George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS t :; Church Directory of Leasburg Circut Methodist Episcopal Churh, South LEASBURG, NORTH CAROLINA 19 2 9 Rev. J. W. Dimmette, Pastor Residence; Leasburg, N. C. After High School— WHAT? Let Your Answer Be — ^'College'' Averett College for Young Women DANVILLE VIRGINIA offer courses, accredited by Assocciation of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the South, in High School and Two Year Standard College Work. Courses for Teachers in Public or Private Schools. SPECIAL COURSES IN Piano, Vioce, Violin, Sec- retarial and Business, Home Economics, Art, Expres- sion and Dramatics. 0 New Gym and Swimming Pool. All out door Sports. Modern Plant. Christian Home Influence. Moderate Rates For Catalog Write President W. J. Cannack DANVILLE VIRGINIA HOURS OF SERVICE ON CIRCUIT Leasburg Church: Evening 3:30 First Sunday service 7:00 p. m. Second Sunday night service 7 :00 p. m. Fourth Sunday night service 7:00 p. m. Fifth Sunday morning service 11:00 a. m. Salem Church : First Sunday morning service 11:00 a. m. Third Sunday evening service 3 :30 p. m. Union Church: Second Sunday morning service 11:00 a. m. Fourth Sunday evening service 3 :30 p. m. Hebron Church: f Fourth Sunday morning service 11:00 a. m. Bethel Church: Third Sunday morning service 11:00 a. m. Missionary Societies: ; Meets Wednesday afternon at 3 :30 p. m. after second Sun- day in each month. Warren Giles Co. Inc. | Hightowers, N. C. o- FUNERAL DIRECTORS— ENBALMING Up To Date Burial Equipment The Great Mission of the Church 'The Church is of God and will be preserved to the end of time, for the promotion of His worship and the due administration of His word and ordinances, the maintenance of Christian fellowship and discipline, the ediricat:cn of beleivers, and the conversion of tiie world. All, of every age and nation, in need of the means of grace which it alone supplies; and it invites all alike to become fellow- citizens with the saints and of th-3 household of God. The Church has a social, a spiritual and an educational mission. The great social task of the church is to secure the proper relations between individuals and groups. The spiritual aim is to help men get acquainted with God. The educational part is to teach men how to live the best possible life — the Christ-like life. **I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, there- fore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow- being, let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." Drummond. EVERY MEMBER URGED TO GIVE In this directory every member is asked to contribbute a certain amount. The minimum amount is asked of each member which is necessary to carry on the work of the church. All members are urged to pay monthly, if possible, the amount asked of them. Remember that the church expenses go on if you are absent, so please send of bring offering regularly. ''Every man according as he proposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver." Cor. 9:7. ''There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth ; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to pov- erty." Prov 11:24. "It is more blessed to give than receive." Acts 20:35. THEfLOWLKSGUUtiiliUiA LEGGETT'S DEPARTMENT STORE 52 STORE BUYING POWER O- Piece Goods, Men's and Boys' Furnishings, Shoes, Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, Notions, Hosiery, etc. -0- Distributors of Fine Quality Roxboro, N. C. STEWART CHEVROLET CO. M. A. Stewart, Prop. 0 Batteries, Tires and General Repairs on all Cars 0 Sales-Service Chevrolet Cars and Trucks MONUMENTS MONUMENTS L, D. HAYWOOD Office: Yanceyville Barber Shop Yanceyville, N. C. MONUMENTS MONUMENTS DIRECTORY OF CHljRCH OFFICERS Bishop, Edwin D. Muzon, Charlotte, N. C. Rev. J. C. Wooten, Presiding Elder, Durham, N. C. Rev. J. W. Dimmette, Pastor, Leasburg, N. C. Board of Stewards ^ H. J. Hester, Chairman of Board Leasburg: Mrs. Bessie Thompson, Chairman W. J. Pulliam W. E. Connally V. M. Stevens Salem: J. H. Hester C. E. Hester J. H. Newton Bethel: W. R. Morgan, Chairman A. C. Burch J. C. Long Hebron: A. B. Warren, Chairman P. D. Riggs J. A. Burton Union: Mrs. G. W. Trollinger, Chairman Jeter Fuqua H. C. Willis M. W. Hester S. T. Fuqua Recording Steward: W. E. Connally, Leasburg Charge Lay Leader: H. J. Hester, Hurdle Mill District Steward: J. C. Long, Prospect Hill Sunday School Superintendents i Leasburg: W. J. Pulliam, Leasburg Salem: N. H. Hester, Hurdle Mill Hebron: J. E. Murphy, Corbett Union: H. C. Willis, Leasburg Bethel: J. C. Long, Prospect Hill Trustees of Church Property Bethel : J. C. Long, W. R. Morgan, A. C. Burch Union: G. W. Trollinger, H. C. Willis, M. W. Hester Hebron: P. D. Riggs, J. A. Burton, A. B. Warren ' Salem: H. J. Hester, J. H. Newton, Dr. C. M. Bradsher Leasburg: W. J. Pulliam, G. B. Connally, R. I. Newman GREENSTONES DEPT. STORE HEAD TO FOOT OUTFITTERS O- We Sell For Less Always O ROXBORO N. CAROLINA ROXBORO LAUNDRY CO. Kirby Brothers, Props. Roxboro, N. C. WE KLEEN CLOTHES KLEEN DRY CLEANING OUR SPECIALIST OUR MOTTO: We Clean Everything Except the Baby MOORE MARKET Our Meats Are Kept, With Zealous Care, And Our Prices, Are Quite Fair. ROXBORO N. CAROLINA J. E. LATTA & CO. GENTS FURNISHINGS DRY CLEANING, PRESSING and TAILORING Phone 61 OPPOSITE CROWELL AUTO CO. Main St. t Roxboro, North Carolina | LEASBURG ROLL Salary $405.00 Conference claims half of salary Name Address 1 — Arvin, Clyde Lcasburg $ .40 2 — Arvin, Mrs. Clyde Leasburg 3 — Bradsher, Mrs. Emma Leasburg 4 — Bradsher, Margaret Leasburg 5 — Connally, George Leasburg 6 — Connally, E. T Leasburg 7 — Connally, Mildred .Leasburg 8 — Connally, W. E Leasburg 9 — Connally, Mrs. W. E Leasburg 10 — Connally, Julian Leasburg 11 — Connally, Eugene Leasburg 12 — Clayton, George L Leasburg 13 — Clayton, Mrs. George L Leasburg 14 — Clay on, Ercell Leasburg 15 — Clayton, Elwood Leasburg 16 — Clayton, Julius Lee Leasburg 17 — Clayton, Genera Leasburg 18 — Clayton, C. H Leasburg 45 19 — Clay.on, Clinton Leasburg 20 — Clay;on, Edna Leasburg 21 — Clayton, Raymond Leasburg 22 — Clayton, J. B Leasburg 23 — Crowder, Dottie Raleigh. 24— — Denny, Ellis Leasburg 25— Denny, Blanche Leasburg 26 — Denny, Bert Leasburg 27 — Dimmette, Mrs. J. W Leasburg 28— DimmetLe, Pattie Gunner Leasburg 29 — Dimmette, Joel Powell Leasburg 30 — Dimmette, William N Leasburg 31 — Dimmette, Robert M Leasburg 32 — Fuquay, Mrs. Lessic Leasburg 3 3 — Glavitt, Herman Hopewell, Va 34 — Glavitt, Bertha Roxboro 3 5— Glavitt, J. H Roxboro 36 — Glavitt, Mrs. J. H Roxboro 37 — Glavitt, Hattie M Petersburg, Va 38 — Glavitt, Mrs. John H Roxboro 39 — Hester, Howard 40 — Hester, Mrs. Howard 41— Hester, N. H 42 — Hester, Randolph 43 — Hester, William 44 — Hester, Steadman 45 — Hester, Eleanor 46— Hamlet, A. J 47 — Hamlet, Bertha 48 — Lea, Miss WilHe 49 — Moss, Mrs. Lula - 50 — Newman, S. P 51 — Newman, Mrs. S. P 52 — Newman, Sallie B 53 — Newman, Annie W ')4 — Newman, R. I 55 — Newman, Mrs. R. I 56 — Newman, R. P 57 — Newman, Robert, Jr 58 — Newman, Sarah 59 — Nutt. Lessie Bell Month I ear $ .40 $ 4.80 .25 3.00 .25 3.00 .05 .60 1.67 20.00 1.00 12.00 .50 6.00 1.00 12.00 .45 5.40 .20 2.40 .20 2.40 .45 5.40 .10 1.10 .05 .60 .05 .60 .05 .60 .05 .60 .45 5.40 .20 2.40 .05 .60 .05 .60 .45 5.40 .25 3.00 .20 2.40 .05 .60 .05 .60 .50 6.00 .10 1.20 .10 1.20 .10 1.20 .10 1.20 .20 2.40 .35 4.20 .. .10 1.20 .25 3.00 .10 1.10 .10 1.10 '10 1.20 .50 6.00 .10 1.10 .10 1.10 .10 1.10 .05 .60 .05 .60 .05 .60 .35 4.20 .10 1.10 1.00 12.00 .40 4.80 2.50 30.00 .25 3.00 .85 10.20 .35 4.20 1.15 13.80 .25 3.00 .85 10.20 .05 .60 .05 .60 .10 1.10 Raiffs For — Quality — Style and Service at Very Low Prices 0 RAIFF'S DEPTARTMENT STORE Roxboro, N. Carolina WALKER INSURANCE AGENCY ^ All Kinds of Insurance and Bonding Protection that Protects O- Roxboro, N. C. Telephone 13 > ♦ ♦ 0 » Follow the Crowd to- MILES PHARMACY W. H. Morriss, Manager Prescription Specialists Phone 114 Roxboro, N. C. Name Address 60— Pullman, W. J 61— Pullman, Mrs. W. J 62 — Pullman, Mattie L 62— Smith, J. R 64 — Smith, Mrs. J. R 25 65— Stephens, V. M 66 — Stephens, Mrs. V. M 67— Stephens, J. W 68— Stephens, Mrs. J. W 69 — Solmon, Garnet 3 5 70 — Solmon, Mrs. Garnet 71 — Thompson, Bessie 72 — Thompson, Anabel 73 — Thompson, Richard E 75— Tatum, W. R 76 — Tatum, Nettie 76 — Whitlow, Mrs. Mary E 78 — Whitlow, George 79 — Whitlow, Mrs. Carrie 80 — Whitlow, Dora 81 — Whitlow, James Robert 82— Whitlow, Ruth 83 — Whitlow, John 84 — Whitlow, Martin 85 — Whitlow, Evelyn 86— Wade, Will 87— Wade, Mrs. Will 88 — Wade, James Sidney 89 — Wade, Lorena 90 — Wade, Janie 91 — Wade, Norwood 92 — Wade, Josephene 93 — Wade, Katherine 94 — Wreen, Nevina 95 — Winstead, Nash L 96— Winstead, Mrs. Nash L 25 97— Winstead, Edith 98 — Winstead, Hattie May 99— Winstead, Wesley 20 100 — Winstead, Keith 101 — Winstead, Dorthy 102— Winstead, Ralph 103 — Winstead, Annie C 104 — Winstead, Lizzie Bell 105 — Pleasant, Corrina 106 — Pleasant, Robert Month Year 2.50 30.00 .25 3.00 .40 4.80 1.00 12.00 .25 3.00 1.00 12.00 .25 3.00 1.00 12.00 .25 3.00 .35 3.00 .35 3.00 2.10 25.20 2.00 24.00 .85 10.20 .85 10.20 .40 4.80 .25 3.00 .25 3.00 .25 3.00 .25 3.00 .20 2.40 .05 .60 .05 .60 .05 .60 .05 .60 .50 6.00 .25 3.00 .35 4.20 .25 3.00 .10 1.10 .20 2.40 .05 .60 .05 .60 .10 1.10 .40 4.80 .25 3.00 .15 1.80 .15 1.80 .20 2.40 .10 1.10 .10 1.10 .10 1.10 .05 .60 .05 .60 .05 .60 .05 .60 BETHEL ROLL Salary $250.00 Conference claims half of salary Name Address Month Year 1— Broach, M'ss Bettie Cedar Grove $ .25 $ 3.00 2_Burch, A. C Prospect Hill 85 10.00 3— Burch, Sallie Prospect Hill 85 10.00 4_Burch, Opheha Prospect Hill 10 1.00 5_Burch, Mrs. A. C Prospect Hill 40 4.00 6_Burch, Harvey Prospect Hill 45 5.00 7_Grooks, Waldon Prospect Hill 45 5.00 8 — Brooks, Nannie Long Prospect Hill 25 3.00 9_Clayton, Ruth Brooks Prospect Hill 25 3.00 10— Clayton, Clifton Prospect Hill .40 4.00 ll_Carver, Pearl Tally Prospect Hill 25 3.00 12_Carver, Burley Prospect Hill 45 5.00 Sell Your Next Crop With The Planters Warehouse Roxboro, N. C. — 0- "The Home of High Prices and a Square Deal to One and All" 0- Wo R Wilkerson and J. M. Brewer, Props. : I FARMERS HARDWARE CO. Hardware for the Home and Farm ▼ ^ Roxboro N. Carolina I t I LONG BRADSHER & CO. Headquarters for Hardware and Farm Machinery I <■ Roxboro N. Carclina x Name Address Month Year 13— Carver, John D Prospect HiIL.„ 70 8.00 14 — Carver, Gattis Prospect Hill 15— Carver, Ernest Prospect Hill 40 4.00 16 — Denny, Bertie Moore Prospect Kill 25 3.00 17 — Evans, Mary B Graham 18 — Francis, Hattie Thompson Ridgeville 20 2.00 19— Francis, Alex 25 3.00 20— Fuquay, Allie Prospect Hill 20 2.00 21 — Hightower, Mary F BurHngton 20 2.00 22— Hightower, John S Prospect Hill 1.25 15.00 23 — Hightower, William Prospect Hill 45 5.00 24 — -Hightower, Julie Sanatorium 20 2.00 25 — Hightower, Daniel Prospect Hill 45 5.00 26— Long, J. C Prospect Hill 85 10.00 27— Long, Mrs. J. C Prospect Hill 25 3.00 28— Long, Katie Prospect Hill 15 1.80 29— Long, Myrtle Prospect Hill 15 1.80 30— Long, A. C Prospect Hill 85 10.00 31 — Long, Mrs. Louise Hightower Prospect Hill 45 5.00 32— Long, C. J Prospect Hill 85 10.00 3 3 — Long, Mary Hightower Prospect Hill 40 4.00 34— Morgan, Wm. R Prospect Hill 2.10 25.00 3 5— Morgan, Raney Prospect Hill 45 5.00 36 — Morgan, Irene Prospect Hill 45 5.00 37— Rudd, A. G Prospect Hill 45 5.00 38— Rudd, Mrs. A. G Prospect Hill 20 2.00 39— Rudd, Joe Prospect Hill 45 5.00 40— Rudd, Mrs. Annie Prospect Hill 25 3.00 41— Rudd, Mrs. Hill Prospect Hill 25 3.00 42— Rudd, Molhe Prospect Hill 15 1.80 43 — Thompson, Mrs. Albert M Prospect Hill 25 3.00 44 — Thompson, David James Prospect Hill 25 3.00 45— Thaxton, J. L Prospect Hill 10 1.20 46 — Thaxton, Mrs. Susan Prospect Hill 10 1.20 47 — Thaxton, Mamie Fcatherstone Prospect Hill 45 5.00 48 — Talley, Myrtle Warren Prospect Hill 25 3.00 49— Talley, Burch Prospect Hill 45 5.00 50— Watson, Hurley Prospect Hill 20 2.00 51— Hughs, J. M Prospect Hill 45 5.00 52— Hughs, Mrs. J. M Prospect Hill 20 2.00 53— Hughs, Vannie Lee Prospect Hill 10 1.20 54 — Hughs, Hazel Prospect Hill 10 1.20 55— Hughs, Kelly Mack Prospect Hill 10 1.20 HEBRON ROLL Salary $263.00 Conference claims half of salary Name Address Month Year 1 — Burton, J. A Hightower $2.10 $25.00 2 — Burton, Mrs. J. A Hightower 50 6.00 3— Burton, Henry G Hightower 1.75 18.00 4 — Burton, M'ss Martha Sue Hightower 50 6.00 5— Burton, T. J Carr 1.25 15.00 6— Burton, Hugh D Carr 20 2.40 7— Cheek, Mrs. Lessie Watson 45 5.00 8_Cheek, Hughes Watson 50 6.00 9— Fitch, Emma Union Ridge 50 6.00 10 — Fuquay, Nettie Fitch Corbett 45 5.00 11 — McMullian, Nannie Hightower 45 5.00 12— McMulhan, Dan Hightower 60 7.00 13_Wilkins, Francis Hightower 30 3.50 \4 — Murphy, Charles Corbett 70 8.00 15_Murphy, Mrs. Charlie Corbett 25 3.00 t Vass-Mobley Hardware Co. Inc. Wholesale and retail Hardware, Roofing, Mill Supplies, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Packing, Valves, etc. O- 230-232 Main St. Phone 1584 Danville, Va. Fannye Mandle Kiddie Shoppe Outfitters of Infants' and Children's Wearing Apperal 435 Main Street Danville, Va. DANVILLE MACHINE WORKS | GENERAL MACHINE and ELECTRIC REPAIR SHOP Your Patronage is Solicited 215 Lynn Street Phone 2430 Danville, Va. Name Address Month 16 — Nicks, Mrs. Ruth Corbett 45 17 — Pointer, Hulda Danville 18 — Rudd, Mrs. Lula Hightower 45 19 — Carr, Blanche Burlington 45 2C— Riggs, P. D Hightower 1.25 21— Riggs, Mrs. P.. D .' Hightower 25 22— Riggs, Frank Prospect Hill 45 23 — Riggs, Mrs. Frank Prospect Hill 20 24 — Riggs, Massy Corbett 50 25 — Riggs, Miss Sallie M Hightower 15 26 — Riggs, Lucile Hightower 10 27 — Riggs, George Hightower .65 28— Riggs, Fehx Hightower 25 27 — Riggs, George Hightower 10 28 — Riggs, S. Felix Hightower 65 29 — Riggs, Mrs. Felix Hightower 25 30 — Wilson, Mrs. Robena Hightower 20 Smith, Mrs. S. H Hightower 65 30 45 31— 32 — Smith, Joseph Hightower, 3 3 — Smith, Dewey Hightower 3 4 — Smi'-h, Silas .. 3 5 — Oakley, Ossie Lee Hightov/er 65 .Prospect Hill 45 36 — Hamlet, Elex ' Hightower 85 36 — Hamlet, Mrs. Elex Hightower 25 38 — Hamlet, Robert Hightower 40 39_Warren, W. B Corbett 85 40 — Warren, Mrs. W. B Corbett 45 41 — Warren, Elsie CorbeLt 25 42— Warren, A. B Corbett 85 43— Warren, Mrs. A. B Corbett: 45 44 — Warren. Miss Ila B Hightower 45 45 — Warren, W. Frank Corbett. 46— Warren, Mrs. W. F Corbett. 47 — Warren, Mrs. Mabel B Corbett. 48— Warren, Wihie Corbett. 49— Warren, Arthur Pennix ..Corbett. 50 — Warren, Francis Corbett 51 — Murphy, ]. E Corbett 52 — Murphy, Mrs. J. E Corbett 53— Dobbins, T. T H 54— Dobbins, Mrs. T. T H 5 5— Burch, Mrs. Mildred H 56— Kimbro, Arch H 57 — Griggs, Mrs. Tom H 58 — Warren, Eleanor H 59— Warren, Pvalph WilHam H 60 — Smith, Mrs. Dewey H 61— Moore, Mrs. J. W H 62— Burton, Zeb C H 63 — Burton, Drewry F H .85 .45 .20 .20 .10 .10 1.25 .45 ghtower 60 ghtower 30 ghtower 20 ghtower 20 ghtower 20 ghtower 05 ghtower 05 ghtower 20 ghtower 25 ghtower...... ghtower Year 5.00 1.50 5.00 5.00 15.00 3.00 5.00 2.40 6.00 1.50 1.10 7.50 3.00 1.10 7.50 3.00 2.40 7.50 3.50 5.00 7.50 5.00 10.00 3.00 4.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 2.40 2.40 1.10 1.10 15.00 5.00 7.00 3.50 2.40 2.40 2.00 .60 .60 2.40 3.00 5.00 5.00 SALEM ROLL Salary Name Address 1— Bradsher, Dr. C. M Hurdle Mills. 2— Bradsher, Walter Hurdle Mills. 3 — Bradshaw, Mrs. Katie Hurdle Mills. 4 — Bradsher, W. Lenwood Hurdle Mills. 5 — Bradsher, James Lewis Hurdle Mills. 6 — Bradsher, Margaret Hurdle Mills. 7— Bradsher, Mary Hurdle Mills. $455.00 alary Month Year $2.50 $30.00 2.50 30.00 .25 3.00 1.75 20.00 .45 5.00 .20 2.00 .10 1.00 dCPENNE^ 501 Main St. Danville, Va. "WHERE SAVINGS ARE GREATEST" Ready-to-Wear Furnishings Millinery Dry Goods Clothing Woman's Furnishings Notions Work Clothes Infants Wear Shoes Hats Corsets EFIRD'S DEPARTMENT STORE Durham N. Carolina "WE SELL FOR LESS" A Department Store Catering to the Needs of the Whole Family Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, Shoes, Clothing, Piece Goods, Rugs, Trunks, etc. Visit the Sample Store when in town We cloth the family from head to foot. Sample's goods always the best W. E. ASHLEY, Manager Roxboro N. Carolina Burlington Business College L. M. CANNON, Principal Our courses are thorough and practical. Our prices and terms reasonable. In- formation on request. Burlington North Carolina Name Address Month Year 8— Bradsher, Lewis A Hurdle Mills 1.50 18.00 9— Bradsher, Nannie H Hurdle Mills 25 3.00 10— Bradsher, R. Frank Hurdle Mills 75 8.00 11— Bradsher, Kenith Hurdle Mills 85 10.00 12— Abbot, Mable Hurdle Mills 45 5.00 13— Abbot, Larue Hurdle Mills 10 .75 14— Abbot, Gertie Hurdle Mills 10 .75 15— Baynes, Dr. R. S Hurdle Mills 2.50 30.00 16— Baynes, Phihp Hurdle Mills 45 5.00 17 — Baynes, Aubry Hurdle Mills 45 5.00 18— Blalock, J. A Hurdle Mills 25 3.00 19— Ball, L. C Hurdle Mills 25 3.00 20— Clayton, J. T Hurdle Mills 1.25 15.00 21— Hester, B. F Hurdle Mills 1.35 16.00 22— McAdams, Pauline Hurdle Mills 50 6.00 23— Hester, R. A Hurdle Mills 1.75 20.00 lA — Hester, J. E Hurdle Mills 75 9.00 25— Hester, Mrs. J. E Hurdle Mills 25 3.00 26 — Hester, Eugene Hurdle Mills 85 10.00 27— Hester, Geha Hurdle Mills 85 10.00 28— Hester, Myrie Hurdle Mills 29— Hester, H. J Hurdle Mills 1.75 20.00 30— Hester, Mrs. Claudia C Hurdle Mills 25 3.00 31 — Hester, Lewis Hurdle Mills 3 5 4.00 32— Hester, Carl E Roxboro 1.75 20.00 33 — Hester, Mildred Roxboro 10 1.10 — Long, Jelf Davis Hurdle Mills 85 10.00 3 5— Long, Mary Eliza Hurdle Mills 20 2.00 36 — Long, George T Hurdle Mills 85 10.00 37— Long, Walter Woodson Hurdle Mills 45 5.00 38— Long, Luther Davis Hurdle Mills 45 5.00 39— Long, Byrd Jackson Hurdle Mills .45 5.00 40 — Long, Joe Samuel Hurdle Mills 3 5 4.00 4]_Newton, J. H Hurdle Mills 2.10 25.00 42— Pleasant, Hubert Hurdle Mills 25 3.00 43— Pleasant, Lillian Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 44_p^udder, John H Hurdle Mills 45 5.00 45— Rudder, Annie Graham Hurdle Mills 20 2.00 46 — Solomon. George Hurdle Mills 75 8.00 4^— Solomon, Mrs. George Hurdle Mills 20 2.00 48— Terry, Bertha P Hurdle Mills 25 3.00 49 — Thompson, Mamie C Hurdle Mills 85 10.00 50_Tatum, T. G Hurdle Mills 85 10.00 51— Tatum, Mrs. T. G Hurdle Mills 25 3.00 52— Tatum, H. T Hurdle Mills 45 5.00 53 — Tatum, C. Dewey Hurdle Mills 50 6.00 54— Tatum, Bettie Lou Hurdle Mills 10 1.10 55_Whitefield, Irene Tatum Hurdle Mills 25 3.00 56— Whitefleld, OpheHa Hurdle Mills 2.5 3.00 57_Warren, Effie B Hurdle Mills 1.3 5 16.00 58_Warren, Patsy Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 59— Wren, Walter Hurdle Mills 50 6.00 60— Long, Mrs. L. D Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 61 — Long, Mrs. Byrd Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 62— Hester, Rosaline Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 63 — Stevens. Margaret EHza Hurdle Mills 05 .60 64— Holt, Gregory Zanc Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 65— Clayton, Mrs. Daniel Hurdle Mills 20 2.00 66— Bov/ers, Clem Hurdle Mills 45 5.00 67— Bowers, Mrs. Clem Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 68— Bowers, Mrs. Ada Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 69— Bowers, Clyde Hurdle Mitls 10 1.00 70 — Bowers, Maggie Dunevanth Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 Efird's 'Our Motto" Your Moneys Worth or Your Money Back O EFIRD'S DEPARTMENT STORE ^ street Danville, Va. J J. W. GREEN & SON Watchmakers and Jewelers Roxboro N. Carolina I For Style, Quality and Courteous Service I Shop at — t Belk's Department Store, Durham, N. C. Leggetts Department Store Roxboro, N. C. and Belk-Leggett Co., Danville, Va. ] t — and Save the Difference ; t ^ Name Address Month Year 71— Phelps, R. P Hurdle Mills 50 6.00 72— Solomon, Alma Hurdle Mills 10 1.00 UNION ROLL Salary $285.00 Conference claims half of salary Name Address Month Year 1— Bradsher, Mrs. Fleda Hurdle Mills $ .20 $ 2.40 2 — Briggs, Nannie K Leasburg 20 2.40 3 — Briggs, Mary C Leasburg 20 2.40 4 — Briggs, Annie Leasburg 20 2.40 5— Barrs, Lucy Topnot 10 1.10 6 — Barts, Mamie Topnot 05 .60 7 — Burch, Mary Hamlet Leasburg 20 2.40 8 — Carmichael, Lacy Topnot 10 1.20 9 — Carmichael, Jake Topnot 25 3.00 10 — Carmichael, Flora Topnot 05 .60 11 — Clayton, Lemine S Topnot 20 2.40 12— Cobb, Felix Yanceyville 50 6.00 1? — Cobb, Mrs. Major Yanceyville 50 6.00 14 — Cook, Alice Donevant Yanceyville 20 2.40 15 — Donevant, Maude Leasburg 10 1.20 16 — Donevant, Lessie Leasburg 15 1.80 17 — Donevant, Troy Leasburg 25 3.00 18 — Donevant, Martha Leasburg 10 1.20 19 — Everette, Lonnie Yanceyville 20 2.00 20 — Everette, Bernie Yanceyville 45 5.30 21 — Fuquay, Trixie Yanceyville 15 1.80 22 — Fuquay, Irene Yanceyville 25 3.00 23 — Fuquay, Pauline Yanceyville 05 .60 24 — Fuquay, Hildah Yanceyville 05 .60 25 — Fuquay, Parrott Yanceyville 25 3.00 26 — Fuquay, Jeter Yanceyville 50 6.00 27 — Fuquay, Thelma Yanceyville 05 .60 28 — Fuquay, Lois Semora 15 1.80 29— Fuquay, Walter Corbett 10 1.20 30 — Fuquay, Harvey Corbett 10 . 1.20 31 — Fuquay, Daniel Topnot 25 3.00 32 — Fuquay, Nannie Blanche 20 2.40 3 3 — Fuquay, Lihie Yanceyville 20 2.40 34 — Fuquay, Linwood Yanceyville 20 2.40 3 5— Fuquay, Howard Milton 20 2.40 36 — Faquay, Pearl Blanche 05 .60 37 — Fuquay, Jessie Blanche 10 1.20 38 — Fuquay, Sidney Corbett 1.60 12.00 39 — Fuquay, Nat J Yanceyville 50 .600 40 — Fuquay, Agnes Yanceyville 20 2.40 41 — Fuquay, James A Yanceyville 40 4.00 42 — Fuquay, Floyd Milton 25 3.00 43 — Fuquay, Chalmers -.Blanche 50 6.00 44 — Fuquay, Ernest Blanche 50 6.00 45 — Fuquay, Annie Lee Corbett 20 2.40 46_Fuquay, Robert Corbett 25 3.00 47 — Fuquay, Wm. Frank Semora 25 3.00 48 — Fuquay, Florence Milton 20 2.40 49_Fuquay, Nat L Yanceyville 25 3.00 50 — Fuquay, Ruth G Topnot 20 2.40 51 — Fuquay, Ivey Corbett 20 2.40 52— Fuquay, Clyde Corbett 20 2.40 53 — Fuquay, Mrs. James Corbett 20 2.40 54— Fuquay, Thomas Yanveyville 25 3.00 5 5_Fuquay, Nellie Burlington 10 1.20 CROWELL AUTO COMPANY, Inc. Ford Sales and Service 0 WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS 0 YANCEYVILLE N. CAROLINA "We Furnish the Home Complete" Furniture, Stoves and Ranges Rugs and shades RADIOS and VICTROLAS RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. MEBANE N. CAROLINA CHAS. HOLEMAN & CO. Shoes, Hardware, Groceries Feed and Farm Implements o- i t ^ t Phone 8 Roxboro, N. C. t t I Name Address Month Year 56 — Fuquay, Lewellen, Blanche 20 2.40 57— Fuqual, Gus Blanche 20 2.49 58— Ford, Martha Prospect Hill 10' 1.00 59 — Farmer, Myrtle Fuquay Liberty 20 2.40 60— Griggs, Ben F Prospect Hill 10 1.20 61— Griggs, Bettie T Prospect Hill 10 1.20 62 — Hamlet, Fannie AHce Hightower 20 2.40 63 — Hamlet, Catherine Topnot 05 .60 64 — Hamlet, George Topnot 05 .60 65 — Hamlet, Loftin Topnot 05 .60 66 — Hamlet, Mary F Leasburg 20 2.40 67 — Hamlet, Jasper M Leasburg 25 3.00 68 — Hamlet, Sarah F Leasburg 20 2.40 69— Hamlet, Vella Topnot 15 l.SO 70 — Hamlet, Lena Leasburg 20 2.40 71— Hall, Neta Webster ;Reidsville 20 2.40 72 — Kimbro, Minnie Leasburg 20 2.40 73 — Long Reuben Burhngton 45 5.00 14 — Long, John Prospect Hill 25 3.00 75 — Lunsbord, Ruth Willis Yanceyville 20 2.40 76 — Lunsford, Gilbert Leasburg 25 3.00 77 — Lunsford, Virgie Leasburg 15 1.80 78 — Love, Emma Leasburg 15 1.80 79— Long, John M Topnot 15 1.80 80— Long, Sallie Lee (Griggs) Prospect Hill 10 1.20 81 — Lunsford, James N Leasburg 40 4.00 82 — Matlock, Eugenie Yanceyville 25 3.00 83— Matlock, Lena 20 2.40 84— Matlock, Tommie 10 1.10 85— May, Bettie W Leasburg 20 2.40 86 — Noonkester, Josie Leasburg 20 2.40 87— Oliver, Deliah Yanceyville 0 2.40 88 — Peterson, Nannie A Leasburg 15 1.80 89 — Peterson, James A Leasburg 25 3.00 90 — Pleasant, Mrs. Laura Yanceyville 20 2.40 91 — Peterson, Lottie S Leasburg 20 2.40 92 — Pleasant, Moroe Leasburg 20 3.00 93 — Pleasant, Roy Leasburg 25 3.00 94 — Peterson, EHa Leasburg 20 2.40 95— Parrott, John Leasburg 25 3.00 96 — Parrott, Oldham Leasburg 25 .60 97 — Parrott, Estelle Donevant Leasburg 20 2.40 98— Philips, Nina Leasburg .15 1.80 99— Riggs, Mary Prospect Hill 20 2.40 100— Rudd, Ola Pleasant Leasburg 15 1.80 101— Richmond, Mary E Topnot 05 .60 102— Richmond, Francis Leasburg 10 1.20 103— Richmond, Lillie Leasburg 10 1.20 104 — Richmond, Spencer Leasburg 10 1.20 105— Swan, Wade H Blanche 25 3.00 106— Swan, Mrs. Nita Blanche 20 2.40 107 — Swan, Mrs. Maggie Blanche 20 2.40 108 — Swan, Lois Blanche 10 1.20 109 — Swan, Elsie Blanche 05 .60 110 — Swan, Margaret Blanche 05 .60 111 — Stephens, Mrs. Nannie Leasburg 45 5.00 112_Stephens, Fletcher Paces, Va 1.00 12.00 113_Stephens, Fehx Danville, Va 25 3.00 114_Smith, Minnie W Prospect Hill 20 2.40 115 — Trollinger, George W Leasburg 45 5.00 116 — Trollinger, Mrs. Annie Leasburg 25 3.00 117— Trollinger, Frank New York City 25 3.00 118_Wade, Mary Hurdle Mills 10 1.20 119— Wade, Flem, Leasburg 20 2.40 For Comfort — Durability and Restful Sleep we Recommend to You ^ Besty&Resl Demand that your Furniture Merchant show you a Mebane Bedding Company Spring and Mattress. There are Mebane Dealers in — 1. Danville, 2. Durham, 3. Roxboro 4. Burlington What Do You Expect of a Boarding School? You Expect- 1. Superior Academic Training 4. Congenial Atmosphere 2. Special Subjects 5. Attractive Home 3. Sympathetic Attitude 6. Recreation 7. Progressive Institution These and Other Features are Providied at RANDOLPH-M ACON SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Danville, Virginia John Simpson, M. A., Principal Write for Catalogue Name Address 120 — Wade, Mrs. Flem Leasburg 121 — Wade, Josephine Leasburg 122 — Wade, James A Leasburg 123 — Wade, Conelia Leasburg 124— Wade, Willie Hightower 25 125 — Wade, Fannie Hightower , 126— Willis, James Hurdle Mills 127 — Willis, Glennie Phillips Leasburg 128 — Willis, Henry Leasburg 129— Willis, H. C Leasburg 130— Willis, John B Leasburg 131 — Willis, Hattie B. Lee Leasburg 132 — Willis, Bertha L Leasburg 13 3— Wilhs, Nat T Leasburg 134 — Willis, Jennie Leasburg 13 5 — Willis, Mollie Leasburg 136 — Lunsford, Julius Leasburg 137 — Webster, Hylon Leasburg 138 — Webster, Monroe Leasburg 139 — Webster, Lucie Leasburg 140 — Webster, Hallie Yanceyville 141 — Webster, Mary Yanceyville 142 — Wilkins, John H Leasburg 143 — Wilkins, Alonza Leasburg , 14^ — Woody, May F Hightower 145 — Woody, James Hightower 146 — Floyd, Mrs. Lessie Leasburg 14^^ — Briggs, Hulon Leasburg 148 — Briggs, Clara Leasburg 149 — Willis, Alice Leasburg 150 — Hamlet, Emma Leasburg 151 — Martin, Hulda Burlington 152— Oliver, Sam 153 — Oliver, Marvin , 154— Oliver, Wm. A 25 155 — Tonps Fanme Lee - 156 — Lunsford, Myrtle Leasburg 157 — Anderson. Mazelle - Corbett 158 — Bennett, Bessie W 15 159 — Cobb, Mattie Yanceyville 160 — Cook, Ruth Birch Yanceyville 161 — Elobl, Mary Leasburg 162 — Cardin, Lizzie Fuquay 165— Griggs, Thomas 166 — Wade, Robert Leasburg 167 — Webster, Mrs. Hattie Month Year .20 2.40 .20 2.40 .50 6.00 .15 1.80 .25 3.00 .15 1.80 .25 3.00 .20 2.40 .10 1.20 .50 6.00 .25 3.00 .15 1.80 .15 2.40 .25 3.00 .20 2.40 .25 3.00 .25 3.00 .05 .60 .50 6.00 .20 2.40 .10 1.20 .10 1.20 .25 3.00 .25 3.00 .10 1.20 .20 2.40 .10 1.20 .10 1.20 .10 1.20 1 n 1 on .10 1.20 .20 2.40 .20 2.40 .20 2.40 .25 3.00 .25 3.00 .20 2.40 .20 2.40 .15 1.80 .15 1.80 .15 1.80 .10 1.20 .10 1.20 .45 4.00 .25 3.00 .25 3.00 The advertisements in this book made possible its publica- tion. Patronize these merchants and tell them that you saw their ad, that they may know you truly appreciate what they have done. spencers' Funeral Home Funeral Directors and Embalmers Ambulance Service I Monuments I t Day Phone Night Phone t 47-M ROXBORO, N. C. 47-D i Caswell Development Company Yanceyville, N. C. Brokers in Real Estate Office Messenger Building Phone 13 Buy Your Furniture from — T. W. Pass & Son Roxboro, N. C. We carry everything in Furniture, also a complete stock of Pianos, Talking I Machines and Records Your Banking Solicited, Appreciated and Protected OQO First National Bank Roxboro, N. C. :; UNDER SUPERVISION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ c. ^04 Z99m v.l 372436 Nos. 1-lS TJ.n, FleligloijR PftTiphleta CALL NUMBER Vol. Date (for periodical) Copy No. N.C. 204 Z9m: v.l 57243 OS. 1-18