[IloL'st Bill, No. Ml.] --."■' U \ HOUSE OF UEPRESENTATIVES, May 26, I him out of Huy luouey then reraaiinug tiuo from the tnivernnient I I to said Payne Si, Co. ; and the receipt of the party or his agent 12 as aforesaid endcrserl upon said copy of tlie judgment or decree, 13 shall be a sufficient voucher in favor of the officer paying the same. 1 Sec. 4 Should the said Payne & Co., refuse or fail to file and 3 prosecute their claim for pay within the next twelve months, this 3 shall not preclude the parties who may believe themselves enti* 4 tied to reimbursement, in consequence of losses by reason of . 5 such purchases aforesaid, from setting up their own claims; but 6 Buch parties or any of them may institute proceedings in such 7 district court and prosecute the same to final hearing as provided 8 in sections one and two of this act ; and they may receive pay 9 out of such fund when adjudged due them by such courtas pro- 10 vided in section three of this act ; but such court shall not find I I due said Payne & Co., nor any of the parties seeking reimburse- t 12 ment, any sum greater than that claimed by the party in whose 13 favor such finding shall be had; but as judgment shall be en- 1 4 te»ed in favor of any of the claimants under thi« act until they 15 furnish satisfactory proof to tho court that the forged notes origi- 16 nally received by them have been destroyed, or unless the said 17 notes are deposited in court.