Lcmf Duke University Libraries Circular / Conf Pam 12mo #794 GXTlGXTJ-^J^Ti,. Bureau op Conscription, Richmond, Va., March 30, 1863. The War Department has seen reason to remind all officers engaged in recruiting and conscription, that the execution cf the conscript act is a matter of rcsponsibilitj and delicacy, and the rights conferred by the* acts of exemption important in a personal and public view, and that summary proceedings, in the spirit and style of the press-gang, are in every way subversive of the true interests of recniitiug, as well as offen- sive to law and humanity. This bureau has always indicated th^se principles, and although there appear to have been some, yet the Superintendent trusts there are very few of the officers acting under the bureau who have ever made them- selves liable to this admonition, other agencies having been at work, and having often overstepped their proper limits. Commandants of conscripts will make it a point to see that each and every enrolling officer understands that he is not serving his country by hasty action, practically nullifying. the right of appeal from his decision. Men who present plausible grounds of exemption, as being foreigners, or over age, or claiming an examination by a full medical board, where they allege that a single medical officer has erroneously held them to be physically capable of service, must not be assigned, or dragged to the army, till their cases have had a fair hearing. On questions of domicil or age, the party is entitled to the benefit of his own affidavit, if not rebutted by evidence or violent presumption to the contrary, but in the final decision of the cases of foreigners there must be cumulative testimony of facts, or neighbors to support the Affidavit. By order of the Superintendent. A. C. JONES. Lt. Col., A. A. Gsnl. ^ .A. »j: T7 O J^T T O .•WOITqfHDSVIoO '-JO UArjffTjfl .f.B8f .08 i\MS>\rv ,.J>^^ ^V.«.^^u^oi'.l it ?.i J>ii JqPD'ifJon tidJ 1. rn>Iiu-jDX'» Offi Jr.rf) ,fir.itf(fT)3rio') hao -galHinrfn ludi hue ,woir ollrftfq f>fTu htaoeroq « «i iajjlioqaii rtDitqmox • "^o Hi;>* ul oifl ,^ifly K?.-:»iq odJ 1o iilrja bnis Jniqfi mi) m .^r^nUyt^nov; •'(;ij8(nrf!tf? .•{,'i«f»n:t;l b;;i{ f'p.{ oi jjv ? ^ov o'la ofiffl Rl?,irU iii'-ihnfiJnhoqoB ©/IJ Jo^ ,oiuo3 a'>^cf avinf ot iBoqqti ..TTOtf) abfira iiV> &7xuf ndw wBOti/d rvrfJ rsbfio ^alt'Jtt amoffto oriJ to rrfii bii3 ,/liQw Jb ur.yJ -g'jivuJ g-jlono^gu toilio .noili/rodihB f;:rft o* nldBil c=i/{hi. ' .eliniil i^qoiq ii'jdi boqq')J?.ioro wojlo •§(tfvfid f.-i8 fa (fn"i ji ^d BuUnalmRD na ^fumiel'i lo ..oijti tmvo ir: ad uJ nv)di bforl t'"'"''-'''"""'-'* ^-"^'^^ ly'^ifto [r.oi\>yat of^ncH ^ lutfl oc-jflc yp/L' .-,fi' r,« !..,-.. ih T. .:u"-,r.o;3B od Jou i^.UiU .yfKVfua to 'iWaqr.') viftiolBY/'q .;i(tiiftod liiA ii bnd OYi>if SfJaB-) ii'.nU Uii .^(ri'e V J.liciod :jrfJ OJ b'iiJfuo ai mh ,'>7Jii to Ibtmob 'to znoD'-wp aO ;:;;- ,; • ::i / TO ooa'iblva ^d btyUudsi ioa Vi.,t:Y/ib;ftB ruv/o Bill »jBo Mfi) io flobjiab iuaW adj ifi ind ."^Tmlaoo od? t,ilj ..:|..-'. ^'.^ ...u...lijbu -ih ,::■•■ 'I'. •^■•'.-^''-•' i'7;'Klu:auj cd-Jama t .tiyiib:"iif Hollinger Corp. pH8.5