw'd Kraneis Sweegan. 154 1 Adam B. (ih)ver. Adam B. (J lover. 156 1 Harriet J. Benjamin. Harriet J. lienjamin. 158 1 John Mayne (Jreor. John Mayne Greer. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 221 WHARF STREET. Runs North from Eai^t mid of Laurens Street, to Calhoun Street. WEST SIDE, WARD No. 3. u a No. u tf o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. P3- ^ 1 1 ^Carston Xohrden. Ilnoceiipicd. 3 1 |Dr. Edmund A. Gibbcs. TTnoecupicd. 5 1 1 Dm f'harlcH B. Grant. 7 1 'James ^fcLeisli. Unoccupied. 9 1 Jonah M. Vennino;. Dr. William Runt. 11 1 [William & .TamcR Kobb. 13 1 Jonah M. Venninf;. Michael Noland. 15 1 i Do. Unoccupied. 17 1 Estate Isaac Barrett. P^dward Drenx. 19 1 Do Thomas Lawbery. 21 1 .John Kobinson. lTnoccu})icd. 23 • 1 Do. Unoccupied. 25 1 1 Howe. Unoccupied. 2 4 (> s 10 12 14 EAST SIDE. I Office. William .'v: .lames Hobb. William R. Wcbl». Do. Do. jThftmas B. Bowman. Jonah M. Venning. i Do. Do. WRAGG STREET. RunJ< from Elizabeth Street ^Yest to Meeting Street. WARD No. a. 2 1 William Aiken. Miss Christina Thisolm 4; 1 Do. Robert R. (?. C'hisolm. 61 1 Do. Dr. Ilenrv Bovlston. 8 1 Do. Mrs. M.jrv I. Kinloch. 10 1 Do. Misses Meyers. 121 1 Do. Huch K. Aiken. 14; 1 Do. Samuo. Do. Do. Dennis Laniijiaii. Catherine I'^arly. T. W. liii^gs, wood yard. Matthew Slieay. (ieorge Schneider. James Kennedy. John Hosengrantz. Flora Gray, 1". p. c. Thomas E. Dalhvigk. Earnest Buse. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 223 WEST STREET. Euns West from Archdale, between Magazine and Beaufain Streets, to Mazycl; Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 4. No. = ii a K pa o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Estate Robert F. Ilcnry. Julius Berney, f. p. c. Do. Do. E.state TIio.s. D. Condy. .Tose])h W. Harrison. Dr. Henry R. Frost. Do Eu«:^enia Hedloy, f p. c. .Tose]iii H. Dukes. Mary Mathews, f. p. c. Joseph Chitty. Ellen Inglis. Mrs. Ella Henderson. .» .Helena J Stronier, f. p. Harry McGill. f. ].. c. !p]ngenia Hedlcy, f. p. c. Martha Aidson, f. p. c. 1 Jos. H. Dnkcstt Maxwell. Unooen]iied. 1 James L. Petigru. Eosa Hoffman, f. p. c. 1 I W. L. Daggett, trustee. Lydia Harleston. NORTH SIDE. Estate Robert F.Henry. I Ann Vaughn, f. ]>. c. George Dusenbury. iVictoire Bell. Do. ' Slave. David B. Lafar. Jesse Russell. E»i. Ann Mitehell, f. p. c Henriette Garden, f. p. c. Robert C. Mitchell. ^Robert C. Mitchell. David C. Gibson, trustee. Anna Jenkins, f. p. c. WRAGG SQUARE. Runs East from Meeting Street, on North side of Wragg Square. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. H. 1 Miss Jane C. Ha^'den. Miss Jane C. Haj'dcn. Walter jlovey. 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 1 12 1 14 1 \ 4 6 8 10 12 1 .Fohn A. Cook. 1 'Mrs. Kuth Davis, trustee. Warren Ransom Davis. 1 jWm. Henry Houston. LangTnX. Al)(ii:Kt5 iSOLTlI WIlAJiF. Runs East from East Bay Street, immediately oppm^ite Trmhi St. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. i No. OWNKHr OCCUPANTS. 2 1 1 4 1 1 (i 8 10 12 Inns East 1 1 8 1 21 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 40 48 50 A. VaiKlerlmrsi hawsou. T. Savat^e lioywar«l. ICajit. William IVmt}*. NORTH SIDK. 1 |.I. A. Hopkins. .Slavis. Jleiirj' A. MiddU'toii. |Unucfii]tic(l. Gustavus V. Aiickir. Peter Smith. Do. !S. V. Amker. J. S. CiibbeH & A. S. (libbeSjUibbeH & Co. Do. IT. N. Jolinsoii \ Co. ADGEK'S NORTH VVIIAKF. from East Bay. next Sorth of the Wharf at the foot of Traihl Street. SOUTH SH)K, WARD No. 1. iJumcs iV KoljiTl Adi^cr. iWbart'oHicc. I Robert R. Bee. JRobt. R.Bee's eooper shop NORTH SIDE. laiiu's A: liobei-t .\(lger. J)o. \)o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Davidson. Do. Do. Bayard Davidson. Adams «.N: Frost, st. house. Mottet, Hiiehet i^ Co. Unoccupied. Adams tS: Frost. Coffin & Prini:;le. Adams A; Fiost. Fraser i\: Dill. K. Jl. Rodi^ers & ('o. Harbor Master's olfiee. K. H. Hod.i,a>rsiV Co. (Jeur«^e V\. I'ritehett. Kee(ler it DeSaussuro. Do. Blue Kid-e IJailroadCo. (Inoeeupied. Ai^t. Mer.LineX.V. IMUs. rnoccui)ied. James Adujer & Co. Frasor& Dill's store house E H. Rodgei-8 & Co. Store house, unoccupied. Unoccupied. Unoccupied. Wm. II. Fastcri.y. Hdward Meidove <.*cSon. CKN.SUS OF CHARLESTON. 225 SOUTH ATLANTIC^ WIIAKF. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 1. ^ No. o Q O O OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 2 OtiH Mills & Co. Win. r. DukcH & .Sons. 4 Do. Georije A. irojilcy & Co. 6 Do. Wm.'C. Dukos&Sons. 8 J)o. So. Atlantie Wharf office. 10 Do. , 12 Do. Caldwell, Blakeley & Co. 14 Do. Howhuid & Co. 16 Do. Caldwell, Blakeley & Co. 18 Do. Wharf stores. 20 1 George Gibbon. John 11. 8chreiner. ATLANTIC OR CENTRAL WHARF. Rv7is East from East Bay, beticeen Broad and Queen Streets, to Cooper River. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 1. lOtis Mill8& Co. ]StorcH, unoccupied. lllhett & Robson. ! Do. IB. S. Rhett&.Son. Do. NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. Runs Ea.< 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 SOUTH SIDE. WARD No. 1. jOtis Mills k Co. Do. lUnoccnjticd. I Unoccupied. NORTH SIDE. lOtis Mills & Co. Do. ' Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ho. Do. Do John .1 . ( Ohen. J. & J. D. Kirk])atrick. Colcock. McCalley«& Mal- loy. Cahiwoll & Bobinson. Patfer^ion k Stock. Rice. Sims & iiarksdalc. Dranc k Sin^lctary. Wardlaw k Walker. T. S. k T. G 13udd. |8^res, junoccupied. 226 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. ACCOMMODATION AVIIAKF. Is 0)1 the East side of the Oiti/, nejct North of Vendue Range. NORTH SII»K, WARD No. .1. No. M U s pq e o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 2 1 Joseph Provost. rnocfiipiod. Xi'Iscjii r. Sassard 4 Do. 6 1 Do. Hopkins, HudHon & Co. « Do. UlKICCMl »i(.'(i. 10 1 Do. Jdsepli \j. Howard. 12 1 Do. A. Gardollc. 14 Do. .lo.seph Prcvost's ofticc. 16 1 Do. Store house. 18 Natliaiiiol Fii'lds. Kdward . Jordan's sail loft. 130YCE k CO.iS WIlAliF. Ru7is East from East Bay St., opposite Elliott St., to Cooper River. NORTH SIDE, WAKD No. 1. 2 1 John Praser & Co. O'Nealo & Crawford. 4 Do. Robert Mure \ Co. 6 Do. O'Nealo iS: Crawford. 8 Do. Kichurd T. WalUer. 10 Do. Jlohnes A: Stonev. 12 Do. Kichard T. Walker. 14 Do. Smith »S: Dulin. IG Do. Do. 18 Do. 11. K. Aiken & Co. 20 Do. C. T. Mitchell &Co. 22 Do. .1. D. Mureliison. 24 Do. William Iv. Kyan. 26 Do. HoyeeA: C(j.'s wliarl'oHico. 28 Do. .lames Maeheth. 30 Do. Cnoeeupied. 32 Do. John Jionnell. 34 Do. Unoeenpied. 3G Cowhini ( I'ravcley. Gnivcley & Pringlo. J'ATTON'S WHARF. Is on the East side of the City, at the foot of Hasell Street. SOUTH SH^K, WARD No. 3. ll 1 I [Estate William I'utton, IE. Lafittc & Co. 3| I I \)fi. I Store house. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 227 SOUTH CENTRAL WHARF. Is on East side of the City, at the foot of Cumberland Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. 1 3 5 7 9 11 ii o . No. s o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. Central Wharf Company Do. Do. M. C. Mordccai & Co. Do. Do. Unoccupied. Unoccupied. Unoccu]>icd. StorcsM.C.Mordecaii&Co. Do. Do. NORTH SIDE. 1 [Central Wharf Company. jUnoccupiofl store or shed. 1 I Faber. | Unoccupied shed. XORTH CENTRAL WHARF. 7s on the East side of the City, at the foot of Cumberland Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 3. jJoiinFrascr&Co.&others. Drake & Moscp. Do. Bowie. Latitte & Co Do. Faber. Do. Do. l)n. 1 1 1 3 1 1 6 7 1 9 1 11 1 13 1 Bowie, U. F. Baker & Co. Unoccu])i(.'d. Unoccupied. Unoccupied. Unoccupied. NORTH SIDE. 2 1 4 1 ' 6 8 1 1 10 12 1 14 16 1 ' 18 1 20 1 i 22 1 24 1 JohnFraper&Co.,^ot]iei*8. Do. ( Do. \ Do. Do. ( Do. I Do. Do. Bank of State of So. C«. Do. Do. Do. Cothran, Jeffers & Co. Do. Clarksons & Mey. John Franer &. Co. Graeser k Smith. George Robertson. Chris. Atkinson & Co. StorcH. iinoccupied. UnoceupicMl. Unoccupied. Unoccu|)ied. Unocoapiod. 228 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. BKOW^ "6 WiiAUF. Js next South of Vendue Range. NORTH SIDE, WARD Na 1. No. n o o OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 2 4 G 8 lu 12 1 1 1 1 IT. T. Stroot & Co. ho. J>o. Do. Do. Do. Hall & Co. Do. Rrowii it Hyams. L:nvn'n(o.\.E(lrnondRton. Wharf onk-o. Si f)iv-h()usos, unoccupied. NORTH COMMERCIAI. W ilAKF. Runs East from East Bay Street, second uharf below Tradd Street. NORTH SIDE. WARD No. 2. IiiiLjraliain iV Wolil*. Gour(lin,.Mattliicssen&Co IjCf^aro, Colcock & Co. U'Jlcar, l\(»]»*'r it SttMiey. Mazyck & Howard, llanckel it Xowi-ll. Wharf ortico, Com. wharf. Robert Q. I'iiK'knoy. Jacob S. SchiniuM'. Do. Do. Do. StorosE.M ills,licacli & Co. Do. SOUTH SH)E. I 1 North (Jonimer. "NVh'l'Co. Stores, uno('Cii])iod. DRY DOCK AVMIAKF. Is on East side of (he City, formcrh/ Williams' Wharf, jir.^t Wharf above the .]/SY., next but one South of Vendue Range. WARD No. 1. No. 03 o o .1 OWNERS. OCCUPANTS. 1 3 5 7 1 1 1 Thomas J. Kerr. Po. Do. Do. Thomas J. Kerr. Do. Do. Do. MARKET WHARF. Runs from East Bay to Cooper Jiiver, at the foot of the Meftket. NORTH SIDE, WARD No. 'A. jSamiiel Biirk. 'Sainncl JJurk. Dit'dricli KlippiiiiT. 2 \ 1 4 6 8 10 12 Carstcn 8ahlmaii. Do. Do. George W. l?abb. ^ Do. Unoccupied. jJamcH BnrroiiirliH. George W. Rabb. lElias Lev}" & And. Nolan. soutiip:rx wharf. Runs East from East Bay Street^ next but one to East Battery. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 13 14 1.^ . 1 .South w ARD No. 1 Vhar rConip'y. Fkol)ort K. Urowii. Do. Motte A. Pringlc. Do. Kdward Jiarnwcll A Son Do. rnoccujfiorl. Do. Peter ('. Gaillard k Co. Do. Wharf office. Do. Store, unoccupied. Do. Do. D(» Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. William M. Lawton & Co Do William C. Bee & Co. Do (irtw-Flf,. Steam ('-l-o.« i<; 230 CENSUS OK (MIAIlLESToX. STATK WHARF. Ts on the East side of the City, opposite Pinckney Street. SOUTH SIDE, WARD No. 8. No. ^ K c u © 09 OWNKRS. •^ OCCVPAXTS. 5 1 21 If Dr. Clirist'r Pitzsimons. Fitzsiinons & Co. ^ I Joseph Prevost. NORTH SIDE. '.rohn Haiick(-'l. 'IStorc liouse CharU'S Rasted. Ai^ric'iiltural mill, and ot- inv Ki'iTi*^ Kitzsiinons. Stoiv hoiisf ll()«;an's liaiitl Cot. ProHS. ( Jeorgo Jvttersoii & others. VAXDKKllUKST WJl.V UF. Runs East from East Bay, first wharf below Tradd Street. AVAR!) N\). ] . I Elias YaiKkM'horst. P. J. Barhot. 8 Do. Store house. 5 \)n. Do. 7 "William Kavonc-l. Raveiiel,IIui;(M-\- .MilliUi'H 9 Do. .Nfrs. .\[ary Tunis. 10 Aloxaiiilei- l{oliiTts<»ii. 11 ('a|it. James Wi-lsman. ( 'apt. .lames Welsnum. 12 A. Vaiuk'rliorsl l)a\vst)ii. T. Savage lleywai-d. 13 Elias \'aii(liTli(>i-st. Poui^caud & Salas. 14 Do. Do. 17 Do. II. Tliierman i*t Co. 18 Do. De A'eaux t*t lU-ywanl. 21 Do. Jos. \. Winlliroj) iV Co. 22 Do. Middk'ton A: Co. 23 Do. Thomas (J range Simonn it Sons. METEOROLOGY OK THK CITY OF CHARLESTON, From 1832 to 1861. BY WM. HITSON FORD, M.D. Althouich Meteorologj', the science of the elements^ is una- ble to furnish a satisfactory expLanation of all the elemental disturbanees ; although the true theory of storms, whirl- winds, water-spout*, the aurora boreal is, the fata morgana ., and of other higlily interesting and important phenomena of tlic air is still unknown: although she cannot predict the states of the weather, as astronomy calculates an eclipse or transit, for want of sufficiently accurate data, and from the apparent irregularity of meteorological conditions, more principles of wide comprehension have been attained, and the subtle reactions of the sun, air and water are more exactly appreciated, than the world probably imagines. Meteorology is nataraUy an exact science, and even in its present grade of development, calculation is often success- fully applied, though frerpiently inadmissible. In this science, single facts arc of less significance than, perhajts, in any other; useful deductions are nearly always drawn from long-continued ol»servations: it deals essentially witli aver- ages or means, calculated from maxima and minimn. Tlie extremes are all that ol»servation affords, and are often inex- plicable, since the forces which have caused them t/> diverge from their nuan or true expression are either unknown or cannot be raca«urcd, though tfonietimes falling within the 232 « CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. scope of our reasoning, and this even eoni^nonly for certain cla,«»se8 of meteorological accidents. The physicist consid- ers himself fortunate even to have reached the general laws in our jiossession in this ohscure hrancli ol" knt)\vK'dgc : hut tlu' World at large, on the eontrarv. is impatient to know the immediate eauses and eifeefs of i-hanges which cannot escape attention, and which man in many j)Ui"suits of life is forced to ohserve. The prohlem. generally, is to appreciate the nature and (jmmtity of the forces which cause extremes to diverge, at times, so widely from their real mean — for nature cannot be irregular in meteorology alone. AVe wisli to know why one summer or winter is warmer or colder than another? Why rain is more frequent, the fair weather of longer continuance, the days uun'a windy, the nights calmer, the dew more copious, thunder- storms more frequent in one year than in aiinthcr'l In what have the conditions varied? The seasons are regular in their sequence ; spring, sumnuM-. autumn and winter, //crcr fail to suceeed each other, invested with tjieir spi'eial garhs, recognizaldc in their general characteristics; yet the cor- responding seasons of a series of years, in their minor qualities of drought and humidity, of calm or storm, witli others included under the term "■ icad/wr," differ so notahly as to engage the attention of the most inappreeiative, and to aftect the transactions of nuiidvind vastly to their advan- tage or the reverse; sometimes, in fact, even to their entire destruction hy famine. Hood or otherwise. As each meteor- ological state, like every other change in nature, depends upon one or more which anteeede it and produce it, the wiioje series could he easily studied and would loi'in a hasis I'ori-ertain prediction, were the intluenccs atfecling il limited essentially to the earth and its surtiice, and the phenomena of any year would exactly coi-respond with those of the pre- ceding annual series, as we find to occur in astronomy, where the celestial nu)tions are so certain and regular that calculation may reach hackward or forwai'd for an unlim- ited number of revolutions. In meteorology, this is not the case; the narrower Init not less important features of CENSUS OF CTIAULESTOX. 233 the year arc controlled originally by agents in motion, whose progress is yet nnstudicd ; tlic magnetism of tlio earth, the influence of the sun and moon ojiposedly and conjointly, of the rotation of the sun upon his axis and the variation of his spots, arc some t)f these. In some instances we may thus trace the order of succession hack to such inapprcciahlc influences, hut we arc oftcnor checked by the confusion induced by mere quantitative differences; for in this science quantifi/ is always a consideration of high importance — excess of an agent or condition frequently producing an opposite result to that of a moderate inten- sity. For the present, therefore, meteorological prediction is far beyond our reach ; our answers must be conditional, and our assertions limited to very short periods. Science, in her most sagacious temper, is now grappling with the uncertain influences which lie at the root of meteorological oliange : we must content ourselves in a restricted field, until the barriers are cast down which naturally limit our scrutiny. AVe pass 04i to a short cxaminati]iliirc. T\h' (lifVeronce iK'twei'u tlio mean teiiiiH'ra- turcs (tt suimiKT and winter due to this cause, is therefore groator in tlie soutliorn than in the northern half of the globe, and tlie aneient anower onee a year. Four seasons, in the •temperate zones, are thus induced, wliieli are of eourse reverse tor the two hemispheres. As the sun mounts and 'declines, a given surface of the earth receives a varying quantity of heat; more rays impingimr u}M^n the surface when the sun is overhead than when it is near the horizon. The following demonstration will exjilain this assertion and atford us a formula by whieli {<> estimate the sun's intensity for any given time: JjCt a line, a h, be drawn in the nu-ridian, tangent to the earth at c, with its extremitv " diri.H-ted to the pole, lict ^ -v be the sun, its rays being assumed parallel at tin." earth ;"^ then a line Sn will be parallel to a Tnu' S h, and the num- ber of rays lalling upon the line " i> \\\[\ evidently !>e jneasured by a line perpendieidar to them between the lines *S'rt and SI). Let this peri)endicular, therefore, be let fall from the jtoint A u[)on the line S n at d. Prolong a h to/, and let i"all a jierpendieular from osing number of hours of darkness. The liottest period of Uie 23G CENSUS OF CUAKLESTON. (lay is not 12, m., but pccui*8ibptwcen 2 and 3. v. m.. at equal altitiules of tlu* sun — tliat ^nrfaio beiuir most lioatod wliicb is loui^est exiK»sod. It is in tliis way tliat tbo varying Icngtb of days, at ditt'ercnt seasons and latitudes, njodilies tbe influonoe of tbe angk* of insolation. Wlion tlu- sun is nortli of tbe equator, tbe days are Ioniser tihan tbe nigbti^, but sborter in tbe soutbern beinisiibere; and w ben tbe sun is soutb, tbe reverse obtains — tbe days l>eing in eaeb ease ]>rout jirogressively sborter on tlie otber sidr. Tbe following figures, from Esi>\' and I'rof. IK-ni'v, siiow tbe coincidenee between tbe lengtb of tbe day ami tbe temperature, for tbe ast'ending latitudes: LATITl Dli. LENGTH OF LONGEST DAY. TEMP. OF JULY 1. 0° 10° 20° 80° 40° r,(i° 00° 70° H0° t»0° 20' 12 b. 12 b. 13 b. 14 b. l;j h. IG b. 1S» b. 4;V 2*J days. 4 moiitbs. montbs. 72.0° 7l>.a° S;3.0° SS . ;1° 1>0.4° S!»..")° SS.4° !t(I.S° 'J.").l° it<;.o° M Till' (Unrniiition of tbe sun's intensity, owing to low altitutif, is counterltalanced l)y im rease in U'ligtb of tbe days; tin- resulting temperature, as we see by tbe figures, singularly rising as we approaeb tbe pole. Tbis is an effeet of tbe eartb's spberoidal figure. AVere tbis eylindrieal, tbe days and nigbts would bi' uniforndy of eipial lengtb, and equatorial tempci-atures antl seasons jtrt-vail in all latitudes. As it is, tbe extremes of temjierature diverge as we advance nortb (»r soutb from tbe equator : tbe winter beeomes colder and tbe summer bottrr. A natural pro\ ision exists for tbe exaltation ol animal and \eii-etable life: wliat i.s CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 237 ai'coiiiplisliod \s sooner done; tlie season of growth and reproduction is sliorter, and, l)v compensation, more in- tense. At Bogota, 4'^'35' N. L., the difference of tempera- ture between the hottest and coldest rnonlh is only 2>° Falir.; in tlie City of Mexico (10° 25' N. L.) tliis difference is 14°; in I'aris (4H° "So') it is 48°; and, in St. Petersburg, 57°. As we progress northward or southward, tbe difference between the extreme leugtli of the days and the extreme temperatures of summer and winter regularly increase — little such variation occurring at tlic equator. In the United States, about the middle of July, the temperature of the Cities of Xew York and Boston, and, in Canada, of Quebec and Montreal, is greater than that of Charleston or of the ecpiator. After the summer solstice, although the days are short- ening in consequence of the sun's recession, their diminu- tion is for some time scarcely perceptible, and as the days are still much longer than the nights, more heat is imparted to the earth than is lost by night-radiation. The tempera- ture thus continues to rise; the augmentation ceasing as- soon as the (juantity of heat gained is entirely given oft" during a longer night, when the acme of tcAiperature is reached, and the earth soon begins to cool. Conversely, the eartli does not attain its lowest temperature until a cor- responding j)eriod after the wintA' solstice, when the sun lias for some time been again advancing toward the j>ole. l^ie greatest heat is reached in Charleston about the enii«jjh it is possible upou tlie liasis of the ecpuitorial im-aii temperature to calculate the moan temperature of everv spot of the earth's surfaci', this calculated temperature is never found to coiiuide with that obtained by observation. And for similar reasons, this obsvrrrd mean teniperatui-e dilfers for different localities, even in the same city or [>art of the (-(iimtry. lielow we give a table of mean temiteratures for the City of Charleston : A Table >lio\\ing the mean lempeialnie ol" eaeli inontii ill each year, for all the recorded years, calculated from the 7, A. M., 1*. p. M., and I', I'. M.. observati(»ns; and also show- ing the mean tempei'ature of each month, computed from all the years conjointly: YE&U. Jan. Fob. March April. May. June. July. Aug. liept. Oct Kot. Dec LS(iO. . 1859.. 1858.. 1857.. 1856.. 1855. . 1854.. 185:{.. 1852.. 1851.. 1850.. 184». . 1848.. 1847.. l.S4tl., IH4;... 184;!.. 1842.. 1841.. 1840.. 18.19.. 18:j.s.. 1837.. 1830.. 18.35.. 1834.. 1833.. 1832. . Means 08 7S 55.25 59. .05. 09161. 46.S0|56. 7.1 1 o."*. 39 1 53. ;i.s 47^o:i|j3. 12 4". no .^4. .S3 1. '>4. 4 4 64. 03|.)4.52 59. 09154.34 60, 78!57.2S'.VJ. 21 5n.««l50, 4H.Si;59 5l.:iO 57 .13.90,53 49.44i56 51. 71 '.59 49.7i;50 4S. 14 47 54. S3 03 91 09,63 04 64.47 16 61 09 ,ss 05 13 76 95 87 14 OS 97 41 00 33 97 72 80. 00 77. 65.49 72.97179. 06i79. sojsi. 05176. 17|77. 93 79. S2I77. 2S 29149.30,58 23 59.37 11 52.S5 77 46.99 50.40 50 51.20 49 . 90 55 45.18*57 59. 50 '58 55.01 '57 58.401.58 5S.21 71 6i.2Si72 65. 33 i 73 63. 97; 73 67. 97 1 73 04.17|74 05.49^ 62.95 72 63.SS 71 62.96 72 66.3Hi67 03.1(1173 69. 06 1 70 55. 20 1 75 61.12 70 00 OS. 50 72 35 64. S9 71 35 1 69. 30 78 64 1 66.491 74 .V2 67.10 71 65 02.21 173 57 67.79 .32165.05 97 1 05. 94 00 65.10 74 64.73 75 3.S 78. 40 S5 50l7S. 20 73 50 90 01 95 l.'. 10 .O5ISO 52.33 57.09 64.88 53 70 ,3.34 11 84. 72179. 32 81. 3778. 52 83. 45 81. 21 81. 42 82. 55;81. 05 81. 09 82. 73 7S. S.-. 77. 07 77. 81179, 50|80, U|M, 98 80, .83,77. 03 S3, 3379, 81 82. 2186. 47 86. 48 '83. 31 82. 11 85. 36 81, 42 SO. 78.81 81.46 22 '70 80174 09 1 79 1178 40 1 75 00 75 21 73 37 76 90 00 1 78 80.79 90 69, 21 64. 74 1 70, 02 63, 04 65, 34 1 64. 03167, 84 65, 04170, 57] 67. 68165, 87 1 07. 17 60. 85 68. 49 60, 52 63, M 65, 7 SI 05, 00165. 56 62. OS 57 4 7.. 33 .55.28 32 1 55 59 60 62 1 58 33 56 20 1 59 47|00 77 .52 07 01 03 1 58 78i54 81 61 .'i8l57 00 1 53 91 61 51150 15|50 20 1 56 ,45 09 ,49165 .55 66 72.02 66.81 84 30 14 .57.77 85 57. 92 42 1 49. 10 55 1 53. 22 75.48.26 93 49.52 97 1 57. 05 91 '48.82 33151.10 42,59.48 93 51L57 73149.98 77|.W.34 74:42. .30 71 52. 11 03! 52.. '.9 ,17i4».70 11 54.00 94 48.04 35148.17 92149.13 ,231.55.14 ,28U7.05 ,95l51.06 ,63 152.35 SO 50.21 ,31 52.95 58.19 51.87 #' CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 230 It will 1)C observed that the temperature begins to rise in Febrnarv, readies its liigbest i)oint in July, descends slowlv in tlie twofollowinw; months, but ra]»i(lly in tlie latter i»art of October; tbe coldest and liottest months being those whicli follow tlie solstices. The march oi' the t(Miiperature is well exhibited by an iconogiaphic table and curve based upon the preceding data. The mean temperature of tbe City of Charleston for the whole year, from the above table, is 0.5.08; that of Charleston harbor (lat. 32° 42'), (Tuomey's Geo. Kep.), (34.31; of Madeira in about the same latitude (32° 37'), 64.56; of Rome (lat. 41° 54'), 60.70; of I'aris (lat. 48° 50'), 51.50; aud of Augusta, in the State of Georgia (lat. 33° 28'), 65.24. The comlitioiis which affect an increase or diminution of the temperature of the earth's surliice, independently of the main astronomical agencies, in successive years, at tbe same spot, are mainly the fairness of the sky^ the dtusity of hmMing and shacUmss of the soil, the hwiiiditt/ of the air, and the prevalence of certain loinds. The surface of the earth is heated iiroi)ortionately to tbe fairness or cloudiness of the sky. The coolness of night is due to the shadow of the earth itself ; twilight is cooler than broad-day, and a clouright or fair day, in con.serpience o^ the veil which is interposed between the sun's beams and the soil ; ceteris paribm, the lieat of the earth will l»e found to vary as the number of fair days in a month or season. T]\c fairness or serenity o^ the sky may be a].i)roximately estimat<'d by observation ; with mmdi accuracy by means of photograidiic sensitive [.aper, by a recoixl of the number of fair days and by the barometer. In this city no special record indicates*, with accuracy, the degree of fairness or cloudiness of a I'c i'(|n:d in liirbt and licat. A Vclondy"" day is one upon which the surface has been irholl/f or nio,'is preci]iitated in great or small rpumtity; no mention of the duration ofthe rain, or the fairness or cloudiness of the rest of the day Itcing made. These facts should be ascartaincd l>y accurate instruments, and jmb- lishcd in the annual abt^tract. Contentinu: ourselves with the onlv attainable record — that by simple observation — with regard to the cloudy days, we must pursue a middle c(Uirse. Ff a fair day permits the full influence of the sun, while a rain;! day, which is sup- posed to be cloudy also, armost neutralizes that iuHucnee, then a cloudy day, so' called, would occujw an intermediate position, being in fact neutral, between a fair and rainy day. This will apjiear just if we reflect that in our climate there are but few days in winter or summer whirh are entirely cloudy, upon whidi rain does not fall within tin- tweiity-foui- hours; if there bi' no rain, the sun is ciiually ajit to nndvc hi,s api>earam-e. In an estimate of the fairness of the sky, we must, tliercforc, consider one hilf of the cloudy days as fair (/xf/s, ;md the rest as rolii'/ , and sliould an entire day be included in a category wliii-h belongs in strictness only to a part ol' it, scarcely any effect can be evident in a mean wliieli is dcduei-d from sevt'ral thousand observations. Our records in this respect, and with the above (pnditications, extending through a long scries of years, may be i-egarded as closely imiicative of the aspect of the sky. We append the lolK)wing table : A Taui-H showing the mean fairness of the sky, estimated from the sum of the fair days, plus one-hall' of the cloudy :$ CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 241 d«iys, and from the records of twenty-five successive years, 1 832-1 857— i?? r%.*. Jan. Feb. 21.04 Mar. I Ap'l. May, 5[21.f 19.30 21.36 21. 94I2I.94 June. 21.08 JULT. Ano. Sept. Oct. I Tf ov. Dec. 19.14 I8..54I2I. 16 24.08,22.10 20.18 October is our fairest month ; August the least fair of the summer months. A\"e also present a table in which the moiety of the cloudy days is not added to. the sum of the fair days, that their influeuce may be separately observed. A Tahi-e showing the mean number of fair days in each month, computed from twenty-five successive years, 1832- 1857 — iu days. Jan. Feb. Mar. Ap'l. May, June. July, -^ Aug. Sept. Oct, Nov. Dec. 17.92,16.60 18.36| 19.60 19.84 19.32 I I I I I .1,- IT.IOj 16.88 19.36 21.76 19.16 17.16 As by the preceding table, October is the fairest month, and August the least fair of tlie Summer months. We also present : A Taiu-h .showing the mean number of cloudy da3's in each month, estimated from twenty -live successive years. Jan. 1 1 Feb. March. I April. May. #d«k.I July. Aro. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 6.24 1 5.40 6.00 4.68 4.20J 3.52 i 3.48 3.32 3.60 4.56 6.88 5.64 August in the loiust cloudy montli of the year : and since it is the least fair, more rainy days occur in this month than in ifny other; in August, rain almost always falls upon a cloudy day. Fairness inducing a notable aug- mentation in the proper temperature of a month, tlie re- markable fairness of October, with us, explains tliat gentle diminution of the Ixat which is frequently perceptible ^. •24-2 CENSUS OF CIIAULBSTON. <»nlv in the incroasiiiff coolness ot' the niijhts. The inemi fairness, it will he perceived iVoin the foreiiroing tJibles, reEruliirly iiiireascs. if the menu he (lediieed IVoin a scries of j/((trs, tVoin July until Xovendter. The regular iall of tem- perature, (le]>endent uiMtn increased length of the nights, is therehy counterhalanced, to a certain extent, and the real tempei'ature remains for a long time stationary, or sinks slowly. This law belongs, however, to the mean of many years, each season exhihiting a jirogression which varies more or less according to the power of collateral agencies. In certain years the fairness regularly increjuses, the season is retarded, the mean temi»erature sinks gradually, and frost falls late. At other times the progression is stalion- ar}', or even reverse, the season is inti'rrupted, or may be- come more and more unfair, the mean temperature will I'all <|uickly or even suddenly, and frost may he looked for early. Thus, in lSo4, the number of fair days successively increased in August, Septeml)er and October, and tlu' tem- perature, therefore, continued above its mean. 1S")4. .\iii. tSEi'T. Oct. Fair days 17 20 '24 Mean temperature of 1S;")4 S2A\ 7S.<>;i ()7.32 Mean tem[i. for series of years. S(l.S:> 7*1. S,") iU).6G While in lHr>8 the fair days did not increase toward the end (»f the season, and the temperature was lower than the sorial mean. l«;j:j. Ak;. Fai r days b') .Mean temperature of IH'hl S(l.4<) Mean temj). of series of years.... MO. S2 A comparison of other years will furnish similai" results. The barometer likewise enables us to estimate the lair- nes8 or serenity of the sky. According M Muller "a high barometer signities clear weather foi all phices where the warm winds bring rain, while a gradual fall of the nierciny indicates rainy weather." We give below a table of bar- ometrical maxima iVom the registrations of this city. Ski'T. Oct. 17 17 75.^4 <;r).r)9 (lo.oe <% CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 243 A Table showing the mean monthl}' haromctrical max- ima, computed from a series of twelve years. Month. Bar. Height. Month. Lb Alt:. HEIGHT. Jannary 30.436 inches.! July February 30.3)^2 jjAugust March..' 3().34H kSeptem*ber. April 30.2>e, Octohcr.... 30.188 inches. 30.146 30.1<»6 30.251 May 30.216 June 130.198 iXovcmber....|30.285 |December....'.|80.387 From the record of the fair days, August is the least fair month of the year, and October the fairest of the summer months; and from July until the clone of the year each month becomes successively fairer : a progression pro- bal)ly dependent upon changes advancing under the equa- tor, and influencing oiir climate by the prevalence of certain winds of the return currents from the north-east, as we shall show hereafter. The cause of these barometrical oscillations resides in the clianges of specific gravity, in- duced in the atmosiihere through the agency of the watery vapor it holds in solution. When the barometer is high, the weight of the atrial column is increased, and converse- ly ; a column of air, in proportion to its impregnation with aqueo\i8 vapor in true solution, or ds vapor and unprecipi- tated, being able to outweigh variable columns of mercury. It is principally by the reduction of this aqueous vapor to the liquid state, m (he clouffs, that these changes in the spe- cific gravity of the air are produceic of C'apricorn, at the Cape of (Jood Hope, in Aus- tralia, in the interior of South America, aliout the first of .laimary. when the greatest altitude of the sun fiw the southern liemisphei'e coincides with the eartlfs pt-rihelion, the temjterature of the (drill's sdrfurc sometimes rises to 140 or l.')(l degrees; even the air, li()\ve\i'r, may attain nearly as high a heat in certain places — as in Kgypt and ralestine, when the wind blows over \vion a fair night ensuing upon a ijiir or cloudy day. To produce a maximum of soil heat at night, free access must exist for the suns rays during daylight: and as soon as the earth begins to cool in the afternoon, the sky should be veiled and the acquired caloric prevented from passing off. This conjunction of circumstances is of frequent <^H'currence in our city during the months of August, September and October. If tlie sun's rays be shut off by the foliage of trees, the effect is similar: the earth is not so rnucli heated by ini,a' against walls, the sides of lionscs. porti- coes and piazzas, and after several reflections arc. in jrreat ])art, returned to tlie earth. Radiation is always ol)strn<'ted in cities to such an extent, that the soil of a dcnsely- Ijuilt town, even on a fair niulit. rcscnihles that iA' the o]ien fields upon a cloitdi/ ni(//if. The teni]ierature of the earth never falls so low within the city, where nocturnal heat-iadiatioii is obstructed, as in the country, where it is iniliniitcd. The mean nijrlitly temperature of the soil is, therefore, least in the ()}ien Held Ijcneath a clear sky : next, irreater in the open field under a cloudy sky; greater, still, in ilie courts, streets and yards of a city under a dear sky ; and greatest of all, in these Idffcr places, upon a cloudy night succeeding a fair dl\y. Under circunistances like these last the temjjerature of the soil can fall hnt little, and if huilding is vei-y dense, becomes almost soisniKd, like that of rau/fs and cellars. Cities are well known to be warmer botli by lved; if it contains much, or if it lie saturated fttr tlmt temperatnre, the va[>or remains unrealli, fnuii the siirliico ofltaiiks, Holds, or bodies ot" water, upon Avhioli tlie njorniiiir or evening sun is shining, will not be dissolved, but will apjiear as mist. Ilenee tlie emissinj} of watery vapor into tlie air and its dissolution are separate jdienomena. related to caeh other, hut not necessarily (connected. Since the solution oi" a<|tu»>ii> \;ijn>r di'jniuls ultimately upon the temperature of the air at any given spot, gn-ater humidity sliould e.xist as the temj)erature is great«i-. The sun heats the surfaeo-nioisture. increasing the evolution of vajior, at the same time imjtartiiig a higher temperature to the sujierjacent air. by which its solvent jiower is i-n- haiiccd, from which it results that as the temi)erature of a !!ionth or season incTcn^cs s.> !d^^l> will the am<>;iMt of vMjtor or humidltj/. The dcglB|^''of humidity of the air is advantageously esti- nuited by oqeerving "the highest temperature at whicli tlic moisture in the air will be condensed ujk)!! any cold body;" this temperature is termed the dew-point. The dew-point, in the open air, and for moderate i)eri(Hls of time, that the disturbing influences of winds may balance eacli other, will, therefore, from all arcurale records, be found to advance as theoi-y (h'maiuls — like the barometrical maxima, indicating the march of tin- temperature. Miiller states that the absolute ([uantity of water in the air is, like the mean temjx'rature of the air, gi'catest in July and least in January (lor Clermany), and of the dixriinl \ariMtion of the dew-[ioint, which is also inhcrenily controlled by the above laws of the extrication of vajior and its reee[)tion into the atmosphere. Kspy observes: "It has been ascertained by experiment that the (pjantity of vapor in the air is in- creased as the temperature rises with the ascent of the sun. This, however, lasts only until nii.e o'clock, when an ascendiui^ current of air, occasioned bv strontr heating of the surl'ace of the ground, carries the vajior on high ; so that the water contained in the lowi'r stratum of the atmos- jdiere diminishes, although the ioi-mation of vapor con- tinues with the increase of the heat; thi- diminution is CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 240 apparent until lour o'chx-k, wlioii ilic (piaiitity of water in the lower strata of the air again increases, because the U}twar(lly-(lirecte(l eurriMits of air cease to carry away the vapor formed; this increases but until nine. i'. m., only, or thereabout, because the decrcasino; temperature of the air puts a limit to the further formation of vapor," more pro- perly, " tlic decreasing temperature of the soil ;" for a« dew is soon formed after nightfall under a clear sky, it is obvious that the emission of vapor and its solution in the air must have ceased some time liefore. The dew-point varies in the same direction as the tem- perature of the <(ir depends u}»on it, but nevertheless does not ]trogress directly witli it. Thus, at 32° Fahr., the elastic force of aqueous vapor is 0.200 (inches of mercury), and the air may contain 0.0041^6 per cent., by weight, of aqueous vapor. #:^k Also, at 70° F'ahr., the elastic force of aquS^iis vapor is 0.721 (inches of mercury), and the air may contain 0.01515 per cent., by weight, of aqueous vapor. Again, at 80° Fahr., the elastic force of aqueous vapor \n 1.000 (inches of mercury), and the air may contain O.02O80 per cent.. l»v weight, of aqueous vapor. By the pro]>()rtion. therefore, wliicli follows, the dilfer- ence of tenqierature between 70° and S0°, or 10° Fahr., is to the difference between 32° and 80°, or 48° Fahr., as 20.80 is to 100. The difference of elasti«- force between 70° and 80°. or \\n range between those points = 0.279 (inches), is to tlie differ- ence of elastic f()rce, between 82° ani range l»etwcen these point- = 0.01060 (inches), as 29.34 is to lOd. Jiut 20.><«» '.- ' • one-fifth of one hundred, .^o that wiiue thethermom- j<'> through 2* i.>»0 percent, of itn entiiv range, the clastic force ranges through 34.87 per cent of 250 CKNSUS OF CHARLESTON. its cMitiro range. aiieniture l)eing only 20.80 per cent, of its whole range between the same therniometric points. It results, there- fore, that when the thermometer, in very moist weather (theoretically saturated), by a seasonal advance, sinks through ten degrees of the scale, the dew-point w>ll, at the same time, sink through ir).4 olthe stale. It followflj'-therefore, l/tof the annual or i^ca.soual ramie of the 'ieii'-pdini is ffrcali r than the annual or seasonal ranf/e of the ther- iiiomelcr^ and this difference of ranr/e proves for the spot where H is olmrred that the dew-point of that plfice is influenced In/ the temperature of that place. We will now proceed to examint' the dew-iioint, as re- corded in this city, being taken at sunrise, and to observe whether the conditions required by theory are fuliiUed from these registrations. We append the foUowing table: A Tamlk showing the mean niouihly dew-point at sun- rise, and the mean temperature, estimated tVnni a series of twelve years. Jan. Ceb. Mar. April. .May. Jano. .Tiily. Aog. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dpc. Tberm'lcr . . 4».49}5l.rfl!57.91 Dew-point. . Ul.8nU3.0o|48.61 ~~1 ! ^1 ~ 6.1.96 72.39 77.57 80.66 50.02164.00 70.88 74.22 80.33 75.07166.60 74.18168.81 isS.OO 58.54*51.82 49.96'l4.18 Botli miniina occur in .lanuary, both ma.xiiiia in July; and tlu' ineiH'ase and decrease in both series is (juite simi- lar. A paraUelisin manifestly exists throughout, which wo shall further show to be a real depentlenre by a consideration of the annual ranrfcs of these records. We subjoin a com- CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 251 parison of these figures for all the years in wliich the dcw- poiut has heeii recorded: ForlSfiO, range of Temperature. .3(>. 77° 1 Integers the same " " *'' Dew-point 35.08 / nearly. " 18.50. '• Temperature.. 20.14 1 Dew-point range *' " '' Dew-point 30.88 / greatest. 1858, " Temi)erature.. 34.58 1 Integers the same J nearl Dew-point 33.09 / nearly Temperature.. 30. 40 "I Dew-}>oiTit ri I)ew-[)(nnt 42.42 j greatest. 1856, " Temperaturc..43.71 } ^ Dew-point 43.20 / I'ltogcrs the s? 1851, •• iemperature..-j'.^4V» | uew-i>omt range same. " 1855, " Temperature.. 35. 00 \ Dew-point range " " " Dew-point 30.0(5 j greatest. " 1854, " Temperature.. 33.85 IDew-jtoint range " " " Dew-point 3(3.55 j greatest. " 1853, " Temperature.. 33.48 IDev^r^oint range " " " Dew-point 38.68 / greatest. " 18.52, " Temperature.. 37.35 ] Dc-^v-point range " " " Dew-i>oint 30.00 / greatest. " 1851, " Temperature. .33. 07 ) J)ew-point range " " " Dew-point. ..33.61 / greatest. " 1850, " Temperature.. 31. 70 U " Dew-point 31.32 | Integers the same. " 1840, " Temperature..30.00 1 Dew-point range " " " Dew-point 31.68 / greatest. *' 1848, '' Temperature. .27. 10 "I Dew-point range Dew-point... .20.77 j greatest. " 1847, " Temperature.. 30. 10 ] Dew-point range " " " Dew-point..... 32.06 / greatest, " 1846, *' Temperature.. 32.08 \Dew-i.(.int range " '' " Dew-point 3S.00 / greatest. " 184.5, '' Temperature. .37. 00 ) Dew-]»oint range '* *' " Dew-point 40.51 f greatest. '* Mi^iin -^ Temperature. .31. 17 I I)ew-p(»i?it range l>ew-point 32.36 j greatest. As we expected to find, tlie dew-p<»int ran^e i« almost invarialtly greater than that of the themionu-ter : tliis in also evident upon an inspection of the iDeans. Similar results* are ohtAJned by a compariwMi of the means of the three summer months ; thus we give CENSUS OK < HAKI,li.,],•,] y, .-,,■<_ Vkau. M r w 1 KM I'KU Ml iti; ok 7 A. M. Anp 2 p. M. __ 1854 7G.12° IS -,5 7(3.00 i^c 75.46 1«68 75.85 1860 76.41 1847 75.84 18.^3 74.48 18f>6 74.74 1852 75.24 1849 74.18 1850 74.51 1851^ 1851^ 78.68 74.74 1848 • 78.71 1859 73.12 1845 72.30 I'KW- 70.20 69.11 68.51 68.20 67.37 67.03 66.98 66.79 66.58 66.55 «)6.54 66.43 65.74 65.69 65.16 64^2 The maxima of temperature ooiucide witli the iiia.xima of the (Icw-puiiit, and so also for the niiniina. Tlie tliermo- nu'triral i'aii_<;i! is 8.s2°; lliat of the dew-point 'kW^. Till' hnmiditv of oui' city is thus iuHuenced hy its lu-at for wars and seasons; this is (rue likowisi' for months. In i860 hoth minima (k-chitccI in Dec; hoth maxima in dulv. 1859 1858 1857 1856 1S55 1854 1858 1852 1851 J:m. : Frl..; .Ian.: Jan.; |-"rl..: \)rr.: Jan.: .Ian.: Dec. •' .Inly. *' Aug. • Aug. • duly. ■• Aug. ■• Aug. - duly. • dulV. July and August of this year (ls51)scarecly tlillcr in tem- perature or in the dew-point, the temperature ofduly ht'ing 81.89, and its dew-point 74.88 ; the temperature of August heing 81.21, and its dew-point 74.69. CENSUS OF CIIARLKSTON. 258 lu 1850 both minima occvir in Feb.; both maxima in Jnly. In 1849 " " Feb.;. the maximum temper- ature occurs in Au_i::ust, and the hi_2:hest dew-point occurs in July, wliicli is, however, but tliree-ciuarters of a dei^ree greater tlian that of August — the usual monthly difference between the dew-points of two adjacent summer months being /? re or six dcf/nrs. h\ 1848 botli minima occur in January; the highest dew-jtoints and temperatures occur in July and August. In 1847 both maxima occur in August; tlie minima in December and February. In 1846 both minima occur in Jan.; l)oth maxima in Aug. In 1845 - " Dec. ; " " July. In the great majority of instances both maxima or minima occur in the same months, although these mouths are by no means the same for every jear; and wheu, aatceptionally, thev occur in different months, these months are c;enerallv of uearly the same intensity. Humidity implies htyit, ; much wliich Inis been attributed to this (Quality is strictly I'cfcrable to the Jurd that accom- panies and induces it. We therefore regard it as established, generally and for tliis city, that the dew-jtoint is controlled by the temper- ature, and that the range of the dew-j)oint is simultaneously greater than the range of tlie thermometer, in consequeuce of the influence of heat upon the liumidity of tlie air. We pass on to an examination of "moisture of the sur- face," or rain. More rain falls in summer than in winter: this will be evident from an inspection of the following tables. T<^ sliow the inlnh^Hn of showers, )ve give : A Ty\i!LK sliowing the mean number of inches of rain whirl) ffdU upon onp rainr dav in oa<'h month, ostimated .f> .Tav. ' Pk». !llAiirii.Uri»ti..lMAT.lJrFit.|jnt.T.I S 254 CENSUS OF CIIAHLESTON. Upon onf rainjf day^ most rain falls in Soptoiuber and least ill April. April showers are proverbially li,i::ht. Con- jointly. August, September and Oetober are cbaraeterized by a (jroiU-r hiimslt*/ of ni>n, than any other period of three months in the year: and in Auu^UHt and Seittember, con- jointly, the artiinl amount of rain which falls njion an averaico is also as i^reat as that for any other tliri'e monthu of the year. This will bi- seen I'loni the rojiowiiiir table : A Tahlk showing:; the nu-an fall of rain, in inches, for each month, in this city, (-innputcd from a series of twenty- six yeai*a. Jan. Fkb. 1 Maik-h. Aimul. Mav. June. JiLY. Aug. Skpt. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2.32 2.04 3j93 1.41 3.96 3.59 5.89i6.56[4.89 2.59|l.6o'2.56 The weather, therefore, of Aui^ust and SeptemluM- is characterized by faii'noss, heat and heavy rains. AV»' have already found that in August it is seldom cloudy witlxuit rain. The dew-point bears no relation to the depth of rain-fall, althouirh excessive humidity of the air is closely connected with the occurrence of rain at certain seasons: but no measurable connectioti of the damimess of the air from .sarfarc-dhsitrhed. ntoistun', with the frnipi rftdnr, upon which rain depends, of the higher atmosi)heri<' regions, can be reasonably snpposeerceive any ratio between the dew-point and the numl)er of inches of rain for days, niontha or seasons. The stratum of air in contact with the earth does not follow the hygrometric va- riations of the ujiper atmos[>here; were it so, we should be frecpiently enveloped in fog, and would be exposed, like those who li\c upon a liigli mountain, to wide and sudden changes of tempi'ratui'c. The majestic oscillations of the sky are, for the; most part, imi>ercc[>tible at the earth's sur- face. The lower air strata, in temi»erate climates, are scarcely CENSUS OP CHAULKSTON. Z-)h ever saturated witli iiioistnro. If rain falls, it is soon re- dissolvod from the earth, and duriiiir the heaviest showers the air is really trans])arent, no fog or inist reniuininir, most frequently, after the rain ceases; while at the same time great masses of cloud ahove attest the entire saturation of the strata in which they float, and whence the rain has proceeded. The air ahove is always nearer its saturation l>oint than that helow, when the earth is varm^ and con- verscbj. Upon a summer's da}- the hrilliant cloud-banks, termed cirrhus^ indicate that tlie air at that elevation and temperature is saturated with moisture; these clouds are formed each diiy from vapor drawn from the earth. As the warm and moist current rises froin the surface, it expands in hulk, and falls in temjierature; and upon reaching an altitude controlled by its temperature at the surface, and its proper liumidity, precijtitation of a }»ortion of its vapor occurs, and cloud is formed. These accumulations in the months of August and September, generally make their appearance about eleven o'clock, a. m., and increasing tf)ward afternoon, frerpiently break up in a thunder storm; their height above the earth may be calculated from the dew-poiut temperature. The npirard d'nirnal cumitis next claim our attention. Most transparent media allow a free passage not oidy to the white light of the sun, but also to its actinic and heat- ing rays. The sun has no apj)reciable effect in wanning the air; unlike rays emitted from terrestrial luKlies, whether by reflection or i^adiation, the sun's rays possess a irnsion or pen<'trativ(' [lower, in virtue of which they pass through diaphanous substances without heating them. A plate of glass, which permits the sun's rays t-o traverse it, but remains cold, must attain a certain temperature before it gives passage to the radiattsl heat of a connnon tire. The teni])ernture of the air consequently depends uf»on that of the earth's surface, and of the bodies upon it : the atmos- phere is heated by caloric; ajiplied to its I >\. like liquids, as kIiowu by ("ount liumfonl. < / from below. A continual upwani ]»rojection of the lower 2oG CENSUS OF CHARLKSTON. and wMi'iner strata, by colder and lu-avicr ones above, brings I'n-sli musses in iwintact wiili tin- lieatinir surface. Not- witlistandinir tlie eoninion assertion, tbat air heati'd at the earths snrl'aee rises only nnlii it enters a stratum iti thtnnal equilihrium w ith itself, it is demonstrable tliat every snrfaee- lieated stratum tends to rise to tlie bii^best reiri<»ns of tbe a'rial oeean, and would (b) so were its nniss uid)roken by winds oi^tbe force of gaseous diffusion. Tbus, tlie density of tbe air diminisbes as we aseend. by a fixed ratio, witb a correspondinii; fall of teini»erature. At all elevations, tbe ratio between the density and temperature c^|' an air-stra- tum is constant; for, sliould a volume of tbe eobl, att<:'nu- ated air of tbe bigbest stratum be brouirbt (b»wn to tlie eartb. it would ii;ra»bKilly diminisli in bulk, wilb a steady rise of temperature, until finally, uiion (be eartb's surface, its temp«'rature and density would be found to e(]ual tbose of the air ar(»und; it would bave no tendency to rise or to sink, but would, if cdrritd u/)ir((r\ci- tlu- suii-ounding open country, 'i'he smoke ol" a fire built upon a vessel in the centre of a body of water, in the still nH)rning air. rises gently to a certain height, tluMi sinks niton the water and flows off. if there be any current, in diivct contact with the aqueous surface. So, likewise, for stann in a humid atmos- phere. The smoke of a cigar is wafted upward, during the day, at the rate of several feet in a second; but, at night, if there be no wind, renuiins where it was emitted, or even sinks slowly toward the soil. Not only does the sense of sight liirnish ]»roofs ot' the mobility of the diuinal air and the calmness of the earth-stratum at night, but likewise tlic sense of smell, l^tlluvia of all sorts are neai'ly imperce)»ti- ble in the dav-time, but accumulate in irreat intensit\ at CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 259 niijlit, it' there "he no wiiul. The "we??/" of wild animals, wliieli is sometimes jcriven off by the breath and surface of the body, and sometimes from special elands, in the lanc^nage of tlie hunter, "lies" best at night and in the calm morning which succeeds a fair, frosty night. Most animals, especially if they depend upon the sense of smell, follow their prey at night. Animal odors may be per- ceived at night for marvellous distances; the scent of the skunk (Meplufis Americana) is offensive even to human senses for a mile or two, in the direetion of tlie wind, from the spot the animal has been worried or killed. We all know that the perfume of flowers is especially intense after dark: in most cases, odors arc given off in equal rpiantity during tlie day, but are lost in the ascending cur- rents; at night, however, they accunuilate in the surface- air. The same is also true of that host of offensive and noxious smells liberated from the surfaces of cities, and the various foci Avhieh abound wherever men congregate; they are im])erceptil>le during the hours of sunshine, but become eminently disagreeable soon after nightfall, and are esiK'cially abominable and dangerous before sunrise: so likewise for the musty and offensive emanations of ponds, marshes and swamps in the country, which arc not notice- able or dangerous in the day, but beeome most so at night, and in the morning — in the phraseology of the countryman. "})efore tlie dew is off the gi-ound" — dew must, of course. be eva|K»ratcd almost entirely bcI'Mv the upward currents can be actively established. liesides, the diurnal "upward currentj*," lateral currents, or winds, are of great importance with respect to the vari- ous cf>nditions of Imniidity and heat of tlte air and of the earth's surface. Windn vary in direetion and force; their ilir<<-l''ower upon the force atid relative frequency of the varif>us winds. In a flat country, like ours. pn»ximity to the sea ij* itiv)b:jbly the only cause of irregularity' in the (leqaence of the annual 200 CENSTTS OF CIlAllLKSTOy. currents; llicv jiro far ni ore At Hunrisu.U. E. At 1, I-. m.|k. K. Mean !.v. k. 1 s., w. s. w.'s. w. 8. W.!b. W. s. w. s. w. 8. W.'8. W. 8. W.!8. W. 8. W.js. W.In. K. 8. W.I 8. W. N. K. S. W.'8. W.,N. R. |S. K. ;N. K. ,N. K. Ij*. K. N. R. N. K |s. W Is. w < ■' We tind tliat in this city the wind prevails, from March to August, from the south-west; and from Septend)cr to Fehruary, from the north-east. The year is equally divided, except for the munth of Decemhcr: yet even here during the night, when tlie real au'ial current may he sup)>osed to he more truly indirc\:iils from the north-east. Mmli incgii- laritv is, however, ohscrved in the direction and (pialitics of the wind for similar ]terioils of ditierent years, and hoth the tempcraturr and (U'W-jioint arc tlicichy allccted. Ac- cording to the laws of the a'rial circulation in the noilh temperate /one, and as we find in our city registrations, while the sun is north of the equator the wind blows from CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 261 the soutli-west, l)ut from the iiortli-oast when south of the line. The uncertain and fitful north-east winds whicli pre- vail here are plaiidy tlie returnin<:; currents, which, further south, wlien their strength is augmented, heeome the trade- winds. The south-west winds are the superfcial currents of the atniosjihere, wliich, coursing toward the north, reach the earth at a point generally 30° north of the sun's position and upward. Tlie whole system of the winds is yearly shifted from north to south, centering upon that l)elt of the earth which has just attained its highest soil-tem- perature^ The air which is heated at the earth as far as the sun's injnience extends^ courses from hoth sides north and south, toward the helt or great circle of highest temjjera- ture, upon which the northward and southward curi'ents meet, and, passing upward, give rise to frequent calms. These currents rise to the higher regions of the atmosi»here with the velocity of revolution proper to the latitude of the heated belt, and passing north and south advance north- eastwardly and south-eastwardly toward the poles; tliese north-eastward currents when the}- at last reach the earth, in our hemisphere, are the south-west wind. Near the sea-coast the sea-breeze sensibly modifies the direction of the regular seasonal winds at the earth's sur- face. The sea-breeze is a wind which blows inland from the ocean during the day only, induced by the heating of the interior country, wliose " upward diurnal currents" give rise to a draught from the sea of cooler and denser air. This wind is most regularly pronounced upon an island of considerable extent, with a ridge of elevativ the ocean-breezes, whieh are of lower tempera- ture than winds which have Mown over a heated country. Kxelusive of elevation, the intiuence of the sea-breeze exjdains the greater coolness of our sealx^ird cities, as compared with inland towns during the day. but at night the reverse obtains. And, again, although the temperature of seaboard cities is some degrees lower their dew-])oint is ahvavs higher; di'vness of the air characterizes the cli- mate of the country far inhind. as compared with llu' sea- l)oard ; the moderate heat, therefoi'c, of the sea-level is more (tppressive. through defet-t of cutaneous evaporation upon the human I'conomy. ibaii tlu' higher but less ex- hausting heat of the interior. At the sea-coast, the ellect of heat is still further heightened by the influence of the alios- sible to over-estimate, for meteorological, and especially I'or hygienic researches; an approximate observation of the CKNSUS OF CHARLESTON. 203 force of tlie wiiul at sunrise is recorded, but as tliis is only by estimate, no instrument being used, and as, moreover, the observation at sunrise is inadequate to express tlie windiness of the past nia^bt, we are o])li,si:ed to have recourse to an ol>li(|ue metbod, wbicli in some degree expresses tlie desired iigures, as follows : After a mlm niqlit tbe dar-pohif fcinpcrature of suKn^y will not erature, for tbe following reasons: Tbe dew-point of sunrise for any two consecutive days may be assumed equal for tbe means of aiong series of years. But, as we bave already seen, tbe dew-point rises progres- sively during tbe day witb tbe temperature, and only liegins to fall wben tbe declining temperature of tbe nigbt de- scends upon it, preci])itating a portion of tbe vapor as nl — the dew-]>oint being almost invariably some degrees lower tlian the temperature. Variation, therefore, of the dew-point of sunrise from the minimum temperature of the night pre- 2f>4 CENSUS OF CHARLESTOX. vioiis, siiTiiific's wind, ami the aiiproximation of tlicsr tiirures denotes calm, while the (Icf/rrc of calmness or windiness will he ponu'what indicated hy the figures expressintj the aniomit of the diyerirenec of the two records. Such a tahle we subjoin. It will be seen that the calm- ness of the niii^hts diminish IVoin Aui^ust to November by the successive increase of the nunil»ers for these months: A Tahle showini; the sum. for the m(»nths of Auj^ust, Sejitember and October, of the niirhtly variations of the dew-|K»int at snnrist'. from the minimum t*'mjiiM":ttni-i> of the night : I8.>(i. !)>.■).'>. 185-1. 1863. August 76 70 97 94 Beptember 110 87 108 115 October l:U; l')4 Hit 'J14 The indications (f the barometer being noted three times a day. at 7. a. m., J, p. m. and 1'. v. m.. it is fair to conclude that it records very nearly the atmosidierio fluctuations of the twenty-lour hours. The range of the barometer is essentially conii-ollcd by wind, for its height would obviously remain the same were it c«uitinually surrounded by the same mass of air. Whatever changes occur in the density of the atmosjibere must either he cauMd by ivind or produce it, ami the barometer will in either case be affected. It has been urged by Ksj.y. that winds, and esjtecially stoi'ins, are jiroiluced by the agency of t\n.' /iC'fl (//ret) iifj in l/ir i-o/idi iisatio/i itf ni/iur. wlu-n ciincnts of dillerent temjieratnrcs and liygrcunetric saturation com- mingle, rrecipitation und(tubti'dly occurs under these circumstances, and thei-e is genei-ally an upward tendency of such masses of air, but that this is owing to a dilatation by heat appears entirely inadmissibh'. \'aiior is de}K)sited hy a diminution of temperature, mdncvd either by the direct cooling influence of the earth's surface or that of terrestrial bodies, or by the ar. T,,.,., r\.--e,f, 0.881 • .76.1jO.«t7 f .644 8.417 0.388 8.378 8.610 O.r -.7 266 CENSUS OF CHAULESTON. August, li_v llii> ix'ford also, is tlic least windy month, and February tlie most so. The calmness of the weather increases from Febrnarv until July, and decreases until the close of the year; tlie weather heeomes more wiiuly. as we have already shown, in August, September and Oi-tober. successively. Ozinii\ or oxyiren, in a pnsHirrli/ electrical state, varies greatly in (juantity in the air at diifercnt periods oi' the yeai". Il is created in the atmosphere by electrical induc- tion, by the eva])oration of water, by the evaporation of the saji of plants, and iliirliuj (humler-storyus — in connection witlj which we shall especially notice this remarkable substance, whose variations are now rcf/'(l/ rcrordK/ t}tr<)Ueaks of tlie Alps, declares that, being one day on the summit of iSenlis, near Appcnzcl, lying \\\xh his doniestic Vu-neath a small tent crcctcil on the snow, they were all of a suihlen enveloped by the thunder and lightning, wh<)se claps were darting in every direction. The domestic was killed on tlie spot, and immediately afterward the tent was filled witli a very strong and fieculiar orms purify the air. After a storm of wind, fol- lowed by thunder and rain, the air is cooler and free from foul smells. Nature revives from the exhaustion of a sultry heat, vegetation is renewed, animal life is invigorated, leaves and herbage glow with a fresher green, when the 270 CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. agitation of tlic elements is past. Independently of the effects of wind and moisture and the diminution of heat, there ean be no doubt that tlie /vrsoice of ozouc is favor- able to the renewed activity <^f animal and veii^etahle life at such times, for ozone is known to possess remark- able stinndatimj ]»ro[icrties upon livinrobably drifted away with tlic wind. Thus, accord- ing to ."^chictt'crdLH-kcr, " a notable increase of the ozon- icity of the air is sometimes observed after a thunder- storm." We have seen that ozone is brought down in the rain of thunder-storms, and it must, consequently, escape into the air in certain (piantity when the moisture is dried up. The ozonic odor may sometimes be plainly perceived during oi-dinarv thunder-storms, and occasionally is even very intense at the surface of the earth ; this must depend in part ujion the (piantity of ozone brought down from the clouds in the rain which mils. Scoutetten states that "if storms be unaccompanied b}' rain, or furnish but little, ozone does not become sensible at the earth." A day or two after a tliunder-storm the ozouoscoj»ic jtaper fre- quently reveals a notable increase of t)zone in the atmos- phere; but this is not always the c.a^e; and it should be con- sidered, that the elaboration of this agt'ut in the elouds is by no means a local mechanism relating to the earth be- neath, but is only a part of a universal system whereby it is generated c-ontinually, and imifonnly dispeised for the destruction of ettluvia and impurities of all sorts in the air, and for the excitement of the living functions. The electricity of the eartli and atmosphere, which is the active cause of thumler-storms, is likewise able to induce the formation of ozone by imbiviiou, as in the air aroimd the prime conductor of the electrical machine. The origin of ozone in this way, although independent of actual dis- charges of electricity, is generally accompanied by thunder and lightning, AN'hile, therefore, frequency of thunder shows a high grade of telluric and atinospiieric electricity. CENSUS OF CHARLESTON. 271 rarity ot'tliis meteor by no means iirovos its deficiency, and altliongli ozone is necessarily al)un(lant wlini tlmiulcr- stornis are very frequent, it may nevertheless be i)resent in the air in considerable intensity when they are rare or even absent. Thunder is most often heard in the warm. season, for aque- ous evaporation is tlien most active. It is most frequent in tlie neighborhood of large masses of water, but not upon the aqueous surface itself, diminishing in frequency at sea as we leave the continental shores. According to Arago, there are most probably spots upon .tlie ocean wliere it never thunders, as well as upon the dry land-;* tliunder is but sel(h)m heard in the great desert of Sahara, and in Egy[it it occurs but three or four times a year, and is, more- over, limited to the sea shore and banks of the Nile. This is owing to the necessity of concurrence for the production of electrical discharge of clouds charged with opposite elec- tricity; since, therefore, the earth and the vapor given off from it are, according to Peltier, cliarged with negative electricity, but the vapor drawn from w^ater^- surfaces, \vith positive electricity, upon the sea, at a distance from the land, as well as upgn land at a considerable distance from tlie ocean, both sky and earth are similarly electrified ; no such conjunction of clouds of different electricities can tlierefore for the production of the phenomena of tlie thunder-clap, or, l)ut rarely, l)y some irregularity of the wind.