„.><^ ^r^ » 5 i^' ^ >4' 'tf '>.^■ f'"j)R.*' : • .'.?»;-* DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure %oo7n f:-^ > ] THE i - ~ 2d£ Ht'gTO R Y' OF HTPOLITUS, Earl of Douglas. WITH THE SECRETHISTORY MACB E r H, KING of Scotland. To which Is added. The Art of Love, or the Amours of Count SCHLICK and a young Lady of Quality. London, Printed for H. Slater, in Clements Inn. F. Noble, at Or-ways Head, St. Martlns-Caurt. ], Rowlands, No. ix. ? • r . r t c» y T. Wright, at the^r&/^> * J. Du NCAN>. in St. Martitts-Courty St. Martins'Lam. MDCCXLI. THE HISTORY O F HTPOLITUS, Earl of Douglas. UNDER the Reign of Henry VII. King of England^ George de Ne^uille, Earl of Burgeti^ had the Misfortune to be fufpefted of having had a Hand in the Confpiracy of Edmund Profc : He was taken up and committed to the Tovser ; but being found innocent, was difcharged out of his Pri- fon. Being fenfible of his Innocence, and how ill he had deferved fo harfh a Treatment, he might, without in the leafl impairing his Honour, have quitted the King's Servic:?, and was inclined to pafs the Reriiainder of his Days in Tranquillity in France ; but wanting a plaufi- ble Pretext to encompafs that End for himfelf, he re- folved neverthelefs to have Roger, E rl of VFarnxnck^ his Brother's Son, educated in that Kingdom, he being made his Guardian by the faid Earl lately deceafed. It was not long before a favourable Opportunity of fending him thither offering itf^lf, he thought fit to de- lay his Refolution. HeJiry VIII. by this Time beifig • B mounted 2 II r P L I T u s, mounted on the Throne of England^ had a Siller named Mary^ a Lady of an exquifite Beauty, and defired io Marriage by feveral Sovereign Princes ; but King Hen- ry^ not defirous to fee her married, had refufed their Propofals, till the Duke t)f Longue'ville, being taken Pfifoner by Henry in the Battle of E/perzas^ he propofed to the EngUJh Court a Marriage betwixt the Princefs Maryjsxi^ King Le'ijjh XIL of France. The King of Englatid received his Proportion with fingular Marks of Satisfadion ; and the French King, charmed with the Portraiture of this lovely Princels, immediately fent the General of 'Normandy into Eng- land^ who concluded both the Marriage and a Peace in fourteen Days, and conduded the Princefs to iSo- logne. ^Be7ore her r>cparture from London^ the Ea'rl of Bur- ^«« .prevailed with her to take Along with her the Earl of Warwick in the Quality of one of her Pages of Ho- nour, who, notwithftanding he was then not above ele- ven Years of Age, was much refpeded at that Court. The. French King fent the Duke of Angouleme to re- ceive the Princefs, and to marry her by Proxy ; and this great Lord, who was a very complete and handfom Perfon, discharged his Commiflion with fo much Gal- lantry and Politenefs, that the young Princefs was charmed with his Perfon, and fecretly bemoaned her Fate, in that Heaven had not been pleafed to beftow fo amiable a Perfon upon her for a Husband. He on the other hand began to be fo far fenfible of the Effeds of her Beauty and Charms, that he foon found the fame Flame to break out in his Breaft, which already burnt jn hers ; and he would certainly have pufhed on his Paflion and amorous Adventure to a higher Pitch, had it not been for the prudent Advice of Mr. Duprat : This Gentleman tried all Means to diflwade him from it upon the Motives of Intereft and Prudence ; but find- ing the Duke not to give ear to them, (being too far gone to be recalled by his Perfwafions) he difclofed to him the fecret Correfpondence betwixt this new Queen and the Earl of ^uffolky and that was fufRcient to cure \ him of his Paflion. The Earl of T)o\5 Gi. A^, 3 The King met the Queen at Abbe^ille^ where the Nuptials were celebrated with the utmoil Magnilicence ; but the King died in fix Years after his Return to Va- ris^ at his Palace of Tournelles. The Queen Reli(^ de- claring (he was not big with Child, and the Duke of Angouleme being proclaimed King under the Name of Francisy fhe with his Confent married the Earl of Suf- folk^ and foon after returned into England. The Earl of War- netian Patriarch Grimaki, animated with Shame and Anger, went aboard Prince Doria^ urging him not to fiitfer that favourable Opportunity Fortune prefented to them to be fnatched out of their Hands. Cofne^ Cvme, B 4. . mj 8 UrPOLITUS, my hord, faid the brave Venetian, Let us go ^^here Ho- nour calls us, let us engage an Enemy half beaten alrea- du i^iitnefs their Flight, I only flay for your Orders t9 engage: At the fame Time the whole Fleet refounding Avith the joyful Acciamatons of the Soldiers and Sea- men, who cried cut, A Battle, a Battle, ViSiory, Vic- toiy. Doria, almoll confounded with Shame, ordered his Squadron to advance towards the Enemy ; but foon retreated a fecond Time, when every Thing feeined to have a fair Profpeft of Succefs; In the mean time Dragat Rais, a famous Turkijb Corfair, intercepted, and engaged two Venetian Gallies, left behind at a good Dillance from the reft; in one of which, as ill Fortune would have it, was the Earl of War^vjick: He performed fuch A<5lions as amazed the Chrjiians, and terrified the Turks ; never did a Man make a braver Reliftance, but was at laft overcome by the great Numbers of the Enemy. Some of the Vene- tians, who faved themfelves by fwimming, having gi- ven Notice of his Ceath to the Admirals and Generals, they, ?.s well as every Body elfe that knew him, were moll fenfibly afflided at his Fate. Ill News commonly flics fafter than good, and the Countcfs ol' PVarivick, who was in continual Pains for her beloved Spoufe, ne- ver neglccling any Opportunity of hearing of him, fhe foon was informtdof the Lofs fhe had fufFered. The virtuous Lady, now no .more Miftrefs of her Paflion, found -herfelf fo far overwhelmed with Pain and Grief, that (he foon perceived her lail Hour not to be far off; and her Inclinations being now altogether averfe to the World after fuch a Misfortune, there was nothing afFeded her but that fhe was now to leave her dear Ju- lia. This lovely Infant, which was not much above . two Years old, did already in its tender Infancy give the moll promifing Elopes that could be exped^d : Her afflided Mother holding her in her Arms, and bathing her Face with her Tears, O my dear Julia ! faid (he, O my dear Child! What n^ill be thy Dejiiny ? Who "will be a Father to thee ? Who ivill be injiead of th Mother ? ■ *rhy Father is no more, and thy Mother is at the Point of Death. Mas ! J mufl leave thee, and that at a Time njjhen Earl 5/* D o tj G L A s; 9 nuhen thou nvih ftand much in need of me \ hut I doiit doubt but that Providence muill take care to prefcr^ve thee againft all the Dangers thou heeji likely to he expofcd to^ and it is to her 1 deliver thee up. At ihefe Words, with her Eyes lifted up towards Heaven, flie implored its Prote<^ion for this innocent Babe. Whill'i fhe was labouring under this heavy Affii^ion, my Lord Douglas zxi^ his Lidy came to give her a Vifit in the Country, where (be had been ever fince fhe re- ceived the News of her Lord's Death : They were both Perfons of fingular Merit, and the beft Friends her late Husband and {}ie had in the World. The Houfe of Montgomery being alfo nearly related to that of Douglas, which is one of the moft illuftrious Families in Scot- land ; but upon fome Difguft my Lord had left that Kingdom, and he fettled in Eft7jand, where he mar- ried Madam Bedford, a very deferving Ijidy, and both were at that time in great Elkem with the King. At firlt Sight of the Countefs of IVarvjick, they were fo much aftlidcd at the doleful Condition they found her in (bL.Mng almoft reduced to the laft Extremity) that foB fome time neither of them was able to fpeak for figh- ing, Sobs and Tears, till at lalb my Lord forcing him- felf to fpeak, told her whatever he could think might conduce, if not to comfort her, at leaft to allay her Grief She then laying her Hand to her Heart, and fetching a deep Sigh, broke out into fuch doleful Com- plaints as would have touched the moll unconcerned Per- {^^n in the World. Oh Sir, faid fhe, here it lies, tny Recovery is impojjthle, let us net lofe, I beg you, that lit' tie Ti?ne 1 have left in thit miferahle Condition. It feems. Madam, fa'd fhe, turning towards the Countefs of Douglas, as if GOD had brought you hither on pur- pofe to be aiding io^vcards my Tranquillity. I have one fd^jour to beg of you, nxhich if J^u gra^tt me, I jhall die nuiithout Regret ; and I knoiv you both to be of fo generms 'm Temper ^ and of fuch good Inclinations, that 1 dare pro- mife jnyfelf youwoillnot refufs it. Nocertainly^ Madam, iaid they, you may be ajfured of us-, and be fatifed, tlat five Jhall think nothing too much for your Satisfac- tion ; thin pray difchfe your Mind, nvith an intin Confi- B 5 din a lo HTPOLITUS, dence that you ivill be obeyed in ^whatever you Jh a 11 dejire from us. Alas! continued (he, ho^jo is it poffible for 7ne to make you fenjible of my Achwvledgment, if you, ac- cording to my Reque/i and ?ny Hopes ^ nvill take this dear Infant of mine, and make it your onjjn ; this poor Child is going to loofe all in lojing me ; /he 'will full into her Uncle's Hands y n,oho, to carry Faojour at Court, loill ha-ve her educated in the ne-iv Religion ; / knoiv you to be true %ealous CathoUcks, and therefore^ ^without rcfeSling upon the Friend/hip you alivays bore to my Spoufe^ and ivhereof you ha've gif, that hears the leafl Proportion to fo infinite an Obligation ! 1 accept t in behalf of my dear Child, the kind Offers you make me. Madam, and 1 ivill deliver up to you fome Jenvels I have, that they mayferve her in cafe of NeceJJity, At the fame time 1 beg you to belie've, that in putting them into yoilr Hands, I mijlruji not your Generofity. I am intirely Jatisfed, that in this regard, as ivell as in refpe^ to her Education, you 'vjHI do every thing for her ; hut fince I have them in my Povcer^ it 'would be a Piece of Injujlice not to let her enjoy 'what is her o'wn. She had no fooner fpoken thefe Words, but taking a fmall Trunk from under her Bed, fhe delivered it to them, with the Jewels in it, to the Value of Six thou- fand "Earl of Douglas. ii fand Guineas. Here^ faid fhe, this is all 1 haue left out of a 'T.'aji Efate, it is a fender Portion ^ continued fhe, for a youn^ Woman of her ^ality, and njuho perhaps ivill haars, her lart Farewel. ''7/> 7i me for you to go, faid file, with a feeble Voice, it i>:ill be late before you get to London, avd tho' it be a great Comfort to me to fee you, it is Time nxe Jhould part ; J find m\' Strength to fail me, and am ^willing to lejJoiv the fniail Remainder in making Preparatioris for my long fourncf. Aly Lord and Lady Douglaswcre fo far overwhelmed with Grief, that the y could do nothing but fhed Tears, without being able to utrer one Word, or to leave her ; but when tliey were juit ready to go, this dying Ladv, who had always an extrriordinary Prefencc of Mind, told -him, There ni:as one Thing more that much dfurbed her, that nxas, Ho-xv Jhe Jhould fend her little Daitghter to them t^nknonvn to her Domeficks, ars wherewith he bathed her Face, foon levived lier from a Swoon, which owed its Caufe to nc thing but Fear. She ro fooner opened her Eyes, but fixing them ;'on Hypolitui, who himfelf had fcarce recovered his rigiit Senfes, What makes ycu fo tmich concerned, faid Ihe, dear B? ether P What makes you think me r-Morthy of your Con- cern to fuch a Degree^ nvhen I myfelf Jhculd fcarce think '97iy Life ould knotw^ than be continually in your Sijiers Bed chamber* Hypolitus went away full of Grief, and my Lady after- wards addreffing herfelf to her Daughters, told them, *^rhat tho* it 'was their Duty to ha-ve a Tendernefs for their Br other y and that Jhe commanded them Jo to do by all the Poiver Jhe had o^er them } that nenjerthelejs nonv they nvere beyond the Age oj Injancy^ Jhe thought not Jit they P^ould continue the Jame Familiarity as bejore i That, tho* Jhe € far you is a prohibited Pajjion, Jnce in adoring you I con:- mit a Crmc'f eind'thai it is eafier Jor me to ceaje to live, than to ceaJe Ho l^nn yiiu\ ^ 1-^m rejhhed to die, and to die innoctnt^ Earl of Do u g l A s. ij hfiocenl, hy a Ftame I am mt able fa extingw/h. At thcfe Words, ^rawing ois Sword, he turned the Point thereof towards his Brcaft, wlien Julian almoft quite out of her Senfes, fetching a greac Cry, . Ala^ ! Brother^ faid fhe, throwing herfe f in his Arms, and flopping his Hand, What is it thai dri^oes you thus tc Despair ? Can any thi?ig be more dreadful than the Refoln.iion you hc¥ve taken ? Hypolitust quite amazed at the Sight of her, threw himlelf at hei Feet, without faying one Word, till at lalt breaking Silenre, Sijier^ faid he, I am no more Ala- Jier no'XK} of my Secret ^ hecaufe you hanje heard it from mv o^wn Mouth , but the only thing that ajionijhes fne is, that^ knonjjing the true Caufe of my Defpair^ you jhould hai)e fo much CompafftoHy as to deftre 1 Jhould live. I dont. dear Julia, deferouId hanje kno'wn nothing of it yourfelf ; but honju is it pojjihle for me to fee you in this Condition, ^without affording you this Conflation ? Hypolitus was I'o transported at what he heard his dear Julia tell him, that he was not able to fpeak. He remained all this While at her Feet, and at laft fixing his Eyes on her with a fearful Counte- nance, / can'^t, faid he, oppofe fo generous a Refolution^ tho" it nvill be the greatejl Affiidlion to me in the World to lofe you for enjer, and fee you Jhut up in a Nunnery. My ' JtJeart finds a certain Comfort in this Conjideration, That you t8 h r p l I t u s, you are not to be married to the Earl of Bedford. Oh / Jaid flje^ ! con) we Earl of Douglas. 19 conjure you to confent to //, and that either you or my Fa^ ther 'would conduSl me to a Nunnery, D aught er^ faid the Countef«, with a tender Air, ha've you fermijly confi- deredofnAjhatyou are going to do ? I jhoufd he n)ery Jorry to fee you make a falfe Step of this Kiiid ; you are fo te- ry young, that you ought to take fome longer fi?ne before you refol've upon a Matter of fuch Confequencc, Julia^ per- filling in her Requel^ told her witn a great deal of Re- folution. She had ivell iveighed the Matter , and hoped fhe fiould ne-ver repent of it : So Madam Dour las pro- mi fed Jhe 'would do her utmoji nxith her Husband to make him gi-ve his Confent. Accordingly flie went immediately into the Earl's A- partment j 1 'was al'ways fcrupulous, faid fhe, to believe that Hypolitas and ]\^\\2l lo'ved me another. Poor Child , Jhe has quite another Thing in her Head., Jhe has a Mind to embrace a relgious Life, and I came in on purpofe fo confult ewed him the Earl of War^vick and the Countefs her MotherV. Pi6tence betwixt one that labours under real Sufferings, and one that only feigns himfelf fo to do. Dear Sifter, re- fli^ Hypolitus, la^^us make a Beginning witli this^ Earl of DoiTGtA^s. 29 and afterwards we will confider what is farther to,be done. ..(J ; Having faid thefe Words, Luc:I:n 6tqw near.; 'I think, /aid Jhe^ you will at leaft think yourfelf obliged to me for my Complaifance ; I hope, added Jhe^ 'with, a pieafing Smlle^ you do not think 1 took Delight for thefe two Hours pait to look at the Birds, truly I ani too good-natured. Oh ! LuciUa^ Lucilifz, faid JuHa^ Embj-acing her^ if I knew you could keep a Secret, ho\v pleated (hould I be to repay your Goodnefs, with mak; ing you my Confident. U \ could keep a Secret ?";r- plied Lucilia, ftnilijigy yoa make very bold with your elder Siller ; pray a little nlore Refpeft, Julia, or elfe I will defire Juftice from my Brother. Your Judge i^ fure to give it againll you; replied Hypolitus, Jiretcling out his Hands y it is not in my Power to be againH: "Jttr Ha. And who then (hall Hand up for me, add d Luci- lia ? I will for you againll myfelf, y^/W Julia : I am al- ready blaming myfelf for having called your Secrecy in queftion, and for the future I will have none but what you fhall know of. She then related to her every Thing ihe had told her dear HypoUtus before ; and being a young Lady of great Prefence of Mind, fhe j idged rightly it would be very beneficial to them to bring over Lucilia into their Intereil. She then received upon this Occafion the moil convincing Proofs of her Friendftu'p ; for after the firll Surprize, occaficned by fo unexpttled a Piece of News, was over, and that fhe had Leiluie lO confider how for the future fhe was no more to be jfu- lia's Sifter, fhe fell a crying moil bitterly : Alas! /aid Jhe to her., now you know that we don't belong to one another, I have all the Reafon to fear you will withdravy your Heart from me, and fix it en fome Body elffi, which may better deferve it than I. I know not, dear Sifter, replied Julia, interrupting and efnb racing her 9 w-here I fhculd meet with fuch a Friend as you fpeak of, and 1 biiieve 1 might look for fuch a one in vain ; then don't think mc to frail as to be guilty of fuch a ijhange ; you fhall always be dear to me, my tendef Ludiiay and I give you the moll convincing Proofs of it that is m my Power to give ; but I think it is' Tin\e ' ■ C 3 fox 3^ II Y POL IT US, /or, lis, to tieti*;e, ' for Fear of b Surprize. You know wkat a dark Le^on we had once on that Account. They left the amorous Hy'poliius to his own Thoughts, being like one enchanted and tranfported with Joy. His pever which ow'd its Caufe to nothing elfe but the Dis- turbance of his Mind, left him on a fudden, and in fpite of all his Weaknefs, he left his Bed at the fame time Ju- lia took hers. The better to counterfeit this fick Wo- jnan, flie had all the Windows of her Chambers dark- ned, and ihe engaged Lucilia to affift her in perfwading my Lord and my Lady Douglas ^ that fhe was really ill, which they foon believed. The Phyficians finding no Symptoms of a Fever, and there being no Signs of 111- nefs in her Countenance, they were not a little puzled what to prefcribe her ; flie complained of a violent Head-ach, and would cry out fometimes for Pain. Lit- 'dlia told them, it was moft at Nights, and that her Sifter did not fhut an Eye all Night long. So no body fufpe^ling the Truth thereof, the Phyficians ordered her to change the Air, which was done accordingly, and they carried her x.q Buckingham . Whilft (he was there, Hypolitus was made fenfibleof a certain Pieafure he never had tafted before, I mean, he now had the Opportunity of giving vent to the mott tender and moft violent Paffion a Heart was ever poffell 'vhh • M* leiV no? a ^'fjpute, but always was with his Miftrefs J a-id no body imagining otherwife, than that ihe was really fick, and every body wifhing for her fpee- !dy Recovery, nothing was omitted that could contribute towards her Diverfion. This offered abundance of Li- berty to Hypolitus^ and facilitated his free Accefs to her every Hour of the Day. Neither my Lord nor my Lady Doa^A?/, were in the leaft concerned thereat, being fully perfwaded Ihe had notal- etered her Refolution, but that fhe would purfue it as ioon ^as the Recovery of her Health would permit her to go 'into France. The Earl of Bedford, in the mean time flattering himfelf, that by his continual Addrefles, he might prevail upon this fair Lady fo alter her Relblu- '^ion, mad^ her frequent Vifits £t Buckingham^ not omit- ting any thing on his part, which he thought might be requifite I ;? Earl of D o u g l a s^ ^ vTequifitc to touch her Heart wkh CornpftflTion ; though at the fame lime, (he alvvavs received him with fo much indifferency, as might well make him lofeall Hopes qf Siiccefs. NotwithUanding all this, his repeated Ad- drefles could not but caufe fonie Uneafmefs in the amo- rous Hypolitus, fo that he could no longer forbear to dif- cover it to Julia, one Day as ihe was taking a foliiaiy Walk in a fmall adjacent Wood. Having for lome Tim« fpoken in general Terms of this Lover, I know, added he, he adores you, he carries your Fetters, and eveiy body knows he does {o, I cannot be an Eye-witnefs of it, without much Vexation. Ah ! It" you could be fen- fible how dear he pays for this Honour, faid Julia to him fmiling, you would have nothing but Compafnon for him ; for I give him fuch an Entertainment, as will make him not r^lifh very long hi^ importunate Perfeve- . ranee. Whilft tlu^y were thu:- diverting themfelves in Dif- courte, they came to the Grotto, and Julia being fonie- what tired with walking, they went in there to reft themfelves. The Countefs of Douglas happened to be at the fame Time in the Grotto, to confider of fome addi- tional Embelliihments flie had made there ; but per- ceiving her two Children coming that Way at feme diftance, and willing to overhear their Difcourfe, the better to fatisfy her Curiofity and Jealoufy concerning the pretended Sicknefs of y«Zf«, and the Fear ihe ] ay iinder left Hypolitus ihould prove an Obl^acle to her in- tended Departure for France^ fhe flipt immediately into a defart Place, which being between two Creeks, madie a kind of a Nkhe. Julia having feated herfelf, Hypolitus threw himfelf at her Feet; I cannot fee you, faid Ihe, in fo unsafy a Pofture, and fo made him fit down by her. Ah.f have you forgot me, faid he, my charming Miftrefs, that this is the fame Place where you faved my Life ; and ought I not to fliew you my Acknowledgment at ycur Feet ? Alas ! Hypolitus^ faid flie, why will you recall to my Aiind that melancholly Day ? I (hall always remember it, and I ought to do fo much more than you, dear Julia^ Jaid he, mterrupting her, for that Day you call melan- C 4 cholly ^ H TP L IT ITS, chollytoycu, proved very charming tome, being the fam€ Day when I underftood from your own Mouth, -that you were not infenfible of my Paflion ; were it pof- f fible for me to tell you, what a Comfort this Confeflion , produced in my Soul, at the very Extremity of my De- f fpair, whilft I ftill thought myfelf to be your Brother, and that I could not reap any Benefit from that Tender- rfit{i, on which depended the Prefervation of my Life, you would then be more fully convinced of my Paflion. Ah, my dear H\polUus, (nid ihe with a languiihing Look, -be fatisfied with thofe Sentiments J have for you they are fuch as I could wifh lefs violent ; but my Heart will not hearken to the advice cf Reafon, and I dread fome- times the difmal Confequences of your Tendernefs. If :»your Friends, who defign you for your Coufin, fliould get notice thereof, without doubt they wou'd fend me far enough oft* ; and it is poflible, Hypolitusy it is poflible, alas, your yulia might never fee you again. Don't dif- turb the Sweetnefs of my prefent Satisfadion, faid he interrupting her, with your difmal Prediftions, Madam, and reft aflured, I will rather ceafe to live, than ceafe to be yours ; no Power on Earth fhall be able to alter my Refcluaon. I am fufRciently convinced of your Conflancy, as not in thi leail to doabt of what you tell me, reply'd Julia ; but after all, fuppofing they fhould force me to go into France, and there to embrace a Religious Life, what murt we do then ? Venture at all, reply'd HypoUtus ab- *-ruptIy, Venture all, Madam ; for rather than fubmi" to iuch a ConllraiLt, I would carry Things to the laft Ex- tremity : How ! do you think I will fee you to be made a Sacrifice to the Misfortunes of your Family ; and un- der pretence that Fortune has deny'd you her Favours, when Heaven has heap'd them upon yon, and made you the mod adorable Perfon in the World ? Under this Pretence, fay I, fhould they force you to embrace a Life that is contrary to your Inclinations and my Re- pole ? However, faid he, and fo arifing in the utmolt Fury from his Seat, and walking towards the other .Side of the Grotto, he efpies Madam Douglas ; and Julia Earlof Dou GL AS. 33 yu/ia feeing her as well as he, they remained as im- movable, as if they had been two Statues. iVly Lady Douglas feeing it was in vain to conceal her felf any longer, came forth out of that fatal Place, and looking on both with Eyes fparkling with Anger, J ne- ver thought, faid fhe to Julia, that a young Woman fo well born as ycu are, would difpofe of her Heart with- out the Approbation of thofe to wnom fhe belongs ; And as for you, Hypolitus^ you I fay, who knew our Inten- tions concerning your Marriage, ycu are very infolent in daring to enter into an Engagement with Julia, at a Time when we were upon the Point of concluding a Marriage with my hvidyjr^ylc and you; and To (he went abruptly out of the Grotto without faying one Word more. Who is able to defcribe the deplorable Condition thefe two Lovers faw thcmfelves reduc'd to.? C.-rtainly no- thing could exceed their Trouble and Grief: H^polnus drawing near Julia, ihe dropr, as it were, into his Anns. What will become of us, IhpoJiinny /aid Jhr^ wnat a d.eadful Storm Is hanging over our Heads? Eve- ry Thing I foreiee is enough :o confound and render me qui:e inconiolabie ? Alafs I \\\\y did they undeceive me ? Othcrwife 1 had been in a Nuiuiery in France by this Tinie. What makes you regret this your DelHny, my dear Lad), faui jhe, intemtpung htr ? Our Mif- fortunes appear greater to you than really they are ; a reafonable Share of Coailancy will clear our VV'ay, and deliv^er us from thofe Periecutions they prepare for U5. ll^politiis, laid Jhc, I fhall neither want Courage nor Conllancy ; but my Duty is ilill dearer to me than my Love, and ycu may be certain that when the firflfpeak^, the laft mull obey. Oh! what do I ask of you, my dear Juliay continud he, that is contrary to your Duty t Was there ever a Paffion ni. re pure or full of Refpe Hands, and by his Raptures, and the Motions of njs Heart, fufficiently difcovered the true State of bis Soul. It was already very late i Lovers C 5 foon l§^ B TP L ITU S, '*foon forget themfelves when they are together, and the ■^Hcurs of Love are very fhort : At laft our two Lovers °'|5artec!, but not without giving all the mutual Aflurances that could be, that they would love one anc ther till 'Death. yu I: a intended to fhut herfelf up in her Clofet, there to ruminate upon the Oddnefs of their Adventure, and * Yipon the future Deportment towards my Lady Doug/as ; V"but it was not long before one of her Maids came to de- ifire her to come down Stairs to her Mother, who wanted to fpeak with her. Poor Lady, Ihe went down trem- "^■'■fcling, and with fuch Palenefs in her Countenance, that one would have believed flie was going to receive Sen- tence of Death ; and when fhe came into my Lord and "^'riny Lady's Apartment, fhe found them fo far changed in their Locks from what they ufed to appear to her, that Ihe was quite llartled thereat. You deviate fo far, fa:^ my Lad^ Douglas to her, from the Opinion I liad conceived of your Tendernefs, that I cannot at this Time give you the Name of my Child : How I Julia^ after you had been received and treated by us like our cwn Child, can you have fo little Gratitude in you, as to endeavour the Ruin of Hypolitus's Fortune, and to make his Heart rebellious againft his Duty to us } You have railed in him a PaiTion you know muft be difpleaf- ing to us ; you cajole us with the Hopes of your going into a Nunnery, whilft at the fame time, you take quite a contrary Meafure to what is becoming Julia^ of thofe Difpofitions fo full of Sincerity and Dutifulnefs we have infufed into you. Are you not llill the ^ame you always ufed to appear to us? 7'he fair Julia was touched to the Quick at the Coun- tefles Reproaches ; (he was fo nice in what we call Duty and Sincerity, that Ihe thought it the higheft Piece of Jnjuftice that could be done her, to be charged with want thereof : She blulhed both for Shame and Spite to bave fo fevere a Reprimand given her. She kept her Kves fix'd upon the Ground for fome Time, but at lall turning them upon the Countefs, Ihe returned her an Anfwer, containing an equal Mixture of Modelty, and cf a noble Haughtinefs : I dun afure yoUf Madam j faid Ihe^ Eart !5f D o u G L A S4. "3.5 Ihe, / ^-fn not ungrateful t ond the Obligations I ctxe you /ball nenjer be rafed -either out of any Remembrance or tsy Heart ; / atn ^willing to oivn to you at the fame 7itne% that 1 betrayed m'^felf by my tender Sentinunts for Hypo Jitus ; / thought 1 lo'ved him no othernvife than a Brother, and^tis in 'vain to deny it, Jince jfou Jtnc<^y ? If you are not againft me, who is able to feparate • our Hearts? Believe me, Hypolitusy /aid Jhe 'with a ten- der Look, 'tis Death alone can pirt us ; I am refolved to venture at All, and I promife you I will never alter my Sentiments ; not that I am infenfible of what I am likely to fufter ; but all my Pains will be welcome to me, lb Uong as they can contribute any Thing towards preferving for you your Julia. This faithful Lover touched to the Heart with Love and Acknowledgment, told her Q.\tTy Thing that m y be called tender and engaging upon fuch an Occafion as this ; but they were both of them put to the greateft Nonplus that could be, what An- fwer Julia was to give to Morrow to my Lord and Lady Douglas ; at lail they refolved, ilie was to dcfire a longer Time to confider of the Matter, or elfe to be carried into France i and if they did conient to the laft, then • Bypolitus was to go thither alio to fee Julia, but that £Tit fhould flatly rejeft the propofed Match with the Earl of Bedford in fuch Terms, as might forever after free her from any Importunities upon that Score. WhJlii: they were thus framing their Projeds, my Lord and my Lady Douglas were confulting with them- .felves what Courfe they had bell to take to be delivered vcf the Fear they lay under of feeing their Son involved in too deep a Paflion for Julia. If we carry her into France, faid they, he will doubtlefs go and find her out there ; Love never wants Ingenuity, and Hypolitus has Wit enough to find out a Way to meet with her; we can't make her a Nun againll hct Will, fo that the ,beft Expedient will be to fend Hypolitus out of the VVay into foieigfi Countries; perhaps he will forget Julia wheii he kes her no more, and perhaps Ihe may alfo . aw. <5:**iVM.»«^.i^ .„ v^.. change Earl of Dou(S.lAs. 37 change her Mind, and the Earl of Bedford^ Conlkncy jnay at laft prevail with her to marry him. Having taken this Refolution, which they thought moft fuitable to their prefent Intention?, they Tent Word to Julia by her dear Lucilia^ that they gave her fome longer Time to think of the Matter. This News re- vived in her fome fmall Glimpfe of Hope?, that my Loid Douglas intended to make them both happy; fhe communicated her Thoughts to her Lover, but he was not fo eafy to flatter himfelf as fhe. Oh ! dear Lady, faid he to her^ I only am too well acquainted with the Charader of thofe that oppofe our Satisfa(!:>ion, they will not fufier us to live long at Eafe ; my Soul is dif- iturbed, and I know not what it is that fcretels me our Tranquillity will be of no long Continuance. At ihefe Words Julia burfl out into Tear?, and Hypolitus did the like. It was not long before thefe Troubles they labour- ed in, produced fuch a Change in their Countenance, that my Lord and my Lady Douglas fearing they would both fall into fome dangerous Dillemper, thought fit to haften Hypolitus's Departure. For this Purpofe they got fecretly an Equipage in Readinefs, which being vtry fplendid, they hoped he would be well pleafed to fee himfelf thus fumptuoufly equipped, that he might ap- pear with the more Lullrein foreign Courts. Things being in this Forwardnefs, my Lord and my Lady fent one Day to fpeak with him : My Son^ faid my Lord, had ive no other Res;ard but to our onvn Satisfa^iorty Uis certain it njoould be much more f leafing to us to keep you near us than at a covfiderable Dijiance ; but you are no'W of an Agey ivhen it nxill feem undecent for you to fiay at Home i and therefore it njoill be requifite for you to go and fee other Countries , to fafhion yourjelf to auomplifh your Deportment y and render your Converfation more po- lite. We don't quejiion but that you are o-verjoyed to find us inclined to fecond your laudable Intentions of feeing the World; you jhall fixfi of all go into France, from thence to Italy, aftervjard into Germany, a?id fo return Aome by the Way of the Netherlands, and ^within three Tears i^itne five hope to fee you again ivith much Joy and Satis- fa^ion. Hypolitus was full of DiHra^on at this Pro- pofaJ, S« H rPO L ITU s, pofal, every Word was like a Dagger to him that wa« * llruck at his Heart, he was under the greateft Perplexity what to do ; fometimes he was for fpeaking out boldly, and telling them of his Pafiion for Jidia, tho' they were acquainted with it already, and that nothing on Earth fhould part them ; and that if they would fend him abroad, they muft firft fecure him in the Poffeffion of his Miitrefs ; but, foon changing his Mind, he be- gan to confider that this would ferve only to bring frefh Perfections upon this fair Lady, and that perhaps they would carry her where he fliould never hear any Tid- ings of her : To be Ihort, it is impoiTible to exprefs the oppofite and various Agitations of his Soul; My Lord and my Lady were not altogether infenfible of it, by the Uneafmefs and Irrefolution they obferved in him ; •but they thought it beft to dilTemble, and take no No- tice of what they knew caufed his Inquietude ; fo they told him they would have him go along with Monfieur de Bois Dauphin (the then French Ambaflador in Eng- land) into France, who being his intimate Friend, he could not meet with a better Conveniency than this ; but that he being ready to leave Eng/and in two Days Time, he had nothing elfe to do but to bellow it in tak- ing his Leave of his Friends. Hypolitus, concealing his Trouble as much as pofTibiy he could, told them coldly, •be would obey ; but that fo fudden a Departure was more like an Exilement than a voluntary travelling ; and fo he withdrew. He intended to have gone ftraightway to Julia'^s A- partment to give her an Account of what had paifed ; but he conlidered it would be requifire, above all other Things, to fpeak with the dearell of all his Friends, ia order to take his Meafures with him : So on Horfeback )ie mounted to the Earl of SuJ/ex'^s Houfe in London, not quellioning but that upon this Occafion he would prove as generous a Friend to him as he had done feveral other Times. Underftanding he was in the Park, he went thither, and met him in Company with the Earl oi Nor- thumberland, and of the Son of the Earl of Northumherm land. After the firft Civilities he took two or three Turns with them, and took the firft Opportunity to tell the Earl, . Earl of Douglas:" 39 'Earl, with a low Voice, he had fomething of Confe- quenceto impart to him. The Earl of Suffolk foon parted from his Friends, telling them he would foon come to them again ; but turning towards Hyfolitus, You have obliged me very much, faid he, in giving me an Opportunity of leaving their Converfation, which was not very pleafing to me, fmce it was upon State Affairs, they intending to engage me in the Interell of the Princefs yane^ who, tho' fhe be very young and handfome, and Niece to our King Henry VIII. yet I can't but thinly the Princefs Mary, (wherein the Crown is to defcend into the Female Line) the lawful Heirefs of this Kingdom. He was going on in the fame Difcourfe, without obferving that his Friends hearkened to it, not without much Dillurbance and In- quietude, till coming into a folitary Walk, We are now at full Liberty, faid the Earl to Hypolifus, embracing him^ fpeak, my dear Friend, and don't delay to tell me wherein it is I can ferve you. You may do me a great deal of Service, faid he, in the Condition I am reduced to thro' the harfti Treatment of my Father ; J know not where to look for Aid but from fo true a Friend as you are: My dsar Earl, continued he, I am almoil deipe- rate ; I am going into France with Bois Dauphin^ the French Miniller, who is recalled by his Mafter ; I am to leave yulia^ the fame Julia whom I adore, and who is the only Enjoyment of my Life ; you are fo well ac- quainted with my Sentiments, that I need not infift upon that Point any further at prefent ; but, let come of it what will, I am refolved to pretend only that I am a going, but will fend my Servant to your Country-Seat, (if you approve of it) and will myfelf lie concealed there, to take all Opportunities that poffibly I can of fee- ing my Millrefs. All that is in my Pov/er, faid the Earl, is at your Difpofal as much as if it were your own j but, give me Leave to tell you, it will be a hard Task to deceive the Earl of Douglas for any confiderable Time. Were it but for one Day, replied the amorous Hypolitus, it will be very delightful to me, fince it fhall be fpent in feeing of Julia, But tell me whether you will oblige me '40 HTPOLITUS, me in it ? ' Whether I will oblige you, r? zV^ de Ear/, truly this is a difobliging Queliion, and 1 hoped yoa knew mc much better than I find you do. Hvpo/itus, embracing him, asked his Pardon, and having returned vhim Thanks for his Kindnefs, he was for going away as fall as he could, being very impatient to return to his dear Miilrefs, but the Earl would needs go along with him part of the Way. Whilil they were upon the Road, Alas ! faiii be^ if an Abfence of fome Hours is fo trou- blefome to me, what would become of me if it were for Years ? It would be impoliible for me to Jive long without her, I Ihould die infallibly for Grief So foon as they came in Sight of my Lord Douglas's Seat they parted, and Hypolitus foon after faw Julia looking out of a Window, and making a Sign to come to h:r; he made all the Halle he could. And from whence come you. Brother, faid (he to him ? What I after io long Conference with my Lord and my Lady, you mount on Horfeback without giving me an Account of what Dif- courie paffed betwixt you ? Oh ! Brother, is it thus you love me ! Methinks, had I been in your Place, I ihould not have done fo. Tho' Hypolitiis knew himfelf not in the Wrong, and that he might eafily juftify his Conduft, neverthelel's Jw //rt's Anger had fuch an Influence upon him, that her Reproaches rendered him quite fpceehJeis ; but after having recovered his Senfes, he told her, with an Air full of Refpeft, My lovely Julia, ought not 1 to com- plain of your Surmizes ? How is it poiLble you iliould thus fufped my Heart, and that upon fo flight an Occa- lion .? Certainly you are not fufficiently fenfible of my Paflion, thus to accufe me. Julia had too much Ten- dernefs for him to fuffer him to continue long under that Inquietude, whereof fhe was the Caufe. I mud confefs, ■/aid Jhe^ I am in the wrong to give ycu this Trouble ; we are unfortunate enough already, without my being injurious to create us new Pains, Come, let us make Peace, my dear Lady, replied Hypolitus, kijjing her Hand^ I agree with you, that our Misfortunes are fuffi- ciently great without any Addition of our own ; ray Fa- ther will have me leave you, he intends to fend me in;o France, . Earl of DouGtAS.'- ^^ France, but I have taken fuch Meafures as not to go out of England ; the only Thing we have to do now, is to concert Meafures how we may fee one another. He then gave her an Account of what Refolution he had taken with the Earl of SuJJeXy and afcer feveral De- liberations how they might now and then fpeak to one another in private, they defined Lucilia to come, becaufe they concealed nothing from her ; ComCy dear SiJIer, faid Julia to her, come to our Aid, your Mind is much more free from^roubles than ours, and you ^will therefore fooner think of a good Expedient than ive ; and they told her what they were consulting about. Lucilia was lilent for fome Time, but foon after told them. She kneiv a Pair of Back- flairs leading out of their apartment into cne of the darkcji Walks of the Garden, at the End ^whereof, juft at the Extremity of the Wildernefs, there nvas a little Door looking into the Field j that they mujl get a Key to it, and that Jhe ivould go do'n.n thefe pri'uate Stairs in the Evening, unperceived by any Body, to open it, and let Hypolitus in. Nothing couKi be better con- trived, cried he. It is true, /mV Julia, but what Name will you give to this Contrivance ? I am not your Siller, and if you let him in at Night, this will be like an AC- fignation, and I think there ought a better Decorum to be ojferved in our Interview. Are your Circumllances fuch, replied Lucilia, as to infill with the ulmoll Nicety upon fuch Matters ? 'iho' my Brother is not your Bro- ther, yet is he to be your Spoufe. I engage I will ne- ver leave you alone whilit your Interview laib, tho', in fo doing, I run the Risk of expcfing my Tel f to my Fa- ther's, and my Mother's Anger : 1 will willingly do it, to give you the utmoll Demonilraticns of my Friend- fhip. And as for me, my charming Lady, fn'd Hypoli- tur, me, fays /, who liay in England for no other Rea- fon than to have the Opportunity of feeing you now and. then in this Place, wiiat mull l)ecome of me, if you will not confent to it ? I had as good go into France. Is that your meaning, Julia P You have a mind to ba- nilli me. You are too well acquainted-wicii what Power you have over me to engage me ; however, consider what Danger we are going to expofe ourfeives to ; the very 42 HTPOLITUS, very Thought of it makes me dreaxi it mod cru«Hy They did all they could to remove her Fear, and the fame Evening Hyp$litus took a Pattern of the Key in Wax, which he fent immediately to the Earl of SuJJex by his yalet de Chambre, in order to have another madie after it, which he intended to deliver to JuHa before his pretended Departure. I'his being done accordingly, and the Day appoint- ed for HypoHtus\ Departure come, my Lord would needs condud him to London^ intending to fee him a- board the Yacht ; but contented himlWf to fee him in his Barge with his Attendants, and embracing biiii with all the Txlarks of Tendernefs at parting, he return- ed well fatisiied to fee his Son take \i\^ Leave of him without the lealt Reludancy. . Hypolitus, coming aboard the Yacht, found Monfieur de Bois IXauphifi to be tlie/e before him, and knowing him to be his trufty Friend, he took him afide, and told him, That iince fome irrefiitible Reasons obliged him to flay in England^ he would open his whole Heart to him, that he conjured him to take Compaffion of his prefent Condition, and that he hoped the Confidence he put in him would produce an EfFetl fui table to what he expeded from his Gcodnefs ; and difcerning by his Countenance and Aftions a favourable Difpoiition in him to ferve him, he told him, his Intention was to en- gage my Lord and my Lady Douglas into a Belief of his being iick at Diept becaufe if they Ihould pretend he lay ill at Paris^ his Father would wonder he Ihould hear no Tidings of him by the Englijh Miniiler, and fome other Gentlemen of that Nation, refiding at the French Court: But that if he would write to my Lord Douglas to that Purpofe, and deliver it to him, he would make ufe of it in due Time; that, laft of all, he was obliged to confefs to him, that the Prefervation of his Life de- pended upon his Goodnefs in granting his Bequeft. I underhand you, faid Monjieurdc Bois Dauphin, fmiling, you are in Love, my Lord, and you would have me, in order to favour your Paffion, expofe myfelf to my Lord your Father's Indignation ; but, be that as it will, 1 have been young, as you are now, and I find a cer- tain ^IsEOrl of Douglas. 43 tain Inclination within me rather to efpoufe yours than your Father's Caufe : Come, I will write immediately juft as you will have me. HypoUtus, overjoyed at his Courtefy, returned him all imaginable Thanks for fo fignal a Piece of Service, and having received his Letter from his Hands, wherein he told his Father, that his Son was forced co Itay behind at Diep by reafon of his Illnefs, he took Leave of liim, and got into one of the Ships Boats (becaufe he had fent back his Father's Barge immediately) and fo was carried to London^ where Jie landed at the Tow^r Wharff, the Earl of SuJJix ex- peding his Return there in his Coach, and had brought along with him a Gentleman in whom he could confide, with fome Horfes, who was to condud his Friend and his Servants to his Couniry-Seat, where they did not ar- rive till pretty late, it being requifite they Ihould come at fuch a Time when no Body might fee and take no- tice of HjpoUtus, whofe Tiioughts being altogether with yulia, began to bemoan his Fate, becaufe he could not be in the fame Houfe with her. I ufed to talk to her every Moment, faU he to the Barl of SulTex, luho Jiaid that Night ivith him in the Country, I had the Freedom to come into her Chamber forty times a Day, and, in fpite of all my Lady's Cau- tions, we found out Ways and Means to lee one another alaioil every Hour in the Day j bat at prefent we are at a great many Miles Dillance, which, tho' it may feem no great Matter to indifferent Perfons, I find it too much for one that ioves : Add to tlii?, what continual Precau- tions I fhall be obliged to take at our Meetings, what Fc;aT3 of being difcovercd I Ihall be expofed to, and of a thoufand unlucky Accidents a Man can neither avoid nor forefee, and which too often will break all cur Mea- fures at one Stroke. You are very amorous, /aid the Earl, interrupting him^ iflance from your beloved Miftrefs ? Don't you think it a Happinefs to find your Attendants fo pliable in o- teying your Orders, and even that fame Gentleman, yi^iOr by reafon of his Age, and his Station of being appointed by the Earl of Douglas foT your Governor, had the moft Occafion to be lurprized at your Return, and to ask you the Reafon of it, was the firft who gave 9 good Example to the reft ; I proteft to you I wonder at your good Fortune, and find no Reafon to pity you, lince Julia is contented you fhould come and fee her, this being in my Opinion a moft effential Demonllration of her Friendfhip. Perhaps, . replied Hypolitus, ivith fame Impatience, I am in the wrong not to be fatisfied with my good For- tune; but Alas .' mj dear Earl, were you fenfible what a violent Paffion is, you would foon be of my Opinion ; but you ad; the Coquet with the fair Sex, you tell a thoufand pretty Things to every Lady you meet with, and never love any of them: I have often wondred, nay, have been angry at it. My dear Hypolif us » /aid the Earl^ interrupting him^ you fancy the true Felicity of Life to confift m loving beyond all Meafurc, but I am of a quite contrary Sentiment : I would have a Man ap- pear gallant among the Ladies, I would have him alfo make his Addreffes to them, in order to merit fomc of their Favours ; but I would not have him engaged fo far as to difturb his own Tranquility, or to make him negleft either his Duty or his Fortune. C^far was amo- rous in Time of Peace, but indifferent to Ladies in Time of War; Every Kingdom or Province he came into afforded him a new MiUrefs, and thus Love in great Men ought net to go beyond an Amufement ; but, af- ter all, I would not have a Man be without it, becaufe we owe moft of our Politenefs to the Converfation of Ladies, fince it, by Degrees, fmooths our Temper, and takes away its Roughnefs, for it muft be confeffed that they -are moft refined in Converfation ; notwith- ftanding ail this, I ftill am of Opinion, that nothing is more dangerous than thofe violent frenzlcal Pailions, which dilenable us to think of any thing, befidcs how ta, -adore our Miftreffes. A Man under thefe Circum- ' ftances Earl of DotfGLAs. 4^ ftances foon grows troublefome to all the World, nay^ even to himfelf ; he is unfit for civil Society, he crys, he fighs, always dillurb'd, and very often jealous and peeviBi : You pay dearly for a happy Moment, which is preceded and followed by a thoufand others that dif^ turb your Reft For God's Sake, crfd Hypolitus, ;>p^. terrupting hiniy your Criticifm is too fevere, and your Palate out of Tafte, two or three fuch Interlocutions would make me your irreconcilable Enemy, and I an* not able to tell you what a Paflion you have put me into whilft you was framing your Procefs againft the True Looter. The Earl of Sujpx burft out a Laughing, and told him, he would vex him no more, provided he would not contradi<^ him in his Way of loving after his own Fancy. ^ It being day-break before they finffhed their Difcourfe, they did not rife out of their Bed till it was pretty late. Hypolitus defired the Earl to go to Buckingham Houfe, in Order to fettle Matters with Julia and Lu- cilia, to let him in at the back Gate near the little Wood. He willingly accepted of the Commiflion, and my Lord and my Lady Douglas having a great Elleem for him, th.^y were both overjoyed to fee him ; You come in a lucky Time, /aid wy Lady Douglas to the Early to give me fome Confolation on Account cf the Departure of my Son, which much afflidls me. You are the Occafion of it yourfelf, Madam, /aid he to her^ fmce it was your Will it fhould be fo, and in your Power to have kept him near you, if you had thought it con- venient. I take you, Sir, /aid Jhe, to reproach me with fuiFering him to leave us ; but in Truth, tho' his Ab- fence caufes me Abundance of Pain, I fee not how we could do otherwife than let him go abroad ; Tender- nefs muft give Way fometimes to Intereft, I hope we may fee him again with Satisfadion within thefe three Years. Lucilia and Julia were in the Room whilft they talked thus, and the Earl of Bedford coming in foon after, the Earl of Sujfex entertained Lucilia, bc- caufe the Earl of Bedford had feated himfelf next Julian Every Thing being regulated betwixt Lucilia and him^ 46 HTPOLITUS, concerning the noftarnal Interview, he took his Leave and returned to HypolitMs. It was judged raoft expedient they (hould go thither in a Difguife, for Fear of being known and difcovered upon the Road, which they did accordingly, hiding their Hairs under their Bonnets, and fo they fet out on their Journey about ten o' Clock : It happened to be a very fine Night, and very ftill and quiet ; they took no more than a Valet de Chambre along with them, who was to take Care of their Horfes : They came to the little back Gate, which being open, they entred into the Garden, and the two Sifters, who were not far ofF» hearing the Noife, immediately came to meet them. Hypoiitus and Julia fek at this Meeting all that can be fuppofed to proceed from a violent Paflion; their Con- verfation run for fome Time upon general Matters, but ibon after they parted Companies, tho' neither of them went out the fame Walk : Hypoiitus leading his Miftrefs by the Hand, as the Earl of Sujfex did Lucilia. Thanks to Heaven, dear Hypoiitus^ /aid Jhe to hinit our Abfence has not been very long, and you are come back in Spite of all the Precautions they have taken to feparate us. Were my Paflion for you, my dear Julian /aid he, lefs violent than it is, perhaps I might have found it diffi- cult to furmount fo many Obftacles ; but my Love is too ftrong, and too ingenuous to be check'd by all the Ob- ftacles they can put in my Way. You were fcarce gone, continued Jhe, but your Mother talk'd to me in Private, and with fuch Uemonftrations of Friendfhip as almoll furpriz^d me, confidering how Matters ftood betwixt us ; told me, Ihe had Peafon to believe I intended not to em- brace a religious Life, and that therefore flie was obliged to advife me, as the beft Friend and Relation I had in the World, to give a favourable Ear to the Earl of Bed- ford''^ Addrefles, who was t Man of Honour, of Qua- litv, and of a great Eftate ; and. that once for all, I muli bid Farewel to all Thoughts of a Marriage be* twixt you and I ; that fhe could not but frankly tell me, that it was I that was the only CauTe of your Abfence, and that neither my Lord nor ihe would ever confeot to your "Return till I was married. And what Anfwer pray ^ did JS^>'/ ^ Douglas. \3: ^^ did you give them, my dear Lady^ faid Hypotitas with fome Impatience ? I told her, continued (he. That as for the Earl of Bedfard, I begg'd of her never to men* tion any more to me, fihce nothing in the World couM have a greater Arerfion againll him than I had i and, that tince flie had fixed your Abfence for three Years, V laight, ndt without fome Reafon, promise my felf (he would allow me fome more time to confider of the Mat- er^ fince all the Repofe of my Life depended on it. She could tiot refufe me fo reafonable a Requefl ; and the Earl c^ Bedford zovain^ at the fame time when the Earl ofSoJex was here, he began to renew his Ad- drelTes, till at Ikfl I told him, That his Perfeverance had quite tired my Patience; that hitherto I confidered him as one that was indifferent to me; but that the cafe was altered now, and that I could not look upon him now, but with an invincible Averfion ; and that, if he had a mind to make me Unfortunate, he might continue to make his Addrefies to me. How, Madam, crj'd he^ And will you enjoyn me not to fee you ? Yes, replyM J, I mort: earneftly require you would let me be at refl. Oh ! Madam, continued he, you reduce me to Dcfpair, Will you envy mc the only Felicity I have left in the World ? I love, nay, I adore you, and what will become of me if I (hould not fee you ? You muft endeavour to cure yourfelf, faid I, of a Paflion ^vhich is only troublefome to me, and which makes you fnUtr in vain : Having fpoken thefe Words I left him ; but could at the fame time fee all the Marks of Defpair in his Eyes. Ah f my dear Lady, how happy am I, aihd how much am I indebted to you for this Sacrifice, faid HypoHtus to her? It does not deferve the Name of a Sacrifice, reply'd Juliay I am very well pleas'd when I have an Opportunity of treating him at that fcurvy Rate; fo that you are not obliged to me upon that Store. Thus having entertained one another for a confide- rabte time, and given one another a Thoufand recipro- cal Affurances and Oaths of an everkfting Fideiit/,^* they agreed to fe« t)ne another as often as poffibly^" the/ 48 H TP L ITUS, they could, for which purpofe a Valet dc Chambrc tof the Earl of Su//ex was to walk every Day once, at leaft, through the Garden (for fear of being taken notice of if he ftou'd come fo often into the Houfe) and when- ever he found a Flower-pot with Flowers (landing in a certain Window of ju/ia's Apartment, this was to fervc as a Signal for Hypolitus to come the next following Night to the Back-Gate near the Wood. Every thing being thus concerted, they parted, but with fo much Re- gret, that had it not been for the Earl of SuJJex and Lucilia, who urged them fo to do, they had ftaid toge- ther till Day-light. In the mean Hypolitus had taken Care to have Mon- fieur de Bois Dauphin's Letter delivered ro the Earl of Douglas by an unknown Hand. The News of thelil- nefs of his beloved Son caufcd no fmall Trouble and Vexation in the whole Family, but efpecially to the £arl ; and the Son writ from time to time Letters to the Father, as if they had been dated at Diep: Some- times he would tell him he was on the mending hand ; and at another time, that he was worfe again, accord- ing as he judg'd it beft for his purpofe, whiift he enjoy'd the Satisfaflion unknown to tvtry Body, of frequently feeing his Miftrefs. They continued in this happy State for above two Months, without the leaft finifter Accident or Obftacle; but their Satisfaction was too^reat to laft muih longer ; Fortune, envious of the fweet En- joyment£'of Love, would needs difturb their Felicity. The Earl q{ Bedford^ touched to the very Heart with Grief at what yulia had told him when he made her the lafl Vifit, had taken a Refolution never to fee her again, and if poflible not fo much as to think of her any more. He upbraided himfelf, he kept more Com- pany than he us'd to do, nay, he wilh'd he might meet with fome Lady or other, whofe Perfeftions might ef- face Out of his Heart Julia'% Charms ; but thefe were fp far beyond all thofe he faw or knew, that when he began to compare them to yulia, they appeared dif- pifeable in his Eyes, and lerved only to encreafe his Love for her. At lail his PaiTion augmented to fuch a Degree Earl of Do V GL AS, 49 Degree, that he began to haveRecourfe to violeat Re- medies, and refolved to any off ^i//ia by Force, f am Ture, faid he to one of his Friends, my Lord Dau- glas will be very glad of the Match, becaufe his Lady is defcended oi my Family, and he himCelf has offsir'd nje his eldell Daughter in Marriage ; perhaps he is un- willing to conftrain Julia to marry me, but when I once have got her in my Power, I am apt to believe he will be lo far irom being my Enemy, that he will contribute much as in him lies to make me happy. To put his Defign in execution with all pclfible Ex- pedition, he pitched upon my Lord Douglas's Gardi- ner, who had formerly lived with him, and knowing him to be a covetous and daring Fellow, he look'd u|>on him as a fit Irftrjment to afiill him in the carry- ing off of this youngXady : He lent for him, gave him a- good Sum of ALjney, and p.omiied him more, if he v/ould be aiding in bringing his Defgn about. 'Twill be aneafy Alatier for you to corapal's it, faid this Fel- low to iiim, I have the Key of the little back Gate at the farther End of the Garden, and 1 can cocdu^ you through a dark Walk to a little Pair of back Stairs, leading up diredtly into yuUa\ Apartment ; I a-n fare that Door is very feldcm lock'd, becaufe I us'd to go up in the Evening to carry her fome Flowers and Fruits;- fo you rnay eafiiy carry her off, without making the kail Ncifc in the Family. The Earl feeing every thing ready to favour his De- ugn, appointed a certain Day for its Execution. He went accordingly, attended only by two Gentlemen, his faithful Friends, about eleven a Clock at Night, and finding the back Door open, left one of the Gentlemen at a fmall Diilance thence with the Horfes, whilll he and the other entred the Garden without making the leall Noife. As \\\ Fortune would liave it, this hap- pened juilupon one of theie Evenings when a Meeting had been appointed l^ewixt LucH'ia^ yul'ta, H^p/htus, and the Earl of Su/Jix ; and the two £rll, as they were goifig to let them m, efpi^d tv/o Men by the Light of the Mooa ; but the Walk leading thither being pretty D - dark 50 HTPOLITUS, daric and thick of Trees, they could not difcern whether they were the fame Perfons they look'd for j as thefe on the other hand feeing two Women coming that Way were for Hiuning them and concealing themfelves. What makes you (hew fo little Concern for your Julia^ my dear Hypolitus, faid (he to the Earl of Bedford? You don't make hafte to meet me ! nay, it feems as if you were inclined fhun me, what means this Coolnefs ? Thefe obliging Reproaches were fufficient to make the Earl know his Miilrefles Voice, who was almoft dif- - trailed that thefe tender Exprelfions were not intended for him : however, overjoyed to meet with her in the Garden, he anfwered her not one Word for fear of dif» covering himfelf; but making a Sign to the Gentle- man that was along with him, to take afide Lucilia, and keep her from making a Noife, he himfelf at once laid hold on Julia^ and being a lufty ftrong Perfon, he carry*d her in fpite of all the Refiftance^fhe could make, to the foremen tion'd Back-Gate, juft when Hypolitui and the Earl of St/Jfex came into the Garden ; and it being a very clear Moonlight-Night, and the Earl of Bedford not far from thence, they perceived at firft Sight every thing that pafs'd. Who is able to exprei's the Fary of Hypolifus f Love and Anger foon made him draw his Sword, and the Earl of Bedford letting go his Hold did the fame, and the Gentleman that came along with him was glad to quit Lucilja : They were all four brave, and animated by a juft Refentment againft one another. Poor ^u/ia and Lucilia were put to the great- ell Nonplus that could be, what Refolution to take ; for if they called for Help, Hypolitus mull of Neceffity be difcover'd; if they did not, they feared his dellruc- tion. In the mean while the Gardiner fearing, not with- out Reafon, that the Clalhingof the Swords might be heard in the Family, he went thither himfelf, and having told the Earl of Douglas of it, he halined into the Garden in Perfon, juft as his Son was running the Earl of Bedford through the Body, which made him dxop in an Iftftant. H;^pylitui hearing a Nolle of feveral more Earl of D o u G L A s . . . 5 ti > more Perfons coming that Way, told the Earl it wail -. Time to fecure their Retreat i but they found the little- » Gate lock'd up, and all the Earl's Family running that/io Way ; fo into the Gardner's Lodge they got, where they baricada d up the Door, whilil my Lord Douglas polled his Servants round about it to prevent their making their Efeape, little thinking it had been his Son and the Earl . of SuJ/ex that were come thither in Difguife. He or- dered the Earl oF Bedford to be carried into the Houle, and for Fear, in Cafe he fhould happen to die, his^ Death might be laid at his Door, he fent for a Conllabie;' , this Night Magiltrate, with his Attendants, came well, armed after their Manner at Day-break, jull when //>•- politus and the Earl of Sujfex had been opening their Way with their Swords, thro' thofe that guarded the Lodge, and had infallibly made th;;ir Elcape, becaufe they drove my Lord's Servants before them, juH as two young Lions would have done a Parcel of Curs, had, they not been furrounded by the Conftable and his Af-^, fillantSt who crying out they Ihould knock them down^ . and rather kill them than fulfer them to get cfT, they^. thought it better to furrender themfelves, than to expofQ,* their Lives at fuch vail Odds. •; Julia and Lucilia were fitting all this while under 4;- Tree, almofl half dead with Fear and Vexation, whicE^ „ was fuch as is paft expreffing it ; but when they faw-^ them carried Prifoners to the Houfe, they fo]lGv,ed them at feme fmall Diftance, fo as not to lofe Sight of them..: The Countefs of Douglas, big with Expcdatlon to fee, , them, as they were brought into the Dining- Room, or-t dered their Bonnets to be taken off (^vhich concealed^- their Hair, and in fome Meafure hid their Faces ;) but . fhe no fooner difcovered Hypolitus, but fetching a great.* Cry, Jull Heaven, /aid Jhe^ 'tis my Son, and fo fell fa-' to a deep Swoon, \\\y Lord Douglas, who had not take)) ^ Notice hitherto of what had' happened, turning tliaf "•' Way, was not a little furprized to iind his Son Prifdner "^ in his own Houfe, when he thought Kim to be fick at'! Diep: He was not able to fpcak tor feme Time, btit at':,' laft recollefting Kimfelf, and looking upon 411111 'wjtfr Byes fparkling with Anger, Is itpJfihl'ethat'^Ai^lP D 3 -;,t 52 HYPOLITUS, fee be truet is it you Hypolitas ? What is your meaning by all this ? j^t a Time ichen Ifuppofedyou to be in France, / Jin d you difguifedin myonvn Houfe nvith Sivord inHajid, and under the Misfortune of having twounded a G'entle- frtan^ n/jho ivas our real friend, one nvho bears the fame Name as your Mother does, and nvho is a Perfon both of a great Ef ate and Intereji? What do you thinkivillbe the End of this ? For my Part I think you fo unrjoor'thy of my Pro- te6iiony that I am fully refolved to lea've you abfolutely to the Se-verity of the Latv. / yulia, who till now had remained in one Corner of the Room, being now no longer Miftrefs of her Pain and Fear, Oh f Father, cry'd fhe, throwing herfelf at his feet, and crying vioft bitterly^ no Body defer^ves to he punijhed but my/elf becaufe Hypolitus a-^s he the fame ; it <^vill not be in my Ponver to ceafe to adore you, and, in fpite of all the Rage and Ma- lice our Enemies are able to contrive to caufe me nemj Vexations and Torments, my PaJJton Jhall airways be as conjiant as ever it ivas. Write to me, dear Lady, dotit leave me in this deplorable State, unto nx:hich I am redu- ced, you being the fovereign Mijirefs of my Dejiiny, and the only ObjeS of all try De fires and Wijhes. The fair fulia having received this Letter, was a long Time of reading it, bccaufe fhe was fcarce able to fee the Charadlers of her dear Hypolitus, by reafon of the Abundance of Tears that covered her fair Eyes and Cheeks. Lucilia had much to do to comfort her a little, tho' (he almoft flood as much in need of it as Ihe did herfelf", my Lord and my Lady Douglas being highly incenfed againft her, becaufe they believed her to be a Confederate in the Intrigues betwixt Julia and Hypoli- tus ; file urged her to fend an Anfwer to her Brother, l>ie did all flie could to flop the Tonent of her Tears ; bjt tho' Ihe did ail llie could to re tram her Paffion, the Letter (he writ was quite bathed with her Tears before Ihe could finilh it, and was as follows : A Las ! are you at the Point of being feparated f o?>t 7ne, my dear Hypoliciis ? And niuji I fee ycu no 7nore /" Who can P''jfjiby comprehend my Pain, and the mi- ferahle State I am reduced to P Alas ! Is it pojjible that innocent Tenderfie/s vue conceived for one another, even be- fore n,ve ivere fcnfible of it, or in a Cov.dition to refji it, Jhould thus raije the Anger of Heaven aguinji us ? M''bat forrents of MisfQrtU7ies ! How is it pojjible for us to ^p them? 1 have not on h loji ail my Enjoyment and Repofe, but even Reafon itjelf-, it is 7iot in my Povjer to refoLve fo fee you- leave me, and yet, not^vithjlandir.g all the iV' Torments ^(Earl vf Do u g l a s. 57 torments that oppre/s us, I jnuji fee you depart. Let us then, my dear Louver y endea^vour to tiiuifiph o^ver car Misfortunes b^ our Confancy ; you promife to remain al-^ ivays faithful to me, ajid in nvhofe Pov:er is it then to render us unfaithful to one another ? Nothing in thii^ World, navt not Death itfelfi your Conjiancy Jhall trf» umph over our MisfortuneSy nve fball fee one another i?-. gain, dear Hypoiitui, and Love hmHI he the Reuuard of our Sufferings . Thefe tender and engaging Affurances given by the fair fulia to her Hypolitus, could never have come at a more proper I'ime, when he Hood in need of alJ his Kefolutions to Aipport his drooping -Heart againil thole Violences my Lord Douglas was at that very Time pre- paring for him ; for, witiujia.fevv Hours after, he fent for him and the Earl oi Suffex, and likewife fcr Julii^ and Lucilia, and, in the Prefence of his Lady, after 9, few Moments Silence, began thu5 to harangue his Son : / did noty Hypoliius, fend for you nc^j hither to load ycu tvith Reproaches, juch ts you have too much defer'ved ; you hawe ^yithdra^i-jt yourfelf from that Suhtnifiton you onve unto us^ -^ you' ha>ve dcceinjcd ui by fiditious Letters ; %x>u^ha-ve.blindk fa(ton.vex{ the fir/i Motions cf your Heart, «;?^ Julia bears her Share in that Difohedience you ha'vj: Jheived us ; But refi affured, and I null Heavens to Witr ncfs to ivhat I am gcing to declare to you, that -ive ivilJ ?ie-ver con fent to your Marrii 5S H rp L IT U'S, of the de Medices ; and to make you acquainted nv^t/j th^ true Caufe thereof , 1 nvill tell yont that abo^je forty Tears ago, bei?7g a Traylul(l: t|.i£.l^'larrentertained Lucilia, Hy- poPitus xhT^\\.h\^\\(cli fit^^jilia's Feet, kifTed her Hand, not l?eing.., a^lp.. to cj^^gi^f^Jib Grief but by his Looks aivi;Siglx§; a i^.Qrf, ptisan gaage, which proving very ^ntel^igil^je ,a/^d ep4c,arnig to Julia, llie broke Silence 't\^\i ' ^^^oi^'iil^, S'^^^f^ difinayed, faid f-Cy my dear and ■ i^ »".'\'9\''^i?t" H\politus^ if our Misfortunes are great, ^\r njiitual Tendernefs is ftill greater ; one Moment may caufe a great Akeration in our Dclliny ; you are going at a great Diliance from me, it is a NccelTitj.' I don't fee we are able to avoid, and therefore mull fub- m't to it with Patience; and it is impolhble for thofe that feparate our Bodies, to fnatch from our Hearts thofe ^'Engagements that have united them ; our Abfence is to lali tliree Years, perhaps b;fbrethey are at an End Hea- ven will take Pity on us. Oh! Julia, Julia, cried hc^ you put no fmall Conilraint upon yourfelf in hopes to jupport my drooping Spirits j you would comfort me .With Hopes full of Uncertainty, at a Time when Lam going to lofe, wiihouc Reprieve, the only Thing that is dear to me in rhii, World : I ufcd to fee you, cear La- -dy, and now I mull fee you no more, what a Fatality ib this ? Can you refolve to ftay behind in this detefled Place, where you meet with fo much ill Treatment ? 6d, HT.P^u^rus, Is hot tliat alone futHcient to caufe in me a mortal In- quietude where'er I go ? You are too ingenuous in tor- menting yourfeir, HypolituSy /aid Julia, I Ihall be the fame here I fliould be in any other Place ; for my whole Mind being taken up with you, I fhall look upon all. other Objefts with fo much Indiffcrency, as to make me infenfible both of the good and ill Treatment! am like- ly to meet with. And will you not let me hear of you, my Julia, /aid he? Would to God, repiicd Jhe^ you could hear as often as 1 could vvifh, you might be fure yott would never want that Satisfa6lion. But how Ihall we do to write to one another ? Lucilia and the Earl of Sujfex were not fo deeply engaged in Difcourfe, but that they took notice fometimes of our two Lovers ; overhearing thefe laft Words, drew nearer, and told them, they fliould leave that Part to their Care, and that they would mc;nage it well enough betwixt them ; that they had nothing to do but to direcl their Letters to the Earl, who was to deliver them to Lucilia. That cruel Moment which was to feparate thefe two Lovers being now at hand, Julia took out of her Bofom a Bracelet fet with Diamonds, on which hung a fmall Pitlure, reprefenting two Hearts pierced through with one Dart, made of her own Hair, with this Motto un- derneath, They are joined for e'ver. Keep this Prefent, Jaid Jhe^ my 6.tz.x Bypolitus, you are the only Man that knows the Value of it. He was tranfported with Joy at this Favour he durft fcarce have asked ; he kifled this dear Pledge of his lovely Miftrcfs with all the Tranfports of Love that can be imagined, and then embracing, once bid farewel to one another J but with fuch Agonies and iJillradion of Mind, that the Earl of Sujfex and Lucilia were not able to forbear to mix their Tears and Sighs with thofe of the two Lovers. At that very Inilant the Earl of Dou- glds and his Lady coming into the Room, ordered //>•- politus to follow them out, whereat he appeared fo fur- prized, as if he had never expected any fuch Thing ; he turned his Eyes upon Julia^ who kept hers fixed on the Ground to hide her Tears. Lucilia and the Earl-, ob/erving Hypolitus unrefolved what to do, took him un- yi ?i. *Ti ic- jj^j. 9bid £jr/ of Do tr G l as. ^ 6^^ <3er tl^6 Arms, feind fo led him down Stairs. He em- braced his Sifter with all the Marks of Tendernefs, snd told her feveral Times, 'Fhat the hejl^ and the only Proof Jhe could gi've him of her Friendf^lp'was, to deiwte allher Cares to be Jerviceahh to Julia ; and to him, in fpeakinjr to her at all Times in his Behalf So he departed, and Julia was left at full Liberty to give Vent to her Moans, Siglis, and Sobs ; it was in vain for Lucilia to endeavour to aftbrd her fome Confo- lation ; for, fo fcon as Hspolitus was got out of Sights (he threw herfelf upon the Ground, and leaning her Head in Lucilia's Lap, (he exprcffed herfelf ia Terms fo full of Tendernefs and Pafiion. as would have allayed in fome Meafure Hypolitus's Grief, had he been near e- nough to hear it. He, on the other hand, abandoned himfelf no lefs to this tormenting Thought than (he, keeping a mod prof:-und Silerxc, without fo much as uttering one Word, till, coming aboard the Veflel, he was to take Leave of his beloved, generous Friend, the Earl of Suj/l'pc. The Wounds of his Heart beginning to bleed afrefh at this Sep ration, / am then condemned to lofe All, my dear Friend, faid he, embracing him ; otv V'.uji part \ 1 thought^ after nvhat I had left behind in Buckinghamfhire, / could not be fenfble of a?iy other Lofs, fince that firji Stroke 'would make me infenfihle of all the rejl ; but, confidering the Condition I find myfelf in at this Moment, 1 am apt to believe, that Love, even in its moji exalted Degree^ is not incompatible nvith Friendjhip ; prefer ve me yours, my Lord, pray do that Jujiice to thefe Sentiments I have for you. He was not able to fay any more, and the Earl was fo highly afflidled at this difmal Parting, that he could not fay one Word, but embrac- ed him with fuch extraordinary Marks of AfFe6lion, and with Tears in his Eyes, in my Lord and my La- dy's Prefence, that notwithftanding all their Anger on account of having fupported Hypolitus his Caufe, they could not but be very well pleafed thereat. As for Hy- folitusi he was himfe!f again expofed to the Trouble of his Father's and Mother's Leffons and Advice ; but being vexed to the Heart at their rigorous Proceedings, he >vould not put fo much of Conllraint upoii himleif as to hide 62 HTPOLITUS, hide his Sentiments, but broke out into fuch mournful Complaints, as would have touched any Body's Heart but that of his Father's. I'hey had taken Care alfo to provide him new Servants, being not very well fatisfied with thofe that had remained at the Earl of SuJ/ex's Houfe in the Country. Hyfolitus rewarded their Fideli- ty with feme Money, defiring his Father to take Care of them, which he promifed to do, by taking fome into his own Service, and recommending the relt to fome of his Friends. My Lord and my Lady Douglas returned in their Barge towards London^ and took the Yj2lx\o{ SuJJ'ex along with them, to take away all Hopes from H)poiiiui of re- turning a fecond Time. Uefore they were got quite out of Sight, the Wind chopping about, they faw the Vef- fcl hoift her Sails, and, after a DiTcharge of fome Can- non, to make the beft of her Way to purfue her Voyage for Italy. Hypolitus remained upon Deck as long as ht could fee the E?iglijh Shore, fending forth a thoufand Sighs towards that Part of the Country whereabout he judged his dear Jtilia might be ; he wiflied a thoufand times, that by fome nolent Tempeil they might be for- ced back into one of the EngUfh Harbours ; and it was r.ot many Days after they had loft Sight of the EngUjh Coail, that they were overtaken by fo violent a Storm, as put them in the utnioft Danger of being loll, all the Hands they had aboard being not fufhcient to manage the Ship; for the Mafts came by the Board, the Cables broke, and the Sails were fhattered to Pieces, the Vef- fel being fometimes covered with Mountains of Water, which foon would raife her up to the Clouds, and im- . mediately afterwards feem to fwallow her up in the Depths of the Sea ; every one dreading his approaching F'ate, they fent forth moll lamentable Cries to Heaven, looking with doleful Countenances upon thofe Shelves on which they feared the Veifel would be ftaved to Pieces. Hypolitus was the only Perfon there who appeared more courageous than all thofe that had for a long Time been accuftomcd to the Danger of the Seas; he feemed un- dillurbed, expedling Death with an unfhaken Refoiu- .t*QIVi-. nay, he wilhed for it fometimes, ai» the only Re- :i, . medy Earl of D u G L A %T 63 mcdy-^iat was likely to rrd him of his Pain ; notwith- ftanding which, fuch was his Prefence of Mind, that he gave Orders in every Thing that fell within his Knowledge. At lailthis terrible Tempeft ceafed, the Sky began to be ferene, no Thunder or Lightning was heard or feen any longer ; the Storm was fucceeded by a Calm, and the Sea became fo fmooth, as if the Wind were quite baniflied from the Sea. All Hands were now employed in repairing the Damage the Veflel had received during the Tempeil, and they had much ado to fini(h their Work before they were threatened with another Danger by the fo much celebrated and redoubted Pirate Dra- gut Rais : He no fooner got Sight of the ErigUJh Ship, but he prepared for an Engagement, the Englijhman re- fuilng to ftrike at the Sign given him by the Pyrate. It was at this Time that Hypolitus, laying afideall his Trou- bles, behaved himfelf like a Man of Adlion, encourag- ing the Captain and Seamen, not only by his Wordsi but alfo by his Example. After they had plied lOne a- nother briskly for fome Time with their great Guns, the Turk boarded the Engli(hman, upon which Occafion hypolitus did Wonders in his ownPerfon, appearing eve- rywhere where the Danger was greateil, and carrying every Thing before him wherever he came. At lall he leaped into the Enemy's Ship, followed only by a few of his Men ; but the great Actions they performed a- board the Turkijh VefTel, put Dragut Rais into fuch a Fright, that he thought it his fafeit Way to think of retreating, for fear of falling into his Enemy's Hands, Accordingly he gave the necefiary Orders for getting his Ship off clear from the Englijhman^ which he would have found a hard Matter to effed, had not Hypolitus at the fame Time perceived a Turk aboard his own Ship laying about him moft bravely, killing all that came m his Way, and making a Baricado of dead CarcaiTes to defend himfelf alone againft all the red, fo that fcarce any one durll venture to come near him. Seized with a noble Emulation to fight this brave Enemy, Hypolitui got back again into the Englifo Veflel, and whillt thefe two brave Men were engaged in a moll furious Combat, the 64 H r P L IT US, the Pyrate took the Opporrunity of getting clear, and fheering off. Nothing elfe could have parted thele two valiant Men, who were both wounded in feveral Places; and he who belonged to the Turk'ip Ship feeing himfelf left behind alcne, had no other Way left him than to furrender himfelf to Hyf-clifus, whom he judged to be moft worthy of that Honour. Ufe me, /aid be to him in Engliih, as I have always ufed thofe of your Nation, who hitherto have always had Reafon to be fatisfied with my Deportment towards them, I hope, faid Hy-. politns to kirn, yoa (hall likewife have no other Reafon than to be fatisfied with me ; and fo he went to the Capta'n of the Ship, defiring he might be treated with peculiar PefpccH:, as. a brave and valiant Man. We owe tvery Thing to yoar \^alcur, faid the Captain, and fince, without your Afiift nee, we fiiould icarce have come off with fo much Honour as we have done, the Perfon you interceed for is at your abfolute Difpofal j the only Thing f have to defire of you being to take Care of yourfelf, and to have your Wounds looked af- ter without Delay. Bfpclitus returned him Thanks for his Civilities and Care, and finding himfelf much weak- ned, becaufe he had loft Abundance of Blocd, he v/a3 forced to lay himfelf to reft upon his Bed ; but he fcarce get thither, when remembering his Prifontr, he ordered a Bed to be got ready for him in his ovvn Cabin, where he defired him to lie dovv'n, and let his Wounds be fearcK- ed. None of them were found to be dangerous, and h d Hypolitus been as fecure in all other Refpe6ts, his Cure would have been both eafy and (hort ; but fo foon as he had no more Enemies to encounter, he relapfed into his former Melancholy, and his Prifoner heard him cry out in his Sleep for feveral Nights fucceflively. Oh! [ulia, Julia, in lofinz, thee I hwve lofi All ; nothing can £omfof>t m € for your Ahfence . After this, it was no hard Matter for Muley (for that was the valiant Prifoner's Name) to guefs that Hypolitus was in Love, and overburdened with heavy Afflictions. Muley was of a middle Age, exadly Well (haped, arkl had moft regular Features, with a certain haughty and n? If it had pleafed God, Jai^ 7, to have fpared but one of thefe two, it would have aftbrded me fome Confolation ; but, ala5 ! all is loft to me ! and fuch is my Misfortune, that whilll I am debarred from being among the Living, X cannot as yet be numbered among the Dead. I will not abufe your Patience with a long Recital of my Grief, it will fuffice to tell you, that after a moil doleful Captivity of eight Years, Dra^ut Rais one Day lemembering mc again (for lam fure he had forgot mt) fent for me, and no fooner came I into the open Air, but I fell into a Swoon ; but foon recovering myfelf. Come, come, /aid hcy Warwick, take Courage, I have a great Mind once more to put a Sword into thy Hand, provided thou wilt fwear to me by what is moit facrcd .among you ChrijiianSy that thou wilt draw it for ao JBody but for me, and againft all my Enemies without Exception ; if thou agreelT to this Propofal, continued he ^ gi'ving me his Handy I will give thee my Word thou Ihalt be as much refpeded here as myfelf; nay, thou flialt command, and be obeyed here, and thou flialt have an equal Share in my Fortune ; and, to give thee a convincing Proof of kt thou (halt be called Muley, a Name I have in great Veneration, and wear the lame Habit as I do, tho' this be a Thing fcarce ever pradlifed among the Mahometans. Thy O^'ers are not fufficient to tempt me, laid I ; I difdain thy Fortune and thy Command thou fets fo high a Value upon, bccaufe they are all below me ; but if my Services are capable cf f ur- chafing me my Liberty, tell me what Time thou wilt appomt, and I will befides this pay thee my Ranfom. It fhali coit thee 6ooo Rixdoliars, /aid he to ine^ after ten Years are expired, during which thou flialt ferve me faithfully, and upon thofe Cor.ditions the Agreement is made. It was this that obliged me to fghtagainll you. I vv.-is engaged upon Honour fo to do, and cculd in no wife avoid it, tho' my Wifhes were all that While for yop, and. Heaven has been pleafed to hear them at lalt.; - '' ' Dtagut ^arl of Do u gX A s, - 6gf Dragut R/iis has been forcM to" leave us, and thereby* my Captivity has been lefieh'd for fevcral Years. I did not think it convenient to difcover myfelf, being taken fighting againU the Erfgfi/h for the Infideh ; but the good Opinion I had conceived of you, continued he, made me foon imagine you would make a5 good Ufe of this Secret as I could wifh for. I think this a very happy Day to me, faid Hypofitas to the Earl ofWarzvicki on which you are pleas'd to judge me worthy o^ being your Coniident, before you had any particular Knowledge of me; this Teftimony of your Efteem I (hall be careful not to mifufe, and af*- ter all, you could not have entrufted your Secret with any other Perfon in the World, who is able to repay you this Obligation fo well as I can, by communicatinrg^ to you a Piece of News, which will prove no lefs ac- ceptable than fuiprizing to you, and which. Sir, very Kearly concerns you. He then gave him an exaft and* faithful Account of every thing relating to JuTta'y and' tho' he did not think fit to tell him of his Pafiion for het^,^' his molt paffionate manner of fpeaking concerning hcf,* and the Defcription he gave of her, join'd to other Cirl' cum (lances the Earl had taken notice of before, and now recali'd to his Remembrance, as his Sighs, his Moans in the Night-time, his calling in his Sleep upon Julia by Name, eafily convrncM him that he was molt paf- fioriately in Love with her. Nothing can be compared to his Surprize and Joy, when he heard that his Daughter was llill alive ; and it was no fmall Satisfaction to him, to underftand that Ihe was adopted in the Catholick Religion, and become a very accomplifhed young Woman : His Defire to fee her was fuch, that had there been a Veffel to be found that would carry him to London, and had it been in his Power to appear there, he would have undertaken that Voyage immediately, with the greateil Pleafure ima- ginable. Ihe next thing he ask'd, was, How Mat^ ters went in England, as v:t\\ in point of Religion as the Government. Hypolitus told him, That not long ago John Dudley, Duke 'oi tn for Julia, her Father is not likely to aift contrary to the Interefl of a Friend, who is al- ready fo dear to him. Upon thefe Confidcrations, it it was refolved not to let Julia know the leall T hing relating to the Eail of irar-ziicl^; and that they might not om:t any Thing they thought requifite to thwart the Defigns of thefe two t.^nder and unfortunate Lovers, they got certain I-£tters forged, and diredted to the Earl of Si/J/ex {after having intercepted the true ones fent him from Leghorn) to Lucilia, and to Julia, in T/y/s- //Vwi's Name. In thefe 'tuas pretended he writ then!" Word, that having received a VV^ound in the Hand, in his late Voyage, he was obliged to make L'fe of a Friend to write to them in his Behalf. This was done to remove all Sufpicion, when they Ihould fee their Letters written by another Hand but Hypolitus's own ; and to play their Cards the better, tr.at written to Julia, was conceived in Terms full of JndifTerency and chang- ing ; whereab thofe for Lucilia^ and the Earl oi Sujfex^ Were extremely tender. E 2 Oil 76 HTPOLirUS, On the other Hand, my Lord Douglas caufed other Letters alfo to be forged, as if written by Julia, her Siller, and by the Earl, to Hypoliius, ftiled in fuch a Manner as they judged moO: proper to perfwade him they were written by them ; and to take away all Man- ner of Sufpicion from him, becaufe they were not writ- ten with their own Hands, they let him know, that it was agreed among them to difguife their Hand Writing, that in Cafe they fhould mifcarry, it might not be known from whom they c ime. T'hen my Lord Douglas wrote again to the Englijh Head Faftor at Florence^ to defire him to intercept thofe Letters that aduaUy came from the Earl of Sujftx, and kiftead thereof to deliver to Hypolitus the fuppofitious onf s; to dillinguifli thefe Letters, he fent him a Print of the Signet wherewith the fuppofitious Letters were to be feal- cd, conjuring him to fuffer none but thofe to come to his Son's Hands, and fend all the reft back to him. By this Means feeing himfelf Mafter of all the fecret Cor- refpondence betwixt Julia and her dear Lover, he be- gan now to hope to bring his Defires about according to the Scheme he had laid of them j for, according to his Direftions, thefe fuppolitious Letters, by Degrees, ap- peared more and more cold on both Sides. Julia be- came inconfolable. Jlas ! Sijler^ faid fhe lo Lucilia, your Brother lanjes me no ?nore ; pray mind houo itidijff'trent' ly he 'writes y and he has mijfed fe'veral Pojh nxiithout let- ting me hear from him, and ivhen he does, it feems as if it njjere only out of Coinplaifance, and as if 1 nvere forced to fnatch from him his Demonfirations and Remembrance of our Friendjhip ; / am fure ivhat he does is only for a Decorum^ s Sake^ his Heart has no Share in it. Hypolitus is changedy Sijier, continued Ihe, Hypolitus is changed', at thefe Words fhe dropt from her Chair like one half dead. Lucilia would willingly have fpoken in JulUfica- tion of her Brother, and maintained his Conilancy j but thinking herfelf convinced of his Infidelity, ihe -was not a little difcompofed at his Inconfiancy. Whilft thefe lovely Perfons pafTed whole N ights under the moft fenfible Afflidion that could be, and in their fetters loaded the unfortunate Hypolitus with a thoufand Reproaches, Earl ^Douglas, 77 Reproaches, his Mind laboured under no Icfs Dillrac- tion than theirs. Upon the Departure of the Ear] of Warnjuick for FcnicCy he had dirclofed to him his PafTion for Juiia, without in the leaft difguifing the Matter, and told him how much my l,ord Douglas was exafps- rated ac^ainfl him on that Account, and he had prevail- ed at lail fo far upon the Earl, that he brought hirri over quite into his Interell, and cbiaincd from him 1 Promife, That this fair Lady /hoiild he no Bcdys elfe but his. He did not fail to acquaint liis beloved Millrefs with this agreeable Piece of New?, but to little Purpofe, fince every Thing was kept from her Sight and Know- ledge, except what might fcrve to increal'e her Grief.; as Hypolitus, on the other hand, oblerved that llie wrote to him as if it were with fome Conllraint and Diffidence, which proved the conftant Occafion of new Diliurbances in his Mind. I told you he'bre, that be was received wi:h ail Dc« Xi^.o.iilration of Eftecm and Eriendfhip by tlie Senator Jlberti i he had a Son mucli of the fame Age as Hypo- litus, named Signior Leander, a Peifon well (haped, witty, obliging, of a fweet Temper, and a pleafing and moft engaging Converfation. T liefe two Gentle- inen foon diicovered in one another fuch a mutual Dif- poiliion to love one another, and their Tempers fuitcd fo exai.'Uy well, that at frlit Sight, by a certain EfR*fl of Sympathy, they contr^ided fo near, and fo frm a Fr'endlhip, that in a very fmall Time after they had no Secret, nay, nor fcarce even a Thought but what they communicated to ov.z another. It i: eafy to imagine, that living in fo ftrift a Friendfhip, Hypolitus could not forbear to make him his Confident of his PafLon for Jidia, and he took much Delight in talking of her, and in extolling the Charms and ether great Qualities of his Miitrefs, that it wanted very little but that Leander had fallen in Love with her. 'Nothing in the Worlds faid he, is comparable to her for Beauty ^ vothing v.ofe accomplijhed than her Wit \ /he has a great Soul, and an engaging Air^ enough to inchant e^-vefy Body that con on account of my Pajfon. jfujl Heaven^ nvhat a Martyr- dom is this I Ho^lv lo-ng Jhall I be thus afflicted I At thefe Words (he cried biiterly ; her Siller mingling her Tears with hers, would fain have afforded her i'ome Confolation, but without Succefs. The Earl of Bedford, in the midft of all the PJea- fures he enjoyed, could not but be feniible that lie was not beloved by his Lady ; for tho' Love be blind, it is very quick-fighted and difcerning in certain Refped.s. It is true, we are apt, when we are in Love, fcarce to make a real Diftindion betwixt that which is the Ef- fed only of Complaifance, and betwixt what proceeds from pure Inclination ; we ara very willing to flatter and to deceive ourfelves : But, after all, there is a cer- tain nice and delicious Relilli which affeds the Heart from Time to Time with a mutual Paffion ; but when only one of the two happens to love, he muft expeft Abundance of turbulent Hours, and the Objetl beloved muft alfo bear her Share in them. This was the Cafe of the Earl of Bedford^ who, during thefe turbulent Minutes, thought of nothing fo much than who could be the Perfon that robbed him of his Lady's Tender- nefs. 88 HTPOLirUS, &c. nefs, tho' at the fame Time he knew not where to £x the Matter, fhe being a Lady of fo much Prudence, of fo much Indifterency and Refervednefs to all the World, that he had all the Reafon in the World to believe, that if fhe did not love him, fhe did not love any Thing elfe in the World ; and tho' he could not but look upon it as a great Misfortune to know himfelf net to be be- loved by his Wife, he thought it neverthelefs none of the leaft Felicities, that her Heart was not engaged ano- ther Way. Time will make me happy, /aid he to one of his inthnate Friendsy Julia is infenfible to all the World now ; but when her loving Hour is ccme, I don't queftion but fhe will do that in my Behalf out of Inclination, which now is purely the EfTeiTc of her Duty and V'irtue. THE 1 89] THE HISTORY O F HTPOLITUS, Earl of Douglas. PART 11. ■^H REE whole Months were now expired, in which neither Lusiiia nor the Eail of Sujex had written to Hypolitus ; they were fo enra- ged againft him by reafcn of his Fnconrtancy, tliat they could not forgive him, and the Earl molt of the two ; for tho' he never ufed to keep conliant to one Miilrefs, he was a Man of [icnour, whofe Maxim it was, that a Man wlio pretends to Honour, fhould ne-. Vf r break his Word ; and this it was that made him (o angry with his Friend. My 90 HTPOLiruS, My Lord Douglas having novv gained his Point, writ to the Enghjh Fador at Florence^ that he returned him Thanks for his Affiduity in intercepting his Son's Let- ters, but that for the futL're he might let them take their due Courfe ; yet this afforded no Matter of Comfort to Hypolitusy becaufe thofe Perfons from whom he expedled his Letters, thought fit now to fend him none. 'I'his put him under ftrange Inquietudes ; forty times was he upon the Point of refolving to go into England to fee his dear y«//<7, had uox. Leander made ufe of all the Power he had over him to divert him from it. One Evening, when his Spleen made him quite averfe to all Converfaiion, even of that of his intimate Friends, he walked out of the Town, following for fom€ Time the Current of the River Arniis, till, turning off a little Way, he got into a Wood of Orange^ Myrtle, and Pomegranate Threes ; he traced for fome Time the Tracl of the High- way, but at laft, by feveral By-paths, got into the meft remote Part cf the Wood. He, findmg himfelf at full Liber- ty, and without the lead Conllraint, began to figh, and to make the moft dreadful Reflexions in the World upon what cculd be the Caufe of his Miftrefs's net writing to him, as alfo of his Sifter's and the Earl of SiiffiXy and that in fo long a Time, He took a fixed Kefolution to leave Florence without Delay, much about the fame Time when his Valet, who knew he was under the greattft Vexation that could be, on account of his herirmg no News from England, having novv received feme Letters, went with all poffible Halle to find him out. Being told that his Mailer was feen to go into the Wood, he fearched all Corners thereof, till, having found him out, he delivered him the Packet. H\po!iti(S fent him home again, and overjoyed to fee the Earl cf Sujfex'% Hand, he opened it haltily, and found in it thefe Lines. THo'' I had taken a Refolution not to tvrite to you any v.ore, set I thoug-ht at lajl three Months Silence a Time fujficiently long to make you fcnJi'oL'' ho^M highly I avt concerned at your Infidelity to the faif Julia ; ar.d tho' all XDur Fricndi ought to be nxell fatisficd in fi advantageoiH ^' a Mar- Earl of Douglas. 91 « Marriage as yours is, and that I am one of thofe, ivho are moji fenjibly touched ^vith e-very 'Thing relating to you, I can ne'vertheUfs not forbear to oivn to you^ that I cannot be overjoyed at it, atid that 1 could ha.ugh with his own Sword, and fo at once to put an End to his unfortunate Life, but that fome imall Glimpfes of Hope ilopped his Hand : ''Tis no d/Jficult Matter for me, laid he, to J/^e ivhat they aim at ; "'tis poJJible ^\iX\di. has conceived fome "Jealoufy^ and to put me t9 92 HrPOLITUS, to the Tryal^ P?e has filched upon this Contrinjante^ to put tne in Fear of lojing hery and to bring ?ne back to my Dw ty, in Cafe I had laid it afde. But thefe thoughts con- tinued not longi being fucceeded by others much more af~ fli^ing than thofe : Ho\dion and Motion of her':) foon obferving, felt u ftrange Emotion in his Heart; and perceiving the Earl oi Bedford vtxy bufy in viewing \w Imt Leander fhewed him, and fearing lell Ju/ia fhould withdraw be- fore he could fpcak to her, he drew nearer, and pretend- ing to look for feme extraordinary rare Things in his Box, he brought out among the reft, the fame Parapet and Piifture Ju/Ia prefented to him, when they took Leave of one another, upon his going for It^/j ; he gave it into her Hands, and without much difguifing his Voice (which was fufliciently changed already, by thjp various Agitations lie felt within himlelf,) Praj, Madam^ faid he, buy this Piece, njchich reprefents Lo-xe ; perhaps you never fanjo any Thing fo fine in your Life : She too^ it carelefly, but no fooner call her Eyes upon it, but fh'e appear'd fo much furprifed, that had her Husband but taken ever fo little Notice of her at that Inllant, he muft needs have fufpecled there was fome Myftery in the Cafe. After having for fome Time viewed with much Attention, the Hairs, the Colours, the Device, and the Hearts : Where did youbuy this Piece, faid (he to him with a low Voice, as 7iot to he tinderfood by any Body elfe hut by him P Leand r^ feeing his Friend engaged in a Djfccurfe with his Miftrefs, took Care to keep the Earl of Bedford from over-hearing them : So that HypoUtut finding himfelf fomewhat at Liberty, replied. Ton ask 7ne, Madam, ivhere I bought it F But there are certain Things not to be purchafed for Money ; / remember the Time, vjhich ^was the Happinefs of 7ry Life, ^iX'hen I ador' ed a certain Lady, and fye ivas plcafcd to accept of my Services', but that Time is pajfed and gone Dii'ine ]\i\\2t.y coitmued he, drawing nearer to her, as if he intended to fhevv her the Excellency of the Workmanfhip of the Piece, that Time fo dear and charming to me, is nonv no moj-c : She fufpe^ied my Conftancy^ pe believed me un- E 3 ' foithfui, J02 HTPOLiruS, faithful^ and I am come to protej} at her Feety that I never :ing the Matter, before chev could agree about the Pme; whicli they did at lall, Le- ander being unwilling to carry the Jell too far with th^ Earl. Scarce were tiiey got into tlie Room, where /i]j- politus was entertaining Julia, but in comes the Countels of lleisille, who was actually Julias Aunt, without knowing it; foriliewas igncrant of her being the Larl of IFariviclis D.iughter; but fhe had always Ihew' 1 her as much 'I'endernels, as if ike had been acquainted with the Secret of her Coniunguinity : Their Seats were at no gieac L'litance fomone another in the Country, fo Ike came to invite her to her Daughter's Weddings who was to be married to my Lord liouoard^ defcended from one of the moil noble Families in Endand. 7h'j I exUci but little Company there^ faid fhc to h.er, 1 do not qucjlion but F 4 '-W •? J04 H r P L I T U S, toe Jhall he a^er-y merry. I muji frankly tell yen, Madam^ fnoji obligingly, replied Julia, that unlefs it be the Plea" Jure of feeing you and ycur dear Family thire, nothing 10 ill divert me ; for giive me Leanje to tell you, that I am fcare recovered of a 'very long Dijlemper^ 'which makes tne fill fo iveak and faint, that 1 afn much afraid my P re- fence nvill only proije trouble fon:e to fo agreeable an J^ffem- bly. Vou may tell me 'what y.u think fit, returned thei Countefs of Neville, but unlefs you are there the Match JJjall not be confummated ; ic^ Jhall not enjoy ourfelnjes tvithoutyouy and therefore am refolved to carry you imme- d lately along njoith me to my Houfe. My Lord Ho'ward being a near Relation of the Earl of Bedford' $t he fo effectually joined his Entreaties with my Lady Netille, that Julia, not being able to refufe them, went imme- diately along with the Countefs of Newlle, without havirgthe leall Opportunity of fpeaking with //)•/ould he ny Ri^-al : She has quite enchanted ?fiy Senfes, her ivhole Deportment, her engag^ing Air, her regular Features, her Shape, her goodly Mien, all thefe Perfeilions Jhe is Mijircfs of beyond all other Women, have rais'd fuch an Ama^iement in my Sou'i that I tnujl cOnfefs to youy J never felt that for any othtr Earl of Do u g t AsY 105 ether T'erfon in the Worlds vjhat I fe^livithin ntyfetf for her. Hypolitus overjoy 'd to hear him, threw his Arms all on a faddcn about his Neck ; / aiuld find hut one FitnJt in youy dear Friend, faid he to him, fhat'toctr, your nvant of Love ; / fomeiimes reh^ited my being in Lo've, unlefs you ^couJd he in Love as tvell as I ', it fern'' d to yne, as if^what I told ycu, tC'as not *very intelligible to yout and as if ?ny Pains did not af'e5l you fufficiently, becauft you had never felt any thing like it. I am over j of d to hear, you have at lafl met ivith avObjeFf^ thit is ca- pable of toiichlng your Heart, and it Jha/I not be nrf Faulty if my Sifer does not infpire into you a m^fi violert Pafjion, But Kvhat do you think of the lovely Julia ? Have I ?iot fufficient reafcn to die for her P Did ever yoiijee anything that comes near her for Bcanty F For my Party I ?;:ujf confefs, I am quiie enchanted vcith if; That Langui/^menf, that Sadne/'s you obferve in all her ASlionSy onl\\ferve to nugment her Charms, and to reorder me the more anfortUr fiate. Alafs ! Jll thrle th'rgs taken together, ferve only to make me the more fnfblc of niy Lofs in her. Their Converfation 1 fted till they came to the Wood, where they were again to change their Cloaths ; but whilft their two Servants were getting them ready, they on a Sudden lieard a great Noifc of Men and Horfes, who foon furrounded them. They Were not d, little furprized, and had no reafon to queilion, bat that they aim'd at them, when t'ley faw Tome with Swords drawn, others arm'd with Guns and Pillols, approach- ing on all Sides, and (without Ihewing their Authority) calh'ng to them to furrcndtr. They wtre fen-fible it would be in vain to withtland fo great a Number; but being re'blved not to fubmit tamely, they pulTd out their Pocket Pillols, and wounded no lefs than four, and then clapping their Backs againft Tome Trees, (to a- void being furrounded) they fought it out moft bravely, and were fuccefsTuliy fecorrded Ly their two Servants ; but at laH, finding the Number of their Enemies en* crcafe, as their Strength begun to decay by degrees, and tliat they aimM not at their Lives, becaufe they call'd to them without Intermlffion to furrender, they faw themfelves under a Neceffitv of doing lb. No foont'r F 5 had «o6 H r p Tjir U1S, Irad they got them into their Clutches, but, to revenge tiiem'elves and their Comerades, that were wounded, they tied Hypo/ilus 3.n6 Leander^ and their two Servant?, Hand and Feet, for fear they (hould either once more ti^ht againft them, or make their Eicape. In this Condition they carried them before a neigh- Ibouring Jullice of the Peace, upon vvhofe Warrant they had feiz'd them ; tho' (being mad and in drink) they had notproduc'd nor n^m'd it: The Thing happened thu?, j'jJl as Signior Leander and //y/c/////^ were changing their C. oaths in the Wood, when tiiey were going to the Earl of Bedford's Hou:e, fome Butcliers happening to pafs by that Way, and feing them pull off their embroldsr'd Coats, and inftead thereof to put on others of a quite dilTercntMake, and cnt clapping a Plaiiler to his Eye, thdj did not in the leail queition, but that theie were thefameHigii way men, who hadof late committed many Robberies in that Part of the Country. Several Conila- bles with their Attendants, had been abroad in Search after them, and were jull come back to the Jullice of the Peace's Houfe, when thefe Batchers came in, to give an account of what they had feen : There n>.'eded no more to fatisfy them that thefe were tlie Men they look'd for; and when after the Return of Leander and HypolUus from tiie Earl of Bedford's Houfe, they found them again bu- fied in changing their Cloaths, they thought themlelves fo certain that thefe were the Highwaymen, that without any further Ceremony they fell upon them, feiz'd and carried them to the Juftice of the Peace's Houfe. Whilft they were carried along, Hypolitns made the moll melancholy Reflexions that can well be imagin'd, upon the Oddnefs of this Adventure ; not being able to conceive unto whom to attribute, or whom to blame for ^hi3 Mifhap. Is this the Effect of my Father s A-verfion^ faid he to nimfelf ? Jm 1 found out, and has JoTnehody or other difco^'o^d to him my Return into England I Or per- haps, has my Lad^ Bedford and her Son taken the Jd- wantage of my Father s Agreement nvith them? As he was under a great Uncertainty as to his Enemies, fo he could not but be furpriz'd, what fhould make them to feize Leander, being vex'd to the hearty he fliould prove the Occafion Earl of Do0-GLAS^V 107 Orcafion of his Friend's i.i Treatment. They had tak -n cai'e to part them, fo that they had not ihe Satis- faction of fpcaking to one another, and no fooner were they brougiit before the Jullice, but he examln'd them each apart ; Guefs at their furprize, when he ask'd them, whether they had not kill'd fiich and fuch Per- fons and robb'd them ? They difown'd the F:.<^. bat you Diay believe, this would not difcharge them ; fo far from that, that they were put, Hands and Feet tied, into a deep Cellar, the Door whereof was narrowly watch'd by a Con liable and his Attendants. Bt'ing now at Liberty to fpcak, they to!d one another, every thing that can be thought tender and kind, or what can polfibly be conceiv'd to proceed from a mol]; Cnccre Friendlhip upon fuch an Occafion as this. Be not dijlurb\i, my deareji Friend^ faid Lcander to H'^polifus, you fee the njuhole thing is no rnore than a Chimera^ and that let the cvcorji come to the n.K.QrJf, you need ctiJy difcovsr you-Jhlf, and they nvill be glad fo fit us at Liberia. If^oiild you ha^ve me not be di/iwb'' J, cry^d HypoHtus ? Oh! Le- ander, I fee you are far frorn bci?tg full; acquainted nvitb the Sentiments 1 have for \cu, and -with ivhaf tnay be the C-onfequence of this J^Iifchance : I fee you tied Hands and Feet like a CriininaU in a dark Hole, upon the bare Gir.undi y^u follo'du' d me into my c^jjn Country, after you had fjeiK d file a thoufavd Courtefies in yours : Fhe frjl Place I bring y)u to is a Frifon% prayconfuler n,^hat Enter taimncnt 1 ^ive you in my native Countty? And njoouLi you have me re- main infenftble at fuch a Misfortune? Vts, 1 ivould^ faid Leander^ interrupting him, / vjould 7tot have you cai ,f Thinj^s to that Extremity of Tender tiefs ,. ard affure i y^ur felf that in hearing a Share in your Mi.for/ancs, I :)ont feel my o'wn ; hcfidesy let me tell you^ my Friend, I am above fuch an Accident as this ; a dark Holcy ill Treat- ment t thofe are things I value not in Refped to mv felf, und vjere you thoroughly a:quainted njoith the Sentiments of my Heart, this Mifhcip iKouhl not give you the leaf DiJ- turbance* If^ould be very uwi^orthy of the Goodntfs yon Jpeiv me, my dear Leander, reply 'd Hypolicus, nvh'ere I not highly fenfihle of it; and not to ^-iccal from sou' ny fui ther lf4t^iii£iudes, p-ny co^fder, ial. They requefted feveral Times to fpeak with the Alafter of the Houfe i but the Juftice, who had obferved there was a llricl iii H r P L I TUlS, flrift Friendfhip betwixt Hypelitui and his Friend, fobn perceiving that their Intention was to btegofhim, not to fufTer them to fight againll one another, would net let them fee any Body. Nothing can be comparable to tlte defperate Condition they faw themfelves reduced to; the appointed Hour was come, and the more refolute they appeared in not complying with the Jullice's De- mands, the more he threatened them with Death and DeRrudion. At lafi: thefe two Friends dreading the £f- fei^s of an arbitrary Power, refolvcd that as Toon as t'l'Sf^y had got the Swords into their Hands, inflead of em- ploying them againft one another, they would make ufe of them to fell their Lives at the dearell rate they could -y fo they took their Arms and appeared within the Barriers where they were to fight. Nctice being given to all the Company there pre- fenr, that two Highwaymen, who had fought fo delpe- rately in the Wood before they were taken, were to fight, every one was very defirous to fee the liTue of this Combat ; bat no fooner were they entered within the Barriers, but you might have heard a confufed mur- muring Noife am.ong the Spectators, every Body there looking upon them with Admiration ; their Youth, their Beauty, their goodly Mien gain'd the Inclinations of all that were prefent. There was not one Perfon who couM hstv6 the feaft Knov^ledge of Signior Leandsr ; but there were net a few who flood almoft amazed, there fhould be fo great a Refcmblance betwixt a Robber, fuch a one as they ftjppofed HypoUtus to be, and my Lord Douofas*s Son : were he not in Itafy, faid they to one another, who could believe otherwife, but it was himfelf in Perfon? Thefe two faithful Friends viewM firft the whole AfTenibly with a noble and fierce Countenance, and then cafl their Eyes upon thofe Wretches they were to engage; of thefe there were th'rty in Number heacei by the Conftable and the Jurtice of the Peace, who lit- tle imagined there would be any Danger in the Cafe. Soon after HypoHtns and Leander clofely embraced one another, imagining (as they had great Beafon to do) that they were to go to a certain Death ; but they were tod cduriigeous to dread the Event j ard IhpcUtus had :-' • " this Earl of Dov gl as^ i 13 this particular Satisfaftion in this Misfortune, to think- he fhould remain undifcovered, and that it would never be known, that he had difguifed himfelf, with an Irr- tention to fee Julia, Purfuant to what was concerted betwixt them, they leapt both together over the Rails, and running with Sword in Hand towards the Juftice, the Conilable and his Atteir- dands placed along the Barriers to guard them, they fnatch'd their Swords out of their Hands (becaufe they would prove more ferviceable to them than thofe they had) and fighting like two enraged Lions, you might have feen them in an Inftant covered ail over with Blood, and wounded in feveral Places. Ji^Ua and Luciliay who were not prefent at this Speftacle, becaufe they being naturally of a fweet Difpofition, took no Delight in fo cruel a Divertifement, hearing an extraordinary Noife that Way, and the Cries of the Ladies, (fome out of Fear, others out of Pity) run flrcrightways to a fpacious Terra fs where the Speftators were placed, which had divers marble Steps leading into the Place where the Tumult was : They call their Eyes, tho' not without much Relu£\ancy upon the pretended Gladiators, whom at firft they could fcarce diftinguifh in this Confufion from the reil : But alas ! "'twas not long before they difco- vered their d^^v Hypolitus and his generous Friend. Gi^efs what a Sight, what a Stroke this muft be to them! What Word? are able to exprefs their Surprize, their Fe-ir, their Aftli»5lion : Juil Heavens ! 'tis Hypolitus^ 'tis him, cry'd rhey both at once ; fo running headlong dovva the Steps, made all the hafte they could to fecure what they loved from fo imminent a Danger. There was fcArce any Body there but what was ready to efpoufe their Quarrel, every one follow'd them with their Swords drawn. They kept c^ofe to their Lovers, and thefc feeing them come to their Pvclief gathered new Strength and Courage, fo that Mr. Juftice with his Guard feeing fo many Swords rea:dy to be turn'd againft them, were gl;id to fcek for their Safety in their Hee!s, leaving thefe two Champions and dear Friends ablblute Malters of the Field of Battle ; but their Strength hitherto fup- . ported by their Anger, now beginning to fail, UypoUius almolt 114 H r P L I TU S, almoHdrown'd in a whole Rivulet of Blood, drop'd down half dead at Julias Feet, and Lemider drawing near toaffilt his Friend, had the fame Fate. Julia 2iV\^Lucilia at this molt deplorable Sight, b.-ing ro more Millreffes of themfelves, Julia was altogether taken up with her deareil Lover, vvhofe Head leaning upon her Knee?, ihe held upright in her Arms, bathinghisF.ee with her Tears, breaking forth into moU pamonate Moans and Lamentations, and endeavouring to ilcp with one of her Hands the Blood that gufh'd cut of one of his Vv'ounds ; whilfl Lucilia appiy'd all her Cire to the Af- iiftance q{ Leander i and tins young lovely Lady, ihew'd 'already fo particular a Concern for the Prefervation of this Stranger, as might well be fuppolcd to owe its Ori- gine to another Principle and Motive, than to Genero- fity alone. They weie going to carry HypoUtus into a Chamber to drefs his Wounds, but he not aonfidering before whom he fpoke, and cafting a languifliing Look at Julia^ told her with the utmoil Palhon j Permit me, dear Llijlr/fso/my Heart, to die in your j^rms', this Death fwill he more- agreeable a fid piore happy to me than tny Life. There were but few who could hear thele Woids, and thofe that heard it, look'd upon it as an Etfei^ of a Frenzy, which is often the Forerunner of approaching Death ; but the Earl oi Bedford ^ who was one of thofe that heard it, was flruck with it as with a Thunder- bolt ; he kv.tw Julia and H;politus to be no Brother and Siller ; he knew that they were educated together, th.it it was he who wounded him in the Garden, when he was attempting to carry o^ Julia by Force ; in one IVIoment tvQvy thing prefented itfeif before his Eyes, which he had to fear, and thefe Surmizes were in his Mind changed into undeniable Realities: But ib fcon as he was told by the Juilice of the Peace, that thefe two Gentlemen were taken difguifed in Pedlars Habits, he had the Curiofity to look into their Boxes, and there needed no mere to convince him that there was a inutual Lovt: betwixt Julia and IhpoUlus ; but he had ib much Prudence, as to hide the Dart that had pierc'd him through the Heart. Both Earl of Douglas. 115 Both ihefe loving Friends were carry 'd into one Cham- ber, where their Wounds being fearchM and drefs'd im- mediately, were found to be much larger than dange- rous. In the mean while yulia confidering with her- ■felf, but too late, that her Spcufe would be heartily vex- ed to fee her fo much concerned at Hypolitus^s. Misfortune, to repair in fome meafure this Fault, fte defired Lucilia to tell her Brother, how fhe was oblig'd to adl with Cir- cumfpeflion, and not to fee him unlefs it were in the Earl of Bedford's Prefence ; that he himfelf might eafily judge, what violence flie put upon her own Inclinations, fince fhe was fo unfortunate as not to be able hitherto to efface out of her Heart the Imprefli:>ns he had made there, and that fhe conjur'd him, to let her hear where her Father was. My Lord Nevil was almoft inconfolable, that fo un- fortunate an Accident fhould fall out in his Houfe, bear- ing a moll: profound Refpe£l to the Earl of Doug/as, and confe(]uently to his Son j and being inform'd of the true Qiiality oi Lrandcr^ he omitted nothing that might con- vince both of thf-m, of his Uneafineis on that account, and of the p:irt!cular Efleem he had for them. H-^po!itus, unto whom he aJdrefsM himfelf in a molt peculiar man- ner, defircd hini hot to a'-qualnt his Father with what had happened, and told him frankly, that it was his Love Paffion that had halkn'd his return cutof Italy^ and made him difguife himfelf in a Pedlar's Habit; that if his Family got to know of it, it vvculd prove' the Occa- frn of great Contells betwixt them and him, till he might have Time and Opportunity of fettling Matters upon a better Foot; and my Lord promifed to do all he defired of him. Several of the Company v.-ere mighty follicitous to knov/ what could induce thefe two Gentlemen to difguife themfelves thu5, and there were very few but what fup- pofed there was a Love In:rigue in the C-fe, but they could r>ot guefs at the Pcrfons concerned therein: for every Bcdy believing yulin to be Hypolitus''s Sifter, there was not the leait rco.n for any Suipicion upon her Ac- count, ii6 H TP LITUS.... count, To that every Body guefs'd according to his Fan- cy, but no Body hit the Mark- In the mean time the Juftice of the Peace being Jen- lible how far he had abuled his Authority, and dread- ing the Revenge of thofe he had fo grofly mifufed, with the utmoft Suhmiflion beg'd jfuHa'i and Lucili.i*s I'ardon, and that they would be fo geoerous as to inter- ceed in his behalf with Hypolitns and Leander^ whick they prcmifed to do, judging itmoU convenient, at this Time, to Sacrifice their Refentment to other more weighty Confideiations. Lucilia frequently came into her Brother's Chamber, becaufe J'at./^, as well as (he, was impatient to hear, almoft every Alinute, how he did. He called her to him and faid, • Why, dearSiHier, wiJJ you always come * alone ? Does not the lovely Julia think fu to come * alfo fometimes to afford me fome Confolation under « my prefent Afflidlion? Were fbe to confuli her owa •-Inclinations only, reply'd fhe, you v/ould have feen * heroftner than me; but fhe is obliged to be fo much * upon her Guard, that ihe dares not venture to fee * you, unlefs it be when her Jealous Husband is pre- * fent. She has enjoy n'd me to tell you fo, and to * give you from her a thouland Affurances of an eternal < Friendfhip, and to defire you to let us know, in what * Place you parted with her Father, becaufe you were * interrupted yellerday before you finifh'd your Rela- * tion. Oh ! my dear Lucilia, faid he interrupting * her, excufe me if I make the bell: ufe of her Cui iofi- * ly ; pray tell her, the Amorous Hypolitus v,'\\\ tell no * Body but herfclf where the Earl of Warwick is ; this * will at leall engage her to come to fee me. After thefe Words he paufed a while, but foon reafTuming his former Difcourfe, * Is it pofTible, faid he, fhe can * refufe me a Favour I (land fo much in need of at this * time. Dear Sifter, I conjure you, negk'(5l nothing to * make her trant me this Req^ elt ; I know not but that « my Life may depend on it, or at leaft do you perfwade * her as mu:h as you can, that it does ; perhaps, that * may prevail upon her to come. Lucilia promis'd fhe would Earl of Dou G LAS, 117 would do all that lay in her Power, to engage yt/^a to give him a Vifit in his Chamber. The AiTembly at my Lord Htfzo^rd's Wedding, was fo numerous, that being fomewhat firaitned for Rcjom, Julia and Lucilia lay together in one Bed ; they went into their Chamber very early that Nignr, and no I'oon- er were got into Bed and their Maids gone, bu't finding themfelves at full Liberty to talk together, J^iz/A^ retching very deep Sight, intermingled with Subs, and claiping Luc'iUa very clofe in her Arms; * Oh! dear Sifter, *, faid (he, did ever any Body fee fuch a Series of odd ' Adventures as thefe ? Wonder with me at the Fatality * of my Stars; fcarce had I got the firll Taft-i of that * Satisfaction of feeing again a Man who has rcmain'd * always faithful to me, in fpite of all the Reafons I * had given him to hate me, fcarce had he acquainted * me with the happy News of my Father's being alive, * but this Felicity is overturned by a thoufand finiftcT * Accidents. Here you fee me at a Feaft, where I had * the AtHidion to fee him almoft flain before my Face, * and the lingular Concern I (hewed in his Prefervation, * has prov'd a fignal Prejudice to me with my Husband ; * I could difcern his Seiious Thoughts in his very Eyes * and Countenance, in fpite of all my Diftradlion, and ' the Pains he took to conceal them : 1 dare not flat- * ter my felf any longer upon that Score, he is certain- * ly convinc'd at this very Minute, that Hjp>!uus is * dearer to me, than my own Life, and that he is the * fo!e Mafter of it : Add to this, that moft cruel Ne- * cefTity I lie under of not feeing him, and confider, if * you can « You mull overcome thofe Nice- < ties which thus diftuib you, dear Sifter, h'\d La cilia * interrupting her, my Brother's Life lies at Stake, he * has charged me to make you acquainted with it, and * to conjure you in his behalf, by that Paifion he has fo * inviolably ipreferved for you, not to refufe him this * only Confolation he has left. Oh ! dear Siller, cry'd * Julia, he has not rightly confidered of what he de- * lires, if you could be fenfible of the Anguilh I am * likely to feel within me, whilll I am with him, you ..'^. would ir8 HTPOLirUS, would pity me, and notdefireit; for what I owe to my Duty, 1 am afraid will not agree fo well with ray Sentiments for him', but that I may either be too favourable or too cruel to him : But Ju^i^i , faid Lu- ciliii^ if you don't go you will hear no further News concerning your Father; of your Father, I fay, who being as it were recovered from the Dead, ought to. be very dear to you. If you can be fo rigorous to poor HjpolituSf certainly your Curiofity to know what is become of the Earl g{ Warwick ^ will make yoa more pliable; for my Brother protefts, continued^ Julia, he will tell it to no Body but to your own felf. Alas! dear Sifter, fnd Julia, you need not take fo much Pains to perfwade me, my Heart declares for your Brother without it, it feconds your Endeavours, and will prove too ftrong for my Rcafon ; O I how difficult is it to keep from feeing that which is dearer to one than one*; Life ; how weak a Creature is a Woman upon fuch an Occafion as this, and how much in vain is it to ftruggleagainft what one loves ; muft I at laft make a frank Confcflion to you, dear Sifter, I find my felf fufficiently inclined to follow your Counfel, provided you can find out a Way to do it with Secrecy. Unlefs we goto him immedi- ately, fi^id Lucilia, we may be in Danger of being furprized ; I left a Candle burning on Purpofe, and I have found out this very Evening a Pair of private back Stairs, which lead up to the upper End of the Gallery, near our Chamber ; we may go that Way if you pleafe, without making the Icaft Noife. What Sifter, ///V Julia, interrupting her, what, in the Night-Time, what if we ftiould be difcovered? That would fignify nothing to the World, Jaid Lucilia, for all the World believes us both to be FJypoHtus's Sifters. But the 'Ezxloi Bedford knows to the contrary, /aid Julia fighing. You are too fearful, nvfwered Lucilia Jomewhnt impatiently, come, come. Sifter, let us go ; come don't paufe any longer upon the Matter. Julia got out of Bed trembling all over, and throwing a loofe Gown about her, Luiilia took her by the Hand, and I Earl of Dov GL AS. ' 119 oartii condudled her to her Brother's Chamber. It was by this Time pretty late, but he had rot Ihut Eyes as yet that Night: Hearing the Doer lo make a Noife, and feeing h,s beloved Miilrefs coming in, he was (6 far tr. nfported with Joy, that it had almoll coll him his Life ; for all his Wounds opening afrefli, he was covered with Blood, before he was fenfible of it himfelf. Julia. featcd herfelf near his Bid-Side; * Dear Hypoliius, faid faid flie, with Tears in her Eyes (which Ihe was not able to retain, in Spite of all the Pains ihe took to keep them back) you have this Day been made fenfibie by the Excefs of my Grief, that the unfortunate jfulia in changing her Condition, has not changed her Senti- ments for yoa: Ye5, my dear Hypolitus^ J am willing to own it to you, you nre at all 1 imes dearer to me than my own Life ; which I would willingly part with, to purcha'e your Tranquillity ; I think of no- thing but you, I lament you, and bemoan myfel^ and 1 Ihall always be inconfolable under my Misfortune ; but fmce *tis part all Cure, we mult furmcunt it by Virtue : You lee I come to pay yoa a Vilit, an 1 it is in Order to bid you my lall Farewel ; we muft, Hypolitus, we muft fubmit to this cruel Necefiity my Du'y impofes upon us : Death fhall always be m.ore preferable to me than a ftiameful Life ; and were I the only Perfon now l.ving in the Wcrld, I would aft as if the whole Earth had their Eyes f xed on me : Don't go about to fhake my Relolution, it would kx\Q only to augment my Pain. No, my dear yuiia, fcid he to her, no, I will not pretend to fhake it : I own myfelf highly indebted to you, becaufe you would foon free me from this languifliing State ; you could not have pitched upon a more convenient Time to put a fpeedy End to my Mifery. The weak Condition I am reduced to by my Wounds, and by what you have told me, will foon deliver you from an unfortunate Lover, whom you would not have abandoned as you have done, had you truly loved him. I will not re- proach you, Madam, you wilh for my Death, you have wifhed for it long ago, and I do fo too, having more prelhng Reafons for it than you.' He laid no more. 120 HTPOLJTUS, more, yu/ia obferved him to turn quite pale, his Ey^ half (hut, and his Silence threw her into a mortal An-» guifti ; fhe called LuciHa^ who was difcourfing with Sig- nior Leandcr^ to his Afliftance, who coming to HypoU- tMs*s Bed-Side, found him fwimming in his own Blood : They were fo furprizedat the Si^ght thereof, thit at firll they knew not what to fay to him, but at lall calkd for Leander. Tho' he was as yet very ill himfelf, he got out of Bed, and found Means to bind up his Wounds again. Julia was ready to run diilradled, to find what difmal Effedls her rigorous Proceedings had produced ia her Lover, fhe took him by the Hand, and bathing it with her Tears, * You did millake my VVords, /aid * Jhe, and fmce there can be no Medium betwixt your * feeing me and ycur Death, we will chufe the hrft, * my dear Hypolitus^ becaufe the Lofs of your Life * would be beyond all other Things to me.' At thefe Words he was going to kifs Julias Hand, but fhe would not fuffer him, * I mull own to you, faid Jhe^ that * every Thing appears extraordinary to me' and that * the leaft Favoar I ihould grant you, would feem a * Crime to me. DediV Hvpolitu: , reconcile your Paflion * with my Duty, and then I iliall rell contented. That * will not be fb difficult a Thing as you imagine, fair * Julia., /aid he^ you have a Fatner alive, you have been * married without his Approbation, he dd not give his * Confent to your Marriage ; if you doubt it, I have * a Letter he writ me on that Subjed, will convince you * of it.' He then delired Lucilia to affill him in open- ing a fmall 5)i^«{/^-Leather Cafe, that was faftned to his Arm, and with it the fore- mentioned Ltt:er of the Earl of War^'icki which he gave Julia to read, whereby fhe was fully convinced of the Truth of what he had told her. ' 'Tis certain, adJed he, he will fnatch you from * the Arms of that unworthy Raviflier; fo that, Madam, * if you plcafe, 'tis flill in your Power to make me * happy.' Julia was not a httle nettled, and under no fmall Uncertainty what Anfwer to make, tho' her Incli- nations fufficiently told her what to fay ; fhe thought that being once married, fhe was obliged to fliy with her Husband ; that fhe had no Force put upon her when fhe married Earl of Dov GL AS. 121 married h^m ; flie confidered what the World would lay of her, and thef; Conliderations made her to delay her Anfwer. Hypolitus foon perceiving her Irrefolution, * I am undone, Madam, cried he \ all tiiat Tendernefs you had for me is gone, ycu are unrefolved to tefti^y yourSa'isfadion in a Matter which ought to be yours, were you not altered from what you ufed to be. Alas \ Hypolitusy replied Jhe, I am not changed, you deal un- jultly with me, let me lec my Father, and I will obey him in every Thing he fhall command me, provided it be not againil my Confcience and my Reputation ; you are no lefs dear to me than my Life. My ador- able Lady, faid he, do you think I could entertain a . Thought that might be difpleafing to you ? Priy be bet- ter acqu.iinted with my Paflion and its Motions. I wiJl do you Jullice on that Account, yiz/V//i'f, rnd 'tis that that engages me to make thefe Steps which are not very com- mon,! hope you willthink yourfelf obliged to me for it, and not make iheleaitill life of them, my dear Hypoli- tus; and let me know all the Circumftances relating to my Father's Adventures.'' He gave her an Ac. cunt of it, and fhe was ready to give him frefh Proofs of her Ac- knowledgement and Love. I am indebted to you, faid fhe, for mf Father s Liberty ; continued fhe, nay perhaps for his Life^ and therefore cannot deny you, ^without In- gratitude, all the Achioivledgment 1 am able to giall be fuficiently guarded y and fufficiently unhappy. Lucilia came that Moment to tell iier that every Thing was ready, and that her Husband only ftaid for her coming. Then the amorous Hypolitus kiffing her Hands bathed them with his Tears j Fare- n.velt faid he, continue faithful to your faithful Lover. Julia, without fpeaking one Word, gave him a fine Turquoife Ihe drew from her Finger ; Pray Heavens foon bring the Earl of Warwick into England, cried he. J voi/h it jithout an amorous E^igagc ment ; For^ if one may judge by his Looks, he has a tender Heart. ''Tispojible, faid I fmiling, Si/iert that Jince he has feen you, his Heart tnay be full of Tendernefs \ and if it Jhould he you that has infpired thefe Sentiments into himt nAjould you ?iot lend me a helping Hand to dijcharge the Obli- gations I o^ve him ? Pray, Brother, faid Ihe, do ?iot engage me to pay your Debts, your Gratitude n.vill be more accep- table than mine, and your Friend, I fuppofe, has too nice a Palate to jho takes a Chimera into his Head, to treat a Lady of ^ali ty at that rate. O ! nvhy iajHI you flatter me thus^ cry*d the difcon folate HypoHtuSy my H bought s are far diferent from ivhat you can tell me upon this Head; "'tis I that atn the Occafon of Julia'j Misfortune ; V/V /, and my impa- tient Dejtres, that have plunged her into this AbyCs of Troubles ; you have Recourfe to Time to allay both our Misfortunes ; But vchat a fender Comfort is this? What is likely to become of me. Great God ! What is likely to be- come of me ? Whihl he was thus giving Way to his Aftl dlion, and rendered Lucilia and Lcandir almoll as inconfolable as himTelf, Word was brought them that the Earl q{ Zuffex was come, whereat they were r.o: a little furprized. He came immediately after into the Cham- ber, and Hood almofl amazed to read in all their Peaces fuch lively Marks of Grief. Hypolitus embracing him, without being able to arife from his Seat, defired him to fit down by him ; j^re you come^ dear Friend^ faid he to him, to bear your Share in my j^ffiiSiion ? *Tis impof fble you ca?i imagine any thing that could more nearly con- cern me. I did not knovj, faid he, of any neiv Caufe of DifatisfaSlion you had ; but I thought I ought not to for- get to come to give you Notice myQlf that my Lord Doi\- giafs having got Intelligence of your being here, intends to come to Morrovu to fetch you from hence ; he is moft fu- rioufy angry nnjith you ; fo you had beji to confcter civhat is to be done upon this Occafon : My v^dvice is, ycu Jbould vjithottt lofing a Moment's Time, tell my Lord Nevil, that 1 am fent by him, on Purpofe to fetch you a^jiay, and I nvill take care to conducl you tofome Houfe in the Country, ivhere ive may be at leisure to reflect further upon vuhat is bejl to be done according to your ov:n Inclinations. Hypolitus, inllead of returning an Anfwer to his Friend, cry'd out like a dillradted Man, And muji I Jee her no more ! That lyrant has f natch'* d her avoay from G 6 me t J32 H r P O L I TU S, ?nc ! I viuji fall under the fatal Stroke! The Earl of Sijjj'ex, lurprized at thefe Words, lookM ftedfafl upon Lucilia, to make her fenlible of his Curiofity to know the Meaning thereof. She had no fooner given him an '\ccount of y/f/zVs being carry'd 'm.\.o France, but em- bracing Hypclltu., * This is a new Matter of Trouble and Vexation, faid he, but your Courage muft fur- mount all thefe Obftacles, take my Word for it; let us depart hence without Delay, it would not do well to meet my Lord Djuglas here j when we are at a greater Dirtance and in a lefs fufpicious Place than this is, we have nothing elfe to confidcr of, but the Deliverance oi Julia. Thty were all of the fame Opinion ; * T am going to part from you, lovely Lucilia, faid Sig?iior Leander, fuAth a loiv Voice, fo as to le heard by no Body hut her felf^ Friendihip for once, lias got the better of Love; but I hope you wil be obliged to me for this Sacri- fice I offer to him, it being made in Behalf of a Bro- ther who, as you have told me, is dearer to you than your own Life. I make his Fortune my own, I fol- low him wherever he goes, I leave you behind me, and yet I adore you. Pray give me to underllanJ, that you are not infenfible of thofe Sentiments I have both for you and him ; that will afford me the great- ell Comfort J am capable of receiving at this Junc- ture, I Hand indebted to you for every Thing, faid Lucilia blujhing, and I am of too great a Soul and Temper, to look with Indifferency upon that Friend- ihip you Ihew to my Brother : After this don't urge me to enlarge my felf any farther upon my Senti- ments for you, but ba fatisfy'd I fhall always do Juf- llice to your Merits, and that I can't fee ycu leave us without Pain. The amorous Leander feern'd to be overjoyed to fee himfelf blefb'd with fo engaging a Farewel. His Wounds had no lefs impair'd his Strength, than thofe of //v/'o//.'«j had done his ; notwithihnding which, my Lord and my Lacy could not prevail upon them, with all their Intreaties, to Hay a little longer, for they were not acc^uainted with my Lord Douglas'^ Intention of Earl of Dov GL AS. 133 of coming thither the next Day, and how careful they were to avoid the Siglit of him : Hypolitus and Leander returned their in oft hearty Thanks for all the Obliga- tions they had received at their Hands : Lucilla coulcl not part from h^r Brother without Tears, who promifed to let her hear from him ; and Leander defired to give him leave lo write to her what Refolations Ihe (hould take; a: fhe, on the other HanJ, was very well plea- fed to have a plaufible Pretence to grant him a Favour ihe was very defirous to bellow upon him. T he Earl of Su/Jex^ mounting on Horfeback, left his Coach for the two wcuiidcd Lords to be carry'd in, and b^ing provided with a good Quilt, they went on pretty commodioufly ; but that Hypolitus^ under his pre- fcnt Circumllances, took very little care of his Eafe or Health ; and Signior Leander was fo deeply in Love with Lucilia^ that her Abfence caufed in him all that Pain which a Lover i> capable of feeling upon fuch like Occafions. They talk'd very little, and what they faid ended all in Lamentations. The Earl oi SuJ/ex conduy had not as yet thought fit to recal her to Court, tho' the Earl of SvJJTex, as well as many other gr^^at Lords, ufed all their Litereft with the Queen for that Purpofe. To be (hort, the Ear], with all his Indifferency, had not been able to fland it out againil: the Charms of fo fair a Lady. He had p.iid her frequent Vifits ever fince the Misfortune of her Family. Her engaging Temper, her Virtue, her Ge- neroiity, all thefe grcai Qualilications had made fo deep an Impredicn upon the Earl's fieart, that he foon found thofe Saniiments of Compaflion, (as he though, they were) changed into the moil tender Effeds of Love. She J34 HTPOLirUS, She received Hypolitus and Leander with all poflible Civility, being taught and difpofed by her own Afflic- tions to compaflionate and comfort the Afflicted, and this made her take fhare with a great deal of Good- nefs in Hypolitus\ Misfortune. The Earl of Sujfex knowing her to be a Lady of much Difcretion, thought it fit to conceal from her Knowledge his Friend's Paffion; and fhe defired him to afTure him, in her Behalf, that he might reft af- fured of her Services, and be welcome to her Houfe as long as he pleafed, and even command part of her Eftate. Tho' Hypolitus^ at that Time, was fcarce fen- fible of any Thing, he could not but be touched with a moit profound Senfe of this Lady's Generofity ; and notwithftanding all the Anxiety of his Mind and his Sadnefs, he return'd her his hearty Thanks with all imaginable Acknowledgment. In the mean Time my Lord Douglas coming to my Lord Ne-viPs Houfe, and finding his Son gone, 'tis al- moft impofTible to exprefs his Fury and Refentment : He fpared no Pains to find out which Way he had taken; but the Earl of SuJ/ex had provided againft all this, by travelling all Night long, and that in By-Roads; and no fconer were they come to my Lady Northampton^ Houfe, but he took all poflible Precautions net to be difcovered there. Poor Luc'iUa was forced to ftand the Brunt alone, and feel the Eff^ds of her Father's Fury; he loaded her with Reproaches, he told her fhe had con- fpired with Hypolitus to do every Thing they though t would vex him ; and fo he carry'd her to London^ with- out fhewing the leaft Concern at the Misfortune of Lu^ cilia ; the Confiderations of his private Intereft having llifled in his Heart all thofe tender Sentiments he ought to have had for this fair but unfortunate Lady. Hypolitus confulting w.'th his two Friends, they pitch'd upon the only Way they had left them under their prefent Circumftances. They were all fenfible that the Earl of Bedford having got the Start of them for feveral Days paft, it would be impoflible to overtake him, and efpecially fince they knew not what Way he had tak- en to go into France, it would be in vain to follow, or hope 'Earl of Douglas; 13^* hope to meet with him before he came to his Journey's End ; fo it was thought convenient they fhould feparte^ and to go to the three Sea-Ports for England ; and not queftioning but that they fhould meet with him in one of thofe Places upon his Return thence, it was agreed betwixt them, that which of them fhould find him out firft, fhould revenge Julia's Wrongs with his Sword. So foon as Hypolitus and Leander found themfelves ftrong enough to travel, they writ to Lucilia, defiring my Lady 'Northampton to convey the Letters to her Hands ; and then returning her all imaginable Thanks for her Goodnefs, took a mofl tender Farewel of one another. Ho'vj much Ji and I indebted to you, my dear Friends ? faid Hypolitus embracing them, you efpoufe my parrel ; and injlead of oppojing your Intentions as I ought to doy I C07ijure you not to negled any Opportunity of finding out my Enemy. They told him, he might rely upon them ; and that they would convince him at the Peril of their Lives, that they loved him above all other Things. Laft of all they cime to this farther Agree- ment ; That after a Month's Stay in that Place where each of them defign'd for, they fhall return to London^ and meet at the Earl of SuJJex\ Houfe, who went to Diep. Hypolitus took the Way to Calais^ in the Com- pany of his Friend Leander^ as far as Do'ver, where having feen him cmbark'd for Calais, he did the fame in another Ship bound for the Ifles of Guemfey and jferfey^ becaufe fometimes PafTengers return that Way out of France into England. They happily arrived at their feveral Port?, but we leave the other two for this Time, to follow Hypolitus to Calais. He happening to lodge in the fame Inn where Juiia had loJg'd before, the firft Thing he ask'd after was, Whether they had not feen fach and fuch a Lady, defcribing to them her Features and Shape, as well as poflibly he could, as likewife her Husband. The VVo- man of the Houfe told him, fhe had lain there one Night: Then he ask'd her many more Queflions, fuch as Lovers are apt to do ; Whether fhe feem'd to be Melancholy > Whether fhe eat heartily ? What fhe heard her fay ? And whatever elfe his Curiofity could prompt him to. At laft '136 HTPOLirUS, ' laft he defired he might have the fame Chamber where fhe had lodged, which he took Pollefi'ion of with fach an Agitation of Mind, as if Ihe had adtually been there prefent: He was wall^ing very faft up and down the Room, ruminating with much Anxiety upon the Od- ■ nefs of y alias Adventure, and at laft caft his Eyes upon the Glafs-window, on which "Julia had written the beforementioned Words with a Diamond; Good God, how furprized was he at the Sight thereof ! How he flood amazed ! And what a Comfort did this prove to him under liis prefent Circumftances ! He kifsM the Hand-writing, and took cut that piece of Gbfs on which it was written, looking upon it as a more pre- cious Thing to him, than if it had been the findl oriental Diamond in the World ; and as t!us Demon- ftration of his not le'.ng forgotten by his beloved Mi- ftrefs, much encreafed his Paflion and Acknowledgment; fo he took all pofTible Prec-iutions not to mifs the £arl o^ Bedford in his Return for England^ in Cafe he fhould take the V/ay o^ Calais. He had ftaid three Weeks, expeftirg his coming with the utmoll Impatience and eager Dehre of revenging 'juUa\ Wiongs upon him, when one Night walking i,e-r tiie Sea-fide, he fawhim coming towards the Port, vvliere a Boat lay ready to carry him on Board the A'ef- fel that was to tranfport him into England. Hxpolifus tranfported with Rage, pull'd him by the Arm ; Be- fore you go into England, faid he fiercely to him, 1 ha^ve jomething to fay to you. The Earl cxafperated at his hajghty Carriage, and flill more upon divers other Ac- counts, followed him immediately: Neither of them fpoke one Word, but caft moft fuiious L:oks at one another, their Eyes fparkli; g with Anger like Fire. No fooner did they fee themfelves at a lufiicieLt Diftance from the Town, but witiiout any further Delay they drew their Swords, and tiie one being animated by Lcve and Rage, the other by Jtaloufy and a deep Refent- ment, they fought with (b much Defperation, that it was likely this Combat would Icarce end but with the Lofs of one, if not both their Lives. They fought with fo much Eaeernefs, that both of them were foon wcund- td Earl of Douglas. 137 ed in diverfe Places ; till at laft UypoiUus, enraged to meet with fo much Refiftance from a Man whom he mortally hated, clofed and threw him upon the Ground : He asked for Quarter, which H-poIitus moil generoufly promifed him, on Condition that he fhould fet Julia at Liberty ; when a Servant of the Earl of Bedford''^, who had followed his Mailer at a Diftance, and lay concealed behind an old Boat upon the Sands, near the Sea-fhore, feeing his Matter reduced to this Extremity, came from behind, and ran his Sword into HytolitUi*s Back, fo that he dropt down for dead ; and the P'el- low fuppofmg no otherwife than that he had been ac- tually fo, ran prefently to the AfTiftance of his Mailer, and fupporting him with his Arms, carried him to a Fifher's Hut hard by, where he lay down upon an old Quilt, till they could get Surgeons to fearch and drefs his Wounds. They having no farther Bufinefs at Ca- lais, refolved to get on Board the Ship that was to car- ry them into England, as fall as they could, which they did accordingly ; and engaged the Surgeon to go along with them, for Fear his Wounds fhould open a- freOi, by the violent Agitation of the Sea. In the mean while the too unfortunate Hypo'itus left deilitute of all Hell--, wa? wallowing in his own Blood, and th^t at fo confiderable a D fiance from the Town, and pretty late at Night, that there vvas but little Hopes of his meeting with any feafonable AfTiilance in that Place. But his Gentleman, who loved him entiiely, fvjaring fome finillcr Accident fhould befall him, and not feeing him return by that Time it was dark, he took fome a- long with him with a Flambeaux, who difperfing in- to feveral Parts, enquired after Hypvi:u<. He having been already three Weeks at Calais, began to be pretty well known there, fo they we e dire<5led into the Road, which fome Country People had feen him take, in Com- pany with another Perfon. They fiiflof all efpied the Fifher's Hutt, and approaching near it, fourd fome Blood upon the Ground, (which ilTued from the Earl's Wounds as he was carrying thither) and following the IVacl, came at lall to the Place where Hypolitus lay ex • tended -138 H TP L ITU S, tended upon the Gronud, without the leaft Senfe or .Mo- tion. They cut fome Branches and Twigs of Trees, which they twifled together, and fo carry 'd him to his Inn. Hypolitus''s Wounds proved fo dangerous, that his Gentleman thought fit to give Advice thereof to my Lord Douglas. He was infinitely concern'd at this dif- •mal News ; he was his only Son, and a Son of fuch ex- traordinary Qualifications, as made him beloved even by Strangers ; judge then how much his Family mull be affli(fled at this Accident. My Lord D uglas^ Lady and tucilia^ went immedi- ately for Calais^ where they found him a^nioft at the lafl: Extremity. Now it was that his Father and Mother, mortally afflided at this Cafualty, began to repent, but too late, of all the Severities they had laid upon him, to fupprefs a PafTion fo juft and fo innoc^"^ ^^ that of HypolUuSy who, notwithftanding all the Hardfhips he had endured upon their Account, was fo ^^^ afretfled with their Grief, that he conjured them to moderate if, unlefs they intended to increafe his Misfortune. The Earl of SuJ/ex and Leandery returning to Lo^idon much about the fame Time, heard the News of their Friend's Quarrel and its fatal Confequences, and refolved to go thither immediately to fee him. Hypolitus at the Sight of them, felt within himfelf all that Excefs of Satisfadtion, a Man under his Circum- fiances can be capable of; as they on the contrary, could rot but be feized with the utmoft Grief, to fee him fo near his End. Notwithftanding the utmoft Extremity he ftruggled under, he neglcdled not to prefent Leander to my Lord Douglas, and to my Lady his Mother j con- juring them to look upon him no otherwife than their own Son ; and praying them, that in Cafe it pleafed God to call him out of this World, they Ihould adopt him in his Stead : He fpoke thefe Words with fo en- gaging an Air, that they drew Tears from all that heard them. However, at the End of two Months, his Life was judged to be out of Danger. In the mean while Signior Leandcr^ who was infinite- ly in Love with LudUa, had prevaird upon the Earl of Sujftx^ 'Earl of Douglas. 139 Zulfex^ to fpeak to my Lord Douglas in his behalf, and to ask his Confent for a Marriage with his Daughter, that accordingly he might, without lefs of Time write to his Father the Senator Alberti. The intimate Friend- Ihip which had been cultivated betwixt my Lord and the Senator jf^lberti^ and the perfonal Merits oiLeaiider, fup- ported by a confiderable Eftate, proved fuch powerful Temptations with my Loid Douglas ^ that, confidering he could not eafily beftow his Daughter better than fo, he very favourably received the Propofitions made to him upon that Account. Leander, tranfported with Joy, writ to his Father about it, and at the fame Time engaged one of his bed Friends to interceed in his behalf with him. Firft of all he beg'd his Pardon for having undertaken fo long a Voyage, under pretence of going only to Kome\ then told him all the Reafons he thought molt expedient to plead his Excufe; and at lail extoU'd the great Qualifi- cations of LucUia to the Sky, and what Advantages he might expedl fiom my I^ord Louglis, in cafe he mar- ry'd her J defiring him to give hi, Confent to the only Thing he moft of all defired in the World, and which Would prove the Happinefs of hi^ Life. The Senator Alberti was not a little furpriz?d to under- ftand his Son was gone to ErglafiJy inUead of go- ing to Rome ( for hitherto he had managed Matters with fo much Dexterity, that his Fatht.r iicliially believed him to be at Rome) but confidering that his Son's Wel- fare depended on this Propofition, he would not lufFer his Anger to get fo far the Afcendant over his Paternal Love, as to cbllruft this Match. He knew the Family of the Douglas's, and my Lord perfonally. He had feen H)politus and loved him, and guefTin^z at the Siller by the Brother, he could not but fuppofe her to be an accom- pliftied young Lidy.T'o be fhort.he readily gave his Con- ient, and order'd whatever was requifite to make Leander appear upon this Occafion according to his QuaLty and Ellate. Hyp'Jitus was pretty well recovered when this News was brought to his Friend and Siller i he was no lefs fen- fible 140 HTPOLITUS, fible of their Satisfadion, than if it had been his c^n, and this contributed not a little towards the Advance- ment of his Cure; but he was advifed by his Phyficiana and Surgeons to accomplifh it by drinking the Waters o^ Bourbon: He wasabfoluCely againd it, all his Thoughts being now bent upon Revenge ; he could fcarcely Hand upright when he was contriving alieady to get into Eng- gland, to find out rhe Earl of Bedford, and either to pe- riih under his Hands, or make him fall by ^is. But my Lady Vouglas'% Tears, his Father's Entreaties and Commands, and Lu.iiia\ Prayers, at lait fo far prevail- ed upon him, that he could not refufe any longer to omply vvith their Deiire=. * Alas! (aid he, when he found himfelf alone with them, what would you have me do for you ? You would have me look for proper Remedies, and at the fame Time little confider that I have within my Heart a languiftiing Poifon, which will never let them take efFed, but will foon bring me to the Grave; Is it not much better, I fhould bellow that fmall Remainder of Life to punilli him who thus tyrannizes over yulia? But thefe Argu- ments Were of little v.'eight with his Friends, they op. pofed others of much more Force againft them, and fo foon as he found himfelf in a Condition to leave his Bed, the Marriage of Lucilia with Leander was confummated 'to the mutual Satisfadlion of both the young Lovers. Four Months were now already paft fmce the Earl of Bedford and Hypoltus fought upon Calais Sands, and his Wounds being now compleatly healed up, fo as to be able .o ride in a Coach, and Lucilia''s Equipage got rea- dy, my Lady Douglas^ her Mother, refolved to con- dud her to Florence: My Lord Douglas and the Eail of Sifjfex were for going back to London; and at parting, gave their Friend all the real Demonilrations of a ten- der Fiiendfriip; and the Earl, on his part, faith.'u'.ly ■promi{£d Hype litus to write to him to Bourton, and to give him an Account of every Thing that might con. cern him. * Let m.e hear, faid he, how the fnir * Countefs of Northampton does, your Sentiments for * that lovely Perfon, and the Obliga-ions I owe her Earl of Douglas. 141 * in particular, will not permit me to be indifferent In « relation to any Tiling that concerns her; and if any * Thing in this World was able to allay the Anguifh cf * my Heart, and make this Life tolerable to me, it * would be to fee you both happy together. Signior Leander having alfo contracted a very intimate Friend- Ihip with the Earl of Suffex, he told him at parting, in a moil obliging manner ; * You take from us, that * which we look'd upon as moft amiable among us ; * but how can a Fiiend grudge you that Happinefs * Fortune has put into your Hands ? You are fo wo; thy * of it, that no Body can envy, without Injuftice, your * Felicity.' Leander anfwered him in the moft obliging Terms in the World, and fo they parted. Hypoiitus had by this Time got his Equipage in readi- refs to go along with Leander and Lucilia as far as Mou* linsy from whence they continued their Journey to LyonSy and fo to Florence ; but he ftaid behind ?.t Moulins, which is no more than four Leagues from Bourbon. During their Journey, all the Satistaftion Hypoiitus obferved in this new-marry'd Couple, was not able to make him fenfible of any; he continued in the fame melancholy Humour as before; they would fomecimes blame him for it, but he told them with a fad Counte- nance, * Be fatisfy'd to fee me be an Eye-witnefs of your * Happinefs, without being dillurbed at it; believe me, * this is the moft real Proof I can give you of a fmcere * Friend/hip. Alas! can you imagine, but that that * Felicity you enjoy does recal into my Mind the Mis- * fortunes I fufFer ? You have not met with the leaft * Obftacles in your Paffion, and Hymen has crown'd your * Love ; you have had no Time to fear, to hc}>e, to * be jealous, to dread your Rivals ; no Pain, no finifter * Accidents : But poor I, what have I not been forced * to undergo? And how flender a Profptd have I at < this very Time to fee an End of m> Su brings ?' Thefe Refledions caft him fometimes into luch Agonies, as is fcarce to be expreffed. They all arriv'd happily at Mcu^ linsy which being the Place where they were to part Companies, this Separation proved one of the moft ten- der 142 HTPOLITUS, der and moft painful they had feen in a great while before? for Lucilia could not fo much as flatter her felf, that flie Ihould fee her dear Brother again, unlefs it were after z. great while ; and as for Leander^ Lucilia was the only Perfon in the World he loved beyond H\po/itus, This unfortunate Lover had the deepell: Senfe that could be of the many Obligations he ow'd them; his Love for Julia proved no Diminution to his natural Inclinations, and his Acknowledgement. He begM of them, not to omit any Thing to learn fome News of the Earl of War* tvicky and to acquaint him with what they could learn, he having received no News from him fince he left Mar- fillies ; he moft earneftly enjoyn'd them to fend him a Letter to Venice, and make him acquainted with his Daughter's Misfortune ; he had fometime before got Z>- ander to write one to him whilft they were at Lalais^ and he was much troubled to have received no Anfwer to it. Hjpolitus went to Bourbon ^ a Place but of an indiffe- rent Afpeft, the Buildings are very mean, the boiling Water Springs are the only Things that makes this Place noted among thofe, who twice in a Year drink them for their Health, and at thofe Seafons you fee a great Concourfe of good Company there ; but this was of no ufe to him, he being moft at eafe, or at leaft lefs uneafy when he was alone, becaufe he was then at full Liberty to give Way to his Afflidlions, a Thing he could not do fo conveniently in the Company of others, whofe Prefence put a Check upon his Inclinations. Thus he paffed away his Time at Bourbony without feeking for the leaft Acquaintance, but fpent his Time for the moft Part in walking, and that in fuch Places as he thought were fartheft from Company ; and if he happened to meet with any Body in his Walks, there appeared fuch vifible Marks of Grief in his whole Countenance, that, tho' according to the Cuftom of this Place, even Strangers take the Freedom to accoft: one another when they meet abroad, and that every Body makes it his Bufinefs to divert themfelves with the Variety of Company, yet no Body thought fit to jn~ iprru^t \ Earl of DovGL AS. 143 terrupt aMan, whom they faw overwhelmed in his Me- lancholly Thoughts. One Day walking abroad early in the Morning, and taking the firft Path, he found it was not fo much beaten as the reft J this brought him infcnfibly to a Wildernefs which might be faid to contain all the Beauties of a plea- fant Country. He ftoped on the Defcent of a Hill co- vered by the Branches of fine Trees which afforded a moft agreeable Shade ; he remained very penfive for fome Time in his Solitude, till at laft heingraved, with a Pen of Steel he had about him, divers Lines on the Bark of a Tree, under which he had feated himfelf ; they con- tained in Subflance, T/.'at nelt/jer the Meado^vs, vor Ri'VuIetSt nor JVoods, Tier Plains^ nor Vales, i':ere able to afford him the leajh Delight t U7ilefs he could fee them nxnthout thinking on Cli- mene ; ^whereas Jhe being abfent, they Jerked only to attg- fnent his Pain. His whole Mind being taken up with thefe Thoughts, It was a confiderable Time before he caft his Eyes upon a Piece of Paper that lay on the Ground not far from him, and when he faw it, he thought it not worth his while to take it up, believing it to be a Letter; and had not the leaft Curiofity to be acquainted with its Con- tents : But It being a pretty windy Day, and feeing the Paper often moved by the Wind, a certain Sentiment of Goodnefs which was natural to him, for thePerfon unto whom the Letter might belong, at laft prevailed with him to take it up, leaft it (hould fall into the Hands of Strangers. He foon perceived there was fomething wrapped up in it, and found it to be a Cafe of Shagreen. jHe opened it, but good God, guefs at his Surprize, guefs at his Joy, when he faw it to be the Portraiture of Ju- lia / of his dear Julia ; for at firft Sight, he thought no otherwife than that it had been hers ; but viewing it more attentively, found it to be the Countefs of IVarivick's Pidlure, which he had feen frequently in his beloved Mi- ftrefs's Room : His Eyes were fixed with the ut- inoft Attention on this Piece, which recalling to his 144 H n P.0 LIT US, his Mind many fad and ib many tender Paffsgev; he could not imagine what Hazard had put it into .his Hands. It belongs to Julia, faid he, V/'j not likely Jhe Jhould ha^ve parted y uxp fbr Love is rja f>vift Glpide, and driyjes on apace, {.; When he entered; tl;^ Abby .Gate, he was felzed with ..^ch a trembling, ^$^ fcarce to be able to keep himrelf upright, or to walk into the Parlour, where ihp Abbefs cxpeded the Pidlure-drawer^s, coming. She asked him iinme;diately, who he w^ he had brought along with him ? And not without much Reafon ; ior tho' he af- fjpf^eda, more than ordinary Plainnefs both in his Qloaths jand De|)ortment, yet ^s graceful Mien, his noble Air, Jhis regular Features ; and in fhort, his whole Perfon had .jTpmething in it fo extraordinary, that he ftruck with .^^Admiratioa all thofe that fawhim. The Pi(^ure- drawer , ,tpld her, he wag. an Itallgn^ who having an Inclination for Painting, had been his Scholar for fome Tinie : The , ..Abbefs anlvvered^ fhe had a Mind to have her Pifture . iJrawn, that they fhould begin to morrow, and that Ihe *^\^had Work eriough to employ them a whole Year. ./ This was \&xy vvelcpme. News to Hypolitus^ he got ^ put of Bed before Day-light, and made the Pidure- drawer rife Ukewife, who was not in the leaft furprized ;thereat, being fenfible it was fpr weighty Realons he ;. was fo eager tp come to St. Menoux ; and no fconer was f the Abbefs awake, but fhe fent for them to the Abby. . Hypolitui lookM every where round him, whether he jcould not fee Jul'ta\ he was ready to die witii Impati- ence to get Sight of her ; his Heart and Mind were in fuch Confufion, as is fcarce to be expreflbd j but he was forced to conceal his Paflion, for Fear of being taken . JN'ptice of, and making himfelf to be fufpefted ; neither ' was he under lefs Apprebsnfion, in Refped of his Mi- ilrefs, leaft ftie fhould not be able to hide her Joy and fSurprize at the firll Sight of him, which alpne would.be ■^ enough to ruin their whole Proje^. The Lady Abbefs having feated herfelf in a certain Place in her Clofet, where fhe intended to fit for her Pifture; Hypolitus, to make them believe he was not there for nothing, began to manage and mix the Colours, (un- der Pretence that they fhould want a confiderable Quan- tity for fo long a Time as the Abbefs propofed they fhould -ftould w€ not Wit enough to tell you -vjhat may be plsafirig or diverting, to you^ but there is Hyacinth, n/jhom' I commonly carry along ivith me, chitfiy to divert the Ladies ; / af- fitre you^ his Con'verfiztion is * peftuous Weather, that it is a great Rarity to fee a fair * Oiv there. The Hills are for the greateft Part of the * Ybar covered' with Snow, and the Trees are fo much * covered with Ice, thatwhen the Sun begins to call his ^ Beams upon them, ycu would believe their Branches Hz « to 34^ HTPOLIQ'US, * to be one folid Piece of Chryftal. In this Country are * Forells of a moll: prodigious Extent, wherein they hunt ' white Bears, which is fometimes not done without * great Trouble attd Danger ; this is the molt noble Ex- * ercife the RuJJiani are acquainted with, and which is * moll frequently ufed among them. This Nation had * once a King named ^^(j^^, a Prince fd bea'utiful, fo * polite, and fo adive both in Body and Mind, that * it feenis almoft incredible, that fo favage and wi- * polifhed a Country as this is, Ihould produce fo" ac- * complifhed a Perfon. Before he was full twenty Years * of Age, he was already engaged in a War againft the * Mufco'vites, wherein he Ihewed an equal Share of Cou- •rage and Intrepidity, and of Conduft. When his * Army halted in fome Place or other, he was never- * thelefs always in Adion, and often woald follow that * dangerous Sport of hunting the Bears. One Day bslng * abroad a Hunting, with a numerous Retinue, he fol- * low'd the Chace with fo much Eagernefs irto a great '- Foreft thro' different Roads and Paths, tliat on a ^ Sudden he faw he had loll both his Way and all his * Company. The Night began to draw near, he * was unacquainted with the Place he was in, and faw a * moft furious Tempeft was likely to furprize him in * this Solitude, fo he thought it his btft Way to take?, ' with his Horfe, to the next great Road, and there to * found the Horn ; but all this to no Purpofe. Imme- * djately after, the fmall Remainder of the Day became * more dark than the darkeft Night itfelf ; he could * not difcecn the leall Thing, unlefs it were by the * Lightning ; the Noife of the Thunder-claps founded * moll dreadfully among the vail Trees and the adja- * cent Mountains, the Winds and Rains encreafed every * Moment. He endeavoured to Ihelter himfelf under * fome Trees, but by the Violence of the Rains, the f Ground thereabouts being foon overflow'd, he was * under a Neceffity of getting out of the Forell, in hopes ^ to meet with fome Conveniency or other to fhelter him- f felf againfl the Tempeft. With much ado he got at Jail * out of the Foreft into the open Field ; but finding him- ' k\i tte;^jiiQrg, e^p^fc^d to the ^^O" |C '^ -^^^"^ ^"^ c;i;Cjv....v* ^-^-= >.• -•-,'-_' - ■ • Wind, .5 ? H ' Earl of Douglas. 149- Wind, than he had been before, he cafting his Eye^ about him on all Sides, and at lill efpying (ome Light on a high Hill, he turnel his Horfe that Way, and with unfpeakable DifHcuky reach'd the Foot of an almoft inacceflible Mounrain, lurrounded with rteep Precipices and craggy Rocks. He went forward for two Hours together, ibmetiines on Foor, fometimes on Horfeback, till he came to a very fpacious Cive, thro' the_ opening of which, he could dilcover fome Light, (being tht^ fame he had feen before at a Diilance.) He llop'd a little before he would enter into it, believing it to be a Ktii of Thieve= and Robbers, who frequently infeft that Country, and who, in all Probability, would miirther him, to commit their Robbery with lefs Danger. But as molt commonly Princes have more noble and more daring Souls than other People, he reproach'd himfelfwich his Fear, and going diredly to the Entrance of the Cave, clap'd his Hand to his Sword, with a Refolution to defend his Life, in Cafe they (hould afTauIt him : At the very Entrance of the Cave, he was feized with fuch a violent Shivering, that he thought this very Moment would be his lalh * At the Noife he made in entring into the Cave, an Old Woman, whofe white grey Hairs and VVrinkles fufficiently difcjvered her great Age, came forth from under the craggy Rock, and with a feeming Amazement, You are the tirft of all Mortals, /aid pe to him^ that ever I faw in thefe Regions: Do you know. Sir, whofe Dwelling-place this is ? No, /z/^ Adolph, good Woman, I know not where I am. This is, r^- plydpe, the Seat of EoIuSy the God of the Winds ; this is the Place of Retirement for himfelf and his Chil- dren ; I am his Mother, and am left alone at Eiome at this Time, becaufe they ere all abroad ; fjme to do good, fome to do Mifchief upon Earth. But, conthmed Jhe^ I fee you are wet to the Skin by the violent Rains, I will make you a Fire, that you may dry your felf ; but. Sir, what moll vexes me, is, that your Fare will be very hard here ; the Winds live upon light Food, but Men want more folid Nourifhment. The Prince thankM her for the kind Reception (he H 3 * gave ijp HrpoLjrus, 'gave him j he got to the Fip«, which was lighted in ' ah inftant, bccaufe the ff^eji Wind juft coming in,' * blew it up immediately. He was no fooner cqme • in when the North-Eajf, and feveral other northerly ' • Winds arrived in the Cave; £o/us follow'd them in • Perfon, .attended by Boreas, Eaji, South Wejl and • 'North Winds ; they were wet all over, and their Hairs '•'all clogged together i they were not in the leaft ci- • viliz'd, but very rough in thei.r Cirriage j and when •' x^ty began to fpeak to the Prince, he thought he * ihould have been kill'd by the Coldnefs of their * Breath. One told them, how he had difperfed a •whole Fleet of Men of War ; a fecond how he had '-lent feveral Merchants to the Bottom of the Sea; a *• third related, he had faved many VeiTels from falling • into the Ha^ds of Pirates ; but they all agreed in this, * that they had torn up a vaft Number of Tr-eesiyy the • Roots, and overturn*d Walls and Houjfes; in ibort, •'«very one brag'd of what Feats he had done. Tke f xld Woman hearkened to them with much A«en- •• tibn, but on a Sudden fecming to be \txy uneafy ; » What, faid Jhe to them^ did yoa not meet with your « Brother Ze^hyrus in your Way ? It is already very latf, • and be is not come home yet, I am uneafy at it : * They told her they had not feen him, when Prince *\ Ahlph faw come into the Cave a young L^d, as fair ' as tney paint Love i:feJf. His Wings were of white • Featners, intermix'd with carnation Colour, and fo *" thill and fine, that they feemed to be in a continual * Motion J hjs fair Hair curled up into a thoufand Buc- V jiles banging down carelefly below both his Shoul- •~-ilef^>.on his Head he ha.d a Garland ofRofes and ^ Je^amy, and his whole Air was pleafing aind agree* ,*^able. * Where have ycu been fo long, you little Libertine? ' .pjV the old U^oman nuith a harp Voice. All the reft' •'"'•of your Brothers have been here a go^d while ; you ^ alone take the Privilege of indulging yourfelf, with- * out troubling your Head what Diilurb nee you caufe * me by your long Abfence. Oh ! Mother, faid ife, ' * I was very njucn troubled to come home fo lat^. ' becaufe lEarl of DouGLA's. P( iji * betaufe I knevtr you would take it ill ; b«t I have- * been in the Garden of a Princefs C2i\Vd Felicity \ flie * was waHcing therewith all h^r Nymphs; roroe of ^^thern imploy'd themfeives in gathering Flowers, others- V4ay afleep on the Grafs difcovering their Necks, to- "give me an Opportunity of drawing near to^ and kif- * img them; feme of them danced, others fang, the * Princefs diverted herfelf in a Walk of Orange "Trees ; I did blow my Breath into her very Face, I * play'd all round about her, and I now and then * gently lifted up her Veil : Zephyrus, /aid Jke^ how *. .pleafanr and agreeable art tbou ? As long as thou con- * cinucft here, I ftiall fcarce leave this Walk. I mull * confefs, that fuch engaging Words as thefe, coming * from the Mouth of fo charming a Lady as fhe was, * had fuch an Influence upon me, that being no longer * Mailer of myfelf, I could willir^gly have refolvc^.^ * not to leave her, had it not been that I feared to dif- pleafe you. Prince Adolph lillened to him with fo much Satisfaction, that he was heartily forry he left oft'fpeaking fo foon. Give me leave, /izrV^f, lovely Zephyrus, to ask you where that Country is, over which this Princefs has an abfolute Sway ? In the Ifle o^ Felicity, rep/y'd Zephyr [is, no Body is fufTtr^-d to come there, tho' every one goes in Quell of it ; for fuch is the Fate of Mankind, that they are not able to find it out: 'Tis true, abundance of them go round about it, and fome flatter themfeives to be there, becaule they are catl fometimes into fome neigh- bouring Pores, where ihey enjoy the Fruits of a Calm and Tranquility : Here moll of them would be glad to continue ; but thefe Ifles, which after all, bear but a flender Proportion to the Ifle of /fZ/aV); itfelf, are floating Iflands, they foon get out of fight ; and En- vy, which will not fufter Mortals to enjoy even the Shade of Tranquility, Cjnltantiy chafes them from thence ; and I have feen a great Number of Perfons, of uncommon ^''Ierits, perifti in that Attem:pt. The Prince ask'd him many more Queflions, all which lie refolved him with more fihan ;ordjnarj' Exa^nds an *■ when he fivv himfelf carried up at fo vaft a Height, * under thj Arms of fo young a Lid ; fo that to revive * hisdrcOj.ing Spiiits, he thought it mull be a God, * knowing that Lo-ie hirafelf, who app-ars fo fmall, * and tie mcft feeble of all the reil, is neverthelefs the * ftrongeft and moft terrible. So leaving himfelf in- * tirely to liis Deftiny, he began to recoiled himfelf, « and to look with Attention upon all the Places over which * hepaffed. Who is able fo much as to enumerate all * thefe Places, Cities, Kingdoms, Seas, Rivers, Plains, ' Defarts, Forells, unkr.o.vn Countries, and diftercnt * Nations ! He was flruck with fuch an Amazement at * the Sight of all thefe Things, that having quite loll * the Ufe of his Tongue, Zeph\rus took care to acquaint * him with the various Manners and Cuftoms of all the * Inhabitants of the Earth. He flew tut gently, and * they relied a little upon the dreadful Mountains of * Caucafus and Aihis^ and upon feveral o:hers that fell * in their Way. Were I fure, yfl;V/Zephyru5, that that * fair Rofe I adore, fhould prick me with her Thorns, .*• I can't fuficr you to traverfe fo vail a Trad of Ground, /without allowing you fome Time, to have the Satis- * fadion of contemplating thofe Wonders you fee. ' Pnnce Adolph returned his Thanks for a!l his Good- * nefs, but at the fame Time told him, he was much 1 afraid lead this Frincefi of ¥ elicit y Ihould not undcr- * Hand his Language, and that he fhould not be able « tp fpeak to be,r. Don't trouble yourfelf on that Ac- * jcoun.t, faid the It^U God toMaiy this Prrnccfs has arT *• univcrfal Knowledge, and it. will not be long before * you both fpeak the fame Language. H 5 * At i^4 HYPO'i,lTXfS, * At laft they got fight of this defirable Ifland, which appeared fo beautiful and delightftil to the Prince, tha; he thought no othervvife than that he had been in an en'chanted Place. The Air was all perfumed, the Dew and Rain fmelling like Rofe and Orange Wat^r, the Spring threw out the Water to the very Skies, the Porefts v/ere full of the rarefl Trees that can be feen, the Grounds coloured t^ith the moll delicious Flowers; Rivulets, clearer than the fined Cryftal, gently run through the Plains, ihaking an agreeable Noife ; the Birds made a moft harmonious Melody, exceeding all that the beft Maftersof Mufick ever could attain to^ the Earth produced her Fruits without any Labbur of" Cultivating, and, with a. Wifh only, you favv yfiur T.ibles covered and ferved* with all the deiicious Meats you could think of. The Palace itfelf far ex- ceeded every Thing has been mentioned as yet": The Walls were of Diamonds, the Floor and Wain - fcoting all of precious Stones: Gold was as commch there as Stones are with usj the Moveables andFur- 'niture were the Workmanlhip of the is&/r/V.f, and that of the mod curious Pieces j every Thing being fo nicely done, that it was hard to diilinguifh/ whe- ther Magnificence or Contrivance had thfe ^feateft Share in it. * Zephyrus fet the Prince down in a plea fan t Rowl- ing-Green : Sir, /aid hcy. J have performed my Pro- mife ; 'tis now your Bufineft to do your Part, fb they embraced one another. Adol-ph return'd him a thoU- fand Thanks, and Zephyrus impatient to fee hi^ Mi- ftfefs, left him to himfelf in a very delicious Garden, He took feveral Turns in divers agreeable Walks, and faw a great Number of curious Grott6*s, fo charming and beautiful, that it feem'd. as if they were made en Purpofe for Delight and Pleafure. In ojie of thefe he faw a Statue of white Marble, reprefenting Cupid, a Piece of mdft excellent Wdr^cnian(hip, call- ing out of his Flambeaux a Stream of Water inllead of Fire, leaning iigainft an artificial Rock; he alfo faw the following Words- engraven on a Stone : " He He that is ignorant of the FlMfures ofLo^ey has. n€- fver tajled a^ real Hymg ^n A-foour fo dofely covered with * Greens, e * he could towards the Palace. As he drew nearer, he * took a full View, and admired, at his own L.eifure, .* iill the Beauties thereof, with much more Attention ' than he could do, at a greater Diftar^ ; and it feem'd * as if ell the Artirts in the World had jom'd their Skill * arkl Labour to make, it the moll maguiii cent and rpoll . • . pei fad St^-u^ii^re thaf, could be imagined* T he F*rince * had all this while kept ihe Grem-fide of his Cloak * outward, fo that he could fee every Thing without, * beiqg feen ; but after alU he look'd a long Time with- -* out biing abl» to fee the Entfaniee into it ; whether * the Doors were fhut, or whether they wtre on the c*! o^pofite Side, before he could find them, he faw a * Jovely Lady opening a Window of one entire Piece of * Cryftal, and at the fame Time a little femah Gar- * diner running towards the Window ; ftie that was at * the Window, let down thence a Basket of Filligree- * Work of Gold, faftned to fevcral Strings and Knots of * curicui Ribbons ; (he bid the Gardiner to gather fome * Flowers for the Princefr, which fhe did in an In- * flant, and put them in the OBasliet : JdaJph' got ix]^ on * the Flowers, and fo was drawn up into the Window by * the Nyjnph. You muft imagine, that the fame green * Cloak,, which had the Virtue^ of making him inviiable, * muil.iiiro fliAl^Jum very light, for -withput t)»is Cir- H 6 • cumftance. 156 H rp L itu s, cumltance, it would have proved a very hard Task * for the Lady to have drawn him up to the Window ; * through which he got into a very i'paclous Apartmenr, * and his Eyes were furprized with fuch an amazing * Light, as is part all Imagination. Here he faw whole * Companies of Nymphs, the «ldeft of whicli appeared * not to be above eighteen Years of Age, and a great * many of them much younger ; fome were Itiir, others * brown, but all of a fine Complexion, white, freih -* colour'd, exadly featured y with glorious white Teeth 5 ■''* to be fliort, there was riot- one among all thefe Nymphs ^^^ but what might pafs for a compleat' Beauty. He * would have fpent the whole Day in admiring their * Perfe6lions, and had not the Power to ftir out of this * charming Apartment,; had it not been for a mbfta- :^ greeable Harmony ofMuficky-as well of Voicesi'as '^^ of the choiceft mufical- Inftruments, that raifed his ♦*- Curiofity to fee from whence it. came ; fo drawing •'* near to ah adjacent Room, he no fooner enter'4 ic v|^ but hea'fd' thewi^fibg thefe Wordf. ' - i /ifu/ * ]xACA:i\.-i'n-J[l--f..,i./:' .(■.. u. lii. ■ .'■ ::l. ■'■•; ' -• ' ' Trtfv'e ' thn^fy. fro'ue faithftily' Is coitftant io the^ laji, ^tis that that .^* thofe he faw there ; but he foon- found hinklf moft * agreeably deceived in his Opinion ; thefe Female Mii- * ficians far furpaffing tho'e Nymphs he had fetn b6- ,'"* fore in Beauty : and what was almoft prodigious, he 1* underftood every Thing he beard, tho* he was not ad- ■• qua^nted with the Language of that Ifle. He flood .*• behind one of the fairelt of thefe Nymphs ; ihe hap- * penedtodrop her Veil, and he, wichojt confideririg * thiit he fhould put her into a Fright, took it up from ^' the Ground and gave it to her ; ihc Iqueek'd out dn "^ a Sudden, and I believe this to be the ii^ Time th^ 5^.^- ~ ' ever Earl of Do V C^L'A s. ^ 157 ever knew what Fear was in thefe happy Manfions : All the reil of the Nymphs flock'd about her, ask- ing, what was the Matter with her ? I believe yoQ think me to be in a Dream, faid Jhe to them ; but I am fure I let my V^ail fall to the Ground, and fome*- thing that is invifible pat it into my Hands again. They all fell a Laughing, and fome went into thb Princefs's Apartment, to divert her with this Story.' * Prince Adolph followed them by the Help of hfs green Cloak ; he pafb'd through fpacious Rooms, Galleries and Chambers without Number, till at laft he came into the Apartment of the fovereign Lady di the Ifle. She was feared on a Throne made ojt of one intire Carbuncle Stone, brighter than the Sun it- felf, but the Princefs of F^//aVys. Eyes carry 'd dill a more furprifing Luftre than tiie Carbuncle itfelf ; fhe was fo perfedT a Beauty, that Ihe appeared more like a Favourite of Heaven, than of a terreftrial Offspring; fhe was very young, and a certain fprightly but iMa- jeAick Air appeared in all her Adions, which infpir- ed both Love and Reiped: Her Apparel had more df Neatnefs than Magnificence in it ; her fair Hairs were adorned with Piowers, fhe had a Scarf rn, and her Gown was Gauze fioWer'd with Gold. 'iiWo. was furrounded with a great many Cupids, whodanc*d and play'd a thoufand little divertir^: Tricks ; fo.Tie kifb'd her Hands, others climbing upon both Sides of the Throne, put a Crown on her Head i the Piealures were alfo playing and courting her on all Sides ; ta be Ihort, ail that can be thou^it or imagined to be charming, is . much below avhat- the Prince fealled his iiycs with there. He was like one in a Rapture, he was fcarceable to bear the Luf.re of this Prin- cefs's Beauty; and under this Agitation of his Heait, all his Thoughts being taken up with that Object he already adored, he dropt his Cloak, and Ihe fawliim. She had never feen a Man before, and therefore was infinitely furprized at the Sight of him. Adolph feeing himiclf thus difcovered, threw himfelr at her Feet with the utmoll Refpedl: Great Princefs, faid he to her, I have traverfed the Univerfe, to come hither to * adiuire 158 IirPOLlTUS, * admire your divine Beauty; I am come to maJcf 'V yoj an Offer of my Heart and all my DeftreE j wifl j(5. ycu not pleafe to accept of them ? The Priocefs was if a Lady of a fingolar Vivacky of Wir, notwichftand- / jng which^ her Surpriae was fuch that ihe could not * rpeak one Word. Hitherto Ihe had itcver beheld any ^ Thing that appear'd more amiable 10 iier Eyes thah •.this Creature, and believing him to be the only one «? of his Kind, fhe imagined he muft needs be the fo * much celebrataed Pbcemx of the ,AncientSi but fcjirce * ever feen by any Bcdy. Lovely Phanix^ faid Jhe to t? him, (fcr 1 judge you are the fame by your P«rfefti- 1^ ons, there being noihrng comparable to you in thfs •^ilflej I am infinitely pleaied to fee yon here; wiiart ^ :Plty 'riB yjou .fliould be the only one of your JKind, ^ artaaiy jirore fuch Birds as you are, would make a # molt glorious Shew. Jdolph could not forbear fmil- ;*, ing at what ihe told him with a moft graceful Air, -f full of natural Simplicity ; but being unwilling that -■* this Lady for whom he felt already a moft violent Paf- V Qcsny fhould be detain'd in Ignorance, in a Matter he cfrijudgud ihe ought to be .acquainted with, he took care .ft to inibud her in every Thing of this Nature, and ihe ?i*::praved fo .2pt a Scholar, and of fuch a natural Viva- !>• city of Wit, that fhe even anticipated her Mafter in his rj* Leffons ; ihe loved him beyorid herfelf, and he loved V her more than himfeif; all thofe fweet Enjoyments it have is able to give, alLthe Beauty and Vivacity of o5 Wit, all the T€ndernefs:a Heart is capabk of feeling, :?*] were centred in thefe two tender Lovers ; nothing h*, could diilurb their Tranquillity, every Thirg ooh- / curr'd to increafe their Pleafures ; they knew not -J* what Sicknefs was.; nay, they felt tloi fo much as yf the leafl Inconveniencies or Decay ; their Yowth was ;|(1 not impair'd by a long Courfe of Years, becaufe in .if this delicious Place, they drink of the Water of the 2^ Fountain of Youth. They were unacquainted wich >* amorous Inquietudes, with jealous Surrailes ; nay, * not fo much as with thefe little Wranglings, which . \* commonly end in a happy Accommodation and Re- ^ newing of Love i I fay, they knew .iifliiur^. of all * thefe ''Ear! of Dou6las:- i^^ * thde Things ; they were inebriared with Pleafures, * and till that Day never had any Mortal enjoy'd fo great * and fo conftant Felicity. But this is the Condition * t>f us Mortals, that even that Happinefs has its fad f and doleful Confequences, nothing is cverlaftJng oh * Earth, but always fiibjcft to change. * Prince Ad>)lph being one Day entertaining the Prin- * cefs, it came into his Head to ask her, how long * it was fince he had enjoy'd the Pleafare of feeing him ? * The Time pafTes away fo fall where you are, /aid he, * that I fcarce ever look'd backward, or thought oT * the Time when I came here. I will tell you, fatd * Jhey provided you frankly confefs to me beforehand. * how long you really think it has been. He paufed * a while, and then faid ; when 1 confult my Hcar^, ' and think of the Satisfajftion I feel within myfelf, 'I * am almoft apt to believe, I have not been here above * a Week, my dear Princefs ; but when I recall to my * Mind certain Things that are pad fome time ago, T * think it can't be much lefs than three Months. Shte ,"■ burft out a Laughing; Hesir Adtslph^ /aid Jhe, 'with * a njiry ferioui Air^ you mnft know it is no \t.{s thah * three hundred Years. A':as ! had fhe known hoxV * dearly the was likely to pay for thefe Words, ih'e * would never have fpoken them. Three hundred * Years, cry'd the Prince^ how muft the World Hand -^ by this Time? Who mull be the univerfal Monarch * there ? I wonder what they are doing there ? When * I come there again, who will know me .? Or how * fhall J know any Body ; My Dominions are, doubt- * lefs, fallen into the Hands of fome ftrange Family? •* I can't fuppofe rupting him^ what is it you repine af ? Don*t 'i^.you fet no more value than io upon all the Favours I ^f have Ih^vvn you, and ali the Love I bear you ? I have '^ given you Admifiion imo jny Palace 9 you are Mailer . * ^ere. i6o H rP OLI TVS, bene, I have jpreferved your life for three Ages, 7 "without the leaft Decay or Regret till this Moment j ;: i whereas, had it not been for me, where would you f have been by this Time ? I abhor Ingratitude, fair rtiPrincefs, reflyd he in fotne Canfufiony I know, and am fenfible how much I am indebted to you: But after all* had I been dead before this Time, I'fhould .perhaps have perform'd fuch great Aftions as would * have render'd my Name famous ior ever to Pofterity^ * I can't without Shame,, fee my. Courage to lie dormant^ and : my Name buried, in Oblivion. Such was the ':? ^brave Repwld'm the Arnr.s of h\3 Armide-t hwt Glory '•'i'natch'd him the rice. • So thai Glory is likewife to t ilhaxch y-ou out of my Arms, barbarous Man, cry^d the f.^Frlncifs jheddUtgia Rnjuletof^Bars, thou haflaMind f to leave m?, ansd therefore art unworthy of the Pain I r* feel for thee. She -had no fooner faid thefe Words*, 'but fhe fell rntt> a" Swoon : The Prince was highly * afiiidled thereat, becaufe he loved her extreamly, but ;f .-at the fame Time cculd not forbear upbratdiDg hirrf- •cl^.fdf for having fpeht fo mjch Time with a Miilfef?, iff.- without any Thing, that might raife his Name .among ^* the Rank of the great Heroes : In vain he endea- :*'vGUr'd to reilrain his Sentiments, or to . conceal his '^- DifTatisfafetion ; he was foon feized with fuch a Larr- * guiihmenr, as quite alter'd his whole Difpufition ; fo •* that whereas hitherto he had miftaken Klonihs fot * Ages, he thought now every Month as long as an * AsTe.' The Princefs,: who perceived it,-was afflided * thereat to the highelt -Degree ; but notwithflanding i* this, would not' engage him to flay bu rely out ^ jl: Complaifance ; fo fhe told him, he fhoulJ be mailer * of his o\vin Deftiny, and might depart whenever, he * thought fit; but that fhe much feared fomt -great Mi?- o*. foriune^would befal .him.. Thefe. lall Words caufed .* much lefs DiiTati.'fadlion in him, than he had found .5 -Saiisfaftion m theiirft.; and thoV the very Thoughts •3*1 of partings from his Princefs nearly afl^fted his Mind, }* yet huriy'd on by h: f Dcfliny, he bid farewel to her * he had adored, and hy whom he was, no lefs tenderly * beloved;, he protelled to her, that.fo foon as.hje had 0;. * perforihed Earl ^ DbuG'LAs.y i6i' performed any glorioas Adions to render himfelf mor^ wocthy of" her Favours, he fhculd never be at reft till" he could return and pay his Homsge to her, as his fovcreign Lady, and as the only Felicity of his Life. His Eloquence, which was natural to him, fupply'd the D^k^. of his Love : but the Princefs \vas too clear fighted not to dive into the Boitom of the Matter, and her Mind prefaged her fhe knew not wh:tt Mis- fortune which would rob her for ever of the SatisfadU- on of feeing again what was fo dear to her. ,.* Whatever Violence fhe put upon her own Indi- gnations, (he was overwhelmed with Grief pall all exyrefling : She pre fen ted Adolph with a very rich Armour, and with . the belt and finell Horle the World afforded.. Bichar (that was- theHorfe's Name) will condud you, /aid Jhe to him, thro' all Danger, and make you come off with Honour in your Com- bats ; but have a care not to touch the Ground with your Feet, before you come into your own Country j for by Virtue of that. Spirit of the Fairies^ the Gods h^ve beftovv'd upon me, I forefee, that if you flight my Advice, i?/V/^<7r will not be in a Condition to re- prieve you. The Prince promifed he would follow her good CounfeJ, and killing her Hands a thoufand Times, went away, but in lo much hafte, that he left his wonderful Cloak behind him. Coming to the Shore of the Ifle, Bichar fvvam over Rivers and Seas with his Rider, ran over Mountains and thro' Vale^, thro' Forefts and Fields, and that with fo much Swiftnefs, as if he had been a wing'd Horfe. * One Evening coming to a fmall crooked and Stone Lane, with Hedges on both fides, he faw a Cart over- thrown in the Middle of the Road, which hindered his Paflage. The Cart was laden with Wings of divers Shapes and Sizes, and under the Cart lay a very old Man, who was the Carte.-. His bald Head his trembling Voice, and his Misfortune, moved the Prince to Compaflion. Bichar was ready to leap over the Hedges, when the old Man cali'd to Adolph in a moft pitiful Manner; Pray, Sir, pity my Condition.; * ualefs you will help me, I mult perifh here. The * Prince* i62 H rP O LJ TU S, * Priqce, not able to refift the Entreaties of the Y>W *" Man, ^d his own Inclinations to help him up, alighcr' * ed from his Horfe, and reach'd .his Hand to him ;' * but alas j guefs at his Surprize, when hefaw the old * Man arife without his AfEftanee, aivd that (o fuddenly, * that he laid hold of him before he was aware of it. « At lall, Prince of Ruffia^ /aid he with a dreadful * threatntng Voices at lall I have met with you j my * Name is Time^ I have been in fearch for you thefe * three Ages, I have worn out all thefe Wings whei'e- * with you fee this Cart is loaded, to fly all over the « Univerfe to find you out ; you fee, that noiwifhiiand- * ing all your Care to hide yojrfelf from me, nothing < in this World can efcape me : At thefe Words he < ftruck him with his Hand upon his Mouth, with fo < much Violence, that he beat the Breath out of his » Body, and fo ftifled him upon ih^ Spot. * Zephyrus happening to come by juft at that fatal Mi- * Tiute, was forced to be an Eye-witnefs, to Wis grfeal * -Regret, of his dear Friend's Misfortune ; and fo foofi ^ as the old barbarous Fellow had left him, he try'd * whether he could blow frefh Breath into his Body ; * but finding all his Endeavcurs in vain, he took hiiti * under his Arm, as he had done before, and weeping * bitterly carryM him to the Garden of the Palace of * Felicity', there he laid him in a Grotto upon a Rock * that was flat at Top, covering his dead Body with * Plawers : He ereftcd a Trophy of his Arms, and a * Column of Jafper next to it, on which he engraved * thefe Words. ^ime is the Majier of enjery Thing ; Time brings e-veh Thing to pafs ; Beajcty pajjes anf}ay ivith our Time ; Ma>t frames to himfelf a thoufand nenv Defres ; And his Mittd is difcompofed even in the midji of his Enjoymenfi. Jf he thinks his Pains renxarded^ if he appear contented for Jxitne Time, And njalues himfelf upon the Conqueft he has made ; he *will Joon be con'vinced by fome unfortunate Turn of /Affairs, that there is no Love that lafs fore^vet, nor any perfe^ Felicity* ...., ......... , . . .'xhc- I l^rl of tioh^ LA ^ ''• 16 f' '^ frhe difconfolate Princcfs ufed to ctrmc every Bay * fa tMs Grotto, fince the departure of her Lover, there * to bemoan his Abfence, and to augment the Torrents * of the Rivulets by a Deluge of Tears. Gueft at her * Satisfaftion, when (he found hhn fo near her at a * Time when (he thought him at a vaft diftance; ihe * thought, that being much fatigued in his Journey, * he had laid himfelf down to reft there ; fhe was con- * fidering whether flie had beft to awake him, or not; * and at laft the tender Motions of her Heart overbal- * lancing all the reft, fhe was opening her Arm to era- * brace him , then it was, that being made fenfible of * her Misfortune, fhe cryM out, fhe wept, fhe matie fuch * doleful Moan, as would have moved even a Stone ; * the commanded immediately the Gates of her Palace * 10 be kept fhut for ever. Certain 'tis, that fince that * fatal Day, -no Body has iDeen able to boaft, that he * has -got "irghi of her; for fhefeldom appears abroad * finijefhrs Misfortune; and whenever fhe does, Inquie- * tudes and Vexations are her Fore-runners, and Unea- * finefs and DifTatisfadtion her Followers. Thefe are * her ordinary Attendants, The whole World is fuffi- * ciently convinced ofthis Truth, by woful Experience, * and fincethis deplorable Adventure, it has been a con- * ftant Sayfng ; That Time brings every Th'mg to pafsy and * that there is no felicity in its full Perfeilion, Hypiitm having finifhed his Story, fhe told him, fhe was at this Moment a living Inftance of what he had faid ; becaufe the Fear fhe was in, of hearing the plea- fing Relation to be brought to a Period, had not a lit- tle difturbed the Pleafure fhe enjoy'd in hearing it relat- ed to her ; fhe highly commended his Way of rcprefent- ingitwjth fo good a Grace, and was returning her Thanks to him, when yulias Waiting woman came into the Abbef^'s Clofet. After the iirft Compliment from her Mrftrefs (who was flill in Bed, being troubled with the Head ach) fhe dcfired her to lend her fome Books, wherewithal to divert her Miftrefs. IjabelU, faid the Abbefs, I have no Time at prcfcnt to look for Books; but 1 64 H TP Liiru S, but 1 would have you condiQdi .Hyacinth inio\\tr Cham- ber ; he. will divert her much better ihaa^U the Books can do i he hasjufi. now related tp me a very pleafant Sto- ry, and I don't queftion, but he will have fo much Com- plaifance, as to tell it over again before your Miftrefs: • So ihe defired Hypolitus to. go along with Ijabelln ; and • you may eafily imagine, he was not very backward to ■ obey the Abbefs. He took Care to hide part of his Face wi;h his Handkerchief, lead the Abbefs might per» ceive the Alteration this unexpedled News produced in • his Countenance ; befides, that it prevented Ifubella from being furprized at fo unex ceded a Sight, which might have made hertodiicover more of Fear, than was conve- nient to their prefent purpofe. She conduded \\\m x.o Julia\ Chamber, where /ff- folitus finding himfelf at Liberty, kneeled at her Bed-fide, a;id being unable to fpeak one Word, took hold of cne^ of her Hands, which he kiG'd, with fuch exceffive Tran-< (ports of Joy, as is fcarce to be conceived. The Cur-^ tains of her Bed being drawn, and that Part of the Room- where the Bed flood being pretty dark, and her Head* laid clofe within the Pillow, julli could not know- him, and therefore did all fhe could to pull her Hand- back. Eypolitus putting a wrong Interpretation upon thia- Coynefs, which he look'd upon as an EfFedl of her Aver-« fion to him, let it go ; but at the fame Time turn'd pale,> a Trembling feized him, and he was ready to drop down, for Grief: He had fcarce fo much Strength left, as to tell her with a moft tender and engaging Air j ' Julia * you hate me ; you lay your Misfortunes at my Door, * and though you know I am only the innocent Caufe * of them, you have conceiv'd fuch an Antipathy againil * me, that you will not fo much as fufFer me to come * near you. Oh \ what do you fay, my dear Hypolitusy * faid (lie to him (for fhe knew his Tongue immediately) * how little are you acquainted with my true Senti- * ments ! And then embracing him with much Tender- nefs, this proved the moil efFeftual J unification that could be to Hypolitus, who was tranfported with Joy^ ^t.fo kind a Reception. They look'd upon one another i fof^" c0flft//^'s Fidelity, which fhe eafily believed; iiaving. al- ready conceived a very favourable Opinion of this Stran- ger, on Occafion ot his pic-afing Relation of the Prince of Ruffiai and fhe did not in the Jealt qocftion, but that he JE^r/^ Douglas: 169 he would prove more obliging to her thzn to ya/ia. At the fame Time 'lis imp-jfliblc to reprefent to you the high Satisfadion of ihefe two Lovers; they iiwv one a- nother every Day, ihey pafs'd away their Time in this - with fome of the Money, a Coach and Horfes , charging him to keep the Bufmefs fecret, and to bring her an ordinary Habit, the better to difguife herfelf in her Flight, and fome Saddle-horfes, wnerewiih fhe intended, in the Night-time, to go to Moulins. The chief Difficulty was, how to get out ; but her Chamber looking into the Garden, it was agreed, fhe was to defcend out of the Window, by the Help of a Ladder made with Cords, which Cardini promised to procure her; and ^s good Fortune would have it, Parx of the Wall of i^- the W'!Earl of Douglas; i^\ the Garden being, a few Days before, tumbled dovvn» they did not qoeilion but fhe might eafily get out tH^I Way. ' .';' ^ Every Thing Aicceeded without much Difficulty, jufl as they had laid the Defign betwixt them i for Cardiiti having full Liberty to go in and cjme out of the Abbey> as he pleafed, be difcharged his Truft with the utmolt Zealand Fidelity, and fafely ccndu£l'-*d her in the Night, with Ifabella, to Moulins. Julia made no ftay there, Hie prefented the Pifture-drawer with a rich Jewel, and enjoy nM him to go t) London, to tell the Earl o^ ff^ar*- tvick and HypoHtus what had obliged her to make her Efcape with fo much Precipitation ; that flie was going to Florence to her Sifter Lucilta^ where Ibe defired they fhould let her hear from them. She did not think fit to commit all thefe Things to a Letter, for fear it fhould be loft, or that by fome Mifchance or other, it might fall into my Lord Bed/onT^ Hands ; for Ihe fufpefted he had intercepted fome of her or Hypolitus's Letters ; and that this had occafioned the Rumour of her being at St. Menoux. Whilrt ihe was making the beftof her Way towards Italy^ (he took all poftible Precautions to remain inco^ hito, and to avoid the Sight of all fuch as, prompted by their Curiofity, might be inquiiitive a'ter her Perfon ; (for being fo extreamly beautiful, (he ufed to meet with as many Adorers as (he met with Perfons that faw her) but Cardlni having conduced her fome Part of the Way beyond M(?w//;/j, return'd ftrait to St. /l/t'- r?oa.v,leaft he (hculd befufpedled of having had a Hand in y^AVs Efcape. He went to his ordinary Employment, expefting every Moment to hear what Noiie this un- expefted Accident would make in the Abbey. It was already pretty late in the Morning, when one of the re- ligious Ladies belonging to this Abbey, came to tell the Abbeff, that the Door of Julias Apartment was not opened yet ; that (he had calTd feveral Times Ifa- bella.^ but that neither tie Miftrtfs, nor the Woman, had return'd any Anfwer to her ; and that (he was afraid there was fomething more than ordinary in the Matter. The Abbefs, not a little furprizcd and di- r 5 l^.urbed b.74 HT P O LIT U S, "-fturbcd at what (he heard, immediately ordered the TD6cr CO be broke open ; but coming into Julia' t Cham- ber, and Ending (he had made her efcape out of the Window, fhe was almoft diflradled what to do ; fhe 'fcrt fome in quell after Julia, ordering them to take the Road to P/?m, net queflioning but that this was ' the Place ihe would have recourfe to ; fhe knew r.6t whom to charge with being acceflbty to her Flight, till at lall thinking it could be no Body but the Pic- ,tu re-drawer, ihe had him feiz'd j they fearch'd him, -and put him into a Dungeon,' but all in vam, they could not make him tell one Word that might tend to the Prejudice of Julia. The Earl of Bedford is expeSIed here e'very Day, faid the Lady Abbefs to her Confidents, 'he nvill ask me^ nvhat- is heco?ne of ''his Lady? What muji I tell him ? Houo fivill he exclaim againji my Neg' ' le^ ? And not ijoithout Reafon, Jtnce Iha've betn-fo care- 'lefs in keeping *what he cvmmifted 1o n,y care. She \ifas thus tormenting herfelf, Nvhen one of her Coftfidents 'put her in the Head of an Expedient, which would, ct leaft, put a flop to the Earl's coming, and fecure her agaihil his Reproaches for Tome Time. Ifyouivill follo'VJ my Jdvice, Madam, faid (he to her, / tuould ha75 them know what a Condition he was in. yu/ia had the good Fortune to getto F/orencey without any fmifkr Accident, but judging it abfoluteiy requifjte, not to go to LuciUa\ Houfe, before fhe had feen her, and taken fuch Meafures with her, as they fliould think molt fuitable to her prefent Circumftances, fhe fent a Let- 'ter to her by Ifabella. 'Tis impoflible to exprefs the Satisfaftion of Luciliat when Ihe underilood that her Sifter v/as fo near her j (he had not, Patience to (lay one Moment, but immediately went to fee her : They embraced one another a thoufand Times, they told cne another every Thing that can be faid or thought the moft tender and obliging j and at lail agreed, Julia (hould go for a young Widow, and a Kinfwoman of luci/ia's, who was to (lay with her fome Time j flie was to go by the Name of Hmvard, which being one of the belt and moft numerous Families in Englandf it would be a hard Muter to find her out by that Name. She got a mourning V>rcUf fuch as Widows wear im- mediately after their Husband's Deceafe* and (he midc the Excefs of her Love, a Pretence for her Journey into Italy t not being able to flay in a Place where fhe had loft what was fo dear to her. But what was the oddeit Chance of all in i\h A J- venture, was, that at the fame Time (lie was in Mourn- ing for her pretended deceafed Husband, .he wore his mourning Apparel for her. The Abbefs of St. Me- nouxh Letter came t?ime enough to my Lord Bedfor^^ Hands to ftop his Journey for that 'J'lme : He was at firft much concerned at the Lofs of a Wife, whom once he loved fo pa(riOnately ; but her A b fence for fome Time, the Caufs of Complaint he thought he had againlt her, and his inconftant Temper, focn made him forget Julia. Her Death was Icon known all oxer London ; the Countefs o^ Douglas ^ and the Earl q{ Sujftx^ were moft fenfibly afHi(^ed thereat ; and the Earl oUVar- ouglas\ Alfillance ; who by her Authority, and moll prefllng Inllance?, prevail'^l upon him to take fome iSfourifliment ; he was fo far from taking any Reft, that he fcarce ever would go to bed, and on a Sudden k\\ into fuch a Languifliment, that every Body thought he would never have overcome it. One Day he communicated to the Earl of SuJJex his Refolutionof fightirg the MixXo^BeJfordi this being the only Thing which feem'd both to fupport his Cou- rage and his Life. He defired him to go to the Earl of Bedfcrdy and to engage him to appoint a certain Time and Place where they might be at Liberty once more to meafure their Swords, and to put an ilnd to a Quar- rel which could not be decided but with the Lofs of the Life of one of the two. The Earl did all he could fo put Hvpolifus in Mind, that he oig'u not to hazard his Perfon thus, at a Time when he was fcarce in a Condition to ftand upright; he told him again, he was fufficiently fenfible what he was capable of doing, an4 that Deipair would furnifli him with as much Strength as he fhould have Occafion for ; that let Things come to the worft, he could but fall in the Combat, and that chat was not the Thing that would frighten him> i I ana *^U8, H r P L ITU S, and he urged the Matter fb home, and wiih fo much JEarnellners lo the Earl of SuJ/ex, that leeing no Means f.tp refufe any longer his Requeft, he went to the EaVl . of BcJ/ord's : When he faw him, he found him under .no fmall Irrefolution, what Anfwer he had bell to give him. It was not very long fince he was well cured 61' his Wounds Hypolitus gave him at Calais ; he had made trial of his Courage, and knew what violent Motives •induced him to challenge him. He told the Earl, th^t |heir Majeflies had forbid all Manner of Duels, that -v'ihe was ready to give him any Satisfaftion ; but that to make the Thing appear in the Eyes of the World lilte an accidental Quarrel, he would decide their Quar- rel the firft Time Hypolitus and he fhould meet. No fooner was the Earl of Sujjfex gone to carry his Anfwer to Hypolitus^ bat the Earl o( Bedford goi every .i^'^hing in Readinefs, and left £/7^/<7;:^ under Pretence, that he had a Mind to go abroad to travel. Hypolitus did all he could to find him out, but found too late, t'jat hewas gone, to his infinite Diffatisfaf^ion, becaule he had flattered himfelf wiih fiopes of facrifcing him to the Memory of his adorable Julia. After this Dif- appointment, feeing himfelf in a Place, where every Thing feem'd to confpire to revive in him his deadly -Grief, by recalling to his Mind the Remembrance of 'his fo dearly beloved Miflreff, he refolved to leave Englandy and to carry his Fortunes along with him to fome Place or other, where he hoped he might put an End to them by a glorious Death. The Earl ci' IVarivick feeing him abfolutely refolved _ to leave his native Country, ofFer'd to take him along with him to Malta, whither he intended to go along with the Grand Con/er'vator of Montjerrat, who was not long before come into England; and who at the Interceifion of Cardinal Pool, had obtained from her Majefty the Reftitution of all the Revenues belonging to 'the Maltefe Knights. Hypolitus was very glad to accept of this Opportunity of f gnalizing himfelf, and to run the fame Fortune with a Man, whom he Icvcd like his Father, and honoured with a moll peculiar El- teem for his great Qualifications. The Ear i of Dou^LA|i^ -yVlO The Earl of ^u'Tcx was a!f:) inclined lo make this Campaign with them, having fome particular Reafons ■.to keep for fame Time at a Diilance from Coort, be- .;c ufe the Queen would not heaik n to his Petition, and .of fcveral other Loids, who earneilly follicited, that the Countcfs of AV/^<2v//>/<7/? might b^ received again into •Favour ; but the Queen continued to fiiew her Hatred to ths very Memory of her unfortunate Spoufe, in the Perlbn of this fair Widow ; ani being not ignorant that the Earl of Sitjex loved her moll infinitely, and was very defirous . to -rmarry her, (he made it her Bufinefs to crofs this Match ; and tolJ the Earl, ftie Ihould be very well pleafed to fee him marry'd to the Daughttr qi the Vifcount Montague, wiiom (he h id fent her Am- bciilador along with the Bilhop of EU to Rome. This Lord being upon his Departure, had recommended his .Daughter to the Queen, defiring llie would fee her well marryM j and the Queen, who had a great Kind- nefs for her, and knew both the Merits, Birch and Ef- tite of the Earl of .S/^'a;, thought Ihe could not beftow hrr bctrcr than there ; but he refolving net to facrifice his Pailion to his Forume, chofe rather to abfent him- felf for fome Time, till the Queen might alter hci Sen- timents, being very well pica ed to take thisOpportu- ni:}- to enter into a llrictcr Tye of Friendfhip with hiin who was his intimate Friend before, and either to ac- fju ire Glory, or die together i fo they prepared every 'Fning for th?ir Voyage. Hyfolitns v^diS unuilJing the Countefs cf Douglas fhouid know any Thing of his intended Voyage, being fenfiblc, that the Ttndernefs of a Mother, would n9C very well agree with fuch a D-l^gn ; and that it might prove the Occafion of new Vexation to him, not to comply with her Defires ; fo he kept every Thing pri- vate, which he might tafily do, having his whole Ef- tate in lis own Hands. He left Etigland'm Company of the Earl o'i War^':ick, .^nd the Earl of 5//^j:, wit-hout letting any Body know whither they, intended to' go, and H)pol/tus was reduced to fo.Iangaifhing and unfor- tunate a State, that wherever he went, he expelled no- thing clfe bat to lead a moll deplorable Life. -"Upoa 16 ^their l§<5 HTPOLI'rV'S, their arrival at Malta, they found Things in no (mall Confu'icn there, becaufe by a late moH dreadful Tempeli, fome Galleys, befides feveral other Ships, were caft away in the Harbour : An Accident which would have moved the greateft Stranger to Compaffion, confidering the great Number of Knights, of other Perfons of Note, and of Slaves that loft their Lives upon this Occafion ; how- ever a good Number oi Maltefe y whom they call Bon- nc'voglies, becaufe they fcrve for very flendcr Pay at the Oars, offered their Service upon this necefTitous Occafion, long after Francis of Lorainy Grand Prior of Malta came thither with two moft magnificent Gallies, curi- ouily painted and gilt. This Prince made an Appearance, in all Refpefts, fuitable to his iliuftrious Extrac1:ion ; he was (as indeed all the rell of the Hcufe of Lorain are) very liberal, extreamly handfom, gallant, brave and magnificent. General Falette, upon his Arrival there, refignM his Command to this Prince; and the Earls of- Warnvick and SuJ/ex, and HypoHtus meeting with a very friendly Reception from the Great Mailer, he prefented them to the Prince of Lorain, unto whom they offered their Services, and were received by him aboard the Capitana^ or Admiral Galley, with all the Marks of Diftinftion they could exped from their Merits, and the Goodnefs of fo difcerning a Prince. He had three Gal- lies, befides his own, under his Command ; they fail'd to the Coaft of Barbary^ in Queft of Dragut Rais j but they met and took a Brigantine of Tripoli^ commanded by one A[fan Bahy, who informed them, that Dragut Jiais did not intend to put to Sea this Year, becaufe he was bulled in the Siege oi Tripoli. Upon this News they faw them felves obliged to alter their Courfe, and to feek for further Opportunities of fignalizing themfelves elfc- whsre, which they did accordingly ; and thefe three brave EngUJh Lords fhew'd fo much Courage and Con- dud in all their A(^ions, that the Prince being extreamly taken with tl^eir Perfons, beftow'd upon them fuch Em- ployments as were worthy their Acceptance, and in which ih^y met with frequent Opportunities of expoiing their Perfons J which they did upon all Occafions that o0i;F*d» cfpecially HypoHtus, who at ali Times was the '•-; ' foremoil. I Earl of Doubt AS. ' i3r Foremofl, if any dangerous Attempt was to be made ; h\t^ whilll they are endeavouring to facrificc their l»iyfs,J^ us fee how Matters went in other Places. .' . ; r ,.;. „^ 'I'he Abbefs of St. Minoux^ perceiving by the Earl ot Bedford's Anfwer to her Jail Lecter, that he adually be^ lieved liis Lady to be dead, and had laid afide his J juf-* ney into Francey thought beft not to keep the Pi(iture- drawer any longer in Prifon, his Impiifonment being foflr from having made him to confefs any Thing relat- ing to Julia's Efcape, that they found him every Day more and more obllinate. His Refolution proved the Occafion of his Liberty ; and he had no fooner obtained^ il, but remembring his Promife made to Juliay to go,* into England, he undertook that Journey without Delay. Coming to Lofidon, he made Enquiry after Hypoliiust and the Earls of IVarnjoUk and Sujfex\ but was told, they^ had not appeared at Court for fome Time palt ; and. > notwithftanding all his Endeavours to find them out, he could not fo much as learn where they were. He then enquired after the Earl cA Bedford', and was informed that fince Julia's Death, he led a very retired Life. Car dint was mofl fenfibly afHiifted at the Death of fo handfome and generous a Lady ; he imagined no ether- wife, than that ftie died in her Way to Italyy over- whelmed with Grief, and overburthened with the Fa- tigues of fc long a Journey ; fo that finding he could do no further Service at London, he went back to Paris^.-^ Poor Juliay at the fame Time, lingred in Expeftationv' of fome Letters, with the utmoft Impatience, withou; * the leaft Probability of receiving any ; becaufe all thofe from whom Ihe might expedl them with any Probabili- ty, thought her to be before that Time in the other. /, World, and never thought of her, except when they •- bewailed her Death. She lived with her dear Luciliay and pafTed for a young handfome Widow, who had refolved to lead a retired Life, without much Converfation in the World ; and to fpeak the Truth, had it been in her own Choice, fhe would never have ftirred out of her Room, and con- verfed with no Body but Lucilia, The Inquietudes fhe.; laboured under, as well for her father, as for her dear Hypolitus, 1^22 H TP O'LirU S, I'i^ypolitus^ piodaced in her Eyes a certain Languish- /^Hnjent, which encreaied her Charms. Ma^ar/t, faid the .-;,Senator j^lbini to her, nui/l you be aizvays hecd to her Difcourfe with the ut- moft Impatience : * You have fuch an Averfion, /aid he * to her, for every Thing that has not as much Youth * and Beauty as yourfelf, that it is vtry probable you * will never be in Love. Oh ! How is it poflible for a * Man to hope to pleafe you upon fuch hard Terms, ef- * peciaily in Reference to Beauty? Bu-, Madam, will * you give me Leave to tell you, thefe unhappy Men, * in v/hofe Cafe you make yourfelf both a Party and a * Judge, knowing how to make their Choice with the * moll Difcretion, are confequently more refpen * is there in loving and being beloved, if the Flame -is * of no longer Continuance than your Wild-fires or AJe- * teprs, which make a great Shew, but never hokl, * and are no fooner feen, but loft again. Thus they entertained one another ; and in Spite of Julia s harfli Exprefiions (without, however, applying them to him in particular) in Spite of his Defpair, caufcd by her In- differency, and his fecret Refentment, it was not in his Power to pull out of his Heart that fatal Dart that had wounded him. Jiiliay at firft, forefaw not all the Danger that was likely to attend it, and when fhe perceived ir, and would fain have ftcped the Progrefs of aPaflicn fhe had given Birth to, fhe found it was too late, and it was not till then fhe began to be fenfible of all the Danger- fhe was likely to be expofed to ; for the Senator, quit^ tranfported with his violent Paffion, declared to her,^ that unlefs fhe would confent to marry him, he was re- folved and muft die: She did all that lay in her Power, to reprefent to him the Prejudice fuch a Marriage would do to Leander ; what Reafons fhe had to refufe a Match, which muft prove ruinous to her Kinfwoman, and the beft Friend fhe had ; and that ihe was fully refblved not to change her Condition as long as fhe lived. All what- ever fhe could fay, ferved only to afflicl, but not to con- vince him. He told her at laft, fhe might do as fhe pleafed, but that he was refolved to difmherit his Son ; becaufe it was the Confideration of his Intereft, that proved the Obftacle of his Happinefs ; he back'd his Words with fuch heavy Threats, and fuch other Ex-" iravagancies, as fufficieutly fhewed, that his Paflion was arrived to the highcft Pitch, and that being unabJe to keep himfelf within his due Bounds, Julia ought lo fear every Thing at his Hands. He was no fooner gone, but fhe went into Luciiias Chamber, her fair Cheeks bathed all over with Tears: ' Oh I dear Sifter, /aid Jhe to ber^ you are not ac- fi ^quainted with all my Misfortunes y et. Your Fathex- '^Vi'.;^4 * in* Earllf Do u G t as.-" iS;;^ * in-law puts me To clofe to it» that I am ready. to rup * diftrafted at it. You know you and I ufed now an4 * then to laugh at his Paflion ; but, alas ! 'tis no jed- * ing Mattf r, he has conceive J a Pafiion, which, I fea^, * will oblige me to leave ycu. Ke would have me * marry hijn ; nay, he pofitively fays, he will ; and * fpeaks of it to me, with as much Boldnefs as a Ty- * rant would to his Slave. He knows what Authority , * he has here, and I am afraid, I ihall be cbliged to * go from hence, rather than put his violent 1 emper * to a further 7>yal. Now judge of my Trouble i I * liave had not the leaft News neither from my Fa- * ther, nor from Hypolitus, thefe fourteen Months, ♦'ftnce I have fneltered myfelf here with you; all that * I have been able to learn hitherto, amounts only tJ ** this, that neither my Father, nor your Brother ai'e * til London : But, Great God! where can they be f •^ J« it poflible, that after what Intelligence I Tent them * from Sc. Menoux by Cardlnit I fhould be abandoned * by both of them at once ? What ought I not to fear * for them ? What ought I not to fear from my Hus- * band ? And what ought I not to fear at prefent from * the Senator ?' At thefe Words ihe found herfelf fo far opprefled with Grief, that (he was forced lo ftop, * Don't, my it^r Julia, /aid Lucilia to her^ don't give * way to your AfRi^ions, beyond what you ought to do ; * your Misfortunes are, Thanks to Heaven, net pad * all Remedy; I am fatisfy'd it was for weighty Rea* * fons, and fuch as we are not able to conceive yet, * that the Earl of JFarnvick, and my Brother left Lon- * don. My Mother, who is unacquainted, perliapr;, * with the whole Matter as yet, will, dcubtlefs, find it * our, and give us Advice of it before long : Nay, I * dare almcft be confident, they will come hither to * confummate your Delivtr.mce. As to what concerns * year Spoufe, you need not ftand in Fear of him, as * long as you are with me ; and for him who is fo im» * poriunate to be your Husband, he niull be acquaint- * ed wi.h what invincible OLftades lie in the Way, by * that Means you will put a Stop to the Career of his *• Paifion. You ar^ under -a Miilakea:.§ilkr,. /aid iMji?,- inter' ^^Si5 H r p o L I r tf'S, ^^^ inten'uptihg her, the Senator will certainly give hist ' the kart Credit to what we can fay upon that Head } * every Thing that comes from us, will be fufpededby '* him of Fallhood, and be lookM upon as a cunniag * Contrivance of ours, to difappoint him in hia De- * fign ; fo that I am fure, that the revealing of this Se- * crer, which perhaps might prove a Means to be dii*- * covered to the Earl q>{ Bedford y would prove of no " * Eifeft in Refpeft of your Father-in-law. The belt * 'Way to avoid his Importunities, feems to me to be, ' to feek for Shelter for fome Time in a Nunnery, aod * that with fo much Privacy, that he may not know * whithei I am gone.' This Expedient feemlng the bell and cafiefl; to Luci' hay they went immediately to a Nunnery, where ihc had a great Intereft ; but the amorous Senator, who dreaded the Lofs of his Miftrefs, and who guefled by what fhe had told him, that Ihe might cafily take fuch Mcafures as were not agreeable to his Intentions, filled not to keep a watchful Eye over all her Anions, and thofe of Lucilia, and for that Purpofe, had, by Prefenps, gained one of her Waiting- women, v/hom fhe not jn the leaft miflrufted, fo that he had immediate Notice given him of Julia & Defign to retire within a few Days to a Nunnery. He thought he fiiould have been (Iruck Dead upon the Spot'at this Piece of News; he was convinced, by the Refolution ftie had taken, that (lie had a great Aver- ' fion to him, and endeavoured with all his might, to yan- quifh a Pafllon which muH needs put him to unfpeak- able Torments ; but in vain did he call his Reafon, his Courage, nay, even his Refentment to his Aid; they flood him in no Stead, againft the tyrannick Power, oi' the moil cruel and moft violent Paffion that ever wa& known: The very Thoughts oflofmg Julia, rekindled thofe Flames he intended to extinguilh, and rekindled them with lb much Violence, that he relblved to have recourfe to all the mofl violent Remedies, lince neither his Conftancy, nor his fubmiffive Addieffes, had b«en able t-og,ain any Thing upon her to his Advantage; and Etfrl^of Douglas. 187 ^and his Eagernefs foon furnifh'd him with Means to put it in Execution. Julia\ Lodging Room being below Stairs, look'd into the Garden, and had a double Glafs-Door, facing the middle Walk ; Ijabclla ufed to lie in a large Clofec within her Room, but was then abfent, beingdetain'd, on purpofe, by the fame Woman of Z«r///Vs, who be- tray'd all their Secrets ; for Ifabella knowing her Lady loved not to go to Bed, till it was ytiy late, was not {o forward to be with her at that Time. The Door that look'd into the Garden being fet open on purpofe to let in the frefh and cool Air, Julia fat down to write ify her Hypoiitus ; for though Ihe knew not whither to fend if, (he fcarce ever mifsM a Day without writing one for him, intending to fend them all in one Packet, fo foqn as flic fliould know how to direft to him. She was writ- ing the following Words. /!t thff/e fihnt Hours, nvhen all the World feeks for Rsjf, I break mine, my dear Hypoiitus, to eafe my /elf in tel- ling y9u my Pains, /^las ! tbey are excej/lnje, and touch me to the Heart. I cannot learn the liajl Nenxss of you ; / kno-vj not lAjhat is become ofjm ; and, tho' I can't think your Heart capable of Inconjiancy, I am/enjihle the ajju- rances thou ha/} gi-ven me of thy FiltHty, are abfolutely necffary for the Pre'fer'vath-i of my Life! 1 nvou'd not take Care of th's Life, no lon2,er than I havi it to tender to you \ t.lis beinr the only TLing that males it fuppor table to met and fince the- Senator Albtxiihas declared his Pa* JftJn to me, I H^rt^hQ was furcrized to fee come into the Door, three Altin in Mailis, who taking her in their Arm?, while a fourth more carefully dilgLiiCed than all the rell, II opt her Voice," by puaing a Hanckerchief into her Mou-.h, carryM her av/ay, in fpite of all the Refiilanee ihe was able to m.^ke ; they crofi'd the Garden with all imaginable Expeditit»n, and it being late and vtry dark, no Body in the Houfe perceived any 'Ihing of it. yu' lia being pat into the Coach, they carry'd her out 6f the the Gate of the Crof?. making the bell of their W^y towards Siena; tiieythought fit to take their Road thrd' the Mountains,' which being very trouSlefpme and urt- ieven irt many Places, the Axle-tree of the Coach hap- pened to break : The Nights being very fhort in the Summer in ttaly^ Day began to appear, when one of thofe that were along with yul'ia, and who feem'd to have an Authority over the reft, feeing the Coach broke in Pieces, ordered them to put her before him, he be- ing onHorfeback; Ihe ftruggled, and kept them oiF Vith more Courage and Strength, than could be ex- jpe£led from one of our Sex ; * No, faid fhe, barbarous * Wretch, thou (halt not make me Hi r from this Place, * as long as I am alive: Thou haft violated the Law <5f * Hofpitality. I fought for Shelter in thy Houfe, as * in a Sahdtuary ; and after all this, thou carrieft me ' * away by forde, and art my Perfecutor. She had fcarce finifhed thefe Words, pulling away, ail this while, her Arms, and ftruggling with thofe that were for fetting her upon the Horfe j and the Refpeft they bore her, together with her extraordinary Beauty, which fcarce any Body living was able to withftand, inclined them not to ufe her too roughly, or to make ufe of all their Strength to force her upon the Horfe ; when they faw eight Men well mounted and arm'd coming in a full Gallop towards them j and the firft ihe caft her Eyes upon, was the Senator Alberti. They advanced with their Piftols ready cock'd, which was a fufficient Warn- ing to thofe that had carried away Julian to think of ilanding upon their own Defence. Whilft they were engaged, fhe took the Opportunity of making her Efcape ; and following a By-Path that led her down from the Mountain into a Vale, ihe walked a good Pace, and, as you may imagine, not without a great deal of Pain ; and even afier fhe was got fo far off, as not to hear the Noife of their Piftols, jind had all the Reafon to believe, they had now other Work upon their Hands, than to feek after her, yet fhe was under continual Apprehenfions, leaft fome ope Or other of them m;ght follow and overtake her. *; I Eail of T>ovG las:' 189 ♦ mufl fear every Thing, faid ftie to herfelf, as well * from thofc that came to my Relief, as from thofe that « carry'd me away. But who coald thefe be ? I verily * believed it had been the Senator, whereas it was he « that came to refcue me, and gave me this Opportu- • nity of making my Efcape. She had no other Com- panions, but thefe difmal Refledions, whilft her lender Body being quite tired out with the Fatigues of the rough and almoll unpalTable Ways, Ihe had almoft fpent her Breath ; and as the leaft Noife fhe heard, put her into fuch a Confternaiion, that without the leaH Regard to herfelf (he ran among the nearefl Bulhes and Briars, to hide herfelf, this poor Lady's Face was all coveoed wjch Blood, her Hairs hung quite loofe, her Cloaths were miferably torn ; to be ihort, (he was an Object worthy the Compaflion of a Barbarian ; fo that now, quite reduced to Defpair, without being able to think what to do, fhe call her Eyes on all Sides, and by good Fortune efpying in the Valley a Shepherd's Hut, fhe jupde all the Hade (he couM thither. In the Hut (he found a Woman bafy at Work, who feeing her in fo miferable a Condition, ran towards her, and received her with luch Marks of Corapaiiion, as afforded fome Confolation to the fair Juliay under her prefent Circumllances. If you will do me a Piece of Service, which I will keep in perpetual Remembrance, fa5d fhe to this good Woman, find out as foon as po(Ii- bly you can, a Place where I may hide my felf, being fenfible that it will not be long before they will be here, to take me away by force. The Shepherdefs carried her up, without lofing one Minute, into an old Grana- ry, where they had laid up Provifions for their Houfe ; and having fhew'd her a dark Hole, where no Bcdy could poffibly find her out, (lie went down to Work again. Soon after, two Horfemen came at full fpeed up to the Door of her Hut, and ask'd her abundance of Queftions concerning yulia^ whom they defcrlbed to her, and would needs tell her, they were fure fhe had feen her, threatning her, in cafe (he did not tell liieni what was become of her; but the Shepherdefs anfwer- cd 190 H r P L IT US, ed them with fo much Calmnefs, and apparent Sil^fi- city, that they went their Way, '■ So foon as ihey were gone, (he went into the Grana- ry to comfort poor JuRa, aimoft half dead with Fear, becaufe (he had heard the Senator AlbertC^ Voice : But being told by the Shepherdefs, they were quite gone, fhe gave her fome Milk and Bread, wafh'd the Blood from off her Face, and attended her with a great deal of Zeal and Charity. ^» V/? did not think fit to leave this little Sanftuary, but rather refolved to tarry there for fome Days, being uncertain what Courfe to take; fhe dreaded, not a little, the Senator; but much more that unknown Enemy of hers, who kept his Mask on, even after they carry'd her oiF; (he judged, not without good Reafon, that Ihe might much eafier ftand upon her Guard againft one (he knew, and that fuch a Misfor- tune as that, was much the lefler, in comparifon of (landing in fear of all the World; < For, faid (he to her- ' felf, as long as I d::n't know the Perfon that ufed me < with fo much Violence, I (hall always be in fear of « putting my felf undefignedly in the Power of thofe I • ought to fhun, Thefe different Refieftions caufed fuch a Confufion in her Mind, as proved a great Addition to her Trou- bles. The Shepherdefs's Husband coming home at Night, Julia was obliged to give her Confent to make him a Partaker in the Secret : He was an old Labourer, but of good natural Parts, and foon gueiTing by the Beauty and Apparel of his new Gueft, that (he was a Perfcn of Quality, he was touch'd with Compa(rion at her AfRidion. She ask'd him, whether he had feenj any Horfemen abroad? He told her, he had feen feveral"]^^ pafs by, and fome mask'd and wounded, riding full fpeed; that one of them rid, on purpofe, out of his ^ Way to ask him. Whether he had not feen a young ' Lady all alone; and that he told them, he had not; fo he went on with the reft. Julia not queftioning but that they would go in queft of her, had one of the worft Nights of jt that can well be imagined. By good Chance (he had her Purfe and fome Jewels about her,' being Earl of D o u G L iLs. . 191 being not as yet undrefs'd when they carry'd her away ; fo (he gave fome Money to her Holls, to engage them, fortheir own Sakes, to keep her Secret, and be (tr- viceable to her. She told them, crying nioft bitterly ; * You fee what a Condition I am in, I muft not ftay * here, but look out for fome Place of Security; but * pray advife me. What I had bed to do, to keep my * felf from being known, for I am fo much overbur- * then'd with Grief, that I am not capable of taking * any Refolution. I would advife you. Madam, faid * the Shepherdefs, to put on my Cloaths, and under * that Difguife, you may be long enough without be- * ing taken.' She approved of her Counfel, and willing to try what a Figure fhe was likely to make under that Difguife, (he drefsM herfelf like a Shepherdefs, but ap^ear'd fo liandfome, notwithftanding all the Care fhe took to conceal her Air and her Face, that both the Labourer and his Wife, were then of Opinion, that it was impofTible, under that Drefs, to difguife her Qua- lity. At laft, after fome further Confiderations, the good old Man advifed her to difguife herfelf under a Man's Habit, and to pafs for a Pilgrim ; for being vtry tail, fhe might pafs for a young Man. Looking upon this as the moft fure and mofl feafible Way, fhe defired him to go to Sien^y and to buy for her what was ne- ceflary for that purpofe, and he went accordingly. But whilil our Shepherd is on his fhort Journey, let us fee how Matters were carry'd on at Florence. That fame Night Julia was carried away by thefe unknown Perfons, the Senator Alberti intended to have feized her by force, thereby at leaft to fecure to himfelf her Perfon, fince he found it impofTible to gain her Heart. Ifabella^ as I told you before, had flaid fome- thing longer than ordinary with one of Lucilia'% Wo- men ; but fearing her Miftrefs might be ready to go to Bed, fhe went to her Bed-Chamber, at the vtxy Mi- nute after ihe had been carry'd off; fhe found her Veil torn in Pieces, her Table, Candles and Cand'efticks upon the Ground; and not feeing her Millrefs, imme- diately fjufpefted fomething of an ill Accident to have befalieB 19^ HTPOLITUS, befallen her. She fet up moft deplorable Outcries, which alarmed the whole Houfe ; but efpecially the Senator, who wa3 then juft preparing every Thing to put his Defign in Execution. Coming into the Room, and not feeing yulia there, he was ready to run diftrafted, not queftioning but that (he was carried away ; and all his Men appointed for his before mentioned Purpofe, being ready at hand, he went without Delay in purfuit cf thofe that had carried her away. When they came to the Gate of the Crofs, they were informed by the Guards, that they had given them ibme Money to keep it open, under Pretence, that a Coach with fix Horfes was to go out there that Night, to avoid travelling in the Heac of the Day. The Sena- tor y^lbertiy accompanyM by Signior Lenndery who was got out of Bed, and attended by thofe that were to be made ufe of on the fame Account, purfued and over- took them ; they fought and foon put them to flight ; their Leader with his Followers made their Efcape crofs the Mountains, except one, who being mortally wound- ed, was not likely to go far, nor live long. Leander feeing him drop from his Horfe upon the Ground, pulled ofF his Mask, and did all he could to make him give him fome Infight into this Adventure. But all he could get out of him was, that he believed his Ma- Ikr being in Love with Julia^ had, for a confide/able Time, been refolved to carry her away by Force ; but what had made him haften to put his Defign in Execu- tion, was, that one of the Senator y^/^^r//'s Servants, whom he had debauch'd by Money to facilitate his En- trance into the Houfe, had informed him, how fhe Sena- tor, his Mailer, intended to feize her by Force the felf fame Night. Lennder ask'd him the Name of his Ma- fter ; unto which he reiurnM no Anfwer, but only told him, with a weak and incoherent Voice j * Sir, I am • at the Point of Death, pray leave me a hvi Moments ' to think of my Confcience i' and fo he dy'd within a Quarter of an Hour. The Senator A'lberti, upon his Return to Floretife, foand hijnfelf reduced to fuch a Degree of Defpair, as cannot cannot well be expreffud? at laft he remembered that he had fa ken up a Piece of. Paper not folded up, mjuliui lloom, whicti he thought was wrirtei) with her own Hand; he looked for ic and found it in his Pocket'; and having peruied it, was . convinced, to his Grief!, that Ihe loved fomebody effe, and tliat it was probable this was tlie Motive that induced her to receive his Ad- da fles with fo much Sccrn. 1 hoped at lea]} ^ faid he to himfelf, that Jhe had an hidifferency for all the. World ; and that conjequently my Cafe cwas not nuorfe than others ; but alas ! I find my f elf deceived! Tits d^ep Melancholy that appeared in her Countenance and Actions^ ^ivas occa- fioned only hy the Ahfence of her Lover ; and all the ft' njere and ill Treatment I received at her Hands ^ nj.-ere fo many Sacrifices offered to him. He was ruminating a long while, who this dear HypoUtus could be, he faw meniioned in her Letter; and recalling to his Mind Lu~ cilia-^ Brotiier, the fame HypoUtus whom he knew to be fo handfonie, fo full of VVit, made to love and to be beloved, he began to fear leall he ihould be his Rival. Ho'w Ought lio treat hi7ny faid he, Good God ! Cant I, at this Age ^ have the Confidence to difput£ fo fair a Con- queft ith him ? Tranfpor-ted with thele furious Reflec- tions, without hefitating any longer upon the Matter, into Lucilia'^ Chamber he goes, and accofling her; Set my Heart at eafe, dear Daughter, faid he, you have a Brother, wchom I have jeen here, pray tell 7ne, is it he that loves the fair Englifli Lady that nxjas carried avuay ? / coHJitre you to tell me the Truth nvithout the leaf Difguife. Lttcilia paufed a while upon what Anfwer il-»e was to gi'vc him, which making the Senator fufpe(fl fome My- iiery in the Thing, he urged her fo far Home, that fhe could not refufe any longer to give him the whole Re- lation of Julian Affairs. He was fo much furprized, as to be almoll irrconfolable, for having importuned her with his Paffion ; Tou 'would have faved me Abundance cf Trmible^ faid he to Lucilia^ had you thought me fooner *v.'Otthy of being your Confident ; you 'were ^well acquainted nvith the beginning of my Pcifiiont as n.vell as ivith the Jlenih'r Progrefs 1 ^cas likely to make, and^at the fa^e Time you have not ftopped the Current of my Pajton, K 'which 194 HXP L 11 US, io''s Wound, (or io we muft call yu/ia, at leaft, for fome Time) the Wound was very deep and painful, but without any malignant Symptoms^. The Marchionefs no fooner re- turned Ho;ne, bit flie went with the two Gentlewo- men that were a Hunting with her, into the Pilgrim's Chamber, and the Servant haviig told her their Dif- courfe upon the Road, fhe agreed with him in Opinion, that there was fometliing (o noble and great in his Phy- fiognomy, as made her imagine he muft be a Perfon of Quality. She ftaid not long with him at that Time ; but fhe carried away within her Heart, his Idea in fo lively a Shape, that under Pretence of Hofpitaliiy, (lie foon came to fee Sylvio. Are you Jomenjjhat h^t/er, hid Ihe, with a very obliging Air, and ha-ve you fa much Good- nefs af fa pardon me for the 111 I hwve dove jm. Oh' Madam, faid he to her, bonv little are ym acquainted ivith my Temper, if you think I can he concerned at fo ia- fignifcant a Wound? I declare to you ^ I think myfdf happy to ha'Ue received it by your fair Hards. The Mar- chionefs did asif Ihe had nor underftood thefe lail Words ; but thefe gallant ExprefGons touched her to the Kcarr, imagining fhe had made as deep an Impreil:cn on \\tT handfome Stranger's Heart, as he had on ies. She had a young Woman who w. s both her Companion and Confident, nan[>ed Eugenia ; Did ycu e^ver fee any Thing fo beautiful and chartning as this yovng Sylvio ? laid file to her, do you take Notice 'what Looks he cafts at me ? 1 read it in his Efes ', atid the Confufion he has raifed "xvith- in my Heart, puts me under fo much Perplexity, that I am refolved to fee him no more. And ihe adually fo far prevailed over her Inclinations, as not to come into Syl- t'io^s Chan-b?r for feveral Days after, under P;erence, that fhe was not very well, for fear her Servants fliould take Notice of it ; but tlio* fhe did not fee him in Per- fon, her Thougliti were iilways with him. She became very mch'.nchcly, and delighted in foli- tary Places only ; fo that my Lord Becarel/i, her Fa- K 3 thcr. 198 H r P L I T u s, ther, who lived at BologMCy and came frequently to fee- her, was not a little furprized and diftnrbed to fee fuch an Alteration in her. '^I wo or three Days pafled, when at laft the Alarchionefs pafling accidentally by Syh'h^ Chamber, had not Power enough to forbear going in ; flie found him in Bed, and oblerved by his red Eyes and Voice, that he had been weeping, and believing no otherwife, than that it was her long Stay that had caufl ed his Pain, (he foon found fhe had gained but little Ground, by not feeing and fpeaking to him ; but that her Heart was lofl paft Relief, as foon as flie found flie had fo tender a Part in his Remembrance. Honv do you doy Sylvio, faiJ ihe, you feem to be o'verivhelmed nvith ^adnefs. Madatn, replied he, it is becaufe I a?n not yet acciijiomed to my Misfortunes ^ they feem No'velties to me every Day : But, continued fhe, / am afraid, you are too ingenious in framing your o-rvn Misfortunes in your Thoughts. Not Madamy replied he, 1 dorCt invent any ^ hut ivhat 1 adualiy am fay fomething very te.ider to Sy/v/o at parling, Ihe fliOuld be tl-.e lefs afhamed, when he did not fee her blulh ; fhe alfo refolved to prefent him with her Piifljre, in hopes that this tender Teft'.mony of her kind Sentiments, would prevail upon him to keep her always in his Remem- brance. The Curtains of Sjlvio^s Bed being not clofa drawn, flie faw his Hair fpread carelefly over his Shoul- ders; he was fait alleep, and his beautiful Face put tiie Marchionefs in Mind of that of C«//V, when P/ych^ c&mQ to make him a Vifit. O/'/ Sylvio, faid fhe, cafting her amorous Looks at him, ivere it foy that I had made Jome In:preJJions of Tendernefs in thy Hearty thou couldll not Jleep fo fouudly at a T'jne ivhen thou art juj} u^on the Point of halving me! Is it poffihle^ that at the fame li^r.e thy Departure is likely to coll me fo dearl\;^ thouf?ouldcji lie at thy oivTiEafe, ivithcut the leaf Difurbancc? How- ever, wanting Courage to awaken him, Ihe drew nearer, and by the Brightnefs of the Moon, having a fuflicient Opportunity of viewing his Charms a;id contemplating all his Pcrteftion?, What is it cj': fand in Competitim iv'th thes in the Uui-i'erfj F fa'd file witii a low \^oice and ^fuU of Admiration ; Who can reprefent all thy Beauties ? Who is able to avarcs vyln;io to revenge himfelf upon him. Being throughly awakened at the Noife, a'l.i not a little frightned at theappproaching Danger, he £.0; up as fait as he could, in order to make his Ef- K 5 cape. 202 H r P L J T U S, cape, but received a Wound in the Arm, by the fame Hand that Jmd wounded the Lady. This Man, turn'd quite furious with Jealouly, was a going to fecond his Blow, had he not been prevented by two Genilemen, who bfing his Confidents, llopM his Hand, and put him in Mind of what Projed; liad been concerted betwixt them, which he was not likely to effedl, iFhefhouId kill this young Stranger; To they iln: Syhio a Piifoncr to a {Irong and dark ToN^er. The unfortunate Marchionefs, in the mean while falling into a Swocn, and Iwiming in her own Blood, her Husband order'd her to becarry'd to her own Appartment, ar.d to be watch'd clofely like a Prifoner there. You may judge of the Anxiety of her Heart ; and after all, Ihe felt iefs Pain at her own Mis- fortune, than at what was likely to befal him fhe loved. She feai'd not without Reafon, lert her Husband fliould have faCrificed this innocent Vidim to his Jealoufy ; and what was v/orfe to her than all the rell, Ihe durft not fo much as ask what was become of him, partly becaule fhe dreaded fome Fatality, partly becaufe fhe knew not whom to trulx, being fenf.ble flie had been betray'd. Eugenia, whom fhe had made her Confident, was indeed the Perfon that lad done her Bufmefs ; be- ing engaged to watch all her Steps by the Marquis Be- carelli, before hs went on his Journey, a Thing not \evy difHcuit to be done, if you join great Promiies to your prefent Lberality. He had enjoyn'd this young Woman to give him an exadl Account, by Letter, of his Lady's Condud in his Abfence ; and fhe had been fo punctual as to communicate to him every Word fhe heard iier fay concerning Syhrrt Qualicy, made no fmall Noife in thoie Parts, each Pa.ity engaging all the F/icnds they could to maintain their Caale. VV'h it iVjod the Marquis in the grcateft ftead, to perfwade the World that his Accufation was ill ground .-d, was the iirefiftible Charms of Sylviy. Moft ofthe L. dies who had tiie Cuviofity to vifit him in Pri- fon, left their Hearts captivated with him ; and there wtre but few among them all, but v/hat felt the fame tender Sentiments for him, as the fair Marchionefs had done ; b' t after all this, tho' moft People thought her not innoceit, yet her Father's Intereil was fuch, as was thought would incline the Ballance on his Side, and the Marquis had certain Intelligence given him, that the Commiff.oncrs appointed to try this Caufe, were for the moft Part inclined to acquit the Marchionefs and Eylnjio. fie vvas under the greateft Perplexity and 7>ouole that can well be imagin'd ; for knowing his AH I'ly' at Stake, he found himfelf reduce to an abiblut'iJ Nec<-,ffKy of niainiainir.g to the utmoft of his Power, what he had begun with (o much Vi»>iene^, and fo little Earl of \3ov g\ As^^ 205 little Circumrpeclion. At laft it came into liis Head, that to counterpoize his Wife's Party, he would peti- tion the Govemor, that the CommiiTioners fhould net be all Italians ; but that he being a Foreigner, one half of them fhould be his Countrymen, according to the Law of that Country, it being a Thing that had frequently, and not without very gcod Reafoii?, bsen pradlis'd in tht Bo lo^neli. The Count o^ Benti-vog/io^ Governor of Bologna, granted his Requeft, and at the fame Time, bo:hthe Father and the Husband of the fair Marchio- nefs, left the Choice of them to the Governor's Difpofal. The whcle Town appeared at the Caitle on the Day of his Trial, in Expedation of the liTue thereof, (for the Marchionefs being all this while detain'd a Prifoner there, the Governor tliought this the molt conveiienc Place for it) there was fo numerous an Ailembly of all Degrees and Ages, that the like had net been feen in many Years before. The fair Marchionefs was brought in, clad in Mourning, a Drefs fhe judged moll fuitable to her prelent unfortunate Circumilances ; flie looked very pale, by Reafon of her VVcunds and Troubles ; but flie appear'd neverthelefs charming t.; all that be- held her : Her Father, a Perfon venerable for his Age and his goodly Mien, conduced her by the Hand, fol- low'd by a good Number of Gentlemen belonging to the fame I'amily. Sylvia was brought in thro' another Door Jcadi^n with Irons and Chains; but moft of thofe that took a full View of him, thought him (even in this diimal Condition) more qualifv'd to make others wear his Chains, than to carry them himfelf. Both thefe pretended Criminals coming before thofe tiiat were to be their Judges, with Eyes full of Tears, and their Hearts ready to break with Sighs, My Louis, faid the MArchionefs, 1 implore both your Jujlice and CompaJJion. I am unfortunate ^vithout being guilt) ; Heuven is Wit- nefs cf my Innocence ; he that p-ofecutes v.e at this Time nxjith Jb much Violence, and nhith fo little Refpedi to my Honour and V.eputaiion, haf, at the mofy nothing but bare Zttrmijes to fonnd his 'Accufdtton upon. Before Syht'j couM begin to fpcak in his own De- fence, the Marquia i?fc«/TZ// ftood up, as did alfo the two 2o6 H r P L I T U S, two Gentlemen, who had feen his Lady in S\hio''s Bed- chamber, and holding tiie Pidnrc fhe had put into his Pccket, and which they had found upon him, in his Hand ; Look here^ faid he, an undeniable E'-uidsnce of a aimin.il Correfpondence bettvixt them j no virtuous Woman ivculd ha've bejloivd her Picture upon a mije- rable Pilgrim ', and he himfelf cant deny, but that it twas found in his Pocket, Sylvio (whom now we mull call again Julia,) Julia, I fay, ftruck like as witn a Thunderbolt at the Sound of this Voice, turn'd as pale as Aflies, trembled all over her Body, and fell into a Swoon. Every Body there prefent came to hrr A{- fiftance, and among the reft, a Foreigner, who was to be of the Number of her Judges, who knowing and embracing her with tlie higheft Tranfports of Joy, that can beconceiv'J, cry'd, O Julia, O m-^ adorable Julia! // it you or a Vifion I behold ? Is it pojjihle I Jhould meet nvith you again, after halving benfjail'd you fo long, think- itsg you had been in your Grave ! There was fcarce any Body there prefent, but what believed the Gentleman to have been cut cf his Wits; however, his Voice had fuch a powerful InfiuenCi upon Julia^ that it foon re- vived her Spirits; fhe opened her Eyes, and the fiift Objeil fhe favv was her dear Hypolitus on one Side, and the Tiarl 'of Bedford on the other. At the confufed Noife of the AfTembly, who often repeated the Name of Julia^ another of the intended Judges arofe from his Seat, and coming towards her, Look here is your dear Daughter^ faid Hypolitus to him, ?ny Lord, 'tis Julia. The B'arl of Warwick (for it was he) embracing his Daughter, was ready to die for Joy; and fhe throwing herfelf at his Feet, bathed his Hands with Tears, and fuch were their mutual Tranfports at fo unexpected a Meeting, that never any thing was feen comparable to it. The Earl of Bedford acled but a fcurvy Part in this Scene ; the Marchionefs of Becarelliy her Father, tiie Count de Bentlvoglio, and in fhort, all that could come near them, furrounded thefe three Friends with their repeated Acclamations, without knowing fully the true Caufe thereof. Julia, in fpite of her Husband's Pre- fence^ £^>/'^^ DOU GL AS. 207 fence, declared in open Court, who fhe was, and find- ing herfelf feconded by a pleafing Noife and the clap- ping of Hands of the Afiembly, as foon as (he thought fhe might be heard, told them, that the Earl o\^ Bed- ford, who was both the Profecutor and Husband of the Marchionefs o^ BecareUi^ was likewife hers, and had both thefe Qualifications, and that confequently he had two Wives. The Earl could not deny it to be matter of Faft; fo that whereas he had hitherto profecuted thefe two Ladies, they thought it now their turn to pro- fecute him ; and the Marchionefs's Father, as well as yulias Father, prefllng the Count de BentivogUo to have him feized, in order to his Profecution, according to the Laws of the Land, lie was committed to Prifon, where he made this voluntary ConfefTion. That confiding in the Abbefs of St. Memux\ Inte- grity, who had given him Advice oi yuUd'% Death, in her Letter, he left England with an Intention to travel ; that he had an Inclination to go into Italy firft, becaufe he had fome Relations there he was willing to be known to ; that my Lord Becarelli, being one of them, he went to Bologna, where being fall'n defperately in Love with Madam Becarelli^ he had obtain'd her Father's confent to marry her, on Condition, that he Ihould take both his Name and Arms. That fome Time afcer coming to Florence with his Father-in Law, and one Day feeing Jjicilia along with Julia in a Widows Apparel at the Repurata to hear Mafs there, he thought he fhould have been flru:k into the Ground at fo unexpeded a Sight; that he thought it not convenient at that Time to take any further notice of it, for fear of my Lord Becarclii, who was along with him i but refolved to try one of the Senator Albertr% Servants, whether he could engage him in the Defign he had laid of cairying away Julia by Force ; that having obtain'd his Confent he came back to Bologna, where he ftaid for fome Time with the young Marchionefs his Wife ; but that he could never b^ at reft, for fear leall Julia being fo near, might one Time or other find out his fecond .vlarriage, and take that Opportunity of revenging herfeljffor what he 2o8 HTPOLITUS, he had made her fuffer before. That it was upon this CoDhderation, he took Care to fecure a Nunnery at 5/- ma^ where he intended to (hut her up for the remainder of her Days, and then re urn'd to Florence. That the fame Servant of the Senator A]berti^ whom he had made his Confident, came to tell him, that he mud not lofe one Moment to put hi; Defign in Execution, becaufe his Mailer had ordered him to keep himfelf in a readinefs, in order to carry her off; that thereupon he and three more putting on Vizard- Masks, carry'd her away ; but being foon after purfued and forced to fight thofe that overtook them, he was wounded by a Piftol- Ball, and was forced to Hay for fome Time at Siena, where he ufcd frequently to receive Letters from "Euge- nia, the March ioneiVs Confident, who being bribed by him, gave hinj art Account, that his Spoufe was fallen in Love with a Pilgrim, whom (he had brought to her Houfe in the Country ; that thereupon being almoft diftraded with Jealoufy, he had pufli'd on the Matter to that Extremity, they faw his Afniirs in at this Time. The Earl of 5^^^^r^, quite diftra^ed with Rage, Jea. loufy and Defpair, foon after found himfelf feized with a moil violent Fever, which at the beginning was judged mortal; befides, that the Wound he had re- ceived v;hen he was carrying away juIia, opening afrefh, put him to the moil exquifite Pains j for want of Patience to fee the Cure accompliiird before he would ftir abroad to take Revenge for the fuppofed Infidelity of his Wife. So whilH amongft the continual Torments of Body and Mind, he lived only in Expectation of his Death; Julia, the Earl of Warwick^ and Hypolitus tB.- fted all the Sweets of an entire Satisiadion, the higheil that can polTibly be conceived upon fo favourable and fo long defired a Conjun£lure. Then it was this paf- fior.ate Lover, and this faithful Miftrefs gave one ano- ther Account of their mutual Pains, not without a Mix- ture of Tears, becaufe they could fcarce be fully fatis- fy'd as yet, that that good Fortune they enjoy'd, was either poiTible or real: * Who is it th?t is able to ex- * prefs my Anguiih, dear Julia, faid he to her, when I heard Barl of Dov GL AS. 2090 I'hesrd the fatal News of your Death; I was rt(6W^ ed not to outlive you long; Death was the only Thing I vvifh'd tor; notwithllandJng which, it firem'd to me ever fince, as if Death, which 1 purmed v.ith fo much Refolution, and courted in the greatefl Dan- ger, always expofing my felf to the greateft Hazards, was refolved to fpare me ; for I was not fo much as wounded all the Time I continued aboard the Galleys o'i Malta \ fo that feeing, I was not likely to meet that Death, I fo much defired in that Service, and finding my warlike Adions to produce not the kail EfFed in diminilhing my Pain, I refclved to go and fee my Sifter at Florence y with no other Inteniion, than to fpend all my Time in talkmg continually with her of you I communicated my Refolution to the Earls of Warwick and ^ujjex % the firft was very willing to go along with me, becaufe our Voy- age would not take up much Time, being call'd by Honour to martial Employments : However, my Lord Warwick having received a Wound in the Vene- tian Service, found that a little Reft would be necefla- ry to perked his Cure; and as for the Earl ot' SuJJex^ he took Shipping for London, upon feme ag'^eeable News he had lately received from the Countefs of Nonhampt'.n, which gave him hopes of foon feeing their Deftinies united by the Bands of Marriage ; and as he had an uncommon Pafhon for her, 'tis no won- der if he let fiip no Time to be with her as foon as poiiibly he could : As for us two, Madam, conti- nued he, after having ftaid feme Time at Venice, we began our Jojrney for Florence ; but the Earl of War^ wick finding that travelling did not fo well agree with him as yet (becaufe he grew much worfe) we were obliged to tarry here fome Time: We u fed often to vifit Count Bentivoglio, and the Bufinefsof the Mar- chionefs ai BccareUi making ro fmall Noife at this Time, he wou!d almoft every Day tell us fome new Story or other concerning her Husband, cr her, or the Pilgrim. Alas! my dear Lady, could it ever come into my Head, that this Pilgrim fhould be my • julia! 210 HrPOLITUS, JuUd ! whofe Death I bewatl'd every Day, and at the fame Time was loaded with Irons in a naufeous Piifon. At laft the Marquis BecarelHj or to fpeak more properly, the Earl of Bedford^ requiring the Governor to joyn a certain Number of EngUJh Gen- tlemen, in Commiffion with the Italians y to counter- poife the Iniereft of his Wife's Family, he defired us to fit with thofe he had pitch'd upon before the Bench to try this Caufe. Can there be a more fad Accident than this ? I was to be one of your Judges at the Pro- fecution of your Husband; I, I fay, who always refpedled you as my Sovereign Lady, and who am his mortal Enemy. You are acquainted with all the rell that happened, except it be the Joy, Tranfports and Satisfaction I feel ever fince that happy Day/ yulia returned in lieu of thefe tender Expreffions, fuch AfTurances as were fuihcient to convince Hypolitusy that he had not loH the leaft Ground in her Heart, and that (he knew what Value to put upon ^ Pafiion fo pure and cooflant as his. Wh.u becomes in the mean while of the Marchionefs ofBecarelH ? It would be a hard Task to reprefent to you the various Troubles and Perplexities fhe laboured under when ihe faw yuUa, and at the fame Time remembred her Paffion for ^jtvk ; but what was worfe than all the reft was, that flie had not as yet fo much Power over herfelf as to ceafe to love Sjhio. She retain'd fo lively an Idea of him in her Heart, that fhe was a moving Objed of Pity ; 'lam ^rzt to confefs * to you, faid ihe to Julia^ that I was more fenfibly * afflidled at the \o(s oi Sy'.v to, than at all my other * Misfortunes ,- and tho' I had taken a Refoludon ra- * ther to die than endeavour to make him eafe my Pain, * it was fome Sausfaclion to mc, to think he was alive, * and that one Time or other Chance might bring him * again in my Way ; but now my Misfortune is paft all * Cure, becaufe I love ftill, and love only a Chimera. * Bur, my lovely Marchionefs, faid Ji^^i^i to her, can't * you find out a Place for me in your Heart, fmce mine * is much inclined to love you; you were much Icfs be- * loved by Sy.vio, then you will be by Jujla, The fair It a Hah Earl of Douglas; 2ir Italian returned no Anfvver, but Ihe would often turn iier Eyes upon Julia, and feldom part from her without Ihedding abundance of Tears. The two Fathers of thefe two Ladies, had pufh'd on their Profecution of the Earl of Bedford with fo much Vigour, that every Body expelled it would go very hard with the faid Earl, when his Diftemper encrea- fing daily, foon reduced him to the hit Extremity. 'Twas at that Conjuncture, that thefe two Ladies, be- ing willing to let their Generofity take Place before their juft Refentment, got him removed into the Caftle where, inftead of that Hatred he had fo much deferved at their Hands, they fliew'd their Pity and Duty to him in a moft eminent Degree, 'till quite overwhelmed with the Remembrance of his Inquietudes, Pains and Mis- fortunes, Death put an End to his Life, and the Mar- chionefs of Becarelli immediately after took her laft Farewell of Julia ; * I am going to leave you for the * Remainder of my Days, faid ihe to her ; and fince * your Sex is an invincible Obft de to all my Hopes * of ever feeing you to be mine, I am refolved to be no « Body's elfe ; I intend tu embrace a Religious Life, to * hide my Frailty and Paffion from all the World. yuVia left nothing unattempted to diffwade her from purfuing this Refolution, but to no purpofe ; the Mar- ch ioncfs was already gone away, when on a Sudden (he faw her come back into her Room; * Don't refufe * my Requeft, faid Ihe, afford me once more the Sight * of my Conqueror in the fame Drefs you raifed my * PafTion firft. Julia being then alone, and willing to comply with her Defire, foon put on her Pilgrim's Habit, "and came to the Marchionefs ; but flie no foon- er call her Eyes upon her, but ihe was leady to faint away. * Alas! cry'd fne, I meet with my Diftemper * where \ thought to have found a Cure. Syluio, ado- * rable Sjli'io, you now keep a Place only in my Soul, * every Thing t can conceive of you is a Chimera, ' which can neither flitter nor cure my Pain. She arofe, went oat as fail as die could, and retired immedi- ately into a Nunnery, to the great Regret of her Father. . ' Julia, 212 HTPOLirUS, Julia took thfi Way to Florence with the Earl of Warw'ck |ind Hypolitus^ where being inform'd of the Senator Albert'ii Death, they went to Signior Leander\ Hoafe, uhom they found in deep Mourning; but this did not hinder him from difcovering his Satisfadlion at the Sight of thofe Perfons who were fo dear to him ; and Lucilia was fcarce able to contain her Joy, becaufe the coint-inual Inquietudes (he felt on Account of her Bro- ther and yuUa, proved no fmall Allay to thofe Enjoy- ments, and that Tranquility fhe alfo might have been fenfible of to the utmoft i'erfedion in a Husband of fuch extraordinary Merit. The Earl of Warwick, and they being unwilling to fee the Accompliftiment of the Hap> pinefs. of the faithful Hypolitus and the moft admirable JuHa delay'd any longer, the Nuptials were celebrated at one of Leander^s Country Houfes. Never did the Sun enlighten with her glorious Beams a more pleafing Day than this, never did two Lovers relifli with morfe Satis- fa^ion and Union what they had purchafed at the Ex- pence of fo much Care, and of fo many Sighs and Tears ; and npon their Return to Eng land^ never was there a more general Rejoycing feen among all that knew them, on Account of their happy Marriage and fate Arrival in their native Country. They found the Earl oiSuJfcx marry'd to the fair Countefs o{ 'Northamp- ton, and Hypolitus took the Title of Earl of Douglns, by which he has rendered himfelf famous to Pofterity, and obtained the Reputation of the moil police and molt couragious of all the greateit Men of his Age. 1 FINIS. THE. -C B II SECRET HISTORY O F MA C B E T H, KING of Scotland. I'aken from a very Ancient Original Manuscript. LONDON: Printed in the Year MDCCXLI. ant^ uo [ 215 ] THE SECRETHISTORY O F MA CB ET H. ENG L j4 ND had now refpired from the deadly Wcunds of the Danljh Invafions and Yoke, for fome Years, under the eafy and happy Go- vernment of E D w A R D the ConfefTor ; whom in the pleafing Month of May, before the louthing Sun had fpread Beams too fultry to fufFer a delightful Enjoy- ment of the flowery Seafon, in the frefh Breezes cf the Morning Air ; Eric, and his beloved Bertha forfook their Downy-Bed, and as they ufed to do, took an a- greeable Walk on the Beach of the Sea, not far from the Mouth of the River Luna in Lancajhire. The Morning-Sun now gathering Strength, unwill- ing to pervert their Pleafure into a Toil, they rttired beneath the Covert of a fhady Rock, hung with wild and wandering Greens, and paved with foft Mofs, and odoriferous Herbs, ther:^ to entertain themfelves with a View of the rowling Surges, which with vain Fury dafhed fucceflively on the founding Shore in hoarfe Mur- murs ; and to heighten their prefent Felicity by the Re- membrance of their paft evil Fortune. Ohl ci6 7he SeciRET^I^istorv Oh ! my dear Eric, faid Bert hay ho€ found in that of England, fmce our good King* s Reflerati- on, have taught us to put no Value on the Pomp and Gran- deur of Ambition ; but in this peaceful Retirement to trufi to the Benefit of Nature, and Love. While Bertha and Eric w€re in this Dlfcourfe, before they perceived it, the Heavens were obfeured by thick Cioucis, and the gloomy Darknefs that invaded the chearful Light of the Sun, rouzed them to confider where they were, and how to efcape the impending Storm by a timely Retreat to their Hoafe. But that vvaj> too far off to venture from the Covert they poflefTed, fince they now found the Clouds begin to defcend in Showers, and the Wind to rife high, and Lightning to flafh, and Thunder to rowl in a moft fudden and vio- .kttt Manner. Wherefore retreating farther into the Cave, of MACBErH. 217 Cave, or Grotto of the Rock, they got a fafeProtet i n from the Inclemency of the Tempeft, but had yet the Benefit of viewing in Safety the Horror in Pe;fpe(St:ve, which gave them a Sort of dreadful Pleafure. The Storm had now continued about an Hour, when they perceived at km^ Diltancc a little Bark or Veffel tofn^d about by the Waves and the VVjnd in a molt la- mentable Manner; now it difappeared quite OJt of their Sight, as if funk down to the Bottom of the Ocean, and then on a fadden it was mounted up to the Clouds, and flood as if it were on the Brink and Precipice a lofty Wave, ready to tumb'e into the Abyfs without any Hopes of rifing again. Through this woeful Variety tiiey faw plainly, that it drcv^ every Minute nearer the Coail where they were, and now within a little of the Shore it was quite dafli'd in Pieces againft fome fecret Rock, that neither Caution nor Art could avoid. A genercuE Pity gave their Hearts many compafilonate E- motions for the miferable Creatures, that it CGn:a iied, all f.emingly perifhing in Sight of Land, without any PofTibility of Help or Afliliance. However they cb* fcrved fevcral en Pieces of thi Ship floating on the Waves, which drove them ftill nearer the Beach where they flood. The Storm, as if it had done its Office by this Wreck, began to relent, the Clouds difperfe, and the Sun again recovered its Brightnefs, and Sovereignty of the Sky. Encouraged by this, Eric and Bertha left the green Cave, and defcended by the Rocks to the S'TanJ to help any poor Creature, that Providence n.i ht make the Surges drive to the Shore. When they came down they found two reverend Her- mits ready there to execute th- fame charitable OfHcei nor did they wait long e're they fuv a fnall Plank come alhore loaden with tv.'o Men, and a LaJy clinging clo.'e to this little Hope, tho' they feemed quite dead with the Terror and Severity of the Tempril, They all heli/d to draw up the Plank, and take up the People, to re- llore them, if pollible, to Life. The good Hcnnits were fuinifhed with Cordials for To fad r.n OccaHon, :\.^ r.dminillered to a you.ig Gentleman and youn?- Lady, who held e.ch otiier (o fad, that Death Teemed' unable L to ±v9 7/6^ Secret History tb part them ; while Erie took the fame pious Care of an old Gentli'lnan, whofe Silver Hairs affured them, that Violence alone cculd be to him an untimely Fate. The Hctit of the Cordials joining with the Heat of the Sun, at laft began to make them come to themfelves. The young Gentleman firft opening his Eyes, and wak- ing as it were from the Slumber of Death, gazed with. Wonder about, and eagerly cried our, O^ ! let me dle^ lit me perrjh in thofe Wwves^ that have JhvalIon;jei up my dearejl Eugenia ! Life ioyjelf, belo^w the Re- putation of thy Arms, of thy Honour, and Virtue, by flah- bing an old, njueak^ and dying Gentleman, n»ho, if he has been guilty of many and great Crimes, has on the other Hand paji thro' great Repentance, and ought to be fuffered to Ifve in his penitent State, to nvafo off that Guilt ivith his Tears, ^uuhich you 'would punif^-n^ith his Blood, But affure thy f elf, tioble Glamis, nvhile Lcrn hai any Blood I tif MAC B Em. 221 if\ '■■■ ".'• ' ■ -_ in his Veinst thou Jhalt not come at his Life lut thrcugh my Heart. What Prodigy is this., replied the ^hane of Ghfni;^ flill full q( K2ige, what unheard of Bafene/s in pung Lorn, to protect that guilty Head, l'fn,vhich his oivn Father ^vas treacheroujly murdered, by ivhom his Relations are robb'd Qf -their Efiates, and thifc^ ^Jsho could efcape the Stabt ffK Vaifony forced to avandcr in foreign Lands ^ and li've ttn the Charity of Strangers ; it is impcjfibh ! Thou caTi/i tiot ha-ve any of the generous Blood cf Argyle ii thy Veins, aJ^ways Haters of ^Ijrants, and of the ^^ile Injimments of thur Tyranny^ that Canjl declare thyfelf the Prote^or of thi fnoji tHlh.nous Mi^nion that ever fer^ily comply' d *XK'itht or rather prompted on a royal Murderer to /r //- chief. Js not Argus the "vsry Soul of Macbeth \ Does that Ufurper do an^ Ihing^ contrive the Ruin of any Man, fujiihut confuhing his infernal Oracle Angus ? Oh f Lorn, that hcarcji thy Father s dear Image in thy Fuci und Ferjon^ Injiardi^g fiet thyflf, nor degenerate from that nobis Line a^d PrinHptft nvhidj hat hen fo illu/hi' out for Virtus and Honour, ** If I cannot jullify my Honour, replied young horr), ** and yet guard the Life uf the Father ot my dear Fu* ** genia^ I will offer both his and mine to the S%wtv ty *• of your Jullice. But be you fnft a Judge, jfty aLde '** your Pamon, which never P^tends an equitat e Ear, ** and hear me plead with ImpenJaliiy the Cauie I «« efpoufe.'* Ericand the real Hermit jo'n inappeaHng of Glafi^'u, while Eric informed him that as he was a Alagiftrate oi thofe Parts, fo he could not fuffer any of thofe private Revenges, which are not juilifiable by the Law of this Land ; the Hermit urged the Motives of Chriilianiry, which forbid us thofe tciirible Revenges, which proceed from liilening to the Didates of cur violent PalTions, not our Reafon, or the Precepts of our Religion, which ought to be the Guide and Condud of our Aftions. Glamis could not refill the Onfet of fo many Perfons of Honour and Reputation, but retiring a while into the open Air, he recovered that Cairn, which is more "worthy a Man of Senfe, than a blind Obedience to the L 3 violent 222 7be Secret Hjstory violent Impulfe of every Pafllon ; which ihp* fometrmes fet off with the fpecious Name of Zeal, never perfuades what is iuil and right. . -In the mean Time Eric makes all the Hafte he could hence, and difpatches Horfes and Men to convey the whole Company to his own Houfe, where their Ac- commodation being better, the ^ha?ie of Angus ^ the Thane of Lorn^ and the Thane of Glamisy might be cn- well difguife his Rcfcntment, as to be one of the Number of thofe, who congratulated his Recovery, when he heartily wilh'd him much worfe. This was vifible to Eric, the Thaw of Lorfty and the reft of thie Family, who all endeavour'd to infpire another Spirit into him, tho' in vain ; they yet at laft prevait'd with him to pay Angus a Vifit ivith the reft of the Company. When Angus faw the Thane of Glainls enter his Cham- ber, he fpoke to him in this Manner. This generous i^ifit to the Man, I confefs^ you ha^ve hut too much Reajbn to hate, touches m£ more fenjihljy than all that Rage, 'which you exprejed at cur firfi fneetifg ; for to be angry at Injuries is Jo fence, for I am to deli'ver Things^ nvhich I 'would not ha-ve knoivn to thy Goodne/s^ leafl it Jhoitd alarm thy Tears of fuffering for try Offences ; go retire to the Churchy and mediate ivith Heav'>n, ^hat luhile I am conf effing my Enormities to ^^en, my Guilt Jttaj be remitted , and my Penitence receivd.'-^ [^ y- Eugenia with Tears in her lovely Eyes retif'd, look- ing with fuch Earneiliiefs on young Lom^ as ix ihe by them ask'd him whether he wou'd fuffer her to be alone in her Sorrows ; but as he was going after her, Angus caird to him, and defirM him to ftiy, fince fome o\ his Story wou'd nearlv concern him. So, much againfV his Inclination, the Thane of Lorn fufTcr'd his dear Eugenia to retire with no other Companion, than her Sorrow to fpend her Hours in l^rayers and Tears, while he was confined to hear a Narration, that might not bring him that Satisfadlion, which he defirM from the Mojth of the Father of her whom he adored. But Bertha wou'd not be ilopt, and therefore went after her. The Company being now fdcntly attentive, the Thane of Angus thus began. iTbe Hijiory of Macbeth, and the Thane of Angus. THERE is a necefTity, Gentlemen, (faid he) for my greater Juftificat'.on, and the giving a better Light to my own particular Story, to join a full Ac- count of the Affairs and Anions of Macbeihj the prefent Kin^, or rather Tyrant of Scotland, You all know, that by Birth he is of the Blood Royal, that he is Mailer of great Penetration, a Sharpnefs of Wit, and very lofty Spirit ; and I do further believe, that you will agree, that if he had been bleft with a greater Mc deration and Juliice, he had been worthy of that fovereign Command which he obtained by Atb not fo juihtable by the Rules of ^ -common Hc- <2i4 ^^^ Secret History ^efly. But he was of C afar s Opinion, that Right lU felf was to be abandoned forthe Sake of Dominion. ■ His firll Appearance at Court, was in the Beginning ftfthe Reign of Dondldy or Duncan the Seventh; a Prince of too fweet and eafie a Difpofition to be at th6 Head of a Government fo difficult to manage, as that of Scotland has always prov'd to be. His Perfon was tail, ani exaftly proportioned, a mafculine Beauty fate cnthronM in his Face, and from his Eyes fuch a haughty and commanding Spirit fhone out, as difcover'd a Chal- lenge of fovereign Sway. But his Manners were ever/ Way engaging to aU he Convers'd with, never aflum- ing to himfclf above his Company ; affable and com* plaifant to all, and Openly an Enemy Cj none. This won him the Hearts of all the Men of the Court, whilft his Perfon and Addrefs made an eafy W.,y for him CD the Hearts of the Ladie?. I h;d my filf been at Court about five Years, juft the Years that my Age exceeded that of Macbeth, I had no Reafon to complain of my Reception with either the Fair or the Great, and my Favour with the King was as much as my Youth, and little Experience in AHalra of Policy cou'd exptiV. Madtth ^9a now in the Twenty firft Year of his Age, and 1 in my Twenty- fixrh, Rivals in the Fair and Fortune, both amorouily cnc)inM> and both f^afon'd with a very great Tinduce of A'-nbitionj which yet was not come to that rcbuft St.te, aa to flifle all other Paffibns, which generally js tie ET-cl; of Years ; but Love chiefly empioyM ou.r lidultry ; Intrigues vvjth the Ladies took up more of our 'i'ime, than Intrigues of State. Among the Ladies none flione with fo univerfal an Influtn:e, as Jaquenetta and Jnahella, Daughters to the Tuane of Bioadalbain, thq firll VVife to the Tliane ^f Gauiy, the later Wif- to the T h i ne of A^/<', both Men of Power in the Court, but of Years n)uch fupe* rior to their Ladies, nor able to fatisfy thofe Fire-, thi^^ Youth and the Addreires of the giy and gallant are wont to raife in Ladies of their lieauty and Quality. Jaquenetta \\ A kindled a Flame in my Heart, whipl^ I had not Virtue enough to extinguilli, without en^ deavouring of MACBETH. 225 favouring its Satisfadlion, and Anahella had made, the fame Conqueft in the Eofom of Macbeth. It would be too tedious 10 tell you the Particulars of the Progrefs we made, in our Amours ; let it fufiice that by the Affiduity of our AddreiTes we found no ingrateful Return, and that in a few Months we were as happy as our PalTions could defire. Macbeth had an AfTignation one Night with Ana- hella^ and for the Security of his Reputation made no Confident of his Intrigue, and fo went to the Rendez- vouz alone. He was waiting the Signal beneath her Garden- Wall, when he heard the Approach of three or four Perfons, and hid himfelf in the Door of the Garden, which was hollow, and deep, hoping they wou'd pafs by before the Signal was given, but contrary to his Expectations, they plac'd themfelves jull by the fame Place ; when he heard one of the Company fpeak to the reft ; Watch this Poji njuiih all your Care, for it cannot he long ere he come ; my Intelligence is certain ;, and nvhen he comes before yotiy let him not efcape to tell Tales of the Attempt. 'Tis true, he is a Prince of the Blood ^ but he is my fortunate Rival, and Love defpis'd knonvs «' In the midft of thi, Difcourfe the Maid was fent for in hafte to her Mafter, fo acknowledging her Weaknefs, unable to refill the Bribes of young Caithne/s, yet fhe was refohed to turn his Malice on himfelf, and favfc her Lady from that Danger into which fhe had thrown her. The Maid went to the Thane without any feeming; Concern ; but the Millrefs followed after with too much Uneafinefs not to be feen in her Countenance ; refolving to liilen to the Confult, and determine either immediate Flight or Stay as fhe heard her Caufe go. AfToon as the Maid was entered, the young Catthnefs thus addrefs'd himfelf to her. The Difcovery you ha' Out anf Effect y fincc it J MACBETH. 24r Life, but fet her at Liberty to enjoy her Lover at Plea- fure, yet (he put on that ou;ward Form of Sorrow, which Widows generally ufe on OccaCons of this Nature. Many Days (he paid to this Formality, and foon af- ter the Interment many Nights to Love. Bat while (he could not be fatibfied with the frequent Enjoyment of her beloved Macbeth^ unlefs he confined himfelf perpetually to her Arms, he finding no more Difficulties in his A- mour, and tired of the intollerable Fondnefs of his Miftrefs, grew weary, and cold in her Prefence, and of- ten made lame Excufes for his Abfence. Till now hav- ing call his Eyes on the Daughter of the Thane o( Rofs^ newly arrived at the Court, he perfe<5lly abandoned /^«- jtahelUy in fpight of all her Endeavours to retain, or re- cover his Heart. This was an Amour of another Nature, and Matri- mony only could accompli(h his Defites ; there was In* terefi enough in the Match to engage his Prudence, and Honour enough to ftir up the Ambition of her Father. Macbethy whole Mind was e/er thinking of a nobler Chace than Women-kind, confidered that to link him- felf fo fait with the Head of fo power'ul and popukr a Party, would make an eafy Way to the down, if o- ther Circumiiances fhould ever concur: And the Lady, vs'hofe Soul was much fuller of Antbition than Love, fancied htr marrying a Prince of the B!ojd, fet her at lead fome Steps nearer the golden Circle. Both Sides having th^fe Klotives, th.* Match was foon agreed on, and the Day ^oi the Celebration of the lilarriage foon lixcd. But now the Trial of the young Caithmfs was pufli'd on with \'igour, which had all this -while been delayed by the Father's Arts and his Pretence of no: being yet recovered. The Matter was plainly proved againll him, ev-^en by the Villains he employed, who had their Par- don to be Evidences againlt him. He is convnTted, and condemned to Bani(hment into the Ifles during the King's Pleafure ; who was now fo well guarded and furrounded by the Creaturesof RoTs^ that no Application could be made to alter or retard the Sentence. Being therefore M~' compelled 242^ 7b& Sechet Hi'STORy compelled to go into Banifiiment, he was accompanied by all the Party of Cahhnefs feveral M-les from the City, and Macdonaldy a Man of great Intereft in the Ifles,went quite to the Place of his Exile, with an Intention to re- venge his Caufe,not only on Macbeth^wx. the King and the whole Court j as his after Attempts plainly difcovered. In the mean while the Wedding q{ Macbeth is cele- brated with great Magnificence, and the Prefence of the whole Court, except Cahhnefs and his Party, too melan- cholly, and too much difgulled to be prefentat a Solem- nity, which was fo hateful to them, and fo prejudicial to their Caufe, Soon after this Caitlnef, retired to his Eftate -in the North, which gave him a formidable Power in thofe Parts, and with him weni the Thane of Nairn and Su-. i her land ', Men of tuibulem. Spirits, as well as very poT tent in thofe Parts, where we thali iea-ve thein till their preparing thofe Fadions, in which they were Co fall in the Beginning of the Reign of Macbeth. Macbeth being married, his Lady infpijed a new Air into his Face, and Spirit to his Conduft. Amours, that had taken up fo much of his Time before, found but little Share in his Leifure Hours afterwards. He ap- plied himfelf wholly to Bufmefs and military Affairs, in which his Progrefs was fo {^tdy and conliderable, that he foon appeared at the Head of an Army, which he made by his Condufl and Valour fuccefsful. Macdonaldy whom I mentioned, retiring into the Wef- tern Iflands with the young Caithnefs, had been fo in- duftrious in MIfchief, as to ftir up the People of thofe J*arts into Rebellion, declaring againft the Fadion of Rofsy and the King himfelf, as the meer Tool of that Party, not free in his Adions, nor at Liberty to do Juf- tice to any, whom the RoJJians had a Mind to opprefs. l^acbeth and Bancho were made Choice of by the Mini- ilxy to command the Army againft the Rebels. They rendezvouzed at In^vemefst where the Command was thus divided : Bancho, with a fufficient Force, marched into Rofs to the Borders of Sutherland, to have an Eye on the Thanes of Caithnefs and Sutherland, who they had Keafon to believe were in the Defign, and would join them^ of MAC BET Hr. 24:5 tliem, \f they found the Iflanders met with any tolcra- tle Succefs. But in Appearance they lay ilill, as not at all concerned in the Affair, either awed by the Neigh- bourhood oi Baucbo, or their own Diitrufl of good For- tune^ Their Agents however fpread ftrange Rumours of the- Power of the Iflanders, and made incredible Stories of their wonderful Exploits, thereby to dilpofe them to the like Attempt, or at leaft to difcover how ftrong their Party would be (hould they join in the Revolt, Macbeth part over into Skie, where all the Rebels wer« met, and ready to invade the Continent, had he not prevented them by his Speed. Macdonald and his Ifland- ers were fomething diflieartened at his Approach, and of- ten confulted of a Retreat; bat that was impofijble^ with- out a Victory, which they had Caufe to defpair of Not but that they were far more numerous than the Army of Macbeiky but they were a rude and ill-difciplined Mul- titude, and ill provided with warlike Stores and Arms^ and no News of the Men of Caithnefs and Sutherland^ ■who, Macdonald, had allured them would join them, Macbeth would not give them Leave to recover of their Fears, but immediately fell on them, totally routed their Army, killing vail Numbers on the Spot, and tak- ing al), or moll: of the rert Prifoners. He then purfued Macdonald to a Itrong Fortrefs, whither he was retired with a Handful of his Follov/ers, that had efcaped the Battle. Bui finding himfclf unable to hold our, and ex- pecting or defining no Mercy from Macbeth, he fell on his own Sword, expiring the very Moment the For- trefs furrendered. Macbeth was not fatisfied with the Ex- ecution he had done on himfelf, but ordered his Head to ht ilruck off on a Scaffold by the Provoft Marlhal in the Sight of his Army. Nor was he conten^t with this Pu- «iflimcnt of the Leader, but contrary to the true VoWcy • of fparing the Multitude, he hung up all the Prifoners he took, which drew the Hatred oi all the People on the King, as done by his Order. ^lacbeth and Bancho return in Triumph toCccrt, and receive the Compliments of all Degrees, and the Thanks <3f the King, and the CurelTes of their Friends. But M 2 they 244 ^^^ Secret History they enjoyed not long the Tranqaility, fuc)^ a great S^JC- ■cefspromifed them. For the domeftick Enemy being fuppreffed, Fate raifed them another far more terrible ^id dangerous. For Siveno or Sra;ane King of Nor'vjay, ^ame into the Firfb of Forth with a very numerous Fleet, Aboard which he had a very formidable Army, which he landed in Fife. The King immediately difpatched Macbeth to draw together all the Force he could in the Eaft, while he and Bancho made a Stand with what he could in Hafte ga- ther together ; and being too confident in his Men, ven- tured, contrary to Bancho^ Advice, to march againft Snx'enot and endeavour to drive him to his Ships before he had made too firm Footing in his Kingdom, as the Danes had done in England. He came to a Battle with the Narivegians^ and was beaten, but not in fo difgrace- ful a Manner, but that he made good his Retreat to Berths there to attend the Arrival of Macbeth ; who ^now being come near him, at a Confult betwixt them, advifed the King to have Recourfe to Stratagems, fmce lie had met with fuch ill Luck in his Trial of Force. It was therefore propofed by Macbeth ^ that the King ftiould fend feme CommifTioners to Snveno to treat of a Peace, and of the Conditions that Siveno would be pleafed to allow them. That the Commiffioners fhould adt fo as to give the Nornvegtan Reafon to think the King's Cafe was very defperate, that fo he might be the ^ore remifs in his Difcipline, and taking it for granted, that his Bufmefs was already done, make him negli- geirt.of the means of accomplifhing it, :_f,TheCQ Meafures approved, I was by Macbeth recom- niVended as a fit Perfon for managing this Affair. I took Carje to difcharge my Truft fo well as tc give full Satisfjifftion to thofe that employed me. For by my Ad- drefs I infpired a Belief, that the King only waited his Terms for an eatire Surrender. His firft Demand was a fufficient Qaajitity of Wine and Provifion to fupply his Army, to be furniihed every Day during the Treaty. I defired Leave to fend the King Notice of his Demand ; which being known to Macbeth, he took the Hint, and ri|-Djvti(e^ tP t.he Kmg the poifon^jj^ all the Liquor with .•■'''"' ^ >i^ ' ' a fopore- ofMACS^Tii. '245 -a fopjreferous Drug, common enough in Scotland ^ and that when the Nornuegian Army had had their full Dofe the Zcots ftiould fall on them, and make them an eafy Prey. This was immediately put in Execution, and Word was returned, that the Supply demanded fhould be fent into the Camp the next Day, on Sivcno": Parol*, that none that brought it in fhouldluff-r any Injury, buc be permitted to depart in Security. The Norvjegians, afrer the Fi^tigue of a long Voyage, and that of a Baitle, were too fond of Refrelhmenf, to be at ail temperate in fuch a Plenty of good Lir^uor, fp that they foon threw themfelves into the Condition thit we defired. And oi r Army advancing, came Time e- nough to cut all their Throats, except the Kind's, and three or four more, who had been more tempetate than the rei^, who bore ofF the King, now half afleep with the Potion, and laying him acrofs a Horfe, hurried him a Ship-board, fcarce able to man one fmall Veffel with, all the Survivers of that fatal Day ; the ether Ships without Mariners fell foul on each o.her, and were funk in the Firth. This Difgrace coming to the Ears of Canuius, he fends another great Fleet with Men to revenge th^ Quar- rel of the Norivegiansy but Macbeth and Bancko fell en them as foon as landed, and cut moll of them to Pieces ; the reft make a precipitate Retreat to their Ships, hoifl their Sails and away to Sea, having had enougn cf At- tempts on the Scottijh Coaih. 7'hefe terrible Defeats to the Narnuegiats and Danes, reftored Peace and Security to Scotland, fo that there be- ing nothing now to fear from abroad, they had the more Leifure to take Advantage cf a weak King, and ftir up Faftions at Home. This Succefs againft domeftick and foreign Enemies gave the Fa<^tion of Rofs too much Security to fuffir them to obferve any Meafures of right or wrong. They threw afide t}-.e> Veil of public Good, and every Man plainly drove at his own Gain, and Ad- vancement to Ports, tJiat might yield him that Profit which he fought. This Conduct in a little Time bred ill Blood in the People, and a RoJJian grew more odious than ever one M 3 c>f ^4^ 7be Secret History f)f Caitln-e/s had formerly been. The Thanes of dtith* ftefs^ Sutherland and Nairn had Notice of this State of Affairs, and thought it now Time to return to Gourtt where the public Grievances made Way for their Re- admiflion to the Ear of the King, and Adminiftration of the Public. Their Arrival alarmed thofe of Rofsy and the Scruggle begun with great Fury on both Sidesv The public Complaints gave the Advantage to thofe of Caithnejsy fo that they are again received into Favour, and, all their Dependants exalted to Places ; but that In* folence, which always made them lofe the Hearts of the People in a little Time, notwithftanding all the Exorbi- tances of the Faftion of Rofs^ who had the good breed- ing to pick your Pocket with an humble Bow, and op- prefs you with all the gay Affability in the World ; but thofe of Ca'ithnefs did it with Infolence and Pride, as if ^hey had a Right to do what they did, and offered you no Injury at all. . During thefe Bickerings betwixt thefe Parties, now this, now that b^ing uppermpft, Macbeth being one Summers Evening in his Garden, beneath a fhady Ar- bour, was luird afleep by the chirping of the Birds, and the Murmurs of a tumbling Brook that ran jull beneath it. He had not been long afleep, but a Vifion appear- ed to him moil furprifing and pleafing ; three Women appe.ired to him with Faces Ihining with celeflwl Glory, and Qar'ment: like the Beams of the Sun. The firll: fa- lutes him by the Name of Tliane oi/^ngus; the feccnd by that of Af//r/-<2>' ; and the third by the Title of King of : Scotland. X know very well that there is a Story fpread abroad fmce his evil Adminiftration, that he met three Witches in a Foreil, who vifibly, and by Day-light, , gave him thofe Salutations, but I had it from his own Mouth long before, and take the Dream to. be nothing: 'elfe but the EfFccl of his perpetual Thoughts how to bring that ambitious Delign about, and to which his La4y, whole Soul was nothing but Ambition, pufhed him on inceiTantly. NotwithlVinding the Power of Caithnefsy he found both the Popularity and Nobility fo much in the Interell Qi Macbeth, that he fmother'd his former iinon, and make him his Friend. By his Intereft therefore he was firft made Thane of Angicsi and atiei- wards Thane of Murray.. However, Caithnefs pu: notfuch Confidence in the Merits of his Services to Mac- beth^ as not to have Spies enow about him to give him a continual Account of all his Defigns and A£iions. At this Time you know, Thane of Glamis, that there arofe a third Faction betwixt both, which grew extreamly popular, becaufe the redrefling the Grie- vances which came from the other two was their Pre- tence, and I believe the Defign of many of them. Ar- chibald^ Thane of Argyle^ was one of the Chief of this Party, call'd the Patriots ; and Macbeth forefeeing how advantageous it wou'd be to him to be at the •Head ofchejTi, foon encer'd himfelf in their Lilh, an<^ by Confequer.ce became their Head. Many of theie •Gentlemen, efpecially your noble Father, my dear Lorfi^ jnov'J with a generous Love and Companion for their Country, torn to Pieces by Faftions (for let which Side foevcr be uppermoft, Scotland was fure to be a Prey) began to confider how to put an End to a Mifchicf, that if not quickly prevented mull prove the Deftruc- tion of their Country. They found the King of fo iickle and weak a 1 emper, that he had loft his Re- putation and Efteem with the Nobility and Peopl'e; and fhow'd fo little Rel'olution, that his Declarations never carry 'd with them any Authority. The Evils were too great ior Duncan to redrefs ; they wanted a Man of Spirit, Bravery and Refolution to over-awe and quafh all the Parties, that had got too great Head for the Safety of Scotland. It was no new thing with us to remove one King, and fet up another, as we have judged it conducive to the publick Good ; and Mankind indeed feems to have a Right of doing this on jud Occafions. So thtit finding no Hopes of Remedy from Duncan, or his Fa- mily, they concluded to beftow the Crown on Macbeth, who was a Man of thofe Parts, that were reqiiifite to fo grea^. a Worth, in fo difficult a Time. " ' '• ■ M 4 Canl^rs 248 7*^^- Secret HirroRv i,|j Caithnefs, had fom^Jblind Intelligence of theiif jDelfgrr, ,^^ leall had fuch Account of their ConfultationSy as l^compari^i^ it'wfth their A6Hons, he concluded that they *^.aimM at cletlirpning of Duman^ and fetting up Mac- heth or Bancho, or (ome other Relation of the Crown. , He fignify'd his Fears to the King, but the Patriots were '.too powerful to be attacked by open Force, and ''therefore Caithnefs advisM tlie King, that fmce the Government of Cumberland was the firft Step to the Throne, he fliou'd cut off their Hopes that Way by immediately declaring his Son Malcolm Governor of that Province, tho* a Child. The King had but two ■ Sons by his Wife, the Daughter of Sibert^ Duke of Ujrthufnberland ; this Malcolm was the Eldeft, and Donald or Duncan, the Youngeft, neither of them ca- pable by their Years of a Poft of ih^t Importance and dignity- Z.^- , This Step gave fuch an Alarm to the Patriots, that they were forc'd to have feveral Confultations about it. Some wouM net take the leall irregular Meafures for obtaining the greateft Good ; but thofe were but half Patriots ; while thofe who were refolv'd to put an End to the publick Miferief, were refolved to pufh on their Delivery by depofing of Duncan^ and letting up of Macbeth Or Bancho^ who was alfo thought on, tho* not furnifV/d with many Votes in the Cabal. In the mean time Macheth grew unea fy at thefe Delays, evVy Day exprels'd a greater and nearer Kind- ncfs for Banchot till having perfwaded him to a Belief, • that the Crown might be his \i Duncan were remov'd ; . cr if it fhould fall 10 Macbeth by Plurality of V^oices, yet as he had no Children, nor likely to have any, . Bancho wou'd by his Heir and Succeffor, either in his own Perfen, or in his Offspring. At the fame Tinje he put me on to perfuade Bamhoy that the Way to make ih^ greater Intereft with the Patriots, was to be before- iiand with Macbeth in the Dilpatch of the King ; for as long as hi was alive the Cabal would be very dilatory in their Refolves. I perfuaded Macbeth in the :mean lime to leave the Difpatch of the King wholly Ko Bancho, who wou'd ge: the Odium of that A<5lion, .} y. .] -j: .!> [iL.'i^ui^nr'^:^ ■ the 'tf MACBETH. 249 llie Benefit of which Woti'd be" altogethCT " ))is^ H'J feemed to allow of my Reafons-. Bat whetTier pufti'd on by his Lady, or his own Impatience of expeftir g that golden Round, which already he fancy 'd on Ijis Brow, he fent a Party of Men, who joining Banchi^-, ' and meeting the King on the Road to Innernefs^ fell 'Oh him from their Ambufh, and ha\ing left him and fome of his Train dead, feparated without any J^irfujt, (b odious was the King grown to the People. . . ■,--^.^ \^ the News of the King*s Death arriving, the NoDi- •''t\ty aflembled at Scone, whither Macheth and Banc'lo came with the firft, both in Mourning for his Majefty, and fhowing in their Faces no little Concern. How- ever they were neither of them remifs in the making their Intereft, tho* it is faid, that Bancho made all Kis for Macheth, and only fet up for a Candidate to pt^e- Vent any other. However that was, it is plain, that Macheth Q2.x\Y\ the Point by a very great Majority ; and was very fpeedily crown'd King at 5'f MA CBETH. ZS5 the Wife of Machfth, yet -(he coald not think it agree- able to her Greatnefs, to be his Whore. The King made fome little Advances to try her fome- times, but foon found her of a different Relifh from t^e iqft of the Coort Ladies; which made him Hill more in Love, and defuous of vanquilhing a Difficulty, he had not yet met with in all his amorous Affairs. 1 he Queen was pleafed to fee her Plot take fo well, but was unfa- tisfied that the King's Defires were not more violent. She therefore told him that fhe would pleafe him with a Sight, that vyould give him a gveat deal of Pleafure, if he could bear it with any Moderation. She faid ihe was fenfible of his Inclinations for Inetta, and that fh^^ approved them, as worthily placed, but that it did not become a King to fuffer a Repulfe from the Pride of a fooliftiGirl, fo long as he had Power and Force to ac- complifii his Wilhes. Inetfa^ faid ihe, you hanje feen yet but by Halves ; o-ver the Door of the Bath you knew there is a little Inlet of Light , nxhence you may fee all hfr Perfedions of Perfon undifco-vered, and then you nvill he - Pov.'ef alone to give me that Relief vjhuh you novo Jeem fo -zealous to bejiovj upon me\ nor is it fo dear as to c of you your Llfey it may be fo done at a much cheaper Rate : tho" I fear fo dear, that you voill farce be fo good as your Word. Bancho ftill not rcfleding on the true Caufe, wa3 prodigal in .his AfTurances, nor wou'd defift till Macbeth had declarM the whole Matter to him. I have a Ji range Confidence in your Friendjhip and Love (reply 'd the King,) nothing elje coud v:refi the Secrjit from tne. Knovj therefore, that I am in Love^. and in Love ivith your Sifer, and mujl perifh if I do not enjoy her. Bancho was quite ailonifli'd at this DifcQvery, and for fome Moments utter*d not a Word. At laft. ^ / mujl ^:5S The Secret HisTo^tv i mufl confefs (faid he) / little thought the Thunder •would fall there. I cou'd nvillingly facrlfice nf^ Life to your Repofe, hut not my Honour ; you woou'd net hwve ffit frcjfitute a Virgin of mj oivn Blood to your LuJ}^ you ha've not fo tnean an Opinion of my Virtue. Bancho (faid the King) / kno^jj thy Virtue in the Purfuit of Womankind. What Tyes of Religion or Honour didji thou e-ver ohferve in thofe Affairs? Tour Language usd to he that Woman diffol'v'd all other Conf derations, yet nonv you p> efer that •Trifle to the Life of your King and your Friend. I grant (reply 'd Bancho) that 1 ha've been a Latittt- dinarian in Lonjey hut noijo it touches myfelf I find my Error ; yet I ivas ne-ver fo unreafonahle , as to defire the Brother to pimp for me to his Sijier', nay, I ahvays took tare to conceal my Intentions from all, njolx)fe Intereji It nvas. to prevent my Pleafure^ and I knonv nt? Triendjhff or Duty that compels me to Jo njile an Office. Noiu had my Cafe been nuhat J pretended (faid the (King) I find I fijould ha^ve found no Complaifance to any Folly in you. But to tell you the Truth, that nvhich chiefly troubles me is, that 1 ha've no Children to twhom 1 may connjey this Dignity I have gaind j and that the Feopli are alvjays uneajy about a Succeffor in a barren Reign • Honv, therefore, to prevent this has puzVd me a kng Timei €ind I cannot yet tell vjhat Courfe to take in the Matter, J have had 'Thoughts of putting fome other into my Bed to f^pply my Place, perhaps Change might accompUJh vohat my confiant Toil cannot effeSf. But then, vjhom to choofe ai much confounds me ; it mufl be a Friend, or he is not t9 be trvfted in an Affair of that Importance. And fuch a Friend I have not unlefs you nvoud comply nvith my De- fire ; for voith you it might prove effeSlual and fecretf nvifh another perhaps neither. Bancho w^s as much furprizM at this Propofal as the fGinier, nor couM tell what to fay to the King, who fpoke in fo ferious an Air to him. My Lord (faid he) •you feem to amufe mg avith Paradoxes ; and the befi Way I can interpret them is, that you have a Mind to divert ^ourfelf at my Expence ; but no Matter if this remove hut your Melancholy. The King cou'd not perfuade him that he was in earnell ; and fo putting it off with :foiiie other Difcourfe, they parted. Bancho vof MJiCBETH. 559 . Sando was alarm 'd about his Siller, and tho^ Mach h^th had put it off with fo lame an Kxcufe, yet he was afTraid, that there was fomething in it. He iherefoic examines her nicely, and finds, tr.at the King had told her his Paflion, but turn'd it off tq the Queen, as a pla- tonick Addrefs. 'Tis therefore refolv'd betwixt them* that file fhou'd retire from Court hy the iirft Opportu- nity, and that without any Notice till the Day of her going. This Difcourfe was not fo fecret, but it was over- heard and carry'd to the Queen, who had perpetual Spies about them both. She told it the King, who ia Return told her all that had pall betwixt him and Bancho, *rho' I cant appronje of your Propo/al to Bancho of a Thing of that Nature (faid the Queen) ivho looks on himfelf as your Heir, and has already given out Pro- phecies of it ; yet. if you can purfue the Hint^ and niuork kifn up to the Undertaking, J ik-ill fecitre him from ever giving. you any Trouble i hut Care muji he taken of young Kleans likcnvife, for my Mind cannot he at reft till the iKihole Family is remov d \ for till then you are not fecure on the Throne. The Night that is effected -% Vll take Care you Jhall he admitted to the Bed of lacttSL, fivhere you may compleat the Ruin of that odious Family ^ that fwi II oe a perpetual Source of our Fgars Mticbclh purfues the Queen's advice, being really alarmed with an Apprehenfion of BanchOy both in his Love and his Power. He confidered, that he would be a perpetual Curb to him, if he ihould think ht to indulge his Paflions, and go a little out of the Way in their Gratification. That he was popular, both among the Nobility and People, and a Man of a daring Spirit, that might eafijy be wrought oji to purfue the fame Tra6l with himj as they both had done with Duncan, He found it therefore no ill Pblicy to begin firft and fe- cure himfelf by deftroying him. But he had a further Rage againft him, for dcfigning to rob him of his Alif- trefs, by fending away his Silter without any Warning. He therefore fenc for Bancho into his Clofet, and be- gan the fame Difcourfe he had fo JaLely amufed him wichi giving him this Airurance, that he kul confuked $^9 ^he SjiCRET.HiSTORv |he Queen* and that fhe would approve of no otTicf f erfon ; conjured him by Friendfhip, and all other Mo- tives, to the Performance of fo impious a Deed, and fa injurious to his own Pretences of fucceeding to the Throne. However, Macbeth managed the Matter with that Addrefs, that he could not avoid complying, but by telling him it was dire«511y againft his Intereft that the Queen fhould have a Child, and that he might reafon- ably imagine might raife a Jealoufy in Macbethy fince there are few Princes but are eafily wrought into a Sufpi- cion of their Succeflbrs. Bancho therefore yields to the earned Entreaties of the King; who promifes to carry him to the Bed chamber himfelf, and fee him in Bed. The Bed is appointed, Bancho zxi^ his Siller are invited to Supper that Evening ; the Q^een puts on a more than ordinary Gaity, and the King lays afide that morofe Countenance, which had fo long ufurpt upon him. Mil* Tick, Mirth, and Pleafure wafted the Evening, till the Ladies withdrew, and waited on the Queen to Bed ; where leaving her, Inetta was conduced to her Appart- .ment to be Bed-fellow to one of the Maids of Honour, who was already prepared for the Mifchief by both- King and Queen. ' This Apartment was the moft remote from the royal Bed chamber, on purpofe to be cut of the Noife, that would foonbe in the Palace Macbeth difmiffing the Com- pany, conduced Bancho to his L dging, and leaves him there to undrefs, then comes alone, and iconduds him in his Gown to the Queen's Bed fide, where he leaves him, and goes to Bed in a Room not far diftant. The Queen lies, as afleep, and admits him into the Bed ; but when now he turned himfelf to her with KifTes and Carefles to perform the Duty he came about, with a Dagger (he had prepared, (he ftab'd him to the Heart, and cryM out in fo violent a Manner, that the Ladies and Guard entered the Chamber, and found Bancho in the royal Bed all welt'ring in his own Gore. The Queen all in a Fright juft got from her Bed in her Night-Gown lets the Company know, thatreturn- _ irg from the King^s Bed to her own, fhe was no fooner ■ " compofea compofed to Reft, but (he felt a Man come io Reef t^ her, and fpeaking to him as her Hugband, he anfwer'e^ nothing, ;,ut proceeded to Rujenefs ; which ftie refiftingj and offering to cr)* out, he ftopt her Mouth, and af- fured her he was a Lover, that could no longer live without this Happinefs, which he was refolved to take by Force, if I immediately wou'd not yield ; and that he had his Friend ready to fecure his Efcape; at which, faid ihe, I c/iu ht this Dagger, which always iierhy m( in tbs Night-time^ on/i duck him to the Hearty as the cn(y IV'iy to fecure my fe If from a Rape jo dijhomurtthle to the rcyd^ame. ^ V h nt^^ , Macbeth by this Time, and all the Court were come into the Chamber ; he pretends the laft Surprize, and could not fadsfy himfelfbut that all weremiftaken, fmce his Fiiendlhip for Baticho could never let fuch aThought enter his Bofom. Nay he (hed fome Tears at his Lofs, and ordered his Body to be carry'd into his Apartment till the next Morning, when the Caufe Ihould be heard by the whole Council, So he dirmifs'd them all, and he and the Queen retired to their Lodgings from whence he came. Now all was filent, and Macbeth takes a Candle and goes to the Lodgings where Inetta and the Maid of Ho- nour were in Bed. She told him fhe had fo far prepared her, as to give her a Dofe, which wou'd not eafily be removed by all his Efforts, at leaft before he had found the Reward of his Labour. Then fhe retired to a Palet- Bed in the next Room, and Macbeth throwing off his Gown enter'd that of the unfortunate Inetta, He found her faft afleep, and throwing off the Cloaths, foon at- tempts his Satisfadion. He had now been fometimes as happy as no Refiftance could make him, but unfa- tisfy'd ftill with fo imperfeft a Blifs, he longed for a compleat Enjoyment of what fhe fhould be as fenfible of as he. So repeating his Pleafure, fhe at lafl begun to ftir, and roufe from her deep and double Sleep, and by his eager Embraces waked in the midfl of Fruition. She leapt from his Arms, and cry'd out with all her Force, Force, but in vain ; he purfues her, brings her Back t<^ the Bed, tells her ihe now flruggles in vain for what is pall Redemption, fince the Jewel ihe valued was al- ready in his PofleiTion ; that Ihe now would be only an Enemy to herrelt to lofe that Pleafure (he might enjoy- without her own Confent. All he faid was to no par-* pofe, (he avowed her Innocence, vowed Revenge, and' abfolutely deny'd all Compliance. But the Place and her Condition, compelled her- to fuffer frelh Violences from him, till fatiated with Pleafure, and checked per- haps with fome Remorfe, and threatning her on any Difcovery of what was paft, fo left her, and returned to the Queen, who was now looking oVer fome Papers, and preparing Matters to improve this Plot oi Bancho^ and with whomfoever (he thought might be a Curb en her exorbitant Defires of arbitrary Power. The Morning came on, the Council is fummoned, and the whole Matter laid down before them, with aU the heightning Aggravation, that Malice could invent. The Fa£l was fo plain, that the Council was confound- ed, and could not help condemnii g the dead Bancho to Infamy. But out of a falfe Mercy, the Queen and the King forgave any Indignity to his Body, which was then honourably interred. The Noble Thane of Arg'^le, was a Relation of the Mother of InettOy and a Man of that perfed Honour, that Ihe refolved to tell him the Story, and conjectures, that her Brother fell by Treachery. The Thane infi- nitely furprized and enraged at the Indignity, was re- folved on Revenge, and drew into his Party all the ho- neft Patriots, among whom, my Lord Glamis, you were one. But the Court Spies foon gave Information of all your Confults, which gave no fmall Alarm to the King and Queen i to whofe Debates I only was admitted. The Queen told him, that there was no Security for him as long as he left one Man of Power in Scotland % fmcethey, as often as they thought fit, could advance, and dethrone whom they pleafed.That it was plain from this prefent Confpiracy, that they would never be quiet on every Pretence of Difcontent. That he now had an Op- .,of MACBETHi 2-% Opportunity of ridding his Hands of fo many at onice^ which eafily might be accufed of ConfeJeracy with Ban-^ cho in his deftin'd Efcape, ;,nd fuch Proofs of their pre- fent Confult. tions, as mi^ht colour the Execution. I did what I could to mollify her Majefty,^ but to no pur- pofe, and fndeed I did believe that NUcieth Was pc*-- fafe if you Were not apprehended. The Orders were immediately iffued out, and fever al taken up, none but yourfelf, and Jrgyle efcaping ttf your Country Seats. The reft you know were execut- ed after a formal Trial. Bu: Fleans got away the Morning he heard of his Father's Muither. Then the young Lorn was not far from Home at an Aunts, and lo was immediately feized and committed to my sJufto- dy, and a Meflenger difpatched to his Father^ that un- lefs he returned to Court, on the King's Parole for hi* Safety in anfwering to his Accufation, his Son fhould be a Sacrifice to his Abfence. The pious Father, to fave his Son, returned in a few Days, but was immediately clapt up into Prifon. I was deputed to examine him in Prifon, and to get what I could out of him, in order to his Piocefs. There had been an old Friendlhip betwixt us. I told him, that I was forry to be an Agent in fo deteftable a Matter, but would do him all the Service I was able. That he muft certainly expeft to fall in publick or pri- vate. That all I could do was to perfwade the Kincr to the latter, that then I might have the Means of fe» curing him a Flight, on this Condition, that in remrn he fliould confine himfelf to my Caftle in la, till bet- ter Days offered ; leaft fhould he appear any where elfe I might fuifer in his Room, and fo his Son would want my Protedlion, by which I had hopes of preferv- ing him in my Cuftody. I returned to the King, told him, I could difcover little from his Words but his Belief, that he had ravilhed Inetta, (who was fmce retired to a Monailry attefting that Truth) and mur- dered Bancho. But I advifed him if he thought of put- ing him to Death, he had beft to confider of the beft iind fafeft Way. He feemcd to me too popular a Man tP 264 TJ/ Secret History to be executed pablickly, even if he were evidentljr convided, fince he would certainly declare all he knevif of Inefta, and his Sufpfcions of Bancho*:. foul Play. But that he had better order him to be privately killed, and give it out that he had murdered himfelf ; that the Care of the Execution ftiould be mine, if he pleafed, and could confide in me. He was pleafed with the Advice, and confulting the Queen, found my Re.ifons of Force enough with hef to brin;j her to my Opinion; and both agreed, that I was the fitteft Man to take Care of the Bufinefs ; with- out doubt believing, when I had thus fhared their Guilt, I ftiould be the more firm to their Dcfigns, I had a Servant I could confide in ; and difgnifing the Thane, I committed him to his Charge, to convey to Jky while taking a Malefaflor in the Prifon, I ordered his Throat to be cut, and his Face extreamly mangled. He was much of the Size of the Thane, and foeafily deceived the King when became to fee him in that Con. dition. He ordered him private Burial, and gave it out, that in Defpair he had cut his own Throat. But, my deareft Lorrif thy Father is yet alive, and if you can difpaich a Ship to Jia, I will give you fuch a Token as ftiall bring him fafe to you. / pardon all thy Roguery, interrupted the Thane of GlamiSf for this one only good Deed in prefer'ving the tnojl noble and brafShe urged, that he was admitted to the Caftle as her King, her Relation, and her Friend ; that flie hop- ed he would not be guilty of fo unroyal a Vice, as to abufe her Hofpitality : That though fhe valued her her Husband and Children much, yet fhe prefer'd her Honour and Virtue to both. The Tyrant laughing at her naming Honour and Virtue, commanded her to be bound, and while he was fatisfying his abominable Luft, ordered her Children to be murdered, and next herfelf, in that Excefs of Cruelty, lefs cruel, than if he had fuffered her to live after fuch a Difgrace. He im- mediately proclaims him a Traytor, forbids him Shel- ter, and all Correfpondence with any Native oi Scotland. The Caftle oi Dunjinane was now finiflied, and fitted up for his Reception, and I and my Family commanded to accompany him to his Retreat. He had never before fccn my Daughter, or the gentle young Lorn ; who now was a more clofe Prifoner than I could wifli, but ftill under my Dircdlion and Guardianlhip. During his Abode at my Houfe, there arofe fingular Love and Friendlhip betvvixt Eugenia and him, not without my Approbation, never defiring to bellow her better, than on ib illuftrious a Youth j but here that Correfpondence was forced to be concealed, leaft the Tyrant fhould fear fomething from their Union, to himfelf : And all their Meetings were to be as private as poffible. The King, that fet no Bounds to his Inclinations, took fere at my Daughter's Beauty, and made feveral Attempts on her Virtue; Which fhe ftill refifting, not doubting my Confent, demands her of me for a Miftrefs. I had too terrible an Example before me of Inetta and Bancho to give a flat Denial ; but told him, I would myfelf exhort her to be fenfible of the Honour he de- signed her ; that I did not doubt a few Days would gain her Compliance. In the mean Time I took Care to provide for my Efcape ; but an Accident happened, that made it fome- thing looner than I had defigned. Eugenia was by Stealth, \ of MACBETH. 269 Stealth with young Lorn, and there deploring their un- happy Fate, the King deals upon them, in the midll of their innocent Endearments. He approaches in ^ Fury, and fays, that fince he has found for whom he was flighted, he would on the Morrow take Care to remove his guilty Rival, who lived only by his Fa- vour ; fo flinging out of the Room, he left them to- gother. Eugenia advifed his immediate Flight, to a- void a Fate nothing elfe could deliver him from ; that ihe would let him down by a Rope; and follow him herfelf without Delay. The Matter was agreed, and my Daughter informed me of all that had happened. I was refolved not to (lay behind, fo having aflilted her in letting down her Lover, taking fome Gold and Jew- els with me, fhe, I and he departed, and taking three Horfes from my Stable made the bell of our Way to Gallozv/iy \ tho' we were fo clofely parfued, that we had jull I'ime to gee into a little VefleljWith three Men, at l\iQ Mull o^ G a !kw ay, before the Blood-hounds were at our Heels ; there happened to be no other VefTel in the Road, but one little empty Boat, that waited to bring off fome others : Who, while the Officers puifued us, made their Efcape to fome other Place of Safety. But their Endeavours were in vain, for hoiiting our Sails, we flew before the Wind, for a brisk Gale then fprung up, which, tho' contrary to my Defign of calling ac //(?, and bringing off the Thane of Argyk, it foon brought U5 on the Efiglijh Coaft. When the Wind rif- ing higher, that Storm enfaed, which threw us on the Shore, where your Charity found and relieved us. The Thane of u^ngus having done, the Thane of Glamis and Lorn both embraced him, and blelt Hea- ven for his good Luck ; which had preferved two fuch Heroes, as the Father and Son. The Yoiing Lorn then left the Company, and went to find out his dear Euger,ia^ impatient of any longer y^bfence from her, in whofe Sight all his Pleafure and Happinefs were placed. He found her with Bertha, and yet in Tears. They flew into each others Arms, and expreffed fo tender a Paflion, as touched the N 3 gentle ,570 Tbe Secret History gentle Bertha with a Defire to know fometlung of their JPohune. Which the young Loni began in this Man- ner to give her a Relation of. Your Neighbourhood to ScctLind^ Madam, cannot tut have let you know from fome of that Number, which daily fly thence, of the Mifery that Country has for fome Years Iain under, by the more than barbarous Cruelty of the moll bloody of Tyrants. By his Cru- elty many thcufands have fallen, and the Nation is al- mofi: defpoiled of all her Nobility : Among whom rriy Father the Thane oi Argybt claimed a foremoft Place both in his Quality, his Virtues and Sufferings. For, rhe Tyrant finding him an Enemy to his Villanies, hav- ving fccured me, -drew him into his Power to fave my thr^atned Life. But having now got him, he confined him to Prifon, and gave the Charge of his Murther to the Thane q>^ Angus^ his Favourite, and the Father of[ my belcved Eugenia ; but he generoufly conveys hin\ away, and puts a Malefa(5tor in his Place, as murder'd* " by his Order. And as if this Obligation was not e-' rough, he prevailed with Macbeth to have the keeping of me as his Prifoner, under whofe Diredlion I might be educated a Friend to the King and his Defigns. But,' fviadam, 1 found the noble Thane of ^^/g-^v/ honourable trnuugh to deceive the Tyiant, and never to attempt the inftiliing any fuch bafe and fervile Notions. On the contrary, from the Time that I came under his Tu- telage, which was in my Thirteenth Year, 1 found Mailers provided to iniirucl me in all the Sciences that were necefTary to give me Qualifications fit for a Man of my Birth and Family ; and to infpire fuch Notions as were abfolutcly inconfiftent with the flavifh Condi- tion, to which the bloody Macbeth had defi^ned me My Application to my Studies, in which I took a more than common Delight, took av/ay all Senfe of a Confinement which was foftned by all the Tendernefs of a Father. At the Intervals of ray Study the pretty Ei'geni^i^/ i\if.\\ Icarce ten Years of Age, afforded me a ve'r'/" agfeeable Amufcnient. We were both then too '. ing to liaVeany Notion of Love, tho' in that very V^^" ' ' ' Dav^n of M AC BETH. 271 Dawn pfher Beauty fhe promlfed that glorious Day, wJiich now enlightens my Heart. She would dance to me, fing to me, and often entertain me with Difcourfes much above her Age, tho' agreeable to her Underftand- In my Turn I ufed to give her an Account of the Hiflories I read i of the admirable Virtues of the Ko- .maris and Greeks ; of the Degeneracy of the former under their Emperors. I told hei of the extravagant Villainies of Caligula y Nero, Domitian and Heliog.da- Jus ; the Condudl and Prudence of yiuguftus ; the Goodnefs of Vcfpafian, Trajan and the Automnes. M\ Lord, faid the charming little Creature on this Occafion, J h:c.ghter ^vith a deceitful Pretenfon of Lo-ve^ if 1 hiTid y:C'ir- ] that s a little skittilh, but he did not at all doubt but fhe would alter her Mind by the Promifes of Glory and Riches, which he begg'd leave of the King to promife in his Name.- The King gave him Authority to promife Mountains of Gold, nay and his Crown, if he thought that wou'd win her ; and afTured \\\m that his Ambiti; on cou'd not reach ib high, as he wou'd exalt him if he made good his Word. My Eugenia and I cou'd not have our Meetings {o clofe, but "his Spies had found them out, and given the King Notice of them. As he came now from her Father, Word was brought him that we were together, and that he might overhear our Difcourfe, and fo judge beft what he had to determine. He was fir'd with Madnefs at a Rival, which he fo much con- temned, but fully refoh'd to remove this Obllacle of his Love that very Night. While we were deploring our unhappy Fate, and curfing the Tyrant, and his odious Amour, he was plac'd fo as to hear every Word that we fpoke ; fo fo immediately burning in upon us he drew his Sword, and made immediately at me. Eugenia ft rove to get in betwixt us, while I flew like Lightning upon him, and vvrelled his Sword out of his Hand, and had that Mo- ment refcu'd Scotland^ had not his Followers been too near, who feizing me, difarm'd me, and wai:ed his Or- der to difpatch me that Moment. Eugenia, quite def- ponding, yet raifing her Spirit, defires the King to difmifs his Followers to a greater Diftance, and ihe had a few Words to fay to him perhaps to his Satif- fadion. With thofe Words llie caft fo gracious a Look on him, that he xou'd not refill her Commands, fo order- ing them to hold me at the fartheft Part of the Room, he retir'd to the other, to hear what Eugenia had to offer, il// Lordi (laid fhe) / confefs the only Ohjiacle to your Lo've has been this young Lordy 'whom I hav^ lo'v'd long ; and do love fo much, that for the fauing his Life, I may be brought to do that^ 'which all the IVorldy nor any 2^4- ^^^ Secret'History any tortures JhoiCd eer prevail on we to da othernulfe. If you lijill give me your royal Word to far don )0U7ig Lorn, and fet hitn at Liberty nxjhen I ha've comply' d ^vith your Defire't this Night I 'will do njjhat no other Conjideration tou'd make me. But yet in Pity to his Love, let him not think I buy his Life at fo foul a Price ; keep yet your Shoiv of ^nger, and command my Father to ajiri£lcr Watch 'ever him this Nighty than ever ; nay ivith your Threat of }fh Life if he he not forthcoming in the Morning. Thus I do him a Service, and not injure 7ny oven Pelutationj rvjhile nobody is confcious of the Crime but the Ailors in it. The King was infinitely plea^-'d with her Difcourfe, and concluded b/ all the Caution fhe us'd, that (he was fincere in her Intentions. But, my Dear, (faid he) think it not a Crime, it is a good SubjeSi*s Duty to obey his King in all his Commands ; a King is the Ficegerent of Heaven, not accountable to any but his Principal from nvhom he receiv'^d his Povjcr, that is God ; and he or Jhe 'who refjis his Will commits an horrid Crime, but thofe nvho are obedient can be guilty of none. She feem'd to be convinced by his Reafons, but begg'd his Obfervance of all fhe had defir*d, which im- mediately he did, breaking from her in a loud Tone, Madam, (cry d he) you know hisRanfom, or to Mor- row his Head fliali march after his Father's ; fhe put her Handkerchief to her Eyes, and anfvver'd net a Word. The King fent for the Thane, and rattl'd him feverely, gave him flrift Charge of the keeping me that Nighr, fmce I Ihcu'd die to morrow for attempting his Life, and invading him in hij Love; and that if I were not forth-coming his Head fhou'd anfwer it. The Thane exprefs'd his Lidignation againit us both, and afFur'd the King that he would take care to watch me to Night, and defirM to be freed from the Charge for the Future, fmce I had made {o ill Ufe of the Favours he had done me. The King however order'd a Sen- tinel to Itay in the Room all Night with me, and that none but the Thane himfelf fhou'd be permitted to come to me i fo locking me up, and leaving me alone, I had Time of MACBETH. 285 Time to confider of my certain Fate, which the Ma- lice of my Fortune had brought upon me. The Thane had a Window that look'd down into a Precipice, tho' of no very great Depth ; but however fo inacceffible, that no Guard was placed that Way i and he had before this provided a Cord of the full Length, and placM Horfes ready at his Stables at a little DiHance to receive us. Eugenia told her Father all that had pafied betwixt Macbeth and her, and that there was no longer Time to confider, unlefs he wculd forfeit his own, the young Thane of Lorns Life, and ray Honour j but all he had to do was on the firfl approach of Night, to make his Efcape with them to the neart'ft Sea-port, or Place of Security. The Thane taking her in his Arms wept over her a while ; at lift, faid he, '7/V certain, my dear Eugenia, nxe rkiU make ufe of this precious Moment of Timey that thy Wif dom has got us \ hut nvhat nvill be the E^jent of it I can t tell t The ®^' PREFACE. T^he Epiftle Dedicatory of iEneas Sylvius to Count Sehlick. To the moil Magnificent, and moft Gene- rous Knight, the Lord Cajpar Sehlick, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Lord of Newcajlle, Chancellor to the Empe- ror, i^c, iEneas Sylvius imperial Poet and Secre- tary^ jendetb Healthy &c. MA R I A N u s Sozinus of Sienna, my Countryman, a Man of an affable and eafy Temper, and of fo general Extent in all Manner of Literature, that I believe, I Ihall not eafily find his Fellow ; has lately very iiluch importuned me to defcribe to him two Lovers ; he was indifferent, whether the Story were a poetical Fiiflion or a Reality. You know he is a Man worthy the Name of Man, yet yoq will be furprifed at my Ac- count of him. Nature has been parfimoni- ous to him in nothing but Stature. He is indeed a very little Pv.^rfon, and ought to have been of my Family, whofe Surname cf Plccolomini^ figniiies Utile Men. He is elc- quent, and learned in both the Canon ai d CiVil Law *, lie is acquainted with all Hiflo- nes, llsillful in Poetry ; writes Verfe both in ..^ Latin and the Tufcan Tongue; is as great a ^'.^^l^uilvfophcr :ioPlafOj in Gcom:tiy equal CO rhe PREFACE. to Boetius \ in Arithmetic to Macrohius% he can play on all Manner of M-jfical Inftru- ments •, and is as knowing in Agriculture as Virgil himfelf. There is nothing of civil Af- fairs that he is ignorant of. While yet he was frefli, and in tlie Bloom and Vigour of his Youth, he was a perfect Mafter in all the vigorous Exercifes of his Age, nor could bs vanquiflied in any of them by any of his Co- temporaries. The VcfT.ls of lefTer Bodies fometimes gain a Value from their Smallnefs, as Jewels and precious Stqiies may witnefs. And as Statins fays of Tydctts. -^ m- Major in exiguo regnahat Cor pore Virtus, The lelfjr Bulk, the larger Soul contained. Had the Gods but given him Beauty and Immortality, he had been a God. Bat no mortal Man ever polTefTed a'l Things \ and I never knew any Man, who wanted lefs than Marianus. Nay, he is learned in the mod incon- fiderableThings. He paints likeanothery^^//^j-, and nothing can be more corredt and beauti- ful than thofe Manufcripts which he has wrote. Praxiteles was not a better Carver •, nor is he ignorant of Phyfic : to all which admirable Q^ualifications I muft add the mo- ral Virtues, which govern and diredt others. I have in my Time known feveral Perfons that have given themfelves to the Study of Letters, make a great Progrcfs in Learning, but they have nothing of Urbanity and the Civilities rhe PREFACE. Civilities of Life •, they know not how to go- vern either themfelves or others ; neither the Public, nor their own private Affairs. Flagarenfis was furprifed and amazed at his Bailiff, and accufed him of Theft, when he told him that his Sow had farrowed eleven Pig?, and his Afs but one Colt. Gomicius of Milan thought himfelf with Child, and long expecled to be brought to B.^d, be- caufe in Generation his Wife had taken his Place -, and yet thefe Men are looked on as the greatefl: Lights of the civil Law. In -others you find either Pride or Avarice. But this Man is extremely generous, and his Houfe is always full of honourable Acquaint- ance ; he is Enemy to none ; he defends the People •, comforts the Sick ; helps the Needy; aflifts the Widows ; and never difappoints the Hopes of any one that wants him. His Countenance, like Socrates^ is always the fame. He is undaunted in Adverfity, and never puft up with the greateft Profperity ; he knows fo well the Principles of Cunning, not to reduce them to Pradtice, but to be on his Guard againft them ; he is doated on by his Fellow-Citizens, and beloved by Stran- gers ; he is hateful nor cruel to none. But I do not know the Reafon that has induced a Man furnifhed with fo many Virtues, to de- fire a Thing of that Lightnefs. L only know this, that I ought to deny him nothing. For when I lived at Sienna^ I had a peculiar Love The PREFA CE. Love for him •, nor is my Love diminiflied tho' divided. And as he was endowed with all other admirable Qualities of Nature, fo was he mofl eminent for this, that he never let any Man's Love to him be barren, and without fome Benefit. I could not therefore think that the Re- quefts of fuch a Man ought to be negle6led ; and for thatReafon I have wrote the Adven- tures of two Lovers, without Fi6i:ion. The Affair happened at Siemia^ during the Abode of the Emperor Sigifmmid in that City ; you was there at the fame Time, and if I may believe my Ears, you beftowed fome of your Time and Addrefs in Love. It is the City of Venus. Your Friends, who know you well, fay that you were there much in Love, and that no Body was more gallant than your- fclf *, and believe that there was no Amour pall, at that Time, that you had not fome Knowledge of. I therefore defire you to read over this Hiftory, and fee whether I have wrote Truth or not ; blufli not if it call to your Mind any Tranfadbions of yours, that were like thefe, fince you were a Man, and therefore fubjed to the Frailty of Man. He zvho never was in Love^ is either a Stone or a Beaft, Farewell, Whether his Friend Sozinus merited this extraordinary Chara^er^ or whether iEneas Syl- . . vius ^^ PRE FACE. vius heightened that to jujiify his writing on fo cmoYous a Suhje5i at the Age of Forty^ I jhall not determine. The following Prologue will fet it in a plainer Light, Ihe PROLOGUE. ^fieas Sylvius^ Poet and imperial Secre- tary, to his Fellow-Citizen Marianus Sozhiiis, ProfefTor of both Civil and Canon Law, Health. * ' YOUR Requeft is not agreeable to my Age, and quite oppofite and repugnant to yours. For what can I, who draw near to forty, write of Love, or you of fifty hear? Love is a Theme that pleafes the Ears of Youth, and feeds on their tender Hearts. Love is as improper a Difcourfe to the Did, as Prudence is to the Young. Nor is there any Thing more odious and ridiculous than=- when old Age difcovers an Affedlation of A- mours without Strength. You may indeed find fome old Men that love, but you never can find one beloved: For old Age is defpifed in Marriage and Addrefies to the Fair. A Woman never loves any Man, that is not in his Vigour and Luilyhood. If any one would perfwade you to the contrary, iie would but impofe on you. I know very well that it is not proper lor my Years to write of Love, when I am now pall the Noon, and turning The PR EFA C E. turning on the Evening of Life. Bat then \j know, that it is equally improper for your Requeft, as for my Performance. It is my Duty to obey you -, you mud therefore take Care what you command me. Your fupe- rior Age impofes the Duty of Obedience on me by the Laws of Friendfliip •, which if your Juftice is not afraid of infringing by your Commands, my Folly fhall not fear to tranfgrefs by obeying them. I have received fo many Benefits from you, that I can deny nothing to your Defifes, altho* mixt with fomeching lefs honourable. 1 (Lall, there- fore, now obey that Requeft, which you have now ten Times repeated ; nor will J any longer refufe what you afked wuth fuch Importunity. Yet I fhall not, as you defire, feign a Story, nor make Ufe of my poetical Right, as long as it is in my Power to write a Truth : For who is fo fond of Falfhood as to lye when he can fpeak the Truth to more Advantage? Bccaufe you have often been in Love, and yet want not Fire, you would have me write a Story of two Lovers. 'Tis a Pronenefs to Amour that will not fuffcr you to be old. I will be complaifant to your In- clinations, and I will rouze all the amorous Spirits of this grey-headed Lover. Nor will i have Recourfe to Fi6lion, where I have fo great a Plenty of Truth. For what is more tommon all about the World ? What City, vvhat Village, what Family is free from Ex- amples The PR EFACE. amples of this kind ? What Man pad thirty has done no Exploit for the Sake of Love ? I form my Conjecture from Self,whom Love has expofed to a thoufand Dangers. I thank the Powers above, that I have a thoufand Times efcaped the Ambufhes laid for me ; more happy than Mars^ whom Vulcan caught, fn his Iron Net, in the Embraces of Venus^, and expofed them to the Laughter of the reft of the Gods. But I will rather choofe to relate others Amours than my own, leaft that, by ftirring up the Embers of the old Fire, I lliould yet find fome Spark alive. The Love I fhall give you an Account of, is full of Wonder, and almoft incredible, with which the Breafts of the two Lovers were on Fire. Nor will I have Recourfe to old forgotten Amours, but the violent Flames of our own Time. I will not entertain you with the Loves of Troy or Babylon^ but of our own Native City, tho* one of the Lovers was born nearer the North- ern Pole. Some Profit may perhaps be drawn from this very Story. For fmce the Lady, who is the Argument of the following Difcourfe, having loft her Lover, breathed out her Soul full of Grief and Indignation*, and the Gal- lant never after enjoyed a perfedl Satisfadlion ; It may be a juft and timely Warning to Youth, to avoid fuch criminal Amours. Let, therefore, the young Ladies hear, and gather this 7he PREP aX: E. this Leffon from what I relate, never to niin theinfelves in engaging in Love with young Gallants. This Story inltni(fls Youth not to lift themfelves in a Warfare, that yields more Gall than Honey ; bat calling off Lewdnefs,. and the furious Dictates of Lufl:, which make Men mad, they apply themfelves wholly to Virtue, which only can make a Man happy. If any one knows not the Multitude of Evils and Mifchiefs, that lie concealed in fo fpeci- ous a Name as Love, here he may have a full View of them. Farewell, my Friend, and pray lend your Attention to the Peru fal of that Story, which you commanded me to write. ^hefe ttvo Letters^ and vobat I have /aid aU ready ^ ijDill he ftifficient for the Author, I jhall only add for the Tran/lation^ that I have kept as near the Author* s Di^ion as was agreeable to the Difference of the Languages •, that I have never made any Scruple to. add^ where the Au- thor gave a Hint worth the improving \ and have ventured to leave out^ what I thought might prove tedious to an Englifli Reader, In the main^ I hope I may pretend to have done iEneas Sylvius Juflice, and given him fuch an Englifh Garb^ as very few of our modern French Authors weary when they vifit us in the Britifh Tongue. the Tl)e tKl^P ACE. ^Jhe Moral of this Fahle^ or rather Hifiory^ fi very good^ and yet fo general as to he extend- ed to all of this Nature^ that are jujlly writ *, hut the French generally make the Offenders 'Very eafy^ and meet no ^tinijhment hut what they find in the Infidelity of each other. THE [ 309] THE HISTORY' O F T H E AMOURS O F Count Sc H L I C K, ^c. EVERY Body already knows witli what Pomp and Magnificence Sicnnay the Place of both our Nativities, received the Emperor Sigifmon^/. They built a Palace for his Reception, near the Church of St. Martha ; where after the Ceremony of the Day, when he arriv'd, he was met by four Matrons, almoit of equal Quality, Beauty, Age and Habit. Any one might eafily miltake them for G. ddjfies, confeiTing no- thing mortal in their Afpearms of her Perfon. No Body tliat faw her, butenvy'd the Hap- pinefs of her Husband, who was fure to have as many Rivals, as his Wife had Beholders. Befides thefe, the general Air of her Face, difcovered a Thoufand en- g.iging and peculiar Graces. As to her Speech, what Tradition gives us of the Difcourfe of Cor?ieliay the Mo- ther of the G/-/7r^-^/, or the Daughter of Orteftu^^ was true of her, for nothing could be more fweet and modefl:, than what Ihe faid. She made not a Show of Honefty, with a four and fupercilious Look, as moft of her Sex affed to do, but difcovered a vifible Modefty in a chear- ful Countenance ; not dalhed with a too bafhful Rullici- ty, nor too forward and bold in her Deportment, but bore a Mafculine Soul in her Female Heart, tempered with a becoming Modeity. The Ornaments of her Drefs were various, every where diftinguilhed with Jewels and precious Stones ; her Head drefs was both graceful and rich, and her Fingers adorned with Dia- mond Rings of confiderable Value. Helen difcovered not more betwitching Charms that Day, when Mene- Jaus firft had Paris for his Gueft ; nor was /Andromache fet out with greater Magnificence on the Day of her Marriage to Hector. In this beauteous Company was Catharine the Wife of Petrucio^ who dying foon after this Solemnity, had Ceefar himfelf in the Train of her Mourners, having be- fore devoted her Infant Son to the Service of the Empe- ror ; a Lady of uncommon Charms, though much In- ferior to thofe oiLucretia. Every ones Mouth was full of the Beauties of Lucretia^ and Lucretia was the whole Subjed of every Difcourfe. She had the Tribute oi C^far^s Praife, and that of the whole Court, and drew the Eyes of all that were prefent to whatever Place (he turned herfelf. As it is faid, that Orpheus by 312 The History of the by the Power of his Lute drew Wbods and Rocks to his Harmony, fo did Lucretitt by her Eyes all that beheld her. But Euriahis of Franconia^ whofe Perfon and Wealth, made him extreamly fit for a Lover, was more, than all the reft, and beyond the Bounds of Juftice, born by an impetuous Paffion to be her pecu- liar Devote : He was not yet quite thirty two Years of Age, of a middle Stature, of a gay and graceful Mien, fprightly Eyes, foftned with an engaging Swectnefs, and all other Parts of his Body compofing a graceful Majefty of Mafculine Beauty. The other Courtiers after a long Campaign were not fo well drefs*d, or fo plentifully furnifhed with Gold ; but he by his own pa- ternal Wealth and Eftate, and thefingular Advantage of the peculiar Friendftiip and Favour of the Emperor, which drew to him abundance of Prefents, appeared every Day more fplendid in the Eye of the World. He was followed by a long Train of Servants ; he one Day wore his Cloaths all over embroider'd with Gold, ano- ther Velvet enobled with the Tyrian Dye, and every Day vary'd his Equipage with forae Pomp and Magni- ficence. His Horfes were fuch as the Fables tell us, came to the Siege o^Troy with Memnon. In fhort, there was nothing wanting bur Quiet and Eafe to kin- dle up that kindly Warmth of Mind, which we call Love. But Youth, and that Luxury of good Fortune, by which Love is nourifhed, prevailed ; and EuriaJus was now no longer Mafter of himfelf; he no fooner faw Lucreiia^ but his Heart look Fire, and dwelt on her Face; he thought he could never fatisfy his Defire with looking upon her, nor did his Love prove vain; The Event was wonderful. The Number of handfome Men was great; but Lucretia c\\o{t only Eu- rinlui ; nor was the Train of beautiful Ladies inconfi- derable, yet Eur talus could think of none but Lucrdia. ■•Tis true, they were noc fo happy, as to be fenfibleat that Interview of the mutual Flame they had caufed in each others Breaft ; but both had the Pain to fear, that each loved without any Return from the Perfon be- loved. As foon, therefore, as the tedious Ceremony of Amours of Cowtt Schlick. 313 Xuiticipaie the Wickednefs by a generous Death ; e^oew Thing ^a-ill eafil} funiijh me nvith the Means of that, a Dagger, Poifon^ or throwing my) f elf from hence into the Street ; it is Ju/i that I revenge the Forfeiture of my Chafity , and this is all xonv that I JJ^all attempt. I will not fufFer it (faid Sofas) Alas! (repl)'d Lu- cretia) youUl frupgle in 'vain, for wchen the Mind is bent on Death, it is irnpoffible to pre^vent it ; for ivhen the S'word 'Was taken from Portia, Cato'j Daughiery on the- Death o/" Brutus, fje pivallo'w''d burning Coals. If Jo dire a Fury poffeffes your Mind (laid S-)fas)ix;e are rather to conjult your Life than Fame. Reputation it often fallacious y a good one being be/lo'tv'd on an e-vil Man, and one that is nuorfe on a Man of Honour. I 'will try this Eurialus; and diligently apply myfclfto thefe amorous Affairs \ this /hall be my Pro'vince^ ofivhicb, if I mijlakt not, I Jhall be able foon to girue you a good Account, Thefe Words gave Love a frelh Fire, and Hope ta her doubtful Mind. Yet he did not defign to proceed as he promised ; he endeavour'd by Djlays to afluage the Fury of her Mind, becaufe Time produces a Cure,, that nothing elfe can effed. Scfas bejiev'd, that he cou*d by falfe Toys keep her in Sufpence. eirh'-rfil ''->-'» Emperor ihnnM ^.^, .... i^ouia ilek anotner Mefftn- ger, or that fhe fhould lay violent Hands on hericlf. He often, therefore, pretended to go and come between che Lovers, and that he was tranfported with her Love, and only waited a happy Opportunity to accomplifhbcth their Defires. Sometimes he pretended that he was fgnt out of Town, and delay'd their Wifhes till his Re- turn, and thus he fed her fickly Mind for many Days ; but that he might not tell her always Falfities, he once addrefs'd himfelf to Eurialus in this Manner ^ Did you but kno^o honv you are belo-Sd ! but wou'd give him no Aufwer on his Enquiry, what he meant- by the Exclamation. P 4 Bdtr- 3^0 7he History of the But Eurlaliis, ftruck deep with Arrows of Love, gave himfelf no Repofe, while the furtive Fire devour'd his Blood and Marrow ! yet he knew not Sajias., nor that ho had been fent to him by his charming Lucretia, every Alan having lels of Hope than Delire. When Euria/us found himfelf in Love, he had Recourfe to his Prudence, and often rep roach'd himfelf in this Manner. Tou kno'w^ Eurialus, n>jhat the Empire of Love is, long Griefs and Jhort Pleafures ; liitle jfoys and great Fears. A Lonjer is a/ivays dyi»g, but ne-ver dead. What makes you again de-viate into thefe Trifes. But when he found all his ilruggling fruitlefs. To 'vjhat Purpofe alas ! do I frive in Gods., nor is that Verfe of Ovid'j true, M groivn Bright Majefty and Love hut ill agree. And feldom in one P erfon join d <^tje fee . For nxho is a greater Lover than our prefent Csefar ? Hoio often has he been a Sla file was not a little concern'^, that fo infainous a Crea- ture fhou'd be fent to her on this Errand ; fo that turn- ing to her with fome Fury, What faucy hnfudence (faid ihe) has gin} en theeBoldnefs to etiter my Houfe? What Frenxy. has prenjaiTd on thee to dare to approach a Lady of my Ponjoer and ^juality in this City? Dar''J} thou ^venture to- enter the Palaces of the Nobility ^ and attempt the Corrup' tion of a Woman of'^iality? I can fcarce forbear tear- ing out thy Eyes: Day-'Jl thou bring Billets to tne ? Speak to me againft n.y Virtue P and look on 7ne as thy Prey ? Had I not more Regard to Decency, and ivhat is ft for me to do, than nvhat is thy Due, I njjoud this Motnent fpoil you for a Letter Carrier to Cupid as long as thee liifd. Begone therefore^ and that quickly^ thou Witch, nvith thy Letters, noy rather gi-'ve me the I^etter that I may tear it in a thoufand Pieces^ and thron.o them into- the Fire. hi thefe Words Ihe fnatcher the Paper out of the Bawd's Hands, and tears it to Pieces, and trampling thein under her Feet, fhe threw them into the Alhes. This Punijhmcnt ought likcwife to he yours, faid file too, infa- mous Creature^ more n.vorthy the Fire, than Life. But fy aivay immediately, lejl my Husba?id coiTje and fnd thee here, and tho* 1 hai'e forginjen thee, punijh thee according to thy Defert ; but have a Care thou come no more in my. Sight. Another Woman wcuM have been frighted at thefe- Threats, and feeming Anger ; but this Bawd was too; well acquainted with the Temper of the Wives of Sienna, and therefore mutter'd to herfelf No~cv am I cer^ tain, that you defire moji, f nee you pretend an An: erf on — And then fpeaking out to Lucretia, (he faid — / thought,. T^ladam, that I had done an Offue agreeable to your De- fres ; if I am mijiaken, 1 hope your Lady/hip ivi II forgive ?ny Sin of Ignorance ; and if you nx:ill not ha-ve me come any^ more to your Houfc, IJhall, Madam, obey yvur Coinmands ;. and leanje you to ■ refeci on the Lonje you njuou'^d feem to .■ defpife. ^ Having fpoke this, fhe went her way ; andTiaving found EurialuS) fhe flatters him in thid Manner. Take P 6 courage, » 2_24 ^he History of the C6urage^tncji fortunate Lover, the Ladfs PaJJton is greater fir you, than yours fir her j but I had the ill Luck to come 'when Jhe coud not ha, ' \[ ^ He therefore replies to Lucretia % Billet, * 'That vhe ought not to be angry with him for fending an infa- mous Woman on his Errand, fmce his Ignorance of the Place, and of the People, as a Stranger, might very well excufe his Miftake. That the Motive and Caufe of his fending, was a Love, that aim'd at no- thing diihonourable ; that he believ'd her model! and chafte, and by Confequence worthy of the greater Paf- fion ; that an infolent Woman, and one profufe of her Honour, he was fo far from loving, that fhe was his utmoil: Averfion ; for when once a Woman had forfeited her Reputation, fhe retained nothing valua- ble about her ; that Beauty indeed was a Benefit, yeilding abundance of Pleafure, but then it was frail and fleeting, and without Modelly of no Value ; that fhe who join'd Beauty and Chartity was a truely divine Worn in : That he knew her Miftrefs of both thefe Perfedions, and that was the Reafon, that he cou'd not but love her, nor fhou'd he defire any Thing loofe or injurious to her Fame; that all he defir'a was to come to her Speech, where he fhou'd be able to exprefs himfelf better than he cou'd in Writing.— With thefe Letters he fent fome Prefents valuable both for the Matter and VVcrk. To this Lucretia made the following Reply. YQIJ?^ Letter has remo'v'd my Caufe of Complaint on ■ Account of the fcandalous Bearer ofyourfrfi. / fet 710 great Value on your Declaration of Lo'ue^ f nee you are neither the firjiy nor the only Man, that my Beauty has led ajiray. Many haue^ and many do love me, and made their Addrejfes to me in 'vain, nor Jh all your Endeanjout^i •, meet nvith better Succefs. Give you a Meetings I neither '^^ fan, nor 'will-. Nor can you find me alone, unlefs you change Jour/el '326 T^he History of the ' yourfelf inld a S*waIIorw. My /Ipartment is 'very higl%. and all the Anjenues fortify* d ivith Spies. Tour Prefenti I recciai'dy hecaufe I lilCd the tVorktnanJhip. But that you Jball gi've me ?iothing nvithout a njaluable Confide ration^ and that they may not feem the Pledges of Love, I fend you a Ringi that my Husband made a Prefent of to my Mother, as the Price of the Jenjjelsy for the Ring I fend you is not ofleffer rvalue. Adieu. To this Billet Eurialus made the folloioing Reply. * XZOUR Billet gave me no fmall Joy to find that X. * you had difmifs'd your Complaint about my- * firft MefTenger ; tho' it gave me no little Pain to * find you fet fo little Value on my Love. For tho' * you have a thoufand Adorers, yet no Breaft burns * with a Fire like mine. You do not believe this, but * it is becaufe I am not admitted to you to con- * vince you of your Error, elfe you wou'd not con- * temn me. Oh ! that I cou'd indeed transform myfelf *.- into a Swallow, tho' I Ihould rather wiih the Meta- * morphofis into a Flea, elfe you might fhut the Window * againfl me. But my Grief arifes not from your Want 1^ of Power, but Want of Will; for what fticu d I re- t;gard but the Mind? Ah! my Lucretia! Why did * ycu fay that you wou'd not fee me ! What ! were it * in your Power, wou'd you net allow me one Word ? * Me, who am all entirely yours ? All whofe Defires * are to obey you ; who, fliou'd you command me to * go into the Fire or Precipices, through Seas, wou'd * make my Obedience almoil anticipate your Command. * For God's Sake leave out that unkind Word; if you * have not the Power,, at leail have the Will. Kill * me not with your Words, who draw my Life from ' your Eyes. Alter that fevere Sentence, by which. •_ you aflure me, that all my Labour will be in vain. -• Far be fuch obftinate Cruelty from your Heart ; be * more companionate and tender of your Lover. If you * proceed in this Manner you will be a Murtherefs ; * for believe it, your Words will foaner find a fatal J PaiTage to my Heart, than the Sword of any ether, . „ * Tho* Amours of Count Schlick. 327 Tho' I will not here prefs any more Favours, yet I mufl: ask you to return Love for Love. You have no Objedion to this ; this no Body can hinder ; tell me, that you love me, and you make me the happiell of Men. I am pleas'd that you keep my Prefents on any Terms, they will put you in Mind of my Palfion ; 'tis true they were of Imall Value, and thefe I fend now are of lefs, yet do not defpife the Ofterings of Love. When thofe I expedl every Day of greater Confequence arrive, Lucre tia (hall be fure of receiv- ing my Acknowledgment. Your Ring fhall never go off my Finger, which inllead of you, I will moiften with my Kiffes. Adieu, my Delight, and fend me what Comfort you can afford me. After feveral Letters to this Purpofe, Lucretia fends him at laft the following Billet. I Am willing, Eurialus, to comply with your Defire?, and make you a Partner in my Love, as you requeft, for your Quality, and your Merits forbid your loving in vain. I fhall not fay how agreeable your Perfon may be in my Eyes j but to love wou'd be very injurious to myfelf. I know my felf too well, that fhou'd I oiice begin to love, I fhou'd pafs all Bounds. You can't lia/ here long, and yet when I have given a Loofe to my Heart, I cannot be without you. You wou'd not take me with you, and I cou'd not flay behind you. I have too many Examples before my Eye5, of the dangerous Confequence of an Amour with a Foreigner, to venture to love you. Jafon deceived Medea, tho' by her Means he threw the wakeful Dragon into a Sleep, and bore away the golden Fleece. Jhefeus was to be thrown a Prey to the Mmotaur, but by the Counfel of Ariadne he efcap'd, yet he cou'd fleal from her in the Nighr, and leave her exposed in an Ifland by herfelf. Did not her Love for a Stranger bring the unhappy Dido to a difmal End ? No, no, Sir, I know very well the Danger that attends me in an Amour of this Nature ; I fhall there- fore never expofe my felf to fuch Hazards. You Men are of a more flay'd andfolid Judgment, than we Wo- men; 328 7he HisTO'RY of the men; you can reign and rule the Fury of your Paflions as you pleafe ; but when once a Woman admits the Fu- ry of Love, Death only can terminate her Pafiion ! A Woman may be faid to bemad, not in Love, and un- lefs there be a correfpondent Affeftion, there is no great- er Terror than a Woman in Love, When once we have given Admiflion to the fatal Fire, we regard neither Fame nor Life, and only purfue the Enjoyment of the Man beloved j nor will any Danger deter us in the Pur- fuit of Love. Being, therefore, a Wife, a Woman of Quality and Wealth, in Prudence I mull Ihut out all Thoughts of Love from my Bofom, efpecially of a Stranger, which can be of no Continuance, left I fliould be look'd on as another Rhodopean Phyllis^ or Lesbian Sapho. I beg you therefore to prefs me no farther for my Love, but with all the Speed you can ftifle and ex- tinguifh your own ; for that is what a Man can do with far greater Eafe than a Woman. And if it be true, that you love me, you will not ask that of me, that mull be my Ruin. In Return of your Gifts I fend you a Golden Crofs let with Diamonds ; which, tho' fniallj is of Value. Jdieu, Eurialus having received this Billet, gave not over the Combat, but immediately taking Pen in Hand, he wrote the following Reply. Eun'alus's Anfwer. My Souly I iKnJh you Healthy nvho hy your Letter^ LucretJa, ba^e made me immortal ^ tho* the Man that krves you, rwhat nvould you do to him that does yot^ axty Prejudice or En^ilJ^^Ah^^ ^'cfrYjhment ', take me into thy GraceTadmUme to thy Fanjour ; at length tell me that I am dear to you, that is all I defire. Let me ha-ve the Pleafure of faying, that 1 am the Servant of Lucretia, and Kin^s and Emperors lo've thofe Ser^vants they find faithful: Nor do the Gods themfehes difdain to return lo'v'e for Love. Adieu, my Hopes. ■ As a Tower undermined falls on the firft Affault, fo- did the Refolution of Lucretia, on reading the Letter of Eurialus, which gave the Viftory to his Love, i-or having made Trial of the Affiduity and Perfeverance ot. I Amours of Count Schllck. 331 her Lovei, llie freely dlfcovered in the following Billet, that Love which (he had fo long diffembled in her Bo- fom. Lucretia's Anfwer. Can no longer refill your Affauhs, nor fuffer you^ Eiirialus^ to be any longer excluded a Share of my Heart. You have overcome, and now I am yours. How miferable has the Receipt of your Letters made me, unlefs your Fidelity and Prudence preferve me from the Dangers that threaten me ! See that you pundually obferve all that you have writ to me. J now furrender myfeif to your Love ; if you forfake me, you arc cruel, ! a Traytor, and the woril of Men. Ic is cafy to de- ceive a poor Woman, but by how much tlie more eafy it is, by fo much the more bafe and unmanly. As yet all is well, if you defign to forfake me, let me know it before Love takes too firm Hold of me ; nor let us be- gin an Affair, which we ftiall hereafter repent. We ought to regard the End of every thing we undertake. As a Woman I have but little Fore-fight j as a Man you ought to take Care, both of me and yourfelf. I furrendcr myfeif up to you, and depend on your Faith; nor do I begin to be yours, but that I may be always yours. Aciju, my Defence, and Conduder of my Life. After this many Letters pall betwixt them, and Eurialus wrote not with moie Ardour, than Lucre- tia anfwered. Their Defire of meeting was mutual and equal, but the Difficulties feemed unfurmount- able, fince Lucrctia had the Eyes of every Body on her, and never llirred out alone, or without a Spy to attend her. Argos had not a more watchful Regard to the Charge committed to him by yuno^ than Menelaus had commanded fhould be had of Lucretia. 'Tis a common Vice of the Italians to hide their Wives like their Money under Bars and Bolts, but in my Opinion, to little Advantage or Purpofe. For Women, to fpeak generally, defire that moil which they are the moil fe- verely forbidden ; who when ycu have a Mind to it refulie you, and when you defill feek you of their own accord. Were thcfe lefs rellrained they would fin lefs frequently. 3'}2 The History of the /requently. So that it is much as eafy a Matter to corr- £nea V\'oman,as to keep a Stock of Gnats in the Sun. If a Woman have not a natural Chaflity, to no purpofe does a Husband plague her wkh Locks and Bars. But who (hall keep thofe Keepers ? The Wife is cunning, and always begins with her Guard. Woman is a wild untam'd Animal, that no Bridle can curb. Lucret'tn had a Baftard-brother, by whom fhe con- vey'd her Letters to Eurialus ; for him Ihe had made a Confident of her Amour; and with him fiie agrees, that he fhould privately admit Eurialus into the Houfe he had here with Lucretid'^ Mother, to whom (he often paid Vifits, and from whom as often received them, and the Diftance was not great from each others Houfe. Thus their Plot lay. That as foon as her Mother was gone out to Church, Lucretia fhould come to pay her a Vifit, and there finding Eurialus in the Parlour, fhcu'd pafs her Hours with him. The Meeting was appoint- ed in two Days time; which feemed to the Lovers longer than two Years ; for the Hours feem long to thofe who hopefomething, that is good; but fhort and fwift to thofe who fear and exped any Evil. But Fortune difappointed this Happinefs of the Lo- vers ; the Mother fmelt out the Defign, and to prevent it, took her Son-in-law out with her when fhe went to Church. The trufly Squire informs Eurialus of the Misfortune, who felt as much Pain for it as did Lucre- tia herfelf ; who when fhe underftood, that her Defigns were difcovered, faid. Since this zuay has mifi'd of Suc- ce/Sy I muji take another Lour fey ncr f:) a II my Mother have Power fufficient to diffaf point my Pleafures. There was one Pandalus a Relation of her Husband's, to whom fhe had confided the Secret, for her Mind was too much on Fire to defift. She lets Eurialus know, that fhe would treat with this Man, becaufehe was truf- ty, and could procure them a Meeting. But Eurialus did not think it fafe to confide in him, whom he faw always with Menelaus^ and fancy'd that there was fome Treachery in the Matter. While Things wei-e in this State, Eurialus is depute4 by. the Emperor to go to the "**■ Pope Amours o/' C(?//^^ Schlick. 335 Pope to adjuft the Time of bis Coronation, which was very difagreeable News to both the Lovers ; but there was no refuring the Ccmraands of C^/ar. He is gone on his EmbaiTy, and flays there two Months. Lucretra. in the mean while never Hired out ; kept her V; indovvs clofe, and put on Mourning. Every body wondered at her Condudl, but no body knew the Caufe. All her Servants thought they dwelt as much in the dark as in a full Eclipfe of the Sun, by her Retirement ; feeing her always fad and often lying on her Bed, they concluded, Ihe was not well ; they therefore fought what Remedies they could to remove the Evil; but fhe never fmiled or went out of her Bed-chamber, till fhe heard that the Empcrcr was gone to meet Euri^jlus on his Return. Then, as if ihe had ftarted from a profound Sleep, throwing afide her Mourning Drefs, fhe put on all her Ornaments, fet open her Windows, and expedted his Approach with joy in her Eyes. Which when the Em- peror obferved. Deny it no more, Eurialus, /77^/^f, tht Matter is as plain and evident ns the Sun. While \ou fvers nhfcnt, no Body couli fee -Lucretia, but now you are come back behold Aurora breaks forth. Love has no Bounds ^ and can be no more hid, than a Cough. Your Majeily is pleafed to banter me, and divert yourfelf at my Expence, {aid he. For my Part I know nothing of the Matter, perhaps the Neighing of your Horfe, and this Prance- ing may have roufed her from her Sleep. And reaving faid thus, he ftole a Glance to Lucrttia, and fixt his Eyes on hers ; and that was the firll Confuh they had aiter his Return. In a few Days Kifus the faithful Servant and Com- panion of Euriaius, had found out a Tavern behind the Houfe of Menelaus fo fituated, that from a Room there he might fee into Lucretia's Anti-Chamber. Ni- fus engages the Vint'ner, and carrying Eur talus up, told him, thence he might Difcourfe with his Lucreti'a. This Place was divided from her Apartment by a Gutter, of about three Yards wide, in which the Sun never fhone. Here the Lover feated himfelf and waited to fee whether Chance might not bring Lucreiia to his Sight. 334 T/je History of the Sight. He was not deceived in his Expeflation?, (he was Toon in the Roam looking about her Affairs. What are you -doing, the Governcfs of my Life, faid Eurialus ; whether turn you your Eye , my Soul ? turn this Way, my Safety, my Life, thofe Eyes, and fee your Eurialus ; look, look on me, on me for here I am. Are you here, my Eurialus^ replied Lucretidy I can now talk with you, oh ! that I could embrace you too with thefe Arms. That I can eifily compafs,y^/i Eurialus, for I will bring a Ladder hither, and mount to your Win- dow, you look to your Bed-Chamber, we have delayed our Joys too long. Have a Care, my Eurialus y if you have any Regard to my Safety ; this Window on the Right-hand belongs to the worft of Neighbours, nor is there any Confidence to be put in the Vintner, who may i'acrifice either of us to a little Money. Let it fuf- fice now that there be free Accefs for our Speech, we will find fome other Meafures of meeting. But I die, faid Eurialus^ unlefs I prefs you in thefe Arms. They had a long Difcourfe out of this Place, and their Gifts were conve)'ed by a fplit Arrow, both equally generous in their Offerings. Sofias dilcovered the Interview, and thu£ faid to him- felf, I find that I lliove in vain to oppofe the Paffion of thefe Lovers ; if I apply not my utmoft Cuaning, my Lady will perifli, and my Mafter fall under an infa- mous Reputation. It is thefafeft Way in tliefe Cafes to divert the worfl of thefe Evils. Let my Millrefs love on, and enjoy her Love, if it remain a Secret, it is a meer Baggatelle. She is blind with. Love, and there- fore fees not what fhe dees. If a Woman's Chaftity cannot be preferved, to prevent the Knowledge of the I-ofs, is fufficient to fave the Family from Infamy. I will go, therefore, and offer my Service ; I oppofed it fo long as I was able, to prevent the Wicked nefs from being committed ; but fince I could not do that, my Bufmefs now is to conceal what is done. The Difference is not very great betwixt not doing at all, and conceal- ing what i? done. Luft is of a general Extent, nor is there any Man free from the Iniection j he only is ef- teemed Amours of Count Schllck. 335 teemed the chafteft, who a6ls with the mod Caution. While he was in tiiefe Soliloquies, Lucretia comes out of her Chamber, and fo coming up to her, he faid, * How * comes it to pafs, Madam, that you keep yur Amour * a Secret from me ? You love Eurialus ilill, and yet ' you conceal your Love from me. Have a C re whom * you confide in. The firft Degree of Wifdom is not * to love at all, the fecond is to love fo that the Affair * remain a Secret ; you cannot carry on this Intrigue by * yoi'rfelf, and you have had a long Experience of my * Fidelity to you ; if you will put any Confidence in * me, and employ me in any Part or Office of your ' Pleafure, I fhall take the higheft Care to keep all con- ' cealed that you may efcape a Puniihment, and your * Husband the Reflexions of his Neighhojrs.* Lucretia m2idt xhis Reply to ^'o/t/^/s Olfcr of Service. * What you have faid, Sojias, is very true, and I af- * fure you I have great Confidence in you ; but yoa * feemed negligent of, and oppofite to my Defires ; but * fince you offer yourfelf, 1 will make Ufe of thy Dili- * gence without the Fear of Treachery. You know with * what Ardour I burn, I cannot long bear this Flame ; * help U3 that we may be together without Witnefs. Eu- * rialus languifhes for Love, and I die. There is no- * thing more pernicious than to withfland our Defires. * Had we once but met, our PafTions would be more * moderate, and our Love more concealed. Go, there- * fore, to Eurialus, and tell iiim the only Way of our * meeting is about four Days hence, when the Country- * men bring in our Corn ; for him to put on a Carter's * Habit, and drive one of the Carts in, and carry the * Sacks of Corn up the Stairs into the Granary ; yoa * know my Bed chamber has the firll Door opening on * thefe Stairs ; give Eurialus a full Account of att * Things, I will attend him here, till the Time come, * and then I will be in my Bed, let him gently pufh the * Door open, and come to me.' So/ias»^ tho* he found it a difficult Attempt, fearing worTe ''^^^ follow, undertook the Matter ; and having found £;^;^,«,. ^' 8*f, ^ZX ff 1" h"' "'" ^'' ^"' ftreff« Stratagcmf •>, J^""" Lkes the Hint, papar« §36 The History of th' ' ail Things neceffary, and dreffing himfelf in this Equi- page, complains of nothing but Delay. The Morning now coming on, the Sun appearing brings the long'd for Refrefhment to the eager Wiflies" of Eun'alus, full of Expcftation and Defire, who now efteemed himfelf happy and fortunate. When he had mingled himfelf among the vile Servants, and not to hi known by any that faw him, he drives on his Cart, and coming into Lucretia\ Houfe, he takes up his Load, and having put his Wheat into the Granary, he wr» thtf lall of thofe that cime down, and as he had Diredion^, he pufiies open the Door in the midil of the Stairs, and being entered, he found Lucretia all alone ; and coming near, he cried. My Soul^ my Life, my Hopes. Noiju I ha've found thee alone, and no'vo all my Wijhes are ac'- complijhed, that I embrace thee ifjithoiit any Wttnefs of our Actions J no Wall no^cv, nor any Diflance leffens or in- tercepts the Si^ht, Lucretia, tho' fhe ordered this Affair herfelf, was yet furprifed at firfl, and doubted whether fhe faw Eurialus or a Ghoil, imagining that fo great d Man would never expcfe himfelf to fuch Hazards. But fo foon as ihe found it to be really Eurialus in his Em- braces, fhe burll out into an Extafy. Is it you indeed, my dear one? Are you here indeed, ^ry Eurialus r And a ruddy Blufii fpreading over her Face, fhe prefs'd hint clofe in a ftridt Embrace ; and kiffing his Eyes and Fore- head in a rapturous Silence, fhe then llarted into Speech again, and * Alas! my Id^zx, /aid /he, to what Dan- * gers have you expofed yourfelf ? What need of more * Words ? It is now evident, that I am moll dear to * your Heart ; and I have now made Trial of your * Love ; nor fliall you f nd me lefs true, or lefs loving. * Let but the Gods give us a profperous F.ate, and a * happy Event to our Amour, fo long as Life animates * theie Limbs, none fhall have any Power in Lucretia * but her Eurialus ; not even my Husband ; if I may * properly call him a Husband, who was forced oh ' me againfi my Inclinations, and who had never my * Confent. But come, my Pleafure, my Delight, ofj* f with this couife Covering, and difcover thykWio me, as Amours of Count Schlick. 337 * as thou art ; awiy with thefe Cir:ers Garments^ * throw afide thefe Cordf, and let me fee my Eutialus. fie loon threw off his courfe Dirguife.and fhone out in Purple and Gold ; and was hurrying with al! the Speed of eager Defire to the Goal of Love, when Sofun knocking at the Door, cried out to then:, * Have a * Cire, ye Lovers, for I fee yonder Mentlaus returning * Home for fcmcthing or other; conceal your ThefcS, * and bubble the Husband with Addrcfs. 1 hen, faid * Lucretia, under the Bed there is a Place, that will * conceal you, for there feveral Things of \'alue lie. * you know what I wrote to you, if my Husband Ihould * find us together ; come get into this Hole, the Dark- * nefs will there fecure you, ftir not a Jot, not fpit, leaii * we be 9II difcovcred.' Enrialus, doubtful what to d>.Q^ fubmits to the CcnJuiftof his Miftreff, and flie opening the Doors, fits down again to her Work. Then Mene- lausy and with him Beliu came in to fe^k for feme Writings belonging to the City Affairs, which, when he could find in none of his Cabinets and Scrutoires, he faid, perhaps "'tis in our hiding Place, Lucretia, hiivga Light hither y and let us look for the?n here. Eurialus was ftruck almc'll dead with thefe Words, and now his F^ar detra«fled from the Charms and Men'ts o{ Lucretia, upbraiding himfelf in this Manner. ' Curfe * on my Felly, what compelled me to this Place, but * my Levity ; now fiiail I be caught n:ipping, and be- * come the Jeft and Talk of the Town, and loofb the * Favour of the Emperor ; nay perhaps I ftiall not 'icape * hence with my Life. Who can deliver me ? no Tnui'l * certainly die for it ! O molt vain and greatell of Fco's ; * I have willfully fallen into this Snare; what are thelpys ' of Love, if we mat pay fuch a Price for tlicm ? MVh's * Ignorance is wonderful, he will not undergo fhort La- * hours for long Joys ; and yet for Love, whofe very * Joys are Hke Smoke, he vv;ll expofe himfeh to infinite * Hazards. But if ever I get out of tin's Straight, Love * Ihall never again get me jnto his Noofe. Lucretia was not in lefs Pain, both for herfcif and her Lover ; but ss a Woman, is always rcadieft in fud- dQn Danger, having found out a Remedy for the Evil ; Q * ray 33^: ^he History cf the * my Dear, /did Jhe to her Husband, there is a little * f abinet over the Window where I remember I faw * you put fome Papers and Records j let us go fee whe- * ther this that you want be not there laid up.*- Im- mediately running to the Window, as if fhe would o- pen tlie Cabinet, fhe cunningly threw it out of the Window, as if it had fallen itfelf by Accident. My Dear, my Dear, faid fhe, make hade leaft we loofe fbmething or other, the little Cabinet is fallen out of the Window ; make hafle down, leaft I loofe fome of my Jewels or Writings ; go, go, get you gone both, what do you ftand llill for, I will here watch that no Body fleals any Thing. The Ladies Boldnefs is worthy Remark. Now let any Man be fo Fool hardy as to truft a Womjn, for there is no Man fo fharp fighted, but a Woman can de- ceive. He only is not deceived, whom his Wife has not yet endeavoured to deceive. Our Happinefs de- pends more on our good Fortune than our Underftand- ing. Moved with this Accident, boih Mtn'-hus and Betas run with all Speed down Stairs to fecure the Ca- binet. 'This ^-^vQ Eurinlus Time, to change his Station, who, by Lfdcretia's Diredion, retired to a new Hiding- place. The Husbind and his Friend having gathered Dp the Jewels and Writings with the Cabinet, and not finding what they wanted there, met with it where Eu- rialus had been hid, and fo taking their Leave went their Way. They were no fooner gone, but Lucretla opening the Door of Eurialus's Lurking-hole, called to him. * Come forth, my Eurialus, come forth, my Soul ; * come, thou Sum and Suhllance of all my Joys ; thou * Spring of all my Pleafure, come forth ; come, the < Hoard of my Joy ; come, thou incomparable Sweet- « nefs, all Things are now fafe j now we have full * Freedom for our Difcourfe; now we may embrace * in Security ; Fortune had a Mind to oppofe our Hap- * pinefs, but the GoJs regard our Loves with a favour- * able Eye, and will not forfake two fuch faithful * Lovers. Corae, come into my Arms, there is no- thinjr Ai^oURS of Coimt Schlick. 33^ 'thing now to interrupt us, my Lily, nvy Bed of Rol"-^ *' es ; why delay you ? What do you fear ? I your Za- « cretia am here ; what makes you forbear the Em- ' braces of your Lucretia\ Eurialusy fcarce yet recovered of the Fright, Gomes'^ oat of his Hole, and embracing his Miftrefs, * Never * ( [aid he) was I in fo much Fear in all my Lifc^,, * But you are worthy of all we can undergo ; no ManJ * ought to tafte thofe KifTe-, or come into thofe Arms' * on cheaper Terms ; nor have 1, to confefs the Truth/* * yet deferved fuch a Happinefs. Could 1 come to Life"^ * again after Death, and enjoy fuch Charms, t ihould « not make any Scruple to die a thoufand Times to^ * purchafe your Embraces. O ! my Happinefs, my ' * Elifs ; do I really fee you ? Is it really fo ? Am I * not deceived by the Illufion of fome vain Dream ? '' * Nj 'tis you whom I hold in my Arms,' Lucretia had on a fmcoth Night-Gown, wliich co-'' vered her Limbs without any Fold or Wrinkle, hiding neither her round fwelling Breafts, or be'ying any na- tural Beauty of her Farts or Limbs. The fnowy white of her Neck fhewed itfelf without Veil ; and her Eyes darted Rays like the Beams of the Sun. Joy danced in her Looks, and Gaity in her Face, while her glow- ing Cheeks difcovered a curious Mixture of the Lilly and the Rofe; her Smiles were fweet and modell; her Bofomfull, on which her Breafts like two Apples fwel- led on each Side, while their gentle Heaving fet the Defire in a Flame. This Sight had raifed ^uriaJus too high to fuffer him to delay the Attempt of Satisfying the Eagernefs of his. Wifhesj but forgetting his pall Fears, putting afide ' Modefly, he begins the Afl'iult. Now, my Dear, let us enjoy the Harv. ft of our Love. With this he ad- ded Actions to his Words. Lucretia oppofed his De- lires, telling him (he could not furrender her Honour and Reputation, and that all fhe defired from this A- mour was only KifTes and Difcourfc. At which E7iric2,us{im\'mi faid, * Either my coming ., * here, is knov.'n, or it is net; if it is known every 0^2 « one 34^ The History of the * one will fufpedl the worft, and 'tis but a Folly to bear * the Scandal without the Pleal'ure : li it is not known, * nar fliail our pleahng Theft be more divulged : This * only is the Pledge of Love, and I muft die if I have * not that. But 'tis a Sin, /aid Lucretia. It is a Sin, * nplyd Eurialus, not to make Ufe of the Goods we * enjoy, when we may. What fhall I loofe this lucky « Opportunity, which we have wifhed ?' At thefe Words, turning afide her Gown, he eafily vanquifhed a Woman that fought not Vidlory. This Enjoyment gave not Satiety, but a greater Thiril and Appetite. But Eurialus y mindful of the Danger of the Place, after a Repaft of Wine and Food, as well as of Love, much againft Lucy€tia\ Defires, retired without any further Adventure, the Family taking him for one of the Carters. Eurialus could not but view himfelf with Wonder in this Livery of Love. * Oh J Jaid ke to himfelf ^ fliould < the Emperor meet me in this Pickle, and know me t * What Sufpicion would my Drefs give him, how he * would laugh at me, and I fhould become the Dif- * courfe of the Court and City. I muil remain a ftand- * iLi-^ Jefl with him till I difcovered the Caufe of fucli ■S z. Difguife. Should 1 pretend the Intrigue with fomc * other Lady, he would never believe me, for he is \vi *'Love with Lucretia y but 1 ufe not to make him the < Confident of my Amours ; fo J fhould betray the < charminfT Lucretia^ who received me to her Arms, < and preferved me by her Wit and Ad.drefs.' " -• While he was bufying himfelf with thefe Fears and " tineafy Thoughts, he fees his faithful Friends Achates and Palinurus, and marching on before them was not difcovered by them, till he was entered his Houfe, where having thrown off his Rags, and put on his Robes, he gave them a Relation of all the Adventure. And as he defcribed his Fears and Joys, his Looks and Anions made a faithful Rcprefentation of the different Paflions. * \n this Affair, fuid he, how like a Fool * have I trulted my Life in a Woman's Hands, con- ^ '♦ trary to my Father's Piecepts, who told me, that I -;'*i * never Phi Amours of Coim t SchWck. "3*4:1 never ought to confide in a Woman. He ufed tofay that a Woman was a wild, governlefs, faithJefs, mu- table, cruel Animal, fabjeifl to a thoufand I'affions ; but I forgetting my Father's wholefome Difcipline, have trulted my Lire to a filly Woman. What if any one fnould have feen and known me, carrying up the Sack of Corn ; what Difgrace had it been, and what an Infamy to my Pofterity ? The Emperor might well have throv/n me off, as a thouj^hfkfs light Fellow, void of all Prudence. But what if h$r Husband had found me flowed beneath the Bed,'\\hife he was in Quefl of his V^'ritings ? Whether he hay eX; ofed me to the Emperor, followed by the Re- proaches of his Family, or left me to the Law, or executed me himfelf, unarm'd a> I wa? ; either Way had fufficiently punifhed and expofed the Madnefs I hsd been guilty of. My Deliverance from which w^s more owing to Chance than Wifdom or Pru- dence ! No, no, I will not rob Lucret-ia of the Ho- nour ; it was her ready Wic, and not Chance that fc- cured me. Oh ! Woman worthy Trull I A Miflrefs full of Prudence ar^*^ Love, both noble and fingular ! V/hy fhould 1 not confide in thee ? And trull to thy Fidelity ? Yes, had I a thoufand Lives to fecure, I would place them all in thy 7 ruth and Faith. T\\o\x art faithful and caurious, and knowefl how to feaion * thy Love %\ith Prudence, and how to fecure thy * Lover from Danger. Who but thee could have found * cut fo ready a Aleans of diverting thofe, who were * jull upon me? You have faved this Life, I therefore * devote it to you. When fhall I again behold that * fnowy Bofom, hear that charming Tongue, gaze on * thofe fweet languifhing Eyes, lilten to that ready * Wit, view thofe Marble Trory Limbs again ? When * fhali I bite thofe Coral Lips again I When fhall I feel * that tremulous Tongue murmuring at my Mouth ? ' Shall I never never more prefs thofe round hard * Brealls ? You cannot, ^ckateSy make any Guefs at * this Woman's Pcrfedions, by what you h.ive feen c>f ' her, for the nearer you are to her the more charm^ 0^3 * ing :j42 ^he History of the 9*,ingfhe is. Had you been with me, you had feen a * Sight far beyond that, w/KichCandaui^s l^ing oiLydta •;■* difcovered to Gyges. He had a Mind to enhance his * Pleafare, by fiiewing his Favourite his Wife all na- * ked, the fame would I do by Lucretia and thee, if * in my Power. Elfe it isimpoffible for me to declare * the Extremity of her Beauty, or for you to judge of * the Ful nefs o^ my Joy. However, rejoice with me, * fince my Raptures we;e greater, than any Tongue * can exprefs. This was the SubP.ance of the Difcourfe o'i Eunalus to Acbatci. Lucretia f?.id not lei's to herfelf on this Oc- cafion, but her Joy was lefs, becaufe more confined, having; no Confident to unburthen her Mind to, for fbe Was afhamed to tell Sojlas the whole Matter. In the mean while, there was one Baccarus an hun* garian Knight, of confiderable Quality in his own Country, in the Emperor's Retinue, began to be in Love with Lucretia, and being a Beau, and handfom Man, perfuaded himfelf, that ihe loved him as much, and only was withheld by her Modefly from a Declara- tion in his Favour. She, after the Mode of all our i";?/?^/? Ladies, gave all Men a favourable Look j it is an Art, or rather a fort of Deception of the E) c by which they conceal their real Inclinations. Baccanis was quite wild in Love, nor could he be fatisfy'd till he knew Lucretia' i Mind. It is a Cuftom of our Ladles of Sienna to vifit the 'Chapel of the bleffed Virgin in Bethlehem , as they call it, a ATile out of Town. To this Chapel Lucretia was ,*^oing, attended by two young Maids, and an old Wo- '-'iinan; B/iccarus follows after her with a Violet in his ' 'Hands, with Leaves all gilt with Gold, in the Stock /'of which he had concealed a Love-letter, wrote on very / Jine Paper. The Reader need not be furprized at this, - fince Cicero fays, he had feen the Iliads wrote fo fmall, that they could be put into a Nut-fhell. Baccarus of, \, fers this Violet and himfelf to Lucretia \ Lucretia refufes J -'the Gift; the Hungarian prefTes it with great Importu- ^mw^' when the good old Woman joins on his Side, by ^^ ' ^- defirin^ Amours ^Q?//;^/ Schlick. 343 oefiring her Lady to accept a harmlefs Flower, in v/hich there could be no Danger. 7he Gentkmati'^ Ke- qu-ej}^ faid fhe, is Jo fmall, that you inn^ enfi'y fntisfy bis Dfftres. Lucretla comply'd with the old Woman's Perfuafion, and going a liitle Way farther, fhe gave the Flower to oneof her young Maids that attended her. They had not gone much farther but they met two Students, who eafiiy prevailed with the Girl to give them the Violet, who opening the Stalk of the Flower, difcovered a Co- py of Love-verfes. Thefe fort of Men us'd formerly to he very agreeable to our Ladies, but after :he Empe- ror's Court was fixt AtSietindy they were laught at, de- |p:s'd, and had in Contempt, becaufeour Women were K)r.der of the Soldiers bluftring, than the Wit of the Scholar. This gave them a great Hatred to the Court and military Men, and made them watch ail Opportu- nities of doing an Injury to the Men of the Sword. As foon, therefore, as they had found out the Secret of the Violet, they carry the Letter to MenclauSy and c'e- fire him to read it; he returns Home full of Concern, accufes his Wife, and fills the Houfe with Rage apd Noife. His Wife denies, that fhe is guilty .of any Fault, tells him the whole Story, which is vouched fcy the old VVoman. He gees immediately to the Empe- ror, and makes his Complaint; J5.246 ^^^I'he History of the i^^had not my Lady retain'd me by a Scrap fometimes . ' in the Morning. Oh ! but you were of my Mind, ,^^ the Devil a bit would we fleep this Night, let us eat «■ and devour till Day-light returns, my Mafter Ihall not * fcrape up in a Month, what we will confume in one * Supper. Eunalus was pleafed to hear this Difcourfe, though he could not but condemn the Manners of the Servants, not at all doubting but it might be his own Cafe in his Abfence from Home. Dromio being gone, Eurialus . rofe up and, * Oh! What a happy Night, {[aid he) *■ %/i/7j-, fhall I owe to thy Afliilance! who haft con- * vey*d me thither, and took fuch timely Care not t j * have me difcovered. Thou art a very honeft Fellow, * and highly deferving my Love, thou fhalc not find me * ingratelul, I will make here a Return for this Service.* The deft; n'd Hour is now come j Eurinlus^ though he had efcaped two Dangers of Con fe que nee, yet with Joy afcends the Walls, and paffir.g the open Window, iie iinds Lucretia by the Fiie, and the Table fpread expelling him; ftie, as foon as fhe faw her Lover, rofe up, and took and prefs'd him in her Arms ; they begin to rufh into Kiftes, and with full Sails they pals into the Sea o^ Venus ^ and now C^r^/, and then Bacchus refrefh the tired Voyagers; Alas! the fliort Joys we pciTefs, and the long Sollicitudes they occafion ! EU- r in Ins had fcarce had an Hour of Joy, but Softas in- terrupts their Satisfaftion, with the News of his Ma- ilers Return ; Eurialus is all in a Fright, and trying to make his Efcape, Lucretia having hid the Table and ^Provifion, goes out to meet her Husband, and welcome him Home • Oh! my Dear, I am glad you are * come Home, for I thought I had loft you, this whole * live-long Night at your Country Villa! But pray * what Trade do you drive fo much in the Country ? * Have a Care, I don't find you out? Why don't you * ftay ^t Home ? Why do you take fuch Pains to make * me melancholy by your Abfence ? I am always un- * eafy V/hen you are away, and jealous leaft you retire * to fohie Miftrefs, for Husbands often defraud the * Wives Amours of Com f Schlick. '^^ * Wives of their Due to give it to others; of which Fea'' * if you would free me never lie abroad again, for jio * Night affords me any Eafe or Pleafure without thee* * But let us fup here, and then go to Bed, They were now in the Common-Hal!, where the Family us'd to dine, where to detain him till Euria'as had made his Efcape was all her Aim ; fjr which a little Time was abfolutely necefTary. But Menelaus had fupp*d abroad, and mnde what hailc he cojid to his Bed-Chamber; Jh (faid Lucretia) I Jiv,d you lo^e me n great deal indeed, Jlnce you had rather fup abroad ^ than nvith me ; hecaufe you ixere ahfent, I ha^ue not eat a bic^ nor drank one Drop all this Day. There came to Daf foms thai helongd to your Farmsy and brought feme excellent Wine^ as they faid\ but 1 njjas too mtlanchoh to tojle a drop of iff but noiv you are come home, let us go unto the Cellar, and tajle of this Wine^ and fee if it he as delici- ous as they pretend. Saying this, and taking her Husband in her left, and the Candle in her right Hand, went ciredlly into the Cellar. Wh=re being come, flie fiift pierc*d th.'s Vcfiet, and then that, and fip'd to her Husband, till flie thought Enrialus had made his Efcape, and after that retir'd to the odious Embraces of h;s conjugal Love ; and Eurialus got home pretty late at Night. The next Day, whether out of Caution or Jealoufy, Menelaus made that Window up with a Wall. I believe that as our Citizens are fliarp^ in their Conjectures, and full of Sufpicion and Jealoufy, Menelaus was afraid of the Convenience of the Place, and having but little Confidence in a Wife's \ irtu^, was refclv'd to take away the Opportunity of finning. For tho* he knew nothing of her Actions, or criminal In- trigues, yet he was not ignorant, that fhe was daily plagu'd with AddrefTes, and knew that a Woman's Mind was never fo conftant, as to be mov'd, as having as many Minds, as the Trees have Leaves. Fcr tne fe- male Sex is avaritious of Novelties, and feldom love the Man they aie pofTcft of. He therefore follow'd. the common Ivlaxim of Husbands, who are of Opinion that all Misfortunes of that kind, are to be kept out by being on their Guard. CL6 This 243 J^^kiisTORY of the ■ This had cepiiv'd them of the Power of meeting, nor Was \\iz Opportunity left of fending Letters to ea;h orher^ For the Vintner, out of whofe VVjndow Euriahis had conveyM, and reach'd Ijetters with a Cane to Lu- cretiay by the A^\ izo. o{' Mejielaus, was turn'd out of his Hoafe by the Magiilrates. Their Eyes alone were tlie Mediums of Ccnverfation, by which they only now cou'd fpeak to, and confuk vvitli each other, ihj Grief rtf each was inexpreflible, that they cou'd not ceafe to love, and yet were depriv'd of all means of continuing their Amour. In the Midft of this Anxiety, Eurialus recollefled what Lucrctla had wrote about Paiuiahis^ the Coiifin of Memlaus : And following the Method of skilful Phyfi- cians, who in defperate Diilempers apply defperate Re- medies ; and rather try the utmoft Medicine, than leave the -nircare without Cure, he determin'd to attempt PandaJns, and take up with that Recipe, which he had before rejeiSled. Having, therefore, fent for Pandalusy and carry'd him into his Clofet ; pray Friendyjit doivn (faid Eurialus) * I have Aff'^irs of Confequence to impart to you ; I * Hand extreamly in need of forae Virtues, which are * eminent in you, Diligence, Fidelity and Secrecy. I * wou'd long fmce have difcours'd with ycu on this Head, * but you were not then fo well known to me; but now * I know you perfed^ly well, and that you are of ap- * prov'd Fidelity, I love and refpeft you. But were I * perfonally ignorant of your Merits, yet the univerfal * Applaufe ct all your fellow Citizens wou'd be fuffici- ' ent ; but my x'\cquaintance with whom you have con- * trafted Friendfhip, have informed me who you are, * and how much you ought to be valu'd ; from whom * I a,m inform'd that joa are defirous to make ufe of *. my Service, which I at this Inftant offer to you, as *' merxjng it as much as I yours. Now fince it i:. be- *'' twixt Friends, I will in a few Words let you know *' what you can ferve me in. ■ * You know how prone all Mankind is to love, * whether it be a V^irtue or Vice in our Nature, 1 Ihan't * (kttrmine, yet the Calamity extends far and wide. Amo u r s ^ Count Schlick , 349 Nor is there any Heart of Flefh and Blood, but Some- times is lenfible of the Sting of Love. You kn.ow.^! tiiat this Paflion fufFer'd not Do.vid the moil hol)r' Man, Solomon the VVifell, and Sampfon the rtrongeft Man, to efcape its Power. The Nature of a Love- fick Heart is this, that the more the Oppoiition is to its Defires, the more they burn and rage; and no- thing is a furer Cure for this Evil, than the PoflelHon of the Belov'd. There have been many Men and Women, both of the prefenc and former Ages, who by the Obftacles they have found to their Love, have been the Occafion of cruel and barbarous Mur- thers. On the other Hand we have frequent Exam- ples of thofe, who after Enjoyment, and a Liberty for a while, of a tender Commerce with the Belov'd, have been calm enough in their Amours. The moft pru- dent Method is to give Way to the Fury of Paliion, which by Oppofiiion increafes. For he that fwims againfl the Stream often fmks to the Bot:om, and he that gives Way to the Stream efcapes. Thefe Things I have pun over to you, becaufe I'm going to make ycu a Confident of my Amour, and let you know what Service you may do me in it ; nor fhall I con- ceal the Advantage it will be to you, becaufe now I look en you as the one half of my Heart ^ * Yoa muil know then, 1 love Liicretia^ nor is it my Faulr, my dear Friend Pa^idalusy but by the Will of Fortune, which governs human Affairs. I know not your Manners, nor the Cuftom of your City. I thought that your Women meant, what they exprefs'd in their Eyes ; but your Ladies are only Baits for Men's HeartF, but love none at all ; by this I am deceiv'd. I thought 1 fhould be lov'd by Lucretia, when I faw her look on me with Eyes not ill pleas'd, and there- fore I began to love her ; nor cou'd I think the kind- Advances from a Lady of her Beauty ought to die with-, out Return. As yet I neither know you nor your Family. I lov'd, becaufe I thought I was belov'd, for who is fuch an infenfible Creature of Stone, not to- love when belov'd ? ' Bui 'jjt) l^he History of tht^^ * But after I had found oat the Deceit, and that I /had been betray'd by a falfe Appearance inio Love, 3f; that I might not have the Scandal of a barren Amour * I endeavour'd by all my Arts to heat her Breafl with * the fame Fiie ; for to burn for a Woman, and not to- •^ be able to warm her Eofom, was a Shame and Anx- f" iety, that broke my Rcpofe both Day and Night, tp * fuch a Degree that 1 was not able to fiir out of Doors. * Jn ihort, the Event of my Endeavours was fuch, that * our Paffions grew equal ; fhe is on Fire, and I burn, ' nor do Vv^e know any Means of preferving our Live^ ■* but by your ARilbnce. Her Husband and his Brother* * keep and guard her with greater Vigilance, than the * Dragon did the golden Fleece ; nor does Cerberu;s * himfelf more ftri6t!y watch the Avennes of Hell. ■* I know your Family; I know you are Gentlemen of * Quality among the Chief of this City, that you are * rich, powerful, and belov'd ; I wifh I had never * known this Woman ! But who can refill his Fate ? * I made not choice of her, but Chance threw her in. * my Way. * This is the State of the Affair; our Loves are yet * a Secret, but if it be not managM prudently, it may * produce fome mighty Evil, which Heaven I pray * avert ! perhaps I might vanquifh Paflion if I went * from hence, which tho' moil miferable to me, I * wou'd yet do for the Sake of your Family, if I faw any * Advantage arife to it from thence. But I kncv/ her * Madnefs, either fhe wou'd follow me, or be kept here * by Force, and then llie wou'd lay violent Hands on * herfelf, which wou'd be an eternal Blot on your Houfe; « My Bufmefs, therefore, with you is, that we may * f nd fome Remedy for thefe Evils : Nor is there indeed * any other Way, than this, that you will be the Pilot * of our Love, and take care that a Paflion, that has * hitherto been very well conceal'd do not take Air. « I commend my felf to ycu, to you I furrender and * devote myfelf ; humcur the Fury, left by Oppofiti- * on it increafe the more. Take care to bring us to- * gether, by which Means the Ardour may decreafe * and prove more tolerable. You iinow the Avenues ^ * of Amo urs of Count Schlick. 3 5 2 .* of the Houfe; when the Husband is abfent, and how ^ you can introduce me. The Husband's Brother muft * be obferv'd ; who is too quick fighted in thefe Affairs ; * and watches Luctetia^ as a Fort belonging to his Bro- * ther, and guards her with greater Care : He carefully * confiders and weighs all that Lucretia iays or does, * her turriing away, her Sighs, her Spitting, her Cough, * and her Laughter, her Smiles ; this Man we muft de- * ceive, andean we do it without your Afiiftance ! Stand * by me, therefore, and introduce me to her in her * Husband's Abfence, and amufe the Brother, and re- * move him from being fo clofe a Sentinel about her in * his Abfence ; or join mere Spies to him. He'll con» ' fide in you, and, which I hope, he will commit her * to your Charge; which if you undertake, and prove * my Friend in, your P.eward fhall be prefent ! For * you may introduce nic in the Night when all are * alleep, and fo footh and .'.bate the Fury of our Love. * Out of this what Advantage will arifo to you, I * hope is evidenc to your Prudence ; you will in the * f:rft Place frive the Honour of your Houfe, keeping * that a Secret, which cannot be known without your * Infamy : You will fave your Ccufin's Life, and Me- * hlUhs his Wife. To whom one Night given to me * wi hout any Bodies knowing it, will not be fo great * an Evil, as fcr her, before all the World, to run af- * ter me into my Country. Hippia the Wife of a * Roman Senator, run away with Lihdus to Pharos^ and * the i\V/?, and the noble Wails of Laius. What if * Lucretia Ihou'd follow me, a Man of Power in my * own County ? What Difgrace wou'd it be to your * Family? Whata Jelt to the People .? VVhat an Infamy * not only to your Houle, but to your City ! I know * fome wou'd fay, Ihe ought rather to be ftcibb'd or * poifon'd, than do any fuch Matter. But wo be him * that wou'd pollute his Hands with human gore, and * punifli a fmaller with a greater VVickednefs ! Crimes * are not to be heighten'd but lefTen'd. Wc know that * of Goods we ought to chufe the beft, of an Evil and * Good, the Good; but of two Evils, the leaAj every * Way is full of Danger; But that which I point out * is 3.52r .;i'7Zi€£lation in her \i^^. Eurialus was before the Door, = F. but Amours of Count Schlick. 355 but heard neither finging ncr any other Sign of Hope. The Hour was now pall, and Achates pcnuadsd Eiirialui to return Home, and that he was impo5'd en. 'Tyvas a hard Task for a Lover, full of Defire, to <|uit the Rendtzvouz of Delight, while any Hcpe re- mained, fo he made fometimes one, and fometimes ano- ther Excufe for Delay. The Realon that Pandalus did not fing, was becaufethe Brother of Af(f;;^/a«j llay'd in theHoufe, and fearch'd every Quarter, Jellrhere fhca'd be any Defign en Foot, and fo pail: the Night without Slet;p. To whom at ialt (aid Panduins, Shall _- p. ^. _ . . A Nfoir R s of Count S'chlick, j6 1 ordering all the hiedklnal Art to be try'd for his Re- covery ; to whicli nothing fo much contributed, as a Letter from Lucretiiu by which he underllood, that, flie was alive and well. This a little mitigated his Fever, and gave him Force to get en his Legs again, fo as to be prefent at the Emperor's Coronation , where he was entei'd a Soldier, and receiv'd the gol- den Spur. After which when the Emperor went to Perujium^ he flay'd at Rof?!e for the perfed Eflablifhment of his Heahh. Whence he return'd loSien/ia, tho' yet weak and very thin. But his Mi fortune was, that he ecu d only fee, not fpeak to Lucre. ia. Many Letters paft betwixt them, and her Flight was again the Subject of their Debate. Eurialus ftay'd there three Days, but finding all Approaches ftop'd up, he inform'd her of his Departure. The Sweets of their Converfition had not fo much Pleafure, as this parting gave them Pain. Lucretia was plac'd in her Window, and Eurialus on his Horfe in the Streets, each calling their Eyes full of Tears on each other. The one wept, the other wept, one common Grief rag'd in the Breaft of each, feeling their very Hearts tore from their Seats by Vi- olence. Let him, that is ignorant of the Pangs of Death, refleft on the Agonies of the parting Lovers ; tho' the later is a Grief of greater Intenfeneis, and a more ex- quifite Torture, In Death the Soul grieves to part with, its belov'd Body ; but the Body when the Soul is fled, fteiiher grieves nor feels Pain. But in the Separation o^^lwo united Hearts encreafes, and continues in Pro- portion to the Love of the United. A common Pale- nefs ufurp'd both their Faces, and drove the Blood, to fupply Spirits, to their Hearts j and had it not been, that they wept and figh'd, they wouM have been taken for dead. Who can write or exprefs the Pangs.of their Minds, that has not been infeded a little with their Madneis. When Protejilaus fet out foi: the War of Jircy, Laodarn'm funk down on the Shore pale and lifelefs 5 and when flie had heard of her- Husband's Death, ihe R ''• wou'd 362 The Hi^*roRY of the ffiou'd not furvive him. DUoy on the Departure of JEneaSy kill'd herfelf ; nor wou'd ^ertia outlive the Death of Brutus. Our Lueretia, as foon as ever E«- rialus was gone out of fight, funk down on the Floor, whence by her Servants remov'd to the Bed, (be lay till Ihe came again to herfelf. Being now reviv'd, fhe threw afide her rich Cloaths and Ornanients fr'om that Time forv/ard, and never dreffed, or was ever heard to fing or laugh ; nor couM any Pleafantry, Joy or Diverfion ever ftir her up to Mirth Continuing this Courfe of Melancholy, in a little Time he fell ill ; and her Heart being abfent, in the Midft of the Tears and Sorrows of her Mother, fhe gave up the Ghoft. When EurlaJus was gone out of Lucretiah Sight, he paft on his Journey without fpeak- ing one Word to any of his Company ; his Mind being- wholly taken up with Lueretia alone, and how he-^ fhould compafs his Return to this Place, till he came to the Emperor at Pdufiutn, whom he afterwards at- tended to ¥irrara, Mantua, ^rent^ Cmjiance, BafiU and laftly into Hungary and Bohemia. But as he foUow'd C^far, fo did Lucrdia follow him wherevet he went, awake, and in his fle^p,- no Night free from Cares on her Account. And the true Lover hearing of her Death, immediately put on Mourning, full of a real not a formal Sorrow; nor could he admit of any Confola- tioB, till at laft, the Emperor provided him with a young. Virgin, of a noble Houfe for a Wife, as Emi- nent for Chaftity as Beauty. Thus, my dear Friend, M&riams, you- have the Event of a Love, neither fiftitious nor happy, which- thofe that read, fhiou'd turn to their own Advantage,'. by making ufe of the Hazards of others for their own Improvement ; and fo third not after the Draught of Love, which has always more Aloes than Honey. Farewel. FromY\9t^ri2itbe i^thoftb^Rms^fl^yY, 1444. y ^.^^^■a.^-^-ii