fCLtru Duke University Libraries Special field o Conf Pam #718 ^55^*^ yf^ i(er' DTIOtlDStX - Shcrr y>oCL/rv GEN. SHERMAN'S ORDER IN REGARD TO THE MILITARI CONVENTION. IlKAUtiLTAUrKiW MlLITAUV DIVISION OF TlIK MISSISSIPPI, ) In the l^ieM, Raleigh, N. C, April 27th, 186». ) SriiciAL Field Okdek, ) No. t55. ) 'Pile General Conunanorili Carolina, DepartnuMil of the South, and at Macon and AVesiern Georgia. Cai)i Jasner Myers, Ordnance Dept. U. S. A., is hereby i'.j>ignated to receive tlu' arms, &c., at Greensboro', and any connnanding officer of a post may receive the arms of any de- tachnunt and i^cc thai, they are properly i^toied and accounted i:>y. (Jeucral S( lioficid will ])r()upitly ill' Army ('omniHudcrs, that uniformity may prevail, ;j;id great raic must be takin that the terms and stipulations on on jtart be lulfilled wit!i the most scrupulous fidelity, whilst tiiose iinpos(,'«l on our hithert<» enemies be received in a spirit becoming a Itrave and generous anny A.iiiv C"oiiimt!.de.rs may at once loan to the inhabitants such of tlic cantiireil mules, horses, wiiupplies thatcan be Npared. to iilicvc [nesent wants, and to encourage the inhabitants «t"i-fncw lln-ir peaceful pursuits, and to restore the relations of tVlciidshi[) amoiii; oor f llow-eitizc-ns and countrym^jn. ,l-\.ra'nii;^ will forthwith ctase, and when neecssity or long marches CO npel the taking of forage, provisions, or any kiml o( private prop- erty, conipcnsatiou will be made on the spot, or, whci: the disburs- inir otlieersarc not provided with funds, vouchers will be given in proper forin. pa\ abl(^at the nearest Military Depot. By ..nler " Maj. Gen'l. W. T. SUKKMAN. D. M. DwTON, A. A. Gen'l. ilK \ncir.\KTKRS, Akmy Texnesseb,'^ Near (ireensboro, N. C, [■ April 28th, 1865. ) A True Copy. KiNU)cii Falccmeb, a. a. General. nEADQtJABTTnK. Ar.WTTlKIf , NcarUici I J^^.6clve8 tiot to luki* ui) uniii* n^'ninst the UoKnl Sihlt 8 until pifpcily iclicf- ed lr< lit tl.nt ob I^ ti<>ii, unti slwill re- c* ivc pinryiitics ♦k-iii ll.<: l]ioflStHiet offic'is ;>giii:si uulostat o by the Uni- ted Stiiio initlioiiiios »i» lot g "iR tliCY observe th:«t ol lijiilioii and tl.u la«i Id force wbeic iloj nsiilc. Fur ill PC ubjririK dupHoNte tiiustpr rolb; will be :».:m1c out i'nmcdi iielj, and aff'T the di^tiibni m of f ho iie«'C* Burj" p^^'Civ, till! troii|i.« will be nmrciicd Qfidcr iluir cfiicers to their ri'.«>p(ctiT» 8tii>cs, uird t' Lie tc di^barld':d, ull re- ttiiiii^r private pro| city. Ti.e object of this foii'ontion U paci- fioatioM to the cxiont uf the »ui)i<>iitj of llic cuuiajnnd-'r« who liiade it. — Etoiit* ID Virginia vliicb biokt' cvrrj Lyj'C of fiucot'RH Ity v;ir, iii>p«>flrd rn iU Gmcrnl i' »i dur. «.f navit gour countrj f.vnj furilicr devhi>Uiiit»u aixi our poo- plo fioui rbin. (bi^ii. d) J. JJ. JOHNSTON, Gcri'l HolUnger Corp. pH8.5