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"-*HE JOLLY BEGGARS A CANTATA BY ROBERT BURNS WITH INTRODUCTION BY WILLIAM MARION REEDY Portland Maine: Printed for Thomas Bird Mosher and published by him at 45 Exchange Street MDCCCCXI V COPYRIGHT THOMAS BIRD MOSHER I914 tiinj DEDICATION EAR W. IRVING WAY : L recall the fact that our late never- to-be-forgotten Andrew Lang inscribed his exquisite Letters on Literature to you in i88q, just twenty-five years ago. He said he had never seen you, but I have seen you — and still survive ! He also remarked that you were very real to him, and so you are to me. Lastly, he affirmed that you had done him many kindnesses. This, too, I can well believe, for have you not done them unto me? Now, as some slight return for the friendly deeds oj many years L ask your acceptance oj a Dedication to The Jolly Beggars — the first American and certainly the first State of Maine edition, so far as L am able to discover, issued DEDICATION by and /or itself alone. It is " noble and nude and antique.' 1 ' 1 It is also a world classic that aligns with the Greater Testament of Master Francis Villon. lastly it should be compared in its first "beggarly disguise as to paper and print, but magnificent vesture of verse" with that masterpiece of " old Friz's," for whose fair fame we have each of us been laborers in the vineyard. May I not affirm of the 1 'enters ''-like fidelity illumining The Jolly Beggars, what Mtlton in his Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce said of Truth itself: — ". . . . for truth is as impossible to be soiled by any outtvard touch, as the sunbeam, though this ill hap wait on her nativity that she never comes into the world but like a bastard to the ignominy of him that brought her forth." So stand recorded the words of one whose appeal lay to Time the Avenger, and most literally true are such words when applied to the immortal serio- comic Cantata which first saw the light in a diminutive '■chap' long since become priceless. DEDICATION As we know, it was rejected " on principle" by the earliest editor of our poefs collected works, ii prim Currie, of now seldom blessed memory" and, the insult being repeated, Sir Walter Scott filed his everlasting rejoinder. It is a man's book : and it became the whole world's book when he who wrote it was "... gathered to the kings of thought Who waged contention with their time's decay, And of the past are all that cannot pass away." I offer this " puissant and splendid production " in a fashion that seems good to me and as I hope will also be approved by your honoured self. It our friend, THOMAS BIRD MOSHER. November, igi4. The Jolly Beggars, a poem which stands alone in literature, not only unmatched, but unmatchable. The vagabonds in Poosie-Nansie's ought to be miserable, for they are outlaws and outcasts. They are social outlaws and religious outcasts. They are not merely in revolt against the laws and conventions of society. For them the laws and conventions of society do not exist. They do not live in the world we live in. They live in the kingdom of humor, where the soul is a joke and the body is a jest. The menace of laws spir- itual and laws social does not terrify them. They are satisfied with life as a skylark is satisfied with it or a pig. The very fact that they are alive is all they care for. They look neither before nor after. They do not pine for what is not. JAMBS DOUGLAS. 5131 ^^fe^^^^^^^i:^^^ CONTENTS PAGE DEDICATION : TO W. IRVING WAY V BY THE EDITOR INTRODUCTION .... . xiii BY WILLIAM MARION REEDY THE JOLLY BEGGARS : A CANTATA • 3 BY ROBERT BURNS NOTES ON TEXT .... . 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY .... . 29 comments : (not " writ in water " ) i. Sir Walter Scott (1809) • 35 11. J. G. Lockhart (1828) • 38 in. Thomas Carlyle (1828) • 39 iv. William Scott Douglas (189 1) • 4i v. William Ernest Henley (1896) • 44 vi. Andrew Lang (1886-1896) . • 49 SOME ASPECTS OF ROBERT BURNS • 53 BY ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS frontispiece: photogravure of the nasmyth portrait i. facsimile of title-page first edition, GLASGOW (1799) II. FACSIMILE OF LAST PAGE OF BURNS' MS. FROM LITHOGRAPHED EDITION (1823) III. ORIGINAL AIR OF FINAL SONG INTRODUCTION Pupil of Ramsay, master of Tannahill, it is natural that Chloris and Damon should linger in his pages beside Jean and Gavin and Davie, and the beggars at Nanse's splore. Everyone of judgment sees that his most underived and passionate work was his best, that his fame rests most firmly on the records of his wildest or freest moods ; more on the Songs and the Satires and Tam o'Shanter and the Cantata than on the Cotter's Saturday Night Contrast The Gentle Shepherd with The Jolly Beg- gars — the one is a court pastoral, like a minuet of the ladies of Versailles on the sward of the Swiss village near the Trianon, the other is like the march of the Mcenads with Theroigne de Mericourt. Over all this masterpiece is poured "a flood of liquid harmony:" in the acme of the two-edged satire, aimed alike at laws and law-breakers, the graceless crew are raised above the level of gipsies, footpads, and rogues, and made, like Titans, to launch their thunders of rebel- lion against the world. WILLIAM SCOTT DOUGLAS. INTRODUCTION DURNS was twenty-seven when he J wrote " The Jolly Beggars." The j J year was 1785. And there we have, aside from his genius, the explanation of his remarkable performance. For the work is, first, the authentic, the insuppressible utterance of youth — youth that believes in itself, in its power to make all things anew ; youth that has no reverence for custom, or tradition or institutions. So it is the mocking spirit of youth that calls the piece " a cantata," in scorn of all the religious connotations of the word. It is the same spirit as asserts itself in the treatment of "Holy Willie," of the "Unco Guid." Youth is infidel. It is so sure of itself, it has no INTRODUCTION faith in aught else that is established. Against what is, youth revolts. So the description, " a cantata," is a fling at religion, of which we know from Burns' biography he had had a disillusioning experience. Not long before, he tells us, he was in danger of being over- pious. But he had read and he had thought, and after the manner of youth, he had found his soul turn sick within him in contemplation of religion gone all to formalism, emptied of substance of love. For the world just then was seething with the stirring of the Enlight- enment. The Encyclopaedists, Rousseau, and others had set the leaven working. America had successfully rebelled. The French Revolu- tion was impending. The world was about to revert to that "state of nature" Jean Jacques had poetized and idealized. What was youth to do under the impulse of the new vision ? Nothing but fling itself into the new movement. Man was born free but is everywhere in chains. The world was in INTRODUCTION xv the grasp of the oppressors. Youth's heart went out and its song went up for the outcast, the lawless. For Burns was of the people. He was of the oppressed. Society, as he saw it, is pictured in the "Twa Dogs." Moreover, experience had begun to touch him with bitterness at Mauchline, and he had had experience of love that made him a rebel against the supreme oppressive mystery of high heaven that defeats love in the ultimate. The storm and stress of life and love were upon him and he was seeking reality. The conventions hemmed him in and tortured him. The ideal was far away. The ideals of this world were false to him. To the winds, then, with the wisdom of this world as represented by the successful whom he knew, with religion as represented by the "Auld LichtsI" There was escape and surcease at Poosie Nansie's. So, many a lesser Burns has fled to — Bohemia. For there are the people who are real, having abandoned conformity, having taken their INTRODUCTION lives in their own hands for living. There is to be found life unconditioned by any law. There one finds those who acknowledge no fealty to duty, who are emancipated of servi- tude to things — to property. Love is free, and drink is there to give glamour to all. And there 's boundless, unquestioning friend- ship among all in a republic of those who live while they live and laugh at all the insane devices of order. All this is youth at its best — in the time of folly and revolt. No wonder Burns found, for a time, what he thought to be a more real world among the Jolly Beggars. And who can fault him for it ? It is nature in the young. It is the course of things. It has its use developmentally. "The follies of youth," says Robert Louis Stevenson, "have a basis in sound reason, just as much as the embarrassing questions sometimes put by young children. Their most anti-social acts indicate the defects of our society. When the torrent sweeps the man against the boulder, INTRODUCTION you must expect him to scream, and you need not be surprised if the scream is sometimes a theory. It is better to be a fool than to be dead. It is better to emit a scream in the shape of a theory than to be entirely insensible to the jars and incongruities of life and take everything as it comes in a forlorn stupidity. For God's sake, give me the young man who has brains enough to make a fool of himself." Divine folly ! What a wealth of music and of wisdom the world owes to it. Without it we had no Villon. And how much of Shak- spere do we owe to nights of bowsing at the Mermaid, with blustering Ben. We sense it in the work of Jean Bocace, it echoes resoundingly in Byron. Out of its fume and plangency came the sombre imaginings of Poe and the piercingly simple spiritualities of Verlaine. Wine and woman and song! Are they not a trinity of the world in revolt against the tyranny of rules, acclaimed by Doctor Martin Luther ? Search me the world and INTRODUCTION find a truer reformer than Master Francis Rabelais, escaped at forty from a monastery and seeing the world with the eyes of youth till then unfelt, unknown. Thus supreme art comes through and from the humanizing touch of the people. Burns perfected, yes, and purified, his philosophy at Poosie Nansie's. How he came to write "The Jolly Beggars," thus we see. To explain the poem itself were fatuous. A great work explains, as it pro- claims, itself. But it is not supererogatory to point out that here is Burns at high-water- mark. Note the inclusiveness of his observa- tion. He paints like Teniers. You see, you hear, you smell the room and the company. You plunge from the outer blast into the back room's cosy glow, into the midst of the carouse. Every character is drawn to the life and painted nature's own hue in a stroke, in a dash. The fiddle squeaks and the soldier sings. And as the soldier sings, he indicts War in a jest. He has lost an arm and a leg INTRODUCTION and yet he 's ready to go again at the sound of the drum. He helped make Wolfe immortal "on the heights of Abram," and to bring Moro castle low, and now he must beg, but he's happy with his wallet, his bottle and his callet — and that is all of Britain's glory to him. Then the doxy takes up the song to her sodjer laddie — the last of a long line of loves she has known. This is the joy of living — she knows not how long — a cup and a song. And old age thinks it over and wonders if that philosophy be not as true as any of the others — while it lasts. Merry Andrew rises for his say, and where will you find better expressed the wisdom of the fool, flouting the folly of the wise ? Here is a fool by profes- sion, and it 's better than being one and not knowing it. There 's no wisdom in books. Government? Statesmanship! "There's even I 'm tauld i' the Court a tumbler ca'd the Premier." Look ! a mountebank in the pulpit! . . . "The chiel that's a fool for INTRODUCTION himsel " — well, he 's wiser than those who are fools for others, or for a conventional idea. Hearken to the ranch carlin as she sings her "braw John Highlandman ! " Here's the undying glorification of the strong man who defies the state and the law. All the world loves a rebel — all the world that is not rotten with the infatuation of property and the idolatry of protecting it. The Fiddler sings us the open road, the bed on the heath, the love-clip in the ditch. Away with work, give us the free air, a glass, a song, a kiss, and " we '11 whistle o'er the lave o' it." And the Tinker holds life a gay adventure, making a slight concession to labor. But the end of labor is to gain leisure and that 's why he will "go and clout the cauldron." He's a free laborer, is Messer Tinker, nor slave to boss nor to the Union. Here, in mocking guise, is the philosophy of work : just enough of it to get along short of scant and, now and then, to chousel the state by a feat of bounty-jumping. INTRODUCTION The Poet joins in with his lay, "For a' that." And his theme is as that of the others. Be free. Enjoy the hour. Follow fancy, "but for how lang the flie may stang, let inclination law that ! " The crowd calls for another song from the Poet and he gives them the ditty with a chorus in which we can hear the Ca ira, to which we can imagine, other peasants, a few years later, dancing the car- magnole around the tumbrils : " A fig for those by law protected ! Liberty 's a glorious feast, Courts for cowards were erected, Churches built to please the priest ! " This is the culmination of the theme of " The Jolly Beggars." It puts the case for freedom, as youth ever puts it, in the extreme. Later we may come to see that what youth rebels at is but the crust and not the core of life as it is lived in the social contract. Youth would be served with the truth. It cries for it. INTRODUCTION But life cannot quite give the truth desired lest that truth consume us with a withering flame. Life compromises and so must we. But even as we so conclude, who of us is not, in his secret heart, at one with Burns in loving life and loving love and hacking at chains. We are sib to Burns as we are to Don Quixote. We go on the quest to destroy wrong and to rescue Beauty. Yes, we know we are fools, but in such sweet folly who would be wise — and bitter? Burns, in "The Jolly Beggars," is simply in the indignant, pro- testing, rebellious phase of his permanent, fundamental mood of universal, democratic sympathy. There is naught here that clashes with the Cotter's Saturday Night, To a Mouse, To a Daisy, the verses to his old mare or to his pet yowe. Shines through the ribaldry ever nothing but love and pity more powerful even than his scorn for the system that makes the folk who live for us, and for all time, in the reeking room at Poosie Nansie's. For INTRODUCTION xxm they are our brothers and sisters. To those who sniff at these and hold their nose for that such may come " between the wind and their nobility " we can only say " Let them cant about decorum, Who have character to lose." WILLIAM MARION REEDY. THE JOLLY BEGGARS A CANTATA Of all his poems perhaps the greatest — certainly the most imaginative — is The Jolly Beggars. The condition of the characters in this splendid " Cantata " is in one respect akin to that in which the discoverer of the " Everlasting No " imagined that he might ultimately find himself. Tfcey have sounded to the bottom every possibility of disaster and humiliation ; life can bring to them no evil of which they have not had the most intimate experience. The conclusion they draw is not in the least like that drawn by Teufelsdrockh — that man should in this lowest of all depths confront his destiny in a spirit of grim defiance. Their creed is that he should confront it in a spirit of reckless gaiety, snatching from the universe the poor fragments of pleasure which may still be within his reach. And so they kiss, and fight, and drink, and sing their wild songs, and in a whirl of mad excitement forget their rags, and misery, and squalor. There was something in the idea of this poem which struck a deep chord in the mind of Burns, and called into exer- cise his loftiest powers as an artist. From the first line to the last he writes with unflagging vigour and with a sense of boundless freedom. He does not once attempt to tell us directly the secret of the strange scene he depicts, yet we are never for a moment per- mitted to lose sight of its tragic significance. JAMBS SIME. TRE JOLLY BEGGARS A CANTATA. BY ROBERT BURNS. Hcre's to budgets, bags, and wallets f Hire's to all the "wandering train / Here's our ragged brits and C&Ucts' One and all cry wt, Amen ! GLASGOW: PRINTED FOR AND SOLD BY Stewart & Melkle. I— TITLE-PAGE OF FIRST EDITION (l7qq) THE JOLLY BEGGARS A CANTATA RECITATIVO WHEN lyart leaves bestrow the yird, Or, wavering like the bauckie-bird, 1 Bedim cauld Boreas' blast ; When hailstanes drive wi' bitter skyte, And infant frosts begin to bite, In hoary cranreuch drest ; Ae night at e'en a merry core O' randie, gangrel bodies In Poosie-Nansie's 2 held the splore, To drink their orra duddies : withered ground lash one ; gang lawless vagrant carousal spare rags 4 THE JOLLY BEGGARS Wi' quaffing and laughing roistered They ranted an' they sang, Wi' jumping an' thumping The vera girdle rang.3 next ii First, niest the fire, in auld red rags Ane sat, weel brac'd wi' mealy bags 4 And knapsack a' in order; His doxy lay within his arm ; whisky Wi' usquebae an' blankets warm, leered She blinket on her sodger. flushed with drink An' ay he gies the tozie drab sounding The tither skelpin kiss, mouth While she held up her greedy gab alms-dish Just like an aumous dish : Each Ilk smack still did crack still hawker's Like onie cadger's whup ; Then, swaggering an' staggering, He roar'd this ditty up : — THE JOLLY BEGGARS AIR tune : Soldier s Joy I I am a son of Mars, who have been in many wars, And show my cuts and scars wherever I come : This here was for a wench, and that other in a trench When welcoming the French at the sound of the drum. Lai de daudle, etc, n My prenticeship I past, where my leader breath'd his last, When the bloody die was cast on the heights of Abram ; And I served out my trade when the gallant game was play'd, And the Moro low was laid at the sound of the drum. THE JOLLY BEGGARS in I lastly was with Curtis among the floating batt'ries, And there I left for witness an arm and a limb ; Yet let my country need me, with Eliott to head me I'd clatter on my stumps at the sound of the drum. IV trull And now, tho' I must beg with a wooden arm and leg And many a tatter'd rag hanging over my bum, I'm as happy with my wallet, my bottle, and my callet As when I us'd in scarlet to follow a drum. THE JOLLY BEGGARS 7 V What tho' with hoary locks I must stand the winter shocks, Beneath the woods and rocks oftentimes for a home ? When the tother bag I sell, and the tother bottle tell, I could meet a troop of Hell at the sound of a drum. Lai de daudle, etc. RECITATIVO He ended ; and the kebars sheuk rafters shook Aboon the chorus roar ; Over While frighted rattons backward leuk, rats An' seek the benmost bore : inmost hole A fairy fiddler frae the neuk, tiny ; corner He skirl'd out Encore! squeaked But up arose the martial chuck, dear An' laid the loud uproar: — THE JOLLY BEGGARS AIR tune : Sodger Laddie I once was a maid, tho' I cannot tell when, And still my delight is in proper young men. Some one of a troop of dragoons was my daddie : No wonder I 'm fond of a sodger laddie ! Sing, lal de dal, etc. The first of my loves was a swaggering blade : To rattle the thundering drum was his trade ; His leg was so tight, and his cheek was so ruddy, Transported I was with my sodger laddie. in But the godly old chaplain left him in the lurch ; The sword I forsook for the sake of the church ; He risked the soul, and I ventur'd the body: 'Twas then I prov'd false to my sodger laddie. THE JOLLY BEGGARS IV Full soon I grew sick of my sanctified sot ; The regiment at large for a husband I got; From the gilded spontoon5 to the fife I was ready : I asked no more but a sodger laddie. But the Peace it reduc'd me to beg in despair, Till I met my old boy in a Cunningham Fair; His rags regimental they flutter'd so gaudy : My heart it rejoic'd at a sodger laddie. VI And now I have liv'd — I know not how long 1 But still I can join in a cup and a song; And whilst with both hands I can hold the glass steady, Here 's to thee, my hero, my sodger laddie ! Sing, lal de dal, etc. io THE JOLLY BEGGARS RECITATIVO Poor Merry-Andrew in the neuk tinker-wench Sat guzzling wi' a tinkler-hizzie ; cared not ; took They mind 't na wha the chorus teuk, Between themselves they were sae busy. At length, wi' drink an' courting dizzy, struggled He stoiter'd up an' made a face ; Then turn'd an' laid a smack on Grizzie, Then Syne tun'd his pipes wi' grave grimace : — AIR tune : Auld Sir Symon drunk I Sir Wisdom 's a fool when he 's fou; court Sir Knave is a fool in a session : He 's there but a prentice I trow, But I am a fool by profession. book ii My grannie she bought me a beuk, went off An' I held awa to the school : I fear I my talent misteuk, But what will ye hae of a fool ? THE JOLLY BEGGARS 1 1 in For drink I wad venture my neck ; A hizzie 's the half of my craft : But what could ye other expect Of ane that 's avowedly daft ? cracked IV I ance was tyed up like a stirk 6 bullock For civilly swearing and quaffing ; I ance was abus'd i' the kirk rebuked For towsing a lass i' my daffin. rumpling; fun V Poor Andrew that tumbles for sport Let naebody name wi' a jeer : There 's even, I 'm tauld, i' the Court A tumbler ca'd the Premier. VI Observ'd ye yon reverend lad Mak faces to tickle the mob ? He rails at our mountebank squad — It 's rivalship just i' the job ! THE JOLLY BEGGARS fellow sturdy beldam ducked plague upon gallows fine lowland VII And now my conclusion I '11 tell, For faith ! I 'm confoundedly dry : The chiel that 's a fool for himsel, Guid Lord ! he 's far dafter than I. RECITATIVO Then niest outspak a raucle carlin, Wha kent fu' weel to cleek the sterling For monie a pursie she had hooked, 8 An' had in monie a well been douked. Her love had been a Highland laddie, But weary fa' the waefu' woodie ! Wi' sighs an' sobs she thus began To wail her braw? John Highlandman: — AIR tune : O, An' \e Were Dead', Guidman i A Highland lad my love was born, The lalland laws he held in scorn, But he still was faithfu' to his clan, My gallant, braw John Highlandman. THE JOLLY BEGGARS i3 CHORUS Sing hey my braw John Highlandman ! Sing ho my braw John Highlandman ! There 's not a lad in a' the Ian' Was match for my John Highlandman ! ii With his philibeg, an' tartan plaid, kilt An' guid claymore 10 down by his side, The ladies' hearts he did trepan, My gallant, braw John Highlandman. in We ranged a' from Tweed to Spey, An' liv'd like lords an' ladies gay, For a lalland face he feared none, My gallant, braw John Highlandman. IV They banish'd him beyond the sea, But ere the bud was on the tree, Adown my cheeks the pearls ran, Embracing my John Highlandman. 14 THE JOLLY BEGGARS But, Och ! they catch'd him at the last, And bound him in a dungeon fast. My curse upon them every one — They 've hang'd my braw John Highlandman ! VI And now a widow I must mourn The pleasures that will ne'er return ; No comfort but a hearty can When I think on John Highlandman. CHORUS Sing hey my braw John Highlandman ! Sing ho my braw John Highlandman ! There 's not a lad in a' the Ian' Was match for my John Highlandman ! RECITATIVO A pigmy scraper on a fiddle, Wha us'd to trystes an' fairs to driddle," THE JOLLY BEGGARS i5 Her strappin limb an' gawsie middle buxom (He reach'd nae higher) Had hol'd his heartie like a riddle, An' blawn 't on fire. blown it II Wi' hand on hainch and upward e'e, hip He croon'd his gamut, one, two, three, hummed Then in an arioso key The wee Apollo Set off wi' allegretto glee His giga solo : — AIR tune : Whistle Owre the Lave O't rest I Let me ryke up to dight that tear ; reach ; wipe An' go wi' me an' be my dear, An' then your every care an' fear May whistle owre the lave o't. i6 THE JOLLY BEGGARS CHORUS I am a fiddler to my trade, An' a' the tunes that e'er I play'd, The sweetest still to wife or maid Was Whistle Owre the Lave O't. harvesthomes we '11 ii At kirns an' weddins we 'se be there, An' 0, sae nicely 's we will fare ! We '11 bowse about till Daddie Care Sing Whistle Owre the Lave O't. in bones; pick Sae merrily the banes we '11 pyke, fence An' sun oursels about the dyke ; An' at our leisure, when ye like, We '11 — whistle owre the lave o't ! IV But bless me wi' your heav'n o' charms, tickle ; catgut An' while I kittle hair on thairms, such Hunger, cauld, an' a' sic harms May whistle owre the lave o't. THE JOLLY BEGGARS i7 CHORUS I am a fiddler to my trade, An' a' the tunes that e'er I play'd, The sweetest still to wife or maid Was Whistle Owre the Lave O't. RECITATIVO Her charms had struck a sturdy caird tinker As weel as poor gut-scraper ; He taks the fiddler by the beard, An' draws a roosty rapier ; rusty He swoor by a' was swearing worth To speet him like a pliver, plover Unless he would from that time forth Relinquish her for ever. ii Wi' ghastly e'e poor Tweedle-Dee Upon his hunkers bended, hams An' pray'd for grace wi' ruefu' face, An' sae the quarrel ended. so THE JOLLY BEGGARS But tho' his little heart did grieve When round the tinkler prest her, He feign'd to snirtle in his sleeve When thus the caird address'd her : — AIR tune : Clout the Cauldron I My bonie lass, I work in brass, A tinkler is my station; I 've travell'd round all Christian ground In this my occupation ; I 've taen the gold, an' been enrolled In many a noble squadron ; But vain they search'd when off I march'd To go an' clout the cauldron. ii Despise that shrimp, that wither'd imp, With a' his noise an' cap'rin, An' take a share wi' those that bear The budget 12 and the apron ! THE JOLLY BEGGARS l 9 And by that stowp, my faith an' houpe ! pot And by that dear Kilbaigie !*s If e'er ye want, or meet wi' scant, short com- mons May I ne'er weet my craigie ! wet ; throat • RECITATIVO I The caird prevail'd : th' unblushing fair In his embraces sunk, Partly wi' love o'ercome sae sair, An' partly she was drunk. Sir Violino, with an air That show'd a man o' spunk, spirit Wish'd unison between the pair, An' made the bottle clunk 1 -* To their health that night. ii But hurchin Cupid shot a shaft, urchin That play'd a dame a shavie : trick The fiddler rak'd her fore and aft Behint the chicken cavie ; hencoop 20 THE JOLLY BEGGARS Her lord, a wight of Homer's craft, j s spavin Tho' limpin' wi' the spavie, hobbled leapt like mad He hirpl'd up, an' lap like daft, offered An' shor'd them " Dainty Davie " l6 gratis 0' boot that night. in He was a care-defying blade As ever Bacchus listed ! Tho' Fortune sair upon him laid, His heart, she ever miss'd it. He had no wish but — to be glad, Nor want but — when he thirsted, He hated nought but — to be sad ; An' thus the Muse suggested His sang that night. AIR tune: For A' That, An' A' That I I am a Bard, of no regard Wi' gentle folks an' a' that, THE JOLLY BEGGARS 21 But Homer-like the glowrin byke, staring crowd Frae town to town I draw that. CHORUS For a' that, an' a' that, An' twice as muckle 's a' that, much I 've lost but ane, I 've twa behin', I 've wife eneugh for a' that. n I never drank the Muses' stank, pond Castalia's burn, an' a' that ; brook But there it streams, an' richly reams — foams My Helicon '7 I ca' that. in Great love I bear to a' the fair, Their humble slave an' a' that; But lordly will, I hold it still A mortal sin to thraw that. thwart 22 THE JOLLY BEGGARS IV In raptures sweet this hour we meet Wi' mutual love an' a' that ; fly ; sting But for how lang the flie may stang, Let inclination law that ! V Their tricks an' craft hae put me daft, They 've taen me in, an' a' that ; But clear your decks, an' here 's the Sex ! I like the jads for a' that. CHORUS For a' that, an' a' that, An' twice as muckle 's a' that, My dearest bluid, to do them guid, 18 to it They 're welcome till 't for a' that ! RECITATIVO walls So sung the Bard, and Nansie's wa's Shook with a thunder of applause, Re-echo'd from each mouth ! THE JOLLY BEGGARS 23 They toom'd their pocks, they pawn'd their duds, emptied their bags They scarcely left to coor their fuds, cover; tails To quench their lowin drouth. burning Then owre again the jovial thrang company The Poet did request To lowse his pack, an' wale a sang, untie ; choose A ballad o' the best : He rising, rejoicing Between his twa Deborahs, Looks round him, an' found them Impatient for the chorus : — AIR tune : Jolly Mortals, Fill Your Glasses I See the smoking bowl before us ! Mark our jovial, ragged ring! Round and round take up the chorus, And in raptures let us sing : 24 THE JOLLY BEGGARS CHORUS A fig for those by law protected I Liberty 's a glorious feast, Courts for cowards were erected, Churches built to please the priest ! ii What is title, what is treasure, What is reputation's care ? If we lead a life of pleasure, 'Tis no matter how or where ! in With the ready trick and fable Round we wander all the day ; And at night in barn or stable Hug our doxies on the hay. IV Does the train-attended carriage Thro' the country lighter rove ? Does the sober bed of marriage Witness brighter scenes of love ? THE JOLLY BEGGARS 2 5 Life is all a variorum, We regard not how it goes ; Let them cant about decorum, Who have character to lose. VI Here 's to budgets, bags, and wallets ! Here 's to all the wandering train ! Here 's our ragged brats and callets ! One and all, cry out, Amen ! CHORUS A fig for those by law protected ! Liberty 's a glorious feast, Courts for cowards were erected, Churches built to please the priest ! NOTES 1 ' The bauckie -bird ' : — ' The old Scotch name for the bat.' (R. B. in us. [A]). Perhaps because it hides in the roofs of houses near the ' bauks ' or crossbeams. 2 ' Poosie-Nansie's' : — 'The hostess of a noted caravanserai in Mauchline well known and much fre- quented by the lowest order of travellers and pilgrims.' (R. B. in ms. [B]). 3 'The vera girdle rang': — The girdle is a round plate of metal used in Scotland from time immemorial in firing the oaten cake. 4 'Mealy bags': — The meal-bag was the beggars' main equipment, as oatmeal was the staple alms, and might be taken as food or exchange or sold. 5 'Spon toon': — A weapon carried by soldier- officers instead of a half-pike. 6 'Tyed up like a stirk': — i.e. Punished with the 'jougs,' a sort of iron collar. 7 'Cleek the sterlin' = ' pinch the ready.' 8 ' For monie a pursie she had hooked ' : — ' Hook ' is old slang for (i) a finger, (2) a thief. Burns' heroine was, in fact, a pick-pocket. 9 'Braw': — Here used in its original sense, and = 28 NOTES gaily dressed : the reference being to the tawdry finery of the Highland vagabond. 10 'Claymore': — A two-handed Highland sword. ii 'Driddle': — To driddle = to toddle : the refer- ence being to the short steps of the pigmy scraper, not — as has been supposed — to his bad uneven bow- ing. 'Trysts' are cattle markets, and 'fairs' = hiring fairs or 'mops.' 12 ' Budget' = tinker's bag of tools. 13 'And by that dear Kilbaigie': — 'A peculiar sort of whiskey, a great favourite with Poosie Nansie's Clubs.' (R. B. in MS. [A]). 14 * An' made the bottle clunk ' : — ' Clunk ' — (Yr.faire glou-glou) — describes the sound of empty- ing a narrow-necked bottle, especially by application to the mouth. 1 5 ' A wight of Homer's craft ' : — ' Homer is allowed to be the eldest ballad singer on record.' (R. B. in MS. [A]). 16 'Dainty Davie': — This note must be read in Henley, Vol. II, p. 312, where the adventure, as pub- lished by Swift, (Vol. xn, pp. 19, 20, Scott's second edition, 1883) is succulently set forth. 17 ' Helicon,' = Kilbaigie = whiskey. 18 'My dearest bluid': — The curious reader is referred to the sonnet attributed to Marlowe. (See Bullen's edition, 1885, Vol. HI, .p. 247.) ~)<*e and Liberty in the Laing Collection in the University of Edinburgh. Henley's text, which we have followed is based on both mss., his preference being in favour of (A), " one of the finest extant specimens of the poet's earlier hand," though (B) has a few readings superior to (A). II We now come to the first appearance of the printed text (See Facsimile 1) which is definitely set forth in the Memorial Catalogue of the Burns Exhibi- tion i8. £ c H iO B£ — z_- SH ,t -l to I ■g a A: 4 ■a «s a i & to a £L- • 4 • • • s. ►A • it ■ ■ LJfc. S. _S. Sk s, I .a ^N^S o ■a I COMMENTS 45 master in the matter of such qualities as humour, vision, lyrical potency, descriptive style, and the faculty of swift, dramatic presentation, to a purpose that may not be gainsaid. It was suggested by a chance visit (in company with Richmond and Smith) to the 'doss- house ' of Poosie Nansie, as Agnes Gibson was nick- named ... in the Cowgate, Mauchline. This 'ken' stood directly opposite Johnie Dow's tavern (The Whitefoord Arms). Thence issuing, the three friends heard a sound of revelry at Poosie Nansie's, whose company they joined. And a few days afterwards Burns recited several bits of the cantata to Richmond. The personages of Burns's Cantata — ruffler and strolling mort, trull and tinker, ballad-singer and bawdy- basket — are more or less the personages of the treatises and songbooks. But they have been renewed by observation from the life, and they are made immortal by the fire of that inspiration through which they were passed. Burns, if we may believe his own words, could sympathise with such outcasts, and had at least a sentimental fancy for the life they led. And as early as 1784 he is moved to confide to his First Common Place Book that he has 'often observed, in the course of "his" experience of human life' — 46 COMMENTS which already included Irvine and the Carrick smug- glers — 'that every man, even the worst, has some- thing good about him ' ; for which reason, ' I have often courted the acquaintance of that part of man- kind commonly known by the ordinary phrase of "blackguards," sometimes further than was consistent with the safety of my character.' It is sheer imperti- nence to assume, with certain commentators, that he figured himself in the person of his own Ballad Singer. But it is undeniable that he set forth some of his own philosophy of life at that disreputable artist's lips ; also with him it was ever 'The heart ay 's the part ay That maks us right or wrang' ; and it is pretty safe to argue that his regard for the ' f raternitie of vacabondes ' was so far both temperamental and sincere. And this, in brief, is why Matthew Arnold prefers the Burns of The Jolly Beggars before the Goethe of the ' Scene in Auerbach's Cellar.' With a superb intel- ligence, the Scot creates his people from within ; while the German's apprehension of his company is merely intellectual and pedantic. Here as elsewhere, in short, Burns was working on traditional lines; and that The Jolly Beggars remains immortal, while his models have long since disappeared, is due to the fact — not that it is in any sense an COMMENTS 47 invention in form but — that, treating of things familiar in familiar terms, it is also a piece of rare and admirable genius. The Jolly Beggars may be the piece referred to in the letter to Richmond, 17th February, 1786: — 'I have enclosed you a piece of rhyming ware for your perusal.' Richmond told Chambers that in the Cantata, as originally composed, to the best of his memory there were included songs for a sweep and a sailor (the whipjack, or dry -land sailor, is one of the oldest members of the Cursitors' Society) ; and there is other evidence that Burns greatly modified his first draft. In reply to a query of George Thomson he wrote in 1793: — 'I have forgot the Cantata you allude to, as I kept no copy, and indeed did not know that it was in existence; however, I remember that none of the songs pleased myself except the last — something about : — " Courts for cowards were erected, Churches built to please the priest.'" This was, no doubt, honest criticism, for the songs were mostly Scoto-English. But the artistic finish of the thing suggests the intention to publish ; and it may very well have been submitted to the 'jury of literati' in Edinburgh (1787), and have failed to 4 8 COMMENTS approve itself to that body's ' pedant frigid soul of criticism.' The Jolly Beggars was not published by Currie, and — some have supposed — was not even submitted to him. But that he deliberately rejected it is clear from a MS. letter of Alexander Cunningham to Syme, 17th September, 1796 (with other important MSS. in the possession of Cunningham's grandson, who has kindly given us copies): — 'There has been put into my hand a poem entitled Love atid Liberty. I pre- sume you have seen it. Were the pruning-knife applied to some of the broad humour it might be published without incurring much censure — at least it would be admired by many and is surely too valu- able to be thrown aside.' Cromek expressed to Creech strong scruples with regard to publishing The Jolly Beggars, as also Holy Willie's Prayer Creech seems to have advised him against it, on the score of prudence, for he did not include it in the Peliques, 1808; but, being severely censured by Sir Walter Scott for ignoring it, he published it in Scottish Songs, 1810, at the same time that he declined to take in Holy Willie's Prayer by reason of 'its open and daring profanity, and the frequent and familiar in- troduction of the sacred name of the Deity.' COMMENTS 49 VI ANDREW LANG (1886-1896) (From Lang's Poems and Songs of Burns, 1896, and Letters to Dead Authors, 1886.) This immortal poem was partly given in manuscript by Burns, " as rich men give who care not for their gifts," to one Richmond, in whose company, in 1785, he had watched a festival of vagrom men. In 1793, Burns had forgotten the Cantata, and kept no copy. Shakespeare was not more regardless of his works. The rest of the manuscript was presented by Burns to a Mr. David Woodburn, without Richmond's part, which has been added — it runs from "Poor Merry- Andrew " to " he 's far dafter than I." The whole ms. has wandered to the Azores, to Nova Scotia, and home again. (Scott Douglas.) Part of Tennyson's Vision of Sin is clearly inspired by this Cantata. It is characteristic of Burns that he neither published nor took any pains to secure the future of this extraordi- nary piece, first printed in 1 799, by Stewart and Meikle, without Richmond's portion, added in 1801 by Thomas Stewart. The touch of a lettered society, the strife with the Kirk, discontent with the State, poverty and pride* neglect and success, were needed to make your Genius 5° COMMENTS what it was, and to endow the world with Tarn d 1 Shunter, The Jolly Beggars, and Holy Willie's Prayer. Who can praise them too highly — who admire in them too much the humour, the scorn, the wisdom, the unsurpassed energy and courage ? So powerful, so commanding, is the movement of that Beggars' Chorus, that, methinks, it unconsciously echoed in the brain of our greatest living poet when he conceived the Vision of Sin. You shall judge for yourself. Recall — Here 's to budgets, bags, and wallets ! Then read this : Drink to lofty hopes that cool — Visions of a perfect state : Drink we, last, the public fool, Frantic love and frantic hate. Drink to Fortune, drink to Chance, While we keep a little breath ! Drink to heavy Ignorance, Hob and nob with brother Death ! Is not the movement the same, though the modern speaks a wilder recklessness ? So in the best company we leave you, who were the life and soul of so so much company, good and bad. No poet, since the Psalmist of Israel, ever gave the world more assurance of a man. SOME ASPECTS OF ROBERT BURNS Some Aspects of Robert Burns which first appeared in the Cornhill Magazine [1879], and was reissued in Familiar Studies of Men and Books, [1882] should be read in connexion and with certain qualifications as set out in Henley's Terminal Essay [i8g6]. For all that " R. L. S." practically remains master of the situa- tion, and with the prefatory addition to his essay we may leave him to the " owre true tale." With the highest opinion of Henley and believing that the Centenary Burns is, humanly speaking, a final critical estimate that will remain when all previous editions and commentaries have gone the ways of dusty death, he still lacked that milk of human kindness which in Stevenson sweetens his depreciation and leavens his " shorter catechist " attitude in its lack of sympathetic interpretation. In other words one can reconcile Stevenson with Burns, whereas there is in Henley's "inspired peasant" insistence in season and out, a something with a bitter taste behind. We may safely rely on Henley as an editor ; as a lover of Bums give me Stevenson, who considered these Aspects with a justifiable degree of self-satisfaction. T. B. M. SOME ASPECTS OF ROBERT BURNS =; *\A O write with authority about another man, we must have fellow-feeling and some common ground of experience with our subject. We may praise or blame according as we find him related to us by the best or worst in ourselves ; but it is only in virtue of some relationship that we can be his judges, even to con- demn. Feelings which we share and understand enter for us into the tissue of the man's character; those to which we are strangers in our own experience we are inclined to regard as blots, exceptions, inconsistencies, and excursions of the diabolic ; we conceive them with repugnance, explain them with difficulty, and raise our hands to heaven in wonder when we find them in con- junction with talents that we respect or virtues that we admire. David, king of Israel, would pass a sounder judgment on a man than either Nathaniel or 54 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS David Hume. Now, Principal Shairp's recent volume, although I believe no one will read it without respect and interest, has this one capital defect — that there is imperfect sympathy between the author and the sub- ject, between the critic and the personality under criticism. Hence an inorganic, if not an incoherent, presentation of both the poems and the man. Of Holy Willie's Prayer, Principal Shairp remarks that " those who have loved most what was best in Burns's poetry must have regretted that it was ever written." To the Jolly Beggars, so far as my memory serve's me, he refers but once ; and then only to remark on the "strange, not to say painful," circumstance that the same hand which wrote the Colter's Saturday A T ight should have stooped to write the Jolly Beggars. The Saturday Night may or may not be an admirable poem ; but its significance is trebled, and the power and range of the poet first appears, when it is set beside the Jolly Beggars. To take a man's work piece- meal, except with the design of elegant extracts, is the way to avoid, and not to perform, the critic's duty. The same defect is displayed in the treatment of Burns as a man, which is broken, apologetical, and confused. The man here presented to us is not that Burns, teres atque rolundus — a burly figure in litera- ture, as, from our present vantage of time, we have SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 55 begun to see him. This, on the other hand, is Burns as he may have appeared to a contemporary clergyman, whom we shall conceive to have been a kind and indul- gent but orderly and orthodox person, anxious to be pleased, but too often hurt and disappointed by the behaviour of his red-hot protege, and solacing himself with the explanation that the poet was " the most inconsistent of men." If you are so sensibly pained by the misconduct of your subject, and so paternally delighted with his virtues, you will always be an excellent gentleman, but a somewhat questionable biographer. Indeed, we can only be sorry and sur- prised that Principal Shairp should have chosen a theme so uncongenial. When we find a man writing on Burns, who likes neither Holy Willie, nor the Beg- gars, nor the Ordination, nothing is adequate to the situation but the old cry of Geronte: "Que diable allait-il faire dans cette galere ? " And every merit we find in the book, which is sober and candid in a degree unusual with biographies of Burns, only leads us to regret more heartily that good work should be so greatly thrown away. 1 It is far from my intention to tell over again a story that has been so often told; but there are certainly some points in the character of Burns that will bear to i See note at close of this essay. 56 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS be brought out, and some chapters in Sis life that demand a brief rehearsal. The unity of the man's nature, for all its richness, has fallen somewhat out of sight in the pressure of new information and the apol- ogetical ceremony of biographers. Mr. Carlyle made an inimitable bust of the poet's head of gold; may I not be forgiven if my business should have more to do with the feet, which were of clay. Any view of Burns would be misleading which passed over in silence the influences of his home and his father. That father, William Burnes, after having been for many years a gardener, took a farm, married, and, like an emigrant in a new country, built himself a house with his own hands. Poverty of the most dis- tressing sort, with sometimes the near prospect of a gaol, embittered the remainder of his life. Chill, back- ward, and austere with strangers, grave and imperious in his family, he was yet a man of very unusual parts and of an affectionate nature. On his way through life he had remarked much upon other men, with more result in theory than practice ; and he had reflected upon many subjects as he delved the garden. His great delight was in solid conversation ; he would leave his work to talk with the schoolmaster Murdoch ; and SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 57 Robert, when he came home late at night, not only turned aside rebuke but kept his father two hours beside the fire by the charm of his merry and vigorous talk. Nothing is more characteristic of the class in general, and William Burnes in particular, than the pains he took to get proper schooling for his boys, and, when that was no longer possible, the sense and resolution with which he set himself to supply the deficiency by his own influence. For many years he was their chief companion ; he spoke with them seriously on all subjects as if they had been grown men ; at night, when work was over, he taught them arithmetic ; he borrowed books for them on history, science, and theology ; and he felt it his duty to sup- plement this last — the trait is laughably Scottish — by a dialogue of his own composition, where his own private shade of orthodoxy was exactly represented. He would go to his daughter as she stayed afield herd- ing cattle, to teach her the names of grasses and wild flowers, or to sit by her side when it thundered. Dis- tance to strangers, deep family tenderness, love of knowledge, a narrow, precise, and formal reading of theology — everything we learn of him hangs well together, and builds up a popular Scotch type. If I mention the name of Andrew Fairservice, it is only as I might couple for an instant Dugald Dalgetty with 58 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS old Marshal Loudon, to help out the reader's compre- hension by a popular but unworthy instance of a class. Such was the influence of this good and wise man that his household became a school to itself, and neighbours who came into the farm at meal-time would find the whole family, father, brothers, and sisters, helping themselves with one hand, and holding a book in the other. We are surprised at the prose style of Robert ; that of Gilbert need surprise us no less ; even William writes a remarkable letter for a young man of such slender opportunities. One anec- dote marks the taste of the family. Murdoch brought Titus Andronicus, and, with such dominie elocution as we may suppose, began to read it aloud before this rustic audience; but when he had reached the passage where Tamora insults Lavinia, with one voice and " in an agony of distress" they refused to hear it to an end. In such a father and with such a home, Robert had already the making of an excellent education ; and what Murdoch added, although it may not have been much in amount, was in character the very essence of a literary training. Schools and colleges, for one great man whom they complete, perhaps unmake a dozen ; the strong spirit can do well upon more scanty fare. Robert steps before us, almost from the first, in his complete character — a proud, headstrong, impetuous SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 59 lad, greedy of pleasure, greedy of notice ; in his own phrase "panting after distinction," and in his brother's "cherishing a particular jealousy of people who were richer or of more consequence than himself:" with all this, he was emphatically of the artist nature. Already he made a conspicuous figure in Tarbolton church, with the only tied hair in the parish, "and his plaid, which was of a particular colour, wrapped in a particular manner round his shoulders." Ten years later, when a married man, the father i f a family, a farmer, and an officer of Excise, we shall find him out fishing in masquerade, with fox-skin cap, belted great- coat, and great Highland broadsword. He liked dressing up, in fact, for its own sake. This is the spirit which leads to the extravant array of Latin Quarter students, and the proverbial velveteen of the English landscape-painter; and, though the pleasure derived is in itself merely personal, it shows a man who is, to say the least of it, not pained by general attention and remark. His father wrote the family name B times ; Robert early adopted the orthography Burness from his cousin in the Mearns; and in his twenty-eighth year changed it once more to Burns. It is plain that the last transformation was not made without some qualm ; for in addressing his cousin he adheres, in at least one more letter, to spelling number 6o SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS two. And this, again, shows a man preoccupied about the manner of his appearance even down to the name, and little willing to follow custom. Again, he was proud, and justly proud, of his powers in conversation. To no other man's have we the same conclusive testi- mony from different sources and from every rank of life. It is almost a commonplace that the best of his works was what he said in talk. Robertson the his- torian "scarcely ever met any man whose conversation displayed greater vigour " ; the Duchess of Gordon declared that he " carried her off her feet " ; and, when he came late to an inn, the servants would get out of bed to hear him talk. But, in these early days at least, he was determined to shine by any means. He made himself feared in the village for his tongue. He would crush weaker men to their faces, or even perhaps — for the statement of Sillar is not absolute — say cutting things of his acquaintances behind their back. At the church door, between sermons, he would parade his religious views amid hisses. These details stamp the man. He had no genteel timidities in the conduct of his life. He loved to force his per- sonality upon the world. He would please himself, and shine. Had he lived in the Paris of 1S30, and joined his lot with the Romantics, we can conceive him writing Jehan for Jean, swaggering in Gautier's SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 61 red waistcoat, and horrifying Bourgeois in a public cafe with paradox and gasconade. A leading trait throughout his whole career was his desire to be in love. Ne fait pas ce tour qui veut. His affections were often enough touched, but perhaps never engaged. He was all his life on a voyage of discovery, but it does not appear conclusively that he ever touched the happy isle. A man brings to love a deal of ready-made sentiment, and even from child- hood obscurely prognosticates the symptoms of this vital malady. Burns was formed for love ; he had passion, tenderness, and a singular bent in the direc- tion ; rre could foresee, with the intuition of an artist, what love ought to be ; and he could not conceive a worthy life without it. But he had ill-fortune, and was besides so greedy after every shadow of the true divinity, and so much the slave of a strong tempera- ment, that perhaps his nerve was relaxed and his heart had lost the power of self-devotion before an oppor- tunity occurred. The circumstances of his youth doubtless counted for something in the result. For the lads of Ayrshire, as soon as the day's work was over and the beasts were stabled, would take the road, it might be in a winter tempest, and travel perhaps miles by moss and moorland to spend an hour or two in courtship. Rule 10 of the Bachelors' Club at Tar- 62 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS bolton provides that "every man proper for a member of this Society must be a professed lover of one or more of the female sex." The rich, as Burns himself points out, may have a choice of pleasurable occupa- tions, but these lads had nothing but their "cannie hour at e'en." It was upon love and flirtation that this rustic society was built; gallantry was the essence of life among the Ayrshire hills as well as in the Court of Versailles ; and the days were distinguished from each other by love-letters, meetings, tiffs, recon- ciliations, and expansions to the chosen confidant, as in a comedy of Marivaux. Here was a field for a man of Burns's indiscriminate personal ambition, where he might pursue his voyage of discovery in quest of true love, and enjoy temporary triumphs by the way. He was " constantly the victim of some fair enslaver" — at least, when it was not the other way about; and there were often underplots and secondary fair enslavers in the background. Many — or may we not say most ? — of these affairs were entirely artificial. One, he tells us, he began out of "a vanity of showing his parts in courtship," for he piqued himself on his ability at a love-letter. But, however they began, these flames of his were fanned into a passion ere the end; and he stands unsurpassed in his power of self- deception, and positively without a competitor in the SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS art, to use his own words, " of battering himself into a warm affection," — a debilitating and futile exercise. Once he had worked himself into the vein, " the agita- tions of his mind and body" were an astonishment to all who knew him. Such a course as this, however pleasant to a thirsty vanity, was lowering to his nature. He sank more and more towards the pro- fessional Don Juan. With a leer of what the French call fatuity, he bids the belles of Mauchline beware of his seductions ; and the same cheap self-satisfaction finds a yet uglier vent when he plumes himself on the scandal at the birth of his first bastard. We can well believe what we hear of his facility in striking up an acquaintance with women : he would have conquering manners ; he would bear down upon his rustic game with the grace that comes of absolute assurance — the Richelieu of Lochlea or Mossgiel. In yet another manner did these quaint ways of courtship help him into fame. If he were great as principal, he was unrivalled as confidant. He could enter into a pas- sion ; he could counsel wary moves, being, in his own phrase, so old a hawk; nay, he could turn a letter for some unlucky swain, or even string a few lines of verse that should clinch the business and fetch the hesitat- ing fair one to the ground. Nor, perhaps, was it only his " curiosity, zeal, and intrepid dexterity" that recom- 6 4 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS mended him for a second in such affairs ; it must have been a distinction to have the assistance and advice of Rab the Ranter ; and one who was in no way formida- ble by himself might grow dangerous and attractive through the fame of his associate. I think we can conceive him, in these early years, in that rough moorland country, poor among the poor with his seven pounds a year, looked upon with doubt by respectable elders, but for all that the best talker, the best letter-writer, the most famous lover and con- fidant, the laureate poet, and the only man who wore his hair tied in the parish. He says he had then as high a notion of himself as ever after; and I can well believe it. Among the youth he walked facile prin- ceps, an apparent god ; and even if, from time to time, the Reverend Mr. Auld should swoop upon him with the thunders of the Church, and, in company with seven others, Rab the Ranter must figure some fine Sunday on the stool of repentance, would there not be a sort of glory, an infernal apotheosis, in so conspicuous a shame ? Was not Richelieu in disgrace more idolised than ever by the dames of Paris ? and when was the highwayman most acclaimed but on his way to Tyburn ? Or, to take a simile from nearer home, and still more exactly to the point, what could even corporal punish- ment avail, administered by a cold, abstract, unearthly SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 65 schoolmaster, against the influence and fame of the school's hero? And now we come to the culminating point of Burns's early period. He began to be received into the unknown upper world. His fame soon spread from among his fellow-rebels on the benches, and began to reach the ushers and monitors of this great Ayrshire academy. This arose in part from his lax views about religion ; for at this time that old war of the creeds and confessors, which is always grumbling from end to end of our poor Scotland, brisked up in these parts into a hot and virulent skirmish ; and Burns found himself identified with the opposition party, — a clique of roaring lawyers and half-heretical divines, with wit enough to appreciate the value of the poet's help, and not sufficient taste to moderate his grossness and personality. We may judge of their surprise when Holy Willie was put into their hand ; like the amorous lads of Tarbolton, they recognised in him the best of seconds. His satires began to go the round in manuscript; Mr. Aiken, one of the law- yers, "read him into fame"; he himself was soon welcome in many houses of a better sort, where his admirable talk, and his manners, which he had direct from his Maker, except for a brush he gave them at a country dancing school, completed what his poems 66 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS had begun. We have a sight of him at his first visit to Adamhill, in his ploughman's shoes, coasting around the carpet as though that were sacred ground. But he soon grew used to carpets and their owners ; and he was still the superior of all whom he encountered, and ruled the roost in conversation. Such was the impression made, that a young clergyman, himself a man of ability, trembled and became confused when he saw Robert enter the church in which he was to preach. It is not surprising that the poet determined to publish : he had now stood the test of some public- ity, and under this hopeful impulse he composed in six winter months the bulk of his more important poems. Here was a young man who, from a very humble place, was mounting rapidly ; from the cynosure of a parish, he had become the talk of a county ; once the bard of rural courtships, he was now about to appear as a bound and printed poet in the world's bookshops. A few more intimate strokes are necessary to complete the sketch. This strong young ploughman, who feared no competitor with the flail, suffered like a fine lady from sleeplessness and vapours ; he would fall into the blackest melancholies, and be filled with remorse for the past and terror for the future. He was still not perhaps devoted to religion, but haunted by it; and at a touch of sickness prostrated himself before God SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 67 in what I can only call unmanly penitence. As he had aspirations beyond his place in the world, so he had tastes, thoughts, and weaknesses to match. He loved to walk under a wood to the sound of a winter tempest; he had a singular tenderness for ani- mals; he carried a book with him in his pocket when he went abroad, and wore out in this service two copies of the Man of Feeling. With young people in the field at work he was very long-suffering; and when his brother Gilbert spoke sharply to them — " O man, ye are no for young folk," he would say, and give the defaulter a helping hand and a smile. In the hearts of the men whom he met, he read as in a book ; and, what is yet more rare, his knowledge of himself equalled his knowledge of others. There are no truer things said of Burns than what is to be found in his own letters. Country Don Juan as he was, he had none of that blind vanity which values itself on what it is not; he knew his own strength and weakness to a hair: he took himself boldly for what he was, and, except in moments of hypochondria, declared himself content. THE LOVE STORIES On the night of Mauchline races, 1785, the young men and women of the place joined in a penny ball, 68 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS according to their custom. In the same set danced Jean Armour, the master-mason's daughter, and our dark-eyed Don Juan. His dog (not the immortal Luath, but a successor unknown to fame, caret quia vate sacro), apparently sensible of some neglect, fol- lowed his master to and fro, to the confusion of the dancers. Some mirthful comments followed; and Jean heard the poet say to his partner — or, as I should imagine, laughingly launch the remark to the company at large — that " he wished he could get any of the lasses to like him as well as his dog." Some time after, as the girl was bleaching clothes on Mauch- line green, Robert chanced to go by, still accompanied by his dog ; and the dog, " scouring in long excursion," scampered with four black paws across the linen. This brought the two into conversation; when Jean, with a somewhat hoydenish advance, inquired if " he had yet got any of the lasses to like him as well as his dog ? " It is one of the misfortunes of the professional Don Juan that his honour forbids him to re-refuse battle ; he is in life like the Roman soldier upon duty, or like the sworn physician who must attend on all diseases. Burns accepted the provocation; hungry hope reawakened in his heart; here was a girl — pretty, simple at least, if not honestly stupid, and plainly not averse to his attentions; it seemed to him SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 69 once more as if love might here be waiting him. Had he but known the truth ! for this facile and empty- headed girl had nothing more in view than a flirta- tion ; and her heart, from the first and on to the end of her story, was engaged by another man. Burns once more commenced the celebrated process of " battering himself into a warm affection " ; and the proofs of his success are to be found in many verses of the period. Nor did he succeed with himself only ; Jean, with her heart still elsewhere, succumbed to his fascination, and early in the next year the natural con- sequence became manifest. It was a heavy stroke for this unfortunate couple. They had trifled with life, and were now rudely reminded of life's serious issues. Jean awoke to the ruin of her hopes ; the best she had now to expect was marriage with a man who was a stranger to her dearest thoughts ; she might now be glad if she could get what she would never have chosen. As for Burns, at the stroke of the calamity he recognised that his voyage of discovery had led him into a wrong hemisphere — that he was not, and never had been, really in love with Jean. Hear him in the pressure of the hour. "Against two things," he writes, "I am as fixed as fate — staying at home, and owning her con- jugally. The first, by heaven, I will not do I — the last, by hell, I will never do !" And then he adds, perhaps 7° SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS already in a more relenting temper: "If you see Jean, tell her I will meet her, so God help me in my hour of need." They met accordingly; and Burns, touched with her misery, came down from these heights of independence, and gave her a written acknowledgment of marriage. It is the punishment of Don Juanism to create continually false positions — relations in life which are wrong in themselves, and which it is equally wrong to break or to perpetuate. This was such a case. Worldly Wiseman would have laughed and gone his way; let us be glad that Burns was better counselled by his heart. When we discover that we can be no longer true, the next best is to be kind. I daresay he came away from that interview not very content, but with a glorious conscience; and as he went homeward, he would sing his favourite, "How are Thy servants blest, O Lord ! " Jean, on the other hand, armed with her "lines," confided her position to the master-mason, her father, and his wife. Burns and his brother were then in a fair way to ruin them- selves in their farm ; the poet was an execrable match for any well-to-do country lass; and perhaps old Armour had an inkling of a previous attachment on his daughter's part. At least, he was not so much incensed by her slip from virtue as by the marriage which had been designed to cover it. Of this he SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 7i would not hear a word. Jean, who had besought the acknowledgment only to appease her parents, and not at all from any violent inclination to the poet, readily gave up the paper for destruction ; and all parties imagined, although wrongly, that the marriage was thus dissolved. To a proud man like Bums here was a crushing blow. The concession which had been wrung from his pity was now publicly thrown back in his teeth. The Armour family preferred disgrace to his connection. Since the promise, besides, he had doubt- less been busy "battering himself" back again into his affection for the girl ; and the blow would not only take him in his vanity, but wound him at the heart. He relieved himself in verse; but for such a smart- ing affront manuscript poetry was insufficient to con- sole him. He must find a more powerful remedy in good flesh and blood, and after this discomfiture, set forth again at once upon his voyage of discovery in quest of love. It is perhaps one of the most touching things in human nature, as it is a commonplace of psychology, that when a man has just lost hope or confidence in one love, he is then most eager to find and lean upon another. The universe could not be yet exhausted ; there must be hope and love waiting for him somewhere; and so, with his head down, this poor, insulted poet ran once more upon his fate. 7 2 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS There was an innocent and gentle Highland nursery- maid at service in a neighbouring family ; and he had soon battered himself and her into a warm affection and a secret engagement. Jean's marriage lines had not been destroyed till March 13, 1786; yet all was settled between Burns and Mary Campbell by Sunday, May 14, when they met for the last time and said farewell with rustic solemnities upon the banks of Ayr. They each wet their hands in a stream, and, standing one on either bank, held a Bible between them as they vowed eternal faith. Then they exchanged Bibles, on one of which Burns, for greater security, had inscribed texts as to the binding nature of an oath; and surely, if ceremony can do aught to fix the wandering affec- tions, here were two people united for life. Mary came of a superstitious family ; so that she perhaps insisted on these rites; but they must have been emi- nently to the taste of Burns at this period; for nothing would seem superfluous, and no oath great enough, to stay his tottering constancy. Events of consequence now happened thickly in the poet's life. His book was announced; the Armours sought to summon him at law for the aliment of the child; he lay here and there in hiding to correct the sheets; he w T as under an engagement for Jamaica, where Mary was to join him as his wife ; now he had SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 73 "orders within three weeks at latest to repair aboard the A T ancy, Captain Smith ; " now his chest was already on the road to Greenock; and now, in the wild autumn weather on the moorland, he measures verses of farewell : — " The bursting tears my heart declare ; Farewell the bonny banks of Ayr ! " But the great master dramatist had secretly another intention for the piece; by the most violent and com- plicated solution, in which death and birth and sudden fame all play a part as interposing deities, the act-drop fell upon a scene of transformation. Jean was brought to bed of twins, and, by an amicable arrangement, the Burnses took the boy to biing up by hand, while the girl remained with her mother. The success of the book was immediate and emphatic; it put £2.0 at once into the author's; and he was encouraged upon all hands to go to Edinburgh and push his success in a second and larger edition. Third and last in these series of interpositions, a letter came one day to Moss- giel Farm for Robert. He went to the window to read it; a sudden change came over his face, and he left the room without a word. Years afterwards, when the story began to leak out, his family understood that he had then learned the death of Highland Mary. Except 74 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS in a few poems and a few dry indications purposely misleading as to date, Burns himself made no reference to this passage of his life ; it was an adventure of which, for I think sufficient reasons, he desired to bury the details. Of one thing we may be glad : in after years he visited the poor girl's mother, and left her with the impression that he was " a real warm-hearted chield." Perhaps a month after he received this intelligence, he set out for Edinburgh on a pony he had borrowed from a friend. The town that winter was "agog with the ploughman poet." Robertson, Dugald Stewart, Blair, " Duchess Gordon and all the gay world," were of his acquaintance. Such a revolution is not to be found in literary history. He was now, it must be remembered, twenty-seven years of age ; he had fought since his early boyhood an obstinate battle against poor soil, bad seed, and inclement seasons, wading deep in Ayrshire mosses, guiding the plough in the furrow, wielding "the thresher's weary flingin'-tree ; " and his education, his diet, and his pleasures, had been those of a Scotch countryman. Now he stepped forth suddenly among the polite and learned. We can see him as he then was, in his boots and buckskins, his blue coat and waistcoat striped with buff and blue, like a farmer in his Sunday best ; the heavy ploughman's SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 75 figure firmly planted on its burly legs; his face full of sense and shrewdness, and with a somewhat melan- choly air of thought, and his large dark eye " literally glowing" as he spoke. "I never saw such another eye in a human head," says Walter Scott, " though I have seen the most distinguished men of my time." With men, whether they were lords or omnipotent critics, his manner was plain, dignified, and free from bashful ness or affectation. If he made a slip, he had the social courage to pass on and refrain from explana- tion. He was not embarrassed in this society, because he read and judged the men; he could spy snobbery in a titled lord ; and, as for the critics, he dismissed their system in an epigram. " These gentlemen," said he, " remind me of some spinsters in my country who spin their thread so fine that it is neither fit for weft nor woof." Ladies, on the other hand, surprised him ; he was scarce commander of himself in their society ; he was disqualified by his acquired nature as a Don Juan ; and he, who had been so much at his ease with country lasses, treated the town dames to an extreme of defer- ence. One lady, who met him at a ball, gave Chambers a speaking sketch of his demeanour. " His manner was not prepossessing — scarcely, she thinks, manly or natural. It seemed as if he affected a rusticity or land- ertness, so that when he said the music was ' bonnie, 76 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS bonnie,' it was like the expression of a child." These would be company manners ; and doubtless on a slight degree of intimacy the affectation would grow less. And his talk to women had always " a turn either to the pathetic or humorous, which engaged the attention particularly." The Edinburgh magnates (to conclude this episode at once) behaved well to Burns from first to last. Were heaven-born genius to revisit us in similar guise, I am not venturing too far when I say that he need expect neither so warm a welcome nor such solid help. Although Burns was only a peasant, and one of no very elegant reputation as to morals, he was made welcome to their homes. They gave him a great deal of good advice, helped him to some five hundred pounds of ready money, and got him, as soon as he asked it, a place in the Excise. Burns, on his part, bore the elevation with perfect dignity ; and with per- fect dignity returned, when the time had come, into a country privacy of life. His powerful sense never deserted him, and from the first he recognised that his Edinburgh popularity was but an ovation and the affair of a day. He wrote a few letters in a high-flown, bombastic vein of gratitude ; but in practice he suffered no man to intrude upon his self-respect. On the other hand, he never turned his back, even for a moment, on SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 77 his old associates ; and he was always ready to sacrifice an acquaintance to a friend, although the acquaintance were a duke. He would be a bold man who should promise similar conduct in equally exacting circum- stances. It was, in short, an admirable appearance on the stage of life — socially successful, intimately self- respecting, and like a gentleman from first to last. In the present study, this must only be taken by the way, while we return to Burns's love affairs. Even on the road to Edinburgh he had seized upon the oppor- tunity of a flirtation, and had carried the "battering" so far that when he next moved from town, it was to steal two days with this anonymous fair one. The exact importance to Burns of this affair may be gath- ered from the song in which he commemorated its occurrence. "I love the dear lassie," he sings, "be- cause she loves me"; or, in the tongue of prose: " Finding an opportunity, I did not hesitate to profit by it ; and even now, if it returned, I should not hesi- tate to profit by it again." A love thus founded has no interest for mortal man. Meantime, early in the winter, and only once, we find him regretting Jean in his correspondence. " Because " — such is his reason — "because he does not think he will ever meet so delicious an armful again;" and then, after a brief excursion into verse, he goes straight on to describe 78 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS a new episode in the voyage of discovery with the daughter of a Lothian farmer for a heroine. I must ask the reader to follow all these references to his future wife ; they are essential to the comprehension of Burns's character and fate. In June, we find him back at Mauchline, a famous man. There, the Armour family greeted him with a " mean, servile compliance," which increased his former disgust. Jean was not less compliant; a second time the poor girl submitted to the fascination of the man whom she did not love, and whom she had so cruelly insulted little more than a year ago ; and, though Burns took advantage of her weakness, it was in the ugliest and most cynical spirit, and with a heart absolutely indifferent. Judge of this by a letter written some twenty days after his return — a letter to my mind among the most degrading in the whole collection — a letter which seems to have been inspired by a boastful, libertine bagman. " I am afraid," it goes, "I have almost ruined one source, the principal one, indeed, of my former happiness — the eternal propensity I always had to fall in love. My heart no more glows with feverish rapture ; I have no paradisaical evening interviews." Even the process of "battering" has failed him, you perceive. Still he had some one in his eye — a lady, if you please, with a fine figure and elegant manners, and who had "seen SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 79 the politest quarters in Europe." " I frequently visited her," he writes, "and after passing regularly the inter- mediate degrees between the distant formal bow and the familiar grasp round the waist, I ventured, in my careless way, to talk of friendship in rather ambiguous terms ; and after her return to , I wrote her in the same terms. Miss, construing my remarks further than even I intended, flew off in a tangent of female dignity and reserve, like a mountain lark in an April morning; and wrote me an answer which measured out very completely what an immense way I had to travel before I could reach the climate of her favours. But I am an old hawk at the sport, and wrote her such a cool, deliberate, prudent reply, as brought my bird from her aerial towerings, pop, down to my foot, like Corporal Trim's hat." I avow a carnal longing, after this transcription, to buffet the Old Hawk about the ears. There is little question that to this lady he must have repeated his addresses, and that he was by her (Miss Chalmers) eventually, though not at all unkindly, rejected. One more detail to characterise the period. Six months after the date of this letter, Burns, back in Edinburgh, is served with a writ in meditatione fugCB, on behalf of some Edinburgh fair one, probably of humble rank, who declared an intention of adding to his family. SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS About the beginning of December (1787), a new period opens in the story of the poet's random affec- tions. He met at a tea party one Mrs. Agnes M'Lehose, a married woman of about his own age, who, with her two children, had been deserted by an unworthy husband. She had wit, could use her pen, and had read Werther with attention. Sociable, and even somewhat frisky, there was a good, sound, human kernel in the woman ; a warmth of love, strong dog- matic religious feeling, and a considerable, but not authoritative, sense of the proprieties. Of what biog- raphers refer to daintily as " her somewhat voluptuous style of beauty," judging from the silhouette in Mr. Scott Douglas's invaluable edition, the reader will be fastidious if he dots not approve. Take her for all in all. I believe she was the best woman Burns encount- ered. The pair took a fancy for each other on the spot; Mrs. M'Lehose, in her turn, invited him to tea; but the poet, in his character of the Old Hawk, pre f erred a tete-a-tete, excused himself at the last moment, and offered a visit instead. An accident confined him to his room for nearly a month, and this led to the famous Clarinda and Sylvander correspondence. It was begun in simple sport; they are already at their fifth or sixth exchange, when Clarinda writes : " It is really curious so much /un passing between two per- SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS sons who saw each other only once" ; but it is hardly safe for a man and woman in the flower of their years to write almost daily, and sometimes in terms too ambiguous, sometimes in terms too plain, and gener- ally in terms too warm, for mere acquaintance. The exercise partakes a little of the nature of battering, and danger may be apprehended when next they meet. It is difficult to give any account of this remarkable correspondence; it is too far away from us, and per- haps, not yet far enough, in point of time and manner ; the imagination is baffled by these stilted literary utterances, warming, in bravura passages, into down- right truculent nonsense. Clarinda has one famous sentence in which she bids Sylvander connect the thought of his mistress with the changing phases of the year; it was enthusiastically admired by the swain, but on the modern mind produces mild amazement and alarm. " Oh, Clarinda," writes Burns, " shall we not meet in a state — some yet unknown state — of being, where the lavish hand of Plenty shall minister to the highest wish of Benovolence, and where the chill north wind of Prudence shall never blow over the flowery field of Enjoyment?" The design may be that of an Old Hawk, but the style is more sug- gestive of a Bird of Paradise. It is sometimes hard to fancy they are not gravely making fun of each other 82 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS as they write. Religion, poetry, love, and charming sensibility, are the current topics. "I am delighted, charming Clarinda, with your honest enthusiasm for religion," writes Burns; and the pair entertained a fiction that this was their " favourite subject." " This is Sunday," writes the lady, "and not a word on our favourite subject. O fy! 'divine Clarinda!'" I sus- pect, although quite unconsciously on the part of the lady, who was bent on his redemption, they but used the favourite subject as a stalking-horse. In the meantime, the sportive acquaintance was ripening steadily into a genuine passion. Visits took place, and then became frequent. Clarinda's friends were hurt and suspicious ; her clergyman interfered ; she herself had smart attacks of conscience ; but her heart had gone from her control; it was altogether his, and she "counted all things but loss — heaven excepted — that she might win and keep him." Burns himself was transported while in her neighbourhood, but his transports somewhat rapidly declined during an absence. I am tempted to imagine that, womanlike, he took on the colour of his mistress's feeling; that he could not but heat himself at the fire of her unaffected passion; but that, like one who should leave the hearth upon a winter's night, his tempera- ture soon fell when he was out of sight, and in a word, SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 83 though he could share the symptoms, that he had never shared the disease. At the same time, amid the fustian of the letters there are forcible and true expressions, and the love verses that he wrote upon Clarinda are among the most moving in the language. We are approaching the solution. In mid-winter, Jean, once more in the family way, was turned out of doors by her family ; and Burns had her received and cared for in the house of a friend. For he remained to the last imperfect in his character of Don Juan, and lacked the sinister courage to desert his victim. About the middle of February (17S8), he had to tear himself from his Clarinda and make a journey into the southwest on business. Clarinda gave him two shirts for his little son. They were daily to meet in prayer at an appointed hour. Burns, too late for the post at Glasgow, sent her a letter by parcel that she might not have to wait. Clarinda on her part writes, this time with a beautiful simplicity: " I think the streets look deserted-like since Monday ; and there's a certain insipidity in good kind folks I once enjoyed not a little. Miss Wardrobe supped here on Monday. She once named you, which kept me from falling asleep. I drank your health in a glass of ale — as the lasses do at Hallowe'en — 'in to mysel'.'" Arrived at Mauchline, Burns installed Jean 8 4 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS Armour in a lodging, and prevailed on Mrs. Armour to promise her help and countenance in the approach- ing confinement. This was kind at least ; but hear his expressions : " I have taken her a room ; I have taken her to my arms ; I have given her a mahogany bed; I have given her a guinea I swore her privately and solemnly never to attempt any claim on me as a husband, even though anybody should per- suade her she had such a claim — which she has not, neither during my life nor after my death. She did all this like a good girl." And then he took advan- tage of the situation. To Clarinda he wrote: "I this morning called for a certain woman. I am disgusted with her; I cannot endure her;" and he accused her of " tasteless insipidity, vulgarity of soul, and merce- nary fawning." This was already in March ; by the thirteenth of that month he was back in Edinburgh. On the 17th he wrote to Clarinda: "Your hopes, your fears, your cares, my love, are mine ; so don't mind them. I will take you in my hand through the dreary wilds of this world, and scare away the raven- ing bird or beast that would annoy you." Again, on the 2 1st: "Will you open, with satisfaction and delight, a letter from a man who loves you, who has loved you, and who will love you, to death, through death, and for ever. . . . How rich am I to have SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 85 such a treasure as you! . . . 'The Lord God know- eth,' and, perhaps, 'Israel he shall know,' my love and your merit. Adieu, Clarinda! I am going to remember you in my prayers." By the 7th of April, seventeen days later, he had already decided to make Jean Armour publicly his wife. A more astonishing stage-trick is not to be found. And yet his conduct is seen, upon a nearer examina- tion, to be grounded both in reason and in kindness. He was now about to embark on a solid worldly career ; he had taken a farm ; the affair with Clarinda, however gratifying to his heart, was too contingent to offer any great consolation to a man like Burns, to whom marriage must have seemed the very dawn of hope and self-respect. This is to regard the question from its lowest aspect; but there is no doubt that he entered on this new period of his life with a sincere determination to do right. He had just helped his brother with a loan of a hundred and eighty pounds; should he do nothing for the poor girl whom he had ruined ? It was true he could not do as he did without brutally wounding Clarinda; that was the punishment of his bygone fault ; he was, as he truly says, " damned with a choice only of different species of error and misconduct." To be professional Don Juan, to accept the provocation of any lively lass upon the village 86 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS green, may thus lead a man through a series of detest- able words and actions, and land him at last in an undesired and most unsuitable union for life. If he had been strong enough to refrain or bad enough to persevere in evil ; if he had only not been Don Juan at all, or been Don Juan altogether, there had been some possible road for him throughout this trouble- some world ; but a man, alas ! who is equally at the call of his worse and better instincts, stands among changing events without foundation or resource. ' DOWNWARD COURSE It may be questionable whether any marriage could have tamed Burns ; but it is at least certain that there was no hope for him in the marriage he contracted. He did right, but then he had done wrong before; it was, as I said, one of those relations in life which it seems equally wrong to break or to perpetuate. He neither loved nor respected his wife. "God knows," he writes, "my choice was as random as blind man's buff." He consoles himself by the thought that he has acted kindly to her ; that she " has the most sacred enthusiasm of attachment to him;" that she has a good figure; that she has a " wood-note wild," "her i For the love affairs see, in particular, Mr. Scott Douglas's edition under the different dates. SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 87 voice rising with ease to B natural," no less. The effect on the reader is one of un mingled pity for both parties concerned. This was not the wife who (in his own words) could " enter into his favourite studies or relish his favourite authors;" this was not even a wife, after the affair of the marriage lines, in whom a husband could joy to put his trust. Let her manage a farm with sense, let her voice rise to B natural all day long, she would still be a peasant to her lettered lord, and an object of pity rather than of equal affection. She could now be faithful, she could now be forgiv- ing, she could now be generous even to a pathetic and touching degree ; but coming from one who was unloved, and who had scarce shown herself worthy of the sentiment, these were all virtues thrown away, which could neither change her husband's heart nor affect the inherent destiny of their relation. From the outset, it was a marriage that had no root in nature ; and we find him, ere long, lyrically regretting Highland Mary, renewing correspondence with Clarinda in the warmest language, on doubtful terms with Mrs. Riddel, and on terms unfortunately beyond any ques- tion with Anne Park. Alas ! this was not the only ill circumstance in his future. He had been idle for some eighteen menths, superintending his new edition, hanging on to settle SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS with the publisher, travelling in the Highlands with Willie Nichol, or philandering with Mrs. M'Lehose ; and in this period the radical part of the man had suffered irremediable hurt. He had lost his habits of industry, and formed the habit of pleasure. Apologet- ical biographers assure us of the contrary ; but from the first, he saw and recognised the danger for himself ; his mind, he writes, is " enervated to an alarming degree'' by idleness and dissipation; and again, "my mind has been vitiated with idleness." It never fairly recovered. To business he could bring the required diligence and attention without difficulty; but he was thenceforward incapable, except in rare instances, of that superior effort of concentration which is required for serious literary work. He may be said, indeed, to have worked no more, and only amused himself with letters. The man who had written a volume of master- pieces in six months, during the remainder of his life rarely found courage for any more sustained effort than a song. And the nature of the songs is itself characteristic of these idle later years ; for they are often as polished and elaborate as his earlier works were frank, and headlong, and colloquial ; and this sort of verbal elaboration in short flights is, for a man of literary turn, simply the most agreeable of pastimes. The change in manner coincides exactly with the SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 89 Edinburgh visit. In 17S6 he had written the Address to a Louse, which may be taken as an extreme instance of the first manner; and already, in 1787, we come upon the rosebud pieces to Miss Cruikshank, which are extreme examples of the second. The change was, therefore, the direct and very natural consequence of his great change in life; but it is not the less typical of his loss of moral courage that he should have given up all larger ventures, nor the less melancholy that a man who first attacked literature with a hand that seemed capable of moving mountains, should have spent his later years in whittling cherry-stones. Meanwhile, the farm did not prosper ; he had to join to it the salary of an exciseman ; at last he had to give it up, and rely altogether on the latter resource. He was an active officer; and, though he sometimes tempered severity with mercy, we have local testi- mony oddly representing the public feeling of the period, that, while "in everything else he was a per- fect gentleman, when they met with anything seizable he was no better than any other gauger." There is but one manifestation of the man in these last years which need delay us : and that was the sudden interest in politics which arose from his sympathy with the great French Revolution. His only political feel- ing had been hitherto a sentimental Jacobitism, not 9° SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS more or less respectable than that of Scott, Aytoun, and the rest of what George Borrow has nicknamed the "Charlie over the water" Scotchmen. It was a sentiment almost entirely literary and picturesque in its origin, built on ballads and the adventures of the Young Chevalier; and in Burns it is the more excusa- ble, because he lay out of the way of active politics in his youth. With the great French Revolution, some- thing living, practical, and feasible appeared to him for the first time in this realm of human action. The young ploughman who had desired so earnestly to rise, now reached out his sympathies to a whole nation animated with the same desire. Already in 1788 we find the old Jacobitism hand in hand with the new popular doctrine, when, in a letter of indignation against the zeal of a Whig clergyman, he writes : "I daresay the American Congress in 1776 will be allowed to be as able and as enlightened as the Eng- lish Convention was in 1688; and that their posterity will celebrate the centenary of their deliverance from us, as duly and sincerely as we do ours from the oppressive measures of the wrong-headed House of Stuart." As time wore on, his sentiments grew more pronounced and even violent ; but there was a basis of sense and generous feeling to his hottest excess. What he asked was a fair chance for the individual in SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 9 1 life ; an open road to success and distinction for all classes of men. It was in the same spirit that he had helped to found a public library in the parish where his farm was situated, and that he sang his fervent snatches against tyranny and tyrants. Witness, were it alone, this verse: — " Here 's freedom to him that wad read, Here 's freedom to him that wad write ; There 's nane ever feared that the truth should be heard But them wham the truth wad indite." Yet his enthusiasm for the cause was scarce guided by wisdom. Many stories are preserved of the bitter and unwise words he used in country coteries; how he proposed Washington's health as an amendment to Pitt's, gave as a toast " the last verse of the last chapter of Kings," and celebrated Dumouriez in a doggrel impromptu full of ridicule and hate. Now his sympathies would inspire him with Scots, wha hae ; now involve him in a drunken broil with a loyal officer, and consequent apologies and explanations, hard to offer for a man of Burns's stomach. Nor was this the front of his offending. On February 27, 1792, he took part in the capture of an armed smuggler, bought at the subsequent sale four carronades, and despatched them with a letter to the French Assembly. Letter 9 2 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS and guns were stopped at Dover by the English officials ; there was trouble for Burns with his superi- ors ; he was reminded firmly, however delicately, that, as a paid official, it was his duty to obey and to be silent; and all the blood of this poor, proud, and falling man must have rushed to his head at the humiliation. His letter to Mr. Erskine, subsequently Earl of Mar, testifies, in its turgid, turbulent phrases, to a perfect passion of alarmed self-respect and vanity. He had been muzzled, and muzzled, when all was said, by his paltry salary as an exciseman ; alas ! had he not a family to keep ? Already, he wrote, he looked for- ward to some such judgment from a hackney scribbler as this: "Burns, notwithstanding the fanfaronnade of independence to be found in his works, and after having been held forth to view and to public estima- tion as a man of some genius, yet, quite destitute of resources within himself to support his borrowed dignity, he dwindled into a paltry exciseman, and shrunk out the rest of his insignificant existence in the meanest of pursuits, and among the vilest of man- kind." And then on he goes, in a style of rhodomon- tade, but filled with living indignation, to declare his right to a political opinion, and his willingness to shed his blood for the political birthright of his sons. Poor, perturbed spirit ! he was indeed exercised in vain ; those SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 93 who share and those who differ from his sentiments about the Revolution, alike understand and sympathise with him in this painful strait; for poetry and human manhood are lasting like the race, and politics, which are but a wrongful striving after right, pass and change from year to year and age to age. The Twa Dogs has already outlasted the constitution of Sieyes and the policy of the Whigs ; and Burns is better known among English-speaking races than either Pitt or Fox. Meanwhile, whether as a man, a husband, or a poet, his steps led downward. He knew, knew bitterly, that the best was out of him ; he refused to make another volume, for he felt that it would be a disappointment ; he grew petulantly alive to criticism, unless he was sure it reached him from a friend. For his songs, he would take nothing; they were all that he could do; the proposed Scotch play, the proposed series of Scotch tales in verse, all had gone to water; and in a fling of pain and disappointment, which is surely noble with the nobility of a viking, he would rather stoop to borrow than to accept money for these last and inadequate efforts of his muse. And this desperate abnegation rises at times near to the height of mad- ness; as when he pretended that he had not written, but only found and published, his immortal A it Id Lang Syne. In the same spirit he became more scrupulous 94 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS as an artist ; he was doing so little, he would fain do that little well; and about two months before his death, he asked Thomson to send back all his manu- scripts for revisal, saying that he would rather write five songs to his taste than twice that number other- wise. The battle of his life was lost ; in forlorn efforts to do well, in desperate submissions to evil, the last years flew by. His temper is dark and explosive, launching epigrams, quarrelling with his friends, jeal- ous of young puppy officers. He tries to be a good father; he boasts himself a libertine. Sick, sad, and jaded, he can refuse no occasion of temporary pleasure, no opportunity to shine ; and he who had once refused the invitations of lords and ladies is now whistled to the inn by any curious stranger. His death (July 21, 1796), in his thirty -seventh year, was indeed a kindly dispen- sation. It is the fashion to say he died of drink; many a man has drunk more and yet lived with a reputation, and reached a good age. That drink and debauchery helped to destroy his constitution, and were the means of his unconscious suicide, is doubtless true; but he had failed in life, had lost his power of work, and was already married to the poor, unworthy, patient Jean, before he had shown his inclination to convivial nights, or at least before that inclination had become dangerous either to his health or his SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 95 self-respect. He had trifled with life, and must pay the penalty. He had chosen to be Don Juan, he had grasped at temporary pleasures, and substantial happi- ness and solid industry had passed him by. He died of being Robert Burns, and there is no levity in such a statement of the case ; for shall we not, one and all> deserve a similar epitaph ? The somewhat cruel necessity which has lain upon me throughout this paper only to touch upon those points in the life of Burns where correction or amplifi- cation seemed desirable, leaves me little opportunity to speak of the works which have made his name so famous. Yet, even here, a few observations seem necessary. At the time when the poet made his appearance and great first success, his work was remarkable in two ways. For, first, in an age when poetry had become abstract and conventional, instead of continuing to deal with shepherds, thunderstorms, and personifica- tions, he dealt with the actual circumstances of his life, however matter-of-fact and sordid these might be. And, second, in a time when English versification was particularly stiff, lame, and feeble, and words were used with ultra-academical timidity, he wrote verses 9 6 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS that were easy, racy, graphic, and forcible, and used language with absolute tact and courage as it seemed most fit to give a clear impression. If you take even those English authors whom we know Burns to have most admired and studied, you will see at once that he owed them nothing but a warning. Take Shenstone, for instance, and watch that elegant author as he tries to grapple with the facts of life. He has a description, I remember, of a gentleman engaged in sliding or walk- ing on thin ice, which is a little miracle of incompetence. You see my memory fails me, and I positively cannot recollect whether his hero was sliding or walking ; as though a writer should describe a skirmish, and the reader, at the end, be still uncertain whether it were a charge of cavalry or a slow and stubborn advance of foot. There could be no such ambiguity in Burns ; his work is at the opposite pole from such indefinite and stammering performances; and a whole lifetime passed in the study of Shenstone would only lead a man fjurther and further from writing the Address to a Louse. Yet Burns, like most great artists, proceeded from a school and continued a tradition ; only the school and tradition were Scotch, and not English. While the English language was becoming daily more pedantic and inflexible, and English letters more colour- less and slack, there was another dialect in the sister SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 97 country, and a different school of poetry tracing its descent, through King James I, from Chaucer. The dialect alone accounts for much ; for it was then written colloquially, which kept it fresh and supple ; and, although not shaped for heroic flights, it was a direct and vivid medium for all that had to do with social life. Hence, whenever Scotch poets left their laborious imitations of bad English verses, and fell back on their own dialect, their style would kindle, and they would write of their convivial and somewhat gross existences with pith and point. In Ramsay, and far more in the poor lad Fergusson, there was mettle, humour, literary courage, and a power of saying what they wished to say definitely and brightly, which in the latter case should have justified great anticipa- tions. Had Burns died at the same age as Fergusson, he would have left us literally nothing worth remark. To Ramsay and to Fergusson, then, he was indebted in a very uncommon degree, not only following their tradition and using their measures, but directly and avowedly imitating their pieces. The same tendency to borrow a hint, to work on some one else's founda- tion, is notable in Burns from first to last, in the period of song-writing as well as in that of the early poems ; and strikes one oddly in a man of such deep origin- ality, who left so strong a print on all he touched, and 9 8 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS whose work is so greatly distinguished by that charac- ter of "inevitability" which Wordsworth denied to Goethe. When we remember Burns's obligations to his pred- ecessors, we must never forget his immense advances on them. They had already " discovered " nature ; but Burns discovered poetry — a higher and more intense way of thinking of the things that go to make up nature, a higher and more ideal key of words in which to speak of them. Ramsay and Fergusson excelled at making a popular — or shall we say vulgar — sort of society verses, comical and prosaic, written, you would say, in taverns while a supper party waited for its laureate's word ; but on the appearance of Burns, this coarse and laughing literature was touched to finer issues, and learned gravity of thought and natural pathos. What he had gained from his predecessors was a direct, speaking style, and to walk on his own feet instead of on academical stilts. There was never a man of letters with more absolute command of his means; and we may say of him, without excess, that his style was his slave. Hence that energy of epithet, so concise and telling, that a foreigner is tempted to explain it by some special richness or aptitude in the dialect he wrote. Hence that Homeric justice and SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 99 completeness of description which gives us the very physiognomy of nature, in body and detail, as nature is. Hence, too, the unbroken literary quality of his best pieces, which keeps him from any slip into the weariful trade of word-painting, and presents every- thing, as everything should be presented by the art of words, in a clear, continuous medium of thought. Principal Shairp, for instance, gives us a paraphrase of one tough verse of the original ; and for those who know the Greek poets only by paraphrase, this has the very quality they are accustomed to look for and admire in Greek. The contemporaries of Burns were surprised that he should visit so many celebrated mountains and waterfalls, and not seize the opportun- ity to make a poem. Indeed, it is not for those who have a true command of the art of words, but for peddling, professional amateurs, that these pointed occasions are most useful and inspiring. As those who speak French imperfectly are glad to dwell on any topic they may have talked upon or heard others talk upon before, because they know appropriate words for it in French, so the dabbler in verse rejoices to behold a waterfall, because he has learned the senti- ment and knows appropriate words for it in poetry. But the dialect of Burns was fitted to deal with any subject; and whether it was a stormy night, a SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS shepherd's collie, a sheep struggling in the snow, the conduct of cowardly soldiers in the field, the gait and cogitations of a drunken man, or only a village cock- crow in the morning, he could find language to give it freshness, body, and relief. He was always ready to borrow the hint of a design, as though he had a diffi- culty in commencing — a difficulty, let us say, in choosing a subject out of a world which seemed all equally living and significant to him; but once he had the subject chosen, he could cope with nature single- handed, and make every stroke a triumph. Again, his absolute mastery in his art enabled him to express each and all of his different humours, and to pass smoothly and congruously from one to another. Many men invent a dialect for only one side of their nature — perhaps their pathos or their humour, or delicacy of their senses — and, for lack of a medium, leave all the others unexpressed. You meet such an one, and find him in conversation full of thought, feeling, and experience, which he has lacked the art to employ in his writings. But Burns was not thus hampered in the practice of the literary art ; he could throw the whole weight of his nature into his work, and impregnate it from end to end. If Doctor John- son, that stilted and accomplished stylist, had lacked the sacred Boswell, what should we have known of SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS him ? and how should we have delighted in his acquaintance as we do ? Those who spoke with Bums tell us how much we have lost who did not. But I think they exaggerate their privilege : I think we have the whole Burns in our possession set forth in his consummate verses. It was by his style, and not by his matter, that he affected Wordsworth and the world. There is, indeed, only one merit worth considering in a man of letters — that he should write well ; and only one damning fault — that he should write ill. We are little the better for the reflections of the sailor's parrot in the story. And so, if Burns helped to change the course of liter- ary history, it was by his frank, direct, and masterly utterance, and not by his homely choice of subjects. That was imposed upon him, not chosen upon a principle. He wrote from his own experience, because it was his nature so to do, and the tradition of the school from which he proceeded was fortunately not opposed to homely subjects. But to these homely subjects he communicated the rich commentary of his nature; they were all steeped in Burns; and they interest us not in themselves, but because they have been passed through the spirit of so genuine and vigorous a man. Such is the stamp of living literature ; and there was never any more alive than that of Burns. SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS What a gust of sympathy there is in him sometimes flowing out in byways hitherto unused, upon mice, and flowers, and the devil himself; sometimes speaking plainly between human hearts; sometimes ringing out in exultation like a peal of bells ! When we compare the Farmer's Sahrfation to His Auld Mare Maggie, with the clever and inhumane production of half a century earlier, The Auld Alan's Mare y s dead, we see in a nutshell the spirit of the change introduced by Burns. And as to its manner, who that has read it can forget how the collie, Luath, in the Twa Dogs, describes and enters into the merry-making in the cottage ? "The luntin' pipe an' sneeshin' mill Are handed round wi' richt guid will ; The canty auld folks crackin' crouse, The young anes rantin' through the house — My heart has been sae fain to see them That I for joy hae barkit wi' them." It was this ardent power of sympathy that was fatal to so many women, and, through Jean Armour, to himself at last. His humour comes from him in a stream so deep and easy that I will venture to call him the best of humorous poets. He turns about in the midst to utter a noble sentiment or a trenchant remark on human life, and the style changes and rises SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS 103 to the occasion. I think it is Principal Shairp who says, happily, that Burns would have been no Scotch- man if he had not loved to moralise ; neither, may we add, would he have been his father's son ; but (what is worthy of note) his moralisings are to a large extent the moral of his own career. He was among the least impersonal of artists. Except in the Jolly Beggars, he shows no gleam of dramatic instinct. Mr. Carlyle has complained that Tarn d 1 Shanter is, from the absence of this quality, only a picturesque and external piece of work ; and I may add that in the Twa Dogs it is pre- cisely in the infringement of dramatic propriety that a great deal of the humour of the speeches depends for its existence and effect. Indeed, Burns was so full of his identity that it breaks forth on every page ; and there is scarce an appropriate remark either in praise or blame of his own conduct, but he has put it himself into verse. Alasl for the tenor of these remarks! They are, indeed, his own pitiful apology for such a marred existence and talents so misused and stunted; and they seem to prove forever how small a part is played by reason in the conduct of man's affairs. Here was one, at least, who with unfailing judgment predicted his own fate ; yet his knowledge could not avail him, and with open eyes he must fulfil his tragic destiny. Ten years before the end he had written his io4 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS epitaph ; and neither subsequent events, nor the critical eyes of posterity, have shown us a word in it to alter. And, lastly, has he not put in for himself the last unanswerable plea ? — " Then gently scan your brother man, Still gentler sister woman ; Though they may gang a kennin wrang, To step aside is human : One point must still be greatly dark " One? Alas! I fear every man and woman of us is " greatly dark " to all their neighbours, from the day of birth until death removes them, in their greatest virtues as well as in their saddest faults ; and we, who have been trying to read the character of Burns may take home the lesson and be gentle in our thoughts. i I have left the introductory sentences on Principal Shairp, partly to explain my own paper, which was merely supplemental to his amiable but imperfect book, partly because that book appears to me truly misleading both as to the character and the genius of Burns. This seems ungracious, but Mr. Shairp has himself to blame ; so good a Wordsworthian was out of character upon that stage. This half apology apart, nothing more falls to be said except upon a remark called forth by my study in the columns of a literary Review. The exact terms in which that sheet disposed of Burns I cannot now recall; but they were to this effect — that Burns was a bad man, the impure vehicle of fine verses ; and that this was the SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS io 5 view to which all criticism tended. Now I knew, for my own part, that it was with the profoundest pity, but with a growing esteem, that I studied the man's desperate efforts to do right ; and the more I reflected, the stranger it appeared to me that any thinking being should feel otherwise. The complete letters shed, indeed, a light on the depths to which Burns had sunk in his character of Don Juan, but they enhance in the same proportion the hopeless nobility of his marrying Jean. That I ought to have stated this more noisily I now see ; but that any one should fail to see it for himself, is to me a thing both incomprehensible and worthy of open scorn. If Burns, on the facts dealt with in this study, is to be called a bad man, I question very much whether either I or the writer in the Review have ever encountered what it would be fair to call a good one. All have some fault. The fault of each grinds down the hearts of those about him, and — let us not blink the truth — hurries both him and them into the grave. And when we find a man per- severing indeed, in his fault, as all of us do, and openly overtaken, as not all of us are, by its consequences, to gloss the matter over, with too polite biographers, is to do the work of the wrecker dis- figuring beacons on a perilous seaboard ; but to call him bad, with a self-righteous chuckle, is to be talking in one's sleep with Heed- less and Too-bold in the arbour. Yet it is undeniable that much anger and distress is raised in many quarters by the least attempt to state plainly, what every one well knows, of Burns's profligacy, and of the fatal consequences of his marriage. And for this there are perhaps two subsidiary reasons. For, first, there is, in our drunken land, a certain privi- lege extended to drunkenness. In Scotland, in particular, it is almost respectable, above all when compared with any " irregularity between the sexes." The selfishness of the one, so much more gross in essence, is so much less immediately conspicuous in its io6 SOME ASPECTS OF BURNS results that our demiurgeous Mrs. Grundy smiles apologetically on its victims. It is often said — I have heard it with these ears — that " drunkenness may lead to vice." Now I did not think it at all proved that Burns was what is called a drunkard ; and I was obliged to dwell very plainly on the irregularity and the too fre- quent vanity and meanness of his relations to women. Hence, in the eyes of many, my study was a step towards the demonstration of Burns's radical badness. But second, there is a certain class, professors of that low morality so greatly more distressing than the better sort of vice, to whom you must never represent an act that was virtuous in itself, as attended by any other consequences than a large family and fortune. To hint that Burns's marriage had an evil influence is, with this class, to deny the moral law. Yet such is the fact. It was bravely done; but he had presumed too far on his strength. One after another the lights of his life went out, and he fell from circle to circle to the dishonoured sickbed of the end. And surely for any one that has a thing to call a soul he shines out tenfold more nobly in the failure of that frantic effort to do right, than if he had turned on his heel with Worldly Wiseman, married a congenial spouse, and lived orderly and died reputably an old man. It is his chief title that he refrained from " the wrong that amendeth wrong." But the common, trashy mind of our generation is still aghast, like the Jews of old, at any word of an unsuccessful virtue. Job has been written and read; the tower of Siloam fell nineteen hundred years ago ; yet we have still to desire a little Christianity, or, failing that, a little even of that rude, old, Norse nobility of soul, which saw virtue and vice alike go unrewarded, and yet was not shaken in its faith. SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPIES OF THIS BOOK HAVE BEEN PRINTED ON VAN GELDER HAND-MADE PAPER AND THE TYPE DISTRIBUTED IN THE MONTH OF DECEMBER MDCCCCXIV