Id/XL Duke University Libraries Communication f Conf Pam #355 EOL'SE OF REPRESENTATIVES, January 4, 1861.- Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. [By the Chair. COMMXJ3SriCA.TIOISr From the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the amount of money transmitted to the Trang-Mississippi Departraenr. Treahurt Department, i Richmond, January 2d, 1865. \ Hon. T. S. BocoCK, Speaker of the House of Rfpreseniatives : Sir : I have the honor to submit the following information in 1 elation to ihe amount of Treasury rotes, of the new issue, remit- ted to tlie Trans-I^lississippi Department, which is called for by the Resolutions adopted on the 31st of December. The totf.1 amount transmitted is $20,000,000, which was sent at the following dates, viz : June 3d, $2 0(iO,000 " 2 1st, '2.000,000 July l9th, 4 0^:0,000 Augujit l9th, 4,000.000 November 9th, 4,000 000 23d, 4.000,000 $20 000,000 The cause of the delay in transmitting fnnds. is the diihcnlty and danger of cro?faing the Mississippi Ktver. This Department hag active, intelligent and j.atriotic agents in its service, engaged in the taf k of passing the funds across the river, ft was not rhouHit prudent at first, to send a larger sum of notes than $2 000.00o\t each trip, but more recently the amount has been enlaro-ed to $4,000,000. In addition to the notes, however, non-taxable bonds, and cer- tificates of indebedness and of deposit have been sent to the amount of $27,000 000 No legislation appears to be necessary to accelerate the trans- mission of notes. The agent is expected to return soon, and efforts will be made to extend the facilities of communication, and in- crease the frequency of remittances, without enlargins the sum of each, and thereby augmentimr the risk. G. A TRENHOLM", Seci-etary of Treasury. *355 pH8.5