/? r k crnj JZ mo #ZSc Duke University Libraries Laws of the sta Conf Pam 12mo #250 DTTDTDSEQY w LAWS OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI PASSED AT A CALLED SESSION OF THE MISSISSIPPI LEGISLATURE, HELD IN THE CITY OF JACKSON, JULY 1801 jACKSoir, 0m ». BARUHLB, 8TATH J>B(tfTftft THE WILLIAM R. PERKINS LIBRARY OF DUKE UNIVERSITY Rare Books i TABLE OF CONTENTS. CONSTITUTION" from page 9 to 29. CHAPTBR. PAGE. I.— RESOLUTION to publish an ordinate to amend the Constitution of the State of Mississippi in several parti- culars 29 II.— AN ORDINANCE to amend the Constitution of the State of Mississippi in several particulars, 29 III. — AN ACT to extend the powers and to confirm the acts of the Boards of County Police in certain cases. 81 IV.— MEMORIAL to the Congress of the Confederate States,... 34 V.— RESOLUTION requesting our Representatives in Congress to secure payment of mail contractors, 36 VI.— AN ACT to suspend the collection of the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad tax, and for other purposes, 36 VIL— RESOLUTION authorizing Col. French to make test of improved cannon ball, 37 VIII.— AN ACT for the relief of Charles Toney of Neshoba county, and for other pur- poses, 37 IX.— RESOLUTION instructing Board of Trustees of State University relative to adopting a system of Military instruction in said University, 38 X.— RESOLUTION granting leave of absence to SaniT M. Meek, 38 XI, — AN ACT to authorize the investment of trust funds in the securities of the State, or of the Confederate States, 38 XII— AN ACT to authorize Sheriffs, Tax Collectors, and State Treasurer, to receive the Treasury Notes of the Confederate States of America in payment of taxes and other dues, 39 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTEE. PAGE. XHL — A BILL to be entitled "An act to define the boundaries of the town of Rodney," in Jefferson county, 39 XIV.— AN ACT entitled "An act to prohibit the sale of vinous and intoxicating liquors in the town of Sarepta in Calhoun county, and in one mile thereof,. . . 40 XV,— AN ACT to make the Statute Laws of the State applicable to the Confederate States, 41 XVI. — AN ACT to exempt from Military duty certain citizens of Harrison county during the present war, 42 XVII. — AN ACT to suspend all laws making appropri- ations to the Agricultural Bureau and Agricultural Societies during the pendency of the war, 42 XVIII. — AN ACT to control the funds arising from the sale of runaway slaves in Hinds county, 43 XIX. — AN ACT to provide for the custody and pres- ervation of the records and Judi- cial proceedings of the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in this State, . . 43 XX. — AN ACT to change the time of holding the Pro- bate Court of Wayne county, 44 XXL— AN ACT for the relief of the Sureties of John M. Girault, late Tax Collector of the county of Claiborne, ......... 44 XXII. — AN- ACT to amend an ordinance of the Con- vention of Mississippi, adopted the 23d July 1861, entitled "An ordinance to regulate the Military System of the State of Mississippi," and also an ordinance adopted by the said Convention on the 30th of March, 1861, entitled "An ordi- nance to authorize the Governor of the State of Mississippi to trans- fer Volunteers to the service of the Confederate States," and for other ' purposes, 45 XXIIL— AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Joel R. Baugh, a volunteer minor in the county of Covington, .... 46 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 5 CHAPTER. PAGE. XXIV.— AN ACT to reduce the salary of the Adjutant General of this State, 47 XXV.— AN ACT to change the time of Election of School Commissioners in Green county, 47 XXVI.— AN ACT for the relief of J. C. Murray and J. W. Doak, 47 XXVIT. — AN ACT to provide additional compensation to the Clerks of , the Police Courts of De Soto and Tunica counties, 48 XXVIII.— AN ACT to change the time of holding the Probate Court of Smith coun- ty, 48 XXIX. — AN ACT to authorize the Commissioners of the Sixteenth Section, of Town- ship 7, Range 13, east, to make titles to the said 16th Section,. . 49 XXX.— AN ACT for the relief of Fanning Jones of Panola county 49 XXXI.— AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Benjamin P. Herndon, a minor, of Madison county, £0 XXXII.— AN ACT for relief of Frederick Brougher, of Panola county, Mississippi,. . .. . 50 XXXIII. — AN ACT to repeal the act incorporating the town of Ocean Springs, . . 51 XXXIV. — AN ACT supplementary to an act entitled "An act to amend the Charter of Incorporation of the Hazle- hurst Male and Female Insti- tute," approved July 5, I860,. 51 XXXV.— AN ACT to incorporate the De Soto Bridge Company, and for other pur- poses, 52 XXXVI.— AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Carroll Co. Manufacturing Company," ... 53 XXXVII.— AN ACT to ratify a contract entered into by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Jackson and James H. Bowman, 54 XXXVIII.— AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act in relation to Slaves, Free Neoroes, and Mulattoes," ... 55 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE. XXXIX.— AN ACT to amend the 'Charter of the City of Jackson, 55 XL.— AN ACT to prohibit the sale of intoxicating li- quors in any quantity in Beat No. 17, in the county of Tippah, and for other purposes, 56 : XLL— AN ACT. for the relief, of .William H. Rogers. Assessor of Scott county. '. '. 56 XLII.— -AN ACT to divide the State of Mississippi in seven Congressional Districts, ... 57 XLIIL— AN ACT for the relief of Evelina M. Ham- mett, ....:... .. . . 58 XLIY. — AN ACT to authorize the issuance of Patents for Lands in certain cases, ...... 59 XL V.— AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to aid in repairing and perfecting the Levee of the Mississippi River in the counties of DeSoto, Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, Washington, and Issaquena." approved Dec'r 2, 1858, 60 XLVI. — AN ACT to incorporate the Marshall County Manufacturing Company,. ...... 61 XLVIL— AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate the Sale of Vinous and Spirituous Liquors contain- tained in Chapter 20 of the Re- vised Code, 66 XLVIII. — AN ACT to punish tampering with Slaves and otherwise amend the Crim- inal laws of this State, 67 XLIX. — AN ACT to suspend the collection of the ten cent Levee tax in certain coun- ties, 68 L. — AN ACT to authorize the Boards of Police of Tunica and Coahoma counties to issue Scrip in payment'for Levee work,. . . 69 LI. — AN ACT to amend the Criminal Laws in relation to Adultery and Fornication, 70 Lit— -AN ACT supplemental to "An act to amend the Charter of the City of Jackson,. . . 71 LUI* — AN ACT making certain appropriations therein named, .. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 7 CHAPTER. PAGE. LIT. — A BILL to be entitled an act to suspend the ap- propriation for the Geological Sur- vey of this State during- the war be- tween the United States and the Confederate States of America,. ... 72 LV. — AN ACT to enable Volunteer Companies, in the service of the Confederate States, to draw the amount due them under the 13th section of an act approved Feb. 10, I860, entitled "An act further to regulate the Militia and Volunteer System.". 73 LV1. — AN ACT to exempt money invested in Coufed- erate or State Bonds from taxa- tion • 78 LVIL AN ACT to modify the Collection Laws of this State 71 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. Abtici.e I. Declaration of rights. |§ V. Executive Department ; militia. II. Distribution of Powers, j VI. Impeachments. III. Legislative Department, j VII. General provisions ; slaves. IV. Judicial Department ] Amending Constitution ; schedule. ARTICLE I. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. That the general, great and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognized and established, we declare : Section 1. That all freemen, when they form a social compact, are equal in rights ; and that no E established by law, according to the number of free white inhabitants in each, and shall never be less than one-lburth nor more than one-third of the whole number of representatives. Sec. 11. The senators shall be chosen by the qualified electors for four years, and on their being Number, convened in consequence of the first election, they &c. shall be divided by lot from their respective dis- tricts into two classes, as nearly equal as can be, and the seats of the.senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration .of the second year. Sec. 12. Such mode of classifying new addition- IIow c j 10- al senators shall be observed as will as nearly aspos- sen an( j sible preserve an equality of members in eacli class, classified. 8 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 13. When a senatorial district shall be composed of two or more counties, it shall not be entirely separated by any county belonging to another district, and no county shall be divided in forming a district. Sec. 14. No person shall be a senator unless he Qualifica- fo e a citizen of, the Confederate States of America, Senators lul shaI1 nave been an "habitant of this State for four years next preceding his election, and the last year thereof a resident of the district for which he he shall be chosen, and have attained the age of thirty years. Sec. 15. The House of Representatives, when assembled, shall choose a speaker and its other of- Speakerof ncei,s J an( l tn e Senate shall choose a president and the House its officers, and each house shall judge of the quali- and other fications and elections of its own members, but a officers, contested election shall be determined in such man- ner as shall be directed by law. A majority of each house shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. Powers ^ EC - 16. Each house may determine the rules of o f e a c h its own proceedings, punish members for disorderly house. behavior, and, with the consent of two-thirds, expel a member, but not a second time for the same cause; and shallhaveall other powers necessary for a branch of the legislature of a free and independent State. Sec. 17. Each house shall keep a journal of its T . proceedings, and publish the same; and the yeas and J o u rnals n ,-P -, r e • , i , ' * of yeas lia y s members of either house, on any ques- and nays, tion, shall, at the desire of any three members pres- ent, be entered on the journal. Sec. 18. When vacancies happen in either Vacancies house, the Governor, or the person exercising the powers of the Governor, shall issue writs of elec- tions to fill such vacancies. Sec. 19. Senators and Representatives shall, in all cases, except of treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session Privileged of the legislature, and in going to and returning from ar-f r0 m the same, allowing one day for every twenty rest; ex- m j] es m( ^ member may reside from the place at cep 10n ' which the legislature is convened. CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. 9 Sec. 20. Each house may punish, by imprison- ment during- the session, any person, not a member, for disrespectful or disorderly behavior in its pres- ence, qt for obstructing any of its proceedings : Provided, such imprisonment shall not, at any one time, exceed forty-eight hours. Si-:c. 21 . The doors of each house shall be open, except on such occasions of great emergency as, in the opinion of the house, may require secrecy. Sec. '22. Neither house shall, without the con- sent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which tl icy may be sitting. Sf:c. 23. Bills may originate in either house, and be amended, altered or rejected by the other, but no bill shall have the force of a Jaw until, on three sev- eral days, it be read in each house, ami free discus- sion lie allowed thereon, unless four-fifths of the house in which the bill shall be pending may deem it expedient to dispense with this rule ; and every bill, having passed both houses, shall be signed by the speaker and president of their respective houses. Sec. 24. All bills for raising revenue shall origi- nate in the House of Representatives, but the Sen- ate may amend or reject them, as other bills. Sec. 25. Each member of the legislature shall receive, from the public treasury, a compensation for Compen- his services, which may be increased or diminished j? tl0n ° by law, but no increase of compensation shall take bers mCm " effect during the session at which such increase shall have been made. Sec. 26. No senator or representative shall during the term for which he shall have been elected, nor for one year thereafter, be appointed to any civil office of profit under the State, which shall M e mbers have been created, or the emoluments of which shall j\ ot elig jf have been increased during such term, except such fi( f e ° ° " offices as may be filled by elections by the people ; and no member of- either house of the legislature shall, after the commencement of the first session of the legislature after his election, and during the remainder of the term for which he is elected, be eligible to any office or place, the appointment to which may be made, in whole or in part, by either ■ m branch of the legislature. 10 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 27. No judge of any court of law or equity, Officers secretary of state, attorney-general, clerk of any not eligi- court of record, sheriff or collector, or any person ble to leg- holding a lucrative office under the laws of the islature. q , n f e derate States of America, or of this State, shall be eligible to the legislature : Provided, That officers in the militia, to which there is attached no annual salary, and the office of the jus- tice of the peace, shall not be deemed lucrative. Sec. 28. No person who has heretofore, or here- T) f lte s a ^ er ' ^ een a collector or holder of public moneys, shall have a seat in either house of the legislature until such person shall have accounted for, and paid, into the treasury, all sums for which he may be accountable. Sec. 29. The first election for senators and representatives shall be general throughout the First elec- State, and shall be held on the first Monday, and tion,when day following, in November, 1833 ; and thereafter holden. there shall be biennial elections for senators to fill the places of those whose term of service may have expired. Sec. 30. The first and all future sessions of the legislature shall be held in the town of Jackson, in ~ , f the county of Hinds, until the year 1850. During govemm't ^ ne ^ rs * sess i° n thereafter, the legislature shall have power to designate, by law, the permanent seat of government : Provided, however \ That unless such designation be then made by law, the seat of govern- ment shall continue permanently at the town of Jackson. The first session shall commence on the third Monday in November, in the year 1833; and in every two years thereafter, at such time as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 31. The governor, secretary of state, treas- urer, auditor of public accounts and attorney-general shall reside at the seat of government. ARTICLE IY. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Sec. 1. The judicial power of the State shall Judicial^ vestecl in one n ^ n court °^ errors an 4 a PP ea H power. an d such other courts of law and equity as ar« hereafter provided for in this constitution. CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. 11 Sec. 2. The high court of errors and appeals shall consist of three judges, any two of whom shall High co'rt form a quorum. The legislature shall divide the o f errors State into three districts, and the qualified electors a n d a P~ of each district shall elect one of said judges for peals * the term of six years. Sec. 3. The office of one of said judges shall £ u w d e f e ^ be vacated in two years, and one in four years, ed term and one in six years — so that, at the expiration of ofomce. every two years, one of said judges shall be elected, as aforesaid. Sec. 4. The high court of errors and appeals j u risdic _ shall have no jurisdiction but such as properly be- t i on . longs to a court of errors and appeals. Sec. 5. All vacancies that may occur in said court, from death, resignation, or removal, shall be y^^^^ llled by election as aforesaid : Provided, however. That if the unexpired term do not exceed one year, the vacancy shall be filled by executive appoint- ment. Sec. 6. No person shall be eligible to the office of judge of the high court of errors and appeals, Where who shall not have attained, at the time of his clec- holden. tion, the age of thirty years. Sec. 7. " The high' court of errors and appeals shall be held twice in each year, at such place as First elec- the legislature shall direct, until the year eighteen tion. hundred and thirty-six, and afterwards at the seat of government of the State. Sec. 8. The secretary of state, on receiving all the official returns of the first election, shall pro- ceed forthwith, in the presence and with the assis- rp erm £ tance of two justices of the peace, to determine, by fg ce> lot, among the three candidates having the highest number of votes, which of said judges shall serve for the term of two years, which shall serve for the term of four years, and which shall serve for the term of six years ; and, having so determined the same, it shall be the duty of the Governor to issue commissions accordingly. Sec. 9. No judge shall sit on the trial of any when cause when the parties or either of them shall be judge dis- connected with him by affinity or consanguinity, or qualified, when he may be interested in the same, except by consent of the judge and of the parties ; and when- 12 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. ever a quorum of said court arc situated as aforesaid, the Governor of the State shall in such case es- pecially commission two or more men of law knowl- edge, for the determination thereof. Sec. 10. The judges of said court shall receive for their services a compensation to be fixed by law, Salaries. w hich shall not be diminished during their contin- uance in office. Sec. 11. The judges of the circuit court shall Judges of be elected by the qualified electors of each judicial circu it district, and hold their offices for the term of four court. years, and reside in their respective districts. Sec. 12. No person shall be eligible to the of- fice of judge of the circuit court, who shall not at Qualifica- the time of his election, nave attained the age of tions. twenty -six years. Sec. IB. The State shall be divided into conve-. Circuits. n i e nt districts, and each district shall contain not less than three nor more than twelve counties. Sec. 14. The circuit courts shall have original J urisdic- jurisdiction in all matters, civil and criminal, with- tion, &c. i n this State ; but in civil cases only when the princi- pal of the sum in controversy exceeds fifty dollars. Sec. 15. A circuit court shall be held in each county of this State, at least twice in each year ; and the judges of said court shall interchange cir- Chancery cuits with each other, in such manner as may bepre- courts. scribed by law, and shall receive for their services a compensation to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. ♦ Sec. 10. A separate superior court of chancery shall be established, with full jurisdiction in all mat; J urisdic- * ers °** e( l u ^y : Provided, hoivever, The legislature ti 0D> may give to the circuit courts of each county equity jurisdiction in all cases where the value of the thing or the amount in controversy does not exceed five hundred dollars ; also, in all cases of divorce, and for the foreclosure of mortgages. The chancellor shall be elected by the qualified electors of the whqle State, for the term of six years, and shall be at least thirty years old at the time of his election. Sec. 17. 'The style of all process shall be "The Stateof Mississippi/'' and all prosecutions shall be Style o f earned on in the name and by the authority of process. •< The, State of Mississippi," and shall conclude, "against the peace and dignity of the same." CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. 13 Sec. 18. A court of probates shall be estab- lished in each county of the State, with jurisdiction P ro bate in all matters testamentary, and of administration cour t. in orphans' business, and the allotment of dower, in cases of idiocy and lunacy, and of persons non J u "°dic- compos mentis. The judge of said court shall be tl0n ' elected by the qualified electors of the respective counties, for the term of two years. Sec. 19. The clerk of the high court of errors and appeals shall be appointed by the said court, for Clerks. the term of four years ; and the clerks of the pro- bate and other inferior courts, shall be elected by the qualified electors of the respective counties, and shall hold their offices for the term of two years. Sec. 20. The qualified electors of each county shall elect five persons, for the term of two years, p°f who shall constitute a board of police for each county, a majority of whom may transact business; which body shall have full jurisdiction over roads, highways, ferries and bridges, and all other matters of count}' police ; and shall order all county elec- tions, to fill the vacancies that may occur in the of- fices of their respective counties. The clerk of the court of probate shall be the clerk of the board of police. Sec. 21. No person shall be eligible as a mem- q ualifica- ber of said board, who shall not have resided one tion. year in the county ; but this qualification shall not extend to such new counties as may hereafter be established, until one year after their organization: Va^n^ and all vacancies that may occur, in said board shall lie supplied by election as aforesaid to fill the unexpired term. Sec. 22. The judges of all the courts of this State, and also the members of the board of the Conserva- county police, shall in virtue of their offices, be con- tors of the servators of the peace, and shall be. by law, vested pea with ample powers in this respect. P , Sec. 28. A competent number of justices of the ^ es peace and constables shall be chosen in each county by the qualified electors thereof, by districts, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years • the jurisdiction of justices of the peace shall be lim- " s *™* ited to causes in which the principal of the amount peace . in controversy shall not exceed fifty dollars : in all 14 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. Inferior. Attorney- General. Contested elections. Ju dges, how re- moved. Offic ers, indicted. causes tried by justices of the peace, the right of appeal shall be secured, under such rules and regu- lations as shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 24. The legislature may, from time to time establish such other inferior courts as may be deem- ed necessary, and abolish the same whenever they deem it expedient. Sec. 25. There shall be an Attorney-General elected by the qualified electors of the State, and a competent number of district attorneys shall be elected by the qualified voters of their respective districts ; whose compensation and term of service shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 26. The legislature shall provide, by law, for determining contested elections of judges of the high court of errors and appeals, of the circuit and probate courts, and other officers. Sec. 27. The judges of the several courts of this State, for wilful neglect of duty or other reason- able cause, shall be removed by the governor, on the address of two-thirds of both houses of the legisla- ture ; the address to be by joint vote of both houses. The cause or causes for which* such removal shall be required, shall be stated at length in such ad- dress, and on the journals of each house. The judge so intended to be removed, shall be notified and admitted to a hearing in his own defense, before the vote for such address shall pass ; the vote on such address shall be taken by the yeas and nays, and entered on the journals of each house. Sec. 28. Judges of probate, clerks, sheriffs, and other county officers, for the wilful neglect of duty, or misdemeanor in office, shall be liable to present- ment or indictment by a, grand jury, and trial by a petit jury ; and, upon conviction,- shall be removed from office. ARTICLE V. executive department. Sec. 1. The chief executive power of this State Governor, ghaii b e vested in a Governor, who shall hold JS£i re his office for two years from the time of his in- stallation. office. CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. 15 Sec. 2. The Governor shall be elected by the qualified electors of the State. The returns of every Howelec election for governor shall be sealed up and trans- ted. raitted to the seat of government, directed to the Secretary of State, who shall deliver them to the speakc^of the House of Representatives at the next ensuing session of the legislature, during the first week of whicli session the said speaker 'shall open and publish them in the presence of both houses of the legislature. The person having the highest number of votes shall be Governor ; but if two or more shall be equal, and highest in votes, then one of them shall be chosen Governor by the rw 00 f*,i joint ballot of both houses of the legislate. Con- e l e c tton tested election for Governor shall be determined for Gov- by both houses of the legislature in such manner as ernor. prescribed by law. Sec. 3. The Governor shall be at least thirty years of age, shall have been a citizen of some one of the States composing the Confederate States of America, for twenty years, and shall have resi- n „ r , , ded in this State at least five years next preced- tion, mg the day of his election, and shall not be capa- ble of holding the office more than four years in any term of six years. Sec. 4. He shall at all times receive for his ser- n vices a compensation, which shall not be increased ^inT" 1 or diminished during the term for which he shall be elected. Sec. 5. He shall be commander-in-chief of thedeTTn- army and navy of this State, and of the militia, Chief, except when they shall be called into the service of the Confederate States of America. Sec. 6. He may require information, in writing, from the officers in the executive department, on any subject relating to the duties of their respec- tive offices. Sec. 1 He may in cases of emergency, convene ftftVPrT1 , r the Legislature at the seat of government, or at a to c Tn different place, if that shall have become, since their veiie and last adjournment, dangerous from an enemy or from a d j o urn disease ; and in case of disagreement between the the le S«- two houses with respect to the time of adjournment lature ' adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper' not beyond the day of the next stated meeting of the Legislature, 16 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 8. He shall, from time to time, give to the Duty o f Legislature information of the state of thegovern- Governor. ment, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he may deem necessary and expedient. Sec. 9. He shall take care that the laws bt faithfully executed. Sec. 10. In all criminal and penal cases, except in those of treason and impeachment, he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons, and remit Power of g neg; aiK ] j n cases f forfeiture, to stay the collec- tfoveraor. ^ Qn imt] -j ^ ^ f the next session of the Legis- lature, and to remit forfeitures by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate. In cases of treason, he shall have poAver to grant reprieves by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, but may re- spite the sentence until the end of the next session of the Legislature. Commis- ^ EC - H- ^ commissions shall be in the name sions. and by the authority of the State of Mississippi, be sealed with the great seal, and signed by the Gov- ernor, and be attested by the Secretary of State. Seal of ^ EC - !-• There shall be a seal of this State, the State, which shall be kept by the Governor, and used by him officially, and shall be called the Great Seal of the State of Mississippi. Sec. 13. All vacancies not provided for in this Constitution, shall be filled in such manner as the Legislature may prescribe. Sec. 14. The Secretary of State shall be elected ^f etar y by the qualified electors of the State, and shall con- tinue in office during the term of twoyears. He shall keep a fair register of all the official acts and pro- ceedings^ the Governor, and shall, when required, lay the same, and all papers, minutes and vouchers relative thereto, before the Legislature, and shall perform other duties as may be required of him by law. Sec. 1"). Every bill which shall have passed both houses of the Legislature, shall be presented to Governor the Governor : if he "approve, he shall sign it, but reTu r°n if not ' he slia11 return jt > witu 3l3ri objections, to the bills. house in which it shall have originated, which shall enter the objections at large upon their journals, and proceed to reconsider it : if, after such recon- sideration, two-thirds of the house shall agree to Veto. pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections, to CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. IT the other house, by which it shall likewise be recon- sidered : if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law ; but in such case, the vote of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively : if any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within six days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him. the same shall become a law in like manner as if he had signed it. unless the Legislature, by their adjournment, prevent its return : in which case it shall not become a law. Sec. lr». Every order, resolution or vote to which the.concurrence of both houses may be neces- sary, except resolutions for the purpose of obtain- ing the joint action of both houses, and on questions of adgqnrnment, shall be presented to the Governor, and, before it shall take effect, be approved by him. or, being disapproved, shall be re-passed by both holism, according to the rules and limitations pre- scribed in the case of a bill. Sec. 17. Whenever the office of Governor shall become vacant, by death, resignation, removal from office, or otherwise, the president of the Senate . shall exercise the office of Governor until another g^™tjiot Governor shall be duly qualified; and in case of vacan ^ the death, resignation, removal from office, or other & c . disqualification of the president of the Senate, so exercising the office of Governor, the speaker of the House of Representatives shall exercise the office until tin 1 president of the Senate shall have been chosen : and when the office of Governor, president of the Senate, and speaker of the House, shall be- come vacant in the recess of the Senate, the person acting as Secretary of State for the time being, ur ^.^ r shall, by proclamation, convene the Senate, that a pr0 president may be chosen to exercise the office of Governor. Sec. 18. When either the president or speaker of the House of .Representatives shall so exercise said office, he shall receive the compensation of the Governor only ; and his duties as president or speaker shall be suspended, and the Senate or House of Representatives, as the case may be, shall fill the vacancy until his duties as Governor shall cease C— 2 18 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 19. A sheriff and one or more coroners, a treasurer, surveyor and ranger, shall be elected in each county, by the qualified electors thereof ; who shall hold their offices for two years, unless sooner removed ; except that the coroner shall hold his office until his successor be duly qualified. Sec. 20. A State Treasurer and Auditor of Treasurer Public Accounts shall be elected by the qualified and Audi- electors of the State, who shall hold their offices *° r ' for the term of two years, unless soom v removed. V MILITIA. Section. 1. The Legislature shall provide, by Militia. ^ aw ' ^' or organizing and disciplining the militia of this State, in such manner as they may deem expe- dient, not incompatible with the Constitution and the laws of the Confederate States of America in relation thereto. Sec. 2. Commissioned officers of the militia Militia of- (staff officers and the officers of volunteer compa- rers, nies excepted.) shall be elected by the persons liable to perform military duty, and the qualified electors within their respective commands, and shall be com- missioned by the Governor. Powers of Sec. 3. The Governor shall have power to call Governo r f or th the militia to execute the laws of the State, to tto call out • i- i - i • imilitia suppress insurrection, and to repel lnvasi ARTICLE YI. impeachments. Section 1. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeaching. Sec. 2. All impeachments shall be tried by the Impeach- Senate : when sitting for that'purpose, the senators merit. shall be on oath or affirmation : no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Sec. 3. The Governor and all civil officers shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in Extent of on ^ ce 5 but judgment in such cases shall not extend ®tc ' further than to removal from office, and disqualifi- cation to hold any office of honor, trust, or profit CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. 19 under the State ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless, be subject to' indictment, trial and punishment, according to law, as in other cases. ARTICLE YIT. GMfiHMi PROVISIONS. Section I. Members of the Legislature, attor- neys and counsellors at law, and all officers, execu- Oathofok live and judicial, before they enter upon the duties fice. of their respective offices, shall take the folio wing- oath or affirmation, to-wit: "I do solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will support the Constitution of the Confederate States of Ameri- ca, and the Constitution of the State of Mississippi, so long as I continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faithfully discharge, to the best of my abilities the duties of the office of . according to law —So help me, God » Sec. 2. The legislature shall pass such laws to prevent the evil practice of dueling, as they may deem necessary ; and may require all officers before Dueling, they enter upon the duties of their respective of- fices, to take the following oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I have not been engaged in a duel, by sending or accepting a challenge to fight a duel, or by fight- ing a duel, since the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, nor will I be so engaged during my continuance in office — So help me, God.' 7 Sec. 3. Treason against the State shall consist only in levying war against it, or in adhering to its Treason, enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testi- mony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or his own confession, in open court. Sec. 4. Every person shall be disqualified from holding an office or place of honor or profit under Bribery at the authority of this State, who shall be convicted elections, of having given or offered any bribe to secure his r election. Laws shall be made to exclude from of- eSS? e | fice or suffrage those who shall hereafter be con-f rom , victed of bribery, perjury, forgery, or other high 20 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. crimes or misdemeanors. The privilege of the free Suffrage, suffrage shall be supported by laws regulating elec- tions, and prohibiting, under adequate penalties, all undue influences therein, from power, bribery, tu- mult, or other improper conduct. Sec. 5. No person who denies the being of a Atheist ^ oc *' or a f u ^ ure state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in me civil department of this State. "When S EC - 6. No laws of a general nature, unless laws g o otherwise provided for, shall be enforced until sixty into effect days after the passage thereof. Sec. 7. No money shall be drawn from the Money treasury, but in consequence of an appropriation fronTtrea^ ma ^ e ^J law ; nor shall any appropriation of money sury. f° r tne support of an army be made for a longer term than one year. Sec. 8. No money from the treasury shall be appropriated to objects of internal improvement, unless the bill for that purpose be passed by two- thirds of both branches of the Legislature ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of public moneys shall be published annually. Sec. 9. No law shall ever be passed to raise a. loan of money upon the credit of the State, or to Skate loan p i e( jg e t j ie f^ f t \ m g tate f or t i ie redemption of any loan or debt, unless such law be proposed in the Senate or House of Representatives, and be agreed to by a majority of the members of each house, and entered on the journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and be referred to the next succeed- ing Legislature, and published for three months pre- vious to the next regular election, in three newspa- pers of this State ; and unless a majority of each branch of the Legislature so elected, after such publication, shall agree to and pass such a law ; and in such case, the yeas and nays shall be taken and entered on the journals of each house ; Pro- vided, that nothing in this section shall be so con- strued as to prevent the Legislature from negotiat- ing a further loan of one and a half millions of dol- lars, and vesting the same in stock reserved to the State by the charter of the Planters' Bank of the State. of Mississippi. CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. 21 And provided furiltor. That the Legislature may raise a loan of money and pledge the faith of the State for the payment thereof, when required to suppress insurrections, repel invasions, or provide for the defense of the State. Sec. 10. The Legislature shall direct, by law, ^ u \ fc * in what manner, and in what courts, suits may be the^tate brought against the State. Sec. 11. Absence on business of this State or of the Confederate States of America, or on a visit, Citiz'ship. or necessary private business, shall not cause a for- feiture of citizenship or residence once obtained. Sec. 12. Tt shall be the duty of the Legislature Deduction to regulate, by law. the cases in Avhich deductions from sala- shall be made from salaries of public officers for nes - neglect of duty in their official capacity, and the amount of mdk\ deduction. Sec. 13. No member of Congress nor any person holding any office of profit or trust under rfifd the Confederate States, (the office of postmaster Jjrom-'o'f- excepted.) or any other State of the Confederacy, ficc or under any foreign power, shall hold or exercise any office of trust or profit under this State. Sec. 14. Religion, morality and knowledge be- Schools ing necessary to good government, the preservation an 4 edu " of liberty and the happiness of mankind, schools and catl0n * the means of education shall forever be encour- aged in this State. Sec. 15. Divorces from the bonds of matrimo- D . ny shall not be granted but in cases provided for Uiy0TCeB - by law, by suit in chancery. Sec. 10. Returns of all elections by the people Election shall be made to the Secretary of State, in such returns, manner as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 17. No new county shall be established by the legislature, which shall reduce the county or Counties, counties, or either of them, from which it may be New. taken, to less contents than five hundred and sixty- six square miles ; nor shall any new county be laid off of less contents. Sec. 18. The legislature shall have power to admit to all the rights and privileges of free white citizens of this State all such persons of the Choc- lndiaxy3 « taw and Chickasaw tribes of Indians as shall choose to remain in this State, upon such termB as 22 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. the Legislature may from time to time deem proper. SLAVES. E m a nci- pation of Section 1. The Legislature shall have no pow- nowma e er to p agg j awg ^ ^ emancipation of slaves with- out the consent of their owners, unless where the slave shall have rendered to the State some distin- guished service, in which case the owner shall be paid a full equivalent for the slave so emancipated. They shall have no power to prevent emigrants to this State from bringing with them such persons as are deemed slaves by the laws of any one of the United States, so long as any person of the same age or description shall be continued in slavery by the laws of this State ; Provided, that such person or slave be the bona fide property of such emi- Slaves grants ; and 'provided, also, that laws may be passed conyicted to p r0 ]^it the introduction into this State of slaves who may have committed high crimes in other States. They shall have power to pass laws to permit the owners of slaves to emancipate them, saving the rights of creditors, and preventing them from becoming a public charge. They shall have full power to oblige the owners of slaves to treat them with humanity, to provide for them necessary clothing and provisions, to abstain from all injuries to them extending to life or limb, and in case of Treatme't their neglect or refusakto comply with the direc- of slaves, tions of such laws, to have such slave or slaves sold for the benefit of the owner or owners. Sec. 2. The introduction of slaves into this State as merchandize, or for sale, shall be prohib- Slaves as ^ e( j f rom an( j a ft er ^ ie f irs ^ d av f May, eighteen SzeT n " hundred and fifty-three ; Provided, that the actual settler or settlers shall not be prohibited from pur- chasing slaves in any other State in this Union and bringing them into this State for their own individual use, until the year eighteen hundred and forty-five. Prosecu- Sec. 3. In the prosecution of slaves for crimes tion of f w hi c h the punishment is not capital, no inquest slaves. k-y a grand jury shall be necessary ; but the pro- ceedings in such cases shall be regulated by law. CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. 23 MODE OF REVISING TTIE CONSTITUTION. Whenever two-thirds of eaeh branch of the legis- lature shall deem any eliange. alteration or amend- ment necessary to this constitution, such proposed change, alteration or amendment shall be read and ^onstitu- passcd by a majority of two-thirds of each, house reriscd? W respectively on each day for three several days ; public notice thereof shall fefcen be given by the Secretary of State, at leasl -i\ months' precelliiig the next general which the qualified electors shall vote directly for or againsl such change, alteration or amendment : and if it shall appear that a majority of the qualified electors voting for members of the legislature shall have voted for the proposed cha er.a1 ion or amend- ment, then it shall be inserted, <>y ; ied- ing legislate part of this and not otherwise. SCfiEDULE. Se< tion 1. All righ^ .. and all liabilities E • ijts incurred, shall remain the same as if this COfrstitu- vea t|cL tion had not been adopted. Sec. 2. All suits at law or in equjty, now pend- ing in the several courts of this State, may be transferred to such courts as may have proper ju- risdiction thereof. Sec. 3. The Governor, and all officers, civil and military, now holding commissions under the authority of this State, shall continue to hold and officers exercise their respective offices until they shall be &c * superseded pursuant to the provisions of this con- stitution, and until their successors be duly quali- fied. Sec. 4. All laws now in force in the State, not repugnant to this Constitution, shall continue to operate until the}' shall expire by their own limita- tion, or be altered or repealed by the Legislature. Sec. 5. Immediately upon the adoption of this constitution, the president of this convention shall issue writs of election, directed to the sheriffs of the several counties, requiring them to cause an election to be held on the first Monday and day 24 CONSTITUTION OF MISSIS^IPPE. following in December next, for members of the Legislature, at the respective places of holding elections in said counties ; which elections shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by the existing election laws of the State ; and the members of the Legislature, thus elected, shall continue in office until the next . general election, and shall convene at the seat of government on the first Monday in January, eighteen hundred and thirty-three ; and shall, at their first session, order an election to be held in every county of this State, on the first Mon- day of May and day following, eighteen hundred and 'thirty-three, for all state and county officers under this constitution, (members of the Legisla- ture excepted ;) and the other officers then elected shall continue in office until the succeeding general election, and after, in the same manner as if the election had taken place at the time last aforesaid. „ , Sec. <>. Until the first enumeration shall be ffi cer | made, as directed by this Constitution, the appor- first elect- tionm cut of senators and representatives among ed to con- the several districts and counties in this State, tinue in shall remain as at present fixed by law. office - P. RUTILUS R. PRAY, President of the Convention, mid Representative from the county of Hancock. Attest : John H. Mallory. S'rrretart/. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. AVE- The Legislature shall Lave, 33 "eby vest- ed with power to pa -s such laws regulating or pro- hibiting the introduction of slaves into this State, as may be deemed proper and expedient. Adopted, February 24, 1840. * AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. 25 BOARD OF POLICE. The qualified electors of each county shall elect five persons, by districts, for the term of two years, who shall constitute a Board of Police of each county, a majority of whom may transact business ; which body shall have full jurisdiction over roads, highways, ferries and bridges, and all other matters of county policy; and shall order all county elec- tions to fill vacancies that may occur in the offices of their respective counties. The clerk of the Court of Probate shall be clerk of the Boards of County Police. Adopted, March 12th, 1852. CHANCERY COURT. Chancery Courts, with full jurisdiction in mat- ters of equity, shall be held in each judicial district by the circuit judge thereof, at such time and place as may be directed by law. The Superior Court of Chancery, and the several Vice-Chancery Courts, shall continue as now organized, until the first Monday of November, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, for the disposition of 4 cases now depending therein. The Legislature shall provide by law for the preservation of the records of the said Superior Court of Chancery and of said Vice- . Chancery Courts, and also for the transfer of p\\ causes, that may remain undetermined therein, to other courts, for final decision. Adopted, February 6th, 1856. TENURE OF PUBLIC OFFICERS. All public officers m this State, Legislative, Ex- ecutive and Judicial, whose terms of office expire at the general election to be held in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, or at any subsequent general election, shall continue to hold their offices until the first Monday of January next following the expiration of said terms, and until their successors shall be qualified : Provided, such of said officers as are required to give bond for the discharge of their duties, shall give bond and seen- 26 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. rity for the said extended term, as may be provided by the Legislature ; and the terms of office of all officers chosen at the general election in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, or at any subse- quent general election, shall commence on the first Monday of January next succeeding the election, and shall continue for the time now fixed by the constitution, and until their successors shall be qualified. Adopted, February 6th, 18561 ELECTIONS. All general elections by the people of this State shall be held on the first Monday in October, and be concluded in one day; on the first Monday in October, 1857, and biennially thereafter, an election shall be held for representatives in Congress, and all State officers and members of the Legislature, except for officers and senators entitled to hold over after November, 1857, who shall continue in office until their successors are entitled to succeed them therein. The Legislature shall convene on the first Monday of November, 1857, and bien- nially thereafter, hut may be especially convoked by the Governor at other times. The Governor's official term shall commence on the third Monday of November, and that of the Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, State Treasurer, and Attorney General, on the first Monday of January next* after his and their election; but the Attorney General shall hold his office, as heretofore, for the term of four years. On the first Monday of Octo- ber, 1858, and biennially thereafter, an election shall be held for all couuty, district, judicial and ministerial officers, (except officers who may then bo entitled to hold over after January, 1859, or until the time of holding another election;) and the official term of all such officers then and there- after elected, shall commence on the first Monday of January next after this election ; but all such officers elected in 1855, or previously, whose official terms, in the absence of this 'provision, would ex- pire in November, 1857, shall continue in office until the first Monday of January, 1859. Adopted, February 2d, 1856. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. 27 AMENDMENTS BY THE STATE CONVENTION. Be it ordained and declared, and it is hereby or- dained ami declared. That the Legislature shall have power to fix the time of holding all elections, and may adjust the terms of office to conform to any changes hereafter to be made, and may fix the time for the commencement of its biennial sessions. Be it ordained and declared, and it is Jiereby or- dained and declared, That if any part of the pres- ent Constitution of the State of Mississippi shall be in conflict with any ordinance passed by this Convention, such part of the said Constitution shall be held to be abrogated and annulled to the extent of such conflict, but no further. Adopted, Januarv 26th, 1861. WILLIAM S. BARRY, President of the Contention. •LAWS OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER 1. Wbfbrha/s, an ordinance entitled "An ordinance 1<> amend the Constitution of the State of Missis- sippi in several particulars," adopted by the recent State Convention, on the 30th day of March, 1861, was omitted to be published among the proceedings and ordinances of the said Convention ; therefore. Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Mis- sissippi. That the Secretary of State be directed to cause a copy of the above recited ordinances to be published in the pamphlet laws of the present session of the Legislature Approved, August 5. 1801. CHAPTER II. AN ORDINANCE to amend tho Constitution of tfce State of Mississippi in several particulars. Section 1. Be it ordained by the people of the State of Mississippi, in Conventian assembled, that the Constitution of the said State be amended and altered in the following particulars, to-wit : That the words ''the Confederate States of America", be inserted after the word "of" and before the word (< and" in the third line of the first section of the thii*d article of said Constitution. L—5 30 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 2. That the words "of the Confederate States of America," be inserted after the word "citizen" and before the word "and" in the second line of the seventh section of the third article of said Constitution. Sec. 3. That the words "the Confederate States of America/'' be inserted after the word "of" and before the word "and" in the second line of the fourteenth section of the third article of the said Constitution. Sec. 4. That the words "the Confederate States of America, or" be inserted after the word "of" and before the word "this" in the fourth line of the twenty-seventh section of the third article of the said Constitution. Sec. 5. That the words "of some one of the States composing the Confederate States of Amer- ica, for twenty years" be inserted after the word "citizen" and before the w r ord "and" in the second line of the third section of the fifth article of the said Constitution. % Sec. 6. That the words "except when they shall be called into the service of the Confederate States of America," be added after the word "militia" in the last line of the fifth sectiou of the fifth article of the said Constitution. Sec: 7. That the words "not incompatible with the Constitution and the laws of the Confederate States of America in relation thereto," be added after the word "expedient" in the first section under the title "militia"' in the said Constitution. Sec." 8. That the words "attorneys and counsel lors at law," be inserted after the word "Legisla- ture" and before the word "and", in the first line, and the words "the Constitution of the Confederate States of America and" be inserted after the word "support" and before the word "the" in the sixth line of the first section of the seventh article of the said Constitution. Sec. 9. That the words "or of the Confederate States of America" be inserted after the word "State" and before the word "or" in the first line of the eleventh section of the seventh article of the said Constitution; Sso* 10. That the ^ords " Member of Oongrees, / LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 31 nor any" be inserted after the word "no" and before the word "person ' in the first line, and the words "the Confederate States (the office of Postmaster excepted) or any other State of the Confederacy. or under" be inserted after the word "under" and before the word "any" in the second line of the thirteenth section of the seventh article of the said Constitution. Sec. 11. That the word,' "or member of Con- gress," be inserted after the word "officer" and be- fore the word "for" in the fifteenth line of the first section of article three in said Constitution. : o. 12. That the words " Representatives in Congress, anl. GHAPTER IV. MEMORIAL to the Congress of the Confederate States. Whereas, by the act of the Government of the United States, Avar exists between that Govern- ment and the Government and people of the Con- federate States oi America, therefore, we, the Re- presentatives of a united people, determined to prosecnte the war with all. the men and means at at our command to a successful termination or a total annihilation of men and money, deem it highly expedient, in behalf of the people of the State of Mississippi, to ask of your honorable and patriotic body to take into consideration the propriety and expediency of making the Treasury notes issued by the Confederacy a legal tender in the payment of debts ; and, also, the expediency of affording tho planters a market for their cotton and tobacco crops, by the purchase of the same, or liberal ad- vances to them, by the Government, of Treasury notes in part payment for $qb6 0Q$$tediti& \r\ LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 35 order to afford to the Government a basis for the redemption of the notes so issued, and to afford the necessary monied facilities to the planters and others to pay their individual liabilities and carry on their business without interruption or material embarrassment during the war. Your memorialists are of the opinion, should Congress adopt the measures indicated, and hold the cotton and tobacco until the close of the war. or until such time as an advantageous sale can be effected, it would put in the hands of the Govern- ment a, powerful lever to procure a speedy peace with the United States, and a full and complete recognition, by foreign powers, of the independence of the Confederate States, and furnish to the Gov- ernment of the Confederate States a basis of credit equally as valuable and reliable, for the redemp- tion of its Treasury notes, as ingots of gold in any bank in the world. By adopting the plan recom- mended, your memorialists are of opinion, that the war can be carried on for an indefinite period, without creating any or but very little foreign debt ; and when the war closes, as close it must at no distant day, (if all the cotton and tobacco grown within the limits of the Confederacy be held by the Government until that consummation is reached,) the Confederate States will be the most free, and its inhabitants the most wealthy, of any other na- tion of people, because the money expended will.be among her own people, and the Government will have under its own control those articles which arc indispensable to the civilized world in such quanti- ties as to enable her to control the price of cotton and tobacco, to an extent sufficient to prevent low prices after commercial relations are # fully estab- lished with other commercial nations. Your memorialists deem it unnecessary to say more on the subject, but submit the proposition to the consideration of Congress, requesting them to give the subject that attention which in the opinion of your memorialists the subject deserves. Resolved, That His Excellency, the Governor, be and he is hereby requested to forward a copy of this memorial to each of our Representatives in the L— 8 36 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Congress of the Confederate States, with a request that it be laid before that body for its considera- tion. Approved. Augfmst 2, 1861. CHAPTER V. Resolved by the Senate, (the House of Repre- sentatives concurring,) That our Representatives in the Congress of the Confederate States of Amer- ica, be, and they are hereby requested to use their influence to procure the passage of a law to appro- priate money to the payment of mail contractors, marshals, and their deputies, who have performed such service within the Confederate States, under the laws in force previous to the separation of the Confederate from the United States. Approved, August 6, 1861. CHAPTER VI. AN ACT to suspend the collection of the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad tax, and for other purposes. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Legislature of the St&te of Mississippi, That "An act to authorize the Board of Police of Rankin county to subscribe for stock in the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Com- pany," and "An act to authorize the Board of Police of Madison county to subscribe for stock in the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Company," both <>f which acts, approved November 30, I860, be, and the same are hereby suspended until one year at least after peace shall be restored between the Con- federate States of America and the United States ; but this suspension shall in no way impair pr de- stroy any of the rights or privileges of said Com- pany in these taxes or any other matter. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That said Company is hereby authorized to suspend-all action until one year at least after such peace shall be restored LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 37 without impairing- r destroying any right or privi- lege now belonging to said Company. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws contrary to the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this" act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas^ sage. Approved, August 2, 1861. CHAPTER VII. JOINT RESOLUTION. Ba it enacted by the House of Bepresentatives, (the Senate concurring,) That Col. French, chief of the ordinance department of the army of Mis- sissippi, be authorized, and is hereby instructed to make a thorough test of the improved cannon ball invented by H. H. Fultz, a citizen of this State, if moulds can be made in this State, to test the same, and the cost of said experiment to be paid out of the Treasury, on the warrant of the Auditor, out of monies not otherwise appropriated, upon the certificate of Col. French, of the cost of the same, t>eing tiled with the Auditor. Approved, August 6. 1861. CHAPTER VIII. AN ACT for the relief of Charles Toney of Neshoba county, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That Charles Toney of Ne- shoba county be, and he is hereby enabled to insti- tute, carry on, and consummate, in the Circuit Court of said county, proceedings for the adoption of Elizabeth Ann Wells of said county, under the provisions of article 41. sec. 5, of the Circuit Court 38 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. laws of this State, without changing the name of said Elizabeth Ann Wells. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved, August 2, 1861. CHAPTER IX. JOINT RESOLUTION. Resolved by the House, (the Senate concurring.) That the Board of Trustees of the State University be instructed to inquire into the expediency of adopting a system of Military instruction in said University. Approved, August 0, 1861. CHAPTER X. Resolved by tfue Legislature, (the House concur- ring^ That Samuel M. Meek, District Attorney for the Sixth Judicial District of this State, have leave of absence from the State for four months during the year 1862, at any time which will not conflict with the regular term of any of the courts in his district. Approved, August 2, 1861. CHAPTER XL AN ACT to authorize the investment of trust funds in the securities of the State, or of the Confederate States. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That it is and shall be lawful fpr Ex- ecutors, Administrators, Guardians, and all other Trustees, having money or effects which may be invested at interest, to invest the same in the bonds LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 39 or Treasury notes issued since the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, by authority of this State, or of the Confederate States of America, and for that purpose to subscribe to loans offered by either of the said Governments ; and that this act shall take effect fron its passage. Approved. August 2, 1861. CHAPTER XII. A^ ACT to authorize Sheriffs, Tax Collectors, and State Treasurer, to receive the Treasury Notes of the Confed- erate States of America in payment of taxes and other dues. Be it ejiacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That hereafter the sheriffs, tax collec- tors, and State Treasurer, be, and they are hereby authorized to receive the Treasury Notes of the Confederate States of America, in payment of all taxes, and for all moneys due the State arising from any source whatever ; Provided, however, that this act shall not apply to the tax assessed by the ordinance of the Convention of January 26, 1861, and known as the Military tax, the same being de- clared irrepealable by said ordinance. Approved, August 6, 1861. CHAPTER XIII. A BILL to be entitled "An act to define the boundaries of the town of Rodney," in Jefferson eounty. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That hereafter the corporate limits of the town of Rodney shall be within lines drawn as folrows, that is to say : beginning at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi River, due west from the south bank of Mill Bayou, where said Bayou empties into said river, and thence due east to said south bank at the 40 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. month of said Bayou, thence in an eastwardly di- rection along the south bank of said Bayou to the southwest corner of the bridge crossing the same, thence in a direction nearly southeast, and in a di- rect line, to the northeast corner of the quarter lot enoloeure of Dr. William G. Williams on Magnolia street in said town, thence in a southwardly direc- tion, and in a direct line, to the southeast corner of the lot occupied by Hiram L. Winters on the road leading from Rodney to Oakland College, thence due south until the line intersects the north bound- ary of the tract of land owned by George Hay, thenc« west to Commerce street of said town, thence south and along the east line of said Com- merce street and the continuation thereof in the Rodney and Fayette Road three hundred yards, thence due wast to the centre of the main channel of the Mississippi river, and thence up the centre of said main channel to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That this act shall be deemed a public act, and shall take effect and b% in force from and after its passage. Approved, August 2, 1861. CHAPTER XIV. AH ACT entitled "An act to prohibit the sale of vinous and intoxicating liquors in the town of Sarepta in Calhoun county, and in one mile thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Missisrippi, That it shall not be lawful for the Board of Police of the county of Calhoun to grant to any person a license to retail vinous or spirituous liquors in the town of Sarepta in the county of Calhoun, or within one mile of the limits of said town. Sbc. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any person to sell vinQus or spirituous liquors in any quantity whatever in the said town of Sarepta, or within one mile thereof; but this act shall not apply to druggists, physicians, and grocers filing such liquors in good faith for medicinal, LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 41 sacramental, or culinary purposes, they having un- doubted evidence that the said vinous and intoxi- cating liquors shall Vie used for said purposes, and subjected to the same regulations now or hereafter to be provided by law 1 ; and any person offending against the provisions or this act shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction shall he subject to the same penally imposed for retailing such liquors without a license; and this act shall take effect and be in force from and alter fl passaged Approved. Augusl 2, 1801. riiAiTER XV. AN ACT to make the Statute Laws.of the State applicable to ll)* 1 Confederate States. Be il enacted by \ \ ' tfie Stoje oj Mississippi, That all provisions contained in the laws of rids Slate applicable to the United States. or the States and territories of the said United States, shall hereafter be deemed end taken to ap- ply to the Cohfedora'l tcsof America, and the States and Territories thereof, now existing or hereafter to be enacted* or aamittecj, in the sajne manner, and t'o the same extent, that - isions were intended to apply' to tl pnited States and Tei ritories. ai cl provisions shall not hereafter applyfa) . tied States, or tbe States or Territories thereof, and that whenever in the said laws the term United States occurs, the same shall be understood and taken to mean the Confederate States, and not the said United States, in the same manner as if the words '-Confederate States" had been used instead of (he words United States : Provi led, that the printed statute laws of the- United States, and of the several States and Territories thereof and copies of recorded deeds and other writings, and' of the Land Office records, books and files, from tie' -aid Tinted States, or the States or Territories thereof, or from the District of* Cohimoia, shall be admissible in evidence in the courts of tins State, as heretofore'; And proridr,!. 42 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. that the exemption from taxation of any person re- siding in this State who performed military service in the army of the United States in the revolution- ary Avar with Great Britain, and the exemption from military service in time of peace, of all officers and soldiers who served in the army of the United States in the war Avith Mexico, and received an honorable discharge, shall not be repealed or im- paired by this act; and that this act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, August 6, 1861. CHAPTER XYI. AN ACT to exempt from Military duty certain citizens of Harrison county during the present war. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That J. B. Knight, E: T. Rogers, and M. S. Curtis, engaged in the manufac- ture of gunpoAvder, on the Back Bay of Biloxi, in the county ef Harrison, shall be, and arc hereby exempted from military duty during the present Avar ; Provided, they continue in that employment during that time. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, August 6, 1861.. * CHAPTER XVII. AN ACT to suspend all laws making appropriations to the Agricultural Bureau and Agricultural Societies during tho 'pendency of the war. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Stcde of Mississippi, That all laws now in force in this State making appropriations to the Agricul- tural Bureau, and Agricultural Societies, be, and the same are hereby suspended during the pendeney of the Avar between the old United States aiul the onfederato States of America, LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 4B Sec. 2. Be il further enacted, That the Auditor of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby directed to not issue any warrant for the payment of money under any of the acts now in force, to the Agricul- tural Bureau, or any of the Agricultural Societies in tliis State, or to any person acting for or in be- • half of said Bureau or Societies during the pen- dency of the existing war. Sec. 3. Be if furth r i nacted. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage; Approved. August '!. 1801. CHAPTER XVill. AX ACT to control the funds arising from the sale of runaway slaves in Hinds county. Section 1 . Be if enacted tnj the Legislut<- State of Mississippi. That the Board of Police of Hinds county be, and is hereby authorized to con- trol the use of all funds now in the hands of the Treasurer of said county arising from the sale of runaway slaves. Sec. '1. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved. August 6, 1861. CHAPTER XIX. AN ACT to provide for the custody and preservation of the records and Judicial proceedings of the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in this State. Section 1. Be it mooted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the records and judicial proceedings, civil and criminal, pending and being in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in this State, on the 9th day of January, 1861, and the enforcement of judgments rendered therein, shall be regulated and controlled, and in all respects be governed and proceeded in, in ac- 4J LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. con/lance with the provisions of the act of the Con- gress of iko Confederate States, entitled '"An act to establish the Judicial ConiM ? of the Confederate states of America." approved March 16, 1861, and flic acts amendatory thereof; Provided, that the proceedings therein shall be subject to the provi- sions and he made in ac< ■• with the require- ments of an act of the Legislature, of this State, passed at the present session thereof, entitled "An act to modify the collection laws of this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That section four of "An ordinance concerning' the jurisdiction and property of the United Sta tea of America," adopted January IT. 1861, be, and the same is hereby re pealed. Approved. August, 6. 186 J., CHAPTER XX. AN ACT to change the time of holding the Probate Court of Wayne county. Be it enacted by ike Eegislattire <>/' the Slate of Misslssij)j)i, That the Probate Court of the county of Wayne shall be held on the third Mondays of January, March, May. July. September, and No- vember, at the Court House in the town of Win- chester; and that this law shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved July .'>!. 1 861 , CHAPTER XXT. AN ACT for the relief of the Sureties of John M. Girault, late Tax Collector of the county of Claiborne. Whereas, a. judgment was recovered in the Circuit Court of the county of Claiborne, at the October term, I860, by the State of Mississippi, for the use of the said county, against John.M. Girault, tax collector of said county, and Samuel J. Bridges, LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 45 and others, sureties on his official bond, for a large sum of money, which by law bears interest at the rate of thirty per cent, per annum; and. whereas, it is represented that the said Clirault is wholly in- solvent, and thai the payment of said judgment will devolve on his sureties, and thai time lias been given to the said sureties, by the Board of Police of said county, until The 1st dav of danuarv. A. D. 1802: therefore. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State if Mississippi, That lie Board ;i tlvk frpgislaithe of the State of Mississippi, That the ordinances mentioned in the title to this lull he. and the same are hereby so amended, that all volunteer companies who arc- now enlisted, or may hereafter he enlisted, in the service of the State of Mississippi, under the pro- vision of the first named ordinance, may at any time hereafter, with their consent, and on requisi- tion of the President of the Confederate States of America, be transferred to tin; service of the said Confederate States, by the Governor of the State of Mississippi, for such period of time as such re- quisition may fix ; Provided, that nothing herein 46 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. contained shall be so construed as to require the consent of said .volunteers to be transferred from the State to the Confederate service for a period of one year or less time. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, Thai, any volun- teer heretofore mustered into the service of the State of Mississippi, or may be hereafter mustered into said service, and who is desirous of entering into the service of the Confederate States of Amer- ica, for and during the war, upon ids own request, may be entitled to be transferred to said service: Provided, lie shall first produce to the Governor, to be filed in the. Adjutant General's office, the certifi- cate of the Captain of the company accepted for t e Confederate service, either by the Governor of the State of Mississippi, under a requisition from the Confederate States, or by the said President, without such requisition, that he has entered said service. • . Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved. August 6. 1861. CHAPTER XXIII. AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Joel R. TJaugh, a volunteer minor in the county of Covington. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That Joel 11. Baugh,of Cov- ington county, a minor under the age of twenty-one years, be, and he is hereby declared competent to contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, and do and perform any acts and things, as 'fully and to all intents and purposes as binding upon him and the parties with whom he may act and contract, as though he had attained the age of twenty-one years ; Provided, that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to confer upon said minor the right of suffrage before he has at : tained the age of twenty-one years. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI, 47 Sec. 2; Be ii further eneided, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved. July 31, 1801. CHAPTEB XXIV. AN ACT to red ace the salary of the Adjutant General of this State. Be it enacted by the Legitfativre f li» State of Mississippi, That the election for School Commissioners in the county of Green, shall be held on the 1st Monday in October next, and bien- nially thereafter, and said Commissioners shall hold their offices for two years. Sec 2. Be (•further enai ted, Thai this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, July 31, 1861. ' % CHAPTER XXYL AX ACT for the relief of J. C. Murray and J. \V. Doak, Be it enacted by the Legishrfure of the State of Mississippi, That the. School Commissioners of Lafayette county be, and they arc hereby author- ized and empowered to examine and allow any ac- ppunl for the tuitiqa of proper Beheftcfyrie pj 4S » LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Lafayette county for services rendered in eighteen hundred and sixtv-one. (1861,) by the'said J. C. Murray and J. W\ Doak, as teachers; and that tins act take effect from and after its passage. Approved. July 31, 1861. CHAPTER XXVIL AN ACT to provide additional compensation to the Clerks of the Police Courts of De Soto and Tunica counties. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Board of Police of De Soto county may, at their discretion, allow the Clerk of the Police Court of said county a com- pensation, not exceeding one hundred dollars a year, for all services required of him not expressly provided for by law, payable out of the County Treasury of said county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the provi- sions of this act be extended to the county of Tunica. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, July 31, 1861. CHAPTER XXVIIL AN ACT to change the time of holding the Probate Court of Smith county. Section 1 .• Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the time of holding the Probate Court of Smith county be changed so that a term of said court shall be held once a month, commencing each term on the first Monday in each month. *r.c. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, July 31, 1861. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 49 y CHAPTER XXIX. AN ACT to authorize tho Commissioners of the Sixteenth Section, of Township 7, Piange 13, east, to make titles to the said 16th Section. Be it enacted by the LegtslatvJre <:>/' the Stale of Mississ\ppL That the Commissioners of the lGth section, township 7, range 13, east, in Newton comity, be, and they are hereby authorized and re- quired to make titles to said 16th section, to the several purchasers thereof, upon the paying all sums of money due for the purchase of the* same : and this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, July :;i. 1861. CHAPTER XXX. AN ACT for the relief of Fanning Jones of Panola county. Whereas, Fanning Jones, of Panola county, did. on the 11th day of September, 1856, enter from the State, the east half of section eleven, (11,) town- ship twenty-eight, (28,) range four, (4,) west, at the price of one dollar and seventy-five cents per acre ; and wdiereas, it afterwards appeared, that the north east quarter of said section had been previously entered, so that said Jones only obtained title to one-half of the land paid for by him ; now, there- fore, •Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That a warrant be issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts to Fanning Jones, for the sum of two hundred and seventy-eight dol- lars and ninety cents, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and charge the same to account of Internal Improve- ment fund. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after ite passage. Approved, July 31, 1861. 50 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER XXXI. AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Benjamin P. Herndon, a minor, of Madison county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the tiegistuiuri of the State of Mississippi, That Benjamin P. Herndon, now about nineteen years of age, a minor of Madi- son county, be, and lie is hereby authorized, from and after the passage of this act, to take and re- ceive all the estate to which he is entitled, personal and real, now in possession of his-mother, Mary G. Herndon, in said county, and that he have full power and authority to jnanagf and control said * estate, and all other property to which ho may be- come entitled, as fully anql lawfully as if he had attained the age of majority prescribed by law, and that he may sue and be sued, plead and be im- pleaded, in all courts, in like manner as if he had attained the age of majority as aforesaid. Sec. 2. Be it furl 'Iter enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved, July Bl, 1861. CHAPTER XXXlf. AN ACT for the relief of Prederick Brougher, of Panola county, Mississippi. ^ Whereas, on the 18th day of March, 1857, the Secretary of State sold to Frederick Brougher the north half of the northwest quarter of section No. three, (3,) of township No. twenty-seven, (27,) range' No. two, (2.) west, as containing eighty-five (85) acres, at six dollars per acre, amounting to five hundred and ten dollars, (510,) when the said tract of land only contained seventy-two and fifty hun- dredths (72\50-100) arches, which, at six dollars an acre, would amount to four hundred and thirty-five dollars ; and whereas, the said money overpaid into the Treasury, by said Frederick Brougher, ought to be refunded; therefore, LA'WS OP MISSISSIPPI. 51 Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of ''Mississippi, That the Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized to issue his warrant in favor of the said Frederick Brougher, for the sum of seventy-five dollars. ($7f>.) being the amount overpaid by said Frederick' Brougher, in the pur- chase of the north half of the northwest quarter of section No. three, (3,) township No. twenty-seven, (27,) range Xo. two. (2,) west, and that the amount of said warrant shall.be charged to the Chickasaw School Fund. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved. July 31, 1861. CHAPTER XXXIII. AX ACT to repeal the act incorporating the town of Ocean Springs. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That all acts and parts of acts heretofore passed by this Legislature, incorpo- rating the town of Ocean Springs, in the county of Jackson, be, and they, are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, July 31, 1861. . CHAPTER XXXIV. AN ACT supplementary to an act entitled "An act to amend the Charter of Incorporation of the Hazlehurst Male aud Female Institute," approved July 5, 1860. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section second in said act of amendment, which reads as follows, "that the following words and figures be added to article 5, to-wit, provided said donor shall enter one or more scholars in said Institute, be, and the 'same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That so much of the original charter, in article third thereof, con- cerning the powers of Trustees as is embraced in 52 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. the following words, to-wit, i- Elect their successors in office," be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the follow- ing words and figures be added as an amendment to said original charter as article 7th, to-wit: that said Trustees, within one month previous to the expiration of their term of office, shall call a meet- ing of the donors annually, by giving at least ten day's notice thereof, by posting or publishing in some newspaper printed in the county, for the pur- pose of choosing a new Board of Trustees ; which Trustees shall be chosen from among the donors of the Institute, the shareholders voting in person or by proxy, according to the regulation in the origi- nal charter, and said Trustees shall commence the duties of their office at the expiration of the year for which their predecessors were elected. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, July 31. 1861. be erect ed CHAPTER XXXV. AN ACT to incorporate the DeSJoto Bridge Company, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by, the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That G. D. Pippin, M. B. Knight, John P. Partee, W. N. Weems, J. Marti- where to nieroc, and such other persons whom they may as- sociate with them, or who may become associated with them by subscription, or otherwise, be, and they are hereby incorporated into a company under the name and style of the " De Soto Bridge Com- pany,'' to exist for a period not longer than twenty years from this date, with power to erect a bridge across the river Chickasawhay, at a point as near clue east from the town of T)e Soto as may be prac- ticable or convenient. ! Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Com- pany hereby created, shall have power to raise by subscription a sum of money not exceeding five thousand dollars, for the purpose of constructing LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 58 the bridge mentioned in the first section, and by their corporate name may contract .for the construc- tion of the same, and thereby bind themselves and' their associates for the payment of the amount bo contracted for labor and material, and, in addition, the mechanic or contractor shall have a subsisting lein upon said bridge until he shall receive full compensation according to his pontrafft. Sec. ?>. Be U furtlier, eipacied, That said Com- pany shall organize as soon as possible, by choosing live Directors, Who shall from themselves choose a Of Direc- President. and Secretary, who shall continue in office tors - one year, and until their successors arc appointed. Sec. i. Br it further enacted, That said Com- pany shall n;m ' power to declare said bridge free or toll as they see proper : Provided, that if they dedare it a toll bridge, do subscriber to the stock thereof shall be permit led to pass free until the sum subscribed by hint or her shall be paid off and discharged: And, provided further, that if said bridge be declared a toll bridge, the said President and Secretary shall, on behalf of said Company. comply with the provisions of law now in force relating to toll bridges ; the provisions of this act shall not conflict with article forty-second, section eleven, chapter fifteen, of the Revised Code. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, duly 31. 1861. CHAPTER XXXVI. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Carroll County Manufacturing Company. Section 1. Bc : J :. 'tec by ilie Legislature of the State of. Mississippi, That the corporate name of the ll Carroll County Manufacturing Company"' be, and is hereby changed to that of the t; Manassas Mills,'' and by that name shall sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and conduct all the busi- ness transactions of said Company by the nam*, of the 5 Manassas Mill ■ 54 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That said Com- pany, in addition to the powers heretofore granted, shall have full power to make all kinds of machi- nery and manufacture all. articles not prohibited by the constitution and laws of this State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the said Company shall have, and are hereby granted au- thority to increase their capital stock to the extent of five hundred thousand dollars, and shall have and enjoy the corporate existence and privileges heretofore conferred upon them for and during the term of fifty years from and after the passage of this amendment. Sec. -i. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved, August 1, 1861. CHAPTER XXXVII. AN ACT to ratify a contract entered into by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Jackson and James H. Bowman. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That, whereas, on the 7th day of July, 1856, a contract was entered into by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Jackson with James H. Bowman, by which the said Bowman contracted to erect a Hotel in the city of Jackson, and, whereas, the said Board of Mayor and Alder- men, by said contract, conferred certain immunities and privileges upon said Bowman, on account of the erection of said Hotel, and, whereas, the High Court of Errors and Appeals have decided that said contract was illegal, and that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Jackson had no power to enter said contract, or grant the ex- clusive privileges therein granted, and, whereas, the said Bowman has performed his contract in good faith : Be it therefore enacted, that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the^ city of Jackson, be, and they are hereby authorized, upon the petition in writing of a majority of the legal voters of the LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 55 city of Jackson, to make such compensation as they may deem expedient to the said James H. Bowman, in iieu of the exclusive privileges and advantages contemplated in the above recited contract. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from the day of its passage. Approved, August 5, 1861. CHAPTEB XXXVIII. AX ACT to amend an act entitled "An act in relation to Slaves, Free Negroes, and Mulattoes." • Se< itioh J . Be it enacted />.>/ the Legislature of the SU 1 1 e of . /I t iss iss //•/./. Thai any person who shall be convicted of any offence described in the 41st article of the .thirty-third chapter of the Revised Code, may, in the discretion of the Court, be im- prisoned in the county jail of the county in which the conviction shall take place, for a period of not more than six months in addition to the fine now imposed by said article. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved, August 1, 1861. CHAPTKR XXXIX. AN ACT to amend the Charter of the Citv of Jackson. Section 1. Be it enacted by tie Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That hereafter a writ of error to the High Court of Errors and Appeals shall lie from any final judgment or sentence of the Mayor and Aldermen of said city of Ja'ckson. and excep- tions may be taken and signed by the Mayor in the same manner as in the Circuit Courts. Sec. '2. Be it further enacted. That any party aggrieved by any final judgment or sentence of the said Mayor, or Mayor and Aldermen, made within the last two years, or hereafter to be made, shall be 5G LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. entitled to said writ of error, if prosecuted within three years after the date of said final judgment or sentence. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and lie in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved. Angus! 6, 1861. CHAPTER XJj. AN ACT to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in any quantity in Beat No. 17, in the county of Tippah, and for other purposes. Section 1. Beit endpted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi. That it shall riot be lawful for any person to' sell vinous *or spirituous liquors in any quantity in Beat No. 17, in the county of Tippah, except for medicinal or sacramental pur- poses, and any person offending against the provi- sions of this act, shall be liable to indictment, and, on conviction, shall be subject to the same penalty imposed for retailing such liquors without license. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the provi- sions of this act be applied to Beat No. one, in the county of Copiah. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That this act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, August 5, 186! . CHAPTER XL1. AN ACT for the relief of Wm, H. Rogers, Assessor of - .Scott county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Auditor of Public Accounts be authorized and required to issue his warrant on the Treasury in favor of Wm. H. Rogers, Assessor of- Scott county for the year 1860, for the amount of commissions due said Assessor on said assessment of I860 ; Provided, the said Assessor shall first present to the Auditor a certifi- cate of the Clerk of the Probate Court of said county, certifying that said Assessor has furnished to the Clerk a Military roll of said county, as pro- vided by an act further to regulate the Militia and Volunteer System, approved February 10, 1860 Sec 2. Be it further emoted, That said Assessor shall be exempt from anv penalty or forfeiture • Provided, in said act of I860, on his complying with its provisions, as provided for in the first sec- tion of this bill. Sec. 3. Beit further enacted, That this act take eilect and be in force from and after its passage Approved, August 1, 1861. CHAPTER XL II. AN ACT to divide the State of Mississippi in seven Con- gressional Districts. Section J . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the btateof Mississippi, That this State shall be and the same is hereby divided into seven Congressional Districts, in pursuance of the census of I860 as follows, to-wit : ' i District No. 1 shall contain the following coun- ties viz: Marshall, Lafayette, Yallobusha, Calhoun, Tallahatchie, DeSoto, Panola, and Chickasaw. District No. 2 shall comprise Tishomingo, Tip- pah,Itawamba, Pontotoc, and Monroe. District No. 3. shall comprise Lowndes, Oktib- beha, Noxubee, Kemper, Winston, Choctaw, and Neshoba. District No. 1 shall comprise Tunica, Coahoma, tfolivar, Washington, Issaquena, Warren, Clai- borne, Jefferson, Adams, and Copiah. District No. 5 shall comprise Sunflower, Carroll Attala, Holmes, Leake, Madison, and Yazoo. District No. 6 shall comprise Hinds, Kankin bcott, Newton, Lauderdale, Simpson, Smith, Jasper, and Clark. * ' L-9 58 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. District No. 7 shall comprise Franklin, Amite, ^lilkinson, Pike, Lawrence, Covington, Jones, Wayne, Green, Perry, Marion, Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the laws heretofore in force, and contained in the Revised Code of 1857, in relation to the election of mem- bers of Congress in the United States, be, and the same are declared applicable to the election of members of Congress in the Confederate States of America. Sec. 3. Beit further enacted, That- this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved , August 5 , 1861. CHAPTER XLIIT. AN ACT for the relief of Evelina M. Hammett. Whereas, William H. Hammett lately de- parted this life, in the county of Washington, leav- ing no children or descendants surviving him, but leaving his widow, Evelina M. Hammett, and it being supposed that the said Hammett was an alien at the time of his decease, and there being some doubt whether his estate, under the law, hag es- cheated to the State of Mississippi, or whether his widow is entitled to the same ; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of tin State of Mississippi, That the State of Mississippi hereby gives, grants, transfers, and assigns, to the said Evelina M. Hammett, widow of William H. Hammett, deceased, all the right, title, claim and interest of the State of Mississippi which it has acquired by escheat in and to the estate and pro- perty of every kind of William H. Hammett, de- • ceased. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the District Attorney be required to proceed forthwith to have D . f the escheat of the property and estate of the said District William H. Hammett judicially declared according Attorney, to the provisions of the law, and when so declared; LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. &9 that the same inure to the benefit and use of the said Evelina M. Hainmett, according to the provi- sions of the first section of this act, the said Evelina M. Hammett paying all costs and charges incident to or arising out of such proceedings. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said Eve- lina M. Hammett may use the name of the State of Mississippi for her benefit in any suit necessary to recover any of the estate or property of said Wil- liam H. Hammett, deceased, or to maintain or de- fend her right and title to the same, or which may be necessary and proper to establish her right and title thereto, she the said Evelina M. Hammett paying all costs and charges thereof. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from its passage. Approved, August 5, 1861. CHAPTER XLIY. AN ACT to authorize the issuance of Patents for Lands in certain cases. Whereas, the Convention of this State having directed the sale of lands by the Registers and Re- ceivers of the several land offices of this State, by an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to authorize the sale of waste and unappropriated lands in the State of Mississippi," adopted March 28, 1861 ; and, whereas, there is no provision made by said Ordinance, or otherwise, for the issuance of a patent to the purchaser of land under said ordi- nanc ; therefore, Be it enacted by t/w Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That upon the presentation by the pur- chaser to the Secretary of State of a receipt signed by the receiver of the proper land office, showing payment to have been made for the land, the Secre- tary of State shall thereupon issue to the purchaser a patent conveying to him the title to the land pur- chased as in other cases of land conveyed by patent by the Secretary of State, and in all cases where any person shall be entitled to a. patent' for L— 10 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. any laud, by virtue of any of th ipiion laws of the United to the 9 tli day of January, j 86 * , or e, tlie Secretary of State shall have po . atehfa therefor, on the, compliance by the person entitled thereto, with the requirements of the law;-; in rela- tion thereto. Approved, August 5, 1861. CHAPTER XLV. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to aid in repair- ing and perfecting the Lsvee of the Mississippi Kiver in the counties of De Soto, Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, Wash- ington, and Issaquena," approved December 2, 1858. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi. That it shall be the duty of the Notice, President of the Boa, J of Levee Commissioners, how given whenever a location of the levee is made on or through the lands of any person, to give notice to such person that such location has been made, which notice shall be given personally to the owner of the land, if he can be found in the county, and if not so found, by filing the same with the Clerk of Board of Police of the county; and any person who may feel himself aggrieved by such location of the levee, shall notify the Board of Police of the county in which the lands lie, on or before the second regular meeting of the Board after such notice has been given, and thereupon such proceedings shall be had to ascertain the damages sustained by the party in consequence of such location, in manner and form as provided in the nineteenth section of the act to which this is an amendment. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted; In all cases where the levee has heretofore been located and not yet constructed, and the party through or on whose land the same has been located will make oath that he did not know of such location until after the second meeting of the Board of Police subsequent to such location, and in consequence thereof did not notify the said Board of Police that he felt LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 61 himself aggrieved by such location as provided bi- section nineteen of the act aforesaid, it shall be competent for all such persons to notify the Board of Police, at the second regular meeting of the Board of Police of the county in which the lands are situated, of his dissent from such location, and thereupon an inquiry of damages shall be had in manner and form provided in the nineteenth section of the act aforesaid, and in the event such levee shall have been built, then it shall be the dut; the President of the Board of Levee Commr to pay to such party such dan: be ascertained (o be 66 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. they may make such order relative to the affairs of the company as they may think proper. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That it shall be Books, the duty of said directors to cause to be kept by a how kept, competent clerk or clerks books of account, in which shall be entered all moneys received and disbursed, all purchases and sales made, all things else pertaining to the carrying on and management of the business as aforesaid, which books shall be subject at all times to the inspection of the stock- holders under the supervision of said clerk or clerks. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That no stock- holder shall at any time sell or transfer his share or shares in said capital stock, or any part thereof, to any person or persons whatsoever not a stock- holder in the company, without first giving to the company, by written notice to the board of direc- tors, the preference to purchase such share or shares so intended to be sold or' transferred, at such $rice or rate as he or they could obtain from such other person or persons not a stockholder in said com- pany, and all assignments of stock shall be made on the books of the company. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- Stocks, how trans- ferred. Approved, August 5, 18(11. CHAPTER XLVI1. AN ACT to amend an act entilted "An act to regulate the Sale of Vinous and Spirituous Liquors contained in Chap- ter 20 of the Revised Code." Section 1. Be it enacted In/ the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That if any person, whether licensed or not, shall hereafter sell any vinous or spirituous liquors, or any intoxicating drinks, to any Indian, slave, or free negro, either with or without the consent or previous permission of the mastor or owner pf such slave, the person so offend* LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 67 ing shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction shall be punished by confinement in the peniten- tiary, for a term of not less than two years, nor more than five years. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That the 14th sec- tion of chapter 20 of the Revised Code shall not apply to the offence of selling vinous and spiritu- ous liquors, or other intoxicating drinks, to Indians, slaves, or free negroes, committed after the passage of this act, but, as to such offenders, the said article shall be deemed suspended and repealed by this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any slave owner shall permit his or her slave to purchase any intoxicating liquor, for the use of such slave or other slaves, such owner shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, for each and every offence. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this act is not intended or designed to place any restraint, or let or hindrance, on the right of the master to order, either in person or by writing sent by his slave, any quantity of liquor for the use of his master or family from any person authorized to sell. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved, August 5, 1861. CHAPTER XLVII1. AN ACT to punish tampering With Slaves and otherwibe amend the Criminal Laws of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of tlie State of Mississippi, That if any white person shall advise or conspire with any slave or slaves to rebel or make insurrection against the white inhabitants of this State, or shall in anywise aid, assist or abet any slave or slaves making rebellion or insurrec- tion, or shall advise or assist any slave or slaves in the murder of any person whatsoever, or in the commission or the attempt to commit any felony, L—14 68 L4^S OF MISSISSIPPI. or sjiall consult, advise or conspire with any other white person, free negro, or any slave or slaves, to induce, entice or excite any slave or slaves to rebel or make insurrection, or commit other felony, or shall tamper witjh any slave or slaves to induce them to run away from iheir master or lawful em- ployer, or to commit any crime, or shall teach or attempt to teach any slave or slaves any seditious, revolutionary or rebellious sentiments, every such white person so offending shall, on conviction, be deemed guilty of felony, and shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than ten years, and for such longer period as the court trying the offence may direct. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That tin's act shall take effect and be in force in thirty (lavs from and after its passage. Approved, August 0. 1861. CHAPTER XLIX. AN ACT to suspend the collection of the ten cent Levee tax in certain counties. Section 1. Be it enacted hi/ the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the collection of the tax often cents per acre per annum, assessed by an act entitled "An act to aid in repairing and perfecting the levee of the Mississippi river in the counties of De Soto, Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, Washington, and Issaquena,'' approved December 2, 1858, be, and the same is hereby suspended during the pre- sent war between the United States and the Con- federate States of America, and until the first Monday of April next thereafter, and from said 1st Monday of April of each year, for the number of years the said tax had to v\m at the time of said suspension. ■ Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That the collection of the tax of ten cents per acre per annum, assessed by an act entitled "An act to provide for the pay- ment of the indebtedness of certain counties of the Mississippi River Levee District," approved Feb. Laws of Mississippi. 69 10, 1860, be, and is hereby suspended for the same period, and on the same conditions, as provided in the first section of this act in reference to the tax assessed by the act therein mentioned; but the tax specified in said first section shall bo iirst collected in the manner therein provided, and annually after- wards shall be collected the tax assessed by the act above specified, approved February 10, I860. Sec. 8. Bt it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved. August 6, 1861. CHAPTER J,. A^ ACT to authorize the Boards of Police of Tunica and Coahoma counties to issue Scrip in payment for Levee work. Sectiox 1 . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Stair if Mississippi, That the Board of Police of the counties of Tunica and Coahoma be, and they are hereby authorized to issue the scrip of said counties, respectively, bearing eight per cent, per annum interest, in payment for work and labor done in building or repairing levies therein ; Pro- vided, that the amount of scrip so issued in any one year, including the interest thereon until its matu- rity in either county, shall not exceed the sum which would accrue from a tax of fifteen cents per acre for that year on the taxable lands of the county; and the date of the maturity of the scrip issued the first year; or the year ending the first of April, A. D. L862', shall He the first day of April, A. D. 1863, and annually thereafter as to scrip issued in subse- quent years. Sec* 2. Be it farther enacted, That a tax of fifteen cents per acre per annum is hereby assessed upon the taxable lands of said counties, respectively, to be due and payable on the iirst day of March of each and every year, beginning with the first of -March, A. I). 1863, and to be collected conformably to the local levee laws of said counties, and applied 70 IiAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. under the directions of their Boards of Police, re* spectively, to the payment at maturity of the scrip issued by them. Sec. 3. Beit further enacted, That the provisions of section 7, (seven,) of an act entitled ''An act to provide for the payment of the indebtedness of certain counties of the Mississippi River Levee District/'' approved Feb. 10, 1860, be, and the same are hereby extended to and incorporated within this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That section 21 of an act entitled a An act to aid in repairing and per- fecting the levee of the Mississippi river in the counties of DeSoto, Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, Washington, and Issaquena," approved December 2, 1858, be, and the same is hereby repealed as to the counties of Tunica and Coahoma. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, August 6, 1861. CHAPTER LI. AN ACT to amend the Criminal Laws in relation to Adultery and Fornication. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Legistature of the State of Mississippi, That if any man and woman Penalty, shall live together in unlawful cohabitation, wheth- er the same be in adultery or fornication, and whether the woman be slave or free, either party so offending shall be. fined in any sum not less than one thousand dollars, and imprisoned not-more than twelve months, at the discretion of the court ; Pro- vided, that this section shall not authorize the in- dictment and punishment of any slave. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That in any indict- ment under the first section of this act it shall not Of proof ^ e necessary to charge who is the owner of any such slave, nor to prove the ownership as alledged, but it shall be sufficient if the indictment charge that the female with whom the cohabitation is al- LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 71 ledged is a white woman, a free negro, or a slave, as the case may be. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and he in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved, August 6. 1861. CHAPTER L1I. AN ACT Supplemental to "An act to amend the Charter of the City of Jackson. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the right to prosecute a writ of error from the final sentence or judgment of the Mayor, or Mayor and Board of Aldermen, of the city of Jackson, provided for by the act to whicli this is a supplement, shall not apply in any case in whicli the amount of said final sentence or judgment does not exceed the sum of thirty dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved, August 6, 1861. CHAPTER LIII. AN ACT making csrtain appropriations therein named. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Legislature of t/w State of Mississippi, That the following sums be allowed and paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated : Article 1. To I. Strauss, for sundry articles furnished the House, as per account, $4 25. Art. 2. To Angelo Miazza, for 615 lbs. Ice, at 10 cts., $61 50. Art. 3. To C. A. Moore, for mucilage and knife furnished the House, $3 75. Art. 4. To A. Reed, for services attending on the Hall from 25th July to date, 13 days, at 1 50 per day, add 50 cts, for paste, $20 00, 72 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Art. 5. To \Ym. Brown and John Barle, pages of the House, at $2 00 per diem, fur 13 dajs efceh. 00,— $52 00. Art. G. To E; Barksdale, for copies Daily Mississippian for the use of the Legislature during this session, -the sum of $50 00. Art. 7. To E. Barksdale. for printing done for the House during the session, $158 20. Art. 8. To Madison McAfee, for Jeffrey for at- tending on the Senate -13 days, at $1 50 per day, and 50 cts. for paste, $20 00." Art. 9. To W. H. Terrett, for services as Libra* rian, pro tern., 9 days, at $3 00 per day, (to be de- ducted from the salary of Mr. Johns, Librarian.) 127 00. Art. 10. To H. Shackelford, Senate pase, >~ 0,0 per diem for 13 days, $26 00. Art. 11. To servant Jacob, for service- rendered in hauling water to the Capitol, for the use of the Legislature, one week, $4 00. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be sufficient authority for the payment of the re- spective sums of money hereinbefore specified : Pro- vided, that the Auditor of Public AcconuL, shall be, and he is hereby required to take from the per- sons, respectively, to whom appropriations are herein made, a receipt in full to this date, for ser- vices and items stated in their respective claims: and this act shall take effect and be in force from. and after its passage. Approved, August 0, 1861. CHAPTER LIV. A BILL to be entitled an act to suspend the appropriation for the Geological Survey of this State during the war be- tween the United States and the Confederate States of America. Section 1. Be it enacted bu the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the appropriation to Exeep- carry on the Geological Survey, and all laws ac- tions to thorizing the same, be, and the same are hereby this act suspended until the close of the war, and for twelve months thereafter, except the sum of twelve hun- dred and fifty dollars per annum, which shall be LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 73 applied to the payment of the salary of the State Geologist, and the purchase of such chemicals as may be necesi&iry to carry the analysis of soils, minerals, and mineral water, and to enable him to preserve the apparatus; analysis, and other pro- perty belonging to the State connected with said survey. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the approb- ation out of the State Treasury of five hundred Relating dollars per annum for the purchase of books for the to State State Library be] and the same is hereby suspended Llbrai T- during the war, and for twelve months thereafter, and that the Auditor of Public Accounts be di- rected to issue warrants in accordance with the provisions of this act, and that it take effect from and after its passage. Approved, August 6,4881. CHAPTER LV. AN ACT to enable Volunteer Companies, in the service of the Confederate States, to draw the amount due them un- der the loth section of an act approved Feb. 10, 1860, entitled "An act further to regulate the Militia and Volun- teer System. Section 1 . !:• it eniffled Try the Legislature <>f the ,Sla(c of Mississippi, That the oath required of commanding officers of companies by the 13th sec- tion of the above recited act be authorized to be made before the Colonel or commanding officer of the regiment. Sec" 2. Be it father enacted. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved. August (>, 1861. CHAPTER LVI. AN ACT to exempt money invested in Confederate or State Bonds from taxation. Section 1. Be it exacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That all money invested by the citizens of this State, in Confederate or State 74 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Bonds, or other Confederate or State securities, be, and the same is hereby exempt from taxation, as money loaned at interest. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved, August 6, 1861. CHAPTER LVII. AN ACT to modify the Collection Laws of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That all laws for the collec- tion of debts and liabilities, on bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, open accounts, or contracts for the payment of money, are hereby suspended until twelve months after the close of the present war, or until otherwise ordered by law, except in cases of official liabilities on the part of public officers ; And, provided, that no creditor shall be deprived of his remedy by attachment, as now pro- vided by law. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall not apply to parties who have cases now pending in the courts, and who agree in open court to pro- ceed to trial. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That no execution or venditioni exponas, founded upon any judgment or decree obtained previous to the passage of this act, shall be issued for the sale of property until otherwise provided by law, nor shall there be any sales under executions or writs of venditioni expo- nas now issued or levied, nor under deeds of trust or mortgages ; Provided, that any debtor or de- fendant who may have property in the hands of the sheriff, under levy of execution or venditioni expo- nas, shall within sixty days after the passage of this act replevy the same, by giving bond, with good and sufficient security, for the forthcoming of the property when tho remedies herein suspended for the collection of debt shall be reviyad. LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 78 SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That this law shall not be construed to discharge the lien which has already been acquired by due process of law, nor shall the time during which this law is in force be computed in any case where the statute of limita- tion comes in question. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall not apply to contracts or liabilities made and en- tered into after its passage: Provided such con- tracts or liabilities are not founded on indebtedness existing prior to the passage of this act; nor shall this act apply to debts due to the school funds of the several townships and counties of this State ; and that tills act take effect from and after its pas- sage. WILLIAM A. LAKE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JA.MES DRANE, President of the Senate. Approved, August 5, 1861. JOHN J. PETTUS. [CERTIFICATE.] Secretary ok State's Office. Jackson, Mis?., September 2. 1861. This is to certify that the foregoing printed Acts, Resolu tions and Memorials, passed at a called session of the Legis- lature of the State of Mississippi, held in Jackson in the months of July and August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, are just and true copies from the originals in the office of the Secretary of State. Given under my hand, and the great seal of the State of of Mississippi, Hie day and year first above I,, s.j written. C. A. BROUGHER, Secretary of State. INDEX. ADJUTANT GENERAL— an act to reduce the sala- ry of, 47 ADULTERY AND FORNICATION— act to amend the Criminal Laws in relation to, 70 AGRICULTURAL BUREAU— an act to suspend all laws making appropriations to the Agricul- tural Bureau and Agricultural Societies during the pendency of the war, 4$ APPROPRIATIONS— an act' making certain appro- priations, • 1 BONDS — an act to exempt money invested iu Confed- erate or State bonds from taxation, 73 COLLECTION LAWS— an act to modify the Collec- tion Laws of this State, 74 COMMISSIONERS 16th Section— an act to author- ize the Commissioners of . the Sixteenth Section, of Township 7, Range 13, east, to make titles to the said 16th Section, 49 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS— an act to divide the State of Mississippi in seven Congres- sional Districts • 57 CONTENTS— first eight pages, COUNTY POLICE— an act to extend the powers and to confirm the acts of the Boards of County Police in certain cases, 31 an act to provide additional compensation to the Clerks of the Police Courts of De Soto and Tunica counties, . . . . . 48 an act to authorize the Boards of Police of Tunica and Coahoma counties to issue Scrip in payment for Levee work, 69 CONSTITUTION— bill of rights, equality of rights, political power, and right to change government, . , , , , 1 religious worship free to all,,. . . . 2 SO INDEX. CONSTITUTION— no preference given, 2 truth to be given in evidence, .... 2 security of person, &c, from search warrant. 2 accused how heard and convicted, 2 proceedings in indictable offences, 3 life, &c. not to be put twice in jeopardy for the same offence. . 3 justice to be administered to all without sale, &c. 3 power of suspending laws, 20 how appropriated to internal im- provement, 20 state loans how effected, 20 legislature to authorize State to be sued, 21 citizenship, absence from State, . . 21 deductions from salaries of offi- cers, etc., 21 who disqualified from office, 21 schools and education, • . 21 divorces, how obtained, 21 election returns, new counties, ... 21 Indians admitted to citizenship,. . 21 emancipation, • • 22 emigrants may bring slaves with .them, 22 slaves convicted of crime not to be imported, 22 laws may be passed for the treat- ment of slaves, • 22 laws may regulate introduction of slaves, • • • 22 certain crimes in slaves how tried, 22 constitution how revised, amend- ed, eto., 23 sohedule, tights vested,, 28 84 INDEX. CONSTITUTION— suits in law and equity, how trans- ferred, 23 laws in force, 23 first election under this constitu- tion, 23 how long officers first elected to office, 24 AMENDMENTS. regulating, the introduction of slaves, 24 board of police, how constituted,. 24 powers of board of police, 25 chancery jurisdiction, its powers transferred, 25 extention of term of office, 25 additional bond required, 27 time of holding general election,. 26 in relation to terms of office of members of the legislature, .... 26 amendments by the State Conven- tion, 27 ordinance to amend, 29 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY— an act to suspend the ap- propriation for the Geological Survey of this State during the war, 72 INCORPORATION— an act to repeal the act incor- porating the town of Ocean Springs, 51 an act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to amend the Charter of Incorporation of the Hazlehurst Male and Female Insti- tute," 51 an act to incorporate the De Soto Bridge Company, and for other purposes, 52 an act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Carroll County Manufac- turing Company," 53 an act to amend the Charter of the City of Jackson, 55 an act supplemental to "An act to amend the Charter of the City of Jackson, 71 an act to incorporate the Marshall County Manufacturing Company, 61 an act to define the boundaries of the town of Rodney, &9 INDEX. 85 LAND PATENTS — an act to authorize the issuance of Patents for Lands in certain cases, 59 LEVEE — an act to amend an act to aid in repairing and perfecting the Levee of the Mississippi River in De Soto, Tunica. Coahoma, .Boli- var, Washington, and Issaquena *WSfe"" . »»0 an act to suspend the collection of the ten cent . Levee tax in certain coun ties, 68 LIQUORS — an act to prohibit the sale of vinous and intoxicating liquors in the town of Sarepta, . 40 an act to prohibit the sale of intoxicating li- quors in any quantity in'Beat No. 17, in the county of Tippah, and for otfrer purposes,. . 56 an act to amend an act to regulate the sale of vinous and spirituous liquors contained in Chapter 20 of the Revised Code, 66 MEMORIAL— to the Congress of the Confederate States 34 MILITARY EXEMPTIONS— an act to exempt from Military duty certain citizens of Harrison county during the present war, 42 MILITARY SYSTEM— an act to amend an ordinance to regulate the Military System of the State of Mississippi. 46 PROBATE COURT— an act to change the time of holding the Probate Court of Smith coun- . ty, ...V 48 an act to change the time of holding the Probate Court of Wayne county 44 RAILROAD TAX — an act to suspend the collection of the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad tax, and for other purposes, 36 RELIEF— an act for the relief of Charles Toney of Neshoba county, and for other purposes, . . 37 of the Sureties of John M. Girault. '. 44 of Joel R, Baugh , . . . 46 of J. C. Murray and J. W. Doak, 47 of Fanning Jones, 49 of Benjamin P. Herndfcm 50 of Frederick Brougher. 50 of William H. Rogers,, - 56 of Evelina M. Hanmieftt, 5£ of James H..BoN*mian> . . 54 86 INDEX. RESOLUTION— to publish an ordinance, 29 requesting our Representatives in CoDgress to secure payment of mail contractors, 36 authorizing Col. French to make test of im* proved cannon ball, 37 instructing Board of Trustees relative to University, 36 granting leave of absence to Sam'l M. Meek, . . 38 RUNAWAY SLAVES— an act to control the funds arising from the sale of runaway slaves in Hinds county, 43 SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS— an act to change the time of Election of School Commissioners in Green county, 47 SLAVES — an act to punish tampering with Slaves, and otherwise amend the Criminal laws of this State, 67 SLAVES, FREE NEGROES, MULATTOES— an act to amend an act entitled "An act in rela- tion to Slaves, Free Negroes, and Mulat- toes," 55 STATUTE LAWS— an act to make the Statute Laws of the State applicable to the Confederate States, * 41 TREASURY NOTES— an act to authorize Sheriffs, Tax Collectors, and State Treasurer, to re- ceive the Treasury Notes of the Confederate States of America in payment of taxes and other dues, 39 TRUST FUNDS— to authorize the investment of.. . . . 38 UNITED STATES COURTS— an act to provide for the custody and preservation of the records and Judicial proceedings of the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in this State, 43 VOLUNTEERS— an act to enable Volunteer Com- panies, in the service of the Confederate States, to draw the amount due them under the 13th section of an act approved Feb. 10, I860, entitled "An act further to regulate the Militia and Volunteer System," .,;!,.. 73 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5