#^/3 ,,-«i*' •^^ECIAL INSTKUCTIONS TO ^r\ ■ ^^ [. VVlien app!4c;itioa for exemption is made by ^!Viy,.sliociaiker, tisnuer, biucksinitli, wagou-makcr, i:r.ll(;r^uiill eijgiaotT, or inilKwriglit, not in tile • ..ipl'iynicut of n, company or ekablisliment, bufi \- i;:l^);^»ior liim:?elf", t!ii^p;ii\t^',seeskiiig oxeHiption ' %;.!li ,»t.Tif^n vfrit^jg, un?ler oMh/'tlnl lie" was 3.") f y*r.-t of af;c on tlie IGth of AprH^HCS, tint lig is >:;i!lt'd iiiid actually cn\pli)jeTlvu^is Vud.»aHe; ..•.id was so employed on rhe lllli day of October, ]'6""i, tliat lie i.s h.ibitually engaged in working for ! ill.' public; that the pi'odi'.ct,s ot iii.s labor, while (. semi t from military service, shall not be sold, (jii hinged or bartered for :i price exceeding the 1 o.-t of pro luctioii ami seventy live per cent, pro- t.t (hereon; and that he will not, by any ariange- i.i'iii, shift or contrivance, ev;-.de the law, or re • •.■ive a greater price or reward than it allows. II. \N'here apulicatou is made to exempt super- i.uendents and cppratives in wool and cotton fac- ioies and paper mills, and superintendents and inmagcrs of wool carding machines, shoemakers, liinner.J, blacksmiths, wagonmakers, millcis, mill oiigiiieers or mill wriglits, not v.orking for them- selve.*, but in the employment of some company iir rstabrishment, the iJicsidenl or some director, if tlio company be incorporated, if not, the pro- prietor of tlie business, or if there be a firm, some partner Lhertin, shall make oath in writing tliat ;!ie said superintendents, operatives, managers or lac ci.anie.;, as the case may be, are skilled and ac- iiially cnTjjloyed in their said vocations; that they are i..i.j'iiiui'i_\ '^ I'-^ii'n ^or Ihc pub'ic; that they are absolutely necessary for the successful prosecution of the business ol liie cmcern; that the products ol tlicir iabor shall not be sold, or exchanged, or barter- ed, during the said cxi'inption, for a price exceed- ing tlie CO -^t of produclijn and seventy -five per cent, p: olit thereon; tiiai no^hift, contrivance or arrange- ment shall be made to c\ade the law, or to secure a l:'.rgcr return or profit than it allows; and that 'Xcmption is not souplit for a larger num'-er of persons than is absolutely necessary for the sue cess'''.il prosecution of the business of the concern. III. The foregoing idHdavits ^hlll be made b^ f.)ie some justice of the peace or other person au- t'.-.oiized by law to administer oatiis, and if tuch • ju-tice or other person be not personally known to the enrol ling olH'.-er to be what he purports to be, his otiici il cliar.icter and his right to administer oatlis must be certitied by the ekrk of some court of :i: 111-, uiidei the seal of his court. IV. The aHJdaviis shall be returned to thoCom- muidant of Conscripts, and exemptions shall be {.ranted by the enrolling iiflici-r. It, however, he saspect false swearing or mi.-take, lie shall refuse the excm|ilio!i, and rel'''i tliecisc, after first en- loliii g the name.' of the p'srtics in iiuestion, to tiic Coiiiin.uidant of Conscripts, who will dispose of 't. If at any timethe enroiiins odicor iiave ciuse to suspect false swearing or mistake in the fore- going alUdavils, he shall report the fact to the Commandant of Conscripts, andl if the com- ^mandant be satisfied, after due investigation, that a larger number of persons is designedly ei:^loyed - than is necessary, or that a larger proQt tli^ the law^iUowsls recel\^ed either directlyor indi^Cly, he ^vill (^r^er the enrollment of the parties ex- empted upon the said affidavits. V. Applications for exemptions must, in all cases, be made to the Enrolling officer, from whose decision an appeal m.iy be taken to the Command- ant of Conscripts. The Commandant of Con- scriptr- will not consider lu-i application until it has been acted on by the Enrolling officer, (whose ac- tion must be endorsed on the application,) and re- fered to the Commandant of Conscripts. VI. Ministers of religion making application to be exempted as such, must make outli in writing before some officer authorized to administer oaths, that they are authorized to preach according to the rules of their sect, and that they were in the regu- lar di-charge of their ministerial duties on the lltli of October, 1862, and have been so continuously employed since. VI I. Persons making application for exemption for any cause, other than such as are named herein, must ill all ca-;es .':tate their age in the affidavit upon whicli the application is based. VIII. Persons who have been exempted on ac- count of vocations which they have abandoned, must be put in the service at once; and mechanics who have been exempted must keep on hand a sup- ply of luaterial, necessary to keep up their shops and business, and must not exceed the charges de- scribed in paragraph No. 1, of these instructions. If they do, they forfeit their exemptions, and all such must be put in the army. IX. Agents, ov>ners and overseers of plantations of twenty negroes must state in writing upon oath made bolbroaomc officer authorized to administer oaths according lo law, that they were 3.') years of age on the IGth of April, lt-'62; and that there is no other white male adult not liable to military service on the plantation under their controU. X. Physicians claiming exemption must state in Willing, on oath made before an officer authorized to adiuiuister oaths, tliat they were 35 years of age on the 16th of April, 1862; and that they now are, and were for the last five years preceding the lltli of Oct., 1862, engaged in the actual practice of tlieir profession. XI. All exemptions heretofore granted not in con!'ormi;y with these instructions, are hereby re- voked. B. F. DANLEY, Coiii'dt Conscripts, District Arkansas. Offick Coiv.manuant Co.nscripts,^ Utile Rock, April 21. 1863: J OT a/iori ou^'iT^ Re i^ > - # / Hollinger Corp. pH8.5