D UKE UNIVERSIT Y LIBRARY The Glenn Negley Collection of Utopian Literature Digitized by the Internet Archive "^^ in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/conversationsonOOfont CONVERSATIONS ON THE Plurality of Worlds. B Y M. DE F ON TENELLE. TRANSLATED From the lad Edition of the French. « ILLUSTRATED With NOTES, collcdcd from the mod: approved Writers ; and containing all the late Difcoveries in Alh-onomy. TOGETHER With COPPER-PLATE S. Tihe Worlds ivere framed hy the Word of God. Heb. xi. 3. DUBLIN: Printed for P e t e r W i l s o n, in D.i?ne-Jlreet. M,DCC,LXI." CONTENTS. F ' ^ Page JDREFAC E by the Editor y concerning the ^re- fent edition, \ ■ ■■ hy the Author y vij Milton i Hymn to the Creator y XV Verfes to a young Lady, xvii Jntrodudiony xix FIRST EVENING. That the earth is a planety nvhich turns on itfeify and round the fun, I SECOND EVENING. That the moon is an habitable ivorldy ^o THIRD EVENING. Particulars concerning the loorld in the moony and proofs of the other planets being hahilnhlcy 71 FOURTH EVENING. Particulars of the ivorlds of Fcnus, of Mercury y of Marsy of Jupiter y and of Saturn y lOl FIFTH EVENING. Shelving that the fixed fiars are fo many funs, €