4/Z6> III Mill II INI II II II I Ml D03209686Y MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, April 10, 1862. To the Senate and House of Representatii of the Confederate States : I herewith transmit to Congress a communication from the Secretary of the Navy, covering a "detailed report of Flag Officer Buchanan, of the brilliant triumph of his squad- ron over the vastly superior forces of the enemy, in Hamp- ton Roads, on the 8th and 9th of March last." . JEFFERSON DAYIS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/reportofflagoffiOOconf LETTER OF SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, ) Navy Department, \ Richmond, April 7th, 1862. ) To the President : Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith copy "of the detailed report of Flag Officer Buchanan, of the brilliant triumph of his squadroD over the vastly superior forces of the enemy, in Hampton Roads, on the 8th and 9th of March last, a brief report, by Lieut, Jones, of the battle of the 8th, having been previously made. The conduct of the officers and men of the squadron, in this contest, reflects unfading honor upon themselves and upon the navy. The report will be read with deep interest, and its details will not fail to rouse the ardor and nerve the arms of our gallant seamen. It will be remembered that the Virginia was a novelty in naval architecture, wholly unlike any ship that ever floated; that her heaviest guns were equal novelties in ordnance; that her motive power and her obedience to her helm were untried, and her officers and crew strangers, comparatively, to the ship and to each other; and yet, under all these dis- advantages, the dashing courage and consummate profes- sional ability of Flag Officer Buchanan and hi >ciates, achieved the most remarkable victory which naval annals' record. ^ When the Flag Officer was disabled, the command of the Virginia devolved upon her Executive and Ordnance Officer, Lieut, Catesby Ap R, Jones, and the cool and masterly manner in which he fought the ship in her encounter with the iron-clad Monitor, justified the high estimate which the country places upon his professional merit. To his experience, skill and untiring industry, as her Ordnance and Executive Officer, the terrible effect of her fire was greatly due. Her battery was determined in ac- cordance with his suggestions, and' in all investigations and tests, which resulted in its thorough efficiency, he v ousl Th< of commendation the Fla r, in y the conduct of his offic >t the cord": nt of the Department; and the concui •nony of thousands who wi the engagement, places his own conducl With mi Your obedient servant, S. R. MALLORY, REPORT OF FLAG OFFICER BUCHANAN. Naval Hospital, Norfolk, March 27th, 18 Sir : Having been confined to my bed in this building since the 9th inst., in consequence of a wound receiv ction of the previous day, I have not had it in my power at an earlier date to prepare the official report, which I now have the honor to submit, of the proceedings on the Sth and 9th insts., of the James River Squadron under my command, composed of the following nai imcr Virginia, Flag Ship, ten guns; steamer Patrick Henry, twelve guns, Commander John R. Tucker ; town, Lieut. Commanding J. N. Barney, two guns; and gunboats Teazer, Lieut. Commanding W. A. Webb; Beau- fort, Lieut. Commanding W. II. Parker, and Raleigh, Lieut. Commanding J. W. Alexander, each one gun. Total 27 guns. On the 8th inst., at 11, A. M., the Virginia left the Na- vy-Yard, Norfolk, accompanied by the Ra] id Beau- fort, and proceeded to Newport News to engage the enemy's frigates Cumberland and Congress, gunboats and shore bat- teries. When within less than a mile of the Cumberland, the Virginia commenced the engagement with that ship with her bow gun, and the action soon became general, the Cum- berland, Congress, gunboats and shore batteries concentrat- ing upon us their heavy fire, which was returned with great spirit and determination. The Virginia stood rapidly on towards the Cumberland, which ship I bad determined to sink with our prow, if possible. In about fifteen minutes after the action commenced we ran into her on her starboard bow; the crash below the water was distinctly heard, and she commenced sinking, gallantly fighting her guns as long as they were above water. She went down with her colors flying. During this time the shore batteries, Congress, and gunboats kept up their heavy concentrated fire upon us, do- ing us some injury. Our guns, however, ol idle; ■ to the sh and sis, and we v. I mtly bus! lined I -; of the squad J US 1 after the Cumberland Bunk, that gallanl rohn R. Tucker, was Been star o James sr under full steam, panied b; imestown and t. Th< I to the heavy fi] Their escape miraculoi were under a galling fire of Bolid r of which passed through the vessels without doing any serious injury, < • the •ick Henry, th ■ boiler a Bhot passed, scalding to death , and wounding others. Lieut. Com- manding Barney prom;?!;; obeyed a signal to tow her out of the action. Ass tired, the Patrick Henry returned t tion and continued to perform service during the remainder of that day and the follov Having sunk the Cumberland, I turned our attention to We were some time in getting our proper ition in consequence of the shoalness of the water difficulty of managing the ship when in or near the mud. To succeed in ct, I was ol !: i run the ship a short distance above the batteries on James ]'. in order to wind her. During all the time her keel was in I but slowly. Thus we were I twice to the heavy guns of all the batteries in pass- ing up and down the river, but it could not be avoided. We ral of the batteries, and did much injury on the whari blown up, one schooner sunk, and another captured and to Norfolk. The loss of life on shore we have no means of ascertain While I "iiia was thus engaged in getting her posi- tion for attacking the Con ite it was believed on board that ship that we had hauled off; the men lei t tl is and gave tl . They were soon sadly undeceived, for a few minutes after we opened upon her . The carnage, havoc and di by our lire compelled them to haul down th . and to hoist a white Hag at their gaft and half nether at the main. The crew instantly took' Handed. Our fire immedi and a signal ade for the Beaufort to come within hail. I then ordered Lieut. Commanding Parker to take posses- sion of the Congress, secure the officers as prisoners, allow the crew to land, and burn the ship. He ran alongside, re- ceived her flag and surrender from Commander Wm. Smith and Lieut. Pendergrast, with the side-arms of those officers. They delivered themselves as prisoners of war on board the Beaufort, and afterwards were permitted, at their own re- quest, to return to the Congress to assist in removing the wounded to the Beaufort. They never returned, and I sub- mit to the decision of the Department whether they are not our prisoners. While the Beaufort and Raleigh were along- side the Congress, and the surrender of that vessel had been received from the commander, she having two white flying, hoisted by her own people, a heavy fire was op upon them from the shore and from the Congn ss, killing some valuable officers and men. Under this fire the steam- ers left the Congress; but as I was not informed that any injury had been sustained by those vessels at that time, Lieut. Commanding Parker having failed to report to me, I took it for granted that my order to him to bum her had executed, and waited some minutes to see the smoke ascend- ing from her hatches. During this delay we were still jected to the heavy fire from the batteries, which was always promptly returned. The steam frigates Minnesota and Roanoke, and the sail- ing frigate St. Lawrence, had previously been reported as coming from Old Point, but as I was determined that the Congress should not again fall into the hands of the enemy, I remarked to that gallant young officer, Flag Lieut. Minor, "that ship must be burned." lie promptly volunteered to take a boat and burn her, and the Teazer, Lieut. Command- ing; Webb, was ordered to cover the boat. Lieut. Minor had scarcely r within fifty yards of the Congress, when a deadly fire was opened upon him, wounding him severely and several of his men. On witnessing this vile treachery, 1 instantly recalled the boat and ordered the Congress de- stroyed by hot shot and incendiary shell. About this pe- riod I was disabled, and transferred the command of the ship to that gallant, intelligent officer, Lieut. Catesby Jones, with orders to fight her as long as the men could stand to their guns. The ships from Old Point opened their fire upon us. The Minnesota grounded in the north channel, where unfortu- nately the shoalness of the channel prevented our near ap- proaclu "We continued, however, to fire upon her until the pilot main in that position, and we accordingly returned by the south channel, (the fily beti and Mini St. Lawrence and the Ro ring i had an opportunity of opening upon the Minnesota, i her y fire in retui upon the St. Lawrence, fr . e dark and we soon after >red oil" I int. Tlic rest of tl Iron fol- lowed our. movements, with tl of the Beaufort, Lieut. Command:;. r, who proceeded to Norfolk with the wounded and • soon as he had left the Con- gress, without report! ). The Congress ha set on fire by our hot shot and incendiary shell, continued to burn, her I Lccessively disc], the flames reached them, until a few minul night when her magazine exploded •, is report. The fa< e stated as having occurred after I had lip in charge of Lieut. Jones, were reported to me by that officer. At an early hour next morning, (the 9th,) upon the uv solicitations of the Surgeons, Lieutenant Minor and myself were very reluctantly taken on The accommodations for the proper treatment of wounded persons on board the are exc< limited, Lieut. Minor and m; occupying the only space that could be used for that pur] in. I therefore consented to our being landed, on Sewell's Point, thinking that the room on board vacated by us, could be us hose who . the renewal of the action. In the course of the day, Lieut. Minor and myself v I in a steamer to the hos- pital at Norfolk. The followi extract! ' utenant Jones, of the lings of the Virginia on the 9th: " At daylight on the 9th we at the Minnesota was still ashore, and that there iron battery near her. At 8 we ran down to engage ously sent the killed and wounded out of the ship) firing at the Minnesota, and occasionally at the iron battery. The pilots did not place us as near as they expected. The great length and draft of the ship rendered it exceedingly difficult to work hor ; we ran ashore about a mile from the frigate and were backing fifteen minutes before we got off. We continued to fire at the Minnesota, and blew up a steamer along-side of her; and we also engaged the Monitor, sometimes at very close quarters ; we once succeeded in running into her, and twice silenced her fire. The pilots declaring that we could get no nearer the Minnesota and believing her to be entirely disabled, and the Monitor having to run into shoal water, which prevented our doing her any further injury, we ceased firing at 12, and proceeded to Norfolk. " Our loss is two killed and nineteen wounded. The stem is twisted, and the ship leaks, we have lost the prow, star- board anchor and all the boats ; the armor is somewhat dam- aged, the steam pipe and smokestack both riddled, the muz- zles of two of the guns shot away. It was not easy to keep a flag flying ; the flag staffs were repeatedly shot away ; the colors were hoisted to the smoke stack and sever;) 1 times cut down from it." The bearing of the men was all that could be desired; their enthusiasm could scarcely be restrained. During the action they cheered again and again. Their coolness and skill were the more remarkable, from the fact- that the great majority of them were under fire for the first time; they were strangers to each other and to the offi I bad but a few day's instruction in the mnn. <.>f the great guns. To the skill and example of the officersis this result in no small degree attributable." Having thus given a full report of the actions on the 8th, and 9th, I feel it due to the gallant officers who so nobly sus- tained the honor of the flag and country on those days, to express my appreciation of their conduct. To that brave and intelligent officer, Lieutenant Catcsby Jones, the executive and ordnance officer of the Virginia, I am greatly indebted for the success achieved. His constant attention to his duties in the equipment of the ship; his in- telligence in the instruction of ordnance to the crew, as proved by the accuracy and effect of their fire — some of the guns having been personally directed by him, his tact and management in the government of raw recruits, his ge: knowledge of the executive duties of a man-of-war, together with his high toned bearing were all eminently conspicuous, and had their fruits in the admirable efficiency of the Vir- ginia. If conduct such as his — and I do not know that I have used adequate language in describing it, entitles an of- ficer to promotion, I see in the case of Lieutenant Jones one 10 in all respects worthy of it. As flag officer I am entitled to some one to perforin the duties of flag captain, and 1 shouM be proud to have Lieutenant Jones ordered to the Virginia as Lieutenant Commandant, if it be not the intention of the department to bestow upon him a higher rank. Lieut. Simms fully sustained his well earned reputation. lie fired the first gun, and when the command devolved upon Lieut. Jones, in consequence of my disability, he was order- ed to perform the duties of executive officer. Lieut. Jcnes has expressed to me liis satisfaction in having had the ser- vices of so experienced, energetic and zealous an oi Lieut. Davidson fought Ins guns with great precision. The muzzle of one of them wal soon shot away; he contin- ued, however, to fire it, though the wood work around the port became ignited at each discharge. His buoyant and cheerful hearing and v >iee were contagious and inspiring. Lieut. Wood handled his pivot gun admirably, and the ex- ecutive officer testifies to his valuable suggestions during the action. His zeal and industry in drilling the crew contri- buted materially to our success. Lieut. Eggleston served his hot shot and shell with judg- ment and his hearing was deliberate, and exerted a happy influence on his division. Lieut. Butt fought his pi\\n with activity, and during the action was gay and smiling. The Marine Corps was well represented by Capt. Thorn, whose tranquil mien gave evidence that the hottest fire was no novelty to him. One of his guns was served effectively aru \ cre di y a detachment of the United Artillery, of Norfolk, under the command of Captain Kevill. The muz- zle of their gun was struck by a shell from the enemy, which broke off a piece of the gun, but they continued to lire as if it was uninjured. Midshipmen Foute, Marmaduke, Littlepage, Craig and Long rendered valuable services. Their conduct would have been creditable to older heads, and gave great promi future usefulness. Midshipman Marmaduke, though receiv- ing several painful wounds early in the action, manfully fought his gun until the close, lie is now at the hospital. Paymaster Semple volunteered for any service, and was assigned to the command of the powder division, an impor- tant and complicated duty which could not have been better performed. II Surgeon Phillips and Assistant Surgeon Garnett were prompt and attentive in the discharge of their duties ; their kind and considerate care of the wounded, and the skill and ability displayed in the treatment won for them the esteem and gratitude of all who came under their charge, and justly entitled them to the confidence of officers and crew. I beg leave to call the attention of the Department to the case of Dr. Garnett. lie stands liy high in his profession, is at the head of the list of assistant surgeons, and tl being a vacancy, in consequence of the recent death of Sur- geon Blacknall, I should be much gratified if Dr. Gan could be promoted to it. The engines and machinery, upon which so much depen performed much better than was expected. This is due to the intelligence, experience and coolness of Acting Chief Engineer Ramsey. His efforts were ably seconded by his assistants, Tynan, Campbell, Herring, Jack and White. Mr. Ramsey is only Acting Chief Engineer. I respectfully recommend his promotion to the rank of Chief; and v also ask that second ;;eer Campbell may be promoted to first Assistant — lie having performed the duties of tl during I he • lent. The forward officers, boatswain Hasker, gunner Oliver, and carpenter Lindsey, discharged well all the duties re- quired of them. The boatswain had charge of a gun, and fought it .well. The gunner was indefi in his efforts; his experience and exertions as •< e contributed very materially to the efficiency of the batl Acting Master Parrish was assisted in piloting the by pilots "Wright, Williams, (Mark and Cunningham. They were necessarily much exposed. It is now due that I should mention my personal staff. To that gallant your- Mag Lieutenant Minor, I am much indebted for his promptness in the execution of signals, for renewing the flag-staifs when shot a greatly e — 'ness in keeping the Con- federate flag up; his alacrity in conveying my orders to the different divisions, and for his general, cool and gallant bearing. My aid. Acting Mid'n Rootes, of the Navy. Lieutenant Forrest, of the An id as a volunteer aid, and my clerk, Mr. Arthu lair, Jun'r, are entitled to my thanks for the activity with which my orders were conveyed to the different parts of the ship. During the hottest of the 12 ice of their coolness. Baying referred to the good conduct of the •rs in the flag-ship, imn under my noti now to no I task, when I attempt to mark my approbation of tli : of these Berving in the other >n. Comnfr Jno. R. Tucker, of the Patrick Henry iuts. Com'dg J. N. Barney, of tl n, and W. A. V of the Te erve great praise for their gallant conduct nt. Their judgment in s lecting • positions for attacking the enemy was good con- • tire was destructive, and contributed much to the sue- of the day. The '-general order," under which the '.to action, required, that in the absence of ich commanding officer was to exerci &e hi ment and discretion in doing all the damage he could to the enemy, and to sink before surrendering. From the bearing of those officers, on the 8th, I am fully satisfied that order would have been carried out. mmander Tucker sp< hly of all und and es particularly to notice that Lieut. Colonel Cadwalla- '. commanding the post at Mulberry Is- land, on h of the deficiency in the complement of the promptly offered the services of ten of his : as volunteers for the occasion, one of whom. Geo. E. b, of the ' ; Greenville Guards," Commander Tucker re- ; to say, was killed. Lieut. Comd'g Barney reports "every officer and man on board of the ship performed his whole duty, evincing a coura, ness worthy of the cause for which we . Lieut. Comd'g Webb specially notices the coolness dis- d by Acti ' third Assistant Engineer Quinn, v of artillery and muski the shore, whilst the "Teazer" was standing mi to cover the boat in which, as previously stated, Lieutenant Minor Lad gone to burn the " Congress." Several of his men were badly wounded. The " Raleigh," early in the action, had her gun-carrii di bled, which compelled her to withdraw. is he had repaired damages as well as he could, Lieut. Comd'g Alexander resumed his position in the line. lie sustained himself gallantly during the remainder of the day, and speaks highly of all under his command. That evening he was ordered to Norfolk for repairs. 13 The Beaufort, Lieut. Comd'g Parker, was in close contact with the enemy frequently during the day, and all on 1 I behaved gallantly. Lieut. Comd'g Parker expresses his warmest thanks to his officers and men for their coolness. Acting Midshipman Foreman, who accompanied him as volunteer aid, Mid man Mallory and Newton, Captain's clerk, Pain, and Mr. Gray, pilot, are all specially mentioned by him. On the 21st inst., I forwarded to the Department correct lists of the casualties on board all the vessels of th ron, on the 8th ; none, it appears, occurred on the 9th. While in the act of closing this report, J i communication of the Dep id in3t., relie me temporarily of the command of the squadron foi naval defences of James River. I feel honored in be-in lieved by the gallant Flag Officer, Tatnall. I much regret that I am not now in a condition to resume my command, but trust that I shall soon be restoi health, when I shall be ready for any duty that may be as- signed to me. Very rcspectfull v, FRANKLIN BUCHANAN, TT Q p .r Flag ° IlC€r ' Hon. S. R. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy. Hollinger Corp. P H8.5