r? / London is generally Icok'd upon to be nopn* ly-the moft Magnificent, but withal the Aoft happy City in Europe-^ however, thishapDnefs is not the bare effed of a lucky Situatiq, or the particular Opportunities (he en joys of)ton- courfe, the Number of Inhabitants, or tlVlike, but rather the effeA of her Good Lawsjand a Wife and well conftituted Government /with- out which her ftately Buildings wouldpe but ftately Heaps ,* her Opportunities of Coimerce ulelefs and infignificanc ; and the mujtude of Inhabitants that are now fo much her Cpry and her Ornament, would be then her S^uie and Difgrace, andatlaft her Ruin. London is indeed a very happy Ci/ ; happy in the enjoyment of many Royal fi-iviledges and immunkies, and happy in man excellent Laws peculiar to her felf ; her ony Unhappi- nefs is, that her Laws, &c, are ei»er con find B / within ' It^tRODVCtlOK within Old Charters, in Words not very intelli- gible, which I have here taken care to explain; or fcacter'd about in fuch little Parcels and Frag- ments, that many of them are quite worn out, others almoft forgot, and the reft of little ufc to the generality of the Inhabitants. My defign therefore in the following Sheets, isto provide a Remedy againft this, by redu- ^ng all her Ancient Laws, &c, into fuch a plain nd compendious Method, that they ,m ay not •nly be of ufe to the Praditioners in the refpe- tive Courts, but likewife to every other prfon that has any concern in the Corpora- tin. begin firft, with An JhJ^raB of the Great Ghrter of Confirmation^ granted to the City of Loflon , in the i ^th Year of the Reign of Kin Charles the Second, &c, wherein are re- Q\tQ(,verbatim , all the Charters from Wtlltam the C^queror, to that prefent Year, AN A N Abftradof the Great Charter OF CONFIRMATION, 15. Car. Secundi WlSiam the Conqueror grants the City of ji^.cevq.r.Ut* London Two Charters ; in the firft of ter i. i. which he confirms to them the Laws they en- joyed in the Reign of King Edward the Confejfor, Ed^. Covfef. appoints every Chil d to be his Father's Heir af- Laws cen- ter his Death ; and promifes to fufFer no Man ^^"^ to do them v/rong. tiemy the Firft grants them likewife a Char- ter, wherein he grants the Citizens of London ^^ ^ to hold Middkfex to Farm for Three Hundred Pounds , upon Account to them and their MtddX^iivm^A. -Heirs. He grants them the Privilege to t choofe a She- 1 Sheriffs cho rifF, to keep the Pleas of the Crown, and not f^"- to plead out of the Verge of their City : To be x^Sofn-^ free from Scot and Lot, and from * Dam-guilty f^c everyHide and from all Murther ; excufes them from wag- of Land inthe ing of Battel, and grants that if any Citizen Realm.impo- be impleaded concerning tl^ Pleas of the ^£';J^^^pJ" J* B 2 Crown D»nei. 4 Tl:e Charters of the tL€ftaiT»,Tcu- Crown, the Man of London (hould difcharge rlijre ^"^ "" ^2 further grants, that none dial! lodge in the J! Pall ge, the City oF London by force, and that the Citizens Hire a Man fliould be free froiH all ToU t and Leitage, and paysfortranf. || pafT^g-, and from all other Cuiloms through- 'iVke^aLi- ^"^ Evigiand. And that the Churches Barons bertyjnCourc ^^^d Citiz?ns ihould peaceably hold their *Sokes, allow'ci to and that the Stranger that fliould be lodgd in Tenants, a ^XiQ Sokes, fhould pay Cuftom to him only to Powerrohold ^^^^^ ^j^^ 3 1^^ ^^^j^ j^^j^ OF tO his Of- Courts, riea - &' "^ of Coanacb*, "icer. Covenant?, He further grants th^t no Citizen Hiould be Feta, Lib. i, amcrc d above loo j. for any Pecuniary Punifli- + M^k ' niGnt ; that there fliouid be no f Miskenning in achangin' thQ Ht^f/^tngs , noF in the Folk Mote, nor in Speech in'' any other Plea within the City. That the Court. Hu(lmgs fit once a Week, and that the Citizens Amerce- enjoy their Debts, &c. according to the Laws HuftTncr^. of the City. That Debts contracted within the Attachments. Verge of the City, be fued for in London ; he Cliais aj d gives them liberty to bring Attachments in M^i- hunt. thernam^ to have their Chafes and Hunt in Cbil- tre, Mtddlefexy and Surry, in as full and ample manner as any of their Anceftors ever had. -. Henry the Second grants them another Char- Monvers Fo. ^^^t t>V which he confirms to them all their reigT fenures former Priviledges , and withal further grants, I! Bridrol . .1 that no Citizen excepting only hisMonyersand Duty for paf- Officers, (hould be impleaded without the Walls B?id»e* of the City, but only in Foreign Tenures. He * csniwite, further grants them to be free from aU|! Bridtol, 9nd\Asaron ^ Childwitc, tj^refgive and \\ Scotalc, and to wnrdfignify- hold the fame by Inheritance for Uiem and their "I'^rrpr; Heirs of him and his Heirs. of your Bon;l-Womftn gotten with Child without" vour confenf. f JersP* give, an old T<'11 in t!ie Time of the Saxons. W Scotage, a Punifhmenc for an Officer xh-xx. keep.m.Qh.2, Southwark granted. £<^w.III.Ch.3. Cuftoms ac- cording to Aiagj/aCbarfa. Edw.m.Ck^. Maces of Gold and SH- fiZ. The Charters of the He likewife grants that no Purveyor, or any other Officer belonging to him , or his Heirs ftould make any Price of the Goods belonging to Citizens without their confent, nor make any Price of their Wines againft their Wills, &c. He likewife forbids his Purveyors, or other Offi- cers to merchandize in any Commodity that re- lated to their Office. That all Lands, as well without, as within the City, belonging to the Officers of the Market be kept harmlefs, &c. He alfo grants that no Market be within Seven Miles of London. He likewife grants that all Inquifjtions be taken by the Ju/^ices of London, in St. Martins le Grand , and not elfwhere, ex- cept the InquiCitions to be taken for the To-wer oi London , and Goal Delivery of J^ewgate : And alfo he grants, that none of the Freemen of the faid City (hould be Impleaded or trou- bled at the Exchequer, or elfewhere, by Bill, ex- cept it be by thofe things that concern us and our Heirs, &c. In his Second Charter he grants to the City of London the YilhgQ of Southwark, with the Appurtenances, paying yearly at the Exche*, quer the Farms rherefore due and accu- ftomed. In his Third Charter granted to the City of London, the Tork 3tatute is recited, wherein isen- aded. That all Merchant Strangers as Englifh ihould fell their Commodities, of what fcrtfoe- ver, at any Cities, Towns, or Boroughs, not- withftanding their Charter: Liberties, &c, granf- ed to the contrary. Never thelefs, the Citizens of London are to enjoy their Guftoms according to Magna Charta,&'c, In his Fourth Charter he grants. That the Serjeants of London may bear Maces of Gold OT Silver within the Liberties of the City of City of LonJon. i 5 of London, or without in their Attendance upon the King or Royal Family. In his Fifth Charter he grants to the City of 5'^'^^. "* London, That the Merchant Strangers coming ,vieich!nc into England fliculd board with a Free Hoft of btrangtrsto the City, and not keepHoufes, and that there board, und fhould be no Brokers from henceforth, but what JJ"^^" ^^^P were chofenby the Merchants which belong fo theMyftery, in which the faid Brokers exercife Brokers. their Office. In the fame Charter upon the Humble Peti- tion of the Mayor, Aldermen, &c. The King in Parliament grants to the C ity of Lcndon,That no Stranger Ihould fell any Goods by retail, or Strangers not keep any Houfe, or be a Broker in the faid City ^*^}^^^ ^y ?«" or Suburbs. Henrj/ the Fourth in his Charter granted f/;„„iy to the City of London for himfelf and his Heirs, to the Citizens and their Heirs, to have Cuftody of the cuftody as well of the Gates of Ne'wgate and, ^^^^'^• Ludgate, as of all other Gates and Pofterns be- „ , . longing to the faid City ; with the Office of ga- jolh ""^ thering all Tolls and Guftoms in Cheaf, Billingf- gatCy znASmithfeldy and alfo the Tronage, J. e, Tronage, the weighing Lead, Wax, &c. Edward the Fourth in his Firft Charter grants Edv. IV. to the City of London, for the more firm and en- Ghar. i^ tire eflablifliment cf the Good Government of the fame, That thev hold and enjoy all their Li- Liberties and berties, and Free C'uftoms, as whole and found ^"^7'""* as they had, and held them in the time of any of his Progenitors. He likewife grants. That Mciynr, Re- the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, and fuch <^^^^^^: and Aldermenas have been Mayors Hiall be Juiliccs ^;idJTufti- of the Peace for the putting all Ordinances ccs. ^ which are for the prefervation of the Peace and Good Governa)SJct of the City, and of tie Siilnrbs \6 Sheriffs. Accendant. Cuf^oms dc' clar'd by word of Mouch. Mayor and Aldermen exempted from Juries, I The Charters of the Suburbs and Liberty thereof, as well by Land as Water in Execution ; and that the faid May- or, Recorder, and Aldermen be jultices of O^^r and Terminer, and that the Mayor for the Time being, and his SucceiTor s be of the Quorum. And that the Sheriffs of the Cicy of London be at- tendant upon the faid Juftices, and aiding and aflilHng to them in prcferving the Peace of th« Cicy, as aforefaid, faving always to the faid Mayor , Recorder , Aldermen and Citizens their Cuftoms, Liberties, &c. He farther grants to the City o^ LonJoTt, That the Cuftoms of the faid City be certified and re- corded by Word of Mouth ; and that the May- or and Aldermen of the City, and their Succef. fors do declare by the Recorder whether the Things under <3ifpute be aCuftom or not; and alfo grants to the Mayor, Aldermen, and i om- monalty of the faid City, that there be no for- feiture of the Premifes upon the account of any Non-Uferor Abufer, &c. He alfo grants to the faid City, That all per- fons inhabiting within the fame, or the Suburbs, or Liberties thereof, rtiould be contributary in proportion to their refpe<5live Faculties, &c. fo all Taxes, Grants and Talliages, e^c. excepting only the Merchants oi Almain, which had a Houfe in London commonly called, Ths Guild- hall of the Almains. He likewife grants the Aldermen of the faid City iliould not be put upon Adizes, Attaints or Juries, fo long as they continue Aldermen, and that thofe that have bore rhe Office of Mayor, fliould be utterly exempted for ever. He alfo grants, That the Aldermen of London fliould not be Colledors or Taxers out of the Cicy ; and if they (hould be chofen to any of the faid Offices, they fhould not incur any Pe- nalty City of London. l y nalty or Imprifonment , upon the account of their refufal. And whereas there were certain Doubts con- cerning the ufe of fome Liberties belonging to the Town of 5c«fi6M'rfr,^, formerly granted to the Citizens of LonJ.on by King Edward the Third, this King grants to the faid City in very large and extenfive manner the faid Town of Siutb- ^g^^r.^^^;, wark, with all the Appurtenances; and alfo all granted," Waifs, Eftrayes, &c. and all Treafure in the Town aforelaid, of all Handiworks, Goods, FelonsGcoJ?. and Chattels of all Felons, Fugitives, and Out- Laws. He alfo grants all Goods difdaimed, or found in the faid Town, with all Efcheats and Forfei- Errheafsand tures, as fully and wholly as he Ihould have, if orhcr Forfsi- the faid Town were in his own Hands ; and ^^■^^' that it (hall be lawful for the Mayor, &c. to put themfelves into pofleffion thereof. He alfo grants to the Mayor and Commonal- ty of London the Aflize of Bread, Wine, 6^c. and '^^; °f \^iauals, and thiiigs faleable in the faid ^"=^'^''^^*' Town. He alfo grants them the Clerkfhip of the Mar- ket belonging to the faid Tovin,with all Forfei- tures and Fines; and that the Execution and Return of Writs, c^c. be by the Officers of the ^'".^'^^ ^^ City of London and that neither the King's ^^^'> ^'' Clerk of the Market , nor the Sheriff of Surry do in any refpedl intermeddle therein. He alfo grants to the Mayor, &c. to ho'd a tair three days in the Year, w^:,, the 7th, 8th and 9th days of Septemkr, and that they may * pypnpjir , 3 from time to time have a Court of ^P^fowdtrj, C-vrc hddin With all Summons, Attachments, c?"<:. belong- j'''^*^""^' Ing to the fame, and alfo that they may have a ^'5 ^^ iw Yie'^ commitred thertio. I 8 The Charters of the tFrankplcdg, view of t Frank pledge^ with all that thereunto a Pledg and sppeitailiethj &c. Security for Freemen of fourteen Ycus of Age, except Clerks and Knights, their f ndin? Security towards the King and bis Sub jcfts, ot elfe that they were to be lent to Piifon He alfo grants that the Mayor, Commonal- ty, or their Deputies may take and arreft all Fe- lons, Thieves, &c. and commit them to New- gate, which are apprehended in Scut hv^ark; and further grants to the Mayor and his Succeflbrs, &c. Tl'at they may forever have theTown afore- faid, with all the Liberties, &c. in as large a manner as if the fame were in his own Hands, paying for the fame only Ten Pounds, for the Ancient Farm, the Rights of the Archbifliop of Canterbury only excepted. Ehf. IV. jj^ j^jg Second Charter he grants to the May- II Tounige, a ^^» Commonatly^c^f. the (I Tounage and weigh- Toil orDury ing of Wool, by whom, or from w?hatfoever Parts for weighing brought to thefaid City of London, and that all Goods. Wool that formerly was brought to the Staple of IVefi-minfier, be henceforth brought to Le^^f/»- Hall, within the faid City ; and. That there be no other Staple within three Miles of the fame, tiv). IV. I" ^^^^ Third Charter hegrants to the Citizens Char. 3. of London, &c. upon their releafing of 1925 /. - — 9 s. — 8 J. out of a certain Sum of 12923/. Porchafein — 9 /. — 8 d. then owing to the City from Monniam. ^\^q King,Licenfe to purchafe 200 Marks fer anv, in Mortmain ; and alfo grants to any perfon liberty to grant to the City oi London 2ooMarks pr ann. in Mortmain, asaforefaid, to enjoy and hold the fame, without any Letters Patents, or any Inquifition upon any Writ of ad quod dam" fium, or any other the King's Commandments, &c. with privilege to have as many Writs of ad qmd damnuniy as fiiall be fufficient for their City of London. 1 their utraoft fadsfadion for the faid Sum of 1923/.— 9/. — 8^. In his Fourth Charter he grants to the faid Edw.lV. Citizens of London in Parliament, in confidera- ^^- 4- don of the Sum of 7000 /. the refpedive Offices ■ of Packing, Portage, Garbling, Gauging, S;"„f^t and Wine drawing, the fame to be ex- ecuted by them, or their Sufficient Depu- ties He likewife grants to the faid Citizens, in rojo^gj' Qr confideravion of the Sum of 7000 /. as afore- g^e &e. faid, the Office of Coroner, with Power to the Mayor and Commonalty to grant the faid Of- fice of Coroner to whom they pleas'd .; and al- fo that the Ma} or and Aldermen, &c. as afore- faid, might have full Power and Authority to exercife the faid Office of Coroner : He caufes the Offices of chief Butler and Coroner to be divided, and made two feparate and diftintfl Of- fices — ^and that no other Coroner, but t'xxa Co- roner belonging to the City of London do inter- meddle in any refped- in the faid City. Hsr.T} the Seventh grants to the City by his Uen. Vlt Charter, That if any Stranger fo the City of London buy any Wares or Merchandize of any perfon, being likewife a Stranger to the faid Ci- ty, That all Merchandizes fo bought Ihould be Strangers forfeited, e^c. That any Perfon may buy any ^"y'"i^ ^^ quantities of Commodities in Grols, but not ro ^""8^**'^'^ lell again. He likewife confirms to them the Of- Gaugsr. fice of Gauger within the faid City , to hold the fame with ^11 Fees, Profits, &c. Bern) Villi in his fir'l Charter grants, I'hat uen. VIIL the In^miitidiiSj &Ci formerly taken in St.Mar- Gh. i . imi k Gfitndi Ifec'tiid be from henceforth taken 'nquifitionj n -^ • taken. 20 Hen. VIII. Cb. 2. Keeper; of the Great Beam and Common Ballance. Edrp. VI. South war k Park,8cc. Mannorof ScutJrs»ark, and Mona- ftf y of ner- The Charters of the in Lon^Jon^ except onlylnquifitions taken in Eyre in the Tower of London j and for the Goal Delive- ry of Newgate. By his Second Charter he cancels %\x William StJne/s Patent relating to the great Beam and Common Ballance belonging to the City of London, and declares, That the keeping the faid Beam and Weights pertaining to the City by Prefcription; and orders, That the Weights and Beams for weighing MerchantsCommoditiesbe, and ought to be in the Hands of Perfons chofen by the Mayor and Commonalty ; and that they fhall have the Tronage ; that is, the weighing of Wax , Lead , Pepper , AUom , &c. and be Keepers of the Great Beam, and Common Ballance. In the fame Charter the Mayor, Commonal- ty, and Citizens are ordained Keepers of the Beams, Weights, &c. with Power and Autho- rity to make and aflign Clerks, Porters, &c. of the faid Great Beam and Ballance, and of the Iron Beam, and of the Beam of the SttH-Tard and Weights aforefaid with all the Fees and Profits thereto belonging without Account, &c. Edward thtSmh in his Charter grants to the Mayor of London, &c. feveral MelTuages in South'- -ivark, with their Appurtenances, excepting the Capital MefTuage , called Southv^ark Place , The Park and Antdofe, with all the Garden Ground, Buildings, &c. thereto belonging—-. He further grants the Manor of Southwark, belonging to the late Monaftry of Bermondjeyy with ail the Appurtenances, and alfo the Man- ner and Borough of Southwark^ late Parcel of the Poffeflions of the Archbiihop of Canterhtirj, with feveral other Lands, Tenements, c^<:. in as full and large a manner as the Duke of Suffolk, or City of London. 2 i or any Abbot of Bermondfey, or Archbiihop of Centerbury did enjoy the fame; and in as full and large a manner as the fame came , or ought to have come to his Father Hemy VIII, &c. He likewife grants in confideration of 5-00 Marks paid into the Treafury, &c. feveral other things to the Mayor, d^-^:. T^/^i. Waifs, Eftrays, Treafure found, Goods of Traytors , Felons, Fugitives, Out-laws, and ' Deodands, andal- *D'ocland' fo all Efcheats and Forfeitures formerly belong- Latn figni- . ing to the King and his Heirs, d^r. fits a thing gi^enroGod for the pacification of his wrath for any Accident nhereby a Chriftiaa conies to his Death wirhout the default of any Reafonable Creature- as if a Horfe kill hi<( Keeper, or a Carr run over a Man, the Creature'and Inftruments are forfeited to the King , to be diftributed to the Poor. Healfo grants. That the Mayor and Com- monalty ftiould have the Affize of Bread, Wine, Beer, and Ale,d"c. and whatfoever did belong to the Clerk of the Market j as likewife the Execution and Return of Writs , Warrants , &c. He further grants to the Mayor, &c. as afore- faid, to hold a Fair for three Days every Year in ^o'^ihwark Soutbivarky with a Court of Vypwdtr^ with all ^^'^^' Liberties and Free Cuftom to fuch a Court ap- pertaining. He likewife grants them a Vievjr of Frank- Pledge, together with all Summons, Attach- Summons, ments, Arrefts, IlTues, Profits, &c. which there- aS^s^X^^ * fore may, or ought to belong to the King, his ' Heirs, and SuccelTors, &c. He alfo grants them Liberty to apprehendFe- lons. Thieves, and other Malefadors witlinths faid Town, Borough, e^c and to carry them to f^jo^s fene Nev'gatej there to be kept till they fhali be deli- to Nexp^ate. C 3 vered 11 The Charters of the ] Jury of Peiring in Lindon. Plaints and Pleas ar;fi.->w "ixxSiu: -'-ark Coroners. Eicheators. Clarlc of the Marker. Franchife?, Stallage, Pickaoe, d:. Inhatiranrs Miyo;'j CJo- vernnisnc. vered by due coarfe of Law : And alfo grants, That the Mayor, Commonalty, &c. have the fame Liberties in the Borough and Town afore- faid,asthe King fliouldhave, provided the fame were in his Hands. He iikewife grants, That they fhould hold^ Pleas in Lcndon for Ms-tters in Southwark, ano^ that the Jurors in Scutbwark making default be- fore the Mayor and Sheriffs of London^ fl^ould forfeit their Iflues, and fuffer fuch Amerce- ments as the Men Impannelled and Sum- mon'd in the {aid City cf London are lia- ble to. He further grants, That the May or and Com- monalty, &c. have cognizance cf all manner of P'eas, Anions, Piaint8,and Suits Perfonal arifing in Scuihivark ; and alfo grants. That the Mayor, . e^c, maychuferwo Coroners in 5^. and that no Coroner belonging to the King have any power to ir^ternieddle there. He Iikewife Grants, that the Mayor of Leri' don be Efcheator in Soutbwark^Tind that no other Echeator intermeddle : And that the Mayor of the faid Ciiy of Low^fl.-?* be Clark of the Market in Scuthwarky and that the King's Clark oi the Market do not intermeddle, &c. He further grants, that the Mayor, Commo- nalty, c^c, of the City of London enjoy all Fran- chifesj Stallages, Pickages, dc which any Arch- Bilhop of Cd^.r?r/-»r/, or the faid Duke of 5//Jfc/^, &c. did enjoy ; and that none of the King's Of- ficcrsorMinilrers do intermeddle in any refpei^fc in the faid Town and Borough of Sowh- He Iikewife grants, That all and lingular the Lnhabjrants of Scuthvark be under tbf^ Magiflra- cy and Governnienr of the Mavor and Officers cf Lor^drj, as the Citi7.cns anc3 Inhabitants of the City of London. 2 5 the faid City be, and that the faid Ma:yor, &c. have the fame Jurifdidion in Scutlwark as in London, &c. He grants alfo, That the Mayor , Recor- M-voraiKl det and Aldermen , that are Juilices of the Aldermen Peace in London, Tnall be Juflic^s of the Peace in l^^'f^' ^^ Sctitbwark ; and that there be Markas in South- ^"-^^'^''^^ , wark. four Days a Week. Provided neverths- lefs, that this Grant doth not prejudice the Stew- ard of the King's Houfe,. &c. He moreover grants to lave the City harmlefs againft all * . orodies. Rates, Fees and Annui- ties, given out, or to be paid out of the Premi- * q^j.^^,, - , fes, refervingto hifr.felf the Ss vices in the faid Sum of Mo- Charter referv'd, and the Fee Farm of 10 /. per ney, or aa y^^ff^ Allou'ance of Meat and Drink due to the King out of a Religious Houfe, towards the muinfe- nance of ons of his Servants , which he Ihall think fit to make a PenG' oner there. King James the Firft in his Charter, grants Jamst the Mayorjd^'c. to be Chief B.\ylitf and hive the ^^'^ '• confervation of the River of Tbarnes , and the Extent of his Jurifdidion to be Weft ward to „ ..^ - . Staves Bridge, m the County or Aaudlejex, and ^i^,^ p£ Eaftward as far as Kendal, alias, TenJal, or 7>e«-. Thames, bet, with ail the Fees and Profits thereunto be- longing. He likewife grants to the Mayor, &c, to have Meafurersof the Ofrice of meafuring all toals and Grain, CojUand and of all Salt, Apples^jC^r. and to take the Fees Grain, Cf. and Profits belonging to the faid Oilice, to the fole Ufe of him the faid Mayor, &c, without any let or hindrance of the King, or any other Perfon, and to hold the faid Office without ac- compt, and that no other Water-Bay liff, Con- fervator, or Meafurer intermeddle : And the Grants of the laid Offices to remain firm to the C 4 MayoiT ^4 King Jamesl, Chair. 2. All Liberties prcftored. Preclnfts de- term in d. Duke's- Place, Black- Fyers, While- iryers. ceat antlLit- tJeSt Bartho- lomevo's. Cold Har- bourgh. Juftic.s of Ojer and ltr~ vumr. Tl?e Charters of the Mayor, d«r. notwithftandinganyNon-Ufer, or Abufer of the fame. King James in the Preamble of this Charter makes a full and general confirmation of all for- mer Charters granted to the City of Lon(lon,^nd repeats the feveral Names of the Corporations , of London ; *and likewife grants them a Rettitu- tion of all Liberties to all Intents and Purpofes, as fully and largely as their Anceftors enjoy'd them ; and although they have not ufed or abu- fed their Cuftoms, neverthelefs he grants, that they may ufe them for the time to come. He grants llkewi{e,That they hold their Pre- mifes as they were formerly accuftomed, and determines the Liberties of the City of London to extend and ft retch forth likewife to Dukes- pLce, St. B^nholofnzws Great, and Lefs, Black- Fryivs. Whtte-FrytrSj and Cold-Harhourgh, and the refpedive Inhabitants thereof, to be within the Precind of London, withaProvifo that the In- habitants of Black and fP kite- Fryers be exempt from certain Taxes, Fifteens, &c. and that the Inhabitants aforefaid be quit from the Office of Conftable, Scavenger, &c, Neverthelefi he grants, That theMayor,e:^r. by their own Officers may levy all fuch Aids, Tallages, Grants, and Contributions which are not excepted in the faid Charter; and that the Juftices of London fliouid hold Jurifdidion in Black-Frjers^Wbste'FrycrSj Dukes-flacCj Great ^n^ Little St. Bartholomew's , and Cold LLirbourgb , with power to take Security for the preferva- tion of the Peace, and to commit the llefufers to Prifon — - . He further grants. That the Mayor and Re- corder, and fuch other Juftices that are cuftoma- rily Jultices in the Cicy,to be Juftices oiOyer and Terwiner^ City of London. 2 5 Terminer, and that the Mayor for the Time be- ing, and the Recorder be always of the Quo- rum, and that no other Juftices do intermeddle in the City and Liberties aforefald, and that the Sheriffs of London be aiding and affifting to the faid Juftices. He likewife grants. That all Treafures found Treafure; within the faid City, all Waifs, Eftrays, and Trove, Waifs all Goods and Chattels of Felons, Fugitives, &c. ^^"ys* ^^• belong to the Did City, and that they have thefe Letters Patents under the Great Seal, without any Fes or Fine in the Flamper, &c. In his Third Charter London is ftiled his Roy- jamtsl. al Chamber, and therein is granted, That the Char. 3. City have the M6afuring of all Coals brought to r,^^i^ meafa- the City of London, as likewife che weighing of rgj. Coais, with ail the Fees and Profics belonging to the fame ; and that the faid Office be execu- ted by the Mayor, or his Deputies. In the fame Charter the Fees for weighing of Coals are fetled at 8 d. per Tun, the fame to be g ^. p^^ Xun to the ufeofthe Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London ; and withal it is provided, that No unlading no Merchant unlade his Coals till the Mayor till Notice. have notice, to the intent, that having a true Eftimate of the Quantity of Goals brought to the City of Lor.dcv, he may be able tofatisfy the King in that Particular when demanded. In the fame Charter all forftalling andregrat- Foreilaliin? ' ing of Coals is prohibited, all felling of Coals of Coals, and by Retail in Lighters forbidden, and no Markets rerailing in for the future to be in Lighters. And further ^'fi^^ers. he grants. That if after the Sealing of thefe Let- ters Patents any defeds fiiould appear, others jdiould be granted more advantageous and ef- fectual. King i6 Car. I. Ghar. i; Liberties re- ftored. Soil of the Streets and Thames, Charters of Hen. VI. ifiadc void. Mayor, ^ Re- corder, and AlJsrmen madejufti- ces. Sefllons to'in- quire of Weif hr.« and Medfbres.d'"f. JocJiiaments, Froceff, &c. The Charters of the KingCharles the Firft begins his Charter with an acknowledgment of the good Services of the City of London, and confirms all their former Letters Patents, except thofs in the fame Char- ter excepted. He likewife repeats the feveral Names of the Corporations of London, and makes aReftitutionof all their Liberties, except fome few that are therein excepted. In the fame Charter a Recital is made of the Charter of the 26th oiOBober, in die z^d Year of Hen. VL and likewife the Soil, &c. of the Streets, and of the Thames, granted co the City; and then ail the Charters of the faid King Hen- ry the Sixth are made void, and fome Doubts mentioned concerning the validity of the Char- ter granted to the City of London the ^otb of Henry the Seventh ; after which the faid King Ci&Wej grants as follows That the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen belonging to the City of London be Juftices of the Peace ; and to commit thofe to the Prifon of Newgate, &c. who fh^ll refufe io find Secu- rities for the prefervation of the Peace, as afore- faid j' and to do and execute all fuch things which Juftices and Keepers of the Peace in any County of England do , or are wont to do. He likewife grants, That Four of the faidju- ftices, the Mayor, or Recorder to be always one, may hold a Seffions, to enquire into feveral Of- fences, 'vix,. into Weights and Meafures, and felling Vi(5luals contrary to Statutes, &c. To receive and infped into Indictments taken be- fore ti-r?>Tt, to make and continue Piocefs, and punlfa Ofi^nders according to the Laws of the Kingdom, and the Cuflom of the City. And alfo grants them power to execute the Lav./s as fj!!y City of London. 27 fully and largely as any other Juflices of the Peace in any other County : And that the She- riffs; &c. attend, z\d and aflift the faid Juftices whendefired. He aifo grants them the Forfeicure oFRecog- Forfeitures of nizances, particularly thofe relating to Baliard- ■^^'^j?"'^*"' Children, Inmates and Alehoufes, with Pvscog- ^^J^^'' ^""" nizances for Appearances at the Sefficns cf Goal-Delivery , Fines and liTues of Jurors within the City of London'^ excepting only Roy- al ilTue , &c. He like wife grants them all Recogn5z;?nces taken, cr to be taken, for the Security of the Peace or Good Bebaviourj with all Recogni- zances taken in the Court for the River of pj^g^ ^, Thames, and all things thereunto appertaining ; mercements, as likewife all Fines, Amercements and Penal- and Penalties, ties adjudg'd by the Mayer. &c, relating, or any ways belonging to his faid Courts, as Con- fervator of the River of Thames ; and alfo all Fines, d^c. impofed by Commiffioners of Sew- ers, the fame to be holden to the faid Mayor, &c. without Account. He likewife grants to the Mayor, Commo- nalty, and Citizens of London, and their Succef- fors, the Fields commonly known by theName uoor-fields of MooY-Fkldsy both Outward andlnwa^'d, and granted, likewife the Field commonly called Wefr-SvArh- f^c. ihould be Gover- nor of the faid Hcfpi.tal of Bethlehem, and that the Revenues &c, be applied to the Ufes before menticned. j. J. -J- He alfo declares, that no Leafe of any Ho- fp'tj^LanJ?." fpical-Landsfbould be let foranyTerm of Years, exceeding One £ind Twehty. He furthermore Five Acres grants tQ the Mayor and Commonalty, &c. Li- ef Land in berty to purchafe five Acres of Land in St. Giles's \h^Fidf^^ in the Fields, notwithlianding the Statute of Mortmain, e^t:. with Liberty to build on the faid five Acres without any Royal Licenfe ; and withal grants, that thefe Letters Patents, snd the Inrolment fhould be good and firm, and ef- fecflual in Law againft him and his Succeflbrs, without any other Toleration, or Confirmstion, &c. and that the faid Letters Patents fiiould be fealed by the Great Seal of England ^ without paying or making any Fine or Fee in the Hunjuc;r» .et City of London. 3 1 Fees to be taken by the Common Ontroper* For felling of all Goods \ in every Shilling. For writing and keeping the Books i i>€my ferl. To the Cryer for crying the Goods i /. Fees taken by the Regiflerfor Brokers, For theBond to be enter'd into by d, qj every Broker 5 Brogger 5 orHuckfter> 08 00 in the Chamber, j For everyBargain,ContraA,Pawnj . for jOr upon which there (hall be lent, / , or given i s. or above, and under C ^^ S s. -> For every the like for which fliall") 00 oi be lent j s. or under 20 j. 3 For every the like for which flialH be lent 20 s, or more, and under> 01 00 40 ^. • 3 For every the like upon which 7 ^^ fhall be lent 40 /. or more. 3 Court of Confcience in London, Clerks Fees. For eve'y Plaint 02 00 For every Appearance 02 00 For every Order 04 00 For every Remittance to the Com- ") mon-Law 3 ^ For every Receipt or Warrant to 7 ^ commit to Prifon 3 ° °^ For every Search 02 00 For every Satisfaftion Acknow-? , ledged en an Order X ''''' For 3 1 The Charters of the d. q. For warning every perfon within 7 the Liberties C °4 oo For warning every perfon with- 7 out the Liberties j" °^ °o For ferving every Precept or War- 7 ^ . -,q rant 3 King CW/ej theFirft in anbther Charter, in conHderation of 4200 /. creates the feveral Offi- Paclcage, ces of Package, Portage, or Balliage, and after Pottage, grants the fame to the Mayor, Commonalty,eJ^f . of London, with all the Fees and Profits expref- fed in a Schedule anneTied to the faid Charter; Scavage. and alfo the Office or Employment of Scavage, with all the Fees and Profits exprcfs'd in theTa- ble, &c. paying > early to the King and hisSuc- ceflbrs three Vound ^m SbllUfigs and Eight Pc««; helikewife empowers theMayor,?^r. to admini- fter theOath in the cafe of concealed Goods,err. S^:^ All which Charters were confirm 'd by King ' Chafterscon- Charles the Second, at We{}?ninfier, the 24r/6 Day Hrm'd. cHJuMy in the 15?^ Year of his Reign, Note that by a Judgment in the ; ^ih Year, Car. 2. the Franchifes of the City o{ London were feized into the King's Hands, upon a pretended forfeiture, but by Stat. 2 W. and M. Self. i. c-f. 8. reciting, that whereas a Judgment was g\^'r!es 11. in a Quo Warranto 3y. Car. il. againft the Mayor, and Commonalty, and CJm'X" z^ns o^ London, That the Franchife of the faid City fhould be feized into the King's K^rnds, as forfeited , which Proceedings were Illegal and Arbitrary ; it is enacted. That the faid Judg- ment, and every other Judgment, given or re- corded iu the faid Court, for feizing the Fran- chir<3 city of London. 3 ] chife of the faid City into the King's Hands, be revers'd and made void, and Vacats entred upon the Rolls. That the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of London^ do remain a Body Politick, by the Name of Mayor and Commonalty, and Citi- zens of the City of London, &c. without any feifure or forejudger of the faid Franchife, &c. upon pretence of any Forfeiture or Mifdemea- nour done, or to be done ; and to have and en- joy all their Rights, Charters, &c. which they lawfully had at the time of the recording or giv. ing of the faid Judgment. That all Charters, Letters Patents, &c. for incorporating the Citizens and Commonalty of the faid City, or any of them, and Charters, &c. concerning any of the Liberties, &c. Lands and Tenements, &c. Rights, Titles or Eflatea made fince the faid Judgment, by the Late King Charles U. or. K. James. IL are thereby decla- red void. Alfo the Officers, Companies and Corpora- tions are reftored, &c. and perfons admitted fince the faid Judgment into Freedoms or Live- ries of the faid Companies, according to the Cuftom of the City, fhall enjoy the Rights and Liberties of Freemen and Liverymen ; and this AA is reputed a genera! 2i)d publick Acl of Par- liament. Seethe5/;?f. Note , That by Stat, de Gavde', lo Ed. 2, the Lords of Rents in Lcmdon may recover them by a Writ of Gavelet in. their Hufiings ; and in default thereof, the Lands in Demc;£e. By Stat, 28 Ed, 5. 10. The Mayors, Sheriffs and Aldermen of Lovdon^iiX caufe Errors, De- fi-'uhsand Mifprillons there to be redrefied, on pain to forfeit for the firft Default looo Mark*; ; U for 3 4 7 '^^ Charters of the for the fecond 2000 Marks, and for the third, to have the Franchife and Liberty of the City feized : And their Defaults herein ftiall be in- quired of by Inquefts of Kent, EJJex, Sujfex, Hertford , Buckingham, and Berks, as well ac the King's Suit, as of others that will com- plain. The Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen being indi(3:ed, {hall be caufed by due procefs to come before the King's Juftices affigned thereunto out of the City, and there fliall be made to anfwer as well to the King, as to the party grieved ; and their Try al (hall be by Foreign Inquefts, as aforefaid ; whereupon if they be attainted, the faid pain fhall be levied upon them , and the Plaintiffs alfo fhall recover Treble Dama- ges. 4. In the profecution of fuch Suits, the Con- flable of the Toiver, or his Lieutenant (hall ex- ecute all Procelfesin the City, which ProcefTes fliall be by Attachment, Diftrefs and Exigent : And in the King's Cafe the Exigent fliall be awarded after the firft Capias returned ; but af- ter the return of the Third Capiar, at the fuitof the Party. 5". If they have Lands out of the City, Pro- cefs fhall ilTue againfl them in the County where fuch Lands be by Atiachment and di- ftrefs. 6. Every of them that appear fliall anfwer particularly for himfelf, as well at the pe- ril of him that is abfent, as of himfelf 7. This Ordinance fhall extend to all other Cities and Boroughs throughout the Realm ; Howbeit, the Inquefts in fuch cafes fliall be ta- ken by Foreign People of the Counties wher.^- in fuch Cities and Boroughs are fltuate; and ths pains to be fet upcn them fliall be City of London. ? ^ be adjudged by the Juftices thereto af- Hgned. By Stat. I H 4. ly. the Penalties of 1000 and 2000 Marks fimpofed by the Statutes of x8 Ed. 5, ) fhall not be limited to a certainty, but the Penalties (hall from henceforth be left to the difcretion of the Juftices thereunto affigned^ in like manner as it is for other Cities and Bo- roughs. 19 Car. II. Caf, 5. An A<5t was made for the fpcedy rebuilding of the City of London, and the IJniformity of the New Building, and for the preventing outragious Fires. Sec the Statute. 22 Car. II. cap. 11. another Ad made con- cerning the rebuilding of the City of London ; See the Statute. Stat. 22 & 25 Car, II. cap. 17. concerning places for Common-Sewers, Drains and Vaults, and paving and pitching of Streets, &c. Stat. I jac. II. cap. 1 5". made for finifti- ing the Cathedral of St. PWs See the Sta- tute. Tloe Cufloins of London for Tayment of Tytfpu^ Sec. BY an Ad of Parliament made in the i^dnv^ 2^d Year of King Charles the Second, ic is ordained and cnaded, " That the Annual *' certain Tithes of all and every PariO^ 3nd Pa- "ri(hes within the Q'liy of London, arul Liberties ** thereofjWhofe Churches have been demoliihed ^'by the Dreadful Fire : And which faid Pa- D 2; riOies, ^6 Cuftoms for Tythes of " rifhes, by virtue oF an Ad, 22 Car. II. cap. 11. Intituled, An Additional Atl: for Rebuilding of the Ct'.y of London, Uniting of PariJIicf, &c. " re- " main and continue fmgle, as heretofore they " were, or are by the faid k^ annexed or uni- " ted into one Pariih refpedively, ftall be as *^ folio weth : " The Parifh of Alhallows Lombardfireet ; One " hundred and ten pounds. " St. Bartholomew Exchange ; One hundred " pounds. " St. Bridget, alias Bridga ; One hundred and " twenty pounds. *' St. Bemet Fmck ; One hundred pounds. " St. Michael Crooked-lane ; One hundred " pounds. « St. Chri/iopher ; One hundred and twenty " pounds. " St. Dion/s Backchurch'^ One hundred and twen- " ty pounds. «' St. Duncan's in the Eafl ; Two hundred " pounds. " St. James Gaflickhith ; One hundred pounds. " St. Michael Cornhtll ; One hundred and forty *' pounds. . " St. Michael Bajjlfhaw; One hundred thirty and " two pounds eleven fliillings. " St. Margaret Lothbury ; One hundred po^n^^. " St. Mary Aldermmbury^ One hundred andht- " ty pounds. " St. Martin Ludgate ; One hundred and/ixty " pounds. _ " St. Peter Cornhil; One hundred and ten - "pounds. J J 4 ^' St. Stephen Coleman-Jlreet ; Ons hundred and " ten pounds. " St. Sepulchre ; Two hundred pounds. the City of London. 37 ^Sc. AlbaVo-ws Bread/iraet J and St. JokfiEvarge- " lif} ; One hundred and fifty pounds. *^ Alhallows the Great, and AlhallcwstheLeJs^Tmo "hundred pounds. " St. Alba-fi IVoorljireefy and St. Olaves Sihe)^m'; " One hundred andfeventy pounds. " St. Anne and Ag^es, and St. John Zacharj\ One '^ hundred and forty pounds. "St. Augufiin and St. Faith ^ One hundred fsven» " ty and two pounds. ^' St. Andrew ff'arJrck and St. Anne Black-F'/jirs; " One hundred and forty pounds. " St. Ar,thol'm and St. John Baft/fi j one hundred "and twenty pounds. " St. Bennet Gracechurcb, and St. Leonard Ea^chzaf^ " One hundred and forty pounds. ^^'bK. Bennet Vaui\-wharf, and St. fetcrs P^itil's- " wharf ; One hundred pounds, *' Cbrif^cbsrch and Sz, Leonard Fojier-lane j Two *' hundred pounds. *' St. Edr/jond the King, and St. Nicholas /icons " One hundred and eighty pounds. ; •" St. George Botolphhm , and St. Botolpb B:!~ " lingsgate ; One hundred and eighty " pounds. " St. La-ivrencefury, and St. M.tgdalen Milkjfreeti " One hundred and twenty pounds. " St. Magnus and St. Alargaret Njw-Fifiijfreet ^ ** One hundred andfeventy pounds. "St. Michael Roy 4 and St. Martin Vmtry j One " hundred and forty pounds, " St. Matthew Friday-[ireet, and St. Veter Cheap \ *^ One hundred and fifty pounds. " St, Mara-ctrct Fattens 3.ud St. Gabriel Fenchurch \ " One hundred and twenty pounds. . > " St. Mury at Hilly and Sc Andrew HuhbarJ-y Two " hundred pounds. D 5 St. ^8 Cujioms for Tythes of ■'* Sit. Mary Pf^oolnotb and St. Mary ffcolcharch^OnQ *' hundred and fixty pounds. ''St. CUncent Eaficheap and St. Martin Organs " One hundred and forty pounds. '^ St. Mary Abcburch and St. Lawrence Votmtney ; " One hundred and twenty pounds. " Sii. Mary Aldermary and St.ThcMas Afoftles'y one " hundred and fifty pounds. ** St. Mary le Boiv , and St, Pancras Soperlane , " and Alballows Homy lane ; Two hundred " pounds. " St. Mildred Tcultrj and St. Mary Cokchurcb ; .one " hundred and feventy pounds. " St. Michael Wood^reet and St. Mary Staining^ '•' One hundred pounds. "St. Mildred Breadfireet and St. Margaret Mofes ^ " One hundred and thirty pounds. " St. Michael Queenhitb and Titinity ; One hun- '•' dred and fixty pounds. " St. Magdalen Old'Ftp)(ireetSLn6 St. Gregory ; one *' hundred and twenty pounds. ' " St. Mary Somerfit and St. Mary Mountbaw ; one "hundred and ten pounds. " St. Nicholas Cokabby and St. Nicholas ; One '' hundred and thirty pounds. *' St. Olave Jury and St, Martin Ironmonger la f;e ; " One hundred and twenty pounds. " St. Stephen IValbrook and St. Bennet Sheethogg ; " One hundred pounds. " St. Switbin and St. Mary Bothaw j One hundred *' and forty pounds. " St. Vedafi^ alias Fofters^ and St. Michael Quern > One hundred and fixty pounds. *• Thefe refpe^live Sums fo to be refpedivety "aiTelTtd, d'-ff. (hall be, and continue to be " eOeemed, deemed, and taken to all intents *' and purpofcS; to be the refpe(5tive certain Ar- rrjal the City of London. jp * nual maintenance (over and above Glebes and ' Perquifites, Gifts and Bequefts to the refpedt- * ive Parfon, Vicar, and Curate of any Parifh 'for the time being, or to his or their refpedive ' Succeflbrs, or to other perfons for his or their * ufe) of the faid refpedive Parfons, Vicars, * and Curates, who fhall be legally Inftitated, * Induced and Admitted into the refpedive Pa- ' rifhes aforefaid. In which Ad there is a Provifion in thefs Words : ' That where any of the Parifties within the ' faid City, have fincethe late Fire, by Death, *or otherwife. become vacant, the furvivingor * remaining Incumbent of the other Parifli * thereto united , or therewith confolidated , ' (hall have and enjoy, and have like remedy to * recover theTythes hereby fetled to be paid, as * if he had been aduaily prefented, admitted, * inliituted , and induded into both the faid * Parifties , fince the Union and Confolidation ' thereof. * That the Aldermen of fuch refpediveWard * or Wards within the faid City, wherein any * of the faid Parifties lie, and his or their Depu- * ty or Deputies, and the Common Council- * men of fuch refpedive Parifti wherein the * maintenance aforefaid is refpedively to be af- 'felTed, to be nominated by fuch refpedive Al- ' dermen, Deputy, Common Council-men, and * Churchwardens, or any five of them, whereof ' the Alderman or his Deputy to be one, fhall ' at fome convenient and feafonable riiiie before * the 20tb Day of May , 1671. aCTemble , i^c ' and they, or the major part of them fo aiTem- ^ bkd, ftiallproportionably affefs upon all Hou- ' fes. Shops, Warehoufes and Cellars, Wharfs, 'Keys, Cranes, Waterhoufes, and To'ts of D 4 Ground 40 Cuftoms for Tythes of Ground remaining unbuilt, and all other He- reditaments v/hatfoever ( except Parfonage and Vicarage Houfesj the whole refpedive Sum by this A6J: appointed, or fo much of it as is more than what each Impropriator is by this A^ing of Lights, in the City London. T T 13 warrantable by the Cuftom of Lond I to rebuild any Houfe upon the Old Fot oation, where the Ancient Houfe flood height, at pleafure of the Party, although rebuilding, the Lights of his Neighbour be ft ped up, unkfs there be fome Writings to contrary. The Cafe nxas thus, "^rin.Term. Reginald Hughs being feized in his Demc 1 hc^ Rfsis as of Fee, of an Ancient Houfe in the Parifl Ro;. T490. ing or new building thereof; doth withinf Years pull down the faid Houfe, and buj new one in the place, and likewife upon^ Yard ,• whereby the three ancient Light Hi^hs Houfe were ftop'd up ; wherei Hughs bvm^s his Aiflion upon the Cafe a X. «'Wj for flopping up the faid Lights ; which Kefffi pleads a Special Plea in Bar, ^ ing the Ruinoufnefs of the Houfe, an^ Leafe made by the ReB.ov and Guardians, ^he Covenant cojpprifed within the Lcafe^ in the City of London. j 5 alfo fhews a Cuftom in London ; That if one have an ancient Houfe, wherein there are anci- ent Lights, and one otlier hath a Houfe adjoin- ing upon that Houfe ; he that hath the adjoin- ing Houfe may well enough enhance his Houfe, or build a new Houfe upon his Ground, and ftop up thofe ancient Lights, unlefs there be fome Writing to the contrary. And he doth aver in faBo, that there was no Writing to the contrary; and that he according to the Cuftom, did take down the old Houfe, and build anew one upon the fame Foundation, and upon the Yard oppofite unto the faid Lights, whereby they were flopped up ; and hereupon the Plain- tiff demurs. The Queftions of this Cafe are. Firft, Whether it he lawful for a man to huild a Houfe upon bis own Ground, whereby the Lights of an Ancient Houfe are /lopped, there being no Custom to enable him ? Secondly, Whether the Cu(lom of London will en- able a man to build a new houfe from the ground , where no Houfe formerly was , whereby • be may jlop the ancient Lights of his Neighbour's Houfe, Thirdly, Whether upon aji Ancient Foundation a Houje may lawfully be enhanfed , fo as it fhall flop up the Light of the Neighbour's Houfe adjoin- As to the F/V/?, It is clear by the Opinion of Que ft, i. Sir Thomas Flem^jin^j Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, Sir Chnflopher Telvenony Sir David WiHi- amsj and Sir John Crook, Juftices of the King's- E 4 Bench, <6 Cujhms for Hudding WM Bench, that there being no Cuftom, it is not lawful to ere(^a new Houfe -upon a void piece of Ground, whereby- the old Lights of an anci- ent Houfe may be flopped up ; for the Rule of Equity and Law faith, Utcre tuo, ut alkvum ron Udas ; and the Light which cometh in by the Windows, being an eflentialpart of the Houfe, by which he hath three great Commodities, that is to fay, Air for his Health, Light for his pro- fit, profpe(5l for his pleafure, may not be taken aw,iy no more, than a part of his Houfe may be pulled down, whereby to ered- the next Houfe ndjoinirg. And with this Refolution agreeth the Cafe of Ehlrcdy reported by Sir Ednu Cook, tldnd\Ci^>^' in his jNinth Report, foL 5^3. where hefheweth- the Ancient Form* of the A»2ion upon the Cafe to be (jziod meJJ'uitgitiTn kornia tcnihritate chicura- turn fult ; but if there be hindrance only of the rviV mhan's profpe<5l by the new erccled Houfe, and not of Rtforrsisr. the Air, nor of the Light, then asi Adicn of ^he Cafe will not lie, infomuch that the profpec^t is only a matter of Dolight , and not of N'e- ctffity. * -^ -,. . 2. As to ilic ScccnJ, It was refolved by i..>. w- pinion cf the afcrefaid Judges, That the Cu- ildm of LofiJcn will not enable a Man toeiedt a new Houfe upon a void fpace of Ground, whereby the ancient Lights of an old Houfe are Oop'd up : For Firfr, the Owner of the old Houfe having poileffion of a lawful eafement ^nd profit which hath been belonging unto the Houfe by prcfcription, time out of Mind, may not be prefcribcd out of it by another thwarting Cuftom, which hath been alfo ufed time out of Mind ; but the latter Cuftoni (liall rather be ad- jur'ced to he vo»d ; and prefcription againft a pr<;fcription will never b'e allowtd by ths Law. in the City of London. 5:7 2My. It may well be that before tinie of Memo- ry, the Owner of the faid void piece of Ground granted unto the Owner ot the Hcufe, to have his Windows that way without any Hopping of . them, the which being done, and continued accordingly, hath begotten aprefcription^which may not be defeated by the Allegation of a ge- neral Cufiom ; and with this Refolution doth agree a Cafe adjudged, Trin. 29 Eltz,. Rof.^2^^. in the King's-Bench ; where upon an Adlion upon the Cafe brought by JhcmasBkcnd againft Thomas Mcflej, for ere<^ing of a Houfe in the County of the City of Tork, whereby the anci- ent Lights of his Houfe were liopped up : The Defendant did plead a Cuftom for the City of Tork , as there is here for the City of Lcr.don, and adjudged that the Cufiom was nought, whereupon th^ PJairitifFhad his Judgment: But if the Koufe? had been new crcd:ed Houfes, or otherwi(eWindo'V5 had been newly made Win- dows in that ancient Houfe, the eredicn of that new Houfe upon that void fpace of ground, would have been lawful, notwithflanding that the Windows and Lights be flopped up i for i: ''■all not lie in the power of the Owner of the r:cient Houfe by fetting out his new Windows to prevent him, that hath the void piece o£ Ground, from making the beft benefit of it. As to the Third Point, Ic was conceived, that if the new Houfe be only eredled upon the an- Qi'^J^' 5- dent Foundation, without any enlargment ei- ther in Longitude or Latitude, howfoever it be made fo high that it ftoppeth up the Lights of the Old Hcufc, yet he is not fubjecit unto any A Farmer Lader, Kidder, or ochcr * peifon whaffoever, (hall upon the SafurJ.^y'm * any Week bring into an> cf the faid Markets *any manner of. Fle(b meat, after Six of the * Clock in the Afternoon, between the tweaty * fifth of March, and the Twenty Ninth of Sep- * temher, yearly ; nor after Four of the Clock * in the Afternoon, between the Twenty Ninth * o{ September, and the Twentv Fifth of Adarcb, * upon pain of forfeiting the fum of Ten Shil- *iings for every time any fuch perfon (hall bring * into any of the faid Markets any manner of * Flefh meats, after the faid refpedive Hours. * And further be it ena(5^ed by the Authority * aforefaidThat no Stall,Standing,or Place with- * in any of the Gid Markets, (hall from and af- ' ter the publication of ihisAcft, belettenor al- ' lotted to any Butcher or Poulterer, who doth ' or (hall keep any Butchers or Poulterers Shop * within the City of Lrndon, or Liberties there- ' of, or within two Milesdiilance of theLiber- ' ties of the faid City, for fo long time as he or 'they (hall keep any Butchers or Poulterers Shop * within the Limits aforefaid, ' And further, That no Butcher, Poulterer, ' or other perfon whatfoever, (hall have and en- ' joy nv)re than two Stalls, Standings^ or pla- F 4 *ces 7% Orders for Markets ^' ces within any one of the Markets aforementi- oned, at one time. ^ ' Provided always. That the Countrey pco- ^ pie and others rsforting to the faid Markets, ^being not Butchers, nor Poulterers, nor felling ^ any manner of Flefti-meat, or Poultry may ttand or fit and vend their Herbs, Fruit, Eggs, ^Butter, and other fuch like Provifions and ^Commodities in the Markets , upon every ^working day in the Week, between the Feaft ^ ot theAmur.ciation, and the Feaft ofSi.Adichael * u ^i^^-^"g«^'» f'otii Seven of the Clock in ^ the Morning, until Five of the Clock in tho ^ Evening of the fame day : And upon every ^ working day between the Feaft of St. Michael c ^^^l^^^^^^^^^'ion, from Six of the Clock in ^ the Morning, until Four of the Clock in the ^ Evening of the fame day, fo as the fame per- ^ Ions that bring them firft to Market do con- ^ nnue the felling thereof, and do obferve the ^Ringing of the Market Bell for keeping the ■ laid Hours according y. ^ ' And it is alfo further Eoadled, (in regard ^ th^r (he Market is moft principally intended ^ tor^ the benefit of Houfekeepers, who buy for ■ rheir own ufe and behoof; that the Retailers ; ^/la Traders of this City.who buy to fell again, ^ ihaJ] not enter into any of the aforefaid Mar- ^ kets to make their provifions, and buy of any ^ of the Market people there, to carry the fame < A^'^^^'"^"^*^'"^^ Houfes and Shops, until the ^ Afternoon of every d^y, to the end that Houfe- keepers may provide themfclves in the Morn- * ing of tviiy day at the firft hand, and pay ^ moderate rates for their Provifions; upon pain * that every fuch Retailer, or Retailers, or Tra- ' _^ers fhall for every time offending herein for- ' rest forty Shillings. And in the City of London. 7j ' And forafmuch as all dead Flefli-Meat and other Viduals, and Provifions of all forts of Fruits, Herbs, Fifh and the like, ought to be fold in open and common Markets, allowed and appointed, and not under private Stalls, or ac Tavern Doors^ or in any Street or Com- mon paflages, or in any private places, or carried up and down, and fold by way of Hawking ; by means whereof much unwhol- fome provifions, dangerous to the Health and Bodies of his Majefties Subjed^; may be utter- ed and fold : Be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That no Butcher, Poulterer, Coun- try Farmer, Lader.Kidder, Victualler, Gard- ner, Fruiterer, Fifti- feller, or ether perfon or perfons whatfoever, fhall from and after the publication of this Ad, fell, utter, or put to (hew or fale, by%way of hawking , or as a Hawker, or in any otherwife, any Beef, Mut- ton , Lamb , Veal , Pork , Poultry , Butter, Cheefe, Fifli, Fruit, Herbs, or other Viduals orProvifionwhatfoever, in any private Houfe, Lane , Alley , Inn , Warehoufe, Strcet-ftall, or Common pafTage, or other place or places whatfoever, within the City of London, or Li- be^^ies thereof, but only in his or their own Shop, or Shops, or in the publick Market- place or places, and in Market time only, ac- cording as is before appointed, upon pain that every fuch perfon fo carrying, or offering to put to fale by way of Hawking, or in any otherwife any Flefiimeat, Poultry, or other Viduals whatfoever, as aforefaid, in any pri- vate Houfe, Lane, Alley, Inn, Warehoufe, Street-ftall, or Common paffage, or other pla- ces whatfoever, being not his or their open Shop, or Shops, or the Common Market-place, /hall forfeit the fajiie Goods fo offered to fale, * with- r4 Orders for Markets without any m^^nner of favour, according to the ancient Culloni of the City of Lmdon, ufed and approved ; and the fame fo forftiied flball be difpofed of to fuch Prifons within this City of UrJon , as the Lord Mayor for the time being fliall direcl and ap- point, * And to the intent that foreftalling, regra- ting and ingroffing of Vii^uals and other Cooi'TJoditieS; n?ay be the better prevented, and the Laws made againft the fame mort ef- f(-^^uai!y obfeived, It is declared and enacted by the Authority afojefdid. That no perfon or peifons from and afrer the publication of this Aing, contracting, or otherwife, any of *he things aforefaid, in the faid Mar- kets, with intent to fell the fame again, in the fame, or any other Markets or places within this City, and Liberties thereof, upon pain that every fuch Foreftaller, Regratcr, and In- ' grofl'er, in the City of London. 7j * groffer, (hail for every fuch OiTence forfeit fat* * ty Shillings. ' And whereas, for accommodation of Mar-* *'ket people, with Stalls, Boards, Shelter, and all ' other like things necefiary for their landing ' in any of the Marketplaces within this CityoT ' Lordcny and cleanfing and keeping clean the * fame ; and o/herwife for defraying the inci- * dent Charges of repairing and maintaining the * fame Market ; an J to gratify and reward the ' care and attendance of fuch perions as (hail ba 'employed therein, there bath always beert * given and paid certain reafonable Rares foe ^ the fiid Accommodations and Charges.; And ^ to the intent that the faid Rates may beafcer* 'tained and made publick to all Market people, * whereby the perfons that fliall from hence- ' forth by order of the Committee for letting of ^ the City Lands, with approbation of this ' Courtj be employed therein as Colledors or 'Receivers of the fame Rates, may be prevented *from demanding, or extorting m- re than isal- * lowed, as is herein after expreifcd : Be it en- ' aded by the Authority afortfciid, That all and * every perfon and perfons, reforting to any of * the faid Markets, to fell and vend their Com- * modities, (hall from henceforth pay unto fuch * perfon or perfons, as fiom tine ro tia^e (hall ' be thereunto appointed, as aforefaid, to take * and receive the profits of all, or any of the ' faid Markcts,to the ufe of the Mayor,*, oramo- ' nalty and Citizens of the City oi London ^ of, * and from all Market people thereunto rtfort- * ing, for their Stalls, Standings, and other Ac- * commodations, in the feveral Market places * aforefaid, after the Rates following ; (that is * to fiy) for every Stall or Standing of the * lefTgth of eight Foot, and breadth cf four *Foof, 7s or Standings therein, and that no perfbn or perfons inhabiting in or near to any the Ciid Marketplaces, or orhcrperfon or per- fons whacfoever, upon pretence of any Right whatdiever, other than the Receivers or Col- , ledors of the faid Rates and Duties, (hall from henceforth provide any StAlb or other Accom- modations in any of the aforcfaid Market-pla- ces ; or diredly, or indiiedily take, require, or exacftany Sum or Sums of Money, or other Reward of the Market people, for any Stalls Standings or Accorr.modaticn of their place and Nation in the faid Markets ; upon pain ihat every perfon offending herein fiiail forfeit and lofe for ev^ery time fo doing and offending Twentv Shillings. ' And for the better order and quiet of the Market people, and ihe reconciling all Diffe- rences that may arife therein betwixt them and the Colle(5^ors or Receivers in the aforefaid Markets ; as alfo that the Rates and Duties may be the better colleded and certainly paid into the Chamber of London without Fraud, and thefaid Markets more effsdually fupervi- fed ; for prevention of Abufes and Diforders that may arife thereiri, be it Enacfted ; That the Committee for letting the City Lands for the time being, fiiall and are hereby authori* zed from time to time, by and with the ap- probation of this Court, to appoint fitting per- fons for Overfeers of the faid refpedive Mar* kets and Colledors or Receivers of the Profits, or Duties arifing or growing out of the fame , and to treat and agree with the faid perfons, and allow them for their care and pains, fuch part or portion of thefaid Piofits, as in their diiaetions (hall be found requifits ; Provided, the fiid Allowance exceed not the Tenth part of ^S Orders for Markers of the vvl ole ciear Profits fall neceflary Char- ges being deducited) upon condition that the faid Overfeers and Lolledors or Receivers, that (hall from time to time be thereunto ap- pointed by order as aforefaid, do give fuffi- cient Security to the fatisfadion of the faid Comnuttee for their diligence and faithful performance in then Office, and overfeeing the Orders and ProviHons aforefaid obferved, and giving a juft and true account of their Re- ceipts and Payments of the Moneys every Week into the Chamber ; and that the faid Committee do once in every Week meet toge- ther at the Guild- hall, and then and there au- dite the Accompts and Payments of the faid Overfeers and Colledors or Receivers , for prevention of any Abufes that by negled there- of might arifi or happen ; and alfo endeavour upon anv Complaints and Grievances of the Market people againft the faid Overfeers and ColleiSlors , or Receivers . or otherwife to compofe and redrefs the fame as foon as pof- fibly they can ; that fo aU difturbances to the Market people, and unnecelTary Suits at Law may be avoided : And that the faid Overfeers and Receivers, or CoUedors fiiall frequently attend, and be in the faid Markets, during Market time, and diligently overfee the fame; to prevent with their bed care, any Abufes or Diforders that may happen or be committed therein ; and alfo to take care that the Provi* fions and Penalties appointed by this A<^ againft all Offenders, contrary to the fame, be duly and conftantly put in execution ; And if any of the faid Overfeers, and CoUedorsor Receivers fhall be remifs, or corrupt herein, thea they (hall be forthwith difphced and dif- ' at led in the City ef Lon Jon* 79 'abled of any Office or Place touching the fa:d * Markets. ' And be it further Ena^ed, That in caf© * the aforefaid Committee for letting the City ' Lands ftal! at any tin^e hereafrei find ir n>oft * fitting and advantagious for the benefit of the 'Chamber, to let the faid Markets or any of * them to Farm; that then the Committee alore- * faid, for the time being,- fhail and «n.iy treat * with any peifon , or perfons for letting tho * fame to Farm, upon the heft terms they can, * and report their proceedings unto this Court ' for their Approbation therein. * All which Pains, Forfeitures and Penalties, *Sum and Sums of Money to be forfeited by * virtue of this Ad, (hal! be recover d by Adi* 'on of Debt, Bill or Plaint to be coiT.menced ' and profecuted in the name of the Chamber- * Iain of the City of London for the time being, *in the Court holden before the Mivor and Al- * dermen in the Chamber of the GmU hail of * the Cvy of London ; and that the Chamber- ' lain of the faid City for the time being in all * Suits to be profecuted by virtue of this Ad, * againft any Offender, or Offenders contrary to 'the fame, fhail recover the ordinary Cofts of * Suit to be expended in and about the profecu- * tion thereof; and if the Suit pafs for the Dc- ''' * fendant, then the faid Defendant to recover ' his Cofts ; and that the Chamberlain for the ' time being {hall not have power to take lefe * of any Offender than herein is limited to be * forfeited for every Offence, * And further, That one Moiety of all For- * feitures to be recovered by virtue hereof (th3 * Cofts of the Suit for Recovery of the fame be- * ing deduced j fhail after Recovery, and the' * Receipt thereof, ator before theTwcnty Fifcli 8o Orders for Markets * Day of March yearly, be paid and delivered ' unto the Treafurer of Chnfi^-Hoffital , to be * emplo) ed towards the Relief of the Poor Chil- * dren, to be brought up and maiatained in that * Hofpital; and the other Moiety to him or them ' which fhall firft give Information of the Of- * fences, for which the Forfeitures ftiall grow ; •and profecute Suit in the Name of the Cham- * berlain of the faid City, for recovery of the * fame, any thing in this Ad to the contrary ' notwithftanding. * And whereas the Serjeant and Yeoman of * the Channel, and Yeoman of Newgate-Mar^ ^ ket. and Foreign-taker, while the Common * Markets were kept in Leadenhall-fireet', Cheap- ' fide ^ and Newgate- (Ireet ^ did take care for * fweeping and making clean the faid Streets * where the Market people reforted, and paid * for carrying away the Soil thereof; asalfofor * furniihing the Market people with Boards and * other Accommodations : In confideration * whereof they received fome certain AUow- * ance by confent of the Market people for their * care and pains therein. Now forafmuch as * the faid Markets are removed out of the Streets, * and made Commodious, at the publick charge * of the City, and that the Revenue thereof ' ought to be improved for the benefit of the * Chamber : Be it Enacted, that the feveral Of- * ficers aforementioned, fhall from henceforth *be wholly difcharged from the Charge of * clean fing and carrying away the Soil of the * faid Markets, and providing Boards and other * Accommodations for the Market people ; and * likewile from any ways intermedling with the * Receipt of any Duties, Fees, or Profits, or tak- * ing any Money of any perfons refortin^ to, ' or ftanding in any of the Common Markets * afore- in the City of London ^ C^c. ^ af orefaid, upon any pretence whatfoeverj ' but that inftead thereof the Serjeant and * Yeoman of the Channel for the time being, * (hall during their continuance in the faid ' Places, each of them have and receive out ' of the Chamber of London the Sum of Three * Pounds Weekly ; and Richard Robin/on the * prefentForcigntaker and Yeoman oiNe-wgatC' * Marksty the Sum of Three Pounds every * Week, during the term of his Natural Life : * All which Sums refpedively and none other, * (hall be paid by the Chamberlain out of the * Profits arifing by the M?:rkets to the Perfons ' aforefaid , in fuU Satisfaction of all their ' Right, Title, Claim and Demand whatfo- ' ever, to any part or ftiare of the Profits^ to* ^ be Cblleded of the Market People. See 'wore after concerning Black well- Hall and Billirifgate^ M^rl:en , &c. tn the A^s arJ Statu;es relating to the Cftji of London. .JUJL & Ccni^ 2i Orders for Watches I Concerning the Watches to be kept in the City of London. Note, Tlyat an Act of Common Council was made in the Majorahy of Sir] o\in Robinfon IQ- for the better ordering of the Night Watches within the City of London and Liberties thereof 5 which followeth in thefe Words. WHereas by the antient^ good, and laudable Cuftom of the City of Lon- dotty all and every peifon and perfons which do dwell, occupy, or inhabit in any Houfe or Houfes within the fame City or the Liber- ties thereof, as well fuch as are not Free of the faid City, as other the Freemen of the fame, being perfons able and ftt to watch, or to find an able and fie perlon to watch, for him, h:r, or them, or in his, her, or their ftead, ought by reafon of th^ir habitation, occupa- tion and dwelling, to keep watch within the Ward wherein he, (he, or they do occupy and inhabit, for the prefervation of the King's Peace, and for the arrefting and apprehend- ing of air Night-walkers, Malefactors, and fufpeded perfons, which fiiall be found paf- fing , wandring , and mif-behaving them- felves: And whereas every Conftable of any Precind is a Conftable to all intents and pur- pofes, not only in the Precind and Ward where he dwelleth, but in all and every other Precind, Ward, and place within the faid City and the Liberties thereof : And where- * as in the City of London. 8 j ^ as there is now, and of late years hath beeni * ( by realbn of the greu concourfe of people ' from all parts to the faid City ) great necef- * fity of a llrong and fufficient Watch to be * kept every Night within every Ward of the * faid City, and the Liberties thereof; and is ' hath been thought fit and provided by former * Orders and Ads of Common Council, for ' the fafety and peace of the faid City, thac * the number of men to v/atch every nighty * in every Ward throughout the faid City and * Liberties thereof, fhall be as hereafter parti- * cularly foUoweth, viz, AUgate 34 Dukes-Placs lo Alderfgate 44 5. Martin ik Grand 12 Bifhopfgate So Broadftreet 3 o Billingfgate 30 Bridge within 25 Bajpfliaiv 12. Breadftreet -xG CornhiH 1 6 Candlevfick 24 Cordweiner 24 Cheap 15 Cripplcgate 'ivithifi 46 Cokmanfireet 54 Crippkgate withci:.t 90 Caftle Baynard 40 Dowgate 3 6 Farrwgdoa "Within 50 Mugwelfireet 4 Blackfrien 14 Farringdon v>ithot4f 1 3 o Whittfriers 8 G 1* BHdewei 84 Orders for Watches Bridevfel TrecwB S Bartholotntw Great 10 BarthoJonteiv Left 4 Limeftreet 1 1 Largborn 34 Tortjoken 60 Queenbith 40 Tcwtr 40 Vintry 34 WalhvQoh 20 ' Yet neverthelefs the faid Watches are very * weak and wanting, by reafon that many ' ill -afFeded perfons, not willing to do any * duty for the publick fafety, or not proportio- ' nable to the number of the Inhabitants where * they dwell, under pretence that they oi>ght * not to watch with any other Conftable than * the Conftable of the Precindt wherein they ^ inhabit, whereas feveral Precinds within the ' faid City and Liberties of late, by multiplicity * of new Buildings, and r^vifions of Houfes, * are grown far more populous, than other * Precindls, and many Precinds have not In- * habitants to make up a third, fourth, fifth, * or fixth part of the number of Watchmen * aforefaid, or competent number of Watch- * men for fafeguard of the faid Ward, fo that * without fome way (other than the Inhabi- * tants of every Precind to watch with the * Conftable of that Precind , or fome new ' Divifion of every Ward , for proportioning * and appointing the number therein to keep * watch ) a fufficient Watch cannot be kept, * whereof divers refraAory perfons taking ' advantage, and pretending that they are not * by Law compsllable there «mto, will not yield * obedj- in the City of London, gc ' obedience to the Government of the faid * City therein, but refufe to watch when they ' are required, whereby the Watches aret^c« * ncrally much negleded, and the Conftables ' and other Officers much troubled and dif. * couraged, and the faid City and Inhabitants ' therein much damaged and indangered there- * bv, and likewife upon feveral occafions and * difturbances of late have been put upon great ' and extraordinary charge and trouble , in * ferving upon Military Guards of the Trained * Bands and Auxiliary Forces of the faid ' City, * Now the Right Honourable the Lord Major, ' the Right Worihipful the Aldermen his Bre- ' thren, and the Commons in this Common * Council alTembled , taking the Premiffes into * their confideration, and conceiving it very ' necelTary at all times, that there ftould be ' fufficient Watches kept within the faid City of * London and Liberties thereof, for remedy * therein, and for the better ordering and efta- ' blifhing of the Watches to be hereafter duly * kept within the faid City and the Liberties ' thereof, do Enad and Ordain, and be it En- ' aded and Ordained by the faid Lord Major, ' A\dermen, and Commons in this Common ^ Council alTembled, and by Authority of the * fame, that one Conftable with the Beadle * in every Ward, and the faid number of perr * fons refpedively ihall watch every Night in * every of the Wards aforefaid refpedively, from * nine of the Clock in the Evening, pll feveii ^of the Clock in the Morning, from Michael- * mas- day till the fiift of yifrily and from the ' firft of yifril till Michaelmas- day from ten of ' the Clock in the Evening, till five of the * Clock in the Morning : And that the Alder- G 5 man, ^6 Orders for Watches ' man, Deputy , and Common GouncH-men * of every of the faid Wards refpedively, or * the major part of them, Ihall forthwith take * an ex^ct Survey of all the Inhabitants and ^ Houfc-keepers within their refpedlive Wards, * v^ho are able and fit to watch or find Watch- * men ; and (hail nominate and appoint one ^ Conftable in their faid Wards, with the Beadle ^ of their refpedive Wards, and the full num- ^ ber of Inhabitants within the faid refpedive f Wards, according to the proportions before * raentit,>aed, to watch every night within th3 ' refpedive Wards, beginning at one certain ■ place within the faid refpedive Wards, and *: from thence to proceed and go forwards in * an orderly way, and appoint the next Night ^ one other ConttablQ and the like full number ^ of Inhabitants next adjoynifig unto thofe ^ who warched the Night before, and fo to 'proceed forwaid through the Ward, one* ^ Conitable and the full number of Inha« ^ bitiints to vv-a'ch every Night, and thefi ^ to begin again vAth thofe Inhabitants who ^ firli: watched, and proceed forwards every "^ Night in turn asaforefaid, without refpedling ''' any one Precinit more than another, but . ' that all the Inhabitants within the faid Wards ' scfpedlirely do watch, or hnd Watchmen in "^ Lheir turns, asaforefaid, who fhall watch with ^ the Conftable* appointed as aforefaid though ' he be not of the fame Precind as the Inha- ' bitants be; and that all the ConOables within ' the refpedive Wards, (hall in their turns, ' one after another, watch with the faid Inha- ^ bitants, and when thev have warched all ' over by turn? as aforefaid, he that began (hall ' begin ^.gain, and the reft fo'iow In ihcir turns, " £ind I'o one after anoilier. as ofcen ?.s it fhail coTr^ m the City of London, 87 * come to their or any of their turns : And that * the faid Alderman , Deputy , or Common * Council- m^n of the refpedive Wards afore- * faid, or the major part of them fhall likewife ' appoint a cejtain place within the faid \?ard, * where the Conftable and all the Watchmen ' fhall every Night firft meet for that Night, * and agree to what places they (hall afterv/ards * go to watch in the faid Ward in fuch manner * and order, that the Conftab'es and Watches ' of every Ward may maintain a correfpond- *ence and intelligence with each other, and ' be ready upon Tome found or fign, to be ' made or given, to come in, in an inftant if * there be need, upon any diforder cr ether * occafion , to the help and affiOance cf one ' another; and fhall alfo appoint the number of * Watchmen which (hall be, and continue to- * gether in every place, and caufe the name ' of the Conftable, and of every Inhabitant '■ which is to watch with every feveral Con- ' ftable, and the times and places of their meet- ' ing and watching particularly every feveral * Night to be printed and delivered to every ' Condable within their Ward refpedively, and ' and one or more papers thereof To printed to * be fet lip upon polls or open places, where ' every Conftableand Tjch as are to watch with 'him refpeiSively dwell, that every ConftabJe * and Watchman may know the Night, Time, * and Places v»7here they are to watch : And ' that the Ccnilable , on the day before his * watchnight , or the Beadle of that Ward , * do warn every man that is to watch with ' him accordinuly , or leave notice thereof * in writing at the Houfc of every luch man. : * And that the Inhabitants of every Ward do * take notice hereof, any pretence of pi ivilec^e, G ^i ' ul^". e, 88 Orders for Watches ' ufage , or cuftom to the contrary hereof ^ in any wife notwithftanding. * And be it alfo farther Enabled by the Au- ^ tboricy aforefaid, That if any Conftable fhall ^ make default in executing his Office, or * doing his Service in any of the PremilTes f hereby appointed, or hereafter to be ordered ^ or appointed as nforefaid, without juft and ^ reafonable caufc to be allowed of as is here- * after mentioned, that then every fuch Con- ■ Odbit ftiail forfeit and pay for every iuch de- f fsuit five pounds: And that if any perfon ' appointed and warned to watch, or to find * an able and fit perfon to watch in his or her ■ (lead as afcrefaid, ftiall refufe or make default ■ to watch, or to find an able and fit perfon to ^ watch in his or her ftead as aforefaid, that ' then every fuch perfon fo refufing or making V default to vvatch as aforefaid, and not having ^ juft and reafonable caufe for fuch his default, ^ as fhall be allowed of by the Lord Mayor of ' thefaid City, or the Alderman of that Ward ^ for the time being, (Lall forfeit and pay for ' every fuch default Twenty fiiiliings. ' Afid it is hereby farther Enaded, That the * -Aldermen, Deputy , and Common Council- ' men of every Ward, or the major part of ^ them, for the time being, fhall from time to ^ time nominate and appoint tv»ro or more ho- ' nefi able men of the fame Ward, who (ball ^ be called Supervifors, to take care and overfee ^ that the Watches appointed in every Ward ? be from hencefoitii duly kept: And that the ^ Conftables, Beadle and Watchmen > execute, ' do and perform their duties and fervices ^ therein , or otherwife pay the forfeitures * and prsymeMrs herein before ordained for their ' dtf^ulcs refpedivdy : and that ih? fame Su- . in the City of London. gpi pervlfors, or one of them, ftiall take notice of fuch of the faid Inhabitants as abfent their- felves at any time from watching as aforefaid, and like*'ife of fuch Condables and Beadle as fliail at any time make default, be remifs or negligent in performance of his or their Duties in the PremifTes, and fhall likewile from time to time prefent the name of every fuch Defaulter to the Lord Major of the faid City for the time being, or to the Alderman of the Ward where fuch Default fliall be made, that every fuch Defaulter may pay the forfeiture and payment impofed upon him or her as aforefaid : And that the Beadle of every Ward, or fome trui>y perfon for him, fKall in the prefcnce of the Conftable and one of the faid Dverfeers, if they-, or either of them can be prefent, call over the Names of all thofs which ftiall be appointed to watch each night refpe<5lively in their courfe as aforefaid, as well at the hours appointed for their meeting in the Evening, as alfo at the time appointed for the breaking up of the watch in the Morning; and that they the Coniiable, or Beadle, or one of them, or fome other trufiy perfon in their or either of their behalf, in cafe the Supervifor (hall be abfent at any of the faid times, (hall take a. Note in writing of the Names and Sirnames of every of the Inhabitants then appointed to watch , as Ihall be abfent from their warch at any of the hours herein before appointed Evening or Morning, and fhall deliver the faid Note the next day to the Supervifors, or one of them: And that the Conlip.bles, Su- pervifors, and Beadle of every the faid Ward, and every of them, fhall bring before the Lord Mayor of the faid City for the time * being P o Orders for Watches being, or the Alderman of their Ward, every Conftable or other perfon making default in any of the premifes refpedively^iffuch perfon raaking defau t will rcidily and voluntarily go along with him ; and every fuch Default- er {hall then prefently pay to the Lord Mayor or Alderman aforefaid, fuch forfeitures and payments as are herein before limited and appointed for them refpedively to pay as aforefaid ; and that all Monies fo forfeited and paid as aforefaid, (hall be imployed to and for the relief of the poor of the faid Ward, as the Lord Mayor or Alderman of the Ward where fuch default /haU be made fliall think fit and appoint : But if fuch De- faulter Ihall refufe to go with the faid Con- fiable, Supervifor, or Beadle; before the faid Lord Mayor or Alderman as aforefaid , or going fhali refufe or delay to pay the faid forfeitures^ pen,-?l ties, or fums of Money, reC- peflively as aforefaid, that then, and in either' of the fdH ^afes , fuch Defaulter (hall f:)ifeit and pay treble the afore(iid penalties or fums of Money : All which fo; Li re res hereby for- feited iaail refpet^liveiy be recovered by Adion of Debt, Bill, or Information, in the name of rhe Chamberlain of this City for the time being, in the Court holdcn before the Lord Major and Aldermen of the faid City, in the Chamber of the GulUhaU of the fame City, to be profecuted by the Beadle of the Ward wherein every of the faid Offences aforementi- oned (Iiall be committedjOr any other perfon or perfons thereunto .ippointed by the faid Lord Mayor or the Alderman of fuch Ward: And after recovery thereof one Moiety of the fame after all Charges deduded, (hall be to the faid Bendle or other Profecutors, and the Vot};er in the City of London. p i ^ other Moiety to be imployed to the relief of ^ the poor of the' Ward wherein fuch Offence * (hall be committed, as the Lord Mayor or Al- * derman of the fame Ward (iiall dired: and * appoint. In all Suits to b^e brought by virtue * of this Ad, the Chamberlain Oiall recover * his ordinary Gofts and Charges to be expen- / ded for the recovery of all fuch forfeitures * againft the Offenders. ' And laftly, be it enadied by the Authority * aforefaid, That the Beadles cf the feveral ' Wards of this City, or any of them, fhall not * hereafter take or have any allowance of * Watchmen, called Dead-pays, for or in ref- * ped of their Nightly watching, or for or in * conflderation of any other Service whatfo- ' ever, but thii: the Inhabitants of every Ward * fhall amongft themfelves raife fome conveni- ' ent fum of Money for a fit and competent * Salary and Allowance to be made unto the * faid Beadles for their faid Service : Or if the * faid Inhabitants of all or any the faid Wards * cannot agree upon raifing fuch Salary or Sum * of Money, then the fame to be done by Au- ^ thority of Common Council , by fuch way ' and means, and in proportion to the Service ^ and Extent of each Ward, as by the faid * Common Council (hall upon further confi- ^ deration be found juft and reafonoble. Cujloms p 2r Orders for Foreigners Cujioms of London as to Foreigners, Note, That if any man that is not a Freeman o/London kee^ any Shop^ inward or outward , withm the City or Liberty J for the Sale of any Goods or Wares by ^taily he forfeits 5 J. for every day, and an Aciion of J)ebt lies againfi him for the fame in the Lord Mayors Court, in the TSlame of the Chamberlain of London for the time being, purfuant to an AEi of Com^ mon Council made in the Mayoralty of Sir Leonard Halliday IQ- which AEI is as fo Howe thy 1 6 o j . * TTTHere by the antient Charters, Cu- * VV ftoms, Franchifes, and Liberties of ^ the City of London, confirmed by fundry ' Adts of Parliament, no perfon not being free * of the City of London, may or ought to fell, * or put to fale any Wares or Merchandizes ' within the faid City, or the Liberties of the * fame, by Retail, or keep any open or inward * Shop, or other inward place or Room for * flicvi/^ fale, or putting to fale, of any Wares ' or Merchandizing, or for ufe of any Art, * Trade, or Occupation, Myftery, or Handi- ^ craft within the fame. And whereas alfo * Edwardj fometime King of Evgland, of fa- * mous memory, the third of that name, by 'his in the City of London. p? ' his Charter made and granted to the faid City ^ in the Fifteenth year of his Reign, confirmed ^ alfo by Parliament amongft other things * granted , That if any Cuftoms in the faid * City, before that time obtained and ufed, * where in any part hard or defedive, or any ' thing in the fame City newly arifing, where ' remedy before that was not ordained, fiiould ' need amendment, the Mayor and Aldermen * of the faid City, and their Succeffor^ with ' the aflent of the Commonalty of the fame * City , might put and ordain thereunto fie ' remedy as often as that fliould (eem expedi- * dient unto them ; So that fuch Ordinance * fliould be profitable to the King, for the pro- ' fit of the Citizens, and other his People re- * pairing to the faid City, and agreeable to * reafon ; And whereas by force of the faid 'Cuftoms, Franchifes and Liberties, and of > ' the Charter laft aforementioned, confirmed * as is afore fpecified by Parliament, The Lord * Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the faid * City, did the twelfth day of OBoher, in the ' third year of the Reign of Edward, fome- ' time King of Engl/ind, the fourth, as a thing ' thought fit and convenient for that time , * amongft other things, agree and ordain that * tlie Basket' maker Sy Goldufire-drawers^ and Other ' Foreigners, contrary to the Liberty of the * faid City, holding open Shops in divers places * of the City, and ufing Myfteries within the * faid City, Ihould not from thenceforth hold ' Shops within the Liberty of the City aforcfaid ; * But if they would hold any Shop, or dwell * in the fame City, they (hould dwell at Elan' ' c/jappelton, and there hold Shops, fo as they ' might have fufficicnt dwelling there. Ard * wvhereas the Lord M.iyor, Alr^ermen , and * Ccnuir. hi 94 Oyil.:S for Foreigners Commons of die ("\rne City, did afterwarJjr,'' the Sixteenth day of May , in the Seventeenth ! year of the Reign oFour late Sovereign Lord of famous memory , King Htnry the Eighth fas a courfe thought fit and agreeable for that time ) Ordain;, Eftablifh, and Enad that no manner of perfon or perfons being eftrange from the liberties of the faid City, from thenceforth fliould hold or keep any open Shop or Shops within the faid ^ity, or Liber- ties of the fame , neither with any Lattice before , nor yet without Lattice ( certain numbers of poor men occupying the Seat of Botchers , Taylors ^ and Coblers only except) upon pain of Imprifonment , and alfo to forfeit and pay Forty (billings to the ufe of the Commonalty ok this City, as often times as he or they ihould do the contrary. And where alfo the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the fame City did afterwards, the Twentieth day o{ January ^ in the laid Sevententh year of King Henry the Eighth f reciting, that whereafa Common Council holden the Sixteenth day of May , in the Seventeenth year of the Reign of Kifg Henry the Eighth, It. was ordained and enaded. That no manner of perfon or perfons, being eftranged from the Liberties of this City, from thenceforth ftioald hold or keep any Shop or Shops, within this City , or the Liberties of the fame, neither with any Lattices before, nor yfit without any Lattice, upon pain of Imprifonment ) further ordain and eftablilh, that if any perfon or perfons, being Foreign, fhould hold and keep any open Shop or Shops, as is aforefaid, he fiiould forfeit for every time fo doing Forty Shillings, to be levied by di- ftrefs, to the ufe cf the Commonalty of the m the City of London. p 5 * faid City, by the Chair.berlain for the time ' being, or other Officer of this City j And alfo * have Imprifonmenc by diredionof rheMayor * and Aldermen for the time being. Now for- S-ifmuchas divers and fundry Strangers and * Foreigners from the Liberties of the faid City, ' nothing regarding the faid ancient Charters, * Franchifes, Cuftoms, or Liberties of the faid * City , and Ads and Ordinances heretofore 'made according to the fame, but wholly in- ' tending their private profit, have of late years * devifed and pradifed by finifter and fubtile * means, how to defraud and defeat the faid ' Charters, Liberties , Cuftoms , good Orders * and Ordinances, and to that end do now in- * wardly in privy and fecret places, ufually and * ordinarily fliew, fell, and put to fale their ' Wares and Merchandizes , and ufe Arts , ' Trade, Occupation, Myfteries and Handi- * crafts within the faid City and Liberries of ' the fame, to the great detriment and hurt of * the Freemen of the faid City, who pay lot * and fcot, bear Offices and undergoe other * Charges, which Strangers arid others not ' Free are not chargeable withal, nor will per- ' form ; for reformation of which diforders , * and avoiding of fuch prejudice and damages ' as thereby groweth to the Freemen of the * faid City, and is now more of late ufed than * was in any time heretofore fullered, and to ' provide for the common profit and good of * the Freemen and Citizens of this City; It is ' ther^jfore by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen * and Commons in this Common Council af- ^ fembled , ordained and dlabliihed that no ' perfon whaifoever, not being Free of this • ' C ity of London, Ihjii at any time after ihi * read of St. M:ch;!cl now r.?xt enfuiaj]; > bv * ^6 Orders for Foreigners ^ any colour, way, or means whatfoever, either * diredly or indiiedly, by himfelf or by any * other, fhew, fell, or put to fale aiiy Wares or Merchandizes whatfoever, by Retail with- in the City of LWo«, or the Liberties or Suburbs of the fame, upon pain to forfeit to the Chamberlain of the City o{ London for the time being, to the ufe of the Mayor and Commonalty of the faid City, the fum of five pounds of lawful money of Ergland, for every time wherein fucjh perfon (hall fliew , fell, of put to fale any Wares or Merchan- dizes by Retail within the faid City, Liber- ties, or Suburbs thereof, contrary to the true intent and meaning thereof. And it is further ordained and eftabliflied. That no perfon whatfoever, not being free of the City of London^ fhall at any time after the faid Feaft of St. Michael now next enfuing by any colour, way, or means whatfoever, diredtly or indireiftly, by himfelf or by any other, keep any Shop, or other place whatfoever, inward or outward, forfhipw, fale, or putting to fale of any Wares or Merchandizes what- foever, by way of Retail, or ufe any Art, Trade, Occupation, Myftery, or Handicraft whatfoever, within the faid City, or the Li- berties or Suburbs of the fame, upon pain to forfeit the fum of Five Pounds of lawful money of England, for every time wherein fuch perfons (hall keep any Shop, or other place whatfoever , inward Or outward, for {hew, fale, or putting to fale of any Wares or Merchandizes whatfoever by way of Re- tail , or ufe any Art, Trade , Occupation , Mytlery, or Handicraft whatfoever, within the faid City or Liberty, or Suburbs of the fame, contrary to the trile intent and meaning ' hcieoL in the City of London, ^/ ' hereof. All which P^ins, Penalties, Forfeitures, ^ and Sums of Money to be forfeited by virtue of ' this A-iJ: or Oidinance, rtiall be recovered by ' Adion of Debt, Bill orPiaint^ to be profecuted ' in theNime of the Ch.imberlain of the City of * London for the time being, in the King's Mdje- ' fly's Court to be holden in the Chamber of ' the GuiU-hill of the City of London^ before * the Lord Mayor and" Aldermen of iltefaid Ci- ' ty ; wherein no Effoign or W.iger of Law ' fha'l be admitted or allowed for the Defen- * dants. And that the Chamberlain of theCi- * ty for the time being, (hall in ail Suits to bs * profecuted by virtue of this Ad or Ordinance ' againft any Offender , recover the ordinary * Cods of Suit to be expended in and about the ^profecution thereof: and further, that one ^ equal third part of all Forfeitures to be reco- ' vei-ed by virtue hereof, (The Ccfls of the Suits *^ for recovery of the f:ime being deducted and '>.vowed)!liali be afrer the recovery 2nd receipt '' thereof, paid and delivered to theTreafurerof ' Chrifi\ Hofptal^ to be employed towards the ' relief of the Poor Children, to be brought up ' and maintained in the ikid Mofpira!; a^id one ^ other equal third part to him or them which ^ (hsll firft give InForrp •"-- -f theOffences for ^ which fuch Fotfeiiu -rm^^ jind profe- ' cute Suit in ihe Name oi th erlain of 'the faid City tor recovery c " --''' *'thing in this Acl: to the contr. * in;;. T. ovided always that this kCi or Crdi* C !• t* ■•"("11 naHCS, or A^" '•^1"'^ h >'.=! -1 r^' •-•-■- i-^.\\ ^ not extend t ; ' ing or cauilng to be brought aus v^ctUdiS co ' be fold within i'-'i Ofy, or the Liberties th^re- * of but th^v: id every of them' may fell ^ V-::'; ■: ^^ ; . m;:: ; he -iaid City, and the Liberties H 'there- p 8 Orders for Foreigners thereof, as they might lawfully have done at * the making hereof, any thing herein contain- ' ed to the contrary in any wife notvvichfland- Js to the AB of Common Council^ That no Foreigner fhall opcnShop^ dec. I N M^tJggoner and Fifhers Cafe ; V/aggor:er was arreted upon Plaint in the Lord Mayors Court, indebt,at the 'iimK.ci Fi^jyCban.bokitr.lL^Q Defendant brought a Writ of Priviledge recour- nable in the Cdr-iKioz-ruas : The Retorn was ; There is a Cuftom in the City of London. That fio Foreigntr jhaQ keep a?/) Shop^ or ufe avy Trade ir, London. And there is ano:!:er Cuftom, Th.'.t the Mayor, Aldemen, a^id Commonahf Qf avy CuHoTiis be defect roe) r/iay fupply^ Remedy fur it ; a?id if any new thir.g h.'jpvcTj^ thei rr,ry pro'vide Rt- medies for it,fo it be Congrua & bona; fidei ron- fuetudo rationi confenran^ & pro con utiliMte Regis, civium £: omnium alioruni ... confluentium. That K. Ediv. 5. by his Letters g . , Patents granted, Thar they might m.^ke By- ' ' Laws, and the Letters Patents were conlirmd by A(5l of Parliament, and fiiew feveral Ails of Common-Council made in the time of H.4. an 1 H. 8. for inhibiting Foreigners to bold any She > crShops^or Lattice, and Penalties impofed. ara that after, and fhew the day, an ^ct of *~ roon-Ccuncil was made, That ilo Fore. .. . f]iould ufe any Trade, Mvftery, or Occipat:- on within the faid City, .ncr keep any Shop there for retailing, upcn pain of j /. and ^i'c power to the Chambef];iin ro (ue for it by Art- ion, e^'-. in the four: cT liiS Major, 5 andili in the City 0/ London. q^ fuch a Day the Defendant held a Shop, and ufed the Myftery of making Candles, and a Plaint was levied, and the Defendant arre- fted. It was agreed by all that the Cuftomand By- Law wasgoodj but there was a Defect in the DeTeainth* Return ; it does not appear by the Return that Rctorn. the Defendant had ufed tl:e Trade of Tallow- chandler, nor fold any Candles, but only he kept a Shop, and ufed the M) fiery of making Candles; and it is not the making them, hut the Talc of them is the Wrong ; and for this caufe he was delivered , and not remanded, 2 Bro'ivn. 2S4. It was agreed that a Merchant, or any vvb3tGoo(?s other man may fell Goods in Grofs as he m-iybefcld may fell an Hundred Tun of Wines, or pie- m Londin^zn^ cesof Cloath j and one Tun of Wine to one bywhcm. ' man, and a piece of Cloath to another, till they had fold all ; and this was not a retail- ing ; but they cannot fell by the Yard, or keep r.Shop. And in this Cafe it was fald by Coke, That th^y couid not inflid; Conftfcation of Goods, pacTin'jrypi:- or imprifonraenr, but may iniiiit Pecuniary Pu- ri^^'^^n^.^^ nifhments. no'I-'Pni<^^- menc Alfo ir....; .....: is a Freeman of I.^»^c7; fnall ,» imploy a Foreigner to work within the City or Lil:e:-t.;.: thereof, he forfe!ts y /. a Day, and an AtTricii l-.^z againft him for the fame; pur- fuant to an Aift of - Co'-umon Council made in the Mijoralty of Sir WuliaTn GirmriJ^ Knr. f'in:o Aueuf':i ; 6^ A.?hil. & Mat, which Ad is" as followeth : ri 2 Where- lOO Orders for Foreigners WHereas by theAnciept laudabkLaws,U- berties and Fr^nchifes of this Noble City of London^ no pei^fon or perlbns flio^ild be willfngly fuffered to exercife, ufe, of oc- cupy any Manual Occupacicn or Handicraft within the f^id City orLiberties thereof, unlefs he or they were free of the fame ^iry , or Aj^r- prentice, or Apprentices with (ome that be free of the fame City ; the which fald Anci- ent LawSj Franchiies, and Liberties, noiwith- ftanding divers Artificers and Handy-crafts- men being Freemen ct this City, not regard- ingor efteeming thefaid Laws, Libcuie.-, Cu- ftoms, and Franchifes, nor the Oath that they have taken to the faid City at fuch limc astkey were made free; for the mainten:Jnce and ad- vancement of the fame City have now of la^te not only willingly fufrer'd, hired, and fet on work within the faid City and Liberties there- of divers Foreigners from the Liberies of th^ faid City, in divers and fundry Handicraft and Manual Occupations, but a'fo have refufed to take and fet a work in tHb i:Jd Manual Occu- ' pations or Handicrafts the honeft poor Citi- zens and Freemen of the fame City, to the great hindrance, lofsand prejudice of the laid poor Citizens, and to the utter undoing of a great number of the faid pcor Handicrafts- men, being Citizens and Freemc n of .the (aid City, and aifo of their poor Wives and Chil- dren for ever, iHflcfs> fome fpeedy Rcmccy I ■ herein provided. For refioimation wherec be it enabled, ordAined, and eftablidic^d by th Lord Mayor, Aidei men and Commons in this piefcRt Common Council ,':ffcmbled, and by the Authority of the lanie. That no perfon or perfons, now being free ox t!.l« ^'^ in the City 0/ London, 6"^^. loi' or that -hereafcei fhnll be free of the fame, (liall after the Feaft of St. Alichad the Archangel now next coming, by any colour- ways , or means fet at work in any Manual Occupati- on or Handicraft within thefaidCiry, the Li- berties or Suburbs thereof^ any maniier of Fo- reigner from the Liberties or" the faid Gity, upon pain of forfeiture of Five Pounds of cur- rent Money of EfigUnd for every time that every fuch pcrfon or perfons fliall offend or commit or do any thing contrary to the pur- port, true intent and meaning of this prefent * All and fingular which Penalties and For- feitures above, and by this prefent Atft limited and appointed, (haH be divided into rhree equal parts, whereof the one to the ufe of the May- or and Commonalty and Citizens or the faid City foe the time being j and one other part thereof to be to thofe of the firft prefenters of the fame Oifencc ; and the third part thereof to be to thofe of the Company or Fellowfliip that every fuch Offender (hall be free of ; and that all and every fuch Penalty and Penalties and Forfeitures ftiall be recovered, as well up- on the proper confeffion of the fame Offence made by the fame Offender or Offenders themfelves before the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen for the timebeing; asal- fo upon good and fuffitcicnt proof thereof to be madcj by theWitneffes before the faid Lord Mayor zri^i Court of Aldermen for the time being, cr by Bill or Plai^ic of Debt to be com- menced by any fuch informer or ^refenter in any of the King and Queens Majefties Courts oF Record within the faid City, in the Name of the Chamberlain of the faid City for the time bei^g ; wherein no Effoin cr Wager of Law H : Mhall 101 Onhrs for Foreigners * jliaU bs admitted or allowed for the party De- * fendanr. And be it alfo enabled by the Au- ' choiiiy afo.efaid, That it be lawful for thefaid ' Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the faidCity for * the time being, upon every confeffion or proof * of any fuch Offence aforefaid before them ' inadej or fuSciently proved, to commit every * fuch Offender or Offenders to Ward, there to *^ remain wiihout Bail or Mainprife, until he or ' they have fully farisfy'd or paid tlie faid Forfei- * ture or Forfeitures apd Penalties to the Ufes ' aforefaid. Provided always that this A ' n"ijlier5 in the City of London. i o * makers, Capthickers, Carders, Spinners, Knit- ' ters, or Brewers, or to any perfon that now * keepeth, or hereafter (hall keep any Brewhoufe * within the faid City or the Liberties thereof, * for working or ufing any of the faid Craf:s or ' Occupations within the fanv3 City, or within ' the Liberties or Suburbs thereof, this orefenc * Ad, or any thing therein contained to the coa- * trary in any wife, notwithftanding. But Note an Adion of the Cafe was brought by the Weavers of London, none being to inter- meddle with their Goiid , nor with cheir Arc within the Ci«V, or Sout hii^ark^but thofcof the Fraternity. The ^Bion fuppofed, That the Vlaintiffs from time to time, whereof, &c. v.*ere a Corporation in London, &c. paying for it 20 s. 8 i.\s an An- cient City, and that there is a Cuftom there, that Siali'julse:<:traneHi forinfcciab Lthcrtate tjufdim Cii,7ri;jfiibi;y anything de u/jo fonnfecoa Ltbertate padicr. that it ihould be forfeited to the Mayor and Comiuonalty of the faid City ; and faith, Th3iZih(tV\3\m\^ Extramus a Lihrtciie, did buy the faid Ox- Hide of another Foreigner ; where- upon he feizcd it in London^ to the u^q of the ^4a} cr, &c. abj^Hs hoc, that he did find it, and convert in Middlsfeit. .^n^ it was thereupon demurred. GLn'vU argued for the Plaintiff; Firft. That it was not a good and lawful Cuitom; and in OK): f (h-iv-nrci^r-l rhe Cafe 7,6 H. 6. of Jew- •j!d, and 21 ti> 7.40. 3 FJtz. in the City of London^ i o j Dpr, iS6,& 24.6. And the form of the Plead- ing he faid is not ^ood, viz. Si alis^uisex'ramus h Ltkrtate ; but doth not fhevv where the Liber- ty is ; and the TraveiTe is not good j for he O'lght to traverfe every County befides Londony and not Middlefex only. Ander.fon and Beaumond conceived the Form of the Pleading to be iil> but for the matter of the Cuftom it feif, they doubted Owen faid The Cuftom was i^ood, and had been allowed before thefs times. An Jclof Common Council^ 1 ft. o/June, 18 I\j H. 8. Concerning makjfig Freemen oj the dly^ againji colouring Foreign Goods. AT this Common Coucii^ic is Agreed grant- ed, ordained and enacl;ed ; That if here- after any Freeaiaa or Frecvycman of this City, take any Apprentice, and within the term of fe- ven Years fuffer the fame Apprentice to go ac !i.'s large Liberty and Pieafure ; and within, or alter the faidteini, agree wi^hthefard Appren- tice for a certain Sum of Money, or otberwife for his faid Service; and within or after the end of the faid Term, the faid Freeman prefenc the (aid Apprentice to the Chamberlain of the City, rind by good deliberaricn , and upon his Oath r:adeto the fame City, the fame Freeman or -ee.vvoman adureth and affirmethto the faid vj-jamberlain, that the faid Apprentice hath fully f^.:vedhii faid Term as Apprentice. Or if any eeiran or Frcc^/c.T.an cf this City, take any Apprentice I o 6 Orders for Forei?ners J o Apprentice ; which at the time of the faid tak- ing hath any Wife. Or if any Freeman or Free woman of this City, give any Wages to his or her Apprentice, or fuffer the fliid Apprenti- ces to take any part of their own Getting or Gains. Or if any Freeman or Freewoman of this City hereafter, colour any Foreign Goods, or from henceforth buy or fell for any perfon or perfons, or with or to any perfon or perfons, be- ing Foreign or Foreigners, Cloaths, Silks, Wines, Oyls , or any other Goods or Merchandize whatfoever they be ; wliecher he take any thing or things for 'his or their Wages or Labour, or not 5 or if any perfon or perfons being free of this City, by any colour or deceitful means from henceforth, dcbuy, fell, or receive of any Apprentice within this City, any Mony, Goods, Merchandize or Wares, without the aifent or licenfe of his Mafter or Mafters ; and upon Eiiamination duly proved before theChani- berlain of the fald City , for the Time be- ing. And the {xw^z reported by the Mouth of the faid ChamberLiin, at H Court to be holden by the Mayor and tlie Aldermen of the fame Ci- ty , in their Council Chamber. That as well the faid Mafler, as the faid Apprentice iliall for evermore be disfranchi- ied. Vn hi the City of London. 1 07 Ti^e Cuftoms of London as to Jppren" ticeSy ajidJeVeral Cafes adjudgd there' upon. TH E Cuftom of London as to TnroUing Ap- inrolment. prendces is certified by the Mouth of the Recorder. The Apprentice at any time before one Year (^if his Matter do not Inrol the Indenture) may exhibit a Petition in Fre?jcb to the Lord Mayor flnd Aldermen - and have a Scire Facias againft his Matter, tottiew v;hy the Indenture was not Inrolled ; and if he do not (hew fi;fficienc caufe fas that he could not bring the Appren- tice perfonallv, as he mutt, or fome fuch Caufe) then he may fue out his Indenture, and be dif- charged ot his Matter, V aimer 561. But rhisCafe is more fully reported»in 2 RoTs Rep. 308. in a Writ of Error between the Ma- tter and the Apprentice, they were at iffue up- on the CuOom of London, and the Certiorari w^s awarded to the Mayor ; and the Recorder cei- titied that where any Man within i\v^ Age of 2 1 Yesrs, and not under the age of 14, binds hira- felf by Indenture, in which are many Cove- nants ; thefe fliall bind the lufanc, aUhcughthe Deed vv< s not inr-ollcd before the Chamberlain within the Year : Bet with this difference, That the Apprentice may aome in before the Mayor and Aldermen, and there Ihew the M^^tter by Petition in VreTich^ that the Deed is noi- enrol- Where tlie kd wichin the Year ; and upon this a Scire Fa- Apprentice das /hall iffue forth to theM^yor, to tltnt en Bond whereof the Con- ADprenrrce dition ^.^.s t<) pci form Covenants in Indenture tTvcr;.'^^- Apr-'ntkp in Un^,n : Thc Defendant plead? tn.- Cui7om of Lov^lon, That the Inden- t'Te ihall be void if" it be tiot Inrolied within the Year, and this Cuttcni was traverfed. A Ttmover. '^^^* Culioni of Lc^Jo» is, to turn over an Apprentice from one to another; and he to whom fuch Apprentice is turned over, may have Action oi Covenant upon fpccial LTues, on the kvcral Breaches afii^n.d j and the Plaintiff in luch Cale had a Veididl, tho' it was moved in An til of Judgment. I. That ayi}r.')xlt [e a Servitio, fo many Nights, and during :hot time did not ferve i.im; which/:crLV. being found againft him is g,ood enojgh. / in the i.^j -.j London. i oo 2. It is faid he did flot ferve according to his Covenan:5;-vhereas noCovenanc was made w/ith the Piauitiff, yet ic is good oiVough, Covgna^, and the Conclu.v a Cn- In Covenant it was laid that e' -i.omistobe r.ian may take an Apprentice, and ch- .s s'^edgd h-i ir.fiV bind themfelves toferve. - pitatlir-. It"«vas objediedjThst this Cufiom was r...-: '='d '.: jiirtj and not infach, foiUfage is not c.cl red to it : As a Cuiiom of a MannotjThat ev^ry Te- nant fotun & ^otuijfct furfuTn rtJdnc is" ill : '^x. 's- cct & licuity for the Lord to alTefs a Pain ; L-.: tiie Court couira ; as Ol^ Entries 141, a Ciiftorn chat every Citizen and Freeman might dc ■■'■• in Alortfruun good. I Crck 547. and in .'/.;...- /«;•/? and 6'/;7's, Kaym. An Infant binds h^i^^'tlv Apprentice at j6 1 London, if he he fued upon his Coveijant in ". C. as he may, he fhali noc plead NoiMge in .< ar ; for this Cultom ttiat Jljch Coven mts jhail bind in Lcndcn\s becofi'C aljcv/abis i?" Law, and io pleadable in a;iy pJace in Engiand^'vid.juffa. & "jidQ\c{tc^Qh'atvkit\\;''-r C-'urt. Qujloms 1 10 Cujloms 0/ London Cujloms of London General and SpC' cial. Lord Mayor, FIrft, As to the Priviledges of the Mayor and Aldermen J It is to be obferved, that the Lord Mayor for the time being is perpetual Co- roner and Echeator ; and the Coroners Court is always held before him or his Deputy, Djer 317. Stanford, lib. 2. C. 31. ^InH.2^0, Cro. Jac, ni- The King's ^Tl H E Mayor of Lomht at the Coronation Butler at his JL of the King ought to be the King's But- Coronation. |gj. j fj^ ^^ j^oft, ^-c. Servica^ Jhe Mayor thehi. claimed it, and hadic granted to him, i RolWs Repj45:. It's the Cufiomof Lopnon, That if one be E- lecfted Mayor, and he refufe, to fine him 5*00 /. To pay 500/. Bqj they ought not to chufe an unfit Man on upon refufal. puj-pofe'to have the Monsy, 1 Rolls's Reports 109. Alderman /^^^7 having an Houfe at in Ej//t'x, where it was pretended, That Conflablcs fhouldbs E!e6ledout of the Inhabitants of every ^^'^^^ beEle ^o"^^ ^V prefentment every year in the Lee: , Sed^Confta!" and the f;iid Alderman by the Name of John Ab- b!e, &c. dj, Efq was nominated by the Leet hvolden fuch a Day to he ConftaMe there for theYear follow- ing ; ard hec^ufe he refufed,, theSteV'ard impo- izd a Fine upon him j and ic v7as%iovcd to have a Wiit General and Special 1 1 1 a Writ direded r. rlie Lord of the Mannor, and his Steward, todifcharge him, and it was grant- ed : for he oupht to be dirdmrscd bv his Privi- legCj and for-eafon or his Attendance in the Courts of Lon-Jotty and he need not execuie by his Deputy,- CVo. C^r. 585. Thofe of Lorxhn njay prePjribe againll a Sta- p^erctibe tute, and th--' reafon is, becaufti their Liberties agqinft a Sfa- are reioforctd by Statute. Sir Ed, Cckc faith, tute, and in Sprina I and Tcn-^nt's CaiiG, 1 Re//j*s Rep. 105-. ^hy. we tike r5otice of theCuftoms in our Courts^ and in the Courts of WtF.minsier-hall, and in LonJcvi and tleetwcod Recorder ci London {-^iih, in 1 Lecv. 284. Holinshead iitid Kirgs Cafe^Thac f'le King's Courts ought to rake noclcej that ofe of London have a Court of Record, %o /^/^i^r- w«/'o, p. ^ I. here particular Cuftoms in London arc pleadable J cr iict^ in the B.' R. or Commoa-PleaSj or only ivitk'm Lea- don. ■^N the Cafe of St^.ftton zn^ Squire, Mcori^y, it was agreed upon the Book of i EJ, 4. up-' ^ , theCuf^orn of a Feme'Covert Sole Merchant, jvfircbnr, and held that this is |)leadable, and ihe is to be when to t'e fued in Lo/,^/i/w, and not eiiewhcre. fued- So the C'lllom of Lo7iJc?iy That Pledges fhall fued wUho'jc DeerT; snd that Infant (hail t wage his Law upon Covenant for 'Tabling, : in the. CoiLmon Bench/ fuch Infaric fhail 1 \z Cujlojns of London {hall wage his Law, and fuch Woman fiiall not be fued,and fuch Pledges Oiall not be fuedwith- out Deed. Iflnfant fued Buc if an Infant binds himfelf as an Apprentice in B. c. upon in LendoHy if hebefaed upon his Covenant, in his Covenant, c, ^. ^s he may, he fhall not plead Nonage in ^fg^^'^^'^.^'^ Bar ; and JValmjley took this Diverfity between age in Bir. the faid CaftoiTis and this Co^enan; j for the faid Cufl-oms are things Executory, and thefe Diverficy . are Prefcriptions united to the Courts oiLondony for it only appears in Suits and Picas : but this Covenant by the faid Caftam is became a ftrong thing, and allowable by the Law, and fo plead- able in any place in Knglmd: for the ^ords of ' the Plea are, Thac the Covenant Hiall be of ' fuch t^'idi and efficacy as if he had been of full Acje at the ti/ns of the Indenture, and then, he ihall be bound in every place within \.llje Rea'tn. The Recorder of London moved in rinother Gafc, trhat where the Cu do m ' ' ' ^'-VvjthaC if many arc bound in an Ob' .Sureties, if the principal fail or pa -at one of the Sureties fie fusd up6a t\\z -Ljr.a, :nac he fliall have a Writ ds canyitu^iom far;::^:h 2Z^iii(\ t!.C other Sureties, and tol#'thfe C i Ic wa? brought in London^ and h aov/ rciiiovcd m Ba/xo ; and prayed the Juftices to reraand this ro Loftdo?}, for that the Co.nmon-pleas cannot do right upon thatCuftoai, and his Requeft was granted. How tbfiCu- The Plaintiff upon liTne Joined upon theCu- ftoms fhere ftorn, furmifed thac there is aCuftom in -'o;.'/i'», are to be cec- yhac if any Cuftom b^' r.\-zxd:d -ind dcnisd,and tlfiedinto iffue thereupon, it ibali'be trved by a Writ to c:herCourc5. ^j^^ j^j.vor and Aide -; ■) >e.tifie whether there he fuch a Cu; "' f^iey fhall ma!:c their Certfetc by the M ilieirRscorder, in the City of London. 1 1 3 Ore tenus, and prays to have a Writ to Certify, andaWric is awarded accord ingly, Cro. Car. j i6. Jfkton and Stoughton. If Tudgment be given in LcrJotiy and it comes „,, , . •^J' t 1 ' c V, r- Where the into n. R. we ought to take notice ot the Cu- ^^^^^ ^^ g ^ ftom of Louden : But if a Cuftombe in another (hii! rake no- place on- an Original A(5lion, there we ought tics of the not to take notice of it without being ailedged, Cuftomsof fer Cur. i Rclh'sRc^, io6. ^^'^'"^ ""' In many Cafes the ^rlVileges of the Courts of Wcitminfter hciVe been ciU lowed cigalnft the Cujlomary jBions tn in London. Action fur cofscefjlt: Sohere, which is a cudo- mary Adion in London, was difcharged by the privilege of the Common Pleas after a large debate, 5 8 H. 6: 29. h. An A(5lion upon the Ccftom of London Cuftcmarv againft a Feme-Sole Merchant was difcharged A7.'i/i?», and that ^ did relinquira the Trade of a Wool-Packer, d betook himfelf CO -the- Trade of an Uphol- . rer, p-o u: ei litis- Ucuitj and deaiands •J-.a dgment of the Court, if this Infc ^^''':-'^n will ^. y. y. dsmurs to the" Plea. I 2 The 1 1 6 Cujloms for Tradejmen The Queftion was. Whether this Cuftom of relinquifiiing one Trade after he hath been Ap- prentice for feven Years, and betaking himfelf to anotherTrade wherein he hath not been Ap- prentice be good,. or not; and ic was agreed to be a good Cuftom, and it might have a reafo- nable commencement. London being a famous City for Traffick and Commerce, cannot but fometimes have Merchants and Tradefmen in it, who by mifadventure of Pirates , or Ship- wrack, or by confifcation of their Goods in Fo- reign Countries abroad , or by Cafualties of Fire at home have their Eftates funk, whereby for want of Means or Stock they are forced to leave that Courfe, and betake themfeives -to fome other Trade, proportionable to the Means which they have j or through Sicknefs, &c. he may become infirm in Body, and cannot follow that laborious Trade, &c. and this Cuftom hath had a perpetual allowance. It was a Queilion in this Cafe, V/hether the Branch of the Star, of 5- Bitz.. 4. be a repeal and controle of the Cuftom of London , concern- ing the. exercife of a Trade thsc he hath not been an Apprentice to by the fpace of Seven Years. And it was refolved, that the Cuftom of Lon- don was of force, and was not coiltroUed by that Branch. It was alfo refolved, That the Trade of an Upholfter was not within that Stat, of 5 Eliz. Caltbr. 9. JlUn nt, and all the Do- nations and Cuftcnis were confiantd by i?. 2. and that he being a Citizen and Freeman ofLon- don^ by all the time mentioned in tlie Indi<9:- mcat, r.piid Fra7nl;7jgham praJ. rcpJthut ^ mora- hatur cum ejuiktfdam Mercimonlis pannariis emend, &" 'vendeftd. Mercimon'ta pim-iunr p-^d. pro ut ei b^ ne Ucuit juxta concefjion d^ conjirKiation prad, which is the fame ufing the Trade fjppofed in ThnGI- the Indidraent. Ill Plea becaufs the Charter no difpenfati. ^'^ ^' 5* Cannot be a dilpenfation with the5/' '"^ ^ , • r /- r n^ Covenants not wage his Law unon Covenant ioria- when ptjd - blingj b'.. I X z Cufloms for Trade/men bling) fed non allocator. It is pleadable at any place; this Covenant is allowable at Law ; and the Words are. That the Covenant {hall become of fuch Effedand Efficacy, as if he bad been at full Age at the time of his fealing the Indenture; and then he (hall be bound in every place within the Realm. The Court feemed to be of opinion, that it was a Good Cuftom, and that the Adi- on was well brought, Moor 155^. Statitoni Cafe. In Adion of Covenant on Apprentices In- ^^^^!ke r* ^^^^"'■^s ' ^^^ Defendant pleads a By-Law in Bond void. London, by the Common Council there; That if any Freeman take to Apprentice the Son of an Alien , that Bond and Covenant fliall be void. PerCur. that is, no plea for the Common Council cannot make the Conditions or Cove- nants void, but may inflid a Fine on fuch a Mailer, Afocr^ix. Djyzeliand Feck. D'tsfranchifementj what are good Caujes, or not. ONE Citizen of Lmdon faed another Ciiizen \v\ B.R. and the Mayor and Aldermen of London would have him put the' matter tocom- promife, • which he refufed ; whereupon they diddisfranchife him, and he ihewed this matter to the Court; and thereupon the B. R. direded their Writ to the Mayor, to. reftcre him to his Franchife, and they alfeffed a Fine of ico in the City of London. 1 2 2 Marks upon every of them that were Parties to the Disfranchifement, which they payed, and the Citizen was reftored to his Franchife, m temps H. 8. per Teriam Cro, £/. 5 3. Upon an Habeas Corpm to the Mayor of Lon- (Jo»y a Cuftom was returned to disfranchife and commit a Freeman for fpeaking opprcbrious Words of an Alderman; the Court faid they might fine in fuch Cafe, but the other Cuftcm would not hold notwithftanding the AB of Con- frmation of thefe Cuftoms. 1 Ventr. 527. Clark's Cafe. Cujloms as to Women, BY the Cuftom of London the Wife fliall have the moyety of the Goods whereof her Husband died poflefs'd, and by his Will he cannot prejudice her concerning her third parr ; yet in his life* time he may give them away,Cr«. Car. 245-. On Bargain and Sale of Houfes in London^ by Deed enrolled, if the Feme-Coveit be exa- mined, it fliali bind her, as a Fine doth at Com- mon Law. Women Coverts that' ufe certain Craft with- in the City by therafelves, without their Huf- bands, may by the Cuftom of Ldm'cn take Wo- men to be their Apprentices, for to ferveehem, and to learn their Crafts, &c. 124 Cujloms of London of a FemC'Sole Merchant. THE Words of theCuftom are, That ivhere a Woman exerc'tjeih a Trade "whtrnn herHuf- hand doth not intermeddle ^ (he fliallhaveaH advanta- ges ^ and fnall be Jued as aFeme-Jole Merchant by the Cuftom. Feme Covert by the Cuftom of London fhall fue without her Husband, as a Feme-Sole Mer- chant, by tVray. But the Adion muft be laid within the City, Chamkrlam and Sharps Cafe. But every FeJ-ne which traces in London is not a Feme Sole Merchant. On Haheas Corpus to remove the Body cf4m c^ufa of ihs Wife of B. it was retorned, that the Adion was brought againft her and her Huf- band as a Feme fole Merchant for Wares bought by the Feme wherein the Husband was named only for Cor;forn?ity ; and by the Cuftom the Execution Hiaii be only againft her, Cro. Jac, Bluer was a Vintner, and preft for a Soldier beyond Sea, ^ndgoes over Sea; the Wife takes a Houfe, and bays Wine of Langbam , who truds her, fuppofrng her to be a Feme-fole Mer- chant; After the Husband returns, and theWife dcnieth to pay for the Wine, and the doubt was. If the Wife wjis a Feme-fo!e Merchant by the Cuftom ; and. the Words of the Cuftom were read prout Jupra'^ and by R^cbardfon and Td'verton fhe is not a Feme fole Merchant within the Cu- Aoin,for her Husband exerclfed the fameTrade; and by Tehtrton Feme- fole Merchant ought to be the Widow of a Tradefman, v»/ho takes a fe- cond Huiband, and fhe after exercifeth the Trade General and Special. i 2 < Trade of her fir(> Husband : But Croke, Huttcn, and Harvey contra^ If the Husband meddle with the Trade of the Wife, then fhe is not a Feme- fox Merchant ; but if the Husband be beyond Sea, or becomes Bankrupt, or leaves his Trade, and his Wife exercifeth the fameTrade, or they both exercife the fameTrade diftindly byrhem- felves^andnot meddle the one with the oiher^the Wife is Sole Merchant, Litt. Rep.^S. iCro. 67. Lapgham and Bluett^ Tamen quaere. Feme was indided as a Feme- Sole Mer- chant , for felling Ale , and her Husband not joined. Where ftie ufeth the fame Trade, fhe -pt,g Cuftom dothit as a Servant, and he alone ftallbe Indi- ofrbeFeme- (fted : Nor will any Adion lie in B. R. againft Sole Mer- her alone J and a TrcceJetti^o *vas awarded , chant was al- 2 Kebl. J 8 5. Mereton and Tackman ; fo a Vro^ liMzv^^ion ctdtrtdo was afterwards granted in Rojfion and and a proce- Iver/s Cafe , on Suit of a Feme Covert, as dende,^n6. wis a Feme-fole Merchant, the Cuftom being aU awarded, ledged in the Declaration. 5 Kek 502. Concernino- Jciionahle JVords fpoken of Women. • IT is a Cuftom of London to maintain an Act- ion on Scandals, and Words of Defamation, ^^^^ ^ ^^,^ that are not Actionable in a Court at IVefimtn- oimmock' [itr. As to this CuUom it was refolved as foU i; Fawcet. loweth: 393^394- One Cro. 3 fart. m6 Cujioms of London One Margaret Hart brought an A«5tion in the Sheriffs Court in London againft another Woman for faying, That (lie ivas an Arraa Whvrcy and ^cnt from Chamber to Chamber flaying the tvhore. This was removed by a Habeas Corpus into the King's Bench, and Bail put in. Siof:e moved for the Plaintiff, to have the Caufe remanded, becaufe for thefe Words At^ion lies not here, but th«y were Adionable there by the Cullom of London, becaufe fhe is puniihable for fuch Of- fence. But the Court denied togriLnta.Proceda;iio, and faid, an A^Hiion lies not for thefe Words ; but that fhe fhould be fued for Defamation in the Spiritual Goait only. Cro. 3. Part 3^0. Harm's Cafe. An Action upon the Cafe was brought Cro. 3 pan jj, Lo?ido^^, for Woids of the Feme, Tku art a Bower ferior Ju- rifdiUion ought not to afjhme i ^Mod. Rep./3»fl- nimus. 28. in the City o/London. 3« 28 Eliz,. An Ad of Common Council accord- ing to tlie Cuftom of the City of London was, That none %)uld bring any Sand, nor fell, nor An Aft of ufe any within the City or Suburbs of London , Common but that which was only taken out of the River Council, Not oVThamssy &c. and that if any did the contrary, buj'r^"^ that hefliould forfeit for the firft Fault 5 /. and Sand. forthefecond Fault 10 /. to be recovered in an A(ftion of Debt, wherein noEffoin, Protec5tion, or Wager of Law fiiouid be aliowed ; and this Plaint for the forfeiture of 120I. vvasremoved our of London into the Common Pleas, by Wric of Priviledge, and the Judges did greatly fpeak againft the faid A(3: of Common Council, as v/ell for the Matter, as for the Form of it: They were informed by Serjeant Snaarg, That the faid Thames Sand was much worfe than the Land Sand, and yet thePriceof it was greater, and the Mcafurelcfs; for of tYizThAmei Sand there were but Eleven Builiels to make a Load, and of the other Sand there wereEighteen Burti- els I and they faid they were prefumptuous to makefuchAds fo Parliament Hke,(w2s.) that no EfToin Protedtion, or Wager of Law (hould be allowed of, aad that they did arrogate to 'Ji'^'^g ^^helf themfelves too hiph Authority, andthevlHned r.,-!„^L up the Plamtiit at next Parliament to exhibit a Cour.cil fo Bill againft them for it, and to iaQ them in the pstliamenta- Kwis Hancti, and had ^Habeas Cor- pus, upon which this vlatter was retorned, that Civitas londtnt efi antiefud cfvtras ; and that they time out of niemory have made Ordinances for K 2 the London ti ved for pro- I J 2 (By'Laws for Trade/men the Government of the City, which binds the Citizens , and that by an A6t of their Com- mon Council for ordering the Companies of Aft of Com. Bricklayers and Plaifterers, it was ordained nion Council that the Bricklayers ftiould not plaifter with againft Brick- Lime and Hair, but with Lime and Sand only; Phtoers ^"^ '^^^ plaiftering with Lime and Hair fliould belong only to thePlaifterers ; and they which broke, &c^ (hall forfeit 40 /. to be recovered by the Chamberlain of London, The Queftion was, If this be a Good Ordi- nance ? OhjeB. That it's not good. L It pertains to Bricklayers and Tylers to dauh •with Hairy and fo this retrains part of their Trade. II. The Retorn was, That tbofe ©/" London ha^^e regimen perfonarum ia manufadionibus , which ts for the ordering of their Ferjonsy and prC" fervation of the Peace : hut they have not regi- men manufatftionum to annex that to omTrade •which belongs to another. Bttt per. Cur. I. This Ordinance is not indeftrudion, but for the ordering of Trades, and for any.thin^ that appears by the Retorn, it is indifeent to which of thefe Trades this Matter belongs ; fo the Ordinance is but a determination of a Que- ftion between the Companies by the Common Council ; but had itappear'd upon the Retorn, ^ that daubing with Lime and Hair belongs to the Bricklayers^, the Ordinance is not good. 2. That in the City of London. i j 3 2. That the Retorn, that they have regimen terfonarum in mantifaBionibus goes to their De- raeaner in their Myfteries, Palmer ^95'. be- tween the Bricklayers, and Tylers, and Com- pany of Plaiftererers. The Corporation of Butchers in London was q^ jg^ t„ j^^ confirmed, by which they had power to them Company of given to make R^-La-ws and Ordinances • they Batchers to did ordain. That no Buichtr, or perfon being ^"(^ their a Stranger fhould fell any Veal within the City v^^^^-^^f^ of Lcndont unlefs they did drefs the Kidneys of famemanner their Veals in fuch manner as the Kidneys of as Kidneys of Sheep weredreffedj and if they did otherwife, Sheep are to forfeit 6 d,iov every time; and if they re- ^""*^' fufe to pay, they are to forfeit the Veal : The Servant of the Plaintiff coming with a Veal to fell, and not performing the Ordinance, the Defendant in behalf of the Corporation took the Veal for his Refufal to pay the 6d. For this the Plaintiff brought Trefpafs ; Defendant pleads in Bary That he took the fame as forfei- ted by their Ordinanc^but does not {hew the Ordinance in certain. Ver Cur. The Ordinance ought to be (hewed fpecial. Ordinances In pleading of a Private Ordinance made by of Compa- the Butchers in their Corporation, a Stranger is ">« ought to not bound to take notice thereof; and this By- ^errahT '^ Law was not good to bind Strangers, but the By-Law not fame had been good, if made to fupprefs Fraud, good to bind &c. ufed by a Foreigner, as corruption, &c. in Foreigners, the fale of their Meat, and then they ought to take notice of the fame, but not here, as this Cafe is, and Judgment fro Quer. i BulH. 1 1. Frfincklin and Green. No Statute or By Law can be made for Mat- ters of Inheritance. K 3 The 134 'By-Laws for Traiefmen The Sheriffs of London retorned, that for the mor e indifferent way of Merchandizing they Goods to be have a Cuftom that the Goods as well that were weighea ac fold by weight, as others, of all Strangers, be- the Common fQj-g f^jg ought to be weighed at the Common Beam ; and to inforce this, there is a By-Law made, with a pain of paying 40 /. fer Tunn for not weighing ; this is a good Culiom ; though it was objeded men may be forced to weigh whether they fell or not, becaufe it may have a reafonable commencement. So Goods foreign bought, and foreign fold fhall be forfeited. It was faid, that notice is not neceffary to a By- Lav»^ that is grounded upon the Cufiom of Lon- don t Quare th hoc. i Keh. 32, 5 5", ^9. Tlayer and Berjiap4ilhn : Ic was faid there. That in London By-Laws refemble Acts of Parliament ; but let them have a care that they word them not too much like an Ad Videfufra. The By-Law in London ytihtv thy the Num- ber of Carts is reftrained, is a good By-Law, I Vtmr. 21. Carts. By-Law fo Habeas Ccrpus to remove B. who was taken by reftain the Procefs upon a Plain: exhibited in the Sheriffs J?"^'^^" "^ Court in London, and the Retourn was. That time out of Mind, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City have had the go- vernment and regulation of Trade within the (aid City, and power to make By-Laws con- cerning the fame, and that they had made a Byr Law, That there fhould be but 420 Carrs al- lowed to work within the City, all which ihould be licenfed by the Prefdent of ihifr. Church Hojfitai ; and that there fhcu'd be paid for the Licenfe of every Carr 20 i. Fire, r-rd 12 in the City of London^ 0"c. 1 3 J 12 s, tn am. Rent, &c. and that none (hould ufe a Carr without fuchLicenfe, under a Penal- ty Gre. provided that all perfons may fend the'r own Carrb to the Wharfs, &c. and carry Goods in their ownCarrs from the Wharfs, ex- cept fuch as {ball be Traders or Retailers in Fu- el. That B. without fuch Licenfe wrought with a Cirr, pro lucro juo proprjo, and for the Penalty Plaint was levied. It was prayed that no VrocedenJo (hould be. For tho the By-Law fhould be admitted to be By- Law pood J L • i^ /I • When a Lu- good, having a CuKom to warrant it, aswas ftom war- adjudged in Player znd Jenkins Cafe, l<^ Car,2. rantsit. B. R. yet the Plaint is infufficient, for that no Cuftom is alledg'd ; and in RqU, ;64, fuch a By-Law to limit the number of Carrs was held void , becaufe no Cuftom is alledg'd. But per Cur. Its not neceflary to mention the Cuftom in the Plaint, for 'tis Lex Loct, and they take no- tice of their own Cuftoms in their own Courts. But in this Habeas Corpus they have retorned the Cuftom, and fo had good caufe to proceed in the Plaint, for a Cuftom may create a Mo- nopoly, as the Cafe in the Regifter is ; a Cu- ftom was, that none ihould exercife the Trade of a Dyer in Rtppon without the Archbifhop of Tork's Licenfe. But the Court doubted whether this By-Law Was good, becaufe it would reftrain the Wood- mongers from bringing their Wood, &/!. home in their own Carrs, l^ej7tr. 194. Brad^ r>cx's Cafe. K 4 ^7- I J 6 Sji'Laws for Trade/men By-Law of a Company for eleding a Live- ry Man, Sir Tbo. Jones 149. In Fifh and Keatis Cafe, they retorned the Puddle-Dock, ^^» tomake By-Laws by their Common Coun- cil, and that Vuddle-Dock near Paul's-Wbarfwis an Ancient place for lading and unlading of Ships, Boats, Lighters, &c. and that it was in fkcay ; and that for reparation of it, it was or- dained, That every Ship that jhouU he loaden and unloaden there^ flwuld pay a Penny for evey Load ; and that every Carman for every Load that he jhould carry from thence jhould pay i d. the Cafe was argued in B.RMich.Jacobii. But Ifind it not ad- judged but in 5- Rep. 62. the Chamberlain of Lev don s Cafe. Broad-cloth An A^t of Common Council was made, to be brought That if any Citizen, Freeman or Stranger with- to Blackmll- in the faid City Hiail put any Broad-Cloath to ^^^^' fale within the faid City of London, before it be brought to BlackvjeU-Hall tx> be viewed and fearched, fo that it may appear to be vendible, that Stallage (hall be paid for it, (viz,.) i d. for every Cloth : That he ihall forfeit for every fuch Cloth 6 J. 8. d. and that the Chamberlain Jhould have an Action of Debt for it.This Cafe was removed, and after a Procedendo was grant- ed. For many Statutes were granted for the true making of Woollen- Cloth, which is the principal Commodity of the Realm : And to the intent that the faid Statutes might be better executed without deceit, this A<5t of Common Council was made, and the affefling the i d. was good, it being pro bono publico. King in the City of London. 137 K. Charles i. made the Shoemakers oi London SL Corporation, and gives them power to make Ordinances ; and they make an Ordinance, By-Law, 7bat none fhaU ufe that Trade unlefs he be free of their That no Corporation ; and if an^ who was not free ufe it, he fl? jf '"f ^ fhall forfeit 40 s.ipQTtVeeky and to be committed for Trade unlefs tt. After they commit J S. for ufing theTrade, he be free of and not paying 40/. againft the Ordinance,P^r their Gorpo- Cur. It is not lawful to imprifon him, mi, "^^otii&e. i^Car.i, B.R.Hardcafie!l's Cafe, refolved upon an Habeas Corpmy and he was delivered accord- ingly, I Roll's Abr.-^S^. Merchant-Taylors oi London make a By-Law, gy.Lj^ t,y That no Merchant fhaU put his Cloth to be drejfed. Merchant but to the Cloth-workers of their Company. It is void, Taylors, as being againft the Liberty of the Subjedt, I Roll\ Abr, 564. Ed-ward\Q^^Q, If a By-Law be made in London, That none Jhall make an Hot-Frefs, nor ufe it -ujitbin the City, under the pain of 10 1. for the making, and 5 1. for the ufinv ; this is a good By-Law, becaufe ufing ^^^^t none of thefe Preffes is dangerous for Fire, and de- make or ufe ceitful J alfo, being it makes the Cloth and Stuff an Hot-Prefs. better to theEye than in truth they iTQ,Ed7i'::rds Cafe, I Rolls's Abr. 365-. It is a good Cuftom of London that they have Caftojjj, ^^ ufsd at ail times, to have the msafuring of meafure Sea- Seacoals infra portum Lond\ which extends from coal. Stanes- Bridge unto Lo^tdon -Bridge , and from thence to Grave'^aid, and ffxom thence to Tea-^ land or Tendale, iFor all this is the Fort of London, .1 RoUs\ Abr. 5J7. The 1 3 8 Cujlom upon a Habeas Corpus The Cujlom in not remoVing Body and Caufe upon an FJabeas Corpus, held "void. The Ctiftom of not removing Body and Caufe upon Hakeas CcrpM. V The Cuftom letorned. J^lLLy Citizen and Freeman of London af- firms a Petition againft another Citizen and Freeman of London upon a Bond of »oo /. A Summons is awarded againft the Obligor, and it being retorned. That he hath nothing whereby he may be fummoned within the Ci- ty, upon a Surrrjife made by Hdl the Obligee, that one Harrmrton. a Citizen and Freeman of London, is indebted an loo/. to the firft Obli- gor, a Summons is awarded according to theCu- ftom of London of Foreign Attachments for the warning of Harrington, who is warned accord- ingly ; whereupon H'-rrir^ton procureth an Ha- beas Corprrj r.ir ftie removing of his Body, toge- therwiththe Caufe into the Kw^'s-Bencb"^ upon wi,ich Writ a Retorn is made in this manner, {'VIZ.,) That Lor.don is an Antient City^ and that timeout of Mmd the Mayor, Aldermen^ and Citi-^ z>ens cf London h^ve had cognizance of all manner of TUaSy bo:h real and ferjcnal to he holden before the Mayor, Aldnmen, and Sheriffs D-'ltV the Lord Mayor, when a perfon is impleaded the L;rii before the Sheriffs, to fend for htm, and the Mayer. Record , and to examine i.im upon his Plei, and if it appear upon his Examination that the Plaintiif is fatisfy'd, that he may award that the Plaintiff fhall be barred, 8 Rep. 116. It is a Cuflom, that if a Debtor be fugitive, he may be arrcfted before the day to find better Security : Alfo that the Creditors siiay arre(t his Debtor to find better Security, HckS6. 8 Co, 126. n H. 6. 3. L 2 ContrihHticn y 148 Cujloms offi London Contribution pro Rata. IT is a Cuftom of Lmdony for one Obligor that pays the whole Debt , to have Debt fro Rata, againft his Companion; or one Joint Obligor {hall have Contribution againft his Companion by the Cuftom of London. Co. Li. Intr. 161. bargain and f ale of Lands hy^aroL IT is a Cuftom of London^ to bargain and fell Lands by Parol Co. 4. Inji. 67 y. Cuftom of London is. That Lands pafs by Bargain and Sale without Inrolraent, accord- ing to Stat, 27 H. 8. c. 16. Concerning the pnffing of the Wifes Lands J See. IF a Man and his Wife pafs the Wifes Land in Lofidon, and fhe be examined, it binds her by che Cuftom o^ Lcndo7i, 'vide. Co. 2.f. J7. Beck-wkh's Cafe J Hoh.'Rep. Fo.. 22<:. Ncedler's Cafe. ^General and Special 149 Cafe. I Cro, 66^' Darman againft Bowyer* By theGuftom o^ London Lands are pleaable in the Huftlngs, Co. Inft. 4. 247. and by T>)er I J EUxj. 317. of Lands holden, no Writ doth lie but in London, according to the Cuftom. Dijinjfes. IT is a Cuftom of London, That Beafts di- ftrained, or Goods taken in London, fliall not be replevilable by Writ out of Chancery, but by the Sheriffs of London, Dyer, 245". b. Covenants, IT is a Cuftom, That Writs of Covenant are maintainable without Specialty, 27H. 6. N. B, 103. Covenant in London upon a Bill, and with- out Specialty by the Cuftom, 22 E. 4. 2. L 3 fledges. 1 5 Cujioms in London r is a CuRofn of londony That an Adi- on of Debt lies againft Pledges without Wrking, 45 E. 3. ii, 1 £ I J 2 Cujloms of London cnly the Name is change dy the Cufiom generally al- ledge d is good. 2. The Cufiom hindeth Stranger si as this fame ' Cafe is reported by Cro. EHz, 409. Cro. ipart. felling f iuch Reverfions may diuiain and make rc- :overy, and then fue a Writ of Wafte, with- mt Attornment of Tenants, &c, I hetjueatb to my loving Wife Alice, my LiveJi- Q H>od tTj London, for the Term of her Life : By ixhis Will Lands in London pafs, by the Word Bequeath of; ' Jvelihood , Ov^cn, p. 50. And Brooks , Ju- Livelihood. Hce , faid, it was in Antient Times ufed in liverfe places of this Realm , and taken for m Inheritance , to which Dyer agree'd. It is faid to be the Cuftom of London, To lave an Executor Gravi Querela upon a Devife Df Lands there, Vide pofiea. rL. Concerning the Reorders Certificate, f T is a Guftom of London to certifie their Cu- ■- ftoms by their Recorder, vide Hob. Rep. Day V, Savadze. :iv Man rake a DiHrerswitl n the faid City, he which oweth rhe Goods may come to one of the Sheriffs, ana ihall have an Officer at the Corornand of the Court, to go to the party that took the Goods^ and if he may have the View to praife them by two Men, and then a Plaint fhall be made in the Sheriffs Pa- per Office, to this efFed : I, H. f^ttsritHY verfus W. B. de averlis juis fn- jufie capt^ in Dcfmuio fuo'vdm libiroTenemento fm in prochia St.d^c. And the faid party fhall bring tv^o fufficient Securities to return the Goods, in cafethefame be awarded. And the Parties fliall have a day prefix'd at the next Huj^ingi of ComTvonVkas '^ and the Sheriff (hall mske a Biil concerning the Matter of the Plaint, and (hail bring the faid Bill to the faid Hujtirgs, and caufe it to be put upon the File and the Parties (ball be called for: At which day the one or the other may be elToined of Corrmon Effoin. At what time foever the Plaintiff makes de. fault, it fhall be awarded that the Avowant keep the Goods ; and fuchAward according to the Cuftom of London iliall be made three times, and after that it ihall not be reprifable. And if the Avowant makes default, the Goods (hi^* be awarded to the Plaintiff; cv^. they ihah rsniain- 170 Cuort of\HuJllngs remain Co him without recovering any dam- age. But if it fo happen that the Sheriff cannot have a view of the Goods, then he fiiall certifie the fame in the Hu/i:ngsj and there (hall be awarded a Writ of y^hhernamy and thereupon Procefs made ^ and if the parties come^ and Avowry be made, they may then plead to Judgmtnt^ or to an I flue of In^uefty as the Cafe requires. The Parties may alfo be EfJ'oin*d after every Appearance ; but if the party claim Property, and certify the fame in the Hnfttng^ a Procefs may be made by a Precept to the Sheriff, to try the Property, notwithftanding the P^rty be EjJ'oimd of the King's Service in ai, Replegiare, and if he make defaults upon the ^IToin'd day, he (hall not be charged of the Damage. 7 he fraHice howevn upon a Replevy is brief y /aid to he donetbwy viz. He that would replevy Goods in London may go to the Clerk of the Papers belonging to one or the Compters , and give in Particulars an(^ Security to reftore the Goods op the Value, in cafe upon a Trial it (hall appear the fame did not belong to him. And then the Clerk will give a Warrant to one of the Sheriffs Officers to caofe the Goods to be Appraifed. and to de- liver them to the Plaintiff. After the Appraifa- ment is made, and the Goods delivered, the Officer muft make return thereof to the Clerk of the Papers, who will immediately thereup- on certifie the Record thereof into this Court, where the fame muft be decided : And if Iffuc /hall he joined to try in whom the property of ' the Goods was when the fame were taken, a Jury in London. 1 7 » urymuft be fummonedto try the Ifliie: And Jn order thereunto. Precepts muft be iflued to the Bedle of the fix adjacent Wards, to return the Names of the fix fubftantial Freeholders and )[nhabitants in each Ward. When the Names are fo returned, a Precept muft be fent to the Sheriffs, to require them to fumroon the Jury to appear at the next Hufiitigs of Common Pleas to try the Iffue. AWrit of J^"*' ^^^^ Error may be broughp in this Court to reverfe '°^" any Judgnient given in the Sheriffs Court. The Writ muft be made by the Curfiror for 'jondon, ^nd dircded to tl e Mayor and Sheriffs o( Loft^ Jon; and when (ealed, muft be delivered to Mr. Town-Clerk to allow the fame ; an J at the fame time muft enter into Bond with two fufticient Sureties to pay the Debt, or Damages, and Gofts recovered, and which ftiall be afteued jn cafe the Judgment ftiould happen to be af- firmed, or in c^fe the Plaintiff in the Writ of Error fhould not profecute the Writ of Error with effed : And when Security ihall be fo gi- ven, Mr. Town-Clerk will make a SuperfeJeof direded to the Sheriffs, to ftay further proceed- ings upon the Judgment. And it is ufual to move the Court at the next Huftings of Com- mon Pleas, after the allowance of the Writ, that the Proceedings in the Sheriffs Court may be certified within fourteen days then follow- ing, into this Court, where Errors may be aC- figned and argued ; and if Judgment (hall be affirmed, the Plaintiff in the Writ of Error may bring another Writ of Error before the Judges, to examine t\ e former Judgment. When Judgment fiiall be affirmed in this Court, upon a motion the Court will orde: the Bond to be delivered up to the Defendant ii I7i Court of Hujllngs the Writ of Error, to put the fame in fuit for his Cofts and Damages fuftained, byreafonof the delay of Execution, who (hall not be com- pelled to cancel or part with the fame till he {hall be fully fatisfi'd. If the Plaintiff in the Writ of Error do not certifie the Record out of the Sheriffs Court into this Court, according to the time given by the Court, or if he (hall not aflign Errors, the Court will give Judgment againlt the Plaintiff^ and iffue out a Warrant in the nature of a Pro- cedendo to the Sheriffs of Londotiy thereby com- manding them to proceed to Execution uport the Judgment obtained in that Court, EleSion of Burgefles and other Officers in the Court of Huflings, IN this Court the Burgeffes to ferve for the City in Parliament muft be Eleded by the Livery-men of the refpedive Companies. Upon every Micbalmas-day it is theCuflom to chufe a Lord Mayor for the Year following ; and the ufage is to put all thofe Gentlemen in nomination that are Aldermen under the Chair, who have held the Office of Sheriff. The Commons muft chufe Two, and retorn their Names to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, who cled which of the Two they think mo(t fit to hold the place, and fignifis their Choice to the Commons. General and Special, i j •> Commons. And the perfon fo eleded muft be prefented to the Lord Chancellor, and after- wards muft be fworn at GmU Hall on St. Simon and Judes day, and the day after at the Exche- t^uer. Upon Midfower day the Livery-men of the refpedive Companies do chufe Sheriffs; but my Lord Mayor by his Prerogative may drink to any Citizen, and nominate him to be one of the Sheriffs ; and the ufage hath been for the Commons to confirm fuch perfon, and to ele(5t another to ferve \v\i\\ him. And after the Sheriffs are eleded, the Commons chofe Two Auditors for the Chamber and Bridg-houfe Accoftipts, a Chamberlain, two Bridgmafters, and four Aie*Conners. JVtffe,That the Sheriffs are Judges of theEledi- ons, and do declare by Mr. Common Sergeant, who are the perfons eledted. After the Sheriffs are fo ele(^ed, they take an Oath at Guildball upon Adichaelma/-Eveja.nd the Day after Michaelmas Day muft be prefen- ted to the Barons of the Exchequer; and when they are fworn, it is not in the power of the Commons to remove them at their pleafure. The Chamberlain and Bridgmafters, aftter election, take the ufual Oath before the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen. oj 1/4 Court of Hnjlin^i Of a Writ de Particione faciend. IN a Writ De Vartit'tom fac. to make Partitioil between Partners of Tenements in LonJcn: A H'r$t dofed fliall be direded to the Mayor and Sheriffs, containing the Matter after the Nature of fuch Writs, and the Parties ftiall be warned by Precept from the Mavor, atid the Tenants may be eflbin'd ; or if they come, they may plead ; or if they make Default, the Partition ihali be awarded by Default. In this Court Iikewife Deeds may be Inrol- Jed, Recoveries pafs'd, and Wills proved, iri alt Matters within the City of Z.o»!ces or Juftice of Ntftfrim, in Suits depend- ing in the Court of U'el^minfitry and try able ia Londoiti and not of other Writs or Frocejfes ilTu- ing out of the faid Courts. And by Stat. 7 H. 7. 5". Riens dems le Card fliall not be admitted for challenge in Lon- don, And by Stat. 7 & 8 ^.5. c. 52. concern- ing Juries, no longer tirne is allow'd for the Summoning Juries thit arc to try Iflues joined and tryable in London, or County of MiJdlefex, than was by Law required before, nor cjny longer time for the retorn of any Writ, Precept, or Procefs oi Ftnire facias, Habeas Conor. i ^ cvTJi- firinffas than was by Law reqv.ired betbre, Ar^d the faid Ad fliall not extend to the City of Lotj- don, nor to any other County of any Cicy or Town within this Realm ; nor to any Town Corporate, that hath power by Charter to hold Seffions of Goal Delivery , or of the Peace. By Stat» 2j H. 8. 5". Citizens of Z. as erromom : ift. Becaufe it is not faid^ the Frecept was to the BeJles of the Four next Wards, and fo not a Trjal according to Cu- fiotn, 2dly. Becaufe the Court t^uafhed the fir(t Verdttl, which was fujficient, andfo they erred in their Judgment . 5". "The Judges Comr»i[fioKers ought not only to reverfe the Judgment in the Huftings, given for the Defendant, but ought to gtve fuch Judgment upon the Record before them, (hat ike Court of Huftings ought to have given, Viz. That the Plaintiff fliall re- cover the Place wafied, and his Damages in tripio upon the Pttjt Verdid ; for they are commanded to make plenam & celerem jufticiam, and tf they do it vot, the Court of Huftings cannot, andfo a Failure of Ju- ftice, 61. That Judgment fliall be entred for the Tlain- ^iff ^f ^^^ Place wafied, and treble Dam- No Coils of ^^^^ ^ ^^jlQ i^gbito refpeau to the Cofls ; ^ _ ' for m Cofts of the Suit are recoverable in this Adion. Green the Defendant brought a Writ of Erro* '■ 1 Parliament , and affigns Error in Faa Ihac the Four Firft Wards out of which the Firft Jury was Empannelled , were not the Four Wards next adjoining to the Place wafted , and fo the Cuftom noc purfucd, i CqIo in London. iS^^ Cole Pleads , h nulla eB erratum. It was faid * It was an Errcnious A^ of the Court, to award a Ventre to the Officers of the wrong Ward. But it WAS refolved . That it was a, Je- ofail , and aiided by the Stat, 21 Jac. chap. Jeofail 15. for Two of the Wards appear to be next to the Place wafted , and fo the Ve- fiire was mifawarded in part. Q^ For the Statute feems to extend only to a Tryal at Common Law, and not to a Tryal by Special Cuftom. 2 Sanders 252. Green and Cole, Of lU " ■ II ■ ■ I Attorneys. Adions. O/ the Lord Mayors Court, TH E Lord Mayor's Court , commonly call d the Mayor's Court in London, is a Court of Record, and is held in the Chamber of thQGuudball. The Recorder of the City of London for the time being, is Judge of this Court ; but the Lord Mayor and Aldermen may fit as Judges with him if thev pleafe: This Courc is held by Cuftom, and all the Pro- ceedings are faid to be before the Mayor and Aldermen. The Sherifts of Londen may in like, manner fit with the Judges of the Sheriff^ Court. The Proceedings in that Court being ;ilfo faid to be held beforSc the Sheriffs refpedt- ively , of which more hereafter. In this Court all manner of Adions may be enter'd and tryed by a Jury as in other Courts, for any Matters whatfo'ever arifing within the Liberties of London^ to any value whatfoever, as for Debt at the Plaintiff's Suit ; Debt at the Chamberlain's Suit ; Debt upon a Penal Sta- tute, Trefpafs, Account, Covenant, &c. There are only fourAtcorneys belonging tothisCourt, who upon their Admiflion by the Court of Aldermen , take an Oath for theobferving fuch things as are therein mentioned. The manner of entringAdlions in this Court is different from the Sheriffs Court : For you cannot enter an Adion in this Court at either cf the Conjptsrs, but muft go to one of the \ Four in London. 1 87 Four Attourneys, and enter your At^ion with him. When your Adion is enter'd by the Attor- ney or his Clerk, you muft not employ any of the Sheriffs Officers toarreft the Defendantjbut give your Action, or a Note thereof to one of the Serjeants at Mace belonging to the Mayor and Aldermen. There are fixSerjeants belonging tothisCout, who are Men of good Eftates, and do not be- long to either of the Sheriffs. Moft of them attend daily at the Attorneys Offices, and one of them is conftantly attending at the Lord Mayor's Houfe. If you give any of them a Note of your Adion, he will arreft the Defen- dantj and in cafe fuch Defendant cannot find Bail, the Officer will carry him to one of the Compters ; that being the Prifon as well for this Courtas the Sheriffs Court; whichlmprifon- ment, and the Caufe thereof is conllantly Re- corded in a Publick Book, called, The Ni/t'prius Book, by the Attorney that entred the Action: But if the party arrelied find Bayl, the Eldelt of the ^oury^norneysmu^ take the fame, he be- ing Clerk of the Bayls; and in cafe he (hall take infufficient Bayl, and the Defendant do abfcond, the 'Plaintiff may, after he hath a Judgment for his Debt or Damages, compel the Clerk of the Bails to pay the fame Debt or Damages, by Petition to the Court of Aldermen, or to Mr. Recorder. Note, That an ABion entred in this Court •will remain in force for eveif,, ah bough no VroceecU ingsbe had thereupon ; "whereas an ABion er^ ter d at either of the Compters dies, and m^y he crojfed after Sixteen Weeks. And the Charge of entritig an ABion in this Court is 88 Lord Mayors Court is hut iour Pence bejides the Kittg^s Vuty. An Aciion commenced in this Court may be brdught to a Try al for %o s. Charge, and in Fourteen Days time, "whereas m the Sheriff's Court they require more time, and much more Money. If there happen to be Six JVeeiis time between the putting m Bay I to an A^ion in this Court, and the time of the Defendant's Plea, in fuch Cafe the Defendant cannot remove the fame ABion or Suit mto any other Court, Alfo Note, That an ABion commenced in this Court cannot be removed into the Sheriffs Court ; but an ABion commenced in the She- riffs Court, may be removed into this Court y either by the Plaintiff' or Defendant, at any time before a Jury isfworn to try the Caufe. Alfo, there is a great difference in Attachments called. Foreign Attachments , made in thts Court , and thofe made in the Sheriffs Court. Into the Nature of which Attachments in the next place we fl)all enquire. of in London, 1 8p Of Foreign Attachments. BY the Cuftom of Lomlon one may Attach Money or Goods of the Defendants, ei- ther in the PI.iintifFs own Hands, or in the cu- ftody of a Third perfon : and that either in the Ma)OTs Court y or in the Sheriffs Court, And Note, That th Cuftom of London «, 7hat if ^ny Tlaint be affirmed in London beforCy &C. against ■iny Marty a^id Lc isretornedmhW^ tf the Flaw tiff will fur wife any other Man who is •with- in the City, is Debtor to the Defendant, in any Sum, he fn:ill have his Garpifjoment againfl him for him to come and anlwer if be be indebted in the form which the other hath alledged ; and if he comes ^ aud does Kc'e'eay it, then this Debt (hall be attached in hts Hands. Noce, 'the Vlaintff ought to futmife, that the other •x\^Q-p]jj\f^^^f[ Man who is indebted toth» Defendant, is "Withtn ought to fur- theCtty, 22 Ed. 4. 30. ;?.^r Starky iJerorrfer 0/ mJ^e that the London, the Cuftom fo certified, perfon who •' ' IS indebted to the Defen- An Attachment made in this Ck)urt will con- dant is with- tinue in force for ever; fo that the Plaintiff ^" t^* ^*^y- may proceed thereon at his pleafure. But an Attachment made in the Sheriffs Court is not in force longer than Sixteen Weeks. KW Attachments aregrounded upon Adions of Debt, and the manner of entring Attachments is the fame as is before mentioned fcr Anions : And }^o Lord Mayors Court And one oF the Six Officers belonging to this Court muft be employed to make the fame. If A. cWsB. lOo U andC is indebted to A. in loo 1. B. entereth an Adion again(t A. ofioo K (i« the Sheriffs Court j or the Major^s Court,) and hy virtue of that K^ion a Serjeant attacbeth looh in the Hands of C. as the Moneys of A. to the ufe of B. "which js retorned upon that Action. Note, The Ret am mufi he ivithin certain Hours^ for perhaps another Attachment may be made of* ter in the Hands of C. fo that C. hath no other ivay to avoid this ether Attachment , but by pleading the former Attachment mad* as before 5 then let the Plaint ijf fee an Attorney immediately before the next Court holden for the fame Comp- ten Now the Achantages of mal^ng At-^ tachments in this Court rather than in the Sheriffs Court are conjldera-* hie. - FOR Fir ft y An Attachment for Moneys may be made and condemned in this Court in Five Days time, if by confcnt, or if no oppofition fhall be made; and if it be in the Tlaintiffs Own Hands, may be finifhed for 10 ^. chargs , the Officers Fees included : And if in a Third jerfons Hinds, may be condemned for ij /. c'-arge^ the Officers Fees included: Whered in London. ipi Whereas in the Sheriffs Court an Attachment cannot be made and condemned under Three Weeks time, or thereabouts, although by Cfp- fent ; and the charge is ufually above a Third part more than is demanded or taken in this Court for condemning an Attach- ment. Again Secondly^ If A. attaches the Moneys or Goods of M. in the Hands of R. in this Court, and if R. have no Moneys or Goods in his Hands belonging to M. at the time when the Attachment (hail be made ; and it Jhall happen that Six Months after /<. fhall become indebted to M. or have Goods in his Hands belonging to M. the Plaintiff, by virtue of the Attach- ment made, as aforefaid, fliall recover the Mo- ney or Goods he fliall prove came to the hands of R. after the Attachment made: The Gene- ral Iffue upon all Attachments being, Whether R. Tpho is called the Garni^ee, at the time of the Attachment made, or at any time after, hdd any Moneys or Goods ofbA. in his Hands. Thirdly, An Attachment made in this Court cannot be removed, nor tryed in any other Court ; wl:creas an Attachment made in the She- riffs Court, nuy at any tmie, before Tryal, be removed into this Court, by a JVa-n-ant figned ^^enia. by the Lord Mayor or Recorder ; which Warrant is called a Levettir Querela, the Charge whereof is J. /. 10 d. Note, The Levetur Querela mnfl he written hy an Attorney of this Court, for which he receiveib 4 d andjor his Fee i S,and8 d. ^nd thtnmufi be delivered to one of the Six Oncers before men- tioned, to procure my Lord Mayor ^ or the Re-. c order ipi Lord Mayors Court corner to fiirn the fantr, for which 4 d. /'/ Jut to his Lord^tp. ^nd after the Warrant is figmdy ^be Officer mu(i carry ir to the C\rk of the Pa- fers btknging to the, Compter^ where the Afiion was entred, and give tim 2 s. 6d. to allow the fame Levetur, and to c<.t.ifU the ABion or At^ tachment, and the Officer for his pains bath i s, which makes up the j s. i o d. Lafily^ An Attachmetjt may be t^^•ed in this Court for 30 J. although the Con;:ern be joo /. But by reafon of Devices of Continuances in the Sheriff's Court y the Charge of a Ti>al there comes to much more. fendant and Note, T'hat in all Attachments, the V erf on whofe GarniQiee la Money or Goods is attached , is called the Defen* general. d ant in the Attachment^ and the perfon in whofe hands the Attachment is made^ is called the Gar- nijljee, becauje of his being warnd not to pay tht Money, but to appear and anfwer the Plaintiff's Suit : after fucb Attachment made, the Gar- nifhee {if he think fit') may appear tn Court by hii Attorney , and wage Law, or plead, that he has no Money in his hands of the Defendants, or other Special Matter , or he may confefs it* If the Plaintiff in the Attachment ftall ob- At what ^^^" * Verdit be tor being chargeable for a Debt due by the Contr. a ^ Teftator or Inteftate upon a Simple Contrad: as well as upon a SpvciakyjaForeign Attach- ment lies for it as well as for a Specialty; and tho the Courts of IVesfmi-njitr are not bound to take notice of this particular Cuftom of LonJo?}, in charging Executors or Admini- ftrators on Simple Contract, nor to give Judgment according to the Cuftom ; yet when Judgment 4i&th been given according to that Cuftom, and that Judgment appear eth judicially unto the Judges by the Record, now they ought to ailow the Cuftom, and give their Judgment according wO that Cu- ftom : But it was agreed, if there had not been any Debt due by the hjtcftate to Haydev, though there had been an ^Ittachment made in London of the Debt due hy ^Sj'mck to the O 4 In;t;^ate, %q6 Attachments Inteftate, -and a Judgment given upon it, yet might the Adminiftrator have relieved himfelf by way of denial, and traverfe that there had been any Debt due by the Inteftaie to Haydev. APrcmifeto ^' ^^^^^^^ ^he Foreign Attachment for the pay upon for- Debt due unto the Inteftate, after the Pro- bearance, snd mile broken, be fuch a difpenfation with the after tht Mo- promife, that no Adion now lieth for the ed^nthe'Ai^" Adminiftrator upon the breach of Pro- fumers hands mile. Money due vpon account afcer promife to pay ir, snd the a ay of payment pift may be at- tached. It was refolved, that the Promife was di- fpenfed with, and no Adion lay upon the Breach of it: For the Debt due by J.T. to the Inteftate, which was the ground and caufe of the Promife made to Spnck the Plaintiff, is tak- en away by the Judgment had in London upon theForeignAttachn^ejtt^ Calthrop. 27, 1 Rolf sRe^. loy. Spmck and Tenant's. The Court faid. It was 3 certain Debt before the promife made, for the Promife is. to pay Debt due on Bond; but had the Debt com- menced by the Promife, it might have been otherwife. Agreeable to this Refolution was Bardiflon and Humfy-efs Cafe: Whereupon an account, he that was found in Arrears, upon a confide- ration of forbearance by one Month, promi- ferh a payment of them, and thofe Arrearages thus due being attached in the Hands of the Accountant, after the Promife broken, it was held, that no Adion might afterwards be main- tained upon the breach of Promile. M. 37 & 3 8. £/. Rfit. 4 r4. "Where in London. 201 Where an Account is made upon Debts by Simple Contract, or where Executors gives time for payment of a Bond due to the Tefta- tor^ this fhallbe ftill attached, i Role's 551. Debts upon Record by Recovery, or other- T)eht$ on v/ikf a^ Statute, Recognifance, cannot be at- Record, tached, Cr. El. 63. i Leon, 29. 30. Attachment of the Money after it is in the theSl'^rifr/ Sheriff's hands by Execution, is void, i Leon, hands onEx- 264. ecution and Debts that Debt which is in Suit in the Kivgs ^^"'^^ '^e Su ^"tio^ or ComwonPleas may not be attached. Courts. If a Man recover Debt or Damages in B. R. - this Debt may not be attached in London, for After Reco- an Inferior Court (hall not attach a Debt in a very. Higher Court, i Roll's, abr. j ^2. neither can it be attached after IiTue joined. So after an Imparlance to an Adlionof Debt After Impar- in B. R. the Debt may not bs attached in Lon- lance. don for the Caufe aforefaid, g Leon. 232. If a Writ of Debt retornable in Banco be pur- chafed before the Attachment, this may not ^^'^^^ rT'iJ! be attached by the Cuftom, AJIojj and Prober : f^^Q^^^j^r^" aliter if the Writ be purchafed after the Attach- cachm^nc/ ment by Covin with an Antedate, 1 Roll's abr. Defendant pleads a Foreign Attachment in Lon- After Ap^ don, which was after appearance, and pending p-arance. the Adion, it's no good Plea, Cr. EL 1 57. Bab* ir.gtcns Cafe. ^ The r\-y. Attnclnnents On arbitrati- on between an Executor and another. This Money was not at- tachable. ^ Executot take<: Bond for Dr^bt due to the Te- ftator, or fells Goods not at- tachable. ■ The A ly Mtachments not attach thefe Goods in the hands of J. S. for the Debt of A for that the Property is out of A. at that time, and only a Right in him, Stan- mor and Amone, Lecracy may not be attached in the hands of an Executor, tor that it s uncertain whether the Executor (liali have alTets to pay Debts, Pa- ges Cafe, I RoU'i abr. 5 p. 3 Bulfir. 244. If A. lend B. an 100 /. to be repaid by B. upon the death of the Father of B. and this 100 /. is attached by Foreign Attacbwenty and after A. brought Adion on the Cafe againft B» for the Money, this Foreign Attachment is a good bar,though theCuftom be to attachDebts, and this is an A<5lion on the Cafe, in which Damages only fhall be given ; for it is a Debt, and he may have A6tion of Debt for it ; and this being once well attach d,he fhall not defeat it by bringing A<9-ion on the Cafe, i RoWs abr. f C2. Haiti and H^alker, A. fells Stockings to B. on Contraifl, by which B.'is to give A. 10 /. and that if he fells the Stockings before Augiuft- after, then he (hall pay 2 d. more for every Pair, the which is at- teachable but not the 2 d for every Pair, be* caufe this only refts inDamages to be recovered by Adion on the Cafe, and not Debt, becaufe it's payable only upon a poffibility. Read and Hawkins on Demurrer. What in London. it \ \ What Terfons Jl?all he bound hy this Cujlom 5 or in ivhat other ^erjons the Debt may he attached. H 'E-ivei was indebted to Wathns^ and Turhil having Money of Hews in his hands, Watkim attacheth this Money in the hands of Turbtll, by Foreign Attachment in London, and makes Mr. Turbdl Garniihee there, according to the Cuftom ; upon which Mr. Turhillbs- Debtmaybs ing a Clark of this Court of B. R. prays, '"'^'j^*^;" - That his Privilege may be allowed : And !„ Attorty in Lodge sCak, Attorney of the Court of Com- of b. r. and won Pleas, it was allowed, but per the whole he ft?a!! not Court, after debate,T«^i'/// was denied privilege ^^privileg'd in this Cafe, forafmuch as there is no Remedy upon the Foreign Attachment but \n London j and by fuch means, if the Defendant will put his Eil'ate into his Attorneys hands, the Creditor (if fuch Privilege fhould be allowed j ihall be barred, Sid. 562. H^atkins and Hevjs. A. recovers Debt againft B. in London, B. may q attach this Debt in his own hands for fo much tach a Debt ' due to him, Lopas and Holman. m his own Hands, A Debt due to an Adminiiirator, may be attached wicbin the Cuftom, for an Admini- Pl^^^V®^*' flrator is withits the Cuftom, Spink a,tidTe?iant j ^nr^^vhs' videfupra. ' attached. L iSsrATizs 206 pleadings in Foreign Jttachnents, and hoii^ they ought to be pleaded , as to the Form of the CuJlGm and Matter of Law. Debt on Bond of joo /. to pay 50 /. and Fo- reiga Attach- ment of Jo /. plejded ia Bar before the^ay of paymenr, it is a gooJ Bir for the whole. DHbt upon Obligation of 100 /. conditioned for the payment of jo/. before fuch a day The Defendant pleads the Cuftom of Lmdon of Foreign Attachment sj(^'viz,,) Tiiatif one fwho h^li a Debt pny^bls to him by any other in Lor: don,) ows Money to a Third , the Third may attach fo much of it as is due to him in the hands of the Second ; and that before the Day of pa> ment of the Bond, a Creditor of the Plaintiff (fuch a one ^ ^ attached the faid 5'o/. in the Defendant's hand* and gave fecuri- tyinthe Court according to the Cuftom to re pay the Debt,if it be difproved wirhin the Year and Day/K-. and that fuch a Day Cwhich was after the Day in the Originalj ) he paid the ^o /. CO the faid Creditor, upon Scire fac. againft him according to the Cuftom. Tla'mtiff demurs upon this Plea : Becaufe, ijf. Its not a good Culiom to attach a Debt before it's due ; but fer Cur. it's a good Cu, ftom ; for though he cannot attach it as a Debt, yet it may not be levied 'till after the tirae of payment of the Bond, and fo the Cuftom was laid. 2, It wa-; faid for the Plain lifF, if ic fiiould be a good bar, yec it is not a Bar but for jo 1. v/hich w London. 207 which by the Plea it appears was not paid till after the day, and fo the Bend forfeited : But pr'Cur, it is a good Bar for the whole, becaufe the Attachment which was before the day of payment, makes this a Debt to the Creditor^ (viz,.) all that was due, and the O- bligee may not take any adrantage of the Obligation afterwards. But if this had been an Attachment of 20 1. it j^ -j ^^^^ ^^^ feems the Defendant fhail plead this Record of part, as 20 /. the Attachment in London in Bar^ fro t&nto, Sid. if f^^^-i be 227. Robhws and Standard. l^^i''^ i" , ' ' Bar for part." Foreign Attachpient in an Inferior Court was pleaded thus, That hy Cujhm, tin:e out of mind, •whoever hvkd a Vlaint ., pro aliquo di-bito ^ ag&inft avothcr upon Jurmijej that « Stranger -was indebted to the Defndant, that Vrocefs ijjued forib to attach ^^c. And the Exception was, That it was not faid, fro a^iquo dehitOj which did arife ^lljtl^'^"\ infra jurifdiBionem. Fer Cur. it need not be ex. fJith not that preft that the Debt did arife tnfrajwifdiBtonem^ it did arife /«- and that if Adion be brought in fuch Cafe, ^'"'' J-^rifdiai* and the Debt be laid to be contra(5ted infra ""^^ JurifdiSi^ Curia, if the Defendant will plead to it, he may, but he ihall never be admitted to affignitfor Error, that the Debt did arife extra jurtfdiciionem Curia^ but if he had tendered fuch a Plea of the Jurifdidion of the Court upon Oath*, then if they had refufed it, it would have been Error ; wherefore it is enough in this Cafe to fay. If a Plaint were levied, fro aliijuo dehito infra yirnjdiBionem Curia, without averring. That the Debt did arife injra Jtjnjdi- Girnem: Alfo there cannot be a Cufiom for a ioTiign Attachments bsfore there b:;foir4ed£fai.-";c in ^ o 8 Attachments in the Deft. ; and for that caufe it was held to beillj I Fentr.2^6. / jittachmmi If an Attachment be made of an Horfe, or a by Inkeeper Mare in an Inn-keeper's Hands, he appearing meat ^^ ^^^ Attorney, may put in his Plea, fetting forth, That there is fo much Horfemeat due j and the Court will allow him his Money before the Plaintiff (hail have Judgment for the appraife« tnent of the Horfe or Mare. If A be indebted to B. who is indebted to C« and C. fues Baw LontloVfZnd by the Cuftom at- taches the Debt of B. in the hands of A. and after B. brought Adion againft C. for hisDebt, and he pleads the Attachment, B. may traverfe The Caiife thg Caufe, /. e. That he was not indebted to Debt due) "° ^' ^^^ ^^ ^^QTQ were not any Juft Debt between miybe tra- ^^e Plaintiff, in the firft Adion, and the De- verfed. fendant, the Attachment is not any Bar, Para- mour's Cafe, cited i RoWi Rep. io6. i RoWs abr. J. Vid. inf'-a. Pledges to Debt in the Kings Bench upon Mutuatus reader back for ^o/. The Defendant pleads Attachment the Money fi j^ London, and that he had found Pledges after d^rauon,retur j-^^^ Defaults there of the Plaintiff, to render not putin back the Money / dtftrationaretur within the the day of Year, and it appears that the Pledges were not the laft De- put jn the day of the laft Default, but at a day ooj' "'^ "^"^ ^^^^^ > ^"^ ^^^ ^'*^' ^^^ '^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ "°^ good, Vorei's^n At- Mich, 40. and 4 El Rot. 604. Moor. 507. tachment given in E^ri- q^ ^ Foreign Attachment (which was ufed cTnaalSae! » be pleaded though Utely is given in Evi- dence on the General liluej ir the Cultom be not precifely faed, it s void, 5 Kek 221. in Ben^ n(t and Thorn s Cafe. In in London. icp In Debt on Inland Bill by the Cuftom of Merchants; the Defendant pleads an Original and Attachment in the Sheriff's- Court in Lcr,- jud^i^ent r/57; ; to which the P/^/w/'/jf' demurs, ^ndpnCw. muftbe^ This is but in abatement, unlefs it had been F'^^^^^d in pleaded, that a Judgment was thereon : And ff.^'^^J''.^^ by ^''ild Ju^ice taliter frocejj'um efi ; that Judg- rcu eliter fro- ment was thereon is not fufficient,but the 4De- aftn e/i. faults, and Judgment muft be pleaded fpecially, as Cook's Entry, 5 Keb. 627. Baksr and Hill. Debt for 40 /. Defevdant pleads that the Tlain- tiff WHS indebted to him in 40 /. and he there- fore fued a Plaint in London^ and there this Debt in demand was attached in his Hands, and he pleaded the Foreign AttachrKent in cer- tain, and had Judgment thereupon , &c. Plaintiff replies, He was not indebted to the Defen- ^ dant in 40 1. nor in eny other Sum, Defendant de- T}-,.theow-. xnurs, for that the Debt is not now traverfabls, f h i^m no- becaufc it is recover'd in London, Et mn dtfratio- thing. natur within the Year and Day, as it might be by the Cuftom : But fer Cur. the Replication is good, for whether he v^ere indebted or not, is very well ilTuable; for if he were not indebt- ed, they in London could not attach the Vlai-n- tff's Debt by a Foreign Attachment for nothing. Cro. El. 5'98;, Paramour and Fain: Though it was held by fome, That the Debt is not traver- fable, for if there were no Debt, he fhall have reftitution upon the Pledges. And in Coke and Brainfcrth's Cafe, Debt on Obligation ; Defendant pleaded, That the Plain- tiff was indebted to him, & conceffv johere, and pleadeth a Foreign Attachment in Lvndon ; the Plaintiff froteflando ^nod non bahctur tale recordum pro placito dic'it j that he fro divcrfii denarioyum p r«w 2 10 Attachments fummis per iffum prefat, R. prius Jehitis non concef- fit folvere thsfaidSum tKodo& forma, ^o«f;TheDe- fendant demurs, adjudg'd a good Bar, and the Debt is well traverfable. Cro.El. 820. Adion of Debt by A. againft B. upon Bond; Defendant pleaded tender of the Money accord- ing to the Condition, upon which the Parties That the wQtQ at iiTue ; and after the Defendant pleaded, ^^her*afcer ^^^^ ^^^^^ the DarramContinuar^ce, the Debt now thelaftcewfi- in demand was attached in the Defendant's nuanee is no Hands according to the Cuftom of London^ for Plea. the Debt of C. to whom the Plaintiff was in- debted ; pn Cur. the Plea is infufficient, for it is altogether contrary to the firft Plea ; and alfo the Court held. That an Adion for the Debt depending here in this Court, the Debt cannot be attached, and the Court would not fufFer a Demurrer to be joined upon it, but overruled the Cafe without Argument, for it was againft the Jurisdiction of the Court, and the Priviledge of it, 5 Leon. p. 210. Cor. £/. loi. to the fame purpofe is Pe//'s Cafe. Attachment after the Ori- ginal purcha- fed. Humphrefs and Barnes's Cafe ; Debt upon a Bill obligatory of i; /. 13 j. 4 ^s^. the Defendant pleaded a Foreign Attachment in Bar, made in London by one Adoulton, {to whom Humphreys was indebted) of 13/. in his hands after the Original Writ purchafed, and before the Retourn of the Exigent or appearance thereupon, and before he had any notice of the Suit in the Common- Bench ; and upon the Demurrer it was adjudg- ed to be no Plea. I, Becaufe it appeared not that the 1; was part of manJ. the [aid 13 1. 13 s. 4 d. now 1. attached in de- I.P.i />/ London. 2 i l 2. Becaufc tb'u Attachment was waile while thi Suit was de^endir.g in B. C. avd the Kings Court beirig pjjejjud of the Cau[e^,it is mfaficient, and can- p^p A'-tach- ?jot he ^ fcr the faid C&ht'is interejlcd t herein -^ ancl nenr to be it is againfi the Digfrity^of the Court to have an Iv~ ^^/i* while* ferior Court meddle therein j alfo nhile the Stiit is defrding, itisQiia.f\ in Cuftodia Legis, and can- not he medled with by another y as "iihere Goods are dijf rained and impounded, tkfy cannot he attached at Common Law, Cro. El. 691. onit is d< f tnding- AAion of Detinue ; The Plaint -jf declared, Upon the Bailment of a Cloak of the value of 10 /. to the Defendant to be fafely kept, and to be redelivered to him upon requefl, and (hewed that he did requeH: the Defendant to redeliver it, and that he doth ftill detain it, ad damnum, &c. The Defendant juftified the Detainer by reafon of a Foreign Attachment in London , and pleaded, 7bat London // a-a Ant lent Ctty , and that there is a CuHom in London, that tf any one he indebted to another, that if he will erter his Suit cr Plaint into the Compter of the Sheriff of London, that a Precept ^lall be awarded to a Serjeant at Maceto jummon the Deftfidant, avd if he retorn ni- hil, that is to fay^ That he hath nothivg vt the Cuy by which he can he fummoned, &non e(r Inventus; and if hs be folemnly called at ihe vext Court ^ and makes default, that tien if he can fiuw that the De- fendant hath Goods in the Hands of one within the Liberty of the Ctty, that the f aid Goods f}^- II be attach^ ed , and if the Defendant make default at Four Court da)' fy being foletnniy called, that rh^n if the Plaintiff V^ HI J wear his Debt, and put in Bail fcr ihe Goodsf viz. that if the Debt be dfpro-ved within one Teat and a Day , or the 'judgment be re'Verfcd^ that he (I)jII have his Judgment for the Jaid Goods ', And P 2 ho 2 1 2 Attachments '!'! be fiiewed that he enterd his Plaint againft now PUintiff in the Counter o{ TVoodflreet for the Debt of 2o 1. and that a Precept was awarded to a Serjeant at K4ace to fummon him, andbe- caufe he had not any thing by which he could be fummoned, he /hewed that the now Plain- tiiT had Goods in his the Defendant's Hands, which were attached in his Hands, and that he fwore his Debt, and put in Bail for the Goods, and had Judgment thereupon. Plaintiff de- murs, T^e Caufes. I. He fets forth, That 7.5". did levy a Plaint Exception to gcrainft the now Plaintiff, for the Debt of 20 1. CuPom of ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ *^'''^ exprefly that he did owe him Foreign ^t- 20 1. and he ought to have fet down how the tackmints. Debt grew (^ue. Rcff* The AtTrion is not brought in that Court to recover a Debt, but he pleaded ic in Bar to him. The Cuftom 2. He pleads a Cuftom and doth not pur- niufj be f^e ,r. ed'i kad"' "^^^ Cuftom is, That if the Serjeant retorn, ingi ^"' That he hath nothing within the City whereby he may be fummoned, & non eft Inventm, and at the next Court Day he befolemnly demand- ed, and make default, &c, and he faith, be- caufe he hath nothing by which he fhould be furamcned, but doth not fay, That the Officer did retorn, That he had not any thing whereby to be faaimoned, , nor doth he plead, or fay. That ac the next Court Day he was folemnly demanded ; alfo he doth not aver, That he had found Pledges according to the Cuflom. 5. He Hieweths that the Goods were attach- ed in the Defendant s Hands, but he doth not iliew that it was within the Liberty of the City in Lonodn. 2 1 3 City, and all the Prefidents are Iff a "Jurhdi^i' nem. Refp. We fay in our Cafe, Thnt the Cufiom is, that the Goods mud be In Lonrlony Godb. 400. Hirn a.nd ^/w^^'sCafe, Latch. 2c8.> In an Adion of Debt for Tobacco in theD^- tim', a Debt may not be attached within this p^^t for Tow Cuiiom in fatisfadion ,• for that it appears not ^"^^ched J^ of what value this Tobacco was, by which it the value doe$ (hould appear that the Debt is but a fatisfa- notappear. dion to the value, which cannot be fupplied by a Plea in Bar in another Adlion .igainft him in whofe Hands the Debt was attached ; But if the value of the Tobiccohad been averred in the Record of the Attachment , the Debt might have been attached in this Action, Pears and Coicott, Tr, 14. Car. B, R, Intr. M, J 5. Car. R.ot. 47;- If a Foreign Attachment be pleaded in B^ir of an Action, that the Cuftom is, [chat if any man brought an AiTtion againfl: any other for any Debt, and upon retorn made that he«o« ejt w- The CufTcm. 'ventui & p^uod nihil imdey &c. and that upon this muft 'vrmiia on furraife that another is indebted to the De- ' j^^*^ ^ fendant in fuch a Sum, and upon this to pray i^tndfptedfo Procefs to attach the Sum in his Hands, and to thePlainr 17 defend, it a quod the Defendant appear to an- Jswirhi- : -j fwer to the PlaintifF,and the Serjeant retorns, he Ji'T^^^-', .^ had attached the Sum in his Hands, and theDe- ° ^'^ fendant appear d not at four Courts after, &c. That Judgment (hall be to recover this in his Hands, &c?\ This is not a good Cuftom with- out a Surmife^ that the Stranger who is indebt- ed to the PlaintiiTis within the Jurifdidion of^Jie Court, and this retorn of the Serjeant iLall not P 5 bir:d 2 1 4 Attachments bind the party v^ich an Atftual furmife of thi* by the p^rty himfelf. Adjudgd upon De- murrer. Sir Mi(h. Hile and Walker, Tr. i Car. Cu(lf;m not puiTued in pleidij g. l^f-f''' cannot fc-« '.-ached for f : . pro Fr Dik of The Cunom is, [pleaded, that after the At- tachment by procefs. if tlie Defendant make de- £i?j!r by four Courts afier, that by the Cuftom at the LiO cf the four Courts, the plaintiff may pray Procefs againJt U. to come in and ftiew caufe why judgment ftiouid not be againft him the next Court after, and when he conies to ap- ply this Cudom to his Cafe, he fhews that there were four Defaults, and that at the fourth De- fault the Plea was continued for divers Courts, and then procefs goes againft Bi] and judged this doth not warrant the Cuftom ; i Rol. abr. Debt by Adminiftratri* upon a Bond of 26 /. made to thelntq^liatej The TeFendant pleaded. That he had commenced an Action of Debt of 30 /. sgainit the riain riff by the name of Admi- nifiratrix to her Husband before the Sheriff of Londotfy and upon »i;&i/ retorned, &c. That Debt was attached in his Hands, and pleaded all the Cuftom of Foreign Att.-^chrKCKts in London, and that by Judgment this Debt was attached in his Hands : Adjudged no Plea ; I. Btcatife the Vlaintiff fucs here as Adminiftratrix to h?r hu'handj & non conftat by the Bar, that ibe T>ibt reaver din London vms the Inte- fiate's i'.bt, but orJy rhat flie uas jucd there by the JS'c'tt/^. of Adminiflratrix ; <^r/}d that rmgbt hy alihotiAi Jlie were [tied for her proper Debt ; as tie Books urfj that o?u way be fued by the Name of Utirfor htf proper Debt jafid then the Inte/} ate*) Debt 215 i?i London. cannot he attached for the proper Debt of the Ad- mlQiflracrix. 2. It is not jtiewed that the Deht recovered in Lon- don, 'U'as a Debt by Specialty, otberwife i: not demahdable aga'mjl an Adminiftrator. ' Q. de hoc ; it's othnrwife hj the Cufiom of London , vid. antea.] 5. It is not fl]2-wed that the Cuftom is , that if the htesiate was indebted to the Vlaintiff there, and the Vlainttffwas indebted to the IntejUte, that by Cuftom not an Adion brought by the VXaXnti^ there agairji ^^^ "* an Adminiftrator, tb.it this Debt might be at- tached m ihe Hands of tie VXzxmx^ there 5 but it is [he'wn, that if it he te^ified that the Plaintiff •was in debt cd to the fdrne pcrfon whom he fued , that then he might attach. But here the Defen- dant now, being Plaintiff in London, was not in- debted to the 'Plaintiff here, who was there Defen- dant, but was indebted to thelntefiate. 4 . 'the judgment in London was, de bonis pro- priis, which cannot extend to bonis Inteftatoris, Cor. El. 843. Hodges and Cox. Debt aliigned in ratisfacSion or another, is in fatisfaai- not liable to an Attachment for the Debt of the oaof another Affignor; the Cafe of Lewis and Wallis was re- J?'^^ '^ ""^ markable, and a leading Cafe, 3 Car. 2. //^^J^^^^^; ■B. R. the deht of the Affignor. WaUis was indebted to SneH in 700 1. and in part of facisfadtion he afligns a Debt of 220 I. due by one Parker. Lewis after having a Debt of 2^0 /. judly due to him by Walks, ievys a Plaint in the Sheriff"s Court, and after fuggefis that Parker was indebted to IVallis ut Jupra, and P 4 by 2 1 6 Attachments by procefs oF Foreign Attachment, had the Debt attached in the Hands of Parker, ^we// hearing this put in Bail for /^^i//j tothe Adion of Lew- is, and after brought Habeas Ccrfus to remove this Adion into the Klfi^'s Ihjich, and Snell be- comes Bail for H^alHs there, and Leivis declares in B. R. upon tliis. After this IVallis before Judge Raymovc^^ allcdged , That he confented not to the Bail upon the Foreign Attachment, nor to the Hijkas C'rfta, but that all was done with- .out his privitVjand prays, That a VrocedtnJo may bs granted to the Action \nLorJort, which was g^ranttd by R-tymond upon confident affertion. That no Bail could be put in in the abfence of the Dfiendart on a Foreign Attachment, unlefs in the prefenceof the Lord Mayor: Upon this Tro- ccdtrxio lyidlis ccnfefieth the Adion in London, and Leti'is hr^d Judgment, and Sncll , as his Bail, was after taken in Execution, and for redemp- tion of his Body, pjys the Debt to Lewis. The whole Matter being dilclos'd, the Court was of Opinion, That after the Affignment by Wallis to .S«e// of the Debt of Parker, this was in truth the right and property of Sncll, and ff^allis had no- thing in it but in Truft for SncIL Then this Bail by Sncll on the Foreign Attachment was (^ua(i per Wallis , and by his aflent ; and when this Af«. £j • was done, the Foreign Attachment , end all the Alter Hr.ifcas _ ,. ' .<^ iirir--- Curpusup n 1 roceedmgs on it were ended, tor the Foretg^i an Aaionpf)* Attachment had no Other end but to compell the Foreign A--- appearance of the Defendant to theOriginal Ad- '^'d^B-^"' '' *°" ^ ^^^ when the Caufe was removed hither cenr«d in B, ^V HaLc^is Corptr, and Bail put in by 5«f//, upon R.xht Fc- ' which the Plamnff had declared, this is an ac- leign Att.-.ch- ceptc'-nce of the Bail, and this Court ispoffcftof menti'.dif- jj-je Caufe, anci no Suggeftion of the Defendant Charged. ^|.^ll ^^^^^ the Court of Jurisdidion, efpecialiyas thisCaf^ is, where it appears, that thedefsgn of ivuins in London. 217 PP^alHs was to defraud SmU of the Satisfadian he had afligned to him for part of his Debt. Therefore a Superjedeas Was awarded to the Tre- cedendoi Quia tmprcvide emanavtt ; by which all the Judgment and Proceedings in London were void, & coram mn Judice , and reftitution or- der'd to be made to 5«e//, and Lev/is left to proceed in his A<3:ion in this Court per Habeas Corpusj to which Smll was Bail. Plaintiffdeclares in JJfump/itas Adminiftrator upon Idebitat. in 30 /. for Wares fold by thelnte- ftate. T\\QDefendiint pleads, That after the death of the Inteftate , and before Adminiftration granted, he affirms a Plaint in the Sheriff's Court againft the Arch-Bifhop of Canterbury, to whom belonged theAdminiftration,r<»r/o»g Prarogativ^e futs. In trefpafs on the Cafe fur affumpjit of the [nteftate, and upon Procefs againft the Arch- Bi/hop, he was retorned nthtl habet nee eji Inven- Um\ and then fliews the Cuftom of London of Fo- reign Jttachme7}tSy and that he himfelf owed to the Inreftate %o l. and had it in his Hands, and prayed AttachmeTit of the faid Moneys in his Hands, according to the faid Cuftom, and al- ledgeth their Proceedings and Judgment in good form as ufuaL Demurrer, It was file wed to the Court, that the Cu- ftom is alledged , That if the Debtor die In- ^«^oni not teftnte , and a Plaint be affirmed againft the p^/ad^ng^ Adminiftrator, and if procefs againft him be retorned, quod hibil habet ncc eft Inventnj, &c. That this Cuftom is not purfued in the Plaint affirmed againft the Arch-Bifhop, and then the Judgment founded on this Cuftom will be void; Qaod fuit cor.cejjtwj per tot ant curiam ; 2nd refolved , That the Plea was indifficient ; and 2 1 8. Attachments and that the Judgment upon the Foreign Attach- ment was not any.Eftopple to the Plaintiff here, he not being party. Sir Tho, Jones i6^. Smith and Rogers, By the Cuftom of Foreign Attachments in Lon- don ; If A. fue R. in London, &c, and C. is in- debted to B. in the fame Sum, and the fad C. 15 condemned there to A. according to theCu- ftom, and Judgment given againfi: him accord* ingly, yet if no Execution be fued againft C. A, may refort to have Judgment and Execution againft B. his principal Debtor, and B. may fue C. for his Debt notwithftanding the Judgment, fer Brook Recorder of London : Dyer. 7 Ed. 6 Si2. Concerning Sequejlration of a Citi:^ens Goods, Sec. IF A. B. ows Money to C. D. and abfconds, and happens to leave Goods in a Houfe or Ware-Houfe locked up, and no perfon in the Houfe or Ware-Houfe; in fuch Cafe C. D. may fequefter the Houfe or Ware-Houfe, and the Goods and Chattels therein contained, and in 6 Days time may condemn the Goods. The manner of making a Sequeftration is as follow- eth: C. D. Mufi enter en ABion of Debt agaijjfi A. ^. L«ri Mayors ^^^^ ^^,^ ^4 ^j^^ ^^^^ Attorneys of tits Courf, and in London. 21 and then one of the Officers of this Court wuft go to the fame Houfe or fVare'Hcufe , and jay tbefe, or the like JVords, T Do fequefter this Ware-Houfe, and the Goods and Chattels therein contained , as the pro- per Warehoufe, Goods, and Chattels of A. B. to anfwer C. D. in a Plea of Debt^ upon de- mand of 120 /. And then muft fut a Fadlock upon the Door of the Houfe , and fet a Seal uf on the Key-Hole: And after Four Court Days fafj^d^ which isufualin Four Days , the Officer wtll receive a Precept to open the Ware Houfe , and caufe the Goods therein to be inventory d and apprais'd by any Tvjo Freewen ; end the Appraifors mui^ fet their Names or Marks to the fame Inventory , and come to the next Court , and there take an Oath asfollotveth : The Oath to be taken by the Appraifors, ""XTOU , and either of you Hiall fwear *' X that the Appraifement you have made " of the Goods and Chattels in this Schedule " or Inventory fpecified, whereunto you have " fubfcribed your Names, is a juft and true Va- " luation and Appraifement of the fame Goods *■ and Chattels , according to the beft of your ** Judgments and Skills. So help you God. The 220 Attachments The fame Court- day that the Appraifors are fworn, the Plaintiff may have Judgment and Execution for the Goods, bringing Two fuffici- ent Sureties , who will enter into a Recogni- zance to this Effed ; viz,. That if the Defendant A. B. [hallcome into Court whhin aTear and a Day^ and difprove cr avoid the Debt demanded hy C. D. that then C. D. fi)all reft ore the Goods^ or the value thereof , to A- B. or elfe that they •will do it for him. The Manner for a Defendant in an Attach- mentj &c. to difprove or avoid any Debt de- manded, is asfolloweth: The Defendant muft How the either render his Body toPrifon, or giveSecuri- t.!!'t"-A «« ty to pay the Debt demanded, and then may may avoid or , -'. „ . „ . ■ • i • n j o • r • difprove a bring a Sare Facias, which is cailed a Sctre facias Debt. ad difprob^ndum dibit uw -^ and the Plaintiff in the Attachment muft be fuinmoned to appear, and plead thereunto ; and after .the Plaintiff hacli pleaded, if the Debt demanded be not a Debt due by Bond, Bill, or Specialty under Hand and Seal the Defendant may wage his Law, and thereby difcharge hirafelf of the Money deman- ded by the Plaintiff, which muft be done in Court as foUoweth : " j[ A. B. do fwear. That upon the ** Day of {framing the Day the A<^- " ion was entrcd) I did not owe nor detain, nor '5 as yet do owe or detain from CD. the Plaintiff" " the Sum of 120 /. nor any part or parcel ^* thereof, in manner and form as tlie Plaintiff *• by hh Bill Original hath fuppofed. So help' *' me God. And in London. 221 And if the Defendant be a Freeman oi Lcn- ^on, he muft have fix Compurgators, who will fwear. That they belteve in their Confcitncesj that Tvbat the Defemiant J'wears is true : But if the De- fcndant be not a Freeman of London, then Two Compurgators will be fufficient. If the Defendant (hall not -think fit to wage his Law, but will put the Vlaintxjf to prove hi* Debt, he muft in fuch Cafe plead that he ows nothing to the Platntif; an ilTuable Plea. And in cafe the Plaintiff fail to prove his Debt, n Verdidtand Judgment will pafs againft him fpr reftitution of the Money, or value of the Good attached and condemned j and if the Plaintiff in the Attachment fhall in fuch cafe be taken in ^^^"^/'^ »J? Execution, and (hall be unable or unwilling to JJ^y jf t^g reftore the iMont^yj his Security or Pledges that plaintiff fail he gave when the Money was condemned, will be compelled to pay the Money ; for the Sure- ties cannot difcharge themfelves by rendringthe Vlamtijf's Body ro Prifon. But if the Flai^jtiff^rovQ his Debt, the VerdiA will pafs for the Plaintiff in the Attachment, and then Judgment will be entered for the Debt proved to be due ; and if fo much was not reco- vered upon the Attachment or Sequeftration, the Bail for the Defendant are liable to anfwer, and pay the fame with Cofts, Coyi'. 2 22 Attachments Cert;$raru Concerning Guild-hall, O'c. GUtU'HaU has no Jurisdi<5lion to proceec! on a Penal Law, therefore Error of a Judg- ment given in an Information , at the Court of Guild- HaB before the Lord Mayor of London was brought. A Queftian was ; Whether it might he retorned here in B. R. or whether it ought to be by a Special CommiJJlon in London , accordivg to their Char- ter? But this being Matter concerning the Grown a Certiorari was awarded to remove the Record; which being done , a Writ of Error was -brought , Cora}9i vobis refidet. The Error affigned was j Becaufe the Inforr/ja- tion was brought in London, upon the Stat. ^ EL G«; Mire iaiperranouern bilffe p^'S /•„ . /« didaeprcedicJaA.M.io vita fua ind Hicaf'fuifTetcui- ofParlla- dam H. C. incenrun librisSc fie in indebicat'exi- mem. lien' idem A.M poltc & amc t xhibitionem billaepiae- didae prsiid, J. apud Lund' pra^did. vidclt. i^ p*- 242 Attachments lochia hc^tx Marine cle arcubj in warda de cheap condidit telhmentum & al i nam vo'untatcm fua in fcTiptisSc per eandem conliituit praedi^SumJ.T. Executorcm reftamentifuiprcdic^i &poitea ibidem obiit& qu< d p flea fcilicetdie mercutii quinto de- cimo d e Jaii Anoo Begni Domini Garoli fecundi nunc Regis Angliae fexto decimo in curfa difti Do- mini Regis tenia coram Rico. Ford Milite Aldcr- manno adruncuno Vicecomitum civitatis predidx in computatotio fuo fcituat in Parocliia fandae Mil-^rtd & Viiglnis in pulletra didae civitatis venit H. T. in propria perfona adtunc& ibid fecundum confuetudincm ejufdtm civitatis 8c levavit quan- dam querelam fuam i placito debi.fupra demand. cearum Librarum verfas prjefatumj T.modo quer. per nomen J. T, execatoris Tefiamenti prefat. A. defund. cujus quidem querela! tenor Itquitur in haec verba. ' fT. J. T. executor Teftam^ti A. M.defundJ. fum. fuit verfus H. C. in placito debiti fupra demand, centum libr. & fupra hoc adtunc & ibid, in ead:m turia fecundum confuetudincm civitati<; praed. di(^- us H. C. invenit. pleg. de profequcnd* qufrclam fuam praedidam fie ut pjaefertur verfus praefatum J T. Executorem, &c. levat. fcilicef. J. D. & J. F. & fuperinde didus J. C. petiit procefTum fibi fieri in & fuper querelam fuam pr«didam verfus J. T. executor. &c. fecundum confuerudinem civita- tis prardidx aborani tempore praedido, &c. fuper quo adtunc & ibidem fecundum confuetudmem didje civitatis ad petitionem praefat. H. C. praecept. fuit per R. F. Militem Aldermannum adtunc unumVicecomitem didse civitatis cuidam J. S. tunc Scrvien. ad Cl=ivam d\£ti R F. Milins Alderman, ad tuTic unius Vicecomitum did. civitatis ac illius < cur. m:n;lir. quod ipfe fecundum confuetudincm ; dida: civitatis fummoniret praedidum J. T. Exe- cutor, in London. cutor. &c. ad eflend'ad Cuiiam di&i Domini Re- gis coram praefato R. F. Milite Aldermanno ad- tunc uno Vicecomitum di«^e Civicatis in Guild-HiU dids civitatsfcituat.in Paroch. Sandi Lawrencii in veteri Judaifmoeju'demCivitat' die Jovis decimo Sexto die Junii Anno decimo Sexto prxd;dto ie- cundum a)nfuetud. didlge civitaris tenend. ad re- fpondend* prsefat. H. G. in placito querelas fuse prae- diiSze fecund uro confuerud. Civitaris prseiidtsea tototempore praedidio ufitat. Ef qud idem J. S, unus fervientium ad Clavam dicii R. F. Militij Aldermanni adtuiic Vicecomicis fuperinde facere: ad didlamCunam di(3:iDominiR.egis coram prasta- to R. F. Mdite Alderman adtunc uno Vicecomi- tum di(5t3ecivitatis in computatorio praeaidlo eodem Die Mercurii decimo quinto Die Junii Anno de- cimo fexto praedid:o fecundam confueud' di^s. civitatis,d''f. tenend' retornaret & certificaret, &c. Cujus quidem piacccpti pisetextu prasdidtus J. Sa unus Servien. ad Clavam didi R. F. Militis Al- derman, adtunc unius Viceccmitum didse civitac, ac illius Curia; Minifter ad d'c^am Curiam didi Domini Regis in Computatorio eodem Die Mercu- rii decimo quinto Die Junii Anno decimo fexio fupradido coram prasfato R. F. Milite Aderman. ac uno Vicecomitum didae Civirat', &c. tunc tent" retornavit & Cfrtificavit car. prsed. quod J. T. Executor nihil habuit infra Liberraf. Civitat. pix- didac per quod aut ubipotuit ipfum praetatum J. fummonere, &c. Supra quo poftea fcilicet ad ean- dem Curiam dididom. Regis coram prefato R. F. Milit' Aldermanno adtunc uno Vicecomit' didix civitat* in Computatorio, fao prsedjdo eodem Die Mercurii de.im > qiinto Die Junii Anno decimo fexto praedid:* fccunHam conluetud' d d£ civitat. tunc tentam pr^^id' H. C. teltirica(ur ^ ccrtiticac eidcm Cur. cidi dcm.Regis coram praeraro R.F^ Mih:: Alderman' adiunc uno Vicecomii' dida: ci- ^43 244 > Attachments vtfat in Compufatoiio fuopr2s''(fto eodem Die JMercurii Anno dtcimo fcxto fup.ad.6io fecundum confuctud. dida? civitatis tunc rcnf. quod quidam W. /^. adtunc def uit praefato J. T. Executor, d^c. qujrdecin Libi in manibus alius perlcr.ae & al* pe- eun' numerat. ut de d nariis qultuer. ipfiiis A. M. Tcft itor. tennpore nnortis (viae propr. tunc habuit in manibus & culkd. fuis. Et quia praedidus H. C. adtm c & iUcctii petiit ab eadim. Cu.ia qucd praed d. J.T. ExevUtor, &c, pzt p.aeJid. quinde- cim Libr. inpctun numerar. lie inmanufii cuftod. pra^fafi. W. A. exilicn. iecun' coniuetud' Civitit' prasdid* attach}.^rctur ad rcfponden' ptje'ar" B. C. in pljcifoquewlasriae p'sedid' €^'c. adtunc &ib;d. ad peiitior^m piaefaii H. (- in Conrpurarorio prse- ddofcdinci Die Meicum d-cirr,o quinto Die juni Anno dtcinio ftxfo praed do coram p sfato R. F, Wilir. A'dcnanno sdunc uno Viceci mitum Ci- vjtaf. p'xdidae piKiato J. S. uno Servitn' adCh- van) d di R- F. .Viil. Aldejnrsn.adtuncunius Vice- ccmitunri didfic Civirat. ac illius Cvux Miniftro quod i^fe Iccurdum confuetud' Civiuf. pia^didc atfacliisrct prsedidum J. T. exccutorcm, &c, per piardid' quindccim Libr. in mmibus & cuftod' pjaetat' VV.A. cxiften. & eafdem quindccim Libr. in manibus & cuOod' ejufdem W. A. fecundum confuerudineni civitatis pixdi&x defend' ita quod idem. J.T. Executor, c^c. cfTct ad dfdamcuriom didi Domini Regis coram piaefato Rico Ford Mi- lite Aldermanno adtunc uno Viceconnit. civitatis praedidsin /;?/?prgedid. dido Die jovis dc- cimo fextoDie JuniiAnno decimo fexto praedido re«.undum confuetudintmdide civitatis tentnd. ad reljponHendum prsfat. H. C. in placito querelas fuse piacd id fecundum conl'uetudinem civiratis prxd, & qurd idem Johan. Stubbs unus Servitntium ad CUvarrd'd.Rici. Ford NJilitis Aldcrir^arini adrunc uiiius V^icecomitum d;d.s civitatis ac illius Curiae minifir. in London. 245 minlftr. interim fuperindc faceretcidem curia: didl. Domini Regis coram praefato Rico Ford Milite & Aldermanno adtunc uno Viceccmitum di<3:e civi- tatis in computatoriofuo eodem Die Mercuriideci- mo quinto Die Junii Anno decinno fexto fupradi- d^o »ecundLJnicon(uitudinemdi(3:' civitatis rcnend* retornaret & certiHcaret, &c, fuper quo idem Jo- hannes Stubbs unus Servien. ad Clavam did. Rici. Ford Miliris & Aldcrmanni adtunc unius Viceco- mitum dide civitatis ac illius Curiae miniftr. poftea coderti Die Mercurii decimo quinto Die Junii Anno decimo fexto pras'{i(^o retornavit & certiricavic eidem Curias cidi dom' Regis coram praetato R. F. Milite & Aldermanno adtunc uno Vicecomitum di^se Civitatis in computatorio fuo p^xM^o eo- dem Die Mercurii decimo quinto Die Junii Anno decimo fexto fupr ad idto fecund umonfuttud mem did:e civitatis tunc tent, quod ipfe virtute pr^cepti pracdidi fibi dired. eodem Die Mercurii decimo quinto Die Junii Anno decimo fexto pjaed ft. inter horas odavam & nonam port meridiem ejufdem Attachment diei Junii fecundum confuetudincm di(5te civita'is made forMo- attachialTet prariid J.T.Executortm.^c per prsedi- "^y *? ^"?' flasquinddcim libr. in pecuniis numeratis ut denar. ^ "^ ' **" * pracdid. A, M. Ttrtitoris propr. in manu prsfat* W. A. exiften. & eafdero quindecim libr. in manu & curtod' ejutdem W. A. fecundum confuTtudf- nem ejuf^sm dvitaiis defendiflfct, Ita quod didus J. T. excCutor^ c^'. effct ad didsm primam curiam didi Domini Regis coram pr« ato R. F. v^ilire 3c Aldermanno adtunc unoVicecomicumdide civitatis in Cmld'hall praedid* dido Die jovis decicno fexto die Junii Anno decimo fcxfo fupraidd'^ecundum confuetudinem civitatis pised. tenend' ad refpond. prdcfat. H. C. in placito querclse fus predidas fe- cundum confuetuJinem civitatis pra^dide , &c. prout cifueratprsccpt* & idem Diesdat. e'ttunc be ibidem per eandem curiam prsfato. H. C. elTeii. R 3 SDidem, 2^6 Attachments ibidem, e^^cfecundum confuetudinemdii^. civitatis, &c. ad quam quidem primara curiam di6ki Dotn. Regis coram piae^ato Rico. Ford Milite & Alder- manno adtunc uno Vicecomit. dide civitatis in Gwld-Hill pisd.di^to Die jovis decimo fexto Die Junii ifinno decimo texto praeditSo fecundum con- tuetudinem di<5tae civitatis tunc tent, prsedidus H. _. . .>- C in propria perfona fua comperuit & pofuit loco makes' hisAt- ^"^ ^' ^- attornatum fuum verfus praefat. J. T. in totney. placlto querelas fua praedide fecundum confuetudi- nem civitatis praediifte & per eundem R. B. attor- natum fuum optulit fe verfus prsefat. J. T. cxecuto- lera, &c. in placito quercle fuaepraedi(5le fecundum confaeJudinem civitatis praedi<9;e & fuperinde ad. tunc & ibidem ad illam eandem curiam ad petitio- nem piaefat. H. C. per R. B. attornatumfuum prae- di(Slum eidem curias inde fa Month of ^ CornbtU j January. The Ward of Cheaf for February, CBafijhav^^ . ^. 2 for The Ward of ' ,, , /r- 1 . • \ \ march' ( Crtpplegate without J The Ward of for April, The in London^ M5 The Ward .1 Tower BilUngfgate for May, The Wards of F^mWtw without for J«»ff. The Ward of Bridge for July, C Alder [gate O The Wards of < Coleman ^reet > for Augufl, (Broadfireet j r Farrindon The Wards of < within, j C Oy? /^- baj/ftard^ CQueenhitb The Wards of < Do-wgate C Walbrooke TheWards of The Wards of 'Lafjgborfjf Lime-fireet ) Candle'wick 'Cordweyner ) Bijljoplgate for Sep. for OMer. for Niw. for Veeemb. When the Names are return'd by the feveral Wards , the Town-Clerk writes them into a Book , and gives the Officers of this Court a Copy thereof^ and alfo gives a Copy to the Of- ficers of the Sheriffs Court, the fame Jury ferving for both Courts. And the perfons fo retorned, and no others, muft fervc as Jurj-Men in this Court and the She- riffs Court, except in feme fpecial C^fes where the Court ft all order a Jury of Merchants , and 256 Lord Mayor s Court JflryofMer-in fuch Cafe the Town-Clerk retorns their chants. Names. Of the Lord'-Mayors Court of Chari' eery. THIS Court is alfo a Court of Equity or Chancery , for any Matters within Lon^ion and the Liberties thereof, and the Recorder for the time being, ufually fits as Judge or Chancel- lor to determine fuch Matters. The manner of exhibiting a Bill in this Court is thus : Firft it muil be drawn and llgned by Summons, one of the four City Council, whofe Fee for perufing and Signing thereof is 6 /. 8 pear. The Charge of drawing the Bill is 4 d. for every Sheet, and 6 iti- on, ImpJifon- ment lie^, rho fecuriry have been gi- ven at Cctpi- Wion Law, or in rhs Prero- g.rtive Qourty j'cr th& c.uurt of Ojpfians will compel to give them new fecuriry. It has been refolved, That there liath been a Court of Orphans time out of Mind in London j and there hath been a Cuftom, If any Freeman, or Frefwoman die, leavmg Orphans wit bin age un- married, that they have had the cufiody of their Bo" dy and Goods ; And that the Executors and Admi- niflrators have ufed, and ought to exhibit true Inventories before them ; and if any Debt ap- pear due, to become bound to the Chamber- lain to the ufe of the Orphans in a reafonablc fum to make a true account upon Oath, of them after they have been received, and if they re- fufe, to commit them till they will become bound ; this was adjudged to be a reafonable Cu- Cuftom. Upon the Retorn of the HabeasGorpus/^e Cafe was: One Jane ('WidwJ (Freewoman, and Fifh- monger of London ) died , leaving divers Or- phans, and one Latch was Admmijiraior, and had exhibited an Inventory of looo /. Debts unreceived, ancj was required by this Court to give Bond of 2000 /. which he refufed, per Quod, &c. and this Cufiom in fuch Cafe was adjudg- ed good and reafonable j and if the Ecclefia- ftical Court will compel them to make account there againft this Cuilom , a Prohibition lies. Though it. was alledged for the Prifonerin that Cafe, Ihat be was already hound in the Frerogative Court to make account y and jo be fluould be twice bound , Hob. 474. Laf-h'j Caje. To in London. 281 To this purpofe is the Cafe of HiU. 13 Car.i. B. R. Caltbrop. 46. The Cuftom is. If any Freeman devifeth Lands or other Legacies of Goods unto an Orphan, that then the Mayor and Aldermen ha'v^ ufed to take the PrO" fits of the Land, and to have the d'tfpofition of the Legacies, until the Legatees jhall attain the Age of 2 j Tears ; or if a JVoman, till Jhe be married : And if the diff option of the Profits of the Land, or of the perfcnal Legacies were declared by the Te^ator in his Will, that then the Mayor and Aldermen have ufed time out of mind of Man, to convent the perfons tru^- ed by the Will of the Tefiator before them, and to compel them to find Sureties for the performance of the Legacies ; and if they refufe to find Sureties^ then it is lawful to imprifon them until they do. Jhe Cafe was : The Widow of a Freeman of London dwel- ling in 'Middlefex , bequeathed a Legacy of 1000 /. to her Daughter after all Debts and Le- gacies paid, and upon Condition, That jhe Jhculd not marry without the Confent of the Executory and makes a Freeman her Executor, and dies 5 the Executor is covented before the Court of the Mayor and Aldermen, and required to put in Sureties to the Chamberlain oi London, according to the Cullom, for the payment ojF the 1000 /. according to the Time limited by the Will, and according to the Will aforefaid : The Executor denies to find Sureties, whereupon he was com- mitted to Prifon ; and an Habeas Corpus being awarded out of the^;»^'s Bench, to have the Bo- dy of the Executor, with the Caufe, all this Matter appeared upon the Retorn. And 282 Orphans Court The mfe of a Freeman is within the Cuftom. And the Court, Firfi Refolved, That it 'was a good Cufiom. Secondly J That the Wife of a Freeman is 'Within this Cu^om ; and the Wife of a Freeman bayiVg the liberty and privilege to trade in the Ctty , and fa able to take benefit by it, jhe (hall be bound by the Cufloms of it, -^w^ Thirdly, Thoi^gh jhe were dwelling out o/" Lon- don, at the time of the Will made, Jlje is a Free^ woman wit htft the compafs of the Cufiom. And it was one Andrew\ Cafe; P. 17 Jac, B. R. A Free woman befoi^ (lie contra(5ied Mar- riage with J.S. agrees with him, That (he (hall have power to devife a Sum of 200 /. to any perfon, and after her Marriage flie by her Will gives this to the Children of her firft Husband, and dies ; the Husband after acknowledgeth a Judgment at Common Law, for the Security of it : Yet by the Cuftom of the Orphans of Lon- don, he may be compelled by the Court of Or- phans to give new Security for this to the Chamberjain of London. Orphans not Note, The Security mufitake particular care that to marry fiQ^g of jIjq Orphans marry, or be put out Appren- tices, without leave of the Court of Aldermen ob- tained for that purpofe. -without leave Marriage without con- fent is finable, and Irnpi'ifon- meiit tiii piid. The Court of Aldermen do commit the Cu- ftody of Orphans to fuch perfon or perfons as they (hall think fit ; if any perfon do intermar- ry with any Orphan without the confent of the fame Court firft obtained, fuch a perfon maybe fined bv them according to the Quality and Pi^xionof theO/phan ; and unlefsfuch perfon do pay t\\z Fin.*^ or gii.'^ Security to piy it, the Court in London. 283 Court may commit him to Newgate, to remain there till he fubmit to their Orders 5 and , this hath been adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, and it was Wilkinfons Cafe againft Sir William Bolton, Pafcb, 17 Car. 2. Ail AAion of Trel^afs was brought forBa«ery and falfe Imprifonment: TheDefendant juftifies by the Cufiom of London of the Court of Orphans, That a freeman died and left his Daughter under 18 Tears of Age ^ for fuch is the Age of a Female and unmarried ; and that the Court committed the cuHody of her to Sir William Bolton, and fets forth the Cufiom ; That tf any fuch Ward be taken away, &C. they may commit the party to Newgate who does it, to he imprifoned till he produce the Infant^ or be delivered by due courfe of Law 5 and beciufe the Plaintiff took her away , he was com- mitted. The Plaintiff Demurs upon the Flea ; Firft, Becaufe the Cu^om is unreafoHahle, for that no time is allowed to the party to make his De- fence. Secondly, Becaufe the Cu/lom is laid generally, to Imprijon all, and fo a Peer may be imprifoned. But/>fr Cur. it's a General Contempt and Off- fence, and the Ciiftom is reafonable, but there feem'd to be a Fault in the Vlea, for the Bar was, Tkat the Infant was of fmh an Age, and unmarried at the'time of the Death of the Anceftor, but does not aBually fay, Shz was unmarried at thetime of the tak- « the hands in Chancery againft her, to make discovery of ?^f^^ C^nw- theEftate, and to compel hertoreleafe Dower, dev'ifrbleby cr the Husband, lU Orphans Court He that mar- ries an Orphan muft make a Jointure be- fore he rt- «iv«thePoi^- tion. or renounce the Devife ; the Queft'ton was 5 If the Money in the Court of Orphans "were de'vifo' hie , or not ? By BriJgman Keeper, 7wifden , and iVild, this Portion is a Thing in AAion, and fo not devi- fable. The Cuftom of Orphans under Age is. That they find them Money ^ ( viz. j for maintenance , and no more : Yet when tlie Orphan comes to Age, or the Female Orphan marry, it is caft up, and the Intereft fully paid. Now in this Cafe it was the Lachefs of the Husband , that he did not recover-it, for by the Cuftom it is to be paid at the Marriage, or full age of the Female Orphan : And the Cuftom is, upon the Marri- age of Orphans, to appoint the Ccmmcn Serjeant to treat and take Security for the Orphans. But he that marries an Orphan without Li- cenfe, muft make a Jointure before he receives the Portion. The Cafe was, a Citizen of London dies, and leaves a Daughter ; the Portion of the Orphan, according to the Cuftom, is put into the Cham- ber of London, or fecured by the Chmaber of London^ the Orphan marries without Leave or Licenfe of the Court of Orphans , the Hu.band and Wife bring a Subpsna againftthe Chamber- lain of London and the Recognizors for the Por- tion. and if in the Chamberlain's Hands, then to have the Principal, and account of the Product or Intereft ; albeit the Husband had a good E- ftate which merited the Fortune of the Orphan, yet forafmuch as he had not Licenfe of theCoarf of Orphans, to marry their Orphan ; and befides, had not fetled a Jointure upon the Orphan at the Marriage : It vvas decreed, That the Husband ^iouldfiijt n.ake a Jointure for her, before he fhould receive Lis ChiUs Pcrticnfcrth of the Chamber of Lon- don. SiS ajtCTy What i?i London. 287 Tf'hat (IjaQ he [aid fart of the Perfonal Efiate. The Morgage of an Inheritance to a Citizen Morgage of of London, hath been held to be part of hi»Per- an Inheri- fonal Eftate, and to be divided according to the ^^"^®' Cufiom, Cafesy in Ch. Part. jfi. 285. A Citizen of London being refiduary Legatee died ,* the QueBion^ Whether this hein^ but a Lega- Legacy. cy, Jifbich till Eledion ve^ed, prima JFacie, in the Legatee, not as Legatee, but as Executor, (for he was ExecutorJ and tbefir/t Tefiator s Eft ate which remains m the Executor, as Executor (hall not be fuh- jeB to the Cujfovj, as the Executor^ s own Eft Me ? In Civile and Rich's Cafe, the Lord Chancellor de- creed the contrary , and faid, I will make E!e- dion for him, Idem, 310. A Freeman of London purchafeth a Leafe for Years, of Tome Houfes in London for 700 /. and afterwards for 100 /. more buys in the Inheri- tance, and takes the Conveyance in another's Name in truft for him and his Keirs, and dies ; Leafcs for the Queftion was, yf'heth.r this Lea e be within the ^f '^""' Cuftom of London to be de'vtje'.l as a Chattel? For jen^j ^j-g i,-j. it was agreed by all, that a Leafe for Years af heiitance. figaed over to attend the Inheritance , is not within it j and the Chancellor's Opinion was. That neither can this Leafe ^ for ^tis knit to the Inheri- . tance. If a Father is a Freeman of L^'v.^ov, he cannot devife the difpofition of the Body of the Infant 5 -fhe Body ot and if hs do, yet the Infant fhall remain in the an Or/>/; in their Politique Capacity, neither have they • fuch a Cuftom, but the Exentors or Admini- ftrators Ihall have them. In Spencers Cafe, the Retcrn was ; If any Freeman devife any Legacy to an Orphan, that the Executor fliall be conftrained to find fuffici- ent Sureties to pay the Legacy according to Law; and ihews , That a Woman gives a Legacy to fuch Orphan, and returns the Will ; by which it appears fhe was a Widow Inhabitant in Middle- •fex, but free of London , ar^ flie made Spencer Ex- ecutor, and devifeth the Legacy to the Orphan^ and the Legacy was conditional, That the Or- phan ought to marry with the confent of the Ex- ecutor ; and becaufe he refufed to find Sureties ^ hg was Gommittedi F/Js amea & pejleai ipo • Orphans Court • It was alledged. The Cuftom was againft Law ; for perhaps he (hall not have Affets be- yond Debts to pay it, when the Time of pay- ment fhaH come. Per Cur. He ought to have re- gard to the AfTets and the Condition. If they prefs sn Obligation upon what ftands not with the Rules of Law, we will aid hi(n. A Prece- dendo was granted, i Rol Rep. 316. Note, yhe Committee of an Orphan by the Mayor « - *j.j._ and Aldermen i declaring upon the Cuflom of the ,ge/ City of London, fhaU have the Writ, and Agey and Non-age [hali be limited bythem,}riob.9^. One alTumes, That in confideration that the thlldsPotti- Plaintiff will marry his Daughter, that he will on. give to him, at the time of his Death, a Child's Portion : If a Citizen of London make fuch a Promife, it is good by the Cuftom of London, and the Divifion between the Wife and theChil- . dren is certain enough, 2 Role's Rep. 104, • Note, That when a Freeman of London dies, leav- ing Children under Age, the Clerks of the refpe(5tive Parifhes within the Bills of Morta- lity, ought to give the Name of fuch Free- man to the Common Cryer of this City, who is thereupon to fummon the Widow or Ex- ecutor of fuch Freeman to appear before the Court of Aldermen, there to be bound to bring in an Inventory of the Teftator's E- ■ ftate. ^ And ISIote^ That the Court of Aldermen al- ways allow two Months time for the bring- ing in and exhibiting fuch Inventories. If tn London, apt If the party fummoned do not appear, the Lord Mayor may, if h.e pleafe, fend his War- rant , Jind force an Appearance : And if any Executor refufe to become bound to bring \\ an Inventory, the Court of Aldermen may by their Power fend fuch Executor to Nev^atef there to remain till he fubmit ; and the Courts . at Weftm'mfler will not releafe fuch perfon, After a Bond given, the Executor muft pro- cure Four Freemen to appr^ife the Tejlators Goods, and muft caufe them to appear before a Juftice of the Peace in London, to make a juft", true and valuable Appraifment. The Common Cryer muft have notice when the Appraifment is to be made; for he isappoint= ed by the Court of Aldermen to be prefent when * all fuch A-ppraifments aire taken , that he may fee the fame be fairly done to thebeft advantage of the Orpha7js: And unlefs the Common Cryer or his Deputy be prefent, and the Inventory fiiall be figned by the Common Cryer ^ i\\t Court of Alder- men will not allow thereof. *Ibe Common Cryer^s Fees for figr.v^g every Inventory is \o f. and for bis Attendance, during the time of the Appraifment, at leajt lo s. per Day. When the Appraifn^ent is made, as aforefaid, and ftgned by the Common Cryer and the Apprai- forsj it muft be given to Mr. Common Serjeavt, Or one of his Clerks at his Office in Guild- HallTard^j and if he approver thereof, he ^-^nll .caufe it to^ be ingrofted. and a Duplicate thereof robe made for the Executor or Adrniniftrator ;- And whefi the fame is examined by hirri, and his Hand is fft thereto in x^iWmm'i ihtit^s^k f thiJ E>j«ouc -r 29 2 Orphans Court or Adminiftratof muft in the Court of Aldermen iwearthefafnc inventory is a true Inventory of the GDods and Chattels'of the Party deceafcd, according to the heft oF his knowledge. When the Inventory is fo exhibited, the Ex- ecutor muft become bound in a confiderable Penalty, cither to bring in the Money that (hall 'appear due to the Orphans by fuch Inventory, within Two Months , or within th^t time to give good Security to pay the fame into the Chamber of London, for the ufeof the Orphans, when they fliail ccme to Age , or be mar- iit:d. But [te after in -the late AB, concerning the bringing the Money into the Chamber of London. When Executors paid the Money into the Chamber of London , the Court of Aldermen ufually allovy'd j I fer CV«f.-Intereft for fuch of the Tefiator\ Eftateas was due to theOrphans by theCuftom oS. London ^ fo as the fame exceed not 500 /. and for Legacy Money 5 /. 6 /. Z d. fer Cent. If the Executor fiiall not pay the Money in- to the Chamber, he muft become bound with Three Sureties to the Chamberlain of London for the Time being , in one or more Recogni- zances, or elfe by Bond to pay the Money due to Orphans ; and in cafe the Security live within the Liberties of London, they muft be bound by Bond. Note, That if the Sum be 90Q L the Security mufi become bound by three Recogniz^ances, each for the fayment of 7,00 I. the Cu^om being never to make any RecogniZ,ance touching Orphans of greater Pe- nalty in London. 2c^2 nahji than 400 1. and not for the payment of above 500 I.- Note, The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen do meet at Guildhall, and fit in the Or-phans Court, there opce in every Tear^ viz. en the Munday * Morning after Midlent-Sunday, purpqfeiy to hear the Names of all the Securities that ft and bound for Orphans Portions called over , and therefore that Day is termed Call^day, upon which Day one of evtry of the Sureties ought to appear to give an ac- count "whether the other Securities are living, and in good condition, and whether the Orphans are liv- ing and married, ^ If none of the Security appear upon that day, they forfeit their Recognizances and Bonds,and the Clerk of the Orphans in fuch cafe m.uft make out Procefs againft the Security, and force them to give the Accompt above required, and pay the Charges of the Procefs. The Security muft take particular care that none of the Orphans marry, or be put Appren- tice with their confents without the leave of the Court of Aldermen fird obtained for that pur- pofe. And as the Orphans coine to be of the Age of One and Twenty Years , or (hall be married with the confent of the Court of A'der- men, they muft take care to bring them to Guild- hall, with a perfon to provf the Age of UichOr- phan; and then the Orphan muft ^xknowledj^e fatisfadion for the Money duetoh.im, orh-r, of the Teilvitor's Eiiate, which niuft be done in th^ Court of Aldermen ; but one of Mr. < o n- mon Ser.jeant's Cleiks muft ft:i^ draw up aNo;2 tothii, or the like ctfcct. « U X A, B, 2ip4 Orphans Court " A B. ParifliClerkandRegifterof St. M- '' Jl\- ^^^^^^ Ba/ilha-w, London, IS come tO " prove unto this Honourable Court, upon his • "' Corporal Oatb, That C. D. one of the Sons " and late Orphans of H. D. late Citizen and " Draper of London, deceafed, is of the full Age "of 2 1 Years. ' And the faid C. D. the Son is *^ come to acknowledge fatisfadion to this Ho- *' nourable Court for 5-90 /. growing due unto "him for his own part and Portion of the *^ Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits of the " faid H. D. his late Father deceafed* by the '^' Laws and Cufloms of the City of Londov. j(^WNote, That if a Freeman leaves Lands and'ti" newents to his ChtldretJ, the Executor mufi hecome hound with Sureties to acco^ipt for the R.enti and 'Frcfts of fuch Lands : ALSO, when any Orphan is of full Age, and fliall acknowledge fatisfa^Sion in the Court of Aldermen for all Moneys due to him or her; The fame Court, upon Motion made fc>y Mr. Common Sergeant^ doth conftantly order, That all Bonds entred into for the payment of fuch Orphans Portion (hall be delivered up, and cancelled ; and if rfhe Security became bound by Recognizances, the Clerk of the Orphans \f^\\{ crofs and difcharge fuch Recognizances, for which his Fee is 2 s. upon each Recogni- zance. The Widow of every Freeman , if (lie ftall ^e Executrix or AdminiOratrix of hcrHuiband's Jbftate, ought b}? theCuftomof /.w^f^^o exhi- bit aTrue inventory of her Hueband*£ Eftatein- tp ti;is Court before |he contradl Manjage, other - ■"■■■■ ...■,.■■■: ^ .. -r \V!:; in' London. '29 j wife the Court of Aldermen may impofe a reafo- nable Fine upon fuch Executrix or Adminiftra- trix, to the ufe of the Orphans of fuch Free- man. To prevent Abufes that fometimes happen to Freemens Eftates in prejudice of Orphans by Ex- • ecutrixes and ASminiftratrixes not giving an In- ventory in due time after the Teftators Deceafe, thQCourt of Aldermen have made an Order, Not to allow any finding Money or Intereft, for any Money that (hall be paid into the Chamber of London by any Executor or Administrator belong- ing to any Freeman's Esiate^ untill fuch time as the Executor or Adminifirator of fuch Freeman do bring in, and exhibit upon Oath a True and perfeA Inventory to his knowledge of all the Goods, Chattels, Plate, Jewels, ready Money, and Debts, which did belong to fuch Freeman at the time of his Death. Therefore it is the intereft and advantage of all Executors and Adminiftrators of Freemen to • exhibit Inventories of the Eftates of fuch Free- man within the time limited and appointed by the Court of Aldermen for the doing thereof, efpecially fuch as (hall leave no greater Eftate than to pay their Debts : For if upon the bring- ing any Inventory into the Court of Aldermen, it fhall appear to the Court, that the Teftator did not leave more Eftate than to pay his juft Debts, in fuch cafe the Court will difcharge fuch Executor or Adminiftrator of the Recognizance he gave for exhibiting an Inveiuory without paying any Fee to any Officer whatfoever: Pro- vided fuch Executor or Adminiiirator bring in fuch Inventory, when he (hall have notice from Mr. Common Crier fo to do. U 4 Note, ip^* Orfhans Court Nofe, The Court of Aldermen do commit the cuflody of Orphans to fuch ferfon or ferfons as they (hall thwk fit ; and if any perfon Tvhatfoever do inter- marry with any Orphan "without the confent of the • fame Court fir (i obtained, fuch perfon may he fined by the f aid Court, according to t&i Quality and Por- tion of the Orphan, and unleJS fuch perfon do pay the Fine, or give Bond to pay the fame in fome rea- sonable time, the Court of- Aldermen may commit , him /o Newgate, there to remain until he fubmit to their Order: And although fuch perfon fhall have ten times a better Eflate than the Orphan he inter- marries, yet he muf: fubmit to pay fuch Fine as the Court fhall impoje upon him : But if he fettle an ■ Eflate upon the Orphan as the Court pall direB^ and make application to the fame Court by Petiti- on tjD have the Fine remitted, they will in probabi- lity jhen> favour to fuch perfon, as they have done in the like Cajes. ^ This Cuftom , it's faid , hath been adjudged reafonable, and was argued in the Court of Kings Bench, in the Cafe of a Mercbant that had a good Eftate,who intermarried with an Orphan without the Confent of the Court of Aldermen : The Orphan had but 200 /. or thereabouts in the Chamber of London, but her Portion was 800 /. and upon hearing the matter in the Court of Al. dtr?nen, the Merchant did feem to juftifie himfelf becaufe he had the confent of rheOr;?-6^»iRelaii. ons, thereupon the Court order'd liim to pay 40 /. as a Fine, which he refufed, and was com- mitted to Nev'gate : And after foraeconfiderable, time he brought a Habeas Corpus^ which was al- lowed, and the caufe of his Imprifonment re- ^orned ; and upon perufal of the Retorn, and • after long debace had by Counfd on both fides, *' ' ' ■■-■■. ^,^^ in London. 207 the Court of Kivg's Bench remanded the Gentle- man back to Prifon, and direded him to fubmit to the Court of Aldermen ; which he did by pay- ing the Fine, and was thereupon difcharged ; but upon his humble Suit to the Court, a great part of his Fine was returned. When an Inventory is exhibited in thisCo«rf, and the Orphans can prove any Goods omitted or undervalued, or any Debts charged to be qjv- ing from the Deceafed, which were not real and juft Debts, in fuch cafe the Clerk, li^on Com- plaint made, will fumraon a Jury to enquire whether the Inventory fo exhibited, be a true and perfed Inventory, or not? And if the Jury find any Omiflions , Undervaluations , or Sur- charges, then the fame Clerk will fue the Exe- cutor upon the Bond he gave for exhibiting an Inventory , and will thereby compel him to make good to the Eftate fo much as ftiall be found by the Jury to be omitted, undervalued, or furcharged, unlefshe can by proof difcharge him (elf thereof before the Court of Alderman, who upon application made by an Executor,will examine into the Accompts of fudi Executor, and do right to all Parties, without any-expence to the Executor or to, the Orphans. When it fhall appear by any Inventory that many Debts are Ihnding out due to the Decea- fed, the Court of Aldermen do conftantly compel the Executor to give Bond to render a true Ac- compt from time to time when he fhall be there- unto required. And it is ufual once in Twelve Months to fummon the Executor to give anaccompt, and if upon the exhibiting thereof it ftiail appear th^r pny Money is due to the Orphans^ the Ex- i. -for. muii either pay the fame Moneys in-o Orphans Court the Chamber of London, or give good Security to pay the fame ; which if he omit or refufc, his Bond will be put in fuit againft him. The Method of gtVin^ an Account is of' ter this manner. TH E Executor muft write an Accompt of his Receipts and Payments fince the In- ventory exhibited, and give it to Mr. Common Sergeant, who will examine it, and caufe it to be ingroffed, and fet his Hand thereunto, and to a Duplicate thereof for the Executor ; and ' then the Executor muft make Oath before the Court of Aldermen that the Accompt is true. Note, That if any Executor cannot give in his Ac" coMpt according to the time mentioned in his Bond , he tnuft apply himfelf to the Court of Aldermen for furtbsr time, which is ufually granted. Note, That hy an AB of Parliament made $ & 6 W.d^ M. cap. lo. for the raifing a perpetual Fond, to pay the Tearly IntereJ} of 4 1. for every 100 1. Principal Money, and of all the Interejt thereof due to any Orphan of the City of Lon- don, or the Executors, Adminiftrators, or Af* fgns of fucb Orphan (in manner as therein is par- ticularly mentioned) j /r is EnaBed, That no per^ fon Jhall be obliged or competed by virtue of any Cufiom within the J a id City, or by Order or Pro- • eefs of the Court of Orphans, to pay into the Cham- ber in London. 299 her any Sum of Money y or TerfonalEflatey due, or to be duBy or belonging to an Orphan of any Free" man, any Law or Ufage inforcing the fame not* withftandwg. But this not to be confirued to f x- tend to impeach or prevent ProcejS upon any Recog- mz,ance already given according to the Cu- (lom. This Provifion made by the faid A6t, for pay- ment of the faidlntereft Money for ever, (hall be in full fatisfacaion of the Debts and Intercft thereof due to the faid Orphans and Creditors ; and they are to acknowledge fatisfa^on of their refpedive Debts according to the ufual Cuftom, &c. And the City and their Succeffors (by the faid Ad) are acquitted of the fame* The Chamberlain or Other Officer, that mifap- j)lies any of the Moneys fo appointed, forfeits treble the Sum to be recovered by any the Or- phans or Creditors that will fue for the fame, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Re- cord. Any perfon to whom any Money is payable by this Ad:, may by writing under his Hand and Seal, transfer his Right and Intereft there- in, to be regiftred in a Book to be kept by the Mayor and Court of Aldermen ; And fuch Af- iignee (hall have the Bill, Note, or Writing, and (hall be intituled , and may aflign toties quones , and it (hall not be in the power of fuch perfons Mifho have made fuch Affignments, to releafe or difcharge the fame, or the. Moneys thereby af- figned. Note, There is a Vrovlfion in this fad AB, That on application made to the Mayor and Court of Alder- ruen by the Executors or AdminiJ^rators of the Fa- U'tr of jitch Orphan, to pay in, or lof^ge atiy Sum of Alcnty X 300 Orphans Court Money of fuch Orphan in the [aid Cham^ her J and to have the Benefit of the [aid Trovifi" ■ on thereby made, it fiiall be lawful for the [aid Mayor and Alder jnen to pay off the like Sum tofucb ferfon intituled to the /aid Yearly V ay went s , as aforefa'td, as they think fit, not beirg Orphans un- der the age of 21 Tears, and giving three Months notice to , or for the perfonfo to be paid cff ; at the end of which three Months ^ upon payment or ten^ der of the [aid Moneys due for Principal andln^ terefi to, or for the perfon to whom fuch Notice fljall be gi'venj according to the Vrovifion made by the faid A6i, at the Office of the f aid Chamberlain in Guildhall; That from thenceforth the Annual Sum of Money, payable to fuch perfon, to whom fuch Notice^ Vayment or Tender fhall be made, (hall ceafe and determine ; and the fame [hall become due and payable to y or for theufe cfjuch Orphdn who fliall have tpaid in the Moneys for the fame, and fljallbe regifired accordingly, and be affignable as afore faid ; yet the Moneys fo tendred fhall be paid to fuch perfons upon their demand of the fame, and ajjigning or giving a Difcharge for the fame : And the Provtfion made by the [aid AB, Jhall re- main a perpetual Fond for the benefit of the Or- phans of the faid City fucceffively : And the jaid ABfl)3llbe reputed a General AB 5 and the Judg- es upon all Occafions jhall take notice as if it were a General AB of Parliament relating to the whole Kiwdom, It is alfo enaded by the faid Ad , That §11 Securities given by the Orphans to any Agents or Solicitors to obtain payments of their Debts by Ad of Parliament, or otherwife , (HaII be null and voivl : And the Mzyor Sindi Court ot Aldi - men,, our of riis Revenue fetled by this AB, (hall allovV and p.?y to fuch Agents and Solicirors , what in London, ^ o i what they judge may be reafonable, and that to be allowed in the Account of the faid Reve- nue : And if they demand or receive more , than fhall be fo adjudged due to them, they {hall forfeit treble the Sum receiv'd, to be recovered with Cofts of Suit ; by fuch Perfons as will fue for the fame, in any of his Ma jefty's Courts of Record at We^minfter, Note, That upon acknoivledging Satisfa&ion, as aforefaid, the Fees to be faid are not to exceed 13 s, 4 d. for every Thoufand found. # THE JOX The Chamherlams Court THE CHAMBERLAIN'^ COURT OR O F F I C E TH E ChamberJain of London keeps his Office in the Chamber oiGuiUhall, and is entruftedwith Orphans Moneys, and the City Cafh, (as is before obferved) ; he is Annually eledted, and gives good Security to the Court of Aldermen to pay, and make good whatfoever Cafli fhall be delivered to him, and once every Year gives an account to Auditors appointed and chofen for that purpofe. He is alfo entrufted with the City Leafes j and all Bonds and Securities taken by the Court of Al- dermen for Or/j)6^»i Moneys. He attends at Gmldhall ufually every Fore- noon to Inroll and turn over Apprentices, and to make fuch free as Iia\'^e duly ferved the full Term of Seven Years. And in London. 30J And Note] That by the Cuftom oi tendon, Af- ■ prentices that are, or jhall be hound by Indenture above the Age of Fourteen Tean, and under the Age of zi, to Freemen of London , for the full Term of Seven years ^ are compellable to ferve the full Term^ and an ABion wtU lie againH the Ap- prentice for breach of any of the Covenants^ as we have before ohftrved, and of which we Jhall here- after Jet down fome Trejidents, But if the Ap- prentice Jioall be tinder the Age of Fourteen Tears at the Time of his binding, his Indenture is not good And by the Ancfent and laudable Cuftom of the City of London, every Mafter ought to In- rpll his Apprentice within the firft Year of his Term, before the Chamberlain of London for the time being, who attends every Day at his Office in. Guildhall for that purpofe, as is afore- ^aflgf nede- faid. And if the Apprentice be Inrolled with- aing to Inrol in the firft Year of his Term, the Fee is but 2 s. his Apptenr 6 d. But if he ihall not be Inrolled within the ^^c®* firft Year, then fuch Apprentice may be dif- chargedfrom his Matter's Service. See before pag. 107, 108. and fee after in this Court the Fref dents. By the Late AB for Orphans, * An Appren- ' tice muft pay 2 /. 6 d. when Bound, and j /• 'when he is admitted a Freeman,over and above * the ufual Fees. Mlfdemeanor If an Apprentice (hall be unruly or diforder- of Appren- ly in his Matter's Houfe, or commit any notori- ^^^e. ^ ous Fault , upon Complaint made thereof, Mr. Chamberlain will fend one of his G^cen for £uch apprentice, and fend him to Bridwell, or otherwife punilh him, according to the nature of the Offence, If 304 The Chamberlains Court Mlfufal by Mafters. Tarnovers, bjfore the Co-npmy and Chath- bsrlaia. Firft Maftee tli {"charged, wiJ how. If any MaBer fliall mifufe his Apprentice by beating him unreafonably , or with unlawful Weapons, or by neglecting to inftrudl him, or to find him NeceiTaries, upon comp'aint thereof made, Mr. Chamberlain will fend a Summons .for the Mafter to appear before him ; and upon hearing both Parties, will relieve the Apprentice ^ or leave him to take his Remedy againft fuch Ma^er in the Lord Mayors Court. If any Freeman (hall refufe to appear before the Chamberlain , being duly fummoned, the Lord Mayor ^ or Mr. Recorder ^ upon Complaint thereof made, will grant a Warrant to appre- hend fuch perfon, and compel him to appeaa; for which ffarrant the Fee is i s. Note, When an Apprentice is hy confent of his Mafter to he turned over to another Mafter of the jame Trade, it cannot he done hy any Scrivener ; hut the Apprentice ought fir/t to be turned aver before the Company where bev^as boundy and then to be turn- ed over before the Chamberlain : And it is to be obfervedy that if an Apprentice be turned over by the Company only^ it is no Obligation upoi^^gpe /e- cond Ma/ter to keep fuch Appmntice j nor is the Apprentice'compellabk thereby to ferve Juch fecond Master , but May depart from the Service of fuch fecond Mafier at h:s pleafure^ by fuing out bis In- dentures againft his firjt .. Mafter, v^hich may be ^ dfine without the Privity or Kmwledge of the fe^ cond Mafter^ and therefore it is abfolurely neceffary that all Apprentices (homld be turned over before the Chamber lain, for thereby the firjt Mafter is dif charged from him^ and the fecond Mafter obliged to hep h:m ; and the Apprentice will be obliged to fnvi' th'^ Jcccnd Miftsr the full term of the Inden- twei l in London. tures I although the fame v^ere mad^sfor nine Tears or more* it is thought the intereft and advantage of eve-» ry Mafter and Apprentice, when any Difference happens betweer«hem,to refer the Matter to tie Chamberlain f who will freely hear both parties, o^f^rence to and decide the Controverfie for Three Shilling? the Chamber- Charge; viz,. I J. to the .Officer for the Sum- lainberter mons, and 2 #. to the Clerk for the Order : than going Whereas if they proceed at Law for Relief, it ^° ^^^• may probably coft both parties 6 /. if not more, in Charges; and the ConcluHon may be lefsfa- tisfadory than if decided by fuch Reference, as aforefaid. In cafe any Apprentice (hall refufe to be In- rolled within the firft Year of his Term , the Mafter may within that Time bring his Inden- Ajfprentlce ture to the Chamberlain or his Clerk, who will ]|^3'''^® Record the fame ; which Record is as good as an Inrolment, and (hall bar the Apprentice from difcharging himfelf There are many Ci- tizens oi London that negled to Inroll their Ap- prentices, and theReafon they ufually^give is, That i^the Apprentice he.lnrolleJ, they are hound to keephm, although he jhall he aJbuf or aGamfler', ^^^^^f^'Xv hut if he is not Inrolledy they can turn him away at fuch as will their fleafure ; but this is a great Mtfiake : For if an not Imoll Apprentice (hall not be Uralledj and the Alaflir turn theirA^pren- him away J the Apprentice may m fuch caje bring bis ^"-*^' ABion upon the C&^nants in his Indenture, and reco- t/er Damages from time to time agairjl the Mafier : And if the Apprentice be Inrolled and turnd away, he mu^ take the fame Courfe againfl his Mafier. If the Apprentice be a Thief, the Majler'may as lav.'fullj turn htm away when he is Inrolled as when he is not Inrolledy for the Inrcllmcnt is no Obligation upon tht ^o6 The Chamherlains Court Adafier to keep the Apprentice more than before he was , not InroUed, But by the hrolment the Mafier anfivers the Oath be took when he ivu male fi-ee^ anJohlig- es the Apprentice not to go away at his pleafure And every Mafier ought in Confcience to Inroll his Appren- tice , for otherivife he dtfappoints J he Father.^ who pof Jibly paid the Mafier a conjiderable Sum with his Son Apprentice, and if the Apprentice knows he may leave his Makers Service at his pleajure, it happens very often, (asunder^anding Men have obferved) that he negleBs bis Mafter's Service, and takes bad Courfes, whereby the Father lofes both his Money and his Sony which wight in all probability have been prevented if the Apprentice had been Inrolled, • Again, Although an Apprentice be Inrolled^ he may he dtj charged from his Mafter , in cafe the M after Caulcs /^j beatbifn unreafonably without iu ft caufei or in wherefore > ^ J ■'r,i- "^ r /r ■ at n- an Appren-» ^^J'' ^^^ Majter rtfuje to find htm jufficient JSecejJa- tice may be ries ; or if the Mafter turn the_ Apprentice cut of his difcharged. Service, or leave off his Trade^ or (hall negleB to in- (IruSl his Apprentice , or turn him away j whereas many Citiz,ens do believe that if an Apprentice be In- roiled, he cannot be dtfcbargedfrom his Mafier for any Cauje what ft ever. The Manner of fuing out an Apprentices In- denture is thus : Tj » r He niuft brine his Indenture, or a CopY. to outthelnden- ^" Actorny in this Court, who will give a Note tures of on or Warrant to one of the Serjeants before men- Apprentice, tloned, to fignifie to the Mafter the Apprentices Intenrion of fuing out his Indenture , and for wh.it Caufe j and four Court Days after will leave a Sun^mcns in Writing at the Matter's Houfi.', for him to ippear in this Court, and fhew caufe why his Apprentice rtiall not bedif- charged. And if the Apprentice fue his Inden- • ture m London. ^o/ tureout for not Inrollment, the Mafter may ap- pear, and delay it a fmall time, but cannot pre- vent the Apprentices Difcharge : But if ic be for any other Caufe, the Mafter may appear b^ an Attorney of this Court, and plead, and try the Truth of the .Matter complained of by the Apprentice, and the Mafter need not doubt a fair Try al, the Jurys being all Matters, and the Court conftantly ftiews them all juft and lawful Favour: And if a Verdid pafs for the Appren- tice, or the Mafter, no Cofts will be allowed to either party. Note, That an Apprentice, canhot fue out his In- denture againfi a Freeman hut in the Lord Mayor's Courts as is before obferved. If an Apprentice fliall be bound for Eight, ^Nine, or Ten Years, and Inrolled, he (hall be \compelled to ferve the full Term, and cannot f^ptttitAC^ be difcharged from his Mafter after Seven Years Bound for ?< Service, unlefs for a very Reafonable Caufe; p.onoytats and it often happens that one years Service, af- ter Seven years fhall be expired , may be very confiderable to the Mafter. A Freeman's Widow may take a Maid Ap* prentice for Seven Years, and Inroll her in like manner as a Youth, in cafe (he be -above Ff eeiiian*s Fourteen Years of Age ; but if the Indenture Widow may fliall be made for lefs than Seven Years, Tt is ^^kean^Ap- naught, and againft the Cuftom of loW^w, and P'*""^ will not oblige the Apprentice. If an Exchange- Woman or Sempftrefs, that ^ . hath a Husband Free of Umdon, take a Maid vvoman of Apprentice, fuch Apprentice muft be bound to semftt«(». X % (be 308 The Chatfiberlains Court J the Husband, and not for lefs than Seven Years and may be InroUed, and made Free at the expi- ration of her Term, in cafe (he continue fo long unmarried. If any Mafter refufe to make his Apprentice Free when the Time mentioned in the Inden- tures is expired, fuch Apprentice may fif he have duely ferved) force his Mafter to make him Free, by fummoning him before the Court of Al- dermen^ or before the Chamberlain of London for the Time being. Fees in London, 200 Fees due to the City upon the making Free and hrolling Apprentices. AN Apprentice made Free, not In- 7 ^. d. rolled, the Mafter pays J 13 2 The Apprentice pays i o If not turned over before the ChamO • beriain, then the Mafter or Miftrefs ^ '2 q muft pay extraordinary j If an Apprentice (hall omit to take his Free- dom 'within convenient Time after his Time .1$ expired , Mr. Chamberlain may impofe fuch Fine upon the Apprentice as he (hall thiak ftc for fuch his Ncgleft. X 3' Fees 5 1 o The Chamberlains Court Fees due to the Clerk, of the Chamber. For every Copy of a Freedom , if by 7 s. nat' & content & bene & ridelit' obfervare perfor- mire & perimplere omnes & omniod' racionabil. convenciones in hujufmodi Indenfur, fpec, & con- tent, feu continend. ex parte fua obfervand' te- reud' performind' feu perimplend' concernen* ve. rum juftum & rtdel' fcrvicium di(fti Apprenticil er. ga MagiUrum fuum duran. termin. Apprenticialita- tis fue praei id:' fecund um veram intcntioncm In- dentui' pracJ* acfi hujufmodi Appreniicius fem- pr^re confecSiionis cjuldcm Indentur' fuiflet plene ctatis 2 I Annorum 6c amplius & ii talis Apprenti- cius infringeret aliquam conventionem in eadem Indentur' content' ex putc fua performand' duran* termin' in eadem content' quod tunc Magift. talis Apprenticii haberet tale remsdium verfus cundem Apprcnticium fuum qual'haberet fi talis Apprenti- cius tempore confedlionis Indentur. fue ptaed.forcc plene ctatis 2 i Annorum & amplius: Que quidem conf. ac omnes al, conluetud' in eadem Civit' dc antiquo ulitat- per Dominum Richardum nuper Regem Angliae fecundum in Patliamento tpfius nu- Cuttomscon « P^' Regis apud Wefi. in Com. Midd. Anno regni ficmd. fui fexto tent.tuncMajori &Comunit'&Civibus Ci- vil' prxd. & luccefforibus fuis authoritat' & con- fcnfu Parliament' illius ratiticai* 8f confirmat' fuer' Cumquc in the City of London. ^ ^ / Cum que per quandam Indentuc' fa(^am apud Ion- don^ viz* in Paroch. &c, (Tali die & Anno) inter prjediftum Richardumadtunc exiften' etatis 14 Annomm & amplius & infra etai* 2 1 Annorum, viz* ctatls 15 aiinorum. &• tunc antea exiften' natus infra hoc Regnum Angliae, viz apud Len- don ipxxdi£t' inParochia & Warda pra^did' per no- men R R» &c. Ec cundcm H. R tunc cxi- ften'Clvem & libeium hominem 6c aurifabcum Civitat* praBdi<5l* per noroen B. R. (&c.) cujus alteram partem figillo prsdidi R. jam Dc*f. tig- nat. prxdicft' H. hie in Cur. profert cujus dat' eft eifdem Die & Anno prsedi^us jam De^, pofulffet feipfum Apprentic. cidem H. Civi & aurifabro London' ad difcend' artera fuam & fecum more Apprcnticii deCerviend' a fefto Annunciation' Be* atae Mariae tunc ult. prseterif. ante dat. Indentur- praediA. ufque plenum finem & termin. feptem Annorum extunc proxime fequen. & plenar. conv plcnd. & finiend.duran, quo termin. idem Appren- tic, praefat. Magifto fuo hdeliter dcferviret, fecre- ta fua ceUret, prxceptaque fua licita ubique libent. ageret dampnu. praefat' Magiftro fuo non facerct auc ab aliquo fieri videret quln. ilium ad poHfe fuum impediret aut ftatim didum Magiftrum fuuminde prsftmoneret^bona Magiftriful nondeve- (laret neque ea illicite alicui perfone accommodarer^ fornicationem non committeret neque matrimoni- urn contraheret infra prsedi(^. termin. cart is pic^as alels tabuUs luforiis at a), jocis illicitis non luderet quo didus Magiftei fuus ullum detriment' hab eret cum bonis fuis propr. aut alienis duran. di(^o tcr' minoabfque licent. di(^i Magilhi fui neque emeret reque venderet tabernas non frequentarct nee feip- fum a fervitio didi Magiftri fui die vel noAe illici- te reciderct fed in omnibus tanquam iidel. Ap' • ^ prcn:if 3 1 8 Pleadings for Majlers, Sec. prentif, erga didum Magi^hum fuum omnefquc fuos duran. dido termino felpfum gererct. Ec prsfat. Magif}. Apprehtic. fuum prsedid* in eadem arte qua tunc utebatur optimo modo quo poffct docerct & erudiret debita caftigatione, inveniend* dido Apprentiqio fuo ftfficien. vidum potum lofio. nem ledur. 6c apparat. omniaque al. neceffar. fecund um conruCtud. dide Civit. London* difiran. dido termino. Et pro veira perfor- mation' omnium. & fingulotum convention. & agreament' ^praedid' prasdidus R. praedid. H. per didam Indentur* firmit. felpfum obli. gavit prout per eandem Indentur. inter a. Ha plenius apparet. Et idem H. in fado dicit quod tempore confedionis Indentur. praedid. didus H, fuit Givis & liber ho- mo Civit. prssdide (viz. ) arris five Mifterii de Ics aurifabr. (Anglias Goldfmith'sj in- fra Civit' praedid' 8c eadem arte , de les aurifabr. apud London praedid. in Parochia & Warda pradid. exerccn' idem H. uteba- tur. Et idem H. ulrerius in fado dicit quod idem H. tempore confedonis Indentur. praedid. & ante diem impetration. hujus Bil- le fcil. praedid. (tali Die & Anno) fu- pradido apud London' praedid. in Paro- chia 8c Warda praedid. prasdidum R. modo Dcf in Apprenticium fuum & fervicium fu- um recepit ad ipfum in arte aurifa r. quam idem H. tunc utebatur erudiend iecundum formam & cff^dum Indentur. praedid. qui quidem R. apud London' ptse 'id. in Paro. chia & Warda praedid, ab eodem f tah' die Anno fupradido ) cum eodem H. ut Apprenticius fuus remanfit 8c eidcm H. tanquam Magiftto fuo dcfervivit ufque ( takm diem & an- num) in the City of London. jip num) 9c licet idem H. bene 8c fidelit. pei- formavit perimplevit & cuftodivit omncs' & lingular' conventiones & agreament. in In- dentur. prxdidta ex parte fua performand. perimplend feu cuftodiend. fecundum for- mam & effedum Indentigr* ill. idem tamen R. modo Def; non perfomavit perimplevit feu cuftodivit aliqua convention, promillion. feu agreament. in eadem Identur. mention at. ex parte (ua performand* perimplend' feu cu- ftodicnd' fecundum formam & effe(3um In- dentur. ill. Et Idem H. ulterius in fa- <5to dicit quod poft confedionem Indcn- tur. prsdid. & podquam idem H. did* urn R. modo Dcf in fervicium ipfius H. ut prsfertur cepiflet & duran. tempore quo didus R. in fervitio didi H. ut Apprenticius fuus exfiitit & defervi- vit & infra praediA. termin. feptem. an- Borum fcilieet ( tali Die & Anno ) did- « I us R. modo Def. apud London' prsedid. ' in Parochia & Warda praeflid. fine licentia & voluntat. ipfius H. tunc Magiltri fui a fervitio didi H. tsrmino Apprenticii fui nondum finit. contra formam & eff;dum Indentur. praedid. dece'ffit & receilit & ad- func dc ibidem bona didi Henrici ad va- lenr. decem librarum fine licentia & voluntaf. ipf;us H. contra formam & effedom Indentur- praedid. inordinar, devafiavit ficque prfidid, R. lictt fep us requifit' &c. Conventionem fu- am prsedid. de eo quod idem R. durante termino prasdid. in Indentur. praedid. (upc- lius fpecihcat feipfum a fcrvjcio piaedid H- • Mjgiflri fui illici^e non recfderet neque bo- na iffius H. Magiftri fui devalliret neque ea ali^ui 3 1 o Pleadings for MaJierSy Sec. alicul illicite accommodaret eidem H. non tenuit fed infreglt, Et ill. hue ufque tcnerc contfadlxit & ad hue conttadicit unde idem Hcnricus dicit quod ipfe deteriorat. eft. Et dampnum habet ad vaknt. 50 /. Et indepro- ducit SeAam, &c. The in the City of London. 3 2 1 The like in Engliih, Jgamfl an Apprentice^ upon the Cujlom of London, for departing Us Mafters Service. London ff.T^.JV. late of/d^c.) was fummoned to r anfwer J.H. of a Plea that he keep with him the Govenant,^c. and whereupon the fame J. by TiL. his Attorney faith^that whereas the*City of London is an ancient City^ in which faid City there is, and from the time whereof^ the memory of Man is not to the contrary, there hath been fuch a Cuftom ufed and approved> that is to fay, that every Infant being of the Age of 14 years and above, and within the Age of one and twenty years, which Hiould put himfelf an Apprentice to any one within the fame City for the term of feven years or above, to be inftruded in the Art of fuch a Citizen, and with him after the man- ner of an Apprentice to abide for the fame term of feven years, or above, betwixt them agreed, and by his Indenture, \vith his Seal fealed, and in the Court of the Lady Queen holden at Guilbald of the fame City, within one year and one day after the date of the Indenture aforefaid, before the Mayor of the fame City for the time being Enrolled^ had Covenanted with his Mafter to ferve the fame his Mafter after the manner of an Apprentice^ during the faid term of feven years, or above, between the fame Apprentice and his Mafter accorded, is holden and hound to ferve fuch his Mafier after the manner of an Apprentice during fuch term as aforefaid agreed : and if Y fuch 3 21 Pleadings for MafterSy dec. fuch an Apprentice by his Indenture fhall Co- venant with his i'aid Mafter, that he during the term between him and his faid Mafter ac- corded, the fame his Mafter fliould well and truly ferve as well in his Art, as in other his precepts Lawful and Honeft wherefoever to be done; and that he damage to his Mafter fhould not do, nor fee to be done, nor from his Ser- vice ftiould abfent nor efloyn himfelf , but in all things like a good and faithful Servant to- wards his Mafter, he fhould behave himfelf during the term betwixt them agreed, and if the Apprentice fhould do to the contrary tHfere- of, and during the fame term of feven years, or above, betwixt him and his Mafter agreed, after the manner of his Apprentiihip well and faithfully fhould not ferve, that the Mafter of fuch an Apprentice fhould have fuch remedy againft the fame his Apprentice as he fhould have, if fuch an Apprentice at the time of the making of his Indenture aforefaid, fhould be of the full Age of one and twenty years and more, and the fame .y. faith, that the afore- faid E. being within the Age of one and twenty . years, that ( is to fay ) of the Age of fifteen years, the two and twentieth day of J. in the two and twentieth year of the Reign of the Lady the Queen that now is atZ,. inthePa- rifhof the blelTed Mary, (&c.) by his certain Indenture made betwixt them, the faid J. of the one part, and the faid E. of the other part, the other part whereof with the Seal of the faid E. figned the fame J. here in Court fhew- eth forth, the date whereof is the fame day and year, had Covenanted with the fame jF.H. [ c^c. as in the Indenture ] as by the fame In- denture Jit more fully appeareth; which faid Indenture within one day and one year next after in the City of London. j 2 j after the date of the fame Indenture ( that is to fay) [fuch a diy and year] before A. B. then Mayor of the City o( London at the Guild" ball of the fame City was Enrolle3 of KQCotd. EnroUmasti And the fame J. further faith, that he is, and at the time of the making of th6 Indenture a- forefaid, was a Citizen and Haberdajher of Lon- don, and Inhabiting within the fame City^ and, the Art of a Haherdajher from the time of the making of the Indenture aforefaid hither* to hath Occupyed ; and the fame J. further faith, that he well and faithfully hath per- formed, jjjilfil led and kept> all and lingular the Covenants, Articles and Agreements in the Indenture aforefaid above fpecified on his pa^, to be performed, fulfilled and kept, according to the form and effed of the Indenture afore- faid, by prQtefting alfo, that the aforefaid E, hath not performed , fulfilled or kept any of the Covenants, Articles or Agreements in the Indenture aforefaid above fpecified on his parr, to be performed, fulfilled or kept, according to the form and efFed of the Indenture, afore* fiid. In fad the fame J. faitji, that the aforefaid Bread aU E. after the aforefaid Feaft of the Purification Udged. of th^ bleffed Mary, in the two and twenti* eth year abovefaid, and before the end of the term of the aforefaid nine years, in the Inden- ture aforefaid above fpecified ( that is to fay ) the fecond day of February, in the thirtieth year of the Reign of the Lady the Queen tbat now isj at London, in the Parifh and Ward a- forefaid, from the Service of him the faid J, without the Licence of the fame J.hx^ Ma- fter did depart, and him the faid J, in his Art aforefaid, which the fame j^. did ufe, further to ferve did utterly refufe, contrary to the form Y * and 324 Tleadings for M^fters^ Sec, and effed: of the Indenture aforefaid, and fo the faid E. although often times required the Covenant aforefaid ( for that that the fame E. wich the faid J. in the Art which the fame J. then did ufe, and with him as a Servant, ac- cording to the Law and Form of the Statute in fuch cafe fet forth and provided, to abide and fer>^ from the Feaft of the Purification of the BlelTed Mury, th^n next following after the date of the Indenture aforefaid, until the end and term of one whole year, and fo from year to year, until the end and term of the afore- faid nine years, from thence next fcUowing, and fully to be'compleat and ended Jhath not Ifept with the (aid J. but broken, [ and the fame Covenant to keep with him hitherto he hath denied, and Oill doth deny j whereupon he faith that he is the worfe, an(j hath Da- mage to the value of forty Pounds, and there- fore he bringeth his Sutej^ &c. Pleading 'VaTf. ^^ff- P^^^'^s ^^^^ ^^^^ Indenture, {&c ) as by ^^-e,I^/,.^/' the fame Indenture it more fully appeareth, and Scrnjice, the fame G. faith, that after the making of the That the Writing aforefaid, ^nd before the end of the ^tufrUhi '^^"■' ^f<^r^^^'<^ of feven years then next follow- axoay^ ^,;^ing, ( that is to fay ,) [ fuch a day and er W. R. attarnat, juum dicit quod cum prad, T. B. 26. die Feb. anno Regni dom reg nunc feptimo apud C. in parocbin San8ii A. Apoftoli in War da de W. per fcriptum fuum indent at um cujui alteram partem Sigillo ipfius T. B. figiUat' idem W. B. hie in Curiam profert, cujus dat' eji die d^ anno fupra- d ^* per mmen T. B. flii S. B. de L, in Com K. Baker J pcjult feipfum Apprentjcium prafato W. B. per mmen W. h. de L. Grocer, ad art em ejufdem W. B- erudiend' d^ informand\ ac fecum more Ap- frenticif Jui commoratur (^ dtfervitur a f^o St. M»Apofio' of the City of London. j 17 M. Apofioli nunc ultimo preterit' ante tliSIum z/lceji- mum (extum diem F. vfefue finem termini feptem annorum tunc proximo fequentium f^ plenarie com- fiend* ; praditi^ T. adtunc & ibidem per fcriptwn fuum prad' convenit cum pr^efato W. B. <^uod ipfe per tempus prad* bene d^ fideliter defervtM^ prafato W. B. Magifiro [up, fecreta fua celaret, pracepta fua licit a &' honejfa libenter ubii^'y faceret, fomicationem in dome dicii Magi^ri fui ns^j extra committeretj itffra terminum ptj^ii^um non recede- ret, nee diebus nee no^ibtts fe elmgaret, damnum ei non faceret, nee fieri videret ^uod impediie pcjfity ^uin iUud pro toto pojfe fuo impedirety aut pr^di^um Magifirum fuum inde ftatim premuniret , bona di^i Magijiri fui inordinate non devafiaret, nee alteri accommodaret, fine ejus precepto aut fpeciali mandatOy Tabernas ex confuetud' non frequent aret, nifi (it caufa Mercandifandi, aut commodum di&i Magijiri fui ibidem faciend* Ad Talos neej'^ad Scacca- rium non luderet, unde idem Magifier fuus dam- nam incurreretj matrimonium ne^j contra^' cum a- liijua muliere infra terminum praditi* non contrahe- rety nee cum argento fuo proprio aut alieno non Mer- candizaret fine licentia d^ voluntate dicli Magi[lri fuiy fed bene & fideliter fe haberet in omnibus tam in diSlu quam in faclisy ficut bonus (^ fidelts Ap- prenticius fe habere deberety (&C.) pradiBufej^ T. B. conventionem prad* minime curans, in vigilia A- poflolorum Tetri d^ Vauliy Anno regni pradi^i Do- mini Regis oBavOy apud L. in parochia St. A. A- poftoli & in -warda de W. a fervitio dicli W. B. fe eloniavity per quod idem W. fervitium ipfius T. a praaiBa vigilia Apofiolorum ufq^ diem impetrationis hujus loquele fciciUt^ fS^C.) totalit' anqfit, acfept* lib/ quatuor folid' Sterlingornm de denariis ipfius W. exifien adtunc d^ ibidem infidelit' d^ fuhdoie ac imrdinat^ devaflavit contra exigert convention fue prad' unde idem W. die quod deteriorat* efi ^ Y4 & 5^8 Pleadings for Mdflers, Sec, d^ damn' het' ad vaV 20 1. Et inde froduc^fecF, ^ Declaration for a Mafter upon an Indenture of Apprenticefhip a^ gainft his Apprentice, for waft- ing the N^fter s Goods^ Lond. /fT T ■ L. efueritur de N.R. in Cuflod" Marr , mTm. Sec. de pladto convene fraEl\ &c. fro eo videlicet tjuod cum per efuandam Indenturam^fuHam afud London fviz. , in paroch\(&CC.)tali die, C&cJ inter frne E.W. five pounds, anl of one T.H.^i fhillings and four 3J4 Tkdd'mgs for MaflerSy See, four pence, by the hands of one J. 5. 6^ {hil- lings eight pence, of one IT. A. 6 pounds i ; fhillings and four pence, of one A. W. Widow, 3 5- fhillings, of one H. A. 14 Shillings, of one H. 7- 14 fhillings 8 pence, of one ^. F. 5* 3 fhillings 4 pence, of one £ N. 5*3 fhillings 4 pence, and of onsJ-S. ij fhillings 8 pence^ of which faid feveral Sums of Money as afore- faid received in the whole, amounting unto the fum of, ( &c. ) the faid fV. after the re- ceipt of the fame, hitherto hath not rendred to the fame R- any account thereof; but thofe Monies to his proper ufe hath difpofed and converted, againfl the form and effed of the fame Indenture ; and the fame R. further faith, that the faid fV. that is to fay, in fuch a day during the time wherein the faid Pf^. was an Ap- prentice of the faid R. and in the 12th year if the Reign of the Lord the King that no'iv is at London, in the Pariih and Ward aforefaid, di4 commit Fornication with on A'L. and got lier with Child againft the form and efFed of the fame Indenture ; and the faid R. further faith, that the faid fV. during the fame time wherein the faid fV. was Apprentice to the faid R that is to fay, ( fuch a day and year) at L. aforefaid, without the Licence and Will of the faid R. did often frequent Taverns, tarrying there a long time, that is to fay. Taverns com- monly called the Popes Head and Kinp Head within the Parifii of Saint G. in the Ward of C. B. againft the form and effedtof that Inden- ture ; and fo the faid R. faith, that the faid W. the Covenants aforefaid for that, that the faid JV. fhould not do damage to the faid R. his Malier, the Goods of his faid Mafter inordi- nately h^ fhould not waft. Fornication he fhould not commit, and Taverns he fhould not frequentj in the City of London. 3 ^ j frequent, hath not kept, but broken f •but'Quxre the fame to him to keep hitherto hath denyed, '• ^^f'\- and as yet doth deny) whereupon he faith J^^^fJ/^f'* that he is the worfe, and hath Damage to the value of one hundred pounds, and therefore he bringeth his Sute, &c. A(5bion of a Covenant by a Linen- Draper againft his Apprentice, up- on an Indenture of Apprentice- fhip, and breach alledged for waft- ing of the Money received by his hands, and the hands of others. Lond.jJ.f^,V.nufer JeG.in Com.S.Linen-Draper all- Kj as ^;V7«iG.P.Son of G.P.of (&c.; Yeo- man, Summon fuit adrefpond" R.J. deflito* ijuod teneat conventionem inter eos fa^am fecundttm 'vim formam d^ ejfe^lum efuarundam Indenturarum^nde inter eos confeH', &c. C^ unde idem R. per R. H. At- tornatum Juum die quod cum fer t^uandam Indentu- ram faBam apud London inparochia beate Marie de arcubus in War da de Cheap viceSmo die Februarii Anno regni Domini regis nunc Anglia decimo cujus alteram partem Sigillo pradi&i G, P. flii jignat* idem R. hie in Cur profert cujus dat' eji eifdem die df anno tefiai exiftit quod pradiBus G. P. de (&c.) ex fuo propria voluntario animo d^ cmn conjenfu ami- cor urn fuorum pofuijjet &obligaj]et feipfum apprenti- cium ad & cum pradiUo R. per nomen R.J. Jun de (&C.) Linen-Draper fecum moratnr fcientiam Artem Anglice Trade five facultatem [uam erudire d^ ip- Jum bene & fidelitcr dejervire a die da^ Indent^ prtedi^e quouljue pradi^m G filius accomphret fu- am J ^ 6 Pleadings for Mafters^ Sccl am etatem viginti d^ cfuatuor annorum daran ejuo inte^ro termino pradittUs G. P. apprenticius prad Bi R.J. «f ma^ifir fuobene & fideliter deferviret, fc' creta fua celarety preccpta (ua licit a d^ honefta uhit^ue facerety dampnum diclo magifiro [uo non faceret nee feri coTtfentiret fi ill* impcdire pojjit, Tabernas feu domos C ervic Anglice A\Qhouf£S non frecjuentaret^ad joca illicit a non luderet, bona dicti Magifiri Jui inor- dinate non devajiaret neojue expenderet nee ea alicuii per j one accomodaret abjc}U£ licentia dicli Magifiri fui, fornicationem non committetret, n/atrimomum durante dlSlo termino non contraharet neque folemniz,aret nee a Servic diUi Magifiri fui feipfum abfentaret feu prolongaret noBe neejue die abfejue licentia diBi Ma- . gifiri jui Sed in omnibus rebus ut bonus (^ fidelis Ser'vien feipfum gereret d^ ufus foret trga Magi- fir urn fuum (^ familiam fuam tarn in verbis <^ nam in aBis duran pr^diBo termino fecundum ufumd^ con- fuetudinem Ci-vitatis London. Et pradiBus R. J.- Magifier convenijjet (^ cmcejfijfet per eandcm Inden- turam ad e^ cum diBo G. P. fuo Apprenticio docere e^ infiruere vel doceri (^ infirui caujare pradiBum Apprenticittm fuum. duran pnediBo termino in tota jciiittia arte Anglice Trade five facultate pannarii LineiAnglice of a Linen- Draper c^ in qualibet arte Anglice feat & Miflerio adinde pertinen in Op- timo modo (juo ipfe potuit five pofjit cum debito modo Cafiigamen ifi'tknien fbi duran. pradiBo termino Cibum potum d^ veftitum tarn linei c^uam lanei Ca* ligCakeosO'LtB^ Anglice DeddingC^ omnibus ali- is rebus api* tali Apprenticio tarn in egritudine cjuam in Salute d^ duran duobus ulteriis annis pradiBi termini mitteret diB' Apprenticium ujque Londori fid emend" pro fe Mercimon ac in fim diBi termini daret &- deliberaret pradiBo Apprenticio fuo in re- compenfatione f delis Jervicii fui dupllccm apparat' d^ fiovum pallium lati panni lanei apt d^ decen pro tali Apprenticio»babere d^ induere prout per eandtm itjdentii" in the City of London. 3^7 indent ur am flenius apparet Et Uem R. uUerlus dtcit ^uod pradiilus G. P. fil'iMs tempore confetHonis In* denture pr£diBe fuit etatis fexdecim annorum C^ non ultra videlicet apud London pradiBam in paro- chia c^ IVarda pradiBis Quodejue idem G. P. fiUus fer pradiciam Indenturam -feipfum pofuit d^ obliga^ vit Apprenticium ad eidem R. deferviend' fecundum fcrmam tenorem d^ ^ff^^^ Statuti de Anno ^uinto nuper Refine Elizabeth' in hujujmodi cafa edit' d^ provif, df non aliter cfuod^ue pradiBus G. plius a tempore confeciioni* Indenture pradiBa ujcfue ultimam diem Decembris Anno regni diBi domini regis nunc AngUe decimo feptimo d^ pofiea ipfum R. ut Appren- ticium in predlBa arte panni linei Anglice of a Li- nen- Draper Vtrtute Indenture pradiBe apud London ^ in parochia d^ Warda pradidT deferviebat Idem- ^ueK. ulterius dicit quodipfea tempore confeciionu Indenture pradiSie hucufque performavit perimplevit d^ obferva-vlt omnia d^ Jingula in pradiBa Inden- tur fpecificat^ ex parte Jua ferformand^ feu perim- plend' fecundum for?ham d^ ejjeBum Indenture illius In faBo idem R. dicit quod pradlBus G. P. filius fofi confeBionem Indenture pradicte Scilicet inter du- odecimum diem Augufii Anno regni dlcii domini regis nunc Anglie decimo feptimo d^ vicejimum diem Sep- tembris tunc prox* fequet/ apud London in parochia df* Warda pr^dlB* receplt de denarlis ipjius R. par rnanui fuas proprias ac per manus diverfarum alia- rum perfoftar diverfas feperaks fummas monete in toto fe attlngen ad furrimam milk llbrarum quodqut pr£dlctus G. P. fllus pofi receptionem denarlorum pradUiorum fcilicet vicejimo nono die Septembrit Anno decimo Septimo fupradlBo apud Londinum in farochia df Warda pr^dlBis diverfas denariorum fummas in t6to fe attlngen ad fummam ducentarum librarum de pradiBis denariis per ipfum ut prefertur recept^ fubdole infidtliter d^ inordinate devajlavit contra formam & effeBum Indenture pr^diBt ficquf 3}8 ^ Sleddings for Majlers^ ^c, fradiilus G. P. filius licet fepius requijit* conventlo- nem pr^edictatn eo quod frad'iBus G- P. Apprenticius iffum R.J. ut fuum Magi sir um duran toto pra- diBo termino bene &" veraciter defefvlret Jecreta fua celaret pr^cepta fua licita d^ honejia uhique faceret, dampfjunt ditlo Magijlro fuo non faceret feu fieri corijcntiret fi ipfe eadetn itnpedire pof[it, T'abernas feu domos cervic Atiglice Alelioufes non frequent aret ad Joca illicita non luderet bona diBi Magifiri fui inordinate non dtvaliaret neque expenderet nee ea alt* cui perfone accommodaret abfque licentia diBi Ma' giftri fui fornicationem non committerel Matrimoni' um duran pradiBo termino non contraberet neque So- lemnizaret nee a Servic diBi Magifiri fui feipfum abfentaret feu prolongaret noBe neque die abfque licen- tia diBi Magrjtri jui fed in omnibus rebus ut bonus d^* fidelfs Ser'uiens je ^ereret d^ ufus foret erga dominui^ fuum &" tot am familiam fuam tam in 'verbis quam in aBis duran toto pradiBo^termino fecundum ujum d^ confuetudinem Civitatts London fecundum for^ mam df ejfeBum Indenture pradiBe eidem R. non te- * ^^uere ^uit fed infregit ( * ac ill' ei tenere hucufque contra- the ufe of dixit d^adhuc contradicit)unde dicit' quod deteriorat* there ^j^ ^ dampnum habet ad 'valentiam ducentarum li- , ' brarum d^ inde producit' fectam, &c. Bar hy Et pr^dicius G. P. filim per L. E. Attornatum Stat, of fuum 'venit d^ defend^ vim & injur quando, &c. 5 hz* Et dicit' quod pradiBusK. ]~ aBionem fuam pra- lliould diBam verjtts eum habere non debet quia protefiando take an f^^od ipfe non receplt de denarix pradiBi R. diverfas Appren- feperaf denariorum fummas ?nonete in toto fe attin- f ^V° ^cw' » *• i at r r » • »• Mother of ^^"'^ ^P'^^ ^* ^" ^<"'' Mlddlelex duodecimo die the Ap- Januarii Anno domim Elizabeth' nuper Regine An- ill the City of London, gjp gfie qu'tnto tent' edit* ( inter alia ) provifum ^prentice inactitai fuit aathoritate ejufdem Farliamenti mtod "^'^" '^'^. '• ;. ;• • / • I 1 -^ > • 7- • ■ 2 year m nm Uceat alicut perjone inbabitan in alicjua ci'vitate i;^^^^ qj five 'villa corporat* utenti five exercevti aliquo AH- Tene- fieriorum five artiu'm Angllce Crafcs Mercatoris (ne- ments gotian ) Anglice Traffiking per commercium Anglice ^r^ Traffick five artem Anglice Trade in alicjuas far- be^'certifi- tes trati^marinas Merceri pannaHi Aurifabri ferra- ed by a rii Anglice ' IvonmongQr fegmentar a Anglice Im-J^^'^cQ -of hroiderer, five pannularii Anglice Clothier ^^^P^' /^j^'i aut ponct pannum ad confeBionem d^ venditionem Defen- capere aliCC. * Et pradictus G.P. die ^uod p'adictus G.P. pa- Rejoyn.fT ter ipfius tempore confectionis Indenture pr^edicte non 'That the Seifitus fuit in dominico fuo ut defeodo de df in pr^e- ^^^'l!"" °^ dictis decim acris terre cum pertin modo d^ f^^^^ fiind:i ' prcut pradictus R. fuperius replicando alkgavit d^ the time of de hoc poH Je fuper priam^, &C. » the ma- t Et pradictus Kdic' ^uodpr£dictum placitum pra- ^'"?. "^ dicti G. P. modo O" forma pr a diet is fuperius rejun- r„ j^„!. .,., J .' . •' * ^ •> inuenrure gendo placitat Ac materia in eoaem content minus was not (ufficiens in lege exifiit ad ipfum R . ab actione fua Teized in frddicta verjus prafaf [f G. P. modo defend' habend' ^^^ ^" '^e frecludend' tarn in hoc quod pradictus G. ndn manu- /^^res o'^ tenet mater iam in placito fuo pradicto in barram pla- Land cttat Set ab eadem materia decejfit (]uam pro defcu prour,d^f . fufficien materie in ecdem placito rejimgendo placi- ' , . ^ , tat' content' c^uodofue ipfe ad placitum iUud modo d^ Plaintifi '' forma fradictis rejimgendo piacitaf neceffe non ha- demurred bet nee per legem terre tenetur refponderc ttnde pro i/^-TpeciaUy. fectu fufficien placiti pradicti G. P. modo defend' in '• ?,"^" L ^ i ■ ] n ' :, c-f 1. . J ■' , oftheDe- foac parte idem R. ut prius pet judicium O* damp- xxxuutT na fua occafione fractionis ccJiventionis pradicte fibi adjudicariy &c. Et pr£dictus G. P. modo defend' ex quo ipfe Juffi-JoyndQt ^ cien mattriam in lege ad fredictum K. ab actione^'^^^' fua pradicta verfus ipfum G. habeiid^ precludend' f»-^^"^^' ferius rejungendo allegavit cfuam ipfe parat' eji "Jt- rificare t}iiam (juidem materiam pradictus R. non de- dicit nee-ndeant aliijualit' refpond' fet verificationem illam admittere omnino recujat pet' Judicium Et quod pradictus R. ab actione fua predict a verjus ipfum ha- bend' precludatur, &C. Et quia Jufiic hie fe ad'- fifare vohnt de d^ fuper premifis priufquam Judi- cium inde reddant dies dat e/l p.zrtibus pradictis hicDii^ ds» ufquein Qctabis Sancti Michaills. ds nndiend' ind€%is. % 3 Jtidicio 54^ f leadings for Majiers, Sec, yudicio fao eo quod ijdem Jufiic hie inde nondunf, A Declaration by an Apprentice a- gainft his Mafter, for turning him out of his Service, ^c. The Adtion laid at Nottbizham. vhere the Indentures are fuppoled to be made. Nott. K.r^ B. Queritur dc J. P. in Cujtod. Man, ^^ (^c. de placlto (juod ten ci coryuention ini ifjum G. ^ prsfat^ J, fatl. fecundum ruimfoT' ?nam ^ effeBum ejuarundam Indentur' inde inter eos confeB' d^c. Et unde idem G. per H. S. ^ M. M. fjui admijji funt per Cur Dom. Regis hie ad profe- quend' pro ecdem G. infra etUt' exijlen ut proX* amici ipfius G. die cfmd Ci'vitas London' efi Cf a tempore cujus contrar memoria homin non exifiit fuit anti- qua Ci'vitas infra ejuam quidem Civit. talis habetur d^ a toto tempore fupradiiio talis habebatur com ttftat' c^' approbai in eadem videlicet quod, (&C. and fo fcts forth the Cuftom of London to take Apprentices as before obferv'd.) Et idem G. die' quo prad^ J. efi &" continue per J^acium decern AnnoYum integroruni jam ult* elapj. & vicefimo jcxto die Jimii Anno Reg Dom Regis nunc quinto fuit Clevis d^ liber homo Civii praditV de Societata de les Hd-erdajliers London d'T per totum Jpacium decern Anr.orum ufas fttit d^ adhuc utitur d^ cxercet ^pud London' in VarocU Sti. Martini infra Lud' gate in IVarda de Farringdon infra artem five mi* fter de HaberdaJJjer de Hats d^ Caps quodque idem G. prad. vicejimo fexto die Junii Anno quinto fupra- dicto ftiit etat* qiiatmrdecim Annorum df ampH^ & of the City of London. ^ 4 j & infra etai 21 Annorum 'viz. etatis fexdecim Anmrttm ac cjuod idem G. nat^ fuit in hoc Regm Angl. 'viz,, apud. N. in Com fradiB^ ejmdque idem G.per mmen G.(&C.) per c^uandam Indent ur fa6l- am apud N. pradiBo 'vicejlij^jetcto die Junii Anno Re^ni diBi Dont Regis nuttt quinto fu^radiSio inter ipfum G. ex una parte &" frad. J. ex altera parte cuj us cjui- dem Indentur alteram partem figiUo prxd. J. Jigillat. idem G. hie in Cur' prefer t cuj us dat^ eH eifdem die d^ Anno pofuijjet feipfum Apprentic pradicio J. per nomen, (d^c.) ad artem ejus erudiend' d^fecum more Apprenticii defer viend* a fefto Nativit* Sti. J0I3 Bapt' tunc ult' fraterit* ufque ad plenum finem d^ ter- min' novem Annorum plenar' complend' &" finiend* duran cjuo terfnin diB^ Apprentic prafat' Magijiro fuo deferyiret fecreta fua cu[iodiret pracepta fua li- cit a libenter ubicj'^ facer et damp' eidem Magijiro fuo Tion faceret nee ah aliis fieri 'videret fed pro pojfe fuo impediret aut fiatim Magijiro Juo inde daret monitionem^ bona ejufdem Magijlri fui non devafia- ret nee ea alicui illicite accommodaret Fornicationem non comiiteret Matrimonium infra eundem termin non contraheret ad cartas aleas talcs aut aliqua al* joca illicit a per que diBus M^gijler fuus aliquod dampnum haberet non luderet cum bonis- fuis propriis aut alienis duran diclo tempore fine licenc diBi Magijlri fui non emei* neque venderet, Tabernas non frequent aret nee feipfu?n afcrvicio diBi Magifiri fui die aut noBe illicite abfentaret fed in omnibus tanquam fideV Apprentic feipfum erga diBum Ma- gifirum fuum d^ omnes alios gereret duran diBo ter- tnino, Et prad. Magifier eunde7n Apprentic fuum in eadem arte qua utebatur meliori modo quo potuijjet doceret d^infirueret cum debit* cafiigatione inveniend. eidem Apprentic* fuo efculent" poculent* 'vefiit* leB*. Anglice Lodging d^ omnia necejjar fecundum confu' etud' Civit' prad. duran diBo termino d^ pro 'vera performatiom omnium &fingulorum diB" cmv edition Z 4 & J 44 Pleadings for MaJlerSy Sec, df agreeamtnt' alter farttum dktartim fe obligajjet alter}, per eandem Indent ur frout per eandent Inden- tur inter alia plenius apparet &• idem G. die cjuod licet ipfe bene &• fideliter performavit ^ perimplevit omnes ^ fingulas convenfiones d^ concejjiones in Itt- dentur^ pradiB* fuperi^ts Jpec ex parte Jua in Inden- tur prad' jped* performand^ d^ perlmplend' fecf/in- dum formam ^ effectum Indentur iW prote(iandoq\ (^uod prad. J. mn performavit feu perimplevit ali- ijuas convention feu concejfiones in eadem Indentura fuperim [fee ex parte fua perform and' (^ perimplend* Breach fecundum formam S" effectum ejujdefn Indentur In affign'd. facto idem G. die ejuod ipfe virtute Indenture pr£d* aptid N. prad. a Fejio die NativitaC Sti. Johanm's Baptijle Anno cjuinto fuperdictis ufq\ decimum jextum diem Maii Anno Regni dicti Domini Regit nunc feptimo prof at' J. more Apprenticii fui bene d^ fide- liter confervavit d^ defervivit (juodque prad. J. pofi prad. eund. diem Maii Anno feptimo Jupradicto apud N. pradict. ipfum G a Jervicio fuo abfjue caufa rationabili extrapofiiit c^ expuljtt (^ ad ipfum G. in fervicio Juo ulterim cufiodiend' duran refid' ejuj' dem Apprentic c^ ad artem prtd,. qua idem J. tunc utebatur ulterius docend* d^ informand adtunc df ibidem penitm recufavit d^ non invenicbat eidem G. Apprentic fuo prad. efculent' pocaknt' ve^it. lect. Anglice Lodging df omnia aV mcefjar* duran termi- tio Apprenticialitat' fue prad. fecundum formam df effect um conventionis fue prad. in ea parte in Inden^ tur' prad. mentionat" ficque prad, J. licet fepius re- (jifift* convention prad. de eo quod pr£d. J. eundem Apprevticium fuum in eadem arte qua utebatur wtf- liTri modo quo potuijjl^t docer,et d^ in/hueret d^ inve- niret eidem Apprentic' Juo efculent' pocuknt' veftit* letT Anglice Lodging d^ omnia al' necejjar jccundum cons' Ctvit' London per totum diilum tempus Ap- prenticialitai' praditli G. prad. in forma prad. eidem G. »on tenuit fed infregit d^ ill' ei bucufque tenere con- in the City ef London. 3 4f contradixh c^ adhuc contradic unde die quod dete^ riorat^ efi d^ dam^num habet ad 'valenc 60 I. ^ inde froduc fe^anfj &c. [The faid Defendant pleads that the Plantiff left his Service without his Licence ; and that he thereupon refufed to receive him a- gain into his Service.] Ef fradiBus J. ^tr T. A. f&c) ABion non ( &c. ) quia die quod ipje diu ante p'ad. tempus quo fupponitur ipfum G. pofuijjefe Apprentic frafa^ J. necmn eodem tempore quo, &C. necnon continue extunc hucufq'y fuit liber homo d^ Ci'vis Civii Lon~ don prad. viz,, artis Jive mifterii de les Haber- dafliers London d^ arte five miflerio de les Haber- dafiurs infra eandem Civif (^ non alibi per totum I tempus prad. ufus fuit occupavit (^ exercuit quodqut \ idem J. art em five mifieriitm de les Haberdajhers London fradiElo tempore pradiBe pofitionis ipfius G. \ Apprenticii prafat^ ]. apud L. viz,, in VarocU (&C.) uten occupan & exereen idem G. fnediBo tempore quo, &C. tunc d^ ibidem pofuitfe Apprentic* eidem J. ad art em ejus difefiid' & erudiend' d^ fecum more Apprentic' deferviend' pro prad. termino 9 Annorum prout prad. G. fuperius allegavit df idem J. ulterius die quod pradi^' G. a prad. tempore confeciionis In- dent ur* prad. ufque decimum quint um diem Mail AnnoiRegni Dorrt Regis nunc feptimofupradiBo apud London in Paroch' d^ War da prad. eidem J. ut Apprentic ipfius J. cum eodem]. commoravit & ba- hitavit quo quidem decimo quinto die Maii Anno fcptimo Jupradi^o idem G. illicit e d^ abfque licenc d^ notic ipfius J. apud London in Varoch' d^ War da \ frad. decejjit d^ fe dongavit d^ fe a fervicio ipfius \ J. dpradi^' 2 y die Maii Anno feptimo fupradicio uf' qu& quint um diem Julii tunc prox fequen abfque licenc ipfius J. abfentavit quo quidem quinto dig 34<5 ^leaJin^s for Maflers^ &c. die yulii Anno feptimo JufradiSio idetthQ. apad London prad. in VarocU ^ War da prad. optulit fe eidem J. ad eum extunc deferviend. uffm fitfem d'lBl termini 9 Annorum quodqtte ipfe idem J. ipfum G. infer'vitium fuuw recipere recufavit prcut ei bene li- ctiit abjque hoc cjnoi ipfe idem J prod, decimo fexto die Mail Anno feptimo fupraditlo apud N. pr^dici^ Defend, ipfum G. e fervicio fuo extrapofuit jeu expuljit prout traverfes trad. G- fuperius narrand' aUegavit & hoc, &C. ^^^J^^unde,^C. and Place -,' , . • r ij r - •> ■ 1 r- alledged & Warda pr£d. pradi^' R. M. adtunc fervien ejufdem A. a fervicio prad. fraditli A. exi/len recedere procuravit cujus pra» textu pofieafcilicet (tali die & Anno) apud L. prad. in Var'ocli &■ IVarda prad. prad. R. M. d fervicio ejufdem A. abfque licenc' S' bona 'uoluntai ipfus A. Magijiri fui recejjit idemq\ C. D. (licet bene fciebat ouod prad. R. M. exifiebat fervitn ejufdem A. per dit'erjos Anms adtu7Jc vcntur defervitur' retent* fcilictt quod prad. R. M. adtunc a fervicio ipftus A. Magifiri (ui alfque licentia & bo7ia voluntat^ ipfim A. recejfifb) nihilominm pollea fcilicet (tali die & Anno) in the City 0/ London. j 49 Anno) prad. afud London frtd' in VarocJj ^ Warda frad.frafat^ R. M. in fervicium fuuni con- tra 'voluntai pradicl^ A. ad eidem C. D. infervicio fuo deferviend. procuravit &• retinuit per ^uod Uetn A. totttm proficmm comwodum & eajlantmt* que ipje ratione fervicii fervientis fui prad. per totum tern" pusfrad. perdidit ^ amifit unde dicit quod deteriorate eji & dampnuTH habet ad vaknc 40 1. & inde pro- due* Se&am, &c. Hamhkton verf. Veere Tr'in 21. Car. 2. Rot, i75'o. Action fur le Cafe le Plant, declare q lou un Henry Veere vicefimo nono Sept. Anno Regni Regis decimo fexto apud, &c. in Servicio (del Plant') tanquam Apprenticius pro termino novem Annorum extunc prox. fequen. deferviend. in arte Laterarii Anglice a Bricklayer retent. fuitidemqjHenricus Veere eo pretextu in fervicio prfdidlo per fpatium quinq; Annor' diligenter occupat. & ufitat.' f uit ( le dit Defend.) pjsmilfor. non ignarus fed Machinans le Plant, de fervicio fervientis pmrd. ac omni proficuo & commodo que ip(e ratione fervicii illius habere callide & fubdole decipere & defraudare ultimo die O(5iob. An- no Regni Regis nunc -vicefimo primo apud, (&c.) prcedidum Henricum Veere adtunc fer- vientem prasd. dementis (le Plant') a. praed. fervicio ipfius (le Plant') recedere procuravic & abduxit pr^etextu cujus procurationis & ab- dudionis polica ff. primo die Novembris, Anno, (&c.) apud/&c. j praed.Henricus a (er- vicio prsed. Clementis (Jf le Plant.) abfque licentia 8c contra voluntatem ipfius Clementis receffit per quod idem (le Plant.) totum pro- ' ficuum JJ o Court of Common Council ' proficuum commodum & eafiamentum que * ratione fervitii fervientis prj:d. per totum refi- ' duum termini pr^rd. ventur' recipere potuiffet *totaliter perdidic & amifit ad damnum del ' Plant. loo /. For which he brought this Acti- on, and upon the general ilTue of Not Guilty pleaded, a Verdid was found for the Plantiff at the Allizes in Efex, and Damages affefs'd generally with Coft of Suit. And now it wa& moved in Arreft of Judgment for the Defendant, that the Plantiff had declared, and had a Ver- did for more Damages than by his own (hew- ing he ought to recover, &c. 2 Saund. 170. Judgment was flayed for the uncertainty of • the Damages. • ■ Tl^e Court of CommonCounclL THis Court is held in the Chamber of Gtnld-» hall, before the Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Cq|ncil-Men of the City of London, at fuch times as the Lord-Mayor {hall appoint and dired, it being in his Lordfliip's Power to call and difinifs this Court at his' pleafure. It's faid to have refemblance to the High-Court of Parliament, becaufe it confifts of two Houfes. In this Court are made Laws for advance of Trade, and for the better Government of the City. Several Committees are Annually appointed and e!eTemgate, Keeper of Ludgate. Meafurer. Steward of Sottthwark. % Bailiff of Southwark. Bailiff of the Hundred of OJJldfion. City Carpenter, and other Artificers. The Rent-Gatherer hath been put in by Mr. Chamberlain. IVard^ in the City of London. 3 y j Wardmote Court. THefe Courts are like the Hundred Courts in the County; for as thefe wer^ derived out of the County, fo thefe were derived out of the Lord Mayor's Courts which is a Court ■ of Record, and ereded for the better Govern- ment of the City; and the Aldermen of eve- ry Ward had right to hold Leets there. Note^ The Lord Mayor doth Annually ilTue out his Precept to the Aldermen of every Wardj to hold his Wardmote for the Eledion of Common-Council-men, and other Offi- cer. The Tenor of which Precept is tt) the efFed: following. To the Alderman of the Ward ofy &c. ' 'iXT'E charge and command you, that M^-Wardmnti. ' W on St. Thomas day the Apoftle next ' coming, you do hold your Wardmote, and ' that you have* afore us at our General Court ^ of Aldermen to be holden the Tuefday next coming, all the Defaults that Ihall be prefented afore you by Inqueft in the faid Wardmote ; and the faid Inqueft fhall have full Power and/«^«?y? /,r Authority by one whole year to enquire and the year. ' prefent all fuch Defaults as iliall be found ' within your faid Ward, as oftentimes as /hall ' be thought to you expedient and needful, * which we will (hall be once every Month at *the leaft. 2. ' And if it happen any of your^id In^inqueji * queft to die, or depart out of your fara Ward^J"»^' [ within the faid year, that then, in place of A a 2 him 3J<^ Watch, Light, Common' Council: Sca'-jrii- grrs. Beadle. R,tbr. Wardmote Courts * him or them fo dying or departing out of * your fa id Ward, you caufe tobechofen one * able Perfon in his ftead, to enquire and pre- ' fent with the other in manner and form a- **bovefaid. 5. * l\nd that, at the faid general Court, * you give afore us the Names and Sirnames of ' all them of your faid Ward that come not ' to your faid Wardmote, if they be dul^ warn- ' ed^ fo that due redrefs and punilhment gf ' them may be had, as the cafe fhall require, ' accorcJing to the Law. 4. ' And that you d^ provide, that at all * times convenientj a fufficient watch be kept : ' A.n'i that Lanrhorns with Light by nightertail * in o'd manner accuftomcd be hanged forth ; * And cluu no Man go by nightertail without * Light, nor with Vizard, on the peril that be- * longeth thereto. 5". * And alfo thatjou do caufe to be chofen ' . . . men , of the moil: fufficient , honeftr, * and difcreec Men of your faid Ward, to be ' for your faid Ward of the Common Council ' of this City for the Year enfuing, according * to the Cuftom in that behalf yearly ufed. * And alfo that you do caufe the faid Men, ' fo to be chofen to be of the Common Coun- * cil, to be fworn before you, and in your pre- ' fence, according to the Oaths and Declarati- ' ons by them for this purpof" ufed and accu- * Aomed. 6. 'And that alfo in the faid Wardmote, ' you caufe to be ciiolen certain other honeft ' l^erfons to be Conftables and Scavengers , ^ and a Common Beadle, and a Raker to make * clean the Streets and Lanes of all your faid * WardJIaccording to the Cuftom yearly ufed ' ifi that bejialf ; Which Conftables have, and (hall in the City of London. 357 ' fhall have full Power and Authority to Di- * ftrain for the Salary and Quarterage of the * faid Beadle and Raker, as oftentimes as ic ' fnall be behind or unpaid. 7. ^ Alfo that you keep a Roll of the NatneSj RsHof * Sirnames, Dwelling-places, Profedions and A'*r'j--. 'Trades of all Perfons dwelling wichin*your * Ward, and within what Conftables Precindt ' they dwell, wherein the place is to be fpeci- * ally noted by Street, Lane, Alley, or Sign. 8. ^ Alfo that you caufe every Conibble c*;//?*;.'^ . ' from time to time to certifie unto yoiL the ' Name, Sirname, Dwelling-place, Profedion * and Trade of every Perfon who fiiall newly * come to dwell within his Precind, whereby ^ you may make and keep your Roll pepfed .- Riii ' And that you caufe every Conftable for his * PrecinA, to that purpofe, to make and keep ' a perfeft Roll in like manner. 9. * Alfo that you give fpecial charge, that inholder. * every Inn-holder and other perfon within f^^**"- . * your Ward, who fhall receive any Perfon to ^''^'"*'^^^' * Lodg or Sojourn in his Houfe above two days, * /hall before the third day after his coming thi- * ther, give knowledge to the Conftable of * the Precind, where he fhall be fo received, * of the Name , Sirname , Dwelling-place , ' Profeffion and Trade of Life, or place of Ser- ' vice of fuch ■ Perfon, and for what caufe he ' fhall come to Refide there : And that the faid * Conftable give prefent notice thereof co you. ' And that the faid Inn- holder lodge no fuf- 5«/W ^ peded PetfoHj or Men 'or Women of evil Pt-rfons. ' Name. 10. * Alfo that you caufe every Conftable -^f'"^'^- ' within his Precind, once every Month at * the furtheft, and oftner, if need require, to ^^ make diligent fearch and inquiry^ what Per- A a J fons 358 Prank- fledge. BiadU. Stocks, 8cc. Fne. Streets, ? Wardmote Courts fons be newly come into his Precin<5t to Dwell, Sojourn or Lodge: And that you give fpecial charge, that no Inn-holder or Perfon fhill refift or deny any Conftable in making fuch fearch or inquiry, but Hiall db his beft endeavour to Aid and Affift him thei^in. 11. ' And for that of late, there is more re- fort to the City of Perfons f.vil-affeded in Religion and otherwife than in former times hath been : You (hall diligently inquire if any Man be received to dwell or abide within your Ward, that is not put under Frank pledge, as he ought to be by thecuflom of the City : And whether any Perfon hath continued in the faid Ward by the fpace of one year, being above- the Age of twelve years, and not (worn to be faithful and loyal to the King'sTvlajefty, in fuch fort as by the Law and Cuftom of this City he ought to be. 12. ' To afl thefe purpofes the Beadle of e- very Ward {hall employ his diligence, and give his beft furtherance. 13. * Alfo you are to take order, that there be provided" and fetup a pair of Stocks and a Whipping' Port in fome convenient place in every Parifh within your Ward, for the pu- nifhing of Vagrants and other Offenders. 14. 'Alfo that you have fpecial regard that from time to time there be convenient provi- fion for Hooks, Ladder^,. Buckets, Spouts, and Engines, in meet, placss within, the feveral Pari(hes of your Ward, for avoiding the pe- ril of Fire. 15-. *" Alfo that the Streets apd Lanes of this Cicy be from time to time kept clean before every Church, Houfe, Shop, Ware-houfe, Door, iier. in the City of London. 559 * Door, Dead-wall, and in all othfer common ' PalTages and Streets of the faid Ward. 16. ' And wh^ by divers Acfts of Com- ' mon-Council, amretime made and eftabliOi- ^ ed for the Common weal of this City, a- ' mong other things, it is Ordained and Ena Haven, Creek, Breach, or IlTue, with any Net ot lefs Aflize than three Inches for Flounders, from the Feaft of Eafier, until the j&id twenty fouFch Day of Auguft yearly. 'Alii • for the ^"Ver of Thames. 579 * And fliall likewife appear before the Water- * Bailiff of London at the Chapel of Guild-hall, * there to receive leave and licence for their * faid going forth. And that the Meifli of their * faid Smelt- Nets be full Inch wet and dry, and * not o^herwife. 11. Itemy That every Hebber-man fhall fifli * by the Shore, and pitch their Pole at half ' Ebb, and fhall have but forty Fathom Rope * allowed from the pitch of their Pole into the * River, and not to lie a floating or flatting ' for Smelts between two Anchors in the mid'lt * of the Stream, nor fhall have any kind of ^ weight of Lead, Iron, Stone, Barrel, Firkin, ' Kilderkin, Cask, or with any Wherry, or ^ other Device. Nor fhall fifh from Goott-Friday * till Bartholomav-tide yearly, betwixt London- ' Bridge and Gra'ves-endy with any Net under ^ two Inches, except with a Wade-net for Bait ' only. 12. Itewy /That no Hebber-man fhall work * any higher for Whitings than Dartfird-Creek, ' and to work with %io manner of Net for * Whitings of lefs Affize than full Inch and half * wet and dry : Nor fhall go forth to take any ^of the fafd Whitings yearly, , until they be * lawfully licenfed by the Water- Bailiff of Lon- * don, before whom they are feverally to appear * at the faid Chapel of Guild-hall, London, one * Week before Gang-tide yearly. * 1 3 . Item, ' You fhall prefent the Names and Trawler- ' Surnames of every Trawler unto the Lord- ""»»• * Mayor of London, or his Subftitute' the Wa- * ter-Bailiff for the time being. And that no * Trawler fhall fifh above HoU Haven on the * North-fide, and Por/ing on the South-fide, till * a Fortnight after Michaelmas yearly ; and all { the Summer to ufe no Net for Soals under two * Inches 380 Court of Confervacy * Inches and a half in the Cod^ being two ' Yards long, and the reft of the Net to be ' three Inches. And no Trawler to work in * Tilbury-hofe aftej Michaelmas^ with any nian- ^ ner of Net under four Inches for Plaice all ' the Net over. And no Trawler to come up- ' on any Trawl with any other Net at any * time of the Year. 14. Item, ' To prefent allfuch as have pitch- * edj fet, or ereded any Riff- hedge, or Half- ' Nets upon Stakes or. otherwife within the full * Sea and low Water, being an Engine utterly ' to kill fmall Fifh, and what Land-men they ' be upon Kentijli-Sbore, or in any other place * witkin the Waters of Thames and Medwaj, * that do or have ufed the fame. 1 5*. Item, ' That no Trawler do ftay abroad * to fi/h after Whitjontide againft PFednefday-MiLV- ^ ket till Bartholome-w-tlde yearly, nor that no ' Trawler do fifii in tilb'ttfy-hove upon the Satm- * day after Sun-rifing, but to walh off, hale up, ^ and go home, as all#)ther Fifhermen ought * to do, and according to the old and ancient ' Cuftom of the River of Thames and Waters ' of, Medway. J 6. Item, ^That every Trawler upon the * River Eaftwards, do yearly appear before the * Water-Bailiff of Lo7idon, at the Chapel of % '' Guild-hall, one Week before their true times ' and feafons of going forth, to fifli, then and ' there to receive leave and licenfe for their *' faid going forth, and to hear the Orders and ^ InlHtutions ordained for the prefervation and * government of the River oi Thames, to be there * openly and publickly read, to the end that ' they may the better obfeive and perform the * fame. 17, Item^ for the I^Ver of Thames. 5 8 1 17. Item, 'That no Trawler that hath or ' * doth ufe to Trawl to take Soalsj^hate^ Plaice, * or Thornback fhall take or bring any fiich ' Fifh to any Market^ or to any Country-Town * to fell, except they contain the aflize as fol- * loweth ; that is to fay, every fuch Soal, ' Chate, Plaice, and Thornback to contain in * length, feven Inches with the Head and Tail, * and not under. ■ 18. Itemy 'That no Dragger-man that hath ^'''*^«''- ' or doth ufe to drag for Shirmps, fiiall go forth '"'*"' ' to fifh till the firft Day of November yearly, * and to continue till Good-Friday: Nor fhall ufe ' any fuch Drag at any time of the Vear above ' Maggot-NaJJe on the Southfide, and Stake-Brake ' Creek on the North fide, and not otherwife. ' And that ever^ Dragger-man fliall upon the * firft Day of November yearly, appear before ' the Water-Bailiff of London, to receive leave ' and licenfe for going forth. 19. Item, ' That all manner of Fifiiermen^'» out 0/ * fon whatfoever, fhall work with any manner M'""* * of Net or Engine whatfoever, to take or kill * any Dace or Roach from the Tenth oi March * till the Tenth of May yearly, for that they ' do then flied their Spawn : Nor that they ' take or kill any of the faid Dace, Roch, or ' otiier kind of Fifii, out of their due kind or * feafon, nor except they contain in length ac- ' cording to the true fcantling and aflize, and ' not otherwife. 27. Item, You fiiall further inquire, and true Soil a«d ' prefentment make, whether any Butcher, ^"^^'i/*' * Brewer, Inn- keeper, or any other Perfon or * Perfons, as well within the City of London, ' as in any other Country Town or Village (as *far 3.?4 ' (^^^^^ ^f Confervacy 'far as die Liberty of the Lord-Mayor ex- ' tendeth ) have caft or put into thefaid River, ' any Paunches, Grains, Horfe-dung, or any ' other Rubbifh, Soil, or Filth whatloever, to - ' the very, great annoyance and hurt of the ' faid River, -on pain of Imprifonment, and ' further Fine, at the difcretion of the Lord- * Mayor of London. If you know any fuch ' you fball prefent them. Royal Fijh. 28. Item, 'You Hiall further inquire what ' Royal-Fiilies have been taken within theju- * rifdidion and Royalty of the Lord-Mayor ; * of London, as namely. Whales, Sturgeons, ' ' Porpuil'es, and fuch like, and to prefent the \ • - Name and Names of all fuch Perfons as Ihall ' take them to the Lord-Mayor of London 'for 1 * the time being. Lamfrnf 29. Jtemy ' That no FiHierman, or other Rods. f Perfon whatfoever, /hall lay in the laid River- J * of Thames any Lampei;n-Leaps to take Lam- * perns, before Bartholomew-tide yearly, and fo * to continue till Good' Friday, nor fliall lay any ■^ more or greater quantity than only one Rod ■^ of forty Fathom, containing feven dozen of ' Leaps, and not above : Nor fhall lay any of ' the faid Rods until they (Lall be lawfully li- '*cenfed by the Lord-Mayor of LWow, or by -^1 his Subftitute, the W.iter-Bailiff for the time 'being. 50. Lajily, ^ Becaufe the number of Fiflier- ^ men do daily increafe, and not only Ffflier- * men, but alio a great number of Cable-hang- * jsrs and Tradefmen, fuch as were never bound ' Apprentice to the Craft and Science of Fifh- * ing, to the great hurt of the River, and hin- * drance of Fifiiermen, the faid River being * fiot able to relieve and fuccour the multipH- * city of them being fo great : It is now ordain- edy for the ^yer of Thames. 38 j ed, That every Fifherman dwelling near un- to the faid River, that doth take and receive into his or their Cuftody, any Apprentice to the faid Trade of Fifhing, fhall within one Monti* next after, repair unio the Water* Bailiff" of London, to have his Indenture writ- ten and Ingroffed, to the end that after he may prefent him to the Chamberlain of Lon- dony to be Enrolled, according to ancient Cuftom. And not to receive any Apprentice under the Term of Seven Years. And at the end and expiration of the faid Term, that the Mafter of the faid Apprentice do again pre- fent him to the faid Water- B&iliff", to be by him admitted and allowed a Fifherman. And finally. You fliall inquire, and true Prefent- ment make, by the Oaths that you and every of you have taken, whether any Fifherman, or other Peifon whatfoever they be, have with any manner of Net or Engine offended or mifuled himfelf in fifhing within the faid River ; or whether they have any manner of ways made deftrudion of the Brood and Fry of any kind of Fifh therein contained, con- trary to the good and ancient Laws, Ordi- nances, and Conftitutions of the laid River of Thames. And to make a true, perfeA, and faithful Prefentment of all other kind of E- normities. Hurts, Offences, and Annoyances, touching as well Fifhermen, as any other Perfon or l^erfons within the faid Jurift . didion, being any manner of ways hurtful or offenfive to the fame. • €e Ac 386 Court of ConferVacy At a Coiu^t of Aldermen the Tenth of July, 675. an Older was made as folio wech, viz,. THis Court- confidering the great jidecay of the Fifhing-Trade in the K'ivqv of Thames , and conceiving, That drawing the Sho^fs (of late fo frequently pradifed) is the chief Ground thereof, as tending to the great Pre- judice and utter Deftrudion of the Brood and Fry of all forts of Fifli, did thereupon this Day fti idly order and enjoin, That no Per- fon do hereafter prefume to draw the Shores in the Riverfof Thames upon any pretence whaifoever, ar any time or feafon of the Yeatj either ^with lawful or unlawful Nets, lave only for Salmons in Rooms appointed and (ct out for that purpofe by this Court: And that none do filh for Stlmons in fuch Rooms, but only luch |s ftall be impowered thereunto under the Seal of the Mayoralty of this Ciiy : And alfo that none fiih with a Islet under fix Inchesin the Meajh, upon pain that every Offender Ihall forfeit for every fuch Ofience, his Nets, and pay as a Fine, the Sum of Twenty Pounds, and fuffer Im- priionment during the pleafure of this Court. And to the end more diligent and ftrid fearch may for the future be made upon the faid Ri- ver than hitherto hath been, or poffibly can be by one fingle Peifon^ for fifth as filli with unlawful IN; ets, at unlawful times, and in un- lawful «T!anner, the Water- Bailiff for the time being, is by this Court ordered and im- powered, from time to time, to authorize two or more honelt Fiihermen, in fuch Town and places as he (hall think convenient, as well below as above the Bridge, to be affiftant *to for the ^yer o/^-Thames. ^87 ^ to him in the execution of his Duty ; and * when they rtiall think fit, to go out and fearch * for any fuch OfFend-^rs, and to take away * their Nets, and give their Names to Mr. Wa- ' ter-BailifFj that he may take cfFedtaal care, ' that they be feverely proceeded againft ac- * cording to Law. lfag(lafe. Concernim the Company of Watermen for the ^yer of Thames. BY a Siat.-z, &^.P, and M. It was enacted, That at the firft Court of Aldermen in London, next after the firft of A/«rf/6, out of the Watermen betwixt Gra^vejend and Windfor, eight Overfeers are to be chofen to keep Order a- mong the reft. That twf) Watermen fhall not carry any, but where one of them hath exercifed that pro- feffion two Years before that time, and bath been allowed by the greater part of the faid Overfeeds, under the known Seal, in pain to be committed to one of the Compters, by the faid Overfeers, for a Month, or for lefs time, as the Offence ftiall deferve. That no fingle Man, that is no HouHiolder, nor retained as an Apprentice, or as a Servant, for one Year at leaft, fhall exercife that Pro- feflion, betwixt the phces aforefaid, in pain of like Punifhment. The Lord- Mayor and Aldermen of London, and the Juftices of Peace within the Cou-nties adjoining to the River of Thames^ upon Com- Cc 2 plaiflC Court, of Confervacy plaint of any two of the Overfeers, or of any • ffatermans Mafter, have power not only to hear and determine any Offences committed againft this A(ft, and to enlarge any Waterman unjuftly puniftied by the faid Overfeers, but likewife to punifh the Overfeers themfelves, in cafe they unjuftly punifh any Perfon by colour of this kSt^ Alfo a Whtrry that is not twelve Foot and a half long, and four Foot and a ^ half broad in the Midfliip, and fufficient to carry two Per- fons on one fide right, lliall be forfeit, and the King fhall have one Moiety, and the Informer the other. * Again, That IVaterman that withdraws hiin- felf in time of Prefling ( it being proved by two WicnefTes before the faid Mayor, Alder- men, or Juftice, and two of the faid Overfeers) fhall /uffer a Fortnights Imprifonment, and fhall be prohibited to Row any more upon the Thames for a Year and a Day after. Aifo, The Overfeers fhall not only call the Watermen before them, and Dire(3^ them, and Regifter their Names ; but likewife examine their Boats before they be Launched, whether they have due proportion and goodnefs, accor- ding ro this Ad : And if the Overfeers refute or neglv^d tiieir Office, they fhall forfeit \ L » between the King and Informer. Alfo, The Court bf Aldermen fhall Aliefs the Fares of Wraermettj which being fubfcribcd by two of the Privy-Council (at leaft) fhall be fet up in Guild- Hall, Wtfirr4nfter-Hall, &:c. and thQ Waterman that tajkes 'more than according Set ^:er. to the Fare fo aiTeffed, fhall for every fuch Of- fence fuifer half a Years Imprifonment, and forfeit 40 s. to be divided as before. And for the d^V^r of Thames 3 89 And by the i Jac, i. 16., No Waterman iliall retain any Servant or Apprentice, unleis he himfelf hath been an Apprentice to a Waterman by the fpace of five Years before ; and not an Apprentice under the Age of eighteen Years, or for lefs time than feven Years, in pain to forfeit for every fuch Offence 10 /. to be divi- ded betwixt theKin2 and the Profecutor. But this Ad ihall not reftrain Watermens Sons, of convenient growth and ftrength, and formerly trained up in Rowing, but that they be allowed to ferve as Apprentices, and to car- ry Paflengers from place to place, at the Age ' or fixteen Years. Alfo, That eight Overfeers (hall yearly, up- on the firft Day of Marchy and the firft Day of SeftembeTy caufe openly to be read in the Com- mon-Hall, all their Orders made, or to be made, in pain that every of them, for every fuch default, fhall forfeit twenty Nobles, to be divided betwixt the King and the Pro- fecutor. See the Rates following. t i Cc ; Rates 390 Court of Conferyacy ^tes figned and agreed upon by the Tri)^yXouncil^ and the Lord'*Mayor and Court of Aldermen^ to be taken by Watermen, From Lon- don to 'Limehoufe. KNewcrane. \Shadn>ell-Dock. BeU-Wharf. -RatcliffCrofs. Oars. Skuller. I f, 6 d. ^IVaffing-Dock, j JVappitjg JNew- fialrs. 1 flapping Old' I From £(?«- (lairs. vOars. Skuller. dun to 1 The Hermitage. \ 6d. 3 d, \Roiherhi(h I Church-Stairs. ' I Rotherhith- >J_ Stairs. { Rothcrhith. ) Ficm St. O- ) Chi:rch-Stairs, ^Oars. SkuUep. laves 10 S and ^ 6d. ^d. ( Ruthtrhiih-Stair S.I From E'.ii:iig:gate to St. Saviour s-MiU, Oars 6d. Skuiler- 3 .;/. ■ From Sr. Ola^jcs to St. S avion/ s- Mill j Oars 6 d. SkuHtr ^ d. Ail ti* Staiis between London-Bridge and ^e/- t^^inj/LTj O21S 6 ^/. Skuller 3 ^w, J* with Company I I Barn- Elms y\ 4^. Cc 4 From 5^2 Court of Gnferyacy (.Hawerfmith ) whole Fare z s. From London to? Chifwick ^6 d. withCooipa- , (Mortclack jny 6 d. # * {.Brentford)'w\io\Q Fare 5 ^• From London toi Ipwonh >6 d. with Compa- ?Richmond\ny 6 d, '»■ " From London to Twickenham, whble Fare 4 s. with Company 6 ^. From London to Kin^ony whole Fare j *. with Company 9 with Corapa- (^Walton ^ny I /. {JValton } , , r « ,^ From Io«^.« to}/Fev^ri4e>w^?le Fare 10 ,. From Lo»<^tf» to Stanes, whole Fare n s, with Company i j. From London to JVindjor^ whole Fare 14 ^ with Company 2 s. ^^tes for carrying Goods in the Tilt- ' 'Boat between London and GraveC end. For a half Firkin i d. Foi a whole Firkin 2 d. For for the ^er of Thames. 39^ For a Hogftiead . 2 s. For a hundred weight of Cheefe, Iron, or any heavy Goods 4 ^. . For a Sack of Salt or Corn 6 J, For an ordinary Cheft or Trunk 6 J. For an ordinary Hamper 6 d. For every fingle Perfon in the ordinary Paf- fage 6 d. For the hireof the whole Tilt-Boat i l.is. 6 d. The Lord Mayor for the time being may caufe any Perfon inhabiting within London ^ or the Liberties, to be fummoned to appear be- fore his Lord (hip upon the Complaint of any Citizen; and for non-appearance, may grant his Warrant to bij^g fuch Perfon before him, and hath power to hear and determine diffe- rences between Party and Party. If any Apprentice or other Perfon ihall be carried on Ship- board, or there detained againft his Will, the Lord Mayor may fend his War- rant by his Water-BailifF, and compel the Cap- tain or Commander of the Veffel toreleafe fuch Perfon By a late Statute made, Ann. 11, & 12, ff^. ;. iVJjerry- cap. 21. For the better ordering and governing '"^» ^*- the Watermen, Wherrymen and Lightermen ^-T/".- on the River of Thames , between Gra^efend and mg„madg a fVindfor, It is Enaded, That all Laws in force CompMjr. touching Watermen and Wherrymen , not thereby altered or repealed, /hall be duy put in execution under the penalties therein con- tained ; And that every Lighterman or Own- er Keeper, or Worker of any Lighter, or o- ther large Craft on the Thamesy between Grave/' end and Windfoty fliall be taken to be of the So- ciety or Company of Wherrymen and Water- men, Which Wherrymen, Watermen and Ligh- ^94 Court of Conjervacy Lightermen, are by the faid Ad made a Socie- ty or Company. That all fuch Lightermen on the River of Thames ( Except Trinitymen, Filhermen, Bal- Jaftmen, Weftern Bargesvind Mill-boats, Chalk- hoys, Faggot and Wood Lighters, and other Craft carrying the fame ) ihall be regiftred in a Bock kept by the Company of Watermen and Lightermen, and be liable to the Rules of the faid Company. That the Lord Mayor and Court of Alder- men Ihall yearly eledt eight of the beft Water- men, and three of the beft Lightermen, at the firft Court of Aldermen next after the firft day J. of June, to be Overfeers and Rulers of the faid Wherrymen, &c. who are to maintain good Oilers amongft them, and ro caufe the Names of the Lightermen to be regiftred at their Hall, after the z^tb day of June 1700. then ccm- That the faid Rulers and Afliftants were on the firft Court- day after the firft 6 ^y of June then next, and fo yearly to appoint Water- men of tke principal Towns and Stairs, be- tween Grave/end and Wtndfor, to choofe their j0ants. Afliftants, not exceeding fixry, nor lefs than forty Watermen. And the Lightermen on the fiffl of June then next, and fo yearly are to choofe nine Lightermen, who with the Water- men {hall be the Afliftants of the faid Compa- jiy for prticrving good Government amongft them, who on the firft day of July yearly, ihall prcfent to the Court of Aldermen five Watermen, and two Lightermen to be Audi- t( rs of the faid Company, for, auditing the Ac- count!) of the Rulers, &c. And Perfons eieded Rulers, Afliftants, or Auditors, refufingornot well exercifing their places, ftiall forfeit fiv^ pounds. The /or f fee 5^W o/ Thames. ^95 The faid Rulers, Auditors and Afliftants, may make Rules with penaltie^^ fpr the, good government of their Society, which ftrft appro- ved by the Court of Aldermen^and after by the Lord Chief Juftice of either Bench /hall be binding. That the Lord Mayor and Aldermen cf London, and the Juftices of Peace in the Shires next adjoyning to the Tharnesy between Gravef- end and Ifindjor in their feveral Jurifdidions, upon complaint of the Overfeers and Rulers, lliall hear and determine Offences contrary to this Ad:, and levy the Penalties by Diftrefs. That Perfons owning or working any Ligh- ter, or flat Boat for unlading Goods and Mer- chandizes from Ships, d^t^. and Regiftring theiti- felves and Servants in the faid Companies Books by the 2.bezling Goods only, but Two Shillings Six Pence is taken, and no more; but if there be more Breaches than one, it is to be drawn, and then it is reckoned for a fpecial Declaration. Item, All other Declarations ( together alfo with Trover pro bonis (^ quantum meruit pro bonis, if the Goods be many, and cannot be contained within the fpace left in the general Blank) ar©< to be drawn firft,and afterwards to be fairly In-^ grolTed, and are therefore called Special Decla- rations ; for which 'there is taken Four Pence fer Sheet for every Sheet drawn, and Four Pence per Sheet for every Sheet IngroiTed, and no more. And thefe, as I am informed, ars the ancient and accuftomed Fees. But it. is to be .underftood, that I have to my felf but the Moiety of thefe Fees for Decla- rations, as they happen, and William Ne^vboU the other Prothonotary, hath the other Moiety thereof. And fo in the like manner for Decla- rations of the fame Court, done by the faid William Newbold, he hath the one Moiety of; the Fees thereof to himfelf, and I the other Moiery thereof. i 7 . March 166;. 9^0. Goodday, ' in the City of London. 41} The Fees dut to and ufually taken by William Newbold, the lounger^ by \ Vertue of his Office of one of the two Troi'honotaries of the Courts held before both and either of the Sheriffs of the City of London, (pro tencipore) in the Guiy-hall of the fame City, for any Declaration whatfoeyer^ upon any Plaint or AEiion leVted before both and either of the /aid Sheriff's j are as foU lowethy viz. • FOr every General Declaration upon, i. An Jjjumpjit, 2. Upon an AlTault, 5. Upon a Dowum /regit, 4. Upon an Ejeiftment, 5". Up- on a Trover for Englijh Moneys, 6. Upon a Cofjcej/it fohefe, 7. Upon a fingle Bond, 8.Up" pon a fingle Bill, 9. Upon a fingle Bill Penal. ic. Upon general fcandalous words, as Thief, Whore, and the like; when it is only written and ingrolTed by me into Parchment, and not drawn into Paper, Twelve Pence. But when fuch a Declaration is drawn by me into Paper, for the Client to go to Council with, or other- wife to ufe at his pleafure, for every Sheet there- of Drawing Four Pence ; and for every Sheet thereof Ingrofling, Four Pence. For every General Declaration upon a Tro- ' ver for Goods, if it be ordinary, that is to fay. If the Goods contained in the Schedule be but of few Parcels, and may be contained in the two Lines fpace ufually left in the IngroiTment of i^l4 Court FeeSy 8cc. of a Blank Trover for Goods, Twelve Pence. But if it be extraordinary, that is to fay, the Goods contained in the SchedSe be many and £ divers for kind, and cannot be contained in the two Lines ufually left in the Blank, as before, then for every Sheet thereof Drawing Four Pence, and for every Sheet thereof Ingroffing Four* Pence. For every General Declaration upon i. An Ajjumfjit at the Suit of an Adminiftrator, 2. Up- on a Concejfit Solvere at the Suit^f the fame, ;. Upon a fmgle Bill or a fingle Bond at the * Suit of the fame, 4. Upon an Jjjumpjit againftj an Adminiftrator, ^.Upon an Ajjumfpt again" an Executor, 6. Upon an Ajfum^ftt againft a Exefutrix.married or unmarried, 7. Upon an Ajjumffit againft an Adminiftratrix married or unmarried, 8. Upon a ConceJJit Solvere a-^ •gainft the fame, 9. Upon a fmgle Bill or a fingle Bond againft the fame, 10. Upon a Cen- c^? ^(y/wre againft an Adminiftrator, 11. Up- on a Concejfit Solvere at the Suit of an Executor^ , 1 2. Upon a ConceJJit Solvere at the Suit of an Executrix, married or unmarried, 13. Upon a Concejfit Solvere againft an Executor, 14. Upon a Concejfit Solvere againft an Executrix, married or unmarried, i y Upon a fingle Bill or fingle Bond aj^ainft an Adminiftrator, j 6. Upon the like at the Suit of an Executor, 17. Upon the like at the Suit of an Executrix, married or un- married, 18. Upon a fingle Bill or fingle Bond againft an Executor, 19. Upon a fingle Bill or fingle Bond againft an Executrix, married or wiijiarried, 20. Upon an Ajfumpjit at the Suit of ah Executor, 21. Upon an JJJ'ump/it at the Suit cf an Executrix, married or unmarried, 22. Upon an JJfumpJtt at the Suit of an Admi- niftratrix, married or unmarried, 25. Upon a CoTt" in the City of London. 415 CcnceJJit SolvereSLt. the Suit of the fame, 24. Up- on a llngle Bill or fingle Bond at the Suit of the fame, 2^. Upon two fingle Bonds, or two fingle Bills, 26. Upon a fingle Bond and a Concejfit Solvere, 27. Upon a fingle Bill, and Concejfit Solvere, 28. Upon a Bond unde fatitfecit, 29. Upon a fingle Bill unJe fatisfecit, 30. Up- on a Bond or Bill at the Suit of a Survivor, 3 1. Upon an JJft^wpfa at the Suit of the fame, 52. Upon a Bond or fingle Bill made to the Wife when unmarried, 55. Upon a Bond or fingle Bill made by the Wife when unmarried, 54. Upon an Affump/it: made to the Wife when unmarried, ; j". Upon an Ajfumffit made by the Wife when unmarried, 56. Upon aCe»- ct([it Solvere againft a Wife trading without her Husband j when it is only written and in- grolTed by me into Parchment, and not drawtt into Paper, Twelve Pence. But when it is drawn by me into Paper, as is before expref- fed, then for every Sheet thereof Drawing, Four Pence ; and for every Sheet thereof In- groffing, Four Pence. Fof every general Declaration upon a ejuan- turn meruit for Meat, Drink, and Lodging, allowed to the Defendant in the Plaint only, Vvheri only Ingroffed as before. Twenty Pence; but: if drawn as before, for Drawing Four Pence a Sheet ; and for Ingrofling Four Pence a Sheet. ^ For every General Declaration upon a ^»iath. Barker. 1 ^Longworth Crofjg. Richard yo. Bayms. in the City o^ Londoa 421 A Table of the Fees due^ and ufuaUy tcu ken by the Clerkfitters belonging to the ^ Sheriffs Courts in both Compter Sy Lon- don, as followetK IMprimis, For entry of every Adion 4 i. Itemt For the Copy of the Bail 4 """^ Item, For every Action of Debt under forty ^^p^^and Shillings ' /^d.paidac- Item, For withdrawing every Ad:ion of TreG- cordingiy. pafs, ©r Adion upon the Cafe 6 d. item. For every Proredion 7,s. 6 d. Item, For a Bail taken before the Lord Mayor in the Defendants abfencc 2 j. 8 £ e 4 • Item^ Item, For charging a Prifoner with an AAion out of the Lord Mayors Court 4 d. Item, For Difcharge thereof . 4 J. Item, For Charging a Prifoner with a Caule out of the Court of Requefts London 4 d. Item, For Difcharge thereof 4 d. Item, For continuance of every Canfe ready for Tryal H d. Item, For a Copy of the Juries Names ( if re- quired) 4^/. H. Cotton. ' '^(Fran. Mitchell. Ed. Sayer. y^jHenry Hearne- Geo.Gaell. ySEdw.Maynard, Mathew VetUy. jCWill. Gardner. A Certificate of the federal Fees taken in the Compter of Woodftreec. Prifoners Charged by Writs, Adions or War^ rants, if Lodged in the Mafterfide Ward, Pay to the Keeper 6 s.S d. To the Book-keeper 2 s. To the Turnkey is. To the Chamberlains 2s,6 d. If Lodged in the Knight Ward. To the Keeper To the Book-keeper To the Turnkey To the Chamberlains 12 s 6 s. 6 d. If Lodged in the Two-penny Ward, To the Keeper 2 ^. 6 e Sheriffs Court. ' " If the Defendant bring his Habeas Corpus to rtmoveit, the Charge. is,' The Writ, " i^s, "jd. The Allowance, 2;. 4 a'. Ihe Reiurn„ 2 /. 6 ^^^ Plaintiff may try the Caufe in four Court- Days following after the Scire Facias comes in- to Court. If the Garnifhee will plead that he hath no Money in the hand^f A. the Charge then of the Plaintiff, an^beiore, is The Aidlion and Return, Zd, The Officer, • is. But if the Garnilliee be not prefent he will have 2i. The Warning in the Garnifhee, I* The Appearance by an Attorny, 2/. 6r/, Tije Scire Facias ufually. 2/. The L%e, 4i. The Summons of the Jury, 4^. 8^. If a Sitbf(ena, 2.S. The Council, 3^- 4^. The Verdid: of the Jury, 4 J. 6d, The Judgment, 2/. SJ, Then m the City of London. 4j 7 Then the Plaintiff, as is before obferv'd, muft put in Bail or Pledge, that if the Defen- dant fhall come within the Year and the Day next enfuing into the Court, and that he can difcharge himfeif of the faid Monies fo con- demned in Court, and that he owed nothing unto the Plaintiff at the time in the Plainc mentioned, the faid Money fhall be forth, coming, &c. The Plaintiffs Bail, i s, 4 d. Satisfaftion upon Record, is. ^d. If Warrants of Attorny be given, for two Warrants, . Sd, Attorny's Fee, is. 8 4. Ji the. Plaintiff gives Warrant to acknow- ledge Satisfadiion upon Record, upon an Adion,* he pays 2 s. 4^. If the Sum Attach'd be under forty Mark, then he pays but 3 j. Sd. For the Summons, and to the Jury, 3/. 6d. The Charge of the Plaintiffs Affidavits to hinder the Garnifhee from vvaging Law, 6s. Sd. The Plea of Eppel to -which they are an- •next, js. . Plaintiff pays for bringing the Rolls into Court Is. 4 <^. and 2 J. 6 d. his Attorney. ^_____ ..^ 1, Tl?e Garnip^ees Charge to a Tmly ivhcn • he pleads, THE Appearance by an Attorny, 2j. 6^. The Bail, is. ^d. Copy of the Scire Facias, i s. Thelffue, 4/. 8d. The Attorny's Fee at Trial, is. Sd, The Council (if any) 3^. ^d. F f 3 The 458 Court Fees^ Sec, The Garnifliee after Trial may put in Bail in the abfence of the Party againft whom the Attachment is made before the Lord- Mayor, and fo diffolve the Attachment. After Satisfadion upon Record, and when the Money is fully condemned by the Plaintiff, the Party againft whom the Adion is, and whofe Goods are Attached, may come and put in Bail ad di^robandum'Debitum '^ the Charge whereof is for the Bail 2 j» 8 i. The Appear- ance, 2 J. 6 d. Then he muft put into the Court his Scire Fa- ciafy 13 J. But Ic muft be within the Year and Day next enfuing after Satisfadion. Bail being put in, the Defendant may give a Rule, by his Attorny for the Plaintiff to de- clare ; and if he declare not, he fhall be Non- fuited, and the Monies given again to the De- fendant, The Defendant alfo fhall have Refti- tution, if he can difcharge himfelf of the Debt ; and fo for a parcel thereof. All Charges upon an Attachment are loft on the Garnifhees and Plaintiffs part. It vvas obferv'd before, that an Attachment may be made for Goods and Moneys at the I'lme Charge (but the Sifm muft be certain) all upon one Attachment, and both in one Scire Facias: If for Goods, then ajudgmentfor an Appraifment ( if no Appearance by the Gar- nilhee) the Charge 2/. Then the Plaintiff proceeds to a Bill of Appraifmenr, and to Charge for fummoning of the Jury ; then he muit prove the Value of the Goods, and Judg- ment then paffech j this cofis 2 i. 8 J. then Bail and Satisfadion. Upon an Atrachment made in the Plaintiffs own Hands, either oi Monies, or Goods, or both. If i?t the City, of London. 459 If of Money, then this Charge is as follow- eth : The Adion and Return, 8 J. The Appearance by an Attorny, 2 /. 6 pt to three Pounds. If in the City of London. 443 If fatisfadion is to be acknowledged upon a Recognizance but for 20 /. then the Fees are as foUoweth ; . s. //. To~ the Common- Sergeant. ; 4 To the Common-Crier 2 6 To the Town-Clerk 2 o To the Clerk of the Orphans i 4 But if the Moneys due to the Orphans fiiall be paid into the Chamber of Londm, then ther^ are no Fees due to any Perfon. Sfa- 444 Statute Law, relating Statute harp relating to the Ci- ' ty of London. /tdm'ni' THE Cuftoms of the City of Loncion are «r^w««. ^^^'^^ ^y ^^^ ^^ f^^ committing the Ad- miniftration of . Inteftates Eftatcs , 222^25 Car. 2. cap, 10. AlieHt. ^y ^^^^ ^^ 14 H. 8. 2. All Aliens in or a- bout London^ fhall be within the Governance of the Corporation of the Myftery or Craft wheieot they are, and Taxable to their My- ftery. Here Strangers dwell iitg in St. Martins k Grand London^ are excepted. And a Decree made in the Star'Chamhcr, 20 H. 8. was by Stat. 21 H- 8. 16. confirmed, and thereby Enaded, that fuch Strangers /hould pay Scot and Lot, Tax and Tallage, &c. as the Mafters, Wardens, and Companies do, and that they Hiall make Oaths and other things; here alfo Strangers dwelling in St. Martins k Gravd 2iVQ excepted. And by Stat. 22. H 8. than they ufed by their Franchifes. 'By A^-i 52. H 8. 16. No Alien, Artificer, Denizen or not Denizen in St. Mar- t'lm le Grand, Hiall keep above two Strangers Servants at one time, on pain to incur the pe- nalty of 14 H. 8. 2. 'jipothua- -^y ^'^^- ^^^' 3'<^''^/'- ?• Apothecaries of the ritt. City of London ATQ exempted from the Offices of Conftable, Scavenger, O/erleers of the poor, and all other PariJh, Ward and Leet Of- fices, to the City of London. 44j fices, and of and frcm ferving upon any Ju- ries or Inquefts. We have obferv'd before, how far the Citi- ^(taintf. zens of London are concerned as Jurymen, &c, by the Statutes relating to Attaints. See before in the Court of HujHngs, fag. 177, i-;S,&c. By the Stat. 8. Eliz,. 10. A Bowyer dwelling Bonyer:. , in London or the Suburbs, (hall have always rea- dy 5-0 Bows of Elm, &c. upon penalty of 10 j. for every Bow failing of that number. By Stat. 19 H 7. 6. None rtiall caft Brafs ^''"/^ -"'^ or Pewter, but according to die goodnefs of*^'*'^* the Metal wrought in London^ in pain to for- feit one moiety thereof to thd King, and the other to the finder. Alfo hollow Ware of Pewter, called Lay- metal, fhafl be wrought after the aflize of Lay- metal in London, and ihall be mark'd, in pain to forfeit the faid Wares, or (being fold,) the price thereof, which fhall be divided as afore- faid. By Stat. I Jac. 2 r. The fale of Goods Brokerf. wrongfully gotten to any Brokers in London, Wejiminfter , SoHthivarkj or within two Miles of London, fhall not alter the property thereof: And if a Broker having received fuch Goods, fhall not upon the re^uefl of the true Owner truly difcover them, how and when he came by them, and to whom they are convey'd, he fhall forfeit the double val^ie thereof to the faid Owner. This A (51 fhall not prejudice the ancient Trade of Brokers in London, being Setled and Sworn for that purpofe, it being only intended againft Frippers, and Pawn-takers, who for the moft part keep open Shop. By Stat. 83 & 9 IK ^. cap. 32. a Broker for making or concluding Bargains between Mer- chant j^^6 Statute Law, relating chant and Merchant, or others in London^ fliall be Admitted and Licenfed by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of London ^ and is to take Oaths, &c. and upon his Admittance, give Bond to the Lord Mayor^ Citizens and Commonalty of London in the penalty of yob /. Vf'ith. Condition , That if he do, and (hall well and truly ufe, execute, and perform the Office and Imployment of a Broker, between Party and Party, without Fraud , Covin, or any Corrupt or Crafty Devices, according to the purport, true intent and meaning of the Sta- tute in that cafe lately made and provided, then the Obligation to be void. The number of fuch Brokers fliall not at one time exceed loo. and the Fees of Admit- tance into the faid Imployment, fliall not ex- ceed 40 /. their Names andi^laces of Habitati- on are to be publickly affixed on the Royal-Ex- change, in Guildhall^ and in fuch other publick places in London, as the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen il^ll think fit. Butchers. By Stat. 4 H. 7. 3. No Butcher /Kail kill any Flefh wichin his Scalding- hcufe, or within the Walls of London, in pain to forfeit for every Ox fo killed 12. d. and for every other Beaft 8 d. to be divided between the King and the Profecutor. • By Stat. 22, & 2; Car. 2. cap. 19. If any Butcher in London or JVefiminJhr, or within ten Miles thereof, buy fat Cartel and fell them a- •gain alive or dead, to another Butcher, the Seller (hall forfeit the Value of fuch Cattle. Alfo no Drover fhall be Licenfed by the Ju- ftices of Peace within f^ondon and Ifefmlnfier, to the City of London. 447 or 80 Miles of the fame. And thofe that exer- cife the Trade of Grafiers or Butchers, fhall not have Licence to be Drovers. Butter and Cheefe, Though by the Stat. %,&^Ed.6. 21. None ( Except Jnholders or Vid:uallers in their Hou- fes ) ftiall buy any Butter or Cheefe to fell a- gain, fave only by Retail in open Shop, Fair, or Market, and lb not abovea Wey of Cheefe, or Barrel of Butter at one time without fraud, *in pain to forfeit the double value, to be divided betwixt the King and the Profecutor, yet by Stat. 21 Jac. I. 22. the forefaid Statute, as alfo fo much of the Statute ^,& 6E. 6. 14. which concerns the Buying and Retailing of Butter and Cheefe, fhall not extend to the Retailers of Cheefe in London, Weftminfter or Southwark, having (erved feven years in that Trade, nor uttering above four Wey of Cheefe, or four Barrels of Butter at one time without fraud. » And by the Stat, j^j & ^ fV. & M. c. j. there is a Charge and Penalty upon Warehoufe- keepers, Weighers and Searchers, or Shippers of Butter and Cheefe, negleding their Duties concerning the Butter and Cheefe rfiat fliall be brought to them, for any theefmonger free of the City of Londony &c. and alfo a Penalty upon Mafters of Veffels, refufing to take on Board any fuch Butter and Cheefe : Yet this A<51 fliall not exclude Cheefmongers free of the City of London, from fending their own Vef- fels, or fuch as they fliall hire for their own Goods, B'iillngf' 44^ Statute Law^ relating Billingfgate Market, By Stat. 10, & II IV. ^. c. 24. It is Ena(5>ed, that Blllingjgate Market within the City of London, fhall be every day ( except Sundays ) a Free Market for all forts of Fifti. and that any Perfons may Buy or Sell any fore of Fifh in the faid Market. And all Perfons buying any Firti in the faid Market, may fell the fame again in any other "Market or place within London or elfewhere by« Retailj being found and wholfom FiOi, only none but Fi^mongen fhall fell in publick or fix- ed Shops or Houfes. Alfo no Perfo'S (Lall imploy, or beimployed by any other Perfon in buying at Billingjgate any quanticy of Firti to be divided by Lots or in Shares amongft any Fifiwongers or others, to be afterwards fold by 'Retail or other wife ; nor (hall any FijJjmonger ingrofs or buy in the * faid Mark'et any quantity of Fifh, but what {hall be for his own Sale or Ufe, and not for any other Fi^monger to fell again, under penal- ty of 20 /. for each OfFence, one Moyety to the poor of the Parilh, the other to the Profe- cutor. Sfte the Syit. BlachwdUHall Market, By Stat, S,& ^)^. 3. cap. 9. It is EnaAed, That the publick Market of Bl ackw ell Halt , ihall be held every Thurjday, Friday, and Satur- day, from eight till twelve in the Forenoon, and from two till five in the Afternoon, Ex- cept days of Humiliarion orThanl^fgiving, and the Keepers are not to admit any buying or felling of any Woollen Cloth at the faid Hall, uDon to the City of London. 44^ upon any other days or hours than aforefaid, upon the penalty of 100 /. And no Factor or any Perfon whatfoever, other than the Own- er of the Cloth, fliall Sell or expofe to Sale out of the faid Market of Blackwell Hall, any Cloth direded to be brought to the faid Market, or any Fa(5lor there, upon penalty of j/. for eve- ry Cloth fo fold, with feverai other Penalties upon the Hall-Keepers , Clerks and Mafter- Porters negleding their Duties, and upon Fa- dors, for not giving true Accounts to the Clo- thiers. SmlthfieU Market, , By ^tat, 22, & 2^. Car, 2. cap. 19, If any fat Cattle bought in SmithfieU Market, fhall be brought again into the faid Market to be fold Alive, they fhall be feized by the Bailiff, Toll- Keeper, or other Officer having overfight of the Market, to the ufe of the Mayor and Al- dermen, &c. for difcovery whereof, all Cat- tel fold fliall be mark'd by cutting off two In- ches of the further Horn. And by t||is Ad, Foreigners as \^ell as Freemen, may buy and fell any Cattel in the Market of SmithfieU, the cuftom of Foreign bought and Foreign fold, or. other ufage notwithftanding, by Stat. 1 1, d^ 11. TV. 5.C. 13. the Ad made 22, c^ 2;. C.?r,vt/i^» |'-'M^> ;.:• figned to the Ci^ of London. 457 figned there, but muft be underftood according - to the former Ordinance made by Niger, and the payment of zs.S d. in the pound, conti- nuing until i; Ric. z.Thdhas Arundel Arch- Tho. Bifhop of Canterbury made an Explanatioa of Arun. the conftitution made by Niger^ and thruft up- ^""^'^'l^- on the Citizens of London^ two and twenty o- \ ^^'^ ther Saints days than were meant by the confti- tution made by Nigery whereby the Offerings now amounted unto the Sum of ; s, y d. per pound; and there being fome Relu(5tation by the Citizens of London, Pope Innocent in 5" H. 4. granted his Bull , whereby the for- Popt In- mer Explanation was confirmed ; which con- "o^ent. firmatioa , ( notwithftanding the difference ^ ^' betwfen the Minifters and Citizens of Lon- don, about thofe two and twenty Saints days which were added unto their number. ) Pope Nicholas alfo by his Bull in ^ i H. 6. pop'; Nich. confirmed: Againft which the Citizens Qi^iii.6. London did contend with fo high a hand , that they caufed a Record to be made, where- by it might appear in future Ages, that the Order of Explanation made by the Arch- Biihop of Canterbury, was done without calling the Citizens of London unto it, or any conlenc given by them. And it was branded by the name of an Order furrepticioufly, and abruptiti- bufly gotten ; and therefore more fit to have the name of a Deftru(^ory, than a Declaratory Order : the whicl) contending notwithftanding, as it feemeth the pain was moft ufually made according unto the rate of 9 .'. j may pafs Sentence and Execution againtt the Body and Goods, and againft the Executors,c^c. : or the Patry eviifted, and affefs cofts of Suit. And any one Commiffioner may adminifter an Oath to a Witnefs, notice being given to the adverfe Parfy, and fet up in the Office, that fuch Witnefs may be crofs examined : But the Commiflioners mall not proceed againft Body and Goods for the fame Debt. By Statute 1; & 14 Car. 2. cap. 3. the Mihtia. Lieutenants of the Militia of London have pow- er to continue to lift and levy the Train- Bands and Auxiliaries there, in fuch manner as was ufed in forniiML^the then prelent Forces raifed by the King's (Bnimiflion,and may levy Year- ly fo much Moneys as they fhall judge needful, as was the prefcnt AffelFment then levied, not exceeding in one Year, one Months Tax whichj the City then paid towards the Tax of 70000 l^ fer Menfem. See Soldiers. Monopolies, The Statute againft Monopolies mad^ 21" Jac. c. ;. fiiall not be prejudicial to London, or, any other Corporation, for any Grant mad<' then concerning their Cuftoms, nor any Cor-J poration. Company or Fellowship of any Art,' Trade or Myftery, nor to any Company or Society of Merchants. Orphans. Concerning the Statute for Orphans of the City of London, we have fpoken heretofore. See before in the Court of Orphans. Oil and By Statute 3 H. 8. 14. the Mayor of Lon- oiimtyi. j^„^ together with the Mafter and Wardens of the Myftery of Tallow-Chandlcrs there, have Power to fearch all Oils brought to London to be fold j and to overfee that the fame be not mixed to the City of London. ^6j tnixed or altered from their right kinds, and what rhey fliall find deceitfully mixed^ they are to caft away, and punifh the Offender by Imprifonment, or otherwife at their Difcreti- oiis, according to the Laws and Cuftcms of the iaid City. There is a Statute which was made i Jac. i. Painten ca. 20. for the benefit of the Painters of Lon- '^"'^ ^^*^' don, that no Plaifierer fhall ufe to exercife the ■^'''^'''^■^* Arc of Painter in London, or the Suburhi there- of, or lay any manner of Colour or Painting whatfoever, Unlefs he be a Servant or Appren- tice to a Painter, or have ferved feven Years Apprentice to that Art, under penalty of y /. a time to be divided betwixt the King and the Pfofecutor. Provided the Plaifterers, may ufe Whiting, Slacking, Red-Lead, Red-Qker, and RuiTec, mingled with Size only^ and not with Oyl. And provided alfo, that no Painter fhall take above 16 d. the day for laying any flat co- lour whatfoever, mingled or mixt with Oyl or Size, upon any Timber, Stone or Lead. Concerning paving the Streets between Al- P^'^i^t gate and PFhite-Chappel, Sho(hLaneyFetter-La?)e,&CC. ^^''*'* there is a Statute extant, made i^zH 8. 17. Whereby the Mayor, Aldermen and Juftices of Peace in Middlefex, have power within their refpedive jurifdielions, to Inquire, Hear and , Determine in Sellions, the Defaults of Paving and Repairing of Streets, and in cafe the faid Juftices fiiall be found Remifs therein, they fhall refpedively forfeit y /. Alfo any three Juftices in London, whereof the Mayor is to be one, have power to fef Fines upon fuch as do not pave and repair any Street or Lane in London, or the Liberties there- of CO bs levyed by Diftrefs, Plaint or A<5tion, H h by j^66 Statute Law^ relating by the Chamberlain, to the ufe of the Mayor and Commonalty of the faid City. A like Statute made 34, d^ 3 y. H. 8. 12. for Paving and Repairing oiWbite-Crofi Street, Chif- v^ell Street^ Long-Lane, St. Johns Street, &C. Another like Ad, made 13 Eliz,. 2;. for Pa- ving and keeping in Repair the way without Algate, called the Bars without Algate, &c, Alfo another Additional Ad, made 23 Eliz,. 12. for paving of the Minories. See the Ads. and Vide fag. 66. Petitions. By Stat. 13 Car, Z.Stat, i. cap. $"♦ none fhall labourer procure hands or conient of aboveio Perfons to any Petition, Remonftrance, &c. to the King, or both, or either Houfes of Par- liament, for Alteration in Church or State, unlefs by confent, (if arifing in London) of the Mayor Aldermen and Commons in the Com- mon Council, and not above ten Perfons are to repair to deliv'er fuch Petition, upon penal- ty not exceeding above 1 00 /. and three Months Iraprifonment. phyfcians^ There are feveral Statutes extant concerning &c. *>■ the Phyficians and Chir urgeons in and about the City of London-, the Jurifdidion and Autho- rity of the Prefident, Cenfors and Commonal- ty of the Colledge of Phyficians in London, ex- tends alfo to others within feven Miles compafs of London. Note, That of this Colledge of Phyficians, and of their Jurifdidion and Au- thority much may be read in the eighth Report Cooke in Dr. Bonhams Cafe. PmPeo- There are feveral Statutes relating to the P^e- poor People in and about the City of London, &c. as 43 Ellz. 2. 13, 14 Car. 2. cap. 12, &c. poor pri' By ^" ^^ made, 22, d^ 23 Car. 2. cap. 20. loners. . Authority is given to find out all Gifts and Be- queds for the benefit of poor Prifoners for Debt in Lo7idon, &c. Power to the City 0/ 'London. 467 Power given to the Mayor of London, &c. Recogni- to take Recognizance of Statutes Merchant^ '^^^"f' and of the Staple , by 1 3 Ed. i, J^on Burnel, alfo 13 Ed. I. de Mercatoribtis, and 23 H. 8. 6. for the Staple.. . An K^ made, 13, (^ 14 C<7r. 2. c^/?. 1 5-. Cori- 5;/^- cerning the Silk-throwers Trade. throroerf, Alfo by Stat. 20. Ctf>^.2. c^/j. a By-Law of the Silk-throwers in London, ftinting the Freemen of thefaid Company, not to work with above 160 Spindles at one time, and the Affiftants with above 240. is made" void, and the Com- pany difabled from making any By-Law, which /hall limit the number of Utenfils above the faid Miftery. Alfo no By-Law made or, to be made by the faid Company, Ihall confine any Freeman, to take a lefs number than thr^e Apprentices at any time. The Juftices in London are to be prefent at the Soldiers. Mufters of the Militia, according to Ad: 6 &j W. 8. cap. 8. and upon this Ad: upon the Quar- tering any Troops of Horfe in the Liberties of London, every Oificer and Soldier is to pay 8 d. per Night for Hay. The Lord Mayor of London, Recorder and South- every Alderman that hath been Mayor, are ^ark with feveral others conftituted by 2<^Car.z.cap./^. ^»'ldingfo to determine Differences concerning the build- ing or not building theHoufes burnt down by the Fire happening in SoHthwark^on the 16th oiMay then lafl:, the Judgments, Orders and Decrees, to be delivered to the Town-Clerk of London, to be kept among the Records of the City. Alio the Lord Mayor has power to give ^ Oath to the other Commiffioners for executing their Au- thorities, other than the Juftices of either Bencbf and Barons of the ExcJieqr^er, And five of fuch H h 2i Psrfon^? 468 ^Statute LaWy relating Perfons after they have taken it, may Admi- nifter it to the Lord Mayor. Tsxes. By Stat. 19 H, 7. 8. Scavage Money to be taken of Denizens, is faved to the Mayor and Commonalty of Lo«io». Tumttgt. By Stat. 5", 6 1V.(^ M. cajr.it. being an Aft upon Tunnage, for Eftabliftiing the Bank of England J there is a Tax of 10 j. fir Tun for Blubber, &c. to be paid by the Merchants of Londcn Trading to Greenland^ and 10 /. per Tun forOyland other Merchandize, to Neipfound^ ^ Land. SaU* By Stat. -],& SPf^.S. cap. ; i . The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of London, &c. have authority to fet Prices for Salt to be fold in Lcn- don, and the Perfon forfeits 5* /. which may be kvyed by the Lord Mayor's Warrant, the one Moiety to the King, the other to the Infor-^ mer and Profeoutor for the fame, before the faid Lord Mayor. By Stat. <)i& lo.JV. 3. cap. 44. The like power for Salt is given them to be fetled by July 98. and after,upon the like forfeiture upon Offenders. Aid-Tax. By the Stat, ii, iiJV.^. cap. 2. for granting an Aid to his Majefty, and for Maintenance of his Navy and Guards, &c. the Inhabitants of London, &c. are to be Taxed in the Wards where they dwell. Tri^dt 0nd ^J Stat. 1. Jac. 2. 1 9. ( conccming what Cmmercs. time Foreign Corn ii Imported, and the prices of medling £w^/;]?j Corn then to be Dtterm.i- ned ) what is thereby required to be done by the Juftices at their Quarter Seffions, fhall boi 3one in London in Odober and April, by the. Mayor and Aldermen, and Juftices of the Peace there. An to the City of London. 469 An A A made iJV. ^ M, SeJJl i. cap. ;4. concerning the Incorporation of the Compa- ny of Merchants of London Trading to Green- land. Stat, made ^ & 10 fF.^.cap. 17. concern' '^''*^'>»? ing Bills of Exchange drawn or dated, at and ^"^''^»^'""' from any place in this Kingdom of y /. Ster- ling or upwards, upon any Perfon in London, or • other Trading City, to be be protefted in Lon^ don by a Notary publick, and in default of fuch Notary publick by any Subftantial Perfon of the place before two VVitneffes after acceptance in Writing, and Expiration of three days after the fame fliall be due, ( refufalornegled being firftmade of due payment) the Proteft is to be notified within fourteen days after to th^Party from whom the Bills were received, who upon producing fuch Proteft, is to repay thefaid Bill with Intereft and Charges from the protefting, for which Proteft there is not to be paid above 6 d.ln default of fuch Proteft and due notice, the Perfon failing /hall be liable to all Cofts, Damages and Intereft thereupon. And if fuch Inland Bills be loft or mifcarry, within the time limited for payment of the fame, the Drawer (hall give others of the fame Tenour, Securicy being given to Indcmpnifie him, in cafe the loft Bills be found again. See the A(ft. By Stat. n.E. ;. 10. Every Man that bring- Vitfunl^ eth Vitflual to London, may freely fell the fame, ^"^ ^'^*^ without the Interruption or Impeachment of ^^'* any. And the Mayor and Aldermen of Lon- don, may Rule and Regulate the Defaults of Fifhmongers, Butchers and Poulterers,^ as they do of fuch as fell Beer, Ale or Wine. By Stat. 6R. 2. Stat. i. 9. No Vi(5lualler in London, or any Other City, Borough, or Port of the Sea, ihall exercife any judicial Office ^ h 5 there, 470 Statute Law, relating there^, and in cafe any be chofen into fuch Of- fice, he fhall forbear co ufe Vidualling during his Office, in pain to forfeit the Vit^uals fold. And by Stat, j R. 2. 1 1. All Vintners and Vidluallers, as well Fiflimongers as others, com- ing with their ViAiiais to London^ fliali be under the Governance of the Mayor and Aldermen of that City, 3S hath been heretofore ufed. The Stat. 5 H. 8. 8. fays, when a Vidualler in a City or Corporation is chofen to bear an Office, by reafon whereof he ought to have the Affizing of Viduals, two others ( being no Viduallers) fliall be joynM and fworn with him, truly to AlTefs and Affize, &c. but here the Officers in London j York and Coventry are ex- cepted. Vrnther, See ^at. of Glouc. J2.6. E i- concerning one being impleaded for a Tenement in London, and vouching a Foreigner to Warrantry, with the manner of the procefs relating thereto. Meager of By Stat. '^S E. 3.5". Any Man may wage ^^^ his Law, by fuflicient People of his Condition againft Londoners Papers, and the Creditor ftiall • take Surety otherwife, C if he pleafeafe j; but {hall not put die Party to plead to the Inqueft, unlefs he will do fo of his own aciord. Watermen. Of them ic'is treated before in the Court of Confervacy of the River of "Thames. mights By Stat. II H. 6. 8. 'The Mayor of London, nnd Mea- and all other Mayors and Bailiffs on their Oaths, "'•'■ fhall be charged to keep and dxecute the Statutes for obferving due Weights .and Mea- fures. ' • By Stat, of Gloucefter i f, 1 6 £. r. the Mayor 2nd Bayliffs rfow Sheriffs of London, are to in- quire cf Wine fold againft the Affize. mms. By Stat. 28 H. 8. 14. The Lord Chancellor, Treafurer> Prefident of the Council, Privy , Seal, to the City of London. 47 1 Seal, or the two Chief JufticeSj or j", 4 or 5 of them have power at their Difcretions, to fee the prices of all. kind of Wines, 'viz,, of the But, Tun, Pipe, Hogfliead, Puncheon, Tierce, Barrel or Rgndlet, when they /hall be fold in grofs. The prices then are to be written and proclaimed in Chancery in the Term-time, or elfe in the City^ Borough or Town v. * ere any fuch Wines are fold in grofs, 40 /. forfeiture" for every Veffel otherwife fold, betwixt the King and head Rulers in a Corporation ; but out of a Corporation, betwixt the King and the Pro- fecutor. And by *Stat. ^y H. 8. 23. None that fell Wines either in Grofs or by Retail, fhall fell them above the prices fet by the Great Officers,' upon the penalty aforefaid. And if any refufe to fell their Wines accor- dingly in Lowion, the Mayor, Recorder, and two ancient Aldermen being no Vintners, in other places the chief Officers, &c. may en- ter the Houfes of fuch Perfons, and fell their Wines at the prices fo alTefTed. The Stat. 7 E. 6. ). provides for Licences for fuch as fell Wine by Retail in London, &c. and only 40. Licences are allowed in London by this Ad. , ' Alfo the Stat. 12 Carl 2. cap. 25*. is made for Licenfmg Retailers of Wine, and the King may Iffue out Commiffions for the Commiffi- onersto Licence whom they think fit, for 21 years, or under, and for fuch Rent as they can agree; and here the Priviledges of the U- niverlities, and of the Company of Vintners in London, and other Cities, &c. are faved. This laft mentioned Aft fays, That all Per- fons that fell Wines in grofs, mingled or abu- fed, ftiall forfeit 100 /. for every Offence, and Hh4 ail ^7 1 Statute Law, relating i\\ felling fuch Wines by Retail 40 Lone half to the King, the qtjier to the Informofr- -That no SfamjhoT fweet Wines (hall be fold for above 18 d. per Quart by Retail. No French Wines a- bove S 4- No Rbenijh above izd. and fo pro- portionably, on pain of f /. for every quantity fo fold, the one Moyety to the King, the other p him that will iue. But "the Chancellor and other great Officers, pay fet the prices at higher or lower Rates than as aforefaid. Proclamation to be made thereof as aforefaid ; and in default of fuch fetting, the prices fet by this Ad fhallbe ob- fevr'd. Confirmed,- 13 C<7r. 2. c5/>. 7. -•. v Note the Stat, 15- Car. 2. cap. 14. gives the ^ powers of granting Licences as aforefaid, and . the moiety of the Forfeitures to James Duke oC^ I'orky and the Heirs Males of his Body. Here the Pf iviledges of the Company of Fintnen Lon*'\" don, &c. are faved. - • " -'Jv : ;' \V ' And by Stat, 22^ & i^ Car. 1. cdpy^itbe^ Powers and Revenues are again vefted in the King, and in Satisfadlion thereof, the Kings Letters Parents whereby there ihould be grant- , ed to the Duke and his Heirs Males 24000 /. (>f the Revenues of the Excife of Beer and Ale, d^-c. ihall be good in Law, . ■ ■ : _^ And by Stat, i Jac.2. cap. 12. It is Enaded, That the King from thenceforth ftand and be feizei^ of, and in the faid yearly Rent or Sum of 240C0 /. of one entire and indefeizible E- jftate in Fee Simple, the aforefaid laft y(V<^ of .. Parliament notwithflanding. *"-.'/. ■ » FINIS. ^♦1 ''*\,V**' ' ■rjf. ■ i. ' .r ,tfr ■ ' THE TABLE. A. AB(!raSf of the (^reat Charter of Confirmation, iff rs Car. Scdi. dcC'from pagt 3. to pag. 32 jl3ion maintainable without fpeeialty^ 144, 0/ Debt maintainable onfimpleContra£{t 1 4^ jitiions in the Mayor t Court, 1S6 jillegations to lay jiliions in a Foreign County^ 141 jiStiont in Sheriffs Cettrt, 254, 167 Etttring them in the Compilers, 277 ^i?/o» fur conceflit folvere, 14^ ^3ion withdrawn, <'■ 430 ^B of Common Council for Tfg'flfff'T^ pHblick Market fj 67 For regu/ati»g the'Watches %z For regalating Foreintrr p2 That no Foreiner jhaS open Shop, 58 That a Freeman ft)ali not imploy a Foreigner, joo ^^ainfi colouring foreign Goods, 105 ^Sis of Common Council, as to no Ejfoin, PrtteBion, IVager of Law, &c. reproved, 131 "^ — Jgainfi Bricklayers and Plaifterers, 1 3 2 jiBs for Re-buiUing the City 0/ London, 3 J. Vide Sta' tuie Law jtBt private^ho be particularly alledged, 58 jllderrmn 0/ Lpndpn, Jujiices of Peace^ 1 5 Two to be infers ed in all Cstntniffions, 24 jlldermen not to be eUBed Confiables^ &c? I ro yicquitialdf Murther, 3,5,8,9 Allowances in the Exchequer, for things givm from the Ci- ty, 4,7 Allowance of 7 I. per Annum upon Account to the Sheriff for the liberty of St. Paul's, &c. 9 Allowance of their Chatter bj me Writ^ (ftfficicnt for one Kings time, ij ASowance ofpriviledge of Courts at Weftminfter, 11 3,140 Amcrciamints for pecuniary punipment^ Sec. 4,6,7,8 Apprencices. The TABLE. Apprentices. Cont^rning them, ' 107, 119 MafternegUBing to TnroUthem before the Chamberlain, &c. - 303 Mifdemeanottr of an Apprentice, • ibid. Mifufal by Majiers 50^ Turnover!, ibid. References to the Chamberlain, the Convenieney thereof 305 yipprentice refujing to be InroU''d, ibid. Caufes wherefore Apprentices may be Difcharged, 305 Indentures of Apprentice how to be fued out, ibid. — ■ — Bound for 8, 9, or 10 Tears, 307 Apprentice taken by a Freemans Widow, ibid. By an ExchangeWoman or Semftrefs, ibid. Mafler refu[ing to make an Apprentice free, 508,309 Fees upon Binding an Apprentice, &c . 303 .—Vide 3 09, 310 Ap^pr entices pUadir/g againfi Majiers, &€• from 315, to 350 Apprentice may be a Freeman of London, though taken at ^ York, &c. 119 Arrcjis and Procefsin London concerning them^^ 271. Arrejis without Procefs, ibid, fee Cufioms. Arrcjling by Sergeants 277 One Arrejitd as coming or returning to or from Court, not Difchargeable by the Court - 278 Archbijhsp makes no Vifitation in London, ^c. 43 Attachments Foreign pleaded, 14.7 Attachments Foreign in the Mayers Court and Sheriffs Court, J 89 Advantage of foreign Attachments in the Mayors Court, 190 What things are Attachable, 197, &c. in whofe hands aoj, 5cc. Pleadings thereupon, ^06, 6cc. Attachments in iVithernam, 4) i o Upon a jalje Verdict, I77, &C. Attaints, tjo Attorneys to he appointed 10, for Vouchers in Recoveries, 177 0/ the Mayors fiourt, ,.- 186 Attorney difinijs^d from his Office by Order of Court, for a Contempt. 40 ^ AfRne of Bread, I7» n Avvaterers, \ 5 1 Ba:X The TABLE. B. BAil, 429 Bail Difcharged 43 1 See tht Courts. Beam and Ballatjce^ 1 1, i J, 18, so, 28, 134 Brokers 1$. Brokers of Pa-xns, 30. Brokers Fees, 31 Bethlem Hofpital, Keepers thereof, 30 Bargain and Sale of Lands by Parol, I48 Blackwell.Hall, conceraing if^ 136 Bridgmajiers EleSied, ^ 173. JlBion byoneofthem againji the Mayor, 221, ^c. B)'-Laws, vi^at are good or not, and how to be pleaded, 128^ 1 29, Sec. By the Company »/ Butchers, 133 Ought to be jhewd in certain, ibid. To Rejlrain the number of Carts, 8cc. 134 By-Law good, when a Cuflom warrants it, 13 j » ■. For Reparation of Puddle-Dock, 1^6 By the Combmakers ^ and ^ about exercifing their Trade^ 137 By^Merchant'Vzyloxs^ C Barter the Great for Confirmation of the Laws and Li» berties, Sic. of the City 0/ London, from pag. 3, to 3a Charters of Kiitg William the Conqueror, 3 Charters of Hen. I. ibid. Charter of Hen. 2. p. 4 Charters of Rich. ill. ' 5 Charters of K. John, 5. ^> 7 Charters of Hen. 3. 7, 8, 9,40 Charter of Ed. the ift. 11 Charter of Ed. 2d. 1 1 Charters of ^d. the -^6.. la, 13, 14 Charter of Hsmy the ^th. 1-5, 16, &c. Charters of Ed. the ^.th. i?, X9 Charter of Hen. the 7 th. 19 C^iirr^r 0/ Hen. 8th. 20 Charter of Edw. 6th. 20,21, &c. Charters of James the i{\. 23, 24, &c. Charter of Charles the xft. 26, 27, 6cc<' Charters aforefaid all Confirm" d hy K. Charles the 2d. p. . 32. alfo all Charters, Sec. Rejiored byW-^' M..t0 the f aid City, 33 Charters forfeited, 9. Charters of Htn. 6, made void, 26 Chafes .Tnd Hunt granted ■ 4, 8 Certificates of Feesy Sec. from 410, to 443 Certificate of the Recorder, i^)^9, ii2, 157 Caufes mark'd by the Lord Mayor 167 \ ... Caufes The TABLE. Cmfes removed out of the Sheriff Court ^3 1 Chamherlai'njhip rejerv'd to the King, 7, 8 Clerk of the MArk,et, no power in the City, 1 a Clerk of Sonthwitk Market 21 Churchwardens and Parfon in London are a Cerporation, Coroners of London, 19 Coroners of South wark, 22 Citizens accountable for infolvent Sheriff's^ 6, 7. City not to be taken into the Kings tlltnds, for afty Perfonal Trefpafs or Judgment, of any Miniver of the City, i -^ Cftizens to Traffick.vhere they pleafe, 9, 10, 118. To he Taxed in Sulfjidies 13, Vide 1 6 Not to go or fend to War out of the City, j 3 Five manner of Citizens of London, 5 j Citizens may prefer ibe again (i a Statute, 1 n Coab to he meafurd, &C. ?3> ^5 Cold-Harbrough, * ' ^14 Confirmation of Priviledges, ^ - ■ 0/ Grants, j' 'Of Sherifwick oj London and Middlefex, 5» <5, 7. OfCufioms 5, II, 13 Of Rent 300 1. i j Courts within the City, l-'^'powder Court granted^ ' j 7' Court of Confciejicc • spj 3 1 Folhjnote^ ^ .^hyors Court, Suit there hy Englifh BilJ, far Lands in Mrd- diefex', i4 CoKr/ of Chancery, 2 5 (J CoHr/j 0/ Guild-Hall /in C«/?o»2 o/" Market-Overt, 142 1 Cufiom of Innkeepers detainiyjg a Horje for meat, 143 Cuflomof Cranage of Salt, 150 Cujlom concerning /iElionvf IVafi, iBl, 8cc. — Ctijiom of Foreign Attachments in general. Sec. from 189, to 253 - 0/ vohat things, 197 Vl^at Perfon P>all he bound by it, -Sec. ■ ^o^ Other Cufioms of London as to Officers Courts, Proems and Prifons, Scc» 272, &c. Cuftom to remove Pleas and Records out of the Sheriffs Court, in the Lord Mayors, 275; Cujicms of the King to be levyed before Sale, ' 10 D. ^Eclar'attons, 8cc. upon Foreign Attachme7its, 224, 237,- Declarations, &c. by Majiers againfi Apprentices and. h Converfo, . , ., 1 — ^giiipfl an Apprejitice for departing -without l«eave 315 " ■■■■ « ■ the like in Englifh, 311 pleading upon a Bond for Apprentices Service, that the Majier turnd him away, &c. 3 24, &^.' • againfi an Apprentice for negleEiing Service, an^^ rvajiing Mo7jey, .3 2^^ " ' ■— - the like for voajiing Goods, 328 : - ■ ■ ■ the like in Englifli/e?- imbezling Money, cdmtaitting Fornication, atid frequenting Taverns , ^c- 33 r for wafiing Money received by his own hands, and the hands of others, 6{c. 3 3 > " barr by Stat, 5 Eliz. That it was not certified that his Father or Mother had 40 s. per Annum in Lands, ., 333- " • by an Apprentice agatnji his Majier, fot turnifig hiin out of his Service, See. .24-i barr that he left his Service, SiC. 34^ — — - for receiviitg and detaining his Apprentice, having^ left - The TABLE. left hU Mailer's Service, 547 ■■' Allter for procuring the Plant iff's u^ppr entice t9 leave his Service, and for that the Defendant teceivd ^ and detain d him in his Service, 348 SWs. 349 Debts, 8, 10 —»-' may be inrolled in the Exchequer. i r ^ Of Citizens. Debt maintainable on Jimpk ContraB, 1 46 Debt examined by Lord-Mayor, .. 147 Debtor fugitive ibid. Debt, againft Executors upon fmpk Contf^B. 151, 8cc. Depositions taken in perpetuam rei memoriam 145 Devices by 'joint Tenants, &C. 14J, 156? ■ ■' , ■ of Lands to be InroUed, 1 5 (J — of Reverfions by Will InroBed, ibid. ■' of a Livelihood. 157 Disfranchifement, caufes thereof, lof, 106, 122. See alja 311, 312 Dijirejfes, . 149 Duke's-PIace, Black-Fryers, White^Fryers, &c, 24 E^ity in the Lord- Mayor s Court of Chancery, and how, 2s6, &c. Errors in London to be redrefjid, 3 3 Efcheator, 13 Lord-Mayor, ibid. ' - 'of Southwark, 22 Bfchcats and Forfeitures granted, I7» ar Eflrays, 25, 29 Execution after "judgment upon Tryal. 430 Executors and Adminifrators, concerning theni* i ?4 F. Fj^irs, touching them, 13 — iw Southwark, 21 ' ^ ' in Smithfieldt 2^9 Fees of Common Outroper, 3 r — of Brokers, 3 r — of Clerks of Court of Confcicnce, 31, 407, 408 •— vpoii Inrolmciit of Deeds, 1 7 J — upon Recoveries pajfed, I'jS — upon taking Appretitices, See. , 303, 309, &c. -— on Rates for Watermen, &c. 390 — of the Prothomtaries of the Sheriffs Court, 41 o, 41 3, &:c- Fees Tfee TABLE. Tt4J taken hy the Secondaries in London, /w Preeeft return- a^ie at Weftminfter, &c. 417 •— taken by the Atttrneys of the Sherijfs Courts^ 420 — taken by the Clerk-fitters in both Cerfjpterti London, 421, &c. — — taken of Prifoners in the Compter of Woodftreet, 424 Fees and Rjttes for Prifoners committed to the Poultry- Compter, ^16 Fees, Duties^ and Claims of the Keeper of Ludgate, 418 Other Fees incident to the Sherijfs Court, with Obfervations thereon, . 419, &c. Fees upon an Attachment in the Sheriffs-Court, 5cc. 4^3 The like when the Ga^ijhees pleads Tryal, 437" Upon an Attachment made in the Plaintiff's own hands, 439 X/pon a Seqiiejiration for the Plaintiff", 4^0 Upon confeffmg a Judgment hy an Mminijiration, 8cc. 4 4 r Feet to be paid upon giving Security for Orphans Money, ibid. Upon acknowledging SatisfaBion upon four Recognizances, ^'^^ Upon putting in Bail, 429. See the Courts* Upon Ailion withdrarvn^ 4?^ Upon Execution after Judgment^ ibid* Upon fpecial Declarations, &Ct 431 C/po« a Procedendo, 432 Upon bringing a Habeas Corpus to remove a Caufe^ 432 Upon proceeding againji a Sergeant at Mace, 43 y Upon the Defejidants proceeding by Provifo, ibid- Fines, Amerciaments and Penalties granted. 27 Femeyo/e Merchant, how to be Sued, 8cc. 1 1 r, l^ide 123, 124 Fifhermin and Fi(h. See in the Court of Confervacy. Forfeitures of Recognizances granted, iy Freedoms to be taken up, i^ Free?»en of London three ways, j.^ - may take an Apprentice at York, and he fiaH be n Fret7nan of London, Foreiners, concerning thtm, Forein Goods, Act againjl colouring them, lorein Tenures^ Farcin Attachments, concerning them, Foreiner made Freeman, and how, Fore (} ailing, Foreflalling of Cealsf &c. Gaugerf The TABLE. G. , G Augers Office granted, - i^^ ^% Garbling a/ Sfices, Sec. granted, 28 Goiidi Replegiable, and hone, l^^ ■Goods of Felons^ Sec. granted^ I a, 17,21, 29 Goorf'x forfeited by Strangers ip Guildhall, «w«r»/«g i>, 222 — Hath no "Jurifdiciion coficeming a Penal Law, ibid. Oy Guild-hall «Bi Juftice-hall, as to IndiEiments, 262 H. HUftings, ' 4,8, 10, J 60, r6i. Sec. Lands pleadable there, 144, i6j. Vide Cc»«r/K Btirgeffes and other Officers elcBed then, 172 INtrodtiHion to the Book, foL t ImjnuJjities general from aU ToS^ g Cufloms, and Prifage of VVine excepted, 10 Inquijitionstobe tal^n, i^. altered to another place, ?• ip Indi£fments to be infpeBed, Scc. JtJ tnroUment of Apprentices, 107, 119 " of Deeds, 1 74 — — of Lands devifed, 1 5^ of yViUs, ibid. Jufiices, of Goal delivery of Newgzte, 12 S'arw return d to tryCaufes in the Lord Mayors Court, and hove, 254 L. LEafes of Hofpital Lands, 30 Ley Gager, II4, 14^ L^W in St. Giles z w f Ae Fields to he purchafed, 3 o Z,tfK 1 Mcrchmit Strangers, 1 1 C 5/j/? «/ their Goods, 12, 14. ) JHifrchant Strangers to Board, ajtd not to keep Houfes^ i j. See ^, Foreipiers, pa,8cc, ^0^ to fell Goods by Retail, j 5 iitrangirs buying of Strangers Goods, forfeited^ 19, 104 Mixf hunts oj jihnain, I o Merchants /Apprentices^ 29 Merchant Feme Sole in Mqneyers, v 4. 5» 8, 9 Moor fields granted, ay Alartmain^ 1 2 JEwgate 14,15,20,21,273,274 N . O iTSA'th by Ejcheator, 13 >^ 0/ .<^« truth of a Debt, 146 * < .. " by the Sheriffs upon givir.g up jiccounts. -7— by jippraljors upon a Scquejlration, 219 ■ — — b)' the Defendant to d/fprove the Debt. — — by an Execution upon an ABionto be given, 298 — — by every Fi e vian of London, 313 Orders for Markets, ^7, (58, &C. Vide. Orders for Watches^ 82, 83, Sec. Orders for Foreigners , 9'i-y9l7 &:C» Orders for Fijhermenon the River of Thames Weftwdrd, 369. and Eaftward, &c. 37? — •-ag'preJ}i' ons, 397 Orphans, concerning them^ their Court, and (he practice there of, from 2-5, to 301 Out ropers Office granted. - 28 Out racers Fee;; 3 1 The TABLE, p. Packing and Garbling, 19. Package and Portagf, 3 1 Penalties, &c. againfi t.hi City of London, Uft to the difcretioh ef Jujticer, 35 —'^Priority of Suit. Pleas ofthtChvpti, 3 . 5 > 8 , 9 Pleadings without the City, 4, 5. 8, 9, i * Plaints and Pleadings arijing in South wark, ^^ Pleadings, Scc. in Foreign ^ttachmefit, 206, 8cc« Special Prefident up07i Jttachment in the Mayor's Court , \ 224, &c. The like in the Sheriffs Court ^ 237, See Pleadings for Dehe, Sec. 8, 10. Departure in pleafiing, 119, 120 Pleadings betwixt Majlers etnd Jppr entices, frmt 315, fo 350 Plea Foreign refujed, and Prohibition t^S Plea amounting to the General ljfne, 14.7 Pledges, 150 priority of Suit. Pri'viledge by reafon thereof, 1 40 Prizes or Prifage of Wine, j o Proceft againft the Mayor, Sheriffs, 8cc. 34 Proceedings againft a Sergeant at Mace for mgle^t 43? Defendant proceeding by Provifo, ibid. Purveyor Sy 1 4 Q QUeen Hith ^r^wfei to the City at the Rent of 50 1. per Annum, 9 Quo^ixi^nto brought againji the City of hon^on, 32, that it be Reverfed, 3 3 R. REntof 300 1. per Ann. referv'dto the Crown, ^,€,T,ii Rent of 50 1. pQT Annum rejerved for Queen Hith. 9 Rent or Farm to btpaid for Souchwark, 14, 18. o?iIy 10 1, for the ancient Farm. Archbi^iop of Canterburies R»^^f/ excepted, ibid. Refervatien, fee Rent, Refervation touching Jews and Mer^ fhant Strangers, I f Recorder of the City a Jufiice of Peace, i y To declare the City CufioTus by vtrd of Mouth, \6, 29, rx?. Recognizances forfeited, 27 Replevins, I44, 1^9, 170 Rtfoveritt pafs*d in the Huftuigs, » 7 ? I ^ Scavagi The TABLE. s. SCavage granted, 3 1 Scot and Lot, 3 Sequejiration of Goods, 218, 8cc. Sherif's to he chofe7t, 5 Sherijfs of London and Middlefex. 5, 7, 12 Sheriffs pnfentable and accountable in the Exchequer, 5 , 7 Sheriffs infohent, 5 Sheriffs avierced, 6, 7, 12 Sheriffs Offenders, hosv to be tried, 6, 7 Sheriffs to be attendant and aiding the Mayor, Recorder, and Mdernnn, as Jufiices, 8cc. 1 6 Sheriffs-Court, 264 Sheriffs in Law but one, _ 272 Serjeants of London bearing Maces ^ 14 Signs to be hung out, 30 Sokes, 4 Soil of the Streets granted, 26 ■^ referv'd, 27 Soldiers or Men arnid from London, affixing the King in Kent, not to he drawn into Example, 1 1 Southwajrk granted to the City, 14, 17, 20, 21 Southwark-iv«>, 21 ■ arrefling Felons andThieves there, J 8, 21 Southwark lury appearing in London, i 2 Southwark Inhabitants to be under the JurifdiBion of ths Mayor of London, 2a Spices Garbled, a 8 Stilyard Beam, 20 Stafle of Wool 18 St. PaulV Liberty, 9 St. Martins le Grand, 14 St. Bartholomew Great and Little, 34 Smithfield gra7ited, ' 27 Summons, Attachment, and uirrefl, 2 1 Si»earing not to be upon the Graves of the Dead, I o T. ^ir^Enures, 1 Toll, ro 4>r» 8,9, 10 Gutheri-Hg of Tolls, I? Tower, the K:tpcr thereof, 5,6,8 Confiable thereof. II K8t to ^rrefi Boats bringing^ Victuals, 13 l To The TABLE. ■? To exicute Procejfet in and agamft the City, 5^ i Trenf^re Trove Waifs Eftrays. 2J, iP n I. vv. .^ WAggoner and Carrier, day given thfm; 432 Wager of Battail, 3. 5,8 0/ Law, XI 4, 145 IVaifes and Ejirays, ScC granted, 2I) ^5 Warren of Staines granted, 9 Warrant of Attorney for Vouchees, IT 7 Waji, Affion thereupon in hondon, i8z ■ A fpecial CcrmniJJion of E'-rors, 1 8 j -~— — Jury to have tpjc vte-w, ibid. ' - Particular WaBe found, , ibid. — No Cofts of Suit, &c. 184 — Error therein helped i^' Sr^f. Jeofails, l8y Watches in London, the Ordsr^ 82, 83, &:c. Water-Bailiff] his Duty, I4<5 Watermen, &c. on the River of T\va.mQS, 387 *■ - their Rates, 390, See. their Order againB immodeii ayid lenod Exprefjionr upon the River by Watermen,$ic.and their ylpprentices ,'i97 Weavers, f Weights and Weighing, i\, 15,18, 20, 2 5 Weights and Meafures inquired of , 26, 134 Widows of Freemen to u(e j^rtSy ] 28 Witnefles examiTied in perpetuum rei memorlanj, 1^$ Where Freemen may be WitJieffcsy 1 45 WitfieJJes examined in Sherijfs-Court, when cannot Jlay in Town, 2(5j Will of a Freeman, concernivg it, I j y Probate in London, hov to be, I y^ Women, Cufloms concerning them, 111,124 Words fpoken of them, 1 2 j Writs, the Execution thereof, i j "-^ how direBedy ijS Writ oj Gavelet, 3 3 , 1 55 ■ — of Ex gravi Querela, i5j of Dower J ibid, . of Wafte, ,67 ' 0/ Error y ,5g " of Replegiare, ^ ,59 • dc Partitione faciend. 1 74 Words The T A B L E. Words cxplain'd, &a BRidtol, 4, 8. Child'whitey ibid. Corody^ 2J Vamgullty % Deodandy 21 Franckpledge, 1 8 Folkmotiy 4 Gavektt, 5 ; I HalmotCy 408 Jerefgive, 4, 8 Jnfangtheft, 12 Le/?^^e, 4, f , 8. Misheningy 4,8,10* Murage, il. Outfangtheft, 12. Tann^e, 1 1. P<3f/7%e, 4. • Ticcage, 22, Tontage, li. Tortfokert, 10 Typowder, 17. Scotale, 4> 8. Stallage, 22. 5o^e, 4. Taillage, i;. Tronage, if, 18, 2o, Withtrnam, 10, A TA- TABLE OF T HE ^ Statute Law relating to the City of London. ADmtnifiratorSf 444 Aliens. ibid. Apothecaries, ibid. Attaints, 445 Boivyers, 44C Brafs and Pewter, ibid. Brokers, ibid* Butchers, 446 Butter and Cheefe, 447 Bil!ingfgate-iW 472 The End of ti. Table. ^