ifcjdoo Duke University Libraries D03209595X Treasury Department C« 3. /.., Agency at MoNTGoinatY, June SO, lStii, "The "F lV e Hundred Million Loan"' bonds, are noir offered to the public at one hundred land thirty-five, which ptioo wis established by public sale at Columbia, ou the 21s* hist. These bonds are issued aud authorized under ace. 6, of act of Feb. 17, 1864, wuich prbyideB : 0. That to pay the expenses of the Govern- ment not otherwise provided Jor, the Secretary ot the Treasury is Hereby autuorized to issue 6 , per cent, bonds, to an amount not exceeding I live hunared million of dollars, the principal and j interest whereof shall be nee lroni taxation aud lor payment of the interest thereon tlm entire net receipts of any export duty herealtor laid on the value of ail cotton, tobacco aud nuval stores, whicu shah be ported lr ni the UoUou- er.ae {States, and the net proc^. ds ot the import dutiea now laid, or so inucu tutieoi as may bu u.cLssary to pay annually the interest, are Here- by *pou*liy picageui pi-uvideu (fiat the duties now bad upon im^ona aud heieby pledged suab herealter be paid in specie, or in sterling ex- change, or in the coupous ot said bonds. These beuds'maiure July 1st, 1894, and have six percent, eeuii-annual coupous atuuheil.equiv- aleut to specie, and both priccipal aud interest nee irom taxation. The advantages of these bonds over other gov- ernment secunt.es ailo.da great nttraclioua to capitalists, guardians, auimnistratois aud execu- tors, ior investment. The bonds Buppjied imme- diately by application to me at Farmers JBank'of Alabama. JAS. A. FARLEY, Agent, i<5 Treasury Department C.ci. A. By Mithomy of tlm Beud thirtyfivn, or th'rfy- , five per cent premium, which was the rata obtained I at the publio >aie at Columbia. Payment will be reostwd In Treasury t J .'tr« of «ut.-, or ot the ")d Issues oj tLiomi. CHARI Section of the Currency Law DEP0: ; ITS on call trill be received by the Treasurer in this city, As,.i t:t-:f Treasurers at Charleston and Mobile and the Depositaries at Raleigh, Wilming- ton, Columbia, Aagus a, Savannah and Moutgomery, and certificates will bo issued for the same, bearing in- terest at the, rato of four per cent, per anrium, and icctre.l by the hypothecation of an amount of tho above bonds, equal to the sum of the£e loans. The bond-: to be set apart by the Treasurer, and the pro- ceeds, when sold, applied exclusively to the payment of the said certificate- The security and convenience afforded to banks and other ourporati' ns, an 1 to the public gene; ally, by this mode of temporary ir vestment, and the effect of the measure, if generally adopted, in keeping the currency within moderate bounds, it is hoped, will commend it to the favorable consideration of the community, and secure their prompt co-operation in carrying it into effect. ' O. A. TRENHOLM, Fecretary of the Treasury. Richmond, July 22, l$t'4. DEPOSITARY'S OFFICE, Columbia, S. C, July 27, 1864. I AM prepared to reoeive deposits and issue certifi- cates in accordance with the above advertisement, and respectfully invite the attention of capitalist i. July2S 6 ALEX. LAUGHLIN, Depositary. jSBr Guardian copy. KHI'IjHT,' SX TAX -JtlOS. Tiibahubi Dbpaktmbnt, 0*. fc>. A., I Uiohnioud, Augu-.l 8, I3i>«. J lij the L4'.b section of the not to reduce the currency, approved February i7tn, 13t>4, the Secretary of the Treasury ia authorised to issue the above certificates, payable two years alter the ratification of a treaty or peace with the Uni- ted Stated. They ctunot be sold, but are only to be issued to such oreditors of the Uovernmeut us are wilting tu receive the tuuie iu payment ot their demand*. They must also be given at pur, though trie fconi taialiou The attention ol ruirchasiog i>geui* and die bursiug othors of the Government ia called to thisolaBB of public securities as uttering peculiar advantages to those from whom the supplies ot tue Government are bought, and to facilitate the uae of them, check? drawn by disbursing officers upon the Depositaries holding these tnnds, and marked across the tune "payable in certificates of indebtedness," will bs paid in conformity therewith. Depositaries ure hereby authorised and re quired to comply with this regulation, mil tu make application to tha Register for supplies ol Sm tthoates as redtiired. «. J -%^. M* HOLhi mtw •fi.s-.scsr DiPA&tMsxi;, I Ri./nmond, Jaly27, i864. j It baring been rtprtssoied ».c the Depait- meat taut '*rge ;:u:r:bt.-rs cf 4 per otut, ceitiil tmta u4td Doou receired by i'&i; Collectors in payment of taxes, tha nrigcmeuta of wu.ou are net in strioi ftcccraance wish tka icstmo- tiona i' sued by tii^ «. omnr.saioner of 'f "Jtes, and approved by thia Department, on the 30th of April, 16^4, end in oo3B8queco9 of such infor- mality. Depositaries bayu rtfused to receirs them irocn 8tu.te Collectors— and, ;u smuoh as the promulgation of aei °- inatiuoti. »n vr-.s greatly retarded in cons. qaonce of military operaiiona around Richmond, and tha consequent interrup- tion of mail coii.ma-.iof lien, and, as ia the due ptrforiutii*? cf their offioial dutieB, they re- tired in gocd faith, ruaa ctrtifroatea beioro they were informed of the requirements em- bracad in tuSA inuruciions, 1 oVfra thought proper to iaaue the foi owing irstructiona waioh will be abhorred and gamed oui bj the State Collectors, Treasurer, Aaaietsnt Treasurer, and Depositane*of tbe Ooatedemte States 1. In all oases There such informs ly assigned four per otnt. cert acatcs haya been receiver in geed -ahh by r ny dictiiot ocliectar, in pay- met t cf tsxe?, before the regulation* of 80th of Ipr i cauxe to tha hands or knowledge of suoh ..the State Collector, cpon baing furn- ished wrh Rrtieft ckry erideLte of the faots, ah&ii endoraa his certificate upon tho back cf tuch four per coat, oervfloste aB upon tome pa = per attached thsra'o.oart.tjiug that he beiieTea tbesjuiete go&r.in^s.a.i was rouoired in good faith irtun Che rigaiful u^nerin payment of tas«cu K, Xha Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Depcaitjiiea 67 the Confederate States, tsa piled exclusively to the payment of the said certificate*. Ihe security and convenience afforded to banks and oiiit. ,or>*> rations, and t the public generally, by this mod* of temporary .nvrstnien: , and the effect of the measure It generally adopted, u keeping the currency within moderate bounds, it I* hoped will oommund It to the favorable consideration of the community, aa4 i -cure their prompt co-operation in carrying it into effect. O. A. I REN HOLM, jyUS! — dtf Secretary of the Treasary. TREASURY DEPARmENT, 0. S. A., > Richmond. July 28, 1864. J PAXED TREASURY NOTES. In order to promote, as far as practicable, the early Liquids. Moo by the T e»sury of the OUTdl 4NDING TAX»D N0Tk.8,the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Pay .Depositaries in the di^ lercnt States, are hereby authorized to reoeive thenald notes, ac- cept ihe t 10 notes, at 66?i per cjntua, on deposit, Usuing for - same Bertlfloates of Lean, upon hypothecation of non-taiabl* bonds. Ihe said certificates to be payable on demand, after th* expiration of ninety days. And all agents for the sale of the above bonds are hereby »•- th'.rued to receive the taxed notes, with the exception above uaouea, in payment, of bonds Hban told, at the rite of 66% per U. A. TBiiNUOLii, .the Treasury. V .Tilt.*. ION JLOAM. NON-7 A XA Btt B ONDS. T*PAsCET DiPASTMlhf, Kichfirond, Aug. 22, 1864. J "VrOTICB is hereby given, that aalea of tk* ■L y Above Bonds at ibe present Treasury price of |1SC tad ac- crued Interest, will be discontinued after the Gjih day of iepteso.- ber next, or when the sales shall have reached seventy alUloaj of dollars, if so much tball be sold before the ia'd »0to dajr ot September. The sales will be suspended to conal ler the axpatU tncy of advancing the price; ana oue acllce will be flv n at their resumption, and ol the price fixed upon the b.->nds The Secretary of the Treasury deems It his duty to call tfa» special attention of tax-payers geueral.y, and partioalarly ike agricultmai o da: , to iui» noiic«. This loan she uld be all taxa* op by oar own people. Tt>e payment of Interest to foreign countries will be ti&ssvaa and oppressive on the return of peace and low prices. And now that ail ag> lcultoial produots are cinimanci&f aaxA high prices, by Invtstlng In the Boadj of the G...vuAiaeA»t*j;-p*r- • ic uiemizlvit the «L"*iver.i uf the I>lxT , C- S--C. j • ^tijn,-,, 4i^c4lM.i i£»li»>bren "•-•>* »>" ■gfA pr! , i ONTC HUN- ••'N.inj-tt DREO A^ U . LV«^V*?I\ K DL)Lr%U« AMD toUvyrnb'ecu.iirVrarlorr: It has bea«^ pnBit&ries', in ill" Stut( • jiesippi^ will bo received as Tr"as'u y notes. P. V. A<:< nt 1 December, 2. 1864. ' J ■y-, TaKAdURy Awi Marjh ILL. Tl X 18. I I /\kl\HITA!;iKS. v!,o bov 1/ the $5 j() t ... n ,1 •. are iv\:. p.iy- m et th-iv'or. 1. . '■ . - C< iv <1 Wy any 'anth'.'i i VVegt oj fl e M i.-'S tiler. ot r* i M- -;i r . -.^ is c.'l ti lo the ' as it nm\ be >\ eo isi'derabli lx'fure ;t sufficient nyrio'unt of received in (his Dc'parti their certificates, ; ' privilege < f investing tl I' W (1|< \V, A- q| !' M. Dec 'h notici:. p ' I do . d by :',;;,■ I Marshall', no cer- pajabk Ricn- !><}> mond, o.-i J ilur,sci:.i .:•' . Ag< ■ Dec. 9, ISC4.' :iflc»te8 of 8'ock 8hdl!WPW^j pPBTTerHi p\ of Autrnst 19, 1861. TTd^eniablirWffffMH re I d iy ;>f. Ujary, 1865, to present Ihe same for payment on tho k " j'hy of January nkxp, or at any time thereafter, 'Treasurer of the Confederal States, one of the A*).' Trei»rors of tho Confederate Stctes, <:r u. Pay DM*? sit&Ty of^o Confederate States, funds having I peed in the hards of B»iid a'