\ ■ tff u ir \lT) 1 ~1 ft . 7 5 PERKINS LIBRARY Duke University Kare Dooks If %Jjljc : 3 c rd o > 1 Rev. i. 4. 4. John to the Seven churches In Aha, Giwe fo «#f o ypw, and Peace from him which is, and which was, and whi this to come, and from the feven Spirits which Ate before his Throne. Rev. 4- pare of the 3. verf. 5c 5-> to the 11. 3. And there was a Rainbow» round about th e Throne, in fight life u,.- toan Emerald, s. And out of 'the Throne proceeded Lightening! and Thundrings, and Payees; and there were feven Lamps of Fire Bure- ing before theThrone, which are the Se- ven Spirits of God. 6. And bifore the Throne there was a Sea of Glaffe life unto Cryßal : .and m the rnidß of the Throne and round about the Throne, wr/ffourBeafts full of Eyes be- fore and behind. 7. And tbeFirft. Bcaß was likj a Lyon, and the Second Bcaß lu\e rtCalf, and the Third Beaß had a Face as a Man, . and the Fourth Bcaß was h\e a flying Eagle. 8. And the Four Beaßs bad each of them fix wings about him, and thty were full cfEyes within, and they reß not, Day and Night,, faying, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lerd Cod Almighty, which was, and is, and U lo come. 9. And when thofe Beaßs give glory and honour and thanks tobim that fate on the Throne,wbo liveth for Ever and Ever, 1 o. Tl)e Four and twenty Elders fall down before him that fate on the Thront, and worfhip him that liveth for Ever and Zver, and eaft their Crowns before the Throne, faying, H, Thou a; t rvmhy, Lord, to receive Glory and Honour and Power ; for thou haß Created all things, and for thy Pleafurc they are and were Created. Rev. 5.6,8, to the 10. 6, And I beheld, and Lo, in the Midjl of the Throne and of the Four Beafii, and : in the midß of the Elders ßood a Lamb as it had been ilain, having feven Horns a and feveri Eyes, which are the feven Spi- rits of God fen: forth in!» all tbeEarxh, 8. And when he had ta^enthe heo^ythe four Beaßs a-id four and twenty E 1 der s fell down before the Lamb, having Eve^ry. one of them Harps and Golden Vialls full ofOdou>s ,whiJj are the Prayers of Saints, 9. And they fung a New Song, faying, Thou art wmhy totale che Book, and ro Open the Seals thereof: for thou wa(l ßain, and baß redeemed us to God by thy Bloud,»«£ of Every Kjndvcd, and Tongue, and People, and Nation, to. And baß made us unto our God Kings and Piicfb, and wefkaU reign on the Earth, . Ifaiah 9. 2. 2 . The People that walked in Darktteflc, havefcen a great Light : they thai dwell in the Land of the fhadow of Death, upon them hath the Light fhined. Matth. 4. 1 6. 1 € : The People which fate in DarknefTe faw great Light: and to them which fate in the Regien and fhadow of Death, . Light is fptung up. 'At«xäM>4'* Tr&riöy 'AToKahC^-iM. ni^TH l 73M 71J1T 8 ... _ » -,. Rcvelatio Omnium Revelationum* This A V R O R A, or Keoneffe of tfce filing Is the W © N.D.E R cf the World, ■^o!Ur -ten AVROK A That is, the Day-Spring. Or 'Dawning of the *Day in the Orient Or in the Riling of the S V N. That is The Root or Mother o£ *Philofophie ? Aßrologie & Theologie from the true Ground. Of A Description of Nature, I . How All was, and came to be in the Beginning, II, How Nature and the Elements are become Creaturely, III, Alfoofthc Two Qualities Evill and Good, 1III, From whence all things had their Original» V, And how all ltand and work at prerent, Yl. Alfo how all will be at the End of this Time; VII, Alfo what is the Condition of the Kingdom of God, and of the Kingdom of Hell. VIII, And how men work aud ad creaturely in Each of them. All this fct down diligently from a true Ground in the Knowledge ©f the Spirit, and in the impnlfe of God, By Jacob Behme m — - Teutonick^ Phlhfopher. _^ Being bis TlRS-T BOOK.* 6 Written in Gerl'u^in Germany Anno Chrifti M.DC. X-H, on Tuefiby after .; ^_ the Day of Pentecoft or Whitfundny /Etatisfüx 37, London, Printed by John Streattv, for Giles Calvert, and ate be iolcTat his Shop at the Black- fa cad- Eatte at the Weft- End of Pauls, 1 6tf, Note. It is neceßary for the Reader, to perufe the Book of the rhreePrinciplcs,and the Book of the threefold Life of Man,alfo xvkhthis&nd then he will be able to con- ceive aright of the Ground in this Booke Aurora. Vorfince the time of the writing of this Booke Au- rora, Day-fpring or Morning Redn.effe j the lovely Bright Day hath appeared unto the Author. Andaä that which is too obfeure here,is held forth mofi deer" lj in themswhich is truly a great WONDER^ as the Reader wholoveth God, will find. Although the Authour indeed had written this Book only/or himfdfe , according to the gift of Gods Spirit,but knew not then the Counfel or will of God concerning it. Begun the 2 7 of January , in the yeare 1 61 2. on the Friday after theConverfionof *PdfiL The The Preface to the Readen T Reader, He Books of this Author, that are already put lift- ed, declare fujjiciently the high worth of his deepe writings: But of all the benefits that doe accrue thereby , it is one inefiim alle Excellencie of them jh at theyhelpe the XMindes of allforts of people, that will take paines to reside and to confider them j in the under ftanding of the Holy Scriptures; and that fatisfaBorily and conruincingly,with" out neede of having any reference to the vafi (Comment a- ries of Authours, either in the Learned or CModirm Tongues : and they will help Men to be alle to difcern'e the truth in the v arioutB-xpo fit ions andOpin ions of all Parties, atfo to fiill the differences debates controverfies difputes and contefts; that all may befatisfiedin a Lovingfriend- Ij way, andfo agree in one and the fame Truth together. And among many differences in Opinion that Spring up, there is one weighty and remark able, ar if en, fince the Light within,andQhnH within,hath been prefj'ed more then Or- dinary j one fort being judged to deny, aChrift without 3 and the other 3 a Chri ft within $ whereas it might be con- * i Cor.Ü3t fidered, that * Gtirift is not div idedythoughhe be every, where in all places, and in all things ^and yet but onc^e ma- 4.Ä0W.8.3. nifefied in\ thelikeneffe o£ {infill Flcfh : Suffering, Dying, Riß Kg from the dead,Afcending into Glory ; yet he that is not partaker of the fame. £bri ft within, or is not madt conformable in his foul andfpirit to him in his fußer» ing 'Death and Refurre8ion,in this Life, in fomemeafure, fh all never be partaker with him in his glory in the Life tita,8.*7» t0 c °me; But if wee f Suffer with him , wejhall alfo Be glorifyed with him , at bis appearing : Pauls deßre u know Preface to the Reader. lenwnothing but * Chrift and him crucified among the *'\ CtraX Corinthians ; was not to know them to cruciße Chrift, £> ut the vertue and Power of Chrift crucified in them : and if the fame Chrift that fujfered at Jerusalem were not in every one, the wickedeft Man in the world could not t crucifie ^ Heb. 6. 6, to him fei fe the Lord of glory: And what Chriß did in theFlcjh once y alwaies had and hath its powerfu/1 effetl in the Spirit of every Soul that is united to him within it felfe, and not otherwife : Therefore we fhould learne to under ft and, how, it is Chrift , that was * the Lamb flain * j^ Vt i j t g # from the beginning otthe World, and then alfo in Abel when he was flain by Cain : alfo in his own Body when Itfus'himfelfe was nailed on thefrofe and gave up the Ghb$ : andftiä fußers and is flain | in his Member«; 4 Eph. j.jo, and as be will fay at tte Judgment, when all jhall appeare. , from Adam to the laft Man that is home of a Woman 5 * whatfoever is done to the Lead of thofethatbe- * M*th,%$, lie vc in4iim, it is done to Chrift him f elf e, in them 5 and 40. 45: not that he will, only, take it as done to him, as his words are commonly expounded y but it is really done to him; f His Flerti is meat indeed a & Bis Blood is drink in- t Joh.^.55. deed 3 * he that is borne of God linneth not, neither can he,becaufe the feed of God remaineth in »pu- 1 ^' 1 *" him. 4- As many as be perfect , Jet them bethus * Phil. 3.14. min j cc i 3 VtZf . * ro p R ff c t or the Prize ofthe high calU * lKino 3 8°* * n § ^God * n Chrift Jcfus. On tie other fide : f There 1 .^ D * is none righteous , no not one, * there is not a Man 2 Chrono, that finneth not, 4 in many things WEE fi" all. ^«^ 36. the Apofile John, who no doubt w See thou doe it not , for I am thy . fellow fern ant. And thefe great differences cannot be reconciled by the difiinftion of a time or condition ef Men unconverted,be-' fore they have attained Per feiiion,be fore they are right eau or before they arefanftified: but they may be decided by the: underfanding , what it is that finneth in xjttan • and what it is in Man that is per fett and cannot finne : For & the Soul in this Life entereth into the one or the other through obedience to it, that S-oul is either righteom and perfe&y or wicked and imperfeft, as the Scriptures teftifie r * Col.i .28. And * every one thatjhall be prefented perfect , is to be prefented perfeB in Chrift Jefus,/b that our perfection confijleth in him not in Seife : andfo the Gifts of God are 1 Eph. 2. 8.. perfect, or ejfe we could not be \ faved by Faitn,/or t\>at is not of our felves, but is the gift of God ; and there- fore it may well be faid by the Apoftle Paul, after his high *RogV7.i$, Revelation*. * I know that in me, that is in my Fkfh dwelleth no good thing \ dwelletb y not did or hath dwel^ Tie Preface to the Reader. dweh) before his converfion or at the beginning of the vrrtiingtba' Cpijlle: but at that infant dwellethin him no good thing in hü Fleßj : afo^faies le^ j- I doc find a fRom.7.2? Law in my Members rebelling againit the Law of my mind, and leading me into captivity to the Law of tinne : -So that * the good which he would doe, *Rom.7,i^ that he did noc,but the evil which he would not doe, that«hedid. 4. Towillwas prefent with him , but iRom.7,18 how topcrformeit , that he did noi know -.and then faies-, So in my mind I fer ve the Law ol God, which is perfeü , but in my Fleili I ferve the Law of fin, Alfa the Apofilefshn faith , * let no man deceive you , he *i Joh.j # 7, that cloth righteoufnefTe,i$ righteous 2 and the Apo- ftlc /Wagain faith,f as many as are led by the fpirit t Rom. 8.14 of God they are the Son* ot God : and * his fervants * R 0fn ^ ^ ye arc to whomyeobey; whether of obedience-un- to righteoufnefle or of {in unto Death. Alfo it isfaid i \ the Soul that fmncth it ihall die. * If a righteous f £^ tl 8 # Man (which is indeed a per\ ell 4/ *^/°j inperfett , can enter into the King,. dorn of God. Tifof, incur Mtnds^\. if we do the will ■fkfv.11.27 öfour Father which is in Heaven, we fhallknowof ±Jeh.-j.i 7. the words of Chrift, whether they be ot God or no : which they that heard them from his owne rr.outh and did not fo^pould not k?>ow. But we are not to condemne thofe that haiie net attained to our mcfure of Light, G race,Knotw- *M*th.%\6 ledge, or Perfection-: but to let our *Ligitfo fhine be- fore Men,that they may fee ouk. good' works, and glo- rify our. Father whicn is in Heaven : and then they 4-iC*M4-*5 will fay, |