„- A Dill lo provi (LrhJ. f&m' Conf Pam 12mo #48 D1T13'=lbl3 + Sau^ .1^, /^,' ^ [House Bill, No. .] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.— January 28, 1863.— Read fir^ and second times, referred to Committee of AVays and Means, and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Lyons.] J^ BILL To provide for funding the currency of the Confederate States. 1 Section 1 . The Congress of the Confederate States of America do 2 enact, That all notes^ of the Confederate States Government now 3 in circulation, which are, or will hereafter be fundable in bonds 4 bearing interest at the rate^of seven per cent, per annum, and 5 payable six months after peace, shall be funded in the bonds of 6 the Confederate States, payable in like manner and bearing the 7 same rate of interest. 1 Sec. 2. All notes of the description aforesaid, which shall not 2 be presented to the treasurer at Richmond, or to some sub- 3 treasurer of the Confederate States at his place of business, in 4 sums not less than one hundred dollars, on or before the first day 5 of. July next shall cease to pass as currency, or be receivable in 6 " payment of any debt or demand except debts and taxes due to 7 the Confederate States. 1 Sec. 3. Be it fu.i/ier enacted, That the Secretaiy of the 2 Treasury shall cause to be prepared the requisite number of 3 bonds to fund the said notes, which shall bear the date of the 4 issue of said notes, and be payable to the bearer with seven per 5 cent, interest, six months after peace has been established, iu 6 such sums not less than one hundred dollars, as to him may seem 7 to be expedient, and to issue the same to the holders of the notes 8 aforesaid, who shall bring in the said notes, and he shall irnme- 9 diately give notice through the public newspapers of this act, and 10 of the various points at which the said notes may be exchanged 1 1 for bonds. 1 Sec. 4. If any person shall pass or attempt to pass as currency 2 any of the notes before mentioned after the first day of July 3 next, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon; 4 conviction, forfeit the notes passed or oiFered to the use of the 5 informer, in addition to the costs of recovery. Rt3f2 pH 8.5