V" [House B(i,l.J HOUSE OF REPESENTATIVES, January 6, 186 1.— Read first and second^times, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Funstkn.] ( To be entitled " An Act to provide for disabled officers, uou-commis- sioned officers, musicians, privates and seamen. 1 Sfxtion 1 . The Congress of the Confederate States of America do 2 enact. That all officer;?, non-commissioned officers, musicians, 3 privates and seamen, who have or shall become disabled by wounds 4 or other injuries received, or disease contracted in the service 5 of the Confederate States and in the line of duty, shall be retired 6 or discharged from their respective positions as hereinafter pro- 7 vided. But the rank, pay and emoluments of such officers, and 8 the pay and emoluments of such non-commissioned officers, musi- 9 cians, privates and seamen, shall continue to the evid of the war, 10 or as long as they shall contine so retired or discharged. 1 Skc. 2. That all person;? claiming the benefits of this act shall 2 present themselves for examination to one of the medicfil examin- 3 ing boards now established by law. Upon the certificate of such 4 board that such permanent disability exists, such persons shall be 5 retired or discharged, a? aforesaid. 1 Skc. 3. That ull persons retired or discharged, as aforesaid, 2 shall, periodically, and at least once in six months, present 3 themselves to one of said boards for further examination, the 4 result of which examiiration shall bo reported by such board to 5 the Secretary of War. And if any such person shall fail so to 6 report himself to such board, whenever he shall be required so to 7 do, he shall be dropped from said retired or discharged list, and a become liable to conscription under the terms of the law, unless 9 such failure shall be caused by physical disability. 1 Sec. 4. That the Secretary of War may assign such officers, 2 and order the detail of such non-commissioned officers, musicians, 3 privates and seamen for such duty as they shall be qualified to 4 perform. If any such non-commissioned officers, musicians, 5 privates and seamen, shall be relieved from disability they shall C be restored to duty. 1 Sec. 5. That the Secretary of War shall make all needful rules 2 and regulations for the action of the medical boards, as aforesaid. 1 Sec. 6. That vacancies caused by the retirement of officers 2 under this act, shall be filled as in case of the death or resigna- 3 tion of such officers. 1 Skc. 7. This act shnll bo in force from its passage. <"|i; f- Jy