.ym w^i^r^m.::^ ;■*: >C5 '■•y-.^.- <1 r I ^ *^ ^7 y,^. ^^ji-< "^^^i^^ ^. "-> Z*^^ / ^ X ^/TV' .^ ,v^ ^^>^^-r _J>^/^ V. <^ ;^ z^^- ■X ^ tC^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from Duke University Libraries littp://www.arcliive.org/details/ancienttestimonyOObarc T H E ANCIENT TESTIMONY O F T H E People called O u a k e r s, REVIVED; BY THE ORDER AND APPROBATION OF THE YEARLY MEETING, Held for the Provinces of P e n n s y l v a n i a and New-Jersey, 1722. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY JOSEPH JAMES, M.DCC.LXXXVIIl, T H S^ ANCIENT TESTIMONY OF THE People called O^ u a k e x s, REVIVED, &c. t) E All Friend s, HAVING lately by an Introduction to our 'Book of Diicipline,' given a jntroduai- Ihort Hint how our refpc^Vive Meetings, «"• for Church- Afi airs, do confill, and by what Authority, and Example, they came at firfl: to be inflituted, we think well at this Time, for the further Information, and Encou- ragement of our Youth, and others, whofe Faces are turned towards Zion, to figni- fy, that by living Experience, we find, and can with good Confcience declare and telli- fy, that the fame bleffed holy Spirit which led us to believe and receive the Dodirines ^he h >;v and Principles of Truth, (as they were de- Spiriiieaa.^ clared by Chrifl: and his Apoflles in the ho- orcTcr, ly Scriptures) did and now doth, lead us O 2 t 4 ] into tlie like holy Order and Government to be exercifdd among us, as it was amongjfl: the primitive Chriflians, in SancT:ification and Holincrs. T-he For the Church of God is a Gathering wT^'^" of ' them that are fan^ified^ by the Woixi aCoii,^. pf Truth, ' called to be Saints,' who are Members of the Body, even the true Churchy whereof Jefns Cln-ifl is the Head ; But be- fore any can come to be true Members of F'cry Bap- that Body, they mud witnefs the fiery Bap- ''^^"' tifm of the Holy Ghofl:, to initiate them into this true Church ; and as they follow :,iatjq,i8- Chrifi, in the Regeneration, they will wit- nefs a Purity of Living, and be qualified to pnaiificsto '^^^ ^^^^ j'-^^^to^ ^^^ him, wlio ill difpeuling -a for \i[^ i^oly Spirit, doth in his infinite Wifdom, miniller unto every Member a Meafure The Ope- thereof which operates diverlly ' for the, the Spirit edifying of thc Body, there being fome A- diveriiy. poftles, fomc Teachers, fome Paiiors,Mbme Elders, young Men and Babes ; for all are hp'.i. 4> not Apoftlcs, Elders, nor Babes ; yet all J Cor. 12, Vvdio are tridy gathered are Members, and ^^' as ftich, have a Senfe and Feeling of; the Life of.tiie Body flowing from the Head Je- fiis Cluiri:. And whiifl they remain in, tliat r.phy 4 2, ^^^^-, acting' with all Lowlinefs, Meeknefs, 3. ' ' ' and Long-fufFering, forbearhig one another in Love,, endeavouring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace,' they will be endued with right Judgment, fea- C 5 ] foned with pure Charity, and perfect Love, wliich is the Bond of our holy Comhiunion, and Church-Fellow (hip. And as we become thus initiated and qua- The Gry^ lified, wc (liall he enabled to maintain the ',fX!"'^ holy Order and Government above menti- chriiiian oned in perfed Unity; and according to [;^'"J''^'^^*_*' the Degree of Faithfulncfs we are found in, fra Unky. fhall more and more fee ' the holy City New r^.faYcm or Jcrufalem coming down from God out of church of rieaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for Rcv.ai.*. her Huiband,' and the River of Water <^f ^heWaii Life proceeding out of the Tlirone of God, and loun- and of tlie Lamb ; which City being the f^^^^'^^f true Church, ' had a Wall great and high,' Wu 14. fignifying tiie Excellency of God's Power cncompaffing thofe that are within tliis (>lunxh, and keeping out all that would in- \ ade or hurt it : * And this Wall had twelve Foundations, and on tliem the Names of the twelve Apof ties of the Lamb ;' wjiich denotes tliat the Doctrines of the Apoilles are to be embraced, and thofe that are not founded upon them to be rejected and fliut out of this holy City v/hich had but one Street, luid that is the ,Way to die Tree of Life, wiiere tlie true Members of tlie Church of Chriil are travelling in the Unity of his hlefied Spirit ; and i^o they become * of one a^s 1.3'. Heart, and of one Soul,' as the Multitude of them that believed in the Apofllc's Days [.'6 j were, in which precious Unity we fiiallfeel the Life of Righteoufnefs. Glory of And as we come to feel this Life, and Juai Dit' therein experience the Arifmgs of this glo- penfation. Hous Day of Lov'C and Light, with the In- creafe of this bleifed Unity, we (hall more and more witnefs the Glory of this fpiritual Rev. 21. 3. Difpenfation, by knowing God's * Taberna- cle with us,' and his Dwelling in us, and the peaceable Governm.ent of the Lamb among- us myllerioufly fignif.ed by the defcending of this holy City ; and as we abide here, we Rev. 21. 1. ihall with 'John fee no more Sea, that is, we DuX^nin ^"^ nc>t degenerate into that outragious the Church and dividing Principle that has at Times prevailed in fome that walked amongfl us to fj'^; ''• manifefl they were not of us; but fhall ■ * prefent our Bodies a living Sacrifice, holy^ acceptable unto God, which is our reafona- ble Service, and not to be conformed to this World, but transformed by the renewing of our Mind, proving v/hat is that good, acceptable, and perfecH; W ill of God/ and Ver, 3. then none among us * will think of himfelf more highly than he ought ; but will think foberly according as God hath dealt to eve- ry Man the Meafure of Faith,' '-T Hf ^^^' having * Gifts difFei ing,' as faid tiie^ icnng. Apoftle, ^ according to the Grace that is given to us, v^hether Prophecy, v/e fhall^ prophefy according to the Proportion o^ Faith, or Miniflry we (hali wait on our Mi- C 7 ] nifhy, or he that teacheth, on Teaching, or he that exhoi-teth, on Exhortation, he that giveth, will do it with Simplicity, he that ruleth, with Diligence, he that flieweth Mercy, with Cheerfulnels ; our Love will be ^o"- *»» * v/ithout Dillimulation, abhorring that ^' which is evil, cleaving to that which is good, kindly affedlionate one towards an-yer. ie» other with brotherly Love, in Honour pre- ferring one another, not flotliful in Bufinefs,' vcr. m but providing I'hings honeft in the Sight of all Men, and yet have our Minds kept above the furf citing Cares of the World, by being * fervent in Spirit, ferving the Lord, re- joicing in Hope, patient in Tribulation, — '«» continuing inflant in Prayer, diftributing ^i^l to the Necelfity of Saints, given to Hofpi- tality, blefling them which perfecute us, and not curfe.' We fliail alfo ' be of the fame Mind, one 5^,.^^,! towards another, affeiSling not high Things, C"""- but condefcending to Men of low Eflate ; Rom. ,j, not wife in our own Conceits ; nor recom- ^6' ^T' pence to any Man Evil for Evil, or Railing , pet3, 9. for Railing ; but overcome Evil with Good ; Rom 12, and as much as lieth in us, live peaceably ^^- ' i- J ver, 21) with all Men, having the fame Love, doing noticing tliro' Strife or vain Glory, but in phu. 2. Lowlinefs of Mind, each efleeming the other ver 2, 3. better than themfelves ;' the ftrongefl and beft gifted,' not defpifing the meaneft, nor they envying the flrongefl 5 but all in their [ 8 ]. Phil. 3i refpecftive Stations and Degrees will ' walfcj *^- by the fame iluic/ be of one Accord, ' and. mind the fame Thing/ heartily joining tO:. ^t^"'^y ^" maintain Charity in all its Branches, and: 211 Its ^ ■ . Branches Carry on the Aliairs of Truth in the Lambr mabtain- ^^^^ Spirit, to the Honour of God and com-^ cd. fort one of another in him, and then we fliall dcmonflrate that we experimentally Eph. 4, 4, know there is * one Body, and one Spirit^ ^'^' one Lord, one Faith, one Baptifm, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and thro' all, and in us all.' Church By all which, it is manifeft that our Fdiowftip Church-Fellowfhip flands in the Bond of Charity and true Unity of the holy Spirit, Eph. 5. Q. ^^ Fruit whereof, as faith the Apoflle, * is The Fiuit in all Goodnefs, Righteoufnefs and TlYuth, Spiaf. Love, Joy, Peace, Long-fuifering, Gentle- nefs, Faith, Meeknefs, Temperance, againfl Gal. 5 22, i'^ch there is no Law^ ; for tlie Law^ is fulfilled 23- ' in one Word,' faith the fame Apoftle, * even The '^' this, Thou thalt love thy Neighbour as thy- i^^^v fulfil- felf •' which is that perfed: Charity we fpeak of, and defire all may come unto, and be preferved in ; fo that God (' v/ho is Love')' may take Dehght in us, and make his Abode Gal 5, 16, with us, and then ftiall we * walk in the '7- Spirit, and not fulfxl the Lufls of the Flefli,- for the Flefli lufbeth againfl: the Spirit, and the Spirit againR: the Fkii:i.' The * The Works of the FleHvare manifeft' 1^'\\X. (faid the Apodle Paul to the Calatlam) C 9 ] ^ which are thefe, Adultery, Fornication, ^'='^- 5- ^9' Uncleannefs, Laicivioufnefs, Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance, Emulations, Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Kerelles, Envy- iiigs. Murders, Drunkennefs, Revelling and fuch like, and they that do fuch Things fliall not inherit the Kingdom of God.' And the fame Apoftle, v\-hen he wrote to the Churches of Rome, Corinth, Ephefus, and ColoiTc, teftifying againft the like Evils, and againfl 'foolidi Talking and Jefling,' ^p^'5»4> he added, that * no Whoremonger, nor unclean Perfon, npr c6vetous Man who is^°^3'5« an Idolater, hatli any Inheritance in the Kingdoin of Chrifh and of God, for becaufe ^p^* ^' ^* of thefe Things cometh the Wrath of God upon the Children of Difobedience : Be not therefore (faid he) Partakers with them, and have no Fellowfhip with the unfruitful Works of Darknefs, but rather reprove them.' And the fame Apoftle fpeaking of fome fP^' ^' ' who were paft feeling, had given them- felves over to Lafcivioufnefs to work all Uncleannefs with Greedinefs : But ye, (faid"**^' he to the Believers) have not fo learned Chrift : If fo be, that ye have heard him, "~^'' and have been taught by him as the Truth is in Jefus ; that ye put off concerning the~~^^' former Converfation the old Man which is corrupt, according to deceitful Lufts ; and"~23c be renewed in the Spirit of your Mind ; and -3i> [ 10 ] that ye put on the New Man, which after '~24> God is created in Righteouihefs and true ^25, Holinefs ; wherefore putting away Lying, fpeak evei^ Man Truth with his Neighbour; for we are Members one of another :* And _26, after he forbad them ' to be angry and give Place to the Devil/ he v/ould have them _5^^ that * ftole, fteal no more/ and that * no —28, corrupt Communication (liould proceed out — 29» ^^ their Mouth ; but that which is good to the Ufe of edifying, that it might minifter Grace to the Hearers, and that all Bitter-i nefs and Wrath, and Anger^ and Clamour, and Evil-fpeaking ftiould be put away with; ail Malice/ , And the ApoRle having teftified againfl 29. ' thofe * who were full of Envy, Murder Debate, Deceit, Mahgnity^ Whifperers, Backbiters, Haters of God, defpightful, proud, Boailers, Inventers of evilThings, difobeJient to Parents ; without Under- vcr. 31. ftanding, Covenant-Breakers, without na- tural AfFeiTtion, implacable, unmerciful, and fuch as held the Truth in Unrighteoui- ''"•'^- nefs,' he faith, * Know ye not that the un- iCor.6. Hghteous fliall not inherit the Kingdom of -^9, ' God : Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor EfFemi- — *o, nate, nor Abufers of themfelves with Man- kind, nor Thieves, nor Covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners, — ^»i fhall inherit the Kingdom of God ; and fuch I Rom. 1, ver. 30. [ n ] were fome of you ; but ye are wadied, but ye are fan^lified, bat ye are jufti lied, in the Name of the Lord Jefas, and by the Spirit of our God. 'By this we may clearly under- hand that the vilell of People., as they give Way to the Power and Word of Truth, may be fancli-ied, and fo become Members of the Church of Chrill, which is great Encou- ragement for all to fubmit themfelves to the divine holy Hand that eads them to Re- pentance and x\mendment of Life . But we may obferve, that notwithftand- Apoftaies, ing the many Cautions and repeated Advice oo!""'^* of the Apoflle, yet fome in their Days, as 2 rim. 2, in our Time, who profelFed tlie Truth, and [l^^^ g. feemed in Mcafure redeemed out of the — 4' »o. Evils of this World, fell into thefe and the ^.•^"''''' like Enormities which the Apoflles teftified ^^^;^'^'^' againil ; and fome others who were then —12. gathered into the Belief of the Principles ~~^' '* and Do&ines of the Gofpel of Chrill, fell from thofe Principles as fome have done in our Day ; in which Cafes fuch as flood firm in the Faith, had Power by the Spirit of God (after Chriflian Endeavours to convince and reclaim thofe Backfliders) to exclude them from our fpiritual Fellowfliip and Communion, as alfo the Privileges they had as Fellow-Members ; which Power, wc know by good Experience, continues with us in carrying on the Difcipline of the Church in the Spirit of Meeknefs. P C 12 ] Power in Tliercforc, we fay, as our Bretliren have t^cal'fure!' ^^^^etoforc concludccl, tliat where any in the Church of God pretending ("onfcience or Revelation, fhall arife to teach and pratfti e (however infignificant or fmall in themielv es) w^heth'er Principles or Practice, yet if they be contrary to fuch as are already received a3 true/ and confirmed by God's Spirit in the Hearts of his Saints ; and that the in- troducing of thefe Things tend to bring Reproacli upon the Truth, as fuch as are not edifying in themfelves, and lb ilumble the weak ; thofc who have a true and right Difcerning, may in and by the Power of God authoriung them (and no otherwife) condemn and judge fuch Things ; and their fo doing will be obligatoiy upon all the ?^embers that have a true Senfe, becaufe they will fee it to be fo, and fubmit to it. jTinf)vai- Whatfoever Innovation, Difference, or diverfe Appearance, whether in Doctrine or Pratftice, proceedeth not from the pure Moving of the Spirit of God, or is not done out of pure tendernefs of Confcience, but either from that which being puffed up af- fedleth Singularity, and there-through would be obferved, com.mended and exalte ted, or from that which the Malignity of fomc Humours and natural Tl'empers, which will be contradi(Sl:ing without Caufe, and fecretly begetting Divifions, Animofi^ ties and Emulations^ by which the JJnity •or.s C 13 ] iind unfeigned Love of the Brethren is lef^ iened or rent, all Things proceeding from this Root and Spirit, however little they may be fuppofed to be of themfelves, are to be guarded againft, withflood and denied, as hurtful to the true Church 's Peace and* Hindrance of the Profperity of Truth. And now we come to take Notice of fome t} ings Things, that others profeffing Chriflianity, f^'JZ'- deem lawful, which are not fo to us, as fui.arenot fwearing and fighting, or going to War sweVin's. when required by lawful authority. The iirfl we teftify againfl, becaufe it is contra- ry to the exprefs Command of our blelTed Saviour, who faid, * Sw^ear not at all ;' and -Mat,^. 34. the Apoftle James, writing to the twelve fcattered Tribes, who, according to their Law, were to * fwear by the Lord, and per- form their Oaths to him,' * faith, ' But above , all Things, my Brethren, fwear not, nei- '^'""^^' *"' ther by Heaven, neither by the Earth, nor by any other Oath ; but let your Yea be Yea, and ^^oiu- Nay, Nay, left you fall into Condemnation/ By this we believe, tiiat all Oaths commanded or allowed by the Mofaical Law, which took their Beginning from Want of Truth and Faithfulnefs, as w^ell as the Oaths of thofe Times, are total- ly abrogated, and inflead thereof the fpcak- ing of Truth cflablifhcd ; and v/e are great- ly thankful to God that our Superiors in Great Britain have been pleafedto grant Re- C H ] lief and Eafe to us in that Point, and hope it will be a firm and renewed Obligation upon us to keep peaceable, faithful, harm- iefs and honed towards all the Children of Men : And then we fhall alTuredly be pre- ferved out of thofeConteils, Fallacies, Strife and Perfidies, againft which Oaths were at firfl: introduced as a Remedy, and are flill alleged to be a Security. Admini- And fmce w^e muft not * fwear at all,' ollhs ^^^ cannot adminifter Oaths to others, there- fore let all of our Community, who are or may be concerned as Magiflrates, be tender of God's Honour in this Matter. And as for Wars and Fightings, they are w^rs. altogether unlawful to us, becaufe our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift (who for the Ex- ifa. 9. 6. cellency of his government is called ' the Printe of Peace') in his bleffed Sermon up- on the Mount commanded that we ihould Mat. 5, 44 ' ^^"^^ our enemies/ And the Apoille Paul exhorts not to ' a- Rom. venge our fe Ives,' but * if our Enemy hun- ~'9.' g^^» ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^"^ 5 ^^ ^^^ thirft, give --^°' him Drink:' But it is evident, that War 3. ° ' ' teacheth to hate, famifh and deflroy them. The fame Apoflile declares, that we war not Eph.6,12. ^f^^^, ^Yie Flefii, nor ' wreflle againfl Flefh and Blood :' But outward War is according to the Flefii, and againil: Flefh and Blood, for the fhedding of the one, and deflroying of the other. The fame Apoflle faith fur-. [ 15 3 iher, 'The Weapons of our %V^rfare are 2 Ccr. : not carnal, but mighty thro' Cod ;' lb are 4- not the Weapons of outward Warfare ; and the Apoftle James teiliiies, tlia^: ' W:ars and J'^"- ^' '• Fightings come from Lufts,' and thofe Luits war in the Members of carnal Men : Eut fuch as have crucified the Flefli with its Af- fections and Lufts, cannot indulge them by waging War ; nor can the .Servants of Chrilt: fight, becaufe his ' Kingdom is not of this >''"• '^^ W^orid/ So that when Peitr ufed the Sword, his Lord and Maikr reproved him, faying, ' V\\z up again tliy Sv/oixl into liis Place, for ail they that take up the Sword, fhall perifh with the Sword.' W^e are not v/ithoutforrow- ful Inflances of foms that iiave been educat- ed in the peaceable Principles here aiferted ; and yet became fo far degenerated from it as to ufe the Sv^ord ; and the^/ per- iflied by the Sv/ord ; which is here men- tioned only as a Warning to thofe who bv purfaing the Vanity of their Pvlinds, niav happen to firay out of the pure Path of Peace, and fall into the like Inconveniences. By all v/hich it may appear, that Jefus chrifi's Chriil: the Captain of onV Salvation calls ^'"''^'^'■* thofe that lift themfelves under his Banne-/, to bear hi; Crofs, and abide in Humility, Patience, Simplicity and true Cliarity, and A-aimi not any Ways indulge the leafl Thought of Kum"f2, Ilevcnp-e, or ' rendrino- Evil for Evil, or ^r- Railing for Railhig ;' much leis endeavour 9/^ ' "' P 2 [ 16 ] to adv^ance themfelvcs by the fraudulent Stratagems of War ; but fufi^er true Love to take Place of W^rath, and Forgivenefs to overcome Injury and Revenge ; fo the Lamb will be preferved before the Lion, and ^ the Lion / refignto, and * lie down with the Lamb/ And altho' thefe Teflimonies of Chrift and his Apofdes are fo clear againfl Wars and Fightings, yet our elder Brcthi'en and s ifferir.as fome of US formerly, fuffered much becaufe •f Fiicr.Js. ^g could not omTelves bear Arms, nor fend others in our Places, nor pay for buying of Drums and other military Attire, as alfo for not obierving thofe Days which were appointed to crave a blelTing for Succefs to the A-rms of the Nation where we lived, or to give Thanks for the Victories acquired by the EfFuiion of much Blood. ri>tterin- Thcrc arc other Things, as giving flatter- rules, ° incr Titles, uncoverino-thc Flead, and crino;- ^o%vin-3, 1^^^ ^^ Men, calling the Days, and Months by the Heathen Names, and drinking one to another, drinking Healths, Riotings, Gsmes, Bauquetings, and uflng Games, Sports, Fla^/s, Ftevels, Comedies, and fuch like (vv'hich many of the ProfeiTors of Chrilliani- ty allow) are not at all lawful to us, becaufe they not only wafte that Time which is but lent us, and fiiould be fpent to the Honour of God, but alfo naturally draw Men from God's Fear ; and v/e know the Tcflimony of tVc. [ 17 ] the Spirit of Truth is againft them, and the inward Conviclions of Light and Grace in OLir own Hearts,, have prevailed upon us to lay them afide. And fome called Chriftians about the firfl sporu ite. coming forth of our Friends, encouraged People to go from tlieir W or (hips to Gam- I ing, Sportings,. Mufick, Dancing, 'Wrefl- ling^ runnin'^ of Races, and the like, count- ing it not Inconfiflent with Pveligion fo to do, which was fo abominable in the Sight of God, that he was pleafed to raife a holy Zeal in our elder Brethren againft thofe un- godly Practices, and againfl: drinking Drinking Healths, Banquettings and riotous Living, HeaUh^ v/hich not only piovoke People to excefs of Eating, Drinking, Laughter, foolifli Talk- ing, Jefling, and fuch like Things that are linful^ and in no v/ife becoming the Solidity, Gravity and Sobriety which Men p'ofeiFing Chriftianity ought to be adorned with ; but it is Obvious, that fuch as run into thofe Exceifes, bring a Scorn and Slight upon their Profellion, to the Grief of the honefl hearted, and not only fo, but they lay themfelves open to commit all fuch Vices as the Devil may tempt them to. And our conflant Teftimony has been, Scripture and is againft faying You to a (ingle Perfon, ^^"S"*^^- not only becauie it is contrary to the true Propriety of Speech and Scripture Language ; but it gratifies that proud Hamuji-YikQ Spirit An osaucc. [ I8 J \vhicli poiTeffes the Heart of fuch who would arrogate to themrelves the Homage and Reverence due to God, requh^ing to be ad- dreUed in ilich Language as they judge more honourable than that which they beflow upon the Ahnighty. And becaufe our ancient Friends and El- ders in the Truth could not join with that Spirit, they fuffered deeply for their inno- cent Teltimony againfl it, and yet upon all Occaiions fliewed the decent llefpecl due to Men, and maintained in the Wifdom of God, the true Honour and Obedience due from Subjects to their Prince, Inferiors to Supe- riors, from Children to Parents, and Ser- vants to Mailers, whereby the mutual Rela- tions betwixt thofe different Ranks and Degrees of Men have been and are afferted, and endeavoured to be elTiabiifhed after the Pvlanner our Saviour and his Apoilles were pleafed to direct. Now before we go further, we think proper to give fome Accounts of our Prin- ciples and Praices concerning thofe mutu- al Pi.elations or Ranks of Men. And nrfi: of Kings, Rulers, and Magiilrates, as it is our Belief, that the Povrers and Government we live under are of the Lord, fo v/e ac- knowledge that Fidelity and Subjed:ion is due to thofe who are in Authority over us, expeding only the Benefit of thefe good Laws v/hich are deemed our Birthright as [ 19 ] EnglijfJj vSubjecfis, and not the Frote prifonments,' Sec. and as they freely receiv- ed, they freely gave, feeking the Salvation ■i Cor. 9. Qf Souls, and keeping ' the Goipel without j Atis 2c. Charge ; coveting no Man's Silver, Gold, or Apparel/ And this pure, free and living Miniftry of the Word does in a good Degree (thro' the great loving kindnefs of God) continue amongft us hitherto. But thofe Minifters ordained by Men are ordained of a coutrary Difpontion ; ' for they preach ^[j^^^''"„ for Hire, and divine for Money, and look 11. for their Gain from their Oiiarter, andpre- Mx^a" 5!' P3-re War againft fuch as put not into their 33 Minifters C "3 ] Mouths ;' and fo they have always done. And becaufe bur Friends could not in good Conicience contribute to fupport their faUe c. f. ii. Miniflry, they flirred up Periecution, and p^^'^^^^-^ turned the Magiflrate's Sword backward, and the Laws againfl the righteous, vrhich was alfo contrary to found Dci^rine, as well as the true Ufc and End of good Laws, and far from fulfilling the Royal Law ac- Royat cording to the Scripture, which the Apoftle ^'^' ^^ [fames funis up in thefe Words, * Thou fhalt "8- love thy Neighbour as thyfelf :' Therefore, with what Juftice could thofe Statutes be put in Execution againfl our Friends for theirpeaceabie Meeting to worfliip God * in Spirit and Truth/ fmce our moft holy Sa- viour and Bi(hop of Souls declared, that the ' Father feeks fuch to worlhip him.' And Joh. 4. for ever bleifed and happy will they be who ^3> H* are found of him, and willingly fubmit to his Requirings, both tc^ believe on him, and worfhip him in his own Spirit, as alio con- fcientiouily to fuffer for his Name and Tef- ^imony. ^^^: - So, dear Friends, having by the foregoing Hints briefly obferved how the material or Camai carnal Sword, invented by Men to execute ^^^^[^^ their Wrath and Ptevenge upon their Fel- from'h? low-Creatures, differs from the Sword of ]Xt°^ Juflice ' ordained of God for Punifnment of evil Doei's, and Praife of them that do wfll 'y as alfo having in Part fhewed our Cm] Duties of Duty, to Kings and Rulers, we come now Children and Pa- rents, Kph. 6. g. 3- Col. Q. to treat of thoic Relations between Children and Parents, Servants and Mafters, whole refpcvflive Duties each to the other, are beft exprelfed in the x^poflle's Words, who faid, * Chikh en, obey your Parents in the Lord, fV>r this is right ; Honour thy Father and Mother, (which is the firft Commandment witli Promife) that it may be well with thee, and thou may'it live long in the Earth.' rartnfs tq ^j^^ jq < Fatlicrs, provokc not your Chil- Eph.G.^i. drento Wrath, left tliey be difcouraged ; Coi.3.ai. ]3^|- bring- them up in the Nurture and Ad- Duty of . . ° ^ , T , - Sen ants to monition of the Lord. E't'T'.' 'Servants, be obedient to them that are - :, s/ your Mafters according to the Flefh, with Fear and Trembling, in Singlenefs of your Hearts, as unto Chrift, not with Eye-Ser- vice, as Men-Pleafers, but as the Servants- of Chrift^ ; doing the will of God from the Heart, with good Will, doing Service as to' the Lord, and not to Men ; knowing that' whatioever good Thing any Man doth, the fame Ihall he receive of the Lord, whether r,i. 3. he be bond or free: But he that doth Wrong, iliail receive for the Wrong which he hath done ; and there is no RefpeA of Perfons. Let as many Servants as are un- der the Yoke, count their ov/n Mafters v/or- thy of all Honour, that the Name of God and his Dodrine l>e not blafphemed. And they that have believing Malters, let them n Ufc of them to colom' their feliifli Views, "' * and finiiler Ends, and lb far renounced the Teftimony of Truth as to be married by promoters Friefts. Therefore let fuch v/eak ignoble pf^^a^n- iJpirits, with all thofc that promote, or are ?neil tc^ prefent at any fuch MaiTiages, be dealt with bccenfur- and brought to repent of tiieir Out-goings, or be ccnfured for the farjie. As to the third and lall Particular, it is Marriages our Senfe and Tudcment, that none amonfl Y'*''^ ^^'"" us move or proceed, m Orc'er to marry engaged, with fuch as are pre-engaged or contraded n^afaTif^. to others, before they ai-e duly difcharged nottobc orreieafedof that Pre-engagement, and that''^'°'^^*^^ no fuch Procedure be made by fuch as are within the Degrees of Ccnfanguinity or Afrinity, being not allowed by us, or pro- hibited by the Laws and Ufages of England. We do not in the leaft fuppofe, by what Mamzg-* we objev^ againfl marrying by the Priefl:, or q-' o^'h^lst others differing from our Way, as if their »^ot f"pp°- Marriages were void ; neithei' do w^ take *^ upon us to hinder any to marry otherwife than by tenderly advifing fuch as are like to go contrary to our Difcipline, and if they rejedl our x\dvicc, we rqfufe to be Witnci- fes and Concurrers with them, and if they go right, and make regular Steps in their [ 3^ ] Procedure, to the Satisfadlion of the Meet- ings whereto they belong/^ we allow them to coniammate their Marriages according to the good Order and Method which bur Fathers and Eiders in the Truth, did at firn: eflabhili in the Wifdom and Power of God. Our Mar. And it has been a conftant Rule fmce paTth^ Difcipline was fidl fet up amongfl Friends, Mens ?nd that all their Marriages &ould be laid before Me'l'i^n^s. the Mens and Womens Meetings, who were fsz^id ^* to take Care that fuch as come before theni 360. ' were clear from all otiier Perfons on that Account ; and that no Man fnould fpeak to a Woman, in Order to Marriage, before he had the Conient of his own Parents oi* G.^ardians, and then fpoken to her Father and Mother, and had their Confent ; and if fhe had no Parents alive, but Guardians or Truilees, then to fpeak to them and have their Confent, and proceed accordingly ; and we find the R-cafon of this was, for that fome formerly did ipeak neither to Father nor Mother, till they had drawn out and en- tangled the Aiteftions of the Daughter, and that brought great Troubles and Difcontents upon the Parent, and amongft Friends. And therefore this was to be inquired into in the Mens and Womens Meetings, where the Marriages were to be fpoken of: and fo Confent gU it is, or ought to be amongll us, and if Pa- yennotto j-euts or Guardiaus liave cuce confentcd or be retract- i r« /• , * 1 i rr» 1 1 cd without approved or iuch Adarelies, they ougat not cr-fe. ^Q retrad the fame, without giving fuch C 33 \ Reafons as in the Judgment of the Month- ly Meeting, whereto they belong, fhall be i.uf]icient for fo doing. And where Men and Women draw out the AffciTtions one of another, and after a while go to others, and then do the like, ^ y y this ought to be cenfiu^ed as a fcandaloas aSi.* Frav^ice. And it hath been tlie early Care, and is second the decent Practice amongft Friends, not to »"^"'=s"- confummate fecond Marriages fooner than a Year after the Death of liulband or Wife, p™;:;^^" ... lor Cnil- And that before Widows are allowed to drcn by marry, Care (hould be taken that P^'ovifion 1°;;^^;^^^^ be made for theii* Children by former Huf- bands, as Occalion ma}^ require. Dear Friends ^ v/c do )iot prefcribe thefe Superficial Rules, as thinking a bare fuperficial Com- fj^^^^^p^'" pliance with them to be fulHcient, for we know a formal Hypocrite may go far that Hypo- Way, and not difcover himfelf till his Tiu-n '"'"• is ferved. Therefore our Defires are, that in this important Affair of Marriage, a godly farrto'^ Care may come upon all fuch as may be con- ^"o^"' ^ cerned therein, as it has been and is upon jSm'ing the Faithful, to know their Hearts and 6'pi- '" ^^'^^^ rits truly and, lincerely given up in Chaftity ^^^* and Plifity of Love one towards another, ivith a free Refignation to the Will of God, and lioly Relblutions to ferve, obey, and follow him thro' the various Exercifes, Dif- ficulties and Trials whicii may attend them in a married ^tate ; and as they fcand in his [ 54 : Comifel they come to know a holy joining in Spirit, and the Blelfing from above to de- fcend upon them in their Undertaking ; and when they come to enter into the Mar- riage-Covenant, they will according to their Growth in the blcfTed Truth, be ienilble of God's heavenly and Spiritual Joining ; this is the Honourable Marriage that is flinctified by the Spirit of God, and owned by his People. j,^^.y of And when Man and Wife are thus * join-, Huibands q(\ together, let no Man put them afunder ; wtves. but let the Huiband love his Wife even as Mat 19, 6. hinilelf, and as Chrifl loved the Church, vcT. is.^^' and not be bitter againft her ; and let the Col 3, 19. Wife reverence her Hufband, and fubmit ^ ^' and be fubjecfi: unto him as is fit in the Lord.' Thus far we think proper at prefent, to colled: and lay down our Principles and Pra£life, in Order to be publilhed for the Help and Service of the Youth and Weak a- mong ourfelves, and for the Information and Satisfa£lion of others. Signed in and by Order of the [aid Meeting this i^h Bay ■«/■ the 1th Me. if 9.2, by Samuel. Preston. FINIS. /4 / 'If I y- ■A .-^i^li'-'-: '■■"%, ^}yx ::';rr:-; y •» / / " -T ' '■'' ' ■■'.■.-■■'"■'■ // '■'''■ r