!? » UUKE UNIVERSn rv 1 LIBRARY The Glenn Negley Collection of Utopian Literature Glenn R, Negley ' THE Future Commonwealth, OR WHAT SAMUEL BALCOM SAW IN SOCIOLAND. BY ALBERT CHAVANNES. [Copyright secured.] NEW YORK: TRUE NATIONALIST PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1892. lapter 1. « 2. (( 8. (« 4. <( 5. <{ G. Some Rellections, 1") A Philosophical Digression, . 1!) The Chances Made, . . . . 2(» At The Hotel, 38 Public Management, .... 40 The Right Spirit, .... 47 T!ie Apprentices, 5S About Education, 00 Ancient Institutions, ... 67 Ilou.sekecping in Socioland, . 7'A A True Commonwealth, . . 80 A ineasant Ride, 87 The I^md Question, . . . . 04 Arbitration and Laws, . . .101 The Conditions of Success, . KtH EXPLANATORY. In jtre^eiiliii^ tlif foil.twini; it.iijjes t<» Lhe pul»lio, I dosire to say a few words lo «'\|il:iin llu^ motives whicli have led to llu'ir piiMic.itioii. This can imst l)e done by first (]Uoting a few sentences from an address upon the Proldetns of our S'eeond Century, delivered by Ex-Senator Ingalls at Glen-Eeho in the summer of 1891. Speakiuijj of the evil results of our present industrial sys- tem, Air. luijalLs said: "From 1860 to 1890 the country has thrown richer at the rate of 250,000 dollars for every day anil hour of these thirty years. There has been accumulated durinj^ that term one liundred thousand millions of dollars, enough to give every nian, woman an the hindmost','" continued ii EXPLANATORY. Mr. Ingalls, "is a good one, but just now it seems as if there were more hindmost than foremost. If the present condition of things were to continue without being retarded, this land, instead of being the land of the free and the home of the brave, would be the land of the rich and the home of the slave." Making due allowance for the exaggeration of an impulsive speaker, there is enough truth in Mr. Ingalls' indictment to explain the general dissatisfaction which now exists with the results of our present economic system. Mr. Ingalls does not believe in the efficiency of the remedies offered by the Nationalists, and he presented his objections in a very forcible manner. "There is," he said, "a growing sentiment in favor of Pater- nalism in this country — of the government doing everything — of the people doing nothing. We have now a new school of political philosophy that is repudiating the declaration of independence and is endeavoring to t)verthrow the maxims of democracy and to insist that the race shall not be to the stroQg, that the distinctions ordained of God shall be an obliterated statute, that idleness shall bring the same reward as industry and thrift, that the ignorant shall be as wise as the learned, that debts shall be paid by acts of Congress, that money shall be made as plenty as the autumn leaves, that taxation shall be abolished by acts of the Legislature, and that property shall be forcibly distributed among men." It is to answer just such objections that this story has been written, for they are often heard among practical men who have really the welfare of the community at heart. These objections cannot be answered in a few words, and it has seemed to^ me that it could best be done by portraying a Common- wealth where the changes we advocate have already been accomplished, showing how the desired results can be attained EXri-ANA lOKY. lii vvitlioiit resortinir to sucli revolntionnry methods Jis would never meet with tlie approval of sensible and practical men, and that without p;tssing the limits of the possible and practicable, many chanijes could be made that would cause great impro- vement. For in this picture of a Future Commonwealth 1 have not drawn on my imagination, but I have carefully studied the line which progress h:is. followed since the dawn of civiliza- tion, and have endeavored to portray the changes which will probably take place in the course of coming years. If my readers will take the trouble to investigate, they will find that what I have described as being part of the public ins- titutions of Socioland, already exists in its incipient stages in one or the other of the civilized nations. And furthermore they will find that the tendency to progress in the direction described manifests itself now in a greater degree than it did one or two hundred vears ago. Many of these tendencies, it is true, are not yet strong enough to affect the laws or public institutions, but iheir in- fluence is felt among the most intelligent part of the popula- tion, that is, among those who lead in the march of progress. As some objections have been made, during the publication of this story in serial form, in the 'Pi-ue Ndfionalht, both as to the philosophical belief and to the spirit which controls the enactment of the laws in Socioland, it seems well to mc tt) say a few words in explanation. The reaction of all changes upon tiie surroundings is now recognized as a positive fact. We realize now that the success of one nation affects more or less all other nations, and that a change in one country implies a corresponding change in all other countries. But too manv sludentti of social science fail to understand iv KXI'LAXATORY. that the t-anie law holds ;;tn)il in the social r(.'latIon.s. and we now have the HjMjctacle uf a world full of social refonuers who, dissatisfied witii some of the present conditions, strive with main and iiii<,dit to cliange them, and at the same time strive just as hard to prevent corresponding changes in other directions. With oae hand they push along the car of progress and with the other they work just as hard to hold it hack. Nothing, in my estimation, has more inflnence upon [irogress, aside from the motive power furnished by the desire for increased happiness, than the religions beliefs of the people. They control its conduct, public and i)rivate, and are respon- sible for the spirit of its laws. Increased knowledge has opened to mankind greater prospects of happiness, which have been checked by religious beliefs handed down to us by past generations. The result is that our religion and our environment no longer agree. The environment is of to-day, the religion is of the past. This is felt and realized by all those who earnestly study the social problems, and strenuous eflfbrts are made to shape and trim the old religious doctrines so as to make them fit the new social conditions. At the rate this work is progressing, it will not be a great many years before the spirit of the Christian religion will have been entirely changed; and according to the changes which have already taken place within the church, supplemented by the beliefs which are growing in favor outside the church, I think I am justified in claiming that sometime in the near future, religion will resolve itself in something like the philo- sophical beliefs expressed by Mr. Walter in the third Chapter of this story. The infiuence of the religious beliefs upon laws and conduct has leil me to devote some space to the subject, for 1 claim EXPLANATORY. v that our economic condition is the logical outcome of our pre- sent religious belief, and that both must change together if any progress is achieved. In tlic sixteenth Chapter, I have, very briefly and inadequa- tely, tried to express my views as to the spirit which will animate the coming generations and control the enactment of their laws. Every thinking person must acknowledge that nations are growing more sympathetic and less (juarrelsome, and that a spirit of leniency is replacing the "eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" doctrine of olden times. In [)r()()f thereof I can point to tlie exemption clauses in the laws for the collection of debts, and the growing tendency to compel arbitration in cases of disputes between employers and their laborers. Both exemption and enforced arbitration are steps away from exact justice and natural rights, and are the result of a sympathetic desire to help those who are defeated in the battle of life. It is true that the American people, as a nation, have as much faith as ever in the efficacy of the law as a moral re- gulator, but among their best men the feeling is growing that people cannot be made moral by law, and other nations have progressed beyond us in tliis direction. I have not touched upon the population question, and have said but a word about the marriage rehttion, not because I do not recognize their importance in the solution of the social problems, but because they are not as fundamental as the ques- tion of religious beliefs. Yet I wish to put myself on record here as believing that the tendency of the times is toward educating the individuals so as to enable them to fulfil their duties as citizens in a satisfactory manner without the need of state control, and that the coming generations will be able to allow individuals much more fre*>dorn in thoir personal actions. vi EXPLANATOKY. Nationalism, in fact, will only prove acceptable in so far as it will know how to reconcile economic organization with per- sonal liberty. I not only believe that it can be done, but I feel confident that it will be done; and that it will come to pass in the evo- lution of social progress, that wrangling, competing humanity as we know it to-day, will, in its persistent search after in- creased happiness, organize itself* into true Commonwealths, with institutions somewhat like those 1 have tried to picture as existing in Socioland. How long will it take before it comes to pass? How far will the work of organization progress? are questions the future alone can answer. For the present I shall be satisfied if I succeed in con- vincing some inquiring mind that Nationalism is not an im- possible dream, and that it offers prospects of improvement lor society, which are well worth the consideration of intelligent citizens. Albert Chavannes. Knoxville, Tenn. THE Future Commonwealth CHAPTEE I. THE EXODUS. Spencer, Sociolnnd, Africii, June 1, 1950. My dear friend Harry : I have at last reached this place after a long atid interest- ing journey, and I will at once commence a journal, which when complete, will enable me to fulfil my promi.se that 1 would try to faithfully report to yon whatever I should see or hear which could throw any light upon the social pro- blems in which we are both interested. I have no dou()t, from what I have seen of the people since I entered tlie Commonwealth of Socioland, that if I do not find here a complete solution of the prol)lems which perplex us, I will find at least the resulls of interesting ex- periments in Sociology, and valuable hints as to the best course to be followed to secure a better distribution of wealth, and an increase of general comfort. For I must at once acknowledge that these people seem much better satisfied than we are, and while they recognize that they have not yet attained perfect social conditions, still thev are confident that thev are travelling in the right direc- 2 THE FUTURP: rOMMOXWEAl/ni. lion, an.'l tli:it :ill desiralle t.T(ire 1 enter upon a detalliN^ acvonut of what 1 see an:l hear, I want to tell y<>u oT the eaiis^.s whi.h Km! to the settlement of Socioland, as well as of the aims of the first <:;e ba'I \ovn ^fleeted in relicrious Ixliei'--, :'.nd thict cVv"n!u.':ily tiv > infu.sed h new country and a new nation wiUi a new spirit, which li.i'^ stnmpel its mark upon the United States government and utxm the character of the peoi)lc, so in this land a n-nv spirit ha< been infused, which, according to my information, has produce!! wonderful resultij. Of this, however, we can judge letter when I luive mixed nn)re with the peo[)le, and I am heltcr acquainted will) the liisiitutitins which I hey havp lieie inaugurated. CHAPTER II. THE OBJECT IN VIEW. f found Mr Walter a very pleasant companion, and during the few days we spent together 1 reeeiveil from liim much valuable infornuition. "VVhen from qceslionb i m:ide to him he understood why I was going to Sociol.md, am! learned from my lii)s of the deep intcrcL-it 1 felt in social problems, he seemed as desirous of imparting knowledge as 1 was to rcccivi' it, and tried to facilitate by all nu'ans in l»is power the aiiut. 1 had in view. **Mr. Baleom,'' he said to me one evening as we were sitting in the cabin i«»nversjng upon Soeioland, '"it will help you very mucli to imdcrstand what you will see in our country if you know the object we had in view in couung here, as well as some of the means by which we expected to attain it. "There has been, as you know, many an exodus before our own, but 1 believe they were ail actuated by very diilerent THE OBJECT IX VIEW. 7 motives from tliose wliich induced ns to leave onr native land. The Ilebi'cwf^ were fleeing from bondage, the Puritans were trying to escape religions persecution, and the Mormons ^vanted to establish a religions hierarchy. On a smaller scale, but nnder similar influences, many communities and co-operalive colonies have been t^tarted, but they all had a definite plan which they wanted to work out. We had no settled plan, no\ definite scheme, but we had a very clear idea of the results / we were going to strive for. • _ ^ , " We were dissatisfied with society as organized in the I'nited States, and did not believe that it aflbrded to the individual all the facilities for comfort and hap{)iness which the natural advantages warranted. "With the increase of population and wealth »Many abuses had been fostered that we felt powerless to remedy, and a spirit of greed, strife and competition had been engendered which was uncongenial to our character. Besides we had out- LCrown the old ideas of religious morality, and were tired of having our personal actions under the control of laws enacted by men whose standard uf morals was not based upon the result of our conduct on our happinsss, but upon certain com- mandments and precepts which may have been proper enough in the barbarous times in which they were promulgated, but h;ul become superammated several centuries ago. ''These causes of dissatisfaction alTected not us alone, but the conservative influences were yet so strong that improve- ment was very slov/, and we preferred to go to a new country where we would be (vec to live according to (»ur own ideas <»f right. "We had faith in the good 'lisposition of human luiture, and believed t!»at, if rightly taught, all persons would recognize tliat whatever promoted the general welfare would also pro- mote personal happiness. We wanted to educate our people to TlIK FrrrKK CO.MMONWKALTir. tlic recojinition of tlie solMavity of the interests of the linm.'Uif race, ami by tliis knowledge repliice as far as possihle the rhecks to selfish ureed. now restrained, Imt ndt diminished, hy religious anlhority and hninan biw. "Rut, Mr. Balconi, we were not reformers acc-ording to the meaning (»f the word among yon. We had no jiatent remedy warranted to cure all the ills that the llcsh is heir to. We '\()i\ to nature's laws made us submissive to nature's methods, and we could but approve of what natiin- rewarded. "In a word, we ai)plied to social science the same tests that are universally applied to chemistry, mechanics^ or any other exact science. If any one claiujs to have di.scovered some chemical formula, or mechanical combination, which gives satisfactory results, all he has to do is to prove it by practical experiments, .ind if successful it is adopted by general consent. THE OBJECT IN VIEW. ^ But in your country you have no test to apply to social ex- periments, for you have no social science worthy of the name, and tlie best results would be either ignored or denounced, if brought about by menus opposed to the commandments of Moses or the teach in9as at the time you left our country. The rich have gro.vn in number and wealth and are drawing everything into their 12 ' THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. hands, while tlie poor, growing more intelligent nnd better educated, realize more and more that they do not receive the full reward of their labors. "But what can we do about it? Where is the remedy? We cannot despoil the rich for the benefit of tlie poor, for it would destroy the accumulation of capital and diminish pro- ductioH. The diffusion of capital in the hands of so many untrained and incompetent persons would soon destroy it, and the final result would be the impoverishment of the whole country without any improvement in the condition of the poor." "Very true," answered Mr. Walter. *'It is a ditiicult ques- tion, but I can tell you what we have done, and how we have succeeded in keeping down this inequa;lity between the clasfcies, and prevented the acquisititm of the lion's share of the produced wealth by a few privileged members of society. "But let me remind you of one thing. It is not because we believe in perfect equality, or that all men are entitled to an equal share of the production, that we object to the wide distinction which now exists between the opulent rich and the abject poor. It is because the rich have more than they can enjoy, while the poor have less, that we believe a better system of distribution will benefit all. This very much simplifies the problem, for if we can find the source of ex- cessive wealth, and turn it into a reservoir for the benefit of all classes, our aim will be practically attained. "And that is what we have done. The large accumulation •of wealth in private hands is not the result of the toil of these persons, for no man can by dailv labor accumulate more than will insure him a comfortable living. Excessive private wealth is the result of social causes which encourage and reward the cumulative power of capital. "No, we knew well enough that the diffusion of capital leads to its destruction, and that all means which would tend THE OBJECT IN VIEW. 13 lirec- I . ;alist, 1/ a lion ' to its equal distrihiition would result in a diminution of pro- duction and a reduction of general comfort. "So the measures we took led in an entirely difierent direc tion. We made our new Commonwealth the great Capitalist and thus as far as possible prevented the undue accuraula of wealth in private hands. "There, Mr. Balcom, is the whole secret of it. Co-operation on a large t^cale, not practised by a few, for the advantage of a few, as it exists among you, but carried by the Common- wealth, for the advantage of the whole population, for the rich as well as for the poor, for the women as well as for the men." I must confess I was somewhat disappointed, for it was nothing new for me to hear such doctrines, and I exclaimed: "Oh! then your Socioland is simply a Socialistic settlement, where the state controls everything. It may suit you, but I doubt if it would suit me or many of the free and in- dependent citizens of America." A malicious twinkle gleamed in Mr. Walter's eyes. "Free and independent indeed! Then things have wonder- fully changed since my time. Wlien I lived in the United States, in the days of my youth, I recollect hearing a great deal about the slavery of labor, and freedom in trade with foreign countries was unknown. We had Sunday laws regu- lating the use of the days, and marriage and divorce laws controlling private associations. Prohibitive laws on liquor were in force in many states, while to crown this free social edifice, the Mormon persecution was in all its glory. "Eeassure yourself, we have not abridged personal liberty as much as you have, and are not Socialists as you understand the term. All governments are somewhat Socialists, some a little more, others a little less. We are a little more, and have intrusted the Commonwealth with the accumulation and 14 THE FUTUEE COMMONWEALTH. use of a portion of our capital for the benefit of our people, while you only intrust your government with the spending of such capital as you raise by unequal taxation, or by borrowing from the wealthy class, thus increasing the burdens of the producers by corupelling them to pay the interest on the money your government spends. "Do you sometimes reflect, Mr. Balcom, how the different enterprises, created by the growing needs of our civilization, are divided in the United States? Take the cities for instance. Whatever costs money to maintain, as the streets and the parks, the police and the fire department, etc., is placed in the hands of the government, and the people are taxed for its support, while those enterprises which offer opportunities to make money, as the supply of light and water, the life and fire insurances, are allowed to fall into the hands of corporations and individuals. "We are so far Socialists as to claim that the sweet ought to go with the sour, and to keep in the possession of the people many valuable privileges which you give away to men who use them for their private benefit. "But," pulling out his watch, "I see it is getting late, and we had better retire. To-morrow we will find plenty of time 1 > to talk before we reach Spencer, and I will explain to you at length the changes we inaugurated in the public institu- tions of Socioland." I <* SOME REFLECTIONS. 15 CHAPTERS ni. f- ._ SOME REFLECTIONS. I believe, my dear Harrj^, that what I will see and hear In tliis country will keep my mind busy, and that I will have many new ideas to digest. I can see already that their way of looking at the social problems is entirely different from ours. They look them square in the face, with a clear con- ception of the ends they are striving for, and do not allow themselves to stray hither and thither after false issues as we are inclined to do. Mr. Walter was emphatic, and his whole manner expressive of quiet determination, and he succeeded in giving me a clear impression of the aims and methods of the people of So- cioland. After I had gone to rest it was a long time before I could go to sleep. That which had struck me the most in our conversation was Mr. Walter's frank avowal that as a people they were engaged in the pursuit of happiness. There was no false pretense of trying to serve the Lord, no claim of helping to promote morality, no holding aloof a beacon for the benefit of other nations. Instead, these people freely acknowledged that they were experimenting for themselves, trying to increase their own happiness, owing no allegiance except to the laws of nature, recognizing no duty except that of improving their faculties and making the most of existing conditions. That was something entirely new in my experience. I had, of course, come across young people with more money than brains, who said they wanted a good time, and were going to enjoy all the pleasure that this life can afford, but among 16 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. the sensible, respectable people of my acquaintance, the pursuit of happiness was looked down upon as a low standard of life^ leading to selfishness, and degrading in its tendencies. To be sure I could not tell what was the aim in life of these respectable acquaintances of mine. Had I asked them,, which I never thought of doing, I would probably have found they did not know themselves. I knew the religio'::s teachings on that subject, and that we dre admonished to so live as to glorify God. But my friends did not believe any such doc- trines, or if they believed them, they made no pretense to put them in practice in their daily life, being of the kind who give their religion a Sunday airing, putting it carefully away during the week to preserve it from unseemly wear, so as to have it bright and shining on the rare occasions they are called upon to parade it before the world. As my mind roamed over the list of my acquaintances, I could think of Mr. B., whose whole ambition seemed to be to make money, of which he had already more than himself or his family could use. His wife was a society leader, and her object in life was to outshine her rivals. His sons were certainly bent on pleasure, but with their expensive habits, effeminate tastes, and shattered constitutions, were not happy, and were positive proof of the fact that the pursuit of hap- piness and of pleasure are entirely different. And our neighbor D., is he living for happiness? If he is, he seems to make a miserable failure of it. An overworked,, tired-out man, without a minute he can call his own, follow- ing an incessant round of occupations which have no interest for him^ he is kept constantly tramping in a commercial tread- mill for a bare support for himself and his large family. His wife, whom 1 can remember as the lively, sweet Alice T., is now a tired, dissatisfied woman. That couple had probably in the early days of their marriage anticipated a happy life, SOME KEFLECTIONS. 17 but tho result had not come n«) to their fonrl expectations. From them my thonglits turned to the contemplation of myself. What was I livinp; for? I really could not answer. An Agnostic, I was not living in view of a future life, and yet I realized that I was certainly not studying how to attain the highest satisfaction possible in this world. As I lellected, I could see very clearly tliat I had no de- finite standard of conduct, :ind that the principles which controlled my life were of a very composite nature. Raised outside the church, by parents w do had outgrown the Christian beliefs without accepting any other, my moral education had been desultory in the extreme. At one time my father railed at the Christian dogmas, or made fun of their })uritanical ideas and sanctimonious ways. At other times he would im- press upon me the beauty of the- Christian doctrine of self- renunciation, quote the golden ^rile, and call Christ the greatest teacher that ever lived. Again he would preach the doctrine of duty, how we must respect our parents, obey the laws, help our neighbors, work for humanity. But these moods did not last always. I was also taught that I m.ust learn to take care of number one, fight for standing room, and strike out for myself if 1 would not be crushed. Out of such teachings the usual results had followed. I simply drifted, one day following tlie voice of duty, and the next allowing the care of self to predominate. The outcome was not very satisfactory, but I could not see my way to anything better, and I consoled myself wnth the thought that I was doing about as well as the average of those by whom I was surrounded. Now that my attention Avas called to it, I could see that instead of having a well-defined aim in life, and controlling my conduct in the manner best calculated to attain it, I allowed myself to be swayed by the ideas, beliefs and habits 18 THE FUTUBE COMMONWEALTH. of the people among whom I lived, who themselves had no accurate knowledge of right or wrong, hut were following blindly in the footsteps of their superstitious ancestors. Mr. Walter's conversation made a profound impression upon rae, for 1 was logical enough to see that our conduct in life must be largely controlled by the character of the solution we accept for the problem of existence, and if practically concurred in by a whole people, it must have a great influ- ence on their public institutions. A nation with divided or indefinite aims would drift along, where one with clear and decided opinions would adopt efficient means to insure success. As is the seed, so must the tree be, and if the people of Socioland are happier and more contented than the people of the United States, then I must conclude that they have the best institutions. I cogitated over these things a long time, wondering if these people were really right, and if the pursuit of happiness is the only safe guide to conduct; and if the old barriers erected to restrain stltishness were thrown down, who would protect the weak from the strong, or settle the terms of compromise between individual happiness and public welfare when they came in conflict? Worn out with thoughts, I decided to present these questions for soluiion to Mi. Walter the first thing in the morning, and after hearing what he has to say on the subject, to wait and see with my own eyes the working of these prin- ciples in Socioland. Theoretical ideas must give way before pnictical results. I would try and set aside iill prejudice and pre-conceived beliefs, and impartially observe the life of the inhabitants of the Commonwealth. Of one thing I am certain. There is a great deal of misery in this world, and even a slight increase of happiness is well worth striving for. A PHILOSOPHieAL DIGRESSION. 19 CHAPTER. IV. A PHILOSOPHICAL BIG BESS ION. Tlie next morning I took the first opportunity to propound my questions to Mr. Walter. I told liim that before he said any more about the social clianges they liad instituted, I wanted to have some exi)Ianations of their doctrine of accept- ing the attainment of happiness as a standard of conduct, and presented to him some of the objections which had arisen in my mind. "My young Mend," he answered, "I am glad to see that you appreciate the importance of this question. One of the first conditions of success is the concentration of our powers towards the object we wish to attain, which is only possible if we have a clear conception of what we wish to accomplish. "If there is so little happiness in this world, it is largely due to the fact that not many of the eflfbrts of men have been directed towards it. "Some men seek for pleasure, others for wealth- or fame, many are trying lo serve God and Mammon, others are only anxious to secure eternal bliss, while all Christians, sincere or otherwise, are under the influence of teachings which de- precate the pursuit of earthly happiness as inimical to the will of God. "We, on the other hand, believe in the pursuit of happiness just as the sincere Christian believes in serving the Lord. We believe that in so doing we are working in the line of progress, and that to attain it we must not only cultivate all the best there is in us, but that it will also induce us to adopt those public institutions best calculated to increase the welfare of society. ■20 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. "I cannot explain to you why we believe those things except by indulging in a little philosophical talk, something that is not always interesting to the young. However, if you will kindly listen to what I want to say, I will try to be brief, and possibly you may be rewarded for your patience. "We believe in evolution, in development, in latent poten- tiality. We believe that until the advent of man, development followed what we call the natural process, and that under this process, plants, animals, and men were evolved. ' ■ "But we further believe that when this natural procesS' had finished its work, the latent potentiality of development was not yet exhausted, and that the way was just made ready for a further stage of development which we" call artificial, — in contrast to the natural, although both are according to the laws of nature — which requires for its accomplishment a highly organized and intelligent agent. "Man, who is the last and highest product of • natural evo- lution, is this agent calcutated to promote this artificial de- velopment, and is well fitted for the work by his ever- increasing consciousness and intelligence. Through consciousness.' he' dreads.ipain and enjoys pleasant seni^ations, by intelligence he recognizes the nature of his surroundings, and learns how to control his conduct so as to escape the one and increase the other. "The law of progress, as we understand it, is this: All those actions of men which tend to advance artificial development, — or civilization, to give it its popular name — produce at once, or ultimately through their complex results, pleasant sensations, and thus encourage men to repeat tiiem; while all those actions of men v»hi(ui tend to obstruct civilization, produce at once, or ultimately uy their complex results, unpleasant sensations, and thus discourati^e men from repeating them. 'Under this law civilization has been carried and all the A PIIILOSOPIIICAI. DIGEEwSSION. 21 things we enjoy have been evolved, for tliis artificial develop- ment consists in combining in numberless diflerent ways the natural material, and is the stage of evolution through which we are passing now. "This boat which carries us so t^moothly and swiftly, the houRes ve live in, the clothes we wear, the books we read, are simply combinations called into existence by the desire of men for pleasant sensations, or in otlier words, by their efforts to increase their happiness. "I will not weary you by enlarging on this theme, bi:t 1 will point out to yon that it is of the utmost importance for our success that we should know if we are working in har- mony with the forces which have brought the earth to the present t-tage of development. Whether we believe that pro- gress is controlled l)y laws alone, or that it is directed by an intelligent power, the first condition of success is that we should work in harmony with the law of progress. "But how shall we know that we are in accord with the march of civilization? Who shall decide when doctors disagree? Wie answer that if we can find what is the incentive to right conduct, we can tell by the result upon our hai)piness if our actions are in harmony with the advance of civilization. According to the law of progress as I have stated it to you, pleasant sensations are the motive power of civilization, and thus we believe that whenever our conduct causes an increase of pleasant sensations, it co-ordinates with the advance o civilization, which is equal to saying that the increase of hap- piness is the true standard of conduct. ''And it is thereon, Mr. Balcom, that our philosophy dififers from that of all other civilized nations. They have moral codes, revealed laws, ancient maxims, but they have no standard of conduct by which they can test the correctness of their actions. We also have codes, laws, and maxims, but they are 22 THE FUTUEE COMMONWEALTH. all derived from a scientific standard wliich provides a correct test for all our actions. TThis applies to the Commonwealth as \ve\\ as to the individual. By that standard we test our public? institutions, and find that those which secure the most happi- ness are also the most conducive to a high state of civilization, and bv that btandard each individual is taught to test his own actions and soon learns by experience thai the conduct which creates the most pleasant relations with his surroundings, is. that which harmonizes the best with nature's laws and fosters his truest happiness. "I do not know if this brief explanation will convince you. An entirely different philotiophy has held the minds of Christ- ian nations so long that it is difficult to weigh impartially the proofs of what we advance. For two thousand years the fear of Hell has broodied as a dark pall over the Christian world and the whole study of conduct has been turned in the diiection of learning how to serve the Lord and obey hi& commandments so as to escape the wrath to come. Success has been branded as the badge of wickedness, and enjoyments shunned as the temptations of our fallen and sinful nature-. But the time has come when- better knowledge has dissipated our fears, and an honest study of the subject has taught us that success in the realm of conduct m^eans precisely the same that it means in the realm of other pursuits. It simply proves that we are acting in harmony with nature's laws, and we have as much right to all the happiness we can attain, as we have to the wages of labor faithfully performed. Pleasant sensations may be called the wages given by nature for con^- duct which it approves, and the larger the wages we receive, the more assurance we have that we are moving in the right direction. "But whether I have convinced you or not, I have said enough to give you an outline of out philosophy. If it strikes A PHILOSOPHICAL DIGRESSION. 23 you favorably, you can study it at leisure, and follow il in its numerous ramifications. It will bear the test of investigationj I assure you, and if once you accept it for your own, you will never regret it. "And now let us pass to the practical objections to its adoption by the Commonwealth, which you presented to me this morning. How, do you ask, is the innate selfishness of niexi to be restrained? Who shall decide in case of a conflict of interests? "Before answering you, 1 miL-ht put some questions myself. What leads you to believe that men are so selfish? Is it not because you have heard so much about their innate depravity that you fail to recognize the good there is in them? Are you sure the display of selfishness is not the result of the social conditions in which they have lived till now, and that competition is not largely responsible for it? Or have you ever experimented whether in a true Commonwealth there is so much antagonism between j)ul)lic and private interests? "We liMve more faith than you in human nature, and are not afraid of a certain amount of selfishness, for we know that it underlays all attempts at improvement. But it must be tempered by sympatliy. They are the centripetal and centri- fugal forces of society, which ought to balance each other, and would do so if properly controlled. "But your system of society fails to recognize the true functions of these forces, and selfishness has th« control of the government, and no power is given to sympathy to restrain it. Selfish individuals are allowed to grasp all the valuable privileges, while sympathetic person? waste their efforts in vain attempts to palliate the suflferings endured by those who are worsted in the battle of life, *'We recognize the value of both factors, and instead of preaching against selfishness on one hand, and allowing it to THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. run riot on the other, we kepp it within proper limits by public measures, demanded and supported by the united sym- pathies of the community. ''The same sympathetic feeling prevents the Commonwealth from passing laws that would antagonize with the welfare of individuals, and leads it to encourage all its members who honestly try to improve their condition. But it is also the business of the Commonwealth to restrain those persons who would abuse their power to the detriment of others. The Commonwealth meddles as little as possible with private actions, but f any person presumes on its toleration to impose upon thers, it promptly interferes and puts a stop to it. We try tojbe as a large family with many interests in common, and where there is a sympathetic b(md uniting all its members, but if one of the family so conducts himself as to be unpleasant to others, the head of the family asserts his authority and oblio^es liim to keep his proper place. The Commonwealth as a whole represents the head of the family, promoting the happiness of all its members, instructing and helping, with kindness towards all, but prompt to control when the public good requires it." This my dear Harry, is in substance what Mr. Walter told me, and I must acknowledge that it impressed me very favor- ably. Among the many points in its favor whicli presented themselves to me, 1 Avill only mention to you two which seem worthy of special consideration. If he is correct, then society is slowly progressing towards a state of perfect harmony, where all factors will find their proper sphere and the highest civilization be attained, and we can explain the conflicts through which society passes now, and has passed up to this time, as the educative stage of mankind, and necessary to its full development. It is the social phase of the struggle for existence, and will eventually A PHILOSOPHICAL DIGKESSION. 25 result in the survival of the must satisfactory public and private institutions. The other point goes to confirm tlie claim made by Mr. Walter for the beneficent influence of the pursuit of happiness. His assertions brought to my mind some facts that have come under my notice. You know that I am interested in farming. Now I have often had occasion 'to see the influence of a correct standard iipon the character and the social relations. You recollect Mr. Daval, our neighbor. He has a high standard of farminc^, and is successful in his operations. He is not soft-hearted, but all the same his men are comfortably housed and are well and punctually paid; his horses are of the best and receive all the care they need, and his stock is well fed and sheltered. His relations with his men are always pleasant; he treats them well, and they know it and are anxious to remain in his service. Not far from him lives Mr. Tliornwald, a much kinder man and easy-gcving in all his business relations. But he is a poor farmer and everything about him is in a dilapidated state. His children leave him as soon as they can make their way in the world, his men are ill paid and dissatisfied, his horses- are poor and his cattle half starved. All the difference in results comes from difi^erence in aims. To accomplish his ends, Mr. Daval had to treat his surroundings right, even his fields which receive the best of care, and give him large returns. Call it selfishness, or call it by any other name, the result has been to create around him a little community where exist the best conditions for men and beasts, while life in Mr. Thornwald's home is barely supportable. These facts seem to me to point to an harmony in nature which compels us, if we would be happy, to help improve the conditions of our surroundings, which would go to prove that Mr. Walter's claims rest on a solid foundation. 26 THE IFUTUKE COMMONWEALTH. C5HAPTES V. TBE CHANGES MADK The morning was nearly spent before we had exhausted the subject, and yet nothing had been said about the social changes they had made in Socioknd, although that was to be the topic of our conversation, and we were called to dinner before I could get Mr. Walter to tell me what they had done. At the table the conversation became general, and when we left it, some time elapsed before I could get him disentangled from his surroundings, and seated in a place where 1 felt safe from interruption. "Now," said I, sitting down comfortaoly by his side, "you have treated me to a bit of history, and to an essay upon philosophy, let us come down to Socioland, and to what you have done to ameliorate its social conditions." "Certainly^ I will tell you with pleas'jre," he answered. **! see I have yet time enough before we reach Spencer. And for a beginning 1 will tell you of one of our first measure?, wiiich I believe would find favor m all countries and with all classes of people. We have abolished all taxes.'* "What!" I exclaimed, "abolished all taxes! That is indeed a practical step towards happiness. But how then does your government raise tlie money to meet its necessary expenses?" I "Well," rejoined Mr. Walter, "it honestly earns it as every I government <)U<;i)t to do. Our Commonwealth carries on busi^ ness, earns money by legitimate means, and spends it for the benefit of all. "The system of taxation, Mr. Balcom, firmly entrenched as it is in the habits of civilized society, is in fact a relic of barbarism. It is a remnant of the times when the strong THE CHANGES MADE. 27 lived altogether on the labor of the weak. Civilization has modified it, and the iron hand is n)ore cunningly masked by the velvet glove, but the fact remains that the producer is made to support all the public burdens. Of course the Com- monwealth must have means to defray the public expenses, but by what logical argument can it be maintained that if it is trusted to spend money, it cannat also be trusted to earn it? The tj-iith is that when the ruling classes were compelled to surrender a jX)rtion of their privileges, and give the people a voice in the control of the government, they threw on the public all that w hich cost money, and under various pretexts kept in their own hands all the profitable enterprises. As plundering tlie producers was then the only known process for providing funds to carry on the government, it was legalized and made legitimate by acts of the legislatures, and legal taxation was organized. When that proved insufl^cient, and the people refused to bear heavier taxation, the rich, instead of giving of their surplus to supply the deficiency, Ivwt t.. the government the money they hml accumnlatecf, mid thus created for their own benefit a perpetual lien on the production of the country. To you, who are used to that system, it probably seems perfectly right and proper, but to us who have a much better way to provide for public needs, we look upon taxation as an unjust and needless imposition. "But the release from taxation is not the only advantage which has resulted to the country from the management of business enterprises by the Commonwealth. "We spoke yesterday of the growing evM of large fortunes. Our system has cut ofi" the evil at its roots. Excessive fortunes are not the result of individual economy or pprsistent labor- they are the result of the cumulative power of capital. If you inquire into the origin of the vast fortunes which exist in your country, you will find that most of them are due to 28 THE FUTUEE COMMONWEALTH. the investments of profits made in certain lines of businesSy carried for the benefit of the community. We readily ac- knowledge the need of those services, we know that under your system they could not be performed unless some persons had saved, often by great denial, the needed capital; nof do we believe that those services are over-paid. But we claim that the field of activity they opened was so vast that it enabled those persons to accumulate such large fortunes as to endanger the welfare of the community. "Those are the lines of business we decided to withdraw from the field of competition, and to place in the hands of the Commonwealth, to be prosecuted for the benefit of all. "That is the first change we have made in our internal eco" tiomy. Our Commonwealth, instead of levying taxes from its citizens, carries on all the most extensive and profitable enter- prises of the country, with the avowed object of making money to be spent for the good of the whole people. "Thus, Mr. Balcom, we have accomplished what I told you I was our aim. We tap the Source of Excessive Wealth, and turn \j,t into a Reservoir for the benefit of all classes." \ ^ Mr. Walter's information was interesting, for the changes he was describing seemed practical and well worthy of consider- ation. So 1 asked hira to tell me which were the lines of business the Commonwealth had kept in its own hands, and how they were managed to avoid peculation and waste. "My young friend," he answered, 'Hhe question of the ma- nagement of public aflfairs is too large for us to go into now and yoti' will be able to study it carefully while you stay in Socioland. But as to the lines of business we place in the care of the Commonwealth, I can state in broad terms that jit., is those which 'require large capital, and return through the I magnitude of their operations large profits. For the present the Commonwealth controls the Wholesale Trade, the Trans- THE CHANGES MADE. 29 portation o'' IjCtters, Parcels, Merchandise, and Persons, the Telegraph and Telephone, the Banks, the Life and Fire In- surances, the Street Railways, the Supply of Lights and Water, the Working of the Mines anr. a portion of the Manufactures. "These, as you will see, are distributed between the Common- wealth and the several Townships, so as to take advantage •of the best localities, and to secure the most efficient manage- ment. Each case is decided on its own meritoor and disinherited against want and suffering. "But let us pass on to other changes we have made. Let me tell you about our laws in regard to land." I signified my desire to hear whatever he thought would interest me, and Mr. Walter continued. "Our Commonwealth never admitted the right of individual ownership in land, and holds it in trust for the whole people. For purposes of improvement it sells leases, equal for practical purposes to complete ownership. These leases can only be cancelled if the public good requires it, and the tenant must be paid for actual damages inflicted upon him. No rent is paid, and those leases can be divided, bought and sold, but a limit has been placed upon the number of acies that each person can get under his control. By this policy, the Com- monwealth has retained in its possession all the best business locations, or can reclaim them at reasonable rates. No pro- perty can be held for speculation, nor can any man or set of men levy exorbitant tolls in the shape of rents because they are the lucky owners of a piece of land so situated as to be indispensable to the efficient transaction of business. so THE FUTUKE COMMONWEALTIL. "We liold that the land is common property, but we re-- cognize also that its division among the people leads to a higher development and to better culture. We appreciate upon cha- racter the good efllects of personal enterprise and independent management, provided they are kept within proper limits. It is only when private enterprise overshadows and antagonizes public welfare that we seek to circumscribe it. This land policy of ours has been a success so far. It has stopped speculation in land, it has prevented the preraiiture settle- ment of distant portions of our territory, and yet those of us who wanted to make a living by agriculture have been able to get possession of all they could cultivate." "I think I understand the trend of your public policy," I remarked, when Mr. Walter ceased speaking. "You use the power of the Commonwealth to regulate the distribution of wealth. In the United States, we expect the government to insure political equality, while you add to the functions of yours the task of maintaining social equality. With this object in view, the means you use must exert a very good influence in that direction." "Indeed you are correct, my dear Sir, and to insure the success of our scheme, we have made some radical changes in, the methods of educating our young people. "We claim that equal advantages in education are necessary to maintain equal chances of success in society. Furthermore we claim that it is of the utmost importance to educate and train the physical as well as the mental faculties. "The education of the mind, the training of the intellect,, can of course best be accomplished in the schools, and except that we have reduced the number of hours of study, and pay m&re attention to recreation, there is but little difference between our schools and yours. The great difference is in the industrial training of the youths of both sexes. The numerous ^HE CHANGES MADE. ^1 business enterprises carried on l»y tlie Commonwealth and the "Townships offer splendid opportunities for practical training, and all our young people are compelled to serve a six vearsL term of apprenticeship to the state." "it seems to me," I rejoined, "that it is a very arbitrary measure, and one that must create a great deal of dissatisfaction." "It seems so to you," answered Mr. AValter, "because you are thinking of its application under the old conditions, but the public apprentice system is very popular with us. You will stay lon^ enough mnong us to see how our youths are treated and understand why it is popular with them, and I can tell you why it is popular with the grown people ako. "By entrusting to our youths a large portion of Uie work connected with the business of the Commonwealth, we have opened to them an extensive industrial school, where there is an almost unlimited (lidice of occupations, and by requiring of them only a ft w hours of actual work, we give them ample time and facilities to keep on with their studies. Our system is far superior to your industrial schools, for our boys do not play with tools among other boys, but do real work alongside of men, under conditions which train the mind to face all kinds of emergencies, and compel them to exercise all the faculties they may possess. One yeai in an industrial school may teach a boy how to saw to a mark or plane a board straight, and may teach him many of the technicalid-es of his profession, but one year of apprenticeship will teach him all that and much more. "So we believe in our apprentice system because it gives our youths the best training under the best possible conditions; we believe in it because it considerably reduces public expenses, and thus increases public wealth; we believe in it because it has had a moral result which has been satisfactory beyond our expectations. 32 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. "There is always a tendency among the children of the man who are the most puccessful, to believe that idleness and lux- ury are badges of superiority, and that they are made of different and better clay than those persons who are raised in the lower walks of life. Six years of apprenticeship, subject to uniform rules, and where merit is the only factor in pro- motion, generally takes such ideas out of their heads, ''Those, Mr. Balcom, are the changes we have made in the public policy of Socioland, and I have no doubt that when you see the results, you will acknowledge that we have suc- ceeded, and that our people have much better facilities for the pursuit of happiness than can be found anywhere else. "By making our Commonwealth a co-operative business concern, we have made it rich and placed all its citizens above want. We have entirely abolished overgrown fortunes and greatly diminished the accumulation of capital in private hands', and yet we have retained sufficient fields of activity for private enterprises, which being relieved from the pressure of monopolistic competition, give to their operators agreeable occupation and full reward for their labor. "By retaining in the hands of the Commonwealth the con- trol of the land, we have prevented its unjust distribution and ' sinful waste, and yet we have secured to all our citizens a fair chance to its acquisition. "By our system of public apprenticeship we are training our youths to useful occupations, developing their bodies as well as their minds, and giving them a just appreciation of the conditions of life. It brings all classes together and equa- lizes their chances, and is without doubt the measure that ^will have the most far-reaching effects." We were nearing Spencer, and I thanked Mr. Walter for ■ his kindness to me, and the interest he had manifested in my desire to investigate. AT THE HOTEL. 33 "You ore welcome indeed," he rejoined. "It is a pleasure to give information where it is so thoroughly appreciated. But we are nearly at the landing, and as I live in Spencer I hope to see you again and have naore conversation with you, and that you will soon learn to know us and like us. "Where do you intend to stay while in the city? You do not know. Well, I v.ouM ndvise you to' stop at one of the hotels kept l)y the city, near the wharves and dep<^ts, for the convenience of travellers. Y''ou will be comfortable and the charges are very moderate. It will be more interesting than, if you stop at a private boarding house in tlie center of the city, for it will be your first introduction to one of our public institutions." CHAPTER VI. AT THE HOTEL. Spencer is the commercial center of Socioland, and is situated at the lower end of lake Norlay. It is the gateway of communication with the civilized world. Now* a city of 50,000 inhabitants, it has a great future before it, and the character- istic American thought came to my mind of the fine field it would ofier for speculation, were it not prevented by the land policy of the country. We steamed slowly into port, and when we landed at the wharf, I looked around for some one to takje me to the hoteL Mr. Walter was busy, yet found the time to poind out an official whose functions, he said, were to give information to travellers, and help them on their way. This gentleman, for B4 THE FUTUEE COMMONWEALTH. tindoubtedly he was one in appearance and demeanor, aske^ me where I wanted to go, and advised me to stop at the nearest Cilf hotel, which was only a stone's throw from the landing. He also pointed to me the government baggage agent, a blight youlig man in uniform, who took the number of my check and the address to which I wanted my trunk sent, and after he had checked off on my baggage card the amount due for city transportation, I was ready to go on ray way. And here I mrty as well explain to you that in Socioland there are no ticket offices at the railroad depots or steamboat landings. Travelling cards are bought \t\ the stores, good for a given number of miles. These cards are good on all roads or boats, in all directions and at all times. The conductor checks off tin; number of miles travelled, and when the card is used, a new one is bought. There are no excursion or return tickets, and the card does not give free transportation of baggage. Batrgage cards are botigiit in the same way, good fov trans- portation on the cars or bouts, and also for transfer from the residences to the depots. The pri'-e of all these cards is exceedingly low, according to our standa"rd, but with the ex- ceptional facilities posses-ied-, l>y the Commonwealth, and the concentration of all the business in its hands, it is claimed the profit is quite large. The freight business is also managed differently from ours. All goods must be prepaid, stamps being used for that purpose. Tiiese changes d<» away with some of the complications which increase the expenses in our country, but are only possible where all the means of trans- portation are concentrated in one hand. I find, my dear Harry, that 1 am not making much progress in my journey, but I must manage to take you as far as the hotel, which proved to be a large brick building of plain appearance, with City Hotel No. 3, written on the facade and over the entrance. Its interior did not differ materially AT THE HOTEL. 35 from our large hotels; probably as much comfort, but less luxury. At the clerk's desk stood a bright young woman, who after I registered, had me shown to a room where I proceeded to make myself at home. That which struck me at once, as we made our way to the upper regions where my room was located, was the number of young people who seemed to be busy in the house, and whom 1 c-oncluded were some of the apprentices Mr. Waller had told me of. Both boys and girls wore plain uniforms, and were evidently engaged in 'doing the regular housework. The afternoon was well advanced when we reached Spencer and supper was ready by the time 1 had attended to my toilet! At the table, where a goodly number of guests were seated we were waited on by these youths who performed their task with due courtesy, but without servility. The service was under the supervision of an elderly lady, who showed the guests to their places, and saw that their wants were provided for. After supper, I strolled a while in the city, and when I returned to the Jiotel, madt^ my way to the parlor, where I found, beside* many of the guests, quite a number of young people in uniform, evidently the attendants of the house. These youths were not busy at work, but were engaged in social pastimes, and werp treated on terms of social equality. At the piano, a middle-aged gentleman and a pretty brunette were singing, while I Eecognized in hhe girl who plaj'ed the accompaniment, one of our waiters at the table. The young man who had showed me to my room was one of a party who were playing cards, while many groups engaged in con- versation were scattered in the room. Some of the ladies had their work, and there seemed to be very little formality, but plenty of mirth and good nature. I quietly took a chair and watched the novel scene, won- dering what our United States friends would say if the menials 36 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. of an American hotel should invade the parlor and make themselves at home therein. But I soon reflected that these youths were not menialn, us we understand the term, but that they were simply passing a term of apprenticeship which would fit t'lem fo" t'r^ different duties of life, and that there was nothing more degrading in theii work than there is in waiting upon customers in a store, or in working in a milli- nery establishment As I sat thei-e, looking and thinking, a lady entered the toom, and probably recognizing me as a stranger, and noticing my lonely position, came towards me and opened the conver- sation by a c.isual remark about the singers at the piano. As ray principal o))ie^.t here is to get all the information I can, I managed ti» turn the conversation towards their peculiar method of treating the employees of the house, and remarked that I was a stranger in the land, and not used to their ways. "Yes,*' said the lady, "it must be somewhat unexpected to find the help of the establishment enjoying themselves in the parlor, and must be a shock to your ideas of social position." '•'It is indeed unexpected," I answered, ''and at first it may have seemed undesirable, but t can see that these young people are sufficiently educated to be at home everywhere. No, what surprises me is, that they should be spared from their occupa-^ tions, and I wonder how the work can be attended to and tliese boys and girls enjoy themselves at the same time." "I understand that very well," she replied, "for our ways are in some respects so difFeient from yours, that many things you will see here must naturally surprise you. We are able to give our youtlis plenty of time for recreation on account of the difference in our social system. "In your country^ a portion of the population has managed to throw the burden of labor on othei*s, so that those on whom the burden has fallen have very little leisure time. AT THE HOTEL. B7 With n« it is entirely different. All our young people must do their share of work, and it is diflicult for the adult to live in idleness here. "Do you see that young girl," turning and pointing toward another part of the room, "talking to that bright-faced boy? She is the daughter of one of our best men in the town, a sensible, practical, business girl, with the same qualities which have made her father a success''nl man among us. With his business abilities, he would in your country have accumulated great wealth, and his daughter would have been educated to fill a leading place in society. The result would have been that she need never have done any work, and until she married would have led a useless life, supported by the exertions of the laboring poor. Besides the waste of her own time, she would have required the services of a waiting maid to attend to her artificial wants. Nor would she have been happier, for she is born for better things. "Her life here has been entirely different. Her father has used his abilities for the benefit of the Commonwealth; as ■one of our Managers he has earned the trust and confidence of all who know him, and is in easy circumstances and no more. His daughter has iiad to do her share of the public work ever since she was fourteen, and thus has relieved of its extra burden some of her less fortunate sisters. As she learned the work, and her good qualities showed themselves, she has steadily advanced, and now fills a position of trust in this house. "Thus you see that as we all have to do our share, none have to work very long or very hard, and we can give our young people time to rest, or study, or enjoy themselves, as they prefer. We use as little compulsion as possible in Socio- land, but we provide ample facilities for study, and are anxious to encourage all that tends to the intellectual develop- ment of our children. S8 THE FUTURE COM MO:^ WEALTH.. "You seem to be quite a believer in the public apprentice- system," I remarked. ''It is ))l(^j'sant to find that the people here are satisfied with their institiitions. A contented people is something very unusual nowadays." *'And it ought to be," the lady rejoined, ''for all other- nations are cramped by institutions they have outgrown, and no longer fit the intellectual tstjiture they have reached. Here we are always ready to change whenever we have cause for dissatisfaction. "But so far as our apprentice system is concerned, it is undoubtedly a great success. It greatly facilitates public busi- ness, provides pleasant employment for the young, and best of all, has proved a great educator, by teaching those who would be idle how to work, and by elevating the lower classes and educating them to hold their places among people of taste and culture. "The girl I ])ointed out to you i is an example of the first now if you will look in the direction of this window, I will show you an example of the other. That young man you see reading there is an orphan. His father, a common laborer^ died young, leaving his family destitute, fie carue here from the old country and was a worthy man, but with little edu- cation. Under these conditions, in your country this boy would have had to go to work to help his mother, and would have remained an uneducated drudge aU his life. With us, his mother was provided with a good place in one of the Town Laundries, where she receives liberal wages for short hours of labor, and thus was enabled to easily raise her family, while our apprentice system has given her boy an equal chance in the world with more favored children. He has been with us two years, and it has made a wonderful difference in him; his manner has greatly improved and he is getting interested in intellectual recreations. AT THE HOTEL. 39 "But you see he has had opportunities which our system nlone could give him, for it has brought him in close contact with t)iii<')i hotter educated persons than he was in the habit of associating with. "The a(;tual results of our system have neen a steady gain in deportment and intelligence, and you will find no better be- liaved peoj)le than the inhabitants of Socioland, which is due to the training they receive in their youth. "But have' We not talked long enough on serious subjects, and would you not like to join us in some of the recreations of the evening? We have very pleasant times, I assiire you, and it is largely due to the presence of our young people, for they make the charm of our social gatherings. Our travellers come and our travellers go, but our boys and girls are here all the time, realy lo amu^eand be amused. By freely mixing together we learn to know all about 'ihem. They tell us about their early lives, they confide to us their plans, their hopes, their dreams, eiiid we give them' the benefit o our experience, and try to make their life pleasant. "But come, let me introduce you to Miss Bell, the lady I pointed out to you. You will enjoy her society, I believe, and when you get acquainted here, you will find that the time passes quite pleasantly." 1 was easily persuaded, and was soon engaged in conversa- tion, then joined in some games, and when 1 retired for the -night, I thoroughly appreciated the friendly spirit which had «o quickly made me feel at home among my new surroundings. ^0 THE FUTUEE COMMONWEALTH. CHAPTER VIL PUBLIC MANulOEMENl\ The lady with whom I had the conversation I reported to- you, proved to be Mrs. Wilton, wife of the Manager of the hotel. 1 made the acquaintance of Mr. Wilton the next day, and had some interesting talks AYith him upon their methods of managing public business. Mr. Wilton is an American, while his wife is a native of Socloland. He is about fifty years of age, and cm me here about fifteen years ago, having been in business in Cincinnati before he came to Spencer. "Mr. Balcora," said he,^ "I understand that you should be surprised at our ways, for they are quite different from those of the United Slates. I was surprised myself when 1 first came, and wondered how business could be done in such easy- going ways. For we all take life easy here, and no one has to hurrj out early in the morning or work till late at night. But understand me, I am speaking of productive labor. Of course we do not idle away such a large portion of our time^ but we spend it in what we might call recreation, in so far that we all are at liberty to follow the dictates o^ our own sweet will, and use our time as we like best. But there is method in our madness, and if we have short hours of labor, we make good use of them, and if none work very hard or very long, all have to follow rome useful occupation part of their time. "Do you know that one of the most striking results of the policy of this people — of our policy, I might say, for I am entirely one of them — has been to so reduce the supply of labor for domestic services, that there are many things which PUBLIC MANAGEMENT. 41 It is much easier to do for onrselves t)i;m to hire done, and there are very few persons h( r<* who are not obliged to wait x)n themselves more or less. You see, when our young people have flni^^lled their term of 'apprenticeship, they all have a complete knowledge of some lucrative trade, and but few are fonnd willing to do menial labor. This fact, added to the difficulty, if not the impossibility, of accumulating large for- tunes, preventr, the formation of a class who can command the services of others, and tluis withdraws them from the field of production. Having no drones to support, we can accom- plish much more, and stil) be able to considerably reduce the number of hours of hibor. "But excuse me, this was not the subjc^ct we were to talk about. You wished nu- to explain to you the way in which we manage public business." ''Yes, it is precisely what I want to know," I answered^ "With us th-? assertion is usually made, with more or less truth, that whatever the government undertakes costs more .than what is done by private managenien , and that the assumption of business by the state open;? the door wide to mismanagement and corruption." "Well, my dear Sir," Mr. Wilton replied, "1 have not been here so long but what I can recollect how things went in the United States, and probably there is a foundation for the opinion you now express, although it may be fostered by those who have a direct interest in preventing the government from extending its operations. "But there is a fundamental difference between your govern- ment and ours. Yours is a Republic, established to maintain civil and political rights. Ours is a Commonwealth, organized to secure those rights, and besides, to manage public business for public benefit, "The founders of your Republic had no idea of national 42 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. co-opefation for business purposes, for post offices, railroads^ street-cars, fhe lighting of streets, etc., was then nnknowtj) and when yoirr Kepublic tries to manage business enterprisesj it tries to accomplish something for which it has never been organized, "A republican government is in theory a part of the people, but in practice is s ^netli'in'r above it. You elect your repre- Sentatives to make your laws, and your officers to execute them, and so long as they hold their niiHndates, they are your masters as much as if they had been appointed ^>y a king. "There is no inducement to abuse that power so far as civil rights are concerned, hut it is only a question of time for tbe men you elect to find out that a representative govern* ment can grant, against the will of the people, lucrative places, and leL'islate men into valuable positions where they can be taken care of out of the proceeds of taxation. All financial places of trnst are in the gift of political officers, and are disposed of as rewards for personal services. Men thus appointed, cannot be expected to be competent or trustworthy, and all kinds of safeguards have to be thrown around them to keep them 'in the path of bonesty. "Yours is the Individualistic system, where the whole aim of the government is to help the individuals to develop the resources of tiie country by aflfording equal protection to all its citizens. "But a stream never rises higher than its source. A nation where the individual is taught to look upon himself as en- tered upon a race for wealth, where the winner reaches the goal exhaiTSted by the effijrts he has made to distance his competitors, where individual greed is encouraged by the most tempting rewards, and wliere a most intricate system of laws, courts aud prisons, is ^u'cded to preserve some kind of order among the contestants will never evolve the right kind PUBLIC MANAGEMENT. 43 of a rovernment, or organize a satisfactory public management. "It is something to have succeeded in restraining competiti^»n within Ip^I bounds, i)ut voa will have to entireh cliange your policy before you can inaugurate the true Co-ramonwealth, and when you try to apply th^ machinery of your representa- tive governtn<'.il which lubricates the co-operative machine. Their position enables them to take a broad look al the situation, and to give impartial information. As they occupy places of great influence, we are careful to select men of good judgment and known integrity, for our material prosperity depends largely upon the soundness of their advice. "But as I have named the Managers, let me explain to you what are their functions. Their name is the best explanation I can give you, for thev really manage the business placed in their charge, and within their de[)artments have full au- thority placed in their hands. lam the Manager of this hotel, and have all the needed power to run it successfully, provided I use that power according to the recognized policy of the Commonwealth. Our position is somewhat like that of the captain of a vessel. A ruler on board, a private citizen on shore. "Some of our Managers are elected by the Commonwealth, for they direct enterprises which must be under a central control, but all local business is controlled by Managers elected by the Townships, a division we have adopted in place of counties or incorporated cities, and which replaces them both. These Townships have each a busine&s department of their own which looks after their local interests. *'\Ve have, as 1 iold you, formed ourselves into a businesa firm, and have tried to follow the same course that a practical . /IcO*-^ 4$ THE FUTURE COMMOIS WEALTH. business man would take under the same circmnstancfs.. "Success demands a general direction by men who can overlook: the whole field of <.f»erations, and co-ordinaie t<> a successful end the means under command. We secure tliis through «>ur I boards of Advisers, whose duty k is u> •-•jither information', and furnish it to the inhabitants of the Commonwealth. We do not entrust them with the execution of the measures they- recommend, because it would give them more power than, any man, or set of meoi, should have except in times of public- danger. "The next thing that success demands is an efficient executive management, which shall not be hampered by intricate laws, and regulations, hut left free to attain the desired ends in the- best manner consistent witli the means pkced at its disposition.. This, we secure through our Managers, who, elected by the people, and responsible to the |)eoiji - alone, have every in- ducement to fulfil their task to the best of their ability. "Next, we must have a division of responsibility, which we secure through our system of Tbwnships, which are really 3 branches of the whole firm or Commonwealth, having special interests under their control. "Believing as we do that co-operation ought to replace- competition as far as possible, that each individual has social as well as political rights, and that a Commonwealth which helps its citizens to attain to a fair share of comfort and' enjoyment is as far- superior to a Republic as a Republic i& to Despotism, we have tried to secure tiiat result through, our organization. "We have retained political and indicial organizations, but their importance is steadily dinyinishing, not l>ecause their- functions are encroached upon by the business department, but from the results of our policy, which are constantly dimi- nishing the causes which compel the enactment of laws and THE RIGHT SPIRIT. 47 tl'« tieed of restraint. All wars, disputes, contentions, are the 'oiitcorae of the competitive spirit, either in nations or indi- viduals, and whatever promotes the co-operative interests, •diminishes the spirit of greed which has to be restrained by law, and thus diminishes the need of the laws themselves. "We believe in social equality, in the solidarity of human interests, and instead of using our skill and intelligence in trying to remedy the evils of society by law, we use our intelligence in devising means to diminish the need of laws by creating harmonious relations between man and man." Mr. Wilton tlwn had to leave, s > 1 thanked him i\yr his itiformation, hoping to hear more at some future day. ♦ 1 1 1 » CHAPTER VIII. THE EIGHT SPIRIT. "Several days passed before I renewed my conversation witli Mr, Wilton, days which I spent in viewing the city and its surroundings, and also in getting acquainted wit)) the people. Undoubtedly there is a difference between life here and in the United States; : s much, I suppose, as there is between life in the United States and in Europe. One thing is quite noticeable. It is that they know how to wo''l< and how to enjoy themselves. During working hours everything seems to move briskly, each one h:is something to do, and watiiout any fuss and worry, an immense amount of work is accomplished. But the working hours are short, and when they are over, one might believe himself in one of those Italian cities, where after sunset it looks as if the whole 48 THE FOTUKie COMMON WEALTH. population had turned out to enjoy an evening stroll in the open air. The stores open late and close early, especially the wholesale stores which do not keep open more than six hours. The retail stores, which are left to private enterprise, keep open lon.ojer, but no one is found willins: to work from early morning till late at night, as so many are obliged to do under our system. The more even distribution of wealth has fostered a quieter spirit, and as great accumulations of property are not possible, and poverty is practically unknown, there are none of those strong incentives to extra exertions which are found in other countries. ^ T have made some casual acquaintances in mv rambles, and have had some conversations with persons I met on the cars or in the stores, and I find everywhere the same satisfaction with existing conditions. In a retail store I entered to bnv underwear, T found the owner to be a quiet, unassuming old gentleman, who liked to talk, and who told me some things that 2ro to show the influence which surrounding conditions have in modifying character. "I am surprised," I said to him, "at the easy way in which yoii do business here, and that some of your energetic men do not take advantage of it to crowd to the wall their less ambitious neighbors." "I believe," he answered, *''that if you were to remain here some time, you would understand it better. It is natural that in your country you should strive for wealth, for w.'alth is not only comfort, it is more, it is Dower. "Under your system everything; '•^ for sale, and the man of wealth can get possession of everything which is worth having. Your rich men own your railways, your street cars, your steamboats. They own your palaces, your most valuable lands, THE EIGHT SPIKIT. 49 the stores and the goods they contain. They own the ma- nufactures, the banks and the money, and worse yet, they own mortgages upon the homes of the workers and upon their future production in the shape of public bonds. "But it is not so here. Suppose I should bestir myself to accumulate a fortune, what should I do with it? All our most valuable property is in the hands of the Commonwealth and cannot be bought at any price. We have no government bonds or railroad stocks to furnish investments here. There is a small demand for private capital, mostly for manufacturing purposes, but on account of the high price of labor, and the abundance of mgney furnished by the Commonwealth, interest is very low, and we have little inducement to increase our wealth beyond what will secure us a comfortable existence." With my ideas fresh from America, where wealth is all powerful and its acquisition the chief end in life, I expressed my astonishment that the people of Socioland should be sa- tisfied under such a regime, and my fear that this stifling of private ambition might result unfavorably to the general prosperity. "Yes, yes," said my new acquaintance, ''you reason precisely as would have done, some hundred years ago, a French mar- \ quis or a German baron. They could not have understood i that life was worth living in a country without an army and i without an aristocracy. Yet you have learned in America ' that there are other things worth living for besides parading at Court or killing our fellow-men, and we have found out here that there are other things worth living for besides the acquisition of money. "But you are entirely mistaken in your supposition that a diminution of private ambition will have a bad influence oa the public prosperity. "Our men have as much brain, as much physical activity^ 50 THE FUTUKE COMMONWEALTH. and are just as enterprising as yours, and as ready to conceive and execute, but, unable to concoct schemes by which they can exploit their weaker neighbors for their own benefit, they have to place their intelligence and their activity at the disposal of the Commonwealth to i)e used for the people's benefit. "My dear Sir," and the old gentleman getting a little excited, emphasized his Words so ;is to bring the whole weight of liis argument to bear upon me, "which do you suppose displayed the truest ambition. Tiie freebooter baron of old who, at the head of a liand of private retainers, plundered the unwary traveller for his jjersonai advantage, or the officer of a modern army, fighting for the preservation of the whole country? Yours is tlie freebooter system, where 'Every one for himself and the Devil take the hindmost' is the motto inscribed on your banner, while ours is the organized army of labor, where individual effort is trained to promote the welfare of all. "No, no, this old argument of the decline of enterprise under a better oo'-operative system will not stand fire or hold water. It is based upon a false estimate of human nature, ane happy. They are not only well cared for, but as you have seen, they have much uiore recreation and also much more freedom than they have in your land. "We ask nothing from them in the Way of work but what they can see is for the general good, and when their task is accomplished, not only do we leave them free to do what they please, but we help them to spend their time agreeably and profitably." "That, Mr. Wilton," [ remarked; "must be a very good plan for boys and girls of good disposition, but we would be afraid THE APPRENTICES. 59 to give so much freedom to our children, for it must be a j;reat temptation to abuse the privilege, and forni habits and associations which might have a bad influence on the character^" "You give me here, Mr. Balcom, a very old argument against every extension of individual freedom, an argument which is logical enough in tiie mouth of a Christian who believes in innate depravity, and is taught to pray to be kept out of temptation, but which, if you will allow me to say t-o, is entirely out of place in the mouth of an Agnostic and an American citizen. "You, as an Agnostic, cannot believe in natural depravity, and as an American, you ought to know that the same criti- cism is launched at you by the Europeans on account of the greater freedom you give to the youths of both sexes, and yet you have no reason to believe but what their conduct is just as good as that of their European brothers and sisters. "No, our experience has shown us that we can better afford to trust our young people than to niistrust them, and that if we taught them right we could safely allow them to control their own personal actions. "Besides all these influences, our system is such as to induce our apprentices to their best exertions, for it is those wh.o learn and improve, and show the most executive ability, who advance in position. There is really more incentive to well doing in oar system than there is under private competition for the best prizes are won by actual merit, and not by favor or the privilege of birth. "I have tried to explain to you, Mr. Balcora, how we try to foster from the start the spirit which alone can make our public policy a success. That is the base, the foundation^, which lacking would wreck all our efforts. Public institutions are built upon private character, and the marked advance we think we have made over otlier nations, we would soor\ 60 THE FUTURE COxMMONWEALTH. lose unless we cultivate the same spirit which animated our predecessors." This opinion of Mr. Wilton is worthy of a careful study. If he is correct, then a change in public spirit must precede a change in public institutions. The lessons of history would show that he is right, for reveral times, under the leadership of progressive men, nations have tried to advance further tlian Avas warranted by the state of public knowledge, and after short trials the ground gained was lost, and the people had to fall back lo their original institutions. • » 1 » » CHAPTER X. ABOUT EDUCATION \/ 1 am staying longer in Spencer than I had at first intended, ' but I am enjoying myself at the hotel, where I have many friends, and where reigns a home feeling which I had never found in a hotel before. This feeling is not due to the special character of the guests, but is due to the social feeling among the employees of the hotel, young and old. As their tasks are comparatively light and they have much spare time, and as special efforts are made to spend this time in common, they constitute a social circle open at all times to the guests, and form the bond that keeps this pleasant home feeling alive. Every afternoon quite a number of people meet in the parlor, and every evening some entertainment is provided. I find that music is very much cultivated in Socioland, and \ the children are taught to play and sing in the public schools. ABOUT EDUCATIOK. 61 There are many good performers on several instruments among the hotel people, and concerts are of frequent occurrence. As for dancing, it is the order of the day here, and children are taught to dance almost as soon as they can walk. Besides these social advantages, there is a good library in the hotel, and it is well patronized. On the other hand, there is very little style and it is not encouraged. Everything is nice and good, and all con- veniences for comfort are provided for, but there is very little for show. The table is well supplied, and the service sufficient for those who are willing to eat at leisure. One thing which makes it much easier for the people of the hotel and which is characteristic of the habits of the country, is that there is little or no travel at night. In adjusting the time tables of public conveyances, the com- fort of the employees is consulted as much as the desires of the travelling public, and they are so arranged as to prevent their being called upon to work at undue hours. That seemed very strange to me at first, for it is an unheard of thing among us that the convenience of the workers should be con- sulted in the running of public conveyances, and I could not understand that the travellers should be satisfied, but I learned that it is one of the natural consequences of the emancipation of the laborer from the thraldom of poverty. In a country where a large part of the public labor is done by the young people, and where wealth is so distributed that want stares no one in the face, and where the attainment of happiness is made the chief incentive to labor, it would be unlogical to request the public employees to turn night into day for the convenience of those who want to be carried at night. Not that all night work can be dispensed with, only it is reduced to its minimum. Such a course would be impossible with us fof everything 62 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. is rushed througli at railroad speed, and the motto "Time is laoney" is a true index of th^ practices of our country. But here if time is also money, yet money is not valued above comfort, and it will not buy the discomfort of a large portion of the people as it will do among us. You may remember that the first dav of my arrival I was presented to Miss Bell, whom Mrs. Wilton told me was the daughter of one of the influential men of Spencer, one of the class who among us would be a merchant prince and a finan- cial power. I was very much pleased with her from that evening, and as she seems to enjoy my society, we have he- come very good friends indeed. She is not strikingly hand- some, hut is a pleasant looking girl of about nineteen years of age. She is a little above the medium height, with fair hair and honest blue eyes. One of those girls who improve in looks as they advance in years, and make the best of wives and mothers. I have not fallen in love with her, so my dear Harry, do not weave a little romance at my expense, but I find her well-informed and intelligent, and we enjoy conver* sing together. Miss Bell is as much interested in learning something of our usages as I am in learning from her, and it adds greatly to the pleasure of our conversation. "Tell me, Mr. Balcom," she said to me one evening as we were sitting in the parlor, "how do girls of my age spend their time in the United States?" "Ah! Miss Bell," 1 replied, "that is too hard a question for me to answer, for it depends very much in what station of life they are born." "That is true," she remarked, ''I had forgotten you told me that you have no public apprentices there. Do you know it seems impossible to realize that there should be so much difierence in the education of children? Now here all have an equal chance, and the only difference is what results from ABOUT EDUCATION. 63 ur special ability, or from the choice of vocations. But tell me, how would I have been educated bad I been born in the United States?" "Well, Miss Bell, I will tell you as near as I can. You would have lived in a very large house, surrounded by a great many servants who would have waited on you, and would have been nearly all your society until you were old enough to go to school." "What!" she exclaimed, "and my parents?" "Oh! your father would have been too busy getting rich to spend much time at home, and too tired and nervous to stand the effervescence of your overflowing spirits, and as for your mother, the demands of society would have absorbed all her time, and she would have been compelled to leave you in the care of the nursery maid. "You would have been first sent to private school, then to a finishing school until you were twenty years or more, when you would have come out in society, and spent your time in dressing, and making and receiving calls." "Do you mean to say, Mr. Balcom, that I would have been kept at school more than ten years of my life? And what do these girls learn during all that time?" ''Really, Miss Bell, it is more than I can tell you. So far as I can judge, \vhat they learn they keep to themselve8,\ for 1 have never been able to (letect it in their conversation,/ I have some times asked them what they learned at school and they would answer latin, algebra, geometry, chemistry, etc., but I never could get them to tell me what was the object of their studies, or how it was expected that it would help them through life." "But surely, Mr. Balcom, these girls do not spend all their time in such studies. They must be taught some practical knowledge, something of housekeeping or cooking, or dressmaking. 64 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. Something that will be of use to them in their married life."" *'All that must seem strange to you, Miss Eell. It ought to be incredible, but it is a fact that in the United States the daughters of rich men are not expected to ck) any useful work in their life. What is expected af them is to adorn society, and they are taught accomplish aients to enable them to fill in a graceful manner their appointed place. These accomplishments would be well enough if these girls had a useful background to hang them upon, but they know nothing of life and its realities, and have no desirable aims or serious purposes. They form among themselves a sort of mutual ad- miration society, where the false coin of fashion passes in place of the real currency of this busy world, and are failures so far as the welfare of mankind is concerned. "Of course you understand that I am talking now of the daughters of our richest men, but unhappily they are the chil- dren of our most energetic and intelligent citizens, those best qualified to maintain a high standard of womanhood, and the number of girls so educated is increasing all the time. Their position makes them leaders in fashion, and all those persons who want to raise themselves in society follow in their foot- steps, and actually believe that this useless education is a mark of distinction, and stamps its recipients as something superior to the rest of humanity. "We think we have made a great advance because we have abolished the aristocracy of birth, but we have replaced it by an aristocracy of wealth, and the lessons of history are re- peating themselves. Our aristocracy, instead of cultivating the qualities which have raised it above the common level, educate their children in idleness and uselessness, and thus fail to maintain the high standard they have attained, and demoralize all below them by the pernicious example of their luxurious lives." "I cannot help believe, Mr. Balcom^ that it is^ only one side ABOUT EDUCATION. 66 of tlie picture yon are showing me now. You must have a larjje number of girls who receive a practical and an intellec- tual education, and who, like ns here, can turn their hands and ^irainb to all kinds of useful occupations, possessing culture and accomplishments, and feeling at home everywhere." *'0f course we have," I answered. "The force of circumstances teaches many a girl the practical side of life, but it is not looked upon favorably, even by the most sensible portion of the community. The rich set the fashion, and all other classes follow as far as their means will allow. You have a check here on such pernicious influences in your social institutions which prevents the private accumulation of wealth, and trains all your people to useful occupations, but we have no checks, and the evil is running riot, and is fast demoralizing society. "The results of our system of education arejdstas bad among the lower classes. Their children are not taught any useful knowledge, such as would help them to rise in the world, and our cities are full of girls who have to earn their living and are thrown upon their own resources without any preparation. You can have no idea. Miss Bell, of the misery of their ex- istence. Ignorant, ill-paid, overworked, they are surrounded by their rich sisters, who flaunt in their faces their carriages and their silk dresses, and monopolize all the enjoyments. "No, you cannot realize here how great a difference there is in the education of our children, and how far from an equal chance our system — or to be correct our lack of system — ^gives them of /caching a desirable position in society." **But, Mr. Balcom, if it is as you represent it, why do you not adopt some system like ours?" "You cannot understand," I answered, "how diflScult it is to make changes in old settled countries. Many of us want a change, and in time will be sufficiently numerous to compel a change. The dissatisfaction with the inequalities io conditions m THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTir. is becoming greater every year, and it is one of the most encouraging signs of the times. "It is only of late that this dissatisfaction has dared to manifest itself, for the religious beliefs of tlie past were opposed to changes, and their tendency was to encourage abject submission. For centuries the poor have been taught that God had created the existing conditions of society, and that he had chosen some to be rich and powerful, and others to be poor and submissive, and that any attempt to change these social relations was an act of rebellion against the decrees of an all- wise Providence. "Those are, I suppose, arguments against progress you never heard before, and wbich would have no effect on you, and you would probably laugh at the person who told you that health or sickness, success or failure, happiness or misery, are not the result of the wisdom or foolishness of our actions, but the result of the will of God. "Yet for ages this doctrine has been preached to us by those who were regarded as best qualified to teach, and any doubt as to its truth has been threatened with fearful pu- nishment in a future existence. This doctrine is no longer believed, although it is still preached and listened to with res- pect, and the number of persons who believe that it is possible to equalize the social conditions is yet far too small to enable us to accomplish any important change. "We are just emerging out of the toils of an iron-bound spiritual despotism, which has held society so long in its em- brace that now that its arms are beginning to be loosened we are yet so cramped that very few realize that we are free to stretch out and seek for a more comfortable position. We commence to dare to express our belief that our position is not as satisfactory as it might be, and to deny the claims of those who oppose changes from fear that they might prove ANCIENT INSTITUTIONS. 67 disastrous to their spiritual authority, but we are not yet far enough advanced as a people to know how to modify our public institutions. "You can sec, Miss Bell, by what T tell you, how much there is to be done before we can improve a state of society which is not only far from perfect, but fails utterly to promote 1 the highest happiness of the rich as well as of the poor." ^ I ■ » » CHAPTER XL ANCIENT INSTITUTIONS. I had not realized, my dear Harry, until I conversed with Miss Bell, how great a difference there is between their edu- cation and GUIS, especially from a religious point of view. Here was a young girl who had never entered a church or even seen one, had never conversed with a preacher or been ap- proached upon the subject of the salvation of her i>o\x\ and never been told that there was any possible relation between her beliefs and conduct here, and her happiness or misery in a future existence. The point which struck me was not the question of her religious beliefs, for while I have never asked her, yet from some words dropped in conversation I have reason to believe that she leans toward Spiritualism, but that which interested me was the fact, pure and simple, that her conduct was entirely free from religious influences. ' We have no such characters among us, at least I have never seen any. We have unbelievers, agnostics, heathens even. The slums contain many youths who have never entered a church 68 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. or attended Sabbath school, but still they have come in contact with men and women who go to both, ;tnd their conduct is influenced by what they hear from them. I doubt if any person can be found but what has heard of the Ten Command- ments and know that they are held in reverence^ by per&ons that they themselves respect. )But not only this girl, \ but all these youths by whom I am .surrounded, live in a country where there is no church, no Bible, no preachers, and where right"*' and wrong are judge! entirely upon the desirable or undesirable results of their actions. What a different basis from ours! How flexible and open to change a nation thus educated must be, compared to one which is hampered by old traditions, and whose people respect and obey ancient laws, not becant^e tliey fulfil any useful purpose, but because they are prefaced by a "Thus says the Lord." How it simplifies the solution of the social problem to place it on a purely natural basis, by surrendering the bdiief that somewhere there resides a creator who has promulgated laws for the guidance of men, which are in direct opposition to the laws that control the balance of the Univene, and who compels obedience to these laws by rewards and punishments outside of the realm of natural results. It brought strongly to my mind what Mr. Walter had told lae on the boat, that thev had adopted a standard of conduct I /in accord with the law of evolution, and which would greatly 1/ facilitate progress. As Ifget* a better insight into the philoso- phy of these people, and learn to understand the beliefs which guide their conduct, I realise how difficult it will be for us to make any marked advance so long as we try to follow at the same time the teachings of the Bible and the dictates of our natural desires. We are a house divided against itself, and it ANCIENT INSTITUTIONS. 69 helps us but little that our religious beliefs do not penetrate deeper than tlie surface, and our obedience to the Bible is more in form than reality. The day after I had the conversation on education with Miss Bell was Sunday, and in the morning as I sauntered in the parlor after breakfast, she came to me and said: "You know, I suppose, Mr. Balcom, that this is a holiday with us. We cannot atop work entirely here, for there are many things which have to be done, but we suspend all but the most necessary occupations, and try to enjoy the day as u)uch as possible. My work is such as can be [^laid aside for the day, and what little 1 have to do consists in helping those who are not so well favored. But I have most of the day free, and I would be pleased if you will come home with me and get acquainted with my parents." Of course I gladly assented, and not long after we started to walk to their house. The streets were quiet, most all the stores closed, and the people whom we met were in their holi- day attiie. In the course of the conversation I remarked to Miss Bell that the absence of churches was something an American would be sure to notice. "It is true that we have no churches in Socioland," she said, "and I have often wondered what people went to church for. Can you explain to me what is the attraction which takes them there?" "Well, Miss Bell, I suppose it is habit more than anything else which takes people to church now. It is one of those duties which I told you of yesterday, that have been imposed upon us by the iron hand of spiritual authority. You may have heard that the Bible teaches that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, and on that account ordered that man should rest one day out of seven. Of course no one believes that now, but"*8till the consecration 70 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. of the seventh day to God's worship is upheld hy men who believe one thing and preach another, and law and public opinion enforces it. "Then some three thousand years p.eo, a Jewish k ng named Solomon built God a fine temple, for it was believed in those days that God took special pleasure in temples and had to be worshipped there. So in imitation of Solomon, Christians built churches everywhere and now, although they no longer believe in sucli a God, and no longer go to church to worship him, they go there to hear fine music, to listen or pretend to listen to a flowery discourse on subjects that have lost their interest for them, and to join in prayers which no longer come from the heart and are addressed to God, but are elaborate compo- sitions pronounced for the entertainment of the congregation. And the force of habit is so great that churches are still ^ built, and people found to attend them, altliough the belief which originally led to their construction and filled them with sincere, but ignorant worshippers, has been entirely out- grown. "Do you understand now why it is so difficult to change our institutions? From the standpoint of Socioland there are no excuses for churches. The cost of their construction and the salaries of the preachers are useless expenses, for they do not contribute one iota to the public prosperity, or even preach a scientific code of morality. "There would be some excuse if an honest religious belief was at the foundation of church-building and church-going, but that belief is nearly entirely gone. No educated person now believes in the six days' creation, or that God takes special pleasure in expensive buildings, or in fine organs, or in famous singers, and very, very few believe that to be a church member secures a passport, to Paradise. "No, it all rests upon inherited habits. It is the habit to ANCIENT INSTITUTIONS. 71 upliold the churches, 'jo they nre upheld. It is the habit to say grace before meals, to open the sessions of legishitures with prayer, to ^'rind the poor, to monopolize the land, to cheat the government, to settle all disputes by war, to spend millions upon the army, and so these things go (m and no one dreams of changing them. "Bnt let :iny one propose something new, as for instance any legislation which might curtail the [)Ower of the rich and improve the condition of the poor, or promote a better distri- bution of the land, or reduce the expenses of the army and thus lighten the load on the shoulders of the workers, or a iliminution in the number of the hours of labor, then an outcry is made by the conservative portion of society, for such dan- gerous demands were never made before, and if not promptly checked, the social edifice will be overthrown, and civilization buried under its ruins." I stopped abruptly, for I recognized that I had got unduly excited, and I excused myself to Miss Bell. "I am afraid," I said, "that yon .will think rae very uncourteons to allow such a digression to take up our time this pleasant morning, when agreeable thoughts alone ought to fill our minds. It was very wrong in me to indulge in such fault-finding, but I must aoknowleilge that I sometimes lose patience with these nominal Christians who are trying to save their souls and gain the whole world at the same time. "What vexes me the most, Miss Bell, is that our best men and women, many of whom earnestly desire to see the social conditions improved, allow themselves to be turned aside from an honest study of the best solution of the problems involved, through fear that it might destroy the respect now entertained for these ancient institutions." "I do not know," Miss Bell remarked, . ''that I correctly understand you. I can see that your people do many things 72 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. that we would not think of doing, and yon seem to think that they have no better reason for it except that it used to be thought the right thing in the past." "Precisely so," I answered. "Thus if our ancestors had never gone to church, never observed the Sunday, the reasons now given would not be deemed sufficient to establish the custom. This matter of church-going is in itself of small importance, but it shows the tendency to hold on to old habits which prevents more important changes." "Then, Mr. Balcom, the trouble seems to be in the conser- vative character of the people as much as in their religion." "Yes and no. Not in the special religion, for the Buddhists and the Mahomeddans are yet more conservative than we are, but the influence of all so-called revealed religions is to chrys- talyze the character and customs and thus prevent improvement. "At the beginning, when first promulgated, they are a great force to impel forward civilization, but when their work is accomplished, and their strength has spent itself, they cannot be modified to suit the new conditions they themselves have helped to create, for they are supposed to come directly from God, so all the influence of their believers is exerted to pre- vent changes \vhieh would leave all their paraphernalia high, dry and useless. The more useful a religion has been in the past, the stronger is the hold it has taken upon the people, and the more difficult it is to hrow off the fetters it has placed upon its followers. "But let us drop the subject, and now that I have told you about our national ideas upon keeping the Sunday, and why we go to church, please tell ra e how you spend the day here." "Really, Mr. Balcom, there is very little to tell, for we have no special way of spending it, except as a day of rest and pleasure. It is the day of family gatherings, of feasts and picnics. We visit on that day more than upon any other, and HOUSEKEEPING IN SOCIOLAND. 73 public entertainments are provided for by the Townsliips, such f as music in the parks, and dances. Those who are inlelleciu- ' ally inclined can attend lectures and debates in our public hallf; and we have also free excursions on the lake, rivers and rail- loads, although not very often on account of the extra work it gives to many persons who thus lose their cliance of Sunday recreation. Every one spends his time as he chooses, ;ind really the greatest difficulty is to select among the many pleasant ways provided lor our amusement. "But this is our house we are coming to, and I will have > the pleasure of introducing you to my father and mother, and i I to the balance of the family." — — — ' ♦ • t « ♦ CHAPTER XIL HOUSEKEEPING IN SOCIOLAND. Mr. Bell is a good-looking gentleman, yet in the prime of his strength and activity, and impressed me as possessing great will power and a sound judgment. He is heavily built, with a roun4 head, keen gray eyes, a strong face, every lineament well defined. His wife is quick and impulsive, slender, with a refined face, and black hair and hazel eyes. They have two sons, one older and the other younger than their daughter. With the oldest one, a thriving young lawyer, I struck quite an acquaintance later on. I was received very pleasantly by the family, and it seemed quite natural that the daughter should have invited me to spend the day at their house. "We are very glad to see you, Mr. Balcom," Mrs. Bell said 74 THE IFUTURE COMMONWEALTH. to me after 1 had been introdtioed. "Mary has told ns about jou and how interested she is in all you tell her abont the older countries. It is somethinfr new' !to her to ^ hear about them, just as a great deal of what you see here must be new to you also." I assented to h^r rc-mrks, and thinkin'j: 'that it would be a good opportunity to learn somethins; of the way in which their new institutions affected the female portion of the popu- lation, T turned the conversation in that direction by asking Mrs. Bell if they did not find it very difficult to hire house help in Socioland. *'Yes, of course," she answered. "It is not only difficult, but it is impossible here to have servants such as you are I used to. Whoever we get to help us in the house we must treat as one of the family. Nobody would submit here to eat at a different table, receive their company in the kitchen, or sleep in a cupboard under the roof. You see our system of apprenticeship has a great influence upon the character of J ! our girls. In the first place, the Commonwealth controls all ''their time from the age of fourteen until they are twenty. During that time these girls are much thrown together, often indeed dwell in the same house, eat at thjs same table, sleep in the same room, work in the same department, andiiassociate in the same pleasures. It is not to be expected that girls so trained would be willing to accept a menial's position in a private family, especially as there are plenty of other occu- pations open to their choice, for everyone coming out of the training school is well fitted to earn her living in whatever direction she may prefer. There are girls who like to do house- work, and are] willing to help in private families, but they must be treated as equnls and not as servants, and we have to pay them as good a salary as they would earn as book-keepers or clerks in a store." HOUSEKEEPING IN SOCIOLAND. 75 "That, Madam," T rejoined, "must be very pleasant for the fjirJs, but cannot prove so satisfactory for those ladies who must either do their work without hel(), or must submit to close association with persons who may not be at all congenial 10 their tastes." "I think tluit (m tho whole, Mr. Balcom, our system is preferable to yours, at least so far as I understand the way in which servants are treated in other countries. If idleness was the chief aim of woman, and happiness was reached by com- ing in daily contact with persons without education or culture it would be diflerent, but we would strongly object to brin<.ing into our houses the class of persons on whom your women depend for the help they believe they must have. You may relegate your servants to the kitchen, and build back stairs for their especial use, and keep them at arm's length as much as possible, but tiie fact remains that tlicy are a discordant ele- ment' in the household, and while they may cater to the luxurious habits of your female population, it is not to be wondered at that there slx)uld be so much dissatisfaction as we hear exists with your servant system. "Your women do not seem to look at this question in that light. They hire help to do their work, and if it is done in a satisfactory manner and at a reasonable price, they are willing to accept the annoyance of the daily contact as a necessary result. "To us, who have never been used to the class from whom you draw your servants, for it does not exist here, the an- noyance would be much greater, and I would never consent to bring into my home a person with whom I would be unwilling to associate on terms of equality." **I know, Madam," I answered, "that there is much com- plaint at home about the servants. In the United States labor is so much better paid than in Europe, and so many 76 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. more chances are open to the women to otherwise earn their living, that if it were not for the immigration, from the older conntries, the supply would fall short of the demand. As it is, our help occupies a middle position hetween your^ and that of Europe. We have many ladies who would prefer to do their work alone, but who find that they cannot stand it and at the same time keep their place in society. Their health and strength fails them, and they have to get help as a measure of self-preservation. How is it that yon can manage it here, and aie satisfied with all the burden of housekeeping resting upon you?" ''Mr. Balcora, the burden of housekeeping is largely what we make it ourselves, and if it is too heavy for us, it is usu- ally our own fault. You will find that those ladies whose strength fails in doing their work, are trying to live in the same style as those who keep help. That is a pretty big un- dertaking, but there is worse yet. Your leaders in society not only have servants, but they have many more than they need, and are using their power in trying to outshine their less fortunate sistprs, who, unwilling to be outdone, put out all their efforts to make what they call a respectable appear- ance. Is it surprising if thes"- find it a hopeless struggle, and if they are compelled to hire help to enable them to make even a faint show of keeping up with the inflated style of living expected from all those who have some pretension to education and culture? - "We have got rid of that pernicious influence. We have no inordinately rich class to set up a false standard of life, no fashionable class to create useless wants and to inaugurate senseless fashions. Our fools — and I am sorry to say we have some yet among us — are in the minority, and instead of setting up for models, as with you, have to conform their conduct ^to that of the sensible portion of the community. HOUSEKEEPING IN SOCIOLAND. 77 *'You am'*', understand that this difibrence in our standard of living:, which leads us to eschew all unnecessary dis])hiy,-is a 'great help to us. We aim to retain all the comfort possible, but those willing to live plainly can attain a great deal of comfort with a very reasonable amount of work. Besides, it is the policy of the Commonwealth to make life in Socioland as] pleasant as possible, and the lightening of the labors of ihe women has not been forgotten in planning their public institutions. One of the most unpleasant features of house- keeping does not exist among us. 1 mean the washing and ironing of clothes. This is done free of charge by the Town- sliips. In every Town there are public laundries where that work is done, and every week the cart comes around iand takes away our soiled clothes and brings them back when clean. It is a great relief and a great saving of time, for it is a work which can be done much better and quicker in buihlings which are fitted with proi)er mechanical appliances, than it can be done at home." "I would have expected," I remarked, **to see such work done by private co-operation, but I find that the system does not meet with much favor with you." "No, it does not," answered Mrs. Bell. "You see, co-ope- rative laundries would only benefit a portion of the population, and cleanliness, which is said to be next to godliness, ought to be in reach of every one, especially of those who have the least time and money to spare. We have some co-operative enter- prises, but the people do not seem ready to adopt the system in its closest relations where it would cause too much friction. We are making slow progress in that direction, and every year some families unite their fortunes and keep house toge- ther, but such experiments require for success special qualifi- cations in character which are not yet common, although they are certainly increasing among us. r 78 THE FUTURE OOMMOI^WEALTH. / "But it is in public co-operation that we are succeeding best. For instance, by its help we have inaugurated a reform in visiting which has added to our leisure and enjoyment, and at the same time reduced our expenses and the labor of housekeeping. We have abolished the private parlor at home, and in its place the To.vns have built Club houses where all our visiting is done. Instead of spending much time and money in keeping the best room ready to receive company, and having our time taken up in making or receiving calls, we see each other at the Club, where comfortable rooms are always open, and where we go whenever we feel disposed and can spare the time. "This is comparatively a late innovation, and is the result of our peculiar condition. We found that we were drifting into a position where we must cease to visit at all except our most intimate friends, or let visiting take more of our time than was convenient under the circumstances. So we put our heads together, and after full discussion decided that the best rerjedy was for the Towns to erect buildings for social purposes, and very soon one was built for an experiment. The results were so satisfactory that now they are found all over the land, and formal calls are no longer known in So- cioland. These Club houses are provided with comfortable parlors, music and reading rooms, and are open to all. They not only relieve us from the tediousness of formal calls, but furnish a pleasant place to spend a few hours, and help to keep up the social life among us. "Thus you see, Mr. Balcom, that we have learned to relieve ourselves from too great a pressure at both ends of the social scale, and intend to make more progress in the same direction. The aimj? of the people have much to do with the march of improvement, and we must expect that ours will take a dif- ferent course from what it has followed in other countries. HOUSEKEEPING IN 80CI0LAND. 79 "In Furope, for instance, the rich have mastered the art of enioving life, and of enhancing hy all means in their power the pleasure of their existence, while all the efforts of the poor have been directed toward entering to that desire of the rich, so as to earn the necessary means to satisfy their own wants. The result has h«-en that the genius and labor of that country have been turned in ihe direction of striving to please the taste and gratifying the whims of the owners of accu- mulated wealth. In your country, its immense resources have encour;iLM*(l the creation and acquisition of wealth, and in that direction your powers are turned. "Here our aims are changed. We have no rich class to cater to, nor any prospect of accumulating large amounts of wealth. It is not the individuals but the Commonwealth that is rich, and our efforts are directed to the increase of the comfort and happiness of all, women not excepted. Up to this time, the Commonwealth has had enough to do in placing within the reach of all its citizens those every-day comforts which in your land are the prerogative only of those who are said to be in easy circumstances, but we are fast in- creasing in public wealth, and expect soon to make further improvements which will make life still more pleasant and enjoyable. "When that dme comes, the claims of the women will not be forgotten, for here we are a political as well as a social power, and we have ns much voice as the men in the management of the Commonwealth, but really 1 must say that we have little need to exert our influence, for the men are very considerate of us, and are always studying means by which they can make our tasks easier or our lives more pleasant." Just then we were called to dinner by the younger brother, and adjourned to the next room where a plain meal was ready 80 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. for us. Miss Mary and her brothers had quietly gone out of tlie room while we were talking and had set the table. We all sat around the board, and wera soon engaged in a general conversation which was very interesting and lively, but which did not run on such topics as I have been writing to you, and on that account I will not try to reproduce it here. OHAPTBH XIII. A TRUE COMMONWEALTH. After dinner we adjourned to the garden, and soon Mr. Bell remarked that he judged from my conversation that I was interested in their public policy, and that if I wished he would explain some things which he thought might interest me. Of course I was glad to avail myself of such an oppor- tunity, and expressed; my willingness to hear whatever he might wish to say. "The United States is a very rich country," he commenced^ "but it cannot by any means be called a Commonwealth, for all the means of production are held in private hands, and very few or none are held in common. We believe in a true Commonwealth, and aim to make it rich so as to benefit the whole people. As wealth cannot be created by individual effort alone, but is the result of the combined industry of the whole people, it is but common justice that as far as possible the whole nation should profit by its increased production. "As a result of your extreme individualism, you have no public wealth to be handed down from generation to gene- ration, and the child of the poor man does not benefit in any A TEUE COMMONWEALTH, 8^ degree by the labor of his ancestors, for long before his birth all tlie vahiahle propertv in the country has passed into the hands of the capitalists, and he has to work just as hard to supply his wants as his parents d^ before him. The laborer draws his wages day by day, ft is truf, but the capitalist draws his interest, or his rent, or bis profit, and besides reaps the whole benefit of the increased value of all investments, or what .T-<* call the unearned increment, which always follows ■the gradual improvement of the country. "Such a condition of things is not just, and the philosophy on which it is baaed has been entirely repudiated by us. We believe it is both the protecting care of society, and the co- operation of capital and 3- "TKe founders of Socioland, as you know, came from the^ iJnite^ States. They had seen in less than two centuries the wliole Wealth of tbfe nation passa^to the hands of a privileged class. The land was held by a few while multitudes wer« homeless; gold and silver mines yielded their riches into the hands of a few millionaires, who conjointly with the money- kings controlled the financial policy of the nation; th« coal mines were in the hands of monopolists who checked the output so as to create an artificial scarcity; the railroads, in- stead of being managed in the interests of the people, were manipulated for purposes of speculation, or combined so as to prevent competition. Everywhere, private individuals, either singly, or banded in litnited numbers, were striving to accumu- late fortunes by compelling the consumer to pay them tribute, and using all lawful means to give fictitious value to the property in their hands. 82 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. "These results were not due to any of tlie causes from which the eppressed {)eo[)les of Europe had sufTered. Tliere was no aristocracy with vested rights, no kings to give away the people's suhstance to court favorites, no standing army to prey on the wealth of the nation. They were tlie " outcome of perfect freedom in competition, and of the policy which \ had thrown open to all comers the chances of taking and keeping I possession of all the means of production. Individualism in 1 economics had run mad, and the weakest members of society { had been crowded to the wall in the unequal struggle. "Our predecessors decided rightly that they would provide against such results here, and that measures should be taken \ to prevent the monopoly by individuals of the means of lpro(luction. "The first thing to be done was to create a fund which would enable the Commonwealth to carry on its own business enterprises. That was not an easy undertaking, for when they came here they brought but little wealth with them, and what they did bring, was private property. The Commonwealth could, of course, have taxed some of that property, or it could have borrowed it, but either course would have been opposed to the policy they wanted to inaugurate. Taxation in any form is always objectionable, and borrowing is worse, for none can lend but the rich, and it is placing a mortgage upon the labor of the country for their benefit. Both borrowing and taxation are crude methods practised by nations ignorant of the laws which ought to control social interests, and would long ago have been abolished, were it not that through their agency the rich contrive to throw all the financial burdens on those who labor. •*Xo, the first settlers managed the business of the Common- wealth precisely as a wise young man starting in life would have managed his own. They husbanded their resources, and A TRUE COMMONWEALTH. 83 topt their expenses below their receipts. The first money which came into their hands was made by providing the people with a medinm of exchange. Treasury notes were issued and made a legal tender for all debts, and no other monej- was "cognized as having a legal existence. Then the land ^s thrown open for settlement, and rights of occupancy sold which helped to fill the Treasury. 4ith the funds thus secured, the. Commonwealth started Ihe wholesale trade and the business of common carrier. Ol lourse it was slow work at first, but it was for the common interest to see the public fund increase and prosper and by ,ood management and economy the profits accumulated till Lple means were provided for all public -'"P"'- "Yet it took nearly twenty-five years before the Common wealth felt rich enough to commence repaying to its citizens the returns secured by their abstinence, but now that we are receiving the full benefits accrued to us by the wise policy ,f oir parents, we can bless them for the rich inheritance hey have secured to us. They have planted the seed, and It has grown and prospered, and every year it .gives ns a nlentiful harvest. . - "Now Mr. Balcom, if you will tell me what is the amount of taxation in the United State., I will try and show you the difference it makes to the working people between our T>oHcv iind yonrs." "I cannot" tell you positively," I answered, "for we have city, county, state and federal taxes, and they are levied in so many dtffereit wavs that there are no means of learning the exact j loun. of our taxation, but 1 suppose that each P-- -»; contribute at least twenty dollars a year to support our dif- Xkf~;'t;mate as proximately correct," continued Mr. Bell! '"and if there is one able-bodied man to every four m THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. persons, we find that each one has> to produce eighty dollars a year to help pay public expenses. '•Here we have no taxes at all. Instead the Commonwealths - has an income over and above all expenses of twenty-five dollars to each person, or one hundred dollars to each able- bodied man. ~ -^J "We have now here about one million inhabitants, and our surplus income is over twenty-five million dollars, earned in our import and export and wholesale trade, our transportation agencies and our insurance policies. As the Commonwealth has accumulated over four hundred million dollars of capital, you can see that our surplus income only represents a fair interest on the capital invested, and not one cent for profit. "This income, earned in common, is spent for the common .good and in promoting the comfort of all. A large proportion is re-invested every year in improvements calculated to increase the producive power of the Commonwealth, and in developing its natural resources. What iu your land is left to private enterprise, acting purely from selfish impulses, and regardless of the best interests of the nation, is done by us under the broader principle of a wise and scientific development of our producing power, and no money is spent in permanent impro- vements until a thorough scientific investigation has been made to see that they co-ordinate with the plans which have been previously decided upon as oflering the best prospect of pro- moting public success. The industrial development of Socioland bears to that of the United States the same relation that the systematic drainage of a large tract of land would bear to the drainage uf the same land by a number of individuals or private corporations, each working for private advantage and in ; competition with the interest of others. ''Besides the capital we thus invest each year, a large amount of our surplus earnings is spent for the direct comfort of the A TRUE COMMONWEALTH. 85 people?. It is now over one Iialf, and as our prolnclng power kicreases, the proportion we can thus spend will increase also. *'My wife told you about our public laundries and our Club houses, and you have seen our parks and know of our schools, but vou may not know that the bread cart furnishes to all the citizens, free of cost, all the bread they wish to consume, or that both gas and water are free in every house, or that we pension the aged and the needy, and have free hospitals and asylums. **Thus you see, Mr. Balcom, we have reason to congratulate ourselves upon the results of the policy inaugurated by the founders of Socioland, but there is another advantage which it is difficult to estimate in dollars and cents, and yet which must not be forgotten. It is the great reduction in the price of all necessaries of life. A reduction which has not been effected by forcing down the wages of the working men, but by eliminating from our Commonwealth all methods through which one class of people can live at the expense of the other. Rent^ interest and profit are kept within reasonable bounds and the heavy load they place on the shoulders of labor has almost disappeared. "You can see now the difference in the prospects of a child who is born here and one born in other countries. If born in the United States, as soon as he commences to produce, he\yill be taxed eighty dollars a year to maintain the government, and in return has been educated at public expense, and will be protected in his civil and political rights. The country he is ushered into has long ago passed into the hands of indivi- duals or corporations who look upon such as he as tools in their hands to increase their wealth. His predecessors, instead of saving and investing property, borrowed money and left it as a mortgage on his work in the form of a public debt. ''Of Commonwealth there is none, and while there is a large 86 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. amoimt of producive capital, it is all in private hands, and! the child of poor parents has little to be thankful for that his lot in life has fallen in what is called a civilized country for all that which makes ]ife desirable is already appropriated, and his education only makes more galling the load he has to bear, "Here the child finds himself in entirely different conditions-, j No taxes to pay, no idle class to support, no monopolies to \ levy tolls on his labor. Instead a well-invested public fund of four hundred million dollars, of which he is a share-holder, and which will help him to raise himself to the position his na- tural capacities enable him, to occupy. It will not destroy hi& incentive to improvement, or make him the equal of his fellow- citizens, but it will insure him a standing place in the com- munity, from which he can raise himself as high as his abilities will allow him. "All thes6 results are attained without curtailing individual - enterprise, or preventing any one from getting all the property they can use to their advantage, or which is necessary ta minister to their comfort. It is simply due to a policy which prevents the monopoly of natural resources^ and the exces-sive accumulation of wealth in private hands." 1 have here, uiy dear Harry, given you more the substance than the form of our conversation, for we spoke of many other things, and the ladies were not so entirely left out as my account would make it appear, for in this advanced state the women are interested in public affairs, and not only vote, but hold positions of trust. But the conversation was mo>tly carried on by Mr. Bell, his wife and children having a natural respect for his opinions, and allowing him to explain the working of their institutions, only occasionally putting in a remark here and there. A PLEASANT RIDK «7 CHAPTER XIV, A PLEASANT RIDE. TowMnl the middle of the afternoon Miss Bell proposed that, if 1 thonsiit I would enjoy it, we take a ride to the park and out in the suburbs of the Town. Of course such an offer was not to be refused, and as Mr. Bell kteps a very neat turnout, not a long space of time «lapsed till I found myself seated at her side. Miss Bell held the reins, and turning to me said: "I have offered to take you to the park, Mr. Balcom, but if you prefer it we can drive some other way." "No, Miss Mary," I answered. "I place myself in your hands and I am sure I shall enjoy myself wlierever we go." "Then if you leave it with me," said Miss Bell, "I will first take you to the park that you may see how we enjoy ourselves, and after we will drive out in the country." So we drove along the street where Mr. Beil lives, and soon reached the river on which Spencer is built. The park, situated on that river, is very large and is left quite wild- Except at the entrance, where a portion is laid out in walks aud drives, and ornamented with lawns and flowers, it has been left almost entirely in its natural state, except tliat roads and paths have been cut in available places, and rough benches and tublj-i constructed for the convenience of the picnickers. The park contains also a large music stand with a dancing floor attached to it, where a merry and noisy crowd way en- joying itself heartily. Merry-go-rounds, swings, shooting galleries and all the many amusements usually found at fairs were there in abundance, and the whole place seemed to be given up to harmless enjoyment. 88 THE FUTURE COMMaNWEALTH. The woods and lawns were full of pleasure parties, many seeming to have spent the clay there, having set up their croquets and hammocks, and otherwise having made themselves- entirely at home. After taking in the sights in the park, we struck out for the country on a road skirting the river. The day was beau- tiful, the air had become cool, and as we sped along at a fine rate I found my position very pleasant, and as I leaned back on my seat» thinking of all I had heard and seen since my arrival in Spencer, 1 seemed to realize more and more the advantages enjoyed by the people of ihis favored Common- wealth, and turning to ray companion, 1 said to her: "Miss Mary, you mast be very happy here, for your posi- tion in life is pleasant indeed, and you live in a community where the people certainly possess the art of enjoying themselves." Miss Bell paused a moment before answering, seeming to be in deep thought, but finally remarked. "Yes my life is very happy, but really I have never given the subject much thought. You see our days flow on so evenly that we enjoy our hap- piness as a matter of course. All our lives are pleasant here,^ mine no more than those of the people with whom I live." "But Miss Bell," 1 remarked, "has all your life been happy? Did you not have an unpleasant time when you left your home and went to live among strangers? Please tell me a little about your early life and your school days." "There is really very little to tell, Mr. Balcom. I think here every one is kind to children and tries to make them happy. My earliest recollections are of the pleasant time I had with my parents while yet a little girl, of long walks and rides, of helping mother in the lightest tasks of house-work, and of how proud I was when I could feel that I had been of some use. Then my parents helped rae to learn how to read A PLEASANT RIDE. 89 an.l write, :inJ I soon :if.[>reci;it,ed the ple.isiire 1 received from study, so as I grew older and itegan to understand the ;vh'ant:\-'es of knowledge, 1 was eager enough to get all ihe information within ray reach. "I never went to school until I was ten y ears of age, and by that time i had acquired witli a little help from my p:irents the rudiments of an English ediication, and had gone as far as 1 could without teaciiers. !^o 1 Wi;s glad to receive help from competent persons who had ample time to devote to me. In school I found myself among children of my age or older, who were also interested in their studies and needed no urging from their te:icliers. Yes indeed, those were [dea- sant days when we commenced to drink deep at the fountain of knowledge, an,l our minds began to appreciate the beauties and wonders of nature. Ilotany, astronomy, chemistry, physic, history, geogrjiphy, were t;i light i(» us, and we liked our studies so well that the time seemed far too short for all we wanted to learn." "But," I remarked, "were not those interesting studies mixed with some not so pleasant? What about many subjects which are not supi»osed to have much interest for young girls, r but which they must learn if they want to be thoroughly \^_eiiucated?" "Of course, Mr. Balcom, all studies did not liave the same interest for us, but wo never were requested to learn what wn did not want to. For instance, if a scholar did not wish to study arithmetic, the teacher would explain to him its use, and how much he would need it in his work, but no ofFori would be made to com[)cI him, and if he could not see that it would be for his advantage to study it, the teacher would simply tell him that he was the one to decide, for if a mis- take was made he would be the one to snIFer from it. "Some special studies, as geometry and algebra were only 90 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. undertaken by those who had a taste for them, and teachers were provided for those who had a taste for artistic pursuits. "And thus the few years tiiat were spent at school passed all too quickly, and left a very pleasant impression behind." "From what you tell me/' I said, ''[ judge that the same difference exists between the methods of education here and ours, as exists between all our f)ublic institutions. With us, scholars are made to study, whether interested or not, and no efforts are made to teach them tlu; benefits that will follow from their education, except that it is the usual and proper course to take for children in tiicir social jiosition. You, on the other hand, induce the children to study by helping them to increase their knowledge of those things which interest them, and by explaining to them the help they will receive in their future carreers from the knowledge that is placed within their reach." "I do not know how it is in other countries," replied Miss Bell, "but I know that in Socioland very litte compulsion is ever used. We are told that if we desire to attain certain ends, certain means must be used, and we are left free to use those means or neglect them as we choose. But lot me assure you that very few of us neglect them, and that the spirit of improvement and the desire to learn are so strong that our teachers are more anxious lo restrain than to urge- On that account the hours of study are short, and as much out of door exercises intermingled as possible. Many studies are taught in pleasant talks in the open air, and short lectures given us in our rambles." "I think I have been told, Miss Bell, that the time of ap- prenticeship for girls commences in their fourteenth year. If that is the case, your school days are soon over. You have J^t four years, if I count right?" "Yes, you are right, and then we enter into an entirely A PLEASANT RIDE. 91 ilifFerent, but not nnpleasiint life. We are expected at tlrat time to have arrived at an a<;e when we can appreciate the need of work, and the necessity that we should fit ourselves for the battle of life. We are taught while at school, that all the advantages we enjoy here are the result of man's and woman's lai)or, and that incessant care is needed for their maintenance, and we are impressed with the fact that when old enough we shall be enrolle 1 in the armv of workers who are engaged in inaintaining and increasing the .velfare ot the Commonwealth. Thus we are led to realize that we will in our turn become iiseful members of society. '•It is with those feelings that we enler upon our term of ai)prenticeship, and we are proud of the trust which is placed in us. When I was fourteen my name was enrolled among the apprentices, and I was directed to make my choice between the v:icani places offered by the different Managers. The two first years we are requested to do housework, and to commence with the most simple and easy occupations, so I entered in the hotel where I am now, and made myself usef-1 in the housekeeping department. But except that 1 had to live away from home there was nothing unpleasant about it. The work was light, for there is always an abundance of helj), and I liad many hours I could devote to study. I have some taste for nnisic, and could find all the time I wanted to i)rac- tice, and had good teachers to help me along. "At the end of two years I was allowed to make my choice of the kind of occupation I ut they are left to make the discovery for themselves, and the majority of our hoys and girls never find it out, and only study because they are made, to, and because it is the proper thing in the class to whicii they belong." Our conversation after this drifted away from that subject) and after a very pleasant ride oi' several miles through a rich and well cultivated country, we returned to the eity, and I was kindly invited by the fandly to ^'j'end the evening with them. / 94 THE FUTUEE COMMONWEALTH. CHAPTER XV. THE LAND QUESTION. You know, my dear Harry, that among tlie many social questions which influence the welfare of humanity, there is none of more importance, or which at this time lias been more discussed, than the ownership of land. The absolute ownership of the soil, as enforced in Europe and America, has given rise to so many abuses, lias enabled individuals and corporations to get possession of such vast tracts, and to ask such enormous prices for desiirahle parcels of land, that it is everywhere recognized as one of the great factors in the inequality of wealth, and a great impediment to the equitable distribution of products. On the other hand it is argued by the conservative mem- bers of society, that the absolute ownership of land by the individuals is necessary for the best improvement of the soil, and that unless owners are certain of reaping the benefits of their labors, they will only skim the surface and spend neither time nor money in those improvements which must be made if the country is to attain its highest development. You are as familiar as 1 with all the arguments, pro. and con., of this momentous question, as well as with the many schemes which have been proposed to recoutile the interests involved. I was aware, from what Mr. Walter had told me, that they had a somewhat different land tenure in Socioland from that which obtains with us, and I was glad of the o{)portunity offered by an evening spent with Mr. Bell to get some infor- mation from him on the subject. I feel that he is a clear- THE LAND QUESTION. 95 headed, well-informed man, whose opinions ought to have weight, and who would not willingly color any statement he should make. So I to(»k the first convenient occasion to broach the subject. "This land (luestion," he said, "is one of the most diflicult we had to contend with, and we cannot chiim to have settled it yet, nor is it likely to be settled for ages to come. Noth- ing short of a state of perfect millenium, a time when pro- duction will have become so large as to supply all possible wants, and when centuries of peace and jjrosperity will have so softened all hearts, and so i)ound men together as to destroy the incentive to private interests, will enable men to reconcile public and private claims to the ownership of land. "But if we have not reached that stage, [ believe we have made some advance, and our system, if still open to objections, is yet greatly preferable to that which obtains in other countries. "I could in a few words explain to you what our system is, but I think you will understand us better if I go back a little and explain to you our position from the beginning. It will take a little more time, but it will be more satisfactory in the end." I signified my assent and Mr. Bell continued; "The foundation of our system was established before my time, but the traditions of the first settlement of the country were part of my early education, and if I did not participate in the events of those days, I lived on terras of intimacy with those who took an active part in the decisions of those times "Our predecessors had seen enough in the United States to make them keenly alive to the evils of i)rivate ownersliip of land, and thev decideil unanimously that the Commonwealth ! would retain for ever the control of the land, but that all ' persons who desired to settle and improve some of it, sjiould 96 TILE FLITUIIE COMMONWEALTH. be allowed to acquire a rij^ht of occupancy to a vacant tract, and that this right should hold good against all piivaie inte- rests, but should Le Uiiieit'^J ;<> the C'ui/imonwealtli upon the payment of actual damages, wlienevcr the land was needed for public purposes. "After so much had boen decided upon, the next question which presented itself was this: Sht)Uid this riglit be a free gift or should it be paid for? Should it be for a limited or unlimited number of acres? These questions were soon forced upon the new commimity. Wlien the site for the city of Spencer had been decided upon, tiieve soon nianifeHte'l itself a natural desire from each one to possess as welf-located and as large a tract as possible. On the other hand, the Comraoii- wealth needed money, and was anxious to secure funds without resorting to taxation. "The result of these contending forces was that, after special tracts had l>een reserved for pu]>Hc us^e, tlie land was divided into zones, commencing at tiie cr>ijtre of the city. In the inner zone no one could occupy more tiian one acre, in the next zone the limit was placed at five acres, in the nest at ten acres, while it was decided that thirty acres for one per- son, or sixty for a married couple, would be the largest tract granted, even at the furthest extremity of the Comonwealth, and taking in consideration the public need of money, and the desire that all should have the same chance to the land of their choice, it was decided unanim(jusiy to sell the tracts I at auction." "And did the plan succeed?" I asked, "and is the public satisfied, and does it still regulate the ownership of the soil?'' "Yes," answered Mr. Bell. "It proved in the main satis- factory, and not nearly as liable to abuse as the old system. The plan is the same, but we have reduced the size of the lots to suit the needs of our increased population, for you know THE LAND QUESTION. 97 that we claim that it is one of the advantages of our institu- tions that we can change our policy to suit the needs of the times. * "No changes were needed for many years, but as the country became settled, small business centers began to grow in many directions, and now Townships had to be established, and thus new and independent zones liad to be marked out. At the sites selected for the business h)cations of these new Townships, many persons had to be dispossessed of their rights because the land was needed for public use. They were repaid the money they had paid at first, and wore compensated for tiie improvements they could not remove. Of course it was not pleasant, but as their neighbors had to reduce the size of their lioidings, thoy were enabled to make satisfactory purchases, and the inoreasod i)rospcrity of the whole settlement was a full comijcnsation to all the parties for their trouble." ''And here in Spencer itself, I suppose you found it neces- sary to make some changes?" "Oh! yes, we had to make them also. The Town had to take back some of the land it had sold, and in the center of the city the limit has been cut down to half an acre, while the limits of the acre zone have been much extended." "But do not these enforced changes create ranch disturbance?" I asked. "1 represent to myself what a commotion it would create among us if such an ordoi was enforced." "You would find," Mr. Bell answered, "that it would only aflect the very rich in your large cities, for the high |)rico of youi land brin.^s about the same results. With you the division of the soil is fostered by its increaseil value, which makes it more profitable for the owner to sell than to hoUl it. With us it is differont. Our system of land tetmro des- troys speculation and prevents higli prices, so we must resort 98 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. to other means to compel its division. And we find our policy answer very well our purpose. "Those who have acquired rights of occnp<>incy in a growino: city, know that they will some day have to divide with others, and act accordingly. Many a father gives his children a por- tion of his land who would have held on to it till death released his grip. Many a person sells at a reasonable price a piece of land to the man who needs it, who would have taken advantage of his power to drain him of his last pos- sible dollar. "Besides we give plenty of time for the changes to take place easily and gradually. Our citizens are more induced than compelled to divide with those in need. When the land within the acre limit had been practically all occupied, there were found many persons willing to pay the occupants a fair price for a part of their lots, and the persons in possession, knowing that eventually they would be compelled to sell, were inclined to make a virtue of necessity, and part with what they otherwise might have preferred to keep. '•M:irk you, nothing is taken which is necessary to the possessor's comfort and welfare. The size of the lots is always ample for all legitimate wants. It is only the superfluous they are compelled to give up, and the sense of insecurity it gives in the possession of the superfluous is an important factor in inducing our people to divide with those who are less favored. "You must have noticed, Mr. Balcom, that our aims are entirely diflerwnt from yours. You are after stability, you are afraid of changes, you dread the weakening of the existing order of society. We care nothing for these things. We are trying to improve our condition in life, and are ready to change every day if we are better satisfied thereby. That which we want to see enduring is not the institutions, but the happiness of the community. THE LAND QUESTION. 99 ''But to return to t!ie l:in 1 question. As population increases, the tendenry is to an amiable division of the property, I'.s preferable to an enforced one, which is sure to come sooner or later. Whon this priK;ess has been <,n)in':; on for a sufficient length of time (o allow all right minded persons to a(\jnst the sue of their lots to the public welfare, a vote is taken and two or three years given for the enforced reduction of the holdings to the new limit, after .vhich the occ npants lose their rights to the excess of their property which reverts l)ack to the Commonwealth without compensation." "And how," I asked, "does your poli(\ ailed the general settlement of the country?" "Our country has been surveyed, the best locations for rail- roads an 1 public roads ilecided upon, which are b-iilt as fast as needed, and we settle the country as we go, avoiding pre- mature expenses and needless privations. "We are in no hurry to develop all our resources at once, for we have nothing to gain by it. We do not, as is the case with you, build long lines of railroads going through deserts and uninhabited (countries, to carrv settlers from rich farming; sections only half cultivated, to far-off" states just opened to civiliication. It is private speculation which induces your people to this course, and engenders the desire to get possession of large tracts of land, but the result is an immense amount of wasted labor and needless hardships. "Your system of land ownership is suited to the ideas and character of your people, and fosters the spirit of enterprise which is fast making the Unitetl States the richest nation in the world. Our system is soiled to our character and aims. We do not develop as fast, but we avoid the evil of land speculation and monopoly of the soil. Yours is the hot-bed growtii, fostered l.y the desire for riches, ours is the healthier growth of a contented people, following the line of intelligent development. 100 THE FUTURE COMMONWEALTH. "And what about the titles to these rights?" I asked. "Do you have the same system of transfer by deeds as obtains in other countries?" "No, we have not, and thus we have done away with a fruitful source of litigation. The T()wnshij)s alone can jirant those rights of occupancy or transfer them. Whenever a chanjje is made, the former occupant relinquislies his riglit, wiiieh is cancelled, and a new one is issued. Transfer by inheritance follows the same rule. And the change once made is final and not to be disturbed or questioned, for we hold that it is of the utmost importance that the men who labor on the soil should feel all possible security, and that improvement and occupancy are worthy of more consideration than ancient deeds or mislaid wills. "Many of ihe results of our land poli.-y may seem hard and arbitrary to those who are used to the absolute ownership of the soil, and to the right of sale and mortgage, but to us who have never been used to them, we look only to the results on the public prosperity, and they are eminently satisfactory. "No public enterprise is thwarted by the selfishness or stub- bornness of individuals or corporations, no large tracts mono- polized by shrewd speculators, no exorbitant ground rents le- vied on commerce or manufactures, no endless and expensive litigation entered into because some lost marriage certificate has been found, or a flaw discovered to invalidate some ancient title. "It might be thought that the feeling of insecurity to individuals would more than offset those advantages, but we do not find it so, for sudden changes are never made, and they are always the result of the best judgment of the people, publicly discussed and expressed, and always directed toward increasing the prosperity of the community. ARBITRATION AND LAWS. 101 "Besides the tendency of our institutions is such that while it checks the large accumulation of wealtfi in tlie hands of those of a grasping disposition, it also checks the tendencv to waste of the property held by those who are inclined to he reckless or extravagant, so that on the wiiole there are probably less changes in the occupancy of the soil in Socioland, than there it. to be found under the absolute ownership of other countries." About that time the ladies came in, and after a pleasant social evening, I walked back to the hotel iwith Miss Bell, well satisfied with the way in which the day hnd been spent. CHAPTER XVI. ARBITRATION AND LAWS. I believe I told you before, my dear Harry, that 1 had found an agreeable friend in William Bell, the older brother of Miss Mary. He is a bright young man, very enthusiastic as to the future of Socioland, and thoroughly imbued with the spirit which prevails here. He is a lawyer by profession, but the word has an entirely different meaning here from that which we give it, or it would be more correct to say that it means here what our best lawyers are and what they all ought t(» be. Instead of fomenting trouble and fostering lawsuits, their work consists \n settling diflerences and adjusting difficulties, and in presenting their client's case clearly and concisely to the judge when their efforts do not meet with success. They act more •as counsellors and advisers than as advocates, and in fact I find )/ 102 THE FUTliKK a>MMC)NWEALTH. that the law ha» niiich less to <1() hero th.ui with iis, in re- gulating the relations of men to tMih otiu'r. As I have plenty of time, I often drop in his oflice, and if 1 find him at lei'«ure we drift in c(»nver^^ation upon all kinds of suhjects, and 1 ihink it will inti-rest you if I repeat some of our talks upon their ideas of law aiitl governiiieut. I was tellin;^ hii/i a few days ag«i that, as far a*- 1 knew, theie had lK?en only two forms of government tried. One was the autocratic, where the rulers had succeeiled in olittiining control of the power and were u>ing it to their own advan- tage, and the other the representative form, where the people try logovern themselves by delegating their powers to lej^islativc •^ bodies who make the laws and [provide means lo enfone them. But 1 said that it seemetl to me that here in Soeioland they were experimeuting on a third method, where the people tried to govern themselves with as little intervention of delegates ^as possible. "Yes," he answered. "Our system is peeuli.ir to (tinselvi's, and is the result of the phil(jsophii;d beliefs of those who founded our Commonwealth, and of the conditions inider whieb it has been started. "I have," he further remarked, "read extensively aliout the l.*\ws and customs of other nations, and I find that the (((ustant trend of the oppressed has been to have justice metetilutions defining the relations of men to each otlier, and enaeted nundierless laws to compel due respect for these rights in Older that justice might be maintained. "Now we look upon these ideas as entirely natural for those who are oppressed and at the same time are taught ihut 0(hI has created all men C(pial; but for us who have eliminated all foriuf- <•! oppressif>n from amon^ us as inimical ARBITRATION AND LAWS. 103 to haijpiness, ami believe in the evolution of man from a lower orjaus in our ])0Wer. 'Tiie law has very little to say about the enforcement of contracts lu ihe collection of debts, for we think it better to AUr.ITUATloN ANM» LAWH. 104 tiftfli our jx'njilo ll>rtt ihrr mii»l look to the honfwJjr of the nmtrHrtiui; jwrllrii, llian fn llm lirl|» of iUo « MinmcMiwrnhh for iUv fnifiltiH-nl of pr'mjiw><» mft«l^. Stiitn for «Umn^f»i nrc HiftconmeM, for we ihink it Ur«il t»> Uvo down «lanrc the |iut»!i«*. In r'>nn'll.v i1cl»nr^ (ho rom| !tlnnnt, for we hnl'l that dilTi-rt n«"«j ouRht to Ito jpiirVlr H.>Hled niwl qnlrklr forjfotten. nor ilo we hmc »tifrjrici>t rcpcil for thfl ii, we leave the inH}ri(lii«N much freer In control their prirnte arttons tliHn j« «h>ne in other eoiintrie^. We do not trj to mnke the jtoople religioiw or mornJ hy law. Marrirtjrv att«! tiii-nn'c ure frof, roliKi'»uf j-onvirrlions i»ro n^ter inlerfereil wilh, nil •fn^n «re eefore the '««, »t>t\ kII {•ernonnl nrlionH «fe left «« much an |M>i«<«Hile to l«e j'ontn^Ued l>v th«i tn(*lli);ent jn«lanienl of lh« imliTi'lunU vonf^rned. "Criminal «"H»»e«* nrc CrentM «li(Ter«MUly. They »rr mre with «\ l>e<-mii# o»<-»ir, we hM)k u|»on the r«l|»Hin m erxt-»n« ntnl lre«t them ac-rxmiingly. *To ail tiiew «nerfcct juMtice can he attAined, artd we know that it in daily rioUte«l, even by thoac nntlona who ha?e the nwMit elatmrtte co«!e of Uwa. Ho we prefer to look to the niUnre of kindly fccHnjpi ancKer Ihun thoRC nations who l«w>k for the |»n»{Mfr rc^:iilation of in- (iivklunl crmtlnrt to the incrra'«« in nomln-r of l'>eir InwH." AaA it » true th.it the ppnple of Sficncor scotn rcmai-kahlr well behnvcil, Itsr-mornw Rrc unUnoxn, ami driinkeuucrtn docs not ROOfM to ext»l here, an\ m> Imfers are in \m met on the ptreel comers. When I a-nkr*! my friend how they hail )mccee«le«! in itanixhing the^b f»08ti» of riviii£^*d eoonlrlep, lie ssid he die«-n isipoited there. He sujtjwmc-*! the climate »»« not fjir«»rtihle %e> Uust kind of grtiwfh, ftjr though once in it .^hile di-«reput»Me ch:tf^t.ier4 made their 3pj»earrtnce OB the Btrtf tfv they lorvkr»l w> hwt nml forlorn, an 5 m ijuifkly di«ipj>earwi from the ptildic pa«>, lh«t prolKthly they mcmit>vi*nin>cr.t ««• He had hoHnl it froTo tlje &nt stfttlpris. **I wa-* told" Sie «ui(!, "thnl when tise first emiKranlM arrlvrd here, they dci*ide»l, crmtnirj to all prece> then, an«l nff^\ to mr-cl in a Urpe hall, which wi« one of the first lniil- ding^ they {Hit n}», an*! talk mallon* over «n»l dH!i«le what oiHirtw they had lictier follow. Thexe dei't^'W**, duly reer.nlwl and rotefm, are the tonmhititMi of all otir inwK, hnt are tiaU« to mr«H$i4^l!<«n h? |y>pinte.l. When thf time arrireH f.»r the OwnnmrnweaUh to rommenee lawlne** ARP.ITRATION AND LAWS. m on ii^ own ncw.nnr, Ihp \^l mm wrrp *rlrrJcrifnont wah n micow. Tl.rf* m< u U>ok pri.l* in Ihcir work nivl n^mra\ no rn;.r<« lo m;«k9 U »Mrr.c».fiiI. h WM fon,,.! 1.^1 ,., ^ive then. m.,.l, Utitmle of action «n<1 to iij.r>oi„t A«lvi,^,r.v B/«in!« in help tl.rru ,x>-on!inat« thdr effort*. "Wli^n tt.o f1n.t rliRiKrecment ninonn tlip •cdlcru urow. thrr« WR^ no ,.ntpuU(inn makea it lmpr«rtir«l»lo. Hui ^„r IruinlMtUr U«n„ hure none of Ibe p„wtr th^-.v jK«,H«w in oth«T rf)untric«. and onlj not «. romtnhtee* '•here Die dif^renl opinlond nrc dl»ol•^^i an,l cndenwed, snri finally pfit in nhsite iii be Tote*? upon bj the people. "(hir «y«tic< mvl <-«)nver-ii«l!nni4 which troxt nj<'iallj of the |Mil»lir ioKtitnlioiiH of Sh-ioImhi. P>nt I will jjive you :in .iwrnint »»f the hist etrnveniutiitu I hwl wlili liim, for I think it wiil inicre«t yei« it «lrike yon? Hare wf (irojrrttwc.!, or hitve wc l>ecii tMking Isfti-kwiinl uttj s In eivili ration?" "I inaut My," I iinswered, "that it wtrnsi to me Shut you h«vc m.uf* great pn»g^t^s•», rthI huTC ei»lnhlishe«l here a (/)ai- monwealth frotn which ymi have- eliminjitcrop}r j« »]'iitp »lifrorcnt frt>m wh.il !• wn<4 in 'uy litnc, v.m will fitvl tfinl (licrr arr ilinirtil- lif» M« ihf^ wny tl,:n ii ^il| take nitiny ycim, if not ivniiiriea, lt» •>vcrrxtmo. "You niii^l !in li'p* -in I l*i »l wh.«n wo lef\ ihe L'nlto'l St:«le* m cornp here, it wa» not n iiintlpr nf ♦•l»oi(i', IhiI of nerin^iir, ira«l we wen a fair |ir'««|Kit of pllivlins thc«l«!«»jrt'.'* wtllfrn'Mi?. Hul wp <*!MiI I »»op no pnxii'CPt of A c»iin,»l*Mp I'liangp In our liiap, nnl only one of gniviMni'nl." '*Y<»iir vi'.'w-* nro m»l very enconrnnJnij," I -^itul. "and hanlljr in Kauri willi your iKrlii-f in pvolntii»n, fur ron musl Itclicre in lltp jjni.Iiiiil iin|in>vein«nl of fUHMtty." "Ccriainlv, I iH-lirvf in if, itni! I know ihnt niKnkiiwI l» HJpadily pro^'n'^sin;; lo^sar-l iK-llcr o»n.!ition««, nnn« nr\' llu* l»o>*t <~iloul.\le<1 to promote hi«)>i>inp^ niid tlir lii/luMi r'»riii of rivilis-ilitm, they will be n« Inw is pT«-ei*ffnre ini|»ort«nt clmeifcc mn l* a«"cnjnpli»he«l. "A chnnyp jioph iw< yxt pontpcnplatp," hp (•t>nlinne»ti'.ulion8 ctmlil U- tran^plnnti,**! I»o.lily in tho Unit«*mmon wealth. the f\t\nt of ^rrcefl a«nl in«nvj«!nali«m whirh arc the marked allrlbiito^ of lli<* inhabitant* of the l!nito»h;jt U ll«o true Imnik of rtffil fist men t nml haj-pim**, voii ho«l lellrr mlhcro to ihc cxihlinij '>ri5rr of mx-ifl/, iiii|>n>v iny it nt fii-l H" jv.-«sil.|r, tlint \p u fa^t tm the knowledge of the (rue conilitioitH of Hurt'^wi jjerrowirt xnrlety. "Klucnlc Ihc |»co|>l'»; cdtuv.lt them iwit in (Jrrok or fjitin, Inrl awaj (ntm lht> «ti|H»rslitJi>o« which n«>w (viutrol iheir livc^; rition h«T<*, t'» tlicir ilejK-n^leix* U|»c)n the frm-OK of natiirv nn'l th«- aJ«w>liitc ntTfwity of i4)rjini< nntnntl l.iwi*. Tt-wcii ihein llnf .trJviinlijjr!* of ov ojttTation, the ItcntMr nf ngm-nt^ii, the ▼unity Mnd cinptinrtM nf »liow Roil ^lyle, the }nil»lir riv:ite nci-nmn- Ution of wraith, the folly of 4 Kiid: "Mr. ^aSf^i^it our »^nTiTerwtlon Irkea mc back to thow early d«y<« wh«-n we rt:inn»encr<5 f»iir »ct(lon»ent^ ! wnn a youni; man tb'.>n, with more etithtiMwoi and ^ncrgj than cx|>crJenoc, hut many c»f ttv were middl^-agcd or oki jK*oph-, wlio, tirt-d of atrife an»t ix>injK'litii-«, were htnfiiiig for jn-acc and agreement. W« »er» nearly a thotiaaml, men, women and ehildrtti, aiMi far atK>T« lite Bverage in knowledge at>d IntcUlj^cnc-e. We had \«(i l«}dod '*• the MM}i9rtiUiMi> N>tiefii of tho paM, ftttd bad pf oj ir v vi m d Ivyond lk« ^dltes and creakn««a of modern ctriUxatlon. THE fONDITIOXS OF SUCCI^SS. Ill Our nu-n «li«l n»»l «1rink »imci« <1ii1 n<>i giuTiricr «i llie »l>rin«' of f:i*hl»n, imr ir.i»"n)'» tln'ir tin^o r.n.\ nfTfns\h in f(Milinli aMi-n.iitK lu »rl. It wns llie «linr:n1<-r «••lo wliiili fni»lil<«t)'<. "ITriii wc Ix'^n 'I'l.Trrrl—uiir. wc wimiM h.irr U-*-!! (»«*m«tr«l in llie firvl monthn of mir »»TiHlfnfif>n nnnily, imr »ifH|»l«" orgnnii:iti«in »»f\rr wiMil't Itnrr rt>«lraini"«l u«. IIn*1 wr l'(«l nil t'vr »• 'ho«/> iitoi.->r ■piriu irxiW rf»«»l ntv! prtMT. Our 'hililrrn wen* rni-^cl imvUt jh«'«*« lnrtM«»ncr«, Bnd i( jwMur.tti «l ilim thoKMiKlilv. TIkw*- who j'Hm*'! m later w«Tc lli'm- whw wvn* »»tln«<-|«il h«r ■ (iiiuriuuiilT nf iWir** mil i !• 'IS whil ' U»i»* ^«"iii/ IK wiir> IxHMriit.' )li«uni«'irul to thr»>w ofl nil « (Ten- ••ivp ni.iKir uhi.Ii in.'»t l«e al'«or!»«'«l, nrxl tlui' the orR^nintn Iw k«-jil in ;4 lirihliy "•.utc. Il i« jii"t m tnio in Muriohxfy, iin«^iitMini4* will iirjv.> out i>jtiir:>l!y till the iuilividiulM il triniKtl «<»nln»l or n-«iiulhlp, jtriTiiUvI nlwsy* thil the influx U n«»t iM'V)>n>l IIh" ra|wi"lir of it« rliminatlnc pi»wer». "\V»' hnvr ever '•ecu niinf:int of nil nntlon*, m^er U> iletek*)* their mt'erlnl re- iiour«T*, !inconniK« 112 THE FUTURE OOMMOxVWEALTJf. emi^mtion, or do Hnythtng which would hat*" brotif^hl iipm n» f\i€.h fin oulfKHir »» jon havw rrcriTed in the IfniUsl "We «re btit Uftle kn'»wn, ■m! do not f;i>e »<» >»o known. Wc h«ve no ^mismtioit lihronl it by forrr If n»H>imnr/." "Fr.MU whm jm\ ^ny," I rcmnrkoxl, "I JskIkc thfit you ttxn five u« hut Jitlle l»ope of « sittHMiy fhftntff, vet »urrlr we mtwt bt« iihte lo do notitelhinK to l>rin< Mlxnit iiiorc (lcffimb!e 0)nditiorufve th»l ;i Rr\'»t tloal «-.in Im» Bccons- {dihh'Yj (tiMin, yft th^TC «rc many thinj^ joti i.tn do whif done U) #*dufTile the {>copIe in the tmc functionn of the government, asid In the »dvRnlJiKfo made, and it will oj.>cn the way for pnictiraJ exjierinjentu. "Rul the mai«e^ are more easily reached by object Icwwms than by any other fcrrrw of education, aiid while it is imjx>«- •Ible to ectabtieh anywhere on American soil an independent Commonwealth like Kuololand, you can jxiint otsl every instance where the principleei we adTocatt* have been trlnl, ami cm- phsftise the f»rt that the result* have been aniformcly bene- ficent for the |*oplo if hooe«tly conducted. And when thin edocation haa he«n carrleii Itinit enov, „„■ dear Ifarrv, while, I might write m,„.|, ,„„,.e thnt wonid interest yo,., I will not extend this account of my v.s,t here, but I will send it to yo„, that yon n,ay reflect on what I have described, and see how it a .plies to the solution of the ,,roble,ns we are studying. For my part, I am well satisHe.1 of the superiority of the Ireatze fully that the progress they have made is Aue to U e .levelopment of their character which enables them to place xn the hands of the Comn.ouwealth many of its mo^ .mportant industries, while at the satne time they Zl been able to safely withdraw government cmtrol from , I deparments ofmorakand religion. The material being better ZhITIT:: '' ''''''"' ""'' '■-^- "«- been tble to erect a much better structure. For the present, the example of Socioland can only serve usTntr labo" ""' '" '""" ''"' ""P^ ^^'^'^ ^"^^'"^ Your friend, Samuel Balcom. 'if ) -^■i' >'7, 'V"^ >«^' r