HISTORICAL COLLECTION HQ 766 H I I I 867 .Duke Medical Center Librai M00093106J 'A N 'asnaojAj ®lNnOWV1AVO I f ' f "For if ye have a care to read, ye will see that we jire faithful to our came, and that our cause is just — tliat we bear glad lidings, and light up the dark places with knowledge." |fP Favor Others, Even as You Yourself Have Been Favored : Those who have our Printed V Instructions, and have found them to be a desirable and proper knowledge to be in the hands of ~Very wife and female, and who feel sufficiently obliged to the Authoress for her experience in these \ tters, will confer a kindness and favor by sending to us the address of any of their young married > \i lends, or those more advanced, whom they would have profit by the "Instructions," that she may f[ 3nd them this Pamphlet by return mail. Some friend of yours has sent us your name, and you nave received this Pamphlet, and if it has been to you an advantage it is right that you in turn favor some one else by sending us their name, that they may in like manner receive its benefits. Let us then help and favor each other if we are engaged in a worthy employment. It sometimes happens ** t we receive the same address, sent by different persons, at different intervals, twice or more times, ' \ iiich results in sending this Pamphlet to such an address more than once. In such cases, will the party receiving extra copies please enclose the same lo some of their friends. It would oblige us, and might be, in many cases, a very great favor conferred upon the party receiving the Circulars. Do good V others even more than others have done good unto you. ■S,, '"THE HABITS OF A WELL-ORGANIZED MARRIED LIFE. BY A MARRIED WOMAN. " Two souls with but a single thought — Tiro hearts that beat as one." Entered 1863—1864—1865—1866 and, also, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by Mmes. Beach, Putney & Co., in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. pT MARRIED People— FEMALES— and those contemplating MARRIAGE— will find it to their -sdviintage to Preserve this Pamphlet, after reading it through, for future reference. There are ■"canons in married life where a reference to it is very desirable, and none will be unpaid for the time spent y i . perusing it. for "a stitch in time saves nine." The Design of the Marriage Relation is to the attainment of the highest degree of happiness between the sexes. Its object is that of love, felicity and unity, in the which an healthy offspring adds to its fullness delights overflowing, crowned by the sanction of a beneficent Giver. r rhe happiness and welfare of this relation very much depends upon the health of the wife. If at w marriage she be healthy, and if, by an understand^ of her being, she avoids these shocks that so *" suddenly undermine the deiicate lfcitmfe of the fec i al, she %viit 'be* the ' ^object of happiness, adoTatioriy - and love ; giving birth to healthy children, and making all about her a seeming paradise ; but if she be unhealthy, or if, from a want of proper knowledge, she lose her strength, become infirm and delicate, she will be at the best a subject of sympathy, an helpless object, a beclouded light, with but little cheering, animating or attractive. An healthy wife, possessing natural passion and devotion for her husband, is the rarest of gifts, and it is a subject of deep regret that marriage so little, comparatively, is known concerning the laws of our being ; and this absence e4 knowledge is the principal cause of so much female suffering, so much complaint and unhappiness in married life. When health is gone, and a shattered constitution renders the female totally unfit to act as a wife, she begins to inquire after these laws regulating her being. Would it not be better to inquire at first, while in the possession of health, so as to be able to preserve it? It is the diadem of this world's existence — your guarantee to connubial bliss! Seek for and grasp it with hooks of steel, for on it the peace and welfare of yourself and family depend. All Entering the Marriage ReSation desire knowledge in these matters. They seldom possess the courage to consult those more experienced than themselves, and were they to, the limited - answers they might receive would be productive of as much mischief as good. Besides, there are but few who possess sufficient learning and research upon the physiology of generation, the reproductive functions, and the workings of the female organs, to impart any reliable information, and those who do are invariably a class of medical persons, both male and female, who have made this a separate branch of study and a pro- fession, and who disclose their knowledge and experience only to special students, who devote their lives to the welfare and advancement of humanity. Hence it is that the masses of people are shut up in igno- rance — even against their most anxious longings — which hurls them blindfoldly amid unhappiness and misery. Disease and misfortune constantly attend the marriage state by reason of this absence of proper information. This Branch of Learning is more complete and thorough among the French medical faculties than with any other people, and even the common subjects, especially the ladies of France, are possessed of vastly more familiarity and acquaintance in this department of science than the medical men and doctors of the United States, who seem to practice medicine and surgery only, leaving those subjects neglected which are equally interesting and vastly important to human happiness, and which pertain to a proper and natural prevention of too frequent and burdensome conceptions, which are productive of too large families ; and to the healthy and cleansing means of treating and removing obstructions in the female without injury, but to her decided improvement and comfort. People in this country are too liable to blush at a knowledge of their own being in these matters, and will oftentimes affect to shun them from feigned decorum, while in France a discovery of anything pertaining to these matters, would be sought after and embraced by all, as essential knowledge for their happiness and well-being. Should ladies blush to understand and know their own being in all its wonderful and interesting workings and intricacies ? To fully understand these things is to understand how to be able to keep these members healthy and free from female weaknesses and disease, thus maintaining an healthy appearance and complexion to the face, which preserves woman in an healthy, prominent, and sweet appearance, as nature designed her. During a few years past, Important Discoveries have oeen made, mostly among the French, and my extensive advantages have enabled me to derive a thorough knowledge, per- fected through a long experience in medical practice, which, without egotism, I can. say, qualifies me to give important and invaluable instmrtion in the sur^ prevention of Conception, and in the removal of all obstructions and \rrenvi<-™t»*~ ' — ^o^ment of an almost innumerable variety of subjects enables me to be fully advised of the wants and desires of married people on this subject, and the informa- tion needed by them. French' ladies versed in these matters, have too often considered it a delicate subject, and outside their calling, to advertise as ; medical adviser in these hidden and long-looked-for laws, and they have been content to " hide their light under a bushel," in spito of the many examples of human suffering constantly brought to their observation, and imploringly calling on them fer a thorough knowledge of their mysterious being. But such notions of delicacy are now becoming too obviously incorrect to obtain sway among the professional nurses and medical attendants from the French dispen- saries, and I shall promulgate these truths in like manner, as any medical or anatomical laws. { People are aroused, and demand a proper knowledge of the laws regulating and controlling the temale system. In fact, these matters are no longer to remain " professional mysteries," and it is now no longer deemed a digression for all married people, and those contemplating marriage, to become acquainted with the laws of their being, that they may regulate the number of their children as will best adapt itself to the condition and means of the parent. This can no more be confined to a few ' ' monopolists of knowl- edge," than any other class of learning. The time is not far distant, when it was asserted that thisj science should not generally be made known to the world, on the ground that it is highly improper ; but? now this foolish pretext is ignored, and the "wise" conservatives of that age are learning that the mothers and young wives of this day are willing no longer to admit ignorance a virtue, and remain in confusion and error, but deem it no risk in being wise. I have conversed with but few people but what concede the importance of a proper diffusion of this information, and the only objection raised, if any, chat young people might take advantage of such knowledge, when, without it, a fear of accident wot^J . restrain them. To this class, who think they discover such danger in permitting young people to fully understand the French manner of avoiding conception and removing obstructions, and restoring to the female her monthly period, I will say, that very often that class of young people — who would indulge because they could in perfect safety — would be so unguarded and reckless that they would, through their ungoverned passions, be quite likely to satisfy their desire at any event, running their chances on concep- tion taking place. In advancing to the world this system of treatment — so healthy and natural to the female — the above objection h is been fairly considered by the most influential and well-disposed medical men, and the conclusion attained by them is, that the theory and laws which regulate the copulation of our beings should be fully known, and that there is no good reason or justice in keeping the masses shut out from healthful knowledge merely for fear that a few ill-disposed persons may make an improper use of this knowledge. It is, in fact, useless to undertake to suppress these long anticipated truths, and matters of such grave importance to the welfare, enjoyment and prosperity of the marriage state, will find tlieir way to the many in search of light ; and ks is far better, as long as it is impossible to confine these discoveries to the medical faculty only, to let the world have them by positive communication, than to, at times, obtain some vague and imperfect idea of its character, which is more liable to harm than the xohol^ truth could do, were its influences and advantages injurious. But it is certainly conferring no compliment upon our young men and ladies to assert that their only virtue lies in a fear that sexual indulgence may bring about unpleasant results. If their integrity is founded on fear alone, they, surely, are not very safe as regards the consequences that follow cohabitation ; for their fear would be liable to fail them in the hour of temptation, and hence it would be far better to submit to them this knowledge, if fear be their only virtue — that they may have no other impending doom than the shame of sexual intercourse. For my part, I think that those "would be" counselors, who advance such ideas, certainly have too low anil degrading an opinion of our young people, to be trusted with any cave over them, and that such objection should be totally disregarded. People who enter* ... inch unjust ideas are laying themselves liable to the accusation of simply judging the young by themselves in their past unprincipled habits, and, if not sc. they are certainly judging the whole class of young people by a few unfortunate victims to licentiousness, that may have fallen under their observation. The masses of young people are protected by higher and more noble principles than fear of impregnation ; and fear, be it more or less, is no reliable or successful defense to an exciting and passionate temptation. The fallacy of this unjust charge is easily discovered, which sets aside the idea that some people have held, that there is virtue in ignorance in these matters. We certainly cannot hold that any young couple refrain from indulgence by reason of danger only, for then we must admit that they would be disposed to, and would gratify their curiosity in many slight practices and propensities, which, to them, most evidently, would be safe. All know that such slight . indulgences are not extensive, and if it be through fear, and fear only, that the young abstain from more serious association — and these are undisputably safe — why are they so unfrequent ? The fact is, fear has nothing to do with it, for young persons, generally speaking, possess more substantial virtue than this, and a refinement and taste for that which is pleasing to God, and harmonizing with true and chaste society, which, in all, is a strong shield against temptation and unholy desires. Tllie time is come, when virtue does not consist in ignorance or fastidious affectation to ignorance Virtue consists, more properly, in a knowledge of Cb>d's laws which govern and regulate our being, and it - is a crime, not a virtue, to be ignorant of them ; lor through that ignorance we generate unhealthy and deformed offspiing, resulting in the ruin of that health given us for our comfort and happiness in this life. Knowledge, and of one's self, is one of the highest virtues ; for to understand the laws that regulate the reproductive system — when by them we are able to produce our offspring at such periods as we may select as most suited to our ability, and of such a number as to give each of them all necessary qualifica- tions for life, and to be able to rid ourselves of any delay in a healthy and prompt menstruation, without conflicting with the routine of nature's laws — is being familiar with the powers that God has given us, to understand and control. This knowledge should be attained by us, and it is deploring to see how long it has been neglected. This study of our physical nature is also productive of a higher tone of sentiment respecting those powers, dispelling all vicious propensities, which, hitherto, have so often attended and characterized this subject. Neither can we shun the study of this branch of our nature, instituted alike by our Creator, as other members of our being, having its appropriate calling, and designed for our mutual welfare and good ; and it is mocking the all-wise Giver to avoid a proper understanding of these func- tions — as if created unnecessarily and for an improper purpose. A blush at a knowledge of them is being displeased with the Giver of all good, and ashamed of his wonderful works. There are always some who will convert knowledge to an unholy advantage, but this shall be no just cause for withholding it from others. This class have been termed "moral fanatics," and to deprive ail others of knowledge, because of them, would be very unwise. It is also noticeable, that those who are so fearful that information of this kind Avill prove injurious to the world, are never fearful of being injured by it themselves, but are always ready and willing to grasp all within their power, it mattering not what trouble they undergo, or the amount of money they have to pay, to obtain the secret. I wish merely to show the positive fallacy in such notions, and that, when these important and interesting matters are treated as low, it is wholly through deplorable ignorance, selfishness, or a desire to " monopolize " this knowlege : but that through a thorough knowl- edge of these laws, parents are able to limit and regulate healthy offspring, and that this science is of a noble and honorable character, purely moral in its bearing, advancing and elevating the condition of Woman is a victim to various abuses and infamous customs, and while the fact is daily recog- nized, she is too much prone, under the shabby customs of the day, to continue under their wasting and decay- ing power. Woman was created in health and beauty, but the forms of slavish society have rendered her emaciated and comparatively inattractive. There is in woman a natural pride to be agreeable, attractive and highly esteemed. To be beautiful and lovely is her natural characteristic ambition, and with these gifts, she is belter calculated to adorn the household and inspire her whole family to noble traits and aims in life? She then is admired by all, and all are influenced by her ; for who wields a greater power in the household or social circle than an healthy, attractive woman ? But woman cannot be beautiful or agreeable without preserving her health ; and her health cannot be maintained without a knowledge to the good regulation of the mysteries attending her being. She should so understand herself as to be able to regulate the num- ber of her offspring, and to place them at such periods of a year as is best adapted to her conveniences in life. She should be able to avoid excessive child-bearing, for nothing so tends to abuse a woman's health, strength and longevity as this. It is a fact established among physicians, and all, that this evil , excessive child- bearing, is the cause of more ill health and mortality among women than all other causes combined. Now, it is her privilege and duty, first of all, to preserve her health, and to pass through confinement only at such intervals as is advantageous to her health, circumstances and family. In entering the marriage relation she does not forfeit a single right, nor is she to be plundered of health and forced into a state of servile breeding and nursing, so destructive and sapping in its nature. It is her prerogative to avoid conception taking place, except at such times as is conducive to good, and then when nursing is past to fully allow the system to gain its normal condition and strength. No husband would wish otherwise, and it is therefore the duty of both husband and wife to fully understand their procreative functions, and to understand how to enjoy the connubial companionship without causing impregnation. This is a privilege incident to the marriage relation, and no couple is wise who will run hap-hazards in these matters. It is attended with premature conceptions, destructive of the beauty and health of the female by excessive offspring, and a gen- eral breaking down of the high-toned bliss which may be preserved in every marriage relation. If woman would retain her loveliness and influence to admiration, if she would remain in health, giving birth to well- conceived and healthy offspring at such intervals as is adapted to both welfare of babe and mother— if she would avoid unnecessary suffering and premature decay, let her " take a stitch in time " and understand the laws of her being pertaining to the intimacy of the sexes. By so doing she may have full enjoy- ment of the ecstasy and raptures attending this relation, unlimited and overflowing, without the constant fear of conception taking place, or the ills and breaking-down influences of excessive confinements. The Old System. — Let us next turn our attention mere intimately, if the reader will please to do so, to the o'ld and imperfect system, practiced by women and nodical men, of avoiding con- conception ; and, in cases of necessity, of producing a return of ths mothly flow. This treatment should receive our notice, for it is frequently discussed by those interested, and necessarily recommen- ded by those who are unacquainted with the French manner of trsafing these two branches of science, which is with unlimited success, and in perfect conformity *srith health and nature. The 11 old treat- ment," so called, is in very general use at the present day among those not in possession of the French treatment, being adopted for what it is worth in the absence of better information. It con- sists of a variety of plans. The onan prevention, so called — derived from the Bible — is practiced at the present day to a very great extent. The style of this is simply to break off association just before the male orgasm or emission occurs, keeping the fluid from the female entirely. This is uncertain, as the semen or male principle often escapes in smal' "Amounts before the general or final emission takes place. It is also injurious both to the male -And female ; to the male, because the emission takes place in the absence of the female organs, rendering it slow and incomplete for want of the usual pressure and suction produced by them, and of all those peculiar sensations which the connection of these or- gans produce over each other. Much of the semen is undischarged, and is left in the Urethra and Seminal Ducts, causing debility and irritation, which is extremely liable to become permanent, resulting in involuntary emissions and impotence. To the female, nervous exhaustion and dissatisfaction is pro- duced, as it is important to her that the male pressure be unremitting and natural, completing in her the act of copulation, and a healthy reaction of the muscular powers. In fact, this "onan method" is a kind of masturbation, which is ungratifying and detrimental to both sexes. " Certain Intervals " not safe. — The method of relying on certain intervals between the menstruating period, when conception cannot take place, is now ineffectual as a permanent thing, inasmuch as no female is so regular but that she is liable at times to vary in her menstrual functions, which could not be detected and shunned without a full understanding of the minutest laws, and a "recognition of many almost technical feelings and nervous sensations, which, to the masses, are not un- derstood, and are wholly unheard of. Those relying on this are almost sure to meet with some pre- ternatural and unusual menstruation, at least, within the space of a year, which would certainly lead to accidental conception, which would then, on the whole, prove as useless to them as if they utterly disregarded the times of danger, and cohabited without the slightest care ; and thus falling into the hands of such a conception, a state of pregnancy would be inevitable to them, without the knowl- edge of the science of at once recalling the regular monthly flow under the French system. It also confines this intercourse to a term of days when least desired by the female, which, of course, is not beneficial to her, and is also injurious to the male, because of its irregularity. The Other Plans adopted are included under some of the following heads : Solutions of various kinds and invention — Salts, Sulphate of Zinc, Chloride of Zinc and Alum, Sulphate of Iron, Sponges, Brander- reaths, Composition of Anamecus, Compression near and of the Scrotum, miscellaneous Powders, Ephers, &c. , &c ; all of which I am fully acquainted with, and are more or less effectual in their assigned sphere in destroy- " ing or expelling the animalcules, or instantly removing the embryo. Yet it is lamentable to observe, as I have in my practice and medical observations, the misery and suffering, yea, the deplorable wretchedness caused by the use of such rashness, drugs and chemicals. Where they kill the animalcules, they fail only to kill the female, because of her superior temperament over the animalculcc ; but they never fail to implant within her the seeds of suffering, disease, impotence, and of death. . Even a simple preparation of allim, though, generally quite ineffectual, and not to be relied upon as a preventive, will cause the female organs to so contract and pucker, as to produce a permanent congestion, destroying, in a short time, all amativc- ness or desire in the female for the society of the male, and resulting, in some, in inflammation of the icomb and vagina, in others excoriations, while again in others, hemorrhage. The manner of removing " obstructions " under this old practice, is by forcing nature by rash means of compulsion introduced both inside and out. and by such other injurious modes, as are actually degrading, and dangerously severe to the existence of the system. Language cannot paint the remorse that visits those who resort to such self-destruction by taking the preparations that are put up for this purpose. A general debility, attended with shocking and frantic nervousness, often seizes the victim, and drags her to a wretched and untimely grave. Pills and compounds, put up and for sale for this purpose, are composed of poisonous stone and other injurious chemicals, and should never be taken to produce a return of the monthly flow, nor to avoid conception, It is unnatural, and is attended wi*-** - U1 *cl lasting consequences. i Importance of the New System.— This old system, then, is a rough and compulsory system, more after the manner of producing, at a very early time of the embryo, a kind of abortion ; and those methods resorted to, to avoid conception, being almost wholly unavailing as well as highly injurious People being thus unadvised, impairing the health and reproductive faculties through such treatment, it be- comes useful for all students of the French Practice, to show the impropriety and evil consequences of an incomplete practice, and to impart, in a proper manner, the safe and judicious mode. For it is conceded f»y all who have considered this subject, that it is proper and often urgent, at times, to remove obstructions of the female menstruations, when the condition of health of the female is such, that to bear offspring would result in disastrous consequences ; and certainly it cannot be wrong, in such cases, to take a step in time, and prevent the conception taking place, or if the conception has taken place, to remove it in a consist- ent and healthful manner. It is also true, that many of us are subjected to trying complaints and diseases that cannot be cured nor even treated during a state of pregnancy, but which are of such a terrifying and appalling nature that, if not at once removed by constant care, would terminate the life of the victim, and incase of offspring, the ailment would descend in fresh life to the child. The Pelvis, in many females, is so deformed that it is impossible for them even to produce live children, while some, in this condition, are sure to die if a child is allowed to develop Avithin the womb to the stage of five months. Ill IleaEth and limited Means. — There are also many unfortunate females that are attended through life with ill health And female weakness, and many are caused by excessive child-bearing, which is liable to terminate their lives at each successive confinement ; while others are of such limited circuni- stances in life, and also possessed of a comparatively large number of children, that further additions of offspring would reduce the whole to misery and want. It therefore is not denied by physicians, where persons arc surrounded by such circumstances, that it is a medical necessity that they avoid conception, and remove all obstructions, at such a period, and in such conformity to the laws of nature, as to be not in the least injurious. It is truly said, that marriage is ordained by the'God of creation, and that the asso- ciations, or copulation of the sexes in wedlock, is essential to health and nature, and to abstain from this law is attended with revolting consequences. • Also, the enjoyment or gratification dealt out in this state, being a part of that relation, is not to be avoided, but necessarily essential. Hence, conception is not avoided by abstinence — for this would be an extreme, a folly, and a sacrifice of nature, and a method that would not be observed. Some persons are disposed to hold that conception should be avoided by abstinence; but the masses will not submit to such a restriction, and could not, without the greatest harm attending them. It is also inconsistent, to maintain that the demand of nature can be slighted and denied, without giving birth to unthought-of practices, obscene indulgences and pollutions, which would lead to family discord and bodily decay. But still it shall be my purpose to leave such considerations to the candid discretion of my reader, allowing myself to go no further than to disclose the impracticability of the old method now generally in use, and to maintain the propriety of a natural and unexceptional treat- ment in cases of necessity — so popular and successful is our French school of medicine. Imperative Cases. — It is known to physicians and their immediate patients only, that it is the practice, in case of a female with a deformed Pelvu, and in all those cases where it is imposible for a mother to give birth to her child and live, to produce an abortion. This practice is universal, and was in France, as laid down in Chailly's Midwifery, before the development of the new system of treatment. And the reasons were good, as it was better to lose the foetus, than to sacrifice the child and mother too — which would be the inevitable case if gestation continued. Hence, we see at once that in all those frequent oases, it would be advisable to understand the means oi preventing conception., or in case of obstruction, of property calling the immediate return of the montUti/ flow, and restore nature to her customary channel, under the French system, than to undergo the ills and injurious consequences of producing an abortion, which I consider, at all times so injurious as to be avoided, if possible, and to be undertaken only at the instance and suggestion of responsible physicians, solely where the preservation of the life of the mother de- mands it. The fact is, if married females would understand the natural and proper means of keeping their periods regular, at all events, and also of preventing any risk" of conception taking place — if they so choose — and in cases of obstructions, of being able to at once reinstate a vigorous return of the menstrual flow, under the French system, there would be none of the many abortions so frequently produced among them, and they would see merrier and happier days — for, notwithstanding all, many of our sex are so con- structed and formed, that we will place our lives almost at stake to avoid a continuation of pregnancy ; and it is for us to say whether we will understand the plain, unerring French system of removing all obstruc- tions, irregularities and sujypressions of the female menstruation, though the same be of long standing — thereby reinstating the monthly flow in regularity, and the method of ensuring prevention of conception at our will — or whether we will allow the evil to advance to such a degree, that an abortion will be the only alternative laid down by our physician. ^ The "French System," so called, of preventing conception, and for removing all pains, irregularities, suppressions, obstructions and delays; arising from whatever cause, in the female men- struation, is the result and development of very recent investigations made by the learned doctors md physicians in the dispensaries in France. So cruel, imperfect and detrimental was the old rough ineffectual mode practiced as a preventive and for removing obstructions, that this medical school was determined to spare no efforts to bring to light a system which should accord with nature and with the delicate constitution of woman. Their laborious anatomical researches resulted in developing an entire new code, and a system that smiles upon woman with lasting good, imparting the most beneficial and invigorating advantages to the married couple. This discovery, or French system, was at once embodied in the French medical books, and is regarded as one of the brightest achieve- ments in French medicine. Its Introduction into the States.— From its recent origin, and. owing to the great neglect of the American people in becoming acquainted with a thorough knowledge of these sexual matters, this French system is comparatively in its infancy in the United States. The Authoress of this sheet is the only person who has prepared a work for Ihe American Public simply embracing this system, and she h is divested it of all those medical and technical phrases so little understood by those not versed in medicine, and has placed it in terms and form best adapted to the understanding and possession of the American wife and mother. The Copyright of the work has been secured to her alone, under the act of the Congress of the United States, under the title-head of " Printed Instructions." The work contains all things known to the medical world relative to these important matters, and the Authoress revises each subsequent edl "ion when anv new thing of importance comes to light. >The Printed Instructions.— The Authoress' newly revised " Printed Instructions" fully comprise the " French System " of preventing conception or becoming pregnant, and also for removing this or any obstruction of the monthly period, called menstruation— arising from whatever cause, to- gether with timely hints for married people. They employ no mode or means other than those in strict conformity to nature's laws. Hence, they are a natural system, and not artificial or injuri- ous. They are invariably efficacious, and contain all the most recent discoveries in these private matters. They are not in the least hurtful to woman, or to her health, and are invaluable to the ' ' "ft " 5 female at any time during the first four months. Tt has been the aim of the Authoress to present in these "Printed Instructions," not only the "French System," 'of preventing conception and re- moving all obstructions complete, but to lay befnre the reader a book of such knowledge and instruc- tion as young married ladies do not possess, frc i want of experience, and such advice and treatment as but few married ladies of experience are in possession of. For instance : many young married la- dies find themselves destitute of any sexual feeling whatever, which renders association to them diffi- cult and offensive, and in time introduces serious ailments unless the proper treatment is adopted ; while others find themselves with so strong a Hymen or with a partial obstruction in the en- trance of the Vagina, producing a painful, sensitive and irritable feeling, causing great nervousness, that it is almost, if not wholly impossible for them to associate, and extremely hurtful and injurious to the genital organs. Unless proper care be taken with the simple treatment to obviate the diffi- culty and expel the nervousness and pain arising from the association, the powers of amative and sex- ual feeling would soon be utterly destroyed, resulting in unpleasant dissatisfaction, dislike and dis- gust. There are very many curious impediments and little obstructions and difficulties to many new beginners in these matters, which are too numerous to mention, and, if properly treated in the out- set, are easily obviated, but unless the parties do submit such ailments and unnatural conditions to the proper treatment, they will in time find that the marriage relation may be attended with painfu realities and dissatisfaction, as well as with perennial sunshine, affection and love. The " Print:. t Instructions" are therefore designed to meet the many wants of those, both male and female, so fre- quently ignorant of the nature and responsibilities of Married Life, treating on the imperfections aris- ing in these matters, besides giving and minutely explaining the " French System " of preventing conception and removing all obstructions, including an Essay pointing out the state of immediate conception and containing all things known to the medical world, concerning these important mat- ters, &c., &cf And it is due from me to the public, that I, in this circular, again express my grat- • itude for their generous and appreciative liberality, who have highly rewarded me for all my acquisi- tions in this branch of study, by purchasing my Printed Instructions — which, from the very great increase of the number of my patrons and applicants, enables me to revise and enlarge them whenever improvement or new matter presents itself. A female that would be prudent and happy — and " take a stitch in time, that will save nine ' ' cannot allow herself to be without this production, when it is so placed on reasonable terms within the reach of all. " Woman, know thyself." Price ©f tlie Printed Instructions.— The newly revised "Printed Instructions " on the healthy and natural means of preventing and disposing of conception, and for removing all obstructions, pains, irregularities and suppressions, from whatever cause, of the female menstruation, and for immediately rein- stating a vigorous and healthy return and flow of the monthly period — with advice thereto — under and comprising the French System, embodying an Essay, pointing out reliable means by which the state of immediate conception may at once be detected by all females, in which condition, especially during the first four months, the possession of these "Printed Instructions," and a compliance with the healthy ana natural course laid down therein, will be invaluable to the purchaser and secure to her all that she desires in such a speedy, natural and proper mannner, as will be entirely consistent to her state, and under the direction of which French System, females are able, with entire ease, and without the use of envelopes, safes, drugs or preparations, to keep their periods regular, with certain- ty in any event, ensuring a prompt and reliable menstruation, avoiding any risk of conception taking place, thus being able to regulate the number cf tk \r families to their convenience and circumstances in life, and to successfully control the reproductive functions by aid of this mild, natural and inva- riably effectual system ; all of which "Printed Instructions," embracing all important and valuable hints to married people, may be had of the Authoress for the sum and price of Four Dollars. Attention Given to Special Practice and Treatment. — From my long expe- rience in practice, I am able to treat under the French mode and discipline, with entire success, all female weaknesses, complaints and infirmities, and feel myself thoroughly acquainted in the multi- plicity of branches pertaining to all topics growing out of the subject of my works, and those desiring to consult me on any matters thereto, may confidently write to me, in full, for advice, stating minutely the substance desired, whereupon I will write to them at length, giving hints, advice, and directions, as may best seem proper. I also specially treat and permanently restore the want of amative vigor in those who experience a want of feeling and enjoyment. There are thousands of wives thus afflicted, who have no passion whatever for the conjugal embrace, and shun it with dislike. This is owing to a dormant and inactive state of the sexual organs, and by timely aid is easily restored to passionate devotion and enrapture, but by neglect a morbid state ensues, engendering various weaknesses, complaints and disorders. Those desiring my special attention to such cases can have my special treatment, for which I charge ten dollars, and for which I give my individual attention, and effect a permanent restoration of the amative vigor. The patient is attended with no other expense, and a permanent cure is guaranteed, all of which can be done by mail. Also read "Expe- rience and Practice," page 9. The Uninjurious Artificial Modes of Preventing Becoming Pregnant. The use of Envelopes, Safes and Caps, in preventing the male principle, or semen, from being deposited in the female organ, is, of course, a sure preventive against conception taking place, as well as being wholly harmless. Its objection, however, is that it is attended with more or less expense, depending upon the habits of the consumer ; and although it is undoubtedly true that the great majority of the people in the United States employ their use as a preventive, yet those who find it fit to prac- tice economy, and who have found their way to our Printed Instructions, have wholly discarded these artificial means, and our simple and convenient mode, under the French system, has been exclusively adopted by them. There is nothing disagreeable in the use of these artificial goods, and very many — who look more to enjoyment than to money — employ, for a change or novelty, both our Instructions and Envelopes. The expense of the Envelopes is comparatively small, when we consider . their durability, and the Instructions once had are never attended with more expense, and so it is that those not in close circumstances, and who desire the full novelties and fruitions of married life, use from week to week both means of prevention. The very great majority of others which we receive call for both Instructions and Envelopes, and we have repeated indications and testimonials from our patrons thit they find a kind of gratification or novel pleasure in changing from the monotony in the continual use of one to the occasional introduction of the other. But some, who place a higher value on a few dollars than pure connubial contrast and felicity, will adopt the Instructions as their only indulgence, and never think of that sweetest of%ll diversions, contrast and change.'" The New and Varying bring their own charms wherever they come, and in no place are they more needed than in married life, for this sacred union should be promoted by everything that brings entertainment, relaxation and change ; for parties may love never so much, and in the fondest devotion, and yet things to them will lose their original enchantment, if no well-adapted change is introduced to break p the monotonous spell, the same as where the sweetest of music becomes tedious to the ear by a con- tinual repetition ; unlike the changing yet ever constant river whose waters are always pure. A Question Answered. — From the foregoing, the answer to the following question, which his been asked us, will be readily seen: "Why do persons, in buying the Printed Instructions, buy Envelopes and Safes, or, after buying Envelopes and Safes, buy the Instructions, when either is sufficient for preventing conception —why do some, having one, buy the other?" It is this : there are mauy persons in affluent circumstances, who, having tested th^ Instructions, and finding them natural and effectual, will; out of curiosity, or a disposition to the attainment of convenience and enjoyment in every possible variety, order our Envelopes ; and many use both from time to time, out of the novelty of variety or change. A ship needs but one compass, but may carry two; a family needs but one residence, but many in the city have their summer residence off in the country ; a household needs but one clock, but may have two ; and so it is that a married couple need no more than the Printrd Instructions, or the Envelopes, for preventing conception, but many lovers of happiness and enjoyment order and employ both. Tlieir Description. — The use of these Goods is of French invention. The first adopted was devised by a man at Paris, by the name of Mons. Louis Condom, which was quite a century ago, and the article, as then made, was and is called after the French inventor, Condoms. Since that time the thing has been so vastly improved, that Condoms are in use only among a limited class, and Envelopes, Safes and Caps are almost exclusively employed in their stead. They all, however, spring from the same principle, which is the enveloping of the male organ in such a thin silky cov- ering or tube as to be effectual in withdrawing from the female organ all the male semen, and to be as little felt during copulation as possible. It is not remarkable that Condoms are of French inven- tion, when we consider how prominent this people are in all such improvements and curious inventions, and how characterized as a nation they are for their extravagance in dress, food and drinks, and amative indulgences, inasmuch as the males and females participate in this sort of pleasing gratification moro than any other people in the civilized world. The Semi-Fibrous Envelope. — This is the most practical artificial means known, and is prepared from the bladder of a fish caught in the Rhine. It is so flexible and silky in texture, and such a perfect conductor of electricity and magnetism, allowing the combined action of the alkalies and acids in the act of coition, that the male or female can seldom distinguish its presence. And although it is so extremely thin and fine in its texture, it is nevertheless the strongest article known, and cannot break during the act. Tne IVoose Envelope. — This is an ingenious contrivance, and covers only the glans or head of the penis, leaving the rest of the organ uncovered. It is rubber, and adheres so closely by the ring behind the glans of the penis, as to be a very desirable thing. Tlie French Male Safe is manufactured from gold-beaters' skin, or the most delicate and finest of the goat intestine, and for general use and economy, as well as practical enjoyment, is* an established and standard article. Condom. — This is a tube made of raw skins, and usually pasted at the end. To manufacture it for market requires but little capital, and it is chiefly advertised and sold through newspapers by individual men, for all they can get, or for almost, if not quite as much per dozen, as it costs to buy our Semi- Fibrous Envelope. Those that are pasted are worthless ; those that are not are heavy and durable, but too thick to suit a man of a nervous temperament. A dealer t only, can tell the pasted, from the impasted. We never sell the pasted at all. Anti-Conception Caps and Rubber Condoms.— These are much like the French Male Safe, except that they are made of vulcanized rubber. The Caps much resemble the Noose in its shape, but it has a much smaller sack, and is highly vulcanized. The Womb Guard consists of an India rubber contrivance which the female adjusts, before connection, in the vagina, and which spreads a thin tissue in front of the mouth of the womb, so as to prevent the contact of the male semen. Its principal advantage is that it is entirely imperceptible to either party, and it is beyond any question safe, and a sure preventive. It is the main resort for those wives who object, contrary to the wishes of the husband, to having offspring, as they can wear it in the female organ without the knowledge of the husband, and is a successful and economical thing, as it never wears out or has anything to get out of order. Envelope Powders are used to preserve and sprinkle the inside of Condoms, Caps, Safes and Envelopes, and that they may easily slide to their place. They are a good and profitable invest- ment, as a paper will last a life-time. PRICE CURRENT. — The Printed Instructions, by the Authoress, revised, enlarged, and. complete, Four Dollars. We send them prepaid by mail — or by express — carefully enclosed under seal from observation. We send the Printed Instructions and a half dozen package of semi-fibrous envel- opes, put up in one package for $6.50, or the Printed Instructions and a dozen package of semi- fibrous envelopes for $8.00. (For description and contents of the Printed Instructions, see pages 4 and 5, and for the reason that many order both envelopes and Printed Instructions at the same time, see "A Question Answered," page 6. The Womb Guard is five dollars. It and the Printed Instructions put up in one package, $8.00. One advantage of this guard is that the male need know nothing of its presence at all, as it can not be felt by the male organ. For its description, and of all the following goods, see page 6. Envelope Powders, are 50 cents, and nine cents postage — per package, which will last a life-time. Our Envelopes, Safes, Caps and Condoms, are put up in the following sized Packages, at the following prices : Semi-Fibrous Envelope— One dozen package, $5.00. Half dozen package, $3.00. Noose Envelope— One dozen package, $4.50. Half dozen package $2.50. French Male Safe, made from gold-beaters' skin, One dozen package, $4.50. Half dozen package $2.50. And French Male Safe, made from the most delicate and finest of Goat intestine— One dozen package, $4.00. Half dozen package, $2.25. _ Goat skin and Bladder Condoms, the very best, in one dozen packages, $3.50 per package. This^ article is not pasted, and for economy can not be excelled, as they never wear out in any reasonable time. For $7 the dozen package and "Printed Instructions" will be sent. India Rubber Condoms— the best, heavy, highly vulcanized and strong, with rings, in dozen packages, $3.50 per package. And India Rubber Condoms, a common article, such as is found most anywhere — One dozen package, $3.00. Half dozen package $2.00. Anti-Conception Caps— rubber, highly vulcanized and with solid rings, in one dozen packages $3.50. This is a superb article of right practical use. An inferior or common article is put up in dozen and half dozen packages, worth about $2.50 and $1.75, but we will not keep such a quality of them. n All Should Read This.— Those ordering Envelopes, Safes, Condoms, or Caps, who enclose five cents extra, (together with the three cent stamp which should be enclosed in all kinds of letters and orders whatsoever), will receive, with their goods, a Guide, containing valuable knowledge in the proper ) 7 and economical use, utility, and enjoyment of these goods. And to those enclosing another extra five cents, (with the stamp), the Authoress will send, with the Guide, her Epitome for Married Ladies. The above Guide and Epitome are sold only to those who order them with their goods. Sample Package. — To those desiring Samples of the above different goods, we will send for sample a li Sample package," which contains : 1 Scmi-hbrous and 1 Noose-Envelcpc ; 1 Gold-Beater's skin and 1 fine Goat-Intestine, French male safe ; 1 Goat skin Condom ; 1 best and 1 common India Rubber Condom, and 1 Anti-Conception Cap, best— being 8 in all — for $3.00, which is their aggregate cost per half dozen. For $0.50 we will send in one package the package of 8 samples and the Printed In- structions. The samples will all be serviceable to any couple, giving them an opportunity to judge and make selections after their own habits and taste. Our Prices. — Are for the be:$t goods. We will sell no cheap and inferior goods, such as are advertised in papers and flood many stores throughout our towns, which are almost worthless and often sold for a song. Those who buy such miserable goods are very extravagant and imprudent. " Bug the Best," and do not throw away your money for poor goods that cost money, but render no service. The use of these goods is not at ail injurious to either sex, and those who have used other goods, but de- sire* to test these, can now be accommodated under the above sample arrangement, by which they can judge and decide for themselves. These Envelopes, Safes, Caps and Condoms, occupy so little room, and are put up in such a form, that a dozen cannot be detected in an ordinary letter, and we send them prepaid through the mail, or by express, in such a disguised manner that no one can detect or suppose the Contents of the letter or package. This is to our interest, as our patrons wish no one to be able to detect or understand its nature. The "Printed Instructions" are also pre-paid and carefully sealed, as are all letters, and ingeniously disguised. Those desiring the "Instructions" or goods will notice the following directions as to the modes of sending goods, of payment for them, and other useful hints and suggestions. DIRECTIONS.— All who are about to write us should note the following re- marks : Always address us to our Branch Office thus : Mmes. BEACH, PUTNEY & Co., Branch Office, D. Astor Place, New York City. Always address your letters in that way, enclosing in all letters, of whatsoever nature, a postage stamp for reply. If you send money, let it be either in greenbacks (so called) - , or in bills on banks in Eastern States. If you send a draft, let it be on this or some eastern city. If you do not send money or a draft, or a money order on our New York Postmaster, but desire your goods sent by Express, and you pay for them when you receive them, then be sure to state what Express Company runs to or nearest to your place. In all cases give your name, post office, county and State, |Jj|P and never order your letters to be addressed to a fictitious name or initials, as the new Post-office law sends all such letters to the Dead-Letter office at once. J^fjj We adopt four different ways in sending " Printed Instructions " and goods, leaving it to the purchaser to decide which mode will be adopted. 1st Mode is t>y Express, C. O. D. — This is the most popular way with our patrons in ob- taining their goods, as they do not have to send any money through the mails, and do not pay for the goods until they are received. They are so shipped that the Express agent where the goods are received knows nothing of the nature of the package, as our firm name of "Mmes. Beach, Putney & Co." is not used, and they come direct, and usually sooner, than through the mail. The purchaser is protected throughout, as he does not part with a cent until his goods, in good order, are received by him. Any one, ordering six dollars or more, can have their pack..,w Bent to them in-thb manner, and nothing can be safer, quicker, and in fact more private and secret. It has become established as a good, practical mode, and we cannot object to any way that promotes the interests and entire satisfaction of our patrons. Persons who have no express office in the place where they reside, can have the goods sent to their nearest express office. They should send in their letter the name cf the express company, the place where the package is to be sent, and also their post-office address, and a stamp for reply. ALL letters ordering goods C. 0. D. should contain a stamp, the name of the express office where the package is to be directed, as well as their post-office address, that we may notify them when the goods are shipped. [Read " Borrowed Trouble ' ' clear through, page 8.] 2-d Mode is t>y Mail, and is a safe and convenient way for receiving ' ' Instructions ' ' and goods. All those packages sent through the mails are from orders accompanied by the money or draft, and ordered to be sent by mail. They are carefully packed and disguised, so that no postmaster can sus- pect the nature of the contents, or that the envelope contains anything other than an ordinary letter. One dozen of our semi-fibrous envelopes, or other goods, occupies so little room, and are so placed and sealed in the letter, that they are wholly unnoticeable, even by the most meddlesome observer. We have every confidence in the mails as a safe medium of transportation, either of goods or monied letters, and the important thing is to plainly and correctly direct the letter. This done, there need be no further concern. Those desiring their goods sent by mail, should enclose in their letter, to the amount ordered, either a draft or a money order on our New York postmaster. If neither of these are convenient, then they should enclose in their letter greenbacks (so called) or current funds on Eastern Banks, and if they send money instead of draft or money orders, we would prefer that they get their letters registered, although we leave it optional with the sender. [Read " Borrowed Trouble " page 8.] The letter should also contain postage for reply, giving in a distinct handwriting your full Name, Post-Office, County and State, and also, if to be sent by express, the name of your express company. 3d Mode is through a third Person. — This mode is principally for those residing too far from any express office to get their goods by express, but who desire the same advantages through the mails as by express. This mode and advantage may be had by those desiring it, by their ordering a package worth $6 or upwards, and by making the necessary arrangements with their postmaster. First, see your postmaster, state to him that you are ordering a package of goods that will come by mail in his care for you, and that when it comes your are to pay to him its cost, and he is to deliver the package to you upon your payment of the money to him. Then, second, write to us, ordering the goods you desire, giving us your name and address, together with the postmaster's name and post-office, whereupon we will send your package, tightly sealed and disguised, to the postmaster for you ; and upon your calling at the post-office and paying the cost of tfie package, he will deliver it to you and send to us our money. The postmaster need not know the contents or nature of the package , and will not unless you divulge it to him. It can be transacted with as much secrecy as if by express. This class of people are deprived the use of a railroad and express office, and when any of them desire packages, and prefer to make payment upon receiving them, they are, by this mode, put upon equal footing with those who can order their pack- ages by express. [Read ''Borrowed Trouble," page 8.] 4th Mode is oy Private Carrier to our patrons in New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City. And Lastly, we are Often asked to give our opinion as to which of the above modes is best adapted to the interest of the customer ; and in reply we would say, that any one of them is good and safe, and that, if there be any difference in them, it is, that by express nothing can be safer, quicker, and in fact more private and secret. The great majority of goods are ordered by our Datrons to be sent by ex- ? ." ■ * ■ • ^ — i •'„, ■ r press, as we ship all packages of $6 or upwards by express, if desired, and in such way by C. 0. D. that the express agent, where the goods are received, knows nothing of the nature of the package whatever ; and the person ordering the goods does not pay away his money until he receives them. In this way our patrons can never find fault with us or any one, and they have the use of their funds until the goods arrive. It is our aim to please, and to this end we spare no pains. We adopt every means possible to have our patrons well satisfied, for if they are, they seldom fail to send us the names of their friends, or to circu- late the circulars we send them with their goods, among their friends. Now. this feeling in us to satisfy all. often prompts us to a disposition to give advice as regards the best modes of ordering goods; and were we to, we should, from our experience in the business, advise all to order their goods to be sent by express, C. 0. D., wherever they are near or within stage or sending distance of an express office, where they could go or send and get the package. In this way you pay for the goods when they come, and you have a supply and variety that will add vastly more happiness and comfort to your marriage relations, then the same money could, invested in any other way. The marriage relation is designed to promote happiness and love, and they are but robbing themselves, who are too close with their money in the exercise of these means of enjoyment, which so sweetly compensate the true and the virtuous. All, in buying our goods, as will be seen from the attached testimonials, rejoice on the acquisition, and only wish that they did not sooner come across our circular ; and no couple will ever regret an investment made in our " Printed Instructions" and envelopes. [See " A Question Answered," page 6 Also read the following* — ' 1 Borrowed Trouble. ' ' u Borrowed Trouble."— Having been in this business for so many years, Ave have from time to time met with all sorts of persons, of various characters and dispositions, and amongst those most to be pitied is that class of timid persons who make themselves unnecessary trouble by " borrowing trouble." We have known these persons to go twelve miles to mail a letter, and then twelve mile's again to the same post-office to get their goods, for fear their own postmaster would mistrust what they were about, when, in fact, the postmaster had never heard of us, as we, for the benefit of our patrons, never send our circidars to them, and always endeavor not to disclose to them our business. We have known patrons to have their goods sent to some other express office in preference to their own, fearing lest the express agent at their place might know what sort of merchandise they are re- ceiving. There are, in a vast metropolis like this, very many names very similar to ours— some in dry goods, some hardware, and others, importers of various kinds, and your postmaster or express agent would, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, pay no more attention to your package than his usual duty in delivering it to you — and had he patronized us or read our circular it is none of his business. If he made it his business to remark or in any wise notice it, he would simply prove himself unworthy his position or of your respc f . The fact is, the fault rests upon the receiver and not the officer, and it is w r rong to conclude that a postmaster is prying into his neighbors' correspondence. From our experience we fully believe that there is no occasion at all for patronizing neighboring offi- ces, and that the way to do, in all cases, is to go like a man about what you want to do, and do it. Were you ordering from us a box of perfumery, or some household drug, your only fear would be that your postmaster and neighbor would not know of your indulgence in New York luxuries. Certainly nothing is more "borrowed" than fearing the express agent, a"s he has no means whatever of knowing anything of the contents of the package, or where it is from. We allow nothing to appear betraying its 'iny'ut or mission, nor do we employ our names of Mines. Beach. Putney & Co. in the transaction, and if your express agent there is acquainted with us, he has no right to conclude your package is from our house, and if the whole community knew of the transaction, no censure follows at all. since these goods are as necessary and proper as the use of an undershirt or chemise. It is ab- solutely incorrect to be fearful over that which is necessary, and which is universally enjoyed by all those up with the times, and, fearfid or not, " no one will know unless you tell of it yourself." The new post-office law forbids the delivery of letters to fictitious names or initials : therefore, if you want to receive your letters, use your own name, and we will send to you by mail, or as ordered, your goods, so disguised that no postmaster or express agent will see anything unusual. Our goods can be sent in an ordinary letter, or in a little box by express ; and if some of our timid and inexperienced patrons knew more of these things, and of the rules and customs of post and express offices, they would bor- row less trouble, and realize vastly more of real connubial bliss! [Read "And lastly, we are often asked," page 7, and also the following : ] Safety, Privacy, and within the reach of all. — You can procure it, and the per- son who gives it to you can know no more what you get it for, or to whom you are going to send it, than he can know which boot you will remove first when you come to retire at night. Country merchants most usually keep an account with the men of whom they buy their goods in New York, and can furnish you with one. We refer to a check or draft on some person, house or bank in New York, which can always be got at a bank or brokers, and most merchants are able to draw one o~\ some merchant or bank here for you. If you want your goods sent by mail, by procuring a chec\ or draft you can send it to us instead of money, and the person who gives you the draft or checb. don't know to whom you are going to indorse it. If you should mis-direct your letter — or if it should get burned up, lost or stolen, you have lost nothing at all, as you could get a duplicate chec:: or draft, and send again, and a finder or thief could not collect it, as the person on whom it i i drawn can legally pay it only to us, to whom you would endorse it before enclosing it in a lettei. This is the way to do: Go to a merchant, broker or banker, and say, "I want a check or draft on some man, house or bank, in New York, Philadelphia or Boston, for $ — ." When he goes to write it for you he will say, "to whose order shall I make it payable or to whom are you going to send it \ In reply just say, " J want it payable to my order." He will then draw it payable to your order. After getting it, go, and, before putting it in the letter to send to us. just write on the back of it, " Pay to the order of Beach, Putney & Co." and sign your name to it In this way the person who sells you the check or draft knows nothing of your business and there is no chance in the world of the amount being lost by any accident, or theft. It is as safe as if you were to come here and hand the money to us, and when we get pay on it you have the evidence of the person or bank that pays us. Jt protects you — it protects us. Its cost is not over a cent on the dollar, and one can easily procure it — from some source — even if he lives in remote settlements. If you can not procure it, nor a money order on our N. Y. Postmaster, then send money, and we would prefer that you get your letter registered — but we leave it optional with you. If you send a check or draft, it is useless to get the letter registered. But if you send neither check, draft nor money, then order your goods sent by express, C. 0. D., giving your express office, post-office, and enclosing the usual postage for reply, and you can pay for the goods when they come, observing that our smallest packages sent by express are six dollars and upwards in C. 0. D.'s. Read " Directions," page 7th. To Correspondents. — %W Persons writing to us may do so in the utmost confidence. A full statement or inquiry, of any of their matters, condition of their health, or mishaps in life, will be treated in the most honorable confidence. These matters are no longer of that delicate nature that the vulgar and in- "•„:. L I s disposed would try to make them, and a woman is exceedingly in error to be reluctant in frankly stating her condition, if she be ailing, unhealthy or in distress, and seeking remedial aid. The fullest statement enables us to correctly judge of your case, and we think less of that correspondent who affects to be delicate in stating the full and true cause of her sufferings or desires. jfc" A Frequent Inquiry made.— We sometimes receive letters asking if we are still in New York city, saying that if so, they desire to send for ' ' Instructions " or goods, &c. Such letters will hereafter be answered simply by enclosing a circular to the inquirer. Such letters, however, are unneces- sary, as we are permanently located in this city, and constantly attending to the business. We take great p ride in promptly rilling orders, that they may leave the city in the next returning mail without fail. All orders reaching the city in the morning are mailed in time for the evening mails ; and those reaching the city in the evening mails are filled and mailed the following morning. All letters for goods or on inquiry, etc., should contain postage for reply. All correspondence is confidential, and the greatest privacy is used on our part in sending letters and articles to patrons. Address all communications to us, with stamp, to our branch office, thus : Mmbs. BEACH, PUTNEY" & CO., [Read " Directions," on page 7, ^ Brajmcii Office, D. Astor Place, clear through.] New York City. OUR MEDICAL PRACTICE, TESTIMONIALS, AND MATTERS OF REFERENCE. Experience and Practice. — Mmes. Beach, Putney & Co., New York, Physicians and Im- porters of and Dealers in French Medicine and Conjugal Goods of every description, have been established until they are well known. They have given repeated testimonials and reference to the superiority and durability of their Envelopes, Safes, Condoms, and Caps ; of the efficacy and great value to every married woman of their "Printed Instructions," and of their skill and continued success in treating all female complaints and weaknesses of every nature, and of permanently restoring and curing the worst cases of the Avaut of amative vigor, or sexual feeling, in the female. Their great experience enables them to excel in all these branches requiring personal experience, combined with scientific research, and their competency in treating the delicate system of woman cannot be rivalled. Woman is, from the nature of her slender organization, subject to very many ills. There are innumerable wives, to whom sexual intercourse is not only repulsive, but absolutely offensive and painful, and consequently, injurious ; and it is of the utmost importance to their health and happiness, before further sexual intercourse be had, that nature be as- sisted, and that their generative organs be relieved of this morbid state of inactivity, which so benumbs and chills, and which is the principal cause of this want of proper sexual passion. When females disregard these ailments and inactive condition of the sexual parts, they do themselves the utmost injury and neglect; for the evil increases and breeds all the various forms and stages of " female complaints," so called, and which comprise every depression with which woman can be burdened, from the falling of the womh, to the thousand and one little aches and pains, as the whites, painful menstruation, &c, &c. We warrant and effect a cure of all cases of falling of the womb, painful menstruation, whites, and female weakness of every nature, and restore the patient to a healthy, active, and vigorous sexual enjoyment that promotes her health, removes the paleness from her face and gives a natural flush to the cheek, and power to the whole system, that of itself relieves her from th^ debility and complaints arising from this derange- ment of the sexual organs. All correspondence on these matters maybe addressed to us in the fullest and most confidential terms, and will be so treated. Parties suffering need manifest no reluctance in fully dispossessing themselves of the nature and degree of their complaints, as it will more fully enable us to comprehend their wants and the requisites of their case. To whom Reference may De made.— We are well known in New York, and those who desire further information concerning us, may consult either the Department, any of the leading New York Drug Houses, or the principal Express Companies here running out of New York. We have been established many years, and are known, by many of these establishments, to be prompt, thorough and reliable in all departments of our business. Through the Department we are known in prompt transac- tions by mail ; among heavy Drug Houses we are known in the amount of goods we handle ; and with the Express Companies here we are recognized as heavy shippers, and thorough and reliable in our en- gagements. While we are thus known to the express companies in New York, where we daily transact our shipping business, their agents out of New York, along the lines of the multitudinous railroads, have no such knowledge of the nature of our business, or goods shipped by us, to enable them to know or even suspect the character of our calling or contents of our packages, so that our patrons may be confi- dent of the utmost secrecy in obtaining their packages by express throughout the United States and Canadas. Those also, desiring references from our patrons concerning us and our skill and medical treat- ment, " Printed Instructions" and goods, may review the following letters, which bear disinterested testi- mony. glT* Letters Testimonial. — We have not room to publish a long array of letters. We receive them daily, bearing unmistakable marks of gratitude and expression of thanks. Never, at any time, have we called on any person to write for us a letter expressing their sense of the superior value of our goods, or the skill displayed in our treatment of cases. A testimonial that is not voluntarily put forth, without solicitations, as the natural response from a grateful heart that has received invaluable treatment and cure, or relief from an exhausting and over-increasing of family, is a poor testimonial. We would rather have, as a testimonial, the casual but sincere letter of one raised from pain and weakness to vigor and new strength, even if it be disjointed and of one line only, than a long ceremonious letter, expressing in logical emphasis, one's skill and scientific success. We ask no one to write us letters bearing testimonials of regard and gratitude ; but when patients do, we are justified in using such as we may select for our cir- cular, but, of course, omitting the full name of the writer, as it would be deemed almost an outrage to give the name in full ; it would be a breach of faith on our part. We subjoin a few letters from the great number w r e are constantly receiving, and would gladly give more, could we spare the space. But we must confine our circular within the weight of a three cent postage stamp. But one testimonial of each kind is as good as a long repetition : Springfield, 111., January 3. — I received the package containing your "Printed Instructions," and am well pleased with them. Enclosed is four dollars more and postage, for another full set for my sister, which direct to Mrs. A , C. try some of your Envelopes, and I will take one dozen Semi-fibrous, and paper of Envelope Powders, and send them to me. Direct to No. — Heath street, west of 13th, below Girard Avenue. Send C. O. D., by any express most convenient to you. Mrs. . [The husband of the lady who wrote the abovo is in a book store in Chestnut street, conducted by T. B. P & Bros. Roxbury, Mass., March 26th, 1866, corner Gay and Washington streets.— Madame, I received your " Printed Instructions" safely, and am perfectly satisfied with them. I think I need nothing else at present. M. B. P. M . Salineviile, Ohio, March 8th, 1866. — Your goods of the 2 : -tf:.- c; express, C. O. D., came duly to hand, and am well pleased with them. Enclosed find $9.00, for which please forward me by return express the " Printed Instructions," one dozen Semi- fibrous Envelopes, one Yarn, Ring and Envelope Powders. Send by Union Express to Salineviile, Columbia County, Ohio. Please also forward me some of your circulars to distribute to some of my needy friends. I am acting as agent now for oth- ers, so you will hear again from yours, kc. H. P. K., P. O. Box— Salineviile, Columbia County, Ohio. Send to the following persons your circular. [Here are three names given]. Leavenworth, Kan., June, 1866. — Please send by express two dozen best Semi-fibrous Envelopes, with directions for taking care of them, kc. These are for a friend to whom I gave one of your circulars. The goods I ordered on the 16th ult. came duly to hand, and give entire satisfaction. Send this order by U. S. Express Co., C. O. D., to the same address, and oblige yours, &c, J. A. S , Jr., Weston, Mo. Michigan City, Ind., July 12, 1866.— Dear Madame— Enclosed I send you $5 for one dozen of Semi-fibrous Envelopes, which I recognize as the best Envelopes. You recollect that I ordered all the samples, and I have used them. The Semi- fibrous Envelope I used nearly three months before it commenced to break. I wish I had ordered them instead of the samples, although others might differ in opinion with me. Therefore, I hope you will send me of the best goods of Semi- fibrous Envelopes. * * * * Address Rev. P. S., Michigan City, Ind. Room No. — , Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C, March 22, 1866. — Enclosed find two and fifty one-hundredth dollars, ($2.50), for winch please send to the above address one half dozen (G) of the "French Male Safe." I consider t.iem invaluable as regards safety and economy. Please send them taiiy. Very respectfully, kc, C. H. C , Room — , A. G. O. Washington, D. G. P. S. — Please send circular addressed S. E. C , Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C. Towlesville, N. Y., April 29, 1866.— Your letter of 23d inst. came to hand last evening. * * * * * As to those goods, they are more than I expected, and I feel well satisfied. Enclosed you will find $3.22, which please accept, together wnn the most sincere thanks of your obedient servant, J. C. H , Towlesville, Steuben County, N. Y. Lynn, Mass. July 23rd, 1866. — About a year ago I had occasion to apply to you for some of your Envelopes, and they have proved of very great sendee to us. I wish to replenish oar supply, and would ask you to send by Express, C. O. D., to me, 1 doz. Semi-Fibrous Envelopes and a half doz. package of Noose Envelopes. Direct them in care of my husband, Esq., No. Exchange Building, Market St., Lynn. You may send your circular to (Here are three names given.) Yours, Mrs. H. J. E. . Undertaker, No. William St., New Bedford, Mass. Aug. 23d, 1866.— You will please send by mail, properly disguised, a doz. package of your best Envelopes, which I believe are $5.00. Enclosed, find the money and direct taem to Mrs. , No. Elm St., or if you direct them to me, at my place of business, please make them private, tiome time ago I procured " Samples" of your goods, and I am best pleased with the Semi-Fibrous. I am yours, . New Bedford, Mass. March 26th.— I received one of your circulars last Fall, and sent and got some of your Envelopes. We have used them all the time and like them much. We thought we would send for some of the Noose Envelopes now, and also for your Printed Instructions. Send Printed Instructions and half doz. Noose Envelopes by Express, (Davenport, Mason k Co.'a Express,) C. O. D., and I will pay when tney come. Direct in care of G. L. B., corner of 3rd and Cannon streets, to yours truly, . P. S.— Send a circular to Mr. , with Allen k Bliss, 121 Union St., New Bedford. See " A Ques- tion Answered," page 6. Hartford, Conn. June 8th, 1866. — We received, a month or so ago, the package you sent, containing your Printed Instruc- tions and samples of goods. We are more than pleased, and our gratitude in being placed in possession of such potent means and control over these important matters r leads us to enclose to you this list of names of my friends residing here and elsewhere. You will, of course, consider it a confidential matter, and observe privacy; and if you will send to me some of your circulars, I will, when I have opportunity, place them where they will be of use to you. Direct them to me, at Mr. , place of business, No. — Commerce Street. Confidentially yours, Mrs. . [The list was composed of 17 names. The writer resides in Park Street.] Hartford, Conn., Feb. 23rd.— Send to Mrs. , No. — Washington Street, 1 doz. Semi-Fibrous Envelopes, paper of Enve- lope Powders, Guide and Epitome, for which find enclosed dralt of $5.60 and postage. 1 desire them sent by mail. Your Printed Instructions, purchased by us some time since, give infinite satisfaction. I am, with respect, yours, kc. [The above letter is from an Attorney at Law.] See " A Question Answered," pa c ,e 6. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 3d.— Enclosed find $7.35, which you say is all that we owe you. We supposed it would be more, L._id believe us to be not only grateful, but your aclioe friends. We have sent off all the circulars you sent us with the medicines and goods, and if you will send us more we will send them to those who would no doubt be benefited by them. " \al so well that I am happy beyond expression, and 1 do v^sli you would advertise in papers, and in this way you would Nae suffering world good by acquainting them with you and your business. I can't forget the help you have done me I ■ i I 11 In restoring mc, and as far as we have used your "Printed Instructions" they fulfill our highest expectations. Mos y : gratefully yours, . Remark. — The abovo letter is from a lady, tho wifo of a young New Haven merchant, residing in Elm Street, and doin (business in Chapel Street. Upon maraiagc she "found herself totally deficient in sexuul feeling. She, however, paid no attention to its restoration until she had engendered not only a weakness, and premonitory symptoms of whites, but had, by repeated cohabitation, contracted pain and weakness in the back and side, losing her usual strength, and apparently becoming a nervous and broken down invalid. She wrote to us, enclosing $10, and 'asked our Special Treatment to restore I her to amativa enjoyment. Wo sent it — restored her — and afterwards sent her medicine to invigorate her system, and to check any weakness or whites that had previously gained a foothold. She afterwards ordered " Printed Instructions" and Envelopes, stating that she felt fully restored, and asking us to send our bill for the " Instructions," Envelopes, and for all she might owe us. She owed us nothing, as $10 sent covered all Treatment, and the "Instructions" and Envelopes came to only $7 35. We sent them and our bill of $7 35, and she enclosed to us the amount with the above letter. In January following she wrote us, speaking highly of both "Instructions" and Envelopes, and enclosing $4 00 for a copy of the former, to be sent to a friend or relative of hers, engaged i i a college in Greencastle, Indiana. We sent " Printed In- structions," as directed, to Mrs. , Greencastle, Indiana ; and in May we received from the Indiana recipient the follow- ing letter, which reads: Greencastle, Ind., May 28th, 18G6.— Last winter I received from you your Circular, your "Printed Instructions," and a letter stating that the "Instructions" were paid for and sent to me by a friend of mine whose name Bhe wished kept sii ut. I felt thankful for the gift, but more so when I found how replete every page was with useful things heretofore .unknown to me. I have been blessed with additional joys and freedom in the marriago relation since provided with their mode of pr jventing conception, and I have no doubt but that they would be equally aj effective in removing obstructions. I have never had occasion to use them for the latter purpose, as they keep me regular, strong and buoyant; and, were it in my power, I would acquaint the world of the advantage and comfort to be derived from them. But I could do no more than give you names, and I will say that the following are persons likely to need your " Instructions," [Here are 6 names.] Being pleased with your "Instructions," we desire to try your Envelopes, and you may send us C. O. D. by American Express, Samples, and 1 doz. Semi-fibrous Envelopes, and oblige yours, Mrs. . Direct to Prof. , Asbury Seminary, Greencastle, Ind., and have the package well sealed.— [Read A " Question Answered," page 6. Norwalk, Conn., April 5th 1866.— Enclosed is a list of ten names. You can send your circular to them. They are all acquaintances of mine. I like your " Printed Instructions " well. I would like to see your Envelopes, but can't afford them at present. Your friend, Mrs. J. E. A . Worcester, Mass., August 10th, 133;5. — Send to me by mail, carefully enclosed, of your best Semi-fibrous envelopes, one dozen. Enclosed you have a " V " and postage. Your goods, for three years, have been to us constant promoters of com- fort and peace. Direct to me at No. — Worcester Bank Block, Foster St. Yours, . Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 7. — Please send to me by Adams Express, to No. — Golden Hill, a " C. O. D." package, worth G or 8 dollars, of Envelopes, such as you deem the best, all things considered. I sent for samples some time ago, and I don't know which I do prefer. I like them all. Respectfully, Geo. W. . Lowell, Mass., August 24th, 1866. — I was married some time ago; but never, until lately, have I paid any attention to the subjects spoken of in your circular. I have so little confidence, that I had concluded never to trouble myself, except to let nature take her course, and to control her only by caution and self-denial. My wife saw your circular, or at any rate, got your address and, unbeknown to me, sent you $4 for your "Printed Instructions: " but on receiving them, we do not regret the expenditure. On the other hand we are delighted with them, and you have our entire confidence. To see the thing out, and to thank you for your fidelity, I herewith enclose $5.60 for a dozen package Semi- fibrous Envelopes, Guide, your Epitome, and a paper of Envelope Powders. Send carefully sealed by mail, or express, as you think best, to me, in care of , and they will reach mc saiely. Yours, . [See "A Question Answered," page 6.] Salem, Mass., May 12. — Allow me to ask you a few questions relative to, &c. [Here are questions and inquiries relative to health matters, &c] I am strong in the belief that, had I ever given birth to another child, that the grave would have been my only lot. In each of the confinements through which I have passed, my suffering was beyond human comprehension, except to those who have experienced this pain in a like degree. My pelvis is so unusually small, and my children are all head, that my confinement is attended with unfortunate ills. I feel that your " Printed Instructions " are what I owe my life to. I had. taken pills, and done everything but violence to remove the obstruction, and my husband and I had made up our minds to resort to the aid of an abortionist, which is the lesser of two e vils, death or abortion, when a friend gave me v^a circular, saying that your " Printed Instructions " would speedily and safely remove the obstruction, and introducer'-' I had no faith, but, like a drowning man grasping at a strU A , i ent for them ; but in seven days aiterT received them I was. .under their system, regular, with a full period of menstruation. We have stout, active children, all healthy, and we are hap- py with them, but can never think of the idea of having more. [She goes on with her letter, speaking of matters pertaining to her case, but uninteresting and too lengthy to print here]. She closes by saying : Everything before me looks bright. I :ear nothing. My husband, myself, and our children are all healthy, and your Instructions or Envelopes [Read"^4 Question An- swered"] are that strong shield which will protect us from the perils that so unfortunately attend our marriage relation. We still take pains in circulating your circulars wherever we can, and shall continue to do so. Believe me, devotedly yours, Mrs. Rev. . Portland, June 20th. — When last I wrote you I enclosed $5.00 for a dozen best Envelopes. I have given away most of them and wish to order by express, C. O. D., a larger supply, as they are well liked by my brothers. We want enough for us and some of our friends, and. we want you to send us 2 dozen best, 1 dozen Noose, 1 dozen best Safe, and there will be enough for all of us. Money is no object, compared with their utility and use. There are four of us, and we want 3 boxes of Envelope Powders. I have a box for myself. What is the lowest you will take for four copies Instructions ? [Read " A Question Answered," page 6.] Send by Eastern Express to me. Yours truly, (direct thus), Mr. , Thomas Block, Com- mercial street, Portland, Me. No. — Market street, Portsmouth, N. H., July 17, 1866.— I ordered your "Printed Instructions" for my wife. They speedily removed the obstruction which had stood some months. We shall employ them for preventing conception, but may some future time try your Envelopes. I write you to ask that you send circulars to [here are seven names.] By so doing you will oblige us and benefit yourselves. Yours, John C . Portsmouth, N. H., May 9th.— We like your Instructions, and feel well repaid their expense — we have had them over a year and we are going to try your Envelopes. Mrs. , who has used them, says she likes them ; and you will find enclosed ^3,00, for half dozen semi-fiDrous. Send them by express to me, care Mr. , No. — Congress Street. Yours, in haste, Mrs. . P. S. — Send your best, and if they please as well as the Instructions do, you will hear from us again. [Read " A Question Answered," page 6.] Room No. — , Elliott House Block, Bath, Me., March 29.— Send, for the enclosed money, half dozen Noose and half dozen best French Safes. I like the Semi-fibrous, and want to try these, too. Your goods can't be beat 1 Send good ones. Your old customer, , Esq. Bangor, (Me.,) January 20.— Send me, by express, C. O. D., your Printed Instructions and Womb-guard. I have used your Envelopes, and nothing, in my opinion, can excel them, unless it be what I now order. [Read A Question Answered, page 6.] Direct to me, at No. — West End, Kenduskeag Bridge, Bangor. Yours, with respect, E. L. W. f^UDirect to my residence, No. — Allen Street, Providence, R. I., half dozen best Envelopes— and Powders— and Guide — jjjpd Epitome. I enclose the money. Send by mail. If they are as good as your Instructions I shall feel satisfied. [Read A . Question Answered, page 6.] Yours, Mrs. E. C. E. Feb. 16, '66. The following from a Methodist Clergyman in the West. Lake City, Minn., Sept. 5th, 1866. — A year ago I sent and obtained of you by mail, one dozen Semi-Fibrous Envelopes. I rfind them ail you recommend them. I also obtained your " Printed Directions," [he means to say "Printed Instructions,"] which, in the satisfaction and feeling of safety they afford my wife and myself in the knowledge they impart, we feel are worth more than can be expressed in dollars. By way of kindness to my wife, I choose to use Envelopes during the days of danger, after menstruation. [Note. By following the Instructions and also using the Envelopes, he was making a sure thing doubly sure. Either was sufficient, but in his anxiety, he used, two safeguards against an event of which either one was wholly sufficient, in being a sure preventive. See "A Question answered," page 6. He goes on and says:] And 1 wish to become acquainted with other kind3 of your goods. Will you please send me by Express, C. O. D. to Rev. , Lake City, Wabasha Co., Minn., as follows: [ Here is an order for goods.] I order largely; hope you will make the bill as small as may be for the quantity, and send soon, as I think of changing my residence this fall. Yours, . Chicago, HI., Aug. 29, 1866. — Enclosed you will please find a check for $10. I want one dozen Semi-Fibrous, one dozen Noose, and Envelope Powders. The package you sent me some time ago was perfect, and I was so pleased, that I gave many away to my intimate friends, and so I must have some more. Send by mail to the care of John V. Farwell & Co., 42, 44, and 46 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, HI. I am, yours, &c., Banking House, No. — King Street, East Toronto, C. W., Aug. 11, 1866. — Your Printed Instructions I have received, and 1 am thankful for the speedjr results which they have brought uoout. They seem to place nature at the bidding of woman. Receive my heartfelt thanks. At first I had no confidence in ypu, but the pressing and urgent circumstances induced me to grasp at anything within my reach, though I had repeatedly tailed, and when a friend gave me your circular, I looked to li You— though with but little.confidenee,— but now I know the re is the fullest reality in your "Printed Instructions," and I I find sweet delight in writing to you and telling you how I feel. The Instructions have been so much to me, that I prefer to \ employ them for the other purposes at present, but may sometime send for some of your goods. Most gratefully yours, Mrs. I Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 8th. — On the ICth ult., I was married at St. Paul, Minu. While there, a very confidential friend of j mine handed me your circular, saying that it represented a substantial est iblishment. I immediately sent $4.00, and re ccived your "Printed Instructions." I am paid a hundred times over for the money sent. Their pages are replete with ( nature's mysteries in full exposition, My satisfaction of them and y >u, and my curiosity to see some of your goods, impels [ me, even without any real need for them, to send the enclosed $3.55 for your Sample Package, Guide and Powders! Care- I fully disguise, and direct legibly to Yours, with deep respect, Rev. , Principal ox- Nashville, Tenn. No. — Westminster Street, Providence, It. L, Aug. 24th, 18GG. — I would ask that you send to me, by express, some of \ your Noose and Semi-Fibrous Envelopes — say half a dozen of each. I enclose a draft to pay for them, and if there is too much, return overplus with goods. Do well by me, as I am, if you will remember, an old patronizer of your establishment. I am, yours, &c, Stephen E . Boston, Mass., Jan. 3d, 1866. — Direct to the undersigned, at my residence, No. — Kingston Street, one dozen of your j best Condoms. Send Guide and Epitome and Powders. I am able to state that your goods, as well as your "Instruc- tions," fully meet the expectations of the purchaser. Truly yours, Mrs. . Boston, Mass., Feb. 20. — I have been married four years, and I have all the family I can take care of at present. But it still increases, and a friend of mine tolls me confidentially to send you four dollars, and you will send "Printed Instruc- tions," that will remove obstructions of four and five months' standing, and that will also avoid conception. 1 enclose the money, and desire you to send them, with your Circulars, &c. Direct them to me, care of N , P & Co., — Commer- cial St., Boston. Yours, . [In a short time after he received the Instructions, he wrote us a letter commending them, I speaking of his success, and ordering Sample Package of Envelopes, saying he would spare no pains to help us all he could.] Read "A Question Answered," page 6. Burlington, Vt., April 3d, 1866. — I have had your Printed Instructions some months, and I think no married couple can j get along in health without them, independent of removing pregnancy and keeping out of getting so. I send you eleven names, and you may send each a Circular. Some of them are just married. Yours, . Concord, N. H., May 24th. — Send me for this money (five dollars), some more of your Envelopes. Those you last sent were very durable. I want large size. Semi-fibrous Envelopes. I have sent you many customers in this place, from among my intimate friends, and I hope to send you more. Ever yours, Mrs. -, Box , P.O., Concord, N. H. [The above letter is from a wh'e who had the Whites and Painful Menstruation, together with its ever-present companion — loss ot amative feeling and vigor, and we cured her completely — since which time (1864) she has been a constant patron and advo- cate of our cause. Her husband has an office in Masonic Temple, and i3 a man of much means and influence.] Omaha City, Nebraska, June 14, 1866. — Enclosed please find five dollars. Send me one dozen Semi-Fibrous Envelopes. I have your Printed Instructions, and they fuiiy meet my every expectation. I desire to try the Envelopes, and I know no better use to put my money to than promoting the happiness of my married relation. Direct to , corner of Tenth and Farnham Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. Yours, . The following Testimonial is from a Minister's wife. Read it : Bowdoinham, Me., Aug. 3d, 1366.— Madam : [Alter first stating that the way she first learned of us was by some friend sending her our Circular, she adds that] I was much pleased that some one had interested themselves in this very important subject. I consider yours a christian work. But what I wish to say is this : if you will send me some of your advertisements (in any form) free of expense to me, I will, free of expense to you, circulate them among my lady acquaintances in this and ! other towns, as an act of disinterested benevolence to my sex. My circle of acquaintances is large, as my husband is a min- I ister, and his charge extensive. If you do not advertise in the newspapers, the public has a limited means of information in regard to your goods, or whero they may be obtained. Would it not be for your advantage to have an agent in every town ? Some lady would take the agency. I think that this business is calculated to ba a blessing to our race, and is not j beneath the di;mity of any christian woman or lady. There are many who would be glad to use your goods, if they knew j about them and where they could be obtained. Any advertisement or circular from you, stating this, will be sufficient, and if you see fit to send me gome, I will interest myself in them and circulate them among my friends. Yours respectfully, sai ^Ie - ' ■ Direct to M - rs * Kev * ' ■ P ' °' Box — * BoW( loinham, Maine. *" i4 ' '\a. Wis., Dec, 20th, 1866. — Dear Madame. — I received your " Printed Instructions" about one year ago, and am very much pleased with them, and the oth^r goods we Scul^^^rrrived, and we wore very much pleased with them. Wo send you a list of names which we think will patronize you. Please accept them with our heartfelt thanks. Yours truly, Mrs. L. B . [Here are ten names given.— See " A Question Answered," page 6.] Westfield, Mass., Nov. 14. — Mmes., &c. — Your package is received by me, for which I am well pleased. I have thought of some of my friends which I think would like some of your goods, and have enclosed the following names. I shall endeavor, on my part, to do all I can for you, and when I see or hear of any friends needing your goods, I will give you their names, so that you can send them your circular. Hoping you will be pleased with the names I have sent you, I remain, Respectfully Yours, . [Here are twelve names.] Oshkosh, Wis., January 23d, 1867.— Mmes., &c— Having used your Semi-Fibrous Envelopes, and being pleased with them, I will enclose three dollars for a half dozen more of them, and hope to get them as soon as possible. You will please send them by mail to Mrs. , N , P. O. Box , Oshkosh, Wis. I will now send you a few names of persons who 1 am j sure would be very glad to get one of your circulars. It was by chance that I saw one of them, and I shall ever be thankful to you for the good I received from the perusal of it, and if any of the enclosed list of persons is benefited by a circular from you, I shall be very glad, and will be pleased to send you more names. In haste, . [Here are eleven names.] Dear Madam.— Enclosed I send you $3 25 and postage, for a Sample Package, Guide and Epitome. I send a few names, hoping to do much good, &c. I have found that you are honest Please send by mail to D , Franklin, N. H. | " Mum is the word." Yours, &c, [This letter contained nine names for Franklin, Sanbornton Bridge, Holderness, etc. Chillicothe, Ohio, Nov. 5th, 1866. — I have received your Printed Instructions, am well pleased with them, have some extra circulars, will distribute them to my friends, and will try and send you some more names after a while. Enclosed find four • names, also [Here she makes an order for a Package, for a friend.] Yours, M. H. K , Chillicothe, Ross Co., Ohio. Delaware, Ohio, Dec. 28th, 1863.— Mmes, &c. — We herewifh enclose you a list of names. We are well pleased with the Printed Destructions. Respectfully, Geo. W. S . Antrim City, Mich., Nov. 7th, 1866. — Dear Madam. — Your goods were received, and we are well satisfied with them. Respectfully yours, Mrs. E. L. W , [In her said letter she sends us a list of names.] East Wilton, Me., Jany. 29, '67. — Madam.— I received your Printed Instructions in due season, and should have acknowledg- ed it before now, but family cares prevented. I like them very much. I send you six names. Please send them some of ! your circulars. Yours, in haste, Mrs. A. B. M . Rochester, N. Y. Jany. 7th, 1867. Mmes., kc. — The circulars you sent me in December last are all used by me. I have placed them in the way of those who must be benefited by them, and from whom you will, beyond any doubt, receive many 1 orders for goods. Could you send me more I can dispose of them, and will do so cheerfully indeed, if you wish me to. ~ do feel that I can never repay what I realiy owe to you ; and, when I know the unspeakable worth and economy, both in he; f and happiness, derived from your Destructions and goods, I feel that I am doing very much good in guiding my friends t I knowledge of your Establishment. I feel constant improvement in my general health, and have, ever since I follov> • your Instructions ; but I fear my repeated letters become tedious to you, and that you will not care to read them. I simp"* desire more Circulars, and will send them to my acquaintances, far and near. I am, dear ladies, gratefully and sincerel/ 1 your indebted servant, Mrs. Emma C. F , No. — Chestnut Street, Rochester, N. Y. P. S.— If you conclude to send many, you may direct them to my husband, , Attorney at Law, — Buffalo Street, (near the Court House.) Please do them up strongly. No. — Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio, February 4th, 1867.— Dear Madams.— Will you send to me, at my residence, No. — Euclid Street, C. O. D., by Merchant's Union Express Co., two dozen Semi-Fibrous Envelopes, at your most liberal rates, remembering that I am an old patron to your firm. The longer I use your goods the firmer am I in the conviction that for right practical blessings I can do no better than to look to your Institution. Carefully and promptly fill this order, that they may be here Saturday night, without failure. Respectfully yours, H. E. M. Pittsburgh, Pa., February 7th, 1867.— Send by mail, for the within $4.00, a copy of your Printed Instructions to Mrs. H. A. P , Coatsville, Pa. I have a copy and desire this sister of mine to have one also. Yours, truly, Wm. A. H . ft^F It is useless for us to multiply proofs of the ••steem in which we are held by our patrons, by exhibit- ing more testimonials. To any well disposed mind (these are sufficient, and we certainly have no more room in a Circular which must be confined within the weight of three cents postage, to publish any more.