/Z mo Duke University Libraries A bill to be en Conf Pam 12mo #16 U4 fill. [House of Representatives, ]S r o. 18.] HOUSE — Sept. 3, 1862. Read first and second times, post- poned, made special order after the Bill for Increasing the Army, and oidered to be printed. [By Mr. Pugs, from Military Committee.] A. BILL To be entitled ''An Act to Exempt Certain Persons from Ser- vice in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States. 1 Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of 2 America do mart. That certain persons, as hereinafter provided, are exempted from service in the Provisional ' \ Army of the Confederate States. fi I. Persons unfit for military service by reason of 6 mental or physical incapacity, under rules to be pre- 7 scribed by the Secretary of War. 8 IT. The Vice President and members of both Houses 9 of Congress ; and members of the Legislatures of the 10 several StateB, and the officers of Congress and the Le- 11 gislatures. 12 III. Officers, Judicial and Executive, of the Confed- 1 3 erate and State Governments, who may be elected or 14 appointed according to law : Provided, That in counties. 15 parishes or districts divided into heats or civil districts. 16 having more than one justice of the peace, only the senior 17 justice thereof shall be exempted ; and in counties. 1 8 parishes or districts not so divided, only such justices 19 shall be exempt as may be specially elected or appointed 20 to hold courts of record ; and not exempting constables, 21 nor the deputies of clerks or of sheriffs, nor postmasters, 22 nor the clerks or deputies of postmasters, nor assistant 23 clerks or messengers in the several Executive Depart- 24 ments of the Confederate Government, except those 25 appointed or approved by the heads of those Depart- 26 ments ; and Provost Marshals are hereby prohibited from 27 employing any clerk, or other assistant, or agent in their 28 offices, who is subject to military service, and has not been 29 discharged therefrom, and no person subject to military HO service shall be employed as clerk, agent or assistant by 31 quartermasters or commissaries, or assistant quartern Las- 32 ters or commissaries, except such as may be appointed 33 by the quartermaster or commissary general. 34 TV. Persons actually and necessarily engaged in car- 35 rying the mail, the number on any post route to be deter- 36 mined by the Post Master General. 37 V. Ferrymen on post routes, not exceeding one at any 38 locality. 39 VI. Pilots and persons engaged in the marine ser- 10 vice. 11 VII. The presidents, superintendents, conductors, the VI treasurer, the chief clerk, engineers, managers and me- 13 chanics, in the active service and employment of any II railroad company, not to embrace laborers, porters or 45 messengers. 46 VIII. The president, general superintendent and ope- 17 rators of telegraph companies, and the local superinten- 48 dem and operators of said companies, the latter not to 49 exceed one in number at any locality having less than 50 live thousand population, and not to exceed two at any 51 place but that of the Seat of Government of the Con- 52 federate States. 53 IX. The president, superintendents, captains, chief 54 clerks, engineers and mechanics of all companies active- 55 ly engaged in river and canal navigation, and all cap- 1 56 tains of boats in actual employment, ami the engin< 57 thereon. 58 X. The Public Printers, and all foremen and journey- 59 men printers actually employed in the public printing of 60 the Confederate and State governments, or in printing 61 newspapers. 6l! XJ. Such physicians, and such .shoe-makers and tan- 63 ners, engaged in the business of manufacturing shoo or 64. leather for sale, and such harness makers, saddlers, and 65 millers, actually employed in their trades, as the Sccre-» 66 tary of War may consider necessary to their communi- 67 ties or the public service. 68 XII. Superintendents of public hospitals and Lunatic ■69 asylums and the regular nurses and attendants therein, 70 and the teachers employed in the institutions tor the deal' 71 and dumb. 72 XIII. In each apothecary store now established and 73 doing business, one apothecary or practical druggist. 74 XIV. Superintendents and operators in wool and cot- 75 ton factories, who may be exempted by the Secretary of 76 War. 77 VX. Professors and teachers in State military schools 5 78 or institutes, and the cadets therein at the date of this 79 act, and all presidents and professors of colleges and 80 academies, and all teachers having as many as twenty 81 scholars in regular attendance upon their schools ; and 82 all professors and teachers in theological seminaries and 83 the students now therein as candidates for the ministry; 84 ministers of the gospel in the regular discharge of their 85 ministerial duties. XI) XVI. AJ1 engaged in working iron mines, furnaces ami 87 founderies and rolling mills ; and all persons engaged in 88 the production or manufacture of salt, lead, copper, sul- 80 pher, saltpetre or gunpowder, under authority from the 90 Governors of their respective States, or the Secretary of 91 War, and not to include laborers, messengers or wagoners. 92 XVII. Artizans and employees in government work 93 shops, armories, founderies or furnaces. 9 1 XVI 11. One overseer on each plantation cultivated 95 exclusively by negro labor and owned by any person in 90 the civil or military service of the Confederate or State 97 Governments, or any minor, or widow, or unmarried 98 woman, or person not of sound mind : Provided, That 99 on plantations owned by the same person, and not five 6 i(i(> miles apart, only one r shall be thus exempted i 101 And provided, further, That the owner of auj suchplan- 102 lation, his or her agent or representative shall firs< pay 103 into the treasury of the State in which said plantation 104 may be located, a sum equal to five dollars tor each hand L05 over Bixteen and under forty-five years of age* and file 106 therewith his affidavit that it is a true return of the hands 107 between such ages employed on said plantation: and 108 where the overseer on such plantation, being between the 109 ages of eighteen and thirty-five years, has been enlisted 110 oi- enrolled in the army since the passage of the act, 111 further to provide for the public defence, approved April 1 12 10, 1802, and said plantation is at the date of the affidavit 113 aforesaid, without an overseer, the owner thereof, his or 114 her agent, or representative, may pay the said sum and 115 file his affidavit, stating the truth of his said return, and 116 also that his plantation was deprived of an overseer by 117 enrolment or enlistment as aforesaid, thereupon the 118 owner of any such plantation shall be entitled to the 119 Governor's certificate of the payment of said sum and the 120 filing of said affidavit in which certificate shall be stated 121 the name of the overseer sought to be exempted, and 122 upon the production of said certificate to the enrolling 123 officer, the overseer therein named shall be exempted 124 from enrolment, or if already enrolled or enlisted as afore- 125 said shall, on the production of said certificate to the 126 Secretary of War, or the commandant of the camp of L27 instruction, or officer commanding the regiment to which 128 said overseer may belong-, be discharged therefrom by the 129 Secretary of War, the commandant or officer aforesaid, 130 and the Governor of each State is hereby authorised and 131 requested to distribute through the county, district or 132 parish authorities the sum thus paid into the treasury for 133 the benefit of the indigent families of soldiers from his 134 State, in the military service of the Confederate States, 135 and also the indigent families of those who have died or 136 been disabled in such service, making said distribution as 137 equally as may be according to the number of such indi- 138 gent families in the several counties, districts or parishes 139 of his State. 1 Sec. 2. All laws and parts of laws heretofore passed '1 by Congress upon the subject of exemptions from military 3 service are hereby repealed, Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5