THE SEQUESTRATI0N>J ACT oi-' THE ' f GUIOE^ESATrJlATES, \V I'H THE INSTRUCTIONS FRO^^ "• ' ' ipTORXEY GENE- RAL OF THE CONFKi IoItaTE^ TO RECEIVFRS UNDER Tiim CT. THE RULES OF THE DISTRICT COMt OF THE* CON- FEDERATE STATES FOR TiJdiSTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLJ AND AN APPENDIX OF FOfMS. I'RINTED BY A. J. BURKE, 40 Bi;( i' ET. I 1 "> THS SEQUESTRATION ACT OF THE CONFEDERATF-^ STATES, .lU, WITH , 'i' THE INSTRUCTIONS FROM TH 'j, ATTORNEY GENE- RAL OF THE CONFEDER.^ WE STATES TO RECEIVERS UNDER '» HE ACT. THE RULES OF THE DISTRICT OURT OF THE CON- FEDERATE STATES FOR IHE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AND AN APPENDIX OF FORMS. CHARLESTON. PRINTED BY A. J. BURKt, 40 BROAD-STREET. 186L > vi r-^ TH2 SEQUESTRATION ACT. An Act for tiie Seqiiestrafion of the Esfafes, Property and Effects of Alien Enemies, and for the Indebmifi/ of Citizens ot the Con- federate States, and Fersouf :ndi% the same in the Existing War u'ith the United States. ^ Whereas, The Government and people of tlie United States have departed from the usai^-es of civiH/xd warfare in confis- cating and destroying the property of the people of the Con- federate States of' all kinds, whether^ used for military purposes or not; and, whereas, our only protect i50 prescribed the following rule of practice for the Courts by virtue of the authority vested in him under the 16th section of the law. RULE. Garnishee, to whom written or printed interrogatories are addressed, may make their appearance by filing written an- swers, sworn to before a Justice of the Peace or other compe- tent officer, unless specially ordered by the Court to appear in person. IN THE CONFEDERATE COURT. DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Ordered, in pursuance of the Ttli section of an Act of the Confederate Congress, No. 269, cKrecting the several Courts of this Confederacy to estabhsh Rules of Procedure under the said Act: that the rules of Practice now published, and such as may be hereafter published, for the conduct of cases which may arise under the Act of the Congress of the Confederate States, No. 269, concerning the Sequestration of- the estates, rights and credits of Alien Enemies; be hereafter observed in all cases under the said Act. RULE FIRST. The original proceeding shall be in all cases by petition — in the name of the Confederate States of America — and shaU set forth, in distinct terms, the lands, tenements, here- ditaments, goods and chattels, rights and credits, concerning which the decree for sequestration is prayed ; and the person or persons if known, in whose custody, control, power or posses- sion the same may be. And such petition shall be accompanied with, and have endorseq thereon a written notice directed to the person or persons in whose custody, control, power or posses- sion such lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chat tcls, rights and credits of such Alien Auemy may be; requiring him or them to appear in this Court; and within thirty days from the service of the said petition, fife his or their answer or plea to the said petition; showing cause, if any there shall be, why the decree for sequestration should not be made as prayed for in the said petition. And the District Attorney of the Confederate States ibr this District, in all cases where it may be by him considered necessary, shall have the privilege 17 of adding to the said petition a prayer; that the person or per- sons upon whom such petition is served, shall further, in the answer or plea to be filed by him or them, set forth and dis- cover what other lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chattels, rights and credits of such Alien Enemy, he or they may have in his or their custody, control, power or possession. And such person or persons from whom such discovery is asked, shall, in the answer or plea to be filed by him or them^ make a full, clear and distinct statement of all matters thereto relating, within his or their knowledge, remembrance, infon mation and belief. And such statement shall be subject at all times to exceptions touching its clearness or suflSciency ; and upon such exceptions being filed, a copy thereof shall be served upon such person or persons ; and the questions raised by the said exceptions shall be set down for hearing without delay. If such exceptions shall be sustained, such person or persons shall be obliged to amend such answer or plea ; and in default of, doing so shall become liable to all the consequences result- ing from a refusal, to make answer to proceedings on the Equity side of this Court. RULE SECOND. The petition and notice prescribed in the foregoing Rule^ shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court, and a copy thereof shall be served by the Marshal of this District, personally, upon the parties therein charged to be in possession of the property referred to in the said petition; or a copy thereof shall be left at his or their usual place of abode. Such service shall be sworn to by the Marshal, or his deputy, if the service shall be made by a deputy; and returned into the office of the Clerk of the Court, within forty-eight hours from the time of such service. And if such return shall not be made at such time^ the Marshal or his deputy shall state in the return, why tho Bame was not so made. RULE THIRD. If personal service of the said petition and notice cannot bo made; and the person or persons upon whom such service is to 2 18 Be mad© have no usual place of abode at which the copy thereof may be left; the Marshal shall thereupon so make his return. And upon the making of such return, the District Attorney may enter an order that the Eeceiver shall take the property of such Alien Enemy into his possession, and the Clerk shall cause the copy of the notice endorsed on the peti- tion to be posted at the door of the Court House, and pub' lished once in every four weeks in one or more of the gazettes of the city of Charleston, and of the District in which the property may be found or is situate. RULE FOURTH. If tne person or persons upon whom the petition and notice shall be served; or to whom the notice so directed, is required to be posted and published; shall not appear and file his or their answer or plea within thirty days from the time of such service or the date of such publication; he or they shall be adjudged in default, and the petition shall be thereupon taken 'pro con- fesso : Provided, nevertheless, that the District Attorney of the Confederate States for this District, if he shall so desire, may ask for and obtain an order from the Court to compel the filing of an answer or plea; and for that purpose, in default still of an answer or plea, after such order, may have the aid of all the means, within the control of a Court of Equity of this State > to compel the answer or plea of such person or persons. RULE FIFTH. When the person or persons upon whom such petition and notice shall be served, shall contest the prayer thereof; or aUedge a lien or claim on the property therein mentioned ; or if the petition shall by its statement make it necessary for the Court to order other persons to be made parties ; or if other persons shall, upon their own application, be admitted to intervene; such person or persons shall be allowed thir- ty days from the service of the notice or the order of the Court, to file his or their answer or plea to the said petition. RULE SIXTH. The District Attorney of the Confederate States shall, within 19 fiv« days from the time of filing such answer or plea, jBle his rephcation to the same. And upon the fiHng of the rephca- tion, the pleadings shall be considered made up, and the case prepared for a hearing. RULE SEVENTH. In the trial of any case arising under this Act of the Con- gress of the Confederate States, the order and mode of pro. ceeding shall be the same as is of force in the Courts of this State; and be made applicable to each case, according to its nature and subject matter; whether it shall be for trial on the Law or Equity side of the Court. RULE EIGHTH. If the pleadings in amy case shall be made up, at auy time during the term of Court, the case shall be placed on the docquet of the Court, and be called for trial, at that term. RULE NINTH. If it shall become necessary during the progress of a case, to make up a side issue; or other proceeding for the trial of any question, the decision of Avhich is necessary for the determina" tion of the main issue ; either party may apply therefor. And if the application shall be considered proper, such order will be thereupon made as may be necessary. RULE TENT^. All questions of evidence, which may be raised in any case shall be decided as far as practicable according to the Law and the Practice, in like cases recognized and of force in the Courts of the State. RULE ELEVENTH. If the hearing of any case under this Act shall be on the Equity side of the Court, the decree in such case shall sustain the petition : or on the Law side of the Court, the ver- dict of the Jury shall sustain the petition : the decree shall be enrolled; or the judgment entered and ifecorded : and thereupoa the Clerk of the Court shall issue the writ to ssquester for the Confederate States, the property mentioned in the petition. 20 RULE TWELFTH. Appeals shall be allowed from any Decree or Judgment upon questions of law or of fact, in the same manner as in civil cases at Law or in Equity, in the District Court of the Confederate States. EULE THIRTEENTH. In all cases where the Receivers shall under the 20th section of the Act ask the instructions of the Court or Judge respect, ing the disposition or management of property, it shall be done by petition, in which shall be stated particularly, the instruc- tion asked for an^ the property concerning which it is asked. And where any person or persons are interest- ed in or have a lien, claim or interest upon or in said property, notice shall be given to such person or per- sons of the application for such instructions; and he or they may be heard touching such lien, claim or interest, if the Court or Judge shall so desire. RULE FOURTEENTH. All applications by Receivers for the sale of property, shall also be by petition, stating the property particularly, and the circumstances relied upon as rendering the sale so asked for pecessary or proper. RULE FIFTEENTH. Whenever the estate, property and effects of the Alien Ene- my, against which pro(ieedings shall be taken to sequester them, shall be in the custody or possession, of any person or persons, not alledging any lien, claim or interest therein, the Receiver, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, shall take the same under his possession, control and management. And in all cases where the person or persons having such custody or possession shall alledge a lien, claim or interest in such estate, property or effects, for his or their benefit, or the benefit of some other person, not an Alien Enemy, and in whose behalf he or they are authorized to alledge such lien, claim or interest; the said estate, property and effects may be left in his or their 21 possession, for snch time and upon such terms, as may be im- posed by the Court. And this rule shall apply to all kinds of estates, property and effects hable to sequestration, except real estate and negroes, and debts: concerning which special rules will be framed. RULE SIXTEENTH. Writs of Garnishment, shall be issued by the Clerk, with the usual test, and under the seal of the Court; and whenever issued in vacation shall be made returnable to the next sue" ceeding term: if issued during the term, then to a certain day in the term. And on or before the Return Day mentioned in the said writ, an appearance may be entered in the Clerk's office; in like manner and on or before the Return Day men- tioned in the said writ, the person or persons to whom the said writ of Garnishment is directed shall file in the office of the Clerk, answers to the interrogatories annexed to the said writ. RULE SEVENTEENTH. If the person or persons to whom the writ of Garnishment is directed, shall require further time, than that which may be> between the service and the return of such writ, to make his answer to the interrogatories, or any of them: he may apply for such further time, setting forth the reasons which make such an extension of the time as he may ask for necessary: and specifying the question or questions for which he may ask it. And such statements shall be made upon oath: and notice of such application shall be serve^ upon the District Attorney RULE EIGHTEENTH. In any case arising under this Act, in which the Receiver shall have reason to believe that the subject matter of the suit is in danger of loss, injury, destruction or waste, pending litigation; he shall file an application to the Court stating the particular loss, injury, destruction or waste to which it is exposed or may be hable, and asking such order therein as maj^ seem to him necessary. And thereupon such ord0)p will be made, either for the sale or other disposition of it, as may seem proper to the Court. 22 RULE NINETEENTH. "Whenever the Receiver intends to test the truth of the re- turn made by the garnishee to the writ of garnishment, he shall file with the Clerk a statement in writing, in the form of exceptions to the said return: in which shall be set forth in distinct articles, the particular matter or things, concerning which, he may alledge that such garnishee has not answered truly. And to such statement, the garnishee may reply by way of plea or answer, in support of his return. And to such plea or answer, the Receiver in the name of the Confederate States, shall file his replication. And the time to be allowed in each case, for the garnishee to file his plea or answer to such statements, and for the replication to the said plea or answer* shall be fixed according to the circumstances of each case by the order of the Court. RULE TWENTIETH. On the first day of each and every month, commencing with and from the first day of November next ensuing, each Re- ceiver shall file with the Clerk, a true and perfect account of all matters in his hands or under his control under the law: and make and state a just and true account of all matters connected with each estate of an Ahen Enemy of which he is a Receiver. RULE TWENTY-ONE. Wherever, under any of the foregoing rules, personal or other service of any petition, process or other paper issuing from the Court, shall be required; the same may be made by ihe appearance of the Attorney or Solicitor in behalf of the person or persons, named in such petition, process or other pa" per, and upon whom such petition, process or other paper was directto^ to be served. 23 ADDITIONAL RULES. CHIEFLY APPLICABLE IN CASES IN OTHER DISTRICTS THAN CHARLESTON. I. The Deputy Marshal of each District or Section, under the charge of a Receiver, instead of making his return to the oflSce of the Clerk as directed in the 2d Rule, shall make it to the Receiver by whom the petition was delivered to him. II. All cases arising under the said Act in the Districts of Lan- caster, Chester, York, Union, Spartanburg, Greenville, Ander- son, Pickens, Abbeville, Edgefield, Newberry, Laurens, and Fairfield, shall be tried at the Court to be held in Greenville. All cases arising under the said Act in Charleston, Beaufort, and Colleton, and Georgetown shall be tried at Charleston. All cases arising in any other Districts than those named shall be tried at Columbia. III. Any business under this Act, which could not be disposed of at Columbia, may be transferred to Charleston: and business which could not be disposed of at Charleston may be trans- ferred to Columbia. lY. The Deputy Marshal for each District or Section shall in a proper book, duly enter each petition, writ, process or other paper which may come to his hands to be served: stating the parties thereto ; by whom lodged and when ; and when and to whom return of the same was made. And said book shall be by him produced at the court, where a case is to be disposed ofr in which he has served such petition, writ, process or other paper. V. Ea*h Receiver ovi, of Charleston Pistrict will make up the 24 account required in the 20th Rule, to the first day of the month: and on that day shall lodge the same in the postoffice where he resides, addressed to the Clerk of the District Court of the Confederate States at Charleston. And such account, in addi" tion to any other time in which he may be required to vouch the same, shall always be vouched by him, at the first day of the term of the court, at such place as he may be required to make the cases returnable which are in the section confided to him. VI. All money's which may be received by any receiver, shall be- deposited by him immediately after the receipt thereof in some incorporated bank of the State, of any of the Districts which compose the District or section of which he is Receiver. VII. All answers to petitions, returns of garnishees, and other matters concerning w^hich parties who have in their custody, control, power or possession, estates, property or effects of Alien Enemies, are or may be ordered or required to make dis- covery, answer or return, may be filed in cases which are to be tried at Columbia or Greenville, may be filed Avith the Re- ceiver of the Confederate States at either place. And such Receiver shall safely keep such paper ; and give notice thereof to the Clerk of the District Court of the Confederate States at Charleston. 25 APPENDIX OF FORMS. I. RETURN. CONFEDERATE STATES. Sequestration Act, 1861. Return of of property and effects ol Alien Enemies, in his possession or control since the 21st day of May, 1861. Names of Alien Enemies. Description of Property. Amount. Sworn to before me this day of A. D. 1861, II. WRIT OF GARNISHMENT. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, \ South Caeolina District, j To D. H. Hamilton, Marshal of the Confederate States, For the District of South Carolina* Whereas, a Receiver, under the Act of the Congress of the Confederate States, for the sequestration of the estates, property and eiiects of aUeii enemies, and for the indemnity of citizens of the Confcdeiate States and persons aiding the same in the existing war with the United States; has requested that a Writ of Garnishment, under the said Act, should issue to commanding him to appear and answer under oath, what property or effects of any alien enemy he has at the service of this Process, or since has had under his possession or control, belonging to or held for an alien enemy; or in what sum he is or was at the time of the ser- vice of the Garnishment, or since has been indebted to an alien enemy. 4 26 You are therefore by these Presents ordered and required to summon the said to be and appear before the District Court of the Confederate States for the District of South CaroKna, at its sitting in on the day of next, then and there to answer in the premises : and upon his oath fully and particularly to answer the interrogatories hereto annexed, and to set forth and discover what lands, tenements and here- ditamentSf goods and chattels, rights and credits of any alien enemy, he had at the service of this process, or since has had in his custody, control, power or possession, to the end that according to his answer,^and such further proceedings as may be had therein, such property and effects of the alien enemy may be condemned and sequestered under the provisions of the aforesaid Act of the Congress of the Confederate States. And you will execute this Process by serving personally on the or leaving at his usual place of abode, a copy thereof ; with a notice endorsed thereon, requiring him to appear and answer as herein directed. And whatsoever you shall do in the premises, you shall make true return thereof, at the time and place aforesaid. Witness, the Hon, A. G. Mageath, Judge of the Confederate States, this day of A. D. 1861. To < You are hereby notified to appear before the District Court of the Confederate States, at its sitting in on the day of next, then and there to answer in writing and upon oath, the interrogatories annexed to the within Writ. H. Y. GRAY, Clerk C. S. District, So. Ca. INTERROGAT ORIES ADDRESSED TO 1. Have yon now, or hiave you had in your possession, or under your control since the twenty-first day of May last ? (1861,) and if yea, at what time, any land or lands, tenemeirt oT tenements, hereditament or hereditaments, chattel or chattels, right or rights, credit or credits, within the Confederate States of America, held, owned, possessed or enjoyed for or by an alien* enemy : or in or to which any alien enemy had, and when, since that time, any right title or interest, either directly or indirectly. 2. If you answer any part of the foregoing interrogatory in the affirmative, then set forth specifically and particularly, a description of such property, right, title, credit or interest, and if you have disposed of it in whole or in part, or of the profit or rent or interest accruing therefrom, then state when you made such disposition, and to whom and where such property now i» and by whom held. 27 3. "Were you, since the twenty-first day of May, 1861, and if yea, at what time, indebted, either directly or indirectly, to any alien enemy or alien enemies ? If yea, state the amount of such indebtedness, if one, and of each indebtedness if more than one : give the name or names of the creditor or creditors, and the place or places of residence, and state whether, and to what extent, such debt or debts have been discharged, and also the time and manner of the discharge. 4. Do you know of any land or lands, tenement or tenements, hereditament or hereditaments, chattel or chattels, rights, credit or credits, within the Confederate States of America, or any right or interest held, owned, possessed or enjoyed, directly or indirectly, by or for one or more alien enemies, since the twenty-first day of May, 1861, or in or to which any one or more alien enemies had since that time any claim, title or interest, direct or indirect ? If yea, set forth specifically and particu- larly what and where the property is, and the name and resi- dence of the holder, debtor, trustee or agent. 5. State all else that you know which may aid in carrying into full effect the Sequestration Act of the 30th August, 1861, and state the same as fully and particularly as if thereunto specially interrogated. Receiver. Note — The garnishee in the foregoing interrogatories, is spe- cially warned, that the Sequestration Act makes it the duty of each and every citizen to give the information asked in said interrogatories. — [Act of ZOth Augtist^ 1861, Section 2.] And if any attorney, agent, former partner, trustee or other person, holding or coiilrolling any property or interest therein, of or for any 'alien enemy, shall fail speedily to inform the Beceiver of the same, and to render him an account of such property or interest, ho sliall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, and imprisoned not longer than six months, and be Uable to pay besides to the Confederate States, double the value of the property or interest of the alien enemies so held or subject to his control. — [Sec. 3.] The Attorney-General has also prescribed the following rule pf practice for the Courts, by virtue of the authority vested in l^im under the 16th section of the law. RULE. Garnishees, to whom written or printed interrogatories are addressed, may make appearance by filing written answers, sworn to before a Justice of the Peace, or other competent officer, unless specially ordered by the Court to appear in person. 28 III. PETITION. m THE DISTRICT COURT. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, \ South Caeolina District. ] To the Hon. A. G. 3Iagratk, Confederate Judge for the District aforesaid. The Petition of Receiver of Sequestered Estates, duly appointed by the Judge aforesaid, who sues in the name and behalf of the Confederate States of America, re- spectfully showeth, 1. That open and public war exists between the United States of America and the said Confederate States of America, by virtue of an Act of the Congress of the said Confederate States, entitled " An Aotrecognizing the existence of ivar between tjie, United States and tjie Confederate States; and concerning Letters of Blarque, Prizes and Prize Goods," approved on the sixth day of May, A. D., 1861. 2. That by virtue of the Act of the Congress of the said Confederate States, entitled " An Act for the Sequestration of the Estates, Property and ejects of Alien Enemies, and for the indemnify of Citizens of the Confederate States, and persons aiding the same in tJie existing loar with the United States," approved on the 30th day of August, A. D. 1861, all and every the lands, tenemetits and hereditaments, good and chattels, rights and credits, within these Confederate States, and every right and interest therein held, owned, possessed or enjoyed, by or for any alien enemy, since the twenty-first day of May, one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-one, except such debts due to an alien enemy, as may have been paid into the Treasury of any one of the Confederate States, prior to the passage of said Act, are sequestrated by the Confederate States of America, to be held for the indemnity of certain citizens of the said Confede- rate States and others, according to the provisions of the Act of Congress aforesaid. - 3. That there are within the limits of these Confederate States, to wit, in in the District aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, certain lands, tene- ments and hereditaments, goods and chattels, rights and credits, held, owned, possessed and enjoyed by or for certain alien enemies to wit, 29 And that the estate, effects, property and interests of the alien enemies aforesaid, are, when ascertained, Hable to be seques- trated by notice of the Act of Congress aforesaid. Wherefore your Petitioner, in the name and behalf of the said Confederate States, prays that process in due form of law according to the course of this Honorable Court, in cases of this nature, may issue against the said and all other persons holding, exercising supervision over, in possession of, or controlhng all and singular the lands and tene- ments, goods, chattels, rights and credits, or any interest therein of the alien enemies aforesaid, that he and they may be required upon oath, to answer, set forth and discover whether the said are not alien enemies of the Confederate States, and whether the property and effects here- inbefore specified, or any interest therein, are held or controlled by them or either of them for the alien enemies aforesaid, or any or either of tliem, or for any other alien enemies ; and whether they or any or either of them have any custody, pos- session or control, of any other lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels, rights and credits, of the alien enemies afore- said, or any or either of them; and whether they or any or either of them have any claim or lien on any of the property and effects aforesaid.. And that your Petitioners may be entitled to Writs of Gar- nishment, to be issued out of and under the Seal of this Honora- ble Court, and directed to such other persons as may have in their possession, custody or control, any other property and effects of the alien enemies aforesaid, or any or either of them. And that the said property and effects of the alien enemies aforesaid, and all other property belonging to the said alien enemies, or in which they may have an interest, which shall be discovered and be brought within the jurisdiction of this Court, may be sequestrated according to the provisions of the Act of Congress aforesaid, for the uses and purposes in the same specified ; and that your Petitioner may have such other and further order, decree, direction and relief in the premises, as the nature of the case may require, and to your Honor may eeem meet. Aud your Petitioner will ever pray, &c. C. R. MILES, C. S. Dist. Att'y, pro tern. K- 30 V. APPLICATION TO INTERVENE. IN THE CONFEDERATE COURT. SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT. TEE CONFEDEBATE STATES OF AMERICA,) vs. V An Alien Enemy. ) To the Hon. A. G. Magrath, Judge of the said Court. The Petition of respectfully showeth, that he has an interest in the subject-matter of the said suit, and prays to be admitted as a Defendant, and allowed to defend to the extent of his interest. IV. FORM OF AN ANSWER. IN THE CONFEDERATE COURT. SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT. TEE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICAA vs. > An Alien Enemy. ) To the Hon. A. G. Mageath, Judge of the said Court. The answer of to the Petition in the above stated cause, praying sequestration of the property of an Alien Enemy ; respectfully showeth : vVherefore the said prays that the interest now propounded, be protected in the decree for sequestration prayed for in the said Petition; and that such order may be made in the case as to the said Court may seem meet. Affidavit annexed to the Answer, Personally appeared and makes oath, that no Alien Enemy has any interest in the right set forth in this answer, which he asserts and for which he litigates, either directly or indirectly, by trust, open or secret; that he litigates wholly for himself. [If he litigateB for some other, strike out the three last words and conclude with the following :] for whom he legally represents, who is a citizen of ; / 31 the Confederate States, [Or if a citizen or subject of some other power, describe him as tach.] and that the said whom he represents, resides in [Or if any other relation exists between him and the Defendant, than as above stated, set it forth.] Sworn to before me, this day of A. D. 18 — . VI. JUDGMENT* IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEE CONFEDERATE STATES, ) ^ ouTH Carolina District, j The Confederate States of America, vs. an AHen Enemy. And Whereas upon the hearing of the Petition in the afore- said cause, and all other papers to the same relating, together with the evidence produced before tlic Jurors, to whom by the order of the Court, the same were submitted : they the gaid Jurors, that is to say, being duly sworn, did in open Court, find by their verdict, then and there given, that the property mentioned in the said Peti- tion is and has been since the 21st day of May, A. 1). 1861, the property of an Alien Enemy : Therefore it is now by the said Court ordered that the said property be sequestered for tlie US3 of the Confederate States of America, according to the Act of the V- ongress of the Confederate States of America, No. 269, approved the 30th day of August, A. D. 1861. And that the mandate of this Court forthwith issue to the Receiver, to take the possession, control and management of the said property for the use of the Confederate States of America. VII. COMMISSION TO SEQUESTRATE. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, \ South Carolina District, j To Receiver, Whereas, certain proceedings have been had in the District Court of the Confederate States, for the District of South Caro- lina, sitting as a Court of Sequestration, under the Act of the Confederate Congress, entitled "An Act for the Sequestration 8 32 .,. of the Estate, Property and Eflfects of Ali^n Enemies, and for the indemnity of Citizens of the Confederate States, and persons aiding the same in the existing war with the United States," in which it was propounded to the said Court, that within its jurisdiction certain property, to wit : was the property of an aHen enemy of the Confederate States of America : and subject to sequestration under the provisions of the said Act : and upon due considera- tion of the matters then propounded, the said Court did adjudge and decree the said property hereinbefore described, to be the property of the said an aUen enemy : and under the authority of the said Act of the Confederate Con- gress, did further adjudge and decree, that the said property should be sequestered. Now Know Ye, That in confidence of your prudence and fidehty, full powder and authority are given you to enter upon the necessary lands, tenements and real estate whatever of the said and to collect, receive and sequester into your hands for the Confederate States of America, not only all the rents and net profits of the messuages, lands, tenements and real estate, but also the goods, chattels and per- sonal estates whatsoever, of the said And therefore you are commanded to go and enter upon all the messuages, lands, tenements and real estate of the said and collect, take, and get into your hands not only all the rents, and net profits of the said real estate, but also all his goods, chattels, and personal estate, and detain and keep the same pursuant to the provisions of the aforesaid Act of the Congress of the Confederate States : and to the said Court you will make correct return of what you may do in the premises. "Witness, the Hon. A. G. Magrath, Judge of the District Court of the Confederate States, for the District of South Caro- lina, this day of A. D. 1861.