le.B.? .IlIOL'SK UlLL^ No. lO.j HOUSE OF RErRESEKTXftV:fiV ^ 3rl. IS64.— Read first and second times, referred ta tfee Military Committee and ordered lo be printed. [By Mr. Pkrki^ns.] . • A. BILL To amend An Act entitled An Act to allow commissioned officers of the army rations and the priviFege of purchasing clothing from the Quartermaster's Department, approved ITth February, 1864. 1 Section 1 . Tht Congress of the Confederate States of America do 2 enact, That, in addition to the privilege conTerred upon the offi- 3 cers described in the lirst section of the act aforesaid, there shall 4 be allowed to all such officers, who are required to be mounted, 5 while in service in the field, the privilege of purchasing not 6 exceeding one ration, under such regulations as may be pre- 7 scribed by the Secretary of Was. 1 Sec. 2, That the Secretary of War may, under such regula- 2 tions as he may prescribe, allow officers to whom rations in kind 5 are not issued under the first section of the act, to purchase 4 not exceeding two rations from the Commissary Department. .i.l 111 A 9rff Hf&Vrefrilttofi tJffi^Brf^ff'i 't«T Qjiffvri/j >rft bnij PfTor-tirr vrniR ail! Joa gifiMfil^'tVo ;n<| ottj ,ifi^rt*i»ii) nr MMtie*; in otic ef^u'^'n»'7 '>>.■»•»,«* ^M" f»<>(t!99'- .J^ft Wit •f?»t'>n« ktttmmi i«n ^