J X .- . : .<■ ■ 1 v- iJ> / /-) DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure 'Room IIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIHIMllMUUIIIIIHIIIIUUIllHIIIUIUHIIIUIIIinilllllllll-i iiliiiiiiii i uiiiuuiuiiiiii iiiim"""" jiiuuu|iiUUiiNi(iluiiiiiii(iiii(ujiMiHiiii li ml 'iilii iil ii l l imWfl CAT ALOG VE and fucceffion of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, le. p.iji.U./ii'Ladell, r. Lidell. f.in.],ii. fir mote, r. mote. p.»ij.Lifi./»ri}j4. r.ij4j. p.iir.!.*). forlttm,r. Itta. p. 13*. l.n. foi Ittam, t. Itta. p.381.1.9 /erSouthamptonjr.Southtanton, p. )8a.l.if.for BurgrCbato,T.BKr£t Cbar. p.ifo, bt./«-}j.r.47. p,iJfi.I.3J./^4«.'.47. pMi.l54.for »J71'*'«I$7*» A CATALOGVE OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND, SINCE THE NORMAN u Conqueft, their Armes i Wiues and QhiidrerL*. llliam , fur-named the Conque- ror (coufin vnto King Edward the Confeflbur , irt the third and fourth Degree) bafe Sonne of Robert the fixth Duke of Normandie, begotten of cx/r- let his Concubine, Daughter of aSkinncr, and BurgefTe of the Citie of Faloys ; who hauingo- uerthrovvneand flaine King Herauld in Battell, was vpon Chriftmaf-day, intheyeareofChrift 1066. Crowned King of England (not by 57/- gand Archbiflhop of Canterburie, becaufe he was a verie proud and lewdeliuer) but by Aldred Archbilhop of Yorke; at which time, the laid William caufed both the Bifhips and Noblemen of the Realme; to fwcare fealtie to him before S. Peters Altar at Weftminfter. Hee Married Mauld , Daughter of Baldwin de l/le, the fifth Earle of Flanders, \ fur-named the Gentle , who dyed the fecond day of Nouember, 1 o 8 3. and was Buried at Cane in Normandie , in Saint Maries Church : and William Conquerourher Husband dyed at Roane , on Thurfday the eight of the Ides of September 1087. the fiftie one of his Duke- dome of Normandie, the twentie one of his Kingdome of E n g- land, and of his Age the feuentie fourc, and was Buned at Cane in Saint Stephens Church, which heebefore had built. This noble Con- querour, when hec firft entred England , chanced at his Landing to 2 A Cata logue of the flings of England. ftickefaft in the Sands , whereupon one of his companic caught himby the Arme; faying, Stand vpmy Lord, and be of good chearc, for you haue taken flift footing in England i and feeing him bring vp Sand and Earth in his hand, faid further. , That he had taken Liuerie and Seifin of the Coun- trie . He had IfTue foure Sonnes, and fixe Daughters. FortheAuthorieofthe Armes of the Kings of England, from Willi- am Conquerors time , to King Richard the firft , I find none of any cre- dite, but what hath beene vied by traditions, that will I fet downe as I find them. William Conqueror (as it is faid) vfed the Armes ofRello the Dane, and firft Duke of Normandie, which he beares as belonging to the Dukedome of Norman die: Gueulles,devxLyansf>aJfantgardant y D'or. The Iffuc o/Wuliam the Qonqueror, Robert , fur- named Cttrtucife (which is Short Bootes) beeingDukc of Normandie , was taken Prifoncr atTenarchbray in Normandie, in theyeare 1 106. andby commandementof King Henne hisBrother,hehad both his Eyes put out, and dyed in the Caftie of Cardiffe, in theyeare 1 1 34. when he hadbeenePriioner there twentie eight yeares.and was Bu- ried at Glocefter. He Married Stbtll, Sifter of Will/an* Earlc of Conuerfana in Italy, by whom he had I flue, William and Henrie. fiicbardyCccondSonncof William Conqueror, was flaine in the New- Forreft by a Stagge, and was Buried at Winchefter. M tlli am the third Sonne, fur-named Rufus of his Red haire, ferued vn- der his Father, at the Battell of Gerberoth in Normandie , where hee was wounded. After being King, and Hunted in the New Forreft the fecond of Auguft, WalterTirrell a trench. Knight, (hot him with a Arrow, where- of he prefently dyed, in the yeare 1 ico- hauing Reigned twclueyeares and eleuen Moneths, being fortie and three yeares old. Henrie the fourth Sonne was borne at Selby in Yorkelhire 1070. and fur- named BeaucUrke (or fine Scholler) was by his Father Knighted at Weftminfter,in theyeare 1086. Cicely eldeft Daughter , borne in Normandie , was AbbefTe at Cane, where ihee dyed without IfTue. Conflancethtfecond Daughter, Married to \^ilan Earlc ofBritaine, fur- named Fergant, dyed without IfTue, and was buried at Saint Edmondsbu- riein Suffolke. This is that Cor/fiance, which the honeft-man Dolman, a- lias P

» the fecond Earle Warren and Surrey , and died in childe-bcd, at Caftle-Acre in Norfolke, and was buried at Lewis inSuf- fcx, 1085. Otfargaret the fixt Daughter, promifed to Alphwftu King of Gallicia in Spaine, and died without iffuc. William Peucrell, bale fonnc of William Conqueror, was Lord of Not- tingham, and had ilfue, a fonne alfo called William. Qng William Ryfvs. Wi " l iliam Roufe or Rufus % furnamed of lus red haire, the third Sonne of William Conqueror. This William fcrucd vnder his Father at the battaileof Gerbc- rothin Normandy, where he was wounded : He began his Reigne of King of England, the ninth day of Septembcr,in thcyearc ofour Lord,io87. and was crowned atWeftminfter, by La/tfrd/tke Archbifhoppe of Canterbury, the rirft day of October. It happened that (as he was hunting in the New Forreft ) he was informed, that the French-men had ftrongly befieged the Citie of Conftancia in Normandy, whereupon ( leauing his (ports) with great expedition he ported to the fea, without any preparation for fuch a iourncy, and comming tnere.leapt into a Barke, comman- dingthc Maryncrs to weigh their Anchors, and to hoyfe their faylcs; bue the violence of a ftormc being great, they refufed to doc the fame, where- at the King was much offended, faying, that they neuer hca*d that a King was drowned by tern peft ofwinds,andfoforcedthemtogoforwards.Hc was red coloured, his hayrefomewhat yellow, his eyes not onelikeano- ther * of meane ftature, fomewhat big bellied , he was very variable, in- conftant, couetous andcrucll; he ouer-burdened his Subic£ts with vn- reafonable taxes, pilled the rich, and oppreffed the poorc. And beeng a hunting in the New Forreft, the rirft day of Auguft, inthcyeare noo. Sir Walter Tirrell a French Knight, (hooting at a Deere vnawares , fmotc himinthebrcaft,thathc fell downeftarke dead, and neuer fpake word. His body being conuayed to Winchcfter,was there buried in the 43 .yeare B a of 4 A Catalogue •ftbe Kjnp if England. oflmagc,hauingraignedalmoftthirtccncyeeres,lcauing no iffucofhis body to fuccccd him. Lis armes de fon peri. Qng H b n r i e thi firft. Hi 'Ernie, the firft and youngeft Sonne of William Conquerour, was borne at Scl- -by in Yorkshire, 1070. and for his lear- ning was called Beauclarke; he w as brought vp in the ftudy of the liberall Arts at Cambridge , vn- der Henry Nevcboreugh Earlc of Warwick e. Hce began his Reignc the firft of Augu(t,and was crowned at Wcftminfter, by UWaurue Bilhop of London, {Anfilme Bifhop of Canterbury becing then in exile) the fift of Auguft iico. Hee was ftrong and mightie of body, nigh of ftaturc, ami- able of countenance, blacke haired , fiire eyes, broad breafted, well in flelh, full of merry con- ceits, excellent in wit , eloquent in fpcech , and fortunate in battaile: and for thefe, he had three notable vices, coHetoufncflc, cruelty, and lctche- ry. In his time it was a cuftomc, that Bookes, Bills, and Letters, mould be drawne and figncd for Petitioners in the Court, concerning their own matters,without fee paying.at which time Thurfion le Dtjpencer the Kings Steward, exhibited his complaint to the Kingagainft Adam of Yarmouth Clarke of the Signet, for that he refufed to figne his Bill without fee. The King examining the caufe, the Clarke was heard firft, and confefTed, that when he rcceiued the Booke, he fent vnto the faid Steward, deliring him onely to beftowe of him two fpice-cakes,made for the Kings own mouth, who anfwered, he would not, and thereupon he denied to feale his Book: The King greatly blamed the Steward for his deniall, and made Adam to fit downevponthebench with the Seale, and Thurftons booke, and com- manded his Steward to put off his cloake, and to fetch two ofthebeft fpicc-cakes for the Kings owne mouth, in a fairc white napkyn , and with a curtefic to prelent them to ^yidam the Clarke, which done, the King commaunded Adam to feale and dcliucr the Booke, adding this fpeachi Officers of the Court muflgratifie, andjhev a cast of their Office , not enelyenetoanother, hut alfoto all (Ir angers , whenfoeuer they jhall require. Hee married two wiues, the firft was CManldy daughter of Malcolme Can- *»w,Kingof Scotland, (othcrwifc Malcolm e with the great head) (hee was married to him at London, in the ycarc hoc and liued with him 17. yearcs,anddicdinMay,inthcycarciii8.andwas buried at S. Peters Church at Weftminfter,lcauing iflue one fonne and a daughter^ fhee built a houfc for lcapcrs ncerc London, called S. Gyles in the field His A Catalogue efthe Xjngs of England. 5 His fecond wife was Adelicia^ daughter of Godfrey , firft Duke of Lo- vaine, and fitter of another Godfrey, and Iocelyn of Louaine: Shee was married the 29. of Ianuary, 11 11. and continued his wife fiftccne yeares, but had no iffue by him. Shee was after married to William de Albany Earle of Arundell, by whom (he had iffue, Wiliam the fecond Earlc of A- rundell, Godfrey, and Ioane married to John Earle of Angi. This Henrie died ofafufet at Dennifes,in the Forreft of Lions in Normandy, the firft day of December, intheyearei^.bceingabouto^. yearesold, hauing reigned King 35. yeares and foureMoneths. In this Henry, ended the line of the heyres male of the Norm Jh Kings, having reigned heere 69. yeares, after whom came the French, by marry- ing the hcyre gencrall. Les armoiries dejonpere. The Ijfue of Kjng Henrie tbefirjl. \/\7" ' JUiam , Sonne of King Henrie and Queene Mauld his firft wife, " * was borne in the yeare 11 02. and being fourteeneyeeresolde, the Nobflitie did him homage, and three yeares after, he married Man, the daughter of Foulke Earle of Aniou ; and the fame yearewas made Duke of Normandy , for which he did homage to King Lewis'thc GrofTe of France, and after was drowned, comming out of Normandy into Eng- land, the 16. of Nouember, 1120. becing then eighteene yeares of age, leauing no iffue of his bodie. CMauld, the onely Daughter of King Henry the firft, by Mauld his firft wife, was borne the fourth yeare of her Fathers Reigne, and was married to the Emperour Henn the fourth, for his fecond wife, beeing but feauen yeares olde at her efpoufing, and remarried and crowned at eleuen, at Mentz in Germany, intheycarcni4. with whom (he continued twelue yeares,andout-liuedhim,buthadnoifTueby him. After fhe married Gef- ferie rimtagi net, Earle of Aniou fonne of Foulke king of Iesufalem, in the yeare 1117. and hadifTue, Henry after Kingof England; Geffery, Earle of Nantes in Britainc; and Wiliam, Earle of Poytou : Shee was his wife 23. yeares, and a widdow 17. yeares, and after dycdinRoan, u^.and was buried at Bee Abbey in Normandy. The Ijfue of King Henrie the firft, hy his Concubines. T? Ohtrt (offome Writers called the ConfulofGlocefter) bafe fonne of ■*-^-King Henry the firft, begotten ofAV/?, the daughter of Rice ap Teuder, the great Prince of South Wales, who was after married to Girald de WW/W^Conftableofthc Caftleof Penbroke. This Robert maried Mabel, d:iughterof Robert Fitz-Hamend, Lord of Glamorgan, by whom hee had iffue, William Earle of Glocefter, and others, as in the Title of Earlcs of Glocefter i s more at large . B 1 Reignald 6 A Catalogue of the JQngs of England. * £«/?<*« fecond Sonne, was by his Father created Earle of Bolloigne, and married Ctn/tance, tiRcr of Lewis the feuenth King of France, and died without ifliie the tenth of Auguft, 11 52. and was buried at Fenerjham. William the third Sonne, married Ifabel, daughter and heire otwilliam the third Earle of Warren and Surrcy,in whofe right he was Earle War- ren and Surrey, Lord of Norwich and Peucnley , Earle Mortaine , and Lord of the Egle in Normandy . Hediedinhisretutnefrom Tholouz,in theyeare, \\6o. Mauld, the eldeft Daughter of King Stephen dyed young, and was bu- ried at London,in the Priorie of the Trinitie within Aldgate, cald Chrift- Church, now the Dukes place. ji/4/7f,fecond Daughter of KingStephen,was Abbeileofthe Nunnery at Rumfey in Hampfhire; after Ihcforfooke her habite, and married Mat- thew, Brother of Philip Earle ofFlanders,who (in her right) was Earle of Bolloigne, and had ifluc, Ida and Mauld. CM . Camden faith, he had a bale fonne named Geruafe, which was Ab- bot of Weftminftcr, and died in theyeare, 11 do. Ring Henrie thejecond. H Enrico , the fecond of that Name, (fur-named Short-mantl<^>, borne in France) Sonne of Gejferie Plantaginet t Earle of Aniou,and Mauld the £mprefTe,Daugh. tcr of King Henrie the firft \ began his Reigne o- ucrthis Rcalme of England, the twentieth day of October, 1154. His firft comming was to Winchefter, where the Nobles of theRealrae camevnto him, of whom he too fee homage and fealty : then comming to London, he was crow- ned at Weftminfter by Theobald Archbifliop of Canterbury,thcfeuenteenthofDccember,ii54. beeing then twentie three yeares of age. Hee chofe to be of his Counfell,the graucft and wifeft he could finde,and fuch as were beft experienced in the Lawesof the Land. He expelled by pub- B 4 like 8 J Catalogue of the Kjngi of England. like Proclamation, all ftrangers out of the Land, who had fwarmed into England, in time of variance betweene King S/^ died thefixtdayofluly, / 189. in the fixtie one ycare of his age, whenhc had reigned thirty foure yeares, nine moneths , and two dayes, and was buried at Founteuerald, in the Dntchy of Alanfon, neere to the Towne of the Egl e. Lt portoit,gueulles au deux leopard pajfant cCor. The Iffue of l\injr Henry thefecond and £>uc e ne E l i a n o k hit Wife . X /\7V///Vm» eldcft Sonne, borne in the ycare, M52. to whomtheNo- V V bility fware fealty at the Caftle of Wallingford in Berklhire;he died in the yeare 1 1 56. beeing but fiuc yeares olde, and was buried at Rea- ding, by his great Grandfather, Henrie thefirft. e Hemy thefecond Sonne, after the death of William his Brother, was Duke of Normandy, Earle of Aniou and Maync, and was crowned King in thelife time of his Father, the fifteenth of Iune , 1170. His wife was UWargaret, daughter of Le wu thcyounger, King of France, and was mar- ried at Newburghin Normandy, 1 160. and Ihe was after crowned Queen at Winchefter, 1163. Hcdied at Marcell in Touraine, the eleuenth of Iune, 1 181 . and was buried at Roan. i?/V/W. ToA»eldeft Sonne, borne at Winchefter, and died achiid,and was burv *edatWeftminfter, the eight of Auguft, in the laft yeare of King Henry the third. Henry kcond Sonne, died young, his Father being then in the Iflc of Cicill, and was buried at VVeftminfter, the twentieth of Nouember, 1 2 72. siphons third Son, borne in theTowneofMaynein Gafcoignc,as his Father and Mother were comming out of the Holy-Land to England, the twenty third of Nouember, 1 27 3 .and died at Windfore, the fourth of Au- guft, 1285 .and was buried at Canterbury. .E^rW the fourth Sonne, borne at Cairnarvon in North -Wales, the twenty fift of Aprill, 1284. After the death of Lewylin at Griffith . was createi Prince of Wales by his Fathers being thefirft of the Kings fonnes of England, that had that Title. He was alfo Earlc of Ponthieu, and of Chcfter, and was made Knightby his Father on W 7 hitfonday, 1306. JE/w/weldeft Daughter, borne at Windeforc, in the fiftieth yeare of her Grand-Fathers Rcigne, and was married with a Proxic, to a Deputy for t^dlphvns Kingo? Arragon, fonne of King Peter, who died before marriage,leauing his Kingdome to his Brother lame s. Shee was after mar- ried at Briftow, 1291. to William the third Earle ofBarric,in Champayne in France, and had ifliie,.E for hisfecond Wife,andhad giucn herin marriage, fifteen thoufand pounds; 1332 Who being Vicar general! of the Empire, to the Emperour Lewis of Bauaria , created him therirft Duke of Gelders. Shee had ifliie y Reginald and Edward , both Dukes after their Father , and died without tfliie , lea- uing his Dutchie and his Wife to his Nephew Willtam, Duke of Guhke, his nalfe filters fonne. ifabell the third daughter died young, and was buried at the Gray- Friars in London. . Edward the third. EDtrard, the third of that Name, borne in Windefore Caftle, 13 12. after the depofmg of his Father , began his Reigne the flue and twentieth of Ianuarie, 1327. and was crowned at Weftminfter, therirft day of Februaric after , by Walter , Arch- bilhop of Canterburic. And becaufc he was but fourteene yeeres of age , and not able to gouer ne of himfelfe,it was decreedjthat twelue of the greateft Lordes within the Realmc,(houldhaue the rule andgo- uerncment, vntill hee came of more yeeres: which were the Arch-bifhops of Canterburie and Yorke , the Bi- fhops of Winchefter and Hereford , henrie Earle of Lancafter, Thomas of Brotherton, Marfhall of England; Ed- ^WofWoodftocke, Earle of Kent ; lohn 2i A Catalogue afthe Kjngt tf England. John Earlc Warren , Themas Lord Wake , Henrie Lord Percie , Sir Oliuer Ingham, and the Lord lohn Eos ; who were fwornc of the Kings counfcll, and charged with the gouerncment, as they would anfwere the fame. In the firft yeerc of this Kings Reignc, died Charles King of France, the third brother of Quecnc Ifabell, mother of King Edward the third j by whofc death, the Kingdomc of France did defcend to Kirig Edward* by ifabetlhis mother, the oncly filter and heirc of her three brothers , Lo- AewptkeHuttn, Philip le Long, and Charles the Fairc, Kings of France. But the laid Kingdomc was vfurped and poflcfledby P hi lip de Valois *vnklc to the (aid Charley who did intrude himfclfe by force. In the yeerc i339>c J Catalogue of the Kjngs of England, a 3 The I(fue ofKjng Edward the third* EDward cldcft Tonne (borne atVVoodftockc the fixteenth Kalends of Iune, 1330.) was created Prince of Wales, Duke of Aquitaine and Cornwall , and Earle of Chefter , and Earle of Kent in right of his wife Joane, daughter of Edmond EmIc of Kent, (brother by the rather, to King Edward the fecond) Shce had beene twice married before, firlf to the Earle ofSalifburie, and after to Thomas Holland. She h;id iffue by Prince Edward, two for.nes, Edward borne at Angolefme , who died young \ and Ricbardbomz at Burdeaux, who was after King of England, by the name of King Richard the fecond. This Prince had iffue alfo , two baftard fonnes , Sir IohnSounder , and Sir Roger Claridon Knights ; the latter was attainted in King Henrie the fourths time, for publiming [that King Richard thefecond wasaliue. William fecond fonne, was borne at Hatfield in Hartfordlhire, 1335. and was fur-named William of Hatfield ; he had his chriftcn name of Wil- //4/wEarle of Henault,his grand-father,and died in his childhood,and was buried at Yorke. Lionell third fonne , was borne in the Cifie of Antwerpe , the nine and twentieth of Nousmber , 1 3 3 3 . being the vigill of Saint Andrew , and was fur-named of Antwerpe. Hee had two wiues , the firft was Elizabeth , daughter of Iohn de Burgh Earle of Vlfter in Ireland , and fifter and heire of William Burgh Earle of Vlfter her brother , in whofe right he was firft created Earle of Vlfter. Andbecaufe hee had with her the Honour of Clare in Norfolke ,asparccll of the inheritance of her Grand -mother C Elizabeth, fifter and co-heire of the laft Gilbert de Clare Earle of Gloce- fter) He was in Parliament, 1 162. created Duke of Clarence : from which Dutchie , the name of Clarenccux , King of Armes of the South parts of England, taketh his denomination. He had iffue by the faid Elizabeth, one onely daughter named Philip , married to Edmond CKortimer Earle of March , grand-father of Anne , Counteffe of Cambridge , grand-mother of King Edward the fourth. ' He was after married at Millaine inLumbardie,totheLadier«>/.M>/r\rft. married to Raphe Ne- «///, firft Earle of Weftmerland, and after to Robert Ferrars, Baron of Ouefley . Thefe children begotten ofKatherine Swynford,\v crc fur-named Beaitforts,oi Beaufort Caftle in France, w here they were borne. Edmond of Langley lift fonne, was created Earle of Cambridge, in the thirty fixe yeare of King Edward the third,and after Duke of Yorke, 1 3 86. He married Ifabell, daughter and co-heyreof Peter King of Caftile and Leon, as in the Title of Earles of Cambridge r and Dukes of Yorke. William, fur-named ofWindfore, where he was borne, died young. Thomas the youngeft fonne, fur-named of Woodftocke (where he was borne) was by King Richard the fecond , firft created Earle of Bucking- ham, and after Duke of Glocefter, as in thofe Tides is more at large. Jfabell, eldeft daughter of King Edwardthc third, was borne at Wood- ftocke, 1332. and was married at Windfore to Jngelram de Gnif»es y Lord of Coucy, Earle of Soyfons, and Duke of Auftria, whom King Edward her Father, made Earle of Bedford, by whom fhec had ifTue two daugh- ters, Mary, married to Henry of Barre, and Philip, Wife to Robert Fere Earle of Oxford, Duke of Irelaud, and Marquette of Dublyn, who after forfboke her, and martied one Lancerona, a Ioy ners daughter , who came into England with Queene Philip out of Bohemia. Ioane fecond daughter, married by Proxy to Alpkom ,the eleucnth King of Caftile and Leon. Blanch third daughter died young, and was buried at Weftminfter. Mary fourth daughter, married to John Mount fort Duke of Britaine. Margaret yongeft daughter, was the firft Wife otlehn Hastings Earlc of Pcnbrooke. A«tf A Catalogue of the Kjngs of England. *5 Kjng R i c hard tbefeeond. R Ic hard thefecond,bornc at Bur- deaux , fonnc of Edward the »blacke Prince, and grand-child to King£^n'Wthe third, being eleuen ycarcs olde , beganne his R eigne the one and twentie day of June, in the ycare of our Lord ,1577. and was crowned King at VVcftminfter, the flxteenthof Iuly. In beauty, bounty and liberalise, he farre pafled all his Progenitors; but was ouermuch giucn to reft and quietnefle, little regarding matters of Armcs: and beeingyoung, was moft ruled by young Counfcll, regarding little the Counfcll of the fage and wilemen of the Rcalme. Which thing, turned this Land to great trouble,and himfelfe to cxtreamc tniferie; Forbeeingfirft difgraccd by his Coufin , Henry of Bullingbrokc, Duke of Hereford, fonne of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaftcr,hce was at length by him (with the gencratl content of a whole Parliament ) depo- fed from his Crownc and Kingdome, the nine and twentieth of Septem- ber, 1399. and committed to prifon, and afterwards wickedly murdered. Forbeeing fent to PomfretCaftlc tobefafely kept,and Princely maintai- ned, was Ihortly after by King Henries direftion and commandement, (who feared leaft his Eftate might be (haken, Co long as King Richard li- ued ) wickedly afTaulted in his lodging, by Sir Fieres of Exton, and eight other armed men, from one ofwhich (with a Princely courage) hewrc- ftedabrowneBill, andrherewithflewfourcof themi and with an admi- rable refolution, fought with all the reft: vntillcommingbyhisownc Chaire ( in which the bafe cowardly Knight himfelfe ftood for hisowne fafetie ) he was by him ftricken with a Pole-axe, in the hinder part of his head, that prefently he fell downe to the ground and died, when 'hee had reigned two and twenty yeare s, fourcteene weekes, and two dayes. Hcmarriedtwo Wiues,thcfirft was Anne y daughter of the Emperour Charles the fourth, and fitter ofWenceJlaus, Emperour and King of Bohe- mia, who was crowned Quccne the two and twentieth of Ianuaric, 1 384. hauingbeenhis Wifetcnneycares, and dyed at Shecne in Surrey , 1394. and was buried at Wcftminfter withoutiflbc. D His 25 A Catalogue of the Kjngi of England. His fccond Wife was 7/4^f/,daughtcr of Charles thcfixt,King ofFrancc, whom he affianced in the nineteenth yeare of his Reigne, (he beeing then but feauen yecrcs oide : by reafon whereof, hec neucr had any com- pany with her. Shee was after the faid Richards death , fent backc a. gaine into France, beeing then not full twelue yeares olde, without any dowry, becaufe the marriage was neucr confummated. The Lord Henne tercie had the co n uay ing of her, in the yeare, 1 40 1 . where fhee was after married to Chirks the fonne of Levels DukcofOrleance. At this King Richards Coronation, Sir lohn Dimmecke Knight,& Bald- ipynFrevylehzd acontrouerfiefor the officcofthc Kings Champion, but it was adiudged for Sir lohn Dimmockc,who that day did execute the fame at dinner vpon the Kings fecondhorfe,and wearing his beft fccond Ar- mour. Etportoit, France feme efcartelle d'engleterrt. K±ng H enrib the fourth. V *H E right of the Crownc of England,j after the death! 'of King Richard without ifluc , ought to hauc defcended to Edmund Mortimer, Earle of March, fonne and hcyre of Roger Mortimer , whole Mo- ther Philip, was daughter and heire of Zionell Duke of Clarence, third fonne of King Fdtvard the third. Which not- withstanding, Henrie> fur-named of Bullingbroke, Duke of Hereford, and fonne and heyre of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancafter, fourth fonne of King Edward the third, was ele&ed King , and began his Reigne the nine and twentieth of September , 1390. After which, he made many new Offi- cers, viz. Thomas his fecond fonne, he made Lord high Steward of England. The Earle of Northumberland, Con- ftablc of England. The Earle of Weft- mcrland , Marfhall of England , &c. and was crowned at Wcfrminftcr,the thirteenth of O&ober after. The Dukes of Yorke, Surrey and Albemarle, with the Earle of Glocefter.bare the Canopy oucr him ( which Office now, the Barronsbf the Cinque- Ports A Catalogue of the Kjngs of England^ i y Ports do execute ) Sir Thorn** Vymmoke (anceftorof the now Noble and worthy Knight, Sir Edward Dymmekeo£Lmco\r\i\iirz) was Champion, and rode three times about the Hall in compleate armour, challenging a- ny that (hould gaine-f ty the Kings right, throwingdowne his Gauntlet. to maintaine the fame. He created Henrie his cldeft fonne , Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, Earle of Chefter, and heyre apparent to the Crowne; and at his death, he gaue him this charge to keepe (as be would anfw cr the fame before G od ) vi z .To mintfler the Lawes indifferently, to eafe the opprejfed, tt beware of "flatter ers,not to deferre iufltce, nor to beffarinv of mercie. Punijl) (quoth he) the opprejfors of thy people, fojlult thou obtaine fa- vour of God, and loue of thy fubiecls;xcho, whiles they haue wealth, fo longflalt thou bane obedience; but beeing made poor e by opprefiions, will bee euer ready tojlirre and make rebellion andinfurreftion. He yeelded to God his fpirit, the twentieth day of March, 1412. the fortiefixt yeare ofhis age, when he had raignedtnirteeneyeares, fixe mo- neths, lacking tennedayes. His body beeing conveyed to Canterbury, was there buried. He married two Wiucs, the firft was LMary, fecond daughter andco- hcyre otHumfreydeBohun, Earle of Hereford, EfTcx and Northampton, and Conftable ofEngland, who died in the yeare 13P4. and was buried at Canterburie. His fecond Wife was Ioane, daughter of 'Charles King of Navarre, and Widdow of /0^» Afo*»//i>;7 Duke of Britaine,who dyed at Hauering in the Bower in EflTex, without ifTue, the tenth of Iuly, 1437. and was buried at Canterbury. The Iffue of l$ing H e rt r. i E the fourth* byhtsfrjlWife-j. HEnrie eldeft fonne, was created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Earle of Chefter, in the firft yeare of his Fathers Reigne. This Henrie, in the time ofhis Fathers baniftiment, was fent into Ireland ; and vpon hearing ofhis Fathers ariuallinto England, King Richard 'caufed him to be imprifoned with Humfrey, fonne ana hc'ircofThomasof Wood- ftockc, in the Caftleof Trime in Ireland; butinthe firft yeare of King Henrie the fourth, they were both deliuered, andcomming into England, Humfrey died of the plague at Chefter. Thomas fecond fonne, was created Duke of Clarence, in the eleuenth yeare ofKingHenry the fourth, and in the eight yeare of Kingffenry the fift, he was made Lieutenant Gcnerall of France and Normandy; and (in the yeare after ) wasrflaine at Bangy-Bridge in France, by the Duke of Or- liance. He married Af4r£4m,daughter of Thomas HollandEarlc of Kent, D 2 and 28 A Catalogue of the %i rigs of England, and Widdovv of lohn Beaufort Earle of Somerfet^as is more at large in the Title of the Dukes and Earles of Clarence. lohn third fonne, was made Duke of Bedford, the eleuenthyeareof King Henry the fourth his Fatherland in the fife yeareof Henrie the rift his brother, he was by Parliament made Regent of England,and Head of the Publike Wealth. He knighted King Henrie thefixthis Nephew, at a Parliament held at Leicefter,in the fourthyeere of his Reigne. And in the firft yeare of the faid King Henriethc fixt, beeing made Regent of France, Charles King of France dying : the moft part of France was deliuered to him by the Nobilitie there, to the vfe of King Henrie the fixt. His marri- ages and death is more at large in the Title of Bedford. Humfiey, fourth fonne of King Henry the fourth, was by his brother King Henrie the fift, made Duke of Glocefter^and in the firft yeare ofHen- rie the fixt, he was made Protestor of the Kingdome of England, for fif- teeneyeares, duringthefaid Kings minority; and was ftiled, Httmfrey, by the grace of God, Sonne, Brother, andVnckle to Kings, Duke of Glocefur, He- nault, Holland, Zeland, and Penbroke, Lord of Frizeland, great Chamber- laine of Engldnd i Protecfor and Defender of the Kingdome and Church of England. HehadtwoWiues. His firft Wife was laquet, daughter and heire of William, Duke ofBa- uaria, and Earle of Holland, who was before betrothed to lohnDvkc at" Brabant, and was therefore after diuorced from this Humfrey without ifTue. His fecond Wife was Elianor, daughter of Reginald, Lord Colhamai Sterburghin Surrey, who for witchcraft and poyfbnings,was much defa- med. Queene Margaret, Wife to King #wj> the fixt, enuyed greatly his cftate and gonernment, and praftifed with others, his ouerthrow and de- finition; for after he was found murdered in his bed, at Bury in Suffolke, and was after buried at S. Albons in Hertfordftiire. Blanch eldeft daughter, was married at Colien, to William Duke of Ba- uaria, fonne and heire of Lewis of Bauaria. After (he married the King of Arragon: and thirdly fhee married the Duke of Barre, but had no ifTue by any of them. Philip, fecond daughter of King Henry the fourth, was married to lohn King ofDenmarke and Norway, and died without ifTue. %i*& A Catalogue eft be I\ings of England. t 9 Kjng Hbnrie tkefift* H 'Enrie the fife , furnamed of Munmouthin the Marches of Wales , where hec was borne, in they ecre 138s. Hee began his reigne.the twentieth day ofMarch in the ycere of our Lord 14U. And the ninth day of Ap rill after, hec was crowned King at VVeftminfter , by Thomas of Arundell , Arch-bifhop of Canterburie. Which done, he called before him all his young Lords and Companions , that were followers of his young anions ; to euery of them he gauc rich gifts , and commanded, that as many as would change their life and manners , (as he intended to doe ) mould follow him ftill ; and to thofe that would perfiftin their former life and conuerfation , he commanded vpon paine of death , neuer after to come in his pretence. This Prince, by the inftigation and prouokement offomeof thefevnthrifticand lewd Companions, in his fathers dayes, fmote the then Lord Chiefe-Iufticeof the KingsBench,ablowon the face : for which, he was by his father imprifoned , and put from his place of being Prefident of the Kings Counfell ; which Office (to his great griefe and difgrace ) the King gaue to r/^waw Duke of Clarence, his fe- condfonnc. This King following his father, vfed euery day when no ftate was kept, after dinner, to haue a cufliionlayd on the cup-boord , and there to lcane a whole houre or more, to receiue Petitions and hcarc complaints of whofoeuer would come. And in thofe dayes, when the King dined in his Chamber, the Steward of the houlhold , fate alwaies in the Hall , vn- der the Cloth of Eftate,the fame being rolled vp abouc his head, and fuch Knights with him , as waited that time vpon the King. He died in the Caftle of Boys deVifcenne , not farre from Paris , the thirteenth day of Auguft, 1422. when he had reigned nine yeeres, flue moneths , andoddte dayes, being fixe and thirtie yeeres old, and was buried at VVeftminfter. He married Katherine , daughter of Charles the fixt , King of France, ae Troyes in Champaigne , the third of Iunc , 1420. and the fourteenth of Februarie after , fhe was crowned at VVeftminfter , and was his wife 5 two ycers & three moneths. She was after married to a Noble Gentleman,na- med Owen Theoior of Wales, by whom ftie had iffuc three fons, Edmonds D 3 Ufttr 3° A Catalogue of the iQnp of England. lajj/er and Owen; Edmond was made Earle of Richmond ; and married Margaret, daughter and fole heire of John Duke of Somerfet,and had iflue, King Henrie the feuenth: lajper the fecondfonne, was Earlc of Penbroke, and after Duke of Bedford. This Queene A'4//^/7«*diedatBermondfey in South\varke,the fccond o f Iune, 1436. and was buried at Weftminfter, leauing iflue by King Henrie the lift her hufband, King Henrie the lixt. This King left Seme de lyces, and bare three. Et portoit, France, efcartelle d'Enghterre. %ing Henrie the fixt. H •Enrie the fixt,born at Wind- fore , beeing an infant not nintmoneths old, began his reigne the laft of Auguft , in the yeere of our Lord, 1422. The gouerncment of his Realmes was committed to Humfrey Duke of Glocefier, and the guard of his perfonto Thomas Duke of Excefter, and to lohn Duke of Bed- ford, the Regiment of France. Thefc his three Vn kles, with great wifedome and valour difcharged the truft com- mitted vnto them. This Henrie, on the fixt of Nouember, 1429. in the eight yeere of his reigne was crow- ned ac Weftminfter with folemniza- tion. He tooke his iourney to France, and comming to Paris, was receiued with great folemnirie : and on the fe- uenteenth of Nouember , 143 1. was crowned KingofFrance,in our Ladie Churchin Paris. Heefpoufed Margaret, daughter o£Reyner,Y>vkz of Aniou, (and titulary- King ofCicilie , Naples and Ierufalera ) by Proxie at the Citie of Towers in Touraine, in Saint Martins Church, by William de la Pole his Procura- tor , in the prefence of the French King and Queene 5 which King , was vnkle to the Brides father, and the French Queene, Aunt to her mother. She being conueyed to the Abbey of Tichfield, was there fblemnely mar- ried to King Henrie the fixt, the two and twentieth of Aprill, 1445. and was crowned at Weftminfter , the thirtieth day of May after , they had iflue£W Prince of Wales. Thisgood King in eIic three and thirtieth yeere of his reigne, loft the battaile at S. Albons; and was taken prifoner at the battaile of Northampton , by the Earle of Warwickc , the thirtie eight A dialogue of the Kings of England. % i eight yecreof his reigne; and theyeere after, was deliuered againe by Queene Margaret his wife , after the fecond battaile of S. Albons ; but in the fame, after the battaile at Mortimers Crofle ( the King and Queene fled to Yorke ; and the Earle of March, comming to London with his power, was proclaimed King of England. And in the fourth yeere of his reigne, hee tooke King Henrie, neere the Abbey of Sclby in Lancafhire , and brought him prifoncr to the Tower of London. And in the ninth yeere of his reigne, King Henrie the fixt , was againe deliucred , by the Duke of Clarence and the Earle of Warwicfce. King Edward flying into Flanders, was proclaimed a Vfurper ; but the next yeere afcer,King£^nw^returning againe into England,Sc comming to London, tooke King Henrie in the Bilhops Pallace,and after gaue bat- taile to the Earle ofWarwicke, at Barnet, where the faid Earle , with his brother IohnNeuill, MarquefTeMountaguewereflaine. And in the fame yeere, 1471. hee alfo gaue a great ouerthrow to Queene CM. argaret , at Tewkfburie ; in which battaile, the laid Queene, with Prince Edwardhcr onely fonne, were taken prifoners ; Prince Edward being firft Aricken by King Edward., Richard Duke of Glocefter , ftabbed him to the heart with his dagger. The Queene his mother was conueyed to London, where fhe remained in prifon, vntill Reyner her father purchafed her deliuerance With great fummes of money; who after returning to her ownc Country, there died. After this battaile at Tewkefburie , KingEdward the fourth came to London, on the one and twentieth of May, i47i.withthirtie thoufand men : and the fame night , King Henrie was murdered in the Tower of London, and the morrow aftcr,brought into S.Pauls Church in London, in an open Coffin bare-faced, where he bled : From thence he was con- ueyed to the Blacke-Friars , and there alfo bled. Laftly , his bodie was 1 conueyed to Windfore, and there buried. Not long before this godly King Henries death , he was asked why he hadfo long held the Crownc of England vniuftly,who anfwered, My father was King of England, quietly enioying the Crowne all his reigne, and his father my grandfire was alfo King of England, and I euen a child in cradle was proclaimed and crowned King , without any interruption, and fo held it for fbrtie yeeres well-ncerc, all the States doinghomage vn- to me, and to my aunceftors- Therefore I fay with King Dauid , My lot is fallen in a fair e ground, lhaue a goodly heritage , my helpe is from the Lord which faucth the vpright in heart. Fit a Hen. ri. • Ktng 4 Catalogue of the Kjngs of England. Ring Edward the fourth. E Eward t Earlc of March, borne at Roan in Normandie , fbnne and hcirc of Richard Planta. genet DukeofYorkc, by Cicely Nemlt y daughter ofRafe , Earle of Weftmcr- landjabout the age of eightcene yeers, began his reigne the fourth day of March , 1460. and was crowned at Wcftminfter, the eight and twentieth of Iune after. Philip Commines , writing of the death of this King Edward the fourth, fayth. The late King Edward the fourth of England , being heire of the Houfc of Yorke, vtterly deftroyed the Houfe of Lancafter, vnder the which, both his father and he had liued ma- ny yeeres . And although the faid King Edward had done homage to King Hcnrie the fixt , beeing of the Houfc of Lancafter : did he not after- wards hold him prifoner many yeers, in the Towerof London, where in the end he was murdered? Hauewe not feene alfb ( fayth he ) the Earle of Warwicke , principall Goucrnour of all the faid King Edwards Offices ( after he had put to death all his ene- mies , cfpecially the Duke of Somcrfct ) in the end became deadly enemie to the King his Mafter, gaue his daughter in marriage, to Edward Prince of Wales, fonne of King Hcnrie t attempted againe to fet vp the Houfe of Lancafter, paft with the laid Prince into England, difcomfited in the field and flaine,bothhcand his brother, with many other Noblemen their kindred, and others, who in time paft had done the like to their enemies ? After all this, the children ofthefe, when the world turned , reuenged themfelues, and caufed ( in like manner ) the other to die. For after King Edward was quiet in his place and Realme , and receiued yeerely out of France, fiftie thoufand Crowncs , payd him in the Tower of London, and was growne fo rich , that richer he could not be j he died fbdai nly, as it were ofmelancholie, becaufeof the French Kings marriage with the Ladie Margaret ', the Duke of Auftriches daughter. For fo foone as hec was aduertifed thereof, he fell ficke, and began then to perceiue , how he had beeneabufed, touching the marriage of his daughter, whom he had caufed to bee called the Ladie Dolphinejfe : then alfo was the pennon ( which he had receiued out of France ) taken from him, which he called Tribute, &C. Hec A Catalogue of the KJngs of England. 3 2 He married Elizabeth, daughter of diehard Wooduile Earle Riuers, and Taqueline his Wife, Dutcheflc of Bedford, and Widdow of Sir lolwGrey, fiaincatS.^/^/w, wherehe was knighted, the day before his death, by King Henry the fixt. After whofe death, (he was pnuately married to King Edward the fourth, the firlt day of May , at his Mannor of Grafton in Nor thampto nil-lire, 1464. and the next yeare after, was crowned Queen at YVeftminfrer,thct\ventiefixe day of May. Shee was his Wife eigh- tccne yeare, eleuen moneths, and nine daies,and in the beginning of K ing Edward the tit ( herfonnes Reigne) the was forced to take Sanduarie at YVeftminner; and after, hauing all her lands and pofletfionsfeized vpon by KingHcnry thefeauenth, liued in mcane cftate in the Monartery of Bcrmondfey in Southwarke, where not longafter (bee died, and wasbu- riedat Windfbre,by King Edwardhcr husband, who died before at Weft- minfter, the ninth day of Aprill, 1 483. at the age of fortie one years, when hehad reigned twentie two yeares, one moneth, and oddedayes. In this Kings time, Lewis the eleuen th French King,entertaineddiuers of King Edwards Counfellors with large penfions,totteed him in Eng- land, and at one time he fent Peter Cleret , one of the Mafters of his houf- hold, vnto the Lord H ajl 'ings, King Edwards Chamberlain, to prefent him with 2000. Crownes: which when Peter tendrcd, he prayed (for his dif charge) he would make him an acquittance; the Lord Chamberlainean- fwered; Sir, that which you fay is very reafonable j but the gift comes from the good will of the King your Matter, and not'at my requeft at all: ifit pleafe you that I (hall haue it, you (hall put it within the pocket ofmy fleeue, and you lhall haue no other acquitance of me : for I will neuer , it {ball be laid of me, that the Lord Chamberlaine of the King of England, had beene pentioner to the King ofFrance, nor that my acquitances (hall be found i n the Chamber ofaccompts in France : whereupon Cleret went his way malecontent, butleft his money behind him. P. Commtnes Thelffue ofI\ing Edward the fourth. "C DwW, eldeft ibnne of King £WmW the fourth, borne in theSan&u- •*-'arie at Weftminfter, the fourth of November, 1471. the tenth yeare of his Fathers Reigne,at that time King Edward was cxpulfed the Realm, by the Earle of Warwicke; but Fortune changing, the Father wasrefto- red, and the Sonne created Prince of Walcs,and Earle of Chefter,the firft ofluly. Richard, fecond fonne of King Edward the fourth, borne at Shrewsbu- ry, andbeingbutachild,wascreatedDukeof Yorke. He wasbetrothed vnto ^wk 1 , daughter and heire of /oka UMowbray Dukeof Norfblkc, Earle Marfhall,Warren and Nottingham,buthe enioyed neither wife,norlong life, for he was ( with his brother Prince Edward) murdered in the Tower of London; which place cuer lince hath beene mured vp, and not k nown vntill oflate,when as their dead carcafes were there found, vnder a heape offtones and rubbifh. George g 4 A Catalogue of the Kjngt of England, George third forme, was alio borne at Shrewsbury, and beeing very young, died and was buried at Windlbre. Elizabeth d&zft. daughter, borne at Weftminftcr, the eleuenth of Fe- bruaric, 1466. lhee was promifed in marriage to Charles the Dolphin of France, wooed and courted by Richard Duke of Glocefter , her vnhappie Vnckle, after he had murdered her two Brothers, and he then King; but after lhee was married to King Henry the fcauenth . Cecily fecond daughter, was motioned to marrie lames Prince of Scot- land, and Duke of Rothfay, but it tooke no effeft, and fb lhee was marri- ed after to John Vifcount Welles, whom fhe out-liued,and married againc tooncKyme Lincolnlhire, and died without iilue. Anne third daughter, married to Thomas Howard Duke of Norfblke, Earle Marfhall,and LordTreafurerofEngkind,andhadilTue,twofonnesj who died very young. She died without iffuc,and was buried at Framing- ham in Norfolke. Bridget fourth daughter, was borne at Elthamin Kent, the tenth of Nouember, 1480. and was a Nunne at Dartford, where lhee remained till (hee died. Mary fift daughter, was promifed in marriage to the King of Denmark; but (he died before marriage, in the Tower of Greenwich, 1482. and was buried at Windfore. Margaret fixt daughter, died in her Infancie. Katharine fcauenth daughter, married William Courtney , Earle of De- vonfhire, and Lord of Ochampton, and had iffuc,Henrie Earle of Deuon- fhire, whom Henrie the eightcreatcd Marquefle of Excefter, 15*5. • Elizabeth the eight daughter, borne at Weftminfter, and died young, and was there buried. The *Bafe Children offing Edward the fourth. ARthur P/antaginet ,bafe fonne of King Edward the fourth, begotten o£ Elizabeth Lucie, was created Vifcount Lifle at Bridewell in Lon- don, the twenty fixe of Aprill, 1 5 3 3. in right ofhis Wife Elizabeth, filter and hcyre of Sir lohn Grey, Vifcount Lille, the widdow ofEdmond Dud- ley. This Arthur had ifTue, three daughters, Bridget, Francis, and Eliza- beth, as is more at large in the Title of Vifcounts. Elizabeth, bafe daughter of King Edward the fourth, married to Sir Thomas Lumley Knight , who dyed before his Father George Lord Lum- ley, and had ifTue, ft'tv&W Lord Lumley, that died the fecond of King Hen- ry the eight; and George Lumley a fecond fonne. A Catalogue of the %jvgs of England. 47 Edward the fift. XI iHis young King , being vndcr the prote&ion of Richard Duke of Gloccftcr his vnna- turall vnkle , at the death of his father being in Wales, was brought and lod- ged in the Bilhops Palace of London, the fourth day of May, 1 483. The Queenchis mother, with hisyoung brother the Duke of Yorke being in the San&uarie at Weftminfter ; Ri- chard, the then ProtccTror/ent the ho- neft Lord Cardinall to the Quecne, for the deliueric of the faid Duke of Yorke out of the San (fruarie; who by his fwcet and poyfoned words , and proteftations to his mother , that it would be forall theirgood to deliuer him: This young Prince was deliue- rcd, and brought to the King his bro- ther , in the Bifhops Palace of Lon- don, and from thence conueyed to the Tower of London, with fhew of pre- paration for the 'day of Coronation ; where they remained" fomc two moncths. At which time, the faidProtedorfcnt ontGreene (a truftie fcruantof his) vnto Sir Robert Brakent/irie,thcn Conftable of th< Tower, to murder the faid two Princes ; who ftoutly denying to doc fo foule an acl, Sir lames TirreU, a fcruant of the laid Protectors, was (enf to Brakcn- bttrie the day after, to haue the keyes of the Tower, and cuftodie of thofc two Infants dcliucred to him. Which being done accordingly^ the young King and his brother were (hut vp together , and all companie remoued from them, fauing that mifcreant dog, that was to execute that bloudy and butcherly acT: ; who about midnight, brought a rout of Runnagates into their chamber, who fuddenly lapping them vp amongft thedoathes ofthcir bed, fmothercd thefc two fweet Babes , the Lords Annointed. Thisyong King, was at his fathers death, eleuen yceres T fiuc moneths, andfiucdayesold. %tnj 4* A Catalogue of the Kjngs of England. Kjng Richard the third. R Ichard tht third , borne at Fo- thcringhay Cattle in North- amptonfhirc, third fbnnc of KicbardDukcot Yorke,and brother to King f^wrfr^the fourth, Lord Pro- testor, and murderer of King Edward the fift his nephew : And ( by com- mon report) a monfter in nature ; for hee had many teeth when hce was borne. He was very much deformed of his bodie; offtature hee was but low, crookc-backed, his left fhoulder much higher then therighr,hisvifagc vncomely , his completion fwart , his left arme withered almoft to the bone. He made his confeience in all things to ferue his will, though his will could not be obtained , without the effufion of guiltlefTe bloud. Hee was fo cun- ning a difTembler, th.it he would ac- companie (moft familiarly) with fuch as inwardly he hated in his heart. He fparcd no mans deatb/whofc life refitted his vngodly purpofes. This Jiubard y\vas honoured with theTideofGlocefter,a title and name cuer ominous , all or moft part of them dying violent and vn- timely deaths : which he regarded not , his deftinie enforcing , his aipi- ring mind gauc him no reft, vntill his rcftlcffe bodie found it laftly in the graue. He was flaine at a battaile fought at Redmore neere Bofworth.the two and twentieth of Auguft, 1485. when he had reigned twoyeeres,two moneths, and fine dayes. The flaine bodie, all tugged and torne, naked, and not fo much as a clout left to couer his Ihame, was truffed behind Blanch Sengler, his Pur- fuiuantofArmcs , like a hog or calfc, his head and armes hanging on the one fide of the horfe , and his legs on the other fide , all befprinkled with mire and bloud, and was fo brought to Lcicefter,and therefor a mifera- ble fpe&acle, the fpacc of two dayes lay naked and vnburied : his remem- brance being as odious to all, as his perfon deformed and loathfometo be looked vpon. Laftly , his bodie was buried at Leicefter, without any funcrall pompe. Hemarried Anne ,Cccond daughter and co-heire offii- chard Nettill , Earlc of Warwickc and Salifburic , and had iffue , Edward their only child, created by King Edward the fourth , Earle of Salifburic, and by his father, Prince of Wales, as in the Earles of Salifburic is fct forth. A Catalogue of the t\ivgs of England. V I^tng Henrie the Seauentb Hi 'E rie> Ertrk of Richmond: borne in Pcnbroke Cattle, >Sonne of Edmend of Had- ham, Earle of Richmond, and Marga- mhis Wife, daughter and only heire oflohnBeaufert, Duke of Somerfet: which Edmondoi Hadham,was fonne and heire o£on>cn Tudor ^ begotten of Queene Katharine, Widdow of King Henrythz fift, and daughter of Charles the fixt French King. This Henrie fleddeintoBritaine, in the firftyeare of King Edward the fourth^and in the fecond year ofKingR/chjrd the third, he arriuedand landed at Milfbrd-Ha- uen in Wales, and with a fmall pow- er came to Leicefter , and at a little Town thereby called Bofv:orerfbn, at the winning thereof: and aftly,he was proclaimed King of Irc- land\ at a Parliament holdenat Dublyn.the nineteenth day of Iune, in the thirty three yeere of his Reignc, 1541. He married lixeWiues, and died on Thurfday, the twenty eightof Ianuary, 1 547. when he had Reig- ned King, thirty feuen yceres, and tenncmoncths. . The Wiues of %tng Henry the eight, KAtheriney the firft Wife of King Henrjthc eight, was daughter of Ferdintnio thefixt, King of Spainc (and the Widdow of Prince Ar- thur his brother) and was married to King Henry the eight, the third of Iune, 1 509. and was crowned with him, the twenty fifth day of Iune af- ter: And twenty yeares after was diuorced from him, by theBiftiop of Canterburic. Shecdiedat Kimbaltonin Huntingtonfhire, the eight of Ianuarie, 1535. and was buried in Peterborough Church. \ Nne, the fecond Wife of King Henry the eight, was fecond daughter f^ofSir Them& Bullen, EarleofWiltfliire and Ormond. Shee was firft created MarchionefTe of Penbrokc, hauing one thoufand pounds a yeare giuenher,tomaintainehereftate; arid was married to him in the Cloiet atWhitc-hall, the twenty fifth of Ianuarie, 1533. and was crowned at E z Weft. 4nwi the fixt, and laft childe of King Henry the eight, begotten of *-* lane Seymour, his third Wife* was borne at Hampton-Court, the twelfth of October, 1 557. being cut out of his Mothers wombe (as Iuliut Cjfar isfaidto hauc been,) Thomai Cranmer, Archbilhop of Canterbury, andThomas # Mauritius ■> borne the fixt of Ianu- aric, 162 1. and Elizabeth bornein^ww 1618. CWargarety borne the fourc and twentieth of December, 1598. and died in Scotland you ng. LMarie , borne in England, and died an Infant, and was buried at Weftminfter. Sophia , borne at Greenwich , and died an Inftni , and was buried at Weftminfter. l V-, £fr? A Catalogue of the Earles of zArundell, with their Armes, Wiues;and Children. * ' Oger Montgomerie, Earle of Belefmo in Normandic.fonneof Hugh Mont- gomene,and Stbel his wife.daughter of Htrfaftm the Dane , (brother of Gonor, wife of 'Richard the firft Duke of Normandie,ofthat name) came into England with William theCon- queror : vnto whom the faid William did giue (for his good feruice) the Earlcdomcs of ShrewfbiiryandA- rundell. Hee married Mabtria , daughter and heireof WtUiAm TalvaysfNiih whom he had all her fathers In- heritance, (as William Gemitkenfis)^th,fthc daughter of King Henrie the firft, into Saxonie, to be married vnto Duke Henrie , after Emperour , in the ycarc 1 1 14. Hcc founded the Prioric of Bockenham, and died in the third ycarc of King Henrie the fecond, and was buried in the Prioric at Wymondham by his father, lcauing ifliie by his wife Queenc t^Adeliza, two fbnncs, and a daughter, viz. FFilliam,Godfrey t ziid Mice--, which Altic was married to John, Earle of Angie. rriiium ARVNDELL. 49 W; "llliam de Albeney , the fonne of William and Queene ^Adeltza , was the fecond Earle of A- rundcll of that name : hee was alwaies faithfull vnto KingHenry the fecond, and aided him againft Henry theyoung King his fonne; and tookepnfonersat die battaile fought at Saint Edmundsbttry , 1173. Robert Earle of Leicefter, Hugh Earle of Chefter, and #«^i Ichard Fitz-Alan , fbnnc of Edmund afbrefaid , -"-^-was the third Earle of Arundell of that fur-name, Lord of Clun and Ofwaldftre ( and by his mother Earlc Warren and Surrey, Lord of Bromfield , Yale, Chircland , and Dinas Bran , in North-Wales.) Hcc was reftorcd in bloud by King Edward the third , and entailed the Caftle, Honour,and Lordfhip of Arundel, in the one and twentieth yeare of King Edward the third, tohimfelfefor rcrmcof life, the remainder to his heircs male of his body begotten, and to bee begotten of the body of Eltamr his wife, daughter ofHenrie Plantagenet Earlc of Lancafter , and filter of Henrico Duke ofWarwickc; by whom hec had iflue, three fonnes, and fburc. daughters , viz. Richard, after Earlc of Arundell , Sir lohn of Arundell, knight, (that married Elianor, daughter of lohn Lord Maltrevers, and li- fter and heire of Hemic Baron Maltrevers j in whofe right hcc was after Lord Maltrevers, and fayling into little Britaine,was drowned neerc vnto the coaft of Ireland, the fifteenth of December, 137^. Lcauing iffue,lohn Lord Maltrevers, and others) And Thoma» , the third fonne of the faid Richard, was Archbilhop ofCantcrburic, and Lord Chancellour of Eng- land, i^iltce, the cldeft daughter, was married to Thorna* Holland, Earlc of Kent ; Elianor, the fecond daughter, died young ; loan, the third daughter , was married to Humfrey de Bohun, Earlc of Hereford, &c. and Marn ,the fourth daughter,was married vnto lohn Lord Strange of Black- mc> c. This Richard died in the Caftle of Arundell, the nine and fortieth of King Edward the third, and was buried in the Prioric of Lewis. Et portoit, gueulles AuLion rampant d'or, armt'ejr lampajfe d'azur. Fa Richard 5* ARVNDELL. Richard Fitz- Alan ,fonneof Richard aforeftid, was the fourth Earle of Arundell and Surrey, and Knight of the noble Order of the Garter. He married Elizabeth , daughter of William de Bohun , Earle of Northampton, and fifter of Humfiey de Bohun,Eark of Hereford, and had ifTuc three fbnnes, and foure daugh- ters, viz. Thorn** Earle of Arundell and Surrey ; Ri- chard and William died both yong without iilue. Eli- zabeth the eldeft daughter, was married to Thomas L. Mowbray Earle of Nottingham \ and alter to Sir Ro- bert Gortjelt Knight. loan the fecond daughter , was married to Humfrey de Bohun, the laft Earle of Hereford of that name ; fheewasalfo married to William Beauchamp y Baron of A- bergauenny (father of Richard Earle of Worcefter.) tJWargAret the third daughter, was married to S'\t Rowland Lent hall Knight, and hadifTue, Edward that died without ifTuc. Alice the fourth daughter, was married to IthnCharlton Lord Powis , and died without ifTue. This Richard the fourth Earle of Arundell, married to his fecond wife, Philip, daughter of Edmond Mortimer Earle of March, widdow oflohn Haftings Earle of Pen- brookc, and had ifTue Iohn that died yong. This Richard, with Thomas Duke of Glocefter, Thomas Earle of Warwicke, and Thomas Mowbray Earle Marfhall and others , combined and fware each to other , againft Robert Vere Duke of Ireland,and CMichaeldeU Pole Duke of SufFolkc,for abufing and mifTe-leading the King. For which , and fomc other caufes King Richard the fecond obie&ed againft them , fome of them were ba- nifhed, others condemned to perpctuall prifonment, and this Richard Earle of Arundell being arreigned in a red Gowne and a fcarlet'Hood,bc- forc John of Gaunt, then Duke of Lancafter, and Lord Steward of Eng- land : the faid Duke willed the Lord Neuile to take from him his Girdle and Hood, which being done, the faid Richard was tryed and found guil- tie of high treafbn, and had judgement to be drawne, hanged, beheaded, and quartered, all which the King pardoned , commanding him onely to be beheaded, which was after done at the Tower Hill by London , and his body buried in the Augufiine Friars there , the one and twentieth of the faid Kings reignc 1397. El fortoit lei armes de [on peri '. Tk$m*s ARVNDELL. 53 HT 1 Homos Fitz-Alan^ Knight of the Garter,and fonne . A of the afore/aid Richard, was reftored in bloudthc firftyeare of King Henry the fourth, and was the fife Earlc of Arundel and Surrey of that name. He was at the Coronation of King Henry the rift, madeTreafurer of the Exchequer during pleafure. Hee married Bea- trix^ bafe daughter of Iohn King of Portugall, in the Citic of London, 1405. in theprefcnceofKing//, with their Wiucs, Armes, and Children. Tephen, fonnc of Eudo , Earlc of Blefenfis andChampaigne , by CMatild his wife, halfc fifter by the mother to William Conquerour , was Lord of the Citie of Albemarle in Normandie, (by the gift of odo y Bifhop ofBayon and Earlc of Kent , his Vnckle.) Of which Citie, King William Rufut , in the fixt yeare of hisreignc, did not onely create him Earlc of, but alfo gaue him the Ifle of HoldcrncfTe , with the Caftlc and Townc of Bitham , and other great Seigniories and Lands in England and Normandie.Inthefiue and twentieth yearc of KingHenrte the firft, this Stephen was witneflc to the faid Kings Charter of Lands,thathc gauc to the Ab- bey of Reading. Hec married daughter of Roger Mortimer, (bnncof Raphe, and had ifliic three fonncs and fourc daughters j Wtlliam Earlc of Albemarle, Stephen, and lngeram .• the daughters were all mar- ried out of England , but thcyoungeft , who was firft married vnto Wil- liam de Romare, Earlc of Lincolne, and after to Peter de Brut, who died in the Holy Land, in the fixe and twentieth ycarc of King neurit the firft. £tporttit, GMtuUtiAvn Cr»ix fatetwire. wmum ALBEMARLE. 59 William furnamed It Gros, fbnne <£ Stephen , was after the death of his father Earle of Albe- marle, and Lord of HolderncfTe; hee married Cicely % daughter of William fbnne of Duncan (fonne ofcJW*/- colme King of Scots) by Alice deRumely Lady of Har- wood,with whom he had in marriage the Honour and Lands of Craucn in Yorkefhire , and had iflue Hawis hi sonely daughter and heirc, firft married to William de Magnantle Earle of EfTex , and after to William de Fortibuiy (or, de Forts) Baron of Olem, by whom (hee had iflue William de Forts Earle of Albemarle, father of Aueline,\vife ofEdmond firft Earle of Lancafter (fonne of King Henrie the third : ) laftly , the faid Harvis married Baldwin deBc- tun. This William le Grofje founded the Abbey of Melfa, Anno 1 1 50. and died the feucn and twentieth yeare of King Henrie the fecond , and was buried in the Abbey of Thornton, which was of his owne foundation. Et portoity les armes defon fere. William Magnauile Earle of EfTex , and Lord of Pleffe in EfTex , and in right of #t*s,Baror\ of Olem, fecond huf- band vnto Harris , CountefTe of Albemarle , daughter andheirc ofWiUitmleGrojfe, inwhoferight he was Earle of Albemarle, and Lord of HoldcrnefTe, This William de Forts, by the name of Earle of Albe- marle, in the fixt yeare of the reigneof King Richard thc'firft, was a witnefTe to the faid Kings Charter of Lands that he gaue to Reginald de Argentine , and dief! in the feuenth yeare of the faid Kings ^eignc Et fortoit, d Argent ah It chefdgutuBes: • y Baldrvine 6o ALBEMARLE. TH) Aldrvine de Betun (by confent of King Richard the -L^firft) married, and was chc third husband to Hatvis Countefle of Albemarle, daughter of William U Groffe; in whole right he was Earle of Albemarle, and Lord of Holderncfle, by whom hee had iflue one onely daugb> ter his heire, named Hawis, which was married to Wi I. l/am, fonnc and heire of William Ma>jhall Earle of Pen- brooke, and died without iflue. Mafter Lambert in his Perambulation of Kent > page 533. faith, That this Bald- vine de Betun lined , and was a Teftie in the feuenth yeare of King John, and therefore I hold him the third husband to Hatvis Coun telle of Albemarle, and nor*the fecond, as Mafter Camden and Mafter Milks haue fet him downe to bee, her other two hufbands being dead long before. This Baldwine died in the thirteenth yeare of King lobn,and was buried in the Abbey of Meaux, whereof he was the founder. Mtportoit, d 'argent bande de fix d* argent & degiuulles, au chef d* or % William de F or ti bus, Corxne of 'William de Forts by Hawis, Countefle of Albemarle aforef tid , after the death of his mother, and her three husbands , was the fixt Earle of Albemarle , and Lord of Holdernefle : He married i_^*f///>f, daughter of Richard Lord Mont- fichet, and by her had iflue William , which was after Earle of Albemarle. This William died in the fixe and twentieth yeare of King Henrie the third , and was bu- ried in the Abbey of Meaux. Et fsrtoit, d' argent auchefde gueulles. 1 ~\j\JIlliam de Fortibus, the laft of that name and fi- V V milie, Was the feuenth Earle of Albemarle, and Lord of Holdernefle, &c. Hee married to his firlt wife C^/7/?/,j»,daughter of Alan Earle of Galloway in Scot- land , who died without iflue,. the thirtieth yeare of King Henry the third, and was buried in the Abbey of Thornton. His fecond wife was J/abel, daughter of Baldwine, the fourth of that name Earle of Deuon, and fiftcr and heire to Baldwine the fift.and laft Earle of De- uonofthefurnameof>ff/*«".r; by whom hee had iflue twofonnes.and two daughters. Thomas-, the el deft fonne, died without iflue, and was buried at Stamford; William, A LBEM A RLE. 61 William, the fccondfonnc, died at Oxford without iflue, and was buried by his brother ; ^iuice, theeldeft filter, died alfo without ifluc, and was buried in the Abbey of Melfai and ^siueltne, the fecond filter andco-heire of Baldwins aforefaid, was married in the fiftie foure yeare of King Henry the third, to EdmondCroeke-backe Earle of Lancafter, fecond fonne of the faid King Hemic the third. This CountefTe of Albemarle and Deuon.and Lady of the Ifle of Wight (for fo ftiee writ her felfe) ouer-liued her huf- band, and in her widdow-hood fold the Ifleof Wight , and a great part of the Earledome of Dcuon , and counfcllcd her daughter Audtne to giuc her whole inhcritance,after her death(from the Co*n«f«,her next hcires) to Lord Edmond her husbmd and his heires.which fhee accordingly did. This William died in thefortieth yeare of King Hemic the third, and was buried in the Abbey of Meaux. Et per toil, les armes dc [on fere. '~r r Hemas of Woodftocke,fixt fonne of King Edward "*■ the third,was by King Richard the fecond created Earle of Albemarle, (he was alfo Earle or Buckingham and Northampton , Duke of Glocefter and Con (tabic of England) and married Elianor , daughter and co- heire. iHumfrcyde Bohun, Earle of f-krefn-djEfTex^nd Conftable of England, and had nTue. Humfrry, Earle of Buckingham.and Anne , married to Edmond Earle Staf- ford. This 1 hon a* of Woodftockc was taken by force out of his Ciftleof Pletfic in klTex, by Thomas Mow- bray, Earle Marlhall of England , andconueyed ferxt- \y to Callis, and there mod cruelly murrhercd : hts bo- dy being brought ouer into England, was buried at Wcftminftcr ,thc two and twentieth of King Richard the fecond, i ^98. Les armes de France feme, ejr d'Engleterre efcar telle y a la b or dure £ argent. T} Dward Plant agenet (Knight of the Garter) fonne ■'-'and heirc of Edmond of Langley Duke of Yorkc, in the thirteenth yeare of King Richard the fecond, was Earle of Rutland and Corkc, his father then li- uingi andinthconeand wentieth of the faid Kings reigne, he was created Duke of Albemarle, from which Dukedome he was depofed by Parliament , in the firft yeare of King Hemic the fourth. Hecmirried Philip daughter wt\<\co-hzivto£ lohn de M ohun, Lord of Dun- ftcr, and wasflaincatthc battell of Egcncourt , 1415. and was buried at Fothcringhay, without ifluc. Etportoit, France feme& d'Engleterre efcarteUe, a Umbel detrois joints perp ale gueulles ejr d argent ,charge de fix Chajiels £or ejr fix Li ens rampant gucttlles. G Tboma* 6% ALBEMARLE. 'T f Homos Duke of Clarence, Knight of the Garter, **• fecond fonnc to King Henrie the fourth , in the thirteenth yeare of his fathers reignc, was created Earlc of Albemarle , and was after flaine by the Duke of Orliance at Bangie-bridge in France, the ninth of King Htnric the lift, without iflue j and his body be- ing brought oucr into England, was buried in Chrift* Church in Cantcrburie. Et portoit, les armes d' France feme efcartelle^Engle- t.rrc, au lambel cTcrmjn trois anions gueullts. Richard Beauchampe, Earlc of Warwicke , Goucr- nour to King Henrie the fixt, Knight of the Garter, and Lieutenant Gcncrall vnder lohn Duke of Bedford Regent of France, was by King Henrie the fixt created Earlc of Albemarle. He married for his fecond wife I- fabtl , the widdow of Richard Beauchampe , Earlc of Worccftcr (hiscoufin germane) daughter andheire of Thomas Lord Spencer^nd Earlc of Glocefter,by whom he had ifTuc Henrie Duke ofWarwickc, &c Hcc died thefixt of Aprill, the fcucnteenth of Henrie the fixt, in the Caftle of Roane, and being brought into England, was buried ac Warwicke. EtftrttitigutuBcs 4 vntfecs tjrftx crtiftletc cttr. ■ *1 sfi^s^sas^aassffis>isfesj A Catalogue of the Earles of (tAnguilh and K^yme y with their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Teller t Vmframvile , (fonnc of Richard rmfrawvile Lord of Prodhoo and Ri- defdale , founder of the Monafterie of Halyftane, and Captaine with King Ri- chard thclirft , at the fiege of Acres in the holy Land ) was after his fuher Lord of Prodhoo , Otterborne, Harbotle , and Ridef- dale,a man of great fame in England.in King Hennt the third and Edward the firfts time: He married (as I take it) with CMatildy daughter of Her.rie fonne of Daitid King of Scots, the widdowof Iohn Comen, Earlc of An- guilh in Scotland, in whofe right hee was Earle of An- gui&S, and hadnTuc Gilbert Vmjramvtle , Earle of Anguifh , and Robert : Hee died Anno iz^ . the thirtieth ycare ofHenrie the third. Et j>crtoit,gueuMes a, vne quint foile ejr U Cham ft CroifeU d'or. ' <*fe* +S - • llbert Vmframvile x fonne and heire of Gilbert, was Lord Steward of Scotland , and after thedc.uh of his father Earle of Anguifh, Lord of Prodhoo, &c. He fought the battell of Argile : after which, he with Wil- liam Valence Earle of Penbroke, encountred Robert Brus King of Scots, at Saint Johns Towne in Scotland. This Gilbert fate in Parliament, held at Salisburiein the fiue and twentieth ye ire of Kins Edward the firft, by the name and title of Earle of Anguiflh, and fo con- tinued vntill the firft of King Edward the fecond : Hee married, and had iffue Robert Earle of Anguifti. Et fortoitjgueulles a w quintfoile ejr le Champ Croifele d'or. G 1 Robert 6A ANGVISH and KYME. Robert Vmftamvilc, fonnc of Gilbert , was after his father Earlc of Anguiih, Lord of Prodhoo, &c. He fate in Parliament held at Weftminfter , the firft yearc of King Edward the fecond , and fo continued vnto the fcucntcenth of the fame Kings reigne, as Earlc ofAnguiQi, and then died. He was one of the Noble- men that condemned Thomas, Earle of Lancafter, to die. Hee married Luce , fitter and heire of William dt Kyme, a great Baron, and had ifTue Gilbert Earle of An- guiih, Robert, and Thomai ; and a daughter named £- Itottor, married to Sir Gilbert Borrowdon, Knight. Et fortoit, let armts de [on fere. llbertVmframvile, (fonnc and heire of Robert a- fbrcfaid) was Regent of Scodand , and Earle of Anguiih, Lord of Prodhoo, Otterborne, Harebotle, and Ridefdale , and by his mother Lord of Kymc in +t+ -A. *!«- Lincolnelhire. He married to his firft wife //^daugh- ter of Robert Lord Willoughby : His fecond wife was CMattld, daughter of Sir Thomas Lucy of Cockermoth Knight, and lifter and heire oi^nthonie Lucy her bro- ther, but had no hTue by cither of them. His laft wife was after his death married to Henry Percy the firft Earle of Northumberland. This Gilbert fought the battellof Gladifmorc , at which time he was Marlhall of Scotland,and did fit in Parliaments in England from the eight yeare of King Edward the third , vnto the fourth of King Richard the fecond, by the Name and Title of Earlc of Anguiih : Hee was flaine with Thomas Duke of Clarence, at the battcll of Bangyin Aniou, in the yeare 1384. Lcauing Sir Robert Fmjramvile , Knight of the Garter, his next heire, which Robert was Vice Admirall of England , and died the one and thir- tieth of Ianuarie, the fifteenth of Hemic the fixt. ThisDefcent of the Vmframvilcs is diuerjly fet forth by fundrie persons, who haue made many heires males to the last Gilbert, more then I canfindc any good protfe for. Therefore for the better clearing thereof take this out of the Kings Records, Efcaetria 9. H. 5. Gilbert , the laft Earle ofAnguijb , with Mauld Lucy his wife, did entatle diners Lands to t hem fe lues , and the heires oft heir two bodies : and for default thereof to Robert his brother, and to the heires male of his body : and for default thereof , to Thomas Vmframvile his third brother, and to his heires male of his body 1 and for default thereof the remainder to Elionor his/if er, wife of Gilbert Borrowdon, and the heiresof their two bodies .- and that Elionor, the wife of Henrie Talboys, is daughter and heire of Gilbert Borrowdon, and Neece and heire of the JaidlaB Ear lc^> Gilbert, and was thenfortie yeares of age. Et port tit, gueulles a vnc quint foile ejr U Champe Croifele patee ctor. A Catalogue of the Earles of Jtbolly chcir Armes, Wiues, and Children. Juid (£mx\zmz&)StratbbolgieJL2x\c. of A- tholl in King Henry the thirds time,mar- ried lfabell , one of the daughters and heires of Richard of Chillam(bafe fonnc of Kmglohn) and had ifTue,two fonnes, lohn and Dauid. lohn was hanged for murthering of lohn Comyn : who being apprehended by King Ed- ward the firft, meanes was made to faue him, in re- gard of his birth. To which the faid King anfwered, that the higher his calling was,the greatermuft be his fall i and as he is of high parentage, Co he (hall be the higher hanged : Which was performed vpon a Gal- lowes of fiftie foot high j Leauing Dauid his brother to fucceed him in the Earledome of Atholl. Et fortoit, pale de fix d'or & de [able. V\Auid Stratbolgie, or Strathbolgie , fecond fonnc -*- - 'and heire ofX)4«/'^,Earle of Atholl, married loan % daughter and one of the heires of 7^» Lord Comen, of Badzenoth, and of loan his wife, fecond fiftcr and one of the heires of <^4ymer de Valence ,Earlc of Pen- broke,with whom he had in marriage the Baronic and Caftle of Mitford in Northumberland, and fate in Parliament by the name and title of Earle of Atholl, the feuentcenth yeare of King Edward the fecond.and the fifteenth of King Ed-ward the third, and had iffue, Dauid Earle of Athol, Elizabeth, and Philip, and was flaine by Andrew Murrey , in the yeare 1335. Hee was one of the Peercs that condemned Thomas Earle of Lancafter,in the yeare 1321. Et port»it,pale defix d'or ejr de fable. Gj Dauid 66 ATHOLL P\ Auid Strathbolgie,zftcr the death of his father Da- ■*— ' uid, was Earlc of Atholl in Scotland; and Baron of Mitford in England : hee (ate in Parliament heldac Weftminfter , the three and fortieth of King Edward the third, by the Name and Title of Earleof AtholhHe married Elizabeth, daughter ofHenrie Ferrers Lord of Groby, and died in thefoure and fortieth yeare of the fame Kings reigne, and Elizabeth his wife died in and was buried in Alhford Church in Kent. After whofe death his inheritance was diuided betweene his two daughters and heires : Elizabeth the eldeft , was married toT homos Percy Earle of Worcefter, and loane thefecond daughter, was married to Sir lohn Haljham, Knight. Etportoit, les ar mt tries de fon fere. HEnrie Percy, tonne and heire of Thomas Percy, Earle of Worcefter , beheaded at Shrewsburie, 1403. and of Elizabeth his wife eldeft daughter, and one of the heires of ' Dauid Strathbolgie , Earle of Atholl in Scotland before mentioned, was in right of his mother Earle of Atholl, and married Margaret, daughter of Sir Matthew Brus of Scotland,and had iflue Elizabeth and Margaret, Elizabeth was married to Sir Thomas Burghc Knight, auncefter of the late Lord Burgh of Gainesbo • rough. After the death of this Henrie Percy, the title of Earle of Atholl, went to the Family of Stewards ia Scotland. Et fortoit ) d'or au Lion rampant tTazur, au Crejfam deguenlles. A ji©a , €©'S©©Q' 67 A Catalogue of the Earles and Dukes of ' 'Buckingham, their Armes, Wiues, and Children. 'J Iter Gifford (fonne of Osbert de Bulbec, by Dunclina,thc filler ofGonor DuchefTe of Normandie) was Earle of Longevile in Normandic, and came into England with William the Conqueror, and was a witnefTe to the Charter of King Henrte the firft, for the reformation of theLawesand Cuftomcs of England, by the Name and Title of Earle of Buckingham , in Cdnno 1 rco. (as Matthew Paris ,the Continuer of Wil- liam of Malmesbune, hath.) He married the daughter otGirardFlatellus , and had ifTue Walter , the fecond Earle of Buckingham, and Hugh; and a daughter na- mcdRofe, wife to Richard FitzGilbert , Lord of Clare and Tunbridge, grand father of Gilbert Strongbox?, Earle of Penbroke, by his fonne Gil- bert. This is that Rofe whom Mafter Camden in his Britania, pag.^05. (aith, fome thinke was CountefTe of Norfolkc , but therein are they and he both greatly deceiucd. Et forfeit, Gueulles trois Lions paffant en pale d' argent. "\f\T Alter Gifford^ the fecond Earle of Bucking- * * ham , and of Longevile in Normandie in France, married one Ermyngard, who together with herfaidhusband,foundcdthe Abbey of Notley nearc to the Towne of Buckingham, in King Henrie thefe- condstime, i\6t. The faid Walter died without ifTue, and was buried in the find Abbey, in the yeare n6a\. leauing all his entailed Lands to Osbert Gifford his Ne- phew (by his brother Hugh : ) and all his other Lands to William Marjhall, Earle of Penbroke, who had mar- ried ifabel, daughter and heire of Richard Strongbow, fonne of Gilbert Earle of Penbroke, grand- child to Rhohifia Gifford aforenamed, his Aunt Et porteit , les armories de [on pere, Thomas 68 BVCKINGHAM, 'Homos ofWoodftocke,Knight of the Garter, (and fixt fonneofKing Edward the third,) being Con- ftable of England,was in the firft yeare of King Richard the fecond, created Earle of Buckingham, and late in Parliament the fame yeare by that Name and Title ; and in the ninth yeare of the faid Kings reigne,he was created Duke of Glocefter. He married Eltanor,d;iugh- tcr and co-heire of Humfrey de Bohun, Earle of Here- ford, EfTex,and Northampton, and Conftable of Eng- land ■, by whom hee had iflue, Humfrey Eaile of Buc- kingham , and <^Anne, who was married to Edmond, Earle Stafford. This Thomas was ftrangled or fmo- thered to death vnder a Feathtr-bed at Callis,by Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolke,and Marshall ofEngland,i396.the twentieth of Richard the fecond. Hollinjhcd, page 48?. In the time of this mans being Conftable of England, an Act of Par- liament was made, viz,, the thirteenth of King Richard the fecond, for the Conftable and Marfhals Court, as followeth. Item, Becaufe that the Commons doe make a grieuow complaint ,7 'hat the Court of the Conftable and the Marftyall hath encroched to him, and dayly doth encroch, Contrasts, Couenants,TrefpafTes,Debts, and Detinues, and many ether Actions pleadable at the Common Law, in great preiudice of our Soue- raigne Lord the King, and of his Courts , and to the great grieuance and op- prefion of his people ; Our Soueraigne Lord the King therefore willing to or- daine a remedie against the prejudices and grieuances aforefaid,hath declared in this Parliament ,by aduice and ajfent of the Lords Spiritual! andTemporall t the power and iurifditlion of the faid Conftable, in the forme that followeth: To the Conftable it appertaineth to haue Cognizance of Contracts, touching D eeds of Armes,and of War re out of the Realme, and alfo of things that touch Warre irithin the Realme, which may not be determined nor difcujfed by the Common Law, nor other vfages and Cuftomes to the fame matters pertaining, which other Conftables heretofore haue duely andreafonably v fed in their time: ioyning to the fame, that euery plaimife Jhall declare plainely his matter in his Petition, afore that any man befent for to anfwere thereunto. And if any wiU complaine, that any Plea be commenced before the Conftable and Marfhall,tl:at might be tryed by the Law of the Land, the fame Complainant Jhall haue a Priuie Sealc of the King without dijficultie, directed to the faid Conftable and Marfball,to furceafe in that Plea, till it be difcujfed by the Kings Councell t if that matter ought and of right pcrtaineth to that Court, or otherwife to be tryed by the Common Law of the Realme of England, and alfo that they fur- ceafe in the meane time. Et portoit,France feme dr d'Engleterre efcartelte,au border Aargent. Humfrey BVCKINGHAM. 69 "LJrmfrey Plantagenet (fbnneof Thomas of Wood- A •'•ftockc) after the death of his father was Earle of Buckingham, and being baniihed England into Ire- land, was re-called backe againe by King Henry the fourth, in the firft yearc of his reigne : in which rc- turne, heedyed of the plague at Chefter, (others haue at Couentry) and was buried in the Abbey of Wal- den in Eflcx,without iflue. Et for toit, les armes de fin peri. \JlFmfrey, Earle Stafford,Hereford,and Northamp- * A ton, Lord of Brecknocke,HoldernefTe,and Con- ftable of England, and of Douer Caftte. He was alfo Knight of the Garter, and fonne and heireof Edmond Earle Stafford.begotten of K^inne I 'lantagenet , daugh- ter of T^w^f of Woodftocke: Hecwas created the firft Duke of Buckingham, in the two and twentieth yeareof King Henry the fixt, i443.and to haue the precedent place of all other Dukes in England. Hec married <^Anne , daughter of Ralph Neuiltfivft Earle of Wcftmcrland, and had iflue foure fonnes and three daughters, viz. Humfiey, Earle of Stafford, the eldeft fonne flaine at S.KAlbons, the three and thirtieth yeare of King Henry the fixt (in the life time of his father:) John Stafford, the fecond fonne, was Earle of Wiltihire; Richard, the third fonne, died young \ and Ro- bert, the fourth fonne, was Archbilhop of Canterbury. /Catherine, the eldeft daughter, was married vnto John Talbot, Earle of Shrewsbury j Ia»e y thc fecond daughter, was married firft to William Lord Bardolph, and after to Sir William Knyuet, Knight ; and i^inne^thc third daughter, was firft married to Aubrey de Fere (fonne and heire of the Earle of Ox- ford) and after, to Sir Thomas Cobham, Knight. This Humfrey, with John Talbot, Earle of Shrewsbury, Thomas Lord Egremont, and lohn Vifcount Beaumont,was flaine at the Battell of Northampton,thc ninth of Iuly,inthe eight and thirtieth yeare of King Henry the lixt,i46o. (the King being then taken prifoner) and his body buried in the Gray-Friars at Northampton. Efcar telle France & d'Engleterre,au bordur d 'argent (being his mothers Kjirmes, quartered tvith his orvne i^irmes) d'or au Cheueron gueulles. Henry 70 BVCKINGHAM, Hi 'Enry Stafford, Knight of the Garter, (fonnc and ' heire ofHumfrey harle Stafford, flaine at the firft Battell of S.^lbons, 14.55.) after the death ofHumfrey Dukeof Buckingham, his grandfather, was Duke of Buckingham, Earlc Stafford, Hereford, and North- hampton, Lord of 3recknocke, Kimbalton, and Tun- bridge, was by King Richard the third, 1482. made Conftable of England* He married Kaiherine daugh- ter of Richard Vtooiutle, Earle Riuers, and fifterand heirc of Anthony Woodude, Earlc Kiuers, by .vhom he had iiTue, Edward Stafford, Duke or Buckingham, Henry , Earle of Wiltfhire , and Humfrey that died young: Elizabeth, married to Robert Radd/ff,Lord Ficz-Walter : Ann, the fecond daughter, was firft married to Sir Walter Herbert, Knight, and after vnto George Lord Haftings,and Earle of Huntingdon, by yyhoro ihc had iflue, Francis, Earle of Huntingdon, and others. This Henry, Duke of Buckingham, was beheaded at Salisbury, the fecond of King Richard the third, without Ar aignment or Iudgement, for plotting with Henry t Earle of Richmond,againft the fa:d King. Et port oity les ^Armoiries de fin pere. Tp Dtvard Stafford, Knight of the Garter, (fonne and **- / heireof Henry aforefaidj being reftored the firft of King Henry the leuenth, 1485. was the laft Duke of Buckingham,and Conft tble of England. He married Elianor, daughter of Henry Percy, barle of Northum- berland, and had iflue, Henry Lord StarTord(who mar- ried ^"//«/4,daughterof Sir Rrchard Pfl/^Knight^nd of 'JMargarct rus wife, daughter of George Duke of Clarence,) and three daughters,viz.E//5;4^/ , ,married to Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolkc,and Earle Mar- fhall of England. K at her we the fecond daughter,was married to Ralph Nettill, Earle of Weftmcrland: and CWary, the third daughter,was married to George Ncuill, Baron of Aber- gauenny. This Edward, for confulting with a Monke (or Wizard; how he might obtainethe Crowne; was arraigned at WeftminftcrHall, be- fore the Duke ofNorfolke, then high Steward of England , and found guiltie of high Treafon , and afterwards, on Friday, the feucnteenth of May, was beheaded at the Tower Hill by London, the thirteenth of King Henry the eight, 15 21. and his body being begged by the <^Augo- Jline Friers, was by them buried. Et portoitjes K^irmoiries defon bijayeul. Sir BVCKINGHAM. 71 CIr George Fillers, Knight, (fourth fonnc of Sir ^George Fillers of Leicefterihirc Knight) was crea- ted Baron of Whaddon , and Vifcount Villers at Woodftockc , the feucn and twentieth of Auguft, 1616. and the fixtecnth of Ianuary after, he was crea- ted at White-Hall, Earle of Buckingham : laftly, hec was made Marqucfle of Buckingham, at White- Hall, the firft of Ianuary, 1617. by thcdeliucrieofa Letters Patents. He was alfo Knight of the honorable Order of the Garter,Lord high Admirall of England,Mafter of the Horfe, and one of his Maiefties molt honorable Priuy Councell, 1^21. He married Kathcrine, daugh- ter and fole hcireof Francis Mannore, Earle of Rutland. Et fortoit, d' argent an Croix degueulks, charge de cinq coqutfts ctor, au mertelot gueulles. Ml?: ^<*&y "f ', daughter of Anthony Beaumont , fecond •fonne of 'William Beaumont, of Cole Ouerton in Lcicefterlhirc, was by the great and extraordinaric fa- uour and bountie of lames, King of Great Brittaine, made Countcfle of Buckingham,by thcdeliuerie of a Letters Patent, bearing date the firft of Iuly, 1618. And had giucn her, for the maintenance of the faid Dignitic,an yearcly fee or rent of twentie pounds, iffu- ing out of the faid Countie during her life. Shec mar- ried three Husbands : the firft, was Sir George Filters of Brookesby in Leiceftcrfliire,Knight} by whom Ihc ^^ had iffue, Sir lohn Fillers Knight, Baron of Stoke, and Vifcount Purbccke, Sir George r//^, MarquefTe of Buckingham, Chri- jlopher Fillers^ and Sufan t mfc to Sir William Feilding, Baron of Ncwcn- ham, in the Countie of Warwicke, and Vifcount Feilding. Her fecond Husband,was William Reyner Gentleman,by whom (he had no iffiic. Her third and laft Husband,now liuing,is Sit Thomas Comfton Knight,fecond fonne of Henry Lord Compton.and brother of William Lord Compton, now Earle of Northampton, 1621. Et fortoit, JCazur au Lion rampant, feme de licet (tor, irife dun croijfant fgueulles. 7» A Catalogue of the Dukes andEarles of "Bedford , their Araies, Wiues, and Children. Ngelrant de Coucy, Seigz de Coney , etOyfy & MontmiraU was Conftable of France, Earlc of SoyfTons.and Knight of the ho- norable Order of the Garter, (hee was fonneof Ingram de Coucy , by Kaiherine his wife, daughter of the Duke of Aufttia ) Hee was by King Edward the third in the fortieth yearc of h ; .s reigne, i \6j. created E rle of Bedford. And married Ifabel the (aid Kings daughter, with whom hee had in marriage the Mannor of Morholm.the moitie; of the Mannors of WirifJa'e and Alhton.with the third pare of the Lordfliip of Whittington , in the Countieof Lancafter, and had ifTue t John Lord RuffeB, fecondfonne, who married Elizabeth , daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke Knight, and widdow of Sir Thomas Ho- hy Knight, by whom hec had iflue two daughters, Eli- zabeth that died without iflue ; and Anne married to Henry Lord Herbert, fonneand heire of Edward Earle of Worcefter. Frances Rujfell the third fonne, after the death of Iohn his Brother, was Lord Rujfell, and married Julian, daughter and coheirc of Sir John Forfier Knight,Lord Warden of the middle Marcheffe againft Scot- land, and was flaine by the Scots at a day of truce, 1585. (in the lifetime of Frances his Father) hauing iflue Edward after Earle of Bedford. Sir William Rujp 11 knight, fourth fonne created Lord Rujfell of Thornhaugh, at Hampton-Court, by King Tames, in Ann. 1603. and had to Wife£//~4- beth, daughter and heire of Longe of Chengie , in the Countie of Cambridge Efcjuire. Anne thecldeft daughter,was wife to Ambrofe Dud- ley Earle ofWarwicke. Elizabeth Cccond daughter, was married to Willi- am Bourchier, Earle of Bath, and had iflue Edward now Lord Fitz-War- ren. Margaret the third daughter, married to George Clifford, Earle of Cumberland, and had iffue, Anne now Countcffe ofDorfet. This Frances Earle of Bedford, married for his fecond wife, Bridget daughter of John Lord Huffee, the Widdow of Henry Man»ers,Ear\c of Rutland, but by her H i , had y6 BEDFORD and BARKESHIRE. had no ifluc. He died thetwentic eight of Iuly, in the twenty feuenth yeareof thcReigneofQueene£//'z.4^/^, and was buried at Chcyneys by his Father, in thcycare of our Lord, 1584. Et portoityles armes defon Pere. i "TJ DrvardLordRu(fe/l{ Grand-child to Frances Earle •■-^ofBedford, byhisfonne.F;vttK-wflainbythe Scots) fucceeded his Grand-fathf r, and is now Earle of Bed- ford, 1621. and married Luce daughter of lehnLord I Harrington of Exton, and Sifter and coheire of John Lord Harrington of Exton, by whom 1 hce had ifluc which died young. Etportoit, /argent au Lion rampant d' GucuHes, ar- me & lampajfe d'azur , au la chef fable charge de trok coquilles Sargent. A Catalogue of the Earles of < BarkeJhire 7 their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Ranees Lord Norresot Ricot, was by Let- ters Patents bearing date the twenty eight of Ianuary, 1620. Created Earle ofBarke- fhire : Hee married Bridget daughter of Edward Fere, Earle of Oxford, and Lord great Chamberlaine of England. ► 77 t.%4. I. 4 V A **♦ it f M A Catalogue of the Dukes and Earles of ^ritaine and c R^chmond > their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Lan (fur- named Fergant , or the Red) Earlc of Britainc and Richmond, ( fonnc ofHoel, fecond fonnc ofAlanCaignard, by Hawti his wife, daughter and hcirc of Alan Duke ofBritainc,and great Aunt to William Conquerour) to whom the (aid Conquerour, in thefburth yearc of his Reigne (at the fiege of Yorkc) did giue vnto him and his heircs,all the Lands and Ho- nours, late belonging vnto Earlc Edwin in Yorkcfhlrc. This Alan Fergint married firft, ConJlar.ee , daughter of VriUiam Conquerour, who died without iffue, (as Ro~ hert Montenees faith .) And after hee married Ermin- gard, daughter of FottlkeRechin Earle of Aniou, and had iffue, CCnanjkv- named It Groffe; vnto whom alfowas giuen the Earledome of Britainej but the Earledome of Richmond, the did William Conquerour gaue to his Coufin talari, fur-named Niger, ortheBlacke, (Sonne of Eudo, the fonnc of Geffrey, firft Duke of Britaine of. that name, by HawU his Wife, Daughter of Richard, the firft Duke of Normandy. This Alan Ferganc y dicdin thcyecrcofour Lord, 1093. and was buriedin the Monafteric of Rhcdon, in the feuenthyeare of King William Rufa. Et forfeit d'hermines* /"* Onan le Groffe, fonnc of o*7*» Fergant by his fc- ^-^ cond Wife Ermingard,wa$ ( after his Father) Earle of Britainc, and as Bertrand dei^Argentre, Lord ofGof- ncsfcttethdowneinthc Dcfccnt of the Earles of Bri- tainc, he married Mabetl, daughter of King Henry the firft ofEngland, ( which marriage I findenotinany ci- ther Author) and had iffue, #*n*// a fonnc, and two daughters,flf/7^4 and Conftance. Howclltht fonnc was by his Father vpon his death-bed, difav owed to bee his child : Bertha trie eldeft daughter, was married firft to AlanLord ofAuangour, and hadifTue, Conan the lefle, her fecond husband was Eudo, Earlc of Porhct, and of Britainc by his Wife, and after cxpulicd from that Earldorae by conan, H J his (4.*.T ♦ W ».^j m f 7 % BRITA1NE and RICHMOND. hisfonneinLaw. Constance the fecond daughter was married toGeffrey, fonne of Juhae I dti Maynne. Etportoit d' ermines. A Lan Niger ( or the Blacke ) fonne of Eudo, Earlc of ^^•Britaine, was by the gift of VFilliam Conquerour, the fecond Earle of Richmond, and died without iflue, leauing,his Brother Stephen D erien, to fucceed him in his Earledome. C Tephen Berien, Earle of Ponthieur, Lord of Goelo ^and Treguer, was after his Brother Alan the Blacke, the third Earle of Richmond, vnto whom King Henrie the firft did giuc Waltham, with the Soke in the Coun- tie of Lincolne. He married tfrfw-v^CountefTeofGuin- gamp, and had iflue, Alan fur-named the Sauage; Henry Earle of Ponthieur; Geffrey fur-named Bctterell, and o- thers. Henrie, Earle of Ponthiedr had iiluc, t^Alan, to whom King John did confii me Waltham with the Soke in thefe words. / Iohn, King of England, Lord of Ire- land, Duke of Normandy , and Aquitaine, and Earle of An- ion, ejre. Knovaeyou, thdt I haue gitten and granud vnto Alan,fonne of Henry ofB ri taine, fonne of Earle S tephen , VValthamrvith the Soke, ejre. FFitneffeMWilYnm oflondon,Henry ofVVin- chefler, BiJhopSj and G effrey Fitz-Pier s Earle of Effex, and others , of which Henry,« defended the Lords Fitz-Alans of Bidal. This Stephen De'rien(as SotmrfetGlouer hath) died in the yeare, 1104. and was buried at Begar, and his heart was buried in the Monaftery of S . Maries' at Yorke, as hec himfelfedefired. 1 ► i^Alan BRIT AINE ^RICHMOND. 79 ALan ( fur-named the Swage, Lord of Auangour, fonnc of 'Stephen Derien, was after the death of his father, the fourth Earle of Richmond; and married Bertha, eldeft daughter and co-heire of Conan le Groffc, in whofe right he was the third Earle of Britaine , and had ifTue, Conan le Petit. This <^4lan was faithfui/ to King Stephen^ his warres againft Mairfd the Empre/Te; and Henrie Duke of Normandy her fonne: Hee died intheyeere , 1166. and was buried in Britaine, in the thirteen thy eere of King Henry the fecond. Onan le Petit { fonnc o£^lan theiianage and Ber- tha his wife ) was the fourth Earle of Britaine, and the fife Earle of Richmond : Hee married Margaret, daughter of #W7>Earle of Huntington , andlifter of William, King of Scots, by whom he had ifTue, one on- ly daughter named Conjlance, his heire , who was firfr. married to Geffrey Plantagenet , third fbnne to King Henrie the fecond ; afterwards (hee married Randolph Earle of Chefler ( from whom flie was diuorced : ) her third hufband , was Guy do , Vifcount of Torraine], by whom (he had ifTue, two daughters, i^ilice the deleft, was married vnto Peter de Dreax , Duke of Britaine ; and Katherine the fecond daughter , was married to ^Andrew de Vetre. All which three hufbands , the faid Conjlauce honoured with the Title of Earle of Britaine and Richmond . This Conan le Petit expulfed Eudo Earle of Porhet in Normandy his mothers fecond hufband: and founded the Monaftery of Richmond, where he was after buried ig theyeere, . 1 -c. Et portoit,lesarniories de Britaine, ermyn. Oefrif 8o BRITAINE and RICHMOND. EffreyPlantagenet, (third Sonne of King Henries the fecond ) in the feuentecnth yeere of his fathers reigne, married Con fiance, daughter and folc heireof Cenan le Petit ;in whofe right, hec was both Earle of | r Britaine and Richmond , and had ifTue , ^Arthur , and :y Elianer , whom King lohn kept in prifon in the Caftlc ofBriftow, where fhe died a Virgin ,in Anno 1247. and was buried in the Monafterk of Ambrefburie; vnto which Monafterie , fhee gaue theMannourof Meke- fham, with the appurtenances. This Geffrey died, and was buried at Paris , the feuenth Ides of Aprill , 1 1 S6. the three and thirtieth ycerc of King Henry the kcond, being twentie and eightyeeres old. Etportoit , gueulles trots Leopards d'or, au lambed de cinq pints d'azur . Slut font compofee des armes de Cuienne & de Normandy enfemble. KRthur Plantagenet , Earle of Britaine and Rich- •**mond, ( fonnc of 'Geffrey aforefaid , by Conftance^* His wife, the heireof Britaine) was proclaimed King of England , and Duke of Normandy , after the death of King Richardthc firft , his vnkle ; and being ayded by King Philip of France, whofe daughter he had mar- ried , made warrcs againft King John his vnkle ; and being taken prifoncr at the Caftle of Mirobel in Nor- mandie.was carried to Roan Caftle, where leaping from rhewall thereof, with intent to cfcape, was drowned in the ditch, without iflue, in the yeere, H02. Et port oit, gueulles trots Leopards faffant enpale d'or ,au /ami elide cinf points d'azur. GrY, or Guydo, Vifcount of Thouars ( feedadhuf- band to Confiance the heireof Britaine) was alfb in her right the next Earle of Britaine and Richmond, and by her had ifTue, two daughters his heires , Alices and Katherine \ Alice was married to Peter deDreux; and Katherine was the wife o£ Andrew deVitre in Bri- taine. Etportoityd'oraftxfltursde liz d'azur au quant on de gueulles. RandoS BRITAINE and RICHMOND. 8r "D Andoll renamed Blundcui'Jt , the fixe Earle of L v Chefter ($m*1 hufband to Conjunct , the hcirc of Britaine and Richmond , and daughter and heire of Court* U Petit) was in right of the faid Conftance. his wife ( and permiffion of King John ) Earle of Rich- mond, Anno i2o + .and was after diuorced from the faid Cenjltwce for herincontinencie ,hauing no ifliic by her: heediedat his Caftleof Wallingford,in the fe- uentcenth yeere of King Heprie the third. Etportoity d'azur, a troisgerbes dor. T) Eter de Dreux ( after the diuorce , and furrender of -*■ Randoll Blundeuile Earle of Chefter) was both Duke of Britaine and Earle of Richmond, in right of cilice his wife , daughter and co-heire of Guy, Vi/count of Thonars,znd CenfianceWis wife , daughter and heire of Conan le Petit, as by this Charter following it doth ap- peare. PetrttsDuxBritannU & 'Comes Richmond y ha- ke t honor em de Richmond ftbi rsdditum qttem Rantt'phut Comes Ceflrix & Lincolncpriiu habuit. Tefte Rege apud Nantes, zz. Mai/. Annq 1.229. He had iffue, John Duke of Britaine, and To/and that was married vnto Hugh de Brim, Earle of the Marches of Picardy . Et portoit ,tfchlquettt d'or & dazttr au quant on de ermyn. T) Etcr de Sebaudie,ov Peter of Sauoy (vnkle eo Queen **■ Elianor, wife to King Henrie the third ) came into England in the yeere , 1241. At which time, King Henry the third gaue him the Earledome of Richmond, and made him Chiefe of his priuy Counfell, and in the nine and twentieth yeere of the faid Kings reigne, this Peter began to build the houfe , now called the Sauoy, in the Strand neere London. This Peter furrendrcd the Earledome of Richmond, and after died in Sauoy, in the yeere, 1267. He married -^dgnes, daughter and heire of<^Aimon, Prince of Falcianack , and had iflue, Beatrix wife to Guy , fonne of Andrew, Dolphin of Vienna. Et pertoityd'or a taigle de fable portanta Pefcuffon barre deio.dor & fable, a le couronne in band vert. Join 82 BRITAINE ^RICHMOND. T Ohn deDreux ( fonne of Peter Brien ) had the Duke- ••■dome ofBritttttne, and Earlcdomc of Richmond, made ouer vnto him in thefe words. De "comitatu Rich- mond recepto in excambium a Petro de Sahaudia ejr con- „' cefi Iohannt Duci Britanni&.Tcfte Rex^apudNorthampt. 4 5. >&/7//> de Valois, King of France , whofentenced the Earledomc of Arthoys from the faid Robert ,vnto Mauld, Coim- teffe of Burgundie ( the faid Roberts Aunt) which fen- tence fo difcontented the faid Robert , that in his gricfc he vttered thefe words : By me was Philip made King , and by me he jhall be depofed againe. For this , was this Robert proclaimed traytor throughout all France, and was driuento flie into England, to King Edward the third , who kindly receiucd him , and gaue him the Earledome of Rich- mond 84 BRITAINE and RICHMOND. mond in the fifteenth yeare of his Reigne. He married lane, daughter of Charles Earlc of Valois, and had ifTue, Blanch firft marricdto Henry King of Navarre, and after to Edmond Croochbacke Earle of Lancafter. This Ro- bert was thefirft thatmooued King Edward to make his Title andclaime t« the Crowne of France, in the right of Quecne ifabell his Mother : hec was Admirall of the Englifh Fleete, and Generall of the warres in France* and was after hurt in the head at the ficgeofthe City of Vanncs in Bri- taine, and beeingconueyed to London for the cure of his hurts, fhortly after died there, in the yeare 1342. and was moft honourably buried in Saint Parties Church in London* the King being at his Funerall,did wearc blackes. Others haue, that hee was buried in the Blacke-Friars in Lon- don. Et port oil, feme de France art lambell deguenlles , chajlellc d"or. John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancafter, ( fourth fonnc of King Edward the third) was by his Father in the yeere of our Lord, 1 342. made Earle of Richmond*and in the 46. yeare of his laid Fathers Reigne , he furren- dred the faid Earledome of Richmond againc. He mar- ried Blanch, daughter and co-heire of Henry Duke of Lancafter, and had ifTue, King Henry the fourth ( as in the Title ofLancafterismore at large.) Ftportoit, efcartelle France feme & Ifengleterrt a njne lambell d' ermyn. T ohn Breno, third fonnc of Arthur Duke of Britaine, * begotten of his fecond WifcToland, CountcfTc of Mountford, Daughter and heire of Almericke Earle Mountford*whom Philip de Valoys King of France did confifcate in his Earledome of Mountford, becaufe hee aided Edward the third. In consideration wherof,King Edward the third gaue vnto this lohn; the Earledome of Richmond in England. He fate in Parliament held at Weftminfter, in the thirty fourth yeere of the faid Kings Reigne, by the name andTitle of John Earlc of Richmond. He was bound by Indenture, bearing date 1375. to ferue King Edwardthc third in his warres in France and Britaine, againft Philip of Valoys: in which Indenture, hee is ftyled lohn Duke of Britaine, Earle Mountford and Richmond. He mar- ried Ioanc, daughter of Charles King of Navarre, after married to King Henry the fourth of England. This lohn had ifTue, lohn Mountford,f\ima- med the Valiant; and a daughter named loa»e,wifc to Raft Ba/ftt of Dray- ton. This lohn was taken prifbner at Nantes by the Earle of Bloys, and dyed after in prifbn at Paris in France. Stportoit les Armesde fonpere. Ithn BRITAINE d*/ RICHMOND. 8* T ohn Mount ford, furnamed the valiant, was Knight of ■■•the Garter, and fon &heircof John Breno, who after the death of his father was Duke of Britaine, and Earlc of Richmond : which Earledome hee wasdepofedof by Attof Parliament, the fourth of King Richard the fecond. 'He married Mary , daughter of King Edward the third ; andhadiflue,/^, Duke of Britaine, fur- named the Sage(who had iffac>Peter and Francis ,both Dukes of Britaine, that died without ifTue) Richard, Earle of Eftamps, and Arthur , the third of that name, who was alfo Duke of Britaine , and Earlc of Rich- mond, after his two Nephewes , Peter and Francis, This lohn Mount ford flue the Earle of Bloys. Et j>ortoit,efchequettee eCor& d'azur , vne border stEngleterre ; * quant on de Britaine. - • "D Jphe Ne uili, flrft Earlc ofWcftmerland,was made -*^- Earle of Richmond for terme of life, by King ffenrie the fourth, and died the fourth of King Hemic thefrxt, as in the Title of Weftmerland is more at large. Cueulles au fault eur d' argent. T ohn, third fonnc of King Heiirie the fourth , who for *the defiding of the caufe betweene William Cli yton % and Robert Eland, Efquircs, fent out his Mandate, in this manner. lohn, fonne, brother, and vncle to Kings, Duke of Bed- ford and Aniou, Earle of Richmond and Kendall, and Conjlable of England, vnto our xvell-beloued Couftn, Iohn, ~, Duke of Nor folic , Mtrfhall of England , greeting : Wet j command and charge you, that you caufe to bee arrefled, and to come before Vs at WeJh»inJler,vpon the fifteenth of Saint Hillaric next comming, William CloptonofSuf- folke, Efquire, to anftvere before Vs, in the Court of Chi- ualrie, to Robert Eland, of the Countieof Lincolne, Efquire, to that which he I the 86 BRITMNEdw* RICHMOND. the [did Robert fhaU then charge him with, by the way of Armes , as hatting fet and put too thefeale of hit Armes toafalfe and forged writing, done to the hurt and damage $f him the faid Robert one hundred pounds, and more then that, as he faith. Returning before Vs at the faid day with this Our Mandate, all that which youfball haue therein dene. Gruen vnder the Scale of Our of- fice, the three and twentieth ofNottember, Anno ' Henric the fixt. Et ptrtoit Trance feme & d'Rngleterre efcartelle, au Umbel perpak de Bntaine ejr France. C Dmond of Hadham (the place of his birth) fbnne *-^ofOwenTeuder by Quecne Katherine, and half c brother by the mother to King Henric the fixt , was created Earle of Richmond , at a Parliament held at Reading , in the one and thirtieth yeare of the faid Kings reigne , notwithstanding that Arthur Duke of ,^ Britaine was then liuing, and did vfc that Title. Hec married CUargaret , daughter and hcire oflohn Beau- fort, Duke of Somcrfet (grand-child to John of Gaunt, byhisfonne John) and by her had iflue, Henrie, Earlc of Richmond, after King of England , by the name of King Henrie the feucnth. This Margaret, in theyearc i40i.bythecommandcmcntandauthoritic ofKingHenrie thefcuenth, her fonnc, made the Orders (yet extant) for great Eftatcs of Ladies and Noble-women for their precedence, Attires, and wearing of Barbcs at Funerals, ouer the chin, vpon the chin, and vnder the fame; which noble and good Orders at this day is gready profmed and abmfed , by euery meanc and common woman, to the great wrong a - d dishonour of hono- rable Eftatcs. This Edmond died in the yeare 1456. and was buried in the Gray Friars Church in Carmarden in Wales, the fiue and thirtieth of Henrie the fixt. And CMargaret his wife, died in the yeare 1 5c?. and Mary, Pcnelope,K'atberine,Magdalen,and Anne. 1621. ■ \J Etportoit d' argent an Lion rampant gueulles, entre trots pheons a la bordnre engre/Iey de fable, v A pz A Catalogue of the Earles of 'Boughan y their Armes, VViucs, and Children. Enry Lord Beaumont, of Fokingham, came into England with Queene lfabct> wife to King Edward the fecond , and married ^Altce, daughter and one of the heires of \Alexander Boughan, Earle of Boughan in Scotland, (which Alexander was fonnc of ^Alexander Cemen, Earle Boughan, by Elizabeth his wife, third daughter, and one of the heires of Roger Quixcy, Earle of Winchester) and had iffue, lohn Lord Bello-Monte,who married £//'<*/70r,daughterto#fwjr Earle of Lancafter, and had ifliic, Henry Lord Beau- mont. This Henry Lord Beaumont, of Fokingham, fate in Parliament held atWeftminfter, the ninth of KingEdward the third, by the Name and Title of Henry de Bello-Monte, Earle of Boughan, and fo continued vnto the thirteenth of the lame Kings Rcignc. Etportoit i d'az,urjlurctteau lion rampant d'or. * 93 A Catalogue of the Earles Palatine of Cbcjler, with their ArmeSjWiues, and Children. \Vgh, furnamed Lupus, a Norman borne, (fonnc of Richard^ Vifcount of Aureri- chcs in Normandy, by Margaret his wife, halfe fiftcrby the mother to Wil- liam the Conquerour) came into Eng- land with William the firft,wno gaue vnto him and his heircs, the Earledome of Chcfter, to hold as freely of him by the Sword, as he the faid William held Eng- land by the Crowne. This Earle Hugh y \r\ the twelfth yeare of King William Rufut, conquered Anglefey in Wales : He married Ermitrude, daughter of and had iflue, Richard the (econd , Earle of Chcfter, Robert, Abbot of S. Edmonsbury, and Otwell, that was Tutor to the Children of King Henry the firft. Hec died, and was buried by Ermitrude his Countefle, in the Abbey ofS.Werburge in Chefter, which was of his owne foundation, uo3« This Hugh Lupta, being Countie Palatine of Chcfter, fubftituted and made vnder him thefe his Barons following: 1. Robert filitu Hugonit y Baro deMalpas. i 2. Richard de Vernon, Baro de Schibbroke. 3 . Willielmus Malbanc, Baro de Namptwiche. 4. Willielmusfiliui Nigelli, Baro de Halton. ' 5. Hamo de Mafcy, Baro de Dunham. 6. Gijlebertuf de Fenables, Baro de Kynbreton. 7. Hugofilitts Normanni, Baro de Hawardyn. g. N. Baro de Stockport. Et portoit, d'azur a test de Lou erafed Sargent. Richard, 94 i CHESTER. l char dSonnt of Hugh Luput, after the death ofhis father, was the fecond Earle of Chefter, after the Norman Conqucft : who in the nineteenth yearc of King Henry the firft,was married in France, to Lucy, daughter of Stephen, Earle of Bloys and Champaine, by ZAdeU his wife, daughter of William the Conque- ror; and in the twentieth yeare of King Henry the firft, he with his wife, the Kings fbnne,and daughter, and Otwcll his brother, and others, to the number of an 'hundred and fixtie perfons, were drowned, com- ming out of Normandy into England, without ifTue; leauing Randoll Mefchines ,his coulin-germane by Mar. gam his fathers fifter,to fucceed him in the Earledome o£Chefter. Et portoit, d'gueulles crufuly d'or, a v» teBe de Lou craze cfargent. X> Andolphe , furnamed cMefchines, fonne of Ran- ^^-dolphe Mefchtnes, Earle of Carlell , by Margaret, the fifter of Hugh Lupus, the firft Earle of Chefter, was the third Earle Palatine of Chefter , after the Conqucft. He married Lucy, daughter of ^yilgar the Saxon, Earle of Leicefter, and fifter to Edwin Earle of Mercia, and Morcar Earle of Northumberland , who before was the wife of Roger Romara, and mother of William Romara, Earle of Lincolne. This Randolphs furrendred Carlell , his fathers Earledome , to King Henry the firft ; and died in the yeare 1129. and was buried at Chefter, in the thirtieth yeare of the faid Kings Reignc; leauing iffuc, Randolphe, furnamed Gernonijs, the fourth Earle of Chefter ; and William, Earle of Cambridge ; and a daughter named ^sfde/iza, married to Richard Fitz-Gilbert,hoxd of Tunbridge, Aunccftor to the Earles of Clare, Glocefter,and Penbroke, (as William Gcmiticcnjis affirmeth.) Et fort tit yd' or a vn Lion rampant degueulles la cowe efiant. Randolph?, CHESTER. 95 "D j4ndolphe,fum&med Gernonijs,Connco£ Randolphs -*-^- cjMefchines, was after his father, the fourth Earle Palatine of Chcfter after the Conqueft : hee,with his brother William, Earlc of Cambridge, was witnefle to the Charter of Alexander, Bifhop of Lincolne, of his gift of the IflandofHafreholme,tothe religious Nuns of S. CMaricSy of the Order o£ Sifter- fences, 1 139. the fourth of King Stephen. And in the yearc 1 1 41 . this Randoll, and Robert Earle of Glocefter, tooke the faid King prifoner at Lincolne. He married Mauld, daugh- ter of Robert Earle of Glocefter, bafe fonnc of King Henry thciirft ; by whom he had iflue, Hugh, the rift Earlc Palatine of Chcfter, and Richard ■ and died poyfoncd , by the pra&ifc of his wife and William Peuerell^Lovd of Nottingham , in the ycarc 11 } 6. Et port oil, de gueullesau Lion rampant d 'argent a la cow: ejlant. HVgh, furnamcd Kiuilioc, fonne of Randolph: Get* nonijsy was the fife Earlc Palatine of Chefter : he married Berte, daughter of Simon Earle Mountfbrd and Eurcux inNormandie,and had iffuc,RandolpheBlun- deuile,thc fixt Earle Palatine of Chcfter, and Earle of Lincolne; and foure daughters. CMauld the eldeft, was married to Banid, Earle of Anguilh, Gallaway, and Huntington; CMabellxhz fecond daughter, was married to William de Albeneio, Earle of Arundell : K^ignes the third daughter, was married to William Ferrers, Earlc of Derby, and Lord of Chartley : and Hawii the fourth daughter,was wife to Robert putney, fbnnc ofSayre, Earle of Winchefter ; and had iflue, UMargaret,mzrrkd to lohn Lacie, Earle of Lincolne, and CMabell, wife to Hugh Lord Aud- lcy. This Hugh died the fcucn and twentieth of King Henry the fe- cond, 1180. Et portoit, cCazur a fixgarbes d'or. Randolph, 9* CHESTER. T3 Andolphe, fur-named Blundeuile ( fonne and hcirc -*-^"of Hugh Kiuiltoc) was the fixt Earlc Palatine of Chefter,as alfo Earle of Lincolne, whom King Henrie the fecond made Knight, in the three and thirtieth yearcof hisreigne, and gaue him in marriage, Con- fiance, the onely daughter and heire of Conan, Diike of little Britaine,and Earle of Richmond in England (the widdow of Geffrey his fonne) with the Dutchic of Bri- taine,andEarledome of Richmond :and in the fecond yeare of King lohn, this Randolph was diuorced from the faid Confiance t and after married Clememe , daugh- ter of William de Fulgiers , and fitter of 'Geffrey de Ful- giers, with whom the faid Geffrey gaue in marriage the Mannor of Beling- ton, the nine and twentieth of May, 1203 . He had alfo a third wife.which was Margaret , daughter of Humfrey de Bohun , Earle of Hereford, and Conftable of England , but had no ifluebyany of them. This Randolph wasreftoredtotheEarledome of Lincolne, in the third yeare of King Benrie the third,as coufin and next heire of William Romara,Yj\x\z of Lin- colne: and in the ninth yeare of the faid Kings reigne, hcewasawitneffe to the Kings Charter, of Lands that hee gaue to the Abbey of Peterbo- row, by the name of Randolph, ELzx\ Earle of Northampton . This John did bcarc King Edwards fword before the King, in to- Ve.n that he was Earlc of the Palacc,and hadauthoritic by CHESTER. 97 by Law to reftrainc the King, if hee did amiffe. Matthew Paris, page 406. And in the two and twentieth of the faid Kings Reigne,he died atDar- nall, ofpoyfongiuenby his wife, 2s Politer onicon affirmeth,andwas bu- ried at Chefter, without iffue, hauing married Helyn t the daughter of Llewellyn, of Iorwerth t Vt\ncc of North- Wales. Which Earledome of Chefter, KiBg Henry the third, 1238. affumed into his owne hands, and gaue other Lands to the faid foure fitters of lobn, furnaracd the Scot j theifiue of whom, after clay med the Kingdome of Scotland, in King Edward the firfts time : fincc which time, the Principalitie of Chefter hath beenevnitcd to the Principalitie of Wales, by Aft of Parliament held at Weftminfter , the one and twentieth of King Richard the fe- cond ; at which time (as Somedet Herald hath) the King created Wil- liam Brugs, Chefter Herald by his Letters Patents, fealed with his Sealc of the faid Principalitie. Et portoit, d"or k troit fens eTgueuRes. "C Dmond (furnamed Crowch.backe) fecond fonne of *~* King Henry the third, was by his father created Earle of Chefter ; which Title and Earledome, hee furrendred to his brother Prince Edward, and was af- ter made Earle of Lancafter ; and after the attainder of Simon Mount ford, and Robert Earle Ferrars, he was alfb made Earle of Leiceftcr and Derby, as in the Title of Lancafter is more at large. Et portoit, lessrmes D'engleterre, au lambtll de trance. E award, firft fonne of King Edward the firft, was Prince of Wales, Earle of Cornwall and Chefter, and after King of England, by the name of King Ed- ward the fecond. This Prince Edivard.'m Anno 1 298. vpon complaint made by Doctor Langton , then Bi- fnop of Chefter , was committed to prifon ; and Pierce of Gauefton banifhed England,andnottore- turne againc, vpon paine of death. And in the nine and twentieth yeare of his fathers Reignc,hcc came to Chefter , and recciued Homage of thefc Free- holders of Wales , as followeth : Henry Earle of Lancafter, for Monmouth 5 Reginald Cray , for Ru- K thyn; 9 8 CHESTER. thyn ; Fulke Fitz-W ' arret)-, for his Lands in Wales ; the Lord William UMartin, for his Lands in Kemaes ; Roger CMortymer, for his Lands in Wales ; Henry Lacy, Earle of Lincolnc, for his Land of Ros and Ryuoneoc, in Wales ; Robert Lord CMount-alt , for his Lands in Wales ; Griffith, Lord of Poole , for the Lordfhip of Powis j Sir Griffith Lloyd, Knight ; Tuder ap Grono, of Angletey j LMadoc ap Tu- der y Arch -deacon of Anglefey 5 Enyon ap Howell, of Caernaruon ; Griffith Vach&n ap Griffith ap Iorwerth j Lhewelyn,Bi(hop ofS.^ftph ; M. Richard Puelefdon, and others. Etportoit, D 'engleterrt an lambell £ argent. P Dnxtf^furnamed ofWyndfore, firfr. fonne and •^hcire of King Edward the fecond, in the fifteenth yeare of his fathers Reignc, at a Parliament held at Yorke, was created Prince of Wales,Duke of Corn- wall , and Earle of Chefter and Flint ; and after, King of England, by the name of King Edward the third. Et portoit, B' engleterrt au lambell d'argeot. I n rj Dward, furnamed the Blacke Prince', fonne and •^heire of King Edward the third, was borne at Woodftocke the fixteenth of the Kalends of Iune, 1330. and was created the firft Duke of Cornwall, and Earle of Chefter, in the elcuenth yeare of his fathers Reigne ; and in the feucnteenth yeare of the faid King, hee was created Prince of Wales . And in the fix and thirtieth yeare hee had giuen him the Principalitie of Aquitaine ; as in the Title of Corn- wall is more at large. Kec died before his father, and was buried at Canterburie , in the yeere 137$. being fix and fbrtie yeares of age. Et portoit efcartelle France feme ejr D 'engleterrt au lambell tCargtnt. . Richard, CHESTER. 99 "D hbard, furnamcd of Burdeaux (the place of his lv -birth) fonne and heire of Edward the Blackc Prince, after the death of his father, was created Prince of Wales, at Hauering at Bower, the twen- tieth day of Nouember, in the fiftieth ycare of the Reigne of King Edward the third, his grandfather : and after, hce was King of England, by the name of King Richard the fecond. Etfortoit Us armes de fon fere. TJlEnry of Monmouth , fbnne and heire of King ■** Henry the fourth , was on the fifteenth day of October, in thefirft yeare of his fathers Reigne , at Weftminfter , created Prince of Wales , Duke of Cornwall, and Earle of Chefter : and after, King of England,by the name of King Henry the fife j as more at large is (et downe in the Title of Cornwall. This Henry was difmifled of being Prefident of the Kings Priuie Counccll, for ftrikirigthe then Lordrchicfc Iu- ftice of the Kings Bench. Et forfeit, efcartelle^France feme ejr T> y engleterre y an lamb eh Sargent. Enry Plantagenet, fonnt and heire of King Henry the fift, was Prince of Wales, Duke of Corn- wall, and Earle of Chefter ; and after, King of Eng- land, by the name of King Henry the fixt. Et for toit, France & D'engltterre efiar telle, an UmbellcCargent. K Edvetrd ICO CHESTER. "P DwardFlantagenet, fonnc and hcirc of King Henry ■'-'the fixt, borne at Wcftminfter,was the thirtieth day of O&obcr, in the one and thirtieth yecre of his fathers Reigne , created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Earle of Chcfter. This young Prince was murdered at Tewkesbury,in the yeare 1471. and there buried, as in the Title of Cornwall is more at large. Mt fortoit, France ejr D'engleterre efcarteSe 3 ah UmieU Sargent. C .DnM/v/jfonneand hcirc of King Edrvardthz fourth, •*-*' borne in the Sanfruarieat Wcftminfter,his father being expelled out of England, was by authoritic of Parliament created Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chcfter, the fix and twentieth of Iunc, in the elcuenth yeare of King Edward the fourth, his father, i 470 . and was after King of England, by the name of King Edtvard the fift ; after murdered in the Tower of Lon- don, by Richard Duke of Glocefter, his vnnaturall Vncklc. £t forfeit } f ranee ejr D'engleterre efcartelle, au lamb ell Sargent. C Brvard, fonnc and hcirc of King Richard 'the third, -'-'being tenne yccrcs old,was the fbure and twen- tieth day of Auguft, in the firft yeare of his fathers Reignc,created Prince ofWales,and Earle of Chefter, and after died without ilTue. Et portoit, France ejr D'englcterre efcar telle, 40 lambell Sargent. K^irtbur, CHESTER; 101 A Rt httr ,fonne and hcire of King Hem) the feucnth, ***being Duke of Cornwall,amHCnight of the Gar- ter, was vpon the Feaft day of S.usfndrew, mthefift yeareof his fathers Reigne,created Prince of Wales, and Earlc of Cheftcr, and died without iflue, heing but fooreiecne ycares of age. Et fortoit % efcartelle France & D'eHgleterre, au lambed £ argent. T_T£»r)(, fecond fonne to King Henry the feuenth, **was Knight of the Garter,Duke of Yofke, and after the death of Arthur his brother, was created Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chefter, in the nine- teenth yeare of his fathers Reigne; and laftly, King of England, by the name of King Henry the eight. ■ Et porteit, France ejr D'engleterre^efcartelle au lamb ell $ argent. pj Dwar d, fbnne and heire of King Henry the eight, •■-'Knight of the Garter, and Duke of Cornwall, and after created Prince of Wales, and Earlc of Che- fter i and laftly, King of England, by the name of King Edward the fixt. Et port olt, France ejr D'engleterre efcartelle, au lambed etargent. Kj Henry 101 CHESTER. TjEnry Stewart, Knight of the Garter, fonne and •**heire of James , King of Great Britainc, France, and Ireland j the fourth of Iune, 1610. was created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Earle of Cheftcr j and died without iflue, at S. lames Houfc, I6i2.and lyeth buried at Weftminfter. Etforttit, les armes D'etgUterre an lambeli clargent. ("** Harles Stewart , Knight of the Garter , fecond ^-"'fonnc of lames, King of Great Bri tain e, France, and Ireland , being Duke of Albanie , Marqucfle of Ormount, Earle Ros, and Lord of Ardmanoch, was created Duke of Yorkc, at White-Hall , the fixt of Ianuary, 1604. and afterwards, at the fame place, the fourth of Nouembcr, 1 616. he was created Prince of Walcs,Duke of Cornwall, and Earle of Chefter. Et fortoit, France & IfengUttrn efiartelle, au lambeli Sargent. 36383as&OGb<3B6S6S6o&' A Catalogue of che Earles and Dukes of Cornwall, their Armes , VViues, and Children. obcrt Enrlc of Mortaignc (halfe brother by the mother to William the Conque- ror) fonne ofHarlowyn deComitisVilla^ and Harlot his wife , mother of William the Conqueror, who comming into En- gland with the faid Conqueror, had giuen him the Earledome of Cornwall, and made Earle thereof. Hee married Mauld, daughter of 'Roger Montgomerie s Earle of Shrcwsburieand Arundelljby whom he had iffue, fF/tf/4w,EarleMortaigne and Cornwall (and as Robert Moments hath) three daughters , one married to An* Area* de ritrio, the fecond to Guido de la Vale, the third to the Earle of Tholous. This Robert was flaine in Northumberland, in theyeare 1087. '\I\TJliiam i Earle Mortaigne in Normandie, fonnc " * of 'Robert aforefaid, was after his father the fe- cond Earle of Cornwall , who with Robert de Bellifmo, William Ejloteuile, and William Crifriri, did aide Robert Curthofe, Duke of Normandie, againftKing/&w/c-> the firft, his brother , at the battcll of Trenchbray in Normandie j where they were taken prifoners, in the eight yeare of the faid Kings reigne : the faid William beingbefbre difinherited,and his Earledome gittenvn- to Stephen , fonne of the Earle of Champaignc, (who was after King of England) and were fent ouer Sea in- to England , to bee kept in perpetuall prifon ; Robert^ Duke of Normandie , being fent to the Caftlc of Car- diffe in Wales, had his eyes put out ; and this William becamca Monke at Bermondfeyin Southwarke , and there died without iffue. His Armes, as Glouer Semerfet hath 3 is , d'Het mines an chief eft den ted de gueulles. Reginald) f, - ,04 CORNWALL: "D Eginald, bafe fonnc of King Henriexht firft, (be- ■^-gottcn of his Concubine, the daughter and co- heire of Robert Cerbet ,Lord of Alencefter in the Coun- tie of Warwick e) was made the third Earle of Corn- wall , in the fift yeare of King Stephen. Hec married Beatrice , andhadiffuefoure daughters his heires: A n>&, the eld eft, was married to Richard de Riueris , the third Earle of Deuonlhire, and Lord of the Ifle of Wight ^ Matild, married Robert Earle of Mellcnt; Frfula, the third daughter,was wife to Walter Dunjlan- uile, Baron of Caftlecombe; and Sarah , the fourth daughter, was married to theVifcountofLimoges.He had alio ilTue by his Concubine Beatrix deVannes^ a fonne, fur-named Eenriefiliui Comitis, who died in Gafconie, without iffuc. This Reginald died at Cicefter, in theyeare 1176. as Robert Momenfts hath iand was bu- ried at Reading, but Lacoks booke faith, the fift Ides of April, 11 75. Etportoit, gneuUes a deux Lions faffant gar dam i'or y a baflonfim* Jler cfazttr. Richard Plant agenety (fur-named Cuer de Lion) the third fonnc of King Hertrie the fecond, was Earle of Poi&iers, and the fourth Earle of Cornwall, as doth appearebythe Corporation of the Towne ofHelle- fton in Cornwall. He was after the death of Henri<_j his brother, Duke of Normandie and Aquitaine, and writhimfelfeKingof Ierufalem. Hee conquered Cy- pres, and died of a (hot out of a CrofTe-bow,at the fiege of LimofininBritaine,in the yeare 1 1^9. Hcmarried Berengaria, daughter of Sanchiw ■> King of Nauarre, butbyherhadnoiflue: hee had a bafefonne, named Philip de Sumac. 1 haue feent , and haue this Richards Sedle ofArmes to 4 Charter , wherein is defitJed a Lion tb&s. ^Andthis it ike firft Stale tfArmts I en.r did fee borne after the Conquejl. lohn CORNWALL; 105 T 0/;/*j(Tur-namcd Without Land) fourth fonne of King ■*#«W7>thefecond ; firft married Alice, daughter and one of the heires of Hubert, Earle of Morctain, in An- no 1 172. In whoferight,his father made him Earle of Moretain , and after, Lord of Ireland : this Alice died without ifTue ; after whofe death, he married to his fe- cond wife, Ifabel, third daughter and one of the heires of William, Earle of Glocefter, from whom he was di- uorced, without ifTue. He was alfo Earle of Glocefter, and by King Richard the firft, his brother , Earle of Cornwall, Lancafter, and Somcrfet , Lord of the Ho- nours ofWallingford, Tikell , Marlesborough , and Ludgarfhall. Laftly, this lohn married to his third wife, ifabel, daughter oli^Aimer, Earle of Engolefmi.by whom he had ifTue, King Henrie the third, and Richard, Earle of Cornwall , and was after King of England: This Ichn, by the name of lohn, Earle of Moretain, did by his Charter giuctothcMonkesofourLadyof Fourneis in perpetuall almes, all the Mountaynes of Furneis with their appurtenances, which Roger of Pifta- uia, or Earle Stephen, who founded that Abbey, held or had,&c. Witne£ fes, Stephen Rid. his Chancelor, Robert, Earle of Leicefkr , and Robert de Bret his fonne, William Br am, and Gilbert de Croft, &c. Et fortoitjgueulles a deux Leopards pajjant d'or. T> Jc hard t Cccond fonne of King John, in the elcuenth ■*^-ycareofKing^(?»r/'f the third, his brother, was created Earle .of Poiftou and Cornwall; and in the twelfth yeare of the faid Kings reigne , the King gaue him all the Lands in England, which were Reginald Dampmartins, Earle of Boloignes. And in the yeare 1 2 57. he was by the Princes ot Germanic,chofcn King of the Romaincs, and crowned at Aquifgrane. He did write himfclfe, Richard, King of the Romaincs, and al- wayes ^sfugujiw, and married to his firft wife , Ijabel, fifter and one of the heires of William Marfhall,thc yon- ger, Earle ofPenbroke, and had ifTue, lohn, that died young; Hcnrie,(\a.inc by (7«y and Simon, fonnes of Si- mon CMcunfort , Earle of Leicefkr, in the Church of Saint Siluefttr in Viterbium in Italy, 1272. in reuengcof their fathers dcath,that was flaine in the Barons warrcs in England; and Richard, that died without ifTue. His fecond wife, was Sincia or Sanchia, daughter and one of the heires of Reymond Berengar, Earle of Province , and fifter to Queene Elianor , by whom he had iflue £^wW,Earleof Cornwal,andif/ wW,firft fonnc of Kin g Edward the firft : In the -*-'feuen and twentieth yeare of his fathers rcignc,did by the lewd aduice of Pierce of Gaucfton,his gracelcflc Companion, forcibly breake into the Parke of Doctor Langton, then Bifhop of Chefter , and there made ha- uockeof his game, which the faid Bilhop grieuou fly complayncd of to the King, who vpon thefame,com- mitted this Prince to prifon, and banilhed Gauejlon the Land, commanding him not to returne againe vpon paine of death. This Prince, in the thirteenth yeare of his fathers reigne, 1301. came to Chefter, and recci- ucd homage of the Free-holders of Walts j in which yeare he was created Earle of Cornwall, and after was King of England, by the name of King Edward the fecond. Etpertoit) les armes d , Engleterre,amlambel d argent. Pierre CORNWALL; ic? fierce de Cattefion (a Gafcoignc borne) was made * Baron ofWallingford, and after, in the firftycare of King Edward the fecond , was created Earle of Cornwall , and Lord of the Ifle of Man j and in the third yeare of the faid Kings rcignc, he married tfibel t fecond fiftcr and co-heirc of Gilbert de Clare , Earle of Glocefter and Hartford; and in the fixt yeare of the (aid Kings reigne, (after hee had beene banifhed Eng- land twice) he was taken by GuyBeauchamp , Earle Of Warwicke, and beheaded at a place ncere vnto War- wicke, called Gauerfhith , the thirteenth Kal. of Iuly, 1 3 10. whofe body the Frier- Preachers conucyed to Oxford, and there kept it more then two yearcs, vntill the King commanded it to be conucyed to the Frier-Preachers, at his Mannor of Langlcy, and there buried. Et portoit, Simpefix Aigles £or } membrtz, & becquet dgueultes. John of Eltham (fo named of the place where hec ■■■was borne, 1^16') fecond Tonne of King Edward the fecond , and brother to King Edmrd the third, in the fift yeare of his faid brothers reigne , was made, Earle of Cornwall 5, and in the ninth yeare of the faid Kings reigne, hee died at Saint lohns Townc in Scot- land, without iflue ; and was" buried in the Abbey of Weftminfter, 1334. After whofe death, King Ed- ward the third , in the twelfth yeare of his rcigne» made the Earlcdome of Cornwall a Dukedomc, and gaueittohisfbnne£*/n»4r'engleterte efcArtelle, au Umb eld' Argent. TJT Enry Plantagenet', fonne and heirc of King Henry **- the fift, was borne Duke of Cornwall * and beeing notfullninemonethsof age, was proclaimed King of England, in the yeere 1422- by the name ofKing //i7?- r/VthcfixtiandonthefixtofNoucmber, I4I9. (being thceightycareofhis Reigne) he was crowned King of £nglandatWeftminfterjandintheycareT43i.hewasi. crowned King ofFrance in Paris, in our Lady Church thcre.and after was murdredin the Tower of London, 1470. by Richard Duke of GloceIter(as the report then commonly went.) The body of this King was con- iieyed from the Tower , to the Church of S- Paul in London, and there laid on a Beere,bare-ficed,which did bleed in the fight of all the beholders. From thence by boate it was carried vnto the Mo- naftery at Chertfey,nTteene miles front London,and there was firft buried, and after remooued to Windfore, and there in a new Vault entoombed. Etportoit, FrAnce & D'engleterre efc At -telle-, ah lambel d 'argent. "C Z>n>W,forrne and heire of King Henry the fixt, (be- ting borneDuke of CornwaF was by letters Patents dated the fifteenth of March, the thirty two of Henrie the fixt,created Prince ofWales,and Earle of Chefter, in Parliamcntheldat Weftminfter, 1453. and Knight of the Garter, in the thirty feucnth of Henry thefixt. Thisyong Prince, at the battell of Tewkesbury, 1470. was taken prifonerby Sir RichArd Crofts, and. afcer mur- dered by tnc Dukes of Clarence and Glocefter,and by T^wrf/MarquefTeof Dorfet, and the Lord Haflmgs. This Prince married <^fnne> fecond daughter andco- heire of Richard Neuiil Earle of Warwicke and Salis- bury, but had no inue by her; fhewas after married to Richard Duke of Glocefter, after King of En gland. £tporteit>France ejr D'engleterre/fcartelle^au lambel d' Argent. Edvcird no CORNWALL. EDward, cldeft fonne to King Edward the fourth, borneintheSan&uarieatWeftminfter, the fortic ninth yeare of King Henry thefixt,wascrcr.red Prince of Wales, by authoritie of Parliament , and Earle of Chefter, in the eleuenth yeare of his Fathers Reigne, ( being before Duke of Cornwall) who with his young brother the Duke of Yorke,was murdred in the Tow- er of London, by the wicked prafHfc of Richard Duke of Gloceftcr his Vnckle; who after vfurped the Crown of England. This Edward was made Knight of the Garter, the fifteenth of Edward the fourth. Etpertoit, France & D'engleterre, efcartelle t au Umbel d" argent. "C Eward, the oncly fonne of King Richard the third, •^was Duke of Cornwall; and in the firft yeare ofhis Fathers Reigne, he was created Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chefter,and died ("being but tenne y cares of agej without iflue. Et forfeit, efcartelle France ejr D'engleterre, au Umbel d' argent* Rthur Duke of Cornwall, Knight of the Garter, fonne and heire of King Henry thefeucnthiin the fiftyeaie ofhis Fathers Reigne, was created Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chefter; and married Katherine, daughter ofFerdinando Duke of Auftria, and King of Spaine, when he wasbutfourtcene yeeres of age, and died in the next yeare after, 1 50 1. without uTue,at Lud- W,and licth buried at Worcefte*. France & D'englcterre,e fear telle, m Umbel d 'argent. Uertrj H CORNWALL. in Ew^DukeofYorkc, (fecond fbnne of 'King Henry thefeuenth) after the death of Arthur his brother, was Duke of Cornwall; and in the nineteenth yearc of his Fathers Reigne, was created Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chefter; and after, he was King of England, by the name of King Henry the eight. Etport$it,lesarmes defenfrere. TJT Enrj Stewart^ fonne and heire of lames, King of ■*• *■ Great Britaine, France, and Ireland ; was created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Earle of Cheftcr, the fourth of Iune , 1610. and died after at S. lames , ncere Charing-CrofTe, without iflue , and was bured in the Abbey at Weftminfter, the feuenth of December after, i6ix. Et p$rtoit, France fjr E>*cngleterre e/carteffe, Umbel ttargent. /""** Barks Stewart, fecond fonne of Tames, King of ^-"' Great Britaine, France, and Ireland , being Duke of Albanie, Marqucfle of Ormount, Earle Ros, and Lord of Ardmanoch, was created Duke of Yorke, at White-Hall , the fixt of Ianuary , 1604. and oni the fourth of Nouember after, 1 6 1 6. he was created in the fame place Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall* and Earle of Chefter. Et forttitjes Armesdefinfrcrtk L a sarasssw* A Catalogue of the Earlcs o£Car/eil, their Arm^Wiues^and Children. l,y Andolpb Mcfcbines ,fbnne of 'Randolph, Vif- t^T count of Baieulx, and ^//Vf his Wife ,bafc ft- daughter of Richard the third Duke of ^ Normandy, came into England with W//- ^ //.?;# the Conquerour, whogaue him the Earledome of Carleil. He married Margaret, filter of Hugh Lupus, xhtfaft. Earlc of Chefter after the Con- queft, and Aunt and heire of Richardthc fecond Earle of Chefter} by whom he had iffuc, Randolph the third EaJe of Chefter, Willi *m Meffh'nes Lord of Egre- mont j and Geffrey Lord of Gillefland , and died, Et port 01 f, d'or an Lion rampant degueulles la carve ejlant. A Ndrew Harkley cf Weftmerland, Knight, for his •^*^goodferuice,andtakingprifoner Thomas Earle of Larcafter,and other his abettors, the Kings enemies, and difioyal Subiefts.^was by King Edward the fecond, inthefixtecnth yeercofhis Regne, made Earle of Car- liel, by girding him with abelt and fword, ( for fo was ihc order ofmaking Earles in thofe times) which after- ward thefaid Andrew prooued vngratefull, both to his King and Country in his warresin Scotland,for which he was apprehended by Sir \^d»tbonie Lucie Knight, andhadiudgernentas followeth: Hee was led to the Bane in habit ofan Earlc, with a fword girt about him, hofodandfpored. At which time the LordGefrey Scroope Iuftice, fpake to him in this manner. Sit Andrew, (quothhe) The King did'vnto you much honour, andmadc youlEr'c of C'-rda/ll.ar ' thou as atraytort'ntothy Lord the King ,laddeflhii feoplcc;'* '::. Cr »trey,tbat fouldha/ cl.olpe him at theBattaile of Beighland, away by tb; Cautttrey of Copland, and through the Erliome of Lane after: Wherefore our Lordihe_K:/y was difcomfted there oftheSeots, though thy tre&fsuu (rndfaifenesifand /ft "o.i baddeft come be times, be bad bed i he MaiHery. \_Andallth»i treafoun thou didfi; for the fomme of gold and filuer , that tboit vndcrfrng tflaincs Dug!as a Sect, the Kings enemie. And our Lord the King U will ' is, that the Ordre of Knight bode, by the which thou vnderferg all in honour and in worjhip,vpon thy body ben all brought t'nto nought, and thy flatcvndone, that other Knights of Lower degree , Now after the be ware the which Lord hath the aduanced hugely in diuerfe Countrees of England: and all now take enfample by the , there Lord aftertvai dfor to ferue. Tho commanded he a knaueanoon to hew off his fpurres off his heeles: and CARLIELL. "3 and after hckt brcke thefword oucrhU bed, the which the King him gafecokcepe and defend his Land therewith, when lie made him Erie ofCardoill. And after he let him vnclothe of his Furred Taberd,arid his Hood, and after his furred Cotys, and of his gir die, and when this was done, Andrew., quoth he, now ert thou no Knight, but a Knatte: and fo gaue iudgement on him that he fhould bedrawne, hangd, and quarcerd, and his head fet on London Bridge, which was executed the laft day of O&o- ber,i ?22. //0///>V7>^>pag?34. Some Writers fay, that Sir Anthony Lucie Knight, gaue this fence nee, which I doubt. I find by a dced,chac Sir Iohnde Harkley Knight,authorized John de Beau- champ, William deSmer dale, and Robert Crakenthorp, to giue liueric and ftafon Co lir A »>'rew Hark ley, Earle of Cardoil his brocher,ofall his lands, goods, and chaccels, which he che faidSir John hadwichin the Councics of vVeftmerland, Cumberland, and Yorkefhire, according co a Deed of feoffmenr chereof made : Dated ac Cardoill,chc centh of Noucmber , the fixtof King Edward the fecond. Et portoitjes armoiries de feint George, au primier quanton h mar let te de fable. T Ohn Plantagenet, third fon of King Henry the fourth, *■ was Knight of che Garter, and in che fecondyeare of King Henry che fife his brocher , was creaced che firft Duke of Bedford, Fade of Richmond, and Lord of KendalUandinrhefiftyeareofche faid Kings Reigne, he was made Proteftor of the Realme of England (as in the Title ofBedford is more at large) and Earle of Car- "*v ieil: (which diuerslate Writers deny) for thus doe I ; Hnde him written in his own Deeds 5c Charters : Iohn t Regent oft he Realme of France, Duke of Bedford, AnidUjCr Alan fon, Earle of Mayne, Harecourt^Dreux, Richmond, a#d Car lei I, andvifcount Beaumont. He married (i n the ycare, r 43;.) /><7«f//Vtf,daughter of Peter of Lucemburge, Earle ofS.Pan/ t but by her had no ilfue. He died in France,che cench of September, 1435. and was buried in che Cachedrall Church, in che Cicie of Roane in Nor- mandy, in a very ftately Tombe. Etportoit,fcme de France,fem'e& Jfengleterrefa vn Umbel de cinq;ermyn& d'azur,tieufflcurs delizd'or. T> Ichard, fourch Son of RichardDiikc of Yorkc, (and ■^-brother of King Edward che fourth) was in the firft yeareofthefaid Kings Reigne, 1460. created Duke of Glocefter, and Earle of Carlcil, and after was made Conffableand Lord Admirall of England. Andlaftly, when he had caufed his two Nephcwes , King Sdward the fift, and Richard Duke of Yorke, to be murdered in the Tower of London;Ffc vfurped the Crowne, & was K. of England,by the name of King Richardthc third. Et port oil ', France efcarteHe D'engletcrre, d'lambeler- myn charge k trots cantons degueulles. L 3 A H4 A Catalogue of the Dukes and Earles of Clares and Clarence^, , their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Ichardfonnc of Gilbert fiark of Augy or Ewe, and Brionnis in Normandy, fonne of Godfrey, Earle of Aucencis, bafe fonne of Richard Duke of Nor- mandy ,came into England with Wil- liam the Conquerour , who gauc him theTownes and CalHes of Clare in Suffolke, and TunbridgeinKent, with diners other great Seig- neuries in England. This Richard married Rohetfia y daughter of Walter Gijford, Earle of Longueuile in Normandy , which Rofe held Standon in Hertford- fhirein William Conquerors time, and had ifTue, Gil- bert, Roger, Lord ofClauering, Walter a great Baron, and Founder of Tinterne Abbey , 1131. and Robert, Lord of Woodham- Water, and was after flainein Wales, intheyecre 1136. This Defcent is moft vntruly and confufedly fct downc by M. Cam- den in his Britannia, pag.462. llbert Fitz-Richard, Sonne and heyre of Richard aforefaid, was the firft Earle of Clare, and-married K^ideliza, the daughter of Cleremont,and had iffuc,Ioh» the fecond Earle of Clare , who died without ifTue; Ri- chard Earle of Clare,whom fome fay, dyed before his Father; Gilbert, fur-named Strong-bow , Earle of Pen- broke, Walter and Heruy de Montmauritio : and died in theyeare 1152. Ft portoit, d'or an trois cheurons degueullcs. Richard CLARE and CLARENCE. "5 Tyickard Fitz-Gilbert, fecond Earle of Clare , and x Lord of Tunbridge in Kent , married <^fdeltzc, fiftcr of kdndolDLvLrlt of Chcftcr, and had ifTue , Gilbert that died without iflue, and Roger who was after Earlc of Clare and Hartford. This Richard, died in the yccre 11)6. Et portcit, let armes defonpere. S~^llbert , Earle of Clare and Hartford after his fa- ^-* ther. Hee married ( as William Gemeticenfts hath) Elizabeth, fifter of Walleran , Earle of Meullent, and died without iflue, leauing his brother Roger to fucceed him. "D Oger de Clare , brother and heire of Gilbert afore- *^-faid, was Earlc of Clare and Hartford. Hec mar- ried Manldt daughter and heire of lames S. Hillarie } and had iflue, Richard, Earle of Clare and Hartford, and others j and died in they eerc 1174. his wife mar- ried afterwards WilliamEark of Arundell. This Roger was fummoned to Weftminfter , 1163. by Thomas Arch-biQiop of Canterburie, to doe homage vnto him for the Caftle of Tunbridge : but vpon aduice had with the King , this Roger denied to doe the fame , faying, that the whole See did rather pertainetotheKing in Lay-feruice then to the Arch-bifhop. Etftrtoity ctor troii cheurm dtguwUes. Richtrd, Ii6 CLARE and CLARENCE. 13 Ichard, Earlc of Clare and Hartford , fonne of Ro- A * ger atbrelaid , married K^irhicia , fecond daughter and one of the heires of William Earlc of Glocefter, and had iflue , Gilbert Earlc of Clare , Hartford and Glocefter; Robert ,fecond fonne, and loane ,wife to tf/VfGr/g-,PrinccofSouth-Wales,anddiedintheyecre 1 2 1 8. and was buried in the Prioric of Tunbridge. Etpfrtoit, lesarmes de/onpere. (~\ llbcrt, Earle of Clare,Hartford, and of Gloceftcr, ^* by his mother Amicia , after the de.uh of his two Aunts without ilfue. He was a witnelie to King Henry r — . the thirds Charter,of Lands that he gaue (in the ninth ^rrflillll^hiw. ycereof his reigne) to the Abbey of Peterborough, by the name of Gilbert , Earle of Clare , Hartford and Glocefter. And by his Charter didgiue and confirme to the Monkes of Tcwkelburie, there feruing God, for the health of his ownefoule, and for the foulcs of Earlc Richard his father , and the CountefTe Amicia his mo- ther, the Church of Haclington.with all rights and cuftomes belonging to the fame. Moreouer, he confir- med to the laid Monkes the gift of Robert de Clare his brother,of the farme-houfe of Miles Croft, ejre. He married ifabell, third filter , and one of the heires of -^dnfclme Marfhall, Earle of Penbroke ,aid had iflue, Ri~ chard Earle of Clare , Hartford and Glocefter , and William de Clare ; ifa- helly\vi& to Robert Brttfe \ o4>>/>,wife to5d/«'n;//jEirleof Deuon ,and others. Hee died at Penrofe in Briraine , as the Eooke of Tewkefbunc hath, 1230- andlieth there buried. Et portoit t d'or trois cheurom dcgucuUeS. & T> Ichard de Clare , fecond Earle of Gloceftcr , fonne *^-o£Gilbert aforefaid,marriedfirft Margaret, dMgh~ ter ofHitpb de Burco Earle of Kent, but by her he had no iflue. His fecond wife was Mauld-, daughter or lohn Lacy Earle of Lincolne , and Conftable of Chefter , by whom he had iffue (as the Booke of Tewkcfburie men- tioned ) Gilbert , the fecond Earle of Glocefter , &c. Thomtti de Clare , that was Steward of the Forrcfts in Eflcx; Bern/, Treafurcrof Yorke-Mynfter; ifabell,^ Nun at Barking 5 Margaret , wife to Edmond Earle of Cornwall ; Ro/e , wife to Ro4r^ the third, was created Earle of Wiltfhire, in the twentie fixe yeere of his fathers reigne j and in the thirtie fixe yeere of the faid Kings reigne, he was created Duke of Clarence. He married to his firft wife, Elizabeth , daughter of Iohn de Burgh, Earle of Vlfter, and filter and heire c£ William de Burgh, Earle of Vlfter her brother ; and had iffac y Phihp his onely child, mar- ried to Edmond Mortuomary , Earle of March and Vl- fter: and to his fecond wife he married Violtnta, daugh- ter ofGalets , Vifcount of Millaine, and filter to Iohn Galea*, firft DukeofMillainc,in whofe right, the Sate and Lords of Italy, did fully determine to crowne him King of Italy , but halfe ayeere before the time appointed , he died at Venice, i3&8.and was there buried, ha- iling no iffue by his laft wife. Etportoit, France feme ejr d'Engleterre efcartell'eau lamb ell d 'argent ', enchefcun point au Canton degueulles. HFHoma* Plantagenet, Knight of the Garter, fecond ■*■ fonneof King#w/>thc fourth, and brother to King Henry the fift,was createu Earlc of Albemarle, and Duke of Clarence, in theyeerei4ii. He was alfo Ldrd Steward of England, and Conftableof the Kings Hoft, and Lieutenant Gcnerall of his Armie in France and Normandy. He was alio Prefident of the Kings Counfell, after Prince Henrie his brother was difmi£ fed that Office, for ftriking the Lord Chiefe-Iuftice, and after was flaine at thebatraile of Bangyin Anion, by the Duke of Alanfon (and the treachery of <_•/»- drexvForgufa-x Lumbard, whom heoucrmuch trufted) and with him was flaine,thc Earlesof Tankeruile,Sir Gilbert Fmfiamuile y Earle of Anguifh, and the Lord Ros : andtheEarlesofSomerfet , Suf- folke, and Perch , with the Lord Fitz-Walter , were t.iken prifoners , the ninth of King Henry the fift, leauing no iffue of his bodie, and was buried in Chrift- Church in Canterburie, 1421. Etportoit, France feme , efcar telle d'Engleterre an Itmbell d'ermyn charge de /; on cantons degueulles. George CLARE and CLARENCE. 119 G Forge Plantagenet , borne acDublyn in Ireland, Knight of the Garter, and third fcnne of Ricb.v,!, Duke of Yorke , and brother to King Edmard the fourth, was created Duke of Ciarcnce, I46i.andafter . the death of Richard Nemll Earle of Warwkke his wiues fuher.he writ him felfc, George Duke of Clarence, Earle ofWarwickc and Salilburie,Lord of Richmond, and great Chamberlaine of England. He married ifa- bell , eldeft daughter and co-heire of Rtch.ird Nenill % Earle of Warwicke and Salifburie afore f;id,and had tlTue, Edward ', commonly called Earle of Warwicke, (who died without iffue,being beheaded in the Tower . of London , the fifteenth of King Henry the feuenth ) and Margaret , Countcffe of Salifburie , who was wife to Sir Richard Pole Knight , father of Henry Lord Montague , and Reginald Pole Cardinall $ which Margaret was alfb beheaded, in thethrceand thirtieth yeere of King Henry the eight. This George was fecretly murdered the eighteenth day of Februarie , 1477. and put into a Butt of Malmefey in the Tower of London , and was buried at Tcwkefburie, the eighteenth of Edward the fourth. Et port oity France efcar telle D'engletene an Umbell d' argent ch. rge de trois Cantons deguen lies. no A Catalogue of the Earles of Cumberland, their Armcs, Wiues, and Children. f Enry differ J, Lord Clifford , Skipton , Weflmerland andVcfcic,wasby King henry the eight , created Earlc of Cum- berland ,at Bridewell , the eighteenth of lunc, 1325. the feuenteenthyeereof the faid Kings rcignc ; and married Margaret , daughter of Henry Lord Percy , fift Earle of Northumberland , by whom he had iffue , Henry Earle of Cumberland ,and Sir Ingram Clifford, Knight ; and foure daughters, Katherine the eldeft, was married to John Lord Scroopc of Bolton j Matildawzs •w'xfcxoIohnCoignicrsotHoxn- by i and Flizabeth was married to S'vxChriftopher Med- calfe. Knight - y and lane was married to Sir lohn Hudle- fien> Knight. This Henry died the two and twentieth of Aprill , in the foure andj-thirtiethyecrc of King Henry the eight , being Knight of the, Garter. Etperteit, efchequette iter & d'azur a la face degutulles. TLTEm Lord Clifford,fbnneand heire dt Henry afbre- ■* ■* faid , after the death of his father , was the fecond Earlc of Cumberland, Lord Clifford, Skipton, Weft- ^ merland, and Vefcie,and married to his firft wifc,E/w- H ner y daughter and co-heirc of" 'Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolkc, by his wifcMary, Queene of France, ( fecond daughter to King Henry the feuenth ) by whom he had iffue , CMargaret , married to Henrie Stanley Earlc of Derby , by whom hee had iffue, Ferdinando Earle of Derby, that died without iffue Male, and William now Earlc of Derby, 161S. This Henry married to his fe- cond wife , Arme , daughter of William Lord Dacres of Gillcfland,andbyher had ifTue, George Lord Clifford, the third Earle of Cumberland , and Frauds the fourth Earle of Cumberland ; and three daughters , Frances the eldeft daughter , was married to Philip Lord Wharton, Elianor and Marie diedboth young. This Henrie died in annt 1 56?. the twelfth of Queene Elizabeth. Les armes dt fen fere. Geergt CVMBERLAND. lit /"l Eorge Lord Clifford, after the death of Henrie h\i ^-* Father, was the third Earle of Cumberland, Lord Clifford, Skipton, Weftmerland, and Vefcy, and She- riffc of Weftmerland by inheritance: a moft Noble and & Martiall mart, both by Sea and Land, and honoured with the honourable Order ofthe Garter* 1592. Hec married Af*r£4r quefTes of Exeter, their Arme*, Whics, and Children. lcharddeRiparijs , (fonne of Baldwin Riuert) to whom King Henry the firft gauc the towne of Tiuerton,and the Honor of Plimpton, and ^ created him Earle of Dcuonftiire ; and granted ^ to him the third peney of the yearcly reuenue of the fame Countic, being ten Marks. The faid King gaue him alfo the Ifle of Wight, by rcafon whereof euer after he was called Earle of DeuonuSire, and Lord of the Ifle. Hec married the daughter ofiofmond de Centamvillis, Vilcount of Vernon, begotten of his wife, daughter of Hcrfaftut the Dane, brother of Gonor, DuchcfTe of Normandie,andhad ifluc, B&ldwine Riuers, the fecond Earle of Dcuon. William Gemtticenfis , pug. 687. 3*5' \J BAldmne de Riuers , fonne of Richard aforefaid,was the fecond Earle of Deuonlhire, and builded three Mona- fteries, viz,. Chrift-Church, Quarara in the Ifle of Wight, andLirainNormandie; he fortified the Citic of Exeter a- gainft King Stephen, and was baniflied England , with his wife and children , and had the Ifle of Wight taken from him, in the yeare 1 136. He married i^delizia, daughter of by whom he had ifTue, Richard, Henrie that died young, and William, fur-named Vernon\ti\t place where he went to fchoole, or was brought vp in) and Mauld, married to William de Romany. This Baldtvine died in theyeare 1 1 $6 (as Robert Montenfes hath) and was buried in the Abbey of Quarara. "D Ichard de Riuers , cldeft fonne and heire of Earle Bald- *^-wine, fuccceded his father in the EarledomeofDeuon- fhire, and did by his Deed, bearing date the thirteenth of King Stephen, 1 ia/j- giue Lands to the Abbey of Quarara, to pray for the foulcs ofBaldwine his father, and <^fdelizia his mother, Countefle of Deuon. He married # J IdwinedeRiuers, Con and heire of Richard afore - -"-*iaid, was after his Father, the fourth Earlc of De- von, and married Alice, daughter of Ralph deDolixi Berry, (as UUilL s hath, pag. 457. ) he was Earlebut a while, and died without iifue; leauing i?/V^r^ his bro- ther to fucceed him in his Earledome and lands. "D Ichard deRitters, ( fecond fbnne of Richard, the •*-^-third Earle of Devon, and brother and heire of Baldwin*, the fourth Earle of Devonfhire ) was the fift Earlc of Devonfhire , and married Margaret, daughter md one of the heires of John Lord Bifet,and gaue lands to the Abbey of Bruer,to pray for the foule of Earle Ri~ chard his Father, his owne health, and 'Jitargaret the CountefTe his Wife, he died w ithout iffue, and was bu- ried at Montbrogc in Normandy , the thirtieth of King Hemic the fecond. Etfortott , d f or au Lyon rampant d'azur. Thisis the firfl man of this Family that bare this Armes, that euer I could finderand for the Griffyn which hath been vfually fet downe for their Armes, it is butadeuice, and. no Ai mes. \J\Tllliam fur-named de Vernon, of the Towne of ^ * Vernonain Normandy, wherehe was borne, as fomehauc (but the bookeof Forde ^yibbey hath, where he went to fchoole) after the death ofBaldwine and Richard, his two Nephewes, without ifTue,was the (hict Earle of Devonfhire, & Lord of the Ifle ofWight. He maried 3/4^f^,daughter to Robert Earle ofMellent, with whom her Father did giue in marriage all his lands of Kiderminfter, Moreis, and Redeliflon, which . were before the lands of her Mother cjilauld, one of the daughters and heires of Reginald, Earle of Corn- wall, (bafefonne of King #(•»/•/> therirfti) by whom, this William had iiTue, Baldwin, who married ^Margaret , daughter of yrarynFitz,-Gerald, Chamberlaineto King/fibri^ and died before his Fa- ther, leauingiflue, S^rt'/w his fonne and heire. This William had iflfue alfo, two daughters; the eldeft was lane, married vnto William Rruer, the M 3 youn- 126 DEVON^EXETER. younger Lord of Torbay, who died without iiTuc-.Mary the fecond daugh- ter, was fir ft married to Six Robert Courtney, Knight, fonne of Reginald, and after to Peter de Prouz,, and had iffuc. This William de Vernon by his Deed or Charter, bearing date the fourth of September, 1205. didgiue lands to the Abbey or Quarara, to pray for the foules of King Henrie.and Baldwin; his Father.and Adelizia the CountefTe his Mother,and Earle Ri. chard his brother, and for the health of Mabell the CountefTe , his Wife, and Baldwin his fonne^and after died the fourth of September,in the yeerc of our Lord, i2l<5.thcfirftofKing//^»rjfthethird. L tpor toil, d'or au Lion rampant d'azur, arm'e tjr lampaffe degueulles. B. Aldwine de Riuers , the fourth of that Chriftcn 1 name ( fonne of Baldwine the third, which died be- fore his rather) was after the death ofyFiUiam de Ver- non, his grand-father, thefeucnth Earle of Devonfhire, and L ord of the Ifle of Wight. He married LAmicia, daughter oi Gilbert de Clare , Earle of Glocefter and Hertford, by whom he had ifTue, Baldwine the lift, and eight Earle of Devonfhire of that fur-name, and lfabell de Forttbus CountefTe of Albemarle, the wife of Wil* liam de Fortibus Earle of Albemarle, and UWargaret a Nunneat Lacokc. This Baldwine in the twentie fift yearcof the Reigne ofKingHenry thethird,was created Earle ofthe Ifle of Wight, at the flue and petition of fiicbardTMc of Cornwall, the Kings brother, ( whofe Ward this Bald, vein had been) and in the twentie ninth yearcof the faid Kings Reigne,thc faid Baldwin died in his youthfull yearcs. After whofe death , his Coun- tefle i^Amicia gauc lands to the Abbey of Bruarne,to pray for the foules of Gilbert de Clare, late Earle of Glocefter, her Father, and for lfabell the CountefTe her Mother, and Baldwin late Earle of Devonfhire , her hus- band, and for the health of her ownc foule, and Baldwin her fonne. Shec died in the ycare 1283. Et forfeit, d'or an Lion rampant ctaz.ur. TDAldwin de Riuers the fift of that name, and eight ■■-'.Earle of Devonfhire, of that fur-name, and Lord _ ofthe Ifle ofWight. He married Auice , daughter of aSdAoy^wborne, and neere kinfwoman ofQucehc£//4wr,andhadiffue, a fonne named John, thatdied young iu France without ifTue. This Bald- wine the fift, died in the fortie fixe yeare of King Henry the thirdikauing lfabell de Fortibus, CountefTe of Al- bemarle, his filter and hcire. Etporttit, Its armes defonpere. Hugh DE V ON and EXETER. n 7 TJrgh Courtney, Knight, ( the fccond of that name) •*• ••coufin of TJabell de For tibia ,and herheire to the lands of Riuers , as Robert de Lifle was to the lands of Fitz.Gerold, that is to fay, lonne ofh'ngh , grand-child ofMariedeRtuers, lifter of Baldwin the third (that died before his fither) grand-father of Ifabefl de Fortibia, CountefTe of Albemarle ; was by Lctters-Miffiue made the ninth Earle of Deuonlhire , the ninth of King t J- rvard the third ; and married Agnes , fiftcr of Sir lohn S.lohn , Knight , by whom he had iflue , foure fonnes and three daughters , viz. Hugh Courtney , the tenth Earle of Deuonlhire; Thomas, thefecond fonne, mar- ried Muriell, daughter of lohn de Mules: lohn, the third fonne, was Abbot of Taueftokc; and Robert was the fourth Con:Elianor,thc eldcft daughter, was wife to lohn Grey, Elizabeth, thefecond daughter, was married to Bartholomew de Lip, of the Ifle ofWight ; and Egelyne, the third daugh- ter, was wife to Robert Lord Scales This Hugh died in the fourteenth yeere of King Edward the third, 1 340. and was buried at Co wike. Et portoit, d*or trots torteaux, au Umbel dazttr. XJVgh Courtney , the third of that Chriften name, ■** (fonne of Hugh the fecond ) after the death of his rather, was the tenth Earle ofDeuonfhire,and married CMargarct , daughter of Humfrey de Bohun , the eight Earle of Hereford and EfTex , and Conftable of Eng- land , by his wife Elizabeth , daughter of King Edward thefirft.andhad iffuc, Hugh Courtney that died with- out iflue, Edward, that was after Earle of Deuonlhire, Sir Thomas Courtney, Knight, Philip Courtney of Pow- derham, William Courtney, Archbifhop of Canter- burie, and Humfrey and Peter that died young : He had ifliie atfo , three daughters, Catherine, the eldeft ,was married xaWillum Lord Harington \ Elizabeah, to William Lord Mounc of Dunfter Caftlc ; and Margaret, wife to lohn Lord Cobham , &c. This Earle Hugh died at Tiuerton , in the laft yeere of King Edward the third, 1376. and was buried at Exeter. Etportoit,dor trots torttdux^tt Umbel d'azitr. Edward 123 DEVON and EXETER. P dward Courtney, forme of Hugh Earle of Dernn ^aforefaid , was the eleuenth Earle of Deuonibirc, and married Emetine , daughter of Sir Iobn Dauney , Knight , and hadiflue , Edward Courtney , the twelfth Earle of JDeuonihire,and Sir Hugh Courtney of Hac- combc, Knight; anddiedinthefixteenthyecreof the reigneofKingif/V^4r7 homos , Earle of Deuonfhire, and died in the tenth yeere of thereigneof King Henry the lift, 1421. Et portoit, d'or a trois tortedux, au Umbel d'azttr. George DE V ON and EXETER. 1 79 r TT 'Homoj Country , fonne of Earle Hugh aforefaid, ■*■ fuccecdcd his father, and was the fourteenth Eark of Beuonfhire, and Lord ofOchampton : he married Margaret , daughter of John Beaufort , Earle of Somer- fet,and Marqucfie Dorfet, by whom he had i(Tue. three I [ fonnes and two daughters : Thorn a* the eldeft fonne, being in the battaile atToutonwith King Henry the fixt, againft King Edward the fourth , was there taken prifoner,and had his head fmitten off: Henry the fecon d fonne, was likewife beheaded atSalifburie , the eight of King Edward the fourth ; and John the third fonne, was flaiue at Tcwkefburie , in the tenth yeere of King Edward the fourth; Ioane the eldeft daughter , was married to Sir Roger Clifford, Knight; and Elizabeth thefecond daughter , was wife to Sir Hugh Convey , Knight. This Thomas , being at the battaile of Touton, 146c. was taken prifoner, and beheaded at Yorke. XJVmfrey Lord Stafford of Southwikc , fonne of *■* William Stafford ofHooke, Efquire ; in the ninth yeere of King Edward the fourth, was created Earle of Deuonfhire, i46o.and married ifabell, daughter of Sir John Barry , Knight, but had no iflue by her. This Humfrey became vngratefull to King Edward, and feil from him , and after was taken by fomeof King Ed- nur<£f friends, and carried to Bridgwater in Somerfet- fhire, and there had his head fmitten off, in the yeere 1.160. hauing beene an Earle but three moneths and oddedayes. Et fortoit, d"or au Cheuron de gueulles a la bordurc^j engrejleedefable. "C Dward Courtney ofHaccombe, Knight of the Gar- •*--'ter, femof Sit Hugh Courtney ofBokonoke,Knight, grand-child to Edward Courtney, the eleuenth Earle of Deuonfhire,was after the death of Humfrey Stafford, reftored in blood, and made the fixteench Earle of De- uonftiirc, in the firft yeere of King Henry the feuenth ; he married Elizabeth , daughter of Sir Philip Courtney of Molland,Knight,andhad xSnt^WiUiam Courtney Earle of Deuonfliire. This Edward had foure lifters, whofe ilTuccame after to be his heires. The firft was E- lizabeth, married to lohnTretherfc, of whom Viuian is deicended: thefecond was Mauld^mfc to John Arundell of Taluernc : JfabeU the third lifter , was married to mi- *3° DEVON and EXETER. William Mount : and Florence the fourth fiftcr, was married to loan Tre- launy, and thus arc they fct downc in the faid Edwards Will. Hcc died in the firft yccre of King Henry the eight, 15c?. it portoit, dor trots torteaux. William Courtney fonneof Edward , was after his fathers death, the feuentcenth Earlc of Dcuon- fliire, and Lord ofochampton , and married Katherine y daughter of King Edward the fourth , and had ifliie, Henry Courtney Earle ofDcuonlhire , and Marquefle of Exeter ; and died at Grcencwich , the ninth of June, in the third ycercofthc reignc of King Henry the eight, 1 5 1 1 . and was buried in the Blacke-Friars in London. Et portoit > d"or trots torteaux. TJlEnry Courtney ,Knight of the Gartcr,fonnc offF/7- * *liam aforefaid, by Kathcrine his wife, daughter of King Edward the fourth, was after his Either, the eigh- teenth Earle ofDcuon, and Lord of Ochampton. He was after created Marquefle of Exeter, at Bridewell, the eighteenth of June ,1525. and married to his firft wife , Elizabeth , daughter and heirc of Sir John Grey, Vifcount Liflc, by whom he had no iflue : after , hcc married Gertrude , daughter of William Blount , Baron Mountioy ( begotten of Elizabeth the daughter and one of the heires of Sir William Say, Knight) bywhoni he had ifluc, Edward Courtney, the laft Earlc ofDeuon- fhire of this progenie. This Henry Marquefle of Exeter , Henry Pooler Lord Mountague , and Sir Nicholas Carew of Bcddington in the Countic of Surrey, Knight, were attainted and executed for high treaibn ,1538. at the Tower Hill , for being priuic with Cardinall Poole ( brother to the "Lord Mountague) to procure fbrrainc power ( in the Popes aide) to in- uade this Realmc. Soone after, this Gertrude MarqueiTcs of Exeter, Mar- garet CountcfTc of Salifburie, with others, were likewife attainted for the fame treafbn, but Gertrude was not executed , but died, and was buried in a furc Tombe in Wimbornc Minftcr, in theyeerc, 1557. Et portoit, efcartell'c France ejrd'Jngleterre,au bordure efcarteHe dc^> mefme .- efcar telle Courtney, qui e(l,eTor a trots Torteaux. Le tiers y de mefme, le quart, Riuers, qui ejl (tor au lion rampant d"azur,arme & lampajfe degueulles. Edward DEVONWEXETER, J ?I P dward Courtney , fonne and hare of Henry Mar- x -'queflc of Execcr,and Earkof Deuonlhirc, being Jong prifoner in the Tower of London, was by Queenc Mary , on funday, the third of September , in the rirft ycere of her reigne, tslii, at Richmond reftored in blood, and made Earleof Deuon(hirc,at Her Mannor of Richmond ; and three yecres after, he died at Padua, in Italy, the fourth day of October, 1 556. without if- fue, (fomc haue , he was poyfoned : ) He was the laft Earleof that Nameand Familicof Courtney s. El partoit^ les armoiries defonpefe. /~» Harles Blount, Baron Mounrioy,and Knight of the ^Garter , ( fecond fonne of lames Blount , Lord Mountioy, and brother and heire of William Mount- ioy ( Lord Deputk and Lieutenant of Ireland ; who expulfed the Spaniards there , and compelled the Re- bels to fubmiflion , was by King lames in the firft ycere of his reigne, 1603. created Earle ofDeuonfhire,in the one and twentieth of Iuly, at Hampton- Court. Hee died without any lawfull iidc , in the Duchy-houfe in the Strand, and was buried at Weftminftcr, with great pompe, in the Abbey, in theyeerc, 1606. Et port on, bur-tile vndce defx cCor & de fable. William Cauendijh Efquire, was by King lames' created Baron ofHardwike,the fourth of May, 1605-and in Auguft, i6i8.he was made Earle of De- uonlhire. He married two wiues , the firft wasJnne, daughter and heire of Henry Ktghley of Kighley in Lancalhire , Efquire , by whom he had iflue , William Lord Caucndiln , who married chrifiian , daughter of Sdvoard Brufe , Baron of Kynloffc , and Mafter of the Rolles ; Prances, wife to Sir William Maynard, Knight, Mary and Elizabeth. This Williams fecond wife , was Elizabeth, the. widdow of Sir Richard Wort ley, Knight, and eldeft daughter of Edward Boughtonof Caufton in Warwikelhire , Efquire , by Suzan his wife , daughter of Sir lohn Brocket , of Brocket Hall in Hartford (hire, Knight, by whom he had iflue Sir lohn Cauendifh, Knight of the Bath , which died without iflue. Et fortoit, fable an trois teftesdu Cerf Sargent , lescernes d'or au Crejfant pur la difference. 13* .A Catalogue of the Earles of Ferrars and T>erby y their Armes, Wiues , and Children. F£»r/> , Earle Ferrars, (or D'Ferrarijs ) a Norman borne, fonnc of Wakeline, came into England with William the Conque- rour , who gaue him the Caftles of Tut- burie and Oucume , with diuers other great Scigneurics in England and Normandy. He mar- ried one £fr/4,and had ifliie, Eugenulphtu , William ,and Robert ; and two daughters , Gundred, and Emelyrt. He founded the Abbey of Tutburie,in the yeerc 1080. Vnto which foundation, were witnefTes , Eugenulfhus y William, and Robert, his fonncs. And for proofe that this Henry was an Earle , ( which fomc great and late Writers denie ) I haue here fet downe the faid Henries Epitaph, which I find printed in the yeere 1577. and dedicated to the late Earle of EiTex, and faid to be found in the Abbey of Tutburic. Hie tacet Henricus dc Ferrarijs Comes , Ecclefu fandator Imago , nomine cuius anno milleftnto Domini quater atquevicenoTutburiafy nouo domtaejl fitndatapatrono. It is faid that he bare for his Pixmcs^rgentyfix H or fe-fhooes fable. William, EarleFcrrars, fonne of Henry aforefaid, was one of the Noblemen that went with Ro- bert, Duke of Normandy, and other great Princes to the Holy-land,in the yeere 10^5. at which time the faid Robert did morgage Normandy to his brother, King William Rufus for ten thoufand Markes of filuer. Thefe Princes wan Ierufalem , the tenth day of Iuly , 1099. and placed therein a King and a Patriarch. Matthew Paris* Robert FERRARS and DERBY. m obertde Ferrars, after the death of Hemic his fa* thcr, and Eugenulpbus and William , his two bro- thers, without ifluc, was the fecond Earlc Ferrars, and by that name was witncfTc to King Hemic the firft, his ^-nI Chartcr,of lands which he gauc to the Abbey of Tutes- bury. Alfo in the one & thirtieth ycare of the faid Kings reigne, he began the foundation of the Abbey of Mi> nual in Warwickfhire, to which foundation were wit- nefles , William, Earle of Tutburic, his fonnc, and Ro- bert his brother, HughdeSomerie, Vrfo dt Abtot, John Fitz-Richardj&c. and died in the nineteenth yeare of King Stephen, and was buried at Muriuall , leauingif- fue, William, Earle ofTutcsburie, flaine in his lodgingin London,without ifluc j Robert, Earle Ferrars, and Wake lynde Ferrars, the third fonne. Lesarmesdefonpere, Sargent a fix Fcrrcsdcchtual de fable. "D obertde Ferrars, the fecond ofthatname,after the •^-deathof Robert his father, and William his bro- ther, was the third Earle Ferrars, whom diuers late Writers haue greatly miftaken , they affirming him to be the firft Robert, founder of Muriuall Abbey, and to be Earle of Nottingham , when as in truth,ir was this Roberts father, that was founder of Muriuall Abbey, and another Robert Ferrars , grand child of this fe- cond Robert by his fonnc William , that was made Earlc of Notting-ham, as hereafter will appearc in his due place. Some haue that the wife of this Robert was Sibely daughter of William Lord Brufe of Brember and Gowcre ; but that Difcent doth not affirme it : And where they fay they haue fecne Deedsand Charters , to approue their affirmati- on , it is vntrue ; for thofe they meanc , are vnperfeft Notes and Ab- ftra&s, taken out of ClouerSomerfets bodkeof Mifcefla»ia ^ which bookc I haue, and pervfing the fame, finde them of fmall credit. This Earle Ro- bert married, and had iffue, William, Earle Ferrars , the fourth Earle Fer- rars j and died in the yeare 1 184. the one and thirtieth of King Henrie the fecond -.but others hauc,that he died in the Holy Land, in the yeare 11 90. the fecond of King Richard the firft, which is miftaken. Etfortoit, lesarmoiries defonperc. Now to the ijfue , which Ma&er Mills maketh this Robert to haue , in hU Booke offtucefion efEarles , pag. Z69. viz,. William dc Ferrars , Earle of Derby. Petronel (or Pernel) wifeofHei\iic,LordStafford-, and Elizabeth N married *34 FERRARS *» ter the death of his father, was Earle Ferrars, and firft Earle of Derby. This William , Earle Ferrars, the fa- ther, died (as Roger Houeden hzth,fol.sgo.b .) ztAchon in the Holy Land, in the yeare 1 190. And CMatthew Paris faith, he went to the Holy Land , tn the yeare iop5« JEtfortoit, ct argent a fix F err es de Cheual de fable. TL/XTllliam de Ferrars , the fecond Earle Ferrars of * * that Chriften name, was by King Iohn made the firft Earle of Derby of that fur-name. Hec married %^4gnes, the third fifler and co-heirc of Randolph Blun- deuile, Earle of Chcftcr and Lincolnc : in whofe right he was Lord of Chartlcy,and had iffue, William, Earle Ferrars and Derby, Robert, Hugh, and Thomas de Fer- rars j and died inthe yeare of our Lord 1247. and was buried at Muriuall,the two and thirtieth of King Henry the third, as Matthew Paris hath. Etpsrtoit, vaire d'or & de gueuUes, a la lor dure de az.nr J eme Ferrars de cheual d 'argent. William W; FERRARS W DERBY. 135 'Illiam de Ferrars, the third of that name, was Earlc Ferrars and Derby , Lord of Tutburic and Chartley. He married two wiues , the firft was Si- bel, Daughter ofWtlltam Marjhall the elder, Earleof P.enbrooke, and one of the fiue fifters and heires of K_slmelme Marjhall, Earle of Penbroke, (with whom he had one thoufand,fiue hundred,and twentie pounds rents of affile, per amum ) and had iflue, fiucDaugh- tcrs,who inherited their mothers inheritance, and were married, as f ollowcth. Agnes, thceldeft, was married to PF///J4»*,LordVefcyofAlnwicke in Northumber- land : ifabel firft married vnto Gilbert Bajfet, and after, vnto Reginald de Mohan theyounger , Earle of Somcr- fet, Ioane the third Daughter, was married vnto John Mohun,fonr\c of Re- ginald aforcfaic) : Mauld, thefourth Daughter, was married to Philip de_> Kyme, Lord of Kyme, and had i(fue,Sibel, wife to Frankede Bo/jut?,Baron of Midhurft in Suflex : and after, (he married William de Fortz, Baron of Clapton j and thirdly, the did Mauld married William de Vallibw • Anne or Agatha,thc fift daughter ,was married to Hugh Mortimer of Chilmerfh, fonnc of Ralphe , Lord Mortimer of Wigmore. Theforeiaid^v7//4W7, Earle Ferrars, married to his ftcond wife, Margaret, Daughter arid one of thchcires of Roger guincie, Earleof Winchefter,and ConftableofScot- land,by whom he had \ffuc, Robert, Earlc Ferrars and Derby,and William, Lord and Baron of Groby,by the gift of his mother j and a daughter na- med Agnes, married to Robert Mufegres, fonne of Richard , Lord of Der- hurft. This William died ef a bruife , taken with a fall out of his Coach, inthcycarc X25 3. the eight and thirtieth of King Henrie the Third. Etportoit, vairc d*or & de guiles. "D Obert de Ferrars (fonnc and heire of William, Eaile -■•^-Ferrars and Derby) was alfo Earle Ferrars and Derby, and combined with Simon Mountfurd^ Efrie of Leiccfter, andGilbert declare, Earleof Glocefter and others, to rayfe Warrc againft King Henrie the Third, becaufehee rcftifed to ftandto the Statutes made by Parliament at Oxford , for the banilhment of Stran- gers, &C. In which Ciuill Difcord , this Robert, in the fiftieth ycare ofthefaid Kings rcigne,was taken Prifo- ncr at the battcll of Cheftcrfield,and imprifoned in the Caftle of Chipenham, nccrcto Windelore, where hee for the obtaining of his libertic,became bound (before John Chijhull ', Lord Chancellour of England) and did aflurc oucrall his Lands in England (excepting Chartley,and the Towne N z of «** FERRARStf»£ es armes defon Pere. Ilium Lord Stanley, Strange, and of the Iflt - • of Man, fecond fonne of Henry Earle of Der- by , and brother and heire male of Ferdinands, was the fixt Earle of Derby, and Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter. He married El/zabeth, cldcb daughter of Edward Fere, late Earle of Oxford, by y^inne Cicelt his wife,daughter of William Lord Burleigh,and Lord Treafurer of England ; and hath uTue , lames Lord Strange, Robert fecond /bnne, an&^Arme married to Sir Henry Portmany of Orchard in Somerfctfhire,Baro- nct, i<5ii. Et forfeit i les armes defon fere. *4 T A Catalogue of the Marqueffes and Earles o£T)orfet, with their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Sm W,Earle of Seez in Normandy, was by William the Conquerour made Bifhop o( Salisbury, and after, Earle of Dorfet, (as M. Camden hath in his Britannia, page 217.) But Milks ■, in Somerfet Gloutrs Booke of the fuc- ceffions of Earles, page 392. hath, that thefaid ofmond was Earle of Somerfet; and therefore, to which of them credite may be giuen, I leaue to the indifferent R eader. To^brotherof King fl/V^vv/ the firft, was Earle of ■"■ Moriton, Lancaftcr, and Cornwall, and Lord of the Manor ofWallingford,Marlesburgh,andTikell; and in the right of 7/4£e// his Wife, (daughter, and one of the heires of William, Earle of Glocefter) Earle of Glo- cefter ; and after, by the gift of King Richard the firjty Earle of Somerfet and Dorfet ; and laftly , King ot England, by the name of King lohn ; as in the Kings of England is more at large. Et portoit ; gueulles a detts Lions pajfant gdrdant d*or. John, furnamed Beaufort , fonnc of lohn of Gaunt, ■*■ Duke of Lancafter, by the Lady Rather tne Swynford, his third Wife , was created Earle of Somerfet, at a Parliament held the twentieth yeare of King Richard the fecond : and in the one and twentieth yeare of the: faid Kings Rcigne, he was created Marqueffe Dorfet, and Lord Cham berlaine of England ; and in the firft yeare of King Henry the fourth, he was by Parliament depofed from the Title of JMarqucfTe Dorfet, and re- mained onely Earle of Somerfet. This Iohn,v/ith the reft of the children which lohn of Gaunt had,befbrc marriage of the (aid Lady Swynford, were made legi- timate, 14* DORSET. timatc,by Parliament held at London, in the yeare 1 397. Hec married Margaret, daughter of Thomas //<>//W,EarleofKent,and Duke of Surrey, (and one of the fiftcrs and heircs of Thomas Holland, Earle of Kent,and Lord Wake) by whom he had iflue, John Duke of Somerfet,and Edmond Duke of Somerfet, and Thomas, a third fonnc : he had alio two daugh- ters j / fecond brother of Geffrey a- * ^ forefaid, was after his brothers death the next Earle of EfTex, and tooke part with Lewis, the French Kings fonne,againft KingHenry the third. He intayled all his Lands,with the Earledome of Eflex.vpon Mtuld his fifter and heire, married to Henry de Bohun, Earle of Hereford,and Lord High Conftable of England. He died without ifTue,thefixtofthe Ides of Ianuary, 1228. Et portoit, les Armes defonpere, xiz, Efcartellee d'or ejr degueulles a la bordure vair. HEnry de Bohun ,Earle of Hereford,and Conftable of England, married Matt /^fifter and heire of Geffrey and William Fitz- Piers, Earles of Eflex;in whofe right he was alfo Earle of EfTex. This Henry, in the fine and twentieth ycare of the Reigne of KmgHenry the third, wasawitnefletothefaid Kings Charter,of Lands that he gaue to the Abbey of Weftminfter,by the Name and Title of Henry de BobunJLwle of Hereford & EfTex, and Conftable of England. He had iffuc,Hnmfrey de Bohun 3 the rift, and died the eight of the Kalends of Oftober, 1234. and his Wife AW^ died the fixt of the Kalends of September, 1236. Et portoit ,les armes de [on per e. O 3 Humfrey ISO ESSEX. HVmfrey deBohun,thc fift of that name , fonnc and heirc of 'Henry de Bohun and Mauld his Wifc,fifter and hcire of Geffrey and William Fitz- Piers aforefaid, was Earlc of Hereford and Effex , and Conftable of England ; and married CMauld, daughter and hcire of Ralphe de iffodon, Earle of Angie in Normandie, and brother of Hugh le Brun, Earle of the Marches of A- quitaine .* as more at large doth appeare in the Title of Earles of Hereford. E t portoit,£azur a la band ctargent a deux cottt^es entreftx Lions rampant £or. XJXFmfrey de Bohun, the feuenth of that name,was af- ■*■ ■* ter the death of Humfrey his grandfather,Earlc of Herefbrd,Effex, and Conftable of England.and Lord of Brecknock. Hee married Mauld, daugh ter oflngel- ram de Fines, and had iffue, Humfrey the eight : and died at Pleffy in Effex , the feuen and twentieth of King Edward the firft, 1298. Et per toit, iazura la band d* argent a deux eottizes entreftx Lions rampant d'or. TJIrmfrey de Bohun,xhc eight of that name, (fonne of * *■ Humfrey the fixt, which died before his father) was Earle of Hereford, Effex, and Conftable of England. He married Elizabeth, daughter of King Edward the firft, being the Widdow of lohn Earle of Holland; and had iffue, lohn, Humfrey, and William, all three Earles, and Edward and WiMamjcv/'ms&s in the Title of Earles- of Hereford. This Humfrey was flaine at Borough- bridge,thc fifteenth of King Edward the fecond, 1322. Et port Oft, lesarmes defonpere. l»b» ESSEX. 151 T ohn deBohun, (fonnc and hcirc of Humfreyde Bohun ■* the eight) after the death of his father , was Earlc of Hereford and Eflcx, &c. Hec married two wiucs, as in the Title of Earles of Hereford, but had no iflue. Hee J died in the ninth yearc of King Edward the third, 133d. and was buried in the Abbey of Stratford neere London. Et forfeit, c?*z,ur a la band ctargent, a deux cortices entrefix Lions rampant d"or . \JLVmfrey de Bohun, the ninth of that name,fonne of •*• *-Humftey the eight, and brother and heire of John aforeftid, was alfo Earle of Hereford and Eflex,&c. He ouer-liued his younger brother, William , Earlc of Northampton, one yearc, one moneth, and flue dayes; and died at Plcffie in Eflex , the fixe and thirtieth of King Edward the third, 1 361. and is buried in the Aw gujline-F r'ms in London. Les armes defonfrere leant. T_J fmfiej de Bohun, the tenth of that Chriften name, ■*■ -Monne and heire of William de Bohun , Earle of Northampton , and Nephew and heire of lohn deBo- hun the eight, and Humfiey the ninth, his Vncklcs,was after their deaths, Earle of Hcreford,Eflex,and North- hampton, and Conftablc of England. He married lane, daughter of Richard Fitz-Alan, Earle of Arundell,and had iflue, two daughters his heires - y Eliamr ,the eldeft, was married vnto Thomas of Woodftocke, Duke of Glocefter,with the Earledome ofEflex,and Conftable- ftiip of England \ and cJW4ry,thc fecond daughter,was married to Henrie Plantagenet , Earlc of Derby (after King /fr»r/W,fixt fon, was flaine at Wakefield ; and Fouke, the feuenth fon, died yong. This Henrie, Earle of Eflex, died in the 1 3 . of King Edward the fourth, 1482 . Porter, d 'argent a la croix engrejlee degtieulles,entre quatre bujfeuz de fable. TJT Enrie Bourchier, Knight of the Garter, fonneand ■*■ ** heire of William Bourchier, that died before his fa- her) and grand -child to Henrie, Earle of Eflex,next be- fore mentioned , was after the death of his faid grand- father, Earle of EfTex and Vifcount Bourchier. Hcmar- ried,^w*f .daughter & heire of Sir William Say, Knight, and had ifTsiejOnc onely daughter named Anne,mzrricd \to William, Lord Parre of Kendall , who in her right 'was Earle of EfTex. This Henrie brake his neckc with the fall from his horfc, the fourteenth of March, in the one and thirtieth yeare of King Henrie the eight, 1539. Et portoit, d' argent a la creix engrejlee degueuties, entre quatre bujfeux de fable. Thomas ESSEX. *53 *T*Hoth4s Cromwell, Knight ofthe Garter, (and fomc- ■*• times fcruant to Cardinall Wolfey) was creatdd Baron Cromwell of Okcham in Rutlandshire, the eight and twentieth of King Hemic the eight, and on the eighteenth day of Aprill, the one and thirtieth of King Hemic the eight, he was created Earle of Eflcx at white Hall : at which time the King dcliuercd him a Patent for the Lord ChamberlainfhipofEngland. He writ hi his ftile, Earle of Eflcx, Vicegerent, great Camberlaine of England, Keeper of the priuic Seal e, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Iuftice ofthe Forrefts and Chafes, from the Riucr ofTrcnt Northward. He married one ofthe daughters of one Wtllidms of Wales, and had ifluc , Gregorie Crom- well, who was created Lord Cromwell, the fame rime his father was crea- ted Earle of Eflcx. This Thomas being in the Counfell Chamber , the ninth of Iuly, in the one and thirtieth of Henric the eight , was arretted* and the nineteenth ofthe fame Moneth was attainted by Parliament of treafbn,ncucrcomming to anfwerc ; and the fcucn and twentieth of Iuly after was beheaded at the Tower Hill. Et forfeit, etdzurfeu vnefcescntrc trou Lion cedux ramfant #«r, vneRofe guculUiy entredeux cornijh ckottghes froprc. '' ' W\ 'ilium Pdfrc Knight ofthe Garter, created Baron Pane of Kendall, the ninth of March, in the oneand thirtieth yerc of King Henrie the eight* and in the flue and thirtieth yecrc ofthe faid Kings reignc, hee was created Earle of EfTex at Hampton- Court, in regard he had married Anne , the daughter and heirc of Henrit Bourchier late Earle of Eflex,from whom afterwards hee was diuorccd for her inconti- nence. He was laftly created Marqueflc of Northamp* ton, in thefirft yecrc of King Edrrdrdxhc fixth, and married to his fecond wife, Elizabeth , daughter of George Brooke , Lord Cobham, and after her deceafe, he tooke to his third wife , Ellen, daughter of Georges Sdueburgb, a Sweden borne, which yet liueth. He died without ifluc,and wasburicdatWarwickc, inthcyeare 1571. leauing <_•*»« his After and heirc, married to William Herbert^ Earle of Pcnbrooke. Effort fit, far gent a deuxfdsesttd^ur, aid b or dure cngrejUedtfdblc. Wdhtr ESSEX. 'Alter Deuereux (or d'ElroscU) Vifcount Here- ford, and Lord Ferrars of Chartley, (fonne of Richard, fon nc of Walter, fon nc of Iohn D euereux, and Ce'ci lyBourchier, thetiUcr of Henrie Bourchier , Earle of EfTcx, and coufin and heirc of i^fnne S our chter , late wife of Wiliiam.I'arre , Marquette of Northampton) was created Eark of EfTcx at Grccnewich 5 by Queenc Elizabeth, the fourth of May, 1572. and after made Knight of the Garter, and Marshall of Ireland. Hie married Lettice , daughter of Sir Francis K milts, Knight of the Garter , aind Treafurer of the Cud Quccnes houfhold,and fitter of Jf7//*4/«. ) LordKnolles > Baron of Grais, and Vifcount Wallingfbrd} by whom he had iflue, i?<>^, Earle of EfTcx, Walter Deuereux , flainc attbefkge ©f Roan,r5^2. Ftndofe, married to Robert, Lord Rich , and Dorothy, ftrft married to Sir Thomas Pdrret, Knight, and after to Henrie Percy, Earle of Northumberland. TYngyralter died at Dublyn in Ireland,^?, and was buried at Carmarden id Wales, where he was borne. Btfortoit, d' argent a la face degueu&es trots torteaux en le chef. RDbert Deuereux, fonne of Walter, was Earleof EfTex} and Earle Marftiall of England , Vifcount Hereford, Baron Ferrars of Chartley, Lord Bourchicr and Louaine , Matter of the Horfe and Ordenancc to Queenc Elizabeth, Knight of the Garter, one of her Maiefties priuie Counfell , and Chancellour of the V- niuerfitie of Cambridgc:He>married Frances, daughter and heirc of Sir F.ramu Watftbghim , principal Secrc- tarie to Queene Elizabeth, being the widdow of Sir Phtlif Sidney, Knight ; by whom he had iflue, Robert, now Earle of Eflex- This Robert was attainted of high triafbn , and for the fame was beheaded within the Tower of London, the nuc and twentieth of Februarie, 1 60 1 . Mtportoitjesartnn de fon fere. ■ Ty obert Deuereux, Earle ofFJTex, fonne and heire of *-^~ Robert, after the death of his father , was by King i/awwwrcftored in blood and liuing. He married /^w- rfr.fccond daughter of Thvma* Howard , Earle of Suf- ifolkeifrom whom he was fcparated by a Nullitie,with- outhairihg any iflue by her, and fhec after married to Robert Carr , Earle of Somerfet , as in the Title of So- mcrfct. Etportoit, d' argent a la face degueuUes trots tor- ttauxtnltckef. A A Catalogue of the and Dukes, Mar- queflcs and Earles of Exeter, their Armes, Wiucs , and Children. oh» Holland, Knight, (fccond fonnc of Thomas Holland ',Earle of Kent) was crca- ted Earle of Huntingdon, in thecleucnth ' yeare of King Richard the fecond ; and in the one and twentieth of the fame Kings reigne, hee was created Duke of Exeter. And bccaufe^ubreydeFere, Earlc of Oxford , who held the Office of Lord Chamberlainc of England, had re- leafed his right therein, the faid King Rich.ird beftow- ed that great Office vpon this Uhn, and the heires male of his body begotten, by Letters Patents, bearing date the one and twentieth of the faid Kings reigne. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter oflohn of Gaunt, Duke of Lancafter , and Blanch his wife, and had \Kut,Richard , that died young; lohn y Dukeof Exeter and Earle of Huntingdon ; Edward, that died without iflue ; and Con/lance, a daughter, firft married to Thomas Mowbray * fonneand heire of 'Thomas Mowbray , Duke of Norfolke , banifhed by King Richard the fecond, and after to /0£#, Lord Grey of Ruthyn. This John Hollwd, in the firft yeare of King Henrie the fourth, was depofed by Parliament from being Duke of Exeter ; and after in the fame yeare , hee was behea- ded at Cicefter. Et portoit, d'Englcterre A la b or dure de France. Homos Beaufordy (fonnc of John of Gaunt , begot- ten of the Lady Katherine Sveyneford , his third wife) was created Earle of Perch in Normandie , and made Lord Chancellour of England, the twelfth of ~W\ King Henrie the fourth, and in the fourteenth yeare of I the faid Kings reigne, he was created Earle of Dorfet j and laftly, in the fift yeare of King Henrie the fift,i4i6. he was created Duke of Exeter, and made Knight of the Order of the Garter. Hee had the leading of the Rereward at the battell of Edgincourt , and the go- ucrnement of King Henrie the met , at his Coronation committed vnto him, during his minoritie. Hee mar- ried I 5 6 EXETER. ricd CMargaret, daughter of Sir r^>«wiV««#ofHorneby-Caftlc,butby her had no ifTue. Hccdicd at hishoufcinEaft-Grecnwichin Kent, and was buried at Saint Edmondsbury in Suffolke, the fift of Henrie the fixt,lea- uing the King his heire. Etportoit, efcar telle France ejr d'Engleterre i au b or dure go- bonne d' argent ejr d'azttr. lohn Holland (fonnc of lohn aforcfaid) wasEarleof ■■■Huntington, and of IuorieinNormandic, Lord of Sparre, Lieutenant gencrall of the Dukcdomeof Aqui- taine,Admirall ofEngland,& Conftable of the Tower of London , whom King Henrie the fixt created Duke of Exeter, in theyeare 1441. at VVindfore.He married twowiues, the firft was June , daughter of Edmond, Earle Stafford, by whom he had ifTue , Henrie Holland, Duke of Exeter. And to his fecond wife, hee married Anne, daughter of lohn Mount acute, Earle of Salisbury, and by her had iiTue, a daughter named Anne, firft mar- ried to lohn, LordNeuill, fonnc and hcirc of Rlphe Neurit, the fecond Earle ofWeftmerland, by whom Ihce had no ifTue. Se- coadly,{hee married Sir T homas NeuM,Knight, (brother of Ralph Neuill t the fecond Earle of Wcftmerland , andVnckle to John, her former hus- band) by whom Ihee had ifTue, Ralph Neuill, the third Earle ofWeftmer- land : thefaid Anne,thc fourth yeare of Edward the fourth,married to her third husband, lames, Earle Douglas. This lohn Holland died in thefixc and twentieth of King Henrie the fixt, and Iyeth buried by his two wiues, in Saint Katherines Church by the Tower of London. Etportoit, de France d'Engleterreau bordur. TJX Enrie Holland, onely fonne of John Holland, Duke *■* of Exeter aforefaid , ( by his firft wife the Lady i^inne Stafford) was after his fathers death , Duke of Exeter,and Earle ofHuntington^ who in the firft yeare #» < &> of King Edward the fourth, was difinherited by Aft of Parliament, with Henrie, Duke ofSomerfeti and Tho- M mat, Earle of Deuonfhire ; and in the thirteenth yeare " of the faid Kings reignc, he was found dead in the Sea, betweenc Douer and Calice. He married Anne, daugh- ter of Richard, Duke of Yorkc, andfiftertoKingfV. ward the four th, but by her had no ifTue. She was after married to Sir T horrt& Sainto leodegario (or S. Leoger) Knight EXETER. '57 Knight, and had iflue by him, a daughter named Anne , married to George CManners, Lord Ros of Hamlakc. This Henrie Holland Co found drow- ned, was buried at Wcftminfter, on the Southfidcof the Chappcll , with thefe Armcs on his Tombc and Targe. Etportoit, les Armes d'Engleterre an b or dure de France. TjEnrie Courtney, Earle of Deuon,Lord of Ochamp- ■*• ■'ton, and Knight of the Garter (fonneof William Courtney, Earle of Deuonftiire, and Katherine his wife, daughter of King Edward the fourth) was created Marques of Exeter at Bridewell,thc eighteenth of Iune, i57 5.inthcfeuenteenthof King Henrie the eight. He married two wiues , the firft was Elizabeth , daughter and hcire oflohn Grey, Vifcount Lifle, who died with- out ifluc. His fecond wife was Gertrude , daughter of William Blount, Lord Mount joy , (and hcire to Eliza- beth her mother, who wasdaughterandheircof Sir William Say, Knight,) by whom he had iflue, Edward, the laft Earle of Deuonftiire , who died without ifTuc. This Henrie, Marques of Excter,was attainted of high treafon/or aiding of Reginald Poole, Cardinall and a fugitiue, with money, &c. (as in the Title of Deuonftiire) and was beheaded with Henrie Poole, Lord Mount- ague, and Sir Edward Neuiff,Kmght t in the thirtiethyearc of King Henrie theeight.His laft wife Gertrude was alfo attainted ofhigh treafbn the fame yearc, but not executed ; llicc died afterward , and was buried at Wyn- oorne-Minfter inDorfetftiire,in theycare 1557. Etfortoit, efcar telle France ejr d'Engleterre k vne bordure efcarteUti de Vvn en I 'autre,efcartel/e, Courtney qui eft £or trois torteaux ; le tiers le mefme : le quart , Riuerijs , qui eil , d'er au Lion rampant d'azur. Thomtt i 5 8 EXETER. ^ Homos CeciU, Baron ofBurghley,and Knight of the -*■ Garter, (fonnc and hcirc ofWiZiam C*«'//,Baron of Burghlcy , and Lord high Treafurcr of England) was created Earle of Exeter at Grecnwich,in the third yearc of King lames. Hce married Dorothie , daughter and one of theco-hcires of Iohn Neuilt, Lord Latymer,and had ifTuc, fourc fonncs and fixe daughters, vizJVilliam Cecil!, Lord Boughley, who married Elizabeth,dzugh- terand heire of Edward Mannors, Earle of Rutland, (by whom he had \ttuz>William ^Lord. Ros,) Sir RichardCe- cill, Knight, Sir Edward CeciH, Knight, and 7 homos Ce- cill, Efquire, fourth fonne, andCbriftopher drowned in Bohemia. Luce , the eldeft daughter , was married to William Paulet, Marques ofWinchcfter ; CMildred, the fecond daughter, was married firft to Sir Thomas Read, Knight, and after to Sir Edmond Tr afford of Lanca(hire,Knight$ CMary , the third daughter, was married to the Lord Demy ; Elizabeth, the fourth daughter , firft married to Sir William fiatton,a\iis Newport, Knight,& after to Sir Edward Coke Knight, Lord Chiefc Iufticc of tne Kings Bench , and one ofhisMaicftiesmoft honourable priuic Counfcll ; Dorothy, the fift daughter, was married to Sir Giles AUingttn of Horfhcath, Knight , and Trances, the fixt daugh- ter, was married to Sir Nicholas Tufton, Knight, fonne and hcirc of Sir John Tufton, Baronet. Ke married to his fecond wife , Frances , daughter of William Bridges, Lord Shandos, the widdow of Sir Thomas Smith;znd had ifTuc, \*4nnt Sophia. Et fortoit, burette de fix pieces d' argent & £azjsr,f»r le tout fix efcupons de Jab le, charge de fix Lions far gent. A Catalogue of the Earles of Eve or Angie in 3\(ormaniie 7 their Armcj, Wiues, and Children. llliam, Earle of O w and Muttcrdl, came into England with William the Con- queror , who gaue him the Mannors of Tudcnham, Wolefton, andAluerde- fton, with all other fuch Lands as hec could get or conquer from the Wchh. Hec was after baniftied England for rebellion , and his Lands giucn away to Walter Fitz-Richard, fonne of Conftance , fi- i I fter of this William , Earle of Ewe. The faid Walter \^ J Fitz-RJeftard,con<\\ie:r % 1 daughter of William ctAubigney , Earlc of Chiche- ftcr, by Kjilice his wife , late widdow of King Henrie the firft.and had ifluc, Hemic , Earle of Angie , John de Angie ; CMatilda and ^Margaret , and after died in the ycare of our Lord 1 171. the eighteenth of Hemic the fecond. Iohn de Angie, fecond fonne of this John, Earlc of Angie, did by his Charter confirmc ccrtayne Lands to the Monkes of Saint Maries of font Robert , to pray for the health of his foule , and for the foulcs of his fa- ther and mother, and Hemic , Earle of Angie his bro- ther, which Lands was before granted by Alice, Coun- teCTcof Angie his mother, WitncfTes, Hubtrt the Archbifhopof Cantcr- burie , William of London , William, Earle of Arundell , Earlc Dauid and others. ^^ P 2 Hemic i6o E W E tr A N G I E. ME*rk, Earle of Angtc (forme of John) ginetothe Monks of Bermonuley in Sourhwarkc, his Lands called Ofwarcfton, nearc Romcndin in fhePariib of Lida,and the Lands of/<^»thc Clarke in Belimton, and married and had ifTue,<_^ //<■r/&/Vr,creatcd Earle of Ewc,at Maant in Normandie , the rift of King Hemic the rift i and married Anne, daughter ofr^w^ofWoodftock, Duke of Glocefler , and fiftcr and one of the heircs of n Humfrey her brother , and had llTuc , Henrie Bourchier, Earle of Ewe and EfTex; William, Lord Fitz-Warrin \ John, Lord Berncs , and Thomas, Arch-bifhop of Can- terbury, and Cardinall of Saint Cirae in Romcj and Anne y h\s daughter, was married to John Mowbray&xkt of Norfolkc. Thh William died in the eight yeare of King Henrie thcfift.at Troys in Champaignejand his body being brought ouer Sea into England,was buried at Eftanncs in Eflcx, as Mailer Camden hath. Etftrteity d'argent au croixengreJlcedegueuBcs t tntrequ4tTC bujjeux defable. Utnrie EWE or ANGIE, 161 JjEnrie Bourchier, Knight of the Garter, fonne and ■*■ ■* heire of William aforefaid , was after the death of his father Earle of Ewe in Normandic , vntill the eight and twentieth yearc of King Henrj the fixt, that Charles the French King had recouered tnat Earledome to the Crovvne of France. Afterwards he fate in Parliament, by the Name and Title of Lord Bourchier , vntill the fiue and thirtieth ycare of the laid Kings rcigne , that he was created Vifcount Bourchier, King Edward the fourth in the firft yearc of his reignc.crcated him Earlc of Eflex : and in the thirteenth of King Edward th« fourth, he was Lord Keeper of the great Scale of Eng- land, as in the Title of EfTcx i s more at large. >i>i i .. Et portoit, les armes dt fort fere; J 1(52 A Catalogue of the Dukes and Earies of Glocefler and Hartford \ their Armes, Wiues , and Children. Robert, fur-named the CM/»/7ofGlocefter, I bafc fonne of King IftMrw the firft , (bc- | gotten of Neft , the daughter ofRhiceap \Tewder , Prince of South- Wales , who I was after married to Giraldde FFindefore, Conftable of Penbrookc- Caftle , and anccftcr of the Earlcs of Kildare in Ireland) in the eleuenthyeareof his fathers rcigne, was created Earle of Glocefter. He affifted and tooke part with Mauld the Emprcflc , his halfe fiftcr , againft King Stephen the Vfurper ; which Stephen being taken prifoncr , and imprifoncd in the Caftle of Briftoll : This Robert, very fhortly after, was likewife taken by KingStepbens forces; whereupon it was concluded,thac a King for an Earle, and an Earle for a King, fhould make an exchange, and either fet the other atlibcrtie. He married Mabel, daughter and one ofthefourc heircs of Robert Fitz-Hamon, Lord of Corboil in Normandie, Cardiffc in Wales, and Tewksburie in England, and had ifluc, William Earle of Glocefter j Roger, Bifliop of Winchefter; Richard, Bifhop of Baicux in Normandic, and Hamon ilainc at Tholouze,with WiMam,King Stephens fonne, i i6o- Hee had alfo two daughters , onenamed Urtabel, married to i^iubre de Vere ; the lecond was Matt/da, married to Randolph Cernonijs, Earle of Chcfter. This Robert builded the Caftles of Briftoll and Cacrdiffe in Wales, and the Monafterie of Saint Tames by Briftoll,and died in the twelfth ycarc of King Stephen, and was buried in the faid Mo- nafterie, 114*. And as William of Malmesburic faith in his Reports of the ycare 1 1 17. he had a baft fonne named Brian , which was Marques of Wallingford ; which Brian, we doc often finde in Record by thenamc of Brian filiw ContitU, Lord ofWallingford. Effort oit y degueulles ah mis Refits des Armes for. mHiam GLOCESTER and HARTFORD. 163 *\f\T Illiam, fonne and heire of Robert Confull, of y v Gloccfter, did confirme the Gifc which Hugh de Gundeuile gauc to the Monkes of Bordeflcy at Cam- pendon,i//'s.twoHydes and a Roodc of Land, and Paftureforfeucn hundred Shecpc,for the Soule of Ro- bert Confull of Glocefter,his father, and for the health of his ovvnc Soule, and all his Anceftors ■■, Witneflc Harris, the CountciTe of Glocefter; and Ham on, the Earles Conftable; and Roger his Sewer, &c. and was after his father, Earle of Glocefter, and Lord of Gla- morgan, in right of his grandfather Robert Fitz>Ha~ mon, who woon the laid Lordfhip from Iujtine ap Gur- gan,Lord of Glamorgan,in King William Rufm time;and made his abode in the faid Caftle of Cacrdiffe, where the faid Robert kept his Courts monethly, and vied therein Iura Regalia, hauing his twelue Knights to attend him the firft day, they hauing feuerall Lodgings giucn to them, and their heircs for euer,within the faid Caftle. He married #tf,daugh- tcr of Robert Boffu, Earle of Leicefter; and had ifTue,/?0£cr/,who married Hadeuifia de Rtueres, and died before his father, without iflue, 1 166. and three daughters ; Mabellthc eldeft, was married vnto Almerick Mountfort, Earle of Eureux in Normandie •, Amicia married Richard^ Earle of Clare and Hartford; and Ifabell, the third daughter, was firft married to King John, and from him was diuorced, for neercneffe of kinne; and after (hec married Gejf'rey Ma»deuill,Ear\c of Ettex •, and for her third husband,mee tookc Hugh de Burgo, Earle of Kent, and Lord Chicfe Iuftice of England. This William built the Abbey of Keinlham.and died in the yearc of our Lord 1 182. and was buried in the faid Monafterie. tM.Glouer, Somerset Herald, hath, That King Henry the fecond, after the death of this William, without iffue male, gaue the Title and Earledome of Glocefter to Iohn his fonne, who married Ifabell, the third daughter of the faid William ; and faue to Mabell, the eldejl daughter, married to Almcrickc Mountfort, one undred founds ; and to Amicia, the fecond daughter, Wife to the Earle of Clare, another hundred pounds. Etportoit,lesarmes defon fere. Iohn (furnamed Without Land) the fourth fonnc of ■'■King Henry the fecond, in right, or by reafon of his Wife ifabell, third daughter and cohcire of William Earle of Glocefter,was made Earle of Glocefter by the faid King his father, in the yeare 1187. Afterwards, King Richard the firft, his brother, in his loue and bountie,gauc him the Earlcdomes of Cornwall, De- uon, Nottingham, and Lancaftcr ; after whofc death, hee came to be King , by the name of King Iohn. And becaufe ifabell his Wife was counted barren, 164 GLOCESTER and HARTFORD. aDiuorccwas procured from the Pope, and hoc married againe to J fa- bell, daughter of the Earle of Angolefme ; by whom hec had iffuc, King Henry the third. Et pertcit, de gueulles deux Leopards paffant ft or. \ Lmerick Mount fort, Earle of Eurcux in Norman- ■**■ die, after the Diuorce of King lohn from his Wife ifabcli, youngeft daughter and co-heire of William, Earle of Glocefter, was the next Earle of Glocefter, in right of his mother CMabell, eldeft daughter and heire of the forefaid William, Earle of Glocelter,in the fecondycare of King lohn. Hee married UWJllefcent t daughter of Hugh Gurney, and oflulian his Wife, filter to Reginald, Earle Builen,and had with her in marriage the Mannor of Hanfton, but by her had no iffuc. She was after married to William Cantelupe, and had iffue, Tbom*SyB\[hop of Hereford, and Julian, married to Ro- bert T. egoz,, Lord of Ewias Herald. This k^A lmerick died, and was buried in the Monafterie of Kenilham. Et portoit, de gueulles party & endente d 'argent de fix pieces. ■ Efreyde UUavdeuile, Earle of EfTex, fbnnc of Gef. 'jrey Fitz,- Piers of Ludgarfhal, married ifabell, the thirddaughcerand co-heire of William, Earle of Glo- cefter, (the repudiate Wife of King lohn) and was af- ter the death of ^Almerick Mount fort, without iffue, made Earle of Glocefter, and by that Name and Tide was a WitnefTe to King I ohm Charter! of Lands and Liberties,that he gaue to the Church of Dyrham. And this ifabellyby her Charter,and Name of Ifabell, Coun- tefle of Glocefter and EfTex, did by the confent of her Lord and husband, Geffrey Mandeuile, Earle of EfTex and Glocefter, confirme ccrtaine Lands to the Abbey ofS. Maries of Marg r , and to the Monkes there feruingGod; which Lands before were giucn to them by Robert her grandfathered William her father. This Geffrey died without iffue, in the yeare 1116. the laft yeare of King John,ofa. wound giuen him at a Tournament held at Lon- don, leauing Willum Mandeuile his brother to fheceed him in the Earlc- dome of EftcK,aad Gilbert de Clare in the Earledome of Glocefter. Et portoit, efcartelle for & de gueulles, a le efcarboucle fomette ejrfieurette de fable brochant fur le tout. Gilbert GLOCESTER and HARTFORD. 16$ llbtrt de Clare (fonne and heirc of Riehard,Eartt of Qarc and Hartford , by i^fmicta , fecond daughter and coheirc o£ William Earle of Gloccftcr) was after the death of Geffrey Mandemll, made Earlc of Gloccftcr ; and in the ninth yeare of King tfemy the third, he was a WitncfTe to the faid Kings Char- ter of Lands that hee gaiie to the Abbey of Peter- borough , by the name of Gilbert declare, Earle of Gloccftcr and Hartford. He married Jjabeff,thc third daughter of 'William Ma/Jhall the elder, and filter and coheirc of^nfelme Mar/hall, Earlc of PenbroJve,and Marlhall of England : by whom he had iftixt,Rich*til t Earle of Qarc, Gloccfter, and Hertford j Gilbert and William^ twins : and three daughters ; lfibell t the eldcft, was Wife to Robert Brus±o£ Annanderdole in Scodand ; ^4mie, the fecond daughter, was married to Baldwin Riuers , Earle of Dcuon, and Lord t>f the Ifte of Wight i ^yinne, the third daughter, died young. Hec died at Pcnros, in Bri- tainc,andwas buried in the Priorie of Tewkesbury, the fourteenth of King Henry the third : His Widdow was after married to Richard Earlc of Corn wall, and King of Romanes. Etf9rtoit t at Emeres- fieldin Kent , at the Lord Iohn Crioils houfe ; and that hii bowels were buried at C*»/erW/V,i#Chrift-Church, his heart at Tunbridge, and hU bodie at Tewkesburie. Diners other good Authors ajfirme , That this Richard) Ear It of Glocefier,died in France. Etportoit,d'orktrois Cheurons degueulles. t llbert de Clare ( furnamed the Red) fonne and heirc of Richard aforcfaid , was the third Earlc of Gloccfter and Hertford of that furname > and mar- ried two Wiues : The firft was <^4lrce,xhc VViddow of John Earlc Warren and Surrey,daughterof#Ar^ U 5MW»,Earleof Angolefme,and of the Marches of A- ' quitaine ; by whom hce had iflue, a daughter named Ifabell, married to Maurice Lord Berkley. This Alice felling raad,was diuorced from this Gilbert her hus- band : after which diuorce,the fecorfd of May, 1290. at Weftminfter, the faid GV/Wf married loane, daugh- ter of King Edward the firft (furnamed loane of Acres, becaufe flbce was borne at Acres in the Holy-Land*) by whom hee had iflue, Gilbert, the fourth Earle of Glocefter and Hertford ; and three daughters : Elianor , the eldeft, was married to Hugh Lord Spencer; Elizabeth, the fecond daughter, was firft married to lohn Burgh, fbnnc and heire of the Earle of Vlftcr i fecondly, fiie was married to Theobald Lord Vcrdoni and thirdly ,to Sir Roger Damory. ifabell,thc third daugh- tcr,was firft married to Pierce of Gaucfton,EarJe of Cornwall, by whom fhee had no iflue ; and after, to Hugh Lord Audley the younger. This Gilbert, before the marriage with his laft Wife loane, had loft the fauour of King Edward the firft, for refufing to goe with him ouer Seas, to the aide of C?«ji, Earlc of Flanders, againft the then French King: for which caufe, King Edward feized all the faid Gilberts Lands,and forced him af- ter to marry his daughter, without Dower, Lands, or Money : Which done, the faid King granted backe againe all the Lands, confirming them to the faid Gilbert, and loane his Wife, and the iflue begotten of their twobodies,infee-farmc. This Gilbert died inthe^Daftlc of Monmouth, in the fbure and twentieth yeare of King Edward the firft,and was buried in Tewkesbury Prioric,by his father,i 29 j . The Booke of Croxden i^ibbej in Ataffordjhire, faith, this Gilbert was (laine at Stryueling. Etportoit, £»r a trots Cheurons degueulles. Ralfhe GLOCESTER and HARTFORD. i6? "D Alphe de Mounte-Hermer^ (feruant to Gilbert de *^~Clare and Ioane of Acres) after the death of Earlc Gilbert, married the (aid Ioane his Miftris , in the yeare 1296. Which marriage being done without the knowledge and confent of King Edward her fa- ther, this Ralphe was committed to prifon, in the Caftlc ofBriftoll; and all thofe Lands and Caftlcs, as hec had formcrly.made oucr to the faid Ioane, and her former husband Gilbert, hec caufed to be feized againe into his hands. But fhortly after, by the in- terceffion of K^inthonie Bee , Bifhop of Durefme , a peace was made betwecne the King and his daugh- ter,and her new Husband ; and the yeare following, 1297. at a Parlia- ment held at London, her former Lands were reftored to her againe, with others : And in the feuen and twentieth yeare of the faid Kings Rcigne, the fame Ralphe was fummoned to Parliament, by the Name and Title of Earle of Glocefter and Hertford, and by that Name and Title of Honour, hee fate in all Parliaments after, vntill the firft yeare of King Edward the fecond, 1307- In which yeare, young Gilbert de Clare being of age, was admitted to his Lands and Honours, and fate in Parliament alwayes after, as Earle of Glocefter and Hertford,during his life. And the faid Ralphe Mount-Hermer (his father in law) was euer after fummoned, and (ate in all Parliaments, as Lord Mount-Her- mer. This Ralphe had iffue by his CountefTe/04* Jshard Plantagenet, Knight of the Garter, fourth ■*-^-fonneof RichardDuke of Yorke, and brother to King-E^**^ the fourth, was by his find brother, in the firft yecre of his Reigne created Duke of Glocefter. * To this Richard, was the gouernement committed of King Edward the fourths two fbnnes, ( King Edward the fifr, and RichardDuke of Yorke) whom hecaufed moftvnnaturallytobemurdrcd in the Tower of Lon- don; after whofe death, hee vfurped the Crownc and Kingdomc, in theyeere 14*54. and wasftyled King Ri- chard the third. He married \^nne, daughter and co- hcireof Richard Neuilt, Earle of VVarwicke and Salis- bury, ( widdow of Edward Prince of Wales, fiainc at Tewkes- GL OC ESTER W HARTFORD. 171 Tewkesbury,) and was after flaine befides Bofworth, the twenty two of Auguft, at Rednor Held, ^inn. 1485. leauing no iffiae to fucceed him. Etprtoit, France, e fear telle D'engltcrre au lambcllde ber mines, charge au trois cantons deguculles* EDtvard Lord Seymour, and Knight of the Honoura- ble Order of the Garter,was created Vifcount Beau- champe,the twenty eightof King Henry the eighti and in the ycerc after, the eighteenth of October, hee was created Earle ofHartford; ( which Earledomc, and the Tide of Dignity, had flept from the death of Gilbert de C7<*r*,*EarlcofGlocefter and Hartford.) And in the firft yecre of King Sdward the fixt, he was after made Duke of Somcrfet, as in the Title of Somerfct is more 1 at large. Et portoit, gucuUes a deux volz, de Vaigle en Veurre d'or, EDxvard Seymour, fonne of Edward Duke of Somer- fct aforcfaid, was by Queene Elizabeth, in the firft yecre of her Rcigne.reftoredand created Earle ofHaro ford. He died in the yeere 1 5ii. William Seymour , fonne and heire of 'Edward Lord Beauchampc, and grand-child and heyrc of Edward late Earle of Hartford,is now Earle of Hart- ford, i6u • by vertue of Letters bearing date the fixt of May , 1608. He married Frances cldcft daughter of Robert late Earle of EiTex. Et portoit, lesarmoirics defon bifayeul. Q^i A 172 A Catalogue of the Earles of Hereford, their Armes, Wiues , and Children. yy Alfhede Maunt, fonnc of Walter deMaunt, and Cod* fiftcr of King EdtoardyV/as Earlc !&' of Hereford, in Edward the Confeflbrs ^e time, and William the Conquerours, who beeing fent to encounter Algar Earle of Leicefter, then a baniftied man,and returned into Eng- land; fled very cowardly from his forces in Hereford- fhircjleauing his Countrey and Citic of Hereford, to the mercie of the Kings enemies. For which caufe, William Conquerour degraded him , and tooke from him his Earledome of Hereford. He died, and was bu- ried at Petcr-borow °\J\Tltliam F it z- of borne, Earlc ofBrcteuilc in Nor- ▼ * mar\dy i ({oT\ncofoj7>0r»edeCrepon i byK_sfl- breda his Wife , daughter of Ralphe Earlc of Iuery) whofe Grand-father HerfaBus the Dane, was brother to GoHtrajNik of Ricbardrhe firft Duke of Normandy, great Grand-mother to William Conquerour. This | William came into England with the fatd Conqueror, and was the cheife man that perfwaded him to vndcr- takethe Conqueft of England; for the which, and his good feruice, the faid Conquerour made him Earle of Hereford, in the yeerc ic68. and Marlball and Lord Steward of England; and in the Kings abfencc in France, the faid William was made Vice-Roy, and Gouernour in Eng- land. He married t^ddelice, daughter of Roger Toxny, Standard-bearer of Normandy;by whom he had ifTuc,three fonnes and two daughters;T/7- liam the cldcft fonne, fucceeded his Father in all his honours and pofTeffi- ons in Normandy; and ^^rthefecond fonnc, after the death ofhis Fa- ther, was Earle of Hereford, and had all his Fathers lands in England j Roa/d the third fbnne, was a Monkc : Emme the eldeft daughter, was wife to Raphe deWaet a Saxon, and Earlc of the Eaft Angles,that is, Nor- fblke, Suffolke, and CambridgeQure; which Raphe had ifluc, Itta married to Robert BeHement, Earle of Leicefter. This William Fitz-Olberne, was flainc, as fome hauc, at Kerdifte in South- Wales. Others f iy,in the wars in HEREFORD. 175 in Flanders, taking part with o^jtw/^ Earle of Flanders, intheyecre 1072. and William Gemiticenfts hath, that he was buried in the Monaftery of Cormelias, which was of his Foundation. Ft port eit, dcgueulks an bande d'ar gent, fur let out an face d'or. "D Oger de Brcteuile, ( fecond fonne of William Fitz- -*-^- ojberne ) was after the death of his Father , Earle of Hereford, in they eare, 1072. Hemadc and conclu- ded the marriage betweene£w/»4 his filter, and Ralph deVVayet^ at which marriage, thegreatelt part of the Nobility were prefent, and there confpired together to tumc out William the Conquerour againe i Vfaltheof Earle of Huntington, ) fon of Stvuard Earle of Nor- thumberland) being one of them, tooke (hipping, afid went into Normandy , and there reuealed the whole matter to the faid King William, committing himfelfe wholly to his mercy. But this Roger continuing in his intended cohfpiracie, was taken prifoner by VrfodcK^ibtot, Shirieffe of Worcefte: (hire, and others, and beingbrought to his tryall by his Peeres, was found guilty of high treafon, and condemned to perpetuall imprifon- mcnt,duringhis life; Where he died without ifluc. And Waltheaf Earle of Huntington ( notwkhftandirrg his fubmiffion) was taken and carried to vyir>ch?Jtcr,VLnd there beheaded,and his body buried in the fields with- out the Cine, but after remooued to Crowland. ■ jEt portoit t ksarmeldtfonpere. M; l/Mfonneof^/^r, Conftableof the Caftlcof L GloceIkr,'and of e»me his Wife, daughter of Lrcrv de B-alun Lord o? Abergavenny ) fucceeded his Fa- ther in the Co'nftablcllup of Glocefter ; and was by JHauld the Emprefle, made Earle of Hereford, and Confhble of England,in the fixt yeere of King Stephen. He married Si bell, daughter andheircof Bernard New- march, Lord of Brecknock by Neft his Wife, daughter of Griffith ap Lcrvellytt,Vnncc of South-Wales, and had ifluc, Hue fonnes and three daughters, viz. Roger, WaI- terjlettrie, William , and CMahell. CMargaret the el- deft daughter, married Humfrcy deBohun, the third of o t that *74 HEREFORD. that name, (who after the death ofhiswiucs brother, was both Earle of Hereford, and Conftablc of England;) Bertha the fecond daughter , was marnedto Philip deBrcus, Lord of Brembcr, Abergaucnny,occ. Luce the third daughter, was wife to Herbert ', fonne ofHerbert,and Grand -child to HenricFtt~'Herbert( Chamberlainc to King Henry thcfirft)and of his Wife, daughter of Robert Corbet ( Concubine of King Henry firft) Lord of AlencefterinCtfw//. Warwick. This UMilo, died the. eight of King Stephen, and was buried by Sibell his Wife, in the Abbey , of Lanthony by Gloccftcr,whichhe founded in theycerc 1135. Etpbrtdit., gueuDes a la bande £or y oue la autre bande d" argent. r> Oger, eldcft fonne and heire of Afr7*,vntowhome *^*King Henry the fecond gaue the More of Hereford, with the Caftlc,and the third pennie of the Reuenewes of Pleas of the whole County of Hereford, whereof he made him Earle. Hee was alfo Conftabk of Eng- land, Lord of Brecknock, Caer-went, Gower,and of the Forreft of Deanc, all which (faith Somerset Glo- uer) were confirmed vnto him by King Henry the fe- cond his Letters Patents, bearing date at Warwickc, the twelfth day, next after the conclufion of peace be- tweenc King Stephen and him. Hee married Cicely daughter of John Fitz..Paine, and after died without ifluc, ii5<5. after whofe death (as Robert CMontencis faith , FFalterhis brotherfucceededhiminbis Fathers inheritance, but the Earlcdome of Hereford, King Henry the fecond tookc into his owne hands. This Roger with content of Walter his brother, did by his Charter giue inperpctuallalmestothcChurchof our Lady within the vale of Dorc, all his Lands within thcTowncofKingfton, which lieth fromthehcad ofthe Well, which is called Ailburwcll, the More on the fide towards the Forreft, with Common of Pafturc, &c. WitnefTe Walter Clyford, Wal- ter Bafchervile, and others. The wholeinheritanceof this Roger, and his brothers was after diuided betwecne their three fiftcrs, who were married asaforefaid. Etportoit,gtte*Ues dens bands vne d'or & U autre d' argent. Henrit HEREFORD. '75 T_T Enrie de Bohun , ( fonne of Humfrey de Bohan , the A * fourth, and grand-child to Humfrey the third, and Margaret his wife, daughter of Milo Earle of Hereford and Conftablc of England , and filler and co-heirc of her flue brothers, was in right of the faid Margaret his grandmother, created Earle of Hereford by Letters Patents, bearing date the third of Nouembcr , in the firftyeercof King lohn, as alfo Conftablc of England. He married Mauld , daughter of Geffrey Fttz,'Piers of Ludgarlhail, Earle of Eflex, and filler and heire of Gef- frey and William ( fur-named Mandeuils ) her brothers, and had iflue , Humfrey de Bohun the fife , and Henrie. He died in the ycerc 1220. going to the holy Land j and hisbodic be- ing brought backe into England, was buried in the, Abbey of Lanthonv: before his death he gaue , by his Charter, to thcMonkcs of Farlighe , all his Mannor of Farlighc,witn the Parke,and ail other things belonging to the fame, thefe being witneflc, Humfrey de Bohun his firft begotten fonne, William Manfully and others. Etfortut, d'azur,a la, hand cC argent, a deux cotticesentre fix lions ram- fam £or. T_T Vmfrty de Sohun , the fift of that name , fonne rind *• •* heire of Henrie aforefaid,was after his father, Eark of Hereford , and ConftabJe of England , and Patron of the Abbey of Lanthony, and Earle of Eflex, in right of his mother. To this Humfrey did King Henry the third, in anno 1241. rcleafe the remainder of a debt of 20000. Markes, which Geffrey Magnauile Earle of Elfcx his vncklc, was to pay vnto him as a Fine laide vpon him, for marrying lfabell, the repudiate wife of King 7^»,daughter and heire oiWilliam, Earle of Glocefrer. Tnis Humfrey married two wiues , thefirft was Mauld, daughter and heire of Ralph de ifondon , Earle of<^Augy in Normandy , by whom hec had iflue , Humfrey de Bohun the fixt, that died before his father in the Caftle of Briftow, being taken prifoner at the battaile of Eulham, uej.andtwodaughtcrs.AfWd'theeldeft, was mar- ried firft to Anfelme Marjball, Earle of Pcnbroke, and after to Roger jguin- cy, Earle ofWincheftcr; and Alice the fecond daughter , was married to the LordThony. The faid Humfrey s fecond wife, was Mauld de Auenef- hurie, by whom he had iflue, John de Bohun, Lord of Haresfield , f ithcr of EdmendyZnt then died in the third yecrc of King Edward the firft, 1275. and was buric^Ut Lanthony.This Humfrey gaue one Rood of land in the Tow ne of Stanley , to theMafterand Brethren of the Hofpirall of Stan- ley to pray for his foule, and the foulc of Mauld, his wife , thefe being wit- nclTes, Roger de Wauill, William de Vam, and others. Les Armes defon fert. Humfrey 17<5 HEREFORD. T_T Vmfrey de Bohun , the feuenth of that Chriftcn •* ■'•name, (fonneandhcircof Hnmfrey the fixt,thac died before his father ) was after the death of JJumfrey de Bohun the lift his grand-father , Earlc of Hereford, and Conftablc of England; and by his Mother Elia»or y daughter and co-heire of 'William de Breofi, hee was Lord of Brecknocke. He married Mauld , daughter of Ingelrame de Fines a French-man , and had iflue, Hum- frey de Bohun the eight; and after died at Plaifie in Ef- fex,feuen and twentieth of King Edward the firft, 1298. and was buried with his wife at Walden Abbey. JJo- lir,Jhed,pag.$67.b. *Et portoit, d'azur a la bande ct argent , a deux cottices entrejix Lions rampant dor. TJJ Fmfrey de Bobun, the eight of that Chriften name, * '■■fonne and heireof JJumfrey the feuenth , was the fourth Earle of Hereford , Conftabje of England , and Patron of Lanthony Abbey, third Earle of EiTex, and Lord of Brecknocke. He married Elizabeth, daughter of King Edward the firft , ( Widdow of John Earle of Holland , with whom hee had no dowry , but bnely the Kings fauour , which before hee had loft , by refu- ting to goewith him into Flanders, to the aide of Guy , ' Earle of Flanders againft the FrencfvKing ) by whom he Kadiifuc, foure fbnnes and two daughters ; John the firft forme, was after his father, Earleof Hereford , Ef- fex, and Conftable of England, and died without iffue; Humfrey the fe- corid fonne, had all his brother lohtis honours,and died alfo without iffuc; Edw.rdwx&.W'illiam were twinnes, bornear Caldccot in Wales ; Edward died drowned, in Scotland, before the death of his brother JJumfrey , and was buried at Walden ; Ti*illiamthc fourth brother was aMartiall man, and by King ' Ejhv.tr d the third, 1536. was created Earle of Northampton, and did cxec)it;e the office of Conftable of England , for bis brother Hum- />n,anddkd before him , intheyeere 1359. Elianor thecldcft daughter of this Hnmfrey the eight, iva's married itiJawes Brtrfer, Earle of Ormonde; and Margarep the fecond daughter , was wife to ffWa Courtney , Earle of Deuonihire. '/This Humfrey the eight, was flame ; :tcBurrow'brJdge,by K^indrcw of Harcla , Earle of C.irldl , the feuenteeVifh Kaldnds of A prill, Anno 1 3.2 1. and was buried in the Blacke-Friars in ,Ybrke ( ; and Elizabeth his wife, died the ninth of King' Edward the fecond , and was-bnried in ?he Abbey of Walden in Effex. th of King Edward the fecond , and was-bnried in Et portoit, les armes de fin pere. John Ji\&M*fltai • HEREFORD. i 77 T hn de Bohun , fonnc ahd heirc of Httmjrey the eight, ■"■was after his father, Earlc of Hereford, EfTex, and Conftable of England. Hcc married two wines, the firft was cilice, daughter of Edmund Fitz,- Alan, Earlc ofArundell.who died in child-bed, and was buried at Walden, with her infant fonnc. His fecond wife was Margaret, daughter of Ralph Lord BafTct, by whom he had no iffuc. He died at Kirby Thore , the thirteenth Kalendof Fcbruaric, 1355. the tenth of King Edward the third, and was buried at Stratford the Bowc nccrc London. Et portoit,£azur a la bande d 'argent , a deux cettica tntreftx lions rampant d'or. T_T Vmfrey de Bohun the ninth , fecond fonne of Hum- *■ frey the eight, and brother and heire of lean de Bo- hun, Earle of Hereford, EfTex , and Conftable of Eng- land , fucccedcd his father and brother : he oucr-liued his brother William of Northampton , oncycerc ,onc moncth , and fiuc dayes , and died without iffuc , ac Plaificin EfTex, 1 36 i.and-was buried in the Auguftine- Friars in London, lcauing Humfrey de Bohun the tenth, his Nephew by his brother William de Bohun , Earlc of Northampton , to fuccccd him in all his Lands and Dignities. Lesarmes de [on pert. XJ^Vmfrey deBohun, the tenth and laft of that name, *■* was after the death of Wtlliam his father , Earle of Northampton ; and after the death of Humfrey his vnkic, Earlc of Hereford, EfTex, and Conftable of Eng- land, Lord of Brecknocke, and Patron of the Abbey of Lanthony. He married Ioane , daughter of Richard Fitz- Alan Earlc of Arundell; and had ifTue, oncly two daughters his heires, Elianor the cldeft, was married to Thomas ofWoodftockc, Duke of Gloceftcr, a younger fonnc of King Edward the third; and Marie the fecond daughter, was wife to Henry Plant agenet , fonne and heirc oilohn of Gaunt , Duke of Lancafter , and after KingofEngland,bythenamcof King//wr> the fourth, He died in the feucn and fortieth ycerc of King Edward the third, and was buried at VValdcn , the fixteenth Kalends of February , 1372. Etportoit, d'az,ur,a la band d argent, a deux cot t ices entrefix lions ram- pant (tor. Henrle I?8 HEREFORD. T_T Enry Plamagenet ( or Henry ofBuU'wgbroke ) Earlc ^ of Derby, fonne and heire oflohnot Gaunt, Duke of Lancafter, married Marie , fecond daughter and co- heire oiHumfrey de Bohun the tenth of that name , with whom he had the Earledome of Hereford and North- hampton , with the Lordlhip of Brecknocke , and the Patronage of Lanthony j and intheyeere 13P7. hec was created Duke of Hereford, by King Richard the fecond ; and after the death of his father , hce was alfb Duke of Lancafter. This Henri e Duke of Hereford, accufed Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke, of diuers points of high treafon againft King Richard the fe- cond, and to make good the fame, he appealed the (aid Duke of Norfolkc in field of battaile , which was by the (aid Duke of Norfolke accepted, and allowed by the King. But when the appointed day was come ,and the two Dukes within the lifts in field , readie to performe the fame , the King would not fuffer them to proceed ; but baniihed the Duke of Nor- folke the land for euer, ( who fhortly after died at Venice ) and the Duke of Hereford for fixe yeeres. But this D. Henrie returned backe againc the fame yccre, and by force tooke King Richard ptlConcr at Flint Caftle, and brought him to the Tower of London , where he was vniuftly conftrai- ned to refigne his Kingdome to this Henrie , who was after crowned King, by the name ofKingHenrie the fourth. He had iflueby his wife, M arte, Henrie, who was after King of England, by the name of King Hen- r/Vthe fift j and died the twentieth of March, 141 a. Etportcit-, efcar telle FrACccfeme& d'ElgUterre, au lambeld^hemines. 179 A Catalogue of che Earles of Huntington, their Anncs, Wiues, and Children. \Altheof{ fonnc of Siward the great Earlc of Northumberland) married Judith, daughter of Limber t , Earlp of Lentz in Artoys.and Niece to William the Con- queror, by AJauldhis halfe fifter.daugh- ter of Herlwyn Commit ta Villa , and K^irleta his wife j with whom the faid Conquerour gauc in marriage, the Earledome of Huntington. The faid Walt Aeef and Ju- dith had iffue, three daughters only j Mauld the eldeft, was married lirftto Simon Saint Z/x^and had ifliie, Simon the fecond , Earle of Northampton ; after (hee married Dauid, fbnnc of Malcolme Makduncan^ and brother to the fecond Mauld , Qneene of England, and had nTue , Hcnrie, Earle of Huntington ; ludith the fecond daughter, was married to Ralph y Lord Toney of Flamftedi and Bertha the third daughter, was wife to Robert Fitc-Richard Dapifer, (defcendedoutof the Familic of Clare.) This Waltheof{ at the marriage of Ralph de Waiet, with Emme the fifter of Roger Bertiuile ) with diuers other great Lords , did conlpire together, to turne William the Conquerour and his Normans againe out of England: which confpiracy being reuealed by Waltheefiand he fubmitting him- felfe to the Kings mercie , the faid Conquerour notwithftanding , caufed him to be beheaded atWinchefkr,io75.and hisbodie to be buried in the fields, neere the Towne ; which afterwards was taken vp againe, and buried at Crowland in Lincolnlhire. Et port on, d 'argent an lion rampant d , azur $ au ehefdeguenlles. Olmon Satnt-Lizty the firft of that name,fonnc of ^Randoll, fur-named the Rich, (a Norman borne) with Warner le Rich, his brother,, came into England to the aide of WtRiam Rufvs , who beftowed the Hun- dred ofFalkeley,(valued then atfortie pounds a yeere) vpon him , to Ihooe his Horfes j For the faid Simon and his brother Warner , had brought with them to aide the faid King, fortic Knights. King Henry the firft, entreated a marriage betweene the faid Simon>and Judith , the widdow of Earle Waltheof, which fhee refufed, becaufe the faid Simon was lame \ whereupon the King gaue him in marriage cJHauld, the eldeft daughter x8o H V N T I N G T O N. daughter and co-heirc of Waltheof and Iudith, with the Earledome of Huntington. This Simon, with Mauld his wife , builded the Caftlc and Abbey of Saint Andrewes in Northampton , in the Gxt yeere of King Henry the firft, and had ifTue, Simon the fecond Earle of Huntington, and Waltheof, Abbot of Melrofe j and after died , in the yeere 1 127. and was buried in the Abbey of Bourne. Etportoit, per pale endente d* argent &gueuHes. D, Auid ( fonne of Malcolme King of Scots, and bro- ther to K. Alexander) by the fiuor ofKing Henrie the firft , had to wife , Mauld, the cldcfl daughter and co-heirc of Earle Waltheof, the widdow of Simon Saint'Lize, Earle of Huntington, (and by that title of Earle ofHuntington, the f&idDauid was a witnefleto King Henrie the firfts Charter, of lands and liberties he gaue to the Cine of London .- ) But when Alexan- der was dead without iflue , and he lent for to be King, there was a peace made bctweene King Stephen and him, with condition, that the Earledome of Hunting- ton (hould abide and remainc to Henrie , fonne of the aid Dauid; for which he (hould fweare fcaltie , and doe homage to King Stephen. By reafon whereof, Simon Saint-Liz,e the fecond of that name, to whom of right, as the elder fonne of Mauldhis mother, the faid Earle- dome ofHuntington did belong, was ncglc&ed and excluded. This Da- */Whadiflue, Henrie., Earle ofHuntington , (inhisfathers lifetime) and died in the yeere, 1 1 5 3 . and was buried at Dunfirmly n in Scodand. Etportoit, d'or au Lion rampant (tgueulles* 1 1 52. his father being then liuing T , T Enrie , fonne of D auid King of Scots , and of Ma- **tilda his wife , daughter of Waltheof ', Earle of North umberland , was Earle of Hunti ngton, in the life time of his father : He married Ada , daughter of Wil- liam de Warren the fecond, and fifter of William the third, Earle Warren and Surrey , and had iffuc , Mal- colme and William , both Kings of Scots; and D auid the third fonne, was Earle of Huntington and Carecl: j he had alio three daughters , Ada married to Florence, Earle of Holland ; Margaret, married to Conan le Petit \ Earle of Britaine ; and Mauld that died young. This Henry, dkd at Calcone,the eighteenth ofKing Stephen, Etportoit, d'or, au Lion rampant degueulles. Simon HVNTINGTON. i8c Olmon Saint-Lize , the fecond of that name, Eaileof ^Northampton, (after the death ol King Henry the firft, and Henry fonne of Dauid King of Scots) entred into peaceable polTcfflon of the Earledome of Hun- tington, which he could neuerobtaine before, during the faid Kings Rtigne , ior that hee bad giuen the 'aid Earledome to Dauid, his wiues Brother , who had mar- ried this Simons Mother, whofe children by her firft hufbind Simon Saint- Lize the fir ft, being young, were fent to Normandy, and committed to thecuftodvof Stephen Earle of Albemarle, their Mothers Vnckle. This Simcn married ffabel> daughter of Robert Bello- mont ( fur-named Crouch-backe or Boffue) Earle of Leicefter , and had ifTue, the third Simon Saint-Liz-e, ^simicia, and Hawis. Hee founded the Abbey of Saint Mary de Pratis, ncere Norhampton, and Sawtre in Huntingtonfliire ; and died the eighteenth of King Stephen , 1152. as Henry of Huntington hath, Ful. 227. b. Etportoit, per pale endente d' argent & gueulles. M; Alcolme King of Scots, eldeft fonne and heireof ^*-Hemy Earleof Huntington aforefaid.and grand- child to King Dauid ( in the minoritie of Simon Saint- Lize the third) was Ward to King /Awy the fecond, and was with him in his expedition to Tholcuze,for which he had giuen vnto him the Earledome of Hun- tington, which hee held during his life. The King was often fucd vnto in the behalte of young Simon the right heire, for Iuflice, but it was euer denied him; at the end of t welue yeeres and fixe moneths of his Rxigne of King of Scotland.be died at Gedworth, and was buried at Dumfirmclyn without ifTue, 1165. leauing William his Brother to fucceed him ; in whofe time, Simon Saint-Lize could obtaine no fauour or grace , vntill King Henrie the younger , and the faid William and Dauid his brother with others , made warres againft King Henry the fecond. Et portoit, Us Armes defonperi. William *8i HVNTINGTON. ~\/\TllH and grand-child to GV^ Earle of Hunting- ton;and after the death of his Grand-father,was the fife Earle of Huntington of thatfurname, and married-E- lizabetb, third daughter and coheirc oiFerdinando Earlc of Derby, and hud iffuc,Henry Lord Hajlingsjcrdinatt- do, <^fiice } and Elizabeth. i6ii. Et portoit, Usarmes de [on pere *%? A Catalogue of the Earles of Holdemes , their Armes, Wiues, and Children. ItlohnRamfey, Vifcount Hadington, was by letters Patents (bearing date the twen- tietwoof Ianuarie, i62o-created Earle of Holdernes, he married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Robert Radclife, Earle of Suflex, and had iflue : Et port eit d'or a laigltdc fable. ipo A Catalogue of the Earles of Kept, their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Do,ha\fc Brother to William Conqueror by the Mother, was by the faid William , firft madeBifhopofBaieuxin Normandy, and after Earle of Kent in England. Hec was a fubtile man , and after the death of William Fitz-of berne,had the whole rule and gouernment of England, vnder William Concjuerour his brother. He was a great enemy to Lanfranke, Archbifhop of Canteiburie, and was banifhed England, for talcing part with Robert Duke of Normandy ,his Nephew, againft William Ru- fm. He went with the laid Robert his Nephew to the Holy-Land, and at the fiege of Antioch hee ended his life. It is faid he bare for his Armes. Cuelles a lion rampant d' argent, au Crofierfiafe bandfinefler d'or. Wlilliatn de Ipre , a Flemming borne , (andbafc fonnc of Philip, Vifcount of Ipre) came into England in the fourth yeare of King Stephen, toayde him in his Warres againft Mauld the Emprefle ; for which feruice,the faid King created him Earle of Kent, 1 141. After which King Stephen was taken Prifoner at Lincolne,byA?W^t:he Emprefle, and Robert Earle of" Glocefter, and imprifoned in the Caftleof Brifto'.l. But not long after, ^a/^the Emprefle, with her Brother Robert Earle of Glocefter, went to Wincbefter, where Henry Biflhop of Winchefter, brother to King Stephen and William of Ipre, gathered a great Army,and made her to abandon the Caftle; but Roberther brother,fee- king to backe her in her flight, was himfelfe taken Prifoner, and deliuered to King Stephens Quccnc, then newly cntred Winchefter, who deliuered the faid Robert, to William of Ipre, to be imprifoned in the Caftle of Ro- chefter in Kent. Thefe two great Prifoners being ftraitly kept , at length through mediation of friends, a peace was concluded, that they (hould both KENT. 191 both bcc deliucred, the King to his Kingdome, and the Earle to his liber- tie. This William of Ipre , was after made Steward of the Kings houfe, and founded the Abbey of Boxley in Kent , and wasbanilhed England, by KingHenry the Second, 1154- and before his death became blinde. and tooke vpon him the habite of a Monke, in the Abbey of Loan, and there dyed, 1164- £t portoit , geronne d"or ejr d'azur a I'efcujfon de guelles an bast on fine ster d' argent brochant fur le tout. H: Vbert de Burgo (or de Burgh) Lord Chambcrlaine to King Iohn, Steward of Poytorv , and Lord Chiefe Iuftice of England, was created Earle of Kent by Letters Patents, bearing date the tenth of Decem- ber, in the thirteenth yeere of King Henry the Third, and had the keeping of Douer, Rochefter, and Can- terbury, granted to him during life , by a Charter bea- ring date the fixteenthof Henry the Third. At lafr, hee procured himfelfe great hatred of all the Nobilitie, for caufingthe faid Kingtobreakehis word and deed, for thereftitutionof thofe Lawes and ancient Cuftom'es, which before hee had granted to the Subiefts; which did greatly aggrauate the hate of the Commons. Hee married three Wiues, thefirft. was CMargaret , daughter of Sir Robert Arfike Knight ; the fecond was ifabel, daughter and one of the heiresof William Earle of Glocefter, ('the repudiate Wife of Kinglohn.) His third Wife was Margaret , daughter of William , and lifter of \_Alexander King of Scots: hehadiflueby nisfirft W'tfzjohn de Burgo who married Hawis Lanuall^ and dyed before his Father,leauing his fonne /o^,Baron of Lan- uall,hisheire. This Hubert dyed at his Alannor of Banded in Surrey,the fourth of the Ides of May, 1243. (Matthew Paris) and as John Storre hath in his Suruey of London, page 653. hee was buried in the Fryers Predicants in London (where now White-Hall ftandeth,) • Et portoit ., guculles fept Lozengies vaire. 331. P Dmond PlantagenetyCnnamcd of Woodftocke,the "^ place of his birth , third fonne of King Edrvird the ftrft, by his fecond Wife Margaret daughter of Phi- lip King of France, in the fifteenth ye a re ofKingE^- fWthe fecond , his brother , was created Earle of Kent, the day after Saint lames day, Anno \iz\. And after, at a Councell held at Winchefter, the fift of Ed- jrW the Third, 1330. the morrow after Saint Grego- ricsday, hee was arretted, and onthcVigill of Saint Cutbert , adiudged to dye for Treafon; for abetting many of the Nobilitie,to plotthe deliuery of King Ec'- -trard the Second out of Pnfon: for which by th; ma- lice Ip2 KENT. lice of Qaeene ifabell, the then Kings Mother, and Roger (JHortimerhtt Sweet-heart, be was beheaded at Winchefter, tbe fourteenth of the Ka- lends of Aprill, in the yeareaforefaid: Hemarried CM&rgaret , daughter and heire of John Lord Wake of Ladell and Burne, andhadifluc, two fonnes, £dmond and lohn, and one daughter named loane\ the tvro fo.ines were both Earles of Kent one after the other, and dyed without iff ie; loant their onely lifter and heire, furnamedtheFaireMai-e of Kent, was rirft married to William Montacute'Enrte of Salisbury, from whome fbec was diuorced ; and after mariied to Sir Thorny Holland Knight j and tartly, fhee wasmarriedio.E^Wthe Blacke Prince, Father of King Richard 'the Second. Et fort city d'engleterre an bordure d' argent. "C Dmond Plant agenet , eldeft fbnneand heire of Ed- *-*mond of Woodftocke, aforefaid, fucceeded bis Fa- ther in the Earledome of Kent, and dyed the Kings Ward without ifTue , tbe fixt of King Edward the Third , leauing lehn his Brother to fucceed him in the Earledome of Kent. Etportoit, lesartnesde (on fere. John Plantagenet, fecondfonneof EdmondofWood- *■ ftocke, was after the deat h of his elder Brother, Earle of Kent, and by that title of honour, lutein Parliament, the twentie fiue of King Edward the Third, and dyed the yeere after without iiTue. He married Elizabeth, daughter of the Duke of luliers, who after his death, was married againe to EuHace Dampreticourt, fecond fonne of Lotd Dampreticourt in Henault,by whom fhe had iSaCySanchifn Dampreticourt , Knight of tbe Or- deroftbe Garter, in KingE^Wthe Thirds time, and one of the firft'Founders of the laid Order. Etportoit, lesAtmes definpere. Sir KENT. »s>i C Ir Thomas Holland, Knight.nnd one of the firft foun " "-'dcrs of the Noble Order of the Garter, (fonne of Si r Robert Holland^ Lancafhire.Knight) was Steward of the Houfe to William uviont acute, Earlc of Salisburie, and in right of loam his wife (fifter and hcire of /*/&«, Earle of Kent aforefaid) was by King Edward the third created EarlcofKent, and Lord Wake of Lidell, and had i(Tue, Thomas Holland, Earle of Kent, and Duke of Surrey ; John Holland, Earle of Huntington , and Duke of Excefter , made by King Richard the fecond : and a daughter , named Ioane , married to the Earle of Saint- Pole. He died in thefoure and thirtieth yearc of King Edward the third, 1 2 do. O 3 Et portoit, d'azurau Leopard rampant le champ flnrette d'argent. ■ HT Horn as Holland, halfc brother (by the mother) to •*■ King Richard the fecond , was after the death of Thomas his father, Earlc of Kent , and Lord Wake of Lidell. Hee married K^ilice, daughter of Richard Fitz-Jlan, Earle of Arundell , and had iflue, Thomas, Earlc of Kent, Edmond, John, and Richard ; and fixe daughters ; Elianor , firft married to Roger Mortimer, Earle of March, and after to Edward Charlton, Lord Powis ; iMargaret , married firft to lohn Beauford , Marquefle Dorfct, and Earle of Somerfet -, and after to Thomas , Duke of Clarence, forme of King Henries j loane, the third daughter, was firft married to Edward, Duke of Vorke ; and after, to William^ord Willoughby of Ereiby; and thirdly, to Henrie, Lord Scroope: and laftly, to Sir Henry Bromfiet, Knight: K^ilice,thc fourth daughter, was wife to Thomas Mountague , Earlc of Sa- lifbury -.Elizabeth, the fift daughter , was married to lohn, LordNeuill, fonne of Ralphe, firft Earle of Wcftmerland ; and Bridget, the fixt daugh- ter, was a Nunne at Barking. This Thomas Holland died the twentieth of KingRichard the fecond. Et portoit, Us armts d?Ertgleterre an bordure d 'argent v Thorna* IP4 KENT* 1 Homos Holland, Earle of Kent, Lord Wake, and Knight of the Garter , (fonne of Thomas afore - faid) married ConJla»ce,daughtcr of Edmond of Lang- ley Duke of Yorke, widow of Thomas, Lord Spencer, but by her had no ifliie ; after hec tooke to wife Ioane, daughter of Hugh Earle Stafford,by whom he had no iflue. This Thomas was created Duke of Surrey , the one and twentieth of King Richard the fecond, 1 398. And in theyeare 1400. he with the Earles of Hunting- ton and Salisbury, intending vnder colour of a Maskc or Mummery ,at the Caftlc of Windefore,to haue fur- prized King Henrie the fourth , and to haue reftorcd King Richard againe j and fo by that mcanes to haue gotten reftitution of their former Titles' of Houour, with their pofTeffions which they had loft, by iudgement of the laft Parliament , a little before. But this their confpiracie being difcouered to the King , and hce fled to London, they were driuen to flie to Cicefter, where the rude Townfmen and others fetvpon them, tooke them, and in the Market-place ftroke off their heads : his body was buried at Cicefter , but after taken vp againe, andentcrred in the Priorie of Mont-grace, which was of his fathers foun- dation. This Thomas, L\uke of Surrey, did btare for his Armet , King Ed- ward the Confeffors Armes t within 4 border ermyn, imp ailed with the Armes of England, within 4 border argent, as by his Scales is manifested. \&Ar /fiA ffa~ "C Dmond Holland, Knight of the Gartcr,fccoi!d fbnnc ^ofTbomas Holland,Earle of Kent,and brother to the iaft Thomas Holland, ,Earle of Kent,and Duke of Surrey, flaine at Cicefter , was after the death of his faid Bro- ther, Earle of Kent, and Lord Wake of Lidcll; and by King Henrie the fourth was made Lord high Admirall of England, and beingatthefiegeof Briakcin Britainc, the ninth of the faid Kings reigne, was woundedin the head with an Arrow,(hot out of a CrofTe-bowe, where- of he died within fiue dayes after. He married Luces, daughter of Barnaby, Vifcount of Millaine, the widow of Lewis of Valoys : who after this Edmonds death, married for her third hu(band,Sir Henrie Mortimer,Knight. This edmond died without iflue, and lycth buried at Bourne in Lincolnfhire, lcauing his fixe fiftcrs his heires, married as aforefaid. Et forfeit, Its armes d'Englettrrt aubordurt Sargent. William KENT. »P5 William AVw'//,Lord FaIconbridge,and Knight of the Garter, a younger Tonne of Ralphe Neuil/ y firfr Earie of Weftmerland, begotten of loane his fecond Wife, daughter of lohn of Gaunt, and Lady Katherine Wswynford,wns created EarlcofKent,in thetirltyeereof. King Edward the fourth; and after made Lord Admiral of England, and Knightof the Garter. Hcc married loane, daughter & heireof Thomas Lord Falconbridge of Shelton} in whole right he was alio Lord Falcon- bridge, and had ifliic,/«« wife to Sir Edward Bedhow- ing Knight; Elizabeth married to Sir Richard Strar.^nais Knight; and Alice married to Sir lohnCoigniers knight- This William was taken prifoner in France, and died about thefecond yeereof King Edward the fourth , and was buried in the PrroryofGif- burg. Et portoit, gueulles an fault eur d' argent, charge d'tme Molett'e £ fable, EDmondGrey,Lord ofRuthin,Haftings,and VVeifh- ford, was created Earle of Kent, in the fift yeere of King Edward the fourth, and maried Katherine daugh- ter of Henry Percy, fecond Earle of Northumberland, by whom he had ifTue, Lord Anthonie Grey , that died without ifTue before his Father, and was buried at Lu- ton.neere S.Albons; George 6>ry,fecond fbnne,was af- ter his Father, Earle of Kent; he had ifTue alfotwo daughters, Elizabeth married to Robert Greitocke,fonnc and heire of" Ralphe Baron of Greftocke;and orf>w?,the wife of lohn Lord Grey ofWilton. Etportoit,bureHe'e defix £ argent & d'azura* chef tr ok torteux. GEorgeGrey, Lord Grey of Ruthin, Haftings, and Wcifhford, fecond fbnne and heire of Edmond a- forefaid, was after his Father, the fecond Earle of Kent of that fur-name.He had two wiues,the firft was Anne, daughter of RichardWooduilc Earle Riuers, the widow of William Vifcount Bourchier, by whom he had ifTue, Richard Earle of Kent : His fecond wife was Katherine, daughter of William HerbmJLnAc of Penbroke,flain at Banbury;by who he had ilTue,Sir Henry Grey ofWrefty Knight; (who after thedeath of his brother Richard thevnthrift, diddifcontinue and refufe to take vpon him the Title and name of Earle) George Grey third S 2 fonne i$6 KENT. fonne', Sdmondand Anthonie ; and one daughter named Anne, married to John Lord Hufec, who had hTue, Bridget rirft married to Henrie Manners Earle of Rutland; and after, to Sir RithardMorifon, Knight; and laftly,to Francis RupM Earlc of Bedford. This George, died in the twentieth ycerc of King Henry the feuenth. Ft portoit, les Armoiries defonper'e. TD Ichard Grey, fonne and heire of George Earlc of "*■ Kent afortfaid, was Knight of the Garter, and after the death of his Father, the third Earlc ofKcnt of that Family : hec married Elizabeth , daughter of Sir William Hujfee Knight, Chiefe-Iuftice of the Kings benchjand died the third of May, in the fifteenth yeereofKingflf»rytheeight,athishoufeinLurnberd- ftrecte (when he had greatly wafted his eftate) in Lon- don, without iffue, and was buried in the White-Fry- ers in Fleetftrectc, 1 513. Etportoit, bur elle defix, d 'argent rjr d'azur a U cheftrois torteux. REginatd Grey Efquire, (forme and hcire of ff«£ rie Grey Efquire, grand-child to George Earlc of Kent aforefaid, by his fonne Sir Henry Grey of Wrcft, Knight) wasintheyeerei57i. advanced to the Title and Earledome of Kent, ( which before was difconti- nued, for want of competent liuing to mainteine the fame, by this Reginalds Father, and Grand fuher) by thefpeciallfauour and bounty of the moft fimous and renowned Queene of famous memorie, Queene Eliza- beth. He married Sttfanna , daughter of Richard Berty Efquire, and Katherine DutchcfTe of Suffoikc his wife, by whom he had noiflue, and died atHornefey the ieuenteenth of March, 1 573. and was buried in S.Giles Church without Cripple-gate, in London, by his Grand-father, Sir Henn Grey KnighVilczuing Henry Grey his brother to fucceed him in his Earledome. ^ Ftporteit, les armesde Grey t BureSee dejix d'argentejr d'azur a U cheftrois torteux. Henry KENT. *97 T T Eriry Grey, feiondTonncof/^w/VC^Eiquircand •*■ •* brother and hcire of Reginald, Earlc of Kent afore - faid, was the rift liarlcof Kent of that Family. He mar- ried Mary,, daughter of Sir George Gotten of Chefhire, K night; the widdow of Edward Stanley Earle ofDerby, by whom he had no ifliie. He died in the yeere, 1613. and was very honourably buried at Wreft , leauing Sir Charles Grey Knight, his brother, to fuccccd him in his Earledome. Et forfeit, let armes defonfrcre. /^ Barles Grey> third fonnc of Henry Grey Efquirc,and ^ brother and heire of Reginald, and Henry Earlcs of Kent, afore mentioned, was after their deaths, the fixt Earle of Kent of that fur-name; and married Sufan, daughter of Richard Cttton ofHampfhirc; Efquirc,and 1 hadifTuc, Sir Henrie Grey, Lord of Ruthin, whomarri- is| cd Elizabeth, fecond daughter and co-heireof Gilbert Talbot Earlc of Shrewsbury; and a daughter named Su- fan, married to Sir Michael Long-vill of Buckingham- fhirc, Knight, \6i\. Etfortoit,bureHe'e defix d argent tjr d'axMrk U cbeftrtitterteHX, S3 ic-8 m^m A Catalogue of the Earles of Kgiaall, their Armes, Wiues, and Children. i - - ohn Duke of Bedford, third Son of King i Henry the fourth , was by his Brother, King Henry the fift,created Earle ofKcn- idall, and made Regent of France. Hec married two wiucs, but had no ifTue by either; thenrftwas Anne, daughter of lohn Duke of Burgundy; the fecond was Iaqtiet, daughter of Peter of Luxenburge, Earlcof S. Paulin France. Heedyed in the twentie three yeere of KingHenry the fixt,and lieth buried in a faire Toombe , in the Cathedral! Church at Roane: whofe. Monument, when King Charles the eight came to fee, one of his Nobles willed him to deface the fame, that nofurther memorie might be hadofhim there. To which fpeech, the faid King replyed, arid faid;77W if the whole jlrength and power of France ceuldnot ex fell him liuing, it were no honour to take reuengevpon the dead\ and therefore, faid he, let himriowrcjt in peace. Etportoit, France feme', efcartelle'e rjf D'englcterre, a lambelldecinqpointz de Br it. line ejr de France. John Duke of Somerfet, after the death oflohn Duke ■* of Bedford, without ifTue, was bytKing Henry the fixt, made the next Earle of Kendall. Hee was at the battell of Bangiebridge , where Thomas Duke of Cla- rence,the Kings brother was flaine, and himfelfe taken prifoner by the Duke of Orleance , the ninth of King Henry the tift;from which imprifonment he was fhort- ly after deliuered by ranfbme. Heemarried Margaret, daughter and heire of Sir Iohn Bcauchampe of Blctfo, Knight, the widdow of Sir liter S. Iohn t Knight, de- fended of the S. lohns of Fanmon in South-Wales,by whom he had ifTue, CMargaret his onely daughter and heyre, married firft to Edmond of Hzdhzm, Earle of Richmond,by whom flie had ifTue, King Henry the feuenth : fhee married afterward, Thomas Stanley, EarleofDerby,butbyhimhadno ifTue. This John, died in the twenty K EN D ALL. ipp twenty two of King Henrie the fixt, and was buried at Wimborne Mirt- fter, in Dorfetlhirc. Etportoit , France , efcartellee cfEngletcrre, au bordure gobonne £ ar- gent ey ctazur. JohndeFoix, Vifcount Cafleton , and Lord Greyly, 1 (fonnc ofGa/londe Foix, Knight of the Order of the Garter , brother to the Count e de Foix Capitaine de U Bouche Countie de Longueuile } ejr deSeuancies) for his good feruice done againft the French , was by King Henrie [the fixt, 1446. created Earlc of Kendall in Eng- land, and made Knight of the Order of the Garter : after whom they of that houfe of Foix and Earles of Longeuill in France, did write themfelues Earles of Longeuill and Kendall. He married^rgw^jdaughter of 'Michael de la iWf,Earle of Suffolke,and fitter to Wil- liam de la Pole,Dukc of Suffolk, by whom he had iflue, John de Foix , father o£j»ne , wife of Vladijlatu King of Hungarie. This John de Foixfa& his Armcs pulled downe at VVindfore, the third of King Edward the fourth. JEt forfeit, d'or a trot's palz degueuHes , efcar telle ttor a deux V aches paf-. fans, accollees, accornees , ejr clarinees d'azur,fur le tout au Umbel de fable charge dei$* Coquilles far gent. 2C0 | A Catalogue of the Earles of Lincolne, their Armes , Wiues, and Childrea j Hi am de Rom are , a Norman borne, ( fonne of Roger de Romare, and halfc brother of Randoll CMefchines , the fourth Earle of Chefter by his mo- ther Luce , daughter of ^Algar the Saxon , Earle of Chefter, and fifter vX'^/s.'^Xl* °^" MorCAr > Earle of Northumberland and Lincolne) was created Earle of Lincolne, in the fixtyeere of King Stephen > to whom the faid King gaue the Mannour of Chircheton , the Oftle of Gey n (borough , and the Caftlc of Pomfrct in Yorklhire. Vnto which Grant, were witncfles , Randoll Mef chines , Earle of Chefter ; Gilbert de Clare, Earle of Penbroke j and Gilbert de Clare , Earle of Hart- ford, and others. He married Harris, daughter of Stephen , fonne ofEudo Comes Blefenfis & Champaine, and fifter of Willitm le Greffe , Earle of Al- bemarle, by whom he had ifliie , William de Romare the fecond , Lord of Bullingbroke,who tooke to wife, -.VW^daughter ofBaldtvyn Riuers, Earle of Deuonfhire, and died before his father, in theyeere mi. leauing iflue, a fonne named FVtlham the third, who alfo died without iflue, in Anna 1 1 75. and one daughter named Hawk, married to Gilbert de Gaunt , Earle of Lincolne. Thislaft William de Romare ,by his Deed , gaue lands to che Abbey ofReuefbie, to pray for the foule of William his father , and William the Earle his grand-father, 1172. the nineteenth of King Henry the fecond. ft portoit, gucullesfcpt macles d 'or feme de croix recroifettees de mefme. llbert de Gaunt,L6r6 of Lindefey in Lincolnfhire, and fecond Earle of Lincolne, (fonne of Walter de Gaunt , by Mauld, daughter of Alan Earle of Britaine, and grand-child to Gilbert de Gaunt , that came into ^England with William Conqueror, by Eujlacia, daugh- — !U1 terofthc Earle of Cenomania ) taking part with King 57*/>£«» ) againftJl/4«/^theEmprefle,was taken prifo- ner by King Henrie the fecond , being then Duke of Normandy i who committed him to the cuftodieand keeping of Randoll Mefchines , alias Gemons , the fourth Earle of Chefter, who married him to Haw is , daughter of L I N C O L N E. 201 of William de Romara, his half: brother by the mother, by whom he had iffue, Gilbert de Gaunt ,that died in the yeere 1 160. father of the laft Gilbert Earle of Lincoln: ; Baldwyn fecond fonne, Lord of Bourne and Dipping, who founded the Abbey of Bourne, 1140. and died in the 1156 ; and one daughter named Alice, married toSimen Saint- Lt ^.Earle of Northamp- ton , who died without iflue. This Gilbert the Earle, died in the yeere 1 1 j6. and was buried in the Abbey of Bardens in Lincolnshire. Etportoit, bur tile de huit pieces d'or ejr d'azur ah band degueulles. f^llbert de Gaunt, grand-child of Gilbert deG 'aunt , ^■^ Earle ofLincolne, ( by his fonne Gilbert,v/ho was dif-inherited by King Henrie the fecond, for taking part with King Stephen ) was made Earle of Lincolne, J by Lewis King Philip the French Kings fonne , in the eighteenth yeere of King lohn, which King Henrie the third did afterwards confirme to the faid Gilbert , in the third yeere of his reigne : In which yeere he died, and was buried in the Abbey of Ramfey, without ifTue j after whofe death , King Henrie the third did giue the faid Earledome of Lincolne , to Randall to- named£/»»«&»// Andoll Mffcbines ( fur-named Blundeuile) the fixe •*"^* Earle of Chefter from Hugh Luptu, and the fourth Earle of this Familie , fonne of Hugh Keueltock , fonne ofRandoll Gernons , halfc brother by the mother * to William Romara, Earle of Linco!ne,was rcftored to the Earledome of Lincolne, in the yeere 1218- the third of King Henry the third , after the death of his kinfman Gilbert de Gaunt, the laft Earle ofLincolne of that fur- name. ( It is fetdowne by fome eXquifite Writers, that this Randoll dying without iflue, did giue the Title and Earledome ofLincolne, to his fifter Auice>\\\z wife of Robert putney, in thefe words , Ranulphus Earle of Lincolne, ejrc Jxvouldhaue it to come vnto the gener all knowledge of yon all, that I haucgiuen and granted, and by this my prcfent writing, confirmed to the 201 L I N C O L N E. the Ladie Hawifia ofguincyjny most dear e Sifter, the Earledome of Lincolne ( viz ) as farre forth s and Rowc- niock, and married to his firft wife, Margaret, daugh- ter and heire ofWiliiam Longjpee, grand-child of Wil- liam Longftee Earle of Salifburie,by his fonne W/lliam y by whom he had iflue , Edmond Lacie drowned in a Well in Denbeigh Caftle,in the life tiSieof hisfatherj and Altce , married to Thomas Plantagenet , Earle of Lancafter, Leiccftcr , and Derby, by whom (he had no llTue ; fecondly /he married Ebulo Lord Strange; and laftlyfhe married Hugh deFnnes. This Henrie, married to his fecond wife , loane, daughter of William Mar- tyne, Lord Camoys, but by her had no iflue. He died at his houfe , now called Lincolnes Inne in Chancerie-Lanc , in London ,1310. and lieth buried in Pauls Church in London, in Saiht Dunflans Chappell , called the New-worke. Etportoit, d'or au Lion rampant depurpre. H; Enrieof Mounmoth ( fur-named TortcoB) fonnc of Henrie , Earle of Lancafter, and brother and heire of Thomas, Earle of Lancafter, Leicefter, and Derby, that married <^4lice Lacie ifoi c-faid, was crea- ted Earle of Derby, in the life time of his father ; after whofe death (which was ir> the yeere 1345. ) hee was alibEarleof Lancafter, Leicefter, and Lord high Ste- ward of England ; ancl in the flue and twentieth of King Edward the third , he was made Duke of Lanca- fter ; and in the feuen and twentieth yeere of the fame Kings reigne, he had the Earkdomc of Lincolne giucji him. He married ifabell, daughter of 'Henrie Lord Beau- mont, and had iilue , two daughters his heires ; M.w.ld the ckkft , was married to WtHiam , Duke of Bauarre , Earle of Henault, Holland ,and ZzhnA-,- Blanch thefecond daughter, was wife to lohn of Gaunt,Earle of Richmond, (fourth fonne of King Edn-ard ths third) who after the death of this Henrie, his father in law , was the fecond Duke of Lancafter. This Henrie died, in the flue ar^d thirtieth yecrcof King Ed- ward the third. Et portoit, d'Engleterre au Umbel de cinque pints de France. lohn 204 L I N C O L N E. lohnde la Pole, fonnc and hcircof lohn dela Pole ie- ■*cond Duke of Suffolke,was created Earle of Lin- colne, in the Icuenth yeere of King Edward the fourth, and married Margaret, daughter ofThomas Fitz-Alan* Earle of Arundell , by whom he had no ifTuc. He was flaincih the life time ofhisfuher, at Stokclield, taking part with Martine Swarth, the fixteenth of Iune, in the fecond of Xing Henrie the feucnth, 1487. Etportoit, fCazuralafacea tro'u tefies de Leopards (Tor, au lam Lei d 'argent. 1 J 1 Enrie Brandon, fonne and heirc of ' Charles Brandon* fflrr Duke of Suffolke , by Marie the French Queene, being about twelueyccres of age, was created Earle of Lincolne, at Bridewell, in the fcucnteenth yeere of King Henrie the eight, and then died without ifluej his father liuing. I Etportoit, burette d 'argent ry de gueulles de dix pieces au lion rampant d? or, corron'e perpale gueulles & d' argent au lamb el d 'argent. ■ 1 -k-k 1 p Dward Clinton, Lord Clinton, Knight of the Gar- -^ter, and Lord Admirall of England, was created Earle of Lincolne , at Greenwich , the fourth of May, in the fourteenth yeere of Queene Elizabeth , 1572. He married three wiucs,thc firft'was El t z,abeth t daugh- rer of Sir lohn Blount, the widdow of qhc Lord Talboys* by Whom he had ifTuc, Bridget , wife to Robert Dymocle of Lincolnefhirc, Efquirc , father of Sir Edward Dy- mocle , ? his Maieftics moft worthie Champion ; Kathe- rine y \vi fc of 'William Lord Borough, father of Thomas Lord Borough, Lord Deputic of Ireland 5 Margaret* wife to Charles Lord Willoughby of Parham. His fe- cond wife was Vrfula , daughter of William Lord Sturton , by whom hce had iflue , Henrie Lord Clinton ,£ the third, borne in the yeere 1245. & created Earle of Lancafter by his Father, in the yeere 1 267. He had alfo giuen him , the Earledomes of Lei- cefter and Derby, with the Office of high Steward of England, after the attaindor of Simon Mountfort, Earle ofLeicefter, flaineatthebattellof Euerfham, and the difinherifing of Robert Ferrars Earle of Derby. Hce married two wiues, the firft was <^iuelina^ daughter of William de Fortibus y Earle of Albemarle, and fifter and heyreof William de Fertibut, Earle of Albemarle, by whom he had no ifTue. His fecond wife was Blanch, Queene of Nauarrc, daughter of Robert Earle of Artoys, brother to Lewis the ninth of France, named Saint Lewis, fon of Lewis the eight, named de Montpenficr, fonnc of Philip the fecond, named the Conqueror: by whom he had iffiie, Thomas Earle of Lancafter , Henry Lord of Monmouth , and John that died in France, without iffue. This Edmond was Lieutenant of Gak LANCASTER. 207 Gafcoigne, in the firft yeare of King Edward the firft; and becing Tent into Aqui tame with an Armic, died at Bayon, in the yeare 1296. and his body being brought ouer Seas into England, was buried at Weftminftcr,on the North-fideofthehigh Altar. Etportoit.gueuUes an trots Leopards pajfant ctor, an Umbcll de France. T - * Homas Vlantagenet , Tonne and heyre of Edmend *" Crouch-backc, was after the death of his Father, Earle of Lancafter, Leicefter, and Derby, and Lord \ Steward of England. Hee married cilice, daughter and heyre of Henry Lade Earle of Lincolne, by the daughter and Heyre of William Longjpee y Sonne and heircof William Lonfpee Earle of Salisbury, by whomc he had no iflue. This K_sflice was held to be a very loofe and vnchafte woman of her body, for in the life time of this Thomas her husband, (hee maintained Sir Richard^. Martyn for her Sweet-hearr, and after her husbands death, fhe married two other husbands, the firft was Ebulo Lord Strange of Knocking, and tfte fecond^ was Hugh de Frenes, bynvbom (he neuer had any iiTue. Notwithftanding, (he ga'ue all her lauds and inheritance to Thomas her firft husband, and to hisheyres forcuer. ThisTiwwwifc to lebnKingof Portugall ; and Eliza- beth married to lohn Holland Duke of Excefter. His fecond wife was Con- ftance, daughter and one of theco-heircs of Peter , King of Caftile, by whom he had iflue, Katherine, married to Henry, fbnne ofKing lohno£ Spaine, with the Title to the Kingdomes of Caftile and Lions. His third wife was Katherine, daughter of Payne Roet, alias Guien i King of Armes, and Widdow ofSir otesSwyriford, Knight, by whom he had iflue before marriage, /o/w fur-named Beaufort, Earle of Somerfet, and MarquefTe Dorfeti Henry Beaufort •, Bifhop of Wincheftcr, and Cardinall of S. Eufe- hius, as alfo Cbancellour of England j Thomas Beaufort , Earle of Dorfet, Duke of Exeter, and Chancellor of England ; Ioane Beaufort, firft married to Ralph Neuilly firft Earle of Weftmerland; and after to Robert Ferrars % Lord ofoujley : This laft marriage with Katherine Srvynford, and the legi- timiting of her children, was made good, by Ad of Parliament, and a Bull from Rome. This great Duke and Prince, died in the Bilhop of Elies Place in Holbornc , the twentic two of King Richard the fecond, and lyeth buried in Pauls Church in London , by Blanch his firft wife. Etportoit,ftmede France, efcarteHe D'epglettrre, m UmbeU d'hermines. / Tj Henry 210 LANCASTER. TjEnry Plantagenet, ( borne at Bullingbrokc ) fonnc *• ^and heirc vflehn ofGaunt,was Knight of the Gar- ter, and created Earle of Derby, in the life time ofhis Father j i^s-byKingRichtrd the fecond, and in the one and twentieth yeerc of thefaid Kings Rcignc, he was made Duke of Hereford, and by that name and ti- tle fate in the Parliameut, heldatWeftminfterjand af- cer being accufed of treafbn, by Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke, was banifhed England fortenne yeeresj mcane time died John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancafter his Father; whom this Henry fucceeded in the Dukedome of Lancafter; and after depofing King Richard y and ob. taining the Kingdomc, he ordained by aflent of Parliament , that Henrie hiseldeft fonnefhould enioy the fame Dignities, and be ftyled Prince of Wales, Duke of Lancafter and Cornwall, and Earle of Cheftcr: andfo this Henry becing crowned King, vnitcd the whole Inheritance of Lanca- fter vnto the Crowne. Since which time, the Ducall Title of Lancafter hath been drowned in the Title of the Regall Dignitie. This Henrie, mar- ried Mary, daughter and one of the Two heircs o£Humfrey de Bthun, Earle of Hereford, EfTex, and Northampton , and Conftablc of England , by whom he had ifluc, Henry Prince of Wales, Thomas Duke of Clarence, lohu Duke of Bedford, Humfrey Duke of Gloccfter; Blanch, married to William Duke of Bauarre ;and Philip married to John, King of Denmarkc and Norway. He died in the yeerc 14x2 . Mt fortlit, its Ar mines dtftnfer'i. A Catalogue of the Earles of Leicefter, their .Armes , Wiues, and Children. obert de Belloment ( a Norman borne ) (otitic of Roger de Bellomont,LoTd of Pon- tcaudemcr , and ^ddelina his wife , fiftcr and heire of Hugh, Earlc of Mcllent, (af- ter the death ofLeofrike , Algar, and Ed- win , Saxon Earles ) was made Earle of Leiceftcr , by King Henry the firft , i 103. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh the great, Earle of Vcrmandois, fon of Henry, King of France, and had iflue, Water an, Earlc of Mellcntin Normandy , and of Worcefter in Eng- land; and Robert fur-named Bojfu; Adeltna, wife to Hugh Mount forty and Elizabeth , married to Gilbert Strongbotvjiatlc of Penbrokc : this £//'.£4^/£,daughter of Hugh the great, Earlc of Vcrmandois, ouer-liued her firft huflxind, and after married Wil- liam the fecond., Earlc Warren, by whom (he had iflue alfo William de^> Warren , the third Earle of Surrey ; and two daughters , one married to Roger, Earle of Warwicke, and the other to Henry, Earle of Huntington, 1 144. This Robert, died in the yeereof our Lord , in8. the nineteenth ofKing #*w? the firft- Ettortoit, degueulles,a I'quintfoille d'hermync. Robert de BeRomont, fiir-named Bojfu , ( of his croo- ked backe ) was the fecond Earle of Leicefter, after the death of his father i he was Chiefe-Iuftice of Eng- land , in King Henry the feconds time , and married Ittam, daughter of Ralph de Waet, Earle of the Eaft An- gels, and had iflue, Robert Blanchmaynes, the third Earle of Leiceftcr, Henry, Geffrey, undlohn j ifabell, married to S imtn Saint- Li ze, Earle of Northampton ; and Hawis, married to William , Earle of Glocefter. This Robert, died in the thirteenth yeereof King Henry the fecond, and was buried at Leicefter. About the wife of this Ro- bert Bojfu is fome queftion ; for William Gemiticenfis pag. 676. who liucdinthatage,fetteth downe that hee married it tarn, daughter M2 LEI CESTER. daughter of 'Ralph de Waet, Earlc of Norwich, and had iflue Robert Blanch- maynes , Earlc of Leicefter. To contradict this : I find that this Robert Bojju and Amicia his wife, in thcyeerc 1 144. did found the Monafterie of Saint Marie de Pratk without the North-gate of Lcicefter. And aho in a Deed of Robert Blanchmaynes, fbnne of this Robert Bojfu , I find alfo writ- ten. Robert, Earle of Leicefter &c. Knswyee that 1 hauegiuen and confer. ■ med to the Monkes ofWrokefoall ten Jhiltings rent yeerelyfor euer, which my father gaue them, for thefoule of his father , and his predecejfors , and for the foule ^Amicia the Counteffe my mother, eye. WitnefTe, P. Comma , Hugh Camp. William de Chir. Gilbert Charnell, and others. Etportoity les armes defon pere. T) O bert de Bellomont, fur-named Blanchmaynes,o{h\s •*~*~ white hands , fonne of Robert Boffu , was the third Earle of Leiccfter , after the Conqueft : Hec married Pernell, daughter and co-heire of Hugh Grentmefnell y Lord of Hinckley , and Lord Steward of England 5 with whom he had in marriage , the Honour of Hinck- ley, and Office of Lord Steward of England. She built the body of the great Church of Lcicefter, and licth there buried in the Quicr , by the high Altar j lcauing iflue, Robert Fitz,-?ernell, Earle of Leicefter , William, a Leaper, who built the Hofpitall of Saint Leonards in Leiceftcr, and died before His father, without iflue : Ro- ger, Bilhop of Saint Andreses in Scotland ; Amicia,wife to Simon, Earlc Mountfort, brother of<^4lmericke, Earle of Eureux ; and Margaret , mar- ried to Saire de Jguincy, Earle of Winchefter. This Robert , was flainc at Duras in Greece , where he was buried , in the ycere 1 1 90. This Robert was a WitnefTe to his wiues fathers' Charter, which followeth in thefc words. Hugh , Earle of Hinkeley , Steward to the King , to all his Barons , Chorles>&c. Know yee that 1 haue freely confirmed to the deuout Sifters of Saint Margarets ofHaclington all that gift 0/William the Earle, my father , andHcnry, the fonne of the Earle Thirkeld , my grandfather did giue , &c. Thefe being Witneffes : Robert, Earle of Leiceftcr , and PerneU his wife, my daughter , Garges , the fonne of Hugh the Chamberlaine $ Hildibrand the Dapifere , and others. Etportoit, degueuUes, a I'quintfoiUe d'htrmyne. Robert R' LEICESTER. m$ Obcrt , fur-named Fitz-Pernell , fotine of Robert •Blanchmaynes , was after the death of his father, the fourth Earle of Leicefter , and in right of his mo- ther, Lord high Steward of England. Hce married Lottrette, daughter of William, Lord Brews of Brembcf in SufTcx,by whomhehadnoiiTue. This Robert went with King Richard into the Holy -land, and was there taken prifoner , and payed for his ranfomc , two thou- fand Markes : Hedied intheyeereofourLord 1204. and was buried in the Abbey of Leicefter , the fixt of King John j leauing Simon de Mountfort, and Saier dz_j £>w»cj. who had married his two fifters his heires, His wife Loretta y after her hufbands death , couenanted with King lohn, in the ninth yeere of his reigne, that (he would neither marrie,or enter into any Religious-houfe, without the confent of the faid King. Mt ptrtoit, Us Armes defonpere. Olmon de Mount fort (fonncof Simon , Earle Mount - ^ fort in France, fon ofanothcr Simon, Earle Mount- fort, and Berth a his wife , daughter of Richard, Earle of Eureux, and Conftablc of France: which laft Simon y was grand-child of Robert , fur-named The holy King of France, by his bafefonne Almericke, Earle Mount- fort ) married Amicia , eldeft fitter and co-heire of Ro- bert Fitz.-Perr.ell, Earle of Leicefter , in whofe right he was created Earle of Leicefter, andmnde Lord Ste- ward of England , in the eight yeere of King John , as may appeare by his Charter , dated at Slingefbie , the tenth day of March, 1 206. This Simon, with his fonne, Was after banifhed England, and dif-inheritedfor rebellion againftthe King, and allying themfelues to the French King. He was Generall of the Armie , at the fiege of the Citic of Tholouze , who before the Gates thereof , was ftricken in the head with a ftonc fhot out of an Engine, whereof he died fodainly , and his brother Almericke, befieging a Caftlc hard by the faid Citie,at the fame time , was likewife flaine inthcyecrc 1218. This Simon had ifluc by his wife ^yimicia ,*^4lmcricke , Earle Mountfort, in France ; and Simon , that was after Earle of Leicefter, in "England. Etportoit, gueulUs , au Lion rmpMt a. U queue four chee £ Argent. Simon 214 LEICESTER. Olmon de Mount fort , fecond fonne of Simon Mount- ^ forty Earlcof Leicefter, and Amicia his wife, hairing compounded and agreed with Alrnertcke his elder bro- ther, for his right and title of the Earledome of Leice- fter, came into England , and was gracioufly receiued of King Henry the third, 1235. who did not onely re- ftore to him the Earledome of Leicefter , with the Of- fice of Lord Steward of England, but alfo in the yeere 1237. gaue vntohim in marriage , his filter Elia- nor , the widdow of William Marfiall (die younger) Earle ofPenbroke^y whom he had iffuc,tfeery Mount- /w, flaine with his father at thebattaileofEuerfham, in the yeere 1256. Simon Mountfort , Guy and Jlmericke^-wtvc all three banifhed the Land , by A&e of Parliament \ Edward and Richard died i young j and Elianor his daughter, was married to Leolyne , Prince of Wales. When the NobJemcn of England raifed Warre againft King Henry the third ( for denying to performe the Orders and Decrees made a little before, at a Parliament held at Oxford ) this Simon was made their Generall ; and at a battaile , ftrocke neere Lew U in Suffex , hee tooke the King with his brother ifrV£W,EarleofCornewall,and King of Almainc, with Prince Edwardhis fonne , prifoncrs ; but Prince Edward efcaping, bid the Barons battaile againe at Eueriham , where this Simon was flaine, and the Barons ouerthrowne,inthe fortieth yeere of the faide Kings reigne. This Simon , the fecond Earle of Leicefter , at the Coronation of Queene Elianor, challenged theOffice of Lord Steward of England (in right of ^Amicia, his mother, daughter of Robert Blanchmaynes , and Per- neli his wife, eldeft daughter and co-heire of Hugh GrentmefniO) which Roger Bigot, Earle of Norfolkc gain-faid , alledging , that that Office be- longed to him of right , by Alice , the other daughter of Hugh Grentmef- nill , to which this Simon anfwered, That in King lohm time this contro- uerfie was agreed , That the Earle of Leicefter that then was , fhould giuc to the then Earle of Norfolke , ten Knights Fees ; for which the Earle of Norfolke did rcleafe all his right anddaimeto the faid Office of Lord high Steward ofEngland; Whercunto Earle Roger replied and faid, That of thole ten Knights Fees, there were yet two and a halfe vnpaid; To whicrpit was anfwered, That by the Lawes of the Realme , the faid Roger might recoucrthe remainder of thofe Knights Fees. And fo Simon was receiued to execute the faid Office, at the Coronation of Quecnc £« Uanor. Etportoit, les armes defenpere. Edmond LEICESTER. 215 C Dmond (fur-named Crouch-backe) fecond forme •^of King Henry the third, in the fiftieth yeere of his fathers reigne , was made Earle of Leicefter , and high Steward of England, and had alio giuen him the Caftle of Kenel worth , and married \^Aueline , daughter and heire of William de Fortibus , Earle of Albemarle j as in the Title of Earles of Lancafter is more at large. He married to his fecond wife , Blanc h , Queene of Na- uarrc, daughter of Robert , Earle of Artoy s , and had ifluc , Thomas , Earle of Lancafter , Henry , and John; and after died at Bayon in France, 1195. and was bu- ried at Weftminfter,on the North-fide of the Altar. Et forfeit, iAngleterrey au Umbel de France, THomat, eldeft fonnc and heire of Edmond Crouch* backe , Earle of Leicefter , and high Steward of England, married Alice , daughter and heire of Henry LAcie, Earle of Lincolne, but by her had no ilTue. Hee was beheaded at Pomfret,in the yeere of our Lord 1 322. as is more at large in the Tide of EarlesofLan- cafter. Etvortoity etAnglcterre, an lambcldc France. HEnry of Lancafter, Lord of Monmouth ( brother and heire of Thomas aforefaid) was reftored to the Earledomes of Lancafter , Leicefter , and Derby, with the Office of high Steward of England , in the eighteenth yeere of King Edward the fecond, and mar- ried Mauldox Matild, daughter and heire of Sir Patrick Chaworth , Knight , and had iflue , as in the Earles of Lancafter. He died in the yeere 1354-and lieth buried at Leicefter. Et fortoit } les armes defonjrere. Hen 7 2l6 LEI CESTER. H: 'Enry of Monmouth ( fur-named TortcoR ) fbnnc L and hcire of Henry Lord of Monmouth , and grand-child of Edmond Crouch-backe , was after the death of his father, Earle of Lancafter , Leicefter , and high Steward of England , and after created Duke of Lancafter, in theyeere 135 1. He married fftbel, daugh- ter of Henry Lord Bellomont, or Beaumont; and had iffue , two daughters his heires, Mauld,tht eldeft, mar- ried to William, Duke of Bauary; and Blanch, the fc~ cond daughter , was married to lohnoi Gaunt , Duke of Lancafter. He died of the plague , and was buried at Leicefter, thefiue and thirtieth of King Edward the third. This Henry Joy the name and title of #f»>7, Earle of Lancafter, Derby, and Leicefter, and Steward of England, did by his Charter, da- ted the eighteenth of March,and the twenty one of Edward the third,giuc and confirmc to his deere fitter Mauld de Lancafter , Ccunteflc of Vlfter, the Caftlc and MannourofMelborne,with the appurtenances, which his deere Lord and Father gaue vnto her forterme of her life, to be held of him and his heires , yeelding yeerely , at the Feaft of Saint Jehn Baptist, a Rofe for the fame,&c. EtportoitAcsarmes defonpere. William of Bauary , Earle of Henault , Holland, Zcland, and Frizland , married Mauld, daugh- ter andco-heire of Henry of Monmouth, fur-named Tortcoll, the firft Duke of Lancafter ; by reafon where- of, he v/as made Earle of Leicefter, in thefiue and thir- tieth yeere of King Edward the third ; as doth appeare by his Charter, bearingdate, 1360. He died without iffue. Etportoit , les armes de Bauary Per Sendee lozen- gie d' argent & d'azur. "John of Gaunt, ( fo named of the place where he was *■ borne ) fourth fonne of King Edward the third , was Knight of the Garter, and after the death of William of Bauary, his brother by marriage, was by his father, created Earle of Leicefter ; Lincolne , and Derby , in theyeerei36i.asintheEarlesofLancafter,ismoreac large. He married Blanch, thefecond daughter and co-heire of Henry, firft Duke of Lancafter, by whom he hadiflue , King Henry the fourth , and others. Hec died in the yeere 1 3 99* Et porteit, France feme , efcarttlle d'Engleterre an Umbel dhermyns. Henry LEICESTER. H7 \jEmyo£ Bullingbrooke, fonnc and hcirc of lohn •*■ ■* of Gaunt,was Duke of Hereford in the life time of his father, and after created Earlc of Lciccfter and Derby, as alfo Lord High Steward of England j and laftly, King of England, by the name of King Henry the fourth. Etfortoit, les armes de [on fere. D obert Dudley, fift fbnnc of lehn Dudley, Duke of -^ Northumberland, was created Earleof Leiccfter, and Baron of Denbcigh, in thefixt yeare of Queenc ElizAbeth^e^.zx. S.lames Houfc,on Michaelmas day. He was Knight of the Honorable Order of the Gar- ter, and of S.Michael, Lo. Steward of her Houfe, and Matter of the Horfe, and one of her Maiefties moft honorable Priuie Councell. He married twoWiues: the firft was i^imie , daughter and heire of Sir lohn Robfert, Knight, who died without iffue. His fecond Wife was Lettice , daughter of Sir Francis Knolles , Treafurer cf the Houfehold to Queene Elizabeth, and Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter; by whom he had a fonne na- med Robert, Baron of Denbeigh, who died young, without iflue. This Robert died without any lawfull ifTue, at Cornebury Lodge in Oxfbrd- fhire, 1588. and was buried at Warwickc j leauing ifliie, Robert, a bafc fonne, begotten of Duglajfe Howard , Lady Sheffield, fitter of Charles, Earle of Nottingham. Et portoit, ctor ah Lion rampant vert k la queue four c he , an crcflant fur Ia difference. Robert Sidney, Lord Gouernour of Vlifhing,fbnnc of Sir Henry Sidney , Knight of the Garter, Lord Deputieof Ireland, and Prefident of the Councell of the Marchcfle of Wales , and of Lady UMary his Wife, eldeft fitter and coheire of Robert Dudley, Eirlc of Leicefter, fift fbnnc of lohn Dudley, Duke of Nor- thumberland j was by King lames, the thirteenth day of May, 1603. created Baron Sidney , of Penftiurft , in the Tower of London : and on the fourth day of May, 1605. hee was created Vifcount Lille at Grcen- V wich : 2i8 LEICESTER. wich: and laftly,on Sunday, the fecondday of Auguft, 1618. heewas created Earle of Lcicefter at Salisburic ; he being then Lord Chamber- laine to Queenc K^itmt ,and Knight and companion of the Noble Order of the Garter. Hce married Barbarj , the onely daughter and hcire of Uhn dmAge, Lord of Coytie in Glamorganfhirc \ by whom hee hath ifliic now Bring, Robert Lord Lifle,who married Lady Dorothy, eldcft daughter of Henry Percy ,Earlc of Northumberland ; Lady ^^,married to Sir Robert Wrot h\ Lady Pbi/lipyVifc to Sir John #*Jfrf Knight,fonne and hcircof Sir Henry Hubert Knight, Baronet and Lord Ghicfe Iufticc of the Court of Common Pleas j and Lady Bar bar a Sidney, the third daughter, yet vnmarricd, 1621. Et fortoit) cTtr k U yhetn (t^zttr. 2Ip A Catalogue of the Earles of March, their .Armes, Wiucs, and Children. Oger Lord Mortimer (.orD'Mortuo-Mari) ofWigmore, (fonnc and heire of Ed- mond Lord Mortimer of Wigmorcjwas created the firft Earleof the Marches of Wales, in the fecond yeare of King Ed- | rrardtht third, at a Parliament held at Salisbury. Vnto this Roger, was committed the Gouernment of Edward the third, for that he was generally accounted a man of Angular vertue; and vnto him was ioyned Edmond of Woodftockc, Earle of Kent, and Henry PlantagenetJLarlc of Lancafter,as affiftants. A Parlia- ment being held at Northampton, i328.adilhonou- rablc Peace and Marriage was made ; wherein the King ( by the di- rections of his mother, and this Roger Mortimer) releafed to tbc Scots their homage, fealtie,and fcruicc due to him for that Kingdome; and dc- liucred vp to them alfo the grand Charter, called Ragman, which vndcr the Hands and Sealcs of their late King, and of the Nobilitie of Scot- land, teftified their tenure and fubic&ion to the Kings of England. This Roger, in the fourth yeare of King Edward the third, was taken at Not- tingham Caftlc , at mid-night , in Queene Jfabell the Kings mothers Chamber, (with whom hee had becne ouer-familiar) by William Lord Mountague, after Earle of Salisburic, and others, and fent to the Tower of London 3 and condemned of HighTreafon at Weftminfter, in pre- sence of the whole Parliament ; and after drawne to the common Gal- lowcs , and there hanged two dayes and two nights , and then taken downe and buried in the Grey-Friars Church. He married loane,6augh- ter and heire of Peter lam/tile, Lord of Mede, Vaucolour, and Trime in Ireland; and had ifliie, Edmond Mortimer, Knighted at the Coronation of King Edwtrd the third, with his brother Sir Roger Mortimer, and Gef- fiej Mortimer, Lord of Cowich $ lobnjhc fourth fonne of this Roger,was flttine at a lulling at Shrewsbury : Katherine y the eldeft daughter, was married to Tbom\$ mar- ried to Richard of Coningsbourgh,Earlc of Cambridge^ fonne of Edmond of Langlcy, Duke ofYorke, and Elian >r married to Edrvard Courtney* Earle of Deuon(hire. He was writ and ftiled Earle of Mat;ch and Vlfter, Lord of Wigmore^rime, Clare, and Conaught ; and was flaine by the wild Irifti, being then Lieutenant ofehe Kings Forces in Ireland, in the two and twentieth yearc of King Richard the fecond,and bare the Armes of his father. n "C D mend Mortimer, fonne and heire of A^raforc- J -'faid, was after the death of his father, the fift Earle of March and Vlfter, and Lord of Wigmore, Trime, Clarc,and Conaught; and married o//w»f,daughtcr of Edmond Earle Stafford ; arid died without ilTue , in the Caftle of Trime in Ireland, the third of King Henry the fixt, and was buried at Stoke, ncerc Clare, lcauing 1 Richard Duke ofYorke, his Nephew and Heire, to fuccced him : ^Anne his Widdow was after married to lohn Hollandfex&t of Huntington. Les Armes de Con pcre. V} Richard Ill & MARCH. Richard p lantagentt ,Knight of the Garter, (fonne and heirc of Rich at d of Concsburgh , Earle of Cambridge, by x^dnne his Wife, fifter and cohcirc of Edmond Mortimer, the fift Earle of March) after the death of his father,and Edmond Mtr timer his Vncklc, did write himfelfc, Duke of Yorkc, Earle of Cam- bridge,Vlftcr,March,and Rutland,Lord ofWigmorc and Clare. He married Cf«/ji,daughter of Ralphe Ne- uillfixh Earle of Wcftmcrland; and had ifTue,£<4>W, Earle of March (after King,by the name of King Ed- ward the fourth) and others,as in the Title of Yorke. This5/V^4r,s/wasflaineat the Battaile of Wakefield, 1460. and the nine and thirtieth of King Henry the fixt. Et fortoit, France efur telle JEnglctcrre k bordare tfargtnt feme Lions rampant furprc. "C Drear d Plantagenet , fonne and heirc of Richard -*- / Duke of Yorke aforcfaid,was after the death of his father, Earle of March and Vlftcr, and Lord ofWig- morc and Clare; and laftly, King of En°la*hd,by the name of King Edward the fourth. Etportoit, France efcartelle iEngleterreavn ItmbtR Sargent, charge de neuftorteanx. "C Sme, Lord Obenic , fecond brother to Lodowike -*-*'Dukc of Lenox, was Baron of Layton, Bromef- wold,and Earle of March,by Letters Patcnts,bcaring date the feuentecnth of Iune, 1619. Hce married Ka- therint, daughter and fble heire of Sir Geruice Cly/ton Knight, Baron of Layton.Bromcfwold ; and had uTue, fiuc Tonnes, and fburc daughters , viz. lames, Henry, George,Lodowike,ztid Iohn; Elizabeth,cldcR daughter, i^inne, Katherint, and Frances . Etportoit, les amies de fen ftere, au crejjant pur U difference. 2*3 A Catalogue of the Marqueffes Mount ague, their Armes, Wiucs, and Children. ohn Neuill,btoxhzT of Richard NeuM (fur- named the Great) Earle of Warvvicke andSalisburic, was in the firft yeare of King Edward the fourth , created Lord Mountaguc ; and in the fourth yeare of l he faid Kings rcigne , he was created Earle of North- umberland at Yorkc ; (at which time, Henrie Piercj, Earle of Northumberland, liued in banifhment attain- ted ; but afterward obtayning the Kings fauour, he re- turned into England, and was reftored to hisEarle- domc of Northumberland againc, in the eight yeare of KingEdward the fourth) and in the tenth yeare of the faid Kings rcigne, (the faid John hauing furrendred his grant of the faid Earlcdome) was created Marques Mountaguc ; and in the yeare after, wasflaincat Gladmore-Heath,at thcbattcll of Bar net; and being brought to London in one Coffin, with his brother the Earle of Warwick,was fet in Saint Faults Church in London, with their faces barc,to be fecne three dayes, and then carried to the Prionc of Bifham, and there both buried in oncgrauc. This John married ifabel, daughter and hcire of Sir Esmond EngeleJ!horp,K.night,M\dhadiffuc,George Neuill , created Duke of Bed- ford, the tenth of King Edward the fourth rand flue daughters, (whoaf- ter the death of the (aid George without iffue, were his hcircs) finite the cldcft, was married to Sir William Stoner, Knight; Elizabeth , married to the Lord ScroopcofVpfalc; CMargaret , married to Sir John Mortimer, Knight ; and after to Home ; Lucy, was firft married to Sir Tho- mas Fitz-Wil/iams of Aid warpe, father oi William Fitz-Willitms, Earle of Southampton ; and after to Sir AnthonieBrewne, Knight ; and Jfabel,thc fift daughter , was married to Sir William Hudlejlon , Knight. AH which fiuc daughters had iffue. This /4trickc, (fonnc oS£/», MarquefTeMountague, of the tarledome of Northumberland) was reftoredtohis fathers Earlcdome, in the yearc 14^7. and was the fourth Earle ofthat Name and Family, and Knight of the Garter ; who being with King Rtchud the third at the battaile of Bofworth ncareLeicefler , againft Henrie, Earle of Richmond (where the faid King was flaine) was taken prifoncr ; whom King Henrie the fe- uenth; after pardoned, andtooke to fauour, and made him of hispnuieCounfell. After all which', 1488. a taxe being granted by Parliament, of the tenth peny of all Lands and Goods; (to the aide of the Duke of Britaine) which thofc of the Bifliopricke of Durham and Yorkfhire did refufe to pay ; the King commanded this Earle Henrie to diftreiTe, or otherwife to leauie the mo- ney; which being made knowne to the rude people, they with great vio- lence fetvpon the Earle, andfurioufly flue him , in a place called Cock- ledge , by Thurske , eighteene miles from Yorke , in the fourth yeare of King Henrie thefeuenth, and was buried in Beuerley Minder with his wife. He married CMauld, daughter of William Herbert , Earlc of Pen- broke, by whom he had iffac+Henrie, Lord Percie, the fife Earle of Nor- thumberland ; Sir William Percie, Knight ; o//wPw«,a Clerke; and Iocelim Percie, and three daughters ; Elianor, wife to Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham; isinne, married to William F it z- Alan, Earle of Arundell ; and Elizabeth, which died young. Et porta t, der au Lion rampant d'azur, efcar telle de gueulles a trois Luces haur'tant d' argent. Le tierce, Percie que eft d'azur cinq f Relies en face d' Wife of King Henry the third, heemade his clayme,to execute the Office of High Steward of England ( which hecclaymed in right of^deliza,b.is great grandmother, daughter and coheire of Hugh Grentmefnell, High Steward of England:) Which was giine-f'.ide by Simon Mount fort, Earle of Leicefter ; for that it was alledged by the find Simon, That.at the Coronation of King Iohn, there wis an agreement made betwe'ene their Anceftors 3 viz,. That Robert, Earle of Leiceiters Anceftor, fhould pay and guie vnto Rog^r Bigots Anceftor ten Knights Fees for the fame; of which, there were but feuen and a halfe payd. Which variance the King tooke into his owne hands , and a diuiged Simon Mount fort to execute the Oficeof High Stew id; and that Roger ' Bigot fhould bring his Aftion for the other two Knights Fees and a halfe, remaining v npayd. This Roger married Jfabell, daughter of William King of Scots, and fifter of King Alexander ; and died of a bruife, running at Tilt, with- out \§it,Anno 1 269. leauing Roger his nephew (fonne of Hugh his bro- ther) to fucceed him in his Earledome. Etportoit, party pale dor, ejr de vert, an Lion rampant de gueulles. "D Oger Bigot, the fift Earle of Norfolkc of that Fa- -*-^-mily,and Marfhall of England, nephew to Roger the fourth Earle of Norfblke, by Hugh Bigot, Chiefc Iuflice of England, his brother. This Roger Bigot, j Gilbert de C/ortoit i d'Engleterre, ait lambell d' argent. MArgaret, daughter and fole heire of Thomas of Brotherton aforefaid, was (for the great- nefle of her Birth, her large Rcuenues and Wealth) created DuchefTe of Norfolke,for terme of her life, in the one and twentieth yeare of King Richard the fecond; atwhofe Coronation, dice exhibited her Petition in thele words : To the right honourable Lord, the King ofCallile and L tgeons, Duke of Lancafler, and Steward of Eng- land. Humbly befeecheth ( Margaret, daughter and heire of Thomas ef. Brotherton, late Earle ofNor- folke, and Marflall of England ) to be accepted to the Office of high CMarfrall, now at the Coronation of our Soueraigne Lord the King, after the death of the faid Thomas her fat her, executing it by her Deputie, as Gilbert Strongbowe,£"4r/ortoit,g»eu!les au Lion rampant d 'argent, arm'e ejr lampaffe Jjabe/, married to Robert CHor timer of Effex, Knight $ butt, married to Iohn Tamper ley, Efquirc 3 and Margaret , was married to lohn Windham of Crowhirft in Norfolke, Knight. This Johns fecond wife, was Margaret, daughter of Sir Iohn Chedworth, Knight, by whom he had iflue, Katherine, married to Iohn Bourchter, Lord Berners , who had iflue, three daughters and heir es •, Ioane, Margaret, and Mary. This lohn,D\xkc of Norfolke, was flaine at Bofworth field, in the aide of King Richard the third, on Munday, the two and twentieth of Auguft, 1485. Et portoit, degneulles a la bande entrc fix croix recroifettees, au piedfiche d 'argent. Thomas NORFOLKE. H5 T ' Homo* Howard, fbnne and hcirc of lohn , Duke of Norfolkc aforcfaid , was created Earlc of Surrey, in the firft ycareof King Richard the third , and Lord Treafurer of England, inthcfixtecnthyeareofKing Hcnrie thefcuenth ; and was made Duke of Norfolke, at the Bifhop of Canterburies houfe at Lambeth, 15 13. the lift of King Hcnrie the eight. And for an Honour and augmentation to his Armes, hchadgiuenhimby the faid King. In medio Armors prefatt Ducts proprij nominis , viz. Scuto de Howard : Integrant medietatetn fupcrioris patris Leonu Rubeo , fagitta ore confefii de pi- Hat 1 & reflis color ibus armorum regni Scoti* : He mar- ried two wiues, the firft was Elizabeth, daughter and folc heire of Sir Fre- deric ke Tilney, Knight, and had iflue , Thomas , after Duke of Norfolke ; Edward, flaincat Breft, without iflue ; Edmond Howard, who married Joyce, daughter of Richard Culpeper of Kent, (and had ifTuc, Kathenne^, wife to King Hcnrie the eight) Elizabeth, wife to Thomas Bullcn, Earle of Wiltlhirei and CMur'tel, married to lohn Grey , Vifcount Lifle. Hisfe- cond wife was Agnes, daughter of Philip Tilney, Efq*iire , by whom hec had ilTue alfo, Wtlliam Howard, Baron of Effinghame, and Admirali of En- gland, Lord Chambcrlaine to Quccnc Elizabeth, Knight of the Garter, and Lord priuic Sealc j Thoma* Howard, that died in the Tower of Lon- don \ Dorothy, married to Edward Stanley, Earle of Derby ; K^Anne, wife to lohn Vere, Earle of Oxford ; Elizabeth , married to Henrie Radchffcs, Earle of Suflex ; and Catherine, firft married to Rice ap Griffith of Wales, and after to Henrie Dawbeny, Earle of Bridgcwatcr. Th is Thomas , Duke of Norfolke, died in the fixteenth yearc of the reigne of King Hcnrie the eight, and was buried in the Monafteric at Thetford, 1 $ 24. Et port tit, degueulles a la bande a fix croix recroifetteet fitchez a argent. T Homos Howard, fonnc and heire of Thomas, Duke of Norfolkc aforefaid, was in the life time of his father created Earle of Surrey, for termc of life, by Letters Patents, bearing date the firft of Februarrc, in the fift ycarc of King Henrie the eight ; and after his fa- thers death he was Duke of Norfolkc , Earlc Marlhall of England , Lord Mowbray , Scgrauc and Brufc of Gower,&c. He married two wiucs,the firft was Anne, daughter to King Edward the fourth, by whom hec had iflue, Thomas, who died young without iflue, and was buried at Lambeth. His fecond wife, was Eliza- beth, daughter of Edward Stafford, Duke of Bucking- Y 5 ham, i&fi NORFOLK E, ham, by whom he had ifluc , Henrie Howard , Earlc of Surrey , beheaded at Tower-Hill by London, 1546. in the life time of his father (leauingif- fue by Frances his wife, daughter of John Fere, Earle of Oxford , Thomas, henrie, and lane) Thomas Howard , fecond fonnc , was Vifcount Byndon j and (JMary, married to Henrie Fitz-Roy* Duke of Richmond, bafefonne of King Henrie the eight. This Thomas died at Kenningham Hall , the firft and fecond of King Philip and Queene Mary. Etportoit, Us armoiries de fin fere. 'Homos Howard (fonne of Henrie Howard* Earle of Surrey , beheaded , and grand child of Thomas Howard, the third Duke of Norfolke) was reftored in blood by Queene CMary , and made the fourth Duke of Norfolke , Earle of Surrey , and Earlc Marfhall of England, Lord Mowbray , Segraue, and Brufe of Gower. Queene Elizabeth made him of her priuie Counfell, and Knight of the honourable Order of the Garter. He married three wiues ; the firft was Mary, daughter and co-heirc of Henrie Fttz-Alan , Earle of Arundell, by whom he had iffiic, Philip Howard, Earle of Arundell, that died in the Tower of London. His fecond wife, was Margaret, daughter and folchcireof7#0»w,Lord Aud- ley, of Walden in Eflcx , by whom hec had ifluc , Thomas , after Earle of Suffolkc, and Lord William Hovrard, and a daughter named Margaret, married to Robert Sacktule ,Earle of Dorfct. His third wife,was Elizabeth^ daughter of Sir Francis Leiborne, Knight, and widdow of Thomas, Lord Dacres of Gillcfland, by whom he had no ifluc. This Thomas was after arreigned at Weftminftcr Hall,thcfixteenth of Ianuaric,i57i. and found guiltic of highTreafon , and beheaded at the Tower Hill the fecond of Tunc following, 1572. and lycth buried in the Chappcllof the Tower. ' Et formty de gutuUes a la band '4 fix troixruwfettcesfied fichc d'argettt. A H7 A Catalogue of the Marquefses and Earles of Northampton , their Armes, Wiues, and Children. ' t Altbeof,Com\c ofSyward the Great,Earle of Northumberland , married ludttb , Niece to William the Conqueror , and daughter of Lambert > Earleof Lens in Artoys, (with whom the faid Conque- ror gaue in marriage, the Earlcdomes of Huntington and Northampton) by whom hee had hTuc, three daughters his heires^ CMauld, theeldeft, was mar- ried firft to Simon Saint Line (who in his wiues right was after Earleof Northampton) and after (hee was married to Dauid,fonnc of Malcolme, King of Scots : Wi/^thefecond daughter, was married to RafedeTo- ney, fonnc of Soger de Toney, Baron of Flamfted : Alice , the third daughter, was married to Robert Fitz-Richard , Sewer to King Henry the firft. This Waltheof was beheaded at Winchefter, by comman- dement of William the firft, intheyeere 1075. and his body firft buried without the walls of the faid Towne, and afterward remooued , and in- terred in the Abbey of Crowland in Lincolnefhire j as more at large is fet downein the Titles of Earles of Northumberland. Et portoit, d" argent au Lion rampant d'azur, au chef de guenUes. C imon Saint Lize, a Norman borne, and fbnneof one *^ Randal le Ricb,bzd the Earledome of Northampton, and the hundred of Falkley y giuen him by King William Rufm. Hee married Mautd, the cldcft daughter, and one of the heires o£ Waltheof, Earlc of Northumber- land, Huntington, and Northampton, and had ifluc,a$ in the Titles of Earles of Huntington is more at large. Hee built the Caftle of Northampton ; and hee, with Mauld his wife, in the fixtyeercof King Henry the firft^ founded the Abbey of Saint Andrew in Northampton. This Simon after going to the Holy-Land, to fight a- gainft the Sarrazins, at his comming homewards dyed in 2$ NORTHAMPTON. inthcyccrc 1 152. in the Prioric called charity , and there lyeth buried. After his death, King Henry the hYft,gaue his widdow in marriage.to Da- uid, brother of Alexander y King of Scots. By which marriage the (aid Daaid, obtained of King Henry the firft, to be Earle of Huntington, du- ring the minority of young Simon Saint Liz,e y fonne of this Simon and Manld. Et portoit t party per pale tndtnte d' argent & de gucHlles. C Imon Saint Lize , the fecond of that name , after the ^ death of his father , was Earlc of Northampton ; and being very young at his fathers death , was com- mitted to the cuftodicof Earlc Dauid, who had mar- I ried this Simon obtayned the faid Earledome of Hun- tington, and enioyed it quietly, with the Earledome of Northampton, by thefauour and good liking of KingStephen. He married ^4^^/,daugh- ter of Robert Bellomont, fur-named Crouch-backe, Earle of Leicefter, and Chicfc-Iuftice of England, and had ifi\iz y Simon Saint Lize, thethirdof that name, Earle of Northampton j y^imiiia and Hawu two daughters; and died in they care 1152. Et pottoit, party per pale en dent e £ argent ejr degutuUcs. Olmon Saint Ltet, the third of that name, and the ^fourth Earlc of Northampton and Huntngton.had great fuites with the Scots,for King Hnrie the fecond, in the time of this Simons Wardfhip , did giue the Earledome of Huntington , to UWalcolmc^> , King of Scots , fbnnc of tarle Henrie afbrefaid ; and after his death , William , King of Scots , brother of the faid CMalcolme, had the fame, and refigncd it to his younJ gcr brother Dauid t who enioyed the fame, vntill Wil- liam King of Scots, and Robert Earlc of Leicefter, with other%fidcd with King Hmrte the fecond , whothen caufed Richard dc Ltuy> Chiefc- Iufticc of England, and William NORTHAMPTON. 249 Wilham Marfiali, Earle of Penbroke, to invert this Simon Saint Lize into that Earledomc, as the true Heirc ; and by this meanes did Simon come to hauc and enioy the (aid Earlcdome of Huntington , by judgement of the King and Peeres of the Kingdome, as of right belonging to him. He mar- ried cilice, daughter and heire of Gilbert <^G4#»/,Earleof Lincolne,and died without uTue, in the yeare of our Lord 1 1 84. Et fortoit, les armes de [on fere. William de Bohun, Knight of the Garter , fourth fonne of Humjrey de Bohun , the eight Earle of Hereford and EfTex , and Conftable of England , was created Earle of Northampton , in the eleuenth yeare of King Edward the third, andDeputie for his bro- ther Humfrey, for the Office of Conftable of England, the faid Humjrey being old , and vnfit to vfe the fame. He married Elizabeth , daughter of Bartholmew de Ba- delifmere, Baron of Leeds Caftle in Kent , and had if- fue , Humjrey de Bohun , the laft of that Family and Name, Earle of Hereford , EfTex, and Northampton, and Conftable of England (after the death of his fa- ther and vnkle) and Elizabeth, married to Richard F it z- Alan , Earle of A- rundell and Surrey. This William died before his elder brother Humjrey deBohtWythc ninth Earle of Hereford, Eflex , and Conftable of England, in the yeare 1 3 5p. and was buried at Walden in Eflex. Et portojt, d'azurfur It bandect argent, troUmulttz de fable> entrt deux cot tic es r-r fix Lions rampant d'or. T_J Vmjrey de Bohun, the laft of that name , fonne and •* ■"■ heire of William, Earle of Northampton, his fa- ther, and Nephew and Heirc of 'Humjrey de Bohun, the ninth, Earle of Hereford, EfTex , and Conftable of En- gland. In all which Titles and Honours, he fucceeded both his Father and Vnkle, and married loane , daugh- ter of Richard Fitz- Alan, Earle of Arundcll , and had iffue, onely two daughters his heires ; Elianor , the el- deft , was married to Thomas of Woodjlocke, Duke of Gloccfter (by whom the Tide of Northampton did defcend to the Family of St affords) CMarj, the fecond daughter, was married to Henrie of Bullingbroke ; who (in her right) was created Duke of Hereford, (and after King ofEngland, by 25° NORTHAMPTON. by the name of King Henrie the fourth.) This Humfrey died in the fiue and thirtieth yeare of King Edward the third , and was buried by his wife, at Walden in EfTex. The Dukes of Buckingham, from the three and twentieth of King Henrie the fixt, vntill the thirteenth of King Henrie the eight, did write and ftile themfelues Earles ofNorthampton and Hereford ; becaufe they were defcended of the eldeft daughter and heir c of Humfrey dcBcbun,thc tenth and laft Earle of that Name and Family. Etportoit , dazur a la bande d 'argent, entre deux cs it ices & fix Lions rampant dor. W: " llliam Pane , Knight of the Garter, (fbnne of Sir Thomas Parre of Kirby Kendall , Knight) was created Baron of Kendall, the ninth of March , in the thirtieth yeare of King Henrie the eight. Andin the fixe and thirtieth of the (aid Kings reignc , he was created Earle of EfTex, in regard he had married Anne, the daughter and heire of Henrie Beurchier , Earle of EfTex. And laftly , in the firft yeare of King Edward the fixt , hec was created Marquefle ofNorthampton. He married three wiues, the firft was K^inne, daughter and oncly heire of Henrie Bourchier , Earle of EfTex, from whom hee was diuorccd. Hisfecond wife, was Elizabeth, daughter of George Brooke, Lord Cobham. And his third wife, was Helen, daughter of George Suaueburgh, a Sweden borne, but had no iflue by any of them. Hee died in the yeare 1 571. and was buried at Warwicke, lcauing his two fifters his heircs. %^4nne , mar- ried to William Herbert, Earle of Pcnbroke ; and Catherine , married firft to Edward Bur ghe, after to John Neuill, Lord Latimer; and thirdly, to King Henrie the eight ; and laftly, to the Lord Thoma* Seymore, Baron of Sudlcy, and Lord Admirall of England. Et fortoitj d argent deux banes d'azur a la bordurc en~ greflei defabl^j. Henrie NORTHAMPTON. iSt TJEnrie Howard, Efquire, fccond fbnne of tfenrie, ^ ^Earlc of Surrey, beheaded in Anno 1 546. and bro- ther of Thorn* Howard, the laft Duke of Norfolkeof that name, was reftored in blood byQueenec^ryi and by Kingiames created Baron of Marnehill, at the Tower of London,the thirteenth day of March.ieo^. and the fame day and time,hc was alfo created Earle of Northampton, and after made Lord Priuie Sealc. He died at hisnoufe by Charing- Croflfe.in theyeare 1614. His body wasconueighed priuatcly to Douer Caftle, and there buried without any folemnitic. Et portoit, les armoiriesde Howard duec la crejfant^ "\/\Tllliam y Lord Compton, Knight of the Bath, * ▼ and Lord Prcfident of Wales, (fonnc of Hen- rieCompton, Knight, who was made Baron Compton by Writ, the eight of May, 1571) was created Earlc of Northampton by King/4»w,at Salisburie , the fc- cond day of Auguft, 1618. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter and ondy heire of Sir lohn S fencer, Knight, fomctime Alderman and Major of London , and had iflue, Spencer, Lord Compton, Knight of the Bath, at the Creation of Charles, Prince of Wales, \6i4. and a dauphtcr named married to Et prtoit, fable m Lion pajfint gardant for, tfltrt trw Heaulma & Argent. 1}1 A Catalogue of the Earles of Nottingham , their Armes, Wiues> and Children. grc Obert de Ferrars , (fonnc of William , Earle Ferrars , and of CMargaret his wife, daughter of William Peuercll, Lord of Nottingham , disinherited by King Hemic thefecond, 1155. for contenting to the poyfoning di Randall, Earle of Chcfler) was made the firft Earle of Nottingham, in the life time of his father and mother. He gaue Lands to the Church of Saint ofcalds, by the name of Robert, Earle of Not- tingham ; and after died without ifliie, and was buried in the Abbey of Lenton. 1 Et fort&it, vaire (Tor & deguendes. 1 \ • ■ John, Lord Mowbray, fbnneand heire otfohn, Lord ■* Mowbray of Axholme , and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heire of John, Lord Scgraue, and Mar- garet his wife, daughter and heire of Thomas of Bro- thcrton ; was created Earle of Nottingham,at the Co- ronation of King Richard the fecond, 1377. and after died at London, without ifTuc, 1 381. being but eigh- tceneyearcs of age,his mother then being liuing. Af- ter whofe death , King Richard beftowed the faid Earlcdome of Nottingham vpon Thomas Mowbray, this Iohns yonger brothcr,who was after created Duke of Norfolke. This John was buried in the White- Friars (or Carmelites Friars) in London , the fixtyearc of King Richard the fecond. Et fort tit, de gueulles au Lion rampant d' argent armt . & lamfajfe tfazur. Thomas NOTTINGHAM. m "T^Homas , Lord Mowbray , Knight of' t the ■■• Garter , younger brother of lohn , Lord Mowbray aforefaid , was after his brothers death, made Earle of Nottingham , the fixt of Richard the fecond, and after that, he was made thcrirft Earle Marfhall by Letters Patents, as followeth. Richard, By the grace of G o d , King of England and France , and Lord of Ireland , rjre. Know yee , that of late of Our jfetiall graces , Wee haue graunted to Our rrell-beloucd Cottftn, Tho- mas, Earle of Nottingham , the Office $f ^Marfhall of England , to haue during his lifts ; Wee doe_j now of Our more aboundant Grace, graunt to Our fore fat d Coufm thes forefaid Office , together with the Name and Honour of Earle Marfhall, to haue to him, and to his H circs Males of hu body dtfeending , with all Fees, Profits , and appurtenances whatjoeucr to thefatd Office belonging, Thefe being WitnefTes,W / >/7/4»7, Archbifhop of Canterburie, Pri- mate of all England ; R. London; Wtltiam YYinton, Biihops ; lohn, King of Caftile and Lions, Duke of Lancafter : Richard of Yorke; Thomas of Glocefter, Duke , Our beloucd Vnckle ; Richard Arun- dell; Hugh Stafford; CMichael de la Pole, Our Chancellor, Earlesij Hugh Segraue, Our Treafurer; lohn Mountaguc, Steward of Our Houfe, and others. Dated at Wefiminlter the twelfth of Ianuarie , in the ninth yeare of Our Reigne. LafHy , in the one and twentieth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, hee was created Duke of Norfolke, and permitted to beare the Armes of King Edward the ConfefTor. Af- ter all which fauours, King Richard the fecond banifhed this Tho- mas , with Henrie of Lancafter, Duke of Hereford ; Vpon which, he tookefuch exceeding griefe, that hec died at Venice , and was bu- ried there , in the Abbey of Saint George^ , in the firft yeare of King Henrie the fourth. Hee married Elizabeth , filter and one of the co- hcires of Thomas Fitz-t^lan,Eark of Arundell, andhadifTue, Tho- mas and lohn , both Earles of Nottingham , and Dukes of Nor- folke ; Ifabel , married to Sir lames Berkeley, Knight ; and CMarga- ret, married to Sir Robert Howard, Knight. Hee writ in his ftile, Thomas, Duke of Norfolke, Earle of Nottingham, and Earle Mar- fhall of England, Lord Mowbray, Segraue, Brufe of Gower and Stuteuile. Et portoit, d'azure au croix patee enter quint Mertelots d'or, impaled with the Armes of Mowbray , gueules an Lion rampant eCargent. Thomas *54 NOTTINGHAM. r V'Hom<(6 CMotvbraj, (after the death of 'Thomas * his father, in banifhment at Venice) was Lord Mowbray, Duke of Norfblke , Earle of Notting- ham , and Earle of Marfhall of England. Hec married Lady Conjlance^ daughter of lohn Holland^ Earle of Huntington , and Duke of Exccfter , but by her had no ifTue. Hee was after found guiltieof high Treafon , and for the fame was beheaded, with Richard Scrape , Arch-Bifhop of Yorkc , in thefixtyeare of King Btnrie the fourth , and his body was buried at Yorke, 1405. Et port oily de gueullts au Lion rampant d 'argent urme & lampajje d'azur. lohn> Lord Mowbray, (fecond brother ofTho- ^■fnastJMoivbrayi beheaded at Yorke) was Earle of Nottingham , and Earle Mar (hall of England ; and in the fourth yearc of King Henrie the fixt, "I hee was created Duke of Norfolke. Hee married Katherine, daughter of Ralph NeuiU , firft Earle of Weftmerland , and had ifTue , loin , Lord Mow- bray, Duke of Norfolke, Earle of Nottingham, and Earle Marfhall of England , Lord Segrauc, and Brufe of Gower, &c. and died at his Man- nor of Epleworth, in the Ifle of Axholme, and was buried in the Abbey or Houfe of Carthu- fians there , in the yearc 1432. Etpartoit, les arm fines defonfrere. To^,Lord Mowbray,fonne of John aforefaid,was ■■-after, the death of his father , Duke of Norfolke, Earle of Nottingham , and Earle Marlhall of Eng- land, Lord Segrauc, and Brufe of Gower. He mar- ried Eltanor, daughter of William, Lord Bourchier, and filler of Henrie Bourchier, Earle of Eflex , by whom he had ifTue, lohn, Earle Warren and Surrey, and after Duke of Norfolke , and died in the firft ycare of King Edward the fourth, 14*1. and lyeth buried at Thctford. Et portott, degueulles au Lion rampant d' argent arme & Umpajfe d'azur. John NOTTINGHAM. *rt John, Lord Mowbray , (fonrteand heirc of lohn •ind Elianor Bourchur) in the life time of his fa- ther, was created Earle Warren and Surrey, by King Henrie the fixt ; and after the death of his father , hee was Duke of Norfolke , Earle of Not- tingham, and Earle Marfhall of England, Lord Segraue, and of Gower. Hec married Elizabeth, daughter of lohn Talbot , firft Earle of Shrewef- bury of that name, and had iffue, one onely daugh- ter and heirc, named <^sfnnc, married to Richard, Duke of Yofke, fecond fonne of King Edward the fourth , who died both without iffue , leauing all the Morvbrayes Lands and Liuings , to bee diuided betweene the two Families of Howards and Eerkieyes. Hee dyed at Framingham Ca- ftle, in the yeare 1475- and was buried with his Aunceftors at Thctford. Et port oil, lesarmes de fon fere. "\J\JlllUm , Lord Berkley, of Berkley Caftlc * * in Gloccfterfhirc , (fonnc of lames, Lord Eerkley , and of ifabel his wife , daughter of Tho- mas, Lord Mowbray, Duke of Norfolke , by Eli- zabeth his wife ; fitter and one of the hcircs of Thomas Fitz-Jlan, Earle of Arundell) was created Vifcount Berkley , the one and twentieth of King Edward the fourth : And the firft yeare of King Richard the third , Earle of Nottingham , and in the firft yeare of King Henrie the feuenth, hee was made Earle Marfhall of England , to him and his Hcires male j after all which , in the fourth yeare of King Henrie the feuenth , hee was created Mar- queffe Berkley i hee married Anne , daughter of lohnFynes, LordDa- cres of the South , and died without iffue, the feuenth of King Henry the feuenth , and was buried in the t^fugujline Friars in London , gu uing tothefaid King,moft part of his Lands. Etfortoit, degueulles au Chettron accomfaigne de dix croix formies d x argent. Z a Henrk 256 NOTTINGHAM. TJT Enrie Fitz-Roy , Knight of the Garter , and •*• *- bafe fonne of King Hemic the eight , be- gotten of the Lady Talbeys , daughter of Sir John Blount, Knight i was created Earlc of Notting- ham, in the feucnteenth yeare of his Fathers Rcignc; and after, in the yeare 1533. heewas created Duke of Richmond and Somerfet at Bridewell ; and at the fame time hee was made Lieutenant Generall from Trent Northwards, and Lord Warden of the Eaft , Weft , and middle Marches towards Scotland. Hee mar- ried Lfttary , daughter of Thomas Howard, fc- cond Duke of Norfolke , and died without ifluc, at Saint lames Houfc by Charing-CrotTe , the eight and twen- tieth of King Henrie the Eight , and was buried at Thetford in Norfolke. 153d. Et pert tit , efcar telle France ejr d'Englctcrre , au bordur efcar- title ermyn ejr gobonne d'argent , ejr d'azur au ba(lon ftnejlre £ argent , fur le tout , au efchutcheon efcartelle de gueulles, ejr vaire d'or , ejr &t vert a Lion rampant d'argent , au le chef d'azur a Caflel entre deux tefi dtt Cerf cabujhed d'argent. Lord Mordant) /"• Harles, Baron Howard of Effingham, Knight ^-* of the Garter, and Lord Admirall of Eng- land , fonne of William , Lord Howard of Ef- fingham , was created Earle of Nottingham , at White-Hall , the three and twentieth of O&e- ber, I 5 97. by Queenc Elizabeth. Hee married Kathertne , daughter of Henries Cary , Baron of Hunldon , and Lord Cham- berlaine of the Houle to the faid Queene , by whomc hee had itfue two fonnes , William Howard , Baron of Effingham , ( who had iflue one onely Daughter , married to the and Charles > now Lord Howard of Effing- ham j NOTTINGHAM. 157 ham j Elizabeth, married to Sir Robert Southwell, Knight; -Fran- ces , married firft to the Earle of Kildare , and after to HenrH^ y Lord Cobhami CMargartt , the third daughter , was married to Sir Richard Lujun of Stafford (hire, Knight. This Charles , married to his fccond wife , cwargarct , daughter of lames Stewart , Earlc of Murrey , and had ifluc , lames , a fonnc, and others. itfai. Et ftrtvt, UsArmet de Howard , fur fa tint m Molettt de [ablest. ... j - . ..,v. : '. . . : -;: Zj 1$> A Catalogue of the Earles of Oxford, with their Armes, • Wiues, and Children. Fbrey deVere, (fonne o£<*sfubrey de Fere, Chamberlaine to King Henrie the firft, Portgrauc of London , andChiefe-Iu- ftice vnder King Henrie the firft , flaine by tht Commons in London , in the yeare 1 140. defcended from the Earles of Guifnes,and thatfur-name from Verc, a Towne in Zeland, (as Ma- tter Camden hath, others in Normandie) was by King Henrie the fecond , and CMauld the EmprefTe his mo- ther.reftored firft to the Chamberlain (hip of England, and the Portgrauelhip of London (which he had loft before in the ciuill warres) and after had giuen him the choife of foure Earledomes in England, viz. Oxford, Huntington,Cam- bridgefhire, and Wilts, with this condition, That if Dauid of Scotland did challenge the Earledomesof Huntington and Cambridge, hee ftiould not hauc either of them ; and for that the faid Dauid did challenge Hun- tington and Cambridge, as his ducand right Inheritance, the faid Aubrey made his choife to take Oxford : In which Earlcdome, when the faid Hen- rie the fecond came to the Crownc, hee by his Charterdidconfirmeand make the faid Aubrey, Earle of Oxford. This Aubrey married Adeliz,ia t daughter of Henrie of EfTex, Baron of Raleigh, the Kings Conftable, by whom he had ifTuc, x^iubrey and Robert Fere, both Earles of Oxford one after another ; and a daughter named Rohefta , firft CountefTe of Salisbu- ric, and after wife to Geffrey Magmuile, Earle of EfTex ; and laftly, fhec married Paganus de Beauchamp , Baron of Bedford : Shee founded the Church, ancj built the Towne of Royfton. This Aubrey, the firft Earle of Oxford, died in thcyearc 1 1^4. the fixtof King Richard the firft. Et port at, efcartelle degueulles rjr d'or , le premier ca»ton y charge £vne Molette d 'argent. i~Aubrey OXFORD. *?P Vbrey de Vert, fbnne of Aubrey afbrefaid, was after the death of his father, the fecond Earle of Oxford, and Lord high Chambcrlaine of England. This Aubrey did conrirme the Gift of fept. literati's terra % which Aubrey his father did giuc to the Ca- nons of Saint Edith (or Efith) in Eflex j and married K_Adeliz,ia , daughter of Roger Bigot , Earlc of Nor- folke , by whom hec had no iffiic. Hcc died in the ycarc 12 14. Etfortoity Us armoiries de fort fere* "D Obert Vere^xht third Earlc of Oxford, and great •^- Chamberlaine of England.brother of Aubrey the fecond aforefaid,payd a fine of one thoufond Markes toKing/^»,intheiixtecnth yeare of his Reigne, for the fcizurc of thofe Lands, which lately were of the Inheritance of Earle Aubrey, his elder brother-, and thereby was feized of the Caftles of Heueningham and Caneuil,with their appurtenances, and had alfo giuen him theWardftiipof William Fttz,-Otho> tobc- fto w in marriage with his Niece. Notwithstanding all which fauours, hee tookc part with the Barons, who maintained Lewis , the FrcnchJKings fonnc, againft King Henry the third,in the yeare 1215. Hcmarricd //4^//,daughterand heire of Hugh Lord Bulbec, of Bulbec Cattle in Buckinghamshire, and of Swefham Bulbec in Cambridgeshire, (grand-child of Hugh Lord Bulbec, Founder of Woburne Abbey in BedfordShire,by his fonne Walter;) and had iftuc, High de Vere, Earle of Oxford, and Sir Henry Vere, Knight ; of whom the Lord Mordant and others arc defended. Hce had ifluc alfo one daughter, named 1 faked, married to Sir Iohn Courtney, ¥Ln\%\v:, great grand-father of Sir Hugh Courtney, firft Earle of Deuonfhire of that name. Shec founded the Prcaching-Fryars in Oxford, and lyeth there buried, yi Anno 1 245. This Robert alfo founded the Prioric of Hatfield Brodokc in Eflex, where hce lyeth buried croflc -legged, in the ycarc 1221. with this Epitaph : Sir Robert Vere'j$uincy,Ear\c of Winchester ; and had hTuc, Robert de Fere, after Earle of Oxford, Aubrej^na Richard : Margaret, mar- ried to Hugh de Crefit, with whom her father gauc in marriage, the Mannorof Keteringham , with the ap- purtenances (Robert Lord Quincy,and Lord William Blunde being WitnefTes to the faid Charter/wz. date.) LManld, fecond daughter ; and Ifabell Vert, the third daughter. This #*gA died in theyearc 1263. and was buried at Colne, the eight and fortieth of King Henry the third. Et forfeit, degueuSes, efcartcUe d'or t lefrimier brifc de v/t molettt d' argent. *D obertde Fere, the fecond of that Chriftcn name, *-^~ fonnc and hcire of Hugh aforcfaid , was the fift Earle of Oxford of that furnamc, Lord Bulbec, and great Chambcrlaine of England ; who fiding with the Barons, in the ciuill DnTentions againft King Henry the third, was taken prifbner by Prince Edtvard,the Kings fonne,in a Battcll necreKenelworth,in thcyeare 1265, Hee married Alice, daughter and hcire of Gilbert Lord Samfbrd, and Chambcrlaine to Queene Elianor; and had iffue, Robert Fere, Earle of Oxford j Hughde Vcrc, fecond fonnc,who married D/ Fryars in London. Et ftrtoit, degueulles efcar telle (Cor> leprimier brife de vn molette £ argent. lohn OXFORD. 265 lohndeVere, fecond Tonne of lohn Earlc of Oxford, -* beheaded with hiseldcftfonne Aubrey , was after his Father and Brothers death, the thirteenth Earle of Ox- ford, Lord Bulbec, Samford and Scales, great Chara- berlaine and Admirall of England, who notlongafter the battell and ouerthrow of Barnet, 1471. fled into Corncwall to S. Michaels Mount, where he was taken I by King Edward the fourth , and fent prifoner to the Caftleof Hames beyond the Seas, where he continued vntill the rirft yeerc of King Henry the feuenth , with whom he came into England, and fought the battell at Bofworth-Field, where King Richard was flainc. Hee married two wiues, the firft was Margaret, daughter of Richard Neuill, Earle of Salisbury, by whom he had iffue, John that died in the Tower of London young,in the time of his Fathers banifhment. His fecond wife was Elizabeth, daughter o£ Richard Scrope Knight, the widdow of Willi- am Lord Beaumont, by whom he had no ifTuc. He died on Thurfday the tenth of March, a t Henningham Caftle, without iflue, in the fourth ycere of King Henry the eight, and was buried at Colne in Eflex, \cau\nglohn de Fere, fonrte of George his Brother, to fiicceed him i n the Earledome of Ox- ford, &c. Etportoit, la amies de [on pre. lohndeVere, the fourth ofthatname, fonneand heire *ofSir George Fere Knight, and Nephew and heire of lohn, the thirteenth Earle of Oxford, fiicceed ed his Vn- c\\zIoh»,ax\d was the i4.EarleofOxford,Lord Bulbec, Samford,andScales,L.greatChamberlaineofEngland, arid Knight of the Garter. This lohn was commonly called Little lohn of Camp .• Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolke, and Treafurer of England , and died without iflue in the eighteenth yeereofKing#«*r7theeight,the fourteenth of Iuly, 1 p6. and was buried at Colne. This lohn had foure fitters, Elizabeth wife to Sir Anthony Wingfcld-, Margaret Vere i Dorothy wife to lohn Neuillfonnc of the Lord Latymer,ar\d rrfulam&toEdmondKnightley. He left Iohnde Fere, his great Vnckle, Roberts grandchild, to fiicceed him in his Earledome. Etfortoit, degueulles, efcartelle d'or, leprimier brife de vn moletted' argent. Aa lohn 2(56 OXFORD. t ohn de Fere, the lift of that name, Knight of the Gar- *■ ter, ( fonne oflohn Fere, fonne of Robert Fere,Cccond brother of John Earle of Oxford.beheaded with his fon o4//£n^,intheyeerei462.) was the fifteenth Earle of Oxford, Lord Bulbec, Samford, and great Chamber- laine of England. Hemarried Elizabeth, daughter and heyre of EdwardTrujfelloi Staffordshire, Knight Ban- neret, an J had [Rut, John de Fere the fixtofthat name, 'Earle of Oxford; Aubrey de Fere fecond fonne, who married the daughter of Spring o£ Lanham in Suffolke, and had ilfue Hugh a Geffery Fere third fonne ( Father of lohnFcreot Kirby Hall; Sir Francis Fere Knight, the great Leader in the Low Countries; and Sir Horatio r*r*,Knight;) Eliza- beth, married to T him at Lord Darcie of Chich; Anne, wife to Edmond Lord Sheffield ; and Francis married to Henry Howard, Earle of Surrey be- headed the thirty eight of King Henry the eight. This John dyed at Heue- ningham Caftle, the one and twentieth of March, in the one and thirtieth yeere of King Henry the eight, 1539. Etportoit, lesarmesde fon fere, Johttde Fere } thtfixtof thatChriften name, Tonne of A lohn the fift, was after the death of his Father; the fix- tecnth Earle of Oxford, Lord Bulbec, Samford, and great Chamberlainc of England. Hee married two wiues, the firft was Donthy , the daughter of Kalphe Neuill, Earle of Weftmerland, by whom he had ifiue; Katherine married to Edward Lord Wind/ore of Brad en- ham ; and Fayth that died without uTuc. His fecond wife was Margaret, daughter of lohn Gelding, and fifter of Sir Thomas Golding, Knight, by whom he hadifTuc, Edward^ Earle of Oxford; and Mary, married to Pere- grine Berty, Lord Willoughby of Eresbic. This loh» died in the fourth yeare ofQuecne Elizabeth, and was buried at Heue- ningham, the third of Auguft, 1561. EtfOrt$it, degueuUes y efcarteHed , or i leprimier charge* vn molctte Sargent. Edward OXFORD. 267 EDwardVere, fbnne and hcyrc oflohn, was after the death of his Father, the feuenteenth Earle of Ox- ford, Lorcl Bulbec, Samford,and Lord great Chamber- laine of England. He had two wiues, the firft was Anne daughter to William Cectll, Baron of Burghley, and Lord high Trcafurer of England, by whom hehadif- fue, three daughters, Elizabeth, married to William Stanley Earle of Derby, and Lord Strange, in Ann.x^ga\. Bridget ', wife to Francis Lord Norrisof Ricot ; and Su- Jan married to Philip Herbert, Earle of Montgomery. This Edwards fecond wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Trent ham of Roceftcr in Staffordtiiirc, Efquirc, and one of the M aides of Honour to Queene Elizabeth, by whom hce had ifluc, Henry Fere the eighteenth Earle of Oxford, now liuing, \6z\. This Edward died the twenty fourth of Iune, 1604. an< * was buried at Hackney. Etpertoit, Us armoiries dtffnptrt. TJI Enry rere^fonnc and hcyreof Edwdrd Vert, Earle ■** of Oxford, by his fecond wife, was after the death of his Father, the eighteenth Earle of Oxford, Lord Bulbec, Samford , and Lord great Chamberlainc of England now liuing, \6z\. Etfortoit, gueulles tfcartelle d'or, It frimitr charge k vnMoUtttd'argent. ■ Aa A 268 A Catalogue of the Earles of Tenbroke* their Armes , Wmes, and Children. liberty fur-named Strongboroe ,(ofdrawing of a Strong Bo we, ) fecond fonnc of Gil- bert Earle of Clare in Suffolke , and Lord of Tunbridgein Kcnt,and grand-child of ^Richard F it y Gilbert ( Sewer to William Conquerour) and Rohefu his wife, daughter of Walter Gifford, Earle of Longeuile in Normandy ; was created Earle of Penbroke, in the fourth yeare ofKing Stephen; he was alfo Marfhall of the Kings Pallace, and Lord of Chepftow, Strighull, Tudenham, Wolafton.Aluerde- fton, and halfe the Countrey of Liege- Hee was heyre of Roger and Walter Fitz-Richardh'is Vnckles; which Walter was a great Baron, and Lord of Caer-went in Monmouthfhire, and founder of Tinterne Abbey in Wales, 1 1 3 1 . Hee married Elizabeth t filter of Waller an Earle of Mcllent, and Robert Earle of Leicefter ( twin- brothers) and had iflue, RuhardStrongborv Earle of penbroke, and BafiB > married to Raymond, fonne of Wtlham Fitz-Gerald of Ireland. ( Speede would haue t\\\sGUbertto marry the bafe daughter ofKing ffenrj the firft, which I finde noproofefor.) This Gilbert dyed in the foureteenth yeere of King5/^^,and was buried by his vnckle Walter Fitz-Rukard % in the Abbey of Tinterne. This mans Armes are alfo greatly miftaken, by fbmc our great Officers of Armes, and made veryvntruely indiuerfe Noblemensatchiepements, which I wifli to be reformed: for thefe herefet downc were the Armes of his Father. Etpertoit, d'or trots cheurons deguealles, att creffant pur la Difference. "D Ichardof Clarc.fonnc of Gilbert fur- named Strong- ^-bo&e ofwhomitisfaid, that this Richard {landing vpright, with the Palmes of his hands would touch his knees; he was after his Father, Earle ofPenbroke.Lord of Strighull, Chepftow , and Caer-went, and Lord Marfhall. Dermoc, Mac-Murcugh , fonne ofPatricke, King of Leinfter in Ireland ; whofe Subiefts rebelling againft him, prayed this Richards aide, whobeeing a moft valorous Captaine, granted his requeft, and wenc with fufficient ftrength, and conquered all Leinfter. In recompencc whereof, this Dermoc gau< his daughter Eua PENBROKE. 2<5p Eua vnto him in marriage, with all the Country of Lemfter, (which contained Wclhford, Kildarc, Kilkcnny,Oflbry,and Carlogh ) all which Lands he enioycd with the good liking of King Henry the fecond, eight whole yeeres. HchadifTue, oneonclv daughter his heirc, named lfabel, who beeingfourcteeneyeercs Ward to King Henry the fccond, was giuen in marriage to William Marjkill the elder, Earle of Pcnbroke. This /?/- ^Wdied.andwasburiedatKilkcnny, in Anno \ 176. and afterwards his body was taken vp againc, and buried at Dublynin Ireland. Et porteit, les armes de [on pre. i yd William Marjhall, grand-child of /&** the Kings ■Marlhall by his fonne Iohn,wzs brother to lohn MarJhallEwk of Warwick e, and Anfelmt MarJha/l,An- ceftorof the Barons of Rye , and Marlhalls of Ireland. To this William King Richard the firft gane lfabel, daughter and heire of Richard Strongbowe , Eai le of Penbroke in marriage, 118^. (he being then his Ward, in whoferight,King./W>»ontheday ofhis Coronation, created him Earle ofPenbroke. He had ilTue by the faid lfabel, fiuc fonnes and riue daughters, viz. Willi- am, Richard, Gilbert, Walter, and Anfelme, all Earles of Pcnbroke, and Marlhals of England, and died with- out ifluc. His flue daughters were married as followeth:.M IchardMarjhaUy fecond fon c&William Marflull the ^•eldcr, who after the death of William his Brother, thefift Earle of Penbrokc , andMarfhall of England, Lord of Longevilc in France, Strighull, Chcpftow,and Caerwent, &c. did giue to the Church of S. Maries of Thame, certaine Woods inCrendon, to pray for his ownefoule, and Geruafia his Wife: (and as Matthew Paris hath) when King Henry the third did,vpon the fuggeftionof Peter Bilhop of Winchefter, remooueall his home-bred Subie&s from their Offices in his Court, andpreferre certaine flrangcrs of Poyctiers in their roomes; this Richard nothking thereof, came boldly vnto the King, in the pretence of many the Nobility and others, and told him, that by ill counfell he had fent for ftrangcrs into the Land, to the great hurt of his Kingdome and Subiccts, to the impeachment of the Lawes and Liberties of this Realme. For redrefle whereof, he vowed he would fight folong as he had any life; and thereupon ioyned league with Luellyn Prince of Wales,and others. Butwhileft the King was bu- ficd in leuying an Army,to fend againft him & Luelljn,\\ovd was brought to this Richard, that MoriceFitz-Gerald, and other Iriih, had facked his Countries and Lands in Ireland. Vpon the hearing whereof, hec hafted thither with fiftecne Knights, to encounter with his enemies; and ioyned battaile with them vpon Satterday the firft of Aprill, 1254. andfoughtc- lcucn houres, vntill his horfc was flaine vnder him. And he then falling to the ground, one of the Irifh pcrcciuing his backe part ill armed , lift vp his habergeon, and thruft a knife into his backe vp to the haft, giuing him his deadly wound, and then brought him to a Caftle of his owne, named Kil- kenny, ( which the faid Maurice Fitz-Gcrald had taken a little before from him) where he died fiftecne dayes after without ifTue, haul ngbeenc Earle bur PENBROKE. %n but three yccrcs. He was buried in the Quire of the Fryars Minorics ac Kilkenny, the eighteenth of King Henry the third. £tportoit,le$ Armes defoflfiere. Gilbert UMarfiall, third fonne of William Marfhalt the elder, after the death of Richard his brother, was reftored to King Henry the thirds fauour & grace, and to all his brothers Lands and Honours, both in England and Ireland ; and for the fame did his homage | in thefameyeere,ia34 and was Earle ofPcnbrokc,and ' Marlhall of England , Lord of Longcvile in France, Lincfterin Ireland, and of Chcpftow and Strighullin i Wales, &c He married Margaret, daughter otvntti- am King of Scots, but had no iffne. He mifcarricd ataTurnamentheldat Hartford, by endeauouring to flay his horfe from his fwift running, who being caft outofthe Saddle, the horfe gaue himfuchablow onthebreaft, with his head backeward, that he died thereof the fame day, in the Abbey of Hart- ford neerc Ware, in the yearc 124*. His body being conueyeJ ro Lon- don, was buried by his Father in the Temple. St pertcst,d'or party de vert au Lion rampant degtieullesfur letoutj arme & UmpaJJe d'azur. \T\T Alter MarJhall,{ourth fonne of William Mar- * * jhall the elder, with whom King Henry the third ( after the death of his brother Gilbert Mar jhall) was greatly difpleafed, denying him thofe Honours and Seigneuries belonging vnto him from his Ancc- ftors, faying:That this Walters cldeft brother William, did refcue Lewis the French Kings fonne being in Eng- land, that hewasnot taken prifoner. Secondly, that his Brother Bichardv/as his encmie, and was flaine in open field againft him. And thirdly, that his brother 1 Gilbert thatdiedlaft , had all his dignities reftored trt him by the Kings fauour ; and that (contrary to the" faid Kings Corrtmandement ) he went to the Tilting at Hartford, which was held to the Kings difgrace. But afterwards, the King being well paci- fied, this Walter was admitted to be Earle of Penbroke, and Marfhall of England, and to haueall other the honours and lands his brothers held and enioyed before. He married Margaret, daughter and co-heyre of Ro- bert Lord gnincy, ( fonne and hcyre afSaierde guincy Earle ofWinche- fter ) widdow of lohnLacie Earle of Lincolnc,bv whom he had noiflue. Hce 272 PENBROKE. He died at Goderich Caftle by Monmouth , the fourth of December, 1245. and was buried atTynterne Abbey without iflue, in the thirtieth yeareof King Henry the third. £.t portoit, Us Armes de [on fiere. . A Nfelme Marjhatt, tbefiftfonneof H'/'///Vw» Mar {hail ■**■ the elder, at the time of his b/efcher Walters death, Deane of Salifburie , and after aamitted to be Earle of Penbroke, and Marfhall of England. Hcc married -Maitld, daughter of Humfrey de Bohun , Earle of Here- ford i and Conftable of England* and died without iflue , the two and twentieth of December , being the eighteenth day after the death of his brother Walter^ leauing his rich Patrimonie and Inheritance , to bee diuided among his Hue lifters and 4ieircs before men- tioned. 'J lindrhis Earledome of Penbroke in ancient time , tO' bee a Countie' Palatine , and had all JUrrifdi- £Hon Regall. And that the Earle had vnder him thiere, Iuftices of his owne, a Shcriffe, Steward , Chancellour , Chambeflaine, Coroner, Ef- cheter, anddiuers otherOfficers , neceffariefor a Regall Iurifdi£tion,all made and appointed by himfelfe. He had Seffions , and Countie Courts monethly, in which Countie Courts were tried all Reall Pleas whatfo* cuer, by originall Writ , vnder the Seale and Name of the faid Earle ; all Fynes were leuied,and recoueries pafled,and all Writs made in the Earles name, ( and not in the Kings.) He had power to pardon all offences, and had his Chancerie, Court of Common Pleas, and Exchequer ,holden within his Caftle of Penbroke ; whereuntoall the Inhabitants of that Countrie reforted ,for iuftice and triallof all their caufes. Hee erected Towncs , and incorporated them with many large and ample liberties. He had all manner of forfeitures and efcheats whatfoeuer. He had with- in his Countie, nine Caftjcsof his owne,and twelue Seigneuriesor Man- nors, which were parcell of his Countie. The Iurifdi&ion royall of this Earledome , remained and was permitted in the Earles themfelues , from the time of the Norman Conqueft , vntill the leuen and twentieth yeare of King #wj» the eight. Whereas all other Earles of this Realme, had loft their Iurifdi&ions many hundred yeares before, and had but the bare names of their Earledomcs. Alfo the laid Earles of Penbroke , by Office at the Coronations of the Kings of England , were to carry a paire of gilt Spurres. To end -; this Countie is called Penbrokelhire ,of the Towne Co named ; for the word Pen ( in Wellh ) fignifieth the head or chiefc part of a thing ■> and Bro, fignifieth aValeorplainefoyle ,fertileand fittobeare Come, and not Pembrocb, as M r Camden in his Britannia, pag.^S 2 .would haue it. Et portoit, d'er party de vert ,au Lyon rampant de guealks, fur le tent, arm'e & lampaffe d'azmr. William P E N B R O K E. 7, n \f\T lUtAm de Faience (fo fur-named of the place * * where he was borne ) fonne of Hugh le Brun y Earle of the MarchefTe of Aquitaine , and halfe brother bythe mother , to King Henry the third ; was created , rr %^^3 Earle of Penbroke ,in the yeere 1247. Hec married " loane, daughter and heire of f*'arin Lord Montchency, and loane his wife, fecond lifter and co-heirc ofAnfelme Marfhall, Earle of Penbroke , by whom hee had iflue, Aymer de Valence , Earle of Penbroke , and lohn that died a child; and foure daughters, viz. ifabell, married f\^j/ to lohn , Lord Haftings of Aburgauenny ( one of the ^^ Competitors for the Crowne of Scotland) loane the fecond daughter , was married to lohn, Lord Comyn of Badzenoth ( fonne of lohn Lord Comyn , and Mary his wife , daughter of lohn Ball/oil) Agnes the third daughter , was firft married to Maurices fitz,-Gerald, and after to Henry Ballioll, brother of Alexander Bal/io/l,Lord of Chilham, and died without iflue ; Margaret was the fourth daughter. This William de Valence,nnd loane his wife, gaue to the Towne of Tenibie the firft Charter of incorporating them; licenfing them tochufe euery yeare Port-Reifes : He granted likewife tothcBurgefles, free Common yearely vpon all hisgrounds and medowesj from the 'time of mowing, vnto the Purification of Mary ; which to this day they enio^y . This Wil- liam dicdin the yeare 1296. and was burie^ in a magnificent Tombe, on the South-fide of the Abbey atWeftminfter,the flue and twentieth yeare of King Edward the firft. Etportoit , burette d' argent ejr cCaz.Hr de dix pieces , a I'orle de Mar left es de gueulles. \ TmerotAlmericke de Valence, fonne and heire of **-Wttliam de Valence aforefaid , and loane his wife, daughter of WarinMontchenfey, Lord ofSwanfcampe, was after the death of his father , Earle of Penbroke and Wcfhford , and Lord of Montigniac ; hec was Lord Cguernour of the Realme of Scotland ,vndcr King Edward the firft, during the controucrfic between lohn Balliolt,and Robert Brufe. He married three wiucs, the firft was Beatrix , daughter of Raphe de Nele , Con- ftablc of France : the fecond was the daughter of the Earle of Barre; and the third was Mary , daughter of Guy de Chafitllion, Earle of Saint Paule^t had noHJue by any of them. I find thatin the yeare 13 16. Richard Rodney was made Knight, in the prcfence of this Sir Aimer icke , Earle of Penbroke , who girded him with the 274 PENBROKE. the Sword, and Sir Moris Barkeley put one ofhis Spurres on bis right foot, and Sir Bartholmew Badalifmer put on the other Spurre on the left foot. This Almerhkt died in France , in the yeare 1 323. and his inheritance (for wantofheires ofhis body) wasdiuided betweene his filters afore - faid \ and Laurence Haftings, grand-child to Ijabell his eldcft filler, fuccce- ded himin the Earkdome of Penbroke and Wefhford. Bt portoit , les Armes de fen fere. Aurence , Lord Haftings, Wefhfbrd and Aburga- 'uenny, ( Sonne oflohn, Lord Haftings,and grand- child of another lohn and lfai>e/l,ddc[i lifter and co- heire of Aymer de Valence, Earl e of Penbroke ) was by Letters Patents , dated at Cteont-Martyn, the thirtieth day of October, the thirteenth of King Edward the third , created Earle of Penbroke , who being very young; the Xing g3ue his wardfhip to the Lady ifabeB de Bur go, Lady of Clare,who was Cuftos of Penbroke, during the faid Laurences minority. He had two wiucs, the firft was the Earle of Saint Paules daughter, by whomhceriadnohTue. His lecond wife was Agnes, daughter of Roger Mortuomary, Lord of Wigmore,and firft Earle of March, by whom he had iflue, lohn, Lord Haftings,who was but two yeares old at the death of his father, 1361. the lixcand thirtieth ofKing£ J/y the yecre 1462. In whofe Letters Patents mention is ^^^/^ made,that he had the laid Earledome giuen him,in con- v ^ fideration he had expelled the Rebell lajper. After that this William Herbert was flaine at Banbury, his fbnne William fucceeded himin the faid Earledome of Pcnbroke. And after, when King Hemic the fixt was reftored againe ( by the Earle of Warwicke) this fa/per was al- forcftored to be Earle of Penbroke, in the yeere 1 470. But in Aprill fol- lowing, 1471- lajper was taken prifoner at Barnet Field, and put from the Barledome of Penbroke againe: which Earledome being furrendred by the fecond William Lord Herbert , toKing Edward the fourth, hegaueitto Prince Edwardhis fonne,who cnioyed it during his life Afterwards King Richard the third held the fame all his life time; who being flaine by King Henry the feuenth, 1485 . this lajper was againe(the third time) reftored to the Earledome of Pcnbroke, and in the fame yeere on Simon and lades day , in the Tower of London hee was created Duke of Bedford. Some hauc , that this Jafper married Katherme , daughter of Richard Wood/tile Earle Riuers , the widdow of Henry Staford Duke of Buc- kingham; but howfoeuer, he died without any lawfull ifTue , the eleuenth of Ki ng Henry the feuenth; leauing a bale daughter, named Hge Herbert of S. Iulians: and fixe daughters; Cicely was BaroncfTc of Grefroke; Mauld was married to Henry Percy., Earle of Northumberland; Kathenne wife to George Grey, Earle of Kent; i^Anne was married to the Lord Powts-^ ifabel was married to Sir Thomas Cookfey, Knight; and Margaret the fixt daugh- ter, was firft married to Thomas Talbot, Vilcount Lifle, and after to Sir Henry Bodringham, Knight. This William Earle of Penbroke hadiffuc by Mauld, daughter and heire of Adam ap Howell Lraunt, his Paramore, Richard Herbert of Ewyas, Father of Sir George Herbert of Swanfcy, Knight, and oiVVilliam Herbert Earle of Penbroke. Etportoit, party per pale, fjr d'aznr ejr degueuUes, au trtis Lyons rampant d' argent. w: 'iRiam Lord Herbert ofGower , (fon and hcirc of William ,Earle of Penbrok, beheaded at Ban- bury aforefaid) was after his Father, Earle of Penbroke, which Earlcdomc he furrendrcd toKingfi^wWthe^ and in lieu thereof, the faid King created him Earle of Huntington,by his Letters Patents bearing date at O- burnc, the fourth of Iuly, in the nineteenth yccre of King Edrvard the fourth; who at that time gaue the faidEarledomeof Penbroke to his fonne Prince Ed- rvard. This William married Mary , the fift fifter and co-heirc of Richard Woedvile, Earle Riuers,and had ifTue one onely daughter his heyre, named Elizabeth, married to Charles Somerset, Earle of Worccfter. This William died in the fixtyeere of King Henry thefeuenth. Etportoit, lestrmesdefonptre. Edrvard PENBROKE. 277 "C Dtvard Plantagenet, fonneand heyrc of King Ed- ^ward the fourth, was in the nineteenth yeere of his Fathers Keigne (vponthc furrender of William Her- bert of the. Earledome of Penbroke) created Earle of Penbroke, at the Kings Mannor of Eaft Hampfted. This Prince Edward was after King, by the name of King Edward the fift, and liucd not long after; whobe- mgdead, King Richard the third, held the faid Earle- dome of Penbroke all his life time. After whofe death, Iafper Tuder was reftored againe to that Earledome,and held it to hisdeath, in the yeere 1495. And then did King Henry the feuenth giue the fame Earledome to Prince Henry his fonne, who held and enioyedit, vntillhewasKing, and long after, and pafledall things within the faid County, vnder the Seale of the faid Earledome, and by the name of Earle of Penbroke, (and not as King, nor vnder the great Seale of England) and foitcontinued,vntill the twenty feuenth yeere of his Reigne, that Wales was reduced to (heere ground, and the Authority royallofall Lordfhips,MarGhefle in Wales, was di folued by Acl: of P arliament, and refumed into the Kings handset which time, the great and large authority and iurifdi&ion Royall , of the Ear'edomeof Penbroke (being alwayes before a County Palatine) was diflblued j and the Earles that hauebeenefithencc,haueonely had but the Namcand Dignity, as other Earles of England j where before that time, they were abfolute Princes. Etportoit, France efcar telle iengleterre, an lambel Id' argent. -TV Nne Bollcn,c\dtb daughter and co-heyrc of 'T 'homos k ££//«?, Vifcount Rochford,and Earle of Wiltlhire; was created MarchioncfTe of Penbroke at Windfore Caftle, on Sunday the firft of September, 1532. the twenty fourth of King Henry the eight; at which time, the (aid Kingdeliuered vntoher two feuerall Letters Patents; one of her faid Creation, the other of the gift 1 of a thoufand pounds a yeere to maintainc herEftate. Afterwards, the twenty fifth of Ianuary, 1533. King Henry married the faid Anne , Marchionefle of Penbrok, and by her hadiflue, the renowmed and mod famous PrincefTe Queene Elizabeth, who reigned Queene, for- ty fowrc yecres, and died the twenty fourth of March, 1602. and lyeth honourably buried in the Abbey at Weftminfter. This Bb 2 Queene 280 PENBROKE. Queene was beheaded within the Tower of London, the nineteenth of May, 1536. and her body with the head, was buried in the Quire of the Chappel of the Tower. Etportoit, d Urgent an Cheurongueuies entre trois tejlesde Beufs coupe fable, arme if or. "\jf\TlUiam Herbert , fonne of Richard Herbert of * * Ewyas , Efcjuirc , and grandchild to William Herbert Earleof Penbroke, beheaded at Banbury, was of the Priuy Chamber to King Henry the eight, and J\ one of his Executors ; he was alfo Mafter of the Hor/c, I and Knight of the Garter ,the third of King Sdivard the fixt j and in the fiftof the faid Kings Reigne, heewas created Lord Herbert of Caerdiffe, and Earle of Pen- broke; he was alfo of the Priuy Counfell to King Ed- ward the fixt, twice Lord Prcfident of the Counfell e- ftablifhed in the Marches of Wales, Lieutenant gene- ral!, ioyned with the Lord Rujfell and the Lord Grey, for fuppreffing the Rebels in the Weft Countries, and againft SvcThomas Wyat,zn& Generall ofall the EngliQi Forcesat S.Quin- tins; twice Gouernour of Callis,ofthe Priuy Counfel alfo to QuecnMary, and Queene Elizabeth , and grand-Mafter of the Houfhold to the late Queene Elizabeth. He married two wiues, the firft was Anne , daughter of Thomas Parre, Baron of Kendall, and lifter and co-hcyre of William Parre y MarquefTe of Northampton, and Earle of Eflcx, by whom hee had iflue, Henry Lord Herbert, after Earle of Penbrok c ; Sir Edward Herbert of Rcd- Caftle,Knight; and Lady ^Anne, married to Francis LordTalbot, Sonne and heyrc of George the fixt Earle of Shrewsbury. This William, marri- ed to his fecond wife, ^yinne, daughter of George Talbot, the fourth Earle of Shrewsbury, but by her hadnoiflue. He died at Hampton-Court, the eighteenth of Aprill, and was buried in S. Pauls Church in London^in the yeere 1 570- becing thefeuenty three yeere of his age. Etportoit, party per pale dazur rjr degueulles an trois lyons ram- pant d 'argentjalabordur gobennt d 'or cfrgueullcs, au crejfant d'er. Henry. PENBROKE. 28* TTEwry Baron #^w of Caerdiffe, Earle of Penbrok, ■*■ "*■ Knight of the honourable Order of the Garter, and Lord Prelident ofthe Counfell of the MarchefTeof Wales ; married two Wines; K atherine the rirft Wife, was daughter of George Talbot ,the fixt Earle of Shrcwf- bury, by whom he had no iflue. Hisfccond Wife was Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Sidney, Knight of the Gar- ter, and ofthe Priuy Counfell to Queen Elizabeth, Lord Deputy of Ireland, and Prefident ofthe Counfell of the MarchefTe of Wales , and After to Robert Sidney, Vif- count Lille, and Earle of Leicefter, Knight of the Gar- ter, and Chamberlaineto Queen <^/»» the llxt , and but twelue yeaies old, felldowne vpon his knees defiring mercy ; was cruelly dabbed to the heart, by John , Lord Clifford of Weftmerland, who did fweare, that (by that a&e) he would be reucnged for Thomas his fathers death. After he was thus murdered , he was firft buried at Pomfret, and from thence remooued , and brought to Fothe- ringhay Caftle, and there buried by his father. Et p or toit, France efcartelle cTEngleterre, au Umbel de cinque points Sargent, char gee a deux lions gueulles rjr neuf torteaux , efcar- telle auec P'ljler ejr Mortimer. T: £ »pjg* m^.€^ Homas Mannors , ( or d'Mannertjs ) Knight of the Garter, I ord Ros of Hamelake, Beluoir and Truf- but, (fonneand heire of George Mannors Lord Ros.and Anne his wife, daughter and heire of Sir Thomas Saint Leoger , Knight, and Anne , Ducheffe of Excefter his wife,which Anne was fitter of KingEdivard the fourth) was created Earle of Rutland by King Henry the eight, at his Palace of Bridewell in London ,by Letters Pa- tents, bearing date, the eighteenth of Iune, the feuen- teenth ofthefaid Kings rcigne. King Henry the eight, in regard that he was dcfcended ofthe lifter of King Ed- Tvardihc fourth , did augment vnto his ancient Armes, gold trvo barres azure j a chief e quarterly azur and gueulles ; on the firft two Flour-de-luces gold; in the fecond , a lyonpajfantgardant , of the firft , the third a; the fecond, the fourth as the firft. He married Elianor, daughter of Sir William Paflon of Norfolke, Knight , by whom hee had iffiie , fiue fonnes and fix daughters j Henry Mannors the eldeft fonne , was after his father, Earle of Rutland ; Sir John Mannors , Knight ; Roger Mannors ; Sir Thomas Mannors, Knight ; and oliuer was the fift fonne. Gertrude, mar- ried to George Talbot, iixt Earle of Shrewfburie ; Ann: , married to Henry Neuill, fift Earle of Weftmerland ; Frances, wife to Henry Neuill , Lord of Aburgauenny, and mother to the Ladie Vane of Kent ; Kathertne , wife to Henry Capell, Efquirej Elizabeth, married to Sir IohnSauage, Knight; and iftbeS the t\xz daughter died young. ThisT homas , died in the riue and thirtieth yeare of King Henry the eight , and lieth buried at Bofworth id Leicefterfhire. tfenrv 284 H; RVTLAND. Enry Mannors , Knight of th« Garter, ( fonnc and heirc of T homo* aforefaid ) was the fecondEarle of Rutland of this Family, Lord Ros of Hamelake, Beluoir andTrufbut ; Hemarricd two wiues ; the firlt was Margaret , daughter of Ralph Neuill, fourth Earle of Wcftmerland, by whom he had iffue, Edward Man- ners , third Earle of Rutland of this Family ; and John the fourth Earle of Rutland; and a daughter named Elizabeth, who was married to Sir Mil/am Courtney of Powderham , Knight; His fecond wife was Bridget, daughter of lehn, Lord Huffy of Lincolnshire, the widow of 'Sir Richard Morifon, Knight, but by her had lue ; fhe was after married to Francis Ruffell, Earle of Bedford. Hcc , died inthe fiftycareof Queene £//z.4&7/>, and was buried at Botefworth, 1563. Et portoit, les Armes de [on fere. P Dw4r d Marmots ,Knight of the Garter, ( fonnc and ■'-'heirc of Henry ) was after the death of his father, the third Earle of Rutland of this Family , Lord Ros of Hamelake , Beluoir and Trufbut , and chiefe Commif- fioner, appointed by Queene Elizabeth , to continue the League betweene her and lames the fixt, King of Scotland, ( now our moft dread and Soueraigne Lord and King, 162 1.) there being ioyned with him, the Lord Eucrs, Thomas Randolph Efquire, and others. He married ifibell, daughter of Sir Thomas Holer oft, of the Vale Royall in Chefhire, Knight; by whom hee had ilTue , oneonely daughter and heirc named Elizabeth, married to William Cecill, Lord Burghley , fonne and hcire of Thomas, Earle of Excefter, by whom he had illuc, William Lord Ros ,thatdied beyond thefeas in Italy, without ifTuc, 161s. This Ed- ward Alexin the nine and twentieth yeare of the reigne of Queene Eliza- beth, and lieth buried at Botefworth. Et portoit , d'or , deux burettes d'aznr , au chef efcar telle d'azur & des gueulles, en le premier deux fieur de lyz d'or, a la fecond an lion pa f- fantgardant (ton % lehn RVTLAND. 28$ "tohn Mannors , (brother and heire male of Edward A aforefaid) was the fourth Earle of Rutland of that Familie, Lord Ros of Hamelake, Beluoir and Trufbut; ^ and married Elizabeth , daughter of Francis Charleton, of Apley in Shropfhire, by whom he had ifluc, Edward that died an Infant j Roger, that was Earle of Rutland* Francis, Earle of Rutland ; Sir George Mannors Knight, and Oliuer ; Bridget, wife to Sir Robert Ttrrvhit of Lin- colnfhire, Knight ; Frances, married to William, Lord Willoughby of Parham ; Elizabeth, married to Ema- nuel Lord Scroope of Bolton. This loha died in the yearc 1587. Et portoit,lesArmes de fen fr ere. "D Ogtr Mannors , fonne and heire of loin aforefaid, -*^-was after the death of his father, the fift Earle of Rutland, Lord Ros of Hamelake, Beluoir and Truf- but ; and married Elizabeth, daughter and heire of that |!*5|p^] worthieand renowned Sir Philip Sidney, Knight, flaine at Zutphen in Gelderland,the feuenteenth ofOftobcr, 1586. and died without iffue , leaurng Francu Mannors his brother, to fucceed him. <$> <$ "1 Etportoit , d'or a deux bnrelles d'azur, ait chef efcar- telle d'azur ejr deguculles , en la premier dettxfleur de Ijz d'or, a la fecond au leopard pajfant d'or. ±^}m^ m^wii* FRancis Mannors , fecond fonne oflohn , Earle of Rut- land, and brother and heire of Roger , the fift Earle of Rutland of this Familie; was the fixt Earle of Rut- land , Lord Ros of Hamelake, Beluoir and Tru(bur, and Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter, 1618. He married two wiues, the firft was Frances, daughter and one of the co heires of Sir Henry Knyttet of Charle- ton, and widow of Sir William Beutll of Cornwall , by whom he had ifluc, Lady Katherinc , MarquifTes of Buckingham. His fecond wife is Cecily. , daughter of Sir IohnTufton, Knight, ( and widow of Edward Hun- ger ford ) by whom he had iffue , Henry Lord Ros ; and Francis , which two Lords died both young without iffue. Etportoit, d'or a deux bur elles d'azur, au chef e fear telle d'azur & des gueulles, en la premier deux fleur de lyz d'or , a la fecond au leopard pafans d'or. I T.%6 A Catalogue of the Earles of letters , their Armcs , Wiues, and Children. Richard Wideuile , Baron of Wimington, married Iaquet, daughter of Peter of Lu- xenburgh, Earle of Saint Paul , the wid- frj^J dow of John, Duke of Bedford , Regent , llllSl of France i for which marriage, he was * fined to pay to King // Obcrtde (JMontgomcry , fecond fonne of Roger A- -*-^-forefaid, and brother and heyre of Hugh, was the third Earle of Shrewsbury and Arundell, and married the daughter and heireof G«7,Earle ofPontine in Nor- mandie. He was a man very outragioufly giuen, and moftcruell to his owne Children and Hoftagcs, whofe eyes (with his owne hands) hee plucked out. Hee held and fortified the Caftles of Shrewsburie, Arun- dell, Tickhill, Bruge,and Carrocoue in England, a- gainft King Henry the rirft, which after was hisvndo- ing. For thereupon the King proclaimed him Tray. tor,and (hordy after, all his Towncs and Caftles being yecldcd vp vnto thefaid King, he was baniihed Eng- land, with his Brother -^Arnold, in the yeere 1103. the fourth yeere of the faid Kings Reigne. But afterward this Robert , with Robe> t Duke of Normandy, the Kings eldeft Brother, were taken prifonei ; at the Battaile of Trenchbray,and were brought into England, where they had both their eyes put out, and kept prifoners in the Cattle of Caerdiiib in South-Wales,where they miferably ended their daies. Thxi Rtberthad iffiitJVifliam furnamed Taluaife Earle of Sage, who married £U, daughter Cc 1 of %S>o SHREWSBVRY. of Hely, brother of Geffrey, Earle of Aniou, widdow of the Duke of Bur- gundy : lohn his fecond fonne,had all his Lands in Normandy & Mayne: his eldeft daughter married luhell, fonne of Walter de Meduana; and El* was rirft married to William, the third Earle Warren in England* and af- ter to Patricke Earle of Salisbury. Etportoit, lesarmesdefonpere. To/wLord Talbot, Strangcof Blakmer,FurniuaIland * Verdon, Gouernour of Aniou and Mayne, Knight of the Garter, ( fonne of Richard Talbot, Baron Talbot of Caftle-Goderic, and brother and hey re male of Gilbert Lord Talbot) was created Earle of Shrewsbury by Let- ters Patents, bearing date atVVindfore, the twentieth day of May, in the nineteenth yeere of King Henry the fixt. And by another Letters Patents , dated at Wcft- minftcr, the feuentcenth of July, the twenty fourth of King Henry the fixt, he was made Earle of Welhford, and Steward of England, and after Marlhall of France; and being fent to fuccour them of Burdeaux , tooke the Towne, and placed therein a Garrifbn; and proceeding further into the Countrey, toreleeuetheTowncofCaftellonin Aquitain, which the Englifti had recouered; ( the French hauing on all fides begirt the fame ) at which time, a great battell becing then fought, this lohn was with the fhot ofaPiecc there flaine, the twentieth of Iuly, 1453. the two and thirtieth yeere of King Henry the fixt. Hee married two VViues, the firft was ii/W^daughter and onely heyre of Thomas Neuill, Lord Fur- niuall,by whom he had iflue, lohn Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury; Sir Chri- jlopher Talbot, and Sir Humfiey Talbot, Knights. His fecond wife was Margaret^ eldeft daughter and co-heire of Richard Beauchampe , Earle of Warwicke, by whom he had iflue, lohn Talbot, Vifcount Lifle,vnto whom his Father gaue the Lordfhip of Panfwike,Whaddon, Morton, VVotton, Schirborne, Polycot, and other Lands in Shropfhirc;Sir Humfrey Talbot, Knight, flaine in Wlont-5>\my ;Eliz,abeth, wife to lohn Mowbray,X)\kt of Norfolke; and Elianor, married to Thomas Butler , of Sudley-Caftle in Glocefterfhire. This lohn beingflaineas aforefiud, with lohn, Vifcount Lifle his fonne, his hody was buried in a Tombe at Roan in Normandy, whereon this Epitaph is written. Here lyeth the right Noble Knight, lohn Talbot, Earle of Shrewsbury, Earle ofWefhford, Waterfordand Faience, Lord Talbot of Goodrich and Orchenfeld, Lord Strange ofBlakmer, Lord Verden of y^iBon, Lord Cromwell of Wingfield, Lord Loueto fie of 'V For fop, Lord Fur ni- uall of Sheffield, Lord Faulconbridge, Knight oftheNohlc Order of S. George, S. Michael, andthe golden Fleece, great MarfhalltoKing Henry the fixt, of his Realme of France, who died in the Battaile of Burdeaux, 145 3 . Hec SHREWSBVRY. 291 He bare for his Armes, Gutulles au lyon rampant iCor, a h bordur.f endente de mefme. Which Armes were Rice ap Griffiths, Prir.ce of South- Wales, whofe daughter named Went Han, was married to Gilbert Talbot (in King Henry the thirds time ) Aunceftor of this lohn. John Talbot, fecond Earlc of Shrewsbury of that A Nameand Family, was after the death oflobn his Fa- ther , alfo Lord Talbot, Strange of Blakmer, Furniuall, Verdon, and Knight of the Garter. He marrie'd Eliza, beth, daughter of lames Butler, Earleof Ormondin Ire- land, & had iffue, John Talbot the third Earle ofShrewf- bury; Sir IamesTalboty Knight, who died the eleucnth of Kjng Edward 'the fourth; Sir GilbertTalbot of Graf- ton, Knight Banneret, and Captaine ofCallis, third (on; Christopher Talbot, fourth fonne, was Arch- Deacon of Chefter; and George was the rife Son 5 Kjinnc the eldeft daughter, was married to Sir Heme Fernon of the P cake in Dcrbilhire; And Margaret was the fecond daughter. This John wasflainein a battellat Northhampton,the tenth of July, 1460. the thirty ninth yeere of King Henry the fixt, whofe pare he tooke, ( and. in which battell the faid King himfclfe was taken- prifoner ) and was after buried in the Priory at Worfop. • . Etportoit, les armes de fan pere. Chappell at Worfop. T Ohn Talbot, fon and heyre of lohn the fecond, was af- •* ter the death of his Father, the third Earle of Shrews- bury, Wefhfbrd, & Waterford,Lord Talbot,Furniual, Verdon, and Strange of Blakmer, and married Kathe- rinc, daughter of Humfrey Stafford, Duke of Bucking- ham, Earle of Stafford,Hereford,and Northampton,by whom he had ilTuc, George Talbot, the fourth Earlc of Shrewsbury; andThomas thatdyed without iffue, Anne a daughter, was married to Thomas Butler, thelaft Ba- ron of Sudley, who died without iffue. This lehn dyed atCouentry, in the yeere of our Lord, 147 3. the fourth Kalends of July; and his body was buried in our Lady Etportoit, degneulles, au lyon rampant d'or, a la berditre endente de mefme. Ccz George a ?.pi SHREWSBVRY. /~^ Eorge Talbot ,the fourth Earle of Shrewsbury, vp- ^-^ on whofe Tombe at Sheffield, he is ftyled Earle of Shrewsbury, Wefhford, and Waterford, Lord Talbot, Furniuall, Verdon,and Strange ofBiakmer,and Knight of the honourable Order of the Garter. This George beeing but twenty yecres of age, was at the battellof Stokc,where he fought manfully, in the behalfe of King Henry thefeuenth, who made him Knight ofthe Order of the Garter ; and after hce was mr.de Steward of the houfe to King Henry the eight, and Gcnerall of the Ar- my at the fiege of Turwin , 1513. Hee married two wiues, the firft was <^dnne, daughter of William, Lord Haftings, Chamberlaine to King Edward the fourthly whom he had \Suc y Henry Lord Talbot, that died without ifluc,and was buried at Calkc Priory ; Francis Lord Talbot, and Earle of Shrewsburie after his Father; lehn, and Iohn, both borne, andburied at <^Jhby de la Zone h;WiUiam Talbot fift fonne, borne at Sheffield; Richard Talbot fax fonne, borne at Chelfey: and liue daughters; Margaret married to Henrie Clifford, Earle of Cumberland; K^inne and Dorothy, both borne at Wing- field; Mary, wife to Henrie Percie Earle of Northumberland; and Eliza- heth the fift daughter, was married xnto William Lord Dacres of Gillef- land. This Georges fecond wife, was Elizabeth, daughter and oncof the hcires of Richard Walden, of Erith in Kent, Knight ; of whom hce begot John, that died young, and Anne married to Peter temp ton, fonne and hcyre of Sir William Com f ton, Knight; and afterto William Herbert Earle ofPenbroke. This George dyed 'at Win gfield, the twenty flxtofluly, X538. and was honourably buried by his firft* wife at Sheffield. Etportoit, degueulles au lyon rampant cTor, a U bordure endente demefme. ICRancisTalbot, fonne and heyrc oi George^ was borne ■*■ in the Caftle of Sheffield, in the yeere ijoo.thefix- tcenth of King Henry the feuenth, and was the fift Earle ofShrcwfbury, Lord Talbot, Furniuall, Verdon, and Strange of Blakmer, and Knight ofthe Garter. He mar- ried two wiues, the firft was Mary, daughter of Thomas Lord Dacresof Gillefland,by whom he hadifliie,Gwrg* Lord Talbot, and fixt Earle of Shrewibury; Thomas Talbot that died at Sheffield without iflue, the twentic fift of King Henry the eight ; and x^innc, firft married to John Lord Bray, and after to Thomas Lord Wharton,and died without iflue. His fecond wife was Grace, daugh- ter of Robert Shackerley of Dcrbifhire, Efquire. He di- ed the one and twentieth of September, the fecond of Quecnc Elizabeth, and was buried at Sheffield, in the yeere 1 5 59. Et portoit, les armoiries defon fere. George SHREWSBVRY. i$] /~1 EorgeTalbot, fixt Earle of Shrewsbury, Lord Tal* ^* bot,Ftirniuall, Verdon, and Strange of Blakmer' fonneand hey re of Francis aforefaid.was made Knight ofrhcGarter.inthe third yeerc of Queenc Elizabeth; and at the arraignment of Thomas Howard , Duke of Norfblke,Lord Steward of England, and prefently af- ter Earle Marfhall of England. He married two wiues, the firft was Gertrude, daughter of Thomas Mannors, Earle of Rutland, by whom lie had iflue, Francis Lord Talbot, that died before Bis Father without ifTuc; Gil- bert fecond fonne,was after his Fathcr,Earle of Shrews- bury, and died without lilue male ; Edward the third fonnc, was after his Brother Gilbert, alfo Earlc of Shrewsbury , and died without iflue ; Henry Talbot the fourth fonne. KatherineTalbet the eldeft daughter, was married to Henry Lord Herbert, after Earle of Penbroke, but had no lfTuej Mary the fecond daughter, was married to George Sauell> fonne of Henry Sauell of Barraby in Lincolnshire ; and Grace the third daughter, was married to Henry Cauendijh, fonne and heyre of William Cauendijh of Chattefworth, Knight. This George his fecond wife was Eli- zabeth, daughter of John Hardwtcke, of Hardwicke in Derbifhire,Efquirc, by whom he had nohTue. He died on Wednefday, the feuentecnth of Nouember, in Sheffield Marmor, 3nd was buried the thirteenth of Ianua- rie, at Sheffield, 1590. ■ Iitportoit,dcgueulliS, au lyoitrtrnpant d'or, a labor dure endente ' demtfme. ■ /"^ llbertT allot, the feuenth Earle of Shrewsbury of ^-^ this Family, Lord Talbot, Furniuall, Verdon, and Strange of Blakmer, Succeeded his Father George, and married Mary , daughter of Sir William Cauendijh of Chatfwotth, and hadiffuc, three daughters hisheyres; > Mary the eldeft, was married to William Lord Herbert of Caerdiffein Wales, and Earle of Penbroke ; Eliza- beth, married to Sir Henry Grey, Lord of Ruthin, fonne andheyreof Charlesnow Earle of Kent, 1618. Alithsa the third daughter , was married to Thomas Howard, nowEarleof Arundell, i<5i8. This Gilbert died at his houfe in Broad-ftreete in London, and was conueyed to Sheffield , and there moft honourably buried, being Knight and Com- panion of the Noble Order of the Garter, arid one of his Maiefties moft honourable Priuy Counfell, 16 16. Etportoit, les armes de [on fere. Cc 7 Edward 2P4 SHREWSBURY.. "C DtP4rdTalbot,fccond(onncof George, and brother •'-'and heyremale of Gilbert aforcfaid, was the eight Earle of Shrewsbury, Lord Talbot,Furniuall, Verdon, and Strange of Blakmer. He married lane, eldeft daugh- terand co-hcyreof Cuthbert Lord Ogle, by whomhe left no ifTuc. He died in London, and his body was pri- uately buried at Wcftmiufter, 1618. JLtfortoitJesArmcs defonfiere. C^Eorgc Talbot, fonnc and heyre of ' lohn Talbot of ^-^ Grafton, Efquire, by Katherme his wife, daughter of Sir William Peter, of Ingcrfton in EfTex, Knight, heyre male oiS\r Gilbert Talbot of Grafton , Knight of the Garter, and Bannarct, fecond fonnc of JoenLord Talbot, fecond Earle of Shrewsbury; after the death o&Gilbert and Edward, Ezrlcs of Shrewsbury aforcfaid, without iflue male ; was by King lames, 1 618. admitted the ninth Earle of Shrewsbury, Lord Talbot,Furniual, Verdon, and Strange of Blakmer, and is nowliuing, 1(521. Et forfeit, degueulles au lyon rampant for a la bordurt endentc demefme, au ereffantfur la difference. 2?5 iiiiiiiilliiiiil A Catalogue of the Earles of Salisbury, their Armcs , Wiues, and Children. Atricke de Eurenx, ( fbnne of Walter de^j Eureux, Earle of Rofcmcr , and Stbill. his wife, Founders of the Monaftery of Bradenftoke , 1093. ) was Steward of the houfe to CMatild the EmprefTe , by whofe meancs the Earledome of Salisbury was confir- med vnto him , in the eight and twentieth yeare of King Henry the ftcond. Hec married Etta, the wid- dowof William , the third Earle Warren and Surrey, daughter of William Taluaife, Earie of Pontine, grand- child to Roger Mountgomery , by his fohne Robert de^> Mountgomery, Earle of Shrew (bury, by whom' hec had iflue , William Fitz,-Patricke\ Earle of Salisbury and Rofemcr, Patricke and Philip, Canons at Bradenftoke. This Patricke was a Witnefle to the Charter of Pacification of the troubles betweene King Stephen , and Henry Duke of Normandy, 115*. and after was flaine in Aquitainc , by Guy de Lujignan , in comming as a Pilgrim from Saint lames deCompejlella, and as the Priory Bookcof La- cok hath, the fixt Kalends of Aprill, 116S. and was buried at Saint Hil- laries , the fifteenth of King Henry the fecond j ( Doftor Powell in his Dcfcription of Wales , fql. 1 54. fayth , that about the yeare 1094- Ro g er Mountgomery , William Fitz-Euftace ,and K^irnoidtiarecottrt ,were flaine necre Cacrdiffe in Wales; and Walter de Eureux, Earle of Salifbury, and HughGurney were hurt , and after died in Normandy. ) Which V Fal- ter was Father of this Patricks, which M after C4/»J«>dcnicth to bee Earle. Et forfeit, d'azurjix lions rampant d' or , 3, 2, i.arme & lampajfe de gueulhs.- V Villi am 2p6 *w SALISBVRY. "XpLTllliam de Eur tux , fonne and hcireof Patricke, * ▼ was the next Earle of Salilburieand Rofcmer after his father. Hee married Elianor, daughter of 77- rellde Maimers, by whom hee had ifTue , two daughters his heircs ; Ella the eldeft , was married to William fur- named Long/pee, bafe fonne of KingHenry thefccond, begotten of the faire Lady Rofamond Clifford; Malcll thefccond daughter, was married to Lord NigeU de_j UMorvbray, with the Mannour of Banefted in Surrey. This William ( as Lacok Priory Booke hath ) died the fifteenth Kalends of May , in theyearc 1 196. and was buried at Bradenftoke. Etportoit, lesarmesdefonfere. \J\T lHiam fur-named Longjpee , ( by rcafon of a * * long Sword which hee vfed) bafe-fonne of King Henry thefecond, ( begotten of the faire Lady Rofamond Clifford , his Concubine) was Earlc ofRofc- mer, and by King Richard the fird , his halfe brother, was created Earle of Salifburie , ( and as Mafter Cam- den thinketh , Earle of Somerfet , page of his Britannia 239- ) . This William Longfpee , was the laft that writ in their Stiles , Earles of Rofemer j for after that Phi- lip King of France had gotten Normandy, Guyan, Poy&iers and Britaine, about thefixt yeare of King Iohn\ all fuch Noblemen of England, as had cithfr Earledomes or Baronnies in thofe Countries , left to write or 1 tntitle themfelues of the fame. Hee married Ella , eldeft daugh- ter and' coheire of William FitT^Patricke, Earle of Salifburie afore/aid, and had ifTue, William Long/pee, flaine by Sarazines, at fuch time as the French Kihgwas taken pnforier by the Infidels, 1250. from whom King Henry the third did takeboth the Title of Earle, as alfo the Caftle of Salifburie. Stephen Longfpee, Chrcfe-Iuftice of Iceland ,fecond fonne, ( vnto whom William his ■brother gauc the Mainour of Wamberge. This Stephen Had to v?ifc,Emelyne, CornitefTe of Vlfter , daughter and h'eire of Wilier Ridelesford, Baron of Bre in Ireland. Nicholas Long/pee the third fonne, was Bifhop of Salifburie, and died, 1296. Richard Longfpee was a Can- non at Bradenftoke : ifabell the eldeft daughter , was married to William Lord Vefcy ; Ella, married to Thomas, fat Earlc ofWarwicke ; and after to Philip, Lord Baffct ; and idffna the third daughter, was married to Wil- liam Beauchamp, Baron of Bedford.. This William, Earle of Salifburie,was Conftable ofDouer- Cattle, and fayling with Richard, Earle of Cornwall his Nephew,and Philip de Albeny, into Gafcoigne, the tenth of Henry the third, S A L I S B V R Y. 297 third , recoucrcd Poitiers , which before was loft by King Iohn ; and iri their rcturne againe into England, hardly efcapcd Ihipwracke , being ftrangely caft vpon the Cornilli Ihores, and died in the fame" yeare 1226. After whofe death, Ella his Wife and Counteife, profelTed her felfe a Nunne, in the Religious houft at Lacok in Wiltihire , which was of her Foundation , and was the firft Abbeffe thereof. Afterward (he forfooke her Abbateflir, in the yeare 1-257 anddiedintheyeare 126I. This WilliamWzth buried in the Cathcdrall Church at Salisbury ,in a f.iire Tombc , with thcfe Amies vpon his (hield , D'azur fix Lyons ram- pant d'or, 3, 2, 1. which were the Armes ofWilltam Eitz-Patr/cke, his wiues father. '\T\Tllliam , Lord Montc-acute, (fonne of Simoti " * Monte acute,Baron of Shipton Monte-acute) was created Earle of Salifbury , in the eleuenth yeare of King Edward the third, and had giuen him the Caftle and Barony of Denbigh :, and in the feuenteenth yeare of the faid Kings reigne.hee was crowned King of the Ifleof Man, and had giuen to him and his heires, a thoufand Markes land by the yeare , ( for taking of Ro- ger Lord Mortimer prifoncr, at Nottingham Caftle, who had beene too familiar with the Kings mother.) This William , when King Edward the third went to claime his right to the Crowne of France , againft Phi- lip dej'alois ,113s. was taken prifoner , and carried to Paris,& after ranfomed by the exchange of the Earle of Morret,who was then prifoner in England. At this expedition , King Edrrard prayed the ayde of the Flemings, who excufed themfelues , by an oath and bond of a Million of gold , which they had taken and made , in the Popes Cham- ber, that they fhould alwaies helps and ayde the King of France, and fight vnder his Standard and Armes; whereupon, by the aduice of. Ia- ques d ' Artiuille of Gaunt, King Edward did quarter the Armes of France before his owne of England, and proclaymcd himfelfe King of France, by reafon whereo^the Flemings held themfelues difcharged both of oath and bond, andfo did ayde and helpe King Edward. This William married Katherine , daughter and one of the co-heires of Will/am Lord GrantfonofSauoy in the Lake,(aBurgonian, borne of No- ble blood, and brought into England by EdmondEar\e of Lancafter, and married to Sibell, daughter and one of the co-heires of John Tregoz.Lord andBaronof Garringes,in Edward the firft his time) by whom hchadif- fuc, two fonnes andfoure daughters; William the eldeft , was after his Fa- ther, Earle of Salisbury ; Sir Iohn tJHtontague^ Knight, married Margaret ^ daughter and heyre of Sir Thomas Mou»thermer y Knight, ((bnneof Ralph Mount hermer, Earle of Glocefter ) and died before his brother William y in the 1$ S A L I S B V R Y. the thirteenth ycere of King Richard the fecond. Sibilljhc tldeft daugh- ter, was married to Edmond Earle of Arundell , for his third wife : Philip the fecond daughter, was married to Roger Mortimer, baric of March ; Eli- zabeth the third daughter, was married to Giles, Lord Badclifmer,and died without iflue ; <^ignes the fourth daughter. This William founded the Abbey of Briftlclham Montague , and died at a Iufts and Turney at Windfore ,intheyearc 1343. and was burled in the YYhite-Fryars in London, and Katberine his wife was buried atBifliam by Windfbre. Etportoit, d' argent an trots Loz,cngics en face degueulles. W: 'Illiam, Lord Mountacute ( fonne and heire of William , Earle of Salifbury afbrefaid ) after the death of his Father , was the fecond Earle of Salif- bury, Lord of Denbigh.and of the Ifle of Man, ofthat name \ which Honour of Denbigh , was recouered from him, by Edmond Mortimer, Earle of March. He was one of the Founders of the Noble Order of the Garter, and Goucrnourof Callis , vnder King Richard the fecond, 1 380. He fold the Ifle of Man , to William Lord Scroope , Treafurer of England , and Earle of YYiltfliire ; who being after beheaded , King Henry the fourth, gaue the Ifle of Man , to Henry Percy , Earle of Northumberland , to hold of him and his Succef- fors, Kings of England , by the feruice of bearing the Sword at the Co- ronation. This William alfo by his Charter , dated the firft of King Ri- chard the fecond , did giue vnto his welbeloued brother , Sir John Moun- tague, Lord of Stokingham , his Mannour of Burnham and Brene, in the Countieof Somcrfct , paying a ycarely Rent to Margaret Graunfon , late the wife of Thomas Graunfon Knight, fourefcore pounds. He married Elizabeth , daughter and one of the co-heires of John Lord Mohun , of Dunfter Caftle in Somerfetlhire , and had iflue , William his onely fonne and heire, flaine at Tilt at Windfore,by William his father , the fixt of Richard the fecond. Th'isWiHiam the father, died in the twentieth yeare of King Richard the fecond, leauing John his Nephew ( fonne of Io'hn his brother , to fuc- ceed him, 1396. Et portoit, Us Armes defonperc. lohn S A L I S B V R Y. m lohnMontacute, Knight, fonne and heircof Six Iohn *-Montacute Knight, and Nephew and heire of Wil- liam , Earle of Salisbury his Vnckle afbrcfaid , was the third Earle of SalHbury of that name , and was one of the Noblemen which confpired the death of King Henry the fourth, at a Iufts held at Oxford ; but being difclofed , diuers of them were put to death ; and this Iohn and Thomas Holland, Earle of Kent, flying vn- to Circefter , were by the rude Townes-men there, brought into the Market-place, and there had their heads fmitten off, the firft ycare of King Henry the fourth. He married Mauld , daughter and heire of Sir y^fdam Francis of London , Knight ,and widdow of Sir Indian £ •^-Earle of Salisbury aforefaid, was reftored to bee Earlc of Salisbury j and in right of his Wife,hee was Earlc of Warwicke : Hec was alfo great Chamber- lainc,and high Admirall of England, Lord Warden of the North Marches towards Scotland , and of the Cinque-Ports, Captaine of Callis, high Steward of the Duchie of Lancafter, and Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter. This famous and great Earle of Warwicke, did fet vp and pull downe Kings at his pleafure. Firft, hee let vp King Edward the fourth, and put downe King Henry the fixt : and after fome breach and vnkindneffe betweenc them, this Richard tooke Henry the fixt out of prifon, where hee had bcenc tenne yeares, and placed him againc in his Regall Throne ; forcing Edward to flye into Flanders, to feeke ayde of the Duke of Burgundie, his brother in Law. But Edward retur- ning againe, did encounter with this great Earlc, and his brother John, Marqueffe Mountacute, at Barnet field, where they were both flainc, in the yeare 1470. Hee married <^4nne, daughter of Richard Beauchamf, Earle of Warwicke, and filter and heire of Henry, Duke of Warwicke ; by whom hec had ifTue, two daughters, his heires ■■> Jfabell, the eldcft,was married to George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence ; and o*«»f,the fecond daughter,was firft married to Prince Edward, and after to Richard,Dukc of Gloceftcr,after King.by the name of Richard the third. This Richards body was after buried in Pauls Church, in London. Etportoit, lesarmes defon fere. ,Eerge Plantagenet , borne at Dublin in Ireland, third fonneof Richard t Duke of Yorke, and bro- ther of KingEdward the fourrh,was created Duke of Clarence, in the yeare 1461. And by Letters Patents, dated at Weftminfter the fiue and twentieth of March, the twelfth of King Edwtrd the fourth, hee was crea- ted Earle of Salisbury and Warwicke. This George married ifabell, fifterandco-heire of Henry, Duke of Warwicke; and had ifTue, Edward, Earle of Warwicke, who from his child -hood was kept in the Tower of London, and in the end beheaded by King Henry the feuenth, lcauing no ifTue ; and Margaret, the daughter of the faid George, married Sir Richard Pole, Knight, and was beheaded D d after 302 SALISBVRY. after her brother, in the three and thirtieth yeare of King Henry the eight. This George was fecretly murthered in the Tower of London, in the yeare 1477. and was buried at Tewkesbury. Etportoit, France efcartelle d,Engleterre t aH lambed cC argent att trois Cantons de gueuUes, "C Dward, onely fonnc of King Richard the third, ■■-'and Queene \^dnnc his wife , was borne in the Ca- ftle of Middleham , neerc Richmond , in the Countie of Yorke, 1473. who being not foure yearesofage, was created Earle of Salisbury, the feuenteenth yearc of the Reignc of King Edward the fourth. And on the foure and twentieth day of Auguft, 1483. hee be- ing then about tenne yeares old, was by his father created Prince of Wales , and died before his fa- ther. Et forfeit y France & d'Angleterre efcartelle an lambell d' argent. "\4 Argaret plantagenety daughter of George Duke of -^■"■Clarence, and lifter and heire of Edward, Earle of Warwicke,beheadtd as tfforefaid , was by A£t of Par- liament made Countcfle of Salisbury, by King Henry the eight, in the fift yeare of his Reigne : And in the one and thirtieth yearc of thefaid Kings Reigne, fhec was attainted by Parliament,of high Trcaion, together with Ge rtrudc, Wife of Henry Courtney , Marquefle of Excefter, Reginald Pole her fonne, Sir Adrian Fortejcue, and others ; and after was beheaded in the Tower of London, the three oc thirtieth of KingHeriry the eight. She was married to Sir Richard Pole,K night (of Wales) and had iffuCyHenry Pole y Lord Mountague, beheaded ; Reginald Pole, Cardinal! j Geffrey Pole, third fonne ; Arthur Pole, fourth fonne : and Vrjuta^ married to Henry Lord Stafford, fonne and hcirc of Edwardy Duke of Buckingham. Etptrtoity France rjr d'Engleterrc efcartelle *n UmbeU d'ermj* trok Cantons de gueulles. Robert S ALISBVRY. 3°3 bert Cecill, (fecond fonnc of WiBiam Cecill, Baron of Burghley,Lord high Treafurer of England, and Knight of the Garter, by his fecond Wife CMildred) was firft created at the Tower of London , the thir- ,,-|j. j tcenthof May, 1603. Baron Cecill, of EfTenden inRut- ^P~\$p\$M landlhire: And at White-Hall, the twentieth day of ^ Auguft, 1604. hee was created Vifcount Cranborne, in Dorfet(hire ; and laftly, at Greenwich, the fourth of May,i6o5 . hee was created Earle of Salisbury, by King lames. Hee was alfo Matter of the Conrt of Wards, Chancellor of the Vniuerfitie of Cambridge , Lord high Treafurer of England, and Knight of the Order of the Garter. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of William Brooke, Lord Cobham ; and had iffue, William 0«'//,Earle of Sa- lisbury \ and a daughter,named Francis, married to Henry Lord Clifford, fonneand heirc of Francis, Earle of Cumberland. Hee died ar Marlbo- rough,on Sunday,the foure and twentieth of May, \6it. Et portoit, burellee de dis d 'argent & d'azur,fur le tout fix efchuchons^ 3,2,1 .fable, charge defix Lions rampant *la premier, m Crejfand pur le difference. ~\J\T iSiam Cecill , Baron Cecill of EfTenden, Vif- ▼ ▼ count Cranburne, and Earle of Salisbury 5 married Katherine , youngeft daughter of Thomat Howard, Earle Of Suffolke, and Lord high Treafurer of England, and had iflue. Et portoit, les armes defin pert. r Dd 1 A Catalogue of che Dukes, Marqueffes and Earles of Suffolk^^ their Armes , Wiues, and Children. Obert de Vfford, Knight, fonnc of Sir Ro- bert Vfford, Knight, (Steward of the J Houfehold to King Edward the fecond) jand of his Wife Cecily, daughter and co- heire of Robert de Valonijs, Lord of Or- ford, was created Earle of Suffolke , in the eleuenth yearcof King -E^wW the third, 1336. asalfb Knight of the Garter : He was Lord of Eye and Framlingham in Suffolke. Before this Robert ,did the Family of Bigots hold Norfolke and Suffolke together, as one Countie. This Robert ,znd William Mount ague ,Earle of Salisbury, were Generals of King Edward the thirds Armie in Flanders, when hee went to make his clayme to the Crownc of France, defcended to.him by his mother, and kept from him by Philip de Valoys, the Vfurper, 1538. Hee ferued vnder the Blackc Prince,at the Battaile of Poiftou, where lehn the French King was taken prifbner, 1359. and married Margaret, daughter of Sir Iohn Norwich, of .Mettingham Cajftle in Suffolke, and Aunt and heire of lohn her Nephew, (by Walter her brother ) by whom hee had ifliie, William vfford, Earle of Suffolke, and three daughters ; Cecily, married to Iohn Lord Willoughby; K at her ine, married to Robert Lord Scales ; and Margaret, married to Willi, am Lord Ferrers of Groby. Hee died in the three and fortieth yeare of King Edward the third. Et portoit,de fable au croix engrejle d'or. "\f\Tllliam de Vfford , fonne and heire of Robert * * aforcfaid, was the fecond Earle of Suffolke of that furnamc, Lord of Eye and Framlingham. Hee married ifabell, daughter of Thomas Beaucbamj>e,Earlc of Warwicke ; and had iffue, Thorn**, William, and Ed- ward, who died all without ifTue. This William, Earle of Suffolke, died fuddenlyinthc Parliament-Houfe at Weftminfter, the fifteenth day of February, 13 82. lea- uing his three fitters his hcircs, who were married as aforefaid. Les armes defon fere. Michael SVFFOLKE. 3°5 "Ai hhaeldelaPole, Knight of the Garter, fonnc and -^-■-heirc of Siv William de la f0/4j, LordPowis; and another daugh- ter after marriage , named LMary , married vnto Thomas Stanley , lord Montcglc. His third wife was UWary , Qucene of France , widdow of lewis the twelfth, and fecond filter to King Henrie the eight, by whom he had iflue, Henrie Brandon, E3rle of Lincolnc , that died before his Father, without ifliic, and two daughters \ Frances., married to Henrie Gr^,Mar- quefle Dorfet, and after Duke of Suffolke; and Eleanor, the fecond daugh- ter, was married to Henrie Clifford , Earle of Cumberland. The fourth wife was Katherine, daughter and one of the heires of William, Lord Wil- loughby of Eresby, by whom hee had iflixe two fonnes , Henrie Bra»don % Dukeof Suffolke, and C/W/«, who died young, both in one day of the fweatingficknefle, at Bugden the Bifhop of Lincolncs houfe , the four- teenth of Iuly, 1551. This valiant Charles, Duke of Suffolke , departed this life at Guilford, the one and twentieth of Auguft , thefeuen and thir- tieth of King Henrie the eight, and was buried very honourably with a Hearfe at Windefore. Et port pity iurelle d 'argent ejr de gueaUes de dix pieces, a la Lion rampant d'or, coronne per paled' argent ejr de guenlles. HEnrie Grey , MarquefTe Dorfet, and Baron Ferrers of Groby, Harington, Wooduill,and Afhlcy,Iu- fticc of the Forrefts and Chafes by South , the Riuer ofTrcnt,and Knight of the Garter;was after the death of Henrie Brandon, Duke of Suffolke , and Charles his brother, created Duke of Suffolke, the cleuenth of O ftober, the fift of King Edward the fixt. Hee married Lady Frances , daughter of Charles Brandon , Duke of Suffolke y by CMary the French Quecnc, Dowager of France; and had ifliic three daughters : Jane,the eldcft, was married to the Lord Gutlford Dudley , fonnc of John, Dukeof Northumberland, who were both be-, headed without iflue. Katherine , the fecond daughter, was married to Henrie, Lord Herbert, from whom (againft her will) fhec wasdiuorccd. CMarj, married to Martin Kayes of Kent, Efquire, and died without iflue. This Henrie Grey > Duke of Suffolke, was beheaded at Tower-Hill, the three and twentieth of Februaric, in the firft yearc of Quecnc Mary 7 15 54. Et pprtoit, burette deftx ct argent , & ttazur trok torteaux a Umbel d'ermtn. Thomas SVFFOLKE. 3» y Homtt>>, Lord Howard, fecond fonncof Thomas Howard, late Duke of Norfolkc, and of Margaret his fecond wife, daughter and oncly heire of Thomas, Lord Audley of Walden, Lord Chancellor of Eng- land ; was by fummons of Writ to the Parliament, made Lord Howard of Walden : hee was alfo Lord Chambcrfciine to King lames, and Knight of the Gar- ter; and after created Earlc of Suffolke at Hampton Court, onThurfday the one and twentieth of Iuly, 1^03. and laftly , made Lord Treafurer of England. He married Katherine, eldeft daughter and one of the co-heires of Sir Henrie Knyuet, of Chorlton in Wilt- shire, Knight, by whom he had \ft\ic,T.beof>hyl(u, Lord W r alden;Sir:T^- mas Howard, Knight of the Bath; Henrie Howard, Charles Howard, Ro- bert Howard, William Howard, and Sir Edward Howard, all Knights of the Bath; Iohn, the feuenth fonne, died young; Elizabeth, the eldeft daugh- ter, was married to William, Lord Knolles of Greyes,and Vifcount Wal- lingford ; Frances , fecond daughter , firft married to Robert, Earlc of Ef- fcx, and after to Robert Carre, Earle of Somerfet ; and Katherine, the third daughter, was married to William Cecill, now Earle of Salisburic, 1621. Margaret, the fourth daughter, died young, and was buried at Walden in Eflcx. Mt fortoit, gueuttes a la band entrefix croix attpiedfohe d"ar- gent 4 croijptnt fab It fur la differences* ■ 3 i* A Catalogue of the Dukes and Earles of Somerfet , their Armes, Wiues, and Children. \llliam de Mohun , (or Moyon) the third of that Name from the Norman Con- queft , ( Grand-childc to William de Mohurij fur-namtd £<»/*//, Lord of Dun- fter Caftle in SomerfetChire , by his fonne VViUtam) was made Earlc of Somerfet by King Henrie the firfti and by that Name and Title , did found the Priorie and Couent of Saint Maries of Brin- ton, and gaue to the Canons Regular of the fune , di- uers Lands for rhcirmaintenance.To which his Char- ter, arc WitnefTcs, William de Moyn his fonne , Henrie Iuwe, William de Br int on , Hugh de Punchar don , and others. This William (as Matthew Paris hath) in the yearc 1138. did keepe and fortific his Caftle of Dunfter, againft King Stephen., and William Talbot kept the Caftle of Hereford , William Lo- uell the Caftle of Ludlow jand William Fitz-Alan the Caftle of Salopef- burie, on the part ofMauld the Empreflc, and Henrie, Duke of Norman- die, her fonne He married £*«■, daughter of andhadifTue, fVilliam de Mohun, Lord of Dunfter and Oodecombe, Munejh and Cul- ueton, in Somerfet ihire . Et portoit, gueulles au Maunch mail taile cTermyn. "D Eginald de Mohun , Lord of Dunfter, (fonncand ■^-heire of Reginald de Mohun, Lord of Dunfter, Grand-child of FFilliam de Mohun, Earle of Somer/et, by his fonne William) was the fecond , and laft Earle of Somerfet of that Family ,and did by that Name and Title giuchis Mannor of Axminiftre, with the appur- tcnanccsjto found the Abbey of Newham ; To which his gift arc Wirnefles, Richard, Earle of Cornwall, the Kings brother j Simon, Earle of Leicefter ; Hugh,Ear\c of Oxford j lohn Fitz-Geffrey, Ran Fttz-Hubert,Hugh Tracy , Hugh Peuerell of Ermingron , William Mal- herhe, Knights, and others. Prtma pars Patent. \^fn- »o. SOMERSET. 3H no, 14. Edxo. 3. ». 3 3. He married Ifabel, daughter of Willtim, Earlc Fcr- rars and Derby , and co-heire of her mother Sibel, fiftcr and co-heire of i^infelmc Marfhall, Earle of Pcnbroke, by whom he had ifTue, lohn de Mo- bun, Lord of Dunfter, &c. This Reginald loft his Title of Earle, in fi- ding with the Barons againft King Hemic the third , and died in the two and fortieth y care" of the faid Kings Reignc.and was buried in the Abbey of Ncwham, 1*57.. Et pert oit , gutnUti au Maunch mail taile cCermyn, le maine froprt tendnt a Ufltur de liz (tor. John, fur-named Beaufort, (of Beaufort in France, •* which came to the houfe of Lancafter, by Blanch of Arthois,wifc to Edmond firft Earlc of Lancafter)fonnc of lohn of Gaunt, Duke of Lancafter, begotten of Ka~ - .J&zri therineSmnford before marriage \ who with his bro- thers and fiftcrs , were made legitimate by A£l of Par- liament, in the one and twentieth yeare of King Ri- chard thefecond, and in the yeare 1^96. hewasmade Earle of Somcrfet, and two yeares after, Marqutfle Dorfct \ from which King Henrie the fourth depnucd him y leauing him onely Earlc of Somerfet. Hee mar- ried CMargarct , daughter of Thomas Holland, Earle of Kent, and fifter and co-heire of Edmond, Earle of Kent , by whom he had ifTue , Henrie , Earle of Somerfet , that died young without ifluc , and lohn , who by King Henrie thefift , was crea- ted the firft Duke of Somerfet , and had ifTue, one onely daughter , na- med Margaret , mother toKing Henrie thefeuenth^ Edmond, thethird fonnc, fucceeded his brother lohn in the Dukcdome of Somcrfet , and was flaine at the firft battaile of Saint ^Albons. Ioane , the eldeft daugh- ter of this lohn Beaufort , was married to lames the firft , King of Scots 5 and Margaret , the fecond daughter, was married toT homos Courtney, Earle of Dcuon. Hee died in the elcuenth yeare of King Henrie the fourth, and was buried on the North fide of Thomas Beckets fhrinc at Canterburie, being Knight of the Garter. Et portoit , France feme, e fear telle d'Engleterre, au hordm gohonne £ argent ejr d'azur. Ee lohn 3*4 SOMERSET. T ohn Beaufort, Knight of the Garter , fonnc of John t *■ Earlc of Somerfet , and Grand-childe to lohn of Gaunt (after the death ofhisFather, and his elder brother , Uenrit , Earle of Somerfet) was created the firft Duke of Somerfet, in the one and twentieth '^ Lord Edward Seymore of Berye Pomery in Deuonfhire ; and Iobn, fecond fonne. His fecond wife was K^inne, daughter of Edward Stanbop, Efquire, by whom he had ifluc, Edward Seymore , now Early of Hertford, 162 1 . Lord Henrie and Edward; Anne,t\iz eldeft daughter, was married to John Dudley, Earle of Warwicke ; lane, was the fecond daugh- ter ; Mary, the third daughter, was married to Andrew Rogers ; Katherine, the fourth daughter ; and Elizabeth, the fift daughter, was married to Sir Richard Knigbtley, Knight. This Edward was arraigned at Weftminfter Hall (the firft of December, the fift of King Edward the fixt) for treafon, Ee 3 and 3i8 SOMERSET. and was found guiltic of Fellony ; for which , the two and twentieth of Ianuaric after, he was beheaded at the Tower-Hill. Et pert tit, le augmentation, qui eftd'or,fixfleurs de liz dazur, a U penz, gueulles char gee de trots Lions pajftnt gardant de la premier $ Efcar telle Seymor qui ejl de gueulles a deux Ailes de PAgle en leu- ure d'or. Le tierce de Beauchamp, qui eft vaire. Le quart Sturmi qui eft d 'argent trois dentie Lions gutulles. O Obert Carre , a man greatly fauourcd of King *^- lames , who firft created him Vifcount Rochc- ftcr at White- Hall, the fiue and twentieth of March, 16 1 1. and after in the yeare 16 14. he was made Baron of Branfpeth and Earle of Somerfet. And for a fur- ther fauour, the faid King made him Lord Cham- berlaine of his Houfhold , Knight of the Garter , and one of his Honourable priuie Counfell. Hee married Frances , fecond daughter of Thomas Ho- ward, Earle of Suffolke, and Lord high Trcafurer of England , ( the repudiate wife of Robert , Earle of Eflcx) by whom hec had iflue, a daughter, na- med K^Anne. • This Robert, and his wife ( being fufpe&cd to be of the counfell, and confenting to the poyfbning of Sir Thomas Ouerbury, Knight, fomctimc his familiar Friend and Fauouritc) were both called in queftion , en ditcd, and arraigned at Weftminftcr Hall , in May , 1 6 1 6. and there by their Peeres were found guiltic, and had iudgement to die for the fame. Et fortoit, de gueulles au chenron d'argent, charge de trois ejl tiles -Can- de fable, hrife dc v» Leopard pajfint d'or , du premier ton de I'efcu. ' A Catalogue of the Dukes and Earles^of Stafford , their Armes, Wiucs, and Children. Alphe, Lord Stafford , Steward of Gaf- and one of the flrft Founders of ijCoigne, j the Garter, defcended lineally, as heirc f male of the body ofHeruy Bagot,nt\d Mil- ulejcem his Wife, filter and heire of Robert Lord Stafford, in King Iobns time. This Raljhe was created Earlc Stafford, in the Hue and twentieth yeare ^ of Xing Edward the third : and married (^Margaret, daughter and heire of Hugh Lord Audley , Earle of Gloceft'er j and had ifTue, Hugh, Earle Stafford, and Sir Richard Stafford, Knight, and three daughters; Beatrix, the elded, was fir ft married to CMturice, Earle ofDefmond in Ireland, and after to Themat Lord Ros, of Hamlake; Ioane, the fecond daughter, married lohn Charlton, Lord Powis ; and Margaret., the third daughter, was married to JohnStajford, Patron of the Church of Bromhall.in Staffordshire. This Ralphe died in the fiuc and fortieth of King Edward the third, 1370. and was buried in chc Priorie of Tunbridgc,by his Wife Margaret. Et portoit t efor au cheuron de gueulles. \J[Vgh Lord Stafford, Knight of the Garter, fbnne * ■* of Ralphe, Earle Stafford, after the death of his father, was the fecond Earle Stafford : And married Katherine, daughter of T homas Beauchamp the elder, Earle of Warwicke ; and had iflue, Thomm, William, and Edmond,z\\ three Earles of Stafford; and Ralphe, (Uineby lohn Holland : and foure daughters; Marga- ret , Wife to Ralphe Neuill , Earle of Wcftmerland ; Katherine, married to Michael de la Pole, Earle of Suf- folke ; Ioane , the third daughter, married Them** Hol- land,Ear\c of Kent ; and the fourth daughter, was mar- ried to lohn Lord Ferrars, of Chartley. This Hugh died in his returnc from Icrufalcm, in the Ifle of Rhodes, ip the tenth ycare of King Richard the fecond ; and was buried by his Wife, in the Abbey oif Stone in Staffordshire. it port tit, d'or au cheuron de gueulles. Thontti po STAFFORD. 'T' Homos Lord Stafford, fonnc and heirc of Hugh •*• aforefaid, was the third j£arle Stafford ; and died without ifTu'e, in the fourteenth /-eare of KingRicbaid the fccond,andwas buried by his' father and mother, in th* Abbey of Stone j \eauing William and Edmond, his brokers, to fucceed him in tl^e Earlcdome of Staf- ford. Bit William dying without iffue, Edmond the third fonne fucceeded Earle. Etportoit, Us armes de fin fere. P Bmond Stafford^ Knight of the Gartcr,third fonnc ^of Hugh Earle Stafford, and brother and heire 6t Thomas and William, his brothers i was (after their deaths) thefift Earle Stafford, and Lord ofTunbridge. Hec married ^Anne, daughter of Thomas of Wood- ftocke, Earle of Buckingham, and. Duke of Glocefter, and fifterand onely heire of Humfrey, her brother j by whom hee had mu^Humfiey , Earle Stafford, and firft Duke of Buckingham •-, and Philip, that died young : K^inne, firft married to Edmond UHortimer , Earle of March and Vlfter, (but by him had no ifliie) after (hee married John Holland, Earle of Huntington, and had iffue, Henry, Duke of Excefkr. This Edmond, being with Thomas Percy, Ezr\c of Worcefter,and Henry Percy his Nephew,was flaine at the Battell of Shrewsbury , in the fourth yeareof King Henry the fourth, and was buried at Stafford.in S.AuguJlines Fryars. 1403. Etportoit ,d'or au chew on degueullts. \JiVmfrey Stafford, Knight of the Garter,fbnne ot£d- **-mend, was thefixt tarle Stafford ; whom King Henry the fixt, in the three and twentieth yeare of his Reigne,created thefirft Duke of Buckingham,and gaue him place and precedence before all other Dukes of England. Hee writ in his Stile; Humfrcy,Z>«& of Buc- kingham, Earle Stafford, Hereford, and Northampton, Lord of Brecknock and Holdernejfe. This Humfrey ,in the eight yeare of King Henry the fift,did his homage at Roan, for the Earlcdome of Perch ; and at the fame time, Arthur Duke of Britainc did the like for the Earlc- dome of Yurye. Hee married ^»w,daughter of Ralph Nemllfaa Earle of Weftmerlandj and had ifTue, Hum. STAFFORD. 3** fiey, Earle Stafford , who married CMargaret , fitter and co-heire of Ed- mend Beaufort, Duke of Somerfet,and was wounded with an Arrow , at the firft battaile at Saint Albans, the three and thirtieth of Hcnrie the fixt, of which wound he died the yeare after, in the life time of his father, \ 4 \ 5. lobn, the fecond fonne, was created Earle of Wiltlhire \ and Richard, the third fbnne , was flainc with the fall from a Horfe ; George and William were twins, and died both young :c/*/w,thc cldeft daughter, was firft married to Aubrey de Fere, fonne and heirc of Iohn, Earle of Oxford, and hadnoifTue; after fhee married Sit Thorn ai Cob ham , Knight, fortne of Reginald, Lord Cobham of Sterborough, and had ifTue 5 Csfnnc , the fe- cond daughter, was firft married to William, Lord Bardolph, and after to Sir William Kniuet, Knight ; and Katherine, the third daughter, married lobn, Lord Talbot, Earle of Shrewsburic. This Humfiey was flaine at the battaile of Northampton, in the eight and thirtieth yeare of King Henrie the fixt , and his body buried in the Grey Fryars in Northampton. Hee bare for his Armes, France and England quarterly, within a bordurear* gent ; which was the Armes of Thomas of Woodftocke, his grand-father oy his mother. T_J EtirieXord Stafford, Knight of the Garter, (fonne "^**and heire ofHumfrey, Earle Stafford,by Margaret his wife, fitter and co-heire of Edmond Beaufort, Duke of Somerfet) grand-child to Humfrey Stafford \ the fif ft Duke of Buckingham, and Anne Ncuill his wife ; was after the death of his faid grand-father, the fecond Duke of Buckingham, Earle Stafford , Hereford , and Northampton, Lord of Brecknock, Kimbalton, and Tunbridgc, Knight of the Garter, andConftableof England j who falling in diflike with King Richard the third, laboured the returne of Henrie, Earle of Rich- mond, out of France. Diuers Authors diuerfly report the caufe thereof; butoneamongft the reft faith, that Humfiey, the tenth Earle of Hereford,Northampton,and Effex,and Con- ftableof England, in King Richard the feconds time , had two daughters hishcires ; Elianor, theeldeft, married to 7 homos of Woodftocke, Duke of Glocefter ; and CMary, the fecond daughter , married to Henrie, Earle of Derby (after King, by the name of Henrie the fourth) whofe iflue be- ing fpent andended in Prince Edward, fonne of King Henrie the fixtj this Htnrie Stafford, Duke of Buckingham , made claimc to that part of Hum- fiey de Bohuns Lands , which before were conucyed to diary the fecond daughter (they being then in the Crownc) for that this Duke Htnrie was then the onely heire both of Elianor and Mary. At which claime and de- mand, King /?/VJ&W the third was greatly offended, and faid; Will you (Duke Henrie) challenge the right of King Henrie the fourth , by -which hee fvrong- 3^2 STAFFORD. wrongfully held the Crowne, and fo make way vnto it ? Which fpeech of the King, went foneerc to the Dukes heart, that euer after, hce fought and plotted, how he might worke the rcturne of Henrie, Earle of Richmond , out of France, and to depriuc King Richard of his Crowne. And to effect the fame, he raifeddiuers forces, and entred into Armes; which King Ri- chard hearing of, leuied a greater , and went to Salisburie to meete hirri j but the Dukes Armic being too weake, he was forced to flieforfuccourto thehoufe of Humfrey BA0iiter,his[cruant,mcixShre\vcsburk, who for hope of gaine, betrayed him to lohn Mitton, Shireffe of Shropfhire, who tookeandconueyed him to Salisburie, where without any arraignment or lawfulltriall, he was beheaded the fecond of Nouember, 1483. This" Duke Henrie married Kathtrine , fifterand one of the heircs of Richard Weoduill, Earle Riuers, and had iffue, Edward, Earle Stafford,and Duke of Buckingham; Henrie, Earle of Wiltlhire; &n&Hnmfrey, that died yong. He had alfo two daughters , Elizabeth, married to Robert Radcltffe, Lord Fitz -Walter, and Earle of Suffex; and Anne , rirft married to Sir Walter Herbert, Knight, and after to George, Lord Haftings, Earle of Hunting- ton. Etportoit, France (jr d'Engleterre,au b or dur d' argent; efcartelle Stafford qui ejl, cCor an cheut on degueulles. ■ - P Dward Stafford, Knight of the Garter, fonne and ^heire of Duke Henrte aforefaid, was after the death of his father reftored , the firft of King Henrie the ic- uenth.to all his fathers Honours, Dignities , and Pof- fefltons , which King Richard the third tooke from him ; and was Duke of Buckingham , Earle Stafford, Hereford, and Northampton , and Conftable of En- gland. He married Elianor, daughter of Henrie Percy, Earle of Northumberland.by whom he had iffue, Hen- rie, Lord Stafford (for after the death of this Edward, the Family of St affords neuer attayned other Title of Honour, then ondy of Barons.) Hee hadiifue alio three daughters \ Elizabeth, the eldcft, was married to Thomas Howard,Dukc.of Norfolke,and Lord high Treafurer of England; ^Catherine, the fecond daughter, was married to Ralph Nenill, fourth Earle of Weftmerland ; and Mary , the third daughter, married George Neuill, Lord of Abergauenny. ThisEdward, was a Prince of high fpirit, and very ambitious, daily plotting of trcafbn againft King Henrie the eight, by vyhichheouerthrewhimfelfe, and all his Noble Family ; and foi the fame was beheaded at the Tower-Hill by London, the fcuenteenth of May, 152 1. in the thirteenth yeare of King Henrie the eight. Les armoiries defon fere. &* A Catalogue of the Earles of Southampton , their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Eastois, a Saxon, and flower of Chiualry in his rime, (dwelt at a Towne called Donketon, in Wiltfhire) and was at the fiege of Yorke, in the fourth yearc of William the Conqueror ; and the yearc after, fought the great Bartell at Cairdiffe, in South- Wales.againft the Normans. Hee was made Earlc of Southampton,by the faid Conqueror; and was a Wit- nefle to his Charter of Lands, that hee gaue to the Ab- bey of S. Edmondsbury in Suffolke, by the Name and Title of Earle Beauois.Hec died without iflue(knowne) the tenth yeare after the Norman Conqucft. This is that Beauois of Southampton, M. Camden in his Britan- nia, pag.2j2. faith, That whiles the CMonkes laboured to fit out his fame with their fained Fables, they obfiured his dough tie and mar ti all Aft ions in Armes. And in an old Manufcript, I find this let downe for his Armes ; which you may credit, if you will. Etfortoitjd'azur trots Lions pajjant gardant .ry Csurtmantell hisfonne, theyoungKing. Hee married rJteabel, the daughter of Hugh Ktuiliock, Earle of Che- fter, and had iflue, two fonnes and foure daughters; William and Hugh, both Earles of Arundell and Suflex, who died without ifluei //4^/,thecldeftdaughter,was married to Sir^fr/7"4/f/4/,knight; Jfabel, the fecond daughter , married lohn Fitz-Alan , Lord of Clunand OFwaldftre; Nichol?4, the tHird>daughter, married Roger, LordSome- ne^ and Cic ely, the fourth daughter, was married to Ro^er , Lord Mont- hault, of Hawarden in Flintshire. This rr//?/4wdiedathisMannorof Offington, in the yeare 1 199. and was buried at Wymondham. Et fortoit, degucuHcs au Lion ramfant d'or, arme ejr lam' tajje d'azur. \/\7 Illiam de Albeney , the fourth of that Name, ▼ » and fecond Earle of Suflex \ wasaWitneffc to the Charter of King/^», bearing date thefourth of May , in the tourteenth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, by the name ofFFtliiam of Arundell, Earle of Suflex, and died in his returne from Damictain Pale- ftine, 1221. And bis body being brought into Eng- and, was buried at Wymondham, leauinghisbio* thcr Hugh his heirc, to fucceed him •, whom Hubert de Burgo, Chiefc-IufticeofEngland,hadthecuftodieo£ during his Ward/hip. Etportoit, Us armes defon fere. Hugy S V S S E X. 3 V TT Vgh deAlbcnty , brother and heirc of William 3. ■■• ■'•forefatd, was Earle of Arundell, and the third EarleofSufTex. He married Ifabd , daughter of Wil- liam, Earle Warren and Surrey, and died i n the prime of his youth, without ifTuc, 1 243. and was buried with his Anccftors, in our Lady Church at Wymondharo, who were Patrons and Founders thereof > leauing his foure fillers hi j hcircs. Mabel, theeldeft, was married to Sir Robert Tatefall, who had by partition of her bro- thers Lands, the Caftle and Baronie of Buckenham. ifabel, the fecond fifter, being married to loh»Fiiz,-A- lan , Lord of Clun and Ofwalftre in Wales , had the Caftle and Honour of Arundell ; Nicholea, the third fifter , being wife to Roger, Lord Somerie, had the Mannor of Barrow ; and Cicely, the fourth fifter, being married to Roger, Lord Monthalt, had the Caftle of Rifing in Norfolke. The partition of thefe Lands and others , was made and diui- ded bctweene thefe foure fifters and heircs of this Hugh , in the eight and twentieth yeare of KingHenric the third. Etportoit, dcgueulles an Lion rampant d'or, armt ejr lampaffed'azur. lOhnPlantagenet, (fonne and heire of 'William, the *fixt Earle Warren and Surrey, and grand-child to Hamelpe Plantagenet, bafc fonne of Geffrey , Earle of Aniou and Mayne ) the fcuenth Earle Warren and Surrey, was by King Henrie the third, made Earle of SufTex j which Honour was then void, by the death of Hugh de jtlbency , Earle of Arundell and SufTex. This Iobn was oneofthe Noble-men, which King Henries the third commanded to aflemble at London, to treate of diucrs matters. Amongft which, one was, that all men fhould fhewe before the Iufticcs of the Kings Bench, by what right they held their Lands ; which thing did much moleft and difquiet the Subiccl:s,vntill this John made his appearance, who being asked by what right hce held his Lands, fodainly drew out hisfword, and faid \ By the [word did my Grand-father hold his Lands - y and with this will I keepe them. But K^ilan Zouch, Lord Chiefe-Iufticc , told him, That if hee could yeeld no other reafon, judgement would be giuen againft him ! whcreupon,thc faid Earle immediately before the Iudges,did cruelly wound and hurt the faid Alam, of which wound, he fhortly after died. Forwhich murder , thefhid John, Earle Warren, Surrey, and SufTex, was arraigned , and acquitted by the oathef fiue and twentie Knights: in that hee affirmed vpon his Honour, that he did not commit the (aid fact vpon any pretenced malice, neither in F f 2 con- 3 »3 S V S S E X. contempt of the King, nor his Lawcs i but onely in defence of his ancient Inheritance ; and fo was releafcd , vpon payment of a Fine of one thou- fandand two hundred Markes , in Anno i2;o- After, King Edward the firft, in the flue and twentieth yeare of his Reignc, made this lohn , Earle Warren and Suffex, Goucrnour of Scotland i Sir HughCrefingb, daughter of HugblcBrun, Earle of the Marches of Aquitaine,andhalfe fi- lter to King Henrie the third, by whom be had iffue,as in the Title of Sur- rey. He died at Kenington, the firft of the Kalends of October, the three and thirtieth of King Edward the firft , and was buried at Lewis in Suf- fex , 1304. Etportoit, efchiquettee d'or & d'azur. John Plantagenet , Earle Warren and Suffex ; as alfb ■■•Earle of Stratherne in Scotland , Lord of Bromlield and Yale.and grand-child and heireof lohnjhc feuenth Earle Warren by his fonne William ; who after the death of his grand-father , cnioyed all his Lands and Honours, for the fpace of one and fortieycares, and died without ifTue, 1347. leauing otf 'lice , his onely fi- tter and heire, married to Edmond Fitz-Alan, Earle of Arundell,to fucceed him in all his Inheritances. Maftcr Camden in his Britania t pag. 320. denieth this lobn,and John his grand-father, to bee euer Earles of Suffex, in thefe wordes. i^After the death of Hugh de Albeneio, the laji Earle of Arurddl and Sajfex of thai fur-name ; theTitle of Earle of Suffix lay hidden and loft , vntill King Henrie the eighty inthe one and twentieth yeare of his Keigne , created Robert RadclifFe, Earle of Suffex. But to proue thecontrarie , and that they were both Earles of Suffex, yon fhall haue thefe proofes following. (Thomas Walfmgham,pag. 60) About the Feaft of Saint Michael, 1294. Elianor, daughter of King Edward the firft, was giuen in marriage at Briftow, vnto Henrie , Earle of Barry, by whom (hee had iffue, a daughter named loane , married to lohn de Warren, Earle of Surrey and Suffex. (Againc, thefmie Author further faith,) This yeare 1305. died lohn de Warren, Earle of Surrey and SufTex; after whom, his grand-child alfo named lohn, did fucceed, taking to wife the Kings Niece , by his daughter EUanor , whotheE^rle of Barry had married. (And thus much for the firft lohn.) Now to proue this fecond lohn (his grand-child) to be Earle of Suffex , take this out of an old origi- nall Deed. <^d tons ecus que ces letters verrom ejr errom , ^ntoni , par U grace dcDiett, Patriarch de leruflem , ejr Euefquedc Burtjme , Hcnriedc Lacy, Comite de Nicole ; lohn de Garrone , Comite it Surry & de Suffix; Eymarde Valence, Comite de Penhokc^ Humfrniede Eohun , Comite de Hereford & de Effex \ Robert de Clifford, &c. a Boloigne le u'~retn jour de lanucrj An de grace M.CCC.& Sepujm. €t pert at, efchiquettee d'or ejr d'azur. Richard S V S S E X.. R J 329 Tcbard Fitz-Alan, Earle of Arundcll , Lord of Clun and Ofwalftre , after the death of lohn vUntttgcTHt , EaHe of Warren , Surrey, and Suf- fex, was Knighted by King Edward the firft, in the eighteenth yeare of his Reigne, at which time hec was alfo girt with the Sword Of the Earledomc of Su£ fex. Hee was fonne of lohn Fitz-Alan , grand-child of lohn Fitz-Alan, and ifabel his wife , fecond fi- fter, and one of the Heiresof Hugh de Albenq , the laft Earle of Arundell and SuMex of that Name \ vn- to which lfabd, the Caftlc and Honour of Arundell fell by partition. This Richard married x^ihfon , daughter of the MarquefTe of Salucc in Italy, andhadnTue, Edmond Fitz-Alan, Earle of Arundell, behea- ded at Hereford , 1325. as is more at large in the Title of Earles of Arundell. This Richard dyed in the thirtieth yeare of King Edward the firft , 130 J. Et portoit, degueuSes an Lien rampant ctor armeejr Um- pajfe d'azur. "D Obert Radclijfe, fonne of lohn Radclijfe , Lord -*-^-Fitz- Walter, was Knight of the Garter, Lord Fitz-Walter , Egremont and Burnell , and after created VifcountFitz -Walter at Bridewell, the eigh- teenth of Iune , in the feuentcenth yeare of King Henrie the eight ; and the eight of December , in the one and twentieth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, he was created at White-Hall , Earle of Suflex. Hee married three wiues , the firft was Elizabeth} daughter of Henrie Stafford , Duke of Buckingham* by whom hee had iflue, Henrie, Lord Fitz-Walter, Sir Humfrey Radclijfe of Elftow, Knight i and Georgi Radclijfe, third fonne. His fecond Wife was Margaret , fiftcr of Edward, Earle of Derby, by whom hee had ifTuc , K^Anne , wifetoThomas, Lord Wharton ; and lane , married to Sir Anthony Browne, Vifcount Mountague. His third Wife was Mary , daughter of Sir lohn Arundell of Corn- wall, Knight; by whome hee had iflue , Sir lohn Radclijfe , Knight, who dyed without iflue, in the yeare 1566. and was buried in Saint Olaues in Hart-ftreetc in London. Ff This 33° S V S S E X. This Earle Robert dyed at Chelfey, the eight and twentieth of No- uember, 1 741. the fourc and thirtieth of King Henrie the eight ; but the Booke of the Knights of the Garter, faith, Hep dyed the foure and twen- tieth of Henrie the eight. Et porleit, d argent a la bande engreflee de fable. TT Ernie Radcltffe , fonneandheire of Robert aforc- ■*■ -Maid, after the death of his father, wasEarleof SufTex, Vifcount Fitz- Walter , Lord Egremont and Burnell, and Knight of the Garter , and married two wiues i the firft was Elizabeth , daughter of Thomas Howard , Duke of Norfolke , by whom hee had ifTue, Thomas, the third Earleof SufTex of this Family , and Henrie, the fourth Earle of SufTex ■-, and Francis. His fecondwifc was, Anne, daughter of Sir Philip Cal« throp, Knight, by whom he had ifTue , Egremont Rad- cliffe, attainted of treafbn; M ary, married to Sir T ho- masMildmay ofEfTex, Knight. This Henrie dyed in the fourth ycare of Queenc Mary , 1 ^ 5 7. nd was bu- ried in Saint Laurence Poultneyes Church , necrc London-ftone in Lon- don. Et portoit, les armes defonpere. d" Argent a la bande en- grejlee de fable. without of Iune , '*T T Homas Radclijfe, fonne and heire of Henrie afore- ■^ fiid.was after the death of his father,Earle of Suf- fex, Vifcount Fitz-Walter , Lord Egremont, Burnell, and Knight of the Garter, Lord Chamberlaine of the Houfhold to Queene Elizabeth, and Iuftice of Eyre, of all the Forrefts and Parks beyond the Trent,and Lord Prefident of the North. Hee married two wiues , the firft was Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas WriotheJIej,Ear\c of Southamp- ton , by whom hee had ifTue, Henrie, and Robert that died young, without ifTue. His fecond wife was Fran- ces, daughter of Sir Wtlliam i/V»f;y,Knight, and fifter of Sir Henrie Sidney , Knight ofthe Garter. He died ifTue, at his Houfe at Bermondfey in Southwarke, the ninth 1 5 S 3. and was very honourably carried through London, to SVSSEX. 3 3I to New Hall in EfTcx, and there buried with a Hearfc , and the Officers rlc eight and thirtie yeares ; and died at London, thdfift' of the Kalends of luly, I239.the three and twentieth yeareoftheRetgneof King Henry thethird, and was buried by his Wife Mai4ld,in the Abbey o?S.Fancrace,ai Lewis in Suflex.whodkd three yeares before. Et portoit, efebiquette d'er & d'azur. John, 33* S V R R E Y. To/;;?, the fcucnthEarle Warren and Surrey, and Re- agent of Scotland, in King Edward the firfts time, fonne of William tlamagemt aforefaid , and Mauli Marfhall, his Wife ; was by King Henry the third made Earle of Suflex : Which Earledome had lyen voide, from the death of Hugh de Albeney^ Earle of Arundell and Suflex.; (as in the Title of Earlcs of Arundel] and Suflex is more at large.) This John married to his firft ^ Wife,o*//Vf , daughter of Hugh le Brun, Earle of the Marches of Aquitaine, halfe fifter (by the Mother) to King Henry the third ; by whom hec had ittuc,Wilitam de Warren, (who married loane, daughter of Robert Fere, Earle of Oxford, and died before his father, in the yieare 1286.) and two daughters : Elianor, the eldeft, was married firft to Henry Lord Percy, and after to a Scottifh Earle in Scotland : I fa. belly the fecond daughter, was married to John Baliol^King of Scots. This l«hn married to hts fecond Wife, loane, daughter of William Lord Mow- bray; and had ifTue, John, of whom,Warren of Poynton in Chefhiieis defcended. Hee died at Kenington, the fife of the Kalends of October, 1 304. and the three and thirtieth yearc of King Edward the firft,and was buried at Lewis,by his Wife Alice,viho died fouretceneyeares before. Etportoit, les armes de fori fere. John, the eight and laft Earle Warren, Surrey, and **■ Suflex, (fonne and hcire of William de Warren y that died before Iohn, the feucmh Earle Warren, Surrey, and Suflex, his father, u$6.) and Earle of Strahcrnc | in Scotland, Lord of Bromficld and Yale : Hcc liued in the times of Edward the firft, the fecond, and the third, Kings of England, and was Earle one and fortic I yearns from his grand-fathers dcath,to whom hee was immediate heirc. Hcc married loane , daughter of Henry Earle of Barre, and of £//nthcycare of our Lord God, 1347. in the one and twentieth yearc of King Edward the third; lowing no iflue of his body begotten : whereby the Inheritance fell io\^iltce his fifter, Wife to Edmond, Earle of Arundell, his next heirc. ft pirteit, efcbiqttttttt for & d'azur. Richard S V R R E Y. 337 "V>IchardFitz-Alan, fonnc and hcirc ofEdmond Fits* * v ^/4»,Earlc of Arundcll by Alice his Wifc,fiftcr and hcirc of Iohn, the eight and laft Earle Warren and Surrey, &c. was after the death of his father, Earle of Arundell, Lord of Clun and Ofwaldftre , and chiefe Butler of England,and(in right of his Mother,) hec was Earle of Surrey , Lord of Bromfield, Yale, Chirkland, and Dynas-bran , in Wales. Hee married Elianor, daughter of Henry ,Earle of Lancafter,Widdow of Iohn Lord Beaumont ; and had ifluc, Ric hard, Earle of A- rundell, lohn,T homos, and others, (as in the Title of the Earlcs of Arundell J Hec died in the Caftle of Arun- dclljthc nine and fortieth ycare of Edward the third,and was buried in the Priory of Lewis in Suflcx. Ft portoit, gutulles au Lien rampant d*or } lampajfe & drme dazur. "D lchard Fttz-Alan, Earle of Arundell and Surrey, ■^- fonnc of 'Richard Fits>Alan and Slianor his Wife, fucceeded his father in the Earledomes afbrefaid. And being charged to combine with Thomas Duke of Glo- ccftcr>Thomoi Earle ofWarwicke,and others,to rayfe a Rebellion at Haringey Parke; all were takcn,arraig- ncd, and found guiltic of Trcafon, the twentieth of King Richard the fecond : for which,thefaid.R/VAi«r^,Vifcount Lifle, and after fhec married Sir T homos Knyuet, Knighc. This Thomas, Duke of Norfolke,his fecond Wife, was i^Agnes, daughter of Philip r/7wj,Efquire ; by whom hee had ifluc^hrec fonnes and foure daughters : William, the firft fonne, was Baron of Ef- fingham, Lord Admirall and Chamberlaine of the Houfehold to Queenc Elizabeth ; Richard, the fecond fonne,and Thomas the third fonne,dicd in Prifon, in the Tower of London, for contracting marriage with the Lady Lenox : ^Anne ,the firft daughter, was married to lohn Fere, Earle of Oxford , Dorothy, the fecond daughter, was Wife to Edward Stanley, Earle of Derby; Elizabeth , the third daughter, was married to Henry Radcliffe, Earle of Suifex ; and Katherine y the fourth daughter, was firft married to Sir Rice ap Thomas, Knight of the Garter, and had iflue. Shee was after married to Henry Dattbeny, Earle of Bridge-Water. This great Duke died in the fixteenth yeare of King Henry the eight, 1524. and was buried at Thetford in Norfolke. Et portoit, gueulles a la bande ctargent entre fix croix rtcroijettes hot tonne aupiedfiche de la primer. Thomas S V R R E Y. 341 ^ Homos Howard, fonne and hcirc of Thomas jht jfc- cond Duke of Norfolkc, was after his father, the third Duke of Norfblke,and fecond Earle of Surrey of that Family, Earle Marlhall, and Lord Trcafurer of England, Knight of the Garter, Lord Mowbray, Sc- graue,and Brufe of Gower. Hce married two Wiucs : The firft was ^Anne , daughter of King Edward the fourth ; by whom hee had iffue,two fbnnes, that died young. His fecond Wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham ; by whom hce had i(fue,Henry Howard,Ear\c of Surrey,and Lord Tho- mas, Vifcount Byndon ; and LMary, married to Henry Fitz-Rey,Dvkc of Richmond. This Henry ,the firft fonne; being Knight of the Garter, was arraigned of high Trcafon, at the Guild-Hall in Lon- don,the fifteenth of Ianuary,i 546. the eight and thirtieth of King Henry the eight,and was found guiltic,by twelue common Iuriats; and the nine- teenth day of the fame moneth, was beheaded. at Tower-Hill. Hce mar- ried Frances, daughter of lohn Vere, Earle of Oxford i and had ifTue,:r,£0- mas Howard,thc fourth DukcofNorfolke,and Henry, who was after Earle of Northampton : and three daughters; lane, Katherine, and Margaret. This Thomas, xkived Duke of Norfolkc, died in the firft and fecond yeare's of King Philip and Queenc Mary. Et port oil, lesarmes defon pere. r T* Homos Howard, fonne and heire of Henry, Earle of ■*■ Surrey aforefaid, and grand-child to Thomas, the third Duke of Norfolke,was rcftored by Qucene Ma- ry, and made the fourth Duke of Norfolke, Earle of Surrey, and Earle Marshall of England, Lord Mow- bray, Segrauc, and Brufe of Gowcr.and Knight of the Garter. Hec married three Wiues : The firft was Mary, daughter and heire of Henry Fitz-Alan,EzAc of Arun- dell; by whom hee had iflue,P^///^,Earle of Arundell. His fecond Wife was Margaret, daughter and heire of Thomas Audley ,Lord Audley of Waldcn in EfTcx, and Chancellor of England,by whom he had \ffac,Thomas #wrw7/,EarleofSuffolkc, and Lord Willi am, third fonne; and Margaret, married to Robert Saekuile, fecond Earle of Dorfet. His third Wife was E- lizabeth,dz\i^tcr of Sit Francis Ley borne, }^n\^t,thcyN\ddow of Thomas Lord Dacres of Gillefland,but by her had no ifTuc. This Thomas was be- headed for Treafon at the Tower-Hill, in the ycarc 1 571. Etportoit,gueulles a la bande Sargent, entrefsx croix recroifettees bo tonne, aupiedjiched argent. C S 3 34 : A Catalogue of the EarlesandMar- queffes of Wincbejler ', their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Aherutde£>u}ncy t Lord of Groby in Lci- cefter, fonne of Robert, was created Earle of Winchefter, the tliirteenth of March, in the eight yearcof the Reigneof King lohn, and had giucn him by the faid Kings Chartcr,a Rent or Annuirie.iffuing out of theprohts of Hampfhire ; and was one of the Noblemen, to whom the reft of the Kingdome gaue authoritie, to -^ caufc the King to abide and ftand to his Edict, which (with theconfent of the whole Body of the Realme) was cnacled by a Parliament held at Rowning-Mead, betweene Windeforc and Staynes , in the feuentcenth yeareofthefaid King lohn. Hee was alfo the chiefe man the Barons imployed.to bring into the Land LexcU the French Kings fonnc, to ayde the Barons againft King lohn. Hee did giue and confirme by his Charter, vnto Robert de J>)uincy, his eldeft fonne, to indow Hatvis his Wife, fifter to the Earle of Chefter, Bucehebcrdar, Granteflet, Brad- ham, and Herdewich, with their appurtenances, for one hundred pounds Lands ■■, with condition, That if thofe Lands were not worth one hun- dred pounds theyeare, heefhouldmakeitvp fo much of other his owne Lands of Inheritance in England, by the judgement of lawfuil Knights, towit,mcnof theEarlesof Chefters,and his. And further,thc faid Saer did giue to his faid fonne Robert , and Haw* his Wife, two Knights Fees, viz. the Fee of CMatthevo Turprn, of Winterflawa in Wiltfhire, and the Fee of Richard Tumile , of Helmedcn. Witneffe to this Deed, Earle Dauid, William Earle Fcrrars, Philip de r by , Henry Era- broke, &c. This Saer married UUargaret, fecond fifter and co-heire of Robert fitz-Pernell,Eark of Leicefter,and Steward of England; by whom hee had ifTue, Robert Lord Quincy ; Roger, fecond fonne, after his father, Earle of Winchefter ; and another Robert, third fonne ; and two daugh- ters : Hawit, the eldeft, was married to Hugh de Verejiax\t of Oxford j the fecond I finde not certainly, neythcr her Name, or vvhat became of her. Hee died at Aeon, going to the Holy-Land, in theyeare 1220. the rift yeare of King Henry the third : His Body was buried at Aeon ; his Heart WINCHESTER. 343 Heart and Bowels being brought into England.was buried in the Abbey of Gerondon, in Lcicefterfhire. Hec bare for his Armes, in a Seale annexed to his Charter ( in my cuftodie) Afece,vfitha Lambetl of trvelue points t but the Colours thereof (as yet) could I neuerfinde. r: Oger £ftincy,(jCccond fonne otSaer aforcfaid) after ■ the death of his father,and in the abfence ofRoieri his elder brother, in the Holy-Land, alTumcd the Title and Name of Earle ofWinchefter. Forwhkh,Rol>ert his elder brother, vpon his returue againe into Eng- land, brought an AflGze, for entring and vfing the Title of Earle of Winchefter, it being the faid Rogers Free- hold : Which being come tobetryedatWeftminfter, the King being there in perfon, gaue Iudgement for Rogerjhc fecond fonne; by reafon hee had beene inue- fted in the faid Earledome, and had place and voyce in the high Court of Parliament, and elfe where, as Earle ofWinchefter, hee was to hold and continue the Title ftill, during his life. Hee married Hellyn, daughter and heire oR<^Aian, Lord of Galloway in Scotland ; in whofc right, hee was Conftable of Scotland, and Lord of Galloway ; and had three daughters, his heires : Margaret, the cldeft,was married to William de F err at s, Earle of Derby, with the Barony of Groby ; Heflen,thc fecond daughter, was married to cx//4»,LordZouch,of(^//?;^ de la Zotich in Leiceftcrfhire - y and£//s/?- beth,tht third daughter, was married to ^Alexander Corny », Earle of Buc- qhaine in Scotland. Hee died the fiuc and twentieth of Aprill/the eight and fortieth of King Henry the third, 1264. Et j>ortoit,gueulles afept mafcles d'or. 3. 3. 1. TJT^/;Lord Spencer (fbnne and heire of Hug^chkfc •*■ **• Iuftice of England,flaine at the battell of Euefham, I2j6. taking part with Simon Mountfort, Earle of Leice^ fter,againft Kingtfwy the third) was created Earle of Winchefter, in the fifteenth yeare of King Edward the fecond ; to whom the King gaue the Caftle and Honor of Donnyton : and in the fifteenth yeare of the faid Kings Reignc, hee was made Lord Trcafurer of Eng- land.and Lord of Denbigh. This H/'gf/,nnd Hugh his fonne, were the. great Fauourites to KingEdward the fecond ; who being fufpc£ted to be corrupters of the King, were by the Nobilitie banifhed the Realme : But after, the King being minded to recall them home againe to his Company and 344 WINCHESTER. and Councell; Quecne Jfabell purfucd this Hugh to Briftow, and taking him, Commandedrum to be bound, and without any further anfwere or tryall, to bee dravvne and hangcd'in his Armour, taken downe aliuc, and bo welled, his bowels to be burned, and his head to be fmitten off, and his body to be hanged vpagaine,and after fourcdayes,to be cut all to pieces, and giuen to Dogges to eatc : his head was fent to Winchefter,and there fetvp,in the yeare 1326. Hcc married ifabell, daughter of William Bcaii- champe, Earle of Warwicke, (theWiddow of Sir Patrickt Cbawortb, Lord of Kid welly in Wales) by whom heehad ifTuc, Hugh Lord Spen- cer, Earle of Glocefter, executed by the Nobilitie at Hereford ; and a daughter, named ifabell, which was fecond Wife to Iohn Lord Haftings, of Aburgauenny, &c. Et portoit, tyrgent, efcartelle de gueulles fiette d'or, fur la tout an band de fable. Ewis of Brugges, a Burgundian borne, Lord de la 1 Gruthufe, Prince of Steenhufe, Lord of Auelghien, de Spiers, de Amefled, ejr de Ofcampe, was created Earle of Winchefter by Letters Patents, bearing date the three and twentieth of Noucmber, in the foureteenth yeare of King Edward the fourth. By which Patent, hec had alfo giuen him ( by way Of encreafe to his Armcs) D'azur a dix mafcles d'or enorme dune Canton de nojlre fropre K^drmes d'Engleterre : cejl afauoir , de \^ *y? ^y gueulles vn Leopard paffant d'or arm'e d'azur. Pat. 12. \^/ Edtv. 4. pars 1. m.z. Thefe Honoursdid King Edward >«^ conferre vpon him, becaufe hce gaue him great enter- tainment, when hee was driuen ort of England by Richard Neuill, Earle of Warwicke. Which Earlcdomc of Winchefter, when King Edrvard was dead , the faid Lewis rcfigncd againe to King Henry the feucnth. Hee married UMargaret , daughter of Henry de EorfeUe, Lord of Vere, Sandeburgh, and Phalix ; and had iftue, lob* de Brugges , Lord of Gruthufe , father of Reginald Brugges , Lord of Gruthufe. His ancient Armes was, D'or a la croix fable-, and his Wiucs Armcs were, Sable a la face d 'argent. mBjd* WINCHESTER. 345 ~\J\ T llliam Powlet, Knight , fonne and heire of Sir * ▼ John Powlet, Knight, ddcendcd of a fecond brother of the P owlets of Wilt(hire,was created Lord Samtlokndi Baling, die ninth of March, in the thir- tieth of King Hemic the eight, and Knight of the Gar- ter, in the hue and thirtieth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne; and in the third yeare of King Edward the lixt,hc was created Earle of VViltlhirerand the elcuenth of October, inthefift yeare of the faid Kings Reignc, he was created Marqueffe of Winchefter : he was alfo Lord high Treaiurer of England , and Matter of the houfhold to King Sdward the fixt, and Preiident of the Couruell. Hewas borne in the yeare 1483. and was of the priuic Counfcl to King Henrie the eight, King Edward the lixt,Queen.c CMary, and Qucene Elizabeth of famous memorie. Hee liued to fee one hundreth and three perfonsilTueouc of his loynes, and died at Bafing in Hampshire, the tenth of March, 15 71. where he was honourably buried, when he hadliucd foure fcore and feucn yearcs. \Vho being on a time af- ked, how he carried himfelfe in thofe tempeftuous times (wherein Ionia- ny of all forts mifcarried) his anfwerc was ; By being a-Willough, and not art Qk.\ He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Capell, Knight , and had iffue, fourc fonnesand foure daughters ; Iolm Powlet , Marqueffe of Winchefter; Sir Thomas Powlet, Knight,who married CMary, daughter and co-hcire of 7 homos Moore of Dorfetfhire; Sir Chidioc P owlet of Wade, Knight, third fonne, who married ^Anne, daughter of Sir T homos White; and Sir Giles Powlet, fourthfonne, married daughter of Trapes, ^yilice , the eldeft daughter , was wife to Richard Stow ell of So- tnerfetfhire ; CMargaret , fecond daughter, married Sir William Berkley, Knight; CMargery, the third daughter, was married to Richard Waller of Oldftoke ; and Elianor, the fourth daughter, was wife to Sir Richard Peck- fall, Knight, Mafter of the Buck-Hounds. Etpottoit, fable treis ejpeesauec le point z embos d 'argent, au creffant £or. John Powlet, (fonne and heirc of William aforcfaitf) ■"■fucceeded his father, and was Marqueffe of Winche- fter, Earle of Wiltfhire, and Lord Saint lohn of Baftrfg. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert WiSeughby, Lord Brooke, and had iffue, William Powlet, the third Marqueffe of Winchefter after his father; and Lord T homos Powlet, fecond fonne. Lady CMary Powlet, el- deft daughter, was married to Henry , Lord Cromwell of Oukham in Rutlandlhire; and Elizabeth , the fe- cond daughter, was firft married to Sir William Court- ney of Powderham, Knight y and after to Six Henries Oughtred, Knight. This 34* WINCHESTER. This lohn died at his Houfe at Chelfey, 1576. and was buried at Baling* the nineteenth of Queene Elizabeth. Et fortoit , Us armeiries defon pert. W: " llliam P owlet (fonnc and heire of lohn ) wa > i n thelifctime of his father , fummoncd to the Parliament held at Wcftminfter, 1575.35 Lord Saint lohn of Baling , and there had place and voice accor- dingly ; and after his fathers death, hee was alfo Mar- queue ofWinchcftcr, and Earle ofWiltfhirc.He mar- ried Anne, daughter of William , Lord Howard of Ef- fingham, and heire to her mother Katherine, daughter andco-heirc of Sir lohn Broughton,oi' Tuddington in Bedfordshire, by whom he had ifTue , William P owlet, MarquefTcofWincefternowliuing, i£i8. Anne, wife to SitThtmat Dennis of Deuon(hire,Knight , UUary, and Katherine wife to Giles Wr ought on* Knight , fbn nc and heire of Sir Thomai Wrought on of Broadhinton in Hampfhire,knight. This William died in thcyearc 1 598. Et fertoit, fable trois ejpees auec le points. embaa efar~ gent, aucrejfant for. "\/\7~ llliam P owlet, M arquefTe ofWi nchefter, Earle * V ofWiltfhirc , and Lord Saint lohn of Baling now liuing, 162 1 . married Lucy , daughter of Thomas Ceciff, Baron of Bourghley, and Earle of Exeter , and had ifluc , William , Lord Saint lohn of Baling , who married (Mary , daughter of Anthony Browne, Vif- count Mountague; Thomas, fecond fonnc , lohn, third fonne j Uenrie, fourth fonnc ; Charles, fife fbnne :j and Edward, the fixt fonnc, &c. • Et fertoit, Us armes de fen fere. A Catalogue of the Earles of IVorctfter and Meullen, their Armes, 'Wiues, and Children. \Meran de BeUomont, or Bcnttmont , fonne of Robert de Beaumont, Earle of Meul- len in Normandie, was by KingStepben created Earle of Worcefter,in thcyeare 1 144. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Simon Mount fort , Earle of Eureux in Normandie, and Aunt of Simon Mountfort , Earle of Lcicefter in England,by whom he had ifTuc, £<>£«•*, Earle of Meul- len,and Lord of Pont- Audamarc,who married Mauld, one of the daughters and co-hcires of Reginald , Earic of Cornwall (bale fbnnc of King Henrie the firft) and had ifluc, Henrie, Peter, and Mabel j Henrie, died with- out ifTuc ; Peter was Earle of Meullen, and reuolted to theFrcnchKing, 1166. dcliucringvp to him his Caftle of Bcllomont; Mabel, the daughter, was married to William de Riuerit (fur-named de Vernon) Earle of Dcuonftiirc , and had iffuc, Baldwin and Mary , which Mary was firft married to Sir Robert Courtney , Knight j and after to Peter Trouz of Deuonftiire, of whom there are many remayning at this day. To which Peter de Prouz, the faid Robert , Earle of Meullen , gauc in frankc raarriagewith the faid Mary his grand-child , the third part of his Lands in England ; and vnto Baldwin de Riae rit ,hcr brother,he gauc other Lands in Normandie, with the Mannors of Eftruminftcr, Moreys, and Riddlc- fton in England. ThisWaBeran, founded the Abbey of Bordefley in England, in King Henrie the feconds time , and died in the ycare 1 1 6 6. and was buried at Worce ftcr. Others haue , that he died a Monkc at Pratcllcs in Nor- mandie. Et fortoit, Ltztngie iter <$• etaztw 4 vn border degueuUet. Sir 34 8 WORCESTER. CIr Thomas Percy , Knight, Vice-Chambcrlaine to *^King Richard the fecond , (fonnc of Henry , Lord Percy, andyonger brother of Henry Percy, firft Earle of Northumberland) was Steward of the Houfhold to the faid King; and in theyeare 1398. was created Earle of Worcefter, and Lord high Admirall of England. But afterwards (enuying King Henry the fourths vfur- pation, and obtayningtheKingdomc) cntrcdintoa confpiracy with Henry Hotfpur, his brothers fbnne,and many other Noblemen and Knights, to furprizc King Henry , whilcft hec was bufied in his warres in Wales. Which plot being difcouered , they were conftrayned to abide the hazard of a battaile at Shrewsbury, the fourth of the faid Kings Reigne. Where , vpon the rumour of the death of Henrie Hotfpur , who was then flaine with a Launce ; all the reft fled, but this Thomas, Ezr\t ofWorcefter,who was taken prifoner,and the nexc day after beheaded at Shrewsbury, 1403. Hee married Elizabeth , eldcft daughter and co-heire of Dauid Strabolgie, Earle of Atholl , by whom he had iflue, Henry Percy, Earle of Atholl, who married Margaret , daughter of Sir Matthew Btus of Scotland, and had iflue,two daughters his heircs; .E/«^//&,married to Sir Thomas Burgh, Knight,of whom the Lord Burgh of England defcended j and Margaret. Etportoit, d'er au Lion rampant d'azar, a crejfant gucuUcs* Richard Beauchamp, (fonneand heire o£vriUiam Beauchamp, Baron of Aburgauenny) was created Earle of Worcefter, in the fcuenth yeare ofKing Henry the fift, and married ifabel, daughter of Thomai, Lord le Dejpencer , and After and heire of Richard, Lord/* Dejpencer, and had iflue, Elizabeth, his daughter and heire, wife to Sir Edward Neuill, Knight, younger fonne oiRalphe Neuifffirk Earle of Weftmerland,who was fummoned to Parliament by Writ, as Baron of Aburgauenny , the nine and twentieth of Henry the fixt. This Richard, Earle of Worcefter, was Leader of the warres in France , in King Henry thefifts time, and in befieging the Citie of Meux in Bry , was flaine with a ftonethrowne out of an Engine, in the tenth yeare of King Henry the fift, and was buried in the Abbey of Tcwksburie. Etporteit,gueulles a vnface ejrjix croifeletz htoncs (Tor, 4 vn croiffant fable en la face. Uhn WORCESTER. 349 TO^»,Lord Tiptoft and Powis,Knight of the Garter, ■"■ (fonne and heire of John Lord Tiptoft, and loicc his Wife, daughter and co-heire of Edward C bar It 0»,Lord Powis) was created Earle of Worccftcr, in the feuen and twentieth yeare of King Henry the fixt , and the yeare after, hee was made high Conftable of England. Hee was alfo Lieutenant of Ireland,vnder6"f^f Duke of Clarence, and Lord Steward of the Houfehold to King Edward the fourth. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hopttn, and fitter and heire of Sir Walter Hopton\ by whom hee had iffue, Edward Lord Tiptoft , who was after reftored , and made Earle of Worceftcr by King Edward the fourth. This John, Earle of Worcefter, was taken in the top of an high Tree, in the For- reft of Weybridge in Huntingtonfhire, and brought to London, and at- tainted by Parliament, and beheaded at the Tower-Hill , the tenth of King Edward the fourth, 1470. and his body was buried in the Prea- ching Fryars in London, now called the Blackc Fryars. Etportoit, d'argentavn Sanlteurengrejlee deguettlles, "C I) ward Lord Tiptoft, after the death of his father, ■'-'was reftored in bloud , and made Earle of Wor- cefter by King Edward the fourth. Hee died without iflue , the twelfth of Auguft , in the third yeare of King Richard the third, and was buried at Ely ; lca- uing his fathers foure fifters his heires , viz. Philip, married to Thomas Lord Ros , of Hamlake ; Ioane, Wife to Sir Edmond Englethorpe,of Cambridgeftiire; loice,marricd vnto Edmond Sutton, fonne and heire of lohn, Lord Dudley ? and Margaret, the fourth daugh- ter, profefled her lelfe a Nunnc. Etportoit, Us armes de [on fere. Hh Charles 35° WORCESTER. /"* Harles Scmerfet , Eannerct, and Knight of the ^'Garter, (bafefonne of He/trie Beat/fort, Duke of Somerfet , begotten of Joane Hi//, his Concubine) was Vice-Chamberlaine to King Henrie thefeucnth, and after Lord Chambcrlaine , both to King Henries the feuenth and King// cnrie the eight. Hee married three wiues, the firft was Elizabeth, daughter and heire of Willi Am Herbert , Earle of Huntington , by whom he was Lord Herbert of Gower , and was af- ter created Earle of Worcefter, at Lambeth Houfe on Candlemas day, 1513. in the fife yeare of King Henrie the eight. His fecond wife was Elianor, daugh- ter of Edward Sutton, Lord Dudley. His third wife was EW^&beih , daughter of Thomas, Lord Lavvare : By his.firft wife he had iflue , Henrie Lord Herbert , after Earle of Worcefter , and Eli^a. beth, married to SirlohnSauage, Knight. By his fecond wife hee had iffue , Sir Charles Somerfet , Knight , Captaine of Rifebanke and Callisj Sir George Somerfet of Badmansfield-Hall in Suffolke ; and a daughter named CMary , married to William , Lord Grey of Wilton. By his third wife he had no iflue. This Charles , in the tenth yeare of King Henrie the eight , furrendrcd andyeeldedvpto CMonfieurChajlillion, (to the vfe of the French King) theCitie and Caftle of Tourney, for foure hundreth and fixtie thou- fand Crownes , to be paid to King Henrie. At which furrender, the faid Chaftillion was not fuffercd to enter with Banner difplayed, but rolled vp, becaufe the faid Citic was not wonne by force , butyeelded vp by compo- sition (which is to be noted.) He was Knight of the Order of* the Garter, and died in the feuenteenth yeare of King Henrie the eight, and was bu- ried at Windforc. JEt pert 01 1 y les armes de France ejr d'Engleterre efcarteUe, a vn b»K dure ge bonne d 'argent ejr d'a^ar, an bajltn fwelhe ctargent,fur le tout a vn efcuffon per pale d'a^ur & de guealles ait trots Liens rampant d" argent. Henry W O R C E S T E R. 35* T_J Ernie Somerfet , Lord Herbert, fonneand heirc "*■ "*of Charles , was fecond Earle of Worcefter of that N,.me , and married Elizabeth , daughter of Sir (^dnthony Browne, Knight , and had illue , William, Lord Herbert, after Earle of Worcefter j Thomas Somerfet , fecondfonne, died in the Tower of Lon- don ; Sir Charles Somerfet, Knight, third fonr.e, was Standard-bearer to the Pentioners^ and Frauds, the fourth fonne, was flaine at Mufcleborough field. La- dy Elianor , eldeft daughter , married Sir Roger Vaughan ; Lady Luce , fecond daughter , was wife to lohn NeuiU, Lord Latymer; Ladyo/»w, third daughter, married Thomas Percy, Earle of Northum- berland , beheaded at Yorke , 1572. and Lady lane , the youngeft daughter, was married to that Wife, Worthy, and Valorous Knight, Sir Edward ManfeU, of Glamorganfhire , father of Sir Thomas Man fell-, Baronet, Sir Robert Man fell, Knight, and others. This Hemic died. £t portott, d'or a la face France efcartelle d'Engleterre, a la bordurc gobonne cCargent ejr d'azur. William Somerfet , Lord Herbert, and Earle of Worcefter , fonne and heire of Henries aforefaid, and grand-child to Charles, married Chri- ftian, daughter of Edward, Lord North of Kirtling inCambridgefhire, bywhomhehadiflue, Edward, Lord Herbert, and two daughters* Elizabeth, mar- ried to vyilliam Windefore , a younger fonne of Wil- liam, Lord Windefore ; and Luce, the fecond daugh- ter, was married to Hemic Herbert , fonne of Sir Tho- mas Herbert of Wyneftow, in Mountgomerifhire in Wales. This William was Knight of the Garter , and died athisHoufeby Saint Iohns at London, and was ho- nourably conueyed by the Officers of Armes, and others, toRagland in Wales, and there buried in the ycarc 158?. Et portott, Us armes defon perc. Hha Edward 3 V WORCESTER. "C Divardy Lord Herbert, after the death of his father ■*-' AT////4/w,was the fourth Earle of Worccfter of trine Family , Knight of the Garter, Lord Priuie Sealc,anJ one or his MaieiHes moft honorable priuie Counfell. Kce married Lady Elizabeth , daughter of Franc it Haflings, Earle of Huntington, and K at herwe his wife, daughter and heire of Henrie Pole , Lord Mountague, and had iflue, William, Lord Herbert, that died with- out ifTuc ; Henrie, Lord Herbert,now liuing,who mar- ried K^dnne, daughter and fole heire of lohn, Lord Ruf- fcll, fonne and heire of Francis, Earle of Bedford ; Sir Thomas Somerfet, Knight of the Bath , and Mafter of the Horfe to Queene K^inncj ; Sir Charles Somerfet, Knight ofthe Bath ; and Sir Edward Somerfet , Knight of the Bath, rife fonne i Lady Elizabeth Somerfet , wife to Sir Henrie Guilford , Knight; {Catherine, fecond daughter , mzmedWilliam , Lord Peter of Writilc in Eflex; K^fnne, wife to Sir Edward Winter of Gloceft erfhirc , Knight; Frances, married to Sir William Morgan of Llantarnam in Monmouth- (hire ; Blanch , wife to Thomas ArundeU, fonne and heire of the Lord A- rundell of Warder Caftlc; and Katherine, the youngeft daughter, was married to Thomas, now Lord Windfore, a moft honorable Lord, 162 1. Et fort oit , d*$r a lafactefcartelle France ejr d'Engleterre f ala bur dure g»hnw d 'argent ejr d'a^ur. ■ 353 &maw r j!iw&&®ma&MyM&&vm9QW®mw3S2-. A Catalogue of the Earles of IViltJhire^ythtw Armes, VViues, and Children. in the' Title \ lonel Flantagcnet , (fur-named of uY*r- werpejhz place of hts birth) third fonne of King Edward the third , was by his father,in thefixcand twentieth yeare of his Reigne, creajed Eaj-le of Wiltshire, and in the fixe and thirfieth.ye.ire ot his Reigne, hec was created Dukfcof Clarence. He married Elizabeth, daughter and hcirc>c£ Willj am „ LordBurgh, Earleof Vlfter in Ireland, and of Mould his wife, fitter ofHen- rie, Dnkc of Lancafter, by whonvhc had ifTue , Philip y his onely daughter and heire, married toVwW^r- timer , Earle of March. This Lionel diea comming from Mellent, in the ycarcof our Lord 1368. as before of Clare and Clarence. P m Etportoit, les armoiries de France feme & d' Sngleterre efcartede, aulapibelcF argent charges au troU cantons de gueulles. - . r Illiam,, Lord Scroope (fonne of Richard, Lord V Scroopcof Bolton, Lord Chancellour of En- gland) was by K\n° Richard the fecond, in the one and twentieth yeare of his Reigne, created Earle of Wiltshire i and the yeare after hee was made Lord Treafurer of England, and Knight of the. Garter. He was one of thofe to whom King Richard 'the lecond did let the Kingdpmc to farme ; and when Henrie of Bullingbroke, Duke of Lancafter, came, from being a banilhed man, to be King, by the name of King Hen- rie the fourth , hee tooke this William, Lord Scroope ; Sir John Buj?y> and Sir HenrteOreene (King Richard the ieconds Fauorites) and beheaded them atBriftow, in the yeare 13^8. This William bought the Ifle of Man, of William Mount- Hh 3 ague, 3*4 WILTSHIRE. ague, Earlcof Salisburic; which Ifland, after the faid Williams actaindor, KingHenrie the fourth did giucit to Htnrie Percy the tirft Earle of Nor- thumberland, in the firft yeare of his Reigne, to hold the fame,by the fer- uice of carrying the Sword, with which he entred England, before him at his Coronation. He died without ifTue, leauing Roger his brother to fuc- ccedehim. Etfortoit, dazur a la band d'or. T Ames Butler (fonne and heirc of lames Sutler, fourth ■*■ Earle of Ormond) was in thclifc tirrfc of his father, created Earle of Wiltfliire , in the feuen and twentieth yearc of King Henrie the fixr ; and in the feuen and thirtieth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, he was made Knight of thc*Gartcr ; and the yeare after, Lord high Trcafurer of England. And in the firft yearc of King Edward the fourth , he was beheaded at New-Cafric, withoutifluc; leauing Tbomai his brother hisheire, who after fucccedcd him, and was Earle ot Or- mond. Etfortoit, (tor au chef entente d'azur. I Ohn Stafford (fecond fonne of Humftey , Duke of Buckingham) was made Knight of the Garter , in the tenth yeare of King Edward the fourth , and in the twelfth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, hec was created Earle of Wiltfbire. Hec married Confiance , daughter and heirc of Sir Henrie Greene , of Drayton in Northamptonshire, Knight, and had ifTue, Edward, Earle of Wiltfhirci and died in the fourteenth yc3rc of King Edward the fourth, 1473. Et forfeit, efcarteUe France & d'Engleterre au b or dure d' argent; efcartelle Stafford qui ejl d'or au cheuron de gueutles j le tierce, au lajecond, le quart, Bo bun qui eSt d' azure a la band d 'argent, a deux cot iizes entre fix Lions rampant d'or, au creffapt Sargent. Edward WILTSHIRE. 3*5 "C Dxvard Stafford, fonne and hcirc of loan aforcfaid, -'-'was after the death of his father, Earle of Wilt- shire, and died without iffue, the fourctecnth of King Henry the fcuenth, 149 8. and was buried at Drayton in Northampton (hire ; which Lordlhip hec had by his mother, Conjlance Greene. Et portoit, lesarmoiries de [on pert. & q T-J Enry Lord Stafford (fecond fonne of Henry St af- " M? f° r Duke of Buckingham , and brother of Ed- ivard,thc third Duke of Buckingham, beheaded at the Tower-Hill, the thirteenth of Henry the eight) was created Earle ofWiltflrire, the third of February, in the firft yeare of King Henry the eight, 1509. Hec was made Knight of the Gartc'f before, in the twen- tieth yearc of King Henry the (eucnth ■> and married ^MurieS, lifter and co-heire of-Tvbn Grey , Vifcourrt Liflc, but by her had no ittac.' This' Henry died the.: fixt of March , the : fixtecnth' of King Hqnry the' cighc. r T , HomM Bellen, Knight of the Garter , (fonne and ■■■ heirc of Sir William Bollen, of Blickling in Nor- folkc, Knight, and. of CAUrgaret his Wife , daughter and one of the heircs of Thomas Butler, Earle of Or- mondjbrother and he es titttJerfaiAz of Wilt- fhirc, afore mentioned) ' was firft qrcarcd-^iffcountr Rochford,inthe feuenteent'h yeare of KTing^wrjthe' eight : and in the one and twentieth yeare pf t|kfaid Kings Reigne, hec was created EarYcof Wilt" Ormond , and to haue the State, Tnje, and of Wiltfhirc, to him and his heircs maleU State, Title, and Dignitic of Ormond, 'Nq-'" his heires for cuer (a prefident not to be 35* WILTSHIRE. Hec Was made Knight of the Garter, and Trcafurer of the Houfehold to King Henry the eight, in the fifteenth ycare of his Rcigne. Hec married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Howard, fecond Duke of Norfolke, and Earle Marfhall of England ; and had ifluc, George ^o/Zf/f, Vifcount Roch- ford, beheaded without iflue, 153d* and two daughters : i^inne, the el- ♦ deft, was firft created Marchioneflc of Penbrokc, and after married to King Henry the eight ; CMary, the fecond daughter, married to William Cary, Efquire for the Body to King Henry the eight. This Thomas, Earle I of Wiltfhrrc and Ormond, died in the thirtieth yeare of the faid Kings- Rcigne, 1538. V Etportoit, efargent au cheuron gueullet tntre trots tejles drBeef cope de fable, arme tfer. William Pcw/^y Knight, defcended of a fecond brother of the Povelets of Wiltfhire, was crea- tedXord Saint-Iehnof Bafmg,in the thirtieth yeare of - Henry, the eight, and made Knight of the Garter, the flue and thirtieth of the fame Kings Reigne ; and af- ter,in the thiijdycare of King £dW/thefrxt,hccwas cheated, Earl^ ^VViltfhir^: and in the fife ycare of the ,i#id Kings ,Rcignc,hce was created MarquefTe of Win- chefter^ asrooreat large doth appcarc in the Title of Wincheftcr. Et portoit, fable troii ejpees auec le points embas eC argent, au crejfant d'or. to i(igin}i ( « "P 1 [ * . ibnh'Pmlei^ forine and helrc of William, fuccecded *nis fatter, ^and was Maf quelle of Winchefter,and Earle of Wiftdiiic, and Lord Saint-Ubn of Brtfing ; arid di.e^t.h^oufe at ^ifey\i 5 |4 and was buried at Bafing.'tne'rii'neteehthdr Qutciit Elizabeth ; as is more at large in the Title of Winchcltcr. iT ,:>j£J? jcIi 3iu:rl 01 bnc , r . Tbnor, ntportoa^ arms deeper, 5: a 10a 1 :o"t &ii: mUktm WILTSHIRE. 357 \/\Z Ito**» Povrlet (fonnc and heire of Iohn) was in ^ * the life time of his father, fummoncd to Par- liament,i575. as Lord Saint-Iobn of Bafintj \ and after the death of his father, hce was both Marquefle of Winchefter, and Earlc of VViltdiirc, and died in the yeare 1598. as in the Title of Winchefter. Et portoit, fable trots ejpees ante le point z embas d 'argent, au crejfant d'or. ~\Z\Tll/iam T owlet, Lord Saint-Iobn of Bafing.Earle ^ » of Wiltfliire, and tViarquefle of Winchefter, now liuing, 162 1. married Lucy, daughter ofThomai Cecill, Earle of Excefter; by whom hce hath ifTue, as aforcfaid, in the Title of Winchefter. Etportoit, fable trots ejjees auec le pointz embas dargtnt, m crejfant dor. A A Catalogue of the Earles of Wejlmeriand, their Armes,Wmes, and Children. '^>^.' Alph, Lord Neuill ( or de Nona-Villa ) of Raby , and Branfpath in the Bifhopricke of Durham, Warkeworth in Northum- berland, Sheryhutonin Yorkeftiire,and Middleham in Richmondlhire , &o was created Earle of Weftmerland , in the one and twen- tieth yeare of King Richard the fecond ; And in the firft yeare of King Henry the fourth , he was made Earle of Richmond , for terme of Life , Lord Warden of the Marches towards Scotland, Knight of the Garter, and Marfhall of England , as by his Patent worthie of no- ting hereafter followeth. The King to all, &c. Knowyee, that wee of our e/peciall grace haue granted vnto eur well-beloued brother Ralph, LordNeuill, Earle of Wcftmerl&nd, our Office of Marfhall of England , to haue and hold to him during his life , toge- ther with all andfinguler Offices, Profits, Commodities ,and other things what' foeuer, afrvellin our Courts lke, by whom fhee had iffiie ; F.lianor, the fecond daughter, was Wife to Henry Percy , Earle of Northumberland ; K^inne , the third daughter, was married to Humfrey Stafford , Duke of Bucking- ham ; lane, a Nunne ; and Cicely , the fift daughter , was married to Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Yorke ; who had iffuc, King Sdward =^ ^ the fourth, and King Richard the third. Which Richard , Duke of "*'>-•' Yorkc , by the greatneffe and the number of his Wiucs Kindred , was 360 WESTMERLAND. was able to bandy for the Kingdome of England, againft theHoufcof Lancaftcr . This Ralphe died in the fourth yeare of King Henry the {1x1,1425. Et portoit,gueullcs an Saulteur Sargent. "D Alphe Neuill, fonne and heire of lohn Lord Neuill, ■*^-and grand-child of Ralphe>faft. Earle of VVeftmcr- land aforeiaid, was after the death of his faid grandfa- ther, the fecond Earle of Weftmerland, Lord of Ra- by, &c. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Lord Percy (furnamed Hot-Jpurre) fbnneand heire of Henry Percy, Earle of Northumberland ; by whom hee had iflue, lohn Lord Neuill, who married Anne,daugh- ter of lohn Holtand,Dukc of Excefter,and Earle of Hun- tington, and was flaine at Towton-Field , on Palme- Sunday, the firft of King Edward the fourth, without iflue, in the life time of Earle Ralphe his father. After this Johns death, Sir lohn Ne uiU, Knight,his Vnckle,married Anne Holland, his Widdow, of whom hee begot Ralphe Neuill ,x\\t third Earle of Weft- merland. This Ralphe t fecond Earle of Weftmerland, died the third of Noucmbcr, the fecond of King Richard the third, 1484. Etportoit,gueulles au Saulteur d' argent. R Alphe Neuill (fonne and heire of Sir lohn Neuill t Knight, fecond brother of Ralphe, fecond Earle of Weftmerland ) was after the death of his father and vnckle, the third Earle of Weftmerland j and married a Ultargaret, daughter of Sir Roger Booth, of Barton in Lancashire, Knight, (brother of Laurence £w,Wifc to Sir Foulke Greu/ll,Kn\ght ; and rrfala y theyoungeft daughter. This Ralphe died in the ihird ycare of King Edward the fixt, 1 548. Etportoit, les arm dries defort fere . H; ' EnryNenill (after the death of Ralphe his father) L was the fift Earle ofWeftmerland, Lord of Ra- by , Branfpath , Shery-huton , and Midleham , and Knight of the Garter. Hee married K^inne, daughter of Thomas M amors, Earle of Rutland ; and had ifTue, Charles Neuill, fixt Earle of Weftmerland ; and foure daughters : Katherine, married to Sir Thomas Grey, of Chillingham, Knight; £/w*w,Wife to Sir William Pelham y Knight, Matter of the Ordenance to Queenc Elizabeth \ Mary y andJdelyn. This Henry married to his fecond Wife, Anne, daughter of Sir Richard Cholm. ley, Knight, by whom hec had diuers children, that died young. Hec died the ninth of February, 150*4. the fixt of Queenc Elizabeth. Et pert tit, degueulles au Saulttur far gent. Ii Charles, 361 WEST ME RLAND. /^ Harles, Lord Neuill, after the death of Henry his ^- y father, was the fixt and laft Earle of Weftmerland, Lord of Rabie, Branfpath, Shery-huton, Midleham, &c. Thisman,vnmindfullofhis Princes fauors,and of his dutie to his Countrey, ioyned and combined himfelfe with Thomas Percy , Earle of Northumber- land, and others, and was thechiefe Leader and Stir- rer of the Infarrc&ion in the North parts of England, againft Quecnc Elizabeth of famous memoric, in the ycare 1570. For which Rebellion, hce was by Parlia- ment, 1^69. adiudged a Traytor, and had his Goods and Lands confifcated, and himfelfe to haue fuffered death,had hee not fled beyond the Seas, where hee Iiued long after in very poore and miferable eftate, and there died. Hce married <^Anne, daughter of Henry Howard, Earle of Surrey, and fifterof Thomas Howard^he laft DukeofNorfolkc; and had iflue three daughters, Katherim NeuiU % Slianor, and Margaret. I Etportoit, la armes defer* fere. A 3*3 A Catalogue of the Earles and Dukes of fVarrpickf, their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Enry de Nouoburgo (a Caftlc orTownc in Normandie,wnerc the faid Henry was borne) fbnnc of Roger de Bellomont, and Adelina, his Wife, daughter of Waller an, and fiftcr and heirc of Hugh , Earlc of Mcllcnt (father and mother alio of Robert t Eaik of Lei- ccftcr) was created Earlc of Warwickc, by King H&nry the firft, and had giucn him the Borough and LibeRics of Warwickc, as fully and furcly, as when they were belonging to the Crownc of England. This Henry, by the name of Earlc of Warwickc, did by his Char- ter giue to the Church of Saint Nichols t necre vnto Warwicke,and to the Nunnes of the fame place, the Towneof Clopton, with the appurtenance, for the health of his Soulc, and LMargsret the CountefTc, his Wife, and Roger bis fonnc, and R. the Earlc, his brother. Hcc married ^Margaret , fifter and heirc of Rot roc, Earle of Perch; by whom hec had ifTuc,fiue fonnes: Roger de Bellomont, Earle of War- wicke ; Rothericke, Archbifhop of Roan ; Robert , furnamed of New- burgh ; Geffrey , and Henry ; and two daughters. Hcc founded the Pri- orie of Saint Sepulchres in Warwickc. I findc alfo , that hec and his Wife founded the Collcdgc of Saint OMaries in Warwickc ; and that Roger his fonnc, tranflatcd the fame into the Caftle of Warwickc: And died in the three and twentieth ycare of King Henry the firft, naj. and was buried with his Aunceftors, at Pratum ( or Prcaux ) nccrc the Townc of Pont-Adamarc in Normandic. Et for toil, Ltzengie d"tr & ttdXMT m bordure de gutullts, Ii * Rpgcr ■ 3*4 FJ W A R W I C K E. OgerdeBello- Monte (fonnc and hcirc of Henry dt Nouoburgo aforcfaid) was after his father, the fe- cond Earlc of Warwicke, after the Conqueft. Hec married Gundred, daughter of William , the fecond Earle Warren and Surreyjand had iffucJVifliamyEarlc of Warwicke, who died without iflue; and Waller an, who was the fourth Earle of Warwicke. This Roger made diuers Iourncycs to the Holy-Land , and died the fecond day of the Ides of Iune, in the ycare 1153. and was buried at Warwicke, in Saint Maries Church, which was of his foundation. Etportoit, les armes defon fere. "\j\7 'lUiam de Plejfeto, fonnc and heire of Roger dt * ▼ Bellomont,wns after his fathers death,thc third Earle of Warwicke,after the Norman Conqueft. Hec married tvvo Wiues ? The firft was (JWatilda, eldeft daughter and co-heire of William Lord Percy, and filter of K^ignes, the Wife of loceline de Louaine. His fecond Wife was CMargaret , daughter of the Lord D'eyuilc j but had no iftue by eyther. Hec died the fcucn teen th day before the Kalends of Decembers 183. lcauing his brother Waller an to fuccecd him , in the Earledome of Warwicke. Et portoit, les armes de (on bifayeul. "\J\TAlleran (fecond fonnc of Roger de Bellomont) * ▼ after the death of William his elder brother, was the fourth Earlc of Warwicke ; and did by his Charter confirme to Henry of Peoure, for his Homage and Scruicc,a Rode of Land in Brampton,which hec had of the Gift of Roger his father: Witncflc Six Ri- chard de t^Arden, Steward to the faid Earle. Hee mar- ried two Wiues : The firft was Margaret, daughter of Humfrej de Bohun,Ear\c ofHercford,who died without iflue. His fecond Wife was ^Alice, daughter of lohn Hareceurt 5 by whom hec had ifTue, three fonnes and one daughter t William, Henry, and Waller an : %^/tlice, the daughter, was married to William Mandud, Baron of Hanflapc in Buckinghamfhirc, and Chambcrlainc of the Exchequer. This WARWICKE, 3*5 This Walleran y at the Coronation of King Tohn, did carric the fword vp- on the right hand of the faid King, for his fcruice due for the Earledome of VVarwickc, and died in the yecrc 1 200. being the fecond of King lohn. Etportoit,lozengie d'or & d*az,ur aubordur gueulles. \f\T llliam,lbnnc and hcirc of Walleran, the fourth * ^ Earle of Warwickc,was after the death of his Father, the fifth Earle of Warwickc : In whofc time, all England was vndcr the fubic&ion of the Pope,fbr feucn yecres together. Hee died without iflue, al lehn Rous of Warwicke hath. Lt port oil, Us artnet defon peri. XJEnry y fecond fdnne of Earle Waller an , and bro- ** ther and hcire of William, the fifth Earle of War- wickc aforefaid.was the fixth Earle of Warwicke. Hee was eucr faithfull to King M#,although he tooke from him the Lordfhip of Gowcr in South- Wales. Hcc alwaics maintained the Kings part, againft Lewis the French Kings Sonne, and others the Nobilitic of the Rcalmc : who tooke vnto themfelues the name of Maintaincfs of the liberties of the Kingdomc. Hee married tWo wiues, thefirft was Margerie^ daughter of Henry de Oyley, Baron of Hochnorton, and Founder of Ofney Abbey and Miflcnden , and frfterandco-hcire of Henry D'Oyley the younger, by whom hee had iflue, Thomas Earle of I Warwicke, and a daughter named Margery , who was firft married to Uhn Marjhall ( Brother of William ^Marjhall the elder , Earle of Pen- broke ) who ( in her right) was Earle of Warwicke , and died without ifliic. Her fecond husband was John de Plejfetis, a Pifrauian borne, who in her right was alfo Earle of Warwickc. ?•' This Henry married to his fecond wife, Philip , daughter of Thomas Lord Baflet, of Hedington in Oxfordlhirc , Founder of the Priory of BifTete^by whom he had no iflue. He died in the fecond yeerc of King Henry the third. Lcsarmes defon fere. Ii Thomm 7,66 WARWICK E. Hp Homos, fonnc and heire of Henry , the fixe EarJc of -*■ \Var\vicke,after the death of his Father, was toe ftuenth Earle ofWarwicke; and married Ela, daugh- ter of William Longftee, Earle of Salisbury, bafc fonnc | of King Henry the fecond , by whom he had no iflue. ^ He died iflue-lefle,the fixe and twentieth of King Henry the third, 1 142. leauing his fitter Margery his heirc,ancl to poflefle his Inheritance ; Shee being married to lohn Marjl>all,ns aforefaid. Et fortoit, efchiquettee (torejr d'azut,au cheuron dhermines. lohn CMarfhall, fonnc of lohn, the Kings Marflwfl in * King Henry the feconds time>and brother of William Marjhall, the elder, Earle of Penbroke, (whom M.Miffes hath greatly miftaken in his Booke,^-. 794.) as may appearc by this Deed following, fealed with thefe Armes in the margent. John the Kings Marlhall, fonnc of lohnthe Kings Mar(hall,To all Miniftcrsand faithfull friends, afwcll Englifh as French greeting. Knotvyee, that I haue giuen,granted, And confirmed^ to Alice the Ne ece of Wallcrand Delamarc, and to her heir es for ater, all my lands in the Totvne and-Fieldes of Weft Burton, &c. To hold of mee and my heire s by the feruiee of half e a Knights fee, ejre. Wttnejje Matthew the Abbot of Bur tun, Anfclmc my brother , William Galcrand, Richard Scxi, and others. This lohn married Margery, filter and fole heire of Thomas, the fe- ucnth Earle of Warwicke, in whofe right, hec was the eight Earle of Warwickc, by the permiffion and fauour of King Henry the tjiird, and afterdicdwithota iflue, the feuen and twentieth yeere of the faid Kings Rcignc. Et pvrtoit, de guettlles a la band fzelle d'or Uh* ■ ; 1 •-bfiO- ' N I*' v^y WARWICKE; 36? lOhndePleffeta, a Pidauian borne, after the death of •*• lohn CMa>Jhstl, married Margery his widdow , fiftet and heire o{ Thomas, the feuenth Earleof Warwicke,. in whofe right ( and King// Baron of Hatchc in Somerfetfhire ; loane , wife to Ralphe Baffet of Drayton ; Jfabel, married to William rjfor'fiEadc of Suffolkc ; the laft was a Nunnc. He died in his returne out of France, in the three and fortieth ycare of King Edward the third. 1369. :>■ • Et portoit, deguenlles a la fate entreftx croix troifettees tor. thtmsi 370 WARWICKE, ^T^ Homos Beauchamp, Knightofthe Garter,aftcr the ■*• death of Thomas his fathcr,and Guj his cldeft bro- ther, was the fifteenth Earlc of Warwicke, &c. This Thomas vpbraided King Richard the fecond, with the murder of Thomas, Duke of Gloccfter his Vncklc j for which, he was cuer after very hatefull vnto him , and was in the one and twentieth ycarc of the faid Kings Rcigne, at a Parliament, adiudged & condemned with the Earlc of Arundcll, of high trcafon ; the Earle of A- rundel was beheaded, and this Thomas confined to the cuftody of William Lord Scroope, and Earle of Wilt- fhire, into the Ifle of Man : A great part of his Inheri- tance being taken from him, was giucn to Thomas Hol- land, Earle of Kent and Duke of Surrey , halfc brother to King Richard. But after, in the fecond yearc of King Henrie the fourth, hee was rcftored againc,bothto Honour and Lands. Hee married Margaret, daughter of William, Lord Fcrrarsof Groby, and had ifliie, Richard, Earle of War- wicke, and Margaret, married to Iohn, Baron Dudley. He died the tf.Ides of Aprill, in the fecond yeare of King Hemic the fourth , in his Caftlc of Warwicke, and was there buried by his Anccftors. 1401 . Et for toil, les armes defonpere. Richard Seauchamp, Knight of the Garter , fonne of Thomas aforcfaid, was after his fathers death , the fixtcenth Earlc of Warwicke, and by his wife, Lord Liflc. He was Gouernour of Normandie, and Lieute- nant generall vnder lohn, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, for King Henrit the fift , who made him Cap- tainc of Callis, and of the Citie and Caftle of Meaux in Bry, and at the Coronation of the faid King, he was made Lord Steward of England. Hee married two wiues, the firft -was Elizabeth, daughter and hcire of Thomas, Lord Berkley, and Margerie his wife, daugh- ter and heirc of Warre»,Lord Liflc and Tyes,by whom he had ifTuc, three daughters, who were hcircsto their mother; Margaret, the eldcft, was married vnto Iohn Talbot , Earlc of Shrcwibury, andhadiflue, loknTalbot, Vifcount Liflc. Elianor, the fo cond daughter, was firft married to Thomas , LordRosof Hamclakc; and after to Edward Beauferd, Dukcof Somcrfet. Elizabeth, the third daughter , was wife to George Neuill, Lord Latimer. This Richards fe- cond wife was ifabel, daughter of Thomas Spenc *r,Earle of Gloceftcr, and lifter and heirc of Richard, Lord Spencer , by whom he had ifTuc, Henrie, Duke ofWarwick,and ^*w■/> thefixt. Andbecaufe there hath been queftion of fome thing herein contayned, I haue thought good for anfvvere, to the fame ■> to let downe this Deed being in my cufto- die,tomanifeft the fame which followcth. This Endenture, made betweene Richard, Earle of Salisbury , on yat enc^> party ; and Richard , Earle ofWarwicke^ William Mountfort, Knight - y Iohn Verney, Clerke ; and Iohn Throgmorton, one yat other partie,bercth rvttnc(fe,yat where the fame Earle ofWarwicke , William Mountfort, ejrc er iotntly and centrally boundenina Statute of the StapuUof 4750- Markes,to be paid to the [aid Earle of Salisbury , at the Fejl of the Purification of our Lady Saint M^ry next comnting 5 Neuertheles , the fame Earle of Sain bury xvol and gr aunts by y is indent ur, that if it happenHzny ■, fone and heir appa- rant to the pud Earle of Warrvike, afore yage of is- yeres of the fame Harry, difagreetD the weddyng made betweene him and Cecile, doghter to the /aid Earle of Salisbury, by thetvhich difagrement the fame rveddyng Jhalbc defat- ted and adnul/ed, and the rveddyng made betweene Richard, /one and heir apr parent to thefaid Earle of Salisbury, and Anne daughter to th'e faid Earle of Wartvikt ',by not vndo by difagrement of the faid Richard the fone , And therm thefaid Earle of Warrvike his heirs, executers, or afignes , content, fatisfic, or paye to thefaid Earle of Salisbury, his Executors or Afignes 4;mo. Markes of larvfull money, that Ute fay, 1750. Markes, the day of the faid dijagremetttj and eueriey ere during, from y ere then next flowing 500. pounds, then thefaid Statutbevoidandofnovalue,fjrcyefen the firfi day of December in the 15. of King H. 6. Et portoit, deguealles a la face entrefix croix croifettees d'or. T_T Enry Beaachamp, fonne of Richard aforefaid , was •*■ ■■•after the death of his father,thefeuenteenth Earle ofWarwicke and of Albemarle, Baron of Elmefley, Hanflapc, Spencer, and Aburgauenny, and Knight of the Garter. And in the twentieth yeare of King Henry the fixt, he was reftored to all his Liuings , with great applaud and honour, being crowned King of the Ifle of Wight, by the Kings owne hands,andmadechiefe Earle of England. And in the yeare 1444. being the three and twentieth of thefaid Kings Reigne, hec was created Duke ofWarwicke, and had granted him in all meetings and affemblics , both in Parliament and elfewhere, to haue place and precedence next after the Duke of Norfblke, and before the Duke of Buckingham. Keehadgiuen himalfotheCaftleof Briftow, with the appurtenances, and the Ifles of Gernfey and Iarfey. He married Cicely, daughter of Richard Neuill, Earle of Salisburie, and filler of Richard Earle ofWarwicke, and had lffue, one onely 37* WARWICKE. onely daughter and heirc, name -^inne , being but two yearcs old at his death. Shee was Ward loWilltam dela Pole, Duke, Marquette, and Earle of Suffo!ke$ anddied intheyeare 1449. being but fixe yeares of age, and was buried at Reading ■■, and Henrie her father died at Hanlcy , the place of his birth (being notfull two and twentieyearcsold, in theycare of our Lord i<\<\6. and was buried at Tewkesburie) as lohnRom of Warwicke hath. Etportoit, les armes de [en fere. "D Ichard Neuill, fonne and heire of Richard Neuill, -*-^- Earle of Salisburie, married t^nne, daughter of Richard Beauchamp , the fixteenfh Earle of Warwicke, by his fecond wife, and fifter & fole heirc of the whole fE blood o£ Henrie Eeauchamp, Duke of Warwicke afore- faid ; in whofe right this Richard Neuill , in the eight and twentieth yeare of King Henrie the fixt , was the eighteenth Earle of Warwickejand by that Name and Title fate in Parliament held at Weftminfter, the three and thirtieth of the faid Kings Reigne; and in the nine and thirtieth yeare of Henrie the fixt , his father being dead, was alfo Earle of Salisbury and Lord Monthcr- mer, great Chamberlaine and Admirall of England, Lord Warden of the North Marches towards Scotland, and ofthe Cinque-Ports, Captaine of Callis, and high Steward of the Duchy of Lancafter. At what time this Richard was lent into France, to treat a marriage for King Edward the fourth,King Edward fel in louc,and married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Wooduite, Earle Riuers (the widdow of Sir John Grey) which procured great hatred betweene this Earle and the King. Which di/grace, this Richard being not able to digeft, plotted a confederacy witl\ Ge orge, Duke of Clarence, King Edwards brother, for to reftore King Henrie the fixt : and affemblinghis forces at Banbury, he ouerthrew King Edward in battaile, and tookchim prifoner. But King Edward within a while after (by the helpe of his Friends) made an efcapefrom out the Ca- ftle of Banbury, wherein he was prifoner, and began a new war at Stam- ford, where he was Conquerour , and enforced this Earle Richard to flie into France. But within fixe moneths after, he returned againe into Eng- land, and enforced King Edward to flie into Flanders, to Charles Duke of Burgundie, who had married his fifter } fetting King Henrie at libertie,af- ter ten yeares imprifbnment. After all which, King Edward (by the affiftance of his faid brother of Burgundie) came into England againe, and waging battaile againft King Zftw7ttfaftion,atBarnet, ten miles from London, vanquilhed his ene- mies, and flue this Richard, and his brother Iehn, Marquefle Mountague, in the >vare 1471. being Eafter day. And this wns the end of this great Earl c . W A R W I C K E< 171 E&rlcof Wdrmch, who pulled downc Kings, and fct them vpagai neat his pleafurc. He had iflue by his faid Wife , two daughters his heires j lfabell, married to George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence,brother to King Edward the fourth. And <_^»w,rirft married to Edrrard,Prince of Wales, fonncofKing#Mrjthcfixt,whowasflaine at Tewksbury, and after to Richard, Duke of Gloccfter, after King of England. £tporttit,gueu/les aufaulteur d' argent, au Umbellgobenn'e etargent dr d"azur. /^l Eorge Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence.brother ofK. ^-* £4fo?Wthefourth,found drowned in a But of Mal- mefcy , in the Tower of London . Hce married Ifabc 11, daughter and coheire of Richard Neuill, Earle of War- wicke afbrefaid, in whofe right hec was the nineteenth Earle of Warwicke, and had iflue, Edtpardthc twenti- eth Earle of Warwicke , and Margaret, Countefleof Salilbury, Wife to Richard PoleKn\ght,Vather ot Hen- ry Pole Lord Mountague , as in the Title of Clare is more at large. Etportoit , les armoiries de France e fear telle d'engleterrre, au lambell d'argent char gee de troii cantons degueullcs. "C Dward Plantagenet t Connc and heire of George Duke '■-'of Clarence , and Nephew to King Edward the fourth, was after the death of his Father, Earle of Salis- bury, and the twentieth Earle of Warwicke, and the aft heire male of the Family of Plantagenet s. He was achildof moftdifeftrous fortune, as the Creature, who had from his Cradle beene nurfed vp in Prifon, and his fatall day was haftened by another mans folly. For a certaine youth of meane parentage, was fuborned by a Knaue Pncft, to take vpon him, the name and perlbn of this Earle Edward ; giuing it out, that hee had lately ef- caped out of the Prifon, in the Tower of London.This bruit caufed a great tumult amongft the Commons, who then wercglad to heare, that a branch of the Plantagenets was tobereftored to the Impe- riallDiadem. But the truth was , thatEdward Earle of Warwicke, had complotted with Per kin Warbeck (as it was laid) to make an efcape : the which attempt was then held no lelTc a crime then high Treafon it fclfe. But thcplot being difcouered, the filly yong Nobleman, was broughtto hisTryallfor the fame, the twentie one of Nouember (7*/&» Earle or Ox- ford, being then appointed Lord high Steward of England) and found Kk guiltie, $74 W AR WICKE. guiltie, and for the fame, the eight and twentieth day of Nouember after, in the fifteenth yeareof King Henry the Seuenth, was beheaded at the Tower-Hill. His bodie being conueyed to Bilham, was there buried , hec being then twentic foure yeares of age, 1499. . Et portoit-,lez armes de fon fere. T ohn Sutton,a\\as Dudley (Knight of the Gartcr)fonnc A of Edmond Dudley, and Elizobethh'is Wife,Daughter of Edward Grey , Vifcount Lifle, and Aunt and heirc of Elizabeth Grey., Countefle of Deuon her Necce, was created Vifcount Lifle, the thirtic foure of King Henry the eight, and after Earle ofWarwicke, inthefirft yeare of King Edward the fixe, 1 547. And laftly, in the fift yeare of the faicj King Edward jiz was created Duke of Northumberland. He married o^/w, daughter of Sir Edward Guilford* Knight, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports,and Con- ftable of Douer Caftle , and filler and heire of Sir/f/'- r/&WC«/7/W,Knight,whodiedin Spaine without ifTiie,by whom "he had iflue, eight Tonnes and fiue daughters. Henry the elded fonne, married Wy- nefred, daughter of Richard Lord Rich, and dyed at the fiege of Bollen* 1545. Thomas dyed yong ; John third fonne, was Earle of Wa/wicke,and married Anne , daughter of Edward Seymour, Duke of Somer/et, and dyed without iflue, being twentic foure ycares old : K^imbrofe the fourth fonne, wasalfo Earle of Warwicke, and dyed without \ffuz;Robcrt the fift fonne, was Earle of Leicefter , and married Ltttice , daughter of Sir Francis Knolles, Knight of the Garter,andTreafurer of the Houfliold toQueene Elizabeth,and had iflue, Robert, Baron of Denbigh, that dyed yong; Guil- ford Dudley fixt fonne, married the Ladie lane, daughter of Henry Grey Duke of Suffolke, who were beheaded , in the yeare 1553. Henry the fe- uenth fonne.married Margaret, daughter and onely heire of Thomas y Lord Dudley of Walden, and was flaine at SaintQyintins, 1 y 57. She was after married to Thomas Howard, thelaftDukeof Norfolke. Charles the eight fonne, dyed yong; Temperance, Margaret and Katherine , dyed all three yong; Mary, was married to S'wHtnry Sidney, Knight of the Garter.Lord Deputic of Ireland, and Prcfidentof Wales, and had iflue,Sir Phillip Sid- ney, Knight, and Robert Sidney, Earle of Leicefter, 1 62 1. and /Catherine the yongeft daughter, was married to Henry Hajlings , Earle of Huntington. This iohn,Y)\i)at of Northumberland, was beheaded atTower-Hill,in the veare i^ymthGilford Dudkyhis fixt fonne,and the Ladie lane his wife Et portoit, d"or au Lyon rampant vert a la queue nouee. Ambrofe VV A R W I C K E. 375 A CMbrofe Dudley, fbnne of Iohn,Duke of Northum- "^"berland, on Saint Stephens day , the fix and twen- tieth of December, 1 5 62. and the fourth of Queene Elizabethans at White 'Hall created Baron Lijle, and the fame day, made the two and twentieth E&rle of Warwickc. Hec was Maftcr of the Ordnance, Knight of the Garter, and one of the Priuie CounfeU to the (aid Queene. He married three Wiues, buthadnoif- fue by ey thcrrthe firft was Avne, daughter and co-hcirc of William Whorxvood, Atturney Generall to King Hen- ry the Eight : the fecond was Elizabeth , daughter of Gilbert Lord Talboys : and the third was Anne , eldeft daughter of Francis Lord Ruffell, and Earle of Bedford. He dyed without iflue,in theyeare 15 89- and was buried atWarwicke. Et portoit, lesarmoiries comme [on pere. Robert Lord Rich of Leze, fbnne of Robert Lord if/V£ofLeze,fonneand ! heireof/fo^jr^Lordi?;V£ Lord Chancellor of England, was by Letters Patents dated at Salifburie, the frxt of Auguft, 1618. made the three and twentieth Earle of Warwickc. Hec mar- ried Penelope, daughter of Walter Deuereux, Earle of EfTex, and had ifTue, Robert Lord Rich , Sir Henry Rich, Knight of the Bath , fecond fonne , Captaincof the Guards Charles third fbnne; Lettice, eldeft daughter, married to Sir George Cary of Deuonflhire Knight;^*, fecond daughter, was married to Sir Thomas Checker, Knight ; and Penelope, third daughter, was married to Sir Geruice Cltfton, Baronet , and JfabeH t thc fourth was married to Sir Thomas Smith,Kn\^ht Et portoit, gueulles an cheuron, accompaigne de trots croix recretfettees d'or, au Crejfantpur la difference. Robert Lord */V£,andthefoure & twentieth Earleof Warwick, married JV7,Lord Rich, Henry, Charles, K^innt and Luce, 1621. Et porteit Us armes defen pere. Kk 3? 5 S& 3 A Catalogue of the Dukes and Earles of Yor^e y their Armes, Wiues, and Children. Tho t Tonne of Henry Leo , Duke of Ba- Uaria, Saxonie, and Sardinia (begotten o&Mauld, daughter of Henry the fecond, King of England,who was after Empe- rour, by the name of Otho the fourth.) was girt with the Sword of the Earledome of Yorke, in the firft yeare of the Reigne of King Richard the firft his Vnclc, 1 189. But after wards KingifovW^made an exchange with Otho , and gauehimthe Earledome of Poi&ow, for the Earledome of Yorkc. Hee mar- ried two wiues , the firft was Mary , daughter of the Duke of Brabanti the fecond was Beatrix , daughter of Phi/Up the Emperour,fonnc of Frederick the Emperour, and dyed withoutifTuein Saxonie, 1218. This Otho had a brother both by Father and Mother , named Wtlltam , from whom are defcended , the Dukesof Brunfwicke, andLuneburgh in Germanic: who, formemorie of their Alliance and Kindred with the Kings of England, bare for their Armes, the ancient Armes of the Dukes of Normandic. Citeulles deux leopards paffant d'or. "C Bmond, fift fonne of King Edtvard the third (firna- •'~'medof Langley, the Kings Mannourhoufe neerc Saint Albons, where hee was borne) was created firft Earlc of Cambridge, in the thirtie fixeycare of his Fa- thers Reigne, and Lord of Tindale, and was Knight of the Garter : and in the ninth yeare of King Richard his Nephew, he was created Duke of Yorkc. Hee married two Wiues, the firft was Ifabell, fecond daughter and one of the heires of Pe terming of Caftile and Leon, by whomhehadiflue, .Edfowv/, Earlc of Rutland, Duke of Albemarle and Yorke ; Richard, after Earle of Cam- bridge; and Conftance, firft married to Thomas Spencer, Earle of Gloceftcr, and after to Thomas Holland, Earle of Kent. This YORKE. 377 This Edmonds fccond Wife was Joane, daughter of Thomas Holland, Earlcof Kent, and fiftcr andco-hcireof Edmond Holland, Earleof Kent, but by herhadnoifliie. He was in the abfencc of his Father in France, made Protc&or of the Rcalme of England; and after dyed in the third Veare of King Henry the fourth his Nephew , and was buried at Langlcy. Et portoit, France feme & d* Engleterre efcartclie, au Umbell d' argent c bargee au 9, torteaux. C DdwardPlantagenet Knight of the Garter, (fonnc •'"'and heire of Edmondof Langley aforefaid) was crea- ted Earle of Rutland and of Corke, in the thirteenth yeare of King Richard the fecond ; and in the one and twentieth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, he was crea- ted Duke of Albermale , and Conftable of England ; and after the death of his Father, hce was alfo Duke of Yorke, and Lord of Tyndall. Hee married Phtllip y daughter and one of theheires of Iohn Mohun , Lord of Dunfter, but by her had no ifTuc. Hee wasflaineat theBattailc of Egincourt, the flue and twentieth of October, the fourth of King Henry the fift, 1415. At which battaile were flaine , Charles Lord Dalabreth , high Conftable of France; laques le Chaftilion, Lord of Dampier, High Admirall of France; lohn, Duke D'Alanfon ; Anthony , Duke of Brabant ; Edward, Duke of Barry ; the Earlcs of Marie, Vawdemont,Blawmont,Grand-prcc>RufTey, Faulconbridge, Fois and Laftrake ; fiue andtwentic Lords, eight thou- fand Knights, Efquires and Gentlemen of Name and Armes. This Edwards body was brought oucr Sea into England , and buried at Fo- theringhay, thefirft of December after. Et portoit, lez armoiries de fon pere. A I <<*e*~r- TV IchardPlantagenet Knight of the Garter, (fonnc ■*^-and heire ofRichardo£ Conefburgh,Earlc of Cam- bridge , fecond fonneof Edmond of Langley , Duke of Yorke afore-faid) was after the death of Edwardhis Vnckje without ifiue, rcftored to bee Duke of Yorke, Earle of March and Vlftcr, Lord of VVigmore, Clare, Trym, and Connace,He was Lieutenant to King Hen- ry the fixt, in his Kingdome of France, and Dukedome of Normandie, 1435. and was Chiefe of the Fa&ion of the White Rofc , being defcended of Lionell, Duke of Clarence. This Richard, rayfed a deadly Warre a- gainft the Houfe of Lancafter , clayming his lawfull right in the Kingdome of England : which after, his Kk 3 fonne 3 ?8 YORKE, fonne EWobtayncd, and was King, by the Name of Edward the fourth. He wonne the Battaile of Saint Albons , againft King Henry the fixt, 145 5. and in the fame yeare, he was made by Parliament, hcirc appa- rent to the Crow nc, and Lord Protcftor of the Rcalmc. And after, in the nine and thirtieth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, hee was flaine with his yong fonne Edmond,at the Battaile of Wakefield, i4^o-he was firft bu- ried; at Pomfret, and after remooued to Foderinghay. He married Cicely, daughter of Ralphe Neuill, firft Earle of Weftmcrland 3 and had ifTue,£fc»- ry that dyed yong ; Edward, that was after King, by the Name of King Edward the fourth, Edmond, Earle of Rutland , flaine in thcTowneof Wakefield, by the Lord Clifford, the fame day his father was flaine in the Battell. lohn, Willtim,znd Thomas,dyed yong; Geerge,DvXe of Clarence, and Richardy Duke of Gloceftcr, after King. Annexht eldeft daughter; was firft married to Henry Holland, Duke of Exceftcr, and after to Sir Thomas Saint-Lcoger Knight,by whom he had ifTuc,/*»w,Mother of Thomas Man- Mrs, Earle of Rutland ; Elizabeth, Wife to lohn de la Pole, Duke of Suf- folke; Margaret third daughter, Wife to Charles, Duke of Burgundicjand Vrfula. Etfortoit, France feme ejr d'engleterre e fear telle, au lam- bell d' argent char gee an neuf torteaux. 15 Ichard, firnamed of Shresbury, the place of his ■t^-birth, fecond fonne of King Edward the fourth, was Knight of the Garter, and by his Father(at a Par- n liament held atWeftminftcr,thc twentieth day of May, 1474.) created Duke of Yorke; and in the nineteenth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, he married Anne, the- oncly daughter and heirc of lohn Lord Mowbray , Duke of Norfblkc , Earle Warren and Surrey ,• and Earle Marfhall of England, in whofe right he was Duke of Norfolkc,&c This Richard, being but a childc, was with his Brother, King Eclward the Hft ( by the com- mand of Richard, Duke of Gloccfter , their vnnaturall Vnckle) moft cruelly murdered in the Tower of London , the ninth day of the Kalends of Iunc, 1 483 . without ifTue : his place of buriall was ne- uerknowne certainly to this day .His Wife died alio yong without ifTue, and was buried at Wcftminfter. Et portoit, France ejr d'engleterre efcartelle , a lambelld 1 argent char gee au neuf torteaux. Henry YORKE. 179 TJ" Enry, fecond fonnc of- King Henry the fcucnth , in •*• ■* the tenth yearc of his Fathers Rcignc, was created Duke of Yorkc, in the Parliament houfeat Wcftmin- fter, and after Prince of Wales jandlaftly, King of Eng- land, by the name of Kingffenry the eight; Father of Elizabeth, that moft worthy and triumphant Qucenc of moft happie memory. Hce writ in his ftile Duke of Yorkc, Lieutenant Gcncrall of Ireland, Earle Marftiall of England , and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Knight of the Garter. Etftrtoit, efcarteHe, France & £ Engleterre a Umbel d' argent char gee an neuf torteaux. /"* Harks, fecond fbnne of lames, King of Great Bri- ^^ taine, France and Ireland; being Duke of Albany, MarquefTe of Ormont , Earle of Ros , and Lord of Ardmanoch in Scotland; wascrcated Dukcof Yorkc, byhisFather,atWhitc-Hall,onTwelfthday,beingthc fixt of lanuary, 1604. and after Prince of Walcs,atthc fame place, the third of Nouembcr, in the yearc, id 16. He was alfo Knight of the moft honourable Order of the Garter. 3 8i A Catalogue of the Vifeounts, fince the Norman Conqueft, their Armei , Wines, and Children, Find in the booke of Lanthony ,that King /^»inthefirftycereof.his Reigne, by his Charter, did giue and grant to Con- Jlance de Tonnie, the daughter of Richard Vifcount Bello-monte, his Cozen, Aiel- refthefcote, in the Parifh of Southamp- ton in Deuonfhire, Viz,, the Land which King Henry the firft, Grand-father to King Henry the fccond, gauc together with the forefaid Towne of Southampton,to Con/lance his daughter , Grand-mother to this Con- vince in free marriage, witneffes Robert Earle of Lei - ccftcr and others. W CTr lohn Robfart , Captaine of Saint Sdmers in ^France, was Vifcount Robfart in King Henry the fifths time,but by whom or when hec was made,I find not, neither whom he married, or of any ifTue he had, but that he was made Knight of the Garter, inthefc- uenthyecre of King Henry the fifth , after the death of fVillUm ,Dukc of Holland, and that he died in the nine and twentieth ycerc of the (aid Kings Reigne , and was buried in the Gray Friars in London. Etfirtoityftntfe an lion rampant d'or vulned. Jtbn 381 VISCOVNTS. T ohn, Lord Beaumont,or Bcllo-Montc, Knight of the A Order of the Garter, and Conftable of England,fon of Henry, Lord Beaumont, late in Parliament the tenth yeare of King Henrie the fixt, as Lord Beaumont ■■> and was after by Letters Patents , bearing date at Reading, the twelfth of Fcbruaric, in the eighteenth yeere of King Henry the fixti, made Vifcount Beaumont. Hee married Elizabeth , daughter and heireof Sir William Philip , Lord Bardolph, and had ifluc, William and Henry, which were both Vifcounts, and died withouc iffue , leauing lane their filler and heirc , married to lohn , Lord Lomll. This lohn , was flaine at the fecond battaile of Northampton , the ninth of Iuly , the eight and thirtieth of King Henry the fixth. Etportoif, d'azur aulyon rampant feme delices d'or. XJEnry Bsurchier ( or de Burgo-Chau ) Knight of * •*the Garter , and Lord Treafurer of England, the three and thirtieth of King Henry the fixt, wasfonnc and heire of William Bourchier, which was created Earlc of Ewe, at Maunt in Normandy, by King Henry the fifth , fate in Parliament the fifteenth of King Henry the fixth, as Lord Bourchier ; and in thefiue and twentieth yeere of theiaid Kings Reignc, he was in Parliament, by the Name and Title of Vifcount Bourchier. And in the feuen and twentieth yeere of King Henry the fixth, Richard Duke ofrorke, by his Charter, did confirme certaine Lands vnto him, in marriage with ifa. hell his filter, with an annuitieof one hundred pounds by the yeere, by the name and title of Henry, Vifcount Bourchier, and had lfluefixfonnes, William that diedbefore his Father, Sir Henry flw/v^/Vr, Knight; Humfrey, flaine at Barnet-Fidd , I471. lohn, Thonnu , and Edward ; and died ir> the yeere 1483. Et porioit, d 'argent avn croix engrejlec de gueuSes, entre quatre bouces de fable. lohn VISCOVNTS. ?»3 I453.III T ohn Talbot,fccond fonnc of lohnTalbat, firft Earlc of •* Shrewsburic , by Margaret his Wife , eldeft daughter and coheirc of Richard B cauc hampe,Earic of Warwick, was created Vifcount Lifle,to him and his heires male, the fix and twentieth of July, in the two and twentieth yearcofKing/^wrythcfixt. He married leant, daugh- tcr,and one ofthcco-heircsofSir/^flC^i^K night, and had iffue , Thomas Talbot , who was ajfo Vifcount Liflc,and wasflaine at Wotton Vndcr-cdgc, without iffcc j and Elizabeth married to Edward Grey , who in her right wasalfo Vifcount Li(le,This/^/», was flaine with his Father , in the warrcs in France , in the ycare the two and thirtieth of King Hemic the fixt. Et fortoit , gueullesau lyon rampant ,4 la I or dure cn- grejfet d'or j at* croijfant d argent. "\J\T Illiam Berkeley , fbnne of Sir lames Berkeley , ▼ ▼ Knight, and of Elizabeth his Wife, daughter of Thomas Mowbray , Duke of Norfolkc , was created Vifcount-Bcrkeley, the twentieth ycare of King Ed- ward the fourth, and after Marquette Berkeley ; any married two Wiues,but had no ifiiic by cithcr.He gauc moft part of his Lands to King Henric the fcucnth, and died the feuenth of the faid Kings Rcigne,and was buried in the Auguftinc-Eryars in London , leauing Sir Morris Berkeley Knight, (his brother ) his hcirc. Et fortoit , gutulles au chcuron accompaigne de dix troixpatees d' argent. "C Ranc'u Louell, Knight of the Garter , fbnne of lohn, * Lord Louell, and lane his Wife ,fiftcr and heircof William , Vifcount Beaumont ; was created Vifcount Louell , at Eltham , in the two and twentieth ycare of King Edward the fourth; and in his ftile did write him- felfc, Vifcount Louell, Baron Holland, Deyn-court, and Grey of Rothcrfidd. Hcc married Anne, daugh- ter of Henry, Lord Fitz-Hugh, and was after flaine at Stockc-Field, 1487. without ifTuc, leauing his two filters , Ioane and Frifwold his heires > loam was mar- ried to Sir Bryan Stapleton, Knight, and Frifeold, to Sir Edward N orris. Knight. Et port oit, bur tile vndec sic fix £or & dtgucullet. Edward 3*4 VISCOVNTS. "C DwardGrey, fecond fonnc of Reginald, Lord Grey , *"- / ofRuthyn, married Elizabeth, daughter of lohn Talbot , Vifcount Lifle , and fitter and heire o^T homos fp= her brother , in whofe right hee was created Vif- f p| count Lifle , by King Edward the fourth , and had .J-" iflue, /<^« Grey , Vifcount Lifle, who married CMu- riel, daughter of Tenuis Howard , Duke of Norfolkc, and had iflue Elizabeth, married to Henrie Courtney, Earleof Deuon , and died without iflue : the faid Ed- ward had alfo iflue , two daughters , Elizabeth and Muriel ; Elizabeth , was firft married to Edmond Bud- ley, of the priuie Chamber to King Henrie the feuenth, and had iflue , lohn Dudley , Vifcount Lifle , and after fhee was married to K^irthur Plantagenet , bafe fbnne of King Edward the fourth, who was alfo Vifcount Lifle. (JVturiel the fecond daughter , was Wife to Henrie Stafford^ Earlc of Wiltfhire , but by him had no iflue. Effort oh , burellee de fix et argent & Sazur , trois torteaux en chef au Umbel d argent. lohn Lord Welles, Knight of the Garter , and fonnc *o$LyoneU Lord Welles , and Margaret his Wife, DuchcfTe of Somerfct, daughter of lohn Lord Beau-- champe, was created Vifcount Welles, by King Henry the feuenth ; and married Cecily , daughter of King Edwad the fourth, by whom hee had iflue a daughter,^ named Elizabeth, which died without iflue. He died J and was buried in the Auguftinc-Fryars in London, 14 ?S. in the fourteenth of King Henrie the feuenth. Etportoit, etor, aa lyon rampant a la double queue fable, arnte dr lampajfe degueulles. VISCOVNTS. 385 Sir Charles Brandon, Knight, created Vifcount Lifle* the fourth of King Henrte the eight, and Duke of SufFolke, in the fift ycare of the faid Kings Reigne : who , at the requeft of Mary his wife , fecond fitter to K\r\%Henrte the eight, and then Quecnc Dowager of France, refigned the Title and Dignitie of Vifcount Lifle, to Arthur Plantagenet, bafe fbnnc of King Edward the fourth , who had married the daughter andheirc of Edward Grey , Vifcount Liflc aforefaid, and had ifTue , as is more at large in the Title of Suf- folkc. Et forfeit, burelle d' argent ejr de gueuDes dedix pieces, a la Lion rampant d'or coronne per pale d' argent ejr degneulles , arme ejr lampaffe tTazur. \Rthur Plant agenet, Knight of the Garter , bafe •**-fonnc of King Edward the fourth , was after the furrender of chatles Brandon , created Vifcount Lifle at Bridewell , the fixe and twentieth of A prill , in the fifteenth yeare of King Henrte the eight, and mar- ried Elizabeth , daughter of Edward Grey , Vifcount Liflc , and fifter and heire of John Grey her brother, by whom hee had ifTue , three daughters his heircs, Bridget , Frances , and Elizabeth ; Bridget , was wife to Sir William Carden , Knight ; Frances , was firft married to lohn Baffet , and after , to Thomas Monkey of Deuonfbirc ; Elizabeth, the third daughter, was married to Sir Francis Iebfon, Knight. This Arthur died in the Tower of London, where he was buried, the firft day of Viarch, in the three and thirtieth of Henrte the eight. He bare for his Armcs, Efc arte lie France ejr dEngleterre , contr* e fear telle le fecond 'ejr tiers Vlfier, qui eft d'or a la croix de gueulles, le quart Mortuo-Mari, qui elt burelle de fix pieces d'or & d'azur a chef de la premier deux paletts entre deux bafe equires de la fecond, fur la tout 4 vn efchuchon Sargent, a la cot rice fine fire demefme. Here is to bee noted, that Kings illegitimate children, anciently were writ and named Baftards, and did beare and vfc their Fathers Armes with the difference of Baftards, and their ifTue after did not difdaync to con- L 1 tinue 3 86 VISCOVNT S. tinucthc fame to pofteritic. Why then fhould any now of meaner ranke, enuy to be named and fet downe with their right Armes and Marke,bcing ofthatkinde : nay, whylhould they not bee forced to carry their true Armes with their difference. Did not Lewis the cleuenth, King of France, manifeft and acknowledge his two bafe daughters , the one married to the Admirall of Bourbon, and the other to the Lord of Saint Vtlier , and licenced them to bearc his Armes, with a Baftards difference : which if you doubt of, readc this following. Lewi s, by the grace of God , King tf France , To all to whom this p rt fem Letter Jhall come, greeting : Hauing of late treated and accorded, the marriage of Our deare and louing bafe Daughter , Mary , with Our deare and fait hfull Coufm , Aymard of Poitiers , Lord of Saint Valier, Wee haue thought it expedient to appoint the Armes which it jhaU pleafe Vs Our faid Daughter Jhall carry : Wee therefore giue to vnderfland , that be- ing affured that the faid Mary, a truely Our bafe Daughter , and deftring to honour her and her Pofleritie , that Shee may enioy the Honours, Dignities, and Prerogatiues , -which belong to a Baflard of a Prince , for the great hue and afeclion which Wee beare her : Wee will, and ordaync, by theje Prejents, that the faid Mary, Our baft Daughter, carry the Armes of Prance, and for a difference, a Bajtonfineflre d'or , as bafe children haue accustomed to beare, for the which Wee haue, and doe giue her power and author itie for euer : In mtneffe whereof, Wee haue caufed Our Scale to be fet to thefe Prefents ; Gmcn at Mejla-jythc cleuenth of Inly, 1467. and of Our Reigntthe ftxt*. John Dudley, Knight ', fonnc of Edmond Dudley , •*and Elizabeth his wife, fitter and hci re of lehnCrey, Vifcount Lifle, was created Vifcount Liflc, at the Kings Palace at Weftminftcr , on Sonday the twelfth of March , the three and thirtieth of King Henrico the eight, and was after made Earlc of Warwicke, and laftly , Duke of Northumberland, as in thoic Titles is more at large. Et portoit , d'or an Lion rampant a U double queue vert. *iktr$ VISCOVNTS. 385 T> obertRadcliffe , Baron Fitz -Walter (grand-child ■*-^-of Sir IohnRadc It jfe^ Knight, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and one of the heires of Walter , Lord Fitz- Walter) was created Vifcount Fitz-Waltcr , in thefeuenteenth yeare of King Henrie the eight; and after, he was created Earle of SufTex. He married three wiues, and had illue by them all, as in the Title of Earles of Suffex is more at large . Hee died in the foure and thirtieth yeare of King Henrie the eight, 1542. Et portoit, d' argent au band engrejlee fable. r T , Homas Bollen, Knight of the Garter , fonneand -■- heircof Sir William Bollen of Blickling in Nor- folke, Knight, and of Margaret his wife, daughter and one of the heires of Thomas Butler, Earle of Ormond in Ireland , being Trcafurer of the Houfhold to King Henrie the eight , was created Vifcount Rochford ac Bridewell , in thefeuenteenth yeare of the faid Kings Reigne, and in the yeare 1529. Earle of Wiltlhire. He married Elizabeth , daughter of Thomas Howard, fc- condDukeofNorfolke, andhadifTue, asin the Tide of Earles of Wiltfhire is more at large. Hee died in the thirtieth yeare of King Henrie the eight. Et portoit^ Sargent au cheuron gueuUes entre trois tcftesde Bceuf cope de [able arme d'tr. P Dward Seymour, Knight of the Garter, and vnckle ■*- / to King Edward the fixt, wasfirft created Vifcount Beauchamp,in the eight and twentieth of Henrie the eight, 1536. and Earle of Hartford the nine and twen- tieth of Henrie the eight : and laftly , Baron Seymour and Duke of Somerfet , the fir ft of King Edward the frxt, 1547. Hee married two wiues, andhadifTue by them both, as before in the Title of Hartford is fet forth. He died, beheaded (forfellony) at the Tower- Hill by London, the eleuenth of Ianuarie, 155 i.thc fif t of K i ng Edward the fixt . Etportotifgntulles a deux Ailes I'aigle en leure d'or. LI % Walter 386 VISCOVNTS. \J\T4lter Deuereux , Lord Fcrrars of Chartlcy , V * (fonnc of John, Lord Ferrars, and Cecily Bour. chitr his wife, fiftcr of Henrie Bourchier, Earlc of Effex, andcoufinandhcire of ^yinne , the wife of F Villi am Parre, Marqueffe of Northampton) was created ViP ^ count Hereford, the firft of King Edward the fixt ; and lllllllP married CMary % daughter of Thomas Grey , MarquefTe t Dorfet, and had iffuc, Sir Richard Deuereux, Knight, who died before his father, leauing \iiucby Dorothea his wife (daughter of George,Lord Haftings.and Earlc of Huntington) Walter, Earlc of Effex , who married Lettice, daughter of Sir Francis Knolles, Knight of the Garter, and Trea- furcr of the Houfhold to Quecne Elizabeth , and had iffue, Robert , late Earle of Effex, &c. this Walter died the feucnteenth of September, 1558. Et portoit, cC argent a vnfacegueulles au trots torteauxin chef. LOrd, Thomas tfoward,Cccond fonnc of Thomas Ho- ward, the third Duke of Norfolke,was created Vif- count Howard of Bindon , the firft of Qucenc £//'s*- beth. He married Elizabeth, daughter and one of the co-heircs of lehn, Lord Marncy, and had iffue, Henry, Vifcount Byndon j Thomas , Vifcount Byndon , that died in theycare 1610. Francis and Giles $ and three daughters, Elizabeth , Grace, and Douglas, married to Sir Arthur Gorge , Knight. Et portoit, les armes de Howard auec la crejfant fur la difference. \ Nthony Browne , Knight of the Garter, was crca- -**• ted Vifcount Mountagucat Hampton-Court.thc fecond of September , in the firft and fecond of King Philip and Queenc Mary. He married two wiues , the firft was lane, daughter of Robert Radcliffe, Earle of Suffcx, by whom he had iffuc, •Anthony Browne his cldcft fonnc, who married CMary, daughter of Sir William Dormer of Ethorp in Buckinghamfhirc, and died before his father , leauing iffuc Anthony Browne, now Vifcount Mountaguc, 1621. and Mary, mar- ried vnto Henrie WrittheJIey , Earle of Southampton, rather VISCOVNTS. 387 father of Henri e , now Earlc of Southampton , \6z\. This Ksfntkenies fecond wife, was Magdalene, daughter of WiUtam , Lord Dacres of Gil- lcflandintheNorth,by whomhehadifTue, Sit George Browne, Knight; Thomas and Henrie, and three daughters i Elizabeth , wife to Sir Robert Dormer , fonneofSir William aforefiid ; Mabel, fecond daughter, and lane Browne, was the third daughter. This Anthony died at his Houfe ofMed- hurft in SufTex, and was there very honourably buried , with foure Offi- cers of Armes. Et portoit, fables trots Lions pajfant en U band entre quatre tottice £ argent, an creffant d'or. O It Robert Cecill, Knight of the Garter, fecond fonne ^ of William Cecill, Baron of Burghley, Lord high Treafurer of England , being Secretarie to Queenc E- lizabeth, and Mafier of the Court of Wards, and Chancellor of the Vniuerfitie of Cambridge, was by King James , firXt created Baron of EfTenden , in the Tower of London, the thirteenth of May, 1603. an ^ after Vifcoiirit Cranburnc , the twentieth of Auguft, 1604. and laftly.Earle of Salisbury, the fourth of May, 1605. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of William Brooke, Lord Cobham, and had ifluc , William Cecill, now Earle of Salifbury, 1621. and Frances, wife to Henrie, Lord Clif- ford, fonne and heire of Francis Clifford , now Earle of Cumberland, 1 62 1. Et portoit, burelle de dix, d argent ejr d'azur , fur Ic tout fix efchn- chons, 3. 2; 1. fable fix Lions rampant d' argent , A vn ere f fant pur la fecond difference. C Ir Robert Sidney, Knight of the Garter, fonne of Sir ^ Henrie Sidney, Knight of the Garter, Lord Deputic of Ireland , and Lord Prefident of the Counfell of the Marches of Wales ; was firft created Baron of Penf- hurfLjn the Tower of London,the thirteenth ofMay, 1603. and after, Vifcount Lifle at Greenwich , the fourth of May, 1 605 . And laftly, was created Earleof Leicefter at Salifbury, the fecond day of Auguft, 1618. being then Lord Chamberlaine to Queene Anne . Hee married Barbara , daughter and fole heire of John Ga- mage, Lord of Coy tie in Glamorganshire, and had if- fue, Sir Robert Sidney , Knight of the Bath , and Lord Lifte,nowliuing, 1621. and others j as in the Title of Earlcs of Leicefter ismore at large. Et portoit, d'or a la Pheon d'azur. LI 5 Sir 5 88 VISCOVNTS. O Ir Robert Or*, Knight, borne in Scotland, was firft ^created Vifcount Rochefter , at White-Hall , on Monday in the Eafter Wcckc,bcing the Hue 3nd twen- tieth of March, 1611. and laftly, by Letters Patents, bearing date, 1614. made Baron of Branfpath, and Earle of Somerfct. Hcc was alfo Lord Chambcrlainc of the Houlehold to King lames. Hee married Fran- ces , daughter of Thomas Howard, Earle of Suffolkc. This Robert and his Lady were both arraigned at Weftminfter Hall , the fourc and twentieth and fiue and twentieth of May, 161 6. forbeingpriuieandcon- fenting to the poyfoning of Sir Thomas Ouerburj, Knight, the faid Kirles great friend and fauourite, and were found guilty by their Peeres, and had their Iudgcmenttodic for the fame 5 as in the Title of Somerfet is more at large. Et forfeit, d'azttr an chtttren d'argent, charge de trots mo/lets de gneulles, brife de vn Leopard pajfant Sor y d* primier canton de Efcuchon. © & 8 ■ Sir George Fillers, Knight, a younger ibnnc of Sir George V tilers , of Brookesby in Leiceftcrfhirc, Knight , was firft created Baron of Whaddon , and after Vifcount Villers, at Woodftocke, the fcuen and twentieth of Auguft, 1616. and the fixtcenth of Ia- nuary after, hcc was created Earle of Buckingham,ac White-Hall : and laftly ,thc firft day of Ianuary,i 6ij. hee was made MarquefTe of Buckingham, by the deli- ueric of a Letters Patents. Hee was alfo Knight of the Garter, Mafterof the Horfc, and one of his Ma- icfties moft Honourable Priuy Counccll ; as is more at large in the Title of Buckingham. Et portoit, d' argent ait croix degueulles, charge de cinq coquilies (Tor, at* Mertelote [able. Sir VISCOVNTS. iU C Ir Thomas Egerton, Knighr, being Lord Chancel- lor of England, was created Baron of Elcfmere, at Hampton-Court, the fenen teen th of Iuly, in the firft yeare of King lames : and the feuenth of Noiicmber, 16 16. hee was created(at White-Hall) Vifcount Brack- ley. Hee married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Ra- uenfcroft,of Flint(hire,Efquire; and had \tt\ic y Tbomas, that died before his father } and Sir lohn Egertoh,Tiow Earle of Bridge-Water, 1622. and a daughter named Mary, married to Sir Francis Lee, Knight of the Bath, Hee died at York-Place, by Charing-CrOfle. Et portoit d' argent, au Lien rampant gtteulles, entre trois pheons, a la for dure engrejlee de fable. C Ir William Knolles, Knight of the Garter, and Trea£ ^furerof theHoufehold to,King/4»w,and Maftcf of the Court of Wards, w'as firft created Baron of Graycs, in the Tower of London , the thirteenth of May,i6o3.and after Vifcount Wallingford.at Whits- Hall, the feuenth of Nouember, 1616. Hee married two Wiues ; by tHe firft hee had no iflue. His fe*cond Wife was Elizabeth, the eldeft daughter of Thomas Howard,Earte of Suffolkc,and Lord Treafurer of Eng- land ; by whom hee had iflue. Et portoit, d'azur a la creix recercelez, deftjont, feme croix recroifettes d'or. I Ames Lord Hay, of Saulcy, was by Letters Patents^ dated the of Iuly, 161 s, rnade VJfoount Donca- fter. Hee married two Wiues : The fjf ft was Honora, daughter and helre of Edward Lord Ii>enhy,of \Val- tham i and had iflue ^ H||s fcrond Wife, j was Lady Z,»^,fecond daughter of Henry Lord Percy, Earle of Northumberland, 1621. by whom hee hid iflue. Et pertoit } cCargent trois Sfcuthons degueullts. Sir > 3£o VISCOVNTS. H % % O Ir John Fillers, Knight,third fonne of Sir George Fil- ^lers of Brookesby in Lciccftcrfhirc,Knight, was by Letters Patents, bearing date the nineteenth of Iuly, 1619. made Baron of Stoke, and Vifcount Purbcckc. Hec married Frances, daughter of that great and wor- thy Lawyer, Sir Edward Co^Knighc, fomctime Lord chiefe Iufticc of the Kings Bench, and now one of his Maicftics moft Honourable Priuic Councell, 1611. Et fort at les armes de fort fere, au mullet defable. C Ir Frances Bacon, Knight, (a younger fbnnc of Sir ^Nicholas Bacon, Knight, Lord Keeper of the great Sealc of England) was firft Sollicitor, and after Attor- ney General] to King lames, who made him firft Baron ofVeruJamj and after, by Letters Patents, bearing date the feucnand twentieth of Ianuary, \6%o, Vif- count Saint- Albon. Hec was alfo,for a while, Lord Chancellor of England, &c. Hec married <_// //V<0< daughter of Benedict Barnham, of London , Efquirc ; but by her hath no ifTue. Et forfeit, gueulks au chiefe ct argent dew mullets it fable, au crejfant fur la difference. ■ C Ir William Cauendifl},Knight,(fonnc and hcirc of Sir ^ Charles Cauendifl), Knight, a younger fonne of Sir William Cauendijh, Knight, Treafur,er of the Chamber to Ks^ Henry the eight, King Edward the fixt, and Qucene CMary) was by Letters Patents, dated the third of Nouember,i<5ao. made Baron Ogle,and Vif- count Tvfansfield. Hce married daughter and hcire qI 92 76 93 103 112 ARundell. Albemarle, Anguifh. Atboll. Buckingham. Bedford. Britayne. Bath. Bridge-water. Boughan. Berkefhire. Chefier. Cornwall. Carlile. Clare rjr Clarence. 1 14 Cumberland. 1 20 Cambridge. 122 Deuonjhire. 124 Derby. 132 Dorfet. 141 Effex. 147 Exeejtcr. 155 E-weor Angie. 159 Ferrars. 132 Glocefier. 162 Hartford. 162 Hereford. 172 Huntington. 179 H older nes. 189 #