TerZ Duke University Libraries D03211800F r'^ 4>i^^^ y*Vv ( \-\ f*^-* IIEADO'iiS DEPAKTil'T WEST. W. A^ll EAST TEAMSSEE. GENERxVL ORDER, I • Xo. ')4. ( |)i;i:i,i.N, l.)('c. ^)(1, ISoo. Boforc the "Military Court ul^gauiz'cd in pursuniico oi" Act of Con'n-css, approved October 9tli,'18<)3, and convened at Abin«£don, *Ya., by virtue of Special Order, No. 2G0, from these Headquarters, and at Bristol, Tenn., by virtue .of Special Order No. 274, i^lll, from the.se Headquarters, were arrai<];ned and tried : 1st. Private Jesse Isaacs, Company D, -ITth Virgiuiifc Bat- talion, Cavalry. Charge, Desertion. FINDING AND SENTENCE OE THE COURT. After mature deliberation, the Court find the accused, pi-ivate . Jesse Isaacs, Company -'D-'.^Tth A'irgiuia J^art^lion Cavalry, as foHo^j^s : » Of the speciiicatioH of the charge, That he was absent from his command ^vitllout leave during the time specified. Of the charge, . '* Not Guilty," But guilty of absence without IcaN c ;' And the Court do therefore, .sentence the said private,. J es^c Isaacs. Company D, :iTth Alrginia Battalion Cavalry, to serve two (2) extra tours of guard duty CM-ry week for two (2) months. The Court have been thus lenient i)i consideration of the con- finement which he has already undergoing, an.l his good charaetei* as a soldier apart from this oHence, and having admonisiied him thai, thus leaving his command, by a soldier, and especially witii others, is regarded by them as a very grave offence. 2d. Private John' Doss, Company ''V'V-'Tt'h Virginia Jjattaiion Cavalry. Charge, Desertion. FINDING AND SENTENCE OF THE COURT. After mature deliberation, the Court find the accused, private ■1 < Vi k V Sk ^^^ sJk < V%%^ priuate Jdlin Doss, Company I," 8Ttli Virginia l^attalion Cavalry, as follows : . . . Of the specliication of the charge. That he was -absent from \\\? command without leave', during the time specified. (.)f the charge, "Not Cuilty,"' But guilty of absence without leave. • And the Court do therefore .sentence him, the said private John Doss, Company ^'I/' 3Tth Virginia Battalion Cavalry, to serve two (2) extra tours of guard duty every week for two (2) months'. The Court have been tlius lenient in consideration of the con- tinejuent which he has already undergone, and his good character as a soldier, apart from this olfence, and having admonished him that thus leaving his command, by a soldier, and especially with others, is regarded by them as a very grave offence. :)d. Serg't John J. Parks. Company '^F,"' o7th Virginia Bat- talion Cavalry. Char'^e, Desertion. FINDING AND SENTENCE OF tllE COURT. After mature deliberation, the Court find the accused, Serg*'t John J. Parks, Company ''F," 87th Mrginia Battalion Cavalry, as follows : • • Of the specification of the charge, That he was absent from his Company, without leave, during the time* specified. Of the charge, "Not (luilty," J>ut guilty of absence without le:\ve. And the Court iii lils Company. Mithout leave. clurin«i the time specified. Of the charge," ^ ''Not Guilty," But guilty of absence without leave. And the court do therefore sentence the said private Sam'l Haines, 87th Virginia Battalion Cavalry, "to serve two (2) extra tours of guard duty every week for two (2) months. The Court have been thus lenient in consideration of the con- finement which he, has already undergone, and his previous good characterter as a soldier. • 7th. Private Newton M. Meredith, Company "A," 15th Regi- ment A^irginia infantry.' Charge, Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline. FINDING OF THE COURT. After mature deliberation the Court find the accused, private Newton M. Meredith, Company 'M," 15th Regiment Virginia in-, fantry, as follows : Of the 1st specification of the charge. ''Not Guilty." Of the 2d specification of, the charge, • -'Not Guilty.*" Of the charge, " -^Not Guilty." And the Court do therefore accjuit the said private Newton M. Meredith, Company "A," 15th Regiment A'irginia infantry, but the Court would caution him and soldiers generally against amus- ing themselves by taking the property of others for the purpose of teazing them, as it is liable, as in this case, to give rise to trouble and subject themselves to injurious suspicion. 8th. Private Creed Buchanan, Company "D," 29th Virginia Regiment infantry. Charge, Desertion. FINDING AND SENTENCE OF THE COURT. After mature deliberation the Court find the accused, private Creed Buchanan, Company "D," 29th Virginia Regiment infantry, as follows : Of the specification, ''That he was absent from his Company, without leave, for the time specified. Of the chaage, • -'Not Guilty," But guilty of absence without leave. And the Court do therefore sentence the said private Creed Buchanan, Company "D," 29th Virginia Regiment infantry, *'to walk in front of his Company camp or quarters carrying a lof weighing twenty-five (25) pounds two (2) hour^ every day for seven days, and after the expiration of that time to serve two (2) extra tours of guard duty every week for two (2) months, and then to undergo solitary confinement on bread and water diet for fourteen (14) days, and to forfeit his monthly pay for six (6) months dating from the 1st day of June, 1863." • 9th. Corporal Wm. M. Carter, Company "F," 37th Battalion Virginia Cavalry. • Charge, Desertion. FINDING AND SENTENCE OF THE COURT. After mature deliberation the Court find the accused, Corporal Wm. M. Carter, Company "F." 87th Virginia Battalion Cavalry, as follows; On the specification. ^^That he was absent from hl> Company, without leave, during the time specified." • Of the charge, . "Not Guilty,'" But guilty of absence without leave. And the Court do therefore sentence the said Corporal Wm. M. Carter, Company "F," 87th Battalion Virginia Cavalry, "to be reduced to the ranks, and to walk in front of his Company camp or quarters two (2) hours every day for fourteen (14) days, carrv- ing a log weighing twenty-fire pounds (25 lbs.) 10th. Surgeon T. J. Braxtc*, 30th Virginia Bajtalion Sharp Shooters. 6 Charge 1st, Appropriating property belonging to tlio Confederat?e States Government to his own private vuse. Charge 2d, Sbameful neglect of duty. Charge 8d, Drunkenness. Charge 4th, Conduct unbecoming an Officer and a gentleman. FI^'DING OF THE COURT. After mature deliberation the Court find the accused. Surgeon T. J. Braxton, oOth Virginia Battalion's. S., as follows : Of the specification of the first* charge. Not Guilty. And of the first charge, Not vGuilty. Of the 1st specification of the 2d charge. Not Guilty. Of the 2d specification of the 2d charge. Not Guilty. Of the Sd'specification -of the 2d charge, " Not Guilty. Of the 4th spocification of the 2d charge. Not Guilty. Of 'the 5th specification of^the 2d^charge, Not Guilty. And of the 2d cliarge, Not Guilty. Of the 1st specification of the od charge, Not Guilty. Of the 2d specification of the 3d charge. Not Guilty. And of the od charge, ' Not Guilty. Of the specification of the 4tli charge, Not Guilty. And of the 4th charge. Not Guilty. And the Court do therefore honorably acquit the said Surgeon T. J. Braxton, 30th Virginia Battalion Sharp Shooters, of all tlie charges preferred against him. 11th. Private Jacob Mullins, Company "C," Prentice's Bat- talion Mounted Rifles, C. S. A. ' Charge, Desertion. FINDli^G AND. SENTENCE OF THE COITJIT. After mature deliberation the Court find the accused, private Jacob Mullins, jCorapany "C," Prentice's Battalion Mounted Rifles, C. S. A., as follows : • Of the specification of the charge, Guilty. Of the charge, Guilty. And the Court do therefore sentence the said private Jacob Mul- lins, Corapuny ''C,V I'rentice's Battalion Mounted Rifles, C. S. A., "to be shot to death with musketry at such time and place as the (^mmanding General may appoint." 12th. Lieut. Wm. P. Robinson, Ringgold Battery, C. S. A. Charge, Absence without leave. FINDING OF THE COURT. After mature deliberation the Court find the accused, Bieut. Wm. P. Robinson, Ringgold Battery, G. S. A., as follows : On the specification, ' '-That he is guilty of an ir- regularity in not procuring from a proper Surgeon a certificate of sickness to account for his absence,, but under the circumstances attach no criminality to him, even if he were properly triable after having been returned to duty with no explanation that this was in- tended to be no waiver of the charges which previously existed." Of the charge, Not Guilty. And the Court do therefore honorably p-cquit the said Lieut. Wm. P. Robinson, Ringgold Battery, of the charge preferred against him. • ' • II. The Court find privates, Jesse Isaacs, Jno. D.oss, J. W. Fields J. J. Carter and S. Haines, guilty of absence without leave, and sentence them to serve extra tours of guard duty. The proceed- ings are confirmed, but the sentences are remitted, and the prison- ers will be released from arrest and returned to duty. The proceediags in the cases of Serg't J. J. Parks and private Creed JJuclTunan are coiifirmcd. So much of the sentence ay awards extra ^laid duty is remitted. The remainder will be car- ried into execution by their respective Regimental and Battalion Commanders. ' - In the cases of Surgeon T. Braxton, Lieut. Wm. P. Robinson and private Newton M. Meredith, the proceedings and findiuirs are confirmed. Surgeon Braxton, Lieut. Robinson, and private Mere- dith will be released from arrest and returned to duty. The proceedings in the case of Corporal Wm. M. Carter are confirmed, and the sentence will be carried into eftect by his Bat- talion commander, The proceedings in the case of private Jacob Mullins, Company 0, Prentice's Battalion, are approved, and the sentence will be car- ried into execution by the Commander of the post at AbingdOn, and within one mile of that place, on. the second Friday succeeding the reception of this order by the Officer charged with its execution. Such sentences as award extra guard duty have been remitted because the Commanding General deems it improper to make a punishment of one of the most honorable and responsible duties of a soldier. }]y command of MAJ. GEN. SAM JONES. . CiiAS. S. Strincjfellow, A. A. Gen'l. 1^, HolUnger Corp. pH8.5