to-^ \1^ Mr. Perkins moved the following as an amendment to the Exemp- tion Bill, reported fiora the Committee on Militar3^ Affairs : To be entitled An Act to amend the existing Acts for the exemption of persons from military service. 1 Skction 1. The Congress of the Confederate Stales of America do 2 enact, That the provisions *' to secure the proper police of the 3 country," contained in the act approved October II, 1862, shall 4 not extend to any farm or plantation on which the negroes have 5^ been placed by division from any other farm or plantation since 6 the date of said act, unless in cases of forced removal by reason 7 of invasion or imminent menace of hostile occupation. 1 Sec. 2. That on any farm on which resides a family of white 2 women and children not less than ten in number, who are 3 dependent for support and protection on the labor and presence 4 of a white man, and on which there is no white male adult not 5 liable to military duty, and n(>t pliysically or mentally incapable 6 of affording such support and protection, or mile minor or minors 7 capaole of working said farm, there shall be exempted one person 8 as laborer, when said person shall verify the facts aforesaid by 2 9 his own" and the affidavits of two respectahle citizens, to be filed 1(1 with the enrolling officer, and shall also make affidavit that said 11 person so to be exempted, designs in good faith to act in said 12 capacity on said farm ; and in the event of a failure to do so, at 13 any time thereafter, tliis cxe^nption as to said person shall cease: 14 Provided, The enrolling officer shall be satisfied that a white male 15 adult, not liable to military duty, cannot be procured suitable IG for said purpose. 1 Sec. 3. That, upon petition by the county court, or equiva- 2 lent body of magistrates, one person, by them designated, may 3 be exempted as laborer for any large number of women and 4 children, not less than twenty, resident in one vicinage, though 5 they may not all be of one family, or under the same roof, or on 6 the same farm, dependent for support and protection on the l^or 7 and presence of a Avhite man, and among whom there is not pre- 8 sent any white male adult not liable to military service and not 9 physically or mentally incapable of affording such support and 10 protection : Provided, The said exemption shall continue only 1 1 during the continuance of said employment in good faith. 1 Sue. 4. That nothing in any act relating to exemptions shall 2 be construed to exempt agents, clerks or other persons employed 3 by officers in the quartermaster's commissary's or other depart - 4 ments of the government, unless such agents or clerks are allowed 5 by laAV, and their fees or salaries fixed by law, and they were 3 6 so employed previous to October 11, 1862; nor to authorize the 7 discharge of any one now in the military service of the Confede- 8 rate government.