M: I 6 A POCKET HYMN BOOK, FOR THE USE OF CHRISTIANS OF ALL DENOMINATIONS. /•'C V;'*’ ’>,<* LONDON; Piinted by J- PARAMORE, at the Foundry; And fold at the New Chapel, City-Road. M,DCC,I, .\XXV. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Duke University Libraries • i .. .-t.. I . • i.r J wrJA nif- i-, ll , . , I ' https ;//archive.org/details/pockethymnbookfo1785wesl ( ) c TO THE READER. 1 . J N the Hymn Book which I publifhed about four years fince, although it was larger than ^was at firft intended, there was no room for very many of our Hymns, which were no way inferior to thofe con¬ tained therein. A colleflion of thefe, as I found many defired it, I have now publifhed in a fmaller volume: including very few of thofe which were publidied in the other, A 2 TO THE READER. iv ■ 2 . Several of thefe I omitted before, be- caufe I was afraid they would not be underllood by a common Congregation. But if lome do not underfland them, I make no doubt but many others will: and I trull profit thereby. And the deeper the meaning is, the more it will profit thofe that do underfland them. ...h;- ■ JOHN WESLEY. Londo.v, Oclobcr 1, 1784. A POCKET HYMN BOOK. PART I. Containing Introductory Hymns. S E C T I Q N I. Exhorting Sinners to turn to God. Hymn I. \_PaJ[iouTufe. 1 A LL ye that pafs by, To Jefus draw nigh: To you is it nothing that Jefus fliould die? Your ranfoni and peace, Your furety he is. Come, fee if there ever was forrow like.his. 2 For what you have done His blood mud atone: The Father hath punifli’d for you his dear Son. The Lord in the day Of his ^pger did lay Your Jins on the Lamb, and he bore them away. ,fcHe anfwer’d for all, ■ IjjP come at.his call, .■Vnd^lpw at his crofs with aftonifluDcnt fall. ' *ihut lift up your eyes At Jefus’s,cries: ImpalTivc he fuffers, immortal he dies. A 3 6 EXHORTING SINNERS ' 4 He dies to atone For fins not his own; Your debt he hath paid, and your work he hath done Ye all may receive The peace he did leave, Who made iuterccRion, “ My Father forgive!” 5 For you and for me He prayed on the tree ; The prayer is accepted, the finner is free. The finner am I, Who on Jefus rely, And come for the pardon God cannot deny. 6 My pardon I claim, For a finner I am, A finner believing in Jefus’s name. He purchas’d the grace. Which now I embrace ; O Father, thou know’ll he hath died in my place. 7 His death is my plea, My Advocate fee. And hear the blood fpcak that hath anfwcr’d for me Acquitted I was. When he bled on the crofs, And by lofing his life he hath carried my caufe. H Y M N II. SJVcdncJbury, J TESUS, Redeemer of mankind, Difplay thy faving power; Thy mercy let thefe outcafis find. And know their gracious hour. 2 Ah give them Lord, a longer fpace. Nor fuddenly confume ; But let them take the proffer’d grace. And flee the wrath to come. TO TURN TO GOD. 7 3 O would’ft thou cafl a pitying look (All Goodnefs as thou art) Like that which faithlefs Peter’s broke, Or my obdurate heart. Who thee beneath their feet have trod, And crucified afrelh, Touch with thine all-vi£lorious blood. And turn the ftone to flelh. 5 Open their eyes, and ears, to fee Thv crofs, to hear thy cries : Sinner, thy Saviour weeps for thee, For thee he weeps, and dies. 6 All the day long he meekly Hands His rebels to receive. And (hews his wounds, and fpreads his hands, And bids you turn and live. 7 Turn, and your fins of dccpcH dye He will with blood efface ; F.ven now he waits the blood to’ apply. Be faved, be faced by grace. 8 Be faved from hell, from fin and fear : He fpcaks you now forgiven. Walk before God, be perfeff here. And then come up to heaven. Hymn III. [Inz’ilatwn. 1 QINNERS obey the gofpel word, kJ Hade to the fupper of my Lord ! Be wife to know your gracious day ! All things arc ready, come away ! 2 Ready the Father is to own. And kifs his late returning fon ; Ready your loving Saviour Hands, And i’prcads for you his bleeding hands. 8 EXHORTING SINNERS 3 Ready the Spirit of his love, Juft now the ftony to remove j To’ apply and witnels vi i th the blood, And walh and feal the Ions of God. 4 Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your bleft eftate ; Tuning their harps, they long to praife The wonders of redeeming grace. 5 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft Is ready with their fhlning hoft ; All heaven is ready to relound, “ The dead’s alive ! the loft is-found !” 6 Come then, ye fmners to your Lord, In Chrift to paradife reftored. The profter’d benefits embrace. The plenitude of gofpcl grace. 7 A pardon written with his blood. The favour and the peace of God ; The feeing eye, the feeling fenfe. The myftic joys of penitence : 8 The godly grief, the plcafing fmart. The meltings of a broken heart; The tears that tell your fins forgiven, The fighs that waft your fouls to heaven : g The guiltlefs fltame, the fw'cet diftrefs. The unutterable tendernefs ; The genuine, meek humility. The wonder, “ Why fuch love to tpc;” 10 The o’erwdtelming power of faving grace. The fight that veils the feraph’s face ; The fpeechlefs awe that dares not move. And all the filent heaven of love! TO TURN TO GOD. 9 Hymn IV. \_Invitaticn, Primitive Chrijlianity. i T T APPY the fouls that firft believ’d, jL To Jcfus and each other cleav’d : Join’d by the unflion from above, In myftic fcllowdiip of love. £ Meek, fnnplc followers of the Lamb, They lived and fpake and thought the fame, They joyfully confpir’d to raife Their ceafelefs facrifice of praife. 3 With grace abundantly endued, A pure believing multitude, They all were of one heart and foul. And only love infpir’d the whole. 4 O what an age of golden days ! O what a choice peculiar race ! Walh’d in the Lamb’s all-cleanfing blood. Anointed kings and priefls to God ! 5 Where fhall I wander now to find The fucceffors they left behind ? The faithful whom I feek in vain. Are ’minidi’dfrom the fonsofmen. C> Ye different fcfls who all declare, Lo here is Chrift, or Chrifl is there, Your ffronger proofs divinely give, And fliew me where the Chrillians live, y Your claim, alas ! ye cannot prove ; Ye want the genuine mark of love ; Thou only. Lord, thine own canll fliow, Por fure thou half a Church below. 8 The gates of hell cannot prevail; 'rhe church on earth can never fail ; Ah, join me to thy fecrct ones ! Ah, gather all thy living Ifones ! 10 THE, GOODNESS OF GOD. 9 Scatter’d o’er all the earth they lie, Till thou colleft them with thine eye ; Draw by the mufic of thy name, And charm into a beauteous frame. 10 For this the pleading fpirit groans. And tries in all thy banifli’d ones : Greatcft of gifts thy love impart. And make us of one mind and heart. 11 Join every foul that looks to thee. In bonds of perfefl charity : Now, Lord, thy glorious fulnefs give, And all in all for ever live. S E C T I O N II. 1. Defcribing the goqd,ne/s of Cod. Hymn V. [^Vvrk. God's Love to Mankind. 1 df \ God, of good the unfatbom’d Sea, Who wptjld not give his heart to thee ? Who would not love thee with his might ? O Jefu, Lover of mankind, Wlio would not his whole foul and mind, With all his flrength to thee unite ? 2 Thou flrin’d with everlafting rays ; Before th’ unfufferable blaze Angels with both wings veil thejr eyes : Yet free as air thy bounty dreams On all thy works; thy mercy’s beams Diffufive as the fun’s arife. 3 Aftonilh’d at thy frowning brow, Earth, hell, and heaven’s ftrong pillars bow, Terrible majedy is thine ! Who then can that vad love exprefs, Which bows thee down to me, who lefs Than nothing am, till thou art mine ! TH£ GOODNESS OF GOD, 11 4 High thron’d on heaven’s eternal hill, In number, weight, and itiealure Hill Thou fweetly ordered all that is: And yet thou deignT to come to me. And guide my Heps, that I with thee Enthron’d, may reign in eridlefs blifs, 5 Fountain of good, all blcding dows From thee; no want thy fulnefs knows; What but thyfelf cand thou dedre ? Yes: felf-fufficient as thou art. Thou dod dedre my worthlefs heart; This, only this thou dod require. 6 Primeval Beauty! in thy dght The drd-born, faired fons of light See all their brighted glories fade: What then to me thine eyes could turn, In dn conceived, of woman born, A worm, a leaf, a blad, a lhade? 7 Hell’s armies tremble at thy nod. And trembling own the Almighty God, Sovereign of earth, air, bell, and fky ; But who is this that comes from far. Whole garments roll’d in blood appear ? ’Tis God made man, for man to die. 8 O God, of good the unfathom’d Sea, Who would not give his heart to thee ? Who would not love thee with his might ? O Jefu, I.over of mankind. Who would not his whole foul and mind, With all his drength to thee unite ? Hymn VI. {^Pajfion, 1 God of all grace, Vv' Thy goodnefs we praife. Thy Son thou had given to die in our place. 12 DESCRIBING DEATH. 2 Witli joy wc approve The dcfign of thy love ; ’Tis a wonder on earth, and a wonder above. 3 Tongue cannot explain The love of God-man, Which the angels defire to look into in vain. 4 He came from above, Our curfe to remove : lie hath lov’d, he hath lov’d us, becaufe he zoould\oyt» 5 He hath ranfom’d our race; O how fiiall we praife. Or worthily fing thy unfpeakable grace ? C Nothing elfe will we know, In our journey below. But finging thy grace to thy paradife go. H Y M N VII. • \_Lamps. 2. Dcfcribing Death, 1 A ND am I born to die.^ Jr\. To lay this body down ? And mull- my trembling fpirit fly Into a world unknown r A land of deepefl; lhade, Unpierc’d by human thought! The dreary regions of the dead, Where all things are forgot! 2 Soon as from earth I go. What will become of me ? Eternal happinefs or woe Mufl then my portion be ! Wak’d by the trumpet’s found, I from my grave fiiall rife. And fee the Judge with glory crown’d, And fee the flaming Ikies ! DESCRIBING JUDGMENT. 13 j IIo\s' fliall I leave my tomb? With triumph or regret ? A fearful or a joyful doom ? A curfe, or bleffing meet ? Will angcl-bands convey Their brother to the bar? Or devils drag my foul away To meet its fcntencc there? ^ Who can rcfolvc the doubt That tears my anxious bread? Shall I be with the damned cad out, Or numbered with the bled? I mud from God be driven. Or with my Saviour dwell, Mud come at his command to heaven. Or elfe depart to hell. 5 O thou who would’d not have One wretched finner die, Whodiedd thyfelf my foul to fave From endlefs mifert'! Shew me the way to ditin Thy dreadful wrath fevcrc. That when thou corned on dry throne, I may with joy appear! 6 Thou art thyfelf the way, Thyfelf in me reveal; So fhall I pafs my life’s fliort day Obedient to thy will; So (hall I love my God, Becaufc he fird loved me. And praife thee in thy bright abode To all eternity. HYMN VIII. [mod’s Tune. 3. Drfcribing Judgment. 1 'TPHOU God of glorious majedy, X To thee, againd myfelf to thee, A worm of earth I cry : B H BESCRIRING JUDGMENT An h;ilf awakenM child of man, An heir of cndL fs blifs or pain, A finner born to die! « Lo ! on a narrow nerl: of land, ’Twixt two unbounded leas 1 Hand Secure, infenfihle ; A point of time, a moment’s fpacc, Removes me to that heavenly place, Or fliuts me up in hell. 2 O God, mine inmofl foul convert! And deeply on my thoughtful heart, Eternal things imprefs; Give me to feel their folemn weight. And tremble on the brink of fate, And wake to righteoufnefs. 4 Before me place in dread array, The pomp of that tremendous day. When thou with clouds lhak come, To judge the nations at thy bar; And tell me. Lord, fhall I be there, ■ To meet a joyful doom ^ Be this my one great bufmefs here, With ferious induftry and fear, Eternal blifs to eitiure ; Thine utmoft counfel to fulfil, And fuffer all thy righteous will. And to the end endure. 6 Then Saviour, then my foul receive, Tranfported from this vale to live. And reign with thee above; Where faith is fweetly loll in f^ghi;. And hope in full, fupreme delict, And everlafling love. describing judgment. II Y M H rx. [lirockmer. Part the Firjl, 1 "T T toe to the men on earth who dwell, VV Nor dread th’ Almighty’s frown, When God doili all his wrarh reveal. And fhower his judgments down. 2 Sinners expeft thofe heavicfl fhowers, To meet your God prepare ! Forlo! theYeveulh ajigel pours His phial on the air. 3 Lo from their feats the mourutains leap^ The mountains are not found, Tranfported far into the deep. And in the ocean drown’d. Wlio then lhall live and face the dironc, And face tlic Judge fevere .? W’hen heaven and earth, ar e fled and goue> O where lhall I appear ? 3 Now, only now againft that hour,, Wc may a placu paovide i Beyond the grave, beyond die power Of hell our (pirits hide. 6 Firm in the all deftroying fltock, May view the final feene; For lo ! the everlaffing Rock Is cleft to take us in. Hymn X. Pari the Second. j "O Y faith we find the place above, JJ The rock that rent in twain: Beneath the lliade-of dying love, And in the clefts remain. B a j 6 describing heaven. 5 Jefus, to thy dear wounds we flee j We fink into thy fide ; AtTurcd that all who trull in thee Shall evermore abide. 3 Then let the thundering trumpet found, The latell lightning glare, The mountains melt, the folid ground Diflblve as liquid air: 4 The huge celeftial bodies roll Amidft the general fire; And fhrivel as a parchment fcroll, And all in fmoke expire. _5 Yet Hill the Lord, the Saviour reigns When nature is deftroy’d ; And no created thing remains. Throughout the flaming void. 6 Sublime upon his azure throne. He fpeaks th’ almighty word ,; His fiat is obey’d ! ’tis done, And paradile rellored. 7 So be it! let this fyllem end! This ruinous earth and flties! The new Jerufalem defcend, The new creation rife ! 8 Thv power omnipotent alfume I Thy brighteft majelly ! And when thou doll in glory come. My Lord, remember me ! Hymn XL \WeJl-Strect. 4. Defcribing Heaven. j TTOW weak the thoughts and vain jrl Of felf-dcluding men ! Men who fixt to earth alone Think their houfes fhall endure ; Fondly call their lands their own. To their diftant heirs fecure ! DESCRIBING HEAVEN. 1/ 2 How liappy then are we Wlio build, O Lord, on thcc! What can onr foundation fltock i* Thougli the fhattercd earth remove, Stands our city on a rbek. On the rock of heavenly love. 3 A houfe we call our own, Which cannot be o’erthrown Z In the general ruin lure, Storms and earthquakes it defies, Built immovcably Iccure, Built eternal in the Ikies. 4 High on Immanuel’s land. We fee the fabrick fland; From a tottering world remove, To our lledfall raanfton there : Our Inheritance above Cannot pafs from heir to heir. 5 Thofe amaranthine bowers. Unalienably ours. Bloom our infinite reward; Rife, our permanent abode; From the founded world prepared. Purchas'd by the blood of God. 6 O ! might we quickly find The place for us defign’d ; See the long-expcfted day Of our full redemption here ! Let the fhadows flee away ! • Let the new-made world appear! 7 High on thy great white throne, O king of laints come down ! In the New Jenifalem, Now triumphantly defeend; Let the final trump proclaim, Joys begun whiqh ns’er flial^ end'! B 3 DESCRIBING HEAVEN. i8 Hymn XII. [Hotham. 1 7HAT are thcfe array’d in white, V V Blighter than the noon-day fun? Foremoft of the fons of light, Neareft the eternal throne ? Thcfe are they that hore the crofs. Nobly for their mailer Hood : Sufferers for his righteous caufe ; Followers of the dying God. 2 Out of great dillrefs they came, Wafh’d their robes by faith below, In the blood of yonder Lamb, Blood that waflies white as fnow: Therefore are they next the throne. Serve their Maker day and night j God refides among his own, God doth in his faints delight. 3 More than conquerors at laft Here they find their trials o’er. They have all their fufferings pad, Hunger now and thirft no more, No excclfive heat they feel, From the fun’s direfler ray; In a milder clime they dwell. Region of eternal day. ^ He that on the throne doth reign, Thefe the Lamb fhall always feed. With the tree of life fullain. To the living fountain lead ; He fhall all their forrows chafe, All their wants at once remove. Wipe the tears from every face, Fill up every foul with love. DESCRIBING HEAVEN. 19 Hymn XIII. [Mitcham. t /^OME let us join our friends above That have obtain’d the prke, And on theca^le-vvings of love To joy ccleuia! rife ; Let all the faints terreftrial fing With thofc to glory gone : For all the fervants of our King In earth and heaven are one. 2 One family we dwell in him, One church above, beneath, Thotigh now divided by the ftream, The narrow dream of death; One army of the living God, To his command we bow; Part of his hofl hath crofs’d the flood, And part is eroding now. g Ten thoufand to their endlcfs home This folemn moment fly : And we are to the margin come, And we expe£l to die : His militant, embodied hofl With wifliful looks we fland. And long to fee that happy coaft. And reach the heavenly land. 4 Our old companions in diftrefs We hafle again to fee. And eager long for our releafe And full felicity: Even now by faith we join our hands With thole that went before. And greet the blood-befprinklcd bands On the eternal fhore. 5 Our fpirits too (hall quickly join, Like theirs, with glory crown’d, And fhout to fee our Captain’s fign, To hear his trumpet found; ■ e 30 DESCKimNG HEAVEN. O that we now, might grafp pur guUle ! : O that the wor 4 wcrf given! Come, Lorth of hoftsy the waves divide, And land us all in Iteaven! . ■ ! ■■■ I-. ‘ I. ^ t Hymn! XIVl " [BracJimer 1 T T OW happy every child of grace, JTjL Who knowshisifjns forgiven! This earth, he cries, is nc.tiiny place, I feek my place an J^eav^n : , , . A country far froraimoctaL fight; Yet, OI by faith I fee ; ■ The land of reft, the faints deUght, The heaven, prepiared for me. a A ftranger in the world below, 1 calmly fojourn here. Nor can its happinefs or woe ; Provoke my hope or fear : Its evils in a moment end. Its joys as foon are paft; But, O ! the blifs to which I tend Eternally fliall laft. 3 To that Jerufalem above With finging I repair, ' While in the flefti, my hope and love. My heart and fool are there: ■. There my exalted Saviour ftands. My mercifurHi'gh-prieft, ' ' , ' Andftill extends his wounded hands To take me to his breaft. What is there here to court my flay, To hold me, back.from home,, While angels bjeckon me away, ^ . And Jefus bidf comp?, DESCRIBING HEAVEN. 21 Shall I regret my parted friends. Still in the vale confin’d ? Nay, but whene’er my foul afcends, They will not flay behind. 5 The race we all are running now, And if I firfl attain. They too their willing head fhall bow, They too the prize fhall gain; Now on the brink of death we Hand, And if I pafs before. They all fhall foon efcape to land, And hail me on the flrore. 6 Then let me fuddenly remove, That hidden life to fhare; I fltall not lofe my friends above. But more enjoy them there. There we in Jcfus praife fliall join, His boundlefs love proclaim. And folemnize in fongs divine The marriage of the Lamb. 7 O what a blelfed hope is ours 1 While here on earth we flay, We more than tafle the heavenly powers. And antedate that day: We feel the refurreflion near. Our life in Chritl conceal’d. And w'ith his glorious prefence here Our earthen velfels nll'd. 8 O would he more of heaven beftow, And let the veffel break, And let our ranfom’d fpirits go To grafp the God we feek : In rapturous asve on him to gaze Who bought the fight for me, And fhout and wonder at bis grace riirough all eternity. DESCRIBING HEAVEN. Oft 11 V M N XV. [IVeducJlury 1 A ND let this feeble body fail, x\. And let it droop, or die, My foul fliall quit the mournful vale. And foar to worlds on high : Shall join the difembodicd {bints. And find its long-fought relb, ' (That only blifs for which it pants) In my Redeemer’s breaft'. a In hope of that immortal crown, I now the crofs fuftain. And gladly wander up and down,. And fmile at toil and'pain; I fuller out my thrcefcore years. Till my Deliverer coirie. And wipe away his fervaot’s tears, And take his exile home. 3 Surely he will not long delay : I hear liis Spirit cry, “ Arife my love, make hafte away, “ Go, get thee up, and die. “ O’er death who now has loll his fi-ing, “ I give the vlftory; , , “ And with me my reward I bring, “ I bring my heaven firr thee. 4 Lord, I the welcome word receive. Thee on the mount adore. For thy dear fake content to live Some painful moments more: I live in holv grjef and joy. On Pifgah’s top I {land, And life’s important point employ. To view the promis’d land. DESCRIBING HEAVXN. O wliat hat’ll Jefus bought for me! Before my ravifh’d eye* Rivers of life divine I fee, And trees of paradife : Tliev flouridi in perpetual bloom, Fruit every month they give; And to the healing leaves who come, Eternally fliall live. 6 I fee a world of fpirits bright. Who reap the pleafures there; They all are rob’d in pureft white. And conquering palms they bear; Adorn’d by their Redeemer’s graae They clofc-purfue the Lamb, And every fliining front difplays Th’ unutterable Name. •j They drink the deifying flream. They pluck th’ ambrofial fruit. And each records the praife of him Who tun’d bus golden lute; At once they flrike the harmonious wire And hymn ■the great Three-One: He hears j he fiiiilcs; and all the quire Fall down before his throne. 8 O what an heaven of heavens is this. This fwoon of fileiit love I How poor the world’s fublimcfl bills Compared with joys above ! With joys above may I be blefl, And earthly blifs I fcorn; Or ling triumphantly ditlrefl Till I to God return. 9 O what are all my fuiferings here. If, Lord, thou count me meet With that enraptur’d hofl to apipcar, And worlhip at thy feet 1 *4 DESCRIBING HELL. Give joy or gvief, give eafeor pain, Take life or friends away ■ I come, to find them all again In that eternal day. Hymn XVI. \_BurJ'oTd- 5. Defcribing Hell. j ^ I ^ERRIBLE thought! fliall I alone, X Who may be faved, fliall I, Of all alas I whom I have known Through fin for ever die ? * While all my old companions dear, With whom I once did live, Joyful at God’s right hand appear, A bleffing to receive; 3 Shall I amidft a ghaftly band, Dragg’d to the judgment feat. Far on the left, with horror ftand. My fearful doom to meet ? 4 While they enjoy their Saviour’s love, Muft I in torments dwell ? And howl (while they fing hymns above) And blow the flames of hell? 5 Ah I no; I dill may turn and live; For ftill his wrath delays : He now vouchfafes a kind reprieve, And offers me his grace. 6 I will accept his offers now. From every fin depart, Perform my oft repeated vow. And render him my heart. 7 I will improve what I receive, 1 he grace through Jefus given; Sure if with God on earth I live, To live with God in heaven. PART 11. Defcril^ing true Rcligiwu Hymn XVIL IClu^fler. Marks of Raitk. i.j. H OW fliall a flave rcleas’cl, . From hfeopprefTive ctain, Diftinguifli eafe and reft, From wearincfs and pai,n ? Can he Ills burthen borne away Infallibly perceive? Or I before the judgment day,. iMy pardon’d iin belneve? Redeem’d from all hiis ytoes, ■ . ’ -, i); ' Out of his dungcort freed, i, I ' A(k how tha pris’neit knoft’S ' ‘ ! That he is tree indeed-! ’ How ean he tell the gloom-of night, - 'f From the meridian blazd; i [I Or I difeern the glorious llglrt . i ' d liat llrcams from Jefu’sface ? ! ■ ' A wretch for yeans conftgri’d | " 1 ' To hopelefs mifery,. . -i- ‘ ’ The happy change' muft find ‘ -'tt ■ From ail his pain-fet free: And mud not Tthc diiTencnee'know Of joy and anxious griefi _ ■' Of grace and fin, of weal'and isvoe, Of faith, and unbelief ?■ c 26 DESCRIBING TRUE RELIGION. 4 Yes, Lord, I now perceive. And blefs thee tor the grace, Through which redeem’d I live, To fee thy liniling face: Alive I am, who once was dead, And freely juflified, 1 know thy blood for me w'aS fired, I feel it now applied. ij By fin no longer bound, The pris’ner is fet free. The lofl again is found, In paradife, in thee ; In darknefs, chains, and death I was, But lo! to life reflor’d, Into thy wond’rous light I pafs. The freeman of the Lord. 6 In comfort, power and peace, Thv favour. Lord, I prove. In faith and joy’s increafe. And felf-abafing love : Thou doft my pardon’d fin reveal. My life and heart renew) The pledge, the witnefs, and the fcal, Confirm the record true. 7 The Spirit of my God, Hath certified him mine. And all the tokens fh.ew’d, Infallibly divine: Hereby the pardon’d finner knows His fins on earth forgiven, And thus my faithful Saviour jhewsi, My name inferibedin heaven. Hymn XVIIL \ChcJler. Y et hear ye fouls that cleave To earth and mifery, The joyful news receive. And yield to be fet free; 1 DESCRIBING TRUE RELIGION. 27 Redeem’d from pride and guilty Iliame, The grace of Jefus prove, The virtue of your Saviour’s name, The humbling power of love. 2 His blood by faith applied. Shall walh you white as fnow, And all the juftified, Thcmfelves and Jefus know; Who honour God, themfelves defpife, With deep humility; And none fo vile in their own eyes, As thofe that Jefus fee. 3 His truth, and love, and power, Shall his own gifts maintain: But may ye not implore, 1 he Saviour’s grace in vain ? What if ye feek and never find. The pardon in his blood ? What if the Saviour of mankind. Be neither juft nor good? 4 Hath he not fpoke the word, “ Who afk ftiall all leccive !” Believe our faithful Lord, Ye abjefl fouls believe! The hellifh doubt rejefl, difclaim. And on our God rely; Our God continues ftill the fame. Nor can himfelf deny. 5 We now affix our feal. That God is good and true. His faithful love we feel. And ye may feel it too ; fEc knozu, ye all the grace may take. Ye all the truth may prove, And twice ten thoufand fouls we flake On Jefu’s faithful love. C 2 e8 D-JEECRIBMG TROUE RELIGION. Hymn XIX. [Chejicr. 1 A/'E fimple fouls tliat Hray X Far from the path oi peacf, (That unfrcqucntL'd.viuiy To life and happihefs) How long will ye your folly love. And throng the downward road, And hate the wifdom from above, And mock the fons of God? 2 Madncfs and ijiife^,, Ye count otir life benestlji And nothing great can fee, Or glorious in our death: As born to fuffer and to grieve, Beneath your feet we tie, And utterly conteiijn'd we live, And unlamented'die. 3 Poor penfive fojoumejs, O’erwhelm’d with griefs prtd woes; Perplex’d with needlefs fears, And pleafurc’s mortal foes; More irkfome than a gaping tomb, Our fight ye cannot hear, Wrapt in the melancholy gloom. Of fanciful defpai'r. 4 So wretched, aiu] obfeure. The men whom ye defpife. So foolHh, weak, and poor, Above your fcorn we rife : Our cotifcicnce in the Floly Ghofe Can witnefs better things, For he whofe blood is all our hoafl. Hath made its priefis and kings, Riches unfpaakablc, In Jefu’s love we know. And pleal'ures from the well Of life our fouls o’erflow ; For mourners, &c. 29 From him the Spirit we receive Of wifdom, grace, and power, And alway forrowful we live Rejoicing evermore. 6 Angels our fervants are, And keep in all our ways. And in their hands they bear, The facred fons of grace ; Our guardians to that heavenly blifs, They all our Heps attend; And God himfelf our Father is, And Jefus is our Friend. 7 With him we walk in white. We in his image fliine ; Our robes are robes of light, Our righteoufnefs divine: On all the groveling kings of earth. With pity we look down, And claim in virtue of our birth A never-fading crown. PART III. SECTION 1. For Mourners convinced of Sin. Hymn XX. [Brentford. A poor Sinner. 1 T T OW happy is the man, XT Who lees his mifery, Who ever feels his nature’s chain. Nor murmurs to be free. 2 Who waits in patient hope, And languidiing for home, ^3 30 For mourners With cheerful confidence looks up, And lays, My Lord will come. 3 He neither hopes nor fears Evil or good below, But fighs for God, and lets his tears In Iccret filence flow. 4 O that I thus refign'd Might bear my nature’s load ! O that in me were fuch a mind To leave the whole to G.od! j With him to truft my caulc, And quietly endure. Till he remove the hallow’d crofs, And all my ficknefs cure ! 6 I would (but thou canfl tell} I would be humble, Lord, Mv burden every moment feel, And tremble at thy word. 7 I would be ftripp’d of all, And calmly wait thy flay; Epor a-t thy feet, and helplefs fall, And weep my life away. 8 I would-be truly flill. Nor fet a time to thee, But aft according to thy will, And fpeak, arid thin«, and be. 9 1 would wi th thee be one. And till the grace is given, Inceflant pray. Thy will hip done, In earth, as ’tis in heaven. H y M N XXI. [C/icJli At Waking, 1 A GAIN my mournful fighs, x\. Prevent the riling morn j Again my wifliful eyes. Lock out for his return; CONVINCED OF SIN. 31 I weep and langulfli for relief, And long my Lord to find; But wake, alas! to all the grief, And load I left behind. 2 Is there no balm of love Within thy bofom found. My anguifh to remove, "And heal my fpirit’s wound ? Or, wilt thou. Lord, my cure difclaiin. Who need of healing has'c? Becaufe the finner’s chief I am Wilt thou refufe to fave? 3 Moll helplefs is my foul Of all the fin-fick race; ' Thou therefore make it whole. In honour of thy grace : More honour will thy grace receive By freely pard’ning me. Than if ten thoufand finners live Converted all to thee. 4 Come then and fiiew thine art, Phyfician mod divine. Bind up my broken heart. Pour in thy oil and wine ; Into my heart the Spirit pour Of love, and joy, and peace; To perfeft health mv foul reftore, To perfeft holinefs. Hymn XXII. [Chapd. 1 T ESUS, thou all-redeeming Lord, J Who preacheft Hill the gofpcl-word. In thefe thy Spirit’s days; My helplefs foul with pity fee. And fet me now at liberty, By juftifying grace. 32 For mourners 2 Where two or tlirce thy prefcncc claim, AfTembled in thy faying name, Thy faying power is near: Sure as thou art in heaven above. Thou in the Spirit of thy love. And God in thee is here. 3 Myfelf alas! I cannot ralfe. Or lift my heart in prayer and praife. Or reftify my will; I own, cut ofFfrom human hope. To lift a fallen fpirit up, With man impoffible. 4 But O ! thou feed my defperate cafe, Pronounce the word of pardoning grace, And call me Lord to thee j Infpeak the power into my heart. And fay this moment, loos’d thou art From thine infirmity. 5 Lay hut thine hand upon my foul, And inftantaneoufly made whole, My foul by faith fliall rife; Shall rife by faith and upright fland. And anfwer all thy juft command. In all its faculties. 6 Strait as the rule, the written word, My foul in righteoufnefs rcflor’d. Thine image fliall retrieve. That ancient reftitilde divine ; And in a land of darknefs fliine, And to thy glory live. 7 Thine, Jefus, thine alone lam; And ou^ht I not my Lord to claim, With all thy righteoufnefs 1 I ought, I do thy love receive, And now thou dofl my fins forgive, And bid my bondtige ceafe. CONVmCED Of SIN. 83 8 T'ne fabbath.of my foul I fe, The clay of ^orpcl-liberty, No more nithrall’cl, (jjjprcfl; And lo ! in holinefs I To efnim Hk' reff of parnd^'V, And heaven's eternal reft! H Y M M XK.III. {Ctoittriury. Dmitl ix. 1 God, the .sreai) the fearful God, To tbee we humbly fuc ftjr peaefc, Groaning beneath a nation’s lottcl,’ And cridh’d‘by;our own wiclcednefs; Our guilt we tnyjnble to declane, And pour out our fad fouls in prayer. 2 Tbee we revere, the faithful Lord, Keeping the cov’nant of thy grace, True to thine everlafting word, I.oving to all who fecit thyface ! And keep thy kind commands, and prove Their faith by their obedient love. 3 I 5 ut we have only evil v/rought, Have done to our good God defpitc, Rebellious with our Maker fought, And finn’d againft the gofpcl-light; Departed from his righteous ways, And fallen, fallen from his grace. The rich, and poor, the high and low. Have trampled on thy mild cominand; The floods of wickednefs o’crllow, And deluge all our guilty land ; People and priells, be drown’d in fin, Ami Tophet yawns to take us in. 5 But O, forgivenefies arc thine. Far above all our hearts conceive j The glorious property divine. Is llLll to pity and forgive; For mourners S4 With thee is full redemption found, And grace doth more than fm abound. 6 O Lord, according to thy love. Thy utmoft power of love we pray, Thine anger and thy plague remove j Turn from Jeriifalcm away The curfe and punilhment we feel. Thou know’ll we are thy people Hill. 7 Now then acknowledge us for thine. Regard thine humbled fervant's prayer, And caufe on us thy face to Urine, The ruins of thy church repair ! O for the fale. 3 I am not worthy, Lord, tliRt thoa To fuch anabjell 'wornai>lliould’ft botr,. Or enter my poor foial: But only fpeak'the gracious word. And I (hall be at once rehor’d, And perfcclly made' whole. 4 A begging Bartimeus I, Naked, and blind, for meroy cry, If mercy is for me; Jefii, thou Spr,r of David.hcaU Stand hill, and calf, and draw me near, And bid the finner fee. 5 A leper at thy fcetTfall > And flill for meroy, mercy call. Till I am purgid.from lin-i' . With pity fee my .defpesate,eafo, - ■ And O ! put forth thy hand of gyace, And touch my hatbre cj'can. , 6 Borne by the prayer of faith I lie; And long to meet thy pitying eye,. And feehly gafp to heaven : O make in me thy poweri appear. And anfwer. Son, be of.goqd cheer, Thy fins are all forgiven. 7 O Son of Man, tliy povrer make, kriown, I'hat all with me may gladly erwni. Thou canft on earth forgive,; Bid me take up my bed, and go, Caufe me to walk with thee beloWj And then to heaven rece’ivy. . , CONVINCED OF SIN. 37 Hymn XXVII. [Snowsjidds. 1 Saviour, call a pitying eye, A linner at thy feet I lie, And will not hence depart, Till thou regard my cealelefs moan ; O fpcak, and take away the ftone, The unbelieving heart. 2 Till thou the mountain-load remove, I groan beneath my want of love, O hear my bitter cry : V/ithout thy love I cannot live. Give Jelu, Friend of fmners, give Me love, or elfe I die. 3 Dofl thou not all my fuflerings know, Doft thou not fee mine eyes o’erflow, My lab’ring bofom move ? Why do I all this burthen bear ? Need I to thee the caufe declare ? Thou know’ll, I cannot love. 4 Thou then, O God, thine hand lay to. And let me all the means look through. And trull to thee alone ; To thee alone for all things trull. And fay to thee. Who favTt the loll. Thine only will be done. Hymn XXVIII. [Ktn^swood. 1 TESU, go not far from me, J For lin is hard at hand, 1 have none to help hut thee, Enable me to Hand : Hear out of the deep my cry. And help me now as heretofore. Save me, fave me, or I die, I fall to rife no more. D For mourners 33 2 God of my falvation hear, In this my time of need ; See the day of battle near, And fkreen my naked head ; Send me fuccour from on high And hide me till the (lonn is o'erj Save me, fare me, or I die, I fall to rife no more. 3 Thou hall oft my refuge been. And thou art Hill the fame ; Snatch me from the jaws of fin, O quench the violent flame ; Bring the great falvation nigh, Stir up thine interpofmg power; Save me, fave me, or I die, I fall to rife no more. 4 Help on thee, thou mighty One, For all mankind is laid; Let it now on me be fhown. Be thou my prefent aid, O come quickly, and Hand by My foul throughout the trying hour Save me, fave me, or I die, 1 fall to rife no more. 5 Help me now, but let me ftill My want of help confefs; Hang upon thy arm, and feel My utter helplefsnefs; Only this be all my cry. Till thou my ruin’d foul reflore Save me, fave me, or I die, I fall to rife no more. CONVINCED OF SIN. 29 H Y M N XXIX. [Kingswood. For one convinced of inordinate AJj'uiion. 1 rOE is me! that wretched man V V More than my God I prize ! ■ Well I know them void and vain, Yet pant for earthly joys : Downward ftill my willies move, Though fairer than earth’s fons thou art: Touch me, jefus, with thy love, And vindicate my heart. 2 Happinefs is not in me, Though every creature cry, Still the airy form I fee Whene’er I turn my eye; After Ihadows flill I rove. Nor can I with my idols part ; Touch me, Jefus, with thy love, And vindicate my heart. 3 God arife, thou jealous God, And all thy foes fubdue; Claim the purchafe of thy blood, Create my foul anew ; Let it now no longer rove. Now let me talle how good thou art-t Touch me, Jefus, with thy love. And vindicate my heart. 4 Saviour, purify my foul. As thou my God art pure. Make my wounded fpirit whole. And all my ficknefs cure ; From thee never let me move, Thou my fufficient portion art: Touch me, Jefus, with thy love, . 4 nd vindicate my heart. D 2 40 For mourners 5 From all filihlnefs of flefli, And fpirit make me clean ; Stamp thy image, Lord, afrcfli. And purge me from all fin ; Thee my God, my All I prove, Ah ! never more from me depart; Fill, O Jefu, with thy love, My vindicated heart. Hymn XXX. \_Foundry, 1 Tim. i. 15, J TESU, fin-atoning Lamb, Jefu, lover of thy foe. Let me feel thy fovereign name, Let me all its virtue know: Hear my cry out of the deep, Halle, and help a friendlefs foul; Seek and fave a wandering fheep, Make a fin-fick {inner whole. K Btirdcn’d am I, and oppreft. Till thou doll remove my load; Weary, till thou give me reft, Guilty till I feel thy blood; See me, a mere finner fee, Miferable, poor, and. blind, Till I lole my all in thee, Till in thee my all I find. 3 Trembling, I expeft my fate. If thou as my Judge appear; If thou art my Advocate, Jefus, what have I to fear ? Jefus is the finner’s friend. Sinners Jefus came to fave; Jefus, I on thee depend, ■ Peace and povrer in thee I have. CONVIKTED OF SIN. 4 1 ihe golden fceptre fee (Self-defpairing as I was) Now, ev’n now, reach’d out to me; I receive thy pardoning grace. Of thy grace 1 cannot doubt; Sinners to thy wounds who fly Thou in nowife wilt call out: Lo ! I come, the fmner 11 Hymn XXXI. [Brentford, Difeipline. 5 Throw away thy rod, O throw away thy wrath ! My gracious Saviour and my God, Oh, take the gentle path ! 2 Thou feed my heart’s defire Still unto thee is bent: Still does my longing foul afpire, To an entire confent. 3 Not even a word or look Do I approve or own. But by the model of thy book, Thy facred book alone. 4 Although I fail, I weep; Athough I halt in pace. Yet dill with trembling fteps I creep Unto the throne of grace. 5 O ! then let wrath remove : For love will do the deed ! Love will the contjuefl gain ; with love Ev’n flony hearts will bleed. <3 For love is fwiftof foot ; Love is a man of war ; Love can refilllcfs arrows fhoot, And hit the mark from far. For MOURNER5 42 7 Who can efcape his bow ? That which hath wrouglit on thee, Which brought the King of glory low, Mull furely work on me. 8 O ! throw away thy rod ! What though man frailties hath ? Thou art my Saviour, and my God ! O ! throw away thy wrath ! Hymn XXXII. \_Hamilton. Salvation by Grace. f T ESU, great Redeemer, hear A feeble fmner’s cry, 'I'hcu m my behalf appear. And bring falvation nigh : To mv Lord what lhall I fay ? Saviour, I of thee have need ; Take, O take my fins away. And make me free indeed. e Thee all-loa’ely as thou art. Should I profefs to love. Surely my rebellious heart. The falfehood.would difprove : Thee my heart cannot obey Till from every evil freed : Take, O take, &c. 3 Should I fay, that ought in me Of good doth now abide, Self-condemn’d I now fhould be; My all is fclf and pride. Guilty, guilty mud I fay. Nothing, Lord have I to plead: Take, O take, &c. COlWiNCED OF SIN. 4 No Jefire or will have I Thy mercy to embrace; From thine arras of love I fly, And flight thy proffer’d grace; But thou didfl my ranfoin pay, But thy blood for me was Ihcd; . Take, O take, &c. 5 Thy falvatlon to obtain,. Out of mylelf I go. Freely thou muff heal my pain, Thy unbought mercy iliow : For myfclf I cannot pray; Let thy Spirit intercede: Take, O take, &c. 6 Not becaufe I willing am. On me this grace be fhew’d; But thou art the atoning Lamb Therefore apply thy blood j Therefore, Lord, no more delay, 7 'hcrcfore heal my toul and lead; Take, O take my fins away. And make me free indeed. Hymn XXXIII. \}V Hymn LX VI. [Wejl-Street. To tie Holy Ghojl. 1 T TEAR, holy Spirit hear, AJ- My inward Comforter! Loos’d by thee my ftammering tongue, Firft effays to praife thee now : This the new, the joyful fong. Hear it in thy temple thou! 2 Long o’er my formlefs foul, The dreary waves did roll; Void 1 lay, and funk in night; Thou the overfhadowing Dove, Call’dft the chaos into light, Bad’fl me be, and live, and love. REJOICIKG, &c. 3 Thy gifts, befl Paraclete, I glory to repeat: Sweetly fure of grace I am, Pardon to my foul apply’d, Iiitereft in the fpotlcls Lamh; Dead for all, for me he died. 4 Pledge of the promife given, My antepaft of heaven ; Earncft thou of joys divine, Joys divine on me beflow’d. Heaven, and Chrifl, and all is mine, All the plenitude of God. 5 Thou art my inward guide, I afk no help hefide : Arm of God, on thee I call, WTak as helplcfs infancy ! Weak I am, but cannot fall, Stay'd by faith, and led by thee ! C Hear, holy Spirit, hear. My inward Comforter! Loos’d by thee, my flamm’ring tongue Firfl clTays to praife thee now; This the new, the joyful fong, Hear it in thy temple thou I II Y M N LXVII. Judas Maccaleus. 1 T ORD, and am I yet alive, JL.J Not in torments, not in hell I Still doth thy good Spirit drive. With the chief of Tinners dwell ? Yes; T dill lift up mine eyes, Vi'^iil not of thy love defpair. Still in fpite of fin I rife. Still to call thee mine, I dare. G 74 Tor BELIEVERS 2 Turn afide a fight to admire, I the living wonder am ! See a bufii that burns with fire, Unconfum’d amidft the flame! See a Hone that hangs in air! See a fpark in ocean dwell! Kept alive with deathfo near, I am, I am out of hell! H Y M N LXVIir. [Trinh To God the Father. 1 T T AIL, Father I whofe creating call A X Unnumber’d worlds attend ; Jehovah, comprehending all. Whom none can comprehend. 2 In light unfearchable enthroned, Vv^hich angels dimly fee; The fountain of the Godhead own'd And foremofl: of the three. 3 From thee, through an eternal now, The Son, thine offspring flow'd; An everlafling Father thou, An everlafling God. Nor quite difplay’d to worlds above, Nor quite on earth conceal’d; By wond’rous, unexhaufted love To mortal man reveal'd. 5 Supreme, and all-fufficient God, When nature fhall expire. And worlds created by thy nod Shall perifh by thy fire. 6 Thy name, Jehovah, be adored, By creatures wirhout end. Whom none but thy effential Word, And Spirit comprehend. REJOICING, S:c. 75 II V M N LXIX. [Trinity. To God the Son. 1 T TAIL, God the Son ! in glory crown’d, xl. E’er time began to be, Thron’d with thy Sire, through halt the round Of wide eternity ! 2 Let heaven and earth’s Hupendous frame, Difplay their Author’s power. And each exalted leraph flame, Creator, thee adore! 3 Thy wond’rous love, the Godhead fhew’d, Contra£led to a fpan, The co-eternal Son of God, The mortal Ion of man. 4 To favc mankind from loll ellate. Behold his hfe-hlood (beam ; Hail, Lord! almighty to create! Almighty to redeem! 5 The Mediator’s God-like fway. His church beneath fuffains ; 'f ill nature fliall her Judge furvey. The King Mclfiah reigns. * 6 Hail, with cITential glory crowned, kVhen time fhall ceafe to he, Thion’dwith thy Father through the round Of whole eternity 1 H V M N LXX. [Trinity. 1 T T AIL, Holy Ghod ! Jehovah, third X J. In order of the Three ; Sprung from the Father and the Word, From all eternity I G 2 7(» Fok believers e Thv Spirit brooding o’er the abyfs Of formlcfs waters lay; Spoke into order all that is, And darkiiefs into day. 3 In dcepeft hell, or heaven’s height, 1 hy prefence who can fly ? Known is the Father to thy fight, The abyfs of Deity. /] Thy power, through Jefu’s life difplay’d. Quite from the virgin’s womb; Dying, his foul an olFering rnade,i And rais’d him fioin the tomb. r, God’s image which our fins deflroy. Thy grace rellores below: And truth, and holinefsj and joy. From thee, their fountain flow. f) Hail, Floly Ghofl ! Jehovah, third. In order of the Three, One with the Father, and the Word, To all eternity. Hymn l.XXI. {Trinity. 1 T TAIL, holy, holy, holy Lord! A. jL Be endle.fs praife to thee 1 Supreme, eflential One, adored In co-eternal Three. 2 Enthron’d in everlafting flate. E’er time its round began. Who join’d in council to create, The dignity of man. 3 To whom Ifaiah’s vifion fhew’d The feraphs veil their wings, While thee, Jehovah, Lord and God, The angelic army fings. REJOICING, &c. 77 4 To thee, by myftic powers on high, Were humble prail’cs given. When Jo/mhtheid with favoured eye The inhabitants of heaven. 5 All that the name of creature owns, To thee in hymns afpire; May we as angels on our thrones, For ever join the choir! 6 Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord! Be cndlcfs praife to thee; Supreme, effcntial One, adored. In co-eternal Three. Hymn LXXII. [Liverpool. 1 T 7 ATHER how wide thy glory Ihines, J? How high thy wonders rife; Known through the earth hy thoufand figns. By thoufands through the fkies. 2 Thofe mighty orbs proclaim thy power, Their motions fpeak thy fkill: And on the wings of every hour. We read thy patience Hill. 3 Part of thy name divinely {lands. On all thy creatures writ; They drew the labour of thy hands. Or imprefs of thy feet. 4 But when we view thy flrange defign To fave rebellious worms ; Where vengeance and compaffion join In their divined forms: ^ Flere the whole Deity is known. Nor dares a creature guels Which of the glories brighteft dione. The jullice or the grace. G 3 78 For believers 6 Now the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heavenly plains, Bright feraphs learn Immanuel’s name. And try their choieeft ftrains. 7 O, may I bear fome humble part In that immortal fong; Wonder and joy Ihall tunc my heart, And love command my tongue. Hymn LXXIIL \Triwnph, E heavens rejoice In Jefus’s grace, Let earth make a noife And echo his praife ! Our till-loving Saviour Hath pacified God, And paid for his, favour The price of his blood 2 Ye mountains and vales In praifes abound, Yc hills and ye dales Continue the (ound; Break forth into linging Ye trees of the wood, For Jefus is bringing Loft ftnners to God. 3 Atonement he made For every one j The debt he hath paid. The work he hath don. Shout all the creation Below and above, Afcribing falvation Td Jefus his love. REJOICING, See. His mercy hath brought Salvation to all, Who take it unbought, He frees them from thrall; Throughout the believer His glory difplays. And perfects for ever The velfels of grace. Hymn LXXIV. [0/nej ATHER in whom we live, X' In whom we are, and move. The glory, powejv and praile receive 01 thv creating love : Let ail the angel-throng Give thanks to God on high. While earth repeats the joyful fong. And echoes to the fky. Incarnate Deity, Let all the ranfom’d race Render in thanks their lives to thee For thy redeeming grace ; The grace to finners flie.w'd Ye heavenly quires procIaTm, And cry falvation to our God, Salvation to the Lamb 1 Spirit of holinefs. Let all thy faints adore Thy facred energy, and blefs Thine heart-renewing power: Not angel tongues can tell Thy love’s extatic height; The glorious joy unfpeakable, The beatific fight! Eternal triune Lord, Let all the hofts above. Let all the fons of men record, And dwell upon thy love ; So For believers When heaven and earth are fled Before thy glorious face, Sing all the faints thy love hath made, Thine everldlling praife! Hymn LXXV. [For a Mufician.] Part the Firjl. And lulls the ravifh’d fpheres : On thee in feeble flrains I call, And mix my humble voice with all Thy heavenly chorillers. 2 If well I know the tuneful art. To captivate an human heart. The glory, Lord, be tbine : A fervant of thy blefled will, I here devote my utmoft ll-ill. To found the praife divine. 3 With Tubal’s wretched fons no more, I prollitute my facred power, To pleafe the fiends beneath; Or modulate the wanton lay. Or fmooth with mufick’s hand the way To everlafting death. Suffice for this the feafon paft ; I come, great God, to learn at laft The leflbn of thy grace: Teach me the new', the gofpel-fong. And let my heart, my hand, my tongue Move only to thy praife. 5 Thine own mufician. Lord, infpire, And let my confccrated lyre Repeat the Pfalmjft’s part: REJOICING, &c. II is Ton, and tliine, reveal in me, And fill Vk'ith faded melody '1 he libresof my heart. 6 So fhall I charm the llfl’nin;; throng. And draw the living ftones along, By Jefn’s tuneful name: The living Hones lhall dance, fliall rife. And form a city in the fkies. The New Jcrufalem 1 Hymn LXXVI. Part the Second. 1 Might I ss’ith thy faints afplre, 'I'he meaneft of that dazling quire, Who chant thy praife above; Mixt with the bright mufician-band. May I an heavenly harper (land. And ling the fong of love. 2 What extafy ofblifeis there. While all the angelic concert fhare. And drink the Hodting joys! What more than extafy, when all Struck to the golden pavement fall At Jefu’s glorious voice ! 3 Jefus 1 the heaven of heavens he is. The foul of harmony and blifs! And while on him we gaac. And while his glocious voarewc hear, Our fpirits are all eye, all ear; And filence fpeaks his praife. /j O might I diethat awe to prove. That proflratc awe which dares not move Before the great Thrcc-onc! To lliout by turns the burftingjov, And all eternity employ 111 foBgs around tha tlnoae i For believers (i2 H V M N LXXVII. [S^ Paul's. T hee, Father, Son, and Spirit, we Oiir kind Prcfcrvcr piaile, While in thy three-fold gilts we fee, And taile thy three-fold grace; 1 hoii feed'ft the needy fons of men, 'I’liou doft our flrength renew. With corn, and wine, and oil fuftain Our fainting fpirits too. S Father, in thee w'e tafle the bread I’hat cheers the church above; And drink, from fin and forrow freed, The w'ine of Jefu’s love: The Oil of joy, the Spirit of grace, To us himfelf imparts : The oil that brightens every face. And gladdens every heart. 3 With awful thanks we now' receive Our emblematic food. On Father, Son, and Spirit live. And daily feaft on God: "VIA to thy glory drink and eat. Till all from earth remove. The endlefs praifcs to repeat Of all-redeeming love. Hymn LXXVIII. [Pajon. At Meals. 1 AND can w'e forget In tailing our meat, . The angelical food which ere long we (hall eat When inroll’d with the bleft In glory we refl, And for ever fit down at the heavenly feaft! REJOICING, Slc. 83 2 O the infinite height Of our i'olcmn (ielijjht, While we look on the Saviour, and walk in his fight! 'I he blcfirng who knows, 'I he joy he heflows •W’hilc we follow the Lamb wherefocvcv he goes ? 3 What good can we need. Whom Jeftis doth feed. And to fountains of life beatifical lead ? 1,0 ! he fits on the throne, Eo ! he dwells with his own. And enlarges our fouls with his mercies unknown! 4 Not a fpirit above To perfeflion can prove. Or count his unfearchablc riches of love: Rut we fhall obtain What none can explain. And in Jefus’s bofom eternally reign. Hymn LXXIX. [ Anit ' s . 1 T ESUS is our common Lord, J He our loving Saviour is ; By his death to life rcllor'd, Mifery we exchange for blifs. 2 Blifs by carnal minds unknown; O his more than tongue can tell! Only to believers known. Glorious and unfpeakable; 3 Chrifl. ,our brother, and our friend. Shews us his eternal love ; Never fhall our triumphs end Till we take our feats above. 4 Let us walk with him in white ! For our bridal-day prepare. For our partncrfliip in light. For our glorious meeting there! 84 For believers II Y M N LXXX. [York. t To the Holy Ghojl. Part the Firjl. 1 A UTHOR of every work divine ! Who doh through both creations fliine, The God of nature and of grace ! Thy glorious fleps in all we fee, And wifdom attribute to thee, And power, and majefty, and praife ! 2 Thou dldfl: thy mighty wings out-fpread. And brooding o’er the chaos, filed Thy life into the impregn’d abyfs; The vital principle infufe. And out of Nothing's womb produce The earth, and heaven, and all that is! 3 That all-informing Breath thou art. Who dofl continued life impart, And bidll the world perliil to be ; Garnifh’d by thee, yon azure Iky, And all thofe beauteous orbs on high, Defcend in golden chains from thee 4 Thou doll create the earth anew, (Its maker and preferver too) By thine almighty arm fuflain; Nature perceives thy fecret force, And fiill holds on her even courfe. And owns thy providential reign. ^ Thou art the Univerfal Soul, The plaftick Power that fills the whole. And governs earth, air, fea, and Iky ; The creatures all, thy breath receive. And who by thv infpiring live. Without thy iiifpiration die. REJOICING, &C. 6 Spirit immenfe! Eternal Mind ! Thou on the fouls of loll mankind, Doll with behigneft influence move ; Pleas’d to reflore the ruin’d race; And new create a world of grace In all the image of thy love! PI Y M N LXXXI. Part the Second- t QPIRIT of power, ’tis thine alone ^ 'I'o finifli what thyfelf begun. And crown thy work with full fuccefs To them that groan beneath their fin, Thou bring’ll the fweet refrefhment in. The everlalling rightcoufnefs. * Thou doll by thine almighty grace Again the abjeft fmner raife, Again our flefhly fouls refine; Spirit of fpirit born, we love, And only feck the things above, And live on earth the life divine. 2 Thou doft the Vital feed infufe; Thou doll the creature new produce In all its glorious parts compleat; The fubje8s' of thy kingdom here Thou makell, e’er the Judge appear, I'orall thy heavenly kingdom meet. Thou that revealing Spirit art Who doll the hearing car impart, The clear illuminated fight; Spirit of wifdom from on high, Of knowledge that lhall never die. Of holy, true, eternal light. 85 . For believers Hymn LXXXII. Part the Third. 1 art the end of doubtful care A 1 he antidote of lad defpair We feel in that fwcet power of thine Through thee, who lifts the fallen up, We rile, rejoice, abound in hope, And blels thine energy divine, s Author of never-failing peace. Whene’er welanguifh in diftrefs, O’erwhelm’d with fin and mifery, Thy prefence brings us fure relief, To gladnefs turns our every grief) And joy in God, is joy in thee. 3 Spirit of meek and godly fear. The children taught of thee revere, And do their heavenly Father’s will ; Pierc’d with an humble filial awe They love to keep his blelfed law. And all his kind commands fulfil. 4 Spirit of pure and holy love. We feel thee ftreaming from above, In calm unutterable peace; The love by thee diffus’d abroad Unites our happy hearts to God, And fealsour everlafting blifs. Hymn LXXXIIL Part the Fourth. 1 QJPIRIT of holinefs and root, O Thy gracious God-delighting fruit. Is joy, fidelity, and peace, Meeknefs which no affront can move. Truth, temperance, long-fuffering love, And univerfal righteoufnefs. *7 REJOICING, &c. a Rcflorcr of the fin-fick mind, Oiir fouls a perfeft foundnefs find, 'I'hiough all their powers in thee renew’d; Spirit oflife and mioht divine. By thee we in the image fiiine. In all the fircngth and life of God. 3 Thou doll the living power exert To invigoiate and confirm the heart Of thofe who feel thy work begun; To exercife our every grace Quicken us in the glorious race. Till all the glorious race is run. 4 Through thee the flelh we mortify, A daily death rejoice to die, I'o live, from fin for ever free ; An holy fpotlefs life to lead. Is only in thy track to tread. To walk in love, in God, in thee. Hymn LXXXIV. Part the Fifth. 1 r-ynilROUGH thee we render God his due, J. The worfhip fpiritual and true With loving hearts rejoice to pay ; Him, while we find thy prefent power. In truth and fpiiit we adore. And pray — whene’er in thee w'e pray. 2 Thou pleaded in the living Hones With fpeechlefs eloquence of groans. Which pierce our pitying Father’s car; The anfwer of thy prayer we feel. The glorious joy unfpcakable. And triumph in the Comforter. H 2 For believers S3 3 True witnefs of our fonfliip thee We feel, from fear, and foi row free, And Father, Abba, Father, cry; Seal of our endlcfs blifs thou art, Foretafte, and earneft in our heart, Ofpleafure that lhall never die. 4 Fii fl fruits of yonder land above, Celeftial joy, feraphic love To us, to us tn thee is given; And all that to the fpirit fovr. Shall of the fpirit reap, and know The ripefl liappinefs of heaven. Hymn LXXXV. \Hothain. 3 ^ X THO are thefe that eome from far, V V Swifter than a flying eloud! Thick as flocking doves they arc Eager in purfuit of God : Trembling as the (form draws nigh, Hafl’ning to their place of refl. See them to the windows fly. To the ark of Jefu’s bread! a Who are thefe but finners poor, Confeious of theirloft eltate, Sin-fick fouls, who for their cure On the good Phyfician wait; Fallen who bewail their fall. Proffer’d mercy who embrac-e, Lift’ning to the gofpel-call. Longing to be fav’d by grace. g For his mate the turtle moans. For his God the fmner fighs; Hark ! the mufic of their groans. Humble groans that pierce the flsies; REJOICING, &c. 89 Surely God their forrows hears, Every accent, every look; Treafurcs up their gracious tears. Notes their fufferingsin his book. 4 He who hath their cure begun, Will he now defpife their pain ? Can he leave his work undone. Bring them to the birth in vain ? No; we all who leek lhall find, We who alk fliall all receive. Be to Chrift in fpirit join’d, Free from fin for ever live. Hymn LXXXVE, [231/ Pfabn. Thanksgiving to God for Difappointments. 1 OD of my life, how good, how wife. Thy judgments on my foul have been! They were but mercies in difguife, The painful remedies of fin ; How different now thy ways appear, Moll merciful when moll fevere! 2 Since firft the maze of life I trod. Hall thou not hedg’d about my way, Mv worldly vain defigns withflood. And robb’d my paflions of their prey; With-held the fuel from the fire. And crofs’d my every fond defire ? 3 How oft didft thou my foul with-hold. And baffle my purfuit of fame. And mortify my lull of gold. And blall me in my furell aim; Wishdrawmy animal delight. And llarve my groveling appetite? H 3 S'® For believers 4 Thy goodnefs obftinate to fave Hath all my airy Ichemes o’erthrown. My will thou would’ft not let me have ; With blufhing thankfulnefs I own, I envied oft thefwine their meat, But could not gain the hulks to eat. 5 Thou would’il not let thy captive go, Or leave me to my carnal will, Thy love forbad my reft below. Thy patient love purfued me ftill; And forc'd me from my fin to part, .'knd tore the idol from my heart. fi See then at lall I all relign, I yield me up thy lawful prey; Take this poor, long-fought foul of mine, And bear me in thine arms away; MTence I may never more remove, Secure in thy eternal love. Hymn 1 ,XXXVII. [TuU/s Gloria Palri. 1 I^ATHER of mankind, Be ever ador’d, . 1 . Thy mercy we find, In fending our Lord To ranfom and blefs us: Thy goodnefs we praife, For fending in Jefus, Salvation by grace! g Oh ! Son of his love, Who deigneft to die. Our caufe to remove, Our pardon to buy; Accept our thankfgiving. Almighty to fave. Who openeft heaven. To all that believe! g O Spirit of love. Of heal th and of power. Thy working we prove, Thy grace we adore, Whofe inward revealing. Applies our Lord’s blood, Attefting, and fcaling Us children of God! REJOICING, &c. Hymn LXXXVIII. [ 0 /ney. Gloria Pairi. 1 T ET heaven and earth agree, i j The Father’s prail'e tofing, Who draws us to the Son, that he May us to glory bring. 2 Honour, and endlefs love, Let God the Son receive, Who laves us here, and prays above, That we with him may live. 3 Be everlafling praife, To God the Spirit given, Who now attells us fons of grace, And feals us heirs of heaven. 4 Drawn, and redeem’d, and feal’d. We’ll ling the One and Three, With Father, Son, and Spirit fill'd, To all eternity! H Y M N LXXXIX. [Olncy. Grace after Meat. 1 "O EING of beings, God of love, Xj To thee our hearts we raife. Thy all-fuftaining power we prove. And gladly fing thy praife. 2 Thine, wholly thine we pant to be. Our facrifice receive; Made, andpreferv’d, and fav’d by thee, To thee ourfelves we give. 3 Heav’nward our every wifh alpircs; For all thy mercy’s florc. The foie return thy love requires. Is that we alk for more. 9’ For believers 4 For more v.x aR, wc open then Our hearts to embrace thy will; Turn, and beget us, Lord, again, With all thy fulnels hll. 5 Come, Holy Ghofl, the Saviour’s love Shed in our hearts, abroad; So fhall we ever live and move. And be with Chrift in God. Hymn XC. [Old German. 1 JESUS, my reft. How unlpcakably blcft Is the finner that comes, to be hid in thy bread 1 2 I come at thy call, At thy feet do I fall, And believe and confefs thee my God and my All. 3 Thou art Mary’s good part, The thing needful thou art, The defire of my eyes, and the joy of my heart. 4 My comfort and ftay. My life, and my way, My crown of rejoicing in that happy day. 5 Health, pardon and peace In thee I polfefs; I can have nothing more, I will have nothing lefs. 6 I Hand in thy might, I walk in thy light. And all heaven I claim in thy God-giving right. H y M N XCI. \lVedneJhury. C '’ One God in perfons three 1 Bring back the heavenly bleffing loft By all mankind and me. 1 REJOICING, &c. 93 t Thy favour and thy nature too, I'o me, to all rcflore! Forgive, and after God renew. And keep us evermore ! 3 Eternal fun of righteoufnefs, Difplay thy beams divine! And caule the glories of thy face! Upon my heart to fhine ! 4 Light in thy light O may I fee! Thy grace and mercy prove! Reviv’d, and cheer’d, and bleft by thee, The God of pardoning love! 5 Lift up thy countenance ferene. And let thy happy child Behold without a cloud between The Godhead reconciled! 6 That all-comprizing peace bellow. On me through grace forgiven j The joys of holinefs below. And then the joys of heaven ! Hymn XCII. [Cannon. 1 TOIN all in earth, and all in heaven, J The faving fovereign name to adore; The name to dying finners given. That all might live, and fin no more. 2 Bow every foul at Jefu’s name, f At Jefu’s name ye angels bow j • Extol the great, fupreme, I AM, Praife him throush one eternal Now. 3 Praife him ye firll-born fons of light. With fhouts your glorious Monarch own: We have in him a nearer right, For jefus is our flefh and bone. 94 For believers 4 Wherefore on you we. ever call, To adore the name to finners s^iven; I’o praife the Lamb, who died for all, Join all in earth, and all in heaven. Hymn XCIII. l^Halhlujak, For New-Year's-Day. 1 O ING to the great Jehovah’s praife ! k 3 All praife to him belongs. Who kindly lengthens out our days Demands our choicell fongs ; Whole providence has brought us through Another various year, W'^e all with vows and anthems new, Before our God appear. ® Father, thy mercies pad we own, Thy dill continued care. To thee, prefenting through thy Son Whate’er we have or are ; Our lips and lives diall gladly drew, The wonders of thy love. While on in Jefu’s deps we go To fee thy face above. 3 Our reddue or days, or hours. Thine, wholly thine fhall be, And all our confecrated powers A facrifice to thee ; Till Jefus in t’ne clouds appear To faints on earth forgiven, And bring the grand fabbatic year, The j ubilee of heaven. REJOICING, &e. 95 PI Y M N XCIV. \R('furrcEiion. For Eajlcr-Day. 1 T) EJOICE tile Lord is King, Av \ our Lord and King adore, Mortals give thanks and ling, And triumph evermore ; Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice. Rejoice, again I fay rejoice ! 2 Jefus the Saviourreign.s, The God of truth and love, Vl'^hen he had purged our Haiiis He took his leat above : Liftup, &.C. 3 His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o’er earth and heaven; The keys of death and hell. Are to our Jefus given : Lift up, &c. 4 He fits at God’s right-hand, 'I'ill all his foes fubmit; And bow to his command. And fall beneath his feet: I.iftup, S:c. 3 He all his foes fhall quell, Shall all our fins dellroy; And every bofom fwell With pure feraphic joy : Lift up, &c. 6 Rejoice in glorious hope, Jefus the Judge Ihall come ; And take his fervants up To their eternal home: We foon fiiall hear the archangel’s voice. The trump of God lhail found rejoice! For believers 9^ Hymn XCV. Part the Firjl. 1 ' 9 'HE God of Abraham praife, X Who reigns enthron’d above, Antient of evcrlafling days, And God of Love : JEHOVAH, GREAT I AM ! By earth and heaven confeft; I bow and blefs the facred Name, For ever blcfs’d. 2 The God of Abraham praife, At whofe fupreme command. From earth I rife-and feek the joys At his right-hand; I all on earth foriake. It's wifdom, fame, and power; And Him my only portion make. My Shield and Tower, 3 The God of Abraham praife, Whofe all-fufficient grace Shall guide me all my happy days,- In all my ways. He calls a worm his friend ! He calls himfelf my God ! And he fhall fave me to the end, Through Jefu’s blood. Part the Second. 4 '"T^HOUGH nature’s ftrength dec X And earth and hell withliand, To Canaan’s bounds I urge my way, At his command. The water)' deep I pafs. With Jefus in my view; And through the howling wildcrnefg My way purfue. 97 I REJOICING, &c. 5 The goodly land I fee, With peace and plenty blefs’d ; A land of facred liberty, And endlefs reft; There milk and honey flow; And oil and wine abound; And trees of life for ever grow. With mercy crown’d. 6 There dwells the Lord our King, The Lord our rightcoufnefs, (Triumphant o’er the world and fin) The Prince of Peace: On Sion’s facred height His kingdom ftill maintains; And glorious with his faints in light, For ever reigns. Part the Third. 7 "O EFORE the great Threc-One They all exulting (land, And tell the wonders he hath done. Through all their land : The lifi'ning Ipheres attend. And fwell the growing fame ; And fing, in fongs which never end, I'he wonderous Name. 8 The God who reigns on high The great arch-angcis fing. And * “ Holy, Holv, Holy,” cry, “ ALMIGHTY KING! “ Who was, and is, the £ime; “ And evermore (ball be ; “ JEHOVAH--FATHER—GREAT I AM! “ We worlhip Thee.” Sing the following pai ls ofth's verfc .flovr, and fofemn. I 98 For believers FIGHTING. 9 Before the Saviour’s face, 'I'heraiiloni’d nations bow; O’erwhelm’d at his almighty grace, For ever new: Fie fliews his prints of love— They kindle to a flame ! And found through all the worlds above, The flaughter’d Lamb. 10 The whole triumpliant hofl: Give thanks to God on high: “ Hail, Father, Son, and Floly Ghofl,” They ever cry; Hail, Abraham’s God—and mine! (I join the heavenly lays) All might and rnajelly are thine. And endlcfs praife. Hymn XCVI. [Olney, 2. For Believers Fighting. j "T TT 7^0 Lord confide, V V And feel his fpiinkled blood, In florms and hurricanes abide Film as the mount of God: Stedfaft, and fixt, andfure His Sion cannot move; His faithful people ftand fecure In Jefu’sguardian love. 2 As round Jerufalem The hilly bulwarks rife. So God protefts and covers them From all their enemies: On every fide he flands. And for his Ifrael cares. And fafe in his almighty hands Their fouls for ever bears. For believers FIGHTING. 99 3 Foi'lo! die reign of hell And hellifh men is o’er, They can perfuade, they can compel The juft to fin no more ; To devils, men, or (in They need no more give place, Nor ever touch the thing unclean When cleans’d by pardoning grace. 4 But let them ftill abide In thee, all-gracious Lord, Till every foul is fatifhSed, And perfefdy reftortd. The men of heart fincere Continue to defend. And do them good, and fave them here, And love them to the end. Hymn XCVII. IPalmi's. 1 T IFT up your eyes, the heavens furvey, R i And look upon the earth below, The heavens like l^moke (hall pafs away. The earth, its final period know. 2 Vanifties hence whate’er is feen, _ The breath of life ftiall all expire ; The earth and all that dwell therein. Shall perifh in that fatal fire. 2 My rightcoufnefs (hall (land alone My faving grace (hall never move. The bafis cannot be o’ei thrown. The truth of my eternal love. 4 Hearken to me, ye fouls that know. The righteoufnefs which faith imparts ; And lovingly obedient (hew The law engraven on your hearts. I 2 100 For believers FIGHTING. 5 Fear not the taunts of fhort-lired man, His fcehlc calumnies defpife, Impotent all his rage atid vain, The threat’ner, while he threatens dies. 6 Porifliing as the garb they wear, Your enemies fltall fade away; 1 heir breath fhall vanifh into air, 1 he worm fhall on their carcafe prey. 7 God only is unchangeable, My righteoufnefs remaineth fure, My great falvation cannot fail. But fhall from age to age endure. Hymn XCVIII. [Zoar. For a Preacher. 1 O TEEL me to fhame, reproach, difgracc, Arm me with all thine armour now; Set like a flint my fleady face. Harden to adainent my brow. 2 Bold may I wax, exceeding bold. My high coramifflon to perform, Nor flirink thy harfheft trutlrs to unfold, But more than meet the gathering llorm. 3 Adverfe to earth’s rebellious throng, Still may I turn my fearlefs face. Stand as an iron pillar flrong, And fledfafl as a wall of brafs. 4 Give me thv might, thou God of power. Then let or men or fiends affail. For believers FIGHTING. 101 Hymn XCIX. {Olney. The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by violence. O May thy powerful word, Infpire a feeble worm To rulh into thy kingdom Lord, And take it as by florm! O mav we all improve The grace already given ! To feize the crown ot pcifeft love, And fcale the mount of heaven ! Hymn C. [^Ciiappel. 1 God, thy faithfulnefs I plead! My prefent help in time of need, Mv great deliverer thou ! Halle to my aid I thy ear incline. And refeue this poor foul of mine; I claim the promife now! 2 Where is the way ? ah, fhew me where ? That I thv mercy may declare. The power that fets me free! How can I my dehrutlion Ihun ? Flow can I from my nature run? Anlwer, O God, for me! 3 One only way the erring mind Of man, Ihort-Cghted man can find, From inbred (in to fly : Stronger than love, I fondly thought. Death, only death can cut the knot, Which love cannot untie. 4 But thou, O Lord, art full of grace I Thv love can find a thou land ways I'o foolilh man unknown: 1 3 102 For believers FIGHTING*. My foul upon thy love I caft, I reft me till the llonn is pad:, Upon thy love alone. 5 Thy faithful, wife, and mighty love, Shall every flumbling-block remove, And make an open way : Thy love lhall burll the lliades of death, And bear me from the gulph beneath, To everlafiing day. Hymn CI. \Oli with PJaim, In Doubt. Part the Firjl. 1 IV/TY Father, O my Father, hear J.Vl. Thy weakefl child’s imperfeifi call! Now as a fervant I appear. And yet thou know’ll me heir of all; O make me know as I am known; Speak, Father ; am I not thy Son ? 2 From whom have all my bleffings flow’d ? Who gave me thefe enlarg’d delires ? Who made me relllefs after God, And burnt me up with inward fires ? O let the Author now be fiiewn. Speak, Father; am I not thy Son ? 3 Who held my fleeting foul in life, And turn’d afide the fatal hour ? Who, when I oft gave o’er the flrife, Piefeiv’d me from the adverfe power.^ Remov’d the death I would not fliun? Speak, Father ; am I not thy Son ? 4 When twice ten thoufand times I fell. Who was it rais’d the finner up. The finner finking into hell? How came I by this Ipaik of hope? W^ho quicken’d me, a lifclefs flone? Speak, Father; am I not thy Son ? For believers FIGHTING. io3 5 If thou didft fee me in my blood, And bid the dying fmner live; If freely I am counted good, O let me all thy life receive; O do not leave thy work undone; Speak, Father; am I not thy Sou ? PI Y M N CII. Part the Second. 1 TF now the bowels of thy love J. Yearn over fuch a worm as me, Send down thy fpirit from above. And make me clean, and fet me free; The promis’d Comforter fend down; Speak, Father; ami not thy Sou? 2 If now thou knockefl at my heart. Now open to diyfelf the door. The gift unfpeakable impart; The kingdom to my foul reflore; Call home, call home thy baniflied one ; Speak, Father; am I not thy Son P 3 Hall thou not made me willing, Lord? Do I not now my fms confefs? Be juft, and faithful to thy word, Cleanfe me from all unrighteoufnefs: Finifti the work thou haft begun; Speak, Father; am knot thy Son? 4 Hath not my Saviour died to make The child of wrath, a child of God? Haft thou not pardon’d for his fake Tlie foul for which he filed his blood, And died he not for me to atone ? Speak, Father; am I not thy Son ? 5 I cannot reft, till pure within : Though he hath wafh’d away my flains, Remov’d the guilt and power of fin. Yet while the carnal mind remains, For believers FIGHTING. lOi I Hill muft make my ceafelefs moan; Speak, Father; am I not thy Son? 6 Or if my endlcfs groans and fighs Thy kind compaffion cannot move, Be deaf to all my prayers and cries, But hear my Advocate above ; Hear him who pleads before thy throne, “ Speak, Father; is he not thy Son ?" Hymn GUI. \Olney, Truji in Providence. Part the Firji. j i^OMMIT thou all thy griefs. And ways into his hands. To his fure truth and tender care. Who earth and heaven commands. 2 Who points the clouds their courfe, Whom W'inds and feas obey; He fhall direft thy wandering feet. He fliall prepare thy way. 3 Thou on the Lord rely. So fafe fhalt thou go on; Fix on his work thy ftedfaft eye. So fliall thy work be done. 4 No profit canfl: thou gain By felf-confuming care. To him commend thy caufe, his ear Attends the fofteft prayer. 5 Thv cverlafiing truth, Father, thy ceafelefs love Sees all thy children's wants, and knows What befl for each will prove. For believers FIGHTING. 6 And whatfoc’er thou will’tl, Thou doft, oh ! King of kings ; What thy unerring wirdom chofe ; Thy power to being brings. 7 Thou every where had way, And all things ferve thy might, Thy every aft pure blelTing is, Thy path unfullied light. 8 When thou arifefl, Lord, What fhall thy work withfland ? When all thy children want, thou giv’ft, Who, who fliall day thy hand ? Hymn CIV. \^ 0 lnty. Part the Second. 1 IVE to the winds thy fears ; Hope, and be undifmay’d ; God hears thy fighs, and counts thy tears, God fltall lift up thy head, a Through waves, and clouds, and dorms. He gently clears thy way ; Wait thou his time, fo diall this night. Soon end in joyous day. 3 Still heavy is thy heart? Still fnik thy fpiritsdown ? Cad off the weight, let fear depart. And every care be gone. 4 What though thou ruled not ? Yet heaven, and earth, and hell Proclaim, God fitteth on the throne. And ruleth all things well ! _5 Leave to his fovereign fway To choofe, and to command : So (halt thou wondering own his way, io<5 For BELIEVERS FIGHTING. 6 Far, far above t.h)- thought, His couui'lI fliall appear, When fully he the work hath wrought, 'I hat caus’d thy ncedlcfs fear. 7 Thou feed our weaknefs, Lord, Our hearts are known to thee j O lift thou up the finking hand, Confirm the feeble knee ! 8 Let us in life, in death, 1 hy fiedfaft, truth declare. And publidi with our iateft breath, I by love and guardian care! Hymn CV. [Drefden. In Temptation. 1 TESU, to thee my foul afpires, Jefu, to thee I plight my vows. Keep me from earthly bafe defires, Ely God, my Saviour, and my fpoufe. Fountain of all-fufficient blifs, I'hou art the good I feek below; Fulnefs of joys in thee there is, Without’tis mifery all, and woe. 2 Take this poor, wandering, worthlefs heart, Its wanderings all to thee are known. May no falfe rival claim a part. Nor fin dilTeize thee of thine own. Stir up thy interpofing power. Save me from fin, from idols fave : Snatch me from fierce temptation’s hour, And hide, O hide me in the grave! For believers FIGHTING. 107 Hymn CVI. \_Invitation. To be fung at Sea. Part the Firjl. 1 ORD of tlie wide extended main, A. J Whole power the winds, and feas controls, Whofe hand doth earth, and heaven fullain, Whole fpirit leads believing fouls. 2 For thee we leave our native Ihore, (We, whom thy love delights to kecpj In other worlds thy works explore. And fee thy wonders in the deep. 3 ‘Tis here thine unknown paths we trace, Which dark to human eyes appear. While through the mighty waves we pafs, Faith only fees that God is here. 4 Throughout the deep thy footlleps fliine, We own thy wav is in the fea, O’er-aw’d by majcl'y divine. And loll in thy immenfity ! 5 Thv v. ifdom here, wc learn to adore, Thine evcrlaliing truth we prove ; Amazing heights ol boundlefs power, Unfathomable depths of love. Hymn CVII. \JtveJliain, Part the Second. 1 TNFINITE God, thy greatnefi i'pann’d X I'hefe heavens, and mete '’ 1 the Iltics ; Lo ! in th,’ hollow of thy hand, Uln. mealu- ’d waters fink and ; ifc ! 2 Thee to perfef-tion, who can 1 II ? Earth and her'fons beneati hce lie, Lighter than dud within thy I. ie. And lefs than nothing in thine eye. io8 Foil BELIEVERS FIGHTING, 3 Yet in thy Son divinely great, ' ! We claim thy providential care : Boldly we Hand before thy feat, Our Advocate hath placed us there. 4 With him we arc gone up on high, Since he is ours, and we arc his; ith him we reign above the Iky, Yet walkupoii our fubjeft feas. ^ ^Ve boafl of our„recover’d powers. Lords are we of the kinds and floods. And earth, and heaven, and all is ours, And wc are Chrift’s, and Chiill is God’s! Hymn CVIII. [Cannon, hi a Storm. 1 LORY to thee, whofe powetful word, Bids the tempefluous wind arife, . Glory to thee, the fovereign Lord Of air, and earth, and feas, and Ikies! 2 Let air, and earth, and fldes obey. And feas thine awful will perform; From them tve learn to own thy fway. And fliout'to meet the gathering llorm. 3 What though the floods lift up their voice, Thou hearc II, Lord, our louder cry ; They cannot damp thy children’s joys. Or fliake the foul when God is nigh. 4 Head-long we cleave the yawnirtg deep. And back to higheft heaven are borne,. Unmov’d, though rapidWhirlwinds fwcep, And all the watery world up-ttivn. 5 Roar on, ye waves! our fouls defy Your roaring to diflurb our relf. In vain to impair the calm ye try, The calm in a believer’sbreail. For believers FIGHTING. lot) 6 Ra^e, wliilc our faith the Saviour tries, Thou Tea, the fcrvaiit of his will : Rife, while otir God permits thee, rife ; But fall, when he lhall fay. Be flill I Hymn CIX. \_Uotham. In Temptation. 1 TESU, Lover of luy foul, Let me to thy hofoni fly, \\'’hilc the nearer waters roll, While the tenipefi flill is high ; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide. Till the florm of life is paft : Safe into the haven guide ; O receive mv loul at laft. 2 Other refuge have I none. Hangs my hclplefs foul on thee ; Leave, ah ! leave me not alone. Still flipport, and comfort me: All my trttfl on thee is flay’d ; All my help from thee I bring; Cover my defencelcfs head W’ith the ihadow of thy wing. 3 Wilt thou not regard my call i’ Wilt thou not accept my prayer Lo ! I link, 1 faint, I fall, Lo! on thee I cafl my care : Reach me out thy gracious hand ! While I of thy flrength receive, Hoping againft hope I Hand, Djing, and hchold I live! 'I hou, O Chrifl, art all I want. More than all in thee I find : Raife the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the Tick, and lead the blind : K 1 10 For believers FIGHTING. Juft, and holy is thy name, I am all uniiE,htcoufners, Falfeand full of (in I am. Thou art full of truth and grace. 5 Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cover all my fin ; Let the healing ftreams abound ; Make and keep me pure within: Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of thee. Spring thou up within my heart. Rife to all eternity ! H Y M N CX. [JVeJlminJlcr. In Temptation. 1 XT ELP, O help, my great Creator, X ~1 Love the foul thyfelfhaft made, Burthen’d with a finful nature. Let me ftill on thee be ftay’d : What I have to thee commended. Saviour, wilt thou not fecure, Till the fiery trial’s ended, Till I as my God am pure? 2 But it is thy gracious plcafure To redeem me from all fin; Only let me \vai,t thy leifure. Till thou bring thy kingdom in ; Pray, and ferve thee without ceafing. Till the pcrfetl grace I prove, Bleft with all the gofpel Mefting, Fill’d with all the life of love. 3 Flear in this accepted hour, Speak and bid the fun ftand ftill, Give me now the conftant power Over my own carnal will; For believers FIGHTING. 111 Stronger wax thy love and flronger j Let my bofom-fin give place, Let the elder fcrve the younger, Nature yield to fovercign grace. II Y M N CXI. \_Fitter-Lane. In Tanptalijn. 1 Save me, fave me from this hour! The dying (inner fave. Nor let the greedy pit devour, Nor let me fee the grave ! 2 The grave of hell (lands open wide To fwallow up its prey ; Jefu, preferve my (bul, and hide, Throughout the evil day. 3 O fend me from thy holy place. The help laid up on thee : AlTure me that thy faving grace, Suliicient is for me. 4 Sufficient to rettrain from (in. While fierce temptations lafi, To fave me from the (lorm within. Till all the (lorm is pall. ^ Is not thv power divinely (hewn In man’s infirmitv ? Make all thy great falvation known, Perfect thy (Irength in me. 6 A weaker worm did never yet Thy promis’d aid implore : O hide me from the (lorm and heat. Till (in fubfifis no more. K a 112 For believers FIGHTING. H Y M N CXII. {Havant. In Temptation. 1 1 ESU, hear a Tinner’s prayer, Lo ! I flee Unto thee, Cafton thee my eare. 2 If, O Lord, I have found favour In thy fight, Be my might. Be my loving Saviour. g To my foul in fore temptation. Let thine aid. Be eonvey’d, Shew me thy falvation. Chrift the tempted, hearmv erving ! Sinners friend, Suecour fend. See my foul is dying. 5 Lord, I cannot ceafe from finning, Till thou art. In my heart. Ending as beginning. 6 Jefu, for thy love I languifh, Only love. Can remove. All my grief and angulfli. 7 I fhall all in thee inherit, Thirfl no more. If thou pou r Into me thy Spirit. 8 Jefu’s love than fin is flronger; When I prove Jefu’s love, I fhall fin no longer. 9 Faithful to thy fpirit’s leading, I fliall reft: On thy breaft. Find my long-fought Eden. 10 Neitherlife nor death fhall fever; When thou art In my heart, Thou art there forever. For believers FIGHTING. ”3 Hymn CXIII. \_Savannak. In Temptation^ 1 1 ESU, gentle, loving Lamb, J Let me call thee by thy name, Saviour I have need of thee. As thou art fo may I be. 2 Save me, Lord, from fin and fear, Bring the great falvation near j Bring into my foul thy peace, Everlafling rightcoufnefs. 3 Me to favc, if thou hall died. Save me from this wrath and pride j All the plague of fin remove. Call it out by perfebl love. 4 See me the reverfe of thee. Only finandmifery; Make me willing to receive All the grace thou hall to give. 5 O fupply my every want. Feed a tender, fickly plant; Day and night my keeper be. Every moment water me. 6 Hide me, gracious Saviour hide. Let me never leave thy fide ; O ’tis hell from thee to part, Prefs me clofer to thy heart. 7 When thy love is my defence, Sin fliall never pluck me tlience ; When my heart with love runs o'er, Sin lhall never enter more. K 3 ll-i fOR BELIEVERS PRAYING. Hymn CXIV. [Rrv.Vj'. In Temptation. 1 1 \/T Y gracious God, how fliall I limn i-VJL Thi.s enemy within i’ Out of mvfelf I cannot run, To ’fcape my bofom fin; I fear in fome unguarded hour, Left it my foul betray, A+id give me up to Satan’s power An unrefiflingprey. 2 O that thou would’ft ftretch out thine hand By this weak, finking foul In every dole temptation Hand, And all my lulls control; The ftrength of faving grace above My nature’s ftrength exert. Thou God of all victorious love. Thou greater than my heart. H Y M N CXV. [R/'fly’s. 3. For Believers Praying. 1 TESUS full of grace for me, , I Help my foul’s infirmity ; Grant the fupplicating grace, Give me power to feek thy face. 2 Hear a feeble finner groan, Burthen’d with an heart of ftone. Take the heart of ftone away. Give me will and power to pray. 3 Help a poor and needy foul, Make the wildernefs a pool. Pour thy fpiritfrom above, Blcfs me with a flood of love. For believers PRAYING. For thy mercy's fake alone Let the miracle be done ; 'J ake my heart of (lone away, Give me will, and power to pray. II y M M CXVI. \JVeJlminJler, Send the Spirit of fupplications, Send the gracious Comforter : Flave refpcfl to Jefu’s merit. To thy church the gift impart, Send him now ; the pleading Spirit Pour into thy people’s heart. 2 If we have through him found favour, If for us he ever prays. Now in honour of our Saviour, Grant the all-commanding grace ; Stir us up to prayer unceafmg. Let us all the promile claim, Wreftlc for the mighty bleffing. For the new, myflerious Name. 3 Send our long-dcfir’d Us to teach thy perfeft way; Faithful, fervent as Elias, Let us in the fpli it pray; Let the power to us be given, (Weak, and hclplefs, as we are) Power to Ihut, and open heaven. All the omnipotenee of prayer. Hymn CXVII. [Old \izthPfauii. 1 T ESU, thou fovereign Lord of all, I The fame through one eternal day, Attend thy fccbleft followers call. And O, inftruft us how to pray ! Pour out thy fupplicating grace. And Ilir us up to feck th)- face! For believers PRAYING. 116 2 We cannot think a gracious thought, W^e cannot feci a good defire, Till thon, who call’dfta world from nought, The power into our hearts iufpire ; And then we in thy Spirit groan, And then wc give thee back thy own. 3 Jefus, regard the joint complaint Of all thy tempted followers here ! And now fupply the common want. And fend us down the Comforter : The fpiritof ceafelefs prayer impart. And fix thy agent in our heart. .j To help our foul’s infirmity, To heal thv fin-fick people’s care. To urge our God-commanding plea. And make our heart a houfe of prayer; The promis’d Interceflor give. And let us now thyfelf receive. 5 Come in thy pleading fpirit down, To us who for thy coming flay : Of all thy gifts, we aflc but one, 'We afk the conflant power to pray : Indulge us, Lord, in this requefl ! Thou canfl; not then deny the reft. Hymn CXVIII. [Lamp’s. 1 I ■'HE praying fpirit breathe, JL The watching power impart: From all entanglements beneath, Call off my peaceful heart: My feeble mind fuftain, Bv worldly thoughts oppreft.: Appear, and bid me turn again To my eternal reft. For believers PRAYING. 117 a Swift to my refcue come : Thy own this moment fcize : Gather my wandering fpirit home, And keep in perfefl peace : Suffer’d no more to rove, O’er all the earth abroad, Arreft the priloner of thy love, And fhut me up in God. Hymn CXIX. \_Dedication, John vi. 6, 7. Part the Firji. 1 T ESU, whither fhall I ^o, I Thee, my Saviour, if I leave ? Only thou canft eafe my woe, Only thou canft pardon give ; None befide can lave from fin, None befide can make me clean. 2 If I foolilhly depart, From the ark of thy dear breaft. Where fliall my unfettled heait. Find a ground whereon to reft ? Whither, or to whom fhall I, From myfelf for fuccour fly ? 3 Shall I back to Egypt go. To my vomit turn again. To my flefii corruption fow. Live anew in pleafurcs vain? No, with fin I cannot dwell. Sin is worfe than death, or hell. 4 Shall I my old toil renew. Catch an honourable name, Praife which comes from man purfuc, Idoli/.e, and pant for fame ? V’ho on fame bcflows his care, Grafps a fliadow, feeds on air. For believers PRAYING. s iS 5 Shall I go to courts and kings ? Courts and kings are vanity, Beggarly and wretched things, Can they yield fupport to me ? Crufli'd by their own grandeur's weight, Poorly, niiferably great ! C Learning fliould I flrive to gain, Falreil huit on earth tliat grows., IiiefFetlual were my pain, Happiefl he who nothing knows ; "V^ho in queft of vain relief. Adds to knowledge, adds to grief. 7 If my God I cad behind, God the Source of perfetl blifs. Vain are all my hopes to find True, fubftantial happinefs; Search the whole creation round, Can it out of God be found ? H Y M N CXX. {^Dedication. Part the Second, 1 1 nay God, if from the way, From the truth if I remove, Muft I not for ever flray. On in error’s mazes rove ; Rove from peace to troublous firlfe, Rove to death, from endlefs life! 2 Who would go from health to pain ? Turn from grace to wnckednefs i Freedom quit to hug a chain, Giicve his friend his foe to pleafe? Who his Saviour-God to fliun, 'Would to his deflroyer run? 3 Saviour, I with guilty fliame. Own that, I alas, am he ! Weak and wavering flill I am, For relievers PRAYING. 119 Ready dill to fly from thee: Stop inc by thy look and lay, Will you allb go away ? 4 You whom I liave brought to God, Vv'ill you turn from God again ? You forwliom I fpilt my blood. Will volt let it flow in vain i’ You who felt it once applied. Can ye leave my bleeding fide ? 5 No, my Lamb, my Saviour no, (Every foul with me reply) From thy wounds we will not go, M'ill not from our Mailer fly: Thine is the life-giving word j Thou art our eternal Lord. 6 Speak, and bv thy word detain Every foul inclin’d to flray ; Speak, and let thy love conflrain Every fugitive to flay ; That we may no more depart. Speak thyfelf into our heart. Hymn CXXI. [S/. Paul’s. For the Morning. 1 T ESLIS the all-relloring word, ^1 My fallen fpirlt’s hope. After thy lovely likencfs. Lord, O when flrali I wake up! a Thou Oh! my God, thou only art The Life, the Truth, the Way, Quicken my foul, inflrufl my heart, My finkingfootfteps flay. 3 Of all thou had in earth below', In heaven above to give, Give me thy only love to know. In thee to walk and live. 120 For believers PRAYING. 4 Fill me with all the life of love, In myflic union join Me to thylcll, and let me prove The fellowfliip divine. 5 Open the intercourfe between M)' longing loul and thee, Never to be broke oft'again Through all eternity. 6 Grant this, O Lord, for thou haft died. That I might be forgiven; Thou haft the nghteoufnefs ftipply’d. For which I merit heaven. H Y M N CXXII. \_Old PJalm. Supplication for Grace. God of gods, in whom combine The heights, and depths of love divine. With thanklul hearts to thee we fing : To thee our longing fouls afpirc. In fervent flames of ftrong deft re : Come, and thy facred Unftion bring, c All things in earth, and air, and fea Exift, and live, and move in thee : All nature trembles at thy voice : With awe, even we thy children prove Thy power : O ! let us tafte thy love So ever more fliall we rejoice. 3 O! powerful Love, to thee we botv, Objefl of all our wifhes thou, (Our hearts are naked to thine eye) To thee, who from the eternal throne Cam'ft eptied of thy Godhead down For us to groan, to bleed, to die, Grace we implore, when billows roll, Grace is the anchor of the foul, Grace every ficknefs knows to heal: Fou BELIEVERS PRAYING, Grace can fubduc each fond dcfire, And patience in all pain infpiie, Howe’er rebellious nature fwell. O ! Love our llubborn wills fubduc, Create our ruin’d trauie anew; Dilpel our darknefsby thv light: Into all truth our Ijtirit guide, But from our eyes for ever hide, All things difpleafing in thy fight. 6 Be heaven, even now out fouls abode, Hid be our life with Chrift in God, Our fpirit. Lord, be one with thine ' Let all our works in thee be wrought, And fill’d with thee be all our thought, Till in us thy full likenefs lliine. H Y ii N CXXIII. [Bex/ej’, At Waking. j IVER, and guardian of my fleep, VT 'I'o praifo thy name I wake. Still, Lord, thy helplefs fervant keep. For thy own mercy’s fake. 2 The blefiingof another day, I thankfullv receive : O mav I only thee obey. And to thy glory live. 3 Vouchfafe to keep mv foul from fin, Its cruel power fufpend ; Till all this ftrife and war within, In perfeft peace lhall end. 4 O refpite me from wrath and pride, Curb and keep down my will; My appetites and palTions chide. And bid the fea be flill. For believers PRAYING. 5 Upon me lay thy mighty hand, My words and thoughts reflrain, Bow my whole foul to thv command, Nor let my faith be vain. H Y M N CXXIV. \_Dcxley. Petition for Grace. l' I^RISONER of hope, I wait the hour, Which fliall falvatioQ bring ; W'^hen all I am fhall own thy power, And call my Jefus, King. 2 Thou wilt, I ftedfaflly believe. Thou wilt the captive free. Freedom, full perfeft freedom give. And more than viftory. 3 Thy prefence. Lord, the place fltall fill, My heart fhall be thy throne; Thy holy, juft, and perfeftwill. Shall in my flefh be done. 4 I thank thee for the future grace, And now in hope rejoice; In confidence to fee thy face. And always hear thy voice. 3 I have the things I afk of thee, What fltall I more require ? That ftill my foul may reftlefs be. And only thee defire. 6 Thy only will be done, not mine, But make me, jLoril thy home, Come, when thou wilt, I that refign. But O, my Jefus^ome ! For believers PRAYING. n V M N CXXV. \Calvary. 1 Cor. ii. 2 . Part the Firjt. V AIN, delufive world, adieu, With all of creature-good ; Only Jefus I purfue. Who bought me with his blood j All thy pleafures I forego, I trample on thy wealth and pndcj Only Jefus will I know, And Jefus'crucified. Other knowledge I-difdain, ’Tis all but vanity : Chrift, the Lamb of God was flaln, He tailed death for me : Ele to lave from endlefs woe. The all-atoning vidlim died ; Only Jefus, &c. Turning to my refl again. The Saviour I adore. He relieves my grief and pain, And bids me weep no more ; Rivers of falvation flow From out his head, hts hands, his fidcj Only Jefus, &.c. Here will I fet up my reft. My fluAuating heart From the haven of thybreaft. Shall never more depart; \\Tithcr fhould a firmer go ? His wounds for me Hand open wide ; Only J'd'us will I know, 'And Jefus crucified. 164 . I'OK BELIEVERS PRAYING. li Y M N CXXVI. Part the Second. 1 though all iny life was fin, V ? 'Phis cannot break mv peace, Here IS blood IQ wafli me clean. From all uurighteousiiefs; This fball make me white as I'now, On this for all things 1 conlide : Only jefus will I know, And Jefus crucified. 2 What though earth and hell engage, To fliake my foul with fear, Calmly I defy the rage Ofperfecution near: Suffering faith fball brighter glow, As gold when in the furnace tried : Only Jefus, &c. 3 Him to know is life and peace, And pleaftire without end: This is all my happinefs. On Jefus to depend ; Daily in his grace to grow, And ever in his faith abide | Only Jefus, &.C. 4 O that I could all Invite d'his faving truth to prove. Shew the length, and breadth, and height, And depth of jefu’s love 1 Fain I would to fmners fhew. The blood which all may led applied; Only Jefus, &c; g Him in all my works I feck, Who hung upon the tree. Only of his love I fpeak. Who freely died for m’; For believers PRAYING. While I fojourn here below, Of nothing will I think befide ; Only Jelus will I know, And Jefus crucified. PI V M N CXXVII. \_Savamak^ For Children. 1 T AMB of God, I fain would bo I j A meek follower of thee. Gentle, teachable, and mild, Loving as a little child. 2 Simple, ignorant of ill. Guided bv another’s will, Trufling him for heavenly food, Cafting all my care on God. 3 Let me in thy footfteps tread, Be to all thy creatures dead ; Dead to pleafure, wealth, and praife, Poor, and humble all my days. ^ Thou my better portion art, Earth fhall never fhare my heart; I on all its goods look down, I expeft a ftarry crown ! 5 I afpire to things above. Lord, I give thee all my love, I will nothing know befide, Jefus, and him crucified. 6 Let the potfherds of the earth, Boaft their virtue, beauty, birth ; A poor guilty worm I am, Ranfom’d by the bleeding Lamb, L 3 125 Fon BELIEVERS PRAYING. II y M N CXXVIII. \_Savannah^ Anoiher. 1 Enlarge my fcanty thought, \J To conceive what thou hall wrought; Raif'e my groveling fpirit up To my heavenly calling’s hope. 2 Grcatcn my contraftcd mind, Saviour thou of all mankind ; What in man thy grace could moV'C? O the riches of thy love! 3 Let thy love poflefs me whole, Let it take up all my foul; True magnificence impart, Purify, and fill my heart. 4 I defpife all earthly things, Offspring of the King of kings^ God I for my Father claim, Jefus is my brother’s name. 5 Heaven is mine inheritance, I fhall foon remove from hence; As the ftars in glory fhine, Chrifl, and God, and all is mine. Hymn CXXIX. [Zaray/j, For the Nativity. 1 TRATHER, our hearts we lift A Up to thy gracious throne. And thank thee for the precious gift Of thine Incarnate Son; The gift unfpeakable. We thankfully receive. And to the world thy goodnefs tell, And to thy glory live. For believers PRAYING. 127 2 Jefus (he holy child, Doth by his birth declare, That God and man are reconcil’d, And one in him we arc: Salvation through his name To all mankind is given. And loud his infant cries proclaim A peace ’tvvixt earth and heaven. 3 A peace on earth he brings, Wliich never more fliall end : The Lord ofhofls, the King of kings, Declares himfelf our friend ; Affumes our llefli and blood. That we his Spirit may gain; The everlafting Son of God, The mortal Son of man. 4 His kingdom from above He doth to us impart. And pure benevolence and love, O’erflow the faithful heart: Chang’d in a moment, we The fweet attiaffion find, W’ith open arms ofchaiitv Embracing all mankind. 5 O might they all receive. The new-born Prince of Peace, And meekly in his fpirit live. And in his love increafe ! Till he convey us home. Cry every foul aloud. Come, thou defire of nations come. And take us up to God. Hymn CXXX. [_EveJIiam. Spiritual Slumber. 1 Thou, who all things canfi control. Chafe this dread flumber from my foul. With joy and fear, with love and awe, Give me to keep thy perfefl law. 128 For believers PRAYING. 2 Oh! may one beam o!' thy bleff light, Pierce thiough, difpel the Ihades oF night, Touch my cold bicall, witl) heavenly fire, V\^ith holy, conqueiing iieal infpire. 3 For zeal 1 iigh, for zeal I pant. Yet heavy is m\ foul and laint : With ftcps unwaveringundifmay’d, Give me in ail thy paths lo tread. 4 With out-flretcii’d hands, and ftreaming eyes, Oft I hegin to grafp tne prize;' I groan, I ftrive, I watch, I pray : But ah, how fooii it dies away ! 5 The deadly flumber foon I feel Atrefli upon my Ipirit fteal : Rile, Lord; fiir up thy quickening power, And w ake me that I llcep no more. 6 Single of heart, O may I be. Nothing may I defirc but thee: Far, far from me the world remove And all that holds me from thy love! H Y M N CXXXI. \_Fcttcr-Lane. Grace tiftcr Meat. 1 T^OUNTAIN of being. Source of good! X* At whofc almighty breath 1 he creature proves our bane or food, Dilpenfing life or death ; 2 Thee wc addrefs wdth humble fear, Vouchfafe thy gifts to crown; Father of all, thy children hear. And fend a blcfiing down. 3 Oh ! may our fouls for ever pine Thy grace to tafle and fee: Athirft for rightcoufnefs divine, And hungry after thee! For believers PRAYING. 129 .j For this wc lift our longing eyes, We wait the gracious word! Speak—and our hearts from earth fliall nfe, And feed upon the Lord. Hymn CXXXII. \_Frankfort. Before preaching in a neuJ Place- 1 '^RUE witnefs of the Father’s love, X Celeftial MefTcnger divine, Come in thy Spirit from above ; The hearts which thou hall made incline Thy faithful record to receive. That all may hear thy voice and live. 2 Send forth the everlafling word, The word of reconciling grace, That all may know their bleeding Lord, The freely proffer’d gift embrace. Hang on the all-atoning Lamb, And blefs the found of Jefu’s name. 3 Jefu, thou only haft the key, Open the great effeSual door, Extend the line from fea to fea, And glorify thy mercy’s power. Redeem the wretched Haves of fm, And force thy rebels to come in. O might 1 every mourner cheer. And trouble every heart of ftonc, Save, uirder thee, the fouls that hear. Nor lol'e, in feeklng them, my own; Nor bafclv from my calling fly. But for thy gofpcllive and die. II V M N CXXXIII. [Belch. For a Preacher of the Gojprl. 1 All! give me all thy grace to know, Thv grace to this thy people give ; l.ead them throughout their courle below, And bid me in thy prcfeticc live; 130 For BELIEVERS PRAYING. Thy prefence all my fleps attend : O love me, love me, to the end. s Go with me, thou in all my ways. And give my weary fpiiit reft ; May I, may all the cholen race. Be with thy fpecial piefence blefl; O let us never hence remove, M^ithout the convoy of thy love. 3 How fliall it but by this be known, Oiu furc acceptance in thy fight, We have found grace, we are thine own, For lo !. we walk with God in light: Thy prefence (hews the holy feed, Thy prefence makes us faints indeed. 4 Diftinft by charafters divine, Thy fons as priefls and kings appear, In thy refle8ed light they fliine, And bear thy glorious image here; The eleftion of peculiar grace. The pure in heart, who fee thy face. Hymn CXXXIV. [TravdU. Another. 1 QHEPHERD of fouls, if thou indeed Hati rais’d-mc up thy flock to feed, (Thy meaneft fervant me,) O may 1 all their burthens fliare, And gentlv in thy bofom bear. The lambs redeem’d by thee. 2 Thy fpirit fend me from above. Spirit of meek, long-fuffering love, Of all-fufficient grace; Eadue me 'viihtby conftant mind, So good, fo obftinately kind To our rebellious race. For believers PRAYING. ’ 3 A faithful fteward of my Lord, Give me to minifler thy word, And in thy fteps to tread; By every fore temptation tried. By fulfenngs fully qualified. Thy ailing flock to lead. 4 O may thy bowels yearn in me, W'hene’er a wandering fheep I fee, Till thou that fheep retrieve. And let me in thy fpirit cry. Why finner, wilt thou perifh, why, When Jefus bids thee live ? Hymn CXXXV. Another. 1 ]\/TY bofom fill with foft dilfrefs, i.VX With fympathizing tendernefs ; For every tempted foul; Still would I grieve and fuCfer flill. And all their pain and ficknefs feel, Till thou haft made them whole. E But chiefly would I make my moan. And deep beneath the burthen groan Of thofe who did run well; But fainted in their evil day. And fwerving from the narrow way, By pride, orpaflion fell. 3 Here let me pour out all my tears. And fpend in prayer my mournful years, That thcle may rife renew’d. Who have, like me, their Lord denied. That thefe again may feel applied. Thine all-atoning blood. 4 The love which brought thee from the fltics. And made thy foul a facrifice, Jefu, on me beftow ; 132 Foil BELIEVERS PRAYING. Or let me Lord my life refign, I'liiU ihefe, who once were counted thine, Again thy voice may know. 5 Shepherd, appear, the great, the good, And O ! once more remove our load. Repeat our fins forgiven. And mark the flicep with thy new name. And afeertain qur lawful claim. To pardon, grace, and heaven. LI Y M N CXXXVI. \^MnJidan\ 1 Cor. xiv. ij. For Singers. Part the Firjl. 1 TESUS thou foul of all our joys, For whom we now lift up our voice. And all our flrength exert, Vouchfafe the grace we humbly claim, Compofe into a thankful frame. And tune thy people's heart. 2 While in the heavenly work we join, Thv glory be our foie defign. Thy glory not our own : Still let us keep our end in view And dill the facred talk purfue. To pleafe our God alone. 3 The fecret pride, the fubtle fin, O ! let it never more deal in, T’ offend thy glorious ej'es, T’ defecrate our hallow’d drain. And make our folemn fervice vain. And mar our facrifice. 4 To magnify thy awful name. To fpread the honours of the Lamb, I.et us our voices raife; For BF.LIF.VERS PRAYIN'^;. >33 Oiir fouls and body’s powers imile, Rej^ardlcfs of our own delight, And dead to human praife. II Y M N CXXXVII. Part the Second. 1 OTILL let us on our guard be found. And watch againll the power of found, With facred jealouf,'; Left ha])ly fenfe fliould damp our zeal, And nuillc’s charms bewitch and fleal Our heart away From thee. 2 That hurrying firife far off remove, ”1 hat noifv bin 11 of fellifii love, Which fwells the formal fong; The joy from out our heait arife, And fpeak and fparkle in our eyes, And vibrate on our tongue. 3 Then let us praife our common Lord, And fweetly join with one accord, d hy goodnefs to proclaim; Jefus, thyfelf in us reveal. And all our faculties fhall feel Thine harmonizing name. 4 \\^ith calmly reverential joy We then fhall all our lives employ, In felting foith thy love ; And raife in death our triumph higher, And fing with all the heavenly choir, I hat cndlefs long above. H Y M N CXXXVIII. \(^Jlcr. For a Perfon newly married. T O thee, and thy great name, My whole affetlion turn. And let the haHow'’d flame For thy pure glory burn ; M 1 ‘34 For believers PRAYING. From all idolatrous excefs, From earthly clrofs refine, And on my fimple heart imprefs The charafter divine. 2 No more may I provoke My God to jealoul’v, Or to thy creature look For ■what proceeds from thee ; F'ountain of life, and joy and peace, Thee may I always own, And find my total happinefs Laid up in God alone. 3 My all of comfort here. Whoe’er the grace tranfmit. To thee may I refer. And worfhip at thy feet; From thee may I my partner take (That precious loan of thine,) And wait thy call to give him back, And blefs the name divine. On thee, my God, on thee Alone would I depend. And tafle thy love, and fee Thy image in my friend ; My bofom-friend, at thy demand, I promife to reftorej But let us meet at thy right-hand. And praife thee evermore! H V M N CXXXIX. [Leeds. Vouchfafe, 0 Lord, to keep us this Day without Sin. 1 "T TOUGHSAFE to keep me. Lord, this day V Without committing fin. And with me let thy fpirit flay. For believers PRAYING. ’35 a Thou canft from every fin fccure; And is it not thy will. Still to preferve thy fervant pure From every touch of ill i* 3 Whate’er I alk, the truth hath faid, I furcly fhall receive : I a(k to be made free indeed, And without fin to live. ^ Whate’er I aTc in faith I liave, As furc as God is true; My faithful God is flrong to fave, And he is ready too. 5 Willing he is that all Ihould live From all their fins fet free : Lord, I thy folemn word receive. Thy oath to refeue me. 6 Thou canft, thou wilt for one fliort day, Preferve me fpotlels here: And why not then (let Satan fay) A week, a month, a year? 7 Vouchfafe to keep me Lord, thisday* And every day from lin. Until thou take it all away. And bring thy nature in. Hymn CXL. [Chejer. Fur the Watch-Night. 1 T?ATHER of mercies hear 1 X’ Who dldrt of old fend down. An heavenly Meffenger, With tidings of thv Son; Shepherds who watch’d their flocks by night, They firfl believ’d the word, And fang, o’crwhelm’d with heavenly light. The birth of Chrifl, the Lord. M 2 ;35 ■ For BELIEVERS PRAYING. 2 To tncn of fimplfe heart The Saviour (iill reveal, I'lie wcleoine news impart Of joy uufpeaknble; To us, who here our flalions keep, To us, a child be ;iiven, Wiio wait to find, while others fieep The Lord of earth and heaven. 3 With pure celeflial day Our ravlfli’d fouls furromad, Or let the heavenly ray V\'ithiu our hearts be found : Let all thy ranfom’d Tons of grace, d'h’ angelic Armvjoin, Andchauntin ceafelefs fongs of praife The majefty divine. 4 Glory to God above For his redeeming plan. And peace on earth, and love Benevolent to man: We juflly owm the glory his, With heaven’s acclaiming powers; For O! the benefit and bills, Is all for ever ours! Hymn CXLI. \_Havant, APT AIN God of our falvation, Night and day W^ill w'c pay Thee our adoration: All day-long our lips confefs thee. All the night Our delight Is in fongs to bltfs thee, e Whom thv dying love o’erpowers Loll in thee Happy we Never count the houis ; For believers WATCHING. _ 137 Love our one delightful lelTon, Love and joy Still employ Every gracious feafon. 3 Rivals of the heavenly quire, Lo! we rife 'I'o the (kies, Higher dill and higher: There we have our converfation, Talk with God, Him whole blood Purchas’d otir falv.ition. 4 We like all thy hod adore thee : Redlels they Night and day, Render thee the glory. Author of our every blelfing, God of grace. Thee we praife Never never ccafing. 5 This be here our whole employment Till we claim, Through thy name. All thy love’s enjoyment j Till we drink the crydal river. Drink and ling To our Kino, Sing and Ihout for ever. H y'm/n CXLII. \_Marienburn- 4. For Believers Watching. 1 TTATHER, to thee I lift mine eyes, X* My longing eyes and rcdlefs heart: Before the morning watch I rife. And wait to tade how good thou art; To obtain the grace I humbly claim. The faving power of Jefu’s name. M 3 13S :^0R B£LlEV£:ilS working. 2 The flumber from iny foul, O fliiAe ! Will'll by iby fpiiit’s inward culi; Let me to rightc'oufiiefs awake, And pray that I no more may fall, Or r,ivc to fui or Satan place, But walk in all thy righteous ways. 3 O would’H thou. Lord, thy fervant guard, ’Gainfl. every known or fccrct foe ! A mind for all afl'aults prepar’d, A fober, vigilant mind 'bellow ; Ever appriz’d of danger nigh. And when to fight, and when to fly. 4 O never fuffer me to flcep Secure within the verge of hell! But Hill mv watchful fpirit keep In lowly awe and loving zeal ! And blcfs me with the godly fear. And plant that guardian angel here ! 5 Attended by the facred dread. And wife from evil to depart. Let me from flrcngth to ftrength proceed, And rife to purity of heart; 'fhrough all the paths of duty move. From humble faith to perfefi love. Hymn CXLIII. [Kingsiooocl. 5. Far Reiitvers Working. 1 T Oil come with joy to do jL^ The Mailer’s blelted will; Him in outward works purfue. And ferve hispleafure Hill; Faithful to my Lord’s commands, I Hill would chufe the better part; Serve with careful Martha’s hands, And loving Mary’s heart. Fou BELIE\'EIIS WQRKrfNG. *39 2 Ciireful without care I am, Nor feel my happy toil : Kept in peace by Jt lii's i.ame, Supported by his fmile : Joyful thus my faith tofliow, I find his feivtce my rewaid: Every woik I do below, I do it to the Lord. 3 Thou, O Lord ! in tender love, Dofl all my burdens bear; Lift mv heart to things above, And fix it ever there ; Calm on tumult’s wheel I fit, ’Midft biify multitudes alone. Sweetly waiting at thy feet. Till all thy will be done. 4 Thou, O Lord, my portion art, Bcfcre I hence remove! Now my treafure and my heart Arc all laid up above : Far above all carrhly things, While yet my hands are herceinploy’d, Sees my foul the King of kings. And freely talks with God. 5 O ! that all, the art might know. Of living thus to thee ! Find their heaven begun below. And liere thy glory fee ! Walk in all the works prepar'd, By tliee toexercile their grace, Till they gain their full reward. And fee thy glorious face! H Y M N CLXIV. [Palmi's. O Thou who earned from above. The ])ure celefiial fire to impart. Kindle a flame of facred love, On the mean altar of my heart! 1 140 For BELIEVERS W^ORKING. 2 There let it for thy glory burn, With inextinguifhahle blaze, And trembling to its fource return, In humble love, and fervent praife. 3 Jefu, confirm my heart’s deGrc 'I'o work, and fpeak, and think for thee : Still let me guard the holy fire. And mil ftir up thy gift in me ; 4 Ready for all thy perfeft will. My a£ts of faith and love repeat: Till death thy endlefs mercies feal, And make the faerifiee complcat. H Y M N CXLV. [Bexley. Te be fung at Work. 1 O ON of the Carpenter, receive k 3 This humble work of mine ; M'^orth to my meanefl labour give, By joining it to thine. 2 Serv'ant of all, to toil for man Thou would’ft not. Lord, refufe: Thy majefly did not difdain To be employ’d for us. 3 Thy bright example I purfue, To thee in all things rife ; And all I think, or fpeak, or do, Is one great faerifiee. 4 Carelefs through outward cares I go, From all diftraftion free: My hands are but engag’d below, My heart is fiill with thee. roR DELIJiVERS SUFFERING. Hymn CXLVI. {Old ixith Pfdm. 6 . For Believers Suff^cring, M ASI'ER, I own thy lawful claim, Thine, wholly thine, I long to be : 'i'hou feefl, at lafi, I willing am, Where’er thou goefl, to follow thee j Myfclf in all things to deny ; I'liinc, wholly thine, to live and die. Whate’er my hnful flcni requires, For thee I cheerfully forego; My covetous and vain defires, My hopes of happinefs below; My fenfes, and my palTion’s food. And all my thirft for creature-good. Pleafure, and wealth, and praife no more, Shall lead my captive foul allray: My fond purfuits I all give o’er, Thcc, only thee, refolv’d t’ obey; My own in all things to refign. And know no other will but thine. All power is thine in earth and heaven; All fulnefs dwells in thee alone; Whate’erl have was freely given; Nothing but (in I call my own: Other propriety difclaiin.: Thou only art the great I AM. Wherefore to thcc I all rengn : Being thou art, and love, and power: Th,- only v. ill he done, not mine! 'Fhee, I.oul, let earth and heaven adore! Flow liark the rivers to the (e,t. And let our all be loll in tlice! J4e For BELIEVERS SUFFERING. Hymn CXLVII. [Dying Stephen. f y T EAD of thy church triumphant, Xx We joyfully adore thee •, Till thou appear, Thy members here Shall fing like thofe in glory. We lift our hearts and voices With bled anticipation ; And cry aloud, And give to God The praife of our falvation. 8 While in affliftion’s furnace. And paflTing through the fire, Thy love we praife, Which knows our days, And ever brings us nigher: We clap our hands exulting In thine almighty favour ; The Love divine. Which made us thine, Shall keep us thine for ever. 3 Thou dofi conduFl thy people Through torrents of temptation: Nor will we fear, ' While thou art near. The fire of tribulation: The world, with fin, and Satan In vain our march oppofes; By thee we fhall Break through them afl, And fing the fong of Mofes. 4 By faith we fee the glory. To which thou flialt reflore us, The crofs defpife For that high prize, Which thou haft fet befofe us: For believers SUFFERING. »43 Ami if thou count us worthy, We each, as dying Stephen, Shall fee thee Hand At God’s right hand, To take us up to heaven. H V M N CXLVIII. IJVhitfunday, John xiv. i6. 1 TESU, we hang upon the word, ^1 Our faithful fouls have heard from thee, lie mindful of thy promife, Lord, Thy promife made to all, and me ; Thy followers who thy fleps purfue, And dare believe that God is true. 2 Thou faidll, I will the Father pray. And he the Comforter fhall give. Shall give him in your hearts to flay And never more his temples leave ; Myfclfwill to my orphans come. And make you my eternal home. 3 Come then, dear Lord, thyfclf reveal. And let the promife now take place. Be it according to thy will. According to thy word of grace j Thy forrowfiil difciplcs cheer. And fend us down the Comfoitcr. 4 He vifits now the troubled breafl, And oft relieves our fad complaint. But foon we lofc the tranfient gueft, But foon we droop again and faint; Repeat the melancholy moan. Our joy is fled, our comfort gone, 5 Haflen him, Lord, into our heart. Our fiire infeparable guide; O might we meet and never part, O might he in our heart abide ; And keep his houfe of praife and prayer, And reft and reign for ever there. 1-11 For believers SUEFERIMG. II Y M N CXL.IX. [Chappd. In Pain. 1 A ND Iliall I Lord, the cup decUrrc, So wifely mi}it by, love divine, And tailed firll by thee ? The bitter draught thou drankeil up. And but thi.'s lingle facred'drop, Flail thou rclciv’d for me. 2 Lo ! I receive it at thy hand, And bear by thy Ixtnign command. The falutary pain ; With thee to live I gladly die, And fuffer here, above the Iky With iny dear Lord to reign. 3 Mere only can I fliew mv love, By fullering m.y obedience prove But when day heaven I Iharc, I cannot mourn for Je'fn's fake, I cannot there thy'Cup partake, I cannot fuffer there. 4 Full gladly then for thee I grieve, The honour of thy crok receive And blefs the happy load ; Who would not in thy footlleps tread, Who would not bow with thee his head, And fympathize with God ! II Y M N CL. [Snowxfi'elds. 1 J ESUS, thv fovcrcign name I blefs! Sorrow is jov and pain is cale To thole that trull in thee : All things together work lor good. To me the purchafe of thy blood. The much-lov’d firmer me. For believers SUFFERING. 14 3 With ihce, O Chrlll, on c:irth I reign In all the awful ponip of pain ; Bui fend liiii piercing eyes Th' eternal things iinlccnto lee. The crovrn of life referv’J for me. And glittering through the fkies. 3 As fure as now thy crofs I bear, 1 Ih.ill thy heavenly kingdom fliarer And take my feat above; Celellial joy is in this pain. It tells me, I with thee fliall reign. Ill everlafling love. 4 The more mv fulferings here increafe The greater is my future blifs ; And thou my griefs doll tell: They in thy book are noted down ; A jewel added to my crown Is every pain I feel. 5 So be it then, if thou ordain, Croud all my happy life with pain. And let me daily die : I how, and blefs the facred fign, And bear the crofs by grace divine, Which lifts me to the fky. FI Y M N CLI. [Snowsficld. For cnc in a dedifiing State rf Health. 1 ^ ODofmylife, forthce Ipinc, For thee I chearfully decline, And hallcn to decay ; Summon'd to take my place ahoTe, 1 hear the call, “ Arile my love., M\ fair one, come away N 145 For BELIEVERS SUFFERING. 2 Obedient to the voice of God, I foon fliall quit this earthly clod, Shall lay my body, down ; The immortal principle afpires, And fwells mv foul with ftrong defircs, To grafp the dairy crown. 3 The more tht outward man decays. The inner feels thy flrengthening grace, And knows that thou art mine : Partaker of my glorious hope. There (liall I after thee wake up. Shall in thine image fliine. 4 Thou wilt not leave thy work undone, But finifli what thou hall begun. Before I hence remove ; I fliall be. Mailer, as thou art. Holy, and meek, and pure in heart, And perfefted in love. 5^ Thou wilt cut fliort thy work of grace, And perfeft in a babe thy jiraife. And flrength for me ordain. Thy blood fhall make me throughly clean. And not one fpot of inbred fin. Shall in my flelh remain. 6 Dear Lamb, if thou for me conldtl die, 1'hv love fhall wholly fanflify, 'i’hy love fliall feal me thine ; ■ • Thou wilt from me no more depart. My all in life and death thou art. Thou art for .ever mine. Hymn CLII. {Chappd. 1 T AMB, lovely Lamb for finners (lain, X -i In weaknefs, wearinefs, and pain. Thy tender I approve: Continue Hill thy tender care. My fpirit for thyfelf prepare. And perfefl me in love. For believers longing, &.c. 147 2 In (ledfafl faitli on thee I call, Saviour, and Ibvcreign Lord of all. My Brother and my Friend: * Lead me my few remaining days, And flnifii thy great work of grace. And love me to the end. 3 Till I from all my fins am freed, O may I lean my languid head On thy dear, loving bread : Thou Jefu, catch my parting breath. And let me fmoothlv glide through death. To my eternal red. ^ Saviour, bring near the jovful hour. The fulnefs of thy fpirit pour ; And while I here remain, Chrid let it be that lives, not I; Or now, permit me now to die : To die is greated gain. 5 Come then, my health, my hope, my home. My love, mv life eternal come, Me to thy felfreceive ; Soul, flcfh, and fpirit fanftify, And bid me live in thee to die. And die in thee to live. Hymn, CLIII. [Ckappd, 7. For Believers longing fur full Redemption. Part the Firjl. 1 Thou, who had redeem’d of old. And bidd me of thy drength lay hsld. And be at peace with thee ; Help me thy benefits to own. And hear me tel! what thou had done, O dying Lamb, for me. N a 148 Fok believers LONCrNf, Out of myfclf for help I go, Thv only love refolv'd to Know, I'hy love my pica I make; Give me thy love ; ’tis all I claim : Give for the honour of thy name, Give for thy mercy’s fake. S Can!) thou deny thy love to me ? Say, thou incarnate Deity, Thou Man of forrows lay: Thy glory, why didfl, thou inflirine, In fitch a clod of eaith as mine, And wrap thee in my clay ? 4 Antient of days, why didll thou come. And Hoop to a poor virgin’s womb, Contrafled to a fpanr Flefli of our flelh, why wall thou made, And humbly in a manger laid, The new-born fon of man ? £ Why didfl thou in this vale of tears. For more than thirty m.ournful years, A life of fuffering lead ? Wliy did thine eyes with tears o’erflow? Why would’ll thou chufe to want below, A place to lay thy head ? Hymn CLIV. \Chappd. Part the Second. Down from thv throne above; Love made my God a man of grief, DiHiefs'd thee fore for my lelief; O rnyffery of love ! e To fill mv foul it emptied thee, It made thee poor, that I might be Enrich’d with every grace : Love made thee to thy Father cry, And hid his face from thee, that I Might always fee his face. for full redemption. 119 3 Quite from the manger to the crofs. Thy life one fcene ot fulfcriiig was, And all fuftain’d for me ; O flrange excels of love divine 1 Jefus, was ever love like thine ! Anfwer iiie from that tree ! 4 If thou couldh Ooop for me to die. Surely thou would’ll that I, even I, Thy death's ctfetT Ihould prove; Then helj) me for thy mercy’s fake, T o weep, bel eve, and pay thee back Thy dear, expiiing love. 5 Becaufe thou lov’dft, and dirdfl for mg, Caufe me my J;'l'us to love thee, And gladly to i< lign ; Whate’er I have, whate’er I am; My life be all with thine the fame. And all thy death be mine. Hymn CLV. [^Norioich. Su?t Jiand thou Jlill upon Gibeon. 1 A RM of the Lord, awake, arife, ^jL And fave a Ibul that hangs on thee; Put on thy flrength and bow the fkies. And work thy ancient work in me; Thy grace miraculous difplay, The rapid courfe of nature flay. 2 My Jo/liua, bid the fun flatid flill, Sufpend the florm in mid career, Arreft the torrent of my will, Rcllrain me from the fin I fear ; The power of loving faith impart. And fix mv poor, unfettlcd heart, N 3 For believers lo\gi-ng 3 Jefus, uiy conftant Jcfus (laiul Betwixt my bolom-(in ami me : Nature fubir.its to lliv command, All things are pofiiblc to thee; ^ritou, infinite in love and power, Prelerve me that I fm no more. n V M N CLVI. \_Havant. 1 T ESU come ! my hope of glory, ^J| Purify me, that I, May with laints adore thee. 2 Big y ith earneft expcflation Still I lit. At thy feet Longing for falvation. 3 My poor heart vouchfafe to dwell in, Make me thine, Love divine, By thy fpirit’s fealing. 4 Give me. Lord, thy holy Spirit; Let me fee, All in thec’j All in thee inherit. 5 Thou haft laid the fure foundation, Of my hope. Build me up, Finilh thy creation. 6 From this inbred fin deliver. Let the yoke. Now be broke, Make me thine forever. 7 Partner of thy perfefl nature. Let me be. Now in thee A new, fpotlefs creature. 8 Perfeft when I walk before thee, Soon or late. Then tranllatc To the realms of glory, y Then the blifsful fight be given; Then to gaze On thy face Be my liigheft heaven. roR FULi. REDEMPTION. Hymn CIATI. \_Alhlone, 1 God, mod merciful and true, Thy nature to my foul impart: ’Stablilh with me the covenant new. And write perfctlion on my hemt. 2 To real holincfs reflored, Oh! let me gain niy Saviour’s mind ; Am! in the knowledge of my Lord, Eulnels of life eternal find. 3 Remember, Lord, my fins no more. That them I may no more forget : But funk in gniltlcfs lhame, adore With Ipcceb.lefs wonder at thy feet. 4 O’crwhelin’d with thy llupendous grace, I {hall not in thyjrrefcnce move; But breathe unutterable praife. And rapturous awe, and filent love. 5 Then every murmuring thought and vain, Expires in Iweet confulion loft: I cannot of my crofs complaiti, I cannot of my goodnefs boaft. 6 Pardon’d for all that I have done. My mouth as in the duftl hide. And glorv give to God alone, My God, for ever pacified ! H Y M N CLVIII. \_PalMs j T TE wills that I fliould holy be : XX. That holincfs I long to feel. That full, divine conformity To all my Saviour's righteous will, e Sec, Lord, the travail of thy foul .^ccomplilh’din the change of mine: And nluntre me everv whit made whole. 152 For believers lonsing 3 On thee, O God, my foul is ftayed ! And waits to prove thine utmoft will: The promife by thy mercy made. Thou canfl, thou wilt in me fulfil. 4 No more I flagger at thy povs'er, Or doubt thy truth, which cannot move : Haflen the long-expeftcd hour. And blefs me with thy perfeft love.- 5 Jefiis, thy loving fpirit alone Can lead me forth, and make me free : Burft every bond through which I groan, And fetmy heart at liberty. 6 Now let thy fpirit bring me in. And give thy fervant to poircfs The land of reft from inbred fin, The land of perfeft holinefs. 7 Lord, I believe thy power the fame, The fame thy trurh and grace enditrcj And in thy blefledhands I am, And truft thee for a perfeft cure. 8 Come, Saviour, come, and make me whole! Entirely all my fins remove : To perfeS health reftore my foul; To perfeft holinefs and love. Hymn CLIX. Pfalm. 1 TESUS, the gift divine I know, .1 The gift divine I afk of thee: ' That living water now beflow, Thy fpirit and thyfelfon me : Thou Lord, of life the fountain art Now let me find thee in my heart. FOR Ft LI. REDEMPTION. *153 I Thee let me clrinlt and thirfl no more For dropsoffinitehappinefi: Spiingup O well in heavenly power, In dreams of pure perennial peace; In joy that none can take away, In life which (hall for ever flay. Father, on me the grace beflow, Uiiblamcahle before thy fight. Whence all the flreatiis of mercy flow : Merev thv own fupreme delight. To me for Jefu’s fake impart. And plant thy nature in my heart. 4 Thy mind throughout my life be fliewn. While liflening to the wretches cry ; The widow's and the orphan’s groan, On merev’s wings I fwiftly fly, Ths poor and helplefs to relieve. My life, my all for them to give. ^ Thus may I fliew the fpirit within. Which purges me from every ftain, Unfpotted from the world and fin. My faith’s integrity maintain ; The truih of my religion prove By perfefl purity and love. H Y M N CLX. \_AmJlcrdam^ 1 T ESU, what hafb thou beflow’J On fuch a worm as me ! VvAiat compnflioji haft thou fltew’d, To drat.' me after thee! Pcrfccl then the work begun, All thv gtxrdncfs let me prove, All il’.y v. ill in me be done, Til’l all mv fottl is love. For believers LoVcjNft 154 e Not by inv own rigbteoufnefs, Or works that 1 liave wrought Am I fav’d ; but by thy grace Surpalfing human thought. Nothing have I, nothing am, Nothing I deferve hut hell; Yet I glorv in thy name, Yet I thy mercy feel. 3 Thou a fpark of hallow’d fire To me, even me haft given; Glows for thee my whole defirQ, My life, my inward heaven : Dreams of happinefs below, Nevermore will I puifue, Jefus only will I know, Whofe love is ever new. 4 Thou tEine hand on me haft laid, And calm’d my ftormy will, Nature’s rapid tide haft Hay’d, And bid my heart be ftill: Stablifh thou my heart in peace, Meek and lowly let me be. Fill with all thy gentlenefs. The foul that hangs on thee. 5 Oft thou vifiteft my breaft, But O 1 how fhort thy ^ay ? As the memory of a gueft. That tarrieth but a day : Come, and all thy foes expel, Fix in me thy conflanthome. With thy Father in me dwell. Lord Jefus, quickly come! ^OR FULL REDEMPTION. ^55 I! l •I H Y M CLXr. [Wcjl-Strccu 1 O AVIOUR and can it be, O That thou fhould dwell with me ^ From thy high and lofty throne, ' Thione of cverlalling hlifs, Will thy majefty floop down, To fo mean an houfe as this ? *2 I am not worthy. Lord, So foul, fo fclf-od 1 TNFINITE power, eternal Lord, X How fovcrcign is thy hand ! All nature role t’ obey thy word, And moves at thy command. 2 V'ith fteady courfe the Ihiningfuu Keeps liis appointed way ; And all the hours obedient run The circle olThe day. 3 But ah! how wide my fpirit flies. And wanders from her God I My foul forgets the heavenly prize. And treads the downward road. 4 The i aging fire and ftormy fea Perform thy awful will; And every hcafi and every tree, The great defign fulfil : ^ While my wild paffions rage within, Nor thy commands obey ; But flefli and fenfe, enflaved to fin. Draw my bed thoughts away. 6 Shall creatures of a meaner frame. Pay all their dues to thee ? Creatures that never knew thy rlame, That ne’er w^ere lov’d like me 7 Great God, create my foul anew'. Conform my heart to thine ; Melt down my will, and let it flow, And take the mould divine. 8 St'iz.e my whole frame into thy hand. Here all mv powers I bring; Manage the wheels bv thv command. And govern every fpring. 9 Then fhall my feet no more depart, Nor mv affeflions rove; Devotion fhall be all my heart, And all my paffions love. toa FUM. IIEDEMPTIOM. >:»7 Hymn CLXIV, [23^7 PJalm. 1 Rock of our f.ilvation, fee Tile fouls that feek their reft in thcc; Beneath thy cooling lhadow hide, And keep us, Saviour, in thy fide; By water and by blood redeem. And walh us in die raiaglcd ftreani. •* The fin-atoning blood apply, And let the water fanftify. Pardon and hohnefs impart, Sprinkle and purify our heart, Wafh out the laft remains of fin. And make our inmoft nature clean. 3 The double ftream in pardons rolls. And brings thy love into our fouls. Who dare the truth divine receive, And credence to thy witnefs give ; We here thy utmoft power fiiall prove. Thy utmoft power of perfect love. Hymn CLXV. [B rcckmcr's. John i. t2. Part the Pi'J!- 1 TESUS, in thine all-faving name, We ftedfaftly believe. And lo 1 the promis'd power we claim,' Which thou art bound to give; Power to become the fons of God, An all-lufficient pow'er. We look to have on us beftow’d, A power to fin no more. O 1^8 For BELIEVERS longing 2 We yuld to be redeem’d from fin. The life divine to live, Open our hearts to take thee in ; And all thy grace receive ; Thee we receive as God and man, Both in one perfon join’d, To finllh the redeeming plan. To refeue all mankind. 3 To thee, O Chrlfl, the praife we give, I'liy three-fold funtlion ling, The Lord’s anointed One receive, Our Prophet, Prieft, and King; Thou, only thou our wifdom art, o ur firength andrlghtooufnefs. Sprinkle, inform, and rule our heait, Viflonous prince of peace. Foollfh, we come to learn of thee; Guiltv, to be forgiven ; Poor finful worms to be made free From fin, and fit for heaven; Teach us that perfeft will of God, For us, and in us pray ; 'Wafii us in thy all-cleanfing blood, Thy kingly power difplay. Hymn CLXVI. [^Brocknicr's, Part the Setond, 1 ^ i 'HOU will to us thy name impart, X Thou bear’d it not in vain. What thou art call’d, thou furely art Saviour of finful man: Into thy name, thy nature we Afluredly believe, Jefus from fin, thee only thee, Our Jefus, we receive. FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 1.59 2 Oiir Jefus thou from future woe, From prefent wrath divine, Shalt fave us from our fins below, And make our fouls like thine ; Jefus from all the power of fin, From all the being too; Thy grace fhall make us throughly clean, And perfcflly renew. 3 Jefus from pride, from w'rath, from luff. Our inward Jefus be. From every evil thought we truft To be redeem’d by thee; \\'hcn thou doft in our flefli appear. We (liall the promifc prove, ^ Sav’d into all pcrfcftion here. Renew’d in finlcfs love. 4 Come, O thou Prophet, Prieft and King, Thou Son of God and man. Into our fouls thy fulnefs bring, Inflrufl, atone, and reign : Holy, and pure, as jufl, and wife. We would be in thy right, Lefs than thine all cannot fufiice, Wegrafp the Infinite. 5 Our Jefus thee, entire, and whole, With willing heart we take, Fill ours and every faithful foul, For thy own mercies fake : We wait to know thy utmofi name. Thy nature’sheavenly powers. One undivided Chrifi we claim. And all thou art is ours. O 2 For BELIEVERS lor'«)>;«' i6'o Hymn CLXVII. [Spitnlfuldi 1 i^’^OME, O thou Lairib, foi' finnors (lain, Bring in the cleahfing lloodj Apply to walli out every hain, Thine efficatious blood. 2 O let it fink into our foul, Deep as the inbred fin. Make every wounded fpirit wholoi And every leper elcan. g Thy fanQifying word is fare} Lord wc our fins confefsi Faithful and jtifl, O make us pure From all unrighteoufnefs. 4 Such power helongeth unto thee, Thv faying w;e receive; We fhall be pure in heact, and fee Thy finiling face, and live. 5 Lord we believe, and with calm zeal, For this our faith contend; Waiting till thotithyfelf reveal, And hoping to the end'. 6 Our high, and holy calling’s prize, We earnefllv purfue j , , . ^ Nor fear we, left duf thoughts flrould rife,. Above what thou eanft do. 7 Thy goodnefs, O all-gracious Lord j Is equal to thy power; And we fliall try thy utmofl word. And w'e fhall fin no more. 8 Thouwilleft, and it muft be done, That we fhould holy be ; And we fhall live to thee alorie, And we fiiall die to thee. FOR FULL REDEMPTION', i6i Hymn CLXVIII. {Pq^on. 1 A LL praifc to the Lamb ! JPx. Accepted I am, I am bold to believe on my Jcfus’s name. 2 In thee I confide, Thy blood is applied ; Tor me thou hall fuffer’d, for me thou hall died. 3 Not a doubt can arife To darken the Ikies, Or hide for a moment my Lord from my eyes. 4 I already am bled, I lean on thy bread, And lo 1 in thy wounds I continually red, 5 My cup it runs o’er, I have comfort and power, I have pardon—What can a poor dnner have mor^,. 6 He can have a new heart. So as never to dart From thy paths : h.- may be in the world as thou art. ’ 7 He may be without fin, All holy and clean. He may be as his Mader all glorious within. 8 The promife is fure, Itlhall always endure, And I as my God flwll be fpotlcfs and pure. Hymn CLXIX. [^Minorin. L ord, my time is in thy hand, W^eak and helplefs as I am ; Surely thou cand make me dand, 1 believe in Jefu’s name. O 3 •V Fo R BELIEVERS SAVED. 2 Saviour in temptation tliou, 1 hou haft iiivgd me heretofore, 1 hou from fin doft fave me now ; Thou fiialt fave me evermore, g Wherefore fhould I doubt the grace, Which I every moment prove ! Sin and Satan muft give place, Both muft yield to ftrohger love. 4 Sin and Satan rage their hour, But thou all-fufticient aVt, Thou art infinite in power, Thoti art greater than my heait. 5 I fhall thy falvation fee, I in faith on Jefus call; 1 from fin- fhall be feti free,. Peifeflly fet free from all. II Y M N CLXX. \_Franhfo).t, 8 . For Believers fdved. ( 'C'ATHER, on us the fpirit beftow, A Through which thine et'erlaftingSon, Offer’d himfelffor man below; That we, even we before thy throne, Our fouls and bodies may preient, And pay thee all thy grace hath lent. 2 O let thy Spirit fanflify Whate’er to thee we now reftore, And make us with thy will comply, With all our mind, and foul, and pov/er; Obey thee as thy faints above, In perfe 3 innocence and loVe. 11 Y M N CLXXI. IPalmi's., He that glorieth, let kirn glory in the Lord- 1 T ET not the wife his wifdom boaft j E. s The mighty glory in his might; The rich in flattering riches fruft, which take their evcrlafting flight.. For believers SAVED. 163 2 Therufh of numerous years bears down, The moft gigantic flrength of man ; And where is all his wifdom gone, When dull, he turns to dull again. 3 One only gift can jullify The boalfing foul that knows his God; When Jefus dofh his blood apply, I glory in his fprinkled blood. 4 The Lord my righteoufnefs I praife; I triumph in the love divine : The wifdom, wealth, and llfcngth of grace, In Chrill to endlcfs ages mine. Hymn CLXXII. [Far,!. 1 God of peace and pardoning love. Whole bowels of compaffion move To every linful child of man: Jefus our Shepherd great and good. Who dying, bought us with his blood. Thou hall brought back to life again. H is blood to all our fouls apply: (His blood alone can fanftify, Which firll did for our fins atone:) 7'he covenant of redemption feal; The depth of love, of God reveal. And Ipeak us perfefted in one. 2 O might our every woik and word Exprefs the tempers of our Lord, The nature ol our head above; His fpirit fend into our hearts,' Engraving on our inmoll parts The living law of Holiell Idv’o. Then lhall we do with pure delight, Whate’er is pleafing in thy fight. As vclTcls of thy richell grace ; And having thy whole counfe 1 done. To thee, and thy co-equal Son, Aftribe the everlafiing praife. For believers SAVED. Ib'-i Hymn CLXXIII. [}Vi. For a Preacher. 1 ^ I 'IIY power and faving truth to fliow, J. A warfare at thy charge I go ; Strong in the Lord, and thy great migiit: Gladly take up the hallow’d crols, And fuffering all things for thy caufe, Beneath that bloody banner fight. A fpeftacle to fiends and men, To all their fierce or cool difdain, With calmeft pity I fubmit; Determin’d nought to know befide My Jefus and him crucified, I tread the world beneath my feet. 2 Superior to their fmile Or frown, On all their goods my foul looks down. Their pleafures, wealth, and power, and ftate The man that dares their god dcfpife The chriflian he alone is wife; The chrillian he alone is great! O God let all my life declare, How happy all thy fervants are ! How far above thefe earthly things; How pure when wafh’d in Jefu’s blood ! How intimately one with God, A heaven-born race of priefls and kings. 3 For this alone I live below. The power of godlinefs to Ihow, The wonders wrQught by Jefu’s name : O that I might but faithful prove! Witnefs to all thy pardoning love, And point them to th’ atoning Lamb. Let me to every creature cry, The poor and rich, the low and high, Believe, and feel thy fins forgiven! Damn’d, till by Jefus fav’d thou art; Till Jefu’s blood hath wafh’d thy heart. Thou canfl not find the gate of heaven. For believers saved. Hymn CLXXIV. {IVdfi. I Fur any luao think they have already attained. I MNIPOTEKT, Omnifeient Lord, ‘ V-/ Prefent in heaven, and earth and hell, Spirit and foul-dividing word. Searcher of hearts unfearchable ; Behold us with thine eyes of flame, And tell me what by grade I anl. 112 Wc would not our oVn fouls deceive, Or fondly refl in grace' begun : Thy wife difeerning un6fi'oh give^ And make us know as we are knowri ; Search and try out our heafts'and reins, And fhew if fin in us remains. [ g Shine on the work thyfelf baft UTOUght, If thou haft wrought thb work in me, 1 Or fliew us if we know thee not: Am I my God ftopt fliort of thee ? The powerful quick convitfion dart, And Ihine in every naked heart. Thou would’ft not, have thy children flray. Thou never canft miflead the blind; If brought into thy perfcSl way, O let us now the witndfs find ; And fhout to hear thy fpeak'ing blood. And echo to the voice of God. ^ Send forth thy pure, unerring light, Jefus the Truth, the Life, the Way, And guide ourhelplefs fpiritsright. That all may fee the perfeft day; May all thy glorious fulnefs prove, The depth of everlalling love. i66 For believers SAVED. Hymn CLXXV. \DcdicatKn 1 My condcfcending Lord, V-y' How hafi: thou to earth ftoop’d down. Sinners vile and felf-abhorr’d, Thou doll for thy brethren own; O the grace on man bellow’d, Man is call’d the friend of God. 2 What can I defire befide? Jefus for my friend I claim, Jefus is my faithful guide. Happy in his love I am; Fulnefs of delight I prove’ In his all-fufficient love. 3 From the faithlefs fons of men, Saviour to thy arms I flee, Sweetly on thy bofom lean. Find my liapplnefs in thee ; Happinefs that cannot fail, Glorioufly unchangeable. 4 While I thus my foul recline. On my dear Redeemer’s breafl. Need I for the creature pine. Fondly feck a farther reft; Still for human friendfliip fue, Stoop, ye worms of earth to you I 5 Jefus, thee alone I know, Monarch of my Ample heart, Thou my only friend below. Thou my only portion art; Here and in eternity. Thou art all in all to me. For believers INTERCEDING. 167 ! Hymn CLXXVI. [York. I T T 7 HILE faith the atoning blood applies, ■ VV Otirl'clves a living facrifice ^ We frcelv offer up to God : , And none but thole his glory (hare . Who crucihed with Jcfus are, And follow where their Saviour trod. i 2 Saviour, to thee our lives wc give. Our meaned facrifice receive, And to thine own oblation join; Our fiiffcring and tiiumphant head. Through all thy dates thy members lead, .And feat us on the throne divine. II Y M N CLXXVn. {M'epninjlcr, g. For Believers Interceding. On entering a Ilouje. 1 TJE.'VCE be to this habitation ’ i Peace to every foul herein! Peace the foretade of lalvation. Peace the leal of cancelPd fin. Peace that fpcaks its heavenly giver, Peace to earthly minds unknovs n. Peace divine that lads for ever, Here crc£l its glorious throne. 2 On the fon of peace defeending. On the daughter of thy grace, Big with comforts never ending, Let the promife now take place. Each receive the gracious fhower, Each the gofpel-blening prove, Witnefs of thy pardoning power, Whtnefs of thy perfcfl love. ,jGl! -For believers INTERCEDING* 3 Now tliy love infuJTing fplfit, Shed in every heart abroad, Rife through thy imputed merit Every clnld, a child of God ! Each receive the copftant witiiei's, Each obtain the joyous reft, Tafte in thee celeftial fwectnefs, -■ God reftding in their hreaft. ^ Claim for thine each faithful fervant. By the reconciling word. Pure in heart, in fpi] it fen’cnt. Let them ferve their heavenly Lordj For thy pardoning love adore thee, Walk in fpntleisliberty, Brethren to the king of glory, Friendsof Qod and heirs with thee. 3 Vi fit Lord with thy falvation, Eveiw providential gueft. Every friend and kind relation. Take into thy people’s reft: Confeious of thy lacred prefence, Let them feel the loving fear; Cry with blifsfnl acquiefccnce, God the pardoning God is here, 6 Prince of peace if thou art near us, Fix in all our hearts thy home, Bv thy laft appearing cheer us. Quickly let thy- kingdom come. Anfwer all our expeSatipn, Give our raptur’d fouls to prpve, Gloiious, uttermpft falvation, Heavenly, everlafling loyc! For believers INTERCEDING. H Y M N CLXXVTII. \_Marienlurn. C OME, O tlioii roul-dlviding fvvord, 'I'hat doll from Jcfu’s mouth proceed, The foes and haters of their Lord, Find out, o’erturn, and ftrike them dead ; Deftrov the fin that keeps them blind, And Iliiy the pride of all mankind. Spirit of truth in all begin 'l hat work of thine awakening power, , Convince the ehrillian world of fin, WHio Satan and not Chritl adore ; Who Jefus flight, rcjecl difclaitn. And never knew his laving name. Shew them they never yet received In truth whom they in words profefs, Thev never yet in Chrifl believ’d. Or own'd The Levd their Rirhlri'nJ'ntJi', Still in damniiiB; fin they lie. As pleas'd in unbcliel to die. People and jiricfi are douhlv dead, Are aliens from the life divine, Grofs darkne's o’er the earth is Ipread, Till thotiinto the eoufcicnce Ihine, The powerful tiuirk conviHion dart. And fou.id the unbelieving heart. O would’fl thou now in all reveal. The ri'ihti ous wrath of hollile^heavcn, Beraufe the blood they will not feel, The blood that flidws their (ins forgiven ; d'hev will not him, their Lord receive, They will not come to ChriH and live. P 170 For BELIEVERS INTERCEDING. Hymn CLXXIX. [Brook’s. Interctjion for England. 1 t "'HE crowd, the poor, unthinking crowd, JL Refufc thy hand to fee, They will not hear thy loudell rod. They will not turn to thee. As with judicial blindnefs flruck, They all (hy fignsdefpife, Harden their hearts yet more, and mock The anger of the Ikies. 2 But blinder Hill the rich and great. In wickednefs excel, And revel on the brink of fate. And fport, and dance to hell. Regardlefs of thy fmile or frown. Their plcafurcs they require. And fink with gay indifference down. To everlafling fire. 3 But O ! thou dreadful, righteous Lord, The praying remnant fpare, The men that tremble at thy word. And fee the coming fnare : Our land if yet again thou lhake. Or utterly break down ; A merciful diflinftion make. And ftrongly fave thine own. If earth its mouth mull open wide. To fwallow up its prey ; Jefu, thy faithful people hide. In that vindiftive day; Firm in the univerfal ffiock. We lhall not then remove ; Safe in the clefts of Ifrael’s rock. Our Lord’s expiring love. For believers INTERCEDING. 171 H y M N CLXXX. [Salijmry, Written at the Land's End. 1 /^OME, divine Immanuel come, Take poITeflioii of thy home ; Now thy mercy’s wings expand. Stretch throughout the happy land. 2 Carry on thy viftory, Spread thy rule from fea to fea, Reconvert the ranfom’d race, Save us, fave us, Lord, by grace. 5 Take the purchafe of thy blood, Bring us to a pardoning God; Give us eyes to fee our day, Hearts the glorious truth t’ obey; 4 Ears to hear the gofpel-found, Grace doth more than fin abound, God appeas’d, and man forgiven, Peace on earth, and joy in heaven, 5 O that every foul might be Suddenly fubdued to thee! O tliat all in thee might know Everlalling life below. C Now thy mercy’s w'ings expand. Stretch tlironghout the happy land; Take pofleflion of thy home. Come, divine Immanuel come! Hymn CLXXXI. [Shepherd of Ifrael. For the Nativity. 1 A LL glory to God in the fky, S\. And peace upon earth be reflor’d! O Ji fus, exalted on high, Appear, our omnipotent Lord! P 2 172 For BELIEVERS INTERCEDING. Who iTicaiily in Bethk'lic-in born, Didfl floop to redeem a loft race, Once more to thy creatures retitni, And reign in thy kingdom of grace. 2 WTen thou in our ftefli didft appear, All nature acknowledg’d thy birth; Arofc the accepittble year, And heaven was open’d on earth ; Receiving its Lord fiom above, 'I he world was united to blefs, d he giver of concord and love^ The Piince and'the Author of peace, ;•] O would’ft thou again be made known, Again in thy Spirit deiettrd, And fet up in each of thine own, A kingdom that never lhall end 1 Thou only art able to blefs. And make the glad nations obey, And bid the dire enmity ceafe, And bow the whole world to thy fway. 4 Come then to thy fervants again. Who long thy appearing to know, Thy quiet and peaceable reign, In mercy eftabhfti below : • All forrow before thee fhall lly^ And anger and hatred be o'er, And envy, and malice fhtill die, Anddifeord afflicl us no more. j No horrid alarum of war, Shall break our eternal repofe, No found of the trumpet is there, Where Jelus’s fpirit o’erflows ; Appeas’d by the charms of tliy grace, We all lliall in amity join. And kindly each other embrace. And lov'c With a pallion like thine. For believers INTERCEDING. 173 Hymn CLXXXII. l22,d Pfahn. 1 A RM of the Lord awake, awake, The terrors of the Lord difplay, Out of their fins the nations fhake; Tear their vain confidence awav. Conclude them all in unbelief, And fill their hearts with facred grief. 2 Impart the falutary pain, The fudden, foul-condemning power j Blow on the goodlinefsof man. Wither thegrafs, and blall the flower; That, when their works arc all o’erthrown, 'rhe word of grace may (land alone. 3 Trouble the fouls who know not God, Their carclefs, Chridlefs fpirits wound, O’erwhelm with their own finful load. And all their virtuous pride confound ; Their depth ofwickednefs reveal. And fliakc them o’er the mouth of hell. 4 Naked, and dcflitute, and blind, Themlelves let the poor wTctches fee, . Their total fall lament to find, Till every mouth is (lopt by thee : And all the woild with confeious fear. Guilt) belore their God appear. 5 Guilty becaufc they know not him V'ho liv’d, and died, their fouls to faec. Who came his people to redeem ! No part or lot in Chrid they have, Till thou the painful veil remove, And fltew their hearts his dying love. r 3 1 For believers INTERCEDING. Hymn CLXXXIII. [Whitfunday. John xvi. 10. C OME then to thofc svho want thine aid, Who now beneath their burthen groan, Bind up the wound thyfelf Itaft made : The righteoufnel's of faith make known, fOlFer’d to all of Adam's line) The perfefl righteoufnefs divine. Convince the fouls who feel their fin, I’herc is, there is a ranfom found, A better righteoufnefs brought in, And grace doth more than fin abound. Pardon to all is freely given, For Jefus is return’d to heaven. He died to purge our guilty (lain, llc rofe the world to juflify, And while the heavens our Lord contain ; No longer feen by mortal eye, He reigns our Advocate above. And pleads for all his bleeding love. His bleeding love ’tls'thine to fcal. With pardon on the contrite heart; To us, to us the grace reveal, Therighteoufnefs impute, impart, Difcharge thy fecond funflion here, And now defeend the Comforter. 'I'he righteoufnefs of Chrifiour Loid, For pardon of our fins, declare ; Inlpeak the evcrlafting word; That freely judified we arc ; By grace receiv’d, and brought to God, And faved through faith in jefu’s blood. For believers INTERCEDING. ’7S Hymn CLXXXIV. [CantcrLur\'% For the World, 1 QPIRIT of fanflifYii'g grace, Hallcn that happy gofpel-day; Come, and leRorc the fallen race, Purge all our f.lth and blood away; Our inntofl foul redeem, repair. And fix thy feat of judgment there. 2 Judgment to execute is thine, 'I'o kill and lave, is ihine alone; Exert that energy divine. Set up the evcriafiing throne; The inward kingdom from above, The glorious power of perfett love. 3 O would’fl thou bring the final fcenc, Accom])lilh the redeeming plan ; Thv great millennial reign begin. That every ranfom’d child of man ; That every foul may bow the knee, And rife to reign with God in thee. H Y M N CJ.XXXV. [IVcod'i. For the Wavering. Beguil’d by hellifii art; O'fave them, fave them, from the fnare, Watch o’er thine own with jealous care, And keep their feeble heart. 2 O do not quit thy gracious hold. Nor let them Draggle from the fold, In danger’s trying hour; Tlfine arm in their behalf difplay. Bear them on eagle’s wings away, Beyond the Tempter’s power. j76 For BELIEVERS INTERCEDING. 3 Why fliould a child of tliinc give place To Satan, with his angel-facc ; Jefu, the cloud difpcl; Give them to fee, his fpccious lies, And llrip him of hi.s fair difguife, And all his depths reveal. 4 Apprize them of the ruin near, Fill all their foul with facred fear. With wifdom from above; Their unfufpicious heart infpirc. Surround them as a wall ot nrc. And wrap them in thy love. ^ Thy love that found the wandering fheep, O 1 let it fiill in fifety keep, Thefe children of our pr.iycr ; In anfwer to our faithful cry, Preferve them till they reach the fl;y, And own thy people there 1 Hymn CLXXXVI. \_Mourner'’ 5 . For the Tempted. 1 Ti ^EEK, patient, Son of God and man, jLV.L With us in our temptations flay; Our fainting, feeble minds iuftain. And keep throughout the evil day; The evil day of doubts and fears. And fightings, till thy face appears. 2 We have notan High-Prieft in thee, Who cannotouraffliflions feel! The tempted foul’s infirmity. With kind concern alfefls theeflill; Touch’d with our every grief thou art. And bleeds for us th)'pitying heart; For believers INTERCEDING. 177 3 Companions to tlic Man of woe, O let us flill with thee abide; Tempted alas ! to let thee go, And ftart from the command afide ; By every wind of doflnnc driven, To feek a broader way to heaven. 4 Yes, Lord, with deeped Ihame we own, Our wearinefs of all thy ways. Our hade to throw the burthen down, Nor bear the hidings of thy face ; Nor w'ait till thou create us new, And give the erowa to conqued due. 5 Ah ! do not let thy fheep depart. Wide fcatter’d, in the cloudy day. But crofs th’ angelic Tempter’s art. But fpoil the Lion of his prey ; Nor let us from our hope remove. Our gofpel-hope of perfect love. 6 Us and our brethren in didrefs, Patient within thy kingdom keep; Sure all thy fulnefs to podefs, Our harved in the end to reap ; 'I hy finlefs nature to retrieve. And glorious in thine image live. II Y M N CLXXXVII. [Old mth Pfalm. For Bachjlidtrs. 1 Y Mot'i u for thole that did run well, i But now have left the narrow way. Have lod tlieir former love and zeal. And fainted in their evil day; And weakly given to Satan place, ’i o Satan with his angel-face. J78 For BELIEVERS INTERCEDING. C Beguil’d, alas! of tlielr reward, And baffled by bis foothing lie; Poor blinded fouls, they call thee Lord, But all thy kingly power deny ! Thy perfeft power to root out lin, And bring the heavenly nature in. 3 Lull’d in imaginary peace, Rich in a fancied faith they reign, And fold their arrns, and take their eafe, And fettled on their lees again, All inward holinefs difclaim, Since Chrifl was meek and challe for them. 4 Thy righteoufnefs to cloak their {in, They claim with lips and hearts impure. Unchang’d, unhallow’d, and unclean, They fancy their falvation lure; V/rapt up in lleflily liberty. Happy in lin, but not in thee. 5 Ah ! would’ft thou, Lord, once more awake, Their fouls out of the dead repofe; Their Babel fchemes in pieces fliake. And give them back the fpirit’s throes; The labour for fubllantial peace. The flrife for real righteoufnefs. 6 Who will not be by love conflraln’d, O bring them by thy judgments back. Regard the prayer of faith unfeign’d. And fave them for thy mercy’s fake ; Atifwer our labouring heart’s defirc. And fave them by affliflion’s fire. ri V M N CLXXXVIII. \_AmJlerdam. For a Miniflcr at hu coming to a Place, 1 LORY, Lord, to thee we give, VJ?” Who hear’Il thy peojtlc’s prayer, Thankful at thy hands receive Thy welcome MelTenger: For believers INTERCEDING, i Thcc wc praife, on thee wc call; Jel'us, with thy Servant come, Fix in him, in ns, in all Thy everlalling home. Hymn CLXXXIX. [Invitation, fora Minijler goin^r forth to P roach. 1 TESUS, the truth, and power divine, Send forth this Mehengcr of thine, I lis hands confirm, his heart infpirc. And touch his lii)S with hallow'd fire, n Be thou his mouth, and wifdom. Lord, Thou, by the h.ammcr of thy word, The rocky hearts in pieces break, .^nd bid the Son of Thunder fpeak. 3 To thofe wdto would their Lord embrace. Give him to preach the word of grace ; Sweetly their yielding bofom move, And melt them with the fire of love. 4 Let all with thankful hearts confefs The welcome Mcflenger of peace ; Thy power in his report be found. And let thy feet behind him found. FI Y M N CXC. {Stitt’M’s. for more Labourers. I T ESU, thy wandering fheep behold 1 See, Lord, with ycainiiig bowels fee Boor fouls, that cannot find the fold. Till fought, and gathered in by thcc. 9. I^)fl are they now, and fcattered wide, In pain, and wcarinefs, and want ; \\'ith no kind Shepherd near to guide The lick, and fpiritlefs, and Sa.nt. 1C50 For believers INTERCEDING. Thou, onlv thou, the kind, and good, ■ And fhccp-vcdccming Shepherd art; Collett thy flock, and give them food, And pallors after thine o\vn heart. 4 Give the pure word of general grace, And great fliall be the Preacher's crowd-; Preaehers, who all the fmful race, Point to the all-atoning blood. 5 Open their month, and utterance give. Give them a trumpet-voice to call A world, who all may turn and live, Through faith in him who died for all. f) lit every Elelfenger reveal. The'grace they preach divinely free ; That each may by thy Spirit tell “ He died for all, v/no died forme.’’ 7 A double portion from above, Of that all-quickening fpirit impart; Shed forth thine univerfal love, In everv Hithful Pallor's heart. S Thv only glor)- let them feek, O let their hearts with love o'ciflow; Let them believe, and therelore fpeak. And fpread thy mercy’s praife below. Hymn CXCI. {Olncy. A Prayer for more Labourers. 1 T ORD of the hnrved, hear I A I'hy needy, fervants cry, Anfwcr our faith’s effettual prayer. And all our wants fupply. , ■i On thee we humbly wait. Our wants arc in thy view t The harycfl, truly. Lord, is great. The Labourers arc few. For believers INTERCEDING. i8i 3 Convert, .'utd fend forth more Into thy church abroad, And let them fpeak thy word of power? As workers with their God. 4 Give the pure gofpel-word. The word of general grace ; Thee let them preach, the common Lord; Saviour of human race. 5 O let them fpread thy name, Their million fully prove. Thy univerfal grace proclaim, Thine all-redeeming love. 6 On all mankind, forgiven. Empower them Ihll to call; And tell each creature under heaven. That thou hafl died for all. Hymn CXCII. {Frankfort, For the Perfecuted. 1 TESU, the growing work is thine. And who lliall hinder its fuccefs P In vain the alien armies join, 'I'hy glorious gofpcl to fupprefs; And now with Satan’s aid to o’crihrow. The work thy grace revives below. £ The war)' world, as Julian wife, W’lfe with the wifdom from beneath, Awhile its milder malice trios, And lets thefe mad enihnfiafls breathe ; Breathe to infeft their purer air, And fpread the plague of virtue there. 3 Wondering, the calm defjiifers Hand, And dream that they the refpite give, Reftrain’d bv thine o’er-vuling hand, They kindly luffer ns to live; I.ive to defy their mailer’s frown. And turn his kingdom upfi de-down- 182 For BELIEVERS INTERCEDING 4 Still the old Dragon bites his chain. Not yet commiinun’d fjom on high; Rage the fierce Pharifeesin vain, Away with them the Zealots cry : And hoary Caiaphas exclaims, , And Battler dooms.us to the flames. 5 But our great God, who reigns on high. Shall laugh their hau,ghty rage to icorn, Scatter their evil v.’ith his eye, Or to his praife their fiercenefs turn ; While all their efforts to remove Plis Church, fliall 'ftabhfli her in love. 6 Yes, Lord, thy prornife-word is true. Our facred hairs are number’d all, I'hough earth, and hell, our lives purfue, Without thy leave we cannot fall; • And if thou Hack the muitherer's chain, V^'e fuffer but with thee to reign. H Y M N CXCIII. [Clufer. For them that fuffer Reproac/u 1 T 5 EJOICE yc happy faints, A V Who only Jefus know', Whom vice and folly paints As nicnPicrs here below; Rejoice in the divine applaufe, The honour from above. And glory in your Mailer’s crofs, And triumph in his love. 2 Ye wife, and pious few, Whofe names the world blafphemCj And therefore know not you, Bccaufe. they knew not him; Strangers approv’d of God alone, , To all ihcir wrongs fubinit. And let them fpurn, and tread you down, As clay beneath their feet. For believers INTERCEDING. 183 3 ’Tis thus you learn to be True followers of the Lamb, Who died upon the tree, That yc might do the fame : With humble ihankfulncfs receive, The fcandal of the crofs, The grace not only to believe, But fuffer for his caufe. 4 By fools accounted mad. Of his reproach polfeft. He bids your hearts be glad. Your Lord declares you bled: EKult in voiir defpis’d eftate, Enjov I lie token given, For O ! beyond conception great, js your reward in heaven. Hymn CXCIV. [Dr^/den. For Condemned MaleJaClon. Pfalm Ixxix. 11. Part the Firjl. 1 Thou that hangedfi on the tree. Our curfc and fufteriugs to remove, Pity the. fouls that look to thee, And fave us by thy dying love. B Outcafls of men to thee we fly. To thee who wilt the woili receive, Forgive, and make us fit to die ; Alas! we arc not fit to live. 3 We own our punifhment is jufl. We fuffer for our evil here. But in thy fufferings, l.ord, we tiufl, 'i bine, only thine, our foals can clear. Q a »84 For BELIEVERS INTERCEDING. •1 V/e have no outward righteoufnefs, No merits, or good works to plead; We only can be laved by grace'; I hy grace will here be free indeed. ^ Save us by grace, through faith alone, A faith thou mull thyfelf impart ; A faith that would hy works be fiicwn, A faith that purifies the heart. C A faith that doth the mountains move, A faith that fhewsour fins forgiven; A faith that fweetly worksby love, And afeertains our claim to heaven. 7 1 his is the faith we humbly feek, The faith in thine all-clcanfing blood ; That blood which doth forfinners fpeak, O let it fpeak us up to God! Hymn CXCV. [Evejianu Part the Second. 1 ANST thou re)c£f our dying prayer, Or cafltis out whocome to thee ? Our fins, ah, wherefQre didft thou bear! Jcfii, remember Calvary! 2 Number’d with the tranfgreffors thou, Between the felons crucified. Speak to our hearts and tell us now. Wherefore hafl thou for finners died ! 3 For us waft thou not lifted up. For us a bleeding viflim made ? That we. the ahjefts, we might hope. Thou hafl for all a ranfom paid. 4 O might we with our clofing eyes, Thee in thy bloody veflure lee ; Andcafl us on thy facrificc: Jefus, my Lord, remember me i For believers INTERCEDING. 185 5 Thou art into thy kingdom come: I own thee with my pai tiiijr breath : God of all grace, reyerfe my doom, And favc me fiom eternal death. 6 Haft thou not wrought the fure belief, I feel this moment in thy blood ? And am not I the dyibg thief? And art not thou my Lord, my God ? 7 Thy blood to all our fouls apply. To them, to me thy fpirit give, And I (let each cry out) and I, With thee in paradife fliall live. Hymn CXCVI. [Invitation. For a Sick Friend. 1 QJEE, gracious Lord, with pitying eyes, O Beneath thy hand a fufterer lies, Thy mercy, not thine anger proves; And fick he is whom Jelus loves. 2 His to thine own allliftions join, Accept, exalt, and count them thine ; Thy paftion which remains fulfil. And fuller in thy members flill. 3 His ficknefs feel, endure his nain, Plis burdeti bear, his crofs fullain ; Grieve in his griefs, and figh his lighs. And breathe his willies to the ftsies. Enter his heart, polTcfs him whole, Iiifpire, and aftuate his foul; Ilimfelf no longer let it be That fuffers, or that lives, but ihcc. 3 Thyfelf through bufferings perfeft made, Conform him thus to thee his head; Refine, and raife his virtue higher. When tried and purified by fire. Q 3 i86 For BELIEVERS INTERCEDING, 6 So when his eyes behold thee near, And thou his hidden life appear; Bright in thy likenefs (hall he ftiine, And glorious all, and all divine. Hymn CXCVII. ILampi’s. Another, 1 OEE Lord with pity fee The objeft of thy love. And help his foul’s infirmity, And all his griefs remove. Support the tottering clay, That weighs his fpirit down, And lead him through, this thorny way,. To that eternal crown, 2 Yet now in life detain. His foul for Sion’s fake. In mercy lift him up again. And to his friends give back In anfwer to our cry. Thy chofen fervant raife. And fend him forth to teftify The gofpel of thy grace. 3 Regard thy faithful ones, Who all his burthen bear, - And hear in us the earnefl groans,.. The fpirit’s filent prayer; ' ' The prayer that oft hath Hay’d • The faints in tlieir remove, And in the val^ their fouls delay’d, T’iiihance their joy above. ' Z 4 According to thy will. If now thy fpirit prays, TTie prayer of faith, the fick fhall heal, And lengthen out his'days: For believers INTERCEDING. Thou hiiow’fl the fpirit’s mind To us, O Lord, unknown ; But lo ! w.e wait on thcc, refign’d, Till all thy will be done. Hymn CXCVIII. [Oliver's. For one Departing. ■j T TAPPY foul, thy days are ended, Jrl Ail thy mounting days below, Go by Angel-guards attended, To the fight of Jefus go! 2 Waiting to receive thy fpirit, 1.0 ! the Saviour Hands above, Shews the purchafe of his merit. Reaches out the crown of love. 3 Struggle through the lateft paflion l‘o thy dear Redeemer’s bread, To his uttermoil falvation, To his cverlafiing reft. 4 For the joy he fets before thee Bear a momentary pain ; Die.to live the life oi glory, Suffer with thy Lord to reign. Hymn CXCIX. [SnowsJielJs, For a Sick Friend. j|, :/^God, thy truth, and power declare, .. Wc wait the anfwer of our prayer, ' We know it muft be given; , The prayer of faith can never fail, ' '‘It'cnters now within the veil, And {huts, and opens heai'cn. t Wc know thou wilt not long delay. We have the things for which we pray, 1 he prayer of faith is feal’d; And he thine utmoft truth fliall prove. Loved with an everlafting love, W'lth all thy fulnefs fill’d. iS8 For BELIEVERS INTERCEDING. 3 Author of faith, thy love wc praife, O vvhat omnipotence of grace Hall thou on man bellow’d ! Thy mouth, O Lord, hath llrangcly faid, “ Concerning thole my hands have made, Ye worms, command your God !” H Y M N CC. [Snowsficlds. For a fich Friend in darknefs. 1 /^OME Lord, come quickly from above, V.> The objeft of thy bleeding love, Is lick, and wants thine aid; Lover of every helplefs foul, O let thy pity make him whole, "Whofe mind on thee is Hay’d. 2 His only trull is in thy blood, Thou Tinner’s advocate with God, Thou all-atoning Lamb: The virtue of thy death impart, Speak comfort to his drooping heart. And tell him all thy name. 3 Give him thy pardoning love to feel, And freely his backflidings heal. Repair his faith’s decay : Reflore the fwcetnefs of thy grace. Reveal the glories of thy face. And take his fins away. 4 Speak Lord, and let him find thee near, O bid him now be of good cheer. Declare his fins forgiven ; Return, thou Prince of peace, return Thou Comforter of all that mOurn, And look him into heaven. For believers INTERCEDING. 189 Hymn CCI. \_Snow^Jields. Another. t /^Lord, our (Ircngtb and righteouriicrs, Our hope aud-refU|^e in dillrd's, Our Saviour, and our God: See here, an helplefs finner fee, Sick and in pain, he gafps to thee, And waits to feel thy blood. 8 In ficknefs make thou all his bed, Thy hand fupport his fainting head, His feeble loul defend : Teach him on thee to call his care, And all his griefs and burthens bear, And love him to the end. 2 If now thy will his foul require, O fit as a refiner’s fire. And purge it firfl from fin, Thy love hath' quicker wings than death. The fulnefs of thy fpirit breathe. And bring thy nature in. 4 If in the vale of tears thy will Appoints him to continue Hill, O fanftify his pain ; And let him patiently fubmit. To fuffer as thy love fees fit, And never once complain. 5 O let him look to thee alone, That all thy will on him be done. His only pleafure be ; Alike refign’d, to live or die. As moft thy name may glorify, To live or die to thee. [ ’90 ] PART V. SECTION I. 1. For the Society Meeting. Hymn CCII. [_CkcJlcr. To the Ho LY Ghost. 1 QPIRIT of truth clefcend, O And with thy Church abide, Our guardian to the end, Our fure, unerring guide : Us into the whole counfel lead Of God revealed below ; And teach us all the truth we need To life eternal know. 2 Whate’er thou hear’ft above, To us with power impart, And filed abroad the love Of Jefus in our heart: One with the Father and the Son, Thy record is the fame ; O make to us the Godhead known, Through faith in jefu’s name. 3 To all our fouls apply The doftrine of our Lord, O ur confcience certify. And witnefs with the word, Thy realizing light difplay. And fhew us things to come; The after-llate, the final day, And man’s eternal doom. 4 The Judge of quick and dead, The God of truth and love: Who doth for finners plead, Our Advocate above. For the SOCIETY MEETING. 191 Exalted by his Father there, Thou do .'I exalt below, And all his grace on earth declare, And all his glory fhew. FI Y M N' CCIII. \_Cliefer. Another. 1 Q ENT in his name thou art, O His work to carry on, liis Godhead to affert, And make his mercy known : Thou fearchcft the deep things of God, I hou know’fl the Saviour’s mind, And take ft of his atoning blood, To fprinkle all mankind. 2 Now then of his receive. And (hew to us the grace, And all his fulnefs give To all the ranfom’d race : Whate’Cr he did for Tinners buy With his expiring groan, By faith in us reveal, apply, And make it all our own. 3 Dcfccnding from above. Into our fouls convey •His comfort, joy and love. Which none can take away; Flis merit and his rightcoufnefs, ^ Which makes an ctid of fin. Apply to every heart his peace, And bring his kingdom in. The plenitude of God That doth in jefus dwell. On us through him bellow’d. To us fecure and fcal; 192 For the SOCIF.TY PRAYING. Now let us taUe our Mailer’s bllfs, The glorious heavenljf powers ; For all the Father hath is his, And all he hath is ours. Hymn CCIV. \_SnowsJields. 2. For the Society Praying. 1 T ORD we our unhelief confefs; ■1 J Our little fpark of faith increafe. And we fliall douht no more; But fix on thee our fleady eye, And on thine out-flretch’d arm rely, Till all the ftorm is o’er. 2 Jefu, in us thyfelf reveal, The winds are hufh’d, the fea is Hill, If in the fhip thou art ; O manifeft thy power divine. Enter this finking Church of thine, And dwell in every heart. 3 Come in, come in, thou Prince of peace, And all the ftorms of fin fhall ceafe, And fall no more to rife ; We then, if thou with us remain, Our port fhall in a moment gain. And anchor in the fkies. Hymn CCV. [Irene. To Christ the Prophet. Part the Firji, t A Ff ■ give us Lord to know Thine office here helow, Preach deliverance to the poor: Sent for this, O Chrifl, thou art, Jefu, all our ficknefs cure; Biird thou up the broken heart. For the SOCIETY PRAYING. a Piiblidi the joyful year Of God’s acceptance ntar, Preach glad tidings to the meek, Liberty to fpirits bound, General, free, redemption fpeak. Spread through earth the gofpel-fountl, 3 Humbly behold we fit, And lifien at thy feet; Never will we hence remove ; Lo 1 to thee our fouls we bow'. Tell us of the Father’s love; Speak, for Lord, we hear thee now, 4 Mailer, to us reveal. His acceptable will; Ever for thy law we wait, Write it in our inward parts, Our dark minds illuminate. Grave thy kindnefs on our hearts. 5 Thou art the Truth, the Way, O teach us how to pray ; Worlhip, fpiritual and true. Still inllruft us how to give, Let us pay the fervice due. Let us to God’s glory live. Hymn CCVI. [/roie. Part the Second. 1 T T OLY and true, the Key JL X Of Dahid reds on thee, Come, Meffias, all things tell. Make us to lalvation wife. Shut the gates of death and hell. Open, open paradife. 3^4 Tor the SOCIETY PRAYINGw 2 Witncfs within us place, 1 he Ipirit of his grace : Teach us inwardly, and guide, ] 5 y an unflion from above l.et it in our hearts abide, Source .of light, and life, :vnd lovc» g Pronounce our happy doom, And (hew us things to come; All the depths of love difplay, All the myllery unfold : Speak us feal’d to thy great day, In the book of life enroll’d. 4 Shepherd, fccurcly keep Thy little flock of flieep ; Call’d and gather’d into one. Feed us, in green pafiures feed j Make us quietly he down, jBy the llreams of comfort lead. 5 Thou, even thou, art he, Whom pain and forrow flee : Comforter of all that mourn, Let us by thy guidance come. Crown’d with endlefs joy, return To our everlalling home. Hymn CCVII. [York. The JuJl Jhall Live by Faith. 1 Satan’s, tyranny is o’er ! How fhall my refeued foul adofej Thy flrange, thy unexampled grace ! A brand pluck’d from the fire I am! O Saviour, help me to proclaim. Help me to Drew forth all thy praife. For th£ society FRAYING. 195 2 Fain would we fpread tlirough earth abroad, The goodnefs of niy loving God, And teach the world thy grace to prove, Unutterably good thou art ! Read, Jcfu, read our panting heart, 1 hou feefl it pants to break with love. 3 We only live to find thee there : The manfion for thyfelf prepare. In love anew our heart create : The mighty change we long to feel: For this our vehement foul Hands Hill, Reftlefs, refign’d, for this we wait. 4 We know our ftrugghng nought avails. Our (Irength, and fooHflt wifdom falls. Vain is our toil, and vain our reft ’. Only before thy feet we lay, U be’potter thoui and we the clay, 'I'hy will be done; thy will is beft. H Y M N CCVIII. [JVeJl-Slrcct. Lvok unto Me, and be ye fated, all ye 'Endi of the Karth. Part the Firf. 1 Q INKERS your Saviour fee I O O look ye unto me I Lift your eyes, ye fallen race, I, the gracious Gotl and true ; I am full of truth and grace, Full of truth and grace for you. o Look, and be faV’d from fin. Believe, and be v.e clean 1 Guiltv, labouring firuls draw nigh, See the fountain open'd wide. To the wounds of Jelus fly. Bathe VC in my bleeding fide. R 2 ,i<)6 For the SOCIETY PRAYING 3 Ah! dear, redeeming Lord, We take thee at thy word : Lo, to thee we ever look. Freely favM by grace alone : Thou our fins and curfe hall took> ^i'hou for us didft once atone. 4 We now the writing fee. Nail’d to the crofswith thee; With thv mangled body torn. Blotted out by blood divine. Far away the bond is borne ; Thou art ours, and we are tliine. 5 On thee we fix our eyes, And wait for frelli fupplies; Jullified we aflt for more. Give, th’ abiding witnefs give : Lord, thine image here reflore, Fully in thy members live. PI Y M N CCIX. [IVeJl-StreH Part the Second. C A UTHOR of faith, appear,. uCX Be thou its finillicr; Upward Hill for this we gaze, Till we feel the (lamp divine; Thee behold with open face. Bright in all thy glory fliine. 7 Leave not thy work undone, But ever love thine own : Let us all thy goodnefs prove. Let us to the end believe; Shew thine cverlafling love. Save us, to the utmoll fave» For tHE SOCIETY PRAYING. 197 8 O that our life might be One looking up to thee ; Evcrhaflening to the da\’, When our eyes lhall I'ec thee near ! Come, Redeemer, come away. Glorious in thy faints appear ! 9 Jefu, the heavens bow; We long to meet thee now : Now in majelly come down, Pity thine elett andcome; Hear us in thy fpirit groan. Take the weary exiles home. 10 Now let thy face be feen Without a veil between: Come, and change our faith to fight, Swallow up mortality. Plunge ns in a Tea of light; Chrifl be all in all to me. PI Y M N CCX. \_Fetter-I.ane, Little children, love one another. 1 IVER of concord, prince of jreace, VX Meek, lamb-like Son of God, Bui our unruly padions ccal'c, Extinguilh’d with thy blood. 2 Us intoclofefi union draw. And iti our inward parts, Pet kindnefs fwcetly write her law, Let love command our hearts. 3 O let thv love our hearts conflraiti; jefus tlic crucified, Wiiat hall thou done our hearts to gain, Languilli’d, and groan’d, and died ! 3 198 For the SOCIETY PARTING, 4 Who would not now purfue the way, Where Jefu’s footfleps Ihine, Who would not own the plealing fway, Of Charity divine ? 5 Saviour, look down with pitying eyes, Our jarring wulls control; Let cordial, kind affeftions rife, And harmonize the foul. 6 Thee let us feel benignly near, With all thy quick’ning powers^ The founding of thy bowels hear. And anfwer thee with ours. 7 Oh ! let us find the ancient way, Our wondiing foes to move. And force the heathen world to fay. Sec how thefe Chriflians love ! Hymn CCXI. 3. For the Society Parting. Part the Firjl. 1 A nd let ®ur bodies part, I'o different climes repair i' Infcparably join’d in heart, The friends of Jefus are! 2 Jefus the corner-done Did firll our hearts unite.f And dill he keeps our fpirits one, Who walk with him in white. 3 Oh ! let us Hill proceed In Jefu’s work below': And following our triumphant Hoad To farther conquefls go: 4 The vinevard of their Lord Before his labourers lies ; And lo we fee the vaft rew'ard Which waits us in the fkiesJ For the SOCIETY PARTING* jpg 5 Oh ! let our heart and mind Continually afcend: That haven of repofe to find. Where all our labours end ! 6 Where all our toils are o’er, Our fuffering and our pain! Who meet on that eternal fhore, Shall never part again. H V M N CCXII. \Lampi’i% Part the Second. j Happy, happy place, Wherc-faints and angels meet! There we lhall fee each other's face, And all our brethren greet. 2 The church of the firft-born, We lhall with them be blefi. And crown’d with endlefs joy return To our eternal reft. 3 With joy we fliall behold In yonder blcft abode. The patriarchs and prophets old, And all the faints of God. 4 Abraham and Ifaac there. And Jacob lhall receive The followers of their faith and prayer. Who now in bodie? live. 5 We lhall our time beneath Live out in chearful hope, And fearlefspafs the vale of death And gain the mountain-top. ft To gather home his own, God ftiall his angels fend. And bid our blifs on earth begun Indcathlcls triumphs end. .£00 For, THE SOCIETY PARTING, Hymn CCXIII. [Trmipet, 1 TESUS, accept the praife That to thv name belongs ! Matter of all onr lays, Subjeft of all our fongs: Through thee we now together came. And part exulting in thy name. 2 In fledi we part awhile,. But dill in fpirit joiti’d, To embrace the happy toil Thou had to each aflign’d : And while we do thy blell'ed will. We bear our heavert about us ftill. 3 O ! let us thus go on In all thy pleafant ways, And arm’d with patience, run With joy th’ appointed race ! Keep us and every feekiiig foul. Till all attain the heavenly goal. There we fliall meet again, When all our toils a^e o’er. And death, and grief, and, pain, And parting are no more : M^e fhall with all our brethren rife, And grafp thee in the flaming fkies. 5 O happy, happy dav, That calls thv exiles home! The heavens fliall pafs away; The earth receive its doom : Earth we fiialMiew and heaven deftroy’d, And fhout above .the fiery void ! 6 Thcfe eyes fliall foe them fall. Mountains, and flars, and fkies! Thcfe eves fliall fee them all Out of their afhts rifel For the SOCIETY PARTING. Tlicfe lips hispraifes fliall rehearfe, Whole nod rcftores the univerfe! 7 According to his word, His oath to finners given, We look to fee rcflor’d, I'hc ruin’d earth and heaven ; In a new world his truth to prove, A world of righteoufnefs and love. 8 Then let us wait the found That fliall our fouls releafe. And labour to be found Of him in fjiotlefs peace : In perfcfl holinefs renew’d, Adorn’d with Chrifl. and meet for God! Hymn CCXIV. [^Brockmer's^ Part the Firjl. 1 OD of all confolation, take VJ The glory of thy grace! 1 hy gifts to thee we render back In ceafelefs fongs of pratfe. I Through thee we now together came In finglenefs of heart : We met, Ol Jefus, in thy name, And in thy name we part. g We part in body, not in mind ; Our minds continue one, And each to each in Jefus join’d, V^'c hand in hand go on. 4 Subfifls as in tis all one foul ; No power can make us twain; And mountains rife, and oceans roll, To fever us in vain. 201 ,202 For ^the SOCIETY PARTING. 5 Prcfent we Rill In fpirit are, And intimately nigh, Wliile on the wings of faith and prayer, We eacli to other fly. 6 In Jefns Chrift together we In heavenly places fit; Cloth’d with the fun, we fmile to fee The moon beneath our feet. H Y M N CCXV. {Bexley. Part the Second. 1 /^UR life is hid with Chrifl in God : Out life fliall foon appear, And filed his glory all abroad On all his members here. 2 The heavenly treafure now we have In a vile houfe of clay : But he lhall to the utmoft favc, And keep it to that day. 3 O ur fouls arc in his mighty hand; And he lhall keep them flill : And vou and I lhall furely Hand With him on Sion's hill ! ^ Idim eye to eye we there fliall fee ; Our face like his fliall Ihine: O what a glorious company, When laints and angels join! 5 O what a joyful meeting there! In robes of white arrayed : Palms in our hands we all lhall bear, And crowns upon our head. For the society PARTING. G i hi-nlet us lawfuHv contend, • And liglvt oui- |)afiiige, through ; I’.car in our faithiul minds the end, And keep the prize in view. , ~ Then let U3 haften to the day When all (hall be Inought home !■ Come, O'Redeemer, come away! O Jefus cjuickly come! H Y M X eeXVI. ■ \lVtdntJhury. Part the Firjl. j T IFT up your hearts to things above 1 j Ye followers of the Lamb, zVndjoin with us to,praLfe his love, And glorify his name: To Jefu’s name give thanks and ling, Whofe mercies never end : Rejoice! rejoice! the Lord is King I The King is now our friend 1 2 We for his fake coant all things lofs, On earthly good look down. And joyfully fu!la\n the crofs. Till we receive the crown: O ! let us flir each other up. Our faith by works to approve { By holy, purifying hope. And the fweet tafte of love 1 S 04 For the SOCIETY PARTING. Hymn CCXVII. \}VtdneJhwy, Part the. Second. 5 "ff" OVE us, though far in flefli disjoin’d, Ye lovers of the Lamb: And ever bear us on your mind. Who think and fpeak the fame: You on our minds we ever bear. Whoe’er to Jefus bow, Stretch out the arms of faith and prayer. And let us reach you now ! 4 The bleffings all on you be fhed, Which God in Chrift imparts; We pray the fpirit of our Head, Into your faithful hearts: Mercy and peace your portion be, To carnal minds unknown ; The hidden manna, and the tree ! Of life, and the white Hone. g Let all who for the promife wait. The Holy Ghoft receive ; And rais’d to your unfinning (late, With God in Eden.live! Live, till the Lord in glory corhe. And wait his heaven to fiiare! He now is fitting up our home : Go on! we’ll meet you there! [ 205 ] FUNERAL HYMNS. Hymn CCXVIII. {Derby. Part the Firjl, 1 TT OS ANN AH to God JLI In his highed abode ; All heaven be join’d, To extol the Redeemer and Friend of mankind ! He claims all our praife, Who in infinite grace Again hath (loop’d down, And caught up a worm to inherit a crown. 2 Our partner below, Our brother in woe. From his lorrow and pain He hath call’d to the pleafures that always remain J He hath fnatched him away From a cottage of clay To a kingdom above, A kingdom of glory, and gladncfs, and love. 3 Our friend is reftored. To the joy of his Lord, With triumph departs, But (peaks by his death to our echoing hearts: follutu after. He cries. As he mounts to the (kies, Follow after your friend. To the blifsful enjovnients that never (liall o«id. S 2 o6 funeral hymns. 4 And fliall wc not prcfs To that harbour of peace, That heavenly (liorc, Where fbrrow, and parting, and death are no more Our brother purfue, And fight our wav through, In the firength of our Lord Follow on, till we fcize the eternal reward ? II V M N CCXIX. \_Sacrament. Part the Second. 1 ^''HROUGH Jefus's name X Our comrade o’ercame, And Jel'us is ours. And arms us with all his invincible powers : He looks from the Ikies, He fliews us the prize. And gives us a fign, That Efc’c.fhall o’ercome by the mercy divine. 2 The Saviour of all For us he fliall call— Shall fhortly appear ; Our day of eternal falvation is near t We too fliall remove 1 o our city above. On mortals look down. Triumphant aflcifors of Jefus’s throne. 3 For us is prepared The angelical guard ; The convoy attends, A miniltring hoR of invlfible friends: FUNERAL HYMNS. Ready wing’d for their flight 'J’o the regions of light The horfes are come, The chariots of Ifracl to carry us home, 4 They foon (hall convey, Onr fpirits away, Our fpirits that groan. And cry for redemption and long to be gone By the crofs we endure We fliall make the crown fare, By a moment of pain We all fhall a joyful eternity gain. Hymn CCXX. \_Hamiltotis, 1 T who in Jefus live. But happier flill are they, Who to God their fpirits give. And ’fcape from earth away: Lord, thou read’ll the panting heart, Lord, thou bear’d the praying figh: O ’lis better to depart, ’Tis better far to- die ! •2 Yet if fo thy will ordain, For our companions’ good. Let us in the flefli remain. And meekly bear the load : When we have our grief fill’d up, When we ail our work have done, Late partakers of our hope. And fliarers of thy throne. FUNERAL HYMNS. co3 3 To thy wife and s^racious will We quietly fulsmlt, W'aiting for redemption flill, But waiting at thy feet; W’hen thou wilt the bkffing giv'e, Call us up thy face to fee, Only let thy fervants live, And kt us die to thee. S. V/ .y>». ’7i*' 7^ ^ VA V/ .Vit. .Vat. SA. '7S •f' CONTENTS. PART I.’’ CoNTAiKiNG Introductory Hymns. Page Sc£l. I. T'X/wrling and befccching Sinners to turn to God — — — II. Dcfcribing,- i. The goodnefs of God l -— 2. Death — — i -—— 3. Judgment — ■—■ i ——-4. Heaven — —• t -5. Hell — — £ PART II. Dcfcribing trzie Religion — — 25 PART III. Sefl. I. For Mourners convinced of Sin — 29 II. --—--— Eachfiding 61 PART IV. Se£I. I. For Believers, 1. Rejoicing andpraifing God 72 -2. Fighting — — 9S --3. Praying — — 114 ' - 4. Watching — — 137 -5. Working — — 138 -6. Suffering — — 141 -7. Longingforfull Redemp¬ tion — — 147 -8. Saved — — 1(12 ■ ' ■ -- 9. Interceding — — 167 PART V. 'ScPt.\, For the Society, 1. Meeting — — 190 -2. Pruling — — 19'2 -3. Parting — — 198 Funeral Hymns — — 20j S3 O ei rO'O -H I N D E X. A p. H. A GAIN tny mournful fighs A guilty foul, by fin opprcft 30 21 35 25 Ah ! give us, Lord, to know 192 205 Ah, Lord! if I again may dare 67 59 ■All glory to God in the fky 171 181 All praife to the Lamb 161 168 All ye that pafs by 5 1 And am I born to die ) 2 7 And can we forget 82 78 And let this feeble body fail 22 15 And let our bodies part 198 211 And fhall I, Lord, the cup decline Arm of the Lord, awake, arife 141 149 ’49 155 Arm of the Lord, awake 173 182 Author of every work divine 84 80 Author of faith appear 195 209 B Being of beings, God of love , 9 ’ 89 .Blefling, and praife, and thanks, and love By faith we find the place above 49 30 c Captain, God of our ftlvation 136 141 Canft thou rejeft our dying prayer 184 195 Come, divine Immanuel, come 171 180 ■Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghofl 92 9 ’ Comfort ye miniflers of grace 53 43 Come, let us join our friends above ■ 19 13 Come Lord, come quicklv from above 188 200 1,0 nmit thou all thy griefs 103 INDEX. Como, O ihou Lamb, for Tinners {lain ('ome, O thou foul-dividing word Come then to thofe who want thine aid Expand thy wings, cclcfiial dove Fallen as I am, once more Father, how wide th\ glory fhines Father, in whom we live Father of mankind, be ever ador’d Father of mercies, hear Father, on us the Ipirit bellow -Father our hearts we lift Father, to thee I lift mine eyes Forgive tnc, O long-luifeiing God FeJuntain of being. Source of good Give to the winds thy fears Giver and guardian of my Heep Giver of concord, prince of peace Glory, Lord, to thee we give Glory to thee, whofe powerful word God of all confolation, take God of eternal majehy God of my life, for thee I pine God of my life, how good, how wife H Hail, Father, whofe creating call Hail God the Son, in glory crown’d Hail Holy Gholl, Jehovah, third Hail holy, holy, holy Lord p. H. 160 I 6-7 iCg 178 i 7 i iSS 54 ^6 66 58 77 72 --79 74 90 87 13.5 140 162 170 126 109 >37 142 5 ‘ 41 128 > 3 » -105 104 121 123 197 210 178 188 198 108 20 1 214 61 53 145 5 5 1 89 86 74 63 75 69 75 70 76 7 V INDEX. Happy foul thy days are ended Happy' the fouls that firft believ’d Happy who in Jel'uslive Head of thy church triumphant Hear, holy Spirit, bear Help, O help, my great Creator He wills that I (hould holy be Holy and true the Key Hoping againil hope I wait Hofannah to God 'How happy every child of grace •How happy is the man -How lhall a flave releas’d How weak the thoughts and vain I Jefu, come my hope of glory Jefu, full of grace for me Jefu, gentle, loving Lamb Jefu, go not far from me Jefu, great Redeemer hear jefu, hear a Tinner’s prayer Jefu, lover of my foul jefu. Redeemer of mankind Jefu, fin-atoning Lamb _ .Jefu, the growing work is thine Jefu, the all-reftoring Word Jefu, thou all-redeeming Lord Jefu, thou foul of all our joys Jefu, thou fovercign Lord of all jefu, thy wandering fheep behold Jefu, thy word for ever lives Jefu, to thee my foul afpires Jefu, we hang upon thy word Jefu, what haft thou beftow’d jefu, whither ftiall I go , Jefus, accept the praife p. H. 1 By 198 9 4 207 220 142 147 72 66 110 110 f 5 i 158 193 206 49 39 205 217 20 14 29 20 25 17 16 IX 150 156 H 4 "5 113 "3 i 37 28 42 32 112 112 109 109 6 ‘O 40 30 181 192 119 121 31 22 132 136 "7 '79 190 35 26 106 105 '■43 1.48 153 160 117 "9 200 213 1 N D E X. Jefns, in thir.c Kll-faving name Jolus is our common Loid Jefus the gift divine I know 'yefus til - ivuth, ?nd power divine fefus, thy foverci^n name I blcfs if now the bowels of thy Ipve I mourn for thofe that did run well Infinitv: God, thy greatnefs fpann’d Infinite power, eternal Lord In trouble, I feek thee, O God Join all in earth, and all in heaven L Lamb, lovely Lamb, forfinners flain Lamb of God, I fain would be Lay to thine hand, O God of grace Let heaven and earth agiee Let not the wife his wifdoin boafl Lift up your eyes, the heavens furvey Lift up your hearts to things above Lo, I come with joy to do I^ord, and am I yet alive Lord, mv time is in thine hand Lord of the harvefl hear Lord of the wide, extendc d main Lord, to thee, what fhall I fay Lord we our unbelief confefs Love, only love, thy heart inclin’d M Maflec, I own thy lawful claim Meek, patient Son of God and man My bofom fill with foftdillrefs My Father, O my Father, hear My gracious God, how firall 1 fliun My lime, O God, is in thy hand p. H.! 1.07 if'. 5 : «3 79 id'-i 139' 179 i 9 «. 144 150 103 102 177 187. 107 107 t 156 163 . 67 60 93 52 1 146 152 1 125 127 1 47 37 j 91 88 162 171 99 97 203 210 138 143 73 77 169 161 180 191 1 107 ic6 69 62 192 204 148 .134 141 146 176 186 1,11 1.35 102 101 114 114 31 42 INDEX. N No, my God, if from the way r. 3 iS H. 120 Nothing, alas 1 have I to plead Now Satan’s tyranny is o’er O O compaiTionate High-Priefl 47 3G 194 207 48 38 O enlarge m)- fcanty thought 126 J28 O God, moll merciful and true 151 157 O God of all grace 11 6 O God of gods, in whom combine 120 122 O God, of good th’ unfathom’d fca JO 5 O God of peace, and pardoning love 163 172 O God, the great, the fearful God 33 23 O God, thy faithfulnefsl plead 101 100 O God, thy truth, and power declare 187 199 O happy, happy place 19.9 212 O how fhall a finner perform 60 52 O Jefus, my reft t)2 90 O Lamb of God, to thee 56 48 O Lord our ftrength, and righteoufnefs 189 201 O may I call rav rags aCde 59 51 O may th)' powerful word lot 99 O might I with thy faints afpire 81 76 Omnifeient God, whofe eye-lids try 44 34 Omnipotent, omnifeient Lord J65 174 O my condefeending Lord 166 175 O my God, my God, forgive 62 54 O Rock of our falvation fee 157 164 O fave me, fave me, from this hour 111 111 O Saviour, caft a pitying eye 37 27 O that I had the filvcr wings 43 33 O that the love of God 68 61 O thou Father of compalEons H 5 116 O thou good Samaritan 49 40 O thou that doft the churches bear 70 64 O thou that hangedft on the tree J83 194 I N D E X. O thou who all things canft control O thou that canieR from above O thou who hanging on thecrofs O thou who haft redeem’d of old (,) throw away thy rod Our life is hid with Chrift in God P Peace be to this habitation Pnfouer of hope, 1 wait the hour R Rejoice the Lord is king Rejoice ye happy faints S Saviour and can it be See, gracious Lord, with pitying eyes See, Lord, our wavering brethren fee See, Lord, with pity fee Sent in his name thou art Shepherd of fouls, if thou indeed Sinners obey the gofpel-word Sinners your Saviour fee Sing to the great Jehovah’s praife Son of the carpenter, receive Spirit of holinefs and root Spirit of power, ’tis thine alone Spirit of fanffifying grace Spirit of truth, delcend Steel me to fliame, reproach, difgrace Still let us on our guard be found Still, O Lamb, to thee I pray T Terrible thought, fliall I alone The ciowd, the poor unthinking crowd Thee, Fathe , Son, and Spirit we The God of Abraham piaife The praying Ipirit breathe P. H. 127 130 139 144 J55 162 147 153 41 31 203 215 167 ’77 122 124 95 94 182 193 155 161 185 ’96 175 185 186 197 191 203 J30 ’34 7 3 J 95 208 94 93 140 145 86 83 85 81 ’75 184 190 201 too 98 133 ’37 63 33 24 16 170 ’79 82 77 96 95 116 118 INDEX, Thou art the end of doubtful care 'I'hou God of glorious majelly Thou God of harmony and love i Thou great niyllerious God unknown ^ Thou wilt to us thy name impart Through Jefus’s name Through thee we render God his due Thy power and faving grace to fliew To thee and thy great name True witnefs of the Father’s love Turn, thou Friend of finners, turn V ; Vain dclufive world adieu Vouchfafe to keep me, Lord, this day W Weary pf -wandering from my God What aye thefe array’d-in white W^hat though all my life was fm i " When, gryiotis Lord, when fliall it be — W’here is,my God, my jOy, my hope I While faith the atoning blood applies I W^hoare thefe that come from far I Who in the Lord confide Who is the trembling finner, who Whom man forfakes thou w ilt not leave With glorious clouds encompall round — W^oe is me 1 that wretched man ' Woe to the men on earth who dwell Y Ye heavens rejoice Ye fimple fouls that firay Yet hear, ye fouls that cleave Yet O! how quickly Lord, hafl thou F. H. 86 82 '3 1; 8 o 7.5 58 50 >58 166 206 219 87 84 164 173 133 138 j 29 132 64 55 123 125 134 139 69 63 j8 J2 j 24 126 53 44 <’5 37 167 J77 88 85 98 95 35 24 34 45 55 47 39 29 ^5 9 78 73 28 19 26 18 7! C5 I '■ r - e • It • f ;h' \ ) r i.. F ■ I-'’' \ . « h 5 ,