'-/ [House Bill, No. 214.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, November 18, 1864— Road first and second times, and referred to the Committee on thi^ Judi- ciary. November 22, 1864.— R'^ported back Tivorably. November 26 1864 — Amended, engrossed, read a third time, and passed. A. R. LAMAR, Clerk. SENATE, November 30, 1864.— Read first and second times, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. December 8, 1864. — Reported with an amendment, and bill and amendment ordered to be printed. A. J5ILL To define and punish conspiracy against the Confederate States. 1 Section. 1. T/ie Congress cf the Confederate Slates of America do t enact, That if two or more persons within any State or Territory 3 of the Confederate States shall, with intent to injure the Con- 4 federate States, conspire to subvert, overturn, or destroy by 5 force, the Government of the Confederate States, or to oppose, 6 by force, the execution of any law of the Confederate States, or, 7 by force, to hinder, delay, or' prevent the execution of any law 8 of the Confederate States, or to seize, take, possess, or destroy 9 any property of the Confederate States, against its consent, or to 10 prevent, delay or hinder, by force or fraud, the transportation 11 of supplies of men to, or belonging to, the army of the Confed- 12 or (<<» Statpq. or to destroy or injure any road, boat, engine or IS work employed in sack transpjrtation, or to hoM any secret 14 communication or intercourse with an enemy of the Confederate 15 States, or to aid or abet the enemy in his war upon tbe Confed- 16 erate States, or persons in rebellion against the same, or to 17 promote disobedience of lawful military orders, mutiny or deser- 18 tion, or unauthorized absence, in the army of the Confederate 19 States, or among the soldiers in the military service, each and 20 every person so oflfending shall be guihy of a high crime, and, 21 upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding 22 five thousand dollars, and shall be impiisoned, with or without 23 labor, not exceeding five years : Provided, That for offences 24 under this law, persons who belong to the army or navy, or per- 25 sons connected with the military service, shall be tried by a mil- 26 itary court or court-martial, and citizens shall be tried by 27 indictment or presentment, giving them the right of a jury 28 trial. AMENDMENT Proposed by the Committee on the Judiciary to the bill (H. E,. 214) to define and punish conspiracy against the Confederate States. 1 Strike out the proviso in the bill, and in lieu thereof insert as 2 follows : Provided, That any person charged with any offence 3 mentioned in this act, if such person be in the military or naval 4 service of the Confederate States, may be tried by a military s 5 court or court-martial, and, if found guilty, shall be punished G by fine and imprisonment, as hereinbefore provided, or such 7 other punishment, not capital, as the court shall adjudge ; and 8 if the person charged bo not in the military or naval service aa 9 aforesaid, such person shall be tried in the District Court of the Jli Confederate States for the proper district. ^ 8 8^ fen ^