[HousK Bill, Xu, iJ.] HOUSE, March 19, 1862. — Read first and second times, and re- ferred to the Military Committee. April 15, reported back favora- bly, placed on the Calendar and ordered to be printed. [Hy Mr. Harris.] A.isr ^CT Fur the Holier ul' the Families of Solclieivs in the service of the Contederute States. 1 Skction 1 . 'Via Con^re.-^s of the Conftderalc SUtlcs of 1 America do tnart. That the siuii ^^\' live millions of rlol- •S uirs is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the -1 Treasnrv not otherwise aj)|iro]n'iated, for the relicj' of the families of soldiers in the serviee of tiie Confedorate G States. 1 Skc. '1. Hv-.