I 3rrv Duke University Libraries Communication f Conf Pam #319 Ililllllillil « 4^ MESSAGE OF THE illESIDENT. Richmond, Va., March 10, 1863. To the House of Representatives : I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of the Navy, in further response to your resolution of the 5th ult., in regard to the number and amount of claims for vessels seized for public use, JEFFERSON DAVIS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/communicationfro05conf COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF ]SAVY. Confederate States of America, ^ Navy Dtpa'tmcnt, ^ Richmond, March 9th, 1863. ) The President: Sir: Referring to my letter of the 13th ultimo, in response to the following resolution adopted by the House of Representatives, **Rcsolv€d, That the President be requested to communicate to the House the number and amount of claims for vessels seized for public use— filed in the War and Navy Departments, and in the Auditor of the Treasury Department the Lames of the claimants, the time when Bevcrally filed, and the estimated sum required for their payment," I have the honor to submit the claim of Mr. Daniel J. Turner for a steam dredge machine, sunk in Dismal Swamp Canal, by order of Commander Thomas T, Hunter, Confederate States Navy, and to en- close herewith a copy of the appraisement and Commander Hunter's certificate. With much respect. Your obedient servant, S. R. MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy. [Copy.] The undersigned, disinterested citizens and property owners of the county of Camden, North Carolina, having been called upon to ad- judge the value of one steam dredge machine, belonging to Daniel J. Turner, and which was seized and sunk in the new cut of the Dismal Swamp Canal by order of Capt. Thomas Hunter, Confederate States Navy, do, from their knowledge of said steam dredge machine, ad- judge its cash value at seven thousand dollars. Given under our hands, in the county of Camden, this 10th day of April, 1862, in duplicate. (Signed,) WM. R. ABBOTT. (Signed,) J*jHN W. HOLSTEAD (Signed,) • W. C. GORDON. State of North Carolina, County of Camden, April 10, 1862 : This day personally appeared before me, W. W. Sawyer, a justice of the peace in and for the County and State aforesaid, William R. Abbott, John W. Ilolstead and Willis C. Gordon, whose names are signed to the above paper, and made oath that the value assessed by them on the steam dredge machine of Daniel J. Turner, sunk in the new cut of the Dismal Swamp Canal, is a fair and equitable cash val- uation thereof, and I certify, that the paid William R. Abbott, John W. Holstead and Willis C. Gordon, are respectable and responsible citizens of this county. (Signed,) W. W. SAWYER, /. P. C. S. Steamer "Gaines," off Fort Morgan, ) Mobile, Ala., March 26, 1862. ] Mr. Daniel J. Turner : Sir: At your request I cheerfully certify to my having seized, on the 9th of February last, in the name of the Confederate States, your steam dredging machine and sunk it in the Cross Cut Canal, near its junction with the Pankatank river, immediately after my passing that place with the three Confederate steamers bound to Norfolk. The value of the machine can now readily be determined, as she was only slightly scuttled. It was essential to the public interest at the moment. Very respectfully, (Signed,) THOS. T. TURNER, Com'dr C. S. N., And lately Sr. Off. of that dttachment of the N. 7. Fleet. pH8.5