tfJIlf Duke University Libraries Obituary : died Cont Pam q#114 (Win am. Died in the citj ni Savannah, on the Till instant, Mrs. KITH BKK- RIKN JONES, daughter of the late .I"mn mid .Trujt M. Wiiitricrau. iif Richmond Bath, anil wife of Charms Pni.cneK .Ioxks, jr., aged twenty-lbnr j ears, one month, ind i ighl dai Life's journey -" soon iir nplished — her bright spirit passing beyond 1 1 aflncs of this world of eoinmingled joys and sorrows, Ikis found h happy home initial l ppei Realm, when peace and love, and holiness Ibrovor nbide. \i .hi earl} age experiencing lhal change of heart known only to those, who through the atoning intercession of ;i precious Saviour, hAve called*froni death unto life, she illustrated b) lier daily walk nnd conversation, the characteristics "l ;i true child "i Rod 'I'., iln- i itrnclivi graci - ol her person — lo social and intellectual < |ii:> 1- iti,-- ni the in"-' pleasing iiatun — to a warm, generous heart, full of the purest, Iniesl emotion — to a sound judgment — i" a eharacler marked gentleness, affection, sincerity and decision, were added those crown- i n ii- - which arc Iln offspring nnrt ••' inn- piety. None Ivm-w her. inn I., love her. Weni II : ■■■!- I hose i uliar excellencies, which character' ized her as tl tender parent, il"' attached relative, the true friend, and Iho kind mistress. Tho (lowers of affection which her own hand? Iiav pli il in the henrts of those who knew her liesti Bre still fresh and fragrant: with their sweet pcrfiunc hallowing the i ol I ise h»vcs, which [gotten only when the silver cowl i- loosed rinh ■ Idcn iinwl shall be broken The logical i life so true, so consistent, so kind, so cliafi i ifolc, . gei decided in Hm cause of nil that w :i> just and e]K>rt. was nillj i in her closing hours During n si Hnd protracted lliiess, with entire acquiescence in the will nf Hint in whoso hands an tin iss u • of life, and of death — her trust in the imp righteousness of n precious Sa\i unshaken — with patience and in meekn d il ming of that, i" her happy I r, which would grant an entrance dons above, eternal in tin Heavens Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries Serein :<» a - k r sky when storms are hushed— In r soul lllled will isolations which How r i sense of sins forgiven, from an in- telligent realization ol llip neni npproni n a Messed iinmortnlity— licr fnithin Rod unwavering — calmly [mrlinp with those who were nenre* l< nresl h- In i nn earth— i unillinp her lender infnnl tn the care of run whose heart, next i" her own, would mcll in kindest «vmpallr, [or the linl 'phan — i:i joyful anticipation of a happy re-union with the loved , i who hail iffi neeinlly with that sweet little Daughter who, ''Hi ;i Pew dnys previous, had fallen nslecp in Jesus -she quietly and « ithonl renr yielded hack her pure spirit into the hands of the g I ' !od \\ II" ;j:i\<' il. Although her i usl in the house ol the living 1 is vacant now, — nlthough the cyi nl nucction will never again hrighlen al I" ij. and il"' shad : about the I if the ilesolate — -till, ili'' savor of her p i name, the recollection of her n virtues, the saered memories wliieh her own kind heart has given, and ili<> sweet inlluet of her life and her loves, will he tenderly felt, and nil reli i'Ii i ished hv nil who knew her. Sister, thou v. asl mild and lovely i .. ntlc :>- tin- sumnn i hi ■ e Pleas of e> i ru'iui \\ hen ii floats anion; the trees. I*ei il he llij «ili HI sluinh I Pcneefnl, re so low : i nn more « ill join oiu number. Thou ii" i ' ir songs shall know. ii-. feel; tind who hath lie ean all ' sorrow - heal. Yd again we I."!" Ui mi et Whi ii tin dni "i lifi Hi ii Ifenvcn with joy to greel thee. I iri • ' il '"in is shed. Svv \\\ Ml. .lull -' Mil. IK«I. Hollinger Corp. P H 8.5