Tsrru Duke University Libraries Duties of the c Conf Pam #338 I -y^f >_- v^;,-- C^v.'«x^.«««i^k«t«<«ri«, — -<: ^-^_,>-s"T --cf- i=*5Z7^^:^r-f=^s;;7 ^^^-r'ssr::?-^::^^?^;:^::; i I OF THE CHIEF MATRON OF LAUNDRY DEPARTMENT. K- I. IL She will superintend the washing, ironing and mending of all clothing of patients and attendants in Hospital. She will have charge of all bedding and clothing requiring washing, and will neither deliver them to, nor receive them from any person except those authorized. riT. She will call on the Ward Matrons for jissistance in mending clothing, will issue to them when requir- ed, clean bedding, will report any negligence or misconduct on part of any employees or others in her department. VI. She will be required to keep a neat record of all Hospital property in her charge, and make once . each week a report of the same, stating loss either by negligence, accident or otherwise, if any shall occur. VII. She is entitled to one Assistant Matron. VIII. She will have charge of the Bath House, and see that it is kept clean and in proper condition to furnish patients with warm or cold baths as order- ed by Medical Officei's. A ticket from the Ward Master of the Medical Officer shall be presented b}'*'the patient. n^ f Surgeon in Charge. i\l Burke, Roykin o^g« pH8.5