IZ mo #53o Home, sweet horn Conf Pam 12mo #590 No 74 " HOME, SWEET ' HOME/' BV KEY". L. U. SHUCK, or N. C. - ' % My Soldier Friend: When I remem! thai you have left behind the comforts of home and the" society of loved ones, to defend our homes anu are- sides from a cruel enemy, T cannot but cal! you fi You have the warm regnrd of all true Christians and patriots. 1 hope you will listen to a few thoughts from one who loves your soul, and who would rejoice to see it safe in the hands of Jesus, who died to save it from everlasting death. The word home recalls to your mind many sweet and delightful recollections. You have, no doubt, often wished this distressing war to end, that you might return to your home once more. You have learned "now that, " be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." Tn such times of reflec- tions you have formed many good resolutions. You may have been guilty of profane swearing, and you have resolved to abandon the wicked practice, if you should be spared to return home. You may have been intemperaie, and you have determined never again to pain the dear ones at home by the sinful and immoderate use of ardent spirit?, in a word, you have resolved to lead a better life after this war, and to avoid everything calculated to disturb the enjoy- ments of home. Amid your daily hardships and the dangers of the battle-field, it is sweet to know that there is one place where you are remembered and loved. Are youafati.er? Then be assured that the wife and little ones are anxiously watching for your return. The vacant seat at the table reminds them constantly of the absent husband and father. — Have you a mother there? No wonder, then, you love to think of home^ Night and' morning, as she thinks of her absent boy, she prays to God to protect him, and to spare his precious life. And, while in* the daily discharge of her domestic duties, the tear- drops that glisten in her eye declare, more loudly than words, that her thoughts are far away with her dear beloved boy. Such thoughts have endeared home to you more than ever before, and you long for the time to come when our country shall secure her independence, when our enemies shall be driven from the land, and you shall be permitted to lay doWn your arms and return home, to you, the dearest spot of all the earth. Now, if an earthly home be so dear, far dearer and more valuable is that home offered to you in Christ. Jesus has died upon the cross for sinners. He offers in himself a home of safety, rest, love and eternal happiness, to all who will believe in Him. Home is a place of safety. When the storm rises, and the thunders roll, and the lightings flash, the children for- sake their play and gather around their mother's knees ; the ploughman leaves the field, and all seek the protection of home until the storm has passed. — « There is a place of greater safety in Christ. u God is angry with the wicked every day." '• The soul that sinncth, it .shall die." [ l All we, like sheep, have gone astray." Jesus has, however, " become the end of the law for righteousness to every ono that be- lieveth.'' 1I<3 is now the refuge of the soul from the storms of divine vengeance. Though a poor lost aud ruined sinner, if you are found in Christ, God will, for His sake, forgive, sanctify and save you. He o/onr can save you. His blood eleanseth from all sin. Fly to Jesus for safety. Contess and forsake your sins, believe in Him, and you shall be saved. — me of the spul. Home is a place of rest. The laborer, toiling in the heat and burden of the day, thinks of the sweet rest he will enjoy at night. Tlie soldier loves to think of the rest that, remains for him at home when the war is over. — Jesus alone can give true rest to the soul. The peace that passe th all understanding belongs only to the Christian. " There is no peace, saith the Lord, to the wicked." "The wicked is like the troubled sea, continually casting up mire and dirt." Men have sought for rest, out of Christ, but have never found it. Some have sought it in the pursuit of wealth, but its golden key failed to disclose the much coveted treas- ure. Some have sought it in earthly fame and re- nown, but all the evergreen fame that humau glory could bestow have failed to fill the aching void within their hearts. Others" have sought it in the giddy round of pleasure, but its fascinating and seductive charms could not relieve the famine of the soul. — From the golden treasures of wealth, from the bloody battle-fields of conquerors, and from the halls of gayety and pleasure, conses the sad testimony / "van- ity of vanities, all is vanity." Believe me, my dear friend, when I tell you there is no true, solid peace and satisfaction out of Christ, The soul, panting after an immortality of bliss, cannot be satisfied with the perishing objects of this earth. Its aspirations teach us that it has a higher, purer and more exalted destiny. The true Christian is the only happy man on earth. Noah's dove wandered hither and thither, but found mo place for the sole of her foot, and she returned to the ark. You may go from one object to another in search of rest, but you will not find it until your soul reposes on Jesus. When He speaks for- giveness to the weeping penitent, He gives rest from the burden of sin, from the guilt of conscience, from the threatening of God's broken law, and from the terrors of the fiery judgment. Here is rest. Jesus is the home of the soul. " cease my wandering soul, On restless wings to roam, All this wide world to either pole, Has not for Thee a home. Behold the Ark of God, Behold the open door, haste to gain that blest abode, And rove my soul no more." Home is the place of true- affection. You will be loved there, even if all others forsake you. When adversity corner upon you, and your summer friends desert you, you can '• ; ■ to one place where you are loved, e u home. . But the love that Jesus offers you, in himself, is superior to all earthly love, Be has shovi i it in coming to this earth to be subjected to a life i id persecution, in being despised and. rejected of men, and in the bleeding sacrifice on Halvary. Who can doubt II is love? But Elis love ia especially tender and touching to (hose who love Him. [f i be even greater than a mother's love. earth* is that of the mother. Who can sound the depths of a m >ther's love! I. see it in the - i drop upon the coffin as she lays her little babe in the grave. Is^ee it in the burning anguish of hi weeps over the conduct oi , . 1 see it in ten thousand acts of kindness and affection which she performs, to sweeten the ; life. Can there be greater love than Ihii > will love you more than a toother. The j aiah tells us that the mother et her tend** offspring, but Jesus will nut forget you. 0, what love! O, the depths of that amazing love that can be extended tc- a wretch like me ! JBti at. with us. When friends forsake, Jesus is near. Lie will never leave you nor forsake you, for lie is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. He entered Bedford jail with Euuyau and comforted his heart. He ena- bled Paul and Silas to sing his praises at the mid- night hour, though their feet were fast in the stocks. He tempered the flames that consumed the martyrs, and their seuls ascended to heaven in a blaze of glory. His love can overleap all the barriers of afflictions, persecutions, circumstances of poverty and distress, and in the dark hours of our life, will be present to cheer and illume the midnight of the soul. Jesus, precious Saviour, thou art the home of the soul. To all who love Him, he has promised an everlasting home in heaven. The homes we have here are very dear, but they cannot last forever. The happy ones, that now, by their presence, make home the scene of every joy, will soon be tenants of the grave, and we shall have a home no longer. But the home on high abides forever. Sickness and. death cannot enter there. The joys hud up in heaven will never be in- terrupted by the ravages of sin. Our earthly abodes must soon decay and crumble into dust, but that better home shall never fail, for it is not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. . "Eye hath not seen its sweet :- employ, Ear hath not heard its-sweet sounds of joy. Earth cannot picture a world so fair, Sorrow and death cannot" enter there ; Time does not breathe on Its fadeless hloo*i. Beyond the clouds and beyond the tomb. Is Heaven with all its ,j< Is not such a home desirable ? But, my impeni- tent friend, you have no such home as this. You may have a comfortable earthly home and affectionate loved ones there, but if you have not a home in Christ you are a homeless wanderer and a lone orphan in this world. You cannot say, "Our Father/' for you have not given Him your heart. You cannot sing, " Jesua, Refuge of my soul/' for you have not yet fled to Him for safely and protection. If you are yet in your sins Je us is not your portion. Poor sinner, thou art without a home. mist be his Hifl way, how ■ pr, Wb eye may I The Htar above the manger." Seek a home in Christ. Give your heart to Jesus. He says, " him that cometh to me 1 will in no wise east .out." • ll He is rich in merey toward all that call upon Him.'" There yet ia merey for you. 0, seek his face witnoi.it delay. A time may coiTfc when you would seek Him, but He will net be found. God forbid that any one who reads lines, shall be -heard at the great day of judgment, calling upon the rocks and mountains to fall upon him and hide him from the face of ilim that sitteth upon the throne; but may the spirit lead you to Jesus now, that at that day, He may place upon your head a crown of gold, and in your hands a harp, tuned to the melodious anthems of the blest. Some of us are almost home. When the pious Baxter lay upon his dying bed., a friend asked him how he felt; he replied. ** nearly well, and almost home." Some of us will soon be there. A few more pulsations oT our hearts, and they shall beat no more. The heavenly Canaan is jo- Soon the last battle will be fought, and the Christian soldier shall lay down his arms, and go to that home* where the wicked cease from trou- bling and the weary are at ] My soidier fri end, will you be there t A re you te-day clothed in the garment of & Savour's righteousness? Do you hope* tor- pardon trough his atoning blood F ^"lf- so,', all- wili be well? If not, seek the Saviour ™ without delay. Rest not another night until *you have made your pence with Iliiu. Throw yourself upon the kind arms of Jesus. Jie will save you. " 0, he fa full of grace, , Aud he will ne'er permit. The soul that fain would seek kis fase, To perish at his feet.''' May God bless those #ords to the saving of your • souls, is my prayer, for His name's sake. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5