Digitized by the Internet . Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/catalogueofbooks01amer AMERICAN AISTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, IN WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. WORCESTER: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, BY HENRY J. ROWLAND. 1 837. PREFACE. The Library of the American Antiquarian Society, of which a Catalogue is now presented to the public, owes its origin to the sound judgment and sagacious foresight, not less than to the public spirit and zeal for the dif- fusion of knowledge, which marked the character of Isaiah Thomas, the venerable Founder of the fhstitution. The important contributions made by Doct. Thomas, both as an author and a printer, to the cause of good learning, need not here be repeated ; they already form a part of our pub- lic history. From his Press much of the early literature of the country was supplied, and to his Pen was it occasionally indebted for suggestions and illustrations, in the form of notes, prefaces and appendices, giving in- creased value to the publications which issued under his auspices. His " History of Printing," written after his retirement from business, was the fruit of his past industry and research, and is a standard work on the shelves of our principal libraries. During his active period of life, while engaged in the publication of books, to an extent which kept nearly twenty presses in constant operation, and at the same time in conducting a magazine and newspaper of wide circulation, Mr. Thomas necessarily collected many books, pamphlets, and papers, which already constituted a library of considerable magnitude. To this he subsequently made additions with a view to the preparation of his History. After the publication of that work, he justly considered the library which he had been gradually gathering, as a treasure of too much value to society to be hoarded in private while he lived, and perhaps scat- tered to the four winds at his decease. He was led by this consideration to propose an association for collecting and preserving the materials of his- tory ; to whose charge he might entrust his literary treasures, for the use of the present and future generations, and with the fond expectation that they would be the embryo of a Collection hereafter to rival the famous Libra- ries of Europe. .His design was submitted to his friends, with whose advice and assistance he matured a plan of organization for the American Antiquarian Society, and procured an Act of Incorporation, October 24, 1812. He was elected the first President, and continued in that office til! his decease, April 4, 1831, at the age of 82. 6 PREFACE. Immediately after the Incorporation of the Society, INIr. Thomas bestowed upon it his library, then composed of about 3000 bound volumes, a great number of pamphlets, and a s(?ries of newspapers fiir more complete than any other existing in America. Soon afterwards a donation of 900 vol- umes was received through the hands of Mrs. Hannah Crocker, a de- scendant of the Mather family, (in part a gift from heiself, and partly a purchase by Mr. Thomas,) being the remains of the library formerly be- longing to Increase and Cotton Mather, the most ancient in Massachu- setts, if not in the United States. A valuable addition was also made to the library and cabinet by the legacy of Rev. William Bentley, D. D. of Salem. The books bequeathed by Doct. Bentley amounted to several hundred volumes, principally German editions and in the German tongue, besides a collection oi oriental manuscripts, including a splendid illumina- ted copy of the Koran, and several commentaries thereon. Our munificent Founder continued to cherish the child of his old age, with truly parental assiduity. Every year he made liberal donations of books and rare curiosities, some of which u'ere procured by him at consid- erable expense. The whole amount of his donations in books was between 7000 and 8000 bound volumes, a large number of unbound tracts, and the greater proportion of all the newspapers now belonging to the Society. He was at the charge of printing the first volume of Transactions, publish- ed in 1820. In the same year he erected the Edifice now occupied by the Society, and gave it for their exclusive use. And to crown his benefactions and place the existence and usefulness of the Institution beyond the reach of ordinary vicissitude, he endowed it, at his decease, with a fund, which, if not equal to all its wants,is ample compared with many other institutions, and will probably enable it hereafter to do good service in the republic of letters. There are many other benefactors of the Society entitled to their grati- tude, among whom it may be permitted to the Committee charged with the publication of the Catalogue, to name the Hon. Thomas L. Winthrop, our present President, whose solicitude for the interests of the Institution has been unceasing, and who has enriched the library with many volumes of great price and rarity. Mr. Thomas Wallcut of Boston has been the donor of a large collection of old books and pamphlets, especially suited to the objects and taste of the antiquary. The names of all donors, even of a single volume or tract, or any article of curiosity, are entered on our re- cords, and will be transmitted, on the list of our patrons, to those who may come after us. Soon after the incorporation of the Society, the National Government made provision for supplying us with copies of the public laws and doc- uments. The Legislatures of several of the States have generously made a similar provision. The government of Massachusetts furnishes two sets of all the publications ordered by the legislature, including the statutes and judicial reports. These documents compose a valuable portion of our li- PREFACE. 7 brary ; and should ihe example be imitated by the other States of the Un- ion, a collection of public documents would soon be formed, whose impor- tance to the statesman and the historian cannot he too highly estimated. The present number of bound volumes in the library is about 12,000, including upwards of 1200 volumes of pamphlets, and more than 700 bound volumes of newspapers. There are about 500 pamphlets yet unbound, ex- clusive of duplicates, and nearly 1000 volumes of unbound newspapers. Nearly all the American papers printed before the Revolution are in this collection, and of some of them a more complete series is here to be found than is any where else in existence. The Manuscripts of the Society are of considerable value, especially that portion of them which relates to the early ecclesiastical history of New England. They embrace many of the papers of the Mathers, Richard, Increase, Cotton, and Samuel ; those of John Cotton, minister of the first church in Boston, and of John Cotton, the second, minister of Plymouth. There are many other manuscripts which have already been consulted with advantage by authors, and others who have had occasion to investigate the venerable records of the past. The lapse of years will add to their impor- tance ; and those time-defaced pages, which are now merely glanced at as objects of curiosity, will hereafter be studied with an intense and eager in- terest. The Cabinet of the Society is not yet of great extent. The arti- cles of most interest are those illustrating the manners of our fathers, and the weapons of war, articles of apparel, and domestic utensils of the abo- rigines of North America. Specimens of this kind, of American origin, are more to be desired by an American Society of Antiquaries, than ?ny articles, however rare or antique, brought hither from the ransacked do- mains of the old world. The cJi'oiiiet contains a collection of coins, com- paratively small, but amounting to nearly 2000 pieces, of which, however, many are duplicates. Among them is a consic'erable number of coins of the Roman Empire, and a few said to be of still more remote antiquity. It is believed there are specimens of nearly all the pieces of money ever struck in the present United States. The Library and Cabinet of the Institution are deposited in a building, in the construction and occupation of which great precaution has been ta- ken for the security of the treasures accumulated within its walls. The Second Volume of Archasologia Americana" has lately issued from the press. The long delay which took place between the appearance of the first and of the second volume is to be imputed, not to the want of materials for the publication, or inclination to spread them before (he pub- lic, but to the want of sufficient funds, which have but recently come into the possession of the Society. The foregoing sketch of the origin of the Society, its objects, history, and present condition, it is hoped by the Committee will not be deemed an unsuitable mtroduction to this volume. 8 PREFACE. A Catalogue of the Library has long been a desideratum, not only to the members of the Society, but to all who sought access to their archives. Without such an index, a great portion of our volumes were no better than sealed books to every enquirer who had not time or patience to seek, among the undigested mass, for such dates and facts as he desired to ascertain. The Catalogue now published is almost wholly the work of the late lamen- ted Librarian, Christopher C. Baldwin, whose decease the Society de- plores as an irreparable loss. It was prepared by him with great care and labor, and is a monument of his unfiring industry. It has been completed and brought up to the present date, by the acting librarian, Maturin L. Fisher, Esq. Its accuracy, as far at least as regards the bound books, has been since subjected to the test of a careful comparison of its titles with the correspondent volumes on the shelves of the library. It is in the alpha- betical form, which has been generally adopted by librarians, as more sim- ple in its arrangement and more convenient for reference, than a systemat- ic index. The plan pursued .was to give the name of the author when known, and where the work is anonymous, briefly to state the subject. Each letter of the Alphabet has been paged by itself, to facilitate the inser- tion of future additions under the respective letters, and thus render a new edition of the whole Catalogue unnecessary, at least for several years- Our list of books, it will be observed, contains an unusual proportion of tracts, for which reason it is swollen to a size somewhat disproportionate to the solid contents of the library. But we prize this large collection of pamphlets, as a most important part of those materials for history which it is the great object of the Society to preserve; and if the list was confined to these alone, we should judge it of sufficient consequence to warrant a publication, A written Catalogue of Manuscripts, very minute in its titles and de- tails, is now in a course of preparation, and will be kept in the library for the inspection of all who may have occasion to consult it. By order of the Council, JOHN PARK. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARIAN SOCIETY. 1 8 36. A Abbot Abiel. Statement of the Proceedings in the first society in Coventry, [Conn.] witli Mr. Abbot's Address. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . Proceedings of the General Association of Connecticut relative to. 8vo. Hartford. 1812. , . Reply to his Statement of the Proceedings in the first Society in Coventry, [Conn.] By the Association in Tolland County. 8vo. Hartford. 1812. , . Address at Danvers [Mass.] Oct. 17, 1821, before the Essex Ag- ricultural Society. 8vo. Andover. 1822. , . Discourse before the Portsmouth (N. H.) Female Asylum, Aug. 9,1807.. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1807. , . Self Preservation. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1802. Abbot, Abie]. Anniversary Discourse at Plymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 22, 1809. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Two Sermons on Baptism at Beverly, [Mass.] Feb. & Aug. 1812. 4th edit. 12mo. Salem. 1823. , . Discourse before the Missionary Society of Salem and vicinity, &c. Oct. 2, 1816. 8vo. Salem. , . Address before the Mass. Temperance Society, June 2, 1815, [with the third Annual Report.] 12m.o. Cambridge. , . The Same 8vo. Cambridge. 1815. Abbott, Charles. Treatise of the Law relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen, 8vo. Philadelphia. 1802. Abbot, Hull. Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston.- 1735. , . Sermon on Occasion of the Rebellion in Scotland, Raised in Favor of a Popish Pretender, Jan. 12, 1745-6. 8vo. Boston. 1746. Abbott, Jacob. Lecture on Moral Education, before the American Institute of Instruction, at Boston, Aug. 26, 1831, 8vo. Boston. 1831. Abbot, John Emery. Sketch of his Life and character [from the Christian Dis- ciple.] 8vo. , . Sermons : with his Life by H. Ware, jun. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1829. Abbot, Joel. Essay on the central Influence of Magnetism. 8vo. Phil. 1814. Abbot, John. Address before the Mass. Grand Lodge, Dec. 1826. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 1326. Abeel, John N. Discourse, April 6, 1801, at New York, before the New York Missionary Society. 8vo. New York. 1801. Abbott, John S. C. The Mother at Home ; or the Principles of Maternal Duty Familiarly Illustrated. 12mo. Boston & New York. 1833. , . The Child at Home. 12mo. Boston. 1834. " A. B. C." Disclosures relating to the "A. B. C." Affair. From the Essex Re- gister. [Mass.] 8vo. Abel. Death of Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. 12th ed. 12mo. Coventry. 1788. . Same. With the death of Cain. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gess- ner. By Mary Colly er. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1791. 1 2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Abercr6mbie, John. The Gardener's Pocket Dictionary. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 178G. , . See Mawe, Thomas. Abercrombie, Robert. An account of the Proceedings of the Presbytery, whereof the Reverend Mr. John Moorhead, &.c, are members, against the Rev. Robert Abercrombie. In a Letter to a Friend. 12mo. Boston. 1754. , . A fair narrative of the Proceedings of the Presbytery of Boston against the Rev. Mr. Robert Abercrombie, with some remarks on a Pam- phlet of liis, in Form of a Letter to a Friend. By John Moorhead, Jonathan Par- sons, David JMacgregorie. l"2mo. Boston. 1756. , . Rejoinder to the Rev. Rob. Abercrombie's late Remarlis on a fair narrative of the Proceedings of the Presbytery of Boston against him. By J. Parsons, and D. Macgregorie. 12mo. Boston. 1758. Abercrombie, James. Sermon on the Liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal church, at Philadelphia, June 15, 1808. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1808. , . Sermon at Philadelphia, July 22, 1804, occasioned by the Death of Alexander Hamilton, who was killed by Aaron Buit, in a duel, July 11, 1804. , . Fast Sermon at Philadelphia, May 9, 1798. 8vo. Phil. Abernethy, John. Defence of the Seasonable Advice in answer to C. Mastertown's Apology for the Northern Presbyterians in Ireland. 12mo. Belfast. 1724. Abingdon, Earle of. Thoughts on tlie Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq. to the Sher- iffs of Bristol, on the affairs of America. 4th ed. 8vo. Oxford. , . The Same. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 1778. Abolition Society. See Slave Trade. Aborigines of America. Researches relative to. 8vo. Baltimore. 1816. Abraham. The Trial of. In Four cantos. Tr. from the German. 12mo. 1764. Abraham, Richard. Catalogue of Italian, Flemish, Spanish, Dutch, French, and English Pictures, collected by. 8vo. New York. [1830]. Abrahamus, Bernardus. Theses Theologicce. 4to. Salmusii. 1650. Abstract of tlie Remarkable Passages in the Life of a Private Gentleman. 4th ed. 16mo. Boston. 1744. Academicarum Disputationum Formulse. 24mo. London. 1638. Academic. Imperiale des Sciences, literature et beaux arts de Turin. Memoires Pour les Annees 1800-10. 4to. Turin. 1811, Academician. See Picket, A. & J. W. Academy of Compliments. 12mo. Worcester. 1795. Academy. See American. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Report, 1824. Acta Eruditorum. 9 vol. 4to. Lipsiae. 1682-90. Adair, John. Biographical Sketch of. 8vo. Washington. 1830. Adam. Men before. 16mo. London. 1656. . Theological systeme upon tlie Presupposition tliat men were before Adam. 16mo. London. 1655. Adam, Alexander. Rudiments of Latin and English Grammar. 12mo. Bost 1799. Adam, Thomas. Paraphrase of 11 first chapters of St. Paul's epistle to the Ro- mans. 8vo. London. 1781. Adams, Thomas. The Barren Tree : A Sermon. 4to. London. 1623. , . Three Sermons. 4to. London. 1625. Adams, Eliphalet. Sermon at Boston, Oct 20, 1706. 16mo. Boston. 1706. , . Sermon at New London, [Conn.] Sept. 1724, on tlie Death of the Hon. Gurdon Saltonstall. 12mo. New London. 1724. , . Sermon, Lebanon, [Conn.] May 27, 1725, at the ordination of William G ager. 16mo. New London. 1725. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1733. Adams, John. Elements of useful Knowledge. 12mo. London. 1793. Adams, John. Poems on Several Occasions, Original and Translated. 12mo. Boston. 1745. Adams J. The Relation of Christianity to civil Government in the United States. Convention Sermon at Charleston, [S. C] Feb. 13, 1833. 8vo. Charleston. 1833. , , -. Laws of Success and Failure in Life : Address before the Euphra- dian Society, Dec. 30, 1833, at Charleston, [S. C] 8vo. Charleston. 1833. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 3 Adams, Amos. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon, June 4, 1759. 8vo. Boston. 1759. , . Sermon at Gloucester [Mass.] Feb. 5, 17G6, at the ordination of John Wyeth. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , . Sermon at Roxbury [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1767. 12mo. Boston. 1767. , . Sermon at Reading- [Mass.] at the ordination of Caleb Prentice, Oct 25, 1769. 8vo. Boston. — , . Religious Liberty an invaluable Blessing. Two Thanksgiving Discourses at Roxbury, Dec. 8, 1767. 8vo. Boston. 1768. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Roxbury, Oct. 25, 1759, on the Reduc- tion of Quebec. 8vo. Boston. 1759. , . Two Fast Discourses at Roxbury, April 6, 1769. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1769. Adams Joseph. Duty of Professors. Especially under the Gospel. 8vo. Ports- mouth, N. H. 1768. , . The necessity and importance of Rulers, Civil and Ecclesiasti- cal. Sermon at Newington, *N. H. March 13, 1769. 4to. Portsmouth. 1769. Adams, Zabdiel. Sermon at Lancaster at a Singing Lecture. April 4, 1771. 12mo. Boston. Adams, Zabdiel. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1782. , . Sermon at Taunton [Mass.] May 16, 1792, at the Installation of Rev. John Foster. 8vo. Boston. 1792. , . Answer to a Pamphlet lately published, entitled a " Treatise on Church Government." 12mo. Boston. 1773. , . Sermon at Lexington [Mass.] April 19, 1783, being the anni- versary of the Commencement of the War. 8vo. Boston. 1783. , . Masonic Sermon at Lancaster [Mass.] June 24, 1778. 4to. Worcester. 1778. , . Two Sermons at Sterling [Mass.] Jan. 16, 1791. 8vo. Boston. Adams, Samuel. See Adams, John. Adams, William. God's Eye on the Contrite. Massachusetts Election Sennon. 4to. Boston. 1685. , . The necessity of the Pouring out of the Spirit from on High upon a Sinning Apostatizing People, set under Judgment, in order to their mer- ciful deliverance and Salvation. Fast Sermon. 4to. Boston. 1679. , Discourse at New London, [Conn.] Oct. 23, 1760, on the Thanks- giving for the Reduction of Montreal. . 12mo. New London. 1761. Adams, Hannah. Summary History of New England. 8vo. Dedham, Mass. 1799. , . Abridgement of the same. 12mo. Boston. 1805. , . History of the Jews from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the 19th Century. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1812. , . View of Religions. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1801. , . Narrative of the Controversy between Rev. Jedediah Morse and Author. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . See Harvard College. See Morse, Jedediah. Adams, Moses. Sermon at Medway, [Mass.] June 13, 1798, at the ordination of Luther Wright. 8vo. Dedham. 1798. Adams, Moses. Trial of, for the murder of his wife. Reported by J. Bulfinch. 8vo. Boston. 1815. Adams, John, [Pres.] Twenty-six Letters upon interesting subjects respecting the Revolution of America. 12mo. , , . Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States, against the attack of M. Turgot in his Letter to Dr. Price. 3d. ed. Vol. 3. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797. , , . Thoughts on Government : Applicable to the Present state of the American Colonies. 8vo. Boston. 1776. , , . Abridgement of the same. 12mo. Boston. 1788. , , . Geschiedenis van het Geschil tusschen G. Britannie en Amerika. 8vo. Amherst. 1782. , , . Correspondence originally published in the Boston Patriot 8vo. Boston. 1809. 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN f! O C I E T Y. Adams, John. [Pres.] Letter to an Ex President of the United States. 8vo. Leo- minster. Mass. 181*^. , , . See Hamilton, Alexander. Pickering-, Timotlij^ , , . Novang-lus, and Massachusettensis ; or Political Essays published in the years 1774-5, on the principal points of Controversy between Great Britain and her colonies. The Former by .Tohn Adams, the Latter by Jonathan Sewall. [it should be Daniel Leonard]. To which are added a num- ber of Letters lately written by President Adams to the Hon. William Tudor. 8vo. Boston. 3819. , , . Four Letters. Being an Interesting Correspondence be- tween those eminently distinguished characters, John Adams, late President of the l/nited States, and Samuel Adams, Lieut. Gov. of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , , . Letters to Dr. Calkoen relating to the United States. 8vo. [1780.] , , . Collection of State Papers, Relative to the First Acknow- ledgement of the Sovereignty of the United States of America, and the recep- tion of tlieir Minister Plenipotentiary by their High Mightinesses the States Ge- neral of the United Netherlands. 8vo. London. 1782. Adams, John Quincy. [Pres.] Oration at Plymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 22, 1802. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , , . Inaugural Oration as Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in Harvard University. June 12, 180(3. 8vo. Boston. 180G. , , . Oration at Plymouth Dec. 22, 1602. 8vo. Ply- mouth. 1820. , , . Address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1793. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , , . The Same. 2d. ed. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , , . American Principles. Review of the Works of Fisher Ames. From the Boston Patriot. 8vo. Boston. 1809. , , . Remarks on the Hon. John Q. Adams's Review of Mr. Ames's Works. 8vo. Boston. 1809. , , . Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory in Harvard University. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge. 1810. , , . Letter to Harrison Gray Otis on our National Af- fairs. With Remarks on Mr. Pickering's Letter to the Governor of Massachu- setts. 8vo. Salem. 1808. , , . Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , , . Remarks and Criticisms on the foregoing Letter. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , , . Address at Washington, D. C. July 4, 1821. 8vo. Cambridge. , , . Vindication of the above. 8vo. Concord, N. H. 1821. , , . Remarks on the same Address. 8vo. Baltimore. 1821. , , . Report as Secretary of State upon Weights and Measures. 8vo. Washington. 1821. , , . Duplicate Letters. The Fisheries and the Missis- sippi. 8vo. Washington. 1822. , , . The Treaty of Ghent and the Fisheries, or the Dip- lomatic Talents of J. Q. Adams, candidly examined. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , , . Correspondence between him and several citizens of Massachusetts, concerning the charge of a design to dissolve the Union, al- leged to have existed in that State. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , , . Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , , . Verdict of Condemnation. By an Old citizen of New York. On the Appeal of H. G. Otis & Co. to the People of the United States, in grand Inquest ; for the decision of their controversy with J. Q. Adams. 8vo. New York. 1829. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 5 Adams, John Quincy. [Pres.] Oration at Quincy, Mass. July 4, 1831. 8vo. Boston. , , . Eulog-y at Boston, Aug. 25, 1831, on the Life and Character of James Munroe. 8vo. Boston. , , . Dermot Mac Morrogh, or the Conquest of Ireland. 8vo. Boston. 1832. , , . Report on the Books and Proceedings of the Uni- ted States Bank. March 15, 1832. 8vo. Washington. , , . Letter on the Entered Apprentice's Oath. 12mo. Boston. 1833. , , and Lewis Condict. Report of the Minority of the Committee on Manufactures in Congress, Feb. 28, 1833. 8vo. Boston. 1833. , , . Letters to Edward Livingston on Free-Masonry. 12mo. Boston. 1833. , , . Speech [suppressed by the previous question] in Congress, on the Removal of the Public Deposites and its Reasons. 8vo. Wash- ington. 1834. , , . Oration on the Life and Character of Gilbert Mo- tier de La Fayette, at the request of both Houses of the Congress of the Uni- ted States, at Washington, Dec. 31, 1834. 8vo. Washington. 1835. Adams, George Washington. Oration atQuincy, Mass. July 4, 1824. 8vo. Boston. Adams, Phineas. Sermon at Tomlinson [Vt.] Nov. 6th, 1788, at the ordination of William Hall. 12mo. Windsor. 1789. Adams, Nathaniel. Annals of Portsmouth, N. H. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1825. Adams, Robert Narrative of 8vo. Boston. 1817. Adams, Daniel. Medical and Agricultural Register for 1806-7. 8vo. Boston. , . Oration at Fitchburg, [Mass.] Oct. 12, 1801, at a meeting of the Militia Officers of the Fourth Regiment. 8vo. Leominster. 1802. , . Inaugural Dissertation on the Principle of Animation, before Dartmouth College, N. H. 8vo. Hanover. 1799. , . Oration at Leominster, [Mass.] Feb. 22, on the death of George Washington. 8vo. Leominster. 1800. Adams, Josiah. Address before the Middlesex Agricultural Society, at Concord, Mass. Oct. 2, 1823. 8vo. Concord. , . Centennial Address delivered at Acton, Mass. July 21, 1835, with an Appendix. 8vo. Boston. 1835. Adam's Tragedie, Declaring Satan's Malice and Subtiltie, Man's Weeknesse and Miserie, and his deliverance from Eternal Captivitie. 16mo. London. 1608. Adamson, M. Friendly Epistle to Neighbour John Taylor of the city of Nor- wich. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1758. Addington, S. Serious Address to Christian Worshippers on the Importance of early attendance upon Public Worship. 12mo. Boston. 1785. Addison, Joseph. The Drummer ; or the Flaunted House : Comedy. 12mo. Glasgow. 1760. , . Cato : Tragedy. 12mo. Worcester. 1782. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1767. , . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Worcester. 1787. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1793. , . The Same. 4to. , . Poetical Works. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1778. , . Memoirs of his Life, with an account of his Writings. 12mo. London. 1719. , . Maxims, Observations and Reflections, Moral, Political, and Divine, 12mo. London. 1719. Addison, Alexander. Observations on Mr. Gallatin's Speech in Congress, on the Foreign Intercourse Bill. 12mo. Washington. 1798. Address both of Church and Poore to the Sacred Majesty of Great Britain's Mon- arch, for a just redress for the Uniting of Churches and the Ruin of Hospitals: With the Form and Government of the Kirk of Scotland. 16mo. London. 1641. Adelung, Johan Christoph. Auszug aus dem grammatisch-kritischen Worterbuche der Hochdeutschen Mundart. 4 Thiele. 8vo. Leipzig. 1793-1802. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Adulterer, The. A Poem. 8vo. London. 1769. Adventures of a Black Coat. 12mo. Edinburgh. of a Valet : written by hhnself. 12mo. London. 1752. of two English Gentlemen in Italy. l'2mo. Worcester. 1795. Advertisement for a husband : Novel. 12mo. Worcester. 1799. Adviser, or Vermont Evangelical Magazine for 1812-13. Vols. 4 &. 5. 8vo. Middlebury. 1812-13. ^rostation, Account of. 12mo. 1796. ^Esopus. Fabulae. Latine. 24mo. Antverpiae. 1565. . Select Fables in Latin and English. By H. Clarke. 12mo. Wal- pole, N. H. 1802. . Fables : tr. into English, with instructive applications by Samuel Crox- all. 2d ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1783. ^schines in Ctesiphontem et Demosthenes de corona : Orationes Graece et La- tine. Interpretatione P. Foulkes et J. Friend. ed.2da. 8vo. Oxonii. 1715. Affirmation. The case of, briefly stated, in a few considerations. 16mo. Africa. A Poem. 12mo. Africae Descriptio. 2 vols. 24mo. Lug. Bat, 1632. African Institution. Extracts from the 18th and 19th Reports of the, 8vo. Phil. 1826. Repository and Colonial Journal. 9 vols. 8vo. Wash. 1824-33. Agency. See Moral Freedom. Agency. Thoughts on ; Avherein the Article of Motive (as necessitating Human Action) is particularly examined, &c. [By Jno. Perkins,] 8vo. New Haven. 1765. Agricola, Georgius. De Re Metalica cum nomenclatura Rerum Metalicarum. 16mo. Lipsiae. 1546. Agricultural society of Massachusetts. See Massachusetts. Ahiman Rezon, or a Help to all that would become Free and accepted Masons. By Lawrence Dermott. 2nd ed. 8vo. London. 1764. Aiken, Solomon. See Spring, S. Aiken, Solomon. Address to Federal Clergymen on the Subject of the War Pro- claimed by the United States against Great Britain. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Aikin, S. C. Theatrical Exhibitions. Sermon at Utica N. Y. Dec. 11, 1825. 8vo. Utica. 1825. Aikin, John. Letters from a Father to his Son. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. Aikin, John. View of the Life, Travels and Philanthropy of John Howard. 12mo. Boston. 1794. Aikin, John. Observations on the external use of Lead, with some general re- marks on Topical Medicines. 8vo. London. 1771. Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1821. Aikin, J. See Armstrong. Aikin, C. R. Concise View of all the most Important Facts which have hitherto appeared concerning the Cow Pox. 3d ed. 12mo. Charlestown. 1801. Ailssbury, Thomas. Paganism and Papism Parallelled: Sermon. 4to. Lon- don. 1624. Ainsworth, William. Marrow of the Bible ; or a Logico-Theological analysis of every several Book of the Holy Scriptures ; together with so many Englisli Poems containing the Kephalaia or contents of every several chapter in every such Book. 12mo. London. 1652. Ainsworth, Henry. Defence of the Holy Scriptures, Worship and Ministrie used in the Christian Churches separated from Anti-Christ: against the challenges, cavils and contradictions of M. Smyth: in his Book intituled "The Differences of the Churches of the separation." With observations on M.Smyth's Censures in his answer to M. Barnard, 4to. Amsterdam. 1609. , . Annotations upon the Five Books of Moses, Psalmes and Songs of Solomon, fol. London. 1639. . . Seasonable Discourse ; or a censure upon a Dialogue of tlie Anabaptists. 4to. London. 1644. , . The Communion of Saints. 24mo. London. 1641. , . The Old Orthodox Foundation of Religion : left for a Pat- terne to a New Reformation. 4to. London. 1653. CATALOGUE OF LIBRA II Y. 7 Ainsworth, Henry. An Animadversion to Mr. Richard Clifton's Advertisement. 4to. Amsterdam. 1613. Ainsworth, Robert. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Compendiarius : or, a Compen- dious Dictionary of the Latin Tongue. 4to. London. 1736. — ; , . English and Latin Dictionary : Abridged by Thomas Morell. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1794. , . Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1808. , . Same. 7th ed. 8vo. London. 180G. Ainsworth, Samuel. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Dorothy Hanbury, July 13, 1642. 4to. London. 1645. Akerly, Samuel. Address at New York, May 30, 1826, before the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, with an account of the Exercises, Notes and Documents in relation to the Subject. 8vo. New York. 1826. , . Observations and correspondence on the Nature and Cure of Deafness. 8vo. New York. 1824. Akenside, Mark. Pleasures of the Imagination. 8vo. Portland, Maine. 1805. , . The Same. 5th ed. 8vo. London. 1754. Alabama. Acts and Laws of, for 1819. 8vo. Aladdin. Songs, Chorusses, &c. in the Melo Dramatic Romance of. 12mo. Boston. 1818. Alardus, Lampertus. Pathologia Sacra in Nov. Test. 16mo. Lipsiae. 1635. Alarm. Or a Plan of Pacification with America. [Containing the New York Freeholder.] 18mo. Albany Library. Catalogue of, in July 1828. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. Institute, Transactions of. No. 1, Vol. 2. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1833. , , Vol. 1. 8vo. Albany. 1830. Albaspinus, Gabriel. De Veteribus Ecclesiae Ritibus, etc. 4to. Lut. Par. 1623. Alberoni. Modest Apology for Parson Alberoni, Governor to King Philip, a mi- nor, and Universal Curate of the whole Spanish Monarchy. 3d ed. 8vo. Lon- don. 1719. . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. 1724. Alberti, Julius Gustav. Sammlung einiger Predigten. Svo. Hamburg. 1762. Alcoran, tr. from the Arabic by the Sieur De Ryer. 8vo. Springfield, Mass. 1806. Alcott, William A. Essay on the Construction of School houses. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1832. , . On Teaching Penmanship. Svo. Boston. 1833. , . Observations on Infant Instruction. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Alden, Timothy. [Pres.] Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, witii occasional Notes. 5 vols. 12mo. New York. 1814. , . . Address to those migrating to the West. 8vo. 1813. , . . Historical Notes, in reference to the Crawford County [Penn.] Sabbath School Union. 12mo. 1826. , . . Letter addressed to the Germans of Pennsylvania, in- viting them to aid in founding a Professorship of German Literature in Allegha- ny College. 12mo. , . . Speech at the Execution of David Lamphear. 12mo. 1822. , . . Alleghany Magazine. Vol. 1. 8vo. Meadville. 1816. , . . Memoirs of Rev. Jonathan French. 8vo. New York. 1810. , . . Memoirs of Rev. Charles William Colson. 12mo. , . . See Seaman, G. , . . Sermon at Portsmouth N. H. Jan. 5, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1800. , . . Century Sermon at Portsmouth Jan. 4, 1801. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1801. , . . Discourse before the Portsmouth Female Asylum, Sept. 16, 1804. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1804. , . . Valedictory Discourse at Portsmouth, Aug. 11, 1805. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1805. 8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Alden, Timothy. [Pres.] Affection for the House of God Recommended. Ded- ication Sermon at Yarmouth, [Mass.] Jan. 1, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . . Account of the several Religious Societies in Ports- mouth, from their first establishment, and of the Ministers of each, to Jan. 1, 1805. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . . Memoirs of Edward Tyng, Esq. of Boston, and of the Hon. William Tyng, of Gorham. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . . Account of the several Religious Societies in Ports- mouth, N. PI. 8vo. Boston. 1808. [Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 10.] Alexander, Archibald. Inaugural Discourse before the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N. J. Aug. 12, 1812. 8vo. New York. 1812. , . Sermon at Albany N. Y. Oct. 7, 1829, at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Alexander, Caleb. Grammatical System of the Grecian Language. 12mo. Worcester. 1796. , . New Introduction to the Latin Language. 12mo. Worces- ter. 1795. , . Grammatical System of the Latin Language. 12mo. Wor- cester. 1795. , . English Grammar abridged. 12mo. Boston. 1793. , . Sermon [at Mendon, Mass.] on the Death of George Wash- ington. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , . Columbian Dictionary. 12mo. Boston. 1800. , . New and Complete System of Arithmetic. 18mo. Albany. 1802. , . Spelling Book. 12mo. Worcester. 1799. Alexander ab Alexandre. Jurisperiti Neapolitani Genialium Dierum Sex Libri. 16mo. Franc ofurti. 1626. Alexandria, Account of the Battle of, with a sketch of the Campaign in Egypt under Sir Ralph Abercrombie, and an outline of the Picture painted by Robert Ker Porter. 8vo. New York. 1804. Alexis, or the Cottage in the Woods, from the French, 2d ed. 12mo. Newbury- port. 1797. Alexis et Justine. Com^die Lyrique. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1786. Aley, William. The Poore Man's Librarie. 2 vols. fol. London. 1571. Algerine Spy in Pennsvlvania. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1787. Ali Bey. Travels in Morocco &c. in 1803 and 1 807. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1816. Alleghany College. [Penn.] Catalogue of its Library. 8vo. Meadville. 1823. . . Annual Catalogue of Students. . . Prospectus of, 8vo. Meadville. 1829. Alleine, Joseph. Alarm to unconverted Sinners. 16mo. Boston. 1727. , . Same. 16mo. 1767. , . Same. 12mo. Elizabethtown. 1802. , . Divers Practical Cases of Conscience Satisfactorily Resolved. 16mo. Boston. 1727. Alleine, Richard. A Companion for Prayer in Times of extraordinary Danger. 16mo. Boston. 1750. , . Same. 16mo. Boston. 1767. Allen, Andrew. Claim and Answer of, against the United States. 4to. Phil- adelphia. 1799. Allen, Benjamin. Oration in defence of Divine Revelation. Address at Com- mencement at Providence, R. I. Sept 6, 1797. 8vo. Providence. 1797. Allen, Paul. History of the Expedition under Lewis and Clarke to the Sources of Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1814. , . History of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore. 1822. , . Original Poems. 12mo. Salem. 1801. , . Oration at Providence, R. 1. July 4, 1796. 8vo. Providence. 1796. CATALOGUE OF LIB II A R Y. 9 Allen, Paul. Oration on the Necessity of Political Union ; delivered at Provi- dence. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1797. Allen, Thomas. The way of the Spirit in bringing Souls to Christ, in Ten Ser- mons. 16mo. London. 1676. Allen, Thomas. Sermon at Pittsfield, [Mass.] April 22, 1798, on the death of Elizabeth, wife of William P. White, who died at London, Feb. 2, 1798. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1798. , . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1799. , . Sermon at Sheffield, [Mass.] Oct 24, 1801, on the death of Moses Allen. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1801. , . Mass. Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Discourse occasioned bv the death of Thomas Allen, Jr. Esq. at Boston, delivered at Pittsfield, March 30, 180G. 8vo. Boston. 180G. , . Historical Sketch of the County of Berkshire, and Town of Pitts- field, [Mass.] MTitten in May, 1808. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Allen, Thomas, Jun. Oration at Pittsfield, Mass. July 4, 1803. 8vo. Pittsfield. Allen, Timothy. Salvation for All Men, Put out of all Dispute. 8vo. Hartford, Conn. , . Answer to Pilate's Question. [What is Truth ?] 8vo. Provi- dence, R. I. 1765. Allen, William. A Doubt resolved; or Satisfaction for Seekers. 4to. Lon- don. 1655. Allen, William, [Pres.] American Biographical and Historical Dictionary. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1809. , . . Sam.e, 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1832. , . . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . . Sermon at Farming-ton. [Me.] June 26, 1822, before the Maine Missionary Society. 8vo. Hallowell. 1822. , . . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Seneca White, at Wiscasset [Me.] April 18, 1832. 8vo. Brunswick. 1832. , . . Sermon at New York, Oct. 3, 1832, before the Amer. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Boston. , . . Account of the Separation in the Church and Town of Pittsfield, Mass. &c. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1809. , . . Sei-mon at Williamstovvn, Mass. June 7, 1815. 8vo. Pittsfield. , . . Sermon at Pittsfield, Mass. April 3, 1814, on the death of Mrs. Fanny Lame Fleury, wife of Thomas Melville, Jun. Esq. 8vo. 1814. , r—. . Sermon at Harpswell, Me. Nov. 1822, on the death of Rev. Samuel Eaton. 8vo. Brunswick. 1823. , . . Sermon at Topsham, Me. Dec. 8, 1824, at the Ordina- tion of Jacob C. Goss. 8vo. Brunswick. 1825. , . . Accounts of Shipwrecks and other Disasters at Sea. By a Friend of Seamen. 12mo. Brunswick, Me. 1823. , . . A Decade of Addresses from 1820 to 1829, to the Sen- ior Classes at Bowdoin College, with an Inaugural Address, and Dudleian Lec- ture m Harvard University. 12mo. Boston. 1830. , . . Account of Arnold's Expedition to Quebec in 1775. — [Maine, Hist. Coll. Vol. 1.] , . . New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Concord. 1818. Allen, William S. Oration at Nev/buryport, [Mass.] July 4, 1830. 8vo. New buryport 1830. Allen, James. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1744. Allen, James. Poem on the Boston Massacre of 4th March, 1770. 12mo. Allen, James. Petition to the Massachusetts Legislature. 8vo. 1829. Allen, James. The Poem which the Committee of the Town of Boston had \'^, ed unanimously to be published with the late Oration; with Observations reb; ing thereto, &c. 4to. Boston. 1772. Allen, Ethan. Narration of his Captivity from Sept. 1775 to May 1778. 8' * Boston. 1779. , . The Same. 8vo. Norwich, Conn. 1780. 2 10 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Allen, Ethan. Same. 12mo. Walpole. 1807. , and Jonas Fay. Concise Refutation of the Claims of New Hamp- shire and Massachusetts Bay to the Territory of Vermont, &c. 8vo. Hartford, Conn. Allen, Ira. Statements applicable to the case of the Olive Branch, Sic. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1807. , — . A Concise Summary of the second volume of the Olive Branch, a Book containing an account of Governor Chittenden's giving written instruc- tions to Gen. Ira Allen in 1795, to purchase Military Stores in Europe, for the Militia of Vermont, &c. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1807. Allen, Ira M. Triennial Baptist Register. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil. ia33. 1836. Allen, Israel. Treatise on Scarlatina Anginosa and Dysentery and Febrile Spasm. 12mo. Leominster, 1796. Allen, Jonathan. Poem on the existence of God. An Ode on Creation. To which are added several Hymns. 12mo. Haverhill, Mass. 1803. Allen, Joseph. History of Northborough, [Mass.] See Worcester Magazine. — Vol. 2. , . Fast Sermon at Northborough, April 9, 1829. 8vo. Worcester. 1829. , . Discourse New Year's Day at Shrewsbury, Mass. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1822. Allen, Wilkes. History of Chelmsford, Mass. to which is added a memoir of the PaAvtuckett Tribe of Indians. 8vo. Haverhill. 1820. , . Divine favors gratefully recollected. Thanksgiving Discourse at Chelmsford, Nov. 29, 1810. 8vo. Cambridge. 1811. Allen, Joseph, Jun. Oration at Worcester, Mass. July 4, 1795. 4to. Worces- ter. 1795. , , . Oration at W^estern, Mass. Feb. 22, 1800, on the Deatli of George Washington. 12mo. Brookfield. Allen, George. The Moral Providence of God. A Sermon at Shrewsbury, [Mass.] Jan. 4, 1829. 8vo. Worcester. 1829. , . A ddress to the Freemen of Mass. By a Freeman. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1832. , . Thoughts on " The Excitement, " in reply to a Letter to Hon. Edward Everett. [From the ^Egis & Yeoman.] 8vo. 'Worcester, 1833. Allen, Samuel. Address on Intemperance, at Northfield, [Mass.] Fast Day, April 1833. 8vo. Greenfield. 1833. Allen, Samuel C. Oration at Petersham, Mass. July 4, 1806. 8vo. Boston. , . Eulogy on the Hon. John Wheelock, at Hanover, N. H. Aug. 27, 1817. 8vo. Hanover. Allen, Benjamin. Letter to Rt. Rev. John H. Hobart. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Aleus, Gulielmus. Vide Aley, W. Allin, James. Thunder and Earthquake. A Loud and Awful Call to Reforma- tion. Fast Sermon at Brooklyn, [Mass.] Nov. 1, 1727. 2d ed. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1727. , . Two Practical Discourses. 16mo. Bost. 1727. Allen, Silas. Letter to Prof Stuart in answer to his Letter to Dr. Chamiing. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Allestrey, Richard. Sermon before the King. 4to. London. 1662. Alley, John Jun. and others. Review of the Trial of, on the Charges of Riot, &c. 8vo. 1823. Allin, John, and Thomas Shepherd. Defence of the Answer made unto the nine Questions or Positions sent from New England. 4to. London. 1648. , — — . The Spouse of Christ coming out of Ajffliction. 4to. Cambridge. 1672. Alline, Henry. Sermon at Fort Midway, Feb. 19, 1783. 8vo. Dover, N. H. 1797. Allyn, John. Anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 22, 1801. 8yo. Boston. 1802 , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1805. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARy. 11 Almoran and Hamet An Oriental Tale. 2 vols in one. 12mo. Litchfield, Conn. 1789. Alphabeticum Arabiciim et Syronim Elementa. 4to. Romae. 1502. Alsop, Richard. Poem, Sacred to tlie memory of George Washington. 8vo. Hartford. 1800. Alstedius, Johannes Henricus. Theologiae Naturalis. 4to. Hanoviae. 1615. , . Theologia Catechetica. 4to. Hanoviae. 1616. . , . Physica Harmonica. 16mo. Herb. Nass. 1616. , . Methodus Theologiae. 16mo. Hanoviae. 1619. , . Theologia Casuum. 4to. Hanoviae. 1621. , . Theologia Prophetica. 4to. Hanoviae. 1622. , . Paratitla Theologica. 4to. Francofurti. 1626. , . Compendium Lexici Philosophici. 16mo. Her- bornae. 1626. , . Diatribe de Mille annis Apocalypticis. 16mo. Francofurti. 1627. , . Theologia Didactica. 4to. Hanoviae. 1627. , . Theologia Polemica. 4to. Hanoviae. 1627. , . Thesaurus Chronologiae. ed. 2da. 8vo. Herb. Nass. 1628. , . Encyclopeedia. 7 Tom. in 2 fol. Francofurti. 1649. , . Same. 4 Tom. in 2 fol.. Lugduni. 1649. , . Praecognita Theologica. 4to. , . Metaphysica. 16mo. , , Turris Babel Destructa. 16mo. Herb. Nass. 1639. Altenstaig, Joannes. Lexicon Theologicum. 4to. Coloniae Agrip. 1619. Althamenis, Andreas. Conciliationes Locorum Scripturae. 12mo. Virtebergae. 1582. Althusius, Johannes. Politica, cum Oratione Panegyrica. ed. 4to. Herb. Nass. 1625. Alting, Henricus. Scriptorum Theologicorum. 3 Tom. in 1 vol. 4to. Freista- dii. 1646. , . Methodus Theologiae Didacticae. 24mo. Amst. 1650. Alvarez, Nicasio, de Cienfuegos. Poesias de. 12mo. Valencia. 1816. Amama, Sixtinus. Anti-barbarus Biblicus. 4to. Franequerae. 1656. Amaranth, or Masonic Garland. Vol. 1. Svo. Boston. 1828 — 9. Ambrosius, Sanctus. Opera. A Erasmo. 3 Tom. in one vol. fol. Basiliae. 1538. ^ . Same. A Erasmo. Tom. 4 & 5. fol. Basiliae. 1567. Ambrose and Eleanor. Tr. from the French by H. M. Williams. 12mo. Bal- timore. 1799. Ambrose, Isaac. Sermon at the funeral of Lady Margaret Houghton. 4to. London. 1658. America. Strictures on a pamphlet entitled a friendly Address to the People of. 8vo. Boston. 1775. America. Account of European settlements in. See Burke, Edmund. , North. Account of the French settlements in. By a Gentleman. Svo Boston. 1746. American Anecdotes, Original and Select 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1830. America. The Glory of America ; or Peace Triumphant over Vv" ar : Poem. 4to. Philadelphia. 1783. American Monitor, or the Republican Magazine for Oct. 1785. Vol. 1. No. 1. 4to. Boston. America, North. Memoir of the Principle Transactions between the English and French in, from 1744 to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. 8vo. Boston. 1758. , . Beginning, Progress and Conclusion of the late War, with oth- er interesting matters considered. 4to. London. 1770. 12 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETi. America, North. Review of the Military Operations in North America from the commencement of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia, in 1753, to the Surrender of Oswego, Aug. 14, 175G. In a Letter to a Nobleman. 4to. New England. 1758. , . The Same. 8vo. New York. 1770. , . Present state of North America. 12mo. Boston. 1755. ^ America, South. See Mexico. America. Anticipation, or the Voyage of an American to England, in the year 1899. In a Series of Letters. 12mo. London. 1781. American Apollo. Parts 1 & 2 in 39 nos. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1791 — 2. American Ready Reckoner. 12mo. Baltimore. 1806. American Revolution. Origin and Principles of, compared Avith the Origin and Principles of the French Revolution, tr. from the German. 8vo. Phil. 1800. . Observations on, published by a Resolution of Congress. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1779. Medical Recorder. See Medical Recorder. Independence. See British Colonies. Philosophical Society, Laws of. 8vo. Philadelphia. American Jurisprudence. Historical Sketches of the Principles and Maxims of, in contrast with the English LaAvs on the subject of Crimes and punishments. 8vo. Steubenville, Ohio. 1819. American Precedents of Declarations. 8vo. Boston. 1802. American Journal of Improvements in the x'^.rts, and JMirror of the Patent OlRce for 1828. By J. L. Skinner. 2vols. 8vo. Washington. 1828. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. Vol. 1. 4to. Boston. 1785. — . New Series. Vol. 1. 4to. Bos- ton. 1833. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Catalogue of its Library. 12mo. 1802. American Philosophical Society. Transactions. 6vols. 4to. Phil. 1786-1809. . . New Series. 3vols. 4to. Phil- adelphia. 1818—28. . , of the Historical and Literary Committee. Vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. American Register, or Summary Review. Vols. 1 & 2. 8vo. Phil. 1817. American Register, or General Repository. Vols. 3 &. 4. 8vo. Phil. 1808. American Almanac. 12mo. Boston. 1830. . Samyforl83L 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 183L American Institute of Instruction. Act of Incornoration. By-Laws, &lc. 12mo. Boston. 1831. American Chronicles of the Times. First Book of. 12mo. Norwich, [Conn.] 1774. American Review. Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1811—12. American Sketches. 8vo. Concord, N. H. 1822. American Nepos ; a Collection of the Lives of Eminent Men, who have contribu- ted to the Discovery, Settlement and Independence of America. 12mo. Balti- more. 1811. American Querist. 12mo. American Traveller : by an old and experienced Trader. 12mo. London. 1770. American Young Man's Best Companion. 12mo. Worcester. 1785. . Same. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1794. American Spelling Book. 12mo. Worcester. 1785. American Poems, Selected and Original, vol. 1. 8vo. Litchfield Conn. 1793. American Academy of Languages and Belles Lettres. Circular, No. 3. January, 1822. 8vo. New York. American Unitarian Association. See Unitarian. American War, Historical Journal of. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 2. American Whig. A Collection of Tracts from the late Newspapers, &.c. Con- taining particularly. The American Whig : A Whip for the Ameri- can Whig. With some other Pieces on tlie Subject of the Residence of Prot- estant Bishops in tlie American Colonies, &c. 8vo. New York. 1768. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 13 American Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Manufactures. Address of, to the People of the United States. 8vo. New York. 1817. American System. See Tariff. Ames, Fisher. Works. With his Life, [by J. T. Kirkland.] 8vo. Boston. 1809. , . Speecli upon the British Treaty, April 28, 179G. 2d. ed. 8vo. Boston. 1796. , . Oration at Boston, Feb. 8, 1800, on the Death of Washington. 8vo. Boston. , . American Principles. Review of his Works. See Adams, J. Q. Ames, Joseph. Typographical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. 4to. London. 1749. Amesius, Gulielmus. Puritanismus Anglicanus, sivc praecipua Dogmata eorum qui inter vulgo dictos Puritanos in Anglia, rigidiores habentur. 12mo. Fran- cofurti. 1610. , . Disseitatio Theologica. 4to. Roterdami. 1615. , . Fresh Suit against Humane Ceremonies in God's Worship, in reply to Dr. Burgesse. 4to. London. 1633. , . Medulla S. S. Theologiae. 24mo. London. 1629. , . Lectiones C. L. Psalmos Davidis. 4to. Amst. 1635. , . Disceptatio Scholastica de Circulo Pontificio. 24mo. Amsterdam. 1644. , . Rescriptio Scholastica et Brevis ad Nic. Grevinchovii Re- sponsum illud prolixum quod opposuit Dissertatione de Redemptione generali et Electione ex fide praevisa. ed. 2da. 24mo. Hardervici. 1645. , . Philosophemata. 24mo. Cantab. 1646. , . Theologia et Disputatio de Fidei Divinae Veritate. 16mo. , . De Conscientia et ejus Jure, vel casibus. 16mo. Am- sterdam. 1670. , . Technometria logicae verae ac logicae Theses. 16mo. Cantab. 1646. , . The Legislative Power is Christ's Peculiar Prerogative. 4to. London. 1656. , . Vide Gataker, Thomas ; — Amherst College, Mass. Statement of the affairs of Amherst Institution. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1824. , . Outline of the System of Instruction adopted there. 8vo. Amherst. 1827. , . Substance of Two Reports of the faculty to the Trus- tees, with tlie Doings of the Board. 8vo. Amherst. 1827. , . Triennial Catalogue for 1831. 8vo. , . Annual Catalogues for 1826. 1829. 8vo. for 1831. 8vo. , . Catalogue of Books in the Library of 1827. 8vo. Amherst. , . Laws of 8vo. , . See Noah Webster. , . Petition to the Legislature for aid, &c. 8vo. 1832. , . Report of the Conmiittee of the Legislature on the Pe- titions of Amherst and Williams Colleges. 8vo. 1827. , . Circular Letter to the Public in behalf of Amlierst Col- legiate Institution. 8vo. March 1, 1823. Ammauskeag Falls. Discourse delivered there in the Fishing Season in 1739. 8vo. Boston. 1743. Amory, Thomas. Life of John Buncle, Esq. 4 vols. 12mo. London. 1770. Amory, Thomas. Daily Devotion Assisted and Recommended, in Four Sermons. 2d. ed. 8vo. Boston. 1772. Amyrault, Moyse. De la Justification centre les Opinions de M. De la Milletie- re. 16mo. Saumur. 1638. , . Snytagma Theseum Theol. in Academia Salmurii Dispu- tarum. 4to. Salmurii. 1664. 14 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Anabaptists. Confession of Faith of the Several Congregations or Churches of Christ, which are commonly (though unjustly) called Anabaptists. 4to. Lon- don. 1G52. . Their Rise, Spring and Foundation. From the French of Guy de Brez. 4to. Cambridge. N. E. 1668. . Anatomized and Silenced in a public Dispute. 8vo. London. 1654. . A Caveat against the New Sect of, lately sprung up at Exon. In a Letter to a Friend. 2d. ed. 12mo. Boston. 1724. Anabaptism Disproved and the Validity and Sufficiency of Infant Baptism assert- ed. 12mo. New York. 1818. Anburey, Thomas. Travels through the Interior Parts of America ; in a Series of Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1791. Ancour, Abbe D'. The Lady's Preceptor. Or A Letter to a Young Lady of Dis- tinction upon Politeness, taken from the French of. By a Gentleman of Cam- bridge. 6t]i ed. 8vo. Woodbridge, New Jersey. 1762. Anderson, Alexander. Inaugural Dissertation on Chronic Mania, before Colum- bia College, N. Y. May 3, 1796. 8vo. New York. 1796. Anderson, Andrew. Inaugural Dissertation on the Eupatorum Perfoliatum of Linnaeus. 8vo. New York. 1813. Anderson, James. Essay on Quick Lime. 12mo. Boston. 1799. Anderson, iEneas. Narrative of the British Embassy to China in 1792-3-4. 12mo. New York. 1795. Anderson, John. Defence of Church Government. 4to. Glasgow. 1714. Anderson, James. The Word made Flesh, or. The Logos Incarnate. Christmas Sermon. 8vo. London. 1731. Anderson, James. The Bee, or Literary Weekly Intelligencer. 6 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1791. Anderson, Rufus. Close Communion of the Baptists, in principle and practice, proved to be unscriptural and of a bad tendency in the Church of God. 8vo. Salem. 1805. Andover, [Mass.] Laws of the Theological Institution in. 8vo. Andover. 1817. , Catalogue of the Library of the Theological Institution. 8vo. Andover. 1819. , . Catalogue of Students, for 1833. 8vo. , . Constitution and Associate Statutes of the Theological Semi- nary in ; with a Sketch of its Rise and Progress. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Review of the above, [from the Monthly Anthology.] 8vo Boston. 1808. Andrews, Lancelot. [Bp.] Exposition of the Moral Law, with twenty-six Ser- mons on Prayer, fol. London. 1642. Andrews, Elisha. Brief Reply to Bickerstaff's short Epistle to the Baptists. 8vo. Sutton. 1810. , . Review of the above : by Chris. Duntaxat. 12mo. Sutton. 1811. , . Strictures on Rev. Mr. Brooks's Essay on Terms of Commun- ion. 12mo. Worcester. 1823. Andrews, William S. Treatise upon Theological Subjects. 12mo. Cambridge. 1829. Andrews, John. Essay on Republican Principles, and on the Inconveniences of a Commonwealth in a Large Country and Nation. 8vo. London. 1783. Andrews, John. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Thomas Gary, at Newburyport, [Mass.] Nov. 26, 1808. 8vo. Newburyport, 1808. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Newburyport, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Newburyport. , . Sermon at Newburyport Oct. 1, 1801, at the Dedication of a New Meeting house. 8vo. Newburyport. 1801. , . Discourse before the Merrimack Humane Society, Sept 1, 1812. 8vo. Newburyport. 1812. Andrews, Edward W. Address before the Washington Benevolent Society. 8vo. Newburyport 1816. CATALOGUE OF L 1 li R A R 15 Andrews, Thomas. The Place of the Church in the Grand Chart of Scripture Prophecy. 8vo. Boston. 1814. ■-, . The Grand era of ruin to nations from Foreign influence, Sermon at Berkley Nov. 26, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Anecdotes, Collection of 12mo. Boston. 1812. , See American Anecdotes. Angel, Joseph K. Essay on the Right of a State to Tax a Body Corporate consid- ered in relation to the present Bank Tax in Rhode Island. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Angelocrator, Daniel. Epitome Conciliorum. 4to. Francofurti. 1620. • Angelus, Christophorus. Enchiridion de Institutis Graecorum. 4to. Cantab. 1G19. Ans"elus, Johannes. De Rebus publicis Hanseaticis. 2vols. IGmo. Lugduni. 1629. Angelus de Clauasio. Summa Angelica ; Casus Conscientiae, etc. 4to. Lug- duni. 1521. Angier, Samuel. See Livermore, A. Angling. See Markliam, G. Angier, Ames. Spiritual Anatomizing : Or, A few Characteristical notes of a Godly State Offered under Ten Heads of Tryal. 12mo. Boston. ]714. Anglas, Boissy de. Speech in the National Convention 6th Fruc. 3rd year. 8vo. Paris. Animals. Description of 300. 10th. ed. 12mo. London. 1773. Angelus, Thomas. Institutionum Peripateticarum. ed. 2da. 12mo. London. 1647. Anjou. Duke of His Succession further considered. Part 2d. 4to. London. 1701. Annesley, William. Description of his NeAv System of Boat and Shipbuilding. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1816. Annan, Robert. Brief Animadversions on the Doctrines of Universal Salvation. 12mo, Philadelphia. 1787. Anahoranus, Johannes. Porta Linguarum. ed, 2da 16mo. London. 1633. Anquetil, L. P. Summary of Universal History, tr. from the French. 9 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1805. Answer to a Letter of Dec. 26, 1763. With Several Pieces following it. 12mo. Anthology. Monthly, and Boston Review. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1804-11. Antichrist. Sacra Heptadis, or Seven Problems concerning Antichrist ; by G. S. 4to. 1625 . Christ and Antichrist : or 666 multiplied by 22 whereby the True Number of Antichrist's reign is discovered. 4to. London. 1662. Antichrist, Excidium. 8vo. London. 1664. Antimasonry. United States Antimasonic Convention, at Philadelphia Sept. 1830. Journal and Reports of 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. ■ . Second United States Antimasonic Convention at Baltimore in Sept. 1831. Journal and Reports of 8vo. Boston. 1832. . Proceedings of the Vermont Antimasonic Convention at Montpe- lier, June, 1833. 8vo. Montpelier. 1833. Antimasonic, almanac for 1834. 12mo. Boston. Anti-Politician. A State Piece in the newest Taste. 8vo. London. 1734. Antislavery Societv, New England, Constitution of, with an Address to the Pub- lic. 8vo. Boston. ]822. Anti-Sozzo. Sive Sherlocismus Enervatus. 16mo. London. 1676. Antoinette, Marie. Memoirs of 12mo. 1794. Antoninus, Iter Britanicarum, Coimnentariis illustratum Thomae Gale. 4to. Lon- don. 1719. Antonius, Marcus. Orationes, Item Caroli Sigonii Orationes. 12mo. Paris. 1588. Anville J. B. B. d'. Compendium of Ancient Geography: tr from the French. 2vols. 8vo. New York. 1814. Anyan Thomas. Sermon at Saint Marie Spittle, April 10, 1615. 4to Oxford. 1615. Aphthonius Sophista. Progymnasmata, Lat. 16mo. London. 1611. Apocalypseos Beati Johannis Paraphrastica Explicatio 4to. 1622. Apocalyptica, Clavis, ad Incudem Revocata vel Clavis Recusa. 16mo. 1652. 16 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Apocalyptica Clavis ex Innitio et Insitis Visionum Characteribus eruta et demon- strata. 4to. Cantab. 1627. Apocalyptical Beast. Marks of, plainly decyphered. 4to. London. 1667. Apollonius, Gulielmus. Jus Majestatis circa Sacra. 15mo. Med. Zelan. 1652. , . Pars Posterior Juris Majestatis circa Sacra. 12mo. Med. Zelan. 1643. , . Consideration of Certaine Controversies at this Time ag- itated in the Kingdom of England concerning the Government of God. tr from the Latin. 16mo. London. 1645. / , . Vide Hooker, Thomas. Apology for W. P. Esq. In which The Conduct of L — G — B — H. is vindicated from all the Cavils thrown out against him. 8vo, London. 1759. Appleton, Nathaniel. Sermon at Cambridge, [Mass] March 27, 1737, on the Death of Benjamin Wads worth. 12mo. Boston. 1737. , . God and not Ministers to have the Glory of all success given to the preached Gospel. Two Discourses. 8vo. Boston. 1741. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1742. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1743. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Matthew Bridge, at Framing- ham [Mass.] Feb. 19, 1745-6, 8vo. Boston. 1746. , . Differences between a Legal and an Evangelical Justifica- tion. 8vo. Boston. 1749. , . Sermon at Roxbury, [Mass] Nov. 7, 1750, at the Ordina- tion of Oliver Peabody Jr. 8vo. Boston. 1751. , . Two Discourses at Lexington, [Mass] Dec. 17, 1652, on the death of the Rev. John Hancock. 8vo. Boston. 1752. , , Sermon at Boston March 27, 1753, at the Ordination of Stephen Badger, as Missionary to the Indians at Natick, [Mass] 8vo. Boston. 1753. , . ThanlvSgiving Sermon at Cambridge, Sept 8, 1760, on tlie Surrender of Montreal &c. 8vo. Boston. 1760. , . Sermon at the Ordination of John Sparhawk, at Salem, [Mass] Dec. 8, 1738, 8vo. Boston. 1737. , , Plain and faithful Testimony against that abominable but too fashionable Vice of profane Swearing. Substance of several Discourses. 8vo. Boston. 1765. , . The Crown of Eternal Life, the Sure Reward of the Faith- ful: Two Discourses, June 11, 1769, on the Death of the Rev. Edward Holy- oke, who died June 1, 1769. 8vo. Boston. 1769. , . Discourse at Cambridge, [Mass.] Dec. 31, 1727, on the Death of the Hon. Francis Foxcroft. 12mo. Boston. 1728. , . Sermon at Providence, [R. I.] Oct 23, 1728, at the ordi- nation of Josiah Cotton. 12mo. Boston. 1728. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1733. , . Sermon at Newton, [Mass.] Aug. 9, 1741. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1741. ■ , . Two Fast Discourses, Jan. 28, 1747-8, on account of the Destruction of the Court House by Fire. 12mo. Boston. 1748. , ' . Funeral Sermon : Occasion'd by the Death of Hon. Spen- cer Phips, Esq. who died April 4, 1757. 8vo. Boston. 1757. , . Discourse Feb. 24, 1760, on the Death of Henry Flynt, Esq. 8vo. Boston. 1760. , . Discourse on the Death of Rev. Ed. Wigglesworth, who died Jan. 16, 1765. 8vo. Boston. 1765. , . Thanksgiving Sermon on the Total Repeal of the Stamp Act Preached in Cambridge. May 20, [1766,] in the afternoon preceding the public Rejoicings of the Evening, upon that great Occasion. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , . Two Discourses on April 5, 1770, being the Day of Gen- eral Fasting and Prayer through the Provinces, in the Time of the Session of the General Court, at Cambridge. 8vo. Boston. 1770. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 17 Appleton, Jesse, [Pres.] Address before the Massachusetts Society for the Sup- pression of Intemperance. [With the Fourth Annual Report.] 12mo. Bos- ton. 1816. , , . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 181 G. , , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Brunswick, [Maine,] April 13, 1815. 8vo. Hallowell. 1815. , , . Massachusetts Election Sennon. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , , . Sermon at Northampton, [Mass.] Sept. 18, 1817, before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Charles- town. 1817. , , . Addresses delivered at the Annual Commencements at Bowdoin College from 1808 to 1818. 4to. Brunswick. , 1820. , , . Discourse before the Portsmouth Female Asylum, Aug. 16, 1806. 8vo. Portsmouth, N. H. , , . God's Care of his Church : Sennon at Gorham, [Me.] Jan. 18, 1809, at the Ordination of Asa Rand. 8vo. Portland. , , . Discourse before the Students of Bowdoin College, June 20, 1813, on tlie Death of Frederick Southgate. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , , . The Perpetuity of the Sabbath, a Sermon. 8vo. Port- land. 1814. Appleton, Nathan. Speech in Congress in reply to Mr. McDufRe, on the Tariff, May 30, 1832. 8vo. Washington. Apthorp, East. Constitution of a Christian Church illustrated in a Sermon at the opening of Christ's Church, Cambridge, [Mass.] Oct. 15, 1761. 4to. Boston. 1761. , . Considerations on the Institution and Conduct of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 12mo. Boston. , . See Mayhew, Jonathan. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Cambridge, Aug. 11, 1763, on the Gen- eral Peace. 4to. Boston. 1763. , . Sermon at the opening of the Organ at Cambridge, Aug. 21, 1764, in Christ's Church. 4to. Boston. , . Character and Example of a Christian Woman ; Discourse at Cambridge on the Death of Mrs. Anne Wheelwright. 4to. Boston. 1764. Arabian Nights. 2 vols. 12mo. Exeter, N. H. 1797. Arbuthnot, Archibald. Memoirs of Miss Jenny Cameron. 12mo. Boston. 1750. Archaeologia Philosophica. Sive Doctrina Antiqua de rerum Originibus. 4to. London. 1692. . See Antiquarian Society. Archaelogia Americana. Vol. 1st. 8vo. Worcester. 1820. Archaeology of Wales. See Wales. Archer, John. Personal Reign of Christ upon Earth. 6th ed. 4to. London. 1661. Archer, William S. Speech in Congress Feb. 20, 1826, on the proposition to amend the Constitution. 12mo. , . Speech in Congress; Jan. 29, 1834, on the Removal of the Deposites from the Bank of the United States. 8vo. Washington. 1834. Archibald, Henry. Sermon before the \Vorcester Baptist Association, at Holden, [Mass.] Sept. 16, 1826. 8vo. Worcester. Aretius Benedictus. Loci Communes Christianae Religionis Methodice Explicati. fol. 1567. Aretin, J. Christophor Freyherr von. Von den altesten Denhmah lem der Buch- druckerkunst in Baiern, und dem Nutzen ihrer niiheren Kenntniss. 4to. Miin- chen. 1801. Argenson, Marquis d'. Essays, tr. from the French. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1797. Argile. The Conduct of his Grace the D*ke of Ar**le for the last Four Years Review'd. 12mo. London. 1740. Arians. Two Letters, attempting to subvert the Doctrines of. By a Country Gentleman. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1756. and Socinians Monitor, being a Vision that a Young Socinian Teacher lately had. 4th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1774. 3 18 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Aristoteles. De Anima. Libri Tres. Gr. et Lat a Jub. Pacio. 12mo. Hano- viae. . 1611. . Opera. Grae. et Lat Vol. 1. 4to. . Same. 2 vol. fol. Aur. AUob. 1605. ■ . De Rhetorica; sive arte Dicendi. Grae. et Lat. 4to. London. 1619. Quatuor Libri de Coeto, etc. 4to. Colon. 1603. Aristocracy. An Epic Poem. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795. Aristophanes. Plutus, The God of Riches. Comedy; tr. from the Gr. by H. Fielding- and Rev. Mr. Young. 8vo. London. 1742. Arithmaeus, Valentinus, Pericula Oratoria, etc. 16mo. Franc. Marchi. Arminian Errors. Declaration of the Ministers of London against. 8vo. Lon- don. 1699. Armour of Christianity, a Treatise detecting tlie Plots of the Devil, &c. 24mo. Boston. 1704. Armstrong, John. Art of Preserving Health. A Poem. 4th ed. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1757. , . Art of Preserving Healtli. Poem. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1808. , . The Oeconomy of Love. A Poetical Essay. 8vo. London. 1771. Army, Rules, Maxims and Observations for the Government, Conduct and Disci- pline of By a General Officer. 12mo. Norwich, Conn. Arnaud, F. T. De Barnlard. Fanny, or the Happy Apprentice, tr. from the French. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1785. Arndtius, Joannes. De vero Christianismo. 2 vol. 12mo. London. 1708. , . True Christianity, tr. from the High Dutch. 8vo. London. 1712. Arnobius, Aphrus. In Psalmos Commentarii, a Erasmo. 16mo. Colon. 1532. Arnold, Richard. Religious Thoughts. 12mo. 1723. Arnold, Benedict. Letters while on his Expedition to Quebec. Maine His. Col. Vol. 1. Arnold, Josiah L. Poems. 12mo. Providence. 1797. Arrowsmith, Johannes. Tactica Sacra. 4to. Cantab. 1657. , . Theanthropos : being an Exposition upon the first 18 verses of the 1st Chapter of St. John. 4to. London. 1660. , . Thanksgiving Sermon before Parliament March 12, 1645. 4to. London. , . Sermon before the House of Commons Jan. 25, 1642. 4to. London. 1643. , . Armilla Catechetica, or a Chain of Principles, or an or- derly concatenation of Theological Aphorisms. 4to. Cambridge. 1659. Arsdekin, Richardus. Theologia Tripartita Universa, complectens perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici. Tom 3 in 1 vol. 4to. Colon. 1737. Art of Politicks, In Imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry. 8vo. London. 1779. Articles agreed on by the Abps and Bps of both Provinces and the whole Clergy in the Convocation holden at London in 1562. 4to. Boston. 1688. Artillery Discipline, System of 8vo. Boston. 1817. Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, Society for the Encouragement of. Premiums offered in 1823-4. 8vo. London. 1823. Asaph, Bishop of St. Four Sermons: 1. on the Death of Queen Mary, 1694; Duke of Glocester, 1700; King William, 1701; on the Accession of Queen Anne. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1712. Asbury, Francis. Extract from his Journal, from Jan. 1, 1779. to Sept. 3, 1780. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1802. Asgill, John. Essay on a Registry for Titles of Land. 16mo. London. 1698. Ash, Simeon. Sermon at the Funeral of the Countess of Manchester. 4to. London. 1659. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Feb. 26, 1644. 4to. Lon- don. 1645. ^ . Sermon before the House of Commons, March 30, 1642. 4to. T><>Ti(ion. CATALOGUEOFLIBRARY. 19 Ash, JohiL Grammatical Institutes. 16mo. Worcester. 1785. , . Sentiments on Education. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1777. , . New and Complete English Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1775. Ashe, Thomas. Travels in America in 1806. 12mo. Newburyport, Mass. 1808. , . Spirit of the Book : or Memoirs of Caroline, Princess of Hasburg. Edited by T. A. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1812. Ashley, John. Memoirs and Considerations concerning the Trade and Revenues of the British Colonies in America. 8vo. London. 1740. , . The Sugar Trade, with the Incumbrances thereon. Laid open. By a Barb adoes Planter. ]2mo. London. 1734. Ashley, Jonathan. Great Duty of Charity : a Sermon at Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1742. , . Letter to the Rev. William Cooper, in answer to his objec- tions to Mr. Ashley's Sermon, as published in the Boston Gazette of Jan. 11th, 1743. 4to. Boston. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Samuel Kendall at New Salem, [Mass.] Dec. 15, 1742. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . Sermon at Northfield, [Mass.] Jan. 11, 1748, on the Death of the Rev. Benjamin Doolittle. 4to. Boston. 1749. , . Two Sermons at Deerfield, June 24, 1753. 4to. Boston. 1753. , . Sermon at the Ordination of John Norton at Deerfield, Nov. 25, 1741. Upon the gathering a Church for Fall-Town, [now Bernardstown.] 12mo. Boston. 1742. Ashmun, J. History of the American Colony at Liberia, from Dec, 1821 to 1823. 8vo. Washington. 1826. , -. Life of Samuel Bacon. 8vo. Washington. 1822. Asiatic Researches. 4to. Calcutta. 1805. Asiatic Researches. 8 vols. 8vo. London. 1801-8. Asiatic Annual Register, for 1799-1800. 2 vols. 8vo. London. Asiatic Christian, and other Youth. College for the Instruction of, at Serampore, Bengal. 4to. London. 1819. Aspinwall, Thomas. Catalogue of Books relating to America in the Collection of 8vo. [1832.] Aspinwall, William. Abrogation of the Christian Sabbath. 4to. London. 1657. , . See Cotton. Aspland, Robert. Plea for Unitarian Dissenters ; in a Letter to Rev. H. H. Nor- ris. 2ded. 12mo. Hackney. 1815. , . The Power of Truth ; a Sermon at Essex Street Chapel, April 13, 1815. 8vo. London. 1815. Asplund, John. The Universal Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America for 1790-1-2-3-4. 12mo. Boston. 1794. Assalini, P. Observations on the Plague, &c. 12mo. New York. 1806. Assigny, M. D'. Rhetoric a Anglorum. 16mo. London. 1699. Association, Remarks on Religious. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Astley, Philip. Modern Riding Master. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1776. Aston, R. Placita Lat. Rediviva. 4to. London. 1661. Astrologers, Sermon before the Learned Society of, Aug. 14, 1651. 4to. London. 1652. Asylum, Universal, and Columbian Magazine. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1790-1. Atheneum, or Spirit of the English Magazines. 14 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1817-24. . See Boston. Atheniensium Reipublicae, Descriptio. 24mo. Lug. Bat 1633. Athens, Description of the View of, and the Sun-ounding Country. 8vo. Atherton, Charles Humphrey. Masonic Oration at Concord, N. H. May 6, 1799. 8vo. Amherst. 1799. , Eulogy on George Washington, at Amherst, Feb. 22,1800. 8vo. Amherst. 1800. , -. Address before the N. H. Historical Society, June 8, 183L 8vo. Concord. See N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 3. 20 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Atherton, Charles Humphrey. Oration at Amherst, July 4, 1798. 8vo. Amherst 1798. , . Memoir of Samuel Dana of Amherst. [N. H. Hist Coll. Vol. 3.] , . Memoir of Wiseman Clagett. [Id.] Atkins, John. The Christian Race. Sermon. 4to. London. 1624. Atkins, Dudley. Masonic Address at Newbury port. 4to. 1786. Atkinson, James. Epitome of the Art of Navigation. 8vo. London. 1740. Alas, Ancient and Modern. 4to. Boston. Attempt towards an Apology for his R**** h******** the D****. 2d ed. 12mo. 1751. Atmore, Charles. Appendix to his Methodist Memorial ; containing a Concise History of the Introduction of Methodism on the Continent of America, &c. 8vo. Manchester. 1802. Atwater, Noah. Sermon on the Preservation and Changes of Human Life. 8vo. Springfield, Mass. 1802. Atwater, Caleb. See Antiquarian Society. , . General Character, Present and Future Prospects of the People of Ohio: An Address at Columbus, Dec. 1826. 8vo. Columbus. 1827. Atwood, Joshua and John. Imagination in Search after Happiness. A Poem. 12mo. [Boston.] 1798. Auburn, N. Y., Convention at, in 1828. See Sabbath. Aubin, J. and others. Statement of Facts relative to the Claims of, for the resti- tution of the sums paid by them as Duties on Goods imported into Castine, Me. 8vo. [1820.] Auctions, Examination of the Reasons why the Present System of Auctions ought to be abolished ; as set forth by the Committee of the New- York Merchants opposed to the Auction System. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Aufrer, Anthony. The Cannibal's Progress ; or the Dreadful Horrors of the French Invasion. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1798. , . The Same. 8vo. Newburyport. Austin, Samuel, [Pres.] Sermon at Worcester, on the Lord's Day inmiediately succeeding his Installation, Sept. 29, 1790. 8vo. Worcester. 1791. , , . Disinterested Love, the Ornament of the Christian and the Duty of Man : A Sermon at New York June 5, 1790. 8vo. New- York. 1791. , , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Worcester, Dec. 15, 1796. 8vo. Worcester. 1797. , , . Sermon at the Ordination of Samuel Worcester, at Fitcliburg, Mass. Sept 27, 1797, and at the Ordination of Nathaniel Hall, at Granville, N. Y. Oct 4, 1797. 8vo. Worcester. 1798. , , . Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1798. 8vo. Worces- ter. . ^ . Sermon at the Ordination of Leonard Worcester, at Peacham, Vt Oct 30, 1799. 8vo. Peacham. 1800. , , . Sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, May 24, 1803. 8vo. Salem. 1803. , , . Sermon at the Installation of the Rev. Samuel Worces- ter, at Salem, April 20, 1803. 8vo. Salem. 1803. , , . Examination of Rev. Daniel Merrill's Mode and Subject of Baptism. 12mo. Worcester. 1805. , , . View of the Economy of the Church of God as it existed primitively under the Abrahamic Dispensation and the Sinai Law. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1807. , , . Sermon at the Ordination of John Milton Whiton, at Antrim, N. H. Sept 28, 1808. 8vo. Amherst 1809. , , . Sermon at the Ordination of Warren Fay, at Brimfield, Mass. Nov. 3, 1808. 8vo. Worcester. 1809. , , . Sermon at the Dedication of a New Meeting House at Hadley, Mass. Nov. 3, 1808. 8vo. Worcester. , , . Incomparable Excellency of Religion. Sermon. 8vo. Catskill, N. Y. 1808. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 21 Austin, Samuel, [Pres.] Fast Sermon at Worcester, April 11, 1811. 8vo. Wor- cester. , , . Sermon at the Ordination of John Nelson, at Leicester, Mass. March 4, 1812. 8vo. Worcester. 1812. , , . Fast Sermon at Worcester July 23, 1812. 8vo. Wor- cester. , , . The Apology of Patriots. Fast Sermon at Worcester Aug. 20, 1812. 8vo. Worcester. , , . Sermon at the Ordination of Gamaliel S. Olds, at Green- field, Mass. Nov. 19, 1813. 8vo. Greenfield. 1814. , , . Inaugural Address at Burlington, July 26, 1815, as Pres- ident of the University of Vermont. 8vo. Burlington. 1815. , , . Protest against the Proceedings of the First Church in Worcester. 8vo. Worcester. 1821. , , . Vermont Election Sermon, Oct. 10, 1816. 8vo. Mont- pelier. , — , . Oration at Newport, R. I. July 4, 1822. 8vo. Newport , , . Dedication Sermon at Worcester, Oct. 13, 1823. 8vo. Worcester. , , . Discourse at Hartford, Con. Sept. 15, 1824, before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Boston. , , . Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1825. 8vo. Worcester. , , . See Edwards, Jonathan. Austin, Benjamin, Jr. Constitutional Republicanism in Opposition to Fallacious Federalism, as published in the Boston Chronicle over the Signature of Old South. 8vo. Boston. 1803. , , — . See Selfridge, Thomas O. Austin, Jonathan Williams. Oration at Boston March 5, 1778. 4to. Boston. 1778. Austin, Jonathan L. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1786. 4to. Boston. Austin, David. The National " Barley Cake." 8vo. Washington. 1802. Austin, Moses. Summary Description of the Lead Mines in Upper Louisiana, 12mo. Washington. 1804. Austin, James T. Oration at Lexington, Mass. July 4, 1815. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Oration at Boston July 4, 1829. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , . Life of Elbridge Gerry. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1828-9. Austin, William. An Essay on the Human Character of Jesus Christ. 8vo. Boston, 1807. Authority Abused, By the Vindication of the Last Year's Transactions and the Abuses Detected. 4to. London. 1690. Auvergne, Philip D' [Prince of Bouillion.] Brief Exposition of the Rights, Ti- tles and Claims of, of the Succession to the Sovereignties and Properties of the late Dukes of the French branch of the House of Auvergne. 8vo. [1806.] Avery, Joseph. Oration at Holden, Mass. July 4, 1806. 8vo. Boston. 1806. Avery, David. Thanksgiving Sermon at Greenwich, Con. Dec. 18, 1777. 8vo. Norwich. 1778. . Avery, Ephraim K. Narrative of his Apprehension, by Harvey Harnden. 3d ed, 8vo. Providence. 1833. ^ . Report of the Examination of, charged with the murder of Sarah Maria Cornell. By L. Drury. 8vo. 1833. , . Arguments of Counsel in the close of the Trial of, firora May 6 to June 2, 1833. Reported by B. F. Hallett. 8vo. Boston. 1833. , . Supplementary Edition. Reported by B. F. Hallett. 8vo. Awakener. Vigilius, or The Awakener, making a Brief Essay to Rebuke, first the Natural Sleep, which too often proves a Dead Fly of the Devotions of them which indulge it, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1719. Awakening Calls to Early Piety. 18mo. Boston. 1738. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARIAN SOCIETY. 1836. B Babylon the Great. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1825. Bache, Arthur. The Voice of the Lord in the Temple : or a most Strange and Wonderful Relation of God's Great Power, &c. in sending very strange sounds, fires, and a Fiery Ball into the Church in Cornwall to the scorching and aston- ishing of 14 several persons who were smitten. 4to. London. 1640. Bache, A. D. Attempt to fix the date of Dr. Franklin's Observations on North East Storms. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. Bache, Franklin. Letter on the Penitentiary System. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1829. Bacheler, Origen. Trial for a Libel on George B. Beals, at Boston, March, 1829, reported by John W. Whitman. 12mo. Boston. 1829. Bacheller, Rev. Samuel. Account of Difficulties between him and the Church at Haverhill, Mass. [1758-9.] 8vo. , . . Answer to " Colonel Choate's Reasons of Dissent, from the Judgment of a Council, in a Controversy, respecting some doctrines, ad- vanced by the Rev. Mr. Bacheller of Haverhill." By Willard Hall. 8vo. Boston. 1761. , . . Remarks on the late printed Answer to Col. Choate's Reasons, &c. By the Author of those Reasons. 8vo. Boston. 1761. , . . Vindication of An Association from the Charge of Countenancing Heresy in Doctrine, and of Partiality in Conduct. By One of their Number. 4to. Portsmouth, N. H. 1758. Bacheler, Samuel. The Campe Royal : Sermon to the Army. 16mo. Amster- dam. 1629. Backus, Charles. Sermon at Somers, Con. Nov. 1793, on the Death of Moses Chapin. 8vo. Springfield. 1794. , . Sermon at Wilmington, Mass. Oct. 29, 1795, at the Ordination of Freegrace Raynolds. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Sermon at Wilbraham, Mass. May 2, 1796, occasioned by six young persons being drowned, with two Discourses on the same subject by the kev. Mr. Witter. 8vo. Springfield. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Joseph Russell at Princeton. Mass. March 16, 1796. 8vo. Boston. 1796. , . Sermon at Pelham, N. H. Oct. 31, 1798, at tlie Ordination of John Hubbard Church. 8vo. Amherst 1799. Backus, Azel. Sermon at the Funeral of Gov. Oliver Wolcott, Dec. 1797. 8vo. Litchfield, Con. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1798. Backus, Isaac. Short Description of the Differences between the Bond Woman and the Free. Sermon at Middleborough, Mass. 8vo. Boston. 1756. , . An Appeal to the Public for Religious Liberty, Against the Oppressions of the Present Day. 8vo. Boston. 1773. [List of his Works.] , . History of New England, with particular reference to the Bap- tists. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1777-96. , . Policy, as well as Honesty, forbir'.s the Use of Secular Force in Religious Affairs. 8vo. Boston. 1779. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Backus, Isaac. Truth is Great and Will Prevail. 8vo. Boston. [1781.] , . The Testimony of the Two Witnesses Explained and Improved. 8vo. Providence. 1786. • , . Godliness excludes Slavery. 8vo. Boston. 1785. , . Seasonable Plea for Liberty of Conscience, against some late Oppressive Proceedings ; particularly in the County of York. 8vo. Boston. 1770. Bacon, E., Abstract of a Journal of, Assistant Agent of the United States to Af- rica. 2ded. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822. Bacon, Francis, [Lord.] Opera Omnia. Fol. London. 1620. Bacon, Francis, [Lord.] Two Bookes of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Humane. 4to. London. 1605. , , . Life of King Henry VII. [Kennet. Hist England. Vol. 1.] , , . HistoriaRegniHenrici Septimi. 24mo. Lug. Bat 1642. , , . Essays, or Counsels, Civil and Moral. 12mo. Glasgow. 1752. Bacon, Roger. De Secretis Operibus Artis et Natura, et de Nullitate Magiae, etc. 12mo. Hamb. 1618. Bacon, John. Sermon at Boston Sept. 29, 1771. 8vo. Boston. 1772. Bacon, John. Conjectures on Prophecies. 8vo. Boston. 1805. Badger, Mrs. Statement of Facts, relative to the Last Will of the late Mrs. Badger, of Natick, Mass. [By the Principal Legatees.] 8vo. Dedham. 1824. , . See Noyes, Thomas. Badger, Stephen. Historical and Characteristic Traits of the American Indians in General, and those of Natick in particular. [1 Mass. Hist Coll. vol. 5.] Badger, George E. Address before the Philanthropic and Dialectic Society at Chapel Hill, N. C. June 26, 1833. 8vo. Richmond, Va. 1833. BagshaAve, Edward. Short and Private Discourse between Mr. Bolton and one M. S. concerning Usury. 4to. London. 1637. , . The Great Question concerning things Indifferent in Reli- gious Worship briefly stated. 3d ed. 4to. London. 1660. , . Second Part of the same. 4to. London. 1661. , . Third and Last Part of the same. 4to. London. 1661. , . Signs of the Times. 4to. London. 1662. , . Speech in Parliament concerning Episcopacy. 4to. Lon- don. 1641. Bahama Islands. Letters from, in 1823-4. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1827. Bailey, Isaac. American Naval Biography. 12mo. Providence. 1815. Bailey, N. Dictionarium Britannicum: or Complete Universal Etymological Dictionary. 2d ed. Fol. London. 1736. , — . Same. 8vo. 1737. Bailey, John. Man's Chief End to Glorify God. 16mo. London. 1689. Bailey, B. F. Oration at Burlington, Vt July 4, 1828. 8vo. Burlington. 1828. Bailey, Rufus William. Thanksgiving Sermon at Pittsfield, Mass. Dec. 3, 1824. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1825. , . Address before the Berkshire Medical Institution Dec. 23, 1824. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1825. Bailey, Winthrop. Sermon at Greenfield, Mass. Sept 24, 1826, on the Death of Capt. Isaac Newton. 8vo. Greenfield. Bailey, Kiah. Sermon at North Yarmouth, Me. June 23, 1813, before the Maine Missionary Society. 8vo. Hallowell. 1813. Baillie, Robert Opus Historicum et Chronologicum. Fol. Amst 1663. , . Sermon before the House of Peers, on the Monthly Fast, July 30, 1645. 4to. London. , . Experimentorum Novorum Physico-Mechanicorum Continuatio Secunda. 12mo. London. 1680. , . Sermon before the House of Commons Feb. 28, 1643. 4to. London. Baillie, Matthew. Morbid Anatomy. 8vo. Albany. 1795. Baily, Lewis. Practice of Piety. 12mo. Boston. 1716. , . Same, tr. into French by Jean Vernuilk. 24mo. Rouen. 1640. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 3 Baily, Lewis. Same, tr. into the Indian Language of Massachusetts. 16mo. Cambridge. 166.5. Bailv, Ebenezer. Letter on tlie Great Doctrine of Atonement. 12rno. Walpole, N. H. ]80L Baker, Sir Richard. Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans Government unto the Death of King James. Whereunto is added the Reign of King Charles the First and the first thirteen years of Charles the Second. 6th ed. Fol. London. 1674. Baker, Louisa. Affecting Narrative of. l"2mo. Boston. 1815. Baker, Rachel. Devotional Somnium, or a Collection of Prayers and Exhorta- tions uttered by her. [See Mais C] 12mo. New York. 1815. Baker, Samuel. Letter to his Brethren at Thomaston, Me. after he became an Universalist. ISmo. Boston. ]813. Bake well, Thomas. A Faithful Messenger sent after the Antinomians. 4to. London. 1644. Balbi, Aurien. Atlas Ethnographique du Globe. Fol. Paris. 1826. , . Introduction a FAtlas Ethnographique du Globe. 8vo. Paris. 1826. Balch, William. False Confidences exposed, or Men warned of Self-Righteous- ness. Sermon at Bradford, Mass. Jan. 23, 1742-3. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . Sermon at Haverhill, Mass. Nov. 28, 1744, at the Ordination of Benjamin Pai'ker. 8vo. Boston. 1744. , . Vindication of some Points of Doctrine. Being an Answer to the Remarks of Rev. Messrs. Wigglesworth and Chipman. 4to. Boston. 1746. , . See Gloucester. Balch, Thomas. Sermon at Edgarton, Mass. July 20, 1740, at the Ordination of John Newman. 4to. Boston. 1747. ' , . Christ ahvays present with his fiithful Ministers and Churches. Sermon at Dedham, Mass. Oct. 9, 1748. 8vo. Boston. 1748. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1749. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1763. - Balduinus, Fridericus. De Casibus Conscientiae. 4to. Wittenbergae. 1628. , . Catechesis Aposlolica. 4to. Wittenbergae. ]611. Baldwin, Ebenezer. Funeral Oration on the Death of Jonathan Lyman. See Lyman, J. Baldwin, Samuel. Anniversary Sermon at PlymoutJi, Mass. Dec. 22, 1775. 8vo. Boston. 1776. Baldwin, Simeon. Oration at New Haven, Conn. July 4, 1788. 8vo. New Ha- ven. 1788. Baldwin, Ebenezer. Annals of Yale College, from its foundation to the year 1831. 8vo. New Haven. 1831. Baldwin, Loammi. Thoughts on the Study of Political Economy, as coimected with the Population, Industry and Paper Currency of the United States. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1809. , . Report on the subject of introducing Pure Water into the City of Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1834. Baldwin, Moses. The Ungodly condemned in Judgment. Sermon at Springfield, Dec. 13, 1770, at tlie execution of William Shaw. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1771. Baldwin, Thomas. Brief Vindication of the Particular Communion of the Baptist Churches ; being a Reply to the Remarks of the Rev. Noah Worcester in his " Friendly Letter" to the author. 12mo. Boston. 1794. , . Open Communion Examined ; or, a brief Defence of tlie prac- tice of Close Communionists. 8vo. Windsor, Vt. 1789. , . Sermon at Boston, Feb. 21, 1819, Lord's day after the execu- tion of the Pirates. 8vo. Boston. , . The Supreme Deity of Christ Illustrated. Discourse at Bos- ton, April 19, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . The Knowledge of the Lord filling the Earth. Sermon before the Massachusetts Bible Society, June 4, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . Missionary Exertions Encouraged. Sermon at Philadelphia, May 17, 1817, before the " General Missionary Convention of tlie Baptist De- nomination, in the United States, for Foreign Missions." 8vo. Boston. 4 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Baldwin, Thomas. Sermon at the opening- of a new Meeting House, at Cambridge, Mass. Dec. 25, 1817. 8vo. Boston. 1818. ? , . Thanksgiving Sermon, at Boston, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1795. , . Semion at Boston, Dec. 29, 1799, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. , . Sermon at Boston, July 11, 1799, at the Ordination of William Collier. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Sermon at Boston, April 2, 1799, at a Quarterly Meeting of several Churches for Special Prayer. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . The same. 3d. ed. 8vo. New- York. 1802. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , . The Eternal Purpose of God, the foundation of effectual call- ing. Sermon at Boston, Feb. 19, ] 804. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1807. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Elisha Williams, at Beverly, Mass. June 15, 1803. 8vo. Boston. 1803. , . Sermon before the Massachusetts Legislature, Feb. 15, 1802, on the Death of Hon. Samuel Phillips, Lieut. Gov. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , . Sermon at Boston, May 30, 1804, before the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . Discourse at the opening of the new Meeting House, belong- ing to the 2d Baptist Society in Boston, Jan. 1, 1811. 8vo. Boston. Baldwin, Thomas. Narrative of the Massacre by the Savages of the wife and children of 8vo. New York. 1835. Baldwin, Christopher Columbus. See Magazine. See Goodwin, I. Bale, Johan. The Vocacyon of, to the Bishoprick of Ossorie in Irelande, liis persecutions in ye same and finall delyveraunce. 16mo. Rome. 1553. Ball, John. Treatise of Faith. 4to. London. 1632. , . Treatise on the Covenant of Grace. 4to. London. 1645. Ball, Heman. Sermon at Rutland, Vt. Jan. 1, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Rutland. 1800. Ballantine, John. Sermon at Westfield, Mass. June 2, 1756, just before Capt. J. Mosely and Company began their March towards Crown Point. 8vo. Boston. 1756. Ballard, William. Sketch of the History of Framingham, Mass. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Ballon, Silas. New Hymns on various subjects, with a number of the Psalms of David turned into verse. 12mo. Worcester. 1785. Ballon, Hosea. Masonic Oration at Windsor, Vt. Dec. 27, 1808. 8vo. Windsor. 1809. , . Dedication Sermon at Shirley, Mass. Jan. 9, 1817. 8vo. Salem. , . Orthodoxy Unmasked : Sermon at Boston, June 21, 1821. 8vo. Boston. 1827. ^ , . Discourse at Philadelphia, June 2, 1828, at the Ordination of T. Fiske. 8vo. Philadelphia. , . Oration at Portsmouth, N. H. June 24, 1810. 4to. Portsmouth. , . Brief Reply to T. Merritt's Strictures on his Sermon at Boston, Jan. 1818. 8vo. Boston. , . Strictures on a Sermon entitled " Religion a Social Principle." By W. E. Channing. 8vo. Boston. 1820. , . Strictures on Dr. Channing's Sermon at Boston, Dec. 20, 1820* 8vo. Boston. , . Series of Lecture Sermons at the Second Universalist Church in Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1818. Ballykelly. Letter to the Protestant Dissenters in the Parish of 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1771. Balmford, Samuel. See Ministry, Divine Right of Balsamo, Joseph, [Count Cagliostro.] Life of 12mo. Dublin. 1792. Bampfield, Thomas. See Wallis, John. Bampfield, Francis. Mr. Ben's Answer to his paper. 16mo. Balthasar, Johannes. Vide Helvicus. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 5 Baltimore. Directory for 179G. By Tliompson and Walker. 12mo. Baltimore. . Mobs of. See Maryland. Memorial of the Underwriters and Merchants of the city of, to Con- gress. 12mo. [1823.] . Musical Miscellany. Vol. 1. 12mo. Baltimore. 1804. . Ordinances of the City of 8vo. Baltimore. 1808. . Interesting Papers relative to the recent Riots at. 8vc. Philadel- phia. 1812. Bancroft, Edward. Remarks on the Review of the Controversy betAveen Great Britain and her Colonies. 8vo. New London, Conn. 1771. Bancroft, Aaron. Sermon at Windsor, Vt. June 23, 1790, at the Ordination of Samuel Shuttles worth. 8vo. Worcester. , -. Eulogy on George Washington, at Worcester, Feb. 22, 1800, 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon occasioned by the Execution of Samuel Frost, at Worcester, Oct. 31, 1793, 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at Brimfield, Mass. June 20, 1798, at the Installation of Rev. Clark Brown. 8vo. Worcester. 1798. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1801. , . Oration before the Trustees of Leicester Academj^, July 4, 180G. 8vo. Worcester. , . Essay on the Life of George Washington. 8vo. Worcester. 1807. , . Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1826. , . Sermon at Worcester, Jan. 6, 1811, with notes. 8vo. Wor- cester. , . Duty of Parents to Children. Sermon. 12mo. , . Vindication of the Result of the late Ecclesiastical Council at Princeton, Mass. 8vo. Worcester. 1817. , . Sermon on the Nature and Worth of Christian Liberty, at Worcester, June 23, 1816. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at Worcester, Jan. 1817, on the duties of the 4th Com- mandment. 2d ed. 8vo. Worcester. , . Letter to him, with Remarks on the foregoing Sermon. By Enoch Pond. 8vo. Worcester. 1817. " ' , . Review of Dr. Bancroft's Appendix to the 2d edition of his Dis- course on the 4th Commandment 8vo. Worcester. 1817. , . Discourse on Conversion. 8vo. Worcester. 1818. , . Sermon at Worcester, Nov. 22, 1818, on the Death of Mrs. Mary Thomas. 8vo. Worcester. , , Review of his Discourse against Conferences. [From the Panoplist] 8vo. Boston. 1817. . Masonic Sermon at Worcester, June 11, 1793. 8vo. V/orces- ter. , . Sermons on the Doctrines of the Gospel, and on those Consti- tuent Principles of the Church, which Christian Professors have made the sub- ject of controversy. 8vo. Worcester. 1822. , . Christmas Sermon at Worcester. 8vo. Worcester. 1819. , . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Luther Wilson, at Petersham, Mass. June 23, 1819. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at Keene, N. H. Aug. 1.5, 1819. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at Keene, N. H. Aug. 15, 1819. 8vo. Worcester. , . Remarks on the Preliminary History of two Discourses of Dr. Bancroft, at Keene. By Z. S. BarstoAv. 8vo. Bellows Falls, Vt. 1821. , . The Committees Vindicated. An Examination of. Rev. Mr. Barstow's " Remarks on the Preliminary History of two Discourses. By Rev. A. Bancroft." 8vo. Keene, N. H. 1822. • , . Family Prayers for young Householders. 8vo. Worcester. 1832. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1820. , . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Andrew Bigelow, at Med ^ord, Mass. July 9, 1823. 8vo. Boston. 6 AMERICAN A NTIQUARTANSOCIETY. Bancroft, Aaron. Discourse at Vv^orcester, April 28, 1824, before the Worcester Auxiliary Society for ameliorating the Condition of the Jews. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at Shrewsbury, Mass. Dec. 13, 1824, at the funeral of Rev. Dr. Joseph Sumner. 8vo. Worcester. 1825. , . Sermon at Worcester, July 9, 1826, on the Death of John Ad- ams, late President of the United States. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at Worcester, Aug. 20, 1829, at the Dedication of the new Meeting house. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon delivered at the termination of fifty years of his Minis- try. 8vo. Worcester. 183G. , . See Goffe, Joseph ; Pond, Enoch. Bancroft, George. Oration at Northampton, July 4, 1826. 8vo. Northampton. 1826. Bancroft, Luther S. Address to the Prescott Guards, and to the Inhabitants of Pepperell, June 17, 1830. 8vo. Groton, Mass. 1830. Bangor, [Me.] Report on the Affairs of the Bank of. 8vo. Boston. 1822. , . Survey of the Theological Seminary in. 12mo. Bangor. 1830. Bangor, Bishop of. Sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 4to. London. 1763. Bangor, Bishop of. Sermon before the King, March 31, 1717. 13th ed. 8vo. London. 1717. Bangs, Edward. Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1791. 4to. Worcester. 1791. , . Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1800. 8vo. Worcester. Bangs, Edward Dillingham. Oration at Sutton, Mass. July 5, 1813. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1813. , . Oration at Springfield, Mass. July 4, 1823. 8vo. Springfield. Banister, William B. Oration at Newburyport, July 4, 1809. 8vo. Newbury- port. 1809. Bankrupt Law. Remarks on, by Civis, with the proposed Amendments of Messrs. Hopkinson and Webster. 8vo. New York. 1819. . Letter to William PL Crawford, Esq. on the establishment of an Uniform System of Bankruptcy. By a Citizen of Massachusetts. Svo. Bos- ton. 1821. -* . Letter to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, on the expediency of an Uniform System of Bankruptcy. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Banks. Examination of the Banking System of Massachusetts in reference to the Renewal of the Bank Charters. 8vo. Boston. 1831. . Reply to " An Examination of the Banking System of Massachusetts." 8vo. Boston. 1831. . Reflections excited by the present state of Banking Operations in the United States. By a Virginian. 8vo. Washington. 1818. . Bank of Credit lately projected at Boston. Objections to, in a letter to John Burrill, Esq. Speaker of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts Bay. 12mo. Boston. 1714. Banks, Henry. Vindication of John Banks, of Virginia, against foul calumnies published by Judge Johnson, of Charleston, S. C. and Dr. Charles Caldwell, of Lexington, K v. Also the Vindication of Gen. Henry Lee, &c. 8vo. Frank- fort, Ky. 1826. Banneker, Benjamin. His Letter to the Secretary of State. 4to. Philadelphia. 1792. Baptism. Remarks upon a late Dissertation on the Instituted Form of Baptism. 8vo. London. 1726. Baptismal Piety. Two Brief Essays. 16mo. Boston. 1727. Baptists. General Convention of, being their second Triennial Meeting. Svo. Philadelphia. 1820. . , Sixth Triennial Meeting at Philadelphia. Svo. Boston. 1829. . , Seventh Triennial Meeting at New York. Svo. Boston. 1832. / CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 7 Baptists. Education Society, Northern. Eight Annual Reports of, from 1829 to 1836. 8vo. Boston. . Education Society, Northern. Act of Incorporation, Constitution and By-laAvs. 8vo. Boston. 1830. . The Watery War ; or a Poetical Description of the existing Contro- versy between the Pedo-Baptists and Baptists on the subjects and mode of Baptism. By John of Enon. l'2mo. Boston. 1808. . Observations on. 8vo. Providence. 1793. . Doctrine of Baptism reduced from its ancient and modern corruptions and restored to its primitive soundness and integrity. 4to. London. 1652. . Minutes of different Baptist Associations and Conventions, bound in 3 volumes. 8vo. . Outline of a Plan for establishing a Baptist Literary and Theological Institution in a central situation in New England. By a Friend to an Able Ministry. 8vo. Worcester. 1819. . . The Close Communion of the Baptists contrary to the Word of God. ]2mo. Dedham, Mass. 1817. . Short Epistle, addressed to the people who are called Baptists. By James Bickerstaff. 12mo. 1810. . Brief Narrative of the Baptist Missions in India, including an Account of Translations, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1811. . Brief View of the Baptist Missions and Translations. 8vo. Boston. 1815. Barbados, Relation de I'lsle Des. See Recueil des Divers Voyages faits en Af- rique et en L'Amerique. Barbaras, Hermolaus. In Dioscoridem Corollariorum Quinque Libri. fol. Co- loniae. 1 530. Barbaras, Daniel. Aurea in Quinquaginta Davidicos Psalmos Doctorum Graeco- rum Catena, fol. Venetiis. 1569. Barber, Daniel. History of My Own Times. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. Washington. 1827-8. Barber, J. W. History and Antiquities of New Haven, Con. 12mo. New Ha- ven. 1831. Barbeyrac, Jean. Spirit of Ecclesiastics of all Sects and Ages as to the Doctrines of Morality. Tr. from the French. 12mo. London. 1722. , . See Puftendorf, Samuel. Barbour, P. P. Speech in Congress, March 26, 1834, on the Tariff Bill. 12mo. Washington. 1834. Barbier, Jo. Twelve Centuries. 4to. London. 1620. Barclay, Robert. Examination of a Book, intituled, " A Dialogue between a Qua- ker and a Stable Christian," supposed to be written by William Mitchell. 4to. 1670. , . Catechism and Confession of Faith of the Quakers. 12mo. New York. 1752. , . Anarchy of the Ranters and other Libertines ; Hierarchy of the Romanists and other pretended Churches equally refused and refuted in a two fold Apology for the Church and People of God called in derision Quakers. 8vo. Wilmington, Del. 1783. , . An Apology for the True Christian Divinity. Tr. from the Lat. 8vo. New York. 1827. , . Baptism and the Lord's Supper substantially asserted, being an Apology in behalf of the People called Quakers. 16mo. London. 1696. Barebone, Praise God. Good Things to Come. By P. G. B. 4to. London. 1675. Bargrave, Isaac. Sermon before King Charles, March 27, 1627. 4to. London. , . Sermon before Parliament. 16mo. London. 1624. Bariacus, Gabriel. Introductio in Artein Jesuiticam. 12mo. Paris. 1599. Baring, Alexander. Inquiry into the causes and consequences of the Orders in Council ; and an Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America. 8vo. New York. 1808. Barker, Joseph. The Stability of Christ's Church. Century Sermon at Middle- boro'. Mass. Jan. 6, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 179a 8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Barker, Edmund. Sermon at the funeral of the Lady Elizabeth Capel, Dowager. 4to. London. 1()6L Barker, Matthew. Natural Theology. ]2mo. London. 1674. Barker, IL A. Description of the Panoramic View of the City and Battle of Paris, painted by, 8vo. Boston. Barksdale, Clement. The Sacrifice : Sermon. ICmo. London. 1655. Barkstead, John. Speeches, Discourses and Prayers of Col. John Barkstead, Col. John Okey, and Mr. Miles Corbet, [Regicides] upon the 19th of April, 1662, being the day of their suffering at Tyburn ; together with an account of their being taken in Holland. 4to. 1662. Barlow, Joel. Oration at Hartford, Con. July 4, 1787, before the Cincinnati. 4to. Hartford. , . Letter to the National Convention of France, on the Defects of the Constitution of 1791 ; to which is added the Conspiracy of Kings : a Poem. 8vo. New York. The Conspiracy of Kings ; a Poem ; Addressed to the Inhabitants of Europe. 8vo. Newburyport, Mass. 1794. Letter to the People of Piedmont Tr. from the French. 12mo. New York. 1795. , . Letters to the Citizens of the United States. 12mo. Paris. 1799. and Fulwar Skipwith. Second Letter to the Citizens of the United States. 8vo. 1799. , . Advice to the Privileged Orders in the several States of Europe, resulting from the Necessity and Propriety of a General Revolution in the Principle of Government. Part II. 8vo. Paris. 1793. , . The Same. 12mo. New York. 1794. , . Letter to Henry Gregoire, in reply to his Letter on the Columbiad. 8vo. Washington. 1809. , . Oration at Washington, July 4, 1809. 8vo. Washington. 1809. , . The Hasty Pudding. A Poem. 12mo. Canandaigua, N. Y. An Elegy on the late Hon. Titus Hosmer, one of tlie Counsellors of the State of Connecticut. 12mo. Hartford. Barlow, Nathan. Vision seen by him in the County of Kennebeck, Me. Jan. 8, 1801. 12mo. Greenfield, Mass. 1802. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. Barlow, Jo. Sermon at the funeral of Rev. Samuel Hieron. 4to. London. 1618. , — . A Christian's last day is his best day. 4to. London. 1618. Barlow, William. Sermon before Queen Elizabeth, in 1601. 4to. London. 1609. Barnard, Thomas. Sermon at the Ordination of Josiah Bayley, at Hampton Falls, N. H. Oct. 19, 1757. 4to. Portsmouth. 1757. , . Dudleian Lecture, in Harvard College. 8vo. Salem. 1768. , . Sermon at the Ordination of William Whitwell, at Marble- head, Mass. Aug. 25, 1762. 8vo. Boston. 1762. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1758. Sermon at Boston, Sept. 20, 1758, before the Society for En- couraging Industry and Employing the Poor. 8vo. Boston. 1756. ■ , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1763. Barnard, Thomas. Sermon at Worcester, Feb. 1, 1786, at the Ordination of Aaron Bancroft. 8vo. Worcester. 1786. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1789. , . Discourse before the Massachusetts Humane Society. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , . Dudleian Lecture, in Harvard University. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Fast Sermon, at Salem, March 31, 1796. 8vo. Salem. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, at Salem, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Salem, , . Sermon at Salem, Dec. 29, 1799, the Lord's day after the news of the death of George Washington. 8vo. Salem. , . Sermon before the Salem Female Charitable Society, July 6, 1803. 8vo. Salem. 1803. — . "Oiscouj-se before the ^^•^'^'^i-v ^or Propagating the Gospel CATALOGUE OF LIBRARV. 9 among the Indians and others in North America. 8vo. Cliarlestown, Mass. 1806.° , . Sermon before the Bible Society of Salem and Vicinity, April 20,1814. With the 3d Report of the Society. 8vo. Salem. 1814. Barnard, Hannah. See Quakers. Barnard, Thomas, [of Ne^vbury.] Sermon at Haverhill, Mass. April 27, 1743, at the Ordination of Edward Barnard. 8vo. Boston. 1743. Barnard, John. Massachusetts Election Sennon. 12mo. Boston. 1746. , . The Worship of God forever to be accompanied vrith Judgment, Mercy and Faith, as the Aveighty matters of the Law. Boston Lecture, Sept. 18, 1/29. 8vo. Boston. 1721). , . Sermon at Marblehead, Mass. Dec. 25, 1729. 12mo. Boston. 1731. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1734. , . Zeal for Good Works Excited and Directed : Boston Thursday Lecture, March 25, 1742. 12mo. Boston. 1742. , . Sermons on several Subjects. 8vo. London. 1727. , . See Pigot, G. 1 , . Two Sermons : The Christian's Behaviour under severe and re- peated Bereavements, &c. 16mo. Boston. 1714. , . The Peaceful End of the Perfect and Upright Man : Sermon on the death of John Atwood, who died Aug. 26, 1714. 16mo. Boston. 1714. , . The Nature and Manner of Man's Blessing God . Sennon at Sa- lem, on the Deatli of Rev. Geo. Curwin, who died Nov. 23, 1717. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1717. , . A Call to Parents and Children. Or the Great Concern of Parents and the Important Duty of Children. Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1737. , . The Lord Jesus Christ the only Supream Head of the Church. Massachusetts Convention Sennon. 8vo. Boston. 1738. , . Janua Coelestis, or tlie Mystery of the Gospel in Salvation of a Sinner. 8vo. Boston. 1750. , . The True Divinity of Jesus Christ. Discourse at the Boston Lecture, July 16, 1761. 8vo. Boston. 1761. Barnard, John. Present for an Apprentice. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1742. , . Same. 12mo. Boston. 1747. Barnard, John, [Andover.] Sermon at the Gathering of a Church and Ordination of Timothy Walker, Nov. 18, 1730, at Penecook, [now Concord, N. H.] 8vo. Boston. 1731. Barnard, Edward. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Henry True, at Hamstead, N. H. June 24, 1752. 12mo. Boston. , . Sermon at Newburyport, Mass. May 11, 1768, at the Ordina- tion of Thomas Gary. Svo. Boston. 1768. , . Massachusetts Convention Sennon. 8vo. Boston. 1773. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Gyles Merrill, in Plastow, N. H. and the North Part of Haverhill, March 6, 1765. 8vo. Boston. 1765. Barnard, Mr. See Mather, Richard. Barnard, Samuel. Polyglot Grammar of the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Greek, Latin, English, French, Italian, Spanish and German Languages. 8vo. Phil- adelphia. 1825. Barnard, Richard. Sinners Safetie, if heere hee looke for Assurance. 16mo. London. 1609. Barnard, Daniel D. Address before the Adelphic Union Society in Williams College, Sept. 6, 1831. 8vo. Williamstown, Mass. 1832. Barnes, Robert. Visitation Sermon. 4to. Oxford. 1626. Barnes, David. MSS. Sermons. , . Discourse at Scituate, Mass. Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. , . Discourse on Education, at Hingham, Mass. April 5, 1796, before Derby Academy. 8vo. Boston. 1803. , . Thoughts on the Love of Life and Fear of Death : In a Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1795. 10 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAxV SOCIETY. Barnes, Thomas. Report of his Case against the Inhabitants of Fahnouth, Me. May Term, 1810. 8vo. Barnstable County, Mass. Description of. By a Member of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 8vo. Boston. 1802. Barradius, Sebastianus. Commentaria in Concordiam et Historiam Evangelicam. 2 vols. fol. Antverpiae. 1622. Barren, Robert. Sermon at Paul's Crosse, Nov. 16, 1623. 4to. London. 1624. Barrell, Charles, and others. See Joy, B. Barrell, John. See Gerrish, J. Barrett, Samuel. Sermon at Concord, N. H. Feb. 24, 1829, at the Ordination of Moses G. Thomas. 12mo. Boston. 1829. , . Artillery Election Sermon, June 6, 1831. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Ban-ett, E. and E. Colman. Christian Harmony, Collection of Sacred Music. 4to. Concord, N. H. 1833. Ban-ick, Richard. Life and Dying Confessions. 12mo. Worcester. 1784. Barrington, Daines. Possibility of approaching the North Pole asserted. 8vo. New York. 1818. Barrington, George. Memoirs of, with his Speeches. 8vo. London. Barrington, Sir Jonah. Personal Sketches of his own Times. 2 vols. 8vo, Philadelphia. 1827. Barron, James. Correspondence between him and Stephen Decatur. 8vo. Washington. 1820. Barrow, Isaac. Euclid's Elements. 12mo. London. 1705. Barruel, I'Abbe. History of the Clergy during the French Revolution. 12mo. Burlington, Vt. 1794. Barry, William T. Letter to the House of Repi-esentatives of the United States, reviewing the Report of the Select Committee on the Post OlRce Department 8vo. Washington. 1835. Barry, Edward. Sermon before tlie Royal Humane Society, Nov. 13, 1803. 8vo. London. 1804. Barstow, Zedekiah S. Remarks on the Preliminary History of two Discourses by the Rev. Dr. Aaron Bancroft. 8vo. Bellows Falls, Vt. 1821. , . Examination of tlie above " Remarks." 8vo. Keene, N. H. 1822. Bartas, Du. See Saluste, William. Bartelonaeus, Paul. De Ratione Quantitatis Syllabariae Liber. 16mo. Lugduni. 1578. Bartholinus, Erasmus. De Figura Nivis Dissertatio. 16mo. HafFniae. 1661. Bartholinus, Caspar. Enchiridion Metaphysicum ex philosophorum Coryphaei Aristotelis. 16mo. London. 1618. Bartholinus, Thomas. De Luce Animalium. 16mo. Lug. Bat. 1647. , . De Nivis usu Medico Observationes variae. 16mo. Haff- niae. 1661. , . Historiarum Anatomicarum et Med. Rariorum Centuria I & II. 16mo. Amst. 1654. , . Historiarum et Medicarum Rariorum Centuria V. et VII. etc. 16mo. HafFniae. 1661. , . Cista Medica HafTniensis et Domus Anatomica HafFniensis. 16mo. HafFniae. 1662. , . Acta Medica et Philosophica HafFniensia. 1671, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 4 vols. 4to. HafFniae. 1671-7. , . De Lacteis Thoracicis. 16mo. London. 1652. Bartholomew, William. Strong Man Ejected: Sermon on the Restoration of Charles II. 16mo. London. 1660. Bartlett, William. Sermon at Exon before the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwall, May 9, 1716. 12mo. London. Bartlett, J. The Gentleman Farrier's Repository. 3d ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1775. Bartlett, Josiah. Oration at Charlestown, June 17, 1794. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Historical Sketch of the Progress of Medical Science in Mas- sachusetts, being the substance of a Discourse before the Medical Society, June 10, 1810. 8vo. Boston. 1810. [Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 1, 2d series.! C A T A L O G U E OF L 1 U II A R Y. ll Bartlett, Josiah. Address before the Washington Benevolent Society. 8vo. Charlestown. 1813. , . Historical Sketch of Charlestown, Mass. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . Oration at Charlestown, Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washing-ton. 8vo. Charlestown, 1800. , — . Oration at Charlestown, at the Dedication of Warren Hall, 12mo. Charlestown. 1786. , . Dissertation on the Progress of Medical Science, in Massachu- setts. 8vo. Boston. 1816. , . Discourse on Freemasonry, at Charlestown, June 24, 1793. 8vo. Boston. , . Oration at Boston, June 12, 1815, occasioned by the Death of Dr. John Warren. 8vo. Boston. 1815. Bartlett, Joseph. Narrative of his Captivity among the French and Indians. 12mo. 1807. Bartlett, Joseph. Physiognomv. Poem before tlie Phi Beta Kappa at Cambridge, Mass. July 18, 179;). 4to. Boston. 1799. , . Oration nt Biddeford, Me. July 4, 1805. 4to. Saco. 1805. Bartlett, John. Discom-se before the Massachusetts Humane Society. 4to. Bos- ton. 1792. , . Discourse before tlie Roxbury Charitable Society, Sept 19, 1796. 4to. Bartlett, John. Discourse at Marblehead, Mass. June 20, 1819. 8vo. Salem. , . Discourse delivered at Marblehead, Feb. 27, 1825. 8vo. Salem. 1825. Bartlett, Ichabod. Speech in Congress, March 30, 1826, on the Proposition to amend the Constitution. 8vo. Washington. , . Speech in Congress, Feb. 6, 1828, on Retrenchment 2d ed. 8vo. Washington. Bartlett, Description and use of his Celestial Planisphere. Svo. Utica, N. Y. 1825. Bartlett, Israel. Oration at Nottingham, N. H. Dec. 27, 1800. Svo. Portsmouth. Bartlett, M. R. Statistical and Chronological View of the United States of North America. 12mo. New York. 1833. Barton, Benjamin Smith. New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1798. , . Memoir of the Fascinating Faculty of the Rattlesnake and otlier Serpents. 8vo. PhilEidelphia. 1796. , , . Discourse on some of the principal Desiderata in Nat- ural History, &c. before the Philadelphia Linnean Society, June 10, 1807. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807. , , . Hints on the Etymology of certain English words, and on their affinity to words in the Language of different European, Asiatic and American [Indian] nations. 4to. [Philadelphia, 1803.] , , . Paners relative to certain American Antiquities. 4to. Philadelphia. 1796. , , . Collections for an Essay towards a Materia Medica of tiie United States. Svo. Philadelphia. 1798. , , . Memoir concerning the Goitre. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1800. , , . Some Account of the Siren Lacertina. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 18"'l. Barton, Titus T. Fast Sermon at Fitchburg, Mass. July 23, 1812. 8vo. Leo- minster. 1812. Barton, Ira. Oration at Oxford, Mass. July 4, 1822. 8vo. Cambridge. Barton, William. Memoirs of the Life of David Rittenhouse. Svo. Philadel- phia. 1813. , . Dissertation on the Freedom of Navigation and Maritime Commerce, &c. Svo. Philadelphia. 1802. B irton, William P. C. Horae Philadelphicae Prodromus. 4to. Philadelphia. 1815. , . Biographical Sketch of Professor Barton- Svo. Phila- delphia. 1816. 5 12 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Barton, Hull. . Exposition of Facts, in a Letter to Stephen Gould. 8vo. New Bedford, Mass. 18v3. , . Letter to Hull Barton, an excommunicated Member from the So- ciety of Friends ; now a Nev/ Light Preacher. By his Friend Notus Nemini. 8vo. ]8^>a Bartram, William. Travels through. North and South Carolina, Georgia, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. J79L Barwick, Petrus. Vita Johannis Barwick. Adjicitur Appendix Epistolarum tarn ab ipso Rege Carolo II. quam a suo Cancellario exulantibus aliarumque Chartarum ad eandem Historiam pertinentium. 12mo. London. 172L Bascom, William. Sermon at Leominster, Mass. May 14, 1815. 8vo. Leicester. Bascom, Ezekiel L. Masonic Address at Leicester, Mass. June 24, 1817. 8vo. Leicester. 1817. Bascom, Jonathan. Thanlisgiving Sermon at Eastham, Dec. 15, 1774. 8vo. Boston. 1775. Bascom, Jonathan. Oration at Orleans, Mass. Feb. 22, 1800, on the death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. 1800. Bass, Edward, [Bp.] Masonic Sermon at Nev/buryport, Dec. 1779. 12mo. New- bury. 1780. , , . Sermon before the Merrimac Humane Society, at Newbury- port, Sept. 6, 1803. 8vo. 1803. Bass, John. Letter to Rev. Mr. Niles, of Braintree, Mass. containing some Re- marks on his Dying Testimony. 12mo. Boston. 1753. , . See Niies, Samuel. , . True Narrative of an unhappy Contention in the Church at Ashford, Con. 4to. Boston. 1751. Bassett, Amos. Connecticut Election Sermon, Svo. Hartford. 1807. Bassett, Francis. Oration at Boston, July 5, 1824. 8vo. Boston. 1824. Bassett, W. Corporal Worship Discussed and Defended. Sermon. 4to. [1670.] ' Basson, Sebastianus. Philosophiae Naturalis adversus Aristotelem Libri XII. 16mo. Genevae. 1621. Bastwick, Johannes. Flagellum Pontificis, etc. 16mo. London. 1641. J . Vide Canterbury. Bastwick, John. The utter Routing of the whole Army of all the Independents and Sectaries. 4to. London. 1646. Batcheller, David. Sermon at Oxford, Mass. Oct. 7, 1818, at the funeral of Maj. Archibald Campbell. Svo. Worcester. 1818. Batchelder, William. Masonic Discourse at Danvers, Mass. Sept. 26, 1810. 8vo. Salem. , . Sermon at Buxton, Me. A. D. 1802, at the Ordination of Abner Flanders. Svo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1803. Bates, Joshua, [Pres.] Discourse at Medfield, Mass. March 4, 1814, at the inter- ment of Rev. Thomas Prentiss. 8vo. Dedham. 1814. , , . Sermon at the Ordination of Rufus Hurlburt, at Sudbury, . Mass. Feb. 26, 1817. Svo. Dedham. 1817. , ■■ , . Inaugural Address as President of Middlebury College, Vt. March 18, 1818. Svo. Middlebury. 1818. , , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 4, 1816, before the Society for Foreign Missions of Boston and Vicinity. Svo. Dedham. 1816. , , . Discourse at Castleton, Vt. Sept. 16, 1818, at the organiza- tion of the Vermont Juvenile Missionary Society. Svo. Middlebury. 1818. , , . Two Fast Sermons on Intemperance, April 8, 1813. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Bates, Isaac. Sermon, Jan. 25, 1707-8. 12mo. London. 1708. Bates, Isiac C. Oration at Northampton, Mass. July 4, 1805. Svo. Northamp- ton. 1805. , . Speech in Congress, March 26, 1828, on the Tariff Bill. Svo. Washington. 18-:^8. Bates, Edward, against Thom^.s H. Benton. 12mo. St. Louis, Mi. 1828. Bates, William. Considerations of the Existence of God and of the Immortality of the Soul, &c. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1677. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 13 Bates, William. Divinity of the Christian Religion proved by Reason and Rev- elation. 12mo. London. 1G77. Bates, Walter. The Mysterious Stranger ; or Memoirs of Henry Moore Smith. 12mo. New Haven. 1817. Bath and Wells, Bishop of. Two Sermons preached in the Tower, Jan 30, 1G4], and April 24, 1G42. 4to. London. Bathurst, Lord. Observations on his Speech in the House of Peers, March 18, 1817. 12mo. New York. 1818. Battle of Hexham. The Days of Old : or the Battle of. 12mo. Boston. Baughe, Thomas. Summons to Juflgment : Sermon. 4to. London. 1614. Baumgarten, Nathaniel. Theory of Mankind and Education. 12mo. Bausset, L. F. J. De. Private Memoirs of the Court of Napoleon. Tr. from the French. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. Baxter, Richard. An unsavoury volume of Jo. Crandon's anatomized, or a Nose- gay of the Choicest Flowers in that Garden presented to Jos. Caryl. 4to. London. 1654. , . Admonition to Wm. Eyre concerning Marriages in his Book for the Justification of Infidels, against Benj. Woodbridge, Ja. Crawford and Mr. Baxter. 4to. London. 1654. , . Confutation of a Dissertation for the Justification of Infidels, written by L. Colvinus, or L. Molineus, against his brother, Cyrus Molineus. 4to. London. 1654. ' , . The Reduction of a Digressor, or his lleply to George Ken- dall's Digression, in his Book against Mr. Goodwin. 4to. London. 1654. , . Account given to Mr. T. Blake of the Reasons of his Dissent from the Doctrine of his Exceptions in his late Treatise of the Covenants. 4to. London. 1654. , . Certain Disputations of Right to Sacraments, and the True Nature of Visible Christianity. 4to. London. 1657. , . Church Concord. 4to. London. 1691. , . Reply to Thomas Beverley's Answer to my Reasons against the Doctrine of the Thousand Years Middle Kingdom, and of the conversion of the Jews. 4to. London. 1691. , . Immortality of Man's Soul. IGmo. London. 1682. , . Of the Nature of Spirits. 16mo. London. 1682. , . The English Nonconformity under Charles II. and James II. truely stated and argued. 4to. London. 1689. , . Against the Revolt to a Foreign Jurisdiction. 16mo. London. 1691. , . Paraphrase on the Psalms of David, in metre, with other Hymns. 16mo. London. 1692. , . Call to the Unconverted. 12mo. Boston. 1793. , . The Saint's Everlasting Rest. 3d ed. 4to. London. 1652. , . Dialogues between a Minister and his Parishioner. Abridged by Benjamin Fawcett. 12mo. Shrewsbury. 1769. Baxter, Joseph. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1727. Bayard, James A. Speech in Congress, Feb. 19-20, 1802, on the Bill to repeal certain Acts respecting the organization of the Courts of the United States. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , . Same. Hartford. 1802. , . Same. 12mo. Worcester. , . Speech in the Senate of the United States, on his motion, made June 16, to postpone the B;ll declaring war to Oct. 31. 8vo. Exeter, N. H. 1812. Bayle, Franciscus. Institutiones Physicae. 3 vols. 4to. Tolosae. 1700. , . Opuscula. 4to. Tolosae. 1701. Bayle, Louys. See Baily, Lewis. Bayleus, Robertus. See Baillie, Robert. Bayley, Kiah. See Bailey, Kiah. Baylies, William. Oration at Middleborough, Mass. July 4, 1808. 8vo. Boston. ^ . View of the Proceedings of the House of Representatives of ' e United States in the case of tlie Plymouth Election. Svo. Boston. 1809. 14 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Baylies, Francis. Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Bayly, Francis. Sermon at the funeral of Sir William Button, at North Wraxall, April 12, 1G60. 4to. London. Bayne, Paul. Commentarie upon the first Chapter of the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians. 4tc. London. 1618. , . The Tocesans Trial : Wherein all the Sinews of D. Downames Defence are brought into three heads and orderly dissolved. IGmo. 1641. Beach, George, and the Northampton, Mass. Town Meeting. 8vo. [1825.] Beach, John. God's Sovereignty and his Universal Love to the Souls of Men reconciled ; in Reply to J. Dickinson. 12mo. Boston. 1747. , . Appeal to the Unprejudiced. In a Supplement to the Vindication of the Worship of God according to the Church of England. 16mo. Boston. , . Sermon at New Haven, Con. .Tune 4, 1760, before the Clergy of the Church of England, at their Annual Convention. 8vo. 1760. , . Sermon. 12mo. Newport. R. I. 1745. , . Second Vindication of God's Sovereign Free Grace Indeed. In a fair and candid examination of the last Discourse of the late Mr. Dickinson, entitled, A Second Vindication of God's Sovereign Free Grace. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1748. , . Calm and dispassionate Vindication of the Professors of the Church of England against the abusive misrepresentations and fallacious argumenta- tions of Mr. Noah Hobart, in his Address. 8vo. Boston. 1749. , . Continuation of tiie same. 8vo. Boston. 1751. Beadle, William. Narrative of. 12mo. Windsor, Vt. 1795. Bean, James. Christian Minister's Advice to a New Married Couple. 12mo. Boston. 1815. Bean, Joseph. Century Sermon at Wrentham, Mass. Oct 26, 1773. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1774. Beasley, Rev. Mr. See Episcopacy. Beard, Thomas. Life of. 16mo. Boston. 1735. Beattie, James. Poems on several occasions. 12rao. Philadelphia. 1787. Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de. Recueil des Memoires. 12mo. Ge- neva. 1774. Beaumarchais, Amelie Eugenide. Claim of his heir against the United States. 8vo. Paris 1822. Beams of former Light, discovering how evil it is to impose doubtful and disputa- ble Forms and Practices upon Ministers, &c. 16mo. London. 1660. Beaven, Samuel. The Religious Liberties of the Christian Laity asserted. 16mo. Newport, R. I. 1753. Becanus, Martinus. The English larre : or Dirsagreement amongst the Ministers of Great Britaine concerning the Kinges Supremacy. Tr. from the Latin, by I. W. P. 4to. 1612. , . De Deo et attributis divinis. 8vo. Moguntiae. 161 L Beck, Lewis C. Account of the Salt Sprmgs at Salina, N. Y. 8vo. New York. 1826. • , . Manual of Chem.istry. 12mo. Albany. 1831. , . Report on the Cholera. 8vo. Beck, T. Romeyn. See New York Medical Society. Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. The Pilgrim,. Comedy. 4to. London. 1718. Beckwith, George. Connecticut Election Sermon. ]2mo. New Haven. 1756. , . Second Letter on the subject of Lay-Ordination, occasioned by exceptions on my first Letter on that Subject, in a pamplilet, entitled, A Word in Zion's Behalf, or Two Mites cast into the Church's Treasury. Writ- ten by Israel Holly. 12mo. New London, Con. 1766. Beckwith, George C. Dissuasive from Controversy on the Mode of Baptism. 12mo. Andover. 1828. Becon, Thomas. Reliques of Rome, containing all such matters of Religion as have in times past been brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherents. 16roo. London. 1563. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 15 Becle, David von der. Experimenta et Meditationes circa Naturalium Rerum Principia. 16mo. Hamburgi. 1(374. Bedell, Gregory T. Cause of the Greeks : Discourse at Philadelphia, Feb. 26, 1827. 8vo. Philadelphia. Bedford, James. Sermon at the funeral of Mrs. Frances Bedford. 4to. London. 1(357. Bedingfield, Robert. Sermon at Paul's Crosse. Oct. 24, 1G42. 4lo. London. 1G25. Beecher, Lyman. Sermon at Woolcot, Con. Sept. 21, 1814, at the Installation of Rev. John Kejes. 8vo. Andover, Mass. 1815. , . Sermon at Worcester, Oct. 15, 1823, at the Ordination of Lo- ammi Ives Hoadley. 8vo. Boston. 1823. , . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . Reviev/ of the foregoing, [from the Christian Examiner.] 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . Reply to the Review, [from the Christian Spectator.] 8vo. Boston. 1825. , . The Government of God Desirable. A Sermon at Newark, N. J. Oct. 1808, before the Synod of New York and New Jersey. 2d ed. 12mo. Sutton, Mass. 1611. , . The same. 7th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1827. , . Sermon at the Installation of the Rev. Elias Cornelius, at Sa- lem, Mass. July 21, 1819. 8vo. Andover. 1819. , . Bible Code of Laws : Sennon at Boston. Sept. 3, 1817, at the Ordination of Rev. Sereno E. D wight, as Pastor of the Park Street Church ; and also, of E. P. Swift, Allen Graves, John Nichols, Levi Parsons and Daniel Buttrick, as Missionaries to the Heathen. 8vo. Andover. 1818. , . Sermon at Portland, Me. Sept. 17, 1828, at the Installation of Rev. Bennett Tyler. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , . A Reformation of Morals Practicable and Indispensable. Ser- mon at New Haven, Con. Oct. 27, 1812. 8vo. Andover. 1814. Beede, Thomas. Oration at Roxbury, Mass, July 4, 1799. 8vo. Boston. 1799. Beede, Thomas. Masonic Discourse at Dublin, N. H. Sept. 18, 1816. 8vo. Keene. 1817. , . Masonic Discourse at Washington, N. H. Sept. 28, 1803. 8vo. Amherst. 1804. , . Masonic Sermon at Lexington, Mass. June 24, 1803. 8vo. Amherst. 1803. , . Four Sermons. 8vo. Concord, N.H. 1821. , . Nevt^ Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Concord. 1811. Bee Society. Hints for Promoting. 8vo. London. 1796. Bees. Complete Guide for the Management of. By a Farmer of Massachusetts. 12mo. Worcester. 1792. Beekham, Ed. See Quaker. Begg, James A. True Cause of Pestilence and other Judgments of God. 12mo. Paisley. 1832. Beggar Girl. Novel. 3 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1801. Beilhaven, [Lord.] Speech in the Scotch Parliament, on the subject matter of an Union between the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England. 16mo. 1706. Belcher, Joseph. Sermon at the Ordination of Nathaniel Cotton, at Bristol, R. I. Aug. 30, 1721. 12mo. Boston. 1722. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. ]6m.o. Boston. 1701. , . Two Sermons at Dedham, N. E. Boston. 1710. Belcher, Samuel, Massachusetts Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1707. Belgicae Descriptio. 2mo. Lug. Bat. 1633. [Elizevir.] Belgick Pismire stinging the Slothful Sleeper. 4to. London. 1624. Belgick Soldier. 4to. 1624. Belgicus, E. Tractatus de Regno Ecclesiae Glorioso per Christum in terris eri- gendo. 16mo. Amsterdam. 1657. Belgrade. Foundling of. Tr. from the French by W. Jennings. 12mo. New- York. 1808. I'^'^liever's Hope, or the Doctrine of the Millenium proved. 8vo. London. 1714. 16 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Belfast. Letter to tlic First Belfast Company of Volunteers. By a Member of Parliament. 3(1 ed. 8vo. London. 1783. Belknap, Jeremy. Fast Sermon at Boston, May 9, 1798. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , . History of New Hampshire. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia and Boston. 1784. , . Same, Avith Notes, by John Farmer. Vol. 1. 8vo. Dover. 1831. . , . American Biography : or an Historical Account of the Persons who have been distinguished in America, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . The Foresters. *1. Benefield, Sebastian. The Haven of the Afflicted : Sermon. 4to. 1613. Benezet, Anthony. The Plainness and Simplicity of the Christian Religion. Collected by. 12mo. Philadelphia. 17t3. , . Observations on the Situation, Disposition and Character of the Indian Natives of tills Continent. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1784. IS AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Benezet, Anthony. A Caution and a Warning to Great Britain and her Colonies. l'2mo. Philadelphia. 1767. Benger, Eliza O. Memoirs of Anne Boleyn. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822. Beno-er, Miss. The Heart and the Fancy, or Valsinore. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1816. Benjamin, Asher. American Builder's Com.panion. 3d ed. 4to. Boston. 1816. Bennett, John. Strictures on Female Education. 12mo. Worcester. 1795. , . Letters to Young Ladies. 13mo. Worcester. 17L8. , -. Same. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Worcester. 17L8. Bennett, Philip. Sermon before the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge. 1745. Bennett, Benjamin. Several Ffiscourses against Pcpery. l?mo. London. 1714. , . See Horsley, John. Bennett, Mrs. The Beggar Girl and her Benefactress. 3 vols. 12mo. Phila- delphia. 1801. , . De Valcourt. l^m.o. Philadelphia. 180L Benson, Geor^-e. Sermon at Paul's Crosse, May 17, 1{JC9. 4to. London. Benson, Christopher. Sermon in aid of the Cholera Fund, at Woic ester, Eng. Sept. 30, IS'32. 8vo. Worcester. Bentalon, Paul. Reply to Judge Johnson's Remiarks on the Article in the North American Review, relating to Count Pulaski. 8vo. Baltimore. 18'.'6. Benton, Thomas Hart. Speech in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 20, 1832, on the state of the Currency. 8vo. Washington. , . See Bates, Edward. Bentley, William. Sermon at the Stone Chapel, Boston, Sept. 12, 1790. 8vo. Boston. 1790. , . Sermon at Salem, Mass. March 13, 1791, on the death of Jon- athan Gardner, Esq. 8vo. Salem. 1791. , . Address before Essex Lodge, at Salem, Mass. Dec. 27, 1798. . 12mo. Salem. 1799. , . Masonic Discourse at Roxbury, Mass. Oct. 12, 179G. 8vo. Boston. 1797. , . Masonic Discourse at Amherst, N. H. Aug. 10, 1797. 8vo. 1797. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1796. , . Masonic Charge at Worcester, June 25, 1798. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1798. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1807. , . Sermon nt Salem, March 31, 1791, on the death of Gen. John Fiske. 8vo. Salem. 1797. , . Sermon before the Salem Female Charitable Society, Sept. 2, 1807. 8vo. Salem. , . Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship. 3d ed. 18mo. Boston. 1814. , . Description and History of Salem. [Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 6.] , . Catalogue of that part of his Library not bequeathed to Lit- erary Institutions. 8vo. Boston. 1820. Bentley, Richard. Remarks upon a Discourse of Free Thinking. 6th ed. 8vo. Cambridge. 1725. . . Second Part of the same. 6th ed. 8vo. Cambridge. 1725. Benyowsky. Mauritius Augustus, Count de. Memoirs and Travels. Tr. from the original MS. 2 vols. 4to. London. ] 790. Berkley, George, [Bp.] Essay towards the new Theory of Vision. 8vo. London. 1732. , , . Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propa- gation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 18, 1731. 8vo. London. 1732. Berkshire, Mass. History of the County of 12mo. Pittsfield. 1829. , . Address to the Inhabitants of, respecting their present Oppo- sition to Civil Government. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1778. , . Medical Institution, Course of Lectures there. 12mo. Pitts- field. 1823. Berlin. Histoire Secrete de la Cour de. 2 vols. 12mo. l'/89. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. Berault, Peter. The Church of Rome evidently proved Heretick. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1685. Bermudian, The. A Poem. 4to. Williamsburg, Va. 1774. Bernard, David. Light on Masonry: A collection of all the most important Doc- uments on the subject of Speculative Free Masonry, &c. &.c. 12mo. Utica, N. Y. 1829. Bernard, Francis, [Gov.] Letters to the Ministry, from Governor Bernard, Gen- eral Gage and Commodore Hood. And also. Memorials to the Lords of the Treasury, from the Commissioners of the Customs, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1769. , , . The Same. 8vo. London. , , . Copies of his Letters to the Earl of Shelburne and Earl of Hillsborough. 4to. 1769. 5 , . The Same. fol. Boston. 1769. , , . A Third Extraordinary Budget of Epistles and Memo- rials between Sir Francis Bernard, some natives of Boston, N. E. and the pres- ent Ministry, &c. 8vo. [1768.] , , . See British Colonies ; Massachusetts. Bernard, Richard. Christian Advertisements and Counsels of Peace : also des- swasi-ons from the Separatists Schisme commonly called Brownism. 16mo. London. 1608. , . The Opening of St. John's Mysticall Revelation. 4to. Lon- don. 1670. ^ . Looke beyond Luther; or an Answer to that Question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our adversaries, asking us ; Where this our Religion was before Luther's Time ? 4to. London. 1623. , . See Ainsworth, Henry ; Mather, Richard. Bernard, J. A. Geographical Dictionary, fol. London. 1692. Bernardin, James Henry, de St. Pierre. Studies of Nature. Tr. from the French by H. Hunt-er. 3 vols. 8vo. Worcester. 1797. , , . Vindication of Divine Providence. Tr. from the French by H. Hunter. 2 vols. 8vo. Worcester. 1797. Bernardus, Sanctus. Opera Omnia, fol. Paris. 1629. Bernoullus, Jacobus. Conamen novi Systematis Cometarum pro motu eorum sub calculum revocando et apparitionibus praedicentis. 16mo. Amstel. 1682. Bertius, Petrus. Breviarum Totius Orbis Terrarum. 4to. Amst. 1676. Bertolonius, Antonius. Amoenitates Italicae Sistentes Opuscula ad Rem Herba- riam et Zoologiam Italiae Spectantia. 4to. Bononiae. 1819. Bertram, Caspar. Matthaeus enucleatus. 4to. Amstel. 1651. Berwick, John. Deceivers Deceived : Sermon, Oct. 20, 1661. 4to. London. 1661. Bery, John. The Schole of Godly Feare. Assize Sermon, March 20, 1614. 4to. London. 1615. Besoldus, Christophorus. AxiomatumPhilosophiae Christianae. 16mo. Argen- torati. 1628. Bethel, Slingsby. The Interest of the Princes and States of Europe. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1681. Better Sort, or the Girl of Spirit. Farce. 8vo. Boston. 1789. Bettesworth, J. Arithmetic made easy. 12mo. London. Betty, William Henry W. Authentic Sketch of the Life of. 12mo. London. 1804. Bevan, Joseph G. Refutation of the Aspersions of the Society of Friends in Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History. 8vo. Charlestown, Mass. 1812. Beveredge, William. Convocation Sermon, Nov. 18, 1689. Tr. from Lat. by J. G. 4to. London. , . Sermon concerning the Excellency and Usefulness of the Common Prayer. 14th ed. 16mo. Dublin. 1719. Beveredge, John. Familiar Epistles. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1765. Beverly, Thomas. Scripture Line of Time, presenting its several joints in a clear and brief view from the first to the last sabbatism. 2 vols. 4to. 1684. , . The Command of God to his People to come out of Babylon. 4to. 1688. , . The Pattern of the Divine Temple, Sanctuary and City of thi New Jerusalem, measured according to Ezekiel's last and greatest Vision. 4ta London. 1690. 6 20 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Beverly, Thomas. The Prophetical History of the Reformation ; or the Reform-. ation to be Reform'd, in that Great Re-reformation : That is to be in 1697. According to the Divine Table or vision of it. Rev. x. 4to. 1689. , . The Grand Apocalyptical Vision of the Witness slain, dated to its Periods of Prophesie and History. 4to. , . The Thousand Years Kingdom of Christ, in its full Scripture State, answering Mr. Baxter's new Treatise in opposition to it : [with a MS. Letter to I. Mather.] 4to. London. 1691. . . The Universal Christian Doctrine of the Day of Judgment ; applied to the Doctrine of the Thousand Years Kingdom of Christ 4to. Lon- don. 169L Beverovicius, Johannes. Epistolicae Quaestiones, cum Doctorum responsis, etc. 16mo. Roterdami. 1644. , . Epistolica quaestio de vitae Termino, Fatali, an Mobili ? Cum Doctorum responsis. ed. 2da. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1636. Beverovius, Joh. Vide Beverovicius. Bewley, Mary. Imitation and Caution for Christian Women ; or the Life and Death of. 4to. London. 1659. Beza, Theodorus. In Epistolam D. Pauli Apostoli ad Galatas Notae ex concion-^ ibus Gaspaiis Oleviani Excerptae. 16mo. Genevae. 1578, Bibl. [Welch Bible.] 8vo. Llundain. 1690. . 12mo. Caer Grawnt. 1831. Cranmer's. fol. London. 1540. Bishop's Translation, fol. 1598. Barker's. 4to. London. 1599. Tomson's. 4to. London. 1599. King James's Version, with two Right Profitable and Fruitful Concordances. By R. F. H. 4to. London. 1621-2. , with Sternhold and Hopkins. 4to. Lon- Bible, English don. 1626. London. 1700. 1791. 1791. 4to. London. 1628. 4to. Cambridge. 1637. 18mo. Cambridge. 1648. With Annotations by Matthew Poole. Baskerville's ed. fol. Birmingham. 1769, Thomas's ed. 2 vols. fol. Worcester. 2 vols. 4to. Worcester. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1782, 8vo. Worcester. 1793. 12mo. Worcester. 1 797. 12mo. Worcester. 1798. 12mo. Worcester. 1799, 12mo. Boston. 1801. 12mo. Worcester. 1802. 4to. Windsor, Vt. 1812. 16mo. Baltimore. 1812. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1815. 8vo. New York. 1829. 12mo. New York. 1829. 8vo. New York. 1830. 12mo. New York. 1830. . 12mo. New York. 183L . 8vo. NewY^ork. 1833. . 4to. New York. 1834. . 12mo. New York. 1834. By Charles Thompson, [from the Septuagint, &c.] 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1808. , tr. into the Indian Language of Massachusetts. 4to. Cambridge, Mass. 1661-3. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 21 8vo. New York. 8vo. New- York. 8vo. New York. New York. New York. 8vo. New York. Bible, English. With Notes, by Thomas Scott. 6th ed. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1818. , la Sainte. 12mo. Flensbourg et Altona. 1739. , . 12mo. New York. 1820. , . 12mo. New York. 1832. , Gaelic. 12mo. Edinburgh. Old Testament, 1807. New Testament, 1813. Index Bibliciis. 16mo. London. 1668. Times of. 4to. London. 1667. The Doctrine or Rules of Discipline of. 24mo. London. 1614. Dictionary of. 12mo. Worcester. 1798. History of. 16mo. London. 1613. Dissertation on the History, Eloquence and Poetry of the Bible, delivered at the Publick Commencement at New Haven. 8vo. New Haven. 1772. Bible Society, American. Constitution of, formed by a Convention of Delegates at New York, May, 1816, with an Address to the People. 8vo. New York. , . First Annual Report. New York, May 8, 1817. 8vo. New York. Second Annual Report. New York, May 14, 1818. Third Annual Report. New York, May 13, 1819. Fourth Annual Report. New York, May 11, 1820. Fifth Annual Report. New York, May 10, 1821. 8vo. Sixth Annual Report New York, May 9, 1822. 8vo. Seventh Annual Report. New York, May 8, 1823. Eighth Annual Report. New York, May 13, 1824. Brief View of. May, 1824. 8vo. Ninth Annual Report. New York, May 12, 1825. Tenth Annual Report. New York, May 11, 1826. Eleventh Annual Report. New York, May 10, 1827. Twelfth Annual Report. New York, May 8, 1828. Thirteenth Annual Report New York, May 14, 1829. Address of the Managers to the Friends of. 8vo. Fourteenth Annual Report New York, May, 1830. Abstract of 8vo. New York. 1830. Brief Analysis of the System of. 8vo. New York. Fifteenth Annual Report New York, May, 1831. Sixteenth Annual Report New York, May 10, 1832. , . Seventeenth Annual Report. New York, May 10, 1833. 8vo. New York. , . Eighteenth Annual Report. New York, May 10, 1834. 8vo. , . Maryland. Young Men's, of Baltimore. Third Re- port. 12mo. Baltimore. 1823. , . Massachusetts, Middlesex. , Massachusetts. Circular Addresses from, for 1809, 12, 14, 15. 8vo. New York. 8vo. New York. 8vo. New York. 8vo. New York. 8vo. New York. 8vo. New York. New York. 1829. 8vo. New York. 3830. 8vo. New York. 8vo. New York. 8vo. Boston. 1809-15 22 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Bible Society, Philadelphia. Twenty second, twenty fifth and twenty sixth Re- ports. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830,33,34. , Washington County, N. Y. Nineteenth and twenty first Reports. 8vo. Salem, N. Y. 1831, 33. , British and Foreign. Sixteenth Report. 8vo. London. 1820. . Rapport ler. de la Societe Biblique Protestante de Paris. 8vo. Paris. 1819. 2me. . 8vo. 3me. . 8vo. 4me. . 8vo. Paris. 1820. Paris. 1822. Paris. 1823. Paris. 1824. Paris. 1825. Paris. 1826. Paris. 1828. Paris. 1829. Paris. 1830. Paris. 1831. 8vo. 6ine. . 8vo. 7me. . 8vo. 9me. . 8vo. lOme. . 8vo. lime. . 8vo. 12me. . 8vo. Bible Societies. Notice of. See Porter, Jacob. Biblia Sagrada en Espaiiol. 8vo. New York. 1824. . 8vo. New York. 1830. det er Den gandske Hell Skriffes. 8vo. 1760. Sacrosanta, in lingua Italiana. Norimbergo. 1712. Hebraica. 4to. Eliae Hutteri. fi^l. Hamburgi. 1587. oder die gantsche Heilige Schrift. 16mo, Halle. 1803. . i2mo. Altona. 1815. . i2nio. Philadelphia. 1834. , dat is. Die Gantsche Heylighe Schrift. fol. Nurnberg. 1765. fol. Frankftirt am Mayn. 1740. Latina. Vulg. Editio. Typis Gothicis, Uteris capit. colorat. fol. Vene- tiis, per Franc iscum de Hailbrun et Nicolaum de Frankfordia. 1476. Typis Gothicis, Uteris capit. colorat 4to. Vene- tiis, per Georgium de Rivabenis Mantuanum. 1487. . . . 16mo. Lugduni. 1556. . . . Sixti V. jussu Recognita. 12mo. Parisiis. 1664. . S. Hieronymi. fol. Lugduni. 1520. . . 16mo. Antverpiae. 1583. Vulg. editio. cum Nic. de Lyra commentariis. 6 vols. 4to. Lug- duni. 1529. Tremellii et Junii. fol. Hanoviae. 1596. . fol. Hanoviae. 1603. . fol. Sane. Gervasii. 1607. . fol. Genevae. 1617. Polyglotta. Mantani. 8 vols. fol. Antverpiae. 1569-72. Bibliotheca Biblica. Being a Commentary upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament. 4to. Oxford. 1728. Bibliothek, Allgemeine deutsche. 117 Bande. 8vo. Berlin, Stettin und Kiel. 1765-94. , . Anhang zutlem 1 dis 117 Bande. 20 Bande. 8vo. Berlin, Stettin und Kiel. 1771-96. -, Neue Allgemeine deutsche, 57 Bande: und zu dem 90. dis 104. Bande. 71 Bande. 8vo. Berlin und Stettin. 1793-1805. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 23 Bibliothek, Neue Allgemeine deutsche. Intelligenz blatt der 1793. 8vo. Kiel. , . Anhang zum ersten bis acht und zwan zig-sten Bande. 2 Bande. 8vo. Kiel. 1797-8. Bibliotheque Italique ou Histoire Litteraire de I'ltalie, May, Juin, Juillet, Aout. Vol. lime. 173]. 12mo. Geneve. 1731. Portative des Meilleurs Ecrivains Fran^ais. Par N. Faucon. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Bickerstaff, Mr. Maid of the Mill. Comic Opera. 12mo. Dublin. 1780. , — . Love in a Village. Comic Opera. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1794. Bicheno, J. Signs of the Times : or, the overthrow of tlie Papal Tyranny in France, the Prelude of Destruction to Popery and Despotism ; but of Peace to Mankind. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1794. Bidwell, Barnabas. Oration at Sheffield, Mass. July 4, 1S05. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1805. , . Oration at Yale College, Con. on the deatli of Roger New- ton, Jun. who died Aug. 10, 1789. 8vo. New Haven. Biddle, Owen. System of Architecture. 4to. Philadelphia. 1810. Biddle, John. Scripture Catechism. 16mo. London. 1654. , . See Jackson, Richard. Biddle, Nicholas. Address at laying the Corner Stone of the Girard College for Orphans in Philadelphia; with an Account of the Proceedings, July 4, 1833. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. Biddle, Richard. Memoir of Sebastian Cabot ; with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. Bifield, Nicholas. Rule of Faith, or an Exposition of the Apostles' Creed. 4to. London. 1626. ^ ^ Principles of Theology. 12mo. London. 1618. Bigelow, Timothy. Eulogy on George Washington, at Boston, Feb. 11, 1800. 8vo. Boston. , . Address before the Washington Benevolent Society, April 30, 1814. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa, at Cambridge, July 21, 1796. 8vo. Boston. 1797. , . Oration at Amherst, N. H. April 4, 1798, at the interment of Hon. Samuel Dana. 8vo. Amherst. 1798. Bigelow, Andrew. Oration before the Washington Benevolent Society, at Cam- bridge, Mass. July 4, 1815. 8vo. Cambridge. 1815. , . Christianity abstracted from Signs. Dedication Sermon at Eastport, Me. Jan. 13, 1820. 8vo. Eastport. 1820. , . Sermon at Reading, Mass. Jan. 6, 1828. 12mo. Boston. 1828. BigeloWj Abijah. Political Queries and Statements. 8vo. BigeloAV^ Lewis. Address before the Worcester Agricultural Society, at Wor- cester, Oct 12, 1820. 8vo. Worcester. , . Oration at Templeton, Mass. July 5, 1813, before the Washing- ton Benevolent Society. 8vo. Worcester. 1813. Bigelow, Tyler. Address before the Massachusetts Peace Society, eighth Anni- versary, Dec. 25, 1823. 8vo. Boston. 1824. Bigland, J. History of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston and New York. 1815, , -. Letters on the Study and Use of Ancient and Modern History. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1808. Biglow, William. Education, Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa, at Cambridge, Mass. July 18, 1799. 8vo. Salem. 1799. , . History of the Town of Natick, Mass. from 1650 to the pres- ent time. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , . Sawney, Redivivus et Restauratus ; or Miscellaneous Verses. No. 1. 12mo. 1816. , . History of Sherburne, Mass. from its Incorporation to the end of the year 1830. 8vo. Milford. 1830. Billings, W. Music in Miniature, containing a Collection of Psalm Tunes of various Metres. Set in Score by. 12mo. Boston. 1779. Billingsgate, Mass. Result of a Council at, Nov. 8, 1720. With the Narrative of Hannah Doane. 16mo. Boston. 24 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Billingsgate, Mass. The Veracity and Equity of the Members of the Council held at Billingsgate, in Eastham, in 1720, asserted and maintained. 12mo. Boston. 1723. , . See Eastham. Billingsley, Nicholas. Sermon at the Ordination of Thomas Morgan, Sept. 6, 1716. 12mo. London. 1717. Bilson, Thomas, [Bp.] The Full Redemption of Mankind by the Death and Blood of Christ. 4to. London. 1599. , , . True Difference between Christian Subjection and Un- christian Rebellion. ]2mo. Oxford. 1.585. Bingham, Caleb. American Preceptor. ]7th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1803. , . Introduction to English Grammar. 7tli ed. 12mo. Boston. 1793. Bingley, William. North Wales, including its Scenery, Antiquities, Customs, and some Sketches of Natural History. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1804. Binney, Barnabas. Oration on the late Public Commencement at Rhode Island College, Sept. 1774. 4to. Boston. 1774. Binney, Horace. Speech in Congress on the Removal of the Deposites from the Bank of the United States. Svo. Washington. 1834. , . Eulogium on William Tilghman. Svo. Philadelphia. 1827. Binsfeldius, Petrus. Echiridion Theologiae Pastoralis, etc. 18mo. Parisiis. 1635* Biographia Americana. By a Gentleman of Philadelphia. Svo. New York. 1825. Biographium Foeminarum, or Memoirs of the more illustrious Ladies. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1766. Biography, Cotemporary. Svo. Boston. 1803. , Eccentric : or Memoirs of Remarkable Female Characters^ 12m0k Boston. 1804. = , Eccentric ; or Sketches of Remarkable Characters. 12mo. Boston. 1825. Birch, Peter. Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1694. 4to. Londom , . A Birchen Rod for Dr. Birch, or Animadversions on the foregoing Sermon. 4to. London. 1694. Bird, Samuel. Sermon at New Haven, Con. April 27, 1759, to Col. David Woos-^ ter and his Company. 12mo. New Haven. 1759. Bird, Benjamin. The Jacobites' Catechism. 16mo. London. 1692. Birkbeck, Morris. Letters from Illinois. Philadelphia. 1818. Birney, James G. Letter on Colonization, addressed to the Rev. Thornton Ji Mills. 12mo. New York. 1834. Bisbe, John, Jun. Thanksgiving Sermon at Portland, Me. Nov. 29, 1827. Svo. Portland. 1828. , , . Oration at Dudley, Mass. July 4, 1820. Svo. Worcester. Bishop, William. Perkin's Refonned Catholique, together with Robert Abbot's Defence thereof largely refuted. 4to. Douay. 1625. Bishop, Abraham. Connecticut Republicanism : Oration at New Haven, Sept* 1800. Svo. Philadelphia. , . Oration at Wallingford, Con. March 11, 1801, before the Re^ publicans, at their General Thanksgiving for the Election of Mr. Jefferson to the Presidency. Svo. New Haven. 1801. , . Oration at Hartford, May 11, 1804, in honor of tlie Election of President Jefferson and the peaceable acquisition of Louisiana. Svo. 1804. , . Georgia Speculation unveiled. Svo. Hartford. 1797. , . Second Part of the Same. Svo. Hartford. 1798. " , . Proofs of a Conspiracy against Christianity and the Govern- ment of the United States, exhibited in several VieAvs of the Union of Church and State in New England. Svo. Hartford. 1802. , . Church and State, a Political Union. Svo. 1802. Bishop. Advice from in nine Letters. 12mo. London. 1759. Bishops. Lord Bishops none of the Lord's Bishops. 16mo. 16-! 0. . A Letter to a Member of the House of Commons, concerning the Bish- ops lately in the Tower, and now under Suspension. 4to. London. 1689. . Modest Inquiry into the Carriage of some of the Dissenting Bishops. 4to. London. 1691. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 25 Bisset, George. Sermon at Newport, R. I. Oct. 24, 3773. 8vo. Newport. , . Honesty the Best Policy in the Worst Times : A Sermon in- tended to have been preached at Newport, R. I. the Sunday precedintr the Evacuation of that Garrison by his Majesty's Troops. 4to. London. ]784. , . Masonic Sermon at St. John's, N. B. Dec. 27, 178G. 4to. St. John. Blackburne, Francis. Critical Commentary on Abp. Seeker's Letter to the Rt. Hon. Horatio Walpole, concerning- Bishops in America. 8vo. London. 1770. Blacksmith. Letter from a Blacksmith to the Ministers and Elders of the Church of Scotland. 7th ed. ]2mo. Newburyport, Mass. Blackstone, William. Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 177] , 2, 3. , . Same : with Additions by R. Burn and J. Williams. 4 vols. 12mo. Worcester. 1790. , . Same. 4 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1799. Bladensburg, Md. Battle of See McKinney. Blair, Patricius. Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Obstructionum origine. 4to. Edinburgh. 1738. Blair, Robert. The Grave : a Poem. With his Life. 12mo. Boston. 1808. , — — . The same. 7th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1772. Blair, Hugh. Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1792. , . Sermons. 2d ed. 2 vols. ]2mo. New York. 1792. , . Lectures on Rhetorick. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , . Abridgement of the Same. 12mo. Boston. 1793. , . Same. 12mo. Windsor, Vt. 1809. , . Same. Brookfield, Mass. 1805. Blake, J. L. Conversations on Vegetable Physiology. 12mo. Boston. 1830. , . First Reader. 7th ed. Concord, N. H. 1833. Blake, George. Masonic Eulogy on George Washington, at Boston, Feb. 4, 1800. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , . Oration at Boston July 4, 1795. 8vo. Boston. Blake, Francis. Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1796. 8vo. Worcester. , . Examination of the Constitutionality of the Embargo Laws. 8vo. Worcester. 1808. , — . Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1812. 8vo. Worcester. , . See Davis, John. Blake, Thomas. The Birth Privilege or Covenant Holinesse of Beleevers and their Issue in the time of the Gospel : with the right of Infants to Baptism. 4to. London. 1G44. , . Infants Baptism freed from Antichristianisme, in Answer to Ch. Blackwood's Storming of Antichrist. 4to. London. 1645. Blake, Caleb. Sermon at Westfield, Mass. Nov. 1814, before the Female Chari- table Society. 8vo. Boston. 1815. Blake, Joseph, Jun. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1792. 4to. Boston. 1792. Blakes, James, Jun. Sermon at a Meeting of the People called Quakers, at Leeds, [Eng.] 26th 6th m. 1769. 8vo. Newport, R. I. 1772. Blanchard, J. P. Address at the 13th Anniversary of the Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1828. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Blanchard, Mr. Journal of his 45th Ascension, being the first in America, Jan. 9, 1793. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1793. Blanchard, J. H. T. Discourse on the death of John Atkins, Esq. 8vo. Boston. 1835. Bland, Humphrey. Treatise of Military Discipline. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1740. Bland, Peter. Argument in Justification of the Five Members formerly, and so virtually cleering the Four Men now, accused by his Majesty. 4to. London. Bland, Col. See Military. Blatchford, John. Narrative of Remarkable Occurrences, in the Life of John Blatchford, of Cape Ann, Mass. 2d ed. 12mo. New London, Con. 1794. Blenheim. A Poem. 4to. Blind. New England Asylum for. 18mo. Boston. 1829. 26 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Blind. Education of. From the New England Magazine. 8vo. [1833.] . Address of the Trustees of the New England Institution for the Educa- tion of, to the Public. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Bliss, George. Address to the Members of the Bar of the Counties of Hamp- shire, Franklin and Hampden, Mass. Sept. 1826. 8vo. Springfield. 1827. , . Address at the opening of the Town Hall, at Springfield, Mass. March 24th, 1828. 8vo. Springfield. 1828. Bliss, Henry. Tlianksgiving. A Poem. 8vo. Pittsfield, Mass. 1815. Blodget, Samuel. Prospective Plan of the Battle near Lake George on the 8th day of Sept. 1755. 4to. Boston. 1755. Blodget, Samuel. Statistical Manual of the United States of America. 8vo. Washington. 1806. Blodget Canal. Statements concerning the Blodget Canal at Amoskeag Falls, on Merrimack River, N. H. 8vo. 1806. Blond, M. Le. Elemens de Fortification. 4me ed. 16mo. Paris. 1756. Blondus, Flavius Forliviensis. De Roma Triumphante Lib. X. Priscorum Lecto- ribus utilissime, ad totius Romanae Antiquitatis Cognitionem per necessarii Romae Instauratae Lib. HI. De Origine ac gestis Venetonum Liber. Italic, illustrata, sive Lustrata in Regiones seu Provincias divisa, XVIII. Historiarurn ab. inclinato Ro. Imperio Decades III. fol. Basiliae. 1559. Blood, Caleb. Historical Facts, recorded for the Benefit of Youth. 8vo. Pitts- field. 1822. Blood, Mighill. Masonic Discourse at Bucksport, Me. June 24, 1818. 8vo. Hallowell. 1818. Bloomfield, Robert. Rural Tales, with his Life. 12mo. Baltimore. 1802. , . Farmer's Boy. 4th ed. 12mo. Baltimore. 1803. Blount, Charles. Oracles of Reason. 16mo. London. 1695. , . Anima Mundi : or the Opinions of the Ancients concerning Man's Soule after this ^Life according to unenlightened Nature. 16mo. Lon- don. 1695. , . Great is Diana of the Ephesians : or the Original of Priestcraft and Idolatry, &c. 16mo. London. 1695. , . Appeal from the Country to the City for the Preservation of his Majesty's Person, Liberty and Property, and the Protestant Religion. 16mo. London. 1695. , . A Just Vindication of Learning and the Liberty of the Press. 16mo. London. 1695. . , . Supposed Dialogue betwixt the late King James and King William, on the Banks of the Boyne the day before that famous Victory. 16mo. London. 1695. Blount, William. Proceedings on the Impeachment of, for high Crimes and Mis- demeanors. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. Blumauer, Aloys. Epilog auf die Abreise Pius des VI. von. Weim den 22 sten April, 1782. 12mo. Wien. 1782. Blunt, Edmund M. The American Coast Pilot. 9th ed. 8vo. New York. 1817. , . Nautical Almanack for 1821. 12mo. New York. Blydenburgh, Samuel. Oration intended to have been delivered at Springfield, Mass. July 4, 1811. 8vo. Brookfield. Boadly, M. Sketches on the Rotation of Crops. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. Boarding School, or Lessons of a Preceptress to her Pupils. By the Author of the Coquette. 12mo. Boston. 1798. Boccalini, Troj. De Raguagli di Parnaso Romano Centuria Prima, etc. 16mo. Venitia. 1650. , . Same. Tr. fi-om the Italian by N. N. Vol. 1. 12mo. New York. 1704. Boddily, John. Sermon on the Death of George Washington, preached at New- bury port, Mass. Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo. Newburyport 1800. Bodington, John. The Mystical Solomon's Coronation and Espousals. 16mo. London. 1662. Bodinus, Johannes. De Majorum Daemonomania seu Detestando Lamiarum ac Majorura cum Satana Commercio Lib. IV. 16mo. Frank. 1590. Boehm, Anthony William. Duty of Reformation : Sermon. 16rao. London. 1718.- CATALOGUE OF L 1 11 II A R V. 27 Boerhaave, Hemnannus. Disputatio Pneumatica de inente huinana. 2 vols. 4to. Lug-. Bat. 1687-8. -, . Disputatio de Cohesione Corporum. 4to. Lug-. Bat. 1687. Boethius, Anselmus. Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia, Cum commentariis Adri- ani Tollii. 16mo. Lug. Bat. 1647. Boethius, de Consolatione Philosophiae, cum optimo commento Beati Thomae. Daventriae. 1491. Bogue, David. Discourse on Universal Peace. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1S2G. , . Sermon at Gosport, March 17, 1811, on the death of George Cran, Augustus Desgranges, and Jonathan Brain, Missionaries in India. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1811. Boissiere, C. C. Tanguy de la. Observations on the Despatch by Mr. Pickering to Mr. Pinckney, Jan. 16, 1797. Tr. from the French by Sam. Chandler. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797. Bolde, Samuel. Sermon, March 26, 1682, against Persecution. 4to. London. , . Plea for Moderation against Dissenters, occasioned by his being Presented by the Grand Jury for the above Sermon. 4to. London. 1682. , . Examination of Dr. Comber's Scholastical History of the Primi- tive Use of Liturgies. 4to. London. 1690. Bolton, Lancaster, Sterling and Stow. Confessions of Faith of the Churches of. 8vo. Lancaster. 1830. Bolducius, Jacobus. Coram.entaria in Librum Job. fol. Parisiis. 1637. , . Sa.ne. 2 vols. fol. 1637. Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, [Lord.] Letters to Swift. 12mo. Glasgow. 1752. Bollan, William. Coloniae Anglicanae Illustratae : or, the Acquest of Dominion, and the Plantation of Colonies made by the English in America. With the Rights of the Colonies examined, stated and illustrated. 4to. London. 1762. , . The Freedom of Speech and Writing upon Public Affairs con- sidered. 4to. London. 1766. , . Continued Corruption, Standing Armies and Popular Discon- tents considered ; and the Establishmant of the English Colonies in America. 4to. London. 1768. , . The Free Briton's Memorial to all the Freeholders, &c. &c. 4to. London. 1769. , . The Free Briton's Supplemental Memorial to the Electors of the Members of the British Parliament. 4to. London. 1776. ^ . The Petitions of Mr. Bollan, Agent for the Council of Massa- chusetts Bay, lately presented to the two Houses of Parliament ; with a brief Introduction, relating to the Law of Nature, the Authority of Human Rulers, and the Subject's Common Right of Defence. 4to. London. 1774. Bolles, John. Few Words respecting the Sufferings of those Eight Persons that were so cruelly whipt at Norwich, Con. by the Sentence and Command of Jo- seph Backus, July 26. 1725. 4to. Bolles, Lucius. Discourse before the Salem (Mass.) Female Charitable Society, Sept. 27, 1810. 8vo. Salem. 1810. , . Sermon at the Dedication of the new brick Meeting House in Salem, Jan. 1, 1806. 8vo. Boston. 1806. Bolton, Mass. Result of an Ecclesiastical Council at Bolton, Aug. 3, 1773. 8vo. Boston. 1 773. Bolton, Samuel. The Arraignment of EiTor. 4to. London. 1646. , . Discourse serving as a Curb to restrain tlie Wantonness of Man's Spirit. 4to. London. 1646. Bolton, Robert Three Fold Treatise. 4to. London. 1634. , . The Saints Soule Exalting Humiliation, or Soule Fatting Fast- ing. 4to. London. 1634. , . Some Generall Directions for a Comfortable Walking with God. 2d ed. 4to. London. Bonafous. La Parterre du Parnasse Francois. Ou Nouveau Recueil des Pieces les plus rares et les plus curieuses., etc. Par M. Bonafous. 16mo. Amst 1709. 7 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 3onaparte, Napoleon. Copies of Original Letters from the French Army in Egypt. Part 3d. 12mo. Boston. 1800. , . Life of, to the Peace of Luneville. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1802. Bonaparte, Lucien. Charlemagne. Tr. From the French by S. Butler and F. Hodgson. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1815. Boncle, Seth. Vatibulum Technicum. IGmo. London. 1682. , . Same. 4th ed. 16mo. London. 170L Bond, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, March 27, 1644. 4to. London. , — — . Sermon before the House of Commons. 4to. London. 1G45. Bond, Samson. Publick Tryal of the Quakers in Bermudas, May 1, 1678. 4to. Boston. 1682. Bond, Henry. Address before the New England Society of Philadelphia, May, 1824. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. Bondelly, Emmanuel. Disputationum Theologicarum de Fundamentalibus Fidei Articulis Prima. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1681. Bone for the Critics. 12mo. Boston. 1763. Boniface. Dictionnaire Francais-Anglais et Anglais-Fran^ais. Paris. 1830. Bonnycastle, R. H. Spanish America ; or a Descriptive, Historical and Geo- graphical Account of the Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. Bookseller. See Religio Bibliopolae. Booth, Abraham. An Apology for the Baptists. 18mo. Philadelphia. 1788. Boothby, Brooke. Observations on the Appeal from Uie New to the Old Whigs, and on Mr. Paine's Rights of Man. 8vo. Dublin. 1792. Borde, Sieur de la. Relation de I'Origine, Moeurs, Guerres, et Voyages des Caraibes, Sauvages des Isles Antilles de I'Amerique. See Recueil des Divers Voyages en Afrique et en Amerique. Bordeaux. Almanac de Commerce, D'Arts et Metiers pour La Ville de, pour L'Annee 1787. 18mo. Bordeaux. Boreman, R. Sermon at the funeral of Rev. Dr. Combar, March 29, 1653. 4to. London. 1654. Borrichius, Olaus. Hermetis Aegyptorum et Chemicorum Sapientiae ab Her. Conringii Animadversionibus Vindicata. 4to. Haifniae. 1674. Boringdon, Lord. Report of the Proceedings under a Writ of Enquiry of Dam- ages in the King's Bench, Lord Boringdon, Plff. and Sir Arthur Paget, Deft Taken in Short Hand by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. London. 1808. Boscawen, Admiral. See Quebec. Bossu. Travels through that Part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Tr. from the French by John Reinhold Forster. Illustrated with Notes relative chiefly to Natural History. To which is added by the Translator, a Systematic Catalogue of all the known Plants in English North America. Together with an Abstract of the most Useful and Necessary Articles contained in Peter Loefling's Travels through Spain and Cumana, in South America. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1771. Bossuet, J. B. [Eveque de Meaux.] Select Sermons and Funeral Orations. Tr. from the French. 12mo. Boston. 1803. , . Exposition de la Doctrine de I'Eglise Cath- olique, Les Matieres de Controverse. ]3me ed. 24mo. Bruxelles. 1720. Boston, Patience. Faithful Narrative of the Wicked Life and Remarkable Con- version of. 12mo. Boston. 1738. , . Nature and Necessity of Regeneration. ]6mo. Boston. 1743. Boston, Thomas. Human Nature in its Four Fold State. 16mo. Exeter, N. H. 1796. Boston. Records of the Town of, from 1634 to 1660. fol. MS. . Objections to the Bank of Credit lately projected at Boston, in a Letter to John Burrill, Esq. Speaker of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts Bay. 12mo. Boston. 1714. . The Antigonian and Bostonian Beauties : A Poem. By W. S. A. B. Svo. Boston. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 29 Boston. Several Rules, Orders and By-Laws made and agreed upon by the Freeholders and Inhabitants of. 4to. Boston. 1702. . An Account of the Reasons Avhy a considerable number (about Fifty, whereof Ten are Members in Full Communion) belonging to the New North Congregation in Boston, could not consent to Mr. Peter Thacher's Ordination there, &c. 12mo. 1720. . Vindication of the Ministers of Boston, from the Abuses and Scandals, lately cast upon them in Diverse Printed Papers. 12mo. Boston. 1722. . Address to the Inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay ; more especially to the Inhabitants of Boston, occasioned by the late Illegal and Unwarrantable Attack upon their Liberties. By a Lover of his Country. 4to. Boston. 1747. . An Appeal to the World ; or a Vindication of the Town of, from many false and malicious Aspersions contained in certain Letters and Memorials written by Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1769. . Constitution and Laws of the Boston Marine Society, instituted in 1742. 12mo. Boston. 1792. . Treatise of the Importations from Great Britain into Boston from Jan. 1769 to Aug. 17, 1769. 4to. Boston. 1769. . State of Importations from Great Britain into the Port of Boston from the beginning of Jan. 1770, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1770. . A short Narrative of the horrid Massacre in Boston, perpetrated on the Evening of the Fifth Day of March, 1770, by soldiers of the XXIXth Regiment, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1770. . The Same. 12mo. London. 1770. . Trial of the British Soldiers of the 29th Regiment of Foot for the Murder of Crispus Attacks and others, at Boston, March 5, 1770. 12mo. Boston. 1807. . Orations to Commemorate the Massacre of the Evening of March 5. 1770. 12mo. Boston. 1785. . Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of, in Towi^ Meeting Assembled. 8vo. Boston. [1772.] . Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of, ir Town Meeting, 5th and 18th of November, 1773. 8vo. Boston. 1773. . Letter to a Friend, giving a concise, but just, representation of the hardships and sufferings the town of Boston is exposed to, and must undergo, in consequence of the late Act of the British Parliament, &c. By T. W., A Bos- tonian. 8vo. Boston. 1774. [Charles Chauncey.] . Voyage to: A Poem. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1775. . Serious Letter to the Young People of By Mathetees Archaios. 12mo. Boston. 1783. . Two Plans for forming the Town of, into an Incorporated City. 8vo. 1784. . By-Laws and Town Orders of, in 1785 and 1786. 8vo. Boston. 1786. . Pastoral Letter from the Curate of the Holy Cross. 4to. Boston. 1789. . System of Public Education adopted by the town of, Oct. 15, 1789. 4to. . Tontine Association, Constitution of 8vo. 1791. . Topographical and Historical Description of Boston. [1794.1 [Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 3.] . Rules and Regulations of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, established March 17, 1794. 12mo. Boston. 1794. • . Constitution of the Associated Mechanics of the Town of. 12mo. 1795. . By-Laws and Orders passed May 22, 1801. 8vo. Boston. 1801. . Rules and Regulations of the Boston Booksellers. 8vo. 1801. . The same. 12mo. 1814. . Correct View of the Regulations and Terms of the Boston Bank. 12mo. Boston. 1803. . Summary of the Faith and Practice of the First Baptist Church in Bos- ton. 8vo. Boston. 1803. . Boston. A Poem. 8vo. Boston. 1803. . Account of the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Boston Female Asylum. 8vo. Boston. 1803. . Report of the Town Convention. 8vo. 1804. 30 A IVI E R I C A N ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Boston. Directory for ] 79G. 12mo. Boston. . Directory for 1798. I'Smo. Boston. . Directory for 1800. 12mo. Boston. . Directory for 1806. 12mo. Boston. . Directory for 1807. 12mo. Boston. . Directory for 1809. 12ino. Boston. . Directory for 1810. 12mo. Boston. . Directory for 1816. ]2mo. Boston. . Directory for 1823. 12mo. Boston. . Directory for 182G. 12mo. Boston. . Directory for 1828. 12mo. Boston. . Directory for 1829. 12mo. Boston. . The Changery. An Allegorical Memoir of the Boston Exchange Office. See Changery. Collection of Facts and Documents relative to the Project of a Bridge from South Street, in Boston, to Dorchester Neck. 8vo. Boston. 1805. Concise View of some Facts and Arguments respecting another Bridge to South Boston. 8vo. Considerations on the Public Expediency of a Bridge from one part of Boston to the other. 8vo. Boston. 1800. . Answer to the foregoing. 8vo. Boston. 1806. . Memoir concerning the History, Objects and Present State of the Bos- ton Atheneum. 8vo. Boston. 1807. Catalogue of the Boston Library, Jan. 1, 1795. 8vo. And Nov. 1, 1807. 12mo. Boston. . Catalogue of the sam.e Library. 8vo. Boston. 1815. . Catalogue of Books in the Theological Library of Boston, March 1, 1808. 12mo. Boston. 1808. . Papers on the Defence of Boston and other Places. 1808. . Account of the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Female Asylum in. 12mo. Boston. 1810. Proceedings of the Association of the Citizens of, to erect a Monument in Honor of George Washington. 12mo. Boston. 181]. The Boston Assemblages ; or, A Peep at Caucus-Hall. By Tristram Trap'em. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Miscellaneous Remarks on the Police of Boston ; as respects Paupers, Alms and Work Houses, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1814. . Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health. 8vo. Boston. 1814. Report of the Town's Committee on the Petition of Isaac P. Davis and others for Liberty to build a Mill Dam and Turnpike Road, from the bottom of Beacon street, &c. 8vo. 1814. Report of the Society for the Moral and Religious Instruction of the Poor. 8vo. Boston. 1817. . Quarantine Regulations of the Boston Board of Health. 8vo. 1817. . Boston and Roxbury Mill Corporation. 8vo. 1818. Brief A ccount of the Origin and Progress of the Boston Female Society for Missionary Purposes. With Extracts from the Reports of the Society, in May, 1817 and 1818, and Extracts from the Reports of James Davis and Dud- ley D. Rosseter. 8vo. Boston. . Observations concerning the Canal Bridge. 8vo. 1819. . Seventh Annual Report of the Committee of Finance, May, 1819. 8vo. . Rules of the Bar for the County of Suffolk. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Third Report of the Society for the Moral and Religious Instruction of the Poor. 8vo. 1819. . Fourth Report of the same Society. 8vo. 1820. . Fifth Report of the same Society. 8vo. 1821. Explanation of the VioAvs of the Society for Employing the Poor. 8vo. Boston. 1820. Report of a Committee of Merchants and others on the Tariff. 8vo. Boston. 1820. . See Tariff. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 31 Boston. ConstitutioPx of the Marine Bible Society of Boston and Vicinity. And an Address. 8vo. Boston. 1829. . First Report of the Directors of the Penitent Female's Refuge. 12mo. Boston. 1820. . Fourth Report of the Society for the Moral and Religious Instruction of the Poor. 8vo. Boston. 1820. . Fifth Report of the same Society. 8vo. Boston. 1821. . Annual Reports of the Receipts and Expenditures, fl-om May, 1821, to May, 1829, both inclusive ; being Reports 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, IG, 17. 8vo. Boston. 1821-9. . Report of the Committee on the subject of Pauperism and the House of Industry of the Town of. 8vo. 1821. . Explanatory Remarks and Observations on the subject of Fire Insur- ance, having reference to the Policies of the Merchants Insurance Company in. 12mo. Boston. 1821. . List of Persons taxed in the City of. fol. Boston. 1822. . Selections from the Chronicle of, and from the Book of Retrospections and Anticipations. 8vo. 1822. . Exposition of the Principles and Views of tlie Middling Interest in the City of. 8vo. Boston. 1822. . Sixth Report of the Society for the Moral and Religious Instruction of the Poor. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Seventh Report of the same Society. 8vo. Boston. 1823. . Remarks on the Project of a Line of Packets between Boston and Liv- erpool. 8vo. Boston. . Systemof Education pursued in the Free Schools of. 8vo. Boston. 1823. . Constitution and By-Laws of the Debating Society in. 12mo. Boston. 1823. . The Overseers of the Poor of Boston, to their Constituents. 8vo. 1823. . Report of the Committee of the Inhabitants on the Expediency of au- thorizing the Citv Council to make sale of the Uplands and Flats, west of Charles Street. 8vo. 1824. . By-LaAvs of the Franklin Typographical Association. 12mo. Boston. 1824. . Some Account of the Boston Medical School and Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital. 8vo. Boston. 1824. . Report of the Committee of the Federal Street Church for Benevolent" Purposes, on the Application of the Theological School at Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge. 1825. . Report of the School Committee of the City on the State of the Schools, May, 1826. 8vo. Boston. 1826. . Report of a Sub-Committee recommending various Improvements in the System of Instruction in the Grammar and Writing Schools of. 8vo. Boston. 1828. . First Biennial Report of the Trustees and Instructer of the Monitorial School. 8vo. Boston. 1826. . Remarks on the Constitutionality of the Memorial of the City Council for an Extension of Faneuil Hall Market. 8vo. . Observations on " Remarks on the Constitutionality of the Memorial of the City Council for an Extension of Faneuil Hall Market." 8vo. 1824. . Report of the Committee of both Branches of the City Council, on the Extension of Faneuil Hall Market, giving an Account of the whole Expense of the same. 8vo. [1826.1 . Regulations of the School Committee. 8vo. Boston. 1827. . Catalogue of the First Exhibition of Paintings in the Athenaeum Gal- lery, May 10, 1827. 4to. Boston. . Catalogue of the Third Exhibition of the Athenaeum Gallery. 8vo. Boston. 1829. . Catalogues of the Fourth and Seventh Exhibition of the Gallery of the Boston Athenaeum. 8vo. Boston. 1830-3. . Catalogue of the Sixth Exhibition of the Athenaeum Gallery of Paint- ings. 8vo. Boston. 1832. 32 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Boston. Letters on the new Theatre. 8vo. 1827. . Report of the Instructer of the Monitorial School. 8vo. Boston. 1826. . Memorial of the Citizens of, against the Tariff Law of 1828. 8vo. Boston. 1829. . Proceedings of the Citizens of, favorable to a Revision of the Laws in relation to Debtor and Creditor. Svo. Boston. 1829. . Regulations of the School Committee. 8vo. Boston. 1829. . Account of the Port Society of the City of Boston and its Vicinity, and Proceedings at its Third Anniversary. 8vo. Boston. 1832. . Rules and Regulations for the Pilotage of the Harbor of Boston, Feb. 12, 18-30. 8vo. Boston. 1830. . Third Annual Report of the Boston Seaman's Friend Society. 8vo. Boston. 1831. . Fourth Annual Report of the same. 8vo. Boston. ]832. . Report of the Standing Committee of the Common Council on the Sub- ject of the House of Reformation for Juvenile Offenders. 8vo. ]832. . Remarks on the above Report of the Standing Committee of the Com.* mon Council by the Directors. 8vo. Boston. 1833. . Boston Asylum for Boys. Being a Statement of the present depressed Condition of the Funds of that Institution, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1831. . Account of the Boston Asylum for Indigent Boys, incorporated Feb. 24. 1814. 12mo. Boston. 1831. . List of Persons, Copartnerships and Corporations taxed in the City of Boston, for the year 1832. 8vo. Boston. 1832. . Rules and Orders of the Common Council of the City of, City Charter, the City Ordinances, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1833. . Journal of Philosophy and the Arts. 8vo. . See Slavery ; Massachusetts ; Industry. Bostwick, David. Fair and Rational Vindication of the Right of Infants to the Ordinance of Baptism. 8vo. London. 1765. , . Brief Account of the Life of Rev. Samuel Davies. See Da- vies, S. Boswell, James. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Johnson. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1810. Bosworth, Newton. Accidents of Human Life. 12mo. New York. 1814. Bosworth, J. Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with copious Notes. Svo. London. 1823. Boteler, Sir Robert. Sermon at the funeral of, Jan. 9, 1622. 4to. London. 1623. Botta, Charles. History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Tr. from the Italian by George Alexander Otis. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820-1. Bottarelli, F. New Italian, English and French Dictionar}^ 3 vols. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1795. Bouchette, Joseph. A Topographical Description of the Province of Lower Can- ada, with remarks upon Upper Canada, and on the Relative Connexion of both Provinces with the United States of America. 8vo. London. 1815. Boudinot, Elias. Oration at Elizabethtown, N. J. July 4, 1792. 4to. Elizabeth- town. 1793. , . A Star in the West ; or, A Humble Attempt to Discover the long lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to their Return to their beloved City, Jerusalem. 8vo. Trenton, N. J. 1816. Boulanger, J. J. Christianity Unveiled. Tr. from the French by W. M. John- son. 12mo. New York. 1795. Bound, John Jones. Means of Curing and Preventing Intemperance. 12mo. New York. 1820. Bourbon, Amande de, [Prince of Conti.] Works of Tr. from the French. 12mo. London. 1711. Bourde, M. Manual des Marins, or Dictionaire des Termes de Marine. 2 torn. 12mo. Orient. 1773. Bourne, Immanuel. Rainbow : Sermon at Paul's Crosse. 16mo. London. 1617. Bours, John. Appeal to the Public ; in which Misrepresentations and Calumnies, contained in a Pamphlet, entitled, A Narrative of Certain Matters relative to CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 33 Trinity Church in Newport, R. I. are noticed. By a very extraordinary Man, the Rev. James Sayre. 4to. Newport. J78'.). Bouderwet, Friedrich. Anfang-sgrunde der Speculativen Philosophic. 8vo. Got- ting-en. 1800. Bouton, Nathaniel. Christian Patriotism : Address at Concord, N. H. July 4, 18.25. 8vo. Concord. 18^;5. . . Thanksgiving Sermon, at Concord, Nov. 23, 1820. 8vo. Concord. 1826. , . New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Concord. 1828. , . Sermon at Exeter, N. H. March 12, 1829, at the Installation of Rev. John Smith. 8vo. Concord. 1829. , . Plain Scripture Directions to Sinners, how to attain Salva- tion ; being an Abridgement of Baxter's Christian Directory. 12mo. Ports- mouth, N. H. 1830. , . Two Sermons at Concord, N. H. Nov. 21, 1830, in commem- oration of the Organizing the First Church, and Settlement of the first Minister there, Nov. 18, 1730. 8vo. Concord. 1831. Bowden, John. Letter to Rev. Ezra Stiles, in Answer to his Ordination Sermon at New London, Con. May 17, 1787. 8vo. New Haven. 1788. , . Second Letter to the same. 8vo. New Haven. 1789. Bowditch, Nathaniel. Mathematical Papers, from the 4th vol. American Acade- my. 4to. Cambridge, Mass. 1818. Bowdoin, James. Philosophical Discourse before the American Academy at Bos- ton, Nov. 8, 1780. 8vo. Boston. 1780. , . Paraphrase on part of the Oeconomy of Human Life : a Poem. 8vo. Boston. 1759. , . Account of the Journals of Parliament [in MS.] in the Library of the New York Historical Society. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3d series, vol. 2.] Bowdoin College. Laws of 8vo. Brunswick, Me. 1825. . Annual Catalogue for 1825. 8vo. Brunswick. , . Same, for 1826. 8vo. Brunswick. , . Catalogue of the Library of 8vo. Brunswick. 1821. , . Same, for 1830. 12mo. Brunswick. , . Catalogue of the Library of the Medical School of 8vo. Brunswick. 1830. , . Acts of the Legislature relating to, Rules of Overseers, &c. 8vo. , . Annual Catalogue for 1833. 8vo. Brunswick. 1833. Bowen, George. Trial for the murder of Jonathan Jewett. 8vo. Northampton, Mass. 1816. BoAven, Abel. Picture of Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Bowen, Penuel. Discourse on the Death of the Rev. Samuel Checkley, who died Dec. 1, 1769. 8vo. Boston. 1770. Bowers, James. Deceivers Made Manifest: Three Sermons at Marblehead, Mass. Aug. 1805. 8vo. Salem. 1805. , . Sermon at Scituate, Mass. Oct. 1, 1810, on Religious Melan- choly. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Bowler, Metcalf Treatise on Agriculture and Practical Husbandry. 8vo. Prov- idence, R. I. 1786. Bowles, Oliver. Zeale for God's House Quickened : Sermon before Parliament. 4to. London. 1()43. , . Sermon before Parliament, July 7, 1643. 4to. London. Bowles^ John. View of the Moral State of Society at the close of the 18th Cen- tury. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1804. Bowman, Thomas. Principles of Christianity. 16mo. Boston. 1769. Bowring, John. Specimens of the Russian Poets. 12mo. Boston. 1822. , . Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. 12mo. London. 1824. , . Specimens of the Polish Poets. 12mo. London. 1827. , , and Hary S. Van Dyk. Specimens of the Dutch Poets. 12mo. London. 1 824. Boyce, Joseph. Series of Letters between Enoch Emerson and him. See Emer- son, E. 34 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Boyce, J. Sermon at Dublin, Oct. 23, 1718. 4to. Dublin. Boyd, William. Oration before Harvard University, on the Death of John Rus- sell, Nov. 25, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795. Boyd, William. God's Way the Best Way, briefly and plainly Demonstrated : Boston Lecture, March 19, 17] 8-19. 16mo. Boston. 1719. Boyd, John P. Documents and Facts, relating to Military Events during the late War. 8vo. 1816. Boyd, Hugh. Miscellaneous Works of. With an Account of his Life and Writ- ings, by Lawrence Dundas Campbell. 2 vols. 8vo. -London. 1800. Boyd, H. See Ercilla, Alonzo de. Boyd, William. Woman : Poem at a Public Exhibition, April 10, [1796] at Har- vard University. 4to. Boston. 1796. Boyer, Abel, Royal Dictionary, abridged by J. C. Prieux. 17th ed. 8vo. Lon- don. 1791. Boyer, Baron. Treatise on Surgical Diseases. Tr. from the French by Alexan- der H. Stjevens. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1815. Boyle, Robert. Usefulness of Experimental Philosophy. 2d ed. 4to. Oxford. 1664. , . Some Considerations touching the Style of the Holy Scriptures. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1668. , . Short Memoirs for the Natural and Experimental History of Min- eral Waters. 16mo. London. 1684. , . Experiments and Considerations about the Porosity of Bodies. In two Essays. 16mo. London. 1684. , . Memoirs for the Natural History of the Human Blood. 16mo. London. 1684. , . Reconcilableness of Specifick Medicines to the Corpuscular Phi- losophy. 16mo. London. 1685. , . Advantages of Simple Medicines. 16mo. , . Disquisition about Final Causes of Natural Things and Observa- tions about Vitiated Sight. 16mo. London. 1688. , . Essay on the great effects of even languid and unheeded Motion. 16mo. London. 1690. , . Experimenta Physico-mechanica. 12mo. Londini. 1680. , . Experimental Discourse of some Unheeded Causes of the Insa- lubrity and Salubrity of the Air. 16mo. London. 1690. ' , . The Sceptical Chymist. 12mo. London. 1661. Boyle, Robert. Voyages and Adventures of. 12mo. Greenfield, Mass. 1794. , . Same. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1799. , . Same. 12mo. Montpelier, Vt. 1813. Boyleston, Mary. Sermon at her funeral, May 7, 1657. 4to. London. Boyleston, Thomas. His Will. 8vo. Boston. [1816.] Boyse, J. Fast Sermon on account of the Death of the Queen. 4to. Dublin. 1695. Boys, Edward. Sixteen Sermons. 4to. London. 1672. Bozman, John Leeds. Sketch of the History of Maryland during the first three years after its settlement. 8vo. Baltimore. 1811. Bracken, Henry. Farriery Improved. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1796. Brackenridge, H. H. Modern Chivalry : containing the iVdventures of Capt. John Farrago and Teague Gregan, his Servant. Vol. 1. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1792. , . Gazette Publications. 12mo. Carlisle. 1806. Brackenridge, H. M. Views of Louisiana, together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1811. 8vo. Pittsburg, Penn. 1814. , . History of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. 2d ed. 12mo. Baltimore. 1817. , . Views of Louisiana. 12mo. Baltimore. 1817. , . Voyage to South America, by order of the American Gov- ernment, in 1817 and 18. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore. 1819. , . Letters to the Public, relating to the President's removing him from office, as one of the Judges of Florida. 8vo. 1832. Brackett, Adino N. Address before the Coos (N. H.) Agricultural Society, Oct. 17,1821. 8vo. Concord. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 35 Brackett, J. W arren. The Ghost of Law : Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa of Dartmouth College, Aug. 23, 1803. 4to. Hanover, N. H. Bradburn, Samuel. Address to the People called Methodists, concerning the Criminality of Encouraging Slavery. 5th ed. 8vo. London. Braddock, [Gen.] See Ohio Defeat. Braddon, Lawrence. Essex's Innocency and Honour Vindicated ; or, Murther, Subornation, Perjury and Oppression justly charged on the Murtherers of Ar- thur, Earl of Essex. 4to. London. 1690. Bradbury, Thomas. Letter to Sir J. B. concerning the Minehead Doctrine. 8vo. London. 1711. , . Second Letter on the same Subject. 8vo. London. 1711. , . The Government of the Judges considered and applied to the Revolution of 1688 : Sermon. 12mo. London. 1712. ■ , . The Ass : or the Serpent. A Comparison between the Tribes of Issachar and Dan, in their Regard for Civil Liberty. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1712. • , . The same. 8vo. Boston. 1768. • , . Tlie Lav/fulness of Resisting Tyrants. 8vo. London. 1714. , . The same. 4th ed. 12mo. London. 1714. , . True Happiness of a Good Government. Sermon. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1714. , . Eikon Basilike : Restoration Sermon. 3d ed. 8vo. Lon- don. 1715. , . Hardness of Heart, the certain Mark of a Ruined Party ; in two Sermons. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1716. , . Non-resistance, without Priestcraft. Sermon. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1715. , . Justice and Property, the Glory of a Deliverance ; in two Sermons. 12mo. London. 1715. , . Necessity of Contending for Revealed Religion. With a Sermon on Nov. 5, 1719. With a Letter from Cotton Mather. 8vo. London. 1730. , . Appeal to the Dissenting Ministers, occasioned by the Be- haviour of , . The Charge of God to Gideon. Three Sermons, on Nov. 5, 1724, 25, 26. With a Sermon on the Nature of Faith, Nov. 5, 1721. 8vo. London. 1727. Bradford, Mass. Brief Narrative of some of the Brethren of the Second Church in Bradford, aggrieved with the Rev. Mr. Balch's Doctrine and Administration. 16mo. Boston. 1746. , . Vindication of the Second Church in, against a late piece enti- tled a " Brief Narrative," &c. 8vo. Boston. 1746. , . See Gloucester. Bradford, R. and H. O. The Mother's Medical Guide. With Notes and Amend- ments, by Jerome V. C. Smith. 18mo. Boston. 1833. Bradford, Samuel. Sermon before the Lord Mayor of London. 12mo. Bradford, William. Account of his Trial at Philadelphia, for Printing George Keith's Appeal. 4to. [New York.] Bradford, Ebenezer. Discourse at Hopkinton, Mass. Oct. 5, 1791, at the Ordina- tion of Nathaniel Howe. 8vo. Newburyport. 1791. , . Strictures on the Remarks of Dr. Samuel Langdon on the leading Sentiments in Dr. Hopkins's System of Doctrines. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Fast Sermon, April 2, 1795. With an Appendix. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. John H. Stevens, at Stoneham, Mass. Sept. 11, 1795. 8vo. Newburyport. 1795. Bradford, Alden. Two Sermons at Cambridge, Mass. Dec. 28, 1794. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1795. , . Discourse at Hallowell, Me. at the Opening the Academy there. May 5, 1795. 8vo. Hallowell. 1795. , . Description of Wiscasset, Me. [1 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 7.] 8 36 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Bradford, Alden. Notes on Duxbury, Mass. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 2d series, vol 10.] , . Two Fast Sermons at Wiscasset, [Pownalborough] May 9, 1798. 8vo. Wiscasset. 1798. , . Eulogy on George Washington, at Wiscasset, Me. Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo. Wiscasset. , . Sermon at Scarborough, Me. Dec. 30, 1800, at the Ordination of Nathan Tilton. 8vo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1801. , . Oration at Wiscasset, July 4, 1804. 8vo. Wiscasset. 1S04. , . Anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, Mass. Dec. 21, 1804. 8vo. Boston. 1805. '■ , . Sermon at Thomaston, Me. Nov. 2, 1806, on the Death of Hon. Henry Knox. 8vo. , . Biography of Caleb Strong. 8vo. Boston. 1820. , . History of Massachusetts, from 1764 to 1775. 8vo. Boston. 1822. , . History of Massachusetts, from July, 1775, to 1789. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1825. , . History of Massachusetts, from 1790 to 1820. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , . Discourse before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, Nov. 4, 1830. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Bradford, Gamaliel. Address before the Massachusetts Temperance Society, June, 1826. 12mo. Boston. Bradford, John. See Rogers, John. Bradford, William, [Gov.] Letter Book. [1 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 3.] Bradford, William. Enquiry how far the Punishment of Death is necessary in Pennsylvania. To which is added, an Account of the Gaol, &:c. of Philadelphia. By Caleb Lownes. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1793. Bradley, Stephen R. Vermont's Appeal to the Candid and Impartial World. 8vo. Hartford, Con. Bradley, William C. Oration at Westminster, Vt. July 4, 1799. 4to. Walpole, N. H. Bradley, Micah. Oration at Portsmouth, N. H. July 5, 1813. 8vo. Portsmouth. Bradman, Arthur. Narrative of the Extraordinary Sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his Wife and five Children, during an unfortunate Journey through the Wilderness from Canada to Kennebeck River, in 1784. 12mo. Portland, Me. 1791. , . The same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. Bradshaw, John. Sermon. 4to. London. 1616. Bradshaw, John. Sermon at the funeral of Henry English. 4to. London. 1650. , . Two Sermons on Account of the Restoration. 16mo. London. 1660. Bradshaw, William. Plain and Pithy Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. 4to. L&ndon. 1620. , . Proposition concerning Kneeling in the very Act of Rejoic- ing. 4to. London. 1660. , . A Protestation of the King's Supremacy, made in the name of the Afflicted Ministers. 4to. London. 1660. , . Twelve General Arguments proving that Ceremonies im- posed upon Ministers by Prelates are unlawful. 4to. London. 1660. , . English Puritanism, containing the Main Opinions of the Rigidest Sort of those called Puritans. 4to. London. 1660. , . Treatise of the Nature and Use of Things Indifferent. 4to. London. 1660. , . Treatise of Divine Worship, tending to prove that the Cer- emonies imposed upon Ministers in the Present Controversie are unlawful. 4to. London. 1660. Bradstreet, Anne. Several Poems compiled with great variety of Wit and Learn- ing, full of Delight. By a Gentlewoman in New England. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1678. Brady, Nicholas, and Nahum Tate. Version of the Psalms. 12mo. Worcester. 1788. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 37 Bragge, Francis. Practical Discourses upon tlie Parables of our Saviour. Vol. 1st. P2mo. London. 1724. Bragge, Robert. Church Discipline according to its Ancient Standard, as it was practis'd in Primitive Times. 12mo. New London, Con. 1768. Brahe, Tico. His Astronomicall Conjectur of the New and Much Admired which appeared in 1572. 4to. London. 1632. Brain. Lecture on the Functions of, before the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. Braintree, Mass. Result of a late Ecclesiastical Council at. 4to. 1752. BraithAvait, Richard. The Prodigal's Teares. ICrno. London. 1614. Bramston, William. Sermon, Feb. 13, 1714. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1715. Brandius, Henricus. Collatio Scripto Habita Hagae Comitis 1611, inter quosdam Eccleseastaa de divina Praedestinatione et ejus appendicibus. 4to. Ziriacae. 1515. Brandmyllerus, Johannes. Eccl. et Acad. Basil. Antecessoris Conciones Fune- bres C. C. ed. 6ta. 12mo. Basiliae. 1608. Bjant, Joseph. Nene Karighwiyoston tsinihorighhoten ne Saint John : (The Gospel according to Saint John.) Mohawk and English. 12mo. New York. 1818. Brathwaite, Booth. Methodism a Popish Idol ; or, the Danger and Harmony ot Enthusiasm and Separation. 8vo. London. 3768. Brattle, Thomas, and Zech. Tuthill. Their Depositions, [about B. Green's refus- ing to print a pamphlet entitled " Gospel Order Revived."] 4to. Boston. 1700. Brattle, Thomas. Account of the Delusion called Witchcraft, which prevailed in New England. [1 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 5.] Brattle, William. Sundry Rules and Regulations for Drawing up a Regiment, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1733. Bray, Oliver. Masonic Oration at New Haven, Jan. 1, 1802. 8vo. New Haven. 1802. Braynard, Selden. Copy of the Record of the Trial of, at Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Brayton, Patience. Short Account of the Life and Religious Labours of. 12mo. New York. 1801. Brazer, Samuel, Jun. Address at Worcester, Mass. May 12, 1804, in Commemo- ration of the Annexation of Louisiana to the United States. 8vo. Worcester. 1804. , , . Address at Hatfield, Mass. March 4, 1807, in commemora- tion of the Inauguration of Thomas Jefferson. 8vo. Northampton. , , . Oration at Charlton, Mass. July 4, 1811. 8vo. Worcester. Brazer, John. Discourse before the Society for the Promotion of Christian Edu- cation in Harvard University ; delivered at Boston, Aug. 28, 1825. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1825. , . See Education. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Jonathan Cole. 8vo. Salem. , . Sermon on Christian Unity. See Liberal Preacher, vol. 2, No, 5, for 1828. , . Power of Unitarianism over the Affections. 12mo. Boston. 1829. , . Discourse on the Death of Edward Augustus Holyoke, at Salem, Mass. April 4, 1829. 8vo. Salem. , . Efficacy of Prayer. 12mo. Boston. 1832. , . Sermon on the Value of the Public Exercises of our Religion. See Liberal Preacher, vol. 2, No. 11, Feb. 1832. , . Some Use of Affliction. 12mo. 1832. , . Discourse at the Installation of Rev. Andrew Bigelow, at Taun- ton, Mass. April 10, 1833. 8vo. Cambridge. , . Memoir of Edward Augustus Holyoke. See Holyoke, E. A. Bread. Treatise on the Virtues and Efficacy of a Crust of Bread. By an Emi- nent Physician. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1763. Breck, Samuel. Sketch of Internal Improvement in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1818. Breck, Robert. Century Sermon at Springfield, Mass. Oct 16, 1775. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1784. 38 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Breck, Robert. See Williams, J. , . Funeral Sermon on the Death of Rev. S. Williams. 8vo. Spring- field. 1782. , . Discourse at Amherst, Mass. Jan. 1781, occasioned by the Death of Rev. David Parsons. 8vo. Springfield. 1783. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1728. , . Sermon at Amherst, Oct. 2, 1782, at the Ordination of David Parsons. 8vo. Spring-field. 1783. , . See Hampshire Narrative ; Edwards, J. Bree, Martin. Observations on the Venereal Disease, &c. 12mo. London. 1800. Breechiad : a Poem, by Theresa. 12mo. Boston. 1807. Breed's Hill. See Bunker Hill. Breganius, Raymundus. Theologiae Gentium de Cognitione divina Enarrationes V. 4to. Venetiis. 1021. Breithaupt, Joach. Justus. Theses Credendorum et Agendorum Fundamentales. Ed. 4ta. 16mo. Halae. 1713. Breitkopf, Job. Goutlieb Immanuel. Versuch, den Ursprung der Spielkartem, die Einfiihrung des Leinenpapieres, und den Anfang der Holzscheidekunst, in Europa zu erforschen. 2 Theile. 4to. Leipzig. 1784-1801. Brentius, Johannes. In D. Johannis Evangelion Exegesis. 12mo. 1542. Brerewood, Edvardus. Tractatus Quidam Logici Praedicabilibus et Praedica- mentis. 16mo. Oxoniae. 163L , . Tractatus duo : unus de Meteoris, alter de Oculo. 16mo. Oxoniae. 1631. Breton. See Cape Breton. Breton, William. Militia Discipline. By W. B. 16mo. Boston. 1733. Breviaire. Tire du Remain, accomm.ode al'usage des Religienses Ursulines. 8vo. Brewer, John. Address before tlie New Bedford Temperance Society. 8vo. New Bedford. 1816. Brewster, David. Encyclopedia. 18 vols. 4to. Philadelphia. 1812-32. Par- ker and Delaplane's Edition. Brewster, Francis, [Sir.] New Essays on Trade. 12mo. London. 1702. Brez, Guy de. The Rise, Spring and Foundation of the Anabaptists. Tr. from the French [by Joshua Scottow.] 4to. Cambridge, N. E. 1()68. Briant, Lemuel. The Absurdity and Blasphemy of Depreciating Moral Virtue. Sermon at Boston June 18, 1749. , . See Niles, Samuel ; Braintree. , . Some Friendly Remarks on a Sermon at Braintree, Mass. by Rev. Mr. Porter, in a Letter to the Author. 8vo. Boston. 1750. , . Some more Friendly Remarks on Mr. Porter and Company. In a Second Letter to him and two of his Abettors, viz . Mr. Cotton, Appendix Writer, and Mr. F*xcr*ft, Marginal-Ncter. 4to. Boston. 1751. Bridge, William. Sermon before tlie House of Commons, Feb. 22, 1624. 4to. London. 1643. , . Comfortable Reflcctior.s for such as may be driven from their Houses, Goods and Country. 4to. London. 1642. , . Sermon before the Volunteers of Norwich and Yarmouth. 4to. London. 1642. , . Wounded Conscience Cured, the Weak one Strengthened, the Doubting Satisfied : by way of answer to Dr. Fearne. 4to. London. 1642. . , . Two Sermons. 4to. London. 1642. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 29, 1643. 4to. London. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Feb. 22, 1643. 4to. London. , . England Saved with a Notwithstanding: Thanksgiving Ser- mon before the House of Commons. 4to. London. 1648. Bridge, Ebenezer. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston 1752. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1767. Bridge, Matthew. Sermon at the Ordination of Eliab Stone, at Reading, Mass. May 20, 1761. 8vo. Boston. 1761. Bridge, Josiah. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1789. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. no Bridge, Thomas. The Mind at Ease. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Feb. 10, 1711-12. 16mo. Boston. 1712. , . Jethro's Advice Recommended to the Inhabitants of Boston, in New England, viz. To chuse Well-Qualified Men, and Haters of Covetousness, for Town Officers. Lecture, 9th 1st m. 1709. 16mo. Boston. 1710. , . The same. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1733. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. ICmo. Boston. 1705. Bridges, D. Defence of the Godlie Ministers, against the Slaunders of. 4to. 1587. Bridgham, Samuel W. Oration at Providence, R. I. July 4, 1798. 8vo. Provi- dence. 1798. Bridgwater, Mass. See Gary, Moses. Briggs, Gharles. Discourse at Goncord, Mass. Oct. 5, 1825. 8vo. Goncord. 1825. Brigham, William. Gentennial Address before the Inhabitants of Grafton, Mass. 8vo. Boston. 1835. Brigham, Amariah. Remarks on the Influence of Mental Gultivation and Mental Excitement upon health. 2d ed. ]2mo. Boston. 1833. Brightman, Thomas. A Revelation of the Apocalypse. 4to. 1559. , . Same. 4to. Amsterdam. 1611. , . A Revelation of Mr. Brightman's Revelation. 4to. 1641. , . Post Humain Offspring of: Three Sermons. 4to. London. 1647. Brimfield, Mass. Popish Hierarchy suppressed by Buonaparte in Italy ; and his Holiness exerting his Influence, in a late Ecclesiastical Gouncil at Brimfield, called by Letters Missive to Instal the Rev. Glark Brown. By Agathocles. 8vo. Springfield. 1798. , . Remarks on the Doings and Result of an Ecclesiastical Goun- cil holden at, from March 12, to the 18th, 1801, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1801. Brinley, Francis, Jun. Address at Boston, Jan. 17, 1830, on the 7th Anniversary of the Franklin Debating Society. |^8vo. Boston. 1830. Brinsley, John. The Preacher's Gharge : Sermon. 4to. London. 1631. , . Sermon. 4to. London. 1631. , . Glorie of the Latter Temple greater than the Former : Sermon. 4to. London. 1631. , . Sacred Soveraigne Ghurch Remedie ; or the Primitive and Apos- tolical Way of Gomposing Ecclesiastical Differences. 4to. London. 1645. Brissonius, Barnabas. De Formulis et Solemnibus Populi Romani Verbis Lib. 8. 4to. Francofurti. 1592. Brissot, J. P. de Warville. Gritical ExamiMtion of the Marquis de Ghastelleux's Travels in North America. Tr. from the French. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788. , . . Discours sur la Question, si le Roi pent etre juge. 8vo. Paris. 1791. , . . Discourse upon the Question, " Whether the King shall be Tried ?" Tr. from the French by P. J. G. De Nancrede. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1791. , . . New Travels in the United States. Tr. from the French. 8vo. London. 1792. , . . Same. 2d ed. Vol.U. 8vo. London. 1794. Bristed, John. Oration at the Opening of the Literary Rooms in New York, Feb. 11, 1814. 8vo. New York. 1814. Bristol, R. I. Account of the Settlement of the Town ; and of the Gongregational Ghurch therein. 8vo. Providence. 1785. Britain. Political Progress of ; or, an Impartial History of the Abuses in the Government of the British Empire in Europe, Asia and America. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. Britannia Libera. See Slavery. British Autocrat. 12mo. Boston. 1801. British Army. List of, for 1779. 8vo. London. . The same, for 1791. 8vo. London. British Golonies. Essay upon the Government of the English Plantations on the Gontinent of America ; together with some Remarks on the Discourse on the Plantation Trade, by the Author of the Essays on Ways and Means, &c. By an American. 16mo. London. 1701. 40 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. British Colonies. Remarks on several Acts of Parliament, relating more espe- cially to her Colonies abroad, &c. 8vo. London. 1742. . America Dissected. Being a full and True Account of all the American Colonies. 8vo. Dublin. 1753. , . State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered ; with an Account of their Produce and a Particular Description of Nova Scotia. 8vo. Boston. 1749. , . Serious Considerations on the Present State of Affairs of the Northern Colonies. 8vo. New York. 1754. , . Observations on the late and present Conduct of the French, with regard to their Encroachments upon the British Colonies in North Ameri- ca, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1755. , . Scheme to drive the French out of all the Continent of Ameri- ca. 12mo. Boston. 1755. , . The Present State of North America. 8vo. Boston. 1755. , . Appeal to the Sense of the People on the Present Posture of Affairs. 8vo. London. 1756. , . Memorial containing a Summary VieAv of Facts, with their Authorities ; in answer to the Observations sent by the English Ministry to the Courts of Europe. Tr. from the French. 12mo. New York. 1757. , . Review of the Military Operations in North America from the Commencement of French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia, to the Sur- render of Oswego, on the 14th of Aug. 1756. In a Letter to a Nobleman. 4to. New England. 1758. , . Memoirs of the Principal Transactions of the last War between the English and French in North America. 8vo. London. 1757. , . The same. 3d ed. 8vo, Boston. 1758. , . Real Advantages which Ministers and People may enjoy, es- pecially in the Colonies, by conforming to the Church of England. In a Letter to a Young Gentleman. 8vo. 1762. , . Coloniae Anglicanae illustratae ; or the Rights of the English Colonies Displayed. By William Bollan. 4to. London. 1762. , . Thoughts on Trade in General, our West Indian in particular, our Continental Colonies, Canada, &c. 8vo. London. 1763. , . Considerations upon the Act of Parliament, whereby a Duty is laid of Six Pence Sterling per Gallon on Molasses, and Five Shillings per Hun- dred on Sugar of Foreign Growth, imported into any of the British Colonies. 8vo. Boston. 1764. , . Two Acts of Parliament for encouraging the Trade of the British Sugar Colonies, fol. Boston. 1764. , . Reasons Avhy the British Colonies in America should not be charged with Internal Taxes, by Authority of Parliament, humbly offered for consideration, in behalf of the Colony of Connecticut. 8vo. New Haven. 1764. , . The Regulations lately made concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes imposed upon them, considered. 8vo. London. 1765. , . Brief Remarks on the Defence of the Halifax Libel on the British American Colonies. 8vo. Boston. 1765. , . The Sentiments of a British American. 8vo. Boston. 1764. , . Act for Granting and Applying certain Stamp Duties, fol. Boston. 1765. , . Rights of Colonies Examined. 4to. Providence, R. I. 1765. ^ ^ ^ View of 16mo. ^ . Vindication of the British Colonies against the Aspersions of the Halifax Gentleman, in his Letter to a Rhode Island Friend. 8vo. Boston. 1765. , . Defence of the Letter from a Gentleman at Halifax to his Friend in Rhode Island. 4to. Newport. 1765. , . Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies for the Purpose of raising a Revenue, by Act of Parliament. 8vo. New York. 1765. , . The same. 8vo. North America. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 41 British Colonies. Liberty and Property vindicated, and the St^'^pm^n burnt. Discourse occasionally made on burning- the Effige of the St^'^pm^n in New- London, Con. By a Friend to the Liberty of his Country. 8vo. Boston. 1765. , , Reasons ag-ainst the Renewal of the Sugar Act, as it will be Prejudicial to the Trade, not only of the Northern Colonies, but to that of Great Britain also. 4to. Boston. 17(34* , . Necessity of repealing the American Stamp Act Demonstrat- ed. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , . Considerations upon the Rights of the Colonists to the Privi- leges of British Subjects. 8vo. New York. 1766. , . Political Debates. 8vo. Paris. 1766. , . Some Important Observations occasioned by, and adapted to, the Publick Fast, Dec. 18, 1765. Sermon at Newport, R. 1. 4to. Newport. 1766. , . Four Dissertations on the Reciprocal Advantages of a Perpet- ual Union between Great Britain and her American Colonies. Written for Mr. Sargent's Prize Medal. [By John Morgan, Stephen Watts and Francis Hopkinson.] 12mo. Philadelphia. 1766. , . Conduct of the late Administration Examined. With an Ap- pendix. 12mo. Boston. 1767. , . The Englishman Deceived ; a Political Piece, wherein some very important Secrets of State are briefly recited. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1768. , . Discourse at Providence, R. I. July 25, 1768, at the Dedication of the Tree of Liberty. By a Son of Liberty. 8vo. Providence. 1768. , . Letter to the Earl of Hillsborough relating to. l'2mo. , . Treatise of the Importations from Great Britain into the Port of Boston, from Jan. 1769, to Aug. 17, 1769. 4to. Boston. 1769. , . Letters to the Ministry from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, Com. Hood, and Memorials to the Lords of the Treasury from the Commissioners of the Customs, &-c. 12mo. Boston. 1769. , . Observations on Several Acts of Parliament passed in the 4th, 6th and 7th years of his present Majesty's Reign, &c. 4to. 1769. ■ , . An Humble Inquiry into the Nature of the Dependency of the American Colonies upon the Parliament of Great Britain, and the Right of Par- liament to lav Taxes on the Colonies. By a Freeholder of South Carolina. 4to. 1769. , . Case of Great Britain and America, addressed to tJie King and both Houses of Parliament. 4to. Boston. ' , . The Political Detection : or, the Treachery and Tyranny of Administration both at Home and Abroad ; displayed in a Series of Letters signed Junius Americanus. [Addressed to the E — 1 of H h, Sir F s B d, and the People of England.] 8vo. London. 1770. , . American Traveller. Containing Observations on the present State, Culture and Commerce of the British Colonies. By an Old and Experi- enced Trader. 12mo. London. 1770. , . American Alarms, or the Bostonian Plea for the Rights and Liberties of the People. By the British Bostonian. 8vo. Boston. 1773. ' , . An Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in America, upon Slave-keeping. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1773. , . The same. 8vo. Boston. 1773. , . The Causes of the present Distractions in America Explained, in two Letters to a Merchant in London. By F — B — . 8vo. 1774. , . Address to Protestant Dissenters, &c. on the approaching Election of Members of Parliament, with respect to the State of Public Liberty in General, and American Affairs in particular. 12mo. Boston. 1774. , . The same. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . American Querist, or Questions relative to the present Dis- putes. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . Case of Great Britain and America, addressed to the King and both Houses of Parliament 3d ed. 4to. Boston. 4-2 A M E II I C A M ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. British Colonies. Free and Candid Consideration of the Unhappy Misunder- standing- between the Parliament of Great Britain and the American Colonies. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1774. , . Rights of the English Colonies established in America stated and defended ; their Merits and Importance to Great Britain displayed. 4to. London. ] 774. , . Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans, on the subject of our Political Confusions. 8vo. New York. 1774. , . Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled " Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans," &c. 16mo. Boston. 1775. , . The same. Svo. Boston. 1775. . . Strictures on the Friendly Address examined, and a Refuta- tion of its Principles attempted. 8vo. 1775. , . The Other Side of the Question : or a Defence of the Liber- ties of North America. In answer to a late " Friendly Address to all Reason- able Americans on the subject of our Political Confusions." By a Citizen. 8vo. New York. 1774. , . The General attacked by a Subaltern ; or the Strictures on the Friendly Address examined, and a Refutation of its Principles attempted. 8vo. New York. , . Letter from a Veteran, to the Officers of the Army encamped at Bostgn. 8vo. 1774. , . View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colo- nies, &c. By A W. 12mo. New York. 1774. , . The Charter of the British Colonies in America. Svo. London. , . Common Sense : in nine Conferences between a British Mer- chant and a candid Merchant of America, in their private capacities as friends. 4to. London. 1775. , . Second Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People on the Measures respecting America. By the Author of the First. Svo. Lon- don. 1775. , . The Advantages which America derives from her Commerce, Connexion and Dependence on Britain. Svo. 1775. , . Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies met in Congress Svo. Watcrtown, Mass. 1775. , . Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. Svo. London. 1775. , . The Farmer Refuted , or a more impartial and comprehensive View of the Dispute between Great Britain and her Colonies, &.c. Svo. New York. 1775. , . American Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Brit- ain. In a Series of Letters to the Legislature. Svo. Philadelphia. 1776. , . Collection of Papers that have been published at different times relating to the Proceedings of His Majesty's Conmiissioners, &c. &c. Svo. New York. 1778. , . The same. Svo. , . Considerations on the Mode "end Terms of a Treaty of Peace with America. Svo. London. 1778. , . Remarks on Gov. Johnstone's Speech in Parliament, with a Collection of all the Letters and authentic Papers relative to the Proposition to Engage the Interest of one of the Delegates of Pennsylvania, (Joseph Reed) in the Congress of the States of America, to promote the Views of the British Commissioners. 4to. Philadelphia. 1779. , . Historical and Political Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion. By the Author of Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the American War. Svo. London. 1780. , . See Nova Scotia ; Wigglesworth, Ed ; Great Britain : Con- gress : Bollan, W. British Album. 12mo. New York. 1793. British and Allied Arras during the Campaigns of 1743-4, historically deducted by an Eye Witness. Svo. London. 1744. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 43 British Charitable Society. Annual Report of. 12mo. Boston. 1819. British Classics. Beauties of. 12mo. Boston. 1802. British Influence on the Affairs of the United States, proved and explained. 8vo. Boston. 1804. British Poets. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburg-h. 1793. British Spy, or Letters to a Member of Parliament, written during a Tour through the United States. 12mo. Newburyport, Mass. 1804. British Tyranny. Fall of ; or American Liberty Triumphant. In five Acts. 8vo. Boston. 1777. British Commissioners. See British Colonies. British Constitution. The Present State of, deduced from Facts. By an old Whig. 8vo. London. 1793. British Government. Rights of a Government to the Services of its Citizens or Subjects who have emigrated beyond its Territorial Jurisdiction, examined with particular respect to recent claims and usages of the British Government. 8vo. Boston. 1808. British Museum. Synopsis of the Contents of 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1610. British Navy. Address relating to the Improvement of. 8vo. 1783. British Possessions in North America. Description of 8vo. British Soldiers. Trial of See Boston. 1770. British Tocsin, or Proofs of National Ruin. 8vo. London. 1795. British Worthies. Gloria Britannorum ; or the British Worthies. A Poem. By a Lover of the Present Happy Constitution. 12mo. Boston. 1723. Brochmand, Casparus Erasmus. Universale Theologiae Systema. 2 vols. 4to. Lipsiae. 1638. Brockway, J. Characteristic Features of a Revival of Religion. 8vo. Troy, N. Y. 1827. Brockwell, Charles. Masonic Sermon at Boston, Dec. 27, 1749. 4to. Boston. 1750. Broket, John. Sermon at the funeral of Lady Lucie Jervoice, Aug. 26, 1641. 4to. London. 1642. Bromley, Walter. Appeal to the Virtue and Good Sense of the Inhabitants of Great Britain, in behalf of the Indians of North America. 12mo. Halifax. 1820. Bronchard, D. E. Curse of Sacriledge. Sermon. 4to. Oxford. 1630. Bronson, Henry. Observations on the Chlorides and Chlorine as " Disinfecting Agents," as Preventives of Cholera. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Brooke, Henry. Gustavus Vasa. Tragedy. 12mo. Boston. , . The Earl of Essex. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1761. Brooke, Mr. Juliet Greenville. 3 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1774. Brookes, R. Gazetteer, with Maps, by J. Bain. 12mo. Baltimore. 1815. Brookfield, Mass. Association. Communication to the Ecclesiastical Council, who ordained L. I. Hoadly at W orcester. 8vo. Worcester. 1824. , . Decision of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, in the Case relating to the Sacramental Furniture of a Church. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Brooklyn Collegiate Institution for Young Ladies, N. Y. Catalogue. 8vo. 1831. Brooks, Nathan. The Perfect Work of Patience : Sermon. 16mo. London. 1655. Brooks, Charles. Reply to Elisha Andrews's Strictures on the Author's Essays on Christian Communion. 8vo. Windsor, Vt. 1823. Brooks, John, [Gov.] Eulogy on George Washington, at Medford, Mass. Jan. 13, 1800. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , , . Oration, July 4, 1787, before the Cincinnati Society. 4to. Boston. 1787. , , . Discourse before the Humane Society of Massachusetts. 4to. Boston. 1795. Brooks, Charles. Address before the Hingham, (Mass.) Peace Society, Dec. G, 1821. 8vo. Boston. Brooks, William H. See Carter. Brothers, Richard. Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. J . The same. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1795. , . See Halhed, N. B. 9 44 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Brougham, Henry. Speech before the House of Commons, April 1, 1808, against the Orders in Council. Taken in short hand by A. Frazer. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1808. , . Practical Observations on Popular Education. 8vo. Boston. 1826. Broughton, Hugh. Texts of Scripture, chayning the Holy Chronicle untyll the Sunne lost his light, and the Sonne brake the Serpent's head ; dying, rising and ascending. 4to. London. 1591. , . Concent of Scripture. 4to. London. 1591. , . Same. Another ed. 4to. , . Sermon at Ostend before the Prince of Wales. 4to. , . Observations on the First Ten Fathers, In MS. 4to. Brown, Samuel. Inaugural Dissertation on the Bilious Malignant Fever, in Har- vard College, July 10, 1797. 8vo. Boston. 1797. , . Treatise on the Nature, Origin and Progress of the Yellow Fever. 8vo. Boston. 1800. Brown, John. Surgeon's Assistant, &c. 12mo. London. 1703. Brown, John. Brief Concordance. 12mo. Worcester. 1792- Brown, John, Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times. 7th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1758. Brown, John. Select Remains* 12mo. Pittsburg, Penn. 1810. Brown, John. The Life of Justification Opened. 4to. 1695. Brown, John. Elements of Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1791. Brown, John, [of Hingham.] In what Sense the Heart is Deceitful and Wicked. Discourse. 8vo. Boston. 1754. Brown, John A. Quackery Exposed ; or a few Remarks on the Thomsonian Sys- tem of Medicine. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Brown, John H. Court Martial at Charlestown, Mass. Aug. 14, 1810, upon the Charges of Lot Pool against him. 8vo. Charlestown. Brown, E. A. See Hammond, Charles. BroAvn, Francis. Sermon at Gorham, Me. June 22, 1814, before the Maine Mis- sionary Society. Hallowell. 1814. , . Reply to Martin Ruter's Letter, relating to Calvin and Calvin- ism. 8vo. Portland. 1815. Brown, George. Arithmetica Infinita. 16mo. 1718. Brown, Andrew. Sermon on the Dangers and Duties of Sea Faring Life, at Hal- ifax, N. S. 8vo. Boston. 1793. Brown, Charles Brocdon. Arthur Mervyn. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1799. , . See Volney, C. F. Brown, Brown. See Hall, Elisha I. Brown, Clark. Topographical Description of Katskill and Newtown, N. Y. and Brimfield, Mass. [1 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 9.] Brown, Clark. A Catechism, in three Parts. 12mo. New Bedford, Mass. 1797. , . See Brimfield. , . Character of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, illustrated in two Discourses. 8vo. Stonington-port, Con. 1799, Brown, J. See Channing, W. E. Brown, Moses. Observations on Samuel Shepard's Three Letters on Baptism. 12mo. Providence, R. I. 1793. Brown, Henry. Narrative of the Anti-Masonick Excitement in the western part of the State of New York, during the years 1826,7, 8, and part of 1829. 12mo. Batavia. 1829. Brown, Samuel R. Authentic History of the Second War for Independence. 12mo. Auburn, N.Y. 1815. J . The Western Gazetteer ; or Emigrants' Directory. 8vo. Auburn, N.Y. 1817. Brown, Isaac Hawkins. Von der Unsterbliehkeit der Seele aus dem Lateinis- chem: ubersetzt von A. Wittenberg. 8vo. Hamburg. 1805. Brown, Moses. See Shepard, Sam. Brown, Thomas. Account of the People called Shakers. 12mo. New York. 1812. Brown, William. The Entering Clerk's Introduction. 2d ed. 12rao. London. 1687. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 45 Brown, William. Compendium of the several Branches of Practice in the Court of Exchequer. 12mo. London. 1688. Brown, Richard. See Henchman, N. Brown, Thaddeus. Address in Christian Love to the Inhabitants of Philadelpliia, on the Awful Dispensation of the Yellow Fever, in 1798. 12nio. Philadelphia. 1798. Brown University. Catalogue of the Library. 12mo. Providence, R. I. 1793. . Laws of, enacted March, 1827. 8vo. Providence. . Triennial Catalogue. 8vo. Providence. 1830. . Statement of Facts relative to the Government of. 8vo. New Haven. 1826. . Annual Report of the Faculty. 8vo. Providence. 1829. . Catalogue of Books in the Philermenian Society, with the Names of the Members. 12mo. Providence. 1833. Brown^ll, Thomas Church. Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. New Haven. 1826. Browne, Thomas. Sermon before the University of Oxford. 4to. Oxford. 1633. Browne, Thomas. Religio Medici. 16mo. London. 1644. Browne, Simeon. Ordination Sermon at Colchester, Eng. 12mo. London. 1707. Browne, William. Poetical Works ; with his Life. See British Poets. Browne, J. W. Reality and Power of the Religion of Jesus Christ exemplified in the Dying Experience of William Browne. 2d ed. 12mo. Haverhill, Mass. 1812. Browne, Arthur. Fast Senition at Portsmouth, N. H. May 6, 1757. 4to. Ports- mouth. 1755. , . Masonic Sermon at Boston, Oct. 1, 1 755. 4to. Boston. ] 755. Browne, John, [of Cohasset] Thanksgiving Sermon, Dec. 6, 1770. 8vo. Boston. 1771. , , . Sermon at Boston, Aug. 24, 1766, on the death of Rev. Dr. Jonathan Mayhew. 8vo. Boston. 1766. Browne, Peter A. An Address, intended to promote a Geological and Mineral- ogical Survey of Pennsylvania, the publication of a series of Geological Maps, and the formation of State and County Geological and Mineralogical Collections. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. Browne, Simon. The Close of the Defence of the Religion of Nature and Chris- tian Revelation. 8vo. London. 1733. Brownell, Thomas Church, [Bp.] Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. New Haven. 1822. Brownists. An Apologie or Defence of such True Christians as are commonly (but unjustly) called Brownists : against such imputations as are layd upon them by the Pleads and Doctors of the University of Oxford, in their answer to the Humble Petition of the Ministers of the Church of England, desiring Reformation of certayne Ceremonies and Abuses of the Church. 4to. [Am- sterdam.] 1604. . See Ainsworth, Plenry. See Johnson, Francis. Brownlow, Richard. Book of Entries. Latin^. fol. London. 1693. Brownson. O. A. Address on Temperance, at Walpole, N. H. 8vo. Keene, N. H. 1833. Bruce, James. Travels to Discover the Sources of the Nile, in 1768, 9, 70, 1, 2, and 3. 6 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1790. Brunswick, Me. Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates at, [relating to Separation from Massachusetts.] 8vo. 1816. , — . See Plymouth. Brutes. Vindication of the Rights. 12mo. Boston. Brutus, Steph. Junius. Vindiciae Religionis. 16mo. Parisiis. 1631. Bryan, Daniel. Thoughts on Education : A Poem. 8vo. Richmond, Va. 1830. Bryan, John. Sermon at the Funeral of Mistress Cicily Pickering. 4to. Lon- don. 1640. Bryan, John. The Eternal Deity or Existence of the Logos, our Lord Jesus Christ, proved from Scripture, in a Letter to Mr. Peirce. 12mo. London. 1722. Bryan, John H. Speech in Congress, on the Proposition to Amend the Constitu- tution, March 13, 1826. 12mo. r 46 A.AIERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Bryant, William Cullen. The Embarcro ; or Sketches of the Times : a Satire. With the Spanish Revolution, and other Poems. 2d ed. ISmo. Boston. 1809. Brydone, P. Tour through Sicily and Malta. 2 vols. 12mo. Greenfield, Mass. 1798. Bryson, James. The Duties of Masonry briefly Stated. Masonic Sermon at Bel- fast, June 24, 1782. 8vo. Belfast. 1782. Bucanus, Gulielmus. Institutiones Theologicae. 16mo. Genevae. 1625. Bucer, Martin. See Milton, John. Bucerus, Gersomus. Dissertatio de Gubernatione Ecclesiae. 4to. Middleburgi Zelandorum. 1618. Buchan, Earl of Anonymous and Fugitive Essays of Vol. 1. 12mo. Edin- burgh. 1812. , . Address to the Americans at Edinburgh, on Washington's Birth Day, Feb. 22, 1811. 8vo. Buchan, William. Letter to the Patentee concerning tlie Medical Properties of Fleecy Hosiery. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1791. , . The same. 2d Am. ed. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1795. , . Domestic Medicine. 8vo. Waterford. 1797. , . Advice to Mothers. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Buchanan, Claudius. Sermon before the Missionary Society, &c. 8vo. , . Memoir of the Expediency of an Ecclesiastical Establish- ment for British India. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1811. ^ . Two Discourses. 8vo. Boston. 1811. ^ . Christian Researches in Asia, with Notices of Translations of the Scriptures into the Oriental Languages. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . Star in the East : Sermon at Bristol, Feb. 26, 1809 ; with an Appendix, containing an Interesting Report of R. H. Kerr, on the State of the Ancient Christians in Cochin and Travancore. 8th ed. 8vo. Boston. 181L , . Same. 10th ed. 8vo. Boston. 181L , . Healing Waters of Bethesda : Sermon at Buxton Wells, June 2, 1811. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . Apology for Promoting Christianity in India. 8vo. Lon- don. 1813. , . The same. 12mo. Boston. 1814. , . Memoirs of his Life and Writings. See Pearson, Hugh. Buchanan, James. Sketches of the History, Manners and Customs of the North American Indians, with a Plan for their Melioration. 2 vols. ]2mo. New York. 1824. Buchanan, George. The Witty Exploits of 12mo. 1798. Buchananus, Geo. Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis Poetica. 24mo. Edinburgh. 1716. Buchnerus, Augustus. Dissertationes Academicae. 4to. Lipsiae. 1679. Buck, George. Life of King Richard III. See England, Complete History of Buck, Charles. Theological Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. Buckingham, Duke of The Rehearsal: with a Key, or Critical View of the Au- thors and their Writings, exposed in this Play. 17th ed. ]2mo. London. 1768. Buckingham, Duke of Conference between him and Father Fitzgerald, an Irish Priest. 8vo. London. Buckingham, Joseph T. Trial for an alleged Libel on John N. Maffit. 8vo. Boston. 1822. , . Correct Statement and Review of the foregoing. 8vo. Boston. 1822. , . Address, at Boston, Dec. 21, 18] 5, before the Massachu- setts Charitable Mechanic Association. 8vo. Boston. ]816. , . Address before the same Society, Oct. 7, 1830. 8vo. Boston. , . See New England Galaxy. , . See Boston Courier. Buckingham, John. Private Journals of the Expedition against Canada in 1710- 11. 12mo. New York. 1825. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 47 Biickland, William. Vindiciae Geologicae ; or the Connexion of Geolog"y with Religion explained, in an Inaugural Address before the University of Oxford, May 15, 1819. 4to. Oxford. 1820. , . Reliquiae Diluvianae ; or Observations on the Organic Re- mains contained in Caves, Fissures and Diluvial Gravel, &c. attesting the ac- tion of an Universal Deluge. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1824. Buckminster, Joseph. Essay upon the 3d of Galatians, 14th verse. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1770. , . Brief Paraphrase upon Romans x. 4, v/ith an Answer to Rev. Mr. Foster's Sermon. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1779. , . Thanksgiving Discourse at Portsmouth, N. H. Dec. 11, • 1783. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1784. , . New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1787. , . Sermon at the Interment of Mrs. Sarah Rowland. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1798. , . Sermon at the Intennent of Mrs. Susannah, wife of Rev. Mr. Porter, at Rye, N. H. Feb. 7, 1794. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1794. , . Duty of Republican Citizens in the Choice of their Rulers. Two Discourses, Feb. 28, 179(). 8vo. Portsmouth. 1796. , . Observations on the foregoing Sermons. 8vo. Ports- mouth. 1797. , . New Hampshire Convention Sermon. 8vo. Concord. 1799. , . Discourse at Portsmouth, N. H. Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1800. , . Discourse at Portsmouth, Dec. 14, 1800, the Anniversary of the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1800. , . Discourse before the Portsmouth Femiale Charity School, Oct. 14, 1803. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1803. , . Discourse on Baptism. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1803. , . Discourse at Portsmouth, occasioned by the late Desolat- ing Fire. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1803. , . Discourse at the Interment of the Rev. Samuel Plaven and his wife, Margaret, at Portsmouth. Also a Monody on their Deaths, by James A. Neal. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1806. , . Sermon at Boston, at the Ordination of his son, Joseph Stevens Buckminster. 8vo. Boston. 1805. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Portsmouth, Nov. 15, 1798. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1798. , . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. James Miltimore, at Newbury, Mass. April 27, 1808. 8vo. Newburyport. 1808. , . Substance of three Discourses at the Park street Church, Boston, Aug. 11, 1811. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . Sermon at the Interment of Rev. Moses Hemmenvi^ay, D. D. at Wells, Me. 8vo. Kennebunk. 1811. Buckminster, Joseph Stevens. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cambridge, Mass. [Monthly Anthology, vol. 7.] , . Sermon at Boston, Dec. 18, 1808, on the Death of Gov. Sullivan. 8vo. Boston. 1809. , . Sermon at the Interment of Rev. William Emer- son, at Boston, May, 1811. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . Catalogue of his Library. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Buckminster, Edward. Masonic Address at laying the Corner Stone of St. John's Episcopal Church at Portsmouth, N. H. June 24, 1807. 8vo. Portsmouth. Bucknam, Nathan. Sermon at the North Precinct in Shrewsbury, Mass. Oct. 26, 1743, at the Ordination of Ebenezer Morse. 8vo. Boston. 1743. ■ , . Sermon at Brookfield, Mass. Sept. 13, 1749, at the Ordination of Elisha Harding. 16mo. Boston. 1749. Budd, Henry. Sermon before the Prayer Book and Homily Society. See Prayer Book and Homily Society. Bugbee, Samuel, Jun. Oration at Wrentham, July 4, 1803. 8vo. Dedham, Mass. 48 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Bugg-s, Samuel. The Mid-land Soldier: Sermon. IGmo. London. 1622. , . Sermon before the Military Garden. ICmo. London. 1622. Bulfinch, Thomas. Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Crisibus. 8vo. Edinburgi. 1757. , . See Sims, J. Bulfinch, Benj. S. Georgia, a Poem. To which are added, other Metrical Com- positions. 8vo. 1820. Bulfinch, S. G. Sermon in the Unitarian Church, Augusta, Geo. 8vo. Augusta. 1830. Bulkley, Peter. The Gospel Covenant. 4to. London. 1651. Bulkley, Richard. Reflections on his Answer to several Treatises lately pub- lished on the subjects of tlie Prophets. 12mo. London. 1708. Bulkley, John. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New Haven. 1713. , . Inquiry into the Riglit of the Aboriginal Natives to the Lands in America. [1 Mass. Hist Coll. vol. 4.] , . Sermon at the Ordination of Judah Lewes, at Colchester, Con. Dec. 17, 1729. 16mo. New London. 1730. Bull, George, [Bp.] Some Important Points of Primitive Christianity maintained and defended. With his Life, by Rob. Nelson. 2d ed. Vol. 2. 12mo. Lon- don. 1714. , , . Discourse concerning the Spirit of God in the Faithful. 12mo. Boston. 1740. Bullard, John. Discourse on Agriculture, before the Western Society of Middle- sex (Mass.) Husbandmen, at Littleton, Oct. 9, 1803. 8vo. Cambridge. 1804. Bullinger, Henrie. A Hundred Sermons upon the Apocalips. 4to. London. 1561. , . Fiflie Godlie and Learned Sermons, divided into Five De- cades, containing the Chiefo and Principall Points of the Christian Religion. Whereunto are added certaine Epistles of the same Author, concerning the Apparell of Ministers and other Indiflferent Things. Tr. from the Latine by H. I. 3 vols. 4to. 1587. Bunn, Matthew. Short Narrative of the Life and Sufferings of, after his Arrival at the British Garrison at Detroit, April 30, 1792, from his Indian Captivity. 12mo. 1797. , . The same. 7th ed. 12mo. Batavia, N. Y. 1828. Bunyan, John. W ater of Life. 12mo. London. 1797. , . Heart's Ease in Heart Trouble. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1804. , . Pilgrim's Progress. With the Life of the Author. 12mo. Wor- cester. 1791. , . Same. 12mo. Boston. 1800. , . Holy War. ]2mo. London. 1684. Burbank, Caleb, [Gen.] Defence before a Court Martial, at Worcester, Sept. 8, 1818. 8vo. Worcester. 1819. Burbank, Gardner. Defence before a Court Martial, at Worcester, Sept 8, 1818. 8vo. Worcester. 1819. Burder, George. The Pharisee and Publican : Sermon. 12mo. Boston. Burdick, William. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1802, before the Franklin Associa- tion. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , . Massachusetts Manual, or Political and Historical Register, from June, 1814, to June, 1815. Vol. 1. 12mo. Boston. 1814. Burford, Robert. See Mexico. Burgersdicius, Fr. Institutionum Metaphysicarum Lib. 2. 16mo. Hagae Com- itis. 1657. , — . Idea Philosophiae Moralis. Ed. 2da. 16mo. Lug. Bat. 1629. , — . Vide Hereboord. , — . Institutionum Logicarum Synopsis. 16mo. Cantab. 1668. , — . Same. 16mo. Cantab. 1680. Burgess, Daniel. Funeral Sermon upon the Death of Mr. Robert Fleming, Pas- tor of a Church at Rotterdam. 16mo. London. 1694. , . Hastiness unto Anger Described and Disgraced. 16mo. Lon- don. 1698. Burgess, Anthony. Sermon before the House of Commons, Sept 27, 1643. 4to. London. 1648. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 49 Burgess, Anthony. Sermon before the House of Commons. Nov. 5, 1644. 4to. London. 1645. , . Sermon before the House of Lords, Aug. 27, 1645. 4to. London. , . True Doctrine of Justification asserted and vindicated from the errors of many, and especially Papists and Socinians. 4to. London. 1654. . , . Spiritual Refining-. Part 2d. 4to. London. 1654. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Thomas Blake, with a Funeral Oration by Samuel Shaw. 4to. London. 3658. , . Scripture Directory, or a Practical Commentary upon the 3d chapter of 1st Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, fol. London. 1659. , . Godly Man's Choice compared with the Natural Man's De- sire, fol. Burgess, Cornelius. Fire of the Sanctuary Newly Uncovered. 24mo. London. 1625. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 17, 1640. 4to. London. 1641. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 5, 1641. 4to. London. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, March 30, 1642, and April 30, 1645. 4to. L;>ndon. 1645. , . Sermon before the House of Peers, Oct. 29, 1645. 4to. London. Burgess, Tristam. The Cause of Man : Oration at the Commencement of Rhode Island College, Sept. 7, 1796. 8vo. Providence. 1796. , . War Necessary, Just and Beneficial. Oration at Commence- ment at Rhode Island College, Sept. 4, 1799. 8vo. Providence. 1799. , . Oration before the Providence Association of Mechanics and Manufacturers. 8vo. Providence. 1800. , . Address to the Rhode Island Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Industry, at Pawtuxet, Oct. 17, 1821. 8vo. Providence. 1822. , . Speech in Congress, Jan. 11. 1827, on Revolutionary Claims. 8vo. Providence. , . Speech in Congress, March 29, 1828, on a Motion to Amend the Bill on Wool and Woollens. 2d ed. 8vo. Washington. , . Speech in Congress, April 21, 1828, on the Tariff. 8vo. Washington. , . Oration at Providence, July 4, 1831. 8vo. Providence. , . Oration before the Rhode Island Federal Adelphi, Sept. 9, 1831. 8vo. Providence. 1831. Burggravius, Johannes Ernestus. Biolychnium sen Lucerna cum Vita ejus, cui accensa est Mystice vivens jugiter, cum morte ejusdem expirans : omnesque affectus graviores prodens, etc. 16mo. Francofurti. 1630. Burgh, James. Thoughts on Education. 8vo. Boston. 1749. , . Dignity of Human Nature. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 1816. Burghs, or Buroughs, English. Treatise of. fol. Burgoyne, Gen. Letter to his Constituents upon his late Resignation, with the Correspondences between the Secretaries of War and him, relative to his Re- turn to Ameiica. 8vo. London. 1779. , . Speech of a General Officer in the House of Commons, Feb. 20, 1775. 4to. Burk, John. Death of General Montgomery in Storming Quebec. Tragedy. 12mo. Norwich, Con. 1777. , . Bunker Hill, or the Death of General Warren. Historic Tragedy. 12mo. New York. 1797. , . History of Virginia. 3 vols. 8vo. Petersburgh. 1804-5. , . See Jones, S. and Girardin, L. H. Burke, Aldanus. Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati, &c. ; addressed to the People of South Carolina. By Cassius. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1783. , . Address to the People of South Carolina. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1783. 50 AIMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Burke, Edmund. Speech on Movinof his Resolution for Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. 8vo. New York. 1775. , . Letter to John Farr and John Hams, Esqs. Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America. 8vo. London. 1777. , . Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq. to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America. See Abingdon. , . Reflections on the French Revolution. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1790. , . The same. 8vo. New York. 1791. , . Observations on the foregoing. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . Appeal to the New and Old Whigs, in consequence of some late Discussion in Parliament relative to the French Revolution. 8vo. New York. 1791. , . Two Letters to a Member of Parliament on the Proposals for Peace Avith the Regicide Directory of France. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797. , . Letter to a Noble Lord upon the Attack made upon him and his Pension Bill in the House of Lords, by the Duke of Bedford and Earl of Lauderdale. 8vo. Philadelphia. , . See Cooper, T. ; Street, T. G. Burkitt, William. Poor Man's Help, or Young Man's Guide. 31st ed. 12mo. New York. 1795. Burling, Edward. Some Remarks and Observations by way of Answer to a small Book called a Lecture Sermon, preached at New Milford, by John Graham. 16mo. New York. 1724. Burnap, Jacob. Discourse at Dunstable, N. H. Sept. 8, 1818, at the Funeral of Joseph Kidder ; with a History of the Church there, by E. P. Sperry. 8vo. Amherst, N. H. 1819. , . Fast Sermon at Merrimack, N. H. April 25, 1799. 8vo. Am- herst, N. H. 1799. Burnet, Gilbert, [Bp.] Essay on the Memory of the late Queen. 16mo. London. 1695. , , . Life and Death of Matthew Hale. 12mo. London. 1700. , , . Sermon, May 29, 1710. 12mo. London. 1710. , , . and E. Stillingfleet. Relation of a Conference held about Religion, at London, 1(376, with some Gentlemen of the Church of Rome. , , . The new Preface and additional Chapter to the 3d ed. of the Pastoral Care. 8vo. London. 1713. Burnet, Matthias. Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1803. Burnett, Thomas. The Necessity of Impeaching the late Ministry. In a Letter to the Earl of Halifax. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1715. Burnetus, T. Archeologiae Philosophicae. 4to. London. 1692. Burney, Miss. Evelina : or a Young Lady's Entrance into the World. 2 vols. 12mo. Worcester. 1796. , . Camilla : or a Picture of Youth. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1797. Burns, Robert. Poems. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1788. , . Reliques of, collected by R. H. Cromek. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1809. Burns, John. Observations on Abortion. 2d ed. 12mo. Springfield, Mass. 1809. Burnside, Samuel M. Oration before the Washington Benevolent Society, at Worcester, Mass. April 13, 1813. 8vo. Worcester. 1813. Burr, Aaron, [Pres.] The Watchman's Answer to the Question, What of the Night ? Sermon. 12mo. New York. 1757. , , . The same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1757. , , . Funeral Sermon at the Interment of Governor Jonathan Belcher, who died at Elizabeth Town, N. J. Aug. 31, 1757. 4to. New York. 1757. Burr, Aaron, [Vice Pres.] Narrative of his Suppression of Wood's History of Mr. Adams's Administration ; to which are added, the Biographies of T. Jeffer- son, Alex. Hamilton and C. C. Pinckney, taken from the suppressed History. 2ded. 8vo. New York. 1802. , , View of the Political Conduct of. By the Author of the above " Narrative." 8vo. New York. 1802. CATALOGUE O 1-' L I li R A R Y . 51 Burr, Aaron, [Vice Pres.] Examination of the Charges against him. By Aris- tides. 8vo. 1804. , , . Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1803. , , — . Letter to him. By Philanthropes. 8vo. 1804. Burrell, Perci. Suttons Synagogue, or the English Centurion ; showing the un- paralleled Bounty of Protestant Piety. 4to. London. 1G29. Burrill, George R. Oration before the Providence (R. I) Association of Mechanics and Manufacturers, at their Annual Election, April 1 1 , 1796. 8vo. Providence. 1796. ^ . Oration at Providence, July 4, 1797. 8vo. Providence. 1797. Burritt, Elijah Hinsdale. Logarithmick Arithmetick. 8vo. Williamsburgh, Mass. 1818. Burrough, M. Letter to Dr. Hosac on the Indian Cholera. 8vo. Philadelphia. 183L Burroughs, Jeremiah. Excellency of a Gracious Spirit. 16mo. London. 1639. ^ . Sermon before the House of Commons, Sept. 7, 1741. 4to. London. ^ . Two Sermons, vindicating the Commission from the Lord of Hosts to Subjects, in some cases, to take up arms ; with a Postscript, briefly answering a late Treatise of Henry Feme. 4to. London. 1643. , . Sermon before the House of Lords, Nov. 26, 1645. 4to. London. , . Serm.on before the House of Commons. 4to. London. 1646. , . Vindication of Mr. Burroughs against Mr. Edwards his Foule Aspersions, in his spreading Gangraena, and his angry Antiapologia, con eluding with a briefe Declaration what the Independents Avould have. 4to. London. 1646. ■ , . Exposition upon the 8th, 9tii and 10th chapters of Hosea. 4to. London. 1650. ^ . Exposition upon the Prophesie of Hosea. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1652. . Four Books on the 11th of Matthew. 3 vols. 4to. Lon- don. 1659. . ..^ . Gospel Remission. 4to. London. 1668. J . Christ's Invitation to Sinners to come to him for Rest. 4to. London. 1659. Burroughs, Stephen. Sermon at Rutland, Mass. on a Haymow. 12mo. Burroughs, Charles. Address on Female Education, at Portsmouth, N. H. Oct 26, 1827. 8vo. Portsmouth. Burroughs, Josiah. The Assistant, or a Treatise on the Currency of the United States. 12mo. Newburyport, Mass. Burthogge, Richard. Causa Dei ; or an Apology for God. 12mo. London. 1675. Burton, Samuel. Assize Sermon, March 3, 1619. 4to. London. 1620. Burton, Asa. Sermon at Greenfield, Jan. 1, 1800, at the Ordination of Timothy Clark. 8vo. Windsor, Vt. 1800. , . Sermon before the Phi Beta Kappa at Dartmouth College, Aug. 26, 1800. 8vo. Hanover. 1801. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Caleb J. Tenney, at Newport, R. I. Sept. 12, 1804. 8vo. Newport. Burton, Henry. Viii licatioa of the Churches commonly called Independent, or a breife Answer to two Books ; the one intituled Twelve considerable serious Questions, touching Church Government ; the other. Independency Examined, Unmasked, Refuted, &c. By William Prynne. 4to. London. 1644. , . Israel's Fast, or a Meditation upon the 7th chapter of Joshua : a fair precedent for these times. 8vo. Rochel. 1628. , . A Divine Tragedy lately acted, or a Collection of sundrie Memo- rable Examples of God's Judgm_ents upon Sabbath Breakers. 4to. 1641. Burton, Robert. Anatomy of Melancholy, fol. , . Same. 7th ed. fol. London. 1660. Burton, Robert. English Empire in America. 7th ed. 12mo. London. 1739. Burton, William. See Clement. Bury, John. The Moderate Christian : Visitation Sermon. 4to. London, 1631. 10 52 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIKTV^ Busbegius, Augerius Gislenius. Opera. 24mo. hug. Bat. 1633. Busching, A. F. Introduction to Geography. Tr. from the Gennan, by R. Wynne. 12mo. London. 1778. Busching, Anton Frederich. Erdbeschreibung. 10 vols. 12mo. Hamburgh. 1787-92. Busenbaum, R. P. Herm. Medulla Theologiae. 12mo. Lugduni. 1676. Butlerus, Carolus. Rhetoricae Libri duo. 16mo. London. 1642. Butler, John. Political Fugitive ; being a brief Disquisition into the Modern System of British Politics. 8vo. New York. 1794. Butler, Mann. Address on the Value of the Physical Sciences, compared with the other Great Branches of Knowledge, before the Louisville (Ky.) Lvceum, Oct. 31, 1831. 8vo. Louisville. 1831. , . History of the Commomvealth of Kentucky. 12mo. Louisville. 1834. Butler, Joseph. Analogy of Religion. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. 12mo. London. 1739. , . Same. 12mo. Troy, N. Y. 1806. . . Poetical Works. See British Poets. , . Hudibras. Tr. into the German. 8vo. Butler, Frederick. Complete History of the United States of America. 3 vols. 8vo. Hartford. 1821. Butler, Lilly. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Nov. 5, 1710. 12mo. London. 1710. Butler, Caleb. Masonic Oration at Leominster, Mass. June 24, 1816. 8vo. Worcester. 1816. Buxtorfius, Johannes. Epitome Grammaticae Hebraeae. 16mo. London. 1653. Byam, Henry. Sermon at tlie Pwe-admission of a Relapsed Christian. 4to. Lon- don. 1628. Byfield, N, Theology. 24mo. 1618. Byfield, Richard. Sermon before the House of Commons. June 25, 1645. 4to London. Byles, Mather. Glorious Rest in Heaven : Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1745. , . Poem on the Death of King George and Accession of George II. 12mo. Boston. 1727. , . On the Death of the Queen. A Poem. 4to. Boston. 1738. Character of the Perfect and Upright Man : Sermon. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1729. The same. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1744. Elegy, addressed to Gov. Belcher, upon the Death of Hon. Daniel 7 Oliver. 12mo. See Prince, T. , . Funeral Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Katherine, wife of Hon. William Dummer, Esq. at Boston, Jan. 9, 1752. 4to. Boston. 1752. , . Sermon occasioned by the late Earthquake in New England, Nov. 18, 1755. 8vo. Boston. 1755. — , . Poems : The Conflagration. The God of Tempest and Earth- quake. 12mo. Boston. The Vanity of every Man at his best Estate. Funeral Sermon on the Hon. William Dummer, Esq. late Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts Bay, who died Oct. 10, 1761. 4to. Boston. 1761. Byles, Mather, [Jun.] Thanksgiving Sermon, [at New London, Con.] March 6, 1760. 16mo. New London. 1760. Bynaeus, Antoninus. De Natali Jesu Christi, etc. 4to. Amstelodami. 1689. Byng, John, [Adm.] Trial of, at a late. Court Martial. 12mo. London. 1757. , , . The same. 4to. Boston. 1757, Bynkershoek, Cornelius Van Ad L. Lecta XL. Dig. de Reb. Cred. si Cert. pet. Liber Singularis et Dissertatio de Pactis Juris Stricti contractibus incontinenti adjectis. Accedit de auctore Auctoribusve authenticarum (quas vocant) Dia- triba. 16mo. Lug. Bat. 1699. Byrd, Josias. Love's Peerless Paragon : Sermon. 4to. London. 1613. Byron, Lord. Giaour. 12mo. Boston. 1813. , . Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . Poems. 12mo. Montreal, U. C. 1816. Bytliner, Victorinus. Lingua Eruditoruni. 16mo. Oxoniae. 1G38. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 1836. Cabbala of the Jews. MS. Treatise on. 4to. Cabot, Sebastian. See Biddle, Richard. Cabot, Marston. Christ's Kingdom entirely Spiritual. Sermon at Thompson, Con. Oct. 17, 1742. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . The Nature of Religious Fasting opened. Two Fast Dis- courses at Thompson, Con. April 18, 1733. 8vo. Boston. 1734. Cabrera, Paul Felix. Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City in Guatimala. , 4to. London. 1822. Cade, William. The Foundation of Popery Shaken. Sermon. 4to. London. 1678. Cadell, T. Sale Catalogue of English Books. 12mo. London. 1791. Cadets. Journal of a Tour of, from the A. L. S. and M. Academy, at Middletown, Con. to the City of Washington. 8vo. Middletown. 1827. Cadogan, William. Dissertation on the Gout, &c. 10th ed. Svo. Boston. 1772. , . Essay on the Nursing and Management of Children. 10th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1772. Caesar, C. J. Commentarii. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1767. Caines, Clement Reflections on the Embargo, which has been substituted by the United States of America, for Proclamations of War. 8vo. St. Christopher. 1808. Calamy, Edmund. London. 1642. London. 1642. London. London. 1645. London. 1645. London. 1658. Calamy, Edmund. Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 22, 1641. 4to. Sermon before the House of Commons, Feb. 23, 1641. 4to. Sermon before the House of Commons, June 15, 1643. 4to. Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 22, 1644. 4to. Sermon before the House of Lords, Dec. 25, 1644. 4to. Sermon, Aug. 24, 1651. 4to. London. Sermon at the Funeral of Robert, Earle of Warwick. 4to. 1715. Caveat against the New Prophets. 12mo. Three Sermons at tlie Merchants Lecture. London. 1708. 12mo. London. , . Letter to Arch Deacon Echard, upon his History of England. 3ded. 12mo. London. 1718. , . Truth and Love : Sermon. 16mo. London. 1720. , . The Ministry of the Dissenters proved to be Null and Void from Scripture and Antiquity. In answer to his Sermon entituled. The Minis- try of the Dissenters Vindicated. 12mo. London. 1725. Calderon, de la Barca, Pedro. El secreto a Voces. Comedia. 12mo. Madrid. 1785. Calcott, Wellins. Candid Disquisition of the Principles and Practices of the Most Antient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons. Svo. Boston. 1772. 2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Calderwood, David. History of the Church of Scotland, fol. 1678. Caldwell, John. Sermon at Boston, May 26, 1742. 12mo. Boston. 1742. , . Answer to the Appendix of the 2d ed. of Mr. McGregorie's Ser mon on the Trial of the Spirits, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1743. Caldwell, Joseph B. Oration, July 4, 1808, at Barre, Mass. 8vo. Worcester. Caldwell, Charles. Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of General Nathaniel Greene. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. , . Oration before the Washington Benevolent Society. 8vo Philadelphia. 1814. . . Eulogium on Caspar Wistar. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1818. ^ . See Banks, Henry. Caldwell, Jphn William. Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1808. 4to. Worcester. Caldwell, Henry. Defence prepared and intended to be delivered at the Bar of Court of the King's Bench in the City of Quebec, Nov. 1790, in a prosecution for a Libel, at the Instance of Henry Caldwell, Esq. 8vo. Quebec. Caledonia, or the Pedlar turned Merchant ; Tragi-Comedy. 4to. London. 1700. Calef, Robert. Some few Remarks upon his Scandalous Book against the Gov- ernment and Ministry of New England, [by Obadiah Gill and others.] 16mo. Boston. 1701. , . More Wonders of the Invisible World. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1796. Calhoun, John C. Remarks in the United States Senate, Ma.rch 21, 1834, on Mr. Webster's Bill to continue the Charter of the Bank of the United States. 8vo. Washington. , . Remarks in the Senate of the United States, May 6, 1834, on the President's Protest. 8vo. Washington. , . See Virginia ; Grimk6, T. S. Call to Backsliders. 16mo. 1680. Callender, John. Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of Rhode Island from the first settlement in 1638 to 1700. 8vo. Boston. 1739. , . Sermon at Boston, Feb. 14, 1738-9, at the Ordination of Jere- miah Condy. 12mo. Boston. J739. , . Discourse at Newport, R. I. Oct. 30, 1745, on the Death of Rev. Nathaniel Clap. 12mo. Newport. 1746. Callender, John. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1797. 8vo. Boston. 1797. Callender, James Thomson. Sedgwick & Co., or a Key to the Six per Cent Cabinet. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1798. , . Political Progress of Britain, or an Impartial Histo- ry of Abuses in the Government of the British Empire in Europe, Asia and America. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. Calmet, Aug. Great Dictionary of the Holy Bible. Taylor's ed. 4 vols. 4to. Charlestown, Mass. 1812. Calvert, Frederick. Trial for Rape. 8vo. London. 1768. Calves-Head Club. The Secret History of the Calves-Head Club, Complt. Or, The Republican Unmask'd. To which is annexed, a Vindication of the Royal Martyr, King Charles I. By Samuel Butler. With a Character of a Presbyte- rian. By Sir John Denham. 5th ed. 8vo. London. 1705. Calvin. Articles of Belief, professed by the Followers of Calvin, Luther and Arminius. 12mo. Norwich, Con. Calvin, John. Commentaries. Tr. from the Lat. by Christopher Fetherstone. 4to. London. 1585. , . Recueil des Opuscules de. 2me. ed. fol. Geneve. 1611. , . Lexicon Juridicum. fol. Genevae. 1640. Calvinist's Cabinet Unlocked : in an Apology for Tilenus against a Pretended Vindication of the Synod of Dort: At the Provocation of Master R. Baxter, held forth in the Preface to his Grotian Religion. Together with a few Soft Drops let fall upon the papers of Master Hickman. 12mo. London. 1659. Calvinistic Clubs in the United States. VieAv of 12mo. Camden, Lord. See New England. Camden, William. Britannia : or a Chronological Description of Great Britain and Ireland. Tr. from the Lat. with additions, &c. by Edmund Gibson, fol. London. 1695 i CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 8 Camden, William. History of Queen Elizabeth, and Annals of James I. See Kennet, White. Cambrian Register. See Register. Cambridge, Nathaniel. Letter to John Rowden. 12mo. 1714. Cambridge, Mass. Friendly Fire Society, instituted March 17, 1797. 12mo. Boston. , . See Harvard College. See Platform. , . Controversy between the First Parish, and the Rev. Dr. Holmes, their late Pastor. 8vo. Cambridge. 1829. , . Account of the Controversy in the First Parish in Cambridge in 1827-1829. 12mo. Boston. 1829. Camerarius, Philinpus. Operae Horarum Subcisivarum. 3 vols. 4to. Franco- furti. 1644-501 Cameron, Johannes. In Academia Salmuriensi Prelectiones. 3 vols. 4to. Sal- muri. 1626-8. Cameron, Jenny, Memoirs of her Life and Adventures, while attached to the Cause of the Pretender. See Arbuthnot, Arch. Campan, Madame. Memoirs of Marie Antoinette, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1823. , . See Maigne. Campanella, Thomas. Monarchia Hispanica Discursus. 24mo. Amstel. 1640. Campanius, Thomas. An Exact Translation of his History of New Sweed Land in America. [New York Hist. Coll. vol. 2.] Campbell, David, Duty and Privilege of Christians to give their all for spreading the Gospel. 8vo. Amherst, Mass. 1827. Campbell, Duncan. The Earth's Groans, and her Complaints against Man : Poem. 8vo. London. 1756. Campbell, L. D. Life of Hugh Boyd. See Boyd. Campbell, William W. Annals of Tryon County ; or the Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution. 8vo. New York. 1831. Campbell, Geo. Lectures on Systematic Theology and Pulpit Eloquence. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Philosophy of Rhetoric. 8vo. Boston. Campbell, J. W. History of Virginia. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1813. Campbell, John. Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the Missionary Society. 8vo. Andover, Mass. 1816. Campbell, John. Treatise of Conversion, Faith and Justification. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1743. Campbell, Henry Alexander. Particulars respecting his Trial, Condemnation and Execution, for killing, in a duel, Capt. A. Boyd. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Campdomerc, Pierre. Les Gabonites Vengez, ou Sermon, 3 Nov. 1709, a Am- sterdam. 12mo. Amsterdam. 1709. Cambuslang. Narrative of the Extraordinary Work at, in a Letter to a Friend. 12mo. Boston. 1742. Canada. Account of the French Settlements in North America; showing from the latest Authors, the Towns, &c. of Canada, claimed and improved by the French King. By a Gentleman. 8vo. Boston. 1746. Canada, Upper. Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend in England, descriptive of the different Settlements of 12mo. Philadelphia. 1795. , . Gazetteer of the Province of Upper Canada. 8vo. New York. 1813. Canada, Lower. Enquiry into the Evils of General Suffrage and frequent Elec- tions in. By Camillus. 8vo. Montreal. 1810. Canal. Account of the Proposed Canal from Worcester to Providence, with the Report of the Engineer, &c. 8vo. Worcester. . Historical Account of the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Canal Navigation in Pennsylvania. 4to. Philadelphia. 1795. . Report of the Amount of Business done on the Middlesex Canal, Mass. 8vo. [1806.] Candamo, Francisco Bances. El Esclavo en Grilles de Oro. Comedia. 12mo. Madrid. 1785. Caner, Henry. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 21, 1758, on the Death of Charles Ap- thorp, Esq. 8vo. Boston. 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Caner, Henry. Semion at Boston, Jan. ], 1761, on the Death of George II. 8vo. Boston. , . Thanksg-iving Sermon on the General Peace. 4to. Boston. 1763. , . See Dickinson, Jonathan. , . Nature and Method of Christian Preaching examined and stated. Sermon at Newport, R. I. June 12, 1745. 12mo. Newport. 1745. , . God the only unfailing Object of Trust. Discourse at Boston, May 22, 1751, on the Death of the Prince of Wales. 8vo. Boston. 1751. , . The Piety of Founding Churches for the Worship of God. Dis- course at laying the First Stone for re-building King's Chapel in Boston, Aug. 11, 1749. 4to. Boston. 1749. , . Sermon at Boston, Aug. 20, 1765, at the Funeral of the Rev. Timothy Cutler, D. D. 4to. Boston. 1765. Canne, John. The Snare is Broken ; vdierein is proved by Scripture, Law and Reason, that the National Covenant and Oath was unlawfully taken. 4to. London. 1649. Canning, Josiah W. Sermon at Williamstown, Mass. Feb. 20, 1830, at the Fu- neral of Elisha M. Case. 8vo. Williamstov/n. ]831. Cannibals' Progress, or Horrors of the French Invasion. Tr. from the French by A. Aufrer. 12mo. Walpole. 1798. Cantabrigia. Statuta Quaedam Academiae Cantabrigiensis in Admissione ad Gradus, etc. 16mo. Cantab. 1684. . Excerpta e Statutis, etc. Svo. Cantabrigiae. 1785. Canterbury. The Life of the 70 Archbishopp off Canterbury presentlye sittinge Englished, and to be added to the 69 lately sett forthe in Latin. 16mo. 1574. , Abp. Speech of, in the Starr-Chamber, June 14, 1687, at the Cen- sure of John Bastwick, Henry Burton, and William Prinn, concerning pretend- ed Innovations in the Church. 4to. London. 1687. , . Letter to the Arch Deacons and Clergy of the Diocese of St. David. 12mo. London. 1703. , . Proposals of, with some other Bishops, to his Majesty. 4to. Cantrel, Nicholas. Sermon. 4to. London. 1624. Cape Breton. Remarks upon a Letter published in the London Chronicle, No. 115, containing an Enquiry into the Causes of the Failure of the late Expedi- tion against. l2mo. London. 1757. . Letters relating to the Expedition against in 1745." [1 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 1.] . The Importance and Advantage of, truly stated and impartially considered. 8vo. London. 1746. . The Importance of, considered ; in a Letter to a Member of Par- liament, from an Inhabitant of New England. 8vo. London. 1746. Cape Cod. See Barnstable County. Capel, Richard. Tentations : their Nature, Danger, Cure ; with a brief Dispute touching Restitution in case of Usury. 24mo. London. 1635. , . See Pemble. Capell, M. God's Salvation of Man's Soul. Sermon. 4to. London. 1632. Capen, Lemuel. Farewell Sermon at Sterling, Mass. Jan. 21, 1819. 8vo. Wor- cester. , . Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Cappe, Newcome. Alphabetical Explication of some Terms and Phrases which occur in Scripture, &c. 12mo. Boston. J SI 8. Cardanus, Hier. De Utilitate ex adversis Capienda. 16mo. Franikerae. 1648. Care, Henry. Utrum Horum ; or the Nine and Thirty Articles of the Church of England at large recited. 16mo. London. 1682. , . English Libertie, or the Freeborn Subjects Inheritance. 5th ed 12mo. Boston. 1721. Carew, Thomas. Poetical Works of See British Poets. Carey, Mathew. The Plagi-Scurriliad: A Hudibrastic Poem. Svo. Philadel- phia. 1786. , . Debates and Proceedings of the General Assembly of Pennsyl- vania on the Memorials praying a Repeal or Suspension of the Law annulling the Charter of the Bank. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1786. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 5 Carey, Ma,thew. American Museum, from Jan. 1, 1787, to the end of June, 1792. 12 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1787-92. , . Short account of the Malignant Yellow Fever, lately prevalent in Philadelphia, [1793.] With a Statement of the Proceedings that took place on the Subject in different parts of the United States. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1793. , . The same, in French. 8vo. Philadelphia. , . The same. 5th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. , — . Sale Catalogue of Books. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. , . Miscellaneous Trifles in Prose. 18mo. Philadelphia. 1796. , . A Plumb Pudding for the Humane, Chaste, Valiant, Enlight- ened Peter Porcupine. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1798. , . The Porcupiniad : a Hudibrastic Poem, in three Cantos. Ad- dressed to William Cobbett. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. , . Desultory Reflections upon the Ruinous Consequences of the Non-renewal of the Charter of the United States Bank. 2d ed. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1810. , . Same. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1810. , . Letters to Adam Seybert, on the Subject of the Renewal of the Charter of the United States Bank. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1811. , . Calm Address to the People of the Eastern States on the Sub- ject of the Representation of Slaves ; the Representation in the Senate ; and the Hostility to Commerce ascribed to the Southern States. 12mo. Boston. 1814. , . Report on American Manufactures. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. , . Vindiciae Hibernicae ; or Ireland Vindicated. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1819. , . Same. 2d ed. 6vo. Philadelphia. 1823. , . Address to Congress, being a View of the Ruinous Consequen- ces of a Dependence on Foreign Markets, for the Sale of Flour, Cotton and Tobacco. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. , . Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. , . Sketches of Cotemporaneous History. 8vo. , . Memorial to Congress of the Pennsylvania Society for the En- couragement of American Manufactures. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. , . The New Olive Branch. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821. , . Address to William. Tudor, Esq. author of Letters on the East- ern States, intended to prove the Calumny and Slander of his Remarks on the Olive Branch. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1821. , . Address to the Farmers of the United States on the Ruinous Consequences to their Vital Interests of the existing Policy of this Country. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821. , . The Prospect before us. 4th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1822. , . Essays on Political Economy. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822. , . Appeal to Common Sense : Common Justice : or irrefragible Facts opposed to plausible Theories. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822. , . Political Economist, from Jan. 24, to May 1, 1824. Vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia. , . View of the veiy great Natural Advantages of Ireland, and the Cruel Policy pursued for Centuries towards that Island. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1823. , . Examination of a Tract on the Alteration of the Tariff, written by Thomas Cooper. 3d ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1824. , . Address before the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agri- culture, July 20, 1824. 8vo. Philadelphia. , . The same. 4th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1824. , . The same. 5th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. , . Canal Policy. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. , . Letters relating to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. , . Exhibit of 'the Shocking Oppression and Injustice suffered for 16 months by John Randall, Contractor for the Eastern Section of the Chesa- peake and Delaware Canal. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. 6 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Carey, Mathew. Appeal to the Justice and Humanity of the Stockholders of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. , . Last Appeal on the same Subject. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. , . Same. 3d cd. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. , . Essays tending to prove the Ruinous Effects of the Policy of the United States on the three Classes, Fanners, Planters and Merchants, ad- dressed to Edward Liviugston, Esq. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. , . Reficctions on the proposed Plan of a College in Philadelphia. 8vo. Pliiladelphia. 182G. , . Address to the Public ontliesame Subject. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. ^ . Reflections on the Subject of Emigration from Europe, Avith a view of Settlement in the United States. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. , . Internal Improvement. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. Cursory Views of the Liberal and Restrictive Systems of Polit- ical Economy. 4th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. . Political Economy, being an Examination of the Treasurer's Report. 8vo. Pliiladelphia. 1826. , . Address of the Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Man- ufactures and the Mechanic Arts, to the Public. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Examination of the Charleston (S. C.) Memorial. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1827. Memorial of the Citizens of Philadelphia to Congress. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1827. Preface to Alexander Hamilton's Report on Manufactures, witli the Report. 6th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. , . Universal Emancipation. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Address of the Greek Committee to the Citizens of Pennsylva- nia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. — • Letters on Religious Persecution. 4th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Emigration from Ireland and Immigration to the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. Matter of Fact versus Messrs, Huskinson and Peel. 8vo. Phil- adelphia. 1828. Examination of the Boston Report on Free Trade. 8vo. Phil- adelphia. 1828. Reflections on the Renewal of the Charter of the Banli of Pennsylvania. 4th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, circa 1828. , . Internal Improvement. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1829. , . Protecting System. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1829. , . African Colonization. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1829. , . Common Sense Addresses to the Citizens of the Soutliern States. 4th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1829. Autobiographical Sketches, in a series of Letters. 12mo. Phil- adelphia. , . Essays on Rail Roads. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. , . Miscellaneous Essays. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. , . New Olive Branch. Solemn Warning on the Banli of the Ru- bicon. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. . . Letter to the Editor of the New York Daily Sentinel, on Fe- male Wages. 8vo. March, 1830. ^ . Prospects on and beyond the Rubicon. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. . • Review of the Evidence of the pretended General Conspiracy of the Ron;an Catholics of Irelan 1 to Miss icre ill the Protestmts that would not join them on the X^3d Oct. 1()41. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. , . Essays on the Public Charities of Philadelphia. 5th ed. 8vo, Phila-:lelphia. 1830. , . Infant Schools. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. J . Essays on the Protecting System. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 7 Carey, Mathew. Annals of Liberality, Generosity, Public Spirit, &c. 3d series. No. a 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. , . Brief View of the System of Internal Improvement of Pennsyl- vania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. , . New Olive Branch : addressed to the Citizens of South Carolina. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. , . Prospects on the Rubicon. Part Second, being Letters on the Prevailing Excitement in South Carolina. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. — ■ — , . The Tocsin : A Solemn Warning against the Dangerous Doc- trine of Nullification. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. , . Essay on the Dissolution of the Union threatened by the NuUi- fiers of South Carolina. Second Part. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. — — , . Address to the Liberal and Humane. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. , . Dissolution of the Union. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. , . Olive Branch, No. 3. Or an Enquiry whether an Arrangement is practicable between the Friends and Opposers of the Protecting System. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. , , The Crisis : An Appeal to the Good Sense of the Nation, against (the Spirit of Resistance and Dissolution of the Union. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. , . Defence of a Liberal Construction of the Powers of Congress as regards Internal Improvement. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. , . Looking Glass for the NuUifiers. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832 , — . Signs of the Times : South Carolina Toasts. 8vo. 1832. , -—. Letters on the Colonization Society and its Probable Results. 7th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. , . Same. 7th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. , . Prospects beyond the Rubicon. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. , . Same subject continued. 2d series. 8vo. 1833. , . Appeal to the Wealthy of the Land, Ladies as well as Gentle- men, on the Character, Conduct, Situation and Prospects of those, whose sole Dependence for Subsistence is on the Labour of their Hands. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. , . Strictures on Mr. Lee's Exposition of Evidence on the Sugar Duty, in behalf of the Committee appointed by the Free Trade Convention. 8vo. Carleton, George. Life of Bernard Gilpin. 4to. London. 1629. Carli, J. R. [Le Comte.] Lettres Americaines, dans lesquelles on examine I'Ori- gine, I'Etat Civil, Politique, Militaire et Religieux, les Arts, I'lndustrie, les Sci- ences, les Moeurs, les Usages, des anciens Habitans de I'Amerique ; les grandes Epocques de la Nature, I'ancienne Communication des deux Hemispheres et la derniere Revolution qui a fait disparoitre I'Atlantide ; pour servir de suite aux Memoires de D. Ulloa. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1788. Carlisle, Thomas. Address before Essex Lodge, at Salem, Mass. Dec. 28, 1819. 8vo. Salem. Carmina Sacra quae Lat. et Gr. condidit America. 4to. Wigorniae, Mass. 1789. Carpenters. The Right Way to go to Work ; Sermon before the Right Wor- shipfull, the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the Company of Carpenters in London. 4to. London. 1623. Carpenter, George W. Annual Medical Advertiser for 1835. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1835. Carpenter, Henry. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1653. Carpenter, Peter. Aldi Manutii Pauli. Phrases Latinae Linguae tabulis deline- atae. 4to. Amstel. 1617. Carr, Sir John. Stranger in France. 12mo. Brattleborough, Vt. 1806. , . Stranger in Ireland, in 1805. 12mo. Hartford, Con. 1806. , . Tour through Holland in 1806. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1807. , . Northern Summer in 1804. 2d ed. 12mo. Hartford, Con. 1806. Carre, Ezechiel. Echantillon. De la Doctrine que les Jesuites Enseignent aux Sauvages du Noveau Monde, pour les convertir, tiree de leurs propres manu- scrits, trouv^s ces jours passes en Albanie, proche de Nieu Yorke, Examinee. 4to. Boston. 1690 ; With a Preface by Cotton Mather. 11 8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Carroll, Davis. Salutatory Address at a Public Exhibition, at Oxford, Mass. Feb. 14, 1811. 12mo. Sutton. Carter, James G. Masonic Oration at Groton, Mass. June 25, 1821. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1821. , . Letters to the Hon. William Prescott, on the Free Schools of New England. With Remarks upon the Principles of Instruction. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1824. , . Essays upon Popular Education. 8vo. Boston. 182G. , . Remarks upon Mr. Carter's Outline of an Institution for the Education of Teachers. [From the U. S. Review.] 8vo. Boston. 1627. , . Lecture on the Developement of the Intellectual Faculties as the proper purpose of Elementary Studies, and on Teaching Geography ; de- livered in the Representatives' Hall, Boston, Aug. 23, 1830,"before the Ameri- can Institute of Instruction. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , , and William H. Brooks. Geography of Massachusetts. 12mo. Boston. 1830. , . Essay on Teaching Geography, being an Extract from his Lecture before the American Institute. 12mo. Boston. 1831. • , . Copy of his Answer to the Vote of the Church of Christ in Lancaster, Mass. 8vo. 1832. , . Letter to the Rev. Nathaniel Thayer, touching his Conduct in connexion with the recent proceedings of tlie Church in Lancaster under his pastoral care ; and upon the Rights, Dignity and Tenure of the Office of Dea- con in a Congregational Church. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Carter, N. H. Letters from Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1827. Carter, William. Sermon before the House of Commons, Aug. 31, 1642. 4to. London. Carter, Thomas. Sermon before the House of Commons, June 28, 1643. 4to. London. Carter, Horace. Brief Sketch of his Life. 8vo. Worcester. 1825. Carter, Susannah. The Frugal Housewife, or Complete Woman Cook. 16mo. London. Cartwright, Thomas. Confutation of the Rhemists Translation, Glosses and An- notations upon the New Testament fol. 1618. , . Same. fol. Cartwright, Thomas. Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. John Drury. 4to. London. 1659. Cartwright, Thomas, [Bp.] Sermon at London, Sept 28, 1662. 4to. London. Carver, Jonathan. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in 1766-8. 12mo. Boston. 1797. , . Same. 12mo. Charlestown, Mass. 1 802. Carvil, G. and C. and H. Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of Rare and Val- uable Works, &c. 8vo. New York. 3830. Cary, Thomas. The Importance of Salvation considered. Being the Substance of several Sermons, at Newburyport, Mass. 8vo. Boston. 1773. , . Two Sermons at Newburyport, Mass. 12mo. Boston. 1773. , . Sermon at Salisbury, Mass. July 20, 1796, on the Death of Rev. Samuel Webster. 8vo. [Newburyport] , . Sermon at Charlestown, Mass. July 23, 1797. 8vo. Charlestown. , . Sermon on leaving the Old Meeting House in Newburyport, Sept 27, 1801. 8vo. NeAvburyport 1801. Cary, Thomas, Jun. Masonic Oration at Newburyport, June 24, 1801. 4to. [Newburyport.] , , . The same. 2d ed. 4to. [Newburyport.] Cary, Samuel. Address before tlie Merrimack Humane Society, at Newburyport, Mass. Sept 2, 1806. 8vo. Newburyport. , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 1, 1809, on the Sabbath of his Ordination. 8vo. Boston. 1809. , . Fast Sermon at Boston, Sept 9, 1813. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . Sermon at the Boston Thursday Lecture. 8vo. Boston. 1814. CATALOGUE OF LIURARY. 9 Gary, Samuel. Revie^v of a Book entitled " Grounds of Christianity Examined " &c. By George B. English. 12mo. Boston. 1813. , . Catalogue of his Library. 8vo. Gary, Richard. Letter relating to the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. 4to. 1789. Gary, Mo^es. Genealogy of the Families Avho have settled in the North Parish in Bridgewater, Mass. To which is added an Historical Sketch of North Bridge- water. 8vo. Boston. 1824. Gary. See Garey. Gary's Itinerary. See England. Garyl, Joseph. Works of Ephesus Explained. Sermon before the House of Commons. 4to. London. 1642. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, April 27, 1642. 4to. London. , . Sermon before tlie House of Commons. 4to. London. 1644. — — , . Sermon before thb House of Commons, May 28, 1645. 4to. London. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 6, 1643. 4to. Lon- don. 1645. , . Present Duty and Endeavour of the Saints. Sermon at Paul's Crosse, Dec. 14^ 1645. 4to. London. 1646. Casaubon, Isaac. Letter, with a Memorial to Mrs. Eliz. Martin. 16mo. London. 1615. Case, Thomas. Thanksgiving Sermon before the House of Commons, Aug. 22, 1645, on occasion of a Victory of Sir Wm. Waller, over Sir Ralph Hopton. 4to. London. Casket, or Flowers of Literature, &c. from Aug. 1826, to Sept. 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826-9. Cass, Lewis. Discourse before the Historical Society of Michigan. 8vo. De- troit 1830. , . Address before the Association of the Alumni of Hamilton College. 8vo. Utica. 1830. , . Discourse before the American Historical Society, Jan. 30, 1836. 8voi Washington. 1836. Gastalio, Sebastian. Dialogorum Sacrorum Lib. IV. 16mo. London. 1750. , . Same. ed. 19ma. l2mo. London* 1765. Catalans. The Deplorable History of, from their first Engagement in the War to the Time of their Reduction. 8vo. London. 1714. Catalogue of the Names of the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses that have served in the last 4 Parliaments, 1640, 53, 4, 5. 12mo. London. 1656. •- of the Library in Harvard University, Mass. 3 Vols. 8vo. Cambridge. 1830. of Books in the Boston Athenoum. 8vo. Boston. 1827-9. of the Library of Congress. 8vo. Washington. 1831. of Books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1789. of the same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1807< of Books in the Library of the American Academy. 12mo. Boston. 1802. of Books belonging to the Library of the Newton (Mass.) Theological Institution, Aug. 1, 1833. 12mo. Boston. 1833. of the Library of the American Philosophical Society. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1824. of Isaiah Thomas. MS. 4to. 1812. of Books in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 8vo. Boston. 1796. Same. 8vo. Boston. 1811. of Books in the Library of the New York Historical Society. 8vo. New York. 1813. of Books in the Salem Atheneum. 8vo. Salem. 1826. of the Library of the Massachusetts Legislature. 8vo. Boston. 1831. 10 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Catalogue of Lackington, Allen & Co. Vol. 1. 8vo. London. 1796. W. Bent's London Catalogue. 8vo. London. 1791. of the Libraries of the late John Conybeare, Thomas Gale and Roger Gale, with that of Mr. Walmsley. Vol. 2. 8vo. London, circa 1760. W. P. Farrand's Sale Catalogue. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1807. of Books in tlie Library of Williams College, Mass. 8vo. Williams- town. 1828. of Books in the Library of Yale College. 8vo. New Haven. 1823. of Manuscripts. 8vo. Monthly Catalogue. Being an exact Account of all Books and Pam- phlets published in 1723. 4to. of Congressional Documents, Journals, Registers of Debates, &:.c. See Congress of U. S. of Books relating to America, in the Collection of Col. Aspinwall. 8vo. [1832.] of all tlie Books printed in the United States, with the prices, &c. an- nexed. i2mo. Boston. 1804. Catalogues of Students of different Institutions. Booksellers' Sale Catalogues. [9 vols.] Booksellers' Sale Catalogues. of Officers and Students in different Colleges and Academies. of the Books in the Library of tlie Lenonian Society. 8vo. New Haven. 1832. Catalogus Bibliothecae Collegii Harvardiani. 4to. Boston. 1723. ■■ . 4to. Boston. 1790. AUeghaniensis. 12mo. Meadville, Penn. 1823. Catawba Company. Memorial of, to the Legislature of South Carolina. Catechism. A Form of Sound Words ; or, a Brief Family-Catechisme containing the Heads of the Christian Religion. By J. B. 12mo. London. 1668. . Exposition on the Church Catechism, or the Practice of Divine Love. Composed for the Diocese of Bath and Wells. 4to. Boston. 1688. . An Earnest Call to Family Catechising and Reformation. By a Reverend Divine. 16mo. London. 1693. . A New Catechism. With Dr. Hick's Thirty Nine Articles. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1710. . A. B, C, des Chretiens. 12mo. Boston. 1711. . The Grounds and Principles of Religion. Contained in a Shorter Catechism. 12mo. London. 1708. . Scripture Catechism, or tlie Principles of the Christian Religion, &c. 12mo. . The Shorter Catechism composed by the Reverend Assembly of Di- vines. 12mo. Boston. 1740. and Confession of Faith, by R. B. 16mo. Newport, R. I. 1752. . The Master and Scholar attending Catechism : or, an attempt to im- itate Timotliy's Catechism. 12mo. Boston. 1787. . Some Deductions from the System promulgated in the Page of Di- vine Revelation, ranged in the Order and Form of a Catechism. 8vo. Ports- mouth, N. H. 1782. . Scripture Truths and Precepts. A Short Catechism with Proofs. 8vo. Boston. 1791. . In Four Parts. 12mo. Boston. 1793. . Sacramental. 16mo. . . The Larger Catechism first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. 8vo. Boston. 1762. . The Baptist Catechism. 12mo. Boston. 1795. . Abstract of Sacred History, being First Part of the Geneva Cate- chism. 12mo. Boston. 1822. . . Questions and Answers upon the Duties of the Christian Religion. Being the Third Part of the Geneva Catechism. ]2mo. Boston. 1823. . See Dod, John. Catechismus Brevis. 16mo. London. 1553. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 11 Catholick Question at Boston ; or an attempt to prove that a Calvinist is a Chris- tian, (according to the proper sig-nification of these names.) Containing also more Remarks on " American Unitarianism," and a Reply to a Layman's En- quiry, " Are you a Christian or a Calvinist ?" By Amana. With three Letters on Mr. Tompkins' " Calm Enquiry." By the Rev. James Hervey. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1815. Catholicke Hierarchic, or a Divine Right of Sacred Dominion in Church and Conscience asserted. 4to. London. 166L . Letters to his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State by the Minis- ters of the several Roman Catholic Princes and States, residing here, complain- ing of a clause relating to Popish Priests in his Majesty's Declaration. 8vo. London. 1746. . See Popery : Church. Catholicks, Roman. A Request to. By a Moderate Son of the Church of Eng- land. 5th ed. 4to. London. 1687. Catholics. Letters on the subject of the Catholics, to my Brother Abraham, who lives in the Country. By Peter Plymley. 8vo. Baltimore. 1809. Catlin, William. King Herod's Fall, an Item for England. 4to. London. 1656. Catlin, Jacob. Masonic Sermon at New Marlborough, Jan. 1, 1796. 8vo. Stock- bridge, Mass. 1797. Cato, Dionysius. Distichorum de Moribus. 16mo. Caussin, Nicholas. Holy Court. 5 vols. Tr. from the French by T. H. 3d ed. fol. London. 1663. , . The Angel of Peace to all Christian Princes. Tr. from the French, fol. London. 1663. Cavalry Exercise. Containing Instructions for American Cavalry. 12mo. Port- land, Me. 1801. Cave, William. Lives of the Fathers of the Church, fol. London. 1683. Caveat against unreasonable and unscriptural Separations. In a Letter. 16mo. Boston. 1748. Cawdery, Daniel. Humilitie, the Saint's Service. 4to. London. 1624. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 31, 1643. 4to. London. , . Independencie a Great Schisme. Proved against Dr. Owen. 16mo. London. 1657. Cayley, Cornelius, Jun. The Seraphical Young Shepherd. Tr. from tlie French. ]2mo. Boston. 1793. Cecil's Sixty Curious, Interesting and Authentic Narratives. 12mo. Boston. 1825, Cellini, Benvenuto Life of. Tr. from the Tuscan by Thomas Nugent. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1772. Celsus, Aur. Corn. De Medicina cum Notis Variorum. 8vo^ Roterdami. 1750. Cerda, John Lewis de la. Adversaria Sacra, fol. Lugduni. 1625. , . Psalterium Salomonis cum Scholiis. Accedit Com- mentarius in Tertulliani Librum de Pallis. fol. Lugduni. 1626. Cervantes, Saavedra M. de. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. 4 torn. 12mo. Madrid. 1782. , . History of the Renowned Don Quixote de la Man- cha. Tr. from the Spanish by T. SmoUet. 6th ed. 4 vols. 12mo. London. 1793. , . Same. 4 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1803. Cevallos, Pedro. Exposition of the Practices and Machinations which led to the Usurpation of the Crown of Spain, and the Means adopted by the Emperor of the French to carry it into Execution. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Chadwick, John. Sermon at Snarford, at the Funeral of Sir Sanct Paule, Dec. 9, 1613. 4to. London. 1614. Chafie, Thomas. Brief Tract on the 4th Commandment, wherein is discover'd the Cause of all our Controversie about the Sabbath-Day. 4to. London. 1692. Chalfont, R. Sermon before the House of Conunons, May 10, 1644, at Oxford. 4to. Oxford. Challoner, Richard. Short History of the Beginning and Progress of the Protes- tant Religion. 11th ed. 12mo. London. 1789. 13 AMERICAN A N T I li U A K I A N SOCIETY. Challoner, Richard. The Catholic Christian Instructed in the Sacraments, &-c. 12mo. Pliiladelphia. 178(). Chalmers, George. Political Annals of the present United Colonies. 4to. Lon- don. 1780. , — . Opinions on Interesting Subjects of Public Law and Com- mercial Policy arising from American Independence. 8v'o. London. 1784. Chalmers, Thomas. Series of Discourses on Christian Revelation viewed in con- nexion with Modern Astronomy. 8vo. NeAV York. 1817. , . The EfRca-cy of Prayer. Fast Sermon at Edinburgh, March 22, 1832, on account of the Cholera. ]2mo. Boston. 1832. -, . iVpplication of Christianity to the Commercial and Ordinary Affairs of Life. 8vo. New York. 1821. , . Survey of the State of Education, Aristocratic and Popular. 12mo. Wheeling, Va. 1833. Chaloner, Thomas. Speech in Parliament (in answer to the Scotch Papers) re- lating to the Disposal of the King's Person. 4to. London. 164G. Chambaud, LcAvis. Grammar of the French Tongue. 11th ed. 12mo. London. 1794. Chamberlain, Edward. Angliae Notitia : or the Present State of England. 17th ed. 12mo. London. 1(392. Chamberlain, Jason. Inaugural Oration at Burlington, Vt Aug. 1, 1811, as Pro- fessor of the Learned Languages in the University of Vermont. 2d ed. 8vo. Burlington. Chamberlayne, John. Magnae Britanniae Notitia, or the Present State of Great Britain. 31st ed. 8vo. London. 1735. - — , . Same. 3Gth ed. 8vo. London. 1745. Chamberlin, John. Dissertation on Baptism, and Particular or Orderly Commu- nion. 12mo. Newburyport. 1813. Chamberlin, S. Auxiliary to Health. Description, Use and Recommendations of his Patent Bilious Cordial. 4th ed. 12mo. Buckstown, Me. 1807. Chambers, E. Encyclopaedia. 2 vols. fol. London. 1728. Chambers, Richard. Sermon at the Funeral of Lady Dorothia, Countesse of Northumberland. 4to. London. 1620. Chambers, Humphrey. Sermon before House of Commons, Sept. 27, 1643. 4to. London. Chamfort, Sebastian Roche Nicholas. La Jeune Indienne : Comedie. 8vo. Paris. 1774. Chamierus, Daniel. Epistolae Jesuiticae. 2 vols. 16mo. Parisiis. 1599. Champion, Judah. Connecticut Election Sermon, May 9, 1776. 12mo. Hart- ford. 1776. •■ , . Two Fast Sermons at Litchfield, Con. April 18, 1770. 4to. Hartford. 1770. Champollion. See Greppo. Chandler, Amariah. Evenings by the Fire Side, or Thoughts on some of the First Principles of Speculative Free Masonry. 12mo. Danville, Vt. 1829. , . Discourse delivered at Greenfield, Mass. July 4, 1833. 8vo. Greenfield. 1833. Chandler, Samuel. Thanksgiving Sermon at Gloucester, Mass. Nov. 29, 1759. 8vo. Boston. Chandler, Thomas B. Free Examination of the Critical Commentary on Apb. Seeker's Letter to Mr. Walpole, with a Copy of Bp. Sherlock's Memorial. 8vo. New York. 1774. • , . The Appeal Farther Defended, in answer to the farther Misrepresentations of Dr. Chauncy. 8vo. New York. 1771. , . Life of Samuel Johnson, [Pres.] 12mo. New York. 1805. Chandler, Henry. See Billingsley. Chandler, James. Two Sermons at Rowley, West Parish, Mass. February 10, 1754. 12mo. Boston. 1754. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Thomas Lancaster, at Scarbor- ough, Me. Nov. 8, 1775. 8vo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1776. Chandler, Joseph. Oration at Monmouth, Me. July 4, 1806. 8vo. Portland. 1806. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 13 Chandler, Mary. Description of Bath : a Poem. 4tli ed. 8vo. London. 1738. Chandler, Samuel. The Incurableness of Superstition. Two Discourses, Aug. 1, 1749. 8vo. London. 1749. . Sermon on the Death of George IL 8vo. London. 17G0. Chandler, Thomas Bradbury. The Appeal Defended : or, the Proposed American Episcopate Vindicated. In Answer to the Objections of Dr. Chauncy and others. Svo. New York. 17G9. Changery. An Allegorical Memoir of the Boston Exchange Ofiice. By Per- spective. 12rno. Boston. 1805. Channing, Henry. Sermon at New London, Con. Dec. 20, 17S6, occasioned by the Execution of Hannah Ocuish. 4to. New London. 1786. Channing, William Ellery. Duties of Children. Sermon at Boston, April 12, 1807. 5th ed. 12mo. , . Sermon at the Ordination of John Codman, at Dor- chester, Mass. Dec. 7, 180S. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Fast Sermon at Boston, April 5, 1810. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1810. , . Fast Sermon at Boston, July 23, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . Fast Sermon at Boston, Aug. 20, 1812. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1812. , . Two Sermons at Boston, Oct. 24, 1813, on Infidelity. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . Discourse at Boston, June 15, 1814, at the Solemn Festival in Commemoration of the Goodness of God in delivering the Christian World from Military Despotism. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . Remarks on the foregoing. By Messala. Svo. Bos- ton. 1814. , . Sermon at Boston, Sept. 18, 1814. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . Letter to Sam. C. Thacher, on the Aspersions con- tained in a late number of the Panoplist on the Ministers of Boston and vicini- ty. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . The same. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Remarks on Rev. Dr. Worcester's Letter to Mr. Channing on the " Review of American Unitarianism" in a late Panoplist. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Same. 2d ed. Svo. Boston. 1815. , . Remarks on the Rev. Dr. Worcester's Second Letter to Mr. Channing. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Sermon at the Ordination of John Emery Abbot, at Salem, Mass. April 20, 1815. 8vo. Salem. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1816. , . Candid and Conciliatory Review of the late Corres- pondence of the Rev. Dr. Worcester with Mr. Channing. By a Serious Inquir- er. Svo. Boston. 1817. , . Letter to him by a Layman. Svo. , . Sermon at Baltimore, May 5, 1819, at the Ordination of Jared Sparks. Svo. Baltimore. , . Same. 2d ed. Svo. Baltimore. 1819. , . Same. Svo. Boston. 1819. , . Same. 2d ed. Svo. Boston. 1819. And 11th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1824. , . Letter to him by J. Brown, [relating to the foregoing Sermon.] Svo. , . Religion a Social Principle. Sermon at Boston, Dec. 10, 1820. Svo. Boston. , . The same. 2d ed. Svo. Boston. 1820. , . Evidences of Revealed Religion : Dudleian Lecture in Harvard College. Svo. Boston. 1821. 14 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Channing, William Ellery. Same. 2(1 ed. 12mo. Boston. 182G. — , . Letter to him in favor of the Doctrine of the Trinity. 8vo. Boston. r, . Letter to "A Layman," in Reply to his Letter to Rev. Mr. Channing. By Layman, Jun. 8vo. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Ezra Stiles Gannett, at Boston, June 30, 1824. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . Remarks on the Character and Writings of John Milton. [From the Christian Examiner.] 8vo. Boston. 1826. , . Discourse at the Dedication of the 2d Unitarian Church in the City of New |York, Dec. 7, 182G. 2d ed. 8vo. New York. 1827. , . Review of the foregoing Discourse. 8vo. Boston. 1827. , . Remarks on the Character of Napoleon Bonaparte, occasioned by the publication of Scott's Life of Napoleon. [From the Chris- tian Examiner, vol. 4.] 8vo. Boston. 1827. , . Discourse at the Ordination of Frederick Augustus Farley, at Providence, R, 1. Sept. 10, 1828. 8vo. Boston. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , . Ministry for the Poor : A Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1835. , . See Unitarianism ; Worcester, Sam.; Ballou, Hosea ; Stuart, M. Channing, Edward T. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1817. 8vo. Boston. , . Inaugural Discourse in Harvard University, Dec. 8, 1819. 8vo. Cambridge. 1819. Chapin, Walter. Sermon at Woodstock, Vt. Feb. 8, 1818, Sabbath before an Ex- ecution. 8vo. Windsor. 1818. Chapin, Seth. Sermon at Hanover, Mass. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Chapin, Stephen. Sermon at the Ordination of A. Merriam, W. Metcalf and E. Johnson, at Royalston, Mass. 8vo. Watervdlle, N. Y. 1825. , . On the Duties of an Ambassador of Christ. Two Sermons at Mont Vernon, N. H. Nov. 26, 1809. 12mo. Amherst. 1809. Chapin, Calvin. Sermon at New Haven, Con. Jan. 14, 1817, on the Death of Rev. Dr. Timothy Dwight, President of Yale College. 8vo. New Haven. Chaplet of Comus ; or Feast of Sentiment and Festival of Wit. 12mo. Boston. 181L Chaplin, Daniel. Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Discourse before the Charitable Female Society, in Groton, Mass. Oct. 19, 1814. 8vo. Andover. 1814. Chaplin, Ebenezer. Discourse in the Second Parish in Sutton, Mass. Jan. 17, 1773, the day preceding Town Meeting, to consider and act upon the Letter from Boston. fel2mo. Boston. 1773. , . Treatise on the Nature and Importance of the Sacraments. 12mo. Worcester. 1802. Chapman, Jedediah. Five Sermons on Baptism. See Crane, J. Chapman, Jonathan, Jun. Address before the Young Men's Temperance Society at Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Chapman, Alexander. Jesuitisme described in a Sermon, March 25, 1610. 4to. London. 1610. Chapman, Eunice. Narrative of her Difficulties with the Shakers. 12mo. [1816.] Chapman. The Cyder-Maker's Instructor, Sweet-Maker's Assistant and Victual- ler's and Housekeeper's Director. 8vo. Boston. 1762. Chapone, Sarah. Letters on tlie Improvement of the Mind. 2 vols. 12mo. Worcester. 1783. , . Same. 2 vols. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1802. Chaptal, J. A. Elements of Chemistry. Tr. from the French. 3d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1806. Chaptal, Count. Essay on Impost Duties and Prohibitions. Tr. from the French. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821. Chaxier, B. Sermon before the Prince at Richmond. 4to. London. 1606. CATALOGUE OF L I B R A 11 T . 15 Charity Eiilarg-ed, by a Serious Well-wisher to the Peace of Jerusalem : Sermon. l()mo. London. 1G34. Charles 1. Sermon by J. P. before his Majesty upon his Return to London, in 1(325, after the Pestilence. 4to. London. 1G28. . Another Sermon in 1025, on the same sub ject. 4to. London. 1626. . Larjre Declaration concerning the late Tumults in Scotland, fol. London. 1 639. . Answer to the XIX Propositions of Parliament 4to. London. 1642. . A Perfect True Copie of his iVnswer to the Propositions for Peace : With his further Answer for summoning- Prince Charles out of France to return to England. 4to London. 1646. . The last Propositions proposed betwixt the Commissioners and two Learned Divines of the Church of England. 4to. London. 1646. . Letter from his Majestie's Quarters at New Castle, &c. 4to. London. 1646. . Two Speeches concerning Presbyterian Government in England and Scotland, and his assenting thereto. 4to. London. [1646.] . His Letter intercepted by the Commissioners attending his Majesty. . Petition of. 4to. London. 1646. . Perfect Copie of Prayers used by his Majestic in the Time of his Suf- ferings delivered to Dr. Juxon, Bd. of London, immediately before his Death. 12mo. 1649. . Papers which passed at Newcastle between his Sacred Majestie and Mr. Alexander Henderson, concerning Church Government, 1646. 12mo. London. 1649. . Eikon Basilike. Pourtraicture of his Sacred Majestie in his Solitudes and his Sufferings. 12mo. 1648. . Eikon Basilike, vel Imago Regis Caroli in illis suis Aerumnis et Soli- tudine. 16mo. London. 1649. . Regii Sanguinis Clamor ad Coelum adversus Paricidas Anglicanos. ed 2da, 24mo. London. 1661. Charles II. A Phoenix : or a Solemn League and Covenant ; whereunto is an- nexed his Majestie's Coronation in Scotland and the Coronation Sermon by Robert Douglas, &c. 16mo. Edinburgh. 1651. . His Declaration concerning Ecclesiastical Affairs, fol. London. 1660. . His Declaration to the City of London upon occasion of the Fire. fol. London. 1666. . Speech to Parliament, fol. London. 1673-4. . Speech to Parliament, fol. London. 1678-9. . His Declaration to his Loving Subjects in relation to his supposed Marriage with Mrs. Walters, fol. London. 1680. . His Reasons for dissolving the two last Parliaments, fol. London. J6SL . Reasons for his passing the Bill of Exclusion, fol. London. 1681. . Depositions relating to the Birth of the Prince of Wales, fol. Lon- don. 1688. . Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty, with his Reasons for turning Ro- man Catholick. 12mo. London. 1694. . Vide Barwick, Petrus. Charles River Bridge, (Mass.) Case of the Proprietors of, against the Proprietors of Warren Bridge, argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Charleston, (S. C.) Memorial to Congress against the Tariff. See Tariff. , . Rules of the Fellowship Society, established at, April 4, 1762. 5th ed. 4to. Charleston. 1804. , . Account of the late intended Insurrection among the Blacks of that City. 2d ed. 8vo. Charleston. 1822. Charlestown, (Mass.) Proceedings of, in respectful Testimony of the Distin- guished Talents, &c. of George Washington. 8vo. 1800. Charleton, Walter. Chorea Gigantium : or the Most Famous Antiquity of Great 16 A RI ERIC AN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY- Britain, vulgarly called Stone Heng, standing in Salisbury Plain, restored to the Danes, 2d ed. fol. London, 1725. , . See Jones, Inigo. See Van Helmont. Charlevoix, P. Fr. Xavier de. Ilistoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, Avec le Journal Historique. 3 vols. 4to. Paris. 1744. • , . . Journal of a Voyage to North America. Tr. from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 17G1. -■ , . . The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1766. Charlotte. Letters of, during her connexion v/ith Werter. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 1797. Charnock, Stephen. Works. 2 vols. fol. London. 1684. Charters of the British Colonies in America. 8vo. London. Chase, Philander, [Bp.] Defence of Kenyon College, Ohio. 8vo. Columbus. 183L , , . The Star in the West, or Kenyon College, in 1828. 8vo. , , . Plea for the West. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. Chase, Samuel. Answer and Pleas of, to Articles of Impeachment in the Senate of the United States. 8vo. Salem and Newburyport, Mass. 1805. , . Report of his Trial before the Senate of the United States for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Reported by Charles Evans. 8vo. Balti- more. 1805. Chase, Stephen. Sermon at the Ordination of James Welman, at Sutton, Mass. Oct 7, 1747. 12mo. Boston. 1748. Chastellux, F. J. [M. le Marquis de.] Travels in Nortli America in 1780-2. Tr. from the French. 8vo. . . Critical Examination of his Travels in North America. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788. , . . See Brissot, J. P. , . . Travels in North America in the years 1780, 81, 82. Tr. from the French by an English Gentleman, &c. 8vo. New York. 1828. Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Atala. Tr. from the French by C. Bingham. 12mo. Boston. 1802. , . Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary, in 1806-7. Tr. from the French by F. Shoberl. 8vo. New York. 1814. , . Recollections of Italy, England and America. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1816. Chatterton, Thomas. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. 8vo. London. 1778. Chaucer, JeofFrey. Poetical Works of. See British Poets. Chauncy, Isaac. Doctrine which is according to Godliness. 16mo. London. , . Divine Institution of Congregational Churches, Ministry and Ordinances. 12mo. London. 1697. , . Interest of Churches, or a Scripture Plea for Steadfastness in Gospel Order. 4to. London. 1690. Chauncy, Charles. Sermon at Boston, on the Death of that Honourable and Ver- tuous Gentlewoman, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Hon. Nathaniel Byfield, who died Dec. 21, 1730. 8vo. Boston. 1731. , . Nathaniel's Character Display'd. Sermon at Boston, on the Death of Hon. Nathaniel Byfield. 12mo. Boston. 1733. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1734. , . Sermon at Boston, Sept. 2, 1739. 12mo. Boston. , . An Unbridled Tongue a sure Evidence, that our Religion is Hypocritical and Vain. Sermon at Boston, Sept. 10, 1741. 12mo. Boston. 1741. , . Sermon at Boston, Aug. 1741, on the Death of Mrs. Lucy, wife of Sam. Waldo. 8vo. Boston. 1741. , . The Gifts of the Spirit to Ministers consider'd in their Diver- sity. Sermon at Boston, Dec. 17, 1741. 8vo. Boston. 1742. , . The New Creature Describ'd and Consider'd. Semion at Boston, June 4, 1741. 8vo. Boston. 1741. , . The Out-pouring of the Holy Ghost. Fast Sermon at Bos- ton, May 13, 1742. 12mo. Boston. • 1742. C A T A L O C; U E OF 1. I B li A R Y. 17 Chauncy, Charles. Sermon, at "Boston, on Enthusiasm, with a Letter to the Rev. James Davenport. 8vo. Boston. 1742. . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1744. , . Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New Eng- land, in 5 parts. Svo. Boston. 1743. , , . Sermon at the Instalment of Rev. Thomas Frink, at Plymouth, Mass. Nov. 7, 1744. Svo. Boston. 1744. , . Cornelius's Character. Sermon at Boston, April, 1745, at the Funeral of Mr. Cornelius Thayer. Svo. Boston. 1745. , . Letter to George Whitefield, vindicating certain passages he has excepted against, in a late Book entitled, Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England. Svo. Boston. 1745. , . Sermon at Boston, July IS, 1745, on a Thanksgiving for the Reduction of Cape Breton. Svo. Boston. ] 745. , . Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Feb. 6, 1745-C, occasion'd by the Present Rebellion in Favor of the Pretender. Svo. Boston. 174(J. , . An Account of the Ohio Defeat, in a Letter to a Friend. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1747. , . Horrid Nature and Enormous Guilt of Murder. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 19, 1 7.54, on the Execution of Wm. Wieer. Svo. Boston. 1754. , . Earthquakes a Token of the Righteous Anger of God: Ser- mon. Svo. Boston. 1755. , . Second Letter to a Friend ; giving a more particular Narra- tive of the Defeat of tlie French Army at Lake George, &c. 4to. Boston. 1755. , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 22, 175G, upon the Earthquakes. Svo. Boston. 1756. , . Sermon at Boston, July, 1757, on the Death of Mr. Edward Gray. Svo. Boston. 1757. , . The Opinion of one who has perused the Summer Morning's Conversation concerning Original Sin. 12mo. Boston. 1758. , . Dudleian Lecture in Harvard College, with an Appendix. Svo. Boston. 1762. , . Sermon at Boston, Aug. 31, 1762, at the Ordination of Joseph Bowman to the work of the Gospel Ministry, more especially among the Mo- hawk Indians, on the Avestern borders of NeAV England. Svo. Boston. 1762, , . Thanksgiving Sermon, at Boston, July 24, 1766, on the Repeal of the Stamp Act. Svo. Boston. 1766. . . Sermon at Boston, April 30, 1766, at the Ordination of Penuel ' Bowen. Svo. Boston. 1766, , . Discourse on the Death of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, who died July 9, 1766. Svo. Boston. 1766. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Simeon Howard, at Boston, May 6th, 1767. Svo. Boston. 1767. , ■ Letter to a Friend, containing Remarks on certain Passages in a Sermon of the Lord Bishop of LandalF, in which the highest Reproach is undeservedly cast upon the American Colonies. Svo. Boston. 1767. , . The Appeal to the Public ansv/ered, in behalf of the Non- Episcopal Churches of America ; containing Remarks on what Dr. Thomas Bradbury Chandler has advanced, &c. Svo. Boston. 176S. , . Discourse occasioned by the Death of Rev. Dr. Joseph Sewall. Svo. Boston. 1769. • , . Massachusetts Ei-ection Sermon, at Boston, May 30, 1770. 12mo. Boston. 1770. , . Reply to Dr, T. B. Chandler's Appeal Defended. Svo. Bos- ton. 1770. , . Complete View of Episcopacy. Svo. Boston. 177L , . Breaking of Bread, in Remembrance of the Dying Love of Christ, a Gospel Institution. Five Sermons. Svo. Boston. 1772. , . Letter to a Friend, giving a concise, but just Representation of the Hardships the Town of Boston is exposed to, and must undergo, in con- quence of the late Act of tlie British Parliament. Svo. Boston. 1774. , Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Aug. 3, 1773. Svo. Boston. 18 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY Chauncy, Charles. Sermon at the Thursday Lecture, Boston, Sept. 3, 1778. 8vo. Boston. 1778. , . Benevolence of the Deity. 8vo. Boston. 1784. , . Sketch of Eminent Men in New England. [1 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 10.] ; , . Sermon at Boston, March 13, 1785, on the Return of the So- ciety to their House of Worship. 8vo. Boston. 1785. , . See Livingston, W. , . See Clark, Peter. Chauncy, Nathaniel. Connecticut Election Sermon. 16mo. New London. 1734. Chauvin, Jean. See Calvin, John. Chazotte, Peter S. Facts and Observations on the Cultivation of Vines, Olives, Capers, Almonds, &c. in the Southern States. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821. Cheaste, Thomas. Sermon at Paul's Crosse, June, 1611. 4to. London. 1613. Chebacco Narrative Rescu'd from the Charge of Falsehood and Partiality. In a Reply to the Answer printed by order of the Second Church in Ipswich. By a Friend of Truth. 4to. Boston. 1748. . See Ipswich. Checkley, John. Speech upon his Tryal at Boston, N. E. for publishing Leslie's Short and Easy Method with Deists. 12mo. London. 1738. Checkley, Samuel. Mass. Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1755. , . Sermon, Sept. 17, 1727, on the Death of Rev. William Wal- dron. 8vo. Boston. 1727. , . Little Children brought to Jesus Christ. Sermon at Boston, May 6, and June 14, 1741. 12mo. Boston. 1741. , . Sermon at Boston, after the Funeral of Mrs. Lydia, wife of the Hon. Edward Hutchinson, Esq. who died July 10, 1748. 8vo. Boston. 1748. , . The Duty of God's People when engaged in War. Sermon at Boston, Sept. 21, [1755] to Capt. Thomas Stoddard, and his Company; on occasion of their going against the enemy. 4to. Boston. 1755. , . The Christian triumphing over Death through Christ. Ser- mon at Boston, Nov. 10, 1765, upon a Mournful Occasion. 8vo. Boston. 1765. Checkley, Samuel, Jun. Sermon upon a Mournful Occasion. 12mo. Boston. 1766. Cheeke, John. The True Subject to the Rebell. 4to. Oxford. 1641. Cheesman, Christopher. Oppressed Man's Outcry for Justice. 4to. Cheetham, James. Life of Thomas Paine. 8vo. New York. 1809. , . Nine Letters on the subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defec- tion : with an Appendix. 8vo. New York. 1803. , . Reply to Aristides. 8vo. New York. 1804. , Peace or War ? or Thoughts on our Affairs v/ith England. 8vo. New York. 1807. ^ . See Burr, A. Cheever, Ezekiel. Scripture Prophecies explained. 8vo. Boston. 1757. , . Introduction to the Latin Tongue. 15th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1771. Cheever, Ezekiel. Sermon addressed to the Baptist Church in Deerfield, Mass. 8vo. Greenfield. 1833. , . Acrostics. 8vo. Greenfield. 1833. Cheever, Edward. Sermon at the Ordination of Jonathan Bascom, at Eastham, Mass. Oct. 14, 1772. 8vo. Boston. Cheever, Abij ah. Case of Encysted Dropsy, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1787. Chemia Rationalis, etc. a P. T. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1687. Chemist and Meteorological Journal. 20 first Nos. July 8 to Dec. 9, 1826. 8vo. Amherst, Mass. Chemnicius, Martin. Examen Concilii Tridentini. fol. Genevae. 1634. Vide Gerhardus, Job. Cherry, Andrew. Soldier's Daughter : Comedy. 12mo. New York. 1804. Cheselden, William. Anatomy of the Human Body. 8vo. Boston. 1795. Chesapeake. Thoughts on the Conduct of our Administration, in relation both to Great Britain and France, more especially in relation to the attack on the. By a Friend to Peace. 8vo. Boston. 1608. CATALOGUE OF LI 11 R A II V. 19 Chesapeake. Essay on the Rights and Duties of Nations, relative to Fugitives from Justice ; considered with reference to the affair of. By an American. 8vo. Boston. 1807. . See Political Pamplilets. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Ninth Report of the Directors, June 2, 1823. . Eleventh Report of the Directors, June 7, 18.'>0. Chess. Elements of 8vo. Boston. 1805. Chesterfield, Philip D. Stanhope, Earl of Letters to his Son. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1779. Cheves, Langdon. Speech in Congress, on the Question of Merchant's Bond. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Chevrier, M. De. Le Colporteur. Histoire Morale et Critique. IGmo. London. Cheynell, Francis. Sermon before the House of Commons, May 31, 1G43. 4to. London. , . Rise, Growth and Danger of Socinianisme, &c. 4to. Lon- don. 1643. , . Sicknesse, Heresy, Death and Buriall of Mr. Chillingworth, &c. 4to. London. 1644. ■ , . Sermon before the House of Lords, March 26, 1645. 4to. London. , . Divine Trinunity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 16mo. London. 1650. Chickering, Joseph. Dedication Sermon at Woburn, Mass. Jan. 28, 1809. 8vo. Charlestown. 1809. Chidley, Katherine. Justification of the Independent Churches of Christ ; in an- swer to Thomas Ed^vards. 4to. London. 1641. Chiffletius. Philippus. SS et Oecumenici Concilii Tridentini Paulo III. Julio IIL et Pio IV. Canones et Decreta. IGmo. Lugduni. 1695. Child, Samuel. Every Man his OAvn Brewer. 7th ed. 8vo. London. 1799. Child, David Lee. Case of alleged Contempt and Breach of the Privileges of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts. Tried before the House on com- plaint of William B. Calhoun against him. 8vo. Boston. 1832. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1826. 8vo. Boston. 1826. , . RevieAv of the Report to the Massaceusetts House of Repre- sentatives on the case of William Vans. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Child, John* The Mischief of Persecution exemplified , by a True Narrative of the Life and Deplorable End of 4to. London. 1688. Child, John, [Maj.l New England's Jonas cast up at London. [2 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 4.] . , . See Winslow, Ed. Children in the Wood. A Musical Piece. 12mo. Boston. Chillingworth, William. See Lauder. China. An Embassy from the East India Company of the United Provinces to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of China, delivered by Peter De Goyer and Jacob de Keyzer, wherein the Cities, Towns, &c. are described by John Nieu- hoff. With an Epistle of Father John Adams. With an Appendix of several / Remarks taken out of Father Athanasius Kircher. Englished by John Ogilby. fol. London. 1669. . Atlas Chinensis ; Being a Second Part of a Relation of Remarkable Pas- sages in two Embassies from the East India Company of the United Provinces, to the Vice Roy Singlamong, &c. &c. collected out of their several Writings and Journals by Arnoldus Montanus. Englished by John Ogilby. [Large Vellum paper.] fol. London. 1671. . Four Almanacs in Chinese. 8vo. . Holy Bible. Vol. 8. Book of Kings, in Chinese. 12mo. Tr. by Rev. Mr. Morrison. . Treatise on Navigation, in Chinese. 2 vols. 12mo. . Treatise on Morals, in Chinese. 2 vols. 8vo. . Forty three volumes bound in 20 vols. 8vo. In Chinese. Chipman, Nathaniel. Sketches of the Principles of Government. 12mo. Rut- land, Vt. 1793. 20 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Chisel, Charles. Lamentation of Free Masonry. A Poem of Modern Times. 12mo. Norwich, Con. 1821). Cliitraeus, David. Oratio. 16mo. Vitebergae. 1575. , . Opera Theologica. fol. Lipsiae. 1599. , et Simon Paulus. Orationes. 16mo. 15G4. Chitty, Josepli. Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, &c. 8vo. Portland, Me. 1807. Choate, Col. See Bacheller, Sam. Choice Drop of Honey from the Rock of Christ. By T. W. 7th ed. 16mo. Boston. 1741. Choice Dialogues, between a Godly Minister and an Honest Country-Man, con- cerning Election and Predestination. IGmo. Chrestomatliia ; Being a Collection of Papers, explanatory of the Institution pro- posed to be set on foot under the name of the Chrestomathic Day School. 8vo. London. 1815. Christ Confessed : or several important questions and cases about the Confession of Christ. 4to. 16(15. Christian, Edward. Notes to Blackstone's Commentaries. 12mo. Boston. 1801. Christian Disciple. Vol. 3. 8vo. Boston. 1815. Christian Journal and Literary Register. 14 vols. 8vo. New York. 1817-30. Christian Monitor. 10 vols. 12mo. Boston. 180G-11. Christian Magazine. No. 8, vol. 1. 12mo. 1808. Christian Repository. 2 vols. 12mo. Woodstock, Vt. 1821-Q3. Christian Intelligencer. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14. 10 vols. 8vo. New Haven, Con. 1818-29. Christian Rapture. A Poem. 4to. Boston. 1747. Christian Register. Newspaper. Christian Observer for 1815. Vol. 14. 8vo. Boston. 1815. for July, 1817. Vol. IG. 8vo. Boston. Christian Directory. 8vo. Christian Pilgrim. 2d ed. IGmo. Walpole, N. II. 1807. Christian Knowledge. Account of the Society for Promoting. 4to. London. 1739. . See Massachusetts. Christian Life. The Exercise of By G. L. IGmo. London. 1594. Christian Virtuoso. 12mo. London. 1G90. Christian Economy. Tr. from the Original Greek of an old Manuscript found in the Island of Patmos. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1792. Christian Almanac for 1833. 12mo. Boston. Christianity not founded on Argument ; and the true Principle of Gospel Evidence assigned. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1743. . The Nature and Design of Extracted from a late Author. 8th ed. 12mo. Bristol. 17G8. . The Good Old Way : or Christianity described. 12mo. New York. 1774. . The Nature, Certainty and Evidence of True Christianity ; in a Letter from a Gentlewoman in Rhode Island. 8vo. Providence. 1793. . Evidences for Truth of 8vo. Boston. 1813. Christie, A. J. Emigrant's Assistant, or Remarks on the Agricultural Interests of the Canadas. With an Appendix. 12mo. Montreal. 1821. Christophe. Description de I'Isle de Saint. See Recueil des Voyages faits en Afrique et I'Amerique. Chronicle of B'^^^g, the Son of the Great B^**g that lived in the Reign of Queen Felicia. By Israel Ben Ader. 8vo. Boston. 1757. Chronicles of the Kings of England, in imitation of the Holy Writings. By Na- than Ben Saddi. 12mo. Worcester. 1795. Chronological Account of Ancient Time. fol. London. Chrysostomus, D. Johannes, In omnes Pauli Epistolas Commentarii. Per W. Musculum. 2 torn. fol. Basiliae. 1536. , . Homilia. Tom. 5. fol. , . Homiliae Duae, nunc primum in lucem editae, a Joanne Cheko. Gr. et Lat. 4to. London. 1543. , . Homiliae. 16mo. CATALOGUE OF L I li R A H Y. 31 Clmb, Thomas. Thirty five Treatises on Religious Subjects. 4to. I.ondon. Church, John. Dissertation on Camphor. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 171)7. Church, Thomas. Entertaining History of King Philip's War in 1G75-G. 2d ed. 12mo. Newport, R. I. 177:^. , . Same, Avith numerous Notes by Sam. G. Drake. ISnio. Bos- ton. 3827. Church, Benjamin. The Choice : a Poem. 4to. Boston. 1757. , . Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Worcester. 1802. , . The Times : a Poem. By an American. 4to. , . Oration at Boston, March 5, 1773. 4to. Boston. 1773. , . An Account of his Examination, while in Prison at Cam- bridge, Mass. in 1775. [1 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 1.] Church, EdAvard. The Dangerous Vice. 4to. 1789. Church, John Hubbard. Fast Sermon at Andover, Mass. April 5, 1810. 12mo. Sutton. 1810. Church. Thirty nine Articles as established by the Convocation in 15G2. [The original subscription of the Rev. John Davenport, and the subscribing witnesses in MS. dated Nov. 7, 1624, are in this copy.] 4to. London. 1612. . Articles whereupon it was agreed by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Provinces and the Avhole Clergie in Convocation holden in the year of our Lord God 1562, according to the Church of England for the avoyding of the diversities of opinions. 4to. London. 1571. . The Necessity of RefoiTning Ecclesiastical Discipline, according to the Word of God. 4to. London. 1590. . Certain Considerations drawn from the Canons of the last Synod, &c. and for the non-subscription, for the not exact use of the Order and Forme of the Booke of Common Prayer. 4to. 1605. . Myld and just defence of certayne Arguments in behalf of the Ministers suspended and deprived, &c. for not subscribing and conforming against an in- temperate and unjust consideration of them, by Gabriel Powell. 4to. 1606. . Humble Supplication for Toleration and Libertie to enjoy and observe the Ordinance of Jesus Christ. 4to. 1609. . Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasticall agreed upon in Synod at Lon- don in 1603. 4to. London. 1612. . The Thirty nine Articles analysed into Propositions and found agreea- ble to Scripture. By Thomas Rogers. 4to. London. 1625. . Ibis ad Caesarem : In answer to Mr. Montague's Appeale in the Points of Arminianism and Popery against the Doctrine of the Church of England. 4to. London. 1626. . Pastor and Prelate, or Reformation and Conformity compared. 4to. 1628. . His Majestie's Proclamation in Scotland ; with an explanation of the meaning of the Oath and Covenant. 4to. London. 1639. . Explanation of the m.eaning of the Oath and Covenant. 4to. London. 1639. . Christ on his Throne, or Christ's Government briefly laid down, and how it ought to be set up in all Christian Congregations. 4to. 1640. . Certaine Considerations touching the better Pacification and Edification of the Church of England. 4to. . Petition for the Prelates briefly examined. 4to. 1641. . A Glympse of Sion's Glory, or the Churches Beautie specified. 4to. London. 1641. . Answer to the Noav Motions, or a serious and briefe Discussion of cer- taine Motions now in Question. 4to. London. 1641. . Certaine Reasons tending to prove the Unlawfullnesse and Inexpedien- cy of all Diocesan Episcopacy, even the most moderate. 4to. 1641. . Mr. BagshaAv's Speech in Parliament, concerning Episcopacy. 4to. London. 1641. . Short VieAv of the Praelaticall Church of England ; Avith a short draught of Church Government. 4to. 1641. . England's Rejoicing at the Prelates' DoAvnfall. 4to. 1641. . The Humble Petition of the Ministers of the Church of England for Reformation, &.c. 4to. 1641. 22 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Church. Modest Advertisement concerning- the Present Controversie abou* Church Government, &c. 4to. London. 1641. . A Packe of Puritans, maintayning- their UnlaAvfullnesse or Inexpedien- cie, or both : Avitli a Defence of the Authority of Princes and Parliaments in Religious Affairs. 4to. London. 1641. . God's Government to his Church and the Deputation thereof to men, both the Civil and Ecclesiasticall Estate. 4to. 1641. . A Lijrht for the Ig-norant, or a Treatise shewing that in the New Testa- ment is set forth three Kingdy States or Governments, tliat is the Civil State, the true Ecclesiasticall State, and the false Ecclesiastical State, with a Defi- nition of a Visible Church. 4to. 1641. . The Personal Reifrn of Christ upon Earth. 4to. 1641. . Certain Queries of some tender conscienced Christians about the late Protestation, commended to tliem by the House of Commons, &c. 4to. 1641. . An Anti-Remonstrance to the late Humble Remonstrance to the High Court of Parliament. 2d ed. 4to. 1641. . The Questions answered concerning the Power of the Supream Magis- trate a,bout Religion. 4to. . Form of Ecclesiasticall Government. 16mo. London. 1642. . Church-Government and Church-Covenant discussed. In an Answer of the Elders of the several Churches in New England to two and thirty ques- tions sent over to them by divers Ministers of England to declare their judg- ments therein : together with an Apologie of the said Elders in New England for Church Covenant, sent over in answer to Master Bernard in 1639. As also an Answer to the nine Positions about Church Government. [By Richard Ma- ther.] 4to. London. 1643. . The Covenanter vindicated from Perjurie. 4lo. London. 1644. . The Ancient Bounds , or Liberty of Conscience tenderly stated, mod- estly asserted and mildly vindicated. 4to. London. 1645. . Flagellum Flagelli : or Dr. Bastwick's quarters beaten up, in two or three Pomeridian Exercises, by way of animadversion upon his first Booke inti- tuled " Independency not God's Ordinance." By J. S. 4to. London. 1645. . Remonstrance lately delivered in the Assembly by Thomas Goodwin and others, giving Reasons for their declining to bring into the Assembly the Model of Church Government. 4to. London. 1645. . An Examination of sundry Scriptures alledged by our Brethren, in De- fence of some Particulars of the Church-Way. By R. H. 4to. London. 1645. . Ordinance of Parliament for the present settling (without further delay) of the Presbyteriall Government in the Church of England. 4to. London. 1646. . The works of several Authors upon that Way of Church Government commonly called Independent. 4to. London. 1646. . An Account given to Parliament by the Ministers sent by them to Ox- ford. 4to. London. 1647. . Divine Right of Church Government asserted and vindicated by the Holy Scriptures, by sundry Ministers of London. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1647. . The Pulpit Incendiary : or the Divinity and Devotion of Mr. Calamy, Mr. Case, Mr. Cauton, Mr. Cramford, and other Sion College Preachers, in their Morning Exercises, &.c. and a true Vindication of the Covenant from the false Glosses put upon it, and a plain indication of Covenant-breakers. 4to. 1648. . Word of Advisement to the Godly Party in Scotland. 4to. Edinburgh. 1649. . A Direction for a Publick Profession in the Church Assembly after pri- vate Examination by the Elders as used in the Congregational Churches. 4to. . A Disputation concerning Church Members in answer to XXI questions, by an Assembly of Divines at Boston, June 4, 1657. 4to. London. 1659. . Complaints concerning the Corruptions and Grievances in Church Gov- ernment. 4to. 1660. . England's Reformation needing to be reformed ; being an Examination of Dr. Heylin's History of the Reformation of the Church of England. By N. N. O. T. 4to. London. 1661. . Truth Unveiled in behalf of the Church of England, being a vindication of Standish's Sermon. 4to. London. 1676. CATALOGUE OF LIIJRARY. 23 Church. Catholicke Hierarchic, or a Divine Right of a Sacred Dominion in Church and Conscience asserted. 4to. London. 1681. . Consideration of Christian Liberty and things indiflercnt in the Church. l(3mo. London. 1083. . Answer to some Papers lately printed concerning the authority of the Catholick Church in Matters of Faith, and the Reformation of the Church of England. 4to. London. 168G. —. Dissertatio de Pace etc. or a Discourse touching the Peace and Concord of the Church. 4tu. London. 1G88. . The Thirty nine Articles. 4to. Boston. 1688. . Discourse concerning the Ecclesiastical Commission open'd in the Je- rusalem Chamber, Oct. 10, 1689. 4to. London. 1689. . Dialogue between Timothy and Titus about the Articles and some of the Cations of the Church of England, fol. London. 1689. . Letter from a Minister in the Country to a Member of the Convention. 4to. London. 1689. , Judgment of Foreign Divines concerning the Litany in the Ceremonies of the Church of England. 4to. London. 1689. . The Vanity, Mischief and Danger of continuing- Ceremonies in the Worship of God humbly proposed to the present Convocation. By P. M. 4to. London. 1690. . Form and Manner of making and consecrating Bishops, Priests and Deacons according to appointment of the Church of England. 4to. . The Judgment of Foreign Reformed Churches concerning the Rites and Offices of the Church of England. 4to. London. 1690. . Certain Considerations touching the better Pacification and Edification of the Church of England. 4to. . Judgment of several eminent Divines of the Congregational Way, con- cerning a Pastor's Power. 12mo. Boston. 1693. . A Declaration of the Congregational Ministers in and about London against Antinomian Errors, and ignorant and scandalous persons intruding themselves into the Ministry. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1699. . The Politicks of High Church : or a System of their Principles about Government. 4to. London. 1705. . National Covenant, and Solemn League and Covenant With the Ac- knowledgement of Sins, and Engagement to Duties. 4to. 1712. . An Historical Account of the several Attempts for a further Reforma- tion of the Establish'd Church. 8vo. London. 1716. . Modest Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church. 12mo. Boston. 1723. . Sober Remarks on a Book, lately reprinted at Boston, entituled A Mod- est Proof of the Order and Government, &c. 1 2mo. Boston. 1724. . Vindication of the Appendix to the Sober Remarks. . Defence of a Book, lately reprinted at Boston, entituled A Modest Proof of the Order, &c. With some Strictures on J. Dickinson's Defence of Presby- terian Ordination, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1724. . Questions and Answers concerning the two Religions, viz. That of the Church of England and the Church of Rome. 12mo. London. 1724. . Reasons for Dissenting from the Communion of the Church of England, 18th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1725. . The Faith and Practice of a Church of England Man. 9th ed. 12mo. London. 1727. . Letter from a Minister of the Church of England to his Dissenting Par- ishioners. 12mo. New York. 1733. . Second Letter from a Minister of the Church of England to his Dissent- ing Parishioners. In answer to some Remarks made by J. G. 12mo. Boston. 1734. . The Sacramental Stumbling Block Removed by. By W. L. 4to. London. 1748. . An Appeal to the Common Sense of all Christian People, more particu- larly the Members of the Church of England. By a Member, &c. 12mo. Dublin. 1753. 13 24 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Church. Sin and Danger of Neglecting Public Service of the Church. 16mo. London. 1757. . Letter to Scripturista ; containing some Remarks on his Answer to Pau- linus's Three Questions ; wherein the Nature of Orthodoxy is exactly stated. Also Three Questions more, relative to the New Way of taking Persons into the Church, lately introduced at Wallingford, Con. 8vo. Boston. 176L ' . Real Advantages Avhich Ministers and People may enjoy, more espe- cially in the Colonies, by conforming to the Church of England. 8vo. 1762. . Truth Triumphant. Being a Defence of the Church of Scotland, against The Second Solemn League and Covenant, published under the Title of the Glorious Combination, &c. 4to. New York. 1769. . Congregationalism as contained in the Scriptures, explained by the Cambridge Platform and approved by Authors. 8vo. Boston. 1794. . Character of a Low Churchman drawn in answer to the Character of a Churchman. 3d ed. ]2mo. > . An Essay on the Discipline of Christ's House. By Theophilus. 8vo. Newburyport. 1816. . Report on a Union of Churches for Benevolent Purposes, read and ac- cepted at a Meeting at Boston, April 27, 1834. 12mo. Boston. 1834. . See Conscience, Liberty of; Conventicle; Common Prayer; Confes- sion ; Ministers. . Customs of Primitive Churches. 4to. [1765.] . Vindication of the Rights of the Churches of Christ. [From the Spirit of the Pilgrims. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Church Music. See Music. Churchill, C. Night. An Epistle to Robert Lloyd. Poem. 3d ed. 4to. Lon- don. 1762. Churchyard, Thomas. The Worthiness of Wales, a Poem. 12mo. London. 1776. Chytraeus, David. Vide Chitraeus. Cibber, Colley. The School Boy. 12mo. London. 1761. , — . Letter to Mr. Pope. 8vo. London. 1742. Cicero, M. T. Libri Tres De Officiis, Addito Catone Majore, Laelio, Paradoxis et Somnio Scipionis, ad modum Johannis Minellii Illastrati. 16mo. London. 1722. , . Orationes Selectae. 16mo. London. 1722. , . Rhetorica. R. Stephani. 12mo. Parisiis. 1544. , . Epistolae ad Terentiam Uxorem cum interpretatione Anglica, 16mo. London. 1556. , . Dialogi Tres de Oratore. 8vo. Walpole, N. H. 1804. , . Orationes quaedam Selectae, cum Notis. ed. 2da. 12mo. Ex- oniae, N. H 1811. , . On the Character of an Orator. Tr. from the Lat 12mo. , . Offices. Tr. from the Lat. by Thomas Cockman. 5th ed. ]2mo. London. 1732. J . Orations. Tr. from the Lat. by William Gutherie. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1745. , . Demosthenes et Terentius. Sententiae. 12mo. London. 1648. Cigninus, Nicolaus. Quaestio Theologica in qua disputatur utrum Adam primus omnium hominum parens in statu innocentiae, in quo Deus creavit ilium, esset immortalis. 4to. Villebergae. ]620. Cigogna, Strozzius. Magiae Omnifariae vel potius Universae Naturae Theatrum. 16mo. Coloniae. 1607. Cincinnati. Circular Letter to the State Societies of, by the General Meeting at Philadelphia, May 3, 1784. 4to. Philadelphia. 1784. . Observations on a late Pamphlet entitled " Observations on the So- ciety or Order of the Cincinnati," by an Obscure Individual, 12mo. Hartford, Con. 1784. . Institution of the Society of. 8vo. Boston. 180L . See Burke, Aldanus. . Directory for 1819. 12mo. Cincinnati. 1819. . Ode to Science read before the W estern Museum Society at its Second Anniversary, June 10, 1820. 12mo. Cincinnati. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 25 City Reformation, prescribed and demanded by the Holy Bible. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Clagett, Clifton. Oration at Litchfield, N. H. July 4, 1803. 8vo. Amherst. 1803. Clap, Roger. Memoirs of. 8vo. Boston. 1807. Clap, Thomas, [Pres.] Letter to Rev. J. Edwards of Northampton, expostulating Avith him for his injurious Reflections in his late Letter to a Friend. 4to. Bos- ton. 1745. , , . Sermon at the Ordination of Ephraim Little, at Colchester, Con. Sept 20, 1732. 12mo. Boston. 1732. , , . The Religious Constitution of Colleges, especially of Yale College, New Haven, Con. 4to. New London. 1754. , , . Brief History and Vindication of the Doctrines received and established in the Churches of New England, with a specimen of the new Religion beginning to prevail. 8vo. New Haven. 1755. , , . The same. 2d ed. 12mo. New Haven. 1757. , — , . Some Remarks on the above Brief History and Vindica- tion, &c. 8vo. , , . An Introduction to the Study of Philosophy, exhibiting a General View of all the Arts and Sciences for the use of the Pupils. 16mo. New London, Con. , , . Catalogue of the Library of Yale College. 16mo. New London. 1743. , , . Letter to a Friend in Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1745. , , -. Essay on the Nature and Foundation of Moral Virtue and Obligation. 8vo. New Haven. 1765. , , . Annals or History of Yale College, in New Haven. Svo. New Haven. 1766. Clapp, Col. Answer to an anonymous Pamphlet entitled, A Reply to Col. Clapp's Vindication. 12mo. 1761. Clapham, Henoch. A Briefe of the Bible's History, drawn with English Poesy, with Notes, &.c. 3d ed. 24mo. London. 1608. Clapmarius, Arnoldus. De Arcanis Rerumpublicarum Libri VI. 4to. Franco- furti. 1611. Clapperton, Hugh. Journal of a second Expedition into the Interior of Africa* with the Journal of Richard Lander. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1829. , . See Denham, D. Clare, John, Earle of. Speech in the House of Lords of Ireland, Feb. 10, 1800. Svo. Dublin. 1800. Claridge, Richard. Second Defence of the Present Government under King William and Mary : Sermon. 4to. London. 1689. , . Lookingglass for Religious Princes : Sermon. 4to. London. 1691. Clark, Peter. Sermon at the Ordination of William Jenison, at the East Parish in Salem, Mass. May 22, 1728. 8vo. Boston. 1728. , . A Sinner's Prayer for Converting Grace. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Feb. 13, 1734. 12mo. Boston. 1735. , . The Scripture Grounds of the Baptism of Christian Infants and the Mode of Administration briefly asserted and defended, in a Letter. To- gether with a larger Vindication both of the Subject and Mode of Baptist, against Mr. Walton. 16mo. Boston. 1735. , . Christian Bravery. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo, Boston. 1736. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1739. , . The Captain of the Lord's Host appearing with his Sword drawn. Two Fast Sermons at Salem Village, Mass. Feb. 26, 1740-1. Svo. Boston. 1741. , . Sermon at Topsfield, Mass. June 29, 1743. ]2m(). Boston. 1744. , . The Witness of the Spirit in the Hearts of Believers. Sermon at Watertown, Mass. Sept. 16, 1743. Svo. Boston. 1744. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 4to. Boston. 1745. , . A Word in Season to Soldiers : Sermon at Danvers, Mass. April 6,1755. Svo. Boston. 1755. 26 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY- Clark, Peter. The Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin stated and defended. In a Summer-Morning-''s Conversation between a Minister and his Neighbor. Containing Remarks on a late anonymous Pamphlet, entitled " A Winter Even- ing's Conversation," &c. 12mo. Boston. 1758. , . The Opinion of One who has perused tlie Summer Morning's Con- versation, concerning Original Sin. In a Letter to a Friend. [By Charles Chauncy.] ]2mo. Boston. 1758. , . Remarks on a late Pamphlet, entitled " The Opinion of One that has perused the Summer Morning's Conversation," &c. 8vo. Boston. 1758. , . Fair Play ! Or, a Needful Word, to temper the Tract, entitled, A Summer Morning's Conversation, &c. just published by the Rev. Peter Clark, &c. 8vo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1758. , . The Winter Evening Conversation Vindicated ; against the Re- marks of the Rev. Peter Clark. By the Author of the Winter Evening Con- versation. 8vo. Boston. , . Defence of the Principles of the " Summer Morning's Conversation, concerning tlie Doctrine of Original Sin." 8vo. Boston. 17(50. Clark, Ephraim. Discourse on Justification by Grace. Being the Substance of two Sermons at Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1751. Clark, Jonas. Sermon at Athol, Mass. Nov. 21, 1787, at the Ordination of Joseph Estabrook. 8vo. Worcester. 1788. , . Sermon at Sudbury, Mass. Nov. 4, 1761, at the Ordination of Jo- siah Bridge. 8vo. Boston. 1761. , . Sermon at Lexington, April 19, 1776. To commemorate tlie Mur- der, Bloodshed, and Commencement of Hostilities, between Great Britain and America, in that town, April 19th, 1775. With a Brief Narrative, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1776. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1781. Clark, Edward. Letters to a Friend, containing thoughts on the beginning of the New Testament Dispensation and Christian Baptism. 8vo. W^orcester. 1792. Clark, Edward. View of Abraham's Covenant, and of Circumcision, and the Church under the Law^, and the Church under the Gospel, in several Letters to a Friend. 8vo. Providence. 1803. Clark, Capt. Edward. Trial of, for the Murder of Capt. Tho. Innes, March 12, 1749. 4to. London. 1750. Clark, Thomas. American Chronology, to May, 1814. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1814. , . Naval History of the United States. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadel- phia. 1814. Clark, Pitt Thanksgiving Sermon at Norton, Mass. Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1795. , . Sermon at Marlborough, Mass. Nov. 2, 1808, at the Ordination of Sylvester F. Bucklin. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Clark, Daniel. Proofs of the Corruption of General James Wilkinson, and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1809. Clark, G. General Observations on the Common Mode of Defending the Doc- trine of the Trinity, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1817. • Clark, Jefferson. Address at Boston, Jan. 17, 1826, before tlie Franklin Typo- graphical Society. 8vo. Boston. 1826. Clark, Daniel A. Independence Sermon, July 4, 1814, at Hanover, N. J. 8vo. New^ark. 1814. , . See Webster, Noah. Clark, Joseph. Oration at Rochester, July 4, 1794. 8vo. Dover, N. H. 1794. Clarke, William. The Innocent Love Feast. 4to. London. 1656. Clarke, Samuel. Sermon at the Burial of Mr. Thomas Bewley, Dec. 17, 1658. 4to. London. 1659. , . Minister's Dues and People's Duty, or a Bill of Accounts be- tween Ministers and People. 4to. London. 1661. Clark, John. Fonnulae Oratoriae. 16mo. London. 1664. , . Same. 16mo. London. 1672. , . Phraseologia Puerilis. Ed. 3tia. 16mo. London. 1670. , . Same. ed. 4ta. 16mo. London. 1679. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 27 Clarke, John. Cornelii Nepotis Vitae Excellentium Imperatorum : cum Versiono Anglicana. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1802. Clarke, John, [Schoolmaster.] Rohault's System of Natural Philosophy. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1735. , . Introduction to the Making- of Latin. 12mo. Worcester. 178G. . , . Corderii Colloquiorum Centuria Selecta. IGmo. Exeter, N. H. 1800. , . Eutropii Historicae Romanae Breviarum cum versione Anglica. Ed. 2da. 12mo. Worcester. 1802. , . Introduction to the Making of Latin. 24th ed. 12mo. London. 1803. Clarke, Edward Daniel. Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. Part. I. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1811. , . Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. Part. II. 8vo. New York. 1813. , . Same. Vols 3 and 4. 12mo. New York. 1815. , . Same. 4th ed. 12mo. New York. 1814. Clarke, Richard. Prophetic Numbers of Daniel and John calculated. 12mo. Boston. 1759. , . From a Folio Manuscript, in the Archive of a certain aged Gormogon, at present in Province of the Massachusetts Bay, the following Questions and Answers are extracted, &c. In answer to the Pamphlet, call'd The Prophetic Numbers of Daniel and John. 8vo. Boston. 1759. Clarke, Abraham Lynsen. Masonic Discourse at Providence, June 24, 1794. 8vo. Providence. 1794. Clarke, Mary Ann. Authentic and Interesting Memoirs of 8vo. Boston. 1809. Clarke, Samuel. Masonic Address at Princeton, Mass. June 24, 1818. 8vo. Worcester. 1818, , . Masonic Address at Grafton, Mass. June 24, 1819. 8vo. Wor- cester. , . Christmas Sermon at Princeton. 8vo. Boston. 1823. , . Sermon at Princeton, July 16, 1826, on the Death of John Ad- ams, late President of the United States. 8vo. Worcester. , , and Paul Dean. Addresses before the Massachusetts Grand Chapter, June 8, 1830. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Clarke, Mathew St Clair, and Peter Force. Report made to the Hon. John For- syth, Secretary of State of the United States, on the subject of the Documenta- ry History of the United States, now publishing under the Act of Congress. 8vo. Washington. 1834. Clarke, John. Sermon at Boston, Jan 2, 1784, on the Deatli of Rev. Samuel Cooper. 12mo. Boston. 1784. , . Discourse at Boston, Feb. 15, 1787, at the Interment of Rev. Charles Chauncy. 8vo. Boston. 1787. , . Sermon before the Massachusetts Humane Society. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , . Sermon at Boston, April 19, 1795, on the Death of Nathaniel W. Appleton, M. D. 8vo. Boston. 1796. , . Answer to the Question, Why are You a Christian ? 8vo. Bos- ton. 1795. , . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Sermons. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Discourses to Young Persons. 12mo. Boston. 1804. , . Sketch of his Life and Character. [By Jeremy Belknap.] [1 Mass. Hist Coll. vol. 6.] Clarke, John. See Cobbet, Thomas. Clarke, William. Observations on the late and present Conduct of the French, with regard to their Encroachments upon tlie British Colonies in North Ameri- ca. 4to. Boston. 1755. Clarkson, David. Primitive Episcopacy. 12mo. London. 1688. , . Discourse concerning Liturgies. 12mo. London. 1689. Clarkson, Thomas. Essay on Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1787. 28 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Clarkson, Thomas. An Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade. In two Parts. To which is added, an Oration upon the same subject, by J. P. Brissot de Warvalle. 8vo. Philadelphia. , . Portraiture of Quakerism. 8 vols. 8vo. New York. 1806. , . Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Dover, N. II. 1827. , . Essay on the Doctrines and Practice of the Early Christians, as they relate to War. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1815. , . The same. 8th ed. 8vo. London. , . Thoughts on the Necessity of Improving- the Condition of the Slaves in the British Colonies, with a View to their Ultimate Emancipation. 8vo. New York. 1823. Claude, Jean. R6ponse au Livre de M. de Meaux. 8vo. Haye. 1683. , . His Lite and Death. Tr. from the Frencli by G. P. 4to. Lon- don. 1688. , . Ouevres Posthumes. Tom. 2, 3, 5. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1688-9. Claude, De I'lsle. Abreg-e de I'histoire Universelle. 7 Tom. 12mo. Paris. 1731. Clavigero, Francesco Saverio. History of Mexico. Tr. from the Italian. By C. Cullen. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1804. Clay, Henry. Speech in Congress, .Tan. 8, 1813, on the Bill for raising an addi- tional Military Force. 8vo. Baltimore. , . Speech in Congress on the Seminole War. 8vo. , . Address to the People of the Congressional District composed of the Counties of Fayette, Woodford and Clarke, in Kentucky. 12mo. Wash- ington. 1825. , . Address to the Public. Containing certain Testimony in Refuta- tion of Charges against him by Gen. Andrew Jackson. 8vo. Washington. 1827. , . Speech in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 2, 3, and 6, 1832, in Defence of the American System, against the British Colonial System. 8vo. Washington. 1832. , . Speech in Congress, March 30 and 31, 1824, on the American Sys- tem. 8vo. , . Speech in the Senate of the United States, April 30, 1834, on the Doctrines, and on the Question of Recording the President's Protest, against a Resolution of the Senate. 8vo. Washington. Clay, Joseph. Discourse at his Installation at Boston, Aug. 19, 1807. 8vo. Boston. Clayton, John M. Speech in the United States Senate, March 4, 1830, on the Public Lands. 8vo. Washington. Cleaveland, Nehemiah. Address before the Peucinian Society in Bowdoin Col- lege, Sept. 3, 1821. 8vo. Brunswick, Me. 1822. Cleaveland, Parker. Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology. 8vo. Boston. 1816. Cleaveland, Aaron. Life of Man Inviolable by the Laws of Christ. Two Ser- mons at Colchester, Con. March 19, 1815. 8vo. Colchester. 1815. Cleaveland, Ebenezer. The abounding Grace of God toward Notorious Sinners. Sermon, July 31, 1774. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1775. Cleaveland, John. An Essay, to defend some of the most important Principles in the Protestant Reformed System of Christianity, on which the Churches of Christ in New England were originally founded. 12mo. Boston. 1763. , . Short and Plain Narrative of the late Work of God's Spirit at Chebacco, in Ipswich, Mass. in 1763 and 1764. 8vo. Boston. 1767. , . Reply to Dr. Mayhew's Letter of Reproof 8vo. Boston. 1765. , . Infant Baptism " From Heaven," and Immersion, as the only Mode of Baptism, and a Term of Christian Communion " of Men :" or, a short Dissertation on Baptists, in Two Parts. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1784. , . The Rev. Dr. N. Whitaker's Neighbour is come, and search- eth him : or, a Brief Defence of a late Council's Result, against the Doctor's charges. 8vo. Salem. 1784. , . Sermon at Stoneham, Mass. Oct. 19, 1785, at the Ordination of his son, John Cleaveland, Jun. 8vo. Newburyport CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 29 Cleavelancl, John. Sermon at Stoneliam, Mass. Oct, 26, 1794, upon the Dismis- sion of their Minister. 8vo. Salem. 1795. Cleaveland, John. Fast Sermon, [at Wrentham, Mass.] Aug. 20, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Cleaver, Robert. See Dod, John. Cleaver, William, [Bp.] Letter to him on the subject of his two Sermons to the Clergy of his Diocese. 8vo. London. 1790. Cleland, James. Sermon on the Prince Lodovick. 4to. London. 1624. Clemens Alexandrinus. Opera Onmia. Gr. Cum Annotationibus Fr. Sylber- gii. fol. 1592. . First Epistle to the Corinthians. Translated from the Greek. With Annotations by William Burton. 4to. London. 1647. Clement, Jonathan. Address before the Social Fraternity in Phillips Academy, at Andover, Mass. 8vo. Andover. 1828. Clerc, Lawrent. Address at a Public Examination of the Pupils in the Connecti- cut Asylum. 8vo. Plartford. 18J8. Clergy. The Miseries and Great Hardships of the Inferior Clergy in and about London. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. 2d ed. 16mo. London. 1723. . Brief Account of the Revenues, Pomp and State of the Bishops and other Clergy in the Church of England. 12mo. Boston. 1725. . Serious Address to the Clergy. By a Minister of the Church of Eng- land. 8vo. Boston. 1756. . Constitutions of the Society of Stewards and Subscribers for Maintain- ing and Educating Poor Orphans of. 12mo. London. 1776. Clergy's Bill of Complaint against Brownists, Anabaptists and other Schismat- ics, &c. 4to. Oxford. 1643. Gierke, Fr. Praxis Curiae Admiralitatis Angliae. 16mo. London. 1579. Cleveland, Charles. Custom House Duties. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1800. Clingan, George. State of the Accounts of. Treasurer of Franklin County, Penn. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1790. Clinton, De Witt, [Gov.] Introductory Discourse before Literary and Philosoph- ical Society of New York, May 4, 1814. 8vo. New York. 1815. , , . Speech in the Senate of the United States, in 1803, against a War with Spain. 8vo. New York. ]812. , — ' , . Speech to the Legislature of New York, Jan. 6, 1819. 8vo. Albany. 1819. , , . Discourse before the New York Historical Society, Dec. 6, 1811. [New York Hist. Coll. vol. 2.] , , . Address to the Benefactors and Friends of the Free School Society, Dec. 12, 1810. 8vo. New York. 1810. , , . Discourse at Schenectady, N. Y. July 22, 1823, before the Phi Beta Kappa Society. 3d ed. 8vo. New York. 1823. , ; . Positive Facts and Envious Assertions. By a Candid Virginian. 8vo. 1823. Clinton, Sir Henry. List of the General and Staff Officers under his Command in North America, &c. 8vo. New York. 1779. ^ . Narrative of his Conduct during part of his Command in America. 8vo. , . See Cornwallis. Clinton, George. Treatise on Infant Baptism. 12mo. Springfield, Mass. Clock-Maker, Artificial. A Treatise of Clock and Watch Work. By W. D. 3ded. 16mo. London. 1714. Cloppenburgius, Johannes. De Divinitate Jesu Christi, et Munere Christi Regie. 4to. Franekerae. 1652. , . Compendiolum Socinianismi Confutatum. 4to. Fran- ekerae. , . Enarratio in LIII. Cap. Esaiae : Disputationes duae de Divinitate Filii Dei et de Christo Sefvatore. 24mo. Franekerae. 1652. J . Disputatio Selecta. Vide Grotius, H. Clough, Simon. Dedication Sermon at Boston, Dec. 29, 1825. 12mo. Boston. 1826. 30 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Clowes, Timothy. Sermons preached in St. Peter's Churcli, Albany, in Dec. ]81G. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. 1816. Clubb, Stephen. Journal of, containing an Account of the Wrongs, Sufferings and Neglect, experienced by Americans in France. Svo. Boston. 1809. Clubs. History of. 12mo. Cluverus, Philippus. Introductionis in Universam Geographiam tarn veteram quam novam Lib. VIl. 4to. Amstelodami. 1676. Ciyfton, Richard. See Ainsworth, Henry. Coade, G. Letter to a Clergyman, relating to his Sermon on the 30th of January ; Being a compleat Answer to all the Sermons that ever have been, or ever shall be, preached in the like strain, on that Anniversary. 3d ed. 12mo. Belfast 1747. Coal Tar, and Varnish. An Account of, and Directions for using. 8vo. New York. 1788. Coates, B. H. Discourse before the Pennsylvania Historical Society, on the Ori- gin of the Indians. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1834. . Oration on the Certainty of Medicine. Svo. Philadelphia. 1830. Cobb, Lyman. Critical Review of the Orthography of Dr; Webster's series of Books for Systematic Instruction in the English Language, &c. Svo. New York. 1831. Cobb, Thomas W. Speech in Congress, Jan. 3, 1821, on the Reduction of Ex- penditures. 12mo. [Washington.] Cobb, Oliver. Sermons at Sandwich, Mass. Feb. 16 and 17, 1813; Svo. Boston. 1813. Cobb, J. H. Manual containing Information respecting the Growth of the Mul- berry Tree, with Directions for the Culture of Silk. 12mo. Boston. 1831. Cobbe, Edmund. The Worldling's Lookingglasse. 4to. London. 1630. Cobbet, Thomas. Civil Magistrate's Power in Matters of Religion modestly de- bated, &c. Together with a brief Answer to a certain Slanderous Pamphlet, called 111 News from New England ; or, A Narrative of New England's Perse- cution. By John Clark of Rhode Island. 4to. London. 1653. , . Faithful and Useful Discourse touching the Honour due from Children to Parents, &c. 16mo. London. 1656. Cobbett, William. A Little Plain English addressed to the People of the United States, on the Treaty negociated with his Britannic Majesty, and the conduct of the President relative thereto ; in answer to " the Letter of Franklin." By Peter Porcupine. Svo. Philadelphia. 1795. , . Bone to Gnaw, for the Democrats ; or. Observations on a Pam- phlet, entitled " The Political Progress of Britain." 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. , . Part II. of the same. Svo. Philadelphia. 1795. — , . Political Censor ; or Monthly Review of the most interesting Political Occurrences relative to the United States. Svo. Philadelphia. 1796. , . The Political Censor for November, 1796. Svo. Philadelphia. 1796. , . New Year's Gifl to the Democrats, or Observations on a Pamphlet entitled, " Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation." Svo. Phil- adelphia. 1796. — , . A Prospect from the Congress Gallery, during the Session begun Dec. 7, 1795. Svo. Philadelphia-. 1796. By Peter Porcupine. , . Address to the Clergy of Massachusetts. 2d ed. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1815. , . Democratic Judge, or the Equal Liberty of the Press, as ex- hibited, explained and exposed, in the Prosecution of William Cobbett for a Libel against the King of Spain and his Ambassador. A Poem. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1798. , . Porcupine Revived, or an Old Thing made New. Svo. New York. 1813. , . See Carey, Mathew. Cobden, Edward. Sermon to the Societies for the Reformation of Manners, Jan. 19, 1735. Svo. London. 1736. Cocceius, Johannes. Commentaria in Job. fol. 1644. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 31 Cocceius, Johannes. Lexicon et Commentarius Sermonis Hebr. et Chald. cum Annotationibus et Supplementis J. H. Majii. fol. Francofurti. 1714. Coccejus, Johannes Henricus. Disputatio Theologica Inauguralis, de statu gen- tilium. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1655. Cocke, John. Letter to the Hon. John H. Eaton, Dec. 16, 1818. 8vo. Knoxville. 1819. Cookings, George. War : An Heroic Poem, from the Taking of Minorca by the French to the Reduction of the Havannah. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1762. Cocoa-Tree. Letter from, to the Country Gentleman. 3d ed. 4to. London. 1763. Cochrane, John Dundas. Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary from the Frontier of China to the Frozen Sea of Kam- schatka, 1820, 1, 2, 3. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. Cochranism Delineated, or a Description of, and Specifick for, a Religious Hy- drophodia in the Counties of York and Cumberland. By a Watchman. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Cocus, Robert. Censura quorundam Scriporum, quae sub nominibus Sanctorum et veterum Auctorum, etc. 4to. London. 1614. Codman, John. Dedication Sermon at New Bedford, Mass. June 23, 1808. 8vo. New Bedford. , . Sermon on Prayer, at Dorchester, Mass. Dec. 12, and Dedham, Dec. 17, 1813. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Gen. Stephen Badlam, Aug. 27, 1815. 8vo. Cambridge. 1815. , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 1, 1818, before the Missionary Society. 8vo. Boston. , . Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1820. Coffin, John G. Address defore the Contributors of the Boston Dispensary, 17th Anniversary, Oct. 21, 1813. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . Discourses on Cold and Warm Bathing. With Remarks, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1826. Coffin, C. History of the Battle of Bunker Hill. 8vo. Saco, Me. 1831. Coffin. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1799. Coffin, William, and Albert Gardner. Narrative of the Robbery of the Nantucket Bank. 8vo. Nantucket, Mass. 1816. Cogan, Thomas. Letters to William Wilberforce on the Doctrine of Hereditary Depravity. 12mo. Boston. 1799. Coghlan, Mrs. Memoirs of. 12mo. New York. 1795. Cognatus. Vide Erasmus. Cogswell, James. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1771. , . Sermon at Lebanon, Con. March 4, 1776, on the Death of Rev. Solomon Williams. 4to. Norwich. 1776. Cogswell, Nathaniel. Oration at Newburyport, Mass. July 4, 1808. 8vo. New- bury port. Cogswell, William. Masonic Sermon at Walpole, Mass. June 24, 1819. 8vo. Dedham. , . Valedictory Discourse at the South Parish in Dedham, Dec. 20, 1829. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , . Assistant to Family Religion, in Six Parts. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1828. , . Harbinger of the Millenium : with an Appendix. 12mo. Boston. 1833. , . Theological Class Book. 12mo. Boston. 1833. , . Fast Sermon at Dedham, Mass. April 3, 1828. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1831. , . Sermon containing a Brief History of the South Church and Parish in Dedham. June 23, 1816. 8vo. Dedham. 1816. , . Sermon at Medway, Mass. June 14, 1826, before Auxiliary Education Society of Norfolk County. 8vo. Boston. 1826. Cohens against Virginia. Review of the Case of See Virginia. Coke, Edward. Second Part of the Institutes, fol. London. 1642. , . Magna Charta made the 9th year of Henry III. With Observa- tions by Sir Edward Coke. 16mo. London. 1680. 14 32 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Coke, Edward, Abridgement of the First Part of his Institutes. 12rno. London. 1711. Coke, Tench. Report of the Case of Pennsylvania against him, on a Motion for a Mandamus in the Supreme Court of that State. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1803. Coke, Thomas. Extract from his Journal from Gravesend to Antigua, in a Letter to Rev. J. Wesley. 12mo. London. 1787. Coker, Daniel. Journal of, 8vo. Baltimore. 1820. Colburn, Zera. Memoirs of, written by himself. 12mo. Springfield. 1833. Colburn, Samuel W. Sermon at Abbington, Mass. at the Funeral of Deacon Josiah Torrey. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Colden, Cadwallader. History of the Indian Nations of Canada. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1750. Colden, Cadwallader D. Life of Robert Fulton. 8vo. New York. 1817. ^ . Letter to Richard Varrick and others on Masonry. 8vo. Boston. 3829. Cole, Jonathan. Sermon at the Close of a Sunday School. 12mo. Boston. 1831. Cole, William. A Medico-Physical Essay concerning the frequency of Appo- plexies. 12mo. London. 1G89. Cole, Thomas. Discourse of Regeneration, Faith and Repentance. 12mo. Lon- don. 1G89. Coles, E. English Dictionary. 12mo. London. 1692. Coles, Elisha. Practical Discourse of God's Sovereignty. 8th ed. 12mo. Lon- don. 1726. CoUcott, George, and Robert Jones. Depositions of, about the Affair at Dunkirk, fol. 1727. Collegian. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Vol 1. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1830. Colles, Christopher. Proposals for the Speedy Settlement of the Western Fron- tier of New York. See New York. Colley, Thomas. Salutation d' Amour Evangelique. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1796. , . Nature and Necessity of a Growth in Grace, &c. Sermon at Philadelphia, 8th of the 5th mo. 1787. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1/89. Collier, T. Vindication of the Army Remonstrance, being an Answer to Mr. Sedgwick's Book, intituled "Justice upon the Army Remonstrance." 4to. London. Collier, William. Sermon at Lyme, Con. at the Ordination of G. W. Appleton. 8vo. Boston. 18 J 9. , . See Saurin, J. Collier, John. Miscellaneous Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq. containing his Views of the Lancashire Dialect, &c. &c. With his Life, by R. Townley. 12mo. London. 1S06. , . Battle of the Flying Dragon and the Man of Heaton. l2mo. Lond(m. Collier, W. R. Remarks on the Protective System ; being an Extract from an Address, July 4, 1832. 12mo. Andover, Mass. 1832. Collinges, John. Sermon at the Funeral of Sir John Hobart, April 8, 1647. 4to. 1647. , . Vindiciae Ministerii Evangelici ; A Vindication of the Great Ordinance of God, viz. a Gospel Ministry. 4to. L:mdon. 165J. , . The Shepherd's Wanderings Discovered, &.c. By way of Re- ply and Answer to a late Booke called the "People's Privilege and Duty guarded against the Pulpit and Preacher's Encroachments," by William Shep- herd, Esq. 4to. London. 1G52. , . Defensive Armour against four of Sathan's most fiery Darts. 16mo. London. 1680. , . Sermons. 16mo. 1680. Collington, John. Authentic Memoirs of the Wicked Life and Dying Words of. 3d ed. 4to. London. 1750. Collins, Anthony. Discourse on Free-Thinking. 8vo. London. 17.13. , . Remarks on the foregoing, by Philaleatherus Lipsiensis. 6th ed. 8vo. Cambridge. 1725. Collins, John. Sermons on various subjects. 12mo. 1677. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 33 Colman, Thomas. Sermon before the House of Commons, Aug. 30, 1643. 4to. London. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Sept. 29, 1643. 4to. London. London. Sermon before Parliament, Sept. 12, 1644. 4to. London. Sermon before the House of Commons, July 30, 1645. 4to. , . Brotherly Examination Re-examined. 4to. London. 1646. , . Justification of a Sermon against which Rev. Mr. Gillespey did preach and write. 4to. London. 1646. Colman, Edward. His two Letters to Mr. Le Chaise and the Answer. 4to. 1678. , . Trial for Conspiring the Death of the King. 4lo. 1678. , . Trial for Treason, fol. J 678. Colman, George. The Circle of Anecdote and Wit. 12mo. New York. 1823. Colman, George, [The Younger.] The Mountaineers : Comic Opera. 12mo. Boston. , . Comus: A Masque of Two Acts. Altered from Milton. 12ma London. 1790. , . Broad Grins. 12mo. Worcester. 1804. , . Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Baltimore. 1803. , . The Poor Gentleman. 12mo. Boston. 1802. Colman, Benjamin. Practical Discourses upon the Parable of the Ten Virgins* 8vo. London. 1707. , . Poem on Elijah's Translation, occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Samuel Willard. 12mo. Boston. 1707. The Government and Improvement of Mirth according to the Laws of Christianity. Three Sermons. ]6mo. Boston. 1707. The Piety and Duty of Rulers to Comfort and Encourage the Ministry of Christ. Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1708. The Case of Satan's Fiery Darts, &c. in several Sermons at Boston, May, 1711. \ Imo. Boston. 1743. Hainous Nature of the Sin of Murder. Boston Lecture, Sept 24, 1713, before the Execution of David Wallis. 16mo. Boston. 1713. , . Gospel Ministry the Rich Gift of the Ascended Saviour unto his Church. Sermon at Boston, Aug. 2, 1715. 12mo. Boston. 1715. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, at Boston, Aug. 23, 1716, for the Sup- pression of the Vile and Traitorous Rebellion in Great Britain. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1716. . Sermon for the Reformation of Manners. 16mo. Boston. 17] 6. Honour and Happiness of the Vertuous Woman: Sermon at Boston, July, 1716, on the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth, v/ife of Grove Hirst, Esq. 16mo. Boston. 1716. . Fast Sermon, at Boston, March 22, 1716. 16mo. Boston. 1716. Sermon at the Lecture in Boston, after the Funeral of those Excellent and Learned Divines, William Brattle and Ebenezer Pemberton. 16mo. Boston. 1717. , . Sermons preached at the Lecture in Boston, from Luke xi. 21,22. 16mo. Boston. 1717. , . Discourse on the Pleasure of Religious Worship, in our Pub- lick Assemblies. 16mo. Boston. 1717. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1718. Sermon before the General Court of Massachusetts. 12mo. Boston. 1719. , . The Blessing of Zebulun and Issachar. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 19, 1719. 16mo. Boston. 17] 9. , . The Hope of the Righteous in their Death. Sermon at Bos- ton, Sept. 1721, on the Death of William Harris, Esq. 16mo. Boston. 1721. , . Sermon at Harvard College, before the Baptism of Rabbi Ju- dahMonis. 16mo. Boston. 1722. 34 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETV. Colman, Benjamin, and William Cooper. Two Sermons preached in Boston, March 6, 1723, on a Day of Prayer. 16mo. Boston. 1723. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1723. , . A Blameless and Inoffensive Life. Sermon on tlie Death or Mr. David Stoddard, l&no. Boston. 1723. , . The Prophet's Death Lamented and Improved : Sermon at Boston, Sept. 1, 1723, on the Death of Rev. Increase Mather, D. D. ]2mo. Boston. 1723. ' , . The Master taken up from the Sons of the Prophets. Ser- mon at Cambridge, Mass. upon the Sudden Death of the Rev. and Learned John Leverett. l()mo. Boston. 1724. • , . Sermon preached to some Miserable Pirates, at Boston, July 10, 1726. 12mo. Boston. 1726. , ■ . The Judgments of Providence in the hand of Christ. Four Sermons. 8vo. Boston. 1727. • , . Fidelity to Christ and to the Protestant Succession in the Illustrious House of Hanover. Sermon at Boston, Aug. 9, 1727, on the Acces- sion of George the Second. 16mo. Boston. 1727. , . The Holy Walk and Glorious Translation of Blessed Enoch. Sermon on the Death of Cotton Mather. 16mo. Boston. 1728. , . Credibility of the Christian Doctrine of the Resurrection. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, July 24, 1729, on the Death of W^illiam Wel- steed, Esq. 8vo. Boston. 1729. , . Sermon at the Boston Lecture, on the Death of the Rev. Sol- omon Stoddard of Northampton, Mass. 12mo. Boston. 1729. , . Sermon at Boston, Oct. 1730, at tlie Funeral of Hon. Sim. Stoddard. 8vo. Boston. 1730. , . Government the Pillar of the Earth. Sermon at Boston, Aug. 13, 1730. 8vo. Boston. 1730. , . Sermon at the Boston Lecture, April 1, 1731, upon the news of the Death of Thomas Hollis, Esq. in London. 8vo. Boston. 173L , . Ministers and People under Special Obligations to Sanctity, Humility and Gratitude ; for the great Grace given them in the Preached Gospel. Fast Sermon at Boston, Jan. 25, 1731-2. 8vo. Boston. 1732. , . God is a Great King. Sermon at Boston, May 13, 1733. 8vo. Boston. 1733. , . Sermon at the Boston Lecture, March 21, 1734. Svo. Bos- ton. 1734. , . Sermon on the Death of his beloved Daughter, Mrs. Jane Turell. 12mo. Boston. 1735. , . Brief Dissertation on the three first Chapters of Genesis. Svo. Boston. 1735. , . The Merchandise of a People Holiness to the Lord. Ser- mon. 8vo. Boston. 1736. , . The Peaceful End of a Perfect and Upright Man. Sermon at Boston, on the Death of Thomas Steel, Esq. who died Jan. S, 1735-6. Svo. Boston. 1736. , . Dissertation on the Image of God wherein Man was created. 8vo. Boston. 1736. , . Fast Sermon at Boston, Dec. 10, 1736, before the General Court. Svo. Boston. 1736. , . It is of the Lord's Mercies that we are not Consumed. Ser- mon at Boston, March 4, 1736-7. Svo. Boston. 1737. , . The Great Duty of Waiting on God in our Straits and Diffi- culties. Sermon at Boston, April 17, 1737. 8vo. Boston. 1737. , . Christ standing for an Ensign for the People. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1738. , . The Unspeakable Gift of God. Sermon at Boston, Feb. 1, 1739. Svo. Boston. 1739. , . Faithful Pastors Angels of the Churches. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Peter Thacher, March 4, 1739. 8vo. Boston. 1739. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 35 Colman, Benjamin. The Wither'd Hand Stretched Forth at the Command of Christ and Restored. Sermon, May 17, 1739. 8vo. Boston. 1739. , . The same. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1740. , . The Faithful Servant in the Joy of his Lord. Sermon on the Death of Hon. Samuel Holden of London. 4to. Boston. 1740. , . Souls Flying to Jesus Pleasant and Admirable to behold. Sermon, Oct. 21, 1740. 8vo. Boston. 1740. , . Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Aug. 27, 1741. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1741. , . The Lord shall Rejoice in his Works. Sermon at the Bos- ton Lecture, Aug. 27, 1741. 8vo. Boston. 1741. , . The Great God has Magnified his Word to the Children of Men. Sermon at Boston, April 29, 1742. 8vo. Boston. 1742. , . Sermon at Boston, Dec. 1743, on the Death of Rev. William Cooper. 8vo. Boston. 1744. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Samuel Cooper, at Boston, May 21, 1746. ^ . The Vanity of Man as Mortal. Sermon, Sept. 4, 1746, on the Death of Mrs. Frances, wife of Gov. Shirley. 8vo. Boston. 1746. , . An Eclogue on the Death of. By O. E. ]2mo. Boston. Colman, Henry. Fast Sermon, at Quincy, Mass. Aug. 20, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . Fast Sermon at Hingham and Quincy, Aug. 20, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1812. ~, . Sermon before the Massachusetts Humane Society. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1812. , . Discourse at Hanover, Mass. before the Plymouth and Norfolk Bible Society. 8vo. Boston. 1816. , . Catechisms for Children. 12mo. Boston. 1817. , . Sermon at Hingham, Dec. 17, 1817, at the Ordination of Daniel Kimball, as an Evangelist. 8vo. Boston. 1818. , . Discourse on Pastoral Duty, addressed to the Ministers of the Bay Association, Aug. 12, 1822. 8vo. Boston. 1822. , . Discourse on the Character Proper to a Christian Society, at the opening of the Second Congregational Church in Lynn, Mass. April 30 1823. 8vo. Cambridge. 1823. , . The Sentiments which should accompany the Baptism of Chil- dren: Sermon. 12mo. , . Proper Test of the Christian Character: Sermon at Boston, March 21, 1824. 8vo. Boston. , . Discourse on the Proper Character of Religious Institutions, Dec. 7, 1824, at the Opening of the Independent Congregational Church, in Barton Square, Salem, Mass. 8vo. Salem. 1825. , . Reply to the foregoing. 8vo. Boston. 1825. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1818. , . Review of his Sermon at the Opening of the Independent Con- gregational Church in Salem. 8vo. Boston. 1825. , . Agricultural Address at Greenfield, Mass. Oct. 23, 1833. 8vo. Greenfield. 1833. Colombia. Notes on, taken in the years 1822-3. With an Itinerary of the Route from Caracas to Bogota ; and an Appendix. By an Officer of the United States Army. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. . Manifesto published by the Government of, of the Reasons which it has to make War against the Government of Peru ; with the Answer given to the Charges. By M. L. Vidaurre. In Spanish and English. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Colonies. See British Colonies. Colonization. View of the Exertions lately made for Colonizing the Free People of Color of the United States in Africa. 8vo. Washington. 1817. Colonization Society, American. Constitution, Government and Digest of the Laws of Liberia, as established by the Society, May 23, 1825. 8vo. Wash- ington. 36 AaiERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Colonization Society, American. Report of the Committee of the House of Rep- resentatives of the United States on the Memorial of 8vo. Washington. 1818. -, . Memorial of, to Congress, Feb. 1820. 8vo. Washington. 1819. 1821. 8vo. Washington. 1822. 1823. 1824. Second Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. Third Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. 1820. Fourth Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. Address of the Managers of, to the Public. Sixth Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. Seventh Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. , . Extracts from the North American Review for Jan. 1824, on the subject of 8vo. Princeton, N. J. 1824. , . Eighth Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. ton. 1830. ton. 1831. Ninth Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. Tenth Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. Eleventh Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. Twelfth Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. Thirteenth Annual Report. 8vo. Washing- Fourteenth Annual Report. 8vo. Washing- Reports of the Friends of, in Worcester Coun- ty, Mass. 8vo. Worcester. 1831. . Statement of Facts relating to, by the Massa- chusetts Colonization Society. 8vo. Boston. 1831. , . Same, for 1832. 8vo. Boston. J . Fifteenth Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. 1832. , . Sixteenth Annual Report. 8vo. Washington. 1833. , . Seventeenth Annual Report. Washington. 1834. Colonizationist and Journal of Freedom.. Nos. ], 2, 3. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Colson, Nathaniel. Mariner's New Calendar. 4to. London. 1748 Colton, Simeon. Masonic Sermon at Amherst, Mass. June 26, 1826. 8vo. Am herst. 1826. Columbia, District of Essay on the Seat of the Federal Government and the Exclusive Jurisdiction of Congress over a Ten Miles District. By a Citizen of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1789. , . Acts concerning the Territory of, and the City of Wash- ington. 8vo. 1791. Acts of Maryland and Virginia ceding the same to the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1791. , . Enquiries into the Necessity or Expediency of assuming Exclusive Legislation over the District of ]2mo. Washington. , . Code of Laws for the. 8vo. Washington. 1819. Florula Columbiana : or a List of Plants that have been discovered in the District of 18mo. Washington. 1822. Columbus, Christopher. Personal Narrative of the First Voyage of, to America ; tr. from the Spanish [by Samuel Kettell.] 8vo. Boston. 1827. Coluthus. Helenae Raptus. 16mo. Genevae. 1629. Vide Homerus. Colvill, Robert The Field of Flowdon, a Descriptive Poem. 4to. London. 1768. CATALOGUE OF LIB 11 ART 37 Comarinus, Greg-orius C. Disputatio de Bis Mortuis. Vide Voetius. Comenius, Johannes Annos. De Ecclesia. IGmo. KjGO. , . De BonoUnitatis et Ordinis Disciplinaeque ac Obe- dientiae in Ecclesia recte constituta vel constituenda ecclesiae Bchemicae ad Anglicanarn Paraenesis. IGrno. London. 1710. Comet. 8vo. Boston. 1812-13. Comets. The True Nature and Cause of the Tails of. 4to. Boston. 1772. Comeyrs, James. Christ's Love and Saint's Sacrifice : Sermon. 4to. London, 1772. Commencement, a Poem : or rather, Commencement of a Poem. Before the Phi Beta Kappa, at Cambridge, Mass. Aug. 29, 1811. By a Brother. 8vo. Salem. 1811. Commerce and Luxury, an Essay. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1791. Common Prayer, Book of. Administration of the Sacrament, &c. agreeable to God's Worde and the Use of the Reformed CJmrches. 24mo. Middelburgh. 1587. , . fol. London. 1605. , Unmasked. 4to. 16G0. , . Several Arguments humbly proposed for Concessions and Alterations in. 4to. London. 1689. . Brief Discourse concerning the Lawfulness of Worshipping God by the Common Prayer. Being an Answer to a Book intituled " A Brief Discourse concerning the Unlawfullness of the Common Prayer W orship," lately printed in New England. 4to. London. 1693. , . Directions for the Devout and Proper Use of the Common Prayer in the Daily Service of the Church. 9th ed. 12mo. London. 1745. , . Discourse concerning the Excellency and Usefulness of 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1761. , . 16mo. Cambridge. 1762. , of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1791. . The same. 12mo. Boston. 1794. . The same. 24mo. Baltimore. 1808. Common Sense ; or, Natural Ideas opposed to Supernatural. Tr. from the French. 8vo. New York. 1795. ; in Nine Conferences, between a British Merchant and a Candid Merchant of America. 4to. London. 1795. Commons, House of. History of the Proceedings and Debates of the First Ses- sion of, Nov. 1774. 8vo. Commonwealth. Government of, as it was publickly declared at Westminster, Dec. 16, 1653, in presence of the Lord Commissioners, &c. 4to. London. 1654. . True State of the Case of, in reference to a late established Government, a Lord Protector and a Parliament. 4to. London. 1654. . Moderate Plea for a Commonwealth against a Monarchy. 4to. London. 1659. . See Cromwell. Communication of Property, or a Voluntary Contribution for Public and Charita- ble Uses to be distributed by lot cleared to be the best way of improving a part of every one's stock. 12mo. London. 1708. Communion. A Repairing the Breach wherein is showed the Benefit that comes by Christian Communion among the Saints. 4to. 1639. . Satisfaction concerning Mixt Communion Unsatisfactory. 4to. London. 1643. Conant, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, July 26, 1643. 4to. Lon- don. 1643. Conant, Abel. Sermon at Leominster, Mass. Oct. 12, 1823, on leaving the Old Meeting House. 8vo. Worcester. 1823. , . Dedication Sermon at Leominster, Oct. 15, 1823. 8vo. Worcester. , . Address at Leominster, Feb. 26, 1833, on Temperance. 8vo. Worcester. 1833. Conant. Sylvanus. Anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, Mass. Dec. 23, 1776. 8vo. Boston. 1777. 38 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Conant, Sylvanus. Sermon, July 31, 1768, on the news of the Death of Daniel Oliver, son of Hon. Peter Oliver. 8vo. Boston. 1768. , . Sermon at Taunton, Mass. Dec. 1, 1763, on the day of the Execution of Bristol, a negro boy. 8vo. Boston. 1764. Conant, Abigail. Poem Sacred to the Memory of. 4to. New London, Con. 1759. Concert of Princes and the Dismemberment of Poland and France. Letters on. By a Calm Observer. 8vo. London. 1793. Conciliad: or the Triumph of Patriotism. Poem. Tr. from the Latin of Tertius Quartus Quintus. 4to. London. 1761. Concord, Mass. By-Laws of Corinthian Lodge. ]2mo. Concord. 1822. , . Theological System of Government, adapted to the Immediate Final Salvation of Mankind. By the Independent Society in Concord. 12mo. Boston. 1784. , . Regulations of the School Committee of 8vo. Concord. 1830. , . Result of a Council of Churches at, June 21, 1743. 16mo. , . Extracts from the Proceedings of the Convention at. Conder, John. Sermon at London, May 11, 1758, at the Ordination of John Staf- ford. 8vo. London. 1758. Condict, Lewis. See Adams, J. Q,. Condillac. The Logic of Tr. from the French by Joseph Neef 12mo. Phil- adelphia. 1809. Condorcet, J. A. N. C. Marquis de. Outlines of an Historical View of the Pro- gress of the Human Mind. 12mo. Baltimore. 1802. Conductor Generalis. Or the Office, Duty and Authority of Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Coroners, &c. 8vo, Philadelphia. 1792. Condy, Jeremiah. Sermon at Boston, Jan. 1747, on the Death of Benjamin Lan- don. 12mo. Boston. 1747. , . Mercy Exemplified, in the Conduct of a Samaritan. Sermon at Boston. 4to. Salem. 1769. Confederation, Articles of See Massachusetts, Laws of, ed. 1780. See United States. Conference betwixt a Papist and a Jew ; also betwixt a Protestant and a Jew ; in two Letters from a Merchant in London to his Friend in Amsterdam. 8vo. Kilmarnock. 1782. at George ToAvn on Arrowsick Island, Me. Aug. 9, 1717, between Gov. Shute and the Eastern Indians. 4to. Boston. 1717. with the Eastern Indians, at the Ratification of the Peace, held at Fal- mouth, in Casco Bay, in July and Aug. 1726. 4to. \ . The same. 4to. Boston. 1754. with the Eastern Indians, at the further Ratification of tlie Peace, held at Falmouth, in July, 1727. 4to. of His Excellency Jonathan Belcher with the Chiefs of the Penobscot, Norridgewock, Pigwacket and Araeriscoggin Tribes of Indians, at Falmouth, July, 1732. 4to. held at Deerfield, Mass. Aug. 27, 1735, between Gov. Belcher and the Chiefs of the Cagnawaga, Houssatonuoc and Scautacook Tribes of Indians. 4to. held at Fort St. George's, Me. Aug. 4, 1742, between Gov. Shirley and the chief Sachems of the Penobscott, Norridgewock, Pigwaket or Amiscogging or Saco, St John's, Bescommonconty or Amerescogging, and St. Francis Tribes of Indians. 4to. Boston. 1742. . Journal of the Proceedings of Thomas Hutchinson and others, Com- missioners for Managing a Treaty with the Eastern Indians, held at Falmouth, Sept. 27, 1749. 4to. Boston. . Journal of ^the Proceedings of Jacob Wendell and others, Commis- sioners for Managing a Treaty with the Eastern Indians, held at St George's, Oct 13, 1752. 4 to. Boston. 1752. held at St George's, Sept 20, 1753, between Sir William Pepperell and others. Commissioners to Treat with the Eastern Indians, of the one part, and the Indians of the Penobscott Tribe of tlie other part 4to. Boston. 1753. Confessio Fidei in Conventu Theologorum authoritate Parliament! Anglicani elaborata, &c. 16mo. Cantab. 1659. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 39 Confession. Address of a Minister to the Church under his Pastoral Care,' in which it is inquired, " Whether a Church is obliged, or authorized by any Pre- cept or Precedent in the New Testament, to require a public, formal, and expli- cit Confession of some particular Misdemeanors," &c. 8vo. Boston. 1784. Confession of Faith owned and consented unto by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled at Boston, May 12, 1680. 12mo. Boston. 1772. . Same, tr. into the Indian Language of Massachusetts. See Rawson, G. , or a Summary of Divinity drawn up by a Young Gentleman in the 23d year of his age. 12mo. Boston. 1704. . See Dedham ; Newtown, N. H.; Middleborough. Confiscated Debts. Report of the Attorney General of Massachusetts respecting claims for them. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Conformist. See Church ; Non-Conformist. Confucius. Life and Morals. Edited by Josephus Feld. 8vo. London. 1818. Confutation of a late Pamphlet, intituled, A Letter Balancing the Necessity of Keeping a Land Force in Time of Peace, with the dangers that may follow on it. 2ded. 4to. London. 1698. Congregationalism as contained in the Scriptures, explained by the Cambridge Platform, and by approved Authors. See Church ; Massachusetts. Congress, Continental. Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of 8vo. Bos- ton. 1774. , . Journals of, from Sept. 5, 1774, to Nov. 3, 1788. 13 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788-1801. , . Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of, from the first meeting thereof to the Dissolution of the Confederation. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1821. , . Petition to the King. 12mo. Boston. , . Declaration by. , . Address to the Members of. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . Free Thoughts on tlie Proceedings of the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, Sept 5, 1774 ; wherein their Errors are exhibited, their Reasonings confuted, &c. By a Farmer. 8vo. 1774. , . Letter from a Virginian to the Members of the Congress to be held at Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . Declaration of, setting forth the Causes and Necessity of their taking Up Arms. 8vo. Watertown, Mass. 1775. ^ . What think ye of the Congress now ? or, an Inquiry, how far the American^ are bound to abide by, and execute the Decisions of the late Congress. [By Thomas B. Chandler.] 8vo. New York. 1775. J . The same. With a Plan, by Samuel Galloway, Esq. for a proposed Union between Great Britain and her Colonies, &c. 8vo. London. 1775. , . Address of the Twelve United Colonies of Nortli Amer- ica, by their Representatives in Congress, to the People of Ireland. 8vo. Phil- adelphia. 1775. , . Defence of the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress, in reply to Taxation no Tyranny. By the Author of Regulus. To which are added. General Remarks on the Leading Principles of that work, &c. 8vo. London. , . Extracts from the Journals of, relative to the Capture and Condemnation of Prizes, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1776. , . Report of Commissioners for Settling a Cartel for the Exchange of Prisoners. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1779. , . Circular Letter from the Congress of the United States to their Constituents. 8vo. Boston. 1779. , . Plan for Conducting the Quarter Master General's De- partment, agreed to in Congress, July 15, 1780. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1780. , . Address and Recommendation to the States, by the United States in Congress assembled. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1783. , . The same. 8vo. Boston. 1783. 15 40 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Congress, Continental. Lettre Addressee aux Habitants de la Province de Que- bec, de la part du Congres General de I'Amerique Septentrionale, tenu a Phila- delphie. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1774. ^— , . Collection of Papers relative to Half Pay, and Commuta- tion thereof granted by, to the Officers of the Army. 8vo. Boston. 1783. , . Extracts from the Journals of, relative to the Capture and Condemnation of Prizes, and the Fitting out of Privateers. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1786. , Address from, to the Inhabitants of the Province of Que- bec. 8vo. , . See British Colonies ; American Revolution ; United States. Congress of the United States. Register of Debates in, comprising the leading Debates and Incidents of the 2d session of the 18th Congress: together with an Appendix, containing the most important State Papers, &c. with the Laws of the session. 8vo. Washington. 1825. . Address to, on the Utility and Justice of the Restrictions upon Foreign Commerce. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1809. . Proposed Memorial to, on the Practice of Priva- teering. 8vo. . Address of Members of the House of Represen- tatives of, to their Constituents, on the subject of the War with Great Britain. 8vo. Hartford and Boston. 1812. . Power of, on the subject of Internal Improve- ment. 8vo. Washington. . Congressional Directory of the 2d Session of the ]9th Congress. 12mo. Washington. 1826. . The same, for 1835. 12mo. W^ashington. 1835. . Statement of Congressional Documents, Journals, Registers of Debates, &c. for sale by George Templeman. 8vo. Washington. 1832. . Catalogue of Books, Maps and Charts in the Li- brary of. 8vo. Washington. [1802.] . See United States. Congreve, William. Plays. Vol. 3. 12mo. London. 1710. , . The Double Dealer. A Comedy. 12mo, London. 1777. Connecticut. Ancient Colony Laws of, being the code of 1650. MS. fol. . Letter to the Clergy of the Colony of Connecticut, from an aged Layman of said Colony. 8vo. 1760. . Letter to the Legislative Authority of Connecticut, in relation to Debt and Gaols. 8vo. 1770. . Right of the Governor and Colony of, to claim and hold the Lands, Avithin the limits of their Charter, lying v/est of the Province of New York, stated and considered. In a Letter to J. H. Esq. 8vo. Hartford. 1773. . Address to the Legislature and People of the State of Connecticut. By a Citizen of Connecticut. "8vo. Ncav Haven. 1791. . Narrative of the Missions to the New Settlements, according to the Appointment of the General Association of. May, 1793. 8vo. New^Haven. 1794. . Electioneering Address. 8vo. 1803. . Answer to the foregoing Addres;^. 8vo. 1803. . Count the Cost. An Address to the People of, particularly on the Proposition for a new Constitution. By Jonathnn Steadflist. 8vo. Hartford. 1804. . Public Statute Laws of, arranged by John Treadwell, Enoch Per- kins and Thomas Day. 8vo. Hartford. 1808. . Public Statute Laws of, from Oct. 1808, to end of Oct. sess. 1817. 8vo. Hartford. 1808-17. . The Churches warned to stand fast in the Liberties wherewith Christ has made them free, in an Appeal to the Public, relative to an Act of the General Association of Connecticut at their session in June, 1810, respecting the Eastern Association of the County of Windham. By said Eastern Associ- ation. 8vo. Norwich. 1810. CATALOGUE OF LIL'RARY. 41 Connecticut. Academy. Memoirs of. Vol. 1. 8v'o. New Haven. 1810. . Statistical Account of the Towns and Parishes of. See Connecti- cut Academy. . The Bishops' Fund and Phoenix Bonus : a Collection of the pieces on this subject from the Connecticut Herald. 8vo. New Haven. 1810. Register for 18-24. 12mo. New London. 1824. Courant, from 1775 to 1831. 56 vols. fol. 1775-1831. forty years since. 12mo. Hartford. 1824. . Journal of a Convention at Windsor, Vt. Feb. 16, 1825, for the pur- pose of taking- preliminary measures to improve the Navigation of Connecticut River. 8vo. Windsor. . Report of the Connecticut River Company, Jan. 3, 1826. 8vo. Hartford. . Facts connected with the Application of the Connecticut River Company for Power to Improve the Navigation of the River. 8vo. . Medical Society. Report respecting an Asylum for Inebriates. 8vo. Hartford. 1830. . Society for the Encouragement of American Manufactures. Ad- dress of 8vo. Middletown. 1817. . Reports of Cases adjudged in the Superior Court of. By Ephraim Kirby. 8vo. Litchfield. 1789. , Reports of Cases adjudged in the Superior Court of By Jesse Root. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford. 1798-1802. . Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of By Thomas Day. 5 vols. 8vo. Hartford. 1809-30. . Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court. By Thomas Day. 9 vols. 8vo. Hartford. 1817-34. . Statutes of Revised in 1821. 8vo. Hartford. 1824. . Proceedings of the Anti-masonic State Convention of Connecticut, at Hartford, Feb. 3 and 4, 1830. 8vo. Hartford. 1830. . See Gale, Dr.; Trumbull, Benjamin ; Windham. Connecticut State Prison. Report of the Warden. 8vo. New Haven. 1828. . Report of the Warden. 8vo. Hartford. 1829. . Report of the Warden. 8vo. New Haven. 1830. . Report of the Warden. 8vo. Hartford. 1831. . See Deaf and Dumb. Connoisseur. Vol. 2. 12mo. London. 1755. Conscience, Liberty of, or the Sole Means to obtain Peace and Truth. 4to. 1643. , . The Ancient Bounds, or Liberty of Conscience tenderly stated, modestly asserted and mildly vindicated. 4to. London. 1645. , , the Magistrate's Interest. 4to. London. 1668. , , upon its true and proper Grounds, asserted and vindicated, proving that no Prince, nor State, ought, by force, to compell men to any part of the Doctrine, Worship or Discipline of the Gospel. 4to. London. 1668. , . Letter from a Gentleman in the City to one in the Coun- try about the Odiousness of Persecution. 4to. 1687. , . Second Letter from a Gentleman in the Country to his Friend in London, upon the subject of Penal Laws and Tests. 4to. London. 1687. • , . A Sober Answer to a Scandalous Paper termed Three Queries and Answers to them. Privately spread abroad to amuse the people, and disalfect them to the King and his late Christian Declaration for Liberty of Conscience. 4to. London. 1688. , . John the Baptist, Forerunner of Christ Jesus ; or, a Ne- cessity for Liberty of Conscience. 4to. London. , . The Essential Rights and Liberties of Protestants. A Seasonable Plea for the Liberty of Conscience and Right of Private Judgment in Matters of Religion, without any Controul from Human Authority. Being a Letter from a Gentleman in Massachusetts to his Friend in Connecticut, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1744. , . Letter to a Gentleman, containing a Plea for the Rights of. By a Dissenting Protestant. 8vo. Boston. 1753. 42 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Conscience, Liberty of. See Church ; Conventicle ; Toleration ; Missions. Constant Couple ; or, Though out of Sight, ne'er out of Mind. A Musical En- tertainment. 8vo. London. 1788. Constellations, Description of 8vo. Constitutions of the United States. 12mo. Philadelphia. ]79L ; . The same. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1800. Contagious Diseases. Instructions relative to Self-Preservation, during the Prev- alence of By a Physician. 8vo. London. 1801. Contentment. A Sermon on. By T. F. 16mo. London. 1G48. Contra-Dances. Collection of 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1799. Conventicle, or a Narrative of the Dissenters' New Plot against the present Con- stitution in Church and State. 8vo. London. 1714. . A few Sober Queries upon the late Proclamation for enforcing the Laws against, and the late Vote of the House of Commons for renewing the said Act for three years. 4to. London. 16G8. Convention. The Convention Vindicated from the Misrepresentations of the En- emies of our Peace. 8vo. London. 1739. Converse, Sherman. Report of his Trial at New Haven, 1820, for a Libel on Joshua Stow. 8vo. Convivial Songster, being a Select Collection of Songs. 12mo. London. Conway, W. T. Certificates of the Singular Efficacy of his Medicines. 12mo. 1816. Cook, Elisha. Just and Seasonable Justification : respecting some affairs trans- acted in the late General Assembly at Boston. l2mo. 1720. , . The same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1720. Cook, Samuel. Sermon before the Eastern Association of Fairfield Co. Connec- ticut, July 29, 1741. 12mo. Boston. 1741. Cook, Samuel. Sermon at Brooklin, Mass. Oct. 26, 1748, at the Ordination of Cotton Brown. 4to. Boston. 1748. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Nathaniel Robbins, at Milton, Mass. Feb. 13, 1750-L 12mo. Boston. 1751. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon, at Cambridge. 12mo. Boston. 1770. ^ , . The Violent destroyed; and Oppressed delivered. Sermon at Lexington, Mass. April 19, 1777, for a Memorial of the Bloody Tragedy, bar- barously acted by a party of British Troops, April 19, 1775. 8vo. Boston. 1777. Cook, William. Sermon at Hanover, Mass. Dec. 1, 1756, at the Ordination of Samuel Baldwin. 8vo. Boston. 1757. , . Sermon at Narragansett, No. 2, [Westminster, Mass.] Oct. 20, 1742, at the Ordination of Elisha Marsh. 12mo. Boston. 1742. Cook, Zebedee, Jun. Address before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, at its 2d Annual Festival, Sept. 10th, 1830. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Cook, Amos Jones. Student's Companion. 12mo. Portland, Me. 1812. Cooke, Richard. A White Sheete : Sermon. 16mo. London. 1629. Cooke, Edward. Voyage to the South Sea, and round the World, in 1708, 9, 10, and 11. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1712. Cooke, James. Voyages to the Pacific Ocean, in 1776, 7, 8, 9, 80. 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 1796. , . Voyages to the Pacific Ocean, abridged. 2 vols. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1797. Cooke, Alexander. Dialogue between a Protestant and a Papist, manifestly proving that a Woman called Joane was Pope of Rome. 4to. London. 1625. Cooke, Parsons. Fast Sermon at Ware, Mass. April 3, 1828. With a Review of the same. By Zerubbabel. 12mo. Belchertown. 1828. , . The same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. , . Letter to Parsons Cooke. [In relation to his Fast Sermon.] From the Christian Examiner, July and Aug. 1828. 12mo. , . Reply to the foregoing Letter. 12nio. Boston. 1829. , . Sermon at the Dedication of the Meeting House in Ware, Mass. 8vo. Amherst. 1827. , . Unitarianism an Exclusive System. 12mo. Belchertown. 1828 Cooke, Edward. See Coke. CATALOGUE OF L I li R A R Y. 43 Cookery, American. By an American Orphan. 12mo. Walpole, N. II. 181^^. . The Art of. In Imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry, &c. 8vo. Lon- don. Cooledge, Daniel. The Pious Instructor. 12rao. Walpole, N. H. IBOG. Coolidge, Samuel. Sermon at Castle William, March 12, 1738, upon the Death of Queen Caroline. 8vo. Boston. 1738. Cooper, Samuel. Treatise on the Diseases of the Joints. 12mo. Hanover, N. H. 181]. , . First Lines of the Practice of Surgery. 2d ed. 8vo. Hano- ver, N. H. 1815. Cooper, Mr. God's Concern for a Godly Seed : Sermon. 12mo. Cooper, John. Oration at Machias, Me. Feb. 11, 1794, on the Birth Day of Pres- ident Washington. 8vo. Boston. 1794. Cooper, Thomas. Reply to Mr. Burke's Invective against Mr. Cooper and Mr. Watt, in the House of Commons, April 30, 1792. 8vo. London. 1792. Cooper, Thomas. The Worldling's Adventure. Two Sermons before the Com- pany of Grocers. 4to. London. 1619. Cooper, Thomas. Some Information respecting America. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1795. Cooper, Thomas. Political Arithmetic. 8vo. , . Political Essays. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1800. , . Strictures on the Report of Wm. H. Crawford, recommending Intermarriages of Americans with Indians. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. , . See Cary, Mathew. Cooper, James Fenimore. Lionel Lincoln. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 1825. , . See Gushing, Caleb. Cooper, William. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, March 9, 1731-2, day after the Funeral of the Hon. William Tailer, late Lieutenant Governor. 8vo. Boston. 1732. , . Sermon at the Boston Lecture, March 1, 1738-9, on tlie Death of Rev. Peter Thacher. 8vo. Boston. 1739. , . Sermon at Boston, March 22, 1740. 12mo. Boston. 1741. , . Three Discourses concerning the Reality, the Extremity and Absolute Eternity of Hell Punishments. 16mo. Boston. 1732. , . The Blessedness of the Tried Saint. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Jan. 19, 1726-7. 12mo. Boston. 1727. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1740. , . Discourse on the Death of Moses Abbot, who died May 1, 1734. 8vo. Boston. 1734. , . Sermon at Springfield, Mass. Jan. 26, 1736, at the Ordination of Robert Breck. 8vo. Boston. 1736. , . Concio Hyemalis. A Winter Sermon. Being a Religious Improvement of the Irresistible Power of God's Cold. Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1737. , . Letter to him, Jan. 25, 1742, by J. F. 4to. 1742. , . Remarks on his Objections to Mr. Ashley's Sermon, by J. F. 3ded. 4to. Boston. 1742. , . See Colman, Benj. Cooper, William. Sermon at Sion-Chapel, Whitechapel, Aug. 28, 1796. 8vo. Philadelphia. , . The same. 8vo. Boston. 1796. Cooper, Samuel. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1751. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1756. , . Sermon at Boston, Aug. 8, 1753, before the Society for Encour- aging Industry and Employing the Poor. 8vo. Boston. 1753. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Boston, Oct. 16, 1759, upon the Re- duction of Quebec. 8vo. Boston. 1759. , . Sermon at Brooklin, Mass. April 9, 1760, at the Ordination of Joseph Jackson. 8vo. Boston. 1760. , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. I, 1761, on the Death of George II 8vo. Boston. 1761. 44 A :SI E R I C A \ ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Cooper, Samuel. Dudleian Lecture in Harvard College, Sept. 1, 1773. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1774. , . Sermon at Boston, Oct. 25, f780, on the Commencement of the Constitution and Organization of the new Government. 8vo. Boston. Coote, Robert. The Compleat Marksman : or the True Art of Shooting Flying. A Poem. 8vo. London. Coquette, or the History of Eliza Wharton. 12mo. Newburyport, Mass. ISll. Coram, Robert. Political Inquiries : to which is added a Plan for the general Establishment of Schools throughout the United States. 8vo. Wilmington. 1791. Coram, Thomas. Private Vertue and Public Spirit display'd. In a Succinct Es- say on the Character of 12mo. Boston. 1751. Corbett, Ed. Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 28, 1642. 4to. London. Corbett, Miles, [Regicide.] See Barkstead, J. Corbett, John. An Account given of Principles and Practices of several Non- Conformists. 4to. London. 1{)82. , . Self Employment in Secret. 3d ed. IGmo. Boston. 1684. , . The same. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1786. Cordier, M. Le. Instruction des Pilotes. 12mo. Havre de Grace. 1766. Cordus, Valerius. De Halosantho, sen Spermate ceti, vulgo dicto. 8vo. Tio-uri. 1565. Cornaro, Lewis. The Probable Way of Attaining Long and Healthful Life. Tr. from the Italian. 6th ed. 12mo. London. 1788. Cornelius, a Lapide. In Omnes Divi Pauli Epistolas Commentaria. fol. Parisiis. 1631. , . In Prophetas Majores Commentaria. fol. Par. 1626. , . In Acta Apostolorura Commentaria. fol. Par. 1631. , . Commentaria in Apocalypsin S. Johannis Apostoli. fol. Parisiis. 1631. Cornelius, Elias. Sketch of the Life and Character of [By B. B. Edwards.] 8vo Boston. 1832. , . Sermon on. the Doctrine of the Trinity. 8vo. Andover. 1826. , . Sennon at Salem, Mass. Sept. 25, 1 823, at the Ordination of Edmund Frost as Missionary to the Heathen, and Aaron W. Warner, Ansel D. Eddy, Nathan W. Fiske, Isaac Oakes and George Sheldon, as Evangelists. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Cornelius. Vide Hogeland. Corn Laws. Catechism on. 12th ed. 8vo. London. 1827. Cornwallis, Frederic. [Abp. of Cant] Sermon before the Society for Propagat- ing the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20, 1756. 8vo. London. 1 756. Cornwallis, Earl, [Gen.] Answer to that part of the Lieut Gen. Sir Henry Clin- ton, which relates to the Conduct of Lieut Gen. Earl Cornwallis, during the Campaign in North America, in the year 1781. 8vo. London. 1783. Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England. Complete Account of the Ceremonies of 2d ed. 4to. London. 1727. Correspondent See Windham Herald. Cosmology. An Inquiry into the Cause of what is called Gravitation or Attrac- tion. 12mo. Bath. 1791. Costerus, R. P. Franciscus. Libellus Sodalitatis. 24mo. Coloniae. 1586. Cottin, Sophia de. Elizabeth ; or the Exiles of Siberia. Tr. from the French. 12mo. Carlisle. 1809. Cotton, John. The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Power thereof, according to the Word of God. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1644. , . The Pouring out of the Seven Vials. 4to. Boston. 1642. , . Discourse about Civil Government in a New Plantation, whose Design is Religion. 4to. Cambridge. 1643. , . Vindiciae Clavium : Vindication of the Keyes of the Kingdom into the hands of the right owners. Also Animadversions upon another Tract of Mr. J. C. called " The Way of the Churches of New England." 4to. Lon don. 1645. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 45 Cotton, John. The Way of the Churches of Christ in New England. 4to. Lon- don. 1645. , . The Bloiidy Tenent washed and made white in the Bloud of the Lambe. With a Reply to Mr. Williams his Examination. 4to. London. 1647. ^ , The Way of the Congregational Churches cleared, in two Trea- tises. 4to. London. 1G48. - , . The Holiness of Church Members. 4to. London. 1650. , . Christ the Fountaine of Life. 4to. London. 1651. , . The Covenant of Grace. r2mo. London. 1654. , . Abstract of LaAvs and Government 4to. London. 1655. , . A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace. 12mo. London. 1671. , . God's Promise to his Plantation. 4to. Boston. 1686. , . Nashauanittue Meninnunk Wutch Mukkiesog, &c. &c. 16mo. Cambridge, Mass. 169] . , . Sennon delivered at Salem in 1636, to which is prefixed a Re- traction of his former Opinion concerning Baptism. 12mo. Boston. 1713. Cotton, John. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1753. , — — . Fast Sermon at Newton, Mass. after the Terrible Earthquake, Oct. 27, 1727. 12mo. Boston. , . Two Sermons at the Lecture in Newton, April 29 and May 8, 1741. 16mo. Boston. 1741. Cotton, John, Esq. Account of the First Church in Plymouth. [1 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 4.] , . The same. [Old Colony Memorial, vol. 1.] , . General Practice of the Churches of New England, relating to Baptism, vindicated. 12mo. Boston. , . General Practice of the Churches of New England, relating to Baptism, further vindicated. 12mo. Boston. 1773. Cotton, John. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Feb. 8, 1728, after repeated Shocks of the Earthquake.- 12mo. Boston. 1728. ^ — , — ■ — i Sermon at the Ordination of Ward Cotton, at Hampton, N. H. June 19, 1734. 8vo. Boston. 1734. Cotton, John, [Halifax.] Sermon at Attleborough, Mass. upon a particular occa- sion, Jan. 9, 1746-7. 12mo. Boston. , . Seasonable W^arning to these Churches. Narrative of the Trans- actions at Middleborough, Mass. in settling a Minister in the Room of the Rev. Peter Thacher. 4to. Boston. 1746. Cotton, Robert. Answer to such Motives as were offered by certain Military Men to Prince Henry, inciting him to affect arms more than Peace, with a short view of the Reign of King Henry Third. 12mo. London. 1675. Cotton, Nathaniel. Various Pieces in Prose and Verse. 2 vols. 12mo. Lon- don. 1791. Cotton, Charles. Poetical Works. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1734. Cotton, Ward. Charity Sermon at Boylston, Mass. Oct. 1, 1816. 8vo. Worces- ter. 1817. Cotton, Josiah. Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (Natick) Indian Language. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1829. [See 3 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 2.] Covell, Lemuel. Narrative of a Missionary Tour through the Western Settle- ments of New York, &c. 12mo. Troy. 1804. Covenanter. The Covenanter vindicated from Prejudice. . See Non-Conformity ; Church. Coventry, Alexander. See New York Medical Society. Courval, Le Sieur, de I'Office de la Semaine Sainte, et de I'Octave de Pasque. 16mo. Paris. 1672. Coustos, John. Unparalleled Sufferings of. 12mo. Boston. 1803. Couteau, James Baptiste. Confessions of. Tr. from the French by Robert Jeph- son. 2 vols. 12mo. Dublin. 1794. Cowdery, Dr. American Captives in Tripoli ; or. Dr. Cowdery's Journal in Min- iatuie. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1806. Cowellus, J. Institutiones Juris Anglicani ad Methodum et Seriam Institutionum Imperialium compositae. 16mo. Cantab. 1605. Cowley, Abraham. Poetical Works of. See British Poets. 46 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Cowlcs, Giles 11. Three Sermons on Infant Baptism, to which is added an Ap- pendix on the Mode of Baptism. By Jonathan Miller. 8vo. New York. 1802. Cowper, William. Two Sermons before his Majesty in Scotland. 4to. London. I{il8. Cowper, William. Task and Review of Schools. 12mo. Boston. 1791. , . Task. 12mo. Boston. 1791. , . Poems, with his Life. 3 vols. 12mo. Amherst, N. H. 1808. , . I\Iemoir of his Early Life, by himself. 12mo, Philadelphia. J81(). Cow Pox. See Massachusetts, [1810.] Cox, Richard. Letter to Thomas Prior, Esq. shewing, from Experience, a sure method to establish the Linnen Manufacture. 8vo. Boston. 1750. Cox, Samuel II. Regeneration and the Manner of its Occurrence. Sermon at the Opening- of the Synod of New York, Oct. 20, 1829. 8vo. New York. 1829. Coxe, Tench. View of the United States of America. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. Coxe, Daniel. Description of the English Province of Carolina. 8vo. London. 174L Coxe, William. Account of Russian Discoveries between Asia and America, to which are added the Conquest of Siberia and History of the Transactions and Commerce between Russia and China. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1803. , . Sketches of the Natural, Civil and Political State of Swisserland. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1780. Coxes, J. R. Plates to the Emporium of the Arts and Sciences. 4to. Cozens. Fables addressed to the Ladies. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1788. Crabb, George. Dictionary of General Knowledge. 12n\o. Boston. 1830. Crac, Monsieur de. Dans son Petit Castel, ou Les Gascons : Comedie. 8vo. Paris. 1792. Crafts, Thomas. Fast Sermon at Middleborough, Mass. April 5, 1804. 8vo. Boston. 1804. Crafts, Thomas, Jun. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1791. 4to. Boston. 1791. Crafts, William, Jun. Phi Beta Kappa Oration at Cambridge, Mass. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 1817. , , . Life and Writings of. 8vo. Charleston. 1828. Cragg, J. The Widow's Joy : Sermon. 4to. Cragge, John. See Tombs. Cranch, William. Memoir of the Life, Character and Writings of John Adams ; read before the Columbian Institute at Washington, March 16, 1827. 8vo. Washington. 1827. Crandall, Miss. See May, Samuel J. Crane, Thomas. Isagoge ad Dei Providentiam ; or a Prospect of Divine Provi- dence. 12mo. London. 1G72. Crane, John. Eight Discourses on Baptism. 12mo. Boston. 1806. , . Discourse at Upton, Mass, March 15, 1810. 8vo. Sutton. 1811. , . Oration at Douglas, Mass. July 4, 1802. 8vo. Worcester. Craner, Thomas. A Grain of Gratitude. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. John Gill. 8vo. London. [1771.] Crashaw, Richard. Poetical Works of. See British Poets. Crashaw, William. The Parable of Poyson in 5 Sermons of Spiritual Poyson. 4to. London. 1()18. Craven, Isaac. Sermon at London, July 2, l(i57. 4to. London. 1658. Crawford, Charles. Observations upon Negro Slavery. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1790. , . Observations upon the Downfall of the Papal Power and the consequent Events. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1788. Creeds. Seasonable and candid Thoughts on Human Creeds or Articles of Faith, as Religious Tests, &c. By an Orthodox Clergyman of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Crellius, Johannes. Ethica Aristotelica. 4to. Cosmopoli. 1681. , . Ethica Christiana. 4to. , . Catechesis Ecclesiarum Polonicarum. , . Vide Essenius. CATALOGUE O 1' L I li II A 11 Y . 47 Crevecoeur, [M. St. John de.] Letter from an American Farmer. 12mo. Phila- delphia. 1793. Criminal Recorder, or an Awful Beacon to the Rising Generation. 12nio. Phil- adelphia. 1812. Crimps. Reflections on the Pernicious Custom of Recruiting by Crimps. 8vo. London. Crisp, Samuel. Two Letters upon his Joining the Quakers. 12mo. New York. 1807. Crispin, John. The Estate of the Church. 4to. London. ICOl. Crisis ; or the Origin and Consequences of our Political Dissentions. With the late Treaty between the United States and Great Britain. By a Citizen of Vermont, 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1815. Crisis ; or Essays on the Usurpations of the Federal Government By Brutus. 8vo. Charleston, S. C. 1827. Crocker, Hannah Mather. Series of Letters on Free Masonry. By a Lady of Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1815. , . School of Reform, or Seaman's Safe Pilot to the Cape of Good Hope. 12mo. Boston. }S16. , . Observations on the Rights of Women. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1816. Crocker, Edward. Arithmetick perused by J. Hawkins and amended by George Fisher. 48th ed. IGmo. London. 1736. Crodacott, John. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, April 17, lG5o. 4to. London. 1G58. Croes, John, [Bp.] Charge to the Clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in New Jersey. 8vo. New Brunswick. 1819. , , . Charge to the Clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Nevy- Jersey. 8vo. New Brunswick. 1829. Croflon, Zechariah. The Fastning of St. Peter's Fetters. By seven Links, or Propositions. Or, the Efficacy and Extent of the Solemn League and Covenant vindicated, against Dr. Gauden and others. 4to. London. 1660 Croghan, Colonel. Journal from Fort Pitt, in 1765, to Detroit by way of the Wa- bash. See Butler's Kentucky, Appendix. Cromwell, Oliver. Veni ; Vidi : Vici. The Triumphs of the Most Excellent and Illustrious, Oliver Cromwell, &c. set forth in a Panegyricke. Tr. from the Latin by Thomas Manley, Jun. 16mo. London. 1652. , . Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, as it was publickly declared at Westminster, Dec. 16, 1653. 4to. London. 1654. , . True State of the Case of the Commonwealth of England, &c. in relation to the late established Government, by a Lord Protector and a Par- liament. 4to. London. 1654. , . Speeches to Parliament, Sept. 4 and 12, 1654. 4to. London. 1654. , . Speech to Parliament at its Dissolution, Jan. 22, 1654. 4to. London. 1(354. Crookshanks, William. History of the State and Sufferings of the Church of Scotland fi-om the Reformation to the Revolution. Vol. 2. 8vo. Crosby^Charles Coteworth Pinckney. Two Letters to the Rev. Horatio Bard- well. Worcester. 1826. , . History of West Boylston, Mass. [Wor- cester Magazine and Hist. Journal, vol. 2.] Croslcy, David. Samson a Type of Christ. Sermon at London, July 28, 1691. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1744. Cross, Jeremy L. The True Masonic Chart, or Hieroglyphical Monitor. 2d ed. 12mo. New Haven. 1820. , . The same. 4th ed. 12mo. New Haven. 1826. Cross, Robert. Oration at Newburyport, Mass. July 4, 1822. Svo. Newburyport Croswell, Andrew. Reply to the Declaration of a number of the Associated Min- isters of Boston, &-C. with regard to the Rev. James Davenport. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1742. 16 48 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY- Croswell, Andrew Reply to a Book entitled A Display of God's Special Grace. 12mo. Boston. 1742. , . Letter from the Rev. Mr. Croswell to the Rev. Mr. Turell, in Answer to his Direction to his People. 12ino. Boston. 1742. , . A Sober Reply to a Mad Answer. In a Letter to Mr. A. Croswell, occasioned by his Letter to Mr. E. Turell. By a private Brother. 16mo. Boston. 1742. , . Defence of the Dialogue entitled A Display of God's Special Grace. Against the Exceptions made to it by the Rev. Mr. A. Croswell. In a Letter to him from the Author of that Book. 12mo. Boston. 1743. ^ ^ — . . The Apostle's Advice to the Jaylor Improved : Being a Sol- emn Warning against the Awful Sin of Soul Murder. Sermon. IGmo. Bos- ton. 1744. , . What is Christ to me, if He is not mine ? Or, a seasonable Defence of the Old Protestant Doctrine of Justifying Faith. 4to. Boston. 1745. , . Second Defence of the Old Protestant Doctrine of Justifying Faith. Being a Reply to the Exceptions of Solomon Williams, against a Book entitled. What is Christ to me, if He is not mine ? 4to. Boston. 1747. , . Heaven Shut against Arminians and Antinomians : Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1747. , , Narrative of the Founding and Settling the New-gathered Congregational Church in Boston, &c. 4to. Boston. 1749. , -. The Heavenly Doctrine of Man's Justification only by the Obedience of Jesus Christ : Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1758. , . A Testimony against the Prophaness of some of the Publick Disputes on the last Commencement Day ; with (Letters to the President of Harvard College, on: the occasion, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1760. , . Letter to the Rev. Alexander Gumming. 12mo. Boston. 1762. -, . Free Justification thro' Christ's Redemption. Discourse at Boston, Oct. 17, 1764. 8vo. Boston. 1764. •, T . Free Forgiveness of Spiritual Debts : Sermon. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1766. J . Comfort in Christ. Sermon at Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1767. , . Observations on William Warburton's Sermon before the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, wherein our Colonies are defended against his most injurious and abusive Reflections. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1768. , . The same. 8vo. Boston. 1768. ^ . Brief Remarks on the Satyrical Drollery at Cambridge, Mass. last Commencement Day. 4to. Boston. ]-771. , . Mr. Murray Unmask'd. In Avhich, among other things, is shewn, that his Doctrine of Universal Salvation is inimical to Vertue, and pro- ductive of all manner of Wickedness, &c. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1775. , . Discourse from 1 Thes. ch. ii. 13th v. in' which is shewn the Cause and Cure of all Religious Melancholly, Horrors of Conscience, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1784. , . See Whitefield, George; Garden, Alexander; Williams, S.; Gumming, A. Croswell, Joseph. Sketches of his Life, and extracts from his Journals and other writings. ]2mo. Boston. 1809. Croswell, William. Tables for readily computing Longitude by Lunar Observa- tions, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . Description and Explanation of the Mercator Map of the Starry Heavens. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Crouch, Henry. Complete View of English Customs. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1731. , . Same. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1745. Croxall, Samuel. Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1729. 4to. London. , . Fables of ^Esop and others tr. into English. 12mo. Philadel- phia. 1783. Cruden, Alexander. Complete Concordance. 4to. Philadelphia. 1806. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 49 Crusoe, Robinson. The New Robinson Crusoe, tr. from the French. V2mo. Boston, 1799. Cry from the Wilderness ! A Voice from the East. A Reply from the West. Troubles in the North, Exemplifying in the South. By a Cosmopolite. 12mo United States. 1830. Cry from the North. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Cry from the Four Winds. 8vo. Boston. 1627. Cudworth, William. Christ the only Foundation. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. James Hervey. 2d ed. 8vo. London. [1759.] , . Defence of Mr. Hervey's Dialogues, against Mr. Bellamy, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1762. Cudworth, Ralph. Discourse concerning the true notion of the Lord's Supper. 4to. London. 1642. , . Union of Christ and the Church : in a Shadow. 12mo. Lon- don. 1642. , . See Perkins, William. Cujacius, Jacobus. De Confessione Concio. 16mo. Lutetiae. 1593. Cullen, William. Letter to Lord Cathcart concerning the Recovery of Persons drowned. 8vo. Edinburg. 1784. , . A Treatise of the Materia Medica. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1789. , . First Lines of the Practice of Physic. 8 vols. 12mo. Wor- cester. 1790. , . Same, with Notes by Charles Caldwell. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1816. , . Synopsis of Nosology. Tr. from the Latin. 12mo. Hartford, Con. 1792. Culverwell, Nathaniel. An elegant and learned Discourse of the Light of Na- ture ; with several other Treatises. 4to. London. 1654. Cumberland, Richard. Calvary, or the Death of Christ : a Poem. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1796. , . Memoirs of 8vo. New York. 1806. Cumings, Henry. Thanksgiving Sermon at Billerica, Mass. Nov. 23, 1775. 8vo. Worcester. [1776.] , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Billerica, Nov. 27, 1766. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1767. , . Sermon at Bolton, Mass. Oct. 26, 1785, at the Ordination of Phineas Wright. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Billerica, Dec. 11, 1783. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1784. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1783. , . Sermon at Lexington, Mass. April 19, 1781, Anniversary of the Commencement of Hostilities. 8vo. Boston. 1781. , . Sermon at Billerica, June 28, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Billerica, Dec. 15, 1796. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1797. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Billerica, Nov. 29, 1798. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1798. , . Eulogy on the late Patriot, George Washington, Jan. 10, 1800. 8vo. Amherst, N.H. 1800. , . Half Century Sermon at Billerica, Feb. 21, 1813. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 1813. Cumming, A. Animadversions on Rev. Mr. Croswell's late Letter, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1763. ^ , — . Sermon at his Instalment at Boston, South Church, Feb. 25, 1761. 8vo. Boston. 1761. , — . Eclogue occasioned by the Death of, on the 25th Aug. 1763. 4to. Boston. 1763. Cumming, John. Discourse to a Society of Young Men in London, in ]719. 8vo. Boston. 1805. Cummings, J. A. Questions on the Historical Parts of the New Testament. 12mo. Boston. 1817. Cummings, Samuel. The Western Pilot, containing Charts of the Ohio and Mis- 50 AMERICAN A N T 1 Q U A U I A N SOCIETY. sissippi Rivers, with a Description of tlie Towns on their Banks. 8vo. Cin- cinnati. ]8'29. Cumming-s, Abraham. The Harmony of Christians the Glory of God. Sermon at Sullivan, Me. Sept. ] 8-20. 2(1 ed. 8vo. Hallowell. 1822. , . Dissertation on the Introduction and Glory of the Millen- nium, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1797. , . Believers proved to he the only proper Subjects of Bap- tism. In Reply to a publication of Nath'l Emmons, entitled " Sprinkling- the proper Mode, and Infants the };roper Subjects of Baptism." 12mo. Boston. 1798. , . The Present Times Perilous. Fast Sermon at Sullivan, April 25, 1799. 8vo. Castine. Cunningham, Eliza. Monument to the Praise of the Lord's Goodness and to the Memory of. 8vo. Philadelphia. 179f). Cunningham, William, and Company. Claim and Answer of, against the United States. 4to. Philadelphia. 1798. , , . Reply of, to the Answer of the United States to the Claim and Memorial of. 4to. Philadelphia. 1798. Cunningham, William. Eulogy, at Lunenburgh, Mass. Feb. 22, 1800, on George Washington. 8vo. Worcester. 1800. Cunningham, J. W. A World without Souls : and the Velvet Gushing. 12m(). Albany, N. Y. 1815. Cunningham, T. Law Dictionar}^ 2d ed. 2 vols. fol. London. 1771. , — . The Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &ic. Gth ed, 8vo. London. 1778. Cunningham, William. See Adams, John. Cunningham, William, Jun. Oration at Fitchburg, Mass. July 4, 1803. 8vo. Leominster. Curran, John Philpot. Speeches, with Sketches of Trials in Ireland for High Treason. 2ded. 8vo. Baltimore. 1805. Currencies. Discourse concerning the Currencies in the British Plantations in America. Currency. Letter from a Gentleman in Boston, to his Friend in Connecticut, re- lating to. 4to. 1744. — . Brief Account of the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Paper Currency of New England. 4to. Boston. 1749. and Banking. Essay on. Being an attempt to shew their true nature, and to explain the difficulties that have occurred in discussing them. With an application to the Currency of this Country. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. Currie, James. On the Use of Water : abridged. 12mo. Augusta, Me. 1799. Curtis, Charles Pelham. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1823. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Curtis, Jonathan. Sermon at Dedham, Mass. June 9, 1830, before tlie Auxiliary Education Society of Norfolk County. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Curzon, Sir Nathaniel. Brief View of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, as it is this day practised in England. Addressed to. 8vo. Boston. 1765. Gushing, Jacob. Sermon at the Ordination of Samuel Williams, at Bradford, Mass. Nov. 20, 1765. 8vo. Boston. 17GC. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Elijah Brown, at Sherburne, Mass. Nov. 28, 1770. 8vo. Boston. ]771. , . Sermon at Lexington, Mass. April 20, 1778, in commemoration of the Battle of April 19, 1775. 8vo. Boston. 1778. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Nathan Underwood, at Harwich, Mass. Nov. 21, 1792. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , . Discourse at Brookline, Mass. July 25, 1796, on the Death of Rev. Joseph Jackson. 8vo. Boston. 1797. Gushing, Jolin. Sermon at Marshfield, Mass. Sept. 5, 1759, at the Ordination of Thomas BroAvn. 12mo. Boston. Gushing, John. Two Sermons at Ashburnham, Mass. July 31, 1790, on the Deatli of Mrs. Dorothy Wilder. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at Ashburnham, March 23, 1817, at the Interment of George Wilker, Jun. 8vo. Andover. 1817. , . Half Century Sermon at Ashburnham, Nov. 3, 1818. 8vo. Worcester. 1818. CATALOGUE OF LIP. RARY. 51 Cusliintr, John. Sermon at the Interment of Wm. Merriam. 8vo. Worcester. 1819. Gushing, Thomas H. Trial of, before a Court Martial at Baton Rouge, La. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1812. Gushing, Caleb. Oration at Newburyport, Mass. July 4, 1821. 2(1 ed. 8vo. Newburyport. 1821. . , . Translation of Pothicr's Treatise on Contracts. Sec Pothicr, R.J. , . History of the Present State of Newburyport. 12mo. Newbu- ryport. 1826. , . Masonic Address at Lynn, Mass. June 24, 182G. 8vo. New- buryport. 1826. , . Eulogy, at Newburyport, on John x\dams and Thomas Jelierson, July 15, 1826. 8vo. Cambridge. 1826. , . The Claims of the Citizens of the United States on Denmark. 2ded. 8vo. Cambridge. 1826. , . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. Cambridge. 1826. , . Oration at Newburyport, July 4, ]832. 8vo. Newburyport. 1832. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1833, before the Colonization Society. 8vo. Boston. 3833. , . R.eminisccnces of Spain, the Country, its People, History and Monuments. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1833. , . Review, Historical and Political, of the late Revolution in France, and the Consequent Events in Belgium, Poland, Great Britain and oth- er parts of Europe. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1833. , . Introductory Discourse before the American Institute of In- struction, at Boston, Aug. 1834. 8vo. Boston. 1834. , . Eulogy on La Fayette, before the Young Men of Dover, N. H. Sept 6, 1834. 8vo. Dover. 1834. , . Reply to the Letter of J. Fenimore Cooper. By one of his Countrymen. 8vo. Boston. 1834. , . Speech in the Massachusetts House of Representatives on the Currency and Public Deposites. 8vo. Salem. 1834. Gushing, Mrs. Caroline W. Letters, descriptive of Public Monuments, Scenery and Manners in France and Spain. 2 vols. 12mo. Newburyport. 1832. Cushman, Elisha. Christian Fortitude. Sermon at Hartford, Con. May 30, 1813. 8vo. Hartford. 1813. Cushman, Joshua. Oration at Augusta, Me. July 4, 1807. 8vo. Augusta. 1807. Cushman, Robert. Sermon at Plimouth, Mass. in 1621, describing the Sin and Danger of Self-Love. 12mo. , . The same. With an Appendix. 8vo. Plymouth. 1788. , . The same. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . The same. 8vo. Stockbridge, Mass. 1822. Custis, George W. P. Address at Georgetown, D. G. Sept. 1, 1812, on the Mur- der of Gen. Lingan by the Mob at Baltimore. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Gutbush, James. Philosophy of Experimental Chemistry. 2 vols. 12mo. Phil- adelphia. 1813. Cutler, Manassah. Discourse before the Bible Society of Salem and Vicinity, April 21, 1813, with the Second Report of the Society. 8vo. Salem. 1813. Cutler, Timothy, [Pres.] Connecticut Election Sermon. 16mo. New London. 1717. , , . Depth of the Divine Thoughts ; and the Regards due to them. Sermon, Oct. 18, 1719. 16mo. New London. 1720. Cutler, Timothy. Sermon at Boston, June -28, 1747, on the Death of Thomas Greaves, Esq. of Gharlestown. 8vo. Boston. 1747. Guvier, G. Essay on the Theory of the Earth, with Observations on the Geology of North America, by Samuel L. Mitchell. 8vo. New York. 1818. Cyclopaedia. See Rees, Abraham. Cyprean Cabinet. 4to. London. 1788. Gyrillus, Alexandrinus. Commentaria in Johannem. fol. Parissii. 1508. Gyro, Viages de, y un discurso sobre la Mitologia etc. tr al Gastellano per Fran- cisco Savila. 2 tom. 16mo. Madrid. 1784. \ CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 1836. D Daggett, David. Oration at New Haven, Con. July 4, 1787. 12mo. New Hav6A. , , Sun-Beams may be extracted from Cilcumbers, but the Pro- cess is tedious. Oration at New Haven, July 4, 1799. 8vo. New Haven. , ^ — . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. New Haven. 1799. , . Argument before the General Assembly of Connecticut, Oct. 1804, in the cas6 of certain Justices of the Peace. 8vo. New Haven. 1804. , . Eulogium on Roger Griswold, before the General Assembly of Connecticut, Oct. 29, 1812. 8vo. New Haven. J812. Daggett, John. Sketch of the History of Attleborough, Mass. from its first Set- tlement to the present time. 8vo. Dedham. ] 834. Daggett, Naphtali, [Pres.] Sermon at the Ordination of Joseph Ho"we, at Boston, May 19, 1773. 8vo. Boston. 1773. Daillonicus, Benjaminus. Theses Theologicae. 4to. Salmurii. 1651. Daineff, Gregorius. Opus Eruditissimum, de Triplici Mundo, Divino, Angelico etHumaAo. foi. Leodii. 1639. Dalcho, Frederick. Masonic Oration at Charleston, S. C. Sept- 23, 1801. 8vo. Charleston. , . Masonic Oration at Charleston, S. C. March 21, 1803, with an Historical Inquiry. 8vo. Charleston. , . An Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina, from the first Settlement of th6 Province to the War of the Revolution, &c. 8vo. Charleston. 1820. Dalechamp, Caleb. Christian Hospitaliti6. 4to. London. 1632. • , . Honorifica de Vita et Obitu vere venerabilis hospital isque Senis D. Harrison. 4to. Cantab. 1632. Dallas, Alexander J. Exposition of the Character and Causes of the late War. 8vo. Boston. 1815. Dallas, George Mifflin. Speech in the Senate of the United States, on the Tariff, Feb. 27, 1832. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. Dalrymple, John. The Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inliabitants of America. 8vo. London. 1775. Dalrymple, William. Treatise on the Culture of Wheat. 8vo. London. 1800. Dalton, Michael. The Countrey Justice, fol. London. 1622. , . Same. fol. London. 1680. Dalton, John. See Tully, Sam. Damon, David. Sermon at Charlton, Mass. Sept. 14, 1826, before the Auxiliary Bible Society. 8vo. Worcester. , . Farev/611 Sermon at Lunenburg, Mass. Dec. 2, 1827. 8vo. Lan- caster. 1828. , . Address at Amesbury, Mass. Ang. 2, 1829, previous to the Or- ganization of the Salisbury and Amesbury Temperance Society. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Dana, James. Sermon at Wallingford, Con. Sept. 1763, on the Deatli of John, son of Elihu Hall, Esq. 12mo. New Haven. 1765. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN IS O C 1 E T Y. Dana, James. Sermon at Wallingford. July, 1764, on the Death of Charles Whit- tlesey, Esq. 12mo. Boston. , . Two Discourses at Cambridge, Mass. May 10, 1767. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1767. , . Century Discourse at Wallingford, April 9, 1770. 8vo. New- Haven. , . " Examination of the late Pres. Edward's Inquiry on the Freedom of the Will,^' continued, vvith Stricture's on the Rev. Mr. West's "Essay on Moral Ag-ency." 8vo. Now Haven. 1773. , . Discourse at Kensington, Con. Dec. 1, 1774, on occasion of first Assembling in the new Church. 8vo. New Haven. 1775. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. Svo. Hartford. 1779. , . Discourse at Wallingford, Dec. 22, 1782, on the Tragical Exit of William Beadle, his Wife and four Children. 4to. New Haven. Dana, James, [New Haven.] Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Abiel Holmes, at Cambridge, Mass. Jan. 25, 1792. 8vo. Boston. 1792. , . The Folly of Practical Atheism. Discourse before Yale College, Nov. 23, 1794. 8vo. New Haven. , . The Heavenly IMansions. Sermon at New Haven, May 14, 1795, at the Interment of the Rev. Ezra Stiles. Svo. New Haven. , . Sermon at Weathersfield, Con. Nov. 20, 1803, on the Death of Ebenezer Grant Marsh. 8vo. Hartford. 1803. , . The African Slave Trade. Discourse at New Haven, Sept. 9, 1790, before the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom. 8vo. New Haven. J 791. Dana, Samuel. Discourse on the History of the First Church in Marblehead, Mass. Jan. 7, 1816. Svo. Boston. 1816. Dana, Daniel. Discourse on the first Sabbath after his Ordination. Svo. New- bury port. 1794. , . Fast Sermon, April 25, 1799. Svo. Newburyport. 1799. , . Discourse on the Character and Virtues of George Washington. Svo. Newburyport. 1800. , . Two Sermons, at Newburyport, Mass. March 24, 1799. Svo. Newburyport. 1800. , . Sermon on the Atonement, before the Convention of New Hamp- shire Ministers. Svo. Concord. 1824. , . Hints on Reading. An Address before the Ipswich Female Sem- inary, Jan. 15, 1834. Svo. Newburyport. 1834. , . Importance of the Christian Ministry. Sermon before the Ameri- can Society for Educating Pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry, at their Third Anniversary at Boston, Sept. 30, 1818. Svo. Andover. 1818. , . Sermon at Boston, May 28, 1817, before the Massachusetts Soci- ety for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Svo. Andover. 1817. , . New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Concord. 1823. , . Charity Sermon at Gloucester, Mass. April 18, 1815. Svo. New- buryport. 1815. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 26, 1812, [at Newburyport, Mass.] Svo. Newburyport. 1812. , . Discourse at the Interment of Rev. John Boddily. Svo. Newbu- ryport. 1802. , . The Deity of Christ. A Sermon. Svo. Haverhill, Mass. 1810. , . Address on Sacred Music. Svo. Exeter, N. H. 1813. , . Connexion between Moral and Intellectual Improvement. A Discourse before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Dartmouth College. Svo. Exeter, N.H. 1817. , . Sermon at the Dedication of the House of Worship of the First Church in Dedham, Mass. Svo. Dedham. 1819. , . Farewell Sermon to his Society in Newburyport, Nov. 19, 1S20. , . Sermon on the Death of Levi Hartshorn. Svo. Newburyport. 1820. , . Discourse before the New Hampshire Colonization Society, June 2, 1825. Svo. Concord. 1825. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 3 Dana, Daniel. Sermon at the Ordination of Levi Plartshorn. 8vo. Newbury- port. 1815. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Daniel Fitz, Jime 28, 182G. 8vo. Newbury port. 1826. , . Importance of a Purified Literature. An Address before the Alumni of Dartmouth Colleg-e. 8vo. Boston. ] 834. , — = . Conversion the Work of God. A Sermon, Dec. 3], 1831. 8vo. Newburyport. 1832. Dana, Joseph. New American Selection of Lessons in Reading, &c. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1794. , . Same. 3d ed. 12mo. Exeter, N. H. 1893. Dana, Joseph. Sermon at Newburyport, Mass. at the Ordination of Daniel Dana, Dec. 19, 1794. 8vo. Newburyport. 1795. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, [at Ipswich, Mass.] Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo- Newburyport. 1795. , . Fast Discourse, in Two Parts, April 25, 1799. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Discourse on the Character and Death of George Washington. 8vo. Newburyport. 1800. , . Massachusetts Convention Sennon. 8vo. Boston. 1801. , . Sermon at Marblehead, Mass. Oct. 7, 1801, at the Ordination of Samuel Dana. 8vo. Salem. 1801. , . Sermon at Ipswich, Mass. Aug. 4, 1807. 8vo. Newburyport 1808. , . Two Discourses delivered in Ipswich, Mass. Jan. 14, 1810. 8vo. Newburyport. 1810. , . Sermon at Boston, Oct. 21, 1812, before the Massachusetts Soci ety for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 8vo. Cambridge. 1812. Dana, Samuel. Oration at Groton, Mass. July 4, 1807. 8vo. Amherst, N. H. 1807. Dana, Richard H. Oration at Cambridge, Mass. July 4, 1814, before the Wash- ington Benevolent Society. 8vo. Cambridge. 1814. Dana, Samuel W. Speech in Congress, on a Resolution concerning Francis J. Jackson. 8vo. Washington. 1810. Dana, Mrs. Elizabeth. Vindication of her Character. By an Impartial Observer. 8vo. Newburyport, Mass. 1806. Danaeus, Lambertus. Tractatus de Antichristo Recens Editus. 16mo. Gene- vae. 1576. , . In Pauli Priorem Epistolam ad Timotheum Commentarius. 16mo. Genevae. 1577. ^ , Symboli Apost.olici Explicatio. 12mo. Genevae. 1592. , . Ethices Christianae. LibriTres. ]6mo. Genevae. 1614. Dane, Nathan. Prospectus of the Abridgement of American Law. 8vo. 1821. Danforth, John. Kneeling to God, at Parting with Friends : or the Fraternal In- tercessory Cry of Faith and Love. [With a Poem, to the Memory of John Eliot. 16mo. Boston. 1697. , . The right Christian Temper, in every condition; endeavoured (as the Lord vouchsafed to assist) to be set forth and recommended. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1702. , . The Vile Prophanations of Prosperity by the Degenerate among the People of God. Fast Semion at Boston, March 15, 1703. 16mo. Boston. 1704. , . The Blackness of Sins against Light. Or Men's offering Vio- lence to their Knowledge. 16mo. Boston. 1710. , . Judgment begun at the House of God: and the Righteous scarcely Saved. 16mo. Boston. 1716. , . King Hezekiah's Bitterness and Relief Sermon. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1710. , . Sermon occasioned by the late Great Earthquake and the Ter- rors tliat attended it. Fast Sermon at Dorchester, Mass. Nov. 7, 1727. 12mo. Boston. 1728. , . See Foxcroft, T. Danforth, Samuel. A Brief Recognition of New England's Errand into the Wil- derness. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 4to. Cambridge. 1671. 17 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Danforth, Samuel. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1714. Danforth, Thomas. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1804. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . Discourse before the Massachusetts Humane Society, June 14,1808. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Selections from his Papers. [2 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 8.] Dangell, M. S. The Cabinet ; or Philosopher's Master Piece. Tr. from the Ger- man. 12mo. Woodstock, Vt 1824. Daniel, Samuel. Poetical Works of. See British Poets. , . Collections of the History of England to tlie end of Henry III. fol. London. 1626. , . History of England from the Conquest to the end of King Ed- ward III. [Kennett History of England, vol. 1.] D'Anvers, Caleb. The Country Journal Extraordinary, with a List of the First Parliament of George II. 12mo. London. 1727. , . The Craftsman Extraordinary, being Remarks on a late Pam- phlet entitled Observations on the Conduct of Great Britain, Slc. 12mo. Lon- don. 1729. , ■-. Short View of the State of Affairs with relation to Great Brit- ain. 16mo. London. 1730. , . Answer to a late Pamphlet entitled Observations on tlie Writings of the Craftsman. 12mo. London. 1731. , . Answer to the Considerations occasioned by the Craftsman upon the Excise, so far as relates to the Tobacco Trade. 12mo. London. 1733. Darby, William. Tour from the City of New York to Detroit in 1818. Svo. New York. 1819. Darlington, William. Address before the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society. Svo. Philadelphia. 1825. Darrell, John. A Survey of certain Dialogical Discourses written by John Dea- con and John Walker, concerning the Doctrine of Possession and Dispossession of Divels. 4to. 1602. ' , . Replie to the Answer of John Deacon and John Walker, on the same subject. 4to. 1602. Dartmouth College. Charter of. 4to. 1769. . Sketches of the History of, and Moor's Charity School, with a Particular Account of some late Remarkable Proceedings of the Board of Trustees, from the year 1779 to 1815. Svo. — . Candid Analytical Review of the above " Sketches," &c. [By Elijah Parish.] 8vo. . Vindication of the Official Conduct of the Trustees of. 8vo. Concord, N.H. 1815. . Answer to the above " Vindication," &c. by Josiah Dunham. Svo. Hanover. 1816. . Opinion of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, in the case of the Trustees of Dartmouth College against William H. Woodward, Nov. 1817. Svo. Concord. 1818. ■■ . Refutation of sundry Aspersions in the Vindication of the Trustees of Dartmouth College on the Memory of tlieir Predecessors. By Peyton R. Freeman. Svo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1816. . Documents relative to. Svo. 1816. . Triennial Catalogue of. Svo. Concord. 1825. . Catalogue of Books in the United Fraternity's Library. 12m.o. Concord. IS24. . Catalogue of Books in the Social Friend's Library. 12mo. Concord. 1824. Darton, Nicholas. The True and Absolute Bishop. 4to. London. 1641. Darwin, Erasmus. Zoonomia. 2d ed. 2 vols. Svo. Boston. 1803. Dashfield, John. Contemplation of Man's Mortalitie. 4to. London. 1649. Daubenton, M. Advice to Shepherds and Owners of Flocks, on the Care and Management of Sheep. Tr. from the French. Svo. Boston. 1811. Daubeny, Charles. Trial of the Spirits : a seasonable Caution against Spiritual CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 5 Delusion. Also a Companion of the Book of Common Prayer, containing an Explanation of tlie Service. By John H. Hob art. 12mo. New Haven. 1809. Daveis, Charles Stewart Address at Portland, Me. on the Death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 8vo. Portland. 1826. . , . Address on the Commemoration at Fryeburg. 8vo. Portland. 1825. , . See Maine. Daveiss, J. H. View of the President's Conduct concerning the Conspiracy of 1806. 8vo. Frankfort, Ky. 1807. Davenantius, Joannes. Expositio Epistolae Pauli ad Colossenses. fol. Cantab. 1630. — ^ , . Praelectiones de duobus in Theologia controversis capi- tibus. fol. Cantab. 1631. , — . Determinationes Quaestionum quaerundam Theologica- rum. fol. Cantab. 1634. , . Dissertationes Duae. fol. Cantab. 1650. . , . Vide Mortonus, T. Davenant, William. Poetical Works of See British Poets. Davenport, John. Royall Edict for Military Exercises : Sermon before the Cap- taines and Gentlemen that exercise Armes in the Artillery Garden. 4to. London. 1629. , . Answer of the Elders of several Churches in New [England unto the nine Positions sent over to them from England. 4to. London. 1643. , . The Knowledge of Christ indispensably required of all men that would be saved. 4to. London. 1653. , . Power of Congregational Churches asserted and vindicated, in answer to a Treatise of J. Paget 16mo. London. 1672. , . See Church. 1562. Davenport, Daniel. See Dorchester. Davenport, James. Confession and Retractations. 12mo. Boston. 1744. Davenport, Mathew. Brief Historical Sketches of the Town of West Boylston, Mass. 8vo. Lancaster. 1831. Davenport, Rufus. Petitions to the twenty four States for the Adoption of Free Debt Rules. 8vo. 1829. , -. The Right Aim. 8vo. Boston. 1829. David, F. A. Museum de Florence. Tom 1. 4to. Paris. 1787. — , . Antiquities d'Herculaneum, gravies par F. A. David, avec Expli- cations Francaises P. Sylvam. 9 Tom. 4to. Paris. David. Notice of his Picture of the Coronation of Napoleon. 12mo. New York. Davidson, Henry. Ecclesiastical Register. 8vo. Portland. 1830. Davies, John. Poetical Works of. See British Poets. Davies, John. Historical Tracts, with his Life. 8vo. Dublin. 1787. Davies, Benjamin. Account of the City of Philadelphia. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1794. Davies, Samuel, [Pres.] Sermon at Nassau Hall, Jan. 14, 1761, on the Death of George II. With a Life of the Author, by D. Bostwick. 8vo. Boston. , , . The Curse of Cowardice : Sermon to the Militia of Han- over County, Va. at a General Muster, May 8, 1758. 12mo. London. 1758. , , . The same. 12mo. Boston. 1759. , , . Religion and Public Spirit : Valedictory Address to the Senior Class in Nassau Hall, Sept 21, 1760. 8vo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1762. , , . State of Religion among the Protestant Dissenters in Virginia ; in a Letter to Rev. Joseph Bellamy. 12mo. Boston. 1751. , . Little Children invited to Jesus Christ : Sermon in Han- over County, May 8, 1757. 12mo. London. 1758. Davis, Daniel. Oration at Portland, Me. July 4, 1796. 8vo. Portland. Davis, James, and Dudley D. Rosseter. See Boston, 1818. Davis, R. Hymns composed on several subjects. 6th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1741. Davis, John. Address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, May 31, 1799. 8vo. Boston. 1799. J . Eulogy on George Washington, before the American Academy, at Boston, Feb. 19, 1800. 4to. Boston. 1800. 6 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Davis, John. Attempt to Explain the Inscription on Dighton Rock. [Memoiis A. A. S. vol. 3.] , . Discourse before the Massachusetts Historical Society, Dec. 22, 1813. 8vo. Boston. 1814. [2 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 1.] , . See Morton, Nathaniel. Davis, John. First Settlers of Virsfinia. 2d ed. 12mo. New York. 1806. Davis, John, [Gov.] Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1816, with Remarks by Mr. Blake. 8vo. Worcester. , , . Address at the Dedication of tlie Town Hall, May 2, 1825. 8vo. Worcester. , , . Speech in Congress, on the Tariff Bill, March 12, 1828. 12mo. Washington. , , . Speech in Congress on the Bill for the more effectual Col- lection of Impost Duties, May 4, 1830. 8vo. Washington. 1830. , , . Speech in Congress on the Tariff Bill of 1832. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Davis, Emerson. Historical Sketch of Westfield, Mass. 8vo. Westfield. Davis, Richard B. Poems : with his Life. 12mo. New York. 1807. Davis, Timothy. Anti-Christian Religion delivered, in a Treatise on the Millen- ium. 12mo. Leominster, Mass. 1807. , . See Quakers. Davis, Joshua. Narrative of, an American Citizen, who was Pressed and served on board six ships of the British Navy. 12mo. Boston. 1811. Dawes, Thomas. Law given at Sinai : a Poem. By a Young Gentleman. 4to. Boston. 1777. , . Oration at Boston, March 5, 1781. 4to. Boston. 1781. [See Boston Orations.] , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1787. 8vo. Boston. , . Address before the Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1817. With the Second Report of the Society. 8vo. Dawes, Lancelot. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Dr. Stonehouse. 4to. Day, John. Descant upon David's Psalmes. 4to. Oxford. 1620. Day, Martin. See Featly. Day, Jeremiah. Sermon at Boston, Sept. 17, 1823, before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Day, Thomas. Sandford and Merton. 5th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1788. Day, Thomas. Reflections upon the Present State of England and the Indepen- dence of America. 8vo. London. 1782. ^ . The same. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1783. , . The same. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1783. Day, Thomas. See Connecticut. Deacon, John. See Darrell, J. Deaf and Dumb. Letters to C. C. Biddle and others connected with the Dismissal of Daniel G. Seixas and the late Founder of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. 1822. . Second Report of the Connecticut Asylmu. 8vo. Hartford. 1818. . Third Report of the Connecticut Asylum. 8vo. Hartford. 1819. . Fourth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1820. . Fifth Report of tlie same. 8vo. Hartford. 1821. . Sixth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1822. . Seventh Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1823. . Eighth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1824. . Ninth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1825. . Tenth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1826. . Eleventh Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1827. . Twelfth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1828. . Thirteentli Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1829. . . Fourteenth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1830. . Fifteenth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1831. . Sixteenth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1832. . Seventeenth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1 833. ■ . Nineteenth Report of the same. 8vo. Hartford. 1835. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 7 Deaf and Dumb. Act of Incorporation, By-Laws, List of Mo.Mibors and Pupils of the New York Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. New York. 1819. . Act of the Legislature of New York to provide for the Indicjent Deaf and Dumb ; with Letters of the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. New York. 1822. . Fifth Report of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. New York. 1824. . . Eighth Annual Report of the New York Institution for tlic Education of. 8vo. New York. 1827. . Thirteenth Annual Report of the New York Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. New York. 1831. Dealer's Pocket Companion. IGmo. Boston. 1745. Dean, Henry. Whole Art of Legerdemain. 12mo. Dean, James. Alphabetical Atlas, or Gazetteer of Vermont. 8vo. Montpelier. 1808. Dean, C}tus B. Trial, for the Murder of Jonathan Ormsby and Asa Marsh. 8vo. Burlington, Vt. 1808. Dean, Paul. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1816. , . Masonic Address at Walpole, Mass. June 24, 1823. 8vo. Boston. 1823. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1831. , . See Clarke, Samuel. Dean, Levina. See Stockbridge. Dean, Samuel. Sermon at Portland, Me. May 31, 1795, on the Death of the Rev. Thomas Smith. 8vo. Portland. 1795. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Portland. 1795. , . Oration at Portland, July 4, 1793. 8vo. Portland. 1793. Dean, Samuel. Sermon at Scituate, Mass. May 26, 1817, before the Scituate Auxiliary Society for the Suppression of Intemperance. 8vo. Boston. 1817. Deane, John. NaiTative of the Shipwreck of the Nottingham Galley, in her Voy- age from England to Boston. 5th ed. 8vo. 1762. Deane, Samuel. New England Farmer, or Georgical Dictionary. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1790. , . Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Worcester. 1797. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1794. Deane, Samuel. The Populous Village: Poem before tlie Philermenian Society in Brown University. 8vo. Providence. 1826. , . Sermon on the Good and Evil Principles of Human Nature. Svo. Boston. 1827. , . History of Scituate, Mass. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Deane, Silas. Address to the Free Citizens of the United States of North Amer- ica. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1784. , . The same ; to which is added a Letter of the Hon. Robert Morris. 8vo. London. 1784. Dearborn, Benjamin. Pupil's Guide. 12mo. Boston. 1783. Dearborn, Benjamin. Lenient System, for adjusting Demands, and collecting Debts, without Imprisonment. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Dearborn, Henry, [Gen.] Account of the Battle of Bunker Hill. 8vo. Boston. 1818. [See Portfolio, vol. 5.] Dearborn, Henry A. S. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1811, before the Bunker Hill Association. 8vo. Boston. , . Memoir of the Commerce and Navigation of the Black Sea, and the Trade and Maritime Geography of Turkey and Egypt, with Charts. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1819. , . Defence of Gen. Henry Dearborn, against the Attack of Gen. William Hull. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . Address before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society First Anniversary, Sept. 1828. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Death's Doings. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1828. De Bry, Theodorus. Notitae Americae sive Peregrinationum in Indiam occi- dentalem V. partibus Comprehensae. 8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Decalves, Alonzo. New Travels to the Westward, or Unknown Parts of Ameri- ca. 12mo. Boston. Decatur, Stephen. See Barron, James. Decree of the Sun ; or France Regenerated. A Poem. In three Cantos. 8vo. Boston. Dedham, Mass. Statement of tlie Proceedings in the First Church and Parish, in Settling a Minister. By a Member of the said Church and Parish. 8vo. Cambridge. 1819. , . Brief Summary of Christian Doctrine, and Form of Covenant, adopted in the First Church. 8vo. Dedham. 1822. , . Confession of Faith and Covenant of the South Church in. 8vo. Dedham. 1827. Dedication to a Great Man concerning Dedications; discovering among other Wonderful Secrets what will be the present Posture of Affairs a thousand years hence. 6th ed. 12mo. Dublin. 1719. Dee, Johannes. Propaedeuraata Aphoristica De Praestantioribus quibusdam Nat- urae Virtutibus. 4to. London. 1568. Defoe, Daniel. Judgment of the whole Kingdoms and Nations concerning the Right, Power and Prorogation of Kings, and the Rights, Privileges and Prop- erties of the People. 12th ed. 8vo. Newport, R. I. 1774. , . The same. 12th ed. 8vo. Boston. , . A Collection of the Writings of. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. , . Appeal to Honour and Justice. 12mo. London. 1715. , . Robinson Crusoe. 12mo. Boston. 1791. , . Same. 12mo. New York. 1815. , . Religious Courtship. With an Appendix on Servants. 12mo. Boston. 1794. , . Same. 12mo, Montpelier, Vt. 1810. , . The Shortest Way with Dissenters. See Dissenters. Degrand, P. P. F. Tariff of Duties on Importations into the United States, and Revenue Laws and Custom House Regulations. 4th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1828. Dehon, Theodore. Sermon before the Female Charitable Society in Providence, Sept 6, 1804. 8vo. Providence. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Newpoii, R. I. Nov. 27, 1805. 4to. Newport. 1806. , . Discourse before the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at Philadelphia, May 21, 1814. 12mo. Boston. 1819. , . Discourse at Newport, on the Intelligence of the Death of George Washington. 4to. Newport 1800. Deity : a Poem. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1752, Delambre, M. Vide M^chain, M. M. Delamer, Henry, [Earl of Warrington.] Works of. 8vo. London. 1694. De la Mothe, G. French Alphabet 16rao. London. 1592. De Lancy, James. See Loyalists, American. De Lancy, William H. Inaugural Address as Provost of the University of Penn- sylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. , . Address before the Trustees of the University of Penn- sylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. Delano, Amasa. Narrative of Voyages and Travels. 8vo. Boston. 1817. Delaplaine, Joseph. The Author turned Critic ; or the Reviewer Reviewed, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. , . Prospectus of his National Pantographia. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1818. Delaware. Journal of the Senate from Jan. 2, 1798, to Jan. 25, 1805. fol. New- castle. 1798-1805. . Journal of the Senate and House from Jan. 3, 1804, to Feb. 10, 1819. 10 vols. fol. Newcastle, Wilmington and Dover. 1804-19. . Laws from Oct 14, 1700, to Feb. 10, 1819. 5 vols. 8vo. Newcastle and Dover. 1797-1819. . Laws for 1820, 1, 4, 5, 7. 8vo. Dover. 1820-7. . Report of the Society for the Abolition of Slavery. See Slavery. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 9 Delaware. Reflections on the Perils and Difficulties of the Winter Navigation of. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822. Delaware and Raritan Canal. Considerations on. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. . Claims of, to a Repeal of a Law of Pennsylvania passed April 6, 1825. 8vo. Philadelphia. 182G. De L'Isle, Claude. Abrege de I'histoire universelle. 7 torn. 12mo. Paris. 1731. Dell, William. Uniformity Examined. 4to. London. IG^^tG. , . Right Reformation : Sermon. With a Reply to the Chief Con- tradictions of Master Love's Sermon. 4to. London. 164^. , . Baptismon Didache : or the Doctrine of Baptisms. 4to. London. 1652. — -, . The same. 4th ed. 16mo. Philadelphia. 1724. , . The same. 7th ed. ]6mo. Boston. 1749. , . The same. 7th ed. 8vo. London. 1763. Dellon, M. Account of the Inquisition at Goa, in India. Tr. from the French. 12mo. Boston. 1815. De Lolme, John Lewis. The British Empire in Europe. Part First. 8vo. Dub- lin. 1787. Democracy : an Epic Poem. By Aquiline Nimble-Chops, Dem ocrat. Canto First. 8vo. New York. Demosthenes. Sententiae et Similia. Gr. et Lat ex DemostJienis Orationibus et epistolis colleetae, ab J. Loino. 18mo. Genevae. 1603. . Orationes Gr. et Lat 18mo. Atigustae Ma. 1620. Selectae Orationes cum Notis R; Mounteney, ed. 9va. 12mo. Etonae. 1791. Dencke, C. F. Three Epistles of the Apostle John, tr. into the Delaware Indian Language. 12mo. New York. 1818. Denham, John. Poetical Works of See British Poets. ^ , . Character of a Presbyterian. See Calves-Head Club. Denham, Dixon, and Hugh Clapperton. Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa. 8vo. Boston. 1826. Denis, Michael. Wiens Buchdruckergesch dis MDLX. 4to. Wien. 1782. , . Annalium Typographicorum VCL. Michaelis Maittaire Supple- mentum- 2 vols. 4to. Viennae. 1789. Vide Maittaire. Denison, John. Nine Sermons. 16mo. London. 1624. Denison, Daniel. Irenicon, or a Salve for New England's Sore. 16mo. Boston. 1684. Denman, Thomas. Aphorisms on the Application and Use of the Forceps and Vectis. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1803. Denne, John. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 4to. London. 1730. Dennie, Joseph. Lay Preacher. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1796. , . Same. Collected and arranged by J. E. Hall. 12mo. Phila- delphia. 1817. , . See Farmer's Museum. Dennis, John. Vice and Luxury Publick Mischiefs : or Remarks on a Book en- tituled The Fable of the Bees. 8vo. London. 1724. Denny, Austin. Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1818. 8vo. Worcester. , . See Massachusetts Yeoman. Denny, Nathaniel P. Address before the Worcester Agricultural Society, Sept. 25, 1822. 8vo. Worcester. Dent, Daniel. Sermon against Drunkenness. 16mo. Camb. 1628. De Piles, M. History of Painting. 8vo. London. 1706. Depons, F. Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma, or the Spanish Main, in South America, during the years 1801, 2, 3 and 4. Tr. from the French by an American Gentleman. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1806. Derby, Sarah. Deed of Lease and Release of, to the Trustees of Derby School, at Hingham, Mass. 8vo. Boston. 1806. Derbyshire. Description of the High Peak of, &c. 8vo. Manchester. 1788. D'Eres, C. D. R. Sel Eres, Charles Dennis Russe D'. Derham, William. Phisico-Theology. 5th ed. 8vo. London. 1720. 10 AMERICAN A N T 1 Q U A 11 1 A N SOCIETY. "Derino^, Edward. The Fowcr Cardinall Vertues of a Carmelite Fryar: Fraud, Foil}'", Foul Lang'uao-c, Blasphemy. Derkiiider, James. Narrative of his Sufferings, as a Prisoner among the Halifax Indians. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1796. Des Cartes, Renatus. JNIeditationes de Prima Philosophia in qua Dei Existentia et Animae imniortalitas demonstratur, et cum Boctorum Objectionibus et Re- sponsibus Authoris. 4to. Amstelodami. 1G54. , . Compendium Logicae Secundum Principia. IGmo. Bos- ton. 1735. De Schcveiniz, Lewis D. Specimen Florae Americae Septentionalis Cryptoga- micae. 8vo. Raleigh. 18.21. Deserted Daughter : a Comedy. 8vo. Deseze, M. National Convention. The Defence of Louis, Dec. 20, 1792. Tr. from the French by Cezar Dubuc. 12mo. Paris. 1792. Desha, Joseph, [Gov.] Message to the Legislature of Kentucky in relation to the United States Court. 8vo. 1825. Desha, Isaac B. Statement of his Trial for the Murder of Francis Baker; taken by R. S. Thomas and G. W. Williams. 8vo. Lexington, Ky. 1825. Despard, Edward Marcus. Trial, with others, for Higli Treason. 8vo. New York. 1803. ... . ' Deusingius, Antonius. Sympathetici Pulveris Examen. 24mo. Groningae. 1662. Devens, Richard. Discourse before the Students in Divinity, at the College in Princeton, N. J. in 1771. 12mo. Charlestown. 1797. Devereau, H. See White, D. A. Deveze, Jean. Enquiry into, and Observations upon the Causes and Effects of the Epidemic Disease, which raged in Philadelphia from Aug. to Dec. 1793. In English and French. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. Devil Let Loose, or the Wo occasioned to the Inhabitants of the Earth by his Wrathful Appearance among them. Fast Sermon, April 5, 1799. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1799. Devil's Progress : a Poem. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1830. Devonshire, Duke of. Hazard of a Deathbed Repentance from the Remorse of. 12mo. London. 1708. Devotion, Ebenezer. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1753. , . Sennon at the Ordination of Enoch Huntington, at Middle- town, Con. Jan. 6, 1762. 4to. New Haven. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1777. D'Ewes, Sir Edmondo. See Ew^es Dewey, Orville. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1826. , . The Unitarian's Answer. 3d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1826. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Joseph Angier, in New Bedford, Mass. 8vo. NoAv Bedford. 1 835. Dexter, Samuel. Our Fathers' God, the Hope of Posterity. Century Discourse at Dedham, Mass. Nov. 23, 1738. 12mo. Boston. 1738. , . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1796. Dexter, Samuel. Progress of Science : a Poem, in Harvard College, April 21, 1780. 4to. 1780. , . Address to the Electors of Massachusetts. To which is added a Temperate Examination of said Address. 8vo. Boston. 1814. Dexter, Samuel. Thoughts upon several Passages of Scripture, both in the Old and New Testament, relative to Jacob and Esau. 8vo. Worcester. 1791. Dexter, Timothy. Something New, or Memoirs of. 12mo. Montpelier, Vt. 1808. , . Pickle for the Knowing Ones : or Plain Truths in a Homespun Dress. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1802. Dexter, Franklin. Oration, July 4, 1819. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Dialogue on Devotion, after the manner of Xenophon. 12mo. Diana's Shrines turned into Ready Money. See Mather, S. Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. True History of the Conquest of Mexico. Tr. from the Spanish by Maurice Keatinge. 4to. London. 1800. , . Same. 2 vols. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1803. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1808. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 11 Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. The Bibliomania. 8vo. London. 1809. See F6n6- lon. Fr. Dibdin Thomas. Collection of Songs from the Works of. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1799. Dick, Thomas. Christian Philosopher. 12mo. Brookfield, Mass. 1828. , . Philosophy of Religion. 12mo. Brookfield. 1829. , . Philosopliy of a Future State. 12mo. Brookfield. 1829. Dickinson, John. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inliabitants of the British Colonies. Svo. Boston. 1768. , . The Political writings of. 2d ed. 8vo. Wilmington, Del. ]S0]. , . Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America. With the Pi,esolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, &:.c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1774. Dickinson, Jonathan. Reasonableness of Christianity. IGmo. Boston. 1732. , . Familiar Letters to a Gentleman upon a Variety of season- able and important Subjects in Religion. 12mo. Boston. 1745. , . Vindication of God's Sovereign Free Grace. In some Remarks on Mr. J. Beach's Sermon, v/ith some brief Reflections upon H. Ca- ner's Sermon, and on a Pamphlet entitled a Letter from Aristocles to Authades. Svo. Boston. 1746. , . Second Vindication of God's Sovereign Free Grace, &lc. &c. Svo. Boston. 1748. , • The Witness of the Spirit Sennon at Newark, N. J. May 7, 1740. 12mo. Boston. 1740. , . The same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . Defence of Presbyterian Ordination. In Answer to a Pamphlet, entitled, A modest Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ in the Church. 12mo. Boston. 1724. , . Vanity of Human Institutions in the Worship of God. Sermon at Newark, June 2, 1736. 12mo. New York. 1736. , . Observations on that terrible Disease vulgarly called the Throat Distemper, &.c. Svo. Boston. 1740. , . The Reasonableness of Nonconformity to the Church of England, in point of Worship. A Second Defence of the Sermon Intituled, The Vanity of Human Institutions in the Worship of God. 12mo. Boston. 1738. , . Reflections upon Mr. Wetmore's Letter, in Defence of Dr. Waterland's Discourse of Regeneration. Svo. Boston. 1744. Dickinson, Moses. Sermon at the Funeral of the Hon. Thomas Fitch, Esq. Svo. New Haven, Con. 1774. Dickinson, Pliny. Discourse at Walpole, N H. May 1813, at the Funeral of Rev. Thomas Fessenden. 8vo. Brattleborough, Vt. . . New Hampshire Election Sermon. Svo. Concord. 1816. Dickinson, Mahlon. Speech in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 1. 1827, on the Distribution of tlie Revenue. 8vo. Washington. Dickinson, Rodolphus. Geographical and Statistical View of Massachusetts Proper. Svo. Greenfield. 1813. , . Elements of Geography. Svo. Boston. 1813. , . Compilation of the Laws of Massachusetts. Svo. Bos- ton. 1811. , . Compendium of the Religious Doctrines, Religious and Moral Precepts, Historical and Descriptive Beauties of tlie Bible. 2d ed. 12mo. Greenfield, Mass. 1815. , . Description of Deerfield, Mass. Svo. Greenfield. ISIS. , . Digest of the Common Law, the Statute Laws of Mas- sachusetts, and of the United States, and the Decisions of th'^ Supreme Judi- cial Court of Massachusetts, relative to the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace. Svo. Deerfield. 1818. Dickinson, Samuel. Address at Northampton, [Mass.] Oct. 27, 1831, before the Hampshire, Hampden, and Franklin Agricultural Society. Svo. Amherst. 18 ; VZ AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN S O C I K T Y. Dickinson, Timothy. Sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society in Boston, May 28, 1811. 8vo. Boston. 1811. Dickson, S. H. Addresss before the South Carolina Temperance Society. 8vo. Charleston. 1830. Dickson, William Steel. Narrative of his Confinement and Exile, with an ap- pendix. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin. 1812. Dickson, David. Therapeutica Sacra. 4to. London. 1656. , . The truth of Christ's Mission Illustrated. Sermon at Edin- burgh, June 5, 1806. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1807. Dictionarie. English and Latin. l()mo. London. 1623. Didier Franklin J. Letters from Paris in 1816, 17, 18, 19, 20. 8vo. New York. 1821. Dietericus, Cunradus. Analysis Evangelicorum etc. 2 vol. 4to. Marpurgi Cat- torum. 1631. Diez, Philippus. Summa Praedicantium. 2 vol. 4to. Antverpise. 1600. Digby, Kenelme. Observations upon the Religio Medici of T. Browne. 2d ed. 16mo. London. 1644. Dilworth, H. W. History of London in its ancient and modern State. 12mo. London. 1760. Dike, Daniels. Certain Comfortable Sermons upon the cxxiv Psalme. Tending to Stirre up thankfulnesse for our Deliverance from the late Gun Powder Trea- son. 4to. London. 1617. , . Two Treatises. The one a most fruitful Exposition upon Phi- lemon. The other. School of Affliction. 4to. London. 1618. Dike Jeremiah. Worthy Communicant, or a Treatise shewing the Diie Order of receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 16mo. London. 1636. , . . The Righteous Man's Tower, l^mo. London. 1641. , . The Righteous Man's Conversation. 12mo. London. 1641. , . A Caveat for Archippus : Sermon. 4to. London. 1619. -. A Counterpoison against Covetousnesse : Sermon. 4to. Lon^ don. 1619. Dillingham, William. Two Sermons July 1, 1 655, at St. Marie's, Cambridge. 4to. Cambridge. 1656. Dimmick, Luther Frasseur. Fast Sermon at Newburyport, [Mass.] April 1, 1824. 8vo. Newburyport. :^ , , — . New Year's Sermon at Newburyport, January 2, 1831. 8vo. Newburyport. 1831. Dimond, William. Foundling of the Forest. 12mo. New York. 1809. , . Conquest of Taranto, or St, Clara's Eve. 12mo. Boston. 1817. Dimsdale, Baron. See Morgan, John. Dingley, Amasa. Oration on the Improvement of Medicine, at New York, Jan. 16, 1794. 8vo. New York. Dingley, Robert. Divine Optics. 16mo. London. 1655. Dinsmobr, Robert. Incidental Poems, Letters &c. with his Life. 12mo. Ha- verhill, Mass. 1828. Diodorus, Siculus. Opera, fol. Basilese; 1531. Dionysius, Areopagita. Celestis hierarchia. Ecclesiastica hierarchia. Divina Numina. Mystica Theologia. fol. Parisiis. 1498. Dioscorides, Pedacius. De Materia Medica, Gr. et Lat. cum M. Vergilii com- mentariis. fol. ColonisB. 1529. Discourse on the Times. 2d ed. 12mo. Norwich. 1776. , before the New Jerusalem Church in Boston, Dec. 25, 1818. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1819 at Providence, R. I. July 25, 1768, at the Dedication of the Tree of Liberty. See Providence. on Government and Relivrion. Calculated for the Meridian of the thir- tieth of January. 3y un Independent. 8vo. Boston. 1750. conce/ainQ: Evangelical Love, Church Peace and Unity. 12mo. Lon- of the Contesti .'.nd Oissentions betvveen the Nobles and the Commons in Alliens and iioaie. i".^mo. 1728. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 13 Disquisition on Creation, Annihilation, the Future existence and Final Happi- ness of all Sentient Beings. 8vo. Belfast, Me. 1S28. Disputatio Scholastica. 4to. 1642. Dissenters. Letter to a Dissenter from his Friend at the Hague concerning the Penal Laws and Tests. 4to. Hague. 1688. . Advice to Protestant Dissenters, shewing 'tis their Interest to Re- peal the Test. 4to. London, 1688. . Advice from a Dissenter to those of the Church of England who are against taking off the Penal LaAvs and Tests. 4to. London. 1688. . Letter to a Dissenter upon occasion of his Majesty's late Gracious Declaration of Indulgence. By T. W. 4to. . Report of the present State of the Differences in Doctrinals between the Dissenting Ministers of London. 12mo. London. 1697. . Defence of the above Report, &c. By Stephen Lob. 12mo. Lon- don. 1698. . Answer to the Report, &c. and animadversions on Mr. Lob's De- fence, by Daniel Williams. 12mo. London. 1698. . The shortest way with Dissenters. See Defoe, Daniel. . Three Contending Brethren, Mr. Williams, Mr. Lob, and Mr. Alsop, reconciled and made Friends by a Conference with three notorious Hereticks, Mr. Humphreys, Mr. Clark, vnd Dr. Crisp. 12mo. London. 1698. . An appeal to the Bishop of VV orcester and Dr. Edwards, for an Im- partial Decision of the Controversy between Mr. W. & S. L. in order to a Set- tlement against Socinianism. By Stephen Lobb. 12mo. London. 1698. . Letters from a Dissenter in the city to his country Friend. 4to. London. 1705. -. Conventicle or a Narrative of their New Plot against the present Constitution in Church and State. 8vo. London. 1714. . Brief Survey of the Legal Liabilities of the Dissenters, &c. 8vo. London. 1714. . A calm and plain answer to the Enquiry, Why are you a Dissen- ter ? 12mo. Boston. 1773. See White, M. . Address to Protestant Dissenters of all Denominations, on the ap- proaching Election of Members of Parliament, with Respect to the State of Public Liberty in General, and American Affairs in particular. 8vo. Boston. 1774. . Claim of Right to a Capacity for Civil Offices. 16mo. . Reflections upon some Scandalous and Malicious Pamphlets, viz. I. The Shortest Way with the Dissenters. II. The Character of a Low- Churchman. III. The New Association, &c. To which " The Shortest Way with the Dissenters." [by Daniel Defoe] is prefixed. 4to. London. 1703. . Serious and Earnest Address to Protestant Dissenters of all Denomi- nations, &c. 3rd ed. 12mo. London. 1773. . See Church : Conventicle : British Colonies : White, John. Dissenting Institution. Brief Inquiry into. 8vo. 1758. — . An Enquiry into the Causes of the Decay of the Dissent- ing Interest. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1730. Dissertatio de Pace et Concordia Ecclesiae. 24mo. Eleutheropoli. 1630. Dissertation on a Congress of Nations. By Philanthropos. Published by Order of the American Peace Society. 8vo. J 832. Divine Glory, brought to View, in the condemnation of the Ungodly. In Reply to a late Pamphlet, entitled. Salvation for All Men — By a Friend to Truth. 8vo. Boston. 1782, . See Salvation ; Townsend, S. Mather, S. Divine Breathings. 18mo. Boston. 1812. Divine Providence [to appearance] visibly engaged in fulfilling Scripture Prophe- cies, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1762. Dix, William. Inaugural Dissertation at Cambridge, [Mass.] on Dropsy. Svo. Worcester. 1795. , . Masonic Address at Roxbury, [Mass.] Oct. 12, 1796. Svo, Bot- ton. 1797. 14 A!\1ER1CAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Dixwell, John. Report on the State of the Massachusetts Grand Lodge, and the Lodges under its Jurisdiction. 8vo. Boston. 1824. Doane, George Washington. [Bp.] The Missionary Spirit : Introductory to the Course of Monthly Lectures established by the Bishop and Clergy of Boston and the Vicinity, To be Denominated The Episcopal Missionary Lecture : Nov. 27, 1831. 8vo. Boston. 1831. , . . A Word for the Church : consisting of" The Churchman," and "The High Churchman Vindicated ;" Two Episcopal Charges by Rt. Rev. John Henry Hobart, with an Appendix of Authorities, and a Pre- liminary Notice. 8vo. Boston. 1832. , . . The Gospel in the Church : Sermon before the Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Massachusetts, at Boston, June 20, 1832. 6vo. Boston. 1832. , . . Address at the Laying of the Corner Stone of Trinity Church, in the Borough of Princeton, N. J. July 4, 1833. 8vo. Princeton. 1833. , . . The Edification of the Church, for the Salva- tion of Souls, the Office and duty of the Christian Ministry : Prhnary Charge to the Clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New Jersey. 8vo. Camden. 1833. , . . Episcopal Address at the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New Jersey, May 29, 1833. 8vo. Camden. 1833. , . . The Convocation of Miletus : Sermon be- fore the Convocation of the Clergy, at Morristown, N. J. July 25, 1834. 8vo. Burlington. 1834. , , . Episcopal Address at the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the State of New Jersey, May 22, 1834. 8vo. Camden. 1834. , . . The Cross and the Church: An Address at Philadelphia at the Laying the Corner Stone of All Soul's Church. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1834. , . . The Office of a Bishop : Sermon at Phila- delphia, Jan. 14, 1834, at the Consecration of the Rt. Rev. James Hervey Otey, Bishop of the Diocese of Tennessee. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1834. , . . The same. 2d ed. 8vo. New York. 1834. , . . The Lord, The Helper of his People : Ser- mon at the Consecration of St Mary's Church, at Burlington, N. J. Dec. 23, 1834. 8vo. Burlington. 1834. , . . Pastoral Address, to the Parishioners of St. Mary's Church, at Burlington, Jan. 31, 1835. 8vo. . . Missionary Spirit, Introductory to the Month- ly course of Lectures, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Doane, Hannah. See Billingsgate. Dobrizhoflfer, Martin. An account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay, tr. from the Lat. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1822. Dobbins, Peter. Political Farrage. 12mo. Brattleborough, Vt 1807. Dod, John and Robert Cleaver. Plain and Familiar Exposition of the Ten Com- mandments. 19th ed. 4to. London. 1662. , . Remedy against Private Contentions. 4to. London. 1618. Dodd, J. S. Satyrical Lecture on Heads, &c. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1767. Dodd, William. Beauties of History. 12mo. Boston. 1796. , . Reflections on Death. 12mo. Springfield, Mass. 1810. Doddridge, Philip. Substance of two Sermons at Northampton, Feb. 9, 1745 — C. 8vo. London. 1746. , . Rise and progress of Religion in the Soul. 12mo. Phila- delphia. 1788. , . Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1794. , . Same. 12mo. Exeter, N. H. 1794. , . Same. 12mo. Brookfield, Mass. 1810. , . Remarkable passages in the Life of the Hon. Col. James Gardiner, with a Sermon occasioned by his Death. 3d ed. 12rao. Boston. 1748. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 15 Doddridge, Philip. The Same, 12mo. Boston. 1792. , . Practical Discourses on Regeneration in Ten Sermons. 12mo. Providence, R. I. 1794. , . Care of the Soul, urged as the one thing needful. 12mo. Northampton, [Mass.] 1803. , . Family Expositor. 6 vols. Charlestown, Mass. 1807. — '■ , . The Evil and Danger of Neglecting tlie Souls of Men, Seri- ously and plainly represented. Sermon. 12mo. London. 1742. , . Plain and Serious Address to the Master of a Family on the Important Subject of Religion. 5th ed. 12mo. Portsmouth, N. H. 17G4. , . The same. 5th ed. 12mo. Boston, 1767. , . Three Sermons on the Evidences of tlie Christian Religion. ]2mo. Doddridge, Philip. Speech in the House of Representatives of the United States, in the case of Samuel Houston, charged with a Contempt and a Breach of the Privileges of the House, by assaulting the Hon. William Stanbury. 8vo. Washington. 1832. Doddridge, Joseph. Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of the Western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania. J2mo. Wellsburg. 1824. Dodge, Oliver. See Windham Herald. Dodge, Paul. Poem at the Commencement of Rhode Island College, Sept. 6, 1797. 8vo. Providence. 1797. Dodwillus, Henricus. De Jure Laicorum Sacerdotati ex Sententia Tertulliani Aliorumque Veterum Dissertatio: adversus zlnonymum Dissertatorem de Coe- nse Administratione ubi Pastores non Sunt. 16mo. London. 1635. vide Grotius, Hugo. Doggett, Simeon. Discourse at Mendon, [Mass.] Oct. 1827, at the Funeral of Richard George, Esq. 8vo. Boston. 1827. , . Concerning the way to Eternal Life. Sermon at Norton, [Mass.] and Providence, R. I. 8vo. Providence. 1796. Dole, B. Letters addressed to the Andover Institution in particular, and the Cal- vinistic Preachers and People in general, in ansv>'er to one signed, B. Dole. By a Friend to Truth. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1816. Dolins, Daniel. Exercitatio Physica de Pluvia. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1697. Domestic Industry. See TaritF. Donkin, Robert Pye. Trial between Sir Richard Worsely, Plaintiff, and George M. Bissett, Defendant. 4to. London. 1782. Donne, John. Death's Duell. Sermon before the King. 4to. London. 1630. , . Biathanatos, a Declaration of that Paradox or Thesis, that self-ho- micide is not so naturally sin, that it may never be otherwise. 4to. London. 1644. , . Poetical Works of. See British Poets Donat, St La Vie De St Donat, Martyr. Par Mr. L'Abbe *** Docteur de Sar- bonne. 12mo. Anvers. 1759. Doolittle, Thomas. Complete Body of Practical Divinity, with his Life. fol. London. 1723. , . Treatise concerning the Lord's Supper. 25th ed. 16mo. Boston. 1713. , . Captives bound in Chains, Made Free by Christ their Surety. 18mo. Boston. 1742. Doolittle, Benjamin. Enquiry into Enthusiasm. 12mo. Boston. 1743. Doolittle, Mark. Address before the Hampshire Agricultural Society. 8vo. Northampton. 1826. Dorchester, [Mass.] Memorial of the Proprietors of the New South Meeting- house in, to the Ministers of the Boston Association. 8vo. Boston. 1813. — , . The Sexton's Monitor and Dorchester Cemetery Memorial. 12mo. Roxbury. 1826. — , . Sundry Votes Passed by the Church in, in 1773, Previous to the Meeting of an Ecclesiastical Council ; the Result, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1774. 16 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN S O CI E T V. Dorchester, [Mass.] Remarks on the Result of an Ecclesiastical Council at Dor- chester, Nov. 16, 1773. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . Proceedings of the Second Church and Parish in Dorches- ter. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Dorr, Edward. Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1765. Dorr, James. Letters on Faith. 12mo. London. 1786. Dorscheus, Johannes Georgius. Consideratio Theologica. 4to. Argentorati. 1624. Dorrance, John. Report of his case against Arthur Fenner, and Arthur Fenner against him. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1802. Dorsey, John L. Address to the Voters of the First Congressional District in Maryland, June, 1831. Dort. The Judgement of the National Synode of the Reformed Belgicke Churches held there in 1618—19, concerning the Five Articles, with the Sen- tence, touching Conradus Vorstius. 4to. London. 1619. . See Great Britain. Dossie, Robert. Essay on Spirituous Liquors, with Regard to their Effects on Health ; in which the comparative Wholesomeness of Rum and Brandy are par- ticularly considered. 8vo. London. , . Observations on the Pot-Ash brought from America. 8vo. London. 1767. Double Conspiracy, or Treason Discovered but not Punished. A Play. 12mo. 1783. Doughty, John. Two Sermons preached in Oxford, fitted for these Times. The one Divine Mysteries. The otlier of Church Schismes, but the Unity of Ortho- dox Professors. 4to. London. 1629. Douglass, Jacobus. Descriptio Comparata Musculorum Corporis humani et Qua- drupedis. 12mo. Lug. Bat. 1729. Douglas, William. Practical History of a New Epidemic Eruptive Miliary Fever, with an Angina Ulcusculose, which prevailed in Boston in 1735 — 6. 12mo. Boston. 1736. , . Summary, Historical and Political, of the British Settle- ments in North America. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1749 — 51. Dove and Serpent, by D. T. 4to. London. 1614. Dousa, Janus. Lusus Imaginis Jocosae sive P^chus. 16mo. Ultrajacti. 1638. Dow, Daniels. Familiar Letters to Rev. John Sherman, in particular Reference to his late Anti-Trinitarian Treatise. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1806. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1806. , . Free Inquiry Recommended on the Subject of Freemasonry. Sermon. ]2mo. Norwich, Con. 1829. , . Dissertation on the Sinaitic and Abrahamic Covenants. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1811. Dow, J. Warren. Sermon at Tyringham, [Mass.] July 10, 1831, at the Twentieth Anniversary of his Ordination. 8vo. Lenox. 1831. Douglas, Robert. Sermon at the Coronation of Charles II, King of Scotland, Jan. 1, 1651. 4to. Aberdeen. 1660. , . Sermon preacht at the Down Sitting of the Parliament of Scotland. 4to. London. 1661. , See Charles XL Dowle, John. The True Friend ; or a Bill of Exchange : Sermon. 16mo. London. 1630. Downame, George. [Bp.] Commentarii in P. Rami Regii Professoris Dialecticam. 16mo. Francofurti. 1610. , . An Abstract of the Duties commanded and Sinnes for- bidden in the Law of God. 16mo. London. 1620. , . Same. 16mo. London. 1626. Same. 12mo. London. 1635. , . Abraham's Tryall. Sermon : 16mo. London. 1602. . J . Second Part of a Reply answering a Defence of his Sermon. 4to. London. 1614. , . A Treatise of the Certainty of Perseverance : maintain- ing the truth of the 38th Article of the National Synod, holden at Dublin in 1615. 4to. Dublin. 1&31. CATALOGUE OF LIliRARY. 17 Downame, George. [Bp.] Covenant of Grace. 4to. Dublin. 1G31. Downame, John. Christian Warfare. 4th ed. fol. London. l(j;34. Downe, Bishop of. Sermon before the House of Commons. IGnio. Oxford. 1643. Downing-, Colybute. Discoursive conjecture upon the Reasons that produce a desired event of Present Troubles in Great Britain, different from those of Lower Germanie. 4to. London. 164L Downs, Barnabas. Brief and remarkable Narrative of the Life and Extreme Sufferings of I'imo. 1786. Doyle, William. Hyperborea. , . The Universal Prayer. 12mo. Halifax, N. S. Doyle, J. Letters to the Duke of Wellington. 8vo. 1828. Drake, Samuel G. Indian Biography. 12mo. Boston. 1832. , . Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1833. , . Same. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston. 1834. , . See Church, Thomas. Drake, Benjamin. Address before the Sixth Anniversary of the Erodelphian So- ciety of Miami University, Sept. 27, 1831. 8vo. Cincinnati. 183J. Drake Daniel. Anniversary Discourse on the State and Prospects of the Wes- tern Museum Societv, at Cincinnati, June 10, 1820. 12mo. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1820. . Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. 8vo. Cincinnati. 1815. Drake, Roger. See Ministry. Dramatic Pieces. 3 vols, in 1. 12mo. New Haven. 1791. Dran, M. L. Operations in Surgery, tr. from the French by Mr. Gataker. 3rd ed. 12mo. London. 1757. Drant, Thomas. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1637. , . Divine Lanthorne : a Sermon. 4to. London. 1637. Draxe, Thomas. Bibliotheca Scholastica : or a Treasury of ancient adagies and sententious proverbs. 12mo. London. 1654. , . Calliopeia. 8vo. London. 1662. Drayton, Michael. Poetical Works of. See British Poets. Drayton, John. Memoirs of the American Revolution, froic its commencement to the year 1776, inclusive, as relating to the State of South Carolina; and oc- casionally referring to the States of North Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo. Charleston. 1821. , . View of South Carolina. 8vo. Charleston. 1802. Draytoti, William Henry. A Charge on the Rise of the American Empire, to the Grand Jury for the District of Charleston, S. C. 8vo. Charleston. 1776. Drunkenness. The heavy Giiilt of the Sin of Drunkenness, represented. 12mo. London. 1772. . A Dissuasive from the Sin of Drunkenness. By a Minister of the Church of England. 12mo. London. 1745. . The Advantages and Disadvantages of Drunkenness. 12mo. Boston. 1821. Dream of the late abdicated Queen of England and of the Duchess de la Val- liere ; Remarks upon. 4to. London. 1692. . The French King's Dream which he had in his Coach going to Marly, with its explication. 4to. London. 1689. Drechszler, Johannes Gabriel. Questio nam Una Gutta Sanguinis Christi Satis- facere potuerit pro Mundo ? 4to. Lipsiae. 1675. Drelincourt, Charles. Roote of Romish Rites, &c. tr. from the French. By M. T. 4to. 1630. Drew, Samuel. Essay on the Identity and Resurrection of the Human Body. 8vo. Brooklyn. 1811. Drexellus, Hier. Gymnasium. Patientiae. 18mo. Coloniae Afrr. 1632. Drown, Solomon. Oration at Marietta, Ohio, April 7, 1789, m commemoration of the settlement formed by the Ohio Company. 4to. Worcester, Mass. 1789. Drown, Solom.on. Oration at Providence, R. I. on the Birth Day of Washing- ton. 8vo. Providence. 1824. 18 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Drown, William. Appeal in favor of Sunday Schools. 2d ed. 12mo. Provi- dence, R. 1. 1824. Drummond, William. Poetical Works of See British Poets. Drusius, Johannes. Commentarius in Prophetas Minores. 4to. Amstelodami. 1627. ^ . Observationum Sacrarum Lib. XII. 12mo. Dryden, Artemas. Sword Exercise. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1829. Duane, William. Report of the Debate in the United States' Senate on the Mis- sissippi Question. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1803. , . American Military Library, or compendium of Modern Tactics. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1809. See Fauchet, J. — ^ , — . Visit to Columbia in the year 1822 and 1823. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1826. Duarenus, Franciscus. De Sacris Ecclesiae Ministeriis de Beneficiis Libri VIII. 12mo. Parisiis. 1564. Dubois, J. A. Description of the character, manners and customs of the People of India, and of their Institutions, Religious and Civil, tr. from the French, 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia. 1818. Dublin, Brief Review of the Rise and Progress of the Incorporated Society in Dublin, for promoting English Protestant Schools. 8vo. Dublin. 1744. Dubufe. M. The Fall of Man and his Expulsion from Paradise. Painted by. 12mo. Ducks, Stephen. Poems on Several Occasions. 12mo. London. 1764. Duche, Jacob. Duty of Standing fast in our Spiritual and Temporal Liberties, Sermon at Philadelphia, July 7, 1775. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1775. Dudley, Paul. Essay on the Merchandize of Slaves and Souls of Men. 4to. Boston. 1731. , . Objections to the Bank of Credit lately projected at Boston, in a letter to John Burril, Esq. 16mo. Boston 1714. Dudley, Thomas. Letter to the Countess of Lincoln, giving an account of the early settlement of Massachusetts. 16mo. [See 1 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 8.] Duer, William Alexander. Review of his Letter to C. D. Colden in answer to strictures contained in his " Life' of Robert Fulton," relative to Steam Naviga- tion, &c. 8vo. New York. 1818. , -. Reply to Mr. Colden's Vindication of Steam Boat Monopoly. 8vo. Albany. 1819. Dufief, N. G. Nature displayed in her Mode of Teaching Language to Man. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1804. Duffield, George. Thanksgiving Sermon at Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1783. Svo,. Philadelphia. 1784. , . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1784. Dugard, Thomas. Sermon at the Funeral of Ladie Allice Lucie, August 17, 1648. 4to. Cambridge. 1649. Duke, Francis. The Fulness and Freeness of God's Grace in Jesus Christ, De- clared in two General Points. 3rd Part. 4to. London. 1656. Dulany, Daniel. Observations on the Part of the United States by their agent, to the Reply of. 4to. Philadelphia. 1798. Dumpling. A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling, its Dignity, Antiquity and Ex- cellence. 3rd ed. 8vo. London. 1726. Dummer, Jeremiah. Disputatio Theologica De Christi ad Infernos Descensu. 4to. Lug. Bat 1702. ^ . Tres Miscellaneae Dissertationes, quibus accessit et Quarta de S. Codicis integritate a se publico defensa. 4to. Lug. Bat 1702 — 3. , . Discourse on the Holiness of the Sabbath Day. Sermon at Boston, Oct 29, 1704. 16mo. Boston. 1704. , . Letter from a Dissenter in the City to a Dissenter in the Country, Advising him to a Quiet and Peaceable Behavior in this present Con- juncture. 2d ed. 16mo. London. 1710. , . Letter to a Noble Lord, concerning the Late Expedition to Canada. 12mo. Boston. 1712. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1746. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Id iDtimmer, Jeremiah. Defence of the New England Charters. 8vo. Boston. 1721. , . The Same. ]2mo. London. 1721. , ■ . The Same. 4to. Boston. 1745. , . The Same. 8vo. Botton. 1765. Dumouner, Gen. Memoirs of himself, tr. from the French by John Fenwick. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. , . Sketch of all the Invasions or Descents upon the British Islands, from the Landing of William the Conqueror to the present time, with thoughts on the French Invasion of England, tr. from the French. 5th ed. 4to. London. 1803. Du Moulin, John F. Essay on Naturalization and Allegiance. 8vo. Washing- ton. 1816. Du Moulin. Vide Molinaeus. Dunbar, Samuel. Righteousness by the Law, Subversive of Christianity : Ser- mon. 8vo. 1751. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. ]2mo. Boston. 1760. — , . True Faith makes the best Soldiers. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. l2mo. Boston. 1748. Dunbar, William. See Missouri. Dunbar Asa. Masonic Oration at Lancaster, Mass. June 24, 1781. 4to. Wor- cester. Duncan, William. Elements of Logic. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. 1811. , — . The Same. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1792. Duncan, Henry. Essay on the Nature and Advantages of Parish Banks. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1816. Duncan, John M. Travels in the United States and Canada, in 1818 — 19. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1823. Dunham, Josiah. Masonic Oration at Hanover, N. H. June 24, 1796. 8vo. Hanover. 1796. , . Funeral Oration on George Washington, at Oxford, [Mass.] June 15, 1800. 8vo. Boston. , . Oration at Windsor, Vt. Feb. 22, 1814, before the Washing- ton Benevolent Society. 8vo. Windsor. 1814. ■ , . The Washingtonian. 4 vols. fol. , . Answer to the Vindication of the Official Conduct of the Trustees of Dartmouth College, in confirmation of the " Sketches," with Re- marks on the Removal of President Wheelock. 8vo. Hanover, N. H. 1816. Dunkirk. The Case of. Faithfully Stated and Impartially considered. 12mo. London. 1730. . See Collcott, G. Dunlap, William. Life of William Gutherie. ]2mo. Exeter, N. H. 1796. , . Ribbemont, or the Feudal Baron : Tragedv. 12mo. New York. 1803. • , . The Archers or Mountaineers of Switzerland : an Opera, With a Brief Historical Account of Switzerland. 8vo. New York. 1796. Dunlap, Andrew. Oration at Salem. [Mass.] July 5, 1819. 8vo. Salem. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1822. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Dunn, Thomas. Sermon at the Philadelphia Prison, Dec. 12, 1793. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1793. — , . Discourse before the New York Society, Oct. 21, 1794, for the Information and Assistance of Persons Emigrating from Foreign Countries. 8vo. New York. 1794. Dunn, Henry. Guatimala, or, the United Provinces of Central America, in 1827-8. 8vo. New York. 1828. Dunsford, Martin. Historical Memoir of the Town and Parish of Tiverton in Devon County. 4to. Exeter. 1790 Dunster, John. Caesar's Penny ; Assize Sermon. 4to. Oxford. 1610. Dunster, John. Prodromus, or the Leterall destruction of Jerusalem. ]6mo- London. 1613. D unton, John. Danger of Living in a Known Sin ; and the Hazard of a Death Bed repentance fairly argued from the late Remorse of W — D — D — 8vo. Lon- don. 1708. 19 30 A M E II I C A N ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T Y. Dunton, John. Life of, and Journal, [2 Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 2.] , Mordecai's Memorial : or, There's Nothing' done for him, proving- the several Early, Expensive and Successful Discoveries in Mr. John Dunton's Neck Adventures to procure the Protestant Succession, &c, &c. By a Reve- rend and Disinterested Clergyman. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1719. , . The Pilgrim's Progress by Candle Light. 18mo. London. 1665. , . The Earl of S s, Revenge, or a specimen of the Satyr Intitu- led Neck or Nothing. 4to. London. , . Neck or Nothing, with an Appendix containing Queen Robin ; tlie State Weathercocks ; the Court Spy ; and the Pulpit Bite. 20th ed. 4to. London. , . The Life and Errors of. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1818. Du Pin, Lewis Ellies. New History of Ecclesiastical Writers: containing an account of the Authors of the several Books of the Old and New Testament, and Lives and Writings of the Primitive Fathers, &c. tr. from the French. 2d ed. 7 vols. fol. London. 1693. Dupont, James. Evangelical Politie : Sermon. 4to. Cambridge. 1660. Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen. Review of tlie Cause of the New Orleans Batture and the Discussions that have taken place Respecting it, &lc. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1809. , . See Thierry ; Livingston, Edward. , . Address at the opening of the Law Academy of Philadelphia, Feb. 21, 1821. 8vo. , . Discourse on the Early History of Pennsylvania, Being an Annual Oration before the American Philosophical Societv, June 6, 1S21. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821. , . English Phonoloiry. [Amer. Phil. Trans. N. S. Vol. 1.] , . See Heckv.^elder, J. , . Eulogium on Chief Justice Tilghman. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1827. , . Discourse at the one hundred and fiftieth Anniver- sary of the Landing of William Penn. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. Duppa, Brian. Bp. Sermon. 4tu. London. 1648. , . — . Soldiers Soliloquie, and a Conference with Conscience. 4to. London. 1648. Durandus, Guliehnus. A. R. D. Rationale Divinorum Officiorum. 2 vol. 16mo. Antverpiae. 1614. Durfee, Job. Whatcheer, or Roger Williams in Banishment: a Poem.- 12mo. Providence, R. I. 1832. , — . The Vision of Petrarch, a Poem, before the United Brothers' So- ciety of Brown University. 8vo. Providence. 1814. Durham, William. Maranatha: Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1652. , . Serious Exhortation : Sermon : 16mo. London. 1659. , . Sermon before the Artillery Company at St. Andrews Under- shaft, August 30, 1670. 4to. London. 1671. Durell, John. Some Castigations given him for fouling himself and others in his English and Latin Book. By a Country Scholar. 16mo. London. 1672. Dury, John. Discourse concerning the V/ork of Peace Ecclesiastical], hoAv it may concurre with the aime of a civill confederation amongst Protestants. 4to. Cambridge. 1641. . Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 26, 1645. Dutch. Remarks upon the Two Great Questions. Part 2nd. wherein the Grand Question of all is considered, viz : What the Dutch ought to do at this junc- ture? 4to. London. 1701. Dutitius, Andreas. De Cometarium Significationibus. 4to. 1578. Dutton, Warren. Present State of Literature : a Poem before Yale College. Sept. 10, 1800. 8vo. Hartford. 1800. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1805. 8vo. Boston. , . Address before the Members of the Suffolk Bar, at Boston, Sept. 1819. 8vo. Boston. 1819. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 21 Dutton, Thomas. The Literary Census: A Satirical Poem. 8vo. London. 1798. Duval Petrus. Theses Theologicae. 4to. Salmusii. 1G47. Dwiofht Timothy. [Pres.] Discourse on some events of the last Century, deliver- ed at New Haven. Jan. 7, 180L 8vo. New Haven. 1801. . . Discourse at New Haven, Feb. 22, 1800, on tlie Char- acter of George Washington. 8vo. New Haven. 1800. . . "Sermon at New Haven, Nov. 20, 1803, on the Death of Ebenezer Grant Marsh. 8vo. Hartford. 1804, ■ . . Sermon on Duelling, before Yale College, Sept. 9, 1804, and at New York, Jan. 21, 1805. 8vo. New York. 1805. . . Sermon at the opening of the Theological Institution at Andover, [Mass,] and Ordination of Eliphalet Pearson, Sept. 28, 1808. 8vo. Boston. 1808. . . Statistical account of the City of New Haven. 8vo. New Haven. 1811. . . Same. See Connecticut Academy. Vol. 1. . . Travels in New England and New York. 4 vols. 8vo. New Haven. 1821—2. — ■■ . . The Conquest of Canaan. A Poem. 12mo. Hart- ford, [Con.] 1785. . . Discourse on the Genuineness and Authenticity of the New Testament. 8vo. New York. 1794. . . Nature and Danger of Infidel Philosophy, in Two Discourses, Sept. 9, 1797. 8vo. New Haven. 1798. • . . Sermon at Boston, Sept. 16, 1813, before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1813 . . Fast Sermon at the Chapel of Yale College, August 20, 1812. 8vo. Utica, N. Y. 1813. . . Discourse in Two Parts, Julv 23, 1812, on the Public Fast. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1813. . . An Inquiry into the Nature of Sin, as Exiiibited in Dr. Dwight's Theology, in a Letter to a Friend. By Clericus. 8vo. New Ha- ven. 1829. D wight, Benjamin Wolsey. Dissertation on Chronic Debility of the Stomach, [Mem. Con. Acad. Vol. ].] Dwio-ht, Henry E. Travels in the North of Germany, in 1825 — G. 8vo. New York. 1829. Dwight, Theodore. Oration at Hartford, [Con.] Julv 4, 1798. 8vo. Hartford. 1798. , . Oration at New Haven, July 7, 1801, before the Cincinnati of Connecticut. 8vo. Hartford. 1801. The Same. 12mo. Suffield. 1801. , . History of the Hartford Convention. 8vo. Boston and New- York. 1833. Dwight, Sereno Edwards. [Pres.] Sermon at Boston, Sept. 19, 1818, at the Fune- ral of the Rev. Joshua Huntington. 8vo. Boston. , . . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 2, 1820, before the Foreign Missionary Society. 8vo. Boston. 1820. , . . Memoirs of the Rev. David Brainerd ; Mis- sionary to the Indians on the Borders of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylva- nia. 8vo. New Haven. 1822. Dyer, Mary M. Brief Statement of her Sufferings, occasioned by the Society called Shakers. 12mo. Boston. 1818. , . Remonstrance against her Testimony and application requesting Legislative Interference against the United Society, commonly called Shakers. 12mo. Boston. 18 J 8. , . The Same. 12mo. Concord, N. H. 1818. , . Portraiture of Shakerism. 12mo. Concord, N. H. 1822. , . Review of the "Portraiture of Shakerism." 12mo. Concord. 1824. , . Reply to the foregoing Review. 12mo. Concord. 1824. , . See Dyer, Joseph. 22 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Dyer, Joseph. Compendious Narrative, Elucidating the Character, Disposition and Conduct of Mary Dyer, from the time of her Marriage in 1799, till she left the Shakers in 1815, &,c. 12mo. Concord, N. H. 1819. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Pittsfield, Mass. 1826. Dyke, Jeremiah. See Dike, Dyllingham, Francis. Magistrates Duty and Death : Sermon. 16mo. Cam- bridge. 1605. Dymond, Jonathan. Observations on the applicability of the Pacific Principles of the New Testament to the Conduct of States. 8vo. London. , . The Same. 8vo. Brooklyn, Con. 1832. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 1836. E Eachard, Lawrence. The Gazetteer's or News Man's Interpreter, being- a Geo- graphical Index. 12mo. London. ] 707. . . See Calamy, E. Earbery, Matthias. Deism Examined and Confuted, in answer to a Book entitled Tractatus Theologfico Politicus. 12mo. London. 1697. Eames, Jonathan. Sermon at Newbury, [Mass.] April 29, 1792, on the Death of Rev. John Tucker. 8vo. Newburyport. 1792. Earle, Jabez. Sacramental Exercises. 4th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1725. Earle, Thomas. Essay on Penal Law in Pennsylvania, with reference to its pro- posed Revision and Amendment. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Earthquakes. Account of the Great Earthquakes in the Western States, particu- larly on the Mississippi River, Dec. 16 — 23, 1811. 8vo. Newburyport. 1812. Earthquake at Lima, in Peru, Oct. 28, 1746, A True and Particular Relation of. 12mo. Boston. Eastham, [Mass.] Description and History of [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 8.] , . A Church of Christ Vindicated. Short and Plain Relation of some Transactions in the South Church of. 12mo. [1723.] , . See Billingsgate. East Hampton Book of Laws. [Long Island.] [New York Hist. Coll. Vol. 1.] East India Company. Short History of. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1793. Eastburn, Benjamin. Doctrine of Absolute Reprobation, according to the West- minster Confession of Faith, Refuted. 16mo. Philadelphia. 1723. , . The Same. 16mo. Boston. 1732. Eastburn, Robert. Faithful Narrative of his Captivity among the Indians, with a Recommendatory Preface, by the Rev. Gilbert Tennent. ]2mo. Boston. 1758. Eastman, Luke. Oration at Lexington, [Mass.] June 24, 1816. 8vo. Boston. 1816. Eastman, F. S. History of Vermont. 12mo. Brattleborough. 1828. Eaton, Richard. Sermon at the Funeral of Thomas Dutton, Esq. 4to. London. 1616. Eaton, John. The Honey Combe of Free Justification by Christ alone. 4to. London. 1642. Eaton, Samuel, and Timothy Taylor. Defence of Sundry Positions and Scrip- tures alledged to justifie the Congregational Way ; charged at first to be weak therein, impertinent and unsufficient, by R. H. 4to. London. 1645. , , . Same. 4to. London. 1646. Eaton, Peter. Mass. Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1819. , . Thanksgiving Sermon. 8vo. Haverhill, Mass. 1799. , . Sermon at the Installation of Humphrey C. Perley, at Beverly, Mass. Dec. 2, 1819. 8vo. Salem. , . Address at Topsfield, [Mass.] before the Essex Agricultural So- ciety, Oct. 2, 1822. 8vo. Salem. 1823. Eaton, William. [Gen.] Life of. [By Charles Prentiss.] 8vo. Brookfield, Mass. 1813. . . Speech in the Mass. House of Representatives, March 1, 1808, on the proposed Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, relative to the Removal of Judges otherwise than by Impeachment. 8vo. Port^ land, Me. 24 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN S O r 1 E T V. Eaton, William. [Gen.] Letter to the Secretary of the Navy of the United States, dated Aajrust 9, 1805. 12mo. Eaton, Amos. System of Education proposed for the Improvement of Common Schools. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1829. , . Index to the Geology of the Northern States, with a Transverse Section from the Catskill Mountain to the Atlantic. 8vo. Leicester, Mass. 1818. Eaton, Asa. Historical Account of Christ's Church, at Boston, in a Sermon, Dec. 28, 1823. 8vo. Boston. 1824. Eaton, William. Searsburgh Poetry. 8vo. Williamstown, [Mass.] 1827. Eatonus, Nathaniel. Inquisitio In variantes Theologorum quorundam Sententias, De Sabbato et Die Dominico. IGmo. Franekerae. 1633. Ebeling-, Christopher Daniel. Erdbeschreibung' and Geschichte von Amerika, 7 Bande. 8vo. Hamburg-. 1793—1816. , ■■ . Same. 7 Bande. 8vo. Hamburg. 1794 — 1816. , . Beschreibung- und Geschichte von New Hamp- shire, Geschichte von Massachusetts and Maine. Beschreibung von Maine. 2 Bande. 8vo. Hamburg. 1800. , . Der Staat Virginia. (Siebenter Band.) 8vo. Ham- burg. 1816. , . und Prof Hagewisch. Americanisches Magazin. 8vo. Hamburg. 1797. , . See Wendebom, G. F. A. Eberle, Frederick, and others. Trial of, at Philadelphia, July 1816, for illegally conspiring together by all means Lawful and Unlawful, " with their bodies and lives" to prevent the introduction of the English Language into the Service of St. Michael's and Zion's Churches. Reported by James Carson. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1817. Ecclesiastica Disciplina, de. ]6mo. 1574. Echard, Lawrence. See Eachard, L. p]cho. Collection of Songs. 12mo. Brookfield, Mass. Echo : or, A Satirical Poem on the Virtuous Ten, and other Celebrated Charac- ters. 12mo. Hartford. 1795. Eckley, Joseph. Sermon at Concord, N. H. July 1, 1789, at the Installation of the Rev. Israel Evans. 4to. Concord. 1789. , — - — . Sermon at Boston, Nov. 7, 1805, before the Society for Propa- gating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1806. , — . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1792. , . Thanksgiving Discourse at Boston, Nov. 29, 1798. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1798. 2ded. 8vo. Boston. 1798. . . Discourse, Sept. 24, 1802, before the Boston Female Asylum. 8vo. Boston. , . Dudleian Lecture in Harvard University. 8vo. Boston. 1806. , . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Horace Holley, at Boston, March 6, 1809. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Eclypse. Darkness at Noon : or the Great Solar Eclypse of June 16, 1806. By an Inhabitant of Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1806. Economy of Human Nature : tr. from an Indian Manuscript, written by an An- cient Bramin. 12mo. Worcester. 1787. Edd}', A. D. Address before the Pennsylvania Temperance Society. 8vo. Eddy, Samuel. Reasons offered for his opinions to the first Baptist Church in Providence, R. I. 8vo. Providence. 1818. Edelen, Phil. Sermon at the Funeral of William Christmas, Esq. Dec. 16, 1652. 4to. London. 1653. Edes, Henry. Sermon at the Ordination of Shearjashub To wnsend. 8vo. Pro- vidence, R. I. Edgar and Emeline. Fairy Tale. 12mo. London. 1761. Edgworth, Maria and Richard L. Edgworth. Practical Education. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1801. Edinburgh Directory. 12mo. 1807. C A T A L O (j U E O J' LI 1$ R A It Y . '25 Edinburgh Advertiser, Newspaper, from Jan. G, 1789 to May 1, 1790. fol. Edin- burgh. 1789—90. Edson, Theodore. Address to the Congregation of St. Anne's Church at Lowell, [Mass.] 8vo. 1829. Education of young Gentlemen. 2d ed. 24mo. Oxford. 1G73. Education. The Parent's Friend, or Extracts from the Principal Worky on Edu- cation from the time of Montaigne to the present day. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila- delphia. ]803. . Useful Hints on. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1809. . Hints for the Improvement of Early Education and Nursery Disci- pline. Edited by John Brazer. 2d ed. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1827. . Svstem of Education pursued at the Free Schools in Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1823. . System of Education connected with Useful Labor. 8vo. . Education or the Philosophy of Instruction or the Nature of young minds, ]2mo. Greenfield, Mass. ]829. Society. Sketch of the History of the Baptist Auxiliary Education Society of the Young Men of Boston, with the Constitution and List of Mem- bers. 12mo. Boston. 1833. . Hints for the Improvement of Early Education and Nursery Disci- pline. 12mo. Keene, N. H. 1826. . Address of the State Convention of Teachers and Friends of Edu- cation held at Utica, N. Y. Jan. 12, 13 and 14, 1831. With an Abstract of the Proceedings. 8vo. Utica. 1831. . Proposition for dividing the proceeds of Sales of public Lands among the States, for the purposes ot Education. 8vo. Feb. 22, 1833. — — — ■■ Society, American. Third Report, Sept. 30, 1818. 8vo. Andover, Mass. 1818. ■ , — . Sixth Report, Oct. 3, 182L 8vo. Andover. , . Ninth Report, Sept. 29, 1824. 8vo. Boston. ' , . Eleventh Report. May, 1827. 8vo. Andover. , . Twelfth Report, May, 1828. 8vo. Andover. ■■ , . " Thirteenth Report, May, 1829. 8vo. Andover. , • Fourteenth Report, 1830. 8vo. New York. , . Fifteenth Report, May, 1831. 8vo. Boston. — ■ , . Quarterly Register and Journal of,' from July ]827, to May 1834. , . Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G. G vols. 8vo. Boston and Andover. 1827 — 34. , . Seventeenth Report. 8vo. Boston. 1833. , . Address to the Friends of 8vo. Andover. 1825. — , • Address to the Public. 8vo. Boston. 1817. , . Young Men's Auxiliary Society of Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1819. • , . Address of Hampden County Society, [Mass.] 12mo. Springfield. 1820. , — — . Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Hampshire County Society, [Mass.] 8vo. Northampton. 1827. , . Report at the Fourteenth Meeting of Same. 8vo. Northampton. 1828. , . Constitution of the Ed. Societv, of the Pres- byterian Church. 8vo. New York. 1818. , . Nineteenth Report. 8vo. Boston. 1835. , . Constitution and Address of 8vo. • , . Young Men's Auxiliary Society in Boston, First Report of 8vo. Boston. 1820. , ■ . Proceedings at the formation of 8vo. Wash- ington. 1830. Education, American Journal of AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Edwards, Thomas. Reasons against the Independent Government of Particular ConjTreo:ations : as also against the Toleration of such Churches to be erected in tliis Kingdom, Together with an answer against such as are commonly al- ledged for such Toleration. 4to. London. 1G41. . . See Chid ley, Katherine. Edwards, John. Concio et Determinatio pro gradu Doctoratus in S. S. 16mo. Cantab. 1700. , . Divine Perfections Vindicated, or Some Brief Remarks on a Sermon by the Archbishop of Dublin. ]2mo. London. 1710. , . The Arminian Doctrines condemned by the Holy Scriptures, by many of the Ancient Fathers, by the Church of England, and even by the suffrage of Right Reason. 8vo. London. 1711. . Supplement to the Animadversions on Dr. Clarke's Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity : with a Defence of the Liturgy of the Church. 12mo. London. 1713. , . Some Brief Critical Remarks on Dr. Clarke's last Papers ; which are his Reply to Mr. Nelson, &c. 12mo. London. 1714. , . Some Brief Remarks on a late Pamphlet written by a Presbyter of the Church of England. 12mo. London. 1714. , . Letter to Rev. Lawrence Fogg, wherein his pretended Vindi- cation of some passages in his new and inconsistent Scheme of Divinity is Examined and Confuted. 12mo. London. 1715. , . Crispianism Unmasked : or an examination of Dr. Crisp's Ser- mons. 4to. London. , . See Burroughs, Jer. , . Short Account of the Experience of the Work of God, and the Revealing of Jesus Christ in the Heart of 3rd ed. IGmo. London. 1745. Edwards, Jonathan. [Pres.] Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of many hundred souls in Northampton, [Mass.] 3rd ed. 12mo. Boston. 1738. . . — . Same ; with thoughts on the Revival in New Eng- land, in 1740. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1832. , . . Jesus Christ Gloriously Exalted above all Evil, in the Work of Redemption: A Sermon at Northampton, in 1738. 8vo. Provi- dence, R. I. 1824. , . . Sermon at Hatfield, Mass. Sept. 2, 1741, on the Death of Rev. William Williams. 12mo. Boston. ' , . . The late Religious Commotions in New England considered. An answer to his Sermon, Entitled " The Distinguishing marks of the Work of the Spirit of God, &c.," in a Letter to a Friend, With an ex- amination of the Preface to this Sermon, by the Rev. William Cooper. By a Lover of Truth. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . . Sermon at Pelham, [Mass.] Aug. 30, 1744, at the Ordination of Robert Abercrombie. 4to. Boston. 1744. • , . Humble attempt to promote explicit Agreement and visible Union of God's People in Extraordinary prayer for the Revival of Re- ligion, &c. 12mo. Boston. J 747. , . . Hnmble Inquiry into the Rules of the Word of God, concerning the Qualifications requisite to a Complete Standing and full Communion in the Visible Christian Church : Avith an Appendix, by Thomas Foxcroft. 4to. Boston. 1749. , . . Letter to the Rev. Mr. Hobby, in answer to his Vin- dication of the Protest, against the Result of an Ecclesiastical Council, at Northampton. By Robert Breck and others. 4to. Boston. 1751. , . . Life of David Brainerd. , . . Account of the Conduct of the Council which dis- missed him. 8vo. , . . Farewell Sermon at Northampton, June 22, 1750. 8vo. Boston. 1751. , . . Life and Character, with a number of his Sermons on Various Subjects. 8vo. Boston. 1765. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 27 Edwards, Jonathan. ]Pres.] Examination of his "Inquiry on the Freedom of the Will." 8vo. Boston. 1770. , . . Some Thoughts Concerning the present Revival of Religion in New England, 12ino. Edinburgh. 1743. ■-, . . The same. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1808. , . . Expostulatory Letter from Rev. Mr. Edwards to the Rev. Mr. Clapp. 12mo. Boston. 1745. -, . . Copies of Two Letters Cited by the Rev. Mr. Clapp, in his late printed Letter to a Friend in Boston, &.c. li^mo. Boston. 1745. — , • — — » . Sermon at Northampton, [Mass.] at the Funeral of Rev. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, who died Oct. 9, 1747. 8vo. Boston. 1747. , . . A strong Rod broken and withered. Sermon at Northampton, June 26, 1748, on the Death of the Hon. John Stoddard, Esq. who died at Boston, June 19, 1748. 8vo. Boston. 1748. ■ J . . Result of a Council of Nine Churches Met at North- ampton, June 22, 1750. With a Protest against the same. By a member of said Council. 8vo. , . . Misrepresentations Corrected, and Truth Vindicated. In Reply to Rev. Solomon Williams's Book, entitled. The True State of the Question, concerning the Qualifications necessary to lawful Communion in the Christian Sacraments. 8vo. Boston. 1752. , . . Preservation against the Doctrine of Fate : occasioned by reading Mr. Edwards against Free Will. 12mo. Boston. 1770. , . . Examination of the late Rev. President Edwards's " Enquiry on Freedom of Will." 8vo, Boston. 1770. , . . History of the Work of Redemption. 3rd ed. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1792. , . . Same. 8vo. New York. 1793. . . . Same. 8vo. Worcester. 1808. , . . Treatise Concerning Religious Affections. 4to. Boston. 1746. • , . . The Same. l2mo. Boston. 1784. , ' . . The Same. 8vo. Worcester. 1808. , . . Essay on the Fall of Angels and men ; with remarks on Dr. Edwards's Notion of Freedom of the Will. 8vo. Middletown, Con. 1796. , — ' . . Works, with his Life, by Samuel Austin. 8 vols. 8vo. Worcester. 1808. , . . Doctrine of original Sin Defended. 8vo. Wor- cester* , . . Two Dissertations. I. The End for which God Cre- ated the World. IL Nature of True Virtue. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1791. , . . The Excellency of Christ. Sermon on Rev. V. 5. 6. 12mo. Boston. 1805. , . . Observations on the Language of the Muhaekaneeu Indians. 8vo. New Haven, [Con.]. 1788. , ■ . . The Same. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 10. 2d. Series. , . . The Injustice and Impolicy of the Slave Trade, and of the Slavery of the Africans : Sermon at New Haven, Sept. 15, 1791, before the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom, and for the Relief of persons unlaAvfully holden in Bondage. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1792. , . . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1822. , , . Sermon at the Funeral of Hon. Roger Sherman, at New Haven, July 1793. 8vo. New Haven. 1793. , . . Con. Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1794. , . . Ruth's Resolution : Sermon. 12mo. Hartford, Con. Edwards, B. B. Sketch of the Life and Character of Rev. Elias Cornelius. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Edwards, Peter. Candid Reasons for renouncing the Principles ef Antipaedo- baptism, with an Appendix. 2d ed. 12mo. Windsor. 1802. , . The same. 12mo. Boston. 1803. 20 28 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Edwards, Peter. Same. 3rd ed, 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1804. , . The Same. 12mo. Exeter, N H. 1802. Edward and Emma. A Poem. 12mo. Boston. 1764. Edwards, Morgan. Materials towards a History of tlie Baptists in Jersey. Vol 2. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1792. Edwards, Bryan. Thoughts on the late Proceedings of Government, respecting the Trade of the West India Islands with the United States. 8vo. London. 1784. , . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1784. , . The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies, with an Atlas, To which is added a General Description of the Bahama Islands, by David M'Kinnen. 4 Vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1806. Eells, Nathaniel. Sermon at Taunton, [Mass.] Feb. 21, 1728-9, at the Ordination of Thomas Clapp. 12mo. Boston. 1729. . . . Mass. Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1748. , . See Todd, Jonathan. Eells, Edward. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. Hartford. 1767. Egen, D. Lettres D'une Femme du Quartorzieme Siecle. tr de 1' Allemand. 16mo. Amsterdam. 1788. Eggers. C. U. D. von. Denkwlirdigkeiten aus dem Leben des Koniglich Danis- chen Staalsministers, Andreas Petruis Grafen von Bernstorf. 8vo. Kopenha- gen. 1800. Egypt. Copies of Original Letters from the French Army in. Part 3rd. 12mo. Boston, [1800.] Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried. Litterargeschichte. 3 Bande. 8vo. Gottingen. 1799. 1814. , . Geschichte der Litteratur. 6 Bande. 8vo. Got- tingen. 1805-7. , . Die hebraischen Propheten ler Bande. 8vo. Got- tingen. 1816. , . Einleitung in das Alte Testament. 2 Bande. 8vo, Leipzig. 1803, • , . Einleitung in das Neue Testament, ler Band. 8vo. Leipzig. 1804. , . Einleitung in die apokryphischen Schriften des Al- ten Testaments. 8vo. Leipzig. 1795. Election and Reprobation. Treatise of. By B. L. 4to. London. 1700. Eldon, Lord. Letter to him on the Rumor of an Intended Royal Divorce. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1816. Eli, Bishop of. Sermon at the Coronation of James II, April 23, 1685. 4to. Lon- don. — , . See Ely. Eliot, John. Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wusku Testament [Bible in the Massachusetts Indian Language.] 4to. Cambridge. 1661-3. , . Sampwutteahae Quinnuppekompauaenin. 16mo. Cambridge. 1689. , . Account of Indian Churches in New England. [Mass. Hist. ColL Vol. 10.] , . A Late and Further Manifestation of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. Being aNarrrative of the Examinations of the Indians, about their Knowledge in Religion, by the Elders of the Churches. 4to. London. 1655. , . and Thomas Mayhew. Tears of Repentance : or, A Further Narra- tive of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. 4to. London. 1653. See New England. , . Life of. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1829. , . Historical Account of. By a Member of the Mass. Historical So- ciety. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 8. , . The Indian Grammar Begun: Or an Essay to bring the Indian Lan- guage into Rules, for the Help of such as desire to learn the same, for the fur- therance of the Gospel among them. With an Introduction by John Pickering. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 9. 2d Series.] CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 29 Eliot, Jared. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1738. , . Essay upon Field Husbandry in New England. 12mo. Boston. 1760. , . Continuation of the foregoing Essay. 12rao. New London. 1749. Eliot, AndreAv. Sermon on the Death of Rev. John Webb, who died at Boston, April 16, 1750. 8vo. Boston. 1750. , . Sermon at the Boston Thursday Lecture. Aug. 2, 1744. 12mo. Boston. , . An Evil and Adulterous Generation. Fast Sermon at Boston, April 19, 1753. Svo. Boston. 1753. , . Sermon at Leicester [Mass.] Oct. 23, 1754, at the Ordination of Joseph Roberts, 12mo. Boston. , . Thanksgiving Sermon upon the Reduction of Quebec, Delivered at Boston Oct 25, 1759. Svo. Boston. 1759. , . Mass. Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1765. , . Dudleian Lecture in Harvard College, May 8, 1771. Svo. Bos- ton. 1771. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Joseph Willard, at Beverly, [Mass.] Nov. 25, 1772. Svo. Boston. 1773. , . Sermon at the Ordination of his Brother, John Eliott, at Boston, Nov. 3, 1779. Svo. Boston. 1780. , . See Eliot, Eph. , . Remarks on the Bishop of Oxford's Sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 2. 2nd Series.] , . The Faithful Steward. Sermon at hisOrdination at Boston, April 14, 1742. Svo. Boston. 1742. Eliot, John. Masonic Sermon at Boston, June 24, 1782. Svo. Boston. 1782. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 20, 1794. Svo. Boston. 1794. , . Sermon at Milton, [Mass.] Nov. 1, 1797, at the Ordination of Joseph M'Kean. Svo. Boston. 1797. , . Sermon on the Propriety of attending Public Worship. Svo. Boston. 1800. , . Sermon before the New North Religious Society, at Boston, May 2, 1804, upon the Completion of the New House of W oiship. Svo. Boston. 1804. , . Biographical Dictionejy of New England. Svo. Boston. 1809. , . Ecclesiastical History of Massachusetts. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vols. 7, 9, 10 and 2d Series. Vol 1. , . Character of. By a Member of the Mass. Hist. Society. Svo. Boston. 1813. , . The Same. [Mass. Hist Coll. Vol. 1. 2d. Series.] , . See Eliot, Ephraim. , . Masonic Charge, at Boston, June 24, 1783. 4to. Eliot, Ephraim. Historical Notices of the New North Religious Society in Bos- ton, with Anecdotes of the Rev. Andrew and John Eliot Svo. Boston. 1821. Eliot, James. Fayette in Prison. Svo. Worcester, Mass. 1802. Eliot See Elliot Eliot, Richard R. Two Sermons at Watertown, [Mass ] Sept 22, 1816. Svo. Concord. 1816. Ellicott, Andrew. Journal from 1796 to 1800, with Maps. 4to. Philadelphia. 1803. Elliott, Rev. Mr. Substance of a Sermon at Christ Church, Spital Fields, Jan. 21, 1759. Svo. Boston. 1759. Elliott, Samuel. Address at New Fane, Vt June 11, 1812, before the Washing- ton Benevolent Society. Svo. Brattleborough. Elliott, John. Medical Pocket Book. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1784. , . Same. 3rd ed. 12mo. Boston. 1795. Elliott, Polly. Case of. Svo. Baltimore. 1801. Elliott, Jonathan. Pocket Almanack and Annual Register of the Federal Gov- ernments for 1832. ISmo. Washington. See Virginia. Elliott, John. Connecticut Election Sermon. Svo. Hartford. 1810. 30 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Ellis, John, Junr. Sermon before the House of Commons, Feb. 22, 1642. 4to. London. 1643. Ellis, Jonathan. Oration at Topsham, Me. July 4, 1806. 8vo. Portland, 1806. Ellis, Henry. Journal of the Proceeding's of the late Embassy to China under Lord Amherst. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1818. Ellis, Asa, Junr. Country Dyer's Assistant. 12mo. Brookfield, Mass. 1799. Ellis, Clement. Relij^ion and Loyalty inseparable. Assize Sermon, Sept. 5, 1690. 4to. London. 1691. Elisha, Patrick. N. J. Patent Riglit oppression Exposed. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1813. Elliot, Samuel. Oration at Springfield, Mass. July 4, 1803. 8vo. Benning- ton, Vt. Elliot, Stephen. Address to the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina. 4to. Charleston. 1814. Ellis, Ferdinand. Address on Music, before the First Baptist Singing Society, Boston, May ] 5, 1806. 8vo. Boston, 1806. Elphinston, James. Education in Four Books. 8vo. London. 1763. Ellwall, Mr. See Priestley, J. EUson, William. Address to the People of Chester District, S. C. on Nullifica- tion. 8vo. Charleston. 1832. Elsynge, Henry. Ancient Method and Manner of Holding Parliament in Eng- land. 4th ed. 12mo. London. 1679. Ely, Aaron. See Cobb, Lyman. Ely, Zebulon. Sermon at the Funeral of Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, Aug. 19, 1785. 8vo. Hartford, [Ct.] 1786. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Bethiah, wife of Capt. William Hunting-- ton, at Lebanon, [Con.] 8vo. Norwich. 1799. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1804. , . Discourse at Lebanon, [Con.] Aug. 1811, on the Death of Hon. William Williams. 8vo. Hartford. 1812. Ely, Ezra Stiles. Sermon on the First Sabbath after his Ordination. 8vo. Hart- ford, Con. 1806. , . Retrospective Theology, or the Opinions of the World of Spirits. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. Ely, Richard. Sermon at Ripton, [Con.] Oct. 27, 1773, at the Ordination of Da- vid Ely. 8vo. New Haven. 1774. Embargo Laws. ]2mo. Boston. 1808. . Same, with the President's Message upon which they were founded, with an Appendix. 12mo. Boston. 1809. Emerald, or Miscellany of Literature. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1806 — 8. Emerson, G. Memoirs of Dr. Samuel P. Griffitts. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Emerson, Joseph. Sermon at the Ordination of his Son, Joseph Emerson, at Gro- ton, [Mass.] Feb. 25, 1746. ]2mo. Boston. 1747. , . Exhortation to his People with Respect to Variety of Minis- ters. 16mo. Boston. 1742. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Pepperrell, [Mass.] July 24, 1766, on Account of the Repeal of the Stamp Act. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , . Extract from a late Sermon on the Death of Rev. Joseph Emerson, Pastor of the First Church in Maiden, [Mass.] who died July 13th, 1767, By Joseph Emerson, of Pepperrell. 12mo. Boston. 1767. Emerson, Samuel. Oration at Portland, [Me.] May 28th, 1800, on Music. 8vo. Portland. 1800. Emerson, William. Charity Sermon at Roxbury, [Mass.] Sept. 15, 1800. 8vo. Boston. 1800. . J . Piety and Arms. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Sermon at Boston, May 1803, Sundy after the Interment of Madam Elizabeth, wife of Hon. James Bowdoin. 8vo. Boston. 1803. , . Sermon at Springfield, Vt. Sept. 23, 1801, at the Ordination of Robinson Smiley. 8vo. Windsor. 1801. — — -. . Oration at Boston, July, 5, 1802. 8vo. Boston. C A T A L O G U E O F L 1 D R A R Y . 31 Emerson, William. Discourse before the Boston Female Asylum, Sept. 20, 180.5. 5th Anniversary. 8vo. Boston. 1805. , . Discourse at Harvard, Mass. July 4, 1794. 8vo. Boston. , . Sermon at Boston, Aug. 180G, on the Lord's Day after the Calamitous Death of Charles Austin. 8vo. Boston. , . Sermon at Boston, Dec. 31, 1802, on the Decease of Rev. Peter Thatcher. 8vo. Boston. 1803. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. , . Sermon at Wilton, N. H. March 2. 1803, at the Ordination of Thomas Beede. 8vo. Amherst. 1803. , . Discourse before the Massachusetts Humane Society. 8vo. Boston. 1807. , ■ . Selection of Psalms and Hymns, Embracing all the varie- ties of Subject and Metre. 12mo. Boston. 1808. Emerson, John. Discourse at the Ordination of Joel Barker, at Granville, [Mass.] June 21, 1797. 12mo. Springfield. 1797. Emerson, Joseph. General Topics of a Course of Astronomical Lectures, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1819. ^ . Discourse at the Dedication of the Seminary Hall, at Saugus, [Mass.] Jan. 15, 1822. 8vo. Boston. 1822. • , . Questions adapted to Whelpley's Compend. 10th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1830. , . Questions and Supplement to Goodrich's History of the Unit- ed States. 12mo. Boston. 1831. , . Letter to the Members of the Gennessee Association, N. Y. 4th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Emerson, Enoch and Joseph Boyce. Series of Letters between them, relative to the Excommunication of said Emerson and others, from the Congregational Church in Rochester, &c. 8vo. Windsor, Vt. 1815. Emerson, Frederick. Key to the North American Arithmetic. l2mo. Boston. 1833. 5 — . North American Arithmetic. Part 2nd. l2mo. Boston. 1833. Emerson, Ralph. W. Centennial Discourse at Concord, Mass. Sept. 12, 1835. 8vo. Concord. 1835. Emigrants. Hints to, in the Choice of Lands. 8vo. Albany, N, Y. 1817. Emillianne, Gabriel T. Short History of Monastical Orders. ]2mo. London. 1693. Emlyn, Thomas. Extracts from his Humble Inquiry into the Scripture Account of Jesus Christ. 5th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1756. , . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1790. ) . The Supreme Deity of our Lord Jesus Clirist Maintained, [In answer to Emlyn.] 8vo. Boston. 1757. Emery, J. Abridgment of English Grammar. 18mo. Wellsboiough, Pa. 1829. Emmons, Nathaniel. Sermon at Oxford, [Mass.] April 13, 1791, at the Ordina- tion of Elias Dudley. 8vo. Providence, R. I. , . Discourse at Franklin, [Mass.] Sept. 2, 1792, to the Society for the Reformation of Morals. 8vo. Worcester. 1793. , ■ . Discourse ai Franklin, Sept. 3, 1793, beftre the same So- ciety. 8vo. Worcester. 1793. , ■ . Sermon at Rochester, [Mass.] Oct. 10, 1793, at the Ordina- tion of Calvin Chaddock. 8vo. New Bedford. 1794. , -Discourse at the Ordination of Eli Smith, at Hollis, [N. H.] Nov. 27, 1793. 8vo. Worcester. 1794. } . Dissertation on the Scripture Qualifications for admission and access to the Christian Sacraments : in answer to Moses Hemminway. 8vo. Worcester. 1794. , ' . Discourse at Upton, Mass.] Aug. 10, 1795, at the Funeral of Rev. Elisha Fish. 8vo. Wrentham. 1796. , . The Dignity of Man, Discourse at Franklin, [Mass.] upon the Occasion of receiving from Dr. Franklin, the Mark of his Respect, in a Rich Donation of Books for the Parish Library. 8vo. Providence, R. I. [1787.] 32 AMERICAN A N T I Q L' 1 R I A N SOCIETY, Emmons, Nathaniel. Christ the Standard of Preaching. Sermon at the Installa- tion of Caleb Alexander, at Mendon, [Mass.] April 12, 1766. 8vo. Provi- dence. , . The Office of the Ministry the best Office. Sermon at the Installation of David Avery, at Yi rentham, [Mass.], May 25, 178G. 8vo. Providence. , . Discourse at the Ordination of Walter Harris, at Dunbar- ton, Aug. 26, 1789. 8vo. Providence. , . Discourse Nov. 3, 1790, at the particular request of a number of respectable men in Franklin, [Mass,] who vv ere forming a Society for the Reformation of Morals. 8vo. Providence. Discourse at Wardsborough, Vt. Nov. 4, 1795, at the Or- dination of James Tufts. 12mo. Brattleborough. 1797. Candid Reply to Dr. Hemminway's Remarks on his " Dis- sertation on the Scripture Qualifications" &c, 8vo. Worcester. 1795. , , Sprinkling the proper Mode, and Infants proper subjects, of christian Baptism. Sermon, Sept. 7, 1794, 8vo. Worcester. 1795. , , See Cummings, A. Thanksgiving Sermon at Franklin, [Mass.] Dec. 15, 179G. 8vo. Won) ester. 1797. , . Fast Sermon at Franklin, May 9, 1798. 8vo. Wrentham. 1798. , . Mass. Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1 798. , . Fast Sermon at Franklin, April 25 1799. 8vo. Wren- tham. 17919. Sermon at Franklin, Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Wrentham. , . Sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, at Boston, May 27, 1800. 8vo. Charlestown. 1800. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Franklin, Nov. 27, 1800. 8vo. Wrentham. 1801. , . Discourse at the Funeral of Bathsheba, wife of Rev. Da- vid Sanford, at Medway, Nov. 17, 1800. 8vo. Wrentham. 1801. , . Discourse at the Funeral of Samuel Rockwood, April, 1801. 8vo. Wrentham. 1801. , . Fast Sermon at Franklin, April 9, 1801. Wrentham. 1801. 1802. . Fast Sermon at Franklin, April 8, ] 802. 8vo. Wrentham. , , Sermon at the Funeral of Daniel Thurston, Nov. 1802. 8vo. Wrentham. 1803. . Discourse at Franklin, July 5, 1802. 8vo. Wrentham. 1802. ' 1803. The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Wrentham. 1802. Fast Sermon at Franklin, April 7, 1803. 8vo. Wrentham. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Joseph Emerson, at Beverly, [Mass.] Sept. :21, 1803. 8vo. Salem. Discourse on the Death of Doct Abijah Everett, Jan. 1804. 8vo. Dedham. 1805. Discourse on the Death of Amos Hawes, Jan. 1804. 8vo Dedham. 1805. , . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Thomas Williams, at Attleborough, IVIass. Sept. 29, 1804. 8vo. Providence, R. I. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermou. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Edwards Whipple, at Charle- ton, [Mass.] Jaru 25, 1804. 8vo. Brookfield. ]804. . Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 29, 1804. 8vo. Providence, — - — . Sermon at the Funeral of Lydia Fisk, widow of Rev. Eli- sha Fisk, at Wr(mtham> July 13, 1805. 8vo. Dedham. 1805. R. I. C A T A L O ( ; U E OF LIBRARY. 33 Emmons, Nathaniel. Discourse i t Franklin, Dec. 1805, on the Death of Dea. Peter Whiting-. Svo. Providence, R. 1. . . Sermon on the Sabbath after the Interment of the Hon. Jabez Fisher, Oct. 1806. 8vo. Providence. 1807. J , Sermon at a Singing Lecture at Franklin. Svo. Provi- dence.' 1806. ^. . Sermon before the Massachusetts Humane Society. 8vo. Boston. ]807. . , . Sermon at the Ordination of Gaius Conant, at Paxton, [Mass.] Feb. 17, 1808. 8vo. Brookfield. ]808. , . Discourse at Attleborough, [Mass.] July 19, 1808, at the Funeral of Esther, daughter of Rev. John Wilder. 8vo. Providence. 1808. , . The Giver more blessed than the Receiver. Discourse addressed to the Congregation in Franklin. Svo. Boston. 1809. . ^ . Discourse at the Funeral of Rev. David Sanford, at Med- wav, April 7, 1810. Svo. Bor^ton. 1810. 1 J . Discourse at Attleborough, [Mass.] Jan. 21, 1811, at the Funeral of Mrs. Esther, wife of Rev. John Wilder. Svo. Providence 1811. ^ . Sermons on Various Important Subjects of Christian Doc- trine and Practice. Svo. Bos ton. 1812. ^ . Thanksgiving Discourse, Nov. 25, 1813. Svo. Dedham. 1813. , . Discourse in the National Thanksgiving, April 13, 1815. Svo. Dedham. 1815. ^ . Collection of Sermons. Svo. Boston. 1813. , . Sermons on Some of the first Principles and Doctrines of True Religion. Svo. Boston. 1815. , . . Discourse on the Death of Oliver Shepherd, of Wrentham. Svo. Dedham. 1815. , . Discourse, April 13, 1815. Svo. Dedham. , . Discourse at the Installation of Rev. Thomas Williams, at Foxborough, [Mass.] Nov. 6, 1816. Svo. Dedham. 1816. , . Discourse at Dorchester, [Mass.] June 11, 1817. 2nd ed. Svo. Providence. 1825. , . Sermon at Franklin, Dec. 31, 1820, the last Lord's Day in the Second Century, since our Forefathers first settled in Plymouth. Svo. Dedham. 1821. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Zolva Whitmore, at North Guilford, [Con.] Sept. 5, 1821. Svo. Noav Haven. 1822. , . Sermon at New Haven, Sept. 6, on the Foreknowledge of God, and also at EastHaddam, [Con.] Sept. 9, 1821. Svo. Middletown. 1821. ^ . Sermons on Various Subjects of Christian Doctrine and Duty. 3 vols. Svo. Providence. 1823 — 6. J . Sermon at Attleborough, Sept. 29, 1824, at the Installation of Rev. Thomas Williams. Svo. Providence. 1824. ^ . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Calvin Park, at Stough- ton, [Mass.] Dec. 13, 1826. Svo. Boston. 1827. , . See Norton, Jacob. ^ . Discourse on the Proper Mode and Proper Subjects of Christian Baptism. New England Tracts, No. IV. Emott, James. Speech in Congress, Jan. 12, 1813, on the Bill to raise an Addi- tional Military Force. Svo. Boston. 1813. , . Speech in Congress, Feb. 6, 1811, in relation to Non-Intercourse. Svo. Emporium of Arts and Sciences. Vols. 1, 2, 3 — 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1812—14. Encyclopaedia. Dobson's Edition. 21 vols: Avith a Supplement. 4to. Phila- delphia. 1798— 1803. ^ . Edinburgh. See Brewster, David. 4 See Rees, Abraham. . Vide Alstedius, J. H. 34 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Encyclopaedia. Americana. Edited by Francis Lieber, assisted Edw. Wiggles- worth and T. G. Bradford. 13 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1829—33. Enfield, William. Biographical Sermons. 12mo. Philadelphia. 179 J. ■ , . Institutes of Natural Philosophy; with Additions by Samuel Webber. 4to. Boston. 1802. Enderbie, Percy. Cambria Triumphans, or Brittain in its Perfect Lustre. 2 vols, fol. London. ]810. Endless Amusements ; a Collection of nearly 400 Entertaining Experiments. 2d ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 3821. England. Exposition of certain difficult and obscure words and Terms of the Lawes of this Realme nevvly set forth and augmented, both with French and English. 24 mo. London. 1579. . Englands Warning by Israel and Judah: Sermon at London, Nov. 29, 1G17. 4to. Cantab. 1633. . The True Original Copy of the First Petition which was delivered by Sir David Watkins and others, to the House of Commons, Dec. I, 1642, &.c. 4ta. London. 1642. . A Solemne Engagement of the Army under Sir Thomas Fairfax. 4to. London. 1647. . See Collier, T. . Remarkable Observations of Gods Mercies towards England : with a Catalogue of all the most Notable Victories obtained by the Parliament Forces in England and Scotland. 4to. London. 1651. • . Description of. 16mo. London. 16G0. „^ . Sole and Sovereign Way to save England, By R. P. 12mo. Lon- don. 1671. . England Appeal from the Private Cabal at White Hall to the Great Council of the Nation, the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled. 4to. London. 1673. . Description of England and Wales, with an Alphabetical Account of the Nobility and Gentry in all the Counties, fol. London. 1673. . An Awakening Word in Season to the Grand Jurymen of the Na- tion, &c. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1684. . England's Petition to Gods deare Servant and Her dread Soveraigne Charles, King of Great Britaine. 4to. 1646. . Enchiridion Legum. A Discourse concerning the Beginnings, Nature, Difference, Progress and Use, of Laws in General ; and in Particular of the Common and Municipal Laws of England. 16mo. London. 1673. . Three Letters concerning the Conversion of the People of England to the Catholic Religion, tr. from the French. 4to. 1688. . An exact Collection of many Wonderful Prophecies Relating to the Government, By P. C. 4to. London. 1689. . Providence of God observed through several ages towards this Nation, in introducing the True Religion. 1689. . State Tracts being a further Collection of several Choice Treatises relating to Government from 1660 to 1689. fol. London. 1692. . Collection of Papers, Relating to the Present Juncture of Affairs in England. 4to. London. 1689. ' . Seventh Collection of Papers relating to the Present Juncture of Af- fairs in. 4to. London. 1689. . Eighth Collection on the same Subject. 4to. London. 1689. . Ninth Collection on the same Subject. 4to. London. 1689. * . Reflections upon our late and present -Proceedings in England. 4to. London. 1689. . Advantages of the Present Settlement and the Great Danger of a Relapse. 4to. London. 1689. ' . Reasons Shewing the Absolute necessity of Large and Speedy sup- plys proportionate to the present occasion. 4to. London. 1691. . History of the Kings of. 4to. London. 1692. . Character of a Bigotted Prince and what England may expect from the Return of such an one. 4to. London. 1691. CATALOGUE OF L I H R A R if. 35 England. Pretences of the French Invasion examined for Information of the People of England. 4to. London. 1692. . Collection of all the Statutes now in Force against the Transportation of Wool. 4to. London. 1G99. . Letter of a Soldier to the Commons of. 4to. London. 1702. ■ — . The National Covenant, and Solemn League and Covenant, Avith the AcknoAvledgment of Sins, and Engagement to Duties as they were renewed at Douglas, July 24, 1712. 4to. 1712. . An Inquiry into the Miscarriages of the four last year's reign, &lc. 8th ed. 8vo. London. 1714. — — . The Secret History of One Year. 12mo. London. 1714. . English Advice to the Freeholders of England. 8vo. London. 1714. = — . The False Steps of the Ministry after the Revolution. In a Letter to My Lord. 12mo. London. 1714. . A Memorial of the Proceedings of the late Ministry and the LoAver House of Parliament, &c. 8vo. London. 1715. — — — . Account of the Proceedings against the Rebels and other Prisoners tried before Lord Chief Justice Jeffries. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1716. . Dialogue between a Whig and a Jacobite, upon the Subject of the late Rebellion and the Execution of the Rebel Lords, &c. 3rd ed. 12mo. London. 1716. . Remarks on the R — p — n of H — of C ns to the K — and his M — ys A — s — r. 8vo. London. 1728. . Account of all the Variations contained in the Treaty of Peace at Seville from the Quadruple Alliance, with remarks on two Pamphlets just pub- lished. The Free Briton Extraordinary and the Review of Mr. Francklin's Short View, &c. 8vo. London. 1729—30. — . Observations on the Treaty of Seville examined, 12mo. London. 1730. . Short view of the State of Affairs with Relation to Great Britain for 4 years past, with Remarks on the Treaty lately published, and a pamphlet en- titled " Observations" upon it. 12mo. London. 1730. . The grand Question considered, whether War, or no War with Spain. Svo. London. 1739. . Question Stated with Regard to our Army in Flanders. Svo. Lon- don. 1743. . Letter to Two Great Men on the prospect of Peace between England and France. 12mo. Boston. 1760. . Definitive Treaty of Peace between England, France and Spain, con- cluded at Paris, Feb. 10, 1763, in Eng. and Fr. 4to. London. 1763. — . An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, &lc. 12mo. London. 1772. — . Rules and Articles for the Better Government of his Majesty's Horse and Foot Guards, &c. 12mo. London. 1772. — . Address to the People of Great Britain on the Utility of refraining from the use of West India Sugars and Rum. 5th ed. 12mo. London. 1791. . Some Thoughts Concerning Peace, and the Thanksgiving' appointed by Authority to be observed for it. 16mo. 1713. ' . Declaration of the Abp. of Canterbury and the Bishops of London, testifying their abhorrence of the present Rebellion. 4to. London. 1715. . The Chronicle of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror to George II. By Nathan Ben Saddi. 8vo. Boston. ' 1759. . The Same. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1795. * • • • . Nobility of 16mo. . Absurdity and Inconsistency of some of its Laws. 4to. . Representation of the Loyal subjects of Albania to the Sovereign, up- on his concluding a Treaty of Peace with his Foes. Svo. London. . Extermination, or an Appeal to the People of England, on the present War with France. Svo. London. [1793.] . Measures of Ministry to prevent a Revolution, are the Certain Means of Bringing it on. 3rd ed. Svo. London. 1794. 21 36 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. England. Letters on Men, Measures and Politics. 8vo. London. 1794. . See British Colonies ; United States ; Treaty. . Steel's Royal Navy List, and Hon. East India Company's Shipping, far July 1816. 12mo. London. . Army List for 1816. 12mo. , and Wales. Cary's New Itinerary, or an accurate Delineation of the Great Roads of. 12mo. London. 1812. England, John. Reply to Samuel Clifford. 16mo. London. 1702. English Constitution, or the Collected Wisdom of Ages. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. , Genuine Principles of the Ancient Saxon or English Con- stitution. By Demophilus. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1776. English, George Bethune. Grounds of Christianity Examined. 12mo. Boston, 1813. , . See Everett, Ed^vard. , . Letter to Rev. Samuel Cary, containing Remarks up- on his Review of the Grounds of Christianity Examined. 12mo. Boston. 1813. , . Narrative of the Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar under the command of his Excellency, Ismael Pasha. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Englishman. The Englishman Directed in the Choice of his Religion. Reprint- ed for the Use of English Americans, with a Prefatory Address, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1748. English Tongue. Observations on the Present Mode of Spelling. 8vo. Boston. 1802. Engraving. History of the Art of, with a list of Painters from the 11th Century, 3rd ed. 12mo. London. 1766. Ensell, G. Grammar of the English Language. 8vo. Rotterdam. 1797. Entertaining Novelist, or New Pocket Library. 12mo. New York. 1795w Entick, John. Dictionary, English and Latin. 12mo. 1770. , . Same, revised by Wm. Crakelt. I2mo. London. 1790. Epiphanius S. De XII Gemmis quae erant in Veste Aronis Gr. et Lat. cum. Co- rollario Con Gesneri. 16mo. Tiguri. 1566. Enty, John. Sermon at Exon, Oct. 11, 1727, on the Day of the Coronation of George II. Svo. Exon. 1727. , . Propositions, &c. in a letter to the Rev. John Enty. 8vo. Epicteti Enchiridion et Cebetis Tabula. Grae. et Lat. 32mo. Amstelodami. 1670. Episcopacy, Prelatical. Whether it may be deduced from the Apostolical Times, &c. 4to. London. 1641. . . Journal of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, in the General Convention, at New Haven, Con. May, 1811. 8vo. New York. . Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Eastern Dio- cese of the United States. 8vo. Boston. 1811. . Pastoral Letter to the Members of the Protestant Episcopal Church from the House of Bishops assembled in General Convention at Baltimore, May, 1808. Svo. New York. 1808. . Collection of the Essays on the Subject of, which originally ap- peared in the Albany Centinel, and which are ascribed principa'ly to the Rev. Dr. Linn, Rev. Mr. Beasley, and Thomas Y. How, Esq. 8vo. New York. 1806. . An Essay upon that Paradox, Infallibility may sometimes Mistake, Or a Reply to a Discourse Concerning Episcopacy. By a Son of Martin-Mar- P relate. 12mo. Boston. 1724. . Sermon at the King's Chapel, in Boston, at a Convention of Epis- copal Ministers in 1726. 12mo. Boston. 1733. Episcopalians of Pennsylvania. Candid Address to. By Plain Truth. Svo. Philadelphia. 1827. . Reply to the foregoing Plain Fact Svo. Phi- • ladelphia. 1827. . Another Candid Address to. By Plain Truth, jr. Svo. Philadelphia^ ^827. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 37 Episcopalians of Pennsylvania. Three Letters in support of the Candid Ad- dress. By Plain Truth. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. . An Appeal to the Lay Members of the Pro- testant Episcopal Church of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Episcopate. Address from the Clergy of New York and New Jersey, to the E- piscopalians of Virginia, occasioned by some late Transactions in that Colony, Relative to an American Episcopate. 12mo. New York. 1771. Equitable Assurances. Short Account of the Society for, on Lives and Survivor- ships, &c. 8vo. London. 1790. Equity. Collection of Interrogations for Examination of Witnesses in Courts of 3rded. 12mo. Dublin. 1791. ' Erasmus, Desiderius. De Ratione Conscribendi Epistolas. 16mo. 1522. , . VideBiblia. .. , . Enchiridion Militis Christiani. 16mo. Basiliae. 1551. , . Apothegms, tr. from the Latin by Nicholas Udall. 16mo. London. 1564. , . Junius, Cognatus et alii. Epitome Adagiorum. 16mo. 1593. , . Colloquiorum Familiarum Opus Aureum. 16mo. Lon- don. 1711. , . Same. ed. 3tia. ]2mo. London. 1717. , . Extracts from his Writings on the Subject of War. 8vo. London. , . Vide Lycosthenes. Erastus, Thomas. De Cometarum ortu, Natura et causis Tractatus etc. 4to. 1578. Erbery, William. An Olive Leaf : or some Peaceable considerations to the Chris- tian Meeting of Christ's Church in London, Jan. 9, 1653. Also the reign of Christ and the Saints with him on earth, a Thousand years, one day, and the Day at hand. 4to. London. 1654. , . The Man of Peace, &c. 4to. London. 1654. Eiie Canal. See New York. See Van Rensallaer, S. Ernst, John Frederick. Poem at the Dedication of Mason Hall, Hudson, N. Y. 12mo. Hudson. 1797. Ernesto, John Augustus. Neueste Theologische Bibliothek. 4 vol. 12mo. Leipzig. 1771 — 1776. , . Same. 10 vols. 12mo. Leipzig. 1760 — 1769. Ercilla, Alonzo De. An Appendix to the Civil and Political History of Chili, consisting of a Sketch of the Araucana of, with copious translations from that poem by Wm. Hay ley and Rev. K. Boyd. 8vo. New York. 1808. Eres, Charles Dennis Rusoe D'. Memoirs of, who was with the Scanyawtauragah- roote Indians Eleven years, with a particular account of his Sufferings, &c. 12mo. Exeter, N.H. 1800. Erra Pater. Almanack. 16mo. [1626.] Erro, Juan Bautista De. Alphabet of the Primitive Language of Spain, and a Philosophical Examination of the Antiquity and Civilization of the Basque Peo- ple : An Extract from the Works of, tr. from the Spanish by George William Erving. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Erskine, Thomas. View of the Causes and Consequences of the Present War with France. 8vo. Boston. , . The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797. , . See Gifford, John. Erskine, John. Theological Dissertations. 12m.o. London. 1765. , . Ministers of the Gospel cautioned against giving Offence. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1764. Erskine, Ralph. Gospel Sonnets. 2d ed. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1798. ~ , . Faith's Plea upon God's Words and Covenant. Sermon. 12mo. 1738. , . Sermon at the Celebration of the Lord's Supper, July 11, 1742. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1742. Espencaeus, Claudius. Opera Omnia, a G. Genebrade Edita. fol. Lut. Par. 1619. 3S A M i: K I C A N ANTIQUARIAN S O C I F, T Y. Espie Count D'. Manner of securing" all sorts of buildings from Fire, tr. from tlie French, by L. Dtitens. 8vo. London. Espinasse, Isaac. Dio-est of the Law of Actions and Trials at Nisi Prius. 2 vols. 8vo. Walpole, N. IL 1808. , . Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Walpole. 180L Es, Arnoldus Van. Disputationum Theologicarum de Fundamentalibus FideiCa- pitalibiis Septima. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1G84. Essay, Showing tliat none but God is the object of Worship, &-c. 8vo. Glas- gow. 1795. Essenius, Andrew. Trinmpiius Crucis Sive Fides Catholica de Satisfactione Domini Nostri Jcsu Christi. 4to. Aiiistel. 1641). , . Systema Tlieologica. 2 vol. 4to. Ultrajecti. 1G59 — 61. Essex Watchmen's Watchword. 4to. London. 1649. . Transactions of the Essex Agricultural Society for 1834. Vol. 2. No. 4. 8vo. Salem. Essex, [Mass.] Result of a Convention of Delegates of Essex County, [Mass.] at Ipswich, to Consider of the Constitution and Form of Government proposed by the Convention, [By TheopJiilus Parsons.] 12mo. Newburyport. 1778. , . Essex Junto, or Quixotic Guardian: a Comedy. By a citizen of Massachusetts. 12mo. Salem. 1802. , . Account of the Premiums offered by the Essex Agricultural So- ciety, in 1825, and 6. 8vo. Salem. 182(). See Pickering, Tim. , . Essex Agricultural Society. Reports of Committees and Pre- miums awarded in 1829, and those offered in 1830. 8vo. Salem. 1830. , . Essex Resolutions, Oct. G, 1808. 8vo. Newburyport. Estab rooks, Joseph. Mass. Election Sermon. 4to. Boston. 1705. Estabrooks, Joseph. Discourse at Royalston, Mass. Feb. 22, 1819, at the Fu- neral of Rev. Joseph Lee. 8vo. Worcester. Estey, George. Certaine Godly and Learned Expositions upon divers parts of Scripture. 4to. London. 1G03. Estius, Gulielmus. Annotationes in Praecipua et difficiliora Sacrae Scripturae Loca. fol. Duaci. 1629. , . Commentaria in Omnes D. Pauli et Reliquas Apostolorum Epistolas. fol. Coloniae Agrip. 1631. Estrange, H. L'. God's Sabbath before and under the Law, and under the Gospel. 4to. Cambridge. 1641. Eternity of the Future Punishment of tlie Wicked illustrated and proved. By a Clergyman of Massachusetts. 12mo. Worcester. 1819. Enclidr See Hill, H. Eumene et de Flora, Amours de. 24mo. Coloyne. 1704. Europe, Journal des Revolutions de 1' Europe en 1789 — 90. Tom, 2. 12mo. Neuwied sur la Rhine. Eust'ichius, Fr. Surnma Philosophiae Quadrupartita : de Rebus dialecticis, Mo- ralibus, Physicis, et Metaphysicis. 2 vol. l(>mo. Coloniae. 1G29. , — . Same. KJmo. Genevae. 16^34. , — . Ethica. 16mo. Cantab. 1G54. Eustaphieve, Alexis. Demetrius, or the Hero of the Don : a Poem. 12mo. Boston. 1818. Eswyler, Henricus. Exercitationes Irenicae, de Conveniantia et Disconvenientia Justificationis Fidelium sub Veteri et Novo Testamento. 4to. Luo-. Bat 1700. Euclid. A Short, Simple, and Plain Method of Demonstrating the Fifth Book of Euclid's Elements. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1815. Euler, liConhard. Vollstandige Anleitung zur Algebra. 2 Tlieile. 8vo. St. Petersburgh. 1771. Evan, Nathaniel. Poems on Several Occasions. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1782. Evans John. Sermon at the Funeral of the Rev. Daniel Williams. 12ino. Lon- don. 1716. Evans, Oliver. To his Counsel, who are engaged in Defence of his Patent Rights. 8vo. , , . Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of Con- gress on the Petition of. 8vo. Washington. 1807. CATALOGUE OF LIBP^ARY. 39 Evans, John. Sketch of the Denominations into which the Christian world is divided. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1807. Evans, Estwick. Pedestrioiis Tour. 12mo. Concord, N. H. 1819. Evans, George. Speech in Congress, June 11, 1832, on the Protective System. Svo. Washington. 1832. , . Speech in Congress on the Failure of the Fortification Bill. Svo. Washington. 1826. Evans, Caleb. Letter to the Rev. John Wesley, occasioned by his Calm Address to the American Colonies. 12mo. London. 1775. , . Sermon at Bristol, [Eng.] Jan. 28, 1776, on the Death of Mrs. Ann, wife of Rev. Hugh Evans. 8vo. Bristol. 177(). Evans, David. Letter to Rev. Doc. Jones, containing some Remarks on the Cir- cular Letter of Philadelphia Baptist Association of 1791. 12mo. Evans, Evan. Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welsh Bards, tr. into English. 4to. London. 1704. Evans, Israel. New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . Oration at Hackinsack, N. Y. Sept. 10, 1780, at the Interment of Brig. Gen. Enoch Poor. 4to. Newburyport, Mass. 1781. Evans, Lewis. Geographical, Historical, Political, Philosophical, and Mechanical Essays. The First containing an Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America. 4to. Philadelphia. 1755. , . The Same. 2d ed. 4to. Philadelphia. 1755. Evans, John. Narrative of the Proceedings of the Religious Society of the People called Quakers, in Philadelphia, against John Evans, to which is ad- ded : A Report of the Evidence delivered on the Trial of the Case of John Evans versus Ellis Yarnall and others. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1811. Evans, Theophilus. History of Modern Enthusiasm. 8vo. London. 1752. Evanke, George. Farewell Sermon at Great Ayton, Yorkshire. 4to. 1663. Evelina, or a Young Lady's Entrance into the World. 2 vols. 12mo. Wor- cester, Mass. 1796. Evelyn, John. Kalendarium Hortense, or the Gardener's Almanac, directing what he is to do monthly throughout the year. 6th ed. 16mo. London. 1676. Evenings at Plome. 12mo. Salem. 1797. Everett, David. Common Sense in Dishabille. 12mo. Worcester. 1799. , . Farmer's Monitor, &c. 12mo Worcester. 1799. . . Masonic Oration at Washington, N. H. Sept. 28, 1803. 8vo. Amherst 1804. , . Oration at Amherst, N. H. July 4, 1804. Svo. Amherst. 1804. , . Address before the Bunker Hill Association, July 4, 1809. Svo. Boston. See White, Wm. C. Everett, Alexander H. Address before the Mass. Charitable Fire Society, May 28, 1813. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . Europe, or a General Survey of the present Situation of the Principal Powers, with conjectures on their future prospects. Svo. Bos- ton. 1822. , . America : or a General Survey of the Political Situation of the Several Powers of tlie Western Continent, witli conjectures on their fu- ture prospects. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. , . Oration at Boston July 5, 1830. Svo. Boston. 1830. , . Address before Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Fifth Anniversary, Sept. 18, 1833. Svo. Boston. 1833. Everett, Edward. Defence of Christianity against the Work of Geo. B. English. 12mo. Boston. 1814. , . Address at the Funeral of Rev. John Lovejoy Abbott, at Bos- ton, Oct. 21, 1814. Svo. Boston, 1814. , . Sermon at the Dedication of the First Congregational Church in New York, Jan. 20, 1821. 2d ed. Svo. Boston. 1821. , . Address of tlie Committee appointed at a public meeting in Bos- ton, Dec. 19, 1823, for the Relief of the Greeks. 8vo. Boston. , . Phi Beta Kappa Oration at Cambridge, Aug. 1824. 4th ed. Svo. Boston. 1825. 40 AaiERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Everett, Edward. Oration at Plymouth, Mass. Dec. 22, 1824. 8vo. Boston, 1825. • , . Oration at Concord, Mass. April 19, 1825. 8vo. Boston. , . Oration at Cambridge, Mass. July 4, 1826. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. , . Address at Charlestown, [Mass.] Aug. 1, 1826, on the Death of John Adams and Thomas Jefierson. 8vo. Boston. 1826. , . Speech in Congress, May 7 and 8, 1828, on the Proposal of Mr. McDuffie to repeal the Laws of 1828 and 1824, imposing duties on Imports. 12mo. Washington. 1830. . , . Oration at Charlestov/n, Mass. July 4, 1828. 8vo. Boston. , . Speech in Congress on Retrenchment. 8vo. Washington. 1828. , . Speech in Congress, May 19, 1830, on the Bill for removing the Indians from the East to the West Side of the Mississippi. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , . Lecture on the Working Men's Party ; before the Charlestown Lyceum. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , . Address at Charlestown, June 28, 1830, being the Anniversary of the Arrival of Gov. John Winthrop. 8vo. Charlestown and Boston. , . Address at the Introduction to the Franklin Lectures, at Bos- ton, Nov. 14, 1831. 8vo. Boston. 1832. , . Address before the American Institute of the City of New York, at their 4th Annual Fair, Oct. 14, 1831. 8vo. New York. 1831. , . Remarks in Congress, May 17, 1832, on the Appropriation Bill. 8vo. Washington. , . Address at Worcester, July 4, 1833. 8vo. Boston. 1833. , . Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society in Yale College, Aug. 20, 1833. 8vo. New Haven. 1833. , . Eulogy on La Fayette, at Boston, Sept. 6, 1834. 8vo. Boston. 1834. , . Remarks in Congress, March 2, 1835, on the French Question. With the Reports of the Majority and Minority of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on the same Subject. 8vo. Boston. 1835. , . American Poets. A Poem. 8vo. , ■ . Address at Lexington, Mass. April 19, 1835. 8vo. Charles- town. 1835. ■ , . Orations and Speeches on various occasions. 8vo. Boston. 1836. , . Speech in Congress, March 9, 1826, on the Proposition to Amend the Constitution. 8vo. Washington. 1826. , . Claims of Citizens of the United States of America on the Governments of Naples, Holland, and France. 8vo. Cambridge. 1826. , • . Address at CharlestoAvn, Sept. 26, 1828, at the Erection of a Monument to John Harvard. 8vo. Boston. 1 828. Everett, Moses. Sermon at the Ordination of Oliver Everett, at Boston, Jan. 2, 1782. 8vo. Boston. ]782. Everett, John. Oration in Harvard University, July 14, 1818, on the prospects of the Young Men of America. 8vo. Boston. ■ , . Oration at Boston, July 5, 1824. 8vo. Boston. 1824. Eves, George. Sermon at the Funeral of Ladie Cecilia Pay ton. 4to. London. 1661. Evidence. The Law of. By a late Learned Judge. 3rd ed. 8vo. London. 1769. Ewer, Rev. Dr. Bp. of Landaff. See Livingston, William. Ewis, Sir Simonds D'. The Primitive Practice for Preserving Truth. 4to. Lon- don. 1645. , . Same. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1645. Examiner, containing Political Essays, Public Documents by Barent Gardenien 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1813—15. y Exempla Virtutum et Vitiorum, etc. fol. Basiliae. 1555. Exeter, [N H.] Rules of the Library Society of. 12mo. Expatriation. Treatise on. 8vo. Washington. 1814. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 41 Excise Bill. See Massachusetts. 1754. Excise Laws. Short History of the Nature and Consequences of Excise Laws ; Including some Account of recent Interruption to the Manufactories of Snuff and Refined Sugar. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. Eyre, [Ld. Chief Justice.] Strictures on his charge to the Grand Jury, Oct 2 1794. 8vo. London. Ezekiel. Millenial Institutions : Being a Comment on the Fortieth Chapter of the Prophet Ezekiel. 8vo. New York. 1833. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARTAN SOCIETY 1836. F Faber, Geori^e Stanley. Dissertation on the Prophecies. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Fabian, Robert. Chronicle. 4th ed. Printed by John Kingston. 2 vols, in 1. fol. London. 1559. Fabricius, Georgius. De Metalicis Rebus ac nominibus, Observationes Variae. IGmo. Tiguri. 1566. Fabricius J. Seobaldus. C. Julius CeasarNumismaticus. 16mo. London. 1678. Fairbanks, Jason. Report of his trial at Dedhani, [Mass.] for the murder of Eliz- abeth Fales. 8vo. Boston. 1801. , . The Same. 2d ed. , . Same. 4th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1801. , . Solemn Declaration of the late unfortunate Jason Fairbanks. To which is added Some Account of his Life and Character. 2d ed. 8vo. Dedham. 1801. Faction Detected, By the Evidence of Facts. 5th ed. 8vo. London. 1743. Faithfulness of God considered and cleared. 16mo. London. 1674. Fairclough, Daniel. See Featly, D. Fairfield County. See Temperance. Fairfield, Sumner Lincoln. The Last Night of Pompeii ; A Poem : and Lays and Legends. 8vo. New York. 1832. Fairservice, James. Plain Dealing : or, The Proud Man fairly dealt with. 8vo. Boston. 1750. Faith, Articles of, and Form of Covenant, of the Congregational Church in Green Street, Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1832. . Discourse concerning, a Guide in matters of Faith. 4to. London. 1683. Falconer, William. Shipwreck. 8th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1787. , • . Same. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1788. , J . See British Poets. False Alarm. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1770. Family Instructor in three Parts. 12mo. New York. 1795, Fanch, James. Compendium of the Principles of Religion, Doctrinal and Prac- tical. 2d ed. 8vo. Reading. 1752. Fancourt, Samuel. The Expediency of the Gospel Revelation, and of a Publick Ministry, to carry on its important Design. Sermon. 2d ed. 8vo. Sarum. 1734. Fanny. Wrecks and Loss of the Ship Fanny, on her Passage from Bombay to China, Nov. 29, 1803. 12mo. London. Farley, Frederick A. Two Discourses on the Lord's Supper, at Providence, R. I. Feb. 28, [1830.] 12mo. Providence. 1830. , . Discourse at the Dedication of the Westminster Church in Providence. 8vo. Providence. 1829. Farley, Charles A. Thanksgiving Sermon at Montreal. 8vo. Montreal. 1833. Farm School. Report on. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Farewell Sermons. Complete Collection of. 4to. London. 1663. . Collection of. 16mo. 1662. Farmer, Richard. Sermon at Paul's Crosse, June 20, 1629. 4to. London. 22 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Farmer, John. Family Register of the Descendanto of Edward Farmer, of Bil- lerica, Mass. in the youngest branch of his family. 12mo. Concord. 1813. , . Historical memoir of Billerica, [Mass.] 8vo. Amherst, N. H. 1816. , . Same. See Collections of Mass. Hist. Society. Vol. 2. 2nd Series. , . Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Hills- borough, N. H . [See Collections of Mass. Hist. Society. Vol. 7. 2d Series.] , . Historical Sketch of Amherst, N. H. 8vo. Amherst. 1820. , . Ecclesiastical Register of New Hampshire. 12mo. Concord. 1822. , . The New Military Guide. 12mo. Concord. 1822. , . Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Farmer, who settled in Billerica, Mass. 12mo. Hingham, Mass. 1828. , . Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England ; to which are added various Genealogical and Biographical Notes. 8vo. Lancas- ter, Mass. 1829. , . Catechism of the History of New Hampshire. 2d ed. 12ino. Concord. 1830. , . A List of the Pastors, Deacons and Members of the First Con- gregational Church in Concord, N. H. from Nov. 18, 1730 to Nov. 18, 1830. 8vo. Concord. 1830. , . Sketches of the Alumni of Dartmouth College. [See Education, Quarterly Register and Journal of Vol. 4.] , . Memorial of the Graduates of Harvard University. 8vo. Con- cord. 1833. , . New Hampshire Annual Register from 1822 to 1834. 12mo. Concord. 1822—34. , . See also in Collections of Mass. Hist. Society, the articles num- bered 54, G5, 71,73, 74, 76, 149, 158, 162, 164, 173, 176,225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 235,247, 367,2nd Series, and 57, 58, (vol. 1) 6,7,9, 10, (vol.2) 10, (vol.3) 3rd Series. , . See Belknap, Jer. , , and Jacob B. Moore. Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire. ]2mo. Concord. ]823. , , . . Collections Historical and Miscellaneous, 3 vols. 8vo. Concord. Farmer, Daniel Davis. Trial for the murder of Anna Ayer, at Goffstown, N. H. Reported by A. Rogers and H. B. Chase. 8vo. Concord. 1821. Farmer's Letters to the People. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1802. Farmer's Museum. Spirit of 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1801. Farmer's Six Letters to the Protestants of Ireland. 8vo. London. ]746. Farmers, Address to, on Interesting Subjects. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1796. Farmington Canal, [Con.] Profile of the Canal from New Haven, [Con.] to Nortli- ampton, [Mass.] Farnsworth, H. Oration on Music, at Cooperstown, N. Y. April, 1794. 12mo. Cooperstown. 1795. Farnabus, Thomas. Epigrammata. Gr. et. Lat. 16mo. , . Rhetorica. IGmo. Farquhar, George. Works of 8th ed. Vol. 2nd. 12mo. London. ]742. Fashion. An Address to Persons of By a Gentleman of the University of Ox- ford. 3rd ed. 8vo. London. 1761. Fatal Cabinet, or the Profligate Mother. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1810. Fauchet, Josepli. Sketch of the Present State of our Political Relations with the United States, tr. from the French, by William Duane. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797. Faust, B. C. Catechism of Health, tr. from the Ger. by J. H. Basse. 12mo. Dublin. 1794. Faustus, John. Life and Death of 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1795. Fawcett, Benjamin. The Grand Inquiry, Am I in Christ or not? 3rd ed. 12mo. Salop. 1763. C A T A L O CJ U E OF LIBRARY. 3 Fawcett, John. Essay on the Propagation of the Ciiristian Religion. 4to. Cam- bridge, Eng. 1791. Fawkner, Anthony. The Widow's Petition. Assize Sermon, July 25, 1633. 4to. Oxford. 1635. Faux, Guido, or the Monk's late Hellish Contrivances Exposed. 4to. London. 1688. Fay, Samuel P. P. Oration at Concord, [Mass.] July 4, 1801. Svo. Cambridge. 1801. Fay, James. See Allen, Ethan. Fay, Warren. Sermon at Boston, Jan. 3, 1825, before the Auxiliary Foreign Missionary Society of Boston and Vicinity. 8vo. Boston. 1825. Fayette, County (Illinois). Proceedings of the citizens, in relation to'thc National Road. 8vo. 1831. Fayette, Marquis De La. Letter to him dated United States, Aug. 10, 1831. By a North American. 8vo. , . Vide Saulnier M. , . Impeachment of : containing his Accusation, &c. sup- ported by ]\Ir. Brissot, of Warville, and his defence by Mr. Vaublane. tr. from the Fr. by W^illiam Cobbett. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1793. Federal Farmer's Letters to the Republican, on the System of Government pro- posed by the Convention. 12mo. 1788. Felenberg Academy. Catalogue of. 8vo. Greenfield, Mass. 1834. . First and Second Annual Reports of. 8vo. Greenfield, Mass. 1834. Felton, Henry. Dissertation on Reading the Classics and Forming a Just Style. 5th ed. 12mo. London. 1753. Fearne, H. See Feme. Featly, John. Sermon preached to Sir Thomas Warner and his Companions, bound to the West Indies. 4to. London. 1629. , . The Honour of Chastity : Sermon. 4to. London. 1632. Featley, Daniel. Sermon at Cobham, Jan. 14, 1636, at the Funeral of Sir Hum. Lynd. 4to. London. 1638. , . XLVII Sermons at the Funerals of Divers faith Servants of Christ, by Daniel Featly, Martin Day, Richards Sibbs and Thomas Taylor, fol. London. 1640. Federal Lands. See United States. 1787. Federalism Triumphant in the Steady Habits of Connecticut alone : Farce. 8vo. 1802. Federalist. Letter to a, in Reply to Some of the Popular Objections to the Motives and Tendency of the measures of the Present Administration. 8vo. 1805. Felinus, Aretius. Sacrorum Psalmorum Libri Quinque ad Hebraicum Veritatem genuina versione in Lat. traducti. fol. Basiliae. 1547. Felt, Joseph B. Annals of Salem, Mass. Svo. Salem. 1827. Felton, Cornelius C. Address before the Concord Lyceum, [Mass.] Svo. Cam- bridge. 1829. , . Inaugural Discourse as Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, in Harvard University, Aug. 26, 1834. Svo. Cambridge. 1834. Female Character Vindicated, or an answer to the scurrilous invectives of Fash- ionable Gentlemen. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1795. Female Foundling. 2 vols. 12mo. Female Policy Detected, or the Arts of Designing Woman Laid Open. 12mo. Boston. 1786. Female Quixotism. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1801. Female Refuge. Ninth A nnual Report of the Directors. 12mo. Boston. 1828. Female Worthies. See Biographium. Fen^lon, Fr. de Salignac de la Motte. New Translation of Telemachus in Eng- lish Verse, by G. Bagnall. 2 vols. 12mo. Dublin. 1792. 5 — . . Treatise on the Education of daughters, tr. from the Fr. by T. F. Dibdin. 12mo. Boston. 1821. Fennel, James. An Apology for the Life of, by himself. Svo. Philadelphia. 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T Y. Fenner, Artliur. See Dorrance, J. Fanning, Daniel. New and Useful Guide to the Use of the Globes. 3rd ed. 12mo. Dublin. 1787. , . Ready Reckoner. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1792. Fenton, Roger. Treatise of Usurie. 4to. London. 1611. Fenwick, John. See Dumourier. Fenwick, John. Zion's Joy in her Kintr coming in his Glory. 4to. London. 1643. , . Personal Reign of Christ upon Earth. 4to. London. Ferdinandus, Antonius. Commentarii in Visiones Veteris Testamenti, cum Para- phracibus capitum e quibus erunntur. fol. Lugduni. 1617. Ferebe, George. Sermon at the Funeral of John Brew. 4to. London. 1615. Ferguson, James. Astronomy. 9th ed. 8vo. London. 1794. , . Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydraulics, &c. 8th ed. 8vo. London. 1793. , . Same, with Notes by David Brewster. Revised by R. Patter- son. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1S14. Ferguson, Adam. History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Re- public. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 18 IL Ferguson, John. Sermon on the Death of Ebenezer Daggett, jr. 8vo. Dedham. 1832. Ferguson, R. Sober Inquiry into the Nature, Measure and Principle of Moral Virtue. 16mo. London. 1673. Ferne, Henry. Sermon before his Mcijcsty. 4to. London. 1649. , . See Burroughs, Jer. See Bridge, W. Fernelius, Johannes. Fr. Universa Medicina. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1656. , . De Morbis Universalibus. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1656. Ferrarius, Johan. Bapt. Orationes. 24mo. 1653. Ferretius, J. B. Musae Lapidariae Antiquorum in Marmoribus Carmina. fol. Veronae. 1672. Ferriar, John. The Bibliomania. An Epistle to Richard Heber, Esq. Poem. 4to. London. 1809. Ferriby, John. The Lawful Preacher ; or a Short Discourse : proving that they only ought to preach who are ordained Ministers. 4to London. 1653. Fessenden, Thomas. Masonic Sermon at Keene, N. H. June 24, 1789. 8vo. Keene. , . Sermon at Walpole, N. IL July 4, 1802. 8vo. Walpole. 1802. Fessenden, Thomas G. Register of Arts. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1808. , . New England Farmer: Newspaper, from Aug. 1822. 4to. Boston. 1822. , . Essay on the Law of Patents for New Inventions, Avith an Appendix. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Notices and Recommendations of his Patent Portable Apparatus for warming Apartments by Steam and Hot Water. 8vo. Boston. , . Address before the Charlestown Temperance Society, Jan. 31, 1831. 8vo. Charlestown, Mass. , . Reply to Strictures on his Essay on the Law of Patents for New Inventions. 8vo. Boston. Fessenden, Caleb Page. Oration at Conway, [N. H.] July 4, 1798. 8vo. Frye- burg. Me. 1798. Fever. See Philadelphia. Fiat Lux, Animadversions on a Treatise entitled. 16mo. London. 1662. Field, John. See Tomkins. Field, Albert S. Trial at Providence, R. I. for the murder of Jonathan Gray. 8vo. Providence. 1826. Field, David D. Sermon at Haddam, [Con.] Dec. 14, 1813, on the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth, Relict of Dr. Hezekiah lirainerd. 8vo. Middletown. 1814. , . Statistical Account of the County of Middlesex, in Connecticut. 8vo. Middletown. 1819. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 5 Field, Joseph. Classical Discipline, exemplified by the Franklin [Mass.] Associ- ation, in the late measures, adopted by them towards him. 8vo. Greenfield. 1822. , . Historical Sketches ; being Second Part of the above. 8vo. Springfield. 1823. Fielding, Henry. Enquiry into the Causes of the late Increase of Robbers, &c. with some Proposals for Remedying this Growing Evil. 12mo. London. 1751. , . Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius by Arthur Mur- phy. 14 vols, 12mo. New York. 1814. , . See Aristophanes. Fielding, Thomas. Select Proverbs of all Nations. 12mo. New York. 1825. Fields, R. Practical Treatise upon the Bankrupt Law of the United States. 12mo. Boston. 1800. Fifteen Freeholders' Questions, Examined and Answered. 4to. Dublin. J76L Fienus, Thomas. De Viribus Imaginationis Tractatus. 24mo. London. 1657. Felson, John. Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky ; with an Account of Daniel Boon, &c. 8vo., Wilmington, Del. 1784. Finance. Consideration on the Subject of. 8vo. 1780. Finch, Mr. Exposition of the Song of Solomon. 4to. London. 1615. Finch, Robert Pool. Sermon for the Benefit of the Humane Society. 8vo. London. 1788. Findley, William. History of the Insurrection in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania in 1794. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. Finley, James. Brief Attempt to set the Prohibitions in the XVIIIth and XXth Chaps, of the Book of Leviticus in a Proper Light. 12mo. Wilmington, Del. 1788. Finley, Samuel. Christ Triumphing, and Satan Raging : Sermon at Nottingham, Penn. ]2mo. Boston. 1747. Firmin, Giles. The Real Christian, or a Treatise of Effectual Calling. 12mo. Boston. 1742. , . See Williams, Sol. Fischer, Fr. Christoph Jonathan. Lehrbegrif samtlicher Kameral und Polizey- rechte B Bande. 8vo. Frankfurt an der Oder. 1785. , — . . Geschichte des teutschen Handels. 4 Bande. 8vo. Hanover. 1785—1792. Fischer, Gollhelf. Bescheibung einiger typographischen Seltenheiten nebst Bey- tragen zur Erfindungsgeschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. 2 vol. 8vo. Niirn- berg. 1800-4. Fish, Joseph. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1760. , . Sermon at the Ordination of William Vinal, at Newport, R. I, Oct. 29, 1746. 8vo. Newport. 1746. , . The Examiner Examined. Remarks on a Piece wrote by Mr. Isaac Backus, of Middleborough, printed in 1768. (Called " An Examination of Nine Sermons from Math. 16: 18. published last year, by Mr. Joseph Fish, of Stonington.) 8vo. New London. 1771. , . Fast Sermon at Westerley, R. I. Aug. 27, 1755, for Success to our Armies. 4to. Newport. Fish, Elisha. Thanksgiving Sermon at Upton, [Mass.] May 28, 1766, on the Re- peal of the Stamp Act. 12mo. Providence. R. I. 1767. , . The Art of War Lawful, and Necessary for a Christian People, Considered and Enforced. Sermon at Upton, May 26, 1773. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . Japhet dwelling in the Tents of Shem : or. Infant Baptism Vindi- cated. Discourse on Infant Baptism, at Upton, Jan. 5, 1772. 8vo. Boston. 1772. ' , . Discourse at Worcester, [Mass.] March 28, 1775, at the Desire of the Convention of Committees for the County of Worcester. 8vo. Worces- ter. 1775. Fisher, John. [Jesuit] Answer to his Relation of a third Conference between a certain B. and himself, given by R. B. fol. London. 1624. , . See White. See Laud. 6 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Fisher, George. The Instructor, or American Young Man's Companion. 30th ed. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1785. , . Same. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1794. Fisher, A. The Pleasing Instructor. 12mo. London. 1780. Fisher, William. Thanksgiving Sermon for the Defeat of tlie Late Horrid and Unnatural Rebellion. 16mo. London. 1716. Fisher, Samuel. Two Sermons at Morristown, [N. J.] with an Address to the Presbyterian Congregation. 8vo. Morristown. ]814. Fisher, Abiel. Sermon at Bellingham, [Mass.] Oct. 13, 1816. 8vo. Worcester. 1817. Fisher, Hugh. Preservative from damnable Errors in the Unction of the Holy One. Sermon at Charleston, S. C. IQmo. 1 730. , . The Divine Right of private Judgment, set in a true Light. In Reply to the Rev. Josiah Smith's Answer. 12mo. Boston. 1731. Fisher, E. Marrow of Modern Divinity. Touching the Covenant of Works and The Covenant of Grace. 10th ed. 16mo. Boston. 1743. Fisher, Jacob. Oration at Kennebunk, Me. July, 4, 1799. 8vo. Portland. Fisher. Vide Piscator. Fisher, Jonathan. Sermon at Machias, [Me.] Sept. 3, 1 800, at the Ordination of Marshfield Steele. 8vo. Boston. 1801. Fisher, Nathaniel. Sermon at Salem, [Mass.] Jan. 14, 1796, occasioned by the Execution of Henry Blackburn. 8vo. Boston. 1796. ■ Fisk, Charles R. Poem delivered before the Temperance Society of East Brewer. 8vo. 1834. Fisk, Elisha. Sermon at Boston, May 29, 1822, before the Massachusetts Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Fisk, Isaac. Eulogy on Samuel Smith Adams, a Member of the Senior Class in Brown University, who died Feb. (>, 1812. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1812. Fisk, Mrs. Levina. See Stockbridge. Fisk, T. Sermon at Washington, D. C. Dec. 16, 1827. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. Fisk, Samuel. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1731. Fisk, Samuel. See Salem. Fisk, Wilbur. Mass. Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Fisk, Amasa. Oration at Providence, [R. I.] Sept. 3rd, 1811, before the Philer- menian Society. 12mo. [Providence.] Fisk, Joseph. Antichrist Discovered, or the True Church sought for. 12mo. 1762. Fisk, Pliny. Sermon at Boston, Oct. 31, 1819, Just before the Departure of the Palestine Mission. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Fiske, Abel. Sermon at the Ordination of Jacob Abbott. 8vo. Newburyport. 1798. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Wilton, N. H. Nov. 15, 1798, To which are added Two other Discourses. 8vo. Amherst. 1799. , . Masonic Discourse at Amherst, N. H. June 25, 1798. 8vo. Am- herst. 1798. Fiske, Thaddeus. Thanksgiving Discourse at Cambridge, [Mass.] Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795. Fisk, Wilbur. Science of Education: Inaugural Address at Midddletown, [Con.] Sept. 21, 1831, as President of the Wesleyan University. 8vo. New York. 1832. Fiske, Nathan. Historical Discourse concerning Brookfield, [Mass.] 8vo. Bos- ton. 1776. , . The Same. [Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 1.] , . Sermon at Brookfield, Oct. 19, 1779, at the Funeral of Hon. Jede- diah Foster. 8vo. Providence, R. I. , . Oration at Brookfield, Nov. 14, 1781, in Celebration of the Cap- ture of Lord Cornwallis. 4to. Boston. , . Sermon at Brookfield, April 1, 1784, at the Funeral of Josiah Hobbs, Jun. 8vo. Worcester. , . Twenty two Sermons on Various and Important Subjects. 8vo, Worcester, 1794. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 7 Fiske, Nathan. Dudleian Lecture in Harvard University. 8vo. Boston. 179G. , . Moral Monitor. 2 vols. ]2mo. Worcester. ]80]. Fiske, Oliver. Oration, July 4, 1797, at Worcester, Mass. 4to. Worcester. , . Address before the Worcester Agricultural Society at Worcester, Oct. 8, 1823. Svo. Worcester. , . Address before the same Society, Oct. 30, 1831. 8vo. Wor- cester. Fiske, John. Fast Sermon at New Braintree, Mass. Aug-. 20, 1812. 8vo. Brook- field. Fitch, Elijah. The Beauties of Religion, a Poem. 8vo. Providence. 1789. Fitch, James. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Anne Mason, Avife of Major Mason. 4to. Cambridge, Mass. 1672. , . Explanation of the Solemn Advice of the Council of the Colony of Connecticut. 12mo. Boston. 1683. Fitch, Charles. View of Holliston, [Mass.] in its First Century : Century Ser- mon, Dec. 4, 1826. Svo. Dedham. 1827. Fitch, John. The Original Steamboat. A Reply to James Ramsey's Pamphlet. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788. Fitch, Jabez. Discourse on Serious Piety, on the Death of Mrs. Mary Martyn, who died at Portsmouth, N. H. Jan. 26, 1724-5. 12mo. Boston. 1725. , . Discourse on the Earthquake which happened on the night after the 29tli Oct. 1727. 12rao. Boston. 1728. , . Sermon at Gosport, or the Shoals, July 26, 1732, at the Ordination of John Tucke. 12mo. Boston. 1732. Fitchburg, [Mass.] Narrative of the Religious Controversy in, with comments on a pamphlet entitled " Facts and Documents." 12mo. Worcester. 1804. , . Facts and Documents, Exhibiting a Summary View of the Ecclesiastical Affairs lately transacted in. 12mo. Boston. 1802. Fitz GeofFry, Charles. Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Anthony Rous. 4to. Lon- don. 1622. , . Death's Sermon unto the Living : Sermon at the Funeral of Lady Philippe, w^ife of Sir Anthony Rous. 4to. London. 1620. . The Curse against Corn Herders : Three Sermons. 4to. 1647. Fitz Herbert, Sir Anthony. Natura Brevium. 8vo. London. 1687. Fitz, John. Modern Presbyterianism Unmasked, and arrant bigotry and rank fanaticism Exposed, in a Review of the Administration of Church Government, in the Session of the First Presbyterian Church in Newburyport, [Mass.] &c. Svo. Boston. 1830. Flagg, James. See Gardiner, Silvester. Flandericus, Al. Vide Pelegromus. Flavell, John. Tidings from Rome, or England's Alarm. 4to. London. 1667. , . Works of. Vol.2. foJ. London. 1716. , . Token for Mourners. 16mo. Boston. 1729. , . Profane Swearing Condemned at the Bar of Reason. 12mo. Boston. 1731. Fledderus, Hermannus. Disputatio de Legibus et Judiciis in genera Rectorum Ecclesiae. 16mo. Franekerae. 1634. 5 . Disputatio de Natura S. Scripturae. 4to. Franekerae. 1635. Fleet, Johannes. Dissertatio Inauguralis Medica. 4to. Boston. 1795. , . Discourse before the Massachusetts Humane Society. 4to. Boston. 1797. Fleetwood, W. [Bp.] The Reasonable Communicant 15th ed. 12mo. Lon- don. 1746. Fleming, Gyles. Sermon at Paul's Crosse, Aug. 31, 1634. 4to. London. Fleming William and Elizabeth. Narrative of the Sufferings and Surprizing Deliverance of. 8vo. Boston. 1756. Fletcher, Phineas. Poetical Works, with his Life. See British Poets. Fletcher, Giles. Israel Redux, or the Restauration of Israel. 16mo. London. 1677. , . Poetical Works, with his Life. See British Poets. 8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Fletcher, William. State of the Action brought by him against William Vassal for defaming him. 4to. Boston. ] 752. Fletcher, Reuben. The Lamentable State of Nev/ England : Being an Account of the Beginning, or Original of the Separartes. 8vo. Boston. 1772. Fletcher Robert, against John Peck. Copy of the Record in the Case of. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Fletcher, Ebenezer. Narrative of his Captivity and Sufferings. 12mo. New- Ipswich, N. H. 1827. Fletcher, John. See Beaumont, Fr. Fletcher, N. H. Discourse on the Subject, How far Unanimity in Religious Opin- nion is necessary in order to Christian Communion. 8vo. Kennebunk, Me. 1827. Flint, Abel. Discourse at Hartford, [Con.] Feb. 22, 1800, on the Character of George Washington. 8vo. Hartford. 1800. Flint, Jacob. History and Description of Cohassett, Mass. [Mass. Hist Coll. Vol. 2. 3rd Series.] , . Two Discourses, containing the History of the Church and Society in Cohasset, Dec. ]6,1821. 8vo. Boston. 1822. . . Discourse at Cohasset, in which the Doctrine of the Trinity is Examined. 12mo. Boston. 1824. Flint, Joshua B. Address before the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance, May 29, 1828. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Flint, Timothy. Recollections of the last Ten Years, passed in Occasional Resi- dences and Journeyings in the Valley of the Mississippi. 8vo. Boston. 1826. , . Indian Wars of the West. 12mo. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1833. , . . Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie. 8vo. Cincinnati. 1833. Flint, James. Mass. Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1815. . , . Anniversary Discourse at Plymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 22, 1815. 8vo. Boston. 1816. , . Discourse at Marlborough, Mass. Nov. 3, 1819, at the Ordination ofSethAlden. 8vo. Worcester. 1820. . . Sermon on the Death of Dr. Abbott 8vo. Salem. 1828. Flint, Waldo. Address before the Worcester Agricultural Society, at Worces- ter, [Mass.] Oct 10, 1832. 8vo. Worcester. Flint See Flynt Florida, West, See United States. Florida, Histoire de la Conqueste de la Floride paries Espaynols sous Ferdinando de Soto. Ecrite en Portugais, par un Gentil homme de la ville d' Elvas par. M. D. C. ]2mo. Paris. 1685. Florist The complete Florist: or, the Lady and Gentleman's Recreation in the Flower Garden. 2d ed. 12mo. London. Florus, L. Annaeus. Epitome Rerum Romanarum, with an English Translation by John Clark. 4th ed. 12mo. London. 1746. , — . . Same. 12mo. London. 1692. Florus, L. Julius. Rerum a Romanis Gestarumi Libri IV, etc. 12mo. Oxoniae. 1638. , — . . Historiae Romanae Libri Quatuor. 16mo. , — . . Vide Livius, T. Floyer, John. The Preternatural State of x\nimal Humours described by their Sensible Qualities. 12mo. London. 1696. Floyd, Mr. See Indians. Flusser, Charles T. Masonic Address at Annapolis, [Md.] June 24, 1826. 8vo. Flynt, Henricus. Oratio Funebris in Obitum Rev. Benj. Wads worth. Coll. Harv. Praesidis. 12mo. Boston. 1737. , . The Doctrine of the Last Judgment Asserted and Explained in two Discourses. 4to. Boston. 1714. Fobes, Peres. Sermon at Providence, R. I. July 31, 1791, occasioned by the Death of Rev. James Manning. 8vo. Providence. , . Sermon at Pembroke, [Mass.] Jan. 26, 1803, at the Ordination of George Barstow. 8vo. Boston. 1803. , . Mass Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1795. CATALOGUE OF M li R A R Y. 9 Folsom, George. History of Saco and Biddeforfl, Me. 12mo. Saco. 1830. , . French and English Pronouncing Dictionary, Nugent and MeadoAvs Improved. 16mo. New York. 1835. Folger, Peter. A Looking Glass for the Times, or the former Spirit of New Eng- land revived in this Generation. 12mo. Follen, Charles. Funeral Oration : hefore the Citizens of Boston, Nov. 17, [1832,] at the Burial of Gaspar Spurzheim. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Foord, Joliannes. Expositio Libri Psahnorum. 4to. London. 1G4G. Foord. See Ford. Foot, Joseph I. Historical Discourse at Brookfield, [Mass.] Nov. 27, 1828. 8vo. Brookfield. 1829. Foot, John. Discourse, Jan. 8, 1769, occasioned by the Death of Joseph Hall, jr. who died Dec. 31, 1768. 8vo. New Haven. Foote, James. Sermon before the Missionary Society, May 12, 1819. 8vo. Lon- don. 1819. Foote, Mr. Lettter from him to the Reverend Author of the Remarks, Critical and Christian, on the Monitor. 8vo. London. 1760. Forbes, Robert See Bradman, Ar. Forbes, Eli. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1771. , . Sermon at New Braintree, [Mass.] June 13, 1769, at the Funeral of Timothy Ware. 8vo. Worcester. 1784. , . The Christian Ambassador. Sermon at Salem, [Mass.] Feb. 26, 1784. With the Result of an Ecclesiastical Council. 8vo. Salem. 1784. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Charlestown. 1799. , . Sermon at the Dedication of the Grammar School in Gloucester. Mass. 8vo. Newbury port. 1795. , . Sermon at the Funeral of John Low, Esq. 8vo. Newburyport 1797. Forbs, James. The Christian directed in his race to Heaven. 16mo. London. 1700. Ford, William. Sermon at Constantinople, in the Vines of Perah, at the Funeral of Lady Anne Glover. 4to. London. 1616. Ford, Simeon. The First Fruits of David's Government. Assize Sermon. Feb. 28, 1653. 4to. London. 1654. Ford, Thomas. Singing of Psalms the duty of Christians, in five Sermons. 12mo. London. 1659. , . Autokakritos, or the Sinner condemned of himself 12mo. Lon- don. 1668. Ford, Timothy. Address on the Physical Sciences, before the Literary and Phi- losophical Society of South Carolina. 4to. Charleston. 1818. Fordyce, James. Sermons to Young Women. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1796. , . Address to Young Men. 12mo. Boston. 1795. , . Character and Conduct of the Female Sex, and Advantages to be derived by Young Men from the Society of Virtuous Women. Discourse, Jan. 1, 1776. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston. 1781. Fornicator. The Important Query, Whether Fornication is a Sin ? Argued and Decided. By a Veteran. 8vo. London. 1751. Forrest, Michael. Travels through America. A Poem. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1793. Forman, Charles.' Protesilaus : or the Character of an evil Minister, being a Paraphrase on Part of the 10th Book of Telemachus. 12mo. London. 1730. , . Defence of the Courage, Honor and Loyalty of the Irish Na- tion, in answer to the Scandalous Reflections of the Free Briton and others. 12mo. London. 1731. Formula of Prescriptions, &c. by Sylvan. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1812. Fornis, Edward. The Churches Request under Sequestration : Sermon. 4to. 1648. Foronda, Valentin de. Appuntes Ligeros sobre la Nueva Constitucion proyec- tada por la Magestad de la Junta Suprema Espanola, y reformas que intenta hacer en las Leyes. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1809. Forsey, Thomas, and Waddel Cunningham. Report of Action of Assault, &.c. between them at New York, Oct. 1764. 4to. New York. 1764. •23 10 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Forsyth, William. Masonic Sermon at Danville, [Vt.] June 25, 1798. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1798. Forsyth, William. Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees, with Notes by William Cobbett. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1803. Forsyth, Joseph. Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, during an Excursion in Italy, in 1802— 3. 8vo. Boston. 1818. Forster, John Reinhold. See Bossu. Fortiguerra, Niccolo. Richardett, ubersetzt von C. C. Heise. ler. Theil. 8vo. Berlin. 1808. Foscolo, Ugo. See Ortis. Foss, John. Journal of his Captivity at Algiers. 2d ed. 12mo. Newburyport, Mass. 179G. Foster, William. Sennon at Paul's Crosse, March 26, 1629. 4to. London. Foster, Thomas. The Scourge of Covetousnesse : Assize Sermon. 4to. Lon- don. 1643. Foster, Isaac. Sermon at the Ordination of his Son Daniel Foster, at New Brain- tree, Mass. Oct. 29, 1778. 12mo. Worcester. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Joel Foster, at New Salem, Mass. June 9, 1779. 8vo. Worcester. , . Letter to Rev. Joseph Buckminster, in Reply to his Paraphrase of Romans x. 4. and to Mr. Foster's Sermon at the Ordination of his Son at New Braintree. ]2mo. Worcester. 1780. , . Misrepresentation and Falsehood detected and exposed, in answer to D. S. Rowland and T. Hinsdale. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1781. , . Defence of Religious Liberty. 8vo. Worcester. 1780. Foster, Anthony. Documents relating to the Dissolution of his Connexion Avith the Congregationnl Church of Charleston, S. C. 8vo. Charleston. 1817. Foster, Benjamin. God dwelling in the Tents of Shem : or Believers' Baptism Vindicated. Containing Remarks on a printed Discourse of Rev. Mr. Fish, of Upton, entitled, Japhet dwelling in the Tents of Shem, &c. 12mo. Wor- cester, Mass. , . Dissertation on the f Seventy weeks of Daniel. 8vo. New- port, R. I. 1787. Foster, Daniel. His Doctrines Unscriptural, with the Result of an Ecclesiastical Council, at his Ordination at New Braintree, Mass. 12mo. Worcester. 1799. , . Sermon at Greenwich, Mass. Dec. 2, 1789, at the Ordination of Joshua Crosby. 8vo. Springfield. 1791. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1790. Foster, Dan. Critical and candid Examination of a late publication, entitled, The Doctrine of Eternal Misery reconcilable with the benevolence of God, by N. Strong. 8vo. Walpole, N. H. 1803. Foster, Joel. Oration at New Salem, [Mass.] July 4, 1797. 8vo. Nortliampton. 1797. Foster, Jacob. Two Short Discourses on Christian Peace, at Rye, N. H. Feb. 18, 1781. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1782. Foster, James. Additions to the First Edition of the Usefulness, Truth and Ex- cellency of the Christian Revelation, defended against the Objections contained in a late Book, entitled, Christianity as old as the Creation. 8vo. London. 173]. Foster, Festus. Thanksgiving Sermon at Petersham, Mass. Nov. 21, 1811. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at the Interment of Lydia, wife of Rev. Joseph Kilburn, at Wendell, Mass. Oct. 1803. 8vo. Greenfield, Mass. 1804. , . Oration at Hardwick, Mass. July 4, 18]2. 8vo. Brookfield. , . Documents Elucidating the Nature and Character of the oppo- sition made to him in Petersham. 8vo. Brookfield. 1817. , . Sermon at Petersham, Sept 15, 1816. 8vo. Brookfield. , . Address at the Ichthyon Feast, at Greenwich Village, Mass. Aug. 23, 1826. 8vo. Amherst. , . Address before Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden Agricultural Society at Northampton. [Mass.] Oct 29, 1829. 8vo. Northampton. 1829. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 11 Foster, Edmund. Sermon at the Ordination of Jonathan Osgood, at Gardner, Mass. Oct 19, 1791. 8vo. Worcester. 1792. , . Sermon on the Death of Josiah Hartwell, at Littleton, [Mass.] 8vo. Boston. 1793. , . Mass. Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . Sermon at Littleton, on the Death of Dea. Daniel Kimball, who died May 24, 1813. 8vo. Boston. , . Sermon at Littleton, Dec. 4, 1815, on the completion of a Cen- tury from the Incorporation of the Town. 8vo. Concord. 1815. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Littleton, April 18, 1815, for the Res- toration of Peace. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Discourse at Westford, [Mass,] March 3, 1808, before the Mid- dlesex Martial Band. 8vo. Cambridge. 1808. Foster, John. Charity Sermon at Roxbury, [Mass.] Sept 16, 1799. 8vo. Boston. , . Discourse at Cambridge, [Mass.] Dec. 29, 1799, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , Infidelity exposed, and Christianity recommended. Sermon at Cam- bridge, April 11, 1802. 8vo. Cambridge. 1802. , . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Joel Foster, at East Sudbury, [Mass.] Sept. 7, 180a 8vo. Cambridge. 1803. , . Fast Sermon at Cambridge, April 5, 1805. 8vo. Cambridge. 1805. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1 809. , . Fast Sermon at Brighton, [Mass.] April 11, 1811. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 1811. ^ . Fast Sermon at Brighton, Jan. 12, 1815. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Sermon before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among tlie Indians and others in North America. 8vo. Cambridge. ]817. , . . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Ezekiel L. Bascom, at Ashby, Mass. Jan. 3, 1831. 8vo. Worcester. Foster, B. F. Practical Penmanship, being a Development of the Carstairian Sys- tem. 8vo. Albany, N.Y. 1832. Fothergill, J. Rules for the Preservation of Health. 6th ed. 12mo. London. , — . Account of tlie Putrid Sore Throat. 5tli ed. 8vo. London. 1769. Fothergill, Samuel. Necessity and Divine Excellence of a Life of Purity and Holiness. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1792. Fournier, M. le Jeune. Manuel Typographique. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1764. Fournier, F. Ign. Nouveau Dictionnarie Portatif de Bibliographie. 8vo. Paris. 1809. Fowle, Daniel. Total Eclypse of Liberty, being an account of his imprison- ment for being suspected of having printed the Pamphlet, entitled, " Monster of Monsters." 12mo. Boston. 1775. See Monster. Fowler, Mattliew. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Anne Smith, wife of Mr. John Smith, Jan. 22, 1656. 4to. London. 1656. Fowler, Edward. Discourse of Offences. Two Sermons. 4to. London. 1683. , . See Gloucester. Fowler, Bancroft. Oration before Yale College, Jan. 10, 1804, on the Death of Ebenezer Grant Marsh. 8vo. Hartford. 1804. Fowle, William Bentley. Second Report of the Monitorial School, Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Fox, John. Acts and Monuments of the Christian Martvrs. fol. London. 1583. Fox, John. Substance of Two Sermons at Woburn, [Mass.] soon after the Earth- quake. 12mo. Boston. 1728. — , . The Door of Heaven Opened and Shut. 12mo. Ne\Vport, R. I. 1731, Fox, C. J. History of the Early part of the Reign of James II. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1808. Foxcroft, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 31, 1645. 4to. London. Foxcroft, W. J. On the Practical Importance of the Unitarian Controversy. 8vo. London. 1831. 12 ULRICAS ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T Y. Foxcroft, Thomas. Sermon at his own Ordination at Boston, Nov. 20, 1717. 16mo. Boston, 1718. Discouuse concerning Kindness. Sermon at Boston, Feb. 28,1719-20. 12mo. Boston. 1720. ~~. ' • Sermon at Newbury, [Mass.] Jan. 19, 1725— G, at the Ordina- tion of John Lowell. 12mo. Boston. 1726. ~rr~"- r • Death the Destroyer of Earthly and False Hopes under the Dmne Dommion. Sermon, Jan. 30, 1725. 12mo. Boston. 1726. ~ --• Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Sept 1727, on tlie Death of ^^v- William Waldron, who died Sept 11, 1727. 12mo. Boston. 1727. • A Discourse preparatory to the Choice of a Minister. Sub- ^stance of two Sermons at Boston, June, 11, 1727. 8vo. Boston. 1727. "71 > ■ • Sennon on the death of the Hon. Penn Townsend, at Boston, 12mo. Boston. 1727. ~ J The Voice of the Lord, From the Deep Places of the Earth, Sermon on the Earthquake, Nov. 1727. 8vo. Boston. 1727. "~ y • Sennon at the Odination of Zech. Thayer, to the Office of Deacon, at Boston, May 23, 173L 8vo. Boston. 1731. FuneraFSermon, occasioned by the Death of Rev. Benjamin Wadsworth. 8vo. Boston. 1737. 5 • Apolooy in Behalf of Mr. Whitefield ; with Dr. Watts's opinion of Mr. Whitefierd. 4to. Boston. 1745. ) • Letter to Rev. Mr. Foxcroft, being an Examination of the above, by A— C— and J— J— C—. 4to. Boston. 1745. ) • Some Seasonable Thoughts on Evangelical Preaching, its Na- ture, Usefulness and Obligation. Boston Lecture, Oct. 23, 1740. ]2mo. Bos- ton. 1740. 5 . Thanksgiving Sermon at Boston, Oct. 9, 1760, upon the Reduc- tion of Canada. 8vo. Boston. 1760. J • See Walter ; — Lord, B ; — Edwards, J ; — Briant, L. J • Cleansing our Way in Youth. Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1719. ^ , . Sermon at Cambridge, July 4, 1721, after the Funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Hon. Francis Foxcroft,— With a Poem of Rev. John Dan- forth. 12mo. Boston. 1721. , . The Day of a godly Man's Death, better than the Day of his Birth. Sermon, Feb. 25, 1722. 12mo. Boston. 1722. J . Two Sermons Shewing How to Begin and End the Year, After a Godly Sort. 12mo. Boston. 1722. The Duty of the Godly Among a Professing People, to be Intercessors and Reformers. Sermon, Feb. 15, 1721—2. 12mo. Funeral Sermon occasioned by Several Mournful Deaths, and preach'd on the Decease of Mr. John Coney, who died Aug. 20, ]722. 12mo. Boston. 1722. Character of Anna, the Prophetess Consider'd and Apply'd. Sermon on the Death of Dame Bridget Usher, who died May 25, 1723. 12mo. Boston. 1723. Sermon upon occasion of the Death of King George IL 12mo. Boston. 1727. , — . Sermon at Milton, [Mass.] Nov. 13, 1728, at the Ordination of John Taylor. 12mo. Boston. 1728. Eli the Priest dying Suddenly. Sermon on the Death of Rev. John Williams, who died June 12, 1729. 8vo. Boston. 1729. The Pleas of Gospel-Impenitents examined and refuted. Two Sermons at the Thursday Lecture. 12mo. Boston. 1730. Observations Historical and Practical on the Rise and Primi- tive State of New England, With a special Reference to The Old or first gather'd Church in Boston. Century Sermon, Aug. 23, 1730. 8vo. Boston. 1730. The Blessings of a Soul in Health and prospering to be su- premely wish'd for. Sermon at Boston, March 3, 1741 — 2. 8vo. Boston. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY, 13 Foxcrofl, Thomas. Sermon at the Thursday Evening Lecture, Uoston, Jan. 30, 1749_50. 8vo. Boston. 1750. , . Sermon at the Old Church-Lecture in Boston, Thursday, March 25, 1756. 8vo. Boston. 1756. Framing-ham, [Mass.] Sketch of the History of. [By William Ballard. 8vo. Boston. 1827. France. Association of the Princes. 4to. London. 1617. . See Louis XIV. . Une Grande Voix du Ciel a la France. 12mo. 1725. . Nouveau Guide des Chemins du Royaume de. 18mo. Paris. 1724. . L'Etatdela. 5 vol. 12mo. Paris. 1727. . His most Christian Majesty's Declaration, containing reasons for fitting out the Brest and Toulon Squadrons : in French and English. 8vo. London. 1740. J . Ordonnance du Roi. Jan. 1786. . La Reine Devoilee. 12mo. Paris* 1789. . Gazetteer of. 3 vols. 12mo. London. 1793. . Projet de Constitution pour la Republique Francaise pr6sent6 par la com- mission des onze, dans la Seance du 5 Messidor 1 'an 3. 4to. Paris. . Same, in French and English. 12mo. Boston. 1795. . Negociations at Paris and Lisle. 4to. [London. 1797.] . Extermination, or an appeal to the People of England on the present War with France. 8vo. London. . Letters from. 12mo. . Sketches of the History of, to the Present time, 1806, &c. By an American. 12mo. Richmond, Va. 1806. . Short Excursion in France, 1814. 8vo. London. 1814. . See French ; England ; United States ; Prospect ; Treaty. . Genuine Account of the late Grand Expedition to the Coast of, [1757.] By a Volunteer in the said Expedition. 6tli ed. 12mo. Boston. . An Impartial Narrative of the last Expedition to the Coast of. By an Eye Witness. 8vo. London. 1758. . Report of the General Officers, appointed by his Majesty's Warrant of Nov. 1, 1757, to inquire into the causes of the Failure of the late Expedition to the Coast of. 8vo. London. 1758. . Letter from a Member of Parliament, &c. in regard to the last Expedi- tion to the Coast of. 8vo. London. 1758. . Letter from the Hon. L— t G— 1 B— G. H. to the Rt. Hon. W— M P— T, Esq. &LC. with his M y's Instructions for the late Expedition to the Coast of. 8vo. London. 1758. . Letter to Rev. E y L — t G — 1 B — H. [on the Expedition to the Coast of.] 2d ed. 8vo. London. . Aux Consuls et au Conseil — D' Etat de la Republique Francaise. 8vo. Paris. An ix. Un Philadelphian. . Peace Republican's Manual ; or, the French Constitution of 1793, and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens, &c. To which is added, Debates on this Constitution in the National Convention, &c. 8vo. New York. 1817. Franckel, David Hirchel. Thanksgiving Sermon at Berlin, for the Victory of the King of Prussia over the Austrians, tr. from the Ger. 9th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1758. Francis, John W. Inaugural Dissertation on Mercury, &c. 8vo. New York. 1811. Francis, Miss. [Now Mrs. Child] Hobomok. 12mo. Boston. 1821. Francis, Convers. Errors in Education : Discourse before Derby Academy, at Hingham, [Mass.] May 21, 1828. 8vo. Hingham. 1828. , . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1828. . . Address at Watertown, [Mass.] July 4, 1828. 8vo. Cambridge. 1828. , . Historical Sketch of Watertown, Mass.. 8vo. Cambridge 1830. Franck, Augustus Hermannus. Sermon at Hall in Saxony, in 1708. 12mo. London. 1709. \ 14 A M E U I C A N ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Fraiick, Augustus Ilermannus. Nicodemus : or, a Treatise against the Fear of Man, tr. from the Dutch. 3rd ed. 18mo. Boston. 1744. , . Christus, Sacrae Scripturae Nucleus, tr. Ger. 12mo. London. ]732. Franckel, David Hirchel. Thanksgiving Sermon at Berlin, tr. from the German. 9th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1758. Francklin, William. Inquiry concerning the Site of Ancient Palibothra. 4to. London. 1815 — 17. Franklin, Benjamin. Account of the New Invented Pennsylvania Fire Places. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1744. , . The Interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her Colonies, and the acquisitions of Canada and Gaudaloupe,^with observations on the Increase of Mankind, peopling countries, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1760. ^ . Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1700. , . Of Stilling waves by means of Oil, Extracted from Sundry Letters between Dr. Franklin, W. Brownrigg and Rev. Mr. Farish. 4to. Lon- don. 1774. , . Experiments and Observations on Electricity, with Letters and Papers on Philosophical Subjects. 4to. London. 1774. , . Way to Wealth. 12mo. Worcester. 1790. , . Same. 12mo. London. 1823. , . The Same. 12mo. Newburyport, Mass. , . Works, with his Life. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1793. . , . Same. 2 vols. 12mo. Huntington. 1800. , . Life, written by himself 12mo. Montpelier, Vt. 1809. , . Same. 12mo. Boston. 1815. , . Same. 12mo. New York. 1825. , . Collection of his Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Pa- pers. By Jared Sparks. 12mo. Boston. 1833. , . Poor Richard : an Almanac. , — — . On the Causes and Cure of Smokey Chimnies. [Am. Phil. Trans, vol. 2.] , . Letter proposing a slow, sensible Higrometer for certain purposes, [id.] , . Description of a new Stove for burning Pit-coal and con- suming all its smoke, [id.] , . Conjecture concerning the Formation of the Earth, [id. Vol. 3.] . ^ . New and Curious Theory concerning Light and Heat, [id.] . , . On making large sheets of paper in the Chinese man- ner, [id.] , . Queries and conjectures relating to Magnetism and the Theory of the Earth, [id.] , . Pennsylvania Gazette : Newspaper from Oct. 4, 1739 [no. 564.] to Oct. 31, 1765. , . Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania from its origin ; so far as regards the several Points of Contro- versy, which have, from Time to Time, arisen between the Several Governors of the Province and their Several Assemblies. 8vo. London. 1759. , . Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsyl- vania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1749. , . Some Account of the Success of Inoculation for the Small Pox in England and America. Together witli Plain Instructions, &c. 4to. London. 1 759. • , . The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, before an August Assembly, relating to the Repeal of the Stamp Act, &c. 8vo. [1768.]. , . Two Tracts ; Information to those who would remove to America. And, Remarks concerning the Savages of North America. 8vo. Dublin. 1784. , . The Same. 3rd ed. 8vo. London. 1784. Franklin, Dr. The Contract. A Comedy. 12mo. Belfast. 1776. CATALOGUE OF L I B R A 11 Y. 15 Franklin, John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819, 20, 21 and 22. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. , . Narrative of the Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1825, 6 & 7. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. Franklin Rail Road, Company's Contemplated Plan of. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Franklin Institute. Annual Report of, together with the Charter, Constitution and By Laws. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. . Report of the second annual Exhibition. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. Fraser, Charles. Address at Charleston, [S. C] Sept. 19, 1834, before the Euphra- dian Society. 8vo. Charleston. 1834. Franzius, Wolfgangus. Animalium Plistoria Sacra, ed. 5ta. 24mo. Amstelo- dami. 1654. Frederick II. [King of Prussia.] Posthumous Works of, tr. from the French by Thomas Holcroft. 13 vols. 8vo. London. 1789. Frederick and Augusta. An Ode. By one of the People called Quakers. 4to. London. 1736. Free Briton's Supplemental Memorial. 4to. London. 1770. Freedom of Speech and Writing upon Public Affairs considered [by William Bollan.] 4to. London. 1766. Free, John. England's Warning Piece. Sermon at Newington Butts, occasion- ed by the untimely Death of Mr. William Allen, the younger, who was most inhumanly murdered by an Arbitrary Military Power, May 10, 1768. 2d ed. 8vo. London. , . Anniversary Sermon at Newington Butts, in Surry, in 1769. 8vo. Boston. 1773. Freeman, Peyton R. See Dartmouth College. • , . Oration at Portsmouth, Julv 4, 1810. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1810. Freeman, James. Sermons on Particular Occasions. 12mo. Boston. 1814. , . See Belsham, T. Freeman, Samuel. Town Officer. 12mo. Boston. 1793. , . Same. 3rd ed. 12mo. Boston. 1794. — , . Same. 4th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1799. , . American Clerk's Magazine. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1795. , . The Same. 3rd ed. 12mo. Boston. 1797. , . The Same. 6th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1805. , . Probate Directory. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1803. , . Appendix to the Same. 12mo. Boston. 1818. , . Massachusetts Justice. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1802. Freeman, Charles. An Account of Limerick, in Maine. [Maine. Hist. Coll. Vol. 1.] Freeman, Mylo. Word in Season to all True Lovers of their Liberty and their Country. 12mo. Boston. 1748. Freemasonry. Address in a Letter to the Seceding Masons from the Grand Lodge in South Carolina. 8vo. Charleston. 1809. . See Anti Masonry. See Masonry. . Observations on ; with a Masonic Vision. By a Lady in Wor- cester. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1798. Freidlander. Julius R. Observations on the Institution for Blind Persons. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. , . Address to the Public, on the first Exhibition of the Pu- pils of the Pennsylvania Institution for the instruction of the Blind. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. Frelinghuysen. Speech in the Senate of the United States, March 8, 1830, on Sabbath Mails. 8vo. Washington. 1830. Free Trade. Essay on [from Blackwood's Magazine.] 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. , See Tariff. Freherus, Paulus. Theatrum Virorum Euditione Clarorum. 2 vol. fol. Norim- bergae. 1688. 16 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Freinshemius, Johannes. Supplement of the 2nd Decad of Livy's Roman His- tory, fol. London. 1659. French, Jonathan. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 179'o. ^ . Sermon at the Ordination of James Kendall, at Plymouth, [Mass.] Jan. 1, 1800. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , . Evening Lecture at Portsmouth, N. H. July 31, 1805. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1805. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Abiel Abbott, at Haverhill, [Mass.] June, 3, 1795. 8vo. Haverhill. 1795. , . Sermon at the Ordination of his Son. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1802. , . Thanksgiving Sermon. Svo. Andover. 1799. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Daniel Oliver, at Beverly, [Mass.] Oct. 3, 1787. 8vo. Newburyport. French, Ebenezer. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1805. 8vo. Boston. 1805. , . Oration at Portland, [Me.] July 4, 180G. Svo. Portland. 1806. French Charity, tr. from the French by F. S. J. E. 12mo. London. 1665. Prophets, Wonderful Narrative, or a faithful Account of. In a Letter to a friend. 12mo. Boston. 1742. . . Short account of the Cruelties of the French, in a Letter from Heide- burgh. 4to. London. 1689. . Schemes to drive the French out of All the Continent of America. 12mo. Boston. 1755. Republic. Plan of a Constitution for. In French and English. 12mo. Boston. 1795. . Government. Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of. [By Robert Walsh.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston. 1810. French Republic. Characteristics in the Prophecies Applicable to, and Descrip- tive of, the Power and Duration of, &c. Svo. New York. 1798. French Revolution. Impartial Review of the Causes and Principles of. By an A-merican. Svo. Boston. 1798. : including a Story, founded in Fact, of Leontine and Matilda. A Drama. Svo. New Bedford, Mass. 1793. Frend, W. Address to the Members of the Church of England, and to Protes- tant Trinitarians in General. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1788 — 9. Freneau, Philip. Poems written between 1768 and 1794. Svo. Monmouth, N. J. 1795. Fresnoy, Languet du. See Rawlindson, Rich. Frieze, Jacob. Divine Providence and Human Agency : Sermon at Marlborough. Mass. Svo. Worcester. 1826. Frezier, Amadeus Francis. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud, aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou et du Bresil. Fait pendant les annees 1712, 1713 and 1714. 2 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam. 1717. Fries, John. The Two Trials of, for Treason and Insurrection in the Counties of Bucks, Northampton, and Montgomery, taken in shorthand by Thomas Carpen- ter. Pennsylvania. Svo. Philadelphia. 1800. Frink, Thomas. Mass. Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1758. , . Discourse at Giving the Right Hand of Fellowship at the In- stallation of Rev. Edward Billing, at Greenfield District, [Mass.] March 28, 1754. 12mo. Boston. . , . Sermon at Stratford, [Con.] March 23, 1757, at the Ordination of John Willard. Svo. Boston. 1757. Frisbie, Levi. Oration at Ipswich, [Mass.] April 29, 1783, on tlie Peace between Great Britain and the United States. 4to. Boston. 1783. , . Eulogy on the Character of George Washington, at Ipswich, 7th January, 1800. Svo. Newburyport. 1800. , . Discourse before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. Svo. Charlestown. 1804. , . Thanksgiving Sermon Feb. 19, 1795. Svo. Newburyport. Frisbie, Levi. Inaugural Address in Harvard University, Nov. 5, 1817. Svo. Cambridge. 1817. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 17 Frisbie, Levi. The Same. 2cl ed. 8vo. Cambridfre. 18] 8. Frothing'ham, Nathaniel Langdon. Sermon at Boston, April 10, 1818, on the Death of Rev. Joseph Mckean. 8vo. Boston. 1818. , . Plea against Religious Controversy. Sermon, Feb. 8, 1829. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , . Sermon to the First Cliurch, at Boston, Aug. 29, 1830, on the close of their Second Century. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , . Sermon on the twentieth Anniversary of his Ordination. 8vo. Boston. 1835. , . The Shade of the Past. For the Celebration of the Close of Second Century since the Establishment of the Thursday Lecture. Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Frothingham, N. Short account of the Conversion, Life and Death of. 12mo. Boston. 1811. Frothingham, Ebenezer. Key to unlock the Door, That leads in, to take a Fair View of the Religious Constitution Established by Law, in the Colony of Con- necticut. 16mo. 1767. Fry, Edmund. Pantographia, Containing all the known Alphabets. 8vo. Lon- don. 1799. Fuller, Nicholas. Argument in the case of Thomas Lad and Richard Mansel, his clients' proving that Ecclesiastical Commissioners have no poAver to imprison, &c. 4to. London. 1607. Fuller, William. Sermon before his Majesty. 4to. London. 1625. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Lady Frances Clifton, wife of Sir Gervas Clifton. 4to. London. 1628. Fuller, Stephen. Sermon at Orford, N. H. May 20, 1801, at the Ordination of Sylvester Dana. 8vo. Hanover. , . Remarks on that part of the Strictures on the Rev. Mr. Thacher's Pamphlet, which relates to the controversy between Mr. Fuller and the People of Princeton, [Mass.] 8vo. Boston. Fuller, Thomas. Sermon, Dec. 3, 1625, after the Plague in London. 4to. Lon- don. 1626. , . Reformation Sure and Steadfast. Sermon. 4to. London. 1641. ^ . Historie of the Holie Warre. 4th ed. fol. Cambridge. 1651. , . Sermon of Reformation. 4to. London. 1643. , . Sermon at the Inauguration of his Majesty. 4to. London. 1643. , . Same. 16m o. London. 1654. , . Sermon of Assurance. 4to. London. 1648. , . The Just Man's Funeral. 4to. London. 1649. , . Life out of Death, 16mo. London. 1655. , . Fast Sermon. 16mo. , . Triple Reconciler of 3 Controversies, viz. Whether Ministers have an exclusive power of barring communicants from the Sacraments, wheth- er any person unordained may lawfully preach ; and whether the Lord's Prayer ought not to be used by all Christians. 8vo. London. 1654. , . Appeal of Injured Innocence unto the religious, learned, and ingenuous reader, betwixt the Animadverter, Dr. Peter Heylyn, and T. Fuller, fol. London. 1659. , . A Pisgah Sight of Palestine, fol. London. 1662. , . Life of. 16mo. London. 1661. ^ . See Smith, H. Fuller, Timothy. Oration at Watertown, [Mass,] July 4, 1809. 8vo. Boston. 1809. , . Address before the Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1826. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Fuller, Andrew. Dialogues, Letters and Essays. 2d ed. 12mo. Middlebury, Vt. 1811. Fuller, Robert. Account of his Imprisonment and Sufferings. 8vo. Boston. 1833. 24 18 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Fulton, Robert Report on the Practicability of Navigating with Steam on the Southern Waters of the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. Funccius, Johannes. Chronologia. fol. Witebergae. 1601. , . Commentariorum in praecedentem Chronologiam Libri De- cern, fol. Witebergae. 1601. Furlong, Lawrence. American Coast Pilot 4th ed. 8vo. Newburyport 1804. Furness, William H. Discourse [at Philadelphia] May 24, 1829, occasioned by the recent emancipation of the Roman Catholics throughout the British Empire. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1829. Furst, Moritz. Proceedings of the Engagement between him and the United States Consul at Leghorn. 12mo. 1825. Future State, by a Country Gentleman. 16mo. London. 1683. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARIAN SOCIETY. 18 3 6. G Gadahalso, Don Jose. Obras de. 3 Tom. ]2mo. Madrid. 1818. Gaelic Society of Dublin. Transactions of. Vol. 1. 8vo. Dublin. 1808. Gage, Thomas. New Survey of the West Indies, fol. London. 1648. , . The Tyranny of Satan : a Sermon at Paul's, Aug. 28, 1642. 4to. London. 1642. , . 22nd Chapter of his History of the West Indies, being some Remarkable passages relating to the Abp. Laud. 12mo. London. 1712. Gage, Thomas. [Gen.] Letters. Gagneus, Joannes. Scholia in IV Evangelia et Acta Apostolorum. fol. Parisiis. J 552. Gaillardus, Jacobus. Oratio Inauguralis. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1686. Gair, Thomas. Sermon at the Ordination of Thomas Green, at Cambridge, [Mass.] Nov. 17, 1783. 8vo. Boston. 1784. Gale, Theophilus. Anatomie of Infidelitie. 16mo. London. 1672. , . The True Idea of Jansenisme, both Historical and Dogmatick. 16mo. London. 1669. Gale, Thomas. Vide Antoninus. Gale, Dr. Remarks on his Letter to J. W. Esq, [relating to the Dispute between Connecticut and New York.] 12mo. 1769. Galilaei, Galilaeo. Systema Cosmicum, Ex Italia Lingua Lat. con. 4to. Au- gustae Treboc. 1635. , . Nov. Antiqua Sanctissimorum Patrum etProbatorum Theolo- gorum Doctrina, de Sacrae Scripturae Testimoniis in conclusionibus mere Natu- ralibus temere non Usurpandis. 4to. Augustae Treboc. 1636. Gallatin, Albert. Sketch of the Finances of the United States. 8vo. New York. 1796. , . Observations on his Speech on the Foreign Intercourse Bill. See Addison, Alex. , . Two Speeches in Congress on the Bill for Augmenting the Navy, Feb. 7, and 11, 1799. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. , . Views of the Public Debt, Receipts and Expenditures of the United States. 8vo. New York. 1800. , . Letter to him, on the Doctrine of Gold and Silver, and the Evils of the Present Banking System in Effect and Tendency. By Publicola. 8vo. New York. 1815. Gallaway, Joseph. Short History of the War in America, during the command of Sir William Howe. ]2mo. Philadelphia. ^ . Reply to observations of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe, on a Pamphlet, entitled, Letters to a Nobleman. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 1787. Gallaway, Samuel. Plan for a Proposed Union between Great Britain and her Colonies. See Congress, Continental. Gallaudet, T. H. Address on Female Education, at the opening of the Edifice for the accommodation of the Hartford Female Seminary, Nov. 21, 1827. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1828. , . Plan of a Seminary for the Education of Instructers of Youth. 8vo. Boston. 1825. , . Address at Hartford, Oct. 11, 1819, at a Meeting for Prayer, with reference to the Sandwich Mission. 8vo. Hartford. 1819. 2 A M E K I C A N A X T I Q U A II I A N S O C I E T Y. Gallaudet, T. IT. Sermon before the Connecticut Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. Hartford. 1817. Galliae, Descriptio. [Elzevir.] 24mo. Lug. Bat. 1629. Gallison, John. Memoir of, [from the Christian Disciple.] 8vo. Boston. 1821. , . Address at the Fourth Anniversary of the Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1819. 8vo. Cambridge. 1820. Gallois, [M. C] Experiments on the Principles of Life, tr. from the Fr. by N. C. and J. G. Nancrede. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1813. Galveston Bay and Texas Land Company. Address to the Reader of the Docu- ments Relating' to the Galveston Bay and Texas Land Company, which are contained in the Appendix. 8vo. New York. 1831. Gait, John. Life and Studies of Benjamin West. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1816. Galtruchius, Petrus. Philosophiae de Mathematicae totius Institutio. 3 vol. ed. 2da. 12mo. Cadomi. 16(]5. , . Metaphysica. 12rao. Cadomi. 1665. Galtrachus, P. History of the Heathen Gods, tr. from the Fr. by M. D' Assigny. 4th ed. 12mo. London. 1673. Gamon, Hannibal. Sermon at the Funeral of Ladie Frances Roberts, Aug. 26. 4to. London. 1627. Gaming. A Dissuasive from. By a Minister of the Church of England. 12mo. London. 1726. Gannett, Ezra Stiles. Discourse at the Ordination of Artemas B. Muzzy, at Fra- mingham, [Mass.] June 10, 1830. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , . Address before the Boston Sunday School Society, on the - Celebration of the Fifteenth anniversary of the Sunday School Institution, in the Federal St. Church, Sept. 16, 1831. 12mo. Boston. 1831. Gans, Stephen. Sermon at the Ordination of Joshua Bradley, at Newport, R. I. May 13, 1801. 12mo. Newport. 1801. Garcilaso de la Vega, [el Inca.] Historia General del Peru, o Comentarios Reales de los Incas. 2da Imp. 2 vol. fol. Madrid. 1722—3. ' . Royal Commentaries of Peru, rendered into English by Sir Paul Rycaut 2 vols in 1. fol. London. 1688. . . Historia de la Florida, fol. Madrid. 1723. Garden, Alexander. Anecdotes of the American Revolution. 2d Series. 12mo. Charleston, S. C. 1828. , . Eulogium on Gen. Charles C. Pinckney. 8vo. Charleston. 1825. Garden, Alexander. Regeneration, and the testimony of the Spirit. Substance of two Sermons at Charleston, S. C. 12mo. Boston. 174L , . Take Heed How Ye Hear. Sermon at Charleston, July 13, 1740. With Remarks on Whitelield's Journals. 12mo. Charleston. 1741. , . Six Letters to the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield. With his Answer to the first Letter. ]2mo. Boston. 1740. , . An Answer to the Rev. Mr. Garden's Three first Letters to Mr. Whitefield. 12mo. Boston. 1741. Gardenier, Barent. The Examiner : containing Political Essa)'s on the most im- portant events of the Time; Public Laws and Official Documents: from Oct. 25, 1813, to April 15, 1815. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1813—15. , — . Speech in Congress on Foreign Relations, Dec. 1808. 8vo. Boston. Gardiner, Samuel. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1653. Gardiner, Sylvester. His Statement in relation to the case between him and James Flagg. 4to. Boston. , . Dr. Gardiner versus James Flagg, Merchant. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1767. , . Address to the Public, in answer to the foregoing. 8vo. , . Short Vindication of the Referees in the case of Sylvester Gardiner against James Flagg. 8vo. , . Full answer to the Pamphlet entitled, " A Short Vindica- tion, &c. 8vo. , . See Inches, H. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 3 Gardener, Lion. Relation of the Pequot Warres. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3rd Se- ries. Vol. 3.] Gardiner, John Sylvester John. Sermon before the Massachusetts Humane So- ciety, June, 14, 1803. 8vo. Boston. 1803. . Address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. 8vo. Boston. 1803. . Sermon at Boston, Dec. 9, 1804, on the Death of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Parker. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . Fast Sermon April 7, 1808. 8vo. Boston. Sermon before the Boston Female Asylum, Sept. 22, 1809. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Sermon before the African Society, July 14, 1810, the Anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Sermon at Boston, March 25, 1810, on the Death of Dr. James Lloyd. 8vo. Boston. 1810. -. Sermon at Boston at a Public Fast, April 6, 1810. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Christmas Sermon at Boston, Dec. 25, 1810. 8vo. Boston. 1811. . Preservative against Unitarianism. Sermon at Boston, June 9, 1811. 8vo. Boston. 1811. . Fast Sermon at Boston, April 9, 1812. 8vo. Boston. ..^ . Fast Sermon at Boston, July 23, 1812. 8vo. Boston. . Thanksgiving Sermon at Boston, Dec. 1, 1808. 8vo. Boston. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 10, 1816, on the Death of David Sears, Esq. 8vo. Boston. 1816. . Catalogue of his Library. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Gardiner, Walter Clarke. Oration at Hudson, N. Y. at the Dedication of Mason Hall. 12mo. Hudson. 1797. Gardiner, John. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1785. 4to. Boston. , . Speech in the 'House of Representatives of Massachusetts on the subject of Theatrical Exhibitions [with a Dissertation on the Ancient Poe- try of the Romans.] 8vo. Boston. 1792. Gardiner, R. H. See Gardiner Lyceum. Gardiner, Lyceum. [Me.] Address of the Trustees to the Public. 8vo. Hallo- well. 1822. , . . Laws and Catalogue of 8vo. Gardiner. 1829. Gardner, Albert. See Coffin, W. Gardner, C. K. Regulations for Light Infantry and Riflemen. 12mo. New York. 1820. Gardner, Francis. Thanksgiving Sermon at Leominster, [Mass.] Nov. 19, 1795. 8vo. Leominster. 1796. . , . Half Century Sermon at Leominster, Dec. 27, 1812. Svo. , . Sermon from Malachi 3 : 6. MS. 4to. Gardner, Thomas. Historical Memoir of the Life of 12mo. Garran, Coulon M. See St. Domingo. Garrick, Cymbeline. A Tragedy. Altered from Shakspeare. 12mo. London. 1784. , . Arthur and Emeline. Abridged from the Masque of King Arthur. As altered from Dryden. 12mo. London. 1786. Garter. Authentic Account of the Installation of the Knights of the Garter, at Windsor, April 23, 1805. 2d ed. 12mo. London. Garrison, William Lloyd. Thoughts on African Colonization, Svo. Boston. 1832. , . Second Part of the Same. 8vo. , . Address before the Free People of Color in Philadel- phia, New York, and other cities. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Address in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, be- fore the Free People of Color, in April, 1833. Svo. New York. 1833. 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Gass, Patrick. Journal of the Voyages and Travels with Lewis and Clark, in 1804, 5 and 6. 4th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1812. Gassendus, Petrus. Exercitationes Paradoxicae adversus Aristoteleos. 16mo. Amst. 1649. , . Philosophiae Epicurii Syntagma. 16mo. London. 1660. Gaston, William. Speech in Congress on the Loan Bill. Feb. 18 and 19, 1814. 8vo. , . Speech in Congress in Support of a Motion to expunge from the Rules of the House the "Previous Question." 8vo. Georgetown, D. C. 1816. Gataker, Thomas. Sparke toward the Kindling of Sorrow for Sion : Sermon. 4to. London. 1621. , . The Christian Man's Care : Sermon, with a Catechism for the simpler sort. 4to. London. 1624. , . Jacob's Thankfulnesse to God, for God's Goodnesse to Jacob. 4to. London. 1624. , . Two Funeral Sermons. 4to. London. 1620. . . Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Richard Stock. 4to. Lon- don. 1627. , . Jeroboam's Sonnes Decease : Funeral Sermon. 4to. Lon- don. 1627. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Joice Featley. 4to. London. 1637. , . Certaine Sermons, first preached and after published at seve- ral times, fol. London. 1637. , . Shadowes without Substance, or. Pretended New Lights. In the Way of Rejoynder to Mr. John Saltmarsh, his Reply entituled, "Shadowes flying away." 4to. London. 1646. , . Antinomianism Discovered and Confuted, &c. 12mo. Lon- don. 1652. , . Antithesis. Partim Guil. Amesii. Partim Gisb. Voetii. De Sorte Thesibus Reposita. ed. 2da. 16mo. Lug. Bat. 1659. Gatchet, Samuel. Contrast to the Rev. Nathaniel Whitaker, D. D. his Confuta- tation of Rev. John Wise. 8vo. Danvers, Mass. 1778. Gauden, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 29, 1640. 4to. London. 1641. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Robert Rich, heir apparent to the Earldom of Warwick. 4to. London. 1658. , . Considerations touching the Liturgy of England. 4to. London. 1661. , . Anti Baal-Berith, or the binding of the Covenant and all Cove- nanters to their Good behaviour. 4to. London. J661. , . See Crofton, Z. Gauus, Antonius. Theses Theologicae. 4to. Salmurii. 1651. Gavantus, Bartholomaeus. Thesaurus Sacrorum Rituum. 3 vol. in. fol. Parisiis. 1652. Gay, Bunker. Sermon at the Interment of the Rev. Lemuel Hedge, at Warwick, [Mass.] who died Oct. 15, 1777. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1778. , . The accomplished Judge ; or, A compleat Dress for Magistrates. Sermon, atKeene, N. H. Oct. 8, 1771, at the first Opening of the Inferior Court, in the County of Cheshire. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1773. Gay, Ebenezer. Discourse at Hingham. [Mass.] on the Transcendant Glory of the Gospel. 12mo. Boston. 1728. , — . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1728. , > . A Pillar of Salt to season a corrupt age : Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1728. , . The Duty of People to pray for and praise their Rulers. Ser- mon at Hingham, upon the occasion of the arrival of Governor Belcher to his Government, Aug. 12, 1730. 8vo. Boston. 1730. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. John Hancock, at Braintree, [Mass.] 8vo. Boston. 1744. , . Mass. Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1745. CATALOGUE OFLIBRARY. 5 Gay, Ebenezer. The True Spirit of the Gospel-Minister represented and urged, Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1746. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Jonathan Mayhew, at Boston, June 17, 1747. 8vo. Boston. 1747. . , . Sermon at the Ordination of Jonathan Dorby, at Scituate, [Mass.] Nov. 13, 1751. 8vo. Boston. 1752. , . Sermon at the Instalment of Ezra Carpenter, as Pastor at Keene and Swanzey, N. H. Oct. 4, 1753. 12mo. Boston. — — , . The Levite not to be forsaken. Sermon at the Instalment of Rev. Grindall Rawson, at Yarmouth, [Mass.] Dec. 10, 1755. 8vo. Boston. 1756. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Dover, N. H. 1793. , . Sermon at Boston, July 27, 1766, on the Death of Rev. Jona- than Mayhew. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , . Another Sermon upon the same subject. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , . The Old Man's Calendar. Sermon at Hingham, Aug. 26, 1781, on the Author's Birth Day. 8vo. Boston. 1781. , . Same. 4th ed. 8vo. Dover, N. H. 1793. — , ■ . Sermon at Barnstable, [Mass.] May 12, 1725, at the Ordination of Joseph Green. 12mo. Boston. 1725. , . Natural Religion, as Distinguish'd from Revealed. Dudleian Lecture in Harvard College. 8vo. Boston. 1759. , . The Evangelical Preacher. Sermon at the Ordination of Bunker Gay, at Hinsdale, N. H. Aug. 17, 1763. 8vo. Boston. 1763. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Hingham, Dec. 6, 1770. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1771. Gay, John. Fables. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1808. , . Same. 12mo. Gay, Jeane Antoine. Vues sur Le Caractere et le Traitement de 1' Apoplexie. 8vo. Paris. 1807. Gayarre, Charles. Essai Historique sur Louisiane. 2 vol. 12mo. Nouvelle Orleans. 1830. Gazette, United States Literary. Vol. 1. 4to. Vol 2. 8vo. 2 vols. Boston. 1825—6. , United States Review and Literary. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston and New York. 1826—7. , Boston and Country Journal. By Edes and Gill. , Pennsylvanian. By Benjamin Franklin. Gebelin, Court, de Monde Primitif 4to. Paris. 1781. Gee, John. New Shreds of the Old Snares. 4to. London. 1624. Gee, Joshua. Trade and Navigation of Great Britain considered. 12mo. 1729. Gee, Joshua. Israel's Mourning for Aaron's Death : Sermon on the Lord's day after the Death of Rev. Cotton Mather, who died Feb. 13, 1727—8. 8vo. Boston. 1728. , . Letter to^the Rev. Nathaniel Eells, Moderator of the late Conven- tion of Pastors at Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1743. , . Remarks on his Letter to Rev. Nathaniel Eells. By J. F. 4to. Geer, Allen. See Ministry, Divine Right of Gellibrand, Henry. Epitome of the Art of Navigation, with Additions by James Atkinson. 16mo. London. 1712. Genessee Country in the State of New York. Description of 4to. Albany. 1798. . Same. 8vo. New York. 1799. . See New York. Genlis, Madame Brulart de Sillery, [Countess de.] Castle of Truth tr. from the Fr. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1795. J , . Mademoiselle de la Fayette, or the age of Louis XIII: an Historical Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Baltimore. 1814. Genoa. History of the Revolution of, to 1748. Vol. 3. I2mo. London. 1751. 6 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Georgia. A. Chisholm ag-ainst the State of, [in 1793] wherein is discussed the question, whether a State be liable to be sued by a private citizen of another State. 8vo. Boston. 1793. . Grant to the Georgia Mississippi Company, &c. 8vo. Augusta. 1795. . State of Facts, shewing the Right of certain Companies to the Lands lately purchased by them from the State of. 8vo. 1795. . Message of the President of the United States accompanying certain articles of Agreement and Cession, between the United States and Georgia. 8vo. April, 1802. . Proceedings of the Anti-Tariff Convention, held at Milledgeville. Svo. Milledgeville. 1832. . See Whitefield, George. . Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, Jan. Term, 1832, in the case of Samuel A. Worcester against the State of 8vo. Washington. 1832. . Memorial on the Subject of the late Tariff: addressed by the General Assembly of, to the Anti-Tariff States. 8vo. 1828. . Description of the Soil, Productions, &lc. of the Georgia Western Territory. 12mo. Boston. 1797. . Reasons for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, with Regard to the Trade of Great Britain, The Increase of our People, and the Employment and Support it will afford to great Numbers of our own Poor, as well as foreign persecuted Protestants, &c. By Benjamin Martyn. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1733. Geree, John. Downfall of Antichrist. 4to. London. 1G41. , . Vindication of Infant Baptism, in Answer to Mr. Tomb's Answer to S. Marshall. 4to. London. 1646. , . The Character of an Old English Puritane or Nonconformist. 4to. London. 1649. Geree, Stephen. Doctrine of the Antinomians By Evidence of Gods Truth plain- ly Confuted ; in answer to Dr. Crisp. 4to. London. 1644. , . The Golden Mean. 12mo. London. 1656. Gerhardus, Johannes. Locorum Theologicorum. 9 vols, in 4. fol. Genevae. 1639. , . Evangelistarum Harmoniae Chemnitio-Lyserianae Conti- nuatio. fol. 3 Partibus. fol. Jenae. 1626. , . Harmoniae Evangelicae M. Chemnitio primum inchoatae et per Pol. Lyserum continuatae, Libri Quinque. fol. Genevae. 1628. German War. Occasional Thoughts on the Present German War. 8th ed. 8vo. London. 1742. Germany. Account of the Distresses in, from the Reports of the Society in Lon- don for relief of the Sufferings occasioned by the late war on the Continent. 8vo. Burlington, N. J. 1815. Gerrald, Joseph. Authentic Biographical Anecdotes of 8vo. London. 1795. , . Trial of, at Edinburgh, in March, 1794, for Sedition. Reported by Mr. Ramsay. 8vo. New York. 1794. Gerry, Elbridge. [Gov.] Speech to the Massachusetts Legislature. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1810. , . . Speech to the Same, Jan. 7, 1811. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . . Speech to the Same. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . . Speech to the Same. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . . Life of, by Jam.es T. Austin. Gerrish, J. & J. Barrell. State of their Accounts and Disputes delivered to R. Sanderson, and N. Bethune. 4to. Boston. 1751. Gerrish, Martha. Letters. 8vo. Geneseos, Exegesis Dictionum Hebraicarum in Librum. 4to. 1542. Gesnerus, Conradus. De Omni Rerum Fossilium genere, Gemmis, Lapidibus, Metallis. 16mo. Tiguri. 1565. , . De Rerum Fossilium, Lapidum, et Gemmarum, maxima figuris et Similitudinibus Liber. 16mo. Tiguri. 1565. . . Historia Animalium. 3 vol. fol. 1588 — 90. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Gesnerus, Salomon. Vide Ilunnius, E. Gessner, Solomon. Death of Abel, attempted from the German of. ]2th ed. 12mo. Coventry. 1788. , . Same, with the Death of Cain : from the German by Mary Collyer. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 179!. , . Scrifteii. 3 vol. 18mo. Zurich. 1789. Getchel, Dennis. Testimony concerning iicceptable worship to Almighty God. ]2mo. Portland, Me. 1/94. Gibbon, Edward. Short History of ue opposition during the last Session of Par- liament. 2d ed. l2mo. liondon. 1779. Gibbs, David, and others. Report of their Examination for the alledged murder of Sally Burdick, at Coventry, R. I. 12mo. Hartford, R. 1. 1833. Gibbs, Charles, [the Pirate.] Confession of ISmo. Providence. 1831. Gibbs, Henry. The Right Method of Safety, or, The Just concern of the Peo- ple of God. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. Knno. Boston. 1704. Gibbs, Philip. Letter to the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters, at Hackney. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1737. Gibieuf, Gnlielmus. De Libertate Del et Creaturao. 4to. Parissiis. 1630. Gibraltar. History of the Siege of, with a description and account of the Garri- son. 4th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1789. Gibson, Edmund. [Bp.] Translation of Camden's Britannia, Vv-ith large additions. See Camden. , . . Pastoral Letter, (ith ed. 4 to. London. 1730. , . . Second Pastoral Leiter. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1730. , . . Serious Advice to persons who have been sick. 12mo. Boston. 1813. , . . Earnest Dissuasion from Intemperance in Meats and Drinks. 3rd ed. 12mo. Gibson, G. W. See Pattison, J. S. Gibson, John. Observations on the Credibility and Importance of Scripture His- tory. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1762. , . Sermon at the consecration of the New Chapel in Queen's Col- lege in Oxford, Nov. 1, 1719. 4to. Oxford. 1719. Gibson, Samuel. Sermon before the liouse of Commons, Sept. 24, 1G45. 4to. London. Giesebrecht, Ludwig. Ueber die Konigliche Gessellschaft fur nordische Alten- humskunde zu Kopenhagen. 8vo. Stettin. 1828. Gifford, John. Letter to Hon. Thomas Erskine, containing some Strictures on his View of the Causes and Consequences of the Present war with France. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797. .Gilbert, William. Sermon on the Death of his Wife. 4to. London. 1640. Gilbert Claudius. The Libertine School'd, or a Vindication of the Magistrates Power in Religious Matters. 4to. London. 1657. Gilbert Thomas. Discourse concerning the Guilt of Sin, Pardon of that Guilt, and Prayer for that Pardon. 12mo. London. 1695. Gilbert, John. [Abp.] Sermon before the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 17, 1743—4. 4to. London. 1744. , . . See Mayhew, Jonathan. Gilbert, Geoffrey. Treatise of Tenures. 8vo. Dublin. 1754. Gilbert, Washington. Sermon at Harvard, [Mass.] Oct. 23, 1831. 8vo. Lancas- ter. 1831. Gilchrist, Ebenezer. The use of Sea Voyages in Medicine. 2d ed. 8vo. Lon- don. 1757. Giles, William B. Speech in Congress on the Bill to Repeal the Acts respecting the Organization of the Courts of the United States, Feb. IS, 1802. 8vo. . Same. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , . Speech in the Senate of the United States on the Embargo Laws, on the Resolution for their Repeal, Nov. 24, 1808. Svo. Salem, Mass. 1808. 25 8 AMERICANANTIQUARIANSOCIETY. Giles, William B. Second Speech on the same Subject, Dec. 2, 1808. 8vo. , . The New Embargo Laws, and Mr. Giles's Speech on the Same. 8vo. , . Same. 8vo. Boston. Giles, John. Two Fast Discourses atNewburyport, [Mass.] Aug. 20, 1812. 8vo. Newburyport. 1812. , . Oration at Newburyport, July 4, 1800. 8vo. Newburyport. Gill, John. Doctrine of the Trinity stated and vindicated. 2d ed. 8vo. Lon- don. 1752. , . Doctrine of Justification. 8vo. London. 1744. , . Tiie Dissenter's Reasons for Separating from the Church of England. 12mo. London. 1818. , . Reply to Mr. Clark's Defence of the Divine Right of Infant Baptism. 8vo. Boston. 1754. , . Three Sermons, On the Present and Future State of the Church. 4th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1756. , . The Same. 5th ed. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1777. , . The Glorious State of the Saints in Heaven. Sermon. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston. 1756. , . The Argument from Apostolic Tradition, in Favor of Infant Baptism. 3rded. 8vo. Boston. 1765. , . Dissertation concerning the Baptism of Jewish Proselytes. 8vo. London. 1771. Gillespie, George. Sermon before the House of Commons, March 27, 1644. 4to. London. . Sennon before the House of Lords, Aug. 27, 1645. London. , . Aaron's Rod Blossoming, or the Divine Ordinance of Church Government, vindicated. 4to. London. 1646. • , . Treatise of Miscellany Questions. 4to. Edinburgh. 1649. , . Dispute against the English Popish Ceremonies, Obtruded upon the Church of Scotland. 4to. London. 1660. ^ , Ark of the Testament opened ; or the Secret of the Lord's Covenant unsealed, in a Treatise of the Covenant of Grace. 4to. London. 1661. , . The Ark of the Covenant opened : or a Treatise of the Cove- nant of Redemption. 4to. London. 1677. Gillet, Eliphalet. Fast Sermon at Hallowell, [Me.] April 11, 1811. 8vo. Hal- owell. 1811. — — , . Sermon at Bath, [Me.] June 27, 1810, before the Maine Mis- sionary Society. 8vo. Hallowell. 1810. ^ , . Sermon at Bath, Dec. 9, 1795, at the Ordination of Hugh Wal- lis. 8vo. Hallowell. Gillies, John. History of the World, from the Reign of Alexander to that of Augustus, &c. 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia. 1809. J . History of Ancient Greece. 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 1814. Gilling, Isaac. Sermon at Taunton, May 27, 1708, before the United Ministers of Somerset and Dover. 12mo. Exoii. Oilman, Samuel. Sermon on the Introduction of the Gospel of St. John. 2d ed. 12aio. Boston. 1728. Oilman, S. Monody on the Victi^is and Sufferers bv the late Conflagration in Richmond, Va. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Oilman, Tristram. Sermon on the Death of the Hon. David Mitchell, Esq. at North Yarmouth, [Me.] March 20, 1796. Svo. Portland. Gilpin, Bernard. Sermon preached at the Court at Greenwich, before Edward VI, in 1552. 4to. London. 1630. Gipps, George. Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 27, 1644. 4to. London. aJ44. Oiraud, John James. Memoir on the Discovery of a Specific Medicine for the cure and prevention of the Yellow Fever, Plague, Malignant and Pestilential Fevers. Svo. Baltimore. 1825. Girard, Stephen. His Will, with a short Biography of his Life. Svo. Philadel- phia. 1832. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. Girard College. See Biddle, N, Girardin, L. H. History of Virginia. See Jones, S. Glanvill, Joseph. Catholic Charity : Sermon before the Lord Mayor. 4to. Lon- don. 16G9. Glascock, John. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Anne, wife of Rev. James Fet- ter, April 25, 1()58. 4 to. London. 1659. Glass, James. Libertas. A Poem. 8vo. Belfast. 1789. Glassius, Salomon. Christologias Mosaicae, Dissertationes v. ex Genes. 4to. Jenae. 1649. , . Philologia Sacra. Vol. 2. 4to. Glaucus. See Presbyterian. Gleason, Benjamin. Address at Providence, R. L June 24, 1802. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , . Oration at Charlestown, [Mass.] July 4, 1805. 8vo. Boston. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1805. , . Masonic Address at Reading, [Mass.] June 24, 1805. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. , . Masonic Address at Boston, Aug. 1 1, 1807. 8vo. Boston. , . Oration at Hingham, [Mass.] July 4, 1807. 2d ed. Svo. Boston. 1807. , . Geography on a new and improved plan. 12mo. Boston. 1814. , . Masonic Oration, June : . See British Colonies, England, United States. — . Enquiry into the Reasons of the Conduct of Great Britain, with relation to the Present State of Affairs in Europe. 8vo. London. 1727. . Extract from tlie Political State of Great Britain for Dec. 1730. 16mo. . Considerations on the Proposal for Reducing the Interest on the National Debt. 8vo. London. 1750. . The Power and Grandeur of Great Britain founded on the Liberty of the Colonies, and the Mischiefs attending the Taxing them by Act of Par- liament Demonstrated. 8vo. Noav York. 17G8. . The Interest of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain, in the Present Contest with the Colonies Stated and Considered. 8vo. Boston. . Facts Addressed to Landholders, Stockholders, &c. Proprietors of every description, and generally to all the Subjects of Great Britain and Ireland. 6th ed. 8vo. London. 1780. . Considerations on the Present Situation of Great Britain and the United States of North America, with a View to their future Commercial Con- nexions. 8vo. London. 1784. . Short Address to the Disinterested and Unprejudiced Citizens, Merchants, and Manufacturers of Great Britain, on the Importance of the Trade of this Country with the United States of America. By a Manufacturer. 8vo. London. 1785. . Short Review of the Political State of Great Britain at the com- mencement of 1787. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1787. . Address to the People of Great Britain on the Propriety of Ab- staining from West India Sugar and Rum. 9th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1792. . History of the Boroughs of 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1794. . The Extraordinary Red Book, containing a List of all Places, Pensions and Sinecures, &c. &c. By a Commoner. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1817. . State of the Commerce of, for the year 1830. 8vo. London, 1831. Greatness of mind promoted by Christianity. 12mo. London. 1691. Greaves, John. Miscellaneous Works of. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1737. Greeks. Address to the public of the Committee of the Greek Fund of the City of New York. 8vo. New York. 1823. . Plan for promoting common school Education in Greece. Adopted by the Greek School Committee, of New York. 8vo. New York. 1828. 26 16 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Greeks. See Everett, Edw. Orlandos, J. Green, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, April 24, 1644. 4to. London. Green, Robert, and Henry Berry and Lawrence Hill. Trial for the Murder of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, fol. London. 1679. Green, Aaron. Discourse at Maiden, [Mass.] June 8, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Medford. Green, Ashbel. Sermon at Philadelphia, Feb. 2, 1790, on the Death of the Rev. George Duffield, D. D. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1790. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. , . Obedience to the Laws of God, the Sure and Indispensable De- fence of Nations. Sermon. 8vo. Philadelphia. [1798.] Green, Joseph. Entertainment for a Winter's Evening ; being a full and true ac- count of a very strange and wonderful sight seen in Boston on the 27th Dec. [1749] at Noon Day. By Me, the Hon. B. B. Esq. 8vo. Boston. 1750. , . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . The Grand Arcanum Detected : Or a Wonderful Phenomenon Explained, which has baffled the Scrutiny of many Ages. By Me, Phil. Arca- nos, Gent. Student in Astrology. 12mo. 1755. Green, Joseph. Sermon at Marshfield, Mass. Feb. 21, 1753, at the Ordination of Joseph Green, jun. 8vo. Boston. 1753. Green, Bartholomew. Deposition, [relating to his refusing to print a pamphlet called " Gospel Order Revived."] 4to. Boston. 1701. Green, Joseph C. Appeal to the Christian Public : containing the Discipline of the Trinitarian Church in Concord, [Mass.] with Joseph C. Green, and his De- fence. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Green, Albert G. Oration at Providence, R. I. July 4, 1823. 8vo. Providence. 1823. , . Address at Providence, on Washington's Birth Day. 8vo. Providence. 1825. , . Address to the Patrons of the Manufacturer's and Farmer's Journal and Independent Inquirer. 8vo. Providence. 1826. , . Oration at Providence, July 4, 1827. 8v"o. Providence. , . Anniversary Poem before the Philermenian Society at their 34th Celebration at Providence, Sept. 2, 1828. 8vo. Providence. 1829. Green, Sarah. Most Unaccountable Relation of one Miss Sarah Green, a Widow. 8vo. 1762. Greene, Benjamin. Oration at Lexington, [Mass.] July 4, 1809. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Greene, Nathaniel. Address at Boston, Oct. 10, 1833, before the Mass. Charita- ble Mechanic Association. 8va. Boston. 1833. Greene, Thomas A. Address before the New Bedford Lyceum. 8vo. New Bedford. 1829. Greenfield, [Mass.] A Just Account of an Ecclesiastical Council met at Green- field, Dec. 12, 1753. 12mo. , . Results of two Ecclesiastical Councils ; Rev. Samuel Wil- lard's Confession of Faith, &c. 12mo. Greenfield. 1813. , . An Address to the Christian Public, In two Parts. In An- swer to the above. 12mo. Greenfield. 1813. , . Comments on the above. See Willard, Samuel. Greenfield High School for Young Ladies. Outline of the plan of Education pur- sued at, with a Catalogue for 1828-9. 8vo. Greenfield, Mass. 1829. Boarding School, conducted on the self-supporting system of Educa- tion, Report of. 8vo. Greenfield. 1832. Greenhill, William. Sermon before the House of Commons April 26, 1643. 4to. London. . Exposition of Ezekiel. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1649-62- Greenough, William. Sermon at Boston, Jan. 12, 1814, before the Society for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Boston. 1814. Greenleaf, Jonathan. See Hubbard, Jer. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 17 Greenleaf, Moses. A Survey of the State of Maine, in reference to its Geographi- cal Features, Statistics and Political economy. 8vo. Portland. 1829. , . Statistical View of the State of Maine. 8vo. Boston. 1816. Greenwich. Description of the Royal Hospital for Seamen, at. 12mo. London. Greenwood, Isaac. Philosophical Discourse to the Students of Harvard College, April 7, 1731, upon the News of the Death of Thomas Hollis. 12mo. Boston. 1731. Greenwood, F. W. P. Discourse at the Ordination of William Newell, at Cam- bridge, [Mass.] May 19, 1830. 8vo. Cambridge. 1830. , — . — . — . History of Kings Chapel in Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1833. , — . — . — , Sermon at the 25th Anniversary of the Boston Female Asylum, Sept. 23, 1825. 8vo. Boston. , — . — . — . Character of the Puritans. Massachusetts Artillery Elec- tion Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1826. , — . — . — . Remarks on the Popular Error respecting the Lord's Sup- per. 12mo. Boston. 1826. , — . — . — . The Theology of the Cambridge Divinity School. 12mo. Boston. 1830. . — . — . — . Due Consideration of Christian Ministers. Sermon at the Ordination of Samuel May, Jr. at Leicester, [Mass.] Aug. 13, 1834. 8vo. Worcester. 1834. , — . —. — . Essay on the Lord's Supper, 12mo. Baltimore. 1824. Gregorius. Decretalium. 16mo. Paris. 1519. Gregory, John. Notes and Observations on some passages of Scripture. 16mo. Oxford. 1646. , . Posthuma : or certain learned tracts of 4to. London. 1650. Gregorius, Franciscus. Etymologicum Parvum. 16mo. London. 1654. , . Tears and Bloud : or a Discourse of the Persecution of Ministers with motives to Martyrdom and cautions about it. 4to. Oxford. 1660. Gregory, David. Treatise of Practical Geometry in 3 parts, tr. from the Lat. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1745. Gregory, John. A Father's Legacy to his Daughter. 2d ed. 12mo. Worces- ter, Mass. 3796. Gregoire, H. Enquiry Concerning the Intellectual and Moral Faculties of Ne- groes, tr. from the Fr. by D. B. Warden. 8vo. Brooklyn. 1810. Grenfield, Nathaniel. The;Great Day. 16mo. Grent, John. The Burthen of Tyre : Sermon at Paul's Crosse. 4to. London. 1627. Grenville, George. Letter to him, occasioned by his Speech in the House of Commons, on the Motion for Expelling Mr. Wilkes, Feb. 3, 1769. To which is added, a Letter on the Public Conduct of Mr. Wilkes. 8vo. London. 1769. Greppo, J. G. H. On the Hieroglyphic System of M. Champollion, Jun. tr. from the Fr. by Isaac Stuart. 12mo. Boston. 1830. Lavaretus. vide Lavaterus. Lavoisier, A. L. Elements of Chemistry, tr. from the Fr. by R. Kerr. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1793. Law, Andrew. Essays on Music. l2mo. Philadelphia. 1814. Law. Observations on the pernicious Practice of. By Honestus. 4to. Boston. 1786. . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1819. , Study and Practice of. By a Member of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. Portland, Me. 1806. Law, Thomas. Address before the Columbian Institute. 8vo. Washington. 1825. Lawd, William. Relation of the Conference betweene him and Mr. Fisher, the Jesuite, by Command of King James, fol. London. 1639. Lawrence, Samuel A. Petition of, with others, for Confirmation of their Title to Lands in East Florida. 8vo. 1824. Lawrence, William B. Two Lectures on Political Economy. 8vo. New York. 1832. Lawrence, W. Lectures on Physiology and Zoology and the Natural History of Man. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1828. Lawrence, Myron. Agricultural Address at Northampton, [Mass.] Oct 24, 1832. 8vo. Northampton. 1832. 6 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Lawrence. See Laurence. Lawrie, John. The Completion of Prophecy. ]2mo. Edinburgh. 1781. Lawson, Drodat. Christ's Fidelity the only Shield against Satan's Malignity. IGmo. , . See Mather, In. Lawson, William. A New Orchard and Garden, or the best way for Planting, Grafting-, &c. 4to. London. 1G4S. Lawson, George. Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, fol. London. 16()2. , . Magna Charta Ecclesiae Universalis. 3rd ed. ICnio. Lon- don. 1()87. Layfield, Edmund. Sermon at the Funeral of Abraham Jacob, Esq. May 8, 1G29. 4to. London. 3630. • , — . Sermon at the Funeral of William Fawcit. 4to. London. 1633. Laymen. The Testimony and Advice of a Number, respecting Religion and the Teachers of it. Addressed to the Pastors of New England. 4to. 1743. Lay-man's Relisrion. Second Part of, as an Appendix to the First. 4to. Lon- don. 1G90. Learning, Jeremiah. Defence of the Episcopal Government of the Church. 8vo. New York. 1766. , . Sermon at Middletown, Con. Aug. 3, 1785, before the Con- vention of the Episcopal Church of Connecticut. 8vo. New Haven. = — , . Dissertations upon Various Subjects. 8vo. New Haven. 1788. Learned, Joseph D. View of the Policy of Permitting Slaves in the States West of the Mississippi. 8vo. Baltimore. 1820. Learning. Reflections upon. 3rd ed. 12mo. London. 1700. Leavenworth, Mark. Sermon at Waterbury, [Con,] Jan. 20, 1754, upon the Death of Daniel Southmayd, Esq. who died Jan. 12th. 8vo. Boston. 1754. Leavitt, Jonathan. Summary of the Massachusetts Pauoer Laws. 8vo. Green- field. lilO. , . Easy Lessons in Reading. 12mo. Keene, N. H. 1832. Le Brun, John. Adventures of. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1740. Lectins, Jacobus. Orationes. 16mo. Genevae. 1615. Lechford, Thomas. Plain Dealing or News from New England. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3rd Series. Vol. 3.] Ledyard, John. Journal of Capt. Cook's Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and in quest of a North West Passage between Asia and America ; performed in the years 1776, 1777, 1778 and 1779. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1783. Lee, Johannes. Propaedaimata x'lphonistia de praestantioribus Naturae Virtu- tibu?. 4to. London. 1568. Lee, Chau^cJ^ Connecticut Election Serrnon. [With a list of Preachers.] 8vo Hartford. 1813. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Ammi Runamiah Robbins, at Norfolk, [Con.] Oct. 31, 1813. 8vo. Hartford. 1814. Lee, Henry. Funeral Oration before Congress on the Death of George Wash- ington. * 8vo. Boston. 1800. , . Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1812. , . The Same. New Edition. 8vo. Washington. 1827. Lee, Henry. Exposition of the Evidence in Support of the Memorial to Con- gress of the Free Trade Convention. 8 Nos. 8vo. Boston. 1832. , . See Carey, Matthew. Lee, H. Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas ; with Remarks Historical and Critical on Johnson's Life of Greene. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. , — . Observations on the Writings ot Thomas Jefferson. 8vo. New York. 1832. Lee, Richard Henry . Life of Arthur Lee. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Lee, Charles. [Gen.] Memoirs, Essays and Letters. 12mo. New York. 1792. Lee, Richard Bland. Oration before the Washington Society, Feb. 22, 1811, at Alexandria, D. C. 8vo. Alexandria. 1811. CATALOGUE OF L 1 li R A K T. •7 Lee, Harriet. Constantia de Valmont. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 1799. Lee, Andrev/. Sermons on Various Important Suhjects. bvo. Worcester, Mass. 1803. , . Discourse at Topsham, [Me.] Sept. IG, 1789, at the Ordination of Jonathan Ellis. 8vo. Portland. I7i>'0. Lee, Joseph. Four Sermons. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1792. , . Half Century Sermon at Royalston, Mass. Oct. 19, 1818, bein^ the Fiftieth Anniversary of his Ordination. 8vo. Worcester. Lee, Nathaniel. Nero, Emperor of Rome. Tragedy. 12mo. London. 1734. Lee, S. See Fletcher. Leech, Jer. Sermon at Fort Royal, March 3, 1G43. 4to. London. 1644. Leechman, W^illiam. Sermon at the opening of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1769. Legh, Thom.as. Narrative of a Journey in Egypt, and the Country beyond the Cataracts. Svo. Philadelphia. 1817. Legh, Edv/ard. See Leigh, Ed. Lehigh Coal Company. Reports of the Managers for the years 1829 and 1831. 8vo. Philadelphia. Leib, James R. Lecture on Scientific Education before the Franklin Listitute. Svo. Philadelphia. 1830. Leiber, Francis. Letter on the Relation between Education and Crime. Svo. Philadelphia. 1835. Leicester, [Mass.] Order of Consecration of Christ Church at. May 26, 1824. Svo. 1824. Leideeker, Melchior. In Expeditionem Britannicam ab illustrissim.o Principe Auriaco Gulielmo III feliciter susceptam. 4to. Ultrajecti. 1689. , . Disputatio Theologica Inauguralis, de Providentia Dei. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1655. Leigh, Edward. Body of Divinity, fol. London. 1653. , . Critica Sacra. 4to. London. 1641. , . History of the Twelve Caesars. 12mo. Paisley. 1791. Leigh, Edward. Essay upon Credit. ]2mo. London. 1715. Leigh, Joseph. Illustrations of the Fulfilment of the Prediction of Merlin, oc- casioned by the Attack of the British Ship of War, the Leopard on the Ameri- can Frigate, the Chesapeake. 2d ed. 12ino. Portsmouth, N. H. 1807. Leigh, Benj. W. Letters of Algernon Sydney. Svo. Richmond. 1830. Leith, Directory of, for 1807. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1807. Leland, John. Oration at Cheshire, [Mass.] July 5, 1802. 2d ed. Svo. Hud- son, N. Y. 1802. , . Oration at the Interment of Mrs. Lydia, wife of Stephen Northrop, of Cheshire, who died April 26, 1794. 12rao. Portsmouth, N. H. 1794. • , . The Virginia Chronicle : With Judicious and Critical Remarks under xxiv Heads. 12uio. Norfolk. 1790. , . The Rights of Conscience inalienable and therefore Religious Opinions not cognizable by Lavv'. 2d ed. 12mo. Richm.ond, Va. 171)3. Lempriere, John. Classical Dictionary. 2d ed. 8vo. New York. 1816. , . Universal Biography. 2 vols. Svo. New York. 1810. ^ Lenccius, Joannes Baptista. Observationes Politicae. 24mo. Argentinae. 1606. Lendrum, John. History of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1795. Leo, Magnus. Operae. lom.o. Antvorpiae. 1583. J . Epistolae Decretales ac Familiares, a Mendis et Maculis Variis nunc diligentius repurgatae. 16mo. Antverpiae. 1583. , . Vide Roscoe. Leo, William. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Daniel Featly, Avith an account of his Life. 4to. London. 1645. Leo, Johannes. Africae Descriptio. [Elzevir.] 24mo. Lug. Bat. 1632. Leonard, Abiel. Thanksgiving Sermon at Woodstock, [Con.] Nov. 19, 1767. 4t(). Providence, R. I. 1768. Leonard, David. Masonic Oration at Nantucket, [Mass,] 1796. Svo. New Bedford. 1797. 8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Leonard, David. Sermon at Holme's Harbour, Martha's Vineyard, [Mass.] Nov. 11, 171.)5, on the Death of John Holmes. 8vo. Boston. 1795. Leonard, David A. Oration at Dighton, [Mass.] July 4, 1803. 8vo. New Bed- ford. 1803. Leonard, Daniel. Political Essays, under the name of Massachusettensis. See Adams, John. Leodegarius a Quercu. Flores Epigrammatum ex Optimis quibusque autlioribus Excerpti. Tom 1. 18mo. Lutetiae. 1555. Leopold, [Emperor.] Letter to king James setting forth the true occasion of his Fall, and the Treachery and cruelty of the French. Lat. and Eng. 4to. Lon- don. 1681). , . Letter to his own Subjects and those of his Empire in Italy. 4to. London. 1G89. Le Roy, Bayard, & Co. See Orlandos, J. Le Roy. See Masonry. Lesle, Sir George. See Lucas, Sir Charles. Leslie, Charles. Short and Easy Method with the Deists. 7th ed. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1719. , . The Same. 8th ed. 12mo. London. 1723. , . Discourse showing who is a true Pastor of the Church of Christ. 12mo. , . See Checlvley. Leslie, Henrie. Sermon before his Majesty at Windsor, July 19, 1625. 4to. Oxford. 1625. Lesly, John. Voice of Weeping. 16mo. London. 1631. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim.. Kleinigteiten, Dritte Aulf. 12mo. Stutgart. 1762. , . Lustspiele. Vierte. Aufl. 3 Theile. 12mo. Ber- lin. 1798-1802. Lessius, Leonardus. De Summo Bono et Aeterna Beatitudine Hominis Libri 4. 16mo. Antverpiae. 1616. Lester, E. A. Account of his Pendulum Steam Engine. 8vo. 1831. L'Estrange, Roger. Queries considered. 12m.o. Letter from a Merchant in London to his Correspondent in Amsterdam, giving an account of two Conferences betwixt a Papist, a Protestant and a Jew. 4to. London. ] 678-9. to a Member of the House of Commons, concerning the Bishops lately in the Tower and now under Suspension. 4to. London. 1689. . Letter to Sir J . B . Concerning the Minehead Doctrine. 12mo. London. 1711. from a Merchant in Halifax to a Merchant in Boston, trading to Halifax, dated 17th Jan. 1657. 8vo. to a Clergyman in Connecticut in which the Notion of Orthodox is inquired into, &c. 8vo. New Haven. 1757. addressed to two Great Men on the Prospect of Peace. 8vo. Boston* 1760. . Letters between Theophilus and Eugenie on the Moral Pravity of Man and the Means of his Restoration. 4to. Philadelphia. 1747. . Letters from Europe . during a Tour through Switzerland and Italy in 1801-2, by a Native of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1805. . Letters from an Elder to a Younger Brotlier, with Dr. Watts's Advice. 12mo. Boston. 1813. . Select Letters. 12mo. Boston. . New Classical Selection of Letters. 12mo. Boston. . Letter to a Bencher of the Inner-Temple, from a Student of the same House. 8vo. London. 1729. . Letter from Aristocles to Authudes, concerning the Sovereignty and the Promises of God. 12mo. Boston. 1745. See Johnson, S. . Letter to a late Noble Commander of the British Forces in Germany. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1759. . Letter to a Young Clergyman on the Study of the Scriptures. 16mo. . Letter to a Friend, in v/hich are considered the most genuine and dis- tinguishing Characteristics of a Child of God. 12mo. Boston. 1764. CATALOGUE OF L I li R A II Y. Letter. Letter from an eminent Minister of the Church of Scotland. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1773. . Collection of Letters which have been addressed to the Volunteers of Ireland on the Subject of a Parliamentary Reform. 8vo. London. 1783. . Letter from an American now resident in London to a Member of Par- liament, on the Subject of the restraining Proclamation ; and (containing Stric- tures on Lord Sheffield's Pamphlet on the Commerce of the American States. 8vo. London. 1784. . Letter from Scots Sawney the Barber, to Mr. Wilkes an English Parlia- menter. 8vo. Boston. . Letter from an Eminent Minister of the Church of Scotland, &c. giving an account of his Conversion. 8vo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1803. ) Lettsom, John Coakley. Observations preparatory to the use of Dr. Myersback's Medicines. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1770. ' , . . Hints respecting the Distresses of the Poor. '2d ed. 8vo. London. 1796. Leusden, Johannes. Liber Psalmorum. Lot. ct. Hebr. IGrao. London. 1726. , . Id. IGmo. London. 1762. Levasseur, A. La Fayette in America in 1824 and 1825, tr. from the French by John D. Godman. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1829. Leverett, John. See Waldo, S. Levi, David. Defence of the Old Testament in a Series of Letters to Thomas Paine. 12rao. New York. 1797. Levis, Duke de. The Carbonaro. A Piedmontese Tale. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 1829. Lewes, Daniel. Sermon at the North Precinct in Pljmiouth, [Mass.] Nov. 2nd. 1720, at the Ordination of Joseph Stacey. 16mo. Boston. 1720. Lewis XVI. Political and Confidential Correspondence of, Avith observations on each Letter, by PI. M. V/illiams. 3 vols. 12mo. New York. 1803. Lewis Daniel. Mass. Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1748. Lewis, Meriwether. See Missouri. Lewis, W. Experiments and Observations on x'Vmerican Pot- Ashes. 8vo. Lon- don. 1767. Lewis, M. G. Ambrosio, or the Monk. 3 vols. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1799. -, — . — . The East Indian. A Comedy. 8vo. New York. 1800. Lewis, Isaac. Sermon at West Greenwicli, [Con.] Dec. 1, 1818, at the Installa- tion of Rev. Isaac Lewis. 8vo. New York. 1819. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1797. Lewis, Alonzo. History of Lynn, in Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Lexington, [Mass.] A Narrative of the Excursions and Ravages of the King's Troops under Command of Gen. Gage, 19th April, 1775. 8vo. Worcester. 1775. , . Report of a Committee appointed by the Town to investi- gate the Ministerial Fund. 8vo. Cambridge. 1832. Lexington, Ky. Visit of Gen. La Fayette to the La Fayette Female Academy in. May Ki, 1825. 8vo. Lexington. 1825. , — . School Exercises of the La Fayette Female Academy, with the "Triumphs of Genius" by Caroline Clifford Nephew. 8vo. Lexington. Ley, Roger. Sermon at Paul's Crosse, Dec. 20, 1619. 4to. London. 1619. , . Sermon at Paul's Crosse, Sept. 9, 1621. 4to. London. 1622. Ley, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, April 26, 1643. 4to. Lon- don. 1643. , . A New Quere, and Determination upon it, by Mr. Saltmark, lately published, to retard the establishment of the Presbyteriall Government, Exam- ined, With a censure upon what he hath produced to the same purpose, in his other, and later Booke, v/hich he calleth " The opening of Master Prinne's Vindication." And an Apologeticall Narrative of the late Petition of the Min- isters of London to Parliament, &.c. 4to. London. 1646. Leydecker, Melchior. Vide Leidecker. Leyserus, Polycarpus. Vide Hunnius, E. Libel. Reflections on the Law of, in a Letter addressed to a Member of the Suffolk Bar. By a Citizen of Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1823. 34 10 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Libels. Candid Considerations on. By a Friend to Harmony. 12mo. Boston, 1789. Liberal Preacher. Sermons of Living Ministers. Edited by Thomas R. Sullivan. Liberty. A Poem by Rusticus. 4to. Charleston, S. C. 1770. Liberty, Scraps. Verses addressed to Englishmen. 8vo. London. 1794. Liberty. Oration upon the Beauties of, at Boston, Dec. 3, 1772. 8vo. Boston. 1773. r Liberty. The Natural Principles of Liberty, Moral Virtue, Learning, Society, Good Manners and Human Happiness, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1782. Liberty, Civil and Religious. Essay on. 12mo. London. 1777. Liberty Regained ; set forth in the Remarkable Life and Actions of W**** S****Esq. 8vo. London. 1755. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. 6 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1830-31. Library, Family. Vol. 8. Insects. 12mo. New York. 1830. Lichtenberg, George Christoph. Vermischte Scriften nach dessen Tode aus den hinterlassenen Papieren gesammelt und berausgegeben von Ludwig Christian Lichtenberg und Friedrich Kries. 9 Bande. ]2mo. Gottingen. 1800-6. Lichtenberger, Jo. Frid. Initia Typographica. 4to. Argentorati. 1811. Life and Death of Two Young Ladies, contrasted by a Lady, &c. 12mo. Phi- ladelphia. 1816. Light Shining out of Darkness, or occasional Queries submitted to the Judgment of such as would inquire into the True State of Things in our Times. 4to. London. 1659. Lightbody, James. The Mariner's Jewell ; with additions by J. Russell. 2d. ed. 16mo. London. 1697. Lightfoot, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, March 29, 1643. 4to. London. 1643. , . Handfull of Gleanings out of the Book of Exodus. 4to. Lon- don. 1643. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Aug. 26, 1645. 4to. London. 1645. Light Houses. Description of, on the Coast of the United States. 8vo. Boston. 1817. Ligon, Richard. True and Exact History of the Island of Barbadoes. fol. London. 1653. , . Histoire de L' Isle des Barbados. See Recueil de Divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en L' Amerique. Lilburne, John. The oppressed Man's oppression declared in a Letter to Francis West. 4to. 1646. — , . Animadversions upon John Lilburne's Two Last Books. 4to. London. 1646. , . England's Birth Right justified against all arbitrary usurpation, &c. by a Well-wisher to the just cause for which Lieut. Col. Lilburne is un- justly imprisoned in New Gate. 4to. , . An Anatomy of Col. John Lilburne's Spirit and Pamphlets. By T. M. 4to. London. 1649. Lillie, William. Hermaelogium : or an essay on the rationality of Speaking, being a Supplement to. By B. F. 16mo. London. 1659. , . Short Introduction to Latin Grammar. 12mo. London. 1770. Lillo, George. The London Merchant, or the History of George Barnwell. 12mo. Boston. 1783. , . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1788. , . The Same. 3rd ed. 12mo. Worcester. 1794. Lincoln, Bishop of. Sermon at the Funeral of King James I, May 7, 1625. 4to. London. — , George, Lord Bishop of Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 4to. London. 1792. Lincoln, Benjamin. [Gen.] Notices of the Life of. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 3. 2d Series.] * Lincoln, Henry. Sermon at Tisbury, Martha's Vine Yard, [Mass.] at the Ordina- tion of Nymphas Patch, Oct. 7, 1801. 8vo. BostoiL 1801. CATALOGUEOPLIBRAIIY. 11 Lincoln, Levi. [Lieut. Gov.] Letters to the People. By a Farmer. 12mo. Sa- lem, Mass. 1802. Lincoln, Levi. [Gov.] Address at Worcester, [Mass.] March 4, 1803. 4to. Wor- cester. 1803. , — -. . Oration at Brookfield, Mass. July 4, 1807. 8vo. Wor- cester. ,* . . Address at Worcester, Oct. 21, 1807, before the 7th Di- vision of the Massachusetts Militia. 12mo. Worcester. 1807. , . . Address at Worcester, Oct. 7, 1819, before the Worcester Agricultural Society. 8vo. Worcester. , . . Speeches and Messages to the Legislature of Massachu- setts, from May 182.5 to Jan. 1834. See Massachusetts. Lincoln, Daniel Waldo. Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1805. 8vo. Worcester. 1805. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1810, before the Bunker Hill Association. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Lincoln, Enoch. [Gov.] Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1812. 8vo. Worcester. , . . Speeches and Messages to the Legislature of Maine, from Jan. 1827 to See Maine. , . . Papers relating to the Indian Languages and Catholic Missions in Maine. [Maine Hist. Coll. Vol. 1.] , . . Speech to the Legislature of Maine, Jan. 4, 1827. 8vo. Lincoln, William. Orationat Worcester, July 4, 1816. 8vo. Worcester. , . Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal. 8vo. Worces- ter. 1826-7. , . See Magazine. ^ — . Address delivered before the American Antiquarian Society, at their Annual Meeting, Oct. 25, 1835, in relation to the Character and Ser- vices of their late Librarian, Christopher C. Baldwin, Esq. 8vo. Worcester. 1835. , . History of Worcester, Massachusetts, from its earliest settle- ment to Sept. 1836. 8vo. Worcester. 1837. Lincoln, Solomon. Oration at Hingham, [Mass.] July 4, 1826. 8vo. Hingham. 1826. , . History of the ToAvn of Hingham. 12mo. Jlingham. 1827. Lincoln County, [Maine.] Report of the Committee for promoting the due Ob- servance of the Lord's day. 8vo. 1815. Lindsey, Theophilus. The Catechist : or an Inquiry into the Doctrine of the Scriptures concerning the only True God. 12mo. London. 1795^. I , . Discourse addressed to the Congregation in Essex St. on \ resigning the Pastoral Office among them. 8vo. London. 1793. xiindsley, Philip. A Plea for the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N. J. 3rd ed. 8vo. Trenton. 1821. , . Baccalaureate Address pronounced on the Sixth Anniversary Commencement of the University at Nashville, [Ten.] Oct. 5, 1831. 8vo. Nashville. 1831. Linn, John Blair. Letter to Dr. Priestly in answer to his Letter in Defence of his Pamphlet intitled Socrates and Jesus compared. 8vo. Phila^delphia. 1803. Linn, Rev. Dr. See Episcopacy. Linn, William. Remarks on Dr. Moore's Address to the Members of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church in the City of New York. 8vo. New York. 1793. , . The Blessings of America. Sermon at New York, July 4, 1791. 8vo. New York. 1791. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at New York, Nov. 26, 1795. 8vo. New York. 1795. , . Discourse on National Sins. Fast Sermon, May 9, 1798. 8vo New York. 1798. Linnaean Society of New England. Report of, relating to the Sea Serpent seen near Cape Ann, Mass. in August 1817. 8vo, Boston. 1817. 12 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Linnaeus, Carolus. Species Plantarum. ed 2da. Tom 1. 12mo. Holmiae. 1762. Lipsius, Justus. Commentarius. Vide Plinius. Lisbon. Two very circumstantial accounts of the late Dreadful Earthquakes at. ]2mo. Boston. 1756. Lisle, Papers relative to the Negotiation at, laid before the House of Commons. 12mo. Lisle, Henry Maurice. Oration on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , . Address before the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Dec. 27, 1805. 8vo. Boston. 1805. , . Masonic Oration at Dorchester [Mass.] June 24, 1807. 8vo. Boston. 1807. Lislet, L. M. See Louisiana. List, Frederick. Outlines of American Political Economy, with the Letters of Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Austin, and of Mr. Madison to the Editor of the Lynchburg Virginian. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. , . Appendix to the above. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Literary Fund. Account of the Institution of the Society for the Establishment of the. 8vo. London. 1804. Lithgow, Arthur. Communication of the Governor of Massachusetts in relation to the Removal of, as Sheriff of Kennebeck County. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Littell, William. Narrative [of the Settlement of Kentucky.] 12mo. Little, Josiah. Memorial to the Members of the Massachusetts Legislature. 8vo. 1823. Little, R. Deism Examined by Reason and Morality and Proved inconsistent with either. 12mo. Brooklyn. 1814. Littleton, George. Ld. Dialogues of the dead. 5th ed. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1797. Littleton, Thomas. Letters [improperly ascribed to him,] with his Life. 8vo. Troy, N. Y. 1807. Littleton, Thomas. Tenures in Englysche. IGmo. circa 1530. Liturgy. Sober and Temperate Discourse concerning the Interest of Words in Prayer, the Just Antiquitie and Pedigree of Liturgies, bv H. D. 4to. Lon- don. 1661. . The Liturgical Considerater considered, or a Brief View of Dr. Gau- den's Considerations touching the Liturgy of the Church of England, by G. F. 4to. London. 1661. . Discourse concerning Liturgies and their Imposition. 4to. London. 1662. . Petition for Peace, with the Reformation of the Litargy, &c. 4to. London. 1661. . Apology for. 4to. London. 1640. . Commcii Prayer Book Devotions, Episcopal Delusions : or the Second Death of the Service-Book. 4to. 1666. • . The Examiner Examined ; being a Vindication of the History of Litur- gies, by T. C. 4to. London. 1691. . His Majesty's Commission to the Bishops to review the liiturgy. 4to. . Exceptions of the Presbyterian Brethren against some passages in tlie present Liturgy. 4to. . Anatomy of the Service-Book ; by Dwalphintramis. 4to. . Extracts from a Liturgy, collected principally from tlie Book of Com- mon Prayer. 12mo. Boston. 1793. . See Prayer : Gauden : Church. . A Discourse concerning Prayer Extempore, or. By pretence of the Spirit, In justification of Authorized and Set-formes of Lyturgie. 4to. 1646. Livermore, David. See Watson, Sam. Livermore, George Whitefield. Valedictory Address before the Social Fraterni- ty of Leicester Academy. [Mass.] Nov. 3, 1818. Leicester. 8vo. 1818. Livermore, Edward St. Loe. Oration at Portsmouth, N. H. July 17, 1799, in com- memoration of the Dissolution of the Political Union between the United States and France. 4to. Portsmouth. 1799. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 13 Livermore, Edward St. Loe. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1813. 8vo. Boston. Livermore, Samuel. Treatise on the Law of Principal and Agent. 8vo. Livermore, Alpheus, and Samuel Angier, Trial for the Murder of Nicholas Jolm Crevay. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Livingston, William. [Gov.] Funeral Eulogium on the Rev. Aaron Burr. 4to. Boston. 1758. , . . Letter to the Bishop of Landaff, occasioned hy his Sermon Feb. 20, 1767, in which the American Colonies are loaded with great and undeserved reproach. 8vo. New York. 1768. , . . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1768. , . . Gen. Burgoyne's Proclamation turned into verse. [Pennsylvania Packet of Aug. 26, 1777.] , . . See Sedgwick, T. , . . Review of the Military operations in North Ameri- ica from the Commencement of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Vir- ginia in 1753, to the Sun-ender of Otsego, Aug. 14, 1756. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 7.] ^ . . Vindication of the Bishop of Landaff 's Sermon from the Gross Misrepresentations and Abusive Reflections contained in Mr. William Livingston's Letter to his Lordship : With some Observations on Certain Passages in Dr. Chauncy's Remarks, &c. By a Lover of Truth and Decency. 8vo. New York. 1768. Livingston, Mr. Justice. Address to the House of Assembly of New York, in Support of his Right to a Seat. 12mo. Boston. 1769. Livingston, Edward. Address to the People of the United States on the Meas- ures of the Execution, with respect to the Batture at New Orleans, &c. &c. 8vo. New Orleans. 1808. , . See Thierry ; Jefferson, T. Du Ponceau. Livingston, John H. Sermon before the New York Missionary Society, April 3, 1804, with an appendix relating to American Missions. 8vo. Worcester. [Mass.] 1807. , . Same. 8vo. Greenfield, Mass. 1809. Livingston, Robert R. Essay on Sheep. 8vo. New York. 1809. , . The Same. 12mo. Concord. 1813. , . Orati&n before the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York. 4to. New York. 1787. Livius, Titus. The Roman Historie. Also the Breviaries of L. Florus, tr. from the Lat. by Phil. Holland. With the Second Decad of Livy by John Frein- shemius. fol. London. 1659. , . Historiarum Libri qui Supersunt omnes. 12 vol. 12mo. Mann- hemii. 1779. , . Historiarum, ab urbe Condita Lib. 5. Priores. 12mo. Boston. 1788. Lloyd, James. Letter on Impressments. 8vo. 1813. , . Speech in the Senate of the United States on the Bill " Concern- ing the Naval Establishment," Feb. 28, 1812. 8vo. Lloyd, Thomas. Debates of the Convention of Pennsylvania on the Constitution proposed for the United States. Vol.1. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788. Lobb, Stephen. The True Dissenter, or the Cause of those that are for gathered Churches. 12mo. 1685. , . The Healing attempt. Being a Representation of the Government of the Church of England. 4to. London. 1689. , . See Dissenters. Lobb, Theophilus. Sermon at the Ordination of John Greene, at Winburne, July 20, 1708. 12mo. London. 1708. Loci Communes. Carminum Proverb ialium. 16mo. London. 1583. Loccenius, Johannes. De Jure Maritime et Navali Libri Tres. 18mo. Holmiae. 1651. Locke, John. Essay concerning the True Original Extent and End of Govern^ ment. 12mo. Boston. 1773. Locke, Charles H. See Moore, C. W. 14 A .^I E R I C A N ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Locke, John. Tlie Spirit of John Locke, on Civil Government, revived by the Constitutional Society of Sheffield. 12mo. Sheffield. , . Essay on the Human Understanding. 3 vols. 12mo» London. 1795. , . The Same. 3 vols. ]2mo. Boston. 1803. , . The Same. Abridored. 12mo. Boston. 1794. , . Letter concerning Toleration. 3rd ed. 12mo. Boston. 1743. Locke, Samuel. [Pres,] Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1772. Lockwood, James. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1759. , . Sermon at Weathersfield, [Con.] July 27, ]755, on the Death of the Col. Elisha Williams : With Memoirs of his Life. 8vo. New Haven. 1756. Lockwood, Samuel. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New Haven. 1774. Lockwood, William. Sermon at the Funeral of Jerusha, Relict of Rev. Ashbel Woodbridge, at Glastenbury, [Con.] Aug. 1, 1799. 8vo. Middletown. 1799. Lockyer, Nicholas. Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 28, 1646. 4to. London. 1646. Lodensteyns, J. van. Uyt-Spanningen, Behelsende eenige Stichtelycke Liederen, en andere Gedichten. Derdeeltin vier Seelen. 12mo. Amsterdam. 1695. Loefling, Peter. See Bossu. Loffler, Josias Friedrich Christian. Predigten. Dritte Au. 2 Bande. 8vo. Jena und Leipzig. 1798—1805. Logan, George. Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia. 179L Logan, James. Experiments and Considerations on the Generation of Plants* 8vo. Philadelphia. 1747. Logica, Sive Ars Cogitandi. 16mo. London. 1677. Ars Sciendi, Sive, a T. G. 16mo. London. 168L , Introductio Generalis ad Uiiiversa Elementa, a G. T. 16mo. London, Thomas. Letter to the Clergy and Citizens of London, on occasion of the late Earthquakes. 12mo. London. 1750. London. Royal Charter of King Charles I to the City of, and all the Charters granted by his Predecessors. 12mo. London. . Order of My Lord Mayor, the Aldermen and Sheriffiss for their meet- ings and wearing of their apparell throughout the year. 16mo. London. 1629. . Petition of the City of, to Parliament, with the Ansv/ers of the two Houses. 4to. London. 1646. . Another Petition of. 4to. London. 1646. — . Another Petition. 4to. London. 1646. . A Voice to the City, or a Loud cry from Heaven to London. 4ta. London. 1665. . Second Part to the above. 4to. London. 1665. . History of the Plague in, in 1665. ]2mo. Charlestown, Mass. • . Bishop of London's Pastoral Letter to the People of his Diocese. 6th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1730. . New View of, or an ample Account of that City. Vol. 1. 12mo. London. 1708. . Computation of the Increase of London and Parts adjacent. 8vo. London. 1719. . Proposals for a Public Institution for diffusing and facilitating the Gen- eral Introduction of useful Mechanical Inventions and Improvements. Svo. . Directions given to the Clergy of the Diocese of London in 1724. 3rded. 12mo. London. 1738. . Short Account of the Late Application to Parliament, made by the Merchants of London upon the Neglect of Trade. 3rd ed. Svo. London. 1742. . Letter from the Lord Bishop of, to the Clergy and People, on Occasion of the Late Earthquakes. Svo. London. 1750. . Plain and Full Account of Christian Practices observed by ''the Church in St. Martin's-le-Grand, London. ]2mo. London. 1766. CATALOGUE O F L I B K A R Y, 15 London. List of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. 8vo. London. 1763. . Rules and Orders of the above Society. 8vo. London. 17G3. . Premiums offered by the Same. 8vo. London. ]763. . Account of the London Missionary Society. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. . Pathetic History of the Plague in, in ]665: with an account of the Surprising revivals in New England and Nova Scotia. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1803. . Second, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth and Tenth, Reports of the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews. 8vo. London. 1810 — 18. . Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews. 8vo. Boston. ]815. . Concise account of the above Society. 12mo. Boston. 1816. , Twelfth Report of the Same Society, with a Sermon by Gerard T. Noel. 8vo. London. 1820. . Report of the Committee of the London Corresponding Society. 8vo. London. . Frauds of London detected. 8vo. . Picture of, in 1820. 2Jst ed. 12mo. London. . See Ministers. Long, M. Historical Sketch of Warner, N. H. [N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 3.] Longman, Rees, Orme, BroAvn and Green. Catalogue of Old Books for 1827. Part 2d. 8vo. London. Long, Stephen H. Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. See James, Ed. , . Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River. See Keat- ing, W. H. , . Reportof the Canal Commissioners in Replvto the Strictures of Mr. Robinson. 8vo. Philadelphia. 183L Longinus, Caesar. Trinum Magicum, sive secretorum Magicorum opus. IGmo. Francofurti. 1630. Longus, Franciscus. a Coriolana. Summa Conciliorum Omnium quae St. Petro usque ad Gregorium XV. fol. Parisiis. 1639. Lord, Benjamin. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1752. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Levi Hart, at Preston, [Con.] Nov. 4, 1762. 8vo. Providence, R. L 1763. , . Discourse at the Old ' Church in Boston, June 27, 1742. Vv^itii a Preface by Mr. Foxcroft. 8vo. Boston. 1742. . , . Sermon at the Instalment of the Rev. Nathaniel Whitaker, at Chelsea, in Norwich, [Con.] Feb. 25, i76L ]2m.o. New London. 176L , . Sermon at Salem, [Mass.] at the Ordination of John Hiuiting- ton, Sept. 28, ] 763. 8vo. Boston. 1763. , . True Christianity Explained and Enforced. Wherein nre Some Objections respecting Conversion. 16mo. New London, Con. 17^;/. , . Sermon at Plainfield, [Con.] June 14, 1743. Soon after the remarkable Deliverance of Mr. Mercy Wheeler (there) from long Confinement and Impotency. 12mo. Boston. 1743. ■ , . Another Sermon upon the Same Subject. 12mo. Boston. 1743. Lord, Nathan. Address at Hanover, N. H. Oct. 29, 1828, at his Inauguration as President of Dartmouth College. 8vo. Windsor, Vt. J 828. , . New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Concord. 1831. Lord, Joseph. An Answer to the Anabaptist Reason Why. 16mo. Boston. 1719. Lord, Henry. Funeral Sermon. 8vo. Amherst. 1829. Lord's Day. See Sabbath. Lorichius, Reinhardus. Quindecim Conciones Funebres. 16mo. Franc. 1564. , . Psycopharmacon. 16mo. Franc. 1564. Loring, Joseph, Jun. Minutes and Proceedings of the Trial of, before a Gen. Court Martial at Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , -, . Facts and Documents respecting, including the substance of the Last Trial, &c. &c. 8vo. Boston. 1807. 16 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Loring, Israel. Mass. Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1737. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1742. ■ Lorinus, Johannes. In Cotholicas Tres B. Joannis et Dims B. Petri Epistolas Commentarii. 4to. Coloniae. IGIO. Lottery Systems. Dissertation on the Nature and Effects of. By Civis. 8vo. Portland, [Me.] 1827. Lottery Ticket: An American Tale. ]2mo. Cambridge, Mass. 1822. Lotteries. Candid Remarks addressed to Christians on the Subject of their hav- ing concern in. 8vo. Boston. Loughter, Robert. Visitation Sermon. 4to. London. 1624. Louisburg. Conquest of. A Poem. 4to. Louis XIV. Ordonance de, pour les Armees Navales et Arseneaux de Marine. 4to. Paris. 1G89. Louisiana. Memoirs Historiques Sur la. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris. 1753. . Address to the Government of the United States on the Cession of, to the French ; and on the late Breach of Treaty by the Spaniards. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1803. . Account of, being an Abstract of Public Documents in] the Depart- ment of State. 8yo. Philadelphia. [1803.] . Appendix to the foregoing account. 8vo. Philadelphia. . President's Message relative to the Cession of, Oct. 22, 1803. 8vo. Washington. . Reflections on the Cession of. By Sylvestris. 8vo. Washington. 1803. . Monroe's Embassy : or the Conduct of the Government in relation to Claims to the Navigation of the Mississippi considered. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1803. . Geographical and Statistical account of the Province of Louisiana. ]2mo. Baltimore. 1803. . Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the Expediency of Exploring Louisiana. 8vo. Washington. 1804. Memorial of the Inhabitants of, to Congress, tr. from French. 8vo. Washington. 1804. . . Reflections on the Cause of the Louisianians, respectfully submitted by their Agents. 8vo. Washington. 1 804. . Representation and Petition of the Representatives of the Territory of. 8vo. Washington. 1805. . Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of Con- gress upon so much of the President's Message as relates to. 8vo. Washing- ton. 1805. . Analysis of the 3rd Article of the treaty of Cession of 8vo. . President's Message communicating discoveries made in Exploring the Mississippi, Red, and Washita Rivers, by Lewis, Clark, Sibly and Dunbar. 8vo. Washington. 1806. . Civil Code of the State of In English and French. 4to. New Orleans. 1825. . General Digest of the Acts of the Legislature of Louisiana, from 1804 to 1827, inclusive. By L. Moreau Lislet. 3 vols. 8vo. New Orleans. 1828. . Acts from Jan. 1, 1828, to the End of Second Session of the Elev- enth Legislature of the State of, March, 1834. 3 vols. 8vo. New Orleans and Donaldsonville. 1828-34. . Code of Practice in Civil Cases for the State of. In English and French. 16mo. New Orleans. 1830. . A General Digest of the Acts of the Legislature of the late Terri- tory of Orleans and of the State of Louisiana, and the Ordinances of the Governor under the Territorial Government : preceded by the Treaty of Ces- sion, the Constitution of the United States, and of the State, with the Acts of Congress relating to the Government of the Country and the land Claims there- in. By Francois Xavier Martin. In French and English. 3 vols. 8vo. New Orleans. 1816. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 17 Louisiana. Acts and Resolutions from Nov. 18, 1816, to . In French and English. 8vo. New Orleans. . The Laws of Las Siete Partidas which are still in Force in Louisi- ana, tr. from the Spanish by L. Moreau Lislet and Hery Carleton. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans. 1820. — — . See Martin, F. X ; Livingston, Ed. Louisville, Ky. Proceedings of the Friends of Gen. Jackson at. 12moi Louis- ville. 3827. , _„.. Directory of, for 1832. By Richard W. Otis. 12mo. Louis- ville. 1832. Lousiad, The. An Heroi-Comic Poem. By Peter Pindar, Esquire. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1786. Love, Christopher. Prophecies and last Words of, on the Scaffold, Aug. 22, 1651. 12mo. London. 1793. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1794. Love, John. Geodaesia: or the Art of Surveying. 13th ed. 8vo. New York. 1796. Love's Pilgrimage, compiled from the Journal of a Deceased Friend. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1799. . An Example of Sincere Love. 12mo. Boston. 1761. . The Triumphs of Love, or, Happy Reconciliation. Comedy. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1795. Lovell, John. Funeral Oration at the opening of the Annual Town Meeting in Boston, March 14, 1742, in P^aneail Hall, on the Death of the Founder, Peter Faneuil, Esq, 4to. Boston. 1743. Lovell, James. Oratio in Funere Viri Venerabilis Henrici Flyntij, habita in Coll. Harv. 8vo. Boston. 1760. — , . Oration at Boston, April 2, 1771, in commemoration of the Mas- sacre of the 5th of March, 1770. 4to. Boston. 1771. , . The Same. See Boston Orations. , . Copy of a Letter of July 4, 1805, to the President of the United States, &c. 8vo. Boston. , . Sketches of Man " as he is" connected with the past and present modes of Education. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Propagation of Truth, or Tyranny anatomised. Svo. Boston. 1808. Lovell, Robert. Two Soveraigne SaJves for the Soules Sicknesse. 4to. Ixm- don. 1621. Low-Church Man. Inquiry into the present Duty of a, occasioned by the late Act of Parliament. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1712. . Principles of. Svo. London. 1714. . Character of, Drawn in an Answer to the True Character of a Church Man. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lowbee, John C. Report of the Case Alexander et alii vs. Schuylkill Navigation Company. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. Lowell. John. Sermon oc€asioned by the much lamented Death of Col. Moses Titcomb, who fell in Battle near Lake George, Sept. 8, 1755. 8vo. Boston. 1760. Lowell, John. Sermon at Newbury, [Mass.] May 22, 1755, in the audience of Col. Titcomb, and many others, who were going with him against the French. Cambridge. 8vo. Boston. 1755. — ■ , . Sermon at the Ordination of Thomas Barnard, Newbury, Jan» 31, 1738-9. 8vo. Boston. 1739. Lowell, John. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1799. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Eulogy on the Hon, James Bowdoin, before the American Acade- my, Nov. 6, 1790, 4to. Boston. 1791, , . Analysis of the late Correspondence between our Administration and Great Britain and France, With an attempt to shew what are the Real Causes of the Failure of the Negociation, Svo, Boston, ■ . Recent attempt to defeat the Constitutional Provisions in favor of Religious Freedom, considered in reference to the Trust Conveyances of Hano- ver Street Church. By a Layman. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1828. 18 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Lowell, John. Biographical Notice of Dudley Atkins Tynff. [Mass. Hist Coll. 3rd Series. Vol. 2.] Lowell, Charles. Sermon at the Massachusetts State Prison. 12mo. Boston. 1812. , . Discourse at the West Church in Boston, Dec. 31, 1820. 8vo. Boston. 1820. . . Sermon at Kennebunk, [Me.] at the Ordination of George Wadsworth Wells. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1827. , •-. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Sermon at Boston, at the Ordination of Mr. Samuel Barrett, Feb. 9, 1825. 8vo. Boston. 1825. ■ , . Sermon at the Dedication of the 3rd Congregational Church in Cambridge, [Mass.] Dec. 25, 1827. 8vo. Cambridge. 1828. , • . The Christian Controversy. A Discourse at the Ordination of Daniel M. Stearns, at Dennis, [Mass.] May 14, 1828. 8vo. Boston. 1828. , . Sermon at the West Church, Boston, Jan. 2, 1831, being a quarter of a Century since his settlement. 8vo. Boston. 1831. ■ , . Discourse delivered the Sabbath after the Execution of H. P.. S. Davis, for murder. 8vo. Boston. 1817. • , . Theology and not Religion the Source of Division and Strife in the Christian Church. A Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. John L. Sibley. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , ■-. Sermon at the Ordination of Robert T. Walcutt. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1830. Lownes, Caleb. Account of the Alteration and present State of the Penal Laws of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Boston. 1799, , . See Bradford, William. Lowth, Robert. [Bp.] Introduction to English Grammar. 12mo. London. 1778. Loyalists, American. Act of Parliament appointing Commissioners to inquire in- to the losses and Services of those who have suffered by the late unhappy Dis- sentions in America, foL London. 1783. ■ , . Letter to the Rt. Hon, Pitt, containing Reasons why no Discrimination or Deduction ought to be made from the Sums found due to the American Loyalists. By James De Lancy. 8vo. 1788. , . Case and Claim of, Impartially Stated and considered. 8vo. London. 1783. -. , ■ — . Reasons why no deduction ought to be made from the amount of the sums due to the, by the Commissioners of American Claims. By the Agents. 4to. , . Observations on the 5th Article of the Treaty with Amer- ica : and on the Necessity of appointing a Judicial Enquiry into the Merits and losses of the. 8vo. London. 1783. Loyola, Ignatius. Account of 12mo. Lubbertus, Sibrandus. De Ecclesia Lib Sex. Collati cum disputationibus Rob. Bellarmini. 16mo. Franckerae. 1607. Lucas, Charles. History of Jack Smith, or the Castle of Saint Donats. 12mo. Baltimore. 1798. Lucas, Sir Charles and Sir George Lisle. The Triumph of Loyalty. A Funeral Sermon upon : who were shot after the Surrender of Colchester by appointment of the Army, Aug. 27, 1648. 4to. London. Lucas, Mrs. Rachel. Remarkable account of. 12mo. Boston. 1811. Lucius, and Caledon : or a Dialogue on the Existence and Immortality of the Soul. 12mo. New Castle upon Tyne. 1755. Lucian. Dialogues of, tr. from the Gr. by Jasper Mayne. fol; London. 1663. Luckombe, P. History and Art of Printing. 8vo. London, 1771. Ludlow, Edmund. Letter to Sir Edward Seymour, comparing the Tyranny of the first four years of King Charles the Martyr, with the Tyranny of the four years Reign of the late abdicated King. 4to. Amsterdam. 169J. , . Letter to Dr. HoUmgworth, defending his former Letter to E. S. and vindicating the Parliament which began in Xs^ov. 1640. 4to. Am- sterdam. 1692. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 19 Ludlow, Edmund. Truth brought to Light ; or the Gross Forgeries of Dr. Hol- lingworth, in his Pamphlet intitled, The Character of King Charles L from the Declaration of Mr. Alexander Henderson, &.c. detected : to which is annexed a manifest Proof that Dr. Gauden (not Charles I) was the Author of Icon Ba- silike. 4to. London. 1693. Ludolphus, Hildesiens. Sententiae de Invocatione Dei et consolationibus in Cruce propositae ad Disputationis Circularem. 12mo. Rostochii. 1570. Ludwig, Christean. Deutsch-Englisches Lexicon. 4to. Leipzig. 171G. Lutherus, Martinus. Aliquot Nomina Propria Germanorum ad Priscum Etymo- logiam Restituta. 16mo. Witebergae. 1570. , . Commentaria in Omnes Divi Pauli Apostoli Epistolas. 2 partib. fol. Lipsiae. 1595. Lotomierski, Georgius de Chelmica. Disputationum Theologicarum Fidei Capi- talibus Tertia et • Quarta. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1682. Luzancy, M. De. Sermon in the Savoy, July 11, 1675. tr. from the French. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1676. Lyceum, American, or Society for the Improvement of Schools and Diffusion of useful Knowledge. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , , of Science and the Arts, composed of Associations for mutual Instruction, &c. 8vo. Worcester. 1827. , . Proceedings of the Convention at New York, May 4, 1831. 8vo. Boston. 1831. • , . Purposes of. 12mo. Boston. 1829. Lyceum. Circular Letter, relating to Lyceums in Massachusetts. 8vo. [1830.] Lycosthenes, Conradus. Apothegmata. 16mo. Genevae. 1668. ■ , . Similium Loci Comm.unes. Cum Theod. Zuingeri Similitudinum Methodo. 16mo. Basiliae. 1575. Lyman, Jonathan. Funeral Oration in Memory of, at Hatfield, [Mass.] June 18, 1766. 4to. New Haven. 1767. Lyman, Eliphalet. Two Discourses at Woodstock, [Con.] Nov. 10 and Dec. 1, 1793. With an Appendix. 8vo. Norwich. 1794. Lyman, Joseph. Thanksgiving Sermon at Hatfield, [Mass.] Dec. 15, 1774. 8vo. Boston. 1775. , ' — . Thanksgiving Sermon at Halifax, [Mass.] Dec. 15, 1774. 8vo. Boston. 1775. , . The Two Olive Trees : or Zerubbabel and Joshua. Sermon at Hatfield, Nov. 4, 1804, &lc. 8vo. Northampton. 1804. Lyman, Joseph. Sermon at North Woodstock, Aug. 31, 1791, at the Ordination of William Graves. 8vo. Northampton, Mass. 1791. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1787. , . Sermon at Northampton, Sept. 1801, before an ecclesiastical Convention for forming a Missionary Society. 8vo. Northampton. 1801. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. ] 806. , . Sermon at Halifax, [Vt] Sept. 17, 1806, at the Installation of Thomas H. Wood. 8vo. Northampton. 1807. , ■ . Sermon at Charlestown, [Mass.] Nov. 3, 1811. 8vo. Boston. , . Sermon at Boston, Sept. 16, 1819, before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Boston. 1819. , . God's Judgment upon the Wicked, the Salvation of his Church. Two Sermons at Hatfield, in March and April, 1813, occasioned by the total route and overthrow of the French armies in their late invasion of the Russian Empire. 8vo. Northampton. 1813. Lyman, Theodore, Jun. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1820. 8vo. Boston. ^ , — . Report of the Trial of, at Boston, Dec. 16 and 17, 1828, for a Libel on the Hon. Daniel Webster. By John W. Whitman. 12mo. Boston. 1828. Lyman, William, Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Dea. John Gris- wold, at Lyme, [Con.] Jan. 6, 1802. 8vo. New London. 1802. , . Sermon at Lebanon, [Con.] Jan. 21, 1807, at the Dedication of the New Brick Meetinghouse. 8vo. Hartford. 1807. Lymburner, Mr. Paper read at the Bar of the House of Commons, as Agent of the Province of Quebec. 8vo. Quebec. 1791. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIBTY. Lynch, John. The Christian Passeover. 4to. London. 1637. Lynque, John. Sermon at the Coronation of King Charles IL 16mo. Lon- don, 1661. Lynn. A Review of Lynn, or Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Place, &c. 12mo. Boston. 182]. Lyon, Mrs. Observations on Freemasonry. 8vo. Worcester. 1798. Lyon, G. F. Private Journal in the recent voyage of Discovery under Capt. Parry. 12mo. Boston. 1824. Lyon, James. Saints Daily Assistant. In Twelve Sermons. 12mo. Newbury- port, Mass. Lyon, Theophilus. Poem on the Lord's Day : Together with Acrostics on Gen. Washington and President Adams. 8vo. 1801. Lyon's Israel. See Grammar, Heb. Lyserus, Polycarpus. Harmoniae Evangelicae in Martino Chemnitio Libri Quin- que. fol. Genevae. 1628. Lyttleton, George. Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1785. Lyttleton, Thomas. See Littleton, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARIAN SOCIETY. 1836. M Macallister. See McAllister. Macall. SeeM'Call. Maccarthy, Joseph Henri Augusta de. [Le Compte.] Ode aux Sonverains de L' Ancien Monde Sur la Croisade Actuelle. 8vo. 3806. Maccarty, Thaddeus. Sermon at his Instalment at Worcester, June 10,1747. 8vo. Boston. J . Two Fast Sermons at Worcester, April 5, 1759, on the Day preceding a general Muster throughout the Province, for enlisting soldiers in an Expedition against Canada. 12mo. Boston. 1759. , . Sermon at the Execution of Arthur, at Worcester, Oct. 20, 1768. 12mo. Boston. , . Sermon at the Execution of William Linsey, Oct. 25, 1770. at Worcester. 12mo. Boston. , . Two Fast Sermons at Worcester, July 14, 1774, on ac- count of public difficulties. 8vo. Boston. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Worcester, Nov. 23, 1775. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at Worcester, July 2, 1778, on Occasion of the Execution of James Buchanan, William Brooks, Ezra Ross, and Bathsheba Spooner, with an Appendix. 8vo. Worcester. 1778. , . Farewell Sermon at Kingston, Mass. Nov. 3, 1745. 8vo, Boston. 1804. , . Whitefield, George. Maclaurin, Colin. Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries, 3rd ed. 8vo. London. 1775. Macclean. See M'Clean. Macclenechan. See McClenechan. Maccleod. See M'Cleod : Macleod. Macclintock, Samuel. See Ogden. , . Sermon at , Greenland, N. H. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1770. , .. The Artifices of Deceivers detected, and Christians warn- ed against them. Sermon at Greenland, July 22, 1770. Svo. Portsmouth. 1770. , . Herodias : or Cruelty and Revenge, the Effects of Unlaw- ful Pleasure. Sermon at Portsmouth, June 24, 1772. 8vo. Portsmouth. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Isaac Smith, at Gilmantown. N. H. Nov. 30, 1774. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1775. , . New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1784. , . Evidences of Christianity. Sermon at the Ordination of Jesse Appleton, at Hampton, N. H. Feb. 22, 1797. , . Agur's Choice. Sermon at Dover, N. H. Aug. 9, 1797, before the Piscataqua Association. 4to. Dover. 1796. , . The Choice : Discourse at Greenland, Sept. 9, 1798, occa- sioned by the Severe Drought ; the Mortal Fever which prevails in Portsmouth and Vicinity, &c. Svo. Boston. 1798. 2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Macclintock, Samuel. See Ogden, S. C. Macclung. See M'Clung. Macclure. See M'Clure. Maccoy. See M'Coy. Maccovius, Joannes. Loci Communes Theologici. 4to. Amstelodami. 1658. . J . Distinctiones et Regulae Theologicae ac Philosophicae. 16mo. Franeg. 1653. — , . Metaphysica. 16mo. Amstelodami. 1651. , . Idem. 24mo. Lug. Bat. 1650. Maccreary. See M'Creary. Macculloh. See McCulloh. Macdowall. See McDowall. Macduffie. See McDuffie. Macelligott. See M'Elligott Macewen. See M'Ewen. Mac Farland. See M'Farland. McGowan, John. Life of Joseph. 12mo. Boston. 1794. , . The Same. 12mo. Exeter, N. H. 1794. , . The Arians and Socinians Monitor. Being a Vision that a young Socinian Teacher lately had, in which he saw in the most Exquisite Torments, his Tutor, who died some years ago. 3rd ed. 8vo. London. 1795. ^ . Death, a Vision, or the Solemn Departure of Saints and Sin- ners, represented under the Similitude of a Dream. 12mo. Harrisburgh, Penn. 1796. MacGregore, D. See McGregore, D. Machiavellus, Nicolas. Commentariorum De Regno aut quovis principatu recte et tranquille administrando, Libri Tres adversus Nic. Mechianellum. 18ino. 1578. , . Idem. 16mo. 1588. , . Princeps. 16mo. 1595. MacKean. See McKean. Mackeen. See McZeen. Mackellar, Patrick. Correct Journal of Landing his Majesty's Forces on the Island of Cuba ; and of the Siege and Surrender of the Havannah, Aug. 13, 1762. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1762. Mackemie, Francis. Truths in a True Light, or a Pastoral Letter to the Reform- ed Protestants in Barbados. 16mo. Edinburgh. 1699. Mackenzie, Henry. Man of Feeling. 12mo. Boston. 1795. , . The Same. With the Story of La Roche. 12mo. Wor- c ester. J 795. . . Julia De Roubign^.. 2 vols. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 1809. Mackenzie, Alexander. Voyages from Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans i;i 1789 and 1793. With notes by Bourgainville and Volney. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1802. Mackenzie, Roderick. Strictures on Lieut. Col. Tarleton's History. 12mo. Lon- don. 1787. MacKinneu. See M'Kinnen. MacKenney. Soe McKenney. Mackie, John, wration at Wareham, Mass. July 4, 1804. 8vo. New Bedford. 1804. Mackinney. See McKinney. Macleod, Malcolm. History of Witches, &c. 12mo. London. 1793. Mackintosh, James. Cabinet History of England, vol.1. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1830. MacMellan. See McMellan. MacNally, Leonard. Robin Hood ; or Sherwood Forest. Comic Opera. 8vo. London. 1784. Macknight, James. A New Literal Translation from the Original Greek of all the Apostolical Epistles with a Commentary and Notes, and Life of the Apos- tle Paul, with the Life of the Author. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Macomb, Alexander. Treatise on Martial Law and Courts Martial. 8vo. Charles- ton, S. C. 1809. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 3 Macsparran, James. The Sacred Dignity of the Christian Priesthood Vindicated in a Discourse at St Paul's in Narraganset, Aug. 4, 1751. l*2mo. Newport, R. L 1752. Macsparran, James. America Dissected, being a full and true account of all the American Colonies. 8vo. Dublin. 1753. , . Sermon at the Convention of the Episcopal Clergy at New- port, June 17, 1747. 4to. Macpherson, James. Original Papers containing the secret History of Great Britain, from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover. 2 vols. 4to, London. 1775. , . History of the Present Rebellion in Scotland. 12mo. Boston. ] 745. Macropedius, Georgius. Methodus de Canscribendis Epistolis. Madan, Martin. Account of the Triumphant Death of F. S. a Converted Prostitute. r2mo. Boston, 1772. — , — . Scriptural Comment upon the Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England. 3rd ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1772. Madden, R. R. Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia and Palestine in 1824, 5, 6 and 7. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1830. Maden, Richard. Christ's Love and Affection towards Jerusalem. Sermon. 4to. London. 1(337. Maders, Joachimus Johannes. Vide Poly carpus. Madison, James. [Pres.] Examination of the British Doctrine which subjects to capture a neutral Trade, not open in time of Peace. 8vo. 1806. • , . . Perpetual War the Policy of Mr. Madison. By a New England Farmer. [John Lowell.] 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . . The Republican Crisis, or an Exposition of the Political Jesuitism of 8vo. Alexandria, D. C. 1812. , . . The Impartial Inquirer, being a Candid Examination of the Conduct of the President of the United States, in Execution of the Powers vested in the Act of Congress of May 1, 1810, with reflections upon the inva- sion of the Spanish Territory of West Florida. By a Citizen of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . . Interesting Political Discussion. The Diplomatic Poli- cy of Mr. Madison unveiled. By a Bostonian. 8vo. , . . Conduct of Washington compared with the Present Administration in a Series of Letters, &c. By a Friend of Truth. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1813. ' , , . See List, Fred. , , . Message to Congress. See United States ; Virginia. Maelzel, M. Plistory and Analysis of his Automaton Chess Player. 8vo. Bos- ton. ]826. Mafht, John N. The Report of the Trial of, before a Council of Ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Boston, Dec. 26, 1822. 8vo. Boston. 1823. , . Vindication of Public Justice and of Private Character, against the Attacks of a Council of Ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 8vo. Providence, R. L 1823. , . See Buckingham, J. T. Magaw, SamueL See Rush, Benj. , . Sermon, Feb. 5, 1797, on the Mournful Catastrophe through Fire, which destroyed Andrew Brown, his Wife, and three Children. 8vo. Philadelphia. , — . Notes on the Death of a Friend. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1790. Magazine, Free Masons : or General and Complete Library. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. [9 vols,] 8vo. London. 1795-98. , European and London Review. Vol. 37. 8vo. London. 1800. — , Royal American. Vol. 8vo. Boston. 1774-5. , Westminster. Vol. 13. 8vo. London. 1785. , New Monthly and Literary Journal. 10 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821-25. , Alleghany. By T. Alden. Vol. 1. 8vo. Meadville, Penn. 1816. , Analectic. 14 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1813-19. , Monthly, and British Register. 18 vols. 8vo. London. 1796-1804. 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Magazine, Monthly, and British Register. Vols. 40, 41, Reprinted. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1816. , Massachusetts, or Monthly Museum. 8 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1789-96. • , Amerikanisches, Erster Band. 8vo. Hamburg. 1797. , Boston Monthly. Vol. 1. 8vo. Boston. 1825-6. , Baltimore Weekly. 4to. Baltimore. 1801. , Pennsylvania, for 1775. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1775. — , Monthly, or American Review. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1799- 1800. , Universal, of Knowledge and Pleasure. Vol. 3. 8vo. London. 1748. , Royal, or Gentleman's Monthly Companion, vols. 14 and 15. Svo. London. ] 766-7. , Philadelphian, for 1789. 8vo. Philadelphia. , United States, for 1779. Vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia. , Columbian, or Monthly Miscellany. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Svo. Phila- delphia. 1787-90. , Gentleman's, for 1738, 1767, 1773, 1785, 1796. Svo. London. , Boston. 3 vols. Svo. Boston. 1786-9. , Gentlemen and Ladies Town and Country. 2 vols. Svo. Boston. 1789-90. , Town and Country, or Universal Repository. Vols. 15-16. Svo. Lon- don. 1783-4. , Oxford. Vol 8. Svo. London. 1772-3. , American Magazine and Historical Chronicle, for 1744-5. Svo. Boston. , Rural, and Vermont Repository. [By S. Williams.] 2 vols. Svo. , Hibernian. Vol. 1. Svo. Dublin. 1801-2. . New York, for 1790-1-2. Svo. New York. , New England. No. 3. 12rao. Boston. 1758. , Mechanic's. Vols 1 and 2. Svo. New York. 1825-6. , Worcester, and Historical Journal, edited by William Lincoln and C. C. Baldwin. Vols. 1 & 2. Svo. Worcester. 1826. , Worcester, from April 1, 1786 to April 1, 1788. By Isaiah Thomas. 4 vols. Svo. Worcester. , Quarterly Theological. 3 vols. Svo. Burlington, N. J. 1813. , Providence Theological. No. 1. Vol. 1. Sept. 1821. Svo. Provi- dence, R. L 1821. , The New Hampshire, New Jerusalem, and Primitive Religious Intel- ligencer. Svo. Portsmouth. 1805. , Rambles. 12rao. New York. 1809. Magellan, J. H. de. Collection de DifFerens Tractes sur des Instrumens d'Astro- nomie Physique &c. 4to. London. 1780. Maginus, Johannes Antonius. Geographia tum Voter turn Nova. 2 vol. in 1. 4to. Amhemii. 1617. Magna Charta cum Statutis tum Antiquis tum recentibus. 16mo. London. 1602. Mahomet. Life of, with an account of Egypt. 12mo. Worcester. 1802. Maidston, John. Letter to John Winthrop of Connecticut, [1659.] [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3rd Series. Vol. 1.] Male, Edward. Sermon on the Communion of Saints. 16mo. London. 1621. Maigne, M. Private Journal of Madame Campan. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1825. Maine, Jasper. Sermon, Aug. 9, 1646. 4to. London. 1647. Maine. An Appeal to the People on the Question of Separation. Svo. 1816. • . Journal of the Proceedings of Delegates assembled at Brunswick, Sept* 1816, on the subject of Separation from Massachusetts ; with the Debates taken by Gamaliel E. Smith. With the Decision of Massachusetts thereon. 8vo. Ken- neb unk. 1817. . See Brunswick. . Documents relating to the Separation from Massachusetts. Svo. 1819. . Proceedings of two Conventions at Portland, in 1785 and 1786, to con- sider the Expediency of a Separate Government in the District of Maine. [Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. 4.] CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 5 Maine. Address to the Inhabitants of the District of, on the Subject of a Sepa- ration. By one of the Fello^v Citizens. 8vo. Portland. ]79]. . The Seventeenth Jewel of the United States of America: Shining in its Meridian Splendor; in the Latitude and Longitude of the Intended State of Maine. I2mo. 1797. . Deformity of a Hideous Monster, discovered in the Province of Maine. By a Man in the Woods looking after Liberty. ]'2mo. . Address of a Convention of Delegates from Twenty Towns and five Plantations within the Counties of York, Cumberland and Lincoln, met by Adjournment at Portland, Jan. 28, 1795, to the People of said Counties, on the subject of their Separation from ]Mas3achusetts. 8vo. Portland. . Debates, Resolutions and other Proceedings of the Convention of Dele- gates assembled at Portland on the 11th, and continued to the 29th of Oct. 1819, for forming a State Constitution: taken by Jeremiah Perley. 12mo. Portland. 1820. . Constitution formed in the Convention at Portland, Oct. 29, 1819. Svo. Portland. 1819. . Address to the People by the above Convention. 8vo. Portland. 1819. . Address to the People from Mr. Kinsley, Joshua Cushman, Ezekiel Whitman and Enoch Lincoln, Members of Congress from Maine, relating to the Admission of that State into the Union. 12mo. Washington. 1820. . Documents showing the Division of the Public Lands as far as made by the Commissioners under the Act of Separation. 8vo. [Portland. 1822.] . Laws, with the Constitutions of the State and United States. Svo. Portland. 1822. . Laws from Jan. 1822 to March 8, 1826. 8vo. Portland and Hallowell. 1822-6. . Laws for the Jan. Session 1828. 8vo. Portland. 1828. . Special Acts from June 1820 to Feb. 24, 1827. Svo. Portland. 1820-7. . Special Laws for Jan. Session 1828. Svo. Portland. 1828. . Resolves from June 1820 to Feb. 26, 1827. 8vo. Portland. 1826-7. . Account of the Maine Charity School. Svo. Bangor. . State Register for 1825. By William B. Sewall. 12mo. Hallowell. . Rules and Orders of the Senate and House of Representatives for 1825, 6, 8, 9. 12mo. Portland. . Documents relating to the North Eastern Boundary. Svo. Boston. 1828. . Documents relating to the Boundary Line between Maine and New- Brunswick. Printed by order of the Legislature of Massachusetts. Svo. Boston. 1826. . Letters on the Boundary Line. Svo. St John, N. B. 1828. . Report of the Joint Select Committee in relation to the Northeastern Boundary, Jan. 1828. Svo. Portland. 1828. . Report of Charles S. Daveis, Agent appointed by the Executive, relating to aggressions upon the rights of the State by Inhabitants of New Brunswick. Svo. Portland. 1828. . Act to Organize, Govern and Discipline the Militia of, &c. 12mo. Portland. 1824. . Annual Reports of the State Treasurer from Dec. 31, 1822, to Dec. 33, 1828, inclusive. Svo. Portland. 1823-9. . Report of the Bank Commissioners under a Resolve of March 6, 1826. Svo. Portland. 1827. . Report of Bank Commissioners. Svo. Portland. 1829. . Senate Documents relating to the ' Examination of the Banks. Svo. Portland. 1828. . Reports of Land Agents for 1827 and 1828. Svo. . Remarks on the two last Reports of the Land Agent. Svo — • . Reply to the Vindication of the Land Agent. Svo. . List of the Government officers for 1822 and 1826. 12nia . Abstract of Returns showing the amount of money raised for High Ways and Bridges. Svo. Portland. 1829. . Abstract of the Returns of School Districts and Scholars and money raised for Schools. Svo, Portland. 1829. 36 6 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Maine. Report of the Committee appointed to contract for State Printing. 8vo. Portland. 1829. . Report of the Warden of the State Prison. 8vo. Portland. 1826. . Report on the Tariff, and the Resolutions and Remonstrance of Georgia. 8vo. Portland. 1829. . Statement on the Part of the United States of the case referred [the settlement of the Northeastern Boundary] in pursuance of the Convention of the 29th Sept. 1827, between the said States and Great Britain to his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, for his Decision ; with the first and second State- ments on the part of Great Britain in relation to the same Subject, fol. Wash- ington. 1829. . Decision of the King of the Netherlands in relation to the Northeastern Boundary. 8vo. Portland. 1831. . Report of the Military Committee, Feb. 24, 1831. 12mo. . Brief Sketch of Parties, the American and British, as connected with the American System, with an account of the Extraordinary doings of the Maine Legislature. 8vo. Portland. 1831. . Report of the Joint Committee on the Northeastern Boundary. 8vo. Augusta. 1832. . Additional Resolves on the Northeastern Boundary. 8vo. Augusta. 1832. ' . Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. 1. 8vo. Portland. 1831. . See Massachusetts ; See United States. . Rules and Orders of the House of Representatives of, for 1895, 6, 8, 9». 12mo. Portland. . Charity School, Laws of 12mo. Mais, Charles. Surprising case of Rachel Baker, who prays and preaches in her sleep. 2ded. 8vo. New York. 1814. Maittaire, Michaelis. Vide Panzer, G. W. Makemie, Francis. Narrative of a New and Unusual American Imprisonment of two Presbyterian Ministers, and Prosecution of Mr. Francis Makemie, one of them. By a Learner of Law and Lover of Liberty. 4to. New York. 1755. Malbon, Samuel. Death and Life : sum of Eight Sermons. 16mo. London. 1C69. , . Christ's Glorious appearance to Judgment : two Sermons. 16mo. London. 1673. Maiden Bridge [Mass.] to the People. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Maldonatus, Johannes. In Quatuor Evangelistas Commentarii. 2 vol. fol. Mo- guntiae. 1611. Malkin, Benjamin Heath. The Scenery, Antiquities, and Biography of South Wales. 2ded. 2 vols. .8vo. London. 1807. Malet, C. W. Description of the Caves or Excavations on the Mountain near Ellore. [Asiatic Researches. Vol. 6.] Mall, Thomas. History of the Martyrs Epitomized. Vol. 1. 8vo. Boston. 1747. Mallet, J. Du Pan. History of the Destruction of the Helvetic Union and Liber- ty. 12mo. Boston. 1799. ^^^^ ^ . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1799. , . The Dangers which threaten Europe, &c. tr. from the Fr. 8vo. New York. 1795. Maltby, Isaac. Elements of War. 2d ed. ISmo. Boston. J813. , . Treatise on Courts Martial and Military Law. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Mandeville, Robert. Timothies Taske. 4to. Oxford. 1619. Mangey, Thomas. Practical Discourses upon the Lord's Prayer. 3rd ed. 12mo. London. 172J. Mankeim, Frederic. Affecting History of the Dreadful Distresses of his Family, &c. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 7 Manitowompae Pomantomoonk: Sampwshanan Christianoh Uttoh woh an Poman- tog Wussikkitteahonat God. tr. from the English. I2mo. Cambridge, Mass. 1665. . See Baily, Lewis. Manlius. Political Essays under the Signature of. [from the Boston Centinel.] 8vo. 1794. Manley, James R. See New York Medical Society. Mann, James. Dissertation upon the Cholera Infantum. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . Oration at Wrentham, Mass. July 4, 1801. 8vo. Wrentham. Mann, Butler. Address before the Louisville [Ky.] Lyceum, Oct. 1, 1831. 8vo. Louisville.. 1831. Mann, Hermann. Human Prudence. 12mo. Dedham,Mass. 1806. Mann, Cyrus. Sermon at the Ordination of Ebenezer Perkins, at Royalston, Mass. Feb. 17, 1819. 8vo. Worcester. Mann, Horace. Oration before the United Brother's Society of Brown University. 8vo. Providence. 1825. Manners. Vindication of a late undertaking for the Suppression of Debauchery and Prophaneness. 4to. London. 1692. . Account of the Progress of Reformation of Manners in England, Ire- land, &.C. 4to. London. 1701. Manners of the Times ; a Satire. In Two Parts. Poem. By Philadelphiensis. 4to. Philadelphia. 1762. Manners, George. The Conflagration. A Poem. 4to. Boston. 1825. Manning, Henry. Treatise on Female Diseases. 8vo. London. 1771. Manningham, Thomas. Sermon before Queen Anne, Feb. 17, 1708-9. 12mo. London. 1709. Manual Exercise. Explanations of, with some General Field Directions. 4to. Halifax, N. S. 1759. . The Manual Exercise as ordered by his Majesty in 1764, and adopted by Congress in 1774. 4to. Boston. Mansfield, Achilles. Sermon at East Guilford [Con.] Nov. 2, 1791, at the Ordina- tion of John Elliot. 8vo. New Haven. , . Sermon at the Funeral of George Elliot, Esq. at Killing- worth, [Con.] May 3, 1810. 8vo. Hartford. 1810. Mansfield, Isaac. Topographical and Historical Account of Marblehead, Mass. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 8.] , . Thanksgiving Sejmon before the Camp at Roxbury, [Mass.] Nov. 23, 1775. 8vo. Boston. 1776. Mansfield, Joseph. Hope : a Poem delivered in the Chapel of Harvard University, July 8, 1800. 8vo. Cambridge. 1800. Manton, Thomas. Smectymnuus Ptedivivus, being an answer to a Book Intituled, an Humble Remonstrance. 4to. London. 1641. , . Practical Commentary on the Epistle of James. 4to. Lon- don. 1651. , . The Same. With Notes. 3rd ed. 4to. London. 1657. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Jane Blackwell. 4to. Lon- don. 1656. Mantuanus Baptista. Adolescentia, seu Bucolica. 16mo. London. 1661. Manual of a Freeman, tr. from the French, by a Citizen of Virginia. 12mo. Richmond, Va. 1799. Manual Exercise as Ordered by his Majesty in 1764, and now generally adopted in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts Bay. 12mo. New Haven. Manuscripts. Catalogue of. 8vo. Manuscrits. Vide Institut Royal. Manufactures. See Tariff. Manutius, Paulus. Adagia quaecunque ad banc Diem Exierunt. 4to. Venetiis. 1578. Manutius, Aldus. Phrases Linguae Latinae. 16mo. Amstelodami. 1617. Manwaring, Christopher. Oration at New London, Con. July 4, 1804. 8vo. Norwich. 1805. Marblehead Union Moral Society. Constitution and By Laws of 12mo, Salem, Mass. 1817. 8 AIHEHICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Marbois, Barbe. History of Louisiana, particularly of the Cession of that Colony to the United States ; -with an Introductory Essay on the Constitution and Gov- ernment of the United States, tr. from the Fr. By an American Citizen. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. Marcandier, Mr. Treatise on Hemp. tr. from the French. 8vo. London. 1764. See Hemp. March, John De la. A Complaint of False Prophet's Mariners, upon the Drying up of their Hierarchical! Euphrates. 4to. 1639. Marchant, William. Oration at Newport, R. I. July 4, 1797. 4tn. Newport 1797. Marentille, M. A. Du Buc. All People wrecked at Sea Saved. Description of Machines Invented for that purpose. 8vo. Elizabethtown, N. J. 1803. Marisius, Samuel. Dissertatio de Antichristo. 16mo. Amstelrodami. 1640. Marez, Nicolaus De. Disputatio Theologica. 4to. Lug. Bat. 168e3. Margaret, Maurice. Trial for Seditious Practices at Edinburgh. Reported by Mr. Ramsay. 8vo. New York. Margirus, Johannes Phisiologia Peripatetica. 16mo. London. 1619. Marian. A Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1812. Mariner's Church at Philadelphia. Eleventh Annual Report. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1830. Mariner, William. See Martin, J. Marietta, [Ohio.] See Varnum, J. M. Markham, Jervase. A Way to get Wealth. Containing five principall vocations, or Callings, in which every good Plusband, or Housewife, may lawfully employ themselves. 7th ed. 4to. London. 1648. , . Country Contentments ; or the Husbandman's Recreations, 6th ed. 4to. London. 1649. , . The English House-Wife, containing the inward and out- ward Virtues which ougiit to be in a compleat Woman. 5th ed. 4to. Lon- don, 1649. , . The Inrichment of the Weald of Kent. 4to. London. 1649, ' , . Markham's farewell to Husbandry. 4th ed. 4to. London. 1649. , . A New Orchard and Garden, or the best Way for Planting, Grafting. , ^ . The English Husbandman. 2 Bookes. 4to. London. 1635. , . The Pleasures of princes, or Good Mens Recreations, con- taining a Discourse of the general art of Fishing, &c. with the Choyce, Order- ing, Breeding, and Dyeting of the Fighting Cock. Being a work never in that nature handled by any former Author. 4to. London. 1635. J . Cheap and Good Husbandry, for the well ordering of all Beasts and Fowls, and for the General Cure of their Diseases. 4to. London. 1631. Markoe, Peter. Miscellaneous Poems. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1787. Marlborough. Duke of. Life. 12mo. Dublin. 1723. Marloratus, Augustinus. Novi Testamenti Catholica Expositio Ecclesiastica. Ed. 6ta. fol. 1605. J . Prophetia Esaiae cum Catholica Expositione. fol. Genevae. 1610. Marmontel, J. F. Memoirs of. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1807. , -. -. Trial of Friendship. 12mo. Boston. 1802. , — . — . Belisarius. tr. from the French. 12mo. Newburyport. 1796. — , — . — . and Gresset Select Translations and Mutations of the French of. 12mo. New York. 1801. Marolles, Louis De. Abstract of the Sufferings of the Blessed French Martyr. 12mo. Marrant, Rev. Masonic Sermon at Boston, June 24, 1789. 8vo. Boston. Marriage. Essay on, or the Lawfulness of Divorce in Certain Cases Considered. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788. CATALOGUE OF LIBRaRT. 9 Marriage State. Advantages and Disadvantages of. ]2mo. Windsor, Vt. 1813. Marriages. Representation of the Prejudices that may arise in Time from an Intended Act concerning Marriages, &c. 4to. London. 1692. Marriages of Cousin Germans Vindicated from the Censures of UnlaAvfulness and inexpediency. IGmo. Oxford. 1673. Marriot, Robert. Sermon at the FuneraJ of Mrs. Elizabeth Bering, wife of Mr. Charles Dering. 4to. London. 1641. Marrow of Modern Divinity, a Manifesto and Briefe Discovery of some of the Errors contained in a Dialogue called the. 4to. London. 1646. Marsh, Ebenezer Grant. Oration on the Truth of the Mosaic History of Crea- tion ; delivered at New Haven, Sept. 1798. 8vo. Hartford. 1798. , . Oration at Weathersfield, [Con.] Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Hartford. 1800. Marsh, Jonathan. The Great Care and Concern of Men under Gospel-Li/,ht. Sermon at Windsor, [Con.] Dec. 14, 1720. 12mo. New London. 1721. Marsh, Herbert. [Bp.] Authenticity of the Five Books of Moses. 2d ed. Bvo. London. 1802. , . . Course of Lectures on Theology, in 2 parts. 8vo. Cam- bridge, Mass. 1812. Marsh, John. Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1796. , . Temperance Address at Pomfret. 12mo. Hartford. 1830. Marshe, Witham. Journal of the Treaty with the Six Nations at Lancaster, Penn. June, 1744. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 7.] Marshall, Samuel. Treatise on the Law of Insurance. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1805. Marshall, H. History of Kentucky. 2 vols. 8vo. Frankfort. 1824. Marshall, Mrs. Sketch of My Friend's Family. 3rd ed. 12mo. Boston. 1819. Marshall, John. Speech in Congress on the Resolutions of Ed. Livingston, rela- tive to Thomas Nash and Jonathan Robbins. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1800. , . Life of G eorge Washington, with an Atlas. 4to. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1804-7. , . Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Case of Samuel A. Worcester against the State of Georgia, Jan. 1832. 8vo. Wash- ington. 1832. Sermon before the House of Commons, Feb. 23, 1641. Marshall, Stephen. London. 1645. London. 1641. London. 1642. 5 London. 1643. London. 1643. ) 5 London. 1644. London. 1645. London. 1645. 1645. 1645. London. 1645. J J • Sermon before the House of Commons, Sept. 7, 1641. Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 22, 1641. Sermon before the House of Commons, June 15, 164-3. Letter in Vindication of himself and his Ministry. 4to. 4to. 4to. 4to. 4to. Martin, Benjamin. Sermon of the Baptizing of Infants. 4to. London. 1644. Sermon before Parliament on the Death of John Pym. 4to. Sermon before the House of Peers, March 26, 1645. 4to. Sermon before the House of Commons, April 30, 1645. 4to. Sermon before Parliament, June 15, 1645. 4to. London. Sermon before Parliament, June 19, 1645. 4to. London. Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 17, 1640. 4to. Works of 4to. London. 1661. Life and Death of 4to. London. 1680. Reasons for establishing the Colony of Georgia. See Georgia,, 10 AMERieAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Martin, James. Via Rea^ia. The Kings Way to Heaven. With a Letter of Is. Casaubon. IGmo. London. 1615. Martin, Henry. The Independency of England, endeavoured to be maintained, against the Claims of the Scottish Commissions, in their late Answer upon the Bills and Propositions sent to the King in the Isle of Wight. 4to. London. 1648. Martin, Francois Xavier. History of Louisiana from the earliest Period. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans. 1827-9. , . Digest of the Laws of Louisiana. See Louisiana. Martin, John Paul. Triumph of Truth. 8vo. Boston. 1791. Martin, John. Believer's Safety and Satisfaction. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Mary Sturgis. 8vo. London. 1785. Martin, John. Account of the Natives of the Tongo Islands, from the Commu- nications of William Mariner. 8x0. Boston. 1820. Martin, Josiah. Letter from one of the People call'd Quakers to Francis de Vol- taire, Occasioned by his Remarks on that People, in his Letters concerning the English Nation. 8vo, London. 1741. Martin. John. Conquest of Canaan. 12mo. Frankfort. 1811. Martin, Hugh. Account of some of the principal Dyes employed by the North American Indians. [Amer. Phil. Trans. Vol. 3.] Martin, Michael. Trial at Boston, for Highway Robbery, reported by F. W. Waldo. 8vo. Boston. 1821. , . Life of. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Martin, Luther. Modern Gratitude. 8vo. [1801.] , . See Maryland. Martin, S. Two Discourses, In the First of which is pointed out the Danger and Mischief of Self-Confidence. Being intended as an Introduction to the Second, In which the Scripture of Justification is Stated and Explained. 8vo. London. 1760. Martinus, Petrus. Syntagmatica Hebraea. 16mo. Rupellae. 1597. , . VideUdall. Martyr, Petrus De Insulis nuper Inventis. Vide Munsterus, Sebast. Martyr, Petrus Vermilius. Defensio Doctrinae Veteris et Apostoticaede Sacra- mento Eucharistae. fol. 1562. , . Loci Communes Accedunt Vita, Theses, Orationes et Epistolae. fol. Tiguri. 156^. , ■ — . In Librum Judicum commentarii. ed. 2da. fol. Ti- guri. 1565. , . In Duos Libros Samuelis Prophetae Commentarii. ed. 2da. fol. Tiguri. 1567. , . In Selectissimam Pauli Priorem ad Corinthios Epis- tolam Commentarii Doctissimi. ed. 2da. fol. Tiguri. 1567. , . In Epistolam Pauli ad Romanes Commentarii. fol. Basiliae. 1568. , >— . In Primum Librum Mosis Commentarii. fol. Tiguri. 1579. , . Regum Libri 2 posteriores cum commentariis P. Mar- tyriset J. Wolphii Secundi Quatuordecim Capita, fol. Tiguri. 1571. Martyrdom. A preparation for, in a Dialogue betwixt a minister and a Gentle- man. 4to. London. 1681. Martyrologe Remain, Mis en Lumiere par le Commandment du Pape Gregoire XIIL 16mo. Lyon. 1681. Martyrs, Fox's Callender of, Examined. 2 vols, in 1. By N. D. 16mo. 1604. Marvel, Andrew. The Rehearsal transposed, or Animadversions upon a late Book, Intitled a Preface, &c. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1672. , . The Rehearsal transposed. 2nd Part. Occasioned by two Letters. 4to. London. 1674. Mary. [Queen.] Iterum : or the History of Queen Mary's Big Belly. 4to. Lon- don. 1555. Mary, John. Anecdotes of Lewis XVI. tr. from the French. Maryland. Laws of, with the Original Charter, Bill of Rights, Constitution of the State and that of the United States, with the Articles of Confederation and Declaration of Independence, collected and arranged by William Kilty. 2 vols. 4to. Annapolis. 1799-1800. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 11 Maryland. Laws of, from the end of the year 1799 to 1817, with an Appendix containing- the Land Laws and Resolutions proper to be published. Revised and prepared by William Kilty, Thomas Harris, and John N. Watkins. 5 vols. 8vo. Annapolis. 1818. , Genuine Information delivered to the Legislature of the State of, relative to the Proceedin/rs of the General Convention, lately held at Philadelphia. By Luther Martin, Esq. &c. &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788. . Laws and Resolutions from Dec. 1, 1817, to Feb. 15, 1820. 3 vols. 8vo. Annapolis. 1818-20. . Resolutions [relating to the Public Lands] and the object of them considered. By a citizen of Maryland. 8vo. Baltimore. 1822. . Report by the Maryland Commissioners on a proposed Canal from Baltimore to Conewago. 8vo. Baltimore. 1823. . Report of the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice of the House of Delegates of Maryland, and on the subject of the recent mobs and Riots in the City of Baltimore. 8vo. Annapolis. 1813. . Report of the Directors of the Maryland Penitentiary in Dec. 1828. 8vo. Baltimore. 1829. ■ . Report of the Committee appointed by the Board of Directors of the Maryland Penitentiary, to visit the Penitentiary and Prisons of the City of Philadelphia and State of New York. 8vo. Baltimore. 1828. ■ . Address to the People of, from their Delegation in the late National Republican Convention. 8vo. Baltimore. 1832. University. Address of, to the Public. 8vo. Baltimore. Masanielio. An Opera. In three Acts. 12mo. Boston. 1833. Mascarene, John. The Manufacture of Pot Ash in the British North American Plantations Recommended. 4to. Boston. 1757. Maskelyn, Nevil. See Croswell. Mason, John. History of the Pequot War. With an Introduction by Thomas Prince. 8vo. Boston. 1736. , . The Same. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 2d Series. Vol. 8.] Mason, John. Remains of 3rd ed. 16mo. Boston. 1743. Mason, John. Self-Knowledge. 12mo. Boston. 1793. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1800. , . Essay on Elocution, or Pronunciation. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1757. Mason, John Mitchel. Fast Sermon at New York, Sept. 20, 1793, on account of the Fever at Philadelphia. 8vo. New York. 1793. , . Oration before the Cincinnati at New York, July 31, 1804. Commemorative of the late Major General Alexander Hamilton. 8vo. New York. 1804. , — . Appeal against the Denunciation of, against Rational Christians. Svo. New York. 1822. , . Letter to him in answer to his Speech, at the 13th anni- versary meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society. By a Soldier of the American Revolution, 8vo. Elizabethtown, N. J. 1818. , . Speech relative to the Resignation of his Pastoral Charge in the City of New York. 8vo. New York and Philadelphia. 1810. Mason, Jonathan. Oration at Boston, March 6, 1780. 4to. Boston. 1780. Mason, Thomas. Thanksgiving Sermon at Northfield, [Mass.] Nov. 29, 1824, 8vo. Greenfield. 1824. Mason, Henry. Poetry : a Poem before the Franklin Debating Society. 7th Anniversary at Boston, Jan. 17, 1830. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Mason, Ebenezer. Last Words of Svo. Dedham, Mass. 1802. , . The Same. 3rd ed. 12mo. Dedham. 1802. Mason, William Powell. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1827. 8vo. Boston. 1827, , . Report of the Case of Jeune Eugene, determined in Boston, Dec. 1821. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Mason, Moses, Jun. Oration at Bethel, [Me.] July 4, 1809. 12mo. Sutton, Mass. 1810. Mason, Lowell. Address at Boston, Oct. 7, 1826, on Church Music. Svo. Boston. 12 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Masonry. Constitutions of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, &c. 4to. Worcester. 1792. . The Old Constitutions Belonging to the Ancient and Honorable So- ciety of Free and Accepted Masons. 12mo. London. 1722. . Rules and Orders for establishing a Fund of Charity, for the Relief of Free Masons, &c. 4to. Boston. 1774. . Jachin and Boaz ; or an authentic Key to the Door of Freemasonry. 8vo. London. 1776. . The Same. ]2mo. Boston. ]825. Constitution of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States. r2mo. Hartford. 1794. . The Same. 12mo. Albany. 1799. . Observations on Free Masonry, by a Lady in Worcester. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1798. . Miscellaneous Observations on. By a Brother. 8vo. Boston. 1798. . Narrative of the Facts and Circumstances relative to the Kidnapping and presumed murder of William Morgan. 12mo. Brookfield, Mass. 1827. . Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates opposed to Freemasonry, at Le Roy, N. Y. March 6, 1828. 8vo. Rochester. 1828. . Serious Call, or Masonry Revealed, being an address prepared by the Antimasonic Convention at Woodstock, [Con.] 8vo. Boston. 1829. . More Light on, or Morgan Revived, with an Appendix. 12mo. Roch- ester. 1827. . Strictures on Seceding Masons, &,c. 12mo. Boston. 1830. . Calvin Phillio's Light on Masonry and Anti-Masonry, and a Renun- ciation of Both. 12mo. Providence, R. I. 1831. . Proceedings of the Antimasonic Convention, at Boston, Dec. 30, 31, 1829, and Jan. 1, 1830. 8vo. Boston. 1830. . Proceedings of the United States Anti-Masonic Convention, at Phila- delphia, Sept. 11, 1830. 8vo. Philadelphia, New York, Albany, Utica, Ithaca, Hartford and Boston. 1832. ■ . Proceedings of the Second United States Anti-Masonic Convention at Baltimore, Sept. 1831. 8vo. Boston. 1830. . . Brief Report of the Debates in the above Convention. 8vo. Boston^ 1830. . Address to the People of the United States by the Convention held at Philadelphia, Sept. 11, 1830. 8vo. Philadelphia. . Important correspondence between the Suffolk Committee, Harvard University and the Andover Theological Institution, on the Antiquity of Free Masonry. 12mo. Boston. 1829. . Anti-Masonic Tracts. Nos. 4 and 5. 8vo. Boston. 1829. . Third Anti-Masonic State Convention: held at Worcester, Sept 5th and 6th, 1832. 8vo. Boston. 1832. . Rules of different Masonic Lodges, and communications to the same, &c. &.c. . Legislative Investigation of, before a Committee of the General As- sembly of Rhode Island. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Massey, Christopher. Sermon at the Funeral of the Rt. Rev. Spencer Lucy, at Charlecote, Aug. 11 1649. 4to. London. 1650. Massachusettensis. Political Essays published in 1774-5. [By Daniel Leonard.] . The Same. [In Seventeen Letters.] 8vo. . The Same. 8vo. London. [1776.] Massachusetts. The Book of the General Lawes and Liberties concerning th6 Inhabitants of the Massachuset, collected out of the Records of the General Court for the several years wherein they were made and established, and now Revised by the same Court, and disposed into an Alphabetical order, and pub- lished by the same Authority in the General Court, holden at Boston, in May 1649. lol. Cambridge, Mass. 1660. . Severall Laws and Orders made at Several! General Courts in the years 1661, 1662, 1663. fol. . Same, for 1651, 1662, 1664. fol. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 13 "Massachusettg. Sajne, at the General Courts in May 3, August 1 and October 11,1GG5. fol. . Same, attheGenernl Court held at Boston, the 23rd of May, 166G, and on the IJth ot October following-, fol. . . Same at the General Court of Election, held at Boston, in New- England, the 29th of April, 1G(;8. fol. . Order of the General Court of April 29, 1668, for the banishment of Thomas Gould, Wm. Turner, and John Farnham, Senior, being Obstinate and Turbulent Anabaptists, fol. . Several Laws and Orders made at the General Court held at Boston, in New Ennland, October J4, 16GS. fol. Cambridg-e. 1G68. . The General Laws and Liberties of the Massachusetts Colony in New Encrland, Revised and Reprinted by order of the General Court holden at Boston, May 15, J (J72. fol. Cambridsfe. 1G75. . Laws for 1672, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1G81, 2, 3 and 4. fol. . The Charter Granted . by their Majesties King William and Queen Mary. fol. Boston. 1692. . The Same. fol. Boston. 1G99. . The Same. fol. Boston. 1726. . Laws from June 8, 1692 to 1708. fol. Boston. . Acts and Laws of his Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Reprinted by order of the Governor and Council, fol. Boston. 1699. . A Faithful Monitor. Offering an Abstract of the La-ws in the Province of, against those Disorders, &c. ]2mo. Boston. 1704. '■ . Acts and Laws of. Reprinted by Order of Government fol. Boston. 1726. . Same, -v^'ith the Laws from 1726 to May 1735. fol. Boston. 1727-35. . Acts and Laws. Printed by Order of Government fol. Bos- ton. 1742-3. . Acts and Laws. Printed by Order of Government fol. Bos- ton. 1759. . Same, with the Laws from 1759 to June 1770. fol. Boston. 1760-70. . Temporary Acts and La-vs from May 1736 to 1763, with the con- tinuation of them to May ]77o. fol. Boston. 1763-75. . TeiTiporary Acts and La^\ s from Mny 1736, to the end of the Sept. Session, 1755, witli the Continuation to Sept 1757. fol. Boston. 1755-7. . Acts and Laws from July 19, 1775 to Oct 3, 17S0. fol. Water- town and Boston. 1775-80. . Perpetual Laws, from the Commencement of the Constitution in 1780, to May 1789, with the Declaration of Lidependence, Articles of Confede- ration, Constitution of the State, Treaty of Peace bet'.veen Great Britiin and America, and the Constitution of tlie United States, fol. Boston. 1789. . Acts and Laws from May 31, 1786 to March 9, 1792. fol. Bos- ton. 1786-92. . Perpetual Laws from the Establishment of the Constitution to 1788. By Isaiah Thomas. 8vo. Worcester. 1768. . Perpetual La^'s from 1788 to Jan. 1799. By Isaiah Thomas, 8vo. Worcester. 1799. • ■' ^ . Pernetual Laws from the Establishment of the Constitution in 1780 to 1817. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1801-17. . Laws from Nov. 28, 1780 to Feb. 28, 1807. 3 vols. Svo. Bos- ton. 1807. . Laws from Feb. 28, 1807, to Feb. 29, 1812. Vol. 1. New Se- ries, Svo. Boston. 1812. . . General Laws from the Adoption of the Constitution to Feb. 1822, with the Constitutions of the United States, and of this Commonwealth, (Sz-c. By Asahel Stearns, Lemuel Shaw and Tiieron Metcalf. 2 vols. Svo. Boston. 1823. o7 14 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Massachusetts. Private and Special Statutes from 1780 to Feb. 23, 1822. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1805-4'.']. . LiAvs. [beinnf all the Statutes] from May 1805 to Jan. 1835. . Journal of the House of Representatives from May 30, 1739 to April 1, 1740: for February 1747; for the years 1755 and 1756', from May 1759 to May 17G0; from May 17()9 to April 1773; from July 19, 1775 to Feb. 20, 1776; from May 1784 to March 18, 1785. 5 vols. fol. Boston and Water- town. 1739-85. . Resolves from 1781 to June 1806. fol. Boston. 1781-1806. . Journal of the House of Representatives for Jan. Session, 1808. 8vo. Boston. . Resolves from 1806 to Jan. 1835. 8vo. Boston. 1807-34. . Rules and Orders of the Senate and House of Representatives for 1807, 1827-8. ]2mo. Boston. . Index to the Laws of, by Benjamin Whitman. 12mo. Worces- ter. 1797. . Compendium and Digest of the Laws of, by W. C. White. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1809-10. . Report of the Committee upon Gov. Shute's Memorial, with his Majesty's Order in Council thereon. 4to. 1725. . Collection of Proceedings of the Great and General Court or Assembly of, relating to the Salaries of Governors. 4to. Boston. 1729. . Letter to a Gentleman cliosen to be a Member of the Hon. House of Representatives, to be assembled at Boston, Feb. 10, 1731. 12mo. . Letter to the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of, relating to their approaching Election of Representatives. 8vo. 1739. . Letter to a Friend in the Country. 4to. 1740. . . Letter to the Freeholders, and Qualified Voters, relating to the Ensuing Election. 4to. Boston. 1749. . Massachusetts in Agony, or Important hints to the Inhabitants of the Province of, calling aloud for Justice to be done to the oppressed. By Vincent Centinel. 4to. Boston. 1750. . Appendix to Massachusetts in Agony. By Cornelius Agrippa, L. L. 4to. 1751. . Some Observations Relating to the Present Circumstances of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. 8vo. Boston. 1750. . Address to the Freeholders and Inhabitants of. 8vo. Boston. 1751. . Some Observations on the Bill Intitled, " An Act for granting his Majesty an Excise upon Wines and Spirits Distilled, &c. in this Province." 12mo. Boston. 1754. . The Crisis, [relating to the Same Subject.] 12mo. 1754. . The Good of the Community Impartially Considered. In a Let- ter to a Merchant in Boston, In Answer to one received respecting the Excise Bill. By a True Friend to Liberty. 12mo. Boston. 1754. . A Plea for the Poor and Distressed against the Bill for granting an Excise upon Wines and Spirits distilled, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1754. . The Eclypse, [relating to the same subject.] 4to. 1754. — . . Freedom the first of Blessings, (on the same subject.) 4to. Boston. . Conference between the Commissaries of Massachusetts Bay, and the Commissaries of New York. 4to. Boston. 1768. . . Considerations on the Election of Counsellors humbly offered to. the Electors. 4to. 1761. . Chronological Table of the most Remarkable Events in. from 1602 to 1770. 8vo. Boston. 1771. . Manual Exercise as ordered by his Majesty in 1764, adopted by the Provincial Congress. 8vo. Boston. 1774. . Regulations of the Army of. 8vo. Salem. 1775. . Speeches of the Governors from 1765 to 1775, with the Answers of the House of Representatives. 8vo. Boston. 1818. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 15 Massachusetts. Proceedings of the Council and House of Representatives in relation to the convening, holding and keeping the General Assembly at Har- vard College and the Several Messages between the Governor and the two Houses. 8vo. Boston. 1770. . Continuation of the foregoing. 8vo. Boston. 1770. . Copy of the Complaint of the House of Representatives, against Sir Francis Bernard, with his Answer. 4to. []770.] . Proceedings of his Majesty's Council of the Province of, relative to the Deposition of Andrew Oliver, Esq. Secretary of said Province, concerning what passed in Council in consequence of the Unhappy affair of the 5th March, 1770. fol. Boston. 1770. . Letter to a Gentleman in the Massachusetts General Assembly, concerning Taxes to Support Religious Worship. 8vo. 1771. . Speech intended to have been delivered [in Parliament] on the Bill for altering the Charter of. See Shipley, J. . Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough, from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage and his Majesty's Council for the Province of, with an Appendix contain- ing Divers Proceedings referred to in the said Letters, fol. Boston. 1769. See Bernard, F ; Hutchinson, T. . Resolves of the House of Representatives on the above Letters, June 16, 1773. 12mo. . Result of a Convention of Delegates from the County of Essex at Ipswich, to consider of the Constitution and form of Government proposed by the Convention. [By Theophilus Parsons.] 12mo. Newburyport. 1778. . Extracts from the Proceedings of the Convention at Concord and Boston, containing the Regulation of the Prices of Merchandize, Provisions, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1779. . Proceedings of the Convention at Concord, July 14, 1779, to carry into effect the measures recommended by Congress. 8vo. Boston. 1779. . Constitution or Frame of Government agreed upon in Conven- tion at Cambridge, Sept. ], 1779, and continued by adjournments to the Second of March, 1780. 8vo. Boston. 1780. . Report of a Constitution or Frame of Government for the Com- monwealth of, agreed upon by the Committee, to be laid before the Convention of Delegates assembled at Cambridge, Sept. 1, 1779. 8vo. Boston. 1779. . Address of the Convention for framing a New Constitution of Government to their Constituents. 8vo. Boston. 1780. . Journal of the Convention for framing a Constitution of Govern- ment from Sept. 1, 1779, to June 16, 1780; with a list of the Members, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1832. . Proceedings of the General Assembly relating to the Penobscott Expedition, &c. 4to. Boston. 1780. . Militia Acts for 1781-6, 4to. Boston. 1781-6. . Address of Legislature to the Inhabitants of the Common- wealth of. 8vo. Boston. 1781. . Address from the General Court, to the People of. 4to. Bos- ton. 1786. . Statement of the Kennebeck Claims by the Committee of the Legislature, Oct. 28, 1783. 4to. Boston. 1786. . National Arithmetic ; or Observations on the Finances of Mas- sachusetts. By a Member of the General Court. 8vo. Boston. [1786.] . Debates in the Convention convened at Boston, Jan. 9, 1788, for the purpose of assenting to, and ratifying the Constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention. Reported by Benjamin Russell, l^imo. Bos- ton. 1788. . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1808. . Report of the Committee on the Judicial Reform made to the Legislature, June 21, 1798. 8vo. . Constitution of the Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of. 12mo. Boston. 1800. 16 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN 80CIETT. Massachusetts. History of Land Titles in. See Sullivan, J. . Constitutional Security to the Citizens' Rights of Property, Report on the Pet tions of Franklin and Wrentham, concerning Bills of Credit of 1760. 8vo. ]80-?. . Resolves of t.he General Court, respecting the sale of Eastern Lands, v/ith the Reports of the Committees appointed to sell the same from March L, 1781, to June 2-.M 809. 8vo. Boston. 1803. . Defence of the Legislature of, or the Rights of New England Vin- dicated. Sv'o. Boston. 1804. . Aristocracy Exposed ; a Candid Appeal to the Citizens of. 12mo. Oct. 1804. — — ; . Letter of the Justices of the Supreme Court of, to the Governor, with two Judiciary Bills drawn by tliem. 8vo. Boston. 1804. . An Address to the People of. 8vo. 1805. . Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Massachusetts State Prison. 8vo. Boston. 1811. • . Description and Historical Sketch of the State Prison. 8vo. Charlestown. 1816. . State Prisons nnl l/ne Penitentiary System Vindicated, &c. Also, some particular Remarks and Documents relating to the Mass. State Prison. By an Ofncer. 8vo. Charlestown. 1821. ■ . Rules and Regulativons for the Government of the Massachusetts State Prison. 8vo. Boston. 18''':B. ■ . Extract from the Report of the Directors of the Massachusetts Stats Prison, Oct 18, lSvi7, Reviewing certain parts of the Second Annual Report of the Prison Discipline Society. 8vo. Boston. 1827. — . LaAvs of the Commonwealth for the Government of the Massachu- setts State Prison, 98. , . The Folly of Sinning, Opened and Applyed. In Two Ser- mon*. ICmo. Boston. itt^D. t CATALOGUEOFLIBP. ART. 23 Mather, Increase. David Serving his Generation: Sermon on the Death of the Rev. John B^iiley, who died Dec. 12, 1697. 16mo. Boston. ]698. , . The Order of the Gospel, Professed and Practised by the Churches of Christ in New England, Justified by the Scripture and by the Writ- ings of many Learned men, In answer to Several Questions relating to Church Discipline. IGmo. Boston. 1700. . . Gospel Order Revived, being an Answer to a Book lately set forth by the Rev. Increase Mather. 4to. [New York.] 1700. , . Soul Saving Gospel Truths. In Several Sermons. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1712. , . A Collection of some of the Many Offensive Matters Con- tained in a Pamphlet Intituled, The Order of the Gospel Revived. IGmo, Boston. 1701. , . The Blessed Hope, And the Glorious Appearing of the Great God, Our Saviour Jesus Christ. 16nio. Boston. 1701. , . Ichabod. Or, A Discourse Showing what Cause there is to Fear that the Glory of th3 Lord is Departing from New England. 16mo. Boston. 1701. , . Some Remarks on a late Sermon, Preached at Boston, in New- England, by George Keith. 16mo. Boston. 1703. ^ . The Excellency of a Public Spirit. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1702. ■ , . The Righteous Man A Blessing : Or, Seasonable Truths En- couraging unto Faith and Prayer. Two Sermons. 16mo. Boston. 1702. . . Discourse Proving that the Christian Religion is the only True Religion. In Several Sermons. IGmo, Boston. 1702. , . The Voice of God in Stormy Winds. Two Sermons occa- sioned by the Dreadful Storm of Nov. 27, 1703. 16mo. Boston. 1704. , . Brief Discourse concerning the Prayse Due to God for his Mercy in giving Snow like Wool. Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1704. ■ , . Practical Truths Tending to Promote Holiness in the Hearts and Lives of Christians. Several Sermons. K^aio. Boston. 1704. , . Meditations on the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ; in Seve- ral Sermons. 16mo. Boston. 1705. , . Discourse Concerning the Maintenance Due to those that Preach the Gospel. 16mo. Boston. 1706. , . The Same. 2d ed. IGmo. London. 1709. , . A Discourse Concerning Earthquakes : with two other Ser- mons. 16mo. Boston. 1706. , . Meditations on Death. 16mo. Boston. 1707. ' , . Dissertation wherein the Strange Doctrine lately Published in a Sermon, The Tendency of which is to Encourage Unsanctitied Persons to approach the Holy Table of the Lord, is examined and confuted. 16mo. Boston. 1708. , . Meditations on the Sanctification of the Lord's Day. 16mo. Boston. 1712. , . Seasonable Meditations both for Winter and Summer: two Sermons. 12mo. Boston. 1712. , . Burnings Bewailed : Sermon, occasioned by the Lamentable Fire in Boston of Oct 2, 1711. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1712. , . A Plain Discourse Shewing who shall, and who shall not en- ter into the Kingdom of Heaven. 16mo. Boston. 1713. , — . Elijah's Mantle; a Faithful Testimony to the Cause and Work of God, in the Churches of New England, &c. by Jonathan Mitchel, John Higginson, William Stoughton and Increase Mather. 16mo. Boston. 1722. , . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . Disquisition Concerning Ecclesiastical Councils. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1716. , . Five Sermons on several Subjects. ]6mo. Boston. 1719. ^ , Discourse concerning Faith and Fervency in Prayer, [with an Epistle Dedicatory, by Joseph Jacob.] 16rao. London. [1709.] AMERICAN A ?; T I Q U A R I A N SOCIETY. Mather, Increase. Sermon wherein is Declared that the Blessed God is Willing- to be Reconciled to the Sinful Children of Men. 16mo. Boston. 1713. , The Work of the Ministry Described in a Sermon at Cam- . bridpre, [Mass.] Oct. 9, 1717, at the Ordination of Nathaniel Appleton. 16mo. Boston.^ 1718. , . Practical Truths Plainly Delivered. Sermon. ICmo. Boston. 1718. , . Sermons, wherein Those Eight Characters of the Blessed Commonly called the Beatitudes are opened and applyed in Fifteen Discourses. 16mo. Boston. 1719. , . Seasonable Testimony to Good Order in the Churches of the Faithful. 16mo. Boston. J 720. , . Sermon at Roxbury, [xMass.] Oct. 29, 17 J 8, at the Ordination of Thomas Walter. 16mo. Boston. 1718. , . A Call to the Tempted. Sermon on the Horrid Crime of Self Murder. 16mo. Boston, 1723-4. . — , . Discourse Concerning' the Grace of Courage. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1710. , . An Exhortation to the Children of New England to Exalt the God of their Fathers. Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1710. Mather, Cotton. Sermon at Boston, March 1685-6, occasioned by the Execution of James Morgan. 16mo. Boston. 1686. — , . Military Duties recommended to an Artillery Company, at their Election of Officers in Charlestown, Sept. 13, 1686. 16mo. Boston. 1687. , . The Call of the Gospel. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1687. — • , . Memorable Providences relating to Witchcrafts and Possession, with some Sermons annexed. 16mo. Boston. 1689. , . A Midnight Cry. ]6mo. Boston. 1691. , . The Serviceable Man. Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1690. , . The Triumphs of the Reformed Religion in America in the Life of Mr. John Ehot. ]6mo. Boston. 1690. , . The Same. 2d ed. 16mo. London. 1691. , . Little Flocks guarded against grievous Wolves : or a Display of Quakerism. 12mo. Boston. 1691. , . Ornaments for the daughters of Zion : or the Character and Happiness of a Virtuous Woman. 16mo. Boston. 1691. , . Blessed Unions. 16mo. Boston. 1692. , . Brontologia Sacra. Sermons occasioned by Remarkable Thun- der Storms. 16mo. London. 1695. , . Johannes in Eremo. Memoirs relating to the Lives of the ever Memorable John Cotton, John Norton, John Wilson, John Davenport and Thomas Hooker. 12mo. Boston. 1695. , . Piscator Evangelicus, or the 'Life of Mr. Thomas Hooker, the Renowned Pastor of Hartford Church, and Pillar of Connecticut Colony. 16mo. 1695. , . Early Piety Exemplified in the Life and Death of Mr. Nathaniel Mather. With several Sermons. 2d ed. 16mo. London. 1689. , . Soldiers Counselled and Comforted. A Discourse unto some part of the Forces Engaged in the Just War of New England against the Northern and Eastern Indians, Sept. 1, 1689. 16mo. Boston. J 689. , . The Wonderful Works of God Commemorated. Thanksgiving Sermon, Dec. 19, 1689. 16mo. Boston. 1690. < , . The Way to Prosperity. Massachusetts Convention Sermon, May 23, 1689. 16mo. Boston. 1690. , . A Companion for Communicants. Discourse upon the Lord's Supper. 16mo. Boston. 1690. . , . The Principles of the Protestant Religion Maintained, and Churches of New England, in the Profession and Exercise thereof Defended, against all the Calumnies of one George Keith. By the Ministers of the Gos- pel in Boston. 16mo. Boston. 1690. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. Mather, Cotton. Unum Necessarium. Awakenings for the Unregenerate. IGrno. Boston. 1693. , . Wonders of the Invisible World. .16mo. Boston. 1G99. , Winter Meditations. With a Preface of John Hirrginson. 16mo. Boston. 1693. , . The Short History of New Ennfland. ]6mo. Boston. 1694. J ^ , . Memoria Wilsoniana, or some Dues Unto the Memory of the ffA-' " Truly Reverend and Renowned Mr. John Wilson. IGmo. Boston. 1695. , . Things for a distressed People to think upon. Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston 1696. • , . Ecclesiastes, or the Life of Mr. Jonathan Mitchell. ]2mo. Boston. 1697. , . Eleutheria, or an Idea of the Reformation in England and History of Nonconformity since that Reformation. ]2mo. London. 1698. , . Monitory and Hortatory Letter to those English, who debauch the Indians by Selling Strong Drink unto them. ]2mo. Boston. 1700. , . A Warning to the Flocks against Wolves in Sheeps Clothing. ]6mo. Boston. 1700. , . Pillars of Salt. An History of some Criminals Executed in this Land, for Capital Crimes. 16mo. Boston. 1699. , . La Fe del Christiano En Veyntequatro Articulos de la Institu- cion de Christo. ]6mo. Boston. 1699. , . A Family Well- Ordered, or an Essay To Render Parents and Children Happy in one another. 16mo. Boston. 1699. , . Things that Young People should Think upon. 16mo. Boston. 1700. , . The Young Man's Claim unto the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By John Quick. With a Defence of the [New England] Churches, from what is offensive to them, in a Discourse lately Published, under the Title of. The Doctrine of Instituted Churches. By Certain Ministers of the Gospel in Boston. 16mo. Boston. 1700. , . A Pillar of Gratitude. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1700. , . American Tears upon the Ruines of the Greek Churches. 16mo. Boston. 1701. , . A Companion for the Afflicted. Two Discourses. 16mo. Boston. 1701. , . Death made Easy and Happy. 16mo. Boston. 1701. , . A Monitory Letter to them who Needlessly and Frequently absent themselves from Public Worship. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1738. ' , . The Portraiture of a Good Man. 16mo. Boston. 1702. , . Meat out of the Eater, or Funeral Discourses. 16mo. Boston. 1703. , . The Day which the Lord hath made. In English and Indian. tr. by Experience Mayhew. ]6mo. Boston. 1707. , . A Family-Sacrifice. A Brief Essay to Direct and Excite Fami- ly-Religion. 16mo. Boston. 1703. , . The Armour of Christianity. 16mo. Boston. 1704. , . A Weaned Christian. 16mo. Boston. 1704. , . Family Religion Excited and Assisted. 3rd ed. ]6mo. [Bos- ton. 1705.] , . The Same. tr. into the Massachusetts Indian Language. 16mo. Boston. 1714. , . Seasonable Testimony to the Doctrines of Grace. ]6mo. Bos- ton. 1702. , . Letter to the Ungospelized Plantations. 12mo. Boston. 1702. , . Necessary Admonitions : Containing Just Thoughts upon Sins, too little thought of 16mo. Boston. 1702. , . Magnalia Christi Americana, fol. London. 1702. , . Much in Little : or three brief Essays to sum up the whole Christian Religion. 12mo. Boston. 1702. 26 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Mather, Cotton. The Day wliich the Lord hath made : Sermon. ]6mo. Boston. J 703. , . Baplistes : or a Conference about the Subject and Manner of Baptism. IGmo. Boston. 1704. , . Lex Mercatoria : or the False Dealer fairly dealt withal. 12mo. Boston. 1704. , . Letter about the Present State of Christianity among the Chris- tianized Indians of New Eiiol ind. T^mo. Boston. 1705. , . Free Grace Maintained and Lnproved. Himo. Boston. 1706. , . The Spirit of Life entering into the Spiritually Dead. 16mo. Boston. 1707. , . The Retired Christian. 12mo. Boston. 1707. , . Corderius Americanus : Sermon on the Death of Ezekiel Cheever, Aug. 1708. V2mo. Boston. 1708. , . The Happy Dismission of a Holy Believer. Funeral Sermon on the Death of the Rev. John Higginson, with Memoirs of his Life. IGmo.^ Boston. 1709. , . Winthropi Justa. Sermon at the Funeral of the Hon. John Winthrop, late Governor of Connecticut. 12mo. Boston. 1710. , . Christianity Demonstrated. 16mo. Boston. 1710. , . Persuasions from the Terror of the Lord. 16mo. Boston. 1711. , . Manly Christianity. 16mo. Boston. 1711. , . The Righr Way to Shake off a Viper. IGmo. Boston. 1711. , . Frontiers Well-Defended. IGmo. Boston. 1707. , . The Best Ornaments of Youth. Sermon. IGmo. Boston. 1707. , . A Good Evening for the Best of Days. An Essay to Manage an Action of Trespass against those who Mispend the Lord's Day Evening. IGmo. Boston. 1708. , . Family-Religion Urged. To which is added a Select Number of choice Hymns. IGmo. Boston. 1709. , . The Temple Opening. Sermon. IGmo. Boston. 1709. , , Theopolis Americana. An Essay on the Golden Street of the Holy City. Sermon. IGmo. Boston. 1710. , . Man Eating the Food of Angels. IGmo. Boston. 1710. , . Nehemiah : An Essay on Divine Consolations. 4to. Boston. 1710. , . A True Survey and Report of the Road. IGmo. Boston. 1712. , . The Old Paths Restored. With a Preface by William Whis- ton. IGmo. London. 1712. , . Thoughts for a Day of Rain. In Two Essays. IGmo. Bos- ton. 1712. , . Sundry False Hopes of Heaven Discovered and Decryed. By James Pierpont. With a Preface by C. Mather. IGmo. Boston. 1712. , . Grace Defended. A Censure on Ungodliness. IGmo. Bos- ton. 1712. , . The Will of the Father submitted to. Funeral Sermon. 16rao». Boston. 1713. , . A Present of Summer Fruit Sermon. IGmo. Boston. 1713. , . The Curbed Sinner. Sermon on the Execution of David Wallis. IGmo. Boston. 1713. , . Adversus Libertines, or Evangelical Obedience Described and Demanded. IGmo. Boston. 1713. , . A Flying Roll, Brought forth, to Enter into the House and Hand of the Thief. Sermon. IGmo. Boston. 1713. , . The Glorious Throne. Sermon on the Accession of George I. IGmo. Boston. 1714. , . Duodecennium Luctuosum. History of a Long War with In- dian Salvages. IGmo. Boston. 1714. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 27 Mather, Cotton. A Monitor for Communicants. IGmo. Boston. 1714. , . Pascentius. A very brief Essa}'- upon the Methods of Piety. IGmo. Boston. 1714. , . Nuncia Bona c Terra Lmg-inqua. Account of some Good and Great Things a doing- for the King-dom of God. Kimo. Boston. 1715. , . Shaking Dispensations. Sermon on the Death of the French King, ]6mo. Boston. 1715. , . The Stone Cut out of the Mountain. In English and Latin. 16tio. 1716. , . Real and Vital Religion Served in the Various and Glorious Intentions of it. With Eight Essays. ]6mo. Boston. 1716. , . Fair Dealing between Debtor and Creditor. Sermon. IGmo. Boston. 1716. , . The City of Refuge. The Gospel of the City Explained. IGmo. Boston. 1716. , . Zelotes : Sermon at the Opening of a New Church. 16mo. Boston. 171G. , . The Case of a Troubled Mind. 2d ed. IGmo. Boston. 1741. (1717.) , . The Valley of Baca. Sermon at Boston on the Death of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Samuel Sewall. Esq. IGmo. Boston. 1717. , . Hades Look'd into. Sermon at the Funeral of the Hon Wait Winthrop. IGmo. Boston. 1717. , . The Religion of an Oath. Plain Directions How the Duty of Swearing may be Safely Managed, &c. 16nio. Boston. 1719. , . Faith Encouraged. A Brief Relation of a Strange Impression from Heaven, on the Minds of some Jewish Children at the City of Berlin. 16mo. Boston. 1718. , . Mirabilia Dei. Sermon at Boston on the 5th of Nov. 1719. IGmo. Boston. 1719. , . The Tryed Professor. A Very Brief Essay to Detect and Pre- vent Hypocrisy, and make sure of Sincerity in the Profession of Religion. ]6iiio. Boston. 1719. , . Coheleth. A Soul upon Recollection Coming into Incontesti- ble Sentiments of Religion. 16mo. Boston. 17"20. , . The Ri»ht Way to Shake off a Viper. With a Preface by Increase Mather. 2d ed. IGmo. Boston. 1750. , . The Christian Philosopher. A Collection of the Best Discov- eries in Nature, with Religious Improvements. 16mo. London. 1721. , . The Accomplished Singer. 16mo. Boston. 1721. , . Honesta Parsimonia. Or, Time Spent as it should be. 16mo. Boston. 1721. , . What the Pious Parent wishes for. Boston Lecture. 16mo. Boston. 1721. , . A Vision in the Temple. Sermon at the Opening of the New Brick Church in Boston, May 10, 1721. 16mo. Boston. 1721. , . Love Triumphant. Sermon at the Gathering of a New Church in the North Part of Boston, May 23, 1722, and ordaining of their Pastor. [Rev. William Waldron.] 16nio. Boston. f722. , . The Angel of Bethesda, Visiting the Invalids of a Miserable World. 16mo. Boston. 1722. , . The Soul upon the Wing. An Essay on the State of the Dead, 16 mo. Boston. 1722. , The Voice of God in the Tempest. Sermon at Boston, Feb, 24,1722-3. 16mo. Boston. 1723. , . Euthanasia. Sermon at Boston, April, 17S3, on the Death of John Frizell, Esq. 16uio. Boston. 1723. , . The Converted Sinner. Sermon in the Hearing and at the Desire of Certain Pirates. 16mo. Boston. 1724. , . Christodulus. A Good Reward of a Good Servant. With some Commemoration of Mr. Thomas Walter. IGmo. Boston. 1725.. 28 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. ]Mather, Cotton. El-Shaddai. A brief Essay, on All Supplied in an Alsufficient Saviour. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Katharine, wife of Josiah VVillard, Esq. J6ino. Boston. 1725. , . The Nightingale. An Essay on Songs among Thorns. 16mo. Boston. ]724. . . The Palm-bearers. A brief Relation of Patient and Joyful Sufferings. 16mo. Boston. 17^5. , . Manuductio ad Ministerium. Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry. 16mo. Boston. 1726. , . A Good Old Age. A brief Essay on the Glory of Aged Piety. 16mo. Boston. 1726. , . Ecclesiae Monilia. Boston Lecture. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Cotton. ]6mo. Boston. 1726. , . Ratio Disciplinae Fratrum Nov-Anglorum. A Faithful Account of the Discipline Professed and Practised in the Churches of New England. 16mo. Boston. 1726. , . See Upham, Thomas C. , . Suspiria Vinctorum. Some Account of the Condition to which the Protestant Interest in the World is at this Day reduced. 16mo. Boston. 1726. , . Hatzer-Maveth. Comfortable Words. 16mo. Boston. 1726. , . Nails Fastened, or Proposals of Piety Reasonably and Season- ably Complyed withal. 16mo. Boston. 1726. , . Ignorantia Scientifica. A brief Essay on Man's not Knowing his Time. 16 mo. Boston. 1727. , . Signatus. The Sealed Servants of our God Appearing witli Two Witnesses, &c. 16mo. Boston. 1727. , . The Marrow of the Gospel. A very brief Essay on the Union Between the Redeemer and the Believer. 16mo. Boston. 1727. , . Christian Loyalty. Sermon on the Accession of George II. 16mo. Boston. 1727. , • . Hor-Hagidgad. An Essay upon An Happy Departure. Ser- mon on the Death of William Waldron. 16mo. Boston. 1727. , . The Balance of the Sanctuary. Lecture at Boston, Oct. 5, 1727. 16mo. Boston. 1727. , . The Terror of the Lord. Some Account of the Earthquake that Shook New England, Oct. 29, 1727. 16mo. Boston. 1727. , . The Comfortable Chamber. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Peter Thatcher. ]6mo. Boston. 1728. , . The Mystical Marriage. 16mo. Boston. 1728.^ , . The Widow of Nain. 16mo. Boston. 1728. , . A Man of his Word. 16mo. Boston. 1713. , . A Perfect Recovery. 18mo. Boston. 1714. , . Victoria : With an Account of Mrs. Katharine Mather. 12mo. Boston. 1716. , . Malachi: or the Everlasting Gospel preached to the Nations. 12mo. Boston. 1717. , . Psalterium Americanum : The Book of Psalms in Blank Verse, with Illustrations. 16mo. Boston. 1718. , . India Christiana : Account of the Propagation of Christianity in the East as well as West Indies. 16mo. Boston. 1721. , . Tremenda: The Dreadful Sound with which the wicked are to be thunder-struck. 12mo. Boston. 1721. , . The Minister. Convention Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1722. , . Euthanasia. Sermon on the Death of John Frizel, Esq. 12mo. Boston. 1723. , . Celestinus. A Conversation in Heaven quickened and assisted. IGmo. Boston. 1723. , . Parentator. Memoirs of Remarkables in the Life and Death of the ever Memorable Dr. Increase Mather. 12mo. Boston. 1724. — , . Christian Loyalty. Sermon at Boston. Aug. 20, 1727, on the Withdraw of George I and Accession of George II to the Throne. ]2mo. Boston. 1727. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 29 Mather, Cotton. A New Offer to the Lovers of Religion and Learning. [Pros- pectus of his Biblia Americana.] IGmo. , . Balance of the Sanctuary. IGmo. Boston. 1727. , . Signatus. The Sealed Servants of our God, appearing with two Witnesses to produce a well-established assurance of their being the Chil- dren of the Lord Almighty. With a Preface and Appendix by the Rev. Mr. Croswell. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1748. , . See Keith, George. , . Extract from the RemarkablesintheLife of his Father. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 9.] ! Mather, Samuel. Life of the Very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather. 8vo. Boston. 1729. , . The Departure and Character of Elijah, Considered and Im- proved. Sermon at Boston on the Death of the Rev. Cotton Mather, D. D. 8vo. Boston. 1728. , . An Essay Concerning Gratitude. 8vo. Boston. 1732. , . Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New England ; with a Discourse concerning Congregational Churches. 8vo. Boston. 1738. , . Fall of the Mighty Lamented : Sermon at Boston, March 23, 1738, on the Death of the Queen. 8vo. Boston. 1738. , . Funeral Discourse upon the Death of Hon. Thomas Hutchin- son. 12mo. Boston. 1740. , . Discourse at Boston, May 22, 1751, on the Death of the Prince, Frederick Lewis. 8vo. Boston. 1751. , . Sermon on the Death of Rev. William Welsted and Rev. El- lis Gray. 8vo. Boston. 1753. , . Dissertation concerning the most Venerable name of Jehovah. 8vo. Boston. 17G0. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 17G2. ■ , . The Lord's Prayer, or A New Attempt to recover the right Version and Genuine Meaning of that Prayer. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , . Attempt to show that America must be known to the Ancients, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1773. , . All Men will not be saved forever: or, an attempt to prove, that this is not a Scriptural Doctrine, and to give a Sufficient answer to a pam- phlet, entitled " Salvation of all Men." 8vo. Boston. 1782. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1783. ■ , . Vita A. H. Franckii. Cui adjecta est Narratio Rerum Me- morabilium in Ecclesiis Evangelicis per Germaniam, etc. 12mo. Boston. 1733. , . Account of the First Settlement of Boston. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. L] , . See Tov/nsend, S. , . The Sacred Minister: A New Poem in Five Parts; respecting his Qualification for the Ministry, and his Life and Death in it. By Aurelius Prudentius Americanus. 8vo. Boston. 1773. , . Letter to him, occasioned by his disingenuous Reflections upon a certain Pamphlet, entitled, Salvation for all Men. 8vo. Boston. 1782. ' , . The Dying Legacy of an Aged Minister of the Everlasting Gospel to the United States of North America. 8vo. Boston. 1783. ., . Diana's Shrines Turned into Ready Money by Priestly Magic: or Virtue given up. Being Remarks on the Northern Priest's Pamphlet, enti- tled A a known to the A ts. In a Letter to the Author. 8vo. New York. 1783. • , . Letter to the Author of a Letter to Doctor Mather. By one of the Readers. 8vo. Boston. 1783. Mather, Azariah. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1725. Mather, J. Treatise on the Nature and Preservation of the Hair. 8vo. Lon- don. 1794. Mathews, Samuel Augustus. The Lying Hero or an Answer to J. B. Moreton's Manners and Customs in the West Indies. 4to. St. Eustatius. 1793* 39 30 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Mathew, Roger. The Flight of Time, discovered by the Dim Shadow of Job's Diall : Sermon. 4to. London. 1G34. Mathew, Richard. Peter's Net let downe. Sermon. 4to. London. 1634. Matrimony. Fifteen Comforts of. 12mo. Worcester. 1795. Matter. Essay on. 8vo. Philadelphia. 17S4. Maturin, R. C. Bertram. A Tragedy. 12;iio. Boston. 1816. Mauduit, Israel. Case of the Dissenting 2vlinisters. 4th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1773. Maunsel, Richard. See Fuller, N. Maury, Abbe. Principles of Eloquence adapted to the Bar and the Pulpit, tr. from the French by J. N. Lake. 12mo. Albany. 1797. Mavor, William. Universal History, Ancient and Modern. 25 vols. 12mo. New York. 1804. Mawe, Thomas, and John Abercrombie. Every Man his own Gardener. IGth ed. 12mo. London. 1800. Mawe, John. Travels in the Interior of Brazil, including a Voyage to the Rio de la Plata and an Historical Sketch of the Revolution of Buenos Ayres. 8vo. Philadelphia. 181G. Mawson, Dr. [Bp.] Sermon before the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 18, 1742 3. 4to. London. Maxcy, Jonathan. [Pres.] Oration at Proviaence, R. I. July 4, 1799. 4to. Provi- dence. 1799. , . Address to the Graduates at the Commencement, Sept. 3, 1794. 8vo. Providence. 1794. , . Oration before the Providence Association of Mechan- ics and Manufacturers, April 13, 1795. 8vo. Providence. 1795. , . Oration at Providence, July 4, 1795. 8vo. Provi- dence. 1795. , . Existence of God demonstrated from the Works of Creation. Sermon at Providence, Aug. 9, 1795. 8vo. Providence. 1795. , . Dedication Sermon at Cumberland, R. I. Sept. 14, 1796. 8vo. Providence. 1796. , . Sermon at Boston, Sept. 12, 1797, before the Warren Association. Svo. Boston. 1797. , . Address to the Graduates of Rhode Island College, Sept. 5, 1798. Svo. Providence. , . Address to tlie Candidates for the Baccalaureate in Rhode Island College, Sept. 2, 180J. Svo. Wrenthara, Mass. ISOJ. Maxcy, Virgil. Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Brown University. Svo. Boston. 1833. Maxims for the Promotion of the Wealth of Nations, being a Manual of Political Economy. J2mo. Philadelphia. J 830. Maxwell, James. Admirable and Notable Prophecies uttered in former times by 24 famous Roman Catholicks concerning the Church of Rome. 4to. London. Maxwell, Samuel. Case and Complaint of Samuel Maxwell, Pastor of a Church in Rehoboth, [Mass.] 16mo. Newport, R. I. 1750. May, Samuel J. The Right of Colored People to Education, Vindicated. Let- ter to Andrew T. Judson and others in Canterbur}^ [Con.] Remonstrating with them on their Unjust and Unjustifiable Procedure relative to Miss Crandall and her School for Colored Females. 8vo. Brooklyn. 1833. , . Discourse on Slavery in the United States, delivered at Brook- lyn, [Con.] July 3, 183J. Svo. Boston. 1832. Mayer, M. de. Lauro et Jelino. 24. London. 17S4. Mayer, John. Exposition upon the Difficult and Doubtful Passages of the Seven Epistles called Catholike and Revelation, &:c. 4to. London. 1627. , . Praxis Theologica. 4to. London. IG29. , . English Catechism Explained. 5th ed. 4to. London. 1635. Mayhew, Jonathan. Seven Sermons [at the Boston Lecture] began in June 1748. 8vo. Boston. 1749. , . The Same. Svo. Londor,. 1750. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 31 Mayhew, Jonathan. Discourse concerning Unlimited Submission and Nonresist- ance to Higher Powers. Sermon at "Boston on the Anniversary of the Death of Charles I. 8vo. Boston. 1750. , . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Sermon at Boston, May 26, ]751, on the Death of Frederick, Prince of Wales. 8vo. Boston. ]751. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. ]754. , . Five Sermons on Several Subjects. ]*2mo. Boston. 1755. , . Discourse occasioned by the Earthquakes in Nov. 1755. 8vo. Boston. , . Two Sermons on the Sam^e Subject, Nov. 23, 1755. Svo. Boston. 1755. , . Sixteen Sermons on Various Subjects. Svo. Boston. 1755. ^ . Practical Discourses on occasion of the Earthquakes in Nov. 1755. 8vo. Boston. 1760. , . Two Thanksgiving Sermons at Boston, Nov. 23, 1758. 8vo. Boston. , . Two Thanksgiving Sermons at Boston, Oct. 25, 1759, on the Reduction of Quebec. Svo. Boston. 1759. , . Sermon at Boston, occasioned by the Great Fire, March 20, 1760. Svo. Boston. 17C0. , . Sermon at Boston, Sept. 17C0, on the Death of Stephen Sewall, who died Sept. 10, 1760. Svo. Boston. 1760. , . Two Thanksgiving Discourses at Boston, Oct. 9, 1760, on the Reduction of Canada. Svo.. Boston. 1760. , . Discourse on the Death of George II, and Accession of George III, delivered Jan. 4, 1761. Svo. Boston. 1761. , . Striving to enter in at the Strait Gate explained and Incul- cated. Tavo Sermons on Luke 13 : 24. Svo. Boston. , . Two Thanksgiving Sermons, Dec. 9, 1761, on the Nature, Extent, and Perfection of the Divine Goodness. Svo. Boston. 1763. , . Christian Sobriety in Eight Sermons. 8vo. Boston. 1763. , . Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagating of the Gospel in Foreign Parts : with Remarks on the Mistakes of East Apthorp. Svo. Boston. 17C3. , . Verses on Dr. Mayhew's Book of Observations, &c. By a Gentleman of Rhode Island College. Svo. Providence. 1763. , . Candid Examination of Dr. Mayhew's Observations, &c. By one of its Members. Svo. Boston. 1763. , . Defence of the Observations, &c. against an anonymous Pamphlet, falsely entitled, a Candid Examination, &c. Svo. Boston. 1763. , . Remarks on Dr. Mayhew's Incidental Reflections, relative to the Church of England, as contained in his Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society, &c. By a Son of the Church of England. 4to. Ports- mouth, N. H. 1763. , . Answer to his Observations, &-c. Svo. Boston. 1764. , . Remarks on the foregoing Answer, being a Second Defence of his Observations. Svo. Boston. 1764. , . Dudleian Lecture in Harvard University. Svo. Boston. 1765. , . . The Snare Broken. Thanksgiving Discourse at Boston, May 23, 1706, on the Repeal of the Stamp' Act Svo. Boston. 1766, , . The Same. 2d ed. Svo. Boston. , . Letter of Reproof to John Cleaveland of Ipsv/ich, Occasion- ed by a Defamatory Libel published under his name. Svo. Boston. 1764. , . Eclogue Sacred to the Memory of, who died July 9, 1766. 4to. Boston. , . See Apthorp, E. Mayhew, Experience. Narratives of the Lives of Pious Indian Children, who lived at Martha's Vineyard. 12mo. Boston. 1829. 32 AMERICAN A N T I (i i: A R I A N S «0 C 1 E T V. Mayhew, Experience. Indian Narratives, containing an account of the First Native Preaciier in Martha's Vineyard, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1829. , . All Mankind, by Nature, Equally under Sin. Sermon at Boston Lecture, Dec. 3, 1724. ISmo. Boston. 1725. , . Grace Defended, in a Modest Plea for an Important Truth. 4to. Boston. 1744. Mayhew, Thomas. See Eliot, John. Maynard, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, Feb. 26, 1644. 4to. London. 1G45. Maynadier, William. Oration prepared for delivery at West Point, N. Y. July 4, 1826. 8vo. Newburg-h. 1826. Maylem, John. Gallic Perfidy. A Poem. 8vo. Boston. 1758. Mayo, John. The Popes Parliament, &c. with an Anatomie of Pope Joane. 4to. London. 1591. Mayo, Richard. Sermon at the Funeral of Lady Diana Ashhurst, Aug. 1707. 4to. London. 1708. M'Call, Hugh. History of Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo. Savannah. 1811—1816. McAllister. A Dissertation on the Medical Properties and Injurious Effects of the Habitual Use of Tobacco. With a Preface by Moses Stuart. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston and New York. 1832. M'Cleary. A Statement of the Cause of the M'Cleary Owners. 12mo. Ports- mouth, N. H. 1795. McClean, Charles. Dissertation on the Source of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases. 8vo. Dover. 1801. McClenachan, William. The Christian Warrior. Sermon at the French Meeting- house in Boston, March 17, 1744-5. 12mo. Boston. 1745. McClintock, Samuel. New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1784. M'Cleod, John. Narrative of a Voyage to the Yellow Sea. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1818. M'Clung, John. Sketches of Western Adventure ; containing an account of the most interesting Incidents connected with the Settlement of the West. From 1755 to 1794. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1832. M'Clure, David. Sermons on the Moral Laws. 8vo. Hartford. 1795. f . Oration at the Openinar of Philips's Academy at Exeter, N. H. May 1, 1783. 4to. Exeter. 1783. , , and Elijah Parish. Memoirs of Rev. Eleazer Wheelock. 8vo. Newburyport. 1811. M'Clure David. Report of the Survey of a Section of Delav/are River. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. M'Cord, Mr. Speech at Columbia, S. C. on the Vv^oolens Bill. 8vo. Columbia. 1827. M'Coy, Isaac. Remarks on the Practicability of Indian Reform. 8vo. Boston. 1827. , . The Same. 2d ed. Svo. New York. 1829. , . Address to Philanthropists in the United States, &.c. on the Con- dition and Prospects of the American Indians. 8vo. 1831. M'Creary, John. The Press : A Poem. 4to. Liverpool. 1803. McCulloh, J. H. Researches on America, being an Attempt to settle some points relative to the Aborigines of America, &c. 8vo. Baltimore. 1816. , . The Same. 2d ed. Svo. Baltimore. 1817. , . Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, concerning the Aboriginal History of America. Svo. Baltimore. 1829. McGregore, David. The Spirits of the present Day Tried. Tuesday Evening Lecture, at Boston, Nov. 3, 1741. 12mo. Boston. 1742. , . The Christian Soldier. Sermon at Newbury [Mass.] Sept. 24, 1754, at the Ordination of Alexander Boyd, to the Pastoral Office at New Castle, [Mass.] Svo. Boston. 1755. McGregore, David. See Parsons, Jonathan. McDowall, J. R. Magdalen Facts. No. 1, for Jan. 1832. Svo. New York. 1832. CATALOGUE OF L 1 ii R A 11 V. 3a McDuffie, George. Speech in Congress, Feb. 17, 182G, on the proposition to amend the Constitution. 8vo. Washington, 182G. , , . National and State Rights Considered. 8vo. Charleston. 1821. McKean, Joseph. A Plea for Friendship and Patriotism : Two Discourses at Boston, March 27 and April 7, 1814. 12mo. Boston. 1814. , — . Sermon at the Ordination of Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham, at Boston, March 15, 1815. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Sketch of the Life and Character of, [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 8. 2d Series.] , . Catalogue of his Library. 8vo. Boston. 1818. McKeen, Joseph. [Pres.] "Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1 800. , . . Two Fast Discourses at Beverly [Mass.] May 9, 1798. , . . Fast Sermon at Beverly, April 11, 1793. 8vo. Salem. 1793. , . Inaugural Address at Brunswick, [Me.] Sept. 2, 1802, as President of Bowdoin College. With an Eulogy at his Funeral by the Rev. William Jenks. 8vo. Portland. 1807. McNeil, William G. Narrative of the Proceedings of the Engineers of the Bal- timore and Ohio Rail Road. Part II. 8vo. Baltimore. 1830. McKenney, Thomas L. Reports and Proceedings, on the Subject of his recent Tour among the Southern Indians. 8vo. Washington. 182S. ^ . Narrative of the Battle of Bladensburgh, in a Letter to Henry Banning, Esq. 8vo. 1814. McMelian, Mr. Julia, or the Adventures of a Cerate's Daughter. 12mo. Wal- pole, N. H. 1799. McElligott, P. Observations on the Gaelic Language. See Gaelic Society. McEwen, William. Grace and Truth, or the Glory and Fullness of the Redeemer displayed. 12mo. Boston. 1796. McFarland, Asa. New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Concord. 1808. , . Signs of the Times. Sermon at Concord, N. H. July 24, 1808. 8vo. Concord. 1808. , . Sermon at Candia, N. H. Feb. 7, 181C, at the Ordination of Isaac Jones. 8vo. Concord. . . Wisdom of God, as Exhibited in Creation. Masonic-Sermon at Hanover, N. H. 8vo. Hanover. 1797. , . Oration before the Society of the Phi Beta Kappa, at Hanover, Aug. 25, 1802. 4to. Hanover. 1802. McKmnen, Daniel. General Description of the Bahama Islands. See Ed- wards, B. McVickar, John. "The Signs of the Times." Sermon for the General Theolo- gical Seminary. 8vo. New York. 1833. Mead, Mathew. The Almost Christian Discovered. 9th ed. ]2mo. London. 1691. Mead, Richardus. De Imperio Soils ac Lunae in Corpora Humana et morbis inde oriundis. 12mo. London. 1704. , . Discourse on the Plague. 9th ed. 8vo. London. 1744. , . Medical Works of 8vo. Edinburgh. 1775. Mead, Samuel. Some Plain Truths delineated and Matter of Fact proposed, as a Substitute for Groundless Tradition. 8vo. Walpole. 1793. Meares, John. Voyage made in the years 1788-9, from China to the N. W. Coast of America. 4to. London. 1790. Mead, Z. The Faithful Church Reward. Three Discourses in Jan. 1834. 8vo. Boston. 1834. Meadows, F. C. French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. 12mo. New York. 1835. Mease, James. Essay on the Disease produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog or other rabid Animal. With a Preface and Appendix by J. C. Lettsom. 8vo. London. 1793. , . Picture of Philadelphia. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1811. , . Reply to the Criticisms of J. N. Barker, on the Historical Facta in the Picture of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. 34 A iM E R I C A N A N T I Q U A 11 IAN" S O C I E T Y. Mease, JamGs, Observations on the Arguments of the late Prof. Rush in favor of the Inflammatory Nature of the Disease produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog. Amer. Med. Recorder. Vol. 6. No. 1. , . Addition to the Article 'Ttussia," in the Philadelphia edition of Brewsters Edinburgh Cyclopaedia. 4to. Philadelphia. 1829. , . Description of American Medals. [New York Hist. Coll. Vol. 3. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 4. 3rd Series.] Mechain, M. M. et Delanibre. Base du Systeme Metrique Decimal etc. Vide Institat National. Medford, Macal. British, American and Vv^est India Interest Considered. 8vo. London. 1807. Mediator's Kingdom not of this World, but spiritually, heavenly, and divine. Bv an Inquirer. 12mo. New York. 3814. Meddler, The. Vol. 1. 4to. Dublin. 1744. Mede, Joseph. Works, fol. London. 1 764. Medical and Philosophical Journal and Review. Vols. 1, 2, 3. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1809-11. . Intelligencer. Edited by J. V. C. Smith. Medical Recorder, American. 14 vols. 8vo. Pliiladelphia. 1818-28. Medical Communications to the Massachusetts Medical Society. Facts and Observations. Vols. 1, 3. 8vo. London. 1791-2. '■ Pamphlets. 9 vols. 8vo. Essays and Observations Revised and Published by a Society in Edin- burgh. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1733-62. Society of London. Memoirs of. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1787-92. Transactions, published by the College of Pliysicians of London. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1772. Society, Connecticut Medicine. Annals of, for the year 179G, Andrew Duncan, Sen. and Jun. Vol. 1. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1796. . Elements of tr. from the Latin. 2 vols, in L 8vo. Philadelphia. 1791. . Book of Health, or a Compendium of Domestic Medicine. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1830. Medicines. Account of Several Valuable and Excellent Genuine Patent and Public Medicines. 8vo. London. [1790.] Meditations on the Incomprehensibility of God, in his Works of Creation, Provi- dence and Redemption, &c. By J=^**** '^y>;:^'S#*#^ gyo^ Boston. 1762. Meech, Asa. Sermon at Bridgewater, [Mass.] March 18, 1804, chiefly illustrat- ing the Ways of God. 8vo. Boston. 1804. Meene, Joseph. Tlie Vicker's Challenge. 4to. London. 1640. Meerman, Gerardus. Origines Typographicac. 2 tomi. 4to. Hagae Comi- tum. 1765. Meggott, Richard. The New Cured Cripple's Caveat. Sermon. 4to. London. 1662. Meigs, Return J. Journal of occurrences in Arnold's Expedition to Quebec in 1775. [Mass. Hist. ColL 2d Series. Vol. 2.] Meigs, Josiah. Oration at New Haven [Con.] Nov. 5, 1781, on the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis, at York Town, Oct. 19, 1781. 8vo. Nevv^ Haven. 1782. Meisnerus, Balthasar. Anthropologias Sacra. 16mo. Montisbeligardi. 1619. , — . Meditationes in Evangelia Festivitatum Annuarum. IGmo. Argentinae. 1626. , . Meditationes Sacrae in Evangelia Dominicalia. 16mo. Argentinae. 1626. Mejur, Gerardus. Disputatio Theologica Inauguralis. 4to. Lug, Bat. 1654. Melancthon, P. Erotem.ata Dialectices. 12mo. Lipsiae. 1562. , — . et Gasparus Peucer. Cronicon Carionis. 12mo. Wittemberg. 1717. Melish, John. Travels in the United States of America in 1806, 7, 9, 10, 11, in- cluding an account of passages betwixt America and Britain, and Travels through various parts of Great Britain, Ireland and Upper Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1812. C A T A L O 0' U F. O F L 1 B R A R Y. 35 Melisb, John. Description of the British Possessions in North America. 8vo. . Geog-raphical Description of the United Stiites. New Edition. 8vo. ' Philadelphia. ]822. " . Description of East and West Florida and the Bahama Islands. 8vo. ' Philadelphia. 1813. , . Emigrants' Guide! 12itio. Philadelphia. 1819. Mellen, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Joseph Palmer, at Norton, Mass. Jan. 3,1753. 8vo. Boston. 1753. , . Sermon at Sterling, Mass. June IG, 175u, at a General Muster. ISmo. Boston. 1756. , . Sermon at Sterlino-, Oct. 9, 17C0, upon the Reduction of Canada, ■with an account of the War. l:2mo. Boston. 1760. , . Fifteen Discourses. 8vo. Boston. 1765. , . Sermon at Lancaster, March 31, 1765, on the Death of Sehastinn Smith. 8vo. Boston. 1765. . . , . Sermon at a Singing Lecture at Marlborough, [Mass.] March 24, 1773. Svo. Boston. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Levi Whitman, at Wellfleet, [Mass.] April 1.3, 17S5. Svo. Plymouth. 1785. Mellen, John, Jun. Masonic Discourse at Hanover, [Mass.] June 24, 17G3. 8vo. Boston. , , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Barnstable, [Mass.] Nov. 20, 1794. Svo. Boston. 1794. , , — — . Sermon at Yarmouth, [Mass.] Nov. 13, 1796, on the Death of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Rev. Timothy Alden. ]2mo. Boston. 1797. , , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1797. , , . Dudleian Lecture in Harvard University. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , , . Serm.on at Barnstable, April 28, 1799, on the Death of Hon. David Davis, who died April 22. Svo. Boston. 1799. , , . Sermon at Harwich, [Mass.] Jan. 21, 1791, at the Funeral of Rev. Isaiah Dunster. 12mo. Boston. 1791. , , . Great and Happy Doctrine of Liberty. Thanksgiving Ser- mon at Hanover, Feb. 19, 1795. Svo. Boston. 1795. Mellen, Grenville. The Age of Print: Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa in Harvard University. Svo. Boston. 1830. Melmouth, William, The Great Importance of a Religious Life considered. ]2mo. Alexandria, D. C. 1802. • Memoir of the North{3rn Kingdom, written A. D. 1782. By the late Williamson Johnsenykes, fcc, in Six Letters. Svo. Quebeck. 1901. Memoires et Dissertations sur les Antiquites Nationales et Etrangeros publics par la Societe Royale dcs Antiquaires de France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1817-20. de L'Acaderaie Celtique ou Recherches sur les Antiquites Celtiques Gauloises et Francaises. 5 vols. Svo. Paris. 1807-10. Memoirs of the Principal Transactions of the Last War between the English and French in North America from 1744 to the conclusion of the Treaty at Aix la Chapelle. 3rd. Svo. Boston. 1758. of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the last Sixty Years. ]2mo. Harrisburgh. 1811. Memorable Accidents, tr. from the French. By R. B. 12mo. Washington. 1795. Memorial of God's last Twenty Nine Year's Wonders in England, for its preser- vation and Deliverance from Popery and Slavery. 4to. London. 1689. containing a Summary View of Facts with their Authorities in An- swer to The Observations sent by the English Ministry to the Courts of Europe. Tr. from the French. Svo. Nev*^ York. 1757. Mendon Association, [Mass.] Evidences of Pi,evealed Religion. 12mo. North- ampton. 1798. Mendoza, Antonio de. To love only for Love's Sake. Tr. from the Spanish. 4to. London. 1670. , . Festivals represented at Aranwhez in 1623, to celebrate the Birth-Day of Philip IV. tr. from the Spanish. 4to. London. 1670. 1 ,x Mercerus, Johannes. In Librum Job Commentarii. fol. 1651. 36 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. JMercier, Andrew Le. Treatise against Detraction in Ten Sermons. 8vo. Boston. 1733. — ^ , . Church History of Geneva: Also political and geograph- ical Account of that Republic. 2d ed. 12rao. London. 1756. , . Same. 12mo. Boston. 1732. Mercurius Publicus. [Newspa])er.] 4to. London. 1G60. Meredyth, .Tohn. The Sin of Blasphemy against tho Holy Ghost. 4to. London. ]()22. Meres, Francis. God's Arithmeticke. 16mo. London. 1.597. Mereton, Geor2:e. Sermon before the General Asso.nbly at Glascoe, June 10, 1610. 4to. ^London. IGll. Mereton, Henry. See Quaker. Meriam, Jonas. Sermon at Falmouth, Oct. 17, 1764, at the Ordination of Thomas Smith. 8vo. Boston. 1765. Merda, Rafael D. Representacion del. al Congresso de Venezuela, Instalado en la Ciudad de Santo Tomas de Angostura en 1819. 8vo. Burdeos. Merlin, Ambrosius. Life and Strange Prophecies of. 4to. London. 1626. , . See Leigh, Jos. Merrick, Pliny. Eulooy on George Washington. 8vo. Brookfield, Mass. 1800. Merrick, Pliny. Oration at Worcester, [Mass.] July 4. 1817. 8vo. Worcester, , . Masonic Address at Middleborough, [Mass.] Aug. 19, 1823. 8vo. New Bedford. 1823. , . Letter on Speculative Freemasonry. 8vo. Worcester, 1829. Merrick, John M. Masonic Address at Hardwick, [Mass.] Jan. 14, 1829. 8vo. Athol. 1829. Merrill, Eliphalet and Phinehas. Gazetteer of New Hampshire. 8vo. Exeter. 1817. Merrill, Daniel. Mode and Subject of Baptism Examined ; with a Miniature History of Baptism. 10th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1812. , . See Austin, S. , . Eight Letters on open Communion addressed to Rufus Ander- son. 12mo. Boston. 1805. , . Letters, occasioned by the Rev. Samuel Worcester's Two Discourses. 12mo. Boston. 1807. , , Balaam Disappointed. Thanksgiving Sermon at Nottingham West, April 12, 1815. 2d ed. Concord, N. H. 1816. Merrill, Thomas. Sermon before the Vermont Domestic Missionary Society, at Royalston. Sept. 12, 1833. 8vo. Windsor. 1834. Merry, Robert. Pains of Memory. 12mo. New York. 1802. Messer, Asa, [Pres.] Discourse before the Warren [R. I.] Association, Sept. 8, 1812. 8vo. Providence. 1813. , . Address to the Graduates of Rhode Island College, Sept. 7, 1803. 8vo. Providence. 1803. Metensus, Paulus Ferrius. Scholastici Orthodoxi Specimen. ]6mo. Gotstadii. 1616. Messiah. An Hymn. 12mo. Boston. 17.58. Methodists. Observations upon the Conduct and Behavior of a Certain Sect, usually distinguished by the name of. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1744. . See Whitefield, George. Methodist Episcopal Church. Vindication of Public Justice and of Private Char- acter, against the Attacks of a Council of Ministers of. 8vo. Providence. 1823. . Minutes of, for 1802. 12mo. Philadelphia. . Minutes of, for 1804. 12mo. New York, 1804. Methodists. Earnest and Affectionate Address to. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1745. Meussel, Johann Georg. Lehrbuch der Statistic. 8vo. Leipzig. 1792. , . Lehrbuch der Statistic. 8vo. Leipzig. 1804. , . Leitfaden zur Geschichte der Gelehrsamkeit. 3 Biinde. 8vo, Leipzig. 1799. 1800. Mewe, William. Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 29, 1643. 4to. London. 1643. C A T A L O G U E O F I. 1 B Jl A R Y. 37 Mexico. Description of the Panoi-ama of the ^Superb City of, by R. Eurford. 8vo. . Notes on, made in the Autumn of J 8:22, accompanied by an Historical Sketch of the Revolution, &lc. Ry a Citizen of the United States. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1824. . View of South America and Mexico. ]'2mo. New York. 182G. and Mn Poinsett. A Reply to a British Pamphlet on the Panama Mis- sion. 4to. Philadelphia. ]82'J. ' Michaelis, Johann David. Deutsche Uebersetzung kes Alten Testaments, mit Anmerkungen flir Ungelehrte. ]3 Thiele. 4to. Gottingen und Gotha. 1769-83. , . Ubersetung- des Neun Testaments, ler Thiel. 4to. Gottingen. 1790. , . Paraphrasis und Anmerkungen liber die Briefe Pauli an die Galater, Epheser, Philipper, Colasser, Thessalonicher, den Timotheus. Titus und Philemon. 2te. Austr. 4to. Bremen und Gottin^ren. 1769. , . Abhandlung von den Ghegesctzen Mosis. 2te A.uf. 4to. Gottingen. 1768. , . Orientalische und Exegetische Bibliothek. 24 Theile. 12mo Frankfurt am Mayn. 1771-83. -, . Neue Orientalishe und Exegestiche Bibliothek. 9 Theile. 12mo. Gottingen. 1786-93. , . Ix-bensbeschreibung von ihm sclbst abgefaszt, mit Anmerkungen von Hassencamp, Nebst Remerkungen liber dessen litterarischen Character von Eichhorn, Schulz und dem Elogium von Heyne. 12mo. Leipzig. 1793. -■ , . Gedanken liber die Lehreder heiligen Schrift von Slinde und Genugthuung, als eine der VernunstGemeisse Lchre. 12mo. Got- tingen und Bremen. 1779. , . Beurtheilnng der Mittel, welche man amvendet, die ausgestorbene Hebraische Sprache zu verstehen. ]2mo. Gottingen. 1757. , . Hebraische Gramraatik. 2te Auf 12mo. Halle im Magdeburgischen. 1768. Michigan. Observations on the Petitions to Congress of the Inhabitants of Mackinaw, Brown and Crawford Counties in the Territory of. 8vo. 1812. Michaux, F. A. Travels to the west of the Alleghany Mountains, in 1809, 8vo. London. 1805. , Micheau, Paul. Dissertation on Hernia Ilum.eralis. 12mo. New York. 1788. Micraelius, Johannes. Lexicon Philosophicum. 4to. Jenae. 1653. Micmac Language. Specimen of See Mountaineer. Microcosm. Succinct Description of 8vo. Glasgow. Middleton, Patrick. Dissertation upon the Power of the Church. 12rao. London. 1733. Middleton, Conyers. Letter from. Rome, showing an exact conformity between Popery and Paganism. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1761. Middletown, [Ct.] Prospectus of the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy to be opened at. 8vo. 1825. Middleborough, [Mass.] Confesssion of faith in the Church of 8vo. Boston. 1771. Middlebrook, Elijah. Almanac for 1835. 12mo. New Haven. Middlesex, [Mass.] See Canal. Middling Interest. Exposition of the Principles and Views of, in the City of Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Middling Interest. Defence of the Exposition of, on the Right of Constituents to give Instruction to their Representatives, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1822. Midhope, Stephen. Sermon at the Funeral of Col. William Gould. 4to. Lon- don. 1644. Midon, Francis. Remarkable History of the Rise and Fall of Masaniello. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1756. Mifflin, Warner. Serious Expostulation with the Members of the House of Rep- resentatives of the United States. 12mo. New Bedford, [Mass.] 1793. , . The Same. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 1793. 40 8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Miles, Noah. Sermon at Temple, [N. H.] Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Amherst. 1800. Military Companion : 3cl eel. r2mo. Newburyport, Mass. 1810. Military Convention at Worcester, [Mass.] Jan. 1835. See Massachusetts. Military Dictionary. The Gentleman's Compleat. 18th ed. ]2mo. Boston. 1759. Military Discipline. An Abstract of, from Col. Bland. 16mo. Boston. 1747. Military Mentor, being a Series of Letters from a General Officer to his Son, on his entering the Army. 2d Vol. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1808. Monitor and American Register. Containing a correct Record of the Events of the War between the United States and Great Britain from 1812, to Aug. 23, 1813. 4to. New York. Reflections on Four Modes of Defence for the United States, tr. from the French by Eliza Anderson. 8vo. Baltimore. 1807. Militia. Reflections Previous to the Establishment of a Militia. 8vo. Boston. 1756. Militia Reporter, Containing the Trials of Jos. Loring, Jun. Amos Binney, and Thomas Howe. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Mill, John. A full Inquiry into the Original Authority of that Text, i. John v. 7. Containing An Account of Dr. Mill's evidences from Antiquity, for and against its being genuine. 12mo. London. 1715. Millar, Dav. The Scripture Doctrine of Justification and the True and Proper Priesthood and Satisfaction of Christ. 8vo. London. 1749. Millard, David. The True Messiah exalted. 2d cd. 12mo. Keene,N.H. 1819. Millenial Institutions. See Ezekiel. Millennium. An Epistolary Dissertation upon. ]2mo. London. 1714. Miller, Henry. Sermon to Commemorate the Gun Powder Treason, Nov. 5, 1641. 4to. London. 1641. Miller, Jonathan. Sermon at the Commencement at Yale College, Sept. 9, 1812. 8vo. New Haven. 1812. Miller, Samuel. Discourse at New York, April 12, 1797, before the Society for promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and protecting such of them as may be liberated. 8vo. New York. 1797. , . Seimon at Nev/ York, July 4, 1795. 8vo. New York. 1795. , . Fast Sermon at New York, May 9, 1758. 8vo. New York. 1798. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at New York, Feb. 9, 1799, on the Re- moval of Malignant and Mortal Diseases. 8vo. New York. 1799. ■ , . Sermon before the New York Missionar}' Society, April 6, 1802, with the Report. 8vo. New York. 1802. , . Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1803. , . Tvv'o Discourses on Suicide, at New York, Feb. 1805. 8vo. New York. 1805. , . Charity Sermon at New York, March 13, 1808. 8vo. New York. 1808. , . Sermon at New York, Jan. 19, 1812, on the Burning of the Richmond [Va.] Theatre. 8vo. New York. 1812. , . Sermon at Princeton, N. J. Aug. 12, 1812, at the Inauguration of Archibald Alexander, as Professor, &,c., in the Theological Seminarv. 8vo. New York. 1812. , . Letter to him on the Charges against Unitarians in his late Or- dination Sermon at Baltimore. 2d ed. 12mo. Baltimore. 1821. ^ . Sixth and Seventh Letters to iiim on his Charges against Unita- rians, from the Unitarian Miscellany. 12mo. Baltimore. 1821. , . Discourse to commemorate the Discovery of New York. [New York Hist. Coll. Vol. L] ^ . Sermon at New Haven, [Con.] Sept. 12, 1823, at the Ordination of William Goodell, William Richards, and Artemas Bishoj), as Evangelists and Missionaries. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Miller, Rodney A. Importance of Religious Influence to National Prosperity : Thanksgiving Sermon at Worcester, [Mass.] Nov. 29, 1832. 8vo. Worcester. 1833. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY'. 39 Miller, Silvanus. Address in behalf of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, at New York, Dec. 24, 1818. 8vo. New York. 18J9. Miller, Andrew. New States and Territories. 24mo. 1819. Miller, Moses. Sermon at Northampton, [Mass.] Aug. 19, 1824, before the Hampshire Missionary Society. 8vo. Northampton. 1824. Milles, Robert. Abraham's Suite for Sodome : Sermon. IGmo. London. 1G12. Millet, John. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Robert Collard, Nov. 9, 1648. 4to. Oxford. 1652. Millet, Claude Xavier. Elements of General History, tr. from the Fr. 5 vols. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1789. Mills, Elijah H. Oration before the Washington Benevolent Society. 8vo. Northampton. 1813. Mills, Jedediah. Vindication of Gospel Truth and Refutation of some danger- ous Errors, &c. 4to. Boston. 1747. See Johnson. , . Inquiry concerning The State of the Unregenerate under the Gospel, &c. Containing Remarks On the Tenth Section of the Rev. Samuel Hopkins's late Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Sermon. 8vo. New Haven, Con. 1767. Mills, John. Treatise on Cattle. 12mo. Boston. 1795. , . Modern System of Farriery, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1796. Mills, Edmund. Oration at Sutton, [Mass.] July 4, 1809. 8vo. Sutton. 1809. Mills, Samuel John. See Schernierhorn. Mills, Samuel John and Daniel Smith. Report of a Missionary Tour West of the Alleghany Mountains performed under the Direction of the Massachusetts Missionary Society. 8vo. Andover, Mass. 1815. Milner, J. Some Remarkable Passages in the Life of William Howard, who died March 2, 1784. 2d ed. York. 1785. Milns, William. The Weil-Bred Scholar. 3d ed. 12mo. New York. 1797. Miltimore, James. Discourse at New Market [N. H.] before a Respectable Mu- sical Choir. 8vo. Exeter. 1794. , . Sermon at Belleville in Newbury, [Mass.] Nov. 24. 1807, at the Dedication of the New Meeting House. 8vo. Newburyport. 1807. Miltimore, Wiliam. Sermon at the Installation of Elijah Kellogg in Portland. 8vo. Portland. 1812. Milton, Charles. Narrative of the Gracious Dealings of God in the Conversion of two Malefactors. 12mo. Exeter, N. H. 1793. Milton, [Mass.] 'Collection of Papers relative to the Transactions of the Town of, to promote a General Inoculation of the Cow Pox, or Kine Pock. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Milton, John. An Apology for Smectymnuus. With the Reasons of Church Government. 4to. London. 1641. , . The Reason of Church Government urged Against Prelacy in 2 Books. 4to. London. 1641. , . The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. 4to. London. 1644. , . The Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce. 4to. Lon- don. 1644. , . The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. 4to. London. 1649. , . A Tractate of Education, &lc. 12mo. Glasgow. 1746, , . Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio contra Claudii Anonymi alias Salmasii Defensionem Regiam. 16mo. London. 1652. , . EIKONOKLASTES, in answer to Eikon Basilike. 12mo. Am- sterdam. 1690. , . History of Britain to William the Conqueror. See Kennet, Vol. I. , . Paradise Lost. 12mo. Philadelphia. , . Poetical Works, with his Life. See British Poets. , . The Same. 12mo. Brookfield, Mass. 1810. Mil ward, Matthias. The Sword Bearer. Sermon. 4to. London. 1641. , . The Soldiers Triumph. Sermon at the Artillery Garden, Aug. 31, 1641. 4to. London. Minnellus, Johannes. Vide Cicero M. T. 40 A ]M E R I C A N AN T I Q U A R I A N S (> C I E T Y, Mineral Waters. Treatise on the Use and Abuse of. 8vo. Ministerial Exchano-es. Remarks on. ]2mo. Boston. 1824. Ministers. Defence of their Reasons for Refusal of Subscription to the Book of Common Prayer and Conformity : in 3 parts. 16mo. London. 1G07-8, . Certain Scruples from the Army, presented in a Dialogue between a Minister of the new Moulded Presbytery and a Soldier, &c. 4to. London. 1{347. . Ministers of London. A Serious and Faithful Representation of their Judn-ments of the Gospel, contained in a Letter to Cromwell and his Council of Warre. 4to. London. 1648. . Vindication of the Ministers of the Gospel in and about London, from the Cliarge of having brought the King to Capitall punishment. 4to. London. 1(548. . A Parallel between the Ministerial Ingenuity of the 47 London Min- isters, and the foule Miscarriages of the Army in their Declarations and Cove- nant-Breaking, with an answer to the Letter of the Ministers. 4to. London. 1649. . Renuntiation and Declaration of the Ministry of the Congregational Church, living in and about London, against the late Rebellion in said City. 4to. London. 1661. . Three Ministers communicating their Collections and Notions. 16mo. London. 1675. • . Heads of Agreement assented to by the United Ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational. 4to. Lon- don. 1691. . See Parliament. . Anti-Ministerial Objections considered, or the Unreasonable Pleas made by some against their Duty to their Ministers, with respect to their Main- tenance, ansv/ered. In a Letter to Richard Kent, Esq. IGmo. Boston. 1725. . The Second Part of a Reply to the Vindication of the Subscribing Ministers. 8vo. London. 1719. Ministry. Model for the Education of Students of choice abilities at the Univer- sity, and principally in order to the Ministry. 4to. London. 1648. . Divine Right of the Gospel Ministry in 2 parts. 4to. London. 1654. Ministry, [I^olit] The Conduct of the Ministry compared with its Consequences : or an Important View of the Present State of Affairs. 8vo. London. 1733. . , — . Measures of the Ministry to prevent a Revolution are the Cer- tain means of Bringing it on. 8vo. London. 1794. , . Conduct of the Ministry Impartially Examined. In a Letter to the Merchants of London. 8vo. London. 1756. Minns. See Young. Minot, Georgo Richards. Oration to commemorate the Boston Massacre of March 1770, March 5, 1782. 4to. Boston. 1782. Minot, George Richards. History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts in 1786, and the Rebellion consequent thereon. 8vo. Worcester. 1788. , — ■ . Address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Continuation of the History of the Province of Massa- chusetts Bay, from 1748 to 1765. 2 vols. 8vo. 1798-1803. , . Eulogy at Boston, on George Washington. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1800. , . Character of [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 8.] Mint. See United States. Minutoli, Baroness von. Recollections of Egypt. 12mo. Philadelphia,. 1827. Miranda, Francisco De. History of an Attempt to effect a Revolution in South America. 3rd ed. 12mo. Boston. 1811. Mirick, B. L. History of Haverhill, in Massachusetts. 12m.o. Haverhill. 1832. Mirror. A Periodical paper published at Edinburgh in 1779-80. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1792. . The Same. 2 vols in 1 . 12mo. Philadelphia. 1793. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 41 Mirror. Exhibited by the Sayings and Transactions of the Greatest Men in Europe, ]2mo. Boston. ]802. Miscellany, Entertaining and Useful. 12ino. Charlestown, Mass. Miscellanea Curiosa, sive Ephemerides Medico-Physicae (jernianicae Acade- miae Imperialis Leopoldinae Naturae Curiosum. Ki/l, 2, 7, 80-3. 1690. J'3 vols. 4to. Jenae, Francofurti, Lipsiae, Norimburn-ae. J()71-90. Mission. Brief Narrative of the Baptist Mission in India down to 181 ], -^vith an account of the Translations of the Scripture into the Languages of the East. 12mo. Boston. Missionary Herald. Missions, Christian. Fifteenth Annual Report of the American Board of Com- missioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . View of the Missions, Funds Expenditures and Prospects of the Same Society. l*2mo. 1812. , . Instructions to the Missionaries about to embark for the Sand- wich Islands, and to the Rev. Messrs. Wm. Goodell and Isaac Bird, attached to the Palestine Mission. 8vo. Boston. 1823. , . Address to the Christian Public, &.c. on the Subject of the Proposed Union between the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions and the United Foreign Missionary Society. 8vo. Boston. 1820. , . Address of the General Association of Connecticut on the Subject of a Missionary Society. 8vo. Norwich, Ct. 1797. , . Collection of I^etters relative to Foreign Missions, contain- ing several of Melvill Home's " Letters on Missions." 12mo. Andover, Mass. 1810. , . Brief Narrative of the Baptist Mission in India. See Baptist. , . Proceedings of the 14th Anniversary of the Auxiliary Foreign Mission Society of Boston and Vicinity. 8vo. Boston. 1825. . Narrative on the Subject of, and a Statement of the Funds of the Mis- sionary Society of Connecticut. 8vo. Hartford. 1802. . The Same for 1803. 8vo. Hartford. 1804. . The Same for 1804. 8vo. Hartford, 1805. Missionary Society, Baptist Foreign. First Report. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1815. , ■ . Fourth Report. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1818. . . Fifth Report. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. , . Sixth Report. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. , . Seventh Report. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821. Missionary Society, American Home. Sixth Annual Report. 8vo. New York. 1832. , . Eighth Annwal Report. 8vo. Nev^' York. 1834. ■- , . Ninth Annual Report. 8vo. Nevr York. 1835. Missionary Society, Evangelical in Massachusetts. Constitution of. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1818. Missionary Societv, Hampden. Report of. for 1832. 12mo. Springfield. 1832. Missionary Society, Hampshire. Twenty Seventh Report of. 8vo. Northamp- ton. 1828. , . TAventv-eighth Report of. 8vo. Northampton. 1829. Missionary Society. Proceedings at the First Anniversary of the Auxiliary Foreign Mission Society of the County of Essex, held at Newburyport, [Mass.'] April 10, 1827. 8vo. Newburyport. 1827. Missionary Paper, of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, from No. 3 to 15. 12mo. Boston. 1833-34. Mississippi. Statutes of Mississippi Territory, with the Ordinance for the Gov- ernment Northwest of the River Ohio, the Articles of Agreement and Cession between the United States and Georgia and such Acts of Congress as relate to the Mississippi Territory. Digested by Edward Turner. 8vo. Natchez. 1817. \2 A M E K I C A N A N T I Q T A R I A N S O C I E 1 Y. Mississippi. Acts and Resolutions, from Oct. 1817, to Feb. 1819. Svo. Natchez. J818-1;). . Constitution of. ]2mo. Nachez. . See Ohio ; New England and Mississippi Land Company ; Georgia Mississippi Land Company. . Messag-e of the President transmitting the Laws of the Mississippi Territory. 8vo. Wash i no-ton. 1801. Missouri, Red River, and Washita. Discoveries made in Exploring, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley and Mr. Dunbar, with a Statistical Account of the Countries adjacent. Communicated in the President's Message of Feb. 19, 180f>. 8vo. New York. 1806. Mitchell, Jonathan. Letter to his Brother dated May 19, 1649. IQrno. Boston. , . Discourse of the (xlory to whicii God hath called Believers by Jesus Christ: in ten Sermons. With a Letter to the Reader by John Col- lins. 16mo. London. 1677. ■ , . The Same. IQmo. Boston. 1721. , . Elijah's Mantle. See New England. Mitchell, John R. Lecture on the Wisdom of God as displayed in the formation of Water. 4to. Philadelphia. 1833. , . Lecture before tho Franklin Institute. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1834. Mitchell, .L The Asylum. 2 vols. 12mo. ^Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1811. Mitchell, Samuel L. Discourse before the New York Historical Society, Dec. 6, 1613. New York Hist. Coll. Vol. 2.] , . Catalogue of the Organic Remains, presented by him to the New York Lyceum of Natural History. 8vo. New York. 1826. , . Discourse at New York, March 24, 1818, before the Society for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. Svo. New York. . , . Discourse on the State and Prospects of American Litera- ture, before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Schenectady, N. Y. July 24, 1821. Svo. Albany. 1821. , . The Life, Exploits, and Precepts of Tammany; the famoua Indian Chief. Anniversary Oration before the Tammany Society, or Colum- bian Order, May 12, 1795, at New York. 1795. Mitchell, William. See Barclay R. M'Kean, Thomas. See Wilson, James. M'Kinnen, D. See McKinnen. M'Lean, Alexander. Oration at Ludlow Factory Village, [Mass.] Svo. Bel- chertown. 1829. M'Kniglit, John. The Divine Goodness to the United States of America. Thanksgiving Sermon at New York, Feb. 19, 1795. Svo. New York. 1795. , . Sermon before the New York Missionary Society, April 24, 1799. 8vo. Mocket, Thomas. The Churches Troubles and Deliverance. 4to. London. 1642. Modern Fanatick. Svo. Pleas for Comprehension, Toleration, and the Taking away the Obliga- tion of Renouncing the Covenant. 16mo. London. 1675. Modest Proof of the Order and Government, &c. See Church 1723. Molinos, Michael de. Spiritual Guide, tr. from the Italian. 16mo. 1688. Molai, James. Tomb of, or the Secret of the Conspirators. Svo. Boston. 1797. Moliere, J. B. Poquelin De. Les Oeuvres de. Tom. 4. IGmo. Amsterdam. 1725. Molina, Abbe Don J. Ignatius. Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili. tr. from the Original Italian by an American Gentleman. 2 vols. Svo. Mid- dletown, Con. 1808. Molinaeus. See Moulin. Mollerus, Henricus. Enarratio Psalmorum Davidis Excerpta praelectionibus. fol. 1573. Molyneux, William. Sciothericum Telescopicum : or a new Contrivance of adapting a Telescope to an Horizontal Dial for observing the moment of time by Day or Night. 4to. Dublin. 1686. CATALOG U n O F L I Ji II A II V, 43 Mon^re, Gaspard. Description de Part de Fabriquer les Canons. 4 to. Pari.s. 1792. MonanthoJius, Henricus. Oratio qua Ostenditur quale esse debeat Collejrium Professorum Regiornm ut sit perfectum atque absoluturn. IGmo. Ijutotiae. ] 595. Monarchie. A Treatise of, in 2 Books* 4to. . Vindication of the above in answer to Dr. Feme. 4to. London. ](i5l. . A Persuasive to a Mutual Compliance under the Present Govern- ment : together with a Plea for the Present State Compared with a Monarchy. 4 to. Oxford. ](j51). . A Modest Plea for an equal Commonwealth against Monarchy. 4to. London. 1(>59. Monitor, Elias. The Strangers Apology for the General Associations. 12mo. Boston. 3812. Mondel, M. D. Alexis et Justine ; Comedie Lyrique. 8vo. Amsterdam. 178G. Monis, Judah. The Truth, being a Discourse delivered at his Baptism. 12mo. Boston. 1722. , . See Colrnan, B. , . Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue. 4to. Boston. 1735. Monro, Donald, Account of the Diseases which were most frequent in the Brit- ish Military Hospitals in Germany, from Jan. 1761, to March 1763, &-€. 8vo. London. 1764. Monroe, James. [Pres.] View of the Conduct of the Executive, in the Foreign Affairs of the United States as connected with the Mission to the French Re- public in 1794-6. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797. , . . The Same. 8vo. London. 1798. , . . Message to Congress. See United States. , . . Letter to Mr. Madison. 8vo. [1808.J , . . Memoir on his Claims on the United States. 8vo. Char- lottesville. 1828. Monsignv, Mary. Mythology : or a history of the Fabulous Deities. 12mo. Ran- dolph, Vt. 1809. Monster of Monsters. A True and Faithful Narrative of a most Remarkable Phaenomenon lately seen in this Metropolis, to the great Surprize of his Majes- ty's Good Subjects. By Thomas Thumb, Esq. 12mo. [Boston.] 1754. . The Cub new lick'd : or, A new Story of An Old Mons- ter. 12mo. [Boston.] . A Total Eclipse of Liberty. Being a true and faithful account of the Arraignment and Examination, of Daniel Fowle before the Hon. House of Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, Oct. 24, 1754, barely on Suspicion of his being conerned in Printing and Publishing a Pamphlet, entitled, the Monster of Monsters. Written by himself. ]2mo. Boston. 1755. Montague, Edward Wortley. Life, Travels and Adventures of. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1794. Montague, Peregrine. The Family Pocket Book. 12mo. London. Montague, Richard. See Church. Monthly Assembly. A Farce. Svo. Boston. 1770. Montreal Library. Catalogue of 8vo. Montreal. 1821. Montresor, CoL Journal of the Expedition to Quebec. [Maine Hist. Coll. Vol. 1.] Monterinos, Antonio. His relation concerning Jews in America. See Thorow- good, T. Montesquieu, M. de. Secondat, Baron de. The Spirit of Laws ; translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Worcester. 1802. Montgomery, Gen. Death of, in Storming Quebec. See Bush, J. Moody, Joshua. Discourse Concerning the Choice and Benefit of Communion with God in His House. Being the Summe of Several Sermons preached in Boston on Lecture Days. 16mo. Boston. 1685. . The Great Sin of Formality in God's Worship. Lecture Ser- mon at Boston. 16mo. Boston. 1691. — , . Exhortation to a condemned Malefactor. 16mo. Boston. 1687. 41 A i: R I C A N A N T I Q U A R I A xN SOCIETY. Moody, .Tosiah. Practical Discourse concerning the Choice Benefit of Commu- nion •.vith God in his House. ](jmo. Boston. 174G. Moody, Joshua and Daniel Gookin. Catalogue of Rare and Valuahle Books. Being the Greatest part of the Library of the late Reverend and Learned. I'^mo. Boston. 1718, Moody, Samuel. Attempt to point out the fatal and pernicious consequences of Rev. Joseph Bellamy's Doctrines respecting Moral Evil. Svo. Boston. 1759. , . The Vain Youth Summoned to Appear at Christ's Bar. Lec- ture Sermon at York, [Me.] June 25, 1701. 3rd ed. 16mo. New London, Con. 17G0. , . The Doleful State of the Damned : Substance of Several Sermons at York, [Me.] 16mo. Boston. 1710. , . Judas the Traitor Hung up in Chains to Give Warning to Pro- fessors. Discourse at York. 16mo. Boston. 1714. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 172L Moody, James. Narrative of his Exertions and Sufferings in the Cause of Gov- ernment, since 177G, Svo. London. 1782. Moon. News from the. r2ino. Boston. 1772. Moore, Sir John. Sketch of the Life, Character and Death of Svo. More, Henry. Exposition of the Seven Epistles to the Seven Churches. IGmo. London. 1GG9. Moore, Thomas. The Great Error of American Agriculture exposed, and hints for Improvements Suggested. 12mo. Baltimore. 1801. Moore, John Hamilton. Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor and English Teacher's Assistant. 5th ed. 12mo. London. 1787. , . New and Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 vols. fol. London. 1790. Moore, John. Essay on Cause, Nature and Cure of Consuniption. Svo. Bos- ton. 1781. , . Journal of a Residence in France in 1792. 2 vols. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1794. , . The Same in French, tr. a L' Anglais. Vol. 1. Svo. Philadel- phia. 1794. , . Zeluco, Various Views of Human Nature. 2 vols. 12mo. Mount Pleasant. 1798. Moore, Edward. Fables for the Ladies, with the Fables of Flora, by Dr. Lang- horne. IQmo. Exeter, N. H. 1794. , . The Same. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1787. Moore, Edward. Account of an Hereditary living Deity of the Bramins. [Asi- atic Researches. Vol. 7.] Moore, Edward. Supplement to all former Treatises on the Use of the Globes. 12mo. London. 1751. Moore, Hugh. Memoir of Col. Ethan Allen. 12mo. Plattsburgh, N. Y. 1834. Moore, Jacob B. Topographical and Historical Sketch of the Town of Andover, N. H. Svo. Concord. 1822. , . See Farmer, J. , . Historical Sketch of Concord, N. H. [N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 1.] , . Memoir of Abel Parker, [id. vol. 3.] Moore, Zephaniah Swilt. [Pres.l Oration at Worcester, July 5, 1802. Svo. Worcester. 1802. , . . Massachusetts Election Sermon. Svo. Bos- ton. 1818. , . . Articles of Faith and Form of Covenant. 12mo. Worcester. 1827. , ^— . . Address to the Public on Amherst College. March, 1823. Moore, James. Letter to Mr. John Stancliff, containing some Remarks on his Vindication of his Account of the Murrinitish Plague, &c. in a Letter to the Author. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788. Moore, N. F. Remarks on the Pronunciation of the Greek Language, occasioned by a late Essay on the Same Subject, by John Pickering. Svo. New York. 1819. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 45 Moore, Eeiijanjin. Sermon at New York, Sept. 12, 1604, before the General Con- vention of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 8vo. New York. 1804. Moore, Charles W. History of Free Masonry, with Notes and Additions. 12mo. Boston. 1829. , . Strictures on Seceding Masons: with Reviews of Antima- sonic Characters. ]2mo. Boston. 1830. , . Masonic Character and Correspondence of George Wash- ington. 12rno. Boston. 1830. , . Address bel'bre the Boston Encampment of Knights Tem- plars, April 17, 1833. 8vo. Boston. 1833. , . Amaranth, or Masonic Garland. Vol. 1. 8vo. Boston. 1828-9. , . Masonic MiiTor. [Newspaper.] , , and Edwin Sevey. Trial for a Libel on Samuel D. Greene. Reported by Charles H. Locke. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Moore, John. [Bp.] Sermon before tiie Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 15, 1782. 8vo. London. 1782. Moore, [Bp.] Sermon before the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20, 1712-13. 4to. London. Moore, Martin. Memoirs of the Life and Character of Rev. John Eliot. 12mo. Boston. 1822. , . Sermon at Natick, Mass. June 13, 1819, on the Death of Hannah, wife of William Coolidge. 8vo. Dedham. , . See More. Moorhead, John, Jonathan Parsons, David MacGregore. Fair Narrative of the Proceedings of the Presbytery of Boston against the Rew Pvobert Abercrombie, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1756. Moral Freedom. Theory of Agency, or an Essay on the Nature, Source, and Extent of. By a Well-wisher to Mankind. 8vo. Boston. 1771. Moral Philosophy. Ethic es Elementa, or the Fhst Principles of Moral Philosophy. By Aristocles. 4to. Boston. 1746. Morden, Robert. Geography. 4to. More, Sir Thomas. Epigrammata. 16mo. London. 1638. , . Lives of King Edward V. and Richard III. See Kennet, W. , . Utopia. 12mo. Glasgow. 1743. More, Henry. Enchiridion Ethicura. 12mo. London. 1668. , — . Enchiridion Ethicura. ]6mo. London. 1711. , . Idem, ed 2da. IGmo. Amstelodami. 1679. , . Exposition of the Seven Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia. 16mo. London. 1669. , . An Explanation of the Grand Mystery of Godliness, fol. Lon- don. 1660. , . Epistola ad V. C. 24mo. Amstelodami. 1679. More, Hannah. Essays on Various Subjects. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1786- , . Sacred Dram.as. ]2m.o. Philadelphia. 1787. , . Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great to General Society. ]2mo. Worcester. 1797. , . the Same. 5th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1814. , . The Samie. ]8mo. Boston. 1814. , . Christian Morals. 12mo. New York. 1813, , . Considerations on Religion and Public Education, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1794. , . Search after Happiness. 8vo. London. , . The Same. 12mo. Haverhill, Mass. 1805. , . See Morus. Morenos, J. Seconde Petition Centre la Traite des Noirs presentee a la Chambre des Deputes. 8vo. Paris. 1821. Moreau, Victor. Life and Campaigns, tr. from the French. New York. 1806. Moreau de Saint-Mery L. E. Topographical and Political Description of the Spanish part of Saint Domingo, tr. from the French, by William Cobbett. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1798. 41 46 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETV. Morellus, Theod. Vide Rossaeus. Moreton, J. B. See Matthews, S. A. Morier, James. Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor to Constantino- ple, in the years 1808-a 8vo. Philadelphia. ISIG. Morgan, Joseph. The Portsmouth Disputation Examined, being a brief Answer to the Arguments used by the Antipaedo-Baptists in Dr. Russel's Narrative of the Disputation held at Portsmouth, between some Baptist and Presbyterian Ministers. IGmo. New York. 1713. , . Discourse at Freehold, N. J. Nov. 30, 3723, upon the Death of his son Joseph Morgan. 12mo. New London, Con. 1723. , . Letter to the Authors of a Discourse, entitled, Some short Observations made on the Presbyterian Doctrine, of Election and Reprobation. IGmo. New London. J 724. , . Love to our Neighbour recommended. Sermon at Freehold. 3rd ed. IGmo. Boston. 1749. Morgan, John. Recommendation of Inoculation according to Baron Dimsdale'3 Method. 8vo. Boston. 177G. , . Vindication of his Public Character in the Station of Director General of the Military Hospitals and Physician in Chief to the American Army. 1776. 8vo. Boston. 1777. , . Recommendatory Preface to a Treatise on the Small Pox. , . Some Account of a Motley Coloured, or Pyed Negro Girl and Mulatto Boy. [Amer. Phil. Trans. Vol. 2.] , . See British Colonies. [17GG.] Morgan, James. Discourse with a Minister while on his way to his Execution. JGmo. Boston. 1GS7. Morgan, Thomas. Collection of Tracts relating to the Right of Private Judg- ment, &c. occasioned by the late Trinitarian Controversy. 8vo. London. 172G. Morgan, N. Grammaticae Questiones. 2d ed. 2 vols in 1. 12mo. Bath. 1785. Morgan, William. See Masonry. Morin, Michael. Funeral Sermon on, May], 1718. 12mo. Morison, William. New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Exeter. 1792. Mornay, Philip. Mysterie of Iniquitie, that is to say, the Historie of the Papacie. tr. from the Latin by Samson Leonard, fol;. London. 1612. , . De Veritate Religionis Christianae. 16mo. Herbornae Nasso- viorum. 1G32. , . The Soules own Evidence for its own Immortality, tr from the French by Sir Philip Sydney and A. Golden. 4to. London. 1G46. Morrill, David L. Sermon delivered next Lord's Day alter the Interment of Lieut. Thomas R. Roby. 8vo. Concora, N. H. 1812. Morril, Isaac. Scholar's Companion. 12mo. Norwich, Con. 1829. Morrill, Isaac. Sermon at Wilmington, [Mass.] April 3, 1755, to Capt. P. Osgood and his Company of Soldiers. 4to. Boston. 1755. Morrell, William. Poem on New England, [in 1G23,] in Latin and English. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 1.] Morrell, Nathaniel. Fast Sermon at Rye, N. H. Nov. 16, 1727, on account of the late awful and terrible Earthquake. IGmo. Boston. 1728. Morris, James. Statistical Account of Several of the Towns in Litchfield County, Con. Connecticut Academy. Vol. 1. Morris, Robert. Statement of the Accounts of the United States from Feb. 20, 1781, to Nov. 1, 1784. foh Philadelphia. 1785. , . Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Public Moneys, during the Administration of the Finances, fol. Philadelphia. 1790. , . See Deane, Silas. Morris, Gouverneur. Oration at New York, June 29, 1814, in Celebration of the Recent Deliverance of Europe from the Yoke of Military Despotism. 8vo. New York. , . Oration at New York, Dec. 31, 1799, on the Death of Gen- eral Washington. Svo. New York. 1800. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 47 Morris, Gouverneur. Inaugural Discourse before the New York Historical So- ciety, Sept. 4, 1816. 8vo. New York. 1816. , . See New York Hist. Coll. Vol. 3. , . Discourse before the New York Historical Society, Dec. C, 1812. [New York Hist. Coll. Vol. 2.] Morrison, R. Dictionary of the Chinese Language. Vol. 1st. 4to. Macao. 1819. Morse, Jedediah. American Universal Geography. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1793. 8vo. Boston. Mass. 1819. 8vo. Boston. The Same. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1796. The Same. Revised by Samuel Webber. 5th ed. 2 vols. 3805. The Same. 6th ed. 2 vols. Svo. Boston. 1812. The Same. 7th ed. 2 vols. Svo. Cliarlestown and Boston, Remarks on the American Universal Geography. By J. F. 1793. Elements of Geography. 12mo. Boston. 1795. American Geography. 4to. London. 1794. American Gazetteer. Svo. Boston. 1797. The Same. 2d ed. Svo. Boston. 1804. The Same. 3rd ed. Svo. Boston. 1810. — , and Elijah Parish. New Gazetteer of the Eastern Continent Svo. Charlestown. 1802. — — , . Compendious and Complete System of Modern Geography. Svo. Boston. 1814. , . Abridgment of the American Universal Geography. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1790. , . The Same. 10th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1810. , . The Same. 14th ed. ]2mo. Boston. 1811. , . The Same. 15th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1812. , . American Gazetteer, Abridged. 12mo. Boston. 1798. , . Sermon at Charlestown, [Mass.] Feb. 28, 1790, on the Death of Richard Gary, Esq. Svo. Boston. 1790. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Charlestown, Feb. 19, 1795. Svo. Boston. 1795. ^ . Sermon at Charlestown, April 17, 1796, on the Death of Hon. Thomas R-ussell. 4to. Boston. 1796. , . Sermon at Charlestown, April 29, 1798, on the Death of Hon. James Russell. Svo. Boston. 1798. , . Fast Sermon at Charlestown, May 9, 1798. Svo. Boston. 1798. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Charlestown, Nov. 29, 1798. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Masonic Sermon at Concord, [Mass.] June 25, 1798. Svo. Leominster. 1798. , . Address before Philips's Academy, at Andover, [Mass.] July 9, 1799. Svo. Charlestown. 1799. Fast Sermon at Charlestown, April 25, 1799. Svo. Charles- town. 1799. , . Prayer and Sermon on the Death of Washington, with a sketch of his Life, and Account of the Proceedings of the Town of Charlestown on the Occasion. 8vo. Charlestov/n. 1800. , ~— . Introductory Address at the Dedication of the Baptist Meeting House in Charlestown, May 12, 1801. Svo. , . Sermon before the Massachusetts Humane Society. Svo. Boston. 1801. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. Svo. Charle&town. 1803. — .— ^ . True Reasons on which the Election of a Hollis Professor of Divinity in Harvard College, was opposed at the Board of Overseers, Feb. 14, 1805. Svo. Charlestown. 1805. 48 A .M E 11 I C A N A N T I Q U A R I A N SOCIETY. Morse, Jedediah. Sermon at Charlestown, July 1806, on the Death of Mrs. Mary Russell. 8vo. 1806. ■ , , and Elijah Parish. Compendious History of New England. 2d ed. 12mo. Amherst, N. H. ISCa , . Sermon before the Boston Female Asylum, 7th Anniversary. 8v'o. Boston. ]807. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Joshua Huntington, at Boston, May 38, 1808. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Discourse at the African Meetinghouse in Boston, July 14, 1808, on the Anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1808. ^ . Signs of the Times : Sermon at Boston, Nov. 1, 1810, before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others. 8vo. Charlestown. 1810. , . Fast Sermon at Charlestov/n, July 23, 1812. 8vo. Charles- town. , . Appeal to the Public on the Controversy respecting the Revo- lution in Harvard College, and the events which have followed it. 8vo. Charles- town. 1814. , . Remarks on the Controversy between him and Miss Hannah Adams, with some Notice of the Review of the "Appeal." 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . Review of his " Appeal." By John Lowell. 8vo. 1815. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 2, 1815, before the Society of Foreign Missions of Boston and Vicinity. 8vo, Boston. 1815. ^ . Sermon at Springfield, [Mass.] Sept. 19, 1821, before the Amer- ican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 8vo. Boston. 1821. , . Report to the Secretary of War of the United States on In- dian Affairs, with a Tour among the Indians in 1820. 8vo. New Haven, Con. 1822. , . See Belknap, J ; Adam.s, H. Morse, Samuel F. B. First Anniversary Discourse before the National Academy of Design at New York, May 3, 1827. 8vo. New York. 1827. Morse, Ebenezer Belknap. Oration at Westborough, Mass. July 4, 1804. 8vo. Worcester. Morse, James. Narrative of the Proceedings of the Baptist Church in Medfield against him. 8vo. Boston. 1785. Mortimer, J. Whole Art of Husbandry. 5th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1721. Morton, Nathaniel. New England's Memorial. 4 to. Boston. 1772. , .— . The Same. 2d ed. with a Supplement by another Hand. [Josiah Cotton.] 12mo. Boston. 1721. , . The Same, with large Additions, by John Davis. 5th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1826. Morton, Ebenezer. More last Words to these Churches. In Answer to a Pam- phlet published by the Rev. John Cotton, of Halifax, entitled. Seasonable Warn- ings to these Churches, 8vo. Boston. 1746. Morton, Charles. Compendium Physicae, M. S. 4to. , . The Little Peace Maker, Discovering Foolish Pride the Make- Bite. 16mo. London. 1G74. , . The Way of Good Men for Wise Men to Walk in. 16mo. London. 1681. , . Debts Discharge. W^ith some Meditations in Meeter. IGmo. London. 1684. , . The Gaming Humour Considered and Reproved. IGmo. Lon- don. 1684. , . The Spirit of Man. 12mo. Boston. 1693. Morton, Marcus. Oration at Taunton, [Mass.] July 4, 1809. Svo. New Bedford. .1809. Morton, Perez. Funeral Oration at the reinterment of Gen. Joseph Warren, at Boston, April 8, 1776. 12mo. Boston. I7S5. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 49 Morton, Sarah W. Ouabi : or the Virtues of Nature. A Poeuj. 8vo. Eoston. 1790. ^ . Beacon Hill, a Local Poem. 4to. Boston. 171)7. , . My Mind and its Thoughts. 8vo. Boston, 'it^^ll Morton, Thomas. Bp. Reply to his general Defence of three Nocent Ceren^onies, viz. Surplice, Crosse in Baptism, and Kneeling. l(Jmo. Morton, Thomas. Cure for the Headache. Coined}^ 12mo. Jslew Yorlc. J7D8. ^ . Speed the Plough. Comedy. 8vo.. New York. 1800. Morton, Andrew. Oration at Hampden, Me. .July 4, 1803. 8vo. Hampden. Mortonus, Thomas. De Pace inter Evangelicos procuranda. 24mo. London. 1688. Morton Daniel O. Memoir of the Rev. Levi Parsons, late Missionary to Pales- tine. 12mo. Poultney. 1824. Mosan, Jacob. General Practice of Physic, fol. London. 1G54. Mosan, Robert. Sion's Prospect in its First View. 4to. London. 1G51. Moseley, Ebenezer. Oration at Newburyport, [Mass.] July 4, 1808. 2d ed. 8vo. Newburyport. Moseley, Elisha. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Samuel Foxcroft, at New Glou- cester, who died March 2, 1807. 8vo. Portland, Me. 1807. Mosheim, John Lawrence. Ecclesiastical History, ancient and Modern, tr. from the liatin by Archibald Maclaine. 6 vols. 8vo. Charlestown, Mass. 1810. Mossora, R. Sermon at the Funeral of John Goodhand Holt, Marcl; J 9, 1659. 4to. London. 1660. Motherby, G. New Medical Dictionary, fol. London. 1775. Motley Assembly. A Farce. 8vo. Boston. 1779. Mott, James. Lawfulness of War for Christians Examined. 12rao. New York. 1814. Moulin, Peter Du. Elementa Logica. ed 4ta. 16mo. Parisiis. 1611. , . Sermon before the King. tr. from the French, by J. V. 4to. Oxford. 1620. , . Anatorae Arminianismi. 4to, Lug. Bat. 1G20. , . Heavenly Alarm. Sermon. 16mo. London. 1622. , . Coales from the Altar, tr. from the French, by V/. Metcalfe. 16mo. London. 1623. , . Comfort of a Communicant. Sermon. ]6mo. London. 1623. 1623. Comfortable Instructions for the Sicke. 16mo. London. , . Enodatio Gravissimarum Questionum de Providentia Dei etc. 12mo. Lug. Bat. 1632. Vates, seu De Praecognitione futurorum et Bonis Malisque Prophetis Lib V. 12mo. Lug. Bat. 1640. De Mosis Amyraldi adversas Fredericum Spanhemium Libro Indicium. 12mo. Roterdami. 1649. Moulin, Lewis Du. Oratio auspicalis, Laudatio Gulielmi Cambdene. 4to. Ox- oniae. 1652. Declaratory Considerations upon the Present State of the id. 4to. London. 1679. New Essay towards a True Ecclesiastical History, which may serve as a key to the Annals of Baronius. 4to. London. 1679. True Report of the Discourse between M. De LWugli and Lewis Du Moulin. 4to. London. 1679. . . Short and True Account of the Several Advances the Church of England hath made towards Rome. 4to. London. 1680. , . Vide Molinaeus. Mountaineer, or Sheshatapooshshoish, Shoffie and Micmac Languages, Specimens of. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 6.] Mountnorris, Lord. The Sentence of the Council of Warre, with his Petition to Parliament. 4to. 1641. Mourt. A Relation or Journal of a Plantation settled at Plymouth, in New Eng- land, and Proceedings thereof. [Mass. Hist.-Coll. vol. 8 and vol. 9. 2d Series.] 59 A M r R I C A N ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Moxon, Josepli. M('chanick Dyallinn-. 4to. London. 1668. Moves, Henry. Heads of a Course of Lectures on Natural History. 8vo. London. Moyston, Capt. Minutes of a Court Martial enquiring into the Conduct of. Svo. London. J 745. M'Q.uin, A. D. Description of the Picture of Christ rejected by the Jews. Svo. Philadelphia. ]830. Mnhamed and Sosem, The Great Deliverer of the Jews, Parallel between. By Zelern Musulrnan. 8vo. London. }7S2. Muenscher, Joseph. Claims of the Episcopal Church. Sermon at Boston, June 17, 1829, before the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 12mo. Boston. 1821). Muhlenberg-, Henry. Lidex Florae Lancastriensis. [Amer. Phil. Trans. Vol. o.] , . Supplementum Indicis Florae Lancastriensis. [id. Vol. 4.] Muir, James. Address before the Bible Society of the District of Columbia, April 17, 1814. ]2mo. New York. 1814. Muir, Thomas. Trial at Edinburgh, Aug. 30, 31, 1793, for Sedition. 3rd Amer. ed. Svo. New York. 1794. Mumford, Paul M. Oration at Newport, R. I. July 4, 1801. 12mo. Newport. 180L Mumford, V/illiam. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Vir- ginia. Part 1, of vol. 4. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1817. Munn, Thomas. England's Benefit and Advantage by Foreign Trade Plainly Demonstrated, fol. London. 1700. , . See Roberts, L. Mundy, Anthony. Briefe Chronicle of the Successe of Times from the Creation of the Vv'orld to this Instant. 12mo. London. 1611. Munoz, Don Juan Baptista. History of the New World, tr. from the Spanish, with Notes. Vol. I. 8vo. London. 1797. Munsterus, Sebastianus. Cosmographia Generalis. fol. Basiliae. 1536. , . Dictionariirim Trilingue. fol. Basiliae. 1562. Murdock, James. Sermon at the Installation of Rev. William Bascom, at Leo- minster, Mass. May 10, 1815. 8vo. Leicester. Muretus, M. Antonius. Orationes. 24mo. Parisiis. 1588. Murphy, Arthur. The Grecian Daughter. Tragedy. 12mo. Dublin. 1785. Murray, John. Appeal to the Impartial Public in Behalf of the Oppressed. 4to. Portsmouth, N. H. 1768. , . The last Solemn Scene ! Sermon at Boston, May 22, 1768. 2d ed. .12mo. Newburyport. 1793. , . Bathkol. A Voice from the Wilderness. 12mo. Boston. 1783. , . Jerubbaal, or Tyranny's Grove Destroyed and the Altar of Liber- ty finished. Thanksgiving Sermon at Newburyport, Dec. 11, 1783. 8vo. New- buryport. 1784. , . The Same. 8vo. Newburyport. 180L , . Justification of Believers by imputed Righteousness ; Three Sermons at Newburyport, [Mass. Aug.] 1788. 8vo. Newburyport. 1789. . , . Letter to him on his discourse on the origin of evil. By an Im- partial Inquirer. 12mo. Worcester. 1793. , . Fast Sermon at Newburyport, [Mass.] Nov. 4, 1779. 12mo. Newburyport. 1779. , . Happy Voyage compleated and the Sure Anchor cast. Sermon at Newburyport, Feb. 27, 1785, on the Death of Capt. Jonathan Parsons, who died at Sea, Dec. 29, 1784. 8vo. Newburyport. , . The Origin of Evil traced in a Sermon, at Newburyport, May 23, 1784. 8vo. Newburyport. 1785. , . Grace and Glory, or Heaven Given only to Saints. Sermon at Newburyport, Jan. 26, 1788, on the Death of Ralph Cross. 8vo. New-- buryport. , . The Diligent Servant Excited. Sermon at Newburyport, Jan., 23, 1791, on the Death of Rev. Joseph Prince. Svo. Newburyport. 1791. / CATALOGUE OF L I B U A R Y. 51 Murray, John Thanksgiving Sermon at Boston, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Boston. ]795. Murray, John. Universglism Vindicated : Being the Substance of some Obser- vations on the Revelation of the Unbounded Love of God, made to tlie Pa- triarch, in the Fiekl of Padanaram. 8vo. Charlestown, Mass. , . Some Hints Relative to the forming of a Christian Character, d^c. 8vo. Boston. 1791. Murray, Mrs. The Gleaner. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1798. Murray Lindley, Enti'lish Grammar abridged. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. 1802. The Same. 2d ed. ]2mo. Boston. 1802. The Same. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1811. The Same. 12mo. Middlebury, Vt. 1812. The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1825. English Spelling Book. 12mo. Montreal. 1811. English Exercises. 5th ed. 12mo. New York. 1802. English Reader. Edited by Israel Alger, Jun. 12rno. Bos- ton. 1833. Musarus, Petrus. De Fugiendo Syncretismo. 4to. Kiloni. 1C70. Museum, American. 12 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1787-92. , . See Carey, M. Museum of Foreign Literature and Science, vols. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 6 vpls. 8vo. New York. 1828-30. Museum, Lady's Monthly, or Polite Repository. 01 vols. 12mo. London. 1798—1831. . Spirit of the Farmer's Museum and Lay Preacher's Gazette. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1801. Muscoviticae Reipublicae Descriptio. [Elzivir.] 24mo. Lng. Bat. 1631. Musculus, Wolfgagnus. In Matheum Commentarii. fol. Basiliae. 1547. , . In Davidis Psalterium Commentarii. fol. Basiliae. 1556. 1557. In Esaiam Prophetam Commentarii. fol. Basiliae. , . In Psalmos Commentarii. fol. Basiliae. 1618. Music, Sacrod. Worcester [Mass.] Collection of Sacred Harmony. 2d ed. 4to. Worcester. 1 788. , . The Same. 3rd ed. 4to. Boston. 1791. , . The Same. 5th ed. 4to. Boston. 1794. , . The Same. 4to. Boston. 1796. , . Divine Songs from J. Hart's Hvmns. By A. Wood. 4to. Bos- ton. 1789. ^ . Music in Miniature, containing a Collection of Psalm Tunes of Various Metres, set in score by W. Billings. 12mo. Boston. 1779. — . Harmonia Americana. By Samuel Holyoke. 4ro. Boston. 1791. 1792. 1793. 5 1794. Columbian Repository. By Samuel Holyoke. 4to. Exeter, N. H. Anthem for Thanksgiving, by William Cooper. 4to. Boston. Psalmist's Companion. By Jacob French. 4to. Worcester. By Hans Gram. 4to. Bostori. 1793. Rural Harmony. By Jacob Kimball, Jun. 4to. Boston. 1793. Harmony of Maine. By S. Belcher. 4to. Boston. 1794. Continental Harmony. By William Billings. 4to. Boston. , . The Responsary, containing a Collection of Church Music. By Amos Ball. 4to. Worcester. 1795. , . Massachusetts Compiler, or Elements of Sacred Vocal Music, with a Musical Dictionary. 4to. Boston. 1795. 5 . Middlesex [Mass.] Harmony. By Samuel Babcock. 4to. Bos- ton. 1795. , . Harmonist's Companion. By Daniel Belknap. 4to. Boston. 1797. 52 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Music, Sacred. Coinmeirioration of the Death of George Washington. 4to. Boston. 18G0. , . Evangelical Harmony. By Daniel Belknap. 4to. Boston. 1800. J . Middlesex [Mass.] Collection. By Daniel Belknap. 4to. Bos- ton. ] S0"2. ^ . Funeral Elegy on the Death of Washington. By A. Wood. 4to. Boston. 1800. , . Plain Psalmody. 4to. Boston. 1800. ^ . Bridge-water Collection. By Barth. Brown. 4to. Boston. 1802. , . W^orcester Collection. By Oliver Holden. 4to. Boston. 1792. , . LXXX Psalm and Hynm Tunes for Public Worship. 8vo. Boston. 1810. J . An Inquiry into the Nature and Design of Music. Being a Series of Numbers, first published in the American Traveller, signed, "A Friend to Stoughton Collection of Church Music." 12mo. Boston. 1831. Instrumental. The Lav/fulness, Excellency, and Advantage of, in the Worship of God. By a Presbyterian. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1763. Musical Miscellany. ]2mo. Baltimore. 1804. Musical Repository. 12mo. Augusta, Me. 1811. Mutual Fire Insuiance Company. Report of a Committee to Digest a Plan and form Rules and Regulations for. 8vo. Boston. 1797. Mycall, John. Address on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. 1800. Myersbach, Dr. See Letsom, J. C] M'Whorter, Alexander. The Blessedness of the Liberal. Serm.on before the New York Missionary Society, Nov. 1, 1796. 8vq. New York. 1796. / CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARIAN SOCIETY. 18 3 6. N Naclantius, Jacobus. Scriptnrae Medulla. 4to. Venetiis. 1561. Naccari, Fovtunaio Luig'i. Flora Veneta o Descrizione delle Piante che Nas- corio Nella Provincia di Venezia Disposta Secondo il Sistema Linneano. vol. 4to. Venezia. 182(3-8. Naked Truth. A Modest Survey of the Considerable Things in a Discourse lately published, intituled, Naked Truth. 4to. London. 1676. Naked Truth. 8vo. London. 1755. Nantucket, [Mass.] Nest of Love Disturbed ; or the Farmer's Dialogue, for Nan- tucket, A. D. 1811. 8vo. Boston. 1811. Nantucket, [Mass.] See Coffin, W. _ ^ . Copy of a Relation, or Substance of the Pleas made Use of by two Parties Claiming a Right in Half a Sliare of Land on the Island of. 4to. 1770. Nantasket. See Hull. Napier, John. [Ld.] Plaine Discovery of the Whole Revelation of St. John. 5th ed. 4to. Edinburgh. 1645. Narrative. Full and Authentick Narrative of the intended Horrid Conspiracy ^d Invasion. 12mo. London. 1715. Narrative of the Planting of the Massachusetts Colony, Anno 1628. With the Lord's Signal Presence the First Thirty Years. Also a Caution from New England's Apostle, the Great Cotton, &c. [By Joshua Scotto.] 16mo. Bos- ton. 1694. • of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, March 5, 1770. 8vo. Boston. 1770. of the Excursion and Ravages of the Icing's Troops under Command of Gen. Gage, April 19, 1775, v/ith the Depositions taken by order of Congress. 8vo. Worcester. 1775. of the loss of the Ship Hercules on the Coast of Caffraria in 1796. V2mo. New York. 1798. Nassau, John. The Cause of the Roman Catholics Pleaded in an Address to the Protestants of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. 1792. Nary, Cornelius. Letters on Popery. 12mo. Nash, Jonathan. Sermon at Middlefield, [Mass.] Oct. 31, 1813, on the Comple- tion of twenty one years of his Ministry. 8vo. Springfield. 1815. Nash. Richard. Life of. 8vo. London. 1762. National Industry. Circular and Address of the National Institution for Promoting Industry in the United States. 8vo. New York. 1820. . Address to the People of the United States, drawn up by order of the Institution for the Promotion of National Industry. 8vo. New York. 1820. ■ . See Philadelphia Society. See Tariff. National Institution, to be established in the United States. Prospectus of. 8vo. Washington. 1806. National Preacher, or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Authors, Edited by Austin Dickinson. Vols. 1,2, 3. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1826-7 45 2 AMERICANANTIQUARIANSOCIETV. National Republican Convention of Young Men. Proceeding's of. 8vo. Wash- ino-ton. 1832. Natural Philosophy. Analysis of Certain Parts of a Compendious View of. V2mo. Boston. ]7[}6. Natural Mistory. Nov/ System of. 3 vo's. 8vo. Edinburgh. . Geiiarul ilistorv oi" Qn id/iipcils. ed. Bvc. Ne'*v Castle. l.-M. K nn.-e and Grire. or some er-senlial DifTcrences Bc'iv.ec'i the Scntinients of the Natural and >:5pirituul Man. 3rd ed. J2n:o. London. ]7(.'4. . L-i>v of. Defended by Scripture. Initio. Edinburg'h. 17C0. " . Ilevelation, with the Piopnesy. l*.^no. New York. . Religion of, tr. from the Fr. 2d ed. J2ujo. Philadelphia. 1795. N'tvalTemple. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. ISKi. Navi(T;itor. Appendix to the New American Practical Navigator. 4to. New- bury port. 1804. Naylor, SamueL Dunn's Linear Tables described and their utility verified, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1785. Neal, Daniel. History of New England to 17C0. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. ]747. , . History of the Pnritins. Enlarged by Joshua Tonhnin, with Memoirs of the Author. 5 vols. 8vo. Portsniouth, N. H. and Neuburyport, Mass. 181(i-]7. Ne il, John. Our Country, an Address before Waterville College, [Me.] July 29, 1830. 8vo. Portland. 1830. Neal, James A. See Buckminster, J. Necker, James. Entrevue de, et Mad. La Duchesse de Polignac a Basle. 12mo. Bisle. 1781). , . Discours Prononc6 a L' Plotel de ville de Paris, le SO Juillet, 1781). 12mo. , . Importance of Religious opinions, tr. from the French. 12nio. Boston. 179a Neef, Joseph. The Method of Instructing Children Rationally in the Arts of V/riting and Reading. I2mj0. Philadelphia. 1813. Neime, J. Sermon at the Restoration. Knno. London. 1G60. Nelson, John. Letter to the Protestant Dissenters in the Parish of Bally Kelly, Ireland, occasioned by tiie objections against their late Minister. 8vo. Belfast. 1760. Negroes. Letter of the Lord Bishop of London to the Masters and Mistresses of Families in the English Plantations abroad, Exhorting them to Encourage and Promote the Instruction of their Negroes in the Ciiristian Faith. 4to. London. 1727. Nejro Pew. Being an Inquiry concerning the propriety of Distinctions in the House of God on account oi Color. i2mo. Boston. 1837. Nelson, John. Sermon at Leicester, [Mass.] on the Death of Col. Thomas Den- ny, Dec. 8, 1814. 8vo. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Col. Edwards Whipple, at Shrewsbury, [Mass.] Sept. 1822. 8vo. Worcester. . , . Oration at Leicester, [Mass.] Julv 5, 1824. 8vo. Leicester. 1824. — — , . Sermon at Worcester, May 1826, on the Death of Rev. Aretius B. Hull. 8vo. Worcester. Nephew, Caroline Clifford. See Lexington. Nepos, American. Collection of the Lives of Eminent Men. 2d ed. 12mo. Baltimore. 1811. Neshim, Thomas. Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Francis Vincent, April 10, 1640. 4to. London. 1642. Netherlands. Gazetteer of 12mo. London. 1794. — . See United States. Neutrals. Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain respecting neutrals since 1791. 2d ed. 8vo. Bosron. 18C8. Neutral Trade. Ainswer to War in Disguise, or Remarks on the Nov; Doctrine of New Eng'land concerning Neutral Trade. 8vo. New York. 1806. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 8 Neuyllus, Alexandrinus. Kettiis, Sive cle Furoribus Norfolciensium, Ketto Duce, Uniis Liber. KJmo. London. L58'2. Neville, Robert. The Abs slute and Peremptory Decree of Election to Eternal Glory Ref)rob-.it.ed, Sermon. 4to. London. 1G82. Neville. See Nenyllns. New Bedford, [Mnss.] Constitution and Address of the Temperance Society of. 8vo. Nou^ Bedford. 1815. , . Shippins: List and Town Reo'ister for 1835. 4to. , . Constitution of the Yoim^ Men's Temperance Society. 12mo. New Bedford. 1834. New Brunswick. Acts of the General Assembly for 1786. fol. St. John. 1786. . Journal of the Votes and Proceedinirs of the House of As- sembly from Feb. to March 1787. fol. St. John. 1787. Newcomb, Ebenezer. Second Letter to the Rev. Mr. S. on the Subject of Epis- copacy. ]2(\\o. Greenfield. 18 !9. Newcome, William. Observations on our Lord's Conduct as a Divine Instructor. 8vo. Charlestown, Mass. 1810. Nev/comen, M'itthew. Seruion before Parliament July 7, 1G43. 4to. London. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 5, 1642. 4to. London. 1(54^. , . Sermon before Parliament and the Westminster Assembly. 4to. London. 1643. , . Sermon at Paul's, Feb. 8, 164G. 4to. London. 1646. Newell, Abel. Discourse at Goshpn, [Con.] Jan. 17, 1768, on the Death of Deacon Moses Lyman. ]2mo. Hartford. 1 768. Newell, Jonathan. Sermon at Stow, May 16, 1783. , . An aged Minister's Review of the Events and Duties of fifty years. A Sermon. 8vo Concord. 18'25. Newell, Samuel. See Hall, G. New England's First Fruits; in Respect, First of the Conversion of some. Convic- tion of divers, Preparation of Sundry, of the Indians. 2. Of the progresse of Learnin:r in the College at Cambridge. 4to. London. 1643. New Englnnd. The Humble Request of his Majesties Loyal Subjects, the Gov- ernour and the Company lately gone for New England, to the rest of the Bre- thren in, and of the Church of England for the obtaining of their prayers, and the Removal of Sus})icion3 and Misconstrnctions of then* Intentions. With the Letter of Thomas Dudley to the Countess of Lincoln, dated March 12, 1630, giving an account of the Settlement at Boston. 16mo. . Good News from New England. With an exact relation of the first planting that Country, &c. 4to. London. 1648. . The Day- Breaking, if not the Sun-Rising of the Gospell with the Indians in New England. [Bv John Eliot] 4to. London. 1747. . The Same. [Mass"! Hist. Coll. Vol. 4. 3rd Series.] . The Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England. By Thomas Shepard. 4to. London. 1648. . The Same. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 4. 3rd Series. . The Glorious Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indian^; in New England, Manifested by three Letters from John Eliot and Thomas May- hew, Jr. Together with an Appendix by J. D. Published by Edward Vvius- low. 4to. London. 1649. . The Same. Mass. Hist Coll. Vol. 4. 3id Series. . The Light appearing more and more towards the perfect Day, or a farther Discovery of the present State of the Indians, in New England, con- cerning the ProgressG of the Gospel amongst them. Published by Henry Whitfield. 4to. ' London. 165L . The Same. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 4. 3ra Series. . Strength out of Weakness : or a Glorious Manifestation of the further Progresse of tlie Gospel among the Indians in New England. Published by Henry Whitfield. 4to. London. 1652. . The Same. Mass. Hist. Coll, Vol. 4. 3rd Series. 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T Y. New Engfland. Tears of Repentance : or a farther Narrative of the Pros^ress of llie Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. R,elated by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew. 4to. London. 1653. . The Same. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 4. 3rd Series. ■ . A Late and Further Manifestation of the Progress of the Gos- pel amongst the Indians in New England. By John Eliot. 4to. London. I()55. ■ . The Same. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 4. 3rd Series. . The Necessity of Reformation with the Expedients Subservient thereunto, in Answer to two Questions. 1. What are the Evils that provoked the Lord to bring his Judgments on New England? 2. What is to be done that so those Evils may be reformed ? 4to. Boston. 1679. . Revolution in New England: with a Narrative of the Proceed- ings of Sir Edmund Andross and his accomplices: By Several Members of his Council. 12mo. Boston. 1690. . The Same. Svo. Boston. 1773. . Some Few Remarks upon a Scandalous Book against the Gov- ernment and Ministry of New England. Written by Robert Calef. 16mo. Boston. 1701. . New England's Faction Discovered, &c. Being an Answer to a most False and Scandalous Pamphlet, lately Published, intituled, News from New England, &c. 4to. London. 1690. . Vindication of New England. 4to. . Plea for the Ministers of the Gospel offered to the Consideration of the People of New England. By a Friend to the Churches. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1706. . A Modest Enquiry into the Grounds and Occasions of a late Pam- phlet, Intituled, A Memorial of the Present Deplorable State of New England. By a Disinterested Hand. 4to. London. 1707. . The Deplorable State of, by Reason of a Covetous and Treacher- ous Governour and Pusillanimous Counsellors. To which is added an Account of the Shameful Miscarriage of the late Expedition against Port Royal. Svo. London. 1708. . Plea for the Ministers of New England. Per Amicum Cleri, et Populi. 12mo. Boston. 1724. . Testimony and Advice of an Assembly of Pastors of Churches in New England, at a Meeting in Boston, July 7, 1743, occasioned by the late happy Revivals of Religion in many parts of the Land. 12mo. Boston. 1743. . Testimony of a number of New England Ministers met at Bos- ton, Sept. 25, 1745. Svo. Boston. 1745. . Letter to Lord Camden on the Bill for Restraining the Trade and Fishery of the Four Provinces of New England. Svo. London. 1775. . Second Letter to a Friend, Giving a more particular Narrative of the Defeat of the French Army at Lake George by the New England Troops, than has yet been published, &:.c. &c. By T. VV. [Charles Chauncy.] 4to. Boston. 1755. . New England's Misery, the Procuring Cause, and a Remedy pro- posed. Svo. Boston. 1758. . Some Thoughts on the Gloomy Cloud that hangs over New Eng- land, by the Numerous Errors in Doctrine as well as Schools of Instruction, such as Universalists, Hopkintonians, Armenians and Shakers. 12mo. Boston. 1793. . Address of a Minister to the Church under his care on the Subject of Confession of Misdemeanors in the Churches of. Svo. Boston, 1784. and Vermont. A Short History of the late Ecclesiastical oppres- sions in. By a Citizen. 8vo. Richmond, Vt. 1799. . View of the New England Illuminati. 2d ed. Svo. Philadel- phia. J799. C A T A O G U E O F L I B R A R Y. 5 New England. Brief Account of the Revivals of Religion in the New England States, and also in Nova Scotia : with a Letter from a Minister in London to his Friend in Massachusetts. J2mo. Windsor, Vt. 18C0. . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1799. and 8vo. Boston. 1799. . Association of Inventors and Patrons of Useful Arts. Rules and Regulations of 8vo. Boston. 1807. Patriot: being a Candid Comparison of the Washington and Jefferson Administrations. 8vo. Boston. 18J0. . The Stranger's Apology for General Associations in. 12mo. Boston. 1812. . Pretensions of, to Commercial Pre-eminence Examined. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1814. . Address to the People of, by Algernon Sydney. 12mo. . The Whole Truth. Address to the Freemen of By Hancock. 12mo. . Remarks on the Banks and Currency of 8vo. Boston. 1826. Farmer. See Fessenden, T. G. . Society for the Promotion of Manufactures and the Mechanic Arts. Act of Incorporation and By-Laws of 8vo. Boston. 1826. . Farmer's and Mechanic's Journal. Nos. 1,2, 9, and 12. Edited by E. Holmes. 8vo. Gardiner, Me. 1828. . See Platform ; Newspapers ; London ; Slavery ; Massachusetts ; Blind ; Keith, G ; Currency. New England Mississippi Land Company. Remarks occasioned by tlie view taken of the Claims of 1789, in a Memorial to Congress of 8vo. Washing- ton. 1805. . Articles of Association and Agree- ment, as amended in March 1798. New Llampshire. Acts and Laws of, from 169G to 1773 v/ith the Commissions of John Cutts and John Wentworth. fol. Portsmouth. 177 L . Observations on the Right of Jurisdiction claimed by the State of New York and New Hampshire over the New Hampshire Grants (so called) lying on both sides of Connecticut Rivei. 8vo. Danvers, Mass. 1778. . Address of the Convention for Framing a New Constitution of Government for the State of, to the Inhabitants. [With the Constitution.] 8vo. Portsmouth and Exeter. 178L . Constitution, containing a Bill of Rights and Form of Govern- ment, agreed upon by the Delegates of the People of, in Convention at Concord, in June] 783. 8vo. ' Portsmouth. 1783. . Perpetual Laws from July 1776 to Dec. 1788. 8vo. Ports- mouth. 1789. . To the Public. Some Remarks on the Proceedings of the late Convention: with a few Observations on our Present Government. 8vo. 1791. . Address to the Inhabitants of the Towns and Parishes in the State of, particularly those which are vacant : from the Convention of Minis- ters at Concord, June 1, 1791. 8vo. Concord. 1791. . Laws of, with the Declaration of Independence, Definitive Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, Constitutions of the State and United States. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1792. . Laws of 8vo. Portsmouth, 1797. . Constitution and Laws of 8vo. Dover. 1805. . Laws from Dec. Session 1805, to June Session, 1810, inclu- sive. 8vo. Concord. 18] 1. . Laws of, from Dec. 1805, to the end of the November Session, 1812. 8vo. Portsmouth, Amherst and Concord. 1805-12. — . Laws of, Avith an Appendix. 8vo. Exeter. 1815. . T_iaws of, from June 1, 1817 to 1835. 8vo. Concord. 1817-35.. . Journal of the Senate for June Session 1799. 8vo. Ports- mouth. 1799. , Journal of the Senate for Nov. Session 1803. 8vo. Concord, 1804. . Journal of the Senate for June Session 1804. 8vo. Ports- mouth. 1804. 6 A M E R I C A X A X T I Q U A R I A X SOCIETY. New Hampshire. Journal of the Senate for Nov. Session 1804. 8vo. Ports- mouth. 1805. . Journal of the Senate for Dec. Session 1804. 8vo. Ports- mouth. ISOfj. 180!) 180J). . Journal of the Senate, Nov. Session 1808. 8vo. Concord. . Journal of the Senate, June Session 180.9. 8vo. Concord. . . Journal of the Senate for Juno Session 1811. 8vo. Concord. 1811. . Journal of the Senate from June J, 1817, to the end of the June Session, 1832. 8vo. Concord. 1817-:J'>. . Journal of the House for June Session 17P9. ]2mo. 1799. . Journal of the House for June Session 1802. Svo. Concord, 1802. 1803. 1804. louth. 1804. mouth. 1805. mouth. 1805. mouth. 1306. 1808. Journal of the House for June Session 1803. 8vo. Concord. Journal of tiie House for Nov. Session 1803. Svo. Concord. Journal of the House for June Session 1804. Svo. Ports- Journal of the House for Nov. Session, 1804. Svo. Ports- Journal of the House for the June Session, 1805. Svo. Ports- Journal of the House for Dec. Session, 1SC5. 8vo. Ports- Journal of the House for June Session, 1808. Svo. Concord. Journal of the Plouse for June Session, 1809. Svo. Concord. 1809. . Journal of the House from June 1, 1817, to the end of Juno Session, 1832. 8'o. Concord. 1817-32. . Registers for 1795, 1796 and 1797, and from 1800 to 1814, both inclusive, and from 1817 to 1834, both inclusive. 34 vols. l2mo. Ex- eter, Walpole, Concord and Amherst. 175'C-1834. See Farmer, J. Historical Society. Act of Incorporation and Constitution of. Svo. Concord. 1S<3. — . Collections of. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 4 vols. Svo. Concord. 1824-34. . Letter to the New Hampshire Association, by Timothy. ]2mo. Boston. 1812. Extracts of some Letters occasioned by the Proceedings of theHopkinton Association and of the New Hampshire General Association. 12mo. Concord. 1812. . Extracts from the Minutes of the General Association of. )V0. Concord. 1825. Minutes of the General Association of, at their meeting- at Keene, Sept. 1833. Svo. Worcester, Mass. 1833. -. Opinions of the Hon. Clifton Clafrgett and Richard Evans, Justices of the Superior Court of, on the Act of the Leo-islature, " esta.blishin^ a Supreme Judicial Court and Court of Common Pleas." Svo. Concord. 1813. . An Appeal to the Old Whigs of. Svo. 1805. Extracts from the Minutes of General Association of Svo. Charlestown, Mass. 1810. Medical Society. Charter and By-La^ws of, with a list of Mem- bers. Svo. Concord. 1816. . The Same. Svo. Concord. 1822. . Opinion of the Supreme Court in the Case of the Trustees of Dartmouth College against William H. Woodu-ard. Svo. Concord. 1818. . See Dartmouth College. CATALOGUEOFLIERAiiy. 7 New Hampshire. Proceedings of the Grand Lod'j^c of. 4 to. Portsmouth. ]803. . Proceedings of the Same, Juno 33 and 14, 1821. Svo. Con- cord. . . ProceeJin;^-s of the Same, June 12 and 13, 1822. Svo. Con- cord. . Proceedings of the Grand R. A. Chapter, June 15, 182G. 12 :;o. Concord. . Uihlc Society. Eleventh Report of. Amherst. JS22. '- . Sec Missionary Society. New Haven. First Annual Report of the New Haven Ladies' Greek Associa- tion. 8vo. New Haven. 1831. . New Haven's Settling in New England. And some Lawes for Government: Published for the use of that Colony. 4to. London. ICioG. . Constitution, Confession of Faith, and Covenant, of tlie 3rd Con- gregational Church in. i2mo. New Haven. 1831. . Outline of the Franklin Institution in. 8vo. New Haven. Gazette and Connecticut Magazine for 1788. 4to. New Haven. . Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Fn-st Baptist Church in. 12a-o. [18-23.] Antiquities, See New Haven Gazette. See Yale College :— Dwight T.— Barber J. W.— Baldwin E. New Ireland. See Nova Scotia. New Jersey. Report of the Conunittee appointed at a public meeting of the Friends of Education, held at Trenton, Nov. 1], J828: Exiiibitiug a succinct account of the State of Common Schools in New Jersey. Svo. Trenton. 1828. . Report of the Canal Commissioners on the Delaware and Rari- tan Canal. Trenton. 1824. . Speeches and Addresses during the Sitting of the Assembly at Burlington, Feb. 28, 1721, with the Acts and Laws of that Session, fol. 1721. . Account of New Jersey College at Trenton. Svo. . (Catalogue of Books in New Jersey College. 12mo. Wood- bridge. 1760. Register for 181 1. 12mo. Newark. . Acts of the 55tii General Assembly begun at Trenton, Oct. 2G, 1830. . See Slave Trade. Newman, Saaiuel. Large and Complete Concordance to the Bible in English, fol. London. 1613. New Measures. Portrait of, as they appeared in the County of Berkshire, Mass. in 183:3-4. 8vo. Troy, N. Y. 1835. Newspapers. Narrative of Nev/spapers pnblisiied in New England. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol 5 (So 6. New Orleans. Faithful Picture of the Political situation of, at the last and be- ginning of the Present Year. 8vo. Boston. [1808.] . toee Jefferson, T. — Livingston, Ed. New Plimouth. See Plymouth. News Letter. [First Newspaper printed in British America.] fol. Boston. 1704. 12 vols. , Boston and City Record. 2 vols. Svo. See Smith, J. V. C. NeAv States; or a Comparison of the Wealth, Strength, and population of the Northern and Southern States, &c. Avith a view to expose the Injustice of ^erecting New States at the South; by Massachusetts. Svo. Boston. 1813. New Testament. See Testament. Newton, Sir Isaac. See Maclaurin. Newton, Thomas. Dissertations on the Prophecies. Svo. Northampton, Moss. 1796. Newton Theological Institution, [Mass.] Catalogue of Students. Svo. Bea- ton. 1831. 8 A.MERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIE'I V, Newton Theological Institution, [Mass.] Report of the Professors to theTius- tees. Sept. i), 1830. 8vo. Boston. Newton, N. H. Confession of Faith and Church Order: adopted bv the Baptist Church of 12mo. Exeter. 1796. New York. Some Thoughts on Education: with reasons for erecting a College in this Province, and lixing the same at the City of, &c. With a Poem. 8vo. ' New York. 1752. . Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of, began April 9, 1G9J, and ended Dec. 23, 1765. 2 vols. foL New York. 1765-45. . Donigs of the Council at their Sitting at Fort George, Nov. 25, 1727, relating to the abuses in the Court of Chancery : with an appendix giv- ing Minutes of the Council at Fort George in 1811-12, for erecting a Court of Chancery, foh --. Doinsrs of the Council at their Sitting at Fort George, Dec. 19, 1727. fol. . Het Voordeel van het Land in de Oplegglinge van Tollen : Of Een Redeneering, aanwysende, hoe Tollen op eenige Koopmanschappen de Provincie van Nieuw-York konnen Ryker niaken, als die sal zyn sonder de selve. 16mo. Nieuw-York. . Answer to a letter from a Gentleman in the Country to liis Friend in Town. 12mo. New York. 1756. . Conference between the Commissioners of Massachusetts-Bay and the Commissioners of New York. 4to. Boston. 1768. . Address to the Freemen, Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Colony of New York. 4to. 1774. . Report of the Case of Obadiah Palmer et als. vs. J. Van Cortland et al, in Can. Nov. Ebor. fol. New York, [circa 1727.] — . Decree in the Case of Solomon De Medina et als and Rene Plet et als. in Can. Nov. Ebor. fol. New York. 1728. . Reports of Cases of Practice in the Supreme Court of, from April, 1794 to Nov. 1805, both inclusive. 8vo. New York. 1808. . Laws of, passed at the 21st Session of the Legislature, began at Albany, Jan. 2, 1798. 8vo. Albany. 1798. . Statement of the Funds and the Annual Revenue thereof, and the Receipts and payments for 1797. 8vo. Albany. 1798. . Proceedings of the Committee appointed to Inquire into the Official Conduct of William W. Van Ness, Esq. See Van Ness. . Annual Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools, Feb. 6, 1829. 8vo. Albany. . Annual Report on the Same subject, June 23, 1827. fol. Albany. . Report of the Commissioners appointed by an Act of the Legisla- ture, entitled, "An Act to provide for the Improvement of the Internal Naviga- tion of the State," passed April 8, 1811. Albany, 181;:^. 8vo. . Consideration on the Great Western Canal, from the Hudson to Lake Erie. 8vo. Brooklyn. 1818. . Public Documents relating to the New York Canals. 8vo. New York. 1821. . Annual Report of Canal Commissioners for 1819. 8vo. Albany. . Annual Report of the Canal Commissioners for 1824, and March 4, 1825. 8vo. Albany. 1825. . Annual Report of the Canal Commissioners for 1826. 8vo. Al- bany. 18^.6. . See Watson. Historical Society. Constitution and By-Laws of 8vo. New York. 1805. . The Same. 12mo. New York. 1829. . Collections of 8vo. New York. 1811. . Bye-Laws, Resolutions and orders, adopted by the New York Chamber of Commerce, Sept. 18, 1787. 8vo. New York. 1787. . Laws and Ordinances of the City of, in 1797, &c. 8vo. New York. 1837. C A T A L O U U E OF LIU K A R . 9 New York. Statement of Occui-rences dnrinof the Malignant Yellow Fever in the City of, in 1819, &c. 8vo. New York. 1819. . Account of the Proceedings of the Corporation of the City of, in regard to the existence of Cemeteries in that City. 8vo. 1823. Plain Statement addressed to the Proprietors of Real Estate in tl^^ City and County of. By a Landholder. 8vo. New York. 1818. . Second Annual Report of the Society for the Prevention of Pau- perism in. 8vo. New York. 1820. . . Address before the New York City Anti-Slavery Societv. 8vo. New York. 1833. . Directory for 1789. 12mo. New York. . Directory by J. F. Jones. 12nio. New York. 1805. . Picture of. ]2mo. New York. 1807. . Directory by David Longworth. 12mo. New York. . . Mercien's City Directorv, New York Register and Almanac. 12mo. New York. 1821. . Longworth's City Directory, New York Register and Almanac. 12mo. New York. 1825. . The Same for yS26-7. Temperance Society. See Temperance. . Historical Sketch of the Origin, Progress, and Present State of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of 8vo. New York. 1813. . Ordinances of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Western District of. 8vo. 1813. . Catalogue of Regents of the University and Faculty and Fellows of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the State of, for 1825-27. 8vo. New York. 1825-7. Medical Society. Transactions of, for 1819. With an Address by John Stearns. 8vo. Albany. 1819. . The same for 1820. W^ith an Address by John Stearns. 8vo. Albany. 1820. . The Same for 1821. With an Address by John Stearns. 8vo. Albany. 1820. • . The Same for 1625. With an Address by Alex- ander Coventry. 8vo. Albany. 1825. . The same for 182G. With an Address by James R. Manley. 8vo., Albany. 1826. . The Same for 1828. With an Address by T. Romeyn Beck. 8vo. Albany. 1828. . The Same for 1829. With an Address by T. Romeyn Beck. 8vo. Albany. 1829. . Transactions of the Fhysico-Medical Society of. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York. 1817. . Transactions of the Society for the Promotion of the Useful Arts. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany. 1801-16. Medical and Philosophical Journal and Review. Vols. 1, 2, 3. 3 Vols. 8vo. New York. 1809-11. . Lyceum of Natural History of. Charter and By-Laws of. 8vo. New York. 1823. . The Same. 8vo. New York. 1826. . Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York. 1824-7. . Proposals for the Speedy Settlement of the Waste and Unappro- priated Lands on the Western Frontiers of By Christopher Colles. ' 8vo. New York. 1785. . Account of the Soil, growing timber, &c. in the back parts of the States of New York and Pennsylvania. 4to. 1791. • Impartial Statement of the Controversy respecting the Decision of the late Committee of Canvassers. 8vo. New York. 1792. 43 30 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. New York. Comparative View and Exhibition of Reasons, opposed to the Adoption of the New Constitution of. By an Old Citizen. 8vo. New York. 1622. . Nineteenth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Free-School Society of New York, with an Appendix. 8vo. iMew York. 1824. . Report of the Commissioners appoir.ted by the Joint Resolutions of the Senate and Assembly of the State of, on the 'j3th and 15th of March 1810, to explore the Route of an Inland Navigation Irom Hudson's River to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. 8vo. New York. 1811. . Official Reports of the Canal Comuilssioners, and the Acts oi the Legislature respecting the navigable Communic^.tions between the Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. "8vo. Newburgh. 1817. . The People's Rights Re-claimed ; Being an Exposition of the Un- constitutionality of the Law of the State of, compelling the Observance of a Religious Sabbath Day : and en-oneously entitled, "An Act for suppressing immorality," passed March 13, 1813. 8vo. NeAv^ York. 1826. . Catalogue of the Library of the New York Historical Society. 8v(). New York. 1813. Short Advice to the Counties of New York. By a Country Gen- tleman. 8vo. New York. 1774. . Speech of a member of the General Assembly of, at their Session in 1775. . [Address] to the Supporters and Defenders of American Freedom and Independence in the State of. 8vo. 1778. . Address to the People of the State of ; Shewing the Necessity of making Amendments to the Constitution of the United States before its adop- tion. By a Plebeian. 8vo. New York. 1788. . Commissioners of the Alms House against Alexander Whistelow. See Whistelow, A. . Address of the Committee of the Greek Fund, of the City of, to their Fellow Citizens. 8vo. New York. 1823. . Harbour Regulations, relating to Wardens, Harbour Masters and Pilots. 8vo. New York. 1819. . Catalogue of Books in the Lyceum of Natural History of. 8vo. 3825. . Index to the Library of the Lyceum of Natural History of, 1830. 8vo. . Celebration of the Birth Day of Linnaeus, by the New York Branch of the Linnaean Society of Paris. 8vo. New York. 3824. Hospital. By-Laws and Regulations of. 8vo. New York. 1820. . Account of the Benevolent Christian Society of. 8vo. New York. 1815. . Brief Account of the Constitution, Management, Discipline, &c. of the State Prison at Auburn, with a Compendium of Criminal Law, and a Re- port on Whipping a Convict. By G. Powers. 8vo. Auburn. 1826. . Report of Gershom Powers, Agent and. Keeper of the New York State Prison, at Auburn, Jan. 7, 1828. 8vo. Albany. 1828. Comparative View and Exhibition of Reasons opposed to the Adoption of the New Constitution of. 8vo. New York. 1822. . See Deaf and Dumb. . Seventh Report of the New York Bible Society. 8vo. New York. 1816. City Anti-Slavery Society. Address of, to the public. 8vo. New York. 1833. : . Magdalen Facts. No. 1. 8vo. New York. 1832. . Constitution of the New York State Horticultural Society. 8vo. 1824. . Report on the Penitentiary System of the United States, prepared un d er a Resolution of the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism in the City of New York. 8vo. New York. 18'^2. . Third Annual Report of the Managers of the Society for the Refor- mation of Juvenile Delinquents in the City and State of. 8vo. New York. 1828. C A T A I, G U E OF L 1 li R A II Y. 11 New York. Hrief VieAv of the State of Religious Liberty in the Colony. FBy John Rodg-ers.] [1773.] [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 1. 2d Scries.] . Report of S. M. Stilwell, Chairman of a Select Committee, of the House of Assembly of, appointed to inquire into the Expediency of a Total Abolition of Capital Punishment. 8vo. Albany. 1839. . Opinion of the Adjutant General of the State of New York on two questions of Alienism. 8vo. Albany. 1833. Niagara Falls. Recollections of a Visit to. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1823. Frontier. Memorial of the Inhabitants of, to Congress. 8vo. Wash- ington. .1817. Nicolai, Friedrich. Einige Bemerkungen liber ben Ursprung und die Geschichte der Rosenkreuzer und Freymaurer. 8vo. Berlin und Stettin. 380(3. , . Offentliche Erklarung liber seine geheime Berbindung mit dem Illuminatenorden, nebst beylawfigen Digressionen betreffend Hrn. J. A. Stark und Hon. J. K. Lavater. 8vo. Berlin und Stettin. 1788. ^ . Ueber meine gelehrte Bildung, liber meine Kenntnisz der Kritischen Philosophie und meine Scriften dieselb'e betreffend, und liber die Herren Kant, J. B. Erhard, und Fichte. 8vo. Berlin and Stettin. 1799. Nicholas, Abraham. The Young Accountant's Debtor and Creditor. 12n)o. London. 1711. Nicholas, George. Letter from George Nicholas of Kentucky to his Friend in Virginia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. Nichold, Charles. Dialogue between Simeon and Levi. 4to. London. 1688. . . Second Dialogue. 4to. London. 1688. ^ Third Dialogue. 4to. London. 1688. Nichols, Andrew. Spirit of Free Masonry. A Poem. 8vo. 1831. Nichols, Ichabod. Oration at Salem, [Mass.] July 4,1805. 8vo. Salem. , . Address before the Portland Temperance Society. 8vo. Portland. 1823. Nichols, William, Jun. Oration at West Cambridge, [Mass.] July 4, 1808. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Nieuwentyt, Bern. Religious Philosopher, tr. from the Low Dutch. 3rd ed. Vol.2. 4to. London. 17;^4. Niles, Nathaniel. Secret Prayer explained and inculcated in Four Discourses. 8vo. Boston. 1773. , . Two Discourses, on 1 John 1 : 9. 8vo. Nev/port, R. L 1773. , . Letter to a Friend, concerning the Doctrine v/hich teaches that Impenitent Sinners have natural power to make themselves new Hearts. 8vo. Windsor, Vt. 1809. Niles, Peter. Writings of. 8vo. Walpole,N. H. 1811. Niles, Samuel. Remarks on a Sermon before the Plymouth Association, bv John Reed. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . The Vanity of Man. Sermon, Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , . Sermon at Boston, May 26, 1801, before the Massachusetts Mis- sionary Society. 8vo. Cambridge. 1801. Niles, Samuel. The True Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin stated and defend- ed. In the Way of Remarks on a late piece, Intitled, " The Scripture Doc- trine of Original Sin proposed to free and candid Examination." By John Tay- lor, &c. &c. 12mo. Boston. 1757. , . Vindication of Divers Important Gospel Doctrines, and of the Teachers and Professors of them, against the injurious Reflections and Mis- representations contained in a late printed Discourse of the Rev. Lemuel Bri- ant's, Intitled, The Absurdity and Blasphemy of depreciating Moral Vertue. Also a few Remarks on Mr. John Bass's late Narrative. Svo. Boston. 1752. , . Tristitiae Ecclesiarum, or, A Brief and Sorrowful Account of the present State of the Churches in New England. 4to. Boston. 1745. Niles, Hezekiah. Weekly Reo-ister. Nisbet, Alexander. System of Heraldry, Speculative and Practical, witli Remarks on the Rag-Man Roll. Vol. 2. fol. Edinburgh. 1742. 12 A M E 11 I C A N A N T I Q U A R I A N SOCIETY. Nixon, William. Specimen of a plan for facilitating the acquisition of the Latin Languaire. 4to. Charleston, S. C. 178J). Noble, Oliver. Strictures upon the Sacred Story recorded in the Book of Esther, Discourse at Neu-buryport, [Mass.] March 8, 1775, in commemoration of the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770. 8vo. Newbury port. 1775. , Sermon on Music in the Worsliip of God,Feb. 8, 1774. 8vo. Boston. 1774^ Noel, Gerard T. See London Society. Nogardi, Benedictns. Disputatio Theologica. 4to. Lug-. Bat. 1G86. Noir, Jean Le. The Democrat, or Intrigues of. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 171)5. Nokes, Gulielmus. De Nomine Jehovah. 4to. Trajecti ad llhenum. 1G90. , . De Resurrectiono Justorum. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum. Nomenclatura Brevis. Anglo Latina in usum Scholarum Per F. G. 16mo. Boston. 17.5'^. Non-Conformists. Sober Answer to the Friendly Debate bdtwixt a Conformist and a Non-Conformist. r2mo. London. lG(j9. . A Sober Inquirie into the Reasonings of the Serious In- quirie, wher«';in the Calumnies against the Nonconformists are examined, &-c. lOmo. 1678. . Vindicnted from the abuses put upon them by Mr. Durell and Mr. Scrivener. Timo. London. 1679. . A Reasonable Account why some pious Ministers of Eng- land judoe it sinful to perform their Ministerial Acts in publick solemn prayer by the prescribed forms of others. Limo. 1G7U. . A Supplement to tJie foregoino-, wherein is examined what- soever Mr. Ffilconer, in !iis book called Libertas Ecclesiastica, and Mr. Pelling, in a book called t ie Goad Old Way, have said to prove the ancient use of forms of Prayers by Ministers. IGmo. London. IGSO. . The Question between the Conformist and Non-Conformist truly stated and briefly discussed, &c. &c. 4to. London. 1681. . Conformist's Plea for the Non-Conformists. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1681. The Conformiist's Second Flea for the Non-Conformists. 4to. London. 1682. . The Conformist's Third Plea for the Non-Conformists. ,4to. London. 1682. . The Conformist's Fourtli Plea for the Non-Conformists. 4to. London. 1683. . Defence of Mr. fvl. Henry's Brief Enquiry into the nature of Schism, &-C. with a brief History of Non-Conformity. 4to. London. 1G93. . A Plea for Abate;iiei:t in Matters of Conformity to Several Injunctions and Orders of the Church of England. By Irenaeus, Jr. 4to. London. 1693. . Letter of Advice to the Churches of the Non-Conformists in the English Nation. 4to. London. 1700. , Letter from some aged Nonconforming Ministers to their Friends touching the Reasons of their Practice, Aug. 24, 1701. lumo. Lon- don. 1702. . See Church. See Dissenters. Nonnus, Panoplites. Vide Heinsius, D. Norcott, John. Baptism Discovered Plainly and Faithfully according to the Word of God. 4th ed. 12mo. Boston. 172.3, , . The Same. 5th ed. i2ino. 1747. Nonsubscribers. A Plea for. 4to. Norfolk Steward. History of, in two Parts. 8vn. London. 1728. Norris, John. Sermon at Oxford, Maich 29, 16*85. 4to. Oxford. , . A Religious Discourse in Common Conversation. lOmo. Lon- don. 1706. , . Miscellanies. 12mo. Norris, Charles. Dialogue between Dr. Sijorioclc, Derm of Chichester, and Dr. Sherlock, master of the Temple. IGmo. London. 1718. CATALOGUE OFLIBRARY. 13 North American Land Company. Plan of an Association of. Svo. Philadelphia. 1795. . Lately Instituted in Philadelphia. Observa- tions on, &c. With two Letters from Robert G. Harper. 8vo. London. 1796. North America. See British Colonies ; America. Northampton, [Mass.] Proceedinafs of a Convention of Medical Delegates at, June 1827. Svo. Boston. 1827. , . See Tucker, Mark ; Edv/ards, Jonathan. North Britain Extraordinary. By a Young Scotsman. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1769. Northborough, [Mass.] Regulations of the Free Schools of. North Carolina. See Tennessee. . Debates in the Convention of, on adopting the Constitution of the United States. Svo. Edenton. 1789. and Tennessee. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of, for 1802, 3, and 4. Svo. Raleigh. 1803-4. . Address of the Administration Convention, at Raleigh, Dec. 20, 1827. Svo. . Report on the Subject of Cotton and Woolen Manufactures, and on the growing of Wool in. Svo. Philadelphia. 1828. Northcote, James. Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Svo. Philadelphia. 1817. North Eastern Boundary of Maine. See Maine ; See United States. Northern Grievances, set forth in a Letter to James Madison. By a North Amer- ican. Svo. New York. 1814. Northern Tour, Being a Guide to Saratoga, Lake George, Niagara, Canada, Bos- ton, 8lc. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1825. Northern Traveller and Northern Tour, with Routes to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec, and Coal Mines of Pennsylvania, and also the Tour of New England. 4th ed. 12mo. New York. 1830. Northern Confederacy. Letters of Sulpicius on the Subject of. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1801. North Yarmouth, [Me.] Letter to a Friend on Ecclesiastical Councils, Discipline, and Fellowship, comprising a History of the late Dissentions in. Svo. Port- land. 1824. Norton, John. Responsio ad Totam Quaestionum Syllogen a clarissimo Viro D. G. Apollonio propositam, Ad componendas Controversias quasdam circa Politiam Ecclesiasticam in Anglea. IGmo. London. 1648. , . Discussion of that Great Point in Divinity. The Sufferings of Christ; and the Questions about his Righteousnesse Active, Passive, and the Imputation thereof. Being an Answer to a Dialogue Intituled the Meritorious Price of our Redemption, Justification, &c. [By Wni. Pynchon.] J6mo. London. 1653. , . The Orthodox Evangelist. 4to. London. 1654. , . Abel being Dead yet speaketh, or the Life and Death of Mr. John Cotton. 4to. London. 1658. . . The Heart of New England rent at the Blasphemies of the Pres- ent Generation. 4to. Cambridge. J 659. , . Three choice and profitable Sermons upon Several Texts of Scrip- ture, together with a letter to Mr. John Dury. 4to. Cambridge. 1664. Norton, Andrews. Sermon at Ilingham, Mass. Mav 20, 1818. 8vo. Boston. 1818. — , . Inaugural Discourse before Harvard University, as Dexter Professor of Sacred Literature, Aug. 10, 1819. Svo. Cambridge. 1819. , . Address before the University in Cambridge, at the Interment of Professor Frisbi^e, July 12, 1822. 8vo. Cambridge. 1822. ■ , . Speech before the Overseers of Harvard College, in behalf of the Resident Instructers of the College, Feb. 3, 1825, with an Introduction. 8vo. Boston. 1825. , . Thoughts on True and False Religion. From the Christian Disciple. Svo. Boston. 1820. 14 A M K R M; A N ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Norton, Jacob. R,em:irks on an Address from the Berean Society of Univer- salisls in Boston, to the Connfreg^ation of the First Church in Weymouth, in ansv/er to a Sermon delivered there, Dec. 18, 1808, entitled, " The Will of God respecting the Salvation of all men illustrated." Also a Few Strictures on a Performance of Samuel Thompson. 8vo. Boston. 1809. , . The Will of God, respecting the Salvation of all men, illus- trated : Sermon at Weymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 18,1808. 8vo. Boston. 1809. , . Sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, May 29, 1810. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Discourse at Weymouth, Feb. 3, 1811, on the Death of his Wife. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . Things as they are ; or Trinitarianism Developed in answer to the Rev. Daniel Thomas, with Strictures on the Sentiments of the late Rev. Dr. S. Hopkins, N. Emmons, E. D. Griffin and Q,. Smith. 8vo. Boston^ 1815. , . Things as they are ; or Trinitarianism Developed. Second Part in Reply to Daniel Thomas : with Remarks on a Sermon by Nathaniel Emmons, at the Installation of Holland Weeks. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Humble Attempt to ascertain the Scripture Doctrine of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. With the " Awakener." 8vo. Boston. 1819. ; , . Dispassionate Thoughts on the Subjects and mode of Chris- tian Baptism. 8vo. Boston. 1821. , . The Duty of Religious Toleration, &c. Sermon at Wey- mouth, Nov. 8, 1821. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Norwich. Bishop of. Religious Melancholy : Sermon before the Queen. 4th ed. 16mo. London. 1699. Nott, Eliphalet. [Pres.] Address before Union College, July 30, 1806. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1806. , . . Discourse at Albany, N. Y. before the Ladies' Society for the Relief of Distressed Women and Children, March 18, 1804. 8vo. Albany. , . . Discourse at Albany, July 29, 1804, on the Death of Gen. Alexander Hamilton. 8vo. Albany. 1804. , . . Sermon before the General Assembly of tlie Presbyterian Church. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1806. Nott, Samuel, Jun. Letter to Rev. Enoch Pond on the Insinuations and charges contained in his Reply to Mr. Judson's Sermon on Baptism. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Noue Odet de la. The Profit of Imprisonment, tr. from the French by Joshua Sylvester. 4to. London. 1611. Nouve. See Noue. Novanglus and Massachusettensis. See Adams, J. and Leonard, O. Nova Scotia. State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered, with an ac- count of their Produce and a Particular Description of Nova Scotia. 8vo. Boston. 1749. . Memorial of the English and French Commissaries concerning the limits of 2 vols. 4to. London. 1755. . See New England ; London. . Consideration on Sovereignty, Independence, Trade and Fishery of New Ireland, (formerly known by the name of Nova Scotia.) 12mo. . Letters and Papers on Agriculture : Extracted from the Corres- pondence of a Society Instituted at Halifax, for Promoting Agriculture in the Province of Nova Scotia. Vol. 1. 8vo. Halifax. 1791. . Charles, Bishop of. Sermon before the Legislature of the Pro- vince of, April 7, 1793. 8vo. Halifax, 1793. Novels. Collection of. 12mo. London. 1729. Nowell, Samuel. Abraham in Arms. Artillery Election Sermon. 16mo. Bos- ton. . 1678. Noyes, Nicholas. Massachusetts Election Sermon. IGmo. Boston. 1698. Noyes, James. Short Catechism. 12mo. Boston. 1694. Noycs, Thomas. Review of a Pamphlet entitled, "Report of the Evidence in the case of John Atkins against Calvin Sanger," &c. 8vo. Dedham. J A T A L O G U E OF LIBRARY. 15 Noyes, Thomas. See Badger, Mrs. . Two Fast Sermons at Needham, [Mass.] April G, 1809. 8vo. Dedham. 1809. , . Sermon at Needham, March 12, 1815, on the Death of Mrs. Clarissa Allen. 8vo. Dedham. 1815. , . Address at Needham, April 19, 1815, before a Military Com- pany of Exempts. 8vo. Dedham. 1815. Noyes, Rev. Mr. Sermon delivered by the Rev. Mr. N-O-Y-E-S in 1707, and taken down in Short Hand. 12mo. 1785. Noyes, John. Oration July 4, 1811, at Brattleborough, Vt. 8vo. Brattle- borough. Noyes, George R. Amended Version of the Book of Job, with an Introduction, &c. 8vo. Cambridge. 1827. , . Address at Brookfield, [Mass.] in Support of the Principles ^of the Temperance Reformation, Feb. 26, 1833. 12mo. Brookfield. 1833. Nugent, Nicholas. Case of Late Lieutenant in the First Regiment of Foot Guards. 8vo. London. 1776. Nullification. See Tariff. Nullification Unmasked. . Essays on. Nnttall, Thomas. Journal of Travels into the Arkansa Territory in 1819. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821. Nye, Philip. Lawfulness of the Oath of Supremacy and Power of the King in Ecclesiastical Affairs. 4to. London. 1683. , . The best Fence against Popery, or a Vindication of the Power of the King in Ecclesiastical Affairs. 4to. London. 1686. Nye, Jonathan. Sermon before the Grand Lodge of Vermont, at Windsor, Oct. 8, 1811. 8vo. Keene, N. H. 1811. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 1 8 3 G. O Oakes, Uriax. The Unconquerable, All-Conquering-, and more-than-Conquer- ino- Souldiers. Massachusetts Artillery Election Serjnon. 4to. Cambridge. 1672. , , New England Pleaded with, and pressed to consider the things which concern her Peace. 4to. Cambridge. ]()7I3. Oaths. The Case of, stated. 4to. London. 1689. of Supremacy. Lawfulness of 4to. of Abjuration. Letter to the Right Honorable the E of con- cerning. l2mo. 17 J 6. . A Disengag'd Survey of the Engagement. In the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. 4to. London. 1650. . Hardships Occasioned by the Oaths to the Present Government Con- sidered and Argued. By a Well-Wisher, &c. 4tli ed. Timo. London. 1716. . See Test. Obi, or the History of Three Fingered Jack. 12mo. Worcester. 1804. Ober, Ptobert. Letter to the Saints and Faithful Brethren in Christ Jesus, throughout the Earth. 8vo. June 25, 182.5. OBrien, Paid. Address to the Gaelic Society of Dublin, [in Gaelic] See Gae- lic Society. Obligations of Human Lav/s Discussed. By J. H. 16mo. London. 1671. Observations on the Justificative Meu)oiial of the Court of London. 4to. Phi- ladelphia. 178L — on a Pamphlet, entitled, An xAnswer to one Part of a late Infamous Libel, &c. In a Letter to Mr. P. 8vo. London. 173 L Ocane, Francis. Tlie Government and Laws of every Country, are the Effect, not the Cause of the Condition of the People. 8vo. Charleston, S. C. 1819. Occasional Paper. , 2d ed. 2 vols. 12mo. liondon. 1716-18. Occasional Thoughts on the Influence of the Spirit. 8vo. Boston. 1742. Occasional Writer, in Five Numbers. 12mo. London. 1727. Occum, Sampson. Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, at New Haven, [Ct. Sept. 2, 1772. Svo. Boston. 1773. , . The Same. Svo. Salem, Mass. 1773. Occurrences of the Times : or. The Transactions of Four Days. A Farce. 12mo. Oclandus, Christophorus. - Eirenarchia, sive Elizabetha. 16mo. London. 1582. . . Anglorum Praelia nb nnno Dom. 1327, anno nimirum primo inclytissirni Principis Edwardi ejus Noiiimis III, usque ad annum 1558, etc. IGuiO. London. 1582. O'Connor, John. Anecdotes of Lewis XVI. tr. from the French. 12mo. New- York. 1785. Oddy, J. Jepson. Sketch for the Improvem.ent of Political, Comjmercial, and lo- cal Interests of Britain, as Exemplified by the Inland Navigations of Europe, in general, and of England in particular. 8vo. London. 1810. 44 o AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Odlin, John. Sermon at the Ordination of V/.a-d Clark, at Kingston, [Mass.] Sept. 29, 1725. 12mo. Boston. 1727. Odessa. Account of, tr. from the Frencli. 8vo. Newport, R. I. 1819. Oeconomy of Human Life. tr. from an Indian M .nuscript, written by an Ancient Braniin. 12mo. Norwich, Con. 1784. . The Same. 7tli ed. 8vo. Boston. 1752. O'Flanagan, Theophilus. Advice to a Prince, by Thaddy MacBrody, or Mac- Brodin, son of Dary, being the Inauguration Odo of Donach O'Brien; with an English Translation in Verse, Notes and Observations. See Gaelic Society. Vol'. 1. , . Institutio Principis, Carmen Hibernicum, Auctore Thaddeo, Filio Darii, Filio Brodaei, Latina Versione Verbum Verbo tideliter redditum, cum Notis. Vide Gaelic Society. Vol. 1. , . Deidri, or the Lamentable Fate of the Sons of Usnach. tr. from the Original Gaelic, MS. with Notes and Observations. To which is added the Old Historic Account of the Facts, on which the story is founded. See Gaelic Society. Vol. 1. Ogden, John Cosens. Sermon before the Columbian Lodge, at Nottingham, N. H. Sept. 7, 1790. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1791. , . New Hampshire Election Sermon. 8vo. Concord. 1790. , . Letters occasioned by the Publication of a Private Epis- tolary Correspondence begun by Samuel Macclintock. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . Address at the opening of the Portsmouth Academy. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1791. Ogilby, John. /Vmerica. fol. London. 1G71. , . See China. Ogilvie, John. Sermon before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, with an Appendix. 8vo. Aberdeen. 1803. Oglan, Kara Selym. The Conduct of the Cliristians made the Sport of Infidels. In a Letter to the Grand Mufti of Constantinople. 16rao. Dublin. 1718. O'Hara, Kane. Midas ; a Burletta. 12mo. Boston. Ohio. Letter to a Friend giving a concise, but just Account, according to the advices hitiierto received, of the Ohio Defeat, by T. W. dated at Boston, Aug. 25, 1755. 8vo. London. 1755. . Articles of an Association by the Name of the Ohio Company. 12mo. Worcester. 1786. . An Explanation of the Map which delineates that part of the Federal Lands comprehended between Pennsylvania West Line, the Ohio and Scioto Rivers and Lake Erie. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1787. and Mississippi Navigator. 3rd ed. ]2mo. Pittsburgh, Pen. 1802. . Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of the United States, North West of the River Ohio, at the Second Session of the First As- sembly of 8vo. Chillicothe. 1800. Register and Western Calendar for 1818, by Wijliam Lusk. No. 2. 12mo. Columbus. . An Act to Incorporate Medical Societies, for the purpose of regulating the Practice of Physic and Surgery in, &c. 8vo. Columbus. 1829. . See St. Clair and Randolph ; Scioto. . Report of the Canal Commissioners. 8vo. Columbus. 1826. . Celebration of the forty seventh Anniversary of tiie first Settlement of 8vo. Cincinnati. 1835. O'Keeffe, John. The Agreeable Surprise. Comic Opera. 12mo. New York. 1786. Okey, John. See Barkstead, J. Olcott, Bulkley. Brotherly Love and Friendship, explained and recommended. Masonic Sermon at Charlestown, N. H, Dec. 27, 1781. 4to. Westminster, Vt. 1782. Oldmixon, John. History of England during the Reigns of King William and Queen Mary and King George: being the Sequel of the Reign of the Stuarts, fol. London. 1735. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 3 Olds, Gamaliel S. Inaugural Oration at Williams's College, [Mass.] Oct 14, 180G. 8vo. Stockbridge. 1806. , . Statement of Facts, relative to his appointment to the Office of Professor of Chemistry in Middlebury College, Vt. 8vo. Greenfield, Mass. 1818. Oliver, Daniel. Address before the Temperance Society, of the Medical Class in Dartmouth College, Oct. 31, 1832. 8vo. Windsor, Vt. Oliver, Peter. Speech in the New Court House at Plymouth, [Mass.] May 1.5, 1750, on the Death of Isaac Lothrop, Esq. 4to. Boston. 1750. Oliver, Thomas F. Masonic Discourse at Providence, Jan. 1, 1784. 4to. Provi- dence. Oliver, Andrew, Jun. Essay on Comets. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1772. , , . Theory of Lightnings and Thunder Storms. Amer. Phil. Tr. Vol. 2. , , . Theory of Water Spouts, [ib.] Oliver, Andrew. [Lieut. Gov.] Letters. See Hutchinson, T. Oliver, Benjamin L. Hints for an Essay on the Pursuit of Happiness. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1318. Ollyffe, John. Brief Defence of Infant Baptism : with an Appendix. 4to. Lon- don. 1694. Olney, J. Practical System of Modern Geography, with an Atlas. 14th ed. 12mo. Hartford. 1833. O'Meara, Barry E. Napoleon in Exile : or a Voice from St. Helena. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1823. Omphalius, Jacobus. De Elocutionis Imitatione ac Apparatu. 16m.o. 1572. Onania ; or the Heinous Sin of Self-Pollution. 12mo. Boston. 1724. . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1742. Onderdonk, Henry U. Sermon at New York, on the Consecration of J. H. Hop- kins, Bp. of Vermont ; B. B. Smith, Bp. of lientucky : C. P. Mcllvaine, Bp. of Ohio, and G. W. Doane, Bp. of New Jersey. 8vo. New York. 1832. Onderdonk, John. Inaugural Address before the Medical Society of the County of New York, Aug. 8, 1825. 8vo. New York. 1825. Onis, Luis De. Memoirs upon the Negotiations between Spain and the United States, tr. from the Spanish, by T. Watkins. 8vo. Washington. 1821. O'Neale, Philom. True Demands of the Rebels of Ireland, declaring the causes of their taking up Armes. 4to. London. 1641. Oppression. A Poem. By an American. With Notes by a North Briton. 8vo. Boston. 1 765. . The Same. 8vo. New York. 1765. Orange, Prince of. See William. Oratio Dominica, polyglottos polymorphos. Nimiium plus centum Linguis Versionibus aut Characteribus, Reddita et Expressa. 4to. London. 1713. Ordeal. A Critical Journal of Politics and Literature. Vol. 1. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Ordinaire L', de la Sainte Messe en Francois. 16mo. Rochelle. 1682. Ordination. See Presbyterian. Orlandos, Johannis and Andreas Luriottis. Report of the Evidence and Reasons of the Award between , them and Le Roy, Bayard, &c. By the Arbitrators. 8vo. New York. O'Reilly, Bernard. Greenland, the Adjacent Seas, and the North West Passage to the Pacific Ocean, in 1817. 8vo. New York. 1818. Orne, Henry. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1820. 8vo. Boston. 1820. Orr, Benjamin. Oration at Bedford, [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Amherst, N. H. 1800. Orr, Hector. Oration at Bridgwater, [Mass.] Oct. 1, 1801, before the Columbian Society. 8vo. Boston. 1801. . . History of Free Masonry. Masonic Discourse at Bridgwater, June 30, 1797. 8vo. Boston. 1798. Ortis, Jacopo. Ultirae Lettere de, aggiuntovi T Sepolcri E Poesie di Ugo Fos- colo. edSta. 12mo. Milano. 1817. Osborne, Peter. Oration to the People of Color, of New Haven, assembled at Wallingford, to Celebrate tlie Fourth of July. 8vo. New Haven. 1835. 4 A M E 11 1 C A N A N T I Ci U A R I A X S O C 1 E T Y. Osborn, Francis. Miscellany of Sundry Essays, Paradoxes, &c. IGmo. London. 1G59. Osborn, Samuel. The Case and Complaint of, late of Eastliam, [Mass.] ]2aio. Boston. ]7'43. Osborn, Sellek. Oration at New Bedford, Mass. July 4, 1810. 8vo. Nev/ Bedford. Osborne, George Gerry. Poetical Miscellany. ]2mo. Newburvport, Mass. 1793. Oscar and Malvina, or the Hall of Finjal. In German and English. ]2mo. Hamburg. 1795. Osgood, David. Thanksgiving Sermon at Medford, [Mass.] Dec. 11, 1783. 8vo. Boston. 1784. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Peter Thacher, at Boston, Jan. 32, 1785. 4to. Boston. 1785. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Nathaniel Thayer, at Lancaster, [Mass.] Oct. 9, 1793. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Medford, Nov. 20, 1794. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . The Same. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . The Same. Newburyport, Mass. 1795, and Albany, N. Y. 1795. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Medford, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1795. , . Tlie Altar of Baal thro-.vn down, or the French Nation defend- ed against the Pulpit Slander of. Par Citoyen de Novion. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 19th, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . The Uncertainty of Life. Discourse, April 2, 1797, on the Death of a Child, caused by the Accidental Discharge of a Gun. 8vo. Boston. 1797. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , . Fast Sermon, May 9, 1798. Svo. Boston. 1798. , . Conclusive Argument for the Truth of the Gospel. Discourse at the Ordination of Leonard Woods, at Newbury, [Mass.] Dec. 5, 1798. 8vo. N e w b ur y port. 1 799. , . Discourse Dec. 29, 1799, on the Melancholy Tidings of the Death of George Washington. Svo. Boston. 1800. , . Dudleian Lecture in Harvard University. Svo. Cambridge. 1802. , . The Validity of Baptism by Sprinkling, and the Right of In- fants to that Ordinance. Two Discourses at Maiden, [Mass.] in 1804, occasion- ed by the settinp; up a Bantist Society there. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . The Same! 2nd ed. 12mo. Charlestown. 1804. ■-, . Massachusetts Elocution Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1809. , . Discourse before tlie University at Cambridge, April 8, 1810. Svo. Cambridge. 1810. , . The Same. 2d ed. Svo. Cambridge. 1810. , . Solemn Protest against the late Declaration of War. Sermon at Medford. Svo. Cambridge. 1812. , . The Same. 2d ed. Svo. Cambridge. 1812. , . Sermon at Watertown, [Mass.] June 23, 1819, at the Ordination of Convers Francis. Svo. Cambridge. 1819. Osgood, Samuel. Letter upon the Subject of Episcopacv. Svo. New York. 1807. Osiandrus, Johannes Adamus. Dissertatio de Jubiliaeo Ebraeorum Christianorum Academicorum. 4to. Tubingae. 1677. Ossian. Works of. tr. from the original Gaelic by James Macpherson. 3rd ed. Svo. London. 17C5. • . Poems of. tr. from the original Gaelic, by James Macpherson. 2 vols. 12mo. New Haven. 1806. . Works of. With a Critical Dissertation by Hugh Blair. Svo. C A T A T. O (jI U K OF LIBRARY. 5 Oswald, Eleazcr. Case of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ajjainst him for a Contempt of the Supreme Court. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788. Oswald, James. Sermon at tlie opening of the General Assembly of Scotland, Mav 22, 17(j8, &c. 8vo. Edinburg-h. \7Gi). Otis, Gushing-. Oration at Scituate, [Mass.] July 4, 1800. 8vo. Boston. Otis, James. Rudiments of Latin Prosody : with a Dissertation on Letters and the Principles of Harmony in Poetic and Prosaic Composition. 12nio. Boston. 1760. , . Vindication of the Conduct of the House of Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. 8vo. Boston. 17G2. , . Ricrhts of the British Colonies asserted and proved. 8vo. Boston. 1764. Otis, Harrison Gray. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1788. 8vo. Boston. 1788. , . Letter to the Hon. William Heath, as Chairman of the Roxbury Committee for Petitioning- Congress against Permitting Merchant Vessels to Arm. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , . Eulogy, at Boston, July 26, 1804, on Alexander Hamilton. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. , . Speech in Congress on the Sedition Law. With Remarks by the " Examiner." 8vo. Boston. , . Letters in Defence of the Hartford Convention and of the People of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , — : ■■ — . Address to the Aldermen and Common Council of Bostorf. 8vo. Boston. 1829. ^ ^ . Speech to the Citizens of Boston on the evening preceding an Election of a Member of Congress. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Otis, William F. Oration before the " Young Men of Boston," July 4, 1831. 8vo. Boston. 183 L Otway, Thomas. The History and Fall of Caius Marius. Tragedv. 4to. Lon- don. 1680. Otrante, Le Due D' Notice Sur. Svo. Leipsic. 1816. , . Correspondence du, avec le Due De 12mo. Leipsic. Amsterdam et London. 1816. Oulton, W. C. Pocket Library. 12mo. Boston. 1797. Ovidius, Publius Naso. Metamorphoses, cum Notis Miscellaneis Anglice reddi- tis. Opera N. Bailey. 8vo. London. 1724. , ■ . Epistles, with his Amours, tr. from the Latin into Eng- lish Verse by the most Eminent Hands. 12mo. London. 1729. Owen, John. Diatriba De Justicia Divina. IGmo. Oxoniae. 1653. , . Sermon before Parliament, Sept. 16, 1656. 12mo. Oxford. , , Of Schism, The True Nature of it Discovered and considered. 16mo. Oxford. 1657. , . See Cawdery, D. , . The Divine Originall, Authority, Self-evidencing Light and Power of the Scriptures 16mo. Oxford. 1659. , . Vindication of the Animadversions on Fiat Lux. 16mo. London. 3664. , . Brief Instructions in the V/orship of God, &c. 16mo. 1667. , . Exercitations on the Epistles to the Hebrews. Also concerning the Messiah, fol. London. 1668. , . Letter to a Friend concerning Dr. Owen's Principles and Practices. 4to. London. 1670. , . Expostulatory Letter to the author of the late Slanderous Libel against Dr. O. 4to. Oxford. 1671. , . Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace and Unity. 12mo. London. 1672. , . Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1684. , . The Same. 16mo. London. 1691. , . Eshcol. A Cluster of the Fruit of Canaan Brought to the Borders, for the Encouragement of the Saints travelling thitherward, with their Faces toward Sion. 7tli ed. 16mo. Boston. 1744. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Owen, John. See Humphrey, John. Owen, James. Method of Good Preaching, being the Advices of a French Re- formed Minister to his Son : tr. from the French. 4to. London. 1701. Owen, Charles. Plain Dealing, or Separation without Schism, and Schism with- out Separation. 4th ed. P2mo. London. Owen, John. [Audoenus] Epigrams, tr. from the Latin by Thomas Harvey. IGino. London. 1678. Owen. Robert. Discourse on a new System of Society, delivered at Washing- ton, D. C. l2mo. Louisville, Ky. 1825. , . New View of Society. 12mo. New York. 1825. Owen, William. The Cambrian Biography, or Historical Notices of Celebrated Men among the Ancient Britons. 12mo. London. 1803. , . A Dictionary of the Welsh Language, explained in English. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1803. Owenson, Miss. The Wild Irish Girl. 4th ed. 12mo. New York. 1807. Oxenbridge, John. Double Watchword, or the Duty of Watching. 12rao. Lon- don. 1661. Oxford Guide, or Companion through the University. 12mo. Oxford. 1775. . A New Pocket Companion for Oxford. 12mo. Oxford. J 802. . Parecbolae, Sive Excerpta e Corpora Statutorum Universit^tis Oxoni- ensis. ]6mo. Oxoniae. 1674. . Bishop of. Sermon on the Coronation of King George, Oct. 20, 1714. 12mo. London. 1714. . Thomas. Lord Bishop of. Sermon on occasion of the Present Rebel- lion in Scotland. 8vo. London. 1645. Oxley, Robert. Sermon. 4to. London. 1622. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARIAN SOCIETY. 1 836. P Packard, Hezektah. Federal Republicanism : Two Fast Sermons at Chelms- ford, [Mass.] April, 1799. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Chelmsford, [Mass.] Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Discourse at Salisbury, [Mass.] June 28, 1797, at the Ordination of Andrew Beattie. 8vo. Newburyport. 1797. , . The Christian's Manual. 12mo. Amherst, N. H. 1801. Paddock, Judah. Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Ship Oswego on the Coast of South Barbary. 8vo. New York. 1818. Page, John. Address to the Citizens of the District of York, in Virginia. 8vo. [1794.] Page, Samuel. The Broken Heart, or David's Penance fully expressed in Holy Meditations, upon Psalm 51. 4to. London. 1637. Pages, M. De. Travels round the World in 1767-8-9, 1770-1. Tr. from the French. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1793. Paget, John. Defence of Church Government exercised in Presbyteriall, Classi- cal! and Synodall Assemblies. 4to. London. 1641. Pagit, Eusebius. History of the Bible briefly collected by way of question and answer. 24mo. London. 1613. Pagit, Ephraim. Christianography, or a Description of Sundry Sorts of Chris- tians in the World, not Subject to the Pope, &c. 4to. London. 1636. Paine, Thomas. Common Sense: addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo. Boston. 1776. , . The Same. With Large additions. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1776. , . The Same. 6th ed. 4to. Providence, R. I. 1776. , . The Same. 8vo. New York. [1776.] , . The Same. 8vo. Newburyport, Mass. , . The Same. 9th ed. London. 1792. , . The True Interest of America Impartially Stated, in certain Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled, " Common Sense." By an American. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1776. , . True Merits of a late Treatise entitled, " Common Sense," clearly pointed out by a Member of the Continental Congress. 8vo. London. 1776. , . Plain Truth ; Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, con- taining Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled. Common Sense. By Candidus, [Also Remarks on the Same, by Rationalis.] 8vo. Philadelphia. 1776. '-, . Additions to Plain Truth : addressed to the Inhabitants of Amer- ica, Containing further Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled Common Sense. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1776. , . Sequel to Common Sense. By Theophilus Philadelphus. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin. 1777. , . The American Crisis. 8vo. London. A M i: II I C A N ANTIQUARIAN S O C 1 E T V. nine, Thomas. The Same. 12mo. 1777. ^ . Public Good. Being An Examination into tho Claim of Virginia to the Vacant Western Territory, and of the Right of tlie United States to the Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1780. , ■ . The Same, with a Letter to Sir Guy Carlton on the Murder of Capt. Ifuddy. 8vo. London. , . Rights of Man, being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French P^evolution. 9th ed. 8vo. London. 1792. , . The Same. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . The Second part of the Same. 8vo. Boston. 1792. , . Letter to Mr. Dundas and to Lord Onslow. 8vo. London. 1792. , . Letter to the Earl of Shelburn on his Speech of July 10, 1782, relating to American Independence. Thoughts on Peace. Letter on Repub- licanism. Letter to the Abbe Syeyes. 9th ed. 8vo. London. 1792. , . Letter to the Abbe Raynal, on the Affairs of North America. 12mo. Boston. 1782. , . The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1782. - — -, . The Same. 8vo. London. 1782. J . Letter addressed to the Addressers on the late Proclamation. Svo. London. 1792. , . Trial for a Libel contained in the Second Part of the Rights of Man, before Lord Kenyon, Dec. 18, 1792. Svo. Boston. 1793. , . Dissertation on the First Principles of Government. 8vo. Lon- don. 1795. , . Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. 14th ed. 8vo. London. 179(1. , . The Same. l^mo. New York. 179G. , . Age of Reason. 8vo. London. 1794. , . The Same. 12mo. New York. 1794. , . Second part of the Same. ]2mo. New York. 179C. ^ . Age of Reason. With the Twenty Five Precepts of Reason. By T. Graset St. Sauveur, &c. 12mo. Worcester. 1794. , . Reply to the False Reasoning in the " Age of Reason." 12mo. Philadelphia. 1796. , . The Examiners Examined: Being a Defence of the Age of Reason. 12mo. New York. 1794. , . Age of Infidelity in ansvrer to the above. By a Layman. 3d ed. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1794. , . The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. , . See Vv^atson, R. See Wakeneld. , " . Letter to George Washington ; With his Speech in the Na- tional Convention on the Trial of Louis XVI. 8vo. Baltimore. 1802. ^ . Letter to George Vv'ashington on Affairs Public and Private. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. , . Letter to Thomas Paine, in answer to his Scurrilous Epistle to Washington. By An American Citizen. Svo. New York. 1797. , . Agrarian Justice opposed to Agrarian Law and Agrarian Mo- nopoly. Svo. Philadelphia. 1797. , . The Recantation ; Being an anticipated Valedictory Address of Thomas Paine to the French Directory. Svo. New York. 1797. , . Letters to the Citizens of the United States. Svo. New York. 1802. , . See Cheetham, J. , , lixamination of the Passages in the New Testament, quoted from the Old, and called Prophecies concerning Jesus Christ, &c. &c Svo New York. aine, Thomas. Sermon at his ordination at Weymouth, [Mass.] Aug. 19, 1719. 12mo. Boston. 1720. , . The Doctrine of Original Sin Proved and Applyed. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, May 21, 1724. 12mo. Boston. 1721. - C A 1' A L O 6 I) H O F L I li R A II Y. 3 Paino, Thomas. Sermon at the Ordination of Samuel Willard, at Biddeford, [Me.] Sept. 30, 1730. 12mo. Boston. .1731. , . Sermon at Braintree, [Mass.] on the Death of Mrs. Ann, wife of Rev. Samuel Niles, \A\o died Oct. 25, 1732. 12uio. Boston. 1732. , . Temporal Safety of the Lord's People, until they forsake Him. Considered with particular Respect to God's dealing -with his People in New England, &c. Sermon at Weymouth, July 30, 1732. 8vo. Boston. 1732. Paine, Robert Treat. Sketch of the Character of. 8vo. Paine, Thomas. [Robert Treat.] Invention of Letters : a Poem, delivered in Cambridge, Mass. on [he Day of the Annual Commencement. 4to. Boston. 1795. , . . The Same. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1819. , . . The Ruling Passion : a Poem, before the Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard University, July 20, 1797. 4to. Boston. 1797. , :-. . Oration at Boston, July 17, 1799, in Commem- oration of the Dissolution of the Treaties and Consular Convention, between France and the United States. 8vo, Boston. J 799. , . . Eulogy on George Washington, at Newbury- port, [Mass.] Jan. 2, 1800. 8vo. Newburyport. 1800. , . . Monody on tlie Death of Sir John Moore, with a Sketch of his Life. 8vo. Boston. 181]. , - . . Works in Prose and Verse. With Notes. To which are Prefixed Sketches of his Life and Character. [By Charles Pren- tiss and Thomas O. Selfridge.] 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . . Federal Orrery. Semi-Weekly Newspaper, from Oct. 20, 1794 to April 179(1. fol. Boston. 1794-(J. Paine, Robert Treat. Table of Longitude and Altitude of the Nonagesimal Degree, &c. &c. Mem. American Acad. Vol. 1. New Series. , . On the Latitude of Boston, [id.] , . Latitudes and Longitudes of several Places in the United States as determined by Observation, [id.] , . See American Almanac. Paine, Charles. Oration at Boston, July 4, 180 L Svo. Boston. , . Address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Paine, William. Address before the American Antiquarian Society, at Boston, Oct. 23, 1815. 8vo. Worcester. 1815. Paine. See Payne. ! Painters. The True Effigies of the most Eminent Painters and other Artists, fol. London. 16Ui. Paintings. Catalogue of Italian, Flemish, Spanish, Dutch, French and English Pictures, collected by Richard Abraham. Svo. New York. 1830. . See Boston, Athenaeum Gallery of. . Catalogue of a Collection of Oil Paintings, lately brought from the Galleries of Milan, Venice, &.C. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Pakenham, Edward. Invention of a Substitute for a Lost Rudder, and to prevent its being lost. 12mo. New York. 1811. Palaephatus. De Incredibilibus Historiis. Cornelius Tollius in Latinnm Sermo- nem vertit ct notis illustravit. IGmo. London. 1656. Palairet, F. Concise Description of the English and French Possessions in North America. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1755. Paley, William. View of the Evidences of Christianity. 12mo. Boston. 1795. , . Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. 7th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1788. , . The Same. Svo. Boston. 1795. , . Natural Theology. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. 1803. , . Ilorae Paulinae. I2mo. Cambridge, Mass. 1806. , . The Young Christian Instructed in Reading and in the Princi- ples of Religion. 12mo. Andover, Mass. 1819. 45 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Paley, William. Caution recommended in the application and use of Scripture language. Visitation Sermon, July 15, 1777. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1809. Palfrey, John G. Sermon at Boston, June 8, 1823, on the Death of the Hon. John Phillips. 8vo. Boston. 18'2S. , . Sermon on the Dea;!! of the Hon. Isaac Parker, Chief Justice, preached at Boston, Aug. 1, 1830. ? vo. Boston. 1830. , . Oration at Boston, J Lily 4, 1831. Svo. Boston. 1831. , — I Sermon at Boston, Aug. 9, 1832, the Day appointed for Fast- ing and Prayer in Massachusetts, on account of the approach of the Cholera. Svo. Boston. 1832. , . Discourse before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. 8vo. Boston. 1835. Palingenius, Marcellus. Zodiacuo Vitae. 16mo. Palladium, New England. , , . See Mercury. , Worcester. Pallas, Peter Simon. Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Ruszischen Reichs. 4 Bande. 4to. St. Petersburgh. 1771-6. Palm, M. De. Memorial to the King of Great Britain upon his Majesty's Speech to Parliament. 4to. 1727. Palmer, Thomas. Bristol's Military Garden. Sermon. 4to. London. 1635. Palmer, Herbert Sermon before the House of Commons, June 28, 1643. 4to. London. 1643. , . Sermon before Parliament, Aug. 13, 1644. 4to. London. 1644. Palmer, Samuel. Fast Sermon, Jan. 19, 1703-4. 4to. London. 1704. Palmer, Obadiah et als. vs. J. Van Courtland et al. Report of the Case of, in the Court of Chancery of New York. fol. New York. 1727. Palmer, Stephen. Sermon at Rowley, [Mass.] June 7, 1797, at the Ordination of Isaac Braman. 8vo. Dedham. 1797. , . Sermon at Dedham, [Mass.] Oct. 22, 1812, at the Interment of Rev. Thomas Thatcher. Svo. Boston. 1812. , . Sermon at Needham, [Mass.] on the Death of Calvin Whiting, who died Oct. 17, 1795 Svo. Boston. 1795. , . Sermon at Needham, Nov. 16, 181 1, on the Termination of a Century since the Incorporation of the ToAvn. Svo. Dedham. 1811. Palmer, Elihu. Oration at New York, July 4, 1797. 16mo. New York. 1797. Pancirollus, Guidus. Nova Reperta, sive Rerum Memorabilium. 4to. Norim- bergae. 1596. Panoplist and Missionary Herald, from 1809 to 1833. 26 vols. Svo. Boston. Panorama, Literary. Vol. 1, Svo. Boston. 1817. Panorama of Mexico. See Mexico. Panvinius, Onuphrius. Historia B. Platinae de Vitis Pontificum Romanorum. fol. Coloniae. Ubiorum. 1600. Panzer, Georgius Wolfgangus. Annales Typographici ab artis inventae origine ad Annum MD post Maittairii Denissii aliorumque Doctissimorum Virorum curas in ordinem redacti emendati et aucti. 11 vol. 4to. Norimbergae. 1793 — 1803. , . Vide Denis, M. , . Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte Niirnbergs. 4to. Nlirnberg. 1789. Papacy. See Popery. See Papists. Paper Makers. Memorial to Congress of the Society of Paper Makers of Penn- sylvania and Delaware, Jan. 15, 1820. Svo. 1820. Papier. Dissertation sur le. Svo. Port An Prince. 1780. » Papist. Two Conferences : one betwixt a Papist and a Jew. The other betwixt a Protestant and a Jew : in Two Letters from a Merchant in London, to his Correspondent in Amsterdam. 4to. London. 1679. Papists. An Account of the irregular actions of, in the Reign of James II : with a Method proposed how to rid the Nation of them. By a Person of Quality. 4to. C A T A L O G U K OF L 1 B R A R Y. 5 Papists. Whether a Protestant may Marry a Papist ? 4to. MS. . See Popery. Parable of the Ten Virgins. 12mo. Paraphrase and Notes on St. Paul's first Epistle to the Thessalonians. By the Author of the Paraphrase on his Epistle to Philemon. 4to. London. ]73l. Pareus, David. CoUeg-iorum Theologicorum quibus Universa Theologia Ortho- doxa et omnes prope Theologorum controversiae perspicue et varie explicantur. Decuria Una. 16mo. Pleidelbergae. 1611. , . Irenicum. 4to. Heidelbergae. 1614. 4 , . Catachesis Christi. 16mo. Heidelbergae. 1622. , . Miscellanea Catechetica. 16mo. , . De Potestate Ecclesiastica et Civile. 16mo. Francofurti. 1633. , . Opera Theologica. 2 vol. Venet 1628. Paris. Events in Paris, during the 26, 27, 28 and 29 of July, 1830. tr. from the French. 12mo. Boston. 1830. . Tableau de. Tom. 2. 12mo. Amsterdam. 1783. . Revolutions de, en 1789. Tom 2. 12mo. Paris. 1789. . Various Prisons of, under the Government of Robespierre and the Jaco- bins, tr. from the French. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1798. . Chronique de. Par. Mr. M. 12mo. Paris. 1819. . Panoramic VieAv of See Barker, H. A. . See France. Parish, Elijah. Sermon at Manchester, [Mass.] April 4, 1792, at the Ordination of Ariel Parish. 8vo. Salem. 1792. , . The Excellence of the Gospel Visible in the wretchedness of Paganism. Discourse, Dec. 29, 1797. 8vo. Newburyport, Mass. 1798. , . Oration at Byfield, [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Newburyport. , — Thanksgiving Discourse at Byfield, [Mass.] Nov. 29, 1804. 8vo. Salem. 1805. , . Sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, May 26, 1807. 8vo. Newburyport. 1807. , . Fast Sermon at Bvfield, April 7, 1808. 8vo. Newburvport. 1808. , . New System of Modern Geographv. 12mo. Newburyport. 1810. , . See Morse, Jedediah. , — . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Eulogy on John Hubbard, Professor in Darmouth College, who died Aug. 14, 1810. 8vo. Hanover, N. H. 1810. , . Fast Sermon at Byfield, April 11, 1811. 8vo. Newburyport. 1811. , . The Same. With Gov. Gerrv's Proclamation for a Fast. ]2mo. Boston. 1811. , , and David M'Clure. Memoirs of Rev. Eleazer Wheelock, with a Summary History of Dartmouth College and Moor's Charity School, Sic. 8vo. Newburyport. 1811. , . Protest against the War. Fast Sermon at Byfield, July 23, 1812. 1st and 2d ed. 8vo. Newburyport. 1812. , . Sermon at Boston, Nov. 3, 1814, before the Society for propagat- ing the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1814. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Park, James Allan. System of the Law of Marine Insurance. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Appendix to the above. 8vo. Boston. 1800. Park, John. Repertory, from 1803 to 1811. 8 vols. fol. Newburyport and Boston. , . The Boston Spectator, devoted to Politicks and Belles-Letters, fol. 1814, 15. Boston. , . An Address to the Citizens of Massachusetts, on the Causes and Remedy of our National Distresses. 8vo. Boston. 1808. 6 A M n 11 1 L A N A N 1" 1 Q U A R 1 A N S O C I T. T Y. Park, John C. To the Citizens of Boston, on the New Plan of Public Schools. 8vo. J3oston. 1836. Park, L. J. Miriam ; a Dramatic Poem. 12mo. Boston. 1S37. Parkenson, .Tames. See Sherlock, W. Parker, Richard. Trial of, Complete. President of tlie Deleg-ates for Mutiny &c. on Board the Sandwich, in May, 1797. l*2mo. Boston. J 797. Parker, Robert. Scholastical Discourse ag-ainst Symbolizing Avith Anti-Christ in Ceremonies, Especially in the Sisfne of the Crosse, fol. London. 1607. . , . Exposition of the Powring out of the Fourth Viol mentioned in the 16th of Revelation. 4to. London. 1650. Parker, Samuel. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , . Sermon before the Boston Female Asylum, Sept. 23, 1803. 8vo. Boston. 1803. Parker, Isaac. Sketch of the Character of Chief Justice Parsons, in a Charge to the Grand Jury at Boston, Nov. 23, 1813. 8vo. Boston. , . The Same. Mass. Reports. Vol. 10. , . Sketch of the Character of Chief Justice Sewall. Mass. Reports. Vol. II. , . Address to the Suffolk Bar, on the Death of the Hon. Samuel How. 8vo. Boston. 1828. , . Oration on the Sublime Virtues of George Washington. 8vo. Portland. 1800. Parker, Isaiah. Final State of the Human Kind Considered. Two Discourses at Harvard, [Mass.] 12mo. Harvard. 1804. 'Parker, Lucretia. Practical Barbarity, or the Female Captive. 12mo. New York. Parker, Leonard LI. Oration at Charlestown, Mass. July 4, 1816. 8vo. Boston. 1816. Parker, Edward L. Century Sermon at Londonderry, N. H. April 22, 1819, with a Sketch of the History of the Town. 8vo. Concord. 1819. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Abijah Cross, at Salisbury, N. H. March 24, 1824. 8vo. Plymouth. 1824. Parkerus, Thomas. Parkerus Illustratus, sive x\nnotata quaedam in omnes LXX Thomae Parkeri Theses, De Traductione Hominis Peccatoris ad Vitam ab Au- thore Philo Tileno. 16mo. London. 1660. Parkes, Samuel. Letter to Farmers and Graziers on the advantages of using Salt in Agriculture, and in feeding Cattle. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1819. ■ , . Chemical Catechism. 8vo. New York. 1816. Parkinson, John. Theatrum Botanicum, or Theatre of Plants, fol. London. 1640. Parkinson, James. Medical Admonitions to Families. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1803. Parkman, Ebenezer. Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1761. , . Reformers and intercessors sought by God ; Avho grieves when they are hard to be found. Sermon at Vv^estborough, [Mass.] May 15, 1757. 8vo. Boston. 1 757. Parkman, Francis. Century Sermon at Boston, in the New North Church, Nov. 27, 1814. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . Sermon at Boston at the Interment of the Rev. John Lathrop, D. D. who died Jan. 4, 1816. 8vo. Boston. 18J6. Parkman, George. Management of Lunatics, with Illustrations of Insanity. 12mo. Boston. 1817. Parks, William. The Rose and Lily. Three Sermons. 4tQ. London. 1640. Parliament. Order made to a Select Committee of. Chosen by the whole House of Commons to receive Petitions touching Ministers. 4to. London. 1640. . Declaration of, concerning Worship. 4to. London. 1641. . An Admonition to, holden in the 13th yeare of the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth. 4to. 1617. . . Remonstrance to, on the State ot the Kino-dom, &c. 4to. London. 1641. . Declaration of the Commons in Parliament, made Sept. 9, 164 L 4to. London. 1641. CATALOGUE OF L I li R A R Y. 7 Parliament True Demands of tlie Rebels of Ireland, declaring- the causes of their taking- up armes. 4to. London. 1(34]. . Propositions made to, for the speedie and effectual reducinjx of the Kingdom of Ireland- With his Majesty's Answer. 4to. London. ]()4.L . Collection of Several Speeches, Messao-es and Answers of the Kino to. With the Petitions, Mess.rges and Declarations of Parliament. 4to. London. 1G42. . Touching the Fundamental Lawes or Politique Constitution of this Kingdome, the Kings prerogative voice and the Power of Parliament. With the Privilege of Parliament touching the Militia. 4to. London. 1()4.3. , Declaration of the Commons concerning the Grand Rebellion in Ireland, &c. &:.c. 4to. London. 1643. . Letter from the Earle of Warwick to, relating to taking all the Forts and sixteen pieces of Ordnance from the Cornish Men. &c. 4to. Lon- don. 1643. . Observations upon the Ordinance of, touching Ordination. 4to. Oxford. 1644. . Ordinance for the Ordination of Ministers. 4to. London. 1644. . A Paraenetick, or Humble Address to the Parliament and Assem- bly for [not loose but] Christian Liberties. 4to. London. 1644. . The Same. 2d ed. 4 to. London. 1644. . Ordinance of, concerning the Suspension from the Lord's Supper. 4to. London. 1645. . Some papers given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament, re- lating to the disposing of his Majesties Person. 4to. Edinburgh. 1646. . To the High Court of. A Dilemma from a Parallel, humbly pre- sented. 4to. London. 1646. . Declaration of the Lords and Commons concerning the Papers of the Scots Commissioners, &c. 4to. London. 1647. . Petitions of the Gentlemen, Yeomen and Freeholders of the Eas- tern Association. 4to. London. 1648. . Material Matters handled there relating to Religion, Property and the Liberty of the Subject. 4to. London. 1673. . The Long Parliament Dissolved. 4to. London. 1676. . Parliamentum Pacific um. Reflections on a late Pamphlet with this Title. 4to. Amsterdam. 1688. . Advice to, before it be too late. 4to. 1688. . Letter to a Member of the Convention. 4to. 1689. . The Lords and Commons Reasons and Justification for the Depri- vations and Deposal of James II. from the Imperial throne of England. 4to. London. 1689. . Brief Collection of some Memorandums: or things humbW offered to the Consideration of. 4to. 1689. . An Enquiry, or a Discourse between a Yeoman of Kent, and a Knight of Shire, upon the Prerogative of the Parliament to the Second of May. 1693. . Acts of Dec. 13, 1701 and March 8, 1701-2. rfol. London. 1701-2. ^ . After Consideration for some Members of, upon the occasional Bill Dismiss'd, &c. [By John Humphrey.] 4to. London. 1704. . Letter to a Member of, from a G entleman of Bristol. 2d ed. 12mo. London. [1710.] . Collection of White and Black Lists, or a View of those Gentlemen ■who have given their Votes in Parliament for and against the Protestant Re- ligion. 12mo. Dublin. 1715. ■ . Letter to a Member of, in the North, about a Memorandum Book, found in Arlington Street. 12mo. London. 1729. . History of the Proceedings and Debates of the First Session of the House of Commons, Nov. 29, 1774. 8vo. . An Address to the Independent Members of both Houses. 8vo. London. 17S2. 8 A M i: R I C A N A N T I Q T A R I A N S O (M E T V. Parliament. LfUer from a Member of, on the Fatal Consequences of the Pres- ent War. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1793. . Letter to the Prince of Wales on a Second Application to Parlia- ment to Discharge Debts, wantonly contracted, since May, 1787. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1795. . The Same. 10th ed. Svo. London. . Annotations upon the late Protestation of. 4to. ■ . See Statutes ; — Stamp Acts ; — England ; — British Colonies. Parr, Elnathan. Plain Exposition upon the 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12th Chapters of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. 4to. London. 1G20. Parr, Richard. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 165S. Parr, Samuel. Fast Serm.on at Hatton, Warwickshire, Oct. 19, 1803. 4to. Lon- don. 1804. Parry, William E. Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of the North West Passage performed in 1824-5. 8vo. Philadelphia. Parsons, Bartholomew. First Fruits of the Gentiles. Three Sermons. 4to. London. 1618. , . Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 161(3. , . Dorcas, or a Perfect Patterne of a True Disciple. Ser- mon. 4to. Oxford. 1631. . , . Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Francis Pile, at Colling- borne, Kingstone, Dec. 8, 1635. 4to. Oxford. 1036. Parsons, Benjamin. Oration at Chesterfield, [Mass.] July 4, 1800. 8vo. North- ampton. 1800. Parsons, David. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1788. Parsons, Jonathan. Good News from a Far Country, in Seven Discourses, at Newbury, [Mass.] 8vo. Portsmouth, N. PL 1756. " , . Observations on the Doctrines, and Uncharitableness, &c. of Rev. Mr. Jonathan Parsons, in his late Discourses on 1 Tim. 1: 15. 8vo. Boston. 1757. , . Infant Baptism from Heaven. Two Discourses at Haverhill, [Mass.] West Parish, April 28, 1765. 8vo. Boston. 1765. , . Discourse at Newburyport, [Mass.] March 5, 1774. 4to. Newbury port. , . Consideration of some Unconstitutional Measures adopted and practiced in this State. 8vo. Newburyport. 1784. , . Wisdom Justified of her Children. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Sept. 16, 1742. 8vo. Boston. 1742. , , and D. McGregore. Rejoinder to the Rev. Robert Aber- crombie's late Remarks on a Fair Narrative, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1758. , . See Smith, Hezekiah. Parsons, Joseph. Sermon at the Ordination of Samuel Webster, at Salisbury, [Mass.] Aug. 12, 1741. 12mo. Boston. 1741. , . Massachusetts Election Seimon. 8vo. Boston. 1759. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1744. Parsons, Moses. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1772. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Obadiah Parsons, at Glocester, [Mass.] Nov. 11, 1772. 8vo. Salem. 1773. Parsons, Levi. Sermon at the Park Street Church, Boston, Oct 31, 1819, just before the Departure of the Palestine Mission. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Parsons, Robert. Sermon at the Funeral of John, Earle of Rochester, Aug. 9, 1680. 4to. Oxford. Parsons, Theophilus. Result of a Convention of Delegates of Essex County, Mass. at Ipswich, to consider of the Constitution and Form of Government pro- posed by the Convention. 12mo. Newburvport. 1778. , . Defence of the Third Article of the Bill of Rights. 8vo. Worcester. 1820. , . The Same. Mass. Reports. Vol. 6. Parsons, Thomas. Christianity a System of Peace. 3rd ed. 12mo. New Bed- ford, Mass. 1816. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 9 Parsons, Usher. Address before the Providence Temperance Society, ?.l!!y '-•T, JS31. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1831. Passive Obedience. Continuation of the History of, since the Reformation. 4to. Amsterdam. 1690. in Actual Resistance, or Remarks upon a Paper fix'd up in the Cathedra] Church of Worcester. By Dr. Hicks, vol. 2. 4to. London. 1G91. Pastor and Prelate, or Reformation and Conformitie. Rlmo. 1628. Pastoral Visit to the Afflicted. 12mo. Keene, N. H. 1796. Patch, Richard. Trial lor the Murder of Isaac Blight. 12mo. Boston. 1807. Patent Law. Exposition of. 8vo. 1816. Patents. See United States. Pateshall, Ptichard. Pride Humbled, or Mr. Hobby chastised. Being some Re- marks on said Hobby's Piece, entitled, a Defence of the Itinerancy and the Conduct of the Rev. Mr. Whitefleld. 4to. Boston. 1745. Pater Noster. Vide Oratio Dominica. Paterson, William. Charge to the Jury in the Case of Vanhorne's Lessee against Dorrance. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. Patient, Thomas. The Doctrine of Baptism and the Distinction of the Covenants. 4to. London. 1654. Patrick, John. The Psalms of David in Metre. ]6mo. London. 1701. Patrick, Symon. Sermon at the Funeral of the Rev. Samuel Jacomb. 4to. London. 1659. , . The Parable of the Pilgrim : written to a Friend. 5th ed. 4to. London. 1678. , . See Smith, John. Partridge, Alden. Journal of an Excursion made by the Corps of Cadets of the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy, under Capt. Alden Par- tridge. 8vo. Concord, N. H. 1822. , . Prospectus and Internal regulations of the American Literary, Scientilick and Military Academy ; to be opened at Middletov/n, [Con.] Aug. 1825. 8vo. , . Lecture on Education. 8vo. , . Lecture [at Windsor, Vt. June 1821,] on National Defence. 8vo. Patriots of North America. A Sketch. With Explanatory Notes. Poem. 8vo. New York. 1775. Patriot or People's Companion, in Five Essays, on the Laws and Politics of our Country. 8vo. Hudson, N. Y. 1828. Patten, William. On the Inhumanity of the Slave Trade, and the Importance of Correcting it. Sermon at Newport, R. I. Aug. 12, 1792. 8vo. Providence. 1793. , . Sermon at Newport, R. I. on the Lord's Day Succeeding his Ordination. 8vo. [1786.] , . Discourse at Newport, on the Death of the Rev. President Stiles. 8vo. Exeter, N.H. 1795. , . Sermon at Newport, April 12, 1808, before the African Be- nevolent Society. 4to. Newport. Patterson, J. B. Life of Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak, or Black Hawk. 12mo. Boston. 1834. Pattison, Granville Sharp. Answer to a Pamphlet, entitled, " Strictures on Mr. Pattison's Reply to certain Oral and Written Criticisms. By G. W. Gibson." 2d ed. 8vo. Baltimore. 1820. Pattison and Revere Professors. Introductory Lecture before Jefferson Medical College. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. Pattie, James O. Personal Narrative of Edited by T. Flint. 8vo. Cincinnati. 1833. Paul, Mr. Thanks of an Honest Clergyman for Mr. Paul's Speech at Tyburn, July 13, 1716. 12mo. London. 1716. Paul, [St.] Part of an Exposition of Paul's Journey to Damascus. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1768. Paule, Sir George. Life of John Whitgift, Abp. of Canterbury. 4to. London.. 10 A .M E II ! C A iV ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T Y. ' Paulus, ricinrich Eberhard Gottlob. Pliilologisch-Kritischer und liistorischer Commeutar liber das iieue Testament. 2te. Ausg. 4 Theile. 8vo. Lubeck and Leipzig-. 1804-12. Paulas, Simon. Dispositio in Partes orationis Rhetoricae et Brevis textus enar- ratio Evang-elioruni, etc. IGtno. Magdeburgi. 1573. Pauperism. Report of a Committee on the Subject of Pauperism. 8vo. New York. 1818. Payne, John. See Kempis, Thomas, A. Payne, Edward. See Sylvester, G. Payson, Philips. Sermon at Fitchburgh, [Mass.] Jan. 27, 17G8, at the Ordination of John Payson. 8vo. Boston. 17G8. , . Two Fast Sermons, Feb. 2G, 1740-1, occasioned by the Present War with Spain. 12mo. Boston. 1741. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1772. Payson, Philips. Sermon at Lexington, [Mass.] April 10, 1782, the iVnniversary of the Battle. 8vo. Boston. 1782. , . Sermon at Chelsea, [Mass.] Jan. 14, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Charlestown. 1800. Payson, Seth. Sermon at Mason, N. H. Nov. 3, 1790, at the Ordination of Ebe- nozer Hill. 8vo. Worcester. 1791. , . Proofs of the Real Existence and dangerous Tendency of Illumi- nism. 12mo. Charlestown, Mass. 1802. , . Sermon at Ashby, [Mass.] Feb. 24, 1802, at the Interment of Mrs. Sibyl, wife of Rev. Cornelius Waters. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , . Abridgment of two Fast Sermons at Rindge, N. 11. April 11, 1805. 8vo. Keene. 1805. , . Discourse at Portland, [Me.] Dec. IG, 1807, at the Ordination of Edward Payson. 8vo. Portland.' 1808. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Levi Pitsbury, at Winchendon, Mass. April 8, 1819. 8vo. Worcester. 1819. Payson, Thomas. Address before the Associated Instructers of Boston and Vi- cinity, Oct. 10, 18 IG. 8vo. Worcester. 181G. Payson, Euward. Address to Seamen, at Portland, [Me.] Oct 28, 1821. 12mo. Portland. 1821. , . Discourse at Portland, [Me.] May 5, 1814, before the Bible Society of Maine. 8vo. Portland. 1814. , '-. The Oracles of God. Sermon at Boston, Jan. 21, 1824, before the Marine Bible Society. 8vo. Portland, Me. 1824. Pazos, Don Vincente. Letters on the United Provinces of South America, ad- dressed to Hon. Henry Clay, tr. from the Spanish by Piatt H. Crosby. 8vo. New York and London. 1819. Peabody, Oliver. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1732. , . Sermon at the Evening Lecture of the New North Church, Boston, June 8, 1742. 12mo. Boston. 1742. Peabody, Oliver. Notice of the Life and Character of. [N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 3.] Peabody, Stephen. Sermon at Ipswich, [Mass.] Nov. 13, 1799, at the Ordination of Josiah Webster. 8vo. Haverhill. Peabody, David. The Conduct of Men Considered in Contrast with the Law of God. A Discourse delivered in Worcester, Fast Day, 183G. 8vo. Worcester. 1836. Peace. The Voice of Or Considerations upon the Invitation of Great Britain and Russia for holding a Congress. Together with a Plan of Pacification. By the Secretary to the Spanish Embassy at the Hague. 8vo. London. 17G0. . Road to Peace, Commerce, Wealth and Happiness. By an Old Farmer. 8vo. Peace without Dishonor, War without Hope. By a Yankee Farmer. [John Lowell.] 8vo. Boston. 1807. Peace Society. Observations on the Kingdom of Peace, Address before the New York Peace Society. 8vo. New York. 1816. CATALOGUE OF LI 11 II A K Y. 11 Peace Society. Thoiig-hts on the Practical Advantages of those v,-lio hold the Doctrines of Pe^ice, over those who Vindicate War. Svo. New York. 181G. . Catalog-ue of the Ouicers and Members of the Mass. Peace Society. 8vo. Camhridge. ]820. . Constitution of. . Second Report of the Same. See Dawes, Thomas. . Third Report of the Sanne. 8vo. Boston. 1818. . Seventh Report of the Same. 8vo. Boston. 1823. . Eighth Report of the Same. Svo. Boston. 1824. . Ninth Repott of the Same. Svo. Boston. 1825. . Circular Letter of. Svo. Boston. 1817. Peacham, Henrv. Worth of a Penny, or a Caution to Keep Money. 4to. Lon- don. 1647. Peake, Thomas. Compendium of the Lan' of Evidence. Svo. Walpole. 1804. Peale, Rembrandt. See Washington, George-. Peal, Charles W. Introduction to a Course of Lectures on Natural History. Svo. Philadelphia. 1800. , . Discourse Introductory to a Course of Lectures on the Science of Nature. Svo. Philadelphia. 18C0. Peabody, Stephen. New Hampshire Election Sermon. Svo. Concord. 1797. Pearcc, Dutee J. Speech in Congress, on the ot!i, (ith, 7th of April, 1832, rela- tive to the Collector of Wiscassett, Me. Svo. Washington. 1832. Pearse, Edward. The Crent Concern. 22nd ed. 24mo. Boston. 1711. ^ . Last Le^-acy. Two Discourses. 3rd ed. IGmo. [London. 1704. Pearse, Thomas D. Astronomical Observations in Fort William, &c. [Asiatic Researches. Vol. 1.] Pearson, Anthony. The Great Case of Tythes truly stated, clearly opened and fully resolved. 3rd ed. 4to. London. IfiSJ). Pearson, John. Bp. Sermon before the Rt. lion. George, Lord Berkley, upon the death of his father. 4to. London. 1G58. , . — . An Exposition of the Creed. 3rd ed. fol. London. 1669. Pearson, Eliphalet. Public Lecture occasioned by the Deatti of Rev. Joseph Willard, President of Harvard College. Svo. Cambridge. 1804. ' , . Sermon at the Ordination of Ephraim Abbott. Svo. Ando- ver. 1803. ^ , Sermon at Boston, Nov. 27, ISIl, before the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Svo. Cambridge. 1811. , . Sermon at Boston, Oct. '^(i, 1815, before the Society for Educating Pious Young Men lor the Gospel Ministry. Svo. Andover, [Mass.] 1815. Pearson, William. Dissertation on the Mixed Fever, June 30, 1780, before Har- vard College. Svo. Peck, Richard. The Spirituall Plowman, or the Art of Spirituall Fallowing. Sermon, June 2Jth, 1G3L 4lo. London. K,'32. , . The Great Day Dawning, or Christ's neerenes to England. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1632. Peck, William Dandridge. Natural Historv of the Slug-worm. 8vo. Boston. 17r>l). [See also Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 5.] , . On the Sea Serpent. [American Academy. Vol. 4.] , . Observationes Carpologicse in Kamelliam et Theam. [id.] • , . Obituary Notice of. [id. 2nd Series. Vol.10.] Pcggott, John. Sermon on the Death of Vfilliam III. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1702. Pierce, James. Some Considerations on the Sixth Chapter of the Abridgment of the London Cases, containing a Vindication of the Office for Baptism and par- ticularly of the Sign of the Cross. ICmo. London. 1708. , . Sermon before the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwall, Mtv 5, 1714. 12mo. London. 1714. 46 12 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Peirce, James. Presbyterian Order proved regular. Sermon. 2d ed. 12rao. London. 1716. , — ■ . The Curse Causeless. Sermon at Exon, Jan. 30, 1716-17. 12mo. London. 1717. , . The Same. 3rd cd. 12mo. Boston. 1728. , . Tiie Same. 6th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1728. , . See Pearce. See Pierce. , . The Loyalty, Integrity, and Ingenuity, of High Church and the Dissenters. 8vo. London. 1711). ■ , . An Account of the Reasons why many Citizens of Exon have Withdrawn from the Ministry of Mr. Joseph Hallet and Mr. James Pieice. Being an Answer to Mr. Pierce's State of the Case. 12mo. Exon. 1719. , . Vindication of the Church of England, in Answer to Mr. Pierce's Vindication of tlie Dissenters. By a Presbyter of the Church of England. Part II. 8vo. London. 1720. Peirce, Nathaniel. Account of the Great Dangers and Distresses and Remarka- ble Deliverance of 8vo. Boston. 1756. Pelegromus, Simon. Synonymorum Sylva. 16mo. London. 1650. Pelling, John. Sermon at Paule's Crosse, Sept. 26, 1624. 4to. London. 1625. Polling, Mr. See Non-Conform.ists. Pellisson, Paul. History of the French Academy. 12mo. London. 1657. Pemberton, Ebenezer. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Samuel Willard. 16mo. Boston. 1707. — , . Divine Original and Dignity of Government asserted. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1710. , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 1711-12, on the Death of Hon. John Walley, Esq. 4to. Boston. 1712. , . Discourse previous to the Ordination of Joseph Sewall, at Boston, Sept. 16, 1713, on the Validity of Presbyterian Ordination. 12mo. Boston. 17 J 8. , . A Christian Fixed in his Post. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, April 20, 1704. , . Sermon in the Audience of the General Assembly, at the Boston Lecture, Nov. 1, 1705. 16mo. Boston. 1706. Pemberton, Ebenezer. Sermon at the Ordination of David Brainard, Missionary at Newark, N. J. June 12, 1744. With an Appendix. 4to. Boston. 1744. , . All Power in Heaven and in Earth given unto Jesus Christ. A Sermon at a Public Lecture in Boston, Jan. 29, 1756. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1756. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1756. ■ , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. I2mo. Boston. 1757. , . Sermons on Several Subjects. Preach'd at the Presby- terian Church in the City of New York. Svo. Boston. 1738. , . Senijon at Marblehead, [Mass.] May ], 1771, at the Or- dination of Isaac Story. Svo. Salem. 1771. , — . Heaven the Residence of Saints. Sermon at Boston, Oct. 11, 1770, on the Death of Rev. George Vv^hitelield. 4to. Boston. 1770. , . Salvation by Grace through Faith. Eight Sermons at Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1774. Pemberton, Thomas. Historical Journal of the x'^merican War. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 2.] , . Topographical Description of Boston, [id. vol. 3.] Pemberton, Christopher Robert. Practical Treatise on Various Diseases of the Abdominal Viscera. Svo. Worcester. J 803. Pemble, William. Solomon's Recantation and Repentance. 4to. London. 1627. , . The Same. 4to. London. 1632. ^ . Vindiciae Fidei, or a treatise of Justification by Faith. 2nd ed. 4to. London. 16:29. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY 13 Pemble, William. Vindiciae Gratiae, or a Plea for Grace. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1G29. , . Five Godly Sermons. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1629. , . Short and Sweet Exposition upon the first 9 Chapters of Zachary. 4to. London. 1629. , . Introduction to the Worthy receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 4to. London. J 629. , . The Period of the Persian Monarchie. 4to. London. 1631. , . A Fruitful Sermon. 4to. London. 1629. , . Summe of Moral Philosophy. 4to. Oxford. 1632. , . Enchiridion Oratorium. 4to. Oxoniae. 1633. , . Briefe Introductione tONGeographv- 4to. Oxford. 1630. , . Works. 4th ed. fol. Oxford. 1659. Pembroke, Earle of Sermon at his Funeral. By T. C. 4to. London. 1630. Pendleton. Eduiund. Address to the American Citizens on the Present State of the Country. 12mo. Boston. 1799. , — . The Crisis. Letters to the Hon. Josiah S. Johaston. Svo. 1832. Pendleton, James. Materials for an Alphabet to the Science of Medicine. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1804. Penhallow, Samuel. History of the Wars of New England, with the Eastern Indians. 16mo. Boston. 1726. , . The Same. With his Life. By Nathaniel Adams. [N. XL Hist. Coll. Vol. 1.] • Penhallow, John, and others against Doane's Administrators. Report of the Opinions of the Judges in the Cause of 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. Penington, John. See Keith, G. Penington, Isaac. Letters to his Relations and Friends. 8vo. London. 1796. Penmanship. Essay on. 8vo. 1833. Penn, William. An Answer by an Anabaptist to the three Considerations pro- posed to William Penn, by a Pretended Papist, concerning a Magna Charta for Liberty of Conscience. 4to. London. 1688. , . Three Considerations proposed to Mr. Willia,m Penn, concern- ing the Validity and Security of his New Magna Charta for Liberty of Con- science. By a Baptist. 4to. , . Dialogue between Father P^^'^^^^rs and W^illiam P**n. 4to. , . Key, Opening the Way to every Capacity. How to distinguish the Religion Proposed by Quakers from the Perversions &c. of tlieir Adversa- ries. 15th ed. 16mo. London. 1748. , . Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers. 7th ed. 8vo. Wilmington, Del. 1783. , . Tender Counsel and Advice, by Way of Epistle to all those who are sensible of their Day of Visitation, &c. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1805. , . Some Memoirs of the Religious Life of 12mo. Walpole. 1806. , . Fruits of Solitude, &c. 12mo. New York. 1813. , . Two Sermons and a Prayer, at London, in 1694. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1825. , . Proceedings of a Meeting held at Philadelphia, to Commemorate the Landing of 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. , — . See Penington, Isaac. , . See Hicks, Thomas ; — Thompson, T. Penitentiary. See Prisons. Pennant, Thomas. The History of the Parishes of Wliiteford and Holy u'ell. 4to. London. 1796. Pennant, Thomas. Tour in Wales. Vol.2. 4to. London. 1784. Pennilesse Parliament of Threed-bare Poets. 16mo. London. 1637. Pennsylvania. True and Faithful Narrative of the Modes and Measures pursued at the Anniversary Election for Representatives of, at Newton, [Penn.] Oct. 1, 1770. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1771. ) 14 A E K I C A N A T I Q V A U IAN S O C I 12 T V. Pennsylvania. Address to tlio Inhabitants of, hy those Freemen of Fliiladelphia conhned in the Masuiia' J-uJ'^e by vivtue of a General Warrant. y\-o. Phila- delphia. 1777. Magazine. See J\lD.gaz:nc. . Lawb from Oct. 14, J7C0 to April!, 1S12. Witli Notes and References. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. ISIO-P-^. . Acts of the General Assembly, from Dec. 17, 1812 to April 1, 1819. 7 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia and llarri^buro-h. 3613-11). . Receipts and Expenditures of the Treasurer from 180G to 1S31. 13 vols. 8vo. . A Collection of Charters and other public Acts relating to the Province of, [in Colden's History of the Five Nations.] . Declaration and Remonstrance of the distressed and bleeding Frontier Inhabitants of the Province of. 8vo. 1764. . Constitution of the Commonv/ealth of as established by the Gen- eral Convention hold Julv 15, to tiept. ~'8th, J77G. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1777. . Considerations upon the Present Test Law of 12mo. Philadel- phia. 1784. . . Abstract of the Laws of, now in Force relative to Excise. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1786. . Observations concerning the Funding System of 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1789. . An Historical Review of tlie Constitution and Government of 8vo. London. 1 759. . Journals of tlio Senate, from Dec. 3, 1811, to April 1,1819. 8 vols. 8vo. Lancaster and Harrisbugh. 183i2-19. . Journals of the House of Representatives from, Dec. 3, 1831 to April 1, 1819. 8 vols. 8vo. Lancaster and Harrisburgh. 1832-19. . Some Accoiuit of the Pennsylvania Hospital from its first Rise to May 1754. 4to. Phihule!j;hiri. 1754. . Some Account of the origin, object and present State of the Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. , Outlines of a Plan for Establishing a State Society of Agricul- ture in. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. . Proceedings of the Executive of the United States, respecting the Insurgents in 1794. 8vo. Philadelphia. 3795. . Historical ylccount of the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Canal Navigation in Pennsylvania. 4to. Philadelphia. 17{'5. . Proceedings and Debates of the General Assembly of, taken by Thomas Lloyd. 4 vols. '"Svo. Philadelphia. 3787-8. . Arrangement of the Pennsylvania Line, Jan. 17, 1T8L 12m.o. Philadelphia. •. Address and Reasons of Dissent of the Minority of the Conven- tion of the State of, to their Condtiluents. bvo. . Black List, being a List of those Tories in Pennsylvania, who took Part with Great Britain in the Revolutionary War, and were attainted of High Treason. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1802. • . Society for the Encouragement of ManufuCtuie?, Communication from. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1804. . . Masonic and Civil Almanac for 1833. ]2mo. Philadelphia. . Company for Insurances on Lives and granting Annuities. Ad- dress from the President, &c. of 8vo. Philadelphia. 1814. . Report and Document? of the Committee appointed to inquire into the Conduct of the Cashier and Directors of the Bank of 8vo. 1815. . Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives, to inquire into the Conduct of the Governor of the Commonwealth. 8vo. Har- risburgh. 1820. . Report in the House of Reprepontatives, Jan. 30, 1821, of the Committee on Roads and Inland Navigation. 8vo. . Report on the Renewal of the Bank Charters. 8vo. 1821. C A T A L O G U i: OF LI li R A R Y. i Pennsylvania. First Annual Report of the Society for tlie Proir.otion of Internnl Improvement in. 8vo. Philadelphia. 182G. . Address of a Convention of Deleg-ates of, for the purpose of pro- moting- State Agriculture and Manufacturing- Interests held at Ilarrisburgh, June 27, 1827. 8vo. . Report on Punishments and Prison Discipline ; by the Commis- sioners appointed to revise the Penal Code. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. . A View and Description of the Eastern Penitentiary of. 8vg. Philadelphia. 1830. . First and Second Annual Reports of the Inspectors of the Eas- tern State Penitentiary of. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. . Sixth Report of the Same. \ . Acts of the General Assembly of, relating- to th.e Eastern State Penitentiary and to the New Prisons of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. . ^ Report of the Board of Inspectors of the Eastern Penitentiary of, made to the Legislature. 8vo. Harrisburgh. 1832. . Report of a Committee of the Legislature on the Eastern Peni- tentiary. 8vo. Ilarrisburgh. 1835. . Report of the Pensylvania Society for Discouraging the Use ot Ardent Spirits. 8vo. 1830. . Charter and By Laws of the Academy of Fine Arts. . Tenth Annual Exhibition of the Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821. . Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of the Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. . Eighteenth Annual Exhibition of the Same. 8vo. Pliiladelphia. 1829. . Twenty first Annual Exhibition of the Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. . First Annual Report of the Controllers of Public Schools. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1817. ■ . Second Annual Report of tlie Same. 1820. ^ . Fourth Annual Report of the Same. 1822. . Fifth Annual Report of the Same. 1823. . Sixth Annual Report of the Same. 1824. . Ninth Annual Report of the Same. 1827. . Tenth Annual Report of the Same. 1828. . Twelfth Annual Report of the Same. 1830. . Arguments in favor of adopting Railways in preference to Canals in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. . Account of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. Fhi- ladelphia. 1821. . Fifth Annual Report of the Same to the Legislature. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. . Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the operation of the Poor Law. 8vo. Ilarrisburgh, Penn. 1825. . Proceedings of the Conventions of. 8vo. Harrisburgh. 1825. . Report of the Commissioners on the Penal Code. 8vo. Harris- burg. 1828. . First Report of the Trustees of the Manual Labor Academy. 8va. Philadelphia. 1829. . Considerations on the practicability and utility of a Central Rail Road from Pottsvillc to Danville. 8vo. 1830. 8vo. Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. Svo. Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. IT) A -AI E R T C A N A N T I Q U A R I A N S O C I E T Y. Pcnnsylvanii. Report of tiie Chief Engineer of the Danville and Pottsville Rail R-oad Company. 8vo. Philadelpliia. 1833. . Report of a Co:ntnittee appointed to investigate the evils of Lot- teries. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. . Report of the Canul Commissioners, Dec. 1803. . Message of the Governor accompanied hy the Report of the Canal Commissioners, Dec. J 3, 1828. 8vo. Harrisburgh. 18Q8. . Second Report of the Canal Commissioners, Feb. 6, 1827. 8vo. Harrisburg. 1827. . Report of the Canal Commissioners, Dec. 26, 1833. 8vo. Harrisburg. . Report of the Canal Commissioners, Dec. 15, 1833. 8vo. Harrisburg. . Report of the Canal Commissioners, Dec. G, 1832. 8vo. Har- risburg. 1833. . Report of the Committee on Agriculture in the Plouse of Repre- sentatives. 8vo. Harrisburg, Pen. 1833. . Report of the Committee on Education. 8vo. Harrisburg. 1833. . Report of a Committee of the tv,^o Houses of the Legislature on Education. 8vo. Harrisburg. 1834. . . Report of a Committee of the Senate on the increased number of Slaves. 8vo. Harrisburg. 1833. . Third Report of the Commissioners on the Revised Code. 8vo. Harrisburg. 1833. . Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. . Institution for instructing the Blind. Second Report of tiio Managers. 8vo. Philadelphia. J 835. . Constitution and By Laws of the Horticultural Societv. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. . Gazette from March 10, 1736-7, to .Tan. 1, 1790. [Vols, for 177(;- 7 and 8, wanting.] 1 vol. 4to and 17 vols. fol. 18 vols. Philadelphia. 1730*- 89. See Franklin, Benj. . Journal and Weekly Advertiser, from Jan. 5, 17G4, to Jan. 1, 1765, and from Jan. 6, 1773, to Jan. 1,1776. 2 vols. fol. Philadelphia. 1764-75. . Chronicle and Universal Advertiser,'from Jan. 26, 1767, to Jan. 25, 1768. Vol. 1. fol. and from Feb. 1, 1768, to Jan. 22, 1770. 2 vols. 4to. and from Jan. 29, 1770, to Jan. 20, 1772. 2 vols. fol. 5 vols. By William Goddard. Philadelphia. 1767-72. . Evening Post from Jan. 24, 1775, to Jan. 1, 1783. 8 vols. 4to. Philadelphia. 1775-83. . Mercury and Universal Advertiser fi-om Jan. 5, 1 788, to March 1, 1792. 4to. Philadelphia. 1788-92. . Packet, from 1776 to 1790. 4 vols. fol. Philadelphia. . See Franklin, B ; — Paper Makers ; — British Colonies ; — Slave Trade ; Dickinson, J. . Display of the Religious Principles of the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania. l 2mo. Philadelphia. 1794. Penobscot Expediti -.i. See Massachusetts. Pepper, Calvin. Oration at Wilbraham, [Mass.] July 4, 1810. 8vo. Palmer. Percival, Thomas. Essays Medical and Experimental. 3rd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1 773-7. , . Moral Tales, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1787. Percy, Thomas. [Bp.] Key to the New Testament, giving an account of the several Books, their Contents, Authors, «fec. 4th ed. 12mo. London. 1792. , . . The Same. 7th ed. 8vo. London. 1818. Pererius, Benedictus. Selectae Disputationes. Tom. 1. ed. 2da. 4to. Lug- duni. 1611. , . Commentarii in Genesira. Tom. 3. 4. 4to. Lugduni. 1596-1600. CATALOGUE OF L I 15 R A R Y. 17 Perkins, Ge. Clavis Homerica. 16mo. Londini. 1G56. Perkins, John. A profitable Booke, Treating of the LaAves of England, [Richard TottelL] 16mo. London. 1593. Perkins, Joseph. Oration upon Genius, at the Anniversary Commencement of Harvard University, July 19, 1797. ISmo. Boston. 1797. Perkins, William. Commentarie, or Expositione upon the five first Chapters of tlie Epistle to the Galatians. With a Supplement by Ralfe CudwortJi. 4to. London. 1617. Perkins, William. Reformed Catholicke. IGmo. London. 1G34. Perkins, Nathan. Four Letters, Shevving the History and Origin of the Ana- baptists. See Lathrop. Perkins, John. Conjectures concerning Wind and>\^Water Spouts, Tornadoes and Hurricanes. [Amer. Phil. Tr. Vol. 2.] Perkins, J. Thoughts on Agency. 8vo. New Haven. 17G5. Perkins, Samuel. History of the Political and Military Events of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo. New Haven. 1825. Perkins, Cyrus. Eulogy on the Hon. William PI. Woodward, at Hanover, N. H. Aug. 26, 1818. 8vo. Hanover. 1818. Perkins, Charles. Oration at Norwich, [Con.l July 4, 1822. 8vo. Norwich. 1822. Perkins, Elisha. Certificates of the Efficacy of his Patent Metallic Instruments. 8vo. New Haven, Con. J79G. Perley, Jeremiah. Debates, &c. in the Maine Convention. See Maine. Perne, Andrew. Sermon before the House of Commons, May 3J, 1643. 4to. London. 1643. Perrin, John. Elements of French Conversation. 10th ed. 12mo. Montreal. 1810. Perry, Philip. Sermon intended to have been preached at the Funeral of Mr. Edmund Whitwell. 4to. London. 1654. Perry, Joseph. Sermon at Windsor, [Con.] on the Death of the Hon. Roger Wal- cott. 4to. Hartford. 1763. , . Sermon at Hartford, Con. June 1 1, 1770, on the Death of Rev. Nathaniel Hooker. 4to. Hartford. 1771. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 4to. Hartford. 1775. Perry, William. Royal Standard En.o-lish Dictionary. 12mo. Worcester. 1788. , ■ . The only Sure Guide to the English Tongue, or a New Pro- nouncing Spelling Book. 2d ed. 12mo. Worcester. 1786. ^ . The Same. Corrected by Isaiah Thomas. ISth ed. 12mo. Worcester. 1801. Perry, Gardner B. Discourse in the East Parish in Bradford, [Mass.] Dec. 22, 1820, containing a History of the Town. 8vo. HaverhilL J 8'"]. Persecution. The Arraignement of Mr. Persecution, presented ■ the Consider- ation of the House of Commons, and to all the Common People of England, wherein he is indicted, arraigned, convicted and condemned of enmity against God and all Goodnesse, of Treason, Rebellion, «Sic. &c. By Reverend Youngue Martin Mar-Priest, Son to Old Martin the I\Ietropolitane. 4to. 1645. Inconsistent with Christianity, Humane Society, and the Honor of Princes. 3rd ed. 4to. London. 1670. . Letter from a Gentleman in the City to a Gentleman in the Coun- try about the Odiousness of. 4to. 1687. • . See Conscience. Persia. Sketches of 12mo. Philadelphia. 1828. Persiae, Descriptio. [Elzevir.] 24mo. Lug. Bat. 1633. Persius, Aulus Flaccus. Satyrae Sex. cum Notis Farnabii. IGmo. AmsteL 3650. Peruvian Princes. Letters written by. tr. from the French. 12mo. St. Christo- pher. 1773. Pestell, Thomas. Morbus Epidemicus, or the Churles Sicknesse. Assize Ser- mon. 4to. London. 1615. Pestell, Thomas. The Poor Man's Appeal. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1620. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Peter?, Ilagh. God's Doings and Man's Duty. Sermon before Parlia^ment, April, 2, l(j45. 4to. London. J 04(3. — , . Last Report of the Enj^-lish Wars, occasioned by the Importunity of a Friend Pressing an Answer to Seven Queries. 4to. London. 1640. Peters, Absalom. Sermon at Bennington, Vt. 8vo. Bennington. ]8'2'L , . Brief Answer to an official Reply of the Board of Missions of the General Assembly to Six Letters of Rev. Absalom Peters. 8vo. New York. 18ol. Peters, John S. Message to the Legislature of Connecticut, Ma}'', 1831. 8vo. Hartford. Peters, Thomas. Remedie against Ruine. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1652. Peters, Philiis. Elegy Sacred to the Memory of Rev. Dr. Samuel Cooper. 4to. Boston. 1784. , . Liberty and Peace. A Poem. 4to. Boston. 1784. Peters, Samuel. Letter to Rev. John Tyler, concerning the Possibility of Eter- nal Punishments, and the Improbability of Universal Salvation. 8vo. London. 1785. Peters, Richard. Whole Proceedings in the Case of Olmstead and others against Rittenliouse's Executors. 8vo. Philadelphia. 180D. Petion, J. Discours sur La Liberte de la Presse. 8vo. Marseilles. Petiot, Stephen. See L'abbe, P. Petley, Elias. The Royal Receipt, or Ilezekiah's Physicke. 4to. London. 1(323. Petraeus, Ilenricus. Nosologia Harmonica, Dogmatica et Ilermetica. Tom. 2. 4to. Alarpurgi Cattorum. 1(51(3. Pettibone, Daniel. Description of the Improvements of the Rarifying air Stove. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1810. Pettis, F. H. Letter to the People of the United States, Nov. 30, 1831. 8vo. Pettis, Samuel. Boston and its Environs, as they appear from the Cupola of the State House. Poem. 12mo. Boston. 1832. Peuchet. Sec Taylor, J. N. Pezelius, Cliristophorus. Theologia Sacra. IGmo. 1583. . . Mellificium Historicum, cujus partem primam, de Chal- daeorum, Persarum, Graecorunj, Monarchiis usque ad Romanes; secundam, de Romana Republica usque ad Mahometum. juxta explicationem Epitomes Joan. Sleidani de sunimis orbis terrarum Imperils ; tertiam, de Eventibus N. Test, usque ad Caroium V. Imp. Johannes Lanipadius juxta eadem Vestigia Sleida- ni concinnavit. Quibus accessit Quarta Pars, a Carolo V. usque ad Ferdinan- dum III. Imp. Uistoriam exhibens. fol. Francofurti. 1G49. PleilTerus, Augustus. Actio Rei Amotae Contra Papam etc. 4to. Leipsiae. 168G. Phelps, Martin. Scripture Reasons for Renouncing the Principles of Pedobap- tisni and uniting with the Baptists : Avith an appendix, by Abraham Jackson. 8vo. Northampton, Mass. 1811. Phelps, Amos A. Lectures on Slavery and its Remedy. 12mo. Boston. 1834. Phelps, A. R. Circular Letter to the Public. 12ino. [Worcester, Mass.] 1831. Phelps, Ansel. Masonic Oration at Gill, [Mass.] June 24, 1823. 8vo. Green- field. 1823. Phelps, Dudley. Address at East Haverhill, Mass. on the formation of a Tempe- rance Society, Jan. 24, 1830. 12mo. Haverhill. 1830. Phelps, Eliakim. Sermon at Brookfield, [Mass.] on the Death of the Hon. Dwight Foster. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Philadelphia. Directory for 1785. 8vo. Philadelphia.. 1785. . Directory for 1791. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1791. . Directory for 179(3, by Theophil us Stephens. P^mo. Philadelphia. -. Proceedings of the College of Physicians, relative to the Preven- tion of the Introduction and spreading of Contagious Diseases. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1798. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. ]9 Philadelphia. Account of the Yellow Fever in, in 1793. See Carey, M : — Yellow Fever ; Deveze, J. ' . Constitution of the First Society of Unitarian Christians in the City of, adopted Aug. 23, 1801. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1807. . Deed of Settlement of the Mutual Assurance Company of, for Insuring" Houses from loss by Fire. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1801 and 1818. . Rules of the Philadelphia Dispensary for the Medical Relief of the Poor. 8vo. 18J2. . Address to the Booksellers of the United States from the Book- sellers of 8vo. Philadelphia. 1813. . Ciiarter and By Laws of the Atheneum of 8vo. Philadelphia. 1817. Society for Promoting National Industry. Addresses of, to the People of the United States. 8vo. Boston. 1819. . Report of the Commission appointed by the Sanitary Board of the City Councils, to Visit Canada for the Investigation of the Epidemic Cholera, prevailing in Montreal and Quebec. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. — ^ . Protestation presented to the Synod of Philadelphia, June 1, 1741. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1741. ■ . Statement of the First Baptist Church of, exhibiting the grounds on which she withdrew from the Philadelphia Baptist Association. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1818. Society for Promoting National Industry. Address before. 4th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1819. . Report of the Committee appointed by the Guardians of the Poor of the City of, to visit Baltimore, New York, Providence, Boston and Salem. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. . Picture of By Mease. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1811. . Report for the Relief of the Poor. 8vo. 1829. . Picture of, for 1824. By Thomas Wilson. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1823. in 1830-1, or a Brief account of the Various Institutions and pub- lic objects in the Metropolis. l2mo. Philadelphia. 1830. . Directory for 1820. By Edward Whitely. 12mo. Philadelphia. . Directory for 1822. 12mo. Philadelphia. . Directory for 1823. 12mo. Philadelphia. . Directory for 1830. By Robert Desilver. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. . Charter, Laws, and Catalogue of Books of the Library Company of 8vo. Philadelphia. 1770. . Catalogue of the Books of the Library Company of, to which is added a short account of the Institution, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1789. . The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1807. Magazine for 1789. 8vo. Philadelphia. — ■ — . Annual Report of the Acting Committee of the Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. . Third, Fourth and Fifth Annual Reports of the House of Refuge of Philadelphia, for 1831, 2 and 3. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831-3. • . Second and Sixth Annual Reports, the Same. 8vo. Philadelphia* 1830, 1834. . Report of the Watering Committee, Oct 12, 1801. 8vo. = . ^ , Nov. 1, 1803. fol. . • , Nov. 1, 1804. fol. . ,Nov. 13, 1807. fol. . ,Nov. 2, 1809. fol. , , , Nov. 7, 1811. fol. . ,Nov. 5, 1812. fol. . , Nov. 11, 1813. fol. . , Jan. 22, 1818. fol. . ,Jan.29, 1S19. fol. 20 A M E R I C A N A N T I Q U A R I A N S O C I E T Y. Philadelphia. Report of the Watering Committee, March, 19, 1819. 8vo. . , Feb. 10, 1820. fol. . , Jan. IS, 182 J. fol. . Jan. 24, 1822. fol. . . , Jan. 9, 1823. fol. . , Jan. 8, 1824. fol. . , Jan. 13, 1825. fol. . , June 25, 1825. fol. . , Jan. 12, 1826. fol. . , Jan. 11, 1827. fol. . , Jan. 10, 1828. fol. . , Sept. 25, 1828. 8vo. . , Jan. 22, 1829. fol. . , Feb. 11, 1830. fol. . , Feb. 10, 1831. fol. . , Jan. 12, 1832. fol. . , Feb. 11, 1833. 8vo. Agricultural Society. Address of, to the Citizens of Pennsylvania, 8vo. Philadelphia. 1818. . Constitution and Laws of the Orphan Society of. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1815. . Plan to lessen and equalize Taxation in the City of. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1818. . Accounts of the Receipts and Payments of the Mayor and Al- dermen in trust for the Girard Fund, fol. Philadelphia. 1832. . Statement of tlie Expenditures of the City Commissioners for 1831. fol. Philadelphia. 1832. . Report of a Committee to -whom were referred Sundry Memorials against Lighting the City with Gas. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. . Report of the Committee on the Sinking Fund, made 1830. fol. Philadelphia. 1830. . Agreement between the Mayor and Aldermen and Schuylkill Navi- gation Company. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. . Correspondence of tlie Watering Committee with the Schuylkill Navigation Company. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. . Constitution of the Union Benevolent Association. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1831. . First Annual Report of the Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. College of Physicians. Charter, Ordinances and By-Laws of 8vo. Philadelphia. 1834. . Address to the Citizens of, on the Great advantages of the West- ern Trade. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1806. . Report of the Managers of the Girard Trust, fol. Philadelphia. 1832. ■ . Account of the Executors of the Will of Stephen Girard. fol. Philadelphia. 1833. . Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the expediency of Lighting the City with Gas. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. . Facts in relation to the introduction of Gas Light. 8vo. Phila- delphia. . Seventeenth Report of the Managers of the Indigent Widow's and Single Women's Society. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1834. . Report of the Committee on the Sinking Fund, made March 3, 1832. fol. Philadelphia. 1832. . Report of the Common Council on the Navigation of the River Schuylkilh 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. . Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the expedien- cy of making the Schuylkill Bridge a Free Bridge. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. Sunday and Adult School Union. Second Report of. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1819. ■ . See American Philosophical Society, Pennsylvania. C A T A L O G U R OF L I B R A 11 r. 21 Philanthropic Society, instituted in London, in Sept. 1786. First Report of. 8vo. London. Philip. [Indian Chief.] Life of. I2mo. Salem, JIass. 1827. Phillips, George. Reply to a Confutation of some Grounds for Infant's Baptism, as also concerning- the Form of a Church, put forth against me, by one Thomas Lamb. 4to. London. 1645. Phillips, Edward. New World of Words, or a General English Dictionary. 3rd ed. fol. London. 1G71. Phillips, William. Outline of Mineralosry and Geology. I'Smo. New York. 1816. Phillips, Henry. Trial at Boston, for the murder of Gaspard Denegrr. 8vo. Boston. 1817. Phillips, Isaac. Impartial Examination of the Case of, Corpmander of the Sloop of War Baltimore, in 1798. 8vo. Baltimore. 1825. Phillips, John. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1794. 8vo. Boston. 1794. Phillips, Samuel. Elegy upon the Death of Nicholas Noyes and George Curwin. 8vo. 1718. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1741. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1750. , . Sermon at Glocester, Mass. Nov. 13, 1751, at the Instalment oi Samuel Chandler. l'2nu). Boston. 1752. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 4to. Boston. 1753. — . , . Two Sermons at Boston, June 3, 1753. 12mo. Boston 1753. , — . The Sin of Suicide contrary to Nature. Discourse, Jan. 7, 1767. 8vo. Boston. 1767. Phillips, Mr. The Distressed Mother. Tragedy. 12mo. Glasgow. 1761. Phillips, Charles. Consolations of Erin : an Eulogy. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1811. , . Speeches of. 8vo. NeAv York. 1817. Phillips, S. C. Lecture on the Usefulness of Lyceums. 8vo. Boston. 1831. 5 --• -• Address at Boston, Oct. 29, 1832, Introductory to the Second Course of the Franklin Lectures. 8vo. Boston. 1833. , — . -. Speech in Congress on the New York Relief Bill. 8vo. Wash- ington. 183(). Philo, Judaius. Scriptoris Eloqnentissimi Gravissimique Libri Quatuor, conversi de Graeco in I^atinum, Joanne Christophorsino, fol. Antverpiae. 1553. Philosophical Enquiry into the Physical Spring of Human Actions, and the Im- mediate Cause of thinking. 8vo. London. 1732. Philosophical Inquirer into the Laws of Animal Life. 4to. Philosophical Society. See American Phil. Soc. Philosophical Collections. Seven Numbers, from 1679 to 1682. 4to. London. Philosophy. An Introduction to the Study of 12mo. London. 1744. Philostratus. Two First Books of, concerning x\pollonius Tyanaeus. tr. from the Gr. by Charles Blunt, fol. London. 1680. Philpot, Thomas. Tlie Crc-ples Complaint. Sermon, Sept. 29, 1661. 4to. Lon- don. 1662. Phipps, Joseph. Dissertations on the Nature and Effect of Christian Baptism, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1786. Phinney, Elias. Address before the Middlesex, [Mass.] Society of Husbandmen and ManufactUi-ers, Oct. 7, 1830. 8vo. Charlestown. 1831. Photius, Bibliotheca. Gr. et Lat. Graece edidit David Hoeschelius, et notis illus- travit. Latine vero reddidit et scholiis auxit Andreas Schottus. [Paulus Stephanus.] fol. 1611. Phrenological Society of the City of Washington. Report of 8vo. Washing- ton. 1828. Pibrae, Lord of Faux, Guy de. Tetrasticha, or the Quadrians of, tr. by Joshuah Sylvester. 4to. 1611. Picard, L. B. Le Collateral, cu la Diligence a Joigny : Comedie. 2d ed. 8vo. Paris. Pickering, Benjamin. Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 27, 1644. 4to. London. 1645. 22 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Pickerinfr Theophilus. Letter to Mr. Whitefield and a Neighboring Minister. 4to. Boston. 1745. J _ Letters to the Rev. N. Rogers and Mr. D. R,ogers of Ipswich, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1742. J . A Bad Omen to the Churches of New England. 4to. Boston. 1747. Pickering, Timothy. Speech in the Senate of the United States on the Embargo. 8vo. 1808. ^ . Some Remarks and Extracts in Reply to his Letter on the Embargo. 8vo. New Haven. , . Letter to Gov. Sullivan on the imminent Danger of an un- necessary and Ruinous War. 8vo. Boston. 1808. J . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. j808. , . Address to the Essex [Mass.] Agricultural Society, May 5, 1818. 8vo. Salem. 18J8. • , . Discourse before the Same Societv, Feb. 21, 1820. 8vo. Salem. 18S0. « , . Review of the Correspondence between the Hon. John Adams, and the late William Cunningham, Esq. 8vo. Salem. 1824. , — — = . Interesting Correspondence between Gov. Sullivan and Col. Pickering, in which the latter vindicates himself against the groundless charges and insinuations made by the Governor and others. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Letter containing a Narrative of the Outrage committed on him at Wyoming, [Penn.] &c. dated Dec. 31, 1818. 8vo. , . Essex Agricultural Society. Account of Premiums award- ed in 1828, &c. with Col. Pickering's Address. 8vo. Salem. 1829. ^ — , . See Powell, J. H. See Sullivan, J. Pickering, John. Oration at Salem, [Mass.] July 4, 1804. 8vo. Salem. 1804. , . On the Pronunciation of the Greek Language. [Mem. A. A. S. Vol. 4.] , . On the Adoption of a Uniform Orthography for tlie Indian Languages of North America, [id.] , — Dictionary of the Abnaki Language, in North America, by Father Sebastian Rasles. With an Introductory Memoir and Notes, [id. N. S. Vol. 1.] , . Lecture on the Alledged Uncertainty of the Law, before the Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, March 5, 1830. 8vo. Boston. 1834. , . See Moore, N. F. Pickering, Octavius. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. 11 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1824-34. ^ . See Massachusetts. Pickering, Charles. On the Geographical Distribution of Plants. [Amer. Phih Tr. Vol. 3. New Series.] Pickering, David. Dedication Sermon at Hahfax, [Mass.] Jan. 1, 1829. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1829. , . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Jacob Frieze, at North Providence, R. L Dec. 24, 1828. 8vo. Providence. 1829. , . Oration at Providence, July 4, 1828. 8vo. Providence. 1828. Picket, A. & J. W. The Academician. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York. 1818. , . American School Class Books, being a Progressive Series of Elementary Instruction, &c. 12mo. New York. 1819. Pickman, Benjamin. Oration at Salem, [Blass.] Feb. 22, 1797, on the Birth Day of George Washington. 8vo. Salem. 1797. Pictel, Benedict. La Th^ologie Chretienne, 3 vols. 4to. Geneve. 1721. ^ . Theologia Christiana. IGmo. Genevae. 1696. , . La Morale Chretienne ou L'Art de Bien Vivre. 8 vols. 12mo. Geneve. 1709. Pictures. See Boston ; — Pennsylvania, CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 23 Pierce, Thomas. Sermon at St. Paul's, Nov. 10, 1G58. 4to. London. ]6'58. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Edward Peyto, Esq. 4to. London. 1659. , . The Sinner Impleaded in his own Court. 4th ed. 4to. Lon- don. 1679. — ■ — , . The Si^rrial Dia^nostick, whereby we are to Judge of our own affections. 4to. London. 1679. Pierce, John. Sermon at Newbury, [Mass.] Sept. 19, 1804, at the Installation of Rev. John Snelling Popkin. 8vo. Newburyport. 1804. , . Historical Sketch of Brookline, [Mass.] [Mass. Hist. ColL Voh 2. 2d Series.] , . Discourse at Brookline, Nov. 24, 1805, the Day i*hich completed a Century from the Incorporation of the Town. 8vo. Cambridge. 1806. , . Valedictory Sermon, on leaving the Old Meeting House in Brook- line, June 8, 1806, and a Dedicatory Sermon on Entering the New House of Worship, June 11, 1806. 8vo. Cambridge. 1806. , . Dudleian Lecture in Harvard University. 8vo. Cambridge. 1821. , . Discourse at Dorchester, [Mass.] June 17, 1830, at the Comple- tion of the Second Century, from the Commencement of its Settlement. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , . Discourse at Princeton, [Mass.] June 18, 1817, at the Ordination of Samuel Clarke. 8vo. Worcester. 1817. , Discourse, Nov. 9, 1817, The Lord's Day after the Completion of a Century from the gathering of the Church in Brookline. 8vo. Boston. 1818. ^ Pierce. See Peirce. See Pearce. Pierpont, James. Sundry False Hopes of Heaven Discovered and Decryed. With a Preflice by Cotton Mather. 16mo. Boston. 1712. Pierpont, John. The Portrait. Poem before the Washington Benevolent Society, at Newburyport, [Mass.] Oct. 27, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . What think ye of Christ ? Sermon at Newburyport, Oct. 96, 1823. 8vo. Cambridge. 2d ed. 8vo. Cambridge. 1824. , . American First Class Book. 12mo. Boston. 1823. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1825. , . National Reader. ]2mo. Boston. 1829. , . Introduction to the National Reader. 12mo. Boston. 1833. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston, 1828. , . Fast Sermon at Boston, April 5, 1827. .8vo. Boston. 1827. Pierronet, Thomas. Remarks made during a residence at Stabroek, Rio Deme- rary, in 1798. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 6.] Pigot, George. Vindication of the Practice of the Antient Christians, &c. in the Observation of Christmas-Day, in answer to Thomas De Laune, Mr. Whiston, and John Barnard. 8vo. Boston. 1731. Pigott, Charles. Persecution. The Case of Charles Pigott, contained in the De- fence he had prepared. 8vo. London. 1793. ^ . Political Dictionary ; Explaining the true Meaning of Words. 8vo. London. 1795. Pike, Rev. John. Journal of, June 1678 to 1709. [N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 3.] Pike, Joseph. Epistle to the National Meeting of Friends in Dublin concerning good order and Discipline in the Church. 8vo. Wilmington. 1783. Pike, Samuel and S. Hayward. Some Important Cases of Conscience answered, 4th ed. 8vo. Boston. 1760. — — , . The Same. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston. 1757. Pike, Samuel. Compendious Hebrew Lexicon, adapted to the English Language, 8vo. London. 1766. , . Public Fasting, or the Manner in which Christians should observe a Public Fast. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1758. , . Free Grace indeed I Set forth in a Scripture View of the Princi-*. pies of Grace wrought in the Heart by the Spirit. 12mo. London. 1760. 24 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Pike, Samuel. Present Thoughts on the Assembly's shorter Catechism. 12mo. Boston. 1768. , . Saving Grace, Sovereio-n Grace : Set forth in Two Sermons at Pinner's Hall. 8vo. London. 1758. Pike, Nicholas. New and Complete System of Arithmetic. , . The Same. 5th ed. ]'2mo. Boston. 1804. , . The Same. Enlarged by Ebenezer Adams. 2d ed. 12mo. Worcester. 371)7. Pike, Z. M. An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and . through the Vv^estern Parts of Louisiana, to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaune Rivers ; performed by Order of the Govern- ment of the United States, in the years 1805, G and 7. And a Tour through the Interior Parts of New Spain, in the year 1807. Svo. Philadelphia. 1810. • , . An Account of a Voyage up the Mississippi River, from St. Louis to its Source, made under the Orders of the War Departmeni, in 1805 and 1806. Svo. Pike. See Pyke. Pilgrim Good-Intent. Progress of, in Jacobinical Times. 12mo. Charlestown, Mass. 1801. . Parable occasioned by a late Portentous Phenomenon. 12mo. Concord, N. H. 18] 2. Pilgrims. Brief Sketch of the Characters and Sufferings of the Pilgrims, who settled at Plymouth, Dec. 1G20. 8vo. Boston. 1820. Pilkington, Mary. Mirror for the Female Sex. 12mo. Hartford. 1799. , . Memoirs of Celebrated Female Characters. ]2mo. London. 1804. Pillet. Views of England during a residence of ten years ; six of them as a prisoner of Wo.r. tr. from the French. 12mo. Boston. ]818. Pills, Poetical, Political, and Philosophical, by Peter Pepperbox. 12mo. Phila- delphia. 1809. . Advertisement concerning the most excellent Pills called Pilulae Radiis Solis Extractae. 4to. [1739.] Pilpay. [An Indian Philosopher.] Instructive and Entertaining Fables of. 4th ed. Svo. 1784. Pinchbeck, Edward. Sermon at the Funeral of Lady Jane Reade, Relict of Sir John Reade. 4to. London. 3652. Pinet, Antoine du. La Conformite Des Eglises Reformees De France et de L'Eglise primitive, en police et Ceremonies, Prouvee par 1' Escriture, Conciles, Docteurs et canons Anciens. 12mo. Lyon. 3564. Pincknev, Charles. Three Letters addressed to the People of the United States. Svo. Charleston, S. C. 1799. , . Speeches in Congress. Svo. 3800. Pinckerton, Robert. See Platon. Pinkney, William. Life of See Wheaton, H. Pipon, John. Masonic Discourse at Newport, R. I. April 30, 1813. Svo. New- port. 383 3. Pious Guide to Prayer and Devotion. 4th ed. 32mo. Georgetown, D. C. 1S17. Piracy. Tryals of 36 persons at Boston for. 4to. Boston. 1726. . Trials of Five Persons at Boston for. 4to. Boston. 1726. Pirates. Trial of the Twelve Spanish Pirates of the Schooner Panda, at Boston, 1834. Svo. Boston. 3834. Piscataqua Missionary Society. Constitution and Address of Svo. Portsmouth. 3804. Piscator, Johannes. Expositio Capituni Catecheseos Religionis Christianae. 16mo. London. 1603. , . Commentarii in Omnes Libros Veteris Testamenti. 4 vols. fol. Herbomae Nas. 1643-5. , . Commentarii in Omnes Libros Novi Testamenti. ed. 3tia. fol. Herbomae Nassoviorum. 1638. CATALOGUE OF L I li II A U Y. 25 Pitiscus, Bartholomeus. Meletemata Psalmica. 4to. Francofurti. 1616. Pitkin, Timothy. Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States. 8vo. Hartford. 1816. , . The Same. 8vo. New Haven. 1835. , . Speech in Congress on the Loan Bill, Feb. 10, 1814. 8vo. Alexandria. ^ . Political and Civil History of the United States, from the year 1763 to the Close of the Administration of President Washington, in March, 1797. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven, Con. 1828. Pitman, John. Oration at Salem, [Mass.] July 4, 1812. 8vo. Salem. 1819. , . Oration at Providence, R. I. Sept. 5, 1805, before the Federal Adelphi Society. 8vo. Providence. , . Poem on the Social State and its Future Prosfress : before the Philermenian Society of Brown University, Sept. 3, 1811. 12mo. Providence. Pitt, William. [Earl of Chatham.] Letters to his Nephew, T. Pitt. 2d cd. 12mo. Cambridge, Mass. 1805. Review of his Administration. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1763. , . . The Same. 3rd ed. 8vo. London. 1763. Pitt, William. Annals of the Life of. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1806. Pitt, William. Letter to him on the Conduct of the Bank Directors, &c. 8vo. London. 1796. , . . Letter from a Right Honourable Aristocrat to the Right Honour- able William Pitt, Esq. 8vo. London. 1796. Pittsburgh and Ohio Canal. Documents relating to a Communication between. 8vo. Pittsburgh. 1833. Pizarro, Francis. Discovery and Conquest of Peru and Chili by. [Harris Coll. Vol. 2.] Plaine and Easie Way for the Speedy Raising of Money to supply their Majes- ties Present Occasions. 4to. London. 1691. Plain English, or a Discourse concerning the Accommodation of the Army. 4to. 1643. — , humbly offered to the Consideration of his Majesty, &lc. 4to. London. 1690. , or an Inquiry into the causes that have frustrated our Expectations from the late happy Revolution, and obstructed the Progress of our Affairs : Considered in Relation to the Present Conspiracy. 4to. London. 1691. Plain Reasons for Removing a Certain Great Man from His M y's Presence and Councils forever. By O. M. 8vo. London. 1759. Plants, The Enchanted. Fables in Verse. 12mo. New York. 1803. Plat, H. Divers Chiraicall Conclusions concerning the Art of Distillation. 4to. London. 1594. , — . Diverse new sorts of Soyle not yet brought into any publique use, for manuring both of pasture and arable ground, with sundrie concepted practices belonging thereunto. 4to. London. 1594. Platina Baptista. Historia, de Vitis Pontificum Romanorum. fol. Coloniae Ubiorum. 1600. Platform of Church Discipline, gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge, in New England. To be presented to the Churches and Generall Court for their Consideration and Acceptance in the Lord. The Eight Moneth, anno 1649. 4to. Cambridge [Mass.] 1649. . The Same. 4to. London. 1653. . The Same. 4to. Cambridge. 1671. . The Same. 16mo. Boston. 1680. . The Same. 12rao. New York. 1711. . The Same. 16mo. Boston. 1717. . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1731. . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1749. . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1772. . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1808.. 26 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Platform. Reasons for adhering- to our Platform as a Rule of Church Govern^ ment, and objections against Ruling Elders answered. 12mo. 1732. Platnerus, Johannes Zacharias. Institutiones Chirurgiae Rationalis turn Medi- cae turn Manualis. 12mo. Lipsiae. 1745. Platon. Tlie Present State of the Greek Church in Russia, tr. from the Slavo- nian by R. Pinkerton. ]2mo. New York. 1815. Planck, G. J. Einlitung in die Theologische Wissenschaften. 2 Theile. 8vo. Leipzig. 1794-5. Plautus, Marcus Accius. Comoediae XX. 16mo. Basiliae. 1523. , . Same. IGmo. Francofurti. 1G04. , . Comedies, Made English. By Lawrence Echard. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1716. Plea for the Poor Soldiers ; or an Essay to demonstrate that the Soldiers and other Public Creditors, who really and actually Supported the Burden of the late War, have not been paid ! Ought to be paid ! can be paid! and must be paid! By a Citizen of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1790. Pleasing Instructer. 12mo. Boston. 1795. Plimley, Peter. See Catholics. Plinius, Secundus Caius. Historiae Naturalis Libri XXXVII, a J. de Laet. vol. 1. [Elzevir.] l'2mo. Lug. Bat. 1635. Plinius, Caecilius Secundus Cams. Panegyricus, cum Commentario, J. Lepsii, etc. 12mo. Oxonii. 1662. , ■ . Letters of With Remarks by William Mel- mouth. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1809. Plowden, Francis. Short History of the British Empire, from May 3792 to the Close of the yeai- 1793. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. Plotters Doom. Sermon. By a Sincere Protestant, and true Son of the Church. 4to. London. 1680. Plummer, Timothy. The Favourite. Sermon. IGmo. London. 1G22. Plummer, William. [Gov.] Appeal to the Old Whigs of New Hampshire. 8vo. 1805. — , . . Address to the Clergy of New Engknd. ]2mo. Concord. 1814. , . . Speech to the New Hampshire Legislature, Nov. 1816. 12mo. Concord. 181G. , . . Message to the New Hampshire Legislature, June, 1317. 12mo. Concord. 1817. — . Message to the New Hampshire Legislature. 12mo. Concord. 1818. , . . Message to the New Hampshire Legislature. 12mo-. Concord. 1819. Plummer, William, Jr. Address before the Rockingham Agricultural Society. 8vo. Exeter. 1821. Plutarch, Lives, tr. from the Gr. with Notes and a Life of Plutarch, by J. & W. Langhorne. 6 vols. 12mo. Worcester. 1804. . The Same. With Additions by Francis Wrangham. 8 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1811. . The Same. 8 vols. 12mo. New York. 1816. Plymley, Peter. Letters on the Subject of the Catholics. 8vo. Baltimore. 1809. Plymouth, [Mass.] Defence of the Remarks of the Plymouth Company, on the Plan and Extracts of Deeds, published by the Proprietors of the Township of Brunswick, [Me.] 4to. Boston. 1753. . , . Answer to the Remarks of, or (as they call themselves) the Proprietors of the Kennebeck Purchase, &c. 4to. Boston. 1753. . , . Declaration of the Warrantable Grounds and Proceedings of the First Associates of the Government of New Plymouth, &c. 8vo. Boston* 1773. Electioneering Addresses of the County of 8vo. 1811-12* Patent for Plymouth in New England. To which is annexed, Extracts from Records of that Colony, &c. 4to. Boston. 1751. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 27 Plymouth. Remarks on the Plan and Extracts of Deeds lately published by the Proprietors of the Township of Brunswick. 4to. ]7^h^. Pococke, Edv/ard. Epistolao Quatuor Petri Secunda, tertia, et Judae, fratris Jaco- bi, una, in Syriace, Hebraice, Graece et Latine. 4to. Pocock's Authontick Narrative of tiie Loss of the Abergavenny, East-Indiaman, off Portland, Feb. 5, 1805. ]2mo. London. 1805. Pohlman, J. G. Practical Treatise on the Game of Draughts. 12mo. London. 1S19. Poems. Collection of. ISrno. Worcester. 1793. . Miscellaneous, on Moral and Religious Subjects. By Osander. ]2mo. Hudson, N.Y. 1811. An Answer to a Piece, entitled, A Line drawn between Christ and Anti-Christ. Poem. 8vo. J7G5. . A True Description of a Number of tyrannical Pedagogues. A Poem. By Clementiae Amator. 4 to. 17()9. . A Poem, Addressed to a Young Lady. In three Parts. Written in Antigua. 4to. Boston. 1773. . The Continental Key of the Liberties of America. In Three Parts. A Poem, 8vo. New York. 1776. . Poem on Divine Revelation ; Being an Exercise at Commencement at Nassau Hall, Sept. 28, 1774. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1774. PolanuSj Amandus. Commentarius in Danielem Prophetam. 4to. Basiliae. 1599. , . Syntagma Theologiae Christianae. fol. Genevae. 1617. Polano, Pietro Soave. History of the Council of Trent, tr. from the Italian, by Nathaniel Bent. fol. London. 1620. Polhill, Edward. Discourse of Schism. i2mo. London. 1694. l^olignac, Madame La Duchesse de. Vide Necker, J. Policy of a Virtuous Woman, or the Inconstant Husband caught in his own trap. A Poem. ]2mo. 1807. Political Economy, founded in Justice and Humanity. By W. T. 8vo. Wash- ington. 1804. . Essays on the Principles of. 12mo. 1805. Farrago, or a Miscellaneous Review of Politics in the United States. By P. Dobbins. 12mo. Brattleborough, Vt. 1807. Greenhouse, for the year 1798, addressed to the Readers of the Con- necticut Courant, Jan. 1, 1799. A Poem. 12mo. Hartford. Intolerance, or the Violence of Party Spirit. By one of the American People. 8vo. Boston. 1801. Passing Bell. 8vo. Boston. 1789. Crisis; or a Dissertation on the Rights of Man. 8vo. London. 1791. Pamphlets. Second Address from tlie Com.mittee of Association of the County of York. 8vo. York. 1781. . Thoughts upon the Political Situation of the United States, in which that of Massachusetts is particularly considered. By a Native of Boston. 8vo. Worcester. 1788. . Plain Sense, or Sketches of Political Frenzy, Fraud and Federal Folly. 8vo. Washington. 1803. . Analysis of the late Correspondence between our Adminis- tration and Great Britain and France, &c. [By John Lowell.] 8vo. Boston. [1808.] . A Fragment. [Sale of the English Nobility.] 4to. 1782. . British Influence on the Affairs of the United States, proved and explained. 8vo. Boston. 1804. . Who shall be Governor, Strong or Sullivan ? or the Sham Patriot Unmasked. 8vo. 1806. ■ . Calm and Dispassionate Inquiry into the Question of the Chesapeake, and the Necessity and Expediency of a War with England. 8vo. Boston. 1807. . Electioneering Address on the Presidential Election. With a Short Sketch of the Life of George Clinton. 12mo. Washington. 1808. 48 28 A AI i: 11 1 C A i\ A N T 1 Q L A U I A N S O C I E T Y. Political Pamphlets. New England Patriot, being a Candid Comparison of the Principles and Conduct of the Washington and Jefferson Administrations. 8vo. Boston. 1810. . Road to Peace, Commerce, Wealth and Happiness. 8vo. . Jefferson against Madison's War. 8vo. . Appeal to the People on the Causes and Consequences of a War with Great Britain. 8vo. Boston. 1811. . Address of the Democratic Republican Committee of Pitts- burgh, [Penn.] &c. for Do Witt Clinton, as President. 8vo. 1812. . The Wars of the Gulls ; an Historical Romance. 12mo. New York. 1812. . Politics for the People, Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14. 8vo. London. 1794. . Sketches of French and English Politicks in America, in May, 1797. By a Member of the Old Congress. 8vo. Charleston, S. C. 1797. • . Serious Considerations on the Election of President. 8vo. New York. 1800. . Political and Moral Justice : or the Principles of a Free Government supported by the Highest Authorities. 8vo. . Answer to the Questions, Why are you a Federalist ? and Why shall you vote for Gov. Strong ? 8vo. [Boston.] 1805. . Thoughts upon the Conduct of our Administration, in relation both to Great Britain and France, more especially in reference to the late Ne- gociation concerning the attack on the Chesapeake. By a Friend to Peace. 8vo. Boston. 1808. . Review of Political Affairs during the last half year. By a Republican of Massachusetts. 8vo. 1808. . View of the Whole Ground : Comprising the Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Rights and Constitution of Massachu- setts, together with all the Embargo Laws. 8vo. Newburyport. 1809. . Letter to a Great Character. 8vo. 1811. . South Oppression. An Address to the People cf the Eas- tern States, developing the Causes of their Oppression. By a Friend to Free- dom. Svo. New York. 1813. . The New States, or a Comparison of the Wealth, Strength and Population of the Northern and Southern States, &c. By Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1813. ^. The Conduct of Washington, compared with that of the Present Administration. By a Friend of Truth. 8vo. Boston. 1813. . The Crisis, or Origin and Consequences of our Political Dissentions. By a Citizen of Vermont. Svo. Albany, N. Y. 1815. . The Crisis: An Appeal to the Candid World, on the War Entered into by the United States against Great Britain. By Columbus. Svo. . Letters addressed to the People of the United States on the Subject of the illegal and improper Disbursements of the Public Money. By a Native of Virginia. Part First. Svo. Boston. 1822. . Right Hon. Robert Peel I or, Daniel O'Connell, Esq. 2ded. 8vo. Dublin. 18J5. . Presidential Election, written for the benefit of the People of the United States, but particularly for those of Kentucky. Sixth Series. By Philo Jackson. Svo. Frankfort, Ky. 1824. . Principles and Men considered in reference to the Election of President. By a Citizen of Rhode Island. Svo. Providence. 1823. . A Voice from the Interior. Who shall be President.^ The Hero of New Orleans, or John the Second, of the House of Braintree. Svo. Boston. 1828. . Official Record from the War Department, of the Proceed- ings of the Court Martial which tried, and the Order of GeneralJ ackson for shooting, the Six Militia Men, &:.c. 8vo. Washington. 1828. CATALOGUE OF L T B II A R Y. 29 Political Pamphlets. Address, Resolutions, and other Proceedings of a Public Meeting at Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1827, by the Citizens of Franklin County, favorable to the Election of Andrew Jackson. 8vo. Columbus. . Appeal to the Good Sense of the Democrats and the Pub- lic Spirit of the Federalists. By a Citizen of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1814. . Address to the Public over the Signature of Franklin. 8vo. . Proceedings of the State Convention of National Republi- can Young Men, at Hartford, [Con.] Oct. 17, 1832. 8vo. Hartford. . Address to the Republicans and People of New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, upon the State of Presidential Parties. 8vo. New York. 1824. , Letters of Columbus, originally published in the Boston Bulletin, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1829. . Great Jackson Meeting in Baltimore. No. I. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1829. Pollard, Benjamin. Address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, on its 17th Anniversary, May 31, 1811. 8vo. Boston. 1811. Pollen, Thomas. Universal Love. Masonic Sermon at Newport, R. I. June 24, 1757. 4to. Boston. 1757. Poloniae, Regni. Compendiosa Descriptio. [Elzevir.] 24mo. Lug. Bat. 1633. Polyanthus. 5 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1805-7. . 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1812-14. Polycarpus, Sanctus. Ad Philippenses Epistola, Una cum ejusdem Martyrio et tarn veterum quam recentiorum testimoniis. Edidit Joach. Johan Maders. 4to. Helmestadii. 1653. , . Epistola Una. fol. Parisiis. 1498. Polyglott, or Hope of Eternal Life ; according to the various Sentiments of the Present Day. 8vo. London. 1761. Polyglott Bible. See Biblia, Polyglotta ; — Testamentum, Novum. Pomeroy, Jonathan L. Sermon at the Funeral of Olive, wife of Lemuel Pomeroy, Jun. at Worthington, [Mass.] Oct 20, 1799. 8vo. Northampton. 1800. , . Sermon at Worthington, Nov. 1815, at the Funeral of Jedediah Wilbur. 8vo. Northampton. 1816. — , . Reply to a Pamphlet, entitled, " Objections to Unitarian Christianity Considered." ]2mo. Boston. 182^. J , Sermons on Various Occasions. 12mo. Northampton. 1826. Pomfret, John. Poems upon Several Occasions : with his Life. 12mo. Boston. 1751. Ponceau, P. S. Du. See Du Ponceau. Pond, Enoch. Letter to the Rev. Aaron Bancroft, with Remarks on his Sermon on the 4th Commandment. 8vo. Worcester. 1817. , . See Thing, Samuel. , . Review of Dr. Bancroft's Appendix to the 2d ed. of his Discourse on the 4th Commandment. 8vo. Worcester. 1817. , . Treatise on the Mode and Subject of Christian Baptism, in Reply to the Rev. Adoniram Judson, Jun. 8vo. Worcester. 1818. , . "Nott's Testimonv in favor of Judson," Examined. 8vo. Boston. 1819. , . Eternity of the Future Punishment of the Wicked Illustrated and proved in a Letter to a Friend. By a Clergyman of Massachusetts. 8vo. Worcester. 1819. Ponte, Lorenzo da. Storia della Lingua e Litteratura Italiana in New Yorlc 12mo. New York. 1S27. Poole, Matthew. Annotations on the Bible. 4th ed. 2 vols. fol. London. 1700. , . See Ministry, Divine Right of. Poor Richard's Almanack. Beauties of, for the year 1760. ISmo. Boston. 30 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Poor, Society for tlie Reform and Self-support of the Criminal and Destitute Poor of this Kinordom. 8vo. . An Account of the Society for Promoting Religious Knowledge among the Poor, began in 1750. 4to. London. 1769. . See Boston and Philadelphia. Pope. History of the Popes Nephews, in two parts, 12mo. London. 1669. Ptjpe, Alexander. Life of 12mo. London. 17()5. , — . Essay on Man. With the Universal Prayer. 12mo. Worces- ter. 1797. , . The Same. ]2mo. Glasgow. 1751. , . Political Works of. 3 vols. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 1819. Popery. The Friars Chronicle, or the true Legend of Priests and Moiikes Lives. By T. G. 4to. London. 1623. . A Gagge for the Pope and the Jesuites, or the Arraignment and Exe- cution of Antichrist. 4to. London. 1624. . The Original of Popish Idolatrie. 4to. 1630. . Treatise of the Kingdome of the Beast, or a Discovery of the Great W^hore of Babylon. 4to. ,1634. . Popish Cruelty displayed ; being a full and true Account of the Bloody and Hellish Massacre in Ireland in 1641. 12mo. Boston. • . Danger of Treaties with Popish Spirits. 4to. London. 1644. . A Dialogue between a Soldier of Barwick and an English Chaplaine. 4to. 1642. . The Pope's Nuncios, or the Negociation of Seignor Panzani, &-c. with the Queen, and treating about the alteration of Religion. 4to. 1643. . Fair Warning, or XXV Reasons against the Toleration and Indulgence of. 4to. London. 1663. . Marks of the Apocalyptical Beast plainly Decyphered. 4to. 1667. . The Burning of the Whore of Babylon. 4to. London. 1673. . Morning Exercises against. By Several Ministers. 4to. London. 1675. . Continuation of the Same. 4to. London. 1683. Displayed in its Proper Colours. By J. S. fol. London. 1681. . Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government. Second Part, from 1677 to 1682. 4to. Cologne. 1682. — — — . Short and Sure Method pronosed for the Extirpation of, in a few years. 4to. 1688. . New Discoveries of the Dangers of Popery. 8vo. London. 1714. - — : — . Popery always the Same ; Exemplitied in an Account of the Persecu- tion now carrying on against the Protestants in the South of France. 8vo. London. 1746. . See Church. Popish Plot See Coleman, Ed. Green, R. Ireland, W. Wakeman, Sir G. Popkin, John Snelling. Sermon on Justice, Charity and Unanimity, in Matters of Religion, delivered at Newbury, [Mass.] June 10, 1804, and Newburyport, March 3, 1805. 8vo. Newburyport. 1805. , . Sermon at Haverhill, [Mass.] March 22, 1805, at the Fu- neral of Jabez Kimball. 8vo. Newburyport. 1805. , . Sermon at Newbury, May 4, 1806, on quitting the Old Meetinghouse. 8vo. Newburyport. 1806. , . Sermon at Newbury, Sept. 17, 1806, at the Dedication of the New Meetinghouse. 8vo. Newburyport. 1806. , . Two Discourses at Newbury, on the Lord's Day preced- ing his removal to Harvard University. 8vo. Newburyport. 1816. Porcupine, or the Hedgehog, or the Fox turned Preacher. By L. S. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1784. Porny, M. French Spelling Book. 12mo. Montreal. 1810. Porter, Johannes Baptista. Magiae Naturalis Libri Viginti. 16mo. Lug. Bat. 1651. Porter, Eliphalet. Sermon at Roxbury, [Mass.] .luno 16, 1799, on the Death of Gov. Increase Sumner. 8vo. Boston. 1799. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 31 Porter, Eliphalet. Thanksgiving Sermon at Roxbury, [Mass.] Dec. 11,1783. 8vo. Boston. 1784. ^ . Fast Sermon at Roxbury, May 9, 1798. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , — . Eulogy at Roxbury, Jan. 14, 1800, on George Washington. 8vo. Boston. — , . Discourse before the Massachusetts Humane Society. 8vo. Boston. 1802. ^ . Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Charles Lowell, at Boston,, Jan. 1, 1806. 8vo. Boston. 1806. , . Discourse before the Society for Propagating of the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , ■ . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Porter, Jacob. Lines on the Death of his Wife. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1813. , . Lines to the Memory of Miss Bethia Burton. 8vo. Ballston Spa, N. Y. 1815. , . Poems. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1818. , . Summary Notice concerning Bible Societies in General, and those of France in particular: tr. from the French by. 8vo. Northampton, Mass. 1827. , . Serious Examination ; tr. from the Spanish, by. 8vo. North- ampton. 1829. , . Method of Using the Chloride of Soda. See Labarraque, A. G. , . History of Plainfield, in Massachusetts. 8vo. Greenfield. 1834. , . The Well Spent Sous : tr. from the French by. 8vo. New- Haven, Con. 1830. , . Topographical Description and Historical Sketch of Plainfield, Mass. 8vo. Greenfield. 1834. Porter, Ebenezer. Fatal Effects of Ardent Spirits : Sermon at Washington, [Con.] in 1805. 12mo. Concord, Mass. , . The Same. 8vo. Hartford, [Con.] 1811. , . Magnitude of the Preacher's Work. Sermon at the Ordina- tion of Israel W. Putnam, at Portsmouth, N. H., March 15, 1815. 8vo. An- dover. 1815. , . Great Effects result from little Causes. Sermon, Sept. 13, 1815, before the Moral Society in Andover. 8vo. Andover. 1815. Porter, Robert Kerr. Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden in 1805-6-7 & 8. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1809. , . See Alexandria. Porter, David. Journal of a Cruise made in the Pacific Ocean in 1812-13 & 14. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1815. , . Exposition of the Facts whichjustified the Expedition to Foxar- do. 8vo. Washington. 1825. Porter, Huntington. Discourse at Rye, N. H. June 5, 1803, occasioned by the Remarkable Sickness there. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1803. ^ . Funeral Discourse at Rye, August, 1800. 8vo. Ports- mouth. 1800. , . Divine Providences Noticed : Century Sermon at Rye, Jan. 1, 1801. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1801. Porter, John. Vindication of a.Sermon at Braintree, [Mass.] Dec. 25, 1749, in Answer to a Piece, entitled. Some friendly Remarks on said Sermon. 8vo, Boston. 1751. , . Sermon at Freetown, [Mass.] Dec. 2, 1747, at the Ordination of Silas Brett. 8vo. Boston. 1748. Porter, Peter B. Speech in Congress on Internal Improvements, Feb. 8, 1810, 8vo. , . Speech in Congress, Jan. 18, 1811, on the Bill for renewing the Charter of the Bank of the United States. 8vo. 3-2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Porter, David. Sermon at the Dedication of the Presbyterian Meetinghouse in Hunter, N. Y., Nov. J3, ]8'28. 8vo. Williainstown,'Mass. J829. Porter, Jane. The Scottish Chiefs. 2 vols. l2mo. Brattleboroug-h. 1814. Porter, Nathaniel. Discourse at the Dedication of the Academy at Fryburg, Me. June 4, 1806. 8vo. Portland. 1806. Porter, Samuel. Sermon at Douglas, [Mass.] Dec. 16, 1747, at the Ordination of William Phipps. 8vo. Boston. 1748. Porter, Mrs. Sarah. The Royal Penitent. To which is added David's Lamen- tations over Saul and Jonathan. Poem. ]2mo. Newburyport, Mass. Porteus, Beilby, [Bp.] Review of the Life and Character of Archbishop Seeker. 8vo. New York. 1773. ■ , . Appendix to the if^merican Edition of the above, with the Abp. Seeker's Letter to the Rev. Mr. Macclanathan, on the Irregularity of his Conduct, &-c. 8vo. New York. 1774. , . Sermon before the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 21, 1783. 8vo. London. 1783. . , . Summary of the Principal Evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation. J2mo. Worcester, Mass. J 808. , . Death: a Poetical Essay. 4th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1773. , . . See Chandler, T. B. Portfolio. By Oliver Oldschool, Esq. 2nd, 3d and 4th Series, from Jan. ]809 to Jan. 1828. 36 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1809-27. Portland, [Me.] Report of the School Committee of, March 30, 1829. 8vo. ^ . Rules and Regulations of the Portland Rifle Company. 12mo. Portland. 1812. , . Report of a Committee of the Society for Suppressing Vice and Immorality. 12mo. Portland. 1816. , By Laws and Regulations of the Portland Atheneum. 12mo. Portland. 1827. , . History of. See Willis. Portraits of Curious Characters in London. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1808. . See Painters. Portugal. Ancient and Present State of. 8vo. London. 1713. . Mercator's Letters on Portugal and its Commerce. 8vo. London. 1754. . Map of Posselius, Johannes. Familiorum Colloquiorum Libellus. Gr. et Lat. 16mo. London. 1667. , . Idem. 16mo. London. 1681. Post, Henry A. V. Visit to Greece and Constantinople in 1827-8. 8vo. New York. 1830. Postlethwayt, Malachy. Great Britain's Commercial Interest Explained and Im- proved. Also a clear View of our Plantations in America, &c. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1759. Poterrie, Claudius Florent Bouchard de la. Pastoral Letters as Curate of the Church of the Holy Cross, at Boston, Feb. 22, 1789. 4to. — , — — . Order of the Public Offices and of the Divine Service, during the Fortnight of Easter, in the Same Church. 4to. , ■ . An abridged Formula of the Priest's Discourse made at Same Church. 4to. 1789. Post Office. See United States. Pothier, Robert Joseph. Treatise on Maritime Contracts of Letting to Hire. tr. from the French by Caleb Gushing. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Poi omack, [Va.] Observations on the River Potomack, the Adjacent Country, uud the City of Washington. 8vo. New York. 1794. Pott, Percivall. Treatise on Ruptures. 8vo. London. 1756. , . Observations on that Disorder of the Corner of the Eye, commonly called Fistula Lachrymalis. 5th ed. 8vo. London. 1775. , . Remarks on that kind of Palsy of the Lower Limbs which is frequently found to accompany a Curvature of the Spine, &c. 8vo. London. 1779. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 33 Potter, Isaiah. Masonic Sermon at Hanover, N. II. June 21, 1802. 8vo. Hanover. 3802. Potter, Nathaniel. Discourse at Brookline, [Mass.] Jan. 1, ]7o8. 12mo. Boston. 1758. Potter, Barnaby. Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Edward Seymour. 4to. Ox- ford. 1613. Potter, Eliaha R. Address to the Freemen of Rhode Island. 8vo. Newport. ISIO. Potter, Israel R. Life and Remarkable Adventures of. 12mo. Providence, 1284. Potter, Alonzo. Sermon at Philadelphia, before the Domestic and Foreign Mis- sionary Society. May 12, 1829. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Powel, Edward. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 166]. Powell, John Joseph. Essay on the Laws of Contracts and Agreements. 2 vols. 8vo. Walpole, N. H. 1802. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Walpole. 1809. Powell, John Hare. Reply to Col. Pickering's Attack apon a Pennsylvania Farmer. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. Powell, Vavasour. See Goodwin, John. Power,' Henry. Experimental Philosophy. 4to. London. 1664. Power, Thomas. Oration at Warwick, [Mass.] July 4, 1815. 8vo. , . Masonic Oration, at Waltham, [Mass.] June 25, 1821. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Power of Sympathy, or the Triumphs of Nature. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1789. Powers, Grant. Address at the Centennial Celebration at Hollis, N. H. Sept. 15, 1830. 8vo. Dunstable. 1830. Powers, Peter. Sermon, at Newbury, Mass. Feb. 1, 1772, on the Death of Debo- rah, wife of Frye Bay ley. ]2mo. Boston. 1773. Powers, Michael. Trial tor the Murder of Timothy Kennedy. 12mo. Boston. 1820. , . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1820. , . Life of. 8vo. Boston. 1820. Pownall, Thomas, [Gov.] Speech in the House of Commons in favour of Amer- ica. 4 to. , . Memorial Addressed to the Sovereigns of America. 8vo. London. 1783. Poynter, Rev. Dr. Theological Examination of the Doctrines of Columbaniis. 8vo. London. 1811. Practical Discourses upon Reading the Scriptures, at the Friday Evening Lect- ure at the Weigh-House in Eastcheap. 13y Several Ministers. 16mo. Lon- don. 1777. Practical Instructions for Young Persons. ]2mo. London. 1791. Pratz, M. le Page du. History of Louisiana, or of the Western parts of Vir- ginia and Carolina, tr. from the French. 8vo. London. 1774. Prayer-Book and Homily Society. Proceedings of, during its Eleventh Year, 1822-3. With a Sermon by Henry Budd. 8vo. London. 1823. Prayer. Form of, to be used in all Churches and Chapels throughout the King- dom of Ireland, on a General Fast. 4to. Dublin. 1798. . Form of, to be used in all the Churches on a General Fast, on account of the War with the American British Colonies. 12mo. 1779. . Treatise on. 16mo. Prayers. Daily Companion to the Closet : Being a Collection of Prayers. By a Layman. 12mo. London. 1785. Preaching. An Essay on Preaching, Lately wrote, In answer to the request of a Young Minister. ]2mo. Edinburgh. 1763. Precedents. The Tenure and Forme of Indentures, Obligations, Quittances, By lies of Payment, &c. 16mo. London. 1583. Precipitate Choice, or the History of Lord Ossory and Miss Rivers. 2 vols, 12mo. Boston. 1783. 34 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Predestination. Fatal consequences of the unscriptural Doctrines of Predestina- tion and Reprobation, with a caution against it tr. from the Dutch, by M. K. IGmo. Gerniantown. ]753. Predestination. Serious Consideralicns on Absolute Predestination. 8vo. Boston. 1743. See Seigvolch. Prentice, Charles. Sermon at South Canaan, [Con.] Sept. 20, 1829, at the Twenty Fifth Anniv ersary of his Ordination. To which is added a Brief Nar- rative of a Revival of Religion. 8vo. Litchfield. 1830. Prentice, John. King Jehoshaphats Charge to the Judges appointed by him in the Land of Judah, Consider'd and Apply'd. Sermon at Worcester, [Mass.] Aug. 10, 173], at the opening of a Court of General Sessions of the Peace and of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Being the first Court held in said place and county. 8vo. Boston. 1731. 5 • Mass. Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1735. Prentice, Thomas. Thanksgiving Sermon at Charlestown, [Mass.] July 18, 1745, for the Reduction of Cape Breton. 4to. Boston. 174,5. , . Fast Sermon at Charlestown, Jan. 28, 1747-8, after the De- struction of the Province Court House by Fire. 8vo. Boston. 1748. 5 . Observations, Moral and Religious, on tlie late terrible Night of the Earthquake. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Jan. 1, 1750. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1756. , . Sermon at Charlestown, March 2, 1755, on the Death of Mrs. Anna, wife of Richard Cary, Esq. 8vo. Boston. 1755. Prentice, Caleb. Sermon at the Instalment of the Rev. Josejih Willard, at Box- borough, [Mass.] Nov. 2, 1785. 8vo. Worcester. 17S6. -, . Masonic Sermon at Reading, [Mass.] June 24, 1799. 8vo. Leominster. 1799. Prentiss, Charles. The Reporter: a Satire, [from the Virginia Patriot] 4to. 1812. , . New England Freedom : Poem before the Washington Be- nevolent Society at Brimfield, [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1813. 4to. Brookfield. 1813. , . Poem at Brookfield, [Mass.] July 5, 1813. 8vo. Brookfield. 1813. , . Trial of Calvin and Hopkins versus the Bible and Common Sense. 12mo. Boston. 1819. ■ , . History of the United States of America. By a citizen of Massachusetts. 12mo. Keene, N. H. 1823. , . Life of Gen. William Eaton. 8vo. Brookfield, Mass. 1813. , and Thomas O. Selfridge. Life of Robert Treat Paine. See Paine, R. T. , . The Thistle. By Roderic Rover and others. ]2mo. Prentiss, Samuel, jun. Oration at Plainfield, July 4, 1812, before the Washing- ton Benevolent Society. 8vo. Montpelier, Vt 1812. Prentiss, Thomas. Discourse at Medfield, [Mass.] July 4, 1799. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1799. , . Sermon at Norton, [Mass.] July 3, 1793, at the Ordination of Pitt Clark. 8vo. Boston. 1793. . , . Death, the last Enemy, Destroyed. Sermon at Dedham, [Mass.] May 29, 1803, on the Death of Rev. Jason Haven. 8vo. Dedham. 1803. , Fast Sermon at Holliston, [Mass.]'» Aug. 20, 1812, in conse- quence of the Declaration of War. 8vo. Cambridge. 1812. Presbyterian Church in the United States. Extracts from tlie Minutes of, for 1803, 04, 05, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1814-1823. . Minutes of 1822, 1827,29, 30, 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. . Narrative of the State of Religion within the Bounds of. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1817. . Address of tlie Board of Missions act- ing under the Authority of. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1816. . Glad Tidings, or an Account of the C A T A L O O U E O r L I B R A R Y. 35 Presbyterian Cliurch in the United States. Plan of the Union Theological Semi- nary in Virginia and North Carolina, tfvo. Richuiond. 1831. ' . Brief Account of the Origin and Progress of the Dissension in Troy. Svo. Troy, N. Y. Presbyterian Theological Seuiinarv. Plan of. 8yo. Elizabethtown. 1816. --. Sketch of. 8vo. Charleston. ISPJ. Presbyterian Education Society. Fifteenth Annual Report of. iSvo. Ncav^ York. 1833. Presbyterians. An Ordinance of Parliament for the Ordination of Ministers by the Classical Presbyters. 4to. London. 1646. . Reasons presented by tiie Dissenting Brethren against Certain Propositions concerning Presbyteriall Government and the Proofs thereof. Voted by the Vv"estminster Assembly. 4to. London. 1648. . Answer of the Westminster Assembly to the Pi^easons of the Dissenting Brethren against the 3rd Proposition concerning Preshyteiial Gov- ernment. 4to. London. 1648. . Answer of the Westminster Assembly to the Reasons of the Dissenting Brethren against the Proposition concerning the Subordination of Congregational, Classical, Provincial and National Assemblies for the Govern- ment of the Church. 4to. London. 1648. . Answer of the Westminster Assembly to tlie Reasons of the Dissenting Brethren against the Proposition concerning Ordin^titjii. 4to. Lon- don. 1648. ■- . Papers given to the Committee of Parliament and the Westmins- ter Assembly with the Commissioners of Scotland for Accommodation. By a Sub-Committee of Dissenting Brethren. 4to. London. 1648. . Papers and Answers of the Dissenting Brethren and Committee of the Westminster Assembly, &c. 4to. London. 1648. . Vindication of the Presbyterial Government and Ministry. 4to. London. 1650. — . ^ — . Excommunicatio Excommunicata, or a Censure of the Presbyte- rian Censures and Proceedings in the Classis at Manchester. 4to. London. 1658, . Glaucus. The Folly of those who say they had rather be Papists than Presbyterians. 12mo. London. 1716. ' . See Scotland ; Church ; Pennsylvania. . A True Copy of a Genuine Letter, sent to the Archbishop of Canterbury by Eighteen Presbyteiian Ministers in America, with some Re- nmrks thereon. By an Old Covenanting, and true Presbyterian Layman. ]2mo. Boston. 17C2. — . The Mechanick's Address to the Farmer. Being a short Reply to som.e of the Layman's Remarks on the eighteen Presbyterian Ministers' Let- ter. V2fno. Lancaster, Penn. . x\ Second Letter to the Congregations of the eighteen Presby- terian (or Newlight) Ministers. By an Old Covenanting and true Presbyterian Laynian. l'2mo. Philadelphia. 1761. . The Modes of Presbyterian Church Worship Vindicate in a Letter to the Blacksmith. By a Presbyter of Ireland. 4th ed. 8vo. New- bury port, Mass. 1789. Prescott, Benjamin. The Examiner Examined, or an Answer to the Rev. Mr. Prescott's Examination of Certain Remarks, &c. By the Autlior of the Re- marks. 12mo. Boston. 1736. ' — — , . Letter to Joshua Gee, in answer to his of June 3, 1743, ad- dressed to the Rev. Nathaniel Eells. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . Letter to the Rev. Mr. George Whitetield. 4to. Boston* 1745. , . Examination of certain Remarks, &,c. In a Letter to the Brethren of the First Churcli in Salem, [Mass.] 12mo. Boston. 1735. Prescott, Oliver. Dissertation on the Natural History and Medicinal Elfects of the Secale Cornutum, or Ergot. 8vo. Boston. 1813. 49 36 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Prescott, Edward G. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1832. 8vo. Boston. 1832. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1833. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Present for your Neighbour, or Right Knowledge of God and ourselves. 2d ed. 12mo. Cambridge, Mass. 1807. Press. An Essay on the Libeitv of. By Hortensius. 4to. Richmond, Va. 1803. . Dissertation upon the Constitutional Freedom of the Press in the United States of America. By an Impartial Citizen. 8vo. Boston. 1801. Preston, John. Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, July 1625. 4to. London. 1633. , . Life Eternal : in XVIII Sermons. 3rd ed. 4to. London. 1633. , , The Saint's Qualification, or ten Sermons on Humiliation, nine Sermons on Sanctification, and three Sermons upon the Sacrament. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1634. ■ , . The New Creation in IX Sermons. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1634. , . The Cuppe of Blessing in III Sermons. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1634. , . Saints Daily Exercises in V Sermons. 4to. , . Sermon at the Funeral of John Berry, Aug. 23, 1G54. 4to. Lon- don. 1655. Preston, R. Two Sermons before Lord Montague. 4to. London. 1662. Preston, D. R. Juvenile Instructor. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1807. Preston. William. Illustrations of Masonry. 8th ed. ]2mo. London. 1792. , . The Same. With Additions by George Richards. 12mo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1804. Preston, Willard. Farewell Sermon at St. Albans, [Vt.] Sept. 10, 1815. 8va Worcester. 1816. , . See Willson, Luther. Prete-Jean. Description de L'Empire du. See Recueil Des Divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en L' Amerique. Price, William. Sermons before the House of Lords, Nov. 25, 1646. 4to. Lon- don. 1646. Price, Sampson. Clearing of the Saints Light. Sermon. 4to. London. 1617. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Sir William Byrde. 4to. London. 1624. Price, John. Answer to a Pamphlet intituled, A Faithful Representation of the judgments of the Ministers of London in a Letter to Cromwell. 4to. London. 1648. , . See Ministers. Price, Richard. Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. 13th ed. 12mo. . London. 1776. , . The Same. 7th ed. 8vo. London. 1776. , — . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1776. , . The Same. 12mo. New York. 1776. , . Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it useful to the World. 8vo. Boston. 1784. , . The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1785. , . The Same. ]2mo. Boston. 1820. , . Discourse on the Love of Country, Nov. 4, 1789. 8vo. Boston. 1790. J . See Stevenson, John. Price, Lawrence. A Key to Open Heaven's Gate. ]2mo. Worcester. 1787. Price, Ebenezer. Chronological Register of Boscawen, N. H. from us first Set- tlement to 1820. 8vo. Concord. 1823. Price, Roger. Funeral Sermon on the Death of John Jekyll, Esq. who died at Boston, Dec. 30, 1732. 8vo. 1733. Price, Thomas. Memoir of William Wilberforce. 12mo. Boston. 1836. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 37 Pricke, Robert. Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Edward Lewkenor. 4to. Lon- don. 1608. Prideaux, Matthias. Easy and Compendious Introduction for Reading- all sorts of Histories. With a Synopsis of Councclls. By John Prideaux. 4th ed. 4to. Oxford. 1664. Prideaux, John. Doctrine of the Sabbath, tr. from the Lat. 4to. London. 1634. , . Christ's Counsell for ending Law Cases. Two Sermons. 4to. Oxford. 1636. , . Synopsis of Councels. 4to. Oxford. 1661. , . See Prideaux, M. ■ — , . Lectiones XXII. de totidem Religionis Capitibus etc. fol. Oxoniae. 1648. , . Orationes XIII Inaugurales, etc. fol. Oxoniae. 1648. , . Conciones Sex ad Artium Bacc. fol. Oxoniae. 1648. , . Manuductio ad Theologiam Polemicam. 16mo. Oxoniae 1657. Prideaux, Humphrey. The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews and Neighbourinof Nations, from the Declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the Time of Christ. 6th ed. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1719. ^ . Life of Mahomet, with a Discourse for the Vindication of Christianity from the charge of Imposture, offered by way of Letter to the Consideration of the Deists of the Present Age. 8th ed. 12mo. London. 1723. Priestcraft. Ax laid at the Root of Christian Priestcraft in 4 Discourses. By a Layman. 12mo. London. 1742. Defended. Sermon occasioned by the Expulsion of Six Young Gen- tlemen from the University of Oxford. 10th and 12th ed. 12m.o. Newport, R. T. 1770. Priestley, Joseph. Experiments and Observations on different kinds of air. 3rd ed. 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1781-6. , . Extracts from his Catechism. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1785. , . Defences of Unitarianism for the year 1786. 8vo. Birmingham. 1788. , . Appeal to the Serious and Candid Professors of Christianity, with the Trial of Mr. E. Elwall. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1784. . , . The Same. 12mo. London. 1783. , . General View of the Arguments for the Unity of God. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1784. , . The Same. ]2mo. Birmingham. 1783. , . Letter to, or a Volley of Random shot Discharged at him from an old Fortress called the Church of England, which he is attempting to take by Storm. By a Volunteer. 8vo. London. 1789. • , . Letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt, on the Subjects of Tole- ration and Church Establishments. 8vo. London. 1787. . — ^ . Letters to Edmund Burke ; occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolution of France. 3rd ed. 8vo. New York. 1791. , . Discourse on the Evidence of Revealed Religon. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1795. ^ . Observations on the Emigration of. 3rd ed. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1795. , . History of the Corruptions of Christianity. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1797. , . Letters to the Inhabitants of Nortlmmberland, [Penn.] 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 180L , . Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland, Penn. and its Neighborhood. Part 2nd. 8vo. Northumberland. 1799. , . Description of a System of Biography. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1803. ^ . Description of a New Chart of History. 12mo. New Haven, Con. 1792. 38 A M F. R I C A N A N T T Q I A R T A N S O C I E T Y. Priestley, Joseph. Remarks on some Paracrrapbs in the Fourth Volume of Blackstone's Commentaries relating- to Dispenters. S^o. Philadelphia. 1773. , . Answer to Blackstone's Reply to the above. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1773. • , . Unitarianism explained and Defended, Discom-se at Phila- delphia in 1796. 8vo. Philadelphia. 17!J(). • , . See Unitarianism. , . Appeal to the Public on the Subject of the Riots in Birmino-- han). 2d ed. 8vo. Binnino-ham. \7[)i^. , . Letters to the Philosophers and Politicians of France, on the Subject of Relio-iori. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , . ( Continuation of the above Letters and of the Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever ; In Ansvv'cr to Paine's Age of Reason. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1795. , Letter to Mr. Volney, on a worl: of his entitled, " Ruins." Svo. Philadelphia. 1797. ^ ^ Catalogue of his Library. Svo. Philadelphia. ISIG. Priestly, J , R. & G. Catalogue of Valuable Books, ancient and Modern, for 1805. 8vo. London. 180.5. Priestley, T. The Christian's Looking-Glass, or the Timorous Soul's Guide. 8vo. Newburyport, [Mass.] 1793. , — . Family Exercises, or the Godly Parent's Assistant. 8vo. New- buryport. 179.5. Primaudaye, Peter de la. The French Academie. tr. from the French. By T. B. 4to. London. 158(). Prince, Nathan. An Essay to solve tlie DifTiculties that attend the several ac- counts given by the Evann-elists of our Saviour's Resurrection and his appear- ance to his Followers on the day he rose. 4to. Boston. 1734. Prince. Lessons to a Young Prince. By an Old Statesman, on the Present Dis- position in Europe to a General Revolution. &c. Gih ed. 8vo. New York. 1791. Prince, Thomas. Sermon at Boston, at his own Ordination, Oct. 1, 1718. 12mo. Boston. 1718. < , . Morning Health no Security against the Sudden Arrest of Death before Night. Sermon at Boston, Jan. 14, 1726-7. 12mo. Boston. 1727. , , Sermon at Boston, Aug. 24, 1727, on the Death of George I, and Accession of George II. 12mo. Boston. 1727. — , . Young Abel Dead, yet Speaketh. Sermon at Boston, Sept. 10, 1727, on the Death of Daniel Oliver. .Tun. 12mo. Boston. 1732. — , . Two Sermons on Ps. 18: 7, at the Particular Fast in Boston, Nov. 2, and the General Thanksgiving, Nov, 9, [1727,] occasioned by the late dreadful Earthquake. Svo. Boston. 1727. , . Sermon at Boston, on the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Oliver, Esq. who died May 21, 1735. Svo. Boston. 1735. , . Sermon at Boston, July 27, 1732, on the Death of Hon. Daniel Oliver, with a Poem by Mather Byles. l^'ino. i?oston. 1732. , . Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Julv 25, 1728. Svo. Boston. 1728. ^ . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 17-30. , . Sermon at the Public Lecture in Boston, Jan. 8, 1729-30, upon the Death of the Hon. Samuel Sewall, Esq. late Chief Justice, who died Jan. 1, 1729-30. 12rao. Boston. 1730. , . Sermon to the North Church in Boston, Jan. 2.5, 1731-2. Svo. Boston. 1732. , . Sermon at Boston, Oct. 17,1736, on tlie Death of the Hon. Mary, wife of Gov. Belcher. 4to. Boston. 1736. , . Chronological History of New England in tlie Form of Annals. Vol. 1, and Nos. 1 and 2,^of vol. 2. ]2mo. Boston. 1736. , . Chronological History of New England. Vol. 2. Nos, 1, 2, and 3. [Mass. Hist Coll. Vol. 7. 2d Series.] CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 39 Prince, Thomas. Sermon at Boston, on the Death of Nathaniel Williams, who died Jan. 10, ] 737-8. 12mo. Boston. 3738. , . Thanksgiving- Sermon at Boston, July 18, 1745, occasioned by the taking of Louisbourg. 8vo. Boston. 1745. . . Sermon at Boston, Aug. 14, 1746, on the Victory of Culloden. 8vo. Boston. 174G. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Boston, Nov. 27, 1746. 8vo. Boston. 1746. , . Sermon at Boston, Feb. 1747-8, on the Death of Mrs. Martha, "wife of Hon, Anthony Stoddard, Esq. 8vo. Boston. 1748. Thanksgiving Sermon at Boston, Aug 24, 1749. 8vo. Bos- ton. ]74l). , . Sermon at Boston, the Lord'^ Day after the' Death of Mrs. Hannah Fayerweather. 8vo. Boston. 1755. , . Character of Caleb. Sermon at Boston, Dec. 1756, on the Death of Hon. Josiah Willard. 8vo. Boston. 1756. and Thomas Foxcroft. Life of Nehemiah Walter. See Walter, N. -. The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Meter. 12mo. Boston 1758. , . Account of the English Ministers on Martha's Vineyard. See Mayhew, Ex. See Prior, Th. -. Sermon on the Death of his Daughter, July, 1744. 12mo. Boston. 1744. , . Extract of a Sermon at Boston, Nov. 27, 1746, occasioned by the Surprising Appearance of Divine Providence for North America, &c. Svo, Watertown. 1776. , . God dostroyeth the Hope of Man. Sermon at Boston on the Death of the Prince of Whales. 12mo. Boston. 1751. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Anna, wife of Richard Carv. Svo. Boston. 1755, , . Earthquakes the Works of God, and Tokens of His just Dis- pleasure. Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1755. , . An Improvement of the Doctrine of Earthquakes. Containing an Historical Summary of the most remarkable Earthquakes of New Eno-land. 12mo. Boston. 1755. The Case of Heman, Considered. Sermon on the Death of Edward Bromfield, who died April 10, 1756. 8vo. Boston, 1756. -. Six Sermons. Published from his Manuscripts. By John Ers- kine. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1785. Prince, Thomas, Jun. The Christian History, containing Accounts of the Revi- val and Propagation of Religion in Great Britain and America, for the year 1743. Weekly paper, began March 5, 1743. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1743-4. Prince, John. Fast Sermon at Salem, [Mass.] May 9, 1798. 8vo. Salem 1798, and 2d ed. 8vo. , . Discourse before the Salem Female Charitable Society, Sept. 17 1806. 8vo. Salem. 1806. Sermon at Salem, Oct. 16, 1814, on the Death of Rev. Thomas Barnard. 8vo. Salem. 1814. , . Discourse at Salem, June 12, 1816, before the Bible Society of Salem and Vicinity. With the Fiftii Report of the Society. Svo. Salem 1816. — • , . Description for a New Stand for a Reflecting Telescope. [Mem. A. A. S. Vol. 1. New Series.] Prince, Joseph H. Address at Faneuil Hall, Boston, July 4, 1828, at the Jack- son Celebration. Svo. Boston. 1828. Princeton Theological Seminary. Catalogue of. Triennial. Svo. 1824. Pringle, John. Observations on Diseases of the Army. 7th ed. Svo. London. 1775. Printing. Plistorie de J^'Origine et des Premiers Progres de L' Imprimerie 4to. Have. 1740. 40 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Printin,^. Origin of Printing in two Essa3's. With an Appendix. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1776. . Pernicious Effects of the Art of, upon Society Exposed. 8vo. London. Types. Specimen of, by W. Caslon and Son. 8vo. London. 1763. . J. Enschede. Svo. 1773. . Isaiah Thomas. 4to. Worcester. 1785. . .Tos. Foy and Sons. 4 to. London. 1785. . John Baine. Svo. Edinburgh. 1787. . Alexander Wilson & Son. 4to. Glasgow. 1789. . Fry and Steele. 4to. London. 1794. . J. Ronaldson. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1816. . E. White. 8vo. NeAv York. 1817. . D. & G. Bruce. 8vo. New York. 1818. Prior, Thomas. Authentic Narrative of the Success of Tarwater, &c. With a Letter by Thomas Prince. 8vo. Boston. 1749. Prior, M. 'The Turtle and Sparrow. An Elegiac Tale. 12mo. Newbury port, Mass. 1793. Prior, William. Charge at the Ordination of Josiah Bradshaw and Others, Sept. 26,1738. 3rded. ]2mo. Boston. 1748. Prison Discipline Society. Reports of, from one to both inclusive. 8vo. . Essays of Howard : or. Tales of the Prison. Originally printed in the New York Columbian. 8vo. New York. 1811. Prisons. State Prisons and the Penitentiary System vindicated &c. Also some particular remarks and Documents relating to the Massachusetts State Prison. By an officer of this establishment at Charlestown. 8vo. Charlestown. 1821. . Account of the Expenses that have occurred in tlie house of Correction in the County of Worcester, [Mass.] 8vo. Boston. 1826. . Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline. From the Christian Exam- iner, vol. 3. No. 3. 8vo. Boston. 1826. . Report on the Penitentiary System in the United States, prepared under a resolution of the Society for the prevention of Pauperism in the city of New York. Svo. New York. 1822. Prisoners. Serious Advice to. 12mo. Cambridge, Mass. 1813. Prize Book of the Public Latin School in Boston. No. 1, 2, & 4. Svo. Boston. 1821. Proctor, John W. Address at Danvers, [Mass.] April 24, 1821, before the Socie- ty for Suppressing Intemperance. Svo. Salem. 1822. Proctor, William. Sermon at Paul's Crosse Oct. 25, 1607. 4to. London. 1625. Prodigies seen in the Earth and in the Water from May 1660 to the 14th Feb. 1661. 4to. Proffet, Nicholas. Sermons before the House of Commons, Sept. 25, 1644. 4to. London. 1645. Prosfress of Pilgrim Good-Intent, in Jacobinical Times. 12mo. Charlestown. 1801. Prologues to Plays, collection of Property. The true and real violations of 16rao. London. 1683. Prophecies. See French Republic. Prophecy. Spirit of by W. H. 16mo. London. 1679. Prophecy. Strange and Wonderful Indian Dream, Dreamed on Cape Cod, May 14, 1773, or, a remarkable Prophecy Dreamed by Punkapog. 12mo. Propitiatory Oblation in the Holy Eucharist, Truly Stated and Defended, from Scripture, Antiquity and the Communion Service of the Church of England. 8vo. London. 1710. Protecting System. See Tariff". Prospect before us ! ! ! or the State of France in the month of August, 1794. In Reply to Montgaillard's State of France. By Horatius Publicola. Svo. Lon- don. 1794. Prosperus, S. Epistola ad Rufinum de Gratia, Libero Arbitrio. vide Yvan. Protestants. Catholic Moderator, or a Moderate Examination of the Doctrine of. to-, from the French. 2d ed. 16mo. London. 1623. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 41 Protestants. The Humble Supplication of certain of Her Majesties Faithful and Peaceable Subjects called Prote&tant Dissenters, 3d ed. 8vo. London. .1714. . Heads of Reasons for which a General Council of Protestants ought to be called together in England. 4to. London. 1G41. . Mystery of Liiquity working in the Dividing of 4to. 1G89. . Seasonable Words for English Protestants : Sermon. 4to. London. mo. . . Protestant's reasons why he cannot turn Papist. 12mo. London. 1735. . . The same in French. ]2mo. 2d ed. London. 1766. . Historical Memorial of the most Remarkable Proceedings against the Protestants in France from 1744, to 1751, tr. from the French. 12mo. Belfast. 1753. . A Protestant's Resolution Shewing his Reasons Why he will not be a Papist. 28th ed. J2mo. London. 1761. Episcopal Church in the United States. See Episcopacy. Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Remarks on the Proceedings of the Episcopal Conventions for forming an American Constitution. By a Layman, fol. Boston. 1786. . Journals of the General Con- ventions of, from 1784, to 1814. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1817. . Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy and laity of, at Philadelphia, May 17 to 24, 1814. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1814. . Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy and Laity of, at New York, May 20 to 29, 1817. 8vo. New York. 1817. . Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy and Laity of, at Philadelphia, May 16 to 24, 1820. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. . Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy and Laity of, at Philadelphia, Nov. 7 to 15, 1826. 8vo. New York. 1826. . Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy and Laity of, at Philadelphia, Aug. 12 to 20, 1829. 8vo. New York. 1829. . Journal of the proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy and Laity of, at New York, Oct. 17 to 31, 1832. To which is annexed the Constitution of said Church, together v.-ith the Canons. 8vo. New York. 1832. . Act of Incorporation, Consti- tution and Statutes of the General Theological Seminary of 8vo. New York. 1832. . Proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the General Theological Seminary of 8vo. New York. 1833. . Canons for the Government of. With the Constitution &c. Svo. Newburyport and New York. 1817- 1829. . Pastoral Letter from the Bish- ops of, to the Clergy and Laity. 8vo. New York. 1808. . Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of, to the Clergy and Laity. Svo. Philadelphia. 18J4. . Pastoral Letter from the Bish- ops of, to the Clergy and Laity, 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. . Report of the Committee on the Psalms in metre, appointed by the General Convention of, 1829. Svo. New York. 1831. . Word in Season, touching the Present Misunderstanding in the Episcopal Church. By a Layman. Svo. New York. 1811. . Journal of the Proceedings of the Annual Convention of, in the Diocese of Connecticut, May 1811. Svo.- New York. 1811. 42 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Journal of the Proceedings of the Annual Convention of, June 1820. 8vo. Middletown. 1820. . . Journal of the proceedings of a convention of, in the State of Delaware, at Dover, Dec. 3, 1791. 8vo. New York. J 71)]. . Journals of the proceedings of the Annual Convontions of, at Boston, for 1829, 1830, 1, 2, 3, 4. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1829-34. . Journal of the Proceedings of the Twenty ninth Convention of, in the State of New Hampshire, at Ports- moutli, Sept. 23, 1829. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1829. . Journals of the Proceedings of the Conventions of, in New Hampshire for 1831, 2, 3, 4. 8vo. Concord. 1831-4. ' . Journals of the Proceedings of the Conventions of, in tlie State of New Jersey, for 1785, 6, 7, 1797-1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1805, 1809, 1810, ISll, 1813, to 1828, inclusive, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834. 8vo. Trenton, New Brunswick, Newark, Camden, Elizabethtown and Philadelphia. 1787-1834. . Journals of four Conventions of, in Pennsylvania, from 1791 to 1795. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. . Journals of the Proceedings of the Forty Eighth Convention of, in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. Proudfit, Alexander. Sermon at New Haven [Ct] Sept 12, 18"^2, before the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions at their 13th Annual Meeting. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Proud, Robert. History of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797-8. Prouty, William. See Watson, S. Providence, [R. I.] History of the Providence Riots of Sept 21, 24, 1831. 8vo. Providence. , . Act of Incorporation of the Benevolent Congregational So- ciety. 8vo. Providence. 1802. . J . City Charter proposed for the Adoption of the Freemen of, April 19, 1819. 8vo. , . Catalogue of the Mechanics and Apprentices Library. 12mo. Providence. 1821. , . First Annual Report of the Physicians and Surgeons of the Dexter Asylum. 8vo. Providence. 1829. ' , . Report of the School Committee. 12mo. 1S2S. , . Account of the Proposed Providence and Worcester Canal, with the Report of the Engineer. 8vo. Worcester. 1822. ■ , . List of Members of the First Baptist Church in, with Bio- graphical Sketches of the Pastors. 12mo. Providence. 1832. • , . Catalogue of Pictures in the Gallery of Paintings. 8vo. Providence. 1829. , . Discourse at, July 25, 1768, at the Dedication of the Tree of Liberty. By a Son of Liberty. 12mo. Providence. 17(18. , . Unitarian Association. First Report of , . Result of an Exparte Council convened by Letters Missive from Aggrieved Members of the Richmond Street Church. 8vo. Providence. 1832. Prucknerus, Andreas. De Artificio disputandi. 24mo, Erffurt. 1G37. Pry nne, William. Histrio Mastix. The Player's Scourge, or Actor's Tragedie. 4to. London. 1G33. , . Remonstrance against Ship-Money. 4to. London. 1641. ^ . The Same. 4to. London. 1643. , . The Popish Royal Favourite. 4to. London. 1G43. , . The Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kitigdornes : Di- vided into Foure Parts. Together with an Appendix. 4to. London. 1G43. ^ . Opening of the Great Seale of England. 4to. London. 1643. C A T A L t) IJ i: OF L 1 B R A R Y. 43 Prynnc, William. The Doome of Cowardice and Treachery. 4to. London. iG4a. . , , Moderate Apology against a Pretended Calumny, in answer to some passages in the " Preheminence of Parliament." 4to. London. 1G44. , . Twelve Considerable Questions touching Church Govern- ment. 4to. London. 1644. , . Rome's Master-piece. 4to. London. 1G44. , . Truth Triumphing over Falsehood, and Antiquity over Novel- ty. 4to. , . A True and Full Relation of the Prosecution, Arraignment, Tryall and Condemnation of Nathaniel Fiennes. 4to. London. 1644. , . Short Vindication of Four Serious Questions concerning Ex- communication and Suspension from the Sacrament. 4to. 1645. . , . The Falsities and P^'orgeries of the anonymous author of a late Pamphlet intituled, The Fallacies of William Pryrine, discovered and Confuted, &c. 4to. London. 1644. , . A Moderate Answer to his Full Reply to certain Observa- tions on his Twelve Questions. 4to. London. 1645. , . A Brief Survey and Censure of Maister Cozens and his Cou- zening Devotions, proving them to be merely Popish. 4to. 1628. , . A Checke to Britannicus. 4to. London. 1647. , . The Sword of the Christian Magistracy supported. 4to. London. 1647. , . Legal Vindication of the Liberties of England against Ille- gal Taxes, &c. 4to. London. 1649. , — . Gospell Plea for the Lawfullness and Continuance of the an- cient settled Maintenance and Tithes of the Ministers of the Gospel. 4to. London. 1653. , . Second Part to the Same. 4to. London. 1659. , . A Briefe Polemical Dissertation concerning the True Time of the Inchoation and Determination of the Lord's Day Sabbath. 4to. London. 1655. , . Ten Considerable Quaeries concerning Tythes. 4to. Lon- don. 1659. J . See Burton, Henry; Canterbury ; Ley, John. Psalmanazar, George. Dialogue between a Japonese and a Formosan, about some Points of the Religion of the Time. By G. P m r. 12mo. London. 1707. , . Memoirs of. 8vo. London. 1765. Psalms. The Booke of Psalms, collected into English Meeter. By Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and Others; conferred with the Hebrew, with apt Notes to sing them withall. 4to. London. 1599. . The Same. 4to. London. 1620. . The Same. 12mo. London. 1648. . Booke of Psalmes, Englished both in Prose and Metre. By Henry Ainsworth. 4to. . Wame Ketoohomae uketoohomaongash David. [Poetical Translation of the Psalmes into the Indian Language of Massachusetts. [By John Eliot.] 4to. Cambridge. 1661. . Llyry y Psalmau, Wedi Eu Cyfieithu, A' J. Cyfansoddi Ar Fesur Cerdd, yn Gymraeg. Drwy waith Edmund Prys. 4to. Llundain. 1690. . New Version of the Psalmes of David. By N. Tate and N. Brady. 16mo. 1760. . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1755. . The Same. 12mo. Worcester. 1788. . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1774. . The Same. l2mo. Boston. 1793. • . The Psalms in Metre, Faithfully translated for the Use, Edification, and Comfort of the Saints in publick and private, especially in New England. 16mo. Cambridge, Mass. 1640. 50 44 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Psalms. The Same. 12mo. Cambridge. 3664. . The Same. 27th ed. 12mo. Boston. 17G2. . The Same. Revised and Improved. [By Thomas Prince.] 12mo. Boston. 1758. . Richard Baxter's Paraphrase on the Psalms of David, in Metre, with other IJytnns. ]6mo. London. ]f)92, . Sacred Poetry, consisting of Psalms and Hymns. By Jeremy Belknap. ]2mo. Boston. 1795. . The Same. 2d cd. 12mo. Boston. ]7{)7. • The Same. Drd cd. 12mo. Boston. 1801. . Tlie Same. 4tli ed. 12mo. Boston. 1804. • . The Same. Witii Additional Hymns. 12ino. Boston. 1817. . New Version of the Psalms of David. By John Barnard. ]2mo. Bos- ton. 1 752. . Tlie Psalms of David in Metre. By John Patrick. 16mo. London. 1701. . Select Psalms and Hymns: adapted to the Use of Christians in Family and Public Worship. ]2mo. Dublin. 17G2. . Tha Psalms of David, Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian State and Worship. Together with Hynms and SpirituaK'-^on'^'s. By Isaac Watts.^ ]2mi0. Worcester. 1786. . Tiic Same. 12mo. Boston. 17iJl. . Tiie Same. 12mo. Northampton, Mass. 1799. . The Same. 12mo. Walpole, N. IL J812. . Selection of Psalms and Hymns, Embracing all the varieties of Subject and Metre, suitable for Private Devotion, and the Worship of Churches. By William Lmerson. 12mo. Boston. 1808. . Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship. [By William Bentley.] 3rd ed. 18mo. Boston. 1814. . Psalms, Hymns, and Spritual Songs, Selected by Geo. Richards and Oliver W. Lane. 12mo. Boston. 1792. . Collection of Psalms and Hymns. 2d ed. ]2mo. New York. 1823. . Psaumes de David. Retouchez sur la version De Marot et de Beze. ]2mo. London. 1701. . Das Gemeinschaftlicke Gesangbuch. 2tte. Aufi. 12mo. Baltimore. 1818. . Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship, containing all the Psalms and Hymns oi'Dr. Watts v.hich are deemed valuable, together with a new Version of all the Psalms. By William Allen. 12mo. Boston. 1835. ^. Psalmorum Liber. ISmo. Lugduni. 1542. . Pacificatory Letter about Psalmody, or Singing of Psalms. 12mo. Boston. 1724. — . An Essay, by Several ]\Iinisters of the Gospel, for the Satisfaction of their Pious and Consciencious Brethren, as to Sundry Questions and Cases of Conscience concerning the Singing of Psalms. 12mo. Boston. 1723. Psalter, or Psalms of David, with the Proverbs of Solomon, &c. 12mo. Worces- ter. 1784. . The Massachuset Psalter : or Psalms of David, with the Gospel accord- ing to St. John, in Columns of Indian and English. 12mo. Boston. 1709. Psalterium Americanum. The Book of Psalms, in a Translation exactly con- formed unto the original, but all in Blank Verse. By Cotton Mather. 12mo. Boston. 1718. Public Characters, or Cotemporary Biography. 8vo. Baltimore. 18C3. Pufendorf, Simuel. Of the Law of Nature and Nations. Done into English by B.isil Kennett. To which are added ail tiie large Notes of Mr. Baibeyrac. To which is now prefixed Barbeyrac's Prefatory Discourse, cont;iiniiig an His- torical and Critical Account of the Science of Morality, and the Progress it has made in the World, from tiie earliest Tmies down to the publication of this V/ork. Done into English by Mr. Carew. 4th ed. fol. London. 1729. Puffer, Reuben. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1803. . . Dudleian Lecture in Harvard University. 8vo. Cambridge. 1808. CATALOGUR OF LIBRA RV. 45 Puffer, Reuben. Discourse at Berlin, [Mass.] July 4, 1810. 8vo. Leominster. 1810. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . The Widow's Mite. Sermon at Boylston, [Mass.] before the Female Society for the aid of Missions, Jan. 8, 18Jo. 8vo. Worcester. ISlf). , . Report to the Correspondinn- Secretary uf the Evangelical Mis- sionary Society. 12mo. Worcester. J 808. Pulton, Fardinnndo. Collection of English Statutes freqi^ent in use, v.-ith Notes, &a. &c. fol. London, 1636. Puirlia, James Ph. De. Short Extract [concerning- the Rights of Man and Titles,] froai the Work entitled, Man Undeceived, tr. from the Spanish. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 17lr)3. Pankapotr. See Prophecy. Purchas, Samuel. His PikTrimes. Vols. 2 and 5. fol. London. 1625-C. Puritans. A Discourse Concerning. 4to. JiOndon. 1(141. Purves, James. Dissertation on the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials, mentioned in tlie Book of Revelation. 8vo. Edinbiu'gh. 1788. , . Concise Catechism, with Scripture Ans-svers. Puteanus, Erycius. De Cometa Anni 1619. 24rao. Coloniae. 1619. Putnam, Israel. Inquiry into the Conduct of, in relation to the Battle of Bunker Hill. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Putnam, Daniel. Letter to Gen. H. Dearborn, repelling his unprovoked attack on the character of the late Gen. Israel Putnam, and containing some anec- dotes relating to the Battle of Bunker Hill, not generally known. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1818. Putnam, John M. Sermon at the Ordination of Rufus Austin Putnam, at Fitch- burgh, Mass. Feb. 4, 1824. 8vo. Boston. 1824. Putnam, Oliver. Tracts on Sundry Topics of Political Economy. 8vo. Boston. Ie34. Putnam, Rufus Austin. Fast Sermon on Intemperance, at Fitchburgh, April 1, 1827. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Pyke, Joseph, Impartial View of the Difficulties that affect the Trinitarian or clog the Arian Scheme, oic. Svo. London. 1721. Pyke; See Pike. Pythaii-oras Aurea Carmina. Gr. et Lat. 12mo. Genevae. 1611. Pyne, Thoinas. Sermon on Slavery. Svo. New York. 1836. Pynchon, William. See Norton, J. , , Selection from his Papers. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 8. 2d Series.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 18 3 6. Q QuAERENGUs, Flavius. Institutionum Moralium Epitome, et de Genere dicendi philosophorum. 16mo. Lng. Bat. J639. Quaker, The Middle Way. Of Perfection with Tndifferency between the Ortho- dox and the Quaker, By J. H. 4to. London. 1674. Quakers. A Warning to Souls to beware of Quakers and Quakerism. By oc- casion of a late Dispute at Asley, in Cheshire, between John Cheyney, a Chris- tian Minister, and Roger Haydock, a Sect-Master and Speaker to the Quakers. 4to. London. 1677. . A Publick Tryal of the Quakers in Bermudas, upon the first day of May, 1678. By Samuel Bond. 4to. Boston. 1682. . The Quaker Converted, or Experimental Knowledge of Jesus Christ Crucified, in opposition to the Principles of the Quakers, declared in a Narra- tive of the Conversion of one in Hartfordshire, &c. with an Epistle Dedicatory by W. Haworth. 4to. London. 1690. . Some Reasons and Causes of the Late Separation that hath come to pass at Philadelphia betwixt us, called the Separate Meeting, &c. 4to. [1691.] . . The Christian Doctrine and Society of the Quakers cleared from the- Reproach of the late Division of a few in some parts of America. 16mo. Lon- don. 1693. . Three Treatises, in which the Fundamental Principles, Doctrines, Worship, Ministry and Discipline of the People called Quakers, are plainly declared. By William Penn, Robert Barclay and Joseph Pike. 8vo. Wil- mington, Del. 1783. . A Brief Discovery of some of the Blasphemous and Seditious Princi- ples and Practices of the People called Quakers. By Edward Beekham, Henry Meriton, and Lancaster TopclifFe. 4to. London. 1699. . Some Few of the Quakers' Many Horrid Blasphemies, Heresies^ and their Bloody, Treasonable Principles, Destructive to Government. 4to. 1699. . Address to the Rev. Dr. Allison, the Rev. Mr. Ewing and others, Trustees of the Corporation for the Relief of Presbyterian Ministers, &c. Being a Vindication of the Quakers from the Aspersions of the said Trustees. By a Lover of Truth. 8vo. 1765. . Two Discourses and a Prayer, May 17 and 19, 1767, at the Quakers Yearly Meeting at the Fryers, in Bristol. 12mo. New York. 1768. — . Yearly Epistles from 1775 to 1808. . Earnest Address to such of the People called Quakers as are Sincerely Desirous of Supporting and Maintaining the Christian Testimony of their An- cestors. Occasioned by a Piece intituled, " The Testimony of the People called Quakers, given forth by a Meeting of the Representatives of said People in Pennsylvania, &c." 12mo. Philadelphia. 1775. . An Address to the People called Quakers, concerning the manner in which they treated Timothy Davis, for writing and publishing a Piece on Tax- ation. 8vo. Boston. 1784. 2 A ?.I E R I C A N A N T I Q U A R I A N S O C I E T Y. Quakers. Epistle of Tender Caution and Counsel from the Monthly Meetings of Friends of Philadelphia, affectionately addresssed to the Members of our Reli- gious Society in said City. 8vo. Philadelphia. [1788.] . Serious Address to such of the People called Quakers, on the Conti- nent of North America as Profess Scruples relative to the present Govern- ment, &c. &c. By a Native of Pennsvlvania. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1778. . An Appeal to the Society of Friends, on the Primitive Simnlicity of their Christian Principles and Church Discipline, and on some recent Proceed- ings of the said Society. Parts I. II and III. 8vo. London. 1801. . An Examin-ition of the first part of a Pamphlet, called, An Appeal to the Society of Friends. By Vindex. 8vo. London. ]802. . Address to the Citizens of the United States of America, by aMeet- innf of the People called Quakers, residing in the State of New York and parts adjacent. 12mo. New York. 18C3. . Narrative of the Proceedings in Aujerica of the Society called Qua- kers, in the case of Hatinah Barnard, &c. 8vo. London. 1804. . Memorial of the Religious Society of Friends to the Legislature of Virginia, on the Militia Laws, with a Letter of Benjamin Bates to a Member of the Legislature. I'lmo. New Bedford, Mas-s. 1813. . Letter addressed to an Elder of the Society of Friends. By a Young Member. 8vo. ]8:^;1. . Cabinet Works of Darkness brought to Light. Svo. Philadelphia. 1824. . The Some. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. . See Indians : Kicks, T ; Unitarianism. Quarll, Philip. Unnaralieled Sufferina-s and Surprising x'Vdventures of. ]2mo. Exeter, N. H. I '71)5. Quarles, Francis. Emblems, lomo. London. 1(135. , . Emblems Divine and Moral. Kimo. New York. 18.16. Quebec. Translation of a Maimscript Found on Board a French Man of War, taken by Admiral Boscawen, in the year 1755, Intitled Remarques et Observa- tions pour la Navigation de France a Quebec tir 6es des Memoires et Jour- naux qui sont en Depot D'art de la Marine, 1737. 8vo. Boston. 1759. . Lettre Addressee aux Habitants de la Province de Quebec, Do la part du Congres General de 1' Amerique Septentrionale, tenu a Piiiladelphie. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1774. . The Same, in English. 8vo. [1776.] . Brief State of the Province of, [wTitten in 1787.] Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. G. . State of, &c. Svo. Almanack, and Briti-sh American Royal Kalendar for 1815. 12mo. Quebec. . . Picture of 2d ed. 12mo. New York. 1830. Bill. An Appeal to the Public, stating and considering the Objections to. 8vo. London. 1774. Queen's Matrimonial Ladder, a National Toy, v/ith fourteen Step Scenes, and Illustrations in Verse. 9th ed. 8vo. London. 1820. Quick, John. Synodicon in Gallia Reformata: or the Acts, Decisions, Decrees, and Canons of those Famous National Councills of the Reformed Churches in France, collected out of the original MSS. acts of those Synods. 2 vols. fol. London. 1692. , . The Young Man's Claim unto the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 16mo. Boston. 1700. , . See Mather, Cotton. . Quinctilianus, Marcus Fabius. Oratoriarum institutionum Libri XII. Doctissi- morum virorum, J. Camerarii, J. Sichardi aliorumque opera ac studio partim ex melioruin codicum collatione restituti sibi, partim annotationibus illustrati. Quibus sparsim quoque adjecimus G. Philandri Castilionei castigationcs. 16mo. Basiliae. 1555. , . Declamationum Liber. ]6mo. Basiliae. 1557. CATALOGUE OF L 1 E R A K Y. 3 Quincy, Josiah, Jnii. Observations on the Act of Parliament, commonly called the Boston Port Bill, with Thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , , . Observations on the Act of Parliament corninonly called the Boston Port Bill, with Thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. I'imo. Boston. 1774. Quincy, Edmund. Treatise on Hemp Husbandry. [With Additions in MS.] 4to. Boston. 17G5. Quincy, Josiah. [Pres.] Oration at Boston, July 4, 17S8. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , ■ , . . Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , . . Speech in Congress on the 15th April, ]^C6, on the Bill for Fortifying the Ports and Harbours of the United States. 8vo. Boston. 180(). , . . Speech in Congress, Jan. 10, 18C9, on the Bill for holding an Extra Session of Congress, in May next. 8vo. — , . . Speech in Congress approving the Conduct of the Ex- ecutive, in Refusing to receive any further Communication from Francis J. Jackson, Esq. 8vo. Baltimore. 1810. • , . . Speech in Congress, Jan 14, 181 1, on the Bill for admit- ting the Territory of Orleans into the Union. 8vo. Baltimore. 1811. , . . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1811. • , . . Speech in Congress, Jan. 30, 1811, on the Influence of place and patronage. 8vo. , . . Speech in Congress, Jan. 25, 1812, in relation to Mari- time Protection. 8vo. Alexandria, D. C. 1812. , . . Speech in Congress Jan. 5, 1813, on the Bill to raise an additional Force. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . . Speech in Congress, Jan. 5, 1S13, on the Bill to raise an additional Military Force. 8vo. Alexandria, D. C. , . . Oration at Boston, April 13, 1813, before the Washing- ton Benevolent Society. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . . Address before the Massachusetts Agricultural Society, at Brighton, Oct. 12, 1819. 8vo. , . . Address before the Massachusetts Peace Society, at Boston, Dec. 25, 1820. 8vo. Cambridge. 1821. , . . Remarks on some of the Provisions of the Laws of Mas- sachusetts affecting Poverty, Vice, and Crime, being a charge to the Grand Jury of Boston, March Term. 1822. 8vo. Cambridge. 1822. , . . Address on the Organization of the City Government of Boston, May 1, 1824. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . . Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jun. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1825. , . . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1826. 8vo. Boston. 182G. , . . Address to the Board of Aldermen of the City of Bos- ton, Jan. ],m28. 8vo. Boston. 1828. . . . Ad(h-ess to the Board of Aldermen of the City of Boston, on taking leave of the Office of Mayor, Jan. 3, 1829. 8vo. Boston. JS21). , . . Address to the Citizens of Boston, on the 1 7th Sept. 1830, the close of the Second Century from the first Settlement ol the City. 8v(). Boston. 1830. , . . Address at the Dedication of Dane College, in Harvard Univeisity. Oct. 23, 1832. 8vo. Cambridge. 1832. Quinquarboreus, Johannes. De Re Gramatica Hebraecorum. 4to. Parisiis. 1550. Quixote, Don, in England. A Farce. 12mo. Edinburgh. 17C0. CATv\LOGUK OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARIAN SOCIETY. 1S36. \ Rabelais, Fra.^cois. Oeuvres. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. An VI. Radcliffe, Mary Ann. l^he Romance of the Forest. 4th ed. 3 vols. 12mo. London. 1794. ' , . Romance of the forest. 2 vols. in l. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1806. , . Mysteries of Udolpho. 2d ed. 4 vols. 12mo. Lon- don. 1794. , . A Sicilian Romance. r2mo. Philadelphia. 1795. , . The Italian. 2 vols. 12mo. Mount Pleasant. 1797. Raffles, Thomas. Memoir of the Life and Ministry of Rev. Thomas Spencer of Liverpool. 8rd ed. 8vo. Boston. 1814. Rafinesque, C. S. Ancient History, or Annals of Kentucky; With a Survey of the Ancient Monumentsof North America. Svo. Frankfort, Ky. 1824. , . Same. See Marshall, H. , . Account of some remarkable objects in the Cabinet of, , . See Transylvania University. Rafn, C. C. Krakas Maal Eller Kvad om Kong Raynav Lodbrooks. Svo. Kjobenhavn. 1826. Rail Road. Second Annual Report of the President, and Directors, to the Stockholders of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company. 8vo. Balti- more. 1828. Rail Roads. Brief Remarks on the Rail Roads, proposed in Massachusetts. By Berkshire. 8vo. Stockbridge. 1828. . Sketch of the Geo , . Mercy to a Beast : Sermon in 1612. 4to. Oxford. , . Sermon at Oxford, Nov. 5, 1610. 4to. London. 1611. , . Sermon at the Inauguration of his Majesty, March 24, 1614. 4to. Oxford. 1619. : — , . The Unmasking of the Hypocrite : Sermon, May 12, 1616. 4to. London, 1616. , . Sermon at Whitehall, Feb. 19, 1618. 4to. Oxford. 1625. , . Sermon before the Prince, March 17, 1620. 4to. Oxford. 1620. , . Sermon before the Prince, March 19, 1621. 4to. Oxford. 1621. , Sermon before the Prince, March 19, 1622. 4to. Rawlinson, Richard. New Method of Studying History, Geography and Chro- nology : With a Catalogue of the Chief Historians of all Nations and the best Editions tr. from the original of L. M. Du Fresnoy. To which is added a Dissertation by Count Scipio Maffei concerning the use of Inscriptions and Medals. Vol.2. 8vo. London. 1730. Rawson, Grindal. Wunnamdtamoo Sampooaonk VVussampoowontamun Nash- pe Moeuwehkomunganash ut New England. 16mo. Mushauwomuk. 1699. See Confession of Faith. , . Miles Christianus, Or Christians Treated in the Quality of Soldiers. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1703. , . The Necessity of a Speedy and Thorough Reformation. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1709. , . See Cotton, John, — Shephard, Thomas. Ray, Nicholas. Importance of the Colonies of North America and the Interest of Great Britain with regard to them Considered. 4to. London. 1781. Raymond, Daniel. The Missouri Question. 8vo. Baltimore. 1SH>. Raynal, William Thomas. [I'Abbe.] A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in] the East and West Indies. To which is added the Revolution of America. 6 vols. 12mo. London. 1794. , . Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablis- semens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1778. , . A Philosophical and Political History of the Brit- ish Settlements and Trade in North America. To which is Annexed, an Im- partial History of the Present War in America. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1779. . , . Revolution De L'Ameriqu(?. 8vo. London. 1781. , . The Revolution of America. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1782. , . The Same. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1782. CATALOGUEOF LIBRARY. 5 Ravner, Menzies. Divine Love, tlio Source of all Christian Virtue : Sermon at Hartford, Con. Svo. Hartford. 1828. • , . Universal Grace : A Doctrine Worthy of all Acceptation. Sermon at Monroe, [Con.] Nov. 4, 1827, as a Farewell Discourse. Svo. Hartford. 1827. Reading-, John. A Faire Warning in Several Sermons. 4to. London. 1G23. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs Elizabeth Trumball. 4to. Lon- don. 1G24. , . Moses and Jethro. Sermon. 4to. London. 1()2G. , . Assize Sermon, Aug-. 23, 1641. 4to. London. 1042. Receipt for the State Palsie : Sermon. By S. S. 4to. London. lOfiO. Record Commission of Great Britain. Catalogue of the Manuscripts, in the Cot- tonian Library deposited in the British Museum, fol. London. ]802. . Taxatio ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae Auctoritate P. Nicholai IV. Circa 1291. fol. London. 1802. . Rotulorurn originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio. 2 vols. fol. London. 1805 — 1810. . Calendarium Rotulorurn in Turri Londi- nensi. fol. London. 1802. . Calendarium Rotulorurn Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod Damnum, fol. London. 1808, . Calendarium- Inquisitionum post mortem, sive Escaetarum. 4 vols. fol. London. 1 806-1828. . Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii. fol. London. 1807. . Valor Ecclesiasticus Temp. Hen. VIII. Auctoritate Regia institutus. 6 vols. fol. London. 18J0 — 1834. , . Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum. 4 vols. fol. London. 1S08 — i8i2. . Testa de Nevill sive Liber Feodorum in curia Scaccarii. fol. London. 1807. . Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Vv^estmo- nasteriensi asservatorum Abbreviatio. fol. London. 1811. • . Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis retornatarum quae in publicis archivis Scotiae adhuc servantur. Abbreviatio. 3 vols. fol. London. 1811—1816. . Rotuli Ilundredorum. Temp. Hen. Ill et Edw. I, in Turri Lend. 2 vols, fol London. 1812—1818. . Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scoto- rum in archivis publicis asservatum. fol. London. 1SJ4. . Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Westmonasteriensi asservati. 2 vols. fol. London. 1814 — 1819. . Acts of the Parliament of Scotland. 10 vols. fol. London. 1814—1824. . Placita de Quo Warranto Temporibus Edw. I, II and III in Curia recepta Scaccarii Westm. asservata. fol. London. 1818. . Ducatus Lancastriae Calendarium Inqui- sitionum post mortem, and Calendar to the Pleadings, &c. 3 vols. fol. Lon- don. 1823—1834. . Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum, fol. London. 1819. . Liber Censualis Vocatus Domesday-Book. 4 vols. fol. London. 1816. . Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, with examples of earlier Proceedings. 3 vols. fol. London. 1827—1832. . Rotuli Literarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. fol. London. 1833. . Rotuli Literarum Patentium in Turri Lon- dinensi asservati. fol. London. 1835. () AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Record Commission of Great Britain. General Introduction to Domes-day-Book, accompanied by Indexes. By Sir Henry Ellis. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1833. . Rotulus Cancellari vel AntigTaphum mag- ni Rotuli Pi])ae de tertis anno Regis Johannis. 8vo. London. 1823. . Rotuli Select! ad res Anglicas et Hiberni- cas spectantes ex archivis in domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi depronipti Cura Joseph Hunter. 8vo. London. 1834. . Magnum Rotulum Scaccariivel Magnum Rotulum Pipae de anno tricessimo prime regni Henrici Primi (ut videtur) quern plurimi hactcnus laudarunt pro Rotulo quinti anni Stephani Regis, nunc pri- mum edidit Joseph Hunter. 8vo. London. 1833. . Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, 10 Richard II, 1386, to 14 Henry VI, 1436. Edited by Sir Harris Nicholas. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1834 — 1835. . Essay upon the Original Authority of the King's Council, in explanation of the ancient Parliamentary Petitions as Mate- rials for the Constitutional History of England. By Sir Francis Palgrave. 8vo. London. 1834. . Fines, sive Pedes Finium ; sive Finales Concordiae in Cucia Domini Regis, ab anno 1195 ad annum 1214. Edente Jo- sepho Hunter. 8vo. London. 1835. . Rotuli Normaniae in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johanne et Henrico Quinto Angliae Regibus, Accurante T. D. Hardy. 8vo. London. 1835. . Rotuli Curiae Regis. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the Kings Justiciars or Justices, from the 6th year of Richard I, to the Accession of King John. Edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1835. . Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservatis. A. D. 1216 — 1272. Cura Caroli Roberts. 8vo. Lon- don. 1835. Recueil De Divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en L' Amerique, etc. 4to. Paris. 1674. Red River. See Missouri. Redman, Johannes. Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Abortio. 4to. Lug. Bat. [1748.] Reeb, Georgius. Distinctiones Philosophicae. 16mo. Coloniae Agri. 1630. Reed, Joseph. Remarks on Gov. Johnstone's Speech in Parliament; with a Col- lection of all the Letters and Authentic Papers relative to his proposition to engage the Interest of one of the Delegates of Pennsylvania, in the Congress of the United States, to promote the Views of the British Commissioners. 4to. Philadelphia. 1779. , . Remarks on a late Publication in the Independent Gazetteer, with a short Address to the Citizens of Pennsylvania. Svo. Philadelphia. 1783. Read, Alexander. Address before the New Bedford [Mass.] Auxiliary Society for the Suppression of Intemperance, Jan. 6, 1817. 8vo. New Bedford. 1817. Read, John. A Latin Grammar. 16mo. Boston. 1736. Reading no Preaching, or a Letter to a Young Clergyman, from a Friend in Lon- don, Concerning the Unwarrantable Practice of Reading the Gospel, instead of Preaching it. r2mo. Boston. 1757. Rode, Cartaret. Token for Youth, or Comfort to Children. Being the Life and Christian Experience of Cartaret Rede. 27th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1766. Reed, John. Massachusetts Convention Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1807. , . Sermon before the Plymouth [Mass.] Association, Sept 26, 1810. Svo. Boston. 1811. , . See Niles, Sam. Reo !, Jonas. History of Rutland. 12mo. Worcester. 1836. Reeks, Richard. Faith and Good Works United. Sermon at Spittle, Easter Weeke, 1630. 4to. London. laSO. CATALOGUE OF L I IJ R A R Y. 7 Rees, David. The State of True Religion in all ages. Sermon. 8vo. London. 1726. Roes, David. Free and Sober Enquiry into the Truth of Certain Paragraphs con- tained in the Assembly's Shorter Catechism. 8vo. London. 1737. Rees, Evan. Sketches of the Horrors of War, &c. 5th ed. 8vo. London. 1824. Rees, Abraham. The New Cyclopaedia. 41 vols, and G vols, of Plates. 47 vols. 4to. Philadelphia. Reeve, Thomas. Mephiboslieth's Hearts Joy upon his Soveraignes Safetie. Sermon. 16mo. London. 1624. — - — , . The Churches Hazard. Sermon. 4to. London. 1C32. , . Moses Old Square for Judges. Sermon. 4to. London. 1632. , . A Cedars Sad and Solemn Fall. Sermon at the Funeral of James, Earle of Carlisle. 4to. London. 1661. Reflections on Time and Eternity. 16mo. Amsterdam. 1687. Reflections upon the Occurrences of Last Year. Nov. 5, 1688, to Nov. 5, 1G89. 4to. London. 1 689. Reflections upon a Theological Distinction according to which tis said that some Articles of Faith are above Reason, but not against Reason. 12mo. London. 16I L R 1 C A N A N T I Q U A R I A N S O I E T Y. Reiigion. Answer to the Inquiry, What is Religion. l'2mo. New York. \62L . Sentiments upon the Religion and Reason of Nature. Tr. from the Fr. 2d ed. l-2mo. Philadelphia. 1795. Religious ('ourtship. See De Foe, Daniel. Religious Fellowship. Inquiry into the Nature, Obligations and advantages of. l(5mo. Boston. 1749. Religious Freedom. TJie Recent Attempt to defeat the Constitutional Provisions in favor of Religious Freedom, Considered in reference to the Trust convey- ances of Hanover Street Church. By a Layman. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1828. . Blow at the Root of Aristocracy, or An Appeal to Matters of Fact, in Support of. 8vo. Boston. Religious Ignorance. Pride and Avarice, or the Modern Priest. A Poem. 8vo. Boston. 1795. Religious Intelligencer. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14. 10 vols. 8vo. New Haven, Con. 1819-30. Religious Pamphlets. Are You a Christian or a Calvinist ? Or do You prefer the Authority of Christ to that of the Genevan Reformer ? &c. By a Lay- man. 8vo. Boston. 1815. . • — . Some Occasional Thoughts on the Influence of the Spirit. With Seasonable Cautions against Mistakes and Abuses. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1742. . Some Considerations, Propounded to Several Sorts and Sects of Professors of this Age. By a Universal Friend to All Mankind. 8vo. 1779. Relly, James. Union: or a Treatise of the Consanguinity and Affinity between Christ and his Church. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1782. . , . Real Union of Christ and His Church Considered, and rescued from the gross Misrepresentations of tliat Subject by Mr. James Relly in his late Treatise, called Union. Being an Appendix to the Preservative in Perilous Times. By the Author of the Defence of Theron and Aspasia. ]2mo. Lon- don. 1700. Remarks on the Letters Addressed to Two Great Men, In a Letter to the Au- thor of that Piece. 8vo. Boston. 17(i0. Remembrance of Former Times for this Generation, and our Degeneracy Lament- ed. By W.J. ]6mo. Boston. 1697. Remembrancer, or Impartial Repository of Public Events, for the year 1775-G-7-S. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1775-8. Remembrancer, American, or an Impartial Collection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, &c. relative to the Treaty with Great Britain. 3 vols. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1795. Remington, Benjamin H. Discourse at Savoy, [Mass.] March 10, 1826, on the Death of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Liberty Bowker, Esq. 8vo. Rennell, Thomas. Sermon before the Royal Humane Society, March 23, 1794. 8vo. London. 1795. Rensselaer, Jer. Van. An Essay on Salt, containing Notices of its Origin, Forma- tion, Geological Position and Principal Localities, Embracing a Particular De- scription of the American Salines. 8vo. New York. 1823. , . Lectures on Geology. 8vo. New York. 1825. Rensselaer, Stephen Van. Geological and Agricultural Survey of Rensselaer County, N. Y. 8vo. Albany. 1822. , . Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal in New York. 8vo. i\.lbany. 1824. Rensselaer School at Troy, N. Y. Constitution and Laws of 8vo. Albany. 1826. , . Exercises of. With an Account of its Ori- gin and Characteristics. 8vo. Troy. 1831. Rent. True Theory of, in Opposition to Ricardo and others. By a Member of the University of Cambridge. 3rd ed. 8vo. London. 1828. Rendwick, James. Discourse on the Character and Public Services of Dewitt Clinton. 8vo. New York. 1829. C A T A L O a U p. or LIBRA II Y. » Repentance. The Advantages of. A Moral Tale. 12mo. Newport, R. I. Reply of two of the Brethren to A. S. &c. 4to. London. ](M4. llcpnsitory, being- a Collection of Stories. 2 vols. 12ino. Lllizabelhtown, N. J. 17iJ8. Re-Re-Commencement ; a Kind of a Poem. By a Friend of Every Body and Every Soul. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1812. R,epnblique des Lettres, Nouvelles de la. IGmo. Amsterdam. 168.1. Reiichlinns, Joannis. De Rudimentis Hebraicis et cum additionibus Sebas Munsteri. fol. Basiliae. 1537. Reusnerns, Nicolaus. Symbolorum Imperatoriorum Tres Classes. 16mo. Oxoniae. 1638. ' , . Symbola Heroica in tribus classibus. ed. lOma. iGmo. London. 1664. Revenue Laws of the United States. Duties payable on Goods, Wares and Mer- chandize imported into the United States after tlie SCth Sept. 1797. 8vo. Boston. 1799. . The Same. 12mo. New York. 3815. ^ . Tariff of Duties, on Importations into tlie United States. Compiled for P. P. F. Degrand's Boston Weekly Report. 12mo. Boston. [1820.] and Custom House Duties. Being an Ap- pendix to the Tariff of Duties, &c. Compiled by P. P. F. Degrand. 12mo. Boston. 1820. . The Same. 3rd ed. 12mo. 1824. Reuter, Adam. Oratio demonstrans Papam esse Bestiam in Apoc. 17 : 8. 4to. London. IGIO. Reverie, or a Flight to the Paradise of Fools. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1763. Review, Critical, or Annals of Literature. Vols. 55, 56, 69. 3 vols. 8vq. Lon- don. 1783-90. Review, American Quarterly. 8 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827-30. Review, North American^ Irom 1815 to 1834. 34 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1815 — 1834. , . General Index to, from its commencement in 1815 to the end of the 25th volume, published in Oct. 1827. 8vo. Boston, New York and London. 1829. Review, Westminster, from 18-^4 to 1829. 10 vols. 8vo. London. 1824- S9. Review, American, and Literary Journal. 2 vols. 8vo. Nev/ York. 1801-2. Reviews, Select. 8 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1809-12. Review of the British Nation. Vol. 7. for 1710. Newspaper. 4to. London. 1710-11. Puevolntion and Anti-Pi-evolution Principles Stated. 12mo. Revolution Principles Fairly Represented and Defended. 12mo, London. 1714. . Short Sketch of the Revolution in 1G8S ; with Observations on tliat Event. By Laelius. 2d ed. 8vo. 1793. Revue, La Philosophique, Literaire et Politique pour 1807. 2 Tom. 8vo. Paris. 1807. Reyner, V/illiam. Sermon before the House of Commons, Aug. 28, 1644. 4to, London. 1644. Fi,eyno]ds, Edward. Explication of the 110th Psalm. 2d ed. 4to. Lon- don. 1635. London. 1642. 1046. 1657. don. 1658. 52 Sermon before the House of Commons, July 27, 1642. 4to. Israel's Prayer in Time of Trouble. 4to. London. 1645. Sermon before the Assembly of Divines. 4to. London. True Gain. Sermon at Paul's Crosse. 4to. London. The Rich Man's Charge. Sermon at Spittle. 4to. Lon- 10 AMERTCAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Reynolds, Edward. Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. John Langley, at liOndon, Sept. 24, 1657. 4to. London. 1658. , . Substance of Two Sermons before Parliament. 4to. Lon- don. 1659. , . The Means and Methods of Healing in the Church. Ser- mon before the House of Peers, April ]660. 4to. London. 1660. , . Sermon at the Funeral of the Lady Mary Langham. 4to. London. 1662. , . The Lord's Property in his redeemed People ; opened in a Sermon. 4to. London. 1666. Reynolds, Rev. Mr. See Trinity. Reynolds, William. Sermon at the Funeralls of Hon. Francis Pierpont, son of Robert, Earl of Kingston. 4to. London. 1658. Reynolds, Thomas. Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 22, 1709. 12mo. London. 17 JO. Reynolds, John. Inquiries concerning the State and Oeconomy of the Angelical Worlds. j2mo. London. J 723. Pteynolds, Peter. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1757. Reynolds, Frederick. Begone Dull Care. A Comedy. ]2mo. Boston. 1808. Rhees, Morgan J. The Good Samaritan. Oration at Philadelphia, May 22, 1796, before the Society for the Information and Assistance of persons Emigrating from Foreign Conntries. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. Rhode Island Brigade. Statement of the Claim of. Commanded by Cols. Crary, Topham and Elliot. 8vo. Boston. 1798. . Electioneering Address to the People of. 8vo. [1802.] . An Inquiry into the Chymical Characters and properties of that species of Coal lately discovered at. 12mo. Boston. 1808. . Electioneering Address. 8vo. 1808. . Report of the Committee of the General Assembly, Feb. Session, 1809, to Enquire into the Situation of the Farmer's Exchange Bank. 8vo. Providence. * 1809. . Public Laws of. Passed since the Session of the General Session in Jan. 1798. 8vo. Newport. [1804.] . Public Laws of, as Revised by a Committee of the Legislature. 8vo. Providence. 1822. . Register for 1820. 12mo. Providence. . The Same, for 182L 12mo. Providence. . The Same, for 1822. ]2mo. Providence. . The Same, for 1823. 12mo. Providence. . The Same, for 1824. 12mo. Providence. . Public Laws of, from Jan. 1825 to Jan. 13, 1827. 8vo. Historical Society. Collections of 3 vols. 8vo. Providence. 1827-35. . Address to the People of, proving that more than Eight Millions of the Public Money has been Avasted by the present (National) Administration. 8vo. Providence. 1828. . Hints to the Farmers of 8vo. Providence. 1829. . Address of the Grand Lodge to the People. 8vo. Pawtucket. 183L . Legislative Investigation of Masonry. 8vo. Boston. 1832. . Report of the Committee on Schools, with a Table showing the number in the State. 8vo. Providence. 1832. State Papers. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 7. 2d Series.] Rhodiginus, L. C. Lectiones Antiquae. fol. Coioniae Allobrogum. 1620. Rieci, Laurent The Resurrection of, or a True and Exact History of the Jesuits. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1789. Rice, D. The Mirror, Reflectingthe Light of Truth on the subject of Manufac- tures. Part 1. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Rich, E. The Number of the Beast found out by Spiritual Arithmetick. 12mo. Chelmsford, Mass. 1775. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 11 Rice, John H. Power of Truth and Love. Sermon at Philadelphia, Oct. 1, 1828, at the Ninteenth Annual Meeting of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreic^n Missions. 8vo. Boston, 1828. Rich, Obadiah. Manuscripts and Printed Books in Possession of, relating to America. 8vo. 1827. , . Catalogue of Books relating principally to America. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1832-35. Richards, George. Historical Discourse at Portsmouth, N. H. Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 4to. Portsmouth. 1800. , . The Declaration of Independence. A Poem. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , . The Cry of the Watchmen of Mount Ephraim. Substance of a Discourse at Portsmouth, [N. H.] Dec. 25, 1794. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1795. , . Oration on the Independence of the United States of America, July 4, 1795, at Portsmouth, N. H. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1795. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Thomas Barnes, Jan. 6, 1802. 4to. Portsmouth, N. H. 1802. Richards, William. Serious and Plain Discourse concerning Baptism, in its con- nexion with the First Principles and Spirit of Christianity. 8vo. Lynn, [Eng.] 1793. Richardson, James. Oration at Dedham, [Mass.] July 4, 1808. 8vo. Dedham. 1808. , . Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa at Cambridge, [Mass.] Sept.l, 1808. 8v'o. Boston. 1808. , . Address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, June 1, 1810. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Address before the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, Oct. 18, 1832. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Richardson, Joseph. Vindication of the Proceedings of the First Church and Parish in Hingham, [Mass.] in settling him. 8vo. Boston. 1807. , . Fast Sermon at Hingham, [Mass.] April 5, 1810. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Oration at Plymouth, [Mass.] July 4, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . Address at Roxbury, Mass. June 24, 1817. 8vo. Dedham. 1817. , . A Complaint against the Clergy of the Bay Association, in Plymouth County, Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1818. , . Masonic Discourse at Dedham, [Mass.] June 24, 1820. 8vo. Dedham. 1820. , . Sermon at Hingham, Dec. 8, 1822, on the Manifestation of God. 8vo. Boston. 1823. , . Letters to Congress on National Free Schools. 12mo. 1829. , . Speech in Congress, March 30, 1830, on the Bill for a National Road from Buffalo to New Orleans. 12mo. Richardson, J. S. Address to the People on Nullification. 8vo. Charleston, S. C. 1S30. Richardson, A Iford. Vindication of the Character of, against the Aspersions of Gov. King. 8vo. Portland, Me. Richardson, Luther. Oration at Roxbury, [Mass.] July 4, 1800. 8vo. Boston. Ricliardson, Samuel. History of Pamela. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1794. Richardson, William. Oration at Groton, [Mass.] July 4, 1801. 8vo. Amherst. 1801. Richardson, William M. Speech in Congress on the Question of Merchants' Bonds. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Richey, Matthew. Funeral Discourse at Halifax, [N. S.] Jan. 13, 1833, on the Death of Mrs. J. A. Barry. 8vo. Halifax. 1833. Richier, Petrus. Disputatio Theologica. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1684. Richmond, [Va.] Calamity at, being a Narrative of the affecting circumstances attending the awful Conflagration of the Theatre in the City of, Dec. 26, 1811. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1812. 12 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Richmond, [Va.] Particular Account of the Dreadful Fire at, Dec. 2G, 1811, which destroyed the Theatre and the House adjoining-, and in which more than si.xty persofis were either burnt to Death, or destroyed in attempting to make their escape. 8vo. Baltimore. 18 12. , , Distressing- Calamity. A Brief Account of the late Fire at^ in v.-jiich the Theatre was Burnt, and upwards of one hundred and sixty Per- sons perished in the Flames. 8vo. Boston. Richmond, Edward. Sermon preached to the Scholars of Derby Academy in Ilingham, Mass. 8vo. Boston. ]807. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Samuel Wadswortli. Oct. H, 1797, atRaby. 8vo. Amherst, N. II. 17i;8. , . Sermon, Oct. 21, 1801, at the Consecrition of Rising Star Lodge, in Stoughton, [Mass.] Svo. Boston. 1801. , . Sermon at Stoughton, May 22, 1808, the last time of As- sembling in the Old Meeting House. 8vo. Boston. J 801). Rider, William. A New History of England from the Descent of the Romans to the Demise of George H. 51 vols, in 26. 2d ed. ]2mo. London. Rider, Benjamin. Trial of, Aug. 1822. 12mo. Boston. 1824. Rider, Jane C. The Somnambulist, Account of. See Belden. Riedesel, Madame de. Letters and Memoirs of, relating to the War of the Amer- ican Independence and Capture of German Troops at Saratoga, tr. from the Original German. ]2mo. New York. 1827. Right Divine of Kings to Govern Wrong ! 7th ed. 12mo. London. 1821. Rile}'-, James. Authentic Narrative of his Sufferings in Africa. 8vo. New York. 1817. Riley, George. Beauties of the Creation, or a New Moral System of Natural History. 12mo. Worcester. 1798. Rimius, Henry. A Candid Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the Herrnhu- ters, commonly called Moravians, or Unitas Fratrum. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1753. , . Supplement to the Candid Narrative. 8vo. London. 1755. , . Animadversions on Sundry Fragrant Untruths advanced by Mr. Zinzendorf. Svo. , . A Second Solemn Call on Mr. Zinzendorf, the Author and Ad- vocate of the Herrnhuters, v. ith some Remarks concerning a Pamphlet, intitled, " An Essay towards giving some just ideas of the personal Cliaracter of Count Zinzendorf." Svo. London. 1757. Ring, or the Merry Wives of Madrid, tr. by Benjamin Thompson. 12mo. Bal- timore. 1802. Riolanus, Johanne?. Opera Anatomica. fol. Lutetiae Parisiorum. 1649. Ripley, Eleasar W. Oration, July 4, 1805, at Mallowell, Me. Svo. Portland. 1805. Ripley, Ezra, Sermon at the Ordination of Wiliiani Emerson, at Harvard, [Mass.] May 23, 1792. Svo. Boston. 1792. , . Sermon at Concord, [Mass.] Jan. 24, 1792, on the Completion of a General Repair of the Meetinghouse. Svo. Boston. 1792. , . Masonic Sermon at Greenfield, [P»Iass.] June 24, 1802. 4to. Greenfield. 1S02. , . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. William Frothingham, at Bel- fast, Me. July 21, 1819. Svo. Cambridge, Mass. 1819. . Sermon at Acton, [Mass.] Dec. 14, 1812, at the Funeral of Mrs. Abigail, wife of Rev. Moses Adams. Svo. Boston. 1813. , . History of the Fight at Concord, Mass. April 19, 1775. Svo. Concord. 1827. , . Half Century Discourse at Concord, M-ass. Nov. 16,1828. 8vo. Concord. 1829. Ripley, Henry J. Sermon at the Ordination of Calvin Nev/tor--., r.t Bellingham, [Mass.] Oct. 22, 1828. 8vo. Boston. IS''^S. , . Hints on the Promotion of Piety in Ministers of the Gospel ; read before the Conference of Baptist Ministers in Massachusetts, May 29, 1832. Svo. Boston. CATALOGUE OF L I B R A R Y. 13 Rippon, John. Selection of Hymns. 12mo. Baltimore. 180JJ. , Discourse on the Origin and Prof^ress of the Society for Promot- ing- Religious Knowledge among the Poor, from its Commencement in J 750 to 1802. 8vo. London. Riscarrick, Elizabeth. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Dec. 20, 1G98. 12mo. Boston. 1698. Ritchie, Andrew, Jun. Oration, July 4, 1808, at Boston. 8vo. Boston. 18C8. , . Address before tiie Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1818. Svo. Boston. 18J1). Rituale, Romanum. Pauli V. Pont. Max. Jussu Editum. IGmo. Lugduni. 168G. Rittenhouse, David. Oration before the American Philosophical Society, at Phi- ladelphia, Feb. 24, 1775. , . See Appendix to his Life by W. Barton. , . The Same. 4to. Philadelphia. 1775. , . See Peters, Richard. Rives, William C. Speech in Congress, Feb. 5, 1828, on Retrenchment and Re- form. Svo. Washington. 1828. Rivetus, Andreas. Commentarius in Hoseam Prophetam. 4to. Lug. Bat. ]G2o. , . Catholicus Orthodoxus, Oppositus Catholico Papistae. 2 vol. 4 to. Lug. Bat. 1630. , — '■ . Collegium Controversiaram Inter Orthodoxos et Pontificios, brevibus positionibus Comprehensum. [Elzevir.] IGmo. Lug. Bat. 1G3I. , . Disputationes Tredecim. [Elzevir.] IGmo. Lug. Bat. 1G3L , . Theologicae et Scholasticae Exercitationes CXC. In Genesin. [Elzevir.] 4to. Lug. Bat. 1G33. , . Commentarii in liibrum Secundum Mosis Qui Exodus apud Graecos inscribitur. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1633. , . Praelectiones in Cap. XX Exodi. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1G37. , . Antidotum contra Pestem et malorum omnium Alexema Meditatio in Psalm XCI. IGmo. Arnhemii. 1638. , . Commentarius in Psalmorum Propheticorum de Mysteriis Evangelicis, dodecadem Selectam. 4to. Roterdami. 1645. Roads and Canals. Treasurers Report to Congress, April 12, 1808, on Roads and Canals. 8vo. Washington. 1808. . Description of the Roads in the United States. ]2mo. 1819. Robbins, Archibald. Journal of Sufferings on the Coast of Africa in 1815-16-17. 7th ed. 12mo. Hartford. 1818. Robbins, Chandler. Reply to some Essays lately published by John Cotton, Esq. [of Plymouth,] relating to Baptism. Svo. Boston. 1773. , . Some Brief Remarks on a Piece published by John Cotton, Esq. at Plymouth. Svo. Boston. 1774. . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . Address at Plymouth, Jan. 24, 1793, to the Inhabitants assembled to Celebrate the Victories of the French Republic over their invad- ers. 4to. Boston. 1793. , . Messachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . Anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 22, 1793. Svo. Boston. 1794. , . The Same. 12mo. Stockbridge. 1796. , . Discourse before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 14, 1796. 4to. Boston. 1796. , — . Sermon at Boylston, [Mass.] June 6, 1797, at the Ordina- tion of Ward Cotton. Svo. Worcester. 1797. Robbins, Philemon. Sermon at the Ordination of Chandler Robbins, at Plymouth, Jan. 30, 1760. Svo. Boston. 1760. Robbins, Thomas. Fast Sermon at East Windsor, [Con.] Jan. 12, 1815. Svo. Middletown. 1815. Robbins, Nathaniel. Sermon at the Ordination of Peter Thatcher, at Maiden, Mass. Sept. 19, 1770. Svo. Boston. 177]. 14 A 1\I E U I C A X ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Robbins, Natlianiel. Jerusalem's Peace Wished. Massachusetts Election Ser- mon. 8vo. Boston. 1772. , . Sermon at Danvers, [Mass.] Dec. 23, 1772, at the Ordina- tion of Benjamin Wadswarth. 8vo. Boston. 1773. Robbjns, Thomas. Ecclesiastical Government. Sermon at Winchendon, [Mass.] Oct. 18, 1820, at the Installation of Rev. Eber L. Clark. 8vo. Worcester. 1820. , . Address before a number of Military Companies, at Hartford, [Con.] July 4, ] 822. 8vo. Hartford. 1822. Robbins, Asliur. Address at Pawtucket to the Rhode Island Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Industry, Oct. 16, 1822. 8vo. Providence. 1822. . . , . Oration at Newport, R. I. July 4, 1827. 8vo. Providence* 1827. , . Speech in Congress on the Protection of American Industry, March 2, 1832. 8vo. Washington. 1832. Roberts, Daniel. Some Memoirs of the Life of John Roberts. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1805. Roberts, Francis. Sermon at the Funeral of Joseph Jackson, Esq. 4to. Lon- don. ]r)()2. Roberts, James A. Sermon preached on the day of Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, 1833, in New Bedford, Mass. 8vo. New Bedford. 1833. Roberts, P. Sketch of the Early Plistory of the Cymry, or Ancient Britains, from the year 700, before Christ, to A. D. 500. 8vo. London. 1803. Roberts, William. Story of Eugenie and Amelia, or the Vicissitudes of Life. 12mo. Worcester. 1798. , . Unitarian Christianity Vindicated against the attacks of the Gentlem.en's Gooroos. 8vo. Madras. 1831. Roberts, Lewis. The Merchants Map of Commerce. With advice concerning Bills of Exchange. Together with that most Perfect Treatise of Trade, enti- tled, England's Benefit and Advantage by Foreign Trade demonstrated. By Thomas Mun. 4th ed. fol. London. 1700. , . Merchant's Map of Commerce, fol. London. 1C38. Roberts, W. Portraiture of a Christian Gentleman. 12mo. New York. 1831. Robertson, William. History of America. 7th ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1796. ^ . History of America, Books 9 and 10, containing the History of Virginia to 1688, and New England to 1652. 12mo. Walpole, N. PL 1800. , . History of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary, and James VI. to which is prefixed an Account of the Author's Life and Writings. iiy Dugald Stewart. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1811. , . Historical Disquisition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India. With an Appendix. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1792. Robertson, Gulielnius. Tentamen Pathologicum Inaugurale, de causis Hydropum. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1786. Robespierre. History of 8vo. London. 1794. Robie, Thomas. Sermon at the College in Cambridge, N. E. to a Society of Young Students. 12mo. Boston. 1721. Robin, Abbe. New Travels through North America. In a Series of Letters, tr. from the French. 8vo. Boston. 1784. Robinson, Benjamin. Christmas Sermon, Dec. 25, 1706. 12mo. London. 1707. Robinson, Christopher. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty, 1798. Vol. 1, 8vo. London. 1799. Robinson, Frederick. Letter to Hon. Rufus Choate, containing a Brief Exposure of Law Craft. 12mo. 1832. Robinson, H. Latine Phrases of Westminster School. 5th ed. 16mo. London. 1667. , — . Scholae Wintoniensis Phrases Latinae. 10th ed. 12rao. Lon- don. 1681. CATALOGUE OF L I R R A RY. 15 Robinson, John. Description of, and Critical Remarks on the Picture by Benja- min West, of Christ Healing the Sick, in the Temple. Presented by him to the Pennsylvania Hospital. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1818. Robinson, Ralph. Sermon at the Funerall of Mrs. Thomasin Barnardiston, wife of Mr. Barnardiston. 4to. London. .1654. , . Christ all in all. Being the Substance of many Sermons. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1060. Robinson, Robert. Christian Submission to Civil Government. Discourse at Cambridge, [Eng.] Jan. 30, 1780. 2d ed. 8vo. Cambridge. 1780. Robinson, Robert C. Masonic Address at Cummington, [Mass.] June 25, 1822. 8vo. Northampton. 1822. Robinson, Roger. Sermon at Paule's Crosse, Sept. 3, 1609. 4to. London. 1609. Robinson, Thomas. The last Days of Bishop Heber. 12mo. New York. 1831. Robinson, Thomas Romney. Poems. Written between the age of Seven and Thirteen. To which is prefixed, a short Account of the Author. 8vo. Brook- lyn. 1808. Robinson, William. Hebrew Text of the Psalmes, and Lamentations. 12mo. London. 1656. Robinson, William Davis. Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, including a Narrative of the Expedition of Gen. XavierMina. With some Observations on the Practicability of opening a Commerce between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. Robinson. See Trinity. Robison, John. Extracts from his " Proofs of a Conspiracy," &c. 8vo. Boston. 1799. Robey, Joseph. Fast Sermon at Lynn, [Mass.] April 17, 1794. 8vo. Port- land, Me. Robotham, Johannes. Gate of Languages Unlocked. 16mo. 1631. Robson, Joseph. Account of six years Residence in Hudson's Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and from 1744 to 1747. With an Appendix. 8vo. London. 1752. Roche, M. De. Letter from Quebec to M. Le Maine, a French Officer. 12mo. Boston. 1754. Roche, Regina Maria. Nocturnal Visit. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 180L , . The Maid of the Hamlet. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1801. , . The Vicar of Lansdowne. 2 vols in 1. 12mo. Balti- more. 1802. Rochefoucault, Duke De La. Maxims of. 12mo. Boston. 1794. Rochester, Earle of See Parsons, R. Rochester, Lord Bishop of. Letter to the Clergy on occasion of his being committed to the Tower. 12mo. Boston. 1722. Rockenbach, Abrahamus. De Cometis. 16mo. Witebergae. 1602. Rockingham Charitable Society. Seventh Report. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1824. Rockwood, Elisha. Century Sermon at Westborough, Mass. Dec. 3, 1818. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Rodericus, A. Castro. De Universa Muliebrium Morborum Medicina. 2 vols. Ed. 3tia. 4to. Hamburgh 1628. Rodgers, John. Brief View of the State of Religious Liberty in the Colonies of New York, read before the Delegates of the Consociated Churches of Connec- ticut and the Synod of New York and Philadelphia, met at Stamford, Sept J, 1773. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 1. 2nd Series.] Rodman, Thomas P. Poem, delivered at New Bedford, July 4, 1833. 8vo. New Bedford, Mass. 1833. Rogall, George Frederick. Kern Alter and neur Lieder. 24mo. Kdnigsberg. 1763. Rogers, Daniel. A Treatise of the Two Sacraments. 3rd ed. 4to. London. 1636. , . Practical Catechisme. 4to. London. 1620. Rogers, Francis. Visitation Sermon, April, 1630. 4to. London. 1G33. 16 A M E R I C A i\ ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. lloj^crs, Jolin, and John BradforJ. Martyrology, or a Brief Account of the Lives, Sufferings and Deaths of. IGino. Boston. 1736. Roncrs, .lolin. Sermon at Ipswicli, [Mas3.] Sept. J6, 1739, on the Death of Hon. John Aj)pleton, who died Scj)t. 11, J73D. 8vo. Boston. 1739. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. l(Jino. Boston. 1706. Rogers, John. Three Sermons on Different Subjects and Occasions. 8vo. Boston. 17oG. Rogers, John. Letter to the Churches of New Ena:land. 12mo. Newport, R. L . Rogers, John. A Midnight-Cry from the Temple of God to the Ten Virgins Slumbering and Sleeping, Awake, Awake, Arise, &c. IGmo. J . An Epistle to the Churches of Christ call'd Quakers. 16mo. Rogers, Nehemiah. Visitation Sermon, Sept. 3, ](i31. 4to. London. 1G32. Rogers, Richard. Seven Treatises Containing Directions out of the Scriptures, leading to true Happiness, fol. London. , . Seven Treatises, Containing Directions out of the Scrip- tures, leading to true Happiness. 3d ed. fol. London. IGIO. , ■ . Sermons. 4lo. Lonflon. 1612. Rogers, Robert, (Major.) Journal from Sept. 24, 1755, to Feb. 14, 1761. See Stark, Caleb. Rogers, Samuek Pleasures of Memory. 12mo. Boston. 1795. , . Pleasures of Memory and other Poems. 12mo. New York. 1802. Rogers, Sally. Account of. 8vo. Walpole, N. H. 1806. Rogers, Timothy F. Dedication Sermon at Bernardston, [Mass.] Jan. 12, 1824. 8vo. Greenfield. 1825. Rogers, Thomas J. A NeAv American Biographical Dictionary. 3d ed. 8vo. Easton, Penn. 1824. Rogers, Thomas. The 39 Articles analized and proved to be agreeable to the Scriptures. 4to. London. 1G25. See Church. Rogniat, Baron De. See Swett, B. Rollenson, Frances. Sermons before his Majestie. 4to. London. 1611. , . Twelve Prophetical Legacies in 12 Sermons upon Jacob's Last Will and Testament. 4to. London. 1612. Rollin, Charles. Ancient History, tr. from the French. 12th ed, -with an Atlas. 4to. 8 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1807-11. Romaine, W. Sermon, Jan. 4, 1759, upon the Death of Rev. James Hervey. 4th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1759. Romans, Bernard. Concise Natural Plistory of East and West Florida. 12mo. New York. 1776. , . Annals of the Troubles in the Netherlands from the Acces- sion of Charles V. Emperor of Germany. 3 vols. 8vo. Hartford. 1778. Romeyn, John, B. Two Fast Sermons at Albany, [N. Y.] Sept. 8, 1808. 8vo* Albany. 1808. , . Sermon at New York, Dec. 22, 1821, on the Anniversary of the Landing of the Pilgrims of New England, at Plymouth. 8vo. New York. 1822. Romish Church. Account of Several Offices in. 12mo. London. 1700. See Church. Root, David. Sermon on Slavery. 8vo. Dover, N. H. 1835. Rosarius, Johannes Baptista. De Victoria Christianorum ad Echinadas : Oratio. IGmo. Lipsiae. 1571. Roscoe, William. Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. 4 vols. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1805-6. , . Considerations on the Causes, Objeci,s, and Consequences of the Present War, and on the Expediency or the Danger of Peace with France. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1808. , . Brief Statement of the Causes which have led to the Aban- ment of the Celebrated System of Penitentiary Discipline in some of the United States of America. In a Letter to the Hon. Stephen Allen of New York. 8vo. Liverpool. [1827.] CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 17 Kose, William. Balaam's Better Wish : Sermon. 4to. London. 1047. Ross, Alexander. Medicos Medicatus: or the Physician's Relin;ion cured by a Ijenitive or Gentle Potion. With observations upon Sir Kenelme Digby's Observations on Religio Medici. iCmw. London. 1645. Ross, Alexander. Enchiridion Duplex ; Oratorium nempe, et Poeticum. lOmo. London. 1(150. Ross, Rev. Mr. American Latin Grammar. 5th ed. ]2mo. Providence, R. L 1780. Rosseau, John James. Letters of an Italian Nun and English Gentleman, tr. from the French. J2mo. Worcester, Mass. 1796. Rossetus, Franciscus. Exsectio Foetus Vivi ex Matre Viva, etc. Gallice con- scripta. Reddita Latio, et vaiiis Ijistoriis aucta, a Casparo Bauhino. IGmo. Francofurti. JGCl. Rotheram, John. The Edinburgh Dispensatory. 3rd ed. Walpole, N. H. 171)6. Rottcveen, Jo!;anr.es. Disputatio Theologica. 4to. Lug. Bat. Roulstone, John, Jun. Tribute of Affection to a member of the Freshman Class in Harvard University, who died Feb. 20, 18'29. I'^mo. Boston. Rous, Francis. Oil of Scorpions ; or tiie Miseries cf these Times turned into Medicines, curing themselves. IfJmo. London. 16^3. , . Archaeolooiae Atticae. Hm\o. Amsterdam. 1(188. Rowe, Elizabeth. Friendship in Death, in twenty Letters from the Dead to the Living. With a Life of Tlie Author. Pitno. Boston. 1792 , . Devout Exercises of tlie Heart. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1802. Rowe, N. The Ambitious Step Mother. — Tragedy. Sd ed. 4to. London. 1702. Rowland, David. Farewell Sermon at Plainfield, Con. May 3, 1761. 8vo. Boston. 1761. , . Catholicism : Discourse before the Congregational Ministers of Rhode Island, at Bristol, May 20, 1772. 12mo. Providence. 1772. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Providence, R. L, on the Repeal of the Stamp Act, June 4, 1766. 12mo. Providence. , . Discourse at Wintonbury, Jan. 30, 1783, at the Funeral of the Rev. Hezekiah Bissell. Svo. Nev/ London. 1783. Rowland, David S. See Foster, Isaac. Rowland, William. Judicial Astrologie judicially condemned, upon a Survey and Examination of Chris : Pleydon's Apology for it, in answer to Mr. Cham- bers. 16mo. London. ' 1052. Rowlandson, Mary. Narrative of the Captivity, Sufferings and Removes of. Svo. Boston. 1775. • , . Narrative of her Captivity, Sufferings and Removes. 12iiio. Boston. 1805. , . The Same. ]2mo. , . Narrative of her Captivity and Removes, written by herself. 12mo. Brookfield, Mass. 1811. , . With Notes. [By Joseph Willard.] 12mo. Lancaster, Mass. 1828. Rowlett, John, and Ennion Williams. Caution to Banks, Merchants, &c., Being the Details of a Controversy between. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1823. Rowley, Thomas. Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol. By Thomas Rowley and others in the 15th Century. With an Introductory account of the Several Pieces and a Glossary. Svo. London. 1777. See Chatterton, Thomas. Rowley, William, An Essay on the Cure of Ulcerated Lc^s, without Rest, Exem- plified by a Variety of Cases. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1771. M'^d. Tracts. Vol.3. , . A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Breasts. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1777. , . Treatise on Female, Nervous, Ilystencil, Hyj.>ochnn;-ri^ical Bilious, Convulsive Diseases ; Apoplexy and Palsy; With thoughts on Madness, Suicide, &c. Svo. London. J 788. Rowson, Susanna. Miscellaneous Poems. 12m"). Boston. 1804. — ^ J . Rebecca and Rachel: or Taloa of old Tiinea. l2moi> Boston. 1798. 63 18 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Rowson, Susanna. Charlotte Temple. 12mo. Windsor, Vt. 1812. , . Biblical Dialogues between a Father and his Family. 2 vols. ISmo. Boston. 1822. Roy, Ramnichun. Address to members of Congress on the Abolition of Slavery. 8vo. Royal Academy. Discourse to the students of, on the Distribution of the Prizes, Dec. 11, 17G!J. By the President. 4to. London. 17()9. Royal, Anne. Sketches of History, Life and manners, in the United States. 12mo. New Haven. 182a , . The Tennessean. 12mo. New Haven, Con. 1827. , . The Black Book. 3vols. 12mo. Washington. 18^8-9. Royal Kalendar: and Court and City Register for England, Scotland,-Ireland and the Colonies for the year 1830. 12mo. London. Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions of the, from 1605 to 1686. 15 vols, and from 1695 to 1701. 4 vols, and vol. 51, for 1759. 2 vols. 4to. Lon- don. 1665—17.59. . Two Discourses before, one on the Wits of men ; the other on the Mysterie of Vintners. 16mo. London. 1669. • . Diplomata et Statuta Regalis Societatis Londini pro Scientia Natiirali promovenda. 8vo. Londini. 1752. Royal Academy of Arts. Address before, on the Distribution of Prizes, Dec. 11, 1769. 4to. London, Royal American Magazine, June 1774. 8vo. Boston. y Rueus, Franciscus, De Gemmis aliquot, lis praesertim quarum D. ^Johannes Apos- tolus in Sua Apocalypsi n eminit. ed Srtia. 16mo. Tiguri. 1565. Ruggles Thomas. Usefulness and Expedience of Soldiers As Discovered By Reason and Experience, and Countenanced nnd Supported by the Gospel. Ser- mon to an artillery Company at Guilford. [Con.] May 25,1736. 16mo. New London. 1737. ^ . The Death of great, good and useful Men Lamented. Discourse at Killingworth, [Con,] April 21, 1773, upon the Lamented Death of the Great and Venerable Dr. Jared Eliot. 4to. New Haven. 1763. Ruhiere, M. De. History or Anecdotes of the Revolution in Russia in 1762. 12mo. Boston. 1798. Ruling Ehlers. Vindication of the Divine Authority of. 12mo. 1700. . Reply to some Remarks in a Letter to a Gentleman Relating to the Office of. IGino. Rum Richard. At a Court held at Punch-Hall, in the Colony of Bacchus. The Indictment and Trial of sir Richard Rum. 6th ed. 12mo. Newport, R. L 1770. Rumford, Benjamin Thomson, [Count of.] Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosophical, vol. 2. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , , — . Proposals for Forming by Subscrip- tion in the Metropolis of the British Empire, a public Institution for diflfusing the knowledge and facilitating the General Introduction of useful Mechanical inventions, and Improvements, &c. 8vo. ]7!)9. Rumsey, Jaines. Short Treatise on the application of Steam. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1788. Rush, Benjamin. Thoii 'hfs upon Female Education &c. addressed to the Visit- ors of tlie Young Ladies' academy, at Philadelphia, July 28, 1787, with a Prayer by the Ptov. Samuel Margan. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1787. , . Oration before the American Philosophical Society, at Phila- delphia, Feb. 27, 178*;. 4to. Philadelphia. 1786. f --, . Eulogium on David Rittenhouse. 8vo. Philadelphia. . , . An Inquiry into the Effects of Spirituous Liquors on the Hu- man Body. 12mo. Boston. 1790. , . Inquiry into the Effects of Ardent Spirits upon the Human Body and Mind. 7t]i. ed. 12mo. Boston. 1812. , . Inquiry m'ro the Effects of Ardent Spirits upon the Human Body and Mind &c. 8th ed. 12mo. Brookfield Mass. 1814. . . Medical Inquiries and Observations. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 19 Rush, Benjamin. An Account of the Bilious remitting Yellow Fever it ap- peared in the City of Philadelphia in the year 1793. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1794. , . Three Lectures upon Animal Life, deliveied in the university of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. , . Observations upon the OrifT'in of the Malignant Bilious or Yel- lov/ Fever in Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. , . Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind. 8vo. Philadelphia. 18J9. Rush, Richard. Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of St. James. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. Rushton, Edward. Expostulatory Letter to Georg-e Washington of Mount Ver- non, in Virginia on his continuing to be a Proprietor of Slaves. 12mo. Liver- pool. 1797. The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Russell, Benjamin. Debates in the Convention convened at Boston Jan. 9, 1788, for ratifying the Constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention: Reported by. 12mo. Boston. J 788. , . Address to the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanick Associ- ation, Doc. 21, 1809. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Boston Centinel. Russel, John. Address before the Faustus Association, at Boston, Oct. 4, 1808. Russel, John Miller. Oration at Charlestown, [Mass.] July 4, 1797. 8yo. Charlestown. Russel, Jonathan. A Plea for the Righteousness ot God. Massachusetts Elec- tion Sermon. 4to. Boston. 1704. R ussel, Jonathan. Oration at Providence, R. I. July 4, 1800. 8vo. Providence. 1800. The Same. 3d. ed. 8vo. Providence. 1803. ; . Address before the Agricultural Society at Worcester, Sept. 27, 1821. 8\'o. Worcester. 1821. , . Letter to John P. Van Ness, Esq. with an appendix. 8vo. 1828. Russell, Joseph. Sermon at Princeton Massachusetts, April 8th 1798, on the Death of Madam Gill, Consort of the Hon. Moses Gill, who died March 19th, 1798. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , . Oration at Princeton July 4, 1799. 8vo. Worcester. 1799. Russell, Robert. Seven Sermons. 5th ed. l2mo. Boston. 17(17. ^ Seven Sermons. 15th ed. 16mo. Boston. 1772. , . Seven Sermons. IfJmo. Russell, Samuel. Trial of the Action in favor of Rev. Samuel Russell of Boyls- ton, [Mass.] against John Howe of Boylston for Defamation, at Worcester, April 1831. 8vo. Worcester. 1831. , . Review of the toregoing. By Samuel Russell. 8vo. Boston. 183L Russell, William. History of Modern Europe with a Continuation. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1815. Russel, William. Address on Infant Schools, 8vo. Boston. 1829. Russia. Resources of, in the event of a War with France. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Raston, Thomas. Dissertatio Medica de Febribus Biliosis. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1765. Ruter, Martin. Sf^e Brown, Francis. Rutherford, Samuel. Peaceable and Temperate Plea for Paul's Presbyterie in Scotland. 4to. London. 1642. J . Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 31, 1643. 4to. London. 1644. , . Fast Sermon before the House of Commons. 16mo. Lon- don. 1644. , . Lex Rex. The Law and the Prince. A Dispute for the just Prerogative of King and People, &c. in Answer to Jo. Maxwell. 4to. London. 1644. ^ , Sermon before the Plouse of Lords, June 25, 1645. 4to. London. 1645. 20 AMBRICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Rutherford, Samuel. Fast Sermon before the House of Lords. ICmo. London. 1645. „ J , Past Sermon. 4to. London. 1G45. , . Christ I/yin^ and Drawing Sinners to Himself 4to. Lon- don. 1647. , . The Tryal and Triumph of Faith. 16mo. London. 1G52. , . Influences of the Life of Grace. 4to. Lonci n. 1 659. . — . Letters Concerning Non-Conformity. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lon- don. I(j75. Rutherford, James. Sermon before the Society of Gray's Inn. 4to. London. 1658. Rutledge, John. Examination of the Question, who is the Writer of the two Forged Letters addressed to the President of the United States? attributed to John Rutledge. Esq. t'vo. J 803. Ryan, George. Report of his Trial, at Charlesto-vvn, N. H. for Highway Robbery. 8vo. Keene. 18] L Rycaut, Paul. See Garcilaso. Ryves, Brune. Two Sermons. 4to. 1652, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 1 S3C. S Sabbath. Remarks on the Observation of the Lord's Day, as a Moral, a Positive, and a Civil Dut5\ By a Tythinjrman. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. ]81(). . The People's Rights Reclaimed ; beinjr an Exposition of the Uncon- stitutionality of the Law of the State of New York, compelling- the Observance of a Religiotis Sabbath Day ; and erroneously entitled '"An Act for Suppress- ing Immorality," passed March 13, 1813. 8vo. New York. J82G. — . The Address of the General Union for Prosnotint^ the Observance of the Christian Sabbath, to the People of the United States, &c. 8vo. New York. 1828. . Proceedings in Relation to the formation of an Auxiliary Union of the City of Boston, for Promoting the Observance of the Christian Sabbath, with the Address of the General Union to the People of the United States. 8vo. Boston. 1828. . First Annual Report of the General Union for Promoting the Ob- servance of the Christian Sabbath. 8vo. New York. 1829. - — . Sunday Mails, or Inquiries into the Origin, Institution, and Proper Mode of Observance, of the First day of the Week, or Christian Sabbath. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. . See Massachusetts. [1816.] . An Account of Memorials presented to Congress during the last Session, &c. praying that the Mails may not be transported, nor Post Offices kept open on the Sabbath. 8vo. New York. 1829. . Review of the Report of the Committee, to whom was referred the Several Petitions on the Subject of Mails on the Sabbath, presented to tlie Senate of the United States, Jan. 16, 1829. By the Hon. Mr. Johnson, of Ken- tucky. 8vo. 1829. . Proceedings of the Middlesex, [Mass.] Convention for Suppressing Violations of the Lord's Day. 12mo. Andover. 1814. . An Account of the Proceedings of the Meeting at Auburn, N. Y. Aug. 23, 1828, in Relation to the Measures taken to enforce the Observance of the Sabbath, and the attempt to establish a Christian Party in Politicks. 8vo. Auburn. 1828. Sabin, Elijah R. Discourse before the Massaciuisetts Legislature, Feb. 14, 1812, Commemorative of the Calamitous Fire at Richmond, Va. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Sabine, James. Sermon in Commemoration of the Benevolence of the Citizens of Boston, who, on occasion of the dreadful Fires on the 7th and 21st of Nov. 1817, in St. John's, Newfoundland, sent dov/n gratuitous supplies, &c. preached at St. John's, Feb. 22, 1818. 8vo. St. John's. 1818. , . Sermon before the Associated ('ongregational Ministers of Salem and Vicinity, at Maiden, [Mass.] Sept 1818. 8vo. Boston. 1818. , . The Fathers of New England. Sermon at Boston, Dec. 22, 1820, being the Second Centennial Celebration of the Landing of the Fathers at Plymouth. 8vo. Boston. 1821. 2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Sabine, James. Sermon, Jan. 8, 1823, before the Foreign Mission Society of Boston and Vicinity. 8\o. Boston. 1823. , . Discourse at Metliuen, [Mass.] May 10, 182G, at the Consecra- tion and Installation of Grecian Lodge. 8vo. Andover. 1826. , . Sermon delivered on Fast Dav, April G, 182G. 8vo. Boston. 1826. , . Sermon on the Dedication of the First Presbyterian Church in Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Sabandus, Raymundus de Theologia Naturali. 16mo. Francofurti. 1035. Sacheverell, Henry A. Sharp Rebuke from one of the People called Quakers, to. 12 'no. London. 1755. Sackville, Thomas. [Lord Buckhurst] Poetical Works, with his Life. See British Poets. Sadeel, Antoninus Chandaeus. Opera Theologica. 4to. Genevae. 1593. Sadler, Anthonie. Mercy in a Miracle. 16mo. London. 1660. Sadler, John. Rights of the Kingdom, or Customs of our Ancestors. 4to. Lon- don. 1682. Saffo, Le Avventure di Poetessa di Mitilene Coll' Aggiunta Delia Faoniade. Tom. 3. 12mo. Firenze. 1809. Saffron. An Account of the Manner of its Culture and Saving for Use, with the Advantages it will be to this Kingdom. 8vo. Dublin. 1732. Sage, Alain Rene Le. The Devil upon two Sticks, in French and English. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 1795. Sagittarius's Letters and Political Speculations, Extracted from the Public Ledger. 8vo. Boston. 1775. Sagra, Ramon de la, Fablas Necrologicas del Colera Morbus en la ciudad de la Habana y sus Arrabales. 4to. Habana. 1833. , . Historia Economico-politica y estadistica de la Isla de Cuba. 4to. Habsna. 1831. St. Clair, Arthur. [Gen.] A Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign against the Indians, in 1791, was conducted, under the command of Major Gene- ral St. Clair. Together Avith his Observations on the Statement of the Secretary of War and the Quartermaster General relative thereto, and the Reports of the Committee appointed to inquire into the causes of the Failure thereof 8vo. Philadelphia. 1812. St. Clair and Randolph. Report of the Committee on the Inhabitants of the Counties of, in the Territories North West of the River Ohio. In Congress, May 12, 1796. 8vo. 1796. St. David's, Bishop of Vindication of the Miracles of our Lord, with an Exami- nation of Mr. Woolson's Discourses. 12mo. London. 1729. St. David's, Nicholas, Bishop of Charity Sermon. With an Account of the Origin and Design of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 4to. London. 1639. Saint Domingo. Considerations Sur L'Etat Present de la Colonie Francaise de Saint Domingue. Par Mr. H. D— 1. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1776-7. . Inquiry into the Causes of the Insurrection of the Negroes in the Island of With the Observations of Mr. Garran Coulon on the Same Sub- ject. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1792. • . History of the Island of, from its first Discovery by Columbus to the Present Period. 8vo. New York. 1824. St. Fargel, Countesse de. La Belle Captive, ou Histoire du Naufrage et de la Captivit6 de Mademoiselle Adeline, Comtesse d3 Sr. Fargel, agee de 16 ans daus une des parties du Royaume d' Alger, en 1782. 12mo. Paris. 1785. St. .lohn, J. Hector. See Crevecoeur. St. J u lien, Conte de. Memoirs of, or the Victim of Passion. 12mo. Dublin. 1795. St. Jure, John Baptist. Holy Life of M. De Renty, tr. from the French. 12mo. London. 1684. St. Mery L. E. Moreau de. See Moreau de St. M6ry. St. Pierre, James Henry, Bernardin de. Voyages of Amasis, in French and English. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1795. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. s St. Real, Abbot de. History of the Conspiracy of the Spaniards against the Re- public of Venice in 1G18, tr. from the French. 12nio. Glasgow. 1767. Saireville, Count de. Catalogue of his Collection of Paintings. 12mo. New- York. 1831. Salem, [Mass.] Letter relating to the Divisions in the First Church of, dated Oct. 21, 1734. 12mo. Boston. . Letter to a Friend relating to the Differences in the First Church of 12mo. Boston. 1735. . . Remarks on the above. 12mo. Boston. 1735. . Mr. Frescot's Examination of Certain Remarks, &c. in a Letter to the Brethren of the Church of Christ in Salem, adhering to their Rev. Pastor. 12mo. Boston. 1735. . The Examiner Examined, or an Answer to Mr. Prescott's Ex- amination of Certain Remarks. By the Author of the Remarks. 12nio. Bos- ton. 173G. . Faithful Narrative of the Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Coun- cil Convened at Salem in 1734. 12mo. Boston. 1735. . Just and Impartial Narrative of the Controversy between the Rev. Samuel Fiske the Pastor, and a number of the Brethren of the First Church in. 12mo. Boston. 1735. — . LaAvs of the Marine Society at Salem, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as amended and Agreed upon July 29, 1784. 8vo. Salem. 1784. . Female Charitable Society, Instituted July 1, 1801. 12mo. Salem. . Rules of Work of the Housewrights in the Town of. 12mo. Salem. 1804. . Iron Factory Company. Act for Incorporation. [With the Ar- ticles of Agreement, &c.] 12jno. Salem. 1804. • . Memorial of the Merchants and others in, to Congress. 8vo. Salem. 1820. I . Atheneum. Catalogue of Books in, with the By-Laws and Regu- lations of. 8vo. Salem. 182C. . Biographical Sketch of the Celebrated Salem Murderer. By a Citizen of Danvers. 8vo. Boston. 1830. { . Catalogue of the Members, Journals and Articles in the Muse- um of the East India Marine Society. 8vo. Salem. 1832. . Correspondence between the First Church in Salem and Taber- nacle Church. [By D. A. White and H. Devereux.J 8vo. Salem. 1832. . Directory for 1837. ]9mo. Salem. 1837. Sales. Love of Christ. 16mo. 1622. Salgado, James. Symbiosis, or the Intimate Converse of Pope and Devil, attend- ed by a Cardinal and Buffoon, &c. 16mo. London. 1681. Salisbury, Bishop of The Wiiite Crow, or an Enquiry into some New Doc- trines, broach'd by, in a pair of Sermons, uttered 5 and 7 Nov. 1710. 2d ed. ]2mo. 17 JO. Sulle,M. de la. Account of his Last Expedition and Discoveries in North Amer- ica. [New York. Hist. Coll. Vol. 2.] Sallustius, Caius Crispus. Conjuratio Catalinae. 24m.o. Genevae. 1626. , . The Sam.e. ]2mo. London. 1745. Salmon, Robert. Mechanical Analysis of the General Construction of Trusses. 8vo. London. J 807. Salmon, Thomas. Modern Gazetteer. 5th ed. 12mo. London. 1758. , . The Same. 3rd ed. ]2mo. London. J 756. Salmon, William. Polygraphics : or the Arts of Drawing, Engraving, Etching, LiLnning, Painting, Vernishing, Japanning, Gilding, &c. 2 vols. 8th ed. 8vo. London. 1701. , . Polygraphice. 16mo. Salmurium. Syntagmata Thesium Theologicaium in Academia Salmuriensi^ fol. Salmurii. 1664. Salomon. Vide Soloo or 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Salomon, Nicholas. The Expeditious Accountant. 8vo. London. 1774. Salt. The Art of makin;>- Common Salt, particularly adapted to the Use of the American Colonies, [from the Pennsylvania Magazine.] 8vo. Philadelphia. 177(). Saltern, Tliom-is. Dorcas. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Mary Cab. 16mo. London. KJ'iS. Saltonstall, Le\erett. Historical Sketch of Haverhill, Massachusetts. [Mass. Hisi. Coll. 2d Series. Vol. 4.] Saltmarsh, Mr. See Ley, John ; Gataker, Thomas. Saltzburg-. A Farther Account of the Sufferinpfs of the Persecuted Protestants in the Archl)ishoprick of. Kmio. London. ll'V-i. Salt-Petre. Several Methods of Makino-, recommended to the Inhabitants of the United Colonies, by the Honorable Continental Con;jress. 12.no. Water- town. J 775. Salustius, du Cartas, William de. Divine Weeks, tr. by Joshua Sylvester. 4to. London. J()li. . The Historie of Judith, tr. from the French. Cy Thomas Hudson. 4to. London. J61I. . 'J'he Triumph of Faith, tr. from the French. Cy Joshua Sylvester. 4to. London. HJII. Salutations and Kissings in Ancient Times. A Modest Account concerning-. Cy Constant Rockman, M. A. 8vo. Coston. 17(J8. Salvation for All Men, Illustrated and Vindicated as a Scripture Doctrine. Cy one who wishes well to all iMankiud. 8vo. Coston. 1782. . See Mather, Sam; See Gordon, W ; See Divine Glory. . . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Coston. 1782. . See Mather, S; Divine Glory. Sal wey, Arthur. Sermon before the Houoe of Commons, Oct. 25, 1G43. 4to. London. J()44. Salzmann, C. G. Elements of Moralitv. tr. from the German. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 17!K). . , . Gymnastics for Youth, tr. from the German. Svo. Philadelphia. 1802. Samps(m against the Philistines, or the Reformation of Lawsuits, and Justice made cheap, speesly, and brought home to every Man's door. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 'l80o, Sampson, Lzra. Sermon at Roxbury Camp, [Mass.] before Col. Cotton's Regi- ment, July 20, 1775. 8vo. Watertown, [Mass.] 177.5. , . Thanksgiving Discourse, Feb. Ji>, 171)5. Svo. Coston. , . Ceauties of the Cible. i2mo. Coston. 1802. , . The Same. 12mo. Hudson, N. Y. 181.5. Sampson, William. Memoirs of. With a short Sketch of the History of Ireland, a Few Observations on the Manners, &:.c. in America. 8vo. New York. 1807. Sampson, Zabdiel. American Independence. Oration at New Cedford, [Mass.] July 4, ]80(). 8va Coston. 180(J. , . Oration, July 4, 1808, at Plymouth, [Mass.] Svo. Coston. 1808. Sampson, Joseph A. A. Remains of. 18mo. Rochester, N. Y. 1827. Sanborn, Peter. Sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, May 30, 1815. 8vo. Coston. 1815. Sancerre, Adelaide de. Letters of, to Count De Nance. ]2mo. Newbsrn, N. C. 1801. Sancroft, V/illiam. Consecration Sermon. 4to. London. 1660. Sanctius, Caspar. In Canticum Canticorum Commentarii. fol. Lugduni. lt)16. , . In Quatuor Libros Regum et duos Paralipomenon, Commen- tarii. fol. Lugduni. I{i23. , . In Duodecim Prophetas Minores et Baruch Commentarii cum Paraphrasi. fol. Lugduni. 1621. , . In Libras Ruth, Esdrae, Nehemiae, Tobiae, Judith, Esther, Machabaeorum Commentarii* fol. Lugduni. 1628. CATALOGUE OF L I U R A K Y. Sanctius, Gas{)ar. In Jereniiam Proplietam Commentarii cnrn parophrasi Ac- cessit Explicatio Psalnii CXXXVI, etc. fol. Lugduni. l(')'2'S. , . (]!onii;ienlarii in Isaiani. fol. Lugduni. J 025. , . In Librum fol Commentarii cum Paraplirasi. fol. Lugduni. 1625. ^ . In Ezocliielem ot Danieletn Prophetas Commentarii cum Par- aphrasi. 2 vol. fol. Lugduni. 1611J. , . Commentarii in Acta Apostolorum. 4\o. Lugduni. IGIC. Sandel. Enlooium on the lately deceased Emmanuel Sn-edcnborg-, at Stockholm, Oct. 7, 1772. tr. from the French. 8vo. London. 1784. Sandeman, Robert. Some I'houghts on Christianity, in a Letter to a Friend. 12mo, Boston. 1764. J . Letter to ])ira. Bv a Minister in Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1706. J . The Honour of Marriag-e opposed to ail Impurities. An Essa)'. 8vo. London. 1777. Sanders, Charlotte. The Little Family. 2 vols. P2ino. Ilcverhill, Mass. ]7<)0. Sanders, H. Thanksgiving- Sermon at the Accession of Georire I, to the Throne, Jan. 29, 1 714-1 5. P2mo. London. 1715. Sanders, Prince. Playtian Papers. A Collection of the very interesting Procla- mations aiid other Ollicial Documents, together with some Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Kingdom of Hayti. 12mo. Boston. 1S18. ■ , . Memoir presented to the American Convention for Promoting' the Abolition of Slavery and Iinjiroving tlie Condition of tiie African race, Dec. 11.1818. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1818. Sanders, Daniel Clarke. Masonic Discourse at Burlington, Vt June 24, 181 1. 8vo. Burlington. 1811. , ■ — . Masonic Sermon at Roxbury, [Mass.] June 24, 1817. 8vo. Dedham. 1817. ■ , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Bos- ton. , . Sermon at the Interment of Rev. George Morey. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Sanders, John. Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 9 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 181>3-7. Sandwich Islands. Narrative of Five Youths from the Sandwich Islands, now receiving an Education in this Country. 8vo. New York. 1816. Sanford, Ezekiel. History of the United States before the Revolution. With some Account of the Aborigines. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. Sanford, David. Two Dissert;itions. First. The Nature and Constitution of the Law, Avhich was given to Adam in Paradise, &c. Second. The Scene of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Sanger, Zedekiah. Discourse at the Ordination of James Wilson, at Providence, RTL Oct. 17, iroa 8vo. Providence. 1793. ~ , --. Sermon at Boylston, [Mass.] March 12, 1794, at the Ordina- tion of Hezekiah Hooper. 8vo. Worcester. 1795. Sannazarius, Jacobus. 0]}era Omnia. 24 mo. Sans souci, alias Free and Easy, or an Evening's Peep into a Polite Circle. Farce. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1785. Smtvoort, Petrus. Disputatio Theologica. 4to. Lug. Bat. "1699. Sapho. See SafTo. Sarn ent, Lucius Mr.nlius. The Culex of VirgiL With a translation into English Verse. 8vo. Boston. 1807. . . Hubert and Ellen. With other Poems. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1831. — . Address before the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance, May 27, 1833. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1833. , . Address before the Worcester Temperance Society at "Worcester. 8vo. Boston. 1833. ■ — '■ 5 — ■ r. Vide SymposiuF, Caelius. 54 f) A iM E R T C A N ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Sargeant, Thomas. Elementary Principles of Arithmetic. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1788. Sargent, Winthrop. Papers in relation to the Official Conduct of. 8vo. Boston. 1801. , . Papers relating to certain American Antiquities. 4to. Phi- ladelphia. 179(). Sargent. See Sergeant. Sarpi, Fra Paolo. Historie of the Councel of Trent, tr. from the Italian. By N. Brent, fol. London. 1019. Sarson, Laurence. Analysis of the 1st of Timothy, 1: 15. 4to. Cambridge. 1645. Sarum, Bishop. Sermon before Parliament. 4to. London. ]6"28. Sass, Henry. Journey to Rome and Naples in 18 J 7. 12mo. New York. 1818. Satan, Sifting, or the Oyl of Joy for the Spirit of Heaviness. 16mo. London. 1G92. Saulnier, M. Nouvelles Observations sm* Ics Finances des Etats Unis, en re- ponse a une brochure addressee par le General La Fayette aux Membres de le Chambre des Deputes. 8vo. Paris. J S3 1. Saunders, Erasmus. Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 3, 1721. 12mo. London. Saunders, Jack. True Friendsliip distinguished from that which is False, in a short Narrative of the Life of 12mo. Boston. 1812. Saunders, Robert. Observations on the Sore Throat and Fever that raged in the North of Scotland in the year 1777, in a Letter to William Grant. 8vo. Lon- don. 1778. Saunders, William. Syllabus of Lectures on Chemistry. 8vo. London. [1775.] , . Observationes de Antimonio ejusque usu in Morbis Curan- dis. 12mo. London. ]773. , . Treatise on r.Iineral Waters. 8vo. , . Treatise on the Red Bark. ]2mo. London. • — , • . Elements of the Practice of Physic, for the Use of Gentle- men who attend Lectures on that Subject. 12mo. London. 1780. , . Tavo Letters to Dr. Percival concernimg the Solution of Stones in the Bladder by Fixed air. See Percival's Essays. Vol. 3rd. . . Observations on the Superior Efficacy of the Red Peruvian Bark, in the cure of Agues and other Fevers. 8vo. London. 1782. , . Treatise on the Structure, Economy, and Diseases of the Liver, &c. 12mo. Walpole, [N. H.] 1810. Saunderson, Robert. Two Sermons, one on Christian Liberty, the other on the Perswasion of Conscience. 4to. London. 1()35. , . Twelve Sermons. 3 ad Clerum, 3 ad Magistratum, 6 ad Populum. 3rd ed. 4to. London. 1637. , . Two Sermons, one on the Right use of Christian Liberty, and the other on the persecution of Conscience. 4to. London. 1636. , . Sermon at Newport, in the Isle of Wight, Oct. 1628, in the Time of the Treaty. 4to. London. 1653. Saurin, James. Sermons, tr. from the French. By Robert Robinson. 2d ed. 7 vols. 8vo. Schenectady. 1813. , . Sermon on the Repentance of the Unchaste Woman, tr. from the French. By Robert Robinson. To which is added the Report of the Ministerial Labours Communicated to the Boston Society for Religious Pur- poses. By William Collier. 8vo. Boston. J 823. Savage, Ezekiel. Eulogy on Gen. George W ashington, at Salem, [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1800. Svo. Salem. 1800. Savage, James. Oration at Boston, July 4, 181L Svo. Boston. 1811. , . Address at Boston, Jan. 26, 1832, before the Massachusetts Ly- ceum, on the Constitution of Massachusetts. Svo. Boston. 1832. , . See Winthro^,'John. vannah, [Georgia.] Official Register of the Deaths which occurred among the ^Vhite Population in the City of, during the Summer and Fall months of 1820, &LC. Svo. Savannah. 1820. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 7 Saville, David. Sermon before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Chris- tian Knowledge in the Highlands! and Islands, June 2, 18C3. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1803. Saxius, Christophorus. Onomasticon Literarium. 8 vols. 8vo. Saxonia, Liidolphus de. Vita Jesu Christi. Cai adjecta est ad Calcem B. Matris Annae Vitac, pgr Petruni Dorlando. foh Antverpiae. 1G18. Sav, Thomas. Monograph of North American Insects, of the Genus Cicindela. [Amer. Phil. Tr. New Series. Vol. 1.] , . Descriptions of Insects of the Families of Carabici and Hydro- canthari of Satreille, inhabiting North America, [id. Vol. 2.] Sayer, Joseph. The Law of Costs. 3rd ed. 12mo. Dublin. J792. Sayre, James. See Bours, John. Scales, William. Contusion of Babel Discovered: or an answer to Jeiemy Belknap. Discourse upon the lawfulness of War, or Military Duty. Svo. America. 1 780. Scaligerus, Julius Caesar. Exotericarum Exercitationum, Liber XV. De Sub- tilitate ad Hieronymum Cardanum. ]6mo. Lugduni. 1615. Scharpius, Johannes. Cursus Theologicus. 4to. Aureliae Allobrogum. 1628. Schauffler, William G. Essay upon the Right Use of Property. ]2mo. Scheiblerus, Christophorus. Metaphysica. 2d ed. 4to. Genevae. 1650. , . Philosophia Compendiosa. ed. 5ta. 16mo. Ox- oniae. 1631. Schenck, Abraham H. Reply of, in Vindication of his Character against the Slanderous Charges made on the Floor of Congress by Churchill C. Cambreleng. 8vo. 1828. Schermerhorn, John F. and Samuel John Mills. Report Concerning the West- ern Indians. Mass. Hist. Coll. 2nd Series. Vol. 2. , . A Correct View of that part of the United States West of the Alleghany Mountains with regard to Religion and Morals. S'-o. Hartford, Con. fS]4. Schie, Jacobus Van. Disputatio Theologica. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1688. Schickardus, Wilhelmus. Horologium Ebraeum, sive Consilium. Institutio Lin- guae Sanct^e, &c. 16mo. Londini. 1703. , . Horologium Ebraeum. IGmo. Londini. 1G39. Schindlerus, Valentinus. Lexicon Pentaglotcon, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syri- acum, Talmud. Rabbinicum et Arabicum. fol. Frankofurti ad Moenum. 1612. Schlegel, J. G. W. Neutral Rights, or an Examination of the Right of Search of Neutral Vessels under Convoy : tr. from the French. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1801. Schloer, Frederick. Sermon on the Deaths of the Kings of Sweden and Bohe- mia, in Nov. 1632. tr. trom the High Dutch. 4to. London. 1633. Schonaeus, Corn. Terentius Christianus. IGmo. Cantab. 1632. Scholemaster, The. By Roger Ascham, Esq. Svo. London. 1743. School. See Sunday School. Schoolcraft, Henry R. View of the Lead Mines of Missouri. 8vo. New York. 1819. , . Narrative. JoTirnal of Travels from Detroit Northwest through the great chain of American Lakes to the Sources of the Mississippi River, in the year 1820. Svo. Albany, N. Y. 1821. . Memoir on the Geological position of a Fossil Tree dis- covered in the Secondary Rocks of the River Des Plaines. Svo. Albany, N. Y. 1822. Schorus, Antinonius, de Phrasibus Linguae Latinae. IGmo. Basileae. 1550. Scholanus, Johannes. Exercitationes Academicae. 16mo. Franequerae. 1687. Schuylkill Navigation Company. Report of the Managers, Jan. 2, 1826. Svo. Philadelphia. 1826. . , Jan. 1, 1827. Svo. Philadelphia. 1827. 8 A 1\I E R I f A N A X T I Q U A R I A N S O C I C T V. Schuvlkill NaviiT-ation Companv. Report of the Managers. Jan. 7, 1828. Svo. PhiladelpJiia. 1858. . . Jan. 4, 1830. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. . . Jan. G, 1834. Svo. Philadelphia. 1834. . Statement of Facts relative to the Origin and Causes of the present attempt to Free t'.e Schuylkill ]]rid^e. 8vo. Philadelphia. ■ . Menio.i;il of the President Directors and Company for erectin;^'- a peruianoiit Bridge ox er the Schuylkill, remonstratinn" against certtrtin alterations prayed for by t:jc West PhilaJcipIiia C.inal Company in lU Charter. 8vo. Harrisburg. 183->. Schrevelins, Cornelin.s. Lexicon ilanuale Graeco. Latinum et Latino Graecurn cum Studio J. Hill. cd. I3ma. 8vo. London. \7i'^. SchuUz, ('!iris:ian, Jur;, Travels on an Inhmd Voyage through New York, Penn- syivani i, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, 'j'ennessee, Indiana, Mississippi and Louisi- ana, in 1807 and 8. 2 vols 8vo. New York. 1810. Ecienza, Del Cuore tratta dall Illiade. 2 vols. 12mo. Torino. 1825.. Sciopius, (raspar. Crammalica Philosophica. ]6mo. Amsterdam. 1685. Scioto. Nouveau Prospectus de la Cornpagnie du Scioto avec Plusieurs Extraits de Lettres, Ecritcs du Scioto Merne, en date du 12 Oct. J 790. 8vo. 1790. Sclater, Williani. Germon at the Funeral of John Colics, in 16G7. 4to. Lon- don. 1G29. , . The Sick Souls Salve. Sermon. 4to. Oxford. 1012. , . The Christians Strength. A Sermon. 4to. Oxford. 1612. , . An Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 161G. , . Sermon at St. Maries in Cambridge. 4to. London. 1629. , . Sermon at Taunton. 4to. London. 1629. , . Re'nedie of Schisme. Sermon. 4to. London. 1642. , . Funeral Sermon, Jan. 24, 1G38. 4to. London. 1645. , . The Grand Assizes. Assize Sermon, July 28, 1652. 4to. London. 1G53. — . J . Sermon at London, Sept. 25, 1653, at the Funeral of Abraham Wheelock. 4to. London. 1654. Scotland. A Full Confutation of the Covenant lately Su^orne and subscribed by many in Scotland. 4to. London. 1639. . . An Act published by the General Assembly of, being a Forme of Examination at the Special Desire of the Kirk, &lc. 4 to. Edinburgh. 1641. . The Government and order of the Church of. 4to. 164 L :. The Readinesse of the Scots to advance into England. The Policie and Practice of the French Agent there to hinder it. Exprest in three Propo- sitions, &c. &c. 4to. London. 1643. . Historie of the Reformation of Cjjurch of. fok London. 1644. . Some Papers of the Commissioners of Scotland, given lately to the Houses of Parliament, Concerning the Propositions of Peace. 4to. liondon. 1646. . Papers from the Scots Quarters, containing some Passages concern- ing the King, the Estates of Scotland, the Garrisons, the Armies, and Proceed- ings for the Settling of the Kingdomes in Peace. 4to. London. 1646. . An Answer to the Scotch Papers, Delivered in the House of Com- mons in Reply to the Votes of both Houses of Parliament of England, concern- ing the disposal of the King's Person, as it was spoken when the said Papers were read in the House. By Thomas Chalcner. 4to. London. 1646. . A Remonstrance of the Kirk of Scotland, and the Message from the States, with Divers Passages of their Proceedings concerning the King's Majes- tie, and the Estates Answer to the Kirk of Scotland. 4to. London. 1646. . The Answer of the Commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland, to both Houses of Parliament, upon the Nev\- Pi opositions of Peace, with the Foure Bills to be sent to his Majestie. 4to. Loudon. 1647. . See Marten, Henry. C A T A L O G U r- OF LIBRA R V. 9 Scotlanr!, A Declaration nf the Commissioners of the General Assembly, to the ^vh;)]c Kirk and Kingdom of Scotland, concerning Present Dangers, and dutiesi relating to the Covenant and Religion. 4to. Edinburgh. K)4S. . Proceedings and Votes of the Parliament of, contained in an Address delivered to the King, Stated and Vindicated. 4to. Glasgow. 1G89. . Principal Acts of the General Assembly of tlje Church of, held at Edinburgh, Oct. ](>, IC-J'O. fol. Edinburgh. . Presbyterian Persecution Examined. With an Essay on the Nature and Necessity of Toleration in. ISmo. Edinburgh. 1707. . Collections and Observations Methodized, concerning the Vv^orship, Discipline and Government of the Church of. [Bv Vv'aller Steuart.] 4lo. Edinburgh. 1709. — i\Iemoirs concerning the affairs of Scotland, fi-om the Queen's Ac- cession to 1707. 8vo. London. 17 J4. " . An Inquiry into the Method of Settling Parishes, Conforming to the Acts and Practice of the Church of. IGnio. Edinburgh. 173'?. ' . The Representations of Ebenezer Erskine and others to the Commis- sioners of the late General Assembly of. 12mo. Edinburgh. ]733. . History of the Present Ptebellion. ISmo. Boston. 1744. . History of the Rebellion, 1745 and 174C. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1748. . Sermon before the Society for Propagating the Gospel in. ]2mo. . Political and Satirical History of Scotch Prevalency in the years 1761-2 and 3. 12mo. . Minister of the Church of Scotland. Letter from. ]2!no. Waulin. 1785. . Society of Antiquaries of. Transactions of. Vols. 1, 2, 3, and Parts land 2 of Vol 4. 4to. Edinburgh. 1792—1831. . Account of the Society of Antiquaries of. See Smellie, William. Scot Scourge. Being a Compleat Supplement to the British Antidote to Caledo- nian Poison. Vol. I. 12mo. London. 1765. Scott, Job. Five Letters from, to his Relations and Friends. ISm.o. New Bed- ford, Mass. 1807. , — . .lournal of the Life, Travels, and Gospel Labours of. 12mo. Wil- mington. 1797. , — . War inconsistent with the Doctrine and Examnle of Jesus Christ. New Bedford. 1812. , — . War inconsistent with the Doctrine and Exam.ple of Jesus Christ. In a Letter to a Friend. 3rd ed. 8vo. London. J8]r. , — . War inconsistent with the Doctrine and Example of Jesus Clirist. 8vo. London. 1828. Scott, Edward. See Tennessee. Scott, Jos. Nicol. Sermons in Defence of all Pvoligion, whether Natural or Re- vealed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. J 743. Scott, Jonathan. Sermon at Hallowell, [Me.] June 15, 1808, before the Maine Missionary Society. 8vo. Hallowell. 1808. , . The Conquest of the last Enemy ; or Complete Victory over Death. Discourse, ?Jarch 9, 1807, at the Funeral of the Rev. Samuel Fox- croft, at Gloucester, [Me.] 8vo. Charlestown, [Mass.] 1808. Scott. Jonathan M. The Sorceress, or Salem delivered. 12mo. New York. 1817. , . Blue Lights, or the Convention. 24mo. New York, 1817. Scott, Thomas. Christ's Politician, in two Sermons before the King. 16mo. London. 1616. , . High Ways of God and the King. Two Sermons. 4to. Lon- don. 1623. , . The Protector. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1623. , . Aphorisms of State, tr. from the Latin. 4 to. Utrech. 1624, , -. God and the King. Serm.on. 4to. , . Sermon. 4 to. 10 A M E r. I C A N ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T Y. Scott, Tlionms. The Force of Truth. An Authentic NaiTative. 12mo. Boston. 1814. Scott, Sir Vvalter. Mnrmion. 12mo. Boston. 1810. , --. ].ady of the Lake. 12mu. Montpelier, Vt. 1813. , . Rokeby. A Poem. ISmo. Boston. 1813. , . Field of Waterloo. Poem. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Lord of the Isles. 18nio. Boston. 18J5. , . Tales of My Landlord. 4 vols. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 1818. , , Ivanhoe. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1820. , . Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Scott, William. Lessons in Elocution. 8th ed. 12mo. Worcester. 1800. , . The Same. 3rd ed. 12mo. Hallowelh Me. 1811. Scott, William P*.. x\ddress before the Washington (N. Y.) Countv Temperance Society. 8vo. Sandy Hill, N. Y. 1832. Scott, William. O Temporal O Mores I or the Best New Year's Gift for a Prime Minister. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1774. Scottow, Joshua. A Narrative of the Planting of the Massachusetts Colony anno • 1628. With the Lord's Signal Presence the First Thirty Years. Also a Caution from New England's Apostle, the Great Cotton, &.c. 16mo. Boston. 1094. , . Old Men's Tears for their own Declensions. Mixed Avith Fears of their and Posterities further falling off from Nev/ England's Primitive Constitution. 12mo. Boston. 1691. , . Memoir of. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 4. 2nd Series.] , . See Brez, Guy de. Scriptores, Logarithmici, or a Collection of Several Curious Tracts on the Nature and Constitution of Logarithms, mentioned in Dr. Hutton's Historical Intro- duction to his New Edition of Sherwin's Mathematical Tables. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1791-0. Scriptural Inquiry concerning the Origin, Utility, and Lawfulness, of the Titles and Authority assumed, in Antient and Modern Times, by those who were, or pretended to be Teachers of the True Religion. 8vo. 1802. Scripture Bishop, Vindicated. By Eluthorius. 12mo. Buston. 1733. , Or the Divine Right of Presbyterian Ordination and Govern- ment, Considered in a Dialogue between Prelaticus and Eleutherius. 12mo. Boston. 1732. ^ , The Same. 8vo. 1733. Scripture, Fulfilling of Containing some Account of the Clergy in Scolland. 2d ed. 16mo. 1671. Scripture Peace Tract. The Song of Angels at the Saviour's Birth, illustrated by as many Texts of Scripture as the Letters it contains. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Scripture Prophecy. An Essay on. 4to. 1724. Scripture Truth Confirmed and Cleared. 16mo. London. 1678. Scriptures. Sober attention to the Scriptures of Truth, for a Satisfactory An- sv. er to the most Important Questions that ever Exercised the Minds of Men. 8vo. Boston. 1793. . Demonstration of the Divinity of Scriptures in the Fulfilment of the Pro])hecies. By a Layman. 8vo. Boston. 1811. Scrivener, Mr. See Non-Conformists. r:^'idder, Henry. Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 30, 1644. 4to. London. 1644. Scudder, John. Letters from the East. 12mo. Boston. 1833. Scudery, George de. Curiae Politiae, or the Apology of Severall Princes, tr. from the French, fol. London. 1654. Scull, John. Two Assize Sermons. 4to. London. 1624. Scultetus, Abrahamus. Idea Concionum in Isaiam Prophetam. 16mo. Genevae. 1610. • — , . Vide Pitiseus. C A T A L O U E OF I. 1 U K A U Y. Scabrook, Whitmarsh B. Concise View of the Critical Situation and Future Pros- pects of the Slave Holding States in relation to their colored Population. 2d ed. 8vo. Charleston, S. C. 1825. Seabury, Samuel. [Bp.] Nature and Extent of the Apostolical Commission. Sermon at the Consecration of, as Bishop of Connecticut. By a Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. Svo. Aberdeen. 1785. . , . First Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, at Middle- town, Con. Aug. 4, 178."). 8vo. New Plaven. 178.5. , Sermon before the Boston Episcopal Charitable Society, March 25, 1788. Svo. Boston. 1788. . , . Sermon at Portsmouth, N. IL on conferring the order of Pnesthood on Rev. Robert Fowle, of Holderness, N. U. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . Discourses on Several Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. Hud- son, N. Y. 1815. Seagrave, Robert. The True Protestant. I'^mo. Philadelphia. 1748. Seaman, Gulielmus. Catechesis Religionis Christianae Brevier Ilebraicae. ed. 2da. Per T. AUen. 12nio. Philadelphia. 1821. Seaman, Lazarus. Sermon before the House of Commons, Sept. 25, 1G44. 4to. London. 1644. . , . The Diatribe proved to be a Paradiatribe, or a Vindication of the Judgment of the Reformed Churches and Protestant Divines, from mis- representations concerning Ordination and Laving on of hands. 4to. London. 1647. , . A Glasse for the Times. Sermon. 4to. London. 1G50. Seaman, Valentine. Dissertation on the Mineral Waters of Saratoga, N. Y. 8vo. New York. 1793. Scarce, Henry. Oration delivered before the Apprentices Library Association, July 4, 1835. 12mo. Boston. 1835. Searl, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Stephen Peabody, at Atkinson, N. H. 8vo. Boston. 1773. Seasons. An Interlocutory Exercise at the South Grammar School, June 26, 17(i5. Being the Day of the Annual Visitation of the Schools in Boston. 4to. Boston. 1765. Seaserpent. Report of a Committee of the Linnaean Society of New England, relative to a large Marine Animal supposed to be a Serpent, seen near Capo Ann, Mass. Aug. 1817. Svo. Boston. 1817. Seasonable and Candid Thoughts on Human Creeds or articles of Faith, as Re- ligious Tests, connected Avith an Humble attempt to ascertain the True Character of Jesus Christ. By an Orthodox Clergyman of Massachusetts. Svo. Boston. 1813. Seaver, Ebenezer. Statement of V^otes in Congress, given in by the Hon. Ebene- zer Seaver. Svo. Boston. IS 12. Secomb, Joseph. Plain and Brief Rehearsal of the Operations of Christ as God. Svo. Boston. 1740. Secombe, John. Sermon at Halifax, N. S. Oct. 20, 1771, on the Death of the Honorable Abigail Belcher, wife of Jonathan Belcher, Esq. With an Epistle by Mather Byles. Svo. Boston, 1772. Seceder. An Impartial Enquiry into the Principles and Practices of the Sece- ders. ]2mo. Belfast. 1750. Seeker, Thomas. [Abp.] See Porteus, B ; Chandler, T. B. Seeker, William. A Wedding Ring, Fit for the Finger: or, The Salve of Di- vinity, on the Sore of Humanity. With directions to those Men that want Wives, how to choose them ; and to those Women that have Husbands, how to use them. Laid open in a Sermon at a Wedding in Edmonton. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1750. Sedgwick, Theodore. Address before the Berkshire Association for the Promo- tion of Agriculture and Manufactures, at Pittsfield [Mass.] Oct. 2, 1823. Svo.- Pittsfield. 1823. , . Brief Remarks on the Rail Roads proposed in Massachu-- setts. By Berkshire. Svo. Stockbridge. 1828. A M E II t C A N A N T I d U ARIA N S O C I E T Y. oediiwick, Theodore, Jun. Memoir of the Life of William Livinralon. 8vo. Is cw York. 1833. Sc;l;rvvicke, Obadiah. Sermon before the House of Commons, May 25, IGi^. ^to. Liondon. ]G42. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, June 15, IG-io. 4 to. London. ]G-;!8. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, A})ril 1G44, on t'no Victory of Sir William Walter and Sir William Balfore, over Sir Ralph Hopton. 4to. Jjondon. 1G44. ■ , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 22, 1G44. 4{.<}. London. JG44. ■ , ■ . Sermon at the Funeral of Rowland Vv'ilson, M. P. 4to. London. ](i:)0. Sedo-'.vicke, William. Sermon before ihe House ot Commons. 2d cu. 4u-. London. 1G43. Seejrer, C. L. Oration at Northampton, [Mass.] July 4, JSiO. 2d ed. 8vo. Northampton. 18J0. , . Lecture on the Epidemic Cholera, delivered at Spring-field. Aug-. 2, and at Northampton, [Mass.] Aug-. IHh 1S32. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Segar, Lieut. Nathaniel. Brief Narrative of the Cuiptivify and Sufierings of, among the Indians of Canada. 12mo. Paris, Me. j8'25. Seeker. Appendix to the Real Seeker. Svo. [1770.] Seguenet, M. Letter from a Romish Priest in Canada, and the Answer thereto. r2mo. [Boston. 1729.] Segur, Philip De. History of the Expedition to Russia, undertaken by Napoleon in J812. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1825. , . Memoirs and Recollections. 8vn. Boston. 1825. Seidelius Casparus. Manuale Linguae Graecae GnomiOlogicum Novum. 24mo. Schleusingae. 1G3I}. Seixas, David G. See Deaf and Dumb. Select Sentences from Eminent Writers. By T. S. 12mo. Boston. ISOG. Selfridge, Thomas O. Trial for Killing Charles Austin. 8vo. Boston. 1807. • — , . Correct Statement of the M'hole preliminary Controversy between him and Benjamin Austin ; also a Brief Account of the Catastrophe in State Street, Boston, on the 4th of Aug. 1806. With some Remarks. 2d ed. 8vo. Charlestown, Mass. 1807. , . Life of R. T. Paine. See Paine. Seminole War. Vindication of the President and his Commanding Generals in the Commencement and Termination of. By a Citizen of Tennessee. 8vo. Washington. 1819. Seminole War. See United States. 1819. Semmes, Thomas. Essay on the elfects of Lead. 8vo. Pliiladolphia. 1807. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Morals. With a Discourse by Roger L' Estrange. 14th ed. 8vo. London. 1739. Sennertus, Daniel. Practicae Medicinae Liber Quartas. lG.no. Lugduni. 1G33. Sennertus, Andreas, De Divino Nomine Elohim. 4to. Witteborgae. 1G51. Sentimental Philosopher. Fragment of a Journal of, during his Residence in the City of New York, &c. 8vo'. New York. 1809. Sepulture. Remarks on the D:mgcrs ond Duties of. By a Follow of tlie Massa- chusints Medical Society. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Sergeant, John. Letter to Dr. Cohnan, of Boston, containing his proposal for a more Effectual Method for the Eduction of Indian Children. 8vo. Boston. 1743. , . Life of. See Hopkins, S. Sergeant, John. Speech in Congress, on the Missouri Question, fv^. 1819. , . Speech in Congress, Feb. 22, J8P9, on the Bank of the United States. 12mo. , . Remarks on Mr. Chilton's Resolution, Feb. 2, 1828. 12rri0. ■ — , . Oration, delivered July 24, 1826, in Com.memoration of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Svo. Philadelphia. 1826. CATALOiiUK OF LIBRARY. 13 Sergeant, John. Observations on the Design and Effects of Punishment. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. , . Discourse before the Trustees, Faculty and Students of Rutger's College, July 14, 1829. 8vo. New Bruns\vick, N. J. 1829. , . Afldress before the Apprentices Library Company of Philadel- phia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1882. , . Select Speeches. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. Serious Apology for the Ecclesiastical Characteristics. By the Real Author of that Performance. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1703. Serious Address to Unlearned Christians of Trinitarian and Calvinistic Senti- ments. By an Unitarian Christian. ]2nK). London. 1792. Sermon, March ]1. 1615. By E. V. 4to. London. 161G. . By E. S. AnthroDopimirus, or a Caution for the credulous. 4to. London. 1623. . The Ways of Pleasure and the Paths of Peace. 8vo. Boston. . The Necessity of Brotherly Love. A Discourse on Gen. IV: 9. Svo. Boston. 1762. . The great Difficulty, and distinguishing Reward of the Faithful Dis- charger of the Ministerial Office. Discourse on 2 Cor. 1 1 : 15, 16, at an Asso- ciation Meeting. By one of the Reverend Members. 8vo. Boston. 1762. . Antidote to Lazinnesse. 4to. London. 1634. . A most useful Sermon, Preached in London, Aug. 7, 1670. 16mo. London. 1671. . The Voice of the Prophets Considered in a Discourse or Sermon. Svo. 1776. . Christ the Christian's Life, in a Sermon on John XIV: 19. Svo. Bur- lington, N. .L 1773. . Glorifying God, The first Tribute of a Thankful People. Discovered and Press'd in a Sermon, Dec. 2, 1691. 16mo. London. 1698. on Natural Religion. By a Natural Man. 8vo. Boston. for Dec. 15, 1796, the Day of Public Thanksgiving. Svo. Boston. 1796. — ■ . The Question of War with Great Britain, Examined upon Moral and Christian Principles. Svo. Boston. 1808. Sermons to Asses. 5th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1770. Sever, Nicholas. Speech on the Occasion of Col. Lothrop's Death, at the open- ing of the Court at Plymouth, [Mass.] May 15, 1750. 4to. Boston. 1750. Sevy, Edwin. See Moore, C. W. Seven. Brief Essay on the number Seven. Poem. By a Well-wisher to Truth. 12mo. Newport, R. I. 1735. Seville. Treaty of See England. Sewall, Joseph. Precious Treasure in Earthern Vessels. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Ebenezer Pemberton, who died Feb. 13, 1716-17. 12mo. Boston. 1717. , . Sermon at the Boston Lecture, upon the Tidings of the Death of King George, Aug. 17, 1727. 12mo. Boston. 1727. , . The Duty of a People to stand in Awe of God, and not Sin, when under his terrible Judgments. Sermon at Boston, on Occasion of the Earthquakes, Oct. 29, 30, 1727. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1727. , . The Duty of every Man to be always Ready to Die. Sermon on the Sudden Deaths of Thomas Lewis and Samuel Hirst, June 14, 1726-7. 12mo. Boston. 1727. , . Repentance the Sure Way to Escape Destruction. Sermon on the Earthquake, Dec. 21 and 24th, 1727. 12mo. Boston. \727. ^ . He that would keep God's Commandments must Renounce the Society of Evil Doers. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, July 18, 1728. Svo Boston. 1728. • , . The Orphan's best Legacy, or God's Parental Care of Bereaved Children. Discourse on the Death of Hon. Samuel Sewall, Esq. who died Jan. 1, 1729—30. Svo. Boston. 1730. 55 14 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Sewall, Joseph. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Sept. 16, 17G2, upon the Reduc- tion of Havannah. l2mo. Boston. ]7G2. , . Sermon at Boston, Dec. 12, 1733, at the Ordination of Stephen Parker, Ebenezer HiiisJoll and Joseph Secouibe, chosen by the Commissioners to the Hon. Society for Propagating- Christian Knowledge, at Edinburgli, to carry the Gospel to the Abonginal Natives on the Borders of New England, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1733. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1724. . . Character and Blessedness of the Upright. ' Sermon on the Deah of Hon. Wait Winthrop. IGmo. Boston. 1717. —-^ , . Sermon preached at Cambridge, [Mfss.] upon the Death of Rev. Benjamin Wadsv/orth, President of the College, who died March 1(3, 1736-7. 12mo. Boston. 1737. , . Nineveh's Repentance and Deliverance. Fast Sermon, at Bos- ton, Dec. 3, 1740. 8vo. Boston. J 740. , . Sermon at the Thursday Lecture in Boston, Jan. ], 1740-1. 8vo. Boston. 1741. , . Sermon at Boston, Feb. 26, 1741-2. 8vo. Boston. 1742. , ■ . Sermon at Boston, Dec. 1756, on tiie Death of Josiah Willard. I2mo. Boston. 1753. -•, . Sermon at Boston, on the Death of Rev. Thomas Prince, who died Oct. 22, 1758. 8vo. Boston. 1758. , . Sermon at Boston, Sept. 16, 1762, on the Joyful News of the Reduction of Havannah. 8vo. Boston. 1762. , . Sermon at Boston, Aug. 1763, on the Death of Rev. Alexander Gumming, who died Aug. 25, 17(i3. 8vo. Boston. 1763. Sewall, Jonathan Mitchell. Versification of President Washington's Farewell Address. 4to. Portsmouth, N. H. 1798. , . Eulogy on George Washington, at Portsmouth. N. H. Dec. 31, 1799. 4to. Portsn'iouth. , . Miscellaneous Poems. 12ino. Portsmouth, N. H» 1801. Sewall, Samuel. Proposals touching the accomplishment of Prophecies, humbly offered. 4to. Boston. 1713. . Phaenomena Quaedam Apocalyptica ad Aspectum Novi Or- bis Configurata. Or, some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven as it makes to those who stand upon the New Earth. 4to. Boston. 1697. , . The Same. 2d ed. 4to. Boston. 1727. Sewall, Stephen. Nocte Cogitata, Auctore, Anglice Scripta, Young, D. D. quae Linguae Latii donavit America. 12mo. Caroloppidi. 1786. , . Scripture Account of the Shechinah. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . Oration at Cambridge [Mass.] May 8, 1779, at the Funeral of Hon. John Winthrop. 4to. Boston. 1779. , . Scripture Plistory relating to the overthrow of Sodom and Go- morrah, and the Origin of the Salt Sea or Lake of Sodom. 8vo. Boston. 1796. Sewall, Thomas. Memoir of Dr. Godman, being a Lecture delivered, Nov. 183D. 12mo. New York. 1832. , . Lecture delivered at the opening of the Medical Department of the Columbian College. 8vo. Washington. 1835. Seward, Anna. Monodvon the Unfortunate Alajor Andre, with his Letters to her^ 2ded. 12mo. New'York. 1792. , . The Same. 4th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1798. , . Memoir of the Life of Dr. Darwin. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1804. Seward, William. Journal of a Voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia, and thence to England, with Rev. George Wliitefield. 8vo. London. 1740. Seybert, Adam. Experiments and Observations on Land and Sea Air. Exper- iments and Observations on the Atmosphere of Marshes. [Amcr. Phil. Tr. Vol. 4.] Shahcoolen, a Hindu Philosopher, residing in Philadelphia. Letters of, to his Friend El Hassan^ aa Inhabitant of Delhi. 12mo. Boston. 1802. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 15 Shaftsbury. A Paqnet of Advices and Animadversions sent from London to the Men of. 4to. London. 1676. . Earle of. Life and Death of By Philanax Mesopaphos. 12mo. London. 1083. Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper. Earl of Essay on Painting. ]2mo. London. 1714. Shakers. Dialooue between Gcorire III and his Ministers ; givinof an Account of the late Mob in London, and the Original of the Sect called Shakers. 12mo. Worcester. ]78'S. ' . The Testimony of Christs Second appearing, containing a General Statement of all thin!jfs pertaining to the Faith and Practice of the Church of God in this Latter Day! 2d ed. ]2mo. Albany, N. Y. ]810. . Declaration of the Society of People (commonly called Shakers) shew- ing their reasons for refusing to aid or abet the Cause of War and Bloodshed. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1815. . Summary Vie-.v of the Millenial Church. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. 1823. . See Rathbun, V; Dyer Mary. Shakspeare, William. Julius Caesar. A Tragedy. 4to. London. 169]. , . The Tempest. ]2mo. London. ]785. , . Merrv Wivps of Windsor. ]2mo. , . Twelfth Night. 12mo. London. 1788. , . Plays. 7 vols. ]2mo. London. 17D0. . , . Plays. Gvols. 18mo. Philadelphia. J813. . . . Poetical Works of, with his Life. See British Poets. Shaler, William. Sketch of Algiers, Political, Historical and Civil. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1826. , . On the Languao-e, Manners, and Customs of the Berbers, or Berbers of Africa. [Amer. Phil. Tr. New Series. Vol. 2.] Shand, Peter J. Oration, July 4, 1830, at Charleston, S. C. 8vo. Charleston, S. C. 3830. Sharp, Granville. An Essay on Slavery, in answer to a late Publication, entitled, "The African Trade for iSTegro Slaves shown to be consistent with the Princi- ples of Humanity, and with the Laws of Revealed Religion." 8vo. Burling- ton, N. J. 1772. , . Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature, which is the Fundamental Principle of the British Constitution of State. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1774. , . Annual Parliaments, the Ancient and most Salutary Right of the Commons of Great Britain. Being an Extract from Sharp's "Declaration of the People's Natural Rights," &c. 8vo. London. 1780. Sharp, Daniel. Massachusetts Election Sermon, 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Gov. Eustis, at Boston, Feb. 11, 1825, 8vo. Boston. 1825. , . The Tendency of Evil Speaking. A Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1828. Sharrock, Robertus. De Officiis Secundum Naturae Jus, IGmo. Oxoniae. 1660. , . Judicia (seu Legum Censurae) de Variis Incontinentiae Speciebus. 12mo. Oxoniae. 1662. Shattuck, Lemuel. History of the Town of Concord. Svo. Boston. 1835. Shaver's New Sermon for Fast Day. By Pasquin Shaveblock, Esq. 6th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. Shaw, Benjamin, and others. Trial at Ipswich, [Mass.] March 16, 1822, for Riots and Disturbance of Public Worship in the Society of Quakers at Lynn. Svo. Salem. 1822. Shaw, Charles. Topographical and Historical Description of Boston, &c. With some Account of its Environs. 12mo. Boston. 1817. Shaw, Mrs. Christian. See Witchcraft Shaw, John. The Character of a Pastor, according to God's Heart, considered. Sermon at the Ordination of Moses Taft, at Braintree, [Mass.] Augf. 26, 1752. Svo. Boston. 1753. 16 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Shaw, John. Sermon at Barnstable [Mass.] Oct. ], 1760, at the Ordination of Oakes 8li;nv. 8vo. Boston. 1761. , . Poems of, with his Life. By J. E. Hall. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 1810. Shaw, John A. Oration at Plymouth, [Mass.] July 4, IS'^S. 2d ed. Svo. Bos- ton. 18QS. Shaw, Josiah C. Oration at Little Compton, R. 1. July 4, 1798. 12mo. New- port. 1798. Shaw, Lemuel, discourse before the Massachusetts Humane Societv, June IL 1811. 8vo. Boston, 1811. , < . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1815. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Address before the Bar of Berkshire, [Mass.] on taking his seat as Chief Justice, Sept. 1830. 8vo. Boston. 1830. , . Char o-e to the Grand Jury at Ipswich, Mass. May Term, 1832. 8vo. Boston. 1 832. Shaw, Oliver A. Brief Description of the Nature and Construction of the Visi- ble Numerator. 8vo. New York. 1831. Shaw, Philander. Sermon at Wellfleet, [Mass.] Dec. 20, 1803. Svo. Boston. 1804. Shaw, Peter. A New Practice of Physic. Vol. 1. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1735. Shaw, Samuel. Immanuel, or a Discovery of True Religion. 3rd ed. 12mo., Boston. 1744. • , . See Burg-ess. Shaw, William. Sermon at Cohasset, Mass, Oct. 3, 1793, at the Ordination of Josiah Crocker Shaw. 8vo. Boston. 1793. , . Discourse at Plymouth, [Mass.] July 14, 1799, a few Days after the Death and Interment of the Rev. Chandler Robbins, D. D. 8vo. Boston. 1799. Sheffey, Daniel. Speech in Congress, Jan. 3, 1812, on the Bill for raising an ad- ditional Military Force. 12mo. , . Speech in Congress, Feb. 11, 1814, on the Loan Bill. 8vo.. Alexandria. 1814. Sheffield, Lord. Letter from an American to a Member of Parliament on the Subject of the Restraining Proclamation and containing Strictures on Lord Sheffield's Pamphlets on the Commerce of America. ]2mo. Dublin. 1784. , . See Letter. ' — , . A Brief Examination of his Observations on the Commerce of the United States. In Seven Numbers, &c. 8vo. Philadelpliia. 1791. Shelburne, [Mass.] Congregational Church in. ]2mo. Greenfield. 1832. Shelby, Isaac. Account of the Battle of King's Mountain. 12mo. 1823. Shelden, W. Cursory Remarks on the Laws concerning Usury. And on some late proceedings in cases of Usury. 8vo. Norwich, Con. 1798. Sheldon, W. History of the Heathen Gods. 12mo. Worcester. 1809. Sherman, Theodorus Van. Vision of Hell, and a Discovery of some of the Con- sultations and Devices there, in the year 1767. 12mo. Amherst, N. H. 1797. Shepard, Jeremiah. A Sort of Believers never Saved. Substance of two Ser- mons. 12mo. Boston. 1711. , . God's Conduct of his Church through the Wilderness, &c. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1715. Shepard, Samuel. Observations on his Three Letters on Baptism. 8vo. Provi- dence, R. I. 1793. . , . Answer to the Publications of Messieurs Thurston, Wood- man, and Coe, respecting their pretended Divine Right of Infant Baptism. 8vo. Exeter, N.H. 1793. , . Scriptural Enquiry concerning what the Friends call Scrip- tural Baptism. Being an Answer to a Publication of a Friend in Rhode Island, by the name of Moses Brown. Svo. Exeter, N. H. 1794. , . Examination of die Account lately published by E. Smith, in two pamphlets respecting Original Sin, &c. 12mo. Exeter, N. H. 1806. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 17 Shepard, Simon. Animadversions upon John Silburne's two last Books, the one intituled " London's Liberty in Chains discovered." The other " an Anatomy of the Lords Cruelty." 4to. London. ]()4G. Shepard, Thomas. The Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New Enorland. 4to. London. 1648. , . The Same. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 4. 3rd Series. , . Subjection to Christ in all his Ordinances and appointments the best means to preserve our Liberty. With a Treatise of Effectual hearing" of the Word. 16mo. London. ]652. , . The Church Membership of Children. 4to. Cambridge, Mass. 1663. ^ . Wine for Gospel Wantons, or Cautions against Spiritual Drunkenness. 4to. Cambridge, Mass. 1668. , . Three Sermons. 4to. , . Parable of the Ten Virgins opened and applied, fol. 1695. , . The Saints' Jewell. Two Sermons. 12rao. Boston. 1743. . , . Sampwntteahae Quinnuppekompauaenin. Wahuwomook oggussemesuog Sampwutteahae Wunnamptamwaenuog, Mache wussukhumun lit Englishmane Unnontoowaonk Naspeh Ne mnttae-wunnegenue Wattinneu- mo Christ Nob asoowesit Thomas Shephard Quinnuppenumun en Indiane Un- nontoowaonganit nashpe Ne Quittianatamwe Wuttinnemoh Christ Nob assoo- wesit John Eliot. Kahnawhutche ut aiyeuongash oggussemese ontchetteanum Nashpe Grindale Raw^son. 16m.o. Cambridge, Mass. 1689. , . Three Valuable Pieces, viz. Select Cases Resolved, First Principles, &c. and a Private Diary. With some Account of the Rev. Author. 12mo. Boston. ]747. . , . Meditations and Spiritual Experiences of. 12mo. Edin- burgh. J749. Shepard, Samuel. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1806. . , . See Brown, Moses. Sheppard, John L. Address before Lincoln Lodge, at Wiscassett, Me. June 24, 183L 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. Sheppard, S. Discourses, or an Exploration and Explication of some Aenigmati- cal Verities. 16mo. London. 3652. Sheppard, William. The People's Privileges and duty, guarded against the Pulpit and Preachers Encroachment. 4to. London. 1652. Sherburne, Andrew. Memoirs of, written by himself. 2d ed. 12mo. Provi- dence, R. I. 1831. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. School for Scandal 8vo. Philadelphia. 1789. , . Pizarro, translated from the German of Kotzebue. Boston. .1809. Sheridan, Thomas. Course of Lectures on Elocution. 2d ed. 12mo. Troy, N. Y. 1803. , . A Complete Dictionary of the English Language. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. Sherringham Robert. Two Sermons. 4to. London. 1645. Sherlock, William. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Nov. 4, 1688. 4to. liOn- don. 1689. . , . The Nonconformist, or Dr. Sherlock's case in preaching af- ter a Deprivation incurred by the express words of a Statute, fairly Stated and Examined. 4to. London. 1690. , . Remarks upon Dr. Sherlock's Book, Intituled, The Case of Allegiance due to Sovereign Princes, Stated and Resolved, &lc. [By James Parkenson.] 4to. London. 1690. . . Proteus Ecclesiasticus, or Observations on Dr. Sh****s Case of Allegiance, &c. in a Letter to Mr. P. W. 4to. London. 1691. , . Dr. Sherlock's Two King's of Brainford brought upon the Stage. In a Congratulatory Letter to Mr. Johnson. 4to. London. 1691. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1691-2. 4to. London. 1692. Sherlock. Speculum Sherlockianum, or a Looking Glass in which the Admirers of Mr. Sherlock may behold the Man as to his Accuracy, Judgment and Ortho- doxy. 12mo. London. 1674. 18 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Sherlocismus, Enervatiis. In Vintlication of some Grent Truths opposed, and in opposition to soms Great Errors maintained by William Sherlock. ]2mo. London. ]G75. . , . See Anti-Sozzo. Sherman, John. A G.-e 5k in the Temple. Sermon. 4to. 1641. Sherman, John. One God in one Person only, and Jesus Christ a Being- distinct from God, deptmdcnt upon l^im for iiis Existence and his Various Powers, Maintained and Defended. 8vo. Worcester. 1805. , . Description of Trenton Falls, N. Y. ]2mo. Utica. ]827. • , . View of the Ecclesiastical Proceedings in Windham County, Con. 8v-o. Utica, N.Y. ]80(). • , . Vision respecting the Fate of his Inst publication, or his "View of Ecclesiastical Proceedinns," &c. &c. Svo. Worcester. 180(3, Sherman Josiah. The Administrations of Parochial Bishops valid, but those of Di- ocstans invalid. A Statement in answer to the Rev. Mr. Learning's Disserta- tions. ]2mo. Fairfield, Con. J 789. Sherwood, Samuel. The Church's Flight into the Wilderness. An Addresss on the Times. Containing some very interesting and Important Observations on Scripture Prophecies, Shewing that Sundry of them plainly relate to Great Britain and the American Colonies. Svo. New York. ]77(). Sheshatapooshshoish, Language. Specimen of. See Mountaineer. Shipley, Jonathan. [Bp.] Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for al- tering the Chnrter of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 12rao. Salem, Massa- chusetts. 1774. , . . The Same. 12mo. London. , . . Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propo- gation of tlie Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 1!), 1773. Svo. Boston. 1773. , . . The Same. 3d ed. Svo. Philadelphia. 1774. Shipwrecks. Narratives of Calamitous and Interesting Shipwrecks &c. 12mo. Philadelphia. 18 10. Shirley, Walter. Narrative of the Principal Circumstances relative to Rev. Mr. Westley's late Conference at Bristol, Aug. 6, 1771. In a Letter to a Frie.>;d. 2d ed. Svo. Bath. 1771. Shirley, William. Letter to the Duke of New Castle. With a Journal of the Seige of Louisbourg, and other operations of the Forces during the Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape Breton. 8vo. Boston. 174G. Shirley, William. The Conduct of, briefly Stated. Svo. London. 1758. Shoals. Description of the Isles of [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 7.] Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon io Bethel, written in the 9th month 1691. nth ed. 12mo. HalloM-ell, Me. 1821. Short, Thomas. Comparative History of the Increase and Decrease of Mankind in England and Several Counties abroad. 4to. London. 1767. Shower, John. God's Thoughts and Ways far above ours : Sermon. IGmo. Lon- don. 1699. Shurtleff, William. Sermon at the ordination of Nathaniel Gookin, at Hampton, N. H. Oct. 31, 1739. Svo. Boston. 1739. , . Letter to those of his Brethren in the Ministry who refuse to admit the Rev. Mr. Whitefcld into their Pulpits. 4to. Boston. 1745. Shurtleff, James. Concise Review of the Spirit which seemed to govern in the Time of the late American War [1775] compared with the Spirit which now prevails, &i,c. 12mo. Shurtleff, Roswell. Discourse at the Funeral of Mrs. Mary, Consort of the late Professor Woodward, of Dartmouth College, March 29, 1807. 8vo. Hanover, N. H. 1807. Shute, Christopher. Sermon at the Funeral of Sir William Armyne. 4to. Lon- don. 1658. , . Wisdoms Trophy : Sermon before the Artillery Society, Aug. 13, 1661. 4to. London. 1662. Shute, Daniel. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. ]2mo. Boston. 1767. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1768. • , . Sermon at Hingham, [Mass.] March 23, 1787, at the Funeral of Rev. Ebenezer Gay, who died March 18, 1787. Svo. Salem. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 19 Shute, Nathaniel. Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. Richard Fishburne, May 10, 1(525. 4to. London. ]G2(). Shnte, Samuel, [Gov.] Report upon Gov. Shute's Memorial, with his Majesty's Order in Council thereupon. 4to. [1 725-] Siamese Twin Brothers. Historical Account of. 8vo. New York. 183]. Siasconset, [Nan.] The Laws of Siasconset : A Balhid, Proposed, with a Pipe of Tobacco, or an Evenino's Amusement to the Fislierman. By a Friend to Na- tive Simplicity. 4to. New Bedford, March, 1797. Sibbs, Rich-ird. Two Sermons to the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn, June 24, and 28, l(i35. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1(J3(). , . The Chiistinn's Portion. IGmo. London. 1(137. , . Saints ('ordialls, in Sundry Sermons, fol. London. 1637. , . The returnir.g- Backslider. 3d ed. 4to. London. 1G50. , . The Brides Longing for her Bride-Groomes Second Coming. IGmo. London. lGo8. , . Tlie Saints Privilege. IGmo. London. 1C38. , . The Same. 4th ed. 4to. London. 1659. , . Tentations. IGmo. , . See Featley. Sibley, Jo!ni L. The Parables of Jesus. 12mo. Boston. 1833. Sibley, John Dr. See Missouri. Sickness, Recovery from. A Person lately raised from a Dangerous Disorder. Gth ed. ]2mo. Boston. 17(;8. Sidney, Redivivus : or the Opinion of the late Honourable Collonel Sidney, as to Civil Government. 4to. London. 1G89. Siegvolck, Paul. Testimony against the Present A ntichristian World, tr. from tiie German by John S. IGmo. Germantown. 1753. . . The Everlasting Gospel Commanded to be preached to all Crea- tures, tr. from the German by J. S. ]2mo. Stoningtonport. Ct. 1801. Sierra Leune Company. Substance of the Report delivered by the Court of Di- rectors to the General Court of Proprietors, March 27, 1794. 12mo. Philadel- phia. 1795. Sigonius, Carolus. Orationes. 12mo. Parisiis. 1588. , --. Vide Antonius, M. Silliman, Benjamin and James Le Kingsley. Memoir on the Meteoric Stone?, which fell from the atmosphere in Connecticut, Dec. 14, Ig07. Amer. Phil. tr. Vol. 6. Silliman, Benjamin. American Journal of Science and Arts. 22 vols. 8vo. New York and New Haven. 1818-32, , . Remarks made on a short Tour between Hartford and Que- beck in 1819. 12mo. New Haven. 1820. ^ . Sketch of the Life and Character of President Dwight. 8vo. New Haven, Con. 1807. Simm, Alexander. Miscellaneous Tracts. 12mo. Edingbm-gh. 1753. Simmons, Samuel Foart. Practical Observations on the Treatment of Consump- tions. 8vo. London. 1780, , . Account of the Life and Writings of the late William Hunter. 8vo. London. 1783. Simpson, James. Visit to Flanders and the Field of Waterloo in 1815. 12mo. New York. 1816. Simpkins, John. Sermon at Nantucket, [Mass.] April 27, 1810, at the ordination of Seth E. Swift. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . Oration at Brewster [Mass.] July 4, 1811. Simple Truth Vindicated : In Sundry Important Theological Queries; which are examined and resolved by the Scriptures only ; under Four Heads. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1781. Simpson, John. See Goodwin J. Simpson, Sidr. Sermon before the House of Commons, July 26, 1643. 4to. Lon- don. I(j43. , . Sermon at Westminister. 4to. London. 1643. Sims, James. Observations on the Scarlatina Anginosa, commonly called the Ulcerated sore Throat. With Remarks by Thomas Bulfinch. 8vo. BostOH,- 179a i 20 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Sims, James. Observations on the Scarlatina Anginosa. With [Remarks by- Thomas Bulfinch. 8vo. Boston. 3rd ed. 1803. Simsonus, Archibaldus. Hieroglyphica Animalium jTerrestrium, Volatilium, Na- tatilium, Reptilium, Insectorum, Vegetivorum, Metallorum, Lapidum etc. Qua in Scripturis Sacris inveniiu.tiir. 4to. Edingburgi. ]62*2-4. Sinclair, (Jeorge. Truth's Victory over Error. Or an Abridgment of the Chief Controversies in Religion since the Apostles days. IGmo. Edingburgh. 168-]. Sinclair, John. Address to the Landed Interest on the Corn Bill now depending in Parliament. 8vo. London. 179L Sinclair, William. Sermon on Universal Charity: Preached at the Maryland In- stitute. 8vo. Baltimore. 1827. Singing. Discourse concerning the Rise and Antiquity of Cathedral Worship. 4to. London. JG99. — -. The Reasonableness of, or Singing by Note. By a Minister of the Gospel. IGmo. Boston. 1720. . A Brief Discourse concerning\Regular Singing. 12mo. Boston. 1725. . Essay on. By Several Ministers of the Gospel. 16mo. Boston. 1723. Sion College. Illumination to. By J. L. 4to. London. Sion Souldiers. A Spiritual Chaine and Armour of Choice for. 4to. London. 1()22. Skerring, William. Trial for Sedition at Edinburgh. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1794. Sketches of the War between the United States and the British Isles. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Rutland Vt. 1815. Skinner, I. L. American Journal of Improvement. Skinner, Thomas. Sermon on the Death of his Wife, Dec. 8, 1745, at Colchester, Con. ]2mo. Boston. 174G. Skinner, Thompson J. Memorial of the Sureties of, with a View of their Case. 8vo. Pittsfield, Mass. Skinner, Warren. Vermont Election Sermon. 8vo. Montpelier. 1834. Skipwith, Fulwar. See Barlow Joel. Skoffie Language. Specimen of See Mountaineer. Skvnner, John. Sermon at the Funeral of, Baptist Earl of Gainsborough, April 18, 1751. 5th ed. 4to. 1732. Slack, David B. The Celestial Magnet. 8vo. Providence, R. L 1820. Slack, Elijah. Discourse on Agricultural Chemistry, before the Hamilton County Agricultural Society, June 4, 1831. 8vo. Slack, I. C. De Neglecta Poesi. ]2mo. 1821. Slade, John. The Transmigrating Soul, or an Epitome of Human Nature. 12mo. London. 17G0. Slade, William. Vermont State Papers. See Vermont Slandering and Backbiting. The Baseness and Perniciousness of the sin of. By J. W. 12mo. Boston. 17G9. Slavery. Britannia Libera, or a Defence of the Free State of Man in England, against the Claim of any man there as a Slave. 4to. London. 1772. . Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in America upon Slave Keeping. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1773. not forbidden by Scripture, Or a Defence of the West India Planters, from the Aspersions thrown out against them by the author of a Pamphlet, entitled, "An Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in America upon Slave Keeping," By a West Indian. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1773. . The Appendix : or, some Observations on the Expediency of the Peti- tion of the Africans, living in Boston, &c. lately presented to the General As- sembly of this Province. With the Petition. Likewise thoughts on Slavery. With a useful extract from the Massachusetts Spy of Jan. 28, 1773, &c. By a Lover of Constitutional Liberty. ]2mo. Boston. . A Torensic Dispute on the Legality of Enslaving the Africans, held at the Public Commencement in Cambridge N. C. July 2L 1773. 8vo. Boston. 1773. ^ . Letter to Philo Africanus upon Slavery ; in answer to his, ot" the 22d Nov. in the General Evening Post, &c. &c. 8vo. Newport. R. I. CATALOGUE OF L I 15 R A R Y- 21 Slavery. Thoughts on the Slavery of the Negroes. 8vo. London. 1784. . The Case of our Fellovv^-Creatures, the Oppressed Africans, respectful- ly recommended to the Serious consideration of the Legislature of Great Brit- ain, By the People called Quakers. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1784. . Dialogue concerning the Slavery of the Africans. 12mo. New York. 1785. . Tyranical Libertymen. Discourse upon Negro Slavery in the United States. 8''o. Hanover, N. H. 1795. . Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates from the Abolition Socie- ties in the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1794. . The Sons of Africans: An Essay on Freedom. With Observation.^ on the Origin of Slavery. By a member of the African Society in Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1808. . Observations on the Slavery of the Africans and their Descendant:;, &c. 12mo. New York. 18] 4. — . Papers relative to the Restriction of, with the Speeches of Messrs Tny- lor, King, and Talmadge in Congress, and the Report of the Committee foi the Abolition ot Slavery in Delaware. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. . Minutes of the Proceedings of a Special Meeting of the fifteenth Amer- ican Convention for Promoting the x^bolition of Slavery &c. held at Phila- delphia Dec. 10, to 15th, 1818. Svo. Philadelphia. 1818. . Constitution of the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery. Svo. Philadelphia. 1800. . Proceedings of the third American Convention for Abolishing Sla- very. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 179G. . twelfth American Convention for Abolishing Sla- very. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1809. . sixteenth American Convention for Abolishing Sla- very. Svo. Philadelphia. 1819. . Free Remarks on the Spirit of the Constitution, the Practice of the P^'ederal Government, and the obligations of the Union, respecting the Exclusion of Slavery from the Territories of the New States. By a Citizen of Philadel- phia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. . Maryland scheme of Expatriation examined. Svo. Boston. 1834. . Address of the New Yorlv City Anti-Slavery Society to the people of the City of New York. Svo. New York. 1833. Remarks upon a Plan for the Total Abolition of Slavery in the United States. By a Citizen of New York. Svo. New York. . Memorial to Congress from the Inhabitants of Boston on the Subject ot restraining the Increase of Slavery in the New States to be admitted into the Union. Svo. Boston. 1819. . Constitution of the New England Anti-Slavery Society: with an Ad- dress to the Public. Svo. Boston. 1832. . First Annual Report of the Board of Managers of the New England Anti-Slavery Society. Svo. Boston. 1833. . Second Annual Report of the Same. Svo. 1834. . Third Annual Report of the Same. Svo. Boston. 1835. . Proceedings of the New England Anti-Slavery Convention held in Boston, May 183G. Svo. Boston. 183G. . First Annual Report of the Proceedings of the New York Anti-Slavery Society. Svo. Utica. 1835. . Freedom's Defence, or Candid examination of Mr. Calhoun's Report on the Freedom of the Press. Svo. Worcester. 1836. . Address to the People of the United States, by a Committee of the New England Anti-Slavery Convention. Svo. Boston. 1834. . Speeches at the Anti-Colonization Meeting in Exeter Hall, London, Ju- ly 13, 1833. Svo. Boston. 1833. — . Report of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society with a concise Statement of events, previous and subsequent to the Annual 'Meeting of 1835. 12mo. Boston. 1835. . Discussion of American Slavery, between George Thompson and Rob - ert J. Breckenridge. 4to. Boston. 1836. 56 22 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Slavery. An Account of the Interviews which took place on the fourth and eighth of March between a Committee of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery So- ciety and the Committee of the Legislature. 4to. Boston. 1836. . Statement of the Reasons which were in part offered to the Committee ot the Legislature of Massachusetts, showing why there should be no penal Laws enacted respecting Abolitionists and Anti-Slavery Societies. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1836. . Address to the Presbyterians of Kentucky proposing a plan for the In- struction and emancipation of their Slaves. ]! ticut Election Sermon, May 3, 1783. 8vo. New Haven. 1783. , . . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Worcester. 1785. , . . History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I. With an Account of Theophilus Whale. 12mo. Hartford, Con. 1794. Stiles, Isaac. Connecticut Election Sermon. ]2nio. New London. 1742. , . Character and Duty of Soldiers, Illustrated. Sermon at New Haven, [Con.] May 25, 1755, at the Desire of Col. Nathan Whiting. 8vo. New Haven. 17.55. Stiles, John. See Borden, John. Stillingfleet, Edward. Rational Account of the Grounds of the Protestant Re- ligion, fol. London. 16(i5. , . Sermon before the King, March 13, 1666-7. 4to. Lon- don. 1667. ^ . Discourse concerning Idolatiy, practiced in the Church of Rome. J6mo. London. 1671. ^ . Fast Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 13, 1678. 3rd ed. 4to. London. 1678. , . See Burnet. Stillman, Samuel. Good News from a far Country. Sermon at Boston, May 17, 1766, upon the Arrival of the important News of the Repeal of the Stamp Act. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , --. Four Sermons. 4to. Boston. 1769. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1770. 34 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Stillman, Samuel. Sermon at Philadelphia, March 27, 1776, before Congress, on the Death of the Hon. Samuel Ward, a Delegate from Rhode Island. 8vq. Philadelphia. 177f). . , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1779. , . Masonic Sermon at Charlestown, [Mass.] June 24, 1785. 8vo. Boston. , , Oration at Boston, July 4, 1789. 8vo. Boston. 1789. , . Sermon at Providence, R. I. May 31, 1791, on the Death of Nicholas Brown, Esq. 8vo. Providence. , . Apostolic Reading', considered in Three Discourses, Nov. 1790. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . Thounfhts on the French Revolution. Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 20, 1794. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . A Good Minister of Jesus Christ. Sermon at Boston, Sept 15, 1797, at the Ordination of Stephen Smith Nelson. 8vo. Boston. 1797. , . Fast Sermon at Boston, April 25, 1799. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Sermon on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. , . Discourse before the Boston Female Asylum, Sept 25, 1801. 8vo. Boston. 3801. , . Sacred Performances at the Dedication of the Baptist Meet- ing House in Charlestown, May 12, 1801. With a Sermon by Samuel Still- man. 8vo. Boston. , . Sermon at Charlestown, [Mass.] Oct. 7, 1808, at the Instal- ment of Thomas Waterman. 8vo. Boston. 1802. ' , . Discourse at Boston, May 25, 1803, before the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society. 8vo. Boston. 1803. , Sermon at Salem, [Mass.] Jan. 9, 1805, at the Ordination of Lucius Bolles. 8vo. Boston. 1805. • , . Discourse at Haverhill, Jan. 31, 1805, at the Interment of Rev. Hezekiah Smith. 8vo. Boston. 1805. Still well, S. M. Report as Chairman of a Select Committee of the House of As- sembly of the State of New York, to inquire into the Expediency of the Total Abolition of Capital Punishment. 8vo. Albany. 1832. Stinton, Benjamin. Short Catechism. 2d ed. ]2mo. London. 1730. Sterling, John. Catechism and Articles of the Church of England. IGmo. Lon- don. 1671. Stith, William. The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. 8vo. Williamsburgh, Va. 1747. , . Appendix to tlie First Part of the History of Virginia. 8vo. Williamsburg. 1747. Stock, J. E. Renunciation of Unitarianism, or the Conversion of. With an Ap- pendix containing Extracts of a Letter from Noah Webster, Esq. 8vo. Worces- ter. 1818. Stockbridge, [Mass.] Plea before the Venerable Ecclesiastical Council at, in the Cause of Mrs. Fisk, who was excommunicated by the Pastor and Church, for Marrying a Man w^hom they called immoral and Profane, Oct. 6 and 7, 1779, &c. &c. By a Gentleman of Connecticut. 12mo. Boston. 1782. , . The Same. 4to. Norwich. 1780. Stockdale, Percival. Sermons on Interesting and Important Subjects. 12mo. London. 1784. Stockdale, John Joseph. Proceedings on the Enquiry into the Armistice and Convention of Cintra, and the Conduct of the Officers concerned. 8vo. Lon- don. 1809. Stocke. Richard. Sermons on the Second Commandment. M. S. 4to. 1620. Stockier, F. D. B. G. Obras de. 8vo. Lisbon. 1826. Stockton, Lucius Horatio. Address before the Convention of the Friends of Peace, in New Jersey, July 4, 1814. 8vo. 1814. Stockton, Richard. Speech in Congress, Dec. 10, 1814, on the Militia Bill. Svo. Georgetown. 1814. Stock wood us, Johannes. Disputatiunculae Grammaticales. ed. 6ta. 12mo. Lon- don. 1650. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 35 Stoddard, Solomon. Doctrine of Instituted Churches explained and proved from the Word of God. 4to. London. 1700. , . An Appeal to the Learned. Beingr a Vindication of the Right of Visible Saints to the Lords Supper, Though they be destitute of a Saving Work of God's Spirit on their Hearts : Against the Exceptions of In- crease Mather. Ifimo. Boston. J 709. , . The Tryal of Assurance. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, July 7, 1G98. 12mo. Boston. Um. . The Way for a PeoplR to Live Long in the Land that God hath given them. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 4to. Boston. 17C3. , . The Defects of Preachers Reproved. Sermon at Northamp- ton, [Mass.] May 19, 1723. 2d ed. V2mo, Boston. 1767. , . Sermon on the Duty of Gospel Ministers. 12mo. 1717. , . Three Sermons. J6mo. Boston. 1717. , . Question whether God is not Angry with the Country for doing so little towards the Conversion of the Indians ? Discourse at Northamp- ton, [Mass.] 4to. Boston. 1723. , . The Nature of Saving Conversion. 12mo. Boston. 1719. , . A Guide to Christ. With a Letter of Increase Mather. 16mo. Boston. 1735. , . The Safety of Appearing at the Day of Judgment in the Righteousness of Christ, opened and applied. 12mo. NorthamiDton, Mass. 1804. , . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1729. , . The Same. IGmo. Boston. Stoddard, Amos. Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of Louisiana. Svo. Philadelphia. 1812. , . Masonic Oration at Portland, [Me.] June 24, 1799. 4to, Portland. 1799. , . Masonic Address before the Kennebeck Lodge, at Hallowell; [Me.] June 24, 1797. 4to. Hallouell. 1797. Stonham, Mathew. Treatise on the First Psalme. 4to. London. 1610. Stone Heng. Account of, according to Inigo Jones and Dr. Stukely. 12mo. Stone, Eliab. Sermon at Marblehead, [Mass.] Jan. 1, 1783, at the Ordination of Ebenezer Hubbard. 8vo. Salem. 1783. , . Sermon, Aug. 20, 1793, at Wilmington, [Mass.] at the Funeral of Rev. Isaac Morrill. Svo. Boston. 1794. , . Fast Sermon at Reading, [Mass.] April 25, 1799. Svo. Boston. 1799. , . Sermon at Brookfield, [Mass.] March 11, 1801, at the Ordination of his Son, Rev. Micah Stone. 8vo. Worcester. 1801. , . Discourse at Reading, [Mass.] May 19, 1811, in which Warnings of Death are considered as Excitements to Review Life. 8vo. Salem. 1811. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 181 L Stone, Nathan. Sermon at the Ordination of his Son Nathan Stone, Jun. at Yarmouth, [Mass.] Oct. 17, 17(j4. 8vo. Boston. 1765. Stone, Nathaniel. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1720. , . A very brief Account of the Wretched State of Man by the Fall, &c. Kimo. Boston. 1731. , . Concio ad Magistratum. Sermon before the Honourable Judges of the Superior Court for the Counties of Barnstable and Dukes County, [Mass.] April 24, 1728. 8vo. Boston. 1728. , . Sermon at the opening of a New Meeting House, in Dennis, [Mass.] Dec. 17, 1795. 8vo. Boston. \7[)G. , . Sermon at Provinceto vn, [Mass.] Dec. 19, 1819. Svo. Bos- ton. 1820. Stone, Micah. Fast Sermon at Brookfield, [Mass.] July 23, 1812. 8vo. Brook- field. 1812. , . Discourse at Brookfield, [Mass.] Dec. 9, 1804, day after tlie In^ terment of Mrs. Mary Reed, who died Dec. 1. Svo. Brookfield. 1804. 4 A fll E 11 I C A N A x\ T I Q U A K 1 A N S O C J K T Y. Stone, Thomas T. Address before tlie Oxford County Lyceum, [Me.] 12mo, Paris. 1831. Stone, John S. The Beneficial Influence of Christianity. A Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1834. Stone, Timothy. Sermon at the Ordination of Lathrop Rockv/ell, at Lyme, [Con.] June 15, 17U4. 8vo. Norwich. 17D4. Storrs, Henry R. Speech in Congress on the Seminole War. 12mo. Storrs, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Richard Salter Storrs, at Long-meadow, [Mass.] Dec. 7, 1786. 12mo. Springfield. 1786. Storrs, Richard Salter. Sermon at North Bridgewater, Oct. 31, 1821, at the Or- dination of Daniel Temple and Isaac Bird as Evangelists and Missionaries to the Heathen. 8vo. Boston. 1822. , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 12, 1820, before the Howard Benevolent Society. 8vo. Boston. 1820. " , . Sermon at FitzM'illiam, N. H. Nov. 5, 1800, at the Ordi- nation of Stephen Williams. 8vo Keene. 1801. Story, Isaac. Discourse, Feb. 15, 1795, Preparatory to the Collection for the Benefit of Our American Brethren in Captivity at Algiers. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1795. Storey, Joseph. [Major.] Proceedings of a Court Martial for the Trial of, at Bangalore. Svo. Calcutta. 1810. Story, Isaac. Thanksgiving Sermon, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Salem. 1795. , . An Epistle from Yarico to Inkle, together with their Characters, as related in the Spectator. 12mo. Marblehead, Mass. 1792. , . Eulogy on George Washington, delivered at Sterling, [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo. Worcester. 1800. , . Oration at Worcester, July 4, 1801. 8vo. Worcester. 1801. , . Parnassian Shop opened in the Pindaric Stile. 12mo. Boston. 1801. Story, Joseph. Oration at Salem, [Mass.] July 4, 1804. 8vo. Salem. 1804. , . Selection of Pleadings in Civil Actions Subsequent to the Decla- ration. 8vo. Salem. 1805. , . Eulogy at Salem, Mass. Aug. 23, 1813, on James Lawrence and Augustus C. Ludlow. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . Sketch of the Life of Samuel Dexter. Svo. Boston. 1816. ■ , . Charge to the Grand Jury of the Circuit Court of the United States, at its first Session at Portland, Me. May 8, 1820. 8vo. Portland. 1820. , . Discourse before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, in Harvard Uni- versity, Aug. 31, 1826. Svo. Boston. 1826. , . Discourse at Salem, [Mass.] Sept. 18, 1828, before the Essex Historical Society, in commemoration of the First Settlement of Salem. Svo. Boston. 1826. , . Discourse at his Inauguration as Dane Professor of Law, in Harvard University, Aug. 25, 1829. Svo. Boston. 1829. , . Address on the Dedication of the Cemetery at Mount Auburn, at Cambridge, Mass. Sept. 24, 1831. Svo. Boston. 1831. , . Discourse at the Funeral Obsequies of John Hooker Ashman, Esq. before Harvard University, April 5, 1833. Svo. Cambridge. 1833. , . Opinion of, in the case of William Allen against Joseph McKeen, delivered at Portland, Me. 8vo. Boston. 1833. , . Lecture delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, August, 1834. Svo. Boston. 1835. , . Discourse on the Life, Character and Services of Hon. Joh?i Marshall, pronounced at the request of the Suffolk Bar. Svo. Boston. 1835. Story, Thomas. Two Discourses in the Public Assemblies of the People called Quakers. Svo. Providence, R. I. 1769. Stossius, Johannes Rodolphus. Disputationes Theologicae. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1684. Stoughton, William. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 4to. 1668. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 37 Stoughtonus, Johannes. Felicitas Ultimi Saeculi. IGmo. London. 1G40. kStout, Benjamin. Narrative of the Loss of the Ship Hercules, on the Coast of Caffraria, June 16, J79G. Also a Circumstantial Detail of his travels through the Southern Deserts of Africa, and the Colonies, to the Cape of Good Hope. 12mo. New York. 1798. Stow, Joshua. See Converse, S. Stower, C. Printer's Grammar. 8vo. London. 1808. Strachan, John. A Concise Inti-oduction to Practical Arithmetick. 12mo. Montreal. 1809. , — — . Discourse on the Character of George the Third. 8vo. Mon- treal. 1810. Straight, John. Sermon at Abington. 4to. London. 1643. Street, Thomas. Description and Use of the Planetary Systeme. 4to. London. 1674. Street, Thomas George. Reply to a Letter from Edmund Burke to a Noble Lprd. Being a Vindication of the Duke of Bedford's Attack upon Mr. Burke's Pen- sion. 3rd ed. 8vo. London. 1796. Streso, Caspar. Commentarius Practicus. 4to. Amstelpdami. 1650. Stretch, L. M. Beauties of History. 7th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Springfield. 1794. Strickland, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 27, 1643. 4to. London. 1644* ' — — , . Sermon before the Plouse of Lords, Nov. 5, 1644. 4to. Lon- don. 1644. , — — . Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 29, 1645. 4to, London. 1645. Strike while the Iron's Hot, or Now is the Time to be Happy. 8vo. London. 1715. Strickland, W. Observations on the Agriculture of the United States. 8vo. London. 1801. Strong, Caleb. [Gov.] Patriotism and Piety. Speeches to the Legislature of Massachusetts, with Answers and Official Papers, from 1800 to 1807. 12rao. Newburyport. 1808. , . . Speech to the Legislature of Massachusetts, Oct. 16, 1812. With Documents. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , — . Remarks on his Speech. By an American. From the Boston Patriot. 8vo. Boston. 1814. , . . Gov. Strong's Calumniator Reproved, in a Review of a Democratic I'amphlet, entitled, Remarks on the Governor's Speech. By No Bel Esprit. 8vo. Boston. 1814. — , . — *~. Letter addressed to Caleb Strong, Esq. late Governor of Massachusetts. 8vo. New York. 1816. Strong, Cyprian. Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1779. , . Nature and Design of the Evangelical Ministry considered. Discourse at the Ordination of Samuel Shepard, at Lenox, Mass. April 30, 1795. 8vo. Stockbridge. 1795. Strong, Henry K. Fall of Jturbide, or Mexico delivered. Tragedy. 12mo. Pittsfield, [Mass.] 1823. , . Oration at Pittsfield, July 4, 1825. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1825. Strong, James. Justice Justified in two Assize Sermons. 4to. London. 1658. Strong, Jonathan. Sermon at Boston, May 24, 1808, betore the Massachusetts Missionary Society. 8vo. Boston. 1808. — , . Anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 22, 1803. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 19, 1795. 8vo. Boston. Strong, Joseph. Sermon at the Funeral of Samuel Huntington, Governor of the State of Connecticut, who died Jan. 5, 1796. 8vo, Hartford. 1796. Strong, Nathan. Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1790. ' , Sermons on Various Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1798. 58 38 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Strong, Nathan. Discourse at Hartford, [Con.] Dec. 27, 1799, on the 'Death of George Washington. 8vo. Hartford. 1800. , . Fast Sermon at Hartford, July 23, 1812. Svo. Hartford. 1812. , . See Foster. Strong, Nathan, Jnn. Inaugural Dissertation before the Connecticut Medical Society on the Disease termed Petechial or Spotted Fever. 8vo. Hartford. 1810. Strong, Nehemiah. Astronomy Improved: a New Theory of the Harmonious regularity observable in the Mechanism or Movements of the Planetary System. 12mo. New Haven. 1784. Strong, Simeon. Paraphrase on Eight Chapters of Isaiah. 8vo. Worcester. 1795. Strong, Solomon. Charge to the" Grand Jury at Worcester, March Term, 1832. Svo. Worcester. 1832. Strong, William. Twenty one Select Sermons. 4to. London. 1656. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 31, 1645. 4to. London. 1645. , . A Discourse of the Two Covenants : wherein the Nature, Dif- ferences, and Effects of the Covenant and Works of Grace are distinctly, ra- tionally, spiritually and practically discussed, fol. London. 1678. Strother, Edvardus. Pharmacopoeia Practica. 16mo. London. 1719. Struve, Christian Augustus. Practical Essay on the Art of recovering suspended Animation, tr. from the German. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. 1803. Stuard, Gilbert. View of Society in Europe in its progress from Kudeness to Refinement. 2d ed. 4to. London. 17S3. Stuart, Moses. Sermon at the Ordination of P. Fisk, L. Spaulding,M. Winslow, and H. Woodward, at Salem, [Mass.] Nov. 5, 1818, as Missionaries. 8vo. Andover. 1819. , . Sermon before the Female Charitable Society in Salem, Aug. 1815. Svo. Andover, Mass. 3815. , . Letters to William Ellery Channing, occasioned by his Sermon at Baltimore, at the Ordination of Jared Sparks. 8vo. Andover, Mass. 1819. , . Letters to William E. Channing, occasioned by his Sermon at the Ordination of Jared Sparks at Baltimore. 2d ed. 8vo. Andover. 1819. , . The Same. 3rd ed. 12mo. Andover. 1819. , . Review of his Letters to Dr. Channing. [From the Christian Disciple.] Svo. Boston. 18 J 9. , . Letter to Professor Stuart, in answer to his Letters to Rev. William E. Channing, and in Vindication of a large and respectable body of the New England and other Clergy, from the unfounded aspersions cast on them, in said Letters. Svo. Boston. 1819. , . Statement of Reasons for not believing the Doctrine of Trinita- rians, &c. occasioned by Professor Stuart's Letters to Dr. Channing., Svo. Boston. 1819. ' , . Two Discourses on the Atonement. Svo. Andover, Mass. 1824. , . Sermon at the Dedication of the Church in Hanover Street, Boston, March 1, 3826. Svo. Andover. 1826. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1827. , . An Examination of the Strictures upon the American Education Society, in a late Number of the Biblical Repertory. Svo. [Andover.] 1829. , . Letter to William Ellery Channing on the Subject of Religious Liberty. Svo. Boston. 1830. , . Sermon at Boston, Nov. 14, 1831, at the Ordination of W^illiam G. Schauffler, as a Missionary to the Jews. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1831. , . Essay on the Prize Question, whether the Use of distilled Liquors, or traffic in them, is compatible at the present time, with making a profession of Christianity. Svo. New York. 1830. , . See McAllister, A. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 39 Stuart, Moses. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 14, 1831, at the Ordination of William G. Schauffler, Missionary to the Jews. 8vo. Andover. 1831. Stuart, James. Three Years in North America. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 1833. Stubbe, Henry. Legends no Histories, or a specimen of some Animadversions upon the History of the Royal Society. Together with the Plus Ultra of Mr. Jos. Glanvill reduced to a Non Plus, &c. 4to. London. 1670. , . The Plus Ultra reduced to a Non Plus, or a specimen of some Animadversions upon the Plus Ultra of Mr. Glanvill. 4to. London. 1670. Stubbes, Phillip. The Anatomie of Abuses. 16nio. London. 1583. Stuckius, Johannes Gulielraus. De Angelis Angelicoque Hominum Praesidio atque Custodia Meditatio. 4to. Tiguri. 1595, Stucley, Lewis. Gospel Glass representing the Miscarriages of English Profes- sors. 16mo. London. 1670. Suckling, John. Poetical Works, with his Life. See British Poets. Sukey. A Poem. 8vo. Boston. 1821. . The Same. 3rd ed. 8vo. Baltimore. 1821. Sullivan, Francis Stoughton. Lectures on the Constitution and Laws of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Portland, Me. 1805. Sullivan, George. Oration, July 4, 1800. 8vo. Exeter, N. H. 1800. , . Speech at the Rockingham, [N. H.] Convention. 2d ed. 8vo. Exeter. 1812. Sullivan, George. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1816. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1816. Sullivan, James. [Gov.] Thoughts on the Political Situation of the United States, particularly of Massachusetts. 8vo. Worcester. 1786. , . Observations upon the Governments of the United States of America. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . Path to Riches. An Inquiry into the Origin and Use of Money, and into the Principles of Stocks and Banks. To which are subjoined some Thoughts respecting a Bank for the Commonwealth. 8vo. Boston. 1792. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1809. , . History of the District of Maine. 8vo. Boston. 1795. . . History of Land Titles in Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1801. , . Interesting Correspondence between him and Timothy Picker- ing. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . History of the Penobscot Indians. [Mass. Hist, Coll. Vol. 9.] , . See Hancock, John. Sullivan, John. Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of New Hampshire. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1785. , . Life and Dying Confessions of. 12mo. Worcester. 1784. Sullivan, John L. Explanation of certain Grants to him for the use of Steam Boats on Connecticut River, &c. 8vo. 1818. , . Suggestions on the Canal Policy of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1824. , . Remarks on the Importance of Inland Navigation from Boston. by the Middlesex Canal and Merrimack River, in the Present and Probable Future State of Foreign Commerce. 8vo. Boston. 1813. , . Letters first published in the Boston Daily Advertiser in an- swer to certain Inquiries relative to the Middlesex Canal. 8vo. Boston 1818. Sullivan, Richard Joseph. View of Nature. 6 vols. Svo. London. 1794. Sullivan, Richard. Address before the Governor and Council, Members of the Legislature and other Patrons of the Massachusetts Gen. Hospital. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1819. , . Address before the Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1822. 8vo. Cambridge. 1823. Sullivan, Thomas R. Liberal Preacher. Vols. 1 and 2. Svo. Boston. 1828-9. , . Sermon preached at Chester, Vt. at the Dedication of the Union Meeting House. Svo. Chester, Vt 1829, 40 AMEUICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETT. Sullivan, Thomas R. Discourse delivered at the Dedication of the Meeting House of the Keene Congregational Society, April 28, 1830. 8vo. Keene, N. H. 1830. , . Remarks on a Sermon published by Rev. Isaac Robinson, illustrating Human Official Inferiority, and Supreme Divinity of Christ. ■ Sullivan, William. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1803. 8vo. Boston. 1803. , . Oration at Boston, April 18, 1813, before the Washington Benevolent Society. 8vo. Boston. 1812. • , , Discourse on Temperance, May 23, 1832. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Summerfield, John. Sermon at Newark, N. J. in behalf of the New York Institu- tution for the Deaf and Dumb. With an Appendix. 8vo. New York. 1822. Sumner, Bradford. Address at the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Massachusetts Society, Jan. 19, 1831. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Sumner, Charles Pinckney. The Compass, a Poetical Performance at Harvard University, Sept. 1795. 12mo. Boston. • , •'■ ■■ . Eulogy on George Washington, at Milton, [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo. Dedham. 1800. ' , . Letter on Speculative Free Masonry. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , . Discourse on some Points of Difference between the Sheriff's Office in Massachusetts and in England. From the American Jurist for July 1829. 8vo. Boston. Sumner, Joseph. Sermon at the Ordination of Samuel Sumner, at Southborou^h, Mass. June 1, 1791. 8vo. Worcester. 1791. , — — . Thanksgiving Sermon at Shrewsbury, Mass. Nov. 28, 1799. 8vo. Brookfield. 1800. , . Half Century Sermon at Shrewsbury, June 23, 1812. 8vo. Worcester. 1812. , . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Worcester. 1819. Sumner, William H. Militia Laws of the United States and Massachusetts. 12mo. Boston. 1824. , . An Inquiry into the Importance of the Militia to a Free Commonwealth, in a Letter to John Adams. With Mr. Adams's Answer. 8vo. Boston. 1828. , . Sketch of his Address to the Charlestown Artillery Com- pany, Nov. 23, 1831, upon delivering their Field Pieces. 8vo. Charlestown. 1832. . , . A Paper on the Militia, Presented to the Hon. James Bar- bour, Secretary of War, in Nov. 1826. 8vo, Washington. 1833. Sunday Mails. See Sabbath. Sunday School Union, American. Constitution of. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. Sunday School, [Boston.] Second Report. 12mo. Boston. 1829. , . Fourth Report. 12mo. Boston. 1832. Sunday School Union, American. Eighth Report. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. Sunday School Union, [Massachusetts.] Third Report. 8vo. Boston. 1828. — -'f . Fifth Annual Report of. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Sunday School Society. Annual Report of, at Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1833. Sunday Schools. Hymns for. 12mo. Boston. 1830. Sunderland, La Roy. Testimony of God against Slavery. 12mo. Boston. 1836. Surault, Francis M. J. Review of his Grammatical Dissertation on the Italian Language. 8vo. Boston. 1835. Surgeon's Vade Mecum. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. 1813. Surr, Thomas Skinner. George Barnwell. A Novel. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1800. Susquehannah. Description of the River Susquehannah, with Observations on the Present State of its Trade and Navigation, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia. 179G. — ^ — Case. 4to. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY, 41 Susquehannah Title Stated and Examined. First published in the Western Star. 12mo. Catskill, N. Y. 1796. SutclifFe, Matthew. A Full and Round Answer to N. D. alias Robert Parsons the Noddie, his foolish and rude Warne Word. 4to. London. ^GOA. Sutton, Thomas. Jethroes Counsel! to Moses, or a Direction for Magistrates. 4to. London. 163 L Swadlin, Thomas. The Hands of God. Sermon. 4to. 1G47. J . Divinity no Enemy to Astrology. 4to. London. 1653. Swan, James. [Col.] National Arithmetic, or Observations on the Finances of Massachusetts. Svo. Boston. 1786. Swan, James. Dissuasive to Great Britain and the Colonies, from the Slave Trade to America. ]2mo. Boston. Swearing. Sermon in Praise of ]2mo. Boston. 1767. Swedenborg, Count Emanuel. Theosophic Treatise on the Nature of Influx, tr. from the Latin. To which is now added an Eulogium on the Author. By Mon. Sandel. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1784. - — ^ , . The True Christian Religion, containing the Uni- versal Theology of the New Church, tr. from the Latin. 4to. London. 1786. , . A Treatise on the Nature of Influx, or the inter- course between the Soul and Body. tr. from the Latin by Thomas Hartley. 32mo. Boston. 1794. , . The Heavenly Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, as Revealed from Heaven, tr. from the Latin, by John Clowes. 12mo. Boston. 1794. , . Dialogues on the Nature, Design, and Evidence of his Theological Writings. 12mo. Boston. 1794. , . Wisdom of Angels concerning Divine Providence. tr. from the Latin. 8vo. Boston. 1796. . , . The Wisdom of Angels concerning Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, tr. from the Latin. 8vo. Boston. 1794. . , . The Delights of Wisdom concerning Conjugal Love. tr. from the Latin. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. . , . Remarks on the Assertions of the Author of the Memoirs of Jacobinism respecting the Character of, and the Tendency of his writings. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1800. , . Religion and Philosophy United, or an attempt to show, that Philosophical Principles form the Foundation of the New Jerusalem Church, as developed to the World in the Mission of the Honourable Emanuel Swedenborg. 8vo. Boston. 1817. Swediaur, F. Practical Observations on Venereal Complaints. 3rd ed. 8vo. New York. 1788. Swett, B. Abstracts of the Baron de Regniat's considerations on the art of War. 8vo. Boston. 1817. Swett, Samuel. Address, July 4, 1806, at Salem. 8vo. Boston. 1806. , . Notes to his Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle. 8vo. Boston. 1825. Sweet, Waterman. Essay on the Science of Bone Setting. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1829. Sweeting, Whiting. His Narrative and Trial. 8vo. Windham, Con. 1797. Sweetser, William. Dissertation on Intemperance, to which was awarded the Premium offered by the Massachusetts Medical Society. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Swift, John. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1732. Swift, Jonathan. Voyage du Capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, ]2mo. Haye. 1727. , . Works, arranged by Thomas Sheridan, with Notes Historical and Critical. Revised and Corrected, by John Nichols. 24 vols. 12mo. New York. 1812. , . Letter to Dean Swift, Esq. on his Essay upon the Life, Writings and Character of Dr. J. Swift. By the Author of Observations on Lord Orrery's Remarks, &c. 8vo. London. 1755. Swift, William. Sermon at the Funeral of Thomas Wilson. 4to. London* 1622. 42 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Swinnock, George. Christian Exercises. 4to. Szegedinus, Stephanus. Speculum Romanorum Pontificum. 16mo. 1584. , . Tractatus Brevis de Traditionibus quibusdam Pontifi- cum Romanorum. 16mo. 1584. Sydenham, Humphrey. Sermon at the Funeral ot Sir John Sydenham at Brimp- ton, Dec. 15, 1625. 4to. London. 1626. . J . Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Hugh Portman. 4to. London. 1630. , . The Athenian Babler: A Sermon. 16mo. London. 1G27. , . The Rich man's warning peece. Sermon. 4to. Lon- don. 1636. Sydenham, Thomas. Observationes Medicae circa Morborum Acutorum Histo- riam et Curationem. l6mo. London. 1676. — ^ — , . Opera Universa. 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1726. Sydney, Philip. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, now the Sixth time pub- lished, with some new Additions, fol. London. 1627. ■ , . Continuation of his Arcadia. By Mrs. A. W. 16mo. Lon- don. 165 L Sylvan. Formula of Prescriptions and Various Instructions, &c. by. 8vo. Providence, R. L 18 J 3. . Confidential Communication of the Enemy of Human Diseases, By. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1814. Sylvius, F. Deleboe. Opera Medica. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1695. Symmes, John Cleves. Statement relative to Lands in Ohio. 24mo. 1787. Symmes, Thomas. Discourse concerning Prejudice in Matters of Religion. 8vo. Boston. 1722. Symmes, Thomas. Lovewell Lamented, or, a Sermon at Bradford, [Mass.] May 16, 1725, occasioned by the Fall of the brave Capt. John Lovewell, and several of his Valiant Company, in the late Heroic Action at PiggwacketU 12mo. Boston. 1725. , . Historical Memoirs of the late Fight at Piggwack, Avith a Sermon occasioned by the Fall of the Brave Capt. John Lovewell, and Several of his Valiant Company, in the late Heroic Action there. 2d ed. 12mo. Bos- ton. 172,5. Symmes, William. Thanksgiving Sermon at Andover, [Mass.] Dec. 1, 1768. 4to. Salem. 1769. , . The Duty and Advantages of Singing Praises unto God. Discourse at Andover, [Mass.] April 6, 1779. 8vo. Danvers. 1779. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1785. , . Masonic Oration at Portland, [Me.] June 24, 1796. 4to. Portland. 1796. Symons, Henry. Assize Sermon at Maidstowe, March 18, 1655. 4to. London. 1655. , . A Beautiful Swan with two Black Feet. Assize Sermon, July 7, 1657. 4to. London. 1658. Symposius, Caelius. Aenigmata. Cura L. M. Sargent, l^^mo. Boston. 1807. Symson, M. A. Samson's Seven Lockes of Haire. 16mo. St. Andrews. 1621. , . Heptameron, the Seven Dayes. 16mo. St. Andrews. 1621. Syntajf. Rudiments of Latin Syntax and Prosody. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1788. Syntax, Doctor. The Second Tour of, in search of Consolation. A Poem. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, I 8 3G. T Tablet of Memory. 12mo. London. 1787. Taggart, Samuel. Scriptural Vindication of the Doctrine of the Final Perse- verance of all True Believers. 8vo. Northampton, Mass. 180L ■ , . Address to the Independent Electors of the Hampshire North District. [Mass.] 8vo. Greenfield. 1811. 5 . Address to his Constituents on the Subject of Impressments. 8vo. 1813. Tailor, Thomas. Christ Revealed. 4to. London. 1635. Talentonius, Johannes. Variarum et reconditarum rerum Thesaurus. 16mo. Francofurti. 1595. Tales to Inspire Merriment, Vanquish Sorrow, Cheer the Heart, and Quicken the Spirits. 12mo. London. Talleyrand. [Citizen.] Memoir concerning- the Commercial Relations of the United States. To which is added An Essay upon the Advantages to be de- rived from New Colonies in the Existing Circumstances. 8vo. Boston. 180J.. Tallmadge, James. Speech in Congress on the Seminole War. ISmo. 1819. ■ , —. See Slavery. Tannehill, Wilkins. History of Literature. 8vo. Nashville, Tenn. 1827. , . The Masonic Manual of Free-Masonry Illustrated. Svo.. Nashville, Tenn. 1824. Tanner, John. A Narrative of the Captivity and Adventures of, during Thirty years Residence among the Indians in the Interior of North America. Pre- pared for the Press by Edwin James. 8vo. New York. 1830. Tappan, David. Sermon at Newbury. [Mass.] 8vo. Newburyport. 1782. ■ , . Discourse at Newbury, May 1, 1783. Occasioned by the Rati- fication of the Treaty of Peace between Great Britain and the United States.. 8vo. Salem. 1783. , . The Question answered, Watchman, What of the Night ? Fast Sermon at Newbury, May 15, 1783. Svo. Salem. 1783. , . Sermon at Byfield, [Mass.] Jan. 18, 1784, on the Death of the' Rev. Moses Parsons, who died Dec. 14, 1783. 8vo. Newburyport. 1784. , . Sermon at Chariestown, [Mass.] April 11, 1793. Svo. Bos- ton. 1793. , . Sermon at Holliston, Mass. Feb. 18, 1789. Svo. Boston. 1789. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1 792. , . Sermon at Boston, Feb. 5, 1794, at the Ordination of John Thornton Kirkland. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . Discourse before Harvard College, Sept. 16, 1794. Svo. Bos- ton. 1794. , . Discourse at Harvard College, Nov. 17, 1795, on the Death of John Russell. Svo. Boston. , . Christian Thankfulness explained and enforced. Thanksgiving Sermon at Chariestown, Feb. 19, 1795. Svo. Boston. 1795. , . Discourse in Harvard College, Sept. G, 1796. Svo. Boston. 1796.. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. Svo. Boston.. 1797. 2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Tappan, David. Fast Sermon at Boston and Charlestown, April 5, 1798. 8vo. Boston. 17U8. , . Discourse on the leavinjr of the Senior Class in Harvard Col- lege, June 19, 1798. 8vo. Boston. ]'798. , . Discourse before Harvard College, Feb. 21, 18C0, on the Death of George Washington. Hee Willard, J. , . Sermon at Kennebunk, [Me.] Sept. 3, 1800, at the Ordination of Nathaniel Hill Fletcher. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1800. , . Sermon at Andover, [Mass.] at the Funeral of Lieut. Gov. Sam- uel Phillips, Feb. 15, 1802. 8vo. Boston. 1802. , . Sermon at Wiscasset, [Me.] Sept. 8, 1802, at the Installation of Hezekiah Packard. 8vo. Cambridge. 1802. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Mary Dana, at Ipswich, [Mass.] April 18, 1803. 8vo. Cambridge. 1803. , . Funeral Discourse at Providence, R. L, Lord's Day after the Interment of the Rev. Enos Hitchcock, D. D. who died Feb. 27, 1803. 8vo. Cambridge. 1803. Tappan, Benjamin.^ Sermon at the Interment of Rev. Jesse Appleton. 8vo. Hallowell, Me. 1819. Tariff*. Essay on the Manufacturing Interest of the United States, with remarks on some passages in the Report of the Committee of Commerce and Manufac- tures. By a Member of the Society of Arts and Manufactures of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1804. . . Soundness of the Policy of Protecting Domestic Manufactures fully established by Alexander Hamilton, in his Report to Congress, and by Thomas Jefferson in his Letter to B. Austin. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1817. . Report of Committee of Merchants and others, of Boston, on the Tariff. 8vo. Boston. 1820. . Plain Sense on National Industry. Addressed to the People of the United States. 8vo. New York. 1820. . Memorial of a Convention of Delegates of Merchants assembled at Philadelphia against. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. Statements accompanying the Report of the Committee in Congress on Manufactures, on the Various Memorials for and against an increase of Duties on Imports, Jan. J 5, 1821. 8vo. Washington. 1821. . Essay on Impost Duties and Prohibitions : tr. from the French of Count Cliaptal. By Mathew Carey. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1821. . Address to tlie Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, on the Subject of the Tariff. By a Pennsylvanian. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1822. . Defence of Direct Taxes, and Protective Duties, for the encouiagement of Manufactures. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822. « . The Crisis. By a Pennsylvanian. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1823. . Rights of Men and Things. 8vo. Wilmington, De]. 1823. . Warning Voice to Cotton and Tobacco Planters, Farmers and Mer- chants of the United States, on the pernicious consequences of the Existing Policy of the Country. By a Pennsylvanian. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. . Examination of a Tract on the alteration of, written by Thomas Cooper, M. D. By a Pennsylvanian. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. . Cursory Views of the Liberal and Restrictive Systems of Political Economy: with an Examination of Mr. Huskinson's System of Duties on Ira- ports. By a Pennsylvanian. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. . Report of a Committee of the Citizens of Boston and Vicinity opposed to a further increase of Duties on Importations. 8vo. Boston. 1827. . An Examination of the Report of a Committee of the Citizens of Boston and its Vicinity, opposed to a further increase of duties on importation. By a Pennsylvanian. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. . General Convention of Agriculturists, Manufacturers and others, friendly to the encouragement and sapport of Domestic Industry, held at Harrisburgh, Penn. July, 1827. 8vo. . Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce and of the Citizens of Charles- tori, [S. C] against the Tariff on Woollen Goods, proposed at the 2d Session of the 19th Congi-ess. 8vo. Charleston. 1827. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 3 Tariff. Memorial of the Geireral Assembly of Georgia to the Anti-Tariff States on the subject of the late Tariff. 8vo. J 828. . The American System, or the Effects of High Duties on Imports, de- signed for the Encouragement of Domestic Industry : Witii Remarks on the late Treasury E.eport. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Memorial to Congress against the Tariff Law of 1828. By the Citizens of Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1829. . Thirteen Essays on the Policy of Manufacturing in this Country, [From the New York Herald.] 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. . Several anonymous pamphlets relating to the subject of. British Opinions on the Protecting System, being a Reply to Strictures on that System, which have appeared in Several Recent British Publications. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Brief Sketch of Parties, the British and American, as connected with the American System : with an account of the extraordinary doings of the Maine Legislature for 1831. 8vo. Portland. 1831. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates appointed by Persons inter- ested in the Growth and Manufacture of Wool, held at Clinton Hall, New York. 8vo. New York. 1831. Journal of Proceedings of the Friends of Domestic Industry in the Gen- eral Convention at NeAv York, Oct. 26, 1831. By Hezekiah Niles. 8vo. Baltimore. Address of the New York Convention (Oct. 26, 1831,) to the People of the United States, and the Reports of Committees. 8vo. Baltimore. 1831. Memorial of the New York Convention (of Oct. 26, 1831,) to Congress. 8vo. Baltimore. 1832. The Impost Duties Considered in relation to the Happiness of the Peo- ple and Prosperity of the Union. By a Friend of the Administration. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. . The Crisis : or Nullification unmasked. 8vo. 1832. . Its true character illustrated. 8vo. Charleston, S. C. 1830. . Fifty-one Substantial Reasons against any modification whatever of the Existing Tariff. By a Pemsylvanian. . Reflections on the State of Affairs in the South. [From the National Intelligencer.] 8vo. [1833.] Tarnovius, Johannes. Exercitationes Bibiicae. 4to. Rostochii. , . Quaestionum et quae Foedera cum diversae religionis Hominibus et praecipue a Lutheranis cum Calvinianis Salvainiri possint con- scientia, ed. 2da. 4to. Rostochii. 1646. . In Prophetam Hoseam Commentarius. 4to. Rostochii. 1646. 1636. tochii. 1640. Rostochii. 1646. Rostochii. 1646. 1636. 1645. 1645. 1642. 1647. 1644. In Prophetam Joelem Commentarius. 4to. Rostochii. In Prophetam Amos Commentarius. ed. 3tia. 4to. Ros- in Prophetam Obadiam Commentarius. ed. 2da. 4to. In Prophetam Jonam Commentarius. ed. 2da. 4to. In Prophetam Micham Commentarius. 4to; Rostochii. In Prophetam Nahum Commentarius. 4to. Rostochii. In Prophetam Habacuc Commentarius. 4to. Rostochii. In Prophetam Sophoniam Commentarius. 4to. Stralsundi. In Prophetam Haggaeurn Commentarius. 4to. Rostochi. In Prophetam Zachariam Commentarius. 4to. Rostochi. In Prophetam Maljachium Commentarius. 4to Rostochi. 59 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Tasso, Torquato. II GofFredo overo Gierusalemme Liberata. i6mo. Venetia. 1643. , . Cinque Canti Di Camillo Camilli. 16mo. Venetia. 1644. Tatem, Henry. Reply to the Summons of the Rhode Island Royal Arch Chapter. 8vo. 1832. Tavern Anecdotes and Reminiscences of the Origin of Signs, Coffee Houses, &c. By one of the Old School. 12mo. New York. 1830. Taylor, Abraham. The Insufficience of Natural Religion. Discourse at London. 8vo. Boston. 1755. Taylor, Francis. Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 29, 1645. 4to. London. 1645. , . Capitula Patrum. Heb. et. Lat. 4to. London. 1651. Taylor, Isaac. Self Cultivation Recommended. 12mo. Boston. 1820. Taylor, James. Narrative of the Strange Principles, Conduct, and Character of the People known by the name of Shakers. T^mo. Worcester. 1782. Taylor, James N. Sketch of the Geography, Political Economy and Statistics of France, digested, abridged, and translated from Peuchet. 8vo. Washington. 1815. Taylor, Jeremy. Discourse on the Liberty of Prophecying. 4to. London. 1647. , . Sermon at Dublin at the Funeral of John, Lord Bishop of Ar- magh. 4to. London. 1663. , . Discourses on Various Subjects. Vol. 3rd. 8vo. Boston. 1816. Taylor, John, [of Norwich.] Catechism or Summary of the Christian Religion. 12mo. London. 1750. Taylor, J. Lives of the Holy Evangelists and Apostles. 12mo. 1813. , -. Lives of the Holy Evangelists and Apostles. 12mo. Leominster, Mass. 1797. Taylor, John. Century Sermon at Deerfield, [Mass.] Feb. 29, 1804, in commem- oration of the Destruction of the Town by the French and Indians. 8vo. Greenfield. 1804. , . Farewell Sermon at Deerfield, [Mass.] Aug. 6, 1806. 8vo. Greenfield. , . Sermons on Different Subjects. With a Sermon by Samuel Johnson. 8vo. Walpole, N. H. 1806. Taylor, John. See Niles, Samuel. Taylor, John W. See Slavery. Taylor, John Louis. Address to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. 12mo. Raleigh. 1804. Taylor, Josephus. Oratio Funebris in Obitum Ed. Wigglesworth, in Coll. Har. 8vo. Boston. 1765. Taylor, Joseph. The Wonderful Monitor: or. Memorable Repository. Contain- ing A curious and most astonishing Account of the Revivification of. 8vo. Boston. 1788. Taylor, Nathaniel. Dr. Sherlock's Cases and Letter of Church Communion Con- sidered, and the Dissenters Vindicated from the Charge of Schism. 16mo. London. 1702. Taylor, Richard C. Report on the Surveys of a Rail-Road from Blossbury, Pen. to Lawrenceville, Ken. and a Mineralogical Report on the Coal Region in the Vicinity. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. Taylor, Samuel. Universal System of Stenography of Short-hand Writing. 2ded. 8vo. Glasgow. 1810. Taylor, Stephen. Inaugural Address as Professor in the Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. 8vo. Richmond. 1835. Taylor, Theophilus. The Map of Moses, or, A Guide for Governours : Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1629. Taylor, Thomas. Commentarie upon the Epistle of Saint Paul written to Titus. 4to. Cambridge. 1619. , . Works, fol. London. 1659. , . See Featley. Taylor, Timothy. See Eaton. Taylor, William. Sermon at Chester, N. H. April 20, 1823. Being an Account of a Revival of Religion in Jerusalem, &c. 8vo. Concord. 1823. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 5 Taylor. See Tailor. Tchuykevitch, Col. Reflections on the War of 1812 : tr. from the Russian hy Mr. Eustaphieve. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Tears of Sion upon the Death of Josiah, distilled in some Country Sermons. 4to. 1649. Teat, Faithful. Right Tlioughts The Righteous Man's Evidence. 12mo. Lon- don. 1669. Teignmouth, Sir John Shore, Lord. Life, Writings, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1805. Telles, P. Balthasar. Extrait De L'Histoire D'Ethiopie ecrite en Portugais. See Recueil Des Divers Voyages faits en Afrique et L'Amerique. Temperance. Intemperance: An Address to the Churches and Congregations of the Western District of Fairfield County, [Con.] 8vo. Hartford. 1813. . Constitution ot the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance. And Report of the Board of Counsel prepared for the Anniver- sary of the Society, May 28, 1813. 8vo. Boston. 1813. . Circular addressed to the Members of the Massachusetts Society for Suppressing Intemperance. 8vo. Boston. 1814. . Second Annual Report of the Massachusetts Society for the Sup- pression of Intemperance. 8vo. [1814.] . Constitution of the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance. With the Annual Report for 1818. 12mo. Boston. 1818. . Report of the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of In- temperance. Eighth Anniversary. 8vo. Boston. 1820. • . Report of the Board of Counsel to the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance. Eighth Anniversary. Jan. 2, 1820. ]2mo. Boston. 1820. . 14th Report of the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance. 12mo. Boston. 1827. . First Report of the American Society for the Promotion of Tem- perance. Nov. 1827. 8vo. Andover, Mass. 1828. ■ . Address of the New York Temperance Society to the Inhabitants of the city. 12mo. New York. 1829. . Address to the Young Men of the United States by the New York Young Men's Society for the Promotion of Temperance. 12mo. New York. 1830. . First Annual Report of the New York State Society for the Pro- motion of. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1830. . Third Annual Report of the New York State Society for the Pro- motion of. 8vo. Albany, N.Y. 1832. . . Almanac for 1834. 12mo. Boston. . National Circular. 8vo. Boston. 1832. . Proceedings and Speeches at a Meeting for the promotion of the Cause of, in the United States, held at Washington, Feb. 24, 1833. 8vo. Washington. 1833. . Journal of the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Temperance Convention at Worcester, Sept. 18, 1833. 8vo. Boston. 1833. . Appendix to the 5th Report of the American Temperance Society. 12mo. Boston. 1833. . " Licensed Houses." An Examination of the Licence Law of Massachusetts. By M. L. V. [From the Boston Courier, Dec. 1832.] 8vo. Boston. 1833. ■ , Laws which authorize the Traffic in Ardent Spirit as a Drink, morally wrong. 8vo. Boston. 1833. . Magazine, American Quarterly. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1833. . Real Dialogue between a Clergyman and a Parishioner. 12mo. Temple, Daniel. Sermon at Boston, Dec 16, 1821, just before his Departure as a Missionary to Western Asia. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Temple, Launcelot. Sketches : or Essays on Various Subjects. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1758. Temple, Thomas. Sermon before the House of Commons, Oct. 26, 1642. 4to. London. 1642. 6 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Templer, John. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, July 17, 1659. 4to. London. 1G59. Tena, Ludovicus. Commentaria et Disputationes in Epistolam Pauli ad Hebrae- os. fol. London. IGGJ. Tennent, Gilbert. Remarks upon a Protestation presented to the Synod of Phil- adelphia, June ], 1741. 12mo. Philadelphia. 174L . , . Sermon upon Justification : Preached at New Brunswick, N. J. Aug. 1740. ]2mo. Philadelphia. 174]. , ■ . Two Sermons Preached at New Brunsvvick, [N. J.] in 1741, on the Priestly Office of Christ, and the Virtue of Charity. l2mo. Boston. 1742. , . The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry, Considered in a Sermon- 4to. Philadelphia. 1742. , . The Querists, Part IIL Or, An Extract of Sundry Passages taken out of Mr. G. Tennent's Sermon at Nottingham, of the Danger of an Un- converted Ministry. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1741. , . The Necessity of holding fast the Truth, represented in Three Sermons, at New York, April, 1742. With an Appendix, Relating to Errors lately vented by some Moravians, &c. &c. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . The Examiner ; or Gilbert against Tennent. Containing a Confutation of the Rev. Mr. Gilbert Tennent and his adherents. By Phila- lethes. 8vo. Boston. 1743. , . The necessity of studying to be quiet, and doing our own Business. Sermon at Philadelphia, Sept. 30, 1744. 12mo. Philadelphia. , — — — . See Eastburn, Rob. Tennessee. Laws of, including those of North Carolina now in Force in this State from 1715 to 1820. By Edward Scott. 2 vols. 8vo. Knoxville. 1821. . Acts passed at the 2d Session of the 9th General Assembly begun Sept. 7, 1812. 8vo. Nashville. 1812. . Acts passed at the 1st Session of the 10th General Assembly begun Sept. 21, 1813. 8vo. Nashville. 1813. ■ . Acts passed at the 1st Session of the 12th General Assembly begun Sept. 15, 1817. 8vo. Nashville. 1817. . Journal of the House, 1st Session of the 9th General Assembly begun Sept. 16, 1811. 12mo. Knoxville. 1812. . Journal of the Plonse, 2d Session of the 9th General Assembly begun Sept. 7, 1812. 12mo. Nashville. 1853. . Journal of the House, 1st Session of the 11th General Assembly begun Sept. 18, 1815. 12mo. Nashville. 1815. ■ . Journal of the House 1st Session 12th General Assembly begun Sept. 15, 1817. 12mo. Knoxville. 1817. . Journal of the House 1st Session of the 13th General Assembly begun Sept. 20, 1819. 12mo. Murfreesborough. 1819. . Journal of the House 1st Session 14th General Assembly begun Sept. 17, 1821. 12mo. Nashville. 1821. • . Journal of the House 2d Session of the 14th General Assembly begun July 22, 1822. 12mo. Nashville. 1822. . Journal of the Senate 1st Session of 7th General Assembly begun Sept. 21, 1807. 12mo. Knoxville. 1808. . Journal of the Senate 2d Session of tlie 7th General Assembly begun April 3, 1809. 12mo. Knoxville. 1809. . . Journal of the Senate 1st Session 8th General Assembly begun Sept. 18, 1809. 12mo. Knoxville. 1809. . Journal of the Senate 1st Session 9th General Assembly begun Sept. 16, 1811. 12mo. Knoxville. 1812. . Journal of the Senate 2d Session 9th General Assembly begun Sept. 7, 1812. 12mo. Nashville. 1813. . Journal of the Senate 1st Session of 11th General Assembly begun Sept. 18, 1815. 12mo. Nashville. 1815. . Journal of the Senate 1st Session 12th General Assembly begun Sept. 15, 1817. 12mo. Knoxville. 1817. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 7 Tennessee. Journal of the Senate 1st Session 13th General Assembly begun Sept. 20, 1819. 12mo. Murfreesborough. ]819. . . Journal of the Senate 2d Session 13th General Assembly begun Sept. 26, 1820. 12mo. Murfreesborough. 1820. . . Journal of the Senate ]st and 2d Sessions 14th General Assembly, . Short Description of the Tennassee Government, or Territory of the United States South of the River Ohio, to Accompany and Explain a Map of that Country. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1793. . Company. Deed of Trusts to Strawbridge, Jackson and Dexter. 8vo. 1800. See Georgia. . See North Carolina. Tenney, Caleb, Jun. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Samuel Austin at Glasten- bury, Con. Dec. 8, 1830. 8vo. Hartford. 1831. Tens, Daniel Du. Theses Theologicae. 4to. Salmurii. 1651. Terentius, Publius. Comoediae Sex. 16mo. London. 1651. , . Comoediae Sex. Cum Notis Joannis Minel. 16mo. 1669. . — , . Comoediae Sex. Interpretatione et Notis illustravit Nic. Camus. 8vo. London. 1769. Terrick, Dr. [Bp.] Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 17, 1764. 4to. London. 1764. Tesdale, Christopher. Sermon before the House of Commons, Aug. 28, 1644. 4to. London. 1644. Test. Letters to the People of England, against the Repeal of the Test and Cor- poration Acts. By a Graduate of Oxford. 8vo. London. 1790. . See Dissenters ; — Conscience. . A New Test in Lieu of the Old one, by way of Supposition. By G. S. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1688. . A Second Letter from a Gentleman in the Country to his friends in Lon- don, upon the Subject of Penal Laws and Tests. 4to. London. 1687. Testament, New. i2mo. Boston. 1794. , . 12mo. Worcester. 1802. , . Quatuor D. N. Jesu Christi Evangeliorum versiones peranti- quae duae, Gothica scilicet et Anglo Saxonica. Quarum illam ex celeberrimo Codice Argenteo nunc primum depromsit Franciscus Junius F. F. Hanc autem ex Codicibus MSS coUatis emendatius recudi curavit Thomas Mareschallus in utramque Versionem subnectuntur. Accessit et Glossarium, cui praemittitur Alphabetum Gothicum, Runicum, &c. opera ejusdem Francisci Junii. Dor- drechti. 1665. , . 12mo. Newbury port, Mass. 1814. , . 8vo. Philadelphia. 1816. ^ _ — . Pronouncing. With Explanatory Notes by William Brown. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1796. , . Translation of. By Gilbert Wakefield. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1791. , . In an Improved Version, upon the Basis of Archbishop New- come's New Translation with a corrected Text, and notes Critical and Explana- tory. 8vo. Boston. 1809. , . Review of the Same. [From the Eclectic Review.] 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . In the Common Version conformed to Griesback's Standard Greek Text. 12mo. Boston. 1830. , . Translated out of the Latin Vulgate, and first published by the English College of Rheims in 1822. 8vo. New York. 1834. , . In the Irish Language. 4to. Lunndain. 1681. , . In the Georgian Language. 4to. , The Four Gospels, tr. into the Sclavonian and Modern Rus- sian Language. 8vo. 1819. , . Translated into the Armeno Turkish Language. By William Goodell. 8vo. Malta. 1831. , . In the Bhugelkhunda Language. (Vol. V. containing the New Testament.) tr. by the Serampore Missionaries. 8vo. Serampore. 182L s AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T V. Testament, Ne^v. In the Nepala Language, tr. by the Serampore Missionaries. (Vol. V. containing the New Testament.) 8vo. Serampore. 182.1. ' , . In the Bengalee Language, tr. by William Carey. Svo. Serampore. 1801. , . In the Telinga Language. Svo. • , . [Translated in the German Language by John Jacob Stolz.] 2te Ausg. 2 Theile. Svo. Zurich and Leipzig. 1795. Testament, Nouveau. 12mo. New York. 1826. Testamento, Nuevo. tr. de la Biblia Vulgata Latina en Espanol por el Rmo. P. Felipe Scio de S. Miguel. 12mo. Nueva York. 1823. Testamentum, Novum. Graece ex Officina Rob. Stephani. 2 vols. IGmo. Lutetiae. 1568-9. ■ , . Graece Juxta Exemplar Joannis Milli. ed. Ima. Amer. I2mo. Wigorniae, Mass. 1800. , . Cum duplici interpretatione, D. Erasmi et Veteris Inter- pretis. Gr. et Lat Ex Officina Roberti Stephani. IGmo. 154]. , . Gr. et Lat. Diligentia Des. Erasmi emendatissimum, et jam postremo ad multa exemplaria, tam impressa quam Manuscripta, diligenter castigatum at editum. 16mo. Basiliae. 1558. , . Gr. et Lat. Cum Versione Vet. et Nova et Annotationi- bus per Theo. Bezam. ^ vol. fol. 1582. . Graece Cum Notis et Animadversionibus Doctissimorum, presertim vero. Roberti Stephani, Jos. Scaligeri, Isaacci Casauboni. 16mo. London. 1633. , . Graece. 16mo. London. 1701. , . Juxta Exemplar J. Milli. 12mo. London. 1728. , . Graece. 12mo. London. 1794. , . Syriace, Ebraice, Graece, Latine, Germanice, Bohemice, Italice, Hispanice, Gallice, Anglice, Danice, Polonice. Studio et Lahore. Eliae Hutteri. 2 vol. fol. Norribergae. 1599. , . Latine Interprete Theodore Beza. 16mo. London. 1764. , . The Same. 12mo. London. 1787. Testamentum, Vetus. Latine a D. Erasmo. Svo. Basiliae. 1526. , . Graece. Ex versione Septuaginta Interpretum. 16mo. Cantabrigiae. 1665. Teuberus, Micaelis. Oratio De Arcadio et Honorio Imperatoribus. 16mo. Witebergae. 1572. Texas. An Address to Emigrants. 12mo. [Boston. 1835.] . Origin and Causes of the Texas Insurrection. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1836. . See Galveston Bay. Textier, Le. Mes Soixante Ans. Epitre en vers. 4to. London. 1747. Textor, Joh. Ravisius. Epitheta. 16mo. Genevae. 1688. . See Ravisius. Thacher, James. Observations on Hydrophobia. Svo. Plymouth, Mass. 1812. , . Observations upon the Natural Productions of Iron Ores. With a Description of Smelting Furnaces, and some Account of the Iron Man- ufacture in the County of Plymouth, Mass. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 9.] . , . American Modern Practice, or a Simple Method of Prevention and Cure of Diseases. With an Appendix. Svo. Boston. 1817. , . A Military Journal during the Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783. To which is added an Appendix, containing Biographical Sketches of several General Officers. Svo. Boston. 1823. . . The American Orchardist, or a Practical Treatise on the Cul- ture and management of Apple and other Fruit Trees, &c. Svo. Boston. 1822. , . American Medical Biography, or Memoirs of Eminent Physi- . cians who have flourished in America. To which is prefixed a Succinct History of Medical Science in the United States from the first Settlement of the Coun- try. 2 vols in 1. Svo. Boston. 1828. Thacher, Moses. Address before the Montgomery Lodge, at Medway, [Mass.] April 22, 1829. 12mo. Boston. 1829. CATALOGUE OF LIU 11 A R V. 9 Thacher, Moses. Letters addressed to a Brother in tlie Church on renouncing the Secret Principles of Free Masonry. 12mo. Boston. 1829. , . Address to tiio Church under his care at North Wrentham, [Mass.] on his seceding from the Masonic Institution, May 24, 1829. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , . Address at Boston at an Antimasonic Meeting, Sept. 8, 1829. 12mo. Boston. 1829. , . Address before the Antimasonic Convention of Delegates at Halifax, [Mass.] Dec. 9, 1829. 12mo. Boston. 1830. • , . Address delivered at Weymouth, Worcester, and Reading, [Mass.] on Masonic Oaths. 8vo. Worcester. 1830. — , . Reportof the Committee of St. Albans Lodge, at Wrentham, appointed to investigate the Proceedings of Rev. Moses Thacher relative to the Masonic Institution. 8vo. Boston. 1830. ^ . Address at Augusta, [Me.] before the Antimasonic State Con- vention, July 4, 1832. 8vo. Hallowell. 1832. Thacher, Peter, and John Webb. A Brief Declaration of, in behalf of themselves and the New North Church in Boston, relating to some of their late Ecclesias- tical Proceedings. 16mo. Boston. 1720. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1726. , . Sermon at Boston, on the Death of Mrs. Sarah, wife of the Rev. Joshua Gee, who died July 17, 1730. 8vo. Boston. 1730. , . See Boston. 1720. Thacher, Peter. Oration at Watertown, [Mass.] March 5, 1776. to Commemorate the Boston Massacre. 4to. Watertown. 1776. , . Sermon from 2d Samuel, 10: 12. MS. 4to. [1778.] , . The Same. See Boston Orations. , . Sermon at Boston, Sept. 13, 1778, on the Death of Rev. Andrew Eliot. 8vo. Boston. 1778. , . Three Sermons at Maiden, [Mass.] in Oct. 1782. 8vo. Salem. 1783. , . Observations upon the present state of the Clergy of New Eng- land, with Strictures upon the power of dismissing them, usurped by some Churches. 8vo. Boston. 1783. , . Strictures on his Pamphlet, entitled. Observations upon the State of the Clergy of New England. By J. S. A Layman. 8vo. Boston.- 1784. , . Reply to the Strictures of J. S, on the above Observations. 8vo.- Boston. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Elijah Kellogg, Oct. 1788, at Port- land, [Me.] Bvo. , . Sermon at Charlestown, [Mass.] Feb. 29, 1788, at the Inter- ment of Rev. Joshua Paine, Jun. who died Feb. 26, 1788. 8vo. Boston.- 178S. , . Sermon at Exeter, N. H. at the Ordination of William Freder-^ ick Rowland, June 2, 1790. 8vo. Exeter. 1790. , . Sermon at Boston, Nov. 14, 1790, on the Death of Hon. James Bowdoin. 8vo. Boston. 1791. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston,^ 1793. , . Sermon at Boston, Oct 20, 1793, on the Death of His Exce]lenc3r John Hancock, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1793. , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 19, 1794, on the Death of Samuel Still- man, Jun. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . Sermon at Lynn, [Mass.] Aug. 13, 1794, at the Ordination of his son, Thomas Gushing Thacher. 8vo. Boston. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Sermon at Boston, Feb. 12, 1795, in the audience of the Massa- chusetts Congregational Charitable Society. [With an account of the Society.] 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Sermon at Charlestown, [Mass.] June, 19, 1796, on the Death of* Hon. Nathaniel Gorham. 4to. Boston. 1796. 10 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Tliacher, Peter. Tlie Contrast,or striking opposition between Christianity and the Modern Religion, falsely called by that name. Containing short Notes on certain parts of Mr. Thacher's Sermon at Boston, April 17, 179G. 8vo. Ports- mouth, N. H. 1796. , . Masonic Sermon at Dorchester, [Mass.] June 24, 1797. 8vo. Boston. 1797. , . Sermon at Boston, March 25, 1798, on the Death of Madam Re- becca Gill, Consort of Lieut. Gov. Moses Gill, who died March 39, 1798. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , . Sermon at Boston, April G. 1798, on the Death of Rev. John Clarke, D. D. who died April 2, 1798. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , . Sermon at the Interment of Increase Sumner, Governor of Mas- sachusetts, who died June 7, 1799. 8vo. Boston. 1799. , . Century Sermon at Boston, Dec. 29, 1799. 8vo. Boston. ]800. , . The Same. MS. 4to. , . Sermon before the Massachusetts Legislature, Feb. 22, ISOG, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. , . Memoirs of. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 8.] Thacher, Peter. Address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, May 31, 1805. Svo. Boston. 1805. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1807. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1807. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1807. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1807. Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge. Address before the Suffolk Bar. Svo. Boston. 1831. , . Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Suffolk, at the opening of the Municipal Court, Dec. 1831. 8vo. Boston. J 832. , . Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Suffolk at the opening of the Municipal Court of the City of Boston, Dec. 1832. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Thacher, Samuel. Oration at Concord, [Mass.] July 4, 1796. 8vo. Boston. 1796. Thacher, Samuel Cooper. Discourse at the Dedication of a New Meeting House on Church Green in Summer-st. Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Sermon delivered in America, Sept. 1815. 8vo. Boston. , -. The Same. 2d ed. Svo. Worcester, Mass. 1817. 5 . An Apology for Rational and Evangelical Christian- ity. A Discourse at the Dedication of a New Church on Church Green, Sum- mer-street, Boston. To which are added Notes and Illustrations. 8vo. Bos- ton. J 815. , . Catalogue of his Library. Svo. Boston. 1818. Thacher, Stephen. Oration, July 4, 1803. Thacher, Thomas. Sermon at Dedham, [Mass.] Feb. 23, 1784. Svo. Boston. 1784. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Dedham, [Mass.] Feb. 19, 1795. Svo. Boston. 1795. , . Sermon at Milton, on the Death of Rev. Nathaniel Robbins, who died May 19, 1795. Svo. Boston. 1796. ' , . Christmas Sermon at Dedham, Dec. 25, 1 797. Svo. Ded- ham. 1798. , . Discourse before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 10, 1800. 4to. Boston. 1800. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Elijah Dunbar, Oct. 23, 1799. Svo. Amherst, N. H. 1800. • , . Sermon at the Ordination of Joseph Tuckerman at Chelsea, [Mass.] Nov. 4, 1801. Svo. Boston. , . Sermon at Dedham, Jan. 11, 1801. Svo. Dedham. 1801. J . Danger of Despising the Divine Counsel. Discourse at Ded- ham, [Mass.] Sept. 13, 1801, Lord's Day after the Execution of Jason Fair- banks. Svo. Dedham. 1802. , . Tribute of Respect to the Memory of Gov. Samuel Adams, who died Oct. 2, 1803. Svo. Dedham. 1804. CAT A LOGUEOF LIBRARY. 11 Thncher, Thomas. Dudleian Lecture in Harvard College. 8vo. Cambridge. ]805. , . Fast Sermon at Dediiam, April 7, 1808. 8vo. Dedham. 1808. , . Sermon at Milton, Mass. Sept. 9, 1807, at the Dedication of an Academy. 8vo. Dedham. 1807. , . Biographical Memoir of Rev. Dr. Samuel West. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1808. . , . Two Discourses at Dedham, [Mass.] in the 8rd Parish, on leaving the Old Meeting House, Feb. 26, and at the Dedication of the New one, March 1, 1809. 8^m. Dedham. 1809. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1811. Thacher, Thomas Gushing. Thanksgiving Sermon at Lynn, Nov. 20, 1794. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . Sermon at Lynn, Dec. 11, 1795, at the Interment of Eight Seamen. 8vo. Boston. 1795. ■ , . Eulogy on George Washington. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , . Sermon at Lynn, [Mass.] Oct. 5, 1800, on the death of Mrs. Ann, wife of Burrill Games, Esq. 8vo. Boston. 1801. , . Sermon at Lynn, [Mass.] July 17, 1803, on the death of Miles Shory and wife, who were instantly killed by Lightning. 8vo. Sa- lem. 1803. , — . Masonic Sermon at Cambridge, [Mass.] June 24, 1806. 8vo. Cambridge. 1806. Thatcher. See Thacher. Thayer, Ebenezer. Practical Reflections on the first and last days of the year; being two Sermons. 12m.o. Boston. 1722. . . Jerusalem Instructed and Warned. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1725. Thayer, Elihu. Funeral Discourse at the Interment of Hon. Josiah Bartlett, Esq. late Governor of New Hampshire, who died May 19, 1795. 8vo. Exeter. 1795. Thayer, John. Controversy between Rev. John Thayer, Catholic Missionary at Boston, and the Rev. George Lesslie, Pastor of a Church at Washington, N. H. 8vo. [1793.] , . Fast Discourse at the Roman Catholic Church in Boston, May 9, 1798. 8vo. Boston. 1798. Thayer, Nathaniel. Masonic Discourse at Lancaster, [Mass.] June 24, 1797. 8vo. Leominster. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1798. . Sermon at the Installation of Rev. William Emerson, at Boston, Oct. 16, 1799. , . Character of St. Paul. A Sermon at Deerfield, [Mass.] Sept 23, 1807, at the Ordination of Samuel Willard. 8vo. Greenfield. 1807. , . Fast Sermon at Lancaster, Aug. 20, 1812. 8vo. Worces- ter. 1812. , . Sermon at Leominster, [Mass.] June 6, 1814, at the Funeral of Rev. Francis Gardner. 8vo. Worcester. 1814. , . Sermon at Lancaster, Dec. 29, 1816, on leaving the Old Meeting House. 8vo. Worcester. 1817. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1823. ■ , . Discourse at the Dedication of the New Meeting House at Stow. 8vo. Lancaster, Mass. 1828. ^ . Discourse at Lancaster, [Mass.] at the Annual Thanks- giving, Nov. 27, 1828. 12mo. Lancaster. 1828. , . Discourse delivered at ToAvnsend, Mass. Feb. 10, 1828. 12mo. Lancaster, Mass. 1828. Thayer, Nelson, Israel and Isaac. Trial of, for the murder of John Love. 8vo. Buffalo, N.Y. 1825. Theatre. A Poem. 8vo. 60 12 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Theatrical Entertainments. The Rights of the Drama, or An Inquiry into the Origin, Principles and Consequences of. Svo. Boston. 1792. Theatrical Amusements. Address to the Public on the Immorality of. 8vo. Theognis. Poemata Gnomica. Vide Hesiodus. Theodoretus, B. Opera. 2 vol. foi. Coioniae Agrippinae. 1573. Thesaurus, Emanuel. Patriarchae sive Christi Servatoris Genealogia. 16mo. London. Kiol. Thierry. Reply to Mr. Duponceau's Answer to his Memoir on the Batture : with an Appendix containing a Refutation of Mr. Livingston's Address to the Peo- ple of United Stales. 8vo. New Orleans. J809. Thing, Samuel. Letter to the Rev. Enoch Pond, containing an Exposition of the Misrepresentations in a Letter from him to Rev. Dr. Bancrolt. Svo. Worces- ter, Mass. 18 J 7. Thom, John H. Sermon at Liverpool, July 17, 1831, on the Death of William Roscoe, Esq. 8vo. London. 1831. Thom, William. Sermon at the opening of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, April 14, 17G1. Svo. Glasgow. 1761. Thomas, A. C. Lecture on Capital Punishments, at Philadelphia, June 20, 1830. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1830. Thomas, Daniel. Oration, July 4, 1810, at Abington. Mass. 8vo. Boston. 18J0. , . Letter to Rev. Jacob Norton of Weymouth, [Mass.] 8vo^ Boston. 1815. , . Sermon at East Bridgewater, [Mass.] at the Funeral of Jacob White Dawes, Oct. 1824. Svo. Boston. 1825. , . See Norton, Jacob. Thomas, David. Novelty of Novelties Examined : Or, The New System of Re- ligion compared with Ancient Scriptures and found to be contrary to them all. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1782. Thomas, Isaiah. Masonic Oration at Lancaster, June 24, 1779. 4to. Worces- ter. 1781. , -. Specimen of his Printing Types. 4to. Worcester, Mass. 1785. J . The History of Printing in America. With a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers, &.c. 2 vols. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1810. , . Address before the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Svo. Boston. 1811. , . Catalogue of American Editions of Books. Svo. Thomas, John. [Bp.] Sermon at Christ Church, London, May S, 1740, before the Charity Schools. To which is annexed. An Account of the Origin and De- signs of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 4to. London. 1740. , . . Sermon before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 15, 1750. 4to. London. 1751. Thomas, John Hanson. Oration at Alexandria, D. C. July 4, 1807, before the Washington Society. i2mo. Alexandria. Thomas, Thomas. Virtues of Hazel; or Blessings of Government. Svo. Lon- don. 1798. Thomas, William. The Regulating Law-suits. Assize Sermon. IGmo. Lon- don. 1657. Thomas, M. Essay on Women ; tr. from the French and enlarged by Mr. Rus- sell. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1774. Thomassinus, Ludovicus. Glossarium Universale Hebraicum. fol. Parisiis. 1697. Thomson, Adam. Discourse on the Preparation of the Body for the Small Pox, and the manner of receiving the Infection. 4to. Philadelphia. 1750. Thomson, Ignatius. Oration at Pomfiet, July 4, 1809. Svo. Windsor. 1809. Thomson, James. The Seasons. With his Life, by S. Johnson. 12mo. Phila- delphia. 1788. , . Castle of Indolence. 12mo. Lublin. 1748. , . The Seasons. With his Life by R. Heron. ISmo. New- York. 1803. CATALOaUE OF LIBRARY. 13 Thomson, James. The Seasons. ]2mo. Newburyport, Mass. Thomson, John. New and Correct Tables. ]6mo. Edinburgh. 1761. Thomson, John Lewis. Historical Sketches of the War between the United States and Great Britain. 5th ed. ]2ino. Philadelphia. 1818. Thompson, George. Reception of, in Great Britain. P^rno. Boston. 183G. , . Lectures on Slavery. With a History of his connection with the Anti-Slavery Cause in England, by Wm. L. Garrison. I'^mo. Bos- ton. 183a Thompson, James. Complete Treatise on the Mensuration of Timber. 12mo. Troy. 1805. Thompson, B. See Rumford. Thompson, James W. Masonic Address at Leicester, Mass. June 24, 1831. 8vo. Cambridge. 1S3J. , . Chiist the Image of God. A Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1834. Thompson, Otis. Oration before Providence College, R. I. Sept. 5, 1798. 8vo. Providence. 1798. , . Fast Sermon at Rehoboth, [Mass.] Aug. 20, 1812. 8vo. Providence, R. L 1812. Thompson, Samuel. See Norton, Jacob. Thompson, Thomas. A Diet for a Drunkard: in Two Sermons, in 1G08. 4to. London. 1612. , . A Friendly Farewell Sermon, April 6, 1612. 4to. Lon- don. 1616. , . The Quakers' Quibbles Set forth in an Epistle to William Penn. In Three Parts. l()mo. London. 1674-5. Thorn. Faithful and Exact Narrative of the Horrid Tragedy ; lately acted at Thorn, in Prussia, by the Contrivances and Instigation of the Jesuits. 12mo. London. . Speech of the Rev. Father, the Advooate for the Jesuits of Thorn, On Occasion of the Tumult in that City. Oct. 31, 1724. i2mo. London. 1725. Thornton, Henry. Inquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain. Svo. Philadelphia. 1807. Thornton, W. Direction to Applicants for Patents from the United States. 24mo. 1811. Thorowgood, Thomes. Jewes in America, or. Probabilities That the Americans are of that Race. With the Removall of some contrary reasonings, and earn- est desires for effectual endeavours to make them Christian. 4to. London. 1650. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec 25, 1644. 4to. London. 1645. Thorpe, Edward. New Birth. Four Sermons. 4to. London. 1655. Thoughts on Religion. ]2mo. Thought^! on Christianity and the Conversion of Jonathan the Jew. 12mo. Throckmorton, Raphael. Sermon at the Rolls, Oct. 9, 1659. 4to. London. Throop, W^illiam. Sermon at the Funeral of Brinley Sylvester, Esq. of Shelter Island, who died Dec. 24, 1752.. 4to. Boston. 1753. Thrush, Thomas. Letter addressed to the King, on resigning his Commission as a Captain in the Royal Navy, on the Ground of the Unlawfulness of War. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1825. Thurston, Benjamin. Sermon at Kitterv, [Me.] at a Meeting of the Association of Ministers, Oct. 7, 1795. Svo. Dover. 1795. Thyraeus, Petrus. De Daemoniacis. 4to. Coloniae Agrippinae. 1594. Tibbets, George. Memoir on the Expediency and Practicability of improving or creating Home Markets. 3rd ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. Ic57. Ticknor, Elisha. English Exercises. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 17t3. Ticknor, George. Remarks on the Changes lately proposed or adopted in Har- vard University. 8vo. Boston. 1825. Tilenus, Daniel. Syntagmata. 16mo. 1607. , . Disputationes. 16mo. Sedani. 1617. , . Disputationes Theologicae. ]6mo. , . Exegesis de Antichristo. ed 2da. 16mo. Amstelodami. 1691. 14 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Til^hman, William. Address before the Philadelphia Agricultual Society, Jai?. IS, 1820. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. Tillinghasf, George. Oration at Providence, R. I. July 4, 1794. 8vo. Provi- dence. Tillinghast, Pardon. Water Baptism Plainly proved from Scripture to be a Gos- pel precept. 4to. 1689. , . See Keith, Georg'e. Tilsley, John. A True Copie of the Petition of Twelve Thousand, Five Hundred and Fifty of the Inhabitants of the County of Lancaster to Parliament. With Observations upon and a Vindication of it: Slc. 4to. London. 164G. Timbs, John. Knowledge for the People. 12mo. Boston. 1831. Time. On the Employment of. Three Essays. ]2mo. Dublin. 1750. Timplerns, Clemens. Systema Logicae. JCimo. 1G12. , . Metaphysicae Systema Methodicum. 16mo. Hanoviae. 1616. Tindal, Mathew. Christianity Old as Creation. Vol. L 8vo. London. 1730. Tinker, Reuben. Address to Theological Students. 12mo. Boston. 1833. Tithes. Petition of the Committee of Kent concerning, to the House of Com- mons, and the Speaker's Return thereto. 4to. 1646. Tobin, John. The Honey Moon. Comedy. Svo. London. 1805. Todd, John. Speech in Congress, Feb. 10, 1823, on the Bill for the more Effect- ual Encouragement of Manufactures. 8vo. Washington. J823. Todd, John. An Humble attempt towards the Improvement of Psalmody : The Propriety, Necessity and Use of Evangelical Psalms, in Christian Worship. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1763. Todd, Jonathan. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1749. J . Reply to the Rev. Mr. Eell's Serious Remarks, upon the Faith- ful Narrative. With an Answer to the Rev. Mr. Hobart's Principles, &c. by William Hart. Svo. New Haven, Con. 1760. Toleration. Indulgence and Toleration considered in a Letter unto a Person of Honour. 4to. London. 1667. . A Speech touching Toleration in Matters of Religion, delivered one hundred years since in Scotland. 4to. 1668. . See Conscience, Liberty of. Toll, Adrianus. Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia. ]2mo. Lug. Bat IC35. Tomb, Samuel. Sermon at Newbury, [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Newburyport. 1800. Tombs, John. A Public Dispute betwixt John Tombs, John Cragge, and Henry Vaughan touching Infant Baptism. 16mo. London. 1654. Tombes, John. Romanism Discussed, or an Answer to the Nine First Articles ofT. H. 4to. London. 1659. J . Serious consideration of the Oath of the King's Supremacy. 4to. London. 1660. Tomlinson, Gideon. [Gov.] Message to the General Assembly of Connecticut, May Session, 1827. 8vo. Hartford. 18':>7. , . — ». . Message to the General Assembly of Connecticut, May Session, 1829. 8vo. Hartford. Tompkins, Daniel D. [Gov.] Letter to. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1819. Tomkins, John. On the Lord's Prayer. With an Earnest Perswasive by W^ay of Postcript, by John Field. 16mo. 1725. Tompson, Edward. Heaven The Best Countr}^ 2d ed. IGmo. Boston. 1715. Tongue. Management of. tr. from the French. 8vo. Boston. 1783. . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 181^. Toogood, John. The Book of Nature. 4t.h ed. ]2mo. Boston. 1802. Took, Andrew. Pantheon of the Heathen Gods revised. 12mo. Baltimore. 1817. Tooke, John Horne. Diversion of Purley. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1806. Topcliffe, Lancaster. See Quakers. Toplady, Augustus. Jesus seen of Angels; and God's Mindfullness of Man. Three Discourses. 8vo. London. 1771. Toplady, Augustus M. Course of Family Prayer for each day in the week, 8vo. Boston. 1817. CATALOGUF. OF LIBRARY. 15 Toplady, A. M. See Unitarianism. Tories. See Whigs. Torquemada, Juan de. De la Monarquia Indiana. 3 vols. fol. Madrid. 1723. Torreblanca, Francisco. De Magia. fol. 1618. Torrey, Jesse. Portraiture of Domestic Slavery. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1817. , . The Intellectual Torch. 2d ed. ]2mo. Ballston Spa, N. Y. 1817. • , . Herald of Knowledge, or an Address to the Citizens of the Uni- ted States, proposing a new System of National Instruction. ]2mo. Wash- ton. 1822. Torrey, John. A Flora of the Northern and Middle Sections of the United States; Or a Systematic arrangement and description of all the Plants hitherto discovered in the United States North of Virginia. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York. 1824. Torrey, Samuel. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 4to. Boston. 1683. Torrey, William> Brief Discourse concerning Futurities or Things to come. With a Preface by the Rev. Mr. Prince. 8vo. Boston. 1757. Torrey, William T. Sermon at Plymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 23, 1821, on the Lord's Day after the Anniversary of the Landing of the Fathers. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Torringten, Arthur, Earl of Impartial Account of some Remarkable Passages in the Life of 4to. London. 1691. Torshell, Samuell. The Hypocrite Decovered and Cured. With an Epistle to the Assembly of Divines about the Discerning Spirit. 4to. London. 1644. Touchstone, The Spirit's. By J. R. 16mo. London. 1657. Toulmin, H. Short View of the Life, Sentiments, and Character of John Mort, in an Address to the Dissenters of Atherton, and a Sermon in New Bent Chapel, Jan. 20, 1788. 12mo. London. 1793. Tour, Henry De La. (Viscount Turenne.) History of. 8vo. London. 1735. Tour, Fashionable. 24mo. Saratoga Springs. 1822. Tourville, or the Mysterious Lover. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1800. Toussain, Daniel. Creeds, tr. from the French. By Ferd. Fielding. 16mo. 1583. Towgood, Micajah. Baptism of Infants a reasonable Service. 12mo. Boston. 1765. Towne, Hannah. Particular account of her Death. By C. C. 4to. MS. 1762. Towne, Mr. The Connoisseur. 4 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1803. Townley, James. Sermon before the Sons of the Clergy, at St. Paul's, London. April 16, 1752. 4to. London. 1752. Townsend, Alexander. Address at Boston, to the Charitable Fire Society. 8vo. Boston. 1809. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1810. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Townsend, David. Principles and Observations applied to the Manufacture and Inspection of Pot and Pearl Ashes. 8vo. Boston. 1793. Townsend, Jonathan. Two Fast Sermons at Needham, [Mass.] March 21, 1727- 8. 12mo. Boston. 1729. , . Sermon at Medfield, [Mass.] Oct. 28, 1759, upon the Re- duction of Quebec. 12mo. Boston. 1760. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. [1758.] Townsend, Joseph. Elements to Therapeutics, or a Guide to Health. 8vo. Boston. 1802. Townsend, Peter S. Anniversary Discourse before the Lyceum of Natural His- tory of New York, Feb. 28, 1820. 8vo. New York. 1820. Townsend, Shippie. Inquiry whether the Scriptures enjoin the Kiss of Charity, as the Duty of the Disciples of Christ, in their Church Fellowship in all Ages. 8vo. Boston. 1768. , . Practical Essay. 8vo. Boston. 1783. , . Some Remarks on a Pamphlet, intituled, All IVIen will not be Saved for ever : wrote by Samuel Mather, in answer to one intituled, Sal- vation for all Men. 8vo. Boston. 1783. , . An Attempt to Illustrate the Great Subject of the Psalms. Svo. Boston. 1783. 16 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Townsend, Shippie. Repentance and Remission of Sins considered, in answer to a Pamphlet intitled, " Divine Glory in the Condemnation of the Ungodly.' 8vo. Boston. 1784. An Attention to the Scriptures : for an Answer to the Im- portant Inquiry, whether Unbelievers are under the Law and under the Curse? &c. 12mo. Boston. 1795. Toy, John. Sermon at the Funerall of Mrs. Alice, wife of Mr. Thomas Tomkins. 4to. London. J()42. Tract Society, American. Origin and Character of the principal Series of Tracts. , . Proceedings of the First Ten Years. 12mo. An- dover, Mass. 18-24. , . Address of the Executive Committee of, to the Chris- tian Public, with a Brief Account of the Formation of the Stjciety. 8vo. New York. 18'^5. Second Annual Report, with Lists of Auxiliaries and Benefactions 8vo. New York. 1827. , . Seventh Annual Report. 8vo. New York. IBS'?. , . Proposed Circulation of the Volum.es of. 8vo. New York. 1834. Tract Society, American. Publications of. 7 vols. 12mo. Andover, Mass. 1824. , . Ninth Report. 8vo. Andover, Mass, 1823. , . Tenth Report. 8vo. Andover. 1824. ■ , . Eleventh Report. 8vo. Andover. 1825. , . 12th Annual Report. 8vo. Andover. 1826. , . 13th Annual Report. 8vo. Boston. 1827. , . 17th Annual Report. 8vo. Boston. 1831. , . 18th Annual Report. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Tract Society, Christian. Rules of. ]'^mo. London. 18v'8. , . Tracts designed to inculcjle Moral Conduct on Chris- tian Principles. 5 vols. 12mo. Hackney. 1824-5. Tract Society, Church of Englanrl. Instituted in Bristol, [Eng.] 1811. Fifteenth Report. 12mo. Bristol. 1827. Tract Society, New England. Constitution of. 12mo. Andover, Mass. 1916. , . Sixth Report. 12mo. 1S20. , . Seventh Report. 8vo. 1821. Tract Society, Relio-ious. Instituted in 1799. Thirteenth Annual Report of, 1829. 8vo. London. Tracts of the American Unitarian Association. 8 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1827-35. Tracts, Political. See Political Tracts ; Religious Tracts. Tracy, Uriah. Speech in the Senate of the United States on the Amendment of the Constitution, Dec. 2, 1803. 8vo. Tradesman. The Compleat. 2d ed. 16mo. London. 1684. Traditions. A Treatise of. Part 2d. 4to. London. 1689. Train, Charles. Oration at Hopkinton, Mass. July 4, 1823. 8vo. Worcester. 1823. , . Masonic Discourse at Worcester, June 24, 181.5. 8vo. Worces- ter. 1815. Transubstantiation. Reflections on a Discourse concerning. 4to. London. 1676. . . A Discourse against. 4to. London. 1685. . A peculiar Article of the Catholick Faith, which was never owned by the Ancient Church or any of the Reformed Churches. In answer to a late Discourse call'd Reasons for abrogating the Test. 4to. London. 1688. Transylvania University, Ky. Catalogue and Circulars of the Botanical Garden of 12mo. Lexington. 1824. , — . Annual Catalogue of, February, 1821. Svo. Lex- ington, Ky. Trapp, John. Comment upon the Pentateuch. 4to. London. 1650. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 17 Trapp, John. Commentary upon all the Books of the New Testament. 2(1 ed. fol. London. ]{)56. Trapp, Joseph. Tlie Works of Virgil, tr. into English Blank Verse. 2(1 ed. Vol. 2. 12mo. London. 1735. Travers, D. De Disciplina TJieologicn. 16mo. 1574. Treadwell, Daniel. Report made to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Bos- ton, on the Subject of Supplying the Inhabitants of that City with Water. 8vo. Boston. 1825. Treat, Capt. Joseph. Vindication of" against the atrocions Calumny comprehend- ed in Gen. Brown's Official Report of the Battle of Chippeway. 8vo. Plii la- de] phi a. 1815. Treatise on the Nature and Eff(;icts of lleat, Liglit, Electricity and Magnetism, as being different Deveiopements of one Eleoicnt. 8vo. Cainbridge, Mass. 1827. Treaty. Historical Memoir of the Negotiation of France and England, from 2fith of March, ]7G1, to the 20th Sept. tr. from the French. 4to. London. i7(n. . Review of the short Review ; and of the Remarks on the Treaty with Spain. 8vo, London. 1730. of Seville, and the Measures that have been taken for the Four Last Years Impartially considen^d. In a Letter to a Friend. 8vo. London. 1730. . The General and Definitive Treaty of Peace, concluded at Aix-la- Chapelle, on the I8th of Oct. 1748. ]2mo. . Treaties of x'^mity and Commerce, and of Alliance Eventual and Defensive, between the United States and France. 4to. Philadelphia. 1778. . Consideration on the Provisional Treaty with America and the Prelimi- nary Articles of Peace Avith France and Spain. 8vo. London. 1783. of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1785. . The Treaty, [Jay's,] Its Merits and Demerits, fairly discussed and dis*- played. 8vo. . Features of Mr. Jay's Treaty. To which is annexed a View of the Commerce of the United States. 8vo. Philade]phi:i. 17!)5. . Treaty of Peace and Amity between the United States of America and the Dey of Algiers. 1801. l2mo. . Treaty Convention between the French Republic and the United States, 1801. 12mo. Boston. J 802. , . The Treaties with England of 1783, 1794, 180G and 1814. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1815. Trelcatius, Lucas. Scholastica et Methodica Locorum Communium. ICmo.. Genevae. Kill. , . Idem. 16mo. Franco. 1634. Trenck, Baron Frederick. Life of. tr. from the German by Thomas Holcrofl.- 12mo. Boston. 1793. Trial of His R. H. the D. of C. for Criminal Conversation with Lady Harriet G R. 12m(). Philadelphia. J770. Tripoli. History of the War between the United States and Tripoli, and other Barbary Powers. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 180(). Trinity. Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity Stated and Defended. 12mo. London. 1719. . See Walrond. Trinitarianism. Caution against. By a Northamptonshire Farmer. 8vo. Market H irborough. 1799. . Second Caution against. By the Same. 8vo. Market Har- borough. 1800. Trinity of tiie Bible, with their Unity and Rights agreeably to the Whole of Scripture and to Reason. 8vo. London. 1722. Triumphant Christian, or Faith's Victory over Death and the Grave. 5th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1755. Trosachs. Sketch of the most Remarkable Scenery near Callendar of Monteath,. particularly the Trosachs at the East end of Loch Catherine. 6th ed. Svc,- Sterling. 1815. 13 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Trosse, George. Life of. By J. H. 12mo. Exon. 1714. , . Sermon at his Funeral. By J. H. ]2mo. 1713. Trot, John. Answer to the Defence of the Enquiry into the Reasons of the Con- duct of Great Britain. 12ino. London. 1729. , . Letter to Caleb D. Anvers, Esq. Concerning^ the State of Affairs in Europe as published in the Craftsman, Jan. 4, 1728-9. 12mo. London. 1730. Troughsori, F. Letter to a Friend touching God's Providence about Sinful Ac- tions. IGmo. London. 1G77. Troup, Robert. Vindication of the Claim of Elkanah Watson, Esq. to the Merit of projecting the Lake Canal Policy, as created by the Canal Act of March, 1792, and a Vindication of the Claim of the late Gen. Schuyler to the Merit of drawing that Act and procuring its passage through the Legislature. 8vo. Geneva, N.Y. 1821. , . Letter to Brockhoslt Livingston on the Lake Canal Policy of New York. 8vo. Albany. 1822. Troy, N. Y. See Rensselaer School. Truair, John. An Appeal to the Churches of Christ, and to the Public-, on a Document from the Hampshire Central Association, withdrawing Ministerial Fellowship from the Author. 8vo. Northampton, Mass. ]829. , . A Call from the Ocean, or an Appeal to the Patriot and the Chris- tian, in Behalf of Seamen. 8vo. [Boston.] 1826. , . Discourse at West Hampton, [Mass.] April 19, 1829. 8vo. Northampton. 1829. Truman, Thomas. Masonic Oration at Providence, R. I. Dec. 27, 1781. 4to. Providence. Trumbull, Benjamin. Plea, in Vindication of the Connecticut Title to the Con- tested Lands, lying West of the Province of New York, addressed to the Pub- lic. 8vo. New Haven. 1776. • , . Sermon at the Ordination of Thomas Holt, at Hardwick, [Mass.] June 25, 1789. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at North Haven, [Con.] Dec. 11, 1783, on account of the Peace. 2d ed. 8vo. New Haven. • , . Sermon at the Ordination of Nehemiah Pridden, at Enfield, [Mass.] Nov. 20, 1782. 8vo. Springfield. 1783. , . Century Sermon, or Sketches of the History of the Eigh- teenth Century, delivered at North Haven, Jane 1, 1801. 8vo. New Haven. 1801. J . Address to the Public, especially to the People of my own charge, and of the New Settlements, in the Northern and Western Parts of the United States, on the Subjects of Prayer and Family Religion. 12mo. Wiscasset, Me. 1807. ^ . A General History of the United States of America, from the Discovery in 1492 to 1792, or Sketches of the Divine Agency, in their Set- tlement, Growth and Protection, and especially in the late Memorable Revolu- tion. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , . The Same in MS. fol. , . A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiasti- cal, from the Emigration of its first Planters, from England, in the year 1630, to the year 1764, and to the close of the Indian War. 2 vols. 8vo. New- Haven. 1818. Trumbull, Henry. History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, and of their Engagements with the Indians, &c. 2ded. 8vo. Trenton, N. J. 1812. Trumbull, John. xM'Fingall, a Modern Epic Poem in Cantos. 12mo. Boston. 1785. , . Poetical Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1820. , . The Progress of Dulness, or the Rare Adventures of Tom Brainless. 12mo. Exeter, N. H. 1/94. , . M'Fingal. 8vo. New York. 1795. Trumbull, Jonathan. [Gov.] Extract from his Letter to Baron J. D. Vander Ca- pellan. Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 6. - C A T A L O G U Er O F L I IJ II A It Y. Trunil)iill, .Tonatlian. [Gov.] Address to the Gletieral Assembly and the Freemen of Connecticut, Declining- any further Election to Public OfKcc. 4to. New- London. 1788. Trumbull. Catalogue of his Paintings. 8vo. New York. 1831. Trumpeter sent by God to all the Principalities, States and Potentates of Europe. tr. from the Dutch. 4to. London. l(J44. Trusler, John. Principles of Politeness. IGth ed. ]6mo. liondon. 1800. Tryals of Sixteen Persons at Boston, for Piracy. 4to. London. 1726. Trvon, Thomas. Health's Grand Preservative, or the Womens best Doctor. 4to. London. 1682. Tryphiodorus. Ilii Excidium. Gr. et. Lat. 16mo. Genevae. 1029. Tucker, Benjamin. Letter to the Author of the Book intiBed "Letter and Re- marks occasioned by a Sermon by the Rev. A. Bancroft." 12mo. , . See Bancroft A. Tucker, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Edmund Noyes, at Salisbury, [Mass.] Nov. 20, 1751. 12mo. Boston. , . God's Goodness amidst his afflictive Providence, a Just Ground of Thankfulness and Praise. Thanksg-iving" Discourse, Nov. 25, 1756. 8vo. Boston. 1757. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Amos Moody, at Pelham, N. H. Nov. 20, 1765. 8vo. Boston. 1766. , . Two Discourses, occasioned by the Death of Rev. Mr. John Lowell, of Newburyport, [Mass.] who died May 15, 1767. 8vo. Boston. 1767. , . Letter to the Rev. James Chandler, Pastor of the West Church in Rowley, [Mass.] 8vo. Boston. 1767. , . Brief Account of an Ecclesiastical Council at Newbury, March 31, 1767. 4to. , . The Same. With a Discourse annexed. Being a Minister's Appeal to his Hearers, as to his Life and Doctrines. 8vo. Boston. , . Remarks on Rev. Aaron Hutchinson's Sermon delivered at Graf- ton, [Mass.] April 23, 1767, Intitled, Valour for the Truth. 8vo. Boston. , . Rev. Aaron Hutchinson's Reply to the Remarks on his Sermon preached at Newburyport, April 23, 1767, entitled Valour for the Truth, con- sidered. 8vo. Boston. 1768. . , . Letter to the Rev. Mr. James Chandler, relative more especially to a Marginal Note or two in his Sermon at Newburyport, June 25, 1767, prepara- tory to Settling of a Minister. 8vo. Boston. 1767. , . Reply to the Rev. Mr. Chandler's AnsAver, containing' more specially the Author's Vindication of himself, in his first Letter, &c. In a Second Letter. 8vo. Boston. 17(58. , . Remarks on the Rev. Mr. James Chandler's Serious Address to the Society at Newburyport, In a Letter to a Friend. 8vo. Boston. 1768. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1768. , . Two Sermons, one on the Condition of Salvation ; and the other on the Nature and Necessity of the Father's drawing such as come unto Christ, preached at Newburyport, April 9, 1769. 8vo. Boston. 1769. . . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1771. , . Dudleian Lecture in Harvard College, Sept 2, 1778. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1778. , . Sermon at Newburyport, Aug 14, 1788, on a day set apart by the First Church to seek the Divine Direction and Blessing, in the choice and set- tlement of a Colleague Pastor Avith the Rev. Thomas Cary. 8vo. Newbury- port. 1788. Tucker, Josiah. Humble Address and Earnest Appeal &c. whether a Connexion Avith, or Separation from, the Continental Colonies of America, be most for the National advantage and the lasting benefit of these Kingdoms. 2d ed. 8vo. Gloucester. 1795. Tucker, Joseph. The Interest of Britain set forth in regard to the Colonies. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1776. , . The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1776. 61 20 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Tucker, Mark. Statement of Facts, in relation to the Call and Installation of the Rev. Mark Tucker, over the Society in Northampton, [Mass.] Together with his Correspondence on the Subject of Exchanges. 8vo. Northampton. 1824. Tucker, St. George. Dissertation on Slavery, with a Proposal for the Gradual Abolition of it in the State of Virginia. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1796. Tuckerman, Joseph. Funeral Oration on the Death of Washington, before the Boston Mechanic Association, Feb. 22, 1800. 8vo. Boston. 1800. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1804. ' , . Sermon on the TAventietli Anniversary of his Ordination. 8vo. Boston. 1821. ^ . Sermon at New Bedford, Mass. Dec. 17, 1823, at the Or- dination of Orville Dewey. 8vo. New Bedford. 1824. Tuckney, Anthony. Sermon before the House of Commons, Aug. 30, 1643. 4to. London. 1643. , . Sermon at the Funerals of Rev. Dr. Hill, Dec. 22, 1053. 16mo. London. 1653. , . A Good Day well improved : in Five Sermons. 16mo. London. 1658. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Aug. 30, 1643. 16mo. London. 1659. , . Forty Sermons. 4to. London. 1676. , . Praelectiones Theologicae, Nec non Determinationes Ques- tionum Variarum. 4to. Amstelodami. 1679. Tuckney, J. K. Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816. To which is added the Journal of Professor Smith. 8vo. New York. 1818. Tudor, William. Oration at Boston, March 5, 1779, to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of 5th March, 1770. 4to. Boston. 1779. , -. Oration at Boston, March 5, 1779. See Boston Orations. , . Congratulatory Address, July 5, 1790, before the Cincinnati of Massachusetts. 4to. Boston. 1790. , . Discourse before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society,. Junel, 1798. 8vo. Boston. 1798. , . Memoir of. [Mass. Hist Coll. VoL 8, 2d Series.] , ■ . See Adams, John. Tudor, William, Jun. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1809. 8vo. Boston. 1809. y , . Discourse before the Massachusetts Humane Society, May, 1817. 8vo. Boston. 1817. . , . Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1823. — : , . See Carey, Matthew. Tufts, Cotton. Oration at Weymouth, [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. 1800. Tufts, George A. Address at W^orcester, Oct. 12, 1825, before the Worcester Agricultural Society. 8vo. Worcester. 1827. Tufts, Joshua. The Believers most sure Freedom Purchased by Jesus Christ, Laid down in a Sermon, Preached at Narragansett, Nov. 1, 1757. 4to. Ports- mouth, N. H. 1757. Tulley, Samuel, and John Dalton. Report of their Trial for Piracy. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Tulley, Samuel. Life of. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Tunstall, James. Vindication of the Power of States to Prohibit Clandestine Marriages under the Pain of Absolute Nullity. 8vo. London. 1755. Turnbull, Robert J. Visit to the Philadelphia Prisons. 8vo. London. 1797. Turell, Ebenezer. Sermon at Cambridge, Mass. Sept 12, 1739, at the Ordinatioa of Samuel Cooke. 8vo. Boston. 1740. , . Direction to his People with Relation to the Present Times ; with the Reasons why it is made Publick. 12mo. Boston. 1742. , . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1742. — . See Croswell, Andrew. , . Mr. Turell's Dialogue between a Minister and his Neighbour, about the Times. To which is added, an Answer to Mr. John Lee's Remarks on a Passage in the Preface of his Direction to his People, &c. 12mo. Boston. 1742. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 21 Turell, Ebenezer. Brief and Plain Exhortation to his People on the late Fast, Jan. 8, 1747-8. 8vo. Boston. 1748. , . The Life and Character of the Rev. Benjamin Colman. 8vo. Boston. 1749. , . Detection of Witchcraft. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 10. 2d Series.] Turkey. Remarks on the Present State of Turkey, considered in its Commercial and Political Relation with England. 8vo. London. 1821. Turlington, Robert. Account of his Balsam of Life. ]2mo. [London. 1747.] Turnbull, Robert J. A Visit to the Philadelphia Prisons. Being a particular Account of the Wise and Humane Administration adopted in every part of that Building ; containing also an Account of the Gradual Reformation and present Improved State of the Penal Laws of Pennsylvania, &c. 8vo. London. 1797. Turnebus, Adrianus. Explicatio Loci Ciceroniani in quo tractantur Joci Lib II, de Orat. 2d ed. 16mo. Lutitiae. 1594. , . In Phaedonem Platonis de animarum Immortalitate Pre- fatio. 16mo. Lutetiae. 1595. , . Oratio habita post J. Tusani Prof. Reg. Mortem cum in cujus locum suffectus est. 16mo. Lutetiae. 1595. Turner, Charles. Sermon at the Ordination of George Daman, at Tisbury, [Mass.] Oct. 1,1760. 8vo. Newport, R.L 1762. , . Sermon at Reading, [Mass.] Nov. 7, 1770, at the Ordination of Thomas Haven. 8vo. Boston. 1770. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1773. , . Anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1773. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1774. , . Two Fast Sermons at Cambridge, [Mass.] May 15, 1783. Svo. Boston. 1783. Turner, Daniel. Art of Surgery. Vol. 1. 3rd ed. 12mo. London. 1729. Turner, Edward. Thanksgiving Sermon at Charlestown, Mass. April 13, 1815. 8vo. Charlestown. , . Discourse at Westminster, Mass. July 3, 1821, at the Dedica- tion of the First Universalist Meetinghouse. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Turner, John. Discourse concerning the Messiah. With a large Preface Ex- plaining the Doctrine of the Trinity against the late Writer of the Intellectual System. 16mo. London. 1685. Turner, Nathaniel. Funeral Oration on the Death of Benjamin French, a Mem- ber of the Sophomore Class, in Williams College, [Mass.] Aug. 29, 1796. 8vo. Stockbridge. 1797. Turner, R. A New Introduction to Book Keeping after the Italian Method. 3ded. 12mo. London. 1794. Turnerus, Robertus. Orationes et Tractatus Posthumi. 16mo. Coloniae Agrip- pinae. 1615. Turner, Roger. The Usurper's Plea answered. 4to. London. 1634. Turrettinus, Franciscus. Institutio Theologiae. Elencticae. 3 vol. 4to. Ge- nevae. 1688-90. , . De Satisfactione Cliristi Dispatationes. 4to. Genevae. 1691. , . De Necessaria Secessione Nostra ab Ecclesia Romana, et Impossibili cum ea Syncretismo, Disputationes, etc. 4to. Genevae. 1688. T utty, William. Sermon at the Funeral of Andrew Bassano, Sept. 17, 1658. 4to. London. 1659. Twilight. A Poem, Spoken at Litchfield, [Con.] July 4, 1812, by a Student of Law. 12mo. New York. 1813. Twiss, Horace. Tract on Savings Banks. Svo. London. 1816. Twisse, William. The Doubting Conscience Resolved. 16mo. London. 1652. Twittee, Thomas. The Art of Salvation. Sermon. 4to. London. 1643. Tyler, John. The Sanctity of a Christian Temple. Sermon at the Opening of Trinity Church, in Pomfret, [Con.] April 12, 1771. Svo. Providence, R. I. 1771. Tyler, Royal. The Original of Evil. 4to. 1793. Tyler, William. See Weymouth, [Mass.] 22 A M E K I C A N ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T V. - Tynipius, Mattheus. Mcnsa Theolo-philosophica. 16mo. 1618. Typographia. Abridgment of Johnson's Typog-raphia. See Printing-. Tyranny Unmasked. Answer to a late Pamphlet, entitled Taxation no Tyranny. 8vo. London. 1775. Tyrants and Protectors set ibrth in their Colours. By J. P. 4to. London. 1654. Tyson, J. R. Essay on the Penal Law of Pennsylvania. Svo. Philadelphia. 1827. , . Address delivered at the request of the Apprentices Library Com- pany, March 26, 1830. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. Tyson, Job R. Brief Survey of the Great Extent and Evil Tendencies of the Lottery System, as Existing in the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. Tytler, Alexander Eraser. Elements of History. With a Continuation by Ed- ward Nares. 12mo. Concord. 1823. Tytler, James. The Rising Sun in the West ; or the Origin and Progress of Liberty. A Poem. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1795. , . Proposals for Publishing a New System of Geography. Svo. Salem, Mass. 1802. , . Paine's Second Part of the Ago of Reason, Answered. 12mo. Salerp, Mass. 1796. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY 1836. U Udall, Ephraim. Good of Peace and 111 of Warre. Sermon. 4to. London. 1642. Udall. Sermon at the Funerall of Mr. Shute. 4to. Udall, John. Hebrew Grammar. 16mo. Leyden. 1693. , . A Commentarie upon the Lamentations of Jeremie. 4to. London. 1608. Ulloa, Antonio de, and George Juan. Voyage to South America, tr. from the Spanish. By John Adams. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1806. Ulloa, Antonio de, y Jorge Juan. Relacion Historica del Viage a La America Meridional. 4 vol. fol. Madrid. 1748. , . Memoires Philosophiques, Historiques, Physiques, concernant la d^couverte de 1' Amerique, ses anciens Habitans, etc. trad. par. M. Lefebre de Villebrune. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris. 1787. , . See Carli, J. R. Umfreville, Edward. OfRce and Duty of Coroners. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1761. Unchastity. Caution against the Sins of. 12mo. Boston. 1808. Underbill, Samuel. Lecture on Mysterious Religious Emotions, delivered at Bethlehem, Ohio. 12mo. Steubenville. 1829. Underbill, Updike. Life and Adventures of 2 vols. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1797. Uniacke, Crofton. Letter to the Lord Chancellor on the Necessity and Practi- cability of forming a Code of the Laws of England, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1827. . , . Substance of a Judgment in the Court of Vice Admiralty, at Halifax, N. S. Aug. 24, 1818. 8vo. Halifax. Union Canal Company. Annual Report of the Managers, Nov. 18, 1828. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1828. -, Nov. ]7,1829. Svo. Philadelphia. 1829. Philadelphia. 1832. -, Nov. 20,1832. 8vo. -, Nov. 19, 1833. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1833. Unitarianism. Friendly Dialogue between a Common Unitarian Christian, and an Athanasian, &c. 12mo. London. 1784. . Vindication of Scriptural Unitarianism, and some other Primitive Christian Doctrines, in Reply to Vindex's Examination of an Appeal to the Society of Friends. By Verax. Svo. London. 1803. . See Quakers. Candid and Conciliating Review of the late Correspondence of the Rev. Dr. Worcester and Rev. Mr. Channing, on the Subject of By a Serious Inquirer. Svo. Boston. 1817. Constitution of the First Society of Unitarians in Philadelphia, Aug. 23, 1807. Svo. Philadelphia. 1807, . Abstract of Unitarian Belief. 12mo. 2 A >l i: K f C A N A X T 1 Q U A R I A \ si i) C 1 K T Y. Unitaiianism. Remarks on " American UnitarianiSm." By Ainana. Also, Two Letters to Dr. Priestley, by A. M. Toplady. 8vo. Boston. 1815. . Present State of, in America. 8vo. . Articles of Association of the Baltimore Unitarian Society for the Distribution of Books. 12mo. Baltimore. 1821. . Annual Report of the New York Unitarian Book Society ; with the Rules of the Society, and Catalogues of the Library and Tracts for 1823. 12mo. New York. 1823. . Constitution of the Auxiliary Unitarian Association in Worcester County, Mass. 12mo. Worcester. 1825. . The Unitarian's Answer : or, a brief and plain " Answer to any that ask a Reason" of our Attachment to Unitarianism, considered as a Sys- tem both of Doctrine and Instruction. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1825. . Causes of the Progress of Liberal Christianity in New England. 12mo. Boston. 1826. . One Hundred Arguments for the Unitarian Faith. 3d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1826. . The Faith once Delivered to the Saints. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1826. . Review of Tracts published by the American Unitarian Asso- ciation. [From the Christian Magazine.] 8vo. Boston. 1827. . Constitution of the Young Men's Unitarian Book and Pamphlet Society. 12mo. Boston. 1827. Vindicated against the charge of not going far enough. 12mo. Boston. 1827. . Reply of a Unitarian Clergyman to the " Letter of a Gentleman in Boston." 12mo. Boston. 1828. . . Review of a " Letter from a Gentleman in Boston to a Unitarian Clergyman of that City." 12mo. Boston. 1828. — ■ . Candid Address to the Unitarian Ministers in Boston and Vicin- ity. 8vo. 1829. . Second Annual Report of the American Unitarian Association. 12mo. Boston. 1827. . Seventh Annual Report of American Unitarian Association. 12mo. Boston. 1832. . Fifth Report of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association. 8vo. London. 1830. . 14th Report of the Liverpool Unitarian Tract Society. 8vo. Liverpool. 1831. . Objections to Unitarian Christianity considered. 12mo. . See Stuart, M. Woods, L. Channing, W. E. Ware, H. Unitarian Ministers. Candid Address to the, of Boston and vicinity. 12mo. 1829. United Irishmen. Proceedings of the Society of. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1795. United States. Laws. Containing the Federal Constitution; Acts of the Ses- sions of the First and Second Congress ; The Treaties existing between the United States and Foreign Nations and the Several Indian Tribes. Vol. 1. fol. Boston. 1795. . Laws of. 3 vols. . Acts of Congress from the First Session of the Fifth Congress begun at Philadelphia, May 15th, 1797 to March 4, 1835. 8vo. Philadelphia and Washington. 1797-1835. . National Bankrupt Law. 12mo. [1800.] . Rules and Articles for the better government of the Troops of. 12mo. Washington. 1800. . An Act Establishing Rules and Regulations of the Army, &c. 12mo. Albany, N.Y. 1812. . Laws relating to Direct Taxes and Internal Duties. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1813. . Laws of, relative to Naturalization. 8vo. Washington. 1816. ' . Laws relating to the Public Lands. 8vo. Washington. 1817. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 3 United States. List of Patents g-ranted by, for the Encouragement of Arts and Sciences, alphabetically arranged from 1790 to 1820. 6vo. Washington. 1820. . Tariff of Duties. Revenue Laws and Custom House Regula- tions compiled by P. P. F. Degrand. 4th ed. ]2mo. Boston. 1828. ■ . Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the Thirteen States, fol. Lancaster, Penn. 1777. . Journal of the Convention which formed the Constitution. 8vo. Boston. 1819. . Address and Recommendations to the States by the United States in Congress assembled. 8vo. Boston. 1783. — The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1783. . . The Same. 4to. Hartford, Con. 1763. . Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1785. . Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America ; Declaration of Independence ; and Articles of Confederation between the said States. To which are added the Declaration of Rights ; the Non-Importation Agreement, and the Petition of Congress to the King, delivered by Mr. Penn. With an Appendix containing Treaties, «&.c., and a Preface and Dedication by the Rev. James Jackson. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1783. - — . Observations on the New Constitution, and on the Federal and State Conventions. By a Columbian Patriot. 8vo. [1786.] . Collection of State Papers relative to the first acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the New States, &c. by the United Netherlands. [By John Adams.] 8vo. Hague. 1782. . Considerations on the present Situation of Great Britain and the United States. 8vo. London. 1784. . Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled " A Dissertation on the politi- cal Union and Constitution of the Thirteen United States of North America." "By a Citizen of Philadelphia." With some brief Observations upon the- Western Lands, &c. By a Connecticut Farmer. 8vo. 1784. . Constitution and Frame of Government of. Report^";! by the Con- vention of Delegates, begun and held at Philadelphia, May, 1787, with the- Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts upon the same. 8vo. Boston. . Proceedings of the Federal Convention, Sept. 1787. 8vo.- [1787.] . Fragments on the Confederation of the American States. . Observations leading to a fair Examination of the System of Government proposed by the late Convention; in a Number of Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republican. 8vo. 1787. . :. An Additional Number of Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republican; leading to a fair Examination of the System of Government,. proposed by the late Convention. 12mo. 1788. . Observations on the New Constitution and on the Foederal and' State Conventions. By a Columbian Patriot. 8vo. Boston. 1788. . The Weaknesses of Brutus Exposed : or. Some Remarks in' Vindication of the Constitution proposed b}- the late Federal Convention. By a Citizen of Philadelphia. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1787. . Ratifications of the New Federal Constitution of, with the- Amendments proposed by the Several States. ]2mo. Richmond, Va. 1788. . Plan of the New Constitution for the United States of America, agreed upon in a Convention of the States. 8vo. London. 1792. • . Amendments proposed to be added to the Federal Constitution, By the Congress of the United States, held at New York, 1789. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1790. Meaning of the Terms in the Constitution " No State shall pass- any Ex post Facto Laws," &-c. 8vo. . Marine Rules and Regulations. 8vo. Boston. 1799. . Constitution of, as proposed by the Convention at Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1787, with the subsequent Amendments. With the Rules and Orders.- of the House of Representatives. 12mo. Washington. 1821. 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. TTnited States. Correspondence between P. A. Adet, the French Minister to the United States, and T. Pickering, Secretary of State for the United States. 8vo. [1796.] . Message of the President to both Houses of Congress, April 3, ]798, relative to the French Embassy. 8vo. • . Instructions to the Envoys and Ministers Plenipotentiary to the French Republic, July 15, 1797. 8vo. Pliiladelphia. 1798. . Sundry Resohitions and Proceedings in Cases before the Board of Commissioners for carrying into effect the Cth Article of the Treaty with his Britanic Majesty. 4to. Philadelphia. 1799. . Report of the Committee appointed to Examine and report v'liether monies drawn from the Treasury, have been faithfully applied, fcc. April 29, 1802. 8vo. Salem, Mass. ■ . See Wolcott, O. . Report of the Committee on the President's Message relating to Hamet Carramalli. 8vo. Washington. 180(j. . Important Documents presented to Congress, Nov. 29, 1809, containing the Correspondence between America, England and France. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1809. . Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the Conduct of Gen. Wilkinson. 8vo. Washington. 1811. . Memorial of tlie Inhabitants of the Niagara Frontier. 8vo. Washington. 1817. — . Census for 1800. fol. Washington. 1802. . Census for 1820. fol. Washington. 1821. . Census for 1830. fol. Washington. 1832. . State Papers and Public Documents (Wait's) from 1789 to 1815. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 10. 9 vols. 8vo. Boston. 181,5-17. . Proceedings of Congress relative to the National Debt in April, 1784. 8vo. Boston. 1784. • : . Statement of Accounts during the Administration of the Super- intendant of Finance (Robert Morris) from Feb. 20, 1781, to Nov. 1, 1784. fol. Philadelphia. 1785. . Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Public Moneys during the Administration of the Finances by Robert Morris, fol. Philadelphia. 1790. . Accounts of the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States from 1792 to 1830. fol. Philadelphia and Washington. 1792-1830. . Public Accounts of the War and Navy Departments from Jan. 1, 1797, to Dec. 81, 1801. 2 vols. fol. Washington. 1803. . Statement on the Part of, of the case referred, in pursuance of the Convention of 29th Sept. 1827, between the said States and Great Britain to his Majesty, the King of the Netherlands, for his Decision. With the First and Second Statements on the Part of Great Britain in relation to the same subject, fol. Washington. 1829. . State Papers of the 1st Session of the 14th Congress. 2 vols. fol. Washington. 1815-16. . State Papers of the 1st Session of the 14th Congress. Vol 2. 8vo. Washington. 1815-16. • . State Papers ot the 2d Session of the 14th Congress. 2 vols. fol. Washington. 181G-17. . State Papers of the 2d Session of tlie 14tli Congress. Vol. 2. 8vo. Washington. 1816-17. . State Papers 1st Session ot the 15th Congress. Vols. 2, 3. 5, 6, 7. 8vo. Washington. 1817-18. . Reports, &c. of the 1st Session of the 15th Congress. Vols. 2 and 8. 8vo. Washington. 1817-18. • . Reports of Committees of the 2d Session of the 15th Congress. 9 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1818-19. . Senate Documents of the 2d Session of the 15th Congress. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1818-19. . State Papers of the 2d Session of the 15th Congress. 8 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1818-19. C A T A L O C; U E OF LIB 11 A 11 Y. O United States. State Papers of tlie 1st Session of the IGth Congress. [Senate Documents.] 4 vols. 8vo. Wasiiinf^^ton. I819-'20. . State Papers of the Jst Session of the IGth Congress. 8 vols. 8vo. Washington. ] 819-20. ■ . Treasurer's Account, 1st Session of the 16th Congress. 8vo. Washington. 1819-20. -. Reports of Committees of the 1st Session of the IGth Congress. 8vo. Washington. 1819-20. state Papers of the 2d Session of the IGth Congress. 15 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1820-1. State Papers of the 2d Session of the 17th Congress. 10 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1822-3. -. Senate Papers of the 2d Session of the 17th Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1822-o. Reports of the 2d Session of the 17th Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1822-3. Reports of the 1st Session of the 18th Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1823-4. Senate Documents of the 1st Session of the 18th Congress. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1823-4. -. State Papers of the 1st Session of the ISth Congress. 12 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1823-4. -. State Papers of the 2d Session of the 18th Congress. 9 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1824-5. Reports of the 2d Session of the 18th Congress. 2 vols* 8vo. Washington. 1824-5. . Senate Documents of the 2d Session of the 18th Congress. 4 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1824-5. State Papers 1st Session of the 19th Congress. 9 vols. 8vo. Washington. 182.5-6. . Senate Documents 1st Session of the 19th Congress. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1825-C. -. Reports 1st Session of the 19th Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1825-6. -. State Papers 2d Session of the 19th Congress. 1 1 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1826-7. — . Reports 2d Session of the 19th Congress. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash- ington. 1826-7. . Senate Documents 2d Session of the 19th Congress. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1826-7. . State Papers 1st Session 20th Congress. 7 vols. 8vo. Wash- ington. 1827-8. ■ . Reports 1st Session 20th Congress. 4 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1827-8. Senate Documents 1st Session 20th Congress. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1827-8. State Papers 2d Session of the 20th Congress. 6 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1828-9. -. Reports 2d Session of the 20th Congress. 8vo. Washington. 1828-9. . Senate Documents 2d Session of the 20th Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1828-9. State Papers of the 1st Session of the 21st Congress. 4 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1829-30. Reports of the 1st Session of the 21st Congress. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1829-30. -. Senate Documents of the 1st Session of the 21st Congress. ' 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1829-30. • . Executive Documents 2d Session of the 21st Congress. 4 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1830-31. Reports 2d Session of the 21st Congress. 8vo. Washington. 1830-1. 62 AMERICANANTIQUARIANSOCIETY. United States. Senate Documents 2d Session ot the 21st Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. ] 830-1. . Executive Documents 1st Session 22d Congress. 6 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1831-32. . Executive Documents 2d Session 22d Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1832. ' . Reports of Committees 2d Session 22d Congress. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1832. . Senate Documents 2d Session 22d Cong-ress. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1832. Executive Documents 2d Session 22d Congress. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1832. Reports of Committees 2d Session 22d Congress. 8vo. Wash- ington. 1832. Senate Documents 2d Session 22d Congress. 8vo. Washing- ton. 1832. — ■'. Senate Documents 1st Session 23d Congress. 10 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1834-5. Executive Documents 1st Session 23d Congress. 6 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1833-4. Executive Documents 2d Session 23d Congress. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1834-5. Reports of Committees 1st Session 23d Congress. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1833-4. . Reports of Committees 2d Session 23d Congress. . Senate Documents 2d Session 23d Congress. 5 vols. 8vo<. Washington. 1834-5. . Statistical Tables of the Population of, from 1790 to 1830 inclu- sive, fol. Washington. 1835. -. Journal of the Senate 2d Session 1st Congress, begun at New York, Jan. 4th, 1790. foh New York. 1790. -. Same, 3rd Session 1st Congress, begun at Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 1790. fol. Philadelphia. 1791. Same, 1st Session 2d Congress, begun Oct 24, 1791. fol. Philadelphia. 1791. Same, 2d Session 2d Congress, begun Nov. 5, 1792. fol. Phil- adelphia. 1792. Same, 1st Session 3rd Congress, begun Dec. 2, 1793. foL Philadelphia. 1793. . Same, 1st Session 5th Congress, begun May 15, 1797. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797. : . Same, 2d Session 5th Congress, begun Nov. 13, 1797. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1798. Same, 8rd Session 5th Congress, begun Dec. 3, 1798. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. . Same, 1st Session 4th Congress, begun Dec. 7, 1795. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. Same. 2d Session 4th Congress, begun Dec. 5, 1796. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. . Same, 1st Session Gth Congress, begun Dec. 2, 1799. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. . Same, 2d Session Gth Congress, begun at Washington, Nov. 17, 1800. 8vo. Washington. 1800. Same, 1st Session 7th Congress, begun Dec. 7, 1801. 8vo. Washington. 1801. . Same, 2d Session 7th Congress, begun Dec. 6, 1802. 8vo. Washington. 1803. Same, Isi Session 8th Congress, begun Oct. 17, 1803. 8vo. Washington. 1803. Sam.e, 2d Session of the 14th Congress. 8vo. Washington. 1816-17. . Same, 1st Session 15th Congress, begun Dec. 1, 1817. 8vo. Washington. 1817. United States. Journal of the Senate, ]st Session 16th Congress, begun at Washington, Dec. 6, 1819. 8vo. Washington. 1819. . Same, 2d Session ICth Congress, begun Nov. 13, 1820. 8vo. Washington. 1820. . Same, 1st Session 17th Congress, begun Dec. 3, 1821. 8vg. Washington. 1821. — . Same, 2d Session 17th Congress, begun Dec. 2, 1822. 8vo. Washington. 1322. . Same, 1st Session I8th Congress, begun Dec. 1, 1828, 8vo. Washington. 1823. . Same, 2d Session 18th Congress, begun Dec. 6, 1824. 8vo. Washington. 1824. . Same, 1st Session 19th Congress, begun Dec. 5, 1825. Svo. Washington. 1825. . Same, 2d Session 19th Congress, begun Dec. 4th, 1826. Svo. Washington. 1826. ' . Same, 1st Session 20th Congress, begun Dec. 3, 1827. 8vo. Washington. 1827. . Same, 2d Session 20th Congress, begun Dec. 1, 1828. 8vo. Washington. 1828. . Same, 1st Session 21st Congress, begun Dec. 7, 1829. 8vo. Washington. 1829. . Same, 2d Session 21st Congress, begun Dec. 6, 1830. Svo. Washington. 1830. . Same, from March 4th, 1789, to March 4th, 1815, being the 13 first Congresses. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1820-1. — . Same, 1st Session 22d Congress, begun Deo. 5th, 1831. 8vo. Washington. 1831. . Same, 2d Session 22d Congress, begun Dec. 3, 1832. Svo. Washington. 1832. ■ ^ . Same, 1st and 2d Sessions 23d Congress. 8vo. Washington. 1833-4. ■ . Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d Session 1st Con- gress, begun at New York, Jan. 4, 1790. fol. New York. 1790. . Same, 3rd Session 1st Congress, begun at Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 1790. fol. Philadelphia. 1791. . Same, 1st Session 2d Congress, begun Oct. 24, 1791. fol. Phil- adelphia. 1792. . Same, 2d Session 2d Congress, begun Nov. 5th, 1792. fol. Philadelphia. 1792. . Same, 1st Session 3rd Congress, begun Dec. 2, 1793. Svo. Philadelphia. 1793. . Same, 2d Session 3rd Congress, begun Nov. 3, 1794. Svo. Philadelphia. 1794. . Same, 1st Session 4th Congress, begun Dec. 7, 1795. Svo. Philadelphia. 1795. . Same, 2d Session 4th Congress, begun Dec. 5, 1796. Svo. Philadelphia. 1796. — — . Same, 1st Session 5th Congress, begun May 15, 1797. Svo. Philadelphia. 1797. . Same, 2d Session 5th Congress, begun Nov. 13th, 1797. Svo. Philadelphia. 1797. . Same, 3rd Session 5th Congress, begun Dec. 3, 1798. Svo. Philadelphia. 1798. . Same, 1st Session 6th Congress, begun Dec. 2, 1799. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1800. . Same, 2d Session 6th Congress, begun at Washington, Nov. 17, 1800. 8vo. Washington. 1801. . Same, 1st Session 7th Congress, begun Dec. 7, 1801. Svo. Washington. 1802. . Same, 2d Session 7th Congress, begun Dec. 6, 1802. Svo. Washington. 1802-3. 8 A !M K R I C A N A N T 1 Q U A R I A N S O C I E T Y. United States. Journal of the House of Representatives, 1st Session 8th Con- gress, begun at Washington, Oct. 17, J 803. 8vo. Washington. 1803-4. . Same, 2d Session Sth Congress, begun Nov. 5, 1804. 8vo. Washington. 1804-5. . Same, 1st Session Uth Congress, begun Dec. 2, 1805. 8vo. Washington. 1 805-6. . Same, 2d Session Oth Congress, begun Dec. 1, ISOC. 8vo. Washington. 1806-7. ■ . Same, 1st and 2(1 Sessions of the 14th Congress. 8vo. Wash- ington. 1816-17. . Same, 1st Session 15th Congress, begun Dec. 1, 1817. 8vo. Washington. 1817-18. . Same, 1st Session IGth Congress, begun Dec. 6, 1819. Svo. Washington. 1819-20. . Same, 2d Session 16th Congress, begun Nov. 13, 1850. 8vo. Washington. 1820-1. . Same, 1st Session 17th Congress, begun Dec. 3, 1821. 8vo. Washington. 1821-2. . . Same, 2d Session 17th Congress, begun Dec. 2, 1822. Svo. Washington. 1822-3. . Same, 1st Session 18th Congress, begun Dec. 1, 1823. Svo. Washington. 1823-4. . Same, 2d Session 18th Congress, begun Dec. 6, 1824. Svo. Washington. 1824-5. . Same, 1st Session 19th Congress, begun Dec. 5, 1825. Svo, Washington. 1825-6. . Same, 2d Session 19th Congress, begun Dec. 4, 1826. Svo. Washington. 1826-7. . Same, 1st Session 20th Congress, begun Dec. 3, 1827. 8vo. Washington. 1827-8. . Same, 2d Session 20th Congress, begun Dec. 1, 1828. Svo. Washington. 1828^9. , . Same, 1st Session 21st Congress, begun Dec. 7, 1829. Svo. Washington. 1829^0. . Same, 2d Session 21st Congress, begun Dec. G, 1830. Svo. Washington. 1830-31. . Same, 1st Session 22d Congress, begun Dec. 5, 1831. Svo. Washington. 1831. . Same, 2d Session 22d Congress, begun Dec. 3, 1832. Svo. Washington. 1 832. . Same, 1st Session 23d Congress, begun Dec. 2, 1833. 8vo. Washington. 1833. . Same, 2d Session 23d Congress, begun Dec. 1, 1834. Svo. Washington. 1834. . Same, from March 4, 1789, to March 14, 1815, [being the 13 first Congresses.] 9 vols. Svo. Washington. 1826. . Rules and Regulations for the Field Exercise and Manoeuvres of the Infantry of Svo. New York. 1815. . General Regulations of the Army, or Military Institutes. Svo. Philadelphia. 1821. . General Regulations for the Army of Svo. Philadelphia. 1821. . Register of the Commission and Wan-ant Officers of the Navy of 12mo. Washington. 1824. . Army Register of, for 1826. 12mo. Washington. . The Same, for 1815. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1815. . The Same, for 1830. 12mo. . . The Same, for Jan. 1816. 12mo. . The Same, for 1828. 12mo. Washington. 1827. . Report of the Committee on Naval Alfairs, on the Petition of Capt. Charles Stewart. Svo. Feb. 5, 1816. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 9 United States. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy for 1829. 12mo. Washington. 1828. . Rules for Conducting- the Business of the Senate of. 8vo. 1801. . Congressional Directory of the Second Session of the lOlh Congress. 12mo. Washington. 182G. . Table of the Post Offices, arranged by States and Counties as they were Oct. J, 1830, with a Supplement containing those established from Oct. 1, 1830 to April 1831. 12mo. Washington. 1831. . List of Post Offices, with the names of Counties in which they are situated. 8vo. Washington. 1803. . I^ist of Post Offices, with the names of Post Masters in. 8vo. Washington. 1813. . Post Office Laws. 8vo. Washington. 1820. ■ . Proposals for carrying the Mails of, with a list of the Routes. 8vo- Washington. 1824. . . A Series of Tables of the Several Branches of American Manu- factures in the Autumn of 1810. fol. Washington. 1810. . . Digest of Accounts of Manufacturing Establishments in the Uni- ted States, of their Manufactures, fol. Washington. 1823. . Commercial Conduct of the United States considered, and the True Interest thereof, attempted to be shewn by a Citizen of New York. 8vo. New York. 1786. . Enquiry into the Principles on which a Commercial System for the United States of America should be founded. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1787. ■ . Thoughts upon the Political Situation of, in which that of Mas- sachusetts is more particularly considered. By a Native of Boston. 8vo. Worcester. 1788. . Dissertation on the manner of acquiring the Character and Priv- ileges of a Citizen of 8vo. 1789. . . The Case decided in the Supreme Court of the United States in Feb. 1793, in Avhich is discussed the Question, whether a State is Liable to be sued by a Private Citizen of another State. 8vo. Boston. 1793. . The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1793. . Strictures and Observations upon the Three Executive Depart- ments of the Government of the United States. By Massachusettensis. Svo. 1792. . Opinions respecting the Commerciail Intercourse between the United States and Great Britain^ &c. By a Citizen of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1797. . Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States, shewing the Necessity of confining the Public Revenue to a fixed Proportion of the net produce? of the Land ; and the bad PoHcy and Injustice of every species of in- direct Taxation and Commercial Regulations. By a Farmer. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1791. . Five Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States, Containing some Observations on the Dangerous Scheme of Governor Duer, and Mr. Secretary Hamilton, to establish National Manufactories. By a Farmer. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1792. . Review of the iVdministration of the Government of, since the year 1793, or the Correspondence between the Secretary of State and the French Minister on the Subject. 8vo. Boston. 1797. • . Examination of the Conduct of the Executive of the United States towards the French Republic, &c. By a Citizen of Pennsylvani'a. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1797. . Proceedings of the House of Representatives, with respect to the Petition for the Repeal of the Alien and Sedition Laws. With the Speeches of Mr. Gallatin and Mr. Nicholas. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. . Opinion of the Supreme Court of, in the case of Alexander Mur- ray, vs. the Schooner Charming Betsy. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1799. . Facts and Calculations respecting the Population and Territory of 4to. 10 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. United Statos. Thoughts on the Increasing Wealth and National Economy of. 8vo. Washington. 1801. . Dissertation upon Constitutional Freedom of the Press in. Svo. Boston. 1801. . Address to the People of, on the Policy of Maintaining- a per- manent Navy. Svo. New York. 1803. . Address on the Past, Present and Eventual Relations of the United States to France. Svo. New York. 1803. . British Influence on the Affairs of. 8vo. Boston. 1804. . Opinion of the Supreme Court on the Act of the 3rd of April, 1792, in the Case of H. T. Haidekoper vs. James Douglas. Svo. Philadelphia. 1805. . Letter to a Federalist, in Reply to some of the Popular objections to the Motives and Tendency of the Measures of the Present Administration, Feb. 1805. 8vo. . Inquiry into the Present State of the Foreign Relations of the Union, as affected by the late Measures of Administration. 8vo. Philadelphia, New York and Boston. 1806. . Doings of the American Commissioners at Paris under the Con- vention of April 1803. Svo. Philadelphia. 1807. . . National Institution of the United States. Prospectus of Svo. Washington. 1808. . Further and still more Important Suppressed Documents. Svo. ISOS. . Review of the Rise, Progress and Tendency of the Present Sys- tem of National Policy, addressed to the People of Svo. Boston. 1808. . Thoughts on the Conduct of our Administration in relation both to Great Britain and France and especially in reference to the Negociation, con- cerning the Attack on the Chesapeake. By a Friend to Peace. 8vo. Boston. 1808. . Letters under the Signatures of Senex, and of a Farmer, com- prehending an Examination of the conduct of our Executive towards France and Great Britain. [From the North American.] Svo. Baltimore. 1809. . Hints addressed to Wise Men ; concerning the dispute which ended Nov. 8, 1809, in the Dismission of Mr. Jackson, the British Minister to the United States. 8vo. Boston. . Essay on the Means of Maintaining the Commercial and Naval Interests of Svo. . Analysis of the late Correspondence between our Administration and Great Britain and France, with an attempt to shew wliat are the real causes of the Failure of the Negociation. [By John Lowell.] From the Boston Centinel. Svo. Boston. . Supplement to the Analysis of the late Correspondence. Svo. Boston. . The Impartial Inquirer, being a candid examination of the Conduct of the President of, in Execution of the Power vested in him by the Act of May 1, 1810. To which are added some Reflections upon the invasion of the Spanish Territory of West Florida. By a Citizen of Massachusetts. Svo. Boston. 1811. • . An Appeal to the People, on the causes and consequences of a War with Great Britain. Svo. Boston. 1811. . An Address of the Members of the House of Representatives of Congress to their Constituents on the Subject of the War with Great Britain. Svo. Alexandria, D. C. 1812. . . Facts and Documents relating to the State of the Controversy, between America and Great Britain ; and the Dispositions of the two Cabinets to make Peace. By a Friend of Truth. Svo. Boston. 1813. . Thoughts in a Series of Letters in answer toja Question respect- ing the Division of the States. By a Massachusetts Farmer. Svo. 1813. . Barbarities of the Enemy, exposed in a Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives, appointed to inquire into the spirit and man- ner in which the War has been waged by the Enemy. With Documents. 12mo. Worcester. 1814. CATALO(;iJE OF LIBRARY 11 United States and England. Be'\n^ a Reply to the Criticism on Inchiquin's Let- ters, contained in the Quarterly Review for January, 1814. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1815. United States. Documents and Facts relative to Military Events during the late War. 8vo. 18] (5. . Remarks on the Factories of. 8vo. Washington. ]8Q1. . Correspondence and Documents relating to the Proposals for Five Millions of Five per cent Stock of. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822. . Facts and Observations illustrative of the Past and Present Situa- tion and Future Prospects of With a Sketch of the Restrictive Systems. 3rd ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1822. . An Apoloiry for the United States of America. 8vo. Liverpool. 1829. . Review of the Veto, being an Examination of the President's Message, and his objections to the Bill rechartering the United States Bank. Svo. ]832. . To the Citizens and Legislators of the United States of America, is respectfully submitted the Accompanying Propositions, Feb. 22, 1833. . Journal of a Convention of Delegates from several States at Baltimore, to nom.inate a Candidate for Vice President, May, 1832. 8vo. Albany, N.Y. 1832. . Proceedings of the same Convention. 8vo. Baltimore. 1832. . Debate in the Senate on the nomination of Martin Van Buren to be minister to England. 8vo. 1832. Literary Gazette, from April 1824 to April 1825. 4to. Boston. Register for 1794. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1794. . Sketches of the War with Great Britain. 2 vols in 1. Svo. Rut- land, Vt. 181 5. and Great Britain. Compendious History of the late War between. 8vo. Boston. 1815. . Sketches of Scenery and Manners in. 12mo. New York. 1829. . See Political Pamphlets. Universal Damnation and Salvation clearly proved by the Scriptures. 12mo. Salem, Mass. 1805. The Same. 12mo. Shirley, Mass. 1802. Universal Traveller and Commercial and Manufacturing Directory, by D» Hewett* 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832. Universal Death in Adam and Life in Christ. Containing a Refutation of the Doctrine of Total Depravity and Endless Misery. By a Layman. Svo. Sa- lem, Mass. 1817. Universalists. Remarks on the Modern Doctrine of Universalists. By a Lay- man. 12mo. Boston. 1824. . Right of to testify in a Court of Justice, Vindicated. Svo. Bos- ton. 1828. Upham, Charles Wentworth. Discourse at Salem, Mass. on the Death of the Hon. Timothy Pickering ; with a Notice of his Life. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1829. , . Principles of Congregationalism. The Second Century Lecture of the First Church, [Salem, Mass.] 8vo. Salem. 1829. , . Sermon on the Glory of God. 8vo. , ■ . Sermon on the Principles of the Reformation. 12mo. Salem. 1827. , . Letters on the Logos. Svo. Boston. 1828. , . Discourse on the Death of Hon. Timothy Pickering.. Svo. Salem. 1829. , . Artillery Election Sermon. Svo. Salem. 1832.. , . Discourse delivered on the Anniversary of the- Association of the first Parish in Hingham. Svo. Hingham. 1832. , . Discourse on Prophecy as an evidence of Christiani- ty. Svo. Salem. 1835. 1-2 A 31 E II I C A N ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Upham, Timothy. Masonic Discourse at Deerfield, Dec. 27, 1792. 8vo. Ports- mouth, N. H. 1793. Upham, Thomas. The Home in the West. Poem before Dartmouth College July 4, 1817. 12mo. Hanover, N. H. Upham, Thomas C. Account of the Destruction of the Willev Familv, in the Notch of the White Mountains, in 1826. [N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 3.] Upsher, Thomas. See Keith, G. Urfey, Thomas D.' The Comical History of Don Quixote, in 3 Parts. 4to. Lon- don. 1(396. Ursine, Zachary. Collection of Certaine Learned Discourses. Lately put in print in Latin by the last labour of D. Parry and tr. into English by J. H. 16mo. Oxford. 1608. Ursinns, Johannes Henricus. Sacra Adversaria in Passionaleet Agnum Pascha- lem et Sacrum Crucis Heptalogum. 16mo. Francofurli. 1651. , . Agnus Pascalis. 16mo. Francofurti. 1651. Ursnline Convent. Report of the Committee, relative to the Destruction of the Ursuline Convent at Charlestown, [Mass.] Aug. 11, 1S34. 8vo. Boston. 1834. Usher, James. De Christianarum Ecclesiarum, in occidentis praesertim partibus, successione et Statu. 4to. London. 1613. , . Answer to a Challenge made by a Jesuit in Ireland, [W. Malone.] about the Judgment of Antiquity concerning the Romish Religion. 16mo. London. 1625. , . Gotteschalci et Praedestinatianae Controversiae ab eo motae, Historia. 4to. Dublinii. 163L , . The Judgment ot Rainoldes touching the Originall of Episcopacy more largely, confirmed out of Antiquity. 4ta London. 1641. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 1 8 36. V Vaccination. Small Pox Destroys, Vaccination Saves, the Lives of Thousands. 8vo. 1803. . Report read before the Massachusetts Medical Society on Vac- cination, June ], 1808. 8vo. . See Milton. Vade Mecum for America. 8vo. Boston. 1732. ■■ , British. 8th ed. 8vo. London. 1740. . The Devout Christian's. ]8tno. Philadelphia, 1817. Vadianus, Joachimus. Pomponii Melae de Orbis Situ Libri Tres. fol. Lot Par 1530. , . Loca Aliquot ex Pomponianis Commentariis Repetita. fol. Lut. Par. 1530. Vairus Leonardus. De Fasino Libri Tres. 16mo. Venetiis. 1589. Vaiz, M. Du. Discourse upon the Surrendry of the Scales into the King's hands. 4to. London. 1617. Valentin, Louis. Memoire sur les Fluxions de Poitrine. 8vo. Nancy. 1815. Valentine and Orson. The Heroic Exploits of. An Ancient Romance. 12mo. London. Valentine, Thomas. Sermon before the House of Commons, Dec. 28, 1642. 4to. London. 1648. Valentinus, Josephus A. Flores Theologicarum Quaestionum. Pars Prima. 16mo. x'^ntverpiae. 1584. , . Idem. Pars Secunda. 16mo. Antverpiae. 1585. Valet. Adventures of a. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1752. Valla, Laurentius. De Collations Novi Testamenti Libri Duo. 16mo. Amstelo- dami. 1630. /" Vallesius, Franciscus. De Sacra Philosophia. 16mo. Francofiirti. 1608. Valpy, R. Sermon before the Royal Humane Society, in 1802. 8vo. London. 1804. Vanburgh, John. The Mistake. A Comedie. 12mo. London. 1756. Van Biiren, Martin. Biography of. 8vo. Albany, N. Y. 1832. Vanella's Progress. In Eigiit Scenes. 4to. London. 1716. Van ?Ielmont, John. Bap. The Incongruities, Impossibilities, and Absurdities, couched under the Vulgar Opinion of Defluxions. tr. by W. Charleton. 4to. London. 1650. , . . The Ternary of Paradoxes, tr. by W. Charleton. 4to. London. 1650. Van Home, Frederick. Masonic Discourse at Montgomerv, N. Y. June 24, 1804. 12mo. Neuberg. 1804. Vanity of Human Inventions. 12mo. London. 1666. Van Ness, C P. Oration at Jericho, Vt. July 4, 1809. 8vo. Rutland. 1809. Van Ness, William \V. Proceedings of the Committee appointed lo inquire into the OtRcial Conduct of one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, of the State of New York. With the Whole Evidence. 8vo. New York. 1820. Van Patten, John F. Trial, Life, and Confessions of. 8vo. New York. 1825. Van Rensselaer. See Rensselaer. 63 2 AMElltCAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETV. Vans, William. Statement of Facts, relating to the Demand of, on the estate of Messrs. John and Richard Codman. 8vo. [1813.] , . The Claim of a Citizen of the United States, on the Heirs of John and Richard Codman. 8vo. Boston. 3824. , . See Child D. L. Varandaeus, Johannes. De affectibus Mnlierum. 16mo. Varenius, Bernhard. Complete System of Geography, tr. from the Latin. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1733. Varnum, James, M. Case, Trevett against Weeden ; On Information stnd Com- plaint, for Refusing Paper Bills in Payment for Butcher's Meat, in Market, at Par with Specie, Tried before the Hon. Superior Court, in the County of New- port, R. I. Sept. 175G. 4to. Providence. 1783. , . Oration at Marietta, Ohio, July 4, 1788, with the Speech of his Excellency, Arthur St. Clair, Esq. and the Proceedings of the Inhabitants of the City of Marietta. 4to. Ne wport R. L 1788. Varnum, Joseph B. An Address to the Third Division of Massachusetts Militia, at a Review, on the Plains of Concord, [Mass.] 27th Aug. 1800. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 1810. Vasa, Gustavus. Life. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 1791. Vassell, William. See Fletcher. Vassor, Michel L. History of the Reign of Lewis XIII, King of France and Na- varre. 12mo. London. 1700. Vaughan, John. Observations on Animal Electricity. In Explanation of the Metalic Operation of Doctor Perkins. 8vo. Wilmington, Del. 1797. Vaughan, Samuel. Refutation ot a False Aspersion first thrown out upon Samuel Vaughan, Esq.- in the Public Ledger of the 23rd Aug. 1769. 8vo. London. 1769. , . Appeal to the Public in the behalf of Samuel Vaughan, Esq, in a full and impartial Narrative of his Negociation with the Duke of Grafton. 8vo. London^ 1770. Vaughan, Henry. See Tombs. Vaux, Roberts. Notices of the Efforts to improve the Discipline of the Prison at Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826. ^ . Letter to William Roscoe, on the Penitentiary System of Penn- sylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. Veel, Edward. Practical Discourses. 16mo. London. 1705. Veggius, Mappheus. Vide Virgilius. Venning, Ralph. Remains. 12mo. London. 1675i Vergilius, Marcellus. Vide Dioscorides. Vermont. Proceedings of the Council of Censors of the State of. 4to. Wind- sor. 1786. . Constitution of Vermont, as appointed by the Convention, holden atr Windsor, July 4, 1793. 8vo. Windsor. 1793. . Laws of, Revised and Passed by the Legislature in 1797, with an Appendix, containing the Laws regulating Proprietor's Meetings, Constitution- of the State and United States. 8vo. Rutland. 1798. . Acts and Laws of, for 1781, 2, 3 and 4. fol. Windsor. . Acts and Laws from Oct. 1800, to Nov. 1828. 7 vols. 8vo. Rutland, Benhington, Windsor, Middlebury, and Montpelier. 1800—1828. . Official Papers, consisting of the Governour's Speech to the Legisla-- ture of ; their Answer, with its Proposed Amendment, and the Protest of the Minority. 8vo. Montpelier. 1808. . Vermont State Papers; being a Collection of Records and Documents, connected with the assumption and establishment of Government by the People of Vermont, together with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the first Con- stitution, the early Journals of the General Assembly, and the Laws from 1779 to 1786 inclusive. To which are added the Proceedings of first and second Council of Censors, 8vo. Middlebury. 1823. . Journal of the Council of Censors, 1827. 8vo. Montpelier. 1828. . Journal of the Convention of 1836, together with the Constitution adopted. 8vo. St. . AJ bans. 1836. . Registers. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY. 3 Vermont Reports. See Chipman. Vernulaeus, Nicolaus. Orationes. 18mo. Coloniae. 1630. Verplanck, Gulian C. Anniversary Discourse before the New York Historical Society, Dec. 7, 1818. 8vo. New York. 1821. , . See New York Hist. Coll. Vol. 3. , . The Same. 8vo. New York. 1818. , . Introductory Lecture before the Mechanic's Institute of the City of New York, Nov. 27, 1833. 8vo. New York. 1833. Verry, Nathaniel. Renunciation of Free Masonry. 12mo. Worcester. 1830. , . First and Second Epistles to E C ^ . 12mo. Worcester. 1832. Verrazzano, John De. The Relation of the Land by him discovered in the name of his Majestie, Written in Diepe, the Eighth of July 1524. [New York Hist Coll. Vol. 1.] Vertot, R. A. de. History of the Revolutions that happened in the Government of the Roman Republic, tr. from the French. By Mr. Ozel. 5th ed. Vol. 1. 8vo. London. 1740. Vertue, Henry. Christ and the Church, or Parallells in three Books, 4to. Lon- don. 1659. Vesthemerus, Bartholomaeus, Collectanea, 16mo. Basiliae. 1530. Vicars, John. See Independants. Vickery, Eliza. Emily Hamilton. 12mo. Worcester. 1803. Vidaurre, M. L- de. Proyecto de un Codigo Penal. 8vo. Boston. 1828. — , — . Efectos de las Facciones en los Gobiernos Macientes. 8vo. Boston. 1828. , . Manifesto, published by the Government of Columbia, of the reason which it has to make war against the Government of Peru* With the Answer given to the charges by. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Videlius, Nicolaus. Arcanorum Arminianismi Pars Secunda. 4to. Lug. Bat 1633. Videlius, Nicolaus. De Prudentia Veteris Ecclesiae Libri Tres. 18rao. Am- stelodami. 1633. View of Patriotism, of Freedom, Civil and Religious; of Bigotry, &c. &c. 12mo. Dublin. Vigneul Marville, M. De. Melanges D' Histoire et de Litterature. 12mo. Rouen, 1699. Ville, Abb6 de la. Memorials of the, Togetlier with the French King's Decla- rations, transmitted by the said Minister to the States General of the United Provinces. 8vo, London. 1747. Villers, C. Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Reformation by Luther, tr. from the French. By Lambert 8vo. Dover, N. H. 1807. Vilvain, Robert Theoremata Theologica. 4to. London. 1663. Vilvain, Robert A Compend of Chronography. 4to. London. 1654. Vines, Richard. Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 30, 1642. 4to. London. 1642. , — . Sermon before the House of Commons, June 18, 1644. 4to. London. 1644. , . Sermon before the House of Commons, Feb. 22, 1644. 4to. London. 1644. , . Sermon before Parliament, March 12, 1644. 4to. London. 1645. , . Sermon at the Funeral of Robert, Earl of Essex, Oct 22, 1646. 4to. London. 1646. Vintners. The Art and Mystery of Vintners and Wine Coopers. 12rao. Lon- don. 1748. Virgilius, P. M. Opera, una cum Mapphei Veggii Libro XIII cum Annotationi- bus et figuris. 2 vol. fol. Lugduni. 1517. , . Opera, cam Notis C. Ruaei. 8vo. London. 1718. » — , . Opera Collecta ab Aldo Manutio. 16mo. : , . The Thirteene Bookes of Aenidos ; tr. into English Verse to the first third part of the 10th Booke, by Thomas Phaer, Esq. and the residue finished, and now newly set forth for the delight of such as are studioua in Poetrie. By Thomaa Twyne. 4to, London. 1596. 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Virgil, P. M. Works of. tr. from the Latin by W. Davidson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don. 1785. Virginia. Perfect Description of. [Mass. Hist. Col. Vol 9.] . Account of the Present State and Government of. [About 1696.1 [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 5.] . Account of the Proceedings in, in Bacon's Rebellion. [1675.1 [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol.1. 2d Series.] . The New Life of Virginia. Declaring the former successe and pres- ent estate of that plantation, being the second part of Nova Britannia. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 8. 2d Series.] . Debates and otfier proceedings ot the Convention of, at Richmond, in 1788. 2d ed. 8vo. Richmond. 1805. . Memorial and Remonstrance presented to the General Assembly of, at their Session in 1785, in consequence of a Bill for the Establishment of Religion by Law. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1786. Memorial and Remonstrance to the General Assembly of, against sup porting Religious Teachers by Law : With the Act establishing Religious Freedom : and Mr. Madison's Letter. 8vo. 1826. --. Resolutions of the House of Delegates in relation to the Resolutions of, Dec. 21, 1798. 8vo. 1800, . Proceedings of the Virginia Assembly on the Answers of Sundry States to their Resolutions passed in December, 1798. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1800. -. Address of the Minority in the Virginia Legislature to the People of that State ; containing a Vindication of the Constitutionality of the Alien and Sedition Laws. 8vo. [1799.] and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799. Collected by Jonathan Elliot. 8vo. Washington. 1832. Review of the Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Cohens vs. Virginia. [By Charles Hammond.] To which is added a Letter, containing Remarks on the same Subject. [By E. Brown.] 8vo. Steubenville, O. 1821. . Appendix to the First Part of the History of. See Stith. . The First Settlers of. 2d ed. 12mo. New York. 1806. . See Kentucky ; Quakers ; Episcopate ; Yazoo. Virtue Rewarded, or the History of Constantius and Pulcheria. 12mo. Balti- more. 1802. Vives, Job. Lud. De Disciplinis Lib. XII. 16mo. Lug. Bat. 1636. Voet, Paulus. Prima Philosophia Reformata. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1657. Voetius, Gisbertus. Disputationes Theologicae. 4 vols. 4to. Amstelodami. 1630-67. • , . Desperata Causa Papatus. 4to. Amstelodami. 1635. , . Politicae Ecclesiasticae. 4 vols. 4to. Amstelodami. 1663-76. . Theologia Naturalis Reformata. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1656. Tractatus Duo : De Exercitiis Pietatis : de Coelo Beatorum. 16mo. 1G79. — . Gymnasium Ultrajectinura. 4to. 1688. , . Vide Gataker, Thorn. Voisin, Joseph de. Observationes in Proemium Pugionis Fidei. fol. Volney, C. F. Ruins : tr. from the French. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1795. , . Considerations sur la Guerre Actuelle des Turcs. 8vo. Londres. 1788. , . Ruins : tr. from the French. 12mo. Paris. 1817. J . A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America: With Supplementary Remarks upon Florida ; on the French Colonies of the Mississippi and Ohio, and in Canada ; and on the Aboriginal Tribes of America, tr. from the French, with occasional Remarks by C. B. Brown. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1804. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. History of Charles XII. tr. from the French. 12mo. Otsego, N.Y. 1811. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 5 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Philosophical Dictionary, tr. from the French. 12mo. Catskill, N. Y. 1796. , . Dramatic Works, tr. from the French by H. Downman. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1781. , . Letters concerning- the English Nation. ISmo. Glas- gow. 1766. Voltaire, Francis De. See Martin, Josiah. Vorstius, Conradus. See Dort. Vose, Richard Hampton. Poem on the Anniversary of the Literary Fraternity of Waterville College, Me. July 26, 1831. 8vo. Augusta. Vossius, Gerardus Johannes. Historiae de Controversiis quas Pelagius ejusque reliquiae moverunt Libri Septem. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1618. , . Rhetorices contractae. ]6mo. Oxoniae. 1631. , . Dissertationes Tres de Tribus Symbolis Apostolico, Athanasiano, et Constantinopolitano. ed 2da. 4to. Amstelodami. 1662. Vries, Gerardus de. De Natura Dei et Humanae mentis, ed. 3tia. 16mo. Ultrajecti. 1690. Vulgar. Serious Address to the Vulgar. In which the Character and Abilities of a Certain Nobleman, and the Prejudice against the Place of his Birth are impartially considered. 8vo. London. 1762. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARIAN SOCIETY. 1836. W Waddington, George, and Barnard Hanbury. Journal of a Visit to some Parts of Ethiopia. 4to. London. 1822. Wade, John. Redemption of Time the Duty and Wisdom of Christians in Evil Days. 12mo. London. 1(J83. Wadsworth, Benjamin. Great and Last of Judgment, in Several Sermons. ISiao. Boston. 1709. • , . Mutual Love and Peace Among Christians. Sermoii at Boston, Jan. 19, 1700. 16mo. Boston. 1701. , . An Essay to do Good. By a dissuasive from Tavern haunting, and Excessive Drinking. With a Lecture Sermon. I6mo. Bo^tonj- 1709-10. ^ . The Highest Dwelling with the Lowest. Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1711. — — , . Fraud and Injustice Detected and Coridemned. Sernion at Boston, Feb. 28, 171 J. 16mo. Boston. 1712. , . An Help to get K^nowledge. 16mo. Boston. 1714. J . Five Sermons. 16mo^ Boston. 1714. = — , . EarJy Seeking of God, Earnestly Recommended. Two Sermons. 16mo. Boston. 1715. , . Invitations to the Gospel Feast Eleven Sermbnsi/ 16mo. Boston. 1715. — ^ , . Rulers Feedino- and Guiding their People, with Integrity and Usefulness. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1716. — , . The Churches Shall know that Christ Searcheth the Hearts. Fast Sermon at Boston, Jan. 8, 1716-7. 16mo. Boston. , . Constant Preparedness for Death, A Constant Duty.- Sermon at Boston, Nov. 3, 1718. 16mo. Boston. 1718. , . An Essay, for the Charitable Spreading of the Gospel- into Dark Ignorant Places. Sermon at Boston, Oct 16, 1718. 16mo. Boston,- 1718. , . Benefits of a Good, and Mischiefs of an Evil ConstienceJ- Being Fourteen Sermons. 16mo. Boston. 1719. — , . The Gospel not Opposed, But by the Devil and Men's' Lusts. Lecture Sermon at Boston, Jan. 8, 1718-19. 16mo. Boston.- 1719. , . Fervent Zeal against Flagrant Wickedness : Bostoii Lecture, Nov. 27, 1718. 12mo. Boston. 1718. , . Some Considerations about Baptism, Manag'd by Way^ of Dialogue between a Minister and his Neighbour. 16mo. Boston. 1719. , . The Same. With a Preiace by Stephen Williams. 2d- ed. ]6mo. [1772.] , . The Lord^s Day, Proved to be the Christian Sabbath.- 16mo. Boston. 1720. — , ■■ . Guide for the Doubting, And Cordial for the Fainting; Saint 8rd ed. 16mo. Boston. 1720. 2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Wadsworth, Benjamin. Surviving- Servants of God, Carrying on the Work of the Deceased. Sermon at Cambridg-e, on tlie Death of John Leverett. ICmo. Boston. ] 724. • , . Faithful Warnings against Bad-Company Keeping : A Sermon. 12mo. Boston. ]722. , . Vicious Courses, Procuring Poverty. Describ'd and Condemn'd. Sermon at Boston, Feb. 19, 17J8-19. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1744. , . See Foxcraft, T. Wadsworth, Benjamin. America Invoked to Praise the Lord. Thanksgiving Sermon at Danvers, [Mass.] Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Salem. 1795. . , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Danvers, Mass. Dec. 15, 1796. 8vo. Salem. , . Eulogy on Washington, Feb. 22, ISOO. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1800. , . Sermon before the Bible Society of Salem, Mass. and Vicinity, April 19, 1815. With the Fourtli Report of the Society. 8vo. Sa- lem. 1815. ^ . Discourse at the Interment of the Hon. Samuel Holten at Danvers, [Mass.] Jan. 5, 1816. 8vo. Andover. 181G. Wafer, Lionel. A new Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. ]2mo. London. 1699. Wagardus, Henricus. Disputatio Theologica. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1683. Wainwright, J. M. Sermon before the Board of Directors of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church ia the United States ; at Philadelphia, May 13, 1828. 8vo. New York. 1828. Wake, William. Sermon before the King. 4to. London. 1689. , — . The State of the Church and Clergy of England, from the Con- version of the Saxons to the present Time. fol. London. 1703. Wakefield, Gilbert. Examination of the Age of Reason. 8vo. New York. 1794. , . Examination of the Age of Reason. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1794. , . See Paine, T. , . Translation of the NeAv Testament. See Testament. Wakely, Andrew. Mariner's Compass Rectified : Enlarged by J. Atkinson and revised by Wm. Mountaine. 12mo. London. 1767. Wakeman, Sir George, Wm. Marshall, Wm. Rumley and James Corker. Try- als of, for High Treason, fol. London. 1679. Walaeus, Antonius. Dissertatio de Sabbatho. 16mo. Lug. Bat. 1628. Waldo, Daniel. The Causes and Remedies of National Divisions, Illustrated in a Discourse, Delivered in Suffield, [Con.] July 4, 1804. 12mo. Waldo, Samuel. Defence of the Title of the late John Leverett, Esq. to the Mus- congus Lands in Maine, fol. Boston. 1736. Waldo, S. Putnam. Oration, July 4, 1805, at East Windsor, [Con.] 8vo. Hart- ford. 1805. , . The Tour of James Monroe, President of the United States, in the year 1817. ]2mo. Hartford, Con. 1818. , . Memoirs of Gen. Andrew Jackson. 12mo. Hartford, Con. 1819. Wales. The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, collected out of Ancient Manu- scripts. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1801-7. Wales, Prince of. See Parliament Wales, Samuel. Connecticut Election Sermon. 8vo. Hartford. 1785. Wales, Ebenezer. The Counsels and Directions of, to his two children. 12mo. Boston. 1813. Walker, Adam. Journal of Two Campaigns in Michigan and Indiana Territories. 12mo. Keene, N. H. 1816. Walker, Amasa. Oration delivered at Stoughtan, Mass. July 5, 1830. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Walker, Anthony. Sermon on the Entrance of the King into London. 16rao. London. 1660. CATALOGUE OF L I D R A R V. 3 AValker, Clement Complete History of Independency ta ICGO. In 4 Parts. 4to. London. lOGl. Vv'alker, George. Sermon, Oct. 30, 1737. 8vo. London. 1738. ^7alker, George. Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 2'J, 1G44. 4to. London. 1645. A .'alker, David. Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World. 8vo. Boston. 1830. V.'alker, James. Sermon at Brooklyn, [Ct] Nov. 5, 1823, at the Installation of Rev. Samuel Joseph May. 8vo. Boston. 1824. ' , . Massachiisetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1828. , . Sermon at the Dedication of the Second Congregational Church in Leicester, [Mass.] Aug. 12, 1834. 8vo. Worcester. 1834. V/alker, John. See Darrell. Walker, John. Expostulatory Address to the Members of the Methodist Society in Ireland. 12mo. New York. 1807. Walker, Timothy. Two Letters Addressed to General William Hull. 12mo, Boston. 182 1. Walker, William. Serm.on at the Funeral of the Rt. Hon. William Lord Russell. 4to. London. 1614. , . Sermon at Paul's, Nov. 28, 1628. 4to. London. 1629. Walker, William. Paroemiolon-ia Anglo Latina. 12mo. London. 1672. Wall, John. Six Sermons at Oxford, 1623. 4to. London. 1627. , . Christian Reconcilement. Sermon. 16mo. Oxford. 1658. Wall, Thomas. Spiritual Armour to defend the Head from the Superfluity of Naughtiness. 4to. London. 1688. Wall, William. Reflections on his History of Infant Baptism. ]2mo. London. 1711. Wallace, John. Oration, July 4, 1809, at New Salem, Mass. 8vo. Greenfield. W^allace, John B. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Circuit Court of the United States for the third Circuit. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1801. Wallace, J. A New Treatise on the Use of Globes. 8vo.- New York. 1812. Waller, Edmond. The Maid's Tragedy Altered. With Some other Pieces. 8vo. London. 1690. , . Poems, &c. Written upon Several Occasions And to Several Persons. 6th ed. 8vo. London. 1694. , . Poetical Works of, with his Life. See British Poets. Wallin, Benjamin. Thanksgiving Sermon on Account of repeated Success against the French. 8vo. London. 1760. , . Sermon occasioned by the Decease of Thomas Cox, who died Aug. 20, 1769. 8vo. London. 1769. , . Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Rebekah Cox, who died Sept. 19, 1769. 8vo. London. 1769. Wall-Street as it now is. 12mo. New York. 1826. Wall is, George. The Art of preventing Diseases and restoring Health. 8vo. New York. 1794. Wallis, Johannes. Mens Sobria serio commendata. 16mo. Oxonii. 1657. , . Q,uaestiones Theologicae. 16mo. Oxoniae. 1657. Wallis, John. A Defence of the Christian Sabbath. In answer to Thomas Bampfield, pleading for Saturday-Sabbath. 4to. Oxford. 1692. Walpole, Robert. Letter to. Occasioned by his late Promotion to the Office of First Lord of the Treasury, and Chancellor of the Exchequer. By a Member of the House of Commons. 12mo. London. 1716. Walrond, John. The Dignity of the Ministry. Sermon at Exon. 12mo. Lon- don. 1707. , . Texts of Holy Scripture compared togetlier, relating to the True and Pi,eal Deity of the Son and Holy Ghost. ]2mo. London. 1720. Walsh, Robert, Jun. A Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the French Government, including a View of the Taxation of the French Empire. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1810. , , . An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. , , . American Register and Summary Review. 64 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Walsh, Robert. See Harper, R. G. Walter, Nathaniel. The Thoughts of the Heart The Best Evidence of a Man's Spiritual State. Sermon at Boston, May 13, 1741. 12mo. Boston. 1741. , . The Character of a true Patriot. Sermon at the Thursday Lecture, Boston, Aug. 1, 1745. 8vo. Boston. 1745. Walter, Nehemiah. Discourse concerning the Wonderfulness of Christ- 12mo. Boston. 1713. , . The Body of Death Anatomized. Lecture at Boston, 12d. 7m. 1706. Ifimo. Boston. 1707. , -. A Plain Discourse on Vain Thoughts. 16mo. Boston. 1721. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. ]6mo. Boston. 1723. , . Practical Discourses on the Holiness of Heaven. 12mo. Boston. 172G. , . Sermons. With his Life by Thomas Prince and Thomas Foxcroft. 8vo. Boston. 1755. Walter, Thomas. The Sweet Psalmist of Israel. A Sermon at the Lecture in Boston, by the Society for promoting Regular and Good Singing, And for Re- forming the Depravations and Debasements our Psalmoay labours under. In order to introduce the proper and true Old Way of Singing. 12mo. Boston. 1722. , . Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained. Boston. 1740. , . The Scriptures the only Rule of Faith and Practice. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Sept. L5, 1723. 12mo. Boston. 1723. Walter, William. Discourse before the Massachusetts Humane Society. 4to. Boston. 1798. Waltliam Abbey School. Account of a Divine Visitation and Blessing attending the Religious Care and Exercise of the Teachers of. 8vo. Philadelphia^ 1797. Walton, Izaack. The Life of Mr. George Herbert. 16mo. London. 1670. Walton, John. Vindication Of the true Christian Baptism, &c. &c. Wherein the principal Arguments of Mr. Peter Clark in his Second Letter to Mrs. E B are proved to be fallacious. 12mo. Boston. 1738. Walwyn, William. Thanksgiving Sermon on his Majesty's Return to his Throne. ICmo. London. IGb'O. Wansey, Henry. Excursion to the United States of North America in 1794. 2ded. 12mo. Salisbury. 1798. Wappinger [N. Y.] Tribe of Indians. A Geographic, Historical Summary ; or Narrative of the present Controversy with. 12mo. Hartford, Con. 17(J7. War. The Case of Going to V/ar for the Sake of Procuring, Enlarging, or Se- curing of Trade, considered in a New Light. 8vo. London. 1763. War With Great Britain Examined upon Moral and Christian Principles: A Ser- mon. Bvo. Boston. 1808. War, The : Being a Faithful Record of the Transactions of the War between the United States and Great Britain, declared June 18, 1812. Vol. 1. From June 27, 1812, to June 15, 1813. fol. New York. War in Disguise ; or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags. 2d Am. ed. 12mo. New York. 1806. ■ ■ — . Answer to War in Disguise ; or, Remarks upon The New Doctrine of England concerning Neutral Trade. 8vo. New York. 1806. War. A Solemn Review of the Custom of War. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1829. Warburton, William. [Bp.] Letters from a late Eminent Prelate to one of his Friends. [Bp. Hurd.] 8vo. New York. 1809. Ward, Artemas. Speech in Congress, Dec. 14, 1814, on the Bill authorizing the President to call out Eighty Thousand men. 8vo. Washington. , . Speech in Congress, March 5, 1814, on the Bill for making Military Appropriations. 8vo. Washington. 1814. , , The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1814. Ward, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, March 26, 1645. 4to. London. 1645. , . Thanksgiving Sermon before the House of Lords,. July 22, 1645, on account of the success of the Parliam.ent Forces in the West. 4to. London. / CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 5 Ward, Jonathan. Sermon at Portland, [Me.] June 2G, 1811, before the Maine Missionary Society. 8vo. Hallowell. 1811. , . Sermon at Alna, Me. April 2G, 1816. 12mo. Hallowell. 1816. AVard, Malthus A. An Address before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, at its 3rd Anniversary, at Boston, Sept. 21, 1831. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Ward, Nathaniel. The Simple Cobbler of Agawam in America. , . The Same. 5th ed. 16mo. Boston. 1713. , . See Ward, Samuel. Ward, Richard. The Principall Duty of Parliament Men. 4to. London. 1641. Ward, Samuel. Balme from Gilead to Recover Conscience. Sermon. 16mo. London. 1618. , . A Coal from the Altar. 3rd ed. 16mo. London. JG18. , . Jethro's Justice of Peace. Assize Sermon. With a Letter from his Brother, Nathaniel Ward. 16mo. London. 1618. ^ Ward, Thomas W. A Vindication of the Nomination of, to the Office of Sheriff of the County of Worcester, Mass. and the Motives ot his opposers. 8vo. 1805. Ward, William. A View of the History, Literature and Religion of the Hindoos. 3rd ed. 12mo. Hartford, Ct. 1824. Ware, Ashur. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1816, before the Washington Benevo- lent Society. Svo. Boston. 1816. , . OrationatPortland, [Me.] July4, 1817. 8vo. Portland. 1817. Ware, Henry. Thanksgiving Sermon, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795. , . Sermon at Hingham, [Mass.] Jan. 6, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. J . Sennon at Hingham, [Mass.] Sept. 1, 1802, at the Interment of Rev. Daniel Shute, D. D. who died Aug. 30, 1802. 8vo. Boston. 1802. ^ . The Service of God, as inculcated in the Bible, our reasonable Choice. Sermon at Scituate, [Mass.] Oct. 3], 1604. Svo. Boston. 1804. , . Sermon at Hingham, May 5, 1805, upon his receiving the ap- pointment of Professor of Divinity in Harvard University. 8vo. Boston. 1805. , . Eulogy at Cambridge, [Mass.] July 20, 1810, at the Interment of Rev. Samuel Webber, President of Harvard University. 8vo. Cambridge. 1810. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Joseph Allen, at Northborough, [Mass.] Oct. 30, 1816. Svo. Cambridge. 1817. , . Sermon at the Ordination of his Son, Henry Ware, jr. Svo. Boston. 1817. , . Sermon at the Ordination of Alvan Lamson, at Dedham, [Mass.] Oct 29, 1818. Svo. Dedham. 1818. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1818. , . Sermon at Boston, April 14, 1819, at the Ordination of John Pier- pont. 2d ed. Svo. Cambridge. 18.19. , . Sermon at the Ordination of William B. O. Peabody, at Spring- field, [Mass.] Oct. 12, 1820. Svo. Springfield. 1820. , . Letters to Trinitarians and Calvinists, occasioned by Dr. Woods's Letters to Unitarians. Svo. Cambridge, Mass. 1820. , . Postscript to the Second Series of Letters addressed to Trinita- rians and Calvinists, in Reply to the Remarks of Dr. Woods on those Letters. Svo. Cambridge. 1823. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1821. , . Sermon at Hingham, Jan. 17, 1821, at the Ordination of Charles Brooks. Svo. Boston. 1821. , . Answer to Dr. Woods's Reply in a Second Series of Letters ad- dressed to Trinitarians and Calvinists. Svo. Cambridge. 1 822. , . Sermon at New York, Dec. 18, 1821, at the Ordination of his son, William Ware. 3rd ed. Svo. New York. 1822. , . Extract from an Address delivered on the morning of May 31, 1826, before the Conference of Ministers at Boston. 12mo. Boston. 1826. , . Sermon in King's Chapel, Boston, July 9, 1826, on the Death of John Adams, late President of the United States. Svo. Cambridge. 1826. Ware, Henry, Jun. Sermon at Dorchester, June 7, 1820, before the Evsngci c Missionary vSociety. Svo. Boston. 1820. 6 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Ware, Henry, Jiin. Two Letters to the Rev. Alexander McLeod. 8vo. Ne^r York. ]820. , , . Two Discourses containing the History of the Old North and New Brick Churches, united as the Second Church in Boston, delivered May 20, 5821. 8vo. Boston. 1821. , , . Three Important Questions Answered, relating: to the Christian Name, Character and Hopes. 8rd ed. ISrno. Boston. 1823. , , . Criminality of Intemperance. Address at the Eleventh An- niversary of the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance. 12mo. 'Boston. 1823 , , . Two Letters on the Genuineness of the Verse, 1 John, 5 ; 7 : And on the Scriptural Ar^um.ent for Unitarianism, addressed to the Rev. Alex- ander M'Leod, D. D. of New York. Srdfd. 12mo. Boston. 1823. , , . Sermon at Northampton, Mass. Dec. 7, 1825, at the Dedica- tion of a New Church. 8vo. Northampton. , , . Vision of Liberty. A Poem. 8vo. Boston. , , . Sermon at Philadelphia, Jan. 12, 1825, at the Ordination of William Henry Furness. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1825. , , . The Combination against Intemperance Explained and Jus- tified. Address before the Cambridge [Mass.] Temperance Society, March 27, 1832. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1832. . , , . Sermon at the Ordination of Chandler Bobbins over the Second Congregational Church in Boston, Dec. 4, 1833. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Ware, John. Address before the Massachusetts Temperance Society, at Boston, May, 1825. 12mo. Boston. 182(i ■ , . Address before the Massachusetts Peace Society, at their Ninth Anniversary. 8vo. Boston. 1825. , . Address before the Association for Religious Improvement. 8vo. Boston. 1823. — , . Introductory Lecture before the Medical Class in Harvard Univer- "^ity, Oct. 16, 1833. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Warden, D. B. Description Statistique, Historique et Politique Des Etats Unis de L'Amerique Septentrionale. Depuis L'Epoque des Premiers Etablissemens jusqu a Nos Jours, trad, de I'Anglais. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1820. Warden, William. Letters on board his Majesty's Ship, the Northumberland, and at St. Helena. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1817. Wardlaw, Ralph. Unitarianism incapable of Vindication, in Reply to James Yates. 8vo. Andover, Mass. 1817. Wardus, Sa. Gratia Discriminans : Concio. 4to. London. 1626. Wardus, Sethus. De Cometis, ubi de Cometarum Natura disseritur, Nova Com- etarum Theoria et Novissimae Cometae Plistoriae preponitur, Prelectio Oxonii habita, et Inquisitio in Ismaelis BuUialdi Astronomiae Philolaicae fundamenta. 4to. Oxoniae. 1653. , . Idea Trigonometriae Demonstratae in usum Juventutis Oxo- niae. 4to. Oxoniae. 1654. Warin, J. J. R. The Magdalen Church-Yard. tr. from the French bv Samuel MacKav. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1809. Warner, J. G. Means for the Preservation of Public Liberty. Oration at New York, July 4, 1797. 8vo. New York. 1797. Warren, Caroline Matilda. The Gamesters. 12mo. Boston. 1805. Warren, Charles. Address at Palmyra, Me. July 4, 1823. 8vo. Plallowell. 1823. Warren, Edmund. The Jews' Sabbath Antiquated and the Lord's Day Instituted by Divine Authority. 4to. London. 1659. Warren, George W. Valedictory Poem before the Class of 1830. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 1830. Warren, John. Bp. Sermon before the Incorporated Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 16, 1787. 8vo. London. 1787. Warren, John. Sermon at the Funeral of Mistresse Needes, wife of Mr. Arthur Needes, and Sister of Mr. Robert Rogers of Bristol. 4to. London. 1618. Warren, John. Masonic Charge, at Boston, June 24, 1782. 8vo. Boston. ■ , . Eulogy on the Hon. Thomas Russell, at Boston, May 4, 1796. Boston. 1796. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 7 Warren, John. View of Mercurial Practice in Febrile Disease. 8vo. Boston 1813. Warren, John C, Comparative View of the Sensorial and Nervous Systems in Men and Animals. 8vo. Boston. 1822. ; • Surgical Observations on Tumours, with cases and operations 8vo. Boston. 1837. Warren, Joseph. Oration at Boston, March 5, 1772, to commemorate the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770. 4to. Boston. 1772. , . The Same. See Boston Orations. , . Oration at Boston, March 5, 1775, to commemorate tJie Bloody Tragedy of 5th March, 1770. 4to. Boston. 1775. , . Oration at Boston, MarcJi 5, 1775, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of March 5, 1770. 8vo. Newport, R. I. 1775. , . Oration at Boston, March G, 1775. See Boston Orations. An Eulogium on Major General Joseph Warren, who fell in the action at Charlestown, June XVII, 1775. [Poem by a Columbian. 8vo Boston.] 1781. Warren, Mercy. Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous. 12mo. Boston. 1790. . , . History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the Ameri- can Revolution. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1805. Warrington, William. The History of Wales, in nine Books, with an Appendix. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1788. Wars. Humble Address to every Christian of every Nation and Denomination of People under Heaven ; shewing an Effectual Means to prevent Wars amon^ all Nations of the Earth. 8vo. Newark, N. J. 1793. * of the Gulls. Historical Romance. 12mo. New York. 1812. Warville, J. P. Brissott de. See Brissot. Washbourne, Thomas. Serm.on at the Funeral of Charles Cocke, Esq. 4to. London. 1655. Washburn, Emery. History of Leicester in Massachusetts. See Magazine, Worcester. , . Address before the Worcester [Mass.] Agricultural Society Oct. 11,1826. 8vo. Worcester. 1827. Lecture before the Worcester Lyceum, March 30, 1831 . Worcester. 1831. Washington, George. [Pres.] Letters from General Washington to several of his Friends in the Year 1776. In which are set fortli, a Fairer and Fuller View of American Politicks, than ever yet transpired, &c. 12mo. 1778. , . . Poetical Epistle to, to which is annexed a short Sketch of his Life and Character. 4to. Providence, R. I. 178 J. • , . . Resignation and Address, in a Circular Letter, to the President of the State of New Hampshire. 8vo. Exeter. 1783. The Last Official Address of his Excellencv General Washington, to the Legislature of the United States, to which is an- nexed a Collection of Papers relative to Half-Pay and Commutation of Half- Pay, Granted by Congress to Officers of the Army. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1783. , . . Official Letters to the American Congress during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. 2 vols. 12mo'. Boston. 1796. , -. . Official Letters of. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1796. , . . Remarks Occasioned by the late Conduct of Mr. Washington, as President of the United States, MDCCXCVL 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1797. , . . Political Legacies. Svo. Boston. 1800. . . Last Will and Testament of. 8vo. Worcester. ISOO. Svo. Boston. 1800. Eulogies and Orations on the Life and Death of. Selections from the Correspondence of George Washington and James Anderson. Svo. Charlestown, Mass. 1800. 8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Washington, George. [Pres.] Hymns and Odes, composed on the Death of Gen. George Washington, Adapted to the 22d day of February, and Dedicated to those who please to sing them ! ]2mo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1800. , . . Farewell Address to the People of the United States. 8vo. Charlestown. 1800. , . . Versification of his Farewell Address. By a Gen- tleman of Portsmouth, N. II. 4to. Portsmouth. 1798. , . . Inaugural Speeches of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson. 12mo. 1802. , . . Letters to Arthur Young, and Sir John Sinclair, on Agriculture. 8vo. Alexandria, D. C. 1803. . , . . Biographical Memoirs of. 12mo. Barnard, Vt. 1813. , . . The Writings of George Washington, being his Correspondence, Addresses. Messages, and other papers, Official and Private, with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations. By Jared Sparks. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1834-7. , . . Portrait of. [By Rembrandt Peale.] 8vo. [1824.] Washington Association and United States Insurance Company. Constitution of. Instituted in 1801. 8vo. Washington. Washington, City of. Map of, in 1792. See Winchester, Elkanan. Washington. Letters from the Commissioners of, to the President of the United States, with an Account of the present state of the Public Buildings. Dec. 5th, 1799. 8vo. Washington City, D. C. Speeches and other Proceedings at a Public Dinner there, in Honor of the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Washington, Feb. 22, 1832. 8vo. V/ashington. Washington College, [Penn.] Report of the Committee of, respecting the Union of that College with Jefferson College, fol. Washington, Penn. 1817. , . A Hint of what may be said in opposition to the above Report, fol. Washington, Penn. 1817. Washington, City of. See Potomack, Washita. See Missouri. Water. Essay on Boring for. 8vo. New Brunswick, N. J. 1826. Waterhouse, Benjamin. Dissertatio Medica de Sympathia partium Corporis hu- mani, ejusque, in explicandis et curandis niorbis necessaria consideratione. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1780. , . Synopsis of a Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Medicine. 8vo. Boston. 1786. , . Synopsis of a Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic, in Harvard University. 12mo. Boston. 1786. . . Principle of Vitality. A Discourse before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 8, 1790. 4to. Boston. 1790. , . Rise, Progress, and Present State of Medicine. Dis- course at Concord, [Mass.] July 6, 1791, before the Middlesex Medical Asso- ciation. 8vo. Boston. 1792. , . A Prospect of Exterminating the Small Pox. Being a Continuation of a Narrative of Facts concerning the Progress of the New In- oculation in America. Part 2nd. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1802. , . Cautions to young Persons concerning health, in a Pub- lic Lecture, at the close of the Medical Course in the Chapel at Cambridge, [Mass.] Nov. 20, 1804, containing the Grand Doctrine of Chronic Diseases, shewing the Evil Tendency of the Use of Tobacco upon Young Persons, &c. &c. 8vo. Cambridge. 1805. , . The Same. 5th ed. 8vo. Cambridge. 1822. , . Information respecting the Origin, Progress and Efficacy of the Kine Pock Inoculation, in eflTectually and forever securing a person from the Small Pox, extracted from a Treatise entitled " A Prospect of Exter- minating the Small Pox," written in 1802, by Benjamin Waterhouse. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1810. , . Lectures on Botany. 8vo. Boston. 1811. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 9 Waterhouse, Benjamin. Circular Letter to the Surgeons of the different Posts, in the Second Military Department ot the United States Army. 12mo. [Cambridge, Mass.] 1817. , . Oratio Inauguralis in Academia Harvardiana, 9 Oct 1783. 4to. Cantab. 1829. Waterman, Jotham. True Light to all Men. Discourse at Dennis, [Mass.] be- fore Sumner's Lodge, Dec. 27, 1803. 8vo. Boston. 1804. J . National Righteousness National Security. Fast Sermon, April 5, 1804. 8vo. Boston. 1804. , . Discourse at Barnstable, Mass. Dec. 27, 1804. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1805. Waterman, Thomas. Oration, July 4, 1806, at Concord, N. H. 8vo. Waters, Samuel. Meditations on Abraham's Conduct in sending a Servant to take a Wife for his Son. 8vo. Worcester. 1793. , . Sermon in Worcester Jail, Mass. July, 1817. 8vo^ Worcester, , — . Brief Description of a Gospel Church. Svo. Worcester, 1818. Watertown, [Mass.] A True and Genuine Account of the Result of the Council of Fourteen Churches met at Watertown, May 1, 1722. 12rno. Boston. Waterville College. Catalogue of, 12mo. Woodstock, Vt. 1832. Watkins, John. Essay on the End of the World. 12mo. Worcester. 1795. Watkins, John N. See Maryland. Watmough, John G. Brief Sketch of his Services during the Campaign of 1814, 15. 8vo. Philadelphia. J 835. Watson, Elkanah. History of the Rise, Progress, and Existing Condition of the Western Canals, in New York, from Sept. 1788, to the Completion of the Mid- dle Section of the Grand Canal in 1819, &lc. 8vo. Albany. 1820. ^ . See Troup, R. Watson, Frederic. New and Complete Geographical Dictionary. foL London. 1773. Watson, John. Gentleman and Citizen's Almanack. 12mo. London. 1748. Watson, John F. Annals of Philadelphia, with Reminiscences of New York. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1830. Watson, Richard. [Bp.] An Apology for the Bible, in a Series of Letters ad- dressed to Thomas Paine. 12mo. New Brunswick. 1796. , . . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1796. , . . The Same. 12mo. New York. 1796. , . . Cursory Review of Strictures on Bishop Watson's Apology for the Bible. By a Citizen of New York, 12mo. New York. 1796. , . . The Bible needs no Apology, or Watson's System of Religion Refuted, and the Advocate proved an Unfaithful one, by the Bible it- self. 8vo. Portsmouth, N. H. 1796. , . . Address to the People of Great Britain. Svo. Phila- delphia. 1798. , . . Miscellaneous Tracts. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1815. Watson, Samuel, 2nd. David Livermore, Daniel Kent, and William Prouty. Trials of, by Court Martial. 8vo. Worcester. 18n. Watson, Thomas. A Word of Comfort for the Church of God. 4to. London. 1662. Watterston, George. A Course of Study, Preparatory to the Bar or the Senate,. to which is annexed a Memoir on the Private or Domestic Lives of the Romans... 12mo. AVashington. 1823. Watton, Henry. Elements of Architecture. 4to. London. 1624. Watts, George. Sermon at London, March 18, 1735, betore the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia. 4to. London. 1736. Watts, Isaac. Divine Songs. 12mo. Boston. , . The Same. 18mo. Walpole, N. PL 1811. , . Preservation from the Sins and Follies of Childhood and Youth.- 4th ed. 12mo. Boston 1765. , . Compleat Spelling Book. 12mo. Dublin. 1783.. 10 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Watts, Isaac. The First Set of Catechisms and Prayers, or the Religion of Little Children. 12th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1783. , , Logic. 12mo. London. 1786. , . Logic, or the Right use of Reason. 2d ed. I2mo. Neivbury- port. 1796. , . Reliquiae Juvenales. ]2mo. Boston. 1796. , . Short View of the Whole Scripture History. 12rno. Carlisle. 1797. , . Beauties of, with his Life. 12mo. Newburyport, Mass. 1797. , . Horae Lyricae. Poems. ]2mo. Boston. 1790. , . The Same. 12mo. Exeter, N. H. 1795. , . Horae Lyricae. Poems chiefly of the Lyric Kind. 12mo. New- buryport, Mass. 1803. , . Improvement of the Mind, with a Discourse on the Education of Youth. 12mo. Boston. 1812. , . Christian Discipline, or the Character of a Polite Young Gentle- man. 12m-0. Boston. -, . Twelve Sermons on Various Subjects. 12mo. Montpelier, Vt 1814. , . See Psalms. , . Dissertations on the Doctrine of the Trinity. IGmo. London. 1725. Watts, I. Orthodoxy and Charity united. 2 vols. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1749. Watts, Joshua. Remarkable Events in the History of Man. 2 vols. I2mo. Philadelphia. 1826. Watts, Stephen. See British Colonies. Way, Sir Henry. See Horne, Lord. Wayc, Edward. The Book of the Revelation Paraphrased. With Annotations upon each Chapter. 4to. London. 1694. Wayland, Francis. [Pres.] Moral Dignity of the Missionary Enterprise. 'Sermon before the Boston Baptist Missionary Society, Oct. 26, 1823, and the Salem Bible Translation Society. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . . The Same. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . . The Duties of an American Citizen. Two Fast Dis- courses at Boston, April 7, 1825. 8vo. Boston. 1825. , . . Moral EfRcacy of the Doctrine of the Atonement. Sermon at Boston, Feb. 3, 1831, at the Installation of Rev. William Hague. 8vo. Boston. 1831. , . . Address before the Providence, [R. I.] Association for the Promotion of Temperance, Oct. 20, 1831. 3rd ed. 12mo. Boston. 1832. Webbe, George. Path Way to Honor. ]6mo. London. 1612. Webb, John. A Vindication of Stone Heng Restored. 2d ed. fol. London. 1725. , . See Jones, In. Webb, John. Sermon at tlie Thursday Lecture, in Boston, Nov. 15, 172'^, at the time of the Session of the Great and General Court. 12mo. Boston. 1722. , Sermon occasioned by the much Lamented Death of the Rev. William VValdron, who died Sept 11, 1727. 12mo. Boston. 1727. , . The Same. 8vo. Boston. 1727. , . A Brief Discourse at the Ordination of a Deacon. 8vo. Boston 1731. , . The Great Concern of New England. Sermon at the Boston Lec- ture, Feb. 11, 1730-31. l2mo. Boston. , . The Duty of a Degenerate People to Pray for the Reviving of God's Work. Fast Sermon at Boston, June 18, 1734. 12mo. Boston. 1734. ' , . Sermon at the Thursday Lecture in Boston, Oct. 17, 1734, in the Hearing of John Ormsby., and Matthew Cushing, two Condemned Malefactors, &c. 12ino, Boston. 1/34. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 11 Webb, John. Sermon at Boston, on the Death of the Rev. Mr. Peter Thaclier, who died Feb. 2(3, 1738. 8vo. Boston. 1739. , . See Thacher, Peter. , . Sermon preached in the time of the Session of the General Court. 12mo. Boston. 1731. , . Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1738. Webb, Thomas Smith. Free Mason's Monitor, or Illustrations of Masonry. 12mo. Boston. 1808. , . The Same. 12mo. Montpelier. 181G. Webber, Samuel. [Pres.] Mathematics. 2 vols. Svo. Boston. 1801. , . . The Same. 2 vols. Svo. Cambridge. 1808. Webber, Samuel, [Jun.] War. A Poem. 12mo. Cambridge, Mass. 1823. Webster, Ezekiel. Oration at Salisbury, N. H. July 4, 1807. 8vo. Concord. 1807. Webster, Daniel. Oration at Hanover, N. II. 4th of July, 1800. 8vo. Hanover. 1800. , . Speecli in Congress, Jan. 14, 1814, on the Bill making further provision for filling the ranks of the Regular Army, &c. 8vo. Keene, N. H. 1814. , . Discourse at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1820, in Commemoration of the first Settlement of New England. 8vo. Boston. 1821. , . Speech in Congress, on the Tariff, April, 1824. 8vo. Boston. 1824. , . Address at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Bunker Hill Monument. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1825. ^ , . Discourse in Commemoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thomas Jefierson, delivered in Faneuil Hail, Boston, Aug. 3. 1826. Svo. Boston. 182G. , . Remarks in the Senate of the United States, May 9, 1828, on the Tariff Bill. 8vo. Boston. 1828. , . Speech in answer to Robert Y. Haynes on the Public Lands, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 26, 1830. Svo. Washing- ton. 1830. ■ , . Speech at a Public Dinner at Washington, Dec. 22, 1832, in Honor of the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington. Svo. Washington. , . Speech in the Senate of the United States, July 11, 1832, on the President's Veto of the Bank BUI. Svo. Boston. 1832. , . Speech at the National Republican Convention at Worcester, [Mass.] Oct. 11 1832. Svo. Boston. 1832. — : , . Address before the Citizens of Pittsburgh. Pa. July 9, 1833. Svo. Boston. 1833. ^ . Speech in the Senate of the United States, March 18, 1834, on moving for leave to bring in a Bill to continue the United States Bank. Svo. Washington. , . Speech in Congress on the Loss of the Fortification Bill. 8vo» Washington. 183G. J . See Bankrupt Law ; Lyman, Theodore. Webster, John W. Description of the Island of St. Michael.. Svo. Boston. 1821. Webster, John. Metallographia : or an History of Metals. 4to. London, 1671. Webster, Noah Jr. Spelling Book. 12mo. Boston, 1789. , — . Dissertations on the English Language. 8vo. Boston. 1789. , . Collection of Essays and Fugitive Writings. Svo, Boston, 1790. , . Effects of Slavery, on Morals and Industry. Svo. Hartford,. Ct. 1793. 65 12 A »I E R I C A N ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Webster, Noah Jr. Letter to the Governors, Instructors, and Trustees of the Universities and other Seminaries of Learning- in the United States, on the Errors of the English Grammars. 8vo. New York. 1798 , . Letters to Dr. Joseph Priestly, in answer to his Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland. 12mo. New Haven'. 1800. '' ^ . , . Miicellaneous Papers on Political and Commercial Subjects. 8vo. New York. 1802. " < , . Gram.matical Institute of the English Language. 12mo. Hartford. , . History of the Present State of the Banks and Insurance Companies in the United estates. 8vo. New York. 1802. , . Letter to Dr. David Ramsay, respecting Errors in Johnson's Dictionary and other Lexicons. 12mo. 1807. . ^ . Peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel Explained and Defended. [From the Panoplist.] ]2mo. 1809. , . Address at Amherst, Mass. Aug. 9, 1820, at the laying the corner stone of a Building Erecting for a Charity Institution : Also a Sermon on the same occasion by the Rev. Daniel A. Clark. With a Brief Account of the Origin of the Institution. 8vo. Boston. 1820. , . Series of Books for Systematizing Instruction in the English Language. 8vo. New Haven. , . Critical Review of his Spelling Book. By Examinator. [From the Albany Argus.] 12mo. 1828. — , — . See Cobb, Ly. . k , . The Elementary Spelling Book. 12mo. Brattleborough, Vt 1829. , . See Stock, J. E. See Cobb, Lyman. - ' Webster, Samuel. Sermon at Salisbury, [Mass.] March 25, 1756, to Col. Jonathan Bagley, Capt. Stephen Webster and his Company, going on an Expedition to Crown Point. 8vo. Boston. 1756. , . Sermon at Temple, N. H. Get. 2, 1771, at the Ordination of Samuel Webster, Jun. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1772. ^ . Two Sermons at Salisbury, [Mass.] Sept. 20, 1772, upon In- fant Baptism. 8vo. Salem, Mass. 1773. , . The Same. 3rd ed. 4to. Boston. 1780. ■ , . The Misery and Duty of an oppress'd and Enslav'd People. Fast Sermon at Salisbury, July 14, 1774. 8vo. Boston. 1774. • , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1777. , . The Blessedness of those that die in the Lord. Discourse at Newbury, [Mass.] March 26, 1792, at the Interment of Rev. John Tucker, who died March 22, 1792. 8vo. Boston. 1792. • , . Rabshakah's Proposals Considered, in a Sermon at Groton, [Mass.] Feb. 21, 1775, at the Desire of the Officers of the Companies of Minute Men in that Town. 8vo. Boston. 1775. Webster, William. Essay on Book Keeping. 13th ed. 12mo. London. 1759. West, Samuel. Sermon at Boston, I\larch 12, 1789, at his Instalment over Hollis Street Church. 8vo. Boston. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 4to. Boston. 178G. Weekerus, Johannes Jacobus. Antidetarium Generale et Speciale. 4to. Basi- liae. 1617. Weekly Visitant. Moral, Poetical and Humorous, &c. for 1806. 8vo. Salem, Mass. Wedding, The. An epic Poem. 8vo. Weeks, William R. Catechism of Scripture Doctrine. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. 1816. AVeems, M. L. Hym.en's Recruiting Sergeant, or the New Matrimonial Tattoo for Old Bachelors. 4to. Philadelphia. 1805. , . History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits of Gen. George Washington. 3rd ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. . . God's Revenge against JNIurder; or the Drown'd Wife. A Tragedy. 4th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1808. , . Life of George Washington. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1814. CATALOGUE OF L I B R A ft Y. 13 Wcems, M. L. The Pliilanthropist ; or, a good twenty-five cents worth of Politi- cal Love Powder, for Honest Adamites and Jeffersonians. 8vo. [1799.] Weemse, John. Exposition of the Laws of Moses. 4to. London. 1C32. Weissius, Ch. Vide Labbe, Petrus. Welch, Knight. An Expostulatory Epistle to, on the late Revolution in Politicks. 8vo. London. 1745. Welch, Moses C. Letter to him. 8vo. 1796. , . The Addresser Addressed ; or, A Letter To the Correspon- dent; containing some free remarks on his "Address to the Rev. Moses C. Welch." Humbly dedicated to tlie Hon. Zephaniah Swift, Esq. 8vo. Nor- wich, Con. 1796, . , . Sermon at Windham, [Con.] Nov. G, 1805, at the Execution of Samuel Freeman for the Murder of Hannah Simons. With Memoirs of his Life. Bvo. Windham. 1805. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1812. Welch Piety: or A Farther Account of the Circulating Welch Charity School, from 1761 to 1762. 8vo. London. 1762. Welch. See Welsh. Weld, Ezra. Sermon at Abington, [Mass.] Sept. 25, 1771, at the Ordination 6f Samuel Niles.. 8vo. Boston. 1772. , ^. Fast Sermon on Christian Union, at Wrentham, [Mass.] May 22, 1794. 8vo. Boston. 1794. — . Fast Discourse, April 25, 1799. 8vo. Boston. 1799. Weld, Nathaniel. Fast Sermon on Account of the Death of the Queen. 4to. Dublin. 1695. Weld, Thomas. Answer to W. R. [William Rathbone,] his Narrative of the Opinions and Practices of the Churches lately erected in New England. 4to. London. 1644. Welles, Arnold. Address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, June 2, 1797, 4to. Boston. 1797. Welles, Noah. Connecticut Election Sermon. 4to. New London. 1764. Wellington, Charles. Sermon at Templeton, Mass. Sept. 1, 1811, on leaving the Old Meeting House. 8vo. Brookfield. 1812. , . Sermon at Templeton, Mass. Sept. 19, 1811, at the Dedi- cation of the Ncav Meeting House. 8vo. Brookfield. 1812. Wells, Edwardus. Dionysii Geographia. cd 2da. 8vo. Oxonii. 1709. Wells, John. Oration at New York, before the Young Men, July 4, 1798. 8vo. New York. 1798. Wells, Samuel Adams. Oration, July 5, 1819, at Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Wells, Thomas. Address at Boston, Oct. 4, 1821, before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Wells, William. Observations taken in part from an Address at Brattleborough, Vt. July 7, 1816. 8vo. 1816. , . See Belsham, T. Welsh, Thomas. Oration at Boston, March 5, 1783. 4to. Boston. 1783. , . Oration at Boston, March 5, 1783. See Boston Orations. . ^ , , Eulogy at Charlcstown, [Mass.] June 20, 1796, on the Death of Hon. Nath'l. Gorham. 4to. Boston. 1796. Welsh. See Welch. Welsteed, William. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1751. Wemocke, L. Beaten Oyle for the Lamps of the Sanctuarie. 4to. London. 1641. Wendeborn, Gebh. Fr. Aug. Erinnerungen aus seinem Leben Ilerausgegeben Von C. D. Ebeling. Ite Thiel. ]2mo. Hamburgh. 1813. Wendelinus, Marcus Fridericus. Admiranda Nili. 4to. Cantab. 1(M8. , . Contemplationes Physicae. 4to. Cantab. 1648. , . Excrcitationes Theologicae Vindices. 2 vol. 4to. Cassellis. 1652. , . Christiana Theologia. Wentworth, Charles. History of. 3 vols. 12mo. London. 1770. 14 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Werdon, Peter. Letters to a Friend ; containing Remarks on a Pamphlet, writ- ten by Job Scott, entitled The Baptism of Christ a Gospel Ordinance. 12mo. Lansinburgh, N. Y. 179(5. Werenfelsius, Samuel. A Discourse of Loofomacliys, or Controversys about Words, tr. from the Latin. 12mo. London. 1711. Wesley, J. See Coke. Wesley, John. Letters to him against Perfection : as not attainable in this Life. 8vo. London. 1743. , . Dialogue between a Predestinarian and his Friend. 4th ed. 12mo. New Haven. 1770. , . Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, Nov. 18, 1770. 8vo. Boston. 1771. , . An Impartial View of a Narrative of the Principal Circumstances relative to the Rev. Mr. Wesley's late Conference at Bristol, Aug. 6, 1771, &c. &/C. By a Lover of Truth in America. 8vo. Boston. 1773, , . Sermon, Nov. 12, 1775, at St. Mathew's, Bethnal-Green. For the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans of the Soldiers who lately fell at Bos- ton, in New England. 8vo. London. , . Letter to. 12mo. , . Primitive Physic ; or an Easy and Natural Method of Curing- Most Diseases. IGth ed. V2mo. Trenton, N. J. 1788. Wesselius, Johannes. Dissertatio Theologica Inauguralis. 4to. Lug. Bat 1699. West, Benjamin. Accoimt of the Observation of Venus upon the Sun, at Provi- dence, June 3, 17G9. l"2mo. Providence, R. I. 1769. West, Benjamin. Description of his Picture of Christ Healing the Sick. See Robinson, B. West, G. M. See Chase, Philander. West, Jane. Letters to a Young Lady. 8vo. New York. 1806. West, Lucy. The Awful Beacon to tlio rising generation of both Sexes. ]2mo. Boston. 1816.^ West, Samuel. [Needham and Boston.] Sermon at the Ordination of Jonathan Newell, at Stow, Oct. 11, 1774. 8vo. Boston. 1775. , . Sermon at his Instalment at Boston, March 12, 1789. 8vo. Boston. 1789. , . The Christian Soldier. Massachusetts Artillery Election Ser- mon. 8vo. Boston. 179J. , . Thanksgiving Sermon, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Boston. 1795. ^ . Greatness the Result of Goodness. Sermon on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Boston. [1800.] W est, Samuel. [New Bedford.] Anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, [Mass.] Dec. 22, 1777. 8vo. Boston. , . Essays on Liberty and Necessity ; in which the True Nature of Liberty is Stated and Defended ; and the principal Arguments used by Mr. Ed- wards and others, for Necessity, are Considered. ]2mo. Boston. 1793. , . The Same. 12mo. New Bedford, Mass. 1795. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1776. West, Stephen. Sermon at Windsor, [Mass.] July 1, 1795, at the Ordination of Gordon Dorrance. 8vo. Stockbridge. 1795. , . An Inquiry into the Ground and Import of Infant Baptism, in- terspersed with Arguments in Support of the Doctrine. 8vo. Stockbridge, Mass. 1794. . , ■. Dissertation on Infant Baptism : In Reply to Rev. Cyprian Strong's Second Inquiry on that Subject. 8vo. Hartford, Con. 1798. , . Sermon occasioned by the Dcatli of the Hon. William Williams. 8vo. Pittsfield. 1808. , . The Scripture Doctrine of Atonement, proposed to Careful Ex- amination. To which is added, an Appendix; containing a View of the Con- sequences resulting from a Denial of the Divinity of Christ. 2d ed. 12mo. Stockbridge, Mass. 1809. , . Evidence of the Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, collected from the Holy Scriptures. 8vo. Stockbridge, Mass. 1816. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 15 West Boylston. [Mass.] Constitution of the Maternal Association of the First Congregational Church in. 18mo. [1834.] AVest India Planters. The Evidence on the Petition Presented by the West In- dia Planters and Merchants to the House of Commons, as it was introduc'd at the Bar and Summ'd up by Mr. Glover. Bvo. [1775.] Westfield Academy. [Mass.] Catalogue of. 8vo. Westfield. 1828. Westminster Confession. Preface to the Westminister Confession, &c. Lately Publish'd at Edinburgh. Svo. London. 1720. AVestminsler Assembly. See Presbyterians. Westmoreland, N. H. View of the Democratick Republican Celebration there July 5, 1813. A Caustick, Pindarick, Hudibrastick Poem. 12mo. West Point, N. Y. Expose of Facts concerning Recent Transactions, relating to the Corps of the United , States Cadets of the Military Academy. 8vo. Newburgh. 1810. . Regulations of the United States Military Academy. Svo. New York. 1823. . Register of the Officers and Cadets of the United States Mil- itary Academy at, June, 1825. 12mo. Weston, Nathan, Jun. Oration, July 4, 1810, at Augusta, Me. 8vo. Ilallowell. Wetenhall, Edward. Visitation Sermon. 4to. London. 16()3. Wetherill, John P. Observations on the Geology, Mineralogy, &.c. of the Pcrkio- men Lead Mine in Pennsylvania. Svo. 182G. Wetmore, Mr. See Dickinson, Jonathan. AVetmore, James. Quakerism a Judicial Infatuation represented in Three Dia- logues. 12mo. New York. , . Vindication of the Professors of the Church of England in Connecticut against The Invectives contained in a Sermon by Noah Hobart at Stanford, Dec. 31, 1746. In a Letter to a Friend, 12mo. Boston. 1747. AVetmore, William. Oration, on the Death of Washington, at Castine, [Me.] Feb. 22, 1800. Svo. Castine. Weymouth, [Mass.] Report of the Committee of Inquiry in the Church in the South Parish in, in which are stated the Serious and Solemn Reasons for de- clining to request the Assistance of the Church of the North Parish in that Town, in the Ordination of their Junior Pastor, Rev. William Tyler, Feb. 24, 1819. Svo. 1819. . Account of the Difficulty between the Church there and the Rev. Mr. Thacher. 12mo. 1720. Whalley, John. Gods Plentie, feeding True Pietie : Sermon at Paul's Crosse, June 18, 1615. 4to. London. Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick. Edwy and Edilda. 12mo. Albany, N. Y. 1800. Wharton, Charles H. Short and Candid Enquiry into the Proofs of Christ's Di- vinity. Svo. Philadelphia. 1796. AVharton, J. A New English Grammar. 16mo. London. 1655. Wharton, T. I. Discourse at Philadelphia, Oct. 24, 1826, before the Society for Commemorating the Landing of William Penn. 8vo. Philadelphia. Whately, William. Sermon at Banbury. 4to. London. 1628. Wheatley, Phillis. Poems on Various Subjects. 12mo. Walpole, N. H. 1802. , . Memoirs and Poems of. 12mo. Boston. 1835. Wheaton, Henry. Some Account of the Life, Writings, and Speeches of Wil- liam Pinkney. Svo. New York. 1826. . , . History of the Northmen. Svo. Philadelphia. 1831. Wheelock, Eleazar. [Pres.] Plain and faithful Narrative of the Original Design, Rise, Progress and present State of the Indian Charity School at Lebanon in Connecticut. Svo. Boston. 1763. , . . Continuation of the Narrative Of the State, &c. of the Indian Charity School, from Nov. 27, 1762, to Sept. 3, 1765. Svo. Boston. 1765. , . . Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity School in Lebanon in Connecticut from the year 1768 to the Incorporation of it Avith Dartmouth College, And Removal and Settlement of it in Hanover, N, H. 1771. Svo. 1771. ]6 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. WJieclock, Eleazar. [Pros.] Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity School, Beo-un in Lebanon, in Connecticut, Now Incorporated with Dartmouth College in Hanover, N. II. 8vo. 1772. , . . Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity School, Beo-un in Lebanon, in Connecticut, Now Incorporated with Dartmouth College in Hanover, N. II. 8vo. 1773. , . . Continuation of the Same. Svo. Hartford, Con. 1773. , . . A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity School, In Lebanon, Connecticut, New England, Founded and Carried on by That faithful Servant of God, The Rev. Mr. Eleazar Wheeloek. Svo. London. 176(J. , . . The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 17G7. , . . Sermon at Lebano^, .Tune 30, 1703, at the Ordina- tion of Charles Jelfry Smith. To which is added a Sermon by Nathaniel Whitaker, after the said Ordination. Svo. London. 1767. Wheeloek, John. Essay on the Beauties and Excellencies of Painting, Music and Poetry, pronounced at Dartmouth College, 1774. 4to. Hartford, Con. Whelplev, Samuel W. Address before the Hartford County Peace Society. Svo. Hartford, Con. 1830. Whig Club. The Prowess of See Goddard, W. Whigs and Tories. Dissertation on the Rise, Progress, Views, Strength, Inter- ests and Characters of ]2mo. Boston. 1773. Whig. Principles of a Real Whig. I2mo. London. 1775. Whincop, John. Sermon before Parliament, June 29, 1644. 4to. London. 1045. Whipple, Joseph. History of Acadie, Penobscot Bay and River. With a more particular Geographical and Statistical View of Maine, than has ever before been published, &c. Svo. Bangor. 181(>. Whistelow, Alexander. The Conmiissioners of the Alms House [New York,] against Alexander Whistelow, a Black man. Being a Remarkable Case of Bastardy. Svo. New York. 1808. Whiston, William. Essay on the Revelation of St. John. 4to. Cambridge. 1706. • , . Account of the Doctrine and Practice of the two first Cen- turies concerning the Baptism of Infmts. 12mo. London. 1712. , . Astronomical Lectures with the Astronomical Tables of Flamsted, Halley, Cassini and Street. 12mo. London. 1715. , . See Heretical Characters. Whiston. Will With a Wisp: or the Grand Ignis Fatuus of London ; being a Layman's Letter concerning the Articles lately Exhibited against. By a Gen- tleman formerly of Queen's College. 12mo. London. 1714. Whiston, William. St. Clement's and St. Irenaeus's Vindication of the Apostoli- cal Constitutions from several Objections made against them. Svo. London. 1716. Whiston, Mr. See Pigot, G. Whitaker, Daniel K. Oration at New Bedford, [Mass.] Feb. 23, 1821. Svo. , . Sermon on Christian Perseverance. Svo. Charleston, S. C. 1828. , . Address before the Agricultural Society of South Carolina. Svo. Charleston, S. C. 1833. Whitakerus, Gulielmus. Ad Nicolai Sanderi Demonstrationes Quadraginta Responsio. 16mo. London. 1583. Whitaker, Jeremiah. Sermon before the House, Jan. 23, 1642. 4to. London. 1643. ■ , . Sermon before the House of Lords, May 28, 1645. 4to. London. 1645. Whitaker, Nathaniel. Sermon at Salem, [Mass.] Oct. 17, 1770, on the Death of Rev. George Whitefield. Svo. Salem. , . Two Sermons: On the Doctrine of Reconciliation. To- gether with an Appendix in Answer to a Dialogue wrote to discredit the main Trutlis contained in these Discourses, by the Rev. William Hart of Saybrook, Con. Svo. Salem. 1770. CATALOGUE OF I- I B R A R V. 17 Wliitaker, Nathaniel. Brief History of the Settlement of the Third Cliurcli in Salem, in 1769. And also of the Usurpation and Tyranny of an Ecclesiastical Council in 1784. 8vo. Salem. 1784. , . Confutation of Two Tracts entitled A Vindication of the Government of the New England Churches and the Church's Quarrel espoused, by John Wise. 8vo. Boston. 1774. , . The Reward of Toryism. A Discourse at Salem, on Judges V. 23, May, 1783. 8vo. Newburyport. 1783. , . An Antidote against, and The Reward of, Toryism. Two Sermons at Salem, one at the commencement, and the other at the close of the Revolutionary War. 8vo. Salem. J811. Whitaker, Jonathan. Sermon before the New Bedford Bible Society, June 24, ]818. 8vo. New Bedford, Mass. 1818. Whitby, Daniel. Six Discourses. 8vo. AVorcester, Mass. 1801. Whitcomb, Samuel, Jun. Address before the Working Men's Society, at Ded- ham, [Mass.] Sept. 7, 1831. 8vo. Dedham. 1831. White Crow : or an Enquiry into Some more New Doctrines Broach'd by the Bp. ot Salisbury, in a Pair of Sermons. 2d ed. 12mo. 1710. White, Alexander. Life and Dying Confessions of. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1784. , . Narrative of the Life and Conversion of, Who was Executed at Cambridge, [Mass.] Nov. 18, 1784, for the Murder of Capt. White. 8vo. Boston. White, Anthony. Truth and Error Discovered : in two Sermons. 4to. Oxford. 1628. White, Charles. Treatise on the Management of Pregnant and Lying in Wo- men. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1793. White, Christopher. Sermon at Oxford. ]6mo. London. 1622. W"hite, Daniel Appleton. Address before the Merrimack Humane Society at Newburyport, Sept. 3, 1805. 8vo. Newburyport. 1805. , . Address before the Merrimack Humane Society at Newburyport, [Mass.] Sept. 3, 1805. 3rd ed. 8vo. Newburyport. , . View of* the Jurisprudence and Proceedings of the Courts of Probate in Massachusetts, with particular reference to the Coonty of Essex. Svo. Salem. 1822. , — . Address at Ipswich, [Mass.] before the Essex County Lyceum, May 5, 1830. Svo. Salem, Mass. , and Humphrey Devereaux. Correspondence between the First Church and the Tabernacle Church, in Salem. [Mass.] Svo. Salem. 1832. White, E. D. Speech in the House of Representatives of the United States on the Reduction of the Duty on Sugar, Feb. 1831. 8vo. Washington. 1831. White, Francis. Replie to Jesuit (John) Fisher, fol. London. 1624, , . The Orthodox Faith and Way to the Church Explained anti Justified : In answer to a Popish treatise intituled White dyed Blacke by T. W. P. 2ded. fol. London. 1624. , . Sermon at Pauls Crosse. 4to. White, John. Two Sermons, fol. London. 1624. , . Defence of the Way to the True Church against A. D. fol. London. 1624. , . Way to the True Church. 5th ed. fol. London. 1624. J . Sermon before the House of Lords, Nov. 26, 1645. 4to. London. 1645. White, John, [of Gloucester.] New England's Lamentations, Under these Three Heads. The Decay of the Power of Godliness ; The Danger of Anninian Principles ; The Declining State of our Church Orders, &c. 12iino. Boston. 1734. , . The Same. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1734. , . The Dissenting Gentleman's Answer to the Rev. Mr. White's. Three Letters. Svo. London. 1746. , . The Same. 4th ed. 4to. New York. 1748. , . The Same. 5th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1748. 18 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. White, John. Dissent from the Church of England fully justified: And proved the orenuine and just Consequence of the Allegiance due to Christ, the only Lawcriver in the Church. Being the Dissenting Gentleman's Three Letters and jPostscript in Answer to Mr. John White's on that subject. 4th ed. Jl2mo. Boston. 1748. , . A Dissent from the Church of England fully justified ; fcc. Being the Dissenting Gentleman's Three Letters and Postscript, In Answer to Mr. John White's on that subject. V2mo. London. 1753. , . The Baptism of Infants a Reasonable Service. By the Author of the Di-:senting Gentleman's Answer to the Rev. Mr. White's Three Letters. 8vo. Boston. 1765. , . Calm and Plain Answer to the (Question Why are you a Dissenter from the Church of England. By the Author of the Dissenting Gentleman's Letters to Dr. White. 12mo. Boston. 1773. White, Joseph. Sermon before the University of Oxford, in 1784. 8vo. Boston. 1793. White, Noah. Visionary Thoughts, or Modern Prophecy. r2mo. Greenwich, Mass. 1806. White, Samuel. Speech in the Senate of the United States, Feb. !20, 1806, on the Bill interdicting all Commerce between the United Slates and St. Domingo. 8vo. White, Stephen. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 17G3. White, Thomas. The Subject-Matter and Scope of a Discourse to the Quakers at Bristol, Eng. Sept. 9, 1716. With an Epistle to the Clergy. 4to. Bristol. White Thomas. Treatise on the Diseases of the Teeth, the Cause of those Dis- eases, with Directions for preventing their Occurrence. 12mo. Columbus, Ohio. 1833. White, William, [Bp.] Sermon on the Reciprocal Influence of Civil Policy and Religious Duty, at Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1795. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1795. , . . The Integrity of Christian Doctrine and Sanctity of Christian Practice, united in Christian Preaching, in a Sermon at New Haven, May 22, 1811. With an Address at New York, May 29, 1811, at the Conse- cration of two Presbyters. 8vo. New York. 1811. , . . Pastoral Address to the Clergy and Laity of the Protest- ant Episcopal Church of the United States, in the Convention at New Haven, Ct. May, 1811. 8vo. New York. 1811. , . . Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Uni- ted States of America. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1820. White, William Charles. Orlando : Or, Parental Persecution. A Tragedy. ]2mo. Boston. 1791. cester. Worcester. 1804. Oration at Rutland, Mass. July 4, 1802. 8vo. Wor- Oration at Worcester, Mass. July 5, 1804. 8vo. , . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1809, before the Bunker Hill Association. 8vo. Boston. — . Oration at Ilubbardston, [Mass.] July 4, 1810. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Boston. 1809-10. The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Digest of the Laws of Massachusetts. 3 vols. 8vo. , . Avowals of a Republican. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1813. White, William. Essay on the Study md Pronunciation of the Latin and Greek Languages. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1824. Whitefield, George. Trial of his Spirit: In some Remarks upon his Fourth Journal. 8vo. Boston. 1741. , . The Same. 12mo. London. 1740. • , . Testimony of the Pastors of the Churches in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, at their Annual Convention in Boston, May 25, 1743, Against several Errors in Doctrine and Disorders in Practice. 12mo. Boston, 1743. C A T A L (J G U K OF LIBRARY. 19 Wliitefield, George. The Testimony of the President, Professors, &c. of Har- vard College against the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield and his Conduct. 12mo. Boston. ] 744. , . Observations upon the Conduct and Behaviour of a Certain Sect usually distinguished by the Name of Methodists. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1744. , . Answer to the First and Second Part of an Anonymous Patnphlet, entitled " Observations- upon the Conduct and Behaviourof a Certain Sect usually distinguished by the name of Methodists," in Two Letters to the Bishop of London. 4to. Boston. 1744. , . Letter to the Rev. Dr. Chauncy. 4lo. Boston. 1745. , . An Apology in Behalf of Rev. Mr. Whitefield by Thomas Foxcroft. 4to. Boston. 1745. . Declaration of Ministers in Barnstable County, [Mass.] re- lating to the late Practice of Itinerant Preaching. 12mo. Boston. 1745. , . Letter to the Rev. the President and Professors, &c. of Har- vard College, in ansvv^er to a Testimony Published by them against him and his Conduct. 4to. Boston. 4745. , . Letter from Two Neighboring Associations of Ministers in the Country to the Associated Ministers of Boston and Charlestown, relating to the Admission of Mr. Whitefield into their Pulpits, &c. 4to. Boston. 1745. , . Letter to the Rev. John V/esley in Answer to a Sermon entitled Free Grace. Rjmo. Boston. 1740. , . Extracts of Letters relating to him, taken from the South Carolina Gazette of Oct. 16, 1740. 12mo. , . Some Observations on the Reverend Mr. Whitefield and his Opposers. Printed for the Benefit ol" the Orphan House, Georgia. 12mo. Boston. 1740. , . Continuation of the Journal of a Voyage from Gibralter to Savannah, in Georgia. 6th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1740. , . Sermon at Glasgow, Sept. 1 ], 1741. 12mo. Boston. 1742. , . Continuation cf his Journal from Savannah, June 25, 1740, to h>» Arrival at Rhode Island, his Travels in the other Governments of New England to his Departure from Stanford for New York. 12mo. Boston. 1741. — , . Continuation of his Journal from his Arrival at Savannah, May 7, His Stay there till July 25. 12mo. Boston. 1741. , . Letter to a Gentleman in Edinburgh, Containing Remarks upon a late Apology for the Presbyterians in Scotland, who keep Communion in the Ordinances of the Gospel, v. ith Mr. George Whitefield, a Priest of the Church of England. 2d ed. 12mo. Glasgow. 1743. , . Letter concerning him. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . Remarks on a late Pamphlet intitled The State of Religion in New England since the arrival of Rev. George Whitefield. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . Letter to the Rev. the President, Professors, Tutors and He- brew Instructor of Harvard College in Cambridge, In Answer to a Testimony published by them against the Rev. George Whitefield. 4to. Boston. 1745. ^ . Letter to the Rev. Dr. Chaunc}', Orx Account of some Pas- sages relating to the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, in his Book intitled- Seasonable Thoughts on the State qf Religion in New England. 4to. Boston. 1745. , . Answer to the First and Second Part of an Anonymous Pamphlet, Entitled, Observations upon the Conduct and Behaviour of a certain Sect usually distinguished by the Name of Methodists. In Two Letters to the Bishop of London. 4to. B, 1735. Svo. Boston. 1735. , . Sermon at the Tuesday Lecture, in Harvard College, after the Funeral of Rev. Benjamin Wadsworth. 12mo. Boston. 1737. , . An Enquiry into the Truth of the Imputation of the Guilt of Adam's first Sin to his Posterity. Svo. Boston. 1738. , . The Sovereignty of God in tiie Exercises of his Mercy ; and how He is said to tlarden the Hearts of Men. Two Publick Lectures at Harvard College. 12mo. Boston. 174L , . Letter to Rev. George Whitefieid, by way of Reply to his Answer to the College Testimony. With President Holyoke's Answer to Mr. Whitefieid. 4to. Boston. 174o. , . Two Discourses at the Publick Lectures in Harvard Col- lege, Nov. 12 and 19, 1754, after the Rev. Mr. Whitefield's Preaching at Cam- bridge. 12mo. Boston. 1754. , . Some Evidences of the Divine Inspiration of the Scrip- tures of the Old Testament from the Testimony of Jesus Christ and his Apos- CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 23 ties in the New Piiblick Lecture in Harvard College, June 24, 1755. 8vo. Boston. ] 755. Wi«Tglesworth, Edward. The Doctrine of Reprobration Briefly Considered. 8vo. Boston. 17(jo. , . Calculations on American Population ; with a Table for estimating- the Annual Increase of the Inhabitants in the British Colonies. ^8vo. Boston. 1775- , . Dudleian Lecture before Harvard College, Nov. 5, 1777. 8vo. Boston. 1 778. , . The Hope of Immortality. Sermon at Cambridge on the Death of the Hon. John Wintbrop. 8vo. Boston. 1779. , . See Encyclopaedia Americana. Wigglesworth, Michael. The Day of Doom. 7th ed. IGmo. Boston. 1751. "Wigglesworlh, Samuel. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1733. , . Sermon at Ipswich, [Mass.] Jan. 5, 1745, Sabbath after the Funeral of Rev. John Rogers, who died Dec. 28, 1745. 4to. Boston. 174G. , . God's Promise to an Obedient People, of Victory over their Enemies. Discourse at Ipswich, In the Audience of a Number of Sold- iers, before their g^oing on an Expedition against the French at Crown Point. 8vo. Boston. 1755. Wigmore, Michael. Sermon at Pauls Crosse, Dec. J 3, 1618. 4to. London. l(j]9. , . The Holy Citie. Sermon before the Fit. Hon. Francis Lord Verulam. 4to. London. 1619. , . Sermon at Pauls Crosse, June 5, IG20. 4to. Wight, John Burt. Sermon, A Charge, and the Fellowship of the Churches, de- livered at the Ordination of, at Sudbury, Mass. Jan. 25, 1815. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 1815. Wilberforce, William. Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of professed Christians in the higher and middle classes, contrasted with Real Christianity- 3rd ed. 12mo. Boston. 1803. , . Letters to him on the Doctrine of Hereditary Depravity. By a Layman. ]2mo. Boston. 1799. Wilbur, Hervey. Discourse at Homer, N. Y. Oct. 11. 1814, on tJie Religious Ed- ucation of Youth. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1814. Wild Oats or the Strolling Gentleman. 12mo. Wild, Nathan. Almanac for 1834. ]2mo. Keene, N. H. Wilde, George. Sermon before the House of Commons. 4to. London. 1643. Wilde, George CobL. Oration at Newburyport, [Mass.] July 4, 1823. 2d ed. 8vo. Newburyport. 1823. , -. Addr&ss before the Sabbath School Teachers at Wren- tham, [Mass.] June 14, 1829. 12mo. Boston. 1829. Wilde, Samuel S. Oration at Thomaston, [Me.] July 4, 1797. 4to. Hallowell. 1797. — . — ^ . Masonic Oration at Pownalborough, [Me.] June 24, 1709. 4to. Wiscasset. 1799. Wilde, John. Sermon at Grafton, [Mass.] Jan. 11, 1635, at the Interment of Hannah Read Batcheller, who died Jan. 9, 1835. 8vo. Worcester. 1835. AVilde, Robert. Assize Sermon. 4to. London. 1656. Wilkes, John. Authentick Account of the Proceedings against him. 8vo. Boston. 1763. , . Narrative of the Proceedings against him, from his Commitment in April, 1763, to his Outlawry. 8vo. London. 1768. , . Britannia's Intercession for the Deliverance of John Wilkes, Esq. from Persecution and Banishment, to Avhich is added a Political and Constitu- tional Sermon. 6th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1769. • , . See Grenville, George. Wilkins, John. Discovery of the New World. 2voIs.ini. 4th ed. 12mc. London. 1684. Wilkins, John H. Elements of Astronomy. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston. 1823. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Wilkins, William. Sermon before the London Missionary Society, May 9, 1822. 8vo. London. 1822. Wilki nson, Henry. Sermon before the House of Cornnions, Oct. 25, 16-13. 4to. London. ](j43. , . Sermon before the House of Lords, Nov. 27, 1644. 4to» London. 1644. • , . Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Margaret Corbet. 4to. Ox- ford. 16G0. Wilkinson, James. [Gen.] Plain Tale, supported by Authentic Documents, Jus- tifying the Character of. By a Kentuckian. 8vo. New York. 1807. , . . Memoirs of With an Appendix. Vol. 2. 8vo. Washington, D. C. 181 0. , . . Report of the Connnittee of Congress to enquire inta the Conduct of. 8vo. Washington. 1811. , . . Brief Examination of Testimony to vindicate the Char- acter of, against the imputation of a Sinister Connexion with the Government. Svo. Washington. 1811. , . . Memoirs of My Own Times. 3 vols. With Dia- grams and Plans. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1816. Wilkinson, Robert. A Paire of Sermons successively preachttoa Paire of Peer- eses and Succeeding Princes. 4to. London. 1614 , . Burwick Bridge, or England and Scotland Coupled. Ser- mon July 13, 1617, before the King in Scotland. 4to. London. ]617. ^ . A Sermon before his Majestic. With an Epistle upon the Wrongs of Amboyua by Thomas Myriol. 4to. London. 1625. Wilkinson, S. The Voyages and Adventures of Edward Teach, commonly called Black Beard, the Notorious Pirate. 12mo. Boston. 1808. Willan, R. Conspiracie against Kings, Heavens Scorne. Sermon, Nov. 5, 1622, 4to. London. , — , Sermon at the Funeral of the Et. Hon. Viscount Sudbury Lord Bayning. 4to. London. 1030. Willard, Josiah. A Poem Sacred to the Memory of 4t.o. Boston. 1757. Willard, Samuel. The Heart Garrisoned, or. The Wisdome, and Care of the Spiritual Souldier above all things to safeguard his Heart. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 4to. Cambridge. 1676. , . The Necessity of Sincerity in renewing Covenant. Sermon at Boston, June 29, 1680. 16mo. Boston. 1682. , . The Fiery Tryal no strange thing: Fast Sermon at Charles- town, Mass. Feb. 15, 1681. 4to. Boston. 1682. , . Covenant-Keeping The AVay to Blessedness. As it was De- livered in several Sermons. 16mo. Boston. 1682. , . The High Esteem which God hath of the Death of his Saints. As it was Delivered in a Sermon at Boston, Oct. 7, 1683, occasioned by the Death of the Worshipful John Hull, Esq. 4to. Boston. 1683. , . A Brief Discourse of Justification. 16mo. Boston. 1686. , . A Brief Discourse concerning that ceremony of laying the Hand on the Bible called Swearing. 4to. London. 1689. , . The Sinfulness of Worshipping God with Men's Institutions. Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1691. , . Promise-Keeping A Great Duty : Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1691. , . The Danger of Taking God's Name in Vain : Sermon. ]6mo. Boston. 1691. , . The Barren Fig Tree's Doom. ]6mo. Boston. 1691. , . Rules tor the Discerning Of the Present Times. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 27, 1692. 16mo. Boston. 1693. , . The Doctrine of the Covenant of Redemption. 16mo. Bos- ton. 1693. , . Reformation The Great Duty of an Afflicted People. Fast Sermon at Boston, Aug. 23, 1694. 16mo. Boston. 1694. ■ , . The Character Of a Good Ruler. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1694. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 25 Willard, Samue'. Evangelical Perfection. Sermon at Boston, June 10, 1694. 16mo. . , . Tiie National Conversion of Jews. 2(1 ed. IGmo. Boston. ]722. , . The Lav/ Established By the Gospel : Sermon at Boston, Sept. 20, 1694. 16mo. Boston. 1694. , . Impenitent Sinners Warned of their Misery And Summoned to Judgment. Two Sermons at Boston, Nov. 6 and 10, 1698. 16mo, Boston. 1698. , . Love's Pedigree. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, Feb. 29, 1699-1700. ]6mo. Boston. 1700. , . The Truly Blessed Man : Or, The Way to be Happy here, and Forever. Being the Substance of Divers Sermons. J6mo. Boston. 1700. , . The Peril of the Times Displayed. Being the' Substance of Several Sermons. 16mo. Boston. 1700 , . Compleat Body of Divinity in '^50 Expository Lectures on the- Assembly's Shorter Catechism, fol. Boston. 1726. , . Morality not to be Relied on for Life. Sermon at Boston,. May 23, 1700. ]6mo. Boston. 1700. , . Prognosticks of Impending Calamities. Sermon at the Bos- ton Lecture, July 17, 1701, on the Death of the Truly Honourable William Stoughton, Lieut. Governor. 16mo. Boston. 1701. . ^ . The Fountain Opened : Or, The Great Gospel Priviledge of having Christ Exhibited to Sinful Men. Wherein also is proved that there' shall be a National Calling of the Jews. Sermon. Ifimo. Boston. 1700. , . The Checkered State of the Gospel Church. 16mo. Boston. 1700. , . Som.e Brief Sacramental Meditations. 2d ed. 12m.o. Bos- ton. 1743. , . The Christians Exercise By Satans Temptations. Being The Substance of Several Sermons. 16mo. Boston. 1701. , — . Brotherly Love Described and Directed, As it was Casuisti- cally handled in Two Sermons at the Boston Lecture in 1701. 16mo. ^ . A Brief Reply to Mr. George Keith, in Answer to a Srvipt of his, Entituled, A Refutation of a Dangerous and Hurtful Opinion, maintained'. by Mr. Samuel Willard, &bC. 16mo. Boston. 1703. , ' — . Israel's True Safety. Fast Sermon at Boston, March 15,. 1704. 16mo. Boston. 1704. , The Fountain Opened : Or The Admirable Blessings plenti- fully to be Dispensed at the National Conversion of the Jews. Sermon.. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1722. Willard, Joseph. Sermon at Mendon, Mass. March 25, 1781. 8vo. Boston.. 1781. Willard, Joseph. [Pres.] Thanksgiving Sermon at Boston, Dec. 11, 1783. 8vo.. Boston. 1784. , . . Sermon at Beverly, Mass. May 11, 1785, at the Ordina- tion of Rev. Joseph M'Keen. 8vo. Salem. , . ' . Sermon at Cambridge, [Mass.] May 13, 1790, at the- Funeral of Rev. Timothy Hilliard, who died May 9, 1790. 8vo. Boston^ 1790. , . . Sermon at Chelmsford, Mass. Oct. 16, 1793, at the Or- dination of Hezekiah Packard. 8vo. Boston. 1794. , . . An Address in Latin, and a Discourse in English by David Tappan, before the University in Cambridge, [Mass.] Feb. 21, 1800, on- the Death of George Washington. 8vo. 1800. , . . Character of Rev. Dr. John Clarke of Boston. [At the- end of Peter Thacher's Sermon at the Interment of Dr. Clarke, April 6, 1798.] Willard, Sidney. Hebrew Grammar. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1817. Willard, Joseph. Oration at Lancaster, Mass. July 4, 1525. Svc Boston.- 1825. , . History of Lancaster. 26 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T V. Willard, Joseph. Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County, Mass. Oct. 2, ] 8-29. 8vo. Lancaster. IS'SO. Willard, Jacob. Oration at Leominster, Mass. July 4, 16C9. 8vo. Boston. 180'J. Willard, Paul. Oration at Clinrlestou n, Mass. JUI74, 182L 8vo. Boston. Willard, Samuel. Sermon at Northnuipton, [Mass.] Oct-. 27,1808, at the opening, of jNorthampton Bridge. 8vo. Northampton. 18C8. , . Comments on a Pamphlet entitled," An Address to tlie Chris- tian Public in Two Parts, &c." "Being a Counterpart to a Late Publication," &e. 12mo. Greenfield, Mass. 1814. See Greenfield. AVillet, Andrew. Six-fold Commentary upon Genesis. 2 vols. 2d ed. fol. London. }608. , . Sixfold Commentary upon the Most Divine Propheeie of Dan- iel, fol. Cambridge. KilO. , . Sixfold Commentarie upon the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. fol. Cambridge. IGU. , . Six-fold Commentarie upon the Epistle of Paul to the- Romans. fol. , . General View of Papistrie. 4th ed. fol. London. 1613. Willet, William M. Narrative of the Military Actions of Col. Marines Willet. 8vo. New York. 183L William III. Reflections np&n the occurrences of tlie last year fi-om Nov. 5, 1688, to Nov. 5, J()8i). 4to. London. 1689. . His Declaration. 4to. Nov. 28, 1G88. . His Engao'enient for Securing the Protestant Religion and Liber- ties of the People of England. 4to. London. ]688. . His Declaration shewing the reason of this present Invasion for the Defence of the Protestant Religion and for the Re-establishment of the Laws and Liberties of Scotland. 4to. Hague. 1688. . Address of the Dissenting Ministers in and about L&ndon to the King and Queen, with ihcir Majesties' Answer. 4tG. Lo-ndon. 16!?9. . His Toleration. Being an Explanation of that Liberty of Relio-ion which may be expected from his ]\Iajesty's Declaration. 4to. London. 1689. . Britain's Jubilee. A Congratulatory Poem on the Descent of the Prince of Orange into Enoland. 4to. 1689. . Prayer for the Priiice of Orange, tr. from the French. 4to. . Discourse concerning the Nature and Power and Proper EflTects of the Present Conventions in both Kingdoms called by. 4to. London. 1689. . Character of a Williamite, being the Reverse of a late unlicens'd Treatise Entituled, The Character of a Jacobite. 4to. London. 1690. . Some Reasons why a Learned and Reverend Divine hath lately taken the Oaths to their Majesties V/illiani and Queen Mary. 4to. London. 1690. William Henry. Prince of Orange. His Expedition for England. Giving an ac- count thereof from his setting sail from Holland to the 1st day of Dec. 1688. 4to. London. JGS8. AVilliam and Mary. An Account of the late Horrid Conspiracy to depose. 4to. London. 1691. Williams, Abraham. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1762. Williams, Mrs. C. R. Tales; National and ReviDlutionary. 12t2io. Provi- dence, R. L 1830. Williams, Daniel. The Answer to the Report, &c. Avhich the United Ministers appointed their Committee to draw up, as in the Prefiico. Also Letters of the Bishop of Worcester and Dr. Edwards to Mr. Williams, &c. 16mo. London. 1698. , . An End to Discord ; wherein is demonstrated that no Doc- trinal Controversy remains between the Presb\lerian pnd Congregational Min- isters fit to justify longer Divisions, with a true account of Socinianism as to the Satisfaction of Christ. ]6mo. London. 1699. , . Sermon at the Funeral of the Rev. Thomas Doolittle. 12mo. London. 1707. , . Two Sermons at the Ordination of B. Grovenor and S. Wright. 2ded. 12mo. London. 1709. CATALOGUE OF L I F. R A R T. 37 Williams, Daniel. See Dissenter. , . Discourses on Several Important Subjects. Vol. 3. Svo. London. 1750. Williams, David. The History of Monmouthshire. 4to. London. 17G9. AVilliams, Eleazer. Good News to the Iroquois Nation. [In the Indian Lan- guage.] l'2mo. Burlington, Vt. 1813. Williams, Eleazar. [Mansfield.] An Essay to Prove That when God once enters upon a Controversie, With his Professing People; He Avill Manage and Issue it Connecticut Election Sermon. IGmo. New London. 1723. Williams, Elisha. [Pres.] Divine Grace Illustrated in the Salvation of Sinners. Sermon at New Haven, [Con.] Oct. 22, 1727, before the General Assembly. ]6mo. New London. 1728. , . . The Essential Rights and Liberties of Protestants. A Seasonable Plea for the Liberty of Conscience and the Right of Private Judgment in Matters of Religion. 8vo. Boston. 1744. Williams, Elizabeth. Trial of. 12mo. London. 1783. Williams, Eliphalet. Discourse at East Hartford, [Con.] Nov. 23, 1755, the Next Sabbath after the late Earthquake. 16mo. New London. 1756. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at East Hartford, [Con.] March 6, 1760. 12mo. New London. 1760. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. Hartford. 1769. Williams, Ennion. See Howlett, John. Williams, Gilbert T. Sermon at Rowley, [Mass.] May 2, 8131, occasioned by his Dismission from that People. 8vo. Haverhill. 1813. Williams, Griffith. Fast Sermon at Oxford, before the House of Commons, March 8, 1644. 4to. Oxford. Williams, H. Elements of Drawing. 4to. Boston. 1814. Williams, Helen Maria. Letter on the French Revolution, &c. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1791. , . Letters containing a Sketch of the Scenes which passed in various Departments of France during the Tyrrany of Rebespierre, and of the events of the 28th July, 1794, in Paris. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1796. , . Augusta and Madelaine. Williams, John. A Sermon of Apparell before the King at Theobalds, Feb. 22, 1619. 4 to. London. 1620. Williams, John. Essay on the Bilious or Yellow Fever of Jamaica. 4to. Kingston. 1750. Williams, John. Warnings to the Unclean : Discourse Preacht at Springfield, [Mass.] Aug. 25, 1698, at the Execution of Sarah Smith. 16mo. -Ik)ston. 1699. , . God in the Camp : Or, The Only way for a People to Engage the Presence of God with their Armies. Sermon at the Boston Lecture, March 6, 1706. 16mo. Boston. 1706. , . The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion. 12mo. Boston. 1707. , . The Redeemed Captive Retur/iing to Zion. A Faithful His- tory of Remarkable Occurrences in tlie Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams. With a Sermon preacht by him at the Boston Lecture upon his re- turn, Dec. 5, 1706. .5th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1774. , . The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion: or a faithful His- tory of Remarkable Occurrences in the Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, &:c. &c. 4th ed. 12mo. Greenfield, Mass. 1793. , — — . Captivity and Deliverance of. 12mo. Brookfield, Mass. 1811. , . The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion. Annexed to which is a Sermon preiched by him on his return. An Appendix by Rev. Mr. Wil- liams of Springfield. An Appendix by Rev. Mr. Taylor of Deerfield. Some Observations by the Rev. Mr. Prince of Boston. And a Sermon at Springfield, Mass. 16th Oct. 1775, one hundred years from the burning that town by the In- dians, By Robert Breck. 6th ed. 12mo. Greenfield, Mass. 1800. Williams, John. The Hamiltoniad : or, An Extinguisher for the Royal Faction of New England. Svo. Boston. [1804.] 67 A M E R I C A i\ ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Williams. John, and others. Lives and Confessions of, who were tried at Boston, for Murder and Piracy. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Williams, J. M. Mistake in the Contents of the Second Chapter of the Revela- tion made by the Translators in calling the Angels of the Churches, the Minis- ters. 4to. Haverhill, Mass. 1795. Williams, John M. Oration at New Bedford, [Mass.] July 4, 1806. 8vo. Bos* ton. 1800. , . Sketch of the Character of the Hon. Samuel Howe, at the opening of the Court, at Worcester, [Mass.] March Term, 1828. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1828. Williams, Nathan. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. Hartford. 1780. . , . Enquiry concerning the Design and Importance of Christian Baptism and Discipline. In way of Dialogue Between a Minister and his Neighbor. 2d ed. Svo. Boston. 1792. . , . Sermon at Wallingford, [Con.] at the Funeral of Eliakim Hall, Esq. April, 1794. 8vo. New Haven. 1794. Williams, Nathaniel W. Address on Temperance at Hopkinton, N. H. 12mo. Concord, N. H. 1830. Williams, Roger. The Hireling Ministry none of Christs, or a Discourse touch- ing the Propagation of the Gospel of Christ Jesus. 4to. London. 1652. . , . Answer to Mr. Cotton's Letter concerning the Power of the Magistrate in Matters of Religion. , . A Key into the Language of America : Or an help to the Language of the Natives, in that part of America, called New England. I6mo. London. 1643. , ^ . Extracts from the Same. Mass. Hist. Col. Vol. 3 and 5. J . Seven Letters to Gov. John Winthrop. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 1. 3rd Series.] Williams, Samuel. Sermon at Salem, [Mass.] Jan. 13, 1773, at the Ordination of Thomas Barnard, Jun. 8vo. Salem 1773. , . Sermon at the Ordination of John Prince at Salem, [Mass.] Nov. 10, 1779. Svo. Boston. 1780. , • . Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 8vo. Walpole, N. H. 1794. , . The Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Burlington. 1809. Williams, Solomon. Sermon at Goshen, [Con.] Nov. 26, 1729, at the Ordination of Jacob Eliot. 12mo. Boston. 1730. , . Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1741. , ^ . Sermon at Mansfield, [Con.] Aug. 4, 1741, At a Time set apart for Prayer for the Revival of Relioion ; and on Behalf of Mrs. Eunice, the Daughter of the Rev. Mr. Joim Williams, (formerly Pastor of Deerfield,) who was then on a Visit there, from Canada ; where she has been in a long Captivity. 16mo. Boston. 1742. , . Substance of two Discourses at Lebanon, Con. Sept. 13, 1741, on occasion of the Death by Drowning of Mr. John Woodward and of the Deliverance of Mr. Samuel Gray. 12mo. New London. 1742. , . The More Excellent Way. Or, The Ordinary Renewing and Sanctifying Graces of the Holy Spirit, More Excellent than all Extraordi- narv Gifts that can be Coveted or Obtained by Men. Sermon at Goshen, [Con.] Dec. 21, 1741. ]6mo. New London. 1742. , . Discourse at Mansfield, [Con.] Sept. 23, 1742, The Day of the Interment of the Remains of the Rev'd. Mr. Eleazer Williams, who died there 21st Sept. 1742. 8vo. Boston. 1743. . . Vindication of the Gospel Doctrine of Justifying Faith. Being an Answer to Andrew Croswell's Book intitled, " What is Christ to me, if he is not mine ?" Including a Reply to Giles Firmin. 4to. Boston. 1746. , > — . True State of the Question concerning the Qualifications necessary to lawful Communion in the Christian Sacraments. Being in An- swer to Rev. J. Edwards's "Humble Inquiry, &c. 4to. Boston. 1751. . , . Sermon at Northampton, [Mass.] before an Ecclesiastical Convention to consider and ratify the Constitution of a Missionary Society, Jan. 5, 1802. Svo. Northampton. 1802. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY 29 Williams, Thomas. Discourse occasioned by the Proclamation of Peace between Great Britain and the United States, Feb. 26, 1815. 8vo. Providence, R. I. 1815. , . Sermon at Attleboro ugh, [Mass.] March, 1826, At the Fu- neral of Mrs. Chloe, wife of Joel Read, Esq. 8vo. Pawtucket. 1827. Williams, William. [Hatfield.] Sermon at the Ordination of Stephen Williams at Springfield, [Mass.] Oct. 17, 1716. 16mo. Boston. 1717. , . A Plea for God, and an Appeal to the Consciences of a People Declining Religion. Massachusetts Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1719. . J . Sermon at Watertown, [Mass.] June 11, 1723, at the Ordi- nation of Warham AVilliams. 16mo. Boston. 1723. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon. 16mo. Boston. 1726. J . Sermon at Northampton, [Mass.] Feb. 13, 1729, on the Death of Rev. Solomon Stoddard, who died Feb. 11, 1729. 8vo. Boston. 1729. Williams, William. The Office and Work of Gospel Ministers, and the Duties of a People towards them. Sermon at the Ordination of David Hall, at Sutton, [Mass.] Oct. 15, 1729. 12mo. Boston. 1729. , . Martial Wisdom Recommended. Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon, 8vo. Boston. 1737. , . Sermon at Cambridge, [Mass.] Sept. 15, 1738, on Occasion of the Execution of Philip Kennison. 8vo. Boston. 1738. , Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 27, 1741. 12mo. Boston. 1741. , . Sermon at Weston, [Mass.] Nov. 1742, on the Death of Ca- leb Lyman, Esq. 12mo. Boston. 1743. , . Funeral Discourse on the Death of his wife, Mrs. Hannah Williams, at Weston, [Mass.] 8vo. Boston. 1746. Williams College. Catalogue of the Library of 12nio. Stockbridge, Mass. 1812. . Catalogue of the Adelphi-Union Library in. 12mo. 1812. . Proceedings of a Meeting of the Friends of, at Pittsfield, [Mass.] Oct. 6, 1819, relating to the Removal of the College ; with an Address to the Public. 8vo. . Remarks on a Pamphlet published by a Committee of the Citizens of Berkshire, on the Removal of 8vo. . [Mass.] Report ot the Committee of the Legislature on the Petition of the Trustees of, Feb. 1820. 8vo. . Report on the Petition of, to the Legislature for Assistance, 1827. See Amherst College. . [Mass.] Triennial Catalogue of Svo. Albany, N. Y. 1823. . Memorial of the Trustees of, 1824. 8vo. . Laws of 8vo. 1829. . Catalogue of the Library of Svo. Williamstown. 1825. . Annual Catalogues for 1830-3J and 1831-32. 12mo. Wil- liamstown. Williamson, Hugh. Observations on the Climate in Different parts of America, with Remarks on the complexions of the Human Race. With some Account of the Aborigines of America. Svo. New York. 181 L , . History of North Carolina. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia. 1812. , . Discourse before the New York Historical Societv, Dec. 1810. [New York Hist. Coll.] Williamson, William D. The History of the State of Maine ; from its First Dis- covery, A. D. 1602, to the Separation, A. D. 1820, inclusive. 2 vols. 8vo. Hallo well. 1832. Williamson, Thomas. Funeral Sermon. 4to. London. 1C30. Williamstown, Mass. Articles of Faith and Form of Covenant for the Church there. 12mo. Williamstown. 1832. Willis, William. History of Portland. Parti. [Maine Hist. Coll. Y.ol ].] Willis, Lydia. Rachel's Sepulchre : or A Memorial of Svo. 30 A M E 11 I C AN ANTIQUARIAN S O C I E T Y. Willis. Pliraseolofyia Anglo-Latina. 12mo. London. 1672. Willison, John. The Young Communicants Catechism. 13th ed. 12mo. Glas- gow. 1791. , . A Treatise concerning the Sanctification of the Lord's Day. 12mo. Philadelphia. J 788. Williston, E. B. Eloquence of the United States. 5 vols. 8vo. Middletown, Ct. 1827. Willson, Luther. Remarks upon a Sermon at Brooklyn, Ct. Aug. 24, 1817, by Willard Preston. 8vo. Boston. 1818. ) . Review of Ecclesiastical Proceedings in the Congregational Church and Society in Brooklyn, [Con.] and particularly of the Proceedings and Result of the Consociation of Windham County, in February, 1817, upon the Charge of Heresy against the Junior Pastor of said Church and Society. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1818. , . Sermon at Gardner, Mass. June IG, 1824, at the Ordination of Sumner Lincoln. 8vo. Worcester. 1825. Wilmer, John. The Legacy of, Humbly offered to the Lords and Commons of England. 4to. London. 1692. Wilson, Christopher. Selfe Denial : Sermon. 4to. London. 1625. Wilson, Bird. Sermon delivered Dec. 9, 1827. 8vo. New York. 1828. Wilson, James. [Providence.] Oration before the Providence Association of Mechanics and Manufacturers at their Ann\ial Election, April 14, 1794. 8vo. Providence. 1794. , . Apostolical Church Government Displayed ; and the Govern- ment and System of the Methodist Episcopal Church Investigated. 12mo. Providence. 1798. , . Sermon at Providence, R. I. July 25, 1802, on the Death of Mrs. Zerviah, wife of Bennet Wheeler. 8vo. Providence. 1802. , . Sermon at Amesbury, Mass. Nov. 3, 1802, at the Instalment of Rev. Stephen Hull. 4to. Newburyport. 1803. Wilson, James. Substance of a Speech explanatory of the General Principles of the proposed Foederal Constitution to the Convention of Pennsylvania, Nov. 24, 1787. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1787. , , and Thomas M'Kean. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States of America, with that Constitution prefixed. 8vo. London 1792. Wilson, John, alias Jenkin Ratford. Trial for Mutiny, Desertion and Contempt ]2mo. Boston. 1807. Wilson, Jorick. Gentleman's Veterinary Monitor and Stable Guide. 12mo Philadelphia, 1810. Wilson, Joshua Lacy. War the Work of the Lord and the Coward cursed. Ser- mon at Cincinnati, Ohio, May 14, 1812. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Wilson, Rachel. Discourse in Beekman's Precinct, Duches County, N. Y. Aug 10.1769. 12mo. Newport, R. L 1769. Wilson, Sir Robert. Sketch of the Military and Political Power of Russia in thf year, 1817. 8vo. New York. 1817. Wilson, Robert. Nine Letters concerning the Person and Sonship of Messiah Addressed to the Author of Bible News. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Wilson, Samuel. Scripture Manual : or, A Plain Representation of the Ordi- nance of Baptism. 8vo. Newport, R. I. 1772. Wilson, Thomas. Sermon before the House of Commons, Sept. 28, 1642. 4to. London. 1643. Wilson. Judicium Discretionis : or a Just and Necessary Apology for the Peo- ples Judgment of Private Discretion against the Pretences and Imperious Sug- gestions of Tannerus, Valentia, Bellarmine, with other Advocates of the Papal Tyrrany. 12mo. London. 1667. Wilson, Thomas. [Bp.] Sermon on Fraud. 12mo. Cambridge, Mass. 1805. Winch, Silas. The Age of Superstition, containing Remarks on Methodist Preaching. 12mo. Boston. 1795. Winchell, James M. Two Discourses Exhibiting an Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church in Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Winchelsea, Earle of. True and Exact Relation of the late Prodigious Earth- quake and Eruption of Mount Aetna. 4to. Cambridge, Mass. 1669. CATALOGUEOFLIBRARY. 1)1 Winchester, Elhanan. The Progress and Empire of Christ : A Pocn; in XII Books. 12mo. Brattleborough, Vt. J 805. , . A New Book of Poems on Several Occasions. 8vo. Boston. 1773. , . Oration on the Discovery of America, del" vered in Lon- don, Oct. 12, 1792, &c. With an Appendix containing, among other things, a description of the City of Washington. 2d ed. 8vo. London. , . The Divinity of Christ proved from the Scriptures. 8vo. , . The Three Woe Trumpets. 8vo. Boston. " 17U4. , . Universal Restoration : in Four Dialogues. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1803. , . Course of Lectures on Prophecies that remain to be ful- filled. 2 vols. 8vo. Walpole, N. H. 1800. , . Two Lectures on the Prophecies that remain to be ful- filled. 8vo. Philadelpiiia. 1789. Wincop, John. Sermon before the House of Lords, Sept. 24, 1645. 4to. Lon- don. Windham, [Con.] Letter from the Associated Ministers of the County of, to the People of the Several Societies in said County. 4to. Boston. 1745. . Result of a Council of the Consociated Churches of the Coun- ty of. 4to. Boston. 1747. Windham Herald. [Con.] The Correspondence. Containing the Publications of the Windham Herald, relative to the Result of the Ecclesiastical Council at Pomfret, Sept. 1792, and the Result of the Consociation of the County of Wind- ham, at Pomfret, in 1792, respecting the Rev. Oliver Dodge. 8vo. Windham. 1793. Windham County, [Con.] Plan of Consociation adopted and recommended by a Convention of Churches in Windham County, Nov. 1800. 8vo. Windham. 1800. Windship, Charles W. Discourse on Religion and Doctrines, before the Society of Free Inquirers in Boston, Nov. 15, 1829. 8vo. Boston. Windship, M. Thoughts on Teaching. 8vo. Boston. 183L Windsor and its Environs. Containing the Curiosities of the Town and Palace, &c. 12mo. London. 1774. Wingate, Edmund. An exact abridgement of all Statutes in force from begin- ning of Magna Charta, 1641. 8vo. London. 1684. Wines, Abijah. The Merely Amiable Moral Man no Christian : A Sermon. 8vo. Portland, Me. 1828. Winslow, Edward. Good News from New England : or a Relation of things re- markable in that Plantation. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vols. 8 and 9. 2d Series.] , . New Englands Salamander, discovered by an Irreligious and Scornfull Pamphlet, called New England's Jonas cast up at London, &c. To- gether with a briefe Reply to what is written in Answer to Certaine Passages in a late Booke called Hypocrisie unmasked. [Mass. Hist. Coll. 3rd Series. Vol. 2.] Winslow, George Erving. Essay on the Nature, Symptoms and Treatment of Asiatic Cholera. 8vo. New York. 1832. Winsor, William. The Poetic Art : A Poem before the United Brothers' Soci- ety of Brown University, Sept. 3, 1811. 8vo. Providence. 1812. Winslow, Miron. Sermon at Boston, June 7, 1819, the evening previous to the sailing of Miron Winslow, Levi Spalding, Henry Woodward, and Dr. John Scudder, as Missionaries to Ceylon. 8vo. Andover. 1819. Winstanley, Calvin. Vindication of Certaine Passages in the Common English Version of the New Testament. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1819. Winter, John. Sermon on the Day of the Murthur of King Charles I. 4to. London. 1662. — ^ , . Sermon on the Day of the Coronation of King Charles II. 4to. London. 1662. Winter, Richard. Importance and Necessity of His Majestys Declaration of War with France Considered and Improved. Sermon, May 23, 1756. 8vo. London. 1756. , . Thanksgiving Sermon for Successes obtained over the French, particularly llie taking of Quebec. 8vo. London. 1759. 32 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Winter, Ricliard. Sermon in Little Moorfields, On Account of the Separation of the Rev. John Conder, to the Co-Pastorship with the Rev. Thomas Hall, Mav 21,]7ri0. Svo. London. 17()0. Winter, fSanmel. The Summe of Diverse Sermons preached in Dublin. IGmo. Dublin. J()5(). Winterbotham, W. An Historica], Geographical, Commercial and Philosophical View of the United States of America, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies. 4 vols. Svo. New York. 1796. , — . The Same. With MS. Notes by William Bentley. 14 vols. Svo. New York. 1795. Winter Evening-s. Conversation upon the Doctrine of Original Sin, Between a Minister and Three of his Neighbors accidentally met together. Svo. Bos- ton. 1757. . See Clark, Peter. Winthrop, John. [Gov.] A Journal of the Transactions and occurrences in the Settlement of Massachusetts and the other New England Colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644. Svo. Hartford, Con. 1790. , . . The History of New England from 1630 to 1649. From his Original Manuscripts. With Notes. By James Savage. 2 vols. Svo. Boston. 1 825-6. , . . See New England. Winthrop, John. Lecture on Earthquakes, delivered at Harvard College, Nov. 26, 1755. 4to. Boston. 1755. ^ . Letter to the Publishers of the Boston Gazette, containing an Answer to Mr. Prince's Letter in said Gazette of Jan. 26, 1756. 4to. , . Relation of a Voyage from Boston to Newfoundland, for the Observation of the Transit of Venus, June 6, 17()1. Svo. Boston. 1761. ^ . Xwo Lectures on the Parallax and Distance of the Sun, as de- ducible from the Transit of Venus. Svo. Boston. 1769. Winthrop, James. Attempt to Translate the Prophetic Part of the Apocalypse of Saint John into Familiar Language. By divesting it of the Metaphors in which it is involved. Svo. Boston. 1794. , . Systematic Arrangement of Several Scripture Prophecies re- lating to Anti-Christ. Svo. Boston. 1795. . , . An Attempt to arrange in the Order of Time those Scripture Prophecies yet remaining to be fulfilled. Svo. Cambridge, Mass. 1793. . , . Lectures on Comets, and Life of With an Essay on the Same Subject by A. Oliver, and his Liie. ]2mo. Boston. ISll. . , . Appendix to the New Testament. 12mo. Cambridge. 1809. AVirt, William. Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. 3rd ed. Svo. Philadelphia. 1818. , . Letters of the British Spy. [Originally published in the Vir- ginia Argus, in Aug. and Sept. 1803.] :^d ed. Svo. Richmond. 1803. , . Discourse on the Lives and Characters of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, at Washington, D. C. Oct. 19, 1826. Svo. Washington. 1826. Wische, Pierre. See Nil, Relation De la Riviere Du. Wisdom. A Poem. 12mo. Bennington, Vt. 1806. Wise, Jeremiah. Massachusetts Election Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1729. Wise, John. A Vindication of the Government of the New England Churches. 16mo. Boston. 1717. . , . Vindication of the Government of the New England Churches. 12mo. Boston. 1772. , . The Churches Quarrel Espoused. 12mo. Boston. 1772. . , . The Same. 2d ed. 16mo. Boston. 1715. , . See Whitaker, Nat. Wisner, Benjamin B. Sermon at Boston on the Death of Mrs. Miriam Phillips. Svo. Cambridge. 1823. , . Sermon at Boston, Jan. 1, 1824, before the Foreign Mis- sionary Society of Boston and Vicinity. Svo. Boston. 1824. . , . Sermon at Boston, June 3, 1827, on the Death of Hon. William Phillips. Svo. Boston. 1827. CATALOGUE OF I- I 15 R A II Y. 33 Wisner, Benjamin B. Sermon before the Society for Propa gating the Gospel among- the Indians and others in North America, Nov. 5, 1829. 8vo. Boston. 1829. , . History of the Old South Church in Boston. In Four Sermons, May 9 and 16, 1880. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Wistar, Caspar. Eulogium on William Shippen, March, 1809. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1818. Witchcraft. Sadducismus Debellatus : Or A True Narrative of the Sorceries and Witchcrafts exercised by the Devil and his Instruments upon Mrs. Chris- tian Shaw of Bargarran, from Aug. to April, 1696. 4to. London. 1G98. « ^. A Relation of tiie Diabolical Practices of above Twenty Wizards and Witches of the Sheriffdom of Renfrew, in Scotland, in 1697. 4to. Lon- don. Witherell, George. Masonic Sermon at Colerain, Mass. Sept. 23, 1819. 8vo. Greenfield. , . Impartial Statement of Facts in the Case of, in relation to the Outrage committed on his Family. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Withers, George. The Grateful Acknowledgment of a Late Trimming Regula- tor. 4to. London. 1688. ' , . Prophesie of the Downfall of Antichrist. 4to. [London. 1689.] Withers, John. A Defence of the True and Impartial Account of what Occurred at the Late Conference in Exon, and the Dissenters Vindicated from Mr. Agate's False Accusations in his Reply to said Account. 16mo. Exon. 1707. . --, - — . Truth Try'd : or Mr. Agate's Plain-Truth proved an Untruth. 12mo. Exon. 1708. • , . Whigs Vindicated. 12mo. London. 1715. Witherspoon, John. [Pres.] The Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men. Sermon at Princeton, [N. J.] May 17, 1776, on a General Fast. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1776. ' — , . . Christian Magnanimity. Sermon on the Sabbath preceding the Annual Commencement of the New Jersey College, Sept. 1775, and Sept. 23, 1787. 8vo. Princeton. 1787. Withington, Leonard. The Soul of Man. Sermon at the Tabernacle Church, Salem, Mass. April 22, 1832. 8vo. NeAvburyport. 1832. , . Massachusetts Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1831. Witnesses. Tryall of the Witnesses of the Resurection of Jesus. 13th ed. 8vo. London. 1755. ^ Witter, Ezra. Sermon at Monson, [Mass.] at the Ordination of Alfred Ely, Dec. 17, 1806. 8vo. Springfield. , . See Backus, Charles. Wittichius, Christophones. Causa Spiritus Sancti. 16mo. Lug. Bat. 1678. , . Exercitationes Theologicae. 4to. Lug. Bat. 1682, J . Theologia Pacifica Defensa. 4to. Amstelodami. 1689. Witsius, Hermannus. Exercitationes Sacrae in Symbolur, quod Apostolorum dicitur. ed 2d. 4to. Franequerae. 1689. Woborn. [Mass.] Some Brief Remarks upon the Result of a Council published at Woborn, Jan. 9, 1746. 4to. Wodrow, Robert. B[istory of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland from the Restauration to the Revolution. 2 vols. fol. Edinburgh. 1721. Wolcott, John. Works of Peter Pindar. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1794. , . The Same. 4 vols. 18mo. Boston. 1811. , . Tears and Smiles, or Miscellaneous Collection of Poems. 12mo. Baltimore. 1802. Wolcott, Oliver. Address to the People of the United States, on the Subject of the Report of a Committee of the House of Representatives of Congress, ap- pointed to Examine and report whether Monies drawn from the Treasury have been faithfully applied, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1802. Wolcott, R. Letter to the Rev. Noah Hobart, asserting that the New English Congregational Churches are, and always have been, Consociated Churches^ &c. 4to. Boston. 1761. 34 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETT. Wolcott, Roger. Vacant Hours : With a Preface by John Bulkier. ]Gmo. 1724. , . Brief Account of the Agency of the Hon. John Winthrop, in the Court of King Charles II. A. D. 1662. A Poem. [Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. 4.] , . Funeral Poem upon Roger Wolcott, Esq.' who died Oct. PJ, 1751). 8vo. New Haven, Con. 1760. Vv''oldenhergius, Christianus. Principia Juris Romani. 4to. Rostochii. 16G8. Wolfe, James. [Gen.] Lite of With a Monumental Inscription. 8vo. Boston. 17()0. Wollaston, William. Sketch of his Life. 4to. London. 1788. Wollebius, Johannes. Compendium Theologiae Christianae. 18mo. Londom 1647. , . Compendium Theologiae. ]2mo. Londini. 1760. , . Same. 18mo. Oxoniae. Wolseley, Sir Charles. Justification Evangelical. IGmo. London. 1677. Wonderful Magazine. See Magazine. Wonders of the Year 1716. Collected from the Scriptures and the Histories and Writings of the Learned. 12mo. Nottingham. 1716. Wood, Benjamin. Sermon at Upton, Mass. June, 1796. 8vo, Worcester. 1797. , . Sermon at Upton, Mass. April 24, 1811, on the Death of Mrs. Rachel Rnggles. 8vo. Worcester. , . Sermon at Sutton, Mass. March 8, 1812, at the Formation of a Society for the Education of Pious Young Men for the Ministry. 8vo. Wor- cester. , . Masonic Address at Uxbridge, Mass. Dec. 7, 1819. 8vo. Worcester. 1820. , . Masonic Discourse at Milford, Mass. June 24, 1820. 8vo. Worcester. ^ . Sermon at Upton, Mass. Aug. 10, 1823, on Baptism. 8vo. Worcester. , . Masonic Address at Holden, Mass. June 24, 1825. Svo. Worcester. Wood, John. A Correct Statement of the Various Sources from which the His- tory of the Administration of John Adams was compiled, and the Motives for its Suppression by Col. Aaron Burr. 8vo. New York. 1802. , . Narrative of the Suppression, by Col. Burr, of the History of the Administration of John Adams. By a Citizen of New York. 8vo. New York. 1802. , . The Same. 2d ed. Svo. NewTork. 1802. Wood, Jacob. Sermon at Shrewsbury, Mass. July 4, 1824, on the Salutary Na- ture of Punishment Svo. Worcester. , . Thanksgiving Sermon at Shrewsbury, Nov. 24, 1825. Svo. Worcester. Wood, Samuel. Sermon at Upton, Mass. June 1, 1796, at the Ordination of Rev. Benjamin Wood. Svo. Worcester. 1797. Wood, Seth. Sermon at the Funerall of Sir William Armyne. 4to. London. 1651. Wood, Silas. Sketch of the First Settlement of the Several Towns on Long Island ; with their Political Condition to the End of the American Revolution. New Edition. Svo. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1828. , . Speech in Congress, Jan. *!^7, 1823, on the Bill "To procure the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates, on the subjects of Roads and Canals." Svo. Washington. 1823. Wood, William. New England's Prospect. Being a true, lively, and experi- mental Description of that part of America, commonly called New England. 3rd ed. Svo. Boston. 1764. Wood, W. W. Sketches of China. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1830. Woodbridge, Ashbel. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1753. Woodbridge, John. Address before the Society of the Alumni of Williams Col- lege, [Mass.] Sept 3, 1823. Svo. Hartford. 1823. CATALOGUE OF L I U R A R Y. 35 Wf oilbnry, Levi. Remarks in the Senate of the United States on the Bill for the Relief of Surviving Officers of the Revolution. 8vo. Washington, D. C. 1828. Woodcock, Francis. The Two Witnessess. 4to. -J . Sermon before the House of Lords, Oct. 30, 1644. 4to. London. 1644. . Sermon before the House of Commons, July 30, 1645. 4to. London. 1646. Wooden World Dissected in Characters of a Ship of War, A Sea Captain, &.c. &c. By a Lover of Mathematicks. 12mo. London. Woodford, Samuel. Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David. 4to. London. 1667. Woodroph, Benjamin. Fall of Babylon, or Seasonable Reflections on the Novel- ties of Rome. 4to. London. 1690. Woodruff, Hezekiah N. Sermon at the Ordination of Clark Brown at Machias, [Me.] 8vo. Boston. 1795. Woods, Leonard. Oration before Harvard University, July 20, 1796. 8vo. Leominster. , . Two Fast Sermons on Profane Swearing, delivered April 4, 1799. 8vo. Newburyport, Mass. 1799. , . Massachusetts Artillery Election Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1808. , . Sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, May 26,1812. 13th Anniversary. 8vo. Boston. 1812. , . Sermon at the Ordination of John W. Ellingwood, at Bath, [Me.] Nov. 4, 1812; Jacob Ide, at Medway, [Mass.] Nov. 2,1814; and William Eaton, at Fitchburgh, [Mass.] Aug. 30, 18 h5. 8vo. Andover, Mass. 1815. , . Life of Mrs. Harriet Newell. 7th ed. 12mo. Boston. 1817. , . A Minister's Final Account. Sermon at the Ordination of Joel Hawes at Hartford, [Con.] March 4, 1818. 8vo. Hartford. ,1818. « — , . Letters to Unitarians occasioned by Dr. Channing's Sermon at Baltimore at the Ordination of Jared Sparks. 8vo.' Andover, Mass. 1820. , ■ . See Hare, Henry. , . Love of Popularity. Sermon at the Installation of Rev. War- ren Fay, at Charlestown, [Mass.] Feb. 23, 1820. 8vo. Charlestown. 1820. , . Defence of Dr. Woods ; containing a few Remarks illustra- tive of his Letters to Unitarians. Bv a Brother. 8vo. Boston. 1820. — , . Sermon at Salem, [Mass.] July 12, 1821, on the Death of the Rev. Samuel Worcester, D. D. Svo. Salem. 1821. , . Sermon at Boston, Oct. 28, 1821, at the Ordination of Alva Woods, as Minister of the Gospel and a Professor in Columbian College in the District of Columbia. 8vo. Boston. , . Massachusetts Convention Sermon, at Boston, May 29, 1823. Svo. Boston. , . Sermon at Falmouth, Mass. June 9, 1824, at the Ordination of Benjamin Woodbury. 8vo. Andover. 1824. , . Lecture on Quotation. Svo. Andover, Mass. 1824. , -. Massachusetts Convention Sermon. Svo. Boston. 1823. Woodward, Augustus B. Representation of the Case of Oliver Pollock. Svo. Washington. 1803. , . Supplement to the Representation of OHver Pollock. Svo. Washington. 1803. Woodward. Hezekiah. The Kings Chronicle : Two Sermons. 4to. Lon- don. 1643. Woodward, James W. Sermon at Hartford, [Vt.] May 24, 1813, at the Funeral of Rev. Eden Burroughs, D. D. Svo. Boston. 1814. Woodward, John. Civil Rulers are God's Ministers for the People's Good. Con- necticut Election Sermon. 12mo. Boston. 1712. Woodward, Samuel. Sermon at the Ordination of Joseph Wheeler, at Harvard, [Mass.] Dec. 12, 1759. Svo. Boston. 1760. J Sermon at the Ordination of John Marsh, at Wethersfield, Con. Jan. 12, 1774. Svo. New Haven. 68 36 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Woodward, Samuel. Sermon at Lexington, [Mass.] April 19, 1779, In Commem- oration of the Great Distress and Wonderful Deliverance of God's People on the 19th April, 1775 ; Where Hostilities began, and where the bloody War be- tween Great Britain and her Colonies commenced. 8vo. Boston. ]779. _ ^ . Sermon, Sept. 15, 1782, on Occasion of the Death of Cyrus Woodward, who died Sept. 10, 1782. 8vo. Boston. 1783. Woodward, William. Masonic Oration at Hanover, N. H. Jan. 9, 1800. 8vo. Hanover. 1800. Woodwardus, Johannes. Naturalis Historia Telluris. 12mo. London. 1714. Wool. See North Carolina. . Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates appointed by Persons interest- ed in the Growth and Manufacture of Wool, held at Clinton Hall, New York. 8vo. New York. 1831. Woolley, W. Cure for Canting ; or. The Grand Imposters of St. Stephens and of Surrey Chapels unmasked. 8vo. London. 1794. Woolman, John. Works of. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1724. Woolner, H. The True Original of the Soule. 16mo. London. 164L Woolson. See St. David. Worcester, Lord Bishop of. Discourse in Vindication of the Trinitv. 12mo. London. 1697. Worcester, Francis. Bridle for Sinners and a Spur for Saints. 4th ed. 12mo, Boston. 1782. Worcester, J. E. Remarks on Longevity. 4to. Worcester, Joseph E. Universal Gazetteer. Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. Svo. Andover, Mass. 1817. , . Gazetteer of the United States, abstracted from the Uni- versal Gazetteer. Svo. Andover, Mass. 1818. , . Elements of Geography with an Atlas. 12mo. Boston. 1832. "Worcester, Leonard. Oration at Peacham, Vt. Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Peacham. 1800. , . Sermon at Boston, Aug. 25, 1825, at the Ordination of El- nathan Gridley and Samuel Austin Worcester, as Missionaries to the Heathen. Svo. Boston. 1825. Worcester, Noah. The Gospel Ministry Illustrated. Sermon at the Ordination of Thomas Worcester, at Salisbury, N. H. Nov. 9, 179L Svo. Newburyport. . ^ . Solenm Reason for declining to adopt the Baptist Theory and Practice in a Series of Letters to a Baptist Minister. 2d ed. 12mo. Charles- town, Mass. 1809. J . Impartial Review of Testimonies in favor of the Divinity of the Son of God as given by the most eminent Christian Bishops and Martyrs of the three first Centuries, and by the Council of Nice, A. D. 325. 12mo. 1810. — , . Bible News, of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in a Series of Letters. Svo. Concord, N. H. 1810. , . Respectful Address to the Trinitarian Clergy relating to their manner of Treating opponents. 12mo. Boston. 1812. . ^ . Appeal to the Candid, or the Trinitarian Review. Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Svo. Boston. 3814. . , . Solemn Review of the Custom of War. 8th ed. 8vo. Lon- don. 1825. Worcester, Noah and Thomas. A Word in Season. The Writings of Noah and Thomas Worcester brought to the test concerning an Answer; and a Bridle for Disputants. 12mo. Concord. 1813. Worcester, Samuel. Oration at Fitchburg, [Mass.] Feb. 22, 1800, on the Death of George Washington. 8vo. Leominster. 1800. ^ . Sermon at the Dedication of the New Meeting House in Beverly, [Mass.] April 21, 1803. Svo. Salem. 1803. ' , . The Messiah of the Scriptures. Sermon at Salem, [Mass.] April 8, and at Beverly, May 1, 1808. 12mo. Boston. 1808. . J . Sermon before the Massachusetts Missionary Society, at their Tenth Annual Meeting in Boston, May 30, 1809. Svo. Boston. 1809. J . Discourse before the ^Salem Female Charitable Society, Sept. 27, 1809. Svo. Salem, Mass, CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. 37 Worcester, Samuel. Sermon at Boston, July 31, 1811, at the Installation of Ed- ward D. Griffin. 8vo. Boston. 1811. , . The Kingdom of the Messiah : Sermon before the Foreign Missionary Society of Salem and the Vicinity, Jan. 6, 1813. 8vo. Salem. 1813. , ^ . Paul on Mars Hill : Or, A Christian Survey of the Pagan World. Sermon at Newburyport, [Mass.] June 21, 1815, at the Ordination of Samuel J. Mills, James Richards, Edward Warren, Horatio Bardwell, Benjamin C. Meigs and Daniel Poor, to the Office of Christian Missionaries. 8vo. An- dover. 1815. , . Letter to William Ellery Channing. on the Subject of his Letter to Rev. Samuel C. Thachcr, relating to the Review in the Panoplist of American CJnitarianism. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1815. , . Second Letter to Rev. William E. Channing on the Sub- ject of Unitarianism. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1815. . , . True Liberality : Sermon at Boston, Oct. 23, 1816, on the First Anniversary of the American Society for Educating Pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry. [With the first Report of the Education Society.] 8vo. Andover. 1816. , . The Drunkard a Destroyer. Discourse before the Massa- chusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance, May 30, 1817. 8vo. Boston. 1817. , . The Same. 12mo. Boston. 1817. J . Sermon before the Bible Society of Salem, [Mass.] and Vicinity, June 10, 1818. With the Seventh Report of the Society. 8vo. Sa- lem. 1818. Worcester, Samuel. [Esq.] Address before the Massachusetts Peace Society, 12th Anniversary, Dec. 25, 1827. 8vo. Cambridge. 1828. Worcester, Samuel A. See Marshall, J. Worcester, Thomas. Thanksgiving Sermon at Salisbury, N. H. Nov. 12, 1795. 8vo. Newburyport. 1790. ^ . Our Saviour's Divinity in Primitive Purity. 8vo. Con- cord, N. H. 1810. , . Discourse on the Testimony by which the Son of God Hon- ored his Father, and for which he endured the Cross. Sermon. 8vo. Boston. 1810. . , ^ . Sermon on the Divine Sonship of Christ, as the Funda- mental Article of Christian Faith. 8vo. Concord, N. H. 1810. , . Concise View of the Glory of Christ, wholly in numerous interwoven quotations from the Bible. 12mo. Concord, N. H. 1811. , . Call for Scripture Evidence that Christ is the " Selfexistent God." Letter to Rev. Samuel Spring, D. D. 12mo. Boston. 1811. , . Instruction and Consolation for the Afflicted, from the His- tory of Joseph. Sermon occasioned by the Death of Joseph Wardwell. 8vo, Boston. 1814. , . Scripture Examples of Faith and Worship, &c. 12mo. Concord. 1814. , . Ecclesiastical Usurpation and Strange Inconsistency Ex- posed ; relating to an Exparte Council at Salisbury, N. H. 8vo. Concorde 1815. , . A New Chain of Plain Argument deemed conclusive against Trinitarianism. Addressed to a Trinitarian Writer of the Panoplist, in a Series of Candid Letters. 8vo. Boston. 1817. , . Extract of a Friendly Letter to a Trinitarian Brother of the Ministry. 12mo. Boston. 1819. Worcester, Bishop of. Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese. 4to. London. 1691. Worcester, [Mass.] Articles containing the Rules and Regulations of the Fire Society Instituted Jan. 21, 1793. 12mo. Worcester. . Address before the Members of the Social Club of, Feb. 4, 1806. By a Member. 12mo. Worcester. . Result of a Mutual Ecclesiastical Council at Worcester, Nov. 14, 1820. 8vo. Worcester. 1820. 38 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Worcester, [Mass.] Origin and Progress of the late Difficulties in the First Church in Worcester, with all the Documents and the Result of a Mutual Ec- clesiastical Council, May, ]820. 8vo. Worcester. 1820. . Remarks on the late Publications of the First Church in Worcester, relative to the Origin and Progress of Difficulties. 8vo. Worces- ter. 1821. • . Protest against the Proceedings of the First Church in Worcester. By Samuel Austin. Svo. Worcester. 1821. . An Account of the Proposed Canal from Worcester to Prov- idence ; containing the Report of the Engineer, &c. 8vo. Worcester. 1822. . Communication from the Brookfield Association to the Ec- clesiastical Council who ordained L. I. Hoadly over the Calvinistic Society in Worcester and their Report. 8vo. Worcester. 1824. . Journal of the Proceedings of the National Republican Con- vention at, Oct. 11, 18: J2. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Worcester County. [Mass.] Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates from the Several Towns of, at Worcester, August J 2 and 13, IS 12. 8vo. Worcester. . Constitution and Address of the Religious Charita- ble Society in. 8vo. [1812.] . Laws, &c. of the North District Medical Associa- tion, formed March 3, 1819. 8vo. Vv^orcester. . Constitution of the Auxiliary Unitarian Association in. Svo. Worcester. 1825. . The Rise and Operations of the Religious Charita- ble Society in : with an Address to the Public. 8vo. Leicester. . Articles of Faith and Covenant adopted by Several Baptist Churches in. 12mo. Worcester. 1832. Worcester County Institution for Savings. Constitution and By-Laws of. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1828. Worcester County Agricultural Society. Catalogue of its Members. 12mo. Worcester. 1832. Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal. See Magazine. Worcester Talisman. Vol.1. Svo. Worcester, Mass. 1828. Word of Counsel and Warning to all those who are the Rejecters of the Word of God preached. 8vo. Worcester, Mass. 1779. Work Houses for Employing and Maintaining the Poor. An Account of Several. 8vo. London. 1725. Working Men. Address to the Association of Mechanics and other Working Men of the City of Washington. Svo. Washington. 1S30. Working Men's Library. 3 Nos. Svo. Boston. 1833. Workman, James. Case of, on a Rule of an alledged Contempt of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Orleans. Svo. Philadelphia. [1808.] Works of the Learned. History of, or an Impartial Account of Books lately printed in all parts of Europe. Vols. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. 4to. 1699-1711. World. Description of. 16mo. Worship. The Great Question concerning things indifferent in Religious Wor- ehjp briefly stated. 3rd ed. 4to. 1660. • . Same. Part Second. 4to. London. 1661. . The Necessity and Use of Heresies : or the Third Part of the above. By Edward Bagshaw. 4to. London. 1662. — . Lecture on. Read at a Church Meeting in London, Nov. 13, 1732. Svo. London. 1733. Worth, John. Thanksgiving Sermon for the Victory by the Duke of Marlbo- rough, Sept. 7, 1704. 4to. London. 1705. Worthington, Erastus. History of Dedham in Massachusetts, from the Begin- ning of its Settlement in Sept. 1635, to May, 1827. Svo. Dedham. 1827. Worthington, H. Letter adapted to the present Critical Juncture. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1758. Worthington, John. Unreasonableness of Compulsion in Matters of Religion. Sermon at North Shields, Nov. 5, 1732. Svo. London. Worthington, Thomas C. Speech in Congress, March 28, 1826, on the Proposi- tion to amend the Constitution. Svo. Washington. CATALOGUE OF L I K R A H V. 89 Worthington, William. Connecticut Election Sermon. 12mo. New London. 1744. Wortman, T. Oration before the Tammany Society, [N. Y.] at the Anniversary, May ]2, 1796. 8vo. New York. 1796. Wortman, Tunis. A Treatise concerning Political Inquiry and the Liberty of the Press.' 8vo. New York. 1800. Wren, Roger. Sentiments of the Humours and Amusements of the Times, &c. 8vo. Boston. 1763. Wright, Andrew. Report of the Trial of. Printer of the " Republican Spy," on an Indictment for Libels against Governor Strong ; at Northampton, [Mass.] Sept. 1806. 8vo. Northampton. 1806. , . Anti-Shepherd-Crat ; or An Appeal to Honest Republicans. An Historical Sketch. 8vo. Northampton, Mass. 1811. Wright, Elizur, Jr. The Sin of Slavery, and its Remedy ; containing some re- flections on the moral influence of African Colonization. Svo. New York. 1833. Wright, Fanny. Views of Society and Manners in America. 8vo. New York. 1821. Wright, George. Gentleman's Miscellany. 12mo. Exeter, N. H. 1797. ■ , ' . Lady's Miscellany. 12mo. Boston. 1797. Wright, John C. Speech in Congress, Feb. 6, 1828, on Retrenchment. 12mo. Washington. 1828. Wright, Luther. Sermon at Med way, [Mass.] Nov. 4, 1813, on the close of a Century since the Incorporation of the Town. 8vo. Dedham. 1814. Wright, Richard. The Salvation of Sinners by the Free Grace of God. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1810. Wright, R. Essay on the Nature and Discipline of a Christian Church. ]2mo. Boston. 1822. Wright, Samuel. Divers Godly and Learned Sermons. 4to. London. 1612. Wright, S. Fast Sermon, Jan. 16, 1712. 12mo. London. 1712. Wright, Thomas. Sermon at the Ordination of Isaac Smith, June 24, 1778, at Sidmouth, [Eng.] 8vo. Taunton. 1778. Wright, Mr. Large Farms, Recommended in a National View. A Reply to Mr. Wright's Address to the Public on the Monopoly of Small Farms. 8vo. Lon- don. 1796. Writing, Art of. Reduced to a plain and easy System. 12mo. Worcester, Mass. 1809. Wyat, Thomas. Poetical Works of, with his Life. See British Poets. Wyatt, Rev. Dr. See Sparks, Ja. Wylie, Andrew. Address to the Graduates of Washington College, Penn. Sept. 30,1819. 8vo. Washington, Penn. 1819. Wyman, Rufus. Discourse on Mental Philosophy as connected with Mental Disease, before the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 2, 1830. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1830. Wyme, William. Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins. 2 vols. fol. London. 1724. Wyrae, John H. General History of the British Empire in America. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1770. Wyttenbach, Prof Observations on the Importance of Greek Literature, tr. from the Latin. Svo. Boston. 1820. Wyvill, Christopher. Intolerance the Disgrace of Christians, not the Fault of their Religion. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1809. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN ANTiaUARIAN SOCIETY. 1 8 3 C. Y Yale College. Jiidg-ment of the Rector and Tutors of, concerning Two of the Students Avho were expelled. 4to. New London. 1745. Yalensis Collegii. Catalogus, 1835. 8vo. Novi-Portiis. 1835. Yale College. Subject to the General Assembly. 8vo. New Haven. 1784. . The Laws of. 4to. New Haven. 1774. . The Same. 8vo. New Haven. [1795.] . The Bishop's Fund and Phoenix Bonus : A Collection of Pieces on this Subject from the Connecticut Herald, &c. 8vo. New Haven. 1816. . Catalogue of Books in the Library of. 8vo. New Haven. 1823. . Laws of the Medical Institution of. 8vo. New Haven. 1815. . LaAvs of. Svo. New Haven. 1822. . Remarks on the Primitive State of, for the Consideration of its Friends and Patrons. 1823. 8vo. . A Circular, Explanatory of the Recent Proceedings of the Sopho- more Class in. Svo. New Haven. 1830. . Laws of the Medical Institution of. Svo. New Haven. 1828. . Annual Catalogues of Students from 1817 to 1834. Svo. New Haven. 1817-34. Yankee Spy. By Jack Nips. 19mo. Boston. Yates, James. Vindication of Unitarianism in Reply to Mr. Wardlaw's Dis- courses on the Socinian Controversies. Svo. Boston. 1816. Yates, Richard. Sermon before the Royal Humane Society, 1807. 8vo. Lon- don. Yates, William, and Charles Maclean. A View of the Science of Life. Svo. Dover, N.H. 1801. Yaxlee, Henry. Morbus et Antidotus. The Disease with the x\ntidote. Or A Declaration of Henry Yaxlee of Bouthorpe in the Countie of Norfolke Esquire, wherein he sheweth how he was a Papist, and how by God's grace he is now lately Converted. 4to. London. 1630. Yazoo. Memorial of the Virginia Yazoo Company, to the Congress of the United States. Svo. Washington. 1803. Yeamans, Mr. A Vision shewing the Sudden and Surprising Appearance, &c. of the Departed Spirit of, to and with Mr. H. Goodwin. Svo. Norwich, Con. 1776. , — . The Same. 12mo. Boston. Yearsley, Ann. The Royal Captives. 2 vols. 12mo. Ph:ladelphia. 1795. Yellow Fever. Proofs of the Origin of the Yellow Fever in Philadelphia and Kensington, in 1797, from Domestic Exhalation, &c. By the Academy of Medicine of Philadelphia. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1798. . Short History of the Yellow Fever, that broke out in the City of Philadelphia, in July, 1797, with a List of the Dead, &c. 2d ed. Svo. Phila- delphia. 1798. . Occasional Essays on. By a Philadelphian. 8vo, Philadel- phia. 1800. A E R 1 C A N ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Yellow Fever. Interestin8 to 1830. fol. Bosttm. Mercnry, from 1719 to 17^f). 7 vols. fol. Philadelphia. ' Mercury, iroin 1784 to 17f)5. 4 vols. fol. Hartford, Con. — Spy, Albany Chronicle, Trov Budget, New York Herald and other New York Newspapers ; from 1794 to 1798. fol. B Baltimore Repository, from 1793 to 1803. 2 vols. fol. Baltimore. Berkshire Chronicle, from 1788 to 1790. fol. Pittsfield, Mas3. Boston Chronicle, from ]76'8 to 1770. 2 vols. fol. Boston. Courier, from 1806 to 1809. fol. Boston. Courier, from 1829 to 1831. fol. Boston. Evening Post, from 1735 to 1784. 23 vols. fol. Boston. Gazette, from 1719 to 1753. 9 vols. fol. Boston. , from 1755 to 1798. 11 vols. fol. Boston. ■ . , from 1803 to 1811. 8 vols. fol. Boston. Intelligencer. 1818, 1819. fol. Boston. News Letter, from 1704 to 1750, and for 1753, 1760, 1762, and from 1766 to 1776. 16 vols. fol. Boston. Patriot, for 1809 and 1810. fol. Boston. Post Boy, from 1735 to 1745. 2 vols. fol. Boston. Post Boy and Advertiser, from 1767 to 1768. 2 vols. fol. Boston. British American: old Newspapers, from 1760 to 1787. 1 vol. fol. C Canadian Newspapers, for ISIO. Montreal, Quebec, &-c. Catskill Packet, Farmers Oracle, Time Piece, and other New York Newspapers; from 1792 to 1803. fol. Troy, &c. Centinel of Freedom and other New Jersey Newspapers, for 1797, 8, and 9. Cherokee Phoenix, from 1828 to 1830. fol. New Echota, Geo. Christian Messenger. 1817-18. fol. Middlebury, Vt. Cincinnati American, for 1830. fol. Cincinnati, Ohio. Claypoole's Daily Advertiser, from 1791 to 1803. 2 vols. fol. Philadelphia. Columbian Centinel, from 1784 to 1828. 45 vols. fol. Boston. Connecticut Courant, from 1776 to 1791. 5 vols. fol. Hartford, Ct Gazette, fronj 1775 to 1796. 4 vols. fol. New London, Ct. Journal, from 1775 to 1798. 5 vols. fol. New Haven, Ct. Concord Intelligencer, from 1790 to 1793. Cumberland Gazette, from 17S6 to 1791. 2 vols. fol. Portland, Me. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. D Dartmouth Gazette and other New Hampshire Nevvspapers, from 1790 to 1803. fol. Hanover, Exeter, &c. Delaware Gazette, from 1792 to 1803. fol. Wilmino-ton, Del. Dunlap's American Daily Advertiser, from 17l»l to 1797. 3 vols. fol. Phila delphia. E Eagle or Dartmouth Centinel, from 1793 to 1799. fol. Hanover, N. H. Eastern Herald, from 1792 to 1796. fol. Portland, Me. Essex Gazette, from 17(39 to 1776. fol. Salem, Mass. Journal, from 1776 to 1794. 3 vols. fol. Newburyport, Mass. F Falmouth Gazette and Columbian Minerva, from 1785 to 1803. fol. Falmouth, Me. and Dedham, Mass. Farmer's Journal, from 1790 to 1793. fol. Danbury, Ct. Museum, from 1793 to 1810. 16 vols. fol. Walpole, N. H. Federal Galaxy, from 1797 to 1800. fol. Brattleborough, Vt. Gazette, for 1798. fol. Boston. Orrery, from 1794 to 1796. fol. Boston. or Philadelphia Gazette, from 1790 to 1799. 4 vols. fol. Philadelphia. Spy, from 1793 to 1803. fol. Springfield, Mass. Freeman's Journal, from 1781 to 1792. 2 vols. fol. Philadelphia. Oracle, from 1786 to 1789. lol. Exeter, N. H. Free Press, from 1823 to 1824. fol. Taunton, Mass. G Gaine's New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, from 1763 to 1775. 5 vols, fol. New York. Gazette of Maine, from 1790 to 1795. 2 vols. fol. Portland, Me. of the United States, from 1789 to 1804. 15 vols. fol. Philadelphia. General Advertiser, from 1790 to 1799. 3 vols. fol. Philadelphia. Goshen Repository, Otsego Herald, Columbian Gazetteer, and other New York Newspapers, from 1788 to 1794. fol. Greenfield Gazette, from 1792 to 1803. fol. Greenfield, Mass. H Halifax Gazette, for 1765. fol. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Hampshire and Berkshire Chronicle, from 1793 to 1796. fol. Springfield, Mass. Chronicle, from 1787 to 1792. 2 vols. fol. Springfield, Mass. Gazette, from 1786 to 1803. 2 vols. fol. Northampton, Mass. Herald, from 1784 to 1797. fol. Springfield, Mass. Herald of Freedom, from 1788 to 1792. 3 vols. fol. Boston. of the United States, from 1792 to 1795. fol. Warren, R. I. HudsonGazette, from 1786 to 1796. fol. Hudson, N. Y. I Impartial Herald, from 1792 tal798. fol. Newburyport, Mass. Independent Advertiser, from 1748 to 1749. 2 vols. fol. Boston. Chronicle, from 1776 to 1819. 28 vols. fol. Boston. Journal, from 1783 to 1788. 2 vols. fol. New York. Gazette, from 1787 to 1796. 7 vols. fol. Philadelphia. , from 1800 to 1802. 2 vols. fol. Worcester, Mass. Leger, from 1778 to 1786. fol. Boston. K Kennebeck Intelligencer, from 1796 to 1799. fol. Hallowell, Me. L London Gazetteer. 1784, 5, and 6. fol. London. Newspapers, from 1760 to 1785. 1 vol. folio. CATALOGUE OF M U U A II Y 3 London Packet, from 1784 to 1788. 5 vols. fol. London, G. B. Loudon's Register, from 1792 to 1795. 2 vols. fol. New York. M Maryland Gazette, for 1786. fol. Baltiniore. , from 1776 to 1798. 2 vols. fol. Annapolis, Md. Journal, from 1773 to 1786. 4 vols. fol. Baltimore. Massachusetts Gazette, for 1787, '88, and '89. 3 vols. fol. Boston. , from 1782 to 1784. fol. Spring-field, Mass. Mercury, from 1793 to 1800. 4 vols. fol. Boston. Spy, from 1770 to 1830. 60 vols. fol. Boston and Worcester. Mercantile Advertiser, from 1797 to 1803. fol. New York. Merchants' Daily Advertiser, from 1797 to 1798. fol. Philadelphia. Middlesex Gazette, from 1785 to 1798. 4 vols. fol. Middletown, Ci. Mirror, Concord, N. H. and Rising Sun, Keene, N. H. from 1794 to 1799. fol. Concord and Keene. Mohawk Mercury, from 1795 to 1798. fol. Schenectady, N. Y. N National Mgis, from 1801 to 1830. 19 vols. fol. Worcester, Mass. Philanthropist, from 1826 to 1830. 2 vols. fol. Boston. Newark Gazette, from 1791 to 1800. fol. Newark,. N. J. New Bedford Marine Journal, from 1790 to 1798. fol. New Bedford. Newcastle Courant, for 1755. fol. Newcastle, Eng. Newburyport Herald, from 1797 to 1803. fol. Newburyport, Mass. New Brunswick Gazette, from 1790 to 1800. fol. New Brunswick, N. J. New England Galaxv, from 1817 to 1828. 8 vols. fol. Boston. . Palladium, from 1800 to 1830. 28 vols, foh Boston. Weekly Journal, from 1727 to 175L 3 vols. fol. Boston. New Hampshire Courier, from 1795 to 1803. fol. Concord, N. H. Gazette, from 1758 to 1795. 7 vols. fol. Portsmouth, N. H. Gazetteer, from 1786 to 1796. folio. Exeter, N. H. Mercury, from 1784 to 1787. fol. Portsmouth, N. H. Recorder, from 1787 to 1790. fol. Keene, N. H. Patriot, for J 822. fol. Concord, N. H. Spy, from 1786 to 1790. 3 vols. fol. Portsmouth, N. H. New Haven Chronicle, from 1786 to 1787. fol. New Haven, Ct. Gazette, from 3784 to 1786. fol. New Haven. New Jersey Gazette, from 1778 to 1786. fol. Trenton. Journal, from 1781 to 1803. 4 vols. fol. Chatham, N. J. and Eliz- abethtown, N. J. State Gazette, from 1792 to 1799. fol. Trenton. Newport Mercury, from 1775 to 1799. 3 vols. fol. Newport, R. I. Herald," from 1787 to 1791. fol. Newport, R. L New York Daily Advertiser, from 1785 to 1800. 10 vols. fol. New York. Gazette, from 1793 to 1800. 6 vols. fol. New York. Evening Post, from 1802 to 1804. 3 vols. fol. New York. Gazette. By W. Weyman. From 1765 to 1767. fol. 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P Pennsylvania Chronicle, from 1767 to 1772. 4 vols. fol. Philadelphia. Gazette, from ]73G to ] 798. 20 vols. fol. Philadelphia. Journal, for 1764 and from ]773 to 1775. 2 vols. fol. Philadel- phia. Herald, from 1806 to 1807. fol. Philadelphia. Mercury, from 1788 to 1790. 2 vols. fol. Philadelphia. Packet, from 1774 to 1790. 5 vols. fol. Philadelphia. Phenix or Windham Herald from 1791 to 1803. 2 vols, fol VVindhara, Ct , from 1792 to 1795. fol. Dover, N. H. Porcupine's Gazette, from 1788 to 1799. 3 vols. fol. Philadelphia. Portsmouth Mercury, for 17C5. fol. Portsmouth, N. H. Poughkeepsie Journal, from 1786 to 1803. 2 vols. fol. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Providence Gazetie, from 1775 to 1803. 5 vols. fol. Providence. ■ ^ fi-oni 1811 to 1814. fol. Providence, R. I. , for 1821. fol. Providence, R. I. R Rehearsal, The Weekly, from 1731 to 1745. fol. Boston. Repertory, from 1803 to 181 1. 8 vol. fol. Boston. Republican Journal, from 1793 to 1799. fol. Danbury, Ct. Rhode Island American, from 1814 to 1830. 16 vols. fol. Providence, R. I. Richmond Enquirer, from 1828 to 1832. 2 vols. fol. Richmond, Va. Rivington's New York Gazette, from 1773 to 1775. fol. New York. Royal Gazette, from 1777 to 1783. 3 vols. fol. New York. Royal Gazette,"from 1780 to 1783. fol. New York. Rutland Herald, from 1794 to 1803. fol. Rutland, Vt. S Salem Gazette, from 1781 to 1785. 4 vols. fol. Salem. . , fVoni 1790 to 1797. 3 vols. fol. Salem, Mass. and Essex Register, from 1800 to 1821. 20 vols. fol. Salem, Mass. Mercury, from 1786 to 1789. fol. Salem. Savannaii Advertiser, from 1796 to 1803. fol. Savannah, Georgia. Spectator, Commercial Advertiser, Herald and Chronicle, and Express, from 1797 to 1803. fol. New York. Spooner's Vermont Journal, from 1783 to 1803. 3 vols. fol. Windsor, Vt. State Gazette of North Carolina, fol. Edenton. North Carolina Chronicle. Fayetteville. Sun, from 1795 to 1803. fol. Dover, N. H. T True American, from 1798 to 1803. fol. Philadelphia. U United States Chronicle, from 1784 to 1803. 4 vols. fol. Providence. Universal Gazette and other Pennsylvania Newspapers, from 1790 to 1803. United States Herald, fol. Warren, R. I. V Vermont Gazette, from 1783 to 1798. 3 vols. fol. Bennington, Vt. Village Messenger, from 1796 to 1799. fol. Amherst, N. H. CATALOGUE O 1' L I » R A R V. W War. 1812, 1813. fol. New York. Washington Gazette, from 1796 to 1798. fol. Washington, D. C. Weekly Monitor, from 1785 to 1799. 2 vols. fol. Litchfield, Ct. Western Star, from 1789 to 1803. 3 vols. fol. Stockbridge, Mass. Western Monitor, from 1822 to 1824. 2 v( Is. fol. Lexington, Ken. Worcester County Republican, from 1829 to 1833. fol. Worcester, Mass. Worcester Intelligencer, for 1794-5. fol. Brookfield, Mass. Weekly Messenger, from 1811 to 1828. vols. fol. Boston. • 4 " -