■<«»*iMW9MM«M«^yMaM(Mn7^ Duke University Libraries A southern song Conf Pam #742 ^ ^0uthern ^m^. ^DBEESS TO HER MMIMNi imm •ftftj^ii BY » « ~ t « RICHMOND 1861. Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from Duke University Libraries littp://www.arcliive.org/details/soutliernsongOOmfqq ADDRESS TO HER MARYLAND LOVER, BY A VIRGINIAN GIRL. Air — "Fly to the Desert." Fly to the South, come fly with me ! In Richmond there's a home for thee, But oh I the choice, what heart can fear Submission at home, or Freedom here. If wounded, thy true love will be A Florence Nightingale to thee, If killed, above thee she will pour, Of pearly tears, full many a shower. Then fly with me, if thou dost claim, Thy Southern rights and Southern name ; And foremost 'mid our ranks show forth Thy hatred of the oppressing North. But if like some in deep contrition. You hope for Maryland's submission, And like a dastard calmly kneel, And bow to the ursurper's steel. Then fare thee well, I'd never own My looks were on a coward thrown. Love to a poltroon I'd ne'er give, But rather bid him die, than live ! M. F. Q. pcnmalipei pH8.5