[IIousK Bri.L No. 6.] HOUSE OF llEPHESENTATIVES, April 4, 1863— Read first and second times, referred to the Committee on the Medical Depart- ment, and ordered to be })rinted. [By Mr. Farrow] ^ BILL To regulate Furlough.s and Discharges to Soldiers in Hospitals. 1 Section 1. The Congress of the Cmifedcra'c States of America do 2 enact, Th:it in cities, towns or neighborhoods where there are 3 three or more hospitals, any three surgeons in charge of lios- 4 pitals or divisions in hospital? as hereinafter provided, shall con- 5 stitutc a board of examiners for the ho^ipitals to which they may 6 belong, -whoee duty it shall be tvricc in each week to visit said 7 hospitals, and as a board, examine all applicants for furloughs 8 and discharges. 1 Sec. 2. In all cases where said board shall find an applicant 2 for furlough unfit fur duty, and likely so to remain for thirty days 3 or longer, they shall grant him a furlough for such a period not 4 exceeding sixty days. 1 Sec. 3. Said hoard shall detail, from among those in the hos- 2 pitals, a clerk, whose duty it shall be, without extra corapensa- 3 tion, to keep a correct account, in vrriting, of the proceedings of 4 said board, issue all furloughs, specifying therein the period for 5 which it is granted, the residence of the soldier and his company, 6 regiment and brigade, and immediately send a duplicate thereof 7 to the Adjutant and Inspector General's office. 1 Sec. 4. Such furlough shall entitle the soldier to transporta- 2 tion, which transportation ticket, together with the furlough, shall 3 entitle the soldier to go and return free of all demand for 4 passports. 1 Sec. o. The board aforesaid shall be empowered to grant a 2 discharge for sufficient cause of physical disability which 3 discharge shall entitle the party to transportation to his 4 home or place of enlistment, and whicli transportation ticket, 5 together with the discharge, shall entitle the party to go to his 6 home or place of enlistment, free of all demand from passports, 1 Sec. 6. In cities, towns or neighborhoods where there are but 2 two hospitals, the two surgeons in charge except as hereinafter 3 provided shall constitute th? board aforesaid; and in cities, towns 4 and neighborhoods where there is but one hospital, the surgeon 5 in charge may grant furloughs and discharges as aforesaid. 1 Sec. 7. In cities, towns and neighborhoods v.'here there are 2 more than three hospitals, tliose three hospitals whose surgeons 3 in charge shall be asfjociated together as a board of examiners, 4 shall be designated by the Medical Director of the department, 5 subject to the approval of the Surgeon General. 1 Sec. S. In cities, towns or neighborhoods where there shall be 2 more than three hospitals, those remaining after the organization 3 of the first bourd shall be arranged hj the medical director of 4 the department, subject to the approval of the Surgeon General, 5 in accordance with the principles hereinbefore expressed. 1 Sec. 0. If any surgeon in charge designated to constitute a 2 member of any one of the boards aforesaid, shall find that, by • 3 reason of his duties ^s a surgeon in charge, he is unable to dis- 4 charge tlie duties of a member of said board, he shall designate .5 some one of the surgeons in charge of a division in his liospital G to supply his place cither permanently or temporarily. 1 Sec 10. In the examinations hereinbefore directed, either for 2 furlough or discharge, every applicant shall be entitled to, and 3 shall rc'jcivo a personal examinalion by the board, and said board 4 are prohibited from requiring, as a condition of their examiua- o tion, a rccoinincuili- ion from any surgeon or assistant surgeon or 6 acting assistant furfreon.