George W ashington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS r ■o » Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Duke University Libraries Esta,Tolisli.ed. JD. IS-S:©. STE JLM ESTABLISHMENT. T. J. HUTCHINSON & SON, Respectfully announce to the public, that at their new location, in the new and spacious building PRICE BUILDING, mm. t ifiiiiFi, SALEM, MASS., With improved and valuable machinery — abundant room — expert and careful workmen — they are prepared to execute every description of PRINTING, usually required by the Mer- chant, Manufacturer or Business Man. Our long experience in this department of the business (having been located at the old stand for more than 27 years,) enables us to offer to our customers a quantity of work, with prices and promptness that cannot fail to satisfy. Having studied the interests of our custo- mers, we are enabled to meet the wants of all, and with our facilities for the execution of the various branches of with Fast Presses, Elegant Type, Good Work and Low Prices, we hope to receive a continuance of the patronage of the public at our new location. T. J. EOTCHINSON & SON. 237 ESSEX STREET, PUBLISHERS OF S-TWW ;atti »a'O*0KTOW TRADES’ BULLETINS, AND PALPH CHILDS, Manager. CHAS. C. STEVENS. Honest and judicious advertising cannot fail to bring a just reward. ALMY, BIGELOW & WEBBER, DEALERS IN FOUEiaN A.ISJD DOMP]STIC LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES. 1, £ If $ WEST SiOCi SALEM, MASS. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. EOLL OF HONOE DURING THE LATE CIVIL WAR, FROM SALEM, MASS., Co^(T/INl^^G THE Rank, Age, Date of Musterii^g Date of Discharge and Cause thereof, Prisoi^^ers of War, together with / list ok Wounded, Killed and those WHO DIED If(^ THE SERVICE. COMPILED WITH GREAT CARE FROM THE BEST AUTHORITIES, BY T. J. HUTCHINSON AND R.ALPH CHILDS. SALEM: PUBLISHED BY THE SALEM PUBLISHING COMPANY. T. J HUTCHINSON & SON, STEAM PRINTERS. 1877. [Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877 , by T. J. HUTCHINSON AND RALPH CHILDS, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.] In presenting this volume to the public, the publishers have endeavored, to obtain the names of all those of our fellow-citizens, who enlisted into the service of the United States, from the city of Salem, from the commencement of the War, in i86i, to its close in 1865; and to condense the matter into a neat and compact form, for future reference, at the same time to make its cost as reasonable in price as possible, so as to bring it within the means of all who may desire to obtain a copy, as a memorial of the gallant men who risked their lives for our common country. The number of enlistments in the Army and Nav}’, from Salem, from the breaking out of the war iif 1861, to its close in April, 1865, was over three thousand men, and we have been enabled to obtain the names of them all, with but few exceptions. The number engaged in the Army was about twenty-eight hundred, and the Navy three hundred and eighty-five, of whom one hundred and thirteen were wounded, seventy-five killed, and one hundred and fifty- five w'ho died of disease contracted while in the service. Forty-seven of the above were taken prisoners of war, and confined in Rebel Prisons. The whole being compiled under different headings, showing in a concise form the various departments in which our citizens were engaged, thus making a record worthy of being laid up in the archives of every house- hold, that the children’s children may celebrate, with joy and gratitude the restoration of peace, harmony and union throughout the land. When we consider that from the State of Massachusetts, the total number of officers and enlisted men was 111,681, from which number there were 3,538 killed, 1,926 wounded, 5,671 died of disease, and 1,843 died in rebel prisons, to say nothing of the various other casualties that take place under such circumstances, it seems as if there could be hardly a family in the State that has not furnished a member to the ranks, or that has failed to contribute liberally of its substance to their support and comfort when in the field. Massachusetts actually furnished more men to the war than were found in any one year in the State liable to military duty. With these facts before us, we have undertaken the task of collecting the names of those noble men from Salem, who were so prompt in answer- ing the call of our common country ; and went forth to deeds which will be forever cherished j in the spirit, the heart, and conscience of her citizens, in the presence of their success. The I V INTRODUCTORY. irrQpressible joy of a people delivered, after years of stern work and patient waiting, from the burden, almost too heavy for mortal shoulders to bear, tempered, as it was, by the tenderest sympathy for the families of the fallen, and a solemn turning to give glory and thanks, with full hearts to that God who giveth victory and healeth wounded spirits, rank among the most noble, the most sublime pieces of history of the century in which we are living. By compiling the names of such as gave their time, their health, even their lives, if need be, to their countr)', there is no good reason, it seems to us, why their names should not be classed together in such a form, that coming generations may know who those heroes were. We are aware that the task is no easy matter, but have buckled on our armor to the duty, and with the assistance of kind friends have been enabled to make a list as full and complete as possible. In the hopeful words of Mr. Seward, in his annual address, at Auburn, he said, “ Death has removed his victim; liberty has crowned her heroes; humanity has crowned her martyrs ; the sick and the stricken are cured — the surviving combatants are fraternizing — and the country, the object of our just pride and lawful affections, once more stands collected and composed, firmer, stronger, and more majestic than ever before, without cause of dangerous discontent at home, and without an enemy in the world.” In conclusion, the publishers take this method of returning thanks to those who have so kindly assisted them in the complicated task of collecting and correcting the lists of names herein contained, which has required months of assiduous labor, and correspondence, we now send it forth to our citizens, hoping it may prove to them that satisfaction it has to the Publishers. CONTENTS. Page. 5th Regiment Infantry, M.V.M., — three months, 10 & 96 8th Regiment Infantry, “ “ 1 1 13th Unattached Co. Infantry, — 90 days, t2 5th Regiment Infantry, M. V. M., — loo day.s, 15 l6th Regiment Infantry, . “ “ lot Salem Cadets, “ “ 15 2d Unattached Co. Infantry, M. V. M. — too days, .... loi 7th Regiment Infantry, “ 6 months, .... 17 5th Regiment Infantry, “ 9 months, . . . . 18 & 1 01 8th Regiment Infantr}^ “ “ . . . . 102 42d Regiment Infantry, “ “ . . . . 102 44th Regiment Infantry, “ “ .... 102 47th Regiment Infantry, “ “ . . . . 102 48th Regiment Infantry, “ “ . . . . ' 18 50th Regiment Infantr}^ “ “ . . . . 102 53d Regiment Infantry, “ “ . . . . 103 27th Unattached Co. Infantry, — one year, .... 103 4th Battery, flight Artillery, — M. V., three years. . . . . 23 & 97 5th Battery, Light Artillery, — M. V., “ .... 25 & 99 8th Battery, Light Infantry, — M. V., “ .... 99 9th Battery, Light Artillery, — M. V., “ .... too 1 2th Battery, Light Artillery, — M. V., “ .... too 13th Battery, Light Artillery, — M. V., “ .... 25 14th Battery, Light Artillery, — M. V., “ .... ' too 15th Battery, Light Artillery, M. V , “ . - . . too 1st Regiment Heavy Artillery, — M. V., 3 years originally 14th Infantry, 26 & 95 2d Regiment Heavy Artillery, — M. V., 3 years, 39 & 96 3d Regiment Heavy Artillery, — M. V., originally the 3d, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, loth, nth, i2th, 13th, 14th, 15th, & i6th Unattached Co’s Heavy Art., 4th Regiment Heavy Artiller)y — M. V. l year, originally the 17th, l8th, 19th 20th, 2ist, 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, & 28th Unattached Co’s. Heavy Artillery, . 29th Unattached Co. Heavy Artillery — M. V., one year . 1st Battalion, Heavy Artillery, — M. V., 3 years originally the ist, 2d, 4th, & 5th Unattached Co’s Heavy Art., & Co’s E. & E., new organizations, 39 & 99 35 &97 37 & 98 38 1st Regiment of Cavalry, — M. V., three years. 41 & too 2d Regiment of Cavalry, ti a _ _ . 42 & lOI 3d Regiment of Cavalry, an _ ^ 44 4th Regiment of Cavalry, « i Marr Mich.ael - - '9 McCommic lohn - . . 21 ti McDonnell lohn - - iS it tt McDonnell Philio - 18 U ti Merrill William R. - - 18 it Moran Nathaniel - - . 1 19 ti Murphy William - - 1 18 (( O’Brien James - iS it Osborn William E. - '9 (( ti Perkins Henry - _ j 19 it Redman John * i 18 it Smith lohn F, - - i iS «< Soley Frank - - i '9 ti Trask James E. - - 21 ti “ Fifth Regiment Infantry — One Hundred Days. Oo3n:2.p3.n,3r George H. Peirson, Col. - 4S July 28, ’64 E.-cpiration of service, Nov. 16, ’64. PRIVATE. Williams Henry - 30 July 23, ’64 Re-enlisted 39th Reg. Sept. 19, ’64. [4 PATRIOTS OF SALEM.' C 1 DAPK NAMES AND RANK. ' AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. PRIVATES. Hall William H. - 23 July 23, ’64 Expiration of service, Nov. 16, ’64. Johnson Frank E. 19 (( U Meek Henrv M. - 20 li it Perry William A. 18 u u Symonds Charles A. 18 tc (( Welch W. P. - 1 29 (( u Oompa,ny '■ William H. Archer, Corp. 22 July 20, ’64. Expiration of service, Nov. 16, ’64. Oompa.n 37 - I. Edward H. Staten, Capt. 31 July IS, ’64 Expiration of service, Oct. 27, ’64. Joseph H. Glidden, 1st Lieut. -3 Robert P. Clough, ist Sergt. 40 U Joshua W. Dowst, Sergt. 27 Benjamin F. Pickering “ 40 “ Charles A. Williams “ “3 Charles H. Gwinn “ 27 Nathaniel A. Symonds, Corp. 29 “ “ John Chandler, “ 36 H Daniel Staniford “ 27 Joseph E. Waldron “ 23 “ Re-enlisted, 3d Regt. H. Art. Oct. 6, ’64. PRIVATES. Adams Peter F. - 30 Expiration of service, Oct. 27, ’64. Adams Thomas M. 22 U “ ‘‘ Burding Edward W. 18 “ « Dodge Joseph H. 18 “ Died, Sept. 5, ’64, Fort Delaware. English James W. 25 “ Expiration of .service, Oct. 27, ’64. Evans George 20 Flood John 18- “ “ Goodrich William 20 tt ii Goss George L. - 21 ii U Hall James A. - 18 a u ; Hines Thomas T. - 18 “ “ “ Howard David A. “ Deserted, July 17, ’64, Readville, Mass. ■ Howard Nathaniel K. 20 Expiration of .service, Oct. 27, ’64. Lamb Hiram O. - “3 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 1 5 DATE NAMES AND R.\NK. AGE. OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Lord Charles L. - 26 July 15 , ’64 Expiration of service. Oct. 27 , ’ 64 - Lord Georc;e C. - 28 Manning Philip A. 19 Moulton Charles E. - - 21 H Nichols William H. jr. 19 : O’Connor John 19 n 1 Oldson Joseph H. - - 20 a 11 44 1 Paine Charles D. - 21 ; 44 44 j Petten£;ill George - 40 ' 44 44 Rider Joshua O. - 28 n 4> 44 Rogers John E. - 19 n 44 44 Rowlev Robert 26 n 44 44 Sheehan John J. - 18 Stevens Samuel A. 20 “ 44 44 Sjone George L. - 20 “ 44 44 Thomas Joseph F. - - 18 “ ! 44 44 44 44 1 Salem Cadets, M.V.M — One Hundred Days 1 John Louis Marks, Major 40 Mav 26 , ’62 Expiration of service, Oct. ii, ’ 62 . Joseph A. Dalton, Capt. - 47 Major 40 th Reg. Inf. .-\ug. 20 , ’ 62 . Richard Skinner jr., ist Lieut. - 43 Expiration of service, Oct. ii, ’ 62 . John Pickering jr., Adjt. 42 Joseph C. Foster, ad ilieut. 3- (( 44 44 Thomas H. Johnson ad Ideut. 28 ki Jonathan A. Ivennev, ad Lieut. - 49 (( A. Parker Browne, ist Sergt 26 ii Adjt 40 th Reg. Inf. Sept. ’ 62 . Edward A. Simonds, ist .Sergt - 38 il . Expiration of service, Oct. ii, ’ 62 . George C. Bancroft, Sergt. 24 ii 2 d Lt. 40 th Reg. Inf. .^.ug. 22 , ’ 62 . Charles fl. Dalton, “ 26 i < Expiration of .service. Oct. ii, ’ 62 . George ID. Glover, “ 38 li 4 4 44 Edwin R. Hill, 35 44 44 Charles H. Pinkham “ 36 “ 4 4 4 4 Charles W. Ashbv “ 31 Isaac P. Foster jr “ 35 44 44 Philip G. Skinner “ 29 44 44 Ephraim A. Annable, Corp. 21 (4 44 44 Servington S. Burnett “ 25 44 44 Warren P. Davis “ 37 4 4 44 Henrv W. Downing “ 27 i4 44 *4 Charles E. GetchelT “ 44 4 Daniel E. Leach “ 27 Robert McClov “ 23 li 44 44 Nathaniel A. Robbins “ 23 H Albert L. Towle “ 23 John B. Browne, Musician. 15 i June 16 , ’64 Edward .Stillman “ IS 44 44 PRIVATES. j Austin Alden K. - 20 1 Mav 26 , ’62 Barenson Abram F. - - 20 1 4 4 44 Barker Charles F. 20 June 6 , ’62 44 44 Bennett Abram''E. 20 Mav 26 , ’62 44 4. Brown Samuel JA. 1 18 ! June 4 , ’62 i6 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMKS AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SI RVICE, &C. MUSTER. Buffum Charles C. - 31 May 26, ’62. Expiration of service, Oct. 1 1, ’62. Buxton George E. - - 23 (i (< Caswell George A. - - June 4, ’62. it Chamberlain Luther L. - - 30 May 26, ’62. it Clough Robert P. - - 4> Tune 4, ’62. it ii Colman Benjamin F. - - 27 Mav 26, ’62. (( ii Collins Edward jr - - -3 ii 9 • it it Stocker Charles H. - - 18 May 26, ’62. ti it .Svmonds George H. - - “3 tt it Tucker Horace - 20 it it Tyler Alfred - - 20 it ti Upham Oliver W'. li. ■19 it it Upton Daniel - 25 “ ti tt Very Nathaniel O. - - 24 tt it Waldron Joseph E. - 23 it tt Webb John F. - '9 Wills George A. - - - 24 tt it Whitmore William W. - - 39 June 4, ’62. it it Wiggin George F. - - 41 “ 7. it .t Yasinski Edmund A. 1 - 27 May 26, ’62. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 1/ Seventh Eegiment Infantry, MV.M. — Six Months.,a:3.3r DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Edward H. Staten, Capt. 30 July I, ’62 Expiration of service, Dec. 31, ’62. (( « Isaac S. Noyes, ist Lieut. 31 “ Joseph M. Parsons, 2d Lieut. 23 « it Joseph H. Glidden, ist Sergt. 21 (( ii it James Leonard, Sergt. 22 (( it it Henry Libby, “ 24 it ii ii Chas. H. Phippen, “ 23 it ii ii Francis A. Semons, Corp. 24 it ii it Benj. F. Pickering, “ - 38 it ii ii Chas H. Gwinn, “ - 25 it it it Sidney B. Rowell, “ - 21 it {{ Thomas A. Rowell, “ - 23 ii it i John Gardner, Musician. - S3 i< it it Rupart J. Chute, “ 15 H it it PRIVATES. Babcock John H. - 28 u it it Bassett John A. - 22 ii it ii Bell William H. - 18 it ii Bousley George E. - - 22 it ii Brown Albert W. - 21 it it Brown John B. - IS Oct. 22, ’62. it it Carr W. H. - - - 21 July I, ’62. it it Carter William H. - - 18 it it Chandler George A. 21 “ Disability — Oct. 9, ’62. Chase Benjamin E. 38 ii E.xpiration of service, Dec. 31, ’62. it it Cheney Joseph H. 31 Chute Isaiah . - . 39 (( ii it Donahoe Patrick F. - - 17 ii ii Easterbe Thomas W. 34 » it it Fowler Newton G. 36 u it ii Fullum John 23 « ii it Gifford Frank - - . 18 it ii Hanson Parker W. 18 u Hartwell Joseph ^Y. 23 ii it Haskell Charles F. 19 it it Jewell Charles C. - - ' - 18 t< it Libby John F. - 44 « it ii Locke CjTus - - . 24 it it Mansfield John R. 41 it it McMurphy Benjamin F. - 3S it it McMahon Philip - 27 it it McNeil Michael - 28 it it Melcher Levi L. - 27 it it Miner Albert H. - 36 « it it Murphv William H. 18 ii it 1 it Parsons C)tus 42 ii it ^ it Parshley Sylvester 18 ii Disability — Sept 26, ’62. Phillips Phineas W. 26 Expiration of service, Dec. 31, ’62 Rice Benjamin B. - 34 “ it ii Shat^well Joseph A. 27 it it Shaw Neil - ii ii Smith Harley P. - ■4S 1 1 8 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Smith William R. - ^8 July I, ’64 Expiration of service, Dec. 31, 1862. Soley Franklin i8 U (( H Southwick Elbridge M. - i8 (( « (t Symonds Stephen G. 3° (( (( U Upham Benjamin N. 26 <( (( Walton John H. - 2X (( u n Welch Michael 'y'y (( U i( West George 30 (( a i( Whitmore William W. 40 Oct. 22, ’62 a n Wiley Edwin W. - 18 July I, ’62 i( it Fifth Regiment Infantry, — Nine Months. George H. Peirson, Col. - 46 Oct. 8, ’62 Expiration of service, July 2, 1863. John M. Foster, Hosp. Steward. - 36 (( ii O. PRIVATES. Foster John M. - 36 Sept. 16, ’62 Hosp. Stew’d, Oct. 8, ’62' Hadley Horace L. 2S Expiration of service, July 2, 1863. • Harrington William H. - 18 << a u Johnson Frank E. 18 (( (( (( Low George H. - 20 (( Lunt William J. - 33 (( Forty- Eighth Regiment Infantry M V.M., — Nine Months George Wheatland, Major. 23 Dec. 8, ’62 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Horace W. Durgin, Qr. Mr. 23 John G. Robinson, Qr. Mr. Sergt 22 O onrLpa,a:3.37' PRIVATE. Stover Nathaniel F. - 34 Sept. 16, ’62 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. I9 E. 1 DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE.| OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER, George Wheatland, jr. Capt. 23 Sept. 19, ’62 Major, Dec. 8, ’62. Charles Saunders, ist Lieut. 20 Dec. 12, ’62 Resigned June 20, ’63. John F. Ford, “ “ - 25 July 24, ’63 E.xpiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Charles Saunders, and Lieut. 20 Sept. 19, ’62 1st Lieut. Dec. I2, ’63. Charles J. Lee “ “ 23 Dec. 12, ’62 Resigned March 10, ’63. John F. Ford “ “ 25 May 9, ’63 1st Lieut. July 24, ’63. George Wiley “ “ 23 July 24, ’63 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Samuel W. Larrabee, ist Sergt. - 24 Sept. 19, ’62 Charles C. Hoyt,t Sergt. - 23 H a (( Thomas E. Jewett “ 26 (( Charles J. Lee “ 23 (( 2d Lieut. Dec. 12, ’62. John F. Ford “ 25 U 2d Lieut. May 9, ’62. Wm. Daniels, Corp. 3« n Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Joseph N. Larrabee, Corp. 33 (( Charles A. Brown “ - 21 « H H JameS'iWalsh - “ 24 James F. Nelson - “ 25 u “ PRIVATES. Bousley Theophilus S. 18 » Killed June 12, ’63, at Port Hudson. Brown Thomas W. 37 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Callahan John 20 Nov. 14, ’62 Chase John R. - 18 Sept. 19, ’62 Coggin Thomas - - - 18 U U Colwell Patrick 25 (( n Cross George 19 U i( Daniels Edward A. 27 U i( u Daniels John B. - 32 (( (( i( Dockham William S. - 40 a u Douglass Albert - 18 Transferred March 7, ’63, 2d R.I. Cav. Farley George E. 18 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Flakefield John jr. 35 H (( Foote George F. 21 Disability — January i, ’63. Ford Jeremiah L. - - 28 “ Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Francis Joseph 40 Gray George A. - 29 (( U Griffin Thomas J. - 36 n u Hanson George - 26 Deserted Oct. i, ’62, Wenham, Mass. Hazelton Andrew 42 “ Disability — May ii, ’63. Hinds Richard 22 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Ingalls John D. - 35 Jackson Andrew - - - 21 Sept. 21, ’62 Deserted Nov. 28, ’62, Wenham, Mass. Jaques Joseph 21 Sept. 19, ’62 “ Sept. 25, ’62, “ “ Jeffreys William F. 21 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Kennedy Michael 18 Transferred March 7, ’63, 2d R.I. Cav. Larrabee Warren 33 E.xpiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Lyons James 21 Nov. 14, ’62 Deserted Nov. 14, ’62, Wenham, Mass. L}Tich Patrick . . - 27 “ 17, ’62 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Mathews Vincent 40 Sept. 19, ’62 McCabe Patrick - • • 37 (i Mitchell Patrick - - - 30 “ ii a Morton Charles - - - 22 'lov. 14, ’62 ! Deserted Nov. 14, ’62, Readville, Mass. Murphy John 40 Sept. 19, ’62 ; Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Murphy Michael 44 (( (( Murphy Peter 18 a a Powers Stephen A. - - | 33 Dct. 13, ’62 a a 20 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Ronan William H. . 26 Sept. 19, ’62 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Scully Patrick 20 H i( (( Shaw Walter G. (J. (J. - 20 u U <4 Smith Patrick ... 35 n Died at Salem, Sept. 10, ’63. Southwick Edward 29 il Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63. Stacey Peter - - . - 33 (( 44 44 Stimpson Edward A. 26 (t Transferred to i6th Mass. Reg. Expiration of service, Sept. 3, ’63. Sweeney William - 41 (( Symonds Joseph P. 18 Nov. 19, ’62 44 44 Very Ephraim P. - 35 Sept, iq, ’62 44 44 Veno Felix 24 U 44 44 Walton Joseph A. 40 44 44 Williams Martin V. 28 44 44 Wiley George 23 (( 2d Lieut. July 24, ’63. Wiley Moses jr. - 27 Expiration of service, Sept. 3, ’63. Wiley Mark L. - 18 Disability, — Dec. 24, ’62. Wippich John 34 (( E.xpiration of service. Sept. 3, ’63.,n.37- Servington S. Burnett, ad Lieut. 35 June 24, ’63 Expiration of service, .Sept. 3, ’63. Servington S. Burnett, Corp. 35 Nov. 6, ’62 2d Lieut. June 24, ’63. Thomas F. Hines “ 18 Nov. 3, ’62 Expiration of service. Sept. 23, ’63. William H. Walsh, Musician. 18 44 44 PRIVATES. Bateman Joseph 28 44 44 Bateman Thomas 44 44 44 Chase George E. 18 4 ( 44 44 Flood John i8 44 44 Hazelton Augustus 34 “ 44 44 Hovey William 35 (( 44 44 Marshall William F. 23 Nov. II, ’62 44 44 McDugal John 3 ° Nov. 7, ’62 44 44 Ryan Patrick ... 33 Nov. 3, ’62 Deserted Nov. 14, ’62, Wenham, Mass. Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ,63. Tucker John H. - 40 Fiftieth Regiment Infantry, M.V.M. — Nine Months. John Hodges jr.. Major - 21 Nov. II, ’62 Expiration of service, Aug, 24, ’63. “ Died at Andersonville, Ga. Aug. 5, ’64. Cottle Alfred 29 July 29, “ Expiration of service, July 8, ’(54. Cottrell William A. 28 Aug. 6 , “ Farley Charles 33 Tune 22, ’63 “ “ Co. B, Aug. 16, ’65 Fillebrown Charles C. - 28 July 21, ’62 “ “ July 8, ’64. Full W lliam L. - 36 Aug. 9, “ (jetchell Stephen O. - - 33 July 24, “ (( Gorman Thomas - 23 Aug. 6, “ Harris John P. - 25 “ 4. “ it. Hayward Charles E. - 32 July 31, “ Hayford William B. 40 Aug. 5, “ .z 1 Johnson William B. F. 28 “ I, “ Kingsley William P. 25 July 5, “ “ “ ! Luscomb William L. 27 “ I, “ U t j Monarch George H. 28 “ 5. ’61 i Needham James F. 23 Aug. 4, ’62 Osborn Josiah B. - 2^ “ (( (( 1 Parshley Nathaniel I). : 21 July 5, ’61 To Re-enlist Jan. 2, ’64. Purbeck John H. - 26 “ 17, '62 Disability — Aug. 22, ’63. | Peirce Charles H. 32 Aug. 6, ’62 Expiration of service, J uly 8, ’64. ! Pitman William H. 44 “ 5. •“ Pulsifer Charles A. 20 it it Sanborn Horace E. 26 “ 15. “ ii 1 Skerry Edward S. 33 it j •Soley Nathaniel - 28 “ 28, “ it. tt j Staples Elias C. - 41 Nov. 20, ’63 Killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 19, ’64 | 1 Teague Thomas A. 37 Aug. 5, ’62 1 dsabilitv — Feb. 26, ’63. ! j Tucker Henry G. - 1 24 “ 6, “ Expiration of service, J uly 8, ’64. ' [ PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 3 1 DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF MUSTER. TERMIN.ATION OK SERVICE, &C. Watts Richard 20 July 5, ’61 Disability — Dec. 14, ’61 Watts Richard 21 “ 21, ’62 E.xpiration of service, Tulv 8, ’64. Wenthworth John H- i8 “ 5. ’61 To Re-enlist Dec. 3, ’63. C!,rL 3 r s:. Farmer George S. Sergt. - 26 fan. 2, ’64 Died at Andersonville, Ga. Sept. 10, ’64 Cocklin John J., Corp. 18 Dec. 7, ’63 ■Supernumerary July 31, ’65. PRIVATE. Russell George F. 28 July 29, ’62 E.xpiration of service, July 8, ’64.,i 3 . 37 ‘ X. Plummer George, Sergt. - 20 July 5, ’61 E.xpiration of service, July 8, '64. Supernumerary Jul)' 31, ’65. Wilkins Albert, and Sergt. 36 Jan. 29, ’64 Musgrave Peter, Corp. 21 July 5, ’61 Killed at Petersburg, Va. June 16, ’64. PRIVATES. Bassett Robert C. 26 “ 19, ’62 Died at Andersonville, Ga. Sept. 1 5, ’64 Buckley Bartholemew S. - 19 “ 5 . ’61 Expiration of service, .May 16, ’65. Buckley Patrick - 22 E.xchanged Prisoner of War, Jan 25, ’65 Burrill Francis A. 19 To Re-enlist Feb. 9, 64. Burrill Francis A. - 21 Feb. 10, ’64 E.xpiration of service, Aug. 16, ’65. Chambers John W. 22 .Aug. 4, ’62 Exchanged Pris. of War, F'eb. i, ’65. Dresser Charles F. 23 July 5, ’61 To Re-enlist Dec. 6, ’63. Dresser Charles P'. 23 Dec. 7, ’63 Died at (. ity Point, Va., Nov. 15, ’64. Fleet George E. - 30 July 5, ’61 To Re-enlist Dec. 6, ’63. Frothingham John F. 30 “ 30, ’62 Aug. 6, ’62 E.xpiration of service, | uly 8, ’64. Green Joseph H. - 29 Died at Annapolis, Md, Dec. 10, ’64. Haskell William H. - 40 “ s. “ Disability — Oct. 8, ’63. Helt Benjamin G. - 34 E.xpiration of service, March 15, ’G5. McGordis Charles 26 July 5. ’61 Died of wounds, at City Point, Va., June 24, ’64. Murray George . - - 23 “ 28, ’62 E.xpiration of service, July 5, ’64. Pitts Albert W. - 21 “ 5. ’di To Re-enlist Feb. 10, 64. Pitts Albert W. - 23 Feb. II, ’64 Deserted Oct. 26, ’64. Sheehan Timothy - - - 21 Aug. 4, ’62 “ 6, “ Expiration of service, July 8, ’64. \\ iikins Albert 2nd 34 ' To Re-enlist Jan. 28, ’64. Oo 33 CLpa,n. 37 ' Bradley John 31 Aug. I, ’62 Died of wounds, at Salem, June 20, ’64. Conner Patrick - - - 30 E.xpiration of service, July 8, '64. Davis George A. - 32 J uly 29, “ Tibbetts George F. 34 Aug. 5, “ Welch John ... 25 “ I, “ 32 PATRIOTS OF SALEM.,3:3.37- Ij. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Frothingham Gustavus, Corp. 27 Feb. 22, ’64 Died of wounds, at Petersburg, Va., June 24, ’64. Logan Jeremiah, Corp. 23 Expiration of service in Co. A, Aug. 16, ’65. — PRIVATES. Call George A. - 21 Feb. 25, ’62 To Re-enlist March 16, ’64. Call George A. - 23 March 17, ’64 Expiration of service, Co. A, Aug. 16, ’65. Died at Andersonville, Ga. Aug. 8, ’64. Coney Charles W. 35 fuly 18, ’62 Cross George W. 22 Feb. 28, “ To Re-enlist Feb. 29, ’64. Cross George W. - 24 “ 29, ’64 Died at Andersonville, Ga.July 17, ’64. Derby Charles W. 32 March i, ’62 To Re-enlist March 27, ’64. Derby Charles W. 34 “ 28, ’64 Expiration of service, in Co. A, Aug. 16, ’65. Frothingham Gustavus 25 Feb 21, ’62 To Re-enlist Feb. 21, ’64 Grimes Oliver 4 S “ 24, ’62 March 19, ’62 disability in Co. E. July 15, ’62 To Re-enlist March 20, ’64. Hancock John E. 18 Hancock John E. - 20 March 21, ’64 Expiration of service in Co. A, Aug. 16, ’65. Logan Jeremiah - 21 Feb. 20, ’62 To Re-enlist, Feb. 21, ’64. Meady Albert C. - 18 March 3, ’62 Expiration of service, Co. E. March 7 . ’65- To Re-enlist March 13, ’64. Pendergast Thomas 30 March 24, ’62 Pendergast Thomas 32 March 14, ’64 Died at Salem, Mass.. May 20, ’65. Porter William T. 18 “ 3. ’62 To Re-enlist March lo, ’64. Shutes John D. - 37 Jan. 6, ’64 Expiration of service, Co. A, Aug. 23, ’63. 37 ' 1 ^. Randall Charles W., Sergt. 22 March 24, ’64 Expiration of service, Aug. 16, ’65. Fowler Samuel M., Corp. 23 “ 20, ’62 Died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug 13, ’65 PRIVATES. Bolton Thomas 25 “ 12, ’62 To Re-enlist March iG, ’ 64 . Bolton Thomas - - - 27 “ 17. ’64 Transferred to Navy, April l, ’64. Gardner Horace B. - - 28 “ 7i ’*i2 Disability j une, ’64. To Re-enlist Feb. 28, ’64. Holmes George H. 23 “ 10, ’62 Holmes George H. 25 Feb. 29, ’64 Expiration of service, July 28, '65. Leahy David 25 March 13, ’(>2 Deserted April 4, 62. Manning Horace - 34 “ 10, ’62 Died at Fort DeKalb, Va., June 12, ’62. Manning William H. 21 “ 3 > “ Expiration of service, March 2, ’65. Randall Charles W. 20 “ 19. “ To Re-enlist March 23, ’64. Towns Calvin L. - 22 “ I, “ “ “ 10, “ Died of wounds, at Washington, D. C. Towns Calvin L. - 24 “ II) ’64 Oct. 18, ’64. "CT na-ssig-ned. ^ecr-u-its. Brown James 3^ Aug. ti, ’62 Carroll Peter 23 “ I, “ Folsom Nathaniel F. 27 July 22, ’63 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 33 Second Kegiment Heayf Artillery, M.V.,— Three Years. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Samuel C. Oliver, Lieut. Col. 35 Sept. 18, ’65 Expiration of service, as Maj., Brevet Brigadier General. Samuel C. Oliver, Major. 33 |une 29, '63 Lieut. Col. Sept. i8, 65. James A. Emmerton, Surg. 27 May 26, ’64 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’65. (( (( Henrv A. Merritt, ist Lieut. i8 Aug. 17, '64 Fred Grant, ist Lieut. 30 Jan. 17, ’65 “ “ Fred Grant, 2nd Lieut. - 29 Oct. 9, ’63 ist Lieut. Jan. 17, ’65. Ephraim A. Annable, 2nd Lieut. 24 Jan. 10, ’65 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’65. Joshua C. Goodale, 2nd “ 28 April 26, ’6; “ “ Thomas F. Dodge, 2nd “ 28 June 9, ’65 Expiration of service as ist Sergt, Sept. 3, ’6s. C!,n.37- Leary Dennis 42 July 28, ’63 Died at Andersonville, Ga., July 2, ’64 Oor]n.paii37‘ Daley Charles P., Sergt. - - 27 July 28, 63 Expiration of service, Co. C, J uly 1 3, ’65 PRIVATES. Baker Benjamin - - 44 “ Disability — Sept. 19, ’63. Burgess Charles H. 19 Died at Newbern, N. C., Feb. 5, ’64.,zi.37‘ O. Goodale Joshua C., .Sergt. 26 Aug. 4, ’63 2nd Lieut. April 26, ’65. Davis Jefferson R., Musician 18 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’65. PRIVATES. Dalton James . . - 45 Mihvard Benjamin F. 19 1st Lieut. 59th M. V., Jan. 25, ’64. 0-. Linehan John, Sergt. 19 Dec. 9, ’63 Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’65. PRIVATE. Firth John A. 21 July 25, ’64 Deserted, July 6, ’65. 5 , 34 PATRIOTS OF SALEM., 3 :i. 3 r XI. DATE NAMES AND RANK. \GE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Hutchinson William 34 Fulv 20, ’64 Sxpiration of service. Sept. 3, ’65. Knowland John B. - 32 Dec. 7, ’63 “ “ July 20, “ Phillips Benjamin A. - 25 Disability — Aug. 14, ’65. Savory John 21 Died at Florence, S. C., Nov. 25, ’64. C 02 :npa,a:i. 37 ' I. Thompson William 27 Dec. II, ’63 Expiration of service, (absent sick,) Sept. 3, ’65.,n.3r I EX. Chamberlain Luther L., Lieut. 31 Dec. 22, ’63 Expiration of service, Sept. 3, ’65. Converse Francis T., Bugler. - 3° “ Converse Josiah L., Bugler. - 3^ PRIVATES. Allen Edward F. - _ 23 “ Brackett W arren - - 21 H Disability — Feb. 20, ’65. Richardson Alfred J. - 34 (< Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’65. Shea Patrick - 21 a a Shirley John ■ 21 Oona.pan.3r Xj. Dodge Thomas F., ist Sergt. 27 Dec. 25, ’63 2nd Lieut. June 9, ’65. Downing Henry W., Sergt. - 24 “ Expiration of service, Sept. 3, 65. Pratt Lewis R., Sergt. * 24 PRIVATES. Adams George W. 39 “ it a Gilley George S. - • - - 23 Dec. 22, ’63 Transferred to Navy, April 15, ’64. Hayes James • 27 Mack William - 18 Expiration of service, Sept. 3, ’65. Real Joseph F. • 18 “ “ June 16, “ PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 35 Oo3:2rLpa-3a.3r 3VC. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Twomey Thomas, Corp. - 33 Dec. 28, ’63 Expiration of service, Sept. 3, ’65. PRIVATES. Flakefield Charles 32 “ 24, “ Died at Kingston, N. C., March 10, ’65. Expiration of service. Sept. 3, ’be “ “ June 8, “ Kezar George L. - 28 Landers I^avid 24 Third Regiment Heavy Artillery, M.V., — Three Years. Pickering John, Capt. 45 Feb. 1 1, ’64 Expiration of service. Sept. 26, ’65. Parsons Joseph M., Capt. 23 May 28, “ “ “ “ 18, “ Parsons foseph M., ist Lieut. 23 Nov. 24, ’63 Capt. May 28, ’64. Leonard James, 2nd Lieut. Coleman Francis M., 2nd Lieut. - 22 Get. 29, ’64 Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. 21 Luscomb Henry R., 2nd Lieut. - 25 Sept. 27, ’65 i< it \,n.37' Leonard James, ist Sergt. Luscomb Henry R., Sergt. 22 Jan. 10, ’63 2nd Lieut. Oct. 29, ’64. 25 “ 24, “ “ Sept. 27, ’65. Coleman Francis M., Sergt. 21 “ 10, “ “ Oct. 29, ’64. Kimball W. L., - 30 Transferred to Navy, Sept. 15, ’64. Morrissey John, Corp. - 25 “ “ “ May 7, “ PRIVATES. Barnes Michael D. - , - 35 (( Disability — June 19, ’64 Cowley Richard - 18 (( Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. Gibson John F. - 33 n Disability — Sept. 5, ,64. Hill Charles H. - t8 a Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. Kimball Charles A. 30 a Kingsley John 42 n Disability — Dec. 5, ’63. Marshall Robert C. 35 n Transferred to Navy, June 19, ’64. Nickerson Ansel - 27 li Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. Disability — Aug. 10, ’64. Nolan Thomas 19 n Pratt William A. - 21 n Transferred to Navy, April 15, ’64. Disability — Aug. 13, ’63. Sharp Thomas 33 n 36 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Oo 3 : 2 : 2 .pa,n. 37 - O. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Carr Thomas F. - 21 Feb. 5, ’64 Expiration of service, Sept. 18, ’65. Farroll John 21 (( Transferred to Navy, Julv 28, ’64. Fitzergerald Michael 26 Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’dt. O’Herron John - - - 25 Winters John - . - 21 Disability — Dec. 12, ’64. Oo 3,n. 3 r 12. Pervier Benjamin L., Musician. - 18 Oct. 19, ’63 Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. PRIVATE. Fairfield William - - - 41 Aug. 14, ’63 Transferred to V. R. Corps, Oct. i8, ’64^r Rowell Thomas A., Q. M., Sergt. 23 Sept. 16, ’67 E.xpiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. Browning Clement A., Corp. 18 it (( Fisher Francis A., Corp. 21 H , (( Thompson Darius N., Corp. 22 Deserted, July 9, ’65. Batchelder George H., Musician. - 16 Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. PRIVATES. Berry Edward A. - '31 » ii ii Channell George W. 27 May 21, ’63 Rejected Recruit. Chipman William F. F. - 18 Sept. 16, “ Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’63. Clough William H. 31 Disability — May 30, ’65. Collins Cornelius F. 18 U Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’63. Fabens William P. 30 U Died at Fort Wagner, D. C., Aug. 31 . ’ 64 - Hackett Harrison 22 n Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’63. Planson Parker W. 18 Oct. 19, “ Deserted, July i, ’65. Knights Jeremiah 44 Sept.Td, “ Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’63. Lyons Charles H. - - 21 Writ of Habeas Corpus, Aug. 29, ’63. Simons Francis A. 25 Deserted, July 27, ’65. Southwick Elbridge M. - 18 Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. Oo 3 :^pa. 3 :i 37 - Monies William H., Sergt. 28 Nov. 20, ’63 Expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. PRIVATES. Evans William - - - 27 U « ii Foss John G. - - ■ 22 ii ii Lee John W. 21 Transferred to Navy, July 27, ’64. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 37 DATE N.\MES AND R.ANK. \GE. OF MUSTER. TERMIN.ATION OF SERVICE, &C. Lewis Thomas W. iq Nov. 20, \ 6 t, Expiration of service, Sept. 18, ’65. Manning Richard H. - iS Dec. 4, “ McShea Thomas - 21 Nov. 21, “ Moran Frank iq “ 20, “ H i( Pray Joseph S. - 21 Ramsdell foseph R. 29 (( << Ramsdell Peter A. 25 i( H Ramsdell William F. 22 U Sanborn Ed. D. - 20 Dec. 4, “ “ “ Shanley William - 22 Nov. 20, “ u u Stover Nathaniel F, - - 33 Died at Salem, Mass., May 16, ’64. Svmonds Ed. A. - 21 E.xpiration of service. Sept. 30, ’65. Waldron Joseph E. 22 Oct. 8, ’64 “ “ “ 18, “ York Ed. W. . - - 25 Nov. 20, ’63 Transferred to Navy, July 27, ’64. Conapa. 2 :i 37 ' 3 ^. Swasey Lewis G., Sergt. - 22 Aug. 27, ’64 E.xpiration of service, June 17, ’65. Powers William F., Corp. 18 (( (( Walker William, Corp. - 33 “ 26, » Lewis Charles W., Musician. 33 Disability — Jan. 3, ’65. Burgess William H., Artificer. - 27 Expiration of service, June 17, ’65. PRIVATES. Breed Elbridge H. - - 22 .. « ’ a Breed Otis J- - - - 40 “ a a Chick Daniel 35 Deserted, June 12, ’65. Gallucia Hezekiah A. 41 “ 27, “ E.xpiration of service, June 17, '65. Gray Everhardt - - - 30 “ 26, “ Gray John ... 21 “ “ “ Taylor William H. 25 “ 27, “ (( « Tratton Charles - - - 21 U U Wilkins Ed. M. - 22 “ 26, “ (( (( 1 Fourth Regiment Heavy Artillery, M.V. — One Year. Chipman Andrew A., ist Lieut. - 29 Aug. 18, ’64 Expiration of service, June 17, ’65. Farmer George S., “ Sept 2, ’64 Commission cancelled.,ii.37- Chapman Joseph R., Corp. 26 Aug. 23, ’64 Expiration of service, June 17, ’65. Osgood Francis A., Corp. 21 “ 19, ■ ’64 PRIVATES. Archer Rufus P. - 18 38 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Brennan Michael - . 22 Aug. 23, ’64 Expiration of service, June 17, ’65. Cahill Bartholomew - 42 “ Died at Dangerfield Hos’p Va. Jan. 22, ’65. Callahan Tohn - - 2 1 Aug. iq, ’64 Expiration of service, June 2, ’65. Chesley Edward A. - - 18 “ “ “ “ 17, Cogger James - - 2 1 Aug. 23, ’64 « (( Donovan Timothy - - 21 “ 19, ’64 U it Gannon John - - 18 “ 23, “ “ U Harrington Philip F. - - 22 “ 23, “ “ “ Kiernan Eugene - - - 30 tt u Lyons Patrick - - 24 “ “ Mahoney Timothy - - 21 “ “ Maxwell Adam - - -3 Aug. 19, ’64 “ . u Mitchell William F. - - •^2 “ 23, ’64 « u Mnnroe Isaac M. . - - 23 “ 18, ’64 u u O’Brien Stephen - - - 34 “ 19. ’64 « “ Peach George W. - - 23 “ 23, “ (( (( Peach Thomas S. - - 30 Regan Stephen - - 25 Aug 19, ’64 Regan Timothy - - 26 “ “ Tobin James - - 24 “ (( (t White Francis P. - - - 21 (( u Whitney Samuel - - - 28 “ U ii. Oompany Abbott Benjamin F. 22 Aug. 22 ’64 Expiration of service, June 17, ’65. Arnold Edward H. - - 18 “ 24, “ U U Bigelow Walter R. - - 22 Farrell Edward - - 34 “ Huntress Charles W. - - 21 Aug. 22, ’64 Me Donald Philip - - 25 Twenty-Ninth Unattached Company Heavy Artillery, M.V., One Year. Chamberlin Garland A., Sergt. - 23 Aug. 29, ’64 Expiration of service, June 16, ’65. PRIVATES Nimblett John W. _ 24 Trainer Thomas - . - 23 ' Twist Joseph C. - 1 i 44 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 39 First Battalion Heavy Artillery, M.V , — Three Years. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Pickering John jr., ist Lieut. Nov. 3, ’62 Capt. 13th unattached Co., H. A., Feb. 4, ’64. Parsons Joseph M., 2d “ 22 Jan. 30, ’63 1st Lieut. I2th Co. H. A.. Nov. 24, ’63 Oo2mpa-3:2.37' - Pousland John H., Corp. '22 March 5, ’64 Expiration of service, Oct. .20, ’65. Mansfield John R. Wagoner. 42 Jan. 26, ’63 PRIVATES. Lawton George F. 21 Feb, 10, ’65 .. McCloud Alfred - 18 “ 14. ’64 McMahon Philip 29 Jan. 3, ’63 « (( McNeil Michael - 28 “ Deserted Sept. 25, ’63. Morrison George M. 18 Feb. 14, ’61; Expiration of service, Oct. 20, ’65. Pousland John H.- 20 March i, ’62 To Re-enlist March 4, ’64. Smith J. Jewett 38 May 30, ’63 Expiration of service, Oct. 20, ’65. Washburn Horace W. 21 Feb. 7, ’65 Whittemore William W. - 35 Jan 2, ’63 O,3n.37- Gardner Abel, Corp. 26 Jan. 6, ’63 Expiration of service, June 29, ’65. PRIVATES. Aldrich Ed. M. - 22 Feb. II, ’65 Cunningham John J. 22 Oct. 28, ’62 Grimes Charles H. 25 Aug. 29, ’63 Grimes Robert 43 Jan. 7, “ Phippen Joshua B. 33 “ 17, “ “ “ Pierce John ... 35 Oct. 24, ’62 Disability, May 19, ’64. Pray Joseph 21 “ 27, ’62 Deserted Oct. ’62. Woodbury Levi - 26 “ 28, ’62 Deserted Aug. 14, ’63.,2n.3r CJ. Henfield James H., ist Sergt. 23 April 22, 63 Expiration of service, Oct. 20, ’65. McCarthy Michael, Sergt. 21 “ “ Kirkland James M., Corp. 29 McCarthy John, Corp. i8 “ “ Pinkham Charles, Artificer. 33 “ Died at Fort Warren, B. H., May — 21, ’64. PRIVATES. Adams Henry P. - 35 Expiration of service, Oct. 20, ’65. Babcock John H. - 29 Deserted Sept. 19, ’65. 40 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Carroll James 28 April 22, ’63 (( Deserted May 7, ’64. Goodwin Thomas - - 43 Expiration of service, Oct. 20, ’65. Griffin John - 25 U Deserted Nov. 4, ’63. Loud Elbridge - 28 (( “ Aug. 10, ’63. Lundgrew James F. - 31 (( Expiration of service, Aug. 20, ’65. Melcher George P. - 22 (( Moroney Thomas - 35 a a t( Nutter Horace - 40 it (( u O’Sullivan Timothy - 43 (( (( (( Osgood William H. - 21 (( To Enlist in Navy, April 21, ’64. Peckham Charles - - 31 ( ( Expiration of service, Oct. 20, ’65. Rull Benjamin B. - - 33 u Smith Henry - 22 <( Deserted Oct., ’63. Teague Amos G. - - 34 Dec. 2, ’63. Expiration of service, Oct. 20, ’65. Teague William H. - 25 April 22, ’63 Tedder John T. - - 30 U (( Veno Felix • 25 Sept. 24, ’63 (( (( C,3r 3Z). Cunningham Matthew, Corp. 21 June 6, ’63 Expiration of service. Sept. 12, ’65. Manning William S., Corp. - 26 Hutchinson John L., Artificer, - 27 PRIVATES. Cochrane James - . 23 Transferred to Navy, May ii, ’64. Cronan John - 25 “ Expiration of service. Sept. 12, ’65. Desmond John - 37 Fairfield John H. - - 24 June 6 , ’ 6 i Disability, May 22, ’64. Gleason John - 31 Deserted Sept.- i, ’63. Lorrigan Michael - - a Expiration of service. Sept. 12, ’65. Minnahan John - 22 Deserted, June 18, ’63. Murphy James - 39 Disability Nov. 23, ’63. Murphy Thomas ist 18 Feb. 5, ’64 “ 21, ’64.,i:Ly IE 3 . Long George . 33 Feb. 11, ’65 E.xpiration of service, June 24, ’65. McCarthy Daniel - - ^ ■ 19 TJzi.a-ssig’ii.ed. I^ecr-u-its. Baker Edwin L). - 00 Feb. 14, ’65 Rejected Recruit April 4, ’65. 1 Peabody William - - 21 “ 8, “ 1 Rogers Simonds - ! 18 “ 14. “■ Died at Fort Warren, B.H. April 8, ’65 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 4I First Regiment of Cavalry, M.V., — Three Years. ID. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Brown Patrick - . - 37 Aug. 6, ’64 Expiration of. service, June 27, ’65. Oo 3,rL 37 - lE^. Henry Michael - - - -3 July 14, ’64 Disability June 5, ’65. Ooz 23 .pa, 3 : 2 . 37 ‘ H. Ladd Daniel W., Q. M. Sergt. - 27 Oct. 5, ’61 Expiration of service, Nov. ii, ’64. Kelly Edward, Com. “ - 30 Dec. 26, ’63 “ “ in Co. F. June 26, ’65. Kelliher James, Com. Sergt. 17 Oct. 5, ’61 E.xpiration of service, Nov. ii, ’64. Kelly Edward, Sergt. 28 “ 9, ’61 To Re-enlist Dec. 25, ’63. Linenan Dennis, Corp. PRIVATES. Dec, 20, ’63 Expiration of service in Co. F, June 26, ’65. Bateman Charles - 18 Oct. 5, ’61 Killed, Rapidan .Station, Va., Sept. 14- ’63- Henville William W. 40 “ 5 “ Disability, Dec. 24, ’61. Ivers William 19 Oct. 5, ’61 Disability, Sept, ii, '62. “ “ 27, “ Kimball William L. 26 Sept. 25, ’6r Oct. 5, ’61 Linehan Dennis 20 To Re-enlist Dec. 19, ’63. McDuffee Hugh - 27 Sept. 28, 61 “ “ 27 “ McDuffee Hugh - 29 Dec. 26, ’63 Expiration of service, (absent sick) June 24, ’65. Metcalf George W. 19 Oct. 12, ’61 Expiration of service, Nov. ii, ’64. Ross Daniel M. . 27 Sept, 25, ’6 1 Spencer Hiram B. 33 “ 23- ’61 “ “ Taylor Thomas 24 “ 25, ’61 (< H — IBa.tter37’ Oa.'valr37'. Crawford James, Corp. 6 19 Dec. 29, ’63 Expiration of service, June 29, ’65. 42 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Second Regiment of Cavalry, M.V., — Three Years. OonrLpa-n.3r IB. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMIN.VnON OF SERVICE, &C. Eessenden George Ricker William H. 18 18 Feb. 7, ’65 “ 10, “ Expiration of service July 20, 65. 1 Co 2 37 - C. Converse Augustus W. - Ma.xfield John G. - Smith Henry J. - 33 26 1 Feb. 27, ’64 iDeserted Aug. g, ’64. “ 24, “ 'Expiration of service, July 20, 65. July 13, ’63 ! OonrLpa,i:i.3r ID. Arnold Peter oS Ian. g, ’64 Expiration of service, July 20, ’65. Chandler Benjamin F. 18 Feb. 1 1;, ’6t; Conners Cornelius 22 Aug. 27, ’64 “ “ Tune ig, ’65. Saunders Charles - - - 21 June 13, ’63 Transferred to V. R. C., Nov. 28, ’63. Stevens John 22 ■Sept. 12, ’64 Disabilit}’, June 24, ’65. Sweeny John . - - 20 Jan. 13, ’63 Expiration of service, July 20, ’65. Coz2rLpa,a:i.37' IE. Buswell John H. - 22 March 7, ’63 Disability, July 15, ’63. Lord Thomas H. - * 32 Feb. ■27, ’63 Disability, Sept. 15, ’63.,2:L37' 0-. Johnson John O. Melville Frank Feb. 21, ’65 Aug. 15, ’64 Expiration of service, J iily 20, ’65.' IE3I. Shine Cornelius A. 22 Dec. I, ’63 Expiration of service, July 20, ’65. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 43 OomLpaxL37- Z. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OP' TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. 1 Bell William H., Sergt. . i8 Feb. 10, .’63 Expiration of service, July 20, ’65. 1 Shorten Michael, Corp. - 3S Vug. 22, ’64 (( (( j PRIVATES. Hurlev William - . 35 Peb. 10, ’63 Killed at Waynesboro, Va., Sept. 28, ’64 Leighton William- - 18 Died at Gloucester Pt., Va. March 26, ’63. O’Xeil Michael 21 Expiration of service, July 20, ’65. Robinson William - 28 Transferred to V.R. C. Jan. 19, ’65. OoxxLpa,3:i37' 1^. Jewell Charles C., .Sergt. 18 fune 26, ’63 Expiration of service, July 20, ’65. Pierce William, Corp. - 21 “ “ PRIVATES. 1 Blanchard William H. _ 22 Feb. I c,, ’6t; u Heenev Thomas - - 25 Dec. 4, ’64 U U Poulson Lewis - 30 “ 16, “ Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. OozHpaH37- La. Kelly Michael 21 March 28, ’64 Expiration of service, July 20, ’65. Ricker Richard 3S Feb. 14, ’65 37 - iN/iC. Barensor, Abram F. 21 Feb. 4, ’64 Expiration of service, fuly 20, ’65. Lang Joseph - 29 “ 5 ’ ** “ “ Tucker Timothy - - 18 “ 4- “ Disability, June 15, ’65. Welch Charles O. 21 “ 8, “ Expiration of service, July 20, ’65. TTHassig^Hed. 02 ,ecr-u.its. Balger Patrick 34 Aug. 22, ’64 Lang Joseph - 29 Feb. 5, “ j McGuire Charles - _ 29 July 29, “ 44 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Third Regiment OF Cavalry, M V. — Three Years. NAMES AND RANK. \GE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, SzC. Henfield Amos, Capt. Pickman Benjamin, ist Lieut. Allen Pickering D., ist Lieut. Allen Pickering D., 2d Lieut. Henfield Amos, 2d Lieut. - 46 35 24 23 45 Feb. 21, ’63 April 24, ’62 Ian. I, ’63 Feb. 20, ’62 Oct. 4, ’62 Disability, J uly 1 2, ’64. Dec. 20, '62. ICilled at Brashear City, La. June 2, ’63. 1st Lieut., Jan. ist, ’63. Capt. Feb. 21, ’63.,i2.37- .A.. Wilford John B. - - 40 Oct. 27, ’63 Transferred to V. R. Corps.,3:i.37- Wenthworth John - 45 Sept. 4, ’62 Disability Nov. 15, ’63. 3D. Young William A., Sergt. - 35 Sept. 20, ’62 Expiration of service. May 20, ’65. PRIVATE. Mulligan Martin - - 39 Oct. 19, “ Expiration of service. Sept. 28, ’65. C 11 . 3 r Burnham Joseph P. Daley Bartholemew Me Nulty James ist - Sullivan Cornelius Welch John ist Welch John 2nd - - 43 44 38 32 38 21 Sept. 20, ’62 Disability, Feb. 20, ’63. “ Dec. 21, ’63. “ Jan. 18, ’64. Expiration of service. May 20, ’65. Killed at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, ’64. Comi.parL 3 r Batchelder Richard, Sergt. Beston James, Blacksmith 42 25 Oct. 27, ’62 Disability Nov. 20, ’63. Transferred to V. R. Corp. Co. D. PRIVATES. Arnold James E. - Britton John ■ 44 38 a u Disability, Feb. 10, '65. “ Aug. 24, ’63. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 45 NAMES AND RANK. VGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Burgess Charles H. - - Kezar Albert - - - I Loud Charles A. - 1 Loud George B. - Mallen Henry Murphy Michael - Mevil Patrick Ryan John - - - - Swasey Thomas S. B. - Taylor William iS 20 21 l8 iS i8 38 26 18 30 Get. 27, ’62 u u (( (( (t expiration of service. May 20, ’65. Po accept com.. Sept. 28, ’63. Oct. 26, ’63. expiration of service, June 2, ’65. Disability, Nov 27, ’63. Transferred toV. R C. April 22, ’64. Deserted Nov. 8, ’62. “ Oct. 27, ’62. “ Nov. 3-, ’62. Oo 3 3 n. 3 r Taylor James - - - j 28 Oct. 27, ’62 Deserted, Nov. 3, ’62. Ooa 3 : 3 .pa.n. 37 ' X. Baker Barney - - - 1 44 jAug. 8, ’62 Transferred to V. R. C, July i, ’63.,n3r Xj. Batchelder Charles J., Sergt. Merrill Parker, Com. Sergt. Dowst Joshua W., Corp. - West W. C., Corp. Brown Benjamin K., Wagoner, - PRIVATES. Carpenter Isaac W. Fitzgerald Terrence Keating John L. - Tracy Joseph 25 27 26 18 29 23 30 29 18 Oct, 22, ’61 Nov. 2, “ Dec. 2, “ Oct. IS, “ “ 21, “ Nov. s, ’61 Nov. 2, ’61 Match 14, ’6.; Dec. 31, ’64 1st Lieut. July 14, ’62. Transferred to V. R. C. Co. K., March I, ’64. Disability, June 30, ’63. Promotion Co. L. Aug. 4, ’63. Expiration of service, Co. L, Dec. 27, ’64. Disability, June il, ’62. “ “ 14, ’62 Transferred to Navy, July 2, ’64. Expiration of service. Sept. 28, ’65. Oo 2 : 2 : 2 .p 3 ,X 3 . 37 - XvX. Day John M., Corp. PRIVATES. Powers Richard Jr. Williams Thomas J. 22 23 33 Dec. 31, ’64 Expiration of service. Sept. 28, ’65 (( ii H H 46 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. ■Crn.a.ssig-3n.ed. I^ecr-u-its. ♦ 1 NAIMES AND RANK. AGE. D.ATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Foley James Purbeck John H. - 26 37 Oct. 19, ’63. Jan. 2, ’64. Rejected Recruit, Jan. 7, ’64. Fourth Regiment of Cavalry, M.V. — Three Years Miller James, Capt. Miller James, 1st Lieut. ■ Miller Jame.s, 2cl Lieut. •9 ; 18 18 May 8, ’65 Feb. I, ’64' Jan. 5, ’64 Expiration of service, as ist Lieut. Nov. 14, ’65. Capt. May 8, ’65. ist Lieut. Feb. i. ’64. 1 1 Bu.xton Edward H. Collins John G. - Dickson Augustus Staten Alexander - ! 29 34 22 5 Dec. 31, ’64 “ 26, "63 (( Disability — Oct. 10, ’65. Expiration of service, Nov. 14, ’65. “ “ June I, ’65. Disability — Dec. 14, ’6). Oo 3,ii 3 r IB. ! Scribner Luther, Corp. - i 18 Dec. 21, ’63 Expiration of sendee, Nov. 14, ’65. j 0. Babcock John h'., Corp. - l-RIV.VTKS. Dean Charles S. Robinson Jeremiah i 28 i 1 : 19 |jan. 6, ’64 r 1 i ’Expiration of service, Nov. 14, ’65. 1 i ! Ocarnpart.^T' 3 D. j T'amham George A. ' Stone Joseph 11. S. 22 18 Dec. 31, ’64 jExplration of service, Nov. 14, ’65. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 47 IE. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION l_)F SERVICE, &C. Allen George W. - . 19 Dee. 31, ’64 Expiration of service, Nov. 14, ’65. Grover John C ■ 18 IE 3 I. Gifford Frank - 21 Feb. 8, ’64 Died at Hampton, Va., June 29, ’64. O 3r Ij. Burke Michael 21 Oct. 26, ’64 Deserted, July 21, ’65. Butler Charles - 21 “ Aug. II, ’65. “ “ 14, “ Graham William - - - 28 u Keene Charles - - 27 “ “ “ 19, “ Murray Martin ■ 21* Oct. 26, ’64 “ “ 17, “ Fifth Regiment of Cavalry, M.V. — Three Years Moore Thomas H., Saddler. - 25 Feb. 20, ’64 Expiration of service, Oct. 31, ’65. First Battalion Frontier Cavalry M.V , — Three Years. C0na.pan.3r 3. Holt Frank, ist Sergt. - 29 Dec. 30, ’64 2d Lieut., May 13, ’65. PRIVATE. Pope Thomas S. 35 “ Expiration of service, June 10, ’65. C 0na.pan.3r C. Estes John F., Corp. - i8 Jan. 2, ’65 Expiration of service, June 30, ’65. 48 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Ocinpa,n.37- ID. DATE 1 NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMIN.VnON OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. 1 j Berry William H., Sergt. - 24 Ln Expiration of service, June 30, ’65. 1 PRIVATES. Gallagher William G. 21 Jan. 2, ’6:; 1 Goldthwaite Warren P. - 18 Disability — Jan. 7, ’65. 1 O orrLpa-n.37" HI. Meek Henry M., Q. M. Sergt. 19 Jan. 2, ’65 ' Expiration of service, June 30, ’65. Austin Amos P., Corp. 21 « H ' Lowd Jacob R., Corp. 24 « « LeGrand Charles E., Buglar. 18 « (( Harris John jr., Saddler. - “ U (( PRIVATES Bennett George A. 20 (( (( (( 1 Blvnn George H. - 24 H (( n Brooks Plorace A. 19 n (i Hatch Thomas C . 18 Ian. 2, ’6c; Manning Philip A. 19 (( (( (( Perkins Charles - - - 21 (( (( Perkins Joseph A. - - 24 H u |< Peterson Andrew G. 22 n a ■Stillman Edward - - - 18 it H (( Svmonds Charles A. 18 n (( a Walsh William H. 19 (( il u 1 First Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Lee John R., ist Lieut. - 1 34 1 .May 25, ’61 1 Resigned, Ang. 3, ’61. 1 Oompa.rL37" i I Smith John B. - ! “4 May 23, ’61 Disability — July l8, ’6i. ( - 1 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 49,n.37' IB. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Daley Jeremiah 40 Feb 12, ’64 Disability — May i, ’64. O. Wiley William 22 May 27, ’61 Disability — Nov. 20, ’62. Ooirxpa-3n.3r lEB. i Moore John G. - 26 ! May 23, ’61 jDisability — March 7, ’63. /,zi.37- Z. Gordon George E. Johnson George - - - Johnson George - - - 30 38 40 \ug. 21, ’62 Oct. 24, ’61 Jan. 5, ’64 Expiration of service. May 25, ’64. To re-enlist Jan. 4, ’64. Transferred ii Inf., May 21, ’64. j ; Oo3mpa,3:x37" i Perkins Charles C. - - | 20 1 May 24, ’61 Expiration of service. May 25, ’64. Second Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. 1 i j Cogswell William, Col. - j Cosgwell William, Lieut. Col. ■ Stone Lincoln R., Surg. - ! Stone Lincoln R , Asst. Surg. Cogswell William, Capt. - Brown Robert B., Capt. - Phalen Edward A., Capt. Mehan Dennis, Capt. Hill Edwin R , ist Lieut - Brown Robert B., ist Lieut. Browning George F., ist Lieut. - Phalen "Edward A., 1st Lieut. 7 24 23 29 28 22 22 23 20 34 21 25 24 June 6, ’63 Oct. 23, ’62 Nov. 7, ’62 June I, ’61 May 24, ’61 Oct. 23, ’62 March 31, ’63 May 24, ’64 May 28, ’61 ■ Nov. 28, ’61 Aug. 10, ’62 Nov. 9, ’62 Expiration of service. Brevet Brig. Gen., June 25, ’65. Col. June 6, ’63. Surg. 54th Inf., Nov. 20, ’63. Surg. Nov. 7, ’62. Lieut. Col., Oct. 23, ’62. Resigned April 15, ’65. Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. Resigned Nov. 29, ’61. Capt., Oct. 23, ’62. Disability — Dec. 22, ’62. Capt. March 31, '63. 50 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Mehan Dennis 1st Lieut. 20 May 4, ’63 Capt. May 24, ’64. Brown Robt. B., 2d Lieut. 21 May 28, ’61 ist Lieut., Nov. 28, ’61. Browning George F., 2d Lieut. - 25 Feb. II, ’62 “ Aug. 10, ’62. Phalen Edward A., 2d Lieut. 23 July 13, ’62 “ Nov. 9, ’62. Mehan Dennis, 2d Lieut.,- 19 Nov. 9, ’62 “ May 4, ’63. Edwards Charles W., 2d Lieut. - 3° July 3, ’6s Expiration of service as ist Sergt., July 14, ’65. Browning Geoige h'., ( 2 - M. Sergt. 24 May 25, ’61 2d Lieut. Feb. 1 1, ’62. OonfLpa.Il.37" O’Hare Andrew J. 22 May 23, ’61 O’Hare Polonius - 21 Co3fCLpa,3f.37" Alton Samuel T. - 21 May 25, ’61 Blake Darius G. - 21 “ Gardner Benjamin B. 26 “ Green William R. 21 Green William R. 23 Dec 31, ’63 Greenough Daniel S. - 31 May 25, ’61 Ham Edwin 21 May 25, ’61 Pope Joseph 18 (( Reardon Daniel - - 27 Wallace John A. - 19 Wilson Joseph H. 20 Disability — Nov. 4, ’62. “ Dec. 20, ’62. Died of wounds at Gettysburg, Pa., July 17, ’63. Disability — Feb. 28, ’63. To re-enlist Dec. 30, ’63. Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. Died of wounds at Resaca, Ga., June 6, ’64. Disability — Aug. ii, ’61. “ Jan. 13, ’63. Expiration of service. May 28, ’64. Died at Frederick, Md., April 9, ’62. Disability — March 28, ’63. OorfLparL3r O. Browning George F., ist Sergt. - .4 I May 25, ’61 Edwards Charles W., ist Sergt. - 28 Dec. 31 , ’63 Mehan Dennis, ist Sergt. 18 May 25, ’61 Phalen Edward A., ist Sergt. Stafford James M., ist Sergt. 21 32 Dec. 31, ’63 Stafford James M., ist Sergt. - 34 Edwards Charles W., Sergt. 26 May 25, ’61 PRIVATES. Appelton John L. - 38 May 25, ’61 Bailey Edward A. 26 Dec. 31, ’63 Bailey Edward A. 28 Barker Benjamin. 44 Aug. 4, ’62 Burbank Nathan P. 18 May 25, ’61 Carlin Samuel 3S “ Corcoran John iS Daley Timothy 36 Promoted to Q. M. Sergt., Oct. 9, ’61. Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. 2d Lieut. Nov. 9, ’62. “ July 13. “ To Re-enlist Dec. 30, 63. Expiration of service, June 26, ’65. To Re-enlist Dec. 30, ’63. Disability — Aug. 9, ’61. To Re-enlist Dec. 30, ’63. Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. “ “ May 28 ’64. Deserted, June 27, ’63. Expiration of service, May 28, ’64. Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug 9, ’62. Disability — Nov. 21, ’62. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 5 I NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Emmerson Charles H. ' Fitzergerald Conrad ; Gardner Robert - , Hennessy David - ; Hennessy David - 1 Jewell Franklin ! Joye Robert H. - Kimball Palmer 1 Knight Jeremiah - i Langmaid George W. ' Larrabee William W. 1 Preston John C. - < Quinn Joseph i Rice William H. C. - - j Staples George - - - Sweeny Morgan - ! Voller Benjamin H. Williston W. D. - 19 20 40 24 26 18 24 21 43 26 26 19 19 19 37 18 40 20 May 25, ’61 Dec. 31, ’63 May 25, ’61 Killed at Winchester, Va., May 25, ’62. Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. Disability — Dec. 9, ’61. To Re-enlist Dec. 30, ’63. Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, ’62. Disability — Nov. 21, ’62. “ ' April 25, ’63. “ Feb. 28, “ Expiration of service. May 28, ’64. Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, ’62. Disability — Nov. 10, 63. Civil Authorit)-, July i, ’61. Disability — Dec. 9, '62. Killed at Winchester, Va., May 22, ’62. Disability — Sept. 15, ’61. “ Oct. 14, ’62. Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, ’62. Cojripa,aD. 37 - IF’. ! Connors Jeremiah 29 Aug. 18, ’64 E.xpiration of service, July 14, ’65. Oo^rri-parL^^ 0-. Coleman Patrick - - - King John - - ' - 30 21 Aug. 10, ’64 July 25, “ Expiration of service, July 28, ’65. Deserted, Jan. 18, ’65. Oor:iapaxi.3r IE=C. McDonnell Philip - - 23 May 25, '61 E.xpiration of service. May 28, ’64. Ooz 3 Ci.pai 3 . 37 ’ Murray Jeremiah, Corp. - -121 May 25, ’61 Transferred to 4th U. S. Art., Feb. i 4 > ’ 53 - TJz3.assig-z3.ed. ZRecriaits. Crowford George W. \ Junkee Augustus F. ' - ( 1 - 25 18 : Oct. 15, ’62 Feb 3, ’64 Never joined Regiment. Rejected Recruit, Feb. 26, ’64. 52 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Ninth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Edward Fitzgerald, Capt 35 June II, ’61 Resigned, Sept. 3, ’61. Timothy O’Leary, Capt. - 30 Sept. 7, “ Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Martin O’Brien, Capt. 21 July 29, ’63 Timothy O’Leary, ist Lieut. 30 June 1 1, ’61 Capt Sept. 7, ’61. Philip E. Redmond, ist Lieut. 20 Sept. 7, ’61 Cashiered, Feb. 28, ’62. Michael Phalen, ist Lieut. 21 Jan. 28, ’62 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. lohn Doherty, ist Lieut. - 22 July 2, “ Resigned, Feb. 12, ’63. Martin O’Brien, ist Lieut. 21 Oct. 20, “ Capt. July 29, ’63. James O’Donnell, ist Lieut. 21 July 29, ’63 Expiration ot service, June 21, ’64. Joseph Murphy, “ 21 Aug. 4, “ Philip E. Redmond, 2d Lieut. 20 June II, ’61 1st Lieut., Sept. 7, ’61. Michael Phalen, “ 21 Sept. 7, “ “ Jan. 28, ’62. John Doherty, “ 22 Feb. 10, ’62 “ July 2, ’62. Martin O’Brien, “ 21 Sept. 26, ’62 “ Oct. 20, ’62. James O’Donnell, “ - 21 Feb. 8, ’63 “ July 29, ’63. Philip E. Redmond, 2d Lieut, 22 March 22, ’63 Died atHos. Washington, D. C., Sept. 17. ’63 Joseph Murphy, 2d Lieut. 21 April I, ’63 1st Lieut. Aug. 4, ’63. Joseph Murphy, Q. M. Sergt. 21 June II, ’61 2d Lieut. April i, ’63. Monaghan loseph H., Com. Sergt. 23 “ To Re-enlist March 29, ’64. Monaghan Joseph II 25 March 29, ’64 Transferred June 10, ’64, to32d Inf. Oo 3 : 2 37 ‘ - Bellows John 21 Aug. 18, ’02 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Brady Edward .31 June II, ’61 “ “ Deboa James 26 Disability — Oct. 29 ’63. Keating Patrick - - - 26 Killed at Gaines Mills, Va., June 27, ’62,3:i.37' IB. Remick Patrick, Sergt. 22 June II, ’61 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. PRIVATES. Driscoll Timothy - 24 “ Disability — Sept, 30, ’62. Keenan Michael - 26 Killed at Gaines Mills, Va., June 27, ’62 Powers Edward - 30 (( To Re-enlist May 28, ’64. Powers Edward - 32 March 28, ’64 Transferred to 32d Inf., June 9, ’64. Tracy William 23 June II, ’61 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Whelan Michael - 34 OorcLpa,XL37- C. Phiney Edwin, Corp. 26 Dec. 31, ’63 Transferred to 32d Inf., June 9, ’64. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 53 NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. PRIVATES. Burke Richard i8 Juue II, ’61 Deserted, Aug. 27, ’62. Hurrell John 22 Aug. 22, ’62 To Re-enlist Dec. 31, ’63. 1 Hurrell John . . - 24 Dec. 31, ’63 Killed at Spottslyvania, Va., May 19, 64 Phiney Edwin 24 Aug. 22, ’62 To Re-enlist Dec. 31, ’63. ID. O’Donnell James, Sergt. - 21 Aug. 8, ’62 1 2d Lieut. Feb. 8, ’63. PRIVATES. Hanson John 29 Aug. 2, ’63 Transferred to Navy, April 21, ’64. Hughes Edward 23 “ 19, ’62 “ “ V. R. Corps. Healev Dennis 35 “ 7, ’62 Disability — Oct. 29, ’63. Kelleher John 28 June II, ’61 “ Nov. 28, ’62. 1 . • _ E. Philip E. Redmond, ist Sergt. - 25 Aug. 14, ’62 2d Lieut. March 23, ’63. Matthew Lynn, Sergt. 30 June 1 1, ’61 Deserted Feb._24, ’63. PRIVATES. Brady Patrick R. - 24 Feb. 27, ’64 Transferred to 32d Inf. Tune 10, ’64. )f O’Callahan Eugene 44 Aug. 18, ’63 Disability — Feb. 23, ’63. O,an.37‘ Michael W. Boyle, ist Sergt. 24 June II, ’61 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Joseph Murphy, “ 21 (( Sergt. Major, Sept. 26, ’62. Martin O’Brien, “ 21 2d Lieut. Sept. 26, ’62. “ 7, ’61. Michael Phalen, “ 21 (( Thomas Fallon, Sergt. 25 (( Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Edward Geigle, “ - - 24 (( “ “ John Lorigan, “ - - Joseph Monaghan, Sergt. - 25 (( Commissary Sergt., Sept. 26, ’62. a Garrett Timmins, Sergt. - 19 E.xpiration of service, June 21, ’64. Richard Carney, Corp. 24 1 David Cashin, “ 24 Benjamin Hayes, Corp. - 24 “ “ Patrick Tierney, “ 21 « u Patrick Timmons, Corp. - 30 (( John Doherty, Wagoner. - 22 (( 2d Lieut, March i, ’62. PRIVATES. Broderick Dennis .30 “ Disability Jan. 5, ’63. Cain Patrick 18 Aug. 13, ’62 E-xpiration of service, June 21, ’64. Callahan Patrick - 36 June 1 1, ‘61 Disability — Oct. 30, ’62. Care^ Hugh 21 54 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Carv lohn 24 tune It, ’61 Disability — March 13, ’63. Cashin Robert - 29 Expiration of service, fune 21, ’64. Clynes John - 22 Disability — [an. 30, ’63. Cochran Daniel - 27 “ “ Dec. 20, ’bi Connolly James - - 25 Expiration of service, [une 21, ’64. Coogan John - - 33 “ Disability — Dec. 27, ’62. Creclen i.ornelius - - - 20 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Cunningham Lawrence - - 22 Aug. 8, ’62. Cusack Patrick - - 21 June II, ’61- Disability — April 13, ’63. Dailey John - - 30 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Darcy Thomas - - 31 i/isability — Jan. 16, ’63. Desmond Dennis - - - 25 “ Expiration of service, |une 21, ’64. Dolan Patrick - - 29 “ Disability — Jan. 26, ’63. Donovan John - - 37 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Dowdell Charles - - - 20 Duggan William - - - 42 Aug. 8, ’62 U “ Farrell John - - 19 June II, ’61 Disability — Dec. 20, ’61. Farrell Robert - 35 Killed at Gaines Mills, Va., [une 27, ’62. P'itzpatrick John - - - “3 Nov. 12, ’63 Transferred to 32d Inf., June 10, ’64. Flaherty Thomas - - 25 June II, ’61 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. “ “ as Gunning, June 21, ’64. Gannop John ■ " 19 “ GanleyJohnH. - - - 22 Killed at Malvern Hill, Va., July .1, ’62. Graham William - - - “5 “ “ as Gorham, “ Flenessy I ohn - - 27 U (t (( Hurly William - - 19 Died at Arlington, Va., Sept. 17, ’61. Jordan William - - 20 Expiration of Service, June 21, '64. Keating Michael - - - 26 June 1 1, ’61 Expiration of service June 31, ’64. Kelley C harles D. - - - 18 Aug. 16, 62 Disability — Kelley ] ohn - - 31 June 1 1, ’61 E.xpiration of service, June 21, ’64. Kelley John - 37 Aug. 15, ’62 “ Kelley | ohn - - 3^^ Kelley Michael - - 20 June II, ’61 Disability — Oct. 21, ’62. Kelley Simon P. - - - 20 Expiration of service, lune 21, ’64. Kennedv Martin - - - 2i Disability — Dec. 26, ’62. Leary Timothy - - 35 “ March 17, ’62. Lynch James - 39 “ “ Aug. 19, 61. Lynch William - 3« “ “ “ McCarthy Daniel - - - 24 “ April 8, ’03. McCarthy Patrick- - - -3 |ulv 22, ’62 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. McCarthy Patrick - - 30 j Line II, ’61 Disability — July iS, ’62. McFarland James - - “3 1 lily 28, ’62 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. McMahon James - - - 24 June 1 1, 61 Killed at Gaines .Vlills, Va., June 27, ’62 McNamara Peter - - - 25 “ “ “ “ “ Murphy Michael - - - 22 E.xpiration of service as ist Sergt. in Co. G, June 21, ’64. Neil Edward - - 24 Killedat GainesMills, Va., June 27, ’62. Norton |ohn - - 19 O’Brien Edward - - - 24 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. j O’Brien John, No. 2. - - ! 19 “ Disability — Oct 30, ’62. O’Brien Thomas - - - ■ 24 “ Oct. 7, “ , O’Connor James - - - ! 23 ‘‘ “ Sept. 20, ’62 O'Donnell Patrick - - , 20 July 31, ’62 Deserted in 1863. O’Hara Patrick - - 27 June II, ’61 iDisability — Sept. 16, ’62. O’Keffe Patrick - - - : 30 jExpiration of service, June 31, ’64. O’Rourke |ohn - - 22 July 26, ’62 ' Pendar j ohn - - 35 June 1 1, ’61 IDisability — Jan 28, '63. i Powers j ames - - 1 23 IKilled, May 31, ’64. 1 Regan 1 tennis - - ; 25 IDisability — Dec. 21, ’61. Regan Edmund - - i 20 jDied at Phil. Pa , .Aug. 22, ’62. 1 Regan James 1 Rogan Cornelius - 1 - - 1 Hilled at Gaines Mills, Va., June 27, ’62. ■ 21 Disability — March 4, ’63. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 55 ' DATE NAMES AND RANK. “VGE. OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Ro£;an William - - - 21 (une 1 1, ’61 Died at L. I., Boston Plarbor. Rogan William 24 Died at Augusta, Ga., as Wm, N., March 14, ’64. Scullv John iS (uly 28, ’62 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Shea Daniel . - - 3° Aug. 7, “ “ “ Sherlock Thomas T. 21 (une II, ’61 (( Died at Bealton-Sta., Va., Feb. 18, ’64. Sullivan Patrick - - - 20 Died at Anderson ville, Ga., Sept. 18, ’64 Tracy J ohn 22 (( Died at Phil., Pa., Sept. 16, ’62. Twohig fohn 20 (( Disability — Aug. 18, ’62. Walsh John ... 19 (( Deserted, (une 29, ’63. Walsh Patrick 26 (4 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Whelan John 30 U Disability — Aug. 19, ’61. Oo33apa-rL37- 0-. Driscoll fohn 40 Aug. 15, ’62 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. McGuire Thomas - - - 32 “ 21, “ Deserted, June 27, ’63. McHugh Patrick H. - 28 “ 7. “ Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Murphy Christopher 27 “ 16, “ Deserted, Jan. 21, ’63. Purbeck John H - 25 (une II, ’61 Disability — Aug. i, ’63. Walsh Martin 21 Aug. 12, ’62 “ 16, “ “ April 22, ’63. W’ inter Lawrence ... 43 Died, Dec 6, ’62, at talmouth, Va. O oa2apa.2n.37‘ Z. Cronan Jeremiah, ist Sergt. 23 (une II, ’61 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Green Thomas, Corp. 20 Aug. 7, ’62 ii (( PRIVATES. Heaney Richard - 3- Aug. 8, ’62 Disability — March 25, ’63. Lewellen Thomas J- - - 18 “ 6, “ Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Died of wounds. May 6, ’64, at Wilder- ness, Va. Mathews Lawrence - 23 June II, ’61 McKliget James - 37 Aug. 18, ’62 Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. Disability as McICormack, May 24, ’63. Expiration of service, June 21, ’64. McKarmick John ... 33 “ 8, “ Spring Patrick 43 7j' 2^. Cochlin John 34 jAug. 12, ’62 Disability — May 12, ’64. ■CTn-assigTzied. Z^ecr-a.its. Burns John 32 Aug. 4, ’62 Burnham (ohn 42 Aug. 7, '62 Lynch Patrick 23 “ 12, ’62 Smith Albert P. - ! 20 “ 13. ’63 Disability — Sept. 17, ’63. 56 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Eleventh Regiment Infantry, M.V., — Three Years. NAMES AND RANK. AGE DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. John F. Devereux, Capt. - Thomas E. Bott, Capt. Thomas E. Bott, Patrick McGourty, 2d Lieut. Azel P. Brigham, Musician. 32 32 21 29 Oec. 21, ’61 March 2, ’65 July 23, ’64 “ 1 1, ’65 Aug. 3, ’61 Dismissed, Sept. 14, ’63. Expiration of service, July 25, ’65. Eapt. March 2d, ’65. Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. Order War department, Aug. 8, ’62.,rL37' .A.. Batchelder John - Johnson George - King John - - - - Miles Orrin A. - Southwick Joseph Willburn James - - - 18 38 36 18 20 34 Nov r8,''’6i Jan. 4, ’62 *■ 8, “ Jan. ’62 Jan. ’62 J an. 7. ’62 Transferred to V. R. C. Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. Transferred to V. R. C., Sept. 16, ’63. Disability — Jan. 26, ’6^. “ May 20, ’62. Expiration of service, Jan. 8, ’62.' Gillon Hugh Glover Henry B. - Lablair Louis Moran James Paishley .Sylvester 20 18 21 32 18 June 13, 61 Jan. ’62 'Ug- <3. ’63 Jan. 8, ’62 Jan ’62 Died at FortMunroe, Va., Feb. 10, ’63 Killed at Williamsburg, Va , May 5, ’62. Expiration of service in Co. A, July 14, ’65. Killed at Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, ’62. Deserted, Aug. 25, ’62. Oon2Lpa.3n.37‘ O. Millett William '1'. Porter Charles 19 18 fan. 8, ’62 Jan. “ 62 Expiration of service, Jan. 8, ’65. “ “ Dec. 9, ’64. . TD. Cook Peter S. - Cullen John Evans Daniel Kayler Patrick Seger John 24 35 28 21 35 Dec. 12, ’61 Jan. 7, ’62 bee. 12, ’61 “ 10, ’61 Aug- 13- ’63 To Re-enlist March 26, ’64. Expiration of service, Dec. 12, ’64- [To Re-enlist March 16, ’64. Deserted, Sept. 17, ’63. ... .. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 57 i O 03:n.pa3n.3r E. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Milieu Daniel Sommer Sehan - i8 21 Jan. 8, ’62 Aug. 15, ’63 Died at Gettysburg, Pa., July 13, ’63. Expiration of service, July 14, ’65. Oom.pazv37- Batchelder George H. Clarrage James O. Kezar Alonzo C. - Kimball James jr. - Littlefield Daniel Rogers Benjamin H. Rogers Henry N. - Russell Albert W. Smith John Tarbox Asa M'hicher Ira S. Young Charles H. - i8 24 i8 44 42 31 16 20 28 21 22 '18 Dec. 12, ’61 Sept. 2, ’6i Dec. 3, ’61 Sept. 2, ’61 Sept. 2, ’6i Jan. 8, ’62 Dec. 3, ’61 “ 12, 61 Jan. ’62 Dec. 16, ’61 Nov. 12, ’61 Dec. 3, ’61 Disability — Feb. 4, ’63. “ May 5, ’62. “ Aug. 15, ’62. (( H “ March 28, ’63. To Re-enlist Feb. 12, ’64. Disability — Aug. 15, ’62. Expiration of service, in Co. D. Dec. 14, ’64. Deserted, July 21, ’63. Disability — ^July g, ’63. Deserted, Oct. ii, ’62. Disability — Sept. 9, ’62. 1 Oom-paxi^T- CSr. Manning Peter Russell Albert W. - 21 20 Jan. ’62 Dec. 12, ’61 Deserted, Sept. 6, ’62. Expiration of service, in Co. D, Dec. 14, ’64. O 03ai.pa3a37' h:. Burns John 25 1 Dac. 12, 61 1 Killed at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, ’62 Oom.parL3r I. Shaw Orlin, Corp. PRIVATES. - 30 June 13, ’61 Died of wounds at Gettysburg, Pa. Aug. 3, ’62. Morgan Francis - M orrill Gilman L. - O’Connor James - - 24 37 42 Jan. ’62 Jan. ’62 Expiration of service, June, 24, ’64. Disability — Jan. 19, ’64. “ April 27, ’63. i 8 1 58 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Oonn-paDriTT- 1 ^. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. . OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Allen Benjamin jr. 33 Dec. 26, ’61 To Re-enlist March 16, ’64. Bott Thomas E. - 29 Nov. 18, ’61 <( U McGurtv Patrick - 18 Dec. 26, ’61 (( (( Poor Horace A. - 18 Nov. 6, ’61 • ll it Trout Bradford H. - - 18 June 13, ’61 « U TJna-ssig^rLcd.- I^ecr'u.its. Brickley John 21 Jan. 8, ’62 Cochran James - - . 22 U Cunningham Mathew 19 (< Cunningham William W. 21 (( Forbes Charles 19 (( Sullivan Mathew , - 21 (( Wells S. C. 18 a 'L’welfth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. O on^Lp a,n. 3 r c. Allen James, Corp. 24 June 26, ’61 Disability — Nov. 2I9, ’63. PRIVATE. Cummings Ed. D. - - 26 June 26, ’61 “ March 25, ’63. 3 a 37 ‘ XD. Chipman Andrew A., ist Sergt. 27 Jan. 6, ’64 1st Lieut, May 26, ’64. Haskell Charles, Corp. - 27 June 26, ’61 Died March 10, ’64 at Salem. PRIVATES. Burnes Charles E. ■21 (( Disability — July ii, ’^3. Burnes George' W. 19 (( Died Nov. 2, ’62. Casperson John P. 21 U Killed at Antietam, Md. Sept. 17, ’62. Chipman Andrew A. 25 U To Re-enlist, Jan. 5, ’64. Frye Daniel M. 19 n Disability — March 6, 63. Potter Francis B. - 21 u T 0 Re-enlist jan. 1, ’64. Potter Francis B. - ( 23 Jan. 6, ’64 D’ed at Washingion, D. C., J une 5, ’64 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 59 Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, M V. — Three Years. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Richard Derby, ist Lieut. 27 Aug. 6, ’62 Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, ’62. Richard Derby, 2d Lieut. " 20 “ I, ’61 1st Lieut., Nov. 22, ’61. Crawford Wallace - 21 Aug. 5, ’63 Transferred to 20th Inf., July 27, ’64. Oom.pan3r McFarland Charles, Sergt. - 26 Feb. 18, ’62 Transferred to 20th Inf., July 27, ’64. Oo 3 : 3 : 2 .pa, 3 : 2 . 37 ' Long Robert - 21 July 30, '63 Transferred to Navy, April 23, ’64. Sixteenth Regiment Infantry, M.V.— Three Years. Thomas R. Tannatt, Col. - - July 14, ’62 Col., ist Heavy Artillery, Nov. 18 ’62. Allen Henry - 36 Aug. 14, ’63 Deserted, Nov. 26, '63. Oom.pan3r I B. Sommer Sehan - - ■ - 21 Aug. 15, ’63 Transferred to nth Inf., July ii, ’64. 6o PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Oo 2 : 3 fLp 3 .an. 3 r C “S DATE NAMES AND RANK. \GE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Kearney Peter 24 'Vug. 15, ’63 Deserted, Sept. 15, ’63.,n. 37 - ID. McMahon John 18 July 12, ’61 Killed at Wilderness, Va., May 12, ’64. O onapa, 3 :i 37 ’ X. Hartman Charles - 28 Aug. 15, ’63 leserted, Sept. 17, ’63. SEyENTEENTH ReGIMENT InFANTRY, M.V., — Three Years. Con: 2 .p 3 . 3 :i. 37 ‘ IB. Leonard John H., Sergt. - 29 July 22, ’61 Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’64. Mullaly William, Sergt. - •9 “ Disability — Feb. 7, 63. Leavitt Israel P., Corp. - 28 “ June 23, ’63. Buxton George jr., W agoner. 24 Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’64. PRIVATES. Bacheller William PL 24 » Disability in Co. H, Nov. 29, ’63. Butterfield Pliram 21 Expiration of service in Co. D, Aug. 3. ’64- Cronin Patrick 3 ' “ “ Desmond John 35 Devine John 25 “ “ Gallagher Thomas 23 Disability — July 22, ’61. Hart John 18 To Re-enlist Jan, 5, ’64. Hart John - - - - 20 Jan. 6, ’64 Expiration of service in Co. C, July II, 65. Jones Alexander - 26 July 22, ’61 Disability — Dec. 3, ’63. Lucy Michael P. - 24 (( Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’64. Marley Richard - 19 H (( McDonald Eneas - - - 22 (( “ “ Mclntire Charles - 18 “ Disability — Sept. 15, ’61. McLellan George - 18 (< Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’64. M ullaly Michael - 24 Disability — Oct. 24, ’61. O’Shea Patrick 30 Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’63. Ricker Richard 32 “ “ Scanlan Michael - 22 “ “ Sheehan Edward - 22 <( (( PATRIOTS OF SAL-EM. 6 1 DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Stevens Daniel W. 26 July 22, ’61 Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’63. Tai box Henry M. - 22 Thiers Patrick - . - 27 Deserted, Nov. 29, ’61. Thomas George W. 18 Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’64. Tucker John H. - 42 Nov. 19, ’63 “ “ in Co. C, July 20, ’65. Twiss Joseph C. ist. 46 July 10, ’61 Expiration of service, Aug. 3, '64. Twiss Joseph C. 2d. 25 Oct. 29, ’61 Disability — July 17, ’63. C Curran John 23 Oct. 10, ’64 E.xpiration of service, July n, ’65. (( (( Fox Lawrence 43 “ 15- ’64 Martin William H. 18 “ 21, “ “ “ Robinson Harry S. - - 18 * Ocn:Lpa,2:L37’ D. Fields Robert M. - 35 Dec. 8, ’64 Expiration of service, July ii, '65. Oorripa-n.37' C3-. Feldgen Hiram, S., Sergt. 26 July 22, ’61 Disability — Dec. 7, ’61. Donavan Patrick H., Corp. 20 Jan. 5, ’64 Expiration of service, July ii, ’65. “ “ in Co. A. July Lewis Roland F., Corp. - 20 “ b, “ II, ’65. Disability — Sept. 8, ’62. Buxton Charles W., Wagoner. - 29 July 22, ’61 PRIVATES. Clough William H. 35 “ “ May 28, ’63. Donavan Patrick H. 18 To Re-enlist Jan. 4, ’64. Disability — May 28, ’63. J'elt David H. - 28 “ Huddle Benjamin - 18 To Re-enlist Jan. i, 64. Huddle Benjamin ■ 20 Jan. 2, ’64 Expiration of service in Co. A, Aug. 9, ’65- Janes Edwin 19 July 22, ’61 To Re-enlist Jan. 4, ’64. Janes Edwin 21 J an. 5, 64 Expiration of service in Co. A, July 5. ’65- Leary Dennis - - . 41 July 22, ’61 Disability — Sept. 27, 62. Lewis Roland F. - 18 “ To Re-enlist J an. 5, ’64. Maxwell Silas 42 Died at Newburn, N. C., Sept, i, ’62. Mehan Mathew - - - 17 Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’64. Norris William E. 32 “ (( O’Hare Charles H. 20 Phelan Thomas 28 Deserted, Nov. 9, ’6i. Phippen Abraham 3° To Re-enlist Dec. 8, ’63. Phippen Abraham 3- Dec. q, ’63 Died at Greensbon, N.C., June 18, ’65. Prime Joshua S. - 39 July 22, ’6) Disability — May 28, ’63. To Re-enlist Jan 4, ’64. Quinn Joseph . . - 18 Quinn Joseph 20 Jan. 5, ’64 Expiration of service in Co. B, July II, ’65. 62 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Sharkey Charles - Stone Benjamin F. - - Willey George M. 33 42 18 July 22, ’61 (t Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’64. Disability — May 28, ’63. “ Aug. 2, '62. Oo 3 : 3 37 - Cook David H. - Kezar Alonzo C. - McCam FI ugh Murphy Hugh E. - 18 19 30 21 Jan. 3j, ’65 Dec. 29, ’64 March 3, ’65 Expiration of service, July ii, ’63. (( (( U Eighteenth Regiment Infantry, M.V., — Three Years. IB. Anderson Aust. Carlisle John - - , - Toomey John 22 25 26 Aug. 26, ’63 “ 23, ’63 Jan. II, ’64 Disability — Dec. 8, ’63. Deserted, Sept. 16, ’63. Transferred to 32d Inf., Oct. 21, ’64. Oom-pan.;^ B. Rock John 28 Aug. 25, ’63 Deserted, Sept. 16, ’63. Nineteenth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Arthur F. Devereux, Col. Arthur F. Devereux, Lieut. Col. William L. Palmer, Major. Charles U. Devereux, Capt. George W. Batchelder “ Henry A. Hale, Capt. John C. Chadwick, Capt. John P. Reynolds jr., Capt. William L. Palmer, Capt. William A. Hill, Capt. John C. Chjidwick, ist Lieut. 26 25 26 23 24 22 29 24 24 22 28 Nov. 29, ’62 Aug. 3, '61 April 8, ’63 Nov. 15, ’61 March 21, ’62 July I, ’62 Sept. iS, ’62 Feb. 27, ’63 April 16, ’63 Dec. 13, ’63 Aug. 32, ’61 designed Feb.'27, ’64, Brev. Brig. Gen’l Jol , Nov. 29, ’62. Expiration of service, July 28, ’63. Capt., Brevet Col Resigned April 13, ’63. Killed at Antietam Md., Sept 17, ’62. A. A. G. Vols., Brevet Major, June 30, ’64. Major, 4th U. S. V., Feb. 26, ’63. Expiration of service, Nov. 5, ’63 as 1st Lieut. Major, April 8, ’65. Expiration of service, July 23, ’64. Capt. Sept. 18, '62. t PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 63 NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. John Hodges jr., ist Lieut. George W. Batchelder, ist Lieut. Henry A. Hale, ist Lieut. John P. Reynolds jr., ist Lieut. William L. Palmer, ist Lieut. William A. Hill, ist Lieut. John P. Reynolds jr., 2d Lieut. - William L. Palmer, 2d Lieut. William A. Hill, 2d Lieut. Converse Augustus W., Musician. Converse josiah L., Musician. 19 23 21 22 23 21 22 22 21 31 34 Aug 22. ’61 Nov. 29 ’61 June 18, ’62 Sept. 18, ’62 Aug. 22, '61 March 21, ’62 Sept. 3, ’6i Sept. 9, ’61 Resigned, June 19, ’62. Capt. Sept. 18, ’62. “ July I, ’62. “ Feb. 27, ’63. “ April 16, ’63. “ Dec. 13, ’63. 1st Lieut. Nov. 29, ’61 “ June 18, ’62. “ Sept. 18, ’62. Order of War Department, Aug. 8, ’62 ■ Oo 2 : 3 fLpa-n. 3 r Call George A. - Edwards William Giles Israel Trask Edward 21 48 3S 18 Aug. 28, ’61 (( March 26, ’64 Disability — Dec. 13, ’61. Expiration of service, Aug. 28, ’64. Disability — Oct. 14, ’62. Order of War Department, June 17, ’63. 37 ‘ Edwards William P., Corp. PRIVATES. Edwards William P. - Hayes John I. - Mooney John Preston Charles H. Preston Charles H. Thomas James . . - 23 21 18 19 18 20 23 Dec. 22, ’63. Nov. 29, ’62 Feb. i4,‘ ’64 Dec. 31, ’61 “ 3. ’62 “ 22, ’63 “ 3. ’63 Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’65. To Re-enlist, Dec. 21, ’63. Rejected, Feb. 28, ’64. Expiration of service, Dec. 30, ’64. To Re-enlist, Dec. 21, ’63. Expiration of service, June 30, ’65. Died at Pt. Lookout, Md., Oct. 13, ’63 C. Wiley Moses 26 Aug. 28, ’61 Disability — Aug. 1862. 3 D. Warner Abraham F., Corp. PRIVATES. Estes William P. R. Freeze Noah L. - 28 • 18 31 Feb. 16, ’62 “ 13, ’62 Jan. 28, ’62 Died at Andersonville, Ga., Nov. 23, ’64. Expiration of service,Feb. 13, ’65. Disability — Aug. 25, ’62. 64 PATRIOTS OF SALEM., 3 : 5 .; 57 - E. DATE NAMES AND RANK. A.GE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Clark John A. - 18 P^eb. 17, ’64 Killed at Wilderness, Va., May io,’64 Daley James P. - 32 “ 13. ’62 Jisability in Co. D., Nov. 5, ’62. Leary Timothy 26 [uly 26, ’61 I'o Re-enlist, Dec. 21, '63. Smith Timothy 39 Deserted, Aug. 20, ’61. 3 rL 3 r I F’. Hill William A. - 2 1 Feb. 19, ’62 2d Lieut., March 21, ’62. Horrigan Jeremiah 28 Aug. 28, ’61 Expiration of service, Aug. 28, ’64. G-. 1 Melden William R 20 Aug. 28, '61 Disability — Aug. 29, ’62. Coxxxpax 2 . 37 ' IE 3 I. Hitchings Abijah F., Sergt . 20 Dec. 10, ’61 Disability — July 25, ’63. Warner George L., “ 28 “ Died at Belial, Va., Oct. 18, ’62. Brown George A., Corp. 26 “ of wounds at Fredericksburg, Va. — Dec. 17, ’62. PRIVATES. Bailey Warren K. - Disability in Co. A., P'eb. 23, ’63. Ball George PI. A. 18 Dec. 10, ’61 To enlist in U. S. Cav., Nov. 4, ’62. Bryant Enoch jr. - Disability — July 2, ’62. Carleton David 44 “ Sept. 19, ,62, Cate John H. - - 27 “ 3. '62 To Re-enlist Dec. 21, ’63. Cate John H. - 29 “ 22, ’63 Transferred to Navy, March ’64. Chick William H. ■ 23 “ 10, ’61 Cottle Samuel 23 “ I, ’62 To Re-enlist Dec. 5, ’63. Cottle Samuel 25 “ 6, ’63 Transferred to Navy, April 20, ’64. Driver Samuel 19 “ 10, ’61 To Re-enlist Dec. 21, ’63. Dunn James 29 “ Expiration of service, in Co. A. June 30, ’65. Goodsell Henry 18 Order of War Department, June 22, 64 Harrington Michael 19 Aug. 28, ’61 Disability in Co. D. Nov. 20, ’62. Jarvis William 1 1 . 18 Dec. 10, ’61 Dropped, Dec. 13, ’62. Lakeman Horace - 21 Disability — May 24, ’62. Lewis Daniel S. - 44 (( Transferred to V. K. C., 1864. Macready Stephen 19 U Disability — Dec. 8, ’62. Mclntire. Charles - 18 “ Feb. 4, ’62. Noyes Edward D. 40 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, ’62. O’Connell Timothy 21 “ To Re-enlist Dec. 21, ’63. O’Connell Timothy 23 “ 22, ’63 Killed at Blanford, Va., Co. B. June - - - 19, ’64. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 65 DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Parshley Sylvester 18 Dec. 10, ’61 Disability — Dec. ’61. Powers Edward E. 25 I, '61 To Re-enlist Dec. 21, ’63. Powers Edward E. - - 27 “ 22, ’63 Transferred to Nav)-, ’64. Raymond Alfred A., jr. - 18 “ 10, ’61 Missing since Dec. 13, ’62. Restell lohn 41 “ Disability — April 19, ’62. Restell lohn jr. iS To Re-enlist Dec. 21, ’63. Restell John jr. - 20 “ 22, ’63 E.xpiration of service, June 30, ’65. Roberts Samuel jr. 30 Dec. 10, ’61 Disability — May 28, ’62. Roonev Peter 21 Vug. I, ’63 Transferred to 20th Regiment Infantry, • Jan. 14, ’64. Simonds William - - - 25 Dec 10, ’61 .Smith Samuel H. - 20 Disability — Dec. 3, ’62. Tareno Sareno ... 22 “ Sept. 19, 62. Thompson George H. 18 U “ April 8, ’63. Tirrell William iS ii To Re-enlist Dec. 21, ’63. I. Brown George O. - ! Dec. 10, ’61 Disability — Oct. 13, ’62. Quinn James, Musician. - 18 March 26, ’64 Expiration of service, June, 30, ’65. PRIVATE. Thompson Edward C. iS March 8, ’64 Disability — Jane 7, ’64 TJna.ssig-rred. iE^ecr-u-its. Adams John H. - 37 Dec. 2, ’62 Caras Lattara 35 “ 10, “ Chrvstal Samuel - 24 “ A, “ Cunningham Thomas 21 “ 5. “ Transferred to Navy, April 20, ’64. Eastlev Alfred 27 Nov. 29, ’62 Enwright James - 21 Dec. 10, ’62 Fairley Ale.xander- 30 “ 3. “ To Enlist in U. S. A., Jan. 31, ’63 Fiske Peter 32 “ 16, “ Fitch John 22 (( ^ (i Goodwin George - “3 “ I, ’62 Gray William 21 „ 2, “ 1 Harrison George - - - 25 “ ■ Hauseman William 21 “ 4, ’62 Deserted, Jan. 14, ’63. ■ Homer George H. 26 F eb. 24, ’62 Jones William H. 30 Dec. 3, ’62 1 1 Jordan John 26 “ s. “ 1 J oyce John 26 “ 2, “ i Miller Jacob 21 “ 4, “ Deserted, form Co. S., Jan. 14, ’63. 1 Mitchell William - 23 “ 2, “ 1 Moore Thomas - . - ! 9 24 66 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE UK MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Owens Tames 21 Dec. 2, ’62 Price Rufus 24 3 > Read William 20 -Vug. 7, ’61 Roberts James 22 Dec. 2. ’62 Rollins William - 26 “ 16, “ Ryan John 20 “ I, “ - Shearin Charles IT. 20 Nov. 28, ’62 Smith lohn A. . 43 Ian. 28, ’62 Disability — March 23, ’62. Stenford Joseph - -3 Dec. to, ’62 Taylor Charles 21 “ 9 i “ Waters Horace - - . 36 “ 4 , “ Wilson Thomas - 26 “ SC'. “ Williams George - 24 “ I, “ Wood John ... 23 “ 2, “ Wood John ^2 “ 5. “ Woodden William 21 ^ (( Twentieth PiEGiiiENT Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Charles L. Peirson, ist Lieut. Pickering D. Allen 2d Lieut. 27 July I, ’61 Nov. 25, ’61 Lt. Col. 39th Inf., Aug. 30, ’62. Declined Commission. C01n.pan.37' Smith Henry J., Sergt. 23 Aug. 15, ’61 Deserted, Aug. 26, in Co. E. PRITATE. Runey Peter 21 “ I. ’63 Expiration of service, July 16, ’65. C0nn.paiT.3r JD. Casey Daniel Evans James G. - - - 38 30 Dec. 10, ’61 Keb. II, ’62 To Re-enlist March 29, ’64. Expiration of service, Feb. ii, ’65. C01n.pan.3r :e=^. Chism William - - 2S July II, ’64 Expiration of service, July 16, ’65. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 67 ! Oo 3,n. 3 ^ 0-. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSl’ER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. : Hardman James - 27 July 3. ’03 E.xpiration of service, July 16, ’65. Ooz 2 :xpa.zi. 3 r 1 ^ 3 :. Newell Charles O., Sergt. Warren WTlliam H., Corp. PRIVATES. Kershaw Samuel - McCafferty Neal - iMcKenny Robert - McNamara Michael Smith William J. - 20 30 21 33 27 19 Feb. 27, ’64 Aug. 23, ’61 Dec. 13, ’61 “ 31 “ “ 20, ’61 f{ ^ It “JJ Sept. 4, ’64. Expiration of service, in Co. I., July 16, ’65. Disability — Jan. 10, ’63. “ March 23, ’63. “ Aug. 28, ’62. I’o Re-enlist March 29, ’64. Died Oct. 15, ’62. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3. ’03- Cox2apa.3n.3r X. Baker Robert B rooks Richard - O'Conner John - - - 28 20 Aug. 7, ’63 Nov. 29, ’01 Dec. 4, '61 Killed, June 30, ’62. Disability — May 2, ’65. Cojnapan. 37 ' Campion Patrick J., Sergt. McFarland Charles, Sergt. PRIVATES. Campion Edward J. O’Brien Thomas - 30 26 28 24 luly 18, ’61 Feb. 18, ’62 July 18, ’61 July 24, '64 D’sabilit}- — Dec. 10, ’63. Expiration of service, Feb. iS, ’65. Disability — April 4, ’63. Never joined Regiment. ; • ■CTxxassig’xxed. ^ecraait. Furbush Edward W. 26 Dec. 13, ’61 68 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Twenty- Second Regiment Infantry , M.V., — Three Years. OonrLpa,x 2 . 37 - DAxi. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. .^MUSTER. Walton Joseph H., Corp. ■ 27 Oct. 5, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 17, ’64. PRIVATES. Brown George L. - - 31 Sept. 2, ’61 Disability — Feb. 28, ’62. Calaracan Charles " 45 Dec. 23, ’63 Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May ic, ’64 Frinan Kail . 26 Aug. 27, ’63 Disability — Jan. i"?, ’64. Schweitzer George - 27 “ 20, “ Transferred to 32d Inf., Oct. 26, '64. Schilcdel Otto • 22 “ 28, “ O 03, 3 n. 3 r Ferris Edward 28 Sept. I, ’63 Deserted, Oct. 13, '63. Howard Fletcher - - 37 July 6, ’64 Transferred to 32d Inf., Oct. 26, ’64. Kain John - 3 S June 30, ’64 “ “ Lehan William - 20 “ 20, ’64 H (( Lynch Jeremiah - - 33 Aug. 31, ’63 Died in Rebel Prison, Sept. 15, ’64. Oor 2, 3 a 3 r ID. Ambrose Charles - 23 Aug. 28, ’63 Transferred to Navy, May ’64. Hall Thomas " Expiration of service, Aug. 23, ’65. Cc 3 : 2 :ipa, 3 a 37 - Husmann Johannas 20 Sept, r, ’63 To Enlist in Navy, April 25, ’64. Hytyes George 21 (( H PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 69 0,n.3r : e ^. DATE NAMES AND RANK. .\GE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Bownar fohn 23 Sept, t, ’63 Transferred to 32d Inf., Oct. 25, ’64. McGuire Thomas - 19 Oct. 4, ’61 Transferred to tth U. S. Art., Tan. 14. ’63. McShane James - - •9 Sept. 19, ’61 Disability — Feb. 28, ’63. Morrison John ’ -3 “ I. ’63 Deserted, P'eb. 27, ’64. 0 03:3:3.p a.n.37‘ r. Robinson Edward L., Sergt. 27 Dec. 24, ’63 Transferred to V. R. C., July, ’64. Plummer Lewis K., Sergt. - 21 Sept. 6, ’61 To Re-enlist Dec. 23, ’63. Plummer Lewis K., Sergt. - 23 Dec. 24, ’63 May 3, ’64. PRITVTES. Butman Luther C. 23 July 16, ’63 Transferred to 32d Inf., Oct. 26, ’64. Daley James - 20 Sept. 3, ’03 Killed at Culpepper, Va., acc’y, .Sept. 29. ’63- Farrell Owen 27 “ 6, ’61 Deserted, June 3, ’62. Oo3:n.p3tn.37’ lESI. Berry William R. - 27 Sept. 16, ’61 Disability — Oct. 22, ’62. Dalton James 42 “ 18, ’61 “ Nov. I, “ oraiLits. Look Frank 28 July 6, ’64 Crowley Jeremiah - 21 June 20, ’64 Fck William - “3 Sept. 6, ’61 Fairfield William - - 43 Oct. 17, ’62 Frederick - 26 fuly 1, ’64 Roark Frank - 28 July 6, ’64. Transferred to 32d Inf., Oct. 26, 64. 'L’wenty-Third Regiment Infantry M. V. — Three Years. Henry Merritt, Lieut. Col. 41 Oct. 24, ’61 Killed at Newbern, N. C., March 14, ’62. Henry Merritt, Major - 41 Sept. 25, “ Lieut. Col., Oct. 24, ’61. Ethan A. P. Brewster, Major 26 May 5, ’63 E.vpiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. 70 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. James A. Emmerton, Asst. Surg. 28 July 31, ’62 Surg. 2d Heavy Art., May 26, ’64. Ethan A. P. Brewster, Capt. 24 Oct. 8, ’61 Major, Mav 5, ’61. George M. Whipple, Capt. “ Resigned, May 2, ’61. Joseph A. Goldthwaitc, ist Iheut. 48 “ S.’6i Capt. & C. S. U. S. V., May i, ’63. Charles Emmerton, “ 19 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Charles H. Bates, “ 24 Resigned, Jan. 9, ’63. George A. Fisher, “ 25 March i c;, ’62 Transferred to Signal Corps, Oct. 6, ’63 George B. Emmerton, “ 26 Aug. 20. ’ti2 Resigned as 2d Lieut., Aug. 7, ’62. Richard P. Wheeler, “ 28 Dec. 9, ’62 Died of wounds, June 2, ’64. Charles II. Hayward, “ 26 Jan. 10, ’63 Sept. 28, ’64. |ohn R. Lakeman, “ 20 June 1, ’63 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Charles W. Brooks, “ “3 Oct. 14, ’04 Order of War department as ist Sergt. June 7, ’65. George A. Fisher, ad Lieut. 24 Oct. 8, ’61 First Lieut. March 15, ’62. George R. Emmerton, ad Lieut. - 25 Oct 8, ’61 First Lieut., Aug. 20, '62. Daniel H. Johnson, jr. “ 25 Feb. g, ’62 Capt. 40th Inf., Aug. 20, ’62 Richard P. Wheeler, “ 28 March 1 1;, ’62 1st Lieut. Dec. 9, ’02. Charles H. Havward, “ “5 Aug. 20, ’62 1st Lieut. Jan. 10, ’63. John R. Lakeman, “ 19 Nov. I, ’62 ist Lieut. June i, ’63. John P. Ross, “ June I, ’63 Disability — July 29, '64. William C. Cummings, “ 33 June 2, ’6q Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. Hayward ( harles H., Pergt. Major. 24 bet. 7, ’61 2d Lieut., Aug. 20, ’62. Johnson Daniel H. jr., .‘^ergt. Major. 24 Sept 28, ’61 2d Lieut. Feb. 9, ’62. Driver .Stephen P., Q, M Sergt. 31 Oct 8, '61 Disability — Jan. 24, ’63. Goodale Joshua C., Com. .Sergt. - 24 Sept. 28, ’61 Disabilit)' — Dec. 9. ’62. Gardner iHbert G., Pr. Mus. '5 Oct 19, 61 Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. Brown Henry F., Musician. Oct 12, ’61 Order of War Depaitment, Aug. 30, ’62 Terry John. “ 3 ^ “ 14- “ (i (( W'yatt Andrew J. “ 29 “ 12, ’61 Disability — April 29, ’62. i Brooks Charles W., ist Sergt. 00 Dec 3, ’63 1st Lieut., Oct. 14, ’64. Lakeman John R., ist Sergt. 18 .'■ept. 23 , ’01 2d Lieut., Nov. i, ’62. Cummings William C., Sergt. 31 Dec. 3, ’63 2d Lieut. June 2, ’65. J'owler William T., “ 35 i-ept. 28, ’61 Killed at Whitehall, N. C., Dec. 16, ’62 Hall Edward A., “ 21 Dec. 2, ’63 Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. Osgood Edward T. “ 21 .Sept. 28, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Ross |ohn P., “ 20 “ 2d Lieut , June i, ’63. Allen Horatio D., Corp. - 20 Jan. 3, ’64 Order ot \Var Lepartment, July 10, ’65 Brooks Charles W., Corp. 20 sept. 28, ,61 To Re-enlist, Lee. 2, ’63. Clynes Frank H., Corp • '9 “ txpiration of service, (ict. 13, ’64. Hodgdon George R., Corp. 20 Jan. 19, ’04 Order of War Department, J uly 12, ’65 Rounds Edward H., “ - 20 l^ec. 3, 03 Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. Smith Albert, P., Corp. - 18 Sept. 28, 61 Disabi.ity — Sept, ii, ’62. Vinnah BTank, “ 21 Jan. 3, ’64 , Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. O’Hare Chides H., Musician. i8 Dec. 3, ’63 PRIVATES. Allen Horatio D. - 18 Sept. 28, ’6i To Re-enlist Jan. 2, ’64. Austin Alden K. • 21 l^eb. 26, ’64 Died at Newbern, N. C., Oct. 12, ’64. Brown Augustus - 31 Sept. 28, ’01 Died at Newbern, N. C., Arg. 24, ’62. lirown Ezra \\ . - 19 “ Expiration of service, Oct. 13,(64. Buffum George W. 21 “ “ Clark William W. 26 Oct. 14, ’64 Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. Collins Charles H. 25 Sept 28, ’01 Disability — Sept. 12, ’62. Collins Edward A. 21 Disability — May ii, ’63. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 7 1 DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMIN.Vl'ION OF .SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Collins George W. 20 Feb. 23, ’64 E.xpiration of service, June 25, ’65. Copeland George A. iS Dodge Eben P. - iS “ 17- ’64 H <( Foss John L. 24 Jan. 3, ’64 Order of War Department, July, 12, ’65. Garnev John W. - tS Tune 2, ’62 To Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’63. Getchell Charles L. 19 Sept. 28, ’61 Died at Newbern, N. C., April 9, ’62. Getchell Edward E. 22 Nov. 4, ’61 Disability — -Sept. 12, ’62. Gillespie Joseph A. 18 Sept, 28, ’61 To Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’03. Gillespie Joseph A. 20 Dec. 3, ’63 lexpiration of service, June 25, ’65. G.ddthwaite Benjamin F. 26 Sept. 28, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Grant Edward EL 21 Disability — fuly t, ’03. Hall Edward A. - 19 “ To Re-enlist Dec. 2, ’63. Higlev Gilman S. - 24 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Hodgdon George R. iS “ To Re-enlist Jan. 18, ’04. Kinsman Joseph N. 18 Feb. 20, ’04 Died at Newbern, N. C., Oct. [6, ’64. Linnehan Thomas E. iS Ian 28. ’62 To Re-enlist Dec. 2, ’63. Linnehan Thomas E. - 20 Dec 3, ’63 Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. McShane [ohp iS Feb. 25, 64 Rejected, March 3, ’64. Monroe Rohert C. 19 “ 15. “ Expiration of service, June 25, ’63. Murphv William H. - - 18 Jan 21, ’6t O’EIate Charles H. 16 Sept. 28, ’61 To Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’63. Pollock David M. - 2 ( July 24, ’62 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Pulsifer David F. - 18 Feb 22, ’64 Killed at King.ston, N. C., MarchS, ’63 Ricker Frances M. 19 “ 20, “ Orderof War Department, June 13, '65 Richards John H. -3 Sept. 28, ’61 Disability — Sept. 12, ’62. Schultz Carl F. - 18 Died, April 24, ’62. Smith Charles F. '9 Feb. 26, ’64 Expiration of service, June 23, ’63. Smith Tames E. - 20 Sept. 28, ’61 Transfen-ed to V. R. C., E'eb. 8, ’64. Smith Lorenzo - - - 20 Sept. 28, ’61 Disability — July i, ’63. Stillman Amos 19 Feb. iS, ’64 Expiration of service, June 23, ’63. Stillman James H. 21 “ 23, ’64 Order of War Department, fune 24, ’63 Vinnah Frank 19 Sept. 28, ’oi To Re en'ist, Jan. 2, ’04. Welch William L. - - 21 Expirat on of service, Oct. 13, ’64. W'ilkins George G. 18 K.illedatDuiTy’sBIuS, Va., May 16, ’64 Gorsri.p3,n.3r IB. Nimblett Benjamin F., Corp. 3 “ Dec. 3, ’63 Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. Saunders Henry T., Corp. 43 Oct 3, ’or Died at Newbern, N. C., Oct. 9, ’04. Ayers Lorron “ 27 Aug. 2, ’62 I'ransferred to V. R. C., April, 17, ’64 PRIVATES, Call George A. - 18 Sept. 28, ’6t Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. E'lynn 'I'homas 30 Oct. 12, ’6[ Morgan Patrick - 33 Sept. 28, ’61 Died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 7, ’64 Needham James - 41 Sept. 28, ’61 Way 30, '63. Nimblett Benjamin F. 30 May 30, ’62 E’o Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’63. Pope Benjamin C. 20 Sept 28, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Prince George 40 Oct. 9, ’61 Died of wounds, at Pt. Lookout, Md. June 9, 64. Quinn Patrick 19 Sept. 28, '61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. .Shapinejohn 50 Williams Thomas J. 33 (( (( — 72 PATRIOTS OF SALEM.,H 3 r DA I'E NAMES AND RANK. VGE. OF TERMIX.A.TION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Entwistle Thomas -^5 ulv 14, ’62 disability — May 1 1 , ’63. Hartwell William H. 19 Fet. 15, ’65 Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. Hewitt Edwin W. 19 Aug I, ’62 I'o Re-enlist Dec. 2, ’63. Hewitt Edwin W. - 21 Dec. 3, ’63 Jrder of AVar Department, June 30. ’65- Patch fohn S. - 23 Aug. 2, 62 Missing since May lo, ’64. Pitts Otis - 42 Feb 1 1;, ’61; Expiration of service, June 25, ’65. Sweet Hartford S. 24 Aug. 2 , ’62 Po Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’63. Oo 3 : 2 :Lpa,rL 37 - IE. Blaisdell George E. - - 21 May 7, ’62 To Re-enlist Dec 2, ’63. Parsons William D. - - ’3 Aug. ’62 Died at Andersonville. Ga., June 1 22, '64. O oz 2,rL 37 ’ E. Snapp Philip J., Sergt. 37 Dec. 3, ’63 ist Lieut. Oct. 15, ’64. Wheeler Richard, ist .Sergt. 27 Oct. 12, ’61 2d Lieut. March 15, ’62. Carlton David, .Sergt. 36 Dec. 3, ’63 Missing since May 16, '64. Davis Charles W., Sergt. 3“ Oct. 5, ’6i E.xpiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Daniels William E., Sergt. 18 “ 22, ’61 “ “ Derby Putnam T., .Sergt. - 25 “ S* ’61 Eowler Philip M. “ - ■29 “ I, ’61 For Promotion May 30, ’63. Hayward Charles H. “ - 24 Oct 7, ’61 Sergt. Major, May to, ’62. Burchstead David W., Corp. 18 “ 14. ’61 Expiration of service, Oct 13, ’64. Carlton David, Corp. 34 “ I, ’61 To Re-enlist Dec. 2, ’63. Carlton Joseph G. S., Corp. 24 “ I, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’63. Emmerton James A., Corp. 27 Asst. Surg., July 31, ’62. Hiltz Jacob C., Corp. 19 “ 10, ’61 For Promotion, Nov. 8, ’63. Mansfield George .S. Corp. 29 “ I, ’61 Transferred to V. R. 0., heb. 8, ’64. Naigle Jacob, Corp. 34 Disability — March 20, ’63. Phippen George P., Corp. 19 “ 10, ’61 E.xpiration of service. Oct. 13, ’64. R( bbuis Louis L., Corp - 19 Oct. 2, 61 Disability. M inchester Silas, Corp. - 26 Dec. 3, ’61 Missing since May 16, ’64. Woo .lbury Josiah, “ 21 Oct. g, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, 64. ! Gardner Albert G., Musician. 17 jam 3. ’64 Principal .Musician, Sept. 28, ’64. 1 Tarbo.v .Samuel A., Wagoner. ^ - 126 Oct. S, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64 1 I’RIVATES. 1 1 Arrington Benjamin F. - 26 Oct. 14, ’61 Arrington James jr. 29 Disability — May 4, ’62. Austin William R. 19 Oct. 9, ’61 Expiration of service. Sept. 28, ’64. Barnard Samuel jr. 1 24 “ 17. “ iDisability — Sept 28, ’63. Batchelder George H. ' 25 “ 16, “ “ Dec. 20, ’61. Bauer Anton “3 July 17, ’62 1 “ Sept. 14, ’63. Becker Peter 1 30 Oct. 2, ’61 ! Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Brown Ezra L. - 18 “ I4> “ Brooks Samuel H. 1 26 “ 7 . “ 'Died of wounds at Salem, April 6, ’62 Chappie William F. 35 “ 4. “ ^Expiration ot service, Oct. 13, ’64. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 73 DAI'E NAMES AND RANK. AGE OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MI'STER. Cook William L. - 17 Oct. 9, ’61 Disability — Oct. 13, ’62. Crocker Josiah M. - 19 “ 9 . “ E.xpiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Derby Perlev - 3s July 28, '62 Disability — Aug. 7, ’63. “ “ 14, ’6^. ]i;udley Warren - - iS “ 19. “ Edc;erlv Charles E. - 17 Oct. 1 1, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. i^, ’64. Emilio Louis F. - iS “ 19. “ 2d Lieut, e4th Inf., P'eb. 27, ’63. Farley James H. - - 21 “ 14. “ Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Fischer William L. - 26 “ I, “ (i (t Glazier James E. - - 27 “ 10, “ (( (( Gray John H. - 21 “ 16, “ <( (( Grosyenor Edward P. - 29 “ 3 o> “ Hamblett Samuel H. - 17 “ 21 “ 2d Lieut., 5th Battery, Nov. 28, ’63. Died in Prison, Oct. ’64. Hinckley George 0 . - 22 July 28, '62 Lee Francis H. - - 24 Oct. I, ’6l Disability — July 19, ’64. Manning Albert E. - 17 “ 2, “ Manning Joseph A. - 19 “ 8, “ Promotion, Aug. 14 ’63. Martin Henry - 35 ' “ 28, “ Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. -McCloy John B. - - 21 “ 17. “ Disability — March 4, ’62. McDuffie Augustus - 27 ■Aug. 8, ’62 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Morse Charles C. - - 24 “ 8, “ Transferred to V. R. C , Feb. 8, ’64. M unroe Ale.xander A. - 20 Oct. 9, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Nourse George A. - 19 May 14, ’62 Disability — .April 27, ’63. Osborn Frederick M. 17 Noy. 7, ’61 Transferred to V. R. C., April 24, ’64. Osgood George E. - 19 Oct. 5, ’61 “ “ Feb. 8, ’64. Perkins Eben - - 20 “ 16, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Pinkham William A. - “5 15, ’61 Died at Fortress Munroe, Va., Sept. 30. ’64- Price William H. - 21 ‘‘ 9, ’61 Order of War Department, Dec. 6, ’62 Disability — Oct. 7, ’62. “ Nov. 22, ’62. Reed Benjtmin A. - 26 “ >4, ’61 Roberts John S. - - 24 “ Rollins Abijah - 2b “ 16, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Sargent Charles 0 . - “ 24, ’61 “ “ Scriggins Joshua C. - 42 “ 22, “ Disability — Sept. 5, ’62. S haw L rown E. - 25 “ 9. “ Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Snapp Philip J. - 35 “ 0, ’62 To Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’63. 1 Soutlrard .Samuel S. - 30 “15 ’61 Disability — Jan. 3, ’63. “ Sept. 5, ’62. Stone George B. - - 21 “ 8, “ Swaney William H. - 17 “ IS. “ Killed at Drur^ ’s Bluff, Va., May 6, ’64. Symonds Nathaniel C. - 17 “ II, “ Expiration of service, Oct. i-, ’64. Tibbetts Andrew R. - 34 “ 16 “ Disability — Sept. 18, ’63. Thomas Eli C. ' - - 19 “ 4, ’62 Died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 30, 64 'I homas Richard H. - 20 “ 16, ’61 Disability — Sept. 5, ’62. Townsend Wi.liam H. - 19 Died at Point Rocks, Va., July 2, ’64. Trask Ames W. - . 17 “ II, “ Disability — Sept, c, ’62. Upham Oliyer W. IJ. - iS u 2f, “ “ Dec. 26, ’61. Valentine Herbert E. - 20 “ 5. “ Expiration of service, Oct. 13, 64. Wadleigh Curtis E. - 22 Tuly 28, ’62 Disability — March 2, ’63. Waldron John - 20 Oct. 7, ’61 Transferred to V. R. C., Feb. 8, ’64. Waters Henry P'. - - 28 “ 17. “ “ “ April 20 ’64. Winchester Isaac- - 44 •Aug. 28, ’62 Expiration of service, Oct. (3, ’64. Winchester Silas - - 24 Oct. 14, ’61 To Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’63. Walcott Royal E. - - 29 “ S, “ Disability — Sept, 5, ’62. Oom-pan-^T" 0-. Arnold Tames H. - iS Sept. 28, ’61 To Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’63. Arnold James H. - 10 20 Dec. 3, ’63 E.xpiration of service, June 25, ’65. 74 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Blanchard Andrew T- 30 Sept. 28, ’61 To Re-enlist Dec. 2, ’64. Blanchard Andrew J. - 3 ^ Dec. Missing since May 16, ’64. Grimes William H. - 21 Oct. 1 1, ’61 E.xpiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Hutchin:on William - 29 May 5, ’62 tt U Osborn Stephen H. - 34 “ 14, ’62 Order of War Department, June 13 . ’ 6 S- White Caleb B., Sergt. - 26 Oct. 26, ’61 For Promotion, Nov. 9, ’63. PRIVATE. Eeckford Eben - 37 Aug. 7, ’62 ‘ Transferred to V. R. C., Feb. 8, '64. f O omp 3urL3r I. Abbott Adolphus - - 40 Oct. 16, ’6j E.xpiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64.,3n.37- 1 ^. Greenough John W. jr., Corp. 25 Dec. 4, ’ 6 "? Died of wounds at Plampton Va. — June 26, ’64. PRIVATES. Cass dy James 30 July 19 ’62 Disability — March 26, ’63. Clark Albion J. - - 23 Aug. 9, ’62 “ May 7, ’63. Edwards George - 19 Oct. 15, '61 To Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’63. Forness William F. 22 *lay 27, ’62 Disability — .Sept. 18, ’62. Greenough John W. jr., - 23 Aug. 2, ’62 I'o Re-enlist, Dec. 2, ’6 ;. Heywood George - 20 July 30, ’02 Disability — “ 6, ’62. Kenney Benjamin M. Aug. 7, '63 Transferred to V. R. C., Feb. 29, '64. Kennison Orrin W. 32 Aug. 7, ’62 Disability — july 2r, '63. McCormick Thomas 18 “ 3b ’02 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Quinn James ^0 July 19, ’62 Disability — -Jan. 14, ’63. Roberts Henry L. - 28 “ 21, ’63 Transferred to V. R. C , Feb. S, ’64. TJna.ssig' IR-s cr-o-its. Fish Charles W. ■ 32 Feb. 15, ’65 Died at Salem, Sept. 30, ’65. Pinckton William - 34 fuly 14, ’62 Rogers Joseph C. - , 31 “ 21, ’62 Trask Joseph E. - 18 Jan. 25, ’64 Rejected Recruit, Tan. 27, ’64. PATRIOTS OF SALFM. 75 Twenty- Fourth Kegiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. DATE NAMES AND RANK. .VGE. OF TERMINATION OE SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. George G. Wildes, Chap. July I, ’63 Declined Commission. Edmund B. Wilson, Chap. Oct. 21, ’63 Resigned, July 6, ’64. George F. Austin, Capt. - -3 Sept. 2, ’61 “ Sept. I, ’62. John Ualand, Capt. -3 Expiration of service. Sept. 2, ’64. George \V. Gardner, Capt. 27 Aug. 27, ’62 “ “ Oct. 14, ’64. James B. Nichols, Capt. - 30 June 27, ’63 Disabilit)' — Sept, i, ’64. D. Frank Stoddard, Capt. 31 April 10, ’05 E.xpiration of service, Jan. 20, ’66. George W. Gardner, ist Lieut. - 27 Sept. 2, ’6i Capt. Aug. 27, ’62. James B. Nichols, “ 30 “ “ June 27, ’63. Charles T. Perkins “ 3' Vtarch 12, ’64 Resigned June 10, ’64. B. hrank Stoddard “ 3' Oct. 14, ’04 Capt. April ic, ’65. C.rarles T. Perkins, 2d Lieut. 31 Aug. 27, ’62 1st Lieut. March 13, ’64. Nichols William C., Musician. 33 Oct. 10, '61 Order of War Department, Aug. 30, ’02. Stanley Abraham J., “ - 33 a u f Oompa-iriTT" B. Chipman Charles G., ist Sergt. - 21 Sept. 5, ’61 For Promotion, Sept. 30, ’63. Kehew Francis A., Sergt. 27 Dec. 19, ’63 Deserted, Sept. 21, ’65. Peach George S., “ - 27 Sept. 12, ’ui Di ability — April 22, ’64. Plummer Prank, “ 25 “ 25, “ To Re-enlist, Dec. 18, ’63. Wiley William F. “ - 24 “ “ Bly Eenjamin, Corp. -3 “ 25, “ Disability — June 2, ’63. Lhase canaries P. Corp. - -3 Dec. 19, ’63 Expiration of service, Jan. 20, ’65. Friend Allred, Corp. 31 Oct. 20, ’6t Died of wounds [uly 17, ’63. Greeley Thomas J., Corp. liO Dec. 19,. ’63 Expiration of service, Jan. 20, ’66. Luscomb illiam PL, Corp. 20 “ “ Nolan P'rancis, Corp. 25 (( Abbott Charles J., Wagoner. 22 Oct. 17, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 17, ’64. PRIVATES. Chase Charles P. 21 Nov. 12, ’61 To Re-enlist, Dec. 18, ’63. L hesley Charles H. 18 Sept. 18, ’01 U (1 Chesley Charles IT. 20 Dec. 19, ’63 Expiration of service, Jan. 20, ’65. Critchet Charles E. 3' Sept. 25, t>i “ “ Sept. 23, ’64. Greeley Thomas J. iS *■ 18, “ To Re-enlist, Dec. iS, ’63. . Kehew Francis A. 25 Oct. 17, ’61 (( (( Kehew George 21 a « Kehew George -3 Dec. 19, ’63 Expiration of service, Jan. 20, ’66. Kehew John iT. - 26 Oct. 17, ’61 To Re-enlist, Dec. 18, ’63. Kehew John H. - 30 Dec. 19, ‘63 Deserted, Aug. 17, ’65. Luscomb William H - 18 Sept. 10, ’61 To Re-enlist, Dec. 18, ’63. McIntyre George - 19 “ 18, “ Died of wounds, at Newbern, N. C., April 10, '62. Nolan Francis 23 Nov. 12, ’61 To Re-enlist, Dec. 18, ’63. O’Keefe John 30 Sept. 14, ’61 Expiration of service. Sept. 14, ’6^. Oldson Francis T. 26 Dct . 17, ’61 Died of wounds, Sept. 6, ’62. 0 Neal Thomas - 28 Oct. 19, ’61 Disability — Aug. 7, 63 Parkei George F. 19 Sept. 30, ’61 To Re enlist Dec. i8, ’63. Parker George F. - 21 Dec. 19, ’63 Disability — July 21, ’65. Reed Thomas 34 Oct. 5, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 5, ’64. 76 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Scates David M. - 26 Oct. 23, ’61 Disability — Oct. 28, ’62. Sinclair David - 36 “ 3 ’61 To Re-enlist Dec. 18, ’63. Sinclair David - 3S Dec. 10, ’63 Expiration of service, Jan. 20, ’65. Willey Albert W. - - 20 Sept. 25, ’61 Disability — Sept. 12, '62. Oo2:r2.p3i,n,37- C Perkins Charles T., ist Sergt. 3’ Oct. 24. ’61 2d Lieut., Aug. 27, ’62. Stoddard Benjamin F., Sergt. - “ 15. “ To Re-enlist Jan. 3, ’64. Stoddard Benjamin F., “ ■ “3 Jan. ^1, ’64 1st Lieut., Nov. 5, ’64. Oon:2.p2.3n.37' I D. Brown Patrick Dec. I, ’61 Disability — .'\pril 15, ’63. Clark Sylvester - “ 5 >“ Killed at Little Washington, N. C. Sept. 6, ’62. Ford Charles F. - - “ I, “ Disabilitv-S-April 15, ’63. Mahoney John C. - - 33 “ 3, “ To Re-enlist Jan. i, ’64. Mahoney John C. - 35 Jan. 2, ’64 Expiration of service, Jan. 20, ’65.,n.37- IE. Edgerly Samuel A., Sergt. - 22 Oct. 15, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 1 5, ’64.‘- Shaw Walter G. C. C., Corp. - 21 Feb. 24, ’64 Expiration of service, Jan. 20, ’66. PRIVATES. S}'monds Henry A. 18 “ 18, “ (i Willey Albert VV. 24 “ 24, “ (( (t -tE. Coughlin Thos 11., Wagoner. - -3 Jan. 4, ’64 Expiration of service, Jan. 20, ’65. PRIVATES. Brown Oliver 41 Oct. 30, ’61 “ “ Oct. 29, ’64. Coughlin Thomas H. 21 “ 10, “ To Re-enlist Jan. 3, ’64. Edwards Richard L. 40 July 28, ’62 1 1 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 77 NAMES AND RANK. AGE DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Edwards Richard L. - McLaughlin Michael Mullen Patrick A. Noonan John 42 23 32 21 Jan. 4, ’64 Sept. 18, ’61 Oct. 12, “ Nov. 14, ’61 Expiration of service, Jan. 20, ’ 65 . “ “ Sept. 17, ’64. Killed at Deep Run, Va., Aug. 14, ’64. Disability — May 13, ’64. Twexty- Sixth Regiment Infantry, M.V., — Three Years. Ooa: 3 :ip 3 -iX 37 - JD. Davis Benjamin T. Warner William W. 33 23 Oct. 18, ’61 Sept. 17, “ Transferred to 5th U.S. Art, Feb. 7, ’63 To Re-enlist Dec. 31, ’63. Twenty-Eighth Re3ijient Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. 2 :i 37 - Schopic Leo 29 July 21, ’64 Deserted, June 12, ’65.,2:i3T E. Bowen Francis 28 July 23, ’64 Expiration of service, July 9, ’65. Magrath David, Corp. 23 Dec. 13, ’61 Transferred to V. R. C., March 1 5, ’64. PRIVATE. Tschopik Leo - . - . 21 July 21, ’64 f 78 PATRIOTS OF SALEM.^T’ ID . NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Hackett Michael - Nugent John 32 34 July 26, ’64 E.vpiration of service, June 30, ’65. July 5, “,2:i37- !H3. Coughlin Edmund C. - Regan Stephen iS 21 Dec. 13, ’61 Expiration of service, June 29, ’65. Transferred to V. R. C., Feb. 15, ’64. TJa:2.a,ssig-n.3ca. IE5,ecrt:Lit3. Cane Thomas Delmer Henry . - - Franklin George - - - Johnson Louis Kelley James Matthews Henry - McCormick Thomas Stevens John 30 21 36 ■9 22 33 21 22 July 19, ’64 “ 26, “ “ 19. “ “ 27) “ Twea'ty-Ninth Regiment Infantry, M V. — Three Years CcrrLpa.xip' E. Beckett William H. 20 July 21, ’64 Expiration of service, July 29, ’65. OorcLpstan-TT" O’Sullivan Timothy 45 Nov. 18, ’61 Disability — Oct. 22, ’62. k:. Dominick Joseph - Galloway John H. 21 21 Dec. 14, ’61 Disabilty — May 26, '65. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 79 NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Kezar Walter A., Sergt. - 28 Jan. 18, ’62 Disability — Sept. 9, ’62. PRIVATES. Gardner Benjamin F. Gove Charles F. - 24 26 “ 14, “ Expiration of service, May 24, ’64. May ’62. "Crn.a.ssig'iaeca. I^ Clark Patrick 23 Aug. 6, ’.64 Thirtieth Eeghment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Charles A. K. Dimon, ist Lieut. - 20 Feb. 2, ’62 Major 2d Louisiana Vols., Oct. 20, ’62. Kelly Thomas, Sergt. 29 Oct. 3, ’61 To Re-enlist Jan. i, ’64. PRIVATES. Garrity John 3 - Sept. 30, ’61 To Re-enlist Jan. l, ’64. Garritv iohn 34 Jan. 2, ’04 Expiration of service, July 5, ’66. Monarch Eben 42 Oct. 9, ’61 To Re-enlist Jan. i, ’04. Monarch Eben 44 Jan. 2, ’64 Expiration of service, July 5, ’66. “ “ Oct. 17, ’64. Sherwin William jr. 19 Oct. -2, ’61 Hassett Martin 21 Dec. 9, “ Died at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 9, ’63. Oo 2, 2 n. 37 - X). Kittredge Elenry A., Corp. 44 Oct. 30, ’6 1 Died at New Orleans, La., Aug. 5, ’62. PRIVATES. Baker Henry C. - 25 Sept. 15, ’62 Assigned from 50th Inf., Jan. 19, ’65. Brown Henry jr., - 33 Nov. 30, ’61 To ke-fenlist Jan. l, 64. Disability — July ii, ’65. Brown Henry jr., - 35 Jan. 2, ’64 April 3, ’62 Kittredge Henry - 43 Died at New Orleans, La., Oct. 9, ’62. Stevenson Robert - - - 32 Nov. 30, ’61 fan. 16, ’64. 80 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Ooann.p=i, 3 rL 37 - NAMES AND RANK. \.GE. DAT'E OV MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Astrom Carl 21 Dec. II, ’61 jExpiration of service, Dec. 22, ’64. Coi 3,rL 37 ' Hayes Maurice . - - 3 - Nov. 13, ’61 Died at Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 8, ’62. Con:i.pan. 37 ' lEI. Crowley Philip 40 Jan. I, ’62 Died at Carrolton, La., Aug. 24, ’62. Cordpa-n^ Z. Bruce Daniel J. - 22 Dec. 28, ’61 Promoted to U. S. C. T., June 2, ’63. Thirty-Second Eegiment Infantry, M.V., — Three Years. Charles A. Dearborn jr., Capt. - Charles A. Dearborn jr., ist Lieut. Monaghan Jos., Com. Sergt. 21 Aug. 14, ’62 Nov. 14, ’61 March 29, ’64 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, ’62. Capt., Aug. 14, ’62. Order of War Department, Aug. 30, ’64. Ooi'n.p 3 /XL 3 r Farnum Henry A. - - Goodhue Amos D. 35 18 Nov. 14, ’65 \ug. 14, ’62 Disability — July 30, ’62. Transferred to V. R. C., March 15, ’64 Ooa:2:2.pazi3r E. McFadden Albert Toomey John ... 25 20 July 10, ’63 an. 14, ’64 expiration of service, June 29, '65. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 8 1 0. NAMES A-ND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Brady Patrick R. - Vaughn Charles E. 24 18 Feb. 27, ’64 Nov. 15, ’61 E.xpiration of service, June 29, ’65. To Re-enlist, Jan. 4, ’64. Ooanapaan.3r O). Jennis Tames D. - Jennis Thomas J. - Powers Edward - . - 33 23 20 Aug. 14, ’62 “ 13. ’62 March 28, ’64 Disability — March 25, ’63. Transferred to V. R. C. July 18, ’64. E.xpiration of service, June 29, ’65. Ooann.paan.3r Fitzpatrick John - - - 23 Nov. 12, ’63 E.xpiration of service, June 29, ’65. O0ann.paan.3r Phinney Edwin, Corp. 24 Dec. 31, ’63 Disability May 27, ’65. Ooann.paan.3r XI. Roarke Thomas, Musician. Roarke Thomas, Musician. PRIVATES. Mullane Martin Wynder Thomas - 18 20 25 26 Aug. 19, ’62 Jan. s, ’64 Ang. II, ’62 Sept. 10, ’64 To Re-enlist, Jan. 4, ’64. E.xpiration of service, June 29, ’65 Deserted. Expiration of service, June 29, ’65. Ooanapaan.3r I-i. Schwitzer George Scheledel Otto - ’ - 27 22 Aug. 29, ’63 “ 28, ’63 • Expiration of service, June 29, ’65. Ooanapaan.3r ILvI. Robinson Edward L., ist Sergt. - 1 1 25 Sept. 6, ’61 j Transferred to V. R. C., July 18, ’64. 82 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. PRIVATES. Adams Henry J. - Bonner John Butman Luther C. - - Roark Frank 25 23 37 28 July 13, ’63 Sept. I, ’63 July 16, ’63 “ 6, ’64 Transferred to V. R C., July 18, ’64. Expiration of service, (absent sick) June 29, ’65. Order of War Department, June 19, ’65. Expiration of service, June 29, ’65. ■CJ2na,ssig"n.eca. I^ Bolend James - - - j 22 Sept. 3, ’63. Thirty-Fifth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Samuel C. Oliver, Capt. - Charles F. Williams jr., 2d Lieut. Thorndike D. Hodges, 2d Lieut. 32 21 26 Aug. 12, ’62 Jan. I, ’63 Major 2d H. Art., Aug. 27, ’63. Died of wounds, Sept. 22, ’62. Promotion, May 30, ’63.,n.3r lE^. Grant Frederick, ist Sergt. 28 July 19, ’62 Nov. 19, ’63. 1 Thirty-Ninth Regiment Infantry, M V. — Three Years Charles L. Peirson, Col. - Charles L. Peirson 30 28 July 13, ’64 Aug. 30, ’62 Disability — Jan. 4, ’65 as Lieut. Col. Col., July 13, ’64.' -A.. Butlar Benjamin F. Richardson William L. - 29 20 Aug. 18, ’62 Transferred to Navy, April 21, ’64. Expiration of service, June 2, ’65. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 83 Cozripa,xi3r 0-. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Andrew A. Chipman, ist Sergt. - 27 June 5, ’64 Order of War Department, Aug. 23, ’64. Fortieth Eegiment Infantry, M. V. — Three Tears. Joseph A. Dalton, Lieut. Col. 46 Sept 2, '62 Disability — Jan. 25, ’64. John Pollock, “ “ 25 Feb. 4, ’65 Expiration of service, June 16, ’65. Joseph A. Dalton, Major. 46 Aug. 20, ’62 Lieut. Col., Sept. 2, ’62. A. Parker Browne, “ 28 “ 26, ’63 Resigned, March 5, ’64. Charles G. Cox, “ 26 June 2, ’64 Resigned, Dec. 2, ’64. John Pollock, “ - 24 1 )ec. 7, ’64 Lieut Col., Feb. 4, ’65. f. Henry Thayer, Chap. - Sept. 17, '62 Resigned, May, 15, ’63. Augustus M. Haskell, Chap. 31 “ ’63 “ March 6, ’64. Daniel H. Johnson jr., Capt. 27 Aug. 20, 62 “ Feb. 25, ’63. Henry F. Danforth, “ 25 “ 23, ’62 Disability — Feb. 24, ’64. Richard Skinner jr., “ 43 Nov. 8, ’62 “ Jan. 25, ’64. John Pollock, “ 24 Jan. 26, ’64 Major, Dec. 7, ’64. Charles G. Cox, “ 25 Feb. 25, ’64 “ June 2, ’64. Charles W. Chase, Capt. - “ 18, ’65 Expiration of service, as ist Lieut. June 16, ’65. Joseph H. Webb, ist Lieut. 31 Aug. 20, ’62 Resigned, Dec. 8, ’62. A. Parker Browne, ist Lieut. 27 “ 25, ’62 Major, Aug. 26, ’63. George C. Bancrott, ist Lieut. - 25 Dec. 9, ’62 Killed at Old Church, Va., June i,’64. John Pollock, ist Lieut. - 23 June 27, ’63 Capt. Jan. 26, ’64. Webb Augustine P'., ist Sergt. - 21 Aug. 22, ’62 2d Lieut., Dec. 9, ’63. Pickett Charles, ist Sergt. Sept. 3, ’62 Expiration of service, June 16, ’65. Crush Benjamin S., Sergt. 42 Aug. 22, ’62 Expiration of service, June 16, ’65. Nichols James W., Sergt. 21 H 2d Lieut., June 2, ’63. Russell John H., “ 18 U Expiration of service, June 16, ’65. Call Aaron W., Corp. 23 u Davis Samuel, Corp. 30 (( U U J Edwards George W., Corp. . 23 (( Died at Folly Island, S.C., Sept. 12, ’63. Jewell Charles S., Wagoner. 3 (> i< Transferred to V. R. C., Dec. 15, ’63. PRIVATES. Anderson George F. 18 Aug. 22, ’62* Order War Department, May 18, ’65. Ballard Erancis A. 19 « Transferred to V. R. C., June 15, ’65. Bissell Wesley T. - 18 Disability — April 10, ’64. Call Isaac - - - 18 (( Transferred to V. R. C., Nov. 15, ’63. Kilham Alexander S. 20 (t Disability — May ii, ’63. Kimball Joseph A. 28 Order of War Department, June 30. ’65- 84 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Lahey Jeremiah - 37 Aug. 22, ’62 Expiration of service, (absent sick) June 16, ’65. Norwood Alexander 43 Disability — Sept. 21, ’63. Nutting Joseph H. 18 Expiration of service June 16, ’65. Rowe George E. - 18 “ Thorner Samuel R. - - 19 Disability — Nov. 18, ’62. Webb Henry jr. - 21 Order of War Department, June 8, ’6.S. Coinpaa:i37' ■JD. Wilson Jacob H., ist Sergt. 26 Sept. 3, ’62 2d Lieut., June 9, ’63. Bulger James, Sergt. 20 Expiration of service, June 16, ’65. Busted Andrew “ 22 (( Transferred to V. R. C., Jan, 10, ’65. 1 Chase Charles W., Sergt. 19 (( 1st Lieut., Sept. 7, ’64. Guilford Samuel W., “ - 28 “ Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, ’64 Pratt Jonathan - 26 Expiration of service, June 16, ’05. Cochran James, Corp. 29 Gwinn Edward A., Corp. - 35 Died of wounds, June 27, ’64. Killed at Hatchers Run, Va., May Kyle Robert, Corp. 20 20, '64. Cunniff Martin, Musician. Principal Mus., May i, ’63. PRIVATES. Dalton Patrick 24 Transferred to V. R. C., Nov. 15, ’63. Gardner Charles H. 20 Expiration of service, June 16, '05. Martin Edward 44 McFarland Peter - 27 Died at St. Augustine, Florida, Dec. Miner Jonathan F. 20, ’63. 44 Order of War Department, June 16, ’65. : Miners John T. • 44 Sept. 3, ’62 Order of War Department, June 10, ’65. Disability — Jan. 9, ’64. Order of War Department, June Ogden James 29 : Peach William jr. 24 (( 21, ’65. , Simonds William 26 U Disability — Nov. 2, '62. ■ Simonds William II. 35 Expiration of service, June 16, ’65. Symonds Henry A. 18 Feb. 18, ’64 transferred to 24th Inf. Disability — Nov. 2, ’62. ; Tolman Stephen W. 35 Sept. 3, ’62. Torr Joseph 28 Deserted, Dec. 25, ’62. Wil man Timothy A. 40 Transferred to V. R. C., Aug. ’63. ■ Wiley William - - - 24 Feb. 24, ’64 |Order of War Department, June 3O' ’63- Co3:xipa.Ti.37' 0 -. Cox Charles G. - “3 Sept. 18, ’62 2d Lieut., Aug. 15, ’62.,rL37- lESI. Shaw Walter G C. C. - 21 Ipeb. 24, ’64. Ifransferred to 24th Inf. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 85 TJna-ssig-xieca. I^ecria-it. NA.MES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Nichols James W. 21 Feb. 26, ’64 Rejected recruit, May i, ’64. Fifiy- Fourth Regiment Infantry, M.V., — Three Years. Lincoln R. Stone,' Surg. - Louis F. Emilio, Capt. Charles G. Chipman, Capt. Louis F. Emilio, ist Lieut. Charles G. Chipman, ist Lieut. Louis F. Emilio, 2d Lieut Charles G. Chipman, 2d Lieut. .^0 April 21 ’63 18 May 23, ’b ,3 22 Dec. 16, ’64 18 April 14 ’63 22 Jan. 20, '64 18 March to, ’6t 22 May 31, ’63 Asst. Surg. U. S. 'Vols. May ii, ’64. May 30, ’64. Expiration of service, Aug. 20, ’65 Capt. May 22, ’63. Capt. Dec. 16, ’64. 1st Lieut., April 14, ’63. 1st Lieut. Jan. 20, ’64. Fletcher Francis A., Sergt. 22 March 30, ’6; Expiration of service, Aug. 20, ’65. ■CJzisussig’in.ed. IE2.2cr'a.its. Anderson Joseph - 18 Jan. 19, ’65 Transferred to 55th Inf. Cassell Charles C. 32 Sept. 2, ’64 (< H Cassell John M. - 42 “ 3 . “ (< ct Chase Jacob C. - 22 “ I, “ << (( Colman George B. - - 28 “ 3 - “ H “ “ I, “ Sept 3, ’64 March 28, ’65 “ i> ’ 6 s March 6, 65 July 23, ’63 Expiration of service, Aug. 29, ’65. (( . Hayes John - 44 Feb. 9, ’64 Expiration of service, July 30, ’65.,n. 3 r E. Luscom'b Goorge W., Sergt. - 30 March 4, ’64 Expiration of service, July 30, ’65. PRIVATES. Durgin Thomas 19 Feb. 4, ’64. « (( (( Murphy William - 2.5 Sweeny Morgan - “ 21 “ 9, ’64 Order of War Department, June 7, ’65 Fifty-Ninth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years John Hodges jr , Lieut. Col. 22 Feb. 2, ’64 Jan. 25, ’64 Killed, Aug. 3, ’64. Benjamin h'. Milward, ist Lieut. Benjamin Symonds '9 Disability — Dec. 8, ’64. 1st Lieut., March 28, ’65; Disability — Julv 30 , ’65. Nathan A. Frye, 2d Lieut. Sept. II, ’63 Commission Revoked. Oox2rLpa.rL37' Wiley George E., Sergt. - 23 Dec. q, *6'^ Killed, July 30, ’64. Gorman John, Corp. 18 Transferred to 57th Reg., June i, ’65. PRIVATES. Chase John R. ■ 18 Transferred to 57th Reg., June i, ’65. Francis Joseph 42 <( Killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 1 2, ’64 Lee Robert G . - 25 <( Lee William R. - 19 it Transferred to 57 Inf., June i, ’65. Ruth John- 18 u Wright Nathaniel F 35 u Disability — Nov. 28, ’64. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 89 i Oojripaii3r ZB. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Benson Samuel B. ist Sergt. 30 Jan. 5, ’64 Order of War Department, Co. E. Sherman Charles F., ist Sergt. 29 « June 2, ’65. Tansferred to 57 Inf. June i, ’65. Upton Edward, Sergt. - 27 Order of War Department, June 19, ’65 PRIVATE. Curtis Alonzo - 35 Oct. I, ’64 Transferred to 57th Inf., June i, ’65. C oianpaariTT C. Piper John F., Sergt. . 24 July 25, ’64 Jan. 14, ’64 Order of War Department, May 14, ’65 Killed at Petersburg, Va., Feb. 27, ’65. Martin George, A. Musician. 18 Conapan.3r Butman George A., Musician. - 17 Feb. 9, ’64 Died at Petersburg, Va., May 29, ’64. PRIVATES. Harrington Daniel 18 Died of wounds, March 27, ’65. Transferred to 57th Inf., June i, ’65. Hayes John - ' - - 44 “ Ruth Edward " 18 Ooa:ri.pan.3r I G. Chandler Isaac H., Corp. - 21 Feb. 4, ’64 Died of wounds. May 12, ’64. PRIVATES. Durgin Thomas - 19 Transferred to 57th Inf., June i, ’65. McCabe Patrick - - 3« McDonnell David - 18 Died at Alexandria, Va., Aug. 25, ’64. Transferred to 57th Inf., June i, ’65. Murphy William - - 23 U Sweeny Morgan 21 (( U Co2:rj.pan.3r IF’. Walker W. A., Sergt. - 25 Feb. 20, ’64 Disability — June 10, ’65. 90 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. C!,rL3r 0-. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Luscomb George W., Sergt. 30 March 4, ’64 Transferred to 57th Inf., June i, ’65. Oonapa-an.3r XI. Oldson Edwin U., Musician. 18 March 12, ’64 Disability — Jan. 15, ’65. PRIVATE. Roberts George - 43 <( Died at Alexandria, Va., Feb. 6, ’65. Oo3:2rLpa-rL3r I. Barrett Peter 41 April 2, ’64 Died of wounds, Feb. 16, ’65. Oon:ipa,3:i.3r H. Preston John F. 2 April 21, ’64 Killed at Wilderness, Va., May 6, ’64. Sixty- First Regiment Infantry, M.V., — Three Years.' E. Birmingham John 00 Aug. 25, ’65 Discharged, June 4, ’65. Buswell John H. - - - 23 Sept. 12, ’64 Disability — June 4, ’65. Hoyt George N. - - - 20 \ug. 29, “ Expiration of service, June 4, ’65. Lundy Michael - - 44 Sept. I, “ U (( Small William M. 39 Aug. 31, “ U (( ID. Broderick Dennis 33 Sept. 2, ’64 Cronin John - 33 Aug. 23, “ Taylor Peter ■ 23 Aug. 25, “ E.\piration of service, June 4, ’65. Disability — “ “ PATRIOTS OF SALEM. QI lEJ. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Rowe Janies H. 27 Sept. 21, ’64 Died Nov. 8, ’64. Conapanrijr X. Terrance Edward - 30 Jan. 30, ’65 Expiration of service, July 16, ’65. Sixty-Second Regiment Infantry, M.V.— Three Years Charles S. Emerson, 2d Lieut. - March 2, ’65 Never Mustered. Oom-paia^r ..£^. Hall James A. - Stevens Samuel . - - 18 29 March 17, ’65 << Expiration of service. May 5, 65. Ooi^pa.n.y C. Gorten Samuel, Sergt. Danforth George, Corp. - PRIVATES. Barnett Patrick French John . - - Ivory John McAdams Patrick McSweegan James . 24 22 23 22 21 32 23 March 13, ’65 April 13, ’65 “ 12, “ “ 4 , “ “ 12, “ Expiration of service. May 5, ’65. « U « \ it u CoT 3 2 :i 3 r Atkinson Frank E., ist Sergt. Atwood Frank, “ Conway Dennis, Sergt. Conway James, “ Kezar George W., Sergt. March 27, ’65 “ 29, “ March 29, ’65 Expiration of service. May 5, ’65. ^ (( it U ii , U u • 92 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF 'SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Sterling William S., Sergt. March 29, ’65 Expiration of service. May 5, ’65. Ford Stephen, Corp. “ 15. “ « a Noyes George S., “ - - “ 23, “ « « Varina William, “ “ 29, “ u PRIVATES. Berry James A. « a H Binney Thomas J. - - H a a Brown Charles W. April II, n « Breed Frank S. - “ 3 * “ a <4 Cheney Richard R. W. - March 4, “ << 44 Clark John W. April 1;, “ 44 Conant George W. “ 6, “ « 44 Daley Lewis T. - “ 3, “ 44 (4 Dailey Thomas - - - “ 4 , “ 44 44 Ferrick James March 21, “ 44 44 Foley James ... “ 29, “ ' 44 44 Gibbions Lyman O. April 3, “ 44 44 Haley James “ 21, “ 44 44 Hilton Charles H. - - “ 4 , “ 44 44 Higgins Thomas ... “ 6, “ 44 44 Mauser John B. - “ 3 i> “ Madden Stephen - “ 4 , “ 44 44 Messenger Hugh G. - - “ 29, “ 44 44 Morse James ... “ II, “ 44 44 Noyes Charles W. “ 4 , “ 44 44 Packard William - March 27, “ 44 44 Patten Frank ... “ 6, “ 44 44 Sinclair James ... April 4, “ 44 44 White John ... “ 44 44 Wiggins George A. March 6, “ 44 44 Westwood George April 5, “ 44 44 Wentworth Charles F. “ 4, “ 44 44 First-Company Sharpshooters, M.V. — Three Years. John Saunders, Capt. Sept. 2, ’61 Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, ’62. George C. Gray, 2d Lieut. 2S Resigned May 30, ’62. Stone Charles, Corp. 23 Feb. 16, ’64 Order War Department, June 12,’ 65. PRIVATES. ♦ Adams Charles P. 22 March 17, ’62 Disability — Sept. 16, ’62. Gifford Charles P. 19 Nov. 24, ’61 Died July i, ’62. . Gray Joseph 39 Sept. 2, ’61 Disability — Jan. 27, ’63. Stone Charles - - - 21 U To Re-enlist Feb. 16, ’64. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 93 Second Company Sharpshooters, M.V. — Three Years. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Lewis H. Wentworth, Capt. . 39 Sept. 24, ’61 Resigned July 16 ’62. Lewis H. Wentworth, Capt. - 40 Aug. 20, ’62 Disability — May 18, ’63. Robert Smith “ - 23 May 19, ’63 Expiration of service, Oct. 17, ’64. Charles D. Stiles, ist Lieut. - 24 Sept. 24, ’61 Resigned- Aug, 4, ’62. Edward Upton “ - 24 Aug. 6, ’62 Disability — Jan. 29, ’63. Robert Smith “ - 22 Jan. 30, ’63 Capt. May 19, ’63. Alvan A. Evans, ist Lieut. - 21 Sept. 24, ’61 Resigned July 5, "62. Robert Smith 2d Lieut. - - 21 July 7, ’62 1st Lieut. Jan. 30, ’63 Edward Upton, ist Sergt. - 24 Sept. 20, ’61 ist Lieut. Aug. 6, ’62. Smith Robert, Sergt. - 21 “ 16, 2d Lieut. July 7, ’62. Archer William H., Corp. - 40 “ 14, “ Disability — Dec. 29, ’62. Batchelder John H. “ - 43 “ 13. “ “ Nov. 29, ’62. Thomas Charles S. “ ' 27 “ 20, “ “ April 15, “ PRIVATES. Adams Henry J. - - 2S July 13, ’61 Transferred to 32d Inf., Oct. 26, ’64. Archer Benjamin F. - 18 Aug. 13, ’62 Disability — June 30, ’63. Allen William H.- - 32 Oct. 3, ’61 “ Oct. I, ’62 Berg William R. - - 27 Sept 16, ’61 Disability — Jan. 30, ’63. Clements Charles H. - 18 Aug. 28, ’61 “ Sept. 22, ’62. Crane Albert J. - - Oct. 5, ’61 Discharged Oct. 17, ’64- Clemons William H. - 21 Aug. II, ’62 Expiration of service, Oct. 17, ’64 Gage Andrew J. - - 41 Sept. 19, ’61 Disability — Oct. i, ’61. Gardner Abel - 24 “ 26, “ “ Sept. 22, ’62. Grosvenor Edward P. - Oct. 5, “ On Muster Roll, but no other report. Gardner James W. - 35 Aug. 27, ’62 Expiration of service, Oct. 17, ’64. Gallnear Charles - - 45 Dec. 23, ’63 Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 10, ’64 Hutchinson George C. - 38 “ 26, “ Transferred to V. R. C., March 10, ’64. Knowlton George W. - 23 Disability — Dec. 30, ’62. Lewis George B. - - 26 July 13, ’63 May ’64. May Henry E. - 44 Aug. 30, ’62 Transferred to V. R. C., Sept. 10, '63. McKenzie John W. - 40 July 13, ’63 Killed at Spottsylvania, Va ,May 10, ’64 Meady Daniel F. - 34 Sept. 7, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 17, ’64. Melcher Levi L. - - 25 Sept. 13, ’61 Disability — May i, ’62. Morrison John - 21 Aug. 28, ’63 Killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, ’64 Miller Allen jr. - 19 Sept. 16, ’61 Discharged, Oct. 17, ’64 ■ Osgood Cyrus M. - 28 Sept. 2, ’62 Died of wounds at Chancellorsville, Va., May 27, ’64. Roberts Stephen - - 38 Aug. 30, ’62 Expiration of service, Oct. 17, ’64. Roberts John - 38- Aug. 40, ’62 Discharged, Oct. 17, ’64. Sikey William H. - 44 “ II, ’62 Expiration of service, Oct. 17, ’64. Stillman Samuel - - 23 <( Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, ’64. Trask Moses A. - 39 “ 25, “ Expiration of service, Oct. 17, ’64. • Veteran Reserve Corps. Abbott Adolphus 40 Feb. 14, ’65 Arrington James - 32 July 7, ’64 Order War Department, Nov. 8, ’65. 94 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DATE NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Barnard Samuel - 27 July 7, ’64 1 Bixby Joseph H. - - - 22 Sept. 5, ’64 i Cook Jeremiah - ,17 “ 12, “ ' Daley James P. - - Aug. 30, ’64 Disability — April 6, ’65. Derby Perley - - 40 July 25, ’64 Order War Department, Nov. 17, ’65. ■ ' Drahan Nichols - - 20 ‘ ‘ 26, “ Edwards George K. - - 28 Aug. 24, ’64 P'ield Charles - 48 Sept. 12, ’64 P'yre Daniel M. - - 22 Aug. 24, ’64 Order of War Department, Nov. 17, '65. Grieve Thomas - - 21 July 27, ’64 Order of War Department, Jan. 30, ’66 Janes William H. - - - 24 Oct. 19, ’64 Jewett John W. - - - 22 July 27, ’64 Order War Department, Nov. 21, ’65. Johnson Frederick A. - - 28 Oct. 10, ’64 “ “ “ 14, “ Pierce [ohn - - 36 Aug. 31, ’64 Pope Benjamin C. - - “3 Dec. 31, ’64 Order War Department, Jan. 8, ’66. ■ Preble John - 21 Aug. 2, ’64 Quinn John - - 25 July 14, ’64 Shorten James - - 33 Nov. 5, ’64 Smith Daniel F. - 34 Sept. 13, ’64 Soper Jeremiah - - 47 Aug. 13, ’64 Swett Francis F. - - - 43 Dec. 30, ’64 Tarbox David - 44 Sept. 3, ’64 Tebbetts Andrew R. - - 37 “ 10, ’64 Thomas Richard H. - - 23 July 7 > ’64 Wentworth. John - 47 Aug. 8, ’64 Order War Department, Nov. 27, ’65. Regular A.emy. P’uller Charles G. - 30 vlarch 29, ’64 Signal Corps. Gardner William - - 30 3 ept. 28, ’64 Third Artillery. Rice George - 27 “ 29, ’64 Hospital Steward. Sassfield Edward - - 29 Oct. 17. ’64 Third Infantry. Studies John ' - 27 Sept. 28, ’64 “ Artillery. Sullivan Patrick - - - 26 Oct. 3, ’64 (( H u. s. Veteran Vols. (Hancock’s Corps.) Arrington Benjamin E. 27 Feb. 9, ’65 Discharged Feb. 9, ’66. Hoar Thomas - - 33 Jan. 19, ’65 U. S. Colored Troops, Davis George 37 March 8, ’65 ['Ifth Artillery. Warren Moses - - 30 “ “ Willis Lewis 29 “ PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 95 OTHER ENLISTMENTS. Note. — Since the compilation of the list of names contained in this book, the Publishers have been enabled to obtain the following, received too late for insertion in their proper places, and of too much importance to be left out altogether, we consider it proper to insert them under the head of MISCELLANEOUS. First EEanviENT Heavy Artillery, M.V. — Three Years.,n.3r NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Morse Henry ... 19 July 25, ’62 Expiration of service, July 8, ’64. OcnrLpa.n.37’ O. Arnold Isaac Batchelder Walter Billows James - / - Powers John Tarbox William H. 31 22 2 1 20 21 July 30, ’63 July 26, ’62 Aug. 6 , ’63 “ 15, ’61 July 23, ’61 Expiration of service, July 8, ’64. Expiration of service, Aug. 30, ’64. Mustered out, Aug. 31, ’65. Re enlisted, Jan. 5, ,64.,H3r ID. Brown Thomas E. - - Campbell John C. Davis Andrew L. - Upton Robert ■23 23 18 19 July I, ’62 July 29, ’62 “ 5. ’61 Wounded, May 19, and discharged July 8, ’64. Mustered out, July 31, ’65. Prisoner, Escaped Feb. 26, ’64. Mustered out, July 8, ’64. Co2::npa,rL37- IE. Brown James H. - 3 S Aug. 5, ’62 Mustered out, July 8, ’64, (absent sick) 96 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. IE'. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. McKown John B. - - 23 July 22, ’61 Prisoner, June 22, ’64. Died at Milan Ga., Nov. 18, ’64. Conapan.37’ C-. Clarrage Edward D. Usher Horace D. - - 23 20 Aug. 28, ’62 July 20, ’62 Mustered out, July 8, ’64. U ii Co2mpar5.3r X. Palmer George - 19 Aug. 6, ’62 Mustered out, July 8, ’64. Com.pan3r I Cl. Ashbell Wyatt - 18 March 14, ’62 Transferred to Co. E. Died Sept. 24, ’64. CozrLpan.3r Lewis Henry Tyler Jesse 35 34 July 13, ’62 “ 26^ ’62 Mustered out, §ept. 30, ’63. Mustered out, July 8, ’64. Second Regiment Heavy Aetillbey, M V. — Three Years. Co3:aaparL3r B. Buxton George F., Q. M., Sergt. Morse George W., Sergt. 24' 25 July 28, ’63 July 19, ’63 Mustered out. Sept. 5, ’65. Mustered out. Sept. 3, ’65. PRIVATE. McClellen George H. - 21 Sept. 5, ’64 Transferred to 17 Reg. Inf., Jan. 17, ’65. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 97 0,3n.3r D. NAMES AND RANK. AG E. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Simmons William Welch William - 27 42 Aug. 16, ’64 “ 22, ’63 Died at Salem, Feb. 9, ’65. Deserted, Jan. 31, ’65. Oomi.paTi.37- X. Bailey William Kohane Michael - - 32 32 Sept. 7, ’64 “ ’63 Transferred to 17 Inf., Jan. 7, ’65. Order of War Department, July 20, ’65 CozrLpa,in.3r 1 ^. Hamblet Samuel H., Sergt. - 19 Dec. 22, ’63 For promotion to 2d Lieut, June 19, ’64, 5th Mass. Battalion.,n.3r 3^. Cassidy James King Peter 33 22 Dec. 24, ’63 «( Mustered out. Sept. 3, ’65. Disability — Aug. i, ’65. Third Regiment Heavy Artillery M.V. — Three Years. OonrLpsm^T- Wiley Edwin W. - 18 Jan. 10, ’63 Mustered out. Sept. 18, ’65. Becker Joseph, Corp. Ronan William H., Corp. - 21 27 Tan. 4, ’64 Feb. 5, ’64 Mustered out. Sept. 18, ’65. Deserted, Aug. 26, ’64. PRIVATE. Murphy John - 24 July 30, ’63 Mustered out. Sept. 18, ’65 13 98 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Oon: 2 Lpa.ii. 37 ‘ NAMES AND RANK. VGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. . Rowell Sidney B. - 22 Sept. 16, ’63 Promoted to 2d Lieut., Nov. 6, ’64. Discharged Aug. ’Ac. C!,n.3r 0-. Welch William - 42 Aug. 8, ’64 Deserted.’64- I PATRIOTS OF SALEM. IO5 I 0 IE. NAMES AND RANK. AGE DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Millett ^Yilliam S. - Jan. S, ’62 Transferred to nth Battery, and Dis- - charged Jan. 8, '65. 1 0 onn.pan.37- f 4 Brown John B. Collins John Nugent Sylvester - Rogers Joseph S. S. Tarbox Randall - i i 28 35 44 19 Jan. 8, ’62 1 Died at Yorkton, July 8, ’62. ' Re-enlisted, Discharged July 14, ’65. ; Disability — Aug. 19, ’62. ' Expiration of service, Dec. 14, ’64. Died at Hannon’s Landing, Aug. 1 5, ’62 : Oonnpan.37- EZ. Blanchard Daniel - 19 Jan. 27, '62 Discharged, July 14, ’65. i 1 1 1 Oo2:i:Lpa.n.3r | Allen Benjamin Holden John Ingalls Jonn - _ 33 43 iS J3.n. 8, 62 Died Aug. 30, ’64. i Discharged March 4, ’63. j Died near Falmouth, Va. i Twelfth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Oonnpan.37- ZD. Crimson Thomas L. - 24 July 10, ’61 j Missing in action, Aug. 30, ’62. Oox 3 : 2 .pa,x 2 . 37 " 1 S 1 . Driscoll John O. - 14 19 July 10, '61 [Discharged "on account of wounds, 1 March 5, ’63. io6 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, M.Y.— Three Years. Com.p3.i:i3r NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Dudley L. E. 19 July 27, ’61 For promotion, Jan. 3, ’63. Oo3:3::Lpa,rL37- C. Lord Henry C. - 26 July 27, '61 Dis. on act. of wounds, jVov. 26, ’62.,in.37’ - Austin Orlow 20 July 29, ’61 Expiration of service, Aug. i, ’64. Ooar^TLpa.UTT' 0 -. Morton George 30 fuly 29, ’63 ■ Disability — Dec. 14, ’63. Seventeenth Regiment Infantry, M.V.— Three Years. Edwards William P. 23 Nov. 29, ’62 Re-enlisted, Dec. 23, ’63. Jones Stephen F. - - - 22 July 22, ’61 Dis. on act. of wounds, Feb 7, ’63. McDonough Enos - - 22 Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’64. Mullaly John E. - ■ ■ 22 Dec. 13, ’61 1st Lieut., Dec. 19, ’61. Capt. May 8, ’64. Discharged, July 1 1, ’65. Expiration of service, Aug. 3, ’64. Therin Charles H. - - 20 Nov. 28, ’62 Thomas James - - 23 Dec. 3, ’62 Died Oct. 13, '64. Disability — April 2, ’62. Trafton Charles - - - Id Tyler J. H. - - 18 July 22, ’61 Re enlisted Jan. 5, ’64, Dis. July 1 1, '65 Wooden William - ■ ■ 21 Dec. 2, ’63 Uisabilit}' — April 2, ’62. Oor 5 37 ' < Tracy William - 29 Oct. 13, ’64 Expiration of service, July it, ’65. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 107,Da3r NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &:C. Johnson Charles - - 21 Feb. 3, ’65 Order of War Department, June 9, ’65 0 0 32i:ipa,3n.37‘ C3-. Falon Patrick - 22 Sept. 12, ’61 Deserted, Nov. 9, ’61. Z. McShea John - 26 July 22, ’61 Deserted, Nov. 9, ’61. Nineteenth Regiment Infantry, M.Y. — Three Years. IE 2 . Corrigan Daniel - 28 Sept. 2, ’61 Discharged, June 30, '65. Oc3:2apa.3:i37' IE3I. Haskell Benjamin P'. iS Dec. 10, ’61 Maloney Edward - 18 “ McKennan Francis 19 “ Murphy Luke 18 Aug. 20, ’61 Ross William H. - 26 Sept. 16, “ Smith John A. - 43 June 28, ’62 Discharged, Oct. 31, ’63. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, ’63. Discharged June 30, ’65, in Co. E. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, ’63. Deserted, July 19, '64. Killed June 25, ’62. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, ’64. Discharged for Disability, March 23, ’63 Twentieth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Oo 3 :xLpa, 3 :i 37 ' IE 3 I. Hart Timothy IPrisoner at Bull Run. io8 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Twenty -F msT Regiment Infantry, M.y. — Three Years. DATE ■ NAMES AND RANK. AGE. OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. MUSTER. Walcott Alfred F., Capt. - April 26, ’63 Expiration of service, Aug. 30, ’64. Walcott Alfred F., ist Lieut.' - Oct. I, ’62 Capt., April 26, ’63. Walcott Alfred F. 2d Lieut. - June 20, ’62 ist Lieut., Oct. I, ’62. Walcott Alfred F. Sergt. Major - Jan. I, ’62 2d “ June 20, ’62. Walcott Alfred F. - Aug. 26, ’61 .Sergt. Major, Jan. i, ’62. Twenty-Third Regiment Infantry M.V. — Thr^ Years.,rL37’ Knowlton Samuel- - 18 Sept. 27, ’61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. 0 Senter William C. 33 Sept. 20, ,61 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Smith John - 28 Oct. 23, “ Disability — Sept. 6, ’62. Very Edwin, Musician. - ■ 32 “ 27, “ Order War Department, Aug. 30, ’62.,3::L3r HD. Kingsley Frank B. - 21 July 31, ’62 For Promotion in Wilds Brigade.,3a37' Thornton John - 22 May 19, ’62 Expiration of service, Oct. 13, ’64. Twenty-Fourth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. E. Arvedson William L. - 28 Oct. 28, ’61 Disability — Oct. 5, ’62. 1 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. IO9‘ KC. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMINATION OF SERVICE, &C. Ward Charles G., 2d Lieut. PRIVATE. - 32 Nov. 22, ’61 1st Lieut , June 26, ’63. Adjt March 16, ’64. Killed May 6, ’64. Meldram Oren - 44 “ 28, “ Re-enlisted, Discharged. Jan. 20, ’65. Twenty-Fifth Regiment Infantry M.V. — Three Years. Lightfoot Joseph - - 27 Nov. 27, ’63 1 Died of wounds. Sept. 19, ’64. Twenty-Seyenth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Oorm-pa/nTT" Dwight Freeman - Pierce Alden J. Pierce W. H. - 19 28 21 Oct 3, ’61 “ 4, “ “ 4, “ . - Discharged, March 14, ’63. “ June 25, ’65. Twenty-Eighth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years.' IE. Sislie Robert Dec. 13, ’61 Re enlisted — Discharged June 30, ’63. Twenty-Ninth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. X. Masury Thomas A. Short Joseph A. - ■ 18 22 Nov. 7, ’61 Dec. 3, ’61 Died, Feb. 6, ’63. Killed at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 24, ’62. I lO PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Thirty-Second Regiment Infantry, jVi.V. — Three Years. NAMES AND RANK. AGE. DATE OF MUSTER. TERMIN.VnON OF SERVICE, &C. Carey James 21 May 28, ’62 Died Oct. 25, ’62. Thirty-Third Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Oc2:n.parL3r Brady James 22 July 13, ’64 Transferred to 2d Inf. Dis. July 14, ’65 TpiRTY-FiFTH Regiment Infantry", M.Y. — Three Years. O onap a,rL3r E . Beckett William 20 ljuly 21, ’64 iTransferred to 29 Inf, June 29, ’65. Thikty"-Ninth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. C0121n.pan.37- Cochrain George - Sept. 2, '62 Deserted, Aug. 29, ’63, Fortieth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Conn.pan.37' IB. Annis Joseph E. - 32 |Aug. 20, ’62 i Oisability- -Feb. 23, ’63. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. I I I NAMES OF RESIDENTS OF SALEM WHO ENLISTED j IN OTHER PLACES. David Plummer, — Enlisted in the loth Maine, and was killed in action at Culpepper Court j House, Va., Aug. 13, ’62. James Ricker, Sergt. — Enlisted in the 2d Reg., New Hampshire Vols. and died in Salem of wounds received at the battle of the Wilderness, Va., Aug. 26, ’62. William R. Swasey — Enlisted in the 6th Reg., New Hampshire, Vols. and was killed at the battle of Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, ’62. John A. Rodwell, — Ivnlisted in the 6th Reg., New Plampshire Vols. and died at Newport News, Va., Aug. 20. '62, of disease. Elliott C. Dodge, Sergt., — Enlisted in the ist Reg. New York E.xcelsior Brigade, June 22r , ’61, and promoted to Lieut. James Gould, — Enlisted in the ist Reg., New York E.xcelsior Brigade, June 20, ’61. Found on Muster Roll, but no other reports. Benjamin F. Sweetser, — Enlisted in the 5th New York Reg. Vols. — ^Found on Muster Roll, but no other report. John U. Ma.xfield, — Enlisted in ist Maine Heavy Art., Dec. 31, ’63, was wounded in left wrist and shoulde.', April 8, ’64 and Sept 28, ’6.;, Discharged, Sept, ii, ’65. Calvin H. Cleaves, — Enlisted in 9th Maine Inf. Sept. 9, ’61 and was discharged Dec. 15, ’64. Jeremiah Collins, — Enlisted in the 30 Maine Inf., Sept. 6, ’64 and discharged May 17, ’65. Patrick Clynes, — Enlisted in ist New York Inf., April 23, ’61, was wounded, and dis- charged, May 23, ’63. Robert Gray — Enlisted in the 2d N. Y. Heavy Art., April 28, ’61. Lost the sight of right eye. Discharged, Dec. 15, ’62. Geo. W. Davis, — Enlisted in 3d Maine Infantry, April 30, 1861, was wounded in right shoulder, at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d, 1803, and discharged June 25, 1864. Chas. E. Colony, — Enlisted in 31st Maine Infantry, March 21, 1864. Discharged June 5, 1865, and Died Oct. 16, 1872. Peter Butler, — Enlisted in the Sth New Plampshire Inf., Jan. 4, ’62. Lost left arm, April 8, ’64. Discharged, July 7, ’64. Charles F. l.endholm — Enlisted in the 99th New York Reg. Inf., May 28, ’61, discharged at e.xpiration of. service, July 2, ’64. John Day, — Enlisted in the 4th Vermont Inf., Sept. ’61, was taken Prisoner, escaped and re- enlisted in the Navy. Arthur S. Williams, — Enlisted in U. S. Engineer Corps., Sept. 17, ’61 and discharged for disability, Aug. 16, ’62. James WL Lyon — Enlisted in the ist R. I. Reg. Inf., May iS, and discharged at expiration of service, Aug. 25, ’65. James L. Phillips, — Enlisted in the 30th Reg. Inf. M. V. Oct. 7, ’61 and transferred to V. R. C. Discharged Oct. 10, 6t at N. Orleans, La. Henry H. Francis, — Enlisted in 3rd Maryland, Reg. Calvary, Sept. 4, ’63. Discharged at expiration of service. Sept. 7, ’65. William H. H. Thomas, — Enlisted in 3d Reg. Pleavy Art. Oct. 20, ’63 and discharged at expiration of service. Sept. 18, ’65. Charles A. Place, — Enlisted in the 12th Reg., N. H. Inf. — Co. A., Aug. 30, ’62, and was mustered out at Richmond, Va., July 23, ’65. Andrew J. Thompson, — -Surgeon 8th N. 11 . Vols. Mustered in at New Orleans, La., Aug. j 1862 Mustered out at Natches, Miss., Nov. 1S65. 1864 and ’65 was Post Surgeon, Post of Natches and Presidert of Board of ilealth. 1865 was Surgeon in Chief, -j District of Natches, Department of Miss. I I 12 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. RECORD OF SEAMEN AND OFFICERS IN THE NAVAL SERVICE. ENTERED SERVICE. Adams George W. Ames Eben - - Anderson William - - Arvedson C. K. - - - Averv Henry - - July 17, ’62 — Acting Ensign. Babson Edwin - - « (( Eager Henry - - 21 .March 3, ’62 2 year s — Ship Wachusett. Bagley Daniel I. - - - 19 .■\pril 24, ’62 3 “ — Hampton Roads. Baines Richard - - 25 “ 15. ’62 3 “ — Discharged, June 7, ’62. Barnum S. G. - - 34 “ 24, ’62 3 “ — W. Flotilla. Barrett Cornelius - - - March 8, ’62 3 “ “ Barrows Henry - - 28 Ma}’ 16, ’62 3 “ — Rhode Island. ' Barry Edward - - 32 “ 6, ’62 3 “ — Tioga. Bartlett Jeremiah I. - - 2 1 “ 17, ’62 3 “ — Landel’s Squadron. Bassett Eben - - 30 Feb. 17, “ — Wachusett. Baxter John - - 29 .March 14, ’62 3 “ — Sebago. Beckett Edward - - - Bell James - - 38 May 5. ’62 3 “ — Farragut’s Squadron. Berrin Lewis - - March 12, ’62 2 — W Flotilla. Black 'William - - 20 May 8, ’62 3 ** — Farragut’s Squadron. Borden Thomas - - - Boyd George - - 3 “ April 21, ’62 3 — Mahaska. Bowyer Charles - - - Bowen James W. - - - 25 April 8, ’62 3 years — W. F'lotilla. Bradford Francis - - - 21 Sept. 4, ’62 I “ Bradley James - - 26 June 4, ’63. 2 “ Barrington A. - Braman John - - 22 May 5, ’62 3 “ — Tioga. Brady Thomas - - 22 Feb. 10, ’62 2 “ — Constitution. Bray Isaac - - ■? -? “ T 7 . “ 2 ** — Constitution. Brown August - - July 22, ’64 Brown Charles - - 24 April 2, ’62 -7 — W. Flotilla. Brown Charles - - 17 “ 19, ’62 3 ” — Dupont’s .Squadron. Brown Edmund A. - - Aug. 30, ’64 I “ — Brooklihe. Brown Herbert A. - - May 20, '62 3 — Housatonic. Boden Hiram C. - - - 29 . 4 ug. 28, ’61 3 “ Brown James - - IQ Feb. II, ’62 — Western Flotilla. Brown James R. - - .'''ept. 2, ’64 I “ — Rhode Island. Brown John H. - - 22 Feb. 18, '62 2 “ — .San Jacinto. Bruce Sullivan - - 38 March 18, ’62 — Maritanzic. Buckley Timothy - - - May I, ’62 — F'arragut’s Squadron. Bumpus Elisha - - March 19, ’62 2 ** — W. Flotilla. Buton Maurice - - May 13, ’62 3 “ — Rhode Island. Carey George A. - - - 38 July 22, ’62 — F'arragut’s Squadron. Casey Thomas - - 18 “ 8, ’62 3 “ — Canandagua. Cate Samuel A. - - 25 Ang. 30, ’64 I “ Chandler George A. - - 22 May 23, ’63 I “ # Chase George - - 1 20 March 28, ’63 I Chapman George T. - - 1 — Acting Ensign. Childs C. N. - - j Clark William - - Oct. 14, ’62 I “ — Colorado. Clark Patrick - 1 Clarrage James (). - 27 May 2, ’64 2 — Circassian. Cunningham John Aug. 30, ’04 [ “ — Ghio, Orvitta, & N. Carolina. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. II3 NAMES. AGE ENTERED NAME OF VESSEL, &C. SERVICE. Cook Frank Darcy Michael - - July 26, ’64 Dearborn Henry F. - - June 8, ’63 I year — Deland Charles - - 45 March 29, ’6: ! 2 years — Dix Charles E. - - 17 April 23, ’64 2 “ — Hampton Roads. Dodd James - - 22 Aug. 215, ’62 I year — Philadelphia. Dodge Judson F. - - - 25 July 15. ’63 I “ Douglas Albert - 22 “ s. ’64 2 years — Sabine. Dupar William G. - - Oct. 20, ’64 3 “ Delmer Henry - - John Day . - 32 Sept., ’63 — Minnesota. Edwards Shuball - - — Acting Ensign. Evans George - - Finney George - - — Acting Master. Finngan Thomas - - - 28 May 14, ’62 3 “ — Housatonic. Fitzgerald George - - 22 3 “ — Lardner’s Squadron. Fitzgerald William - Flannigan Thomas - 24 Jan. 21, ’62 2 “ — Marblehead. Flemming Hugh - - - 21 May 2, ’62 “ 14, ’62 3 “ — Farragut’s Squadron. Flemming Michael - 25 3 “ — Dupont’s Squadron. Fogg James W. - Ford L. A. - Fowler Edward - 23 July 7, '62 3 “ — Canandagua. Fowler William W. - 19 May 3, ’62 3 “ — Mahaska. Foye Edward - Francis Moses F. - - - 17 May 3, ’62 3 “ — Farragut’s Squadron. Friend Frederick - - -> 22 July 22, ’64 I year —Hawes and Moon. Furtony Michael - - - 21 May 22, ’62 3 years — Dupont’s Squadron. Gallagher Joseph - - - 22 Aug. 28, '63 Galloway F. N. - - Feb. 10, ’61; Gardner George A. - - 33 July 18, ’63 I year Gass William H. - - - 22 May 1 2, ’62 2 years - Glass George - - 28 Aug. 16, “ I year — Philadelphia. Grady Dennis - - Aug. 29, ’64 3 years — Graser Charles - - 24 July 13, ’64 Green George - - 28 Jan. I, ’63 I year — Green John - - Grover John C. - - 16 Oct. 2, ’61 2 years — North Carolina. Hancock John - - “ 17, ’63 — Midshipman. Hanshaw John - - 28 June 27, ’64 3 “ Harmon M. D. - - 40 April 8, ’62 3 “ — Mahaska. Harrington Daniel - - 50 Aug. 17, ’63 — Midshipman Ohio. Harrington F. FI. W. - - 3“ April 2t;, '62 3 “ — Hampton Roads. Hatch Charles F. - - - July 28, ’63 “ 7. ’62 — Master’s Mate. Hawes James - - 21 3 “ — A1 batross. Hawthorne William H. - Nov. 9, ’63 — Master’s Mate. Hayden Thomas - - - 19 April 5, ’62 3 “ — Western FTotilla. ' Hayes James - - Hayes Thomas - - 18 Feb. 13, ’62 3 “ — San Jacinto. Hazard John - - 30 July 29, ’64 year — Harvest Moon. Higginbottom John - - “ 14, “ Hill Thomas - - 28 Sept. I, ’62 “ — Rhode Island. Hill Thomas G. - - - April 5, “ 3 years Holland T homas - - - 20 July 7, ’64 3 “ — Potomac. Hobbs Nathan F. - - - Howard Austin - Vlarch ti, ’62 “ — Western Flotilla. Hemmenway Frederick - - 23 April iq, “ “ — Hampton Roads. Hennessy Arthur - - - 23 “ 2S> “ “ — Hampton Roads. Holmes Francis W. - - “ 21, “ “ — Hampton Roads. Hood Osborn Flughes James - IS “ 25, “ “ . IS 28 “ 7, “ '3 “ — Flampton Roads. 1 14 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. NAMES. AGE. ENTERED SERVICE. NAME OF VESSEL, &C. Humphrey Pendar Aug. 30, ’64 I year — Hurd George S. - Hurley James - - ? 24 April 25, ’64 » 28,-62 3 years — Hampton Roads. Hurley John - Hurty James ... 21 “ i4> “ 3 “ — Western Flotilla. Hutchinson Goodwin 18 Feb. 13, “ 3 “ — Western Flotilla. Johnson Lewis . - Jackson James W. C. April 23, “ 3 “ — Hampton Roads. James Henry ... 31 May 31, “ 3 “ — Engineer Gennessee. James John Sept. 3, “ I year Jewell David N. - 32 April 21, “ 3 years — Hampton Roads. 3 “ — Hampton Roads. Johnson Peter ... 22 “ 25, “ Johnson Samuel - 24 “ II, “ 3 “ — Plampton Roads. Johnson Samuel F. 21 May 8, “ 3 “ — Lardner’s Squadron. Jones John ... Jones John J- - - - 26 July 28, ’64 April 8, ’62 3 “ — Hampton Roads. Jones Thomas P. - 35 June 4, “ 3 “ — South Carolina. Kimball William L. 30 — Princetown. Kane Dennis F. - 18 June 4, ’63 I year — Ethan Allen. Knight Charles Kavanaugh James Kelly Luke 20 Sept. I, ’64 May 29, ’63 — Colorado. Kelly Charles 24 Feb. 14, ’62 3 years- — Constitution. Kelly James 22 June 10, ’63 I year Kelly Patrick 22 “ 27, “ I “ Kelliher Jeremiah 18 Nov. II, ’62 I “ Kelliher Mortmon 23 Keb. 8, “ — Wachusett. Kennedy Martin - 3» “ 7. “ 3 years — Maritanza. 3 “ — San Jacinto. Kennedy Michael - 27 “ 12, “ Kenney Themas F. 18 June 5, ’63 I year — Ethan Allen. I “ — Aries. Kimball Horace W. 18 “ 23,- “ King George 22 Feb. II, ’62 3 years — Maritanza. King Obey ... 25 “ 1 5. “ 3 “ — Fireman Constitution. Kirwin Charles Sept. I, ’64 2 “ i Kir win Charles 19 May 2"?, ’64 I year Kleever Ferdinand 22 Feb. 17, ’62 3 years — Constitution. Knight Solomon - 18 June 5, ’63 I year — Ethan Allen. Knowles David L. 21 May 24, ’64 I “ Knowlton Marcus A. Lacey James 19 Sept. 2, ’64 July 2,^ ’63 I “ — Rhode Island. I “ — Shenandoah. Lacey Thomas ... 1 “ Laduc Joseph 28 June II, ’63 I “ Lancey Patrick 21 “ 12, “ I “ Landgren George O. 18 July 9, ’62 3 years — Canandagua. Landgren John H. 22 J “ — Canandagua. Lawrence John 27 Feb. 10, ’62 3 “ — San Jacinto. Leach Robert S3 “ 13. “ 3 “ — Western Flotilla. Lechoodjohn 22 Tune 10 ’64 t year>_ — Learey Henry 23 4> “ I “ — Ethan Allen. Lee William H. - 26 Tune I 4, ’64 I “ — Vincennes. Lee York M. 21 Jan. 3, ’62 3 years — Vermont. Lenakin William - 29 Tune 20, ’64 I year — Eathan Allen. Lewis Eneas I. - 28 Feb. 12, ’62 3 years — Marblehead. Lewis Henry 38 Oct. 27, ’63 I year — Lewis John ... May 28, ’64 I “ — Ethan Allen. Libby Melvin J. - 21 June 27, ’63 I “ — Aries. Liles Jack .... 33 July 2, ’63 I “ — Shenandoah. Little Thomas 33 June I, ’63 I “ Lobdell Richard T. 30 Tune I 4, ’64 I “ Long Andrew ... 35 June 9, ’63 I “ Long Henry 26 I “ Loratta Anthony - 40 Feb. 10, ’62 3 years — San Jacinto. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. II5 NAMES. AGE. ENTERED NAME OF VESSEL, &C. SERVICE. Lowd William H. - i 8 June 9, ’63 I year — Ethan Allen. Lowt}' Michael - - 24 “ 12, ’63 I Lucey Daniel - - 23 May 30, ’63 — Iron Age. Luscomb H. R. - - Luscomb Joseph M. - - April 24, ,63 — Acting Ensign. L}Tich Charles - - 23 Tune 2, ’6t I — Ethan Allen. Lynch Francis E. - - - 24 “ 19. ’63 I — Aries. Lynch James - - 24 July 2, ’63 I — Shenandoah. Lynch John - “ 2, ’64 Maddicutt John - - 19 Jan. i8, ’64 I — Sacramento. Malowe John - - -3 June 18, ’64 I — Cornubia. McCormick Charles - - Aug. 5. ’64 McDuffie Dana H. - - 18 Ian. iq, ’64 I McDuffie George - - 26 Aug. 18, ’62 I McKinley Barney - - - 18 Jan. 16, ’64 I McLaughlin Andrew - - 23 “ 18, ’64 I — Harvest Moon. McVey Charles - - 33 <( I — Don and Ohio. Matthews Henry - - - Mehan John C. - - Ian, IQ, ’64 Miller Fred L. - - — Engineer Kearsage. Miller Thomas - - 22 Jan. 18, ’64 I — Sacramento. Millett Charles - [une ig. 6^ — Acting Ensign. Millett Frank - - Aug 5, ’63 — Acting Master’s Mate. Morgan Joseph - - — Minnesota. Moran Matthew - - - Munroe Robert - - 17 July 21, ’62 3 years — Farragut’s Squadron. Morgan John A. - - - - 40 May 24, ’61 — Colorado. Morgan Joshua - - 18 May 2, ’64 Murphy Patrick - - - 30 Jan. 18, ’64 I year Neal William W. - - - Neilson William - - - Jan. 30, ’63 — A. A. Surgeon. Nichols Arra - - 21 “ 20, ’64 I — Sacramento. Nicholas Benjamin - - 19 Jan. 29, ’64 — Osceola. Niles Amos - - Oct. 28, ’64 2 years Nutting William G. - - Aug. 26, ’61 — Acting Lieutenant. O’Donnell John - Oldson Charles - - May 4, ’64 — Mississippi. Oldson John H. - - - 17 Aug. 17, ’62 I year — Memphis. Oldson George D. - - “ ’61 I — Anderson. Osborne John B. - - - 23 July 15, ’63 I Parker Alfred - - 28 Jan. 30, ’64 I — Massasoit. Pepper Walter A. - - 28 April 24, ’61 I — Massachusetts. Discharged March 12, ’62. Pepper Walter A. - - 29 May 2, ’62 I year — Tioga. Discharged June 14, ’64. Perkins Asa B. - - 21 July 15, ’63 I year Perry Henr}' E. - - '9 May 27, ’63 I — Pierce Thomas - - 28 Jan. I q, ’64 I — Harvest Moon. Pierce Charles H. - April 9, ’62 — Master’s M ate. Pro. to Act- ing Ensign, ’63. Sonoma, Santiago de Cuba. Discharged Feb. ’61;. Pirt Isaac - - - 3 “ Jan. 19, ’64 I “ — Sacramento. Pitman John H. - - - Oct. 4, ’64 I — Acting Master’s Mate. Pope Thomas - - Pousland Edward A. - - Feb. 10, ’63 I “ — Powers Charles H. - - 22 Oct. 21, ’61 2 years — North Carolina. Piatt Edward L. - - 12 Feb. 12, ’62 3 “ — Katahdin. Pratt William A. - - - 21 April 15, ’64 year — Canonicus. Putnam Perley - - 19 Oct. 24, ’61 2 years — North Carolina. Rinks John H. - - 22 May 2, ’62 2 — Tioga. Rogers John E. - - - 18 Feb. II, ’62 2 — Western Flotilla. Rollins James 17 Dec 16, ’62 3 ii — Philadelphia. Il6 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. NAMES. AGE. ENTERED SERVICE. NAME OF VESSEL, &C. Ruth Edward . . 17 June 24, ’62 2 years — Ino. Selton Thomas E. - - Servey Wrlliam T. - - 2Q July 14, ’63 I ■year — Acting Ensign. Shaw John - - 26 March 10, ’64 I “ — Osceola. Shehan Patrick - - 22 “ 25, ’63 I “ Sherman William - - - 21 Sept. 6, ’62 I Simpson John A. - - - 40 April 8, ’62 I “ — Western Flotilla. Sluman William H. - - 42 Feb. ’6; 2 years — Smith Albert P. - - - — Acting Ensign. Smith Charles - - 18 Oct. 30, ’64 I year — Smith Samuel - - July 18, ’63 — Acting Ensign. Stevens John - - — Spaulding J. C. - - — Spofford John B. - - - — Staples E. C. - - — Stearns William - - - 25 April 4, ’63 3 years — Western Flotilla. Stevenson J. H. - - - 3 “ Stickney David - - 29 July 6, ’64 3 “ Sullivan John - - “ 28, ’64 3 « Swasey Thomas S. B. - 18 Aug. 19, ’63 I year — Ino. Swasey William M. - - July 22, ’63 — Acting Ensign. Tato Charles - - — Thomas Samuel W. - - 21 May 4, ’64 — Tiviss John W. - - - Waldron James - - 22 Dec. 30, ’64 I “ — Princeton. Watts Charles - - 43 Jan. 12, ’64 I “ — Sacramento. Watts Thomas - - 34 Dec. 17, ’64 I “ — Niphone. Webb James H. - - - I Webber Joseph - - 18 Aug. 8, ’61 — Surg. Steward. Weir George C. - - - 22 Tan. 13, ’64 I (( Welch James H. - - - 18 “ 4 , ’64 I “ Welch John A. - - — Minnesota. Weston Richmond - - 20 Dec. 21, ’64 I “ — Pequot. Whalley Thomas - - - 39 “ 10, ’63 I “ — Sacramento. Wentworth Ezra N. - - 19 I Whelan John - - 26 Jan. 12, ’64 “ — Sacramento. Whitmarsh Leander - - 19 “ 28, ’64 I “ — Osceola. Whittemore Henry - - 22 Dec. 19, ’64 “ Willey George M. - - 20 July IS, ’63 2 years — Sassacus. Willey Mark L. - - 4S Sept, IS, ’63 2 “ — Sassacus. Willey Mark L. jr. - - t8 July IS, ’63 3 years — Sassacus. Willey Edward A. - - 24 Tan. 2Q, ’64 year — Wilber Wesley - - 20 “ 19, ’6a. “ — Sacramento. Willett Allen - - 24 “ 27, ’64 “ — Osceola. Williams Edward - - - 29 Dec. 28, ’64 (( __ Williams John - - 32 July 1 1, ’64 3 years — Williams John - - 18 Jan. 22, ’64 I year — Williams John F. - - - 22 bee. 4, ’64 I — Williams Richard - - 34 Aug. 17, ’64 2 years — John Adams. Williams Thomas - - 20 Dec. 19, ’64 I year — Willis John - - 31 Jan 18, ’64 I “ — Wilson James - - 20 Jan. 14, ’64 “ — Sacramento. Wilson John H. - - - 27 “ 28, ’64 I » Wilson Joseph H. - - 30. July 19, ’64 — Ossipee. Wood Samuel A. - - — Woodbine Abel - - 36 Dec. 3, ’63 I “ Canonicus. Woodell Eli - - 25 Tan. 18, ’63 (( __ Wright James - - 19 “ 23, ’63 I a Wright Richard - - - 25 “ 18, ’63 — Sacramento. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. II/ LIST OF WOUNDED, COMPILED FROM THE BEST SOURCES. Adams Charles — Wounded in left hip, Aug., ’64. Aldrich M. H. — Wounded in left leg, June 29, ’64. Arnold Isaac — W’ounded in action. May 19, ’64. Arrington James — Wounded on transport off Hatteras. Bray Parker — Lost right leg. — Oct. 2, ’64. BrowTi Ezra L. — Wounded in right shoulder June 3, ’64, and left leg, March 14, ’62. Ballard George R. — Wounded in left hand and side, June 16, ’64. Burns Charles E. — Lost left leg, Aug. 30, ’62. Busted Andrew — Wounded in right side, June i, ’64. Browning George F. ist Lieut., — Wounded severely at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 19, ’62. March 13, ’66 was promoted to Capt. and Major by brevet. Beckett Daniel C. — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Barenson A. Frank — Wounded in right side, July 18, ’64. , Bickford John M., — Wounded in action, June 16, ’64. Bradley John, — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Brown James 2d, — Wounded and sick at e.xpiration of service, July 8, ’64. Brown iSamuel, — Wounded in action, June 16, ’64. Bruce Robert P., — Wounded severely in right hip, at Spottsylvania Court House, May 19, ’64 Bowen Thomas E., — Woundedseverely in right hip. May 19, ’64 Bovey James G., — Wounded severely at Petersburg, Va., June 14, ’64. Ballazar Castano, — Drowned at sea, April 10, ’73. Coggswell William, Lieut. Col., — Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3d, ’63. Promoted to Col., June 6, and Brigadier General by brevet, Dec. 17, ’64. Cusick Patrick. — Shot through both legs and left for dead on the battlefield at Gaines Mill, Va. Taken by the Rebels and imprisoned at Richmond. Released, July 27, ’62. Cashion Robert, — Wounded in left hand. May 5, ’65. Colony M. G., — Lost right leg. Sept. 30, ’64. Chipman James G., — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Collier Charles D., — Wounded in action, June 4, ’64. Colcord David B., — Wounded at Petersburg, June 22, ’64. Cohane John, — Wounded in hip and shoulder, July 2, ’63 and in the wrist. May 5, ’64. Donovan Patrick, — Wounded in the hand, April 9, ’63. Deland Alfred, — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Desmond John, — Wounded and discharged. May 2, ’63. Devereux Charles U., Capt. — Wounded severely at the battle of Glendale, June 30, ’62. Darcy Thomas, — Wounded in leg at Gaines Mill, June 27, ’62. De-Boa John,— Wounded in right foot, Va. Died, Sept. 7, ’75. Evans William, — Wounded before Port Hudson, served out his term and was discharged Aug. 24, ’63. Ford Charles T., — W’ounded in left side. Falow Thomas R., — Wounded in left leg and left hand. May 8, ’64, also in right leg, and right arm June 27, ’62. Frj-e Daniel M. — Wounded in left arm. Sept. 17, ’62. Fallon Thomas, — W’ounded at Gaines Mill, also at battle of Malvern Hill. Fairfield Samuel G. — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Fillebrown Charles F. — Wounded inaction, June 16, ’64. Flowers W'illiam H. jr. — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Ferguson Samuel A. — Wounded in action, June i, ’64. Ferguson George P. — Wounded in left hand. May 19, ’64. Greenough Daniel S. — Wounded dangerously near Resaca, Ga., May 15, ’64, died of the wounds, June 6, ’64. Geegle Edward — Wounded at battle of Malvern Hill, July l, ’62. Gardner Horace B. — Wounded near Petersburg, Va., June 18, ’64, discharged for disability, same year. Goldthwaite Luther M. — W’ounded in leg. May 19, ’64. Goldsmith William H. — Lost left leg, June 7, ’64. Gardner Charles H. — Wounded in right side and knee, June i, ’64. Getchell Stephen O. — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Hale Henry Appleton, ist Lieut. — Promoted to Asst. Adjutant General of Vols., with rank of Capt. Was wounded severely in the face at Antietam, Sept. 17, ’62, and in the instep, at Cold Harbor, June 31, ’64. Il8 PATRIOTS OF, SALEM. Hopkins John — Wounded in action, May 19, ’64. Howard Eben N.— Wounded in action, May 19, ’64. Hall Edward A. — Wounded in left shoulder, Uec. 16, ’62. Hitchings A. F. — Wounded in right leg, Uec. 13, ’62. Hobbs George — Lost right arm, Oct. 2, ’64. Jones William — Wounded in left leg, June 30, ’64. Kalher Jeremiah — Wounded in left shoulder, June 18, 64. Ketcham Francis H. — Wounded in belly, June 23, ’64. Kezar Walter A. — Wounded in action at Oak Swamp, taken prisoner June 29, ’62. Langmaid George W. — Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, ’63. Lewellen Thomas J. — Wounded at battle of Wilderness, May 5, ’64. Luscomb William F. — Wounded in Action, May 19, ’64. Lane William H. — Wounded in left ankle and left knee, April 26, and July, ’62. Milton B. S. S. — Wounded. McCligett James — Wounded in leg. May 16, '64 McCarty John — Lost left leg, at Malvern Hill, July i, ’62. McLaughlin James — Wounded at Hanover Court 1 louse, Va. Martin Edward — Wounded at Hatcher’s Run, Va., May 20, ’64. McGordes Charles — Wounded. ♦ Mellow Henry — Wounded in head, Oct. 19, ’64. Neil Edward — Wounded at Malvern Hill. Nichols Benjamin C. — Wounded June 19, ’64. Osborn Josiah P. — Wounded in right hip, April 24, ’62. O'Sullivan Timothy — Wounded and taken prisoner at White Oak Swamp, June 29, ’62. O’Hara Patrick — Lost sight of left eye, March, ’64. Patten James N. — Wounded at ist battle of Bull Ran. Phalen Edward A., Capt. — Wounded severely at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, ’62. Preston John H. — Wounded at Darnstown, Md., Oct. 30, ’61. Peach William jr. — Wounded at 10 miles Station, Fla. Powell Nathaniel — Wounded by splinter, March 8, ’62. Phippen Robert A. — Wounded in action May 19, ’64. Phippen Robert C. — Wounded in action, June 22, ’64. Phipps Ifenry B. — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Pitman Nathaniel F. — Wounded in leg. May 19, ’64, at the battle of the Wilderness, the leg was amputated and he died June 14, at Mount Pleasant Hospital, Washington, D.C. Peabody William M. — Wounded in left side, Aug. 5, ’62. Pratt James F. — Wounded in action, June i6, ’64. Porter William F. — Wounded in wrist. May 19, ’64. Purbeck John H. — Wounded in wrist. May 19, ’64. Roach Michael — Wounded in leg, Feb. ii and June 8, ’62. Rodigrass John S. — Wounded in foot, June 24, ’62. Rice William H. C. — Wounded severely at Winchester, Va., May 25, ’62. Reynolds John P., Capt. — Wounded twice severely at Antietam, Sept. 17, ’62. Ruth John — Wounded May 30, ’65. Randall Charles W. — Wounded in action, June 14, ’64. Reeves Edward — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Regan B. F. — W ounded in right hand. May 5, ’64. Sargent Thomas J. — Wounded in, left side. May 19, ’64. Sweeney David — Wounded at James Mill. Smith Samuel FI. — Wounded and discharged on that account, Dec. i, ’62. Shehan Timothy — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Solen Nathaniel — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Smeathers Joseph — Lost left hand, June 26, ’64. Tobey William — Wounded in left hand, Nov. 27, ’63. Tierney Patrick — Wounded at Malvern Hill. Tucker Henry G. — Wounded in action, June 22, ’64. Tibbetts George F. — Wounded in action, June 18, ’64. White Caleb B. — Wounded in action at White Flail, N. C. Walton Edward A. — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Warner Clarence A. — Wounded in action. May 19, ’64. Wentworth John FL, Sergt. — Wounded in the head. May 19, ’64. Whalan Michael — Wounded in left side and wrist. Walker William — Wounded while marching into -Yorktown, Va. 'Wettey Martin — Wounded in the hip. Sept. 17, ’62. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. I IQ PRISONERS OF WAR. First Heavy Artillery, M.Y. — Three Years. James G. Bovey, — ist Sergt. of Co. G. Enlisted Aug. 5, ’62 and re-enlisted Dec. 30, ’63; and was captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64; and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle, Florence and Charleston Prisons ; released from the latter Dec. 16, ’64, and discharged, July 31, ’65. George S. Farmer, — ist Sergt. of Co. H. Enlisted July 5, ’61 ; re-enlisted Jan 2, ’64; was captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64 and confined in the Libby, Bell Isle, and An- dersoriville Prisons, and died at the latter prison. Sept. 10, ’64. Henry T. Chalk, — Corp. of Company I. Enlisted fuly 5, 61 ; re-enlisted Dec. il, ’63; was captured near Milford, Va., May 28, ’64, and confined in the Andersonville and Flor- ence S. C. Prisons. Released, Feb. 28, ’65, and discharged June 5, ’65. Henry' B. Phipps, — Corp. of Co. C. Enlisted Aug. 15, ’62; captured at Spottsylvania, Va., May 19, ’64 and confined in the Andersonville Prison, where he died Aug. 24, '64. John W. Chambers, — Private in Co. I. Enlisted Aug. 4, ’62 ; was captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22 ’64 and confined in the Libby, Va., Lynchburg, Va., Andersonville Ga. and Florence S. C. Prisons. Released Discharged, Feb. i, ’65. Howard P. Gardner, — Private in Co. C. Enlisted Aug. i, 62. Captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22 ’64 and confined in the Andersonville, Ga. Prison ; released . Dis- charged, May, 17, ’65. John W. C. Avery, — Private in Co. G. Enlisted July 30, ’62. Captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64 and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle and Andersonville Prisons ; he died at the latter, July 25, ’64. George H. Estes, — Private in Co. D. Enlisted July 29, ’62. Captured June ’64, and confin- ed in the Andersonville Prison. W. A. Smith, — Private in Co. D. Re-enlisted March 10, ’64. Captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64 and confined in the Libby, Belle Isje, Andersonville, Charleston and Florence Prisons. Released from Charleston, Dec. 16, ’64 ; discharged, Aug. 16, ’64. Thomas Buxton, — Private in Co. G. Enlisted Aug. 5, ’62. Captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64, and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle and Andersonville Prisons. He died in the latter Aug. 5, ’64. Alfred Frye, — Private in Co. D. Enlisted July 30, ’62; re-enlisted Dec. 31, 63. Captured and confined in the Andersonville Prison, where he died Dec. 26, ’64. John W. Mahoney, — Private in Co. D. Enlisted July 3, ’61 ; re-enlisted Jan. 5, ’64. Cap- tured at Petersburg, Va, June 22, ’64. Confined in the Libby', Belle Isle, Charleston,- Florence and Andersonville Prisons; released at Wilmington, April 30, ’65; dis- charged Aug. 16, ’65. Charles C. Wellman, — Private in Co. D. Enlisted Dec. ii, ’63; was captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64, and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle and Andersonville Prisons. He died Sept. 15, ’64, in the latter Prison. Robert C. Bassett,- -Private in Co. I. Enlisted July 19, ’62; was captured at Petersburg, June 22, ’64, and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle and Andersonville Prisons. He died at the latter Prison Sept. 15, ’64. Patrick Buckley, — Private in Co. I. Enlisted July 5, ’61 ; was captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64, and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle, Andersonville, Charleston and Flor- ence Prisons; released at Charleston in Dec. ’64; discharged Jan. 25, ’65. Joseph H. Green, — Private in Co. I. Enlisted Aug. 6, ’62; was captured at Petersburg, Va , June 22, ’64, and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle, Andersonville, Florence and Charleston Prisons. He was released from the latter Dec. i, ’64, and died at Annap- olis, .\Jd., Dec. 10, '64. Benjamin G. Helt, — Private in Co. I. Enlisted .Vug. 5, ’62 ; was captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64, and confined in the Andersonville Prison; released Jan. 5, ’65, and dis- charged March 15, ’65. 120 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Charles W. Coney, — Private in Co. L. Enlisted Feb. 28, ’62 ; re-enlisted Feb. 29, ’64; was captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64, and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle and Andersonville Prisons. He died at the latter Prison, July 17, ’64. Samuel M. Fowler, — Corp. of Co. M. Enlisted March 20, ’62; was captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64 ; confined in Andersonville Prison, where he died Aug. 13, ’64. George W. Cross, — Private in Co. L. Enlisted Feb. 28, ’62; re-enlisted Feb. 29, '64; was ■ captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64, and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle and Andersonville Prisons. He died at the latter Prison, July 17, ’64. Benjamin A. Phillips, — Private in Co. H. Enlisted Dec. 7, ’63; was captured at Plymouth, N. C., April 20, ’64, and confined in the Andersonville Prison ; was released April 29, '65, at Baldwin, Fla.; discharged Aug. 14, ’65. John Savory, — Private in Co. H. Enlisted Dec. 9, ’63 ; was captured at Plymouth, N.C., April 20, ’64, and confined at Andersonville, Florence and Charlestoir Prisons. He died at the Florence Prison, Nov. 25, ’64. Twenty-Third Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Silas Winchester, — Corp. in Co. F. Enlisted Oct. 14, ’62; captured at Drury’s Bluff, May 16, ’64. Confined in the Andersonville Prison, w’here he died. Eli C. Thomas, — Private Co. F. Enlisted Oct. 4, ’62; captured at Drury’s Bluff, May 16, ’64 ; confined in the Andersonville Prison, where he died Aug. 30, ’64. Twentieth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Charles O. Newell, — Sergt. of Co. H. Enlisted Aug. i, ’61. Re-enlisted, Dec. ii, ’63; captured at ; confined in Libby and Salisbury Prisons ; discharged, July 16, ’65. Nineteenth Regiment Infantry, M.Y. — Three Years. John Restelle jr., — Private in Co. H. Enlisted, Dec. 10, ’61 ; captured at White Oak Swamp Va., June 22, ’62 ; released Aug. 10, ’62 ; discharged, Dec. 20, ’63; re-enlisted Dec. 21, and re-captured at Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64 ; confined in the Libby, Belle Isle, Miller, Ga., Andersonville and Castle Thunder, Va. ; released Dec. 7, ’64 ; discharged June 30, ’65. Ninth Regiment Infantry, M.V Three Years. Patrick Sullivan, — Private in Co. F. Enlisted June n, ’61; captured, and confined in the Libby, Belle Isle and Andersonville Prisons. He died at the latter Prison, Sept. 18, ’64. Fifth Regiment Infantry, M.V. — Three Years. Samuel A. Cate, — Private in Co. A. Enlisted May i, ’61 ; captured at Bull Run, July 21, ’61, confined in the Libby Prison; released May 25, ’62, and discharged June 24, ’62. William Shanley, — Private in Co. H. Enlisted May i, ’61 ; captured at Bull Run, July 21, 6r ; confined in Libby Prison ; released and discharged in ’62. George W. Dow, — Private in Co. H. Enlisted, May i, ’61; captured at Bull Run, July 21, ’61 ; confined in Libby Prison; released and discharged in ’62. Fourth Vermont Regiment Infantry, — Three Years. John Day,— Private in Co. . Enlisted, ’61 ; captured ; confined in the Libby Andersonville, Charleston and Florence Prisons ; released and discharged ’63. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 1 21 MISCELLANEOUS. Edwin Bailey, — T aken Prisoner at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, ’62. George. \V. Langmaid, — Taken Prisoner in Banks’ retreat May 25, ’62. Patrick Cusick, — Taken Prisoner at battle of Game’s Mill, and confined in Richmond Prison. Andrew L. Davis, — Private in Co. D. ist Heavy Art. Taken Prisoner and escaped Feb. 26, ’64 ; reported as deserted. Andrew j. Blanchard, — Taken prisoner at Drury’s Bluff, May 16, ’64 and died in prison. Peter Barrett, — Taken prisoner and died in prison, Feb. 16, ’65. 1 George-O. Hinckley, — Taken prisoner and died in Andersonvilie Prison, Sept. 6, ’64. Samuel H. Benson, — Taken prisoner, March 28, ’65. Paroled March 29, ’65. Plenry A. Bowler, — Co. C., ist Reg. H. Art. Enlisted Aug. 4, ’64. •Taken prisoner and died in Andersonvilie Prison, Sept. l, ’64. Dennis Leary, — Private in Co. A., 2d H. Art. Enlisted, July 28, ’63. Taken prisoner and died at Andersonvilie, Ga., July 2, ’64. Jeremiah Ljmch, — Private in Co. C., 22d Reg. Inf. Taken prisoner, and died in prison. Sept 15, ’64. Patrick Morgan, — Private, Co. B , 23d Reg. Inf. Taken prisoner and died at Andersonvilie, Ga., Sept. 7, ’64. William D. Parsons, — Private. Co. E. 23d Reg. Inf. Taken prisoner and died at Anderson- vilie, Ga., June 22, ’64. Timothy Hart, — Private, Co. H. 20th Reg. Inf. Taken prisoner at Bull Run. Abraham F. Warner, — Corp., Co. D , 19th Reg. Inf. Enlisted Feb. 16, ’62. Taken prison- er and died at Andersonvilie, Ga., Nov. 23, ’64. John B. McKown,— Private, Co. F., ist Heavy Art. Enlisted July 22, ’61. Taken prisoner June 22, ’64 and died at Malin, Ga., Nov. 18, ’64. 16 122 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. KILLED IN THE SERVICE. Allen Pickering D. — Killed at Brashear City, La., June 2, ’63. Bousley Theophilus F. — Killed in action at Port Hudson, June 12, ’63. Bancroft George C. — Killed at battle of Cold Harbor, June i, ’64. Bateman Charles — Killed in action. Sept. 14, ’63. Brooks Richard — Killed June 30, ’62. Burns John — Killed at Williamsburg, Va , May 5, ’62. Batchelder George W. — Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, ’62. Cochran John — Supposed to have been killed at battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, ’62. Casperson John P. — Killed in action. Sept. 17, ’62. Clark Sylvester — Killed in action at Little Washington, N. C., Sept. 19, ’62. Calaracan Charles — Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 10, ’64. Clark John A. — Killed at Wilderness, May 10, ’64. Dearborn Charles A. jr. — Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 30, ’62. Dalton Eleazer M. J. — Killed at Petersburg, June 22, ’64. Daley James — Killed at Culpepper, Va., Sept. 29, ’63. Derby Richard — Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, ’62. Emmerson Charles H. — Killed in action at Winchester, Va., while retreating through the town. May 25, ’62. Farrell Robert — Killed at battle Gaines Mill, June 27, ’62. Fleet George C. — Killed at battle of Petersburg, Va., June 22, ’64. Fowler William F. — Killed in action, Dec. 16, ’62. Francis Joseph — Killed at Battle of Wilderness, May, 26, ’64. Ganly John — Killed at battle of Malvern Hill, July i, ’62. Gallnear Charles — Killed at battle of Laurel Hill, May lo, ’64. Guilford Samuel W. — Killed June 3, ’64. Gibbs William — Killed Nov. 30, ’64. Glover Henry B. — Killed at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, ’62. Hodges fohn jr.. Col — Killed at Petersburg, Aug. 3, ’64. Hurley William — Killed, Sept. 28, ’64. Hurrell John — Killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 19, '64. Hill Edwin R., ist Lieut. — Killed in action, Dec. 9, ’64. Jewell Franklin — Killed in action at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, ’62. Keating Patrick — Killed at the battle of Chickihominey, June 27, ’62. Cole Robert — Killed in action at Natches’ Run, May 20, ’64. Keenan Michael — Killed at Gaines Mill, Va., June 7, ’62. Larrabee William — Killed at battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 19, '62. Morrison John — Killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, ’64. McNamara Peter — Killed at Gaines Mill, June 27, ’62. McGuire Patrick — Killed at battle of Gaines Mill, June 27, ’62. Morrissey John — Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, ’63. Musgrave Peter — Killed at Petersburg, Va , June 16, ’64. Me Mahonjohn — Killed in action. May 12, ’64. Martin George A. — Killed at Petersburg, Va., Feb 27, ’65. Murphy Luke — Killed June 25, ’62. Merritt Henry — Killed at battle of Newbern, N. C , March 14, ’62. Mullen Patrick A. — Killed Aug. 14, ’64, McCarthy John — Drowned in Mississippi River, Sept. 6, •64. McMahon James — Killed at Gaines Mill, Va., June 27, ’62. Moran James — Killed at Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, ’62. McKenzie John W. — Killed at .Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, ’64. Neil Edward — Killed at Gaines Mill, Va., June 27, ’62. Noyes Edward D — Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, ’62. Osgood Cyrus M. — Killed at Fredericksburg, May i, ’63. O’Connell Timothy — Killed at Blanford, Va., June 19, ’64. Powers James — Killed at battle of Shady Grove, Va., June 31, ’62. Parsons George W — Killed in action, Oct. 2, ’64. Pulsifer David F. — Killed in action at Kingston, N. C. March 28, ’65. Plummer David— Killed in action, Aug. 13, ’62. . Purbeck William L — Killed at Gettysburg, Penn., July 2, ’63 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. I 21 Preston John F. — Killed at Wilderness, Va., May 6, ’64. Regan James — Killed at battle of Gaines Mill, Va., June 27, ’62. Ross William H. — Killed in action, at Spottsylvania, \ a , May 10, ’64. Staples George — Killed at Winchester, May 26, ’62. Sullivan Patrick — Killed near Richmond, Va., July i, ’62. Staples Elias C. — Killed near Spottsylvania, Va., May 17, ’64. Smith William J. — Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, ’63. Swaney William H. — Killed in action at Drury’s Bluff, May 6, ’64. Short Joseph A. — Killed at White Oak Swamp, June 29, ’62. Saunders John — Killed in action, Sept. 17, ’62. Swasev William R. — Killed at battle of Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, ’62. Stillman Samuel — Killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, ’64. Thompson George A. — Killed at battle of Bull Run, July 21, ’61. Vaughan Charles — Killed May 13, ’64. Williston William H. — Killed at battle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, ’62. Wilkins George G. — Killed May 16, ’64. Ward Charles G. — Killed at Drury’s Bluff, May 16, ’64. Webb Augustine — Killed at Fort, Charleston Harbor, Aug. 20, ’63. Wiley George, ist Sergt. — Killed July 30, ’64. Welch John — Killed at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, ’64. 124 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. DIED IN THE SERVICE. Alton Samuel S — Died July 19, ’64. Allen Benjamin — Died of wounds, Aug. 30, ’64. Ashbell Wyatt — Died of disease, Sept. 24, ’63. Austin Alden K. — Died at Newbern, N. C., Oct. 12, ’64. Avery John W. C. — Died at Andersonville, Ga., July 25, ’64. Alton Samuel T. — Died at Gettysburg, Pa., July 17, ’63. Bradley John — Died of wounds at Salem, June 20, ’64. Bassett Robert C. — Died at Andersonville, Sept. 1 5, ’64. Barnes John — Died of wounds. May 8, ’62. Brown John B. — Died at Yorktown, Va., July 8, ’62. Byrns George W. — Died of wounds, Nov. 2, ’62. Brown George A. — Died of wounds, Dec. 17, ’62. Blanchard Andrew J. — Died in Rebel Prison, Nov. ii, ’64. Brooks Samuel H. — Died of wounds received at Newbern, N. C., April 6, ’62. Brown Augustus — Died at Newbern, N. C., Sept. 22, ’62. Barrett Peter — Died in Rebel Prison, Feb. 16, ’65. Butman George A. — Died of disease. May 28, ’64. Bodwell John A. — Died at Newport News, Va., Aug. 20, ’62. Barnes Israel D. — Died May 6, ’65. Barnard Samuel — Died at Fort Pike, La., Nov. 13, ’62. Boyce John F. — Died at Fort Pike, La., Nov. ii, ’62. Buxton Seth G. — Died Jan. 15, ’63. Bowler Henry A. — Died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept, i, ’64. Buxton Thomas — Died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 5, ’64. Cross George W. — Died in Andersonville Prison, July 27, ’64. Carey James — Died Oct. 25, ’62. Cahill Bartholomew — Died at Dangerfield Hospital, Va., Jan. 22, ’65. Coggwell Epes — Died at Fort Pike, La., Nov. 12, ’62. Cowee George L. — Died at New Orleans, La., Oct. 23, ’62. Coney Charles W. — Died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 8, ’64. Crowley Philip — Died at Carrolton, La., Aug. 24, ’62. Chandler Isaac H. — Died of wounds. May 14, ’64. Dodge Joseph R. — Died at Port Hudson, July 26, ’63. Davis James B. — Died at N O., Oct. 28, ’ 62 . Donahoe Thomas — Died at N. O., Nov. 13, ’62. Dodge Joseph H. — Died at Fort Delaware, Sept. 15, ’64. Dresser Charles F. — Died at City Point, Nov. 15, ’64. Edwards George W. — Died, Sept. 29, ’62. Findley Edward — Died at Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 23, ’63. Foster Patrick — Died of disease, Feb. 21, ’63. Frothingham John P. — Died of wounds, June l6, ’64, received at Petersburg, Va. Frye Alfred — Died a prisoner at Andersonville, Ga., Dec. 26, ’64. Fowler Samuel W. — Died at Andersonville, June 22, ’64. Fish Charles W. — Died Friend Alfred — Died of wounds, received at James Island, July 17, ’63. Flakefield Charles — Died at Kingston N. C. of wounds. Fabens William P.— Died at Fort Wagner, Aug. 30, ’64. Foot Moses F. — Died at N. Orleans, Oct. 28, ’62 Farmer George S. — Died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 10, ’64. Frothingham Gustavus — Died at Petersburg, Va., June 24, ’64. Gillon Hugh — Died at Fortress Munroe. Getchell Charles L. — Died at Newbern, N. C., April 9, ’62. Greenough John W. jr. — Died of wounds, June 26, ’64. Gwinn Edward — Died of wounds, June 19, ’64. Green Joseph H. — Died at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 20, 64 Gifford Frank — Died at Hampton, Va., June 29, ’64. Gifford Charles P. — Died, July i, ’62. Hinkley George O. — Died in Rebel Prison about Oct. ’64. Hassett Martin — Died July 13, ’63. PATRIOTS OF SALEM. 1 25 Hayse Maurice — Died at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 9, ’62. Helpin James — Died April 13, ’65. Hogan James — Died of wounds received at Wilderness, May 18, ’64. Hart Joseph L. — Died at Fort Pike La., Dec. i, ’62. Hurley William — Died at Arlington, Va., Sept. 17, ’64. Haskell Charles — Died at Salem, March 10, ’64. Harrington Daniel — Died of wounds, March 27, ’65. Ingalls John — Died near Falmouth, Va., Feb. 17, ’63. Knowlton George — Died at Baton Rouge, La., April 7, ’63. Keenan Michael — Died June 27, ’62. Kinsman Joseph N. — Died Oct. 17, ’64. Kezar Albert — Died at Salem, No\'. i, ’62. Kittredge Henry A. — Died Oct. 9, ’62. Lightfoot Joseph — Died of wounds. Sept. 19, ’64. Leighton William — Died March 26, ’63. Leary Dennis — Died at Andersonville, July 2, ’64. L)'nch Jeremiah — Died at Rebel Prison, Sept. 15, ’64. Manning Horace — Died at Fort DeKalb, June 13, ’64. McKonn John B. — Died at Milan, Ga., Nov. 18, ’64. McNamara Michael — Died, Oct. 15, ’62. Mclntire George — Died of wounds, received at Newbern, April 10, ’62. Masury Thomas A. — Died of wounds, Feb. 6, ’63. McFarland Peter — Died Dec. 20, ’63. McCabe Patrick — Died at Salem, July 28, ’64. Manning David A. — Died at N. Orleans, La., Oct. 28, ’64. Maquer John — Died at Galveston, Texas, July 3, ’65. Melley W. I — Died at N. Orleans, La., Feb. ii, ’63. Munroe George — Died at New Orleans, La. Aug. 31, ’62. Morgan Patrick — Died at Andersonville, Sept. 6, 64. McGordis Charles — Died of wounds at City Point, June 24, ’64. Mathews Lawrence — Died of wounds at Wilderness, May 6, ’64. Millett Daniel S. — Died at Getty sburg, Pa., July 13, ’63. Maxwell Silas — Died at Newbern, N. C., Sept, i, ’62. Me Donald David — Died at Ale.xandria, Va., Aug. 25, ’64. Nolan Thomas — Died at Memphis, Jan. 8, ’65. Ober Oliver — Died at Mound City, Aug. ’63. Oldson Francis T. — Died of wounds. Sept. 6, ’62. Preston Otis P. — Died at Baton Rouge, La., May 26, ’63. Penderghast Thomas — Died at Salem, May 20, ’65. Parsons William D. — Died at Andersonville, Ga., June 22, ’64. Pinkham William A. — Died Sept. 30, ’64. Peckham Charles — Died at Fort Warren, May 21, ’64. Pinkham Charles — Died at Fort Warren, May 21, ’64. Pulsifer Nathaniel F. — Died of disease at Fairfax Hospital, Nov. 29, ’64. Phipps Henrv B. — Died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 26, ’64. Pitman Nathaniel F. — Died of wounds at Washington, D. C., Sept. 12, ’64. Potter Francis B. — Died at Washington, D. C., June 5, ’64. Phippen Abraham — Died at Greebon, N. C., June 18, ’65. Prince George — Died of wounds at Port Lookout, Md., June 9, ’64. Redmond Philip E. — -Died at Washington, D. C., Sept, ii, ’65. Regan Edmund— Died of wounds received at Malvern Hill, Sept 16, ’62. Rogan William — Died at Long Island, Boston Harbor. Reeves William H. — Died at Fort Albany, Va., Dec. l, ’61. Regan Michael — Died at Beverly Hospital, N. Y., Oct. 29, ’64. Roberts George — Died of wounds, Feb. 6, ’65. j Rowe James H. — Died Nov. 8, ’64. j Ricker James — Died at Salem, of wounds, Aug. 26, ’62. Rogers Simon A. — Died at Fort Warren, April 6, ’65. ; Rodwell John A. — Died at Port News, Va., Aug. 20, ’62. I Stratton Benjamin F. — Died at Baton Rouge, La., May i, ’63. Simon John F. — Died at Baton Rouge., La. April 18, ’63. Smith Patrick — Died at Salem, Dec. 10, ’62 Shea Patrick — Died of wounds, received at Savage Station, May 31, ’64. Sherlock Thomas S. — Died of disease at Bealton Station, Feb. ’64. Snell Nicholas T. — Died at Salem of wounds received in action. May 24, ’62. 126 PATRIOTS OF SALEM. Stillman Samuel — Died March 27, ’63. Schultz Carl F. — Died at Newbern, N. C , April 24, ’64. Savory John — Died at Florence, S. C., Dec. 25, ’64. Simmons William — Died at Salem, Feb 9, ’65. Stover Nathaniel F. — Died at Salem, May 16, ’64. .Sullivan Patrick — Died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 18, ’64. Shaw Orlin — Died of wounds, at Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 3, ’62. Saunders Henry T. — Died at Newbern, N. C.. Oct. 9, ’64. Trofater Elias A. — Died on board Gunboat Omaha, July 30, ’63. Tracy John — Died at Philadelphia, Pa. Tarbox Randall — Died at Harrison’s Landing, Va., Aug. 15, ’62. Towne Calvin E.--Died at Lincoln General Hospital, Oct. 8, '64. Thomas James — Died Oct. 13, ’64. Thomas Eli C. — Died in Rebel Prison, Aug. 30, ’64. Townsend William H. — Died July 2, ’64. Thompson Franklin B. — Died at New Orleans, July 29, ’62. Trull Charles W. — Died at Fort Pike, La., Nov. ii, ’62. Tufts John A. — Died at New Orleans, La. Thrasher Nathaniel — Died at Memphis, Ten., April 8, ’65. Waters James V. — Died on board transport, Omaha, Aug. 63. Wallace John A. — Died at Fredericksburg, Va., April 9, ’62. Winters Lawrence — Died at Falmouth, Va , Sept. 6, ’62. Wheeler Michael — Died at Washington, D. C., Aug. i, ’64. Wheeler Richard T. — Died of wounds received at Drury’s Bluff, June 21, ’64. Warner William W. — Died at Sea, July 14, ’64. Williams Charles F. — Died of wounds, Dec. 22, ’62. Wentworth John H. — Died at New Orleans, La., May 26, ’62. Williams William D. — Died at New Orleans, La., March 26, ’63. Welch Michael — Died at Cairo, 111 ., Jan. 16, ’65. Warner Abraham — Died at Andersonville, Ga., Nov. 23, ’64. Warner George L. — Died at Belil, Va., Oct. 18, ’62. . r '-V.U Jji ■C^^tllT'J 5- At f ►.-. I ..b /si^,':’ V< ' "■' »'>('’K '■ V* jvlif-j’ (>■’•• JoKi ■ " i r^K^V V. Js *l!»A«PliMS NO. 2 ST. PETER STREET. Ma.® ®i PERIODICALS, or ill Desh^iptioks, Bound in Plain and Ornamental Style. 1E1. lOF K ]D> And Blank Books made to any desired Pattern. R. A. MACKENZIE, A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS, f'seanr/sas CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Reasonable Prices and satisfaction guaranteed. s.A.LEi:]vc, LADIES’ ^OTICE= BplMiii iy ‘tts The Latest Shades and Shapes can always be found at vJ. HI. BE.OWI•.'• . ■% i 1 'i , i