Ouke University Libraries Journal of the Conf Pam #807 DT=iDMt,3E5 JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION OF 1860-'61 THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1861. At the luMir to which the Convention was adjourned, the PresidentJtQok thp chair, and the proceediiiij6 Avere opened with prayer by the Rev. Daniel Du Pre. The Clerk called the roll, and the following Delegates answered to their names : Messrs. Adams, Allison, Appleby, Atkinson, Aver, Barnwell, Barron, Barton, Beaty, Bethea, Bellinger, Brabham, Brown, A. H. Brown, C. P. Cain, • Calhoun, Caldwell,- Campbell, Carn, Carlisle, Carroll, Caughman, Chesnut, Cheves, Clarke, Conner, Crawford, Darby, Davant, Davis, De Saussure, Duncan, Dun kin, Dunovant, R. G. M. Journal of the Du Pre, Easloy, Ellis, English, Evans, Fair, Find. Forster, Foster, Framptoii, Fwrmaii, (4a(ll)i'rry, (Tarlington, Gciger, Gist^ Glover, Goodwin, Gourdin, R. X. Gourdiu, T. L. Green, Gregg, Maxcy Gregg, William Grisham, Ilaiiiinond, ilanekel, Harrison, Hayne, Henderson, Honour, Hnnter, Hutson, Inglis, Ingram, Jackson, Jefteriea, Jenkins, J. E. Johnson, Keitt, Kershaw, Kilgore, Kinard, Kinsler, Landrum, Lewis, Logan, Lvlcs, >icCrady, Mclver, Mclvee, Manning, Maul din, Maxwell, Mavcs, Mazvok, Means, Middleton, J. Izard Middleton, W. Miles, Moore, Moorman, Nohle, Now ell, O'Hear, Orr, Palmer, Parker, Perrin, Pressl}', Qu'attlehaum, Kainey, Keed, Rhett, Rhodes,. Richardson, .1. P. Rohinson, Rowel 1, Scott, Sessions, Shingler, J. M. Simons, Simpson, Smyly, Smith, Snowdeu, Spain, Spratt, Springiji, Stokes, Sims, Thompson, R. A. Convention of 1861. 3 Thomson, Thomas "Whitner, Timmoiis, "Williams, Tompkins, Wilson, I. D. • Townscnd, Wilson, J. H. Wannamaker, Wilson, W. B. Wardlaw, D. L. Withers, Watts, Woods, Wier, Young. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read. Mr. Adams offered the following resolution, which was ordered to lie on the table : Mesolved, That this Convention do adjourn sine die, to- morrow, A])ril oth, at four o'clock, p. m. UEXERAL ORDERS. On motion of Mr. Miles, the Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations in relation to the Report of the Secre- tary of State, was considered and Avas agreed to. The general orders were suspended, and Mr. Mazyck offered the following resolution, which was referred to the Committei! on the Military. Besolved, That the Governor be and he is hereby author- ized to commission the officers of any volunteer company which may be formed in any of the districts adjacent to the sea-coast, for local service, provided that no such commis- sion shall be issued without the written consent and appro- bation of the commanding officers of the Regiment, Bat- talion and Company, respectively, within the limits of which such volunteer company shall have been formed; and provided, also, that such commissions shall not continue longer than davs after the close of the next regular o * *- s.ession of the legislature. . On motion of Mr. Spain, leave of absence was granted to Mr. Green, on account of indisposition. •TOUHXAL tiF IHK GENERAL ORDERS. All Oriliiiaiicc to ainciid an ( h'tlinaiu-c coiiccniiiii:' citi- zeiishiij was agreed to, and was ordrn-d to he sio-iu'd Ity the l^resident and tlie Clerk. An Ordinance to repeal suiidiy (Ordinances, and to alter the fourth Article and sundry sections of tlu' Constitutit)ii. was taken \\\). Mr. Ilutson olfered the fojiowiiii;- amendment, whii-li was not agreed to : " i'rovided, that no one not horn a citizen of this State shall vote in any elcctitMi, unless he shall at some time pre- viously liave taken the oath of allegiance to tliis State; excepting, however, such persons as are now citizens of this State." The Ordinance was agreed to, and was ordered to he signed by tlie President and the Clerk. An Ordinance to alter the tenth section of the lirst article of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, and the amendment thereof, ratitied the 28th of -Tanuary, 18G1 ; also, to alter the tenth section of the amcudmonts ratitied on the 17th day of December, 1808, and likewise the second clause of the eleventh article of the Constitution aforesaid ; was considered, and was agreed to, and was ordered to be signed by the President and the Clerk. The Report ot the Committee on the Constitution of the State on an Ordinance to amend the ninth article of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina ; and The Report of the same Committee on an Ordinance fur- ther to amend the fourth section of the lirst article of the Constitution of this State, were considered, and were agreed to. The General Orders were suspended, and Mr. D.* L. Wardlaw oft'ercd the following resolution, which ^\as con- sidered immediately, and A\'a8 agreed to : Convention of 1861. 5 Resolved^ That the Constitution of the State shall be engrossed, omitting all temporary provisions, and incorpor- ating all amendments, so as to present a symmetrical whole, and that after having been read and approved by the Con- vention, it shall be ratified. On motion of Mr. D. L. Wardlaw, it was ordered, that the Constitution of the State be engrossed under the supervi- sion of the Committee on the Constitution of tbe State. On motion of Mr. Harllee, the Convention went into secret session. B. F. ARTHUR, Clerk of the Coywention. Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/journalofconvent02sout Hollinger Corp. pH8.5