Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/outlinesofnerves01neil OUTLINES OF THE NERVES: WITH SHORT DESCRIPTIONS. DESIGNED FOE THE USE OF MEDICAL STUDENTS. BY JOHN NEILL, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania, Physician to Wills's Hospital, Lecturer on Anatomy, etc , etc., etc. PHILADELPHIA: ED. BARRINGTON AND GEO. D. HASWELL. 1 8 4 5 . I Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1845, by Bariiixotox and Haswell, in the Clerk’s office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. WILLIAM GIBSON, M.D PROFESSOR OF SURGERY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, THESE PAGES ARE RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED. Abdomino-Crural - - 26 Gangliform Plexus - - 18 Accessorius - - 10 Glosso-Pharyngeal “ 10 17 Anterior Crural - - - 27 Gluteal - - 28 Anterior Cutaneous - - 27 Great Splanchnic - - 21 Anterior Dental - - - 13 Gustatory - - - 15 Anterior Tibial - - - 29 Auditorius - - 10 17 Hypogastric Plexus - - 22 Axillary - - 24 Hypoglossal - 10 19 Axillary plexus - - - 24 Inferior Cardiac - - 21 Brachial Plexus - - - 24 Inferior Dental - 15 Buccal - - 16 Inferior Laryngeal - IS Inferior Long Pudendal - 28 Cardiac Plexus - - - 21 Inferior Maxillary - 12 Casserian Ganglion - - 12 Infra-Orbital - 13 Cervico-Facial - - 16 Intercosto-Humeral - 26 Cervical Nerves - - 23- -24 Internal Cutaneous (arm) - 25 Cervical Plexus - - - 16 Internal Cutaneous (leg) - 27 Chorda Tympani - - 14 Internal Nasal - 12 Ciliary branch - - 11 Internal Peroneo-Cutaneous - 29 Ciliary Nerves - - 11 Internal Plantar - - 30 Circumflex - - - 24 Ischiatic ... - 28 Cloquet’s Ganglion - - 14 Communicans Tibi® - - 29 Jacobson’s Anastomosis - 20 Coronary - - - 21 Cranial Nerves — course and dis- Lachrymal - - 12 tiibution - - - 10 Laumonier's Ganglion - - 15 Cranial Nerves — origin - 9 Lenticular Ganglion - 1 1 Cutaneous Medius “ - 27 Lumbar - * 26 Deep Petrous - _ 14 Meckel’s Ganglion _ 13 Descenders Noni - - 20 Median . 25 Dorsal - - 26 Mental . 15 Middle Cardiac . 21 External Cutaneous (of arm) - 25 Motor Externus - - 10, 15 External Cutaneous (of leg) - 26 Motor Oculi - 9, 1 1 External Peroneal - - 29 Musculo-Cutaneous - _ 25 External Peroneo-Cutaneous - 29 Musculo-Spiral - , 25 External Plantar - - . 30 External Saphenus - - 29 Nasal - _ _ 12 External Spermatic - - 26 Naso-palatine - - 13 Nervi Molles _ _ 20 Facial . 10 , 15 Frontal - - 12 1 Obturator - - _ 27 6 PA Olfactory - - 9, Ophthalmic - - - Ophthalmic Ganglion - - - Opticus - 9, Patheticus - _ _ 9, Peroneal - - . Pes Anserina - - - Pharyngeal Plexus - - - Phrenic Nerve - - - Pneumogastric - - 10, Popliteal - - - Post-Auricular - - - Posterior Cutaneous - . - Posterior Dental - - - 13, Posterior 'J'ibial - - - - Portio Dura - - 10, Portio Mollis - . 10, Pterygoid - - - Pterygo-Palatine - - - - Pulmonary Plexus - * ■ Radial _ _ Rami Cardiaci - . - Ramus Ciliaris - _ . Recurrent - _ - - Recurrent Laryngeal - - - Renal Plexus - * - Sacral _ _ Saphenus - - - - Scapular - - - Sciatic - - - DEX. Sciatic Plexus page . 27 Semilunar Ganglion - - 22 Small Splanchnic - - 22 Solar Plexus - - • - - 22 Spheno-palatine - - - 13 Spinal Accessory - 17, 19 Spinal Nerves - - 23 Splenic Plexus - - 22 Subscapular - - 24 Submaxillary Ganglion - - 15 Sub-Occipital - - 23 Superficial Cardiac - - 20 Superficial Petrous - - 14 Superficial Temporal - - - 15 Superior Laryngeal - - 18 Superior Long Pudendal - - 28 Superior Maxillary - - 13 Superior Mesenteric Plexus - - 22 Superior Pharyngeal - - - 18 Sympathetic “ 20 Temporo-Facial - - - 16 Thoracic - - - - - 24 Tracheal - - - 19 Trigeminus * - 10 Ulnar ... - * 25 Vagus . 10, 17 Vidian ... - 14 Wrisberg’s Nerves - - 26 IN RK | 10 12 1 1 10 12 28 16 18 23 17 29 16 28 14 29 15 17 14 13 19 25 18 11 14 15 22 26 27 24 28 PREFACE. To obtain a correct general idea of a subject is the best means for subsequently acquiring a more accurate and extensive knowledge. Hence, in all sciences, Elementary Treatises are placed in the hands of beginners, before the fuller and more com- prehensive works. It is hoped that these Outlines will afford to Students of Medi- cine a simple and concise view of the Nerves, so that the most important branches may be learned without difficulty : and, in order to avoid the confusion and trouble arising from references made in the usual way, the names have been placed on the several filaments. In a work of this size, it is not to be supposed that all the minutiae of the discoveries of the nervous system are to be found; much less that there should be the shadow of any thing original. If what is already known be made clear to students, and an easy mode of acquiring it be presented to them, the object 8 PREFACE. will be accomplished. Most of the Plates are altered from others, so as to suit the terms and descriptions of the standard text-books of the day. I am indebted to Dr. Lowber for the Delineations. JOHN NEILL. Nov. 1st, 1845. 295 Spruce street. I erves Plate / st Z* Fair. Optic 3 d Fair. Motor Oculi P ^ Fair PeUketicus 7 Fair Pval Isith.jPhii*' THE NERVES. 17 AUDITORY OR PORTIO MOLLIS. — This nerve enters the Meatus Auditorius Internus with the Portio dura. It is distributed to the Labyrinth, &c., of the Internal Ear. Refer to Plate IV., Fig. 2. VIII. GLOSSO-PHARYNGEAL, PNEUMOGASTRIC, AND SPINAL ACCESSORY. PLATE V. \ The Eighth nerve escapes from the cavity of the cranium through the posterior foramen lacerum, in company with the In- ternal Jugular vein from which it is separated by a small spine of bone. It consists of three principal trunks, viz. : GLOSSO-PHARYNGEAL. — This nerve, after leaving the base of the cranium, is separated from the Pneumogastric by the Internal Jugular vein. It is directed downwards and for- wards between the Internal Carotid Artery and the Stylo- Pharyngeus muscle, afterwards between the latter and the Stylo-Glossus muscle : it accompanies the latter to the side of the root of the Tongue. It supplies the Papillae of the base of the Tongue, the Tonsils, and Soft Palate. It also sends branches to the muscles of the Tongue and Pharynx, and to the Pharyngeal Plexus of the Sympathetic and Pneumogastric nerves. PNEUMOGASTRIC. — This nerve is frequently called Par-vagum , and is closely united to the other branches of the eighth pair and ninth pair, after its exit from the cranium. It descends the neck between the Internal Carotid Artery and the Internal Jugular vein, and is enveloped in their sheath. At the root of the neck, upon the right side, it passes in front of the Subclavian Artery, but on the left, it crosses the root of the Subclavian and the arch of the Aorta. It is then directed backwards and downwards into the cavity of the Thorax, and becomes connected with the root of the 3 18 OUTLINES OF Lung, after which it applies itself to the (Esophagus, and follows it through the Diaphragm to the Stomach : the Par- vagum of the left side is on the anterior surface of the (Esophagus, and that of the right side on its posterior sur- face. It gives off three sets of branches, viz. : Cervical, Thoracic and Abdominal. Cervical Branches. — These are in the Neck, and are three in number. The Superior Pharyngeal. — It anastomoses with the Glosso- pharyngeal and forms the Pharyngeal Plexus on the mid- dle constrictor of the Pharynx. A filament called Infe- ferior-Pharyngeal sometimes arises from the Par-vagum, below the Superior, and is spent upon the Pharynx. There is an enlargement and softening of the Par-vagum nerve at the origin of the Pharyngeal branches, which is called the Gangli/orm Plexus. Superior Laryngeal. — It arises from the Gangliform Plexus, anas- tomosing the Pharyngeal Plexus, &c., and divides into two branches, which supply the Mucous Membrane of the Larynx and Vocal muscles. In its descent, the Par-vagum gives off, at the lower part of the neck, two or three filaments called Rami Cardiaci. These reach the arch of the Aorta and anastomose with the Su- perficial Cardiac nerve. Inferior Laryngeal. — This is often called Recurrent Laryngeal. On the right side it arises from the Par-vagum after the trunk has passed in front of the Subclavian Artery. It then winds around the Subclavian, forming a loop : upon the left side it forms a loop around the Aorta. Ascending upon the side of the Trachea and Larynx, it is distributed to its muscles. It also gives off branches called Cardiac, Pulmonary , (Esophageal, &c. THE NERVES. 19 Thoracic Branches. — These branches of the Par-vagum are the Tracheal , which form The Anterior Pulmonary Plexus. — from which branches are sent to the Lung along the course of the Pulmonary Artery. The Posterior Pulmonary Plexus — is formed by several filaments of the Par-vagum and Sympathetic. Its branches pass through the Lung along with the Bronchial tubes, and are distributed to its mucous membrane and glands. Abdominal Branches. — The Par-vagum of the right and left sides form a plexus around the cardiac orifice of the sto- mach. The right nerve is then distributed along the lesser curvature and posterior face of the stomach, anastomosing with the gastric plexus and solar plexus. The left sup- plies the anterior face of the stomach and its lesser curva- ture, anastomosing with the nerve of the right side and gastric and solar plexuses. SPINAL ACCESSORY. — The Accessory nerve is directed out- wards and backwards, and divides into two branches. The internal branch gives filaments to the superior pha- ryngeal nerve. The external descends for about two inches behind the internal jugular vein, and afterwards pierces the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle at the junction of its upper and middle thirds. It is augmented by branches from the second and third cervical nerves, and is distri- buted by numerous filaments to the trapezius muscle. IX. HYPOGLOSSAL. PLATE V. This nerve adheres for an inch to the pneumogastric nerve. It crosses the external carotid artery, just below the origin of the occipital artery, making a large curve below the di- gastric muscle, and ascends to the tongue, being concealed 20 OUTLINES OF by the mylohyoid muscle. As it crosses the carotid artery, it sends off a large branch called Descendens Noni , which descends upon the sheath of the vessels upon the neck, anastomosing with the cervical nerves, and then supplies the sterno muscles. The hypoglossal nerve is distributed to the muscles of the tongue. SYMPATHETIC NERVE. PLATE VI. This nerve consists of a chain of ganglions placed upon the sides of the bodies of the vertebras, extending from the base of the cranium to the end of the sacrum. They are united to each other by filaments, and also to the anterior trunks of the spinal nerves. The origin of the sympathetic nerve is generally described as the ganglion of Laumonier, which is formed in the carotid canal by a branch of the fifth pair, called Deep Petrous, with a branch of the sixth pair, or Motor Externus. The anastomosis of Jacobson shows the sympathetic to be from the ganglion of Ribes, which is formed upon the anterior communicating artery in the middle of the base of the brain. This anastomosis is exhibited in Plate VI., Fig. 2. The ganglions of the sym- pathetic are placed opposite the intervertebral spaces throughout the spine, with the exception of those of the neck, which are but three in number, viz. : SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION. — Varies considerably in its size and extent, commencing opposite the second vertebrae, and reaching to the third or fourth. It sends off branches of a reddish colour, which are extremely soft, and hence are called JVervi Molles. These are divided into Superior, Middle, and Inferior. The Inferior form by their union a cord called the Superficial Cardiac Nerve , which descends along the neck, and is lost in the middle cardiac nerve and contiguous anastomoses. /Verves Plate 6‘V Sympathetic Ant. Commiuvi: Artery ,{ (rcaiption. of Hikes ‘ 2fasaL branch, of Opthalmic E S.IjzuuzS, XUh. Fhirv W.I.chU. . THE NERVES 21 MIDDLE CERVICAL G A N G L I 0 N . — Is placed between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae, upon the Longus Colli muscle. It sends off numerous filaments, some of which collect into a cord, which is called the Middle Cardiac JYerve, which anastomoses with Superficial Cardiac and Pneumogastric, and extends to the Cardiac Plexus. INFERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION — Is situated near the head of the first rib, and varies in form and size. Its branches are numerous, some of which collect into a cord, and form the Inferior Cardiac nerve, which is blended with the Cardiac Plexus on the right side, and with the Middle Cardiac nerve on the left. The Cardiacs of the right side are more constant than those of the left. CARDIAC PLEXUS. Is situated between the arch of the aorta and the bifurcation of the trachea. It is formed by branches from the three cervical ganglions of each side of the neck, but principally from the Middle Cardiac Nerves. It is also joined by filaments from the par-vagum, and inferior laryngeal. The branches of the Cardiac Plexus are divided into Anterior, Posterior, and Inferior. The Anterior and Posterior branches are spent about the roots of the large vessels. The Inferior branches are the largest and most abundant ; and are arranged into two Plexuses, called Anterior and Posterior Coronary, from which filaments are distributed to the auri- cles and ventricles of the heart. THORACIC GANGLIONS OF THE SYMPATHETIC. These are twelve in number, placed at the intervertebral spaces, near the heads of the ribs. They are united to each other and to the spinal nerves. Filaments from the sixth to the ninth or tenth ganglions inclusively, form the great Splanchnic JYerve , which is directed downwards, and 22 OUTLINES OE: enters the abdomen at or near the foramen aorticum of the diaphragm. Whilst in the abdomen it divides into fasci- culi ; upon which are formed the small ganglions which are arranged in a crescentic manner, and called the Semi- lunar Ganglion. Small Splanchnic N c r v e is formed by filaments of the tenth and eleventh Thoracic Ganglions. It reaches the abdo- men by penetrating the crus of the diaphragm, and then divides into two branches, one of which joins the great splanchnic and the other descends to the Renal Plexus. SOLAR PLEXUS. * The origin of the Solar Plexus may be considered to be the Semi- Lunar Ganglion. This ganglion is semicircular or oval, is about an inch in length, and is placed on the side of the aorta, it is composed of smaller ganglions, formed upon filaments of the splanchnic nerves. From it proceeds the Solar Plexus, which extends along the aorta to the cceliac and to the emulgent artery, and is common to both sides. From it are derived several smaller plexuses, accompa- nying the large arterial trunks, from which these several intertextures derive their names ; — for instance, the He- patic Plexus , supplying the liver, gall-bladder, &c., sur- rounding the Hepatic Artery. The Splenic Plexus sur- rounding the Splenic Artery supplies the Spleen. The Superior Mesenteric — Renal , Inferior Mesenteric, &c. HYPOGASTRIC PLEXUS. PLATE VI. Is situated in the lower part of the pelvis, and is formed by filaments form the lumbar ganglions through the Inferior THE NERVE8. 23 Mesenteric Plexus, and by means of filaments from the Sacral ganglions, which are usually three in number. This plexus is distributed upon the rectum and bladder, organs of generation, &c. The last sacral ganglion anastomoses with its fellow, forming an arch upon the front of the coc- cyx, whose convexity is downwards, and which terminates the sympathetic nerve. SPINAL NERVES. These are usually thirty in number, and are divided into 1 sub- occipital, 7 cervical, 12 dorsal, 5 lumbar, and 5 sacral. Each arises by two roots from the spinal marrow, which unite in the intervertebral foramen. Before their union, an oval ganglion is formed upon the posterior and larger root. After their union, they divide into posterior and anterior trunks. Plate VII., Fig. 2. The sacral ganglions are in the spinal canal. SUB-OCCIPITAL NERVE. — This nerve is exceedingly small, and generally arises by a single root from the spinal mar- row. It passes out of the vertebral cavity between the occiput and the atlas, and supplies the muscles on the back of the neck and head. Plate VI. and Plate IV., Fig. 1. THREE SUPERIOR CERVICAL NERVES. — After escaping through the intervertebral foramina, they divide into ante- rior and posterior trunks. The posterior trunks are spent upon the muscles of the spinal column. The anterior trunks form a Plexus, branches from which supply the muscles of the neck and cutaneous branches which are distributed to the integuments, and an Auricular branch which passes behind the ear. PHRENIC NERVE. — This nerve is formed from the second and third cervical, descends upon the front of the scalenus 24 OUTLINES OF anticus muscle, and then enters the thorax through the superior mediastinum ; passing over the pericardium is dis- tributed to the diaphragm. FOUR INFERIOR CERVICAL NERVES. Plate VII. —The posterior branches are distributed to the muscles of the head and back. The anterior branches are larger, and descend between the scalenus anticus and scalenus medius mus- cles, above the subclavian artery, to form the brachial plexus. BRACIIIAL OR AXILLARY PLEXUS. — This plexus is formed by the junction of the four inferior cervical nerves, and the first dorsal, and extends from the scaleni muscles to the neck of the humerus, surrounding the axillary artery. It gives off the following nerves, viz. : Scapular. — It passes backwards over the shoulder, through the coroc.oid notch of the scapula, and is distributed to the spinati muscles. Subscapular . — These are usually three in number. They are dis- tributed to the subscapularis, teres, and serratus anticus muscles. Thoracic. — These are two in number, are distributed to the sub- clavius and pectoralis minor and major muscles and integuments. Axillary or Circumflex. — It descends and winds around the head of the os humeri, running with the posterior circum- flex artery, and is distributed to the deltoid muscle. ^Verves Plate 7*. WTZ.deL Fig. / Fig. Z. .Post Trusi/c - . Ant. TrccnJi Section, of Spinal r/iarrotu. P S. DilvcU'j L itt-K Phil a > THE NERVES. 25 Internal Cutaneous. — Is a small, thin nerve, descending the arm, dividing into several branches at the elbow, and is distributed to the integuments. Some of the branches reach the hand. Musculo- Cutaneous or External Cutaneous. — It descends and perforates the coraco brachialis. At the elbow it divides into several branches, supplying the muscles of the arm, and the integuments of the fore-arm and hand. Radial or Musculo- Spiral. — This is very large, and winds spi- rally around the humerus, passing between the first and third heads of the triceps muscle, making its appearance near the external condyle. It divides into three principal trunks — Superficialis, Anterior and Posterior, and Pro- fundus Dorsalis. They are distributed to the muscles of the arm, fore-arm, and hand. Median Nerve. — This is one of the largest branches of the Bra- chial Plexus. It descends on the inside of the biceps muscle, firmly adhering to the brachial artery. It then passes between the two heads of the pronator teres muscle, and, descending the fore-arm between the flexor sublimis and flexor longus pollicis muscle, it passes under the annular ligament of the wrist, terminating in branches which supply each side of the thumb and fingers, with the exception of the little finger and the ulnar side of the ring finger. Ulnar. — It descends the arm upon the anterior part of the triceps muscle, and passes under the internal condyle, where it is quite superficial. It gives off several branches, which supply the muscles of the fore-arm, and passing over the annular ligament of the wrist, it sends branches to each side of the little finger, and to the ulnar side of the ring finger. 4 26 OUTLINES OF DORSAL NERVES. — The posterior .branches, are distributed to the muscles of the back, and; the anterior branches gene- rally accompany the intercostal vessels in the groove at the inferior edge of each rib. They are spent upon the abdominal muscles and integuments. The first joins the axillary plexus, the second and third give off two branches called Intercosto-Humeral, or nerves of Wrisberg which are distributed to the integuments of the axilla and arm. The twelfth sends a branch to join the first lumbar. LUMBAR AND SACRAL NERVES. — The posterior branches are spent upon the muscles of the loins and back ; the anterior branches form a large plexus called Crural, which is divided into two parts called Lumbar and Ischiatic. ■ : J ’ ■iiii it 2i ..'O LUMBAR PLEXUS, Is formed by four superior lumbar nerves ; is concealed by the psoas magnus musele,-andgives off the following branches, viz. Abdomino- Crural. — These are three in number ; they arise from the upper part of the plexus, and descend obliquely over the quadratus lumborum muscle towards the crista of the ilium. They send branches to the abdominal muscles and through the rings to the pubis, and also send fila- ments to the integuments of the hip and thigh. External Spermatic penetrates the psoas magnus muscle, upon which it descends. It sends branches to the groin and cremaster muscle. External Cutaneous passes obliquely outwards over the iliacus internus muscle towards the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium, and, penetrating Poupart’s ligament, is distributed to the integuments of the outer portion of the thigh. J\ eri-es Mate & ^ G&tto ~&&& arrrmo Pjfj- QOlS&L tP..)'.LueuJ. J LLiJi..Phil a TV Z. del. THE NERVES. 27 Anterior Crural. — Is the largest branch arising from the lumbar plexus. It passes beneath the psoas magnus mus- cle, and emerges from the abdomen under Poupart’s liga- ment, about half of an inch from the outside of the femoral artery. It gives off several branches. Cutaneous Medius — ‘Arises from the, , eppterior crural, about an inch above Poupart’s ligament : descending, it penetrates the Sartorius Muscle, and is distributed to the integu- ments. Anterior Cutaneous ■ to ;; - J ' •** Arises from the interior ral, penetrates the fascia of the thigh, and is distributed to the integu- (-'j-io ments. o ! -1 isi'i.yi >. Internal Cutaneous — Is another one of the same cluster,' arising from the Anterior Crural, aboVe Poupart’s ligament, and is distributed to the integuments on the inside of the thigh. •<* ,• m 'tj ‘iltsiu- JSi i Saphenus — Is a filament of the Anterior Crural which accompa- nies the femoral artery till it perforates the adductor mag- nus. It th en attache s itself to the saphena major vein, and is distributed to the integuments upon the inner side of the leg and foot. ~ " .Si o f Obturator. — Is derived from the lumbar plexus, and descends into the pelvis, from beneath the psoas magnus muscle. It then passes forward through the obturator foramen, and dividing into two branches is distributed to the adductor muscles of the thigh. 1 SCIATIC PLEXUS. r This plexus is formed by the juhetion of the last Lumbar and the four Superior Sacral nerves. It is situated in the back 28 OUTLINES OF portion of the pelvis, and in front of the Pyriformis Muscle. The fifth and sixth — if the latter should exist — are dis- tributed to the muscles about the anus. This plexus gives off the following branches : Gluteal. — These are two in number; one passes out of the Sciatic notch, above the Pyriform Muscle, and the other below it. They are distributed to the Glutsei Muscles. Superior Long Pudendal. — It accompanies the Internal Pudic artery, between the two Sacro-Sciatic ligaments, and is distributed to the Perinseum and organs of generation. Inferior Long Pudendal — Passes under the tuber of the Ischium, and is distributed to the Gluteeus Maximus, and to the external parts of the organs of generation. Posterior Cutaneous — Is given off from the plexus in common with the Inferior Pudendal ; descends the back of the thigh, and is distributed to the skin and Superficial Fascia. SCIATIC OR ISCIIIATIC. — Is the largest nerve in the body. It escapes from the Pelvis through the Sacro Sciatic notch, above the ligaments and between the Pyriformis and Geminus Superior Muscles. It descends the back of the thigh beneath the Biceps Flexor Cruris muscle, and below the middle divides into two large trunks, called Peroneal and Popliteal ; previous to which, however, it gives off several cutaneous and muscular branches of small size. Peroneal — Extendsjfrom the bifurcation of the Sciatic, towards the External Condyle, and gives off the two following branches : erves. 1? S.DiUL/aZ^itJi.PhiC 0 WTL.det. THE NERVES. 29 External Peroneo- Cutaneous — Is spent upon the skin over the fibula. Internal Peroneo- Cutaneous — Descends under the external head of the Gastrocnemius, and near the ankle, joins the Ex- ternus Saphenus or Communicans Tibiae, which is a branch of the Posterior Tibial. The Peroneal thence is directed towards the head of the Fibula, and divides into two large branches, viz. : External Peroneal — Descends from the head of the Fibula, giving off filaments to the muscles arising therefrom. At the lower part of the leg it becomes Superficial, and gives off cutaneous branches about the External Malleolus, instep and toes. Anterior Tibial. — Commences at the bifurcation of the Peroneal ; passing under the heads of the muscles, reaches the Inter- osseous ligament, upon which it descends in company with the Anterior Tibial artery. It is distributed to the muscles and integuments upon the upper surface of the foot, one branch descending to the sole in company with the Pedal artery. Popliteal. — Descends between the heads of the Gastrocne- meus, and then perforates the Soleus muscle. Below the knee it receives the name of Posterior Tibial. External Saphenus. — Is given off from the Popliteal ; descending anteriorly and near the ankle, is joined by the Internal Peroneo-Cutaneous. The common trunk thus formed, passes behind the External Malleolus, and gives off cuta- neous branches to the foot and toes. Posterior Tibial. — Descends upon the back of the leg under the Triceps Surae Muscle, in company with the Posterior Tibial 30 OUTLINES OF THE NERVES. artery : it gives off numerous muscular branches, and passing under the sinuosity of the os calcis, it divides into the following : .t'-i i... - ..... External Plantar. — Accompanies the External Plantar artery along the outer edge p£ r the sole of the foot. It sends off branches to the muscles of the sole, to the little toe, and to the outer side of the next toe. Internal Plantar. — Is larger than the external, and passing along the inner edge of the foot, is distributed to both sides of the three inner toes and the inside of the fourth toe. ■- on -Uu l>i- K ,, v ,*x\ i _ loxiuaiii vi itvrxa”' FINIS. v )A r i oricii. lo • .ri J Just Published by BARRINGTON di HASWELL, OUTLINES OF THE ARTERIES, Wimll H3)IS®(SISEIFirE@lS'i g DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF MEDICAL STUDENTS. By JOHN NEILL, M.D., • . . & 3 * ... ° ~ « *' ^ \ Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania; Physician to Wills’s Hospital; Lecturer on Anatomy ; Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society, etc., etc. Coloured Engravings. %* This beautiful little work is a perfect chart; where the artery and its name are seen side by side. “ This book should he in the hand of every medical student. It is cheap, portable, and precisely the thing needed in studying an important, though difficult part of Anatomy.” — Boston Med. and Surg. Journ. “ Its chief excellency, however, is its mode of reference, in which it differs from the usual method of numbering the different vessels, and referring to their numbers in the accompanying explanation.” — Med. Exam. “ The drawings are very distinct and well coloured. The idea of this work was a happy one, and, we trust, for the benefit of students, that the author will extend it to the veins, nerves, &c.” — Amer. Jour. Med. Sciences. “ As a help to the Medical Student, we can cheerfully recommend it.” — Western Lancet. Extract from a Letter of Prof. Webster, dated Geneva, Oct. 13 th, 1845. “ I have examined it, and think it a very useful work, so much so that I shall re- commend it to my class, and adopt the arrangement in my description of that system.” A MANUAL OF EXAMINATIONS UPON ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, SURGERY, PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, CHEMISTRY, MATERIA MEDICA, OBSTETRICS, ETC. Designed for the Use of Students of Medicine throughout the United States. By J. L. LUDLOW, M.D. 1 vol. I2mo. “In this ‘ Manual of Examinations’ the questions are clearly put, and, with few exceptions, well and distinctly answered.” “The Manual will be found to be equally available at the three schools in Philadelphia, as at the two in New York, or those of Louisville, Lexington, and Cincinnati, or of Charleston, Augusta, and New Orleans, not to mention the numerous confreries for teaching down East.” — Bull. Med. Science. “We have no hesitation in saying, that Dr. Ludlow’s Manual is decidedly the best, both in relation to comprehensiveness and general accuracy, that has yet been published in this country.” — Western Lancet. “ Dr. Ludlow discovers a minute knowledge with all the leading departments of professional lore, which he imparts agreeably. He is careful to be exact, without being redundant in any paragraph.” — Boston Med. and Surg. Jour. “ Between all the classes whose comfort the Student's Manual is designed to pro- mote, we should think it would obtain not a little currency.” — West. Journ. MINOR SURGERY: eehm®© ®sr ifihbi mwsnns ©if msm ©wh-®ie®i $ 0 Bv HENRY H. SMITH, M.D., Lecturer on Minor Surgery, Fellow of the College of Physicians, etc., etc- Illustrated by numerous Engravings. 1 vol. 18mo. muslin. “ And a capital little book it is Minor Surgery, we repeat, is really Major Sur- gery, and any thing which teaches it is worth having. So we cordially recommend this little book of Dr. Smith’s.” — Med. Cliir. Rev. “ This beautiful little work has been compiled with a view to the wants of the pro- fession in the matter of Bandaging, &c., and well and ably has the author performed his labours.” — Med. Examiner. “ To students we would particularly recommend Dr. Smith’s work ; and with it in their possession, they would be able to carryout togreat advantage the advice of an eminent professor of a neighbouring city — ‘ Provide yourselves each with half a dozen rollers, and after your day’s study is over, just before going to bed, amuse yourselves by bandaging each other. It is the only way to acquire an art, ignorantly underrated, but of immense importance.’ ” — Boston Med. and Surg. Journ. “This is an excellent Treatise on Bandaging, and will prove of great assistance to the student and to the country practitioner.” “The book is very handsomely illustrated with a great number of excellent wood-cuts. The paper and type are good. We repeat, in conclusion, our very favour- able estimation of its merits.”— Med. 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Illustrated with numerous Wood Engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. “ Dr. Lee’s former reputation for large practical knowledge of obstetrics is fully sustained in the present work.” “ The style is plain arid clear, and the facts and cases are presented with due succinctness. One important feature is the introduction of tables of the results of certain operations, as of craniotomy, and of certain diseases of the puerperal state, as puerperal fever; which constitute a statistical basis for future observations and a present support for active and available practice.” — Bulletin of Medical Science. “ Dr. Lee is too good and sensible an author to be reviewed. He should be read. He has already, though but a young man, become illustrious by his earlier works.” — Philad. Med. 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