l-'f Duke University Libraries If you belong t „ Conf Pam q#129 4#/Af iiliilllilliiillllllililii ^JO -t?!'!^ IF lOU BEIOM TO QixiE's imo. \J \E •. — '■ij'idC'fii'i L'aiid.'' -^f— t 'W, Miinj; you tliis gohd urws I've come, i'i' i liiifr >im this good news I've come. 'I'll briiij; \iiu tliis pood news I've coiiie, Vou'U always tiiij yrurself at home, If you belong to J)ixii'8 L;iud Here's my heart Mnd line's my hand, Why, then belmijr to l)i\iu's l^anj. We're fighting for a home I'll lell you what, if you eau tit'lit, ni tell you what, if you ean tijiht, rU toll you what, if you eaii fi^^lit, ^\'e all will arm for 8outheru right, If you belong to Dixie's land Here's my heart and here's my lund, Why, then helnnir to I»ixii's band,' We're fighting for a homo. You know llio banner o' IT our head. Win know the banner o'er our head. Vow koow the banucr o'er our head, The gloviou.s red, and white, and n.d. If you belong' to J)i.\ic's land Tie e's my heart and hero's my hand, Why, thi u belong to Dixie's band, We're lighting for a home. No stain or .-haino its glory mars. No stain or shame its glory n>ars, No stain or shawie its glory mars. But paily flaunt the stars and bars, If you belong lo Dixie's land Here's my heart and here's my hand, Why, then belong to lti.\ie's baml We're lighting for a home. Wc seek no gain, wc fear no loss, Wo seek no gain, we fear no loss, Wc seek no gain, we fear no loss, In battle 'neath the .South rrn cross, If you belong to Dixie's land Here's my heart and here's my hand. Why, then belong to Dixie's band. We're fighting for a home. So let us to the South be true, So let us to the South be true, So let us to the South be true, Then bully for me, and bully for you. If you belong to Dixie's land Here's my heart and here's my baud. Why, then belong to Dixie's band We're fighting for a houio. ^gf^l l