(^-4407 '«O^H Duke University Libraries (Communication Conf Pam #354 MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Jan. 5, 1865. To the Senate and House of Bepreseiitatives : I herewith transmit for your consideratioa a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, covering estimates of additional appropriations required for the service of the Agency of the Department West of the Mississippi river. JEFFERSON DAYIS. COMMUNICATION OF SECRETAHY OF TREASURY. i.suRY Department, December 28th, 1864. Treasury Department, ") The President Sir : — I have the honor to enclose herewith, to be submitted to Congress, estimates (in duplicate) of additional appropriations required lor the service of the Agency of this Department West of the Mississippi lliver, for the six months ending June 30, 1865. The attention of Congress is respectfully invited to the communication of the Agent of the Treasury, accompanying iho estimates. He urges an itirroaiio of tho rates of pay of the olSeers composing the agency; nnd as they appear reasonable, ia view of the exigencioH of the times, I cheerfully recommend tlieir ado[)tioD. 1 am respectfully, your ohcr fuel for eight fire places, desks, cases, tables, chairs, and other incidental expenses, 4,000 Eighiy hlx t'lousand one linndrod and forfyCve dollars, $86,145 All of which i.>^ very respectfully submitted. By your obedient sexvant, (Sigued) D. F. SHALL, Auditor, T. M. p€Rmal!f€< pH8.5